Full text of "PLAYBOY"
THE 1980s -- | SEXIEST
FUTURE p iis ; "e SCORES
GAY POWER ў аста
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WELCOV ‚ the decade most prophesied
about in early fantasy and science-fiction literature. We
asked Alvin Tofer, the author of Future Shock, what so-
cial changes we can expect im the next ten years and
he grovided us with a sneak preview of his forthcoming
book, The Third Wave, to be published by William
Morrow. In our excerpt (illustrated by Seymour Chwast),
Tofller explains that there'll be a tremendous clash
of lifestyles in the years ahead because a new ethic is
being born while an old one is dying out. We also asked
an science writer Richard Rhodes to find out wh
vels of science and technology await us in the im-
mediate future and he reported back with 80 Ways the
ighties Will Change Your Life, also illustrated by
Саам. Are you ready for (at long last) а birth-control
pill for men? Powdered martinis? We thought you were.
Rhodes, by the way, will publish a novel, The Last
Safari, in February.
With homosexuals incr
among the swaight major
continue to be an issue far into the decade. Perhaps the
ultimate consequences of that move fected in
The San Francisco Experience, by Nora Gellogher, illus-
trated by William Rieser. According to the author, even in
the Golden Gate city, where gays have been accepted for
years, the straight population is reaching the limits of
its tole
Although we're looking into the years immed
let us not forget the distant furure—the
he exactL when the Starship
undertakes five-year exploratory journey through
space. How do we know this will happe
lions of fans of the undying television 8
can't be wrong, And beca
something obviously
t motion picture based on the TV series, which
ıt Pictur i
ingly asserting themse
y gay rights will certa
Because m
es Star Trek
they can't be wrong, the
ight about bringing out a big-
is finally doing alter several ye
nior Editor Gretchen McNeese, who got hooked on
ating the Star Trek phenomenon when she
dropped in on a fans convention 5, takes us be-
hind che scenes of what may be the biggest special-eltects
film fantasy ever in “Star Trek's” Enterprising Return.
antasy and fiction blend like gin and tonic
can't think of а better way to start another
PLAYBoY fiction firsts than with new works from two
master storytellers, John le Carré and Roald Dahl. Le C:
entry is our extract [rom his forthcoming novel, Smiley
People, to be published by Alfred A. Knopf in the Unit-
ed States and by Hodder and Stoughton in England. If
you like dever plots, this one’s for you. But if a bit of
ood dose of wry humor are what you need to
start off what promises to be a strange and wonderful
decade, turn to page 132, where Dahl in the person of
My Uncle Oswald (illustrated by Mel Odom) awaits you
with a marvelous little pill. We've taken about a filth of
Dahl's forthcoming zany novel (to be published by
Knopf), cut and condensed it and given you a satisfying
sample of something we think you'll want to gorge
yourself on when it hits the bookstores. If you still
couple of laughs left in you after meeting Unde
id, you can join shortshoi iter Robert Coover
In Bed One Night (photos illustrated by
Susanne Seed). No, it's not what you think. It's just that on
the particular night in question, everybody was sacking
out at Coover's. On the other hand, you may not be a
lover of strange crowds.
But if you're а lover of strange individuals, you'll
surely want to read this month's Playboy Interview with
Steve Martin, who, it turns out, isn't as weird in person as
you might think. tawrence Grobel, who interviewed Martin
for PLAYHOY. says Ате e wild and crazy kind
of guy is actu h dou ncly withdrawn and
somewhat sedate kind of guy.” This interview is the sixth
Grobel since 1977 and. following his interview with
э їп last month's issue, it r сив only the sec-
ond time a PLAYBOY contributor has done two successive
Playboy Interviews. Considering that three of Grobel's
ws have been cov
inter! stories (the two others w
with Dolly Parton and Barbr d). he's begin
to look like the interviewer's interviewer, To let h
know how much we like his work, we've given him some-
ng special in Playboy's Annual Awards for his two out-
Pacino and M
ding interviews last year w
lorry Sloman had to be tough to hang out with the New
Vork Rangers and wy to figure out their coach, the
imitable Fred Shore, for his Shero's System. Slom:
is writin
skater to join their practice g
has scored three goals. When he's not at the түрен m
Sloman says, "Fm wor Speak
of slap shots, Tem Koch takes e "s news
making personalities ін our ging out
the old with laughter. That Was the Year Thal Was.
There's no better way to start a new year than by mak
plans for your financial success, and we have just the
article to help you do it: Tucking It Away. by Andrew
Tobias. Tol the author of the best-selling book The
Only Investment Guide Youll Ever Need. Vf, while
you're thinking about money, you happen to get hungry.
you'll find the makings of a super New Year's bulfer
unch і
Greenberg and illustrated by R
The Party's Not Over, written by Emanuel
Miles. To get the party olf
with a bang, set your record player at 78 rpm and put on
Playboy's Photo Flicks. These mi
watch as your turntable spins, were designed by
nd vravnoy'’s Associate Art Di
Williamson. And since everybody. can't watch the photo
flicks at the same time, you'll w d th
month's Contribution from Shel Silverstein. 11's another dev
cartoon, titled The Deadly Weapon, trom his
hook Different Dances (published by Harper & Row)
As the football season approaches a furious. finish.
жете naturally reminded of our controversial pictorials
last year on current and former N.F.L. cheerleaders: and
guess what? We've done it again! Associate Photography
Editor Jeff Cohen put together Success and the Sis-Boom-
Bah, and we can't think of a pictorial more likely to
leave you cheering for more. No pictorial, that is, except
Island Lady, featuring this month's Playmate. Gig Gengel,
lovingly photographed by Contributing Photographer
Ken Marcus. The pictorial fun continues with Playboy's
Pajama Parties, with special photography by Contribut
ing Photographer Arny Freytag under the ection of
Marilyn Grabowski, our West Coast Photography Editor
Marilyn had a busy month, also overseeing this month's
Playmate pictorial and Playboy's Playmate Revi
which was photographed іп part by Mario Casilli
And to round out the issue, we have quite a few hot
tips you might want to think about during the next few
months. "There's а look at the latest in. downhill-skiing
techniques in Playboy's Informed Sonrce. a peck at the
newest Alla Romeo in Playboy оп the Seen 14 David
Platt has a fashion forecast for the coming decade Irom
five top New York fashion designers in Bath of a No-
tion. ICs all for you. Happy New Year!
novies, which you
ist Jay lynch a
» pass arou
<3 „Сап you look this man straight in the eye
. "and honestly say you deserve Crown Royal?
DEAR PLAYBOY ....... vas de
Just how easy is it to replace lost traveler s checks?
MUSIC sian, ОЙ
* A séance with Elvis, suggestions for holiday gifting.
Uncle Oswald : BOOKS; n do on Ты са ыу 49
Posthumous Dalton Trumbo, ‘books for under the tree
MOVIES . " о 54
Plaudits for Nolte in Heart Beat, Reynolds іп
New images for Goldie Hawn, Treat Williams.
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: STEVE MARTIN—cainel conversation 79
їп a surprisingly serious interview, the original wild and crazy kind of guy
Pejomo Parties discusses his comic psychology and the comedians he most admires.
It may be the gayest place in ihe world, but it's making some straights
downright miserable.
PLAYBOY'S PAJAMA PARTIES—pictorial essay ...... JIM HARWOOD 120
They get ready for bed pretty early at Playboy Mansion West, but they don't
retire until later. Much later. See why.
MY UNCLE OSWALD—fiction ...................... ROALD DAHL 132
In а sneak preview of the author's soon-to-be-published novel, the inimitable
Uncle Oswald discovers a pill that keeps a man up for the night—and parlays
Smiley's People 2 it into a fortune.
THE PARTY'S NOT OVER!—food and drink . .. . EMANUEL GREENBERG 134
After sleeping late on New Year's morning, you—and your friends—can revive
the revelry of the night before with the right mix of food and drink
LEROY NEIMAN SKETCHBOOK—pictorial ...................... 137
Our artist іп residence catches Senator Edward Kennedy іп a rare moment with
а rare cigar.
After 11 years in the phantom zone, Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and the rest of
S the crew arrive on the silver screen. A behind-the-scenes look at the making of
Playmate Review d a movie, including a guide to its very special effects.
Р TUCKING IT AWAY—article ............... ...-ANDREW TOBIAS 145
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get more out of the money you earn
this year, you'll want to read this.
THE THIRD WAVE—article ................... - ALVIN TOFFLER 146
The author of Future Shock looks ahead, ‘and if you thought the Seventies were
shocking, you'll be electrified by the Eighties.
WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE—article .............. RICHARD RHODES 148
Are you ready for а 17-digit phone system? Body-building soda pop? Head
Goy Experience P. 116 transplants? Spanish fly for roaches? Well, are you?
STEUER, OIMER PHOTOGRAPHY DY, ROBERT ALLMAN. P. 1; GREG АРЕНА, P. 12 (41 SOPHIE DAKEN. P. 1: BRENT GEAR, P. 121, HI 124 (2i, UIS, 126, 127 (31, 128 120, 220; WARIO
сазын, P- 209 (3). 210. 212. 216; DAVID CHAM, P. 184; ALAN CLIFTON, ғ. т; WICHOLAS DE SCIOSE. P. наз. 277, умту ойкоп, ғ. ата; È 1978 SCOTT DOWNIE жест ANGELS. P- 32%
GRAN Kowanos, P. 122. 124. 123, 129: VERSER ENGELAND. P. 2, 245. RICHARD FESLEY. P. 209 (4), 214, зиз. 218 FIGGE STUDIOS, P. 203; BILL FRANTZ. т. 126) KEN FRANTZ. P. 121. ARMY
FRUTAS, P. 120, 129, 125, 126.129, ME, 187, 189, 209, 211, 216, MICHAEL GOING. P. ав, 109; DOBSY HOLLAND, ғ. 220; DWIGHT HOOKER, P, 209 (2); MARK HOPKINS, P. 12; RICHARD ITU)
Executive Art Director Tom Stoebler designed ond photogrophed this vision of puerility
ond pulchritude іс ring in the New Yeor. For on in-depth interview with the hoiry baby in
4 the middle, see page 79. Hmnn. We wonder who'll chonge his diaper.
THE ELEVENTH-HOUR SANTA—gifts . .. . ез VOR arg cae eS
So you've procrostincted obout your holidoy shopping? Look ot it this way:
All good things come to those who weit.
ISLAND LADY—playboy's playmate of the month ............ 158
Come, oll ye who've imagined yourselves shipwrecked on o desert island with
© beautiful womon. Meet Gig Gangel and be swept away.
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor . Р 2:25... 140 Әке Ге
BIRTH OF A NOTION—attire . , 222... DAVID PLATT 173
We asked five New York designers to give us on ideo of whot we'll be weoring
over Ihe next ten yeors and, os you'll see, it's gonno be с spiffy decode.
SUCCESS AND THE SIS-BOOM-BAH—pictorial .............. 5-2: ISI
This time lost yeor, N.F.L. cheerleoders were osking themselves, "ls there life
after football?” They've since found out that olmost everybody wonts o little
good cheer.
PLAYBOY'S PHOTO FLICKS—animation ........... "n 193
Here're Fanny, о Femlin, a flosher and one funny guy—hot home movies you
put together yourself. Cheerleaders Revisited
SHERO'S SYSTEM—sports ...................... LARRY SLOMAN 201
Is the New York Rangers’ coach the zen moster of pro hockey or just the
quintessential reverse psychologist? One thing's sure; he knows how to win,
------- - -JOHN LE CARRE 207
From the outhor of The Honourable Schoolboy, an ecrly look ot his newest
novel, in which agent Smiley comes out of retirement to solve the mysterious
murder of с Russian ogent
PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE REVIEW—pictorial ......... . 209
A fond bockword glonce ot lost yeor's terrific 12. лына ае
THE EDUCATION OF А GUARDSMAN—ribald classic ........... = 220
THAT WAS THE YEAR THAT WAS—humor ............. TOM KOCH 226
A rousing send-off to [ог send-up of, os the cose may Бе) vorious people who,
for betier or worse, mede heodlines in 1979.
Mon & work, sci-fi comes to
Gig Gongel
Hot lips for o winter of great skiing.
Flashlights, four ways to use © sports соо! ond с look ot the new АНо Romeo. Fashion Notions
JOANNE DALEY, ғ. зев. тем EVANS, P 309: нов coLDSTROM DUANE отырман. ғ. дат; PAUL YACCARELLO, ғ. 311 (2). PHOTO ILLUSTRATION, v. 304, MAIME
cm 5
= Ж
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editor and publisher
NAT LEHRMAN associate publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL art director
GARY COLE photography director
С. BARRY GOLSON executive editor
TOM STAEBLER executive art director
senior staff writer; ROBERT F. CARR, WALTER L
editors; SUSAN MARGOLIS WINTER assistant new
york editor; TERESA GROSCH, KATE NOLAN, J. ғ.
rum), ED WALKER assistant editors; SERVICE
FEATURES: TOM OWEN modern living editor
parm PLATT fashion directo; CARTOONS:
editor: SAN AMBER assistant editor: JACKIE
ыкхьлом (Havel), MURRAY FISHER, NAT
BLUMENTHAL slaff writer
кеше rore managing director; LEN милл,
WILLIAMSON associate directors; BRUCE HANSEN,
directors; зати KASK senior art assistant;
тил. MIURA, JOYCE PERALA art assistants;
SUSAN HOLMSTROM traffic coordinator; Ban-
BARA HOFFMAN administrative assistant
MANILYN GRABOWSKI west coast editor; JEFF
COHEN, JANICE MOSES associate editors; kcn-
ARD FEGLEY, POMPEO POSAR staff phologra-
phers; JAMES LARSON photo manager; вид.
uting photographers: PATTY BEAUDET ussistant
norwy (Paris), LISA stewart (Rome) cor
respondents: JAMES ward color lab supervi-
хог; ROBERT CHELIUS adininistralive editor
susiy senior directors; BOB ros
Jon mastro director; ALLEN VARGO man-
scription manager
HENRY W. MARKS director
PAPAXNGELIS administrative editor; PAULETIY
омлет. rights & permissions manager; ми
DRED ZIMMERMAN administrative assistant
the man who wears DENIM? Because
aman feels bett man feels cooler.
A whole new feeling in
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Perfect Martini.
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in which we offer an insider’s look at what's doing and who's doing it
Robyn Douglass broke more than just one young man's heart in Breaking
Away, last summer's smash movie (below). She did the same thing years ago,
when she was more or less a fixture in our Chicago offices—such a well-
wrought fixture that we sent her on a series of modeling assignments for us.
At left is a shot taken for our A Long Look 4 at Legs (July 1975).
уе ,
Upcoming Playmate Henriette Allais caused some commotion while
shooting her pictorial in Memphis. Н seems that a bunch of joggers,
bicyclists and passers-by fell the same way about Henriette that we do.
Ro *
LeRoy Neiman puts pen to paper and immortalizes Lake Geneva Bunny Christi
Jost as she breaks ground for the Sports Complex at the Playboy Resort.
Below right, the brochure for Playboy's Ап of Fashion Exhibition, featuring
many of Neiman's illustrations, which he opened at Gimbels in Milwaukee.
No, life а! Playboy Mansion West is not all glitzy
parties, fund raisers and benefits. There are also
times when Hef's friends and associates сап drop
by and hang out in a casual atmosphere. Because
of the many formal activities at the Mansion, we
are seldom able to give you a glimpse of what goes
on there as a matter of course. Not so this month.
For example, at left, upcoming Playmate Victoria
Cooke does some free-wheeling in the reception
area, At right, Robin Williams na-nos singer Juliette
Bora and, below right, Playmate Sondra Theodore
bear-hugs the Velvet Fog himself, Mel Tormé.
Above, social philosopher Max Lerner, Governor Jerry Brown and Hef
take a hike. Below, Heather Waite tries to get something off her chest,
le, below right, Playmates Gig Gangel and Michele Drake congregate.
At right, decathloner Bruce Jenner seems
to be caught in some inner struggle, wi
below, George Peppard holds his own dur-
ing a conversation. Below left, Hef takes
on Lance Rentzel in a game of Foosball.
А Imported by Browno Vintners Co. Now York © 1979
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Upon getting а subscription on my
rLAYBOY. Well, Fm finally 21, and not
the demented rapist my mother's friends
thought рілувоу would make me, but
the nice young man who knows what
ways to best serve wine or what some-
body said im an interview. (As well as
the calorie count of sperm and various
erotic uses of ice.) It is just sad that not
all parents let their sons enjoy such
beauty and knowledge every month, es-
pecially when someone is зо impression-
able. | can't see a better guide to taste,
aire and living than rrAvrov. Having
applied tor a liletime subscription, 1
especially with
than the last.
‚аз ГИ write
h issue being bette
Keep up the great wor
to you when I'm 40.
David Olson
Longview, Washington
Incredible, The story, the author, the
magic. | am referring. of course, to Oc
tober's The Executiones's Song, by Nor-
man Mailer. 1 сап barely wait till next
month's installment.
Who gives a shit about Gary Gilmore?
His Manson-type chivaaer put him
where he deserved to be put—six leet
under. So be it!
Frederick Charles
Kansas City. Missouri
ay have been Gary Gil-
words, but until now,
s mind and charac-
ned to be told. No one
sought the conclusion to the Gary
€ than Gilme
ining was death.
He proved that by so freely accepting
more могу himself.
For him, lile’s only m
his own. Norman Mailer’s superb writ-
ing has touched the heart of the man
and given us insights into how he
thought and what drove him to his seem-
ingly inescapable destin doing that,
perhaps Mailers accounting is а more
hitting conclusion than the one supplied
by the Utah firing squad.
Nick Pukalo
Seattle, Washington
1 don't have the space to stockpile
back issues. but once in а while ГИ tear
out an article 1 can't resist, such as the
Jimmy interview. Well, I saved
. It is one of your best.
alter The Executioncr's
ascinating. And I agree:
too mà
to be accepted by u
have given up s
Achilles. he After reading October's
Playboy Interview, there is no escaping
the fact that I like, admire and envy the
guy. What has clearly made him the hot-
test movic-television atuaction around is
ied іп that interview—his under-
l have no doubt that
very same quality will help him achieve
his next major goal, an Academy Award.
Craig Silverman
Denver, Colorado
But I. for one,
rching lor Burt's
Thank you so much for the truly can-
did interview with Burt Reynolds. He
presents himself as a very down-to-
semitive individual. I don't appr
the "Garboesque? actors ol today, mean-
ing the ones who want to be lelt alone
m their own little worlds. No rapport
with their fans, just the y at the
There are times when
nothing beats a cup of
good, hot coffee or an
ice cold cola. They taste
good, and give you the lift
you want.
But if, as the day
wears on, you sometimes
find yourself having coffee
or cola just for the lift,
you really should know
about Vivarin.
Vivarin is the gentle
pick-me-up. The active
ingredient that makes
Vivarin so effective is the
caffeine of two cups of
coffee (ог about six glasses
of cola) squeezed into one
easy to take tablet.
Next time you want
a lift, pick Vivarin.
It's convenient,inexpensive
and it really works.
Tead label for directions,
box office. Burt has just about become
а close friend to us by way of his appcar-
ances. He holds nothing back. He is
open, honest and a fine artist. He has
become a true crafisman at what he does.
Phil Howlett
Pembroke, Massachusetts
sad that a man of his caliber,
who injects so much gusto into the pa-
perthin roles given to him, be pigeon-
holed as a locker-room-mentalitied "good
ol’ boy" by an effete group of vicious,
hidebound New York film critics who
have never done anything to show that
they have much talent or moxie in
their entire beings as he has in just a
clenched fist.
(Name and address
withheld by requ
I don't remember enjoying any of
your interviews as much as I enjoyed the
one with Burt Reynolds. 1 had always
figured he would be an egotistical. pomp-
ous jerk. 1 am happy to say that I was
wrong. Burt forgive
Contrary to my former be-
"deed, а beautiful person,
both physically and intellectually.
Laura Gladwell
Salem, West Virginia
me. pl
liels, he is,
Tm in love! October Playmate Ursula
Buchfellner із the fantastic girl
Please accept my entry
for this month's “meet the Playmate con-
test.” Thank you, PLA
Now, as for hers,
Jamie Towne
rmington Hills, Michigan
I have ever seen
пот, for your end.
Tt appears in Ursula's Playmate Dat
Sheet that she was born on June 8. 1967.
Calculating that date, Ursula is approxi-
mately 12 years old. I have subscribed
to PLAYBOY for seven years and have
never noticed such an obvious printed
error or, on the other hand, such a young
pinup. Either way, it seems to me a first
William M. del Campo
Los Angeles, California
She's noi as young as you think, Bill.
On the same page, she is shown ta
Communion at 70 and as a bake
prentice at 75.
exploited. Rather, her
caresses the pages. thanks to Weissbrich’
aware and sensitive camera, Tl
PLAYBOY, lor selecting yet another artist
ol perceivable talent!
Karen L. French
Kailua, Kona, Hawaii
Congratulations пог only to Ursula,
for being so beautiful, but to PLAYBOY
for finding her. Peter Weissbrich did an
absolutely magnificent job of capturing
the many moods and textures European
women are capable of. Obviously, Euro-
pean cars are not the only thing Ameri-
сап men would like to be seen driving
around with.
atrick Miller
Hollywood, California
You've done it again, but this time
better than ever. That blonde bombshell
Ursula Buchfellner is а foxy female with
a fantastic figure. Let's see more of her!
Peter Brown
Hamburg, New York
Thought you'd never ask, Peler. We
had one shot of Ursula preparing jor
her New Year's Eve party that we didn't
know what to do with. Hope you like it.
Gig Gange, who posed with Burt
Reynolds on your October
definitely a ten.
cover, i
Larry С. Layton
Wichita, Kansas
T would like to commend you on your
October 1979 cover. Gig Gangel’s beauty
is lawless, which is more than 1 can say
for her costume. Take it from a veteran
Bunny, her сий are on backward.
Bunny Ki
Phoenix, Arizon
Gig Gangel. wow! For a photo ses.
sion with her, I'll do an interview, too!
Robert Altman
Caledonia, Minnesota.
If you liked our October cover, you'll
love this month's centerfold.
Shit, man! I started with narrow la
pels, smaller collars and skinny ties! 1
can see mo logical reason for you to
perpetrate that crap back upon another
unsuspecting generation . . . especially in
the unkempt and disheveled manna
in which you do it (Playboy's Fall and
Winter Fashion Forecast, October). The
“casual formality that's subtly British yet
international in scope” is pretty close to
the mark, inasmuch as your models all
look like they just checked into Ellis
Island. In my opinion (and that, to me,
is the only one that counts), the only
taste your fashion editors have is in their
mouths—along with halitosis.
Patrick A. Detches
Huntington Beach, California
The fact that styles change doesn't
mean that you have to change with them,
Patrick. Just clean your spats and wear
them another season.
I have been a subscriber to PLAYBOY
for more than 15 years, In recent years, I
have enjoyed your annual pictorial re-
iew of the Bunnies. Your October pic-
on the Bunnies of 779 is the best
Every one of the Bunnies is sensa-
tional. The handsdown winner of the
pictorial, however, is Kym Donaldson of
the Cincinnati Chib. Your caption “А
very long w: my
opinion, be better phrased as “Big things
come in little packages.” Kym has the
most haunting eyes I have ever seen and
her figure is beautiful.
little can go can,
David W. Fr
nville, Texas
Your photo of Cincinnati Bunny Bon
nic Hoobler (page 162, October) is one
of the very few pictures I've seen that
have given me an instant cr.
Nelson Carter
Your October issue marks the second
appearance of Osaka's Miyuki Kishumac
Keep it up! Oriental girls like Miyuki
е just my cup of tea.
J. Larson
Prospect Park, Pennsyly
New York Bunny Кейу Rehn is defi-
nitely Playmate material. Believe it or
not, it was her beautiful expression that
first drew my attention, I'm hoping you
agree with me and that ГЇЇ be seeing a
lot more of her in a future issue of
(Name withheld by request)
Jackson, Michigan
I would like to compliment Richard
Price on his great October article on
Paul "Bear" Bryant. I'm a native New
Yorker who moved to Alabama 15 years
ago—and didn't give а damn about col-
lege football, much less about Alabama
Over the years, | have become an insane
Alabama fan who really believes that
the Bear can walk on water. When 1 met
him, 1 became completely tongue-tied
and just stammered like an idiot, so I
The twelve months
of Christmas.
BEEFEATER GIN. The Crown Jewel of England. жо ae E-
“The XG-1 gives you Minolta's
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The Minolta XG- 1 is Bruce Jenner's
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Because even if your subject is moving
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That means you can concentrate on the
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You can add to your range of creative
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As for value, the XG-1 is the least expen-
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All this means, with the XG-1 you can take the pictures you never
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m For information about Ше ө
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Ог see your photo dealer, He'll
tell you why Minolta is the
automatic choice in automatic The automatic choice
cameras. for value.
know how Price felt. By the way, T think.
that Kinuko Y. Crafts illustration is
Jerry Hallerman
Birmingham, Alab;
After reading Richard Price's Bear
Bryant's Miracles, one would think Bea
should be nominated for sainthood.
There is no doubt that his record of 284
wins is impressive, but is the emphasis
he puts on winning football games what
college is all about?
Bill Rupp
York, Pennsylvania
I've got a confession to make. I'v
a subscription since 1971 and I just r
my second article in PLAYmoY (the first
was part of an English assignment). Bear
Bryant’s Miracles is fantastic reading. 1
don't know what The Wanderers is
about, but if Price wrote it, l'm gonna
get it and read it.
J- McGeary Perkins, Jr.
Port Allen, Louisiana
I think Price sums up the feeling at
Alabama really well when he says he'd
do just about anything to receive recog-
nition from the Bear. "That's the way it
is. The whole state breathes of love,
loyalty and admiration for the man.
There will never be another Bear.
Kathy Anderson
Weatherford, Oklahoma
When 1 read Gary сер The Man
Who Destroyed Television (PLAYBOY,
October). 1 thought someone was finally
going to lift up the skirt and reveal the
truth to all! He comes close . . . oh. so
close that it gave me goose pimples! At
last, I thought. here was real fact com
ing out. But the skirt was lifted and all
we saw from then on were the quixotic
tilting ас the old windmills of the Niel-
sen ratings service, the networks’ greed
andl copycat producers
Howard М. Keefe
Marina Del Rey, С
"Thank you so very much for your in
teresting and extremely informative ex-
posé on the primetime-television wars
and who's really responsible for much of
the crap that passes for class on the tube.
As a television fan from the age of nine,
1 find the attitudes of the Freddie Silver-
mans ol three networks insulting and
patronizing. If these are the "public air-
waves,” then it's a joke that is as un
funny as what these morons push as
Cheryl Smith
Danielson, Connecticut
гу Deeb's comments about Nielsen's
putting its audimeters into homes with
a high percentage of TV viewing are
simply not truc. I have been a Nielsen
“family” (though I live alone) for over
a ycar, despite my declaration that 1
rarely watch television. At no time has
Nielsen made any attempt or suggestion
that my contract should be terminated.
(Name and address
withheld by request)
After reading The Man Who De
stroyed Television, 1 thought I'd share
my alternative to the Nielsen ratings
Six weeks after the premiere of the new
TV season, FV Guide could print a
schedule of prime-time programs with a
box next to each show. A truer repre-
sentation of TV viewers could then be
calibrated. Another poll at midseason
would then determine whether or not
to keep a specific program. This system
is not infallible. Specialinterest groups
could go out and buy quantities
of the magazine in order to further their
own aims. But I believe this percentage
would be insignificant when compared
with the whole: and it would definitely
be an improvement over Nielsen's se-
Dennis Lanning
South Bend, Indiana
Come on! You blame Freddie Silver-
for everything except the Vietnam
and inflation. Silverman didn't
create our situation: we created his. Tele-
vision is nothing more than am adver.
tising medium and was never supposed
to be a creative or educitional one.
Hence, audiences ouglit never to expect
much in the way ol originality, АП
that Silverman is guilty of is becoming
a success in his industry by watching
the numbers carefully and then [eed
ing them with what they are hungry for.
Gary M. Luciano
North Easton, Massachusetts
Not а single bare foot among you
bevy of beautiful girls in the October
issue. But boots, shoes and galoshes ga-
lore. Do you think that's nice? Why are
the girls, who show everything else
Шшал to show their feet? Or are the
photographers allergic to the naked foot?
Or are the editors? Surely, not all of
your readers relish the covering of an
otherwise pretty foot. Certainly, many
of them must appreciate the eroticism of
the foot and the symmetrical contours of
the nude body tapering down to the lac-
quered nails of the toes. . . . Inasmuch as
the pretty hand might be an object of
beauty. so the welllormed foot, and
certainly eroti
Abdul Haddad
Miami, Florida
Sorry about that, Abdul. We're just
a hunch of crazy body fetishists around
"The Minolta XD-5 gives you
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Bruce Jenner-
Olympic Decathlon Winner.
For the simplicity of continuous auto-
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Why incredible?
Because the XD-5 is easy to use, yet
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if you want to set the lens opening, the
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shutter speed. If you want to set the shutter
speed, the XD-5 will automatically set
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If you want total creative control, you can
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And whats even more incredible, the XD-5 is the world's least
expense [риш ES е
‘or more information about
the Minolta XD-5, write Minolta minolla
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Minolta, Ontario, LAW 1A4. Or =
see your photo dealer. He'll tell x А
you why Minolta is the automatic The automatic choice
choice in automatic cameras. for versatility.
©1979 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
The new1980 Honda Civic. We did it all over again.
The Honda Civic. It is the car that has in seven short years brought
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More important, it is the car whose engineering achievements helped make
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But, although the Civic has been an extraordinary success, history cannot
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So, from the wheels up, the 1980 Honda Civic has been completely
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the new Civic has over thirteen percent more
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Since we know a good thing when we
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i 36 EPA EST. MPG, 49 HWY.
the same simple layout that made брт
our first Civic so widely admir- COMPARISON. YOUR MILE-
ed— and copied. You'll still find Peon on weater,
such features as front-wheel pibe
drive, transverse-mounted en- Жкн,
e > ini с. arj ARE LOWER FOR CALIE AND
gine, rack and pinion steering, ME OF нш
and (on all hatchbacks)
four-wheel independent strut suspension.
With pride we introduce the 1980 Honda Civic.
Simplicity marches on.
We make it simple.
| Its better to.give than receive.
With certain possible exceptions.
ou Said a Mouthful Department,
Cleveland Gold Coast Division: In an
article on gay life in Cleveland Maga-
Lakewood city councilman Harry
Brockman is quoted as pooh-poohing the
notion that Cleveland's Gold Coast area
gay ghet-
where he lives, is becoming а
1 think t
thing has been blown out of proportion.”
Out with the old: The Shawano, Wis-
consin, Shopper ran a classified ad that
read Due to my husband's death, Pm
selling his organ. Nice, Will sacrifice.”
The Marquette, Michig:
Journal, in а list ol
10.” Said Brockman:
upcoming social
cvents, noted thar the "Evangelical Cov-
enant Church in Carlshend will feature
a talk and a slide Holy
A potluck family night will
show on the
start at six P.M.”
“sino security was once the province
of paleolithic specimens named Bruno or
Turk who qualified with conspicuously
hands of blackjack and neck sizes
My equivalent to their LQs. Now-
adays casinos are owned by publicly
yambling has become
held corporations,
as wholesome as pocket billiards and the
battling bouncers have lost out to a new
ıd of beck
"I take olfense
my people g
when somebody calls
ards,” says Gordon Jenkins,
director of security at the newly opened
Del Webb's Sahara Reno Hotel /Ca
ly image of a guard is of a big bruiser
or an elderly gentleman rattling door
knobs. My men and women are ‘security
officers’ and the only big things we look
Besides casing the action and
for in the
a are personality and int
not siz
serving as unofficial Ombudspersons be
tween hotel and guest,
officer on duty must be a certified с
gency medical technician, which is an
tleast one баһаға
excellent idea, considering some of the
peculiar afflictions Jenkins has diagnosed
among visitors to his wild and crazy Big
gest Little City. Among them
Slot-machine elbow—a soreness not
unlike tennis elbow strikes after
torrid handholding sessions with опе
armed bandits
Bingo bladder (or keno kidney)—a
form of hypnosis that causes victims 10
neglect potty calls and was most out-
ragcously manifested by ly who, all
the better to stay where the keno action
was, went to the nearby security office
and relieved herself in an ashtray.
Time-warp syndrome—a loss of time
sense thar can cause victims to remain at
the tables long enough to miss their
planes home, Christmas and much of the
Casino catatonia—total paralysis cx-
hibited by players who refuse to cvacuate
casinos during fires and spend lengthy
power outages in front of gravid slot
machines. In one unforgettable instance.
after a blackjack dealer was suddenly
shot dead by her jealous husband, play-
ers remained transfixed throughout the
police investigation and ultimately in-
sisted that the house finish the hand she
had been dealing.
Poker paranoia—a tendency by vic-
tims of cyclical cold. streaks viciously—
and often with violent consequences—
to accuse innocent onlookers of having
jinxed them
Reno syndrome—
free drinks, frenzied n
combination of
nutrition, 5000-
ction aug-
ingestion of rich
foods, which causes afflictces to go down,
at the tables, like flies.
These diseases are real (more or les),
but Jenkins believes that i
what re;
foot altitude and coo much
mented by the hasty
you eat some
larly, remember to sleep, take
your medication, if necessary, and, most
"dow't gamble more than you
can afford to lose,
your body to th
you сап immunize
se cam
1 scourges and
prepare your spirit for Nevada nirvana
You've come
long way, bébé: In a
mmick to
promo ttract more
fans, the International Volleyball Asso
ciation’s Tucson Sky staged an Hegal
Alien night. No border patrolmen were
visible among the 3180 spectators.
We are proud to announce the win-
neis of this year's John Waters Trophy—
petrified poodle poop encased іп gold
lamé—for Conspicuous Contributions to
the Annals of Bad Tast
+ The Banco Real of São Paulo, Brazil,
for runni Hider during
the telecast of Holocaust to emphasize
the v g need for life insurance.
= Imperial Wizard Bill Wilkinson's
Klan Katalog, which ollers Blood. Drop
ш ads featurir
Symbol string ties, Klan Guard Chemical
ливу BREED bumper stickers.
+ The packagers of the "live" record-
ing of the Jim Jones Farewell Concert
+ Jacksonville, Florida, police who
funded а Supercops softball tournament
by selling John Spenkclink Memorial
1 ролу, 133 то co T-shirts.
+ The Westchester County, New York,
environmental consulant who an-
nounced that the cheapest way to dispose
of local garbage was to cube it and ship
it to Haiti, whose washy oficia
llegedly expressed an
* Texas Jaycees, who elected as oh
a man in prison for decapitating а wom-
an with a scalpel.
n ad for United Press International
the Pacific Southwest. Airlines
at San Diego with headline
* Billy Martin, for explaining that he
asked the umpire to examine White Sox
pitcher Richard Wortham's glove because
“he was putting a booger on the ball
and had our guys throwing up at the
plate. І complained because we've got
to keep this game cles
* University of Colorado students, for
participating in the annual Alferd Packer
Day Rib Eating Contest, which honors
the last man in the United States to be
convicted of cannibalism.
* Delaware State Senator W. Lee Lit
teton, who offered to bury a [ew dozen
defunct Jonestowniaus in his yard the
better to see their bodies rise on Judg
ment D:
urkish prison chief Musta
who copped the credit for Billy H:
Midnight Express by announcing,
prisons did a good job rehabilitating
him. He was a drug smuggler, and now
he is a nice middle-class boy who has
written а book.”
+ The Johannesburg, South Africa
ployment-ollice supervisor who expla
why his stall whipped black female ap-
plicants with a rubber hose: only do
it to keep them
* The U. S. Secret Service, whi
iccused of using Indonesi
taste President Carter's food for poison,
defdy refuted the charges by pointing
out that only Filipinos, not "Indonesian
manservar are employed by the
White House kitchen s
The Burlington, North Carolina, Daily
Times-News has good news for the ladies.
ng to the title of a recent article,
How're you gonna keep them back on
ir backs, after they've seen Paree?
‘This headline just in from The Spokes-
man-Review ol Spokane, Washington:
We asked sporis reporter Samantha
Slevenson to do a lille: man-to-man
with Ihe Dallas Cowboys flamboyant
linebacker Thomas “Hollywood” Henderson.
PLAYBOY: Who is "Hollywood" Hender-
HENDERSON: He's a business associate of
Thomas Henderson's. Thomas Hender-
son is the PR manage nd Hollywood is
the performer. It’s а schiz act. I'm the
Did you пате yourself for
HENDERSON: I always wanted to be
movies. When I was younger, I didn't
k I was so good-looking. But as I
grew older, 1 began getting masculine
looking, vou know. I lived in Hollywood
for a while and hung out with people
whose names I will not mention. I came
back to Dallas and some cats started siy-
ing, “Hey, Hollywood!” Now Hollywood
makes more than Thomas Henderson.
riaynoy: The Dallas Cowboys are
known for their polished PR depart-
ment, but it scems to us that the con-
servative Cowboy organization, so tied to
its computerized version of a football
player, would rcally rather shut you up.
Do you agree?
HENDERSON: Oh, yeah. T dh
couple of times. I'm tying to
motivate the game. ] mean, that's good
Гог football. Who invented pro football?
That guy from Chicago [George Halas].
He'd be proud of me the way 1 promote
HENDERSON: I'm just а bad ass out there.
Everyone should take off the helmets,
even though they keep people from
breaking their necks and heads. I think.
you shouldn't hit with the h
the shoulders. I hit with my
PLAYBOY: Is it every man for H
the field?
it's been
Do you enjoy the violence in
пғхәвнзоз: That's the bottom line. We
talk before а game to get up. We're all
frightened, really, but you have to keep
the с Ш you ever
i and ther
opens to you, it's really a crush
we talk about—and don't tell
adry—how we can make our
t us better to be more com-
fortable in. So we change responsibilit
every now and then. Landry doesn't
know about it. If he did, he would just
Ше. One time, Charlie [Waters]. зау»,
“PI take it" I say, "No, PH take it this
time" We change up things, play situ
ations, we have different keys. Too Tall
[Jones] and I used to do the same thin
He would po in like a wild man to get
everyone's attention, and then I'd go in
10 make the play
PLAYBOY: It sounds like you might be a
tiny bit afraid of Landry. Tell us what
he is really like behind closed doors.
HENDERSON: [Langhs] He's like а four-
аг general. He has a vibrant force, you
know. Tom just looks at you. He has
these peering eyes. He has to pass my
locker all the time. Fm always smiling
it him. "How are you doing, coach?”
Ive never been invited to his house,
never been with him to play golf on
Sunday. So, to me, he's my boss.
PLAYBOY: The "system" that Landry has
developed through the years is said to be
tough to learn, Was it difficult for you?
HENDERSON: It frustrated me. They gave
me this big book. A computer book
Numbers and funny terminologies. It's
like opening up a Webster's Dictionary
or this PLAYBOY magazine and saying,
“OK, Гус got to learn everything in
here, by Friday. And don't forget it" I
sit back and go to sleep.
PLaynoy: What would you change in the
Cowboy system?
military boot
money and you g
schoolroom with those kind of chairs
with desks on them and watching a pro-
jector six hours а day, getting yelled at
by the coaches. ТЇЇ be saying to myself,
“I don't need this.” So I tune ‘em ош.
Tom Li
ining camp. Its like a
mp. You're making good
e sining there in a
I never complain. 1 know there's no
place ГА rather һе than on my job. So
whatever it takes.
pLaynoy: Even intimidation?
HENDERSON: Oh, they love to intimidate
you. They don't want the all-Amer
football play - The coach'll
be smiling at you one minute, screaming
the atmosphere
las ody—well,
everybody: we're getting cooler and cool-
er as the years go on—is so paranoid
about his job. And everybody knows
when someone's on his way out.
PLAYBOY: Are you Ж
n the
balling of players still goes on
HENDERSO: Because it's a
Of course.
This is not your everyday drawing. The ШІН А RIDE US. athletic teams receive no financial
winner of this one gets weak support from the govemment.
knees, white knuckles and ON THE BUD BOBSLED Allmoney must come from
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isa trip to Lake Placid, and a90 judweiser's making this offer.
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sled. Down the Lake Placid run, with the Bud. _ youll receive ап official Budweiser AAU/USA
AAU/USA National Bobsled Team. Pretty excit- National Bobsled Team patch. As well as the
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you can still ride along with usin spirit. By |, makes a difference.
contributing $5 or more to the Team. So come on. Fill out the coupon. We
Unlike most of the competition we'll want you riding with us at Lake Placid.
befacing at Lake Placid in 1980, Ж = a пе ‘way or another.
monopoly. The owners own the ownci
Justa few phone calls and it can be over.
PLAYBOY: We understand that you have
some pressure hanging over your own
head. To be precise, а type of bounty
has been offered to get Hollywood Hen-
derson. Is that true?
HENDERSON: Yes. It scares All Гуе
done is try to promote football, you
know. Then this coach at LA. says
every time he looks at the game films of
the L.A. Rams against Dallas, he wants
to break the projector; and he said if no
one else in the N.F.L. gets Hollywood,
the Rams will. It’s a kind of threat and
I've been talking to my attorney about
it. So I've decided when we play the
Rams, I want to see this coach. And 1
want his ass first, “cause you have to
break some ass to get some.
PLAYBOY: Speaking of ass, do you need
sex to get up for the game?
HENDERSON: [Laughing] Its mice, the
night before. It's better than a sedative.
It doesn't bother me to have sex the
morning of a game. I am an opportunist.
But I'm not too available. I associate
with a very select group. I don't hang
around lobbies, you know.
рїлүвоү: Do you think you're sexy?
HENDERSON: I've been told I’m sexy. I
don't consider myself a pretty boy or
anything like that. I consider myself a
masculine attraction. Most of my prop-
ositions come from married women. Hey,
I'm for the needy, not the greedy.
PLaynoy; With your obvious eye for (с-
male talent, can you tell us the true story
behind the Dallas cheerleaders?
HENDERSON: Before they were big, I had
some friends on the squad. Now they've
been told they can't date, talk, asso-
ciate or be seen with a player. Seventy
percent of the team is m
association might be taken wrong. As
for secret associations, theres alwa
Ive heard some strong rumors.
eally pretty. She would m
te. Many people down here
thought it was terrible that the girls
posed for PLAvHoy—the ex-cheerleaders.
I think PLAYBOY is artlul, so beautiful.
The way rLavBoy does it is extrabcauti-
Tul. Most chicks never look like that
real lile. Probably, everybody up in the
Cowboy offices has a PLAYBOY in his
PLAYBOY: Are blacks still held back in
the N.F.L.?
By Baginski and Dodson
rni мо SAVE e
Ese | sa oror aeres |,
тен раме
Splitsville is a comic strip about a mythical metropolis inhabited by the survivors of
nuclearfomily explosions where the ex-wives sign up for seminars,
exhusbands hong
ош at singles bors and precocious ex-children vigorously lobby for reconciliation.
Syndicated in more than 50 daily papers, Splitsville is drawn by Frank Baginski, who
has never been married but hos “lived in sin quit
Dodson, o real-life divorcee who says the strip covers “а certain psychological terri
tory соттоп 10 all divorced people” where the ап!
а bit,” end written by Reynolds
pated greener-posture pleasures
of breaking off а marriage are seldom, if ever, what they're cracked up to be.
HENDERSON: No. Being black is no longer
an excuse. I'm proud of being black. I
love it. Tm tall, talented, neat in the
aist, cute in the face and they call me
Hollywood. How can I lose?
For those of you who will overindulge
this holiday season, we offer thi a
public service. We're sure you know
about the traditional hangover reme-
dies—bloody marys, vitamin B. a regis
tered nurse—but you may not be
of the Mexican breakfast of champions:
menudo. It is а wipe soup. loaded with
healing properties. Herewith is Jack
Oliva nr menudo recipe,
which triumphed in the 1978 Te: е
Championship Menudo Cook-olt
6 pounds heavy tripe, cut into Lin.
ion, finely chopped
granulated garlic or g;
2 tablespoon
lic powder
1 teaspoon pure ground black pepper
14 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons chili powder
tablespoons paprika
1 teaspoon ground oregano
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon flou
1 16-02. can white hor
Fresh cilantro, if desired
Cover pigs’ feet with water and add
onion, 1 tablespoon garlic. pepper, c
enne and salt. Cook over medium hı
until pigs. feet become slightly tender.
Add tripe. Add water just to top of tripe
and cook until tripe is tender (usually
about 3 to 4 hours). Skim off and dis-
card excess fat, Add chili powder, 1
tablespoon garlic, paprika, oregano and
cumin and cook about a half hour. Put
flour in small jar, add a little water and
shake well. Add to pot. Add hominy,
well drained. Cook another 15 m
Add salt or cayenne pepper
Serve with finely chopped onion, lemon
wedges and finely chopped cilantro. Al-
s have a ready supply of hot tortillas.
should make 5 quarts.
to taste.
iuide dog Buttons has pulled off a
stunt that will make both Lasie and
Dr. Kildare jealous. A, good-natured ca-
nine prone to sudden, unexpected stops,
Buttons was known, on ocasion, to
throw his master, 30-year-old Bob Au
brey of Ottawa, off balance, Rec
the dog got underfoot once too often
and his blind master, toppling over him,
struck his head soundly on the floor—
and promptly regained his sight.
who had been blind for
the unscheduled bean be
Buttons is thi
How to make
an intelligent choice
between the
world’s smartest cameras.
The Genius.
Actually, Polaroid’s SX-70 Sonar
and Pronto Sonar Land cameras are
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Press a button. Both focus themselves
with sound waves, set the exposure,
advance the film and hand you a de-
veloping picture. Automatically.
Both are motor driven and let you
shoot as fast as every 1V seconds.
And both give you perfectly focused
instant pictures every time.
The difference is that the SX-70
Sonar (on the left) has some impor-
tant features our other brainchild
doesnt. Like single-lens reflex view-
ing. A 4-element glass lens. And a
compact folding body.
What's more, it lets you shoot
The Prodigy
from as dose as 10.4 inches to infinity
—without changing lenses. Our
Pronto Sonar only lets you come in
as close as 3 feet. But then it costs
less than half as much.
АП of which leaves you with a
tough choice. But don't worry. With
two cameras this smart, you can't help
but make a wise decision.
©1979 Polaroid Corporation "SX207"Prontg" and Polaroid
"The world's smartest cameras.
veral months ago. I caused an ex-
$ tensive (and expensive) brouhaha in
travel circles when 1 decided to try to
find out which of the conflicting daims
about traveler's-check. relundability was
really true. My findings proved that the
truth can sure stir up а hornet's nest-
especially when the hornets are worth
25-30 billion dolla nnually.
The experiment sounded pretty sim:
ple at the start: Thad a member of my
stall purchase traveler's checks from each
of the five best-known sources—Ameri-
сап Express, Barclays, First National
City, Thomas Cook and nk America—
and then "lose" them en route to a
Fourth-of-July visit in Washington, D.C.
We purposely chose a holiday to best
approximate a situation in which а trav-
eler would be most likely to encount
refund problems.
"The results were illuminating In our
American Express and Barclays
able to provide a refund lor
cher on the Fourth of July.
ional City, Thomas Cook
idcast the re-
sults of my investiga
nies that had
couple of the con
fared too well in а
was (as you might
imed at the jugular.
In a way, I learned nearly as much
from the melee that followed my reports
s 1 did from the research itself. 1 w
attacked by some of the companies for
not having conducted the tests “scien
tifically” enough. As it turned out, се
tain of the traveler'scheck companies
have refund procedures that they don't
publicize but make available to check
losers only if they feel their customer is
өшу in extremis. | learned there were
those that convey desperate necd—that
will get a waveler'scheck loser а swilt
refund than less hysterical, more
d requests. АП very interesting. с»
pecially the part about not publicizing
those emergency procedures for (сак toa
many people m
Despite substantial satislaction with
the nd results of our do.
mestic ch. one ni
Would the results
hi use them.
question. remained
be the same if the waveler’s-check
took place overseas rather than here in
the U. S? After all, those American Ex-
pres TY commerci c clearly slanted
toward foreign travelers, including the
now legendary concierge who made the
line “Uh, let me think a phrase
lor the ages. Since Ше American Express
pitch clearly was aimed at internation:
travelers, it seemed a legitimate ques
tion. (Incidentally, shortly after шу re
ports. the issue of refundability became
Refunding lost traveler's
checks is а cinch—with
the right checks, that is.
a cause célèbre whe
п several companies
psisted that the American Express ads
unfairly suggested that its checks were
the only ones that could be refunded.
American. Express reluctantly made mi-
nor changes in its ads.)
So to complete one man’s search [à
the reality of taveler’scheck refunds,
1 decided to walk into the jet blast
опе more time, and 1 again. purchased.
$100 worth of cach of the five leading
“brands” of s checks and pr
ceeded to "lose" them en route to Paris.
As with the prior domestic experiment,
1 felt a nonbusiness day provided the
only meaningful test, so 1 climbed on
board an Air France Concorde on Friday
afternoon, to try to recover my lost
checks in Paris over that weekend.
Beginning shortly after nine aat. on
Saturday. I began to call the local of
fices of the various traveler'scheck. com-
panies. The receipt that came with the
BankAmerica checks says: "In case of
thelt arest finan-
cial institution. that sells Bank?
checks" No directory of refund centers
loss or contact the m
was ble (1 asked) from the place
where I bought my checks in New
York (the forcign-exchange firm ol Deak-
Pera so 1 consulted the Paris tel
phone book. Several calls to the listed
Bank of America office got nothing but
nging in my ear, and a query to the
concierge at my hotel turned up no
known emergency refund centers. So
much for BankAmerica on a weekend.
L didn't have much better luck with
First National City, and. since
had been the most outspoken
lenging the controversial Ame
press refund ads—to say nothing of my
original refund reports—I tried to be
extra-careful in following its prescribed
aveler’s-check purchase receipt
I got with my First National City checks
refers only to a toll-free telephone num-
ber (plus one in New York State) to
call “for names and addresses of refund
centers in the continental 0.5... .”
1t also says: "Elsewhere for inlormation
concern; nd Centers inquire at
your hotel. your country's Embassy or
Consulate or contact а Citibank, N.A.
by trying to call the Citi-
bank branch in Paris. No answer. 1 then
tried the hotel concierge again (who
by now was getting a little suspicious)
No suggestions. So 1 headed for the
American Embassy. There the Marine
private at the gate could offer по help
except, “Come back Monday to see some-
one at American Services. No one is
available to talk to you on weekends.”
I can't say if the private was moved to
help further by my entreaties (or by sec-
ing me walk off and scribble in my note-
book), but he called me back and sent
me to see а sergeant inside the embassy
Sergeant of the Guard Schwefel could
not have been more solicitous—or
help. He said the only address he had for
C k was the sume one I had from
the phone book, and all he could suggest
was t 10 the. Citibank
ofice to be sure they were not just lettin
the phone ring. A walk up the Champs
Elysces (to number 60) revealed а com.
pletely shuttered bank.
In the interest of accuracy, 1 should
point out that the Citibank traveler's-
check receipt also suggests: "Wire Citi-
corp Services, Incorporated, 399 Park
Avenue. New York 10013 (cable керох
cm. New York), Give full serial numbers
of lost checks or. if not available. the
date and place of purchase.” 1 did
think it necessary t0 go to that extre
lly because my na
I walk over
part ne might have
been recognized from the carlicr r
fracas but me
€ because I [elt that any
one so desperate for his lost funds prob
ably wouldn't h
thermore, E had taken the precaution
of having a member of my май
Citibank before I jelt New York a
her post as a worried traveler
mine just what she might. have to do to
get a relund in Paris over а weekend.
She was told she would have to w
ve the m
ey lor a wire
10 deter
“Тһе TR7 convertible must rank as опе of the most
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TDK Electronics Corp., Garden City, N.Y. 11530
until Monday morning
Bardays Bank was next. A
(who would not give his name)
answered the phone in Paris and said no
one was in and that no one would be
there until Monday. When he was asked
about an emergency refund, all he could
olfer was, “C
But Barclays 1
booklet titled. “Tr
fund Service” to buyers of its checks, and
call the police.”
nk does provide а
vellers Cheques Ке
it advises you to call England collect
According to my notes, 1 began calli
shortly after 9:21 Алм. on Saturday (after
ringing Barclays
ollicer in Paris) and continued intermit-
tently through the day and evening. The
direct-dialing system now operative in
most of Western Europe made that rela-
tively easy, but it didn't help much with
the busy signal I kept getting.
Finally. on Sunday morning. 1 called
the hotel concierge (blessedly not the
same onc as the preceding day) and asked
olf from the security
if he might explain the constant busy
signal. “What arca code are you dial
ing?” he inquired, with proper Gallic
condescension. 1 gave him the code noted
on the Barclays booklet. "Oh." he said
putting another стаз américain im his
place, "you shouldn't dial the first 0
when calling from Paris."
I tried to tell him it was all Barclays
fault. but he was having none of it and I
finally had to settle lor getting throu;
Chivers, the
to Barclays in England Mr
security officer who answered the phone
was immensely sympathetic and insisted
I call back collect. 1 explained that that
way not necessary (actually, the snooty
concierge had me that “the
office is not open on Sunday to process
collect calls `
ers took all my pertinent data—which
took 20 minutes—and then hed
wire Paris. Triumphant, I asked, “Where
can I pick up my money?”
“AL any one ol our offices." he replied
“Your offices are all closed,” 1 said
feeling success (and the price of the call)
slipping away.
You'll have to go there оп Monday,”
he said sympathetically
We then had another five minutes or
told post
and humphed ой). Chiv-
so about emergency refunds and my need
for the moncy. but the bottom line was
still "Monday
Chivers, and a credit to your
but very little bloody good on a wecken:
Now the good news. After the initial
unsuccessiul calls to BankAmerica, First
National City and Barclays Bank, I tried
American Express and Thomas Cook
Both answered their phones. The Ameri
сап Express representative said to go tc
the Amex office on the Rue Saibe (the
one nearest my hotel), and the Thomas
Cook man said to go to the Cook office
in the Place de la Madelcine (ditto). The
Cook guy also asked if I'd been to the
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police, to which I replied no. He told
me to go to the police before going in,
but when | said I didn't know the ad
dress of the police station, he suggested
I go to his office and he'd show me the
I stopped at American Express first,
arriving at 10:15 A.M. There was a cou
ple from Ohio ahead of me (they'd lost
$450 to a pickpocket), so 1 had to wait
my turn to fill out the long loss form.
But once the form was complete, the
refund voucher took less than three
minutes, and then it was down to the
basement cashier. where 1 waited in
line (three folks ahead of me) for my
refund. With all of the form filling
and waiting, I walked out of the Ameri-
can Express office with new traveler's
checks in the full amount of my loss (I
could have had cash, but 1 con-
cerned 1 might lose it) at 10:45 л.м.
Merci, American Express.
‘Thomas Cook did even better. 1 ar-
rived at exactly 11 А.м. and а woman
(the guy who wanted me to call the gen-
darmes was nowhere in sight) gave me a
loss form to fill out—four pages’ worth,
in three languages. After surrendering
every known fact to the form, the wom-
an was still suspicious and more than
mildly officious. Again and again, she
asked if I had read the representations
on the form and сусп had me specifical
ly initial one paragraph, But even with
all the skepucism and inquisition, 1
still had my full refund in my pocket
(again in travelers checks, and again
] could have had the cash) as 1 walked
out of the Cook office at 11:15 Ам.
Merci beaucoup, Thomas Cook
Monday morning (October first)
dawned warm and sunny, and зо did Citi
bank. It could not have been more help-
ful and accommodating, and the elapsed
time from arrival in the bank to de-
parture with refund checks in pocket—
g filling out a lengthy form and
waiting behind four other customers—
was only 16 minutes.
The Bank of America
well, though its office bi
cacti and a couple more
суеп with the long line at the cashier
and the form lady's long personal tele-
phone call, 1 had my refund in half an
Barclays Bank functioned least eflec-
tively—it had done lots better in the
U.S. experiment—though eventually it
too, came through, The stalwart Mr.
Chivers declaration that any Barclays
Bank in Paris could refund checks
proved untrue. A visit to the Barclays
branch on the Rond-Point des Champs
Elysées proved pointless, and the bank
representative cared. not at all about
what his British counterpart had said
a day carlier. Не did, however, write
did nearly as
nd the Arc de
h a few less
tellers. But
mphe could do
L'Air du'lémps
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down the address of the main Barclays
branch and bade me a fond adieu
At the main Paris office, things took
a while to get much better. A gentleman
at the bank entrance listened. intently
to my tale of lost-check мос and under-
stood not a word. He did, however,
direct me to a long line in front of the
lonc operative cashier's window.
By now a seasoned veteran of the lost-
traveler'scheck sweepstakes, I knew that
form filling always precedes trips to the
cashier's cage, so 1 nipped olt the line
to ask another non-English-comprehend-
ing employee (remember, were in а
British bank!) about who consoles trav-
cler's-check losers. She, too, had not a
clue about what to do with me and
pointed to the same line.
For nearly half an hour, I waited in
what I knew was the wrong line, alter-
nately searching for someone who looked
as though he or she spoke English and
wondering if the lovely young blonde
thing in the cashier's cage ever took im-
poverished Americans home. As I had
feared, she offered neither hospitality nor
a refund: rather, she directed me (finally)
to the lady with the forms.
It took only ten minutes more to con-
clude the refund—including а confirm-
ing call to England to check my previous
day's report—and 1 left Barclays Bank
th new checks about three quarters of
an hour after entering.
The conclusions of this experiment
are hardly obscure, There are, as far as 1
can see, three fundamental reasons for
choosing one “brand” of traveler's check
over another: (1) price; (2) acceptance;
and (3) safety and refundability. As to
cost, American Express, First National
City and Bank of America generally
charge one percent for their checks (one
dollar for each 5100 purchased), though
there are occasional "sales" and certain
corporations that get even those checks
free (because of their other bank rela-
tionships). But most mortals pay the
one percent. Thomas Cook checks are
free from certain banks (such as my own)
and to all holders of Diners Club cards;
and Barclays Bank checks are always
t to Cook and Barclays.
or another, Гус used all
of these brands of checks in various
places and never had one even ques-
tioned, much less refused. As far as I
can tell, they seem to enjoy equal accep-
tance. And as far as safety and refund:
ability аге concerned, all give prompt
refunds during mormal business hours.
But American Express and Thomas
Cook. with offices and/or representatives
in most major foreign cities that don’t
necessarily keep bankers’ hours, have а
far better chance of getting replacement
funds to you in a foreign crisis—especial-
ly one that takes place on а holiday or
over a wcckend.
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NY кою
for all your cards and letters about
our Psychedelic Mystery Poster in the
October issue. A lot of you got most of
it, and there seemed to be a couple of
favorite readings of the hard parts. But
most of you complained that we didn’t
print it large enough, and one person
threatened suit for eyestrain. Bitch,
bitch, bitch, But ask and ye shall get,
(уу Jo
once in a while—here's a slo-mo, close-
up replay. We're still not sure what it
says, so send your updates on what all of
it is to the Music Editor. If you were
right the first time, just hang їп. We'll
get back to you in April.
King should be happy to learn that he's
apparently been heard from—from, uh,
you know, over there. And for 56.65, you
can hear it yourself on The Elvis Presley
Seance (Shadow Records), conducted in
England by a well-known medium. On
it, according to Shadow Records, "you
will hear all the questions and answers
from the spirit world of Elvis Presley.”
We bet that even іп the beyond, he's
still the King.
Music by Ravel (con-
ducted by Leonard
Bernstein). 2. Flamenco
guitar music. 3. Dinah
Washington. (Q.) What
song do you most wish
you had written? (А)
Star Dust.
tarist; co-writer, arrang-
er and producer of
CHIC) 1. Sister Sledge /
We Are Family (Айап-
tic). 2. Donna Summer /
Bad Girls (Casablanca).
3. The Knack / Get the
Knack (Capitol). 4.
Cheap ‘Trick / Live at
Budokan (Epic). 5.
Stephanie Mills.
(STEELY DAN): 1. Phil
Woods / Altology (Pres
tige). 2. Dandy's Dandy
(Venture). 3. Sonny Rol-
lins / Way Out West
(Contemporary). 4. Surf
Punks (Dayglow).
Russell. 2. Jesse Win-
chester (Bearsville). 8
Bob Dylan / Highway
61 Revisited (Colum-
bia). 4. Rolling Stones /
Some Girls (Rolling
Stones). 5. The Clash /
Give 'Em Enough Rope
(Epic). 6. Flash in the
Pan (Epic).
SHA-BOOM, SHA-BOOM: Back in the
halcyon Fifties. a lot of doowop singing
groups made a cappella recordings—but
only The Persuasions have carried the
tradition of singing without instruments
into modern times. On Comin’ at Ya (Fly-
ing Fish), they harmonize on Return to
Sender, Crying in the Chapel and other
great oldies; no time capsule should be
without it.
ARE: We've never even heard of a movie
called Over the Edge (Warner Bros.) over
here in the Music Department, but it's
got a terrific sound track with an all-star
lineup: Cheap Trick, The Cars, Ra
mones, Van Halen, Valerie Carter, Little
Feat and Jimi Hendrix. It's like your
own little jukebox. So is Rock *n' Roll High
School (Sire), which is mostly Ramones
on side one, with a string of great
Join us in the royal box for the holidays.
Bombay. The Gentle Gin. One of the three great gins imported from England.
ters, Lid., N.Y. 86 Proof, 100%
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«Y. Ul) a
4 = ч
“school” songs оп the other—Teen Age
Depression, Smoking in the Boys’ Room,
School Days, School's Ош, ct al.—all the
originals. The movie zoomed through the
drive-ins into the weekend midnight cult
houses, Americothon (Lorimar) didn't lare
so well. It hung around awhile last sum-
mer and caught as much nasty press
as any movie in years. It was pretty aw-
ful, we guess. But the sound track has
original music by The Beach Boys, Elvis
Costello, Eddie Money and Nick Lowe.
The Wenderers (Warner Bros) is probably
the only "real" movie of the bunch. Its
sound track—hand-picked by Richard
Price, author of the original novel—is
another fine jukebox, this one circa 1962,
filled with the classis and including
Sherry, My Boy Friend's Bach, Baby It's
You, Do You Love Me and, of course,
The Wanderer.
We've seen advertised a device that
eliminates the vocal track from most
sterco records. Attach it to your system
and you can enjoy instant Muzak. The
technological marvel costs 5195. It
should be included free with every pur-
chase of Bob Dylan's Slow Train Coming
(Columbia) and/or Randy Newman's
Born Again (Warner Bros). Once again,
Dylan bares his Judaeo-Christian soul.
And once again, with Gonna Take Off
Му Pants, Newman bares his. And once
again, we're bored.
Karla Bonoff's Restless Nights (CBS) is
a satisfying (ic. long-awaited) second
album. The tide cut is а killer—an
anthem to the heart of Los Angeles that
is reminiscent of the better tunes on the
Eagles’ Hotel California. The produc-
tion is impeccable: Waddy Watchel’s
guitarwork (particularly on Trouble
Again) sizzles, while Bonofl's acoustic
duet with James Taylor on the old folk
tune The Water Is Wide is resonant and
rich. We like this lady a lot.
the age of disco has
lot of overproduced
If you feel tha
swamped us
tripe that masquerades as boogie.
to the clean, hard sounds of Chuck
Brown and the Soul Searchers on Bustin’
loose (Source). The two ballads on the
album—Never Gonna Give You Up and
Could It Be Love—employ strings and
tend to wear out their welcome a bit; but
the five groove tunes, which achieve a
big, dramatic sound with only a few
pieces, wouldn't get boring if they lasted
for weeks.
Гус been g for a long, long
time; if you haven't heard about me, it
n't no fault of mine,” declares Liule
Johnny Taylor on the title tune of 1.27.
(Ronn), which successfully combines age-
old blues ideas with the disco beat of
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ecommended gift records for rockin"
R round the Christmas tree: For those
who don't know anything а
Wave but know what they lik
rock "m roll—you can't go wrong with
Elvis Costello's Armed Forces (Columbia),
Nick Lowe's Labour of Lust (Columbia)
ог Dave Edmunds’ Repeat When Necessary
(Swan Song)—and for those who like
it hard, try Give ‘Em Enough Rope (Epic),
by The Clash. Or you can get back
toward the source with Ше 15-усаг
Who anthology, The Kids Are Alright
(MCA), or The Essential Jimi Hendrix Volume
Two (Reprise), which includes an
8:47 C-LO-R. that’s basic ғаш. Ап-
other essential is Bob Dylan ог Budokan
(Columbia), a double live LP that beau-
tifully sums up his carcer up to, but mer-
cifully not including, being reborn. All
your friends with yachts in the Carib-
bean ought to have Jimmy Buffett's Vol-
cone (MCA). For slightly countrified
tastes, there's The Amazing Rhythm Aces
(Columbia), a great album that was lost
in the shufile of ABC's folding; much
closer to good old-fashioned old-boy stuff
Willie and Loon—One for the Road (Co-
nd Waylon Jennings’ Grectest
(RCA). And on Jerry Lee lewis (Elek.
, the Killer is exactly that it's his hot-
test in 15 years. In a
Lee Jones (Warner Bros.) is a terrific debut
album from a terrific new vocalist, and
Joni Mitchell's Mingus (Asylum) is nearly
s captivating as it is eccentric. Disco
picks (is that ап oxymoron?)
Summers Bed Gids (С:
there's anyone left who doesn't o
and an anthology called А Night at Studio
54 ( rll put your giftce
right there with Steve Rubell, if such
are her/his holiday fantasies.
The Cologne. The Splash-On.
The Midnight Musk
Any rhythmand-blues fan who's
plugged in to what's happening would
appreciate the well-tempered disco /soul
sounds of Chic оп Risqué (Atlantic) or
the more rambunctious Midnight Magic
(Motown) of the Commodores. lsaac
Hayes has a new album, Don't Let Go (Pol-
ydor), that's as smooth, sexy and wise as
his venerable head. Two other classy
ues well timed for holiday giving are
the O'Jays’ Identify Yourself. (Philadelphia
International) and Ashford & Simpson's
Stay Free (Warner Bros).
There's no shortage of fine jazz re-
leascs, new and classic, to buoy up any
sagging spirits this holiday season. For
openers, Keith Jarrett has a three-sided
set, Eyes of the Heart, as well as his epic
ten-LP live solo album, Sun Bear Concerts
(both on ЕСМ). The new Anthony
Braxton release, Alte Sax Improvisations
1979, complements his three LP orches-
tral work, Anthony Broxton (both Arista).
The Brazilians Flora Purim and Egberto
Gismonti each have new albums, Carry
Оп (Warner Bros.) and Sole (ECM), ге-
spectively, as does the Pat Metheny
Group, with American Garage (ECM).
‘The classic reissues keep on coming,
with gems like Charlie Parker's The Com-
plere Savoy Studio Sessions (Savoy); the
Mingus compendium Passions of а Mon
(Adantic); Jelly Roll Morton piano
solos on New Orleons Memories Plus Two;
carly Lester Young with the Kansas cay
Six ond Five (both Commodore); а th
LP set of Jack Teagarten, King of the
Blues Trombone (Columbia Special Prod-
ucts); a four-LP bebop anthology, Swing
Street (CBS Collector's Series); and two
ic Holiday collections, Swing, Brother,
Swing (also CBS Collector's Series) and.
Fine end Mellow (Commodore). Those
should kecp you jazed well into thc
new year,
On the classical side, the new тес
ing of Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes
(Philips), which may be the best modern
English-language opera, features the in-
spired singing and acting of tenor Jon
Vickers and the firm, sensitive hand of
conductor Colin Davis. The Four Brohms
Symphonies (DGG) are given big, full-
bodied readings by Herbert Von Kara-
jan and the Berlin Philharmonic. DGG's
sonics casily surpass the long-esteemed
recordings with the same forces it gave
the Sixties, КСА first ven-
igital recording is Béla Bar-
tók's Concerto for Orchestra. This landmark
20th Century music is well served here
by Eugene Ormandy and the Philadel-
phia Orchestra. Mozart's opera Idomeneo,
long considered merely an interesting
antique, is finally taking its place among
is recognized masterpieces; a new set
on DGG features а fine cast led by the
great Karl Bohm, with the usual splen-
Deutsche Grammophon sound.
Imported from France. 86 proof.
today (the beat, of course, has а lat
"soul" sound that's a lot more compelling
than the bloodless, metallic sound fa-
vored by most of disco. Taylor and his
producer, Sonny Thompson, who has
also been around for a long, long time,
mellow down for some nice soul bal-
lads, but they really do things to the
blues, rocking and rolling them on J
Need Some Lovin’, then sending them to
church on But You Do. The packagi
is not exactly big league—Ronn Records
is a subsidiary of Jewel, a Shreveport
company that has been putting out de-
lightfully unspoiled blues, Gospel and
country music for quite a few years—but
whats inside is a complete course in
classic R&B production techniques.
Abba / Voulez-Vous (Atlantic
mais non, merci
Graham Parker and the Rumour / Live Sparks
(Arista): Obligatory concert release of re-
cent Parker material that, strangely, lacks
the excitement of the studio versions.
Tem Verlaine (Elektra): The former
Television member continues to build
his own quict wing onto the New York
School of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
The Rebinoo: / Back to the Drawing Board!
(Beserkley) Ever wonder what became
of Freddie and the Dreamers?
Jules and the Polar Bears / Phonetics (Со-
lumbia), A disappointing second cflort
from а California band that had shown
a lot of promise.
ADC Band / Talk That Stuff (Cotillion):
Brightly colored sou! hoogies that prove
once again that, ADC notwithstanding,
the child who's got his own shit together
is the one who's blessed.
Mutiny / Mutiny on the Momoship (Colum-
: Having learned their мш play-
ing behind Parliament on the road,
these guys figured they could be just as
[unky—for more — doubloons—under
their own flag. Smart thinking.
Mary Wilson (Motown): With some big
but congenial sounds behind her, а sur-
viving Supreme displays a warm, spirited
vocal style on her solo debut.
Big Joe Duskin / Cincinnati Stomp ( Arhoo-
lie): When his father, а minister, was й
his BOs, Duskin promised ıo play no
blues or boogie till the old man died
Then Duskin Sr. lived to 104, which gave
Big Joe lots of time to p
Eddie Henderson / Runnin’
(Capitol): A classy trumpeter works out
id-back set that ranges from the
iscoish title tune to a spacy duet with
Herbie Hancock called Marlana.
Steve Khon / Arrows (Columbia): Arrows
and slings of outrageously good fu
Chuck Berry / Rockit (Atco): When the
music in the poetry and the poetry in the
music come together, which is most of
the time, it's out of sight.
to Your Leve
on а 1.
George's County Liquor Board has
banned punk-rock concerts in the Uni-
versity of Maryland area because
"We're against punk rock that leads
people out into the street, causing
trouble, defecating, urinating and for-
nicating." The board defined punk as
"music played at a high-decibel level."
Come on, fellas, does that include
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture?
jANDOM RUMORS: This month
Is Stranger Than Fiction Aw
goes to Tommy Chong (one half of
Cheech and . . . ). An old Cheech ond
Chong routine about an overly aggres-
sive panhandler came true іш the
rport recently when Chong
ile were approached by a
member of Hare Krishna. When
Chong refused to contribute, the
Krishna got abusive and was booked
on battery charges. . . . Michael Schenker,
known in rock circles as the "in-
credible disappearing guitarist," has
reappeared again. Schenker, lead
guitarist [or UFO, left the group un-
expectedly in 1977 after а London
concert, He reappeared for a while,
disappeared again in 1978, өші
recently with a European band,
Scorpions, and disappt
problem of keeping tabs on him has
finally becn solved, at least for the
time being: Schenker is currently
working on a solo album. . .. When
John Mayall's house went up in smoke
last fall out in Los Angeles, he lost
one of the best porn collections in
the world—stuff dating back to the
19th Century. . . . We've heard. just
about every promotional gimmick,
but this one's pretty amazing: During
The Cors 17.5. tour, female fans
cach city will be encouraged to enter
а "carwash contest" Winners will
get the dubious honor of showering
with the band after the concerts. . . .
Otis Redding's two sons, Dexter and Otis
Wi, are trying to crack the music biz.
As the Redding Band, theyre cur-
rently appearing in a disco run by
their mother. They reportedly cut an
album for Capricorn shortly before
that company folded and are now
attempting to place it elsewhere.
new movie called Roadie.
1000.000 project is described
rock-music comedy. Мг. Loaf made
his movie debut in The Rocky Hor-
ror Picture Show. . . . According to
Jim Morrison's former publicist, Danny
Sugermon, two major studios are vying
for his “unauthorized” account of
Morrison's life. Co-written with Jerry
Hopkins, the siga begins in Florida
and continues through the біп
death ten years ago. Suger
the lamily is against the book
no doubt feel the same about a m
'gends get no respect
NEWSBREAKs: We recently made a
joke about expecting the Lord's Pray-
er in disco. Until now, we had no
idea anyone had actually considered
it Audio experts in San Diego have
discovered that the words to the pray-
er have been hidden subliminally in
Blue Oyster Culr's song You Are Not the
One on the album Mirrors. We
sorry. We'll never joke again. . .. For
the senap on what goes on at а typ-
ical rock concert these days, we take
you to the Long Beach, California,
Arena. Midway through a concert by
the Marshall Tucker Bond, a devotee
smashed a 1978 Camaro through one
of the doors of the hall. The un-
identified fan leaped out of the auto
and escaped into the crowd. Damage
to the arena—not the —is esti-
mated at $2000. . . . Reggae star
Peter Tosh has had one of his songs,
Fight On, banned by the South АГ
can government. The offending ly
Africa must be free by 1983." Don't
those guys in Pretoria understand
how important a rhyme сап be to a
mu 22. Rock fans may soon
be able to watch their fa
as they listen to the
Who have made a technological break-
through in the use of holograms. The
shining of a bright light at an exact
angle on the spinning record pro-
duces a three-dimensional image of
nd, which apparently hovers in
2. Hey, man, what's the lat-
est in the police state? Disco singer
Evelyn “Champagne” King is hot in
Chile. . . . Rosanne Cash says her father,
Johnny Cash, has ambitions for her rc-
cording career but basically "thinks 1
should stay at home and hang cur-
tains.” He never would have dared say
that to Mother Maybelle. . .
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hen Dalton Trumbo died in 1976,
he left behind an unfinished nov-
el—one he had been working on for 16
years. While he was alive, he kept busy
writing such screenplays as Exodus, Pa-
pillon and Lonely Are the Brave and
treated the novel as a kind of treasured
hobby. Now editor Robert Kirsch has put
the novel as it stood at the time of
‘Trumbo's death together with the au-
ог notes to create Night of the Aurochs
(Viking). Aurochs (the title refers to a
European bison, now extinct) is the fic
tional biography of Grieben, a German
officer who found himself running things
at Auschwitz. It is also a remarkable doc-
ument. The first ten chapters of the
novel in finished form are wonderfully
compelling reading in which we witness
Grieben growing up to be a little mon-
ster. The second half of the book is a
collection of Grieben's "diary entries,"
"Irumbo's notes for the novel, plot sum-
maries, letters to friends explaining the
novel and so forth. This material pro-
vides a fascinating look at the process of
writing а book. We would, of course,
have preferred the completed novel—but
what we have certainly holds the ацеп-
tion and provides yet another piece of
proof that Trumbo was a major literary
‘The publishing industry has raised its
Hydra heads and sniffed around and
decided that if the Sixties were devoted
to blacks and the Seventies to women,
well, gosh, oh, gee, maybe the Eighties
should pay a little attention to men.
Now, that’s fine and dandy, but if A Mon.
in the Making: Grandfathers, Fathers and Sons
(Richard Marek), by Dr. Richard C.
Robertiello, is a sample of what's com-
ing, we for a tedious time. This
book reads as if it had been chatted into
а tape recorder and then transcribed by
a secretary directly into а manuscript,
with precious little sense of language or
drama. Let's hope we men will be more
imaginative than this as the decade
moves on.
There arc many among us who believe
that Michael Korda has been wasting his
considerable talent and intelligence
writing about male chauvinism, power
and success. Those same people should
be happy to read Chormed Lives: A Family
Romance (Random House). It is а chroni-
cle of the remarkable film-making Korda
brothers: Sir Alexander (the director and
nogul), Zoltan (the director) and
as it recounts the q
family mes
Hungarian customs. And beca
Korda was a truly cosmopolitan figure
nd its somet
A monster in chief's
Trumbo's Night sparkles;
A Man in the Making
turns life stone-cold.
Making Man, ineptly.
who counted Winston Churchill among
his intimes, the book is filled with charm-
ng bits of information about how Ше
was lived on a
Hotel de Paris
uncle Alex
lo with his
nother le
d noticing at
de Rothschild
the then feeble Baron
lunching with his
nurse. The baron's one joy in life,
seemed, was to spit his ora
the woman's ample cleavage from
the table. He evidently never missed.
But Korda has done more th:
us peek
е after all, to deseribe а family Ше of
which you were an part. Yet
Korda does it with style and charm and
maturity; and, in doing so, tells us а
great deal about families in general and
one’s survival in them.
А. Frank Кесіз study of television,
The Networks: How They Stole the Show
(Scribner's), has its heart and focus in the
right place; namely, the way in which
three major corporations have monopo-
lized and manipulated the American
consciousness—and made billions of dol-
lars in the process. Reel covers the im-
portant subjects: how the monopoly
made, ratings and ways to "fix" them,
the networks and their relationships and
stations and producers, news coverag
"family hour," censorship. Then he tri
to outline remedies for the ties that are
binding us. Through the spine of this
informed examination, the question is
continually asked: How much money is
being made? Come to think of it, that
seems to be what we all should be askin;
isn't it? It was the late Edward R. Mur-
row who first entertained the heretical
notion that television networks may not
deserve the monopolistic privileges they
now enjoy. “I can find nothing in the
Bill of Rights or the Communications
Act which says that they must increase
their net profits each year, lest the repub-
lic collapse." Amen to that, says Reel.
Tranquillity Base ond Other Stories (Fiction
International, St. Lawrence University,
Canton, New York 13617), by frequent
PLAYBOY Contributor Asa Baber, is filled
with twists, tu good solid writing.
The title story is absolutely spooky. B
ber speaks in many voices; give a listen.
ge pits into
t his famous family.
record each would
island. Nobody suggested the sound
track to Swiss Family Robinson, but
then, rock critics are not noted for the
tincts for self. preservation. The result-
ing essays (no one was content to just
album) are collected in Stranded
albums become
sts, “figures with whom we carry опа...
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oliday greetings go out to you with
H our annual gift-book ideas—begin-
ning with two special novels PLAYBOY
previewed during the past year: Joseph
Heller's very funny look at Washington
and middleaged Jewish manhood, Good
аз Geld (Simon & Schuster), and Irwin
Shaw's latest, The Top of the Hill (Dela-
corte), also about male rites of passage.
Both will make for good reading. An-
other best-selling novel, William Styron's
Opus Sophie’s Choice (Random House), is
a meticulously researched side of the
Holocaust not usually described.
Harry М. Abrams, Inc, is known
for some of the most spectacular coffee-
table books ever made, and this year's
output is no exception. American Art
Nouveau, by Diane Chalmers Johnson,
offers a broad view of American art from
about 1880 to 1910 and indudes 394 il-
lustrations. Broadway Musicals, by Martin
Gottfried, gives the reader a perfect seat
at all the best musicals that ever played
the Great White Way. Abrams also of-
fers Ritual and Seduction: The Decoration of
the Human Body, with text by André Virel
(translated by 1. Mark Paris) and photos
by Charles and Josette Lenars, ап іп-
credible voyage in words and pictures of
mankind's use of the body to communi-
cate messages of love, hate, power, ag-
gression and pride.
Two attractive. books that examine
living and working space make useful as
well as decorative gifts: Attention to Detail,
“Distinctive Choices for Home Design
and Remodeling” (Quick Fox), by Her-
bert Н. Wise, and So This Is Where You
Werk, "A Guide to Unconventional
Working Environments" (Viking), by
Charles A. Fracchia, with photographs
by Mark. Kauffman. Ployboy's New Host &
Ber Beok (Playboy Pres), by Thomas
Mario, has been completely revised since
the first version came out more than
ten years ago. It now features an ex-
tensive chapter on. wines, which weren't
as important to the average consumer
back then. Men are doing more enter-
taining at home these days, and this
volume can help you be prepared.
From A & W Publishers come two
photo books of particular note: The Con-
сепз, by Laurie Lewis, 115 color pages
of rock stars in concert, and Women on
Women, “Twelve Photographic Portfo-
lios prominent women's ideas about
modern women and sexuality.
Storan (Starart Productions Limited),
designed and edited by Debby Chesher,
is an unusual and very special book of
drawings, paintings, sculpture and car-
toons by musicians Joni Mitchell, John
Mayall, Cat Stevens, Klaus Voormann,
Ron Wood and Commander Cod)
The sports tome this holiday season
is The Ultimate Baseball Book (Houghton
Mifflin), edited. by Daniel Okrent and
Harris Lewine, who collected some rare
photographs and let the likes of Red
y Sheed and Tom Wicker
ic over the sport. The his-
torical text is provided by David Nemec.
Armchair travelers can expect a won-
derful trip to China this holiday in Chi-
nese Encounters (Farrar, Straus & Giroux),
with text by playwright Arthur Miller
and photos by his wife, Inge Morath.
Macmillan also has been thoughtful in
pro home entertainment for the
recession. Great Boord Games, by Brian
Love, includes instructions for more
than 40 games in a book designed large
enough to be used as a playing board.
For the automotive crowd, we're rec-
ommending Mustang: The Complete History
of America’s Pioneer Ponycar (Automobile
Quarterly), by Gary L. Witzenburg. The
author takes you behind the scenes,
where the decisions were made, and pre-
sents detailed facts on every Mustang
built since 1964.
Son of Lists is coming! The Book of
Lists #2 (Morrow), by Irving Wallace,
David Wallechinsky, Amy Wallace and
Sylvia Wallace, makes a perfect gift for
someone who knows everything—or
wants to.
In this special year, when so much
tribute has been paid to photographer
Ansel Adams, we suggest you could do
no better than Yosemite and the Range of
Light (New York Graphic Society). Adams
took his first pictures of Yosemite at the
age of 14, using a box Brownie. For the
next 60 years, the Sierra Nevada domi-
ated his work, and Adams himself la-
bored ovcr the production of this book.
We'll end our holiday notes as we
began, with ourself, We're delighted to
do it, because artist LeRoy Neiman has
been such a special part of our 26 years
p. Horses (Abrams) is quite
s been sketching and paint
ing the world of stables, paddock, turf,
track, show ring and hunt. While the
$85 price tag isn't hay, the book is a
sure bet. Holiday cheer to you!
For skiers who own Volvos, getting to the slopes
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With Volvos’ precise rack and pinion steering and
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Of course once out on the trails, the smart skier
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he late Jack Kerouac and his friend
Neal Cassady were in love with the
same woman. Although Cassady got the
girl, Kerouac got published. His second
novel, On the Road, was more or less a
book about Cassady—a free-spirited lover
of wine, women and dope who set the
tone for the Beat Generation of the Fif-
ties. Eventually, Kerouac also got Carolyn
Cassady—sharing her with Neal from
time to time once she'd settled down
with his restive chum to have babies and
run up bills in a dismal California tract
house. After both men were dead,
Carolyn wrote a book, which has now
begot a fascinating movie called Heart
Beat. Writer-director John Byrum (whose
first solo feature was Inserts) has man-
aged to make Heart Beat a richly at-
mospheric mood piece about fame,
friendship and a vanished era.
In а film that could be blown away
instantly by wrong casting, Nick Nolte—
his stock rising fast since North Dallas
Forty—buys some career insurance with
an earthy, perceptive and forceful per-
formance as Cassady. Whether he is on
the road with a piece of eager jail.
bait (Ann Dusenberry) or straining the
seams of his ticky tacky house because he
wants to bust out and visit Mexico, Nolte
is the movie's primary source of energy.
As Carolyn, the Bennington girl who is
never the same again after she encoun-
ters two Beatniks in San Francisco, Sissy
Spacek is spicy and spunky—a sort of
sensible city cousin to the kind of girl
she played years ago іп ‘Terrence
Malick's memorable Badlands. The dif-
ference is that this groupie wants her
own nest and won't be budged from it
by her meandering men. John Heard, as
Kerouac, has the stickiest role; he colors
his portrait of the artist likable, as if to
minimize hints in the script that he is a
sullen, envious exploiter of his best bud-
dy and a man who cannot cope with
success. "I don't think we did anything
wrong, we just did it first,” muses Car-
olyn in a rueful backward glance at the
bad old golden days that Heart Beat
captures with true grit and a certain
seedy grandeur.
Still another love triangle gives shape
and substance to director Alan J.
Pakula's Starting Over. Burt Reynolds
plays the rejected husband torn between
Candice Bergen (as his eccentric wife)
and Jill Clayburgh (his equally eccentric
new roommate) in a sparkling romantic
comedy that often resembles An Unmar-
ried Woman with the sex roles reversed.
This is a fine, smart switch for Reynolds,
looking feisty but far more vulnerable
than usual as he reels from his broken
marriage into a divorced men's work-
shop. Reynolds obviously enjoys women,
Heard, Spacek, Nolte.
Love trios: ambivalent
cinematic affairs of the
heart, mind and flesh.
Reynolds, Bergen Starting Over.
Derek, Moore score 10.
which must be one reason for his success
as the incumbent boxoffice king. Start-
ing Over, adapted from Dan Wakefield's
novel by fledgling screenwriter (and TV
veteran) James L. Brooks, hits some un-
even patches but has a generous quota
of wit, warmth and wackiness to bolster
Burt while he tries to decide which lady
he likes better. The choice isn't easy.
Playing a daffy liberated achiever who
composes hit tunes and insists on singing
them aloud, Candy Bergen establishes
her title as the least promising vocalist of
our time—and becomes a first-rate come-
dienne in the process. When she sud-
denly starts to bawl a ditty titled Better
than Ever (Marvin Hamlisch and Carole
Bayer Sager actually supplied the words
and music) in order to woo her husband
back, she is excruciatingly funny. Clay-
burgh. as а Boston teacher who helps
Reynolds learn more about himself,
plays a confirmed contemporary flake
from the Annie Hall school of quirks
and crotchets. She's cute if you like that
style, probably as abrasive as squeaky
chalk for nonbelievers. I'm beginning to
admire her a lot, after ial resistance
"Talent wins again. I will also join fan
clubs honoring Frances Sternhagen,
Charles Durning and Austin Pendleton,
whose performances help disguise the fact
that director Pakula is probably more
comfortable with subjects like Klute and
All the President's Men than with mad-
cap sophisticated comedy. Flaws and all,
the movie takes you where it wants you
to go.
Perhaps some of you were shooting
grouse in Scotland when 10 came out a
while ago, and missed it. ГА still like to
have the last word about Blake Edwards’
rueful and often uproarious romantic
comedy, with Dudley Moore at his [un-
niest as a Broadway-Hollywood com poser
who is 42, feeling his age and wishing he
were invited to the orgies on a neighbor-
ing Beverly Hill. Julie Andrews plays
the tunesmith's neglected steady lady,
though dazzling Bo Derek has the break-
through role as the girl who fulfills a
young middle-aged man's wildest erotic
fantasies, up to a point. Bo's an 11 оп
his digital scale and a major discovery
by any civilized standard (watch this
magazine for more of Bo. shot by her
actor /photographer husband, John). Ed-
wards has come up with a sure-hit for-
mula: Derek plus Moore equals beauty
and the best.
"The key question about Bernardo Ber-
tolucci’s latest English-language movie
is: What makes Lune tick? Are the charac-
ters crazy or are their motivations sim-
ply muddled? Or does the director of
Last Tango in Paris now feel obliged to
butter up an audience with new sub-
jects for controversy? By the time you
read this, word of mouth surely
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have spread the news about Luna, in
which Jill Clayburgh, playing an Ame
can opera мағ in Italy, comforts her
drug-addicted teenaged son with а hand
job as a prelude to further incestuous
games. How and why she decides that
soul kisses and giving Momma head
might wean the boy away from hard
drugs is an unsolved mystery, which
makes the woman seem outright mad—
does a concerned parent equate mother
fucking with methadone? We won't
dwell on the details, except that the sex-
ual chemistry between Clayburgh and
the boy actor (newcomer Matthew Barry,
doing as well as the writing allows) is
pretty bland. Incest or no incest, and no
matter what word of mouth conveys,
Luna is a rather empty, unexciting
movie—essentially а soap opera with
overtones of grand opera, too much of it
composed in the key of gee whiz.
Of course, Bertolucci’s great. cinema-
iographer Vittorio Storaro (fresh from
performing his wizardry for Francis Cop-
pola on Apocalypse Now) makes it all
look splendid, from the sappy, overdone
moon symbolism and mother-son grop-
ing to lushly staged scenes from Verdi.
She's an excellent actress, but if you can
accept Clayburgh as a top American
opera singer in the Callas tradition, your
imagination is more elastic than mine.
Swallow that and you may have no
trouble with the rest of this contrived
tale of a boy who experiments with ho-
mosexual flirtations, gets hooked оп
heroin and momism because he desper-
ately needs a father—then learns that
his real dad is not his mother's late la-
mented husband but a long-lost Italian
amante (Tomas Milian) who is sud-
denly shoehorned into the plot. That's
Luna's cue for a big reunion scene and
а fortissimo climax that made me cringe
а bit because Bertolucci couldn't quite
pull off the bravura effects he was at-
tempting. For incest managed with style
and worldly wisdom, Louis Malle's bril-
liant 1971 Murmur of the Heart remains
the definitive screen statement on sexual
confrontations between mother and son.
Writer-director William Richert's The
American Success Company is a lot like his
last movie, Winter Kills—a_hit-or-miss
affair but full of unexpected turns and
happy surprises. Richert may turn out to
be one of those mavericks whose flops or
halfway hits are more exciting to watch
than other men's tidy commercial suc-
cesses. I'm on his side. Although Amer-
ican Success Company has all the
earmarks of a caper comedy (Richert
stubbornly insists it's а "fairy tale"), the
rather complex crime soon becomes sec-
ondary to the kinks of the characters
caught up in it. Again, as in Winter
Kills, Richert’s stars are Jeff Bridges, an
actor who's not afraid to take chances,
and beautiful ex-model Belinda Bauer—
he as a young businessman who's a born
loser, she as his petulant peabrained
wile, who is also the daughter of his boss
(Ned Beatty), head of a Munich-based
conglomerate called Amsucco. The plot
concern's Jell's scheme to shed his blah
image and take his company for a bun-
dle, first by assuming a double identity —
he affects а cane with flashy clothes and
talks like a gangster. He also signs up for
Bridges, Bauer in Success.
Madam Jagger
makes a promising—and sexy—
film debut in Success.
lessons in lust with a worldly hooker.
Bianca Jagger, of all people, plays the
jaded lady who teaches him what she
knows, and it's pleasant to report that
Mick's celebrated ex-wife registers оп
the screen as something more than a
clotheshorse racing off to Studio 54.
Helped by а husky voice with Bacallish
undertones, La Jagger looks assured, sexy
and decidedly promising. Good vibes,
too, for the scrumptious Miss Bauer, who
sashays through much of the movie in a
ballerina’s “fairy dress,” cooing at herself
in mirrors and acting overprivileged to
the point of idiocy. Everyone here, no
matter how crazy, is either amusing or
attractive, or both. They could be join-
ing Richert in a subversive plot to bring
back screwball comedy, more screw-loose
than ever.
The view from here is that Nosferatu
the Vampyre is a no-no. Maybe the time
hus come to give a rest to Count Dra-
cula, poor Lucy, Jonathan Harker, Dr.
Van Helsing, the bats and the dingbats
of all media who see no end to the
trendy, bloody classic by Bram Stoker.
Fm bloody sick of the whole shtick.
Germany's semilegendary Klaus Kinski
plays Dracula this time around, in gho
ish Night of the Living Dead make-up,
subtitled version of the story writien,
produced and directed by Germany's
Werner Herzog. (A completed English-
guage version was reportedly shelved,
and that spelling of vampyre in the title
ought to clue you that this is an art film,
folks) Although Herzog is widely
ognized as one of the masters of the
new German cinema, his Nosferatu is
unintentionally laughable when it's not
just clumsy, studied and dull. For exam-
ple, alter Van Helsing drives the stake
through Dracula's heart, someone sug-
gests sending for the police to arrest him.
No police. "They're all dead," declares
one wizened bystander. Because the town.
is plagueridden. All the jailers аге dead,
too. If this be German humor, lets go
back to Polish jokes. Stunning low-key
color photography is the film's main.
tue, part of Herzog's declared intention
10 make an unabashedly old-fashioned
film in tribute to Е. W. Murnau’s Nos-
feratu, the 1922 silent classic. But there's
no virtue in revamping the silent cra's
golden classics with a sound track so
artificial that the actors at times seem to
be piped in from an adjoining studio.
Write this soporific shocker off to cloud-
ed judgment or bad blood.
Something Short of Paradise: Something
short is right. Handicapped by аШ-
thumbs direction and a doggedly pedes-
trian script, this rather murky romantic
comedy lucked out in its casting. Susan
Sarandon and comedian David Steinberg
are exceptionally winning performers
who often seem to be improvising their
scenes together, to create something spe-
cial out of next to nothingness. She's a
New York magazine journalist, he's pub-
man for a theater showing arty
foreign movies, and Jean-Pierre Aumont
performs an effective parody of himself
as a visiting French star. Marilyn Sokol
is pretty good, too, as Susan's loud-
mouthed confidante. Cinematographer
Walter Lassally, who worked on Tom
Jones, also shot Paradise. In sum, plenty
of fine talent pitted against hellish odds.
Mr. Mike's Mondo Video: Presumably a
controversial МВС-ТУ reject, too hot
for the home sereen, producer Michael
O'Donoghue's slapdash movie special is
advertised with exuberant plugs from
such Salurday Night Live chums as
Chevy Chase ("Simply too funny for tele
vi and Marvin Kitman (“The best
comedy show of the century!"). Actually,
O'Donoghue's printed production notes
and publicity blurbs are far funnier than
his film, which has a throng of big names
but roughly half as many laughs as
Monty Python on a very off night.
1 Lee Ann Michel
2 Debra Jo Fondren,
3 Patti McGuire
4 laret Quist
5 Missy Cleveland
6 Rosanne Katon
7 Dorothy Mays
8Janis Schmitt
9 Kathryn Mor
10 Dorothy Stratten |
11 Candy Loving
12 Monique St. Pierre,
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pot cossi: Bidding goodbye to her
1 Laugh-In featherbrain image once and
for all, actress Goldie Hawn will not only
star in but also act as executive producer
of Pvt. Benjamin for Warner Bros. Arthur
Hiller will direct the film, described as a
arm, contemporary comedy about a
woman who enlists in the Army, It'll be
Hawn's debut as a producer. ... What
h Mac Davis getting all those swell
reviews for his acting in North Dallas
Forty, the scripts have just been pouring
іп. Mac has decided on one already—
Cheaper to Keep Her, a comedy-drama
in which he'll star as a private еу
Paul Michael Glaser gets his first major fil
role in Phobia, to be directed by John
Huston. (Technically, it's not his debut—
Glaser had a small part in Fiddler on
Roof years ago. Add that to your trivia
collection.) . . . James Kirkwood, author of
A Chorus Line, has a new book in the
works. Titled Hit Me with a Rainbow,
it's a love story concerning an editor and
а movie actress. | . . Antiwar activist
David Herris has a novel, South of the
Davis Hawn
Border, coming out in May. It's a sus-
pense yarn about smuggling dope from
Mexico. - . . Author Darryl (The Last
Detail) Poniesan has written a book about
the trauma of divorce and the joys of
new romance from the man’s point of
view. His title? An Unmarried Man,
of course. Two items regarding the
enormously successful foreign film La
Cage aux Folles, which has already be-
come the most successful foreign
guage flick ever released in the U.
Number one, producer Allan Corr wants
to do an American stage version of the
film and, number two, its French creators
are thinking seriously of making a sequel.
wood being the band-wagon tow
lot of producers in this fair ci
cash in оп the phenome:
films like Animal House and Meatballs.
As a result, there are—by my count—
about ten films in the works that fit into
this new genre. Aside from Caddyshack
(the wild and wacky guys and gals at a
country club), there's The Brave Young
Men of Weinberg. to be directed by Rob-
ert Downey, about the wild and wacky
58 guys and gals at a military academy. And
plenty more are in the works—one at an
old-age home, one at a resort hotel, one
at a sorority, etc. For those producers
who may have missed the band wagon
and are madly searching for "original"
Animal House ideas, let me offer the fol-
lowing: Aryan House—the wild and
wacky guys and gals at a Hitler Youth
camp: The Meatball Syndrome—the
wild and wacky guys and gals at a
nuclear power plant; Animal House of
Representatives—the W&W.G.&Gs in
Congress. There's more brilliance from
where that came from, fellas; so if you
need more, just call.
POLITICAL science: The box-office success
of The Seduction of Joe Tynan may
pave the way for more political films in
the future. One presently in the works
is A.LP.'s Nothing Personal, starring
Donald Sutherland and Suzanne Somers. (Suth-
erland, I understand, is going to great
pains to jazz up his image; in [act, in the
middle of filming, he announced he had
signed a new manager—star maker Jay
Bernstein.) Filmed in ‘Toronto and Wash-
ngton, D.C., Nothing Personal features
Sutherland as a stuffy law prof who's
goaded by his students into going to
Washington to protest the construction
of an air base on the breeding grounds
Samers and Sutherland
endangered species of seal. Suzanne
plays a relatively inexperienced but ter-
scenes." Which may explain why Su-
zanne's husband, Alan Hamel, was never
too far away.
WILL SUPERMAN score? Those of us who
are expecting the inevitable sexual en-
counter between Lois Lane and Super-
man in Superman II are, I'm sorry to
report, going to be disappointed. My
spies tell me that a rather racy love scene
was filmed, but the producers have de-
cided to go for a soft rating so they can
pick up the voluminous kiddie trade. As
a result, the racy stuff is going to enter-
tain only the dust on the cutting-room
CHANGE ОР РАСЕ: In the film 1941, set to
open this month, actor Treat (Hair) Wil-
liams plays a time bomb of a character
who does “lots of fighting, beating up
cars, garages and people" He's even
mastered gym techniques for a ballroom-
brawl scene—a [ar cry from the peace-
loving Berger he played in Hair. Does he
have misgivings about the image change?
"People expect me to be all smiles,”
says Williams. "I don't think my charac-
ter is cruel, it's just that his temper tends
to flare up. It's hard to be that mean and
not think, God, I'm going to be hated.”
Km swm: Actor-producer Tony Bill,
whose recent production credits are
Boulevard Nights and Going in Style, is
now taking a shot at directing My Body-
guard for Melvin Simon Productions.
Says Bill: “It’s about a kid who gets
victimized by other kids, so he hires this
tough-looking kid to protect him. The
bodyguard looks like the kind of kid
who'd kill his own brother, but it turns
out he's all bluff and not much of a fight-
er at all" Note: With Bodyguard, Bill
continues to buy scripts from aspiring
writers. This one was penned by a stu-
dent in his screenwriting class.
Mad magazine has gone Hollywood.
After eight years of trying, Warner Bros.
has finally secured the rights to a Mad
movie and is currently having a script
developed by screenwriter Rudy Deluca,
onc of Mel Brooks's collaborators. At this
g director and casting have not
been set, but I understand Alfred E. Neu-
man will be one of the protagonists; if
у Neuman (Alfred, not Paul)
kes out there, don't call me, call
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[How's this for a dating dilemma? One
of the girls who work in my building is
a real knockout. I've asked her out for
dates а couple of times but to no avail.
She is taking night courses in accounting,
so dinner dates are out. I also get the
sense that she doesn't like the pressure
of a weekend date—the notion that
the sheets get turned down when the sun
goes down. She seems to like me, but I
just can't find a way to fit into her
schedule. Any hints?—A. A., New York,
New York.
We have found that the early-to-rise,
early-to-bed system works. А 7:30-.м.
session of racquetball or a jog around
the park (followed by a shower) is a
simple low-pressure way of getting to
know someone. If you want something
less athletic, try a breakfast date at one
of the swankier hotels in your city. (No,
we are not suggesting a morning-after
room-service rendezvous—that comes
later.) A breakfast can be just as elegant
as a candlelight dinner and, in most
cases, a hell of a lot less expensive. The
atmosphere is unhurried—it is less
noticeable if you go in late for work
than if you take a long lunch. You can
become better acquainted and eventual-
ly break into prime time.
ММ... in France last summer, 1 ob-
served that no matter where 1 ordered
wine, the ritual of presenting it to the
customer at a meal was not observed.
The wine was simply poured into one's
glass without ceremony, after it was
Opened and the cork tested. The cork
was not presented, either. Can you com-
ment on why it is done that way there,
and why we go through such rituals here
in the States when ordering wine with a
meal? Frankly, I have been served only
one bad bottle of wine in over 20 years.
Isn't our routine somewhat unnecessary?
Should the bottle be bad, it can be re-
placed upon tasting—C. B, Asheville,
North Carolina.
The French begin life drinking moth-
ers milk—and wine. Because of that,
they tend to hae а casual attitude about
opening a bottle and drinking it. They
are also more confident and knowledge-
able. A good French sommelier doesn't
have 10 let you taste the wine—he can
tell from the condition of the cork
whether or not the bottle is spoiled.
Most Americans drink wine only on spe-
cial occasions and the ceremony adds to
the festivities. Since we've already start-
ed to accept house wines by the carafe
and the glass, perhaps it's only a matter
of time before we graduate from the
pomp and circumstance of the uncork-
ing to something less distracting. Indeed,
we usually ask the waiter to dispense
with ballet and just bring the boitlc out,
hanging from а stand, ready for intra-
venous feeding.
ММ, wite of ten years has just discov-
ered the joys of masturbation. I find it a
terrific erotic high watching her get her-
self off, and her discovery has greatly
improved our sex life. One evening,
while discussing this mauer, it occurred
to us that we could not think of a single
euphemism or slang expression common-
ly used to refer to female masturbation.
Male masturbation, of course, is well
represented in this area: There is the
ubiquitous jacking off and its variants
(jerking off, jerkin' the gherkin, tickling
the pickle, etc.), several S/M-like varia-
tions (pounding the pud, beating the
meat) and a favorite from my college
days, falling in love with Mother Thumb
and her four daughters. There must be
several dozen others. But what about fe-
male masturbation? 15 there a slang
phrase in common currency? Is the ab-
sence of such a phrase a sign of the sex-
ual repression of women by the larger
society2—J. W., Amherst, Massachusetts.
You've hit the nail on the head. We
conducted an informal poll of the ladies
in our life and couldn't come up with
an accepted slang term for female mas-
turbation. Some nice tries—diddling, the
old five-finger discount, getting off—were
obviously borrowed from the masculine.
What are you going to do—sue them for
copyright infringement? Women only re-
cently discovered masturbation. Some of
them even go to seminars to learn the
basics (clear evidence of a difference in
intelligence between the sexes). If they
talk about it at all, they tend to use the
simple term: masturbation. Give them
time and they'll invent euphemisms.
Then again, as masturbation becomes ac-
ceptable (and guilt-free), it won't be nec-
essary to use slang.
Ё have heard that suspending speakers
from the ceiling will improve their
sound. As I undetstand it, vibration
from the floor affects the speakers sitting.
either on the floor or on a stand. Would
you explain?—C. E., Denver. Colorado.
Placing speaker systems directly on
the floor tends to enhance their bass
response, since the floor acts as a large
reflecting surface. That is especially true
of so-called bookshelf speakers. Placing
such units off the floor (on a shelf, a
bench, a pedestal, etc.) may reduce the
total volume of bass, but it usually helps
smooth the sound. Also, when a speaker
is sitting on the floor, there is more
chance of the sound's being transferred
to the room below. Again, raising it off
the floor, or at least cushioning it on a
thick carpet or foam pad, will reduce
that possibility. There is по particular
advantage in suspending speakers from
the ceiling. From the standpoint of
acoustic performance, the ceiling—like
the floor—is another large reflecting sur-
face, and so, again, the closer to the
ceiling, the stronger the bass. Tenants
are still a problem—one man's ceiling
is another man’s floor. Suspended speak-
ers, however, may be a good idea in
some installations as a way of avoiding
or reducing mechanical feedback from
them to the record player, since the
“acoustic path” between them may be
significantly lengthened. Suspended
from the ceiling, speakers obviously do
not pre-empt valuable floor space; and
with some units, the middles and the
highs may be more adequately dispersed.
Some advice from the speakers manufac-
turer should help in this area. If you do
hang them from the ceiling, use suffi-
ciently strong holding means (lamp
chains are a good idea). You've heard of
the Subwoofer of Damocles?
This may sound like a stupid question,
but how do you keep your jaw from
aching when you give fellatio and try to
keep your teeth out of the way? I like to
make the pleasure last for my husband,
but my jaw muscles get so tired that
sometimes I just try to get him off fast
to ease the fatigue in my mouth.—Mrs.
С.К., Montpelier, Ohio.
No, your question isn't stupid at all.
Many women experience similar discom-
fort in prolonged fellatio. The only
The bigger.
The better.
L If you brought us a roll of 35mm film 2. If you brought usa roll of 35mm film
for developing, you'd get back a 31 by for our new Custom Series 35 devel-
5 print. And youd really like it. oping, you'd get back a big 4 x 6 print.
And youd really, really like it.
3. Every detail and nuance і 4. You have twochoicesof 5. Custom Series 35 gives you
painstakingly coaxed from borderless prints. Studio color you cant believe.
the best possible negative by ог glossy finish. Brilliant clarity. Optimum
the most experienced tech- contrast and density. Not
nicians in our Fotomat labs. just bigger. Better.
ш Г) L -
“ — T ©1979 Foromat Corp. All rights reserved
solution we can suggest is to take й slow.
Alternate: fellatio with licking, hissing
and gentle biting. If you sometimes get
too tired to take it slow, then take it fast.
We're sure your husband won't mind.
Since 1 use my
ат for business, the
to me,
price of gasoline is import
I've been thinking of trying a
alcohol mix. Can I mix the solution my-
self? Will it hurt. my са? How will it
affect the gasoline’s ос
R. T., Springfield, Illinois.
As long as both the alcohol and the
gasoline go into the tank, you should
have no problem. Ethyl alcohol from
gmin is the stuff to use and you should
keep it to about ten percent. More than
that and yow ll risk deterioration of some
seals, hoses and plated surfaces, Gasohol
tends to lean out your fuelair mixture,
хо you can expect slightly less perform-
ance from your machine; but the octane
level goes up slightly, so knock will not
be a problem. In fact, if you've got an
older cav, the higher octane may help
i run better,
fm 22 years old and I think I've been
happily married now-for one year. 1 Jove
my 96-year-old husband and T know th:
he loves me very much. It's just that he
won't leave me alone for a minute. I
not get dressed
his coming up behind me а
S me, then vely hissing me.
so compulsively strong and vig.
that its impossible to say no
dn’t take that for an an-
ашке during the two
new him before we were mar.
d from lovemaking and
ау il the very day 1 was
wed? The problem is I can never get
ywhere on time. Wherever we go.
we're late. ] swear it. Whenever we are
invited over то a friend's house
we are driving, he'll pull over and make
intense, mate love to me in the
Sometimes he'll pull over and we'll
10 a hotel for a couple of hours
We're lite to movies, мете late 10 social
besides, he w
swer. Could
years 1
ed, 1
a and Pm
embarrassed. Fve always been a prompt
person, but my habits are rapidly chang-
ing. What should I do?—Mrs. T. A. L,
Los Angeles, Cali
Start gelting ready to leave the house
WM сезет 1 try to take flash pictures
of a girl, they come out with an annoy-
ng red gleam in her eyes. What causes
that and can I preve —В. C., New
Orleans, Louis
Maybe she's pregnant. Ahem. Red eye
is a common problem in artificial-
photography. Light is reflected by the
choroid layer of the retina, which is
very rich in blood—hence, the ved eyes.
The simplest technique involves chang-
ing the angle of the light, so that it won't
be reflected back at the camera. If your
flash unit or strobe detaches from your
camera, hold it off to one side. If you
bounce the light off the ceiling or shoot
Jrom above the level of her eyes, the ved
should disappear. Another solutio
You can prevent тей eye by raising the
level of the room lights от by having
your subject stare at a bright light for a
Jew moments before snapping the shut-
ter (thal will cause her pupils 10 con-
tract). Finally, you can have her look
away [rom the camera. Eye contact is
great in singles bars, but il is not а ne-
cessiby in the studio. Our guess, it's not
her eyes you're interested in.
WV tape records at home for play іп my
auto саеце deck. I intend to buy a new
home deck that accepts the new metal-
parücle tapes. Will 1 have to buy a new
deck for my car?—5. T., Chicago. Illinois.
Probably not. The problem with metal
lapes, mostly one of abrasion. shows up
only in the record made. Playback sys-
lems such as auto cassette. decks should
accept the new tape unless they are very
cheap systems. Check your manual; if you
have mumetal or laminated heads on
your deck. you have a problem. If they
ате permalloy, ferrite or sendust, slip
in a cassette and eate on down the road.
T he other
ririend and I
пег ait our local
нім, my g
d a delicious di
athe nese restaurant and mood
setter. / в. we found ourselves
a convers about the garb of the
dics serving us. My Iadylriend ques
meaning of the elabore Пар
the back of the kimono; I observed
that was probably symbolic of the
pleasure, of the
a momei
le patron's whim, whicheve
fist, do you see? She lound that
unacceptable. What is the significance of
the pillow at the back of the kimonoz—
We hale to spoil your fantasy, but the
“pillow” is essentially decorative. The
sash may also serve as a purse the girl
uses 10 keep everything she needs hand
without gelling in the way of her service.
Nice by.
Please, if posible, draw from your
knowledge and experience and tell us the
ипе facts about v husband
‚ин we
even penetrate me. We used a lot of
petroleum jelly, but I think the fact that
T eed to do this
(alter years of coaxing on his part) led
him to пу to enter me “headlong.
i. to me, à physical impos
with the averagesized ре
Tuscd 10 attempt.
Fm curious. Are there any specific ir
structions we should follow? Would a
of his penis? Will it hurt me if he thrusts
or when he starts to withdraw? Will it
hart if he comes in me? How long shor
we fuck that way per session? Will Ire-
quent anal fucking be lı What аге
the ill effects? Will 1 have 2
Mrs, M. B., Trenton, New Jersey.
You sure ask a lot of questions for
someone from New Jersey. Bul we like
your spirit. H doesn't take a lot of hind-
sight to figure out why your first attempt
failed. According to Masters and John-
son, some pain is inevitable, but with
experience, the pain diminishes—to be
replaced by pleasure. Whal happens is
this: When rectal intercourse is attempt
ed. the anal sphincter contracts in an in-
voluntary protective reaction. If you're
new lo the game, the spasm can last a
minule or longer. If you enjoy anal
sex regularly, the spasm сап be short-
lived, with involuntary relaxation of the
muscle occurring. within 15 10 30 sec-
onds. Once relaxation occurs, the penis
can be accommodated with relative ease,
and full penetration can be accomplished
without incident. Masters also notes that
after penetration, and with the onset of
a maintained thrusting pattern, the
sphincter usually reverses ils relaxation
reaction and constricts tightly around.
the penile shaft. (You can tell when that
happens—your partner will be screaming
in ecstasy, pulling his hair out and mak
ing other subtle endearing comments—
if you сап henr any of that over your own
erotic sound tack.) As to your other
questions: A lubricant will facilitate
penetration. Your partner should refrain
from entry until the sphincter has те
іпхей (via manual stimulation al first).
1 condom is recommended—il can pre-
vent bacteria from entering the penis and
infecting the wethra and the prostate.
(Similarly, if you engage in any kind of
anal sex, wash before returning to the
vagina—the front and year. tenants ave
not compatible.) If you follow those
simple precautions, you should be in for
а good time
All reasonable questions—from fash-
ion, food and drink, stereo und sports cars
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquelte—
will be personally answered if the writer
includes а slamped, self-addressed en-
aelope. Send all letters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi-
gan Avenue, Chicago, Mlinois 60611. The
most provocative, pertinent queries will
be presented on these pages cach month
ame looks. Моге guts.
The speaker on the left is
the best selling, most popular
car stereo speaker ever. The
Jensen Triaxial” 3-way speaker
The speaker on the right
is the one that’s replacing it.
The new Jensen Series I Triax"
The one with even higher effi-
ciency. More power. More guts.
Sure, they look alike.
But the similarity ends ¥
Higher power
Believe it. The
new 6" x 9" Series I
Triax is rated at 50
watts continuous
average power, com-
pared to 30 watts for the
old Triaxial. Which
means it'll take more
power— more heat —and
more abuse from high power
car stereo units, without sac
rificing musical accuracy at the
expense of high volume levels.
Why can it take more
power? Because of its new,
larger oven-cured one inch voice
coil. It offers 66% greater
power handling for superior
durability. And because the
special piezoelectric solid state
tweeter is virtually indestruc
lible, yet sensitive to every
musical nuance.
Тһе efficiency expert.
Like all of the new Jensen
Series I speakers, the Triax 15
more efficient than ever, thanks
to our special high compliance
cones with Flexair" rim suspen-
sion, 4 Ohm impedance and
new, more efficient motor
structures. Which translates to
very high efficiency that lets
Jensen Series I speakers play
louder with less power for
smoother, distortion-free music
in your car.
The thrill of being there.
4136 N. United Parkway
k, Illinois 60176
red one inch
More improvements.
The Series I Triax fea-
tures an improved, 20-ounce
ceramic magnet structure for
deep, well-defined bass. Also
anew, rugged gasket for a tight
acoustic seal. Black zinc
chromate plating insures cor-
rosion resistance.
We also designed it to be
easier to install than the old
Triaxial with the stud-
mounted grille.
Some things don't
There are some
things we just couldn’t
improve. Like the idea
of an individual woofer,
tweeter and mi
balanced for
sound reproduction.
We also haven't
changed our commitment
to quality. And to back it up,
we steadfastly support our full
line of Jensen Series I speak-
ers with an excellent one year
limited warranty.
"But they still look
the same..."
You say you still can't see
any difference between the old
Тпахігі on the left and the new
Series I Triaxial on the right.
Maybe not. But you sure will
be able to hear the difference.
And after all, that’s the guts of
the matter.
acontinuing dialog on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers
This liule exposition opens at your
basic Istanbul airport, where, after а
7000-mile wek fraught with inconven-
iences and hassles, I wade once more
through customs en route to yet another
ne connection. The climax of this
litle drama takes place when my сору
of rtaysoy is declared contraband by а
sourpussed agent of bureaucratic ор-
pression and is consigned to the nearest
waste container. Seething but not want-
ing any trouble from this officious jerk, 1
say nothing. A few minutes later, while
I'm still corralled in the customs area, 1
notice that my Inspector Fart Face is
suddenly tidying up his area, beginning
with the trash basket, He glances around
furtively and then stuffs my confiscated
PLAYBOY into the front of his pants.
When I move on, he has what looks
like a terminal case of penis erectus, but
also a smile оп his face.
(Name withheld by request)
T/Spt., U.S.A.F.E.
Yamurtalik, Turkey
As a dedicated reader of The Playboy
Forum and also an employee of the
Internal Revenue Service, ГШ share with
you this nugget I turned up while re-
searching tix«ourt decisions handed
down in 1979. In the case of one contrary
t held that his Form
citizen, the cou
1040, as originally submitted, did not
constitute а proper income-tax return
nd, cover, “evidenced his inten-
tional disrcgard of the rules and regula-
What that
do not
payer wrote on
1040 was: fh Amend
straight to hell; do not pass Go:
collect $200.”
(Name withheld by request)
New York, New York
We always suspected the IRS couldn't
take a joke.
T agree with Hunt in
pravnoy’s July issue. As far as sex is
concerned, most doctors ате hopelessly
I'm 30, and in m
dult life Түс been
to fot e physicians. Only two of
them had me take everything oll for
complete. physicals, and both made me
wear а gown. I found it very embarr
ing t0 parade around the examining
room in that skimpy, open-backed gar
ment. It was even worse when I had to
drop the top, raise the bottom or other-
wise play peekaboo during the examina-
n. At one point, I had the almost
irresistible urge to strip off the gown
and say, "No more games, doctor! Let's
make this a lot easier for both of us.”
But I didn't have the nerve.
Recently, Т ran across am article in
which a doctor described in detail the
physical examination of a patient he
described as “an attractive, 26-year-old
mother of two.” He made a special
“As far as sex
is concerned,
most doctors are
hopelessly uptight.”
point of the fact that the woman was
nude throughout the examination. No
gown and no sheet. He contended that
it is essential for the physician to view
the entire body, all at once, during a
complete and thorough physical
How ГА love to find a doctor like
him. One doctor I visited was so uptight
he even listened to my heart and lungs
through my blouse. I realize some wom-
en are just as uptight about their bodics
as these doctors arc, but ГШ bet most
women will agree with me. If there is
nothing obscene about the human body,
why do doctors feel they must peck at
‚ little by little? When they do that,
they make me feel obscene. Why don't
they make gowns and sheets optional?
They might be surprised at how many
women would turn them down.
аше withheld by request)
Hartiord, Connecticut
Opponents of abortion and birth con-
trol should remember that in 1900, 52
percent of our children died before the
age of 14. That was God's w
ling population growth. If birth con-
trol and abortion are not to be allowed,
then we should climinate all the medical
advances of the past 80 years and let God
have His way.
Margaret Dormeyer
San Francisco, California
We have not consulted God or any
historians, but our office philosophers
think you have a strong argument.
Does anybody remember the many
years of fierce Congressional debate that
Énally led to putting the Surgeon Gen-
cral's warning on the side of every pack.
of cigarettes and on every cigarette ad
nd the banning of cigarette commer-
Gals from television? It was like a gr
tle between the forces of good and
evil. The forces of good finally won, and
what came of it? Zilch.
I think there's a moral here that ap-
plies to everything from porn to dope to
civil rights. It may be possible to educate
Americans, but you can't threaten. or
intimidate them or tell them what they
can and cannot do. Liquor prohibition
should have taught us t
James Simmons
Chicago, Illinois
I do not have to tell you the impact
the Lee Marvin/Michelle Triola case
had on our society. But before men
milar positions despair, let me ad-
ise them that each case is, or should be,
ided om its own merits and justi
may well prevail.
My former livein companion of d
and a half years sought $350,000 as
compensation for "posing" as my wife
during that period. At the bench tial,
however, it was shown that no contract,
written or oral, сусг existed between us
concerning earnings, property or profit.
It was also shown that Га fulfilled our
only written agreement—a $5000 settle-
ment and title to a Mercedes-Benz in the
event of our breakup. In the end, 1 won:
the woman was awarded nothing.
Vm sure your readers will be relieved
to know that a man can fight and win
such a suit and does not always have to
settle out of court for [ear of what might
happen in it.
Melvyn Haber
Palm Springs, Californi
The Mlinois Supreme Court his. just
ruled that the lower couris in that state
may nol enforce promises made by un-
married couples to share property they
acquire while living together. The court
decided that lo recognize such agree
ments would ve-establish the doctrine of
common-law marriage that was rejected
in Hlinois in 1905,
Please settle an office bet. I say a flea
has the largest. penis. іп proportion to
s size, of any living creat My friend
disagrees. Who's right?
Joe Biolik
Denver. Colorado
According to our records, the last
Time we settled that same office bet was
іп 1970. in “The Playboy Advisor.”
Unless some new creature has been dis
covered since then. you're right.
How many ol you enjoy the music of
Joan Baez? How many of you agree with
her continuing activism on the issue of
Vietnam? My hand is raised on both
counts. [ can't agree with Jane Fonda
nd the other activists from the Vietnam
Woodstock era who have denounced
Baez lor still trying to mike the Ameri-
can public see that now that we've out
of Vietnam. and now that Vietnam is
safely and солйу and rather violently
communistic, we shouldn't turn ош
backs and say everything's all right
Everything is not all right. 1 find it
shocking that activists of ten or 15 years
go now so easily accept the same kinds
of ty
they condemned under the old. regime,
To say that Baer doesn't know when it's
time to quit is sheer stupidity. It con.
demns to more ol the same a people
who've been through enough hell already
Thorn Kimes
Berea College
Be аску
nny and brutality, or worse, tha
1 don't know whether or not thi
medical breakthrough, but I've М
that what every seasick sailor needs is
grass. And 1 dont mean under his
s with the
what's happening in the sexual and social arenas
JACKSON—The Mississippi Supreme
Court has voided the state's sex law
against “fondling” because it “is clearly
discriminatory and unconstitutionally
denies equal protection of the law to
males.” In reversing the conviction of a
тап sentenced 10 eight years in prison
under the 1921 statute, the couri said,
“We are unable 10 conceive any sound
ov rational basis for making the statute
applicable to ‘male’ persons only, while
wholly excluding ‘female’ persons who
may do the same thing for the same
tensons.” The legislature is expected to
remedy the law's defect by making it
apply equally to women.
elderly inebriate made the mistake оГ
exposing himself to a woman house
painter who was touching up the ex-
terior of a hotel in downtown Van-
cower. “The only weapon 1 had was
my paint roller." the woman later ex-
plained, “so 1 painted him bright or-
ange from the top of his bald head
down to, well, you know where.” The
man was later picked up by police, who
said he was the only drunk in the
neighborhood with a bright-orange rac-
my stripe.
stove clerk alerted security guards when
he discovered that a couple supposedly
shopping for an engagement ring ap
parently had switched a phony dia-
mond ving for one worth $9600. Police
were brought in and when a search
didn't turn up the missing merchandise,
they obtained a warrant to have the
suspect's stomach X-rayed. The ring was
located and recovered three days later,
while the couple remained in jail,
awaiting trial.
Moscow—In an effort to combat the
rise of venereal discase, Sovict officials
in the USS.R.'s Russian republic have
decreed a fine of 575 for anyone con-
cealing the source of his infection. Oth
er decrers establish the compulsory
examination of any person suspected of
having V.D. and compulsory treatment
WASHINGTON, D.C. —Researchers say
that childless couples have closer rela-
tionships than those with children. ac-
cording to the National Alliance for
Optional Parenthood. After examining
several other studies, the М.А.О.Р. has
concluded that for those couples who
do have children, marital satisfaction ix
at ils peak bejore the children аке horn
and after they have grown and left
home. Al a press conference, a New
York professor of psychiatry said part
of a continuing problem is that people
with children refuse to admit they
made а mistake от are unhappy with
Their. kids, and that their. frustration
can lead to child abuse.
PORTLAND, ORECON—4 12-тетһет
jury has awarded over $2,000,000. in
damages to a 22-year-old woman who
contended that the Church of Scientol-
ogy defrauded her by failing to fulfill
promises of improving her life. The
plaintiff argued that her church experi-
ences caused her emotional distress and
that the courses she took did not help
her with her college classwork, develop
her creativity or raise her LQ. test
scores, as she had been led lo belte:
In reaching their verdict, the jurors
decided the church's promises and rep-
resentations of fact were not good-faith
religious beliefs protected by state and
Federal constitutions.
ies officers are trying lo determine how
а shipment of 600 carnations delivered
to a local florist turned ont to include
six pounds of cocaine. The owner of
the flower shop called the cops after she
discovered the powder and tasted it.
She told a reporter, “My mouth went
dead almost immediately. 1 couldn't
feel my tongue, 1 couldn't. feel any-
thing.” Police said the cocaine had a
street value of 81,000,000.
sackamEnto—The California justice
department has applied for Federal
money to finance а major “strike force”
effort against marijuana growers in the
northern part of the state. The target
of the proposed crackdown is a potent
strain of pot called sinsemilla, which
has a high THC content and sells for
over 5100 an ounce, The state attorney
general's plan calls for the coordination
of law enforcement іп a four-county
area and the we of special aerial-pho-
tography techniques.
currox—Police in New Jersey are
looking for the person who made an
unusual donation —valued at 550/000-
10 an American Rescue. Workers Inc.
collection. bin. The men picking up
donated clothing from the bin found
neatly wrapped packages of marijuana
totaling 63 pounds.
BRUNSWICK, MAINE—A local bar and
restaurant is under attack by state
liquor authorities for staging а male
version of a wel-T-shirt contest that it
billed as а “wet Jockey shorts contest”
The liquor bureau learned of the con-
dest through а newspaper advertisement
and filed a complaint charging that it
violated slate regulations prohibiling
“lewdness or improper, indecent or im-
moral activities’ in establishments li-
“4 to sell alcoholic beverages. The
restaurant's woman piaprictor declined
comment except 10 say, "We held it and
there were no problems.” The local
paper announced that й will no longer
тип “any more wet anything ads.”
сіпслеоо-Яп administrati
judge has ordered the reinstatement
with back pay of a woman i
for the Hlinois Department of Revenue
who was fired after she allegedly used
foul language in the presence of her
boss. The woman argued that most of
her male colleagues also used “improp-
cr" language occasionally, and the
court agreed that it would be discrimi-
matory to fire women but not men who
swear on the job.
NASHVILLE—A persistent woman tele-
phone caller has been charged with
harassment for allegedly culling the
office of an attorney some 6000 Limes
over the past 17 years. According lo ihe
lawyer, the woman was his client in a
divorce action in 1962 and either never
understood or was never satisfied wilh
the settlement she received.
cmeaco—Cook County sheriff's po-
lice have raided a suspected brothel
that attempted to screen its prospective
customers by means of а Psychological
Stress Evaluator, а type of lie detector.
The Р.8.Е. didn't work too well: An
undercover agent paid his $25 “testing
fee.” answered no to questions asking
if he was a cop or in any way con-
necled with law enforcement and, three
days later. was surprised 10 learn that
he had passed the test and was now
eligible to retain the services of female
employers at S60 а visi. When the
money was paid and the chosen hostess
had taken off her clothes, other officers
went in and began making arests.
TALLANASSEF—The Florida Supreme
Court has held that a trial judge erred
last year in ordering the destruction of
а copy of “Deep Throat” before the
film was legally examined and declared
obscene. The ruling came in the case of
а University of West Florida professor
who showed the movie to a mass-media
class studying law and obscenity, after
he had warned students of its content
and advised them they did not have to
view it. Criminal charges were instigat-
ed by one student's father, a former
state representative. The high court
side-ste pped the issues of constitutional
and academic freedom raised by the
case, which was supported by the
Playboy Foundation.
токуо-Ройісе have captured а con-
struction worker accused of stealing
some 500 pieces of women's underwear
from clotheslines in Tokyo over а peri-
od of three months. The 30-year-old
man was arrested while riding a stolen
hicyele, which led to the discavery of
the clothing items in his packets, his
dormitory room and a nearby vacant
house. He was quoted as telling author-
ities that he had set himself a goal of
stealing ten pieces of women’s under-
wear every day after work: “I did it out
of curiosity at first, but 1 got hooked
PITTsAURGH—A_ Pennsylvania supe-
rior court has ruled that the parents of
а handicapped girl who was сөпсейей
despite a vasectomy and born despite.
an abortion can sue. the doctors in-
valved for medical malpractice but that
the child cannot collect. damages for
“wrongtul life." The court found no
legal precedent establishing that a
“child has a fundamental right to be
born as a whole, functional human
troller fav the Roman Catholic diocese
of Spokane said he nearly “fell off his
chai" when he discovered that 66
priests covered by a group medical poli-
су must рау 50 cents а month extra for
maternity benefils. The Reverend The-
odotic DeJong added that it wasn't the
money but the principle. which he
found umusing: "I would have 10 be а
double miracle. First of all, a priest
would have to have a baby, and then—
because of celibacy vows—it would
have to be without a partner.”
landlubbers, we were violently scasick.
ors were taking it all in
ng a few laughs at our ex-
пе of them took pity on
nd suggested we go up on
nce there, he pulled
nt and offered me
ng could worsen
vation, T took two
me, I guess,
deck for some
{eel better. In fact, 1 felt gre
down below, ] noticed that the rest of
the Seabees were swaying in the oppo-
site direction of the ship. while 1 was
swaying w its motion. From that day
withheld by request)
Huntsville, Texas
That's great, but we can't help noticing
from your address that your present duty
station is the Texas stale penitentiary.
Fm homosexual and Im becomi
concerned over the so-called а
jd that such
е, the word gi
€ as fag and now
probably connotes to most straight
people the a vely effeminate clowns
who get TV coverage by either cavort-
i the occasion permits.
gi Bryants and
redneck legislators the ammunition they
need to undo the legal and social prog-
als have made in the past
nk pLayBoy should be
ress homo:
several years. 1 th
profoundly i
“gay rights” militants while consi
We have several woodcut drawings ol this old picture. Н you'd like one ес. just wre. 8 supporting homo
human beings. With the lunatic fringe
THIS OLD PICTURE reminds us that a few | азайа all ine attention, peopl
E т starting to forget that the vast m
things have changed in Jack Daniel's Hollow. | of homosexuals are neither closet queens
ng faggots but are indistin-
both in appe
moral values, from other
"Today's grain is delivered in trucks instead of
mule-drawn wagons. But our miller inspects Just as black people should mor
қ 2 ed by the flashy dudes in their
each load as carefully as ever. And rejects it all wed — pimpmobiles, homosexuals
if it's not to his standard. Another thing we mu
Я ime withheld by request)
В ۴ Chicago. Ilinois
still do is gentle our whiskey Foi ture on the antigny Падвей, se
: : “Тіс San Francisco. Experience". else-
m M de mellowing. iw no eda M
at's the process chat CHARCOAL | DRYLAND
accounts for Jack Daniel’s
unique smoothness. And
even though іс dates back
MELLOWED PLaynoy readers may be astonished to
is of the country are
to 1866, we're not about
to change one part of іс.
under the shackles of Prohibition,
ght of the 67 counties in Ala-
б legally dry. But
has ever visited these parts will
BY DROP the fact that there is no such an
In our county alone, we must have
300 to 500 bootleggers. You may say,
Whats the problem, theni—jou can
Tennessee Whiskey « 90 Proof • Distilled and Bottled by Jack Daniel Distillery, к bey bee
Lem Motlow, Prop. Inc., Route 1, Lynchburg (Pop. 361), Tennessee 37352 песи
Placed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Government, | C be же u
yone who
чем to
frst place, if you
uor, the penalty
ng busted for
Imported from Paris...One ounce in Baccarat crystal $300
Empire's EDR.9
The Phono Cartridge
Designed for Today's
Audiophile Recordings
Direct-to-Disc and digital re-
cording have added a fantastic new
dimension to the listening experi-
encc. Greater dynamic range, detail,
stereo imaging, lower distortion and
increased signalio-noise ratio are
just a few of the phrases used to de-
scribe the advantages of these new
In order to capture all the bene-
fits of these recordings, you should
have a phono cartridge specifically
designed to reproduce cvery bit of
information with utmost precision
and clarity and the least amount of
record wear.
The Empire EDR.9 is that car-
tridge. Although just recently intro-
duced. it is already being hailed as
a breakthrough by audiophiles, not
only in the U.S., but in such foreign
markets as Japan, Germany, Eng-
land, France, Switzerland and
A15200, the EDR.9 is expensive,
but then again, so are your records.
For more detailed information
and test reports, write ti
Empire Scientific Corporation
1055 Stewart Avenue
Garden City, New York 11530
possession of pot. And
place, these bootleggers
young kids, g us а serious teenag,
alcoholism problem.
The ironic thing is that the fanatics
who have forced shops to hide men’s
magazines under the counter are the same
ones who just spent a small fortune in a
Jiquor-referendum campaign to keep the
county dry. But you never hear a peep
from them about putting the bootleg-
gers out of busincss.
Several people concerned about this
situation are planning a court suit in
an attempt to have the prohibition laws.
of Alabama declared unconstitution.
Then maybe we can drag our county,
kicking and screaming, into the 20th
Century. Wish us luck.
Dave Marks
Florence, Alabama
I was saddened to discover that the
Oklahoma legislature failed to enact a
law, coauthored by Representatives
ank Shurden and John Monks, provid-
ing for the castration of certain sex of-
fenders (Forum Newsfront, October).
The enactment would have paved the
way for other sensible and just punish-
ments, For example: А person convicted
of voyeurism would have his eyes surgi-
cally removed.
Dwayne Craig
"Tulsa. Oklahoma
1 would like to comment on the
letter in the September Playboy Forum
from William R. Reynolds, the Texas
policeman who says his wrists go limp
and his head gets dizzy because the
Supreme Court has stopped random
driver's-license checks. Reynolds is under
the mistaken impression that he and his
fellow officers can mo longer мор sus-
picious drivers. Evidently, he has mot
read the Court's opinion.
In Delaware vs. Prouse,
the Court
merely pointed out that "reasonable sus-
picion,” as required in Terry vs. Ohio lor
any dtizen stop, applies to automobile
drivers as well, Reasonable suspicion is
the lowest quantum of proof in our
system and requires only that the suspi
чоп be “articulable.” In short, if the
officer can. put it in words, that's good
enough. T doesn't seem like a whole
lot to ask.
The abuse of license checks is evident
from Reynolds own statement: "We
don't use license checks to harass in-
nocent citizens. We use them 10 stop
suspicious cars and check people we
think might have done something or
about to do some! j
ense checks were never
be fishing expeditions. If the officer
does, indeed, have a reasonable suspicion
that criminal activity is afoot, then the
meant to
stop can һе made for that reason alon
But using a license check as a pretext lor
vehicle nadom and smell-
ing the air for ma а smoke, as was
done in the Prouse case (this is called
“the hippie in the van case” in legal
lcs), is violative of the presumption
of innocence we claim to cherish
Justice White, speaking for the cight-
to-one majority, commented:
Automobile travel is a basic, per-
i often necessary mode of
on to and from
home, workplace and leisure activ
ities, ... Were the individual subject
to unfettered governmental intru-
sion every time he entered an auto-
mobile, the security guaranteed by
the Fourth Amendment would be
James E. Preast, Jr.
Powhatan Correction Center
Whether PLAYBOY wants to admit it or
not, we have a major national problem
in the raping, beating and brutalizing
of women. We also have a national prob-
lem in that women are traditionally and
consistently discriminated against be-
cause of their sex. Despite your editorial
rhetoric opposing this violence and dis-
crimination, as a so-called men's. mag:
zine that often makes light of sex and
that obviously sells either partly or most-
ly because of the glamorized pictures of
nude women, you are part of the prob-
lem, regardless of the short stories. arti-
cles and editorial positions that your
defenders are so quick to cite. Those, 1
believe. are not more than profit-dictated
concessions to a growing awareness on the
part of American women that they have
nore to contribute than their bodies.
(Name and address
withheld by request)
IVe must compliment you, too, on your
rhetoric, but dispute what appears to be
your premise: that nudity is degrading
and that sexuality somehow inspires rape
or wife beating. We would also suggest
that the mistreatment of women, from
rape 10 job discrimination, predates the
Gutenberg press and is now perceived as
а national problem partly because more
women than ever before feel they can
report their abuse with some possibility
that the police and governmental agen-
cies will respond. Not only did vt vtov
editorially and financially support those
reforms long before our present-day crit-
ics but we immodestly insist that
PLaynoy was, in fact, the first major
magazine of any kind to reject sexual
double standards and to treat women as
people, with clothes or without. Please
check out the “magazines for теп” prior
10 viaynoy. And please don’t confuse
PLAvuoy with the sex magazines that we
also find disgusting. You might even
examine the popular women's magazines
and their portrayal of women and their
gender roles, You sound too innocent
10 understand sex, social problems, cul-
tural dilemmas or the very concept of
individual freedom of choice, much less
the realities of commercial publishing.
1 hope my fears are unfounded, but
Гус been watching and hearing enough
outcry for censorship to worry me—cen-
somhip of a kind that would virtually
remove sex from any publication or
motion picture. I'm not concerned that
it would ever be voted in by the people:
1 do fear that politicians and the current
Supreme Court (Nixon's revenge) will.
if they can, dismantle the First Amend-
ment and attempt more and more to dic
tate what adults may read and see. 1
would like demonstrations in
behalf of our constitutional rights be
the modern-day Anthony Comstocks suc
ceed in imposing their tastes on the en
lire country
о sce som
Los Angeles, Californi:
m Kirschner
cross an English professor's le
the semantic distinctions of
d chickenshit (The
old copy of ptaynoy. I ra
d dis-
cussion of
bullshit, horseshit a
Playboy Forum, October 1978), and I feel
1 must share with you the comments of
my Unde Telesfor, a genuine Cajun
from Lucy, Louisiana, about 30 miles
northwest of New Orleans in real coon
ass count
Whenever Uncle Telesfor was engaged
in serious conversation with a native and
perceived that the other party was ted-
ding (Uncle Telesfor's parlor word for
horseshitting), he would casually work
the topic around to hunting and fishing,
which in Lucy are about the most popu-
lar topics, anyway. Then, in his inimita
ble Cajun accent, he would go something
like this
"You know, wen I was hontin' bob-
white dis mawnin wid mah fran from
Nawlins [New Orleans], he say to me in
de vawd he see dogsheet an chikunsheet:
bv de bawn he see cowsheet an mew!
sheet: in de feels war he hont he see
ribeetsheet and plany, plany deersheet
He say he don see all dat sheet on de
street in big seedy lak Nawlins, so to
heem it fonny how dees animahls each
wan make sheet dat don look de same.
He say de chikun mak a plop wats blak
on de groun an white on de top: de dog
mak eet de same lak you an me, long an
roun lak sausage: de cow make cet
de mewl make eer roun lak
beet mak eet lak jellybeans
he mak eet lak Til chokolat
lak pie:
bawhs: de
an de de
Easter е
Continuing in a serious tone, Uncle
Telesfor would then ask the native if he
knew why these various animals crapped
so distinctively both in texture and in
shape. Invariably, the response was: “No,
why dooday?” Then Uncle Telesfor,
utilizing the well-known Cajun combo of
facial expressions and hand gestures,
would bellow out: “Man, ow you try to
seer пах to me heah smawt tawkin lak
you know evryting wen you don even
know sheet?”
Joe Edwards
New Orleans, Louisiana
James Green's “modest proposal” 10
put prisoners in the Armed Forces
shows him 10 be an incompetent ignora
mus (The Playboy Forum, September).
After nearly 20 years in the military, 1
resent being equated with a man who has
robbed a bank, raped a child or mur
dered some helpless old lady during an
abortive burglary attempt. I
forger (though 1 have performed clerical
duties). I am not a thief (though 1 ha
been a supply sergeant) and I am not a
killer (though 1 have been armed for the
majority of my career)
Mil listments have been volun-
tary [or several years and
joined without a thought of avoiding
the draft or armed conflict. We support
the U.S. Government. even if we don't
am not a
агу е
many of us
Holland House Cocktail Mixes.
from evacuation line or a flooded house or
under a terrorist attack in а foreign
country, he should not call us. He should
call for а nonviolent, peace-loving per-
i Original son in Sweden or Canada, and then hold
— Velveteen j his breath.
Kir Coil Construction : Э Stores Easily on Shelf John F. Feltenberger, U.S.A.F.
Riverside, California
$ 4955 ao Bed On A Shelf! | "5 cesse a haat is an
2 P d
Presently, T am a convict doing time
(three to five years) in ап Ohio prison.
It was such a delightful change to see
someone on the other side of the wall
with such a positive and very possible
swer to today's prison overpopulation
There would be two benefits from such
an idea: a cutback in prison population
а and a drastic savings of tax money
Lightweight. Sensual..Adjusts to your comlort The Ar” Please sendme the following AIR BED(SI
Bed offers a revolutionary sleeping experience. Gently, Twin Size (ет2339 $49.95 A convict would fit into military life
but firmly supports you with 100% ai Features ан coll „Г Double Size (tem 2354) $69.95 very well, since prison life is even more
construction with multiple controlled air chambers that |O Queen Sire (tem 2360 379.95 ажа tan lile ithe TAR
hold your body evenly andindependently. D KigSize (фет) $99.98 regimented than life in the military. It
Turns any room into a guest room. The ideal portable || де $4.95perbed for shipping endinsurence. would also save а Iot of people the hard-
bed lor holiday ancvacation visitors andit storeseasily- Аг ACA Pump (tem 0004) 32935, UEM
"Take The Al Bed camping in yout van on your boat, |E) pe Pump Tvalis Wiem 0008 22995 ship of being inducted unnecessarily
your summer home; sunbathe and fleat on it! 5
Available in twin, double, queen and king sizes. Infiates к laeradenn Тү ere = I personally fect u een has a hell
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igh rower ait pump available optional )Made ol sturdy | С MasterCharge С AmericanExpross C) Carte ofa future in our “corrections” system!
D Diners Club Blanche
20 gauge poly чпу, cleans wth soap and water бераг
And pu adapte included
‘Dent be mislead by imiation, Insist on the origi
red velveteen The Аг Bec. day Free” Trial. It noi
Sed tetur И мири todays lor elund бирер ne!
TREDI Meataheiderstut-
атола 800-648-5600 "чоор
790 Maple Lane, Bensenville, Illinois 60106.
і O ا
0 fO Cont агу Merkeling, Inc.
730 Manie Lane. Bensenville. IL 60105
‘Marketing, Inc. Dent. РВМО-201
Armed Forces are hard pressed enough
to draw qualified volunteers trom the
regular population.
THAT PUT THE MOST eee sland sic. Theat
have seen skill and sacrifice. I have not
seen deprivation of freedom and harsh
EXPENSIVE elena ee
I will go so far as to say that if the mili-
SPEAKER SYSTEMS tary made its alternative lifestyle more
attractive, even conventional, perhaps
npower problem would
t ren that the military pri-
When you listen to Sony headphones, you'll share an marily consists of skilled voluntcers who
intimacy with the music you've probably never experienced before; are normal people, not warmongering
you'll hear subtleties you've missed with most speakers. animals who salivate over the thought
Admittedly, this may sound rather extraordinary. of killing other people.
But then, so do our headphones. Joel T. Oliver
FPO New York, New York
We've never put our name
on anything that wasn't the best.
Т, too. would
ladly serve а military
tour in Folsom. Where
else could one get together with the old
or new gang and be issued
tarian atmosphere,” 1 would sure like to
know where it is. Maybe in the five
a from civ
life, bosses have quit yelling and let you
walk off the job whenever you want, and
I guess there are no longer the overtime
hours to be worked
Im afraid the volunteer
the “harsh treatment, the
n of freedom and the to
Army has
lite э rt
2 № uem
enough problems without 1
criminal clement. As it is, all we
getting is the unemployed and the
Sgt. Paul E. Hacker:
Fort Ritchie, M.
We didn't lake James Green's proposal
seriously, but plenty of readers did.
Their letters do point up one benefit
af the draft: Historically, it's just about
the only way to supply the military
with intelligent, educated personnel.
For nearly 20 years. I have lived i
this country and worked in many others
as an engineer, and I'm now in the
process of acquiring U.S. citizenship—
more for purposes of convenience il
out of any great emotional or political
need. I am neither a nationalist of any
kind nor political in any way, which i
why I am writing this letter. T do insist
on a degree of personal freedou
cluding freedom from excessive govern
mental controls, even when those are
What D would like to say is that
Americans never cease to amaze me with
their constant complaining about in-
justice, about their laws, about the
behavior of their police. What U. S. citi-
zens consider intolerable excesses аге
cepted as routine, even expected, in
most parts of the world. That instances
of police brutality ог political corruption
so disturb Americans always amazes most
foreigners, to whom such issues as civil
ghts and civil liberties are not even
subjects for debate,
The fact that Ame us аге so easily
outraged and so willing to fight against
governmental authority. im the naive
belief they сап do so. is probably the
ee a coun
ains as
try as it is.
(Name withheld by request)
New York, New York
Way back in February 1976. The
Playboy Forum published my letter. oi
icense-Plate Obscenity” alter the state
of California denied my request. for
special tags reading rrr, the logo of my
school, Tustin Institute of Technology.
At the time, I heard from plenty of
Forum readers who thought the idex
ri tried since fo
ns of public morality
nse of humor than did
Governor. Reagan's, My feelings of [rus
ге gett
ine of T-shirts that has boosted
student me у
Until recently, my family resisted the
“Үйін idea on the ground that it wasn't
ity of our educa-
ave no great
ig relieved, however,
ale considerabil
wife wasn't thrilled at my license-plate
originally) But with the recent T-
shirt craze, everyone relented and you
сап see the result. When I can talk every:
ne into suiting up, we turn a lot of
In the photo, I'm admiring my ¢
ter Ruth, 21, a graphi i
major at California State University
o. Ruth asked Doug Froebe, a stu-
dent at Brooks Institute of Photography,
to take the picture. I think it shows how
pleased I am with both Ruth and lı
shirt. Neat item will be a school tic,
navy with white letters, which should be
popular when 1 te;
one of the few
ch in England. ГИ be
bona fide TIT men
Wayne Tustin
Tustin Institute of Technology
Santa Barbara, Califor
For all the skeplics out there, TIT
isn't a pul-on (except for the T-shirt. of
course), It's a legitimate technical school
in the field of vibration and shock meas-
urement and testing, established in early
I beg to differ with Dr. Oliver from
Canada who implied that an carlier
Playboy Porum correspondents. prob-
lems with the police were
caused by his lack of respect for or in
bility to deal with people in foreig
puntries (The Playboy Forum, July).
He's obviously alluding to the Ugly
American syndrome, and God know:
plenty of Аш n tourists qualify.
But I find it hard to believe he's un
aware of what's going on in Mexico
these days. I've lived and worked in
Mexico off and on sin 1952. Until
recently, 1 preferred being there to
being in the States, The only reason 1
can still survive in what has become a
ipt jungle of cops, judges and law
yers is because I personally know enough
cops, judges and lawyers, whose names
reduce the amount of mordida that it
takes just to drive from point A to
point В.
basically won
derful people is that somet
wise fine country and i
ppened since the
its become a new
in the Amer
(Name withheld by request)
Harlingen, Texas
I have come to
the perverted and s
some children are forced to endure is the
result of apathetic, ignorant or just рініп
As a five-year-old child, I w: ly
abused by an old man in the neighbor-
hood. Т told my parents and my father
only got mad at me for "lying about a
е sad conclusion th.
k sexual abuse that
ister of our church
e to get involved in
t kind, and even
ters of dd
the police required more proof than
the tales of a little girl.”
Thad a ple childhood and ado-
lescence, but I years old and
have been happily married for the past
seven years.
autilul five ye:
heard. news th
My husband and I have a
and we just
ck all of
at th;
is the
re сеп.
300 children's parents placed trust
man who sexually abused our so
owner and president of the day-c
ter he attended
The district
that there are si
have been molested and there are more
probable victims. Of the six seis of pai
cuts of known victims, only two are go
ing to prosecute—we and another amily.
affidavits that they won't
prosecute if the man agrees to seek. psy-
help, and the two others don't
want to get involved.
Regardless of the so-called reasons for
»t prosecuting, the crux of the problem
pure unadulterated apathy.
No wonder child abuse is a n
problem when such apathy exists, €i
among "good" parents.
attorney's office told us
boys who are known to
Two have sig
nd address
held by request)
offers the
"The Playboy Forum"
opportunity for an extended dialog
between readers and this
publication on contemporary issues. Ad.
dress all correspondence to The Playboy
Forum, Playboy Building, 919 North
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
editors of
Refreshing light menthol.
Low tar.
Satistying taste.
The best selling low tar menthol.
Salem Lights.
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
10 mg "tar", 0.8 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, ЕТС Report MAY 78.
Ex Right from the top, its Canadian spirit
Ж dsnothing back. What makes it such а
memorable gift? Super lightness. Superb
taste. If chats Whar you'd like го give,
ke the run to Lord Galvert Canadian.
"Тһе spirit of Gol :
Give it for the Holidays.
a candid conversation with the immensely popular comedian about
life and laughter and arrows through a prematurely gray head
Navin Johnson is The Jerk: а charac
ter of comedian Steve Martin's. fertile
imagination who began as a simple stage
routine that has now turned into а mov-
ie that Universal is hoping will make
Martin ils answer to United Artists"
Woody Allen and Warner Bros.’ Mel
Brooks, The idea is simple and funny:
Martin stars as Navin, who was raised by
а poor black family only to discover late
in life that his skin would never turn
dark. Setting out to make his fortune, he
stumbles through a series of escapades
and inadvertently invents a product
called Opti-Grabs, which fastens to the
bridge of one’s glasses and keeps them
from slipping. It m him ridiculously
rich, bul not even wealth can make him
After a poolside scene has been shot,
Marlin and director Сай Reiner go
to watch il on instant video replay.
Reiner thinks Steve can do better. He
for Martin, who listens
obediently. Reiner, after all, has worked
with the best—from Sid Caesar and
George Burns to Mel Brooks—and Mar-
tin appreciates talent.
Martin's mother, standing offcamera,
appreciates a porcelain rose Steve has
‘Fear is the biggest thing 1 feel onstage.
here's no fun, it's all work. You're al-
ways in danger of losing control. Every
second you're on, you're on trial. 1 think
of it as an enemy. As a challenge.”
given her, though she's unsure what to
do with it. "Do you put it in a vase?” she
asks Steve's girlfriend and costar, Berna-
dette Peters. “I think it's best to keep it
flat, like on a table,” Bernadette says.
Steve's father is also on the set, watching
his son make his first movie. He looks at
Steve's bare torso and comments on the
mat of gray hair that covers his back and
chest. “They always called him hairy,”
he says, “even when he was young.”
Steve Martin whose zarre, often
existential humor shot him to the fore-
front of American comedians a [еш
years ago, has been called a lot of things
besides hairy. His comedy has been la-
beled silly, brainless, Disneyesque and
West Coast wacko. He has been known
to lead entire audiences into the sire
after a show, ordering 600 hamburgers
from a junk-food dive, only to change it
10 one order of fries 10 go. He has made
the arrow through the head and the
phrases “Ехсииизе me!” and "I'm a wild
and crazy guy” his trademark:
AT the Grammys (which hes won
twice for his first two comedy albums),
he has appeared without his trousers,
and at the Oscars, without his head (he
wore a dark stocking over it). At the
American Booksellers’ Convention, he
appeared on the dais with James Baldwin
and Ray Bradbury and received an en-
thusiastic ovation from the booksellers,
who were applauding the fact that his
book of short, zany stories, “Cruel Shoes,”
which was critically killed, was at the
lime the country's number-one best seller.
He recently completed an East Coast
tour (which he is hoping will be the last
lour he ever does), in which he stood
before audiences ranging from 5000 to
20,000 people, pulling out old favorites
(turning balloons into animals, singmg
his 1,000,000-seller single “King Tut,”
showing his seven-minute film, “The
Absent-Minded Waiter”) and adding
new material. With his new album,
“Comedy Is Not Pretty,” approaching
gold (his first album, "Let's Get Small.”
sold about 1,500,000, and his second, “A
Wild and Crazy Сиу” sold about
2,500,000), Martin is now concentrating
his energies on the promotion of his first
feature film, which he conceived and
Huge success has happened very fast
and has made Martin very rich. (His
manager and longtime friend, Bill Me-
Euen, worked out advantageous career
“There was a time when 1 was a wild
and crazy guy. Once, 1 finished a show
and the audience was still there, so 1 had
everyone get into ап етріу swimming
pool. 1 swam across the top of them”
brities have an obligation to have
а cause to live for. 1 chose gay rights.
I joined it and worked for it, but then
1 quit. Why? Because that organization
is infiltrated with homosexuals!”
moues for Marlin, including complete
ownership of all his albums and proper-
ties. When Steve appears, he doesn't get
а set fee, he works on а percentage of the
gate—which can, at limes, close in on
$1,000,000 for him in just a few days.)
Privately, Steve Martin is not a goof-
ball, not wild and crazy, not even very
funny. Born in Texas but raised in Gar-
den Grove, California, he grew up an
avid churchgoer (something he has for-
saken as an adult) and a diligent worker
(his parents like to tell how he once
swepl floors for a quarter when he was
nine). Al the age of ten, he was hired to
sell guidebooks at Disneyland, and for
the next eight years, he worked at the
Magic Kingdom, demonstrating tricks at
the magic shop, selling books and news-
papers, and dropping in at the Golden
Horseshoe Revue, where his idol, Wally
Bong, delighted audiences i
day (he's still there, in his 24th year,
doing the same show) with balloon tricks
and cracking sprnball but perfectly timed
jokes. Boag was Martin's inspiration. But
й was at the Birdcage Theater at nearby
Knott's Berry Farm where he was given
the chance to do his magic act and com-
edy routines.
While there, he met a girl who con-
vinced him that a college education was
important, so he enrolled at. California
State, Long Beach, and studied. philoso-
phy for a few years. When that got 100
confusing, he tried theater arts at UCLA,
where he took а TV writing course. He
was also performing in Westwood at
Ledbetter's (Randy Sparks was instru-
mental іп giving him the chance t0 per-
form) and, by the time he was 21, he was
hired to write comedy for the Smothers
Brothers TV show and eventually made
$1500 a week. He dropped out of college,
but the pressure of writing funny regu-
larly led to high anxiety and a near nerv-
ous breakdown.
When "The Smothers Brothers" was
abruptly canceled, Martin got other jobs,
writing for Sonny and Cher, Pat Paulsen,
Glen Campbell. John Denver. But what
he really wanted to do was perform his
own material. His agents at William
Morris said he'd never make it, which
encouraged him to try (and lo drop them
once he proved them wrong). He started
appearing at the Boarding House in San
Francisco, as an opening act for the
Nitly Gritty Dirt Band. In the late Six-
ties and carly Seventies, he went on the
road. Soon he was opening for the likes
of Ann-Margret and Helen Reddy in
Las Vegas. With a new agent, Marty
Klein, he was booked on “The Tonight
Show" and “Saturday Night Live," which
brought him the kind of audiences that
change careers.
o date, he has guest-hosted “The
Tonight Show” numerous times and hus
appearances on “Saturday Night Live”
have become classics.
In real life, Martin, who is 33 and pre-
maturely gray, lives alone but steadily
sees Bernadette Peters, whom he con-
siders to be a stabilizing influence on his
life. He was once linked with Linda Ron-
stadt for a brief time and he has lived
with other women at different times. He
likes lo ski, play tennis, get massaged and
work. He owns а solar-heated house in
Aspen, another house in Reverly Hills
and another in Santa Barbara. His n
mary Obsession, outside his comedy,
collecting 19th Century American Er
which Contributing Editor Lawrence Gro-
bel (whose “Playboy Interview” with Al
Pacino appeared last month) discovered
when he met with Martin at his apart-
just off Sunset Strip. Grobel's
he first thing 1 noticed was the
paintings, which covered all the walls,
and the boxes filled with art books,
which covered most of the floor space.
Steve claimed he doesn't even look at
his paintings while they hang on these
walls, because it’s ай temporary—he's
wailing for his home in Beverly Hills to
“Г т reluctant to talk
about sex or my girl-
friends, because that’s
really your private life.”
be remodeled—and he considers his
current setting as storage.
“After describing some of the paint-
ings, he sat down behind а large desk
and we began our talk. 1 had visited the
set of ‘The Jerk’ a few times, and he was
pleased that it was over with. He was
also anxious about how it would be
ceived, and prepared for the worst.
He feels
he is vulnerable to criticism and that he
has been unfairly atiacked recently.
“Не showed me a short review of the
film ‘Alien’ that he had submitted to
The New Yorker (which later rejected
it—one can'l move іп too fast on Woody
Allen's turf) and was interested in ап
opinion, an action generic to writers,
who ате constantly looking for feedback
During our talks, he would try out bits
of new routines, play tapes he'd made
and discuss propertics he was considering
for potential film projects.
“1 flew to New Jersey 10 catch his con-
cert act, but, unfortunately, saw him on
an off night. The audience was not com-
pletely with him and he pulled out all
his tricks in a desperate attempt to get
the Big Laugh, which never came. The
next day, 1 met him for lunch at the
Steve is a cynic and а worrier.
Carlyle Hotel іп Manhaitan and we
discussed what had gone wrong. After
ward, he dropped some of the bits that
weren't working, juggled some routines
around and tightened up the act he had
not wanted to do in the first place. (He
recognizes that even Woody Allen did
stand-up until he could make it just
doing films, and that's the direction
Martin is following.)
“Our last time together, we went to the
Frick Collection on 70th Street off Fifth
Avenue. I's one of Martin's favorite
places and there are two particular paint-
ings he likes to see. One їз а melancholy,
wistjul Holbein portrait of Sir Thomas
More and the other is a portrait of а
lady, by Т. Lawrence, whose pure-white
skin reminded me of Bernadelte Peters’.
“We parted on Madison Avenue. My
last words were, ‘See you on the cover
Which seems an appropriate way to be-
gin this interview.”
PLAYBOY: Our cover shows you in char-
acter—a wild and crazy guy. Is this go-
ing to be an in-character interview?
MARTIN: It's hard for me to be funny for
14 days or however Jong we're going to
do this. I can't disguise my true self that
long. But ГЇ be funny when there's a
question I don't want to answer.
PLAYBOY: We thought wed start with
your background and work our way up
through your ——
MARTIN: Nobody gives a
I grew up and all that. That's boring.
Even I don't give a shit. When I read an
пе nd it gets to the part where
the person grew ир, I turn the page.
‚ interests you?
MARTIN: The only thing of interest to me
is the future.
PLAYBOY: How do you see your future?
know what my pl
about it.
PLAYBOY: Let's get this straight:
shit about where
have no ide:
1 go to bed
de Actually, I'm to talk
about sex or my А
friends, because that’s really your private
life and youre affecting people
never thought they would be allected.
PLAYBOY: No past, no future, по sex.
What about polit
MARTIN: I'm not political, because Т don't
I don't get
nda Ron-
know what's going on. Get someone who
knows politics to talk about it
PLAYBOY: What you're saying is you don't.
have much to s:
MARTIN: In theory, you do
because you is to say. If
I had great things to say, Pd say them
€ great thi
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onstage or in а movie, or somewhere else
In my work, F disguise what J have to
say. That's what art
PLAYBOY: What do you mean?
MARTIN: You can't just say, "Life is пос
worth living.” You have to write а nove
that says life is not worth living. In an
interview, you're talking directly: you're
not an artist anymore
PLAYBOY: You're forgetting that there is
an art to conversation.
MARTIN: Thats truc. [ve turned. down
all other requests for interviews because
1 want this one to have meaning.
PLAYBOY: Which will be quite a leat.
since you've put so many restrictions on
MARTIN: The interviews I've done in the
past are so redundant. Superficial. Eithe
you give it all or you shouldn't give any
of it
PLAYBOY: Our feclings exactly. Should we
stop now or continue?
MARTIN: Obviously, this is where 1 end
up giving it all.
PLAYBOY: Terrific. Now
MARTIN: Although there are some thin
I'm determined not to talk about
PLAYBOY: Let's start over. You're a come
dian. This is an interview. To hell with
the restrictions. Now, who's the funniest
person in America today?
MARTIN: Richard Pryor.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever asked anyone for
an autograph:
MARTIN: Bobby Fischer. I followed him
into a bathroom
PLAYBOY: When you were a kid, what was
your image of a man?
MARTIN: Guys who dressed in black and
wore swords. Zorro.
PLAYBOY: Would you like to have kids of
your own one day?
MARTIN: 1 don't want any kids. It's a life-
пе job. People have kids and go off
and do something еһе. Or theyre too
stupid to raise them. Every time you
think that you might want to have kids,
go to a restaurant and sit next to or
You just don't want one.
PLAYBOY: Whats the most enjoyable
thing you can have done to you without
fearing the consequences?
MARTIN: Get it massage. It's the onc thing
d that doesn't lead to trou-
II you smoke, you get cancer. H you
desserts, you get Fat. H you tuck, she
gets pregnant or you get involved. А
hassage—you pay for it and ir feels
теш. Hs the one thing that doesnt
have a bad consequence unless it loosens
а clot that goes to your heart
PLAYBOY: Did vou ever go to bed with
Linda Ronstadt?
MARTIN: I saw her for about three weeks
one time. We were just friends. We
never got in bed. We had a mutual affair
without sex
PIAYBOY: Ш you could choose how you
could be remembered, what would that
MARTIN: There's one thing, specifically, 1
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would have liked to have done. That was
when the guy knocked 8,000,000 dom-
inoes over on The Tonight Show. Y ivd
been те. ГА always be remembered for
that thing.
PLAYBOY: Well, that about does it. You
got anything you'd like to add?
MARTIN: What about comedy? І can talk
about that
PLAYBOY: Comedy? Oh—right, we forgot
w s you think you can talk
about that any more than sex or politics?
Alter all, most politicians are comedians
and most comics have sex.
MARTIN: OK. Let's take the question Why
1 T not political? One reason is purely
aesthetic. There were too many political
thinkers in the Sixties. There was too
much political comedy. It was a cheap
laugh. The world didn't need another
political comedian. The world still
doesn't need another serious person.
There're too many people who are really
good at it; they don't need me.
PLAYBOY: A Ralph Nader o[ comedy
you're not
MARTIN: As Ralph Nader is necessary. so
am 1 necessary. Checks and balances. If
everyone were Ralph Nader. we'd have
ho consumers: and if everyone were me.
we'd have no champions. Choosing not
to decide something is an existential
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decision. That's the way I feel about
politics. Choosing not to be socially
aware, choosing to be naive about it, is
a statement
PLAYBOY: Did you inake that choice from
the beginning?
MARTIN: When I was starting out, I in
tended to put meaning into my act, to
be a social satirist, to зау something
about truth and beauty and everything
And then the Beatles came along and
they started saying it—in their songs
with Sgt. Pepper. And I went, shit, they
did what 1 had planned to do. They had
put meaning into entertainment. So, at
that point. I said, now 1 have to turn it
the way. Thats what was the
premise of my whole act during a time
е succeeded. I
was doing my act without meaning. Con.
when it never could lı
sciously avoiding politics
PLAYBOY: Why. at that time, did you feel
it couldn't succeed?
hard-hitting response. People were bei,
Because Sixties needed
There was a real threat, people
So they had to say it
satire. Satire
ing t0 war.
they didn't have time for
was so easy then, because everyone knew
bout. Е
what were talking yone
knew th supposed to laugh
ata drug joke and to applaud a war joke
about Nixon was
t you wer
and anything you s:
all ser up. But then everything became so
stupid. like suddenly every idiot had
thing to say. They almost had no
right to say it, beca
And the songs were stupid.
Dylan, the Beatles. they were re:
ters of the form-— then for six years
ward, you had guys singing these drug
songs, “Blow my mind .dt was just
very trite.
PLAYBOY: You've taken quite a leap. For
an asocial. nonpolitical comic. that is
MARTIN: The last time
McGovern. Or was it
Govern. OK. Не»
thought it was the stupidest thing Га
ever been involved in. Thats exactly
why E don't talk about politics. be
its so futile. You can only close your
doors and think about your life.
You don't live in America. you live in
PLAYBOY: How do you see what you were
doing at the time?
MARTIN: | was Ігесіпр myself and repre-
senting people who didn't have to be
socially or politically conscious. When
you vote lor McGovern and you're de
feated by a landslide, that's insignificant
You're powerless, it was a waste of a day
a waste of registering. My act symbolized
the need to turn away from the phony
responsibility, when it was hip to have
an opinion. Where one time to protest
the Vietnam war was а necessity, it sud-
denly became hip. You had people grow-
ing their hair who never should have
grown their hair long. And Шеп Water
gate—that was past the point of our
e they weren't art
ists. Bob
1 voted was for
McCarthy? Me
defeated so badly. 1
being able to do something about it. The
next thing was that it was OK to create
your own world or your own country in
your head
PIAYBOY: And your timing was right?
MARTIN: The timing was so right. I see
myself as a success of timing. having the
right act at the right time, when eve
body was sort of starting to think that
way. That's why I was a phenomenon
rather than just another comedian. We
were in the midst of the Sixties when 1
was starting to formulate this idea. I'd
say. "Someday this consciousness will
grow tiresome.” It’s like impressionism
а master movement, a great movement:
but no matter how great it was, someday
it ping to grow tired. That's what I
felt in the Sixties. This was a n
movement and I was into it. | knew that
as g
st out of
someday we'd have to ¢
boredom, and tha
I was formu
lating. Almost getting ready for it, in
retrospect. I felt like 1 was the avant
garde. And three years ago, I was the
PLAYBOY: It sounds very calculated. Let's
see if we can focus on this master move-
ment. What does your comedy deal with?
MARTIN: I'm dealing with a very personal
side of a human being’s brain, that little
tiny area that tells him if this is funny or
not. The best way to hit that is to never
determine that for him. "That's what I
believe is the reason my comedy worked,
ultimately. |t became a private joke
among friends, My first, initial. original
thought in comedy was. If I say a joke
that has a punch line and they don't
laugh. then I'm screwed. ГІ just start
talking funny-type things and never give
them а punch line, eventually their ten-
sion is going to grow so much that they
will start laughing on their own, they'll
start choosing things to be funny. wh
is the strongest kind of humor
have determined what is funny,
The laugh I like to get is,
don’t know why I'm laughing.”
Laughter is the most pecu
tional response of all. It doesn’t relate
even to joy, as tears relate to sadness and
terror, But laughter is really a sponta-
neous act.
happy. It's a very strange commodity
laughter, To be supplying that to
people. [ used to stand up there and act
like I could not care less if this got a
laugh. Fd take out the jokes and do
those nonsense things. One of the first
jokes I'd say was, "Now. the nose on-the-
ophone routine" And Fd put my
nose on the microphone and go, "Thank
you." Which is all very simple and child.
like, looking back. but that was the
premise that I first started operating on.
At that time, if they didn't laugh. you
had to believe it was their fault, they
didn't get it.
PLAYBOY: What you're saying is that you
r emo-
It doesn't even mean you're
were at the forefront in taking us from
the social Sixties to the silly Seventie
MARTIN: I've been criticized for being on
the brainless side, which is the furthest
thing from the truth in my head. Silli
ness. It's so мау off. 1 don't have to
defend that. Comedy has always been
superficially. Are Laurel and
nles? I don't think so. What
е relates more
to psycho
It relates to human beings. to
PLAYBOY: Do you see yourself more as a
harbinger of rhe “те” decade?
MARTIN: I hate to hear it referred to as a
ssistic point of view
means love of yourself, TI
ing inward without a re;
because that
t's only turn.
ion. Not for
love of yourself, just for its own sake
PLAYBOY: For the sake of this interview,
let's look at some real issues and get your
h you?
this might help me in my
views of them. OK w
PLAYBOY: What do you think about the
problems in the Middle East?
MARTIN: Гус always heard there was trou-
ble over there,
ally and there was no trouble at all in
the Middle East. 1 went to Tennessee,
East Virginia, Maryland, and Im happy
to say there's no trouble.
PLAYBOY: That's certainly good to hear.
Let's move closer to home. Where do
you stand on the E.R.A. issue?
but 1 went there person.
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The Tape of the Stars
AMPEX CORPORATION Magnetic Tape Division Redwood City CA (415) 367-3888
MARTIN: I just can't all this tur
той over the Earned Run Average
PLAYBOY: All right. one more: Arc there
any causes you support?
MARTIN: I wanted to get involved in а
se now that 1 have the time. Celebri
ties have an obligation to have a cause to
live for. I didn't know what I wanted to
live for, so I put all the causes in а hat
and I just chose one. It was lus
So I joined it and worked for it, but
then I quit
MARTIN: ГІ tell you why. Because that
ion is infiltrated with homo:
PLAYBOY: And now you have noth
Z to
live for?
MARTIN: This brings to m
the scene where Woody Allen is fooling
bout the
reasons to live. It was the most di
with his Dictaphone, talkin,
thing I've эсеп in modern film maki
where a guy numbers, enumerates the
things that are worth living for. I don't
care what he said, 1 admired the fact
зу. And
except for a couple of food things, they
were all artistic ihings— Mozart, pertorm-
ing artists, Groucho.
PLAYBOY: What's your greatest pleasure
in life?
MARTIN: My greatest pleasure is conversa
tion. And wit. The most fun game in Ше
is exploring your own wit and intelli
gence and feeding off someone else's. АП
it takes is a little bit of your own intelli
gence and a lot of intelligence from the
people around you. It's like, choose your
that those were his personal thi
friends. 1£ you hang around with slobs.
you'll be a slob.
PLAYBOY: Who are some of those people?
MARTIN: "here's a dique іп New York
that’s so much fun: Mike Nichols, Gan
dice Be
1, Paul Simon, Carrie Fisher
those people. Real intelligent, witty
fun, On this Coast, I know Carl Rei
ner, Mel Brooks, Dom DeLuise—which
can be the most hysterical evening you'll
ever have. And their wives
PLAYBOY. Do you uy out new material
lor these people?
MARTIN: Oh, yeah, I'll wy out with people
I'm with. like Carl, because I'm around
him a lot now, or an artdealer fiend
Perry DeLapp. or Bernadette [Peters
PLAYBOY: Can you give us an сха
how your friends may influence your
ple of
MARTIN: A new bit in my ac
t Terry's house. We'd
1 was d
the Forties. so he'd put this on and Ed
together and he loves big-t
start dancing to it. You know, silly. And
his wife would just die laughing. The
more she'd laugh. the more Fd. do it
Then Fd think, God. ігі be great, Tm
g to be standing onstage doing my
аст. then have this big band. Benny
Goodman's Stompin’ at the Savoy come
on and Ell go. “What's
What is this music?” Then Vll start my
oing on here?
toe slightly tapping and then ГИ do my
dance until it gets rcal big. In the mid-
dlc of it, ГИ turn on a strobe light and
stand perfectly still for 30 seconds.
PLAYBOY: That sounds like a variation of
your Happy Feel. Where did that one
come from?
MARTIN: The genesis of that was I wanted
а routine where | look like Fm bein:
controlled by something else. 1 was go-
ing to look up at the sky and start
dancing and go, "Leave me alone. leave
me alone, leave me alone.” And that
evolved into Happy Feet. The audiences
didn't get it when 1 looked up and said,
Leave me alone." They didn't under-
nd the setup, but the dance got
hs. So I just dropped the setup. It's
funny, just the way it looks, with your
arms and [cet flying. But there's also a
little more sophisticated concept: like,
does this happen to you often? 15 it
something everyone gets?
PLAYBOY: Sort of like your line about fart
ing when someone smokes?
MARTIN: Bill McEuen, my manager, made
that up. He said it at a dinner table one
night. He overheard someone say. "Mind
if I smoke?" He said "No; mind ИГІ
fart?” My eyes lit up and 1 said, Gold! I
got up and wrote it down. It became а
staple of my act for a long time. "Mind
if J fart?” It would get a big laugh any-
where, It was a little sanctuary for me.
Ivs like once Fm experimenting out
there, 1 can always go to this and it will
be pretty safe
PLAYBOY: Like your King Tut bit. Did
that come to you after sccing the exhibi-
MARTIN: Yeah. I went to the art museum
and thought it was a shameful exploita
tion of King Tut. So I said, What's the
stupidest melody I can think of? What're
the dumbest lyrics? Thats where King
Tul сате from
PLAYBOY: Are new routines constantly
popping into your head?
MARTIN: 1 thought of one this morning
for a TV special or something. You see
me with a bow and arrow, then you cut
to one of those big targets made out of
hay. 1 shoot the arrow and the next
scene is I've got the target on the dinner
table. I've got to write that down
PLAYBOY: While you do that, are there
iny routines that you feel are funny but
that don't go over?
MARTIN: There was а routine that I al
ways had confidence in. The Jackie
Onassis bit. Where I meet Jackie Onassis
for lunch and she turns out to be a pig
cating with h
table manners. They didn't go for it in
hands. unbelievably bad
1070; 1 guess she was too sacred. But
then about two years ago, 1 put it back
and it started getting laughs. It's on the
third album
PLAYBOY: Which is Comedy 1s Not Pretty.
Why isn't it?
MARTIN: Thats a line I adlibbed one
night. I did the joke about my girllriend
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who came to me and said, “I don't think
you respect me as a woman." I said.
“What are you talking about? You are
the best hog I have ever had." The audi-
ghs and they go boo. So I
wait a minute, comedy is not
hats where the title е
from. I like everything about that album.
PLAYBOY: Each of your three albums
seems to get a little further out. Is that
MARTIN: There was a method in the re-
lease of those records. I couldn't put
those new bits on the first record. In
Let's Get Small, | had to put the bits
that made the most irrational sense. that
were concrete, that were self-contained
and clean. 1 don't mean. languagewisc.
Vm talking about thc cl lines of the
routine that flow [rom piece to piece. On
the second record. we went with material
that was probably a little further out
The last record is the most challenging.
PLAYBOY: Didn't you have some problems
with the second album. А Wild and
Cr Сиу. and a distributor because of
the lang
MARTIN: It was a problem. You go on
The Tonight Show and you do:
fuck. Then the parents go and
great for little Billy, "cause he doe
say fuck.” and they buy the album and i
says fuck. As much as 1 realize that par-
ents went out and bought their kids my
album and it says fuck on it, ] can't re-
scind, I can't say I apologize. The only
thing I apologize Lor is it doesn't say on
the record: “Ву the way. this says fuck
on it" Thats fair. Tell them what
they're buying ahead of time. But you
don't change it. that's censorship. Rec-
ords and movies are great sanctuaries to
be away from censorship. 115 not like I
suddenly went out and said, “Well. now
I'm going to say fuck." I've been saying
it in my act since 1 was 19. It used to
be worse.
PLAYBOY: While the reviews of your first
album seemed mostly favorable, you
were cut up a bit for the second album.
A Rolling Stone critic wrote that "clean.
apolitical comedy is one thing, while
cartoonish mediocrity that wholehearted-
ly supports а decade's social clichés in-
stead of deflating them is another.”
MARTIN: That comment is very interest-
ing in that he's acknowledged that I've
elevated mediocrity to а place of im-
portance. That is really the secret of my
act. But its done intentionally. He
doesn't regard it as satire when, in truth,
it’s very satirical. It’s like he missed the
last point of my act
PLAYBOY: Did he also miss when he сот.
pared your “smug, emasculated, rancid
showbiz condescension” to Milton Berle's
push-anything-for-a-laugh excess?
The point has been missed
Из not, for instance, that the
arrow through the head is funny, it’s that
someone thinks the arrow through the
head is funny. It so happens that the
The spirit of Christmas present.
nose glasses are funny, but my point was,
it's gone beyond the glasses; it's the put-
ting on ol the nose glasses that is funny.
Га love to answer with such a sword that
it cuts up that criticism, but I'm vulner-
able to it. It's true, in a way, if you don't
really examine what I'm doing. if you
just stop there. But kids like my act be-
use I'm wearing nose glasses. Adults
like my act because there's а guy who
thinks putting on nose glasses is funny.
PLAYBOY: Would that analogy apply to
your coming out to deliver a Grammy
а on national TV without your
MARTIN: That was logical because it had
дуо that made total sense. It w
n who was dropping his p:
ugh—that's the Milton Berle
it was because my pants didn't show up
After the bit's over. the thought the au-
dience may have is of nding back
there going, “I don't have my pants,
they're not here yet, they
be back from the cleaners. Well, ГИ just
have to go on like this.” To me, that's
the best part of the joke. The subtext.
The thinking that the audience has to
supply to figure out why I went out with-
out my pants on. Although, I must say
that my first thought was, ГИ go out with
no pants.
PLAYBOY: Good old Uncle Miltie.
MARTIN: You know wl is? It's making
fun of the situation. All these awards
edos and it's making
fun of it. I did that with the Billboard
Award show, where I went out and said,
“This is the most coveted award in the
business, we should understand the sanc-
And T pulled out a
п wax paper
1 gave the
е supposed to
and pcople in tu
PLAYBOY: Do you believe in awards?
MARTIN: Only the fun side of them. I
don't like to feel like Im in а race or
а contest, and that’s what it becomes.
It's like Miss America. You've got
losers is what you've got. The history of
awards is they're usually wrong. The
people who really take them seriously
are the people who want them and Ше
people who refuse them.
PLAYBOY: When you were up for a Gram-
my, did your heart beat steadily?
MARTIN: 1 must зау my heart pounded a
lile fast when the thing came up.
That's just the thrill of being there. The
Grammys are the stupidest comedy
award ever.
PLAYBOY: The Oscars will probably me:
something else to you this year, now that
you're the star and one of the writers of
your first film, The Jerk, Actually, make
that first feature film, because you did
id star in а seven-minute short
) Buck Hen called The Absent-
Minded Waiter. Since that is shown, tor
the most part, at your concerts, what is it
MARTIN: It was a sketch I wrote about ten
years ago. Jt took me about an hour.
Submitted it for TV. Turned down.
Went on to other TV shows. Submitted
it. Turned down every time. Then, on
the new Smothers Brothers Sh
ple of years ago, we did it and it went
over great, Then, in our deal with P.
mount [Paramount dropped its option
to The Jerk], one of the ideas that
[producer] David Picker had was to
make a short that would promote my
face to the moviegoing public. So when
my movie came out, | would be a movie
star, in a sense.
PLAYBOY: And you just happened to have
something you wanted to do
MARTIN: 1 thought this was the safest
thing to do. І worked over the script
with Carl Gottlieb, who directed it. It
takes seven minutes. ГЇЇ tell you what
it’s about. A couple—Buck Henry and
Terri Garr—go to a restaurant and ask
the maitre de for my table. Buck Henry
says, "You're not going to believe th
you're going to scc the шом abs
minded waiter ever." And she says,
what? Why did you bring me here?’
"I'm proud that I made
something that is funn
Not any other reason,
just funny."
come and say, "Here's your water," and
pour the water on the table and then set
down the glasses. There's water all over
them now. Then I say, "Can I take
Buck orders. 1 turn to 7
"Мау I take your order?” She orders. I
turn back to Buck, "May I your
gain. I go to Terri.
I take your order? ОК. Wh
would you like to drink? Two martinis?
Fine. What would you like? M
OK. And what would you like? OK, two
martinis. And a martini."
and bring them six marti
drinks, | 1
“We haven't got our ma
I соте back
Мет the
ag the desserts. Buck says,
n course yet.”
So E say, “Oh, that ch s always for
getting.” and go back and bring them
the main course, but it's all screwed up.
A lard omelet and а Truly Maple Sur-
prise. Terri Garr is going.
“Why did you bring me here, this is our
one night out, why bh Buck says,
“Don't worry, just stick with me
nally, she says, “That's it, Tm so pissed
off, I'm never going to come h
and Im just as mad at you.
come in and I go, "And here's your
change . . . ten, twenty, thirty, forty,
fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hun-
dred, two hundred, three hundred, four
hundred, five hundred, a thousand, two
thousand, three thousand, ten thousand
dollars. Thank you and come again."
And I walk away. They start giggling
Buck starts lighting ир the money
come back and go, "May | help you
Terri goes, "Yes Two. For dinner.”
And they sit down and go through the
whole thing again. It is funny. I've scen
it play 500 times оп тау concert dates
ally proud
that is funny. Not
PLAYBOY: Is that how you feel about The
ny other reason, just
MARTIN: I think it came out great. very
funny. We congratulate ourselves а lot,
in that it’s a picture that has never been
made before. That's the one thing we're
most proud of is that, really. you don't
know what's going to happen next in the
PLAYBOY: Whose idea was The Jerk?
MARTIN: The script ‘ically my
idea: A guy is raised by а poor black
mily but realizes at some point that
he's actually white—and a bum. Then
he gets rich off the dumbest thing in
the ‘world, “That story ted
me, about the guy who the
hooks on your pants who made a million
billion dollars. Then the story appeared
about the guy who invented a pi
gasket, а millionaire living in
Springs, and he's still got his gas-st
shirt on. So that's all I had. The rest w
vignettes. That's probably why it needed
two rewrites. Carl Goulieb and I worked
for six weeks on the first version.
PLAYBOY: What was Carl Reiner's con-
MARTIN: Carl Reiner added wisdom. And
structure and character. He made it bet-
ict, it would have been a lousy
movie without him.
isn't he?
MARTIN: Опе of
with Rob Reine
front of my hi
tre for eight hours. F
nd he pulls over. He says,
ng down to that fence,” which
1 go. "OK." I get
in and I say, “What's your name?” And
he goes, "Well, 1 І say,
“Thanks for the company," а he
drives off,
PLAYBOY: 15 it w
re now
His son
ko in the picture,
is, like, ten [eer away.
we an
asume that
which any-
ong to
position i
thing you want to do will get done?
MARTIN: I [eel that right now, I don't
have to sell. 1 can k in and sa! ve
got for a movie about а clock
that gets s ounds good, Steve,
re comes out, we'll
Thats why
n ide:
t on.
the pict
: power—or less.
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's critical right now for me to be think-
ing, because they'll say yes to anything.
So Т have to think what's good for me.
My agent said, "Steve, you've got to
read your scripts with care, because if
you say you'll do it, the picture will be
made. No matter how bad” Irs like
Moment by Moment. They had John
‘Travolta and Lily Tomlin, /d make
that picture. How could it bomb? How
could The Fortune bomb? It had |
holson and Warren Beatty and M
Nichols direct:
PLAYBOY: And The Jerk has you, Bill
Murray, Rob and Carl Reiner and
Bernadette Peters, It's a pretty important
film for her, isn't it?
MARTIN; Oh, ycah. This is the first part
she's had that hasn't been a crazy wom-
ап. Her talent 10 the
public. I think this movie will do more
for her than for me. І really do. What
I do in the picture is expected. What
she's doing is a surprise.
PLAYBOY: [s she very anxious about it?
MARTIN: No, she's the most calm, easy-
going person Гуе ever met. She really
can take things or leave them. Her ego
is not big. She doesn't read her reviews,
let's put it that way.
PLAYBOY: Sounds like you're proud of
MARTIN: Yeah. People go nuts when they
meet her. I feel proud of h her
exposed. She'd be happy being
nk she wants to pur-
sue performing. singing. records. She's
i 1 think she can be one
of the best—a real landmark singer.
Because her voice is so controlled. It
has an al quality to i
PLAYBOY: Where did you mect her?
MARTIN: In Vegas one time when I was
working there. 1 was with another girl,
it was a celebrity softball game. We went
out to a dinner afterward. Then I met
her on Hollywood Squares. I was attract-
ed to her, so I clowned around like a
teenager. She was a square below me,
so Га throw things down. I was having
fun, I had put up а Venetian blind in
my square, so I could close it. I put up
а sign that said cLosep and орех, Move
the slats so 1 could look out. It was funny.
PLAYBOY: Sounds like you stayed in char-
ter in your attempts to woo her.
MARTIN. | got her phone number that
night. Like I was h school. And I
started seeing her. She had just had an
air break up, sis months earlier.
PLAYBOY: Would your parents like you
to marr
MARTIN: Oh, they'd love it. They'd die
. It doesn't occur to me. It only
occurs im cei moments, then
you li the day, as T seem to re-
call e. e. cummings said. Хо, I have по
terest in it.
PLAYBOY: But if Bernadeue wanted to
get married, would you do it?
MARTIN: I'd certainly consider it, If it
€ to ru
meant losing her or getting married, I'd
consider it. But she's a woman who has
lived all her life without getting mar-
ried, too, so obviously, it's part of her
make-up. She lives alone and we're two
peas in à pod that wa
PLAYBOY: Why aren't you living together?
MARTIN: There's no way we can live to-
gether right now, When my new house
gets off the ground, we'll see. We've
talked about it.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever lived with any-
MARTIN: Ycah. I lived with three different
girls. The longest was a couple of years;
but I'm t talking about sex,
I don't think it's essential to my per-
sonality. It’s purient, per, pru, ре
ent, prurient in regards to me. If you're
asking Roman Ро that, then it
might relate to his personality. It's р
vaté with me. You have to choose to
whom you reveal your past Ма
there's something I don't want Bern
dette to know, because it's pointless and
it may throw a wrench in something.
Maybe there's something I don't want
my mother to know. So why should I
suddenly, for the nation, reveal some-
thing that I don't want my mother to
PLAYBOY: "That's
1 understandable posi-
tion. How being on the road lor
all those ycars, surely you were exposed.
to a lot of wild and crazy temptations.
MARTIN: That's something I don't want
to talk about.
PLAYBOY: Because of your mother or
MARTIN: I have a different life now. That
part of my life is five years ago. so any-
thing I say about that doesn't apply to
now. Because | don't get into those
situations anymore. ] couldn't go for the
one-night thing anymore. I couldn't
wake up with a stranger. That whole
thing—it was depressing. And I have to
be rude to people who knock on the
door here. You open it up and it’s а H-
year-old girl. And you just have to say,
th s hard to get laid if youre
Superman as itis... you know . . . it
harder! At whatever level. you are іп
life, it's hard. ICs just as nerv
PLAYBOY: Have you ever dressed up
funny, put on nose glasses, before en-
gaging in any kind of
MARTIN: I can't remembe s just say
aghs in bed. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: you ever fants
certain women when you wer
some [amous actress or singer?
MARTIN: It didn't have to be a big star
for mc to fantasize. It could have been
the girl in the corner holding the spear.
Rhonda Fleming. that’s who I liked. For
a long time, I was in love with Joni
Mitchell. Never knew her, never met
her, but she was really appealing to me.
Linda, I was really taken with her.
PLAYBOY: Hi we are
“Wrong. You go away.” Let me just s
Linda Ronstadt. Where did you meet
MARTIN: She was a singer and I was а
comedian at the Troubadour. She was
with the Stone Poneys. 1 saw her singing
onstage and thought she was great. It
was just before she had a hit with Long,
Long Time or Different Drum. | started
hanging around with her and her friends,
like the Eagles, before they made it, and
Kris Kristofferson. We were both very
changeable then. We were always think-
ing of the future, looking around the
to see what else was coming. l
a little more stable now, because Bern
dette's pretty stable. Or very stable.
PLAYBOY: You mean you realized that the
t of a rock star was not for you?
MARTIN: Yeah, I nixed that, I was into it
for a while just because my friends were
musici; but the hard-core rock life—
І realized I would kill myself if 1 did
PLAYBOY. Well, now that you're begin-
ning to live the life of a movie star, are
there any actresses you'd like to work
MARTIN: I'd love to act with Jane Fonda.
And with Diane Keaton, but that's difi-
cult, because 1 don't want to be а Woody
Allen schle p.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever met Wood:
MARTIN: No. He's just a real
to meet him. but I'd hate to go
wh the agony of meeting him over
shaking hands wi
he and I are
ig people. If you
said. Steve, you've got to share Woody's
apartment with him for four weeks.
that would be bette:
PLAYBOY: Do you know that he writes
most of his short stories in bed?
MARTIN: Thar's probably a good place to
do it. Maybe VI ask him if I can get
in his bed and try writing something.
His stories are brilliant, some are и
believable. He's a real writer, a guy who
writes every day. He's really concerned
with words and language when he writes
those stories. What I write has nothing
to do with what he writes. Im a guy
who thinks and makes a note and. puts
t in my act.
PLAYBOY: Or in your book. You do have
а best sell the moment
MARTIN: [1's not com ble. On the one
hand, Cruel Shoes is a joke book. I'm
not d ing it, I think there's some
pretty в there. but it doesn't
the fe Woody Allen short
His are е ly complex and
ilul. Cruel Shoes is like Erma Boi
If Life ls a Bowl of Cherries,
which I presume is very light. I can't
its quality. Is amusing.
it goes from very light to very
serious, but it's not J. P. Donlcavy. And
^s inter-
Us probably not as funny as some people
would expect it to be.
PLAYBOY: Were you surprised it hed
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the top of the best seller list?
MARTIN: That's all a fluke, That's а mat-
ter of timing. You know, it’s beat out
two diet books. I thought it would sell
well, because my albums sell up to wo
and a half million s. so why
shouldn't the book, which is cheaper than
by Steve Martin, a comedian. I know th:
That doesn’t bother me. It never
intended to be a great book. I like to
k that along with buying the book,
ttle something else goes with it: a
better understanding of what my com-
means. I think I'm pro
bly most
ive to the criticism that my comedy
s, when I know it's not. Hope-
fully, something like the book makes my
comedy a larger world,
PLAYBOY: Not according 10 most of the
ics, who didn't have very nice things
to say about i
MARTIN: Т knew they were going to kill
me, but T don't give a shit. It's just like
doing The Tonight Show—you're ex-
actly the same on every television set
and you've got half the people who
loved it and half who hated it. Cruel
Shoes is like that. They say, “I loved
this one," and another guy says. “I
hated this one." There's no sense at all
to it. I know what the book is, I don't
need to be told. I know where the prob-
lems are. But they are criticizing things
е the photographs or the length,
which is totally ridiculous. because
length has nothing to do with quality.
Go review The Waste Land and then
come back and tell me it’s too short.
Also. they are missing the point. They
are taking intentional bad writing and
g it on a very superficial level.
by а comedian:
istake. Who knows?
Some of the stuff is criticizable—n
wants to read а ро
maybe that was a
ck you.
PLAYBOY; You sound disturbed.
MARTIN: Sce, I've rend 8,000,000 reviews
of me, and in the past two years, I can
see them start to change in attitude, In
the beginning, 1 thought, Oh, boy, my
first review, ГИ read it. But I don't want
to be influenced by a review. And I
found that you are influ
is like bei
cism to do with the fact th
made it so big?
MARTIN: The presss attitude goes in а
cycle. Right now, Em vulnerable to criti-
cism because I'm at the top. It's now the
thing to knock me down. But you know
what happens? They don't criticize me,
they criticize the audience for liking me.
Its weird, it’s kind of a perverted way
to criticize something. 1 have been mis-
represented through criticism, which is
the last way to understand something.
t you've
Especially something intended to be
aesthetic. If we're going to criticize,
then we all have to stand next to Leo-
pelo or Mozart or
Beethoven. And anything is going to
look like shit next to that. So once you
acknowledge that, then it's OK to go.
“Well, I make little jokes.”
PLAYBOY: What you're saying is that you
feel a backlash.
MARTIN: 1 sat down two years ago and I
nardo or Michel
те; for
nnot criticize if there
с 20,000 people there. Then the back-
lash wil t. After the backlash is
over, body mellow out and the
truth will come out. And we don't know
what the truth is.
PLAYBOY: It's rath іс; here you
at the very top of your profession, and
you're sounding like an underdog.
MARTIN: I'm beginning to understand
that the underdog syndrome is impor-
tant. The insult is in some ways as good.
as the praise. Right now, Um being in-
sulted. I need bad reviews as much.
good ones. Because every time you get
a bad review, someone out there rushes
"I think Рт probably
most sensitive to the
criticism that my
comedy is brainless, when
I know it's not."
to your defense. Somi
tant than the rev
PLAYBOY: Have you always gott
опе more impor
ewer: the comedy con-
1 good
vas with William Mor-
. I went in and told them I was leav-
ing television writing to be a performer,
They “Don't do it, you'll never
make it" Which I loved. I Jove when
they say you "t going to make it.
7» like, Jesus Christ, Гуе seen that
in 18
novies. They told the guy he
go it and he did.
I part. of it. I almost felt like
1 person watching it: Oh, finally
d I'm not going to make it
[Laughs] Rejection is part of your а
PLAYBOY: You sound like a man who has
lot of confidence in himself.
MARTIN: Oh, yeah, 1 have a lot of confi-
dence in my ability. In show business, if
you dont think that you're going to
make it, or if you don't think that you're
at, you haven't got a chance. Because
% too much working against you.
There's too much shit to go through for
seven years unless you think you're great
You have to stand there and bomb for
three years and think they don’t get it.
When I started out, it was the thrill of
not getting laughs. The thrill of making
them go, "What?" more than getting
laughs. D thought, Well, the least Fm
doing is blowing their minds.
PLAYBOY: What were some of the
outrageous things you used to do:
MARTIN: There was a time wh
truly a wild and crazy guy. Ons
after the show. Like, I used to
the streets at u
which 1 "t do now because of le;
problems and because there're 12,000
people now. In Nashville once, the
police stopped me because we had 300
people out on the street. The first time
1 ever did that, L was working а college,
150 seats, and the dressing room was on
the stage. There was no way out except
through the stage. I finished the show,
went back in my dressing room and they
were still sitting there me out
they were still there, so we sort of w
outside and I had them all get in an
empty swimming pool. 1 swam across the
top of them.
At one club, I said, "Who's se
belori A guy raised his hand.
“Get up here and finish the act for ше.
And Га go sit and he'd get up there.
He'd stumble through some jokes and
Id applaud and say, "Hey, this guy's
great." It was real loose and funny.
PLAYBOY: It also got a bit bizarre, didn't
audience into
п. At the opening of my act
at the Boarding House, the lights would
go down. but | wouldn't go onstage.
You'd just hear my voice saying. “They
can't hear me, can they? I hate this
audience. Why do I have to go out there?
1 hate doing this. What in the hell am |
Then I go on: "Hi, every
the end of the
"t hear me,
bunch of
show and ГА say,
What а
ез Td end the show, go back,
change my clothes and be walking out
when Fd stop and мап doing another
act. Bill McEuen and 1 look back on it
as the days wh 1 was really funny.
Thats when we g comedy
because we had nothing to lose.
PLAYBOY: It was also when you opened
for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. whose
audiences weren't too receptive to your
style of comedy
MARTIN: Yes. It was the days of beer and
drugs. The audience was not Into com
edy, not into listening to someone talk
not into giving a performer any courtesy
at all. Even to the band. No respect
almost. That's when 1 made а very im
portant decision—that 1 was only going
to headline: I'm never going to op
another show. When youre opening, I
they? assholes.
were de
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don't care who you are, no onc comes to
see you, You have to put your name up.
I don't care if you're Bozo the Clown, il
you put Bozo оп top at the Roxy and the
Eagles below, hall the people there will
be there to эсс Boro. That's psychology
PLAYBOY: Before that decision, though,
you worked а lot of hostile crowds. Did
you ever get so angry that you just
walked ой?
MARTIN: It happened. Т was ап т.с. for
а rock show outside New York, There
were five bands. They introduced me
and I walked on and there was no
change in the din of the crowd, Finally
I gave them the finger and walked ой
Гус done that a couple of times: “Fuck
you" and 1 walk off.
Опе time | was standing doing my
show and these four 16-year-olds are
in the front row, yelling, "Quaaludes!
Quaaludes!” to the point where it was
interrupting the show severely. 1
couldn't concentrate. No one else сап
hear them but me, because theyre in
the front row. They're just so excited
about Quialudes that they have to call
out the name. That's one of my great
hatreds of performing live: the uncon
wollable idiot іп the audience who
throws off a show. There are loudmouths
who have timing and you can use it to
your advantage and there are loud
mouths who don't have amy sense ol
timing and will call out anything at any
moment. Which totally frustrates the
How of what you're doin
PLAYBOY: It also allows you the oppor
tunity to put them down, which usually
goes over well.
MARTIN: Sometimes, Like when someone
starts talking to me, ГЇЇ say, "Oh, ГИ
get my camera, this is great, I've neve
had a picture of an asshole before.
Usually, I mimic them. Someone inte
тирі with, “Hey, Steve, how's it going?
And ГИ say, “And the sad thing is he
says that all the time, по matter where һе
is. He just happened to be here and it
happencd to fit їп. Bue wherever he
at restaurants, anywhere, he always goes,
"Hey, Steve, how's it going?
me off.
PLAYBOY: To the point that you want to
stop perfoming liv
MARTIN: Гус felt th;
this. I'm not doing а carnival here. It's
to be in front of 20,000
nd someone's down at the foot
"Te pisses
way. 1 don't need
of the stage, smacking the floor with a
gilt he has for me, And I'm supposed
ul, a T-shirt
Ic just
to be gracious—oh, wonde
with wi
on it or something
drives me nuts.
One time a guy wanted to give me a
T-shirt. He wrapped it up in a beer сап
full of beer, and then he suddenly threw
on the stage and the T-shirt flew off
and the be
cam hit me
You don't know what's happening
You think you're being killed. It's fright
ening to have something thrown at you
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onstage. I had to leave the stage for that.
The guy thought he was being nice, but
it really freaks you out—your heart's
pounding and you're flipped out. You
can't see; all you know is that you're a
target. It makes me afraid. The more it
happens, the more you've got it in the
back of your mind. Audiences are insan
it's like a new kind of weird mass hys-
PLAYBOY: We've talked about audiences
on the coasts, but what about your im-
pressions of Middle America
T remember when we did those
tretch tours in the Midwest. we'd
y, Thank God we don't have a day off.
Because what do you do in Podunk for a
? You get more depressed. The
worst time is when you're sick—and you
always get sick on the road. Or when
you're nowhere. Nowhere is worse.
"There's not a movie, there's not a T V, or
it's off at ten. There're no people in town.
PLAYBOY: What's the most nowhere place
in America for you?
MARTIN: Terre Haute, Indiana. Very
іше main street. And literally not а
restaurant with any good food. You'd go
into whole towns where it's completely
made of fast food. If you were looking
for something to buy. just looking to
ause yourself by buying something.
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you'd walk down the street, there was
nothing for sale. There was nothing of
anything you'd want, They say you can
always tell that you're somewhere when
they h
nanure ads on ТУ. [Laughs]
: ng about those days now
are the memories amusing to you? Are
they the “good old days"?
MARTIN: No. Because it was so hard and
depressing and dreary. There's а real
loneliness out there. Thats why you
meet waitresses. It's depressing at night
You feel so shitty in the morning and
you can't figure it out. | couldn't put
two and two together. Why am I de-
pressed? I used to go home and I'd stink
It took me a month to fi
агепе smoke. In my h
suitcase stinks and r
money and you're living
in the sleaziest hotel
PLAYBOY: Is there anything going for you
to make
e out it was
r, my clothes.
eks and you
don't have am
when you're on the road tryin;
MARTIN: The most thrillin,
the audience is not laughing but you've
got the waitresses
and your manager lai
said once, “1 was опма
getting laughs, but 1 saw the waitress
laughing, so I knew I was going to make
it.” They've seen you several nights. now
youre starting to make them laugh. A
lot of comedy is that—getting used 10
PLAYBOY: Which is what people obviously
did with you.
MARTIN: But when I was 29, 30, I said.
“Well, this is it, it’s not going to happen
I'm not growing." Then I went to the
Boarding House and it was sold out on
а weekend. That was enough to keep me
PLAYBOY: What would have happened to
you had you not gotten the laughs?
MARTIN: 1 was going to go further out.
Become an artist totally. Not be con
cerned with show business at all. There's
nothing 1 really can do except this.
PLAYBOY: Besides the laughs, what's the
greatest rush you get when performing
MARTIN: There's a real thrill of timing
That's the greatest fun of all. When
you're resting, waiting; you've got Ше
next line in your head and you're just
waiting for that little intimate moment
And you know it’s right to say it. you
know it's right to do this, to move your
hands this way. Really flowing. Charged
Like a ballet. Only you're using every-
thing. It's not just dance,
PLAYBOY: Have drugs ever
sense of timing and control?
MARTIN: 1 created а lot of my material
when I was out of my mind. I learned
how to play the banjo when I
stoned, because you can sit there for six
hours and listen to shit and you think
its great. I wish it had an effect on me
now like it did then, but it doesn't. It
thing is when
d the sound man
ing. Bill Cosby
с and I wasn't
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was making me lethargic.
PLAYBOY: Are fans always trying to lay
drugs on you?
MARTIN: I'm really offended by people
who come up and assume that you use
cocaine or smoke dope and they're offer-
ing it to you. First, they're idiots, they're
out of their minds. And I got so turned
off from the audiences at the rock con-
Fm never going to end up like that
idiot.” I'm against the symptoms of the
drug ом „ when a guy is totally
stupid. It's like the same hostility that I
feel toward an absolute drunk. I know
there are mature users of drugs that are
aids to them, and sometimes I envy that.
It would be great to get stoned, but I'm
afraid of it, for one thing. It's like LSD.
Га love to take LSD when I'm 60. When
you've got nothing to lose.
РІАҮВСҮ: In the days when you did get
stoned, what kind of material were you
MARTIN: A lot of sketches for television.
PLAYBOY: Did vou find TV writing haz-
ardous to your mental health
MARTIN: Yes and no. Television was a
great discipline for me. You didn't have
time to say one piece of poetry, it had
to be a joke. The greatest thing 1
learned was take out the crap. It's the
greatest advice you сап give anybody.
Lose it. Take it out. X it. And I learned
the structure: it was my own structure
for writing jokes.
PLAYBOY: Was what you wrote often
what actually appeared on the tube?
MARTIN: Once you write a piece and
think it’s funny, you hand it to а pro-
and he changes it. Then you hand
to the star and he changes it or doesn’t
rehearse it and fucks it up so badly.
hen the director shoots it and һе
isses the joke. I сап remember stand-
ing there, going, "Boy, are they screw-
ing that.” Then it goes to postproduction
and they sweeten it till there's no jokes
left, no humor, no spontaneity, по
charm, no mystery. Sometimes thc dis-
nce [rom the printed page to what you
see on the screen is so far that the joke's
been homogenized and disappeared.
PLAYBOY: You started writing for thc
mothers Brothers at а very young age,
1 years old a
“Write for
4 suddenly
ers Brothers decided that year to get
of all their old writers, meaning old in
years, and hire all young people,
got me and Carl Gotlieb, Bob
John Hartford, Mason Williams and
who was younger than I
жаз. But I wasn't prepared cmotionally
dle that challenge.
PLAYBOY: What do you mean?
MARTIN: E teamed up with Bob Einstcin
the first day. He is a great comedy
writer for television. He played Officer
somebody said,
га never written anything. The S
104 Judy on the show. He used to make те
laugh so hard I thought I was dying. I
was going through my anxiety stage and
Га be having these anxiety attacks
laughing, he was so funny.
PLAYBOY: What do you mcan by anxiety
MARTIN: I was a little overwhelmed at
that whole scene, being expected to write
these hysterically funny bits. You never
youre a good writer, you al-
ways have the next thing to write. It's
like youre only as funny as your last
joke. That was always the feeling on the
Smothers Brothers Show. You wrote a
great sketch this week, now what's next?
Т didn't know if I was capable. Even
though it was proved, 1 didn't know
what proof was then.
PLAYBOY: Did you finally crack from the
PLAYBOY: And that's when you went to a
MARTIN: 1 was already seeing a shrink
for the draft. I'm very practical about
those things. 1 go, All right, I've got
something, which was anxiety, so you
read about it, find out what it is
what causes it, and once you under
“I'm really offended by
people who come ир and
assume that you use
cocaine or smoke dope."
it, its not as fearful. And eventually, it
ves because you understand it.
PLAYBOY: Has anxiety left you?
That kind of ansiety—intense,
don't know what's happening, physical
s pretty much gone.
PLAYBOY: Did you stop working when
that happened?
MARTIN: No, I kept working, It bothered
me for a long time, a couple of years,
Like, I couldn't stay in a restaurant for
more than five minutes or 1 couldn't go
into public places. 1 couldn't go into à
movie theater, I had to get ош. 1 was
fearful. The definition of anxicty is fear
without an object. Fear without some-
thing threatening you. Or whatever is
threatening you is so buried іп you
subconscious, you don't know what it
and you just have to escape. It's exactly
the symptom you have that someone's
ing you with a knife. Increased
You're nervous. You don't
know what youre going to do. Only
someone's not charging you with a knife.
PLAYBOY: Did you take anything (ог that?
MARTIN: I used mild tranquilizers.
Do the symptoms retum ос
MARTIN: The only thing that bothers me
now is when people look at me. It's just
а matter of figuring out what the prob-
Jem is now. Before, I was so optimistic
all my life that I didn't realize 1 had a
problem. And that’s what causes it—
you're dismissing these little intimations
that you have. What's more fearful w
ску is fear of the symptoms’ stri
again. That's the most frightening
thing. Once you realize that the attack
is harmless, you've made a big step. It's
ue set of symptoms. I prepare
y. “This is never going to
myself: I s
That way, Гус already fi
And if it succeeds, then it's a bonus.
PLAYBOY: You mentioned t you were
already seeing a shrink because of the
draft. Did your anxiety attacks keep you
ош of the Army?
MARTIN: Lers put it this way: ] had
migraine headaches about the time I
is about to be drafted. 1 went to the
library and found out the symptoms for
migraines. I was making enough money
at the time to go to a shrink for two
years 10 establish it. But it so happens I
never could have gone into the Army,
PLAYBOY: Why not?
MARTIN: Because of my antiwar stance,
my inability to kill someone and my
lust for life.
PLAYBOY: A lot of us feli that. None of
those would have kept vou out.
MARTIN: Lets put it this way: I would
never have gone to Vietnam. I was pre-
pared to leave the country.
PLAYBOY: Did you cver participate in any
antiwar protests:
MARTIN: I don't like to go out in crowds,
marches. As а
writer the Smothers Brothers, we
were doing a lot of antiwar commenta
on TV. I felt I was serving through
that show.
PLAYBOY: What happened to that show?
MARTIN: The Smothers Brothers were po-
litically axed off CBS. I believe the Gov-
ernment put pressure on CBS to get
them off the air. Because the ratings
were good, the show was good. They
came up with a phony excuse; they said
а show wasn't delivered on time.
PLAYBOY: One show?
MARTIN: Yeah. Like, two days late. And
they canceled it. The Smothers Brothers
were giving the Government a lot of shit.
PLAYBOY: How did you reac
MARTIN: It confirmed my dist
Government and оГ burca
reaucracy is the worst evil.
PLAYBOY: After The Smothers Brothers,
you wrote for a number of other shows,
including Sonny & Cher amd Glen
Campbell, Thar t last long, did it
MARTIN: Bob Einstein and I wrote a lot
of funny sketches for Sonny & Cher, and
a lot of those monologs, which you al-
ways tried to get out of writi
ause you're always stuck with
the same thing, you always go out on the
same short joke: a nose joke. The reason
І went to that show is they told me I
so I never showed up
of the
cracy, Bu-
could perform. I was rea
to be a performer. I s
I'm going to be there, 1
write, too." I started writing and n
appeared. Oh, I played a hea
served on а silver tray, that did onc-
PLAYBOY: And how long did you last with
Glen Campbell?
MARTIN: I quit after 13 weeks. I realized
1 was wasting my time, I was making
$1500 a week, which was а lot of money,
but after. The Smothers Brothers, where
you were really encouraged to write
hard-hitting satire, to then go and simply
write comedy, it didn't appeal to me
anymore. I wanted to perform.
PLAYBOY: Which you did soon
y shows did you do on 7
MARTIN: I did a lot of Steve Allen shows.
Probably 35 of those. I did Della Reese,
Joey Bishop, Merv Griffin. I've b.
TV a lot, probably 500 times. The To-
night Show at least 35 or 40 times. When
1 fast did The Tonight Show, 1 thought,
That's it. But it wasn't. Î realized. after
I'd done the show 15 times, I got recog-
nized only once in the street. Then the
next ten times they were going, “Oh, this
guy.” Then the next ten times, it was
teve something.”
PLAYBOY: What’s the craziest thing you've
ever done on The Tonight Show?
MARTIN: I had a couple of bits I rather
ter, How
n on
liked, a long time ago. One was a comedy
act for dogs.
PLAYBOY: You told jokes for dogs?
MARTIN: Yeah. The other bit л
the phone book to make people la
You always hear that Olivier could ғ
the phone book and make people cry, so
I figured without any props or gimmicks,
I could make them laugh by reading the
phone book, So I'd pick up and
go: “Aaron Adams, 612 North Freder
ick Street.” There wouldn't be a laugh,
“Bill Bosack, 617 North Atlantic.” No
laughs. I took out my arrow and put it
on. Then I'd read a sillier name. " Mary
Ann Pinball, 62. . . ." By the end of the
thing, 1 was waving toothpicks Irom my
head and holding up rubber chickens
and then, finally, ГА say, "Don't look at
me, I didn't write this shit." I thought
it was hysterical. But it was the last time
a boo
I appeared with Johnny for a long while.
PLAYBOY: Because he didn't think you
were funny?
MARTIN: Maybe my skills weren't devel-
oped enough to warrant а те
Which may have been (гис. Because I'd
sit on the panel and I'd be uncomfort
able and he'd be uncomfortable. So why
should he waste time talking to те? But
Carson has respect for the agony of com-
сау. Whatever his ego is, ИЗ not ego
mania. Whatever he feels about you, if
he hates you or likes you, he will always
give you the break as a comedian. He also
saves your ass. Sometimes my mind will
nd he'll have
nk you thank you
sit there completely blar
something to talk
going, “Thank you t
about and
thank you
PLAYBOY: Carson has commented on
your comedy: “Не has a likable comedic
that's well done, but it can be
limiting. He's been doing it for a while.
What flashes through your mind when
you hear Carson say that?
MARTIN: The thing that instantly comes
to mind is: Is he right? I read that com
ment, and at the time, I had coming out
a book, a movie and a record. All expan-
sive material. 11%
same. So I answered the question in my
own head.
PLAYBOY: You don't [car becoming a cliché?
MARTIN: I fear so much becoming a cliche
that I don't think it will happen to me.
When my act started, I was а left tum.
from everything that was goin
style ..
not rcmainin
on, and
t. Cruel
Shoes was a left turn [rom what I'd been
doing. The third album was a left turn
Aud The Jerk is not so much a left turn,
but irs me in a completely different
environment. I intend to make more left
PLAYBOY: Could onc of them possibly һе
taking over The Tonight Show when
Carson leaves?
MARTIN: No. [t would put an end to what
my goals are in show business, and that’s
I had the courage then to do
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10 make funny movies. You can't make
funny movies if you're working five day
a week. Also, [ could never The
Tonight Show, because Vd always be
doing my own version of what Carson
does, and anyone who does that is an
which ; unbe-
ble. The real thrill of hosting The
Tonight Show is gettin
is so wrong it's
g to go out and
act like Johnny Garson. You sit at the
panel and you try to come up with a
wit ›
uy to make а look like Johnny would.
That's the real truth. It’s like a goal,
somchow, in show business is to be able
to do what Johnny Carson does, as just
sort of your og ot things you do.
PLAYBOY: What about a TV series?
that ever been a temptationz
MARTIN: About three years ago, 1 turned
down an appearance on somebody's
show. There was an option in there for a
series. Whoah! I'd be fucked right now
if I had an option for a series.
PLAYBOY: What if it turned into some-
thing like Mork & Mindy?
MARTIN: I'm пог taking anything away
from Robin Williams, because T think
he’s outstanding on that show. If I'd
been in Robin Williams’ position, 1
would have taken that show. Because he
was less along at that time than I was at
this other time. That's а way in. But now
J just wouldn't want to do that weekly
like Johnny would have, you
piece of shit
have to be a piece of shit, but the odds
are it will be a piece of sl
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about Salur-
day Night Live?
MARTIN: Oh, I love that. Saturday Night
reaches my people. 1 work real well with
[Radner] and with Aykroyd: the
stry works. D haven't
done that much with [John] Belushi, 1
love Murray
PLAYBOY: Are they friends or is it strictly
MARTIN: I [ecl some of them are friends.
We get along real well, with mutual
respect. They have their own lives that
Ги never be a part of. Its hard to get to
know Belushi. I get along with Aykroyd
real well, but I know theres a point
where D stop in his realm, his world.
Hes like | was ten years ago. He's
tuned in to certain things that vou
really can't share, I'm not going to take
Danny to “2I"—although I've never
been to "PI"—but he wouldn't enjoy
that. One time I said to Danny, "Let's
go to Saks Fifth Avenue and get some
clothes." He said, "I'm not into clothes."
PLAYBOY: Who thought up the two Czech
brothers routine?
MARTIN: My character wi
he wasn't Czechoslovakian. Then Danny
w the act and he said. "Lets do
Czechoslovakian, two Middle European
And it doesn't necessarily
in my act, but
brothers." It was esse
ially his idea to
put them together as brothers.
PLAYBOY: How long did it ta
routine working
MARTIN: Instant We just started talking.
We were laugh
laughing wi
10 get the
ng at rehearsal, we were
а we read it, we thought it
was hysterical. Repetition sold it, I think
PLAYBOY: Do vou think you could put
that kind of comedy into a film?
MARTIN: I'd like to do me. Belushi and
Aykroyd as The Three Caballeros
[Sings] “We are three caballeros, three
gay caballeros.”
PLAYBOY: Could you get them to agree?
MARTIN: Nah. That's a long way olf. T
don't think we could ever get the three
of us on mutual deals. You've got to
commit yourself зо totally—it’s a year
Then you start thinking, Do I want to
work with Belushi for a year?
PLAYBOY: When you first appeared on
Saturday Night Live, vour Lather wr
in а local newsletter that that show set
back your career five years. Did that
bother уо!
MARTIN: Fi it irritated me. Instead
of encouragement, you get an insult.
They would have liked it if I had been
n entertainer they could take home to
Texas and show around. one who didn't
say fuck. As it turns ош. I do say fuck
so they can't take me completely hack to
PLAYBOY: Your mother told a reporter 107
that you should get some new writers.
Does she know, now, that you write your
own П ial?
MARTI! think she does. I don’t bother
to explain most of the time. It makes
you a little angry or hurt sometimes. I
keep telling them, "Don't do articles in
the paper and don't publicize who you
are." I fear that.
MARTIN: They got an obscene phone call
one time about ше. Some girl called
them and said I was a faggot. That's
evil. I was really upset. A sick person. to
call someone's mother. And tell her all
these lies. Just pure lies, and hate.
PLAYBOY: In some of your routines, you
е jokes about your mother—borrow-
ing ten dollars, making her carry your
bar bells to the attic—but you've never
joked about your father. How come?
MARTIN: I guess it's because the mother
is so vulnerable. Like, the attitude of
those routines is that 1 was so sick that I
would do that to my mother. And you
wouldn't do that to your father, because
he was stronger
PLAYBOY: Would you say you've alw
ted to win your father's approval
more than anyonc clse's?
bsolutely. You know, you're
ing to please you id, to get
al from Daddy. Which is ОК,
because it motivates me. There's the
symbolic father that I'm working for
when I write a screeny І may want
approval from Carl Reiner or from the
producer. The symbolic father is my
own knowledge of the greamess that
exists in the world and in art, so maybe
when Fm finished, Fm thin OK,
T. S. Eliot, is this OK? That's why I'm
always slightly ashamed ol certain things
that I do. I know they don't live up to
the standard that's been set.
PLAYBOY: Getting back to your rc:
ther, do you think you've got h
proval by now?
MARTIN: Oh, yeah, I have his approval
now. My parents have become closer
since I've been successful. Success has
vindicated me, in а way. I can go back
10 them with pride and they ca
PLAYBOY: Do they comprehend what's
happened to you?
MARTIN: They don't understand the evil
side of people. They haven't been at a
rabs you and
won't let go or you feel a little bit of that
teror. They're oblivious to it. We'll go
for a drive and my mother will say,
“Let's stop here and get out. You walk
on the street and we'll watch the people
look at you." [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: What else have you given them,
besides pride?
concert when somebody
MARTIN: The a house and I'm mak-
g the p But 1 want to throw
them ont and raise the rent
How d
PLAYBO they feel about you
108 when you were a kid?
MARTIN: I think my parents would agree
there wasn't much camaraderie in my
family. Discipline was part of my grow-
ing up.
PLAYBOY: Did you and your family fight
MARTIN: Not fighting,
Orange County Ы
PLAYBOY: Orange County and Disney-
land apparently had a big influence on
you, especially since you worked at the
Magic Kingdom from your tenth to your
18th year. Is Disneyland where you
learned to hate people:
MARTIN: I hated waiting on pcople. It
drove me nuts. The stupidity. They used
to ask me, "How much is that 25-cent
thing?” 1 just made а vow that I was
never going to work with the public on
that kind of level again. Boy, I hated it!
PLAYBOY: Have you ever gone back there?
MARTIN: Yeah, and I've never forgiven
Disneyland for what happened. ] had
really felt like a part of Disneyland from
1955 till I quit in 1963; it was а real part
no. Just kind. of
of my youth, I went back there one time
with long hair and they wouldn't let
me in. 1 felt like, “You assholes, you're
really Fascists.” After Walt Disney died,
everything started changing.
PLAYBOY: When Cruel Shoes was pub-
lished, Putnam put out a press release
that said, “Тһе Disneyland style of en-
tertainment—clean, unbitter and some-
how very free—iniluenced Martin
throughout his development as ап art-
ist." Do you артее with tha
MARTIN: I don't think my comedy is to
ly unbitter. There's a lot of bitter
cynicism in it.
PLAYBOY: What about one critic's remark
that you're the John Denver ol comedy?
MARTIN: I think they're implying that
that’s an insult. I'm not into est.
PLAYBOY: Do you consider yourself an
Orange County conservative?
MARTIN: What does that mean? When 1
grew up, 1 was never taught racial preju
dice. We never discussed “Je
ger." Tha
never came up. So 1 walked
out when I was 21 and 1 didwt know
you weren't supposed to
blacks. It was news to me.
PLAYBOY: You've been described as the
Great WASP Hope. Why do you sup
pose comedy has been dominated by
Jews are very smart. people and
takes smariness. They are more
g people. WASPs are nadition-
ally barbecues. Richard Pryor does it
perfectly, Maybe that's why there have
been two great black stand.
dians: Cosby and Pryo
e Jews or
p come-
Their whole life
was outgoin
al quiet, But the WASPS in the country
eed а WASP. Let me rephrase that. 1
don't call myself a WASP, because that
implies that I'm a Protestant. Or was.
[Laughs] 1 don't take any racial pride
in my WASPness. I don't even cor
myself а WASP. That term is deroga-
tory. It implies simplicity and propriety,
and I don't think of myself like thar. Do
you know how many WASPS it takes to
screw in a light bulb?
PLAYBOY: How many?
MARTIN: Three. One to screw in the
light bulb, one to mix the martinis and
onc to turn on the SC game.
PLAYBOY: You commented befor bout
Richard Pryor's doing the WASP per-
fectly. Are you that white m:
MARTIN: Yeah. But it doesn’t inhibit me.
My comedy is definitely linked to the
white ma
PLAYBOY: Didn't you, your ma
a sound е сег take
to New Orleans, recor
train from L.A.
g adlib bits
for some future record called. While
Man’s Ғасайо!
MARTIN: Yeah, We were nuts, It was
never Гог a record, we had an idea to do
documentary comedy, like a documen-
1, only we were trying to make it
Some of it worked. Like, I had.
one idea to go to Juarez, to the shops,
where if something's $20, you end up
buying it for two. We actually recorded
this. I said to a shop owner, "Tell me
the price for that hat." “Four dolla I
said, “I'll give you six." The guy said,
“No.” I said, "ГИ give you eight." He
was lost. Finally, after ten dollars. he
goe OK." I gave him ten dollars.
We did it a couple more times and 1|
he had me: “Do you want to buy a comb?
Do you want to buy . -. 2% It went on
and on. The mikes were hidden, but the
piece never came off on tape, we had
some technical problems. While Man's
Vacation is a five-minute picce we re-
corded on the train. We had a
black porter who was a little
and it inspired us to do this piece one
i We turned out all the lights in this
rument and we sat thi and
те and I ad-libbed the whole
piece, where I played a militant black
porter and Bill played the innocent
white man on vacation. It was going to
be on Comedy Is Not Pretty. but we
decided to cut it [rom that record.
MARTIN: А lot of reasons. I've always
been nervous about the language at the
end—the way it was delivered. It is very
hard. We just made a decision that we
were going to make a record that is all
dirty, put it all on one record. Besides.
the piece didnt fit on the album. Would
you like to hear it?
PLAYBOY: Why not?
[In his bedroom, Martin puts а tape
on his stereo set. The sound of a train
can be heard. Martin sets up the routine
by talking of how wonderful it is to
have an opportunity to talk to some of
the porters who have worked on the
trains for so long. Bill McEuen's voice
straight questions
comes im, asking
n the night before Christmas
6 Т got some advice
Tor those who've naughty instead of nice.
should, to the
lp ut ooh
. Mil Makes т ch mai kes you vit to die
pine ec and mom’ pumpkin рі.
т ае :
up, Santas been here,
The ae ea The sound eal C ian)
beyond all be 2 ese.
Because ІН)
Thats hy thisseason Wey eei EB
: . g үн
ing the service,
first-class-service car. Martin, іп charac
the superfirst class and. the ultrasuper
first class. In other words,
the shits
leans and L.A.
That is the
asks what he
ler answer
and dig it.
nd of s
supposed to do. The por
Martin's voice changes to a high-pitched,
twangy militant black man's. Question-
McEuen asks if it’s a
ler, answers: “That's right. Then we got
you's in
You have got the shits serv-
It is 36 hours between New Or-
and in your room,
you can't flush a toilet that whole time.
vice you got, white
McEuen, as the white vacationer,
“You just got to sit there
McEuen asks if he can get
off. The porter says, “No way, man, you
is in prison. Once you pay your money,
we have gol you. You may even die on
this trip. If you don't die . . . you are go-
ing to get scurvy, because we ain't giving
you any oranges or apples.” The porter
then tries to excuse himself, because, *
have to go up to the superdeluxe ultra-
first-class and clean out their toilets with
my tongue.” McEuen laughs. The porter
says, “You beller laugh now, ‘cause in
about two hours, you aren't going to have
any lips . . . we are going to serve them
10 the white people up in the [ront cars."
As а last request, McEuen asks if the
porter can unlock the bunk bed, to
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which the porter responds, “You
take this and shove it in your goddamn
motherfuckin’ white ass, you shithole
white man. I will come in there and take
says to forget it. The көшіне ends with
the porter saying, “No, man, listen, 1
want lo serve you."]
PLAYBOY: We can sce why you're a little
nervous about releasing that. Ir seems
10 get racist.
MARTIN: I don’t think it's racist at all. It
is just funny. Thin-skinned people are
going to get uptight about it. The truth
is it puts down white people. It takes
a militant black point of view. 1 guess
I will have to take some shit for it.
though. But Richard Pryor docs white
PLAYBOY: Do you sce
between you and Pryor?
MARTIN: Richard Pryor and I do two
completely different things. He is a
greal stand-up comedian, a true artistic
personality and the smoothest stand-up
thinker. His performance is more stun-
ning when you consider that he laid oll
for a long time, then came back with a
completely new show. 1 mean
word [rom his old stuff. Pryor
sciously reduced the size of his theaters
to 3500-, 5000-seaters. Не came to me
one time after he saw me in Chicago and
he said. “I used to work at these big
places, but it way like stealing. Half the
people can’t see you." He's right Т said
“Well, Гта just going to steal for another
couple of months." 1
Richard Pryor
same breath and say.
comedy today."
Richard Pryor.
PLAYBOY: What happened to Lily?
MARTIN: Lily has the artist mentality
that bed, you asshole mutha.”
апу similarities
not one
has con-
used to mention
and Lily Tomlin in the
“That's it, that's
But now I tend to say
ways be in show business and
her career will rise and fall, dependin
on how good her
project is. She's the
female Richard Pryor, although Rich-
ard’s talent is impetuous, more
forceful, 1
PLAYBOY: That's how you once felt about
Lenny Bruce, isn't it?
MARTIN: 1 о to sleep listening
to Bruce's records. 1 1 fist
heard the name Lenny Bruce and they
said he was dirty. 1 said, "Aw, it’s just a
tick, some comedian’s out being dirty
and it's a р hook.” Then I saw
him on the news. He was speaking at
Long Beach State, doing his bit about
defending his act. He was being pros-
есшей at the time and he had to cop.
He wrote down his act and had to go to
the judge and do it. I thou
not dirty. Then 1 started
his records and I realized how great he
He was a funny not a
al person. Most. of his records are
pod, funny bits. A master.
ed. A dialecticam. Bruce is like
ore satirical,
used to
it's a
listening 10
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112 Chevy Chase, he was an actor. He
Richard Pryor to me. His punch line
isn't motherfucker. Не was firing this
chorus girl: “АП right, youre fired, pack
up your cunt and get out of here.
That's а good joke. That's not profan
He was talking like people talk. He
naturally used language, naturally used
profanity. Then, suddenly, he’s put in
a position to defend it. It's like wearing
Bermuda shorts. You walk in and some-
body goes, “What are those?” And you
didn't even think about it. You go, "It's
OK to wear Bermuda shorts, because it’s
hot out.” You have to make up a reason
It's like me being in a position to have
to defend not being political in my act.
Huh? You know, just a minute, let me
think up а reason.
PLAYBOY: Who are some of the comedi.
who tickle your funny bone?
MARTIN: Well, I grew up listening to
Bruce, Nichols and May, Jack Benny,
Red Skelton. Steve Allen was my great
love, he was the fastest ad-libber in the
West; there's nobody faster. I like
Rodney Dangerfield. Andy Kaufman
Robin Williams on Mork & Mindy
makes me laugh. Bill Cosby made me
laugh. David Brenner, Henny Young.
man. Поп Rickles is funny. He's like
Scotch, it's an acquired taste. Sid Caesar
makes me laugh. And Soupy Sales.
PLAYBOY: Soupy Sales?
MARTIN: I love him. I think the format
ol show is fantastic. You don't see
anybody. you see a hand, a puppet. It
just strikes me as clever. The jokes
stupid and every 20th joke you laugh.
And he doesn't саге. I love the back-
ground of the crew laughing.
PLAYBOY: What about Monty Python?
MARTIN: Makes me fall down and laugh.
I think that’s the greatest comedy of
our time,
PLAYBOY: Is there a West Coast and East
Coast brand of comedy? Newsweek. Гог
instance, called you the “ultimate West
Coast wacko," as opposed to the "arch
тура! East Coast neurotic, Woody Allen.’
MARTIN: 1 think my comedy's West Coast,
whatev that means. If we were to
ast Coast comedy, it's morc
lytical. We're all starting at
point: We're all depressed.
Now, the East Coast approach is to show
depression, investigate it, lear
it, talk about it. The West Coast's
ich to say. “We're not de-
pressed." It's to be depressed and to cov-
cr it up and go along and act as though
you're not depressed.
PLAYBOY: We asked you belore about
possible es to Pryor; what about
ilarities to Chevy Chase?
MARTIN: Yeah, we have similarities. But
it’s one guy stealing from
It’s coincidental, we're reacting
ilar times. 1 liked to watch Chevy
on Saturday Night, he was real likable,
a charmer, very funny. In Foul Play, he
was totally underdirceted. He wasn’t
being kind to the director and playing
is script, rather than being what Chevy
capable of doing.
Did you audition for that role?
MARTIN: I read for Foul Play.
Why did you say no?
MARTIN: I didn't say no. They
Do you feel lucky?
MARTIN: Made me realize I don't want to
do murder mysteries. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: Back to some of your peers.
What about George Carli
MARTIN: You have to give Carlin a lot
of credit. He came along as the hip come-
dian, but he still made people laugh. He
never lost his sense of humor. He is real
funny. I started out when there were no
comedians, except Carlin. But I was still
working before Carlin came along, too,
around "66, that's when I really started
working, and there was nobody to aspire
to. Looking back, I'm proud of that. I
lone. 105 a ter of
pride. There's also а lot of ego in that
PLAYBOY: Do you think Andy Kaufman
could have made it without your having
paved the way, in a sense?
MARTIN; Kaufman's real funny. but he's
i no.
“The East Coast approach
isto show your depres-
sion. The West Coast's
is to be depressed and
to cover it up."
not for everybody. When he read The
Great Gatsby on Saturday Night, it had
me on the floor. I feel like I am the
link for the normal audience to unde:
stand Andy Andy is where 1
may have gone if this never worked. 1
feel like 1 made a step in the direction
of that comedy. A contributor. Kaub
man’s got enough entertainment. value
to make his art watchable.
PLAYBOY: What about Martin Mull?
MARTIN: I love Martin Mull. He’
ng business
shoes and I was w
aring а suit with ten
nis shoes. 1 thought, Why do it h
n 1 got into the whi
һе 1 thought it was new
ent. I realize now it was just another of
those things that John. Lennon did five
assed? Th
5 Do you th
т than women?
MARTIN: Not necessarily. Lily Tomlin
proved that women can be funny. The
problem is that the women comedians
are emulating шеп, and it doesn’t work
that way. Someone is going to come
that men are
along and be a woman comedian.
There've been as many funny women
in movies as there have been men. or
even more. Like Judy Holliday, Marilyn
PLAYBOY: Rodney Dangerfield thinks it's
more acceptable for а man to be a
comedian than a woman,
MARTIN: It's truc. The tradition of being
a comedian is being hard sell. Having to
really sell the material. And the female
tradition is being soft and vulnerable.
The two haven't met. Pretty soon they
ill. Because the tradition of women
being soft and vulnerable will become
less signi п people's minds once
the old people die off. Also, someone will
figure out they don't have to have the
hard sell It's now permissible for a
woman to be a comedi
PLAYBOY: But could a woman do your
act? Could a woman be outrageous and
dumb and get away with i?
MARTIN: Elaine May pulled it off. She
played dumb and she played smart and
she played pseudosophisticated іп a style
that really worked all the w So it's
already been done, it’s just a matter of
being donc on a large scale.
PLAYBOY: What do you think of Carol
MARTIN: 1 Reiner says she’s the best
sketch player who ever lived. [ said,
"Even better than Lucille Ball?” But
Lucille Ball wasn't really a sketch plaver,
she was working in one sketch every week.
PLAYBOY: So who's Ше queen of comedy
10 you?
MARTIN: Gilda Radner is the queen of
the female comedians to me. Gilda has
the future. Her talent is so deep. She
should do movies. She made a great com-
ment about comedy one time. She said
comedy was having your pants down
around your ankle
PLAYBOY: One comic whom we haven't
touched upon but who might be consid-
егей a predecessor of your brand of hu
Jerry Lewis. What do you think
Lewis is a real
comedy genius. The movies of the Fifties
with Jerry Lewis are 90 percent master-
pieces of comedy. He always got a little
sentimental at some point, which always
turned me olf, but there were great jokes
and he was really in control. I'm talking
about the movies he did by himself, like
The Bellboy, The Errand Boy and The
Nutty Professor. Funny movies. Some-
times I'm onstage and 1 feel myself doing
someone. Its that little moment when
you say, “I got that from a Jerry Lewis
movie. Or from Jack Benny.”
PLAYBOY: What do you think happened
to Lewis?
MARTIN: From what I hear, he got very
the lord
t speak
ase his accomplish
difficult to work with. He wa
and master of comedy
against him, bec
ments affected me and what stopped his
accomplishments didn’t affect me. Jerry
І са
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Lewis always greased his hair back. What
would have happened if, when the 5
Чез came along,
hair Jong, combed it over with the dry
look? Maybe he'd still be funny. Who
PLAYBOY: ice you're speculating, we'd
like to ask you about Freddie Prinze. Do
you think you could have handled suc-
cess at the age he had to, 22?
MARTIN: I'm so glad it didn't happen to
me then, because І wouldn't have had
the experience to back up Ше demands
that have been made on me. If I had to
go to Vegas. like he did, when 1 was 21,
s] -. Ға kill myself. That would have
been a terrible pressure. I think the rea-
son Freddie Prinze killed nself was
because he had a gun in his hand. Не
never should have had a gun. That kind
of thing should be outlawed. That's why
1 won't have a gun around here. Because
1 get depressed.
PLAYBOY: Would you say that the pres-
sures of being a stand-up comedian are
greater than most other arcas of show
MARTIN: Stand-up comedy is the hardest
job in show business. There's no musi
you can't sing for three minutes, there's
no room for failure. Missing a joke or a
mistimed joke or a failed laugh reduces
the audience's confidence in you. Now,
they have to evaluate whether something
is funny. "That's why it's so difficult, be-
cau there's never a chance to fail.
You're literally hanging on every word.
Or being hung on every word.
PLAYBOY: What do you feel when you're
out there performing?
MARTIN: Fear is the biggest thing I feel
out there. There's no fun, it’s all work
onstage. And you are always in danger of
losing control. Every second you're on,
you're on trial. I think of it as an enemy.
As a challenge.
PLAYBOY: Does that mean you don't want
to perform live anymore?
MARTIN: Stand-up comedy is transient.
History shows that you can stand up for
so long; after that, you're asked to sit
down. To me, the object was to get out
of stand-up and go into movies. А movie,
a record, television, they're always new.
The stand-up is such a tough thing.
there's a tendency to leave it the same
because it works. I just can't leave it the
same anymore, for my own head.
PLAYBOY: On the tour you recently com:
pleted, how much material was new?
MARTIN: About 75 percent, but people
still think they have heard it before,
which I knew would happen. Why
should I make up а new act? It doesn’t
prove anything: it's going to be more of
the same. 1 can’t change it. I can't make
it 100 percent different. It's impossible.
So why even do it? After one show, I
started getting very depressed. I could
tell the show was slipping away. At
points, I thought, This is ridiculous. To-
ward the end of the act, I thought, 1
can't believe I'm out here. I felt like the
worst amateur in the world.
PLAYBOY: What has that taught you about
success and failure?
MARTIN: That if you're struggling to do
the best you possibly can all the time,
you'll fail 50 percent of the time. See,
success in comedy has to do with
something other than how good you arc.
PLAYBOY: When did you feel you'd finally
made it?
MARIIN; To us comedians, the proof of
when you're big is when you start draw-
ing. My manager and I have іп ou
ds the date when I first played the
thy Chandler Pavilion in Los An-
geles. It was 1976 or "77. 1 thought they
were crazy to book me there. It seated
3500 and the most I had played was 500.
But it sold out. I had done Saturday
Night Live, hosted The Tonight Show
and then did the Dorothy Chandler Pa-
vilion. But in terms of fame, Abe Vigoda
as famous as І am. He was seen by
20,000,000 people every week for how-
ever long his series lasted. No one’s more
famous than TV stars. We're not talking
about quality now, we're just talking
about fame. There's still a lot of audi-
ence out there for me to reach yet. I
think a lot of people never heard of me,
because I haven't been on prime-time
ТУ that much. Kids come up to me, their
parents send them over, they say, "That’s
Steve Martin, get his autograph.” The
kid doesn’t know, he comes over to the
table and he asks Bill McEuen for his
autograph. [Laughs] I know John Len-
non couldn't walk down the street. 1
can walk down the street. I don't think
I'm at the height of my career yet.
PLAYBO I, there are things about
being famous that you resent, such as
people staring at you or telephoning you.
MARTIN: It’s the loss of your mental pri-
vacy. Your last privacy. The biggest loss
is that you can't go anywhere and be an
observer. Or have fun like everybody
else. You can't go to Disneyland. You
can't go to a park. You can't go to the
zoo, which 1 love. When you start to do
this, you're not thinking about, Wait, I
better not write this joke, because I
might get so famous that I won't be able
to walk down the street. All you're think-
ing about is writing the joke and getting
a laugh. Even if I got out of the business
now, it's with me for the rest of my life.
Think of the people who are famous and
who are bothered just as much as I am
who aren't making money. Like Nixon.
I mean, he's not making 5100.000 а day.
Or some minor political figure. Ralph
ler. He's got people coming and
bothering him, and he's not making
$100,000 а day. Think if 1 had to go
through this for
PLAYBOY: But for a price, you're willing
to put up with the hazards of fame.
MARTIN: Sure, I'll be famous for that
of money.
PLAYBOY: What kind of money are we
talking about?
MARTIN: I don't work on a guarantee, I
work on a percentage. For a while, | was
really pulling in a lot of money per
ht. There was a time when J earned
$1,000,000 in two weeks. 1 did two days
at the Nassau Coliseum in New York and
made about $840,000.
PLAYBOY: That is a lot of money. What
did you do with it?
MARTIN: Started lighting it up. [Laughs]
You only get what you
draw. It's like Albert Brooks's joke
Neil Diamond, who'd do a concer
stars are the richest people in show bu
ness. Think of Ва
be incredibly rich. The money never
stops. Every half year, they must be send-
ing him $3,000,000, $5,000,000.
PLAYBOY: Did your sudden wealth sour
old relationships?
MARTIN: Yes. Money gets people more
than anything. I know people who genu-
inely were disturbed by my success. And
not exclusively show-business people. I
mean old friends.
PLAYBOY: At [cast you've been up front
about it—you've even incorporated your
love of moncy into your act.
MARTIN: I had joke where E say, "I
love bread.” АП it was was a lead in to a
routine. Then I read it quoted, “Steve
loves попсу, loves bread." It was just a
joke. It’s like saying, "Steve gives his cat
a bath with his tongue.”
PLAYBOY: Arc you saying you don't love
MARTIN; I don't love it, no. It's a sales
tool. My manager may say that to some-
body to get more moncy.
PLAYBOY: How are your record and movie
deals constructed?
MARTIN: Bill's biggest contribution to my
career was that when we made it, wc
were totally independent, with not one
contract signed to anybody. Not record.
, not agencies, not anything.
Bill made the Warner Bros. deal, the
record deal, the movie deal, all the big
deals. Marty Klein, my agent, was really
responsible for personal appearances, a
lot of top television. He got me on The
Tonight Show, on Saturday Night.
Those were his critical contributions
PLAYBOY: And didn't you and McEuen
buy Klein a Rolls-Royce?
MARTIN: Marty had always kidded that
"Someday you'll buy me a Rolls-Royce.”
„ since he had really helped our ca-
reers, we did. That was our joke.
PLAYBOY: Do you give money to any
MARTIN: I don't believe in organized char-
ity. 1 mistrust them. I always think the
(continued on page 190)
herein ЖЕТЕН been called ` Qux
‘the 2 country’s gay mecca; the straight. community
finally lets its fear and loathing :
out of the closet
TH BROKEN GEASS оп Ше steps of City ,
^ Hall was two inches deep. Four. Hmès of
` police—men; actually; . dressed -in heavy
shirts; sonic wearing bulletproof vests;
carrying three-foot batons across their
chests, theif-faces hidden behind visors of
‘plastic—stood-in the glass, ducking
tics, cans, rocks and -pieces of cement
garbage bins that had beeh torn аран
“Бу the “crowd. A hystérical policeman
shorted; "Did you see them throw every
fucking thing at us апа из under orders
тог to move? Did you see it?" Everyone: >
ducked.as a ріреоп flew. оу To the
left, another “police car, so carefully
painted. baby Мис for better community
relations, went up in-flames, making it
the fifth of the evening thus far; the
melting plastic wires in the cars made
the horns short out so there was a steady
like cattle lowing. “It's like Crys-
tal night,” said a sergeant, "only you
can't tell who thc Brownshirts are.”
“Cocksuckers,” hissed a boy on the
steps, “Cocksuckers.
It was the night of the day Dan White
was found guilty of manslaughter for
cold-bloodedly Killing Mayor George
Moscone and gay hero Harvey Milk. The
crowd milled and waxed and waned,
their faces twisted in the scarlet light,
but what one could see were the faces of
youth, glossy beards and manicured mus-
taches. Their bodies were lithe and
muscular and T-shirted. Many wore
whistles around their necks, which they
blew, adding to the moan, a sharp
screeching. If they went too close to the
steps, the men in the bluc uniforms
charged in small phalanxes, swinging
their sticks like scythes, bringing them
down against the tide that could be dis-
sipated but could not be stopped.
The next day, the homosexual man
who took Milk's place on the Board of
Supervisors would sum it up: "Now," said.
Harry Britt, "the society is going to have
to deal with us not
who have hair-dressing salons but as
people capable of violence."
They were, at one time, the limp-
wristed boys no upper-class party could
do without. Everyone knew, my dear, but
nobody talked. They have been in San
Francisco, in scattered groups, since the
city was settled in the wild days of the
gold rush. At the turn of the century,
there was a man called the Queen Bee
who ruled all gay life and passed the OK
оп any person coming into town. The
present descendants of the Bee are the
Empress and the Emperor, mere figure-
heads. José Sarria, the present Empress,
who reminds me that Dr. Kinsey told him
he was an “ideal third gender,” is the un-
official historian of the gay community.
He recalls, with undisguised glee, the
“Baker Street Scandal” of the Thirties,
when the police raided а tasteful Vic-
torian home in the fashionable part of
town and found the male scions of sever-
al noble families dancing with one an-
other, In the Forties, José sang at the
Black Cat, a literary salon /saloon in the
building that now houses Melvin Belli's
office. He did opera imitations, im full
drag, and his heroines always died. He
ended each evening by making every-
body stand up and sing God Bless the
Nellie Queens—'so. that for
moment they could be proud of it.
When the action in the bushes came to
their attention, the city fathers had
lights put up in Union Square (San
Francisco's equivalent to Times Square).
118 José remembers when it was legal for
the paddy wagons to pull up to the bar
and empty its contents like peanut shells.
(There were several sections of the penal
code that made this possible: а red-light
abatement law and another having to do
with “keeping a disorderly house.”) The
Cat repeatedly sued the Alcoholic Bev-
cragc Commission in attempts to keep its
doors open: In 1951, in Stoumen vs.
Reilly, the California Supreme Court
ruled that it was illegal for the bar to be
closed down simply because homosexuals
congregated there. In 1963, however, the
California Court of Appeal upheld an
lier ruling that the Cat had sufficient
ly violated the ABC code that guards
public morals to warrant closing it down
And that was the end of the Black Cat.
In the Fifties, as one more piece of
fallout from Senator McCarthy's bomb,
the Armed Forces were “purged of
homosexuals.” The job was done, in some
branches, by confiscating the address
book of a “known offender,” then dis-
honorably discharging every man in
‘Thus ruined, many of the soldiers, both
gay and straight, came to San Francisco—
because once you are kicked out of the
Army for being gay, you don't go back
to Cincinnati.
By the Sixties, the population had
grown enough to attract voluntary émi-
grés. Ken Maley, 34, was 19 when he
came to the city in 1964 from a town of
1000 in the Midwest. Back near his home
town, he had once gone to a bar where
he knew men danced together and had
at in a corner and watched. “Don’t
bother him," he remembers the patrons
saying to one another. "Нез confused.”
Later, when he told a straight friend
about his visit, the friend asked, "Ken,
did you go there to see them . . . or to
find yourself?"
Once in San Francisco, he lived down-
town in a Tenderloin hotel in a nin:
dollar-a-week room where he and hi
lovers registered as brothers. ("Everyone
knew. But everyone knew that you were
as down as everybody else; everyone
knew that you got enough shit from the
outside, so no one was going to give you
any more") He remembers the scene
“You got picked up in cars and taken
out to Land's End, walking the streets.
Не saw boys in make-up. holding ciga-
rettes just so; he tried to learn to wave his
hands іп the air and failed. Everyone
wore peg-leg pants that were so tight the
оп their legs came through. They
had to clip it with nail scissors.
“When 1 first came here,” says Maley,
“it was not acceptable in the gay com-
munity to go to the baths—you were
supposed to be looking for Mr. Right,
for your prince to come. There was a
place called The Rendezvous, where we
called them the Rendezvous Dolls: You
wind them up and they go home alone.
It was so terrifying, making that first
There was a place called the Capri,
where Pat Bond, the comic, was the
door dyke. When the police stuck their
heads in the door, she'd yell out and the
lights would go up and you had to stop
dancing. You had to always stay about
six to ten inches away from your partner,
just in case. You always felt there was
something wrong with you. If it all
stopped tomorrow, if they closed down
the bars again, I would know іп my own
self they couldn't make me feel like a
second-rate person again
Maley is now a “publicrelations con-
sultant” whose major industry, as he
calls it, is “selling queer." It is to Maley
that CBS goes when it wants to make a
documentary on gay life іп San Fran-
cisco; he assists the growing siege of
writers from out of town who stand at
Castro and 18th Street and go into shock.
He finds the right drag queen, the mem-
ber of Fuckers of America, the best
private gym. He promotes Casa Sanchez,
a condominium-development firm, help-
ing to sell the condominiums at Sanchez
and 170 Street, a converted laundry,
where the one- to three-bedroom units,
55 of them, will sell for between $125,000
and $180,000. It is understood that the
buyers of the condos should be gay, but
it is illegal to say so.
Numbers аге what finally made the
difference: As more and more men got
liberated letters from their friends and
former lovers—letters postmarked San
Francisco—more and more men lelt the
little towns in the Midwest where people
were beginning to wonder when they
were going to get married. (There is а
delicate green wrought-iron bench sitting
at a convenient resting spot on опе of
the beautiful public paths that run up
Telegraph Hill and overlook the San
Francisco Bay. A local gay celebrity has
plaque on the bench that
-1079, іп San Francisco there
were seven gay gyms, untold numbers of
gay bars, a gay tourist bureau, gay Real-
tors, gay doctors, gay dentists, gay thera-
pists and psychiatrists, gay insurance
companies, gay hotels, gay travel agen-
cies. gay backpacking organizations, gay
matchmakers, gay hair-removal services,
gay holistic massage and even a gay ver-
sion of est, called The Advocate Ex-
perience. Its founder is the president of
the company that publishes The Advo-
cate, a gay newspaper.
Сау lawyer Don Knutson, a member of
Gay Rights Advocates, has lived here 20
ycars now and he can’t remember the
last time a bar was raided. The mask law
(it is illegal to cover your face with an
(continued on page 130)
"Well—when you've got to go, this sure as hell is the шау...”
Fih M Kena
Cnet yew te
propi Pyama ау
at Жабу Sanin West
ее» 3t 070
әсет. of course
hef’s invitations are in the тай, but you don’t
have to wait—just turn the page and join the revelry
Your host, Hugh М. Hefner, greets guests with the fairy queen of his pojama-party invitation come to life, model Caren Stevens (appasite).
Above, a seemingly endless line of cars snakes up the driveway of Playboy Mansian West as partygoers arrive far the fun. 121
pictorial essay
UMAN NATURE being what it
is, there are only three things that will
get a grown man outdoors in his pa
mas: the arrival of the morning news-
paper, the call of “Fire!” and a party at
Playboy Mansion West. The last is by
far the most fun.
When Hugh M. Hefner inaugurated
the Mansion’s first pajama party on New
Year's Eve 1973, a lot of people took a
surprised second look at the invitation.
“He has asked everybody to wear ‘night
clothes—whatever that may or may not
mean,” puzzled columnist Nigel Demp-
ster, thousands of miles away in his
office at the Manchester Daily Май.
Night clothes, for the information of
our colleague, are what the world out-
side Holmby Hills wears for sleeping
Inside Mansion West at the annual Mid-
summer and New Year's Eve pajama
parties, they are what people wear for
playing. It’s а delightful tradition in-
spired by the preferred attire of the
host, who wants his guests to be just as
comfortable as he is. Hef wears pajamas
all the time—for eating, working, play-
ing and cspecially for an intimate soiree
such as this one. An intimate soiree chez
Hef, by the way, can include several
hundred people. When the guest list
goes beyond his circle of close friends,
Hel has been known to bow slightly to
conyention and slip into more conven.
tionally elegant threads.
Nothing mellows out a party faster
than meeting your fellow guests turned
out ready to turn in, Despite this ob-
vious logic, some folks are hard to con-
vince. Several years back, a few of Hef's
guests chose to ignore the “night clothes”
suggestion. That's a gaffe not unlike
wearing Adidas to a blacktie dinner.
Nonplused, Hef quickly updated an
Oriental tradition and provided all un-
suitably garbed guests with robes from
the liberal supply in the Mansion Bath-
house. Few balked at the change.
The 1979 Midsummer Night's Dream
event, held on the balmiest of Southern
California nights, prompted no such con-
fusion or reluctance on the part of the
revelers. By now, Hefs PJ bashes are
legend in Hollywood and invitations to
the two annual events are hot tickets. As
might be expected in a city with no dress
code at all, the interpretation of night
clothes (text continued on page 129)
Strolling thraugh the grounds at last August's Midsummer
Nigh!'s Dream party are record mogul Berry Согду and com-
ponion (above). Back in 1977, long before she become
Mrs. Jimmy Connors, Playmate of the Year Patti McGuire
dropped her drawers ct another Midsummer Eve's bash.
Ringing ом! 1977 at the Mansion West were (above, from left) actor Burgess Meredith, Hef, his dete, Playmate Sondra Theodore, and
actress Edy Willioms; last year's August pajama party attracted, among athers, author and former White House aide John Dean and wife,
Maureen (above right). Below, Wendy Carlson takes a moment fram last August's party to pose for a ғілүвоү photographer.
А few months before he opened in Players, Dean-Paul Martin wos moking the scene with
Hef at 1977's New Yeor's Eve party (obove). The long and the short of it at 19795 midsum-
mer fete were basketball great Wilt Chamberloin ond an attractive componion (below left).
At last August’s bash, Hollywood agent Kurt Frings visits with February 1978 Ploymote Jonis
Schmitt (obove right), while (below) actor Robert Culp has his arms full with songwriter Carol
Connors and September 1978 Ploymote Rosanne Katon (who has us up a tree at right).
Sharing a table during New Year's Eve of 1976:
entertainer Sonny Bono and Susie Coelho, his
lady since his split fram Cher (above).
New Year's 77 cutups (above): Hef, actresses
Misty Rowe, Candy Clark. Below, in August 79,
actor James Franciscus, Terri Welles.
The provocatively posed prospective Playmates above are Liz Glozowski (left) and Victorio Caoke, ster candidates for any man's Midsummer
Night's Dream. The creator of the fantasy steps aut at last year’s party (below) with July 1977 Playmate Sondra Theadare. Below
right, оп unidentified lady leads with her chin for actor Hugh O'Brian at the Mansion midsummer fete held in August of 1977.
Miss April 1978, Pamela Jean Bryant, has obviously captivated actor Burt Young in the shot at top left, from Hefner's 1978 summer p.i.
party. Enjoying the 1979 event (abave, from left): Jeona Temasino, Ron Prather, 25th Anniversary Playmate Candy Loving, film producer
Roger Comras, 1978 Playmate of the Year Debra Jo Fondren and (above right) Liz and Victoria, waging mock war.
New Year's celebronts in 1977 (left) included actor Harry Reems,
October 1978 Playmate Marcy Hanson; abave, с friend gets, well,
familiar with April 1977 gatefold girl Lisa Sahm at last August's do.
Merrymakers from two parties: Below,
Playmate Daina House, Deon-Paul Martin and lisa Holder,
August ‘79; belaw center, Berry Gordy, Tony Curtis,
Richard Brooks and Hefner, December 1975.
Above, Hef with John Derek and his wife, Bo (starring in 10),
and, at right, Shel i Michelle Karlin,
daughter of former Chicago Bunny Suzy Millikan, during the
1979 Midsummer Night's Dream festivities.
has gradually been stretched to
include costumes of unparalleled
A standard of sorts was estab.
lished a couple of years back
when Playmate Star Stowe ar
rived for the New Year's version
of the party wearing a sparkling
white, 100-percent-cotton diaper
held seductively in place by two
iety safety pins.
implicity of the outfit drew
from her suddenly over-
dressed admirers.
Likewise, there were no com-
plaints last summer when up-
coming Playmate Liz Glazowski
chose а stunning ensemble of
(text concluded on page 192)
A diapered Playmate Star Stowe
rings in 1977 with Dennis Klier
and Playmate Hape Olson (left).
“When you came to the end of c perfect бау”... or night . . . nobody wants the fun to be over.
Least of all Traci Spangler ond Teri Peterson, clowning around in the car above. Below:
At the strake of midnight, guests ore showered with hundreds of bolloans. Happy New Year!
SAN FRANCISCO EXPERIENCE (continued from page 118)
“At a gay celebration at Episcopal Grace Cathedral,
the Gay Men's Chorus sang ‘Stouthearted Men.”
“intent to dec ) is still on the books
but is not enforced. Sex clubs, as long as
they remain private, arc left alone. A
recent. Knutson case neatly bundles gay
past and gay present into one elegant
package. Last summer, British photogra-
pher Carl Hill got off a plane at San
Francisco International wearing а GAY
PRIDE button on his jacket. He and his
lover, Michael Mason, were here to cover
the Gay Freedom Day Parade for The
London Gay News, the name of which
printed on Hill's T-shirt. He was
immediately detained by an immigration
official who asked him if he was a prac-
ticing homosexual. When Hill replied
"Yes," he was told that he had the choice
of returning to London on the next
plane or of undergoing a psychiatric ex-
amination that would almost certainly
result in his expulsion from the country.
Hill had come up against U.S. Code,
Title 8, Section 1182, Excludable Aliens,
General Causes. The code has 31 subsec-
tions that include anarchists, drug ad-
dicts, alcoholics and the mentally
retarded. Hill came under section (4):
“aliens afflicted with psychopathic per-
sonality, or sexual deviation, or a men-
tal defect." The deviant, who'd soon
see 250,000 of his kind march up the
ing banners
He became an instant cause. The city's
oldest and most prestigious large law
firm, Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro, of-
fered to assist Gay Rights Advocates pro
bono in the fight to prevent the exami-
nation. The night before the parade,
Mayor Dianne Feinstein left her birthday
party at the Fairmont Hotcl to drop in
on a gay celebration at Episcopal Grace
Cathedral (where the Gay Men's Chorus
sang Stouthearled Men). There, to а
standing ovation, she publicly apologized
to Hill, adding, “I suspect these things
will not happen again." The next day,
Hill and Mason led the parade. And
Knutson, in a turnaround, sued thc
United States Public Health Service (in
the person of the Surgeon Gencral) on
behalf of his client. "We're now the
plaintiffs," he said, "and it fcels terrific."
(The case was dismissed in district court
on Friday, August 3, 1979. U. S. Surgeon
General Julius Richmond declared that
homosexuality per se по longer was
viewed by thc Public Health Service as
evidence of a mental disease or defect.)
А most tolerant town,
San Francisco,
130 born in the brazen days of the gold
rush, when you couldn't tell a starving
miner from the next president of the
Wells Fargo Bank, so everyone was wel-
come. "The town stayed open, accepting
Beats in the Fifties, flower children in
the Sixties and gays in the Seventies. It is
a kind of grand experiment: How many
flavors in the melting pot? How many
tap shoes can dance on the head of a pin?
But the population of the city is small
(660,000) and geographically contained—
on three sides by water. Estimates of the
Бау population now waver between
100,000 апа 175,000 people—trom 15 to
26 percent of the population. Because
the gay neighborhoods tend to clump
near downtown, you have what one la-
lino organizer calls "an inner city of wall-
io-wall gays ringed by neighborhoods
with familics.” He is exaggerating some-
what, but the impulse behind his words
comes from a sense of being overtaken.
In Macy's, the new Lifestyle section
sports bomber jackets and round-collared
largely staffed by men with.
ing voices. Castro Street, once an Irish-
Catholic neighborhood, where a few ho-
mosexual men moved to in the Sixties,
has become a blooming, blossoming gar-
den of gay delight. In L'Uomo, a store
just off the main boulevard, two manne-
quins in nylon briefs face cach other,
crotches bulging; in another window of
the same store, a mannequin crouches on
its hands, ass in the air to passers-by.
Around the corner, the Hibernia Bank
has recently modernized, indenting its
walls to create a minipark with planters
in front. One imagines a thoughtful bank
president designing the park, imagining
it as a relaxing place for elderly women.
Instead, it is referred to as Hibernia
Beach; every day, men with short haircuts
and tight T-shirts and flat stomachs and
tanned legs—either stuffed into jeans or
splayed in short shorts—lounge in the
sunshine, remarking on the шеп going
by, men who look so much like those
watching that they have been dubbed, by
straight and gay alike, the Castro Clones.
For many people these days, it's no
joke. “I walk into the area and I feel
uncomfortable. 1 sce men who look like
boys. It’s а shock to look at them, be-
cause they're all dressed differently from
others their age and they're all dressed
the same. My experience is that I don't
belong and it violates my sense of what's
natural, a difference between generations.
The speaker is a man I will call Paul
(none of the heterosexual people 1
talked to would allow me to use their
names). He is ап editor, an educated,
well-traveled, thoughtful man who has
lived ncar Castro Street for ten years.
When he and his wife bought their Vic-
torian house there, they were “thrilled”
to find so many places to shop and cat зо
close to home. Gradually, however, they
found themselves avoiding the arca.
“As I park, and get closer, it’s visceral.
I feel а sense of menace. I think, Why do
I feel this? and 1 can never decide
whether it’s because they're different from
me, a xenophobia, or whether it’s an
aggresive cnergy in the air, ап Us against
Them, a male energy—forget homosex-
ual—which is potentially volatile.
“Its a similar experience to being
imprisoned, and there's rivalry and jos-
tling for position. Faggots don't come out
as faggots anymore, they come out as
young male athletes—its such a male
world, a sexual parade, as if all these
people were training for an unarmed
militia. My immediate impression of the
gay world is one of militancy.
“As I get closer, I see things that make
me feel crawly. 1 see men holding hands,
kissing, touching each other's asses, be-
havior that adults in America, in the
heterosexual world, are not uscd to see-
ing. I feel this, too, а kind of chal-
lenge. The Italians call it sfida, as if the
right to behave contrary to conventions
is being flaunted on a massive scale.
"When I walk down the street, now
that I've lost weight and go to the gym,
I feel as if I look more like one of them.
I have short hair. And I get the еуе. 1
feel as if I want to shout, I'm straight!
I don't want to bc mistaken. 1 saw
grafiti in the bathroom at the movie
croset! There is not so much of that
anymore—the ‘everyone's really a homo-
sexual at heart’; but there's enough in-
fluence that you feel you have to defend
yourself against i
On Market Street toward Castro, the
men on the balcony of The Balcony bar
are stuffed in like asparagus spears, most
of them naked to the м: ‘Two men
near the railing are holding each other,
kissing. The couple in the car with
me, one of whom was once a member of
SDS, hiss, “Faggots.”
About a year ago, I began to hear that
word again, a word seldom mentioned
here for the previous five years. It was
used, I noticed, by people who were
liberal, who imagined themselves to be
tolerant. It was used, when it was used
discreetly at all, to refer to men in
groups, men kissing and holding hands,
men dressed alike.
Joshua, age 15: “I saw the Donahue
show and on it were two sets of parents
of gays and the audience brought up a
lot of issues, like, how can they be
cured? Why are they like this? And the
(continued on page 234)
“Gotta tell ya, Pop—this keeping the family together for
the children’s sake ain't worth shit.”
from the moment he discovered the pill
that rippled men’s loins, uncle oswald
became a much-sought-after young тап
1 AM BEGINNING, once again, to have an
urge to salute my Uncle Oswald. I mean,
of course, Oswald Hendryks Cornelius,
deceased, the connoisseur, the bon
vant, the collector of spiders, scorpions
and walking sticks, the lover of opera,
the expert on Chinese porcelain, the
seducer of women and, without much
doubt, the greatest fornicator of all time.
Every other celebrated contender for
that title is diminished to a point of
ridicule when his record is compared
with that of my Unde Oswald. Espe-
cially poor old Casanova. He comes out
of the contest looking like a man who
was suffering from a severe malfunction
of his sexual organ.
Fifteen years have passed since I re.
leased for publication in 1964 the first
small excerpt from Oswald's diaries. I
took trouble at the time to select some-
thing unlikely to give offense, and that
s between my
d a certain female leper in the
So far so good. But I waited a full
ten years more (1974) before risking the
release of a second piece. And once
again, I was careful to choose something
that was, at any rate by Oswald's stand-
ards, as nearly as possible suitable for
reading by the vicar to Sunday school in
the village church. That one dealt with
the discovery of a perfume so potent that
any man who sniffed it upon 2 woman
was unable to prevent himself from rav-
ishing her on the spot.
Today. five years alter publication of
that perfume story, I have decided to
permit the public yet another glimpse
into my uncle's life. The section I h
chosen comes from Volume XX. w
in 1938, when Oswald was 43 y
the prime of
the extract from Volume
ies of Oswald Hendryks
word for word as he wrote it.
London, July 1938
Have just returned from a satisfactory
visit to the Lagonda works at Staines.
W. О. Bentley gave me lunch (salmon
from the Usk and a bottle of Montra-
chet) and we discussed the extras [or my
new VI2. He has promised me a set of
horns that will play Mozart's Son gid
mille е tre in perfect pitch. Some of you
ink this to be a rather childish
, but it will serve as a nice incen-
to be reminded, every time I press
the button, that good old Don Giovanni
had by then deflowered 1003
Spanish damscls. I told Bentley that the
s are to be upholstered in fine-grain
alligator, and the paneling to be ve-
neered in yew. Why yew? Simply b.
Т prefer the color and grain of Еп)
yew to that of any other wood
The new Lagondas are peerless,
Т, for one, would have no other mach
But this onc isn't going to he cheap. It
is costing me more thousands than 1
ever thought it possible to pay for an
Yet who cares about money? Not me,
because I've always had plenty of it. I
made my first £100,000 when I was 17
and later [ was to make a lot morc.
Having said (continued on page 136)
new years eve may be a ring-a-ding might, but new year’s
day is when the festivities really get rolling
food and drink By EMANUEL GREENBERG Chances аге you'll have a helluva New Year's Eve
and, after cutting а few Zs, awake refreshed and ready to boogie some more. Contrary to the old adage, PLAYBOY believes
you can’t have too much of a good thing. So why not extend the holiday spirit a bit longer, with a New Year's Day open
house? If you can’t con a ladyfriend into tossing the bash, square your shoulders, man, and assume the duty yourself
It needn't be a chore—if you do it right. An open house can be smart without being complicated: sybaritic simplicity
is the watchword. You don't want anything too commonplace. That goes for the snacks and other sustenance, wines,
spirits and the obligatory reviver. This once, forgo the ubiquitous bloody mary and offer a more distinctive pick-me-up.
The two given here, one with gin, the other based on brandy, not only taste good but, (continued on page 276)
(continued from page 133)
“Опе tiny pinch of that powder is the most powerful
aphrodisiac in the world.
that, it occurs to me that I have never
once throughout thesc journals made апу
mention of the manner in which I be-
came a wealthy man.
Perhaps the time has come when 1
should do tl I think it has. For these
diaries would be incomplete without
some reference to the art of moncy-
making and the pleasures attendant
Very well, then. 1 have talked myself
to it. 1 shall proceed at once to tell
you something about how I set about
making money.
Іп Ше year 1912, when 1 was barely
17, 1 won a scholarship in natural sci-
ences to Trinity College, Cambridge.
1 was а precocious youth and had taken
the exam a year earlier than usual. This
meant that 1 had a 12-month wait doing
nothing, because Cambridge would not
receive me until 1 was 18. My father
therefore decided that 1 should fill in
the time by going to France to learn the
language. I myself hoped that 1 should
learn a fair bit more than just the lan-
guage in that splendid country. Already,
you see, I had begun to acquire a taste
for rakery and wenching among the
London debutantes, Already, also, I was
beginning to get a bit bored with these
young English girls. They were, 1 de-
cided, a pretty pithless lot, and 1 was
impatient to sow a few bushels of wild
oats in foreign fields. Especially in
France. I had been reliably informed
that Parisian females knew a thing or
two about the act of lovemaking that
London cousins had never even
med of. Copulation, so rumor had it,
fancy in England.
On the evening before 1 was due to
depart for France, 1 gave a small party
at our family house in Cheyne Walk.
1 had invited a dozen or so friends of
both sexes, all of them about my own
age, and by nine o'clock we were
around making pleasant talk, drinking
wine and consuming some excellent
boiled mutton and dumplings. ‘The front
doorbell rang. 1 went to answer it, and
on the doorstep there stood a middle-
aged man with a huge mustache, a
magenta complexion and a pigskin suit
case. He introduced himself as Major
Grout and asked for my father. I said
he was out to dinner. “Good gracious
me," said Major Grout. “He has invited
mc to stay. I'm an old friend."
“Father must have forgotten," I said.
“Ym awfully sorry. You had better come
Now, I couldn't very well leave the
major alone in the study reading Punch
while we were having a party in the next
room, so I asked him il
come in and join us. He would, indeed.
He'd love to join us. So in he came,
mustache and all, a beaming, jovial old
boy who settled down among us quite
comfortably despite the fact that he was
three times the age of anyone else pres-
ent. He tucked into the mutton and pol-
ished off a whole bottle of claret in the
first 15 minutes.
“Excellent victuals,” he said. “Is there
any more wine?"
1 opened another bottle for him, and
we all watched with a certain admiration
as he proceeded to empty that one as
well His cheeks were swiftly turning
from magenta to a very deep purple and
his nose scemed to be catching on fire.
Halfway through the third botue, he
began to loosen up. He worked, he told
us, in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and
was home on leave. His job had to do
with the Sudan Irrigation Service and a
very hot and arduous business it was.
But fascinating.
We sat round him, listening and not
a little intrigued by this purple-faced
creature from distant lands.
“А great country, the Sudan," he said.
“It is enormous. It is remote. It is full of
mysteries and secrets. Would you like me
to tell you about one of the great secrets
of the Sudan?”
"Very much, sir" we said.
“One of its great secrets,” he said, ti
ping another glass of wine down his
throat, “а secret that is known only to a
few old-timers out there like myself, and
to the natives, is a little асаште called
the Sudanese blister beetle, or, to
him his right name, Cantharis vesicatoria
“You mean a scarab?” I said.
“Certainly not,” he said. “The Suda-
nese blister beetle is a winged insect, as
much a fly as a beetle, and is about three
rters of an inch long. It's very pretty
to look at, with a brilliant iridescent
shell of golden green."
“Why is it so secret?” we asked.
‘These little beetles,” the major said,
“are found only in опе part of the
Sudan. 105 an area of about twenty
square miles, north of Khartoum, and
that's where a tree called the hashab
grows. The leaves of the hashab trec are
what the beetles fecd on. Men spend
their whole lives searching for these bee-
tles. Beetle hunters, they are called. They
are very sharp-eyed natives whe know
all there is to know about the haunts
and habits of the tiny brutes. And when
they catch them, they kill them and dry
them in the sun and crunch them up
into a fine powder. This powder is great-
ly prized among the natives, who usually
keep it in small, elaborately carved
beetle boxes. A tribal chief will have his
beetle box made of silver.”
“But this powder,” we said, “what do
they do with it
“It's not what they do with it,” the
major said. “It’s what it docs to you. Onc
tiny pinch of that powder is the most
powerful aphrodisiac in the world.
“The Spanish fly!" somcone shouted.
“It’s the Spanish fly!"
“Well, not quite," the major said,
“but you're on the right wack. The
common Spanish fly is found in Spain
and southern Italy. The one I'm talking
bout is the Sudanese fly and although
it’s of the same family, it’s a different
кеше of fish altogether. It is approxi-
mately ten times as powerful as the ordi-
nary Spanish fly. The reaction produced
by the little Sudanese fellow is so in-
«кейіму vicious it is dangerous to use
even in small doses.”
"But they do use it.
"Oh, God, yes. Every wog in Khar-
toum and northward uses the old beetle.
White men, the ones who know about 11,
are inclined to leave it alone because
it’s so damn dangerous.”
"Have you used it?” someone asked.
"The major looked up at the question-
cr and gave a little smile under his
enormous mustache. “We'll come to
that in a moment or two, shall we?” he
"What does it actually do to you?"
one of the girls asked.
"My God," the major
doesn't it do to you? It bı
under your genitals. It is both a violent
aphrodisiac and a powerful irritant. It
not only makes you uncontrollably randy
but it also guarantees you an enormous
and long-lasting crection at the same
time. I will tell you а truc story, if you
"about myself and the
he began, "I was
sitting on the veranda of my bungalow
way upcountry about fifty miles north
of Khartoum, It was hot as hell and I'd
had a hard day. I was drinking a strong
whiskey and soda. It was my first that
ng and I was l
chair with my feet res
balustrade that ran round the ve
I could feel the whiskey hitting the
ing of my stomach and I can promise you
there is no greater sensation at the end
(continued on page 228)
TT WAS AT A DINNER the night before the Robert Kennedy tennis tournament and Senator Ted Kennedy, Art Buchwald and АВС
Roone Arledge were seated at the same table, having a fine time. They're all old friends. Arledge was smoking a grand
a and Kennedy suddenly reached across the table, snatched the halfsmoked cigar and settled back to enjoy
Caught without my sketch pad, I captured the moment on а napkin. There was something about the way Kennedy comman-
deered the cigar that made me think: Here's a man who has decided to run for the Presidency. You'll notice that Kennedy appears
to be staring into the middle distance. He often seems this way. I've found that most powerful men are what I сай spatial viewers.
They're always either lost in thought or scanning a room to make sure they aren't missing anything important. ьм. 137
after a decade in dry dock,
tv's most enduring flight crew
invades the nation’s
movie theaters determined
to wage star wars—and reclaim
some extraterrestrial turf
SCENE: The bridge of the refurbished
Starship Enterprise, where members of
the crew are staring, horrified, at their
viewer screens, Four huge objects, which
appear to be some destructive form of
plasma energy, have just been released |
toward earth by an unknown force.
On hand are the vessel's commanding
officer, CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK; science
officer, the pointyeared, halj-Vulcan
MR. SPOCK; chief medical officer, LEON-
security officer, СНЕКОУ; communications `
officer, LIEUTENANT UHURA; and three
new members of the crew: executive
officer WILLARD DECKER; ILIA (eyr-lee-ah),
a hauntingly beautiful, hairless female
who speaks in а strangely robotized
fashion; and, at the navigator's console,
another female officer —pI FALCO—who
whispers in-disbelie}:
DIFALCO: They're going to destroy
every living thing on earth!
KIRK (to ILIA); Why?
ILIA: The carbon-unit infestation is to
be removed from the Creator's planet.
KIRK: Why?
ILIA: Because the Cfeator has not.
KIRK: The carbon-units are not respon-
sible for that.
ILIA: You infest Enterprise. You inter-
fere with the Creator in the same manner.
KIRK: The carbon-units are not an
In these artist's renderings based an an
advance look at the script of Star `
Trek—The Motion Picture, the Starship
Wu streaks through space at warp-
sever! speed in pursuit of an ugknown
intruder. Suddenly, the Enterprise is
menaced by bolts af unexplained
force disturbingly like those that have
already vaparized three Klingan Баје
cruisers and the Starfleet monitor
station on Epsilon 9...
infestation. They're anatural function of
the Creators planet. The
ILIA: They are not true lil
the Creator and other simil
are truc. ^
MC Coy: Similar life forms? Jim!
is saying the Creator is a machine] |
DECKER: ОГ course. We all create Gi
in our own ima;
That's a climactic moment (гот Star:
Trek—The Motion Picture, a multimil-
lion-dollar epic due to hit the nation's
screens in December after one of the
longest gestation periods in showbiz his-
tory. Like the television series from
which it sprang, the fil
message and characte
devoid of wham-bam shoot"em-ups and
bugeyed monsters. Will it succeed with
audiences who been conditioned by
the comic-book simplicity of Star Wars,
‘the otherworldly concepts and son et
ière of Close Encounters of the Third
find? Paramount Pictures has belatedly
that it’s less
executive) on
posession long
ind Close Encounters
winkles in the eyes of
turned into a blockbust On the
other hand, never before has a motion
picture come to the screen with so large,
so fanatic a built-in audience, It all be-
gan modestly enough a weekly
and although the powerful assailant has
for the moment spared the ship ond.
its intrepid crew, the Enterprise, locked into
а tractar beam, is gradually sucked
inta an enormous but strangely beautiful
cloud and then inexorably drown
closer to a mysterious entity dwelling in
its center, which colls itself V'ger.
For the exciting climox, you'll have to
see the movie—opening all over
the country in December.
television series debuting оп NBC бер-
tember 8, 1966. The brain child of Gene
Roddenberry, a former Pan Am pilot
and Los Angeles cop, it dealt with the
voyages of a 23rd Century space vesse
part of the Starfleet of the United Fed-
eration of Planets, and the adventures
that befell its crew on its five-year ex-
ploratory mission through space.
From the first, Star Trek attracted a
devoted following, but not a large one.
The network wied to cancel the show
after its second season, only to be del-
uged by letters from irate fans organized
by a Los Angeles housewife and science-
fiction buff named Bjo Trimble. She says
the campaign resulted іп 1,000,000 let-
ters to NBC.
The gimmick worked, but only for one
season. In 1968, Star Trek was put in a
graveyard Friday-night slot, where its
ratings continued to drop. and it left the
air—lor good, its stars assumed—at the
end of that season.
Авїї turned out, the apparent end was
only the beginning. Once the show went
into syndication, local independent sta-
tions started booking it in early-evening
and weckend time slots, where it would
be scen by both adults and children.
Audiences began to grow, and today—
more than ten years since the 79th and
final TV episode was shot—Star Trek is
seen 308 times a week оп 134 U.S. sta-
tions and, translated into 47 languages,
in 131 international markets. Its pop-
ularity has actually expanded 77 percent
in the past five years and it has, in-
credibly enough, been the subject of
masters theses and doctoral dissertations.
То the moviemakers, this established
fandom is both blessing and curse. The
hard-core Star Trek fan knows everything
there is to know about the Enterprise
and its crew, and this inexplicable,
satiable demand for even more has been
grected with books of Enterprise blue-
prints, a technical manual, trivia com-
New womon on the Enterprise (above): Persis
Khambotte, Below (from left, top row): William
Shatner, Captain Kirk; Leonard Nimoy, Spock:
DeForest Kelley, Dr. McCoy; James Dachan,
Scotty; (bottom raw): Nichelle Nichols, tieu-
tenant Uhure; Gearge Takei, Sulu; Walter
Koenig, Chekov; Stephen Collins as Decker.
pilations and even a concordance of all
Star Trek episodes (compiled by the
aforementioned Trimble). Your true
Trekker—as distinct from Trekki
term looked down upon: by real fanati
as having groupie connotations—can
pass the most esoteric of trivia quizzes.
“Not me,” says Roddenberry merrily.
“At a Star Trek convention some years
ago, they gave me 50 multiple-choice
trivia questions and I got only four of
them right.’
Roddenberry has been working out of
an office on the Paramount lot for somc-
thing over four years now. “Seems like a
fucking lifetime,” he says. “Sometimes it
feels like being crucified: You realize it's
a great honor, but you'll be glad when
it's over.”
"There's an irony in the [act that Para-
mount has finally backed this project
The roster of special-effects wizards
working their magic on Star Trek—
The Motion Picture reads like the
tech nd: $600,000,000
worth of box-office receipts. After a
shaky start, the picture's visual mag-
ic has been curned over to director of
special photographic effects Douglas
Trumbull, 37, and supervisor for spe-
cial photographic effects, John Dyk-
stra, 31. Trumbull, who cut his teeth
anlcy Kubrick's masterpiece
lo did effects for The An-
dromeda Strain and Close Encoun-
ters of the Third Kind and directed
the cult classic Silent Running. Dyk-
stra’s work on Andromeda and Si-
lent Running brought him to the
attention of George (Star Wars)
Lucas; his work on that film earned
Dykstra an Oscar, and a similar chore
for the TV Battlestar Galactica pilot
won him an Emmy.
Although Dykstra and his once-
and-present mentor, Trumbull, were
actually competitors for the Academy
Award in April 1978, they appear to
be working in perfect harness for
Star Trek. That may not be surpris-
ing, in view of the fact that when
Dykstra collected his Star Wars Os-
car, he announced that he wanted to
thank Doug Trumbull for having
given him his opportunity.
When Trumbull and his Future
General Corporation took over the
Star Trek effects job, they found
themselves with two years’ worth of
work to complete in а mere ni
months. Fortunately, they were рї
plenty of money to do it. The cost of
the special effects in this film may
well add up to $20,000,000—hclping
make Star Trek—The Motion Picture
Paramount's most expensive film ever.
“The floodgates opened up for a
period of time," Trumbull said later.
“Paramount said, ‘Just get it done at
any соз, so we put together good
equipment, good crews and good art-
work. Our emotion going in was to
try to do the best job we could and
pull this out of the shit.”
From the looks of preliminary shots
we were able to sce at Trumbull's
Venice, California, shop and at Sub.
contractor Dykstra's Apogee facilities
in Van Nuys, they've done it. Star
Trek—The Motion Picture will have
special effects never previously seen
on the (concluded on page 308)
Star Trek's specialeffects wizards:
Douglas Trumbull (left), Jahn Dykstra.
The unduloting, sphincterlike maw that draws the Enterpri
into Viger (above) is largely a creotion of camputer-geometry expert Ron Resch,
working far Douglos Trumbull. Below left, an eorly design (later revised) for the plosma-energy bolt thot destroys the Klingon battle cruisers
(below right) and menaces the Enterprise, not to mention the solar system; botiom left, Enterprise in the spoce dock, o model thot required hond-
fitting of 100,000 ports. Bottom right, a look ot how the Enterprise ond docking models were synchronized and projected; note trocks on which
camera is moving. Hoving limited time in which to work, special-effects geniuses Trumbull, John Dykstra end their oides created new technology to
accomplish a two-year task within nine months. The results will be seen onscreen December sixth, when Stor Trek—The Motion Picture opens.
with megabucks. The studio bought the
portion of Star Trek rights originally
owned by the now-defunct Desilu organ-
ization (Roddenberry is the co-owner).
After sitting on it for almost a decade,
Paramount has been roundly castigated
by Trek fans. During the early Seventies,
the very name Paramount was routinely
booed at conventions of fans eager for a
movie, a new ТУ series, a special, any-
thing to bring their heroes back. Then,
in 1976, the studio got a new president:
Michael D. Eisner, whose background
in TV. He reactivated the Star Trek
project, telling a writer for The New
York Times that his predecessors had
“made a mistake” not realizing that
through its TV exposure, Star Trek
could guarantee an audience. “The proj-
ect should have been done іп 1975,"
Eisner said.
If it had, it would have beaten Siar
Wars, the box-office champion of all
time, to the screen. By the time Star
Wars hit, Roddenberry was already on
the Paramount lot, set to make a middle-
budget Star Trek movie based оп а script
that has been dubbed, facetiously, The
Enterprise Finds God in Outer Space.
"Actually, it wasn't God they were
meeting" Roddenberry explains, "but
someone who had been here on carth
before, claiming to be God. I was going
to say that this false thing claiming to be
God had screwed up man's concept of
the real infinity and beauty of what God
is. Paramount was reluctant to put that
up on the screen, and I can understand
that position. But someday it would be
fun to do.”
There are elements of that concept in
the present script (by Roddenberry and
Harold Livingston), which at another
point in the movie's four-year pregnancy
ig to be the pilot for the flagship
network Paramount and its parent com-
pany, Gulf & Western Industries, hoped
to launch. When that fell through, it
was recycled yet again and in 1978 the
making of Star Trek—The Motion Pic-
ture was announced with Roddenberry
as producer, the highly respected Oscar-
winning Robert (West Side Story, The
Sound of Music, The Day the Earth
Stood Still) Wise as director, and all the
principal characters from the original
TV-series cast.
Last to sign оп was Leonard Nimoy,
the ultralogical, half-Vulcan Mr. Spock—
who said his reluctance was due to the
fact that he didn't want to get tied up
in another series. Insiders, however, spec
ulated that Nimoy, like some other
members of the Star Trek company, had
been unhappy with the compensation
he had received not only for resid-
uals—back in 1966, actors were paid for
only some seven reruns, and Star Trek is
144 now in its umpteenth—but for such by-
products as Star Trek character dolls and
games. “Sometimes the most creative
writers at a studio arc in the accounti
department,” Nimoy once remarked:
an observation seemingly borne out by
the fact that Paramount has yet to ad-
mit—at least to Roddenberry, who owns
a third of Star Trek—that the TV series
has turned a profit.
Despite that, they're all friends now.
Except with the firm of Robert Abel &
Associates, which with much hoopla was
originally signed on to do the movie's
special effects. After reviewing his budget
upward from $4,000,000 to $16,000,000
and spending a year working on optical
effects, Abel was able to screen only a
few partial sequences for Paramount
representatives in February 1979.
On seeing them, mild-mannered Wise,
who looks like a silver-haired, bespec-
tacled cherub and is legendary in Holly-
wood circles for his equanimity, blew up.
Studio brass huddled and Abel was
canned. Months later, interviewed in
his office in Building E of Paramount's
sprawling lot, Wise would only say of
Abel: "We have not been in touch. The
air might be a little blue if we had."
Signed on—reportedly for an arm, 2
leg and a free hand at directing his own
picture, if not for half the outstanding
stock in Gulf & Western—was the reign-
ing king of special effects, Douglas
Trumbull, who directed the contempo-
rary sci-fi classic Silent Running and did
the effects for 2001 and Close Encounters
of the Third Kind. Trumbull recruited
John Dykstra, the man behind much of
Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. With
the hottest special-effects team іп the
business at the controls, work on Star
Trek—The Motion Picture—sometimes
round the clock, six days a week—began
all over again (see Star Trek's Very Spe-
cial Effects, page 138).
As this is being written, the effects
wizards are in a race against time, trying
to get all those visuals ready before mid-
November, when the film would have to
be delivered to the color labs entrusted
with making the 800 prints for the mass
December opening. Edgiest of ай was
the 29-year-old Wunderkind Jeffrey
Katzenberg, vice-president in charge of
feature production, for whom this is the
first major motion-picture project. “This
is your picture, Jeffrey,” Paramount top
man Barry Diller reportedly said to him.
“You sink with it or swim with it.”
Katzenberg tried to clamp a tight se-
curity lid on everything about the mov-
ie—to keep his workers from wasting
valuable time talking to the press, he
said, but also because he was striving,
somewhat vainly, to conserve whatever
surprise value he could for the opening
of the film. His anxiety was not without
foundation; way back in February 1978,
a Calilornia man stole plans for some of
the movie sets and tried to sell them to
the president of the Star Trek Associa-
tion of Orange County; the FBI was
called in and the miscreant was appre-
hended, fined 5750 and given two years’
probation on a felony charge of stealing
а wade secret. In yet another incident,
bootlegged copies of the script were put
on sale at a fan convention.
What is there about Star Trek that
has made its following the most fanat-
ical in showbiz history? Roddenberry
suspects that people hope that
mankind will survive another three cen-
turies. William Shatner, who plays Cap-
tain Kirk, thinks may fulfill needs
people have for “otherworldliness
their lives. Bjo Trimble thinks
good sci-fi: "Star Trek,” she says, "is
first series in which the Great Rutabaga
doesn't invade Seattle every week.
George Takei (Mr. Sulu) theorizes that
Star Trek attracts a thoughtful audience
that gets really involved—whereas the
audience for I Love Lucy, another phe-
nomenally popular series, “just sits back
and enjoys itself, and that’s the end of it.
Nimoy hypothesizes that the answer
lies in the show's characters. "To me,
there are six or eight TV shows that you
could turn on and mistake one for the
others,” he says. “You could put the bald
guy in this one and the guy with the
police uniform in that one, and it
wouldn't matter. We on Star Trek, 1
think, are specifically identifiable as i
dividuals. Everybody knows who cach
of these characters is and feels very deep
personal relationships with them. With
all due respect to all the shows that are
on the air, I don't know of any other
that will warrant a fan convention seven
or ten years from now, anyplace."
Whichever theory, or combination of
theories, holds the answer to the secret
of Star Trek, Nimoy is right on target
about his audience's involvement. with
the characters—who had inspired 371
fan clubs at latest count. Some of the
Star Trek actors һауе made a modest
living out of that fandom, through lec-
ture апа personalappearance fecs, but,
on the other hand, many have been so
seriously typecast that they've had wou-
ble landing other roles.
Prior to Star Trek, Shatner was the
best known of all of them, The Cana-
dian-born actor starred in some of the
most memorable television dramas of
the early Sixties: with Ralph Bellamy in
the opening episode of The Defenders,
with Lee J. Cobb in No Deadly Medicine
on Studio One, as the idealistic trial
attorney Lieutenant Colonel М. P. Chip-
man on PBS' acclaimed Т/с Anderson-
ville Trial—and, less successfully, in an
abortive costume Western called The
Barbary Coast.
(continued on page 172)
һегез something you need but seldom receive
this time of year—savvy advice on how to keep
more of your nest egg inside your own nest
article By ANDREW TOBIAS тһе holidays are
rough. There are gifts to buy, taxes to pay, contribu-
tions to make, parties to throw, ski lodges and tuxedos
to rent—not to mention doormen, postmen and news-
boys you may never even have seen but whom you
must nevertheless appease. (Mine send second greeting
cards when remittance is not received promptly from
the first.) Indeed, contrary to popular belief, it is
financial rather than emotional distress that causes the
suicide rate to soar this time (continued on page 178)
article By ALVIN TOFFLER you shouldn’t be surprised to find that every rule
you've ever lived by is changing. it always happens when one epoch gives way to another
Ten years ago, PLAYBOY readers caught
а first, exclusive look al an extraordinary
book that subsequently went on to sell
6,000,000 copies around the world and
add a new phrase to the language: “Fu-
hne Shock.” Now PLAYBOY once again
presents a revealing first excerpt from
а major book by Alvin Toffler: “The
Third Wave.”
To be published by William Morrow
in March, “Тһе Third Wave" may do for
us in the Eighlies what its predecessor did
for us in the Seventies—change our per-
ception of ourselves.
It is a sweeping look at the emerging
future that deals with everything from
new family forms and the exciting poli-
tics of tomorrow lo the future of work,
personality and business. It is a passion-
ale book that starls out with the ringing
charge that “a new civilization is emerg-
ing in our lives, and blind men cvery-
where are trying to suppress it.”
It differs from “Future Shock” in one
key way. While that book dealt with the
processes of adaptation and change, it
had relatively little to say about where we
actually шеге heading. “The Third
Wave,” by contrast, presents a coherent,
colorful full-length portrait of the emerg-
ing society.
Toffer calls this new civilization the
Third Wave. The agricultural revolution
of 10,000 years ago started what he de-
scribes as the First Wave of historic
change. The industrial revolution of 300
years ago launched today’s dying Second
Wave civilization. Today we find ош-
selves caught up in the explosive Third
Wave of change.
In fact, Toffler argues, many of the
hard-toundersiand features of life today,
in our fast-changing, complex society,
make sense only when we analyze the
collision of this Third Wave with our
existing Second Wave institutions, poli-
tics and personal habits.
IN MILLIONS of middle-class homes, а
ritual drama is enacted: The recently
graduated son or daughter arrives late
for dinner, snarls, flings down the want
ads and proclaims the nine-to-five job а
degrading sham and a shuck. No human
being with even a shredlet of self-respect
would submit to the nine-to-five regimen.
Enter parents:
"The father, just returned from his own
nineto-five job, and the mother, ex-
hausted and depressed from paying the
latest batch of bills, are outraged. They
have been through this before. Having
seen good times and bad, they suggest a
secure job with a big corporation. The
young person sneers. Small companies are
better. No company is best of all. An
advanced degree? What for? It’s all a
terrible waste!
Aghast, the parents see their sugges-
tions dismissed, one after another. Their
frustration mounts until, at last, they
utter the ultimate parental cry: “When
are you going to face the real world?”
Such scenes are not limited to afluent
homes in the U.S. or even Europe. Jap-
anese corporate moguls mutter in their
sake about the swift decline of the work
ethic and corporate loyalty, of industrial
punctuality and discipline among the
young. Even in the Soviet Union, middle-
class parents face similar challenges from
their children.
Is this just another case of épater les
parents—the traditional generational
conflict? Or is there something new here?
Can it be that young people and their
parents are simply not talking about the
same “real world”?
The fact is that what we arc secing is
not merely the classical confrontation of
romantic youth and realistic elders. In-
decd, what was once realistic may no
longer be. For the basic code of behavior,
containing the ground rules of social life,
is changing rapidly as the onrushing
"Third Wave arrives.
Second Wave divilization—what we
call industrial society—brought with it a
"code book" of principles or rules that
governed. everyday behavior. Such pri
Giples as standardization, maximization
and synchronization were applied in
business, government and a daily life ob-
sessed with punctuality and schedules.
"Today, a counter-code book is emerg-
ing—new ground rules for the life we
are building on the basis of a "demas-
sified” economy, demassified media, and
on new family and corporate structures.
Many of the seemingly senseless battles
between young — (continued on page 152)
article By RICHARD RHODES better living through chemistry —
not to mention biology, electronics and other fields too weird to imagine
REMEMBER 1970, only ten years ago? Rich-
ard Nixon was President. Watergate was
an office complex. There was a war in
Vietnam. Life magazine discovered wom-
епз lib and Ford introduced its first
compact car, the Pinto. Clocks had dials.
Pan Am was promoting its new 747 serv-
ice; the smallest computers you could
buy were the size of breadboxes and cost
$12,000—and there was no such thing as
a pocket calculator.
Now it's 1980. No one can say what
truly radical technological changes the
next ten years will bring, because break-
throughs aren't predictable. But much
that will come in the decade of the Eight-
ies is already in production, or on the
drawing boards, or, at the chanciest, looks
plausible given a few breaks. And here,
for your amusement and possible awe,
in no particular order, are 80 of the
Eighties’ best shots.
cossypor. Gossypol, a pigment isolat
ed from cottonseed, is undergoing ex-
tensive testing in the People’s Republic
of China as an inexpensive, effective
male birth-control agent. Twenty milli-
grams taken daily for two months pro-
duced infertility in more than 4000 men
at an elhciency of 99.89 percent—as good
as the female pill, which is the best of all
existing methods of contraception. Gossy-
pol isn't a hormone; it acts locally on
seminiferous tubules of the testis, dam-
aging semen precursors and dropping
the sperm count to zero or nearby. Side
effects аге minor: temporary weakness
that passes without treatment and, for six
percent of the men studied, a decrease in
libido. Sperm counts returned to normal
three months after daily doses were dis-
continued. Studies are continuing in the
P.R.C. and the U.S. is watching. If
gossypol checks out, sometime in the
Eighties, you'll hear sighs of relief all
across America.
LONG LENS. Contactlens wearers can
look forward to lenses they can wear for
up to two months between cleanings.
The FDA has already approved one type
of continuous-wear lens for postcataract
patients. With more research, а Jens is
likely for normal cosmetic wear. Another
type of lens being developed would make
solt contacts available for correction of
astigmatism. And lens-industry rumor
has it that someone's working on a dis-
posable soft contact, available in six-
packs, to be thrown away at bedtime.
вис Јам. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture has discovered that insects
produce extremely high-frequency "ra
dio" waves, similar to microwaves,
through the anatomical cquivalents of
the paraphernalia of microwave genera-
tion. The tiny signals work for bug com-
munication, and the USDA is studying
bug jamming as a means of pest control:
The waves would be beamed at a par-
ticular pest's radio frequencies and
would interfere h communication for
reproduction, Pesticides would thus give
way to microwaves.
IMGHPROTEIN Por. Developed by Coca-
Cola, Samson a soft drink with a
difference: It supplies one third of an
adult's daily vitamins and mincrals and
ten percent of his basic protcin require-
ments—in flavors such as orange and
mango. Already on sale in Mexico, Sam-
son will appear in the U. S. in the carly
Eighties, adding nutritional value to thc
pause that refreshes,
HOME ТАРЕ. LVR— longitudinal video
recording—will overwhelm the vidco-
cassette-recording market in the Eighties.
Toshiba announced in 1979 a forthcom-
ation of LVRs; Kodak is
said to be working on ап LVR system
of its own. LVRS use half-inch tape and
a fixed recording head; they have two
thirds fewer moving parts than VCRs,
they use less power, they're lighter and
more portable and they'll cost half as
much. Toshiba has figured out how to
prerecord tapes in less than real time,
which means cheaper prerecorded pro-
graming as well.
GREEN Gas, According to Nobel laure-
ate Melvin Calvin of the University of
California at Berkeley, a wild shrub
named Euphorbia lathyris, grown under
cultivation for its hydrocarbonlike latex,
could case the gasoline shortage in the
Eighties and Nincties. Calvin calculates
Euphorbia could produce 10 to 20 bar-
rels of oil per acre, which means that an
arca the size of Arizona could meet all
0.5. oil needs. Euphorbia grows on land
too dry and too poor for food-crop culti-
vation. Other plant researchers think
goldenrod and guayule—the later a
woody shrub of the arid Southwest—
could supply natural rubber to replace
synthetic rubber based on petroleum.
WHOLE CLOTH. Fabrics of the Eighties
will do more for you than fabrics do
today. Wrinkle-free 100 percent cotton
is already coming into use nationwide.
Specially шешей natural fibers begin
looking good again as the cost of ar
ficial fibers based on oil goes up. The
textile industry expects to create cloth
that changes color—an offshoot of the
same liquid-crystal technology that gave
us mood rings—but garmentmakers don't
think there'll be much demand for it.
More practical (continued on page 156)
for those of you who don't like to
о one night he comes in from us
ing the bathroom takes off his
clothes stretches scratches himself
puts on his pajamas yawns sets the alarm
turns down the sheets crawls into bed
fumbles for the light switch above him
bumps something solt with his elbow
which turns out to be a pale white-haired
lady in a plain gray nightgown lying in
bed beside him wha—?! he cries out in
alarm and demanding an expla
told she has been assigned to his bed by
the social security it's the shortage she
says the $ not coming out just right her
teeth he sees now in a glass of water on
the night table private beds are a luxury
ion is
sleep alone
the world can no longer afford she ex-
plains adding that she hopes he won't
Kick during the night because of her
brother who has only one leg is ailing
poor soul and is sleeping at the foot of
the bed (this is true he feels him there
sees him knobby old gent in a cloth cap
and long underwear one leg empty
pinned up to the rear flap) all of which
has not heard about the world
bed shortage takes him by surprise and
since he
with a gasp he says so to which the ом
lady replies
that yes yes
what there is left of it is not always
casy young man its what they call
n her prim toothless way
life in the modern world
the progress of civilized pa
heard about it on the tcle
at least at least he still has his own bed
has he not he's after all Juckier than most
naming no names (she sighs) even if it is
sion but
panic five—!
€ two more three in fact how did he
miss them before a skinny oriental hud
three quarter and a bit tight for
nd—five!! he cries rearing up in
nd sure enough there they
dling down behind the old lad
water hands shifty eyes antiseptic smell
ut as а mainspring and оп
this side just
rriving a heavy-bellied
worker in ойу overalls staggering toward
the bed with a fat woman tottering on
stiletto heels huge butt squeezed shinily
into a tight green dress hair undone eyes
wet their
int and cockeyed the—loo
es smeared with swea
of them а
table send it flying lamp water
and all upsetting the old Iady needless
to say who goes crawling around on the
splashed bed on her hands and knees
ng for the teeth spluttering petu-
Тапу through her flabby lips that wom-
1% not allowed here it’s not fair they
said five! the worker paying no mind or
too drunk to hear hauling off his overalls
kicking them aside his underwear belch-
ing growling pushing the woman toward
they—erash!—hit the night
ў gi
the bed cracking her big ass soundly
when she hesitates making her yelp with
pain not here Duke not with that old
lady watching shut up goddamn you 1
don't ask for much the old lady is com.
plaining still scratching about for her
dentures justice that's all justice a litle
respect dignity a dress rips the worker
blows a beery fart it's a hard thing grow-
ing old but I don't ask for any prizes—
pwitheth she says—and look at that
chink Duke look at his goddamn eyes
aring at but the worker
ably and shoves her rough-
ly onto the bed and onto its erstwhile
owner now too overcome by the well-
bug what's he s
just grants ir
meant outrages of a world turned to
rubble and mercy even to move ah me!
all this order he thinks as the worker
plummets down upon them both like a
felled tree and commences to fumble
groggily for the bawling fat woman's sc
of bliss (he could show him where it is
but if he doesn't know how to ask po-
litely to hell with him) all this desperate
husbandry this tender regulation of woe
the woman on him weeping and groan
ing now ass high and soft legs flailing
believe me says the old lady c
still on her bony knees if I don't find
ns to
(concluded on page 316)
my dentures there'll be the di
pay | mean
THE THIRD WAVE continue ron pose но
“The Third Wave, as it sweeps in, carries with it
a completely different sense of time.”
and old, as well as other conflicts in our
classrooms, board rooms and political
back rooms, are, in fact, nothing more
than clashes over which code book to
The new code book directly attacks
much of what the Second Wave person
has been taught to believe in—from the
importance of punctuality and synchroni-
zation to the need for conformity and
standardization. It challenges the pre-
sumed efficiency of centralization and
professionalization. It compels us to re-
consider our conviction that bigger is
better and our notions of concentration.
"То understand this new code, and how it
contrasts with the old onc, is to under-
stand instantly many of the otherwise
confusing conflicts that swirl around us,
exhausting our energies and threatening
our personal power, prestige or pay check.
Take the case of the frustrated parents.
Second Wave civilization synchronized
daily life, tying the rhythms of sleep and
wakefulness, of work and play, to the
underlying throb of machines. Raised in
this civilization, the parents take for
granted that work must be synchronized,
that everyone must arrive and work at
the same time, that rush-hour tralfic is
unavoidable, that mealtimes must be
fixed and that children must, at an early
age. be indoctrinated with time con-
sciousness and punctuality. They cannot
understand why their offspring seem so
annoyingly casual about keeping appoint-
ments and why, if the nine-to-five job (or
other fixedschedule job) was good
enough for them, it should suddenly be
regarded as intolerable by their children.
The reason is that the Third Wave, as
it sweeps in, carries with it a completely
different sense of time. If the Second
Wave tied life to the tempo of the ma-
chine, the Third Wave challenges this
mechanical synchronization, alters our
most basic social rhythms and, in so
doing, frees us from the machine.
Once we under: d this, it comes as
no surprise that onc of the fastest spread-
ing innovations in industry during the
Seventies was "flexitime"—an arrange-
ment that permits workers, within pre-
determined limits, to choose their own
working hours. Instead of requiring
everyone to arrive at the factory gate ог
the office at the same time, or even at
152 prefixed staggered times, the company
operating on flexitime typically sets cer-
tain core hours when everyone is ех-
pected to show up, and specifies other
hours as flexible. Each employee may
choose which of the flexible hours he or
she wishes to spend working.
‘This means that a day person—one
whose biological rhythms routinely awak-
en him or her early in the morning—can
choose to arrive at work at, say, eight
А.М.) while a night person, whose metab-
olism is different, can choose to start
working at ten or 10:30 a.m. It means
that ап employee can take time off for
household chores, or to shop, or to take a
child to the dentist. Groups of workers
who wish to go bowling together early in
the morning or late in the afternoon can
jointly set their schedules to make it
possible. In short, time itself is being
The fiexitime movement began in
1965, when a woman economist in Ger-
many, Christel Kämmerer, recommend-
ed it asa way to bring more mothers into
the job market. In 1967, Messerschmitt-
Bólkow-Blohm, the “Deutsche Boeing,"
discovered that many of its employees
were arriving at work worn out from
fighting rush-hour traffic. Management
gingerly experimented by allowing 2000
workers to go off the rigid eightto-five
schedule and to choose their own houi
Within two years, all 12,000 of its em-
ployees were оп flexitime, and some
departments had even given up the re-
quirement for everyone to be there dur-
ing core time.
In 1972, Europa magazine reported
that “in some 2000 West German firms,
the national concept of rigid punctuality
has vanished beyond recall. . . . The rea-
son is the introduction of Gleitzeit"; і.е.
sliding, or flexible, hours. By 1977, fully
a fourth of the West German work force,
more than 5,000,000 employees іп all,
were on onc or another form of flexitime
and the system was being used by 22,000
estimated 4,000,000
workers in France, Finland, Denmark,
Sweden, Italy and England. In Switzcr-
land, 15-20 percent of all industrial firms
had switched to the new system for all or
part of their work force.
Multinational firms (а major force for
cultural diffusion in today's world) soon
began exporting the system from Europe.
Nestlé and Lufthansa, for example, in-
troduced it to their operations in the
U.S, By 1977, according to a report pre-
pared by Profesor Stanley Nollen and
consultant Virginia Martin for the Amer-
ican Management Associations, 13 per-
cent of all U.S. companies were using
flexible hours. Within a few years, they
forecast, the number will reach 17 per-
cent, representing more than 8,000,000
Workers. Among the American firms try-
ing out fiexitime systems are such giants
as Scott Paper, Bank of California, Gen-
eral Motors, Bristol-Myers and Equitable
Some of the more moss-backed trade
unions—preservers of the Second Wave
status quo—have hesitated, But individ-
ual workers, by and large, see flexitime
as a liberating influence. Says the man-
ager of one London-based insurance firm:
“The young married women were abso-
lutely rapturous about the changeover.”
А Swiss survey found that fully 95 per-
cent of affected workers approve. Thirty-
five percent—men more than women—
say they spend more time with the family.
‘One black mother working for a Bos-
ton bank was about to be fired because—
though a good worker in other respects—
she was continually turning up late. Her
poor attendance record reinforced racist
stereotypes about the “unreliability” and
“laziness” of black workers. But when her
office went on flexitime, she was no longer
considered late. It turned out, reported
sociologist Allan R. Cohen, “that she'd
been late because she had to drop her son
in a day-care center and could just never
quite get to the office by starting time.”
Employers, for their part, report high-
er productivity, reduced absenteeism and
other benefits. There are, of course,
problems, as with any innovation, but,
according to the A.M.A. survey, only two
percent of the companies trying it h
gone back to the old rigid time structure.
One Lufthansa manager summed it up
succinctly: “There's no such thing now
as a punctuality problem.”
But flexitime, while widely publicized,
is only a small part of the general re-
structuring of time that the Third Wave
ies with it, We are also seeing a pow-
erful shift toward increased night work.
This is occurring not so much in the
1 manufacturing centers like
Akron or Baltimore, which have always
had a lot of workers on night shifts, but
in the rapidly expanding services and in
the advanced, computer-based industries.
“The modern city," declares the
French newspaper Le Monde, “is a Gor-
gon that never sleeps and in which . . . a
growing proportion of the citizens work
outside the [normal] diurnal rhythms.”
Across the board in the technological
nations, the number of night workers
now runs between 15 and 25 percent of all
(continued on page 180)
rest ye merry, gentlemen procrastinators. playboy once again
comes up with a sleighful of last-minute yuletide goodies
For those who want fo get a grip
оп such easy-to-lose items as house
ог cor keys, there's а solid-brass
skeleton key tog (yes, it will even open
doors), $4, or а solid-bress ruler key
tag, $3, both by Lord Pendleton Lid.,
that should end your fumbling forever.
This tolking electronic hand-held
fronslator both pronounce: ond
displeys foreign words, phroses
and sentences in a variety of languages
from Chinese to Spanish, by Texas In-
struments, $300, including corrying cose;
each plugin language module, $60.
If you think the smell of the wild
West is all horse manure and
sweat, toke a whiff of the fresh,
woodsy Chaps by Rolph Lauren spray
cologne, $8, or ofter-thave balm, $6, that
come in handsome tocledlooking flasks,
both by Warner Western Fragrances, Inc.
January moy not be the month
for picnics, but come next spring,
you'll be glod that you stocked up
оп six six-piece snap-apart sels of French
plastic plotes, cups and utensils in red,
orange, purple, yellow and light and dork
green, from Abitare, New York City, $10.
The First Alert Fomily Protection
‘System that operates on А.С. or
battery includes a console that
monitors intrusion transmitters on daors
and windows, smoke ond gas detectors
ond from which one can also activate о
siren, by Pittwoy, $160 far bosic unit.
This Dimitri Petrohilos-designed
bed-sît corner choir with o zip-off
cover is comprised of three
hinged segments; flip it once from a
seating position and you have о long.
low recliner; Rip it once agcin ond you
have a fulHergth bed, by Adeptus, $190.
Computer Perfection, an electron-
іс game thet chellenges both
mind end memory, offers differ-
ent skill levels that allow players to
challenge the computer or compete with
friends оз they seek clues that will light
lights in proper order, by Lakeside, $40.
The Hever Wrist Microsplit, а
Richard Sapper-designed elec-
tronic quartz stop watch with а
large, legible liquid-crystal display thet
can be тесе even in bright sunlight,
measures up to 59 minutes and 59.99
seconds, $165, including elastic band.
For electronic TV-game freaks,
there's Martel's Intellivision Sys-
tem thot includes a Moster Com-
ponent and two component controllers
and а football game, $275; 13 other
game cartridges cre available for real-
istic onscreen competition, $23 each.
With the price of ges these
days, you may well want to
tank up on wholever you
chill in а vinyl-<oated five-quart Gaso-
hol ice bucket in gospump red, $22.50,
plus six matching Gosohol glosses, $17,
both from Neiman-Marcus gift golleries.
The next time you рісу Jimmy
Connors or John McEnroe,
one-up him with the letest
status symbol, а зой наз: 3" x 8”
tennisball caddie that holds three balls
and has а leather shoulder strap, from
Accents & Images, New York City, $42.
Honds Free speaker phone
needs no oulside power ond
works on all telephone ex-
changes; to place calls, just plug im,
touch the button and the phone numbers
you wish to call—to redial, push RE but-
ton, from McDonald Distributors, $129.95.
If you're а beterdhon-
average skier, try hitting
the slopes іп a pair of good-
looking Stiletto ski boots thor offer both
comfort and performance by combining a
rocing-shell exterior with o soft, mal-
leable Flolite interior, by Hanson, $240.
The original Rainbow Wal-
let, an extremely durable,
ultralightweight woterproof
billfold that’s made of nylon pack cloth
with a Velcro closure, holds money, cards
and whatever without making a bulge,
by Rainbow Wellets of California, $9.
oble AM/FM cassette that
operates on both A.C. and
D.C; features include front loading for
cassettes, phase locked loop tuning, Dolby
noise-reduction system and speakers with
из, by Marantz, $750.
Want great sipping? Brew
your own espresso in a Rich-
‘ord Sapper-designed Alessi
stovetop sixcup coffee maker of stoinless
steel that converts to с three-cup model
by simply inserting a reducer filter, from
Maurice Duchin, New York City, $60.
For thote seeking status and
organization, too, there's an
Nalian-made pigskin brief-
созе containing an ingenious tox or-
ganization system, including a manual,
summary sheets ond 22 compertments,
by LoFato, $695—and it's tax deductible.
Minialorm with mechanical
mechanism end а battery-
powered alarm features
luminous hands, hour markers, sweep
second hand and a chrome-ond-white
rotating alarm ring with red indicator,
by Timex, $21.95, including travel case.
1 Model PMS 7000 is a port-
80 WAYS (continued from page 119)
“The secretary will be a luxury or a highly trained
office manager, and the clerk will be obsolete.”
in the coming days of energy conservation
be cloth that adjusts itself to tempera-
ture extremes, expanding and opening its
weave in heat, contracting and tightening
its weave аз а barrier against cold. On the
comfort front, Du Pont has experimented
with blending small amounts of Lycra
Spandex into fabrics such as wool, flan-
nel and corduroy. “This process makes
scratchy fabrics more comfortable and
changes tight, highly tailored fashions in-
to garments that won't cramp your style.
cartes oFF. Dental scientists continue
to pursue methods to prevent tooth
decay. It's now known that dental caries
is an infectious disease caused, in sus-
ceptible individuals, primar
bacteria Streptococcus mutans. Е)
this organism from the mouth by inocu-
lation, deprive it of the nutrients it feeds
on or increase the resistance of the teeth
against its acid attacks, and you climi-
nate caries (S. mutans із spread by kiss-
ing, by the way). Most researchers think
опе approach or more will prove prac-
tical within the next decade. Look, Ma,
no cavities.
FIVE Bx rive. Nonprojection wall
TV—a flat screen probably five feet
square—will bc in volume production i
the Eighties. Small flatscreen video dis-
plays already exist in prototype. By the
end of the decade, the new systems wi
display images in full color at resolutions
comparable to fine photography. Small
units will sell for less than $20. True
thrce-dimensional television imaging re-
quires breakthrough holographic technol-
ору; don't look for it until the Nineties.
PLASTIC VENDING. Vendingamachine
manufacturers are searching out mul
dollar sales with the appearance of the
Susan B. Anthony dollar. Next on line,
in the carly Eighties, are vending ma-
chines that accept major credit cards.
Buy complete meals, oil for your car,
most anything solid enough to
store behind a slot. Sincc reliable micro-
processors will run the machines, you
won't have to kick them as often.
FEAST OF FUNGI, The French Nation-
al Institute of Agronomic Research has
successfully cultivated the elusive French
black оше, the fungus Tuber melano-
sporum, and from a pitiful 25 tons in
1979 expects the French crop to increase
in the Eighties to 250 tons—joyous news
to пиће fanciers everywhere. At the
same time, American research may soon
lead to commercial production of a
156 delectable and liuleknown mushroom,
the morel, which will expand from a
wild crop picked in river bottoms several
weekends a year to rival the supply of
ordinary white mushrooms in supermar-
kets across the Jand.
FAST TRACK. Harvard introduced the
world's first “tuned” running wack in
1977. Its synthetic surface, attached to
a wooden substructure, acts as a spring
to propel runners in comfort at optimum
speed. The track gives an average speed
advantage of 2.91 percent, improves com-
fort and dramatically improves safety.
Tuned-track design should spread to
other schools in the Eighties. When out-
door tracks are tuned, Harvard designers
predict seven-second improvement іп
the world record for the mile.
monucut, In 1981, General Electric
will introduce a better light bulb, an
octagonal bulb with built-in electronics
that will burn for five years and save at
least $20 in electricity. It's a scaled-down
version of the metalhalide lights that
turn ballpark night games into day
games. It's weirdlooking, takes a stand-
ard socket and а 75-150 watt bulb; С.Е.
expects to collect ten dollars apiece.
POCKET PAL. What won't the Eighties-
generation computer do? The personal
computer of the next decade will be
notebook sized, with a flat-screen graphic
display—but it will weigh in with as
much computing power as the most
powerful computers of today. It will be
capable of threedimensional graphi
simulation, extensive data storage and
individual programming. It will aflect
your life at least as much as television
and the telephone do. You'll program it
to your personal and professional needs
and use it every day. Businessmen will
ely model their businesses, students
will study, physicians will diagnose, art-
ists and architects will design. It will be,
in effect, ап extension of your brain,
vastly increasing your memory and ass
ing you at problem solving and in mak-
ing decisions. You'll feel naked without
it, and when you're naked may be the
only time you won't have it with you.
srace TRUCK. The space shuttle, sched-
uled to fly in the Eightics, is no one-shot
program. Its more like a near-carth truck
service. No fewer than 487 missions are
expected between 1980 and 1992. After
that, a private corporation will probably
buy the used shuttles and keep them
going commercially until they wear out.
Boeing has already expressed interest.
While NASA's flying the shuttles, it
thinks it might take a few private citizens
along for the ride when there's a spare
seat. If you're a journalist, an artist, а
poet, a philosopher or a teacher, that
private citizen could be you.
JESUS werr. In the interest, presum-
ably, of. energy conservation, and after
long labor, Keader's Digest will publish
а 40,000-word condensation of the Bible.
access. А phone/home "TV [computer
data link is in the works for the Eighties.
Such systems are alrcady being tested
Great Britain, France and other coun-
tries; General Telephone and Electronics
has acquired rights to offer an American
version of the British system. The de-
coder costs about $100, the telephone
carries the information and it's displayed
on the TV. British customers have access
to up to 250,000 pages of data—weather,
news, plane schedules, sports results, TV
schedules, price lists, you name it. It is,
in effect, an clectronic newspaper.
GOOD OFFICES, Factory productivity goes
with automation, but office produc
tivity has dawdled far behind. In the
Eighties, the numbers will change. Auto-
mated equipment—copiers, computers,
word processors—will move into the
office at an annual increase of nearly 20
percent. Desktop video displays will pop
up everywhere to supply business data
from central company computers. Next
will come computerized work stations.
One system, by Xerox, is already under
test at the White House. It's called an
Advanced Multifunction Work Station,
d it links a computer terminal to а
copier to edit letters and documents
electronically, to store information, to
design graphic displays and then to print
out finished hard copies. By the turn of
the century, office work stations will un-
derstand speech and speak when spoken
to. The secretary will be a luxury or a
highly trained осе manager, and the
clerk will be obsolete.
SWEET PEAS. Sugar snap peas, the hot-
test new vegetable sensation going, will
be marketed commercially in the mid-
Eighties. Developed by Gallatin Valley
Seed Company, sugar snap peas are de-
lectably sweet and have tender, edible
pods. They can be eaten raw or cooked.
‘TOUCH AND со. A solid-state switch that
senses direction is already at hand. Touch
its surface and slide your finger and ік
detects the motion. In the Eighties, it will
make possible solid-state controls—on
your sterco, solid-state dimmer switches,
electronic games, equipment conuols—
wherever there's a dial or a slide today.
DNA is a technology for tricking bacteria
into doing useful work. Scientists
DNA—the material of genetic instruc
tion—írom various kinds of cells into
bacteria. When the bacteria reproduce,
they follow the instructions of the guest
(continued on page 200)
5< NEM
“As of now, yow're the screw of the decade.”
ever fantasize about finding the girl of
your dreams on a deserted isle? meet gig gangel
Gig lives year round on
Texas’ South Padre Island
(above), a tiny piece of land
surrounded by the Gulf of
Mexico—and, for a while last
year, by a Mexican oil slick.
“Fortunately, it wasn't as
bad as we'd feared," she says.
is Gig Gangel and, no, she
wasn't named after actor Сір
Young, nor is she a rock musi-
cian, nor is her first name really
Brigitte or Gidget or any muta-
tion thereof. “Сір is my full
first name," she tells us. "It de-
rives from the word giggles,
because, as a baby, I laughed a
lot, so my sister coined the
name Gig, although my parents
had a distinct preference for
Geraldine" Now that your
skepticism has been assuaged,
youre probably wondering
where you've seen her before.
On our October cover, of
course, cavorting with the onc
and only Burt Reynolds. Her
account of what really went оп
at that cover shooting: "To tell
you the truth, when 1 heard 1
was going to pose with Burt
Reynolds, | wasn't excited at
all. I know that sounds abnor-
mal, but I never thought of
him as quite my type. I was
expecting a conceited movie
star, but he walked into the
studio in jeans and a sweat
shirt and was extremely warm
and friendly—a little shy, in
fact. He cracked us all ир and,
well, my whole attitude
changed. 1 walked away from
that. shooting just floating on a
doud. Now he excites me а
lot!” What else excites her?
“The beach is really my main
weakness," says Gig, who spends
most of her time on Texas
South Padre Island (population
300) in the Gulf of Mexico.
"Fm an carly riser—5:30 А.м.
I get up and rum seven miles
along the beach. Later, 1 go
surfing or waterskiing: and a
short time ago, I took up motor-
cyde racing, because I once
went out with a guy who was
into that.” Highly opinionated
and somewhat “bullheaded” by
her own admission, Gig says her
future plans are on hold for
the moment, though she has
had some pretty strong ideas
about what she's not interested
in doing: "For one thing," she
says, “marriage doesn’t appeal
to me at all. I tried it once—it
"I've definitely been around,”
says Gig. “I'm what they call
an Army brat—we lived in
Germany, Panama, Egypt,
Hong Kong, you name it.
After high school, I settled
on South Padre Island.”
“My ideal man is
someone who is not too
dominant, who can
communicate and em-
brace my ideas, some-
one who can protect
me and who can take
mé as I am, someone
who won't linger on
my past. He's got to
like the ocean as much
as I do and he's got to
be independent. Physi-
cally, I prefer large-
chested men with hair
on their faces and I’ve
always had a weak-
ness for blue eyes."
“I love to cuddle оп а bed
stacked with pillows.”
lasted three months—and, need-
less to say, I don't believe in it.
Nowadays, that little piece of
paper just isn't necessary. IE
you're not getting along, you
should up and leave any time
you please. Second, I'm not in-
terested in acting at all. How's
that for a switch? If someone
were to come up to me tomor-
row and ask me to play the lead
role in the remake of Gone
with the Wind, Y wouldn't take
й It just doesn't interest me.
Right now, my main interest
lies in the possibility of stud:
ing marine biology, with
emphasis on sharks, which fas
nate me. Another vision I get
is to one day raise Dobermans;
but for the moment, I'm œn-
tent to just laze around." And
we're content to watch.
Surfing and running along the beach with her Dober-
man, Bubba, ave two of Gig's favorite pastimes.
оь po
Gig appeared as the Bunny
on the cover of PLAYBOY
last October with the cver-
debonair Burt Reynolds. “1
always thought he was good-
looking, but not my type
exactly. That is, until I
met him,” she says.
BUST: 3A" WAIST: eT — urPs: 36e
HEIGHT: 5/3 wercur: SSI: ЖАДА
BIRTH DATE: 000/205 #7 BIRTHPLACE: Pausen Degaas -
TURN-ONS: Klue syto, Sugen, thes tach, ААА ДАО, -
TURN-0FFS: ада бае, ое раро, 1 Alena £, САВИ с.а Аел), _
FAVORITE MOVIES абда tA аы aL Ihe болд baa, the End.
FAVORITE TV snows: Satuaday Night Hise), Blind Laer
FAVORITE ENTERTAINERS : koga Вет дот, Barbara: Stute rac
FAVORITE SPORTS: U4 fing, arn ttt hatte, op hab
FAVORITE sooks: Еро ky, Shagirer, Ihe Belay, Lankitzrg _
SECRET окнам: Qae Cag Aes as gamann angea) Žž Ž
Guess what І dreamed about you last night,
baby?" the brash salesman pitched to the
somewhat sensitive receptionist. “What 1
dreamed was that you were a powerful, ршт-
ing, well-tuned luxury-car motor."
“That's odd, Barry. but it's also sort of nice
in а way," responded the girl. "Not like the
offensively suggestive things you sometimes
say tome.”
“I also dreamed,” grinned Barry, “that I
was the dipstick.”
Legal Defense Note: A man hauled into court
by his frigid wife for having forced intercourse
on her pleaded that he had simply availed
himself of a traditional domestic nocturnal
privilege—raiding the icebox.
A multimillionaire hedonist had an arrange-
ment whereby the madam of a high-class
establishment would bring him three girls
every afternoon from whom to make a selec-
tion. On one occasion, the trio consisted of a
statuesque blonde. a petite but well-developed
redhead and, between them as the girls lined
up for inspection, a dark-haired beauty of
obviously Eurasian blood. “Lovely girls, all
ommented the wealthy client, "but I
don't like politics intruding into my personal
2" questioned the flustered madam.
“Whatever do you mean?"
"I mean," smiled the man, “that there is East
in the middle piece today."
Му girlfriend never makes а sound during
our lovemaking 10 indicate her satisfaction,"
said the young man. "Do you have any sug-
“Maybe ribbed prophylactic,” suggested the
pharmacist, profering а packet. "Here—try
these on for sighs.”
An ardent Scots lass in Rangoon
Wen! down on a Burmese quadroon
While the rising wind rasped
Round the temple, she gasped,
"What a night [от a blow! Come, mon—soon!”
This is truly the plastic age,” remarked the
career girl. "My two best friends are my credit
card and my vibrator.”
When an Indian shaman succeeded in driving
an eyil spirit out of a beautiful maiden of the
tribe, she exclaimed, “Thank you very much!”
and proceeded to hug the medicine man.
The latter's squaw was, however, angered by
the maiden’s touching gesture of gratitude and
in no uncertain terms told her not to squeeze
the shaman!
N.r.L Report: The Татра Bay Buccaneers
have, on reflection, decided against changing
the name of their cheerleader squad to the
Who nceds men?" sneered the independent
young woman to her psychiatrist. “Whenever 1
want to get off, I masturbate."
"But aren't there times when, for one reason
or another, you are unable to climax through
masturbation?” asked the shrink. "What do
you do then?"
“When that happens," answered the girl, “I
simply fake an orgasm."
The first successful entertainment-field cloning
was recently accomplished. The original and
the duplicate plan to perform as a duo—under
the name Cher and Cher Alike.
A coquettish young lady named Pru
Thought her peckaboo blouse was a coup,
But returned to the shop
To declare it a fop,
For the fellows would peek . . . and then boo!
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines fruit cup
as a jockstrap for gays.
Since the birth-control pills I buy for you
come out of my personal funds." a liberated
mother said to her daughter when the latter
came back from a date at breakfast time.
“maybe you should suggest to your boyfriend
that hc at least
"But, Mo protested the girl, "I don't
know Ken well enough to talk about money!”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines buffoon
as a naked clown.
Having surprised her husband in the act of
cheating on her with the hired girl, the rural
housewife left the bedroom but then went
right back with a 29 rifle. Aiming the weapon
at the genital area of her spouse, who was
cowering buck-naked in a corner, the woman
“I'm agoin’ ter turn a bull
no!” pleaded Jake. "Not like this!
Gimme some sorta sportin’ chance, Rachel!”
“Awright.” agreed Rachel through clenched
teeth. "You kin set ‘em aswingin’.”
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a post-
card, please, io Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY,
Playboy Bldg.. 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago,
ШІ. 60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned,
2 Dı
Mr Hofman with their molher at 116
je Hae vr hids, А
STAR TREK'S RETURN (continued from page 114)
“Star Trek’ is the first series in which the Great
Rutabaga doesn’t invade Seattle every week.”
Perhaps because of all that varied ex-
perience in the limelight—some of it
with his actress wife, Marcy Lafferty, who
plays DiFalco in Star Trek—The Motion
Picture—Shatner has not fallen into the
subordinate officers have. “Actu-
he says, “I suppose there was less
danger of being typecast the year after
Star Trek was canceled than there is
now, because of the increasing popular-
ity of the series. On the other hand,
Captain is a leading man, a man of
action; so if I'm typecast as a man of
action, that's not such a bad way to go."
Making the best of both worlds, Shatner
has been touring with a musicand-light
show called Star Traveler.
Nimoy has been in constant demand
since the TV Trek shut down—appear-
ing in Mission: Impossible, narrating In
Search of . . . on the tube, starring in
Equus on Broadway, touring his one-man
show Vincent, in which he appears both
as the painter Van Gogh and as the art-
Бгз brother Theo, and, most recently,
playing the sinister psychiatrist in the
movie remake of Invasion of the Body
Snatchers. Still, when people see him on
the street, they're liable to shout, “Hey,
Spock, where are your ears?" And when
he toured in Sherlock, audiences іпуагі-
ably laughed when the man theyd
known as the superlogical Spock, now
Holmes, had to deliver a line containing
the word logic. Not content with acting,
Nimoy has waxed five record albums and
written three books two volumes of
poems and photographs and am auto-
biography, 7 Am Not Spock.
De Forest Kelley (Bones McCoy), a
veteran character actor—usually a West-
ern villain whom you can catch on the
late-night tube in Gunfight at the O.K.
Corral—has virtually retired to his home
in Sherman Oaks, California, since the
TV scries wrapped.
"The stuff offered \о me after the
series ended was crap," he says, "and I
thought, I've done so much crap I don't
need to do that again. Fortunately, 1
learned a long time ago in this business
that when you make some money, you
had better put a little bit of it aside. So
I'm not going to go hungry now. I'm not
talking about living in Bel Air; I'm talk-
ing about living a nice mormal life."
Which he does with Carolyn, his wife of
34 years, plus a dog, a cat and a 75-year-
old turtle.
Despite his recent semi
rement, Kel-
172 ley still finds himself instantly recog-
nized. “ГИ never forget the time Carolyn
and I went to New York and decided to
take in a matinee at the Palace," he says.
"Carolyn went to the ladies room and I
waited for her beside an empty candy
counter, A lady came up and asked me to
sign her program, and then another, and
another, and by the time Carolyn came
out, the lobby was packed and she
couldn't get to me. І had to have a
couple of policemen escort me to my
seat, and as I walked down the aisle, the
audience was all yelling, ‘Bones! McCoy!”
It was absolutely wild. And when we sat
down, there were four nuns on one side
of us and three on the other, and the
people were passing their programs
down for me to sign. And one nun said,
"This must be terrible. You can't go any-
where, can you? Well, just remember,
Mr. Kelley, with every blessing that
comes, there are penalties’ "
Jimmy Doohan (Scotty) thinks he's
probably the world's best-known Scots-
man—though he's mostly Irish. “1 was
conceived in Ireland and born іп Can-
ada—Vancouver. British Columbia." he
says. "But I fool all the Scotsmen—they
think I'm really a Scot." Doohan can, in
fact, reproduce almost any accent, but
the one he's stuck with is Scottish—
chosen for the series, he explains, “Бе-
cause in the great days of the British
mercantile navy, practically every engi-
neer was a Scotsman; they were the ones
who built the ships." A World War Two
artilleryman and then a stunting recon-
naissance pilot, Doohan appeared on
4000 radio shows and in 100 stage plays
before joining the crew of the Enter-
prise. The Star Trek phenomenon
brought him a unique fringe benefit:
young wife Wende, a Trek fan who
came to see him during a theatrical en-
gagement in San Francisco.
George Takei is the politician of the
Enterprise crew. Back in 1973, he ran for
the Los Angeles City Council seat left
vacant when Tom Bradley became the
city's mayor; he came within seven per-
cent of winning. Now he's vice-president
of the Southern California Rapid Trans-
it District board—"Mayor Bradley calls
me his futuristic bus driver"—and vice-
president of human resources for the
American Public Transit Association.
Takei's biggest campaign at the moment:
getting a subway built in L.A.'s Wilshire
Corridor, {тош downtown under Wil-
shire Boulevard and out to North Holly-
wood. Takei carries his rapid-transit
gospel wherever he gocs—and believes
his Star Trek cachet has helped him tre-
mendously in public life. “If I'd been
Bozo Ше Clown, it wouldn't have
helped," he says "but my Star Trek
image gives ше a broad-based support,
which has kept me from having to go to
fat cats for aid." Takei has just written
his first novel, Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe,
published in December by, coinciden-
tally, Playboy Press.
Takei and Nimoy aren't the only writ-
ers, though, among this Enterprising
crew. Walter Koenig (former Ensign,
now Lieutenant and Security Chief
Chekov) is writing, rather than acting,
almost full time now. "To be absolutely
candid," says Koenig, "my film career has
come to a screeching halt.” He can't say
the same about his writing career: His
credits include episodes of the TV series
Class of ’65 and Family, a novel about
the supernatural and a journal about the
filming of the Star Trek movie, Che-
kov's Enterprise. (Everybody, it seems,
writing about the making of the movie;
a book is also due from Roddenberry and
his longtime assistant, Susan Sackett.)
Nichelle Nichols (Communications
Officer Uhura), a black former ballerina
and supper-club singer, was catapulted
by Star Trek into а genuinely way-out
career: a consultantcy for the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration,
in which she was assigned to recruit
women and members of minorities into
NASA's astronaut program. As such,
Nichols was present at the roll-out of
America's first space shuttle, the Enter-
prise—named after you-know-what—and
was appointed to the board of directors
of the National Space Institute. The
American Society for Aerospace Educa-
tion presented her with its Woman of
the Year, Friend of the Year award for
1979, and she has recently produced an
orientation film, What's in It for Me?,
for the Smithsonian's National Air and
Space Museum.
Besides serving as president of Women
in Motion, a consultant firm specializing
in carcer education, Nichols has written
a musical, Ancestry, set—you guessed it—
in outer space. "It's called Ancestry be-
cause we are the ancestors of future
generations, and we have a responsibility
to them," she says. "We are paying now
for the mistakes our ancestors have been
making ever since 1492; in the virgin
frontiers of space, we won't have to make
the same mistakes. This musical is my
way of doing my bit, my propaganda.”
Majel Barrett and Grace Lee Whitney
round out the ranks of the veterans in
the cast. Barrett—who has been Mrs.
Gene Roddenberry since 1969—was
Nurse Chapel on the tube; in the film
version, she has completed medical
school and become Dr. Chapel. Whit-
ney, who was the blonde, miniskirted
(continued on page 308)
Just for us— five
manhattan designers
interpret the eighties
attire Dr Nb PLATT
TO wELcowr the dawning of a
new decade, we asked five lead-
ing New York fashion designers
to select one look from their
forthcoming line of clothes that
best sums up the direction they
feel menswear will be taking in
the Eighties. Interestingly, each
designer based his look on the
sports jacket, suggesting a uni-
versal desire to start with famil-
iar forms. But don't let that
mislead you; each of the outfits
shown is decidedly individual—
as you'll see for yourself. Our
prediction: The Eighties will
be the decade of the designer.
“Design in the Eighties will involve
a cleaner line and a more geomet-
ric shape, with wardrobe flexibility
becoming increasingly important,”
says Truedsson, whose spring/sum-
mer collection for Tiger of Sweden
includes the silk and linen jacket
with padded shoulders shown here.
Truedsson coupled it with a rib-knit
shirt, a raw-silk iridescent tie and
trim linen/polyester slacks. Ultra-
light kid shoes complete the look.
A giant name in menswear design-
ers, Blass thinks "it's а terrific idea
to interpret the freedom of sparts-
wear into a look that’s comfartable
yet dressy,” while suggesting that
“stretch fabrics for slacks will play
ап even more impartant role in the
future.” On this page, he affers us
а look at what may be рап of his
fall line: а cashmere sweater/jacket
coupled with a cashmere crew-neck,
а cotton shirt and corduroy slacks.
A transplanted Frenchman, Ger-
moin believes that “after years of
being bullied by Europe, New York
is becoming more influential than
Paris or Milan. They are going dark.
1 cm going bright.” To emphasize
that point, from his spring collec-
tion, he offers us a red vent-
less double-breasted jacket with
padded shoulders, combined with
blue inverted-pleat slacks and а
striped cotton boat-neck T-shirt.
"4| think men's fashions in the
ies will become more versatile,
with components thot con be used
together or separately in a number
of ways. A key factor is the resur-
gence of color. Mine are generolly
subdued, but offbeot colors lend
themselves fo o variety of mix
ings.” Here, Julian has combined
о multicolor jacket with corduroy
slocks, three-button sweoter ond a
ploid shirt ond silk striped tio.
Flusser is inaugurating his new line
of clothes with a nod to classic
American styles. “Тһе silhouette is
traditianal American-English, the
cutis easy and saft, with a definite
line allowing for drape.” Far this
feature, he selected а wool single-
breasted jacket with slightly
padded shoulders and cambined it
with a pair of flannel pleated and
cuffed slacks, a checked shirt,
striped tie and а cashmere sweater. 177
(continued from page 145)
“Knowledgeable People turn away from you, re-
vulsed, when you even mention the stock market."
of year. What most of us need is a whop-
ping windfall profit —any kind will do—
or, failing that, some business school type
in а pinstripe Santa suit to drop down
the chimney with а hot tip or bizarre tax
straddle to help us sock something away
for next year.
It is a sad predicament and one I have
confronted before. “We asked 21 people
for their advice,” I once wrote, lying
through my teeth, “and every one of
them, amazingly enough, told us to buy
stock in 5һопеу Big Boy Enterprises!"
"They had told us nothing of the kind,
of course, as I immediately confessed—
my point having been, simply, that there
was no one terrific thing to do with your
money, let alone, God forbid, that you
should put it all into some el-weirdo
stock. I had picked Shoney's Big Boy
Enterpriscs simply by flipping through
my stock guide for the most improbable,
outlandish company I could find. (What
was it, anyway, some kind of stud service?)
"Two things happened, and I suppose
F should have expected them both. First,
І got a letter from the proident of
Shoney's Big Boy Enterprises, Не be-
lieved his company to be neither im-
probable nor outlandish; rather, he
predicted great things for his sharchold-
ers. Sccond, the stock did great things for
his shareholders. In the four and a half
years since, it has about quadrupled.
Actually, a lot of stocks have done
great things for their owners these past
few years, even though you would hardly
know it from the way the Dow Jones
industrial average has lumbered no-
where in particular or from the way
Knowledgeable People turn away from
you, revulsed, when you even mention
the stock market.
Anyhow, I recently went back to the
same 21 people, explained our problem
and asked for their advice. Three sug-
gested marrying well, one mumbled
something about cocoa futures (or was
it cocaine futures?) and the rest, amaz-
ingly enough, told us to buy stock in
Shoney's Big Boy Enterprises. Plus ça
change... .
Of course, there are other things you
can do. You can, for example, agree to
January, as some
families do, buying gifts for your loved
ones at sale prices. Wait a few days and
save piles of cash. But you won't do that.
Then there's that watch you've been
meaning to buy. You could get one as
accurate for $29.95, but. no, you have a
178 compulsion to spend $495. You could
buy vodka from your kid brother, the
chem major, but you will go the extra
ten bills for Smirnoff. I know. (Nor will
you save the bottle to refill with the
economical Mexican brand, as I do, even
though that, too, could put the healthy
drinker $100 a year ahead.) You have a
lust for life.
In fact, about the only thing in your
budget you would be willing to cut down
on— not that I think for one minute you
actually have а budget—is taxes. And
maybe finance charges. And here I have
a few pedestrian suggestions.
Tax Dodge Number One: М you arc
one of the many people who have almost,
but not quite, enough deductions cach
year to itemize—or just enough to item-
ize but not enough to get any real benefit
from doing so—try this. Plan to bunch
your deductions every second year. Deter-
mine here and now, for example, nol to
give to charity the money you ordinarily
would in December—give it in January
larly, don't pay your
п 1980 if you can help it—
dump them into January 1981. About
10 pay for а 51500 hair transplan? Wait!
Pay it off
is a dedu
1980, do make your contributions in
December. And try to prepay as much
local tax as you can.
"That way, you could take the standard
deduction in 1980, 1982 and 1984, thc
years in which your actual deductions are
purposely low—but itemize substantial
deductions in 1981, 1983 and 1985. The
difference, perhaps as much as $2000 in
added deductions every second ye:
could save you close to $1000 in taxes
every second year. Just by keeping track
of when you write some checks. Right
there you save enough money to buy, at
current prices, more than 80 shares of
Tax Dodge Number Two: This E am
almost embarrassed to suggest, because
you've doubtless heard it а hundred
times. But hearing it is one thin,
it, another. I refer to Individual Retire-
ment Accounts (IRA), for people on pay-
rolls but not covered by a pension plan,
and the Keogh Plan, for people who
have any income from self-employment.
There are 10,000,000 or 20,000,000 people
who qualify for one or the other of these
tax-deferred savings plans—food stamps
for the middle class—and have not both-
ered to take advantage of it, And yet by
putting money into cither, whether down
at the local savings institution, which can
provide all the (simple) details, or
through a trusteed stock-and-bond port-
folio you can direct yourself, you manage
to do what we always joke about doing:
You make yourself your own favorite
charity. Instead of taking the last $1000
you earn, paying Federal and local in-
come taxes on it. and putting the rema
ing $500 or $600 into some iffy corporate
bond that pays 12 percent (you know it's
iffy if it pays 12 percent), which is to say
six percent or seven percent after taxes—
instead of doing that, with an IRA or a
Keogh you get to put away the whole
$1000 and to have it appreciate at the
full (albeit iffy) 12 percent.
Eventually, at the end of 1,000,000
years when the chief risk is that in your
befuddlement you will have forgotten
that you even have this by-now fairly
sizable fortune—you do have to pay
taxes as you take the money out. "The as-
sumption is that by then, retired, you
will be in a lower tax bracket. But even
if you're nol, you will have had the use
of the Government's share of your money
all that time, so you will come out far
Take a man of 30 who socks away
$1500 а усаг for 20 years, to the age of
50; and then, having put in not another
dime, withdraws his fund 15 years later.
(You аге not required to make contribu-
tions to either plan, and you may with-
draw the money without penalty at the
age of 99 and а half.) Let us assume diis
man is in the 50 percent tax bracket—
that 50 percent of the last $1500 he carns
would go to Federal and state income
taxes—and that he chooses nothing more
sophisticated than the long-term savings-
bank certificates that yield around cight
and a half percent.
Without the shelter of a Keogh Plan or
IRA, paying taxes on the $1500 each
year and then on the interest, he will
have $42,794 at the age of 65. И
he will have $246,701. And alt
latter amount would be subject to tax
і come averaging provisions
available), the difference is still enor
mous. All for taking an afternoon to set
up a tax-deferred savings plan.
How to Save 810,000 on Your Next
Car: Do you think I am going to recom-
mend that you buy a Porsche instead of
a Mercedes? (That would do it) Or
that—since I labeled these suggestions,
at the outset, "pedestrian"—I am going
to suggest that you do without a car al-
together? (That would do it)
No. The first thing 1 am going to
recommend, even in these inflationary
times, is that you not finance the car.
‘That you pay for it with cash. Why pay
13 percent to finance а car, when at the
same time you may be lending money to
а savings association at five and a half
(continued on page 302)
“And did your seven other wives give head, too, Henry, dear?”
“Third Wave rhythms spring from deep psychologi-
cal, economic and technological forces.”
employees. In France, for example, the
percentage has soared from only 12 in
1957 to 21 by 1974. In the U. S., the num-
ber of full-time night workers jumped 13
percent between 1974 and 1977; the total,
including part-timers, reached 13,500,000.
Even more dramatic has been the
spread of part-time work—and the prefer-
ence for it expressed by large numbers of
people. In the Detroit area, ап estimated
65 percent of the total work force at the
J. L. Hudson department stores consists
of part-timers. Prudential Insurance em-
ploys 1600 part-timers in its U.S. and
Canadian offices. In all, there is now one
voluntary part-time worker for every five
and a half full-timers in the U.S. A
decade ago, it was about half that many.
Even more noteworthy is the fact that
the percentage of unemployed workers
who want only part-time work has also
doubled in the past 20 years.
‘This opening up of part-time jobs is
particularly welcomed by women, by the
elderly and semiretired and by many
young people who are willing to settle
for a smaller pay check in return for
time to pursue their own hobbies, sports,
religious, artistic or political interests.
What we see, therefore, is a fundamcei
tal break with Second Wave synchroni-
zation. The combination of flexitime,
parttime and night work means that
more and more people are working out-
side the nine-to-five (or any fixed-sched-
ule) system, and that the entire society is
shifting to round-the-clock operations.
New consumer patterns, meanwhile,
parallel changes in the time structure of
production. Note, for instance, the prolif-
eration of all-night supermarkets. “Will
the four-.x. shopper, long considered а
hallmark of California kookiness, become
а regular feature of life in the less flam-
boyant East?” asks The New York Times.
"The answer is a resounding yes.
Mealtimes are also affected by these
changes and are simi
nized.” People do not all eat at the s
time, as most of them once did. The rigid
three-meal-a-day pattern is broken as
more and more fast-food shops spring up
serving billions of meals at all hours.
Television watching changes, too, as
programers devise shows specifically
med at "urban adults, night workers
and just plai iacs." Banks, mean-
while, give up their celebrated bankers"
Manhattan's giant Citibank runs ісіс-
180 vision commercials for its new automated
banking systcm: "You аге about to wit-
ness the n of a revolution in bank-
ing. ТІ is Citibank’s new 24-hour
service . . . where you can do most of your
everyday banking any time you want. So
if Don Slater wants to check his balance
at the crack of dawn, he can do it. And
Brian Holland can transfer money from
savings into checking any time һе wants
to. You know and I know that life
doesn't stop at three г.м. Monday to
Friday. .. . The Citi never sleeps.”
‘These changes in our social rhythms
have deep, only partly noticed effects on
the environment and economy. For ex-
ample, while the increasing individuali-
zation of time patterns certainly makes
work less onerous, it also сап intensify
loneliness and social isolation. I£ friends,
lovers and family all work at different
hours, and new services are not laid in
place to help them coordinate their per-
sonal schedules, it becomes increasingly
dificult for them to arrange face-to-face
social contact. The old social centers—
the neighborhood pub, the church clam-
bake, the school prom—are losing their
traditional significance. In their place,
new Third Wave institutions must be in-
vented to facilitate social life.
One can, for example, easily imagine
а new computerized service—call it Pers-
Sched or Friend-Sched—that not only
reminds you of your own appointments
but stores the schedules of various friends
and family members, so that each person
in the social network can, by pushing a
button, find out where his or her friends
and acquaintances will be when, and can
make arrangements accordingly.
The shift toward more flexible and
personalized schedules also reduces ener-
gy costs and pollution by leveling out
peak loads. "Thus. electric utilities in a
dozen states are now using Я
pricing for industrial and residential cus-
tomers to discourage energy use during
traditional peak hours, while Connecti
cut's Department of Environmental Pro-
tection has urged companies to institute
flexitime as а means of complying with
Federal environmental requirements.
Even these, however, are among the
most obvious implications of the time
shift. As the process continues to unfold
in the years and decades ahead, we will
scc far more powerful and asyctun-
imagined changes and consequences. The
new time patterns will affect our daily
rhythms in the home. ‘They will affect
our art, our politics and our play. They
will affect our biology. For when we
touch on time, we touch on all of human
These Third Wave rhythms spring
from deep psychological, economic and
technological forces. At one level, they
arise from the changed nature of the
population. People today—more affluent
and educated than their parents, and
faced with more life choices—simply re-
fuse to be massified. The more people
differ in terms of the work they do or
the products they consume, the more
they demand to be treated as individ-
uals—and the more they resist socially
imposed schedules.
But, at another level, the пем, more
personalized Third Wave rhythms can
be traced to a wide range of new technol-
ogies moving into our lives. Video cas-
settes and home video recording. for
example, make it possible for televiewers
to tape programs off the air and view
them at times of their own choosing.
Writes columnist Steven Brill, “Within
the next two or three years, television
will probably stop dictating the sched-
ules of even the worst tube addi
The computer, too, is beginning to
recast our schedules and even our con-
ceptions of time. Indeed, it is the com-
puter thar has made flevitime possible in
large organizations. At its simplest, it
makes possible the complex interweaving
of thousands of personalized, flexible
schedules. But it also alters our com-
munications patterns in time, permitting
us to access data and exchange it both
synchronously (i aultancously) and
What that means is illustrated by the
growing number of computer users who
are today engaged in what is called com-
puter conferencing. This permits a group
to communicate with one another through
terminals in their homes or offices. Some
660 scientists, futurists, planners and
educators conduct lengthy discussions of
energy, economics, decentralization or
space satellites with one another through
what is known as the Electronic Informa-
tion Exchange System. Teleprinters and
video screens in their homes and offices
provide a choice of either instant or de-
layed communication. Many time zones
apart, each user can choose to send or
retrieve data whenever it is most con-
venient. A person can work at three A.M.,
if he or she feels like it. Alternatively,
several can go on linc at the same
time, if they so choose.
But the computer's effect on time росу
much deeper, influencing even the way
we think about it. The computer intro-
duces a new vocabulary (with terms such
as real time, for example) that clarifies,
(continued on page 268)
when we unveiled some choice cheerleaders last year,
the controversy threatened to end their high visibility,
but, as you'll see, you can’t keep а good cheerleader down
SOMETIMES you can't lose for winning. Just ask a girl who's
been thrown off the cheerlea squad of a National Football
League team. Finding such a girl isn't too difficult. The coi
troversy that resulted from our first pro cheerleaders pictori
(Pro Football’s Main Attractions, December 1978) led to the
firing of nearly 50 girls from six teams and a sudden outbreak
of morality among N.F.L. management. (Commissioner Pete
Rozelle met with the owners and then gave a nice speech to the
press about their intentions to go back to selling wholesome
American football without so many artificial sweeteners.) The
reaction of the press to the firings was a mixture of outrage
and amusement, but the over-all eftect was to focus even more
attention upon the cheerleaders. We followed the progress of
many of the girls who'd lost their places in line on Sunday
afternoon in last March’s pictorial What Do You Say to a
Naked Cheerleader? Goodbye! and found that being fired had
often proved to be a blessing in disguise. The publicity led to
better job offers, proving that the cheerleader concept could
spill over into other areas of public relations.
Take, for example, the Texas Cowgirls, Inc. This group of 25
When the N.F.L.’s Atlanta Falcons discovered last summer that cheerleader Penney Miller (below) had posed nude for another magazine, they
dropped her. So she tried out for the N.B.A.’s Atlanta Hawks’ cheering squad and made it. (Howks owner Ted Turner has impeccable taste)
"Everybody is an exhibitionist at heart,” replied Penney Miller (below), when
asked why she had modeled in the altogether. Now one of the cheerleaders for the Atlanta
Hawks basketball team, the FastBreaks, the 25-year-old Riverdale, Georgio,
resident likes to spend her spare time boating and water-skiing.
former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders had
just formed their own corporation when
we published pictures of six of them in
December 1978. At the time, their found-
er, Tina Jimenez (who got the idea for
the Cowgirls after she was cut—she says
unfairly—from the Dallas rally squad in
1977), said the girls were trying to make
ends тесі doing department-store open-
ings, T-shirt parties, charity softball
games and the like. Now, little over a
year later, most of the Cowgirls are earn-
ing more than $1000 per week. Obvi-
ously, Jimenez has been booking in a
bigger league. "Being in PLAYBOY last
year really turned it around for us," she
says. "Right away, we began getting big-
ger jobs for more money. The greatest
demand was for the girls in the poster,
especially Debbie Kepley and Linda
Kellum.” “Тһе poster" is а story іп it-
self, and one that illustrates the rene-
gade cheerleaders’ tremendous potential.
When we asked the Dallas Cowboys in
the summer of 1978 if we could photo-
graph some of their cheerleaders for our
forthcoming pictorial, they refused to
cooperate with us. So photographer Arny
Freytag did a spoof of the original best-
selling Dallas Cheerleaders poster. using
the bare-breasted Texas Cowgirls in place
of Cowboys Cheerleaders. We published
a picture of the poster and Freytag.
in an agreement with Texas Cowgirls,
Inc, began to market it for twice the
price of the Cowboys poster. Freytag
put out $25,000 of his own money to
print it, but initial sales were spectacular,
so he didn’t worry about making his
money back. Not, that is, until the Cow-
boys filed suit to prevent the poster from
being sold, claiming that Freytag's satiri-
cal production was an infringement of
trademark and copyright. Freytag claims
he's exercising freedom of speech. "We
know our poster was outselling the Cow-
boys' poster," says Jimenez, "and we fig-
ured it'd sell a million easy. Since the
Cowgirls were to get 50 cents from the
sale of each one, I think the Cowboys
cost us upwards of a half million dol-
lars.” But she says there was a bright side
to the story. “What we lost in money,
we've made up in publicity." The publ
ity led to (among other things) six Cow-
girls’ appearing on the Merv Griffin
show, six more opening comedian Gabriel
Kaplan's show in Las Vegas, a six-week
tour of Japan by а sixgirl troupe, com-
pliments of the Mitsubishi Corporation
and the casting of ten Cowgirls in the
movie North Dallas Forty, starring Nick
Nolte and Mac Davis.
Now the Cowgirls are coming out with
182 their own poster, and Jimenez expects
На Siders (left) and Jackie Rahrs (bottom)
were fired from N.F.L. cheerleading ranks а
year ago, after appearing in aur December
1978 issue. Jackie was a Chicago Honey ear
and На a New England Patriots cheerleader,
but both girls are now on the same team:
They‘re assistants in Bob Fellaws’ magic act.
Appearing at the Chicago Playboy Club
(below), Jackie (inside the bax) is about to be
sawed in three as Ita looks on. Later in the
shaw, Ito, not to be outdone, is levitated.
to sell several hundred thousand over the
next year. This year, the Cowgirls will
also tour Europe and Ausualia, put on а
show in Atlantic Gity and help promote
nearly a score of automobile shows across
the country.
Getting away from the 50-yard line has
also proved profitable for Jackie Rohrs,
who was fired from Chicago's Honcy
Bear squad last year after she posed for
us. Jackie has her own cosmetic line,
Jacquelyn K Creations, and she says it's
been selling better than ever since she
appeared in рглувоу. And just for fun,
she took up magician Bob Fellows’ offer
tobe his (text concluded on page 188)
The popularity of pra-football cheerleaders
isn't only an N.F.L. phenamenon; Canadian
Faoiball League teams have their own gor-
geous pompon girls, such as Vicki Clark, 21
(left and below), and Wendy Len, 19 (bottom),
both af whom are members of the Montreal
cheerleading unit, Les Gentilles Alauettes.
Vicki alsa works for а company that provides
technical services to computer firms, and
Wendy's aiming for a career in modeling.
Lynde Hatfield (left and below) and Kimberly Smit
(bottom) have been Denver Bronca cheerleaders
for three and two years, respectively, but both
plan іо move on to other things after the Broncos
see this pictorial. Lynda appeared, clothed, in
our December 1978 cheerleaders pictoriol, but this
year decided that the team’s Боп on nude posing for
its Pony Express girls is hypocritical. "Apparently, it's
OK то use sex to promote football, but not the
girls themselves,” she says. Kim, a computer
operator, says, “1 know I won't be back on the Pony
Express after this appears, but | don't mind. I'd
rather develop my skills as a professional
dancer and choreographer, anyway.”
The Texas Cowgirls have been in business only a little over а
year, but already that business is booming. Some of the
ex-Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders who joined the Cowgirls
were featured in our December 1978 pictorial; and they
меге doing gigs such as record and T-shirt store openings
and birthday parties. This year, they'll tour Europe and
Australia and promote more than а score of auto shows around
the country. Last year, Deborah Kepley (right) appeared with
ine other Cowgirls in North Dallos Forty, was one of six
Cowgirls who opened comedion Gabriel Kaplan’s Las Vegas
show and also toured Mexico and Canada. Susan Grissaffi
(below left) and Deborah Wagener (below right) are the
newest recruits to the 25-member Cowgirls. Wagener, а Dallas
Cowboys Cheerleader from 1976 through 1978, was on
the now-famous original Cowboys Cheerleader poster.
Last year was а gaod one for Texas Co
Linda Kellum (lefi). She appeared on the
Mery Griffin shaw and did a stint with
Gabriel Kaplon in Las Vegas. She and Sherie
O'Brien (below) are, according to Texas
Cowgirls founder Tina Jimenez, “two of aur
most popular Cowgirls.” Sherie was а
Cowboys Cheerleader in 1971, 1973 and
1974. Twenty-sixyear-old Sherie is consid-
ering entering the field of medicine when
she hangs up her Cowgirl spurs.
Wouldn't you just love to help Los Angeles
Roms Cheerleader Susan Shauna Sullivan
(right) clean her machine? A native Texan,
she gave her first cheer for her high school
teom in Houston, continued in college (Texas
Tech, North Texas State) and, after а stint as
а stewardess, landed last year in Los Angeles
Coliseum, where she can cheer her heart out.
But Susan's heart is in acting, and she has
already appeared in TV's Chorlie's Angels,
Supertrain ond Fantasy Island.
Julie Jourdan (far left and below) is one of
the most popular and best-known L.A. Rams
Cheerleaders. Iranically, she didn't plan it
that way. She posed for on unscheduled
PLAYBOY pictorial four years aga, and when
we ran our first cheerleaders feature, we
used а nude phota of her from that shaoting.
Unlike the Atlanta Falcons, who fired Pen-
ney Miller for having posed nude before
becoming a Falcanette, the Rams didn’t
blame Julie for the publication of her earlier
picture. Then, last November, our sister
magazine Oui finally published the entire
pictorial starring Julie (titled Dr. Jekyll and
Ме. Hyde) and, once again, the Rams were
understanding. However, they asked Julie if
she'd please cover up this time. Here's
to your imagination!
assistant. Another fired cheerleader, Ita
Siders, has also joined Fellows as an
assistant. Because such nice things have
happened to those who posed for
PLAYBOY, Denver Broncos cheerleaders
Lynda Hatfield and Kim Smith risked
almost certain cuts from the Pony Ex-
press by posing for this pictorial. Lynda
has been the choreographer for that
group for the past two years; she's now
setting her sights on acting school. “After
all,” she asks, "how long can you-be а
cheerleader?” Reasons Kim: “Appearing
in PLAYBOY is worth more than being а
Still, everybody loves a cheerleader
Penney Miller found that out when she
was axed by the Atlanta Falcons because
someone wrote the management inform-
ing them that she had appeared nude in
another men's magazine. Despite the fact
that Penney signed her contract with the
Falcons several months after she ap-
peared in the magazine, the team fired
her anyway. But she was immediately
chosen for the Adanta Hawks’ cheering
section, the FastBreaks. Not only didn't
the Hawks see anything wrong with hav-
ing Penncy cheer for them but the whole
city of Atlanta scemed to think she was
special She entered a context to find
Atlanta's Top 10s (а promotion for the
movie “10") and was selected “the num-
ber-one 10.” Falcons, eat your hearts out.
As a matter of fact, look out, you N.F.L.
owners; you'd better keep a closer eye оп
your $15-per-game cheerleaders. Some of
them are sneaking away and getting
rich and famous. E
To round out our story of success and the
sis-boom-boh, here ore Irmo Rahwyler (left
and at leftin bottom photo) ond Lenni Wood
(at right in bottom photo), two very good-
looking, well-educated professional women
who decided to try out for the Rams’ cheer-
leading squad for a lork (thot’s they ot the
audition, below). Not only did they make it,
they stayed on the team о yeor, then quit to
write what will probobly be o much-talked-
about book recounting their experiences.
STEVE MARTIN (continued from page 115)
funds are being misspent. I like the small
kind of charity. I think it's the best value
for your dollar. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: You own five cars, three houses,
an apartment . . . for a guy who tells
jokes. you're not hurting. What's the most.
extravagant thing you've ever done?
MARTIN: In '72. 1 was in London and I
bought а $1000 watch. I was probably
making 530,000 a year, but it didn't mat-
ter if I was making $1,000,000, it was
overcoming the psychology of buying a
$1000 watch. Another extravagant mo-
ment was when I bought my first paint-
ing. I think it was 5800. The greatest
h money for me is paintings.
And relief from the phone bill. Carl
Gottlieb told me you can never have
enough money if you collect art. People
like me are an art dealer's dream.
PLAYBOY: How many Early American
paintings do you own?
MARTIN: More than 40. I'm buying rapi
ly with caution. 1 can't be fooled. 1 al-
ways have the pictures looked at by
PLAYBOY: Why did you choose Early
American paintings to collect?
MARTIN: To learn that language. There
was a Doonesbury cartoon that was fan-
tastic, it really related. He's a rich kid,
collecting stamps, and he says, “I've
found this new hobby, collecting stamps.
105 really thrilling.” He picks up the
phone and he calls the stamp shop.
“Send me all the stamps from Nicara-
gua.” Hangs up and says, “This is great.”
PLAYBOY: Do you mind talking about
your collection?
MARTIN; I'll talk about it, but let me pref-
ace it with saying I don't want to talk
about it. I mean, I'm aiticized for per-
forming, for making records, for making
movies, and I know one day I'm going
to be criticized for my art collection
"That's the one thing I feel I don't have
to stick out. 1 don't have to have some-
body write that this is a piece of shit,
that d st ік lousy. So that in
mind, after I said “Fuck you" to all the
people who are going to talk about it,
PI talk about it.
PLAYBOY: Why do you collect?
MARTIN: It occupies my time, my spare
time, my energy. It's like going to the
PLAYBOY: Are you collecting as an invest-
MARTIN: I haven't made a fortune on
these pictures. 1 look at it as a luxury,
not an investment. People are very un-
familiar with the language of paintings.
PLAYBOY: What's the most you ever paid.
(оға painting?
MARTIN: I don't like to talk about that
stulf, because what seems reasonable to
me, to most people is going to scem
PLAYBOY: Would $150,000 be a good
MARTIN: There're none that are more.
But there are a lot that are less.
PLAYBOY: Could you pay $1,000,000 for a
MARTIN: It’s not against my nature to do
it. The price of paintings is the biggest
example of existentialism there is.
"There's almost no explaining it. I mean,
can a work on canvas be worth that
much moncy? But they are, because
people pay it. That's the only explana-
tion. A painting is worth $1,000,000 be-
cause someone will pay $1,000,000.
PLAYBOY: Do you have a favorite painting?
MARTIN: One of my favorites is the Rem-
brandt at the L.A. County Museum of
Art: Raising of Lazarus. It's a pretty som-
ber picture. You can see Lazarus sitting
up, he's just been risen. And Christ is
there, he’s got his hand up and a look of
surprise оп his face, like he really did it.
And Lazarus is amazed, he doesn't know
“Тһе greatest thing with
money for me is paint-
ings. And relief
from the phone bill.”
where he is. It’s just the most dramatic,
beautiful thing I've ever seen.
PLAYBOY: Didn't you, around ten years
ago, actually have a show in a Los An-
geles art gallery?
MARTIN: 1 did a whole show іп 68 at a
gallery in Los Angeles. It was essentially
good jokes. I was intense about it, I
meant it. 1 had an empty framed mirror
on one side of the wall and the other
side was blank and it was titled: Infinite
Reflections. Two Mirrors, One Invisible.
Then I had a rose in a vase: Invisible
Rose, Unfinished. A lot of little puns
and jokes.
PLAYBOY: You studied philosophy in col-
lege but came to the conclusion that per-
forming was the better choice. How did
you reach that decision?
MARTIN: After studying Wittgenstein and
Sartre, I realized that the creative process
is the only thing that can’t totally be
torn apart in philosophy. That it exists
without rules, without problems of lan-
guage and semantics. So I left philosophy
for that reason. See, there are certain
rules—you can’t walk through a wall,
you can't fly. Everything else is what you
create. So the creation of your life is
what it's all about. "That's when 1 said
ТИ be an artist, ГІ be in theater. И was
the time to build my catalog of actions
and accomplishments and creations.
PLAYBOY: Would you say that your studies
in philosophy left you pretty cynical?
MARTIN: I would think so. Pretty cynical.
Man is no better by nature than an ani-
mal until you do something to elevate
yourself above that level. Honestly, 1
would rather save some animals’ lives
than some people's lives.
PLAYBOY: Speaking of animals, you're а
cat man, aren't you?
MARTIN: T like cats because І don’t have
to take care of them that much. Dogs
are like having a kid.
PLAYBOY: Someone once observed that
you never show emotion, which is why
you like cats.
MARTIN: It's false to say I've never shown
my emotions toward anything. But I do
like cats for that quality. Their ability to
take it or lcave it.
PLAYBOY: Do they protect you from
MARTIN: Yeah. Killer cats.
PLAYBOY: What's your biggest argument
with the human race?
MARTIN: That people don't take pride in
what they do. Businessmen and execu-
tives put out shit. They make shit. They
sell shit. It’s all crap. There's no pride
PLAYBOY: Like junk food?
MARTIN: Those Saturday-morning com-
mercials drive me nuts. "Wholesome
goodness.” You look at it and its all
sugar. Followed hy corn sugar. vanilla
sugar and every kind of sugar. Then it
goes into chemicals.
PLAYBOY. Enough to turn one into а
ian, which you are, aren't you?
I once went on this Atkins diet,
pure protein, pure meat. 1 got
to hate meat so much that | thought,
What do I really love? What 1 really
love is cheese and vegetables and grilled-
cheese sandwiches. That's what 1 turned
to. I just cut meat out. I eat fish. 1 hate
illing animals, but I love to kill fish.
АҮВОҮ: Is it true you stopped tal
mins because they started turning
your hair brown?
MARTIN: Yeah. But since them,
sidered and I take some vitamins aj
PLAYBOY; When did your hair turn gr:
MARIIN: I got my first one when 1 was 15.
It runs in the family. I've given two
minutes of thought to шу gray hair.
PLAYBOY: You gave a lot more thought to
Somerset Maugham's book The Razor's
Edge, which had a big influence on you
when you read it What was it that
reached you?
MARTIN: The questioning of everything
sacred. That was the first time I had
ever heard that kind of thought.
PLAYBOY: Any other books really help
you lately?
MARTIN: FIL tell. you the best self-help
(concluded on page 213)
1 recon-
© єх
pa E
- Ses
| $5
| Боза
Ё 55%
= = Zag
(continued from page 129)
“The girlis clouding your mind with her gold G string,
magic wand, diaphanous angel wings and no top.”
black corset, net stockings, boots and
whip—all offset by a single red rose. She
carried the rose for its beauty and bou-
quet. One docsn't ask а lady why she
carries a whip.
Hef inaugurated the Midsummer
Night's Dream event on August 26, 1977.
The New Year's parties had become so
popular that it was obvious that once a
year before bedtime was no longer the
right prescription. Guests were іп exu-
berant form that year and Mansion mem-
ories fondly include the delicious sight
of Playmates Patti McGuire and Marcy
Hanson flashing for fellow revelers. Per-
haps in anticipation of a similar happen-
ing, this year's partygoers were in even
better spirits, which you'll see as Variety's
man in Hollywood, Jim Harwood, re-
caps last summer's РЈ extravaganza:
Аз the party gets under way, the apt-
ness of thc title Midsummer Nights
Dream begins to be apparent. Outside
in the driveway, a constant stream of
Bentleys, Rolls and Mercedes pull up
and unload guests who have driven
miles in their nightwear through areas
where such garb would be very difficult
to explain; only to arrive at a spot where
any other would be impossible to explain.
Still unsure of their own wakefulness,
they are confronted with apparition
after appari Timothy Leary, cur-
rently unattached guru, with a shock of
white curls topping his anklelength
robe, passes by, declaring somewhat
cryptically, “I think Hefner is one of
the four great cultural influences on
America.” Ordinarily, such a statement
would demand pursuing, but this is no
night for heavy philosophizing. Not
when the girl just off to your left is
clouding your mind with her outfit of
gold G string, magic wand, diaphanous
angel wings and no top. As cultural in-
fluences go, Hef has obviously hit on
something big.
Beyond the entranceway, the darkened
Main Hall is exploding in pin points of
htness as a spotlight bounces glit-
tering shards of light off the revolving
mirrored ball overhead. Shel Silverstein,
in a white terrycloth сабап, can be seen
sharing а lollipop with a beauty in a
shortie; Robert Culp walks by, resplend-
ent in his own caftan, gaily decorated
in а wopical-bird motif. Actress Misty
192 Rowe (Misty, pLavsoy, November 1976),
soon to be seen in The Man with Bo-
garl's Face, is already catching glances
in a black corset and choker.
Although young ladics may wear less
at a Mansion gala than they would in
the ballroom of the Beverly Hilton, bare
skin does not a party make, as many of
Hef's imitators have found ош. More
than anything, Hefners parties reflect
fistclass care and planning—while
seeming so elfortless that guests аге im-
mediately at ease. It’s one thing to think,
Wouldn't it be fun to have a pajama
party? It's another to make one work.
Ordinarily, the Mansion is regarded
as a fairly magical setting, but the sheer
elegance of the grounds this night defies
description. Suddenly, being outdoors in
night clothes seems to be the most natu-
ral way to spend а summer's eve.
Decorations for the party have a suit-
ably lavish fecling. Hundreds—perhaps
thousands—of mums and gladioli splash
their colors all the way from the house
to the pool, part of which has this time
been taken under cover, allowing buffet
diners ап allresco teelmg even while
inside a gigantic white tent. The tent
encompasses not only the sloping lawn
but also the pool area and the hill be-
hind it. A specially erected dance floor
shares the tent space and the warm
breezes. As the dancing starts, the water
of the pool casts reflections on the roof
of the tent, pulsing to the disco beat as
pink, blue and yellow lights flash in
rhythm overhead.
On the dance floor, more lights spar-
Ме underfoot as big Jim Brown and
bigger Wilt Chamberlain, both veterans
of these functions, choose their partners.
"They boogie side by side, Brown in a
сайап and Chamberlain in a jogging
outfit. (If Wilt wants to sleep in а jog-
ging suit, we certainly aren't going to
argue the point.)
Director Peter Bogdanovich takes the
floor, gorgeous girl in one hand and
expensive cigar in the other. Handsome
actor-tei pro Dean-Paul Martin
looks on, his white robe barcly visible
through the crowd of pretty tennis bulls
gathered around him. Lovely Polly Ber-
gen appears in a feathered silver night-
gown, bared at the midriff.
Before long, the dance floor jumps
with a dazzling array of caftans, PJs.
see-through nighties, garter belts and
corsets; plus one unexplained toy Teddy
bear that’s stark-naked. As the loud-
speakers blast the Village People's
YMCA. synthetic fog wraps the floor in
a dreamlike cloud, but the couples just
keep on ki the molecules.
The quintessential host, Hef moves
slowly and graciously through the crowd,
greeting guests, pausing to pose for pic-
tures, alternately biting on the stem of
his pipe and taking а sip from his ever-
present Pepsi. If his red-silk pajamas are
any indication, tonight he is in an excep-
tionally festive mood. Companion Son-
dra Theodore, Miss July 1977, has let
all the stops out, too, sporting an irides-
cent white lounging outfit that challenges
even the flashing disco lights for bril-
In fact, the whole Playmate contin-
gent is in great form tonight, Debra Jo
Fondren, 1978 Playmate of the Year,
accentuates the positive with the sheerest
while 25th Anniversary
Playmate Candy Loving is overwhelming
in a long flowing pink gown. Each wom-
ng than the last.
One must be very careful at these func-
tions to avoid whiplash.
Of course, if the whiplash docsn't get
you, the calories will. One of the unsung
joys of a Mansion party is the food. This
is quite simply one of the best places to
eat in town. Any town. Many a dancer
makes a pit stop only to find that his
boogie no longer works after refueling.
At that point, the conyersation gets live-
ly. Informal discussion groups spring up
(о critique the sartorial onslaught.
People watching and star spotting get
serious. And, finally, romance permeates
the air. Couples huddle in corners or
drift over the Mansion grounds, ѕеекі
е of the many special places where
libidos can rise undisturbed,
It's nights like this that keep people
coming back—and others maneuvering
months ahead for an invitation to either
of these new Hollywood phenomena.
Even burly Burt (Rocky, Rocky II)
Young, who admits to feeling “pretty
silly” in pajamas, says 1979's Dream may
be one of the best among the dozen or
more parties he's attended at the Man-
sion. But will it be his special favorite?
Burt says with a glance at the many
girls nearby, “Check with me about four
A.M, It could be tonigh
Why not throw your own Playboy pa-
jama party and tell us all about il? Or
better yet, send a photo to vLavnoy Pic-
ture Department, 919 North Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
turn the tables to get a litile action in your life
FOR A FEW MINUTES, just put your records away, you
vinyl junkies. Lf you've got a pair of scissors, a roll
of cellophane tape and a turntable that will move
at 78 rpm, you're ready to start building your own
zoctrope (illustrated above). So what's a zoetrope?
It’s what Martin Scorsese would be using if it were
not for Eastman Kodak, that's what. Basically, it's a
slotted cylinder lined with little pictures showing
different stages of an action. See those little picture
strips at the right? When you rotate them inside a
slotted cylinder, the little pictures appear to be a
single picture of something in motion. Voilà! Anima-
tion. Everyone wants to make movies nowadays, right?
So here's a low-budget home production for you. We've
updated the zoetrope with a little modern technology
and socially redeeming art. Just cut out, assemble and
place it on your Garrard. For full assembly instruc-
tions and diagrams, turn to page 194.
Everyone else
й із running this
«77 year—why not
Little Annie Fanny?
ы Реа ШЕ
2 a
1. Fold the opposite page (the heavy black paper with
the slits in it) along the perforation near the fold in
azine. Tear the page out along the perfora-
tion. With scissors, cut the page in half
lengthwise along the white line. Now _,—=7
you should have two pieces like 77 N
the ones above. к
9. Aligning the first slit of one piece with the first slit
of the other (as shown above), tape the two pieces
together at both ends to form a cylinder. Genter the
new object on your turntable. Now you're ready to
work on the movie strips.
This shy ms.
keeps а surprise
under wraps.
------------------------------------ін11 біні ӘМОЛУ1П0-----------------------------------
ew ҒА |
[S ULL Оер Wraps.
3. Find the movie strips with Annie Fanny оп one side
and the flasher on the other (pages 193-191). Cut out
the strips along the heavy black and white lines. Over-
lap the last full images (they're marked with a plus
sign) and tape the strip in place. Do not make a cylin-
der. You'll want to flip back and forth between Annie
and the flasher, we assure you. Do the same thing with
the Femlin/Steve Martin strips on pages 197-198.
4. Now you're ready for the show—movies without
movie lights. Place one of the picture strips inside the
cylinder, flush with the turntable, bending the strip to
conform to the cylinder's curve. Now position yourself
in front of your movie cylinder. Set your speed control
at 78 rpm and let the turntable spin. Look through the
slits and see Annie Fanny jog, the flasher flash, the
Femlin kick and Steve Martin get small. Ready? Со!
You'll get a kick
out of the
Femlin follies.
WE DON'T WANT TO Pust the panic button, but it seems
once you start fooling around with the immutable
laws of physics and the secrets of the universe, strange
things start to happen. You saw The Time Machine?
From the days when Icarus crashed to the sea in
a molten heap (hence the term molting), man has in-
vestigated with trepidation the hoary wonders of
science. The same holds true for man's attempts at
animation. Jt wasn't all Mickey Mouse, you know. In
the 16th Century, long before 70-millimeter film and
Sensurround, tinkers tried to make images jump with
little flip books or paper rolls that showed a person
dancing when they were rapidly flipped or unrolled.
Anyone caught with such entertainments was accused
of deviltry and worshiping graven images and was
punished accordingly. It's no wonder animation didn't
take off until the early 19th Century, when a guy
named Roget delved into persistence of vision,
known as the stroboscopic effect. All of that refers to
the process wherein the brain retains an image of an
object for a fraction of a second after the object is
gone: The vision persis Another guy, named Plateau,
produced a simple animation device—but, unfortu.
nately, became partially blind while testing his theo-
rics. He stared at the sun for 20 seconds; his vision did
not persist. We told you this wasn't kid's stuff. Baron
Franz von Uchatius, an Austro-Hungarian artillery
officer, concocted а sophisticated contraption for ani-
mation involving projection. Gleefully, he sold the
patent to Ludwig Dobler, who amassed great wealth
and bought a castle. Uchatius tricd to get recognition
for his work but concluded his failure with suicide. A
messy business, no? A fellow in France conjured up
images of dead French Revolutionary heroes. When
he tried to bring back Louis XVI, French authorities
shut him down. 1п 1834, when Englislunan William
Horner came up with a device similar to ours in con-
cept, Britons dubbed it "the wheel of the Dev
Typically, the French later named a similar device the
zoetrope, or “wheel of life." ‘The French and English
roetropes required a hand crank and produced some-
what jumpy animations. Ours has been streamlined
for use on a modern record turntable and includes
more frames Шап the waditional tcn, giving smoother
action, Traveling at 78 rpm, our strips are nearly as
smooth as real movies, which pass before your eyes at
4 frames per second. By the way. the dark side of
animation tied to smother our project, too. Car-
toonist Jay Lynch and rrAynov Associate Art Director
Skip Williamson, boy wonders behind the scenes,
muddled through countless technical snafus, gauging
just the right amount of distortion to make the image
work realistically. Just when the work scemed to be on
the right tack, Lynch returned home one night to
find his apartment destroyed by fire, his book on
zoctropes swallowed by flames. Lynch says he's now
ready to settle down, have a family and forget this
gadgetry, once and for all
Here’s where
Steve Martin really
gets small.
“Great little party, huh? And we're still in the elevator!”
80 WAYS (continued from page 156)
“Powdered drinks are coming, via microencapsula-
tion. Look for powdered wine and daiquiri.
DNA along with their own and manu-
facture whatever is programed. Think
of a miniature Xcrox machine. In the
Eighties, bacteria factories will produce
human insulin, growth hormone, clotting
factor and other scarce or expensive
medical substances in plentiful supply
and at reasonable cost.
номе Movies. Video-tape and disc
systems already make it possible to watch
recent-vintage motion pictures without
interruption at home. In the Eighties, as
the number of units increases into the
millions, film-production companies will
begin making featurelength films for
home release. Theaters won't fold, but
creasingly they'll be reserved for high-
ticket extravaganzas. Can a home pop-
corn pipeline be far behind?
know how to type, you've becn stuck so
far with laborious handwriting. No more.
Britain's Microwriter Ltd. is currently
producing, but not yet selling, a five-key
writing machine utilizing microprocessor
technology that makes it possible to
"handwrite" typing. Your fingers on a
Keyboard, hardly moving, will imitate
roughly the shapes of letters, numbers
and punctuation marks; the machine will
do the rest, displaying the text visually for
ng and then printing it out on a linc
printer. You'll want one in the Eighties,
especially since the Microwriter can give
nontypists access to computer terminals.
LAID-BACK LOBSTER. Researchers іп
aquaculture at San Diego State Univer-
sity have discovered that tasty lobsters
descended from the best New England
stock grow up to four times as fast in
warm water and cost les to produce.
Lobster farming approaches the com-
mercial stage: Look for lower-priced
Homarus americanus from Southern
California on your supermarket shelf as
the Eighties той.
ASTHMA CURE. Swedish researchers re-
cently identified the substance that causes
bronchial tubes to contract and choke
off air to asthma victims. Now that they
know what it is, they can figure out how
to inhibit it, Expect relief from the
painful symptoms of bronchial asthma
in the airy Eighties.
maLLEY's сомет. The best and brigh
est of all che comets will make its last
20th Century appearance beginning in
1985, with perihelion on February 9,
1986. Its head is luminous and spherical
and bright as Ше brightest star, its spec-
tacular tail two thirds as long as the dis-
200 tance from the horizon to overhead.
Hallcy's comet will spark fads, songs and
names for the baby. People will get to-
gether for comet parties; there'll be pre-
dictions of the end of the world.
DRY MARTINI. Powdered drinks are com-
ing, via microencapsulation. The flavor-
іп за dry coating outside; inside is the
liquid booze. Water makes it a beverage
again. Look for powdered wine, bloody
mary, screwdriver, daiquiri and Irish
coffee as soon as the U.S. Treasury De-
partment figures out how to tax them.
HAPPY HOME. Another i
processor fix: the Amcrican home. With
suitable sensors, and probably working
through your electrical wiring, the micro-
processor can open and close garage
doors, turn lights on and off, adjust heat-
ing/air conditioning to any sequence of
preset levels оғ іп response to outside
temperature changes, run stereo, TV and
itchen equipment, collect and deliver
messages, control security, turn on heaters
to melt sidewalk and driveway snow
and. . . . And almost anything else you
can think of that can be plugged into a
wall. The first such automatic houses are
already in operation. Obviously, they
cost a bundle. In the Eighties, the cost
will come down.
war сив. The U.S, the USSR,
Great Britain, France, the People’s Re-
public of China, India and probably
Israel presently have nuclear weapons.
In the next decade, the nuclear club is
likely to expand to include Argentina,
Brazil, South Africa, Pakistan and Tai-
wan, dramatically increasing the risk of
nuclear war. Some military analysts con-
sider war likely between the U.S.S.R. and.
the P.R.C. before 1981. Duci
TELEPHONE TALK. Phones will begin
going all electronic in the Eighties, which
means they'll be smaller, lighter and as
varied in shape, color and function as
designers choose to make them. Video-
phones will become available for resi-
dential use in some major cities. Call
forwarding, already offered as a local
option in cities with electronic switching,
will go national, meaning you can have
some or all of the calls you receive for-
warded to you wherever in the U. S. you
ght be—forwarded from your Santa
Barbara condo to your New York hotel
room, for example. Your phone will
become your computer link, and through
it you'll be able to control home systems,
send and receive mail, call up a vast
variety of information, vote, order some-
one's phone number by punching in her
name and, probably, bank and shop
directly—without_ going through clerks.
Eventually, you'll have а national phone
number and a portable pocket phone.
Anyone will be able to call you fr
anywhere; the switching system
find you and give you a ring.
stereo ту. Japan added multichannel
sound—stcrco sound—to its television-
broadcasting system in the autumn of
1978; the FCC is studying licensing it in
the U.S. It's two or three years away.
Sound qu s said to approach that of
broadcast FM stereo. The second channel
of sound can also provide a second
language channel for dubbing forcign-
language films, or a second, audio-only
as broadcast music or
€ MAIL. The U. 5. Postal Serv-
ice is testing instant international mes-
sage service Ма COMSAT to London,
Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Brussels
and Buenos Aires. Used mostly by banks
and corporations now, it will become
even more widesprcad in the Eighties—
as additional satellites go up and trans-
mission costs come down.
BEST BEEF. Genetic engineering ad-
vances more rapidly in animal science
than in human; in the Seventies, cattle
breeders routinely implanted fertilized
eggs from prize cows into grade “carrier”
cows and increased the prize cows’
time average number of offspring from
five to more than 40. In the Eighties,
expect cattle breeders to done their
highest-quality animals and grow the
clones to birth weight in carrier cows—
making high-quality prize beef routinely
available in quantity.
transplantation is a major medical bless-
ing predicted for the Eighties. It depends
оп breakthroughs in understanding the
body's immune system that haven't yet
come but that researchers believe are
tantalizingly near. Manipulating the
immune system to avoid rejection, sur-
gcons will be able to transplant all major
body organs: liver, heart, lungs, kidneys;
even, probably, the head.
JOCK INFLATION. Texas inventor Byron
Donzis' inflatable sports equipment will
sweep the field in the early Eighties.
Donzis is designing gear to replace all
the National Football League's existing
padding with inflatables. The National
Hockey League comes next. The na-
tional Forest Service wants inflatable
smoke-jumper suits and Donzis expects
to outmode goose down (the inflatable
stuff is warm) and to expand to inflat-
able luggage and clothing. His inflatable
running shoes can be adjusted at һесі
and toe with valves.
two causes cancer, right? Right, but only
if it’s absorbed into the body. New tech-
nology coming in the Eighties will leash
(continued on page 263)
3, MIKE Bossy is flying. The National Hockey League's leading goal scorer is
effortlessly gliding down the right side of the rink. Everything is in harmony—
his legs are pumping with rhythmic precision. his skates are barely scratching
the frozen surface, the puck is gently caressing the blade of his stick.
At center ice, he slides the rubber disk over to his Islander teammate, center
Bryan Trottier. Then, unburdened, he bursts toward the Rangers’ blue line,
down an open lane near the boards, The 17,500 fans packed into Madison
Square Garden breathe as one when Trottier slaps the puck into the corner.
sports Bossy lowers his helmeted head and starts in pursuit of the projectile. If he
beats the defenseman to the puck, his wicked slap shot can find its way into
By LARRY SLOMAN the net trom almost any angle. In goal, John Davidson tenses up for the
imminent encounter.
: E | Boom. Mike Bossy is flying. Only this time, he's got help. Thanks to Don
the inscrutable force behind hockeyS — Maloney, the Ranger rookie left wing, who precisely drives the Islander into
new york rangers moves men the boards, placing Bossy’s face in harmony with the crystal-ciear tem-
В pered glass that spares the frontrow fans from such indignities as а
by moving them to move themselves риск in the mouth or a stick behind the car. (continued on page 206) 201
SHEROS SYSTEM (continued from page 201)
“We may not make a lot of money,’ says $650,000-
a-year man Ulf Nilsson, ‘but we sure have fun.
А roar envelops the ice. Behind the
Ranger bench, a smallish, bespectacled
man interrupts his pacing to watch the
collision on the other side of the rink.
“That's the way to do it, kid," Fred
Shero, the Rangers’ coach, softly tells
Maloney, as if his words had wings.
"Rub the winger. Good onc." But on the
bench, it's like the E. F. Hutton commer-
cial, everyone leaning іп toward the
coach, When Shero talks, everybody
listens. With good reason. It might just
be the most he'll say to th
“I used to come in and say, ‘Good
morning, Freddie, ” Phil Esposito, the
Rangers’ star center, remembers. “Noth-
ing. So I walk ош and say, ‘Nice talking
to you." After a year under the Shero
regime, the players have grown accus-
tomed to their coach's little idiosyncra-
sics. Like sitting out someone who's
scored а flurry of goals because he might
have been lucky. Or sending out onto
the ice someone who's already in thc
penalty box. Or walking up, firing an
enigmatic one-liner, then drifting away
like smoke.
But no one’s complaining. For 39
years, the Rangers understood their
coaches perfectly and never won a Stan-
ley Cup. Last year, the Shero team, which
includes assistants Mike Nykoluk and
Mickey Keating, brought New York
three games from upsetting the Montreal
dynasty and lugging that legendary hock-
ey hardware home to Manhattan—where
the Rangers have become instant heroes.
Bar owners fall over one another for
their patronage, young models and ac-
tresses vie for their attention, celebs like
Joni Mitchell, country singer Kinky
Friedman, Glenn Frey (of the Eagles)
and Andy Warhol invite them to parties.
Even the red-velvet ropes at Studio 54
yield obediently at their approach. “We
may not make a lot of money,” says
$650,000-a-ycar man Ulf Nilsson, “but
we sure have a lot of fun.”
In sports, it’s easy to have fun when
yowre winning. And when the Rang-
ers wooed Shero from Philadelphia with
a fiveyear pact worth a reported
$1,250,000, they knew they were getting
a winner. Six play-off championships as a
coach in the minors. Two Stanley Cups
and four division titles in seven years
with the Philadelphia Flyers, an expan-
ion than for its finesse.
New York was also getting hockey’s
206 leading iconoclast, A coach who shunned
pep talks, and talk in general, preferring
to communicate to his players through
memos and inspirational aphorisms left
furtively on dressing-room blackboards.
A coach who believed curfews were for
children and who supplicd his players
with beer in the dressing room after a
game, a heresy in the conservative hock-
су world. But, above all, а man whose
players. And
He dedicated his hockey
ІӘгеп, two sons who "don't know me.”
has said, “If you had to open
you would sce a little hockey
rink there. That's all he thinks about.”
Which accounts for the legendary
stories that led the Philadelphia hockey
media to dub Shero Freddie the Fog.
Stories like the time the coach was so
deep in thought planning strategy be-
fore a road game that he walked right
out of the rink and into the parking lot,
where he patiently remained, locked out,
until he was discovered just minutes
before the game. But the most famous
pened in Atlanta, where, be-
ИТ game, Shero turned up
dazed, the victim of a mugging. Natural-
ly, he offered no explanation for his
bruises and broken glasses, but the next
day the blackboard read, “Temptation
rarely comes in working hours. It is in
their leisure men are made or marred.’
The following day, someone respond-
4: “God must love muggers, He made so
many of them.”
"He's the only person I know it's po-
lite to оге in a hotel lobby,” a
Flyer official once said—a freedom that
leads one to believe that much of the
Fog facade may be consciously manipu-
lated demystification. ^I don't want them
[the players] to think I'm God," Shero
Once told a reporter. "I want them to
humor me, to kid me, even if it’s very
embarrassing at times. I want them to
know it’s not like Russia, that they're
allowed to assert themselves. I don't
want robots. Championships are won by
those not afraid to dare.”
While Shero remains synonymous with
Fog, he's also known for his famed “sys-
tem," an approach to hockey that blends
the tactical advances of Soviet coach
Anatoli Tarasov with the latest motiva-
tional techniques culled from everything
from Zen Roshis to postest fad thera-
Shero claims the system was born
nipeg, Manitoba, when, as
ig the Depression, he was
responsible Гог weeding and watering his
family's vegetable garden. "I soon real-
ized that nature had a system," he wrote.
“ICT didn't water or weed the garden,
the results were disastrous
If nature taught him the importance
of approaching things orderly and sys-
tematically, he learned another great
lesson his first year of coaching with the
Shawinigan Falls Cataracts of the Que-
bec Hockey League. The team had
played about as well as its name implied,
but when Shero took over in 1957, he
tried a new tack. He refused to threaten
the players or point out their obvious
weaknesses, Instead, he appealed to
them at their first mecting, asking
them for their help, since he was a
novice at coaching. Miraculously, it
worked. The Cataracts finished. second.
in the play-offs. And Shero had a better
idea. Not only would he refine his sys-
tem but he would extend his psychologi-
cal strategy. Next time, he wouldn't ask
his players for help. He'd have them
coach themselves.
Some guys are getting over а hun-
dred grand a year. Surely they've got
enough brains to do some think-
1 —Coach Shero
Pat Hickey, for one. After a season of
playing for Freddie, the left wing is still
not sure about him. think he's in the
game, but there are times I don't know.
A lot of times I think he's just testing
us. Like, he says, ‘Forty-three seconds
left in the penalty.’ So you say, "Freddie,
don't bother us, there's a minute and 43
left in the penalty. Let me get back to
my job, the game, ОК?”
“Like, if it’s a penalty or a tight situ-
ation, he says, "What's going on? or
"Who's up? and everyone throws in his
two cents. I (се! like we're нше cheat
sheets for him,
апа they pering ar. It
Keeps us in the game. Because we know
every game he needs our help, so there's
20 guys on the bench thinking that. It's
not that he's out of it or into it,
yourself. No Supreme Authority around
to crack the whip or snoop through key-
holes. No curfews, no bed checks. The
key is self-discipline. Which accounts for
practices that last barely an hour, con-
sisting mainly of strange drills or play-
ful scrimmages.
The Rangers
ays had а problem
with body checki reputation for not
taking the body during an enemy attack.
So Shero had a five-on-three situation in
practice in which the three defenders
were forced to play holding their sticks
upside down—by the blade, “It was kind
of strange when we first did it,” Ranger
captain Daye Maloney admits. "It turned
(continued on page 257)
a dead russian forces smiley out of retirement —
in a game played by moscow rules
author of The Honourable Schoolboy
“KNEW HIM PERSONALLY at all, did you, sir?” the detective chief superintendent of
police asked respectfully in a voice kept deliberately low. “Or perhaps I shouldn’t
"Тһе two men had been together for 15 minutes, but this was the superintend-
ent’s first question. For a while, Smiley did not seem to hear it, but his silence was
not offensive, he had the gift of quict. Besides, there is a companionship about two
men contemplating a corpse. It was an hour before dawn on Hampstead Heath, a
dripping, misty, no-man's hour, neither warm nor cold, with a heaven tinted orange
by the London glow and the trees glistening like oilskins. They stood side by side in
ап avenue of beeches and the superintendent was taller by a head: a young giant
of a man, prematurely grizzled, a little pompous, perhaps, but with a giant's
gentleness that made him naturally be-
friending. Smilcy was clasping his pudgy
hands over his belly like a mayor at a
cenotaph, and had сусу for nothing but
the plasticcovered body lying at his fect
in Ше beam of the superintendent's
torch. The walk this far had evidently
winded him, for he puffed a little as he
stared, From the darkness round them,
police receivers crackled on the night
air. There were no other lights at all;
the superintendent had ordered them
“He was just somebody 1 worked
with,” Smiley explained alter a long
“So 1 was given to understand, sir,
the superintendent said.
He waited hopefully, but nothing
morc came. "Don't even speak to him,"
the deputy assistant commissioner (crime
and ops) had said to him. "You never
saw him and it was two other blokes.
Just show him what he wants and drop
him down a hole. Fast" Till now, the
detective chief supcrintendent had done
exactly that. He had moved, in his own
estimation, with the speed of light. The
photographer had photographed, the
doctor had certified life extinct, the pa-
thologist had inspected the body іп situ
as a prelude to conducting his autopsy—
all with an expedition quite contrary to
the proper pace of things, mercly in
order to clear the way for the visiting
irregular, as the deputy assistant com-
missioner (crime and ops) had liked to
call him. The irregular had arrived—
with about as much ceremony as a meter
reader, the superintendent noted—and
the superintendent had led him over the
course at a canter. "They had looked at
footprints, they had tracked the old
man’s route till here. The superintend-
ent had made a reconstruction of the
crime, as well as he was able in the cir-
cumstances, and the superintendent was
an able man. Now they were in the dip,
at the point where the avenue turned,
where the rolling mist was thickest. In
the torch beam, the dead body was the
centerpiece of everything. lt lay face
downward and spread-cagled, as if it had
been crucified to the gravel, and the
plastic sheet emphasized its lifelessness.
It was the body of an old man, but
broad-shouldered still, a body that had
battled and endured. The w! hair was
cut to stubble. One strong, veined hand
still grasped a sturdy walking stick. He
wore a black overcoat and rubber over-
shocs. A black beret lay on the ground
beside him, and the gravel at his head
was black with blood. Some loose change
lay about, and a pocket handkerchief,
and а small penknife that looked morc
like a keepsake than a tool. Most likely
they had started to search him and given
up, sir, the superintendent had said.
208 Most likely they were disturbed, Mr.
5 су had wondered
what it must be like (0 touch a warm
body you had just shot.
“IL Y might possibly take а look at 1
face, Superintendent, k
This time it was the superintendent
who caused the delay. “Ah, now, are you
sure about that, sir?” He sounded slight-
ly embarrassed. "There'll be better ways
of identifying him than that, you know.”
“Yes. Yes, 1 am sure,” said Smilcy
earnestly, as if he really had given the
matter great thought.
The superintendent called softly to
the trees, where his men stood among
their blacked-out cars like a next genera-
tion waiting for its turn.
“You there. Hall. Sergeant Pike. Come
here at the double and turn him over.”
Fast, the deputy assistant commission-
er (crime and ops) had said.
Two men slipped forward from the
shadows. The elder wore a black beard.
Their surgical gloves of elbow length
shone ghostly gray. They wore blue
overalls and thigh-length rubber boots.
Squatting, the bearded man cautiously
untucked the plastic sheet while the
younger constable laid a hand on the
dead man’s shoulder as if to wake him
“You'll have to try harder than that,
lad," the superintendent warned in an
altogether crisper tonc.
"The boy pulled. the bearded sergeant
helped him and the body reluctandy
rolled over, one arm stiflly waving, the
other still dutching the stick.
“Oh, Christ,” said the constable. “Oh,
bloody hell!"—and capped a hand over
his mouth. The sergeant grabbed his el-
bow and shoved him away. They heard
the sound of retching.
“I don't hold with politics,” the super-
intendent confided to Smiley inconse-
quentially, staring downward still. “I
don't hold with politics and 1 don't hold
with politicians, cither. Licensed lunatics
most of them, in my view. That's why 1
joined the force, to be honest" The
sinewy mist curled strangely in the
steady beam of his torch. “You don't
happen to know what did it, do you, si
1 haven't seen a wound like that in
fiftcen years."
"I'm afraid ballistics are not my prov-
ince,” Smiley replied after another pause
for thought.
“No, I don't expect they would be,
would they? Seen enough, sir?”
Smiley apparently had not.
“Most people expect to be shot in the
chest, really, don't they, sir?" the super-
intendent remarked brightly. He had
Jearned that small talk sometimes eased
the atmosphere on such occasions. “Your
neat round bullet that drills a tasteful
hole. That's what most people expect.
Victim falls gently to his knees to the
tune of celestial choirs. It’s the telly that
docs it, I suppose. Whereas your real
bullet these days can take off an arm or
a leg, so my friends in brown tell me.”
His voice took on a more practical tonc.
"Did he have a mustache at all, sir? My
sergcant fancied a trace of whitc whisker
on the upper ja
A military one," said Smiley aíter a
long gap, and with his thumb and fore-
finger absently described the shape upon
his own lip while his gaze remained
locked upon the old man's body. “I won-
der, Superintendent, whether 1 might
just examine the contents of his pockets,
“Sergeant Pike.”
“Put that sheet back and tell Mr,
Murgotroyd to have his pockets ready
for me in the van, will you, what they've
left of them? At the double,” the super-
intendent added, as a matter of routine.
“And come here.” The superintendent
had taken the sergeant softly by the up-
per arm. “You tell that young Constable
Hall that 1 can't stop him sicking up,
but I won't have his irreverent lan-
guage.” For the superintendent оп his
home territory was a devoutly Christian
man and did not care who knew
“This way, Mr. Smiley, sir.” he added,
recovering his gentler tone.
As they moved higher up the avenue,
the chatter of the radios faded and they
heard instead the angry wheeling of
rooks and the growl of the city. The su-
perintendent marched briskly, keeping to
the left of the roped-off area. Smiley
hurried after him. A windowless van was
parked between the trees, its back doors
open and a dim light burning inside.
Entering, they sat on hard benches. Mr.
Murgotroyd had gray hair and wore a
gray suit. He crouched before them with
a plastic sack like a transparent pillow-
case. "The sack had a knot at the throat,
which he untied. Inside, smaller pack-
ages floated. As Mr. Murgotroyd lifted
them out, the superintendent read the
labels by his torch before handing them
to Smiley to consider.
“One scuffed leather coin purse, Con.
tinental appearance. Half inside his
pocket, half out, leftside jacket. You saw
the coins by his body—seventy-two
pence. That's all the moncy on him.
Carry a wallet at all, did he, sir?”
“I don't know.”
"Our guess is they helped themselves
to the wallet, started on the purse, then
ran. One bunch keys domestic and v.
ous, right-hand trousers. .. .” He ran оп,
but Smiley's scrutiny did not rela
people act a memory, the superintendent
thought, noticing his concentration, oth-
ers have one. In the superintendent's
book, memory was the better half of in-
telligence, he prized it highest of all
(continued on page 290)
Playboys Playmate
a roundup of the past delightful dozen
JUST AS THIS was an extraordinary year for
PLAYBOY, it was an extraordinary year for
Playmates. After all, 25th anniversaries come
around only once. Each girl who graced our cen-
terfold in 1979 was painstakingly selected for
qualities above and beyond the norm. Eight of
the 12 were discovered during our Great Play-
mate Hunt. What a way to usher in the Eighties!
mm == ~ д
Miss April
An alumna of the
PLAYBOY Great Play-
mate Hunt, Mississippi-
born Missy Cleveland
has now settled perma-
nently in Los Angeles.
Having satisfied her
travel bug, she's now
pursuing an acting ca-
reer (‘‘I've done several
commercials and am
currently negotiating a
TV series’). And, for
the time being, her pas-
sion for motorcycling
has been replaced by
one for scuba diving.
Miss January
Twenty-fifth Anniver-
sary Playmate Candy
Loving was about to
shirk the limelight and
complete her last year
in college, when a call
came in from Woody
Allen's casting direc-
tor. Woody, it seemed,
wanted her for his new
film, so Candy flew to
New York and met him.
Lo and behold, after a
20-minute interview
with Woody (“He's one
of my idols,” says Can-
dy), she got the part!
Miss June
Our ''coed with a
cause," LouannFernald
(opposite, above) has
graduated from the
University of Florida.
With graduation, she
admits, came a
slight softening of her
rebellious stance—
''You might call me
more of a nonconform-
ist now," she tells us.
As for the future, Lou-
ann may go back on her
vow to stay in Florida
and move to L.A. “We'll
have to see,” she says.
Miss May
Michele Drake (oppo-
site, below) has been
one superbusy young
lady in recent months.
Aside from realizing her
pet dream of going to
Hawaii, she's gotten film
roles galore—including
a part in American Gig-
olo, starring Richard
Gere. So profitable has
her career been that
Michele is currently
thinking about buying a
condo, “if only," she
says, “| could decide
where 1 want to live!”
Miss August
“I've been working very
hard, pushing for my
career," says Vancou-
ver-born Dorothy Strat-
ten, who gave up
Bunnydom for a star-
ring role in the soon-to-
be-released Canadian
feature Autumn Born.
On her Canadian pub-
licity tour, Dorothy
helped PLavBov Photog-
rapher David (Girls
of...) Chan round up
candidates for an up-
coming PlayBoy picto-
rial, Girls of Canada.
Miss July
When Dorothy Mays be-
came our July gatefold,
she told us that her
dream was to open her
own hair-styling shop
in her home state,
Maryland. You'll be
pleased to know that
Dorothy has used her
modeling fees to
achieve her dream; the
shop is called, аррго-
priately enough, Hot
Locks. Between styling
appointments, she’s
even found the time to
get her pilot’s license.
Miss December
Ever since her Playmate
story appeared last
month, Candace Col-
lins’ schedule has been
a hectic one, indeed.
Aside from a whirlwind
promotional tour for
PLAYBOY and a few short
trips to Los Angeles,
Candace continues her
fast-paced modeling
career in her favorite
town, Chicago, where
she's one of the Windy
City's hottest models,
popular in both print
and television media.
Miss November
Another discovery of
our Playmate Hunt,
Sylvie Garant (орро-
site, above) reports that
ever since her story
came out in PLAYBOY,
her agent's phone
hasn't stopped ring-
ing. Already a top
model in Toronto, Syl-
vie's on her way to
becoming the most
popular model in all of
Canada and has plans
to invade the modeling
scene south of the bor-
der in the U. S. as well.
Miss February
Nowa full-time resident
of sunny Los Angeles,
where she sports a
year-round tan, English-
born Lee Ann Michelle
(opposite, below) is
gearing up for her first
movie starring role
that of a disillusioned
singing star in The
Golden Goose. “We've
been in preproduction
Lee Ann tells us, “but
shooting ought to com-
тепсе any time. I'm
looking forward to it.”
Miss March
This past year was an
extraordinary one for
Playmates, and March
gatefold girl Denise
McConnell—our first
private-eye Playmate—
was no exception. Since
she made her bow in
our pages, Denise re-
ports that business
has picked up a bit in
the detective game. In
spite of that, though,
Denise would like to
move to L.A. and work
in Playboy's Playmate
Promotion Department.
Miss September
Vicki McCarty, our Phi
Beta Kappa Playmate,
hasn't had a dull mo-
ment all year long. Last
spring, she took a bi-
cycle tour through Eu-
rope, from Luxembourg
to Milan. In the fall, she
represented Playboy
on numerous nation-
wide talk shows and, in
her words, “every a.
show ever devised.'"
Now she's back in San
Francisco, completing
her last year at Has-
tings College of Law.
Miss October
German Playmate Ur-
sula Buchfellner has
been so in demand
since her appearance
in PLAYBOY, we couldn't
even track her down
ourself. Informed
sources tell us that she
has become one of Ger-
many's leading models,
commanding fees as
high as $500 a day,
and that film offers
have been nonstop.
The last we heard, Ur-
sula was shooting a
German film in Greece.
When 25th Anniversary Playmate Candy
Loving appeared on The Mery Griffin
Show (above), her gotefold caused о few
smirks from guests (left to right) Virginio
Graham, Livingston Taylarand Jash Taylor.
February gotefald girl Lee Ann Michelle
went for а screen test (above) for the film
The Golden Goose (Berry Gordy will di-
тесі). Also an hand were actor Gary Judis
end Motown executive Arnold Orgolini.
One of our mare enthusiastically received 25th Anniversary extrav-
egenzas wes the Playbay Jazz Festival held at the Hollywood Bowl
in mid-June. On hard to promote the festival (30,000 people attend-
ed) was April Playmate Missy Cleveland (above), who aided happy
Mike Horn and Jack Roth at radio station KRLA in Los Angeles,
Playmates’ Progress
Chicago made! end exBunny Candace
Collins turned more than a few heads at
newsstands as our February cover girl (left),
enough to warrant more thoraugh follow-
up coverage os our December Playmate.
September Playmate Vicki McCarty’s cre-
dentials (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kap-
po) were so appealing we sent her an o
nofionwide publicity tour. She wowed av-
diences on the Tam Snyder shaw (above).
Playmatedom seems ta hove become a swift steppingstane 10 а
career in show business and no exception ta this rule is November
Playmate Sylvie Garant, who is shown (above) being guided by
director Bob Schulz in a scene from his new film, High Spirits. А
romantic comedy, the flick is based on Isak Dinesen's The Monkey.
Californic-born Michele Drake (Miss May) ob- Senior year at the University of Flarida ended Ма, Miss March, Denise McConnell (above),
viously was the type director Floyd Mutrux оп a happy note for June Playmate Louann has not gone from being a private eye ta
was looking for to play a cheerleader in his Fernald (above) as college friends Paul running a plant nursery. Readers who thought
upcoming film, Hollywood Knights (above). Jacobson and Chip Clark helped her move her the epitome af the girl next door
The greaser beside her is actor Randy Gornel. more than just her belongings offcampus. deluged her with congrotulctory flowers.
July's Dorothy Mays (above) gigged During her short sojourn in Chicago,
with some friends, The Jock of - October Playmate Ursula Buchfellner
monds, at the Sheffield studi: (below) entronced her share of ad-
timore, where they recorded Come тігегз, who, no doubt, are reacting
Sweet Darlin’, to be releosed soon. — fovorably to her sexy Germon accent.
Shown here with director Neil Isrcel ond Meat Loaf (the lucky
guy!) in the film Americathon is August Playmcte Dorothy
Strotten (obove), whose movie schedule has been virtually
nonstop since the time she completed her Playmote shoot-
ing. You con bet you'll be seeing plenty more of her.
the education of a guards
DURING THE REIGN of the Emperor Yorei,
one of his personal bodyguards, named
Michinori, was ordered to go to Mutsu.
One night, along the way, he and his
eight soldiers stopped at the hou: a
provincial governor. After a good dinner,
the household went off to bed. but
Michinori found himself wakeful and he
ked about and finally
ant part of the house par-
titioned off by screens. The room, with its
mats on the floor, a small light burning
and the fragrance of incense in the air,
charmed him, and he stepped inside. A
young woman was asleep on one of the
mats and Michinori gazed a long time
from the 13th Century Japanese Uji shui monogatari
at her. She was, he thought, а remark-
ably beautiful and elegant creature.
The guardsman hesitated, first because
he felt some shame at allowing himself
to be tempted by the sight of a lady who
might well be the governor's wife and,
second, because there was something
ge about this lack of precaution
with nine strangers in the house. But
Michinori was a rash man and the beauty
was too much for him. She was wearing
nothing but a light robe and her perfume
was exquisite. He lowered himself to the
mat beside her. When he took off his robe
and embraced her, she opened her eyes
sleepily and lay with her hand over her
mouth, not resisting excessively.
Michinori touched her small nest and
prepared to slide himself into it when he
suddenly felt a great itching in his
private parts—and then no feeling at all.
He quickly put his hand to them, but it
was like groping in his beard. His penis
had vanished completely!
While he was frantically searching, the
lady lay with a faint smile on her face,
but Michinori was no longer struck with
her beauty. He arose in panic, took his
robe and went back to his room. He ex-
plored again, but the penis was truly gone.
Then a thought struck him. Не
awakened one of his retainers who slept
nearby and described the beautiful wom-
an to him, pointing out how to find her.
“Eve just come back from her room.
What about you?" Michinori whispered.
The soldier went off looking happy
and returned a little while later looking
thunderstruck. Michinori then awakened
another trooper. Off he went, chuckling,
and back he came woebegone. Michinori
was a stubborn man. One by one, he sent
all eight of them into battle and all
came back with the same look, clutching
the place where it ought to have been.
Ву now, it was very late. Michinori
thought, Our host was very hospitable
last night, but his hospitality obviously
has its limits. I think it is time to get
away now. The small detachment rode
out dejectedly just before sunrise.
"They had gone less than а mile when
they suddenly heard a shout and looked
back to see someone racing after them on
horseback. It was a man holding a pack-
age wrapped in white paper, and they
reined in their horses, As he approached,
they could see that he was one of the serv-
ants who had waited on them. He held
the package out to Michinori.
What is this?" the guardsman asked
“The dist governor has instructed
me to say that you gentlemen are only
too kind to repay his hospitality with
such a valuable—and personal—gilt, But,
really, he feels himself unworthy of
such a unique and oustanding present.
We were preparing breakfast for you
when the governor, going to a certain
room, discovered the bounty you had left
behind. He ordered me to make a parcel
of them and rcturn them.'
Bewildered, Michinori opened thc
package, and nestling inside, like so many
cels, were the nine penises. The retainers
all clustered round and counted them.
They stared at one another and groaned.
Suddenly, the box was empty.
‘The servant turned his horse and
spurred away.
And then there was a great shout,
Michinori and his men all yelling at
once, “I've got it back!"
Ribald Classic
When Michinori had completed his
mission, he took some gold and fine
presents and journeyed alone back to the
governor's house. Again, he was given a
fine dinner and, afterward, when he and
the governor were relaxing, Michinori
said, "Do you remember that when I was
here before, a strange thing happened?”
Dear boy," the governor said, “please
forgive my little trick. I learned it myself,
the hard way, when I was a young man
trying to seduce a certain sorcerer's wife.
Do you have а wife? Would you like to
learn the art? If so, we must go into the
Michinori did have a wile, and a very
pretty one. Lecherous noblemen were
present in droves at the emperor's court.
"Of course," he said.
"They came to the bank of a great river
and the governor made Michinori take
oaths of frightful wickedness. Then he
instructed Michinori that he must em-
brace anything he saw coming down-
river, even an ogre. At that, the governor
walked upstream and was lost to view.
Torrents of rain came down and the
wind blew fiercely. The river rose. Soon
Michinori saw a great serpent, all dark
blue and crimson, with a great head like
a lump of smooth metal. Michinori
cowered in the grass and let it swim by.
Shortly after, there appeared а giant
boar, bristling with rage, sparks flying
from the rocks under its hooves. Michi.
nori steeled himself, roused his courage
and rushed to clasp it in his arms. He
found himself holding a rotten log.
“Well, my friend,” said the governor
as he reappeared. “You failed the first
test, and so you will never know the fine
art of making a penis vanish into thin
air. But you did meet the second test—
and so you have become master of one
of the lesser arts. You can now change a
thing of no particular value into some-
thing else of no particular value.
Michinori looked at the sly old gover-
nor, who seemed to be smiling a bit
sarcastically, and he cursed himself.
But it was true. Once back at the pal-
ace, Michinori would take beis on
whether or not he could turn boots into
puppies and make them гип around. Or
whether he could make a straw sandal
into a living carp that would jump onto
a table. He always won.
Word of this got to the emperor, who
summoned Michinori to а place called
the Back Door Gallery, where Yozci
learned the art from him. After that, the
emperor happily applied it by making
the figures in a Kamo Festival procession
seem to come to life and march across
the screen on which they were painted.
But, not having the greater art, Michi-
nori worried about his wife the rest
of his days. —Retold by Ken Matsuda
кең qu.
humor By TOM KOCH
The Ayatollah named Iran Р А қ. Chicago's old machine broke down.
A pure religious state. | s } The world's not quite the same.
Now Sabbath shootings all must clear à қ d The ballot box came all unstuffed.
The ministry of hate. E Y The mayor's now a dame!
Top men at Chrysler made the best
Proposal they could lodge,
And begged the Government to buy
A billion-dollar Dodge.
To Peking. U.S. salesmen swarmed,
With order books and pluck.
Their pressure tactics were enough
To make a mandarin duck.
Ham Jordan learned a lesson from
The FBI's fine folk:
When visiting a discothèque,
Don't ask if they serve Coke.
А summit meeting sought to bring
The arms race to a halt.
Some found its plan for peace quite weird.
On open wounds, pour SALT.
A rousing battle cry was raised
Bv every Teddy foe:
“Remember Chappaquiddick and
Forget the Alamo!”
Israeli peace did not work out
The way Sadat had planned.
He's threatened now with Six Day wars
Against each Arab land.
A curvy Aussie kissed Prince Charles.
It made each newscast segment.
We're waiting now for her to claim
It also made her pregnant.
New owners of the Nixon home
Weren't sure what they liked best:
The back-yard gunboat landing dock
Or front machine-gun nest.
The Marvin case showed single men
What perils lie ahead.
Girls sharing bed and board get bored
And want to share the bread.
The TV family's shown great change Somoza felt profound surprise
Since Bob Young ruled the nest. Asrebel troops he hunted.
Now Diff rent Strokes might well be named He'd long assumed the land he ruled
A Smart-ass Kid Knows Best. Was someplace no one wanted.
tongue-in-check remembrances of sundry people and places that made the headlines іп 79
They call it Three Mile Island
And some folks wonder why.
Because its plant is three miles long
Or may blov three miles high?
Count Dracula won plaudits as
The nice guy of the year.
He tumed Samaritan to save
George Hamilton's career.
Her charm was quickly see:
Perhaps the Iron Magnolia had
Become the Delta Queen.
Ronstadt and Brown іп Айтса
Made gossipmongers эр!
Was their vacation hut equipp:
With double beds or twin? Ж
To discothèques more millions flocked eg
And heeded deafening drummers. 27
Quite mesmerized, they boogied through
The long hot Donna Summers.
In Europe. wealthy chums of kings
Are very often knighted:
But over here, Bert Lance found out,
They only get indicted.
When Lee and Farrah called it quits,
They settled many wagers
‘That no ship can two captains have
And no boudoir two Majors,
As down the river Rosalynn cruised.
His last one was a gasser.
He promptly answered. “Yasir.”
And challenged all to match it.
Many tossed their hats into the ring
And Bob Dole tossed his hatchet.
Vanessa. cast to play a Jew,
rew quite a picket line
Demanding that she play instead
The Road to Palestine.
Press Secretary Jody Powell
Faced chores that were gigantic.
Much like the men who sang aboard
The sinking ship Titanic.
Hoods vied to get Galante's job,
Which. arudainaly. he died for.
Will Harold Stassen seek the post?
It's one he's never tried for.
Muhammad Ali quit the ring.
He'll answer no more bells,
Because his waistline's now as large
As that of Orson Welles.
Mideast mistakes plagued Andrew Young.
When asked if he'd shunned dark intrigue.
Each White House hopeful aired his plan
228 rounding the ver
MY UNCLE OSWALD (continuca from page 136)
“Within a few seconds, my member was as stiff and
erect as the mainmast of a topsail schooner.
of a long day in a fierce climate than
when you feel that first whiskey hitting
your stomach and going through into
the blood stream. A few minutes later, I
went indoors and got myself a second
drink, then I returned to the veranda. I
lay back again in the deck chair. My
shirt was soaked with sweat, but 1 was
too tired to take a shower. Then, all of
a sudden, I went rigid. I was just about
to put the glass of whiskcy to my lips
and my hand froze, it literally froze in
midair, and there it stayed, with my
fingers denched around the glas. I
couldn't move. 1 couldn't even speak. 1
ied to call out to my boy for help, but
I couldn't. Rigor mortis. Paralysis. My
entire body had turned to stone.
“Of course I was frightened,” the
major said. “I was bloody terrified, es-
pecially out there in the Sudan desert
miles from anywhere, But the paralysis
didn't last very long. Maybe a minute,
maybe two. I don’t really know. But
when I came to, as it were, the first
thing 1 noticed was a burning sensation
in the region of my groin, ‘Hullo, 1
d, "what the hell's going on now? But
it was pretty obvious what was going on.
‘The activity inside my trousers was be-
coming very violent, indeed, and within
another [ew seconds, my member was
as stiff and егесі as the mainmast of a
topsail schooner.
What do you mean, your member?”
asked a girl whose name was Gwendo-
expect you will catch on as we go
along, my dear," the major said.
“Carry on, Major, we said. “What
happened next?"
Then it started to throb,” he said. 71
could [ecl every beat of my heart all the
way along it. Pulsing and throbbing
most terribly, it was, and as tight as а
balloon. You know those long sausage-
shaped balloons children have at parties?
1 kept thinking about one of those, and
with every beat of my heart it felt as if
someone was pumping in more air and
it was going to burst."
The major drank some wine. We sat
still. waiting.
So of course І began trying to puzzle
out what might have happened,” he
t on. "I looked at my glass of whis-
It was where I always put it, on top
of the little white-painted balustrade sur-
Then my eye
traveled upward to the roof of the bun-
galow and to the edge of the roof and,
suddenly, presto! I'd got it! I knew for
certain what must have happened.”
What?" we said, all speaking at once.
A large blister beetle, taking an
evening stroll on the roof, had ventured
too close to the edge and had fallen off.”
“Right into your glass of whiskey!” we
“Precisely,” the major said. “And I,
thirsting like mad in the heat, had
gulped him down without looking.
The girl called Gwendoline was star-
ing at the major with huge eyes. “Quite
honestly, I don't see what all the fuss
way about," she said. "One teeny-weeny
little beetle isn't going to hurt anyone.”
My dear child,” the major said,
"when the blister beetle is dried and
crushed, the resulting powder is called
cantharidin. Thats its pharmaceutical
name, The Sudanese variety is called
cantharidin sudanii, And this сапа
din sudaniü is absolutely deadly. The
maximum safe dose for a human, if
there is such a thing as a safe dose, is опе
minim. A minim 15 one sixtieth ol a
fluid ounce. Assuming I had just swal-
lowed one whole fully grown blister
beetle, that meant Id received God
knows how many hundreds of times the
imum dos
“Jesus,” we said. “Jesus Ch
“My member,” die major said, "was
now like a whitehot rod of iron burn-
ing into my body. I leaped up from my
chair and rushed to my саг and drove
like a madman for the nearest hospit
which was in Khartoum. I got there ir
forty minutes flat. 1 was scared fartless.
1 dashed into the hospital and found
the casualty room, where an
doctor was stitching up somebody's knife
wound. ‘Look at this!” I cried, taking i
out and waving it at him.
“Waving what at him, for heaven's
sake?” the awful Gwendoline asked
“Shut up, Gwendoline," I said.
hank you,” the major said. “The
doctor stopped stitching and regarded
the object I was holding out to him with
some alarm. I quickly told him my story
He looked glum. There was no antidote
for blister beetle, he informed me. 1 was
n grave trouble. But he would do his
best. So they stomach.pumped me and
put me to bed and packed ice all around
my poor throbbing member.
" someone asked, "Who's
the n
“А nurse,"
ajor answered. "A
young Scottish nurse with dark hair. She
brought the ice in small rubber bags
and packed it round and kept the bags
in place with a bandage.”
Didn't you get frostbite’
You can't get frostbite on something
that’s practically redhot,” the major
What happened next?
‘They kept changing the ice every
three hours, day and night.
Who, the Scottish nurse?’
took it in turns. Several
“It took two weeks to subside.”
"Two week: Were you all
right afterward, sir? Are you all right
"I was out of ac
n for six months,"
the major said, smiling wanly. “But that
is no hardship in the Sudan. Yes, if you
want to know, I'm all right now. I made
a miraculous recovery.”
‘That was the story Major Grout had
told us at my liule party on the eve of
my departure for France, and it set me
thinking. It set me thinking very deeply,
indeed. In fact, that night, as I lay in
bed with my bags all packed on the
floor, a tremendously daring plan began
apidly to evolve in my head. I say
daring bccause, by God. it damn well
was daring when you consider [ was
only 17 years old at the time. Looking
back on it now, 1 take my hat olt to my-
self for even contemplating that sort of
action. But by the following morning.
my mind was made up.
1 bade farewell to my parents on the
platform at Victoria Station and boarded
the boat train for Paris. I arrived that
afternoon and checked in at the house
where my father had arranged for me to
board. It was on the Avenue Marceau,
and the family, who were called Bois-
vain, took paying guests. Monsieur Bois-
in was a civil servant of sorts and as
unremarkable as the rest of his breed.
His wife, a pale woman with short
fingers and a flaccid rump, was in much
the same mold as her husband, and 1
guessed that neither of them would give
me any trouble. They had two daughters,
Jeanette, aged 15, and Nicole, who w
19. Mademoiselle Nicole was some
of f ic the rest of the f.
small and n
ach, this girl was of Amazonian pro-
. She looked to me like a sort of
She could not possibly
than G3" in her
feet, but she was nonetheless а well
young gladiator with long, nicely tu
legs and а pair of dark сусу that seemed
to hold a number of secrets. It was the
first time since puberty that 1 had en-
countered а woman who was not only
(continued on page 279)
have stood le:
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
announcing the prize-winning authors,
artists and photographers whose contributions were judged by our
staff to be the past year’s most outstanding
Best Major Work
Tomed to producing masterpieces.
(He hos previously won two
pıarsoY writing owards, one for
Best Nonfiction, the other for Best
Major Work: Fiction.) This year
he did it again, with The Ех-
ecufioner’s Song (October, No-
vember, December), а stunning
three-part excerpt from his current
best seller on the life and deoth of
convicted murderer Gary Gilmore.
Mailers norrotion, told through
the reminiscences of those whose
paths hod crossed Gilmore’s, is
more than just a peek at the
demise of а born loser; it’s olso а
* Лоте on criminal pathology that
is destined to become a classic.
Jou remember how gary gilmore died. nod
Тете the tale of how he ved. and the
stary ef the people hate Ines Re changed
Best Short Story Best New Contributor: Fiction
NS 7)
PAUL THEROUX, author of travel journals
about Asia and South America, took us to
darkest Africa with hi
White Lies (May). TI
about a deceitful mon who gets his due, truly
made our skin crawl. A prolific writer, Theroux
has won two previous PLAYBOY prizes for fiction.
LYNDA LEIDIGER snores the honors in this
cotegory for Snoke Head (October), a bizarre
story obout a young women who dons a snoke
mask for о Halloween party and then can't
beor to take it off. Leidiger wos an unpub-
lished author until she sold this extraordinory
tole to PLAYEOY, She lives in North Hollywood.
Each year, the staffs of the Editorial, Art and Photography departments choose the articles, artwork and photos to be
singled out in January for special praise. It's a given, of course, that everything we publish is mighty fine. Arguments
occur only when we try to separate what's terrific from what's merely great. No, there aren't gunshot: the halls and
nobody has had his car tires slashed. The whole process, in fact, is a joy, because we feel that writers, artists and photog-
raphers do not get anywhere near the recognition and praise that their often underfed egos need and deserve. (Their
bank balances often need to be fed, too.) Besides, they do make the world a better place. So here are our picks for the
best of the best that has appeared in PrAvnov's pages during the past 12 months. Along with this mention, each
winner receives a $1000 check and an award medallion to look at after the money is gone. Our congratulations to all.
SPECIAL AVARD Best Nonfiction
LAWRENCE GROBEL, who previously had interviewed
Dolly Parton, Henry Winkler ond Barbra Streisond for
vs, thought he wos committing journalistic hora-kiri by
accepting our assignment to interview Marlon Brondo
Uanvory). The elusive superstor hod never agreed to
ап in-depth interview, often choosing to seclude himself
on his privote Tohition islond, Тенагос, for indefinite
periods. After many months of dealing with Brando's
secretary, Grobel felt his luck suddenly change when
Superman's own dad picked up the phone and invited
him to the South Seas. No less challenging was
the reclusive actor Al Pacino in last month's issue.
PETER ELBLING brought together а talented
group of New York writers who split our sides
with And Thot's the Way It Was, 1980-1989
(October). Cerf ond Hendro are Notional Lom-
poon mogazine refugees; Elbling is a Califor-
nia actor/director who thought of the idea.
i E i SS
ASA BABER tokes the Best Nonfiction aword for
The Condominium Conspiracy (November). A no-
nonsense investigative reporter, Baber picked up
the some prize іп 1977 for а hard lock at the
commodities morket. This time, a fellow journol-
ist womed him that he'd be “‘creomed” if he dug
too deeply into condos. Tough job; tough guy.
Best New Contributor: Nonfiction
RICHARD PRICE is our pick for his profile of
college football's major institution in Bear
Bryant's Mirodes (October). Price, one of
America’s brightest young novelists, took his
biases as a New York street kid south to ‘Boma
апа come beck with the most balonced account
of the Crimson Tide's coach we've yet read.
Best Nonfiction Illustration
MARSHALL ARISMAN, who won mony awards
with his macabre illustration for Mr. Death in
riarwor several years ago, Is this year’s recipient
for his chilling depiction of Gary Gilmore in
December, third in the three-part masterpiece
The Executioner’s Song, by Norman Mailer. Aris-
man unforgetiably illustrated the entire series.
Best Fiction Illustration
SHEL SILVERSTEIN’s long cssociotion with PLAYBOY
has yielded countless forays into iconoclastic humor.
For over 20 years, Silverstein's pen ond wit have given
birth to such satirical gems as Teevee Jeebies, Silver-
stein Around the World and his redoubtable History
of Playboy, Lately, he’s kept our pages buzzing with
a series of irreverent poems about life on the new
frontier—sex and drugs. lost yeor, his poem The
Smoke Off was runner-up in the humor category. When
he's not poking fun ct American foible in drawings,
Silverstein turns his attention to songwriting and sing-
1. You may recall his bromidic fighting man's song,
А Boy Named Sue, recorded by Johnny Cash. This yeor,
our Renaissance man provided us with & very special
book, Different Dances, a collection of his cortoons (see
page 202) that we've been excerpting in recent months.
Best Service Illustration
ROGER BROWN, с Chicago artist who's shown
in virtually every mojor museum in this country,
wins with his illustration of о strange landscape
for Used in Evidence (December), с Frederick
Forsyth murder mystery. Brown used curious
gridlike cloud formations to create a feeling
of terminal loneliness and impending danger.
MARTIN HOFFMAN’s versatility is truly
astounding; the same man who produces super-
realistic paintings can also create stylish Thirties-
type fashion illustrations, such as the ones we
ran last Janucry in our annual designer fea-
ture, (They're in this issue, too.) Hoffmon’s work
is also featured іп PLAYBOY 's traveling art exhibit.
Best Playmate Pictorial
DAVID CHAN weighs only 120 pounds sooking wet.
But when he flies into a strange city ond places on od
in the newspoper for locol femoles to test for а future
Girls of feoture, many think thot he’s the most power-
ful mon in town. Chon's most recent accomplishmen
was Girls/Women of the Ivy League (September),
which he was confronted by hostile college administra-
tors ond women’s rights groups. Undaunted, he re-
turned with superb shots—os he's done for The Girls of
Washington, The Girls of the New South, Girls of the
Big Ten, Girls of the Pac 10, oll the while colmly han-
dling hundreds of reporters, TV interviews and other
hossles. Chon’s latest assignment? А soon-to-be-published
Girls of Canada thot brought some lovely creatures
out from behind the maple leaves. With tolented Chan
behind the lens, you won't be disoppointed, Charlie.
MARIO CASILLI, who previously hos won two
awards, wolks oway ogoin a winner for his
coveroge (or perhops we should say uncover-
T age) of Ploymote Lee Ann Michelle in Febru-
ary. The foct thor most of the shooting wos
1 / done in chilly old Englond didn't foze Cosilli; Best Pictorial Essay
Ww his use of the location, os usuol, wos superb. "
Best Pictorial Еѕѕсу
RICHARD FEGLEY hos a rough life. Not only
does he get poid to photograph beoutiful
naked lodies but he wins awards, too. This опе
is for the Bond beouties in our July “Moonrak-
ег” feoture. It wos о very difficult ossignment,
Fegley reported, “becouse | wos competing
with Roger Moore.” Somehow, he survived.
3 ARNY FREYTAG shores our Best Pictoriol Es-
soy aword with Richard Fegley. Freytag’s con-
tribution: Another Loving Look (August), in
which he not only recoptured Condy Loving's
exceptionol charms but olso showed the Chi-
A cago Playboy Monsion in on architecturolly
a Lal trilliont monner. Our eyes were on Condy.
(continued [rom page 130)
“Glory holes, like other aspects of gay culture, are
outgrowths of what was once forbidden.”
parents were defending them, saying, you
know, ‘You don't cure someone who's
left-handed, you don't cure heterosexi
ity, it's just а fact now."
nd 1 agreed. But they should be а
litle more discreet. The making out on
the street, it mak
‘There's а sameness in the way they dress,
id à sameness in the way they talk, and
a sameness in the way they look. And
the way they act pretty much is sort of
dangling it in front of our faces. Like
ing on a show. I have a [celing it
n cute a few years ago,
making me sick and it’s making
a lot of the rest of the с k. And T
feel they're losing as opposed to winning
by doing that
“Because the longer they do it and the
longer they flaunt it, it's not
make people [eel better abo
going to bring eut more vi
more haved as opposed to if th
у, but went through
a sort of ‘coming out.’ Two centuries ago,
woman were seen doing
making out on the
g on the strcet—there
was a bit of a tiff raised and everybody
would gasp and it went through a period
of centuries before it became just an ac
cepted thing. I have a feeling that homo-
sexuality here has gone through that
period in about a year and a half. It's
gone through everyone's acknowledging
but it’
aid low, necessari
the [act 1 s there and seeing it wide
open— Blah, we're here really fast,
without having a period to, you know,
sort out, come into it, ..."
Joshua wears his hair long, his shi
large, his p buy jea
anymore. It makes me look too much like
them’). Last year, he was walking with
his mother down Castro Street 10 v
friend and "some guy whistled, and we
both looked at each other and sort of
laughed, because we didn't know who he
n the year. Joshua was going to
me friend and was alone on a
guy got off the bus with me.
Obviously gay, he was wearing je: d
short-sleeved tanktop shirt, boots.
and his haircut, and the voice, and he
started walking after me and he sort of
whistled at me.
ıo h;
told this
avs, but I've
ly bothered by them
point where 1 wanted to yell or be
M slight tolerance for
never been p
alone hate.
1 deepdown,
When he whistled at me,
though, I just cused him out and ran
like hell and he started. running. after
me. I was right down at, like, 18th and
Eureka, and it's not a good place to be
cursing out guys. T jumped on a bus and
then I jumped off and then I tried to
call our friends and they weren't home
nd then I just started running.”
“What did you think he was go
do to you
“I don't know, but I really had less
interest than 1 could possibly say to find
out. And I was a little scared.”
"Your father says you decided to go to
school out of town Беса
ng to
use there were
"Yeah. Not only
weirdos. I'd like to be the majority.
Every time I come into the city from Mill
Valley or take the Golden Gate Transit
into the city, E find the first people 1 see
re gays. And, you know, it's rc;
leather jackets, ul
sort of feel as though
of people who are like me
Somewhere in the middle
loathing and [car comes the question.
What is it that they do in bed? And
somewhere in the middle of that is the
glory hole. It is a
private dub where ga э to en-
gage іп anonymous sex, specifically by
entering а booth that has holes in i
walls, putting their penises through the
holes and getting sucked off by someone
on the other side. A glory hole is a sort
rand version of the publictoilet
homosexual men were once
rch out because of Jaws fo
bidding sodomy and vice squ
forced them. In 1975, State Assemblyman
Willie Brown introduced a bill in Cali
lor consenting
Чий to sodomy, cum
lingus and fellatio in private. The bill
passed. Glory holes, like other aspects of
gay culture, are outgrowths of what was
once forbidden—as if certain things tha
were once necessary because of restric-
tions became habitual.
I went to this place, the one called
The South of Market Club.
inted white and has the in
nted e on the outside w
ro |
club. known as the
ids thar en-
get in, I disguised myself as a gay
[we page 251]. 1 used the membership
d of an actor who goes to the glory
holes occasionally when he visits
two dollar
of а sm;
ikes a membership card and
The room is about the size
m or medium dance studio,
end. The floor
is concrete. The ceiling is very high,
maybe 90 [eet or more. The area of co
centration is four rows of booths, nine
to а row. They are paired off, 18 to
side with a common wall between them.
In the comer, there is a softdrink ma-
chine th; doesn't work, but Гог si
dollars you can buy a vial of butyl nitrite,
sold through a window in the back. The
disco music is loud and, at the momer
it is playing We Are Family.
The man in the booth beneath the
balcony is lighting a cigarette. With
one hand, he strikes the lighter, while
the other | handle c
the wall ov a ins
his nd upper torso
butane light, His chest,
d. For
re frozen
prinkled with
booth, Because of
ve disappeared, so he
like а satyr hangin
the Пате goes out,
the wall of hi
dark, his hips |
looks disembodied,
hook. Just a
he sighs
Outside his booth in the dim red ligh
the men, many of them naked to
waist, walk up and down the aisle, open
nd closing doors. The booths are
painted white and are the size of port-
able toilets: the nd exit with
frantic speed, as if there had been ап
outbreak of dysentery at a convention of
The dance here is simple. Walk the
center aisle. Choose а booth by picking
at the doors. When you find one that
isn’t locked, enter. You are faced almost
immediately with a wall that has an ob-
long hole in it, pelvis high, about fou
aches long. The paint is marked and
n some places pecling. There are some
gralfiti on the walls: слу вором. There
re holes in cach of the walls and а metal
in the corner. There аге handles
screwed into the walls high above each
of the holes.
As P emer a booth, I sec a p:
thighs through one of the holes
person i mus booth to my
nen enter
his pubic 1 E уса
the aging plywood. His penis ік through
the hale, so that at first glance from this
le angle, he might as well be a girl
The ass is pale white and the leg
skinny. It reminds me of
trom Life ma shot of a bunch of
boys leaping i imming hole, all
moons and sweet legs. He is breathing
short takes.
Through the hole next to my left knee,
I see a piece of face, a partial mustache,
a lock of hair, what appear to be brown
eyes. The eyebrows arch expectantly. 1
frown, dig my hands imo my pockets,
pull my cap down, feel ungenerous. The
e disappears.
Etiquette has it that if you аге inter-
ested in the man you rub
your index finger along the bottom of
the hole, as if you were checking for
next door
General Wine & Spirits Co.,
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dust. This signals him cither to place
his cock through the hole or to reccive
yours into his mouth
I leave that booth and try one down
the aisle. Several men are walking the
aisle. Squeak, slam. I peer through a hole
of my new booth. A young man with a
blond beard sits on the stool, his pants
down around his Army boots, casually
ading his cock as if it were a kitten.
nocks at my door, then
marches on, and 1 am reminded of the
poetic response of a gay friend when 1
mentioned this club. “Just when I'd
stopped opening doors," he said, quoting
a Stephen Sondheim lyric. ally
knowing the one that I wanted was
yours.” This friend tells me that this
place is less anonymous than one might
imagine. Each man is looking. he says.
lor а particular fantasy: the boy next
door or a cowboy or a tough horny dude.
“Не was extremely well endowed," my
friend says, recalling a particular night.
“Which is my thing. I'm a cock queen.
1 get my pleasure orally. And we had
such a wonderful time together that we
left the booths after we were finished
and leaned against the wall, talking. And
he said, ‘I knew you were the one the
тіне I saw you." And I wondered what
it was, because, well, I'd say that 75 per-
cent of the guys here are turned oll by
my smooth skin, my kick of a beard, And
I was thinking, Well, maybe it was my
great body. Then he said, "You know
hat it was? It was your Weejuns. I just.
love Weejuns.’
The search for fantasy stretches far
beyond the glory holes. И my friend's
partner liked fraternity boys, the men
im The Trench, a bar down the street,
like cops. You enter through a Нар, like
on an Army tent, and are almost
immediately confronted with a room full
of men dressed in black leather: police
hats, motorcycle jackets with studs, tight
pants with the ass cut out (most men out
of respect for the weather wear blue
jeans underneath), cl across the chest
and around the waist, keys dangling from
one hip or the other (left side means
you like to give it in the ass, right side
that you like to take it), dark aviator
glasses, heavy knight's gloves. Some men
Tave managed to put together a complete
San Francisco Police Department. uni-
Torm, complete with 36-inch baton.
In the past ten years, there has been
an evolution: from limp wrists to body-
builders to macho, and the violence
tendant in stripping an animal of its
and wearing There аге back
rooms there and in other bars where, I
n told, late in the night, orgies will
take place. Over the bar hangs a T-shirt
bearing the words TUESDAY їз UNCUT
Sici, which means that uncircumcised
re particularly welcome that eve-
le, the back yard of the Back-
street Bar, formerly the Black and Blue,
i ill for what my friends
call an “orgy alfresco.” They say that at
the Backstreet there is a motorcycle that
hangs from the ceiling on wires. At mid-
night, a the first several bars of Thus
Spake Zarathustra, ihe men bow down
ıo the bike.
I have been told stories about the
places where they have slave auctions on
Wednesday nights, where they hang up
boys by their thumbs, where they pour
hot wax on their testicles, where а поове
is hung around a neck to tighten just at
1he moment of orgasm. There have been
murders, unsolved, related to the bars.
Men have bcen picked up, taken out to
the beach or to anonymous hotel rooms,
where they are later found manaded
shot. No one knows if the killers a
ight. A friend of mine hired de-
s when the nice young man who
worked in her office didn't show for a
week. They found him in a hotel room,
his hands cuffed behind his back. He
her and shot through
the head. She had never known that he
liked to exchange his neat suits for motor-
суе gear and heavy chains and go down
to The Brigg. where whoever it was who
killed him had picked him up.
There are men who Фе of peritonitis
(an infection of the abdomen caused by
leakage from the intestine—women in
the 19th Century used to die of it regu
larly after childbirth) or of internal
bleeding after fist tucking. The authors
of The Joy of Gay Sex point out that fist
fucking is “extremely dangerous” and
that if a man has been fucked and feels
the symptoms of internal bleeding (chills,
stomach cramps, fever), he should get
himsell to a surgeon. who is quite likely
to reroute his intestine to а neat little
sack on the outside of his body. They add,
a fucking is becoming more and more
popular, usually as a side line among
sadomasochists, but some men practice it
tenderly and gently, almost as though it
were a form of yoga.” The whole fist, by
the way, is not simply jammed inside the
ass. You do it опе lubricated finger at a
time, then clench the fist inside. The
danger is that you might tear the sig-
moid colon, an organ made of tissue the
consistency—as The Joy describes
of “wet paper towels.”
Th n а local
You tell me about that em-
barrassing enema you got as а jr. high
schooler and ГИ reply, telling you about
ine. ..." An ad for the movie Born to
Raise Hell, in which the action "develops
as а series of brutal, yet beautiful, hap-
penings on the screen." Ads for "fuck
soup" and its neighbors on the gourmet's
shelf, “eream of sperm” and. "split p
with tits and ass"; ads for catalogs that
sell harnesses tor the face while someone
les" you t an ad for
1 replica—your endowment hard
soft sculpture.” And, of course, there are
the ads Гог
is an
ad, next to
models and escorts" —'
muscleman, 50" C, 19" A, 32" W, lı
good looks, vers."
Paul says that 99 percent of his cus-
tomers are gay, “а real cross section of
the gay community, younger guys, old
guys, guys who are better-looking
than me, regular customers, guys I've
been seeing for ten years.” He came here
in 1967 and worked as a clerk, "modeling"
оп the side until it got so lucrative һе
gave up working for Pacific Gas and
Electric. He charges $50 an hour in your
hotel, $30 if you go to his apartment. He
100 to $800 a week.
"One person I had yesterday, 1 went
over to this guy's apartment on Franklin.
We went into the bedroom. He had a
drink, I had a glass of water. He sucked
me off for a while while I flexed. Then 1
screwed him for a while. He had one of
those big rubber dildos. 1 stuck that in
his ass. Then he sat on it while I stood on
the bed, masturbating. 1 wore black-
leather boots. He masturbated while he
looked at п orgasm, 1
һай on
It took the riot of М
the city of San Francisco that its gay
population was here in such number
and such strength—as то be impossible to
tion to the verdict in the trial
n White, it ended as a scream to be
seen: “We are here,” they said, "and we
are not going away.” And it was а riot
different from the black riots їп Watts
for example, because it took place not in
a ghetto, not on Castro Street but in
front of City Hall. It was a weird com-
bination of both oppression and power.
While truly powerful people don't take
to the streets to express anger, truly
oppressed people are not allowed to riot
for several hours with marginal police
response. "Could you see a group of 1000
blacks burning police cars?” asks an em-
bittered black woman. "They would have
dropped a small bomb on that crowd."
The police were definitely restrained,
either by direct command or by the lack
of any real order to disperse the crowd.
Damages came to $250,000 and in-
cluded 12 police cars, all the bottom and
front windows at City Hall—115 in all
windows in stores on nearby Market
Sueet and in cars parked nearby. One
hundred twenty police and 45 demonsu
tors were injured. There were 28 arrests
Policeman after policeman echoed the
words of offic Daniel A, McDonagh,
who wrote an angry open letter to the
Police Officers Asociati wsletter:
very man looked at the others’ eyes,
searching for someone to tell us to go out
and end all this mess, but the order was
als i
not lorthcom
1t lett libe
this tolerant town
(continued on page 250)
о Wvoo meen MY) он - WELL, THAT 9
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Oh! 1 just LOVE Your Duk!
Deoh- qos! That fuls good ! R
4 & Wh. N That's betouse Т
: MATS NSS bnew quA.
what did you mean you'll see
hon later, f
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ИИ а Oh ,HON-64 , temt on.. +
A а! Le : ye NS ауыр it ,0қ?
You and цол, ot Frierda " dni,
те ом.
OUCH! Youre ака my BACK!
It's nouee- youre doing Ж
How do 400 like
being hut?
400 ВІТ МЕ... what
shola 1 ери from
д, (0404-0427
stop bu ting
НОГ Sonenimess
б » а
~ A
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hook I've ever read: How 1 Found Free-
dom in an Unjree World. by Harry
Browne. His tenets аге complete honesty
at all times, which is almost impossible.
His point is that the only person who
feels guilty in saying no is you
PLAYBOY: Do you still have a lot of
to work out?
MARTIN: T think there are sever
worth of things to work out. m working
ош things constantly now.
ting olf the road for a wh
iuto а normal si
the same bed every
same friends all t
our a lot of thin
bers. how they
Пу ger
nd getting
you're in
the question of nui
letermine your validity:
ch ews affect you. How to
regard your privacy. WI
interview. What I w
PLAYBOY: How do you think you've done
so far?
ts: how rev
t to say in an
t to reveal about
I think Ive said more than I
wanted to say. I don't know if ГЇ even
read this. Pl just get depressed, по mat-
ter how good it is. I feel like some ass-
hole who's been asked questions of
shaky is your
y fragile mentally, sensi
What makes you cry?
I was on the road about three
I was in New
It was,
shock to me, wate
foon. | just sit th
started crying. I was
room, weepi
self, but there was no one
didn't. This had never h ned to те
before. The next tim s talking to
my mother, recently, on the phone. It
just something like, “We
fate what you've done.
York at the St. Reg
nd this old comedy с
Fields. It w:
ng him be the buf-
re and suddenly 1
I by myself in
I could've stopped my
round, so L
ally ap
That kind
е both sort of түсерін
us ago, 1 was dh
g t0 Aspen
and I'd made
sette tapes of с. с. cum-
mings’ six records, called Six Nonlec-
tures, He speaks very hypnotically,
talking about the artists respoi ty.
the artist's life, and his dedication was so
strong and so beautiful and moving that
made me weep.
PLAYBOY: You're a very rom:
ic person,
aren't you?
martin: | think so. Romantic in the
capital, сін ense. In your youth,
you are so romantic and your emotions
гс so strong about certain things th
when they're finally а
childhood love s very hard to go
back to being overtly romantic in your
ifc. Maybe that’s why you turn to
ig and music and literature in-
ished, like in your
(continued from page 190)
stead of
PLAYBOY: How happy are vou.
you haven't gotten on that bc
MARTIN: Happiness is so hard to define
and foolish to define. Am I acting?
That's the worst thing you can ask your-
self. You can be happy suddenly. It can
spring on you. not when you reach a
1 u. You сап be happy going back-
ward or going down. You can be happy
at the loss of something.
PLAYBOY: That's a pretty serious happi-
MARTIN: If T could correct one thing about
myself, it would be to exploit my crea-
in a more jubi
everything with the old *
titude. Trs the ide:
If seriously.
PLAYBOY: Not being afraid to blow it?
iling to Tahiti on the pirates’
even if
of not taking your-
MARTIN: The only fear T have is of blow
ing it all. Irs the old show-business
story. You make it and you're а fash,
and then you're sitting there with noth-
g left. Гле always kidded Га be a bum
the gutter, But that’s not going to
happen to me
PLAYBOY: You said that low.
MARTIN: ГЇЇ say it high. It's not going to
happen to те!
PLAYBOY: Well . .. excur-u-use me!
MARTIN: One thing Га like to clear up
about people imitating me. T read in
i E ws thar I created these
clichés or catch. phrases. Bur no one sets
ош and says, ^L think TIL think up a
cliché.” 1 never wanted to encourage it.
It just started happening. I had to drop
the "Exc ine, because people
knew it too well. Sometimes I still do it.
but I try to twist it around a little. For
а while, 1 was saying, "I don't say
"Excuse те anymore. And if you don’t
like it, well, excunuse me." It’s like
singing a hit song over and over. But
I'm not premising my act on it ат
1 don't want to be identified with "Ex.
сизе me," because once "Excuse me
dies, then 1 go with i
PLAYBOY: You don't want to go the way
of the Hula Hoop or pet rock
MARTIN: I realize I'm a lad, so 1 don't
get too excited. Its interesting to |
made up a lad or to make up a saying.
PLAYBOY: Like the license plate in
fornia that says GET SMALL?
MARTIN: | used to get pictures of people
with their birth announcements and ріс-
tures of their kids with nose glasses an-
nouncing the birth of a wild and crazy
guy. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: Do you feel funny just before
you go onstage? Lenny Bruce said that he
threw up three times before he could go
out ther
MARTIN: 1 don't feel funny until I hit the
маре and get my first laugh. In fact, 1
only [eel funny onstage. A person's wor!
and who he is are two different 0
ws or
about you
MARTIN: They told me about a guy up in
Philadelphia who has my personality to
the point of psychopathy. He can't get
out of it. He is in the hospital, he goes
to a shrink. He talks like me.
PLAYBOY: It might help him to know
what you're like ollstage.
MARTIN: I really ат two people!
Many people don't know that
Where did you learn to play the banjo?
MARTIN: I was at a friend's house and I
aid. I'm going to
As T said. Т was
‘ed mc. I used to slow
records down to 16 and pick up the notes.
PLAYBOY: What's your favorite music?
MARTIN: I like cl. itar, bluegrass
and Irish music. I'm eclectic when it
comes to music. I don't have one pop
stoned. It just s
PLAYBOY: Now that you've hecome а
actor, will you study acting?
MARTIN: No, I don't have the time or the
inclination to practice. T say carn while
you learn. [Laughs] V think T have
enough natural experience to get by. l'm
a beginning actor: experience will make
me better.
PLAYBOY: What would you consider your
greatest accomplishment to date?
MARTIN: The Absent-Minded Waiter And
the position T achieved in stand-up соп
edy. To me, that's a true. accomplish-
ment T can look hack last simmer
and say, “I did the impossible. I did
what one in a million do. Or one in
10.000.000 do." Even [or a moment. to
be on top. That's all on top is, a mo
ment, no matter who you are, even if
you're Elvis, you're on top momentarily
in terms of time. T hat's the thrill, to say,
"Yeah, I was Ше biggest comedian in
the world.”
PLAYBOY: Earlier, you said you're not at
the height of your career; now you're
putting yourself in the past tense.
MARTIN: 1 never expected it to last a long
time, because that kind of frenzy can't.
It's almost like breathing a sigh of m
lief. Bob Newhart told me when he was
the biggest comedian he kept wondering,
Who's going to be next? And when
Cosby came along, he said he went,
Uhhh, thank God, That's the way I [cel
Its like I can level out and let my talent
come out rather than my ability to
PLAYBOY: And where would you like that
talent to lead?
MARTIN: 1 will be very happy if, when
I'm 60, I can look back, having made
10 comedies, and say, "I was a funny
person in this world.”
PLAYBOY: And what would you say 10
young comedians from that vantage
MARTIN: Always take your wallet onstage
with you,
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T you sign on with Uncle Sam. you
risk getting stuck with a humdrum
job and having friends blame you
for every Government blun-
der. In you risk being di
cribed by the only President you have
as “umderworked, overpaid and in-
ed from the consequences of
competence." On the other hand. there
are just about 3,000,000 nonelected
Civil Service jobs in the Federal merit
system, many neither dull nor trivial
nd if your priori 1 pay,
super benefits, public s nd womb-
like security, you m ler work-
ing for the Man.
s are decet
1 cons
Lefkowitz, a senior economist at the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, explains,
“Assume that a man who retires from
the Government
f percent, by the time he dies,
pension will be about $80,000 a year.
e employee who retires with a
still be getti
520,000 22 years from his retirement."
What may be even better than the
pension is the chance to crack the so
called revolving door with industry.
As а rule of thumb, a Government
policy maker with five years’ experience
cin expect to double his salary by ente
ing the private sector.
Job security is probably the best
reason for working) 1 Government. Your firm won't go out of
business ted dismissal rs
m off on some-
competent. employees
body else. Promot
practice based on iner
erage every 99 months
d eventually palm th
m. based theoretically on merit, is in
Federal employees are promoted on
Salaries of civil servants are by law "comparable" to
ot rly employed civilians. For each Octobe
ljustment, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys priv
sector salaries and the Presidents Pay Agent recommends ап
average raise that the President can accept, reject ог modify.
(Last year they haygled: Agent recommended 10.4 percent
increase; Carter offered anti-inilationary 5.5 percent: Fed work-
s beefed; Carter boosted increase to seven percent voluntary
limit) In 1978, average pay for Federal nonmilitary employees
а it was S13,
Over 7.5 percent of the Federal шагы
$25,000 a year, the most lua acies being the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, National Science Foundation and Na-
jonal Aeronautics and Space Administration. And although the
basic top salary remains pegged to Presidential appointees’
550,000, the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 created Senior
cutive Service, in which high-level employees can with merit
incentive bonuses carn up to $66,000.
But it's benefits that really separate the С men from the in-
dustry boys. А U. S. & World Report special study reveals
that during 1977, Federal employee benefits cost
57171 compared with a niggardly 51677 for civilians. Beginning
employees get 13 yearly vacation days—in Fed parlance,
"leave^—and, alter 15 years’ service, 26 days. They also receive
13 sickleave days, which, if unused, can accumulate credits
toward pensions. Uncle Sam really splurges on pensions һу
offering the possibility of full retirement at the age of 55 and
pensions adjusted upwards for inflation twice every year. Martin
Like to be a helicopter pilot, Customs
dog handler, procurement officer, in
terdisciplinary engineer? Or ship out as a fire fighter іп Bermu-
i а Kenya or,
da, an cntomologist in Zanzibar,
what sounds like the most [rust
manager in Italy?
Those are admittedly the more exotic positions among the
0,000 monthly Federal job openings and you find out what's
ailable at a Federal Job Information Center. Although last
year nearly a third of the centers were closed, hours were short-
ened to ten AM. to three P.M. and "800" numbers were d
connected, least опе office in each state you сап
in your arca,
ve to be at least 18 years old and, if not
resident of American Samoa. After that,
nal origin, sex,
upping condition and with regard
there is still а
call, write or, preferably, visit to learn what's opei
For most jobs, you
dual privacy and cor
Job descriptions stipulate the qu
not written exams аге require college degree or
equivalent experience, you will probably take the lour-anda-
hal-hour Professional and Administrative Career mination
(PACE) to be eligible for a wide variety of entry-level positions
with hightevel potential. Jobs that require PACE
economists, computer specialists, writers and editors
ready, the Federal Jobletter сап show you
where to cut some corners. It is the only comprehensive listing
s and whether or
Яй ий, hes Gaverhiment antl hei COMA
sony best known to itself, publishes no comparable list. Besides
helping break the Washington residents’ stranglehold on access
to recent openings, Federal Jobletter (ten dollars for three is-
sues, from Washington Research Associates, Р.О. Box 3209
Washington, D.C. 20007) keeps up with new developments in
Government employment and enables you to send your résumé
directly to the person doing the hiring. You won't untangle all
the red tape, but you may alleviate enough aggravation so
least it won't seem so sticky. THEODORE FISCHER
The fully automatic OM-1O. It's ready for full exposure control when you are.
That time could corne sooner
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Maybe you can't picture it
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That's when you'll start to find
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To begin with, the OM-10
automatic SLR gives you the option
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Which is exactly what you'll
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advanced enough to want more
And to do it you just attach
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This adapter permits you to
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an OM-10 with full exposure control
speeds from 1-1/1000 sec.
On full exposure control or
automatic, there's one other thing
the OM-10 does for you. It gives you
access to one of the biggest and still
growing compact SLR System in
the world. The Olympus System.
With its three frames-per-second
winder, its flash, its zoom, tele-
photo, wide angle and fisheye
lenses. For a start.
If you're interested in the kind
of fully automatic camera a profes-
sional can appreciate, write for our
detailed brochure.
Olympus, Woodbury, N.Y. 11797.
The OM-10 with optional
full exposure contro device
he Avalon of audio aficionados
is a room whose acoustic prop-
crtics and apparent size can bc
ed to provide an optimum en-
vironment for the music played (or
recorded). In this room, there are loud-
speakers without diaphragms, tape т
corders with a dynamic range at least
as wide as that of live music and record
players that operate with no friction of
а stylus against a disc groove
Fifteen’ years ago, such desider
would have been considered more in
the realm of sci-fi Шап of hi-fi. Today,
some of it actually is here, while por-
tents of the future loom promisingly.
For control of the musical environ-
ment. there's a plethora of devices that
can simulate the acoustics and ambi
ence of rooms other than your own.
They span the acoustic gamut [rom disco to concert hall. The
"space enhancer” is connected to the preamp outputs of
stereo system. Most of the original signal is still fed to the
original power amp and speakers. Part of it, however, is proc
essed and fed to a second amplifier driving another pair of
speakers, usually placed toward the rear or along the side walls.
A related technique is room equalizing—that is, adjusting
portions of the frequency range up or down as required, А
stumbling block in the past was how to determine just how
much up ог down and at what frequencies, Enter the real-time
analyzer, a heavy-tech device that functions like an array ol
meters all at once. Until recently, realtime analyzers were
priced out of consumer reach, and they were too complex even
for dedicated sound bulfs to master. Today, realtime analyzers
are available that cost no more than a receiver or a tape deck.
Operation has been simplified. The newest fantasy come true
in this product area is а combination analyzer and graphic
equalizer. The first of this new kind of allin-one is Audio
Conuols Model C101. priced at $349. The product, not to
mention the price, was unbelievable a few years ago.
Speakers without physical diaphragms have long been a
designer's goal. Why? Without the need to move а physical
member to produce sound, а speaker cin be freed of inertia
nd of mass. which limit performance. Such а speaker could
pproach that theoretically ideal “point source,” radiating
equal amounts of acoustic power evenly into the room, While
auempis to make such a speaker are not new, none has totally
succeeded. But the quest goes on. The tot version is the
Hill Type 1 built by Alan Hill, who heads a company in
Albuquerque, New Mexico, involved in laser physics. Brielly,
the Hill Type Ds driver element is a purple plasma. of air-
mixed heliu
700 Hz: lower tones arc reproduced by conventional elements
o pair of Hill Type 1 speakers costs about 56000.
from tanks within the. system's fourand-three-
tertoot enclosure
The plasma handles frequencies above
A ster
The tape recorder with a dynamic
e of 90 decibels or better is a rali-
ty. It is, of course, the digital recorder
that encodes musical signals via a
binary computerlike numbering syst
thus avoids the distortions and
limitations of conventional ana-
Prices have been out of sight, head-
ing upwards of 520.000 for the basic
machine, A 32-track monster developed
by the 3M Company was not even for
sale initially: the first four were leased
to major recording companies for a
reservation and installation fee of
510.000, plus a monthly rental of 54000
and four dollars per hour of actual use.
Currently, the sale price is 5115.000 Ior
the basic recorder.
While digital recording at realistic
consumer. prices is still far off. there is
word ol a few companies adapting their video-tape systems for
recording digital audio. The names mentioned most іш this
area ate Mitsubishi, Sony, Hitachi, JVC and Panasonic. The
Sony device—the Model PCM-1, priced at $4000—will record
sound digitally оп Beta video-cassette decks
For most of us, the main home music source remains the
disc recording. Digital technology could create а record with
по groove wear or surface deterioration caused by the friction
of a stylus in the groove. Instead of being cut with wiggles,
such а disc would be modulated digitally and a series оГ pits
could be sensed by something like a laser beam [rom а non
contacting tonearm. The technique is similar to that used for
video discs. It already has been demonstrated by Sony. Magna
vox Philips nd Pioneer, RCA, JVC and Matsushita have come
up with alternate systems that use a contacting arm with an
clement that senses changes im capacitance between the arm
and the metal base of the disc. But it's all digital, one way or
nother. No one is sure just when these units will hit the mar
ket or what they will cost; the most optimistic speculation has
them at under 51000,
If laser-beam record players aren't futuristic enough, con
sider the implications of a new computer development known
as the magnetic bubble. Evolving from the memory chip (an
incredibly small glob of material on or in which an enormous
amount of coded binary data can be stored). the bubble could
eventually be used to store, say, all of Beethoven's nine sym
phonics. with perhaps his chamber music induded, on а block
а few inches long and maybe one inch thick. You insert the
block into a slot on а machine about the size of a cigar box
and out comes the music—in full gorgeous stereo and unre
stricted frequency The name of the game
is information density—a h-tech types аге up to
their golden cars in it behind closed doors. —NORMAN EISENBERG
ra us pc n
P: WiTH | a
ГА кеўи to Satan n 1745 о
egal clinics are the new wave for
delivery of legal services, There
is an inexorable wend to lower
the cost, move the
borhoods, standardize legal services
use modern technology for the efficient
processing of legal matters.
Ices into the ni
Legal se e everything else,
have become nsive commodity
A major factor in the decision to use
lawyer has always been the expense in-
volved. You may postpone or deny
yourself leg hits because the cost of
getting what's coming to you cannot be
justified or because the remedy may be
more expensive than the status qui
The affluent have no trouble utilizing
the services of lawyers, who are fre
quently on ret © available
to answer questions and litigate rights.
The rise in professional conscience in the Sixties
vliferation of legal services Гог the poor
fenders, legaLaid societies and public interest groups who wer
willing to sacrifice lucrative law practices for what they viewed
ауа social obligation, Between the very rich and the poor were
many mainstream people who were Пу being denied legal
services because of the expense, Even routine matters—divorce:
wills, leases, p frequently
led as bı y citizen
n exp:
ainer and
Iso resulted
public de
odua w:
reg ond the
This set the stage Гог the prolife
In 1077, the United States Supreme Court
trend Бу finding that traditional restricti
| services violated the First Amendment, and thereafter the
cluding the fees charged, was per-
mitted as long as the ads were not false or misleading. This
broke the log jam that had long prevented low-cost neighbor-
hood legal offices. which are now appearing in every state and
which are certain to expand in location, services and sophistic
tion, Regional—and even national—chainsare already emerging.
ction, eic.
bility of the ordi
al clinics
celerated the
Ivertising of
Legal clinics are a combination of the traditional neighbor-
hood law office and the new world of data processing and
systems. Their goal is to provide high-quality legal services to
the middle class for low lees. Legal clinics avoid complicated
or highly specialized legal problems and concentrate on the
kinds of problems the average person is likely to face. The most
frequent matters. handled by le; пісу are domestic cases
(divorce, adoption. c ‚ support, etc.), debtor /creditor
disputes, landlord /teifant relationships. residential sales, simple
incorporations, simple wills and estate plans, bankruptcies, po
tions and. workmen'scompensation. claims and,
There is no standardized manner in which legal clinics are
organized or in which they function. Generally, the fees that
are charged are from one half to two
thirds of traditional costs. Some clinics
single-unit offices. with
and dedicated young lawyers; some are
highly sophisticated networks of inter-
state offices using standardized manuals,
techniques and word-processing systems.
Nationally known chain stores are al-
саду offering legal services on an es-
perimental basis.
Advertising and promotion to encour-
age clients and to define services and
fees are common characteristics. Solici-
tation of clients, honestly and fa
done and without misrepresents
will be common practice of I
of the futu
is available to make crucial legal judg-
ments. In that way, it is hoped that the
consumer will benefit. In addition,
where the
ht be ava
€ is a network of legal clinics, a circuitzriding expert
ble for more complicated. 16
either free or made
blemes or
re the service of a leg
1 specialist i
Initial consultation
nominal charge
hourly rates ady, sophis
cated computerized | ch is available that replaces the
hours spent in dusty sticks searching for the elusive precedent.
Tradition has given way to efficiency
One caveat: Although legal clinics may be the wave of the
may well he stormy. The potential of clinies is
substantial, but the quality and consistency of legal s
in comparison with u
l resea
furure, the se:
have yet to be proved
The law is steeped in tradition that conflicts with the concept
of clinics. The promotion and advertising of legal services ave
relatively new. The ethical standards of the profession are
being reassessed and redefined. There have been failures,
there have been successes, just as in the past, but legal practice
will never be the same.
In your visit to a clinic, you should expect а booklet on its
services and procedures, a courteous interview, an explanation
and estimate of future services and costs, You should not expect
legal services for complex, protracted litigation
A number of organizations exist that will help you locate a
legal с your community aud will provide additional
helpful information. Write or call: National Resource Center
for Consumers of Legal Services, 1302 18th Street. NW. Wash-
ngton, D.C. 20036, 202-650-8511; American Legal Clinic Asso-
ciation, 294 Main Street, East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818,
800-556-6882 ог 401-881-9133; Playboy Foundation, Playboy
Building, 919 North Michigan Avenue, СІ 60611;
эш local bar association
he friendly, efficient, low-cost legal office is definitely here
undoubtedly handle an ever-increasing per-
centage of legal alfairs—to benefit these who have too long
been denied those service: BURTON JOSEPH
mbitious *
(continued from page 236)
“I watched the annual Gay Freedom Day Parade. I
was appalled, uneasy, guilt-ridden, saddened.’”
dismay. The White verdict was to no
one’s liking: А man who had clearly
killed two public officials had 7
away with" voluntary manslaughter
а sentence of seven years, cight months.
Those who were present in the court-
‘oom could see how the jury had arrived
at this seemingly incomprehensible de-
ision: The jury was comprised of people
uch like White. He wa
mer fireman, a m
in the waditional values of
ily and hones
mportant to
Vietnam. trained by the police in
g guns, a man who believed in the
ethic of macho— isa man.
He had been betrayed, the defense was
quick to point out, by the two politicans
he finally killed. George Moscone, the
mayor of the city, and supervisor Harvey
Milk, the first open homosexual in
Francisco to be elected to office, were
ical allies who were elected on the
inority cc ions. Milk had
t White, had counseled
Moscone reappoint after
White had resigned his supervisory chair
and then asked for it back. Defense at-
torney Douglas Schmidt wondered aloud
how someone like White could haye shot
those two men. And he supplied the
not 10
эмет; White was sullering from manic
depression, “a vile biochemical change, a
mental illness.”
to repair, as secret
ves—people who had children,
who lived near White's neighbor
heard his story over a
heard confident psych
jatrists testify to his
A mismanaged and probably
prosecution provided them with
n. Verd
ger. Conclu
man like “us,
ic pressu
от he considered to be
It is not ssume that the jury
nt easy on White simply because Milk.
s а homosexual. Moscone was married
and the father of four children. But what
the jury stands for, in this unfolding
drama, are the people who, like White,
are growing invisible i
Their storie their fears,
hopes, dreams are
much anymore. They live in the outer
neighborhoods, pay taxes, try to rai
children. And they sce a spraw
Sodom and norrah at thei
Tolerant people who once welcomed
gays to their children’s piano recitals
have started to feel the ground shifting
underneath. The riot made them uneasy.
But what side are they to take? While
many felt anger at the White verdict and
even sympathized with the riot, the sud-
1981. says a savvy pol
may well be three.
open I
tical reporter, there
Specu ide,
Is hold only two com-
ssioned. appo is in town: they
id three until David Scott, former head
of the city’s Board of Permit Appeals,
decided to run for m nal was subse-
quently fired from hi
most routine politic:
present m: nne
While at least опе gay man, Leonard
Matlovich, who came ош in the Army
ed the cover of Time magazi
ight c
are running as well, spawning
the liberal Democratic га
s claim that his disi
de facto be represented. by
akles neighborhood ре
feel that Britt has p
d һе can repre-
sent more than his own specialinterest
group. "We beli ‚ having
kids and being poor," says [daree West-
the district. “Britt's philosophy runs
black woman active
эң: he can do for
gays, not what he could do for me."
Britt does feel what he calls a backlash
in town. “A lot of people,” he says, "
ving ıo deal with some realities they
would prefer not to deal with. But I
"t feel the riot has changed people’
attitudes toward gay people in a negative
way: T think i ps brought to
the sur
“On the other hand," Britt continues,
“I think those events heightened people's
awareness of our needs: 1 was taught to
be nice to ‘colored folks.” but when they
started asserting themselves and demand-
ing their fair share of society, all of a
sudden I wasn't supposed to be nice to
them. I was raised to feel that 1 was pa
of a majority, as а white mal
we should be nice to everyone
all of us are minorities. This whole sens
of all-American... maybe all-American
means Vietnamese Americar
1 don't want anything fom у
is a threat to you unless there's some
thing about your im:
being challenged. We a
Africa is what I'm saying.
Last June 27. a local humor columnist,
inst mine; he says wl
Arthur Hoppe, wrote: “Once again 1
watched the annual Gay Freedom Day Pa
rade. Once again Î was appalled . . . un-
iden and. іп the end.
saddened. . . . 1 leel belligerence and
hostility these days wherever homose:
uals congregate. Because of it. 1 do шу
best to avoid gay neighborhoods, gay par-
rs. It makes me ill at case,
nd often а litle frightened.
КІ understand ir. I understand
me exactly as 1 once
. may not be preju-
"dividual homosex
inst homo-
it for th
treated th
people, we say to
voted against
tried ıo pi
ıhe schools.
But there's а
deeper waves of the
а voice uneasy
they have the power in the city:
they take care of the schools? Wot
who live near Castro feel safer
on the streets than in any other ne
hood, but they feel like lepe
in the night, in certain stores.
restaurants. There are bars where you
just don’t walk in the door.
So? says So don't go into
those stores, those restaurants, those bars.
And the first voice answers, Why the
fuck not? This was my neighborhood be-
fore it was theirs.
Women are mot
discos because they are
nd if your shoes
you are asked for two pie
LD. During a tou
ded by
second voic
tocd shoes,"
black Speedos, I felt a
if my underwear had slipped down
around my ankles, as if my body, which
not muscled or tan, is something to hide-
ve we like those liberals who wanted
blacks to be free bur not next door? Or
е we coming to the edge of our under-
y here in this sexual pla
carries our [
as our inborn terror of people in groups?
“It's the cult of it,” says the pretty typist-
bookkeepi make me feel
much like just a little tiny person, alone.”
Scene: a cottage overlooking San F
cio Bay, A Sunday brunch is in full
Enter а з writer for
East t newspaper. She has just
for rent. “And it's not too
she says, excited. y
Her hostess sighs. “That's the place I
told you about,” she says. “They only
rent to gays."
Adds another, “The last time I checked
And they re-
plied, "We don't intend to put it in the
ad!" Almost in oue motion, everyone
flush of sh: as
e, which
young wom:
- >
< Sick Ж eus
E — єп} бйз Once CO
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined j e ы w
That Cigerette Smoking 15 Dangerous to Your Health. “ГГ...
FILTER 10075-10 mg "tar", 0.8 mg. nicotine, FILTER, MENTHOL
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The Vantage Point
Where great Ie and
low tar meet.
Great taste once belonged
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works together with our rich
‘Flavor Impact"" tobacco blend
to deliver satisfying flavor in
every puff. That's Vantage. Low
tar witha uniquely satisfying
taste, And that's the point.
in the room clenches а fist.
Heterose s out here may look like a
conspiracy, but we don't feel like one.
We are fumbling about with our open
marriages and our trial separations and
our pathetic statistics; One out of four
children will end up being reared by a
single parent; one out of three marriages
end in divorce. іп Harrisburg, Pennsyl-
the House of Representatives—
upset over the governor's proclamation
designating the week of last June 24 as
Gay Pride Week—voted to call that
same week Family Pride Week.
Stanley Keleman, therapist and direc-
tor of the Center for Energetic Studies at
says that as long as there is a
loud defense of the heterosexual lifestyle,
"when the entire sexual ethic is
attacked, when the nily is broken
down and when being ‘conservatively
sexual' is labeled as dysfunctional, then
1 think we have something to worry
about. Castro Street doesn't. bother me.
Homosexuals parading and loving each
other don't bother me. But when they
insist that we're all homosexual or that
their ethic is equal to ours in terms of the
culture or that there's ап attempt to
weaken the family and do away with
sexual roles, then we're in trouble.
Harry Britt: “The point is that Ameri-
) us
ity there are these
deep lay ral myths and avoid-
nces. The visible gay presence chal-
lenges that. Gay people from the time we
are born simply cannot buy the cultural
attitudes toward sexuality. My boy
sexual fantasies were pretty tame in
terms of heavy breathing and all that,
but there was a very real sense that there
was something I wanted that was very
loving and very real from other boys, and
that—froi point of. view—was
bad. We ng questions we've
wanted to raise lor so long."
“You say Хо, по, no—and then finally
do it.” says a gay man named Chet. "And
then you've done something in defiance
of great taboos and lived through it. It's
really the way so many problems сап be
“That’s not dirt in your soup... it’s earth?”
асс. You have to come out of repres
Its not just sexual. The problem
gays open the doors to sexuality
and dose them 10 everything else; а lot
of men can only repeat that moment
endlessly and т go on from it."
Chet tells of a friend from New York
wh me to San Francisco on a research
stint, “He said he felt a most unpleasant
atmosphere here, an underlying tension.
He felt the whole attitude tow: y
was very hypocritical.
° says Chet, “that The Gay
is a past euphemism, It may be
that we've changed f
first lines of the wa
People knew about it and it was OK,
separate but equal. But the fight will
happen here because of this city’s open-
ness. Harvey Milk ran on a gay platform.
He was the hrst gay city oficial to be
important, to have a voice. One of the
things about the Dan White case is that
no one mentions Moscone anymor
am harassed more and more now. 1
was walking with a friend and some kids
screamed, ‘For he's a jolly good faggot!"
Then I was walking the dog in the park
and a car came up the road with four
guys in it. They yelled out, ‘It’s because
of people like you that we don't ha
City Hall anymore.’
“I said, ‘What? And they sped aw:
I would like to have gotten to them.
What did they think 1 had done?
Who did they think I wa
The parade undulated up the wide
boulevard: Lavender Harmony Band.
nter, Gays Against Nuclear
Committee to Defend Reproduc-
Rights, the Bisexual Center, Church
ol the Androgyne, Dentists for Human
Rights, Gay Softball League, Order of
Displaced Okies, Goat Hill Pizza. Gay
American Indians, Gay Men's Chorus.
With flutes and banners and roller
skates, Hoats and disco music and laven-
der balloons, lor three hall hours,
the women (in sober greens and grays)
d the men (three-piece suits to. pink
ballet tutus) took over downtown San
Francisco on a loggy Sunday in June near
brunchtime. The weather was cold and
the wind was fierce, but still the crowds
stood five deep as they watched up to
250,000 marchers strut up Market Street
10 the heart of San Francisco, City Hall,
where three weeks before, thousands had
rioted protesting the White verdict
Onward they marche с Reno Gay
Rodeo, the G y Marching
Band, San F
Women Against Rape, Lesbian School-
workers, Lesbi йпм Police Vio-
lence. And eadi bloc of marchers was
marked by the pasing of a smiling,
waving politicis
(text concluded on page 255, following
“Crossing Over” on page 254)
à Es Y &
"us Lop TANQUERAY yp.
NGLA Pic us par ort wO бы
n 1
^WNp .' лоо СВА
Why give an empty collector's item,
when you can give a full one.
Tanqueray Gin. A singular experience.
The mustache isn't working. Care-
fully chosen (the $8.95 edition) and
‘fully carried in its pristine pink
plastic box over to а gay friend's
house, where 1 am dr it is the
key to my success and it's not working.
1 look, even in the square mirror in
the bath . even with the rheostat
turned down to zero, like a girl with a
mustache on.
The Nero Gellagher nobody knows.
My wig. however, is terrific. My wig
is dark red and has curls. It makes me
look about 16 and mean. When I put
on my Army hat, a pillbox job with а
bascball-cap bill. I look about 17 and
stupid. The leotard under my exqui
sitely gay flannel shirt Hattens my
breasts just right; and if there is any
doubt left, we have added а nivy-blue.
frontzippered sweat shirt. D will be
of the front pockets and put the
my pants pockets, where they belor
“What are you, а kangaroo?” says my
friend's roommate /lover
“No.” 1 respond. “I'm a woman.” T
of Cightassed jeans
а heavy belt and шу friend’
than-my-teetwill-ever-be run
shoes (green). because. though 1
was proud to walk in my own shoes
it has been explained to me that my
feet, like my wrists. are so small as to
g the
costume thar 90 percent of the men
on Castro Street wea the costume
my other friend. Chet. calls “as tradi
ional chanel suit, darling” On
boyish. careless. reckless
It makes me look, says my friend
kindly, "like a serappy kid."
1 have darkened my eyebrows and
thickened them with pencil, We have
discovered in much mi paring
that men's faces are somehow rough
I evening to take my hands out
on a
invite trouble. Гат now we:
or con
forget everything you've heard —
theres only one way to find out
what they really do to each other
er, more lined than women's. 1
have drawn circle:
under my eycs and
ng five-o'clock shi
. But the mustache isn't worki
end amd his roomm
cd. We stare into the mirr
twee weird sisters. Sudde
them grabs the mustache
nc ci
n myself a d.
у. one of
d slides it
shth inch down. so that it cove
lip. We gasp. With the
my uppe
we of the
r mustache. my rather
full—dare 1 say heare-shaped?—upper
lip is gone and in its place is a brush
ol brown fur that transforms my face
from that of a delicate blonde жоі
mo a ruddy brat. “Voila,” says on
of my valets.” ing to work.
1 am doing all chis mustache ді
nd arranging. all this dressing and
painstaking looking in the mirror, b
cause 1 want to go down to a club I
© heard about in which the m
stick their cocks through holes in the
walls of private booths and get sucked
off. Almost since I heard about it, E
© known down
terror into my heart, И
to me to be the ultimate
experience, the nitty-gritty of
relations. 1 know very well that all gay
men do not go to these "glory holes.”
and 1 know that
азу and I know that some men
go as
view them as sport—occa like
duck hunting. It is not something I
ily imagine women doing (the
for example, might stop you
before you begi
it is that scares me about the combina
tion of anonymity and sex.
Ik out the door, my
appears with a sock
nother sock, “You're
need of an endowment.” he
ha е the bundle. E ask them to
Just before I w
ling n
stand in profile. so that 1 са
big theirs are. They tell me I'm a cock
ht to behave myself.
Outside. I am told to square my
d take my hands out of
my sweat-shirt pockets. “You're walk-
ing too loose,” says one of my advisors,
“Walk stiff.” P square my shoulders
and imagine an ironing be
n my pants. I take my ha
the front pockets of the sw
nd dig them deep into my jeans
pockets. so that my wrists don't show.
With my back stiff and my hands in
my pockets, I tend to walk like a cow-
see how
boy. all rolling gait. Т feel the burden
ss begin to fade. I
know that I durably ugly. but
rather than feel ashamed. I feel free.
‘There will be no one looking at me
the way men do on the street. no re
marks to head off, no respect to de
mand. I am „scrappy kid. And
of self-conscious:
I'm gay. to boot.
We get out of the car—by now five
у men, having been joined by two
hiends—on a street in North Beach.
the old bohemian neighborhood.
Three of us stand on the street corner.
avoiding the light, while the two
others go to buy film. A tall man in a
business suit with a nice face walks up
the street toward us. I look up at hi
forgetting who I am. and stare at his
good looks. A look of revulsion passes
over his face. For а minute, he looks
as il he will hit me. 1 quickly look
down, staring at my fect as his shoes
crunch past. 1 feel ashamed, queer,
dirty, ridiculous. 1 huddle closer to
my friend, who pats me on the back
I want very much to be with him and
his roommate and 1 want id hicnds
to come back and we will stand to
gether in a group on t
corner and
Twill then. no matter how that man
looked at mc. not feel frightened.
Soon four of us are standing against
wall nearby, one leg up “hustler
style" while the fifth takes «
tures. A wor i
ir pic
white Mercedes
drives up. slows and stops her c
She stares directly
lifts one gloved h:
us. Slowly she
nd to her
and drives on.
We finish the pictures and the three
other nd
n wave goodbye. My f
and 1 drive down to the warehouse
district, where the streets
and darker. He hands me the men
ship ca
the man behind the |
two dollars and walk
there is to il.
My friend wants to go in ahead of
me. so that if Tam asked to leave. he
will not be implicated. As he dis-
ppears into the white painted club
with the big С. H. printed on its
€ wid
star and
Twill shaw the card to
ж. pay him
пас all
amons mov
walls. lone om the street.
маай ае, feeling freer and
safer than I have ever felt in thi
neighborhood. I notice also that my
left. hand is shaking. And then 1 toss
my head, tighten my cap and go in
Past the bums on Market Street and
the discount clothing stores and Fl
Brothers Shoe Store, where the boys,
fresh off the bus from Iowa, lean inst
the wall (“Let me do you, mister. Suck?
Five bucks."
manent press Wok a home movie and
smiled at a roller skater in nothing but
bluenylon Jockey briefs and glittered
nipples. Chants: "Two, four, six. eight
do you know if your wife is straight?
А truck full of firemen in drag. The Gay
Men's Chorus singing. “ГИ soon give
you ten thousand more.”
A tourist couple in per
соме. And on the back of a қау dentist,
The Moats: Stud. The Stallion. The
Trench. the bars that resemble Chi
receiving a loyalty beyond
mere social affection: the leather bars for
the boys who dress in black and blue:
the fern bars for the thin. Castro men.
alternately called (by one another) clones
and castroids. And the lighter-hearted
disco bars that collectively make up the
Gay Softball League
The Society of Janus, with its signs,
CONSENTING SIM ı5 OK, and one of its
members wearing а dog collar. Beneath
pink canes. the San Francisco Sex In-
formation float floated by: A pink Cin
derella and a pink prince blew kisses to
the crowd. The “world’s oldest gay soft
ball player, 61," trotted along, waving,
until the entire mix of
crowded into the park
spreading chestnut trees.
"We are people who have suffered
more than anyone else in the history of
the world." screamed Robin Tyler, an
entertainer, "and when we destroyed. a
little property, they called us violent
We were violated in the Inquisition
nine million of us were burned at the
stake one million of us were mur-
dered by the Nazis . . . we were violated
by scientists, who called us sick, violated
by religion, which called us sinful. vio
lated by society, which alienated us Бу
taking away our family and friends, We
were violated. by the Government by
denying us equal opportunity and equal
rights and killing us for being homo
sexual. Don't tell иу about violence!”
And throughout the park. the people
packed shoulder to shoulder screamed
and cried and clapped hands and the ait
them thickened into the same
fever that had caught the crowd the
night of the riot—a rebellious. threat-
that grew out of outrage,
nese tongs.
genders was
beneath the
ening anger
out of humiliation, out of shame and,
finally, out of power, faggot is beautiful.
And then the rage dissipated, quick
as a swallow, into music.
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“Не just lets the team personality come out, then
he becomes part of it. He kind of joins along.’
ame upside down. It threw my g
off completely." That was the point.
After eight months of such drills. the
defensemen automatically took the body
in a game. Whats more, it helped the
forwards, too. After all. it’s bad enough
if you don’t score in а game, but if you
get shut out in practice. too. .
Shero understands how much of the
game is mental, how а sagging spirit сап
contribute to poor clfort on the ice. So
he uses the slogans. he rewards good cf-
loris with optional practices. he never
criticizes without first praising a player's
strong points. And olten during а tense
moment in а game, Shero will walk si
lently up and down the bench, gently
massaging the small of his players’ backs.
Have you seen tha” Esposito marvels.
“Honest to God, when he puts his hands
on my back and he sort of rubs it a little.
it gives me a feeling like 1 want to go
through the wall for him.
But he always insists that his players
take responsibility for their play. And
he often remains remote and unpredict-
able, Mike McEwen remembers the only
time last season that ne got up tne nerve
to go and talk to bis coach. McEwen,
exciting rushing defenseman who in the
past had often been criticized for his
oifensive- mindedness, sought advice from
Shero on some techniques for rushing.
the encounter sounds more like a
zen master.
He wats sitting there looking bored
alls. “He said, `1 don't care
t you do. Make sure you carry the
puck all the way in and if you're gonna
go in. stay there. Don't come racing out
quick. Guysll cover for you. If they
don't cover for it's thei
right? Ds
ing to him, but he didn't care. he'd said
wanted to s And that's the
it as far as rushing was con-
ned. Its always been ‘What are you
trying to be, another Bobby Orr? It’s not.
gonna work. it’s no good for the team to
have a defenseman going all over the
place.” But with him. it was do what you
want, fuck, don't bother me.
t. McEwen can recall only two
st year when he saw his coach
emotion. “We were losing to
peg five to two at the end of tw
exhibition game.” McEwen
nd we were brutal. We weren't
ng out. So he comes into the
room and you could tell he w
ds of
even pul
and h
says. "In. everything you
Чо, there's feeling, there's emotion.
when you're making love. you have an
emotion. We have no emotion on that
ice whatsoever.” He was.
uing mad. So we went out there
and bliızed them, scored four goals in
the first eight minutes. We won ight to
seven. Thars the only time T saw him
mad. Except for the time in Philly when
there was no beer on the bus alte
game. He says, What do you mean no
beer? and he gets up and walks to the
back of the bus, "Where's the beer? ?
beer? And then he just walked right
ош. talked to some people and we
stopped lor beer. He was pissed.”
"When we got the big goals of the
he had emotion." tamer Joey
no argues, "His right arm goes up
nd his right loot Kicks."
e like a duck. Keep
wd unrullled on the surface,
Coach Sher
Shero may keep his emotions in check,
but his passion lor hockey is legendary.
In Philly. he would often drive to the
rink at three ам. to work on his system
The classic story of Shero's ex-
changing his theories on hockey with
some visiting coaches, talking far into
the ni their hotel room, on the
carpeted Hoor on his hands and knees,
g empty beer bottles to illustrate
the system. He searches everywhere Гот
inspiration and knowledge—even to pop
psychologies such as José Silva's Mind
Control. Method, ture of alpi
wave technology, E: meditation and
mood old American pr: In
Shero's copy ol Silva's book, the follow-
ing passage is underlined
During meditation before. going
to sleep. review а problem d
cam be solved with information
or advice. Be sure
care about solving it: silly questions
evoke silly s. Now pri
yourself with these words: “I
to have a dream that will cc
information to solve the problem
I have in mind. 1 will have such a
dream, remember it and understand
In the
“Power play."
Maybe he's on the bri
margin, Shero had wri
k of being a
g nuts, I don't know,"
says Ranger defenseman Ron Greschner-
Of course, it was Shero himself who
once noted that the difference between
nity and insanity was an oyster jump.
But he still walks the corridors, lost in
his thoughts of perfecting the systei
I remember getting up real early one
morning in Detroit,” Hickey smiles
the memory, "and | opened the cu
nd Freddie was walk-
ng around in the snow in the parking
lot. wiggling through the curs. The
was this big shopping mall across the
‚зо 1 don't know if he was going to
it, but he wasn't going as the crow flies.
that’s for sure
tains of my room
"He doesn't seem to have any sct of
valucs as far as directing the team.” Ме
Ewen theorizes. “He just lets the team
personality come out and then he be-
comes part of it. He kind of joins ale
ays says you қопа have fu
of the Shero
f one сап
nher cornerstr
“Life has to be fun.
he says. Cur to the Ranger
practicerink dressing room di
Stanley Cup semifinal play-off se
year, when all the pressure in the world
ison the young athletes: shoulders.
Water fight! Ht begins in the showers
then spills out into the dressing area.
Theres Nick Fotiu, the toughest guy
n the league, chasing Don Murdoch and
Greschner. all of them scampering
through the locker rooms nude. While
this is going on. someone is filling Fotits
loalers with shaving cream. АП to the
r-hattering sounds of Donna Summer
ing out of the locker-room stereo
system. Alter the chase scene is finished.
the guys settle down. To practice their
latest disco steps in a nude circle.
On road trips, its sort of like Animal
House with wings. If you dare fall asleep.
on the plane. odds are you'll w
with а laplul of coffee, a hand
with shaving cream or a tie
snipped in two. Murdoch once
asleep with hi
kid-leather boots propped up on the seat
in front of him. When he woke
everyone on the team had. thou у
intographed them. ink.
They now reide p his
closet. But at least he’s got а souvenir.
John Davidson once took his shoes oll
to пар and wound up walking off the
plane, through u inal and two
blocks home in foot high snow, barefoot.
T think every man deserves а sec-
ond chance. third chance, whatev
it is.—Coach Shero
Don Murdoch is а charming, cherubic
year-old. His long, almost feminine
eyelashes [rame his watery blue eyes and
when he rolls into one of his patented
rollicking laughs, you сап see why Espo-
sito nicknamed him Chubby Cheeks
Murdoch is typical of many of the young-
er МН players who hail from wester
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places like Cranbrook, British
nd Goodsoil, Saskatchewa.
ne from the farms and the m
towns and find themselves in places like
New York or Chicago or Los Angeles be-
fore their 20th birthday. And find them-
selves instant heroes іп а world they
were just still dreaming about
1 came from а small town where you
might get ten good-looking chicks out of
the whole tows Murdoch recalls, “And
remember—there’s 500.000. guys. going
for them. I come to New York and I used
to get sore necks from turning around
looking at all these chicks. I used to walk
the time
ks were
ve nothing
any lines
They'd come up, ask the questions, do
all the ad it was. like, no
problem taking a chick back home. It
I used to say to myself
wound with а semibon
And all these nice-looking c
1 didn't h
to do, didn't have to work up
coming up to me
was too easy.
This isn't right, me taking home a bean-
tiful chick and
It was too good to be true.
But it was real. Murdoch was a rook-
natural that
attracted to
жау. in
me drinks,
me to their house
‘C'mon, wanna meet some
ness 1 want
iving her a quick shot
іс sensation, so it wis
the chic corps would be
the one with the chubby che
people were going out of the
viting me to parties, buying
wantin: come w
lor di
to meet chicks. Everything w
10 mc on a silver platter.”
Including the c. The
after that hest year. Murdoch was "rou
tinely” searched going home and the
customs officials at 1 te
tional Airport found 1.8 grams of co
For the next
m 20 years old, I
s handed
coc summer
caine in a sock. ‚ав
the court сазе dragged Murdoch
lived public pu
a drug freak by hostile
hero by his home town.
ly sat out the first
ed by the
nion th
in а tory.
ans, a fallen
Murdoch eve
f of last se:
N-H.L. And during that there
were the doubts, the n
ybe they wouldn't take him back.
Then he met hi
"I knew thi
to be OK
the first press conference when
1 came back,
"Freddie took
get along f
someone who was as good a bullshitter as
he w He never said that he would
see if 1 could fit into his system, he
said, “Yeah, he'll play for And
when I hear him saying that, 1 say
mysel, Well. Je least the gu)
got confidence in me
But the ice is still bumpy for the
right winger. Two years alter the bust,
he's still tying to live down the image.
For some, it's still “Don Murdoch, who
was arrested for cocaine use, scored two
goals tonight.” Murdoch winces at those
gs were go
Murdoch s
ne aside and s:
because he finally met
pee rtt i
“Obviously, someone screwed ир.
260 hard and they deserve to be happy. Li
stories. "Why don't they leave me alone?
You go through your years and you do
realize that you don't need all the р
ties or the glamorous girls 24 hours a
day. Those good times will always be
there. You learn to pick your spots.
I know ГІ were 20 years old and
just getting into pro hockey, I'd go
for the bundle,—Coach Shero
"This is for rLAvnoy?" UIF Nilsson
the "D get a
Чоп when 1 score a goal.” Nilsson
one half of the dynamic duo known
as The Swedes, who were courted from
the World Hockey Association and
signed with the Rangers for an incredi-
ble sum of about $2,600,000 for two-y
ct the i
the one known [or
toward recorder.
contr Nilsson
one, puckish
humor and devilmay-care attitude. An
ders Hedberg, the blond one, is more
arnest. He could have been a sincere,
stoic leadi n film.
They're in Oren & Aretskys, а
celebrity hangout in the 80s оп Third
Avenue, lunching with their agent.
Teammate Ron Greschner walks in.
Hey, did you guys get paid toda
reschner inquires, The Swedes look
puzzled. “1 thought 1 saw two Brinks
trucks parked out front.”
Over soup, the Shero stories start to
fly. “He was the coach of a team th
Jake Milford managed," the
Paul, One
so he went to Shero and said, ‘Freddi
you've got to do something about this
guy's bloodshot eyes. They're d
me crazy. Would you speak to him?” 7
next day, the player showed up
с with dark glasses on. Freddi
said to him that he'd better start wi
nglasses bec his eyes were
Milford crazy.
“You know, we have seven captains,”
Nilsson says. “I’m the seventh, in charge
of the foreigners. Freddie once said that.
My goal is to get one
dressing but I'm havi
h the French guys.”
“Freddie gives all the play:
dence," Hedberg says, getting serious,
nd that's the best motivation. There
re never any negative things said in our
dressing тоот about dy.”
Another key
bour Shero. in his life,
hi reddie has grabbed ahold of
ts to be. And he's still educat-
ing himself, he doesn't feel he's com-
plete, which always makes a strong man.
metimes after а game, I'd look at him
nd almost be a little bit sad. Are you
happy. Fred? I'd wonder. But after get-
ting to know him. or not know him,
he rejoices. He doesn't pat himself on the
back, he just goes away happy that the
boys are happy and that they worked
"s con
s to do those interviews after
the game. it must be the most trying
time of his life. Interviewing the coach
of the team. He always says. "Ask them.
They did it!"
The TV reporter sticks his microphone
Shere's face. About five reporters
surround the coach in а dank exercise
n the bowels of Nassau Coliseum,
when he h;
e Shero's Rangers have just upset
the New York Islanders. leaving them
one game away from eliminating the
best team in hockey from the Stanley
Cup play-offs.
"Fred, people ilking about in
spiration," says the TV man, squeezing
the last word out. "That the Rangers are
ed. Where does all this inspi
come from?"
"I'm sorry it doesn’t come from me,”
о shoots back, his eyes half closed
behind his glasses. “I hardly talk to
them. I think they're inspired. becausc
they're living in New York and they're
ing a good um ve got а
beautiful new rink and they're all living
a the best areas. And they like cach
other; I guess that's it”
o you're saying that it filters down."
The TV man is hearing what he wants
10 hear. "How do you keep а team
playing at the level of intensity that the
Rangers are play
Shero shrugs. 71
knew, Fd tell you.” А pause. "No. I
wouldn't tell you. Га bottle The
coach chuckles to himsell.
“Are you surprised?” The interviewer
‘oping for words now.
Yes, ] dont think any team
played for so long so well in the pl
ой. Even Montreal has its bad nights
“Where is the bad night for the
Well, I hope when the series is over
The words seem to spurt out of Shero's
А buzz goes through the room. "Mont-
real, against Monueab?" another re-
porter asks, thinking ahead.
“Хо,” Shero says patiently, “I mean
they can have a bad night after the game.
Some of them might not get anything.”
е no idea. If I
In the pros, its different. Boys
become men. This is life. А coach
has to go out and let them taste
it—the bitter and the sweet. Thats
how they learn.—Coach Shero
“The players don't know that Freddie's
more intelligent than them," Rod
Gilbert. “They feel sorry for him be-
cuse he's so inside. They don't want
to be like him. Its like your father.
At some point, you ї he doesn't
understand you, that he's so fucking
dumb. He's dumb like a fox, ch? He
doesn't want to compete with you, so
he lets you go your own way il he's a
good parent. Well, that’s what Shero
does, he's a good р
The Rangers are 17 seconds away from
one of the biggest upsets in hockey
tory. The mighty Islanders, possessors of
the best record in the league, are about to
be eliminated in this semifinal Stanley
Cup series, four games to two. unless
they cam miraculously score in the next
few seconds and the game. The
face-off is deep in the Rangers end and
the puck is dropped. Both teams battle
for it along the boards as the seconds
tick off. With two seconds to go. the
puck suddenly floats том
season, makes one more brillis
nd suddenly it’s over. Pand
reigns—they'll play Montreal [or
Stanley Cup, Everyone mobs goalie
Davidson, Murdoch is leaping around
like a kid and the traditional handshak
ing ceremonies begin.
A few minutes later, in the players?
lounge. Espo Dav Malo-
ney and. Murdoch are being interviewed
lor TV.
“Those last 17 seconds
still seeming to be gulping Jor breath.
Steve Vickers and 1 were on our hands
nd knees, going, ‘Oh, God, please. 1 will
never do another bad thing in my Hif
Espo pats Murdoch on thc back
they smile and say, in unison, “Wrong.
A half hour later, Greschner, who
scored the winning goal, walks into
Charley Оз, а restaurant: where the
Rangers regroup alter each game. He
casts a wary eye over the room. “Not too
many front runners here, ch?” Tonight,
the scene is reminiscent of V-E Day. Hun-
dreds of well-wishers have poured into
the bar and, on the street, hundreds more
nd with their noses pressed against the
glass, looking like extras trom The Dawn
of the Dead. Outside the Garden, thou-
sands of fans have spilled onto Seventh
Avenue, stopping traffic, cursing at the
Islanders’ bus as it takes the losers for the
; ride home.
Ison, Dave
ar doch says.
ic is flowing as
nother hits the room,
nding cheers. After basking her
will move on to some of their
other favorite spots, Studio 54, Oren
к Aretsky’s, and then a nightcap at
y. at practice, some
has tacked up the New York Post's front
page that fe picture of. some
Rangers dancing at Studio 54 in celebr
tion. Before they hit the ice, Shero arrives
You guys went to Studio 51 last night,
eh? How come nobody invited the
hes?” he asks, then is gone
ıt the Studio, It, would have
been historic. Не could have brought
along his own fog. And with the strains
of Donna Summer filling the disco, at
last we could have heard the sound of
one hand clapping.
Sometimes you've got better things to
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When you get really close to someone, bad
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food particles and bacteria lodged in the
hard-to-reach spaces in your teeth and gums.
Places where brushing alone can't
get to.
But the Water Pik" Oral Hygiene
Appliance gets right in there
with up to 1200 pulsating jets
of water a minute. It cleans
beneath the gum line and mas-
sages gums, leaving vour mouth cleaner and
fresher. That's why dentists recommend the
Water Pik Appliance as ages xm s quem
part of a complete pro- чы хуа -
gram of oral hygiene.
Foranice minty taste,
add a few drops of
Control™ Concentrate, TA
the breath freshener
formulated for use in the Water
Pik Appliance.
Feel as confident of your breath
as you are of your feelings.
Get the Water Pik Appliance,
and get a little closer.
Oral Hygiene Appliance
BO WAYS „аы paer 200
“In the Eighties, any athletic bicyclist will be able to
pedal himself aloft and stay there for two hours.”
additives such as food
colorings and antioxidants to large-
molecule inert polymers, so that add
tives won't pass through the intestinal
wall. They'll do their work of coloring
and preserving without increasing the
load of carcinogens we all carry. And
be red M& M's will come back.
ments Gossamer Condor won the Kr
mer prize for man-powered flight in
1977. In 1979, Bryan Allen pedaled an
improved Gossamer Albatross of Mylar
film and Kevlar fibers across the Eng-
lish Channel in two hours, 49 minutes.
Further improvements will reduce
ght and wing drag until only .29
keeps a Gossamer flying. Іп
the Eighties, any athletic bicyclist who
can afford one will be able to pedal him-
self aloft and stay there for two hours.
bile transmission without gears cuts
friction and saves fuel up to 20 per
cent. some researchers think.
y. lt uses rollers and needs a spe
n fluid, lul
3 but also keeps them fre
I's on its
one t
B. Monsanto has developed the
unlikely fluid. It tus
der pressure—between
hicles, twe
z rans. The body produces a ch
called the sleep factor, t0 induce sleep.
It has been isolated and is under study.
In the Eighties, it will become available
for medical use, and thats а wrap for
мех HERE, Your signature will be vir-
tually sale from forgery with а new m
chine recently invented by scientists at
to a solid un-
c rollers, for
as di
IBM. The system, likely to со into
comm use in the Eighties, involves ac-
celerometers—devices that measure accel-
eration—and a pressure sensor built into
and direction relerence pattern
you've left on file. The muscular move-
ments that produce your writing style are
tomatic and are extremely difficult to
forge. Until voice-pattern. recognitic
probably in the carly Nineties, Ше ІВМ
i to be the standard
person: ion system for banks
and for access to computers and records,
SOLAR SOLUTION, A limit to the possible
self-sufficiency of rooftop solar-cell elec
u eration has been the problem
of where to store the electricity that
needed, зо that it сап be used at
or during cloudy weather, when it
Texas Instruments is worki the
problem the laboratory. Sunlight
causes silicon beads in its new, low-cost
solar cells to decompose a fluid electro:
lyte into hydrogen and iodide. The hy
drogen is stored and burned on demand
in a fuel cell that. produces electricity
The Department of Enerpy has assigned
Texas Instruments a four-year develop-
ment agreement: the system should be.
a the late
ilable commercially
me a wireless, all-
be built anywhere
at which ti
able TV. linked n
tionwide today by communication satel-
lites. is poised to spawn any number of
special-interest. networks in the Eight
Already broadcasting to 4.000.000
s—as of September the
nment and Sports Programing
Network, which beams the equivalent of
Wide World of Sports to subscribers day
and night, seven days a week. Due in
1980 from Ted Turners Turner Com
munications in Atlanta is a 24-hour Ca
ble News Network, with news updates
interspersed with humaninterest fea-
tures and with a two-hour program of
evening news. An old folks’ network is
comin nd there'll be more as cable
subscribers increase.
SYNTHETIC FUEL. We'll have it in the
Eighties whether it's a good idea or not:
gas and gasoline from coal. The Germans
developed the process im World War
‘Two. It involves cooking up coal with
steam, the steam adding hydrogen. The
resulting goo can be r
oil, and synthetic gas is a by-product. Fill
up and pretend. you're Rommel. The
catch: Syntheticgasoline exhaust smells
hé case of the
Eighties will carry more than lunch:
clock. calculator and telephone will also
be inside, built in and run by a single
microprocessor ch
в, noozr. Two physici
versity of Califo
of Med posed fortifyin
lcoholic beverages with thi
tamin Bas а practic
saving m
Alcoholics w
often contract rvous-syste
called the Wernicke-Korsakoff synd
that leads ultimately to chronic psycho-
nd institutionalization. Wernicke-
Кой costs American society some
570.000,000 а year. Enough thiamine to
fortily all U.S. alcoholic beverages
and money
asure of preventive med
h diets short on th
"Asa lawyer, Miss Kimball, I feel we were meant to obey
the spirit of the injunction against adultery, not follow
it blindly to the letter.”
жа U.S. hiphws
would соя по more than about
$17,000.000. Maybe in the Eighties.
There's talk, too, of a warning label on
booze bottles like the one on cigarettes,
ing FDA approval.
hues: a technology
for packa drugs in magnetic micro:
Injected into the blood stre
a tumor, an absces—by applying
met to the body surface over the
The drug matrix dissolves and de
id so more
€ body were
livers the dose only locally.
potently t the ent
nowe noi
Whitelight inte-
er photography—
One en.
terprising New York photographe
offers holographic portraits: they come
ol Princess Leia in Star Wars
r now
ay film cylinders that you look thre
s you
af the
in $D, y
Expect the technique 10 become ava
able nationwide in the ties. Gr
for weddings and bar milz
rar ATTACK. A pathology professor at
Harvard Medical School has proposed
that not cholesterol but а product of
the body's prot homo-
of the
" arte
ob dea by stroke and. he
the United Si i
evide: i
he is—then
ce is
s a simple preventive
min B, taken daily in a
dose. bts presence is requ
change the deadly homocyste
other harmless compound. Research will
proceed ly settle the ques
Шу in the Eighties. In the n
of us ave adding By to our daily pile
ol pills.
facturers are a
ing a scanner that can read printed text,
with the U. S. Postal Service as а clamor
ing customer. In the Eighties, they will
pbine the sca h a sophisticated
version of Texas Instruments’ solid-state
voice-simulation system to produce scan-
ners that read aloud,
pikecr mat. The United Nations is
devising a 17-digit universal telephone
numbering system, to be installed world-
wide in the Eighties, that will make it
possible to direct-dial almost anywhere
on earth. The UN expects phones to in-
crease to about one billion by the end of
the decade, Nearly all of those one bil-
lion phones will be interconnected.
By 1983, the Federal
istration will have com-
nning necessary to chang
y signs to show speed limits
nd distances in. metric only. Brush up
on your kilometers; you may need them.
колен € Altar 30 years of ге
search, scientists have finally synthesized
the female Amei
citant, It drives male roaches ci
mount anything in sight.
other, In the next decade,
will be used to reduce roa
эп by sowing contusion
nting m
MEMORY More than 12 drugs are
presently known that improve alertness
and memory, some of them dramatically.
heyre hung up on medical-research
polities and FDA licensing, but one or
more of them may pass go in the Eight-
ies. Theyll have dramatic effects on
over-50 memory decline and on senility.
J you can just remember то take the
damn things?
HOME BURIAL. Expect to see increasing
numbers of underground homes in the
Eighties as soaring [uel costs с "
innovation. A lew leet underground. the
temperature ік the same Irom season
10 season—in the U.S., between about
55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Under-
ground homes are dug into hillsides or
sunk in flat ground with dirt mounded
over them. Properly designed, they're
not damp. With interior courtyards and
skylights. they're as bright ау surlüce
houses, and they save Irom 10 to 80 per-
cent of energy costs.
reve. Mes
ive) for the common
Пу produced in your
ch sex ex
y. They
including cach
ihe hormon
h popula-
ad so pre
n cockro
әнім rar
(really a preven
Its calle
cold. interleron, and
body. ‘The catch is that it’s expensive to
produce, Every cold prevention. would
uses. It com
d with
ag tested
nd chronic seru
hepatitis. Workers are trying to synthe
size it w bring the сом down. They'll
succeed, probably
one by one, the viruses will хау goodbye
AUTO-MATION. Speeded by gas shortages
and EPA poliution-control
the computer-controlled. autom is
coming up fast. By the mid-Eighties,
microcomputers will control your са
ignition and luelinjection systems, will
shilt gears, balance cornering, gove
speed. monitor security, adjust heating
and air conditioning and gauge systems
and performance. Your instrument panel
will be digitized, reading out numbers
and alerting you to problems, Your
car will be smaller and fractionally light-
er than the X cars of 1979: by the mid-
Eighties, the body may be plastic—and,
so will the frame. Air bags or auto-
estraints will protect. you in col-
spare: It's going.
nd tire iron with it
ur tires will drive Il:
cost you thousands of dollars.
has other, more import
bats second
peer un
virus-induced cancers
E be
10 save
All in
weight. Y
between fill-ups.
ким. speed—the
che sensitivity of the film to lig
has been doubling ev s. Ko
dak introduced 100
the Seventies: in the Ей
expect color film of at least 800 AS
making the flashbulb a thing of the past.
‘The film industry also expects to develop
а universal film that will simultaneously
produce transparencies and prints.
MERRY OLD SOL, Solar power will come
of age in the Eighties in ity most impor
nt immediate application: space heat-
ing of cc buildings and homes
Far more valu п such exotici as
giant mirror-boiler. electrical generation
systems or solar satellites in space, active
1 passive home solar-heating, systems
ready make long-term economic good
sense. Their advantage will improve as
fuel costs go up. Recently. San Diego
County passed an ordinance requiring
И new residential buildings to be sup
plied with solar hot-water heating alter
October 1980. The trend will spread.
rw Quab. The Federal Communica-
tions Commission is taking another look
at broadcast quadraphonic FM, heralded
in the Seventies but never actually in-
led in the U.S. The technology
ille то maltipley [our signals i
I of the two required for
with a drama n in fidelity. But the
FCC to digest technical
studies belore it can decide on
ing. Look fo
wars мик. Nonretr
ready on the shelf in Europe, is cc
to Ameri Eighties. An ulir
temperature process keeps it weet:
1 the carton. you can store it in
cabinet with the corn flakes lor weeks,
ich means you don't have to run to
the supermarket every three or four day
SHOCK CAR. General Motors, no less, is
working on an electric commuter vehicle
that would carry two passengers back
nd forth to work at reasonable cost өп
tery charge per 100 miles. G.M.'s
lone—a few such cars have already
gone on sale, but they use standard lead-
id batteries that don't meet GM's
standards of mileage per charge and long
battery Ме. With its battery design.
G.M. says electric aer vehicles
could roll sometime late in ihe Eightie
SOFT TRANS. Beta blockers are a dass of
experimental drugs that. prevent adren-
ne from working on cells to produce
i ters of
stage fright and stress. In
ment, lor example, siring p
shaky hands have been st
they work directly on all h
you opi
пе exp
ers with
lied. Because
dy cells, beta
SS Ұш, Л БУ? y
( oN |
"I think I heard somebody say there's two new flavors of Schnapps”
both only from сАллош
Spearmint and Cinnamon
blockers don’t dull the brain. but they
do have a variety of side effects and need
more study. The road to FDA approval
is long. Look for soft tanks late in the
next decade. Great for exams.
NEWS LINE. Millions of Americans don't
see that extra channel of news. weather
and advertising that cable systems pro-
vide. There's a remedy, a system that
uses the vertical blank. lines among the
595 lines of sean that make up cach
flashed frame of a TV picture. It already
subtiles for the deaf over PBS.
It requires h will prob-
ably be built into standard sets once the
с—Ьу 1985.
The microprocessor
ich even the lowly foot
rming him
lor warfare on a scale the front-line
troops have never known before. One
system already in production will arm д
forward observer with a laser designator
10 accurately target enemy arms and
armored vehicles. The system supplies
culation to pin-
point the enemy and digital launching
of smart m
on the ground. The system has a very
high kill rate in tests.
SYNTHETIG моор. The Green Cros
Corporation of Osaka, Japan, has devel
oped synthetic blood. It's made of starch,
eggyolk product and perfuorothemi-
cals. It carries more oxygen than good red
decoder, whi
soldier in the next ten years,
will r
issiles or shells to destroy him
blood: rats survived replacement of 90
percent of their blood with the synthetic
mixture and regenerated the lost blood
within two weeks. Unlike real blood, the
synthetic stuff is shelf stable for а yea
Expect it in the Eighties if it passes FDA
PAIN CONTROL. The Chinese have pio
resed in understanding acupuncture
scientifically; we've progressed in testing
naturally occurring painkillers. One or
hoth approaches will give medicine new
and ettective methods of conirolling |
in the decade to come. Chinese doctors
are repkicing mechanical needle twirling
with applications of low-voltage electric
ity. and they've identified drugs that
enhance acupuncture’s reliel. In the U. S.,
research progresses on the endorphins
and the enkephalins, natural substances
in the human pituitary and brain that
block pain much as morphine does.
Trouble is, they're addictive. too. If they
turn out to be less addictive, or if ana-
logs can be synthesized that aren't addic-
tive, they'll replace the opia
air conditi
Lennox in
with other
fluid turb;
presor to deliver 36.000 B.T.U. per hou
inuoduced a talking translator for inter-
national travelers. late іп 19/9. You
the system іш conjunc
«search labs: A so
drive a conventional coi
punch in your native tongue: the ur
lator speaks the French, С 5
equivalent. With the development of
computers that understand speech, at the
end of the decade, you should be able to
buy a shoulder-bag device that t
back and forth, hearing you in
and speaking to your listenc
ever language he understands.
vxciurckrb. In the Eighties, you
will no longer renun your canceled
checks. Instead, you'll receive a computer
printout showing the checks im minia-
ture. complete with a facsimile of your
signature to verily that you wrote cach
check in the first place. Burroughs is
developing the system for banks; Amoco
has already bought a similar system for
those millions of servicestation ch;
slips and will be deploy nationwide
as the Eighties begi
in what
s that the body manufactures
in bewildering variety то direct many of
its fumetions; they're called. prosta
ns because they were first thought to
iginate in the prostate glands. In the
Eighties, they will соп h blood
pressure: protect the stomach from bleed.
ing and prevent ulcers; dissolve blood
dots and. therefore improve the chances
of survival of heartattack and suoke vic
tims: possibly, prevent heart attacks; in-
duce therapeutic abortion and labor; and
“If you haven't tried it, don't knock it.”
replace the pill with a single capsule—
already in use in hospitals in the U. S
to be taken two or three weeks after а
missed period, that induces menstruation
and therefore averts pregnancy. These
benefits from prostaglandin analogs are
ikely or certain, More are under study
from the 1000 or so analog variations that
have so far been synthesized.
HEATED EXCHANGE. Home heat excl
ers that extract heat fron
clothes dryers and furnace and hot-water-
heater nd use the heat to
warm your living quarters, could cut
nergy bills by 40 percent in buildings
heated electrically and by 80 percent in
buildings heated with natural gas. A
British agency is developing designs; ex-
ресі commercial units to be on sale in the
U. S. in the Eighties.
TEENY 1v. Large:
ale integrated-circuit
computer chips will make possible shirt-
pocket television sets. with nickelsize
screens. By the end of the decade, Cheste
оик two-way wrist TV should be a
reality. With mass production, the TVs
should be essentially throwaways, costing
Jess than $20 per unit. Remember, you
saw it first in Dick Tracy.
CLAP CURES. The several varieties of
herpes simplex afflict 3,000,000 of us a
year—cold sores for some, venereal
fections for others, blindness for the
unlucky. A compound patented іп 1977,
AIU, permanently blocks the reproduc
ion of herpessimplex viruses. It has to
the FDA. Maybe in the Eighties
of FDA approval before
: a reliable vaccine against gonor-
. Pass it on
STEREO AM. nt sterco almost two
decades ago, but AM continues to lag
d, with few exceptions, is still
Now the FCC is studving five
stereo AM radio systems currently со
peting for licensing and expects to make
up its mind in the Eighties. Why stereo
AM? Greater range for high-fidelity pro-
graming than line-of-sight FM, beue
quality car radio, more choices on more
CELLUL сиз. Wood, straw and
coton waste are all made of cellulose,
which is a long chain of glucose—sugar—
molecules. People can’t eat it, but yeasts
and bacteria can when it's properly
treated. And 1000 pounds of yeast grow-
ing on treated cellulose сап produce
growing on sawdust ог straw ог old
newspapers, and that's one of the an-
swers forthcoming in the Eighties to
increasing the world’s protein supply
nd holding down the prices you pay for
beef and pork.
SELE x. Medicine already
learned to determine the sex of unborn
fetuses; in the Eighties, it's expected to
learn to select sperm for artificial in-
semination separated bı boy sperm,
girl sperm. One promising technique re-
quires unsorted sperm to swim upward
through a column of nourishing fluid-
the more vigorous female sperm swim
faster, cfectively sorting themselves. So-
l critics fear that practical sex selection
would result in a preponderance of cou-
ples choosing boys rather than girls for
ollspring, tragedy in the making when
the mobs of boys grow up.
FAULT! Chances of a major
along the Andreas
past Los Angeles and. Monterey
and out to sca at San Francisco—increase
every year. The Eighties will be riskier
than the Seventies. Unfortunately, reli-
the сапу es. Estimated.
mong Californians if a big quake
60,000 or more. Still want to move
SOLAR BALLOONING. No more hissing
propane and limited two-hour flights:
Silent, all-day ballooning is here. F
ick Eshoo of Iran developed the solar
balloon and flew it successfully in the
United States early in 1978, It's half trans-
parent lens, half black-and-silver collector
(black inside, silver outside). А curtain.
inside adjusts the collector area. Small
battery-powered [ans on the outside walls
rotate the balloon. When more collector
arca is exposed to sunlight, the balloon
rises; less area and it maintains altitude
or sinks. Eshoo packs a small propane
burner for emergency lift, but he sails
hour after hour im sunlit silence. In the
so will you
MEAT. Twenty-five years alter it
. the U.S. Army Research
nd Development Command thinks it's
close to proving the safety of irradiated
neats- dosed with high-energy
‘adiation that be stored. without
refrigeration for long periods of time
because the radiation kills all microor-
ganisms that might decompose the
adiated m ren't much yet for
s working on that problem.
If the FDA approves, irradiated bacon,
sausage, ham, precooked chicken and tui
key, corned beef and other meat products
will appear on supermarket shelves
the mid-Eighties, They'll be safe and
storable, and they'll по longer be dosed
with sodium nitrite. Sodium nitrite, pres-
ently used to prevent botulism, can
transform itself in cooking into a potent
carcinogen. It has an older name: It used
to be called saltpeter.
PLASTIC GASKET. Will you spend cter-
nity in a plastic соп? They're presently
coming into use, the first ones manu-
actured by Atlas Gasket Company of
sheet acrylic апа fiberglass-reinforced
resin. They're double-walled and made
without seams. In the Eighties, they'll
displace metal on the low end of the
undertaker's casket linc.
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THE THIRD ШЕМЕ кеге» кес ran,
“Being on time—as our children perhaps sense—no
longer means what it used to mean.”
labels and reconceptua temporal
phenomena. It begins to replace the
clock as the most important timekeeping
or pacesetting device in society.
Computer operations occur so rapidly
at we routinely process data in what
med subliminal time—inter
r too short for the human senses to
detect or for human meural response
times to match. We now have computer-
operated. microprinters capable of turn-
ig out 10,000—20,000 lines per minute—
more than 200 times faster than anyone
can read them, and this is still the slow-
езі part of computer systems. In 20 years,
computer scientists have gone from speak-
ing in terms of milliseconds (thousandths
of a second) to nanoseconds (billionths
of a second)—a compression of time
almost beyond our powers to imagine. It
is as though а person's entire working
life of, say, 80000 paid hours—2000
hours per year for 40 years—could be
to 4.8 minutes.
“1 gave her the most nonsexist years of my life.”
Beyond the computer, we find other
technologies or products that also move
in the direction of demassiving time.
Mood-influencing drugs (not to speak of
а) alter the perception of time
us. As far more sophisticated
mood drugs appear, it is likely that, for
good or lor ill, even our interior sense
ol time, our experience of duration, will
become further individualized and less
universally shared.
During Second Wave civilization,
machines жеге clumsily synchronized
with one another, and people on the
ssembly line were them synchronized
with the machines, with all the many
social consequences that flowed from this
fact. Today, machine synchronization has
hed such exquisitely high levels, and
e of even the fastest human work-
crs is so ridiculously slow in comparison,
that full advantage of the technology
can be derived not by coupling workers
10 the machine but only by decoupling
them from it
Put differently, during Second Wave
civilization, machine synchronization
kled the human to the machine's
capabilities and imprisoned all of so-
cial life in a common frame. It did so in
capitalist and socialist industrial societies
alike. Now, as machine synchronization
: precise, humans, instead ol
опей, are being freed
psychological consequence:
being imp
One of th
of this is a change in the very meaning
lives. We are
of punctuality ın o
moving now from an across-the-board
punctuality to selective or situational
punctuality. Being on time—as our chil-
dren perhaps dimly sense—no longer
means what it used to mean.
Punctuality was not terribly important
during First Wave civilization—basical-
ly because agricultural work was not
highly interdependent. With the coming
of the Second Wave. one worker's latc-
ness or absence could immediately and
dramatically disrupt the work of many
others in factory or office. Hence the
enormous cultural pressure to assure
Today, because the Third Wave
brings with it personalized, instead. of
universal or massified, schedules, the con-
sequences of being late arc less clear. To
be late may inconvenience a friend or a
co-worker, but its disruptive effects on
production, while still potential
in certain jobs, are less and less obvious.
m der—especially for young
people—to tell when punctuality is r
ly important and when it is dem
out of mere force of habit, courtesy or
ritual. Punctuality remains vital in some
situations, but, as the computer spreads
and people are permitied to plug into
d out of round-the-clock cycles at will,
the number of workers whose effective
ness depends on it dec
The result is less pressure to be
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d the spread of more casual atti-
tudes toward mong the young.
becomes situ-
short, as the Third W.
challenging the old industrial way of
doing things, it changes the relationship
of the entire civilization to time. The old
mechan n that de-
stroyed so much of the spontancity and
јоу of lile and virtually symbolized the
Second Wave is on its way out. The young
people who reject the nine-to-five regi-
е moves іп,
ical synchroniza
ndilerent to. classical
may not understand why
s they do. But time itself
in the "real world" and,
aged the
The Third Wave does more than alter
erns of synchroniza-
Чоп. It also attacks another basic tea-
ture of industrial life: standardization
‘The hidden code of Second Wave so-
ciety encouraged a steam-roller standard-
iration of many things—lrom values,
weights, distances, sizes, time and с
rendies to products and prices. Second
Wave businessmen worked hard to make
every widget identical, and some still do.
But ем. businessmen. by
contrast, know how to rome 5 op-
posed to standardize) at least cost, and
find ingenious ways of
cst technology to the
ol products and services. Pai
they frequently we carefully standard-
ied components but fit them together in
highly customized configurations. More
and more, we lind ourselves. therefore,
moving to post-srandardized production.
and farming out to the hitherto pre-
industrial countries the manufacture of
Second. Wave p
As we do so. we simultaneously begin
to shift away from social and cconom|
standardization. In employment. the
number of workers doing identical work
ws smaller
ty of occupations increases. Wages а
fringe benefits be are fr
worker to worker. Workers themselves
become more different from one another
and, since they (and wc) are abo con-
the differences immediately
into the market place.
the shitt
ss production is accompa-
iety of goods and serv-
customized, partially
customizable —
For t
t reason. way Irom
icd by a demassification ol n
of merchandis: ol coi
The dazzling va
es agly
ed or,
custom least,
means th
mers. га
This acco
her than for
a product fulfills
ol the way
u n of
Those conligurat
s are the lifestyles they help
c. Consumption. like production.
becomes configurational. Post-sti
ized production brings with it
standardized const
Even prices, мі
along with goods du
ond Wave period, begi
ardized. since custom products. require
ich were standardized
g the carly See
10 be less stand-
custom pricing. The price tag for an
automobile depends on the package of
options selected: the price of a hi-fi set
similarly depends on the units that are
plugged together and on how much work
the buyer wishes to do: the prices of a
азай. offshore oil rigs, ships, computers
and other high-technology items vary
from one unit to the next.
In domestic politis, we see simila
trends, Our views are increasingly d
versified. Consensus breaks down in n:
tion after nation. and thousands of new
“issue groups" spring up, each fighting
for its own narrow. often temporary. set
of goals. Regional and local differences,
characteristic of First Wave societies,
were obliterated by the Second. Wave
stcam roller. New ones now spring to the
fore. sparking a drive for autonomy and
cultural diversity—all part of the Third
Wave push to a poststandardized society.
At yet another level. we also see the
mass mind as the new
tions media come into play.
The demassification of the mass medi
the rise of minimagazines, newsletters
па small-scale. often. Neroxed. commu-
nications. along with the coming of
ble, cassette and computer—shatters the
standardized image of the world prop:
gated by Second Wave communications
technologies and pumps а diversity ol
i as. symbols and values into
society. Not only are we using customized
products; we ате using diverse symbols to
customize our own view of the world.
Thus, art News summarizes the views
of Dieter Honisch, director of West Ber-
lin’s National Gallery: “Wh
mired in Cologne п
ich and
hot impress the H g public
al interests, the country is los-
ing its sense of national culture.
Nothing underlines this process of
cultu ndardization more crisply
than а recent article in Christianity
Today, а leading voice of conservative
Protestantism im America. The edite
“Many Christians seem confused
vailability of so many different
the Bible. Older Chris
many choices.
ine. “Christian
by sectio
by the
translations of
s did not face so
Then cc
es the punch
ds that no version
эфа.” ven within
Biblical transla.
ity Today recon
should be the ‘st
the narrow bounds of
tion, as in religion generally. the notion
Our re
re becom
of а single standard is passin
ligious views, like oi
ng less uniform and less stand
The net effect ту us away from
the Huxleian or
faceless, deindivid,
that а simple extension of Second Wave
tendencies would suggest and, instead,
toward а profusion of lifestyles and m
highly dualized persona
re watching the rise of a poststandard-
ized mind post-standardized public
This will bri social. psyc
logical and philosophical problems. х
of which we are already feeling in the
loneliness and social isolation around us.
but these are dramatically different trom
the problems of conformity th
cised us during the industrial age.
re moving away from the mass sodety,
from mass marketing, mass merchandis-
ing, mass consumption and mass com
munications, and anyone who still thinks
of massification as the wave of the future
is peering through a rearview mirror
Because the Third Wave is not domi-
even in the most technically
ed nations, we still feel the tug of
powerful Second Wave currents. Wi
still completing some of the unfinished
business of the Second Wave. For ex-
mple, hardcover book publishing in the
U. S.. long a backward industry. is only
now reaching the stage of mass merchan-
dising that paperback publishing and
most other consumer industries attained
more than a generation ago. Other Sec-
ond Wave movements seem almost quis-
otic, such as the one that urges us at this
age to adopt the metric system in
S. то bring America
ments into conformity with those used
others derive from
- building. such as
ommon Market tech
ats in Brussels to “harmonize” every-
mo mirrors to college
harmonization” being the
vertheless, all these attempts to
ve uniformity essentially, the
guard actions ot a spent civilization.
The thrust of Third Wave dh
toward increased diversity. not
the further standardization of life
that is just as true of ideas, political con
victions. sexual. proclivities
methods. ea
ting habits, religi
al taste, fash
ly forms as it is of
us views.
А historic turning point 1
ached her ol
the ground rules of Second Wave civiliza
tion. is being replaced.
The Third W
in yet another w
e subverts the old rules
as the intensilying
“Frankly, I don't think that whether I've been а good little girl ora
bad little girl is relevant. Let's just say I’ve been a highly articulate,
thoroughly motivated, totally self-actualized human being."
battle against centralization suggests.
While all societies need some measure
of both centralization and decentraliza-
tion, Second Wave civilization was heav-
ily biased toward the former and against
the latter. The great standardizers who
helped build industrialism marched
hand in hand with the great centralizers,
from Hamilton and Lenin to Roosevelt.
Today a sharp swing has begun to
carry us in the opposite direction. New
political parties, new management tech.
niques and new philosophies are spring-
ing up that explicitly attack the centralist
premises of the Second Wave. Decen-
tralization has become a hot political
issue from California to Kiev.
In Sweden, а coalition of largely de-
centralist small parties drove the central-
ist Social Democrats from power after 44
years in office. Violent struggles over de-
centralization and regionalism have shak-
en France in recent years, while across the
Channel and to the north, the Scottish
Nationalists now include a wing com-
mitted to “radical economic decentral;
tion.” Similar political movements can be
identified elsewhere in Western Europe.
In the U.S, too, decentralism has
gained wide support. It is decentralism
that supplies at least some of the fuel for
the tax revolt that is, for good or for ill,
flaming across the country. At the local
level, decentralism has a growing con-
stituency, with local politicos calling for
“neighborhood power.”
In schools of architecture and plan-
ning, meanwhile, from Berkeley and
Yale in the U.S. to the Architectural
Association in London, students are im-
mersing themselves in decentralist phi-
losophies. They are, among other things,
exploring new technologies for environ-
mental control. solar heating or urban
agriculture that, taken together, might
help make communities partially self-
sufficient—and, hence, decentralize the
economy, the social system and the polit-
ical structure. The impact of these young
planners and architects will be increas-
ingly felt in the years to come as they
move into responsible positions.
It is apparent that something is hap-
pening to our Second Wave assump
tions—and not just in politics. The term
decentralization has also become a buzz
word in management, and large com
panies arc racing to break their de-
parunents down into smaller, more
autonomous "profit centers." A typical
case in the U.S, was the reorganization
of Esmark, Inc, a huge company with
operation: the food, chemical, oil and
insurance industries.
“In the past," declared Esmark's chair-
man, Robert Reneker, "we had an un-
wieldy business. .. . The only way we
could develop a coordinated effort was
to divide it into bite-size bits.” The re-
sult: an Esmark cut into 1000 profit
centers, each one largely responsible for
own operation.
The net effect,” said Business
Week, "is to lift the routine deci
making from Reneker's shoulders. De-
centralization is evident everywhere but
in Esmark’s financial controls.”
What is important is not Esmark—
which has probably reorganized itself
more than once since then—but the gen-
eral tendency it illustrates. Hundreds,
perhaps thousands. of companies are
also in the process of continual reor-
ganization, decentralizing, sometimes
overshooting and swinging back, but
gradually, over time, reducing centralized
control over their day-to-day operations.
At an even deeper level, large organi-
zations are changing the authority pat-
terns that underpinned centralism. The
typical Second Wave firm or government
agency was organized around the princi-
ple of “опе man, one boss.” While an
employee or an executive might have
many subordinates, he or she would
never report to more than a single supe-
rior. This principle meant that the chan-
nels of command all went to the center.
Today it is fascinating to watch that
system crack under its own weight in the
advanced industries, in the services, the
professions and many government agen-
cies. The fact is, growing multitudes of
us have morc than a single boss.
In Future Shock, 1 pointed out that
big orga: ns were increasingly hon-
cycombed by temporary units such as
task forces, interdepartmental commit-
tees and project teams. I termed that
phenomenon ad-hocracy. Since then,
many large companies have moved to
incorporate these transient units into a
radically new formal structure called
matrix organization. Instead of central-
ized control, matrix organization employs
a “multiple-command system.”
Under this arrangement, each em-
ployee is attached to a department and
reports to a superior in customary fash-
ion. But he or she is also assigned to one
or more teams for jobs that can't be
done by a single department. A typical
project team may have people from
manufacturing, research, sales, engineer-
ing, finance and other departments. The
members of this team all report to the
project leader as well as to their “reg-
ular” boss.
The result is that vast numbers of
people today report to onc boss for purc-
ly administrative purposcs and to an-
other (or a succession of others) for
practical, getthe-work-done purposes.
"his system lets employees give attention
to more than one task at a time. It speeds
up the flow of information and avoids
their looking at problems through the
marrow slit of a single department. It
helps the organization respond to quickly
changing circumstances.
Spreading from such early users as
General Electricin the U. 5. and Skandia
Insurance in Sweden, the matrix-style
organization is now found in everything
from hospitals to accounting firms. Ma-
trix, in the words of Professors Stanley
M. Davis of Boston University and Paul
R. Lawrence of Harvard, "is . . . not just
another ог Management technique ог
a passing fad. . . . It represents a sharp
break . . . matrix represents а new spe-
cies of business organization.”
And this new species is inherently less
centralized than the old one-boss system
that characterized the Second Wave era.
We are also decentralizing the econ-
оту as a whole. Although the fact is only
dimly appreciated as yet, national econ-
omies are swiftly breaking down into
regional and sectoral parts—subnational
economies with distinctive and differing
problems of their own. Regions. whether
the Sun Belt in the U. S., the Mezzogior-
no in Italy or Kansai in Japan, instead
of growing more alike, as they did dur-
ing the industrial era, are beginning to
diverge from one another in terms of
energy requirements, resources, occupa-
tional mix, educational levels, culture
and other key factors. Moreover, many
of the subnational economii have
reached the same scale many national
economies had only a generation ago.
The result has been the utter bank-
ruptcy of Second Wave economic policies
based on centralized controls or pro-
grams. Every attempt to offset inflation
or unemployment through nationwide
tax rebates or hikes, or through mone-
tary or credit manipulation, or through
other uniform, undifferentiated Second
Wave policies, merely aggravates the
Those who attempt to manage Third
Wave economies with such centralized,
Second Wave tools are like a doctor who
arrives at a hospital one morning and
blindly prescribes the same shor of
Adrenalin for all patients—regardless of
whether they have a broken leg. a rup-
tured spleen, a brain tumor or ап in-
grown toenail. Only disaggregated,
decentralized economic management can
work in the new economy, for it, too, із
becoming progressively decentralized at
the very moment it scems most global
and uniform.
All these anticentralist tendencies—in
politics, in corporate or government ог-
ganization and in the economy itself
(along with parallel developments in the
media, in the disuibution of computer
power, in energy systems and in many
other fields)—are breaking the old Sec-
ond Wave patterns, substituting new
ground rules for a Third Wave society.
Many other sections of the Second
Wave social code are also being rewrit-
ten as the Third Wave arrives. Even a
fleeting look shows us that Second Wave
Wiis R. J, Reynotds Tab
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civilization’s obsessive emphasis оп max-
imization is also under sharp attack.
Never before have advocates of “Bigger
is better” been so assailed by advocates
of “Small is beautiful.” It was only in
the Seventies that а book with that title
could have become an influential, world-
wide best seller.
Everywhere, the shift toward decen-
tralization has been accompanied by a
dawning recognition that there are limits
to the much-vaunted economies of scale
and that many organizations have ex-
ceeded those limits. Corporations аге
now actively searching for ways to reduce
the size of their work units. New tech-
nologies and the shiít to services both
sharply reduce the scale of operation.
The traditional Second Wave factory
or office, with thousands of people under
a single roof, will be a rarity in the high-
technology nations.
In Australia, when I asked the presi-
dent of an auto company to describe
the auto plant of the future, he spoke
with utter conviction, saying, "I would
never, ever again build a plant like this
one with 7000 workers under the same
roof. I would break ii
300 or 400 in cach. The new technolo-
gies now make this possible." 1 have
since heard similar sentiments from the
presidents or chairmen of companies
producing food and other products.
Today, we are beginning to realize
into small units-
that neither big nor small is beautiful
but that appropriate scale, and the in-
telligent meshing of both big and small,
is most beautiful of all. (This was some-
thing that E. F. Schumacher, author of
Small Is Beautiful, knew better than some
of his more fanatic followers. He once
told friends that, had he lived in a world
of small organizations, he would have
written a book called Big Is Beautiful.)
That is why we see experiments with
new forms of organization that attempt
to combine the advantages of both. Тһе
rapid spread of franchising, for example,
in the U. S., Britain, Holland and other
countries is often a response to capital
shortage or tax quirks. But it also repre-
sents a method for rapidly creating small
units and linking them together in larger
systems, with varying degrees of centrali-
zation or decentralization.
Second Wave maximization is on its
way out. Appropriate scale is in.
Society is also taking a hard look at
specialization and professionalism. The
code book put the expert
g pedestal. One of its basic
rules was "Specialize to succeed." "Today,
іп every field, including politics, we see
a basic shift in attitude toward the spe.
cialist. Once regarded as the trustworthy
source of neutral intelligence, specialists
have been dethroned from public ap-
proval. They are increasingly criticized
for pursuing their own self-interest and
for being incapable of anything but
“tunnel vision.” We see more and more
efforts to restrain the power of the expert
by adding laypeople to decision-making
bodies—in hospitals, for example, and
many other institutions.
Parents demand the right to influence
school decisions, no longer content so
leave them to professional educators.
After studying citizen political participa-
tion, a task force in the state of Washing-
ton a few years ago conduded, in a
statement that summed up the new atti-
tude, "You don't have to be an expert to
know what you want!
Second Wave zation encouraged
yet another principle: concentration. It
concentrated money, energy, resources
and people. It poured vast populations
into urban concentrations. Today, this
process, too, has begun to turn around.
We sce increasing geographical dispersal,
instead. At the level of energy, we are
moving from a reliance on concentrated
deposits of fossil fuels to a variety of
more widely dispersed forms of energy.
In short, one could move systemat-
ically through the entire code book of
Second Wave civilization—from stand-
ardization to synchronization, right on
down to centralization, maximization,
specialization and concentration—and
show, item by item, how the old ground
rules that governed our daily life and our
social decision making are in the process
For full color reproduction of Wild Turkey painting by Ken Davies, 19" by 21”, send $2 to Box 929PB, Wall St. Sta., N.Y. 10005
of being revolutionized as Third Wave
civilization sweeps in.
When all those old Second Wave
principles were put to work in a single
organization, the result was a classical
industrial bureaucracy: a giant, hierar-
chical, permanent, top-down, mecha-
nistic organization, well designed for
making repetitive products or repetiti:
decisions in a comparatively stable ii
dustrial environment.
Now, however, as we shift to the new
ground rules and begin to apply them
together, we are led necessarily to wholly
new kinds of organizations for the fu-
ture. These Third Wave organizations
have fatter hierarchies. They are less
top-heavy. They consist of small com-
ponents linked in temporary configura-
tions. Each of these components has its
own relationships with the outside
world, its own foreign policy, so to speak,
which it maintains without having to go
through the center. These organizations
operate more and more around the clock.
But they are different from bureaucra-
cies in another fundamental respect.
They are what might be called dual or
poly organizations, in the sense that they
are capable of assuming two or more
distinct structural shapes, as conditions
warrant—rather like some plastic of the
future that will change shape when heat
or cold is applied but spring back into
a basic form when the temperature is in
its normal range.
One might imagine an army that is
democratic and participatory іп реасе-
time but highly centralized and аш
thoritarian during war, having been
organized, in the first place, to be capable
of both. We might use the analogy of a
football team whose members are not
merely capable of rearranging them-
selves in T formation, or a multiplicity
of arrangements for different plays, but
who, at the sound of a whistle, are equal-
ly capable of reassembling themselves as
a soccer team, a baseball or basketball
squad, depending upon the game being
played. Such organizational players need
to be trained for instant adaptation, and
they must feel comfortable in a wider
repertoire of available organizational
We need managers who can operate as
well in an open-door, free-flow style as in
a hierarchical mode, who can work in an
organization structured like an Egyptian
Pyramid, as well as in one that looks
like a Calder mobile, with a few thin
managerial strands holding 2 complex
set of nearly autonomous modules that
move in response to the gentlest breeze.
We don't as yet have a vocabulary for
describing these Third Wave organiza-
tions of the future. Terms like matrix
and ad hoc are inadequate. Various
theorists have suggested different terms.
Advertising man Lester Wunderman has
said, "Ensemble groups, acting as intel-
lectual commandos, will . . . begin to
replace the hierarchical structure.
"Tony Judge, one of our most brilliant
organization theorists, has written ex-
tensively about the "network" character
of these emerging organizations of the
future, pointing out, among other things,
that "the network is not 'coordinated' by
anybody; the participating bodies co-
ordinate. themselves, so that one may
speak of 'autocoordination." Не has
also described them in terms of Buck-
minster Fuller’s “tensegrity” principles.
But whatever terms we use, something
revolutionary is happening. We are par-
ticipating not merely in the birth of new
organizational forms but in the birth of
a new civilization. A new code book is
taking form—a set of Third Wave
principles, new ground rules for social
It is hardly any wonder that parents—
still mainly tied to the Second Wave
code book—increasingly find themselves
in conflict with children who, if any-
thing, are aware of the growing irrele-
vance of the old rules but uncertain, if
not blindly ignorant, of the new ones.
"They and we alike are caught between a
dying industrial society and the Third
Wave civilization of tomorrow.
Wild Turkey Lore:
In 1776 Benjamin Franklin
proposed that the Wild Turkey
be adopted as the symbol of
our country. The eagle was
chosen instead.
The Wild Turkey later
went on to become the
symbol of our country's
finest Bourbon.
д =
©1978 Austin, Nichols Distiling Co., Lawrenceburg, Kentucky.
(continued from page 135)
“As the day wears on and appetites sharpen, bring on
the Caviar Cheese Bar and Soused Shrimp.”
allegedly, do good as well. There's also
black velvet—champagne and stout—or
steely, iced brut champagne, preferably а
grande marque in honor of the day. And
do see to it that the bourbon, Scotch,
vodka, rum and liqueurs you serve are
all top shelf.
We'll leave the drink nibbles to you—
but if you intersperse the nuts and
pretzels with tiny pickled whole corn,
black Nicoise olives and spiced quail
eggs. your guests will brighten up no-
Although theyre handy, cold platters
aren't going to excite anyone—if you
have the usual assortment. But it needn't
be boiled ham, Swiss cheese and Genoa
salami again, when there's Grisons, the
zesty, air-dried beet filet from Switzer-
land, savory capocollo, smoked cel and
sensuous taleggio, Italy's answer to cam-
embert. Smoked salmon is no novelty,
of course, but the Icelandic breed, reka-
tively new to the States, is а mite smokier
than most—and a nice counterpoint to
Scotch, As the day wears on and appetites
sharpen, bring on the Caviar Cheese Bar,
Bagna Cauda, Chicken Wings Lucifer
and Soused Shrimp. And for your pièce
de résistance, an Oriental dish that's
both stylish and satisfying, Cold Pork
Cellophane Noodles. All аге easy to do
and may be prepared ahead.
Dessert сап be as simple as panettone
and chilled asti spumante, a Roman holi-
day custom. Coupe Spumante plays off
“How would you like to be the first
nuclear family on the block?"
that ambrosial combination, but it's
more festive. Panettone also. comple
ments George Washington's Eggnog, as
does Lebkuchen.
The final ingredient? Good-time
people—as many as you care to invite.
Better get on that detail now!
1 Ib. (2 8-07. bars) cream cheese
4-02. jar red caviar
Scallions (including green),
Put cheese bars on serving plate and
spoon caviar over. Surround with
chopped scallions. Serve with sour rye
bread, dark pumpernickel or unsalted
(Serves about eight)
yo cup olive ой
14 Ib. (1 stick) butter
6 cloves garlic, very thinly sliced
207. can flat anchovy fillets, drained,
finely chopped
Raw vegetables: broccoli florets, cau-
liflower bu sticks, green
and red pepper strips, globe rad-
ishes, sliced black radishes, Jerusa
lem artichokes, zucchini, celery, etc
Combine olive oil and butter in small,
heavy pan and set ov
When butter has melted, add garlic
anchovies. Stir often until anchovies dis-
solve, keeping heat very low, so that
neither butter nor garlic browns. Trans.
fer to shallow heatprool bowl. Set on hot
or over candle warmer to keep
Serve with crisp raw vegetables,
ог dipping.
8, carrot
very low heat.
(Serves six to cight)
2 Ibs. raw shrimps, in shell
2 cans dark beer
Seasoning: celery rib, sprig parsley,
small onion, clove garlic, bay leaf,
2 teaspoons salt
2 large onions, sliced
2 tablespoons capers
1 cup salad ой
up wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
341 grinds black pepper
Bay leat
3-4 dashes Tabasco. or to taste
Slit shrimp shells up the back. Ri
out sand vein, but do not peel. Bring
nd seasoning to boil; simmer 5
minutes. Add shrimps. When liq
ns to simmer, cook 3 to 6 m
just until sl ink I
layer shrimps with sliced о
capers in deep dish. Combine rem:
ingredients and pour over shrimps. Cover
lish and refrigerate at least 24 hours.
Serve shrimps unpeeled, but provide
bowl for shells.
(concluded overleaf)
| For the man \
2% who wants everything
d Frisky, cold drinks at your fingertips. Press on top
and your BARTENDER™ dispenser pours a dry, dry martini, a
perfect manhattan, a punch. Irish coffee stays hot all evening long.
Inside is a genuine THERMOS” brand vacuum bottle. The
replaceable, sturdy Stronglas* filler is as kind їо your drinks
as the bottles they came in. Available where
TH ER М0 you buy THERMOS” brand products. Cheers!
(Serves six to eight)
3 Ibs. chicken wings
% сар Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons dry white wine
34 cup Italian-seasoned bread crumbs
Cut off and discard wing tips; separate
wings at joint and cut away excess skin.
Mix mustard with wine. Lightly spread
wing pieces with mixture, then coat with
crumbs. Arrange wings in single layer in
very well-oiled shallow baking pan. (You
may need more than опе pan.) Bake іп
preheated 4009 oven for 15 minutes,
turn pieces and bake 15 minutes more.
Serve warm. If wings are done ahead,
cool completely, then refrigerate. To re-
crisp before serving, put wings in ciled
pan and place in oven, set at highest
heat, for about 7 minutes.
(Serves six to eight)
Dressing: $4 cup rice vinegar, М; cup
soy sauce, 2 tablespoons salad oil, 1
tablespoon sugar, 4 teaspoon dry
mustard, 1% teaspoon garlic powder,
34 grinds black pepper, 1% tea-
spoons cach sesame oil, grated fresh
Г Д к -
8 ozs. cellophane noodles (also called
rice noodles or rice sticks)
14 Ibs. roast pork, cut in 14^ Ы"
strips (about 4 cups)
% Ib. raw mushrooms, sliced
1 large cucumber, peeled, seeded and
4 scallions (including some green),
kage (10 ozs.) frozen peas
14 cup cashews, coarsely chopped
Cherry tomatoes
Combine dressing ingredients and mix
well. Pour about half the dressing into
large bowl and set remainder aside. Bring
large pot of water to boil; add cellophane
noodles. Cook 2 to 8 minutes, or just
until tender. Drain, rinse with cold wa-
ter, drain well. Add to bowl with dress-
ing; stir to coat. Add pork, mushrooms,
cucumber and scallions. Cook peas until
barely done. Rinse in cold water, drain
and mix into bowl. Stir in enough ad-
ditional dressing so that everything is
well moistened. Refrigerate until ready
to serve. Stir well; transfer to serving
bowl. Sprinkle with cashews and put
ring of cherry tomatoes around rim.
Note: Rice vinegars vary in acidity, so
if yours is extra-sharp, you may want to
add a little more sugar to dressing.
“You're right! I left my clothes
in the doctor's office.”
(Serves 12)
1 pint swawberries, washed and hulled
1 oz. Grand Marnier
Sugar, to taste
1 сап (17 ог.) apricot halves, chilled
1 can (20 ozs.) pineapple chunks,
1 cup green grapes, seedless or seeded
Asti spumante, chilled
‘Toss strawberries with Grand Marnier
and little sugar, if necessary. Drain
apricots and pineapple. Layer apricots,
grapes, pineapple and strawberries in
attractive glass bowl. Open asti spumante
and stand it in ice bucket next to fruit.
Spoon fruit into wineglasses and splash
spumante over. Serve with slice panet-
¥ oz gin
34 oz. Cointreau
34 oz. lemon juice
34 oz. Lillet
Dash Pernod
Shake with ice; strain into cocktail
glass. Garnish with orange slice.
2 ozs. brandy
1⁄4 oz. lemon juice
1 teaspoon grenadine
Chilled champagne (brut or extra-dry)
Shake brandy, lemon juice and grena-
dine with ice; strain into 6-oz. wineglass.
Splash in champagne, to taste.
(Serves 15)
6 egg yolks
Y4 cup plus 2
8 ozs. brand
4 ozs. bourbon
2 ozs. dark rum
2 ozs. cream sherry
1 quart half-and-half (cream and milk)
6 egg whites
Freshly grated nutmeg
Beat egg yolks with 14 cup sugar in
large bowl, until thick and light yellow.
Very gradually beat in spirits, then
sherry, then half-and-half. In separate
bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. Grad-
ually add 2 tablespoons sugar, continu-
ing to beat until whites are stiff. Slide
whites onto top of yolk mixture. Using
large spoon, turn nog gently from top to
bottom, with circular motion. Stop as
soon as no large dumps of white сап be
seen. Refrigerate several hours to mellow.
Stir very gently before serving and top
with grated nutmeg.
These arrangements are so flexible,
and so accommodating, that you can
issue last-minute invitations to friends
you've overlooked, and make unexpect-
ed drop-ins feel welcome. А nice note оп
which to start the new year!
tablespoons superfine
(continued from page 228)
“The woman returned my gaze, her chin high and
arrogant, her eyes traveling slowly down my body.”
tremendously tall but also attractive,
and I was much impressed by what I
saw. As we shook hands, I applied a
touch of extra pressure to her knuckles
and watched her face. Her lips parted
and I saw the tip of her tongue push
out suddenly between her teeth. Very
well, young lady, I told myself. You
shall be number one in Paris.
In case this sounds a bit brash coming
from a 17-year-old stripling like me, I
think you should know that even at
that tender age, fortune had endowed me
with far more than my share of good
looks. I was, in fact, a youth of quite
piercing beauty and there is no point in
denying it.
In order to carry out the plan which
the good Major Grout had put into my
head, I straightaway announced to
Madame Boisvain that 1 would be leav-
ing first thing in the morning to stay
with friends in the country. We were
still standing in the hall and we had
just completed the handshakes. "But
Monsieur Oswald, you have only this
minute arrived!” the good lady cried.
“I believe my father has paid you six
months in advance,” I said. “If I am not
here, you will save money on food.”
Arithmetic like that will mollify the
heart of any landlady in France, and
Madame Boisvain made no further pro-
The next morning, in order to carry
out my plan, I said farewell to the
Boisvains and took a train for Mar-
seille. I had on me the six months’
expense money my father had provided
before I left London, £200 in French
francs. That was a lot of money in the
year 1912.
At Marseilles, I booked a passage for
Alexandria on a French steamship of
9000 tons called L'Impératrice Jose-
phine. a pleasant little passenger boat
that ran regularly between Marseilles,
Naples, Palermo and Alexand
‘The trip was without incident, except
that I encountered on the first day out
yet another tall female. This time she
was a Turk, a tall dark-skinned Turkish
in jewelry
ll sorts that she tinkled as she
walked. My first thought was that she
would have worked wonders on top of a
cherry tree to keep the birds away. My
second thought, which followed very
soon after the first, was that she had an
exceptional shape to her body. The
undulations in the region of her chest
were so magnificent that I felt, as I gazed
at them across the boat deck, like a
traveler in Tibet who was seeing for the
first time the highest peaks in the Hima-
layas. The woman returned my gaze,
her chin high and arrogant, her eyes
traveling slowly down my body from
head to toe, then up again. A minute
later, she calmly strolled across and in-
vited me to her cabin for a glass of
absinthe. I'd never heard of the stuff in
my life, but I went willingly, and I
stayed willingly and I did not emerge
again from that cabin until we docked at
Naples three days later. It was then that
I learned for the first time that to tangle
with a Turk is like running 50 miles
before breakfast. You have to be fit.
I spent the rest of the voyage getting
my wind back and by the time we
docked at Alexandria four days later, I
was feeling quite bouncy again. From
Alexandria, 1 took a train to Cairo.
There I changed trains and went on to
By God, it was hot in the Sudan. I
was not dressed for the tropics, but 1
refused to waste money on clothes that
I would be wearing for only a day or
two. In Khartoum. I got a room at a
large hotel where the foyer was filled
with Englishmen wearing khaki shorts
and topees. They all had mustaches and
magenta cheeks like Major Grout, and
every one of them had a drink in
his hand. There was a Sudanese hall
porter of sorts lounging by the entrance.
He was a splendid, handsome fellow in
a white robe with a red tarboosh on his
head, and I went up to him.
“I wonder if you could help me?" I
said, taking some French bank notes
from my pocket and rifling them cas-
He looked at the money and grinned.
“Blister beetles," I said. “You know
about blister beetles?”
Here it was, then. This was le moment
critique. 1 had come all the way from
Paris to Khartoum to ask that one ques-
tion, and now I watched the man's face
anxiously. It was certainly possible that
Major Сгош story had been nothing
more than an entertaining hoax.
“Тһе Sudanese hall porter's grin. be-
came wider still. "Everyone knows about.
blister beetles, sahib," he said. "What
you want?"
“I want you to tell me where I can go
out and catch onc thousand of them."
He stopped grinning and stared at me
as though I'd gone balmy. “You mean
live beetles?” he exclaimed. “You want
to go out and catch yourself one thou-
sand live blister beetles?”
^I do, yes.”
"What you want live beetles for,
sahib? They no good to you at all, those
old live beetles.”
Oh, my God, I thought. The major
has Бесп pulling our legs.
The hall porter moved closer to me
and placed an almost jet-black hand on
“Then you don't want to bother
them live beetles, sahib. All you want is
powdered beetles.”
"I had an idea I might take the beetles
home and breed them,” I said. “That
way, I'd have a permanent supply.
“In England?” he said.
“England or France. Somewhere like
"No good," he said, shaking his head.
“This little blister beetle, he live only
here in the Sudan. He needs very hot
sun. Beetles will all die in your country.
‘Why you not take the powder?”
I could see I was going to have to
make a slight adjustment in my plans.
"How much does the powder cost?” I
asked him.
"How much you want?"
"A lot."
"You һауе to be very, very careful with
that powder, sahib. АП you take is the
littlest pinch, otherwise you get into
very serious Quuble,”
know that."
“Over here, we Sudanese men measure
up one dose by pouring the powder over
the head of a pin and what stays on the
pinhead is one dose exactly. And that is
not very much. So you better be careful,
young sahib.”
“I know all about that," 1 said. “Just
tell me how I go about getting hold of a
large quantity.”
“What you mean by large quantity?”
“Well, say about ten pounds in
“Ten pounds!" he cried. “That would
take care of all the people in the whole
of Africa put together!”
“Five pounds, then.”
“What in the world you going to do
with five pounds of blister-beetle pow-
der, sahib? Just a few ounces is a lifetime
supply, even for a big strong man like
ver mind what I'm going to do
” 1 said. "How much would it
He laid his head on one side and con-
sidered this question carefully. “We buy
it in tiny packets,” he said. “Quarter
ounce cach. Very expensive stuff.
"I want five pounds,” I said. "In bulk."
“Are you staying here in the hotel?”
he asked me.
“Then I see you tomorrow with the
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answer. I must go around asking some
1 left it at that for the time being.
‘The next morning, the tall black hall
porter was in his usual place by the hotel
“What news of the powder?” 1
" he said. “I find a place where
1 can get you five pounds in weight of
pure powder.”
"How much will it cost?” I asked him.
“One thousand English pounds, sahib.
Very cheap.”
said, turning away.
he said.
“One hundred.”
“No. Fifty. That's all I can afford.”
He shrugged and spread his palms up-
ward. “You find the money,” he said. “I
find the powder. Six o'clock tonight.
“How will 1 know you won't be giv-
ing me sawdust or something?”
“Sahib!” he cried. "I never cheat
“Tm not so sui
“In that case," he said, “we will test
the powder on you by giving you a little
dose before you pay me. How's that?”
“Good idea," I said. “See you at six.”
One of the London banks had an over-
seas branch in Khartoum. I went there
and changed some of my French francs
for pounds. At six р.м., I sought out the
hall porter. He was now in the foyer of
the hotel.
“You got it?" І asked him.
He pointed to a large brown-paper
parcel standing on the floor behind a
pillar. “You want to test it first, sahib?
You are very welcome, because this is the
absolute top-class quality beetle powder
in the Sudan. One pinhead of this and
you go jig-a-jig all night long and half
the next day.
1 didn't think he would have offered
me a trial run if the stuff hadn't been
right, so I gave him the money and took
the parcel.
An hour later, I was on the night
train to Cairo. Within ten days, I was
back in Paris and knocking on the door
of Madame Boisvain's house in the Ave-
nue Marceau. I had my precious parcel
with me. There had been no trouble
with the French customs as 1 disem-
barked at Marseilles. In those days, they
searched for knives and guns but noth-
ing else.
I announced to Madame B. that I was
now going to stay lor quite a while but
that 1 had one request to make. I was а
science student, I told her. It was my
wish not only to learn French during
my stay in France but also to pursue my
scientific studies. 1 would therefore be
conducting certain experiments in my
room which involved the use of appara-
tus and chemicals that could be danger-
ous or poisonous to the inexperienced.
Because of this, 1 wished to have a key
to my room, and nobody should enter it.
“And who will dean your room and
make your bed?"
"I will,” I said. “This will save you
much trouble.”
She muttered and grumbled a fair bit
but gave way to me in the end.
1 went upstairs to my room and locked
the door. For the first time, 1 opened my
big brown-paper parcel. The powder had
been packed, thank goodness, in two
large biscuit tins. І opened one up. The
stuff was pale gray and almost as fine as
flour. Here before me, 1 told myself, lay
what was probably the biggest crock of
gold а man could ever find. I say prob-
ably because, as yet, I had no proof of
anything. 1 had only the major's word
that the stuff worked and the hall por-
ter's word that it was the genuine article.
I lay оп my bed and read a book until
midnight. I then undressed and got into
my pajamas. 1 took a pin and held it
upright over the open tin of powder. I
sprinkled a pinch of powder over the
upright pinhead. A tiny cluster of gray
powder grains remained clinging to the
top of the pin. Very carefully, I raised
this to my mouth and licked off the
powder. It tasted of nothing. 1 noted
the time by my watch, then I sat on the
edge of the bed to await results.
They weren't long coming. Precisely
nine minutes later, my whole body went
rigid. I began to gasp and gurgle. I
froze where I was sitting, just as Major
Grout had frozen on his veranda with
the glass of whiskey in his hand. But
because I'd had а much weaker dose
than him, this period of paralysis lasted
for only a few seconds. Then I felt, as
the good major had so aptly put it, a
burning sensation in the region of my
groin. Within another minute, my mem-
ber had become as stiff and erect as the
mainmast of a topsail schooner.
Now for the final test. I stood up and
crossed to the door. I opened it quietly
and slipped along the passage. I entered
the bedroom of Mademoiselle Nicole
and, surely enough, there she was wait-
ing for me. “Bon soir, monsieur," she
whispered, giving me a formal hand-
I didn't say anything. Already, as I
got into bed beside her, 1 was beginning
to slide off into another of those weird
fantasies that seem to engulf me when-
ever I come to close quarters with a
female. This time 1 was back in the Mid-
dle Ages and Richard Coeur de Lion
was king of England. 1 was the champion
jouster of the country, the noble knight
who was once more about to display his
prowess and strength before the king
and all his courticrs in the Field of the
Cloth of Gold. My opponent was a gi-
gantic and fearsome female from France
who had butchered 78 valiant English-
men in tournaments of jousting. But my
steed was brave and my lance was of
tremendous length and thickness, sharp-
pointed, vibrant and made of the strong-
est steel. And the king shouted out,
"Bravo, Sir Oswald, the man with Ше
mighty lance! No one but he has the
strength to wield so huge a weapon!
Run her through, my lad! Кип her
through!” So I went galloping into bat-
Че with my giant lance pointed straight.
and true at the Frenchy's most vital
region, and I thrust at her with mighty
thrusts, all swift and sure, and in a trice
1 had pierced her armor and had her
screaming for mercy. But 1 was in no
mood to be merciful. Spurred on by the
cheers of the king and his courtiers, I
drove my steely lance 10,000 times into
that writhing body and then 10,000
times more, and I heard the courtiers
shouting, “Thrust away, Sir Oswald!
Thrust away and keep on thrusting!”
And then the king’s voice was saying,
“Begad, methinks the brave fellow is
going to shatter that great lance of his if
he doesn't stop soon!" But my lance did
not shatter, and іп a glorious finale, I
impaled the giant Frenchy female upon
the spiked end of my trusty weapon and
went galloping around the arena, wav-
ing the body high above my head to
shouts of "Bravo!" and ""Gadzooks!" and
“Victor ludorum!"
All this, as you can imagine, took
some time. How long, ] had not the
faintest idea, but when I finally surfaced
again, I jumped out of the bed and
stood there triumphant, looking down
upon my prostrate victim. The girl was
panting like a stag at bay and I began
to wonder whether I might not have
done her an injury. Not that I cared
much about that.
“You are ferocious and you are mar-
velous and I feel like my boiler has
exploded!” she cried.
That made me feel pretty good. 1 left
without another word and sneaked back
along the corridor to my own room.
What a triumph! The powder was fan-
tastic! The major had been right! And
the hall porter in Khartoum had not let
me down! I was on my way to the crock
of gold and nothing could stop me. With
these happy thoughts, I fell asleep.
"Тһе next morning, I immediately be-
gan to set matters in train. You will
remember that I had a science scholar-
ship. I was, therefore, well versed in
physics and chemistry and several other
things besides, but chemistry had always
been my strongest subject.
I therefore knew already all about the
process of making a simple pill. In the
year 1912, which is where we are now, it
was customary for pharmacists to make
many of their own pills on the premises,
and for this they always used something
called a pill machine. So I went shop-
ping in Paris that morning, and in the
end, I found a supplier of secondhand
pharmaceutical apparatus. From him 1
bought an excellent little pill machine 2g]
that turned out good professional pills
in groups of 24 at a time. 1 bought also
a pair of highly sensitive chemists’ scales.
Next, I found a pharmacy that sold
me a large quantity of calcium carbonate
and a smaller amount of tragacanth. I
also bought a bottle of cochineal. I car-
ried all this back to my room, and then
1 cleared the dressing table and laid out
my supplies and my apparatus in good
Pillmaking is a simple matter if you
know how. The calcium carbonate,
which is neutral and harmless, comprises
the bulk of the pill. You then add the
precise quantity by weight of the active
ingredient, in my case, cantharidin pow-
der. And finally, as an excipient, you put
in a little tragacanth. An excipient is
simply the cement that makes everything
stick together and harden into an attrac-
tive pill.
I weighed out sufficient of each sub-
stance to make 24 fairly large and im-
pressive pills. I added a few drops of
cochineal, which is a tasteless scarlet
coloring matter. I mixed everything to-
gether well and truly in a bowl and fed
the mixture into my pill machine. In a
trice, I had before me 24 large red pills
of perfect shape and hardness. And cach
one, if I had done my weighing and mix-
ing properly, contained exactly the
amount of cantharidin powder that
would lie on top of a pinhead. Each one,
in other words. was a potent and explo-
sive aphrodisiac.
T was still not ready to make my move.
I went out again into the streets of
Paris and found a commercial boxmaker.
From him, I bought 1000 small round
cardboard boxes, one inch in diameter. I
also bought cotton wool.
Next, I went to a printer and ordered
1000 tiny round labels. On each label
the following legend was to be printed
in English:
Professor Yousoupoff's Potency Pills.
These pills are exceedingly powerful
the gly, otherwise you may
bot and your partner beyond
jon. Recommended dose,
Іс European agent, O:
venue Marceau, Paris.
one рег week.
Cornelius, 192
‘The labels were designed to fit exactly
upon the lids of my little cardboard
Two days later, I collected the labels.
1 bought a pot of glue. I returned to my
room and stuck labels onto 24 box lids.
Inside each box, І made a nest of white
cotton wool. Upon this I placed a single
scarlet pill and closed the lid.
I was ready to go.
As you will have guessed long ago, 1
was about to enter the commercial
world. 1 was going to sell my Potency
Pills to a clientele that would soon be
screaming for more and still more. 1
would sell them individually, one only
in each box, and 1 would charge an
exorbitant price.
Апа the clientele? Where would they
come from? How would a 17-year-old
boy in a foreign city set about finding
customers for this wonder pill of his?
Well, I had no qualms about that. I had
only to find one single person of the
right type and let him try one single pill
and the ecstatic recipient would imme
diately come galloping back for a second
helping. He would also whisper the news
to his friends and the glad tidings would
spread like a forest fire.
I already knew who my first victim was
going to be.
The current British ambassador to
France was someone by the name of Sir
Charles Makepiece. He was an old friend
of my father's, and before I left England,
my father had written a letter to Sir
Charles asking him to keep an сус on me.
1 knew what I had to do now, and 1
set about doing it straight away. 1 put on.
my best suit of clothes and made my way
h embassy. I did not, of
course, go in by the chancery entrance. I
knocked on the door of the ambassador's
private residence, which was in the same
imposing building as the chancery, but
at the rear. The time was four in the
afternoon. A flunky in white knec
breeches and a scarlet coat with gold
buttons opened the door and glared at
me. ] had no visiting card, but I man-
aged to convey the news that my father
and mother were close friends of Sir
Charles and Lady Makepiece and would
he kindly inform her ladyship that
Oswald Cornelius Esquire had come to
pay his respects.
I was put into a sort of vestibule,
where I sat down and waited. Five min-
utes later, Lady Makepiece swept into
the room in a flurry of silk and chiffon.
“Well, well!” she cried, taking both of
my hands in hers. “So you are William's
son! He always had good taste, the old
rascal! We got his letter and we've been
waiting for you to call.”
She was an imposing wench. Not
young, of course, but not exactly fos
silized, either. 1 put her around 40. She
had one of those dazzling ageless faces
that scemed to be carved out of marble,
and lower down there was a torso that
tapered to a waist I could have drded
with my two hands.
She led me by the hand through a
number of vast and superbly appointed
rooms until we arrived at a smallish,
rather cozy place furnished with a sofa
and armchairs. "This" she said, "is my
own private little study. From here I
organize tae social life of the embassy." I
smiled and blinked and sat down on thc
sofa. Lady Makepiece sat beside me.
"Now tell me all about yourself,” she
said. There followed a whole lot of ques-
tions and answers about my family and
about me, It was all pretty banal, but I
knew I must stick it out for the sake of
my great plan. So we went on talking for
maybe 40 minutes, with her ladyshi
frequently patting my thigh with a jew-
eled hand to emphasize а point. In the
end, the hand remained resting on my
thigh and 1 felt a slight finger pressure.
Ho-ho, 1 thought. What's the old bird
up to now? Then suddenly she sprang
to her feet and began pacing nervously
up and down the room. I sat watching
her. Back and forth she paced. hands
lasped across her front, head twitching,
bosom heaving. She was like a tightly
coiled spring.
“Have you met my husband?” she
blurted out. "Obviously, you haven't.
You've just arrived. He's a lovely man.
A brilliant person. But he's getting on
in ycars, poor lamb, and he can't take as
ise as he used to."
^" 1 said, "No more polo
and tennis."
“Not even ping pong," she said.
“Everyone gets old," 1 said.
She took a great big deep breath and
her breasts blew up like two gigantic
balloons. “I'll tell you what 1 want," she
whispered softly. "I want you to ravish
me and ravish me and ravish me! I want
you to ravish me to death! 1 want you
to do it now! Now! Quickly!”
By golly, 1 thought. Here we go again.
“Don't be shocked, dear boy."
“Tm not shocked."
“Oh, yes you аге. I can scc it on your
face, I should never have asked you. You
are so young. You are far 100 young.
How old are you? No, don't tell me. I
don't want to know. You are very deli-
cious, but schoolboys are forbidden fruit.
What a pity. It’s quite obvious you have
not yet entered the fiery world of wom-
en. I don't suppose you've ever even
touched опе.”
That пешей me. "You are mistaken,
Lady Makepiece,” I said. "I have frol-
icked with females оп both sides of the
Channel. Also on ships at sea.”
“Why, you naughty boy! I don't be-
lieve it!
1 was still on the sofa. She was stand-
ing above me. Her big red mouth was
open and she was beginning to pant.
“You do understand I would never have
mentioned it if Charles hadn't been . . «
sort of past it, don't you?”
"Of course 1 understand,” I said,
wriggling a bit. "I understand very well.
I am full of sympathy. I don't blame
you in the least."
"You really mean that?"
“Of course.”
“Oh, you gorgeous boy!" she cried and
she came at me like a tigress.
There is nothing particularly illumi-
nating to report about the barney that
followed, except, perhaps, to mention
that her ladyship astounded me with her
sofa work. Up until then, I had always
regarded the sofa as a rotten romping
ground, though heaven knows, I had
heen forced to use it often enough with
the London debutantes while the par-
ents were snoring away upstairs. The
sofa to me was a beastly uncomfortable
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thing surrounded on three sides by
padded walls and with a horizontal area
that was so narrow one was continually
rolling off it onto the floor. But Lady
Makepiece was a sofa wizard. For her,
the sofa was a kind of gymnastic horse
upon which one vaulted and bounced
and flipped and rolled.
“Were you ever a gym teacher?" I
asked her.
"Shut up and concentrate,” she said,
rolling me around like a lump of puff
It was lucky for me I was young and
pliable; otherwise, I'm quite sure I
would have suffered a fracture. And that
got me thinking about poor old Sir
Charles and what he must һауе gone
through in his time. Small wonder he
had chosen to go into moth balls. But
just wait, I thought, until he swallows
the old blister beetle! Then it'll be her
that starts blowing the whistle for time
out, not him.
Lady Makepiece was а quick-change
artist. A couple of minutes after our little
caper had ended, there she was, seated
at her small Louis Quinze desk, look-
ing as well groomed and as unruflled as
when I had first met her. The steam had
gone out of her now, and she had the
sleepy, contented expression of a boa
constrictor that has just swallowed a live
rat. "Look here,
piece of paper.
а rather grand dinner party. Admiral
Joubert has dropped out. He's reviewing
his fleet in the Mediterranean. How
would you like to take his place?”
I only just stopped myself from shout-
ing hooray. It was exactly what I wanted.
"I would be honored," I said.
“Most of the government ministers
will be there,” she “And all the
senior ambassadors. Do you have a white
"I do," I said.
“Good,” she said, writing my name on
the guest list. "Eight o'clock tomorrow
evening, then. Good afternoon, my little
man. И was nice meeting you." Already
she had gone back to studying the guest
list, so I found my own way out.
The next evening, sharp at eight
o'clock, I presented myself at the em-
bassy. I was fully rigged up in white tie
and tails. A tail coat, in those days, had a
deep pocket on the inside of each tail,
and in these pockets I had secreted a
total of 12 small boxes, each with a sin-
gle pill inside. I marched in and joined
the receiving line.
“Dear boy,” said Lady Makepiece.
“I'm so glad you could come. Charles,
this is Oswald Cornelius, William's son.’
Sir Charles Makepiece was a tiny little
fellow with a full head of elegant
white hair. "So you arc William's boy, arc
you?" he said, shaking my hand. "How
are you making out in Paris? Anything I
284 сап do for you, just let me know.”
I moved on into the glittering crowd.
I seemed to be the only male present
who was not smothered in decorations
and ribbons. We stood around drinking
champagne. Then we went in to dinner.
І concentrated on the food, which was
superb. I still remember thc large truffle,
as big asa golf ball, baked in white wine
in a little earthenware pot with the lid
on. And the way in which the poached
turbot was so superlatively undercooked,
with the center almost raw but still very
hot. (The English and the Americans in-
variably overcook their fish.) And Шеп
the wines! They were something to re-
member, those wines!
When dinner was over, the women,
led by Lady Makepiece, left the room.
Sir Charles shepherded the men into a
vast adjoining sitting room to drink port
and brandy and coffee.
In the sitting room, as the men began
to split up into groups, 1 quickly ma-
neuvered myself alongside the host him-
self. “Ah, there you are, my boy,” he
said. “Come and sit here with me.’
"There were 11 of us, including me, in
this particular group, and Sir Charles
courteously introduced me to each one
of them in turn. “This is young Oswald
Cornelius,” he said. “Meet the German
ambassador, Oswald.” I met the German
ambassador. Then I met the Italian am-
bassador and the Hungarian ambassador
and the Russian ambassador and the
Peruvian ambassador and the Mexican
ambassador. Then 1 met the French
minister for foreign affairs and a French
army general and, lastly, a funny little
dark man from Japan who was intro-
duced simply as Mr. Mitsouko. Every
one of them spoke English.
"Have a glass of port, young man,”
Sir Charles Makepiece said to me, "and
pass it round. Your father tells me you've
got a scholarship to Trinity. Is that
"Yes, sir," I said. My moment was com-
ing any second now. I must not miss it.
I must plunge in.
“What's your subject?” Sir Charles
asked me.
“Science, sir," 1 answered. Then I
plunged. "As a matter of fact,” I said,
lifting my voice just enough for them
all to hear me, "there's some absolutely
amazing work being done in one of the
laboratories up there at this moment.
Highly secret. You simply wouldn't be-
lieve what they've just discovered.”
Ten heads came up and ten pairs of
eyes rose from port glasses and coffee
cups and regarded me with mild interest.
already gone
wp," Sir Charles said. "I thought you
had a ycar to wait and that's why you'rc
over here."
“Quite right," I said. "But my future
tutor invited me to spend most of last
term working in the Natural Sciences
Lab. That's my favorite subject, natural
"And what, may I ask, have they just
discovered that is so secret and so re-
markable?" There was a touch of banter
in Sir Charless voice now, and who
could blame him?
"Well, sir," I murmured, and then
purposely, I stopped.
Silence for a few seconds. The nine
foreigners and the British ambassador
sat still, waiting politely for me to go on. *
“Don't tell me they are letting а fellow
of your age handle secrets," Sir Charles
said, smiling a litle.
hese aren't war secrets, sir," I said.
"They couldn't help an enemy. These
are secrets that are going to help all of
“Then tell us about them," Sir Charles
said, lighting a huge cigar. "You have a
distinguished audience here and they
are all waiting to hear from you.”
breakthrough since Pasteur,” I said.
going to change the world.”
“If the world is about to be changed,”
Sir Charles said, "I'm a little surprised
that this information hasn't yet found
its way to my desk."
Steady on, Oswald, I told myself.
You've hardly begun and already you've
been laying it on too thick.
“Forgive me, sir, but the point is he
hasn't published yet
“Who hasn't? Who's he?"
"Professor Yousoupoff, sir."
The Russian ambassador put down his
glass of port and said, "Yousoupolf? Is
he a Russian?”
"Yes, sir, he's a Russian.”
“Then why haven't J heard of him?”
I wasn't about to get into a tangle
with this black-eyed, black-bearded Cos-
sack, so 1 kept silent.
Some on, then, young man," Sir
Charles said. “Tell us about the greatest
scientific breakthrough of our time. You
mustn't keep us in suspense, you know."
I took a few deep breaths and a gulp
of port. This was the great moment. Pray
heaven ] wouldn't mess it up.
"For twenty-seven years," 1 Pro-
fessor Yousoupoff has been studying the
seed of the pomegranate
"Excuse me, please," said the little
Japanese man. "But why the pomegran-
ate? Why not the grape or the black
"I cannot answer that question, sir,"
I said. “I suppose it was simply what
you might call a hunch.”
“Hell of a long time to spend on a
hunch,” Sir Charles said. “But go on, my
boy. We mustn't interrupt you."
“Last January,” I said, “the professor's
patience was at last rewarded. What he
did was this. He ‘ced the seed of a
pomegranate and examined the contents
bit by bit under a powerful microscope.
And it was only then that he observed in
the very center of the seed a minuscule
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speck of red vegetable tissue that he'd
never seen before. He proceeded to
isolate this tiny speck of tissue. But it
was obviously too small to be of any use
оп its own. So the professor set out to
dissect one hundred seeds and to obtain
from them one hundred of these tiny
red particles.”
I took another sip of port. My audi-
ence waited for me to go on.
“So we now had one hundred red
particles, but even when we put them
all together on a glass slide, the result
could still not be scen by the naked сус.”
"And what did this famous professor
do with them?"
"He took the one hundred tiny rcd
particles and fed every one of them to
a single large healthy male rat. He then
put the rat in a cage together with
ten female газ. At first, nothing hap-
pened. Then suddenly, after exactly
nine minutes, Ше rat became very still.
He crouched down, quivering all over.
He was looking at the females. He crept
toward the nearest one and grabbed her
by the skin of her neck with his teeth
and mounted her. It did not take long.
He was very fierce with her and very
swift. But here's the extraordinary thing.
The moment the rat had finished copu-
lating with the first female, he grabbed
a second one and set about her in just
the same way. Then he took a third
female rat, and a fourth and a fifth. He
was absolutely tireless. He went from
one female to another, lornicating with
each in turn, until he had covered all
ten of them. Even then, gentlemen, he
hadn't had enough!
"Professor Yousoupoff got very excit-
ed. ‘Oswaldsky, my boy, I think I have
discovered the absolutely greatest, most.
powerful sexual stimulant in the whole
history of mankind!’
“I think you have, too,’ I said. We
were still standing by the cage of rats
and the male rat was still leaping on the
wretched females, one after the other.
Within an hour, he had collapsed from
exhaustion. ‘We give him too big a
"what came of
e died,” I said.
too much women, yes?”
"Yes" I said. "So thc next timc, wc
isolated only twenty of these tiny red
microscopic nuclei. We inserted them in
а pellet of bread and then went out
looking for a very old man. We found
our old man in Newmarket. His name
was Mr. Sawkins and he was onc hun-
dred and two years old. He was suffering
from advanced senility. His mind was
wandering and he had to be fed by
spoon. He had not been out of bed
for seven years, The professor and I
knocked on the door of his house and
his daughter, aged eighty, opened it. ‘I
am Professor Yousoupoff,” the professor
announced. ' have discovered a great
medicine to help old people. Will you
allow us to give some to your poor old
"'You can give ‘im anything you
damn well please, the daughter sai
"The old fool doesn't know wha!
on from one day to the next.
flamin' nuisance."
"Ee's a
“Tm just damn glad that I didn’t miss being
part of the me generation.”
“We went upstairs and the professor
somehow managed to poke the bread
pellet down the old man’s throat. I
noted the time by my watch. ‘Let us
retire to the street outside and observe,"
the professor
“We went out and stood in the street.
I was counting each minute aloud as it
went by. And then—you won't believe
this, gentlemen, but I swear it's exactly
what happened— precisely on the dot of
nine minutes, there was a thunderous
bellow from inside the Sawkins house.
‘The front door burst open and the old
man himself rushed out into the street.
"L want me a woman! he bellowed. 'I
want me a woman and, by God, I'm
goin’ to get me a woman!"
“Mr. Sawkins ran, he actually ran, to
the next-door house. He started banging
on the door with his fists. ‘Open up, Mrs.
Twitchell!’ he bellowed. ‘Come o
beauty, open up and let's ‘ave а
I caught a glimpse of the terrified
face of Mrs. Twitchell ас the window.
Then it went away. Mr. Sawkins, still
bellowing, put his shoulder to the flimsy
door and smashed the lock. He dived
inside, We stayed out on the street,
waiting for the next development. The
professor was very excited. He was
jumping up and down in his funny
black boots and shouting, ‘We have a
breakthrough! We've done it! We shall
rejuvenate the world!”
“Suddenly, piercing screams and yells
came issuing from Mrs. Twitchell's
house. Neighbors were beginning to
gather on the street. “Go in and get ‘im!’
shouted the old daughter. ''Ees gone
starkstarin mad!" Two men ran into
the Twitchell house. There were sounds
of a scuffle. Soon, out came the two men,
frog-marching old Mr. Sawkins between
them. ‘I ‘ad ‘er!’ he was yelling. ‘I ‘ad the
old bitch good and proper! I near rattled
"er to death At that point, the professor
and I quietly left the scen
I paused in my story. Seven ambassa-
dors, the foreign minister of France, the
French army general and the litle Jap-
апезе man were all now leaning forward
in their seats, their eyes upon ше.
"Is this exactly what happened?" Sir
Charles asked me.
"Every word of it, sir, is the gospel
wuth,” 1 licd. “When Professor Yousou-
poff publishes his findings, the whole
world will be reading what I have just
told you.
“So what happened next?" the Pe-
ruvian ambassador asked.
om then on, it was comparatively
simple," I said. "Тһе professor conduct-
ed a series of experiments designed to
discover what the proper absolutely safc
dose should be for a normal adult malc.
For this, he used undergraduate volun-
teers. And you can be quite sure, gen-
tlemen, that he had no trouble getting
young men to come forward. As soon as
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the news spread around the university,
there was a waiting list of over eight hun-
dred. But to cut the story short, the pro-
fessor finally demonstrated that the safe
dose was no more than five of those tiny
microscopic nuclei from the pomegran-
ate seed. So, using calcium carbonate
as a base, he manufactured a pill
containing exactly this quantity of the
magic substance. And he proved beyond
any doubt that just one of these pills
would, in predsely nine minutes, turn
any man, even a very old man, into a
marvelously powerful sex machine capa-
ble of pleasuring his partner for six
hours nonstop, without exception."
Jott in Himmel!” shouted the Ger-
man ambassador. “Ver can I get hold of
ziss stuff"
Suddenly, they were all speaking at
the same time. Where could they get it?
They wanted it now! How much did it
cost? They would pay handsomelyl
“I have some interesting news,” I said.
and suddenly everyone became silent.
The German ambassador cupped a hand
behind his сағ. The Russian leaned for-
ward in his seat. So did the rest of them.
What I am about to tell you
tremely confidential,” I said. "May I rely
upon all of you to keep it to yourselves?
There was a chorus of “Yes, yes! Of
course! Absolutely! Carry on, young
“Thank you," I said. "Now, the point
is this. As soon as I knew that 1 was
going to Paris, I decided I simply must
take with me a supply of these pills,
especially for my father's great friend,
Sir Charles Makepiece.
" Sir Charles cried out
"What a generous thought!"
"Having assisted the professor at every
stage.” 1 said, "I naturally knew exactly
how to manufacture these pills. So I . . .
well . . . I simply made them in his
laboratory, cach day when he was out
to lunch." Slowly. I reached behind me
and took onc small round box from my
tail-coat pocket. I placed it оп the low
table. I opened the lid. And there, lying
in its little nest of cotton wool, was a
single scarlet pill.
Everyone leaned forward to look.
“Do you have тоге?” Sir Charles
asked me.
I fished in my tail-coat pockets and
brought out nine more boxes. “There is
one for each of you,” I said.
Eager hands reached across, grabbing
the little boxes. “I pay," said Mr. Mit-
souko. "How much you want?”
No," 1 said. “These are presents. Try
them out, gentlemen. See what you
r Charles was studying the label on
the box. "Ah-ha," he said. "I see you
have your address printed here."
That's just in case," I said.
n case of what?”
n case anyone wishes to get a second
pill," I said.
At that point, the ladies returned and
each man in our group quickly and
rather surreptitiously pocketed his pill-
box. They stood up. They greeted their
wives and I slipped quietly away.
That night, I slept well. I was sti
fast asleep at 11 o'clock the next morn-
ing when the sound of Madame Bois-
in's fists hammering at my door jerked
me awake. “Get up, Monsieur Cornel-
jus!" she was shouti You must come
down at once! People have been ringing
my bell and demanding to see you since
before breakfast!”
I was dressed and downstairs in two
minutes flat. I went to the front door and
there, standing on the cobblestones of
the sidewalk, were no fewer than seven
men, none of whom I had ever seen be-
fore. They made a picturesque little
group in their many-colored fancy uni-
forms with all manner of gilt and silver
buttons on their jackets.
They turned out to be embassy mes-
sengers, and they came from the British.
the German, the Russian, the Hungar-
ian, the Italian, the Mexican and the
Peruvian embassies. Each man carried a
letter addressed to me. I accepted the
letters and opened them on the spot.
All of them said roughly the same thing:
They wanted more pills. They begged
for more pills. They instructed me to
give the pills to the bearer of the letter.
I told the messengers to wait on the
street and I went back up to my room.
‘Then I wrote the following message on
each of the letters: Honored Sir, these
pills are extremely expensive to manu-
facture. I regret that in future, the
cost of each pill will be 1000 francs
In those days, there were 90 francs to
the pound, which meant that I was
asking exactly £50 sterling per pill. And
£50 sterling in 1912 was worth maybe
ten times as much as it is today. By
today's standards, I was probably asking
about £500 per pill. It was a ridiculous
price, but these were wealthy men. They
were also sexcrazy men. and as any
sensible woman will tell you, a man who
is very wealthy and grossly sex crazy both
at the same time is the easiest touch in
the world. I trotted downstairs again and
handed the letters back to their respec-
tive carriers and told them to deliver
them to their masters. As I was doing
this, three more messengers arrived, one
from the Quai d'Orsay (the foreign min-
ister), onc from the general at the minis-
try of war and one from Mr. Mitsouko,
nd I scribbled the same statement abou
price on these last three letters.
Before the day was done, I was rich.
One by one, the messengers started
trickling back from their respective em-
bassies and ministries. They all carried
precise orders and exact amounts of
money, most of it in gold 20-franc pieces.
‘This is how it went:
Sir Charles Makepiece, 4 pills
= 1000 francs
‘The German ambassador, 8 pills
= 8000 francs
The Russian ambassador, 10 pills
= 10,000 francs
Тһе Hungarian ambassador, 3 pills
= 3000 francs
"The Peruvian ambassador, 2 pills
= 2000 francs
ап ambassador, 6 pills
= 6000 francs
The Italian ambassador, 4 pills.
= 4000 francs
‘The French foreign minister, 6 pills
The Ме:
= 6000 francs
‘The army general, 3 pills
= 3000 francs
Mr. Mitsouko, 20 5
= 20,000 francs
Grand Total = 66,000 francs
Sixty-six thousand francs! I was all of a
sudden worth 3300 English pounds! It
was incredible.
My business flourished. My ten ori;
nal clients all whispered the great news
to their own friends and those friends
whispered it to other friends and in a
month or so, a large snowball had been
created. 1 spent half of each day making
pills. 1 thanked heaven I had had the
foresight to bring such a large quantity
of powder from the Sudan in the first
place. Rut I did have to reduce my price
Not everyone was an ambassador or a
foreign minister. and I found early on
that a lot of people simply couldn't af-
ford to pay my absurd fee of 1000 francs
per pill. So 1 made it 250 instead.
The money gushed in.
By the time my 12 months in Paris were
up, I had around 2,000,000 francs in
the bank! That was £100,000! I was
now nearly 18. І was rich. My year in
France had shown me very clearly the
path I wanted to follow in my life. I was
a sybarite, and money is essential to а
sybarite. It is the key of the kingdom. To
which the carping reader will almost
certainly reply, “You say you are with-
out ambition, but do you not realize that
the desire for wealth is in itself one of
the most obnoxious ambitions of them
all" This is not necessarily true. It is
Ше manner which опе acquires
wealth that determines whether or not
it is obnoxious. As you can sce, 1 my-
self am scrupulous about the methods I
employ. I refuse to have anything to do
with money-making unless the process
obeys two golden rules. Fi it must
amuse me tremendously. Second, it must
give a great deal of pleasure to those
from whom I extract the loot. This is a
simple philosophy and I recommend it
wholeheartedly to business tycoons, casi-
no operators, Chancellors of the Excheq-
uer and budget directors everywhere.
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still resume his same dumb shape, ready to be mistreated again.
To obtain your very own 514"high Nurd (they're filled with a non-
toxic solution that we hope you never все), send $12 to Funstuf, Inc.,
P.O. Box 4360, Winter Park, Florida 32793. Nice, guys, but in these days
of sexual equality, don't you think you should create a female Миға, too?
‘Tom Snyder adopted one as the Tomor-
row show's mascot and Elvis wanted
to be one when he belted out T'eddy Bear;
yes, worn-out stuffed toys of all descrip-
tion from moth-eaten elephants to the
ubiquitous defurred bear have come out
of the closet and are being immortalized
in а 1980 “software security" calendar
for adults called Old Friends. The J. R.
Meyer Company, Route 1, Box 321, East
Haddam, Connecticut 06123, is selling
it for $5.95 to certified old softies like you.
Europeans have been riding them for cen-
turies, but now the Kik sled, Norway's
winter bicycle, is available in the States
from Cardon Enterprises, Route 1, Box
140, Arlington, Wisconsin 53911. Kiks
come in three sizes: 67" long for kids
(978), 72" long for small adults ($84) and
80" long for anyone over 6' tall ($89). АП
prices include shipping and the sleds are
tough: Swedish steel and hardwood. Try
onc the next time you head cross-country.
Its the American way: A year
Or so ago. we were sweating
out a nuclear disaster at
"Three Mile Island and today
entrepreneurs have already
come out with two nuclear-
industry games. Meltdown,
"the ultimate nuclear game,"
is available from Sekunon
Industries, 1823 Oxford Street.
Rockford, Illinois 61108,
for 58, postpaid. Contain-
ment, “the game of nuclear-
energy controversy, crisis and
confrontation,” goes for 514
sent to The O'Bryon Compa-
P.O. Box 4093, Stockton
fornia 95204. Some luck
is involved in both, but
probably no more than accom-
panies the nuclear industry
As we all know. POVERTY sucks,
INDULGENT. If you accept
those statements as truths, you
undoubtedly also believe
that you should screw тик
PROLETARIAT and buy a series
of four glossy 16" x 20”
black-and-white posters called
Snobbism Reborn that
Eduardo E. Latour & Associ-
ates, 6211 Kilcullen Drive,
McLean, Virginia 22101, is
selling for $6 each, postpaid,
or $20 for the series. As Zero
Mostel once said, "When
you've got it, flaunt it!”
The Victorian era may be
gone, but inventions, such as
the Decantavin, are still being
made. To operate, you place
an open boule of vintage red
wine gently in its cradle and
slowly turn the crank to
decant the wine, leaving any
sediment behind. Schae-
fer's, 9965 Gross Point Road,
Skokie, Illinois 60076, sells
an English-made solid-brass
Decantavin for $250, post-
paid; a silver-plated one
is $395; and a gold-plated
one... . Well, if you have to
ask, you can't afford it
JE you've been everywhere from Zamboanga to
Timbuktu, here's your chance to visit the last
frontier —Western Australia—and do it in style,
staying аза paying guest at ranches, simple inns
and luxe hotels while observing the curious
fauna and flora t
Travel, 55 West 4
York 10036, is offering the trek next October 11
to November 1 for only 53750 per person—
plus air fare. You can be damn sure that no-
body on your block will have been there first
In case you didn't know. a pyramid appears on
every dollar bill. And if that isn't enough of
а good thing, you can also buy an attractive
5"-high acrylic sculpture of the Great Pyramid
that glows in the dark and even has a spherical
chamber by sending $25 to Pyraline Products,
P.O. Box 1116, Falls Station, Niagara Falls
New York 14303. Incidentally, there's a theory
that anything placed in the spherical chamber
will mummily instead of decompose. Oh, yeah!
(continued from page 208)
“His complexion was like gray stone. His voice, too,
was gray, and mournful as an undertakers.”
mental accomplishments; and Smiley, һе
knew, possessed it. "One Paddington
Borough Library Card in the name of
V. Miller, one box Swan Vesta matches
partly used, overcoat left. One aliens
registration card, number as reported,
also in the name of Vladimir Miller. One
bottle tablets, overcoat left. What would
the tablets be for, sir, any views on that
at all? Name of Sustac, whatever that is,
to be taken two or three times a day
“Heart,” said Sn a
“And one receipt for the sum of thir-
teen pounds from the Straight and
Steady Minicab Service of Islington,
North Опе
“May I look?" Smiley, and the
superintendent held it out so that Smiley
could read the date and the driver's sig-
nature, J. Lamb, in a copybook hand
wildly underlined.
The next bag contained a stick of
school chalk, yellow and miraculously
unbroken. The narrow end was smeared
brown as if by a single stroke, but thc
thick end was unused.
"There's yellow chalk powder оп his
left hand. too." Mr. Murgotroyd said.
speaking for the first time. His complex-
ion was like gray stone. His voice, too,
was gray, and mournful as ап under-
takers. "We did wonder whether he
might be in the teaching line, actually,”
Mr. Murgotroyd added, but Smiley,
either by design or by oversight, did not
answer Mr. Murgotroyd's implicit ques-
tion, and the superintendent did not
pursue it.
And a second cotton handkerchief,
proffered this time by Mr. M
art blooded, part clean, and
ironed into a sharp triangle for the top
“Оп his way to a party,
Mr. Murgotroyd said, th
hope at all.
"Crime and ops on the air, sir," a
voice called from the front of the van.
Without a word, the superintend-
ent vanished into the darkness, leaving
Smiley to the depressed gaze of Mr.
"You a specialist of some sort, sir?
Mr. Murgotroyd asked after a long, sad
scrutiny of his gucst.
No. No, I'm afraid not,” said Smiley.
“Home Office, sir?
, not Home Office, either,” said
Smiley with a benign shake of his head,
which somehow made him party to Mr,
Murgotroyd's bewilderment.
“My superiors are a little worried
about the press, Mr. Smiley,” the super-
intendent s. d into the
van again. ng this
way. sir."
Smiley clambered quickly out. The
two men stood face to face in the avenue.
“You've been very kind,” Smiley said.
“Thank you.”
“Privilege,” said the superintendent.
"You don't happen to remember
which pocket the chalk was in, do yo
Smiley asked.
‘Overcoat left,” the superintendent rc-
plied in some surprise.
we wondered,”
ime with no
“Hey, it’s nearly midnight, girls. We're going to
miss all the fun on Times Square!”
And the searching of him—could you
how you sce that, exactly?”
t ume or didn't care to
тиги him over. Knelt by him, fished for
his wallet, pulled at his purse, Scau
few objects as they did so. By then they'd
had enough."
“Thank you,” said Smil
nd a moment lat
his portly figure might have sug-
gested him capable of, he had vanished
among the trees. But not before the su-
perintendent had shone the torch full
upon his face, a thing he hadn't done
till now for reasons of discretion. And
taken an intense professional look at the
legendary features, if only to tell his
grandchildren їп his old age: how
George Smil sometime chief of the
Secret Service, by then retired, had one
night come out of the woodwork to peer
at some dead foreigner of his who had
died in highly nasty circumstances.
Not one face at all, actually, the su-
perintendent reflected. Not when it was
lit by the torch like that, indirectly from
below. More your whole range of faces.
More your patchwork of different ages,
people and endeavors. Even—thought
the superintendent—ol different faiths.
"Ehe best I ever met,” old Mendel,
the superintendent's onetime superior,
had told him over а friendly pint not
long ago. Mendel was retired now, like
Smiley. But Mendel knew what he was
talking about and didn't like funnies
any better than the superintendent did—
interfering la-dida amateurs most of
them, and devious with it. But not
Smiley. Smiley was different, Mendel had
said. Smiley was the best—simply the
best case шап Mendel had ever met—
and old Mendel knew what he was talk-
ing about.
Ап abbey, the superintendent decided.
That's what he was, an abbey. He would
work that into his sermon the next time
his turn came around. An abbey, made
up of all sorts of conflicting ages and
styles and convictions. The superintend-
ent liked that metaphor the more he
dwelt on it. He would wy it out on his
wife when he got home: man as God's
architecture, my dear, molded by the
hand of ages, inf s striving and
diversity. . . . But at that point, the su-
perintendent laid a restrain
upon his own rhetorical im;
Maybe not, alter all, he thought. Maybe
another thing about that
face the superintendent. wouldn't easily
forget. either. Later, he talked to old
Mendel about it, as he talked to him
later about lots of things. The moisture.
He'd taken it for dew at first —yet it
was dew, why was the superintendent's
own face bone-dry? It wa: dew and it
either, if his hunch was
a thing that happened to
the superintendent himself occasionally
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nd happened to the lads, too, even the
hardest; it crept up on them and the
superintendent watched for it like a
hawk. Usually in kids’ cases, where the
pointlessness suddenly got through to
you—your child batterings, your erimi-
nal assaults, your infant rapes. You
didn't break down or beat your chest ог
any of those histrionics. No. You just
happened to put your hand to your face
and find it damp and you wondered
w the hell ist bothered to die for,
if he ever died at all.
And when you had that mood on you
the superintendent told himself with a
slight shiver, the best thing you could
do was give yourself 2 couple of days off
and take the wife to Margate, or before
you knew where you were, you found
yourself getting a little too rough with
people for your own good health.
“Sergeant!” the superintendent yelled.
The bearded figure loomed before
“Switch the lights on and get it back
to normal." the superintendent ordered.
"And ask Inspector Hallowes to slip up
here and oblige. At the double."
They had unchained the door to him.
they had questioned him even before
they took his coat: tersely and intently.
Were there any compromising materials
on the body, George? Any that would
link him with us? My God, you've been
a time! They had shown him where to
wash, forgetting that he knew already
They had sat him in an armchair and
there Smiley remained, humble and dis-
carded, while Oliver Lacon, Whitehall's
wled the threadbare carpet like a
man made restless by his conscience. and
Lauder Strickland said it all again in 15
different ways to 15 different people,
over the old upright telephone in the
far corner of the room—"Then get me
back to police liaison, woman, at
once”—either bullying or fawning, de.
pending on rank and dout. The super-
intendent was a life ago, but in t
minutes, The flat smelled of old nappies
and stale cigarettes and was on the top
floor of a scrolled Edwardian apartment
house not 200 yards from Hampstead
Heath. In Smiley's mind, visions of Vlad-
imir's burst face mingled with these pale
faces of the living, yet death was not a
shock to him just now but merely an
affirmation that his own existence, too,
was dwindling: that he was living against
the odds. He sat without expectation, He
sat like an old man at a country railway
station, watching the express go by. But.
watching all the same. And remember
ing old journeys.
This is how crises alway ‚һе
thought; ragtag conversations with no
center. One шап on the telephone,
other dead, a third prowling. Th
ous idleness of slow motio
He peered around, trying to fix his
mind on the decaying things outside
himself, Chipped fire extinguishers,
Ministry of Works issue, Prickly brown
solas—the stains a little worse. But safe
flats, unlike old generals, never die, he
thought. They don’t even fade away.
On the table before him the cum-
bersome apparatus of agent hospitality,
there to revive the unrevivable guest
Smiley took the inventory. In a bucket
of melted ice, one bottle of Stolichnaya
vodka, Vladimirs recorded favorite
brand. Salted herrings, still in their tin.
Pickled cucumber, bought loose and al-
ready drying. One mandatory loaf ol
Маск br e every Russian Smiley
had known, the old boy could scarcely
drink his vodka without it. Two Marks
& Spencer vodka glasses, could be clcan-
er. One packet of French cigarettes, un-
opened: If he had come, he would have
smoked the lot; he had none with him
when he died.
Vladimir had none with him when һе
died, he repeated to himself, and made
a little mental stammer of it, a knot in
his handkerchiel. What am I doing here?
he wondered yet again. What ceremony
am I supposed to be attending? In
his memory, Smiley secretly replayed
Lacon's fervid phone call of two hours
105 an emergency, George. You re-
member Vladimir? George, are you
awake? You remember the old general.
George? Used to live in Paris?
Yes, I remember the general, he had
replied. Yes, Oliver, I remember Vladi-
We need someone from his past,
George. Someone who knew his little
ways, can identify him, damp down po-
tential scandal. We need you, George.
‘ow. George, wake up.
He had been trying to. Just as he had
been trying to transfer the receiver to
his better car and sit upright in a bed
too large lor him. He was sprawling in
the cold space deserted by his wife, be
cause that was the side where the tele-
phone was.
You mean he's been shot? Smiley had
George, why can't you listen? Shot
dead. This evening. George, for heaven's
e, wake up; we need you!
‘Oli whats going on?" Smiley
ked. “Why did you need me:
"Only one who knew him, for a start.
«Мапа. are you nearly done? He's
port announcers,
stupid grin
like one of those ai
he told Smiley with
“Never done.”
You could break, Oliver, thought
Smiley, noticing the estr:
Lacon's eyes as he came under the light.
You've had too much, he thought in un
expected sympathy. We both һауе.
From the kitchen, the myst
Mostyn appeared with tea: an car
agement of
contemporary-looking child with flared
trousers and а mane of brown hair. See
ing him set down the tray. 5miley finally
асе him in the terms of his own past.
Ann had had a lover like him once, an
ordinand from Wells Theological Col-
lege. She gave him a lilt down the M4
and tater chimed to have saved him
from going queer.
“What section are you in, Mostyn?”
Smiley asked him quietly
"Oddbins, sir." He crouched, level to
the table, displaying an Asian supple-
ness. "Since your day, actually, sir. It's
а sort of operational pool. Mainly pro-
bationers waiting for overseas postings.
“I sce.
“L heard you lecture at the Nursery at
Sarratt, sir. On the new entrants’ course.
‘Agent Handling in the Field. ht was
the best thing of the whole two years."
“Thank you.”
But Mostyn's calf eyes stayed on h
hank you," said Smiley again.
Milk, sir, or lemon, sir? The lemon
for him," Mostyn added in à low
aside, as if that were a recommendation
for the lemon.
Strickland had rung off and was fid-
dling with the waistband of his trousers,
making it looser or tighter.
Yes, well, we have to temper truth,
George!” Lacon bellowed suddenly, in
what seemed to be a declaration of
personal faith. "Sometimes people are
innocent, but the circumstances can
make them appear quite oth There
was never a golden age. There's only a
golden mean. We have to re
that, Chalk it on our shaving mirrors.
Suickland was waddling down the
room: "You. Mostyn. Young Nigel. You,
Mostyn lifted his grave brown eyes in
"Commit nothing to paper whatever,"
Strickland warned him, wiping the back
of his nd on his mustache as il one or
the other were wet. "Н That's an
order from on high. There was no en-
counter, so you've no call to fill in the
usual encounter sheet or any of that
stuff. You've nothing to do but keep
your mouth shut. Understand? You'll
account for your expenses as general
petty-cash disbursements. To me, di
No file reference. Understand?"
“I understand." said Mostyn.
And no whispered confidences to
those little tarts in Registry, or FH know.
Hear me? Give us some t
Something happened inside
Smiley when he һеш
Out of the formless indirection ol these
dialogs, out of the horror of the scene
upon the heath, а single shocking truth
struck him. He felt a pull in his chest
somewhere and he had the sensati
momentary disconnection from the room
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and the three haunted people he had
found in it. Encounter sheet? No encoun-
ter? Encounter between Mostyn and
Vladimir? God in heaven, he thought,
squaring the mad circle. The Lord pre-
serve, созѕе! and protect us. Mostyn was
Vladimir's case officer! That old man, a
general, once our glory, and they farmed
him out to this uncut boy! Then another
lurch, more violent still, as his surprise
was swept aside in an explosion of in-
ternal fury. He felt his lips tremble, he
felt his throat seize up in indignation,
blocking his words, and when he turned
to Lacon, his spectacles seemed to be
misting over from the heat.
“Oliver, I wonder if you'd mind finally
telling me why you brought me here,”
he heard himself suggesting, hardly
above a murmur.
Reaching out an arm, he removed the
vodka bottle from its bucket. Still un-
bidden, he broke the cap and poured
himself a rather large tot.
“All right, Mostyn, tell him!" Lacon
boomed suddenly. “Tell him in your
own words.”
Mostyn sat with a quite particular
stillness. He spoke softly. To hear him,
Lacon had withdrawn to a corner and
bunched his hands judicially under his
nose. But Strickland had sat himself bolt
upright and seemed, like Mostyn him-
self, to be patrolling the boys words
for lapses.
"Vladimir telephoned the Circus at
lunchtime today. sir." Mostyn began,
leaving some unclarity as to which “sir
he was addressing. “I happened to be
Oddbins duty officer and took the call.”
Strickland corrected him with unpleas-
ant haste: “You mean yesterday. Be pre-
cise, can't you?"
"I'm sorry, sir. Yesterday," said Mos-
“Well, get it right," Strickland warned.
To be Oddbins duty officer, Mostyn
explained, meant little more than cover-
ing the lunch-hour gap and checking
desks and waste bins at closing time. Odd-
bins personnel were too junior for night
duty, so there was just this roster for
lunchtimes and evenings.
And Vladimir, he repeated, came
through in the lunch hour, using the
"Lifeline?" Smiley repeated іп bewil-
derment. “I don't think I quite know
what you mean."
“It's the system we have for keeping
in touch with dead agents, si said
Mostyn, then put his fingers to his tem-
ple and muttered, “Oh, my Lord.” He
started again: "I mean agents who have
run their course but are still on the wel-
fare roll, sir,” said Mostyn unhappily.
“So he rang and you took the call,”
said Smiley kindly. “What time was
“One-fifteen exactly, sir. Oddbins is
like a sort of Fleet Street newsroom, you
see. There are these twelve desks and
there's the section head's hen coop at the
end, with a glass partition between us
and him. The lifeline's in a locked box
and normally it’s the section head who
keeps the key. But in the lunch hour, he
gives it to the duty dog. I unlocked the
box and heard this foreign voice saying,
"Get on with it, Mostyn,” Strickland
“I said ‘Hullo’ back, Mr. Smiley.
That's all we do. We don't give the num-
ber. He said, “This is Gregory calling
for Мах. 1 have something very urgent
for him. Please get me Max immediate-
ly' I asked him where he was calling
from, which is routine, but he just said
he had plenty of change. We have no
brief to trace incoming calls and, any-
way, it takes too long. There's an electric
card selector by the lifeline, it’s got all
the work names on it. 1 told him to
hold on and typed out "Gregory. That's
the next g we do after asking where
they're calling from. Up it came on the
selector. ‘Gregory equals Vladimir, ex-
agent, ex-Soviet general, ex-leader of the
Riga Group. Then the file reference. I
typed out ‘Max’ and found you, sir.”
Smiley gave a small nod. “ "Мах equals
Smiley.’ Then I typed out ‘Riga Group’
and realized you were their last vicar.”
"Their vicar?” said Lacon, as if he
had detected heresy. “Smiley their last
vicar, Mostyn? What оп earth——"
“I thought you had heard all this,
Oliver," Smiley said, to cut him off.
"Only the essence," Lacon retorted.
"In a crisis, one deals only with essen-
In his pressed-down Scottish, without
letting Mostyn from his sight, Strickland
provided Lacon with the required ex-
planation: “Organizations such as the
group had by tradition two case officers
The postman, who did the nuts and
bolts for them, and the vicar, who stood
above the fight. Their father figure,” he
said, and nodded perfunctorily toward
“And who was carded as his most re-
cent postman, Mostyn?” Smiley asked, ig-
noring Strickland entirely.
"Esterhase, sir. Work name Hector.
"And he didn't ask for him?" said
Smiley to Mostyn, speaking straight past
Strickland yet again.
"I'm sorry, sir?"
"Vladimir didn't ask for Hector? His
postman? He asked for me. Max. Only
Max. You're sure of that?”
“He wanted you and nobody else, sir,”
said Mostyn earnestly.
“Did you make notes?"
“The lifeline is taped automatically,
sir. It's also linked to a speaking clock,
so that we get the exact timing as well.
“Damn you, Mostyn, that's а confiden-
tial matter," Strickland snapped. "Mr.
Smiley may be a distinguished ex-mem-
ber, but he’s no longer family.”
"So what did you do next, Mostyn?”
Smiley asked.
"Standing instructions gave mc very
little latitude, sir," Mostyn replied, show-
ing once again, like Smiley, a stu
disregard for Strickland. “Both ‘Smiley’
and ‘Ester: were waitlisted, which
meant that they could be contacted only
through the fifth floor. My section head
was out to lunch and not due back till
two-fifteen.” He gave a shrug. "I stalled.
I told him to try again at two-thirty."
Smiley turned to Strickland. “I
thought all the émigré files һай been
consigned to special keeping?"
“Shouldn't there have been something
on the selector card to that effect?"
“There should and there wasn't,"
Strickland said.
“That is just the point, sir,” Mostyn
agreed, talking only to Smiley. “At that
stage, there was no suggestion that Vladi-
mir or his group was out of bounds. From
the card, he looked just like any other
pensioned-off agent raising a wind. I as-
sumed he wanted a bit of money,
pany, or something. We get quite a few
of those. Leave him to the section head,
1 thought.”
“Who shall remain nameless, Mostyn,”
Strickland said. "Remember that.
It crossed Smiley's mind at this point
that the reticence in Mostyn—his air of
distastefully stepping round some dan-
gerous secret all the time he spoke—
might have something to do with pro-
tecting a negligent superior. But Mos-
tyn's next words dispelled this notion,
for he went out of his way to imply that
his superior was at fault.
“The trouble was, my section head
didn’t get back from lunch till three-
fifteen, so that when Vladimir rang in at
two-thirty, 1 had to put him off agai
He was furious," said Mostyn. "Vladimir
was, I mean. I asked whether there was
anything I could do in the meantime
and he said, ‘Find Max. Just find me
Max. Tell Max I have been in touch
with certain friends, also through friends
with neighbors.’ There were a couple of
notes on the card about his word code
and І saw that neighbor meant Soviet
A mandarin impassivity had descend-
ed over Smiley's face. The earlier emo-
tion was quite gone.
“AIL of which you duly reported to
your section head at three-fifteen?”
“Yes, si
“Did you play him the tape?”
“He hadn't time to hear it," said Mos-
туп mercilessly. "He had to leave straight
away for a long weekend.
The stubborn ty of Mostyn's
speech was now so evident that Strick-
land felt obliged to fill in the gaps.
“Yes, well, there's no question but that
if we're looking for scapegoats, George,
that section head of Mostyn's made а
Id acquaintance РЇЇ never forget, Miss Bellini.”
“You're an au
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1 fool of himself, no ques-
tion at all,” Strickland declared bright
ly. “He omitted to send for Vladimi
papers—which would not, of course,
have been forthcoming. He omitted to
acquaint himself with standing orders on
the handling of émigrés. He also appears
to have succumbed to a severe dose of
weekend fever, leaving no word of his
whereabouts. God help him on Monda
morning, says I. Oh, yes. Come, Mostyn,
we're waiting, b
Mostyn obediently took back the stor
Vladimir rang for the third aud last
ne at three-forty-three, sir,” he said,
speaking суеп more slowly than befor
“It should have been quarter to four,
but he jumped the gun by two minutes."
Mostyn by this time had a rudimentary
brief from his section head, which he
now r ley: "He called it a
bromide job. 1 was to find out what, if
anything. the old boy really wanted and,
if all else failed, make a rendezvous with
him to cool him down. I was to give him
a drink, sir, pat him on the back and
promise nothing except to раз on what-
ever message he brought m
"And the "neighbors?" Smiley asked.
“They were not an issue to your section
ather thought that was just a bit
of аре! rionics, sir."
“I вес. Yes, I sec." Yet his eyes, ii
contradiction, closed completely for а
So how did the dialog with
limir go this third time?"
"According to Vladimir, it was to be
an immediate meeting or noth
tried out the alternatives on him as i
structe z is it money
you want? Surely it сап wait till Moi
day'—but by then, he was shouting at me
down the phone. ‘A meeting or nothing.
Tonight or nothing. Moscow rules. 1
sist. Moscow rules. Tell this to Max. Tell
him I have two proofs and can bring
them with me. Then perhaps he will
sec mi
Lacon, who had stayed uncharacter-
stically quiet these last minutes, now
chimed in: "There's an important point.
here, George. The Circus were not the
suitors here. He was. The ex-agent. He
was doing all the pressing, making all
the running. If hed accepted our su
gestion, written out his infor
none of this need ever have happened.
moment. *
He brought it on himsell entirely.
George, 1 you take the point!
Strickland was lighting himself a fresh
“Whoever heard of Moscow rules in
the middle of bloody Hampstead, апу-
way?" Strickland asked, waving out the
Bloody Hampstead is
Mostyn, wrap the story up."
commanded, blushing scarlet.
They had agreed a time, Mostyn re-
sumed woodenly, now staring at his left
ght," Smiley
palm as if he were reading his own for-
tune in it: 7" Ten-twenty, sir.
They had agreed Moscow rules, he
said, and the usual contact procedures,
which Mostyn had established ier іп
the afternoon by consulting the Oddbin
encounter index.
“And what were the contact proce-
dures, exactly?” Smiley asked.
A copybook rendezvous, sir," Mostyi
replied. “Тһе Sarratt training course all
over again, sir."
felt suddenly crowded by the
intimacy of Mostyn's respectlulness. Не
did not wish to be this boy's hero, or to
be caressed by his voice, his gaze, his
"sir"s. He was not prepared for the clau
wophobic admiration of this stranger.
"There's a tin pavilion on Hampstead
Heath, ten minutes’ walk from East
Heath Road, overlooking a games field
on the south side of the avenue, sir. The
safety signal was one new drawing pin
shoved high in the first wood support on
the left as you entered.”
"And the
But he knew the answer alrcady.
“A yellow chalk mark,” said Mostyn.
1 gather yellow was the sort of Group
trademark from the old days.” He had
adopted a tone of ending. “I put up the
pin and came back here and waited.
When he didn't show up. I thought,
If he's secrecy mad. ТЇЇ have to go up to
the hat again and check out his counter-
signal, then ГЇ know whether he's
round and proposes to try the fallback.”
“A car pickup near Swiss Cottage un-
derground at elevendorty, sir. 1
about to go out and take a look when
Mr. Strickland rang through and ordered
me to sit tight until further orders.
Smiley assumed he had finished, but this
was not quite true. Seeming to forget
everyone but himsell, Mostyn slowly
shook his pale, handsome head. "I never
met him,” he said, in slow amazement.
“He was my first agent, I never met
him, I'll never know what he was trying
to tell me,” he said. “Му first agent, and
he's dead. It's incredible. I feel like a
complete Jonah.” His head continued
shaking long after he had finished.
Lacon added a brisk postscript: “Yes,
well, Scotland Yard has a computer these
days, George. The Heath Patrol found
the body and cordoned off the area and
the moment the name was fed into the
computer, a ame up or a lot of
digits or something. and immediately
they knew he was on our special-watch
list. From then on, it went like clock-
work. The commissioner phoned the
Home Office, the Home Office phoned
the Circus——"
"And you phoned me,” said Smiley.
Smiley stood at the mouth of Ше ave-
nue, gazing into the tunnel of beech
trees as they sank away from him like a
retreating army into the mist. The dark
ness had departed reluctantly, leaving an
indoor gloom. It could have been dusk
already: teatime in an old country house.
The streetlights either side of him were
poor candles, illuminating nothing. The
air felt warm and heavy. Не had expect-
ed police still, and a roped-off area. He
had expected journalists or curious by-
standers. It never happened, he told
himself, as he started slowly down the
slope. No sooner had I left the scene
than Vladimir clambered merrily to his
feet, stick in hand, wiped off the grue-
some make-up and skipped away with
his fellow actors for a pot of beer at the
police station.
Stick in hand, he repeated to himself,
remembering something the superintend-
ent had said to him. Left hand or right
hand? "There's yellow chalk powder on
his left hand, too," Mr. Murgotroyd һай
said inside the Thumb and first
two fingers.
He advanced and the avenue ened
round him, the mist thickened. His
footsteps echoed tinnily ahead of him.
Twenty yards higher. brown sunlight
burned like a slow bonfire in its own
smoke. But down here in the dip. the
mist had collected in a cold fog. and
Vladimir was very dead after all. He
saw tire marks where rhe police cars had
ked. He noticed the absence of leaves
nd the of the
gravel. What do they do? he wondered
Hose the gravel down? Sweep the leaves
into more plastic pillowcases?
His tiredness had given way to a new
and mysterious clarity. He continued up
the avenue wishing Vladimir good morn
ing and good night and not fecling а
fool for doing so. thinking intently
about drawing pins and chalk and
French cigarettes and Moscow rules,
looking for а tin pavilion by a playing
field. Take it in sequence, he told him-
self, Take it from the beginning. He
reached an intersection of paths and
crossed it, still climbing. To his right,
goal posts appeared, and beyond them
a green pavilion, apparently empty. He
started across the field, rain water seep-
ing into his shoes. Behind the hut ran a
steep mudbank scoured with child
slides. He climbed the bank, entered a
coppice and kept dimbing. The fog had
not penetrated the tees and by the time
he reached the brow,
‘There was still no one in sight. Return-
ing, he approached the pavilion through
the trees, It was a tin box, no more, with
one side open to the field. The only
furniture was a rough ach
slashed and written on with knives, the
only occupant a prone figure stretched
on it, with a blanket pulled over his
head and brown boots protruding.
For an undisciplined moment, Smiley
wondered whether he, too, had had his
face blown oft. Girders held up the roof;
unnatural cleanness
wood b.
earnest moral statements enlivened the
flaking green paint, "Punk is destructive
Society does not need it.” The assertion
caused him a moment's indecision. “Oh,
but society docs," he wanted to reply;
“society is an association of minorities.
The drawing pin was where Mostyn s:
it was, at head height су, in the best
dition of regularity, its Circus-
iss head as new and as unmarked
as the boy who had put it there.
Proceed to the rendezvous, it said; no
danger sighted.
Moscow rules, thought Smiley yet
again. Moscow, where it could take a
fieldman three days to post a letter to a
safe address. Moscow, where all minori
ties are punk.
Tell him 1 have two proofs and can
bring them with me... .
Vladimir's chalked acknowledgment
ran close beside the pin, a wavering yel-
low worm of a message scrawled all down
the post. Perhaps the old man was wor-
ried about rain, thought Smiley. Perhaps
he was afraid it could wash his mark
away. Or perhaps in his emotional state
he just leaned too heavily on the chalk.
A meeting or nothing, he had told
Mostyn. Tonight or nothing. . . . Tell
him I have two proofs and can bring
them with me. . . . Nevertheless, only
the vigilant would ever have noticed
that mark, heavy though it was, or
the shiny drawing pin, either, and not
even the vigilant would have found
them odd, for on Hampstead Heath,
people post 8 and messages to cach
other ceaselessly, and not all of them
spies, by any means. Some are
lren, some are tramps, some are
believers in God and organizers of ch:
table walks, some have lost pets and some
are looking for variations of love and
having to proclaim their needs from a
hilltop. Not all of them, by any means,
get their faces blown off at point-blank
range by a Moscow Center weapon.
And the purpose of this acknowledg-
ment? In Moscow, when Smiley from his
desk in London had had the ultimate
responsibility for Vladimir's case—in
Moscow, these signs were devised for
agents who might disappear from hour
to hour; they were the broken twigs
along a path that could always be thei
last. 1 see no danger and am proceeding
as instructed to the agreed rendezvous,
read Vladimir's Jast—and fatally mis-
taken—message to the living world.
Leaving the hut, Smiley moved a
short distance back along the route he
had just come. And as he walked, he
meticulously called to mind the superin-
tendents reconstruction of Vladimir's
last journey, drawing upon his memory
as if it were an archive.
Those rubber overshoes are a god-
send, Mr. Smiley,” the superintendent
d declared piously: “North British
Century, diamond-pattern soles, sir, and
barely walked on—why, you could fol-
low hi
had to!
"I'll give you the authorized version,”
the superintendent had said, speaking
fast because they were short of time
"Ready, Mr. Smiley?"
“Ready,” Smiley had said.
The superintendent changed his tone
of voice. Conversation was one thing.
evidence another. As he spoke, he shone
his torch in phases onto the wet gravel
of the roped-of area. A lecture with
magic lantern, Smiley had thought: lor
two pins, I'd have taken notes. "Here һе
is, coming down the hill now, sir. Sce
him there? Normal pace, nice heel and
toe movement, normal progress, every-
thing aboveboard. See, Mr. Smiley?
Mr. Smiley had seen.
"And the stick mark there, do you, i
his right hand, sir?"
Smiley had seen that, too, how the
rubber-ferruled walking stick had left a
deep rip with every second footprint.
"Whereas, of course, he had the stick
in his left when he was shot, right? You
saw that, too, sir, 1 noticed. Happen to
know which side his bad leg was at all,
sir, if he had one:
The righ Smiley had said.
‘Ah. Then, most likely, the right was
the side he normally held the stick,
well Down here, please, sir, that's the
way! Walking nora suill, please note,”
the superintendent had added, making
arare slip of distraction.
For five more paces, the regular di
mond imprint, heel and toe, had contin-
ued undisturbed in the beam of the
superintendent's torch. Now, by day-
light, Smiley saw only the ghost of them.
The rain, other feet and the tire tracks
rge parts to
disappear. But by night, at the superin-
tendent's lantern show, һе had seen them
vividly, as vividly as he saw the plastic-
covered corpse in the dip below them,
where the trail had ended.
"Now," the superintendent had de-
clared with satisfaction, and halted, the
cone of his torch beam resting on a sin-
gle scufied area of ground.
“How old did you say he was, sir
superintendent asked.
“I didn't, but he owned to sixty
“Plus your recent heart attack, I gath
ег. Now, sir. First he stops. In sharp
order. Don't ask me why; perhaps he was
spoken to. My guess is he heard some-
thing. Behind him. Notice the way the
pace shortens, notice the position of the
feet as he makes the half-turn, looks over
his shoulder or whatever? Anyway, he
turns, and that’s why 1 say "behind him."
And whatever he saw or didn't see—or
—he decides to rui
ОЙ he goes, look!" the superintendent
urged, with the sudden enthusiasm of the
sportsman. “Wider stride, heels not h
ly on the ground. A new print entirely,
nd going for all he's worth. You can
even see where he shoved himself olt
a through a football crowd if you
ot illicit cyclists had caused la
now by daylight, Smiley no
with any certainty could sec, but
he had seen last night—and іп his mem-
ory saw again this morning—the sudden
desperate gashes of the ferrule thrust
downward, then thrust at an angle.
ү was" Ше superintendent
commented quietly, “whatever killed
him was out in front, wasn't ot be-
It was РАТ thought Smiley now, with
the advantage of the intervening hours.
"They drove him, he thought, trying with-
out success to recall the Sarratt jargon
for this particular technique. They knew
his route and they drove him. The ht-
ener behind the target drives him for-
ward, the finger man loiters ahead
undetected till the target blunders into
him. For it was a truth known also to
Moscow Center murder teams that even
the oldest hands will spend hours worry
ing about their backs, their flanks, the
cars that pass and the cars that don't, the
streets they cross and the houses that the
enter. Yet still fail, when the moment is
upon them, to recognize the danger that
greets them face to face. And if the quar-
ry changes direction—turns and runs
back? Then the frightener turns finger
man and does the job himself.
“Still running," the superintendent
said, moving steadily nearer the body
down the hill. "Notice how his pace gets
a little longer because of the steeper
gradient now? Erratic, too, see that? Feet
flying all over the shop. Running for
dear life. Literally. And the walking
stick still in his right hand. See him veer-
ing now, moving toward the verge? Lost.
his bearings, I wouldn't wonder.
we go. Explain that, if you can!”
The torch beam rested on a patch of
footprints dose together, five or si:
them, all in a very small space at the
edge of the grass between two high trees.
"Stopped again," the superintendent
announced. "Not so much a total stop,
perhaps, more your sammer. Don't
ask me why. Maybe he just wrong-
footed himself, Maybe he was worried to
find himself so close to the trees. Maybe
his heart got him, if you tell me it was
dickey. Then oll he goes, same as before."
“With the stick in his left hand,
Smiley had said quietly.
“Why? That's what I ask myself, sir,
but perhaps you people know the а
swer Why? Did he hear something
again? Remember something? Why—
when you
pause. do а duck-shulll
and th on ag
anns of whoever shot
course, wl
took him ther
trees, pe
Any expl
street, Mr.
1 with that questic
change hands,
Straight into the
Unless, of
en rui
a still ringing
The Bose 901 - past, present, future.
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After all, if smoking —
isnt a pleasure,
why bother?
Waming: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous 10 Your Health.
ived at last
embryo un-
in Smiley's ears, they had
at the body, floating like a
der its plastic film.
But Smiley, on this morning after,
stopped short of the dip. Instead, by
placing his sodden shoes as best he could
upon each spot exactly, he set about
trying to imitate the movements the old
man might have made. And since Smiley
did all this in slow motion, and with
every appearance of concentration, un-
der the eye of two trousered ladies walk-
ing their Alsatians, he was taken for an
adherent of the new fad in Chinese mar-
al exercises and accounted mad.
First he put his feet side by side and
pointed them down the hill. Then he
put his left foot forward and moved h
right foot round until the toe pointed
directly toward a spinney of young sap-
lings As he did so, his right shoulder
followed naturally, and his instinct told
him that this would be the likely mo-
ment for Vladimir to transfer the stick to
his left hand. But why? As the superin-
tendent had also asked, why transfer the
stick at all? Why, in this most extreme
moment of his Ше, why solemnly move а
walking stick from the right hand to the
left? Certainly not to defend himsel{—
since, as Smiley remembered, he was
right-handed! To defend himself, he
would only have seized the stick more
firmly. Or clasped it with both of his
hands. like a club.
Was it in order to leave his right hand
free? But free for what?
Aware this time of being observed,
Smiley peered sharply behind him and
saw two small boys in blazers who had
paused to watch this round little man in
spectacles performing strange antics with
his feet, He glowered at them in his most
schoolmasterly manner and they moved
hastily on.
To leave his right hand free for what?
Smiley repeated to himself. And why
start running again a moment later?
Vladimir turned to the right, thought
Smiley, once again matching his action to
the thought. Vladimir turned to the
right. He faced the spinney, he put his
stick in his left hand. For a moment,
according to the superintendent, he
stood still, Then he ran on.
Moscow rules, Smiley thought, staring
at his own right hand. Slowly he lowered
it into his тайпа pocket. Which was
empty, as Vladimir's righthand coat
pocket was also empty.
Had he meant to write a message, per-
haps Smiley was teasing himself with the
theory he was determined to hold at bay.
To write a message with the chalk. for
€? Had he recognized his pursuer
nd wished to chalk a name somewhere,
or a sign? But what on? Not on these wet
tree trunks, for sure. Not on the clay, the
aves, the gravel! Looki
miley became aware of a peculiar
feature of his location. Here, almost be-
tween two trees, at the very edge of the
avenue, at the point the fog was ap-
proaching its thickest, he was аз good as
out of sight. The avenue descended, yes,
and lifted ahead of him. But it also
curved, and from where he stood, the
upward line of sight in both directions
was masked by tree trunks and a dense
thicket of saplings. Along the whole path
of Vladimir's last frantic journey—a path
he knew well, had used for similar meet-
ings—this was the one point, Smiley rea
ized with increasing satisfaction, where
the fleeing man was out of sight from
both ahead of him and behind him.
And had stopped.
Had freed his right hand.
Had put it—let us say—in his pocket.
For his heart tablets? No. Like the yel-
low chalk and the matches, they were in
his left pocket, not his right.
For something—let us say—that was
no longer in his pocket when he was
found dead.
For what, then?
Tell him I have two proofs and can
bring them with me. Then perhaps
he will see me. . . . This is Gregory ask-
ing for Max. I have something for him,
please... .
Proofs. Proofs too precious to post. He
was bringing something. Two some-
things. Not just in his head—in his pock-
ct. And was playing Moscow rules.
Rules that had been drummed into the
general [rom the very day of his recruit-
ment as a defector in place. By Smiley
himself, no less, as well as his case oficer
on the spot. Rules that had been invent-
ed for his survival; and the survival of
his network. Smiley felt the excitement
seize his stomach like a nausea. Moscow
rules decree that if you physically carry
a message, you must also carry the means
to discard it! That, however it is dis-
guised or concealed—microdot, secret
writing, undeveloped film, any one of
the hundred risky, finicky ways—still, as
an object, it must be the first and light-
est thing that comes to hand, the least
conspicuous when jettisoned!
Such as a medicine bottle full of tab-
lets, he thought, calming a little. Such
as a box of matches.
One box Swan Vesta matches partly
used, overcoat left, he remembered. A
smoker's match, note well.
And in the safe flat, he thought relent-
lessly—tantalizing himself, staving olf
the final insight—there on the table
waiting for him, one packet of cigarettes,
Vladimir's favorite brand.
But no cigarettes in his pockets. None,
as the good superintendent would have
said, on his pei Or not when they
found him, that is to say.
So the premise, George? Smiley asked
himself, mimicking Lacon—brandishing
Lacon's prefectorial finger accusingly in
his own intact face—the premise? "The
premise is, thus far, Oliver, that a smoker,
nervousness, sets off on a crucial dandes-
tine meeting equipped with matches but
not even so much as an empty packet of
Ggarettes. So that either the assassins
found it and removed it—the proof, or
proofs, that Vladimir was speaking of,
or—or what? Or Vladimir changed his
stick from his right hand to his left in
ите. And put his right hand in his
pocket in time. And took it out again,
also in time, at the very spot where he
could not be seen. And got rid of it, or
them, according to Moscow rules.
Having satisfied his own insistence
upon a logical succe: orge Smiley
stepped cautiously into the long grass
that led to the spinney, soaking his trou-
sers from the knees down. For half an
hour or more, he searched, groping in
the grass and among the foliage, re-
treading his tracks, cursing his own blun-
dering, giving up, beginning again,
answering the fatuous inquiries of pass-
ers-by, which ranged from the obscene to
the manically attentive. There were even
two Buddhist monks from a local semi-
nary, complete with saffron robes and
lace-up boots and knitted woolen caps,
who offered their assistance. Smiley cour-
teously declined it. He found two broken
kites, a quantity of Coca-Cola tins. He
found scraps of the female body, some
in color, some in black and white, ripped
from magazines. He found an old run-
ning shoe, black. and shreds of an old
burnt blanket. He found four beer bot-
tes, empty, and four empty cigarette
packets so sodden and old that after one
glance he discounted them. And in a
branch, slipped into the fork just where
it joined its parent trunk, the fifth pack-
et that was not even empty: a relatively
dry packet of Gauloises Caporal, filtre
and duty-free, high up. Smiley reached
for it as if it were forbidden fruit, but,
like forbidden fruit, it stayed outside his
grasp. He jumped for it and [elt his back
rip: a distinct and unnerving parting of
tissue that smarted and dug at him for
days afterward. He said "Damn" out
loud and rubbed the spot. Two typists,
on their way to work, consoled him with
their giggles. He found a stick, poked
the packet free, opened it. Four ciga-
rettes remained.
And behind those four cigarettes, half
concealed, and protected by its own skin
of cellophane, something he recognized
but dared not even disturb with his wet
and trembling fingers. Something he
dared not even contemplate until he was
free of this appalling place, where gig-
gling typists and Buddhist monks inno-
cently trampled the spot where Vladimir
had died: a single (rame of 35- meter
film, developed, waiting to be printed.
"They have one proof, I have the otha
he thought. I have shared the old man's
legacy with his murderers.
TUCKING IT AWAY „а pege 1759)
“When something has risen dramatically in price for
many years, it may no longer be a bargain.
percent? People who do this lose seven or
eight cents on every dollar they borrow,
year alter year, car after car—hundreds
of dollars a year wasted. Unless you have
a risk-free way to invest at 14 percent or
more the money you borrow at 13 per-
cent, you will not come out ahead. And
at the time of this writing, there is no
such thing as a risk-free 14 percent re-
turn. (When there is, auto loans will cost
alot more than 18 percent.)
Yes, I know the interest on your loan
is deductible (though not for the three
quarters of American taxpayers who do
not itemize their deductions—for them,
13 percent is really 13 percent). But i
doesn't matter. You can't make money
borrowing at 13 percent unless you can
turn around and invest that money at 14
or 15 or 20 percent.
Incidentally. this reasoning applies
every bit as much to the 18 percent
ceditcard interest many people pay
and to the financing of any other con-
sumable goods or depreciating assets
(unlike а home, which appreciates). Get-
ting off the credit treadmill is as tough as
quitting smoking (which would also save
you 5500 a year)—but. since not having
to pay 18 percent is as good as earning
18 percent, risk-free, it is the best in-
vestment most people сап make.
Back to cars. Have you ever toted up
just how much extra it costs to drive a
tank? If you are really serious about
socking something away for next year
(and no one said you had to be: there
are plenty of other things to read in th
“ ‘Fooling around,’ Maestro? What makes you
think we were fooling around?"
magazine), you might consider buying as
your next car, not a $9395 horse that
gets 16 miles to the gallon financed over
five years but a 55395 pony that gets 30
miles to the gallon and that you buy [ог
cash. Over five years, you would save
$4000 on the price, another $1000 оп the
financing (gross, before allowing for tax
reductions and the use of the money),
perhaps $1500 in lower insurance and
maintenance costs (theft and collision
surance cost more on expensive
which also cost more to maintain),
in car washes (what's the point of having
395 car if you don't keep it clean?)
nd, best for last, а tankerful of gas. Е
g 12.000 miles a year over five years
at $1.95 a gallon—though where you're
going to find gas at 51.95 a gallon five
years from now I can't imagine—the dif-
ference works out to a further $2200.
Grand total: well over 510,000.
That is an extra $2000 a year to go the
same number of miles at the same speed
with the same song playing on the same
radio but in a heavier, roomier car. Con-
sider that, unless your car is a deductible
business expense, you must carn $4000 a
year, or close to it, before taxes, to pay
the difference.
Now, I happen to be able to carn an
extra 51000 with my eyes closed standing
on опе foot just by buying 100 shares ol
some stock that goes up 10 points. But
for you, it may not be so easy. Are you
the extra leg room is worth it
Well. Having perhaps saved a penny
or two on taxes, having just learned you
will be getting а well-deserved $10,000
Christmas bonus the first week in Janu-
ary (congratulations!) and having set
yourself up to save $2000 a year by driv
ing the kind of car that will leave friends
and colleagues questioning your profes-
sional competence and your masculin-
i у Шу dump it all into
тре stock?
There arc only three choices that make
sense for you. and the following are not
among them: gambling. gambling stocks,
commodities. cattle, currency futures. in-
terestrate futures, options. stamp col.
lecting. gold. diamonds. Oriental rugs.
publicly offered oil deals. privately of
fered oil deals, antique cars. Broadway
shows. signed-and-numbered lithographs.
Pursued with sufficient ardor, the forc-
going are likely— a
—1o cause you
tress and/or expose you to hardships
never made truly believable by the bro-
chures. This is very flip. and if
your business ding stamps or cutting
diamonds—if you are a pro—it may not
apply. But most of us аге not dealers in
these games but “prospects.” For us, |
believe, it applies.
Of the three acceptable choices, I have
doubts about two.
Fixed-Income Securities: These in-
clude short- and long-term deposits
savings banks; Treasury bills and other
Ge 5; money-market
funds (which function as high-interest
checking accounts; municipal bonds,
corporate bonds and preferred stocks.
(Preferred stocks arc, іп essence, corpo-
rate bonds that never mature.) Those are
lovely places for your money. Alter pay
ing off your debts, putting up equity for
a home and purchasing adequate life
insurance (term insurance, not whole
i nec—and neither kind if you
have no dependents), it makes sense to
stash some money in such safe places.
However, alter taxes and inflation, you
will be growing poorer cach year. Also,
just as the speculations and hobbies
listed in the preceding section are so
exciting as to obscure the underlying
odds (which are against you) and the
underlying values (which get more and
nore tenuous as prices rise higher and
higher), so the fixed-income securities just
listed are so boring as to be wholly inap-
propriate to your psychological profile.
Real Estate: This comes in many
shapes and sizes. Your own home is а
terrific investment, if only because you
сап enjoy it so much more than a golden
passbook. And it has tax advantages.
Raw land is much riskier and not easily
mortgaged. Much of the getting rich
quick that’s gone on over the past decade
has been by folks of modest means who
bought one property, fixed it up, re
financed or sold it at a profit, using the
sed cash to buy two properties,
which could become four, eight and,
1 fortune. In some areas, like
California or Houston or, more recently,
Manhattan, it’s been impossible to do
anything but win—big.
Many people iell vou that this will
go on forever and that you can never
lose in real estate. They will point to
appreciation in real-estate prices much
as a diamond salesman will point to
appreciation in diamonds or a gold
proponent to the appreciation in gold.
Te may be that realestate prices will keep
rising at a rapid clip, but it’s worth
noting that mortgage costs have never
been higher and that, when something
has risen dramatically іп price for many
years, it may no longer be a bargain
The problem with most people's
vestment strategies (other than the fact
that most. people don't have investment
strategies) is chat they invest wistfully.
is, they buy the things they wish
they had bought five or ten years ago.
It need hardly be mentioned, however,
that the best time to buy something is
not when it is expensive but when it is
y that I have myself
come lately to the realestate market (it
being only lately that 1 have had any-
thing of substance with which to come)
nor to gainsay the highly attractive ш
advantages of being a landlord (while
your property is appreciating in value,
you get to depreciate it in figu
My genera] uneasiness about the pre-
carious state of the real-estate market—
which, of course, varies tremendously
from community to community—is р
haps illustrated. by the following story,
forgive me if you have heard it belore.
This rock магу agent, goes the story,
calls his rock-star client and says: “You
know that home you wanted us to find
for you? Well, I've got good news and
bad news.”
‘The rock star, contrary to the most
basic rules of human nature but conven-
iently for the effectiveness of this story,
asks to hear the good news first.
“Well,” says the agent, "we have
found you the most fabulous. 1H-bedroom
house—pool, tennis court, spectacular
view, basement discothèque, everything—
and it’s just $4,800,000."
“Hey, that's great,” says the rock star.
“What's the bad new:
“They want five
Stocks: The hidden value these days—
the thing nobody wants, the thing so
woebegone it has actually fallen іп price
over the past dozen years while packets
of Life Savers have gone from a nickel
to a quarter and ounces of gold have
gone from $35 to S437—is a thing called
stocks, the quadrupling of Shoney's Big
Boy Enterprises, and others, i
If you have money you can afford to
tic up for the Jong term, one place to
put a good chunk of it is in solid but
boring, wnpublicized common stocks.
The kind ıl y high dividends and
only make the mostactive list two years
after you bought them, when, suddenly,
cement. becomes hot and your company,
which was selling at half its book value
ng your
thousand dollars
when you bought it (and a fourth of
value"), is being sought
cement company, or some
ally West German industrialist, at
twice what vou paid tor it. That kind.
Don't buy stories, buy values, (Forbes
is as far as you need to look for in-
vestment ideas and advice. Don't bother
spending moncy on advisory services.)
Don't buy just one stock—diversily.
Don't pay full commissions; trade
through “discount brokers" at half the
price. Don't put all your money in the
market, any more than you should put it
alli al estate or the savings bank.
IE the stocks you buy go up—Memy
Christmas. If they go down a little, pay
no attention, Sooner or later, they will
come back; and in the meantime, you
will be getting as much in dividends
as you would be carning if the money
were in the bank. If they go down a lot,
buy more. They arc even better values.
That would have been dangerous ad-
vice to follow in September of 1929, But
in that month, the stocks that made up
the Dow Jones industrial average were
selling at three or four times their book
value, whereas today the Dow sells under
book value. In 1929, also, those stocks
had experienced a quintupling in price
over the prior eight years, and so had
phis from which to
ty years later, in 1979, the
experienced an eight-year run
of mononucleosis. How do you plunge
from a basement, or at best а second-
floor, window?
That is not to say the market cannot
fall sharply (as measured by the Dow,
it is im the Jow 800s as I write this). But
the value not truc in
1929 or in 1969, and it makes a big
“You're clutching at straws, Henderson.”
Psi E
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useful information —from the interconnecting worlds of technology,
parapsychology and social science —to help you enjoy the future
(This section is reserved for informa-
tion concerning real mysteries, whether
old or new. Here, you'll read about those
oddities of nature and the universe that
we cannot understand, strange events
and all sorts of inexplicable phenom-
ena. We don't propose to solve these
mysteries, just report them.)
Mystery Booms
On April 2, 1978, just after dawn, a
shrill noise cut the air on Bell Island,
Newfoundland, and suddenly the little
village was rocked by a tremendous ex-
plosion. "Sheets of fre" appeared in
some homes. The sky glowed red and
balls of fire up to three feet across drifted
through the village. An electrical surge
raced through power lines, blowing up
television sets and turning wall outlets
into blowtorches, spurting blue flame
almost two feet long.
The boom had been enormous, rat-
tling homes eight miles away and making
people up to 40 miles away turn their
heads. Just before it happened, people
living in Portugal Cove, across the bay,
reported seeing “а bright, glowing
straight line” come out of the sky "slant-
ed toward Bell Island at about a 45-
degree angle.”
Miraculously, no one had been killed
and there was little damage. The copper
wiring in one house was vaporized. A
cabin behind the house was left with a
hole in either end. A small barn nearby
had collapsed outward, while chickens
lay dead on the floor, bleeding from the
eyes and mouths.
The Bell Island boom was one of
many strange events that occurred along
the East Coast of North America i
winter of 1977-1978. Primarily
Jersey and South Carolina, there had
been hundreds of reports of booms,
often accompanied by balls of light and
other “visual displays” that lit up the sky
in many colors.
A three-month investigation by a Na-
val Research Board concluded that the
events were caused by supersonic planes
on mancuvers—sonic booms, bouncing
off upper air during unusual weather.
But some scientists have been challeng-
ing the Navy's explanation.
The respected climatologist Dr. Gor-
don J. MacDonald, who was involved in
a seven-month investigation of the
booms, claims to have documented al-
most 600 separate events and concludes
“that about one third are not related to
mananade activi
Dr М iam Donn of the Lamon-
Doherty Geological Observatory near
New York argues that the weather that
winter was no different from any other
and notes that the booms stopped in the
United States after the Navy announce-
ment, yet they have continued in Can-
ada, where authorities are somewhat
puzzled by the fact that they don’t always
coincide with known supersonic aircraft.
Dr. Donn is openly suspicious of the
military and once noted, “No one knew
they had invented the atomic bomb until
ithad been used on Hiroshima.”
That's ironic. Two scientists from New
Mexico who journeyed to Newfoundland
to investigate the Bell Island incident
came from the place where that bomb
had been developed—the Los Alamos
Scientific Laboratory.
Still in the forefront of weapons re-
search, Los Alamos is engaged in re-
search into a new order of weapons:
lasers and laserlike particle-beam weap-
ons that might one day make intercon-
tinental ballistic missiles obsolete. These
weapons theoretically could transmit de-
structive amounts of energy along beams
that travel at the speed of light with
pinpoint accuracy.
Newfoundlanders, therefore, could be
forgiven for wondering what two in-
vestigators from a place like Los Alamos
were doing on their soil investigating
what had happened.
One of the Los Alamos visitors, Robert
Freyman, identified himself as a weap-
ons-design en
lightning. He said he'd been expecting
the event, as а result of a theory he en-
tertained about weather systems. He
couldn't go into detail but said there
had been similar events in New Jersey
and South Carolina. He said superlight-
ning that had been occurring over the
Ocean was occurring over land that
winter. When the Bell Island incident
occurred, he said, “someone in Washing-
ton" asked him to check it out.
Months after the event, he admitted to
being bewildered but is now convinced
the event was ball lightning. Or was it?
(This section is dedicated to all the
witch doctors, alchemists, sages and old
wives whose advice on a wide range of
subjects has at first been dismissed by
the scientific community, only subse-
quently to be proved meritorious.)
Latter-Day Gnosis Fever
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God. . . . And the
Word was made flesh, and dwelt
among us.
—The Gospel According to John
Modern junkieprophet William S.
Burroughs proposed several years ago
that while both animals and men talk,
only men write, and that men write be-
cause they are the mutant ape host of in-
telligent viruses that long ago achieved
symbiosis. In The Job, he quoted biolo-
gist С. Belyavin's “Virus Adaptability
and Host Resistance”:
It is worth noting that if a virus
were to attain a state of wholly be-
n equilibrium with its host cell,
unlikely that its presence would
be readily detected or that it would
necessarily be recognized as a virus.
And that, proposed Burroughs, is what
the Word is. A virus. Creation as viral
Well, it just so happened that while
Burroughs was writing The Job, Dr.
Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of
DNA, and Dr. Leslie Orgel of The Salk
Institute were doing research on which
they later reported in a published paper,
“Directed Panspermi that suggests
that intelligent life might have been de-
liberately spread through the universe
in a viral form, capable of evolving
through symbiosis and mutation in suit-
able environments.
And just recently, The New York
Times reported that two Japanese scien-
tists have found a virus (PhiX 174) that
they believe is “more contrived than
natural” and that may contain “a mes-
sage which was encapsulated in virus
particles and dispatched into the uni-
verse by one or more highly advanced
Civilizations.” They also suggest that this
virus may infect the common colonic
bacteria of all humans.
‘They haven't figured out the viral
message yet, but theyre working on it—
using some of the same code techniques
other scientists are using to decode pos-
sibly intelligent radio transmissions from
outer space. So the next time you get the
24-hour flu, don’t grumble. You may be
smarter in the morning.
(The Magic Corner will give you the
tools to perform real magic, not just
your mundane rabbitand.top-hattype
magic which we all know is outright
trickery, but the genuine stuff: telepathy,
astral projection, clairaudience, clairvoy-
ance, levitation and dozens of other
handy and useful skills. ОГ course, we
don't guarantee that you'll be able to do
all this, but well give you advice from
the best available literature on each sub-
ject and let you try it yourself. Good luck!)
Astral Projection
We've all heard of people having out-
of-body experiences, or OOBEs for
short. Throughout history, men and
women have reported leaving their bod-
ies while retaining full consciousness in
what has been called the astral body
and being able to pass through solid
matter, travel great distances at the
speed of thought and visit other worlds
invisible to the physical eyes. Several
great names in history have reported
experiencing what seem to be OOBEs:
Saint Paul, Catherine the Great of Rus-
sia, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Beethoven and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
to name a few. Not to mention Carlos
Castaneda and thousands of ingestors of
psychedelic drugs. Are all those people
crazy? Perhaps. But wouldn't you like to
be able to leave your physical body at
the office, fly home for the night and
return to your body the next morning?
The universal knowledge of OOBEs is
obviously the ultimate solution to the
gas shortage,
Now for your first tip on having an
OOBE: Don't try it on a full stomach.
Those who say they've done it recom-
mend that your stomach have been
empty for at least three hours, and that
a three-to-five-day fast before attempting
to leave your body is preferable. (No,
Sammy, you won't die if you don’t eat for
three days. That isn't the secret.)
According to various writings on the
subject, voluntary astral projection is
impossible without three ingredients:
1. Visualization: The ability to imag-
ine something vividly at will and retain
the image clearly in the mind for two
to three minutes. You may have to prac-
tice this. For starters, try to visualize your
own face for three minutes. Then your
entire body. Don’t continue until you've
mastered this.
9. Breathing: Correct breathing is es-
sential. You should breathe from the
diaphragm, rather than from the chest.
The abdominal wall should expand
when you inhale and contract when you
exhale. Before attempting to leave your
body, you must first relax it. Lying flat
on your back, or sitting up in a high-
backed armchair, take 15 or 20 deep
breaths and let the tension drain from
the muscles. The body should be com-
pletely supported, in any case, so that it
can't fall over and hurt itself while
you're out to lunch.
3. Will: This is the crucial ingredient.
In all texts on the art of astral projec-
tion, students are advised that they must
develop a strong desire to consciously
leave their physical bodies, and that this
desire must manifest itself in a powerful
willing that they do so.
Having learned to visualize and
breathe, and having developed a strong
desire to leave your body, you are now
ready for the techniques. We offer two,
though there are dozens more, because
these seem to be the easiest for a novice.
Technique number one—the Dream
Method: This technique should be done
just before going to sleep. First relax
your body and do deep breathing for a
ile, then tell yourself that tonight you
will wake up outside your body. Next,
just before falling asleep, visualize а
dream in which you are floating out-
side your physical body. Visualize your
own body, floating six feet above the
bed. Finally, as you experience the “fall
ing" feeling of sleep, tell yourself that
you are rising out of your body and that
you will vake up outside it.
Technique number two—Projection
Method: This is considered one of the
oldest and best methods. It requires that
you be able to visualize yourself very
Clearly. For those who can't do this, con-
tinue to practice visualization until you
can. Now imagine a second self floating
or standing in front of your closed eyes.
Picture it going to another place, an-
other room, another country. Imagine
that you can see through its eyes as it
examines its surroundings. Imagine that
you can hear and see and feel all that
it experiences. In time, you will for-
get your physical body and find yourself
inside the projected body. This method
is said to take more time than the others,
but it’s also said to be more effective.
Approach the experiment gradually.
Those who've been there say that there
will be a disorienting sensation of
dual consciousness as the astral body
and the physical body scparate. That is
normal If you should suddenly feel
frightened (which is also normal), stick
with the technique for а couple of
utes, then stop. Try again later. The fear
will eventually disappear. If, on the
other hand, you simply go to sleep, re-
cord your dreams when you awaken.
We often become semiconscious in the
astral body while asleep, say OOBEers,
and remember those experiences as su-
pervivid dreams. If none of this works,
we suggest you look for a Yaqui
medicine man. Ba
Glen O'Brien for “Latter-Day Gnosis
Fes Seaward for "Mystery
Booms"; Jeffrey Armbruster for "Astral
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sacen. Trumbull, Dykstra and thei
associates have developed new tech-
nologies that will come closer than
ever to presenting three-dimensional
visuals on a two-dimensional screen
and look, Ma, no glasses!
Take, for сха the so-called
trench sequence in Star Wars, where
Luke Skywalker and his fellow pilots
were trying through precision bomb.
ing to destroy the d : ro
duce such an effect, a camera moves on
a track forward and away from static
ry models. Although it’s the minia
ture space ships that seem to move
actually it's the camera that’s in mo-
tion. The complex motion-picture
а tracking system Dykstra used
for Star Wars was capable of pann
left. right. up or down. The new.
even more sophisticated computer-
controlled. camera: Trumbull has de-
veloped for Slay Trek—one of nine
systems he and Dykstra аге using on
the film—not only allows those camera
movements, plus pitch
also makes it possible fe
themselves, the background. behind
them and the lighting illumin.
synchronization. Trumbull calls his
acy new gadget COMPSY (Comput-
€r Motion- Tracking Photog) aphic Sys-
tem). The computer controlling it has
a memory system. capable of storing
61,000 microbits of nlormation,
ugh for every single camera setting
for Star Wars. Gone with the Wind
nd Jaws combined. The с
be programmed and oper
motecontrol joy stick to move back
nd forth on railroadlike tracks: it uti
torque takeups to move film
forward or backward. (just as yon do
wd yaw. but
the objects
them to move, always in con
nd features automatic opening and
of the shutter independent of
camera oper
curved trackin,
it possible 10 cr
aightforward shooting.
this computerized precisi
lor many
ws many ads
75—10 be 4l" on one piece of
film, el ng the
making actual film ov
improving the quality
the graininess of the fi
The combination of sophistic
laser beams and multi
geometry tedmiques (some of them.
developed. by Ron Resch, director
of the Computer Geometry. Design
Center at Boston. University) has cre-
ated. dramatically different ellects in
the movies cloud sequence. As the
(continued from page 142)
Enterprise enters the cloud that sur-
rounds У! the en
he bent on destroying Earth, the au-
dience will be swept into what, for
lack of better comparison, is a con-
antly undulating gelatinous mass.
Much of the work in special effects,
of course, still involves making paint
ings and miniature models. To create
the illusion of a view of the Earth from
outer space, for example, flat illustr
ions of a planet's surface are project-
ed onto a dome and photographed
from an oblique angle. Result: а lar
curved painting that seems to have a
natural curvature. Projected sepa
ly on one such painting, represent
the Earth's surface, with its land mass-
es and water, were images of clouds
devised by sprinkling white talcum
powder on black paper, that, when
lighted from the side, appear to have
billowy shapes. The technicians then
took a negative of the clouds, laid it
over the one of the Earth and projec
ed the whole thing. thus achievi
clouds with shadows арр
ing over the planet. All
done by masking the individual ele
ments, taking several exposures and,
finally, optically projecting them to-
gether, in perfect alignment (hence
the value of computerizing).
Apogee’s Oscarwinning Gi
une and Put General's
Simpson are the chief. modelmake
on Star Tr The Motion Picture.
Probably the most impressive model
created unde
starship docking bay, where the En
terprise is first after havi
jonths and
million dollars to hand-fit
than 100,000 pieces, some o
Те of an inch in size, to create what
appears on film to be the huge bay
In it are more than 50 light panels,
"merating approximately 3000
volts of neon illumination
More than 200 people have worked
1 effects. They
have worked with determination, with
а sense of humor (on the door of the
metallathe workshop at Trumbull's
shop is the sign SALVAGE DIVISION с
STAR TREK) and with dogged persever-
ance—ioward the end, putting іп 70-
hour weeks.
My guess is that it will h 1
worth it. Back 1977. when Мат
ars Па unheralded
on Star Trek's spec
1 saw some of the dailies from Мат
Trek—The Motion Picture. They
are better. Doug Trumbull has never
won ап Oscar this time he should
make it. — JEFF MARTINI
(continued from page 172)
Yeoman Janice Rand on TV, is now
Chief Rand. Gone, inci
are the miniskirts: classy new
etcher-designed costumes іп
ailored slacks with
builtin boots for s. Leg men
may lose out with this one, but the
ss watchers of the world have a
pely derrière
d these
new outfits are outstandingly Fanmy-llat-
tering. АШ of the crew. members. as
matter of fact. look to be in great shape:
many have trimmed down to weigh in at
considerably less than their TV pound-
age of a decade ago.
The new магу in the Enterp
galasy—Stephen Collins and
Khambatta—provide Star. Tre
tively sedate love interest. Th
definitely. the new kids in c
I must have been the only person in the
. Who'd never seen Siar
ns. best known Гог his
hi Sloan in dll the Pres-
4 Wise and
muted colors boast
just abou
says Сой
ident’s Men
Roddenberry they talked to me
about reading for a part. 1 asked if they
could deliver а script to me in. Malibu,
where I was staying for a few days. They
said. ‘We can't let the script өш of the
office. You have to come in.’ So I did
e going in to the back of
t National Bank with (d Brinks
s ushered into this little
ti Ils or
ad it was
the F
d. Low
no decor s on the w
ather, a few pages And I was very taken
hoi it was a much mo al
script than 1 had expected. Being igno
t about Siar Trek. D expected. much
more of a slioot^em-up."
Once Collins got on the set. things
e strange for a while. “It felt like
Leing the guest star on the mast extrava
gant episodic television show ever done,
he of them, it was al
most as if the intervening time hadn't
been there. They fell into the
tionships, their old rapport." Eventu:
though. Collins fit in
Star Trek soltball team.
former Miss India and
actress la
try. bega
of 13. For
London, wl
I aske
ise for the res
old re
especially on the
els in her па
she lived in
tive co n made at the a
seven усаг
cre she became а Star Trek
ent to get me work
cs" she says, "because L could
king girls. But it
wasn't being made anymore; it was al
ready in syndication." For this, her first
American film, shi
see they used exotic
was required to shave
her head: during shooting, а make-up
girl went over her skull daily. "Actually.
I like the look,” says Khambatta. 71 can
wear jewelry on my head, and sometimes
1 paint it with different designs. Or I
Fact: Usher’s was the first blended
Scotch. Every other Scotch blended
today reflects the process Andrew Usher
originated in 1853.
Some come close. But none truly
matches our results. It’s no wonder. We’ve
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Taste the original. Smooth. Light. geo
Perfectly blended.
It’s Scotch the way you always hoped
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80 proof —B-F Spirits Ltd., New York, New York (6 1979.
can we nd wher
rf or something.
I do go into a restaurant, somebody will
ask me to take it off, and I do, and
everybody gasps. It's nice reaction,
you know. It’s given me a lot of
If Collins and Kh:
disoriented in the o
phere of the Star
Wise was in the st
er for three years, knew
легә they were pla
mbatia felt a tad
у atmos-
gest situation of
His actors, who had worked togeth
bout the
g than he
supposedly the final authority during
shooting. “Ive found it interesting —
а lite crazy at times.” he says. "But
they're all professionals. very good to
work with. Enthusiastic. probably be-
cause they didn't believe it was ever
going to happen alter being talked грош
lor so long.
Koenig sums up the feeling best
first day, truly, when I was at
sole and Nichelle was at hers and George
was at his and Bill, the n. walked
onto the bridge for the first time, and I
said, ‘Kep-tin, and we all jumped up
and тап over to him. I got such a high,
such а rush at that moment that it took
all my sell-control not to embrace him
my con-
It was such a lovely moment. I should
embraced him. Wh
һауе at the hel
Back in the me innocent days of
TV production. with its plywood sets,
a Star Trek story didn't require much
in the way of special effects. But to-
day's more sophisticated audience—con-
ioned by Мағ Wars, Close Encounters
and Alien and looking forward to Walt
Disney's The Black Hole, which will de-
ks of Star Trek's re-
lease in 800 theaters across the county
dems g more, So, although
ШЕТІ still pre-eminent
in Star Trek—The Motion Picture, what
happens to those characters often re
eds. sometl:
quires gimmicks
M ing. some battle
cruisers of the Klingon Emp У
Meets waditional opponents—are
tacked by an unknown entity of hither
unsuspected: power, First the Kli
then a Federation outpost on Epsilon 9
are vaporized, and the mysterious assail-
J- =
2202 % giy ЖЖ D>
2200 С. ЛКИ
ant is headed straight for Earth. Since
the Enterprise—until now in dry dock,
ng renovation—is the only ship
g distance, it is hastily
nto service. Kirk, its former cap-
who been moved into an ad-
I's desk job, assumes command—
thus demoting the young Captain Deck
er, played by Collins. Gradually, all the
members of the crew are assembled,
joined by the new navigator, the sleek
Ша (who, it is hinted but unfortunately
never. explicitly revealed, comes from a
planet of exwemely highly developed
OI they blast, encountering difficulties
almost immediately when Kirk, despite
Scotty's warnings, tries to push the Enter
prise into warp drive before all systems
are fully go. The ship hurtles into a
warp, causing a wormhole effect in which
everything seems out of sync. Voices and
€ distorted, and suddenly, dead
"s an enormous oid hur-
ight at the ship.
The Enterprise, as you may suspect
gets out of that one, only to be sucked
into the maw of the attacker, which
visible at first—in the movie as well as
in our illustration on page 140—only
as an enormous, strangely glowing but
oddly beautiful cloud. Inside the cloud
isa creature that calls itself V'ger—which,
as the plot develops, turns out to be
hybrid of the American space probe
Voyager 6 мі... well, we won't give
away the entire story, except to say that
it involves lightning-fast bolts,
space walks by Kirk and Spock and a
final, mysterious disappearance of some
of the ch ters as they are fused with—
transcended into might possibly be a
better phrase—a heretofore undreamed-
of power.
If the unthinkable 1
Trek flops all,
inherently vulnerable to complaints both
from fanatics who feel it’s not enough
like the old days and from critics who
can sniff at it аз just an overblown TV
cpisode—it should still make а bundle
on the side. The marketing concepts for
this film leave few imergalactic rocks
unturned, "The TV show spawned morc
than 50 books and some 400 fan publi-
ting st
and Star
“My son, the acupuncturist.”
cations; the movie starts the whole proc-
ess all over again. Pocket Books alone
has scheduled 16 separate Star Trek proj-
ects under its Pocket, Wallaby and Wan
derer imprints. There're The Official
U.S.S. Enter prise Officer’s Date Book for
1980; The Star Trek Make-Your-Own-
Costume Book; The Star Trek Space
flight Chronology, a history of space Hight
Irom the 20th to 93rd centuries; Siar
Trek Speaks. а sort of Quotations from
Chairman Kirk; peckolf graphics, offi
blucprints of the refitted Ente
punch-out and pop-up books and v
calendars. There will be Star Trek toys—
among them an amazingly realistic pl
ater pistol—shirts, bubblegum trading
cards, records, sleeping bags, kites, bump-
er stickers, even a Spock-shaped ceramic
liquor decanter. Star Trek artwork and
pr ium offers app on 37,000,000.
boxes of General Mills cereal; McDon-
ald's has booked 520.000.000 in TV ad-
хе ng to promote 50,000,000 boxes of
Star Trek Happy Meals (burger, fries,
cookies. games and cartoons); and Bally
has toted up 519.190.000 in sales on a
51795 Star Ty 1 machine.
Dawn Steel, vice-presi
dent for merchandising and licensing.
claims he ve projection
is 5250,000,000 in sales of licensed. prod-
and that it could be twice that
much. “Licensed children's merch:
dise," she explains, "is the Jast category
to sulter in a recession: Dad will give up
his suits, but his kids will still get. toys
and clothes."
How much will Paramount. net from
this bonanza? Stecl isn't saying, exactly.
“Our fce ranges from one to 11 percent,
depending on the product." That adds
up to something in the neighborhood of
52,500.000 to 555.000.000. Pretty ritzy
As the movi
ng the r
most conserv
release date nears, we're
l of Star
pret conven
tions—those orgie rekkerm,
sometim as many
16,000 fans for a weekend of ente
and merch;
ng in
nt. discussion
a al celebration of that wonderful
at used to be, Everything come:
d December sixth. starting
with а world premiere in Washington's
reception on d
Theater—followed by а gala
mezzanine of the Na-
d Space Museum. of the
n Institution, where one of
the most popular exh model of
the TV Enterprise. Among the invited
guests: cast members, Government olli-
Gals and the diplomatic corps. "After
all,” says а Paramount executive, in all
seriousness, “Star Trek is a world-wide
Roddenberry and a few million fans
could have told him that five years ago.
bits is
the season is all downhill after
you read this guide
GETTING THE ATTENTION of most skiers this time of year isn't very
difficult, and with the Winter Olympics coming up next month
in Lake Placid, more people than ever are lusting to get on the
slopes. But why should you have to wait until then to find out
what the trendy skiers are up to this season? Informed Source
has been monitoring the situation for you and here's our report:
First, the big picture. After a busy and generally profitable
season last winter, most areas have raised their prices for lift
tickets and practically everything else. Out West, Aspen and
Vail will hit 516 per day for lift tickets, and most other big
resorts there aren't far behind. In the East, Stratton, Vermont,
has gone into the stratosphere at $18 per day, followed by Stowe
at $16. With prices at that level, you should always check for
discounts on multipleday passes or try to book a package tour
with lift tickets included. It's also a good idea to consider ski-
ing in spring, when off-season rates apply. Vail, for example,
offers “Mountain savings times” packages that trim nearly 30
percent off lodging and lift costs. Most of the fresh powder
may be gone, but being able to ski in your cutoffs is adequate
compensation. Killington, Vermont, which stayed open until
May 22 last year, has similar bargains back East.
Now for the good news: Моге and more resorts are inst
hot tubs and Jacuzzis, There are two at Taos, New Mexico—
nard and the Edelweiss—that аге kept open un-
til late at night and have glass walls facing the ski slopes. At
Grested Butte, Colorado, locals tend not to broadcast the fact
that Sunshine's Paradise bath and sauna has become the town's
social center. Owner Imogene "Sunshine" Williams says that
suits are welcome, but "I ain't seen one yet.” Not that
nything going on (there isn't), but your tired bones will
enjoy the soak just the same. If you can't restrain yourself, ask
someone at the resort how to qualify for the All Stars, an ex-
clusive club along the lines of Steamboars Tower Two-To-
Three Club; but be prepared to free
sedate but still the romantic high point of any visit to Sun
Valley is a swim in the huge circular outdoor pool at the Sun
By SUZY CHAFFEE For me, Aspen has it all. Snowbird and
Taos are great for romantic ski connoisseurs, but only
Aspen has great mountains, plus people, culture and
everything else it takes to make the heart grow fonder.
For accommodations, go all the way and rent a condo-
minium at The Aspen International Club, The condos
have their own sunken Jacuzzis, canopy beds and one of
the nicest athletic clubs in Americ:
My ideal day begins by sleeping until you feel like
attacking each other and then the mountain, and having
blueberry pancakes at Liule Nell's, right at the base of
Ajax Mountain. Take it easy the first day or two, and
break for lunch about two Р.м.
After a day on the slopes, there are fun crowds at The
Red Onion or at the Jerome Bar. Then it’s Jacuzzi, nap
or massage time at your condo and dinner at The Cop-
per Keule. But a guy will really score lots of points with
me if he takes me to the Crystal Palace, where the wait-
ers become musical comedians after dinner. The inti-
mate corners at the Paragon disco make it а good place
to cuddle later on.
Finally, if the snow gods have been good to you, you're
ready for the ultimate orgasm at Aspen: powder skiing
through the trees. Try Jackpot or Perry's Prowl on the
front face of Ajax. H the powder doesn't fall, well, hav-
ski week is like making love—tfull of the
joy of doing it till you get it right.
struction has come a long
way in the post few years. One of
the more interesting new ap-
proaches, right, was developed by
а member of the Greek Olympic
ski team, who perfected his tech-
nique on the hills above Athens.
Notice that the woman maintains
the traditional bent-knee posture
and focuses her attention on the
terroin, while her instructor yells
out words of encouragement, This
lesson із usvally followed by
some tips on how to plont your
poles correctly and how to slow
down if you get going too fast.
Antics like the one shown at right
hove become popular on chair
lifts ond in the enclosed gondolos
at several ski areas. A few resorts
even hove informal clubs for
those who insist on going down
‘on more than just the trails. Make
sure you lower the safety bar
before you lower anything else.
At most ski areas, the lifts close
about four р.м. and many skiers
soy that’s when the real fun be-
gins. Hot tubs, for example, are
one après-ski attraction being
stolled by more and more ski
lodges. An even better idea is to
put one in your own cholet (the
redwood model at far right is
from California Cooperage).
Valley Lodge—the grand dame of Rocky Mountain resorts. You
actually can order margaritas from poolside and your waiter
will emerge through the steam only long enough to drop off
the drinks and allow you to sign the bill. This is the kind of
civilized service that Informed Source heartily endorses.
If you can tear yourself away from all this sybaritic indolence,
you'll find some interesting new ski terram up on the moun-
tains, Killington has added an entirely new area of six trails and
three lilts, called Bear Mountain, for advanced skiers. Two new
triple chair lifts at Steamboat will help relieve crowding there,
as will another much needed triple in the back bowls at Vail
Previously untouched powder is opened up by the new Teocalli
lift at Crested Butte, and it comes in the form of groomed trails
plus some open glade skiing. And while al snow-making
is taken for granted in New England, Sun Valley has probably
set some kind of Rocky Mountain record with the recent instal-
lation of top-to-bottom snow-making equipment on the entire
SKIING THE BEST, by Miles Jaffe and Dennis Krieger. This
is the best guide to the trails and facilities at the top 50 ski
resorts in North America. What other book is honest enough
10 tell you that Snowbird is too tough for many intermediates
and that Stowe hes at least four runs comparable to anything
at Aspen?
read from start (the history of skiing) to finish (where to ski all
over the world), with plenty of insight into teaching methods,
competition records and famous skiers in between. Great for
the cofjee table of your chalet,
_ PIANTA SU: SKI LIKE THE BEST, by Ruedi Bear. Words-
- and-pictures instruction that will still make sense once you
get оп the mountain. This book is better for intermediates
than for beginners, dealing, as it does, with things like pole
Planting and edge setting (pianta su means “plant up" in
Malian). Also contains insights and tips about ski competition
and race psychology.
north face of its 31004001 slopes. Over at Jackson Hole,
Wyoming, improvements have taken the form of a bus service
that meets incoming flights at Idaho Falls, a feature that will be
much appreciated by anyone who's had to slog through Bridger-
Teton National Forest on his own. Jackson Hole also reports
heavy bookings this year, and reservations should be made
pronto if you want to wallow in Wyoming powder this season.
As far as equipment goes, manufacturers seem to be empha-
sizing longer skis, more comfortable boots and even saler bind-
ngs. (Better bindings have reduced the number of broken legs
to the point where upper-body injuries are now the most com-
mon ski accidents.) K2 has two new models, the 355 and the
366, for advanced skiers, and they should enjoy huge popularity,
because America’s top Olympic skiers, Phil and Steve Mahre,
compete оп KZ racing models. Perennial favorite Rossignol
should please its fans with a new line, including a racing s
the SM, and a new mogul ski, the CM. Ehe М
also give a boost to Lange boots, since theyll be using the
XLR “Super Banshee” model at Lake Placid. This could be
the best thing to happen to Lange since our 1979 Playmate of
the Year, Monique St. Pierre, posed in a pair of Langes for her
famous ski poster. The most interesting design in boots comes
from Garmont, whose Diamond model has no visible buckle
(it’s under the arch flap). In general, you can expect to hear a
lot about increased comfort and better fit in boots. A product
also worth noting is the hollow Brandy Bar ski poles made by
High Country for just $36. Fill with the beverage of your choice.
Ski fashions this year seem to be bulkier and slimmer
at the same time. Powder Horn and H € С (named after de-
signer Henri Charles Colsenct) are offering European-inspired
puffy, Pillsbury Doughboy-style jackets and separate leggings.
hre twins should
At the other extreme are Head, which has cornered the market
in 3-M's remarkable Thinsulate for its jackets and bibs, and
Gopher, which is selling skintight outfits made with neoprene
insulation for that painted-on-the-skin look.
No ski lunch these days is complete without a debate between
proponents of rose-tinted ski goggles and those who prefer the
more traditional yellow. Yellow lenses improve visual contrast
on cloudy, snowy but they are nearly useless іш bright
sunlight. Rose lenses—especially Polarized ones—are also very
helpful in flat light and, in addition, cut glare dramatically on
sunny days. The secret seems to be that rose lenses fool the eye
into thinking it's darker outside than it really is (gray lenses do
that, too) and they enable the eye to react to objects in the field
of vision with more sensitivity. Skiers under 35 are especially
helped by this phenomenon, though no one knows why. In fact,
aviators in World War Two wore rose-tinted glasses before
their night missions and said it helped them sce their targets
better: а good thing to remember when you're bombing down
a mountain.
Yet another good idea for keeping warm is the арр
of down ski hats with car flaps and eball-style bills.
have been popular im Europe for a few years now
ally made it across the pond. Very practical. As is the pull-
over-parks-over-down-vest look being adopted by some ski
instructors, On warm days, you wear the heavy nylon shell over
just а ski sweater and cut the wind without sweating to death.
Dark blue, incidentally, seems to be the preferred color among
лау skiers. Perhaps the most practical look this year is a ski
Jacket with zip-off sleeves that turns into a down vest. Sport-
caster and Powderhorn are two companies making attractive
variations on this theme.
Enough for one season? Next year comes the Club Med ski
resort at Copper Mountain, Colorado, the official opening of
Beaver Creek (sce box at right), plus the appearance of a re-
puted 6800-foot. vertical drop at Heritage Mountain, Utah. a
Remember: No guts, no glory.
The best new ski run of the year is at a resort you
probably haven't heard of—yet. The place is Beaver
Creek, Colorado, and the trail is named Centennial, an
advanced/expert run that snakes down the entire 3280-
foot face of Beaver Creek Mountain, with grades as steep
as 60 percent. It should be quite a challenge when cov-
ered with light Rocky Mountain powder.
The resort at Beaver Creek, which is just ten miles due
west of Vail, won't open until December of 1980, When
it does, it will be a complete, sel-contained village that
should quickly become а major destination for skiers
Beaver Creek has been developed from scratch by Vail
Associates and it will offer terrain for every level of ski-
ng ability, plus accommodations and services galore.
(President Ford has already reserved a condominium
there, incidentally.) But why, if it won't open this sca-
son, do we mention all this? Because Vail Associates is
offering sneak previews of the mountain (including Cen-
Ш) every Thursday through Sunday this winter.
s who sign up two days in advance at the Vail mar-
keting office will be offered any available seats on full-
day ski trips (cost, 535) in heated Sno-Cats. Go for it
Many skiers, especially beginners, have an unreasonable fear of
falling down. Every skier falls, but smart ones know there are right
ways and wrong ways to de it. When you have the time to take
action, try to sit down оғ fall to the side to stop, or at least make
sure you don't fall headfirst. That is known to insiders өз a "face
plant" ond it is to be avoided. There ore also same sensible things
the slopes. Have your bindings checked for
Proper release tension. If you are а beginner, make sure you learn
to do before you
how to get back on skis (there's only one easy way and anyone
con learn it). Actually, falling dawn can be a lot af fun if you can
manage ta de it creatively (see example at left) in soft, deep
powder. You may even Бе able to leave X-rated sitzmarks on the hill.
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This is the first of what
will become o regular
monthly feature. In
this inaugural puzzle,
the object is to find
the words listed in the
teft column inside the
Rabbit Неос reading
horizontally, vertically
or diagonally Words
тоу be spelled
forward or backward.
Answer on page 316
_‚-‹<о=ош‹>»ш-‹«>то=О> лш
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A FEW OF келее мыры
ТНЕ it—my denthurth she says—it ain't
complains the old man at the foot of
THINGS THAT the bed him having a woman all to
hisself that ain't square ignore them
MAKE Albert says the old lady domt en:
courage them she's not суеп supposed
to be here I know my rights insists the
old man and gets а loot in the face
for them they's а law—splut! kaff!—he
squawks disappearing over the foot of the
bed which is now rocking and creaking
fearsomely with the mighty thrashing
about of the drunken lovers linked up
on top of what on a different occasion
might loosely be thought of as the host
g his wind out whap whump oh
Duke my god Duke gasp! Alberi—? a
sweet stink rising are you all right АР
nd uue the pounding friction wet
ng him a certain local
pleasure for all the burden of but it
does not console him what сап? sunk as
he is in the dark corruptions ol nostalgia
dreaming of the good old days get |
up here Albert you'll catch your di
oh christ Duke—slop! slap!—kill t
раті!—К that chink Duke break his
fucking neck pop his yellow eyes out yes
alas those days of confusion. profligacy
ruthless solitude tears соте то his eyes
just thinking about them as the old man
capp: awl
hand the pin (d holding up his
empty pants leg between his teeth the old
lady remonstrating no violence now
please the oriental crouching tremulous
on the pillow by the headboard with a
knife a gentle answer Albert turneih
screams groans grunts the worker
in i and rage oh my god
but he wipes а the foolish
s angry with his own weakness forget
ys they're gone and just as well
he lectures himself as а pale. woman
enters with three runny-nosed kids cling
ing to her limp skirts there's been some
Bin eal area сее mistake but we're awfully tired sir just a
tistrbation. Copies not distri, (17 little corner—? yes forget those stupid
47. 2 times get some sleep and then tomorrow
17.773. Actual по. comes of it's down to the social security for a new
bed assignment а pretty. lady maybe to
hear his case Duke? report the losses
tidy up wash the sheets out are you ok?
оон Е
-znz ->or этот ATE
rs at the foot сі g hand over
20, (2) Май subscriptions,
paid circulation, 5 б: D.
B. Paid eiremation. СТ) Sales
street vendor
367,541, (2) Mail subsertptlons, 2,337.
Боно, Hugh.
Los Anseles, Calif.
Acting Манаке Kanor: Art wer, 919 һу mall, carrier or other means, say something Duke and lulled by the
Мема Ave, Chicago, M. (O61 7. Owner: Plashoy tree conie, 71; EU REPE RGR TRE
Enterprises, O00 N, Mehigan Ave.. Chea 5: P. Copies not Макеш heavy rhythms of fucking and weeping
TIL 6064. stockholders owning or holding one percent onaeconnted, spoed ater print- | | the kids wrestling their mother whis-
or mare of total amount of st
Hugh M. Hefner,
Charing Cros Hond, Los Anieles, Calif. W
ims trom news анса, 7004800: | | pering at them to settle down or the nice
te. мем man will ask them to leave the old lady's
gummy scolding he drifts off dreaming
of a short queue happy accidents and
wondering if he Duke? remembered to
switch off the bathr ht ack! screw
the сар back
Bos 20
10001; Kray & Со.
DDS. $. Known bondhiold- provides in pertinent part: "No person
Î other security holders owning бахе been entitled 10 mall matter under former s
bercent of more of total amount ‘of thls tite shall tm » matter at the
ages or other securities: None. 9. For
п by nonprofit organizations authorized to
mall at special ratos: Ni leble, 10. Extent and
the tooth paste now
what have you done Albert oh no!
thwallowed the pin —?!
presently authorized by
“SC. 3626. M. M. Laurence, Business Manager.
Look what youve been missing
“Hello Dennis...glad your answering
machine's oa! This is Bob Kahn. Market's
flying... you wanted a call when the stock
you bought hit 10 bucks. It's sitting at 104
now... time to unload this turkey? Call me?
"Hi Dennis, Steve. Change of plans...
don't meet us at Dante's...
Ted wants to tryAmilio's instead.
So bring more money! See you at 7"
"Yes, this is Bob McClure at Haney Associates.
Rick Gallavan recommended your work, and we
have an assignment if you can start tomorrow.
Please call 555-6209 as soon as you get this
message. Thank you?
DIVER. this d Ser Hill.. ; . J promised to call’ jJ ever got out
this way does dieci you promised to show me the city.
ll trat А atthe Parl Ж (бао?
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hen the sun goes down and the lights go out, everyone says the same thing: “Where the hell is the flashlight?” And if you
don't have one handy, you're right back in the Dark Ages, fumbling for a match. While we're shining light on the subject,
we'd also like to point out that many of today’s flashlights serve multiple purposes. One doubles as a spot-and-signal light,
another is guaranteed for five years and a third even squirts a repel lent. Let those little lights shine!
Following the numbers: 1. Fluores-
cent Rechargeable Lantern for
blackouts, from Hammacher
Schlemmer, $59.95; optional car.
boat recharger, $8.95. 2. Eight
Function Lantern is a portable
spotsearchlight, flashing signal,
plus more, by Prestigeline, $29.95.
3. The 2 in 1 Fluorescent Lantern
throws abeam and anonglare light,
by Prestigeline, $19.95. 4. Red-i-
Ray Flashlight features a small red
beacnn for easy location, $12.95.
5. Mallory lightweight plastic
flashlight, from Sierra Designs,
Oakland, California, $2.79. 6. Five
Year Flashlight, from Gokeys, St.
Paul, Minnesota, $12. 7. Water-
proof Sportsman’s Lantern, from
L. L. Bean, Freeport, Maine, $8.50.
8. Guardian Repellent Flashlight
52 can abo squirt a peppery repellent,
by Votco Security Systems, $19.95.
everal designers in our Birth of a Notion fashion pictorial
elsewhere in this issue emphasized that if you have a
rdrobe with versatility, it will continue to grow in impor-
tance, as both a hedge against rising costs and a way
around excessive storage problems. To further expound on that
point, we present four interpretations of the same herringbone
sporis jacket. The looks range from a somewhat conservative
treatment with vest and tie to one that’s more country squire, with
a plaid shirt and knit tie featured. And there’s also the obvious
outerwear approach in which the jacket is worn over a
sweater—as well as the throwaway chic of wearing it over noth-
ing but a T-shirt and jeans. The idea is that a single garment can
express many personalities and serve а variety of purposes while
keeping your fashion inventory within bounds. —DAMID PLATT
Far left: On a brisk but sunny
day, when an outercoat's too
hefty and just a shirt won't
stop the chill, team up this
wool single-breasted her-
ringbone jacket featuring
notched lapels and suede
elbow patches, from Chaps by
Ralph Lauren, about $180,
with a cotton-panel ribbed
crew-neck, about 565, cotton
short-sleeved work shirt,
about $40, and straight-
legged slacks, also about
$30, all by Country Britches.
Left: Here, that same sports
coal is combined with a
striped cotton/polyester shirt
with a contrasting round col-
lar, from Brigade by Arrow,
about $19; а lambskin six-
button vest with flap and
besom pockets, from Chaps
by Ralph Lauren, about $60;
gray wool flannel pleated
narrow-legged slacks that are
lined only to the knee, by
Georgette Ghica Designs,
about $105; and a silk tie, by
Michel Cravat, about $15.
Above right: for an easy
Saturday ramble, it's tough lo
beat our sports jacket, this
time tossed on over a simple
raglan-sleeved polyester/
cotton short-sleeved crew-
neck T-shirt, by the New York
Sportswear Exchange, about
514.50; and cotton Western-
style narrow-ltgged jeans, by
New Man, about $55, that are
held up by a leather double-
saddle-stitched helt with a
nifty metal stirrup buckle,
by Trafalgar, about 520.
Right: Last, to capture that
casually elegant country look,
combine your herringbone
sports jacket with a brushed-
cotton windowpane-pl.
shirt featuring а medium-
spread collar, about $37.50,
and add a wool knit tie, about
$10, both from Chaps by
Ralph Lauren. Then pull it all
together, pardner, with a pair
of Western. front double-wale
cotton corduroy slacks with
straight legs and belt loops,
by New Man, about $65.
With this issue, we begin a
monthly column of miscellane-
ous fashion information that
will cover everything from the
latest style trends to solid ad-
vice on fashion dos and don'ts.
We're happy to report that
American fashions have never
been more internationally re-
spected. Jeans are favorites
everywhere, closely followed by
Westernwear Spruce up your
wardrobe—if you haven't done
so already—with a good pair
of cowboy boots, heavyweight
straight-legged jeans, а hand-
tooled belt, a yoked and snap-
front shirt, a leather vest, a
shearling jacket and maybe a
ten-gallon hat. Just don't wear
them all at once unless you're
Clayton Moore or a member oi
the Village People.
That same point сап be made
about designer clothes. While
designers! collections. generally
reflect а point of view, don't
dress entirely in any one look
Westernwear, designer clothes,
antique clothes, etc., are all
among today's richly expanded
fashion resources. The secret
to dressing well is not to come
away looking like a banker or
а cowboy but to be subtly
Shoulders are definitely back
in suits, sporis jackets and
sportswear. Skip the ridiculously
exaggerated styles апа check
out items that have a moderate
inverted triangle or wedge look:
broad shoulders paring down to
a slightly nipped waist, all fin-
ished off with tapered-leg trou-
sers. As this silhouette becomes
more established, expect manu-
facturers and designers to ex-
periment with their palettes.
Sportswear colors will explode,
especially those of shiny, glazed
and polished fabrics. In dressier
items, More conservative shades,
such as slate blues, greens and
grays, will be worn
brand-new car we were wheeling through the Italian Alps.
It was Alfa Romeo' latest effort, a bold foray by the Italian
maker into the world of high-dollar luxury sedans by the
likes of Mercedes, BMW and Jaguar.
Italian cars, of course, are created by and for Italian drivers,
who are like no other drivers in the world. Their right feet know
only two positions — full throttle and full brake. Their arms are
extended, race-driver style, their knees far apart and bent, the
better to tromp the pedals on and off with the flow of traffic. They
love and embrace their machinery, love to hear and feel it work-
ing; cams, lifters and valves whirring and clacking under the
hood, gears whining, tires drubbing over the road and exhaust
rasping impatiently behind.
That is why Italian cars are the way they are—exciting to look
at, full of character and decidedly eccentric. Like a cigar-smoking
uncle, they can be charming in their way, but you'd better adapt to
them, because they're not going to change for you. You either like
them or you don’t. But this new Alfa sedan was something very
different. It was quiet and comfortable. Its seating position slightly
chairlike, vaguely Italian, but nothing like the knee-crunching,
arm-stretching Latin torture chambers we've experienced in the
past. There was a power height adjuster for the driver's seat, іп
addition to the usual manual adjustments for fore/aft and seat-
back angle: the steering wheel adjusted up and down to provide a
suitable position for nearly anyone. The ride was excellent and
the handling superb, thanks to a sophisticated torsion-bar front
and a De Dion rear suspension, and the power four-wheel disc
brakes sucked us to а halt on command. as if we'd driven into a
puddle of Super-Glue.
The big sedan is powered by a new
2.5-liter, double-overhead-cam,
aluminum V6 engine, making it the
first six-cylinder Alfa since 1962 and
the only six-cylinder sedan cur-
T was something wonderfully strange about this
rently produced in Italy. A choice of five-speed-manual or
three-speed-automatic transmission is offered in Europe, but the
American version will be automatic only.
The standard-equipment list is truly impressive: variable-
assist power rack-and-pinion steering and {as mentioned) power
four-wheel disc brakes, automatic-temperature-control air condi-
tioning, intermittent windshield wipers, electrically adjustable
outside mirror, power windows and door locks, full instrumenta-
tion, including tachometer and quartz clock, plus enough warn-
ing lights for a 747, electric rear-window defogger, tinted glass all
around, multiadjustable driver's seat and steering wheel and even
five separate ashtrays. Logically, the factory option list is corre-
spondingly short, consisting of just light alloy wheels, metallic
paint and real leather trim.
At 187 4 inches overall length on a 102.4-inch wheelbase and
about $20,000 per, it's directly competitive with the six-cylinder.
Mercedes, BMW and Jaguar sedans and seems an intentional
compromise between them. On the outside, it's attractive enough
in the Italian way, yet subtle and understated like the German
machines. The interior is warmer and plusher than the German
cars’, yet not as decadently sumptuous as the Jaguar's. It's as
coolly competent as anything the Germans might build, yet re-
tains the personality and some of the quirkiness of the typical
Italian. (The steering wheel cut through our line of vision to the
speedo and tach; the brakes squeal on every application like a cat
with its tail under the rocker.) That quirkiness aside, however, it
seems that Alfa Romeo, producer for years of very Italian cars,
has gone a long way toward building an excellent high-buck
German sedan.
Unfortunately, it’s a low-volume piece—just a few thousand a
year are planned, with only 700-800 of those tagged for United
States importation beginning about January. It's known as the Alfa
6 in Europe, but there may be a more colorful name planned by
someone for the Colonies. Something like 250TL would have a
nice Teutonic ring. —GARY WITZENBURG
limited number of the Alfa 6, that famous marque's entry into the never-never land of expensive luxury sedans, have just arrived on these
shores sporting a $20,000 price tag and such goodies as power four-wheel disc brakes, automatic air conditioning and а six-cylinder engine, Со!
. М Nog, freely translated, is how the
Nog 18 Swedish Swedes say ahh...rich, creamy and
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for lus CIOUS —— —7 Rum Nog, the new luscious drink from
: see Heublein, has been blended to perfectio
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ou OW at | the right touch of spice.
Try Heublein Rum Nog!
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rum 1S. | ШЕБІНЕ | The rum's in it.
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Seeing Is Believing
Happy Days’ DONNY MOST (a.k.a. Ralph Malph) got himself a
date The Fonz would probably die for. We don’t have the young
lady's name, but we're trying (о contact her dress designer. This
outfit wouldn't make it in the Snow Belt, so happy gaze.
Dress Code
Acting is a grueling profession. Just ask BELINDA BAUER
(above, on the set of Winter Kills with JEFF BRIDGES) or SEAN
CONNERY (right, whose new movie, Cuba, opens soon). It's a
life filled with details: wardrobe changes, period costumes,
hours of retakes. It's hard to dress for success. Are Belinda and
Sean worried? Nah. Everything goes with boxer shorts.
Tell Us Where It Hurts
Does SALVADOR DALI give good headache? Will acupuncture ever replace
phrenology? Is ALICE COOPER one of the crowned heads of Europe? Your
guess is as good as ours; but, frankly, we never suspected the veteran
surrealist would end up painting by the numbers.
© 1979 ВОВ GRUEN
Could She Love, Could She Woo,
Coochie, Coochie, Coo
Even after countless Tonight Show appearances and
her years with Cugat, we just never thought of
СНАКО as so much larger than life. Well, she is.
Currently hot on the disco circuit, she walks away
with this month's celebrity chest award.
Hold the Geritol
Mr. Television, MILTON BERLE, bellies up to disco partner LISA CARIERI instead of
to the bar. When we consider just how long Uncle Miltie’s been aruund, we're glad
he knows the difference—and still cares.
Down but Not Out
f Those Gams Could Only Talk Department: MICKEY ROONEY is getting some pointers
for his Broadway debut from veteran tapper and co-star ANN MILLER. Their show, Sugar
Babies, is a musical salute to burlesque. Those are the bee's knees. si
The Italian Classic. М
“21” Brands, Inc., М.Ү., N.Y, 70 Proof Lia
Д Gown by La Mendola.
4 | Photographed at Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome.
L The Italian Classic by Galliano.
The Mystery of the Forgotten Photos
Last year, a group of actors was c leaning out an old building on East 18th
Street in Manhattan when it discovered some old 2*4" x 2'4" negatives
amid the refuse. The rest is history, or at least a Roving Eye. We've
checked with Milton Greene, Vince Tajiri, Larry Sc hiller, Josh Logan.
some of the photographers who worked with Marilyn during her
Actors Studio days (the estimated date of the negatives) but no one
recognizes the shots. Do you know anything about these pics?
Seventy-two percent of the women in a
recent survey said they wouldn't ask their
gynecologists about sexual matters. That
sounds to us a little like not asking your
accountant about your taxes. Actually, we
presented one side of the story last July
(Where Sex 18 Concerned, the Doctor Is
Ош, by Morton Hunt). It seems a large
number of doctors don't know much about
sexual behavior. It figures. What with
rigorous schooling, residency and intern-
ship, they haven't had much time for sexual
experimentation, despite what the soap
operas tell you. Now, the women patients
say it shows. Of those who wouldn't talk to
the doc about sex, 41 percent claimed that
Ever wonder how dancers in nudie bars get
around blue laws? Here's the answer—bush
panis. They're $19.95 from Underworld,
PO. Box 8372, Chicago, Illinois 60606.
their doctor's inhibitions kept them off the
subject. Of all the women interviewed,
only 16 percent claimed their own hang
ups made it impossible to discuss sex
Some of the women limited their sex talk to
the subject of birth control. As we told you
in July, things may improve. Med schools
are showing erotic films to future doctors
hoping they'll be more frank about sex, In
the meantime, buy your doctor a subscrip-
tion to PLAYBOY
Newspapers have blasted marijuana for
inhibiting reproduction in an experiment
using rhesus monkeys. (And you thought
baby seals had problems.) News stories
implied that moderate use of the weed,
about two joints per day, produces more
reproductive casualties than usual. That's
пої so, according to the National Organiza-
tion for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
Monkeys in the experiment actually in-
gested theequivalent of about 27 joints per
day. Whoops, looks like another en-
dangered species! Extrapolating human
data from the research is further compli-
cated by the fact that experimenters ad-
ministered oral doses of synthetic THC, the
active ingredient in reefer. It's not the same
as inhaling the smoke from grass, says
NORML. In another experiment, research-
ers compared the effects of oral THC and
inhaled marijuana on reproduction. That
work bears out the risks demonstrated by
oral THC in the earlier study, but no signifi-
cant adverse effects to the reproductive sys-
tem resulted from inhaled marijuana.
None. What does this mean? Don't bogart
that joint, my friend, but stay away fromthe
Alice B. Toklas brownies.
Johns Hopkins Hospital, a leading center
for sex-change surgery, has quietly thrown
in the surgical sponge on such operations.
Psychiatrists there report that surgery has
been no more effective than psychotherapy
in alleviating patients’ gender-identity
crises. In a study of 50 patients, those who
had undergone surgery, if anything, were
rated slightly less well adjusted to life than
those who had received only counseling.
Data collection consisted of following up
patients who had gone to the hospital's
clinic since 1966. Eighty percent of them
were men who had wanted to become
women. Researchers measured adjustment
to life by job success, trouble with the law,
marriage and cohabitation with the same
or the opposite sex and need for psychiatric
counseling. The hospital has dismantled its
committee for screening applicants for
surgery. No sex-reassignment surgery has
been performed there since last spring. Тһе
new school of thought: A person's
psychological environment is more power-
ful than his physiology.
The recorder of
birth statistics іп
the Chicago area
noted a swell in the
number of births
around October.
Why? Easy. Just
count back nine
months to last
January, when the
worst blizzard in
12 years hit the
area. Obviously,
housebound Chi-
cagoans found a
pleasant way to
combat cabin
This Carbondale, Illinois, pooch couldn't abide another round of
holiday grog, so he hustled up some companions for a romp in
the snow. As Nanook of the North used to say, mush mush,
A psychologist has told a conference of
sex researchers something we've sus-
pected all along: It's easier to be a tomboy
than to be a sissy. Dr. Richard Green of the
V the T-shirt fits, wear it. If it doesn't fit, find
someone friendly to wear it with you. Here's
January's cozy T-shirt of the month, a fitting
plug for Bizarre Comix. Two for T?
State University of New York at Stony
Brook has been studying preadolescent
boys with girlish behavior. “Masculine be-
havior is given a higher status in our soci-
ety,” says Dr. Green, who points out that
young boys who opt for female roles when
playing are ostracized by their buddies,
while girls who play like boys are accepted
by other girls. Green suspects that since
they have no male friends, the etfeminate
boys play with girls and emulate their at-
traction to males, Halí of those in the study
who have reached adolescence have
become homosexual or bisexual. ЕВ
In California, а store owner charts sales on his Apple
Computer. On weekends though, he totes Apple home to help
plan family finances with his wife. And for the kids to explore
the new world of personal computers.
A hobbyist in Michigan starts a local Apple Computer
Club, to challenge other members to computer
games of skill and to trade programs.
Innovative folks everywhere
have discovered that the era of the
personal computer has already
begun—with Apple.
Educators and students use
Apple in the classroom. Business-
men trust Apple with the books.
Parents are making Apple the newest
family pastime, And kids of all ages
are finding how much fun computers can
be, and have no time for TV once they've discovered Apple.
Visit yourlocal computer store
The excitement starts in your local computer store. It’s a
friendly place, owned by one of your neighbors. He'll show
you exactly what you can use a personal computer for.
What to look for
Your local computer store has several different brands
to show you. So the salesman can recommend the one that
best meets your needs. Chances are, it will be an Apple
Computer. Apple is the one you can program yourself. So
there's no limit to the things you can do. Most important,
Apple's the one with more expansion capability. That
means alot. Because the more you use your Apple, the
more uses you'll discover. So your best bet is a personal
computer that can grow with you as your skill and
involvement grow. Apple's the one.
It's your move
Grab a piece of the future for yourself. Visit your local
computer store. We'll give you the address of the Apple
dealer nearest you when you call our toll-free number.
Then drop by and sink your teeth into an Apple.
800-538-9696. In California, 800-662-9238. Г)
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