Full text of "PLAYBOY"
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an has become ап anachro-
hout. And if that's so. it
the ultramacho n
ig breed we can do wi
nism, а dyi
explains why G. Gordon Liddy, the subject of this month's
Playboy Interview, seems like a man out of phase with the
rest the world. rLaysoy interviewer Erie Norden says,
that’s like a Japanese
the South Pacific who
over for 30 years. Or per-
that Liddy is a man
There's something about Liddy
soldier in the jungle of an island
doesn't realize that the war's beer
haps it would be more тело s
he ne
his book Will, says. “Liddy has the psychology of a soldi
fortune, or perhaps a samurai. He сап talk about assay
ing someone one moment and tell a joke the next, without
skipping Norden’s new novel, Scorpion, will be
published by d Marek this winter
Before we leave the grisly topic of assassination. Johnny
Greene spent months investigating the historic murder of a
white civil rights worker Alabama during the Selma
marches of 1965, and the evidence he turned up justifies the
tile of his article: Did the FBI Kull Viola Liuzzo? Greene's
v. illustrated by John Collier, describes the efforts of the
woman's children to bring the FBI's chief Klan
informant to vial for the crime. It also r s some ugly
questions that the FBI must answer if it ever hopes to wash
away the stains of the |. Edgar Hoover dynasty.
Speaking of dynasties reminds us of kingdoms. parti
the heavenly variety. There are several evangelists out there
who, through the miracle of television, аге mak lions
of dollars by promising Faithful viewers a free pass (including
all rides) to that great big Jesus World in the sky, Well, not
tly a free pass. You'll have to send them some money.
y you want to know more before you zip off your
check? You're in luck. Assistant Editor Kate Nolan and writer
Jomes McKinley tcamed up to bring you Heavenly Hosts: А
Beginner's Guide to Television. Evangelists. The Word has
never been so funny. H you think that selling God on TV is
a religious carnival. you might change your mind when you
read Loon Lake (illustrated by John Kurtz). This first look at
the new novel by Ragtime author E. L Doctorow, which
Random House is publishing in September. was adapted by
Doctorow especially for PLAYBOY and features a carnival of
very different and more si kind. John Gordon also
nto а rathe ing side show of sorts when he attended
a Women's Energy Weekend n Eastern college. Gordon
put his reactions to the encounter into а thought provoking
Reporter's Notebook called Women Against Sex.
With the baseball season winding down to a finish.
football season beginning. its a gr
on the back lot and pla
do. you might be lucky and experience
describable satisfaction of a perlecily sl
perfectly aimed pass. John Jerome writes about t
pure satisfaction in The Sweet Spot in Time, an a
both the professional athlete and the duffer can appreciate.
IVs an excerpt from Jerome's forthcoming book of the same
title to be published by Summit Books.
To round out the issue, we have Playboy's Fall and Winter
ashion Forecast. by David Platt; I's Not So Much Where as
. the
by Kinuko Y. Croft); an illustrated wip to North Afri
our resident fine artist. LeRoy Neiman in the LeRoy Neiman
Sketchbook: A Modern Marrakesh Moor; and Girls of Can-
ada, plus а delicious French C: lian Playmate of the Month,
Mardi Jacquet, photographed by Stalf Photographer Richard
Fegley. Until next month, happy readi
19 н. MICHIGAN AVE, CHGO., tht, вов
P.O. BOX 2420, BOULDER. COLO. B0302.
| p T 5
Loon Loke
MUSIC . . 2
Groteful Dead resurrected; eors of the stors.
BOOKS! cS ences е TS LEA 38
Previews of fall reading; yet another hot number from Stephen King.
MOVIES nica ae ce Ate з cues er уы 42
Sellers plays а ої role in Fu Manchu; other films provide loughs, shivers
COMING ATTRACTIONS ......... wee 44
Its back to the screen for Jomes Garner, Richard Dreyfuss- “Orson Welles?
If it's imoginative—and penny-squeezing—service you're looking for, perhaps
you'd better do it yourself.
] THE PEAYBOY ‘ADVISOR sae mass A a 49
کے وار یا ا ТИЕ PLA TEON FORNE: е ВЕЕ]
WOMEN AGAINST SEX—a reporter's notebook ...... JOHN GORDON 60
A few kind words obout old-fashioned lust.
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: С. GORDON LIDDY—candid conversation .... 65
The “sphinx” of Watergate, who finolly opened up in his book Will, talks
obout politics, power, ossassination ond the personol drives thot hove led him
to do things few people would even consider.
TOON LAKE REG «soiree duse NE eee ase Е. 1. DOCTOROW 86
In a special odaptotion for PLAYBOY, the author of Ragtime tells the story of a
boy coming to monhood amid the freok-filled world of an evil carnival.
Canadian Girls
FASHION FORECAST—atfire ...................... DAVID PLATT 90
With cooler weother ahead, it's time to put together o warm wordrobe.
At the peak of the Sixties’ civil rights movement, she was shot on o rood
outside Selma, At ihe time, it looked as if the K.K.K. had done it. Now the
Fashion Foreccst 3 trail is getting closer and closer to the FBI.
Fellows, meet Fellowes. S. J, Fellowes, that is, popular Canadian fashion model. S.J.
is placing you under arrest for speeding eyeballs. Since not all Conadian Mounted
Police come this pretty, we know you'll go quietly. S.J. was photographed by Executive
Ат Director Tom Staebler and her make-up was done by Pat Tomlinson. S.J. is here
to remind you that we have the Girls of Canada inside, starting on page 140.
BODY BEAUTIFUL—pictorial .....- 22.2.0 n 103
If body-building champ Lisa Lyon is an indication of what iron pumping will
do for its thousands of new female practitioners, bring on the bar belles!
Saving money and having more privacy are only two of the advantages in
planning your vacation for less “fashionable” months.
Got а yen for something from the Orient that'll blow your mind and make
you weep with ecstasy? Try those Thai, Koreon and Vietnamese dishes.
DESERT FOX—playboy’s playmate of the month.................. 116
Mardi Jacquet lives in Arizona, where there's enough open space for her to
live life at full tilt.
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor ......................-...- 128
PROVOCATIVE PERIOD PIECES—pictorial ....................... 131
So you want to invest in collectibles, but stamps bore you? Charles Marti-
gnette's antique erotica is not only o good investment, it's entertaining, too.
Eastern Spicos
THE SWEET SPOT IN TIME—sports ......... ... JOHN JEROME 136
There is a delicious moment for every athlete when time seems to stand still
and, for once, he does everything perfectly.
GIRLS OF CANADA — pictorial) «cnr xr nx E seas © sue eaters 140
Once you've seen these ladies, you'll wonder how our northern neighbor ever
became so famous for her fishing.
Viola Livzzo
THE WONDER-WORKING HAND—ribald classic .................. 153
Selling Jesus is big business these days, thanks to the tube.
LE ROY NEIMAN SKETCHBOOK—pictorial ...................... 165
PLAYBOY FUNNIES Бит з еса. 167
esert Fe
How to deal with a decorator.
PLAYBOY'S NEW AGE PRIMER ................................ 225
Dowsing for profit, neutrinos and creotion.
Gadgets, new Rovers and Peugeols, cowboy boots, Grapevine and Sex News. pen
BETWEEN r. 32-23, v
The bald eagle is in danger of extinction, For a free booklet on how to hel
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editor and publisher
NAT LEHRMAN associate publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL art director
GARY COLE photography director
G. BARRY GOLSON executive editor
TOM STAEBLER executive art director
wenior editor; JAMES в, PETERSEN senior
J. к. O'CONSOK амин editors: SERVICE
TEATURES: том owrs modern livin
editor: Ею WALKER assistant editor: DAVID
MATT fashion director: CARTOONS: NICHELLE
Urey editor; COPY: ARLENE восил со»
DY. MARY ZION researchers; СОХ
KERIG rore managing director; LEN WHAIS,
CHET SUSKI senior directors: BOB POST, Sk
WILLIAMSON associate directors; BRUCE MANSEN,
directors: weno kasik senior art assistant
EARL MIURA, JOYCE PERALA art assistants:
мугком traffic coordinator; BAR
HARA HOFTMAS administrative assistant
MARILYN CRAROMSKE west coust editor; jure
COHEN, JANICE MOSES asociate editors; WEN
wn виллу, гомо rost staff photogra
Шела; JAMES LARSON phuro manager; вил
uting photog phers: FATIY WY SUD T assistant
editor: MIAN BURRY (London). JEAN PIERRE
HOLLEY (Paris), LUISA stewart (Rome) cor-
nts: jwis молию calor lab supervi
wats administrative editor
JOHN MASTRO director: ALLEN VARGO manager;
CY NTHIA LACEY SHacit manager
scription manager
HENRY W. MARKS director
PAPANGILIS administrative editor; PAULETTE
GAUDET rights & permissions manager; MIL
тш ZIMMERMAN addininistiative assistant
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Before we told you all this, you could have inno-
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The Vision of the Future
The smooth and refreshing taste of Seagram's Gin
makes the best drinks possible. Enjoy our quality in moderation.
in which we offer an insider's look at what's doing and who's doing it
At Playboy Mansion West's annual Tennis and Crumpet Tournament,
which benefits the John Tracy Clinic for deaf children, Hugh Hefner
cuddles the clinic's 1980 poster child, Megan Dodson, surrounded by
(from lett) Pat Harrington, Bruce Jenner, Dino Martin and Desi Arnaz, Jr.
The A team warms up
for Hef's Memorial Day
Madcap Marathon at
Mansion West. Kitten Na-
tividad, center, teaches
Harry Reems and model
Ciri her famous hip-thrust
play. For more of Kitten,
we reprise this shot of
her with Steve Tracy from
Beneath the Valley of
ihe Ultravixens (right).
Chicago Bunny Morgan (above) finishes first atop Calypso Cajun during
an exhibition race featuring thoroughbreds ridden by Bunnies at Arling-
ton Park. Below, jockeys-for-a-day Sue, Lizabeth, Mel and Regina share
the winner's circle with Bunny Morgan and real-life jockey Vince Amato.
Last April, we showed you The Ramones ogling a
centerfold. Creem magazine caught America’s pre-
mier punk rockers in a more intellectual mood,
haps pondering Alvin Toffler's view of the Eighties. — 1]
Why is Larry L. King grin-
ning wide as the Peder-
nales in spring? Maybe
because his 1974 PLAYBOY
article, The Best Little
Whorehouse in Texas,
grew up to be a Broadway
hit and new film. Here he
and his wife, agent Bar-
bara Blaine (right). chat
with PLAYBOY staffer Su-
san Margolis-Winter at a
Chicago Playboy Mansion
party for the American
Booksellers Association.
PLAYEOY's Phi Beta Kappa Playmate Vicki McCarty
(September 1979) hangs on to her new law degree
from Hastings College after she and husband,
Adam Englund (Cloris Leachman's son), graduated.
Playboy's Lake Geneva
Resort hosted reps from
all eight foreign editions.
Above: Brazil's Sylvian Mi-
fano and Mario de Andrade
flank International Publish-
ing Vice-President Lee Hall.
Left: Japan's Кеп Tsu-
kamoto and Tsutomu Nakagi.
эт та сдпиовт
тч rw tucanes
TuS ure тт
патол vrman
Au-tuttrkome Pas
That's warm, soft Ann-Margret up against a cold,
hard wall of sound on the cover о! Playboy Guide
to Electronic Entertainment. At right: Guide Editor
Mort Persky, Executive Editor John Rezek and
Publisher Christie Hefner as they appeared on Tom
Snyder's Prime Time Saturday feature on Christie.
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Ballantines. Makers of the oldest and most expensive scotch in the world.
("21 Blended Scotch Whisky, bottled iri'Scotland: 86; proof. Imported by "21" Brands, Nc. N.Y.C.
As to your two-part article by Lau-
rence Gonzales on Airline Safely
(втлувот, June and July, 1980), only
one word describes it—excellent! I have
covered major plane crashes myself as
an aerial photographer and I know lor
а fact that Gonzales wrote exacth
he saw. I also know how per
"get it flying or else" syndrome is, а
I'm happy that a major national maga-
ic has given the problem pre:
Jay C. Williams
Anchorage, Alaska
I wonder, didn't Gonzales ask
dministraior Langhorne Bond
what has happened to the 3.5 billion
dollars locked away in the Airport and
2 Funds earmarked
fety improvements.
s like new instrument
weather radar and
ds. More and im-
these sorts of accidents in the foreseeable
future, at least until human-factors re-
search finds ways to circumvent or arti-
ficially improve the natural limitations
of pilots and controllers. Instead of
flying the tough mission, Gonzales ap-
arently felt compelled to impugn the
honor of some damn fine pilots and
men. Men who paid the ultimate price
for proving in one instant of time and
space that they were, 1.
w ne Pilot
n fact, mort
m N. Broocke, A
jetta, Georgia
As one who is retired from a tion
career, 1 extend my congratulations to
Laurence Gonzales for his excellent re-
porting on e safety (or lack there-
of). It is too bad, how
to limit himself t0 two
concentrated solely on the FAA, no few-
er than ten such articles would have
been required to expose its nefarious
deeds. My disgust is with the adminis-
trator isors and inspectors, of
whe € yet to meet even one who
shibits competence. Congress should
sh a new agency, with clear and
specific guidelines to protect the public
interests in all ar of aviation. À new
organization without deadwood and
featherbedding could provide super-
vision and enforcement of public a
tion safety w fewer personnel. Of
course, the chances of Santa's bringing
me the Playmate of the Year are [ar
greater than the actual realization of the
above suggestion.
(Name and address
withheld by request)
appreciate the concern you
show for human life in your recent two-
t article on airline safety.
10 National Transportati
figures, during 1979, w
lost their lives in airline crashes, 8090
pedestrians were killed. I eagerly antici-
pate your forthcoming
the hazards of walking—or were you
just sensationalizing?
Bill Beck
Atlanta, Georgia
Sensationalism wasn't our intent, Bill.
But, frankly, we'd be more likely to do
а follow-up article on drunken drivers
or the perils of comparing apples and
1 found the two ticle by Lau-
rence Gonzales very intriguing. In my
w, most of the points he raises and
nes arc valid. However, I feel he's
giving the Bocing 707 and 727 a bum
rap in the second part when he s
ates have never be
ked, even though more 7075
ve crashed than DC-10s. WI
ales neglects to point out is that thei
Imost one and a half times as many
7075 Mying as DC-l0s, and seven times
mew тояк 10017; CHICAGO вови!
Empire's EDR.9
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Direct-to-Disc and digital re-
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The Empire EDR.9 is that car-
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At $200, the EDR.9 is expensive,
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Classic English Leather”. The fresh,
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At fine toiletry counters.
English Leather.
Northvale, New Jersey 07647 © 1978
Available in Canada
as many 727s flying as DC-10s. Gonzales
should have ex
ned the industry's
standard criteria this matter—the
crash rate measured in fatal number of
crashes per 100,000 hours of flying time
Had he taken the wouble to do that,
he would have discovered that the crash
rate of all three aircraft is virtually the
same, and is quite low. Mind you. it's
not low епо! but it is low
W. F. Marshall
"Toronto, Onta
Somehow, your calculations don't
make us feel any better than Gonzales’.
Compared with the drivel usually
written about money, Charles А. С
rami's July article, A Financial Strategy
for the Eighties. is velveshingly honest.
He correctly concludes that the Ith
hour is past, that printing money is the
same as taxation and that only gold is
real money. People who have things of
value exchange those things for money
because they expect to be able to е
change that money for other things of
value. It follows that society. in order
to avoid money panics, should изе lor
money things that have those charac-
teristics that most foster confidence in
future exchangeability. Gold meets all
those requirements. It’s scarce, durable
and transportable, and can always be
sold to electrical-parts manufacturers
d jewelers. Even if there is no market
lor electrical components, fear not for
the jewelry market. Human vanity is
one of the world's few constants.
W. Bevis Schock
St. Louis, Missouri
Your July pictorial Ten Ways to
Find a Perfect 10 with Dudley Moore
is great. The women are all beautiful,
but one really stands out from the rest.
Who is the woman on page 157 sitting
next to Moore in the girls’ steam room?
She is absolutely the most beautiful
hunk of woman I have ever seen.
L. Barry
Chicopee, Missouri
For all you readers who wrote similar
letters, that particular 10 is model Joyce
I had been putting off my subscrip-
tion renewal, but viewing July Playmate
Teri Peterson was the clincher. It is
obvious she is the most splendid
Playmate to appear in some time, The
check is on its way.
Steve Endres
Minnetonka, Minnesota
I love Te
the way ther
s tan lines. You know,
aren't any.
Marv Miller
South Bend, Indi
Phillip Dixon's photographs of Teri
on pages 130 and 131 of the July issue
are absolutely devastating! Your maga-
zine has impeccable taste in very attrac-
tive women.
Stephen Schlager
Elm Grove, V
What's the story? Are Teri's eyes, in-
deed, big. bewitching and brown, as
your text states, or are they big, be-
witching and blue/grcen, as they look?
I think TIL need to see another pictur
to make ап accurate decision!
Ken Baptista
Union City, California
They're sort of hazel with brown
flecks, depending on the light, Ken. You
can't see them very well in the picture
we've provided, but we don't think
you'll mind.
Really enjoyed your beach feature,
Solar Power, in the July issue. So far
this summer, I've used many of your
facts as opening lines on my local stretch
of sand with phenomenal success. Got
any more?
Peter Jon
Benton Harbor, Mich
Glad you've such a satisfied customer,
Peter. For more information, you can
use one of the same sources we used,
writer Philip Kopper. His book “The
Wild Edge,” available from New York
Times Books, can keep you in fascinat-
ing beach facts and opening lines for
many summers to come. We had in-
tended to include a credit for Kopper
in а bibliography that got bumped in
favor of a swimsuit photo. It was an-
other case of instant gratification versus
lasting value.
In this age of high energy costs and
dwindling resources, how can you con-
done wasting upwards of 50 gallons of
© 1980, Playboy:
$ 18 first 12-issue gift '
(Save $13.00*)
$16 for each additional gift
(Save $15.00*)
Address/Apt. No.
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Rates apply to U.S., U.S. Poss, APO-FPO addresses only.
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Or to order by phone
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(Except in Illinois, Hawaii, Alaska.
In Illinois only, call 800-972-6727.)
hot water to steam the wrinkles out of
one suit, as you suggest
Playboy's Pipeline, “How to
R. C. Baldwin
mpa, Flor
According to our local gas company,
it costs approximately 16 cents to heat
30 gallons of water. If you had the
hotel laundry do the pressing, that
amount wouldn't even cover the bell-
boys tip—and you probably wouldn't
see the suit again for two days.
Stephen Birnbaum's ide Hawaii's
Hidden Treasures in the July PLAYBOY
is terrific. | have been to Hawaii as the
t Birnl
typical tou describes: only
h E мор
at the Hilo Airport еп route home to
Dallas). I'm sure I've missed quite a lot
of the unexpected pleasures that aw
the adventurer. When and if the money
becomes available, 1 intend to spend
the time necessary to follow Birnbaum's
tracks to the letter, using my copy of
PLAYBOY asa guide when I arrive on the
ing enjoyed Oahu (with a bı
Gary A. Click
Dallas, Te
Most articles about our 50th state are
so full of window dressing to sell tour
The beaches he talks about
ıl. The sad thing is that so
many people have found them that to
really get away from it all, you have
1 was surprised and,
pointed to open your
find there had bees
to locate all the tes for a big
party and reunion. Disappointed be-
cause your staff apparently couldn't find
1 would have loved to have heard
from you and been invited to the party.
If some future roundup is planned,
please count me im. Here's a picture
April issue and
t effort made
to go where there are no roads or trails.
Kalalau Valley on K i is one such
place. In the carly ‚ artides
began to appear about it in mainland
newspapers. People started to flock there
and paradise was lost. 1 like to remem-
ber Hanakapiai, Kalalau and. Honopu
leys as they were in the old days.
Then you had to swim in or go by boat.
My wife and I swam into Honopu in the
ly days. lived off the land and sca.
No dope, no booze and. best of all. no
people. just a natural high from simply
being there. Well, time marches оп,
but the pictures are great and they bring
k memories of living and loving as
they used to be. Aloha.
Deane Gonzalez
Honolulu, Hawaii
(Some Perspectives on the
PLAYBOY, July) for her tenderness,
and funny ailection for men. She shows
an unbounded willingness to listen to
the echoes of men’s hearts the throb.
ing of their penises; to know that what
the seer of th want is to create a
happy concord with their mates by
pleasing and being pleased. It inspires
ecstatic optimism to know that some
women recognize the penis as а symbol
of n's love, even if he doesi
brandish it that way.
Michacl G. Wils
Upperville, Virginia
and gratitude to Lynda Schor
Schor's article reflects some good, pene-
as Гат today.
Dolores J. M.
March 1954 Playmate
We were disappointed, 100, Dolores.
We would surely have included you in
the festivities had we been able to lo-
you. Now that we've found each
other again, please stay in touch. And
that goes for the rest of you Playmates
oul there, too.
trating, in-depth research and study.
But, seriously, it is the most unbiased,
critical treatment of this touchy sub-
ject that Гуе ever read. Please advise
Schor that should she need a research
nt for future articles, I'm available.
W. A. Cunningham
Tulsa, Oklahoma
.. no,
. no, experiencing via osmosis—
with a disconcerting amount of envy, 1
might add—the memoir J Was а First-
Class Stowaway, by Peter Dallas, in your
typically excellent July issue. Please
assure me every word of it is true. Not
since Mann's Confessions of Felix Krull
have 1 felt such mirth and puerile joy
radiating from a tale. The innate desire
layers of
ations. But
among us
propriety in all our i
given the chance,
wouldn't relish the opportunity to have
dote on our
ı state din-
а stully society dowager
every word at some
authentic) credentials we'd
given ourselves? Keep us informed, Pe-
ter. You've undoubtedly been responsi-
ble for a multitude of impish grins.
among the largest of which, I'm sure, is
your ow
Dan Bush
Riverdale, New York
hed with PLayBoy.
memoir is as
Another month enr
Peter Dallas’ outrageous
beautiful as the girls in yo
pictorials. I'm ready to hop on
liner. beautiful Ellen or mot.
again [or the beauty and the qu
Ross А. Sheely
Fort Collins, Colorado
July's Playboy's Pipeline article
proper attire for the job suggests the
rule “Dress like your boss." Well, if I
dressed like my boss, 1 wouldn't have
much of a future, My boss is a wom:
George Stickle
Kearny, New Jersey
Count your blessings, George. Our
boss wears pajamas all the time. Try
that during a New Jersey winter
pplaud the inflation-fighting efforts
However, "clothing" July
Playmate Teri Peterson and cover girl /
tress Sandra Dumas with the
pair of shoes docs seem to be
case ol too little, too
Keith Caserio
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Thanks for Keith. Maybe
now when we go to our accountant for
our models’ “wardrobe” expenses, he
won't fall out of his chair laughing.
| enmesawrce Kings, 9 mg. “tar”. 0 .B mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method;
t 1005, 9 mg. "tar", 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Jan. ‘BO.
That шо Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
ЯЙ. (25.4 FL 02)
Puerto Rico is the Rum Island. the
world's foremost rum-producing
region. And Ronnco is the rum—au-
thentic Puerto Rican rum since 1860.
Ronrico's smooth, light taste has
been the pride of six generations of
Puerto Rican rum masters. One sip
will tell you why.
Tn а new teaching assistants’ hand-
book, the University of Oregon plag
rized a section devoted to plagiarism from
a similar handbook published by Stan
ford University. University of Oregon
officials apologized and said they would
guidebook. Reportedly, the
next version will be called either Rob-
ert's Rules or Crime and Punishment.
revise the
Every Cloud Must Have a Silver Lin-
ing Department: Congrats to Wallace
Spencer, 41, on his marriage to Sheila
McCoy, 17, a former te of his
мег, Brenda. You might remember
She's currently serving 25 years
10 lile for the murders of an elementary
school principal and a custodian that
occurred. when she opened fire on a San
Diego school because, in Brenda's words,
“I don't like Mondays." Well, Sheila,
Brenda's new stepmom, was the girl's
cellmate in juvenile hall. Spencer met
his bride-to-be while visiting his daugh-
ter in stir before she was shipped to the
big he
with this unexpected development . . .
except assistant D.A, William Kennedy
who has ordered ап investigation of the
circumstances surrounding the wedding.
Geez. He's probably just miffed because
he didn't get to spring, er, give away
the bride.
ise. Everyone seems quite pleased
Well, it seemed like а good idea at
the time. The El Dorado, Arkansas, E
Department and the state Fire Training
Academy got together to give a demon-
stration of arson techniques. They were
torch an
ding owned by John Henry
given permission to aban
doncd bu
his property
who really didn't care about
The only hitch in the plan
came about when John couldn't remem-
ber the exact address of his building and
accidentally gave the fire department
the number of the house across the street
And so, with the eyes of the world watch
ng. the fire fighters gutted a house
owned by Nathaniel Lark. Lark
quite burned up over the incident—but
not halt
much as his house was.
Who said progressive educat
thing of the pa: In West Virginia, six-
Richard Robbins,
diagnosed as hyperactive
эп is a
year-old who was
took tin
peculiar experiment in modern educa
tion. For five months, Richie was forced
10 sit in a four-ootsquare, five-foothigh
box during classes by his
teacher, who wanted the boy to "соп.
centrate on his Richie
toughed it out for half the school year
even when toss
own work.
his classmates would
grass into his cubicle "to feed the animal
Finally, Richie spilled the
beans to his parents, who hit the ceiling
and went right to Forest Edge Elemen-
tary School's principal, Sue L. William-
son. Sue didn't see anything horrible
in the box.”
about the cardboarded kid, stating that
the technique was common in her school
“This is a very accepted practice.” she
explained. “The unfortunate part of this
was that the teacher
study carrel
called it a
She called it а box." Sue,
want to try a synonym for the word idiot?
Move Gloria Whites
Creek, Tennessee's, own Harry Eugene
Martin was awarded a bachelor’s degree
ıt Kansas State University
over, Steinem.
this year
What made his graduation so special
was the fact that Harry is 63 years old
and the degree he picked up, in home
economics, was denied him 40 years ago
use of his sex.
Harry, now a real-
businessman and саше breeder,
was never told why the degree was deep:
sixed. “The poor man wa
tinst by other men,
Ruth Hoeflin
said present dean
admitted that the
1940 college administration invented a
rule to bar the degree out of sheer
orneriness. Maybe now Betty Crocker
can get that lumberjack job she's always
The latest in exccutive fashion is some-
thing called renta-suit. The Haas Tailor-
ing Company, a Baltimore clothing
manufacturer that originated the suit-
leasing idea, reports а
"fantastic response”
from executive suites around the country.
According to a company spoke
Haas consultants who h tensively
researched” business clothing will analyze
the dress habits of a firm's executives and
recommend new custom-tailored suits
calculated to boost the corporate image.
The rentals themselves are arranged
through a Haas subs
Suit leasing is touted as a fringe bene-
fit tailored to executives in high
brackets. Haas's consulting fee (about
10 percent of the toral: there's a 55000
minimum order) is fully tax
so а 5100 suit
5210. The "tenant" must report that а
earned income. That means $120 in
па income tax if he's in the 50 percent
bracket; but when the lease is spread over
two years, as Haas recommends, that $400.
suit cin be worn for just $60 per year.
No executive should become too attached
to his threads, though. Suits must be re-
turned at the end of the lease period.
Suit leasing appeals to employe
cause а way to ease executives
companyapproved attire.
mean that young execs will be
issued classier duds as they climb the
corporate ladder? "Keep up the good
work and you'll be out of plaids and into
pinstripes in no time.” And what about
those who don't make the grade? That
dressing down from the boss could be a
al bitch.
Looking for
good deal on a house?
There's an apartment complex in Los
Angeles that. probably can be picked up
right now if you have the patience. Seems
the building was being moved to a new
location by a crew of construction work-
ers, and its route crossed a railroad
tack—where it was rammed by
freight wain and demolished. At least
now its residents don't have to worry
about its going condo.
Well, it sounds good; we're just not
sure it will look good on us: Visilors East
magazine ran an ad for Dunhill T:
that claimed: “Our own suits, sports j
ets, overcoats, dinner suits and slacks . . .
reflect the good taste of our clits.”
Jo Ann Temple, a Colorado resident.
is suing a r
ing her drain cleaner instead of salad
dressing. Miss Temple said that the
cleaner had made her ill and caused her
to lose her sense of taste for more than
five months—not to mention her sensc
of humor. We have always recommended
not ordering the Chef's Surprise, Jo.
Overheard in a hot tub:
the long hair of the Eighties.”
Moncy is
What the networks will program if current trends prevail
Wolnut — Grove's
new sex-educotion
teocher (Хоуіега
Hollonder) drives
the peaceable
Charles Ingalls
(Michael London)
to violence when
it becomes cleor
thot she is not go-
ing to use boby
tolk to describe
parts of the body.
Premiere: Mor-
goux Hemingwoy
stars os an opero-
tive for B.A.B.E.
(Broless Agents
Bottling Evi, c
crock teom of ex-
models who have
been personolly
assigned by the President to go abrood
ond keep obreost. In the first episode,
Sleozette (Mergoux) must find o way out
when she is coptured by Red Chinese
ogents and ploced in a slowly controct-
ing wet T-shirt.
Premiere: Subjective comero ongles
highlight this series, which stors Arnold
Schwarzenegger ond Согу Coleman os
two shy but girl-crozy astronomers who
misuse the telescope at Mount Palomar.
Premiere: Susan Anton is Patrolwoman
Aphrodite Bump. Lola Folono is Potrol-
womon Cleopatra Grind. And you con
osk anybody in their neighborhood—
they're two cops with o beot. Tonight: To
help sharpen their techniques, Coptoin
Onon (Alex Cord) orders the officers to
frisk him 500 times.
Frank Reynolds and Peter Jennings went
оп unchoperoned dotes with more thon
1000 nice Cotholic girls in an attempt to
get on in-depth look ond seporote foct
from fiction surrounding this controversiol
question. The reporters will take view-
ers inside a block-potent-leother-shoe foc-
tory and discuss whot the shoemaking
process tells us about Americons in the
Eighties. Also explored: o mother's occu-
sotion thot the block-patent-leother-shoe
industry wos creoted ond is fo this day
controlled by young Cotholic boys.
Premiere: The multitolented Bo is show-
cased in this one-woman variety hour,
which consists of a very slow pon from
the tips of her
toes to the top of
her heod.
When the Angels
miss their month-
lies, Chorlie threot-
ens to have Bosley
Doncer Mikhoil
Baryshnikov dis-
cusses his three
lotest sexuol en-
Kote (Kate Mul-
grew) joins o
heclth club to
probe o series of
grisly murders by
2| o cunning monioc
who sneoks up ond snops o towel
ogainst the backsides of his victims until
they ore inflomed beyond recognition.
Premiere: She's Solly Field, shedding her
Goody Two-shoes imoge once and for oll
os Detective Sergeant Chippy Debuchel-
son, © street-wise hooker turned cop
for the N.Y.V.D. (New York Vice Deport-
ment). "She's been on her bock, so she
knows where it’s ot," soys her commond-
ing officer. Each week, Chippy lures con-
ventioneers ond other eosily oroused
types into the loving orms of the law
with the help of her partner, o pimp
turned cop who beats her up when she
doesn't moke enough arrests.
Premiere: Tune in the game show on
which contestants almost olwoys see
stars, Richord Gere, Ryon O'Neal ond
Worren Beotty ore among the celebrity
studs who present their grond prizes to
contestonts chosen on Ње bosis of need
from among the studio audience.
Premiere: In this new comedy, set ot the
zony Institute for Advonced Study ot
Princeton in the Thirties, Albert Einstein
(Tony Orlondo) finds himself continuolly
distrocted by the electrodynamics of mov-
ing bodies when he is ossigned as o
Ph.D. advisor to о trio of voluptuous
grod students interested in fusion. In the
series opener, Einstein invites the girls to
come to his study to do equotions by
condlelight but is forced to admit, when
‘opportunity knocks, thot he has neither
the energy nor the moss.—SCOTT FIVELSON!
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reviews: Checking out the fall line-
up of new dramatic and comedy
series is somewhat like perusing a Bibli-
cal family tree—lots of begats, otherwise
known as spin-offs. Also plenty of out-
right imitations hoping to duplicate the
success of, say, Soup or Dallas or the big
hit movies of yesteryear. When the new-
season premicres begin in September, all
three major networks will uy their luck
at moving cinema onto the home screen.
ABC Television has Breaking Away (Satur-
days), with Shaun Cassidy in the leading
role as an Indiana boy who lives in а
college town but doesn't go to college.
What I have seen of it looks OK but
almost identical to the Oscar-nominated
movie. Only Barbara Barrie, as Mom,
and Jackie Earle Haley, as Moocher
repeat their movie roles, though the
film's Academy Award-winning screen-
writer Steve Tesich is still around to
assure some quality control if he can
maintain his own расе. CBS-TV's cross-
over property is Freebie and the Bean (Sat-
urdays) costarring Tom Mason and
Hector Elizondo as a promising team of
1 Francisco police sergeants whose un-
orthodox methods of gang-busting ought
to be good for laughs. In the search for a
viable answer to the phenomenal Dallas,
NBC has reached all the way back to a
1919 Joan Crawford movie, Flamingo Road
(Tuesdays). Cristina Raines takes Craw-
Тога role as а toughminded working
rl named Lane Ballou, who fights the
snobs and bigots in an oversexed South-
ern town. It’s steamy adult stuff, full of
scandals and nasty litle secrets, belted
out by a first-rate cast. Stella Stevens,
Mark Harmon, John Beck, Morgan
hild (yummy), Barbara Rush and
Howard Duff have prominent roles, and
five'll get you ten that next year at this
time there will be hell to pay if one of
them, like J.R. of Dallas, is felled by a
mysterious assailant. NBC's Horper Valley
PIA. was a hit song first, then a top-
rated movie on TV, now returning
(Tuesdays) as a series, with Barbara Eden
playing another bold young woman wag-
ing her private war against small-town
hypocrisy. Shorter was better. I'd rather
replay the record than watch Miss
Eden—blonde, bouffant and badly
dressed—getting even again and agai
Don't go away. CBS itself has another
adult prime-time soap opera їп Secrets
hts (Saturdays). Plenty of
beautiful boys and girls doing the things
everyone did in Peyton Place, with Lo-
renzo Lamas (son of Fernando Lamas
and Arlene Dahl) as one of the more ob-
vious future pinups in a cast that seems
full of subjects for hot-selling posters.
Although television generally seems
to be cluttered with interchangeable
blondes—Cheryl Ladd clones. and no
Flamingo Road: more Southern soap.
Coming up on the tube:
recycled film classics,
some superlative specials.
Shogun's Shimada, Chamberlain.
one will convince me otherwise—there's
onc blonde to remember in ABC's irs o
Living (Thursdays). Her name is Ann
sprung from Broadw Sugar
5 to adorn this sassy new comedy
series about five waitresses and sex and
success and sex and family and sex and
сп and sex—brought to you by the
ators of Soap, who obviously know
what they're doin
Overall, ABC's line-up of new pro-
grams is the most consistent in con-
ception and performance. The three
hal-hour comedies filling out its fall
slate are Too Close for Comfort (Tuesdays),
with the delightful Ted Knight and
Nancy Dussault as a pair of overpro-
fective parents. whose swinging-single
daughters live just downstairs; Bosom Bud-
jes (Thursdays), co-starring Peter Scolari
nd Tom Hanks in an amiable, unlike-
ly farce about two young Chicago ad-
men who move into a hotel for women
and have to go home in drag (shades of
Some Like I1 Hot); and But I'm a Big Girl
Now (Fridays), in which Danny ‘Thomas
and Diana Canova play a scrappy father
and daughter who have both been
bruised by divorce. They are not half as
much fun as Ted Knight.
Cops and robbers. in one form or an-
other, dominate the new crop of pro-
grams from CBS. Enos (Wednesdays) stars
Sonny Shroyer, the bumpkin deputy
from the Dukes of Hazzard, off on sab-
batical to bungle in the big time with
the Los Angeles Police Department.
Shroyers dumb, engaging innocence
and computerized grin cannot support
a whole show without strain. Enos is
outclassed by Magnum, Р. (Thursdays),
with Tom Selleck as Magnum, a private
investigator who might pass for a macho
Marlboro man. Based in Haw; he's
ex-Navy, easygoing, fond of fast cars
and fancy ladies. Haven't. we met this
cat before? A new breed is represented
by Lawrence Pressman in Ledies Man
(Mondays). Like a low-key, junior Gene
Hackman, Pressman plays the only male
writer employed by a women’s magazine
where the last word is liberation. The
idea sounds contrived, but there's some
evidence here of a viable series about an
average guy in a nest of feminists Gloria
Steinem would deplore.
Among the imminent autumn specials,
NBC-TV's Shogun is the most imposing
and ambitious. The 12-hour miniseries
based on James Clavell's epic novel will
be shown for six consecutive nights start-
g September 14, with segments varying
in length from one to three hours. Such
a schedule may well try the patience of
viewers, though in this case patience will
rded by a spectacle quite unlike
ndard TV pap. Although never
especially deep, Shogun is stirring and
exotic adventure on the grand scale—
judged by a peek at the initial three-
hour episode, without all the fi
ishing touches. Richard Cha
the former TV pretty-hoy who fought
his way up from Dr. Kildare to challe
ing classical roles, plays the shipwrecked
English n or Blackthorne, thrust
into the thick of a samurai power strug-
gle in 17th Century Japan. Chamber
looks both human and heroic, even vis-
jevis Japanese superstar Toshiro Mifune
as the war lord ga. Romance cn-
ters on tiptoe in the delicate bcauty of
Yoko Shimada as Mariko. whose devotion
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to Blackthorne seals his fate. There's
action aplenty—one man behe
man boiled and the hero pissed upon
while the story is just getting under
way. Filmed on location, Shogun’s sea-
scapes, landscapes and narrow escapes
are the stul of legend, adapted and
directed to achieve the TV equivalent
of a book you can't put down.
Fm not sure that anyone ought to
encounter a truly great novel for the
first time on a television screen. Once
you are familiar with it, though, there's
a special pleasure in seeing the classics
revisited by various actors, directors and
adapters. Fyodor Dostoievsky's Crime and
Punishment opens the new Masterpiece
"heatre season on PBS on September 28.
with а four-part dramatization imported
from BBG 2. The production is superb,
starring John Hurt as Raskolnikov, the
impoverished student who almost con-
vinces himself that murdering а miserly
old woman for her money may be a
rational act, above the law. Hurt is like
a younger, craggier Peter O'Toole,
cerebral but crumbling from within,
and more believably unstrung than any
Raskolnikov I've ever seen. Catch his
act, by all means.
ded, one
Мес Guinness portrays wry, retired
secret agent George Smiley in John le
Carré's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, another
BBC production imported for the PBS
Great Performances series. The detail
is delicious and Sir Alec is, as usual,
а one-man show worth your complete
attention if he did nothing but read the
tide tables. He does a good deal more in
Tinker, Tailor, though the production
overall is slow, stately, literate and so
doggedly, harrumphingly English that
the rooting out of a Red rat in the very
bosom of the British Secret Service often
seems to be a mere case of office politics.
It's also occasionally hard to follow,
despite its six-hour running time (one
hour per weck, beginning September
29). Keep a copy of Le Carré’s book
handy to explain the plot. Or maybe
you'd rather just read, and order your
Guinness by the gl
NBC seeks the common touch and
finds it again in Hill Street Blues (Satur-
days), a corrosive adult drama that just
happens to be set in a big-city precinct
station. It's clearly a higher rca,
where drug abuse and home sweet
homicide are everyone's daily bread.
“This is a war zone," we're told. But
between skirmishes, which involve a
sprawling, colorful cast, police captain
Furillo (Daniel "Travanti) dodges his
embittered wife to find comfort with a
statuesque lady lawyer (Veronica Ham
el). Hill Street's gallows humor is never
cutesy, and the show as a whole projects
strect-smart spontaneity and a rea] sense
of d:
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avid Rensin calls us and tells us jokes
that sometimes aren't very funny. As
punishment, we sent him to interview
Ted Nugent—the animal of rock ‘n’ roll.
His report: "1 arrived al feeding time.”
рүлүвөү: Do people make fun of your
eating habits?
NUGENT: What? No! If they do, I just
chow down on them. Sometimes they ask
me to remove my hat in restaurants, but.
I tell them to take a flying lip lock on
the d Ш it interferes
with my eating process, I'll remove it.
n to talk so
outside the door
PLaynoy: Where'd you le
NUGENT: It's astounding, isn’t it? Basical-
ly, it’s how I drive. It rubs off on oth
PLAYBOY: Do you get a lot of tickets?
NUGENT: I used to, but since I got two
FuzzBusters and а C.B. radio that's guar-
anteed to melt antennas at 50 miles, I
no longer get them. Besides. Гуе got а
Lamborghini with seven forward gears.
I do 75 in seconds. If a cop tells me to
pull over, 1 put it into third and I'm
halfway to the next town before he can
clock me.
PLAYBOY: What's in your refrigerator?
NUGENT з debris, a category con-
sisting of moose deer meat—no
cow meat or domestic slaughter victims
Strictly animals I got on their own terms
PLAYBOY: You eat nothing unless you
got it on its own terms? i
NUGENT: True, unless Fm waiting [or a
itle girl outside the junior high
PLAYBOY: Well, how can a little girl
ingratiate hersel[-——
NUGENT: Into my refrigerator? Keep he
self firm. Firmatazoa. Im sure you've
heard of that. Firm and available.
PLAVBOY: Do you like raw meat?
NUGENT: Not at all. It's just a rumor.
PLAYBOY: What do you do about rumor:
NUGENT: I dig them. I perpetuate them
The raw-meut one is my favorite
эглувоу: Do people often lie about you?
NUGENT: Yes, they repeatedly misinte
pret my unique lifestyle.
PLAYBOY: Why arc you unique?
NUGENT: I know the dillerence between
right and wrong,
PLaynoy: Do you know anyone as intense
as you
NUGENT: No, but a Cape buffalo I killed
in Africa came close on sheer audacity.
PLAYBOY: Did you like Africa?
NuGENT: Yes, I had a great time. I killed
18 head of big game. 1 had a crazy time.
NUGENT: Very close. I'm lucky to be here.
Rain season came сагу and wiped us
out of our camp. In the process of gi
ting to higher ground, we had to aban-
don lots of equipment and for four days
we were completely out of meat. The
were way ahead of us. We
Any close
couldn't find anyone who could shoot at
long ranges, so I ended up killing two
imals at 400 yards with my rif
PLAYBOY: What kind of rifle?
Ted Nugent on life, love,
firearms, the coming holocaust
and his own unique lifestyle.
NUGENT: Browning Safari-grade bolt ac-
tion, seven-millimeter Remington. mag-
num with а variable scope. G teed
to rupture а sparrow at a mile
rLAYBOY: How many guns do you have?
NUGENT: A number. That's as close as I
can tell you.
pLaynoy: How much money do you have
wrapped up in firearms, then?
NUGENT: Beyond. No
guns. I just really apprec
info about
е modern
m ery in an efficient, useful form. 1
enjoy target. practice, competitive shoot-
ing and hunting. I also prefer to protect
myself from fucking assholes.
PLAYHOY: Ever kill anyone?
NUGENT: Not yet
PLAYBOY: Ever want to?
NUGENT: Yes, but luc I was able to
quell it. I had a gun with me, too.
PLAYBOY: Ever been shot?
NUGENT: 1 caught the fringe of
of bird shot in a minor hunting accident,
but my skull stopped the sucker
PLavwoy: Were you mad?
NUGENT: No. I acknowledged the stupid-
ity and inefficiency of the basic human
and realized it sometimes happens. In
fucking Italy, 600 people arc killed every
hunting season. In America, even more
die each year.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever read Nietzsche?
NUGENT: No. I don't like anything you've
got to spend much time with. I don't
read much except outdoor. magazines—
and my songs. They're the greatest read
ing ever. But I've written three books
on hunting and survival
PLaynoy: Have they been published?
NUGENT: No, the world’s not ready
PLAYBOY: Did you serve in the Army?
хосехт: No. I got out by rupturing my
whole physical being. Specifically, I shit
in my pants, pissed in my pants, puked
on myself for about three weeks, then
went down to the board like a molested
hippie and got out on pure stink
PLaywoy: Do you think things a
ting worse?
NUGENT: On earth? Unquestionably. Ab.
solutely, and the ultimate result is that
Mother ig to kick our ass
real good with storms, floods, tornadoes
and basic land openings that will engulf
all these saps.
PLAYBOY: Won't you go down with them?
NUGENT: No. I've got a four-wheel-drive
tuck. I can climb right out of that
Nature is goi
PLAYBOY: Tell us, does a man of culture
fuck a woman up the ass?
NUGENT: Thats the rumor, but I
wouldn't myself.
LAYBOY: So what kind of pussy do you
NUGENT: 1 dig cleansed puddles of de-
light, but if you've got a dirty freight
train. then it don't matter
PLAYBOY: What attracts you to women?
NUGENT: The valley of the fumes. You'd
better get that right. If I'm misquoted,
its your life. F-U-M-E-S
PLAYBOY: 15 smell 90 percent of sex
NUGENT: | couldn't give it a percentag
Listen: “I just returned from the valley
of fumes, dried blood on my mustache/
They screamed and they shouted when
they saw your LD., that surely our ages
would clash /Sure the ship's sinking, but
don't ride my dinghy
pLaywor: Ted. Ted. Do you like sex
when women аге bleeding:
NUGENT: No, but I like toc
PLaynoy: What's with all this violence?
suGENT: I firmly believe that this world
would be a lot safer if everyone d
a gun. Right now, only the criminals
and assholes have them and a good per-
son has no recourse.
PLaynoy: How big is your microphor
NUGENT: Ha! It’s beyond
Does it scare people?
use it.
NUGENT: No, it's perfec. Such a fine
tone. Firmatazoa. Know what I mean?
PLaynoy: Would you do a panty-hose
nuceAT: 1 think the stuff is great for
thieves. Sure, but I wouldn't wear them,
I'd sniff ‘em.
— =
С гене
М THE DEAD BEAT: “It’s worth
it to stick to it, because special shit
happens after 15 years.” —JERRY GARCIA
In Boulder, Colorado's Folsom Field,
20,000 Grateful Dead fans trade joints,
coke and psilocybin-mushroom sand-
wiches. The Grateful Dead, the rock
group that took over the rearing of the
baby-boom generation where Dr. Spock
left off, is onstage in what has been
advertised а l5th-anniversary con.
cert. Boulder's city parks are checkered
with v ity-locking bedrolls;
Dead Head faithful have blown in or
flown in from everywhere—Boston, To-
ronto, San Francisco, Albuquerque.
As drummer Bill Kreutzmann’s father
ives backstage wearing a GRATEFUL
paw T-shirt, there's a kind of hippie
class reunion going on in the stands. A
barefoot boy dances a wild fandango as
the cleavage of his buttocks peeks out
from harem pants the Hare Krishna
shade of apricot. А bell-capped court
jester shimmies between two boys wear-
ng asslength hair and body paint.
Dead-eye faces stare in druggy alle-
giance to the stage. Dead Head tattoos
bounce along agitated biceps. Outfitted
in the sparest of bikinis, a blissed-out
Lolita renders the music momentarily
irrelevant to a pack of male teenagers
who have fixated on her spasmodic bal-
let. The crowd is a living fresco of the
es, yet it's firmly planted in 1980—
75 percent of the audience's feet sport
running shoes.
Like their fans, the Grateful Dead
have moved along with the times. They
used to travel with a gypsy camp of
hippies, bikers and other advocates of
free love. Now everyone on the Dead
tour actually has а job to do. To man-
age this date, the Dead even hired
a Republican—John Barlow, co-writer
of songs (with the Dead's Bob Weir)
and vice-chairman of the Republican
Organization of Sublette County, Wyo-
ming, where he operates а 7000-acre
"The Dead used to surprise their fans
by showing up early for concerts and
then playing for seven hours or so. Now
they play a reasonable four-hour concert,
plus break. Maybe one member of the
Boulder audience got it right when she
ed through the eye of a Puste Fix
bubble blower, "They're probably tired
of it all, but there's nothing like a
Grateful Dead concert.
Question: What have you been listening to lately?
1, Chick Corea, Herbie
Hancock, Keith Jarrett
& McCoy Tyner—an al-
bum by McCoy Tyner.
2. George Cables / Ca-
bles Vision. 3. Son-
ny Rollins / Now's
the Time! 4. Sarah
Vaughan / Duke Elling-
ton Song Book One. 5.
Al Jarrcau / This Time.
wood Mac / Tusk. 2.
Michael Jackson / Off
the Wall. 3. Frank Sina-
tra / Trilogy. 4. Donna
Summer / On the Ra-
dio. 5. Supertramp /
Breakfast in America.
The Eagles / The Long
Run. 2, The Bee Gees |
Spirits Having Flown. 3
Kenny Loggins / Keep
the Fire. 4. Dr. Hook.
5. The Commodores.
Compilations LP. 9.
Fleetwood Mac / Then
Play On. 8. The Roll-
ing Stones / Exile on
Main Street. 4. Bob
Dylan / Blood on the
Tracks. 5. Otis Red-
ding / Otis Blue.
Looking as benign and lovable as
Benji behind his graying beard and
bushy hair, singer-guitarist Jerry Garcia
agrees, at least with the second half of
that assessment. “We do something that
is more or less a public service—some-
thing that definitely wants to happen
between people and live music.”
What exactly is the appeal?
dance band," says drummer
Hart, trying to explain the Dead's jump-
up-and-boogie concert success, "in the
tradition of Basie and Ellington." From
the beginning. the Dead have freely
assimilated most forms of American
music—from jug band to jazz band. It's
no wonder that а 35-year-old lawyer in
the Boulder audience swore that if
you've got the Dead, "you won't need
anyone else.”
The band hadn't given much thought
to the I5tlranniversary idea, which was
a concert promoter's angle. Bassist Phil
Lesh figured it was the 15th anniversary
of the day he signed on, completing the
original line-up of Garcia, Weir, Ron
“Pigpen” McKernan (now dead) and
Kreutzmann. Hart joined in 1968, and
last year Brent Mydland replaced Keith
and Donna Godchaux, who had been
with the band several years. All things
considered, its a surprisingly intact
In concert, the guitar licks from Garcia
and Weir reflect the moxie and re-
saint of experience. A horse trainer
might call it tact. Fifteen years ago,
music aficionados would say they admired
the Dead's spirit, if not the Dead's
music. In Boulder, they could close their
eyes and hear the timeless good taste of,
say, Charlie Christian—if Carl Perkins
had been his guitar tcacher.
Fifteen years or 15 minutes into the
show, the Dead do seem to be making
the impossible possible: A father and
his 13-yearold son knock off a joint
together to Ramblin’ Rose, the son
bouncing at the knee, а gesture clearly
inherited from his dad. Fat women nuz-
zle musclemen. Skinny fellows wriggle
against tanned amazons. An air force
of hang gliders commits the ultimate
gate crash, as in succession they soar
over Folsom Field like, so help me,
buzzards over the dead. The crowd
cheers for the magic. A woman who runs
a health clinic for a living pays her trib
ute: “It’s just like Christmas."
The fleet-fingered exuberance of Os-
car Peterson and the world-wise reti
cence of Count Basie mesh perfectly
on Night Rider (Pablo) as the two key
boardists—backed by the stalwart
rhythms of drummer Louie Bellson a
bassist John Heard—trade licks on a
variety of standards and blues: special
treats are Basies organ playing on
Memories of You and Peterson's electric-
piano work on Blues for Pamela.
x everyone in Nashville, thankfully,
is busy tying to revive Filties rock or
Sixties soul tunes. Ed Bruce (MCA) is an
unabashed, unhurried country balladeer
who uses a well-tempered baritone to
of the old West (The
Last Cowboy Song), celebrate Nash
ҮШ. renegade pickers (The Outlaw
and the Stranger) and sneak around
with Diane. Meanwhile, on Hebits Old
end New (Elektra), Hank Williams, Jr.,
continues to spice the traditional coun
ıry-and-western song forms with ironic
new meanings as he р
(Dinosaur) and the white-collar set (The
American Way); he ако updates а cou
ple of his father’s biggest hits (Kaw-Lig
and Move It On Over).
The mainstream of rock has both a
hard edge and а solt one—and, despite
predictions of its demise, nci
mourn the passin
ts down discos
ther has begun to curl. Robbie Dupree
(Elektra) їз quality soft rock, with
strains of soul and disco, by a newcomer
who's preuy slick with both melodies
imd lyrics. Not that he doesn't. groove
bot his work has a smoothness that
it all go down easy. At the other
end of the spectrum is Rocky Burnette,
Th> Son ef Rock and Roll (EMI America)—
or, ш least, the son of Johnny Burnette,
vho helped get rock started. This is
4 and wilder stuff, with rock-a-
Hilly roots th
get exposed on occasion
and it charges I as if there were no
tomorrow: even when Rocky hits a sour
acte or two, his enthusiasm is enough to
pat him across. This time, anyway.
Maybe the good die young in rock n
roll; in jazz they don't just get older,
they get better. Singer Alberta Hunte
at the age of 85,
point. A living compendium of Twen
s and Thirties jazz, vaudeville, Gospel
a marvelous case in
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and Tin-Pan Alley. on Amtrak Blues (Co-
lumbia) Alberta sings the blues as if
she'd invented then through
her versions of cl Sweet
Georgia Brown (“Fellers she can't get
are fellers she ain't met"), A Good Man
Is Hard to Find and a downright las
civious version of My Handyman Ain't
Handy No More, backed by а spirited
group of veteran jazzmen, Alberta is in
her clement.
Block Russian (Motown): The first pop
group to defect from the U.S.S.R. sounds
a bit like Tchaikovsky with drums.
Ran Bloke / Film Noir (Arista Novus):
The Third Stream pianist and col
s evoke the spirits of selected
jes in an avant-garde tour de foi
The Nighthawks (Mercury):
blues and rock with a hard-bitten sound,
anda persona to match.
Neil Sedaka / In the Pocket (Elektra):
He's back, folks—with no more going
for him than he had in the first place.
Frankie Miller / Бозу Money (Chrysalis):
Solid rock and soul by a spirited Scot
whos immersed himself in American
music and come up with his own style
Oregon іп Performance (Elektra): Group
impro n that’s eclectic but clean.
Gene Chendler/'80 (Chi-Sound): Mel-
low soul from a doo-wopper who made
it back on heels of disco.
Bernhardt / Manhattan
a Novus): Eclectic jazz/fusi
runs both shallow and deep.
n that
Chuck Willis / My Story (Columbia): The
King of the Stroll died in 1958. but
these early sides just go to prove that
you can't stop the bop.
Max Roach / Freedom Suite Now (Colum:
bia) and Charles Mingus / Portrait (Pres
tige): Two jazz masterpieces (the
Mingus disc contains the legendary
Town Hall Concert, with Eric Dolphy)
reissued at last. Be there or be square
Ron Carter / Pick ‘Em (Milestone): He
сап, and docs.
Irakere / Irokere 1 (Columbia): Fine, if
sguided, Cuban jazzmen demonstr
ng that even revolutionary commu
isn't immune to that ol’ debbil disco.
Magazine / The Correct Use of Soop (Vi
gin): Bland New Wave group offering
up absolutely nothing to get into a
lather over.
Los Angeles (Slash): Great West Coast
punk music with a version of Soul
Kitchen that must have Jim Morrison
rockin’ in his grave
Cots (Elektra): Pussy rock lacking any
gut at all. Pass the liter. please.
Random Hold / Efceteroville (Passport):
Futuristic tunes that give all the pleasure
of being on the receiving end of a well-
applied full nelson.
Marseille (RCA):
with a bit too much
Cheap and not enough on the
y Cheap Tr
accent on the
DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS: After a summer of rumors and counterrumors
we're about to find out, finally, what really happened to J. А. While we're waiting
to learn what the scriptwriters decided, Ovation Records has Gary Burbank's
spoof 45 Who Shot J. R.? all over the radio. As for us, we're rooting for Miss Ellie.
JEELING AND ROCKING: Corole Bayer Seger,
В: lyrics аге known to all, is
branching out. She's working on an
original screenplay of a contempo-
rary comedy called Just for Now. . . -
George Harrison is financing another
Monty Python production called Time
Bandits, starring Sean Connery, Shel-
ley Duvall, Ruth Gordon and Pythons
Michoel Palin and John Cleese. H.
is doing the music. ... A mov
the life of Memo Coss Elliot is being put
together by her sister. tech Kunkel. . .
Cheech and Chong are already at work
on movie number three, Riding
High. . . . The No-Nukes film has
hit a few snags. Tom Petty has refused
to allow the movies producers to
include footage of his performance,
because it wasnt up to his usu
standards. Petty's pullout |
Springsteen as the only "name"
in the film.
RANDOM RUMORS: Peter Criss is defi-
nitely le ip Kiss (but not music;
he's working on a solo album).
the search on for a dr who
isn't allergic to make-up. - - . Mick
says that the Stones will probably tour
the U.S. this fall and play smaller
places (rom his lips to the promoter's
саг) before Bill Wyman finally makes
pod on his plans to retire... . The
ew York Daily News reported il
John Lennon is trying 10 sell his опе
fourth interest in Apple Records.
Wife Yoko id after they sell out,
theyll sail out, on their 6)
boat... . We hear that
been frustrated in his
а set of the former
istration White House р
uniforms for his stage crew. Appar-
ntly, Cooper, ап avowed
buff, said. "I just wanted to pay a
Ives Bruce
harmless tribute to my roadies and
the former President" . . . Although
Donne Summer records are banned i
the USS.R. for being “immoral i
tone and comment,” they are b
y top ruble on the black market.
Who Can Keep Up? Department:
Paul McCartney is smoking dope
Japanese fans will get the c
nationwide гаће, to obi
50-page color programs that
designed for his ill-fated tour
Something for purists to groan over:
Last summer's Montreux Internation
al Jazz Festival, considered by many
to be a very prestigious event, wel-
comed Elvis Costello to its stage.
lou Reed is for John Anderson. When
asked by us if he thought Anderson
had a chance, Lou said, "Yeah. But
keep Keke in a box. Who
President with a wile named
Keke? We just got done with Коза
lynn.” Remember: You heard it here
. . Bernie Taupin and Elton just
ted on three songs for
Ehon’s new album, Twenty-One al
Thirty-Three. . A perfect LA
hustle story: When composer Allon
Kotz was sentenced to 15 weekends
jail and fined $3000 [or defrauding
an insurance company, part of the
evidence used against him was а rec
d of his own song. Katz was found
guilty of conspiring to си
accident and then collect. Unfortu
nately for him nd had recorded
The Scamm
caper was up. That's showbiz, f
A division of RCA Records in Aus-
tralia plans to compile the most
complete Elvis collection yet, a four-
volume, 4&album set called Elvis—
The Legend at $400.—BARBARA NE
he's got
reviews: We hope you'll forgive a mo-
[Р еп: орана us: Succ the
American Booksellers
vention was held in Chicago 1
after all, it had its debut right here.
Under the category of nonfiction are
these riches: David О. Selrnick's Hollywood
(Knopf), by Ronald Haver; Carl Sagan's
Cosmos (Random House), based on his
13-part TV series; The Next Whole Earth
Catalog: Access to Tools (Random House),
edited by Stewart Brand and expanded
and updated: Private Power: Multinational
Corporations and the Survivel of Our Plonet
(Morrow), by Axel Madsen; Independent
Journey: The Life of Williom О. Douglas
(Harper & Row), by James F. Simon;
and, finally, The Light on Synanon: How а
Country Weekly Exposed o Corporate Cult—
end Won the Pulitzer Prize (Seaview), by
Dave and Cathy Mitchell and Richard
J. Ofshe, Ph.D. There's plenty of excit-
g fiction to look forward to, as well:
Congo (Knopf) by Michael Crichton,
who also wrote The Great Train Rob-
bery; а major and definitive collection,
The Stories of Roy Bradbury (Knopf); Earthly
Powers (Simon & Schuster), a new novel
by Anthony Burgess; Foul Lines (Little,
Brown), by James Carroll, the author of
Mortal Friends; and Garson Kanin's
latest, Smash (Viking), about the making
of a Broadway musical. So get cozy near
the fireplace and read up!
With his novel The Shining not only
a best seller but a big new movie,
Stephen King is hot, and so is his latest
novel of the supernatural, Firestarter
(Viking). Two college kids volunteer for
an experiment. They are given a psy-
chedelic drug that alters their genes, and
when he gets into her jeans, the result
is a child with supernatural powers—
specifically, the ability to start fires. The
mother is killed when the kid is ab-
ducted by а supersecret Government
agency. The father gets his daughter
back, goes on the lam and is caught. The
Feds want to study the kid for possible
use at state barbecues. The experiment
k—uh—fires, and the kid wipes out
f of Virginia. It wasn't until we had
finished the book—about three nonstop
hours after we picked it up—that we
realized the plot (ESP, spies, violent re-
venge) bore a striking similarity to that
ol The Fury, a movie whose only dis-
tinguishing characteristic was that An-
drew Stevens, who played the telekinetic,
later married Kate Jackson, the smart
one on Charlie's Angels. King does this
genre better than anyone else out there.
David 5. Broder is a really nice guy,
as we all know from seeing his kind
face on those TV quiz shows where, if
Firestarter: a scorcher.
Stephen King serves up
anew sizzler; Broder
pens a brown-nose book.
Guard: profiles in PR.
you win, you get to be President, and
this book, Changing of the Guard (Simon &
Schuster), is the kind of book that sounds
really nice, especially when it’s by a
reporter who is noted for his objectivity,
when it's billed as a study of the new
people in politics and has as its thesis
that “the next ones will take
power—the babies born between 1930
ad 1955—were shaped in a very dil-
ferent time.” That is a nice perception
and the book is done so nicely that you
can hardly stand it, because it consists
of a lot of interviews with people who
sound supernice, and David Broder takes
down what they say and hands it over
to us in clear print without doing any-
thing unnice, such as interpreting ог
westigating the nice self-description.
When you stop to think about it, you
suddenly realize th
t, in a funny way,
ked on a very nice
ting himself with the next
s, all wrapped here
likc so many Easter eggs. all able to
sermonize without crossexamination.
How nice that must be lor Broder: some
sources for the future who will feel he
has treated them nicely.
Who else but Peter De Vries could
take a household item (nasal decon-
gestant) and work it into a discussion of
the origins of the universe, producing
1 image of our ancestors shambling
ough the primordial slime and the
i Consenting Adults, or The
Duchess Will Be Furious (Little, Brown) is a
nuclear stew about teenage sex, nihiiism,
jive prophets and family politics. It is
e unleashed [rom plot. or, for
tter, y of the things one
normally expects from a novel. You have
to pay dose attention. Characters wan-
der onstage muttering delightful notions
ndjor apocalyptic revelations: “And
the Lord will consume your house, he
will burn it down with a fire starting in
the smoke-alarm system. How do you like
m apples? saith the Lord.” We like
them, as will any fan of De Vries.
We've got mixed feelings about No
Hord Feelings (Viking), by Marty Bell.
‘The books hero is a columnist for a
men's magazine who spills his guts out
once a month in an attempt to explain
what a man goes through in this day
ad age. That’
has еті
for a
to start talking to
. about cach other. Eddie Egg.
writes: “I am living
the old myth of the well-to-do bach
in а new world where sex is more
sible than ever before. . .
me a source of envy and fear. of titi
tion and fantasy, of gossip and innuendo.
Well... I am sorry
appoint you, but this life is not as much
fim as it appears to be. . . . I would
characterize my life as usually
disappointing, frequently. humiliating,
and always lonely. Women may be all
a bad idca
to have to dis-
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we know of paradise on carth. But dat
ing them is hell.” The book reads like
Woody Allen without one-liners, or
more accurately, like the leners to Thi
Playboy Advisor without, if you'll excuse
our conceit, the answers.
В. Traven, the author of Treasure of
Sierra Madre and many other novels and
short stories, went to incredible—and
successful—lengths to hide his true iden
tity from the world. What was his real
name? Was he an American from Chi
go. as he sometimes claimed? An
itimate son of Kaiser Wilhelm И?
Did he really have all those hairraisi
Mexican experiences that fill his books
Had he really been an anarchist
and actor called Ret Marut before show
ing up in Mexico in 1923? Was he the
man calling himself Hal Croves who
worked as “technical advisor” for John
Huston during the filming of Serra
Madre? Or had he died m
and were a small group о
writing the so-called B. Traven novels?
All these possibilities and a bushel bas-
ny years ago.
ket more were believed һу various
Traven buffs—until Will Wyatt decided
to make a BBC television documentary
about Traven and got on the trail. Un
like everyone before him. Wyatt man-
aged to unravel the mystery—and this
book is his account. of a chase that took
him to many countries and back into thc
late 19th Century to Traven's birthplace
and family. The Secret of the Sierro Madre
(Doubleday) reads more like an €
mystery novel than literary biography
-done-it but a who-was-it, and
1 all
ol Traven's novels or just seen. Bogart
in Sierra Madre on the all-night tube.
The Bible—specifically, the Tenth
Commandment—scems to have contrib.
uted a lot to the bestseller list this year
not a wh
it’s fascinating whether you've
You know, the one that says thou shalt
not covet thy пе
Porsche. nor his teenaged baby sitter
Gay Talese copped a tide from it, and
now Lawrence Sanders has borrowed ап
entire cast of characters for The Tenth
hbor's wife, nor his
Commandment (Putnam's). The book is
not a sequel to Sanders’ The Sixth Com
mandment. nor. for that matter. to The
First Deadly Sin or The Second Deadly
Sim. This one features a 5/334" legal
investigator named Joshua Bigg who
uncovers a lot of covetous a
while investigating two probate cases
one the product of а suicide, the other
of a disappearance of a husband. The
hero discovers the likely suspect carly
on—the book then proceeds in а docu
mentary fashion to detail his attempts to
get hard evidence and, when that fails.
to break one of the members of thc
scheme. А good read, but then, Sanders
could probably base a best seller on the
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wo fabled diamonds and essence of
T mummy must be pilfered to activate
The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manche, which
offers the late Peter Sellers twice over
lighily: He's predictably droll in brocade
and wrinkles as Sax Rohmer's archvillain
ned the ripe age
of 168 and needs the stolen treasures to
concoct a restorative elixir; he's even
more deliciously dry as Fu's nemesis,
Nayland Smith, one of England's "top
authorities on Chink crime." Smith's
cases are apt to involve poison or-
chids and blowguns. Although director
Piers Haggard receives sole screen credit,
parts of the film were reportedly reshot
by Sellers himself, usually a sign of trou-
blc. There's bound to be trouble ii
comedy so careless about talent that Sid
Cae an FBI man named Capor
stands around with nothing to do. Fu's
primary handicap is not its sta
so much as an overworked but u
inspired scenario weighed down with
notions that reach too far to be really
fanny. For example, giving the cerebral
Smith an English cottage that's hoisted
alolt by a giant balloon is to put the
diabolical inventions appropriate for
Fu Manchu in the wrong hands. Sellers
as Smith, or as Fu doing a vintage mu
cal duet with Helen Mirren (an un-
wilting English rose who cin play the
saxophone or a Cockney), keeps The
Fiendish Plot afloat. УУ
Carrying a full payload of good cheap
leaves no cliché un-
touched. tly sophomoric
spoof of every in-flight disaster dr
since The High and the Mighty is, in
act, a direct send-up of Zero Hour, a
less than memorable Fifties melodr
about a planeful of passengers and crew
alllicted with ptomaine poisoning. If you
think that's funny. you will be fai
game for the people behind Airplane!
They're the same madcaps who made
The Kentucky Fried Movie, and once
ain they stop at nothing tha
provoke a snicker. Airplane! has a dying
child en route to a heart transplant.
former fighter pilot (Robert Hays) who's
to fly, the stewardess (Julie
Hagerty) who loves him aloft or
grounded, a lewd pilot (Peter Graves)
with a penchant for corrupting young
boys. a copilot who does better at basket-
ball (played by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
of the LA. Lakers) and an inflatable
automatic pilot for whom happiness is—
you guessed it—a blow job. Need 1 add
that Airplane! is lowbrow, vaguely li-
centious, stretched thin, probably pow-
ered by spitballs and rubber bands and
uproariously funny despite а tendency
to buckle in the second hall? Jointly
who circa 1933 has atta
Sellers, Mirren plotting.
Fu Manchu proves a last
act for Sellers; Airplane!
is high-flying slapstick.
Dillon and girls in Bodyguard.
writing and directing like a three-headed
Mel Brooks, Jim Abrahams, David Zuck-
er and his brother Jerry push parody to
its outer limits with an acrobatty com
edy that just won't stay down. ¥¥¥
Set in a tough Chicago high school,
My Bodyguard is a kind of minimacho
fantasy about the turned worm who
learns to stand up for himself against an
organized gang of bullies. Chris Make-
ice (aptly named) plays the quiet, re
sourceful victim, previously enrolled in
c schools by his father (Martin
Mull) but determined not to snivel. Hir
a tall. fearsome loner to protect him
is the lad's out, and My Bodyguard in-
troduces lanky Adam Baldwin in the
tide role, his first movie job and one
well donc. Teenage matince idol Matt
Dillon plays the school bully, a swagger-
ing tough with a custard center—a nice
switch from his appea
boat of Little Darlings. Chalk u
rance as the drea
up as a pleasant minor work that's a
talent showcase, as well as à. promising
directorial debut for producer-actor
Tony Bill. My Bodyguard, on its small
canvas, combines honorable intentions,
wry humor and savvy showmanship. ¥¥
Scary as the devil, Brian De Palma’s
Dressed to Kill gets off to a dandy hair-
raising start with Angie Dickinson—one
of fihndom's sexiest ladies—in a star
turn that conjures memories of Janet
Leigh during the first reel or so of
Psycho. Let's not dwell on the film's
surprises. There are few of them follow-
ing Angie's exit, unfortunately, though
De Palma offers compensation in the
form of a strong performance by Michael
Caine as resident psychi and an
even stronger one by Nancy Allen (Mrs.
De Palma offscreen) as a callgirl who has
the bad luck to witness a murder while
turning a trick. Although Dressed to
Kill has suspense to spare, its lastreel
revelations are so wansparent that any
semicompetent armchair detective will
know all thcre is to know at least an
hour too soon. So ogle Angie. squirm a
little and let it go at that. YY
Paul Mazursky's Willie & Phil is such
a warm, personal, goodhearted movie
that 1 kept expecting to fall in love with
it. and finally had to settle for just being
friends. Some of the cop-out cleverness
of Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice colors
the Mazurskyish story about two Green-
wich Village chums who are so crazy
at they even fall
for the same girl. Understandable, since
Margot Kidder makes the freespirited
Jeanette а damnably attractive down-
home embodiment of Seventies feminist
without man-eating ferocity. Willie
hacl Ontkean), the English te
er who wants to be a concert pianist,
marries her, has a child with her, then
goes off to the Far East to find himself
in an ashram. Phil (Ray Sharkey) is the
New York Italian photographer who
yearns to be a Jewish intellectual. In-
stead, he becomes successtul and moves
to Malibu, taking Jeanette and her child
with him. Then Willie comes back.
Mazursky certainly intended to show
us the way we were during the late
mixed-up ménage à trois very а
h marvelous cinematography by Sven
Nykvist to render guilt-edged memories
golden. But I wish Mazursky hadn't
used voice-over ation (his own voice,
n fact) to underscore the obvious. And
1 wish he hadn't reminded us, sometimes
with borrowed theme music, that Willie
and Phil are his answer to Francois
"Truffau's memorable Jules and Jim.
Finally, he’s even compelled to assure
about cach other t
and he often n
the audience that Willie and Phil are
straight, by God, not homosexual. Both
solid actors, Ontkean and Sharkey need-
ed no certification of their masculinity,
yet Willie & Phil is too appealing a fable
to be spoiled by a final fillip of puri-
tanim. The movie as is belongs to
Kidder, who reads between the lines. ¥¥¥
At the age of 50, Steve McQueen is
looking good in The Hunter, which strikes
me as an inspired idea for a McQueen
movie—and it's been a while since we
have had a good one. Based on the ex-
ploits of a real-life contemporary bounty
hunter named Ralph “Papa” Thorson,
who apprehends bail jumpers and other
fugitives from justice, The Hunter has
pace, humor, humanity and reel after
reel of pure physical excitement. It's the
story of a man born to live in a frontier
world that no longer exists, so he takes а
gig chasing crooks around Chicago. Then
he flies home exhausted to L.A. to play
chess and enjoy classical music and the
company of his pregnant live-in lady
(Kathryn Harrold), who tames his ven-
turesome spirit by dragging him off to
Lamaze classes in natural childbirth. His
profession has taught Thorson to be
skeptical. "You gotta be crazy to bring a
kid into this garbage-can world" more or
less sums up his view.
The Hunters chief plot gimmick is
that the hunter is being hunted by one
of the homicidal maniacs he sent back
to jail. At times there seems to be more
going on in this movie than director
Buzz Kulik can comfortably handle,
though he manages, and McQueen's sta-
bilizing presence from episode to episode
helps a lot. McQueen is what you mean
when you call a man cool, yet The
Hunter has some charmingly unheroic
human touches. I especially liked his
ineptitude behind the wheel of a car—
he's not a very good parker—and the
sort of shambling lifestyle shown without
comment by the fact that his house
always seems to be full of poker players
who look enough at home to drink up
the beer in the fridge and burn holes in
the rug. YYY
Like certain delicate wines, most
French comedies don't travel well. Best
of the current lot is Philippe de Broca's
lightweight Practice Makes Perfect, with
Jean Rochefort starred in a stylish,
trifling and spicy fable about a man
who has a collection of delightful wom-
en to complicate his life. Annie Girar-
dot, Danielle Darrieux, Nicole Garcia
and winsome Catherine Alric top the
list of past and present wives, mistresses
or what have you. They are creatures
who'd fill the bill for any man's roman-
tic fantasies, which helps make Practice
as typically French and savory as a
languid afternoon of girl watching in
a sidewalk café. VY
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
Airplane! (Reviewed this month) A
send-up, high and mighty. ¥¥¥
The Big Red One Four foot soldiers
and Lee Marvin slog through Sam
Fullers World War Two combat
diary. ¥¥
The Blue Lagoon А child's garden of
erotica on a tropic isle, with Brooke
Shields and Chris Atkins as innocent
as the birds and the bees. ¥¥¥
The Blues Brothers Belushi, Aykroyd
on a comic collision course. ¥¥
Bronco Billy Clint Eastwood digs his
spurs into a wry comedy about a
traveling wild West show. ¥¥¥
Brubeker Robert Redford on prison
reform. ¥¥
Dressed to Kill (Reviewed this month)
Scary, but no Carrie. YY
The Empire Strikes Back Let's hear it
for Luke and Darth and R2-D2. YYYY
Fame Socko grades for some high
school kids who major in the per-
forming arts. YYY
The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu
(Reviewed this month) Sellers meets
Sax Rohmer. ¥¥
How to Beot the High Cost of Living
Suburban wives (Jane Curtin among
them) steal as a hedge against infa-
tion. ¥¥
The Hunter (Reviewed this month)
Steve McQueen on target. ¥¥¥
1а Cage aux Folles A hilarious French
farce about two old fairy queens try-
ing to refurbish their closet. YYYY
My Bodyguerd (Reviewed this month)
School days аге tough in Chicago. VY
Nijnsky Dance-crazy. With Alan
Bates as the impresario who's mad
about boys. ¥¥¥
Practice Makes Perfect (Reviewed this
month) Beaucoup de femmes, with
French dressing. ¥¥
The Return of the Secaucus Seven A
Sixties class reunion perceptively
handled by director John Sayles. ¥¥¥
Roadie Music and Meat Loaf. ¥¥
Rough Cur Burt Reynolds, Lesley-
Anne Down and stolen stones. ¥¥
The Shining Jack Nicholson goes for
broke in Stanley Kubrick's superb
thriller based on the novel by Stephen
King. YYYY
de, Twinkle, “Killer” Kane Weird
and wordy, but well done. YY
Urban Cowboy Not Saturday Night
Fever, but bullish for Travolta. ¥¥¥
Wholly Moses! Less with Moore. ¥
Willie & Phil (Reviewed this month)
‘The Americanization of Jules and
Jim à la Mazursky. YYY
YYYY Don't miss
YYY Good show
¥¥ Worth a look
Y Forget it
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pot Gossip: According to those who've
seen the rushes, Lauren Bacall and Jomes
Garner really heat up the screen in The
Fan, based on Bob Randall's 1977 best
seller. A suspensethriller centering on
the glamorous world of the New York
theater, the flick co-stars Maureen Stople-
fon, Hector Elizondo and newcomer Michael
Biehn as the letter-writing fan whose
adoration turns to vengeance. Bacall
plays an actress making a comeback in
a Broadway musical and Garner plays
her ex-husband, a Hollywood film
maker, who returns to New York to
find his former spouse trying to cope
with both the pressures of her new role
and an obsessed fan's violent threats.
Executive producer Kevin McCormick says
the film “is a chilling dramatiza-
tion of the flip side of the adoration
fans offer their stars." . . . Opera star
Luciano Pavarotti will make his motion-
picture debut in MGM's Yes, Giorgio,
a romantic comedy featuring Pavarotti
as an Italian music professor visiting the
United States. Says Pavarotti about his
new career, “If I succeed, I don’t think
it will change my attitude. And more
than everything, I hope I will not lose
my sense of humor." . . . John (Rocky)
Avildsen has been signed to direct the
Zanuck-Brown production of Thomas Berger's
latest novel, Neighbors. Shooting is ten-
tatively scheduled to begin before the
end of the year. . . . Barbra Streisand has
taken the role formerly held by Lisa
Eichhorn in Universal's All Night Long,
a romantic comedy co-starring Gene Hack-
mon. The film is scheduled to be com-
pleted in time for Streisand to Ье
her own project, Yentl, which she will
both star in and direct.
BLACK COMEDY: Starring George Segal,
Susan Saint Jomes, Jack Warden and new-
comer Denzel Washington, Carbon Copy,
shot in and around Los Angeles,
the story of a successful well-to-do
executive (Segal) who one day discovers
that he has a 17-year-old black son
(Washington). Seems he had а serious
affair with a black girl in college but
knew nothing about the offspring. Need-
less to say, the news changes his life—
his wife (Saint James) tosses him out of
the house and his boss (Warden) fires
him, since Segal chooses to follow his
conscience and assume responsibility for
the kid. The ensuing developments are
the basis of the story, which I'm told is
a “comedy with meaningful undertones.”
Micheel (Car Wash) Schultz directed from
a sq@eenplay by Oscar winner Stanley
(Pillow Talk) Shapiro.
who has пог directed a feature for a
Hollywood production company
years, recently signed to do two pictures
for Los Angeles-based Northstar Inter-
national. First will be The Dreamers, a
romance based on stories by Isak Dinesen
set in 19th Century Europe and con-
cerning the life and loves of one Pelle
grina Leoni, known as “the greatest
singer in the world." Budgeted at
$6,000,000, the film will be produced by
Andrew Braunsberg and Hol Ashby. Says
Welles, who, in addition to directing
and writing the script, will play one of
the leading roles, “The Dreamers will
be my most important picture.”
in its desperate search for new material,
is once again reviving an old classic—
the Lone Ranger saga. Set for a Christ-
mas 1980 release, The Legend of the
Lone Ranger, as this one is called, is
being filmed entirely on location in
New Mexico and stars two relative un-
knowns—30-year-old Klinton Spilsbury as
the masked man and Michael Horse as his
Horse Spilsbury
faithful side-kick, Tonto. Producers of
the film are confident they have a major
box-office smash in the making, so be
prepared, come December, for a big
publicity push contrived to make the
two newcomer-stars overnight sex sym-
bols. For both, this is their first major
motion-picture break. Says Spilsbury,
“Hell, this is my first major anything.
The man who plays his side-kick is a bit
more laid back. Says Horse, "I'm a sil-
versmith and sculptor by trade, so if this
doesn't work out, I can always go back
to that." How are the film makers treat-
ing the story? Explains producer Wolter
Coblenz, a former Oscar nominee: “We're
doing this picture straight. This is not
high camp or comedy. Rather, we are
making a movie thats a simple story,
with old-fashioned values, that's going
to make people feel good."
fact that Richard Dreyfuss hasn't been turn-
ing out as many films as he used to
(1978's The Big Fix was his last) has
prompted many of his fans to wonder
What has happened to him. Well, since
last February, Dreyfuss has becn busy
shooting Columbia's The Competition
in San Francisco. Set for a Christmas
release, the film focuses on two young
classical pianists (Dreyfuss and costar
Dreyfuss Irving
Amy Irving) who fall in love and then
must compete for the same prize in an
international piano competition. Classi-
cal-music buffs will find the film re-
freshing, since screenwriter/director Joel
Olionsky plans to use it throughout.
олимтз: As mentioned in previous col-
umns, Ringo Storr plays the dinosaur-
slaying Atouk in Caveman, a so-called
prehistoric comedy. But one little detail
that has just come to my attention is
the fact that Caveman is practically a
silent movie. There are, apparently, only
about 15 words of dialog up to the end
of the film, and you won't find any of
those words in an English dictionary—
they're all Stone Age lingo meant to con-
vey various emotions such as fear, love,
Ctc. Barbora Bach, Dennis Quaid, Avery
Schreiber, Jack Gilford and big John Matuszak
costar in the film, due out early in
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THE QUESTION 15: What can a travel
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First the good news: Travel agents
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about the sorts of accommodations in
which he'd like to stay. Business trav-
clers, in particular, are extraordinarily
well served by travel agents, who effi-
ciently carry out their orders and de-
liver tickets—at no extra cost.
‘The bad news is that a somewhat less
definite traveler, one who has a measure
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travel options—and especially one with
a bit of a budget problem—is likely to
get far less satisfactory treatment. In
part, that is a by-product of the eco-
nomics of travel agentry. where the
ongoing deep discounting of air fares
and the continually more complex rate
structures have meant that agents have
to spend more and more time unravel-
ing confusing tariffs to earn less income.
It’s no wonder that they have increased
their concentration on the commercial
To see for ourselves just what the
tuation was for an economy-minded
international sojourner, we did a litle
primary research this past summer. In
both New York and Los Angeles, we
chose three travel agents at random—
one large independent, one chain oper-
ation and one small neighborhood
agency—and had a researcher visit each
of them with the same request: to pro-
vide the most economical way to get to
London and some equally economical
(under $50 for a room per night) places
in London to stay. They also asked for
the least expensive way to get from
London to Athens and back on a side
wip, all to take place during October.
From the response that we got in
virtually every case, you might have
thought we had asked for passage to
the moon. I guess the most surprising
phenomenon was how little interest the
travel agents seemed to have in even
trying to satisfy our requests. One agent
in Westwood even tried to sell us a tour
package, though the last departure date
for the proffered tour was September
19, to return September 28. So much
for an October tip. When we pointed
out the unacceptable dates and our re-
quest to graft on an Athens leg, the only
response was a distracted "Oh."
When we asked specifically about
stand-by air fares, we were told (by two
Nido Sai ATA
If economy's your aim,
atravel agent may
not have the answers.
travel agents of the three in Los An-
geles; ditto in New York) that they had
been discontinued. For the information
of those agents, TWA currently offers
stand-by service to London from both
Los Angeles and New York.
Furthermore, not one agent among
the six we queried even mentioned
Laker's Skytrain service (standard service
New York to London, $374 round trip;
Los Angeles to London, $506 round
trip; from October 15 to May 14, 1980).
Getting us accommodations proved
even thornier. Oh, we got lots of sug-
gestions about very pricy Sheratons,
Inter-Continentals and Hiltons Inter-
national, but the best bargain suggestion
offered was a Holiday Inn. In no case
was the price for any room offered to us
even close to our requested budget.
This was especially odd, since some
weeks before, we'd clipped an article
from one of the travel trade magazines
that announced a new toll-free number
for a hotel-rep organization set up to
help Americans reserve bargain (under
$20 per night per person) accommoda-
tions in London. As a matter of fact,
the article noted one number especially
for travel agents and another for con-
sumers who wanted to call direct (800-
Originally, we had added the Lon-
don-Athens leg to our inquiries because
we thought it was information that
would require some digging on the part
of the agents, and it would provide a
fair test of "service" after the fairly
simple (we thought) transatlantic trans-
portation request and a not terribly
testing question about inexpensive ac-
commodations. Yet each agent merely
flipped open the current edition of the
Official Airline Guide and read out the
published fare between London and
Athens—approximately $968 round trip.
"Isn't there some less expensive way of
doing this trip?" our researchers asked.
In every case, the agent didn't know опе.
Well, most Europeans and lots of sav-
vy Americans do. They know that intra-
European air fares on the scheduled
carriers are among the most expensive
on this planet, so non-expense-account
European vacationers routinely make
their way around Europe via some form
of package tour.
Just one example of these is а huge
London-based tour operator by the
name of Thomson Holidays, which boasts
90 of its own jet aircraft and flies hun-
dreds of thousands of travelers all over
the globe every year. If one merely steps
into one of its offices in London, it's
possible to purchase a seven-day package
tour from London to Athens, including
hotel room (which is admittedly "Spar-
tan") and breakfast each morning, for
only about $260. But even if you took
the meal vouchers and hotel chits and
immediately flipped them into the near-
est trash can, just the transportation
savings would be sufficient to pay for
far better accommodations at a smarter
I've only begun to scratch the surface
of the specific information about travel
to, in and from London that the travel
agents we queried either did not have
or were unprepared to provide to our
researchers, Admittedly, the six agencies
canvassed hardly represent a majority
of the nearly 17,000 U. S. travel agents,
but our past research suggests that this
experience is not atypical. So the moral
seems clear: If your travel requirements
are relatively simple and straightfor-
ward (and especially if you are a busi-
ness traveler whose company transacts a
sufficiently large volume of travel busi-
ness to command full attention), chances
are your travel agent can provide more
than adequate assistance. If, however,
you are not a frequent travel-agency
customer—and especially if your travel
bias runs toward the budget end of the
price spectrum—you are likely to have
to depend on your own devices.
The underlying economies of this
equation arc hardly obscure. A travel
agent is in business to make money, and
responds with greatest zeal to that client
who provides the greatest portion of
his or her livelihood. So the budget
traveler is largely left to do research on.
his own, and how well or how poorly
he does depends to a great extent on
the individual effort expended.
Why Old Grand-Dad
Special Selection is the most
expensive Bourbon
intheworld. жЕ
T14 Barrel Proof is Ge = =
fine Old Grand-Dad Bourbon, Old Grand-Dad c; TENEO j
Special Selection is distilled, then aged undisturbed 9
in small quantities in a careful process that's
remained unchanged for almost 100 years. So each
barrel meets the exacting taste standards that all
Old Grand-Dad is famous for.
But what makes Special Selection so special is
it's bottled straight from the barrel, at 114 barrel
pO The same way Bourbon used to
e bottled.
Taste: As you savor a snifter
of Old Grand-Dad Special Selection,
notice its amber hue, its fragrant bouquet
and mellow body. You'll know why we
recommend it to people who drink
Bourbon for sheer enjoyment.
Tradition:o« Grand-Dad
Special Selection is made to be enjoyed
the same way Bourbon used to be.
In fact, each bottle is so
important, it bears its own
lot number It's expensive,
yes. But it's also exceptional.
And isn't that what matters
to somebody who
appreciates fine Bourbon
most of all?
re of my friends is getting а di-
уогсе. I was the best man at his wed-
ding and feel that I ought to offer
some kind of moral support during the
current crisis. One of the guys at work
suggested that we get together and
throw a born-again-bachelor party. What
do you think?—D. S., Cleveland, Ohio.
Sounds like a great idea. We have
always considered. the basic bachelor
party а monument to bad taste and bad
timing. The groom is forced to con-
sume near-toxic quantities of alcohol
and/or dangerous drugs. When avail-
able, films of an adult nature are shown
for educational reasons. A woman of low
repute but extraordinary athletic abil-
ily is asked to perform certain quaint
acts to celebrate the impending loss of
freedom. The ritual usually leaves the
groom in no shape to face the actual
ceremony, let alone the commitment to
a mature relationship. However, those
same ingredients might make a terrific
celebration of a new freedom and keep
your friend from feeling isolated. Cama-
raderie is а good cure for crisis.
Having purchased my frst three-
piece suit, I have a question about the
belt in the back of the vest. If I leave it
loose, the vest billows in front like a
cowcatcher on a locomotive. If I pull
it tight, the material gathers until I look
like a sack of potatoes. What's the prop-
er way to wear it?—R. D., San Francis-
co, California.
The proper way is to wear it as an
ornament, which it is. A vest should fit
snugly with or without the belt. The
same holds true if it has elastic instead
of the belt. Often, a store tailor, in
order to avoid work and the cost, will
adjust the belt during a fitting rather
than tailor the vest. Do not allow that;
tell him you want the vest tailored.
And don't expect the suit to fit perfect-
ly after the first tailoring. Buying a suit
is an investment that gets more expen-
sive all the time. It could take a couple
of fittings before you get your money's
EMi, girlfriend has decided to have her
LU.D. removed. We are currently de-
bating what form of birth control to
use. We've discussed the diaphragm,
but all the women she has talked with
say that they hate the thing, both be-
cause they have to stop sex to insert the
rubber cap, and because the use of
the spermicidal foam eliminates the at-
tractiveness of oral sex. The other
method we have in mind—one of the
newer forms of the rhythm method, in
which a woman takes her temperature
and studies her mucous secretions to
determine when she's ovulating—both-
ers me because it means we have to
abstain for seven or so days. What do
you recommend?—P. M., Dallas, Texas.
The pill spoiled everyone—we could
make love and fall asleep. We didn’t
have to think about birth control. As
а result, we've gotten out of practice.
Of thinking, that is. There is no reason
that a rhythm method demands seven
days of abstinence. How do you think
Greek Week got its name? Or, if you
aren't into anal sex, how about a week
of oral sex? Probably the best solution
is to combine the methods—and use the
diaphragm and/or condoms during the
peak fertility period. As for the dia-
phragm’s interfering with the momen-
tum of the sex act and eliminating
cunnilingus—nonsense. The liberated
couples we know simply engage in a few
preliminary rounds of sex in various
altitudes, and then, when everyone final-
ly comes up for air, or for a postorgasm
cigarette, a few minutes are set aside to
prepare [or the title bout. The point
we are trying to make is that you should
not let anxiety about your birth-control
method interfere with your pleasure.
М... and then, I see a picture in а
newspaper that I think would be great
to own. For example, the NASA shots of
Saturn, or the earth-rise shot taken from
one of the Apollo missions. I recall that
The New York Times ran a motor-driven
sequence that showed Dr. J making
that incredible shot in the N.B.A. play-
offs last spring. It seems to me that be-
sides looking great in the den, such
prints might have collector's value. Is it
possible to obtain copies of A.P. and
U.P.I. pictures? J. P., Chicago, Illinois.
Not a bad idea. A sequence of Mount
St. Helens’ eruption might look good on
the walls of your bedroom. You are in
luck. Both A.P. and U.P.l. have com-
mercial oullets for wire photos. If you
crave an A.P. shot, send a photocopy or
a tear sheet (for identification) to Wide
World Photos, 50 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York, New York 10020. For $15, it
will send you an 8 x I0 black-and-white
for your personal use. (Larger prints are
available for slightly higher costs.) For
U.P.I. prints, send $20 and a photocopy
to U.P.L, 220 East 42nd Street, New
York, New York 10017. For the best
deal on space photographs, deal directly
with NASA. The NASA files contain
over a quarter of а million shots docu-
menting the U.S. space program since
1958. Check with your local library for
a current index to the photographs, or
write to Space Photographs, P.O. Box
486, Bladensburg, Maryland 20710, for
a price list and a condensed index to
the most asked for shots. An 8 x 10 color
print costs a mere six dollars—easily the
best buy in the galaxy.
Сп you tell me what feuille de rose
means? I came across the phrase in a
short story. At first, I thought it might
be a wine, but the French dictionary
defines it as "rose leaf." In the story, a guy
asks а girl if she has ever enjoyed some
feuille de rose, and she follows him up
to his apartment. If it’s not wine, it must
be a sexual act. Am I on the right track?—
J. R., Boston, Massachusetts.
The phrase refers to lingual stimula-
tion of the perineum, making it a brief
layover on the sexual act known as
“around the world.” If it feels good, a
Frenchman has a word for it.
Over the past few months, I've no-
ticed that a lot of my old girlfriends
and female co-workers are beginning
to date younger men. One of them ex-
plained that this is a trend, that wom-
en are interested in finding "unscarred
companions." Another said that young
Buys grew up in a liberated era and are
more inclined toward an egalitarian
relation: „ free of male-chauvinist
hassles. In other words, they help with
the dishes. Another woman said that
she is keeping a 23-year-old at her house
in the Hamptons, just for the fun of it.
If that keeps up, I'm going to have
trouble finding dates my own age. Not
that that’s important. I'm currently go-
ing out with a girl five years my junior.
But I'm interested in your reaction to
this trend. Is this sudden interest in
younger men widespread?—E. R., New
York, New York.
We don't know if the phenomenon
has reached the proportions of a nation-
al trend, but it has prompted at least
one book, “The Age Factor,” by Jack
LaPatra. The author points out that
chronological age is an invisible taboo.
We are called upon to act our age, to
date people our age—without details on
what age really means. In a study of age-
different relationships, LaPatra found a
pattern that he describes as a natural,
instinctive union: “Two people are at-
tracted to each other, in а romantic or
friendly way, by a sense of liking bol-
stered by the perception thai each has
things to offer that the other wants. The
attraction begins the relationship, but
the exchange of needs sustains it. The
quality of the mutual gratification
depends on the development of the indi-
viduals involved.” And that develop-
ment has little 10 do with age. Actress
Jeanne Moreay is even more eloquent
on the subject: "There's a magic about
numbers. Thirty, 40, 50 . . . it's
been imposed by the culture. All those
rules about who you can love and who
you can’t love and how. Since I was а
little girl, I've been violently opposed to
rules. Why should I deprive myself of
my adventure, which is my life, of going
through something for the first time
because perhaps 1 ат not 20 anymore?
Why should I defer to society in that
way?” With older ladies like her, we're
happy to be younger men.
Thinking to impress some friends at a
dinner party, [ took a bottle of fairly
expensive champagne. Unfortunately,
they were not impressed when I opened
it and it gushed forth onto their new
carpeting. І thought only cheap cham-
pagnes did that, What's the scoop?—
R. P., Phoenix, Arizona.
The force of the gush has nothing to
do with the quality of the champagne.
Either it was warm or you shook it up
on the way to the party. You should have
allowed it to sit in a bucket of ice water
for 30 to 45 minutes before opening. A
gusher of champagne is great fun for the
movies but a disaster at home. If you
suspect an eruption, wrap the bottle in
a towel before opening.
Tim 20 years old and love my husband
very much, but I can't seem to get any
kind of sexual satisfaction. I've never
had an orgasm. Instead, ] put on a
good act in bed while were making
love, and my husband thinks I'm satis-
fied. 1 feel like I'm missing out on
something in life. Having never mastur-
bated, I'm not even sure what I'm miss-
ing. A couple of friends who are bisex-
ual have often invited me over to get
better acquainted. I don't want to seem
overeager, but they are women and they
know what women need for sexual satis-
faction. I've mentioned the invitations
to my husband, and he thinks it's a
great idea. It would fulfill his fantasies
of being in bed with two women. I kind
of like the idea, but not with my friends.
Should I find some other women on my
own? Or, if that fails, should I go out
with other men? Does this situation
justify an extramarital affair?—Mrs.
T. R., Madison, Wisconsin.
Faking orgasm is a felony offense that
carries with it its own punishment: You
get the sex you deserve. We don't think
it's а good idea to experiment with bi-
sexuality or to have affairs with other
men simply because you've been unable
10 get sexual satisfaction from your hus-
band. Why do you think а bisexual
friend would help? You are a woman,
and you haven't figured out what is sex-
ually satisfying for yourself. Strangers
probably won't do any better. Why don't
you try to get to know your own body
better before letting others attempt to
do so, especially since you are uncom-
fortable with the idea of being in bed
with your friends? You might pick up a
copy of “Homosexuality in Perspective,”
by Masters and Johnson. They found
that when women make love to women,
they ave gentler, take more time and
generally devote themselves to the other
person's pleasure. None of those tactics
ате beyond the grasp of heterosexuals.
Do some homework and compare notes
with your husband. When you've gotten
your act together—then you can think
about taking и on the road.
Because the air around here is often
laden with dirt from the nearby steel
mills, I have to be extracareful in
cleaning my records. Despite my care
and frequent changes of styluses, I still
find deterioration is pretty rapid. Is
there anything else I can do?—B. P.,
Harvey, Illinois.
You're doing two of the three things
you should do to prolong record life
where the needle meets the disc. The
third, stylus cleaning, is just as important.
In fact, we suspect you can save on
stylus expense by better maintenance.
One small bit of dirt dragged around a
record by the stylus can distort and wid-
en the grooucs beyond the point of casy
listening. There are several commercial
hits available that will do the cleaning
job. Basically, they contain a brush with
closely spaced fine hairs and a solution
to dissolve the dirt and wash it away.
Use it often. Do not try to substitute tap
water if either that solution or your
record-cleaning solution should run out.
Tap water usually contains minerals
that translate into boulders once the
water evaporates. At the very least, use
distilled water for that purpose.
ДА... 1 have apparently acquired a
case of herpes virus. Does that mean the
end of my Ше? How do I go
about telling someone that I h this
dreaded social disease?—C. E., San Fran-
cisco, Californi
We have heard of a lot of ways. One
guy in Colorado wanted to manufacture
battle ribbons for singles to wear. The
color code would impart information
such as “I do not have herpes,” or “It's
been two years since my last recurrence."
The folks who publish “The Helper,” a
herpes newsletter, have more sensible
advice. They found certain guidelines
that seemed to ease the anxiety of tell-
ing prospective bed partners. Choosing
the right lime and place are high on
the list. Don’t try to bring up the topic
at a crowded party, while having dinner
for the first time at his or her parents
house or after having made love for the
16th time. Don't assume that your part-
ner knows all about herpes, and don’t
try to disguise the topic in half-truths or
complex medical vocabulary. Do stress
that herpes is preventable, if precau-
tions are taken. Attitude makes a big
difference. Don’t describe it as a night-
mare or a terrible thing. “The Helper"
stresses this point: "Never use the word
incurable when explaining herpes to
another person. Not only does this word
have unfortunate connotations and
imagery attached to it but it is descrip-
tively inaccurate. Herpes is very cur-
able—as a matter of fact, your body
cures you again and again, each time a
recurrence goes away. Unfortunately,
the virus has the ability to hide out and
escape the otherwise lethal effect of your
immune system, and, therefore, the po-
tential for recurrences exists. A better
way to describe what is going on might
be to refer to herpes as an intermittent,
self-limiting condition that comes and
goes more or less on its own, isn't par-
ticularly dangerous and can be dealt
with by the body, unassisted by drugs of
any sort. Sounds better—and. it’s more
accurate." For тоте facts, contact
HELP/ASHA, 260 Sheridan Avenue,
Palo Alto, California 94306. For six dol-
lars, you can order a set of the 1979
All reasonable questions—from fash-
ion, food and drink, stereo and sports cars
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette—
will be personally answered if the writer
includes a stamped, self-addressed en-
velope. Send all letters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi-
gan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The
most provocative, pertinent queries will
be presented on these pages each month.
А |
Anall-formal wedding is a wedding to remember always. Everybody is dressed for the great occasion, every guest feels as if he or she
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Air does not impact uniformly on a moving
vehicle. In fact, air-flow creates zones of
high andlow pressure onavehicle'ssurface.
The 924 is designed to take advantage of
this phenomenon. (See diagram below
and corresponding numbers on car above.)
For example, the air that passes beneath a
moving vehicle tends to collect, compress,
and build a cushion between the vehicle
апа the ground, contributing to lift.
The 924 helps reduce lift with its integral
chin spoiler (3) and low nose (10). At 100
mph, lift-forces measured at the 924's front
Optimization of
Aerodynamic Form
Porsche 924
Porsche + Audi
Air resists the movement of a vehicle passing through it. Resistance increases with
the square of the vehicles speed: twice the speed produces 4 times the resistance.
The engine power required to overcome this drag increases with the cube of
the vehicle's speed: twice the speed requires 8 times higher power. Thus. even a small
reduction in drag can result in a large increase in fuel economy. Dr. Ferdinand
Porsche was among the first to reduce drag through body design. The Porsche 924
benefits from 70 years of Porsche aerodynamic development. Its drag coefficient
15 alow 0.36. And it requires only 15 hp to cruise at 55 mph
and rear wheels are only 46 and 105 Ibs..
Crosswinds can affecta vehicle's directional
contro! at high speeds. Reaction to cross-
winds is determined largely by the relative
location ofthe vehicle's center of aerody-
namic pressure to its center of gravity.
The elevated rear deck (35-45) places the
9245 center of aerodynamic pressure
slightly behind its center of gravity. Thus,
sidewinds tend to bring the 924% nose into
the wind, in a self-correcting motion.
Many of the 9245 aerodynamic features
are apparent in its clean styling. But their
true merit shows best in actual driving. Test
drive the Porsche 924. For your nearest
Porsche + Audi Dealer, call toll-free: (800)
447-4700. In Illinois, (800) 322-4400
\ SN
acontinuing dialog on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers
Let us now lay to rest the myth so
widely promulgated by the so-called
Right-to-Lifers that abortion was legal
ized in 1973 at the whim of some god-
less Supreme Court Just
es, contrary to
the moral beliefs of most Americans. At
last the issue has been put to à lu
Toledo, a proposed anti-abortion or-
dinance was placed on the June primary
election ballot and defeated by an im-
pressive two-to-one. margin, 40.000. to
70.000. This in spite of а powerful
advertising campaign by abortion oppo-
nents who even succeeded in di:
ing the proposal as a "Maternal. Health
Ordinance." The ordinance did not even
prohibit abortions but proposed such
bureaucratic obstacles as a waiting
period. notilication of spouse. the show-
ing of pictures of dead fetuses to the
ad va
woman ious administrative pro-
We can only hope that this demon-
stration of voter approval of legal abor
tion and of free choice reassure
officeholders that the flood of
nd does not represent the feelings of
the general public.
Jayne Adkins
Cleveland. Ohio
According to the Ju News-
front, the Arizona Supreme Court “ruled
that female breasts do not constitute
‘private parts’ under state Law.
If а female's breasts are not. her
private parts, then they must be her
public parts. Since the court has taken
assume that it is now
to walk around in pub-
sted. I must also
that the court has now made it legal for
men (or women, for that matter) to fon-
dle any woman's breasts, anywhere, any
time ge.
My opinion is that the judges who
made this ruling ought to have their
icked in public-
Linda Maxwell
Mountlake Terrace, W
My main hobby is nd
the club I belong 10 annually sponsors
teur га
а marathon field day and DX contest.
DX is radio talk for long distance, and
the idea is to have a big camp-out, with
everybody working day and night to see
how many other hams they can contact
using portable equipment, emergency
power sources and jury-rigged antennas.
The ostensible purpose is to encourage
ham operators to maintain good eme
gency-communications capabilities: but
the real fun is simply the big social get-
together with lots of beer and good bull-
So, anyway, I talked my girllriend
nto joining me for a weekend of this
activity and when 1 could see that she
mind, 1
and we
bored out of her
about A.M.
was gi
down two
“Му girlfriend, normally
uninhibited, wasn’t
nearly so amused. . . ?
retired 10 our
amper for some private
social у. Serewing, 1 think it's
enerally called
Apparently. we were too obvious, be-
cause all the other hamsters who were
still up, talking and partying, took it
upon themselves to start calling me i
Morse code, hammering out my call let-
ters on their car horns. Once ] noticed
all the honking and recognized my call,
my dick began to wilt, Its very hard
to laugh and screw at the same
especially when you're onstage. I wied
to be a good sport. 1 took а six-foot
section of aluminam tubing (part of my
antenna equipment), attached my white
boxer shorts to the end of it and beg
waving it out the back of the van
gnal of surrender. That stopped the
honking but not the laughter
My girliriend. normally uninhibited.
wasn't nearly so amused and now re-
fuses to fuck except in her own
ment with the door locked
(Name and address
withheld by request)
There needs to be a Morse code Q
signal jor “This station is temporarily
closed for servicing.”
How clever of the Wisconsin homosex
ual to avoid the legal hassles of same-sex
marriage and inheritance by adopting
his lover as his son (Forum Newsfront,
June). My fist thought was. Is nothing
acred? Then another оца]
эп there а Law against incesi
Don Merritt
Jensen Be
h, Florida
Poor Susan B. Anthony! Her debut
on the new, economy-size silver dollar
has хотел shed her otherwise
sterling reputation, Why should she be
the only one to suffer? Since all our cur
rency is last g funny money.
thanks to inflation and Arab slav І
hereby suggest the
‘The Richard Nixon wooden nickel.
Ihe Jimmy Carter one il
The Gloria Steinem gold piece
The Bunky Hunt cent silve
"The С. Gordon i
Terry Green
Chicago. Illi
The idea that. pornography leads 10
sex crime has been contradicted by many
respected. studies in this country and in
nd considerable evidence su
К ability ol porn
phy may actually reduce some kinds
sex olfenses, ly
may not be found so lı
on that is only now beginn
one should confuse pornography
violence just because the depicted. v
lence happens to involve nudity or sex
ual acts.
Regrettably. se
are doing just that
those ар
ne mili
nt leminists
nd а dew are going
as to brand virtually all sexually
explicit material obscene and socially
harmful. 7 not only invites the rc-
turn of antisexual. puritanism but jeop-
ardizes the substantial progress that the
women have made toward achievin
equal social and legal rights.
eminists who advocate the suppres-
sion of pornography—in a word, censor
themselves with their
own worst enemies: those who oppose
1 Rights Amendment; those
the Equ
who find all sexual materials offensi
those who would outlaw abortions, ban
sex education from schools, restrict the
availability of contraceptives and, in
general, restore the climate of oppres-
sion that began to lift in this country
only in the past decade.
Of course, PLAYBOY itself is sexi
oriented. But the sexual images it pr
sents are positive, and to the extent that
its graphics stimulate erotic feelings,
they are healthy heterosexual fec
with no implications of aggressiveness or
erotica is the
hostility, This kind of
strongest antidote to th
brutality that I and most other specialists
in the field of mental health be
spring not from sexual openness but
from sexual repression.
(Name withheld by request)
Baltimore, Mary
The FBI's recent crackdown on video.
tape piracy has led agents to overexti
themselves in a related but extre
sensitive arca: pornographic vide
ing at the request of the beleaguered
ape indusiry, which loses millions
of dollars each year to video pirates, the
overzealous investigators are confiscating
X-rated materials from retailers as well,
and therein lies the problem. U. S. courts
have yet to clearly define wi
may not be considered video porn.
to set limits on its manulacture and sale.
Video retailers find themselves caught
in a double bind. They want video pi
rates stopped but are uneasy at the pros-
pect of FBI interference in the lucrative
Xrated video industry. They reason,
‘bly, that X-rated video tapes, legally
pufactured and sold to adults for
private viewing, are none of the FBI's
business. It's hard to tell the bureau that
(Name withheld by request)
Los Angeles, California
Henry Miller, the celebrated author
of Tropic of Cancer, died in June at the
age of ВВ, leaving a body of work that
still has the power to be controversial
Tropic was first published in nee in
1935; it was Miller's fifth book. He de-
scribed its writing as "an act of desper
tion. I had little hope of ev i
published.” Banned in all English-speak-
ing countries. it had to wait nearly 30
what’s happening in the sexual and social arenas
syoney—Australian authorities had
to check out the rulebook when an in-
mate released on a one-day pass met
the deadline for returning by parachut-
ing into the yard of the prison farm—
with his girlfriend. The officials finally
decided he had done the right thing.
“И was an unusual way to return to
prison but quite within regulations,”
said a corrective-services spokesman. As
for the girlfriend, that was not only
correct but required. She was his spon-
sor for the day's leave and was there-
fore required 10 return to the prison
with him.
noxx—Prison officials in West Ger-
many reluctantly turned. down a re-
quest from an unmarried prisoner to
be granted “an escorted leave to a
brothel.” A special legal board ex
pressed “deep human understanding”
of the inmate's problem but denied the
request on the grounds that any escort-
ing officers “would have to supervise to
the fullest degree any sexual activity”
and, since the prisoner would be hand-
cuffed, might be “called on 10 render
assistance.” The board further noted
that “the inmate's long continence
would probably reduce the whole pro-
cedure to a few seconds.”
rmtrAbrLPHIA— The Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania has declared the state's
voluntary deviate-sexual-intercourse law
unconstitutional because it discrimi-
nates against single people. The case
involved the arrest. of two women
dancers accused of performing unnat-
ural sex acts with patrons at a down-
town Pittsburgh theater. The court
held that the 1972 statute denied equal
rights by exempling married couples.
In New York, the stats. court. of
appeals struck down а law that pro-
hibited topless entertainment in bars
licensed by the State Liquar Authority
The court said, “The state's. power
to control and regulate the sale of
alcoholic beverages is designed to pro-
teci the public from abuses related to
alcohol consumption,” and added: "Оп
the record before us, there is nothing
which would rationally support a com-
clusion that in this state it is dangerous
10 mix alcohol and topless dancing.”
BALTIMORE—Maryland’s “criminal
conversation" law, which allowed hus-
bands to collect. damages from wives’
lovers, has been declared. unconstitu-
tional by the state's highest court. A
five-judge panel of the Maryland Court
of Appeals called the law a “vestige of
the past” and said it violated the state's
Equal Rights Amendment, though а
1976 ruling held that the law also could
be used by women. In its decision, the
court noted that the law often was em-
ployed merely to obtain higher divorce
settlements and that it was “notorious
for affording a fertile field for blach-
mail and extortion because it involves
an accusation of sexual misbehavior.”
U.S. Army and West German police
arrested. 8875. American. soldiers on
drug charges in 1979, according to an
Army spokesman. The arrests netted
1395 pounds of marijuana and hashish
and 165 pounds of heroin, with an
estimated street value of S67 000,000.
Most of the drugs were confiscated
from Turkish and other dealers of
Middle Eastern origin who were caught
in “sting” operations, officials said, and
most of the arrested GIs were pot and
hash smokers who had bought the
drugs for their own use.
OTTAWA The Canadian government
is seeking authority for ils customs
agents and the Royal Canadian Mount-
ed Police to open first-class mail sus-
pected of containing drugs. Under
present law, such mail cannot be
opened without permission of the re-
cipient and can only be returned to
the sender if the address
mission, Canada’s solicitor
that the mailinspection
bill would
o before parliament this year
as part of an effort lo combat the smug-
gling of cocaine and heroin-
of a dog named Tony were ordered to
pay for a canine abortion after their
pet was found to have impregnated
Frosty, a dog belonging to a neighbor.
A smallclaims court decided Tony
either seduced or raped Frosty and
ordered the operation, which costs
$116. Tony's owners complained that
“there was absolutely no biological
proof of responsibility here. And
don't we have rights as grandparents?”
In Ohio, however, a similar paternity
suit was dismissed after а small-claims
court decided that the owner oj a pedi-
greed German shepherd did not pro-
wide enough proof that the father of
his dog's 16 puppies was a next-door
mutt named Мах. The judge noted
that he had no reports of Max's “having
a reputation for loose behavior."
LONDON—A4 British socialite who
wasn't sure which boyfriend. fathered
her baby invited six men to the chris-
tening and named the infant after all
of them. According to а genealogist
who attended the baptism, the woman
is the duughter of a British peer, in her
20s, attractive and “wayward.” The six
men were described as young, eligible
bachelors, cach of whom agreed to be-
come a godfather of the child. The
genealogist did not identify the people
involved and said he was reporting
the event to show how social standards
are changing.
MILWAUKEE—The Army may not di.
charge a soldier solely because he or
she is homosexual, а U.S. district court
has ruled. Present regulations permit
the discharge of military pe
exhibit “homosexual tendencies, de:
or interest,” and the Federal judge
declared that that wiolates the First,
Fifth and Ninth amendments to the
Constitution. The issue arose in the
case of a woman Army Reserve ser-
geant who allegedly admitted her
homosexuality to fellow reservists, in
an interview with a reporter for a
military newspaper and during a class
she taught for drill sergeants when the
topic of prejudice was discussed. The
court ordered her reinstated,
+ Al Long Beach, California, 16 of
the 61 women sailors aboard the U.
Norton Sound
portedly undergoing psychological c
aminations as part of а homosexuality
* In San Francisco, the American
Civil Liberties Union has brought a
$20,000 damage suit against the Army
for revoking the security clearance of a
#1 year-old homosexual civilian
ployed by a private firm working on
military contracts. The civil. rights
complaint alleges that the “revocation
was based solely on plaintiffs adm
sion that he had engaged їп homo-
sexual relations, which bears no
relationship to plaintiff's continued
fitness to possess [top secret] access.”
+ A 29-year-old Australian tourist
has been admitted to the U.S. on
“immigration parole” after admitting
to Customs agents in Hawaii that he
was a homosexual. The agents ques-
tioned him because he was wearing a
gold carring and was carrying a busi-
ness card from a gay disco in Melbourne.
sonnel who
missile ship are re-
SAN FRANCISCO—A decade-long study
of 16,000 California women has found
no link between the pill and heavt dis-
case, contradicting earlier research
The study found that the pill may
cause some increase in blood clotting
and some slight elevation in blood
pressure, but both were described as
Los ANGELES—A 10-year-old woman
buck driver, raped and beaten by three
men when her sig broke down on a
lonely road, has filed a $5,000,000 suit
against her employer for firing her "for.
her own good." The suit charges dis-
crimination, because male employees
who were victims of other crimes kept
their jobs, while she was made to resign.
FORT LAUDERDALE—/n a rape-and.
robbery case, a Florida circuit judge re-
jected a defense based on astrology and
asked prosecutors lo investigate whether
or not the defendant's. attorney was
drying lo “make a circus” of the judicial
system. The lawyer claimed that the
position of the stars at the time of his
client's birth caused him to walk into a
home 23 years later, knife а man, rape
a woman and leave wearing a brassiere
on his head. Asserting that the world
had recently entered an “age of Aquar-
ius,” the lawyer had asked the judge to
“follow the flow into the brotherhood
of man" in considering the evidence,
which was to include several popular
songs, some Spider-Man and Marvel
comic books, an apple, poker chips and
two Shakespearean plays. The songs in-
cluded “The Secret Life of Plants” and
“When You Wish upon a Star.”
SACRAMENTO—The 33-year-old Cali-
fornian who made medical history in
1977 by receiving the first testicle trans-
plant has done it again by becoming the
father of a baby boy. The man was born
without testicles but received one
donated by his twin brother in an
operation performed three years ago
in St. Louis.
WASHINGTON, p.c.—The U.S. Su-
preme has agreed to decide
whether or not statutory-rape laws il-
legally discriminate against males. The
law to be examined is a California
statute, which makes it a crime for
men or boys to have sex with consent
ing females under 18 but does not
penalize the girls. The California Su-
preme Court upheld the law, decidin
that ils intent, preventing teenage p
nancies, is a legitimate state interest.
years for publ n in the U.S. How-
ever, the book was well known (and
widely read) during the period of its
Charles Remi
during the stor
kind of hypoc
Miller's attorney
п over Tropic. noted a
y in the attitude of
people enthusiastic аһош the book:
Many wanted to read it (indeed, it was
prized contraband). but few wanted it
published. This sort of double standard
was evident as well in the controversy
sumounding D. H. Lawrences Lady
Chatterley’s Lover; men felt the book
How many people think the police
should regulate ап adult's private sex
life? Let's see some hands.
That figures. In the first place, it’s
none of the state's business what a
person does in the privacy of his or
her own bedroom with a consenting
wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend.
In the second place, cops have better
things with which
io occupy their
time. Not that cops
even want the job
of policing private
morals, but many
states and munici-
palities stick them
with it by way of
criminal laws—ir-
regularly and se-
lectively enforced,
to be sure—that
describe common
sexual behavior in
the chilly language
of legislative
chambers and
marbled court-
rooms: fornication, adultery, cohabita-
tion, deviate carnal knowledge, sod-
omy, per os or per anum. open and
notorious, lewd and lascivious.
And so we applaud the uncommonly
good sense of a New York appeals
court that heard righteous arguments
defending just such a sex conviction
and said, in so many words, Hey, wait
а minute.
The case involved a man arrested
and convicted of engaging in homo-
sexual relations in the privacy of his
home. “Deviate intercourse.” the state
called this crime, which it went on to
define as “sexual conduct between per-
sons not married to each other, con-
sisting of contact between the penis
and the anus, the mouth and the penis
or the mouth and the vulva.” The
prosecutor insisted that the statute
was a valid exercise of police power
and the conviction proper, since the
state has an interest in preserving
the institution of marriage and protect-
ing the principles of family life. The
defendant, represented by a civil-rights
group supported by the Playboy Foun-
dation, argued otherwise: that such a
law violates a citizen's right of privacy
and, by discriminating between mar-
ried and unmarried citizens, denies
them equal protection under the law.
Conceding the fact that the state
does have the right to regulate private
behavior that is recognizably harmful,
the New York cour! went on to asi
“What then is the state interest in
regulating private, consensual sexual
behavior between adults апа, іп par-
ticular, between homosexuals and un-
married heterosexuals?" It answered
that question as follows:
“If the interest of the state is the
general promotion of morality, we are
then required to accept on faith the
state's moral judg-
ment. Equally im-
portant іп the
community of man
would seem to be
some degree of
toleration of ideas
end moral choices
with which one
disagrees. The
state may have a
paternalistic inter-
est in protecting
ап individual from
self-inflicted harm
ог self-degrading
experiences. This
again presupposes
the validity of the
state's judgment, and outright pro-
scription of certain activily can easily
become discriminatory governmental
tyranny. .
The court went on to say, "There
are those who urge that homosexual
conduct should be proscribed because
even when conducted in privale by
consenting adults, it is destructive of
traditionel principles of family and
marriage. However, there is no em-
pirical evidence to support that view.
In an era of ever-expanding sexual
freedom and rising divorce rates, there
has been no indication that hetero-
sexual marriage as an institution is
generally less attractive. Divorced par-
lies continue to remarry other part-
ners. Further, there is no indication
that the state of remaining unmarried
has undermined the heterosexual fam-
Пу. Indeed, one legitimate form of
being unmarried, religious celibacy,
certainly not a concept of recent or-
igin, has not made the heterosexual
family less stable.”
In concluding its own argument, the
court quoted from an article by David
A. J. Richards in the Fordham Law
Review: “ ‘In general, there is surely
no constitutional or moral duty to
marry or, more generally, to procreate;
such an idea violates everything that
the const nal right to privacy was
designed to protect; namely, autonomy
in deciding where and how to love." *
ight for them to read but not
nd daughters.
m that suffuses Tropic of
red with the out-
pornographic ature widely
able today. However, Miller and his
fellow authors Lawrence and Ја
Joyce declared themselves "against. por-
nography and for obscenit
the latter to be а part of real
wanted to explore with honesty.
nsorship today is а much more com-
plex and confusing issue. Many feel t
First Amendment. guarantees
voked in favor of pornogra
aim is far from anyth
artistic expression. People fe:
restricied pornography. in the form of
films, sex clubs, etc., will be shoved down
their throats and that their children will
suffer from exposure to this pornograph-
ic milieu. Books, on the othe d.
demand a certain responsibility: One
must first be able to read and understand
what is written. More important. read-
g is a private act that involves Hule or
fringement on the rights of others.
Cancer is mild comp
е be
ve freedom of expres
Чоп, we must take са lo restrict
that freedom too much: but. the. only
truly successful key to equitable restraint
is self-discipline. When sell-discip!
fails. the state is certain to step in
is when fr
Ted Gilley
Evanston, Ilinois
Censorship guarantees bad pornogra-
phy, because talented writers and film
ve ave the ones most intimidated by
the threat of criminal prosecution. Had
he published “Tropic” in this country
first, Miller would have gone straight to
the slammer.
My atheistic soul is incensed.
mous unrighteous anger. What is
hypocisy we're supposed 10 swallow
about separation of church and state?
Here in the state of Arkansas, we have
bluc laws that prohibit the sale of
certain items on our consecrated first
day of the week, amd those laws are
Шу enforced. Some poor soul in
Springs is about to be made a
felon for sel pair of socks on
ıuse Christ wore only
And it’s not only blue laws that i
furiate me. sick and t
of this all-pervasive Christian i
in my civil law. These laws cover every
thing from the proper way to have sex
to the type of beverage E can. purchase
on the sac nd everywhere I turn
they're trying to cram that psychotic
dribble they t
at public functions and in. public insti
tutions. | am mot of their persuasion
Em entirely ed
П prayer down my thr
Smooth and easy partners.
Leroux Peppermint
Schnapps and crisp chilled
beer. The glow of the
schnapps chased by the icy
cold of the brew is smooth
all the way, uniquely
delicious. Discover the
drink that's sweeping
the country. And always ask
for Leroux (rhymes with
brew). Its great natural taste
always comes through.
Once you've tasted Leroux,
no other shot will do.
Leroux .
and I tire of being legally and soci
coerced into subscribing to a creed that
they flagrantly violate themselves. Ac-
g to their Founder, they are not
supposed to be "of this world.” If so,
why are they so persistently meddling
with it?
What | have to suggest is not only
the separation of church and state but
the complete divorce of God and coun
uy. I feel politely persecuted by my own
Government, which is supposedly а
secular institution, There are insane
references to a mythical deity on all my
coins and currency. and it’s difficult to
find а politician who makes a distinc-
tion between "Him" and my nation.
They speak of the two as il they were
some sort of sacred dyad, insinuating
splitting the duet would be sub-
versively unpatriotic. I'm sick of it. My
country exists. God does not, and I'm
tired of being required to ingest an un
palatable blend of the two. Besides,
even if there is a God lurking out there
somewhere, 1 would speculate, frc
cent world events, that His name is
I was delighted by Val Christmann’s
“mini-essay” on the efforts of some back-
woods school district in Mich to lı
J. D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye from
a high school English class (The Playboy
Forum, May). He decided this should be
viewed not as a threat to academic frec-
dom or
10 personal liberty but as a
n folk custom to be pre-
debrated with an anni
That's a fine idea, and the
same kind of wingding can now be held
1 Continental, Ohio. I just read that
school i decided John
mous 1937 novel Of Mice
and Men is too racy for library shelves
and have banished it to the reserve sec-
tion, Is this one for Ripley or for the
inness Book of World Records?
Nancy Miller
ew York, New York
Ah, you New Yorkers are so jaded and
depraved you probably don't even care
that Steinbeck used swear words and
wrote about drinking and prostitution.
Our brave fighting men in West Ger-
ny have been laughing up thei
pressed sleeves lately over the plight of
the enlisted woman. Reports оГ sexual
harassment, both physical апа verbal,
have prompted at least one top-ranki
Army officer to make а public stateme
so vapid and lacking in amy sort of
understanding that it need only speak
for itself. Commenting on recent statis-
tics concerning an explosion of sexual
the European Army estab-
t. General John Vessey quipped,
“What we really need is unisex harass-
ment, The harassment should be
form. without regard to sex, creed, color
or whatever."
What that bilious bozo really means
is that he couldn't care less; as usual, the
sarcasm is a shield. behind which lies a
shallow, miserly intellect.
(Name withheld by request)
West Berlin, West Germany
OK, what lies behind the shield of
righteous indignation?
During this past summer, the debate
on upgrading the Selective Service Sys-
tem led to reimposing draft regi
on America’s young adults. Regist
s clearly the first step toward aba
Some 3,000,000 vets since 1940 have
received "bad paper" and there is
something that сап be done about
Congress recently passed a law that
permits all vers with undesirable di:
charges to apply to the Di
view Boards for a review of their
new standards. And all
veterans with general and undesir
able or bad-conduct discharges Iron
special courtsmartial who have
ready applied can apply again. If a
vet was discharged more than 15
years ago. he or she must apply to a
review board before April 1. 1981
(The A.C.L.U. was able to. persuade
the Pentagon to extend the time
period from January 1, 1980. because
of the high upgrade rate and beca
relatively few veterans were aware of
this program.) If a vet does not fit
into one of these categories, he or she
сап apply to the Board for Corree
tion of Military Records.
Don't be afraid to apply. The
hearings are private: the review
boards even travel around. the coun
гу. Lawyers famili: h the process
estimate that 50 percent of the eli
ble veterans could get relict
If you want a referral to some
who can help you, or want more de
tails, contact a foundation-supported,
non-Governmental group: Vete
Education Project, Room 904
Connecticut Av y
ton. D.C. 920036.
166-2244, It also
Veteran's Self-Help Guide to
charge Upgrading lor $2.50, prepaid,
and the monthly Discharge U parading
Newsletier lor S10 to veter
David F. Addlestone
National Military Discharge Review
Project of the American Civil
Liberties Union Foundation
Washington, D.C.
ing the whole
service. It y
divide our country once again with in-
tergenerational conflict. Thousands of
young people will be facing up to five
years in a Federal penitentiary for Гай
ing to register.
Collecting millions of names of. po-
ial drattces is of no real military
nce and will do absolutely noth-
ent international
r hysteria
ary military
to deeply
is already gripping
States, Both Carter and
should scrap registratio
Barry W. Lynn
the с
I have read several letters in The
Playboy Forum on reviving the draft. It
is my opinion the draft should not be
re-established on the basis it was in the
past but should be a mandatory two-year
tour of duty in the Armed Forces of
the United States for both men
women upon completion of high school
ately upon dropping out of
school, The only exceptions would be
for those persons too handicapped, men-
tally or physically, to serve
Women and some handicapped рег
sons could serve in noncombat positions
freeing the men now used in those jobs
or immed)
for the combat units. I know feminists
are going to scream, but women have no
юмо i
place in combat. I served 14
Vietnam and saw acti
vince me of this.
The mandatory tour would accomplish
many purposes. There would be an up
grading in the educational level of the
Services; no need for а dral; no
lity in selection of drafte a in
sed spirit of patriotism; time for
teenagers to mature and decide what
they want to do, assume i
learn to lead: and it w
strong standing Army а
strong reserve pool.
One reader wrote that if the country
were threatened by actual invasion. there
would not be any need for a draft. He
is right. It would be too late to do any
thing. Armies are not raised, equipped
nd trained overnight.
ugh to con
tevens, D.C.
n. Texas
I don't care ome way or the othe
about drafting women, but if the Equal
Rights Amendment means unisex rest
rooms. | say piss on it. The enlightened
company I work lor already has а
genderlree crapper and in opening it
to the so-called fair sex, the management
went and put a lock on the damn door.
The trouble is, it’s a two-holer. Mcan-
ing that when a guy uses it, a second
male can still get to either the commode
or the urinal to take a leak: but the
ladies lock everyone out and then
take 20 minutes. T say that truly liber-
ted women should not lock the door
unless they аге using the urinal.
“Pissed Off*
Chicago. Illinois
eren't enough grief in
As if there
the world.
‘The letter in your April issue concern-
ing measures that Planned Parenthood
Hegedly advocates “to reduce fertility
in the United St is yet another es
mple of how ca
ments of fact i in an effort to discredit the
work of our organization. Your reply is
perfect and to the point, but we would
like to clear the record lest anyone con-
tinue to have misttken ideas about our
As the nation's oldest and largest pro-
vider of nning services, we
provide more than 1,300,000 people cach
year with a wide range of reproductive-
icalihicare services, including contracep-
tion, abort sterilization, infertility
testing. various gynecological tests
associated education and counseling.
Forum Library
the right of each individual to plan
whether or when to become a р:
Because we believe that this ri
free choice is an inalienable onc. we
would never advocate any of the me
ures attributed to us in the scuri
literature that is being circulated. by
groups who misleadingly call themselves
We trust that the readers of rLAvnoy
share our concern that a very vocal and
aggressive minority within our country
is s bent on denying all of us our hun
attacks inst Pla
nthood should be viewed as attacks
ist us all.
Don Bates
World Popu
New York, New York
In the April issue, a reader supplied us
with literature from Utah's Pro-Family
Coalition alleging that Planned Parent-
hood’s program includes encouraging
homosexuality, slipping “fertility-control
agents” into public water supplies and
advocating Compulsory abortion and
sterilization. Our re ply was, “Bullshit.”
Being an advocate of children’s rights,
including their right to freedom [rom
physical and emotional abuse. I was ex-
tremely pleased to see the letter from
Irwin A. Hyman, director of the Na-
tional Center lor the Study of Corporal
Punishment in the April Playboy Forum.
able in a 1980 edition. the Р.Ү.Р.
lists state, national and foreign agen-
cies and organizations serving the
needs of convicts and ex-cons, plus
a directory of law libraries. Free to
prisoners, courtesy of the Playboy
Foundation, $3.95 to others; from
Universal Press, 5300 Senta Monica
Boulevard, Suite 304, Los Angeles,
California 90029.
PLOYMENT PROGRAMs: Lists women's
employment organizations and de-
scribes their history, objectives, pro-
grams and services throughout the
country. Available for $8, postpaid,
from Wider Opportunities for Women,
Inc., 1511 K Street N.W., Washing-
ton, D.C. 20005.
THE FEMALE FIX: Houghton Mifflin
publishes this excellent hardcover
book by Muriel Nellis, who provides
the first thorough examination of drug
abuse—including diet pills, tranquiliz-
ers, painkillers and alcohol—as a
women's health problem. Includes a
directory of over 800 agencies and
organizations offering medical help
and other services.
The Nation-
Health Net-
work has
nine re-
guides on
sues: Abor-
tion, Breast
Birth Control, DES, Hysterectomy,
Maternal Health and Childbirth, Men-
opause, Self-Help and Sterilization.
Besides discussing each subject, the
guides, printed by the Playboy Foun-
dation, provide directories of local
women's health centers, libraries and
Organizations. Copies cost $4 each
for N.W.H.N. members, $5 for non-
members, or $30 and $36 for com-
plete sets, from the National Women's
Health Network, 224 Seventh Street
S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003.
won is ай
ата esc
I was already aware of your support
of women's rights but did not know such
efforts were also directed. toward. chil-
dren. Perhaps T have missed pre
leuers on the subject.
I have a 12-year-old son who has had
the good fortune to "read" every issue
from March 1968 to the present and
he has developed into a person quite
comfortable about sex. Not that PLAYBOY
has been the sole reason, but your pic-
tures and articles have been good teach-
In closing, let me express my gratitude
and appreciation lor what you have done
d are doing toward the achievement
of human rights.
Gary A. Jones
Baywood Park,
The subject comes up in the "Forum"
only occasionally, but the Playboy
Foundation has supported a number of
projects and organizations for the benefit
of children, from abused children. to
teenage runaways
nily prepa
We are cu ing for the
largest mass death-penalty trial in this
The t c here
go before ju death
qualified” —selected on th lingness
to impose the death sentence. And de-
spite the large black
tions of ok County, the prosecution's
efforts will probably result in a jury that
is virtually all white.
On tial for their lives are 17 black
men charged with the murders of three
white guards du the Pon
rebellion of 1978. Each is ch:
killing each of the guards five different
ways, and а conviction on any count
means death in the electric chair.
Our organization has been trying to
reach potential jurors and the general
public through leaflets, publicity and
newspaper advertising to educate people
about the causes ol prison uprisings,
about the racism inherent in a death
penalty that is imposed on minorities
far out of proportion to their numbers
and about the injustice facing the Pon-
tiac defendants.
We thank the Playboy Found
its support and hope that you
will join us in this worthwhile project.
Da ‘Saxner
Pontiac Prisoners Support Coalition
407 South Dearborn, Room 1000
Chicago, Ilinois 60605
Phone: 312-127-1061
“The Playboy Forum"
opportunity for an extended dialog
between readers and editors of this
publication on contemporary issues. Ad-
dress all correspondence to The Playboy
Forum, Playboy Building, 919 North
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
offers the
А Reporter's Notebook
after an encounter with the lock-step thinking of feminist vigilantes, an
observer responds with a few penetrating thoughts about sex and desire
For the past two years, PLAYBOY has
observed and reported on the antics of
a Splinter group of the feminist move-
ment called Women Against Pornogra-
phy. The faction has staged highly
visible demonstrations in major cilie:
including widely publicized “Take Back
the Night” commando raids оп sex
stores. Hs tactics vary, ranging from
boycotts of magazines containing. “sex-
dst" Vogue is a frequent lar-
gel—to the trashing of bookstores that
sell praywoy and Oui. (The movement's
apotheosis to date came when one of its
leaders, Womongold, fired a
rifle through the window of a Boston
periodical stove.)
These women believe that all erotic
images ave propaganda, part of a uni
versal campaign against women. Demon
Porn is the tool by men are
brainwashed into becoming sexist brutes,
Jor whom the sight of a naked breast is
cause for rape
In an article called “Women at War"
published last February, we dealt with
the First Amendment question raised by
the movement and argued that the call
for censorship threatens our basic vights.
The following article takes another view
of the ne H was first
published in Inquiry magazine—a jour-
nal of contemporary news and comment
published in San Francisco. According
10 John Gordon, the Women Against
Porn crusade suffers from confusion. 4t
seems to be as much against. sex as
against sexist pornography. Gordon,
teaches English al Connecticut College,
has captured that confusion and brought
а much-needed sanity lo the debate.
When W Against aphy
pair of representatives to. Hamil-
ton College. they had an audience that
would have applauded them if they had
played tunes on spoons. Hamilton had
recently gone coed and, as опе of the
enemies of eros
many conciliatory its new
le constitu ad instituted. an
1 binge nded dumbness
"Women's Energy Weekend.”
This is an array of panels, conscious
ags and outside speakers demanding
offers no courses on Margaret. Fuller
why the History Department spends зо
ch time on the history of men,
the by-now familiar blah-blah-blah
last year's Women's Energy Weekend,
for instance, my fellow professor of
nglish John O'Neill was typed as a
fascist. by a prominent feminist. write
id founding mother ol Women
Against Pornography for arguing that
women are not necessarily more sensi-
ve readers of literature than men
I always uy to lie low during Wom-
en's Energy Weekend. precisely because
it is the sort of occasion on which one is
liable to hear perlectly nice people
called names by speakers who are not
applauded by numbers:
in fac paid dor the
latuities with money. indirectly
from my pay check. Who necds more
But John O'Neill himsell is
ver, and this year he wanted w go
see the kickol event of the weekend. a
slide show and discussion. presented. by
Women Against Pornography, “to hear
what they had to And he con-
vinced mc. against my better judgment,
to come along. Whence this report
The wwe young women who give the
show are altogether appealing. mainly
because of the obvious depth of their
nse of hurt and subdued ouma
‘They are convinced that they
tion. Their presentation comprises sl
of material purchased mainly in Times
Square, alternating with pictures taken
irom billboards, album covers and. pop-
Пу available ma The slides
aged according to two princi-
They keep getting
worse, and the last one іу just horrible.
Second. juxtaposit А hard-core pic
ture iy followed by а magazine ad that
some s ar. the idea being
to make us see that ome is а carriage-
trade ver or at best subtle evoca
»n. of the oth
The hard-ce
pictures are almost all
of the subgenre called “bondage and
discipline." Tied-up women are shown
being beaten or with clothespins at-
tached to their nipples. or in tableaux
murder and mutilation. The final
slide, duced as from а “snui”
movie, shows a woman struggling to
free herself while some instrument. is
applied to her breasts; there is blood
everywhere, and the speaker assures us
that йз not fake. that this woman
ally being killed. A few of the slides
feature children.
l is no fun.
pictures. and the original experience is
worse. The audience is outraged. At
leas one woman cries throughout. As
the speakers work up to the climax by
showing slides from a magazine devoted
10 the sexual humiliation, of Oriental
females while reading an account of a
Vietnamese girl being raped with a ville
barrel and then murdered, a sound that
I cam describe only as а wail grows. to
culminate in one collective gasp at the
final shocker
You cannot. pos
without wishing them out of existence
amd the people responsible: a
them; without. in fact. feeling for a
spell like the New York taxi driver. in
now. recalling thes
lv see these images
long with
Manin Scorsese's him who drives
through Times Square dreaming ol
blowing the place up. If the import ol
these pictures when shown in a movie
theater is violence to women. their im
port when shown in a lecture hall is
violence ıo pornographers: Jail is too
good for them.
But nothing close to that
said during the present
like some tho
members of Women Against Por
aphy boycotts instead of cen
p. and in general а heightened
awareness of what the presence of. por
phy shows about the culture. that
luces it. АШ very reasonable. except
t the pictures are od
m up or string them up. The
tions the slides generate are nor
ikely to be appeased by refusing to buy
magazines that one would never
bought in the first place. Accompanied
ay they are with accounts of actual rapes
and mutilations of women in Й
try and around the world, interent with
provocative pictures from Vogue, Thi
is actually
this coi
New York Times, and so forth, the pic
lures are saying that pornography is the
propaganda of a universal campaign
against women analogous to that of the
Nazis against the Jews, carried on by
men whose fellow travelers and dupes
ire all around us.
I am not making this up: We are
shown some rather nice pictures of
naked bodies in rLaysoy followed by
some stomach twisting pictures from
Hustler and. reminded. that Auschwitz
was full of ed bodies. W e shown.
in between hard-core images of muti
tion, an ad for Gloria Vanderbilt. de
signer jeans where the model's body i
“cut off at the knees by the photo
nd "cur in half" by the
m down the backside, thus reducing
her to a piece of meat. The equation
that lust equals dehumanization equals
brutalization equals. Nazis, There is no
even. of gradations: One is the
in more or less obvious. form.
For these angry women it is the familiar
stary of the fatal glass of beer: naughty
postcards one minute, Texas Chainsaw
Massacre the next. It was one of .
Edgar Hoover's favorite parables—the
young innocent inflamed by smut to do
something dastardly. Now the late direc
тогу ghost rises: The recent FBI rai
ph's frame
on Times Sq pornographers was
reportedly attributable in part to the
infiuence of Women Against. Pornog-
The old
raphy and sim
fit has had its
raised. right up to the level of about
30 ve E
d to show that
u see is а version of every-
obviously has no patience
ons. An olfensive picture
ag fashion magazine is ac
counted for by the fact that the editor in
chiet is a man: No matter that the read-
ership is overwhelmingly female. When
someone objects that. ritual muti
ol females has long existed in cultur
where pornography is virtually nor
ient, the answer is that the connectic
between the two is broader than cause
and effect—they "go together.
When it comes to logic. finding holes
in the case would be like shooting fish
in a barrel, were it not that logic is of
ourse overwhelmed by the pictures’ call
of blood for blood: Logic is. in truth,
the пету. When mach-tried John
O'Neill points out a llagrant. contradic-
tion. the answer is, "We respect your
opinion." amd the audience bursts into
applause, as if they'd witnessed. Dis
adding the finishing flourish to some
masterly parli; tary riposte
ward, John ONeill concludes il
пе by rea
was wasting his
жаз stupid ying 10 make sense
it, What I wih I had said is
you compared the torune and murdi
of that Vietnamese girl to some model
you were triv i
sing for money
her death. and that is as disgusting as
anything you've shown us. " I, too, wish
he had said that, except that in doing
so, he would just have made himself
one more instance of brutal macho male
blah-blaheblah. 1 wish also that he or
somebody had been able to take five
minutes to make distinctions.
He could have begun by pe
that the acts of child abuse. tc ad
murder are already against ihe law:
also, so far. no genuine snall film h
ever been discovered, and if the speaker
ws of one. she has a legal obligati
to report й. He woald go on to say that
the slides that make up virtually all of
this hard-core sample are directed to
-interest group
nography consumers, that
raphy consists ol repet
ilesly bored copulato
tended to gratily an audience not of
knilewielding savages but of poor horny
sods, These men have been cat off Irom
а vital part of haman lile bec
reasons ol scli-interest, we
soled themselves to pu
ual rejection the
ом. pornog-
€ shots of
and is in-
use. for
and the unchic. He would point out
that it is a very selective charity which
ls the women caught up in this sys
tem victims but the men creeps, slime
d scum.
He would add that sadistic por
raphy is just one branch of media
violence, that the victims of this vio
lence are usually male. that both tod
md im the public exccutions and dis
emberments of the their agony
has been displayed for the delectation
of both men and women. To the speak
ers assertion that one never sees pic
tures of brutalized men, he would
answer. Oh, balderdash—read the news,
tum on a set
who enjoy these pietu
deal with them
by conlisc ines is like
to cure c with zoning laws. He
might add rhat these people may well
be attracted 10 representations of vic
lence as children are attracted to hor
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movies, not as a vision of what they
desire but as an exorcism of what they
fear; that they may have deeper causes
for such fears because as men they have
been more brutalized by grossly sexist
institutions, such as the all-male draft
which most women have until recently
He would ask why the slide show
juxtaposes women in chains with shots
from rrivsov instead of, for instance
е service, in which people “tie
by enterin,
exchange ol
lly inquire whether
of the
а marr
the knot
with the
would then sarcast
into “wedlock”
"bands." He
the speaker knew the meani
word metaphor. He would inform the
audience that given time and а few
slides, he would demonstrate to their
entire satisfaction that religion goes
with mass murder and suicide (slide of
Communion chalice; cnt to slide of
Jonestown tub of cyanide, bodies in
background), that either abortionists
(slide of m « fetus) or antiabor
tionists (slide of woman bleeding on
backroom kitchen table) аге butchers.
He would add that almost all of this
century's 100,000,000 or so
have been performed not by free-lanc
ers but by people in uniform fired with
the kind of righteous zeal that Women
Against Pornography seeking to
He would wonder aloud why people
concerned about the possible confusion
in some minds between fantasy and life
should particularly protest the most ab
stracted and ritualized forms of fanta
forms about as far removed from reality
as the no drama. He would point out
that their attack is wildly discrimina
tory, since it condemns апу image of
the female body suspected of arousing
men to anything other than admiration
but gives free play to homosexual and
women-directed 1
As I said. shootin
All these distinctions need to be ma
because of one fundamental confus
that threatens to turn what should. bc
the major liberating movement of our
le of prigs. It is that sex
in a
s sexism. These women evidently ac
tually believe that for men, anyway. the
desire to possess is the desire to oppress
into a р
or worse, that a man who wants to sce a
ked in reality wants to see her
wussed and packaged. No
o distinction
woman n
as "me
wonder they cam make
between the Disnoylandish
ind the reptilian Hustler
Now, this is the way it is, and remem:
ber you read it here first. Men who
want to see naked women, as a rule
want to see naked women. They arc
motivated not by blood lust but just by
And lust is great, ab
plain old lust.
solutely top-notch. With love or without
‚ there
it, with friends or with strang
are few things in life so nice as a couple
of people getting together and making
sex objects of each other. Despite all of
W.A.P.'s formidable anaphrodisia condi-
tioning, 1, for instance, will continue to
like seeing attractive women, not be-
cause of some vast international macho
spiracy that years ago brainwashed
tion with the
ures of the
male body but because 1 just like look-
g at said attractive women and per-
chance contempt:
me into a morbid fascin
sexually distinguishing fe:
aid distinguishing
features, Any woman who considers this
some sort of symbolic exploitation is in-
vited to sort of symbolically exploit me
right back.
Well. there it is. But what sort of
intellectual climate is it where these
things need saying? A climate created
by people whose standard of scholarly
achievement is represented by Sexual
Politics and Against Our Will, whose
latest nifesto is a best-selling novel
the thesis of which, and I ат not ex
is that all men deep down
are Nazi rapists. In the case of W.AP.,
it is primarily the innocent outrage of
people realizing for the first time that
any human passion can become mon
strous—discovering man and woman's
inhumanity to man and woman, in
thc news.
npaign that
would be merely silly were it not able
to draw strength from the traditional,
ingrained female attitudes personified
їп Mrs
which feminists have supposedly shed
And it’s getting worse, as the emergence
of W.A.P. shows: The prospect for the
future seems to be for a generation of
пиз trying, with panel discussions
Xd government grants, to reason the
libido into something more decorous
Swift! Thou shouldst be living at this
and breathlessly sharin
result has been a
Grundy and Сату Nation
To anyone who likes to hope, with
the fem
ists, that people are free to
escape their societally imposed roles, it
is terribly depressing to see women pro
testing female stereotyping and in the
process revealing themselves as hysteri-
Cal, nagging, scatterbrained old shrews.
Jt is as if Martin Luther King, Jr. on
that day at the reflecting pool in Wash:
ington had intoned, “Alı has a dream.
all the wrong people are poised to say
they told you so. But depressing or not,
men cannot long be expected to partici
pate in a dialog оп the question of
whether they are unredeemable degen
erates or just redeemable de
IE the W.A.P. strain of feminism pre-
хайх and establishes that the big enemy
is not discrimination or oppression so
ch as lust, then feminists are going
10 lose their struggle to make us all
more Iree, sure as anything. That would
be a pity.
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a candid conversation with the former “sphinx” of watergate about
patriotism, nazi germany, will power and the virtues of being ruthless
The press had been gathering since
three aM., and by eight A-M., there were
over 100 reporters, photographers and
television cameramen camped on the
steps of Connecticut's Danbury Federal
Prison. When the door finally opened
and а slim, wiry with thinnin;
black hair and а bristli mustac
slipped ош, he was almost swallowed
up in the swirling, shouting crowd. As
newsmen jostled one another for posi-
Hon, the newly released. inmate em-
braced his attractive auburn-haired wife
and stowed his prison gear in the trunk
of their son's 1971 Ford Pinto. “Hou
does it feel to be out of jail?” one TV
newsman called over the din. The object
of their attention snapped. "Was mich
nicht umbringt. macht. mich starker."
There were blank stares from the crowd
until а veporter who knew German
translated: “What doesn't destroy me,
makes me stronger. Ws from Nietzsche.”
The Pinto pulled out of the prison
driveway, hotly pursued by five Ford
Granada press cars, and a screeching
70-mile-an-hour chase ensued until the
driver of the lead car finally shook off
his pursuers after a series of nerue-
shattering maneuvers that left his wife
“Гт grateful Carter commuted my sen-
tence. He'd get my vole—for_ parson.
But the requisites for President ave
brains, brawn and balls. I'm afraid Carter
is singularly lacking in all three."
collapsed in tears in the front seat.
"God," she snuffled finally. “After all
these years, you haven't changed at all.”
She sighed, “1 don't suppose you ever
Her husband smiled fondly at her.
“Bet your ass, hid!
IM was September 7, 1977,
Gordon Liddy had just been released
on parole after serving 52 months of a
20-year prison sentence for having mas-
terminded the break-in at the head-
quarters of the Democratic National
Committee in Washington's. Watergate
complex on June 17,1972.
George Gordon Battle Liddy was born
on November 30, 1930, in Hoboken,
New Jersey. Н was the Depression, but
the Liddy family was well off, and there
was always а maid in attendance. His
father was an internationally respected
lawyer. Gordon attended parochial and
prep schools (where his LQ. was meas-
ured at 137 to H2, in the genins range)
and graduated from Fordham Univer-
sity, subsequently taking an R.O.T.C.
commission during the Korean War.
Much to his regret, he was not sent
overseas with his fellow artillery officers,
duc lo a ruplured appendix, апа in-
and С.
“Hitler's secret
liant coupling of
eapon wasn’t the bril-
nzer and Stuka in a
ground-air attack; it was the courage of
the individual Wehrmacht soldier, each
of whom carried blitzkrieg in his breast."
stead served out his time at an antiair-
craft installation in Brooklyn. After the
Army, Liddy graduated from Fordham
Law School, winning election to the
prestigious Law Review, and in Novem-
ber 1957, he married Frances Purcell.
(They have five children, three boys and.
Is.) Liddy joined the FBI in 1957,
as а field agent and bureau
supervisor until September 1962, when
he resigned for financial rensons. He
then worked at his father's prosperous
firm until 1966, when
he accepted a post as assistant district
attorney in Poughkeepsie, New York (in
Dutchess County, which Liddy describes
as “somewhere to the right of Barry
Liddy quickly won considerable local
attention for his unorthodox trial tech-
niques, including discharging a gun into
the ceiling of the courtroom during а
dramatic plea to the jury. He became a
local celebrity when he led a raid on
the Millbrook, New York, headquarters
of Dr. Timothy Leary, the psychedelic
guru and LSD proselytizer.
In 1968, Liddy contested the Repub-
licam. Congressional. nomination in the
28th District, running on the campaign
“Howard Hunt had become an informer,
a betrayer of his friends, and to me
there is nothi ^ on earth. As
Nietzsche put it, there is but one sin—
cowardice. Hunt deserved lo die"
slogan, “Gordon Liddy doesn't bail
them out; he puts them in.” He lost
narrowly (51 10 19 percent) to а mod-
erate, Hamilton Fish, bul won the
admiration of local G.O.P. leaders. With
the support of his sponsors, close friends
of the new Attorney General, John
Mitchell, Liddy was rewarded ajter the
elections with a job as Special Assistant
to the Secretary of the Treasury with
special responsibility for narcolic and
firearms control. He was forced out of
the Treasury Department in 1971 after
a speech against gun control before the
National Rifle Association. But he was
subsequently attached to the While
House, where he organized a special
counterintelligence squad that ultimate-
ly gained notoriety as the While
Honse Plumbers Unit. In December
1971, he moved from the White House
to the Committee to Re-elect the Presi-
dent, which he served as counsel until
the aftermath of the Watergate break-in,
where five of his operatives were
rested, including CREEP's security di-
rector, James McCord. Liddy was
subsequently charged with one count of
conspiracy, two counts of burglary, two
of intercepting wire communications
and one of intercepting oral communi-
cations. He refused to testify against
his associates and Judge John Sirica
imposed the stiffest sentence on him of
any of the Watergate coconspirators:
20 years іп prison and a 510,000 fine.
President Carter commuted the sentence
in mid-1977 and Liddy was freed on
parole shortly afterward.
In 1979, Liddy published а novel,
“Out of Control,” a spy thriller that
received decidedly mixed reviews. But
when his autobiography, "Will" was
published under conditions of strict
secrecy and quickly climbed bestseller
lists across the country, the reviews
seemed to polarize even. more sharply.
Clarus Backes, book editor of The Sun-
Denver Post, wrote with evident
surprise, “Fully prepared to hate it, I
carried the book home with me one
evening and found myself completely
enthralled. . . . It is one of the most en-
grossing and thoroughly honest self-
revelations that I have ever read” Bob
Woodward wrote in The Washington
Post, “There is almost an embarrass-
ment of riches in the book... А hun-
dred little facts and inferences convince
me that he has been as honest as he could
be." But literary hatchets were also being
sharpened for Liddy. In the New Re-
public, Alan M. Dershowitz, while con-
ceding that “Liddy is an excellent writer
and а fascinating character,” neverthe-
less condemned the book as “the ‘Mein
Kampf of a failed Führer," while
Christopher. Osborne, writing їп New
Hampshire's Leisure, waxed practically
apoplectic: “Liddy is a very sick man.
His autobiography . . . makes no al-
lempt to vindicate his sordid and des-
picable life. On the contrary, il scems to
revel in calm disclosure of his insan-
ity. . . . His time was in Germany during
the Thirties and Forties.
To determine what had ignited this
latest storm of national controversy
С. Gordon Liddy, тъҳувох sent novelist
Еіс Norden lo interview him. Norden,
who had spent considerable time with
other Watergate figures such аз James
McCord (and whose previous interview
credits include director Stanley Kubrick
in September 1968 and former Nazi
Albert Speer in June 1971), reports:
“The first thing that struck me about
Liddy was his sense of humor
discordant note in the image 1 had built
of him as a steely-cyed fanatic, and it
was to permeate а great deal of the
interview. Ws hard to believe that some-
one who jokes with you over the pom-
ponettes de truffe surprise at New Y.
fashionable La Cóte Basque,
we met for an initial exploratory lunch,
could calmly blow you away over the
sonfflé and cognac. Liddy also was
smaller than I'd expected, though ob-
iously in excellent physical shape, as
befits someone who does 100 push-ups
every morning. We had a pleasant
lunch, and as we parted, I had difi-
culty remembering I was in the presence
of someone who had been described by
Theodore White as ‘a thoroughly dan-
gerous man'—and dubbed by the press
as ‘the Darth Vader of the Nixon Ad-
ministration’ and, appropriately enough,
"The Sphinx’ But Liddy was talking
now, and volubly.
“We spent the better part of ten days
together, with tape sessions sandwiched
between his nationwide speaking tour,
and I soon found that taking the lid
off Liddy was casier said than done. His
genuine affability masks an inner core
oj reserve; but coupled with that reti-
cence and reserve is also an almost
painstaking honesty about himself and
his character, reflected in his willingness
to bare the excruciating details of his
childhood struggle against а crippling
tide of fears. Liddy wants to be under-
stood, but he's too damned proud to ash
for sympathy. He is an intelligent, com-
plex man, far more likable now that his
hands аге no longer clutching the levers
of power.
"Throughout the interview, I made
an atlempt to focus on what made
Liddy tick rather than recycle the de-
tails of Watergate, which he deals with
exhaustively in the book, and to probe
only those aspects of the scandal that
perlain to his own character. [ began
the interview by asking him why he had
finally decided to tell his story.
И was a
PLAYBOY: Throughout your tial and
rly five y imprisonment, you
maintained a name
serialnumber silence, and on уо
jews after release, expressed con-
tempt for your Watergate coconspirators
who published books on the subject,
vowing never to follow in their loot-
steps. Why did you change your mind?
ирюү: There were a number of r
both personal and legal. As e:
1973, the late columnist Ste
wrote me a letter arguing
suasively that I should tell
because, in his words, "I had a debt to
history." Alsop was a fine writer whom
1 regarded highly both for hı
record—he was an ошма g vete
of the OSS—and because he had termi-
cer and was confronting his pain
th with great bravery
I took the position then that he was
probably right about my debt to history,
but it wasn’t a demand note duc today.
You've got to remember
ti our containment st
pidly but
very per-
my story
Ш hadn't
id I continued to
y collapsed,
nourish the hope that the President
could be insulated from the scandal. If
that had happened. of course, I never
would have written the book.
PLAYBOY: But Nixon was forced out of
office in 1971. Why you wait until
1980 to publish your book?
иррү: Well, that pi 5 to thc legal
aspects. 1 had to wait until the statutes
of limitations had expired before 1
could tell the full story without en-
dangering the liberty of any o[ my
Tormer colleagues.
PLAYBOY: And your own?
LUDDY: Yes, and my own as well. To take
just one example, I reveal in the book
how I wiretapped the authorities at
bury Prison while I was ther
est of the Federal Government. Nec
less mpletely justified
in u action, but it would be imp
dent, to say the least, to publish it while
the offense was still indictable. I never
put myself in harm's way needlessly. But
my primary concern was not to implicate
nvone else, because | do n as you
may suspect, have a very elevated opin-
on of informers. Another factor in my
decision to write the book was that 1
was getting sick of reading all the whin-
ing ghostwritten mea culpas ast
beating from the likes of John Dean
book To Set
the Record Straight—when he had, in
my own case, deliberately misquoted the
judicial record and had also covered up
or on his part. So I
bided my time, knowing that my day
would come. And i tried to write a
completely honest book, obscuring noth
ing. even if it ga to my
enemies. To write an autobiography in
any other way would be intellectually
PLAYBOY: A “warts and all" portrait, as
Cromwell instructed his court рай
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— — ee ee ee ee — — read!
LUDDY: Warts and all. Гус never been
concerned with my "image." and Tve
ways d guished character, which I
shape and control from reputation,
which is the opinion of others and out
of my hands. Integrity. in writing as in
life, demands candor. As 1 told my pub-
lisher in my initial proposal. 1. became
what I wanted to be, and the book tells
how and why.
PLAYBOY: Some ol у
ulated that, despite
ndor, have not revealed some
matters of grave import because the
statutes of limitation on those particular
t not yet expired—or, as
in the case of murder. never will,
иррү: Well, obviously, if I were con-
cealing a homicide, Vd hardly reveal it
10 PLAYBOY or anybody else, OL course.
Tam not.
PLAYBOY: According to Magr
former White House superior. vou are.
Magruder stobiography
that you had confided to him that you
once murdered a man while in the em-
ploy of the FBI.
т critics have spec-
Wils disarming
wrote in his
uppy: That's absolute 1
me point out that Jeb \
from being a thoroughly spineless
wretch who always seemed on the verge
liar, а
of aying for his mommy
jurer. No, I'm sorry to disapy
expectations of your readers.
» you red of tooth
but | do not come
amd claw, with a double row of notches
on my six-gun. I would be prepared to
kill—not murder—either in the Armed
Forces ol or in defense of
her nation but I have never
been called upon to do so.
PLAYBOY. And yet your book nds
with plots to murder opponents of
defectors from. the Nixon Administ
tion, rang, m Jack Anderson to E
Howard Hunt
UDDY: None of which tio
PLAYBOY: Do we detect ап unspoken
ime to [ru
"alas" at the end of that stateme:
ору: If you're a mind reader, vou tell
PLAYBOY: Why in God's name did vo
want to murder. Ја in the
first plac
иррү: Га prefer to term it justifi
icide is a legal u
lor a specific type of homicide that by
its very defini 1 ifiable. But.
in any case, let me stress that it had
wthing to do with his political opinions
or his policy differences with the Nixon
Administration. 1 recognize that т
sonable men can diller on such
nd 1 have no trouble with the concept
of а loyal opposition, in press or parli;
ment. I will say, though. that T have
very little respect for the type of
vocacy journalism. we've seen in
United States since. the late Sixties,
which in my view is an ideologically
motivated corruption of traditional ob-
jective journalism, опе that pretends to
eporting the news while it is subtly
nipulating and slanting it.
Anderson is one of those mutant
ins of columnist who are half legit
imate, because he occasionally labels
his own opinions as such. and hall
deceptive, because he also passes olf
biased. interpretations and selective in-
forms ht reportage. At one
point, son's system:
topscuret infor el the
cflective conduct of 1 foreign
policy virtually impos He blew
one of our finest technical sources of
information abroad by disclosing that
we had ound а way to intercept carto
r conversations between Brezhnev and
ygin and other top Soviet ofh
as they drove through Moscow in their
Zil li But no move wa ken
gainst him unti Howard Hunt in-
formed me that one of his columns had
fatally—quite literally —compromised. а
vital U.S. human intelligence asset. in
the Middle East. а man who as a result
“Tf we'd tried to whack out
every Washington reporter
who had itin for Nixon, the
National Press Club
would've held nothing but
wall-to-wall memorial
ol his disclosures was bei
was possibly already dead, even as we
spoke. Anderson had finally gone too far
and he had to be stopped. Not for what
he wrote but for what he did, and could
be expected to comtinue to do.
PLAYBOY: Casting Anderson as
who caused the death of
is an effective le for silenci
him, but the remains that his
removal would have spared Nixon
considerable political embarrassment.
Wasn't that the notive?
g tortured, or
LUDDY: No, it certainly was not, even
though 1 recall George Bernard Shaw's
observing that sination is the ex-
treme form of censorship. But. Jesus,
man, if we'd tried to whack out every
Washington reporter and columnist who
had it in n. th the
th would've held nothing but
| memorial plaques. No. we
moved against Anderson for no other
reason than that he had exposed
destroyed a man who had put his 1
on the line for the United States,
there was no other way to stop him
from continuing that kind of conduct.
PLAYBOY: Anderson strenuously denies
having done any such thing.
ийрү: No. he doesn’t. What he does do
is say and over—and I've bee:
two or three television and radio shows
with him recently where he repeated the
he never vealed or
identified a CIA officer.” Now, the man
in question was not a CIA officer. he
was a CIA agent, ап agent in pl
s called, а foreign nation
Anderson des
tured formula-
a technical b
saint of the
Amer liberal nt, old
Maximum John Sirica, he's scared of
getting his halo
PLAYBOY: How did you two get along
when you met on a television show?
иррү: Anderson appeared а bit nervous.
but I shook his hand and told lı
ncy's employ overseas.
ely sticks to that t
guerre est finie
those postwar reunions when Luftwaffe
and R.A.F. pilots get together over а
stein of beer and swap stories of dog
fights during the Battle of Britain. At
least. in my mind it was.
PLAYBOY: Nice of you
grudge. since you only tied t
the тап.
upby: N
got to that.
PLAYBOY: Why not?
LUDDY: We worked out a plan, but it was
tely never approved by our р
cipals. Hur E E started the ball roll-
ing by meeting a physician from the
CIAL w ntroduced euphemis
specialist in “the unorthodox
not to с
ion of chemical d medical
PLAYBOY: Meaning an expert in killing
LIDDY: Crude, but not inexact. Anyway.
we had lunch over at the Hay-Adams
across from the White House and dis-
cussed various methods of killing Ander-
son. including coating the мее
wheel of his car with an LSD sol
iy potent do c
which we rejected as too chanc
spirin roulette,” which we also turned
PLAYBOY: Dare we ask?
suffic usc a c
ubby: Aspirin roulette is intelligence
jargon lor a rather common assassin
tion technique, which entails the sub-
in or other
a the targets
ike that
is actually a
deadly poison.
PLAYBOY: Sounds lovely. Why was it
Uppy: Too iffy again. It would be only
ıt ol 50 or maybe even 100 tablets.
mths could go by the
blavor is.
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of his family might take the pill.
PLAYBOY: Very scrupulous of you. What
did you finally decide on?
upDY: A simple if un-James Bondish
method, which Fd learned in the FBI.
an FBI agent was penetrating
m embassy to crack a safe and
steal а onetime cipher or some such for
the National Security Agency, and sud-
denly an employee returned earlier than
he was supposed to and was about to
endanger the mission. Well, other agents
would been following everyone
ied to that embassy and they would
have intercepted him before he reached
the building and staged a common street
ging to divert him. In Anderson's
we merely decided to make it a
lethal mugging.
PLAYBOY: Who would have done the job?
Uppy: It was initially decided to assign
it to some of our Cub;
but then Hunt began to worry that oi
principals would dec
à matter to be entrusted to them. So I
volunteered to do it myself.
it wo sensitive
PLAYBOY: Just like that?
ишү: No, not just like that. But I
thought about the matter, considered
the damage that Anderson was doing.
lor wh:
ever motives, to the security of
nd decided that, if the
I was the best
this country,
Cubans wei led «
man dor the job, considering my own
FBI and martial-arts training. We didn't
t 10 make it look like hing moi
n another Washington street-erime
statistic, remei sophisticated
ponry could be employed.
How would you have killed
ber. so
иррү: Oh. I would have knifed him or
broken his neck, probably. One of us
would have died, no doubt about it.
But, as I му never received the
final green fight.
PLAYBOY: Were you relieved or disap-
UDDY: I was neither. 1 was acting on the
instructions of my principals, and 1
prepared to follow those instructions
cither way they we
PLAYBOY: You really sce ne
alous, much less Iri; i
aides to the President of
States cold-bloodedly plow
sinate the country
of the in
bout two
the United
one of
w it violates the sensibilities
vocent. and. tender-minded. but
in the real world, you sometimes have
to employ extreme and extralegal meth-
ods to preserve the very system whose
лге violating.
Including murder?
ubbY: Drastic problems sometimes de-
mand drastic solutions. Look, let me
© you an example. Philip Agee. the
CIA delector. has effectively exposed
ised dozens of our intel
and compron
gents around the wi
evelations led у to the
assassination of the CLA station chief in
Athens, Richard Welch. This one шап
has done untold dan
security int
And what
Nothing. y go.
Stimson scuttled an effective Ате
intelligence effort on the
gentlemen don't read other gentlemen's
il. The pendulum seems to have
swung all the way back to tl
and the Russians couldn't be happier.
They've tried to destroy the American
intelligence capability for 35 years, and
in five years we've done the job for
them, with the help of a few posturing
demagogs like Frank Church. | just
wish someone would point out to the
gool Se that the world is not run
by the Le
PLAYBOY: Returning to Philip Agee lor a
al with him?
in CIA parlance, "termi-
1 with extreme prejudice”?
uppy: You're damn right 1 would. If I
were back serving in some capacity in
"T would have knifed Jack
Anderson or broken his
neck, probably. One of us
would have died, no doubt
about it.”
the A 11i
and I found Agee living comfortably
abroad, outside the reach of our law
and continuing his revelations. 1 would
strongly recommend that he be assassi
nated. And were I given the task. I
would undertake it, and feel complerely
justified in so doing. But let stress
that his killing would not be retribu-
tive but. preven to forestall further
disclosures that would d: we the secu-
rity of this country and endanger the
lives of its intelligence agents. The same
ionale I employed in the case of Mi
PLAYBOY: You'd be willing to а man
you've never met solely because ће was
on the opposite side of the politic
and ideological fence?
иррү: No. my friend, because he's on
the opposite side of the french, in a
erican се
political-military w between the
United. States. and the Soviet. Union.
to our survival as а free
that is cruc
i and no less
ious because
ed. 1 hope we don't have to
ntil the skies over New York.
black with missiles to underst
. And
act and act on
fraid that may very
well be the са
PLAYBOY: And you'd feel no qualms.
much less remorse, about liquidating
somcone like Age
UDDY: No more than swatting а fly. Of
course. our Government has been so
weakened we no longer have the will
for such action, even though we retain
the haman and technological bility
And the Russ о аге thoroughly
ruthless and realistic about the pursu
of their own national interests, know it
But there would be nothing inti ally
evil or immoral about such an act, Ju
the opposite. The French have a saying.
cel animal est très méchant; quand
on laltaque, il se defend." Roughly
translated. it means, “This animal is
very wicked: when attacked. it defends
itself.” When the CIA and other in
telligence agencies tried to defend us
ellectively against our
they were mercilessly pilloried by the
external enemies
press and Congressional committees,
and their most seasoned agents. prema-
turely forced into retirement, Now,
alter Ethiopia, Angola and Mghanistan,
few alarm bells are dimly ringing in
gion and theres even a half-
пей effort to refurbish the kennel.
ws is no
longer wicked. It's just toothless.
too late. The
PLAYBOY. You also planned to murder
one old buddies and fellow
Waterbu; Howard Hunt. Surel
Hunt was no enemy of this country
uppy: At the risk of belaboring th:
point gain, D would personally
never characterize it às murder, because
irder by its very de n is
justifiable homicide, and 1 never would
have considered the act in the first pl
if I had not deemed it eminently justi
fiable. Hunt had become an informe
а betrayer ol his friends ] associates.
and to me there is nothing low
this earth, As Nietzsche. put it, there
but опе sin—cowardice. Hunt deserved
to die.
once been y
now broken
stricken ove
ol your
nd body, grief
wifes death and.
violated your code and
ed wines. Couldn't you
have forgiven him that and summoned
up sullicient compassion to forget, if
not forgive?
is the fragrance
the boot that has crushed it. But Fm
alraid you're bei, ve as well as
sentimental. It wasn't a question of my
personal feelings about Hunt. though
God knows if hed stayed a man, Га
have done everything in my powcr to
help hi 1
k Twa
a rose 1
п once
aves on
( <
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Until now, nocamera at any price beeped in conjunction with You'll be as surprised as he was.
my detestation of informers, even
though I'd point out that we all went
into Watergate with our eyes open, were
ing to benefit from success and
should have been equally willing to
face f е with fortitude. No, the
much higher than that. my
. Hunt knew too much. not only
about Watergate but about other mat-
s induding CIA secrets. It
fectly plausible to me that
my superiors might wish his elimina-
tion, and ] was prepared to
those orders without а moments doubt.
or soul-searching.
Perhaps it is sentimental, at
t in your book, but the question of
seem an important con-
sideration here. since none of your other
"targets" were close to you personally,
as Hunt had once been. E. M. Forster
te, “If I had a choice between be-
traying my country or my friend, I
hope 1 would have the courage to
betray my country.” Is such a concept
totally alien to yor
LUDDY: Yes, but only because I do value
friendship. like personal honor, so
highly. I would fnd betraying a friend
as unthinkable as betraying my country,
and the conundrum would never arise,
because the only time I would turn
inst a friend would be when he had
Torfeited that friendship by betraying
our country. And that, of course, is pre-
cisely at the root of my feelings about
tunes of his
not ex
on and the pol
actly synonymous with the national
interests of the United States. are they?
LiDDY: Well, under the circumstances,
and in the light of what's happened to
this nation since—and. because—Nixon
was forced from office, 1 think you could
make a very good case that the two were
so inextr
bly linked that. Hunt's be-
1 constituted an act at least of
cide, if not of outright treason.
PLAYBOY: Do you fecl the same way
about Dean?
LIDDY: Yes, but even more strongly. For
all of Hunt's weaknesses and failings, it
would still be manifestly unfair to place
him in the same category as Dean or
Magruder. Next to them, Hunt is a
giant. 1 wouldn't even talk of him
n the same bre
his betrayal. The difference
Hunt and Dean is the difference
tween а POW who breaks
ture and aids the enemy
PLAYBOY: You've been
only once since he testified against the
White House, and you've said that you
contemplated killing him then. How
ly come?
Uppy: Oh, it was just a fleeting thought,
now one of those sweet memories that
th, much as I condemn
close did you act
one loves t0 treasure. God. knows, he
would have been no loss What hap-
pened, actu is that in October of
1974, Federal marshals escorted me to
the offices of Watergate special prosecu-
tor James Neal for an interview and
told me to wait in Neal's office, as he
was expected shortly. I went in and
shut the door behind me and, lo and
behold. there was Dean sitting be-
id the desk, He looked up and 1 could
© sworn he was about to wet himself.
His eyes darted all around. the room.
but I was between him and the door
and 1 could see that he was absolutely
terrorstricken. My first thought was
that here was the ideal opportunity to
ill the bastard. I saw a pencil on the
desk and all it would take was a quick
thrust through the underside of his jaw.
up through the soft palate and deep
side the brain. And simultaneously, 1
ondered if this were a setup, if some-
one had arranged for me to be alone
with Dean, anticipating exactly such a
denouement. But then, on more somber
reflection, I ruled that out. Nixon had
been out of office for two months, I
had received no instructions from my
old superiors and, in any case, his kill-
ing could only dam
Mitchell, Mardian
forthcoming trials. No, revenge might
be a dish best supped cold. but thi
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just been a weird, stupid error. So 1
exchanged а few inconsequential re
rks with Dean. he stammered a reply
d 1 stepped aside so he could gather
his papers and scurry out the door, 1
think he aged considerably їп those
three or four utes.
PLAYBOY: Let's put Dean aside lor a mo-
ment and consider the method you соп.
sidered using to kill him——
UDDY: Good idea. A pencil's always a
more interesting. topic of conversation
than John De
PLAYBOY: If there wi
on the table between us ri
ren't severa
L now, we
might ask you not to interrupt. But
seriously. you're a student. of. unarmed
combat, and in your novel, Out of Con-
ack by an Ori
ental master of the martial arts as
follows: “Such was the power of T'ang
Li's thrust that his fingers kept right on
going through the wet pulp of the n
eyeballs and the shell-thin bone at
rear of the sockets to penetrate into the
warm, moi softness of
the brain itself” Was that just poetic li
cense. or could you kill а man with such
a single blow? And we stress that it's a
purely theoretical question; there's no
need to demonstrate.
LUDDY: You cringe very nicely,
true that Гус trained in the martial arts
lor many years, initially at the FBI,
where I first learned to kill a man with
1. unresistant
No, it's
a pencil, incidentally. and was taught
to blind and maim and
ploy my body's “personal weapons,” as
my instructors called it, against ап op-
ponent’s "vulnerable areas." Later on,
1 studied under a red-belt master of the
high Tai Chi who could rip out your
throat or disembowel you with а back-
hand slash. A fascinar
that scene was based on fact, though I've
never duplicated it in real lile.
PLAYBOY: What arc the most effective
ways to kill a man without employing
conventional weapon’
UDDY: Well. they innumerable, de-
pending, of course, on the skill of the
practitioner. For someone with no spe-
cial taining, our old-faithful pencil is
very efficient, just your common g;
variety stand
good sharp point and a sub-
stantial eraser, The eraser's quite impoi
tant, actually. With those prerequisites,
and if you can reach your opponent,
any novice could kill his enemy in onc
second or But ] don't want to go
any further into the details, lest we have
a sudden rash of pencil killings in junior
high schools across the. country. Assum-
ing, of course, that adolescent males con-
centrate on PLAYBOY'S /nfervicus.
PLAYBOY: In IVill. you describe ап en-
counter in а С
Mongolian master of the martial arts
who instructed you only reluctantly.
» general cm-
rd wooden pencil with a
ifornia prison with a
that "You very
n sce it in your eyes.
after warning аге а
violent тап, 1
Was he righ?
LIDDY: Oh. ves. Bur I've learned to sup-
press my violence, and control it. And
remember, as any true master of the
martial arts will tell you, the most pow
erful weapon I have is this. [Taps tem-
ple with index finger] The physical body
is the vessel of the intellect. and the
strongest muscles are useless without the
nee, the supercharger effect, of a
tained and disciplined mind.
murderous topic. is there any such th
n untraceable poison?
LIDDY: Yes, there are a few, in the col-
loidal family, and they're known—and
used by—the intelligence services of the
superpowers. But they may not be un.
traceable for long. since there's recently
As long as we're on such а
been a considerable forensic break-
through in that area. But generally, you
know, even traceable poisons аге not
traced, unless there's reason to suspect
foul play s are pro forma,
nless the forensic pathologist is on his
Most autop:
toes and already suspicious: so if you
use a poison that simulates the symp-
toms of heart failure, say, you're gen-
erally home safe and dry.
There's a wide range of poisons that
can be manufacured simply at home,
without. complex laboratory technology.
Give me several cig d
s. for example,
SERVE AT 46-89%
Holland's Heineken, America's number one imported beer.
in a short while FIL have extracted
enough pure nicotine to kill a m
with a few drops in his food or coffee
That was how I was going to handle
Hunt, in tact. if the sig had come
down from on high. But. once again
1 don't want to spell out the process in
any detail, lest 1 put ideas into the
heads of any impressionable adolescents
in your audience.
PLAYBOY: You have one hell of an opin
ion of the young people across this
uppy: Realism, my friend, realism. If
people know how to do something. no
matter how nasty. sooner or later some
body's going to do it. It's the nature
ol the beas
Moving from the martial arts
and exotic poisons to more prosaic
means of mayhem, you are not only pro
ficient in the use of firearms but also an
avid gun collector and outspoken oppo
nent of all gun-control legislation. In
fact, Peter Prescott of Ne went
so far as to call you а "gun fanatic.”
Is that a [air description?
LIDDY: About as fair, I'd say, as my de-
writer like Peter Prescott as
a “typewriter fanatic.” As far as Fm con
cerned. to enjoy hunting or targeting
weapons, or to collect them, is no more
musual or unhealthy than admiring
and enjoying the use of any beautiul
piece of machinery. like a Daimler-Benz
engine or a fine Leica camera. IE that
makes me а fanatic, then all I can tell
you is that the gentleman's definition of
fanaticism differs from the standard dic
tionary definition and is a rellection of
his bias rather than his intellect. And
there certainly is a bias against gun
users and their rights on the part of the
urban liberal intelligentsia, which is al
ways lobbying to deny guns to law
abiding citizens. even though they would
always remain able to the criminal
on the flourishing black market or
through theft. The proponents of such
nostrums should contemplate the failure
ol Prohibition in the Twenties.
PLAYBOY: Yon say you're not a gun nut.
bur didn't you wear a pistol to your
own wedding?
UEDY: Yes.
à small. concealed snub-
nosed revolver. But I was an FBI agent
at the time, and wearing a gun was
second mature to me, In fact, shortly
alter our wedding, my wife gave me a
beautifully gift
volver as a present.
PLAYBOY: Are you carrying a gun righi
pped magnum re
иррү: Another admirable cringe. No
obviously I am not, as that would con
stitute a violation of my parole and
jeopardize my freedom needlessly. 1 do
have an air gun that I still practice with
a Walther LP 2 Olympie
wl, which is highly accurate and prac
tically recoilless. Using
ade air pis
et sights, and
employing a pointed projectile prefera
bly coated with pure nicotine, 1 could
shoot you dead at a range of ten meters,
or approximately 33 feet. It's as silent
and lethal as a fine throwing knife
PLAYBOY: Sorry we asked. But speaking
of knives, you wrote in Will that you
Grried a switchblade with you on the
night your men broke into the offices of
Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist in Beverly
Hills. If the burglary had been inter-
rupted by police or passersby, would
you have used that knife
uppy: First of all. it was not a switch
blade, melodramatic as that sounds, but
a Browning clasp knife. But 1 would
have used it only as a last resort. | was
n radio communication with our men
inside the building, and if Га seen a
third party approaching. 1 would have
instantly alerted them and then attempt-
ed to divert the intruder’s attention,
uppy: Nonviolently, if at all possible.
Say we had some bad luck and a cop
appeared on the scene, There was no
outward. evidence of the. break-in to
tip him olf, but il for some reason he'd
heard the breaking of glass and decided
to check the building, Га have made
my presence known and diverted his
attention from the men inside once
I'd tipped them off. I'm a good runner,
and | could have Jed him a merry chase,
PLAYBOY: But let's say you had the bad
luck to encounter the only cop on the
Beverly Hills police force ever to quali
fy for the Olympic decathlon and he
огап you. Would you have surren
иррү: No. that would have placed the
mission and my principals in jeopardy,
not just me. 1 would have attempted to
incapacitate him nonlethally, if at all
possible. Remember, there's an awful
lot of ways of taking somebody out
without using deadly force. The knilc
was am absolute last resort, to be em
ployed only after Га exhausted all other
PLAYBOY: And if you had?
uppy: Гуе already told you that I was
prepared to take all necessary measures
10 protect my men and our mission. I
did not arm myself gratuitously, but
neither would I have used my weapon
unless absolutely necessary to protect
PLAYBOY: But you were prepared to kill
if absolutely necessary?
LIDDY: Yes, Ive told you I was.
PLAYBOY: It's precisely this kind of ruth.
homicide as just another option, that
has so alarmed your critics. For example
Herb Klein. who served as White House
Director of Communications during the
Nixon Administration and who
ss, which
fits the stereotype of a bleedingheart
liberal, reviewed your book recently in
the Los Angeles Times and charged that
you had adopted “a Mafialike attitude
eae satiny ы,
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. The
placing Liddy above the law
book reads like gang-war fiction
would you answer him
uDDY. Well, we were fighting a war. а
civic war. in those days, а far more seri
one than the typical
who controls numbers
this or that section of
town, or who had intruded on some
body else's turf. The stakes, as we saw
it. were the security and very. survival
of this nation. and we were ready to
take strong measures in its defense. If
that’s Mafialike, so be it.
PLAYEOY- You reveal
phy that while in prison. you got on
well with a number of actual Mafia
leaders, including the unnamed one to
you entrusted the contract on
Did they consider you a kindred
ous gangland
squabble over
and drugs in
n your autobiogra
uppy: First of all, Fm :
characterize anyone as Mafia, Thats а
label pinned by Federal and local pros
ccutors on people who may or may not
be involved in organized crime. and I
know from my own experiences that it's
not always accurate. But it is true that
1 arrived in prison after defying all
three branches of the United States Gov-
ernment, executive, judicial and legis-
lative. and my refusal to become а rat
had preceded. me.
Nothing is despised
admired more than the so-called. stand
up guy, in jailhouse parlance. who
refuses to turn in his associates. So I
did find that a number ol people who
had been accused of involvement in
organized crime approached me and ex
pressed a certain degree of respect for
my behavior. And. as it turned out. we
did get оп very well, because we һай
some values in common.
PLAYBOY: Considering the Майа ob
session with omertà, the traditional S
code of silence, their penchant
for liquidating enemies. their ruthless
pursuit of vendetta their fanatic
code of personal honor. wouldn't you
have made а good mafioso. perhaps even
a Godfather? And is it still too late?
LIDDY: It’s nice of you to search out ave
nues of employment for me. since they
tend to be somewhat limited to some
one who hay been in prison on a felony
conviction, TH be sure to reler your
suggestion to my parole officer. Actually
there was one amusing incident in that
vein that took place in. prison in Gali-
. where Га come to know Bill
Bonanno, who'd been the protagonist
of Gay Talese’s bestselling book Honor
Thy Father. One Christmas. Eve. two
of Bill's hulking friends showed up to
to midnight Mass in the
prion chapel, even though 1 was no
escort me
hymns lustily. and at a small party Bill
threw afterward. he gave me а hearty
abbraccio and said. “E new anyone
whose mother's name was Abbaticchio
hadda be OR: right. boys?” Everybody
laughed and he went on: “What I like
about this guy. it’s the only kinda sing
ing he knows!” So, yes. we certainly did
have a bond on that level.
PLAYBOY: Your critics would contend
that you had far more in common with
the Mafia than а mutual scorn [or stool
pigcons—ic. a dedication to the prin
ciple that the ends justily the means.
uppy: Well [ve
When the issues are significant enough
the ends do justily the And. ia
fact, most people in this society operate
on just that assumption, though a lot of
never denied that
them gloss it over with a shimmering
veil of hypocrisy, like John Sirica
Didn't The New York Times believe
that the end justified the means in the
Pentagon papers case, when it published
purloined top-secret Government docu
s And didn't the civil rights
antiwar demonstrators believe that the
ends justified the means when they broke
the law by sit-ins at lunch counters or
burning their draft cards? Sure they did
and at least in the civil rights move
ment, they were prepared to go to jail
for their. convictions.
men nd
It was only when
more in prison than an informer, re- longer a practicing Catholic and had we countered the illegal actions of the
member 1. conversely, nothing is not pa nned to attend. I ag Фе antiwar movement with sc of our
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Band B. A blend of Benedictine and fine
own that they tore their hair and rent
their raiments "Police
state!" and the whole thing turned into
a morality play. All а question of whose
political ox is getting gored. of course
When I'm in a war, 1 can respect my op
and screamed,
ponent, no matter how strongly | de
test his convictions. What I1 cannot
stand is hypocrisy
PLAYBOY: That's the second analogy
you've made between your conduct and
that of a soldier in wartime, and
throughout your trial and imprison
ment, you certainly conducted yourself
as a POW trapped in enemy terri
tory. Hf you were a soldier, weren't
your only enemies fellow
dillering political views?
Americans of
иррү: That's easy enough 10 believe it
you conveniently distort the facts. of
recent history. Everybody today knows
that in the late. Sixties and carly Sev
enties, we were involved in an exterior
war jn Vietnam, but they tend to
forget that we were also embroiled
in an undeclared civil war at home
And unless you can understand the па
ture of that struggle and the issues it
posed for the Administration in Wash
ton. you'll be able to under
stand my the motives of my
associates in undertaking the actions
and т the risks we did. We
formidable constellation
am alliance. of
motives c
of forces in
those days,
influential elements of the media with
а so-called that repre-
sented a Weltanschauung and lifestyle
that were utterly repugnant to me. It
was as unthinkable to me to let the
country succumb to those values as it
would have been for a Japanese officer
reared on the code of Bushido to con
template surrender in 19
PLAYBOY: And so kami-
kaze, and ultimately self-destructed over
LIDDY: No. I joined people who believed
1 did in а wall-justified counter
offensive against the forces of civil dis
order that were sweeping the country
in those days. And I hive absolutely
no regrets about my decision to do so
you became a
Ultimately, our side won out and
crushed the revolutionaries, which is
one salient reason why what's left of
the left has never forgotten. or forgiven
Richard Nixon. But our very victory
has to some extent obscured the gravity
of the situation as it was seen in Wash
ington in those days.
PLAYBOY: Aren't you drastically B
gerating the dimensions of civil
unrest in order to justify your own vio
lations of the law? Sure, ther
amiwar demonstrations and civil
incidents of
rorism by crazies like the Weathermen;
but can you seriously argue that the
country was tectering on the brink of
obedience and some ter-
a revolutionary upheaval?
uppy: In my opinion. you'r
underestimating the threat
have a crystal ball at ow
We didn't
disposal in
those days that would inform us that
mass student opposition to the war
would peter out after the end of the
draft, or that the racial cauldron in the
big cities would eventually simmer down:
We had to act on our best intelligence
assessment. af the forces arrayed a
encomaging. particu
us, а cnt was far [rom
rly when you con
sider the revolutionaries. Remember
we knew that those same forces had
caused Lyndon Johnson. 10 abdicate
his office, and we were not prepared to
see а similar scenario in the
Richard Nixon. We the
chose to fight back.
PLAYBOY: You never had апу doubts that
the antiwar movement posed а serious
threat to institu
иррү: Never for
сазе of
drew line and
this country and its
They were
shock troops of a m м and
value system I despised, and as far as
I was concerned. if they were
succeed, they would have had to march
over my dead body. And I always Felt
justified im taking amy action. necessary
to thwart them. 1 remembered Cicero's
dictum that laws are
operative in war
And I knew we were at war
PLAYBOY: In the course of your crusade
to save the Republic, w:
ethical linc you would have dı
s a "good soldier" in son's army.
t do vou think of the so-called
of an illegal and immoral orde
tutes a crime under international 1,
иррү: І do not believe in “blind olx
dience” to authority. On the contrary.
ve that the individual has a re-
sponsibility to pursue the dictates of
his own conscience and own rcason.
even when they counter the interests of
the state. Man, after all. has free will.
А concentration-camp guard at Ausch-
wiz or in the Gulag cannot absolve
himself of responsibility for his acts
simply on the grounds that he was
“obeying orders.” Ive explained wh
Td be w to break the law under
xtraordinary circumstances, but there
isa point beyond which I would not go
PLAYBOY: What is that point?
LIDDY: Well, anything that is malum in
se, evil in itself, as opposed to some-
thing that is malum prohibitum. or
wrong only because there is a law
nst it on the statute books.
PLAYBOY: That appears to be a rather
Jesuitical distinction.
иррү: Well. the Jesuits have had hun-
dreds of years to ponder such questions.
so I1 wouldn't dismiss them too lightly.
but the distinction hetweer um in se
and malum prohibitum is а very real
and vital one when considering the role
I mı relationship to
the law.
PLAYBOY; Would you give us an example?
иррү: OK. A classic example of malum
а sc. something that's evil in and of
s cons
шке. would be the sexual abuse of a
child. I dont need to refer to the
statute books to know that is wroi
nor would the public at large. Now. to
tke another extreme for purposes of
illustration, lets say I was dr
through the N desert one day.
where 1 could sec 100 miles in eithe
directic suddenly I approach a
red octagonal stor sign. If 1 drove
through it, as D wou
he comm
be vie
d. 1 would clearly
ct, 1 would
bsent an Tth
. "Thou shalt
n octagon:
ing the |
«ment. enjoin
not go through
with the word stor on it.
would be morally irrele
there's a wide range of gi
volved between such a
crime such
distinctions between the two
d must
are vital
kinds of violation th
be made.
PLAYBOY: But wouldn't murder—which
you've admitted plotting. if not. execut-
ing—clearly fall under the category of
malum in se?
uppy: Only il you refu
е to accept the
distinction I made earlier in our con-
venation between justifiable and un-
justifiable homicide. And even if you
resort to Judaeo-Christianity for ethical
guidance, a similar distinction would
have to be made. Wi ght that the
Commandment reads. “Thou sh
kil.” but, in fact, the literal ır
tion from the Hebrew reads, “Thou
shalt not do murder" To illustrate
the point, lets сапу this concept
of malum in se over to the political
a we've been discussing. I've said I
would have been willing to kill Jack
Anderson or Philip Agee. Now, lets
say in 1972, before the New Hampshire
primary, somebody had approached me
nd said, “Lidd to whack
out Ed Muskie, h a the polls
nd he's a real threat to this Adminis-
tration in November." Well, 1 wouldn't
have couched that one with a u
pole—no pun intended. | disa
ly with tor Muskie’
nd foreign-policy positions at the time,
ad if he'd been nominated, 1 would
е fought him politically every inch of
But he was and is а decent,
the way
“With all the post-
Watergate paranoia that's
still floating about, Pm
surprised we haven't yet
been blamed for the sinking
of the Lusitania."
сап who was not out
10 damage the interests of
this count nd it would have been
pure case of malum in se for me to
move ag: т. On the other hand.
if he na the and
somebody said, “Liddy. infiltrate an
Muskie’s headquarters and find
out what he's up to.” | certainly would
have considered it. That would have
been traditional in American. politics.
Tt would. in fact. have been another
case of malum prohibi So the. dif
ence between the two is very impor
t to me, and 1 would always draw
lum in se.
PLAYBOY: The problem is
G. Gordon Liddy.
yourself the right to dec ws
should or should Isn't
that in a very profound sense subversi
of the constitutional. principle that thi
a Government of laws and not of
men, and no one. from the Chief Execu-
tive on down to the humblest citizen,
is above the law?
uppy: No. Ultimately, each of us n
le what
ot be broken.
g to
be accountable to his own consci
One must consider the facts and m
а prudent judgment. Remember that
the Constitution is just what the Su-
preme Court—a group of men—says it
is And that Court gave us among
other decisions, Dred Scott [a landmark
аке my
proslavery decision own
conscience, thank you
PLAYBOY: You're a student
with particular interest i
and € се. Do vou
a. "Who is to gu:
mselve And doesn’t
apply to С. Gordon Liddy?
иррү: Well. l'm no longer a gu
But, in the final analysis, the people
have to do that themselves, h i
ng a sharp сус €
to gover
ple feel their leaders busing
L power. they have the option of
ning that particular bunch of guard-
ns out of office. They had the chance
with us in 1972. and vou remember
the results.
PLAYBOY: You mentioned Muskie as the
kind of man vou would never have
considered harming, for which dispen:
tion he’s doubtless grateful. But an
other picture of your relationship with
Muskie is p: high-
nking CIA official Miles Copeland.
who claims your agents spiked Muskie's
punch with a particularly virulent
dose of LSD shortly before he broke
and wept outside the offices of
n Loeb's Manchester Union Lead-
the critical 1972 New Hamp:
nied by former
shire primary. ап event that effectively
ended his candidacy.
LIDDY: I'm afraid you're exploring the
farther shores of political р: on
that one. There's no truth to
PLAYBOY: And ус: you've be
aving said shortly before camp
ng began in New Hampshire that у
nis were prepared. to pull some
rough stuff” in that contest.
ng to that kind of
p with responsi-
Id Segreui, you know,
though 1 never recruited him, and he
s up in New Hampshire with his bag
of so-calléd dirty tricks. operating
ist the various candidates. But his
LIDDY: | wasn't refer
rough stuff. 1 ended
for Don
stock in trade was nothing more serious
thing. Nobody connected with us would
even have thought for a second about
slipping LSD to the Senator. OI course,
with all the post W: ле рага
that’s still lloating about, I'm surprised
we haven't yet been blamed for the
sinking of the Lusitania
PLAYBOY: Maybe its "post Watergate
о Natural en
Nick Buoniconti switched to some other light beers he had tried.
Natural Light because he prefers We don't think he even noticed
the taste. the ingredients listed right on the
He had no idea that Natural label: Water, Barley malt, Rice,
Light's great taste comes from using Hops, Yeast.
only the finest natural ingredients. But Nick Buoniconti would agree.
Or that there are no artificial Its not the name that makes you
ingredients in Natural Light, unlike | good—it's what's inside that counts.
Natural Light.
L] 9- °
Taste is why youll switch.
paranoia” and maybe it's not, but in
the course of a CBS radio commentary
at the height of the Watergate scandal
titled Thinking the Unthinkable, news-
caster Dan Rather commented that it
was time to ask “some of the tough
questions about such characters as
Hunt and Liddy and their Cuban con-
tacts and whether they had at any time
any connection with Lee Harvey Os-
wald. .. ." How do you feel about
being accused of a possible role in the
assassination of President Kennedy?
иррү: 1 initially would have assumed
it was just one more example of the
hysteria surrounding Watergate, but I
subsequently learned why Rather asked
that question. When I first appeared on
60 Minutes in 1975, Mike Wallace told
me offcamera that CBS News possessed
a photograph of the crowd in Dealey
Plaza taken contemporancously with
President Kennedy's assassi and
that one individual bore a striking re-
semblance to me when his features were
Prior to my appearance on
60 Minutes, CBS had the photo and
negative checked by the top experts in
the country in an attempt to verify my
presence at the time, presumably by
comparing photographs of me with the
shot from Dallas, and they couldn't do
so. But apparently the story had been
floating around the higher echelons of
CBS News for some time, and that's
where Rather picked it up. Why he
threw in Hunt's name as well, І can't
tall you.
PLAYBOY: Where were you on November
22, 1963?
иррү: In my law offices in Manhattan,
though I'd been in Dallas a number of
times prior to that. I know you're dis-
appointed, but I'm afraid I can't place
myself in the sixth.floor window of the
Texas School Book Depository, zeroing
in on the motorcade through the sights
of a Mannlicher-Carcano.
PLAYBOY: While serving in the Nixon
White House, didn’t you participate in
an effort to assassinate the character of
the late President by forging cables in
order to indicate that he had ordered
the murder of President Diem of South
LIDDY: You're thinking of Howard Hunt.
1 forged no such cables. When we were
under attack for our alleged immorality
in Vietnam by Ted Kennedy and other
Democrats, we did attempt to unearth
cables from Defense Department files
indicating what role President Kennedy
played in that affair, since it's pretty
gencrally known and accepted that his
Administration supported the coup that
overthrew Diem and led to his death
and that of his brother. Unfortunately,
and perhaps significantly, the cable traf-
fic from the crucial period dropped off
considerably, and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff refused to provide the relevant
back-channel traffic. with the support of
Secretary of Defense Mel Laird. So 1
never unearthed the “smoking gun”
cable that would have linked J.F.K. to
Diem's assassination—which, ironically,
occurred only three weeks before his
PLAYBOY: Do you still believe such a
cable, or other similar evidence, exists?
LIDDY: I have no hard proof, but based
on my own investigation, and the na-
ture of the cable trafic I was able to
examine, I'm convinced that President
Kennedy cither ordered Diem's assassi-
nation or at the very least knew that
the military plotters intended to kill
him and did nothing to stop it.
PLAYBOY: The Nixon White House was
interested in obtaining information on
another Kennedy. Were you involved
in the plumbers’ investigation of Sen-
ator Ted Kennedy's behavior at Chap-
LIDDY: No, but Hunt was. He inves-
tigated Chappaquiddick as part of a
standard political counterintelligence
"I know you're disappoint-
ed, but I can't place myself
in the sixth-floor window of
the Texas School Book
m, to unearth potentially dam-
formation on a possible oppo-
nent. But I'm afraid he came up with
nothing new, nothing that wasn't pub-
lished in that exhaustive article in The
New York Times Magazine by Robert
Sherrill. So the matter was more or
less dropped, on the assumption that it
would probably hurt Kennedy political-
ly without our assistance.
PLAYBOY: The White House campaign
of "political counterintelligence" against.
Ted Kennedy was not conducted on a
very elevated plane. Chuck Colson got a
photograph of Kennedy leaving a night
club in Paris with a beautiful woman,
and H. R. Haldeman recalls being in-
structed by Nixon to place the Senator
under 24-hour surveillance so the White
House could "catch him in the sack with
one of his babes" Did Nixon's men
unearth any significant evidence of Ken-
nedy's alleged drinking problems or mari-
tal infidelities—and, if so, how did the
wicks department intend to use it
иррү: It's possible they did engage in
to. But if they'd asked my advice, Га
have told them to forget it. The whole
extramaritalaffairs bit has been played
to death; that kind of thing isn't even
good for political hardball anymore, if
it ever really was. I mean, my Par
you're going to lock up every politician
who ever slept in a bed with the wrong
the streets of Washington
at night would be bare, deserted! And
I'm not sure the public really cares that
much, either, as long as the guy's com-
petent and doesn’t have some really
far-out quirk, like midgets or aardvarks.
I think the only question is whether or
not the man is sufficiently competent to
be President of the United States, and
I don't think who he goes to bed with
has anything to do with it.
PLAYBOY: Do you think Ted Kennedy is
competent to be President of the Unit-
ed States?
LUDDY: Oh, he's competent, sure, but I
wouldn't want to see him President, be-
cause I think he would move the coun-
try in entirely the wrong direction, in
both domestic affairs and foreign policy.
Kennedy has become the last standard-
bearer of the New Deal, and because
Carter has pre-empted the die and
Reagan has cornered the right, Ted's
only constituency is the liberal left of
the party. He's both their spokesman
and their captive, and his only solution
to our current problems is to throw
more money at them and organize more
programs and more bureaucracies, which
is just a prescription for perpetuating
the failures of the past 30 years. is,
you know, perceived that "the more
corrupt the government, the greater the
number of laws." You could add to that:
"and the greater the number of Federal
agencies." But I've got to admit that
despite my total ideological divergence
from Kennedy, I've developed a cer-
tain grudging respect for the way he's
comported himself under a series of
staggering political reversals. No, 1 think
Kennedy would be the wrong President
at the wrong time for this country, but.
I've got to say that his behavior during
the campaign conforms to Hemingway's
classic definition of courage: grace under
PLAYBOY: In 1977, your sentence was
commuted by Carter. What do you
think of him, both as a man and as
uppy: As a man, I think the popular
conception of him as good and decent
and sincere is probably correct, and
personally, I'm grateful that he com-
muted my sentence. He'd certainly get
my vote—for parson. But as a President,
he's been ап absolute, unmitigated dis-
aster. You see, а moralizer like Jimmy
Carter is fine at delivering orotund
sermons, but he doesn't understand the
(continued on page 166)
He is ambitious and his work occupies him. But when he plays, he likes that to be a total experience.
He stops the car in the sudden stillness of the countryside. They walk together, sharing the peace.
When they return he asks her to drive. He shares himself and his life. He reads PLAYBOY to
enrich his experience. He is after the best and is prepared to pay for it. What sort of man Ej
reads PLAYBOY? A man who takes time to explore. A man who reaches for the life he wants.
ot anew novel
By the author of “Ragtime”
wolf woman, lizard man, fanny the fat lady. . . the most
horrifying people at the carnival were not its freaks
THAT suMMER, I found myself rousting for Hearn Brothers
carnival—a few acts, a few rides and a contingent of freaks that
went around the Eastern mountain circuit in the 1930s. I
learned how money could be made from the poor. Every eve-
ning, we turned on the power and they drifted in, appearing
starved and sucked dry but holding in their palms the nickels
and dimes that would give them a view of Wolf Woman, Lizard
Man, the Living Oyster, the Fingerling Family and, in fact, the
whole Hearn Brothers bestiary of human virtue and excellence.
They would stare solemnly at these attractions and then turn
away and dig in their pockets for a number on fortune's wheel.
The most popular freak was a traditional fat lady named
Fanny. She sat on a scale that was like a porch swing. Over her
head, a big red arrow attested to 608 pounds, To the shrewd
and skeptical among the audience, she responded with an
emphatic sigh and the arrow would fluctuate wildly, going as
high as 900. This made people laugh. Fanny the Fat Lady was
always dressed in а short jumper with a big collar and a bow in
her hair, just like Shirley Temple. She had dyed red hair set in
waves over her small skull. She might have been 30 years old,
but she was dull-witted as if her mind had been made slow by
the pull of gravity. Some of the freaks did routines or sold
souvenirs and pamphlets of their life stories, but she only sat
and suffered herself to be gazed on, her slathered legs crossed at
the ankles. Sometimes when she saw a kid she liked, her little
painted mouth would widen like the wings of a butterfly as if
it were basking on some pulpy extragalactic flower. The folds
of her chins rising in cups of delicate hue, her blue eyes setting
like moons behind her cheeks, she would smile and then un-
smile, smile and unsmile, sitting there with each arm resting on
the base of a plump hand supported by a knee that was like the
cap of an exotic giant white mushroom.
By one or two in the morning, all the rubes were played out.
The lights were blinked in warning, and the generator was
turned off. The crowd left and the acts went to their trailers to
find some supper or drink some wine. It fell to me to escort
Fanny back to her trailer, She'd place her hand on my shoulder
and, walking behind me at arm's length with a great quivering
resettlement of herself at each step, she'd
move in stately procession across the lot.
A while later, a truck would come
along running without headlights and
turn deftly off the road, and it would be
one of the daddies of the early evening
returned by himself or with a friend. He
would want the belly dancer or the girl
who walked the ponies; but most of the
time he wanted the fat lady. And pretty
soon, on the steps of Fanny's trailer at
the edge of the woods, there would be a
line of men and boys waiting for their
turn with her. It was cold, too, at night.
in the Adirondacks, especially in August,
but they were kept warm by their fevers,
driven up by the sound of life's pan-
ic, the shivers and shrieks and crashings
and hoarse cries coming out of that
trailer. the night music of the carnival I
traveled vith in the summer of my youth.
Fanny was truly sensitive to men. She
had a real affection for them. I think
she was in love with the idea of them,
because every night she would take on
as many as there were, and I doubt if
she understood that money was collected
on her behalf. I knew a fair percentage
of her customers were so aroused as to
be terrible bumblers, coming in the folds
of her thighs or in the depths of the
sides of her that spilled over the struc-
ture of her trunk like luxurious down
quilts; bur always she cried out as if
they had found her true center. And I
wondered if among this retarded whore-
freak and the riffraff who stood in line
to fuck her, some really important
sacrament was effected, some means of
continuing with hope, a ceremonial
magnification of the possibilities of life
that did not wear away but grew in the
memory of her around the bars and
taverns of the mountains, catching her
image in the sawdust flying up through
the sunlight in the mill yards or laying
like the mist of the morning over the
clear Jakes. But I was 19 years old and
given to such fancies. Everyone in the
carny knows fat ladies are the biggest
The owner, Sim Hearn, used to stop
by Fanny's booth before the show and
take a look at her. This was a great
honor because Sim Hearn had no par-
ticular interest in his freaks’ welfare or
anyone else's for that matter. He was a
tall man, very thin, the color of ash. He
walked with a stoop. Even on the hottest
day of the year, he wore an old gray
fedora with the front brim pulled down.
He affected a white shirt with a black
tie and he wore rubber bands around the
sleeves above the elbows; his arms at the
biceps were visibly thinner than an or-
dinary man's wrist. He had the habit of
sucking on his teeth, lighting on a par-
ticular crevasse with his tongue and then
pulling air through it with a dry chirp-
ing sound. If you listened, you could
tell just where Sim Hearn was on the lot
as he went around looking after things.
Sometimes you'd be doing your work
and realize it was you he was watching,
the ubiquitous chirrup just behind your
ear, as if the king of the locusts had
landed on your shoulder. Then you'd
turn and find it was so. “That,” he
would » pointing to a loose cable. Or
“This,” extending his chin in the direc-
tion of an overflowing trash bin. His
parsimony of speech and his teeth. suck-
ing gave him a preoccupied demeanor,
as if he were too much engaged with the
great invisible problems to spend much
effort on the running of the carny.
"There was a Mrs. Hearn, too, a Hun-
garian woman some years younger than
Sim; I'd say she was not much past 40.
She had the lightest-colored hair I ever
saw. It looked almost white, She wore it
plaited and twisted in a bun in back.
She spoke almost as little as her hus-
band, but I dwelled on her accent, which
seemed very exotic to me and produced
in my mind images of European hotel
lobbies or indoor riding academies. She
addressed me in the most businesslike
way, but when there was something
she wanted done, it was me she called
over, not anyone else. And I began to be
conscious of a presence she had for me,
the most discreet presence, hardly ten-
dered in the glance of her gray eyes,
which were rather small and closeset,
but meaningfully there, nonetheless. І
found myself watching her. She walked
with a severe limp, taking a sudden dip
over to one side, as if she were doomed
each moment to fall, but with some spe-
cifically physical suggestion of gallantry
righting herself in the next moment and
winding up the entire cycle with a vehe-
ment forward thrust of the pelvis that
was not at all unpleasant to observe.
One day, between towns, Mrs. Hearn
rode with me in the cab of my truck. It
маз raining heavily. The water stream-
ing over the windows was like a curtain.
She took a photograph out of her wallet.
and held it up where I could see it; it
showed a young girl in tights waving
from an aerial platform, her other hand
holding a slack trapeze as if she were
about to jump into space. "From my life
when I smiled," she said.
I was excited by her story. She had a
degree of class, some residual pride of
deporument that separated her from the
others, even from Sim Hearn himself—
and now I knew why. She had been in
the big time. The picture had been
taken when she was an aerialist with
the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. She had
trained in Hungary and married into a
circus fami Her husband was the
catcher. At one performance, she missed
her timing and fell badly into the net.
Her husband watched the way she healed
and she dropped from his affection as
precipitously as she had fallen from his
outstretched hands. Down she went
through the years and all the levels of
show business until she reached bottom.
“Here,” she said, smacking the seat of
the truck.
It was a sad tale, but I was thrilled to
be told it. I was emboldened to cheer
her up. "From where I'm looking, it's
not the bottom," I said. "You ain't ex-
actly one of the hands.
She gave a short laugh and stared
through the rain. It was a while before
she spoke again. "Ill tell you of the
Mrs. Hearn," she said, as if having
made a decision. "I have always been
with numbers clever, even as child. I
came to him and talked myself into the
bookkeeping. As I knew by looking at
this man, he afterward had to marry me.
He would not for long trust to keep his
books who was not relate
I was stunned. "Is true," she sai n
the American law, wife cannot be made
to speak against husband.”
1 kept my eyes on the road. Of course,
it was maliciously suggested around the
carny that Sim Hearn had no appetite
for anything but money. Still, it was
one thing to enjoy the sort of myth that
attaches itself to anyone in authority;
it was another to have a true glimpse
into thc naturc of a man's affections.
And then I wondered about her. I saw
into a realm of such miserably desperate
self-reliance that I was immediately able
to think she was, indeed, where. she be-
longed. It did not occur to me that
she had given me her confidence for a
reason. I was really stupid. 1 was not at
my age making plans of my own and so
could not conceive of myself in the plans
of others—even someone like Magda
Hearn, who had just confessed to me
how her mind worked. I thought with
some scorn: She can be had.
So, at the age of 19, I was innocent,
the more so from living with the dregs
of the earth and knowing the sad forms
that life took. I felt immune to hazard.
If I had ambition, it was willing to wait
and to learn. I gave myself simple-
heartedly to the carny and could not
have realized the attraction I had for
Mrs. Hearn or for any of them as a
strong, quiet boy with a ready smile and
a capacity for work but with as few de-
mands upon life as the freaks.
This was the Depression and a fellow
my age could have been in worse shape.
I thought I had thc temperament to ride
it out. By not being in too great a hurry
about anything, I was fitted to the dis-
couragement of the times. I had finished
with high school in Paterson and, armed
only with an unpronounceable last
name, I had hit the road. It was all
(continued on page 98)
“I always like it best when youre Mother Superior!"
tasteful conservative styles coupled with a dash of the ое e
are the landslide winning looks for the months ahead
attire n В Я
FALL AND WINTER fashions this year mirror the
By DAVID PLATT „оса ana economic mood; thus, theres
little coming up that's fun, frivolous or unique. Still, it isn't all the deadly seriousness of,
say, the Fifties. In fact. while the current fashion scene lacks the kind of wild and crazy
looseness that's been present in the past, it does offer solid values and tasteful conservative
looks that won't go out of style overnight. One way to jazz up your wardrobe—and, of
course, get extra fashion mileage from your selections—is to think creatively about what
you've purchased. Instead of wearing an ordinary business shirt with your new pinstriped
suit, uy a silk onc. Or combine а bow tie with a shirt and a pair of sweaters instead of
sporting a sports jacket. In short, go for the unexpected. You'll come away a winner.
Opposite page: The country-squire look—a Shetland-wool jacket, $195, worn over o muted-plaid shirt, $45, wool sleeveless V-neck, $55,
and a pair of corduroy slacks, $65, all by Alan Flusser. Above left: A wool/acrylic knit cardigan, $50, and a V-neck pullover, also $50,
both by Coccia; along with a cotton/wool shirt, by Hathaway, about $37.50; cotton poplin slacks, by Bert Pulitzer, $60; and а silk bow
tie, by Vicky Davis, $9. Above right: Our guy's calm, cool and well toilored in a cotton poplin fly-front jacket, $170, ard pleated twill
slacks, $100, both by Amber House; cotton poplin shirt, by Bert Pulitzer, $27.50; acrylic knit V-neck with rib trim, by Jantzen, $2B.50;
rayon/chenille hand-woven muffler, by Jeffrey Aronoff, $70; and calfskin Angora-lined gloves, by Yves Saint Laurent Gloves, $43.
Above left: А clossic wool pinstriped two-button
suit, $410, worn with o silk shirt, $125, ond а silk
foulard tie, $25, oll from Tiger of Sweden by Gil
Truedsson. Above right: The loyered look here
combines unexpected colors and textures includ-
ing an olpoca/wool ventless jocket, $225, worn
with cotton velvet Western-style jeons, $50, and a
wool striped pullover, $37.50, all by Jean-Paul
Germain. Under the sweater is а brushed cotton
postel ploid shirt, $75, ond о wool knit T-shirt,
$30, both by Poul Smith. Left: It was love at first
sight for his leather motorcycle-type jacket, about
$600, brushed cotton shirt, obout $85, and cotton
twill slacks, obout $150, all by Giorgio Armani.
Opposite роде: Check this—o wool checked suit
feoturing bellows pockets, $365, thots been
coupled with a multicolor-ploid cotton button-
down shirt, $32.50, ond a wool pottemed tie,
$15, all from Chaps by Rolph Lauren. Under the
suit is а wool/ocrylie five-button sleeveless car-
digan with rib trim, by Jockey Internationol, $24.
Opposite page: Two for the money—a cotton
twill outercoot thot reverses to a tweed model,
about $145, worn over o Shetlond-wool two-
button jacket, about $170, wool gabardine slacks,
about $65, and multicolor-plaid cotton shirt, about
$32.50, all by Sol Cesaroni for Cesaroni; plus a
silk tie, about $25, by Dickens of London for
John Mendez; ond a multicolor-striped wool
knotted-fringe muffler, by Bert Pulitzer, $22.50.
Left: Winter's foes—a chomois/cotton down-filled
blouson jacket, by Al Arden for Chester Perry,
obout $430; worn over a wool long-sleeved V-
neck, $34, and worsted wool gabordine slacks,
$62, both by Gianfranco Ruffini; plus a cotton/
polyester ploid buttondown shirt, by Arrow,
$28.50. Below left: Mr. Lucky scores again in new
foll and winter threods thot include a wool plaid
two-button jacket and motching vest, $235, both
by Von Gils; plus wool flannel slocks, by Bill
Koisermon Design, $B5; а cotton pinstriped shirt,
$57.50, ond silk twill tie, $18, both by Howord
Partmon for Son Froncisco. Below: A cotton fleecy-
lined fotigue-type jocket, $200, coupled with o
knit boat-neck sweater, $150, cotton shirt, $50,
corduroy pleated slacks, $130, and а coshmere/
silk/wool muffler, $35, all by Peter Barton’s Closet.
—~ medium-spread collar, by Nino Cerruti Shirts, $27. Next to the shirt: A pair of leather hand-sewn penny mocs, by Frye
fashion staples for
the months ahead—
from outerwear and suits
to sweaters, shirts
and accessories
Hanging on the armoire door: A wool herringbone double-breasted topcoat, by Lee Wright, $270; and
а сазһтеге muffler, by Amicale, $35. On the top shelf: A Merino wool crewneck, by Calvin Klein
Menswear, $60; coupled with a plaid shirt, by Arrow, obout $18. Next to it: A wool cardigan sweater, by
Robert Stock, $65; and a wool Western shirt, by Pendleton, $45. Second shelf: A pair of leather oxfords, by Yves
Saint Laurent for Harwyn Int'l, $90; Argyle socks, by Interwoven, $3; and (hanging) a leather jacket, by Stratojac,
about $225, Third shelf: Orlon Fair Isle crewneck with rib trim, by Jantzen, $35. Fourth shelf: Cotton/ polyester shirt,
iby Nino Gerruti Shirts, $23; cotton buttondown shirt, by Bert Pulitzer, $38.50; ond a cotton/polyester striped shirt with a
Handsewns, $76; and Arayle socks, by Interwoven, $3. Hanging on the brass coat rack: A polyester/cotton gabordine trench
coat, by Misty Harbof, $170; plus a cable-stitched sleeveless V-neck sweater, by Robert Bruce, $22.50; wool/cotton checked |. d
shirt, by Evan-Picone for Men, $57.50; and a striped wool muffler, by Bert Pulitzer, $22.50. Left, atop suitcase: Worsted wool) |
slacks, by Daks, obout $70; cowhide slip-on mocs, by Sperry Top-Sider, $58; and Orlon boot socks, by Interwoven, $a! t
Hanging on the left side of the head-
board: A checked wool two-button jacket,
by Evan-Picone for Men, $150; coupled
3 - with an oxford buttondown shirt, by Bert
32 у Pulitzer, $23.50; and a striped wool tie,
by Close Ties, about $16.50.
Headboard, middle row, top to
bottom: Wool herringbone mut-
ed-plaid suit, by Country
Britches, $285; a corduroy sin-
gle-breasted jacket, by Moda
Tallia, $175; and a wool
tweed four-button jacket, by
Pierre Cardin, about $165. Head-
board, right: Wool flannel dou-
ble-bredSted suit, by Chester
Barrie, $535; teamed with a
muted-check cotton shirt, by
Suntry Britches, $45; and a
polyester Swiss dot tie, by
Wembley, $8.50. Back row on the
bed, left to right: Cotton twill
tubular-quilted jacket, from Jeffrey
Banks for Lakeland, $155; wool knit
shawl-collared pullover, by Tricots St. Raph-
ael, about $97.50; and a pair of lambskin hand-
stitched dress gloves, by Gates Gloves, about $30.
Shirts in the middle row, left to right: A denim burtondown
work shirt, by Bert Pulitzer, $28.50; plaid buttondown, from Bara-
cuta for Van Heusen, $20; brushed cotton shirt, by Gant, $29; cotton oxford
with contrasting collar, by Bert Pulitzer, $38.50; cotton/polyester button-
down, from Equipment by Henry Grethel, $37.50; pinstriped shirt, by Nino Cerruti
Shirts, $27; and a cotton plaid shirt, by Robert Stock, $35. Slacks on the bed, left to
right: Denim baggy jeans, by Tobias Kotzin Co., $24; corduroy Western slacks, by Bonjour Ac-
tion Jeans, $39; teamed with a leather Western belt, by Frye Belts, $10.50; brushed cotton twill
slacks, by Robert Stock, $47.50; and a canvas агу belt, by Aeronautica Ltd., $15; wool herringbone
slacks, from Equipment by Henry Grethel, $65; and a cowhide belt, by Pierre Cardin, $18.50; and poly-
ester/wool flannel pleated slacks, by Evan-Picone for Men, $60; and a calfskin belt, by Lejon for Dimitri, $25,
The silk foulard is by Country Britches, $25; silk/wool patterned tie, from Chaps by Ralph Lauren, $16.50.
LOON LAKE ron pe
“I trained myself to be casual around the freaks,
even though I was as awe-struck as a rube.”
there was to do and nobody cried, not
even my mother, who gazed at the floor,
secing me out in the world, even as my
hand was on the doorknob.
I had heard California was the place.
In California, oranges and avocados lay
ripe in the street. I nurtured also some
mythic sense of the light of the sky out
there, a benign radiance bathing one in
warmth. So I started West. Almost im-
mediately, I was lost in the crowd. There
was this great traffic of stiffs and hobos.
The train yards were jammed. The bulls
were vicious. There was little chance to
find a day's work. You went to sleep
thinking someone might cut off your
foot for the folded dollar in your shoe.
But I knew how to take care of my-
self. What I was really afraid of was the
ordinary person who was no more ma-
levolent than the next but for whom
the prünary act of character was self-
delusion, There was the true danger—
the casuistry in misfortune. ] saw two
men tying to kill cach other over the
question of whose torn filthy jacket had
the better label. Rummies ranked them-
selves by the kind of alcohol they would
not be so low as to drink. 1 met bums
who claimed to be only temporarily
down on their luck—always they were
еп route to some glorious destination
described, not in terms of a job or a
family waiting but as the place where
they were known, where what they were
did not have to be proved. So I turned
off the road and headed north for the
mountains, а young man who did not
want such challenges to his kingship of
consciousness, with all the conquests of
his life still to come. I could not hope
or dream, however idly, in a flophouse
with 100 others, 1000 others, 100,000
others, where the dreams rise on the
breath and dissolve one another in a
precipitate element not your own, and
you are trapped in it, a dark underwater
kingdom fed by springs of alcoholic piss
and sweat, in which there live and swim
the vilest phantoms of God.
АП summer we moved along the
mountain roads, lighting here and there.
We were a smooth, efficient outfit. Sim
Hearn went on ahead to find the Јоса-
tions and make the payoffs. And when
we came into a town. he'd be waiting
where we could see him, sitting behind
the wheel of his Model A with one arm
out the window. the rubber band around
the shirt sleeve. We'd follow him to an
open field somewhere. Right away, we'd
Eo to work putting the rides together
and standing up the booths. We'd have
the carny open by dark. Sim knew what
towns to skip, he knew what games
would go in one place but not another
and he knew with a sniff of the weather
when it was time to pull up stakes and
travel on. And where we left, the high
grass would be worn away.
I trained myself to be casual around
the freaks, even though I was as awe-
struck as a rube; more so, because 1
knew what no rube could ever dream—
that they read the papers and talked
about Roosevelt just like everyone else
in the country.
But with all of that, there was an
undeniable invalidism to their lives, like
the pain of constant and irremediable
bad health, so that daily association with
them was isolating. I'd find myself sizing
up the young girls who wandered into
the midway in twos and threes, ordinary
country girls who might glance at each
other and giggle if I said something to
them and then later, perhaps, tell me
their name; but I'd make no move to-
ward them, from some binding identifi-
cation with the creatures behind the
Yet the freaks stayed to themselves.
Your well-being, your very dimensions
were reproachable, and they dealt only
with one another. Not in brotherhood,
of course. The Fingerling Family, who
were related only by size and their
tendency to pug features, liked to make
sport of Wolf Woman. They would
sneak up from behind and pull out tufts
of the unfortunate creature's hair.
“That's all right,” they'd taunt, scuttling
out of her reach. “Plenty more where
that came from!" Lizard Man, whose
life was a dermatological misery, had to
threaten them a pistol to get them
to return the lotions that were his only
relief, The Living Oyster had as foul a
tongue as any I had ever heard. He was
so nasty and malicious to one and all
that he was habitually dumped out of
his basket and left to rage in a mud
puddle or a pile of horse manure.
Where did Sim Hearn get them? Where
did he get any of them? Could they be
ordered? Was there a clearinghouse for
freaks somewhere? In fact, there was;
but if he could, Sim Hearn liked to find
them himself. Somebody in town would
approach him and he'd go off to see
what was hidden in the basement or the
barn. If he liked what he saw, he named
his terms and didn’t have to pay a com-
mission. Maybe he had dreams of find-
ing something so inspiring that he
would make his fortune, like Barnum.
But the afflicted people in the country-
side perceived him as a chance in a
million. І would look around some
morning and see a new grotesque or two,
not necessarily in costume at show time
but definitely with the carny. They re-
quired some kind of seasoning, like
rookie ballplayers, to give them the
competence as professionals. Sometimes
they'd be around a while and disappear,
to have their place taken by another for
whom perhaps they'd been traded in
the discreet dealings of this mysterious
league. But when a new freak was put
into the show, that evening everyone
would try to shine, the new one would
tone them all up except maybe Fanny,
secure and serene in her mightiness.
And all together in their display, they
appeared to me as the celebration of
Hearn's weird genius, their unformed
appendages, their textured flesh, their
demonic proportions making his design
on behalf of them all, as if he were
some saintly artist of their redemption.
Yet he couldn't care less if any one
of them lived or died. And they knew
it. None of them was assured employ-
ment beyond the end of the summer. It
was his practice to close the carny some-
time early in September. He found stor-
age for most of the wagons and, keeping
only a few drivers for the rigs he wanted
to take with him, he headed for Florida,
leaving most of the acts to get down
there on their own. Whether they did or
they didn’t was up to them. If they did,
he'd take them on again, and they'd
hire on for the winter uncomplaining as
only dumb showfolk can be—they were
mostly immigrants, after all, the same
people but with a twist who worked for
pennies in the sawmills or stood in the
bread lines.
One day, the second of a three-day
stand, I went off the lot to look for a
decent lunch. The acts maintained their
domestic arrangements, but the hands
were single and had to cat the slop that.
Sim Hearn's cook put out. I wanted the
diner that could offer a reasonable return
on my investment. A blue-plate special
in those days cost 30 cents, with a nickel
for the cup of coffee.
Walking along, solemn in my quest, 1
realized І was being watched. I looked
up and saw Magda Hearn behind the
wheel of Sim's Model A. She had parked
ata slant and she was smiling.
Mrs. Hearn was dressed in shorts and
a halter and wore a kerchief over her
hair. She made much of the fact that we
(continued on page 190)
1^ " С M К
WC. 222
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article By JOHNNY GREENE fifteen years ago, a white civil rights worker was slain
IN DARKNESS, Highway 80 across Ala-
тю more answers than it does
in blinding-white Southern summer day-
light. But for some reason, that insig-
nificant strip of road, that dangerous
two-lane through the black belt was a
political and spiritual magnet for thou-
sands of people. Under overcast morning
skies and on rain-soaked afternoons, а
nonviolent revolution took place along
Highway 80 when people demanded the
right to vote. And in darkness, a woman
from Detroit named Viola died there and
now her children want to know why.
Tony Liuz stretched out on the
to her voice. There had been a mackerel
sky at sunset and now the stars had come
out and the sky seemed almost pure
white and Viola was looking up, gazing
at the stars. Tony was nine years old
in alabama —and today that woman's children charge the government with her death
that summer his mother dyed her hair
black and took him and bis older broth-
er, Tommy, on a camping trip through
Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia. They
slept outdoors as they traveled—in na-
tional and state parks, in open fields,
even in graveyards. All three of them
went barefoot most of the time. For the
boys, it was an adventure. For Viola, it
жаз an escape from the confining, urban
pressures of Detroit, and her first chance
to show her sons the region where she
had grown up—the South.
Now, as he lay beside her in an open
field alongside a deserted highway, Tony
did not have to tell his mother he was
frightened. To all her five children, it
was as if she were almost mystical. She
could anticipate and predict their feel-
ings even before they experienced them.
That night, Tony was spooked and
Viola sensed it. So they all sat on their
blankets and put their chins оп their
knees and Tony heard the words that
would е him strength years later,
when he launched his relentless search
for the truth about her murder.
"Look at the stars and the woods,"
Viola said, her arms outstretched. “This
is your heritage. Not what you see in the
cities. Not the money and the buildings.
This is what people were born for. This
is your heritage.”
Then she told Tony the words he
would never forget: that his body was a
shell and the only thing that mattered
was the spirit inside the shell—that
without the spirit, the body was mean-
ingless, that the real spirit was love.
They were weighty words to a nine-
year-old. But Viola always talked with
her children as if they were her contem-
poraries, her best friends, sharing with
them her thoughts and feelings and her
own basic philosophy of life. She seemed
to be in a hurry to teach them every-
thing she knew about life, to show them
as much of the world as quickly as she
possibly could. She had taken them
оп the trip South just as she had carried
them along on her rock-hunting expedi-
tions to quarries and the Great Lakes, to
antique shops and to their cabin in the
woods. The children were fascinated by
her, by the way she constantly went bare-
foot and told them, when they appeared
worried: "It doesn't matter what other
people think. You have to do what you
believe is right.”
Viola's children were too young then
to realize their mother was years ahead
of her time, that the uninhibited ap-
proach to life that excited them was in
reality a threat to others.
The night before Tonys tenth birth-
day, he saw his mother visibly shaken
as she watched a television news broad-
cast of Alabama troopers анас!
line of nonviolent black civil rights
demonstrators їп Selma. For days after
that, it seemed as if Viola were con-
sumed with energy. At Wayne State
University, where she was a part-time
student, she found that she wasn't alone.
Countless other students were enraged
over the situation in Selma, too, but no
one knew exactly what to do. Should
they send money, and if so, to whom?
Should they write letters or stage their
own demonstration in Detroit? Each day,
the news reports from Selma were grim,
and as Viola sat watching the television
coverage, Tony felt as if he could see his
mother’s heart.
Viola knew the South well from her
early years in rural Tennessee, and she
understood the depths of the region's
racism, The nightly television coverage
102 was only more proof of the violence
white Southerners were ready to unleash
against nonviolent blacks in order to
maintain the separate-but-unequal struc-
ture of their society. Viola had even
seen the result of that racism on the
streets and lewalks of Detroit, where
thousands of disenfranchised Southern
blacks had fled—only to find a stark
limbo of chronic unemployment and the
empty hostility of urban indifference.
A refugee from the South herself,
Viola frequently brought home those
refugees. She fed them, clothed them,
gave them spending money for their
pockets. She was a member of the
NAACP and she once phoned De-
woit chapter to ask how she could
donate money or clothes to specific
blacks in a manner that would not leave
them feeling humiliated.
So when Martin Luther King, Jr., and
the Southern Christian Leadership Con-
ference sent out telegrams and requests
across the nation asking for supporters
to come en masse to Selma, Viola re-
sponded. With thousands of others, she
would go to a bridge at Selma and make
her personal statement for oppressed
Southern blacks. From the campus of
Wayne State, Viola called her husband,
Jim, and told him she was leaving.
"Tony remembers his mother's call and
how his father made Viola promise to
be careful. His father was a tough, well-
built Italian-American who was devoted
to his younger wife and to their family.
Although Jim Liuzzo did not know much
about the South, he knew it was a dan-
gerous place for blacks and for white
civil rights workers. But he understood,
100, that Viola had to do what she
thought was right, and he agreed to wire
ahead the money to cover her trip.
Viola called every night while she was
away, and Tony was home the after-
noon she phoned from Montgomery to
tell his father the march was over and
that she would be returning to Detroit
the next day. Tony remembers his fa-
ther's words to her: "Vi, be careful,
because the most dangerous time is after
а march is over.
That night, Jim Liuzo and his five
lren were at home. Penny and Mary,
Viola's daughters by a previous mar-
riage, were still awake. Tony, Tommy
and their baby sister, Sally, were asleep
when Jim received a telephone call
from Alabama authorities informing
him that his wife, Viola Gregg Liuzzo,
39, had been shot to death on Highway
80 between Selma and Montgomery.
Топу was awakened by the screams of
his father and his two oldest sisters. For
Tony, it was like waking up in an un-
real world, a world that would remain
unreal for the next ten years of his
life—until he could finally fit the pieces
into place and discover who had actu-
ally murdered his mother and then
destroyed the family.
The day after Viola’s death, Tony
heard his father say he wanted to be
alone in a room with George Wallace
for ten minutes. That same day, Tony
watched as President Lyndon Johnson,
on national television, announced the
arrest of four members of the Ku Klux
Klan who were charged with the Fed-
eral offense of conspiring to violate his
mother's civil rights. As Johnson made
the announcement and then denounced
the Klan, he was flanked by J. Edgar
had always done on
ion and in the movies, Hoover's
FBI had solved another one.
Gary Thomas Rowe, Jr.. Collie Leroy
Wilkins, William Orville Eaton and
Eugene Thomas were taken into custody
by FBI agents that day in the Birming-
ham, Alabama, metropolitan area. Rowe
was a high-ranking member of the East-
view 13 klavern of the Klan—the most
vicious in the South, the klavern al-
legedly responsible for bombing Bir-
mingham's 16th Street Baptist Church,
where four young black girls were mur-
dered. Wilkins, Eaton and Thomas were
members of the Bessemer klavern. The
previous day, the four Klansmen had
left Bessemer on a Klan “mi
assignment—to harass and poss
rorize the black and white civil rights
marchers who had walked from Selma
to Montgomery with Martin Luther
King, Jr.
The speedy arrest of the four men
surprised millions of Amcricans who felt
the nightrider slaying of Viola Liuzzo
would become another baffling, unsolv-
able civil rights murder. But law-enforce-
ment observers realized immediately that
one of the Klansmen must have broken
and confessed in hope of immunity—or
that one of the four men was an FBI
Within weeks after their arrest, Rowe
was, indeed, surfaced as an informant,
paid by the FBI to report on the Klan
since 1959. It was announced that he
would testify against Wilkins, Eaton
and Thomas in Federal court and in the
courts of Alabama, where indictments
were already being prepared against the
three men.
According to Rowe, after the Klans-
men reached Montgomery and observed
the final moments of the voting-rights
march, they drove to Selma, where they
spotted a white woman riding alone in
а car with a black male passenger. The
Klansmen chased that car along High-
way 80 toward Montgomery. Rowe told
his FBI control agents he tried unsuc-
cessfully to get the Klansmen to stop
the chase and return to Selma. When
the Klansmen finally overtook the car
(continued on page 108)
a thing of the past
BACK IN THE OLD DAYS, when men меге men and women
were in the kitchen, terms like biceps, triceps, bench press
and dead lift were exclusively associated with the male of
the species. But not anymore. There's a revolution taking
place in the gyms of America and at the forefront, leading
the charge, is Lisa Lyon, the world's first Woman's Body-
building Champion. Diminutive in stature (she stands 5/3"
and weighs only 105 pounds), Lisa can deadlift 225 pounds,
bench-press 120 pounds and squat 265 pounds, two and a
half times her own weight. And, as evidenced by her long
list of credits (every talk show from Donahue to Snyder,
several TV specials on women's body building, numerous
athletic competitions and a book, Body Magic, to be pub-
lished by Bantam), Lisa is hoping that all of this will catch
Since she started body building four years aga, Lisa estimates that she has increased her strength by 300 percent. She works aut, main-
ly with weights, twice a day for a total of three hours, six days a week, training different muscle groups each session. “Yau have to keep
shocking your body, because that's the only way to grow,” she says. "After a while, you learn ta tailor your routine to your physique.”
on big. "I honestly think we need a new definition of female
beauty for the Eighties,” says Lisa, "and a high-tech body
that's not only beautiful but useful as well, may be it." A
cum laude graduate of UCLA, which she followed with a
three-year stint as а story analyst for American International
Pictures in Hollywood, Lisa first entered the world of body
building four years ago, when a series of traumatic expe-
to sce my body changing and moved to Gold's Gym. Again,
I was practically the only woman. but the men at the gym
loved the idea that a woman was in there doing it, so they
were very helpful.” Outside the gym, however, reactions to
Lisa vary. "People think that because I'm strong I like to
dominate men. 1 don't want to dominate. I like rough trade.
1 don't like sissies,” she told a writer for SohoNews. After
riences caused her to seek an outlet for her aggressions. “I
was studying kendo,” she recalls, “and my classmates were
all men. The more seriously they took me, the more I was
getting beat up, so I realized that I needed to be stronger.”
To achieve that end, she started lilting weights on a special
program devised by bodybuilder Franco Columbu, who,
says Lisa, “thought I was joking at first. But then I started
four years of work, Lisa has achieved her goal—a sort of
animal aesthetic, as she says—where muscularity shows but
is not cumbersome. “If you looked at a cougar,” she say:
“you wouldn't say ooh, that looks so masculine because it's
so muscular. You'd say that's a very good-looking cat, per-
ceiving that muscularity is not masculine or intrinsically
sexual. I want to be seen as a well-developed human animal.”
In addition to the obvious aesthetic appeal of her body, Lisa also claims that body building can increase sensuality. “Insteod of dissipat-
ing your sexuolity or mystique, working out octually increases it, because it makes you aware of every separote part of your physique,
since you're constantly in touch with your body in such a detailed woy. So your sensitivity to touch and movement is incredible.” 107
DID THE FBI HILL VIOLA ? (continued from page 102)
“Rowe participated in violent acts against civil rights
activists—with the approval of the FBI.”
and emptied their guns into it, Rowe
said he faked firing his own weapon—
and that Wilkins had fired the .38-
caliber revolver that killed Viola Liuzzo.
Following the chase and the murder, the
four men returned to Birmingham,
where Rowe immediately contacted his
FBI control agent, thereby breaking
ide open the case. By the time it heard
from Rowe, the FBI had already iden-
tified Viola. Her passenger. Leroy Mo-
ton, had escaped injury and was in
protective custody in the Selma jail.
Despite Rowe's testimony—he pre-
sented so many conflicting accounts that
hey became known unofficially as the
2 Rowe lies"—Wilkins and Thomas
were acquitted of murder in the Ala-
bama courts and Eaton died of a heart
attack before he could stand trial. The
men never even took the witness stand
in their own defense. But their Klan
lawyers successfully challenged Rowe's
testimony, chopping away less at his
version of the events than at his viola-
tion of his Klan oath, his position as an
FBI informant. Wilkins, Eaton and
"Thomas were found guilty in Federal
court of conspiring to violate the civil
rights of Viola Liuzzo, and received the
maximum sentence of ten years in
Although the Liuzzo murder case
seemingly had been solved by the FBI
with astonishing swiftness, Tony Liuzzo
now watched in disbelief as the public
reacted to his mother's murder. Crosses
were burned on the lawn of the Liuzzo
home and stacks of hate mail arrived
daily. There were countless late-night
obscene phone calls, insults yelled from
cars passing their home, and once gun-
shots were fired into their house from a
speeding vehicle. Neighborhood house-
wives and children hurled rocks and
stones at Sally when she walked home
from school. Jim Liuzzo had to hire
armed guards to protect his children.
The world had suddenly turned upside
down on top of Tony and his family,
and his only rationalization was that
this was what happened to the children
of people who gave their lives for civil
More devastating to Tony than all of
the abuse, however, was the gradual dis-
integration of his family. The loss of
Viola had deprived the Liuzzos of their
central, driving force. She had been the
one who pushed them all forward in
10g life, and without her that momentum
was lost. Tony and "Tommy eventually
dropped out of school. Viola, who had
been unable at their age to finish high
school, had always insisted not only that
they attend school but that they bring
home high marks on their report cards.
She had enrolled at Wayne State as a
part-time student majoring in English,
stating that she intended to enter med-
ical school and become a doctor. After
her death. they watched their father's
health decline sharply, complicated by a
drinking problem he appeared to have
lost the will to break.
Attempting to shield his children from
as much public abuse as he could, Jim
took the brunt of Viola's murder. It was
he who sifted through the stacks of hate
mail, including the receipt of a Klan
magazine that showed on its cover his
wife lying dead in her bulletriddled
blue Oldsmobile. And it was Jim who
faced what seemed an uncommon level
of official indifference from the Justice
Department and the FBI when he sought
to recover his wife's automobile—on
which he continued to make monthly
payments—and her personal effects.
The automobile was eventually re-
turned to Jim Liuzzo, who turned it
over to the General Motors Acceptance
Corporation, which sold it to a man in
Birmingham. Soon after the sale, Liuzzo
learned of the following advertisement
in The Birmingham News: "Do you
need a crowd drawer? I have 1963 Olds-
mobile 2-dr. that Mrs. Viola Liuzzo was
killed in. Bullet holes & everything still
intact. Ideal to bring crowd. $3500.
Write D-46, care News.
Jim's protest of the advertisement and
the potential exploitation of Viola's car
at Klan rallies and carnivals met with
the same official indifference. But his
constant appeals to the Justice Depart-
ment, the FBI and Alabama authorities
for the return of Viola's personal ef-
fects did finally pay off—more than ten
years after her death,
During the state trials of the Klans-
men, in 1965 and 1966, Klan lawyer
Matt Murphy repeatedly implied the
possibility of a sexual relationship be-
tween Viola and Leroy Moton, and
conducted impromptu news conferences
in which he suggestively questioned why
a white woman from Detroit would
have deserted her husband and children
to ride around in cars with black men.
Jim read in Detroit newspapers a con-
fidential report on his family prepared
and leaked to the Klan by a former De-
troit police official. ‘The report included
such details as Jim's salary, the amount
of monthly payments he was making on
Viola's blue Oldsmobile, the stores where
the family maintained charge accounts,
Viola's student number at Wayne State
and a characterization of Viola as being
emotionally unbalanced. Jim could do
little more than watch as his family was
publicly destroyed; he was powerless
to prevent what was happening, because
ither he nor his children could iden-
tify the persons who were responsible
for the attacks against them.
Jim Liuzzo died of natural causes in
1978, but he lived long enough to see
some of the pieces of the mystery fall
into place. Rowe's testimony in a Fed-
eral court 13 years earlier had assured
the conviction of the three other Klans-
men. But in 1975, Rowe described for a
Senate committee his years as а paid
FBI informant within the Klan, years
in which he regularly participated in
iolent acts against blacks and white
civil rights activists with the knowl
edge and approval of the FBI.
"Then, in the summer of 1978, Jim
Liuzzo watched a segment of ABC-TV's
20/20 news program concerning Viola's
death. On that program, the two sur-
viving Klansmen, who had served prison
sentences for conspiring to violate the
civil rights of his wife, broke a Klan-
enforced silence. Over national televi-
sion, the two men said that Rowe had
fired the shots that killed Viola. On the
same program, Rowe gave his version,
claiming that Collie Leroy Wilkins, Jr.
had fired the murder weapon. But the
two Klansmen and Rowe voluntarily
submitted to lie-detector tests. While
inadmissible in a court of law, the re
sults of those tests ated that the
Klansmen were telling the truth and
that Rowe was deceptive.
In his Senate testimony, Rowe char-
acterized self as a violent instrument
for the Ku Klux Klan, paid by the FBL
"The subsequent televised accusations by
the two Klansmen finally revealed to the
Liuzro family the source of the official
indifference to the abuse they had suf
fered, and an explanation for that
abuse. If Rowe’s testimony and the ас
cusations of the Klansmen were taken at
face value, then the FBI's chief in-
formant inside the Klan—a man who
described himself as ап tigator of
violence against innocent victims—had
been taken off his leash by the FBI
and the result was the murder of Viola
Liuzo. Although it seemed incredible
at the time, the very organization cred-
ited with the astonishingly swift resolu-
tion of Viola's murder now appeared to
have shared the responsibility for her
death—and direct responsibility for the
(continued on page 162)
"I know the marriage counselor suggested we communicate more,
but do you have to tell me about your goddamn day right now?”
Jor travel economy and enjoyment, turn the off season into your “in” season
AM AN TRAVELERS traditionally head for Paris in the greatest numbers іп summer—after all,
the brochures all describe it as the “peak” travel season. Paris in the summer when it sizzles,
right? So these trusting souls, all paying top prices, routinely arrive, only to become mildly
apoplectic when they discover that virtually every important restaurant in France is closed
for the entire month of August. Furthermore, it’s no accident that the greatest French chefs
routinely shutter their culinary premises in midsummer—it's usually unbearably hot in the
French capital in August, so those cooks wisely head for the beaches of Biarritz or Deauville.
Pity the poor traveler who's spent all his hard-eamed vacation money on peak-season fares
and nonpackage hotel arrangements, only to find himself in the gastronomic capital of the
planet without a prayer of getting even a three-star crouton.
No activity is a more diligent slave to the seasons than travel And although a fair
percentage of seasonal travel patterns make little qualitative sense and even less sense econom-
ically, somebody out there thinks that plane seats and hotel rooms are substantially more
valuable at one time of the year than another. The fact that travelers will willingly pay pre-
mium prices during the socalled peak season doesn't necessarily mean they're wise. As a matter
of fact, many seasonal travel patterns seem to have been planned mainly by lemmings.
Still, the seasonal vacation urge is not a travel instinct that’s easy to shake, since it's taken
only about 12 centuries to begin to erode the tradition. Back in the Middle Ages, courtiers and.
courtesans regularly protected their interests by following the reigning monarch south for the
winter, for it seems that all those reigning Henrys and Louis had the nasty habit of appro-
priating the estates of nobles not smart enough to travel with them. So physical presence was
the surest way to keep one's property from becoming a suburban annex of the monarch's
estate, and the entire court routinely traveled as one. Perhaps it's this long historic precedent
that's made the seasonal travel habit so hard to break.
But you don't have to be a traveler of extraordinary wisdom or determination to punch
holes in the seasonal-travel balloon. Just imagine walking hand in hand across the Piazza San
Marco at 11 o'clock at night, alone except for the whoops of a young boy skate-boarding through
some puddles. Any veteran Venice traveler will confirm that this is an idle fantasy, yet we
enjoyed just that singular experience last November immediately after one equally unusual:
getting a table at nearby Harry's Bar without a reservation.
Or imagine finding British-made sweaters in London at 30 percent of the price at which
they're currently selling in the U. S., or handmade English shoes at roughly the same discounted
price—all in 1980.
If your tastes run to somewhat warmer fantasies, you might prefer to imagine sitting
beside one of the nonprivate pools at the lush Las Brisas resort that's carved into the Acapulco
hillside and not having even one of the surrounding rooms occupied while you enjoy blissful
privacy at half the normally high rates.
No one will scorn those images more than a world-weary traveler who's "been around,” since
they seem on the far side of fantasy in 1980. Yet cach of the last three events cited took place
this year and, in fact, were repeated often. What they have in common is that all took place in
the so-called off season, when the bulk of the world’s most mobile population was elsewhere.
Even though the high season in tropical vacation latitudes scems to make a little more
sense than does the peak season in Europe—after all, it’s nice to lie in the sun and scratch
your stomach when the beaches up north are under two feet of slush—that doesn't mean that
the middle of winter is the best time to see a Caribbean island, the west coast of Mexico or an out
island of Hawaii. Wiser travelers recognize that the tropics operate as a sort of seasonal
Cinderella, where prices miraculously change at the stroke of midnight on April 15 and don't
return to their high-season pinnacles until the following December 15. Some resorts have a
short "shoulder" season around these cutoff dates (during which prices moderate only slightly),
but the vast majority of tropical resorts and hotels routinely cut their rates by 30 percent to
65 percent during all of the off season.
"Travelers who know about this lovely predilection carefully conspire to head for the
tropics just after the rates change or shortly before they resume their highest levels. I recall that
one of the happiest beachside holidays I ever spent was a week lolling in Jamaica early one
December. It wasn't so much that the weather was perfect (it was) but, rather, the absolute
ecstasy provided by the sign on the back of the door to my room. The rates posted there an-
nounced that the room for which I was paying $64 а night (including breakfast and dinner)
would, in less than a week, be gouging some poor travelers to the tune of $132 a day. Not only
that but I also had a terrific tan to show off all during the year-end holiday season.
If seasonal travel patterns seem more than a bit illogical in Europe and the Caribbean,
consider yet another example closer to home: the mountain resorts of Colorado. It's curious
that these prime mountain valleys, which began their vacation lives as strictly summer-resort
refuges, have now come half circle and seem to attract attention only in the six months when
the snow on the surrounding landscape is hip-deep. It's not that Colorado's ski resorts аге
unappealing in the winter—quite the contrary—but the line you hear from local residents most
often is that they came to Colorado for the skiing but stayed for the summers. It tells you
something about the dramatic beauty of the Rockies in summer, and that appeal is only
enhanced by the fact that summer is considered off season. "That means that resort condomin-
jums, some with two bedrooms and two baths, that cost their purchasers over half a million
dollars are available to transient renters at about $100 a night. When you compute the cost per
person for a couple of couples, you get some idea of the genuine economy at which these
luxurious accommodations are available in summer, and I'll go into this subject in consid-
erable detail in a future issue.
But no matter where you are headed—Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean or the Colorado
Rockies—the economic realities of travel are at their absolute worst for peripatetic U. S. civil-
jans right now. Understanding and accepting the theory of off-season travel soon may be the only
affordable means of traveling at all.
The fact is that the legitimate European “season” begins at just about the instant that
the much-ballyhooed European travel season ends. Thus, the folks who've been dying to go
to Europe all summer—but haven't been able to make it till fall—turn out to be the wisest
travelers of all; they get the very best of Europe at literally the lowest possible prices.
Europe provides obvious and compelling incentives for off-season travelers, since the real
season takes place when peak temperatures, peak prices and peak tourist crowds are notable
by their absence. Knowledgeable travelers know that the way to enjoy a real European vacation
is literally to forget about summer. Most of what's best that happens over the European
landscape begins just about the time
that the last busload of tourists is pack-
ing its drip-dries and hauling home the
shopping bags full of souvenirs. It’s at
that moment that the entire Continent
breathes a sigh of relief that the invad-
ing hordes have once again been beaten
back and rejoices that normal life may
safely resume.
Fall means the restart of the perform-
ing arts—music, ballet, opera and the-
atrical performances—to say nothing of
new shows, revivals, rock spectaculars,
art exhibits and every other activity
into which the local population is ex-
pected to be drawn. In every sense,
European cities begin to come back to
lile and to throb with a new electricity
and vitality.
New fashions for men and women
suddenly appear in shop windows on
New Bond Street the Faubourg-St.
Honoré and the Via Condotti, all at
exactly the same time, as though some
Common Market merchandising arbiter
had signaled that the last chartered
planeload had left, heading west, and
it was time to put the good stuff back
on the shelves. Everything [rom the
restaurants that are the most hallowed
bastions of haute cuisine to the smallest
bar and bistro suddenly functions with
new energy, and everywhere there are
the friendly smiles that are reserved for
regular customers.
Now. if the travel world were even
marginally sane, all this good stuff
would command the highest prices of
the year. The opposite is true. Around
September 15, transatlantic travelers
suddenly discover a new covey of dis-
count fares and economical packages
that were not available only hours be-
lore. And as the autumn days pass, the
number of those packages and the depth
of the discounts only increase, as news-
papers are full of promotional fares and
other airline lures.
A traveler who knows that the dis-
countairfare season is coming usually
postpones making final plans until he's
sure just what the travel forces will offer
around the time he'd most like to head
out. Package arrangements, which join
low air fares to barg: hotel and meal
rates, tend to become more tempting as
the leaves turn. browner in the U.S.,
and it has not been unusual for travel
suppliers to offer everything from half
lares to free passage for one member of
a couple traveling together.
Similarly, it's not unusual for calen-
dars of foreign events to help determine
precisc days of departure and return. A
midsummer visit or a letter to а U.S
branch of any Furopean country's tour-
ist office can put a fairly detailed calen-
dar of events—musical, folk or festival—
in your hand, so it's possible to have a
pretty good idea what will be happening
where at the time you're planning to
travel. Then, whether it's lifting а full
Oktoberfest flagon in Munich or sipping
a newly harvested Beaujolais in France,
it’s not hard to tie your trip to some
pretty splendid harvest festival —and to
one on after you get there. Similarly,
other travelers with special interests can
adjust their schedules to conform to
foreign calendars in order to see or par-
ticipate in events otherwise invisible in
high season. It's not a bad way to make
travel plans.
It should also be noted that there are
seasons within seasons during the long
off-peak periods that are the prime
travel times to and through Europe.
The national calendars of events can
identify most of these, and with shop-
ping for foreign-made merchandise such
an important part of so many travel
ventures (or at least it used to be before
the dollar passed away), it's even pos-
ble to schedule a European hegira for
the very best times to venture into
Europe's best shops.
With a perfectly ordinary oxford-
cloth buttondown shirt (that costs about
$20 in the U.S.) now going for around
$50 in London, the “best time" is de-
fined as the few brief periods of the year
when the American dollar actually buys
something substantial. In. London, the
best such period starts shortly after
Christmas Day and lasts through about
the second week in January. During
that time, such august shops as Bur-
berrys, Aquascutum, Church's, Sel-
fridge's and even dignified old Harrod's
put on sales that make you feel that а
time warp has taken you back to 1950.
I spent New Year's Day, and the days
just before and after, їп London last
year, and had the pleasant opportunity
to sample some of those bargains first
hand. Burberry's even stayed open on
New Year's Day to accommodate the
crowds, and І walked out with a fair
amount of loot for about a third of the
normal price. We also bought a set of
country crockery in the basement of
Liberty's for less than $100 for service
for eight, and that extraordinary bar-
gain may have saved me enough to pay
for the repairs to my body from schlep-
ping all those plates back to New York.
While walking back to our hotel on
New Year's Day, we spied a sale being
set up at опе of the larger bastions of
the Scotch House and noted that there
were several civilians roaming about
inside among the people preparing for
the next day's crush. We thought we
might as well see what was going on,
too, and ended up having the pick of
the sale merchandise. We walked out
triumphantly with an armload of Shet-
land and lamb'swool sweaters that
averaged about $7.50 each.
But best of all was the first day of the
annual New Year's sale at Harrod's. It
always begins on the first Saturday in
January and lasts for three weeks, but
it’s on that first day that the best stuff
seems to leave Harrod's shelves. So spec-
tacular are the offerings that the store
does more than $10,000,000 worth of
business on. just that opening day, and
whole families map out "attack" plans
on Harrod's sale merchandise for days
in advance. We'd been told that the
crush would be extraordinary, and that
if we wanted anything special, we'd
better make sure we knew how to get
to it by the fastest possible route—and
not waste time on the way. So on the
Friday before Sale Saturday, we actually
took pad and pencil into Harrod's hal-
lowed halls and mapped directions to
all the stuff we lusted after most, espe-
cially the Wedgwood shop. where we
were told the very best bargains of all
were offered.
At 8:45 a.m. on Saturday, January
fifth, we were part of the vast crowd in
front of the Brompton Road entrance,
and you'll have to take my word for it
that it took only four and a half m
utes after the nine-a.M. opening bell for
us to make our way from the front door
to the Wedgwood enclave on the
fourth floor. But that seemed about four
minutes too late, for the gallery was
absolutely full, and family groups, more
coordinated and daring than we, had
already surrounded all the best bar-
Fragile china was literally being
'd across the room; Mum had head-
ed for the dinner plates. Dad concen-
trated on the cups and saucers and Big
Brother was heavily into the soup bowls.
The rest of the kids served as catchers
and collectors, hunkering down under
the display tables to pile up all their
booty and to check it for chips and
scratches. A couple of neophyte Amer-
icans didn't stand much of a chance to
stem the local juggernauts, but it was a
show that peak-season travelers don't
even know exists.
If off season on the Continent is ap-
pealing because it’s the very best time
to experience Europe with its residents
at home and its normal hubbub in won-
derfully full flower, the reason to think
about the tropics in off season is to beat
the crowds and high prices and to enjoy
the swaying palms and shimmering
sands at their uncrowded best. To be
ingeniously slothful in relative pri-
vacy—to say nothing of at bargain
prices—is an experience not only to be
(continued on page 228)
got the hots for something exotic? try a thai, korean or vietnamese dish
food By EMANUEL GREENBERG мни sevr.proctamen EPicURES were busy tracking the
vast complexities of Chinese gastronomy from Cantonese to Hunanese, or mastering the intricacies of
Japanese sushi and sashimi, other Oriental cuisines have quietly taken root here. In case you haven't
noticed, there has been a flowering of Thai, Korean and Vietnamese restaurants, and their appearance is
welcome. Neophytes won't find these viands totally strange, since all bear Chinese characteristics—a prod-
uct of geographical propinquity and the historic tendency of the Chinese to acculturate neighboring
lands. Many cooking techniques are similar and a number of seasonings are (continued on page 130)
whether she’s riding dune buggies or arabian stallions,
miss october finds pleasure in an arizona paradise
fardi Jacquet was born
іп Châteauroux, France.
adopted by an American
doctor and his wife and
raised with four stepbrothers on a
ranch in California. Mardi does not
dwell on her personal history (“I sort
of make up my life as I go along”),
but it does, perhaps, explain some of
her more curious traits. We suspect that.
Miss October is the first Playmate ever
to harbor a fantasy about driving in a
demolition derby. "Well, I was raised
with four boys. I put away my dolls
when I was five and started playing
“Му motto is this: If you don't have
spirit, you don't have anything. 1
have seen too many wealthy people
who are lifeless. I exist for excite-
ment, for the thrill of the moment.
I guess I’m your classic maniac.”
“Don’t ask me a lot of
questions. Рт 100 сот-
plicated, too full of
contradictions. For ex-
ample, 1 like the indoors—
but with the sun coming
through the window.
I like the outdoors—as
long as 1 can sit in the
shade. See what I mean?"
with cars. The g I like more than taking my Maverick out into the
desert and d 360s." There's plenty of desert around Scottsdale, Arizona,
anded when she struck out on her own. “I came into town with my
clothes in the back of my car and half a tank of gas. I've done a little bit of
everything to get by. I've detailed cars, cleaned apartments and worked on an
Arabian-horse ranch on the edge of town. I love this place. The people are
"I've got incredible energy. If I
go into a bar, I won't stop until
Гое talked to everybody. I love to
party all night, but that's under-
standable. In Arizona, nobody goes
oui during the day. It's too hot.
friendly, laid back, easygoing. Arizona is more of a party state than California. I
can go tubing down the Verde River and everyone on the bank will invite me to
join their picnics. I can go into a bar and see a hundred friends." We'd like to
thank one of those friends. When he suggested to Mardi that she try out for
PLAYmOY, she had a girlfriend snap a few Polaroids. She sent them, we saw
them and the rest is history. Now you can see why she has a hundred friends.
ы “I grew up around horses, but work-
ing with Arabians was а new ex pe-
rience. They ате а breed apart. T hey
have this incredible pride. They
aren't pets. An Arabian will chal-
lenge you every chance he gets.”
“I enjoy being alive and happy,
day by day. If something goes wrong,
I just shrug it off and say, Oh, well,
another broken dream.”
RK Hs:
нетснт: 5 4 WEIGHT: ES sion Uthi
SECRET FANTASY P дата hal вашата И He
LMI oC P 4 2
а. p hait
oun re
А icr her date had parked the car and engaged
in a series of exciting overtures. the teenaged
temptress whispered fiercely, “If I let you put it
in, would it touch bottom?
“No, it wouldn't.” panted the boy. "They say
in sex education that that’s impossible."
‘Good. good!" exclaimed the girl. “I prom-
cd Momma I wouldn't let you go all the war
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines. nympho-
maniac as a groin-operated sex machine.
Some days after the cremation. the funeral
director called on the widow to deliver her late
husband's ashes in, as she had stipulated. a
screw-top urn. The bereaved widow invited
him out onto the balcony of the apartment
and there opened the container, which a bi
breeze quickly emptied of its contents. “A
lovely gesture, Mrs. Clay,” murmured the mor.
your consigning Mr. Clay's remains to
the w nds of the city he loved.”
"It was the least I could do for him," sighed
the woman. “Poor old Fred always did want a
blow job.”
So well stacked was a freshman named Brenda
That the studs yearned to part her pudenda.
So they all were irate
When her first campus date
Wasn't Tom, Dick or Harry—but Glenda!
How did you ever manage to earn so many
scout merit badges while I was away, son:
inquired the proud father.
I'm not sure. Pop." answered the bot
I think maybe it was because my scoutmaster,
Mr. Barnes. came over here every night to give
me advice.
he really worked with you, eh?”
ot exactly, Pop. Mr. Barnes and Mom
would sort of smile at cach other, and then
he'd fish another badge out ot his pocket and
advise me to go take a hike.”
Representatives of а gay-staffed life-insurance
firm are said to refer disparagingly to the
agents of a competitor as “the straights of
When. in the inexperienced. days of my
vouth." the middle-aged man recounted to the
psychiatrist. “my lovely young fiancée stroked
my hair, my organ stood up! But now.” he
continued, “whenever the old bag strokes my
organ, my hair stands on end
The best wav to get rid of bad vibes, insists a
self-reliant girl we know, is to put in fresh
With regard to the two basic theories of the
origin of the universe, Miss Bushwick.” said
the professor to the coed who had been dav
dreaming. "can vou correlate the concepts of
the steady expansion and the big bang?”
tyes,” answered the girl. "In my expe:
rience, the first frequently leads to the second."
A famous fellatrice named Bess
Refused all requests from the press
To explain her renown
Asa great goer down—
She was tight-lipped about her success.
T think it's only fair to tell you,” the girl in-
formed her potential employer, “that if you do
hire me, I won't be able to start until the day
after tomorrow. You sce, I'm just getting over а
38-C chest cold.”
Compulsive masturbators have been classified
by one straighttalking psychiatrist as “com-
pletely whacko!"
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines sexy Scan-
dinavian asa magnetic Norse.
E SO LG 77
Mr. Frobisher is finally beginning to make
real progress in dealing with his dysfunction.”
the sex surrogate reported to the therapist.
“but for a while there. it was touch and come.
li was during a ball at Andrew Jackson's
country home that the family physician ap-
proached Mrs. Jackson to say, “You're looking
wonderful ton: Rachel! What keeps you so
g such a popular husband." smiled
son in résponse. "and. ol course,
Old Hickory's dickery. doc"
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on а post-
card. please, 10 Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY,
Playboy Bldg., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago.
11. 60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“You mean to tell me that for my tomb, you couldn't find one artist
in the whole kingdom who understands perspective?!"
(continued from page 115)
“Thai cooks do it their way, tempering hot spices
with coconut cream, peanuts and aromatic herbs.”
familiar: fresh ginger, garlic, scallions
and coriander leaves, among other:
Nevertheless, each is distinctive in
пе, with its incandescent
spiciness, is kindling the admiration of
fire-eaters—and aficionados of Mexican,
Szechwan-Hunan and Indian fare. Thai
food, in fact, has been influenced by
Indian cuisine, but, like Mr. Sinatra,
Thai cooks do it their way, tempering
hot spices with coconut cream, peanuts
and such aromatic herbs as lemon grass,
basil and mint. They counterpose crisp
with tender and play sweet against sour;
and nam pla—a salty, fermented fish
sauce—turns и most dishes. At a
traditional Thai meal, all courses are
presented simultaneously, accompanied
by pungent relishes called nam prik.
Diners take a nibble of this and a nub-
bin of that, creating their own combi-
nations of flavor and texture, adding a
dollop of nam prik to turn up the heat.
Most dinners include at least one noodle
dish, a category held in such high esteem
that shops devoted solely to noodles are
Thai hallmarks.
Vietnam lies closer to China, and so
does its cooking. There are also traces of
the long French occupation, In fact, a
Vietnamese restaurant in San Francisco
calls itself Cordon Blue, no doubt trad-
ing on the French connection. Vietnam-
ese food is more delicate than Chinese
and less spicy than Thai, using many of
the same herbs. The most prevalent
seasoning is nuoc mam, a fish sauce
akin to the Thai nam pla. A particular
treat is the do-it-yourself packet.
You wrap morsels of meat or seafood,
cucumber, crunchy bean sprouts, rice or
noodles and fresh herbs in translucent
rice paper or a lettuce leaf, dunk it in a
savory sauce and gobble. The mélange of
tastes and textures makes for a delight-
fully satisfying snack or meal. ^
Korean food depends on soy sauce,
sesame oil, sesame seeds, vinegar, ра!
ginger, red pepper and almost always a
touch of sugar. With China up north
and Japan just to the cast, Korea has
drawn inspiration from both. However,
kim chee, an assertive vegetable pickle
that doubles as relish and salad, is
uniquely Korean. It's served at every
meal and its aroma pervades Korea—
sometimes overwhelming Western olfac-
tory sensibilities. Versions of kim chee
in American-Korean restaurants are said
to be anemic compared with authentic
Seoul food, but they do give some indi-
cation of its verve. Korean fare is robust,
not surprising in a county known for its
bitter winters. Beef and other meats are
often charcoal broiled. But don’t look
for inch-thick sirloin steaks in a Korean
restaurant. Instead, boneless cuts are
thinly sliced, steeped in savory mari-
nades and briefly grilled. Sautéed meat-
and-vegetable combinations, reminiscent
both of Japanese sukiyaki and of Chi-
nese stir-fried dishes, are popular, too.
Thai, Korean and Vietnamese cooks
are cheerfully individualistic and few, if
any, work from neatly written recipes.
Instead, they measure by eye, touch and
taste—improvising adventurously. "We
never used broccoli at home," confided
one Korean cook, "because we didn't
have it; but here we use it all the time."
So substitute without qualm if you can't
locate every ingredient in the recipes
that follow. Use light soy sauce for fish
sauce, grated or slivered lemon rind for
lemon grass, dried herbs for fresh, and
canned chilies, red-pepper flakes or Та-
basco sauce for fresh chili peppers. The
taste won't be identical, but it never is
away from the homeland.
You can usually find fish sauce, dried
lemon grass and even kim chee in
Oriental food shops. Fresh ginger and
der leaves—also known as cilantro
or Chinese parsley—are available in
Oriental and Hispanic markets, where
you'll also find assorted chili peppers.
Specialty food shops and department
stores are other sources and Siam Gro-
cery, 2745 Broadway, New York, New
York 10025, and The Chinese Grocer,
209 Post Street, San Francisco, California
94108. fill mail orders for some things.
(Thai Fried Noodles)
(Serves three to four)
Oil for frying
14 Ш. rice noodles (also called rice
3-4 doves garlic, crushed
1 small onion, finely chopped
% lb. lean boneless pork—cut into
strips 14 in. thick, 14 in. wide, 2 ins.
4 Ib. shrimps—shelled, deveined and
cut into 14-in. pieces
1 fresh cake bean curd, thinly sliced
Juice and slivered rind of 1 large
2 tablespoons each fish sauce, tomato
1 tablespoon vinegar
14 cup sugar
14 lb. bean
4 scallions (including about 2 ins.
green part), sliced lengthwise
1 lemon, cut in wedges
1 fresh red chili pepper, seeded and
Before starting, prepare all ingredi-
ents as described above. Heat about 2
ins. oil in wok or deep skillet. Toss in
small handful rice noodles. They will
crackle and start to puff out. Fry about
1 minute, then turn them over and fry
about 14 minute more, until they are
light brown and stop crackling. Remove
with slotted spoon and drain on paper
towels. Repeat with another handful.
then another, until all are done. Pour
off all but about 3 tablespoons oil. Add
garlic and onion; cook, stirring, about 1
minute. Add pork: cook, stirring, about
5 minutes. Add shrimps and bean curd;
cook, stirring, about 3 minutes. Add
lemon juice and rind, fish sauce, tomato
paste, vinegar and sugar; cook, stirring,
about 3 minutes. Gently mix in fried
noodles, a little at a time. Mound noodle
mixture on large platter and arrange
bean sprouts around it. Garnish with
scallions, lemon wedges and red pepper.
Note: Handle chili pepper with care.
Don't touch your eyes or face while pre-
paring it, and wash your hands afterward.
sprouts, washed and
(Vietnamese Grab Rolls)
(Appetizers for four to six)
G-oz. package frozen Alaska snow-crab
meat, thawed
Small handful rice noodles (prepared
as in preceding recipe)
14 1b. bean sprouts
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 large dove garlic, mashed
14 teaspoon sugar
Dipping sauce: 14 cup hoisin sauce, 1
teaspoon each chopped fresh mint
and basil leaves, 2 tablespoons
crushed roasted peanuts, 1 teaspoon
rice vinegar, 2-5 dashes Tabasco
6 rice-paper rounds (approximately)
Lettuce leaves
Fresh mint and coriander leaves
Drain crab meat very well. Prepare
rice noodles. Place bean sprouts in
colander or large strainer. Pour boiling
water over them, then rinse in cold wa-
ter. Drain very well. Combine crab meat,
ice noodles and bean sprouts. Add fish.
sauce, garlic and sugar. Stir well. Com-
bine dipping-sauce ingredients. Lay
paper round on damp dish towel. Mist
with water spray or sprinkle with water
until well moistened. Cover round with
(continued on page 236)
а collector shares his unique treasure trove of antique erotic art
WITH INFLATION outpacing interest rates, people
are pulling their pennies out of savings and look-
ing for investments that won't lose them their
nest eggs. But what? Stamps? Chunks of Alaskan
tundra? Boring. Charles Martignette's solution:
antique erotica! A Boston dealer in and collector
of antique art, he's spent the past ten years
searching out the rare treasures shared here with
PLAYBOY readers—but a fraction of his 3500-
piece collection, which has been valued at
$1,000,000. (Wouldn't you rather have these
around than a set of Chippendale chairs?)
This is what we call a dish. The fetching lady, hand-
painted on a ten-inch French porcelain plate (circa
1880), is one of Martignette’s most sensuous pieces.
Above: Palm-ized, hand-painted bisque figurines fram
Japan (circo 1900) show newlyweds haw it's dane.
Below: - Japanese paper-scroll panels. Remarkably
well preserved (fram 1690), each measures 12” x 14”.
More Japanese erotica: Six-inch-
tall hand-painted bisque figurines
(circa 1910) of a tattao artist
plying his craft an ап accommodat-
ing geisha. That's not all he's ply-
ing: Turn them over and on the
flip side he wields another tool.
Indian folk art that swings: Hand-painted wood figurines of а woman and two
men (1860-1870) are operated by a handle. She gets it coming and going.
Опе of eight very rare erotic Jap-
anese bisques: a hand-painted geisha,
seven inches long (circa 1910).
A pull beneath the hidden flap
explains her blissful demeanor
(inset, left). The artist isn't the
only one with manual dexterity.
She's got the right idea, though this whoops-skirted Viennese art nouveau/
art-deco bronze (1910) was considered frès risqué for its time.
Sappho would have loved this
extremely rare solid bronze made
in Poris (1920), Mortignette cal
the 12” x 4" x 6” sculpture “a
choice example of art deco, let alone
erotica, at its very best.” Look at
these ladies. Who are we to disagree?
Scrimshaw ostrich egg from Europe (circa 1820) #ес-
fures an erotic side (below) and a demure one.
A single piece of alabaster shell encases
an enticing Italian beauty who's stone-
cold—marble, that is. The unique piece
{circa 1940) measures 18" x IO" x 9".
French crystal jar with an unusual cover of
ivery scrimshaw (1920) illustrating а concu-
piscent duo enjoying each other—and dildos.
English cigarette case, enamel with cloisonné inlay
(1775). Inside a secret compartment (bottom), the trio
an the cover engages in more pleasurable activities.
we love sports for the same reason ше love sex—that
delicious moment when the feeling is just incredibly right
S A kip, I spent a lot of time throwing rocks. The best
place to do it was under a bridge, where there were
always plenty of rocks and bottles—targets as well as
missiles. You set up the bottles on one mudbank, then
crossed over to the other side and you were in your own private
shooting gallery. It was the only childhood activity I knew that
ever involved anything like a warm-up, You would start out just
lobbing the rocks, gradually working up the pace ("velocity," as
the ballplayers now say) until you were zinging them in pretty
hard, beginning to get the range. Finally, everything warm and
working well, your arm loose, feeling strong, you'd find yourself
really powering each throw, rearing back in unaffected natural
windup, bringing them home. There is peculiar appeal in such
rhythmic, repetitive activity, and this was one you could really
bear down on. I think that was important.
I never indulged in baseball fantasies—bottom of the ninth
with two men out, that kind of thing. I knew perfectly well what
I was doing: 1 was throwing rocks, that was all. It was enough.
I can still summon up in memory the way the rocks sizzled into
the mudbank—and, now and then, sizzled into an old whiskey
bottle with a satisfying pop! (Environmental damage hadn't been
recognized yet; whiskey bottles were expendable because only
they brought no cash refund.) I never did get to play much base-
ball, but I always had a strong throwing arm. Mostly, I recall
the haunting power I felt on that occa-
sional throw when I knew as the stone
lelt my hand that it would hit its target.
Biomechanics is the study of the me-
chanics of animate objects. It tells us
that every human movement, from тай
ing a cup of tea to the lips to pole-
vaulting 18 feet, is а product of levers
moving through arcs. The joint is the
fulcrum; the limb, or segment of limb,
is the lever. Complicated movements re-
quire the arcs to be linked in series, but
the arc is the inevitable basic unit, since
at least one end of every segment is
attached somewhere, This reductionist
notion leads me to propose a Sweet Spot
Theory of Performance. It is a way of
perceiving good athletes (and various
other performers) that can add a certain
richness to the enjoyment of sports (and
various other activities) for spectators as
well as for participants.
If you've played any stickand-ball
game, you are familiar with the wonder-
ful sensation of hitting the sweet spot.
You swing the implement—bat, racket,
golf club, whatever—as usual, but you
meet the ball a little more accurately
than usual, make contact more squarely.
"The ball simply takes off: a remarkably
smooth, easy, yet forceful result. In one
sense, the sweet spot is almost audible.
When you hit it, there is a characteristic
sound—a sharp click (golf), crack (base-
ball), whock (tennis. A clearer signal
comes not from the sound or the sight
of the ball’s fight, however, but from
the startling information you рег
through the implement itself. It doesn’t
vibrate. No shock is transmitted to the
hands. It is as if new force is created
within the implement, exploding the
ball into flight, driving it away harder
than you actually swung at it.
Hitting the sweet spot is such a com-
pelling sensation that a large part of our
insistence on playing those stick-and-ball
games may come from the desire to re-
experience that click! of a perfectly hit
shot. It can seem almost a mystical ex-
perience. There is nothing unreal about
the actual spot, however. A biomechanist
told me about the lab procedures for
determining it. “The sweet spot is not a
figment of the imagination,” he said,
is a mechanical reality in the implement,
the center of percussion. Set up а base-
ball bat with oscillating machinery and
you can determine the exact spot where,
if you hit a ball there, minimum jarring
will be transferred back to the hand.
"That spot will also likely give you the
best shot. Of course, when you put a
human being on the end of the imple-
ment, the problem gets much more
complicated." At any rate, golf-club
manufacturers who advertise they've in-
138 creased the size of the sweet spot in
their irons may or шау not be fudging,
but at least theyre working with real-
world phy:
We throw the word perfect around
much too freely in sports, but for the
moment, let's assume that the 450-foot
home run, for example, is a perfect
stroke. It very likely comes off the
sweet spot of the bat, but it also has a
great deal of force behind it, which by
some statistical miracle is lined ир so
that it is applied in a straight line
through. the dead center (another sweet
spot) of the round baseball, as well as
through the center line of the round bat.
Furthermore, this towering blast, as the
sportswriters like to say, comes off a bat
that is swung in a near perfect trajec-
tory: a sweet line, so to speak, The bat
moves through so true and even a tra
jectory that the ball is caught not only
at the optimum spot along the length
and width of the bat but also at the
perfect point in the arc of the swing to
give it maximum force and distance. In
effect, bat and ball meet at a sweet spot
in time—a point in time in the arc. Or,
perhaps, at an interscction of time and
space. Thus, we say the athlete hit the
ball with perfect timing. There is even
more exquisite timing to come.
The Sweet Spot Theory of (Sports)
Performance goes like this: All athletic
movement—all human movement—is
generated by muscles pulling across
joints to make limbs move. Grossly over-
simplifying the baseball swing. for ex-
ample, the batter cocks his shoulders
and arms back away from the pitch, then
begins the swing by rotating his shoul-
ders toward the pitcher. After the
shoulders get into motion, the upper
arms start through, as in crack-the-whij
to the speed generated by rotation of
the shoulders is added the speed of the
upper arms as they are swung into ac-
tion. After the upper arms are firmly
launched, they pull the forearms into
motion; after the forearms reach maxi-
mum velocity (actually, after the pitch
has been met, or missed), the wrists
“break,” rolling over and bringing the
hands through—the last and shortest
pair of levers in the chain of action.
Each segment of this motion is an arc
working ОЁ an arc; each is carefully
timed to start as the previous arc reaches
the best possible point. The superior
athlete, according to my theory, anyway,
is the one who in effect reaches the sweet
spot of the arc for cach segment of his
or her skeleton as he or she goes through
the athletic motion, The shoulders
swing to the optimum point in the arc
and at that instant the upper arms are
launched into their ares; at the optimum
point of the arc traveled by the upper
arms, the forearm motion is launched,
and so on. Every good athletic motion
has a crack-the-wli aspect to it, a сай
of accelerating arcs, each taking the
motion at the maximum from the arc
before and using that speed to multiply
its own acceleration. (Or, if less force is
required, taking the motion at the best
point in the arc for purposes of accu-
тасу, and so on.) ‘The sweet spots in the
skeleton move around, of course, accord-
ng to the purpose of the athletic mo-
tion, the implements used and hundreds
of other «variables. There are whole
chains of sweet spots within the human
frame, if we can only learn to use them.
Reggie Jackson has learned how to use
them. Lynn Swann has learned how to
use them.
"There's more to this theory. Every
human joint—the fulcrum point of cach
of those arcs—has several components
of motion available to it. Some joints,
such as the shoulder, work easily through
several planes of motion; some, like the
knee, are structured to move only
through a single plane—to and fro, or
up and down, or back and forth, but in
no additional directions. Because of
structural anomalics within and beyond
the joint itself, however—loose liga-
ments, misalignments and other angular-
ities—no joint moves purely within a
single plane. For the sweet lines, the
true trajectories that will allow each
segment of the skeleton to swing pre-
ly through the sweet spots, angular
displacement must somehow be removed.
АП else being equal, the better athlete
should be the one who either has been
blessed with superior alignment in the
joints or somehow can overcome the
misalignments and can control the tra-
jectories and keep them true.
The good athlete must be able to
damp out the assorted wobbles and
wasted motions and other excursions
that would otherwise screw up the true
trajectories. The motor-learning experts
say, however, that ballistic motions can-
not be guided once they are launched,
which would preclude that kind of con-
trol. If so, then the good athlete must
launch these trajectories with a great
deal more accuracy than can you or I.
Of course, the motorlearning people
don't get to work with Reggie Jackson
very often. I suspect that the good ath-
lete does both: Through practice, he or
she learns to initiate motions with con-
siderably more accuracy than the lesser
athlete, and also learns to damp out
extrancous motion as the act. progresses.
In fact, I think the really superior ath-
Jete can do a great deal more of this.
(There are artificial aids for control-
ling excess motion, of course. Knee
braces in their various sizes and shapes
are attempts to restrict that overbur-
dened joint to motion in a single
(continued on page 156)
“Well, the crowds have gone. Summer lingers on, mellowing
into cool, clear, crisp nights, and the soft, ripe colors of autumn
surround us. Wanna fuck?”
WHEN 13 rowdy North American colo-
کڪ nies declared their independence from
England back in 1776, two others—
Nova Scotia and Quebec—stayed put
"Twas ever thus with the United States
and Canada: one the fiery upstart, the
other the reserved keeper of Old
World values. Canadians by nature
avoid fanfare. You won't hear them
bragging much, except about their
hockey teams. But don't let that fool
you—they've got plenty to brag about.
Take Montreal. Not only is it the
world's second largest French-speak.
ing city but its French restaurants
will dazzle even the epicure. Canadians
are in such dogged pursuit of the good
life that several provinces started а
С civic holiday in August simply because
there was no holiday that month. We
canada has given us jont
mitchell, marshall mc luhan and.
david steinberg — but they've
obviously been holding out on us
remember friends who whisked them-
selves away for a rather long sojourn to
Canada in lieu of an all-expenses-paid
trip to Southeast Asia. Gosh, were they
willing! And now we know why. Phone
calls up there still cost a dime. Gas is
cheaper—on the average about 85
(U.S) cents a gallon. Legal drinking
age is 19 (18 in some provinces). And
if you still have any doubts about the
quality of life north of the border. we
offer in these 12 pages 31 great rea-
sons to visit Canada.
Above left: Nancy Lee Pasukonis (left) and
Michelle McCulloch awaken beside Lake
Louise, where the papulatian density is even
less than the average 6.5 Canadians per
square mile. Left: Petra Susanne dismounts
amidst native Canadian art. Right: Holley
Garrett in fine Canadian après-ski wear.
Most Canadians live within 100 miles of the U. $. border. Moira Shone (above left) of Toronto is no exception.
Cheryl A. Saunders (above right), a native of jh Columbia, laces up for a few turns around Vancouver's
Stanley Park, while Carolyn Fritz (right) finds some sun in the backwater region of the city’s environs. A
cosmetician by profession, Carolyn is also active on both sides of a camera as photographer апа model. We
previewed Canada’s vast wealth with November 1979 Playmate Sylvie Garant (below), who was Miss
Teen Quebec at the age of 16. We blanched when Sylvie told us she was turned on by gorgeous bums.
Anne Woolley (below left) of Montreal and Tracey Salvidge (below right) of Vancouver are both professional models. Among
her likes, Anne lists cats. Tracey, who obviously has no problem with cats, likes designing and sewing her own clothes.
Above left: Model Marjie Jenkins of Ontario, the quintessential blue-eyed
blonde, spends her spore time skiing, swimming and playing tennis.
Above right: Morie Gagnon knows how to stay fit—she’s taken bollet
for 14 yeors. Below: October 1977 Playmote Kristine Winder of Voncouver
proves once ogoin there's more to Сопосіа thon mukluks and hockey pucks.
British Columbia's Maggie Brown (left) has appeared on television and
in the movies, but her real aim is to be independently wealthy. Abave, Noël
Leger augments what nature hath wrought at Grouse Mountain outside
her native Vancouver. Below: Karen Patterson likes good clean fun, such os
tennis or saftball, Need о volunteer to scrub down your ba
Above left; Quebec-born Monique Proulx, film actress-cum-flying traffic reporter, drives formula
cors at Grond Prix roces in North America and Europe. We're not sure what this meons, but
Barboro Machudero (below left) wonts nothing more than to meet Xovier Cugat. Must be his
maracos. Above: Brandy Stanford, who was born in Newfoundland but now lives in Toronto, has
seven sisters. If they're os charming as Brandy, it's a one-family keep-Canada-beautiful plon.
Perching on a rail overlooking Vancouver may be tricky for Jacqui Cohen (below), who, оп the other hand, has no trouble at all si
en the board cf a Canadian deportmentstore choin. Bottom: Lounging Keren Hansen is a Vancouver antique freok and surfer.
Sommie Gre (abave) warks os a dance instructor in Vancouver, but for relaxation she picks
up her guitar. Toranto resident Marine Jetty (below), a Hungarian émigrée, is used
to posing—both of her parents ore phatagraphers. She's opting for a scriptwriting career,
By day, Shelby Lagan (below) is a bank
employee. On her aff hours, she casts her
fishing line for Canadian muskellunge.
Above: Wendy Len exited her native Colifornia for o modeling coreer in Montreal. Lissa Wong’s parents awn a Montreal restaurant,
so she (below left) naturally likes to cook. With a little luck, she may whip up Montreal's most famous dish: Brome Loke Duck—filled with
apple stuffing and basted in calvadas (apple brandy). Below right: Sandy Steel, af Charlesbourg, Quebec, freshens up.
-i |
Deboroh Currie (top) loves to disco for fun. We found June 1977 Ploymate Virve
(pronounced Veer-vo) Reid (obove) going to ort school in Voncouver. Horsebock riding
is a fovorite sport of Calgory’s cowgirl Maureen Hindmarch (below).
Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau once observed thot Canada will always be
“more than a sum of its parts,” but we think our Con -born 1980 Playmate of the Year,
Dorathy Straten (below), sums up this pictorial rather nicely.
“We're ош of Brillo pads, floor wax, spray starch,
Shake "n Bake, Drano, Saran Wrap....”
tho wonder-working hand from Cuentos Folkíóricos de Chile, 1960
THERE ONCE LIVED a poor couple with
three sons, Juan, Pedro and Diego. They
lived on a small estancia with a few
trees that grew pears. Juan and Pedro
were handsome and scornful. Diego had
a slight crook to his back, but hc had a
good nature.
One day, the father had his sons gather
two sackfuls of pears and sent Juan off
to sell them at market. On the road,
Juan met a shabby old beggarman, who
asked him what he had in the bags.
Juan smirked and said, “They're full
of shit, if you really want to know."
“I wouldn't call you a liar," the old
man said.
When Juan got to the market, he be-
gan calling his wares. The servants from
the king's kitchen came to him with
their baskets. Juan undid the first sack
and began to empty it into one of the
baskets. A cascade of shit poured out.
Well, the king was a short-tempered
man and, when he heard the story, he
had Juan tied to the whipping post and
given 100 of the best. When the boy
arrived home, he was too ashamed to
offer any explanation. He simply fell
groaning into bed.
The next day, Pedro asked his father
to let him try to sell some pears. Off he
went with two fat bags. Before long, he
came to an old beggarman.
"What do you have, son?" the old man
Pedro scowled and said, “These bags
are filled with pebbles.”
"I wouldn't call you a liar," the beg-
garman said.
When Pedro began hawking his wares
in the market, one of the servant girls
ran to the king and said, “The boy with
the shit bags is here again."
“H he is, I'll give him two hundred
whacks today," the king said. "Go, take
a basket and tell him to fill it."
When Pedro arrived home in agony,
he would not say what had happened.
The father refused to let Diego take
any pears to market. But Dicgo was very
curious and very persistent. Finally, the
father let him go. On his way, he met
an old man.
"Oh," he said in answer to the man's
question, “my sacks are full of the mel-
lowest, plumpest, most golden pears
you've ever seen in your life.
“I wouldn't call you a liar,” said the
Diego took pity on the old man.
"Spread out your poncho. I'm going to
give you some of my pears.”
When this was done, the old man
took Diego by the hand. "Now," he
said, "whatever you put your hand on
will speak to you and tell you the truth.”
He undasped Diego's hand. “And now
I'm going to give you my vest.”
"The vest was stained and dirty, with
two big pockets. Diego didn’t want it,
but, just to please the old man, he
"If you ever need anything, look in
the pockets,” the beggarman said.
As the old man left, Diego tried out
the first gift. He put his hand on a stone
and asked, “What are you doing here?”
A voice came from it. “I'm a stone in
the road,” it said. “God put me here to
break somebody's toes now and then.”
When the king heard the pear seller
was in town, he roared, "I'll give hii
three hundred today. Run with your
But the servants came back with bas-
kets full of the richest pears in the world.
The king bit into one and licked his
“This fellow must come from far away.
With his profit, Diego stocked up at
the grocers, the butchers and the
baker's. His parents, who had been wait-
ing for him with the bandages laid out,
were overjoyed to see him.
"And," he said, as he finished his
story, "I may cven have onc peso left
over." He reached into the pocket of his
vest and drew out a 100-резо note. He
reached in again and pulled out another,
then another and another. "We are
rich!" he exclaimed.
Having set his parents up on a fine
new estancia, Diego decided to go to the
city and marry. He bought himself a
grand town house, engaged servants and
soon became known as a man who gave
charity to all the poor.
The king heard of this and became
curious. He must be richer than I am,
he thought. And I happen to have three
unmarried daughters.
So he invited Diego to the palace.
After dining, the king put the question
of marriage.
“I should be honored," Diego said,
"but I must follow the age-old custom of
Ribald Classic
my country and stay the night in bed
with any woman before I marry her. In
bed but without lovemaking.”
The king agreed and so Diego chose
the eldest princess, a girl as pretty as a
poppet. They fell asleep quickly—or at
least the princess did.
Diego reached over and put his hand
on her curly little Venus mount and said
to it, "Who has been here before?"
"Don Juan the butcher,” said the soft
little mouth.
At dawn, Diego slipped away. He told
the king that he had decided he did not
love the eldest princess.
“Ah, but you will like my middle
daughter,” the king said, and called for
her. She also was beautiful.
That night, in her chamber, Diego
waited until she was asleep and put his
hand on her warm little sine qua non.
“Who has been here before?”
“Don Juan the butcher,” it piped.
The next day, Diego simply shook his
head when he went to see the king.
"Well, there's still one left," the king
said irritably, and called for his young-
est daughter. She was blonde as the sun
and had eyes the color of cornflowers.
Late that night, thinking in despair
of the habits of royalty with butchers,
Dicgo closed his hand оп the princess
and put his question. He was delighted
to hear: "Nobody has been here."
When Diego announced to the king
that he had chosen, the king was at first.
delighted, then gloomy. “I'll always won-
der why you didn't choose one of my
first two darlings.” He gestured at the
two elder daughters, standing nearby.
“With your consent,” Diego said calm-
ly. He laid his hand on the eldest prin-
cess, asked his question and got the same
answer about the butcher. There was a
buzz of astonishment.
The second princess had seen what
had happened to her sister and, being a
quick-witted girl, had drawn aside and
made a hasty adjustment.
When Dicgo laid his hand on her,
there was silence. He quickly put his
hand behind and said, “Little rump, why
doesn’t your companion speak?”
“Because she has a gag stuck in her
mouth,” answered the rump.
Diego gave the rump a whack and the
obstruction flew out. When he tried his
question again, again Don Juan the
butcher came to the king's attention.
The king was furious. “I have just
made a new law,” he said. "No meatman
is ever to enter the palace again!"
Soon there was a great wedding feast
and exceeding joy in the palace. That
night, Diego, the poor farmer's son, went
where no butcher had ever been.
—Retold by Carlos Matachin Ё 159
D.C. hides С.С.
We've hidden a case of Canadian Club
inWashington, D.C., where nothing 5
ever secret for long.
The air is getting electric.
As everybodys preparing for the first
Tuesday in November, the air is getting very
electric in Washington. Since a good deal
of celebrating is already going on, a lot of
people are enjoying C.C.”
And it’s no wonder since Canadian Club
is aged just the right amount of time for
the taste that’s perfectly light, perfectly smooth.
Heres how you can find a whole case of it:
Where a bark takes you.
Start at a place that's named for America’s most
important city. See where a bark takes you. From
there, go to what you can't miss. When you have
arrived, face in the direction of a past scandal that
was uncovered and made public. Turn in the
opposite direction and make tracks for a nearby
Metro station. Ride three stops.
A famous ending.
Come up and then find the way to a famous
ending. Continue in the most obvious direction,
when you know the time is right. Before it's too late,
head for the nearest bridge that can take you over
water. If it becomes impossible to continue in
a straight line, go toward a body of water and
find a spot with three banks. From the highest bank,
go in the direction of a bridge. When
you've reached it, walk back 100 paces
and you'll be over a treasure: a case
of Canadian Club.
Say “С.С, please"
It's all yours if you're first to find the
person in charge and say “C.C., please.”
Anytime you say "C.C., please" you'll
get the whisky that's lighter than Scotch,
smoother than bourbon. That's why it
tastes so good, so many ways. In a tall
drink, on the rocks, or smoothing out
sours or Manhattans.
Canadian Club is worth searching
for...in the capital of the U.S.A. or any
land where it's “The Best In The House”.
“The Best In The House"?
(continued from page 138)
“The more highly skilled athlete simply performs in
a higher gear; there is less inefficiency... .
plane—particularly after injury. For
that matter, so is athletic tape, as it
is commonly used to tape ankles. Or-
thotics, the running craze's newest status
symbol, are another example—they arc
shoe inserts designed to help damp out
extraneous motion all the way from the
sole of the foot on up through the hip.)
The proprioceptive organs are the
means by which we keep track of our-
selves, internal measuring devices deep
hin the flesh that keep reading body
position, change, rate of change, tension,
loading. The job that those organs must
do in telling the athlete when to fire off
each consecutive body segment on its
trajectory is truly remarkable. There is
so much to go wrong. Witness high
jumpers, who sometimes seem to set
more records for inconsistency than for
heights cleared. A world-class sprinter
will run 10.1 one week, 10.2 or 10.0 the
next, but a world-class high jumper will
often jump 76” one week and then fail
to clear 7’ the next. The ranks of high
jumpers are frequented by flashes in the
pan, previously unknown performers
who post a world-class mark and then
never again come close to that height.
High jumping is a fiendishly complex
series of movements, and if any one of
them goes awry, the proprioceptive se-
quencing can go Ыооеу. Everything
from the speed (and angle) of the run-up
to the last kick to get the heels over the
bar is infinitely variable. Get а hun-
dredth of a second off at any point in
the sequence and the timing for all the
rest can be destroyed. A great athlete
may be able to rearrange this schedule of
movement quickly enough to get the
sequence back; the lesser athlete kicks
off the crossbar—or balks at the pit—
then retreats to the practice field, and
often finds that the frantic rehearsal
aimed at getting the timing back just
makes matters worse.
When an athlete is hitting these in-
ternal sweet spots—when the timing is
right and the motion is smooth—the
skill levels are higher, the athletic mo-
tions quicker, more forceful, more ac-
curate. Injuries will be lessened; the
athlete is performing “within” himself
or herself, under control, within the
limits to motion beyond which human
tissue is overstressed. And there is one
more advantage to this smooth-running
vision of athletics: endurance. As the
exercise physiologists point out, un-
skilled performance is like running on a
bent wheel. One scientist has even pro-
posed a skill index based on oxygen
consumption per minute per unit of
body weight: To do something badly
takes more muscle and thus more energy.
Not too long ago, there were two
women skiers on the U.S. team whose
results were so consistently equal that
they were considered virtual competition
twins. Yet one was so slim and delicate,
so hyperfeminine, that she seemed un-
suited to the rigors of international
competition, while the other was excep-
tionally strong, a little pit bull of a ski
racer. A friend of mine, writing about
the ski team, asked coach Hermann
Goellner how that could be—that de-
spite their widely disparate levels of
strength, they could post such similar
Goeliner pointed out that the slim
one vas technically one of the best skiers
in the world and the strong one defi
ly was not. The slim one had never
needed muscles: She stood on her skis
so well, skied with such grace and con-
trol, that she never had to develop the
musculature to ski powerfully—and had
not done so. The strong one, on the
other hand, tended to ski in series of
linked recoveries. She had had to de-
velop the strength to snatch herself back
from disaster time after time. She skied
by forcing her skis to do what she
wanted them to do; she forced her way
down a race course—and she had de-
veloped the physique to go with all that
forcing. She had also suffered through
several knee operations and other in-
juries. The slim one stayed injury-free.
The more highly skilled athlete simply
performs in a higher gear; there is less
of the grinding inefficiency of multiply-
ing mechanical advantage to accomplish
the task. It is the athlete's job to learn
to do the hard thing easily. The result is
usually very graceful
teacher Denise McCluggage, "'
er word for efficiency.”
Most athletes perform with consider-
able grace; some don’t and still get the
job done, of course. There is always the
occasional eccentric athlete who gets
away with motions that bear no connec-
tion with grace, who has invented a
totally unorthodox way of accomplish-
ing the task. Compare the silken golf
swings of Gene Littler or Sam Snead
with the lurching blasts of Lee Trevino
and Arnold Palmer. Littler and Snead
are used to illustrate textbooks, while
both Trevino and Palmer risk falling
down on every drive. Golf may place
horrendous demands on the nerves, but
it doesn't really press the individual to
the limits of physical endurance—which
m an unorthodox style less of a
handicap. As endurance requirements
go up. efficiency (or grace) becomes more
important; anatomy being what it is.
the movements of one performer will
come closer to resembling those of all
the rest. Although there are considerable
differences in the running styles of
Frank Shorter and Bill Rodgers, the
differences are much subtler than the
differences between the golf swings of a
Trevino and a Littler. Fatigue hones
away roughness. (Roughness burns ener-
gy.) In any case, unorthodoxy will never
be taught; smoothness will be. Coaches
refer to any unorthodoxy of athletic
style as herky-jerky.
I keep thinking about that high jump-
er on the practice field, trying to get the
timing back. He'll say he's "lost his
rhythm,” Rhythm is timing, certainly—
a means of signaling to cach body seg-
ment the proper moment to initiate
movement. Rhythm in athletic motion
means that each scgment of the body
comes in right on the beat
(Initiation can be the hardest part of
an athletic movement. That's where all
those bat wiggles and free-throw eccen-
tricities and tennis-serve mannerisms
blossom forth. "That's why the "yips"—
the aging golfer's typical troubles with
the putter—often involve difficulty with
drawing the club head back. rather than
with swinging it forward.)
I happened to hear violinist Isaac
Stern discuss his art one night and a jazz
musician discuss his the next. Both of
those immensely talented individuals
would sing wordless snatches—dum dum
ti dum, and so on—to illustrate points
about their very different styles of music.
Iam not a musician and could barely
catch the significant differences they
were demonstrating so effortlessly. I
could discern, but I'm sure I did not
fully comprehend, those differences—in
emphasis and tone, but mostly just in
timing. Each man would illustrate one
way to play a phrase, then an alterna-
tive, varying the timing of the notes
subtly without violating the form, chang-
ing in major ways the emotional content
of the music without changing a note. I
suddenly realized tl Íor musicians—
and for athletes—there must be a great
deal more room, in effect, in the flow of
time than there is for the rest of us.
I tap my foot to music and think I'm
on the beat; any musician can demon-
suate convincingly that I'm not, that
I'm farther of than, for example, the
(continued on page 217)
а beginner’s guide to television evangelists
ou'll find a bold new breed of American preach-
—a made-for-TV evangelist with a studio for
a pulpit and an 800 number for a collection plate.
Even his message seems new, and it’s not just because
it's been jazzed up and born again in a talksy-
entertainment format like some kind of Ed Sullivan
Show Gone Baptist; the hell-fire and brimstone and
specter of rampaging evil are still evoked with all the
energy of the old Sunday-morning fever, but today's
TV preacher exhorts his brethren, millions strong,
nol to turn the other cheek—it’s time, he urges across
the airwaves and into America's living rooms, time for
Christians to rise up and get involved politically and
economically, time to run the sinners out. Sinners, as
always, are generally defined as those whose views the
preachers don't agree with,
In a way, you've got to give these guys credit.
S PIN YOUR CHANNEL-SELECTOR knob these days and
Today's televangelists have seen the future and made
it theirs. Through the modern miracle of television,
they've left the traditional Church choking in their
dust (of course, that's not hard to do, with a Pope who
recently promised to “get to the bottom of the Galileo
case” a mere 347 years after the fact). They've given
the Gospel its greatest leap forward since Gutenberg.
and they've made themselves more influential than any
ministers in history. They're superstars, and they've
got the riches to prove it.
The problem for us laymen is that there are so
many TV preachers these days that it's almost im-
possible to remember who's who and who stands for
what. To help eliminate the confusion, we've pre-
pared a little primer—a guide to Christian television's
brightest lights—beginning on the next page.
As thcy used to say in simpler times, will you turn
with us now?
The Federal Communicatians Cammissian is investigating The PTL
Club for allegedly misapprapriating $13,000,000. Seems the club
9 funds from home viewers, claiming it needed the money far
fareign missians. When the FCC checked, it cauldn’t find the
s or the money. PTL explains—and thi
is na joke—that Satan
simply got inta its computer and lost the money. Says Jim Bakker's
bubbly wife and co-hast, Tommy Faye Bakker: “If | weren't a
Christian, the FCC wauld have driven me aut af my mind.”
Above: Ernest Angley drives
ta work in а pink Cadillac,
which is appropriate consider-
ing where he warks. Grace
Cathedral, his $2,500,000 Ak-
ran center of operations, is
adarned with imparted chan-
deliers, brocade drapes, Italian-
marble statuary, 24-kt.-gald
veneer an the pulpit, piano and
organ, a cross illuminated by
red light with letters praclaiming
traits of Angley and Jesus.
Jerry Falwell stands just o
little ta the right of “Bah,
humbug.” Here's an up-to-the-
minute list of the things he
abjects to: rack ‘n’ roll, net-
wark TV, movies, disco, parnag-
raphy, abartian, hamosexuolity,
ERA. SALT Il, Ted Kennedy,
Frank Church, Birch Bayh and
evalutian. We dan't know how
he stands an dogs and children.
The main-line churches con't
help measuring their diminished
revenves against the vast wealth
af the TV ministries. The United
Methadist Church, therefore, has
announced that it may invest
$25,000,000 in prime-time tele-
vision and TV-stotion awrership.
Oral Rabers told his TV
audience that he'd felt а super-
natural heat in his right hand
and that God tald him to im-
print that hand on swatches af
cloth. He offered a free, hand-
printed towel ta anyone wha
entered inta a Blessing Pact
Covenant with him. That
meant—surprise—sending him
Robert Schuller
Bose: Garden Grove, Col.
TY Show: The Hour of
Annual Gross:
Viewers: 4,000,000
Revelation: "Апу fool
con count the seeds in
өп apple, but only God
соп caunt the apples.”
Oral Roberts
The Jimmy Swaggar! Study
Bible, $40. “Тһе easiest reading
study Bible in the world ta-
The Rex Humbard Praphecy
Bible, $100. Color-coded charts
depicting Creatian ta Eternity,
large print, your name in gald.
The PTL Family Bible, $1000.
It’s sa big, says Tammy Faye
Bakker, that she can't even car-
ry it by herself.
Most af the preachers believe
that sametime soan there will be
а minisecand flash, after which
all believers, living and dead,
will go with God. Everyone else
will ga ta heck. This is called
the Rapture. Rex Humbard an-
licipotes the Rapture will came
in his lifetime. Not ta worry, the
preachers plan ta make believ-
ers aut of oll of us by 2000 A».
Base: Tulsa, Okla.
TV Show: The Oral
ober Show Revelation: “We
San ing in the final hour.“
Hughes leave behind?
All of it.”
Ernest Angley
Bose: Akron, Ohio
TV Show: The 99 Club
Annual Gross ond.
Viewers not available
Jerry Falwell
Bose: Lynchburg, Va.
TV Show: Old Time
Gospel Hour
Annual Gross: $50,000,000 country.”
A recent Gallup Poll indi-
cates that 31 percent of Amer-
icons hove hod o religious or
mystical experience, broken
down this woy: Ten percent
reported an “atherwarldly feel-
ing," five percent a natural spir-
itual awakening, five percent а
healing experience, four per-
cent visions, voices or dreams,
two percent turning ta Gad in a
crisis and five percent indescrib-
able raptures. "When | was
saved,” said ane barn-againer,
“I had a good feeling all over.
It was а warm feeling—it felt
like а heart attack.”
A self-perpetuating тіззіап-
ary instinct has led several
preachers to establish their very
ovn educational institutians. At-
Oral Raberts University in Tulsa,
students are allawed ta da ane
thing the president af the uni-
versity (Roberts) never did: earn
а degree. And if we are prad-
ucts of aur environment, ORU
students have ta be amang the
floshiest in all Christendom—
their campus is а $150,000,000
futuristic show place that has
prompted some undergrads ta
call it Six Flags Over Jesus.
Viewers: 4,000,000
Revelation: “We [Chris-
tians] ore the lorgest.
minority bloc i m
Pat Robertson
Base: Portsmouth, Va.
TY Show: The 700 Club
Viewers: 3,000,000
Revelation: “We have
enough votes ta run the
Annuol Gross: $58,000,000
Christion Tshirt slogans оз
seen on The PTL Club:
The PTL Club’s Total
Center, a planned community in
North Carolina, is a kind of
born-ogain Disneylond. It in-
cludes log chalets on a lake
($150-o-night rent), tent ond
les, open-air trams, on
d pool, eight ten-
nis courts and on ouditorium
where you can buy PTL T-shirts,
Frisbees ond sun visors. In the
planning stoges are a retire-
ment center, a Polynesian hotel,
а clinic, а high-tise condo, a
golf course and о replica of an
_old-timey American Moin Street.
A West Virginia man stormed
out of his house with a pistol
end shot his neighbor through o
front window. Why? He claimed
Billy Graham hed told him on
television thot his neighbor wes
ja sinner.
Robert M. Liebert, а psychol-
ogist at the State University of
New York, thinks TV evangelism
is more thon a flash in the tube.
^| envision each electronic de-
nomination setting up local
community centers, with an ab-
solute philosophic and econom-
ic tie to the denomination’s
chorismotic leader. These cen-
ters will offer media services to
congregont members via с big
screen in grandly decorated
halls thet will sing with fast-
poced visuol and sound effects
built on the most advanced
electronic technology.”
Ernest Angley wears a tou-
pee thot looks like its stuck on
with shoe polish, Brylcreem
and the grace of God.
‘Above: Judging from the
number of pretty young fe-
males in his audiences, we'd soy
there’s more to Jimmy Swag-
gart’s success than oratorical
More thon holf o billion dollars is donoted to TV ministries
annually, but the Better Business Bureau is the only group in
the country that ottempts to report on the fund-raising activities
of the notoriously uncooperotive religious organizctions. The
mojor TV ministries that haven't met B.B.B. stondards of report-
ing include those of Rex Humbard, Jerry Falwell, Oro! Roberts,
Jim Bakker, Pot Robertson, Jimmy Swaggert and Robert Schuller.
skill. We weren't o bit sur-
prised when our own informal
poll found Swoggort to be the
sexiest preacher on TV.
Jim Bakker
Bose: Charlotte, N.C.
TV Show: The PTL
Rex Humbard
Bose: Akron, Ohio
TV Show: The Rex
[Praise the Lord] СЬ Humbard Ministry
Annual Gross: Annual Gross:
Viewers: 5,000,000
Revelation: “If | got
Sclon—they're for
Christians, too.”
into politics, I'd be like
If they aren't occountable to the IRS or the Department of Com-
merce, why should they go on record
for a private agency?
Jimmy Swaggart
Bose: Baton Rouge, Lo.
TV Show: The Jimmy
Swaggart Crusade
Annual Gross:
Viewers: 3,500,000
Revelation: “You ain't
home yet, honey.”
Above: Oral Roberts favors
jeweled rings and gold brace-
lets, much to the chagrin of his
stoff, who must airbrush the
jewelry out of Roberts’ pictures
to keep from offending his
flock. The 60-foot-high sculpture
of proying hands in front of his
City of Hope Medical Center in
Tulsa also appears sans jewels.
Writer Могу Murphy over-
heord this prayer offered by а
director preparing to tope a
leading minister's show: "Our
heavenly Father, we thank You
for the medium of television.
We pray for the technical os-
pects of this program so we
con produce а show worthy of
Your son, Jesus Christ.”
Ernest Angley, whose voice
sounds like a cross between
Gomer Pyle’s and a dog-obedi-
ence instructor's (Hee-all Hee-
all), has revolutionized spiritual
healing. He simply raises his
right hand to the TV camera
and asks viewers to hold their
hands up to their screens. Then
he proys for them. We wonder,
does it work during reruns?
A Texas public-relations
man—who asks not to be iden-
fified—hos divined the existence
of a veritable growth industry.
He specializes їп “packaging”
preachers for television—advis-
ing his clients on which markets
will be mest receptive, writing
proposals for Christian-TV pro-
grams and helping screen talent
in order to project that whole-
some, lucrative family appeol.
Left: Jerry Falwell, Pat Rob-
ertson and Jim Bakker say that
America’s in trouble, that Ar-
mageddon is just around the
corner. And Falwell hos the
smoothest political machine of
them all, with 14 Washington
lobbyists. When he hears from
Old Time Gospel Haur viewers,
he forwards their names and
addresses to lobbying groups
such os Christian Voice ond his
cwn Moral Mojority—which
then send out mailings asking
for funds ta fight “godless
communism” end “secular hu-
manism.” Christion Voice even
publishes a Congressional Re-
port Card that informs its con-
stituency how Senators ond
Congressmen vated on key
“morol” issues, ranging from
Abortion ta Behavioral Re-
search Funding, to that burning
moral issue, Taiwan Security.
But Christion Voice doesn’t stop.
at reporting how Congress vot-
ed; it also reports how it mo
have voted. Falwell’s moil
list numbers 2,000,000, ond ie
has pledged his 1980 budget
to defeating liberal Congress-
men this November.
Jim Bakker got his start in the
business doing Christion puppet
shows on the West Coast.
Above: The Christian Broadcast Network (CBN)—operated by
The 700 Club's Pat Robertson—claims to be America’s largest syn-
dicatar of TV programs via sctellite. Presently, twin ten-meter sat-
ellite dishes linking Satcom I and the Western Union Westar satellite
ive CBN the capability of broadcasting to every domestic sctel-
te system. CBN is the world’s largest supplier of coble programing.
How come Jimmy Swaggon's bond sounds so good? Maybe it's
because he’s the cousin of both Jerry Lee Lewis and Mickey Gilley.
Or maybe it's the Kramer guitars ond basses. Swaggart’s stage
manager sent с few gushy letters to Kramer offering to give promi-
nent TV display to its guitars. He pointed out thet the retail price
of all instruments could be credited to Kramer as а tax deduction.
He cautioned that other guitar companies were quite eager for
Swoggart to use their products. Currently, the credit line ot the end
of the Swaggart show reads, "Kramer guitars used exclusively by
the Jimmy Swaggart Band.”
Marjoe Gortner knows most of the TV God squad from his days
оз а child evangelist on ihe sawdust той, Now he's working on
“American Gospel," a film about evangelism. We asked him ta
assess the techniques of the current crop of TV preachers.
He's one of the best preachers ever. Powerful. He pulls you right in
vith passion, power ard strength. And a con man from the word go, but
© good ole boy, a very good businessman and a strong, charismatic
person. He once told me, "Marjoe, when you talk to a camera, just
pretend it's а person sitting in a cheir olone.” When Oral Roberts
talks to a camera, he has them place the lens within 12 to 15 inches of
his face for a close-up. And he talks to that lens like it wos a person.
You get the feeling that he really is talking to you personally.
1 like his preaching style, that type of real entertainment.
сп old-time preacher. His message makes me sick. He's still talking about
the most ridiculous things: Ged made women to be in the home. The
whole thing is very sexual. When Jimmy Swaggart sits down to play, the
мау he spreads those long legs and starts singing to the old ladies—the
same ones who love Mike Douglas. He's got that pure thing in his voice.
He's a graduate of Yale and a very intelligent man. If you look at
his business structure, it reflects it—he’s a real businessman. Robertson
sticks to the format of The Tonight Show on The 700 Club (his Christian
talk show), which appeals to the guy who owns a Western Auto store. He's
preaching the same message as the others, but to me it’s not as
interesting, because it’s just so corny. They sit there talking about business.
Here's a man and his business was down and now it’s up. Ohl Isn't
that wonderful! It’s just so sick.
Bakker can turn it on. He gets а little crazy and he starts preaching,
and he hos those phones lighting up. He's a very good preacher and а
smart businessman.
He's still doing the same thing he was doing when I wos four years
old. "Hey! Hallelujah!” He's a relief. People are filled with tension all day
and, hallelujah! It’s greot. It’s like seeing a cheap, sleazy movie.
He's the same as Animal House.
He's kind of country ond dowr-home. He appeals to that little guy
out there who wants to speck up and say something—he just doesn't
know what he wants to soy. He hears this good ole boy who talks in his
language, and | think that could become very harmful. While some preach
God's message, Falwell preaches Falwell's message, which is more like
that of the old John Birchers or the Ku Klux Klan.
1 don't like Schuller. He talks s0-0-0-0 slowly and that's b-o-o-oring.
He was never a traveling evangelist like the others. He's got that middle-
class approach. He comes off as an intellectual. His cleric’s robe is sort
of о first for а full Gospel preacher. He's elevated high above the
congregation, more like a priest in a Catholic parish. He's token the tradi.
tional Church and put the full Gospel message in it. That’s his gimmick.
The worst. He's the worst on the air. He has no charisma. He is flat;
he hos o terrible haircut; his wordrobe—he should get a new tailor. It's
always been on cmazement to me how he can be so successful.
Who wotches? According to
а leoding Christian-TV promo-
tion expert, female viewers
account for 75 percent, Thirty
percent of the viewers are in
the 18-to-39 age group, 70 per-
cent are 39 or older. Most are
white. The mojority of donations
come from women in households
earning less than $20,000 per
уеог. TV religions collect сп
average of $23 per donotion,
while moin-line churches aver-
оде three dollors per donation.
If you write to а TV preacher
ond say you've got thyroid
problems ond sure wish God
would lighten up on the old
endocrines, chonces are you'll
get а letter back commiserating
about your thyroid. Personol
attention? Nope, try IBM. А
source close to one eminent
electronic minister told us, “We
break them out by subject. If
you got a thyroid problem, you
get a thyroid letter. | think
thot’s number 298.”
Interviewing on armless woman on The PTL Club, Tammy Faye
Bokker osked, "Well, how do you put on your make-up?"
Colonel Horlon Sonders likes to tell this inspirational story on
Christion talk shows. He was about to undergo surgery for an in-
testinal polyp when he decided to ask a faith healer for help.
Next morning, after the loying on of hands, the colonel went to,
uh, relieve himself. To his amazement, he heard the polyp “pulunk
into the commode,” as he puts it. The next set of X rays showed
that the polyp wos gone.
During а PTL Club program feoturing rock ^n roll, Jim Bakker
wrapped his arm around wife Tammy and soid, “Yes, 1 found my
thrill on Blueberry Hill—and this is Blueberry here.”
А guest evangelist on The PTL Club once proclcimed, “You
know when you ео! onions, you're gonna burp a foul onion smell.
But when you eat God, you'll burp a sweet odor to the world."
Above: Robert Schuller roised
the $1B,000,000 to poy for his
luminescent drivein Crystal Са-
thedral from viewer donations
alone. Designed by architect
Philip Johnson, Schuller’s Gar-
den Grove, Colifornia, church is
а steel superstructure sheothed
in 10,000 plate-glass windows.
We figure Schuller bought
heavily in Windex stock.
Last year, Rex Humbard told
his Proyer Key Family (those
who regularly send donations)
to send money, claiming he
needed $3,200,000 to pay off
his ministry's debts. A mere nine
months later, Humbard and his
sons spent $650,000 on a home
and condominiums near Palm
Beoch, Florida. Humbard says
200,000 of his TV audience
each sent $20 to retire the debt.
Oral Roberts claims to read
and answer every letter he gets.
Analysis of thot fact reveals
that with the volume of mail
Roberts receives, he must be
reading and answering one let-
| ter every two seconds.
Left: Jim Bakker once wrote a
direct-moil message to the PTL
faithful asking for money, say-
ing, “Tammy and | are giving
every penny of our life's sav-
ings to PTL.“ That same month,
they bought а $24,000 house-
boat equipped with white-
shag carpeting, two bedrooms,
TV, gas grill and refrigerotor.
On being questioned obout this,
Bakker said, ^| paid for thot
boot just like anyone else. 1 fi-
nanced it with a bank—there
wos no PTL money involved.”
(continued from page 108)
“Highway 80 had been blocked off by troopers at the
moment his mother’s Olds was under attack.”
destruction of her family.
With his father’s blessings and en-
couragement, Tony Liuzzo had been
hard at work since 1976 searching for
the truth concerning his mother’s mur-
der. It would be an uphill struggle to
obtain the information he needed. a
constant fight that would cost him jobs
and financial security, strain his mar-
riage, subject him to public ridicule as a
conspiracy-happy Detroit street kid tak-
ing on the unassailable FBI and even-
tually pit him in an eyeballto-eyeball
confrontation with one of the most pow-
erful and intimidating individuals and
organizations in the U. S.—Director Wil-
liam H. Webster and the FBI.
Tony Liuzo was puzled. The night
of his mother’s death, the FBI reported
that three witnesses claimed to have seen
a 1955 Ford in the vicinity of the mur-
der—but the Ford was never mentioned
again. What had happened to it? Why
were no fingerprints ever taken on the
murder weapon or on his mother’s car?
He did not know then that by asking
these and other questions, he was about
to discover one of the most questionable
murder investigations ever conducted by
the FBI, and in the process reveal why
that investigation remains suspicious.
He had only two sources of informa-
tion—the periodical rooms of libraries
and the telephone—but his street-smart
instincts kept him on the right trail, He
had tried to reach Leroy Moton by call-
ing every Moton listed in the Prattville,
Alabama, phone book. Moton had tes-
tified in the trials of the Klansmen
and then seemingly disappeared. While
Tony was unable to contact Moton, if
his basic questions about the murder
and the investigation could not be an-
swered by someone who was present
that night, then that alone was a clue, a
possible explanation for the FBI's offi-
cal indifference in the years that fol-
lowed Viola's death.
Топу went first to a small library in
Detroit to read the ten-year-old press
accounts of his mothers murder. The
individual accounts were not only dif-
ferent from one another, they were
contradictory. According to the U.P.I.
news release, the man in the car with
Viola said the murder weapon had been
a high-powered rifle. According to an-
other news agency, the FBI said
two revolvers had been used. Accord-
ing to the news reports during the trials
162 of the Klansmen, the murder weapon
had been a .38.
The search took him to two larger
libraries, the Detroit Public Library and
the Henry Ford Centennial Library. But
there Tony encountered the same pu
zling contradictions. The facts concern-
ing his mother's murder were so
scrambled as to be rendered unintelli
ble. There was no useful information to
be found, only discrepancies that pro-
duced more questions. Tony had never
been to Alabama, so he could not ас
curatcly visualize Highway 80 or the
scene of the attack; but in his imagina-
tion, he could hear the cars at high
speeds, the sounds of the guns as the
Klansmen opencd fire.
His mother had been an aggressive
driver. He had ridden with her when
she drove her blue Oldsmobile at high
speeds. Once when she was angry, he had
watched her ram his father's car. Rowe's
testimony in the Alabama courts indi-
cated that the Klansmen had little prob-
lem overtaking the Oldsmobile. But
"Tony remembered his mother as not
being afraid of anything, the sort of
woman who would have had her car
ng along Highway 80 if she had felt
danger. The mother Tony
remembered would have moved her car
directly into the path of the Klan car, а
red-and-white 1962 Chevrolet Impala.
She would have made an aggressive
move against the car that was threaten-
ing her, Tony reasoned, unless her car
were hemmed in by another. third ve-
hicle. Such as the 1955 Ford.
Tony was young, impatient and frus-
trated because his research was not pay
ing off and he could not afford to spend
hours in libraries, away from his home,
his job. But he refused to give up. Be-
fore leaving the library one day, he
copied the names of some of the indi-
viduals quoted in the clippings. And
when he returned home and glanced at
the list, he suddenly realized he had hit
pay dirt. Whoever these people were—
and the majority of them were minis-
ters—and wherever they might be living
years after the event, he had to find
them. These were people who had been
in Selma with his mother.
He called California, Missouri, Il!
nois. In the middle of the night, he tried
to track them down through the head-
quarters of the denominations they had
represented on the Selma march. He
called the Lutherans, the Presbyterians
and the Disciples of Christ. He had to
find the people who had been there that
night, people whose memories of the
most seemingly insignificant detail might
lead him to the truth.
Finally, he reached a minister who
| been quoted in the Los Angeles
Times. He told him he was Tony Liuzzo.
Viola's son. "There was a long pause at
the other end, and then the man told
Tony that he had been on Highway 80
the night Viola died.
The minister had driven a rented
truck that night. It had been crowd-
ed with about 40 marchers he had picked
up at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
in downtown Montgomery, and as he
had driven west toward Selma, he had
been stopped twice by Alabama troopers.
He remembered the troopers as hav-
ing been unusually hostile. Alabama
troopers had aroused the nation’s con-
science three weeks earlier with their
armed assault on peaceful blacks at the
Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma. That
assault, known as Bloody Sunday, had
actually set into motion the events that
would lead to the successful, triumphant
entry into Montgomery of the 30,000
black and white civil rights activists who
had walked from Selma to ask that
blacks be given the right to vote.
"Throughout the days of the march, Ala-
bama troopers had been under a stern
Federal court order to protect the same
marchers they had recently brutalized.
As soon as the march was over, though,
they had felt the court injunction was
lifted. Returning from Montgomery to
Selma that last night of the march,
countless cars and trucks carrying march-
ers had received hostile treatment from
the enraged troopers, who had issued
tickets as fast as they could write them.
But, curiously, a red-and-white Chev-
rolet Impala carrying four men had
also been stopped by the troopers that
night, at 6:20 р.м. The driver of the
Impala was released with a warning,
The minister told Tony he had been
given a ticket, threatened with jail and
cursed by the troopers. While he felt he
had been stopped unnecessarily, he was
convinced of that when he realized the
highway ahead of him was wide open.
There had been no cars or trucks in
sight, no headlights coming toward him,
no taillights moving away. A highway
that should have been clogged with ve-
hicles ferrying marchers back to Selma
was empty.
Then, as the minister һай driven to-
ward Selma after his release by the
troopers, he was flagged down by a tall
young black male standing in the mid-
dle of the two-lane strip of Highway 80,
wildly waving his arms. The man ran
to the cab of the truck and said that a
woman had been shot and killed. He
had then climbed onto the back of the
truck and the minister had driven non
stop into Selma. There the FBI was
he Club Disti
notified of the shooting. The young man,
Leroy Moton, had been a passenger in
the front seat of Viola's car when the
shots were fired.
Tony asked the minister what time his
truck had been stopped by Alabama
troopers. As well as he could recall, he
told Tony, his truck had been stopped
and held up on Highway 80 from eight
р.м. until approximately 8:30.
The minister's account confirmed
what Tony had initially perceived and
feared the most: Either by coincidence
or by design, Highway 80 had been
blocked off by Alabama troopers at the
precise moment his mother's blue Olds-
mobile was under attack by a red-and-
white 1962 Chevrolet Impala—and
possibly a 1955 Ford.
In 1978, Tony and his family, with
the assistance of the Michigan affiliate
of the A.C.L.U., filed under the Freedom
of Information Act for all FBI docu-
ments relating to the murder of his
mother. And while he waited for the FBI
to respond to his family's request, Tony
returned to the Detroit libraries. He had
already turned up too many coincidences
and discrepancies. Something was wrong.
Not only could he smell it, he could see
it—because similar coincidences were
beginning to enter his own daily life.
He sat in the libraries, reading the
details of the shooting, haunted by
the ministers account, knowing that
the characterization of his mother as
someone who could have been picked
off like a clay pigeon was wrong. One
day, as he again left the library having
found that the press reports didn't jibe,
he walked out into the sunlight toward
the parking lot—then stopped dead in
his tracks.
‘Two men wearing trench coats, white
shirts and dark ties sat in an automo-
bile parked near his. There was no li-
cense plate on the front of their car.
When Tony walked toward them, they
appeared to be quickly covering some-
thing on the front seat of their car. Then
they sped away.
Shielding his eyes as he watched them
drive off, Tony wondered if he were
now being stalked. Could it be only a
coincidence that after his family had
filed its F.O.LA. request and he had
begun to research the murder, men in
trench coats resembling characters in B
movies had suddenly popped up and
just as quickly disappeared?
Eventually, the nearly obsessive pur-
suit of the truth by the Liuzzo children
would take its toll, leaving them vul-
nerable to their own romantic notions:
that they were being followed, that ran-
dom coincidences in their own private
lives were actually the results of con-
spiracies against them, that their phones
were bugged, that FBI agents watched
them constantly. Employers indifferent
or unsympathetic to their search mate-
rialized as hostile adversaries. While a
successful request for F.O.LA. docu-
ments and eventually a civil suit against
the FBI for damages in the wrongful
death of their mother would not con-
ceivably destroy the bureau or its future
work, they now perceived themselves as
powerful threats to the FBI, and they
saw themselves stalked by С men. Un-
fortunately, the delays and frustrations
inherent in their search for the truth
only magnified their speculations. On
“heavy” days, either just prior to im-
portant meetings with sympathetic law-
yers or immediately following such
meetings, their phones were invariably
disconnected for nonpayment of enor-
mous bills. To them, such coincidences
took on awesome implications. Not only
was someone actively seeking to keep
them away from the truth concerning
their mother’s murder but their own
lives were now threatened.
The meeting was arranged in the fall
of 1978 by U. S. Senator Donald Riegle,
a Michigan Democrat, and held inside
Riegle's offices. It was a meeting Tony
had not really anticipated, but if his
search for the tuth had now brought
him to a head-on confrontation with the
FBI, that, too, would have to be met.
The participants in the meeting recall
that William Webster, the new director
of the FBI, was surprised when he was
introduced to Tony Liuzzo, the Detroit
street kid who had been badgering his
office for months concerning bureau
documents relating to the murder of his
mother in Alabama in 1965.
It is said that Webster had no indi-
cation before the meeting that Tony
would be present. But if he appeared
surprised to the others present, Tony
sensed a somewhat sharper reaction from
the FBI director.
“The only vibes that came out of him
were like shock,” Tony later told a
friend. “Не came walking in and Sen-
ator Riegle said, ‘Judge Webster. . . .’
And he just looked at us and looked at
Riegle like, What the shit is this?”
It is said the meeting, however
strained, went smoothly for a while.
Tony, Riegle and Dean Robb, an attor-
ney representing the Liuzzo family, were
interested in receiving the family's re-
quested F.O.LA. documents as soon as
possible. Then Tony asked Webster why
there had been so many delays, why the
FBI had not already released the docu-
ments. In turn, Webster asked Tony why
he realy wanted to see them. since
there were allegations in the documents
that his mother had taken drugs and
been hanging out sexually with blacks.
"Tony then asked Webster why the FBI
was still trying to smear his mother's
reputation. Webster denied the bureau
was doing so. But Tony knew from his
own research that at the Alabama trials
of the Klansmen, the Alabama toxi-
cologist had testified there was no evi-
dence of drug usage by his mother and
that the autopsy revealed по evidence
of sexual intercourse.
As one of those present characterized
the exchange, "Webster only mouthed
the J. Edgar Hoover imprecisions that
there was wrongdoing on the part of
Mrs. Liuzzo. And he was silent about the
role of the FBI informant.”
Webster did, however, agree to an im-
mediate release of those documents that
the FBI could release. And soon there-
after, Tony was on his way to the J.
Edgar Hoover Building on Pennsylvania
Avenue. There he received 1500 pages
of heavily censored FBI documents.
The FBI censoring process was pecul-
iar, to say the least. One page might
be half blacked out, but a duplicate of
that page with a different portion
blacked out soon turned up. Quotations
from the public record were often ex-
cised with the reference left intact. Many
pages were covered with Hoover's own
almost indecipherable handwriting,
which was then transcribed on other
pages by diligent clerks. But while the
FBI censoring process in itself appeared
rather ulous, the contents of the
documents received under the F.O.LA.,
along with other FBI reports and docu-
ments, were devastating.
On the strength of those documents,
it can be argued that Viola Liuzzo was
the victim of a random act of racist
violence perpetrated in the presence of
a paid FBI informant. It can also be
argued that taken at face value, the
different accounts of the murder given
during the 1965-1966 Klan trials by
Rowe, the FBI informant, suggest that
the shooting took place before he could
interfere and stop the crime. And, de-
spite the feelings of the Liuzzo children
and their revealing questions about dis-
crepancies in the case, it can also be
argued that there was no conspiracy to
murder Viola Liuzzo.
But as Tony sifted through the pages
of the FBI documents, he could barely
contain his anger. He had now come
face to face with an undeniable master-
mind of evil. Even if there were no
conspiracy to murder his mother, start-
ing within hours after the discovery of
her body beside Highway 80, there was
a conscious effort to smear her reputa-
tion. And that smear campaign was
carried out by J. Edgar Hoover.
A Hoover memorandum of 9:32 A.M.
on March 26, 1965, describes his first
conversation with President Johnson:
I told the Attorney General that
the President asked if he should
(continued on page 174)
est stricte servé
Sox cak de [haley
K usage. de la сме. |
| L Piscine
КА Жл не t
WINSTON CHURCHILL used to paint the exotic gordens of the internationally fomous Mamounia Hotel in Marrakesh. | concentrated on
sketching the action at its poolside. Morocco is a blend of conflicting time frames, the modern and the troditionol, as it tries to West-
ernize. Witness my upper-class, affluent and privileged Moorish textile honcho orriving at the poolside locker rooms in his pristine white
jelloba ond embroidered babouches, only to emerge moments later in contemporary beach gear. —LN.
MA al
2а p =
С. GORDON LIDDY (continued from page 81)
way the world works and, just as bad,
he doesn’t understand the way the
United States works. If you view the
U.S. Government as one vast complex
diesel engine, which I think is a pretty
fair analogy, then Ted Kennedy at least
knows how to operate the machinery,
even though he might drive it in the
wrong directions. But ol’ Jimmy doesn’t
even know the ignition key from the
exhaust pipe. Hell, he wasn’t even that
effective governing a state like Georgia,
and he’s totally lost trying to run Wash-
ington. Oh, he's great at spouting pious
platitudes, but to be a President, you've
first and foremost got to be a good
mechanic. You've got to operate that
goddamn machine or the whole thing's
going to come apart. Now, to take a
leaf from Jimmy's book, you could call
in the Pope from Rome, the Chief
Rabbi from Jerusalem, the Archbishop
of the Anglican Church from Canter-
bury, the president of the Baptist World
Alliance and the Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini from Qum or wherever he's
presently holed up, and they could all
keep circling that huge diesel engine
day after day, chanting their prayers
over it, and the mother's still not going
to turn over. Faith is fine, but it's no
substitute for expertise and leadership.
And Carter's got neither.
PLAYBOY: That seems a rather harsh
caricature. And why emphasize the Pres-
ident’s private religious beliefs?
иррү: Because they aren't private any-
more, damn it; they're at the root of his
whole Faster Bunny approach to run-
ning this country. Jimmy Carter just
doesn't understand the world as it is;
he still believes you can look the other
way and the problem will disappear.
He's not prepared to face the harsh
problems, whether inflation or recession
at home or Soviet aggression and Amer-
ican military weakness abroad. I mean,
if he were on a yacht for a summit con-
ference with Maggie Thatcher of Eng-
land, Giscard d'Estaing of France and
Helmut Schmidt of Germany and that
yacht capsized and they were all in the
drink together, I can just picture what
would happen when а dark fin started
cutting through the water toward them.
‘Thatcher, D'Estaing and Schmidt would
all shout, “Jews!” and do everything in
their power to scramble up for safety on
the inverted. hull of the ship, while
Jimmy would just continue paddling
around, saying, “Gee, guys, it’s Charlie
the Tuna!” No, I'm sorry, but the requi-
sites for leadership of a great power are
brains, brawn and balls, and I'm afraid
Carter is singularly lacking in all three
PLAYBOY: Some of your critics would
contend that Carter's brand of morality
is infinitely preferable to the kind of
ruthless Realpolitik you preach and
uppy: I'm sure they would, and I'd
say they were deluding themselves.
Look, let's face reality. Politics, and in
this context I'd include the conduct of
a superpowers foreign policy, has by
its very nature to be amoral. Not im-
moral, amoral. It cannot be conducted
by a man who wears his sainthood on
his sleeve and who is superbly equipped
to deal with the hereafter but emotion-
ally totally unprepared to deal with the
harsh realities of the present-day world.
And I'm particularly alarmed when a
man like Carter bases his foreign policy
on the way he wishes other nations to
be. rather than on the basis of how they
actually behave in the world as it is.
І don't mind Carter talking to God. It's
when God answers back, and tells him
something different cach day, that I get
really worried.
PLAYBOY: For example?
иррү: Take a look at Carters whole
foreign policy toward the Soviet Union.
“Carter's religious beliefs
aren't private anymore,
damn it; they're at the root
of his whole Easter Bunny
approach to running this
He came into office convinced, as he
put it, that we had more similari
than differences with the Russians, that,
in his formulation, the areas of coopera-
tion were greater than the areas of
competition, and in general appeared
convinced that the Soviet leadership
shared his altruistic and pacific convic-
tions. Probably the apotheosis of that
attitude was his famous Notre Dame
commencement address, where he as-
sured the world that “we are now free
of that inordinate fear of communism”
that, presumably, had afflicted such be-
nighted Presidential predecessors as Har-
ry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and
John Kennedy. We were, in the terms
of the old black Southern spiritual,
"free at las" to embark on a wonderful
adventure of brotherly love with Mos-
cow. So he let our military forces run
down, adopted a misguided and sc-
lective "human rights policy" that pil-
loried dictators on our side but let the
Soviets off with a flaccid slap on the wrist,
betrayed our natural allies like the
shah in favor of "progressive" Third
World forces—and remember, it was
Carter's UN Ambassador and spiritual
clone, Andy Young, who called the
Ayatollah a saint—and finally reaped
the whirlwind with Iran and Afghani-
stan and God knows what other disasters
still around the corner. And after АЁ
ghanistan, he professed to feel betrayed
by the Russians, and said he'd learned
more about them in the past week
than in his preceding three years in
office. My God, what a pathetic confes-
sion of geopolitical incompetence and
historical ignorance! Somebody should
finally tell the poor man, "No, Virginia,
there is no Santa Claus.” And I'm con-
vinced that the motivating force behind
this crippling naiveré is a simple belief
that all men must be good, all men
must be brothers.
PLAYBOY; You don't believe in the broth-
erhood of man?
uppy: Sure, I do. Cain and Abel! Abel
and Cain! No, come on, you know pre-
cisely what I mean. All of Jimmy's
lovely idealistic pipe dreams are fine
emanating from a pulpit, but they don’t
cut any ice in the serious international
arena. The Russians would just con-
temptuously echo Stalin's derisive ques-
tion in World War Two: “How many
divisions has the Pope?" The Carter
policy from the inception of his Presi-
dency has been one of weakness—eco-
nomic weakness, political weakness,
military weakness. And he has been
as much a disaster for this country as
Neville Chamberlain and his appeasers
were for England in the Thirties. The
only difference with Carter is that he
doesn’t even know how much he's sur-
rendered. He's a classic case of noble
intentions gone berserk and reminds me
of Emerson's description of the pious
humanitarian liberal of his own day:
“We mean well and do ill, and then
justify our ill-doing by our well-mean-
ing" And, you know, it's interesting
to reflect, in a historic context, that
Great Britain began to decline as a
world power and ultimately lost her
empire when her own people fell vic-
tim to a very similar blend of romantic
humanitarianism and evangelical reli-
gion. But at least Britain held on to her
empire for almost 200 years on the mo-
mentum of her former dynamism, like
a red-giant star before it collapses into
a white dwarf, and it was only the
debilitating and bankrupting aftermath
of World War Two that finally forced
her to relinquish the last of her great-
ness. It's taken us less than 20 years of
mismanagement and self-delusion to
reach a comparable nadir of power.
PLAYBOY: How would President С. Gor-
don Liddy handle things differently?
uppy: Well, I'd start with a general defi-
nition of our domestic and foreign goals,
and then proceed from there to specific
(continued on page 200)
aay aki Ap, вр: Ш
TUM —- 7
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ooner or later, we all spend
money on interior. decoration. [а total
what his final bill will be, based on
the time he'll spend or figur
doas a
whether its for a truckload of |
percentage of the project's total cost
Chippendales or just a bucket of oyster
white. But most of us are dabblers. apt i
Or you tell the designer how much you
want to spend, and he figures the proj-
to squander our decorating dollars.
The solution? Hire a professional in- F
ect accordingly-
Hourly fee: Some desig
rs charge
terior designer, for three good reasons: 1 НЕН 1 by the hour, with ites ranging. from
+ Expertise—Designers can. with |- | > П about S20 an hour up to n hour
che. squeeze a bar. а baby grand ү Hi or more.
and a blunderbuss collection into your [Г ЫЙ! 7 3. Contact: The designer m
1 rm муш. They also know about n Y Tor his time. plus a. percentage on ай
colors. textures. trafic flow, wiring. _ purchases, For example. he may charge
plumbing. building techniques and 540 an hour, plus 20 percent of the
And they know
at your price.
furniture. refinishing.
whats on the market
| total cost for furnishings and
pay wholesale prices for any
hs vou buy through (
сап be consider
including products unavailable tc. the
eral buyer
+ Convenience—Tt your
new, unfurnished condo from Grant's
Tomb into livable space might take
you months. But a designer could spilt
и up fast. And hell mobilize the painters. electricians, car
penters and carpet installers. Hel even do the shopping
+ Wampum—Designers. may save you money. Because
they're repeat customers, they have clout with stores and
contractors. Olten. they сап get the work done better and
cheaper. They may save you from making costly mistakes
They abo сап recommend cheapo touches (a sophisticated
nake you
color on the ceiling, say) that could
without expensive new furniture. And they can
by supplying furnishings at wholesale p
place look slick
€ you bucks
Choosing а good desi
an nail up a shingle
ner is ticklish, because any Tom. Dick
Look for members of the
(АУЛА). This 15.000-
member org; lards lor education and
experience, with members required to pass still two-day
inations covering everything from period styles to plumb:
Check the Yellow Pages under Interior. Decorators and
write to the A.S.D. (730. Filth Avenue, New
York, New York 10019) for members in your city.
Incidentally, a usually is a craftsman, such as
painter or а wallpaperer. A “designer”—the more accepted
term now—i hing like an interior architect, working
with the room's structure, as well as its decor
You may want to interview several designers belore you find
a winner. You want somcone who's an expert but willing to
k with уо nd ideas. Request references and
them. To avoid fly-by-nights, find out how long the de
has been in business, Can he give you bank relerences: Look
over photographs of rooms he's done. Is he lexible or does all
s work look the same? Sometimes the initial interview is fr
but many designers charge a flat fee, such as 550.
Most designers ch
1. Flat fee: The desi
according to four basic systems:
ncr tells you before the project begi
fourth method is dillerent.
1. Retail markup: Many designers
n their fees by buying furnishings
at whole chargi
designer's overhead often is lower th
may be lower. Thus. in effect
still may get furnishings
п а store
his services are “tre
a discount
s, his markup
and yo:
Geuing straight on fees (some designers use hybrid systems)
should be one of your first items of business. Also. tell thc
designer how much you want to spend on the project. If you'd
her not pay for it all at once, he should be able to work out
a plan so you сап do one part of the project now. the rest
later. Be sure to get across your ideas photos dipped fron
home-decorating magazines. help.
you have for finishing the project. Explain your pi
whether you want extra storage for records and tapes ог
space for dancing the hustle. Expect the designer to grill you
about your plans lor the project. your lifestyle. your tastes.
You may choose to limit your use of a designer to a one-shot
consultation: lor a set fee. he looks over your plans and ой
suggestions. To get the most for your
nuch detail as you сап: blueprints. scale drawings, color
photos of the rooms. upholstery and carpet samples.
Usually, you and the designer will sign a contract. Then
hell look your p т. taking measurements. Next, he'll
send you showing room layouts, materials
point, it's important to tell him what
you like and don't like. But be flexible.
The designer may
gated to buy furnishings there
department stores oller Iree desi
of your buying from them. Usually, though, they ch;
ner rates for full-scale projects. A designer should
no merchandise without your approval in writing. Ex-
pect to pay a deposit.
To save on fees. do your homework before meeting with
your designer. While you waflle on giving up your mount
ed mooschead, the meter is ticking. —KICHAKD WOLROMIK
dollars, take al
© ov
€ his ow
but you're not obli-
Sometimes, however, large
ner services il you do most
E 173
(continued from page 164)
“A murder victim, Viola was investigated by the FBI
asif she herself had murdered someone.”
talk to the husband of the woman
in Detroit who had died and [ sug-
gested the President have [Presi-
dential counsel] Lec White call this
man and, if the man behaves him-
self, the President could consider
talking to him later. I stated the
man himself doesn't have too good
а background and the woman had
indications of needle marks in her
arms where she had been taking
dope; that she was sitting very, very
close to the Negro in the car; that
it had the appearance of a necking
A Hoover memorandum of 9:39 A.M.
covers roughly the same terrain:
The President called and said
they want him to talk to the hus-
band of the woman who was
killed. .. . He said, before he talked
to the man, he wanted to be sure I
don't have any reason why he
shouldn't, because our report indi-
cated the man is a Teamster man.
I told the President I don't say the
man has a bad character but hc is
well known as a "Teamster strong-
arm man and on the woman's body
we found numerous needle mar
indicating she had been taking
dope, although we can't say that
definitely, because she is dead. I said
I would be inclined to have White
or someone like that talk to the
husband rather than the President.
The President said all right, White
has already talked to him.
Hoover had made Johnson his first
recipient of labricated information con-
cerning Viola. Millions of Americans
would eventually receive that same in-
foi tion through FBI “leaks” to the
bureau's Ku Klux Klan informants and
to members of the press who published
the information without questioning its
“Obviously, I couldn't say this in open court, but
client isa sorcerer, and in exchange for leniency
he is prepared to grant your Honor three wishes.”
authenticity. But Jack Valenti, an aide
to Johnson at the time, remembers the
President's reaction. Johnson had been
around Washington and J. Edgar Hoo-
ver long enough to know what to listen
for when the formidable FBI director
held forth. So it was that Johnson was
impressed by one particular feature in
the Liuzzo murder case, am interpreta-
tion that would go largely overlooked
by Federal and state authorities and the
for almost 15 years.
“I was sitting with the President and
Hoover called him and told him about
the murder and then told һап а fascinat-
ing story," says Valenti. "I remember it
very well, because the President had this
look of amazement on his face, What
sticks in my memory is that look of
Johnson then told Valenti that Hoo-
ver said they had an FBI man in the car
with the murderers.
“That's how he put
“An FBI man. Hoover
exactly who did it.”
The participation of an “FBI man"
a murder would remain virtually un-
challenged for years because Hoover's
agents in Alabama had covered their
asses. They had told Hoover exactly what
he wanted to hear—drugs and necking
with blacks. While the FBI should never
have allowed Rowe to be anywhere near
Selma or Montgomery that day, its field
agents would now escape the embar-
rassing consequences of Rowe's presence.
For Hoover's benefit, the presence of a
white woman alone in an automobile
with a black male at 7:34 vx, would be
ty. From
says Valenti,
id they knew
out of the blue, they would then in-
troduce drugs into the scene, ensuring
that further information about the wom-
an would be irresistible to Hoover,
Further, they would insist an all-points
bulletin had been put out on the red-
and-white Chevrolet, thereby shitting to
a state troopers any specula-
willful negligence lor not
Rowe and the other
No fingerprints would ever
п оп the murder weapon, thereby
ig the debate over who fired it,
ng the words of Rowe against those
of the three Klansmen. Rowe would be
surfaced, relocated and, with the repu-
tation of the FBI firmly backing him up,
he would be touted as an FBI hero who
stepped on Viola's evil Klan killers.
In the upcoming murder tials of the
Klansmen, Rowe's description of the
events would convey the official im-
primatur of the bureau, And while no
one in his wildest dreams ever envi-
sioned the conviction of a Klansman in
an Alabama court of law, the trials and
their publicity would give the FBI strate-
gic opportunities, through Klan lawyers
and the press, to spread reckless rumors
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ibout Viola: that she took drugs, that
she'd abandoned her family, that she
slept with black men, that her husband
was not only а Teamster official but а
strongarm extortionist as well, that un-
like Rowe and the Klansmen, she had
no business in Selma, that she got what
she deserved.
No moment in the slain woman's lile
would go uninvestigated. A murder vic
tim. Vie
was investigated by the FBI
is if she herself had murdered someone
But that was exactly what Hoover
wanted, and his agents enthusiastically
delivered. Hoover was eager for апу
derogatory information he could use їп
his private war against Martin Luther
King. Jr. and even the most unsubstan
tiated, sordid rumors about civil rights
workers and their supporters went di
rectly into his files. Hoover even main
tained а “Do Not File File" for certain
items he considered too hot to leave his
ready grasp.
The funeral of Viola Liuzzo in De-
woit was as closely monitored by FBI
agents as if they were observing a gather
ing of gangsters. From the bureau's con.
stant electronic surveillance of Martin
Luther King, Jr. agents were able to
report in an urgent teletype to Hoover:
"Martin. Luther King has telephonically
advised the family he will arrive in De-
oit on Sunday, March 28.'
When Hoover received a telegram
from Martin Luther King, Jr., congratu
lating the FBI for the “speedy arrest of
the accused assassins of Mrs. Liuzzo," an
FBI internal memorandum reflected the
bureau's official attitude:
I do not believe this wire should
be acknowledged, because a reply
would only help build up this char-
acter and a communication from
Mr. Hoover, which King would un-
doubtedly publicize, will tie us in
with him, and put us under an
obligation to him. I likewise feel
that King's telegram to the director
should not be released to the press
lor the same rcasons.
Despite the FBI's efforts to distract
attention away from Rowe and direct it
instead to the campaign against the
Liuzzos, at least two members of the
national press commented on Rowe. In
io broadcast, Fulton Lewis, Jr.
noted that if the FBI had an informant
in the murder car. then that person
should have had a moral obligation to
prevent the killing.
Hoover apparently ignored the Lewis
comment. But liis marginal notations on
memorandums concerning an Inez Robb
column are evidence of his own obses-
sion with destroying Viola's reputation.
“What troubles me," wrote Robb, “is
the moral aspect of Rowe's presence in
the car when an innocent woman . . „
was gunned down.” Robb pointed out
that Rowe had opportunities to prevent
“I shall write in my diary: ‘Today the great Franz Liszt worked
out an arrangement with me on the piano” ”
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the murder but neglected to do so. She
asked: “Under what kind of secret or-
ders did Rowe work? Was the infiltra-
tion of the Ku Klux Klan more
important than the saving of an inno-
cent woman?” Then Robb concluded
her column with this note: “It is one
woman's opinion that the FBI owes the
nation an explanation of its actions in
the Liuzzo case.
An obligatory FBI file check was run
on Robb. Each person who corresponded
with the bur Hoover concerning
the Liuzzo case was subjected to an im-
mediate FBI file check, including ju
high school students who wrote to praise
Hoover and his agents. As was the case
with most of the junior high students,
the FBI memorandum on Robb stated:
"Our files reveal no information of a
derogatory nature identifiable with
But, obviously, cither the Robb col-
umn or the unsuccessful file search on
her had driven Hoover right to the edge.
He scrawled across the memorandum:
“This is absolutely untrue. Back in the
Thirties or Forties, she vilified the FBI
and me personally when I was in Miami
Beach and суеп picketed my cottage
there, H
Then second
memorandum concerning the disturbing
questions r Robb, Hoover's
scrawled ested the
umnist was a "bitch." Interestingly, in a
barely decipherable marginal note on
the same page, Hoover reacted to the
memorandum’s suggestion that Robb
be informed Rowe was not an FBI em-
ployee. Hoover wrote: “He was a paid
informant . . . is mere quibbling to say
he was not organization employee. Н.”
After the flak irom Robb, the bureau's
defensive quickly surrounded
Rowe. No member of the press was to
be allowed near him. All attention w:
to be from Rowe and
focused on Viola
And so it was that a Michigan house-
wife who had Selma for the
cause of racial justice would have her
life discredited. Although it would take
years for her personal effects to be re
turned to her family, when Jim Liuzzo
inquired about the status of the blue
Oldsmobile three months
death, Hoover "Liuzzo
more interested in cash rather
grief over his wile's death. Н”
au or
1 the margins of a
ed by
comment sı col-
diverted away
gone to
alter her
wrote: seems
than in
As Tony studied the documents, he
knew the woman portrayed in them was
not his mother but an invention of the
ation of Hoover and his agents
had initiated the campa
against the Liuzzos—but he had done so
only because his Alabam. nts had
failed to prevent the murder from tak-
ing place
According to the FBI
Rowe had informed his
ЕВІ control
gent on the morning of the murder
bout his scheduled trip that day to the
black belt of Alabama. He lived in Bir-
gham, where he had initially been г
cruited by the FBI in 1959 to infiltrate
the Klan and work as а paid informa
He told his agent the plans for the trip.
Martin Luther King's vot
march from Selma to Montgomery was
scheduled to end that afternoon at the
Марата capitol. The bad called
Rowe and told him he was to go to
Montgomery, that this was to be his “bi
day.” that he had finally bi chosen to
do the greatest deed of his life for the
Klan. Rowe knew the names of the
Klansmen with whom he would be going
to Montgomery. The FBI was aware of
Rowe's own record and history of un
controllable violence. Its files on h
companions revealed equally volatile
and disturbed men. Still. Rowe was
quickly given а green light, even though
the FBI would have been davdre
not to have known immediately that the
presence of Rowe and his three compan-
ions in Montgomery would result in an
act of violence, perhaps even murder
Rowe was to travel in à car owned by
Eugene Thomas. FBI files on Thomas
revealed that he was a member of the
Bessemer, Alabama, klavern of the
United Klans of America. On August 6,
1059. wearing a white robe and hoo
he had participate automobile
caravan to the Саһара Heights section
of Birmingham, where crosses were
burned. On June 8. 1963. he had been
arrested near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and
charged with carrying a concealed weap-
on. On September 26, 1964. alter
Klan rally. he and other Klansmen had
prepared to bomb the Flame Club in
Fairfield, Alabama. because they had
observed “Negro and white people in-
termingling.” When police cars were ob.
served in the area, the plan to bomb the
club was abandoned.
Thomas had had a lot of arrests durin
his 43 years, but on that morning, as he
and Rowe and their companions de-
parted for Montgomery. he carried with
him a commission card designating him
a special constable for the purpose of
law enforcement: а small metal police
badge bearing his name and the designa
and а commission card titled. commis-
arrest record was apparently of no sig-
nificance to local police authorities. He
was а Klansman they used to help them
terrorize blacks.
William Orville Eaton, also 42 years
old, was the only occupant. of the car
that morning whose FBI records were
not extensive. He had been arrested in
Birmingham on April 22. 1954, and
charged with “VPL” distilling—proba-
bly a violation of prohibition laws. He
had pleaded guilty and was sentenced to
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two years. The sentence was suspended
and Eaton had then been placed on
probation for two years.
Collie Leroy Wilkins, Jr., was only 21
years old when he climbed into Thomas”
Chevrolet. He had first been arrested on
May 15, 1960, and charged by the Fair
field police with petty larceny a
struction of private property. He was
arrested in Birmingham on August 29,
1961, and charged with malicious de-
struction of property. Then on March
11. 1961, he was arrested by Hueytown,
Alab; |, police and charged with driv-
ag while drunk.
The Hueytown police had spotted
revolver under Wilkins’ feet and his car
was searched. They then found a sawed-
off shotgun, a small baseball bat, a sling-
shot, a Kloran—the book that sets forth
the Klan rituals—and a Klan robe. Wil-
ns denied membership in the Klan or
nowledge of the КЇ n. He denied
the Klan robe. but admitted
ng the shotgun. According to an
FBI report, “He stated he felt he needed
the gun to protect himself against Ne
groes.” Wilkins was sentenced to two
years’ probation [or possession. of the
sawed-off shotgun—a violation of the
National Fi ms Act.
Rowe's criminal record had been саге.
fully blacked out in the FBI documents.
But the morning following Viola's mur-
der, FBI information on Rowe, 1 һоп
Wilkins and Eaton would increase dro
matically, reflecting an eve
of those four men.
Та searches of ей
darker side
homes, FBI agents
found arsenals of varying personality
nd firepower. Easily, the Thomas col-
lection was the most potent, ranging
from a bullwhip to a sawed-off shotgun:
the Eaton residence contained the kinds
of guns and ammunition found in
homes throughout the South—though
admittedly im greater quantity; at Wil-
kins’ home, the only weapon found was
an old Wards Western field repeating
rifle that was disengaged from its stock
gh, was a puzzling col-
hodgepodge of ammunition,
ly had in
& Wesson
with six rou
had also taken one gun p
recently been run through the 38. But
Rowe's collection was an indication of
his methods as а
ized himself as an
nstigator of violence.
For years, he could readily have sup-
plied untraceable ammo to his fellow
Klansmen, thereby encouraging them to
acts of violence, just as Thomas and
Wilkins would claim years later that
Rowe had provoked them into being ac-
plices to murder
In 1977, the Liuzzo family filed notice
of a damage claim against the U. S.
ernment and its agency, the FBI. In
1979, the family brought suit against the
Federal Government for the wrongful
death of Viola Liuzzo and asked for
$2,000,000 in damages. The information
contained in the censored FBI docu
ments strengthened their convictions
that their mother would still be alive if
an FBI informant had not been present
on Highway 80 on the night of March
25, 1965. They filed suit in Federal dis-
trict court Michigan, and the U.S.
Department of Justice immediately
sought to have the suit thrown ош on
technicalities. According to the Justice
Department, the two-year statute of limi
tations applicable to Federal tort claims
had expired for the Liuzzos in 1967. The
Justice Department argued that the
Liuzzo family should have filed its suit
at that time.
But on Febru:
29, 1980, U.S. Di
triet Court Judge Ci Joiner
denied the Governments motion to d
miss the Liuzzo case. He ruled that the
ute of limitations for the Liuzzos
tually started running in 1975, wh
Rowe testified before the U. S. Senate.
and he
date on
Judge Joiner later set a Janu
arial date for the Liuzzo case.
signed his order for that tria
March 25, 1980—the 15th a
of the murder of Viola Liuzzo.
In September 1978, the Lowndes Coun-
ty. Alabama, grand j dicted Gary
Thomas Rowe for first-degree murder in
the death of Viola Liuzzo. It indicted
Rowe after hearing testimony from the
two Klansmen who had broken their
silence on the 20/20 report and on the
basis of testimony given by people who
had been alraid to speak up in 1965.
When Rowe was indicted, Tommy
Liuzzo was livin: Michigan. Of the
five Liuzzo children. Tommy was the
one on whom Viola's murder had taken
the saddest toll. For years, he appeared
ize everything derogatory said
about his mother and his family. He
eventually drifted away from home,
wandering across the country through
a mind field of drugs that left him
even less capable than belore of deal-
ing with reality. He married, had a
son, divorced, then married again, By the
summer of 1980, Tommy's frustrations
“Remember—well hung!”
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had overpowered him and he is alleged
to have sexually abused his own son. In
desperation, Tony filed a formal com-
plaint against his brother and, following
the hearing, a judge in Michigan com
mitted Tommy to a state mental
But in 1978, lı
ing of Rowe's in-
dictment, Tommy d packed his wife
son, three Dobermans and all their be-
longings into а van and driven to Ala-
ba to be present for the trial. He
thought that once Rowe was indicted,
it would be only a matter of weeks, pe
haps months, before the trial. He did
not realize that Rowe, who lived and
worked as a private investigator in
Savannah, could fight. extradition in the
courts of Georgia and Alabama for over
а year and a half—and in Federal courts
for almost the same length of time.
my expected that soon after his
he would sir in the Souther
Got courtroom in Lon
d see both Rowe
10 mial for the death of
that time, all of Tommy's romantic n
tions of a master conspiracy to murder
his mother would be enacted on a court
room stage in front of him. and all of
the countless people who had harmed
him would then be punished. He re-
mained in Lowndes County for almost a
full yea c he waited for Rowe to
be brought to trial. But within a short
time after his arrival in the tiny, spars
ly populated county, news of his appe
тсе had spread to almost everyone.
Connecied to the outside world by
Highway 80 on the north and the new
interstate on the south, Lowndes is one
of those primordial, remote Southern
counties with long memories and uncei
ain futures. Before Tommy arrived, his
other's name was part of its memory,
and his presence unsettled the daily,
fixed routine and gossip of the p
Fhe whites of Lowndes had resented
hi ther and had voluntarily partic
pated in the denial of her martyrdom.
to the extent of applauding the acqu
of the Klansmen who had been accom-
plices in her murder. To th Tommy's
unexpected arrival on their parched
landscape in the dry, hot fall of 1978
was generally regarded as nothing less
than the appearance of a ghost, a name
from beyond the grave, Unfortunately,
not long alter he arrived and set up
housekeeping, ny came close to
haunting the entire county.
Anticipating a short stav, he had
brought along all the money he could
scrape together s of waiting
for Rowe's trial dragged into months, his
funds ran out and he searched for work.
A profesional truck d
Tommy now encountered the economic
reality of a region where any
above minimum wage was considered
extravagant and the unemployment rates
vndes County
nd the FBI brought
mother. At
among теп his age were st
Unable to shake his dissatisfaction
with the jobs offered him. Tommy ap:
peared to many not to want to hold
down a job, to take affront in the day-
to-day existence of Lowndes
Actually. the county had cha
the years following the murder of his
mother, The Voting Rights Act of 1965
had enabled the blackmajority popul:
tion to elect black officials for the first
time. But in Lowndes County, political
enfranchisement and economic. growth
did not run parallel. Although the
brurality of whites toward blacks was no
longer a feature of daily life. the eco-
nomic growth by blacks was only slightly
altered from During his year in
Lowndes County, Tommy received job
offers and assistance from the county
blacks. The whites were terrified that he
had come to extract wholesale revenge
Tor I nother's murder.
And as he applied Michigan. pay
^s and working conditions to jobs
offered to him by blacks who had only
recently found poli freedom. and
were still themsely ming of eco-
nomic advantages, Tommy believed him
self to be facing frustrations in his
day-to-day life in Lowndes identi
i his quest for the
those he had faced
truth concerning his mother’s murder.
On the night of her death, when Tom
my and Tony were awakened by the
screams of their father and sisters, Tom
my stepped inside а world that was to
lternate for him between romance and
reality, revenge and resignation. By the
fall of 1978, when he arrived in Lowndes
County, he firmly believed his moth
had been assasi
acy. In. Tommy's theory, his mother
nissing Мак between the
Southern civil rights movement and the
labor unions. So the Govern
ment. probably the FBI, did not want
Viola to tie together Southe
and Northern labor unions,
When the locals of Lowndes County
asked Tommy why he had moved there.
he told them it was not for revenge. He
ad come to see the Rowe trial,
more importantly. he had come to
the prool lor his theory. H list
at length to his scenario, the locals
would quietly back away. And as he
began to tell people that there
contracts out on his lile in Lowndes
County, people began avoiding him.
Random, brutal Klan and racistin-
spired violence was so heavily a part of
the immediate memories of the locals
that Tommy's conspiracy theories wer
unconvincing. And when he started re-
porting threats against his own life, he
convinced many of the locals that he
was unhinged
Tommy remained in Lowndes for as
long as he could hold down jobs and
make a living: but as tlie days of wait
was the cruci:
icone in
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for the Rowe trial dragged on, his impa-
tience Тог vengeance was characterized
by even more self-destructive. behavior
and new romances of intrigue and con-
spiracy. The same people who had mur-
dered his mother, Tommy reasoned,
were now deliberately delaying Rowe's
trial as they hired gunmen to find him.
He moved into a small house at the
end of a long. winding red-dirt road,
deep in the backwoods. The gunmen
would have to search to find him—and.
then they would have to get рам his
Dobermans. Barefoot, he sat sipping a
r on his cement Iront porch at sun-
set. His long black hair was unkempt.
his clothes freshly laundered but un-
i In the twilight, as steam rose
bank of trees on the ridgeline
my could have been just
'king-class Southerner. But then
anch into his theories,
at over there in Selma
a kill me,” Tommy
emotional, hi
hill, To
other we
he would
“The word is
that somebody's gi
said. his voice Mat
gray-green eyes nd flat as a
sheet of ice. “Гуе just learned. to live
with it here. Im not here to make
trouble. Nobody's burned a cross on our
lawn vet
v of steam rose
ere on the other side of
several miles away. the newly
resurgent Ku Klux Klan was marching
from Selma to. Montgomery. pausing at
the site of his mother's murder to spit
on the ground where she had. died, to
deserved what she got. Bur Tom-
ppeared oblivious 10 the. inherent
dangers in a revived Klan, in tune on
with the conspiracy to wipe him out.
"s an elitist group of powerful
people that create changes at a whim.”
he said. “They saw the civil rights
movement as ап untapped source of
у and labor. They selected Dr.
He had everything—the charisma,
the veice—and when they were done
with him, they threw him They
had to have tha his. Act.
People had to to be
shed. They gunned educators, ministers,
young people and my mother. They
were all gunned for psychological ad-
vantages. Probably as long as I live, PH
think about that.”
At times, his words
as elusive from th
wees. But there was nothing elusive in
how Tommy sat deadsstill on
porch, staring into the deep woods su
rounding his house, as if watching and
waiting for the men who had been paid
ill him.
ther Tommy’s patience or his abilit
to evade hit men finally тап ош in
Lowndes County. He placed an ad in the
dassified section of the Selma Times-
ries were
Son of slain civilrights worker,
Viola Liuzzo, desperately needs
money to get home. Contact Tom
Liuzzo, Star Route. Box 100. Minter
Alabama 36761. By October 15.
If the whites of Lowndes County or
their paid assassins had been searching
the woods for Tommy. he had
published his address in the news
And within a few w having
ceived. as he termed it. “a measly 5100
Irom his ad. he was heading back to
Detroit. the front of his small house
riddled with buckshot.
Local newspapers ran stories about the
shooting incident. Tommy said that he
and his wile and kid and dogs had been
away from home when the shooting
took place. State investigators and the
Lowndes County sheriff's office arrived to
check out his могу, While they were pres-
ent, Tommy's ted violently
from romance to r hin days he
but within
torney General Benja
nd the Justice Department. in
сон to obtain release of the Rowe
Task Force Report. Although United
States District Judge John
Penn has ruled in favor of
on an carly motion, the Justice De-
pariment contends that release of the
entire report must await its review
by Civileti. Since the report wa
completed in July 1070. as we go to
press, PLayHOY is preparing to ask
the court to direct the Attorney Gen
eral to carry out his obligation with-
out further delay.
y k or white, who doubted
that Tommy had shot up his own house.
In response to Rowe's public admis-
n of violence against innocent people
while on the FBI payroll. and in light
of his indictment for murder and ili
press exposures of his violent history. the
Justice Department in 1978 initiated an
internal investigation of Gary Thomas
id to have written a
page report, а cli
to-day acts ol violence (sce box)
Tony Liuzzo wants to see that 302-
page report. He also wants to see the
uncensored. pages from the FBI docu-
ments. as well as 1500 pages of addition
al FBI documents that are said to relate
to his mother’s murder and to the follow-
ing investi:
The Justice Department and the
have refused to rel
information. stating that to do so mi
nterfere with Rowe's ch;
al on the murde
other reason:
The FBI charter is now up for Con-
sional review, and with the exposure
le of Rowe's
of violent informants like Rowe, many
questions are being asked concerning the
use of such informants. While they are
indispensable to any law-enlorcement or
investigative agency. informants like
Rowe seem ultimately counterproductive
Топу Liuzo sull has many questions
about what happened that night oi
Highw 80. He has listened. patiently
to Tommy's romantic theories. and then
cturned to his own investigation. Not
having the Justice Department. report
on Rowe, nor the additional documents
trom the FBI. however, his research
still carried him to what he thinks might
be an ion of his mother's
‘The Selma.to-Montgomery march |
ended and Viola was searchin
car. АП around her on the wide expanse
of asphalt in front of the white-domed
capitol of Alabama, 30.000 civil rights
marchers and their supporters appeared
to be in a hurry to leave. Viola was in
hurry to find hi he had not seen
it since she arrived in Selma а week
before and turned the keys to the 763
blue Oldsmobile over to the Southe
Christian. Leadership Conference for its
use in transporting workers and march-
ers. She wanted her car and she wanted
to find а working telephone so she could
call Jim and the children to tell them
the march was over, that she would leave
for Detroit the next day. She would stay
nother night in Alabama so she could
help that evening in wansporting march-
crs from Montgomery back to Selma
She went first to the Dexter Avenue
Baptist Church. and was told that her
E Jude. a Ro-
г car.
was at the City of
man Catholic conference center. outside
Montgomery. At the City of Saint Jude,
Viola spotted her car. И was being
driven by Leroy Moton. a youn
male from Selma who was а
tion coordinator for the march. who did
not have a dri nse. Viola then
drove hers back to
Later. some of the passengers in her
car would say they thought they were
being followed along Highway 80. At a
high speed. a car pulled up quickly be-
hind Viola and put on its brights,
hey want to see my license plate
Viola said and slowed her car-
The other cur passed, its lights still
on bright. Viola sped up. flashing her
lights on bright. saying she was giving
the driver of that car a taste of his own
In Selma, Viola discharged her pas
engers at the George Washington
Y d turned her car around
toward Mont Moton remained
side the car ro make the return wip
with her.
She stoppe
bought 10.7
$4.16 in cash.
ers lic
1 of m
at а gas station
Ions of gasoline, pay
She and Moton also
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bought soft drinks. Then, as they drove
toward the Edmund Pettus Bridge,
Moton noticed on the City National
ank clock that it was 7:34 р.м. He also
noticed a car with four whites that
had pulled up beside them as they
waited for the streetlights to change.
Viola was singing aloud the verses to
We Shall Overcome she crossed the
bridge in Selma and hit the accelerator
for the trip to Montgomery. She had not
noticed the that was now followi
chase was on. that her life and the life
of the young black stranger were in
danger. it was too late.
The four men in the car behind the
blue Oldsmobile had been gunning for
Martin Luther. King. Jr. The successful
voting rights march [rom Selma to Mont-
had infuriated the Ku Klux
Klan, and the four men in the car were
on a Klan "missionary" assignment. 10
ger revenge.
They had left Birmingham early that
morning and driven to Montgomery
"There. from a service station near the
state capitol. they observed the marchers.
the thousands of blacks and their white
supporters walking triumphantly into
town arm in arm. ustrated in. Mont-
gomery because they could do nothing
more harmful than. yell insults at the
marchers. and determined to strike back
lor the Klan. the four men left for
Selma. They stopped en route at a bar.
Jack's Tavern. and one of the mei
Eugene Thomas, made arrangements for
all four to bc bonded if they were picked
up for any reason. They then sped rapid-
ly along Highway 80 toward Selma
They were pulled over after they
passed through a radar check point set
up by Alabama state troopers. ‘Thomas
was told he had been stopped because of
а loud mufiler. When he gave the Ala-
By the time she actually realized a
bama trooper his drivers license, he
also handed him his honorary badge
from the Fairfield, Alabama. police de
partment. Thomas got off with a warn
ing ticket. The ticket was clocked in at
6:20 к.м.—айпом ten hours alter Bir-
mingham FRI agents claimed they had
put out a bulletin on the redand-
white 1962 Chevrolet Impala driven by
Thomas and carrying Gary "Thomas
Rowe. The Alabama troopers would
later remember. stopping the Chevrolet
with the four men. and one of them
ld x that Rowe the
passenger on the right rear seat.
The men crossed the bridge into Sclma
and stopped at the Silver Moon Calc
There they encountered a heavy-set man
who had been released on bond after
being arrested for the recent murder of
the Reverend James Recb, a white mir
ter who had come to Selma to march. As
they left the Silver Moon. the man said
“I did my job. are you goin
to them: “1
to do yours?” Armed, they drove along
wo ember was
gallapava, eel and lizard, For the store nearest you, write Dan Post Boo
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it’s likely that one of these gentlemen will
show you around.
That’s Garland Dusenberry, our weekend
guide, standing on your left. Big Yodeler
Brannon is the gentleman with the walking
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you've got Boss Edens,
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Weaver. Each of these boys MELLOWED
can talk forever about б
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Tennessee Whiskey • 90 Proof • Distilled and Bottled by Jack Daniel Distillery,
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Placed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Government.
Selma streets. They spotted blacks and
whites walking together and we
to attack when they saw an Army truck
parked nearby. So they moved on,
searching for another place to strike,
wondering if they would find Martin
Luther King. Jr., or another important
civil rights leader. Eaton packed a .2?.
Rowe carried a that. belonged to
Thomas. He had asked Thomas to lend
him the gan. expl g that his own .38
was defective, and, lucklessly, Thomas
give him the gun
The men rode along Broad Street in
downtown Selma and as they approached
the bridge, they pulled up alongside а
763 blue Oldsmobile bearing Michigan
license plates. A white woman was driv-
ing. Seated next to her was a black male.
The Klansmen had finally isolatec
fect target: a white woman riding alone
with a black male in a big car with
license plates from a Northern. state.
They could unload their guns into her
car on the spot and in their dark reason
ing believe they had redeemed the Klan
from its humiliation over the voting-
rights march. As the traffic lights changed
and the two cars made their way toward
the bridge and the narrow highway to
Montgomery, the sidewalk clock at the
City National Bank building flashed the
time: 7:34 P.M.
According to Alabama law, an hour
all four occupants of the Thomas
hicle were guilty of the murder of
Viola Liuzzo, a Michigan housewife who
died instantly when a .38-caliber bullet
hit the spinal cord at the base of her
brain, But a few hours after they sped
from Highway 80. the four Klans-
men were back in Bessemer, celebrating
their success, confident they had gotten
away with murder.
“That bitch is dead and already in
hell,” one of the men
In Bessemer. Rowe returned the .38
o Thomas, and Thomas accepted the
weapon. Rowe then left the three men
and went to a phone booth and called
his FBI control agent.
Tony was never convinced that the
Klan car overtook his mother's car as
effortlessly as their statements said they
did. But as Viola drove east along High-
way 80 and finally realized she was be-
ing chased, she pushed her car to speeds
of 80, 90 and 100 miles per hour
The c hind hers never relented
In the re: w mirror. she saw its head-
lights gaining on her, and then she heard
it drawing up alongside the Olds. On
her right, Moton did not even realize
they were being chased, and he fiddled
with the dials on the car radio. Viola
hit the accelerator again, but now the
other car had the momentum. As Viola
glanced quickly to her left. she saw
Iwo revolvers aimed at her car. But she
never heard them fired
> n j
2 ) 4
/ = A : |
F |
t |
t x 4 74 7]
3 /
4 Vo 4
2 Жу; ^ E
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> A |
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QUAD „22 3
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business, I like to have him stuffed.”
at the
It's 10° outside .. . Even getting colder.
So you bundle up in layers and layers of
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Oh, you were warm, all right. Like in
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But now, at last, Damart has solved
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(continued from page 98)
c mto get off the lor.
She had planned a picnic for herself
and asked if I would like to join her.
Before 1 could say yes or по, she backed
into the street and, holding up a car
behind her, threw open the door and
waited for me to get in.
We drove out of town in the direction
away from the carny. After a while, the
road 1 n to curve around a mount
She drove well. She said she had he;
of a particularly beautiful gorge, but
she followed the twisting road unerring-
ly, as if she had been there before. When
she had to clutch. she slid her body
forward on the scat and plunged her
bad Jeg down smartly to the pedal like
someone testing the water.
Then, in а scatter. of gravel, we were
d eventually, after a
mile or so of bumping along, we pulled
up. She led me through the woods till
we came out in the sun, Thirty or forty
leet below us, a mountain stream ran
down a narrow bed filled with boulders
had the s
that turned the water white, acr
full of derring-do. The water made a
ing sound that the peculiar
effect of hushing everything and render-
ing the woods behind us silent and
secret. Across the sunned space, on the
and light so you can move easily. Under- other side of the gorge, pine trees grew
wear knitted to let the perspiration evapo- from the cracks on the vertices of the
rate through so you always stay warm and rock face. It was very beautiful. 1 took
dry next to your skin. es; We g
ое off my shirt and shoes, We sat dangling
our legs over a large rock half in sun.
fabric—Thermolactyl. No other underwear
does this! You can wear Damart indoors too, half in shade. Mrs. Hearn had brought
and turn your thermostat into the 60's. You'll a shoe box filled with sandwiches n
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they let him.”
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“Oh, she's just there
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“But not yo
"That's right.
The two of them
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YES! Rush me your FREE DAMART Catalog. . . | want to enjoy the fantastic warmth of Ther-
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ve dreams!
attered to be portrayed i
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A receiver with advanced
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The RS270 includes a built-in
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Fisher Corporation, 1980
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someday prove myself in ways that
would make those who had treated. me
badly regret what they had donc. Who
were they, these people? Apparently,
they were the same mother and father 1
said I had rejected. And of course 1
couldn't name what they had done. But
there were others, too, individuals with-
out [ace or name, but whom, collectively,
I would show.
“Pll show them all,” I said, pulling on
the wine bottl
Mrs. Hearn touched my arm
are not carny any more than 1,” she s
Hell, no, lady."
"You have too much the
Oh, you could fool some. always with the
easygoing smile. But never was I fooled.
You want more.
1 looked into her eyes at t
They were too close together and set in
sallow skin, but of a smoky grayness fall
of scintillating intelligence. She lifted
her arms and removed her kerchief. She
withdrew a pin or two and ran her
fingers trough her white-blonde h
and shook her head so that it all fell
down about her shoulders.
I lay on my back on the rock in the
sun and felt the blood stepped up in me
like a current. The sun filled my closed
with light. I agreed with М
arn. Both of us were quite special.
She kissed my chest as T thought 1 de-
served and caressed me and unbuttoned
my pants and put her hands on me. She
took me in her mouth
How and
middle-aged cripple. But she had made
herself the one alternative to this un
promising existence, Neither on that
first in the encounters
now if I satisfied.
never thought much
bout it. Her bad leg angled off very
high on the hip and she threw her other
leg out at an equal angle: I threw myself
into that isosceles as if to be guided up.
the avenue to freedom. 1 recall the
sound in my ears of her breathing, a
peculiar voiceless huffing, like a steam
locomotive, and I recall her hands on
my shoulders and my back, and what I
think now is that just having the young
man, holding him around and feeling
him drive for his moment was enough
for Mrs, Hearn.
afternoon nor
that followed do I
Magda Hearn. 1
hereafter, she was alacritous in the
doing of favors. Food became a theme
of our lives, the means of our mating.
When Sim was off on one of his mysteri-
ous trips, I dined in his own trailer on
some Hungarian delight composed at
great trouble and expense. My penetra-
tion of his private household did not
demean him in my eyes. It was a trailer
like all thi perhaps a bit grander,
if such small space сап be thought of
I Magda’s,
d there was no picture, no item that
bore any hint of her husband. Clearly,
in no spiritual sense was he to be found
distance from me un-
“Without a doubt, it's the greatest
act in wrestling today.”
never broach his supreme indifference.
This did not give me courage to con-
tinue—Magda would see that was not
necessary—but instead made me
I would rather have been al
guilty in the traditional manner of
lovers of women who belong to someone
else than a creature so low as to bc
beneath his habitual line of visio
Under the burden of such feclings, I
dvanced the relationship with N
Hearn by becoming surly and difficult.
She responded by br g me orang
and cigarettes. She washed my clothes.
She bought me a sweater as the nights
became cooler. When 1 wore it. 1 won-
dered how the whole carny could keep
from knowing. I would make the twice-
nightly procession with Fanny the
ауз hand on my shoulder and think
yone's eyes were on me.
"Then one day, one of the rousts con-
ulated me Гог sewing up a winter
job with Hearn Brothers.
“What do you mean?”
job?" Had a list been posted somewhe
“What job!” he said, We were raising
the main tent at the time and he
stopped what he was doing to look for
an audience. "The kid says what job!”
He ran over to the tent pole that at this
moment was being raised and jostled
into position, and he straddled it, put-
ting his hand on his hip as it went up
between his legs. “What job!"
Everyone was laughing. I wanted to
kill the m ble bastard. Instead. 1
waved my hand and smiled if 1 had
been making a joke. Let them think 1
knew what I was doing. I wanted to be-
lieve it myself, But I felt that if the best
that could be said about me was t
was banging Magda Hearn for a job
down South, then I was а carny. She had
claimed we were better than the rest of
them, but it wasn't so. Worl the
ropes, driving the truck or
Magda Hearn, I was а carny
the fellowship of the malformed,
poverished and criminally disposed spir-
its known as the carny.
1 said. "What
ights now seemed to r
grew colder
temper was sharpened, as if the chill of
the season were bi g people out to
their natural brazen edges. We came one
day to a town less promising than any
Га seen, It was shut down and boarded,
almost deserted, Опе моге
tavern, made over from clapboard
house, seemed to be open. I don't re-
member the name of this town, it was
like a tree with just a branch or two still
. In a lot beside the boarded-up
railroad depot, Sim Hearn gave the sig
nal and we put up for business. 1
didn’t understand it. In the evening,
we turned on the lights and а few moun-
tain people straggled in, but most of the
ce by.
and onc
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
12 mg. "tar", 0.9 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FIC Report Dec. 79,
Great Days seem to happen
more often when you're
wearing Brut® by Fabergé.
After shave, after shower,
after anything?
time, the freaks talked to one another,
because nothing else was doing. I
thought I'd seen the first mistake from
Sim Hearn. He closed down early and I
waited for the order to strike the tents.
It did not come. The next night. we
were open to the same wind, which blew
sharply through the booths and rated
the tent flaps, as if somewhere far over
the mountains were a gang war of
tommy guns.
I wondered if Hearn Brothers were
telling us the season was over by enact-
ing the news. There were unprecedented
rituals. The cook built a fire on the
ground and heated a galvanized
can filled with water. He took а scrub
brush and brown soap to his pots. 1
other people packing. Ma
she said.
"^ goes no farther
he told you anythin;
"No." I said. I thought she was talking
about that job for the winter.
The next morning. we struck. every-
thing but the show tent. We т
wood shutters on the wagons and nailed
them shut. There was an old carbarn
across the tracks from the depot and we
and lined them
up. After lunch, a few people left with
their bags or bundles. Nobody said good
bye or even looked at anyone else. I
think I was shocked by this. Despite all
my other feelings, I could believe there
was privilege in the attachment. to
Hearn Brothers. It angered me that
carny folk would unceremoniously walk
away, as if it had bestowed no more dis-
tinction than a mission flop. Those leav-
ing didn't even say so long. nor did those
not yet leaving expect them to, People
ised the
pushed wagons in there
just got out on the road and began
walking. I had wanted a more human
ending. | wanted signs of regret, the
farewells of friends.
Fanny the Fat Lady's wagon was in
place and hadn't been moved. Fanny
was tended to by a woman who was
cither her sister or her aunt, I never
found out which. This woman did not
speak English. For several days. she had
been tearful and nervous because the fat
lady had not been well.
I saw Magda coming out of Fanny's
Wailer, "Fanny wheezes like the cali-
ope.” she said.
“Well, why doesn't someone
tor?" I said.
Magda Hearn put her hand on my
cheek and looked. into my eyes. “I wor-
ry.” she said. “I am frightened to think
someday if we are not together what will
happen to you."
Several ol the freaks were leaving in
group. In the late afternoon, ] was
delegated to take a truck and drive them
about 15 miles to called Chester,
where there was a spur line to Albany.
et a doc-
1 still didn't know what was going on. In
the cab with me sat the woman who had
taken care of Fanny. The whole ride,
she wept and blew her nose and wept
again. She kept her satchel on the seat
with her, pressing it between her hip
and the door. She said words aloud to
herself in а language that sounded to me
like Sp if her running stream of
thoughts came up over the banks every
now and then. At one point, she glanced
at me and, thinking I was concentrating
on my driving, she lifted her skirt well
above the top of her stocking, fingered
the metal clip of her garter to make sure
it was fastened properly and pulled her
skirt back down and glanced at me
ain. From the corner of my eyes, T
d seen tucked into her stocking a wad
of bills that looked to me like a surpris-
ing lot of money.
1 let off the truckload of freaks and
their keepers at the station in Chester,
New York. They hopped, dimbed or
were Jowered from the tail gute of the
wuck and went limping and scutling
into the waiting room. carrying their
bags like anyone else. Dressed in ordi-
nary clothes. they were a shocking sight
I imagined the stationmaster through
bis grille seeing this company approach to
ask him about the schedule and the cost
of tickets. I thought of them as pilgrims,
petitioners or revolutionaries of an
angry religion. of which they were still
the only adherents.
When I got back, it was already dark
In the unlighted Tot
to find dozens of trucks and cars and
wagon teams. I turned. off the engine,
opened the door and stood for а mo-
ment on the running board. Back be-
yond the lot, there was a hill that rose
steeply and was blacker than the night
sky. D could see its ragged silhouette in
the sudden giving away of blue-black
space. I had thought I heard some sort
of scream. and as I listened now. it was
something else, a drum on the
the sound of a rug as irs beaten. What
ever it was was in the show tent. I
dosed the door
tent and а man stepped out of the shad
ow and put his hand on my arm, A
flashlight was turned on my face.
“Who's this?” a voice said
And then 1 heard Magda Hearn's
voice: "He's all right." she said. "He's
with show.”
My arm was still held and I could
feel the consideration of this intelligence
in the mind behind the light. The flash
light went off and in the sudden dark
ness, I saw. fading quickly. the image of
а state trooper, blocked hat and badge
and gun belt hung with the accouter
ments of the Iaw. Then my arm was
released, the marks of the inquiring
fingers still on me, like the afterimage
on the retina. Now Magda Hearn was
I was astonished
earth or
nd moved toward the
walking me toward the show tent. “Joe,
she said. “I want you to see, to under-
stand. And when you are through, I will
be waiting for you in the саг. Do you
hear me?"
“What's going on?" I said. “What are
the police doing here?”
‘Joe, please to listen.” She was whi
pering in my car and, in cach суйе of
her crippled gait, the sibilance ros
fell in waves of intelligibility. “W;
You must. Quickly. Car.
Then I passed through the flaps.
The show tent had a few rows of
bleacher seats and a small ring where
the ponies could run around and the
bareback sisters, if they were so inclined,
could do their desultory turns. It was
few bare bulbs hanging from
ng. For a few days carly in the
summer, Hearn had offered а fire-cater
and he had been featured here. It was
an all-purpose structure, depending on
who was around and what the crowd
1s looking for.
The wooden stands were empty. Per-
haps 80 or 100 men, carny h
them, stood in the dirt of the ring itself.
They made a noisy circle of the most
intense concentration. I couldn't see
over their backs but heard sounds not
unfamiliar to me—the night music, the
grunts and gurgling moans and squeals
of Fanny the Fat Lady. As the rhythm
of these sounds accelerated. the men
began to respond with shouts and cries
of encouragement. Then I heard that
peculiar basso thumping. as if the carth
itself were being drummed. I pushed
into the back ranks just as this crescendo
abruptly ceased and from the silence
there roared the hoarse male voice of
expiration. Whistles and cheers came
from the crowd, men turned outward
where I could sce them drinking from
boules or exchanging money. Then,
staggering through the ring of cele-
brants, buttoning his pants, was a grilter
I recognized. He sank down on his knees
beside me, removed a flask from his back
pocket and took a long pull
I moved forward. Some sort «
ambiguous shame was rísing through the
roots of my sex into my stomach and
chest: It felt like illness. 1 reached the
front rank and saw Fanny on her back,
ms rd as if pin
ioned in igantic servitude.
She ng, cach
spasmodic jerk rippling her flesh. Her
breath rasped and wheezed. The sweat-
athered flesh was са , but
ds amon
with shocking exposures of whiteness
the folds of her
or red in her center
А mo-
ment nother celebrant. of her
рреше for life had fallen on her. The
crowd yelled and jammed up around
me. She was quickly brought to pitch,
her great back rising and thumping into
the carth, but this lover didn't last long
and, to a great merriment of raucous
hoots and jcers, he stumbled out of the
Almost immediately, another was mov-
ing forward to have his turn, and then
another, the whole cycle of events con-
doned with raised flasks of moonshine.
How long could I have borne this vi-
sion? A moment or two I would believe,
but if that was all in my hot pity I
could endure, how is it I scc even now
such detail as to suggest the imprint of
rapt attention?
I attacked one of the rubes as he
moved toward her, unbuckling his belt.
І knocked him down and kicked him in
the groin. He yowled, doubling up and
clutching himself, and 1 took his place.
crouching beside the fat lady, facing
them all, my fists clenched, the ducts of
rage and despair filling my throat. 1
was screaming something, 1 don't re-
member what, it was probably unin
telligible. A great agitated babble of
complaint went through the tent. and
ighter, too, and taunts to the effect
that I had broken the rules!
1 looked at Fanny. Was I hoping for
a sign of recognition from her? Some
mute acknowledgment that I was her
friend? But I was unseen. She lay there
pulsating in her agony, her cycs were
rolled into her head. Her mouth was
open and off gasping animal
wheezes. She was beyond my attentions.
i: I felt abandoned. betrayed
by her, as by life itself, the human pre-
tense. enraged with her! In. my
nostrils. mixed with the sharp menace
of alcoholic fume, was an organic stench,
а bitter foul smell of burning nerves,
and shit and scum.
Then something flew out at me, a pint
boule, or a rock, and caught me low
on the forehead. I went down, dazed,
clutching my eyes, bright lines in my
brain. I'm not sure of the moments im-
ediately following. I had fallen on
Fanny as if on some soft rotten carcass.
Her arms helplessly went around me. 1
was panicked and tried to extricate my
self, My struggles were mistaken—I was
pulled out of her grasp by my fect and
dragged through the dirt and kicked and
rolled and yanked to my feet and given
a final clout on the side of my head. T
found myself on my knees, back behind
the crowd. I was wet. Blood streamed in
my сус. But the ceremony continued.
There were men drooling there. There
were onanists. There were gamblers pro-
posing the moment of death. Later there
were men leaping on her, on each other,
ing on her, shoving bottles in
. There were gallants pulling away
the cruder tormentors, looking for some
law of decency, calling for order, for
Have a
real ball!
Introducing Brut 33 Roller-Ball
Anti-perspirant and Deodorant.
The big ball gives you
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some refinement if
And Fanny.
with these spermy r
just in the sl
as he leaned, slightly apart, a
side of the bl
s folded and hi
the ankles. his Face
through the hoarse cries
giving up a Sim He
ance by degrees, tr
ics to the killing р
an't r
tent or getting into the с
absolute the mountains in the Model A, the he
whem. His connection lights brightening with acceleration and
» braking, I became aware
е engine reverber;
gh the floor. the bones
g the ground pitch of
n's face was
only was the
es was indicated going dim wi
her supports, with his of
the shadow of his lit in the dim
I could swear ] lı
“What do you say we get to the ‘Joy of
Cooking’ after ‘The Joy о] Se:
ndolence of his stance of where I was,
inst the tions went thro:
y legs soundi
Il pleasure was not thoughtful and preoccupied sucking of
rn's tongue on his own teeth.
member running from the
. Riding over
legs crossed at the machine. Magd
d tive dashboard. She seemed to urge the
d shouts and саг forward by her v
nd orgiastic death, the contracted, chin
y expression, brow
putting English on the turns. At the bot-
tom of a hill. she gunned th ngine,
and reaching the point of failing mo-
mentum halfway up the hill, shifted into
the lower gear with a plunge forward of
her left side. She was a manic chauffeur
with no thought of her appearance, all
pretense abandoned in the security of
her possession and the crisis of the mo-
ent. She came over the tops of hills
with her horn blowing. the headlights
making a quick stab at the night sky.
And all the while she talked.
“OF course, they never live long,
the heart wot
he watches and then he sees the signs—
ke — breath.
should—from the bed she
hersellI—the people know | Hearn—he
gives somet ial at the end of
she doesn't
through the mountains—look where we
are—we make time better than 1 hoped."
In the ly morn when she
Гау out of range of the evil
town, she turned into а mote
paid for a cabin in the pines farthest
from the road. Wedged into the rumble
seat was my footlocker containing every-
thing I possessed in the world: she had
packed it and put it there, Her
a black Gladstone with fr.
was beside it. We took these into the
cabin with us and locked the
locked ourselves in the cabin and pulled
the shades, and then she turned on the
It was а small, dirty room with the
corrupt smell of old untreated wood.
The bed was a double with a thin gray-
striped mattress, venerably spotted, and
imp sack of feathers for a pillow. A
khaki blanket was folded at the foot.
Mrs. Hearn went limping about the
room. establishing our residence. She
found sheets in the closet and made
the bed. She rummaged
small white cotton towel, which she
spread. over the top of the bu
remember that room as clearl
were standing bw, the rolls of dust
on the floor, the ceiling bulb, the smell,
nd this woman taking out of her purse
manila envelope and withdrawing
from the envelope a stack of greenbacks,
which she placed on the clean white
cotton towel.
"Sim knows to get the money before
the fun starts,” she said. "To Albany to
bank it he thinks I am going.” She stood
t the | ad counted. the bills. 1
sat down on the bed and took off my
shoes and socks. D watched her. Every
she would wet her
aside of her lower lip,
down so that for a moment
her lower teeth showed and her expres-
sion went slack, When she was finished,
she turned to me and her eyes widened
judged us
court and
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Power to the E
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£19800 S Pioneer Беков
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with awe. "А thousand one hundred and
cighty-four dollars,” she said.
She turned back to the bur
dug in her purse and extracted a wallet
and from this took another wad of bills
“And plus salary that he never paid
she said in а tone of vengeful triumph
Again the thumb applied to the red in-
ide of her lip. She counted aloud this
ic. “Two hundred I squeeze from you,
you bastard!"
She opened her Gladstone. interrupt
ing herself to press her lips strongly on
my mouth.
She pulled the string tie of a small
nvas coin sack and spilled a stream ol
coins onto the bed.
ted the coins. She lay on the
es of nickels
nd halves. The
liule piles collapsed me together
because she was shaking the bed with
her guttural glee, She started over. She
didn't miss a penny; if there were coins
smaller denominations. she would
ve counted them. too. She was ready
at coins forever and to bitterly
calculate the suffering she had done for
cach one.
“You know what? Ti
his car
horrow we trade
ad buy new. We
you and
in our new car on the way
to California before even he thinks is
something wrong!"
She nd lay on her
back fted her a
‘Come to me, come to Magda. You know
what” Kissing me, running hands on
me, opening one by one the buttons
o y. "To Hollywood we are going.
I have read the magazines. I understand
wie business. I will sell my life
one will
know who Magda is." She unbuckled my
belt, she opened the butions of my
shirt. She kissed my chest and pulled
the shirt down off my shoulders. “And
who knows, with your looks. why you,
movie маг make! And
we will love each other and have great
sooccess. Shall we?" she said. laughing.
"Shall we?
Her emotion was too private for me.
There was lure of thinking in it.
She was not stealing Sim Hearn's money:
he was fingering the tissues and cells
of the fat lady's transubstantiated. flesh.
At the time, 1 couldn't have
this, of course; years have to go by be-
fore we know what we've lived through.
And, m any case, | make no moral
claims. I had actually caught evil as one
catches a lever, and it was to rage in
me the whole dark night, like an inex-
haustible delirium. For a while, Mrs.
Hearn didn't understand. this, she be-
lieved our passions were joyful,
why should she по But my intention
was inhuman, the duplication of the
force of 100 men in unholy fellowship,
1 it was no less dangerous to her from
its impossibility of fulfillment. 1 fucked
past her joy into her first alarm. As in a
kind of imprinting, my spirit had taken
on what its eyes had scen, and 1 went at
100, cannot a
her like а murderous drunkard. I saw on
her face under the weak glare of the
hanging bulb the dilated eye. 1 saw a
paling middleaged face with loosened
folds of skin at the neck that rose it
ridges as she shook her head. I was en-
ed by the flaws of her body, not only
the unnatural Celt in her left hip but
the effect of this, too. in the unmistak-
ble atrophy of one buttock. She had
aied veins behind her Her
breasts, though small. hung f it
weighed down by their nipples. She was
very still, The contest became one in
which I would try by whatever depravity
to make her give voice to what she felt.
‘She resisted stubbornly. Tears blossomed.
a her eyes. And then the voice did
come, and then the voice more frequent-
nd finally she
along, my ally,
nd the les-
ly. and more insistent,
seemed to be urging me
or as if I were the teacher
son was taking.
me more. М we must have sounded
like at the Pine Grove Motor Court, our
music mingling with the night wind in
the pines outside, the tree trunks creak-
the million crickets. 1 ended
in. We wrestled. She begged
me to stop. Tears of moi
m my eyes. I let her fall a
ide her moan. At onc point,
a coin pasted to me, like a
medallion, was lost inside her. There
тау have been periods of fitful sap-
drenched sleep. At а moment in which
1 perceived a 1 the window
shade, a premoni
vented a use of Magd
ble to her that with the same cry
t must have come from her the d
in her girlhood she fell twisting [rom
circus heights, she flung herself off
hed d hit the floor. The sound
nd breath sl
. Th was a sick
was of bone and flesh
ng on hard shi
sound. I lay on my back on the bed. not
daring to sce what hı ppened to her
1 heard a small soprano ay. а deeper
moan, a whispered curse. 1 lay still.
After a while, 1 realized I was listening
heaviness of breath nd grad-
y this turned into the snores of an
ed human being
ated us to be in the
She had it all worked out. The
iateness of this trite vision to a thiev-
ripple snoring on the floor of a
old newly
established in the dereliction of true
selfhood, did not occur to me. 1 got off
the bed and rolled my clothes and mı
shoes into a bundle. 1 grabbed the mon-
ey from the bureau. [ unlatched the
door quietly and closed it behind me.
There were no other guests Pine
Grove Motor Court. A thin frost lay on
the windshield of the Model A. The
wind blew.
1 reared back and threw the bills
into the wind. I thought of them as the
lady's ashes.
1 fou
d a privy up the hill behind
the cabins and next to it an outdoor
shower. [ stood in the shower of cold
spring water and looked up at the sw:
ing tops of the pine trees, and watched
the sky lighten and heard through the
water and the toneless wind the sounds
of the first birds waking.
1 dried myself as best 1 could and put
on my clothes and my shoes in a tremble
of stippled skin and turned my back on
the cabins and struck off through the
woods. I had no idea where 1 was going.
п didn't. particularly matter. 1 ran to
get warm. ] r: nto the woods as to
another world.
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С. GORDON LIDDY (continued from page 166)
“Lenin was historically correct when he said, ‘Treaties
are like piecrust; they are made to be broken.
propo: nd actions. Га act above all
on the assumptions encompassed by the
ancient Reman maxim “Let him who
desires peace prepare for war." I mean,
Christ. you can see how disastrous our
present policy is by translating it into
street terms. How long do you think
well-dressed, well-fed guy fat wad
of bills sticking out of his pocket would
last in any tough neighborhood in this
сошигу? He wouldn't reach the end of
in one hand and a
you can make
s like that bad
ot. So Га
d the world
whether we like
vastly beef up our military machine as a
start, both the conventional forces and
our nuclear capability, which has fallen
dangerously behind the Russians’. The
oblem is that our leaders, like Carter,
think day to day and week to week,
jumping [rom arisîs to crisis with no
sense of over-all strategy and no continu-
ity to ou But the Rus-
les. Their
Marxist-Leninist ideology, which they
© convinced will eventually cover the
globe. They are not ideologs, howev
they are realists in both their mil
id their political strategy. They a!
their faith in Pan not prayer. They
won't be bought off by sweaty-palmed
protestations of friendship or stalled
long by concessions in the name of
détente—concessions like SALT П, for
which only further erodes our
capability visitvis the U.S.S.R.
as historically correct when he
said, “ ies e piecrust; they
are made to be br
PLAYBOY: Do you think war with the
Soviet Union is inevitable?
LIDDY: No, but it's a distinct possibility
as long as we pursue our present policy
of drift and decay. Where there's a power.
vacuum, as there exists in many areas of
the globe today because of i
weakness and retreat, the strong
namic force will naturally and inev
ke its move. That corresponds
ture to the concept of natural selection—
the survival of fittest. Right now,
we're in the position of the old bull who's
“Six months? Why, think nothing of it.I haven't
felt like it in six year:
faltering, pulling in his horns, betraying
his vulnerability. Well, there are hungry
young bucks out there ready and wil
to challenge us for leadership of the
herd. As the poet Robert William Ser-
vice wrote, "This is the law of the Yukon,
that only the strong shall thrive; / That
surely the weak shall perish, and only the
fit survive.” What is true of individ
с for nations. You can c
у successfully defend.
Do you believe that Ror
1, who scems to share your view of
the Russians, could provide that leader-
also holds tr
hold wi
Well, I'm sure he would surround
od and able men who do
perceive the reality of the crisis we
front, And, of course, I'm anxious to sce
m and take
not going to endorse
sidential candida
just too damned controversial, and the
guy I like the most I'd probably hurt the
most, а kind of kiss-ol-death effect.
PLAYBOY: Returning to the q
ıl defense, are you in
troduction of the draft?
иррү: Yes, І certainly ат. What we've
got now is a voluntary Army dispro-
portionately staffed by the dregs of so-
ciety, who аге in turn driving out the
seasoned professionals
remember, Rome fell when the Rom:
legions were no longer manned by Ro-
mans but by mercena And that,
100, stemmed from a | ilure of
will. The emperors became more con-
cerned with ing the mob by
than de-
on of
ov of the
day of reckon
s will be, When Emperor
Augustus learned that the crack 17th,
18th and 19th legions under Quint
us had been wiped out by the Ger-
tore at
where ai
One cm almost imagine similar lamen
tations White House after the
abortive rescue mission, with
Jimmy Carter crying, “Beckwith, Beck-
with, whe my helicopters?” W's a
tional tragedy that 1 1 must
nd igno-
e m
is Pentagon
су responsible for our
rance of third:
waste and inellicie
current state of n
uppy: Oh, there's an element of tha
sure, as there is in any bureaucracy, mil
tary or civilian, But by and large, the
military does the best with what it has.
We just haven't given it enough. For the
ast ten years, the proportion of the gross
national product we spend on defense
has steadily declined, while the propor-
tion the Soviets spend has steadily in-
creased. And today мете paying the
price for that systematic neglect. Whether
we like it or not, we are already in a
state of strategic and conventional inferi.
ority, and there's little likelihood the
n will improve appreciably in the
future. 105 not just Carter's fault,
ther, though he has a lot to answer for,
The fact is that a great many Americans,
including significant opinion-molding ele-
ments of the media, have been living in
Cloud-Cuckoo-Land as far as national
defense goes. It's the Charlie the Tuna
syndrome all over again—if we just ig-
nore the bad news, it'll go away. As in
Afghanistan, reality has an unpleasant
habit of waking us up with a rifle butt
hammering at the door in the middle
of the night. The only question is if
we'll learn our lesson in time, and if our
national will is sufficient to face the
challenges ahead. In the long run, you
know, a nation’s psychology is far more
crucial than its military hardware. My
Oriental instructor in the martial arts
taught me that the outcome of a battle
is decided in the minds of the opponents
well before the first blow is struck. We
certainly saw that in the France of 1940.
The French had more troops, more tanks,
more guns than the Germans, more of
almost everything except the fanatic and
disciplined esprit de corps of the Ger-
man fighting man. Hitler's secret weapon
wasn't the brilliant and imaginative
coupling of Panzer and Stuka in con-
certed ground-air attack; it was the cour-
age of the individual Wehrmacht soldier,
each of whom carried blitzkrieg in his
breast. Can you imagine what Rommel's
Afrika Korps would do with today's vol-
unteer Army, the Army that “wants to
join you,” as the recruiting posters said?
Jesus, they'd chew us up and spit us out
in no time flat. We couldn't fight our
way out of a wet paper bag today.
PLAYBOY: The admiration for the German
fighting spirit you've just expressed, and
your general fascination with all things
German, is an underlying leitmotiv of
Will, and has assumed sinister overtones
in the eyes of some critics, who accuse
you of being a closet Nazi sympathizer.
Could they be right?
LIDDY: They couldn't be more wrong. It's
true that I do admire the mentality of the
northern Teutonic races, not only their
fighting spirit but also, and equally im-
portant, their work ethic and sense of dis-
ciplinc. I find all those values admirable,
and have always identified with them.
But I have absolutely no sympathy for
Adolf Hitler and Nazism. Remember,
German history spans thousands of
year, and the 12 years of the Third
Reich was no more than a historical
aberration. One of the many tragic as-
pects of the holocaust is that the very
German virtues I have enumerated—
LI ж
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discipline, efficiency, the ability to subor-
dinate emotion to duty—were perverted
into the organized annihilation of mil-
lions of not only
Jews but gypsies and Slavs as well. To
me, that is the antithesis of all the
things I admire about the German mar-
tial spirit, and it is a stain on German
honor from which the country will take
many years to recover. But in fairness,
I can thc sheer
and military genius of German soldiers
like Rommel who took no part in such
atrocities, and maintained their
their country's honor intact. But for
Adolf Hider and the psychopathic
scum in the concentration camps who
butchered babies on an assembly line be-
cause they were born into the wrong race,
I have nothing but contempt
PLAYBOY: Many reviewers of your auto-
biography have speculated, nonetheless,
that if you had been born in Germany,
you would have made one hell of a Nazi
luppy: What can you really say to some-
thing like that? I mean, shit, I'm just as
interested in the extraordinarily deep
and rich culture of Japan, and equally
fascinated by the tradition Bushido
code of the samurai м What're
they going to say about that? “Oh, Liddy
would have flown a Zero at Pearl Har-
bor"? Come on.
PLAYBOY: If you had been born in Ger-
many and been of fighting age in World
innocent civilians,
alo admire courage
War Two, would you have served in
Hitler's armies?
uppy: Well, d
of course.
s all extremely hypothet-
Here you are slapping
me down in another culture and anoth
er time and asking how I'd behave
Would I have been conditioned by my
society into accepting Hitler as ior,
as our German maid did in the Thirties?
I certainly hope not, and, in fact, I sus-
pect just the opposite. I can accept and
serve authority 1 respect, but against
authority that I despise, I quickly turn
to rebellion, as I did in the slammer
when I fought the prison administration
tooth and nail. In the case of Germany,
you must remember that I'm a political
conservative, and I respect tradition and
the values of Western culture, and so 1
think it far more likely 1 would have
joined those conservatives and Catholics
who tried to overthrow Hitler. Like Carl
Goerdeler, or Count von Stauffenberg,
the heroic German officer who had lost an
arm, hand and eye on the Eastern front
but returned to almost blow Hitler to
smithereens at Rastenburg during the
July 20th plot in 1944. And who, need-
less to say, was executed by the Gestapo
shortly afterward. But yes, like Stauffen
berg as well, I'm sure I would have
fought for my country, probably in the
Luftwaffe or a Panzer division. But it's
all sheer speculation, of course. Next
you'll be asking where I keep my Iron
PLAYBOY. If Hitler had abjured anti-
Semitism and genocide, could you have
supported him?
LIDDY: No. It would have made his regime
less loathsome, of course, but he'd still
have been a dictator, and Nazi Germany
would still have been a totalitarian state.
Again, as a conservative, I support the
concept of a society chat, whenever possi
ble, is voluntary and noncoercive. As I
explained when discussing the upheavals
of the Sixties, there are times when the
state, to preserve that very humane soci-
ety, must intrude into the privacy and
freedom of the individual, but it should
be done as sparingly as possible, and only
in response to a clear and present danger
to the very stability and security of the
society. A totalitarian state, by its very
nature, permanently imposes itself as the
master of the individual, and thus is
inherently abhorrent to me. Some, like
Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia, are
bloodier than others, but all аге ulti-
mately destructive of the human spirit
PLAYBOY: Your abhorrence of Hitler's
genocide certainly sounds sincere, but it
only makes your own fascination with the
if you really loathed everything Hitler
stood for, why did you go out of your wa
to arrange a special screening of Leni
Riefenstahls classic Nazi propaganda
i сга more perplexing. For example,
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film, Triumph of the Will, for a group
of top White House aides?
LIDDY: Well, you've got to understand the
background to that. John Ehrlichman
and others who had run Nixon's 1968
campaign were always regaling people
about what great advance men they'd
been, and what giant rallies they'd or-
ganized, with balloons going up in the air
by the hundreds, and on and on ad nause-
am. I got so bored hearing about those
“mammoth rallies" of theirs that finally I
said, "Hey, you guys, you want to see a
real rally?" They took the bait and I set
up a private screening of Triumph of the
Will at the National Archives for the en-
tire White House staff. It really is an im-
pressive film, you know, there's no doubt
that Riefenstahl' a cinematic genius.
Well, about 15 people attended, and they
sat there watching hundreds of thousands
of storm troopers marching in mass for-
mations under Albert Speer's spectacular
stage management, а vast field of people
standing to sing the Horst Wessel Lied
at night as giant antiaircraft spotlights
beam pillars of light through the clouds
overhead, creating a luminous, cathedral-
ofstars effect. In short, a really over-
whelming display. And finally, when the
lights came on, there was a moment of
awed silence, and then from the back of
the room а voice breathed reverently,
“Jesus! What an advance job!" My point,
it seems, was taken.
PLAYBOY: Forgetting for a moment the
obvious negative connotations of the
word fascism, and keeping in mind your
professed detestation of Hitler's genocide,
don't you, in fact, embody most of the
traditional values of Italian and Spanish
fascism, if not of Nazism—ie, duty,
honor, love of fatherland, military élan
and semimystical exaltation of personal
and national will and destiny, strong
anticommunism, genetic determinism,
contempt for the herd, etc? And, thus,
couldn't you fairly and objectively be
termed a fascist in that sense?
LIDDY: No, because if you're going to be
at all precise and objective in your eval-
uation of comparative political systems,
then fascism refers to a specific political
movement that evolved in Italy in the
‘Twenties and was subsequently emulated
in various countries in Europe and Latin
America. It embodies the concept of
blind obedience, the corporate state,
dictatorial, centralized one-man rule and
a host of other totalitarian mechanisms
and concepts that are all anathema to me
And I certainly don’t think that some of
the qualities you enumerate, such as duty,
honor, love of country and military
strength, are exclusive attributes of fas-
cism. Indeed, when I was growing up,
they were much praised and universally
aspired.to virtues in this country. I hope
they will be again. But that certainly
does not make me a fascist of any stripe.
PLAYBOY: Why did you sing the Horst
Wessel song at the top of your lungs to a
black audience in prison?
LIDDY: Because I had become the subject
of racial prejudice myself while in the
Washington jail, shortly after my initial
conviction. Y ran a daily gauntlet of racial
slurs from the predominantly black pris-
oners, and even though I told myself it
shouldn't get under my skin, it finally
did. I was in deadlock, so I couldn't even
challenge to a fight the prisoners who
hurled their taunts through the bars. I
had my opportunity to strike back one
morning when a guard escorted me to the
showers. As I walked down the catwalk,
a chorus of jeers greeted me: "Honkie!""
“White movafuckl" I was mad at the ra-
cial epithets and I said to myself: "OK,
baby, if you want racist, here's racist!" I
knew the words to the Horst Wessel song
by heart from childhood, when I'd first
heard it from Germany on our family
shortwave radio, and I have a fairly
strong voice. So when I reached the
showers, I burst into full and rousing
song, my voice booming through the cell
block: "'Die Fahne hoch"" I sang.
"Raise the flag!" As I went on, screaming
out my frustration through the echoing
tiers of the prison, the jeers and catcalls
began to fall off. "'Die Reihen dicht
geschlossen! . The din gradually si-
lenced, and by the time I reached the
second verse of the Horst Wessel song, my 203
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voice was the only one that could be
heard in the cell block. It was almost
eerie, because I'm sure there was not one
other man in that prison who understood
one word of what I was singing. But they
all got the message.
PLAYBOY: That initial hostility you en-
countered from blacks changed pretty
rapidly as you began doing free legal
work for black and white prisoners alike,
and challenging prison administrators
the courts on questions of prisoners
rights. In fact, you ended up becoming
something of a hero to inmates of both
races. Did your experience in prison
change any of your own racial attitudes?
uppy: Not really, because I had always
abhorred racial prejudice and bigotry,
even though I'm perfectly willing to
answer back in kind when I'm on the
receiving end, as the incident I just
related indicates. But I think racism is
one of the most stupid and ultimately
wasteful of all human vices, because it
denies a man’s potential and worth for
something as superficial and frivolous as
the color of his skin. Throughout my
life, Ive had good and productive rela-
tionships with blacks. I also tend to
particularly admire the virtues of the
northern races, perhaps out of frustra-
tion with my own genctic composition. 1
have more Irish and Italian genes than
German, and my hot Southern blood has
always caused me serious problems with
my temper, which it took me a long, hard
struggle to govern. And I also happen to
prefer the Nordic type of woman, as an
aesthetic preference. I hardly think the
song Gentlemen Prefer Blondes can be
condemned as a racist pronunciamento!
But I also think blacks should take pride
in their African ancestry. My God, if I
could demonstrate 1 had some Zulu
blood, I sure as hell would be proud of it.
because the Zulu warriors were some of
the finest fighting men on the face of
this earth.
PLAYBOY: Leaving black-white issues aside,
throughout your book you express a
fascination with genetics and eugenics,
even to the point of cold-bloodedly select-
ing your prospective bride according to
the contribution she would make to your
"family gene pooL" How did she fcel
about that?
uppy: Well, it was not exactly an clement
I played up in our courtship. But even
though it wasn't the most romantic of all
considerations, I think it's a valid one,
nonetheless. There's a good deal of truth
to eugenics as long as you don't carry it
to extremes, as we've done in the past
with involuntary-sterilization plans and
that kind of dangerous scheme, with all
its potential for abuse. It had taken me
long time to build myself up from a pun
sickly child, so I wanted my own children
to have a running start. Thats why I
determined that my smartest course was
to marry a tall girl of Celtic-Teutonic
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ancestry who also had a terrific mind.
And. as a result, I have five strong, ath-
letic and bright children. Of course, all
those considerations have to be coupled
with a mutual emotional compatability,
but they were definite factors in select
ing my mate.
PLAYBOY: Didn't you also гип a security
check on your wife's background through
the FBI's central computer before you
uppy: Purely a routine precautionary
PLAYBOY: Did your wife know of your
security check on her, as well as your
evaluation of her as potentially good
breeding stock?
uppy: Oh, yes, we discussed it. But it
never upset her. After all, it's probably
the least of the problems she's had in our
marriage. Next to being sent away for 20
years, what the hell is a little security
check, right?
PLAYBOY: Did your four and a half years
in prison have any negative effects on
your marriage?
uppy: Well, it certainly wasn't an easy
period, but you'll remember I had se-
lected my wife very carefully, and she
came through the whole ordeal with
flying colors. She was really tremendous,
the way she brought up the kids and
kept the family together. She went back
to teaching, in the Washington, D.C.,
school system, and her salary managed
to keep our leaky financial boat afloat.
The kids all worked and chipped in
their share, too.
PLAYBOY: How badly were you hit by the
legal fees for your several trials?
ubpy: Oh, I was wiped out. When I got
out of prison, I owed $300,000 in legal
costs, plus the $40,000 fine our old pal
John Sirica had imposed, which Presi-
dent Carter didn't waive when he com-
muted my sentence and made me eligible
for parole. 1 had to swear out a pauper's
oath and I lost my license to practice
law, of course.
Fortunately, due to the two books I've
written, Гуе managed to cut the debt
down to $200,000, and royalties from the
sale of Will should reduce it further.
I'll be happy just to wake up one morn-
ing and say to Frances, "Eureka,
honey, we're plain flat broke at last!"
PLAYBOY: How did you handle pro-
longed sexual abstinences during your
HDDY: With some variations, I took
the old tried-and-tested ice-cold-shower
route, I exercised a great deal, and I
also severely restricted my caloric intake,
which I discovered also reduced my sex-
ual appetite. Again, it's a question of
will power.
PLAYBOY: What was the impact of your
imprisonment on your relationship with
your children?
иррү: Well, the single most important
thing was that I was out of their lives
during their formative period of ado-
lescence, which, naturally, I regret. But
there again, my wife did a marvelous
job of bringing up the kids, even while
she had to hold down her schoolteach-
ing job. And without sounding like an
indulgent father, all the kids have
turned out great; they're all uniformly
high achievers.
PLAYBOY: Your children seem remark-
ably well adjusted, considering the pain
and anxiety they must have experienced
during your trial and imprisonment.
Were they also spared the misery and
insecurity you experienced as a child,
and describe at length in Will?
uppy: Oh, yes, they had normal, healthy
and happy childhoods. Nothing like the
hell I went through. But then, they're
all strong kids, mentally and physically.
PLAYBOY: In the book, you dramatically
recount that unhappy and terror-ridden
childhood, and take apparent pride in
your grucling campaign to conquer
your “weaknesses” and overcome your
morbid fears by turning yourself into a
fearless machine trained to kill without
emotions. But couldn't your critics
equally well depict that entire process
as profoundly neurotic, as well as an
extirpation of those very values and
emotions that produce a wellintegrated
and mature adult?
uppY: My critics are quite obviously
free to do as they choose and to make
what interpretations they wish. But I
pay so much attention to this area in
Will precisely because it’s at the root
of who I am, and how I became what
I am. I am, in a very Jiteral and non-
economic sense, a selfmade man. And
therefore, if you wish to understand me,
you must first try to understand the
struggle I waged with myself as a child.
It was a kind of psychic guerrilla war
between the person I was, and despised,
and the person I wanted to become.
And it was a terrifically difficult period
in my life, which 1 remember with no
more nostalgia than I would a car crash.
Fortunately, it was a battle that I ul
mately won.
PLAYBOY: What was at the root of that
inner struggle?
uppy: Well, let me fill you in on the
background. I was a sickly, puny and
miserable little child. I suffered from a
serious bronchial condition, which ne-
cessitated spending long hours under a
tent breathing medicated steam, and I
consistently flunked my tuberculosis
patch test. І didn’t have asthma, but
there was something badly wrong with
my lungs, and to this day X rays show
scar tiss For a while, I was so ill that
my father, who was a very successful in-
ternational lawyer, was afraid he might
have to transplant the entire family to
Arizona, which would have been dis-
astrous for his practice. Now on top of
all this, I was born into a family of very
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high achievers, as my mother used to
make clear to mc when discussing our
relatives and our family history. But
she never made invidious comparisons
between them and the pathetic litle
invalid to whom she was spooning
broth. She didn’t have to. I made them
myself. And to add further to my self
loathing, 1 was absolutely riddled with
fear, obsessed and consumed with it. I
literally lived in terror.
PLAYBOY: What kind of fears?
LIDDY: You name it. I was afraid of it. I
was paralyzed by thunder and lightning;
I feared fire and electricity; the dir
bles that passed over our house on the
way to Lakehurst made me shake and
gibber; I was afraid of moths, ever since
one cast a terrifying giant shadow on
the wall of my room as 1 lay wheezing
in my steam tent; I was deathly afraid
of rats; I feared the leather harness my
grandmother used to beat me with; 1
feared my own left hand, as my mother
tried to force me uncomprchendingly
into right-handedness; and most of all,
I feared God, the God of my good nuns
at parochial school, Whom I was taught
was omnipotent and terrible in His pun-
ishment of sinners, and Whom I knew
was sitting up there with a thunderbolt
just waiting for the right minute to
whack out this contemptible little cring-
ing coward of a kid named Gordon
Liddy. 1 was, in short, afraid of my own
shadow, and I knew that I couldn't go
on living like that. So at the age of six
or seven, I decided to do something
LIDDY: The thing I most dreaded: stand
and confront my fears, and vanquish
them. The problem was, I had so many
goddamned fears that 1 knew there was
no hope of taking them on all at once.
So I realized that I'd have to face them
one at a time. And to do this, I realized
I'd need something called will power.
I'd learned the importance of that from
the priests at Sunday Mass, and also
from listening to Adolf Hitler with our
pro-Nazi German maid Teresa over the
Emerson short-wave radio.
PLAYBOY: Some critics contend that child-
hood flirtation with Hitler was the be-
ginning of a lifelong infatuation.
LUDDY: No, not at all, it had nothing to
do with Hitler's political message, which
1 was hardly competent to comprehend
at the age of six or seven, though I'd
picked up enough Deutsch from class-
mates in our predominantly German
New Jersey neighborhood to get the
gist. It was the combination of the stir-
ng German martial music and the
incredible self-confidence and power
Hitler's voice radiated that had such an
overwhelming effect on me. Е mean, he
is generally regarded as being the most
cflective orator of the 20th Century, and
just as his words mesmerized the masses
in Germany, so they influenced me.
Here was the very antithesis of fear and
cowardice, a towering figure of sheer
primitive force and determination, quite
literally an exemplar of the “triumph of
the will” And after the broadcasts,
Teresa explained to me that Adolf Hit-
ler had resurrected his nation on earth
and delivered it from fear! Those last
words truly galvanized me and gave me
hope for the first time. If Adolf Hitler
could free Germany from fear, then I
could free myself. What a great nation
had accomplished, опе seven-year-old
boy could emulate. It would require
“Really, Mr. Green? Research
for a Gay Talese sequel?”
pain, and suffering, but I now accepted
the breath-taking idea that J could be-
come anything I wanted to be.
PLAYBOY: So you became the nicest storm
trooper on the block.
uppy: Oh, come on, I didn't give a hoot
for Hitler's politics. 1 didn't know what
politics was. And I derived a similar
psychic shot in the arm from the fire
side chats of F.D.R., particularly hi:
message that "the only thing we have to
fear is fear itself.” That really struck
home. But those broadcasts were certain-
ly catalysts in my decision to conquer my
own terror, to metamorphose myself.
PLAYBOY: How did you go about it?
uppy: Like а war, one campaign at a
time. For example, to conquer my fear
of thunder, 1 waited for a big storm
and then sneaked out of the house and
dimbed up a 75-foot oak tree and lashed
myself to the trunk with my belt. As the
storm hit and chaos гоагей around me
and the sky was rent with thunder and
lightning, I shook my fist at the rolling
black clouds and screamed, "Kill me!
Go ahead and try! 1 don't care! I don't
care!” As the storm subsided, J heard my
father ordering me to come down. As T
lowered myself to the ground, he shook
his head and said, “I just don’t under-
stand you." "I know,” I said.
I repeated this kind of confrontation
over a period of years, mastering one
fear after another. І was afraid of elec-
tricity, so I scraped off an electrical wire
and let ten volts course through me; I
feared heights, so I scaled high buildings
with one of my friends; I overcame my
fear of the dirigibles by visiting the
palisades, where the great Hindenburg
would have to pass just a few hun-
dred feet above me, so close that the
ground shook under my feet from the
roar of its four huge 1100-horsepower
Mercedes-Benz diesel engines. And I
went on down the line of my fears, test-
ing myself against them over and over
again until finally they were vanquished.
And all this time I was also building my-
self up physically, exercising, bicycling,
running, and finally, by my teens, I end-
ed up being on the state championship
cross-country team. By the time I grad-
uated from prep school at the age of
17, 1 was physically in excellent shape
and psychologically self-assured to the
point of cockiness. It hadn't been easy,
but I had won. Like a plastic surgeon
operating on himself. I had grafted on
successive layers of strength and courage
until I was at last able to face the world.
PLAYBOY: Probably the most dramatic,
and certainly the most celebrated, ex-
ample of the lengths to which you were
willing to go to overcome your fears was
the incident in which you ate a rat.
Would you describe that for us?
ubpy: Well, I didn't cat the entire rat,
just the hindquarters. Of course, the
genesis of that repast was my inordinate
terror of rats, which abounded on the
Jersey wharves along the Hudson River
near my home in West Caldwell, some
Then one day
pet cat
and deposited it
of them as big as cats.
when | was 11 years old
caught and killed а
proudly on our back doorstep аз a tro
phy. Well, Га been. reading about how
some Ameri the
hearts of the bravest of their enemies in
order to ingest their valor, and suddenly
the idea came to me, why not do some:
thing similar with my old rodent neme
sis? | assembled a makeshift becue
out of some bricks, cooked the dead rat
for about ап hour, then skinned and ate
the roasted haunches. After I buried the
remains, | saw our cat and smiled
myself, thinking that henceforth
would have to [car me as much as cats.
PLAYBOY: Now to the most profound and
far-reaching question of this interview
What does rat meat taste like?
LIDDY: Stringy and rather tasteless, as I
recall. 1 certainly never acquired the
Indian tribes ate
taste, though the Washington Star polled
the top French chefs in Washington
alter my book came out and the con-
sensus of culinary opinion was that
while I might be competent in other
reas, 1 was a distinct flop at preparing
rat. 1 really felt very chagrined. Опе
chef, as I recall, was quite indignant that
I had broiled the beast, contending that
the only proper way to serve
roasted. Everyone had his own recipe,
but they were all down on mine. Аһ,
well, I've never pretended to be Julia
Child. Chacun à son goùt
PLAYBOY: Over the ycars, you've not only
broiled rat to test your power,
you've broiled yoursell, toasting your
hand and forearm over an open flame
to prove your powers of endurance and
immunity to pain. Isn't that carrying the
whole business pretty fa
uppy: Well, that began as ап effort to
overcome my lear of fire as well as pain,
so 1 started burning myself with cig
rettes and candles to see il E could stand
it, initially just scaring myself and then
enduring more serious burns. Actually,
this is a form of selltesting well known
and understood in the East but largely
unknown to Western civilization. As 1
built my will, 1 subjected my body to
doses of pain much as a weight lifter
builds his muscles by lifting progressive-
ly heavier weights. After severely burnin,
the my
almost to the point of incapacitating
myself, I realized I would have to be
more careful. And, of course, 1 would
never burn my gun hand.
PLAYBOY: ОГ course. But incidents such
s your mortification ol the flesh by fire
have led some of your more psychiatri
cally oriented critics to suggest that you
feel а compulsion demonstrate а
“super-macho” image in order to over-
come deep-rooted sources of perso
rat is
tendon in left hand, howe
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insecurity, perhaps even lingering sub-
conscious doubts about your own mascu-
linity. How would you respond to them?
LIDDY: Well. those anonymous critics of
yous might do well to ponder Adlai
observation that he who
throws mud generally loses ground. No,
this was a means of testing and perfect-
ing my will, and in my case, it proved
eminently successful. And T stress, in
my case. Fm mot advocating anyone
else emulate. me, and I certainly
wouldn't suggest that everybody go out
and toast his hand over open flame like
a marshmallow. I'm only saying that for
me it useful tool. As lor this
whole business of being macho or super-
was а
I've been accused fre-
quently, it’s just not true. Of course,
macho was originally a perfectly respect-
able Spanish term for a manly man, a
designation I'd feel perfectly comfort
able with, but in recent years i
expropriated as a code word by the
women's liberation movement and twist-
ed into а pejorative Archie Bunkerish
caricature of the loutish, leering male
who believes that the only natural posi-
tion for women in this world is horizon-
tal. A kind of Kinder, Kirche, Küche
titude, which I certainly have never
subscribed to. In fact, the type of wom-
an 1 appreciate and respect is not only
macho, ol which
s been
210 physically attractive but strong-willed
and imelligent. certainly not the sub-
missive dumb-blonde type, or “airheads,”
as my kids would call them. I believe
that such women are every bit
ble of intelligenc
па perception as
PLAYBOY: For better or worse, your pub-
lic image is still that of a nut case, and
it's doubtful that the success of your auto-
biography will alter it appreciably. Does
it bother
think you're rowing with one oar?
uppy: Not in the least. As I said carlier.
Ive never been concerned with image
or reputation, only character. I've tried
to be ruthlessly honest about my life and
my values and my motivations in Will,
and that's all сап do. F
is capa-
strength, discipline
you that millions of people
om there on, it's
up to the reader to make his own judg-
ments, and if he concludes that I'm loose-
ly wrapped, so be it. 1 would mot be
displeased, of course, if alter reading the
book people will
understand me a bit better, even if they
disagree totally with my politics and my
and this interview.
Nonetheless, a number of crit-
ics have made a Freudian analysis of
your book and concluded that not only
your hand burning but also your willing
ness to be a human sacrifice on the altar
of the disintegrating Nixon. Administra
tion is evidence of a strong str
masochism in your character
would you respond?
иррү: I'd respond with the words Joseph
Leon Trotsky at a
Stalin addressed to
Communist Party Congress in
at the height of their struggle for power
in the Twenties: Everybody has a right
to be stupid, but some people abuse the
privilege. And just let me add a serious
note here. For any of your readers who
think that my childhood struggles with
myself or my later attempts to build my
will and endurance
were just cecen-
tricities, harmless or otherwise, I'd suggest
that they put themselves in my place in
а filthy sweltering prison cell,
stripped naked under solitary confine
ment and at the тесу of dumb and
often brutal captors. 1 did not succumb
to that pressure-cooker atmosphere, be-
cause E had spent my youth
unwittingly, preparing for just such an
eventuality 1 been in training
battle I never. knew
fought. Prison held no terrors for
because | had already conquered my
own weaknesses. Watergate and its after
math only tempered steel that had been
forged in the furnace ol my inner stri
gle 40 years before.
PLAYBOY: We've deliberately avoided re-
capitulating the minutiae of Watergate,
because you've covered it in such depth
in your book and in and tcle-
vision interviews чу
But there are а few arcas of interest that
not including
Н. R. Haldeman’s contention that “the
overwhelming evidence leads to the con-
clusion that the break-in was deliberate-
ly sabotaged." Could Watergate have
been a setup?
иррү: No, I don't believe so. 1 don't
think there was anything more sinister
involved Шап bad luck and bad timing.
Of course, the conspiracy bulls will
maintain that the break-in was deliber
as il I
for a would be
around the co
you have touched on.
ately bungled as part of some massive
conspiracy of agents and double agents
and quadruple agents to topple Nixon,
but I just don't believe it.
PLAYBOY: Not only conspiracy buffs main:
tain there was more involved at Water-
gate than meets the eye. Again, Н. R
Haldeman suspects that “the CIA was
gency hostile to
turned the hostility with fervor
throughout Wate
“the multiple levels of
deception by the СТА are astounding.”
Haldeman tends to support the thesis
that Watergate was, in fact, а highly
sophisticated CIA plot to destroy Nix
on—in effect, the CIA's first
coup d'état. Could he be right?
LUDDY: It’s very, very unlikely.
all. here was
and Nixon, but it
bitter type of feud that this CIA
conspiracy scer presupposes. It was
more of a question of bad chemistry
an Nixon, who re-
adds that the чс
irst of
wasn't the
between Helms and Nixon, and, in fact,
general bad chemistry between the CIA
ind the Administration. Traditionally,
you know, the CIA has been a very
WASPish, Ivy League, old-school-tie-type
organization, and Richard. Nixon's en-
ifferent. He
tire background was very d
didn't feel comfortable with them. and
vice versa, But to extrapolate from that
to а full-fledged conspiracy theory ve
эп paranoia.
PLAYBOY: Proponents of the theory that
the CIA manipulated the Watergate
break-in and cover-up for its own ends
suggest that Jim McCord. a former CIA
security chief who was intensely loyal to
the agency, deliberately sabotaged the
Watergate break-in in order to cripple
the Nixon White House and frustrate its
attempts to centralize control of the in
telligence community
uppy: Yes. and I think they're dead
wrong. McCord may have bungled the
taping of the internal doors, all right.
but remember Hanlon's Razor. which is
а maxim that states: “Never bl
by stupidity." It's rue McCord was very
loyal to the СТА. but I just can't accept
the concept that he deliberately set out
to be c
те on
lice that which can be fully explained
it. and 1 don't believe he was
ent who cold-bloodedly be
wayed his colleagues. 1 do condemn his
decision to break ranks with the con
tainment strategy. But I think he was
at the point of crackir
a double
from the strain
of imprisonment. and his actions were
those ol a
He even felt that the CLA had aban
desperate and obsessed m
doned him, and as a deeply religious
та et back on the side
of the angels. But 1 don't believe [or
erately sold
п. he wanted to
one moment that he de
us out
PLAYBOY: Haldeman implies that Hunt
was a serving CLA agent throughout the
period he was involved in Watergate. 15
he correct?
Uppy: Hunt might have been. yes.
PLAYBOY: And Charles Colson was equal-
ly convinced that Hunt was spying on
the White House for the CIA
иррү: Spying is a somewhat loaded
word. He m € relayed informa.
tion back to Langley if he was still on
the СТА payroll, which I do not know to
һе fact, but 1 doubt there was any-
thing sinister or conspiratorial about it.
PLAYBOY: Isn't that exactly what you
if you were, in fact, a
would be sayin
secret CLA agent?
иїррү: Yes. I suppose it is. It just happens
to be the truth
PLAYBOY. Haldeman wrote in his book
The Ends of Power that you and Hunt
were “getting di on behalf
of the CIA and the СІА silent partner,
Howard Hughes." He adds that
didn't know that a CIA employee was,
in ellect, running a White House team."
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Were you and Hunt, as Haldeman
implies. serving as stalking-horses for
the CIA? Or, even more seriously, and
as some Watergate investigators sus
pected. were vou really a secret. CIA
agent yourself. a kind of agency Trojan
horse within the White House, rather
than the Nixon loyalist you professed
to be? And isn’t it conceivable that you
"stonewalled" your way through court
and into prison not to protect. Nixon
but your actual superiors in the covert-
operations arm af the СТА?
иррү: Thats absolute nonsense. I've
CIA officer of any sort, and
1 resent the accusation that I was operat-
ing against the interests of my President.
I believed then and I believe
he was a splendid leader of this country.
and | think the extraordinarily disas-
trous last three and a hall years under
Jimmy Carter has only served to dem-
onstrate by contrast how superb was the
Presidency of Richard Nixon. 1 think
Fm more ol a Nixon loyalist th
Haldeman not only is but ever was.
PLAYBOY: Throughout the course of this
interview, you've been relaxed and co-
operative, even under occasionally harsh
questioning. and vou seem genuinely
pleased by the success of your bestselling
autobiography. In fact, all the ti
never been
pw that
we've been together. you haven't issued
a single assassination threat ог gouged
out one eyeball. Is it possible that the
Gordon Liddy so many liberals love to
hate is finally mellowing?
иррү: |Chuckling] И you really think
that, then why did you hide all the
pencils? Anyway, the Liddy family crest
is. or at least should be, Nil illegitimis
carborundum——"Don't let the bastards
get you down." But mo. seriously, this
has been a most pleasant and enjoyable
discussion, and you have offered me no
offense and I. of course. have responded
in kind. I am no danger whatsoever to
anyone who does not wish me ill. Had
you behaved differently, of course. 1
might have responded in kind, and
more їп keeping with the somewhat
sensational image you suggest 1 have.
But I don't think I'm mellowing. I've
lived on the razor's edge all my life and
don't intend to jettison my beliefs or
values now. I've paid too heavy a price
for them. In any case, I find life
tremendously exciting, perpetually re
newing adventure Im never bored
thank God, and I'm always searchin
for one big dragon to slay. Of course.
the lesson you learn is that dragons are
Hydra-headed, and as soon as you kill
one, another springs up. Which, of
course, is what makes the game worth
the playing. God, wouldn't it be a dı
if all that came along was a pussycat?
PLAYBOY: Nietzsche, whom you admire,
shis the dragon
wrote that “he who
becomes the dragon."
uppy: Tell that to Saint George. АП T
can do is pledge to make it a fair and
ple fight. That's all anyone can
do in life
PLAYBOY: Gordon Liddy. were you born
in the wrong century? Are you an
anachronism? |
LIDDY: No. I don't think so. I'm not
Г saying 1 wouldn't have enjoyed living
у in ancient Sparta, and I would certainly
be right at home as a condottiere in
Renaissance Italy, hopefully in the day
of Machiavelli, whom I consider the
greatest political philosopher of all time.
But Im quite content in this century
not that I have much choice in the
matter. 1 know а great many people do
consider me а throwback and an anach-
ronism. but if the virtues and v
that 1 respect and to which I adhere
are outdated, then I suspect that there
are millions of anachronisms in America
who share the same value system and, if
put to the test, will demonstrate it. I
really have a wemendous amount of
faith in the people of this country, and
I think that once they shed the scales of
illusion. that currently afflict them and
see the world as it really is, we will once
n be capable of a remarkable na
tional cohesion and dynamism, such as
we saw in the course of the Second
World War. And Fm glad we have that
ise 1 believe another war
potential. Бес
is imminent.
PLAYBOY: Will vou be in the front ranks?
иррү: Well, let's put it this way. Shortly
after the disaster at Pearl Harbor, а
new Chief of Naval Operations was
appointed, Admiral King, who up to
that time had enjoyed a reputation as
the meanest son of a bitch in the Service,
and for that reason had been sent out
recruiting in lowa, as the saying goes
Now, all of a sudden, Ле was the new
Chiel of Naval Operations, and the
Washington press corps rushed to his
ollicc and asked, “Admiral, how do you
explain this phenomenon of your sud-
den ascenda
y. passing over so many
senior officers?” And king said, "When
the bullets start to fly, they come look-
lor the sons of bitches.” And per-
haps, when the bullets start to fly again,
they'll come lookin; ic. When and
il they do, ТИ be there.
PLAYBOY: When the French Foreign
ош ol their headquarters at Sidi bel
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appointment to his Majesty the Czar and thè Í ^ role in an abortive military coup against
Imperial Romanov Court. E De Gaulle, the
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brush and shave soap packaged in
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cost $38 sent to Sportsmedicine Digest, P.O.
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Now back to those jogger's nipples. . . .
‘The weather forecast for Albu-
querque, New Mexico, this
October 4-12 is clear visil
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tive events and special parties.
For more information on
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We know plenty of artists who
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cializes in capturing one's
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his renderings of the libation of
your choice can range from a
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shot of whisky for $150 to a four-
by-six-foot rendering of a zombie
for $500—the same price as а
manhattan or a dry martini on
the rocks. And in case you're
wondering, a lowly glass of beer
is $250. The next time you go
on the wagon, you can always bel-
ly up to the pictures on the wall.
André Citroén lost $500,000 on a
baccarat binge, Cumberland
University lost a football game to
Georgia Tech by a score of
222-0 and Jimmy Carter lost a
1966 race for governor of
Georgia. Those and other histori-
cal facts about flops are all
housed in an $8.95 hardcover
from St. Martin's Press
called The Book of Losers: An
Irresistible Litany of Failure
Through the Ages, by George
Rooks. Chapter titles in-
clude “Money Losers,” “Movie
Star Losers” and "Sports Losers.”
‘There are also truly depressing
statistics on fatal diseases.
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is surroi
movement—with delicate, delib-
erate control, In those
there is room for performi
Athlete, dancer, musician
fill the basic requirements of their task
by getting precisely on the beat. In that
sense, the beat is like a point in geom-
etry: dimensionless, not even a millisec-
ond long. It is met exactly. To perform
that way is only a kind of defensiye
approach to the task, however. (See
Harold Solomon, jokingly referred to as
a human backboard, indefatigably put-
ting the tennis ball right back into the
middle of the court every time—every
til his opponent crumples in
n.) Technical brilliance can
that kind of precision: just
playing the notes. A machine can be
made to replicate the beat perfectly, but
the rhythm it produces will always be
identifiable, ү. as machine-pro-
duced. It is “cold.” То wa up, put
. Invoduce hi
Or human control. The im
performer controls his or her material
and does so by using those microseconds
that surround the instant of the beat. It
is another order of precision entirely
For instance, delay: The dancer delays
a step and introduces drama
into the performance; the tennis p
s а return and pulls the oppone
out of position: the basketball pla
s momentarily before letting go of
the jump shot and is fouled, recei
time. The musician
metrically forward or backward in time
and, in doing so, makes the music witty.
or sentimental, or sad. Or square (а
plodding. unvarying microsecond too
slow). The athlete sim
timing of move
ent as well as the. game. Put a
1 being on the end of the imple-
gets moved about.
But those tactical uses of time are well
known and beyond the Sweet Spot
Theory. More interesting to me is what
control of the time sequence within the
movement does skill. Fiddling
around with the timing of moves can
go deeper than delaying a return in
tennis. The tennis player can also delay
or speed up different segments, different
rcs or portions of arcs within the se-
quence of motion, with brilliant results
as far as the stroke is concerned. That
does not happen because the athlete
focuses attention on the segments and
‘cs of the motion. (It is almost impos-
sible to do that. We grasp movements
with the cortex, not with the muscles.
That's why your handwriting is roughly
the same whether you write with pen on
paper. using small finger muscles, or
stand at a blackboard, writing with your
whole arm.) It happens because the per-
former focuses attention on the inside
of the move's time fram
A former ballplayer named Don
Hewett used to advise his children, “You
have to have the confidence to take the
Hime” (to make the catch, to get to the
return, to the implement).
Focusing on time slows it down. Next
ng trouble with any
sport—squash. racquet-
ing yourself you have more time than
you think you have. You'll find another
several inches of incoming trajectory to
work with, during which you can focus
on and prepare to make your return.
That few inches is enough: It is a few
inches in time, И you have confidence
enough to take it. All you've really
done is make the sweet spot in time а
little more accessible.
Most infield errors occur because the
fielder starts his play before he catches
the ball. A lot of dropped forward passes
fall to the turf because the receiver
starts avoiding tacklers before he finishes
catching the football. This is the tiredest
cliché in sports, of course—"Look the
ball into your hands," even
сус on the ball'—but it i
little more territory when
stood in terms of available
good perfonner simply takes all the
time there is—for the particular
move. There is а sweet spot in time for
catching a ball, just as there is for hit-
ting onc. The same capacitics аге at
work, the same judgmental control of
linked arcs—right down to the closing
of the fingers—is involved. 7
spot in time is merely the true finish of
the move. Аһ. but that is one hell of
"merely." (Follow-through is usually mis-
apprehended. As it turns out, it is just
a memory device to kecp us from screw-
ing up the motion that leads up to what
we're following through. If you intend
a smooth follow-through, that intenti
somehow takes you through the sweet
spot of the move.)
Finishing the move is a startlingly
important aspect of performing, though
1 have been unable to find a dear cx-
ation of why it is so critical. In
skiing. for example. if you don't finish
one turn—carrying it out to its logical
conclusion. metaphorically putting а
hc sweet
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stamp of completion on it—you will be
in terrible shape to launch the next
The quickest indication of an un
skilled dancer, gymnast, diver or figure
skater is the hurried move, which. sur-
prisingly, doesn't come from starting
the move too soon but from neglecting
to finish the move that preceded it. From
cutting it off short of the sweet spot in
time. It is a paradox: Taking time to
finish one move somehow gives you
more time to get the next one started
right. (Finishing the move probably re-
stores the neuromuscular machinery to
equilibrium, and thus gives you a new
arting place.) Just as a wide receiver
must, as they say, "put the ball away"
before he starts to run with it, so must
any performer put away the movement
time. (Mikhail Baryshnikov has time. So
does Julius Erving.)
Confidence, as in the advice from Don
Hewett. may not seem to be the ultimate
tool for getting control of the time se-
quence of performance, but it cer
helps. Concentration, that utter mystery,
helps more. (Concentration slows time,
as all of us obsesives know perfectly
well.) Confidence allows you not to rush:
concentration lets you have the time to
choose when to rush. People who have
played golf with Jack Nicklaus come
ay muttering about his absolutely
frightening powers of concentr
They used to say the same about Ben
Hogan. The same thing must be true of
all outstanding performers. in sports and
elsewhere. (Golf's slow pace may just
supply a scuing that makes gimletcyed
concentration more evident) Unfortu-
nately. concentration is that peculiar
power that by its own definition slips
away when you try to hold on to it. I
suspect that good performers have a
better way
1 am haunted by the moment when
the rock I threw went precisely where I
wanted it to go. That moment. hardly
developed. purely out of concentration.
though it wasn’t sheer accident, either. 1
think I probably stumbled onto sever
of the sweet spots in the same throw.
and the result was simply a coming to-
gether. a moment when what my mind
intended was matched by what my body
accomplished. A momentary healing of
the mind-body split, to overdignify it, It
haunts me still because it was magic—
Pip-squeak magic. il you will, but magic.
nonetheless. It moved me; out of all
those mindless boyhood hours of rock
throwing, it is the moment I remember
It was а moment when the amount of
time bewe fly the тоск and
we at the bottle seemed to
stretch out forever. Time stopped. My
mind’s eye can still trace the flight.
The sublime moment in dance is the
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Here is how I enjoy it when I run out of coffee beans.
male dancer's prodigious leap. Ballet
writer Hubert Saal, reviewing а рег
formance of Baryshnikov's: “The most
exquisitely chilling weapon in the arse-
nal of this complete dancer was his
ballon, his ability to ascend in the air
and stay there, defying gravity." Other
dancers have had some of that capacity—
Nijinsky more than most, perhaps more
even than Baryshnikov. No one has ex-
plained it, It is electrifying to watch;
we know we are witnessing a nonordi-
n event. When we sec it, we are
moved. It is magic. T ime stops.
It is my thesis the Sweet Spot
Theory—that this is true magic, the only
magic there is. I am suggesting that
there is a line between the banality of
my rock-throwing experience—included
here as a deliberately ridiculous exam-
ple of Everykid's uncomprehending
brush with performing magic—and the
sublimity of Baryshnikov's great leaps.
Along Ч с can. be located much of
the rest of what we refer to as magic in
sports—from tennis players playing "in
the zone" (Billie Jean King's 1
bledon singles tide) to Re
three consecutive world-series home runs
to Bob Beamon's "mutation perform-
nce" long jump in the 1968 Olympics,
а foot longer than anyone ever jumped
before or since. On those occasions,
something magic did happen. A group
of world-class marathoners were recently
surveyed about their best performances;
most of them spoke of some particularly
fulfilling moment when “mind and
body" seemed to "come together.” Sev-
eral of them used the word: magic. Jt
was magic when that happened.
In The Psychic Side of Sports, Michael
Murphy and Rhea White have collected
hundreds of stories of “mystical”
of athletes. The ple
range from unusual bursts of speed or
strength to whole games, even whole
em to exceed ordinary
ot all of those
nd well-
dinary time.
Some of the most mysti
y experiences occur in the
d other Eastern disci-
movements too quick to see,
ns, moments when some-
s to disappear and rematerialize
else. In The Ultimate Ath-
ге Leonard describes а film of
Uyeshiba, the founder of
n-day aikido, in which Uyeshiba
is apparently trapped by two attackers,
but Бес one frame of the film and
ng of those
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po MEL ——Ó——ÀÓÁ— M —
the next—while the attackers move se-
quentially—he suddenly appears two
feet away and [acing in the opposite
“So much for your ‘You haven't lived till
youu it in a gondola.”
direction. That's what I thought hap-
pened with Renaldo Nehemiah in the
1979 World Cup II track meet in Mon-
treal. Nehemiah hit the next-to-last
hurdle (in the 110-meter event) heavily
and was obviously beaten. Yet he won
the race. | watched the slow-motion
stant replay through three or four rep-
etitions, and I still can't see how he got
from where he was at the next-to-last
hurdle to where he was at the tape. But
then, theres nothing "mystical" about
track, right?
Many of those Eastern disciplines
make considerable
use of meditation.
As I understand meditation, one of its
aims is to te; 1 to banish
the distractions of past and future, to
focus the mind on the lity of now,
1 the fleeting instant.
То stay securely anchored in the pres-
ent is simply to concentrate without
straining to do so: to attend. To stay in
the present tense—to react, to respond
only to the exigencies of the moment—is
to take control of the time бате of per-
formance. To follow with full attention
what happens as it happens is to bring
up to consciousness the possibility of the
sweet spot in time—to spread out all
those microseconds surrounding it, to
expand time, if not to stop it. The sweet
spot in time is never anywhere but in
the present tense.
I suspect that the reason a ballistic
motion such as throwing or swinging an
implement can't be adjusted once it has
been started is because we abdicate con-
trol. We choose a ballistic motion be-
cause it is a means of gaining additional
i ry of
force, yes, but also because i
g a motion and lew
self, of putting the motion on auto-
matic, We feel it is necessary to do so in
order that we might think ahead, pre-
paring for the next necessity. But to
think ahead is to ignore the present,
and therefore to rush time ahcad, to
accelerate its passing. It is only when
we stop thinking ahead that we can slow
time sufficiently 10 open the possibility
of adjusting a ballistic motion. Don
“Sweetheart! You look ten years younger.”
Hewett is correct: We abdicate control
because we don't have the confidence to
keep our minds within the time trame of
the motion.
Golfer Bobby Jones once said he
didn’t think it was possible to swing a
golf club too slowly. Jack Nicklaus is
reputed to have the slowest backswing
on the tour, rly part
that his hands actually slow further. I'm
not sure how or why that could be true,
but w oposing is that that
level of performer—the individual who
now and then can find enough room in
the flow of time to adapt the rhythm of
the performance to his or her personal
will—just might be able also to find
enough time to vary the motor input
into the ballistic motion. To make cor-
rections as time runs by, to keep chasing
the elusive sweet spots—in time, in
space, in all the multidimensional com-
plexities of sport (or art) to the last
dosing of the door of possibility. I'm
sure the motor-learning people won't
buy this explanation, either, but then,
they aren't having much luck explai
ing these levels of skill any other way.
For several years now, I've been trying
to get a handle on the link that connects
what seem to me to be sensuous sports—
skiing, surfing, cycling and other sports
and recreations that we practice non
competitively, for the sheer pleasure of
ac. (Many of them can be made
competitive, of course, and many purely
me kind
competitive sports offer the к:
of sensuous pleasures.) Sl
face of a wave, leaning a bike into a
high-speed turn. getting a solid cdge-sct
in good snow—so that that, too, is an
act you сап bear down on—are experi-
ences so similarly pleasurable and so
stinctive a sheer physical joy that they
must be related, but in ways I'd never
been able to grasp.
Now I think that sweet spots provide
the link. I think we play at these sports
in large part just for the pleasure of
getting the timing right, of feeling the
physical forces fall into the sphere of
our control. What's more, we get a dif-
ferent version of the same pleasure from
watching others play at them. It can be
ineffably moving to watch a performe
control time, placing his or her move-
ments—steps, motions, strokes, blows.
notes—wh he or she wants them in
time, where the sweep of action will
t be continued. Where the discipline
nd the performer's imagination. com-
bine to create something vivid
otherwise rigid frame.
And that placement, that sensuous
touch, that finger of magic on the pr
cise point in time that is such a sweet
spot, is so satisfying that it must be why
we play.
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useful information —from the interconnecting worlds of technology,
parapsychology and social science—to help you enjoy the future
powsine is making a big comeback.
Dowsing? you ask. Isn't that where a
guy holds а forked stick over the ground
and waits for some sort of vibra
the stick to indicate the location of an
underground well? Well, yes. That's it,
more or less. Actually, the term dowsing
pply to any method of
ng a nonclectronic hand-held
instrument—such as а pendular
bob on the end of a string. for
instance—to find anythin
subterranean stream, a load of
mineral ore, a buried sewer pipe
or electrical cable, а lost w:
a corpse, a buried tr
Most scientists. will
that dowsing is a
hooey. Geological authoritie:
both governmental and academ-
ic, have long derided the notion
that dowsing could find natural
esources. The Un States
Geological Survey calls dowsing
а “curious superstition" that’
"practically useless.” Yet, in an
age when natural resources are
daily becoming
it’s not surprising that growing
numbers ol people—and several
corporations—are trying it. And,
unscientific though it is, it's pro-
duced some startling results. Consider
the following:
+ Dr. Peter Treadwell, former vitamin
plant director for Hoflman-La Roche,
the multinational pharmaceutical firm
headquartered in Basel. Switzerland, was
sent all over the world to dowse water
for his company's prospective factor
sites. Affirmed Dr. lwell in
firm's i
asure. /
bunch of
nore precious,
that we keep finding water fo
company with at neither
physies nor physiology nor psychology
has even begun to explain. Roche uses
methods that are profitable whether they
are scientifically explainable or not. The
dowsing method pays olf. It is 100 per-
cent reliable.”
+ Guy Snyder, а 73-year-old retired
farmer in Pennsylvanians Mahoning
Valley, has dowsed more than 1000 wells
for thirsty clients. In 1976, he was asked
to find a supply of badly needed water
for the wout hatchery operated by the
method tl
posh Rolling Rock Club outside Pitts-
burgh that stocks a fishing stream for
its well-heeled members. The result was
a 210-gallon-per-minute artesian well.
When club member Dr. Mur McCas-
lin arranged for Snyder to dowse for
water at the 200-bed Albert Schweitzer
Hospital in Haiti's outback, Snyder
found a plentiful source behind the
hospital's powerhouse, then went on to
pinpoint well sites for villages in an
) miles around it. Hosp
“Не was right on all
35 oil wells. I wouldn't
believe it if I hadn't
seen it myself."
tor Dr. Willia imer Mellon wrote
to Snyder: "Since we began drilling,
we've brought in four good wells.
So far, your average is 100 percent
with me.”
+ Dr. Alexander K. Bakirov. professor
of geology and minerology a
Polytechnical Institute in Siberia, is
one of several dozen Soviet specialists
charged with the location of new natu
ral resources
the Tomsk
n his country. “Dowsing,”
Dr. Bakirov has written. "is being used
in my country to solve geological prob-
lems in the location of gold sulphides,
copper-molybdenum, tin-tungsten,
metal and many other ores. How
asks in an issue of the Soviet jou
The Geology of Ore Deposits, “could
anyone not believe the irretu-
table data provided by the south-
ern Urals Hydrology Unit on
water supplies discovered by
dowsing geologists which permi
ted a sharp rise in the percent-
age of successful wells drilled
for collective farms? Or the fact
that an engineering firm in
Chelyabinsk has disclosed that
dowsing has produced 1120 wells
with a failure rate of only six to
eight and a halt percent for [our
different dowse Or the suc-
cessful location. by dowsing of
industrially important mineral
deposits in the Yenisei Moun-
tains after normal geological
prospecting had failed to find
ore over a period of many
years? Or, during a helicopter
Might, the pinpointing by dows
ing of places where soil erosion.
was threatening to ick а 400.
kilometer gas pipe running from
Ukhta to Torzho
For scientists, these examples fall un
der the heading “anecdotal.” rather
than proof or even evidence of dows
ing’s potential. Nor can they be blamed
for adopting that attitude. Part of their
problem with dowsing lies in the fact
even dowsers d
y do it,
n of it sounds suspiciously like
- Some of them refer to their skill
as divining, a method that operates
through some means other than the
physical senses.
Take, for instance, Paul Clement
Brown of California, who for years
advised one of America's most successful
petroleum “wildcatters,” J. К. Wadley,
on whether or not his proposed
drilling sites would be productive and
how deep the oil would lie. Brown’
main device was a hand-held pendulum.
ty to dowse for oil was tested
by an initially skeptical senior petro
leum engineer, Chet Davis, on 35 pro
posed well sites. "He was right on all 35
t know exactly
and м!
wells,” says Davis. “I don't think anyone
in the oil business would believe it if
they didn't see it. 1 wouldn't have.
Asked to explain how his dowsing
method works, Brown answered eni
matically, "You know. that's a good
question. As they say: The spirit moves
me. What Гуе done. any man can do
with the right spiritual approach, And
that approach is the truly scientific one.
They'll tell you dowsing isn't scientific,
but it is if you do it the way it should
be done
Which doesn't answer the question
but poses a couple of heavy ones that
we certainly can't answer here, However,
ng to that pa
chologists have done research that shows
that people who believe in the possibil-
ity of a “sixth sense” perform beter on
tests for psychic ability than those who
don’t believe such a sense exists. We
are reminded of Yoda in The Empire
Strikes Back, teaching Luke Skywalker
that only Skywalker's belief that some
things are imposible prevents him from
ccomplishing them.
Ave the major oil companies listening?
is interes
Scientists at Western Washington Uni-
versity are developing a new commu
may day
make satellites, telephone lines and TV
antennas things of the past. Code named
Project UNCLE. the scientific team is
led by Dr. Peter Kouer, who says it is
now feasible to send messages through
the earth using neatrino beams.
Neutrinos arc particles that
have no electric charge and probably no
mass so they're very hard to detect
through ordinary means: Electro
netic sensors don't pick them up. and
they're unlikely to be detected. through
collision with matte
However, Steve Kondratiek. former
ions mamager for the project (he
has since lelt Project UNCLE), explains
that a tiny percentage of each group of
neutrinos passing through the universe
will collide with atomic particles, caus
ing little showers of secondary particles.
known as muons, The muons collide
з other matter to produce tiny sparks
called Cerenkov li;
The Projet UNCLE scientists have
found that а pool of water can
receiver for the neutrinos and render
the Cerenkov light "visible" to a special
nicati that
ns process one
act as a
telescope. The oceans. lakes, ponds and
swimming pools are currently being ex-
226 perimented with as receivers, but the
researchers feel that with further experi-
mentation, the amount of water needed
to read the beams will be small enough
to be contained in something the size of
your television set, for instance.
When the process is perfected, indi-
viduals with modified receiving equip-
ment in their homes will be able to
receive television signals, telephone calls,
radio programs and other forms of radio
waves from апу part of the carth, pro-
vided the origin of the transmission has
the proper sending equipment. Home
units will be able to read the light
flashes, much as sound tracks are read
from films shown in theaters, and then
reproduce the sound or image
Underground music won't be the same!
Filteen years ago, scientific arguments
aged over the creation of the uni
Some astronomers insisted that it hap-
pened all at once, in а huge explosio
while others were sure that it was being
created. little by little, all the time. A
few argued that the universe alternately
explodes and implodes. Today, almost
all scientists agree on а "standard
sion of creation. The mathematics get
rather complicated, but all the equations
yield just a few important numbers, the
ones that determine the kind of uni
verse we live in. We wonder what
Newton or Einstem could have done
with this list!
Time: 17,000,000,000 years equals the
age of the universe. Seventeen. billion
years ago (give or take a few billion),
all the material in the
compressed into a pinpoint of pure, hot
energy. It began expanding at once in
n explosive “big bang." Eventually, the
energy condensed into matter, forming
stars, planets and us.
Temperature: 2.7
equals the average te
universe was
degrees Kelvin
perature of the
universe, At first, the universe was so
hot that the surface of the sun seemed
frozen by comparison. As it expanded,
it cooled down, so that now it is only
2.7 degrees above absolute zero, the low-
est temperature possible (you can't have
less heat than no heat at all). The detec
tion of this faint “cosmic background
idiation" in 1965 was the most crucial
covery in modern astronomy.
Speed: 17 kilometers per second per
million light-years equals the rate of
expansion of the u
between our Milky
other galaxies is increasing by 17 kilo-
meters per second for each 1,000,000
light-years (the distance crossed after
1.000.000 years by a beam of light
speeding along at 299,729 kilometers per
second) between us. This means that a
faraway galaxy—say two billion light-
years would be moving away Irom us
about ten percent of the speed of light.
Some galaxies could be moving away so
last that their light would never reach
из, and we wouldn't even know they
Electric. Charge: net
electric charge of the universe. ОГ the
three kinds of force that physicists know
about, the electric force is neither the
strongest nor the weakest. But it is so
much stronger than gravity, the domi.
nant force at cosmic distances, that if
the earth and the sun both had an excess
positive charge of only one part per
billion billion billion billion, the elec
tric repulsion would overcome their grav-
itational attraction and they would fly
part. So it's a good thing all the posi
tive and negative electric charges in the
universe cancel ош.
Density: 0.000000000000000000000000-
000005 (5x10-9) grams per cubic centi-
meter equals the critical density of the
universe. И the density of matter—stars,
planets, dust, black holes, etc—were
greater than this, the universe eventual-
ly would stop expanding and start con
verse. The distance
Way galaxy and
паста, like a movie runnin;
Eventually, it would end in a “big
crunch" just as hot and dense as the big
homers can find
bang. But so far
only a tenth of this critical density, so
the universe might expand
After about 10,000 billion billion billion
billion years. all the stars would have
burned out. leaving behind a very
bland sea of neutrinos. E
Christopher Bird. (author of The Divin-
ing Hand) for “Dowse me a River
leson for “Keeping an Ear to
and Steve Aaronson for
Tim Ai
the Ground”;
“Counting on Creation
That's the Jensen Car Stereo Triax II.
Power is right! 100 watts! Now
all the energy and intensity that
went into the original performance
comes through the Jensen Triax II
sway, speaker.
his incredible 100 watt capa-
bility gives the Triax II an unparal-
leled clarity of sound throughout the
entire spectrum.
Checkout what else the Triax II
has to offer.
Anewly designed 200z. magnet
structure coupled with a high tem-
perature, high power 11⁄2” voice coil
allows higher listening levels with
less distortion. And with the new
high power car stereo units avail-
able today, that’s important.
That's the thrill of being there.
The Triax II is also fully com-
patible with the advanced bi-ampli-
fied power sources for outstanding
clarity and separation.
0 go to the concert. Hear the
Jensen Triax II. That’s the thrill of
being there.
Jensen Car Audio
4136 N. United Parkway
Schiller Park, Illinois 60176
© "Triaxial" and “Triax” are registered trademarks
identifying the patented 3-way speaker systems of
Jensen Sound Laboratories. (U.S. Patent $4,122,315.)
“J never knew
gold rum
like this?
Thats the reaction thats made
Puerto Rican Gold Rum one of the
fastest growing liquors in America
today. It's the smooth alternative to
bourbons, blends, Canadians
even Scotch.
Try our Gold Rum with soda
ginger ale, or on the rocks. The
first sip will amaze you. The second
will convert you
Make sure the rum is Puerto
Rican. The people of Puerto Rico
have been making rum for almost
fve санне Thelrispecialised
skills and dedication result in a rum
of exceptional taste and purity
No wonder over 85% of the rum
sold in this country comes
from Puerto Rico.
Aged for smoothness and taste.
For tree “Light Rums of Puerto Kico” recipes. write: Puerto Hican Rums.
Dept. P-10, 1290 Avenue of the Americas. N.Y., N Y. 10019 ©1979 Commonwealth of Puerto Fico
(continued from page 114)
enjoyed bur to be cherished
This matter of prices is of по small
significance, since the
peak season Lasts only a scant 120 days—
usually December 15 10 April
15—and the astronomical prices demon
strate that there are folks who just don't
the best hotels
world is still
short tropical
care about. money. Ph
are [ull to
that Barnum's view o! the
accurate in the Eighties
But more sophisticated travelers have
d that there are, indeed, very
natives ıo rhe luxury
cause less sophisticated
ic than the
пе the most
exclusive tropical enclaves on this plan
et. Caneel Bay ИШ
Dix Bay are notable for their soti sands,
warm seas, superb service—and extraor
dinarily high prices.
this exclusive province of the
privileged suddenly comes within the
overflowing, confirms
accessible ahe
hotel prices th
souls to travel from their
holidays directly to cowl
No ex
nonpareil Rockresorts that
aple is more dram
Plantation and
In the off season
economic grasp ol mortal travelers, so
its posible to enjoy extravagant com
fort at [ar less than extravagant cost
The matr of money is only one
aspect of the off-season allure ol many
tropical destinations, To tell the truth
I can't think of an island
idyllic) ov а resort city (no maner how
strously dis
invasion. of
irresistible) thar is not di
torted by the
the tourist
hordes. I's a struggle for
local hotel май» just to keep up witl
eeds of dem
the bavest
ding sun wor
the attention of a bell ca
порісаі Y
ind anyone who's tied 10 ger
pain ab а
sont hotel during the period
Christmas and New Year
fusthand what it’s like te
Bur with the coming ol the off season
oases take on а diflerent,
even the popular island reson
more пастах
aspect, Basic services are suddenly per
ada ble
theory states that oll season
formed with comm etliciency
and while
service is somewhat diminished Irom
thar provided during the peak ol the
peak season, it happens more olien that
Suddenly, borel
fs have a bit of spare time, and the
departure of the demanding crowds ol
high rollers permits much more il
lul (апа perso’
е dambe:
we ооң
the apposite is true
al) attention. Phe very
maid who can barely an
roa clean washeloth on. the
towel rack in you
bathroom. during
nd February suddenly Das
time to suggest a native dium Cub "er
the hill that doesn’t
travel guide
appear in any
M the same time, the s
around. rhe
longues pool
New and Improved
Project the leading contenders consistently with this
ingenious new electronic rating method based on the
only really important factor there is... how fast a horse
can run.
Utihzing a new microprocessor-based engineering
design, the RaceTrack Computer Il combines, weighs
and then projects the Past Performance information
from the Daily Racing Form into a performance rating
for each horse in a given race.
The Computers ratings are based on important
factors from the last three races. Using the Past
Performances, you start by punching in the Median
Speed Rating (MSR) of the last 3 races. Enter the
Race Weight to be Carried (RC) in today's race. Then
enter the Last Speed Rating (LSR) of the same horse,
followed by that horse's Median Finish Position (PAF)
in the last 3 races. After entering the above informa-
tion, your RaceTrack Computer II will instantly com-
pute the Performance Rating. You may then make an
adjustment for races of varying lengths.
RaceTrack Computer II System is a new electronic
handicapping /rating method developed by a profes-
sional mathematician and computer science engineer
who isalsoa racing enthusiast. Applying sophisticated
computer techniques and analysis, he developed this
unique method after hundreds of hours of research
using numerous variables. Each possible method was
thoroughly tested and retested with actual races until
the optimum method was designed
He designed the computer for beginning and experi-
enced handicappers. If you're a beginner, the Com-
puter II will make you instantly competitive with the
track pros. And it is so simple to use that between race
selections can be made ina snap.
If you're an old pro at picking horses, the Computer II
can help you eliminate slumps and detect mental
lapses on your part. It willalso tell you when it might
Be a better
and surer
with the
Computer II
No handicapping knowledge required
W Simple operation for fast selections
E Accurate ratings based on past performance data
li Identifies and projects the real contenders!
E Guaranteed to increase your winnings or your money back!
be wise to "box" an exacta or "wheel" a horse in a
daily double.
Whoever you are, the RaceTrack Computer II can
only make youa better handicapper. And if you're not
convinced after two weeks that it has, return it fora
full refund at no obligation whatsoever
Compare these features: Ш Solid-State Circuitry W In-
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tor Ш Bright, large fluorescent display Bl Long- Life 9-
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two decimal places Ш Clear previous entry key Ш One
year limited warranty
Call Toll-Free for Instant Processing: 1-800-235-6945,
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Check one:
О АС Please send ____ RCII RaceTrack Computer(s) @ $39.95
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О АСА Please send ____ RCII RaceTrack Computer(s) à $39.95
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©Starshine Inc
924 Anacapa St.. Dept.RC404, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Sheik® gives you the two most important things you look for
in a condom: strength and sensitivity.
Sheik's strength is actually tested up to seven different times by
the most advanced scientific techniques —including electronic
Yet, with all this proven strength, the material used in a Sheik
condom is only three one-thousandths of an inch thin! It feels so
natural, you'd swear you weren't wearing a condom at all. And as
far as your partner is concerned, the feeling is mutual.
So depend on the strong, sensitive type—Sheik condoms.
They've got everything you want in a condom, any way you want
them: Sensi-Creme Lubricated, Ribbed, Reservoir End, and
Plain End.
According to a national consumer journal report. when
condoms are used properly the chances of an accidental pregnancy
are 10,000 to 1! No other method of birth control can give you better
odds without the risk of side-effects.
Schmid Products Comranv. Little Falls.
exacted bribes for "reservations" during
the course of the winter crush are now
blissfully available without the payment
of any ransom whatever.
And it’s more than just resort hotels
that benefit from the absence of the
high-scason mob. Fine restaurants in the
Caribbean are relatively few and far
between, so th
unknown. These island bastions of well-
prepared local de пу
totally unbreachable when the cream of
the expense-account set is handing out
lips large enough to pay off the maitre
de's mortgage. But in the off season.
the same captains who wouldn't deign
to dispense a single morsel to mere
mortals during peak periods are now
prepared to pay rapt attention to any
diner. What's more, even the finest chef
cannot keep up a very high standard of
food preparation—whether his specialty
is crcole or haute cuisine—when the
number of patrons in his dining room
is excessive. Given a bit of leisure to
create and concoct specialties (and even
experiment a little), he can again de
liver a culinary bounty for diners—one
that is impossible during high season
Perhaps the main reluctance sur
rounding visiting a warm-weather des
tination in the off season is an
unarticulated fear that temperatures in
the topics are likely to be skin-scorch
ing. But that is a lear with little foun-
dation in fact. The truth is that tropical
temperatures stay in a fa
range throughout the year, and the con
stant presence of trade winds blowing
in olf the ocean provides the most
pleasant sort of natural air conditioning.
Then there is the question about the
"rainy" season. Well, it’s true that any
tropical oasis where green is a dominant
color must have rain а
ir existence is not exactly
ly narrow
fair amount of
the time, but Гуе never been able to
get anyone to be very specific about
when that rain is likely to be mos
prevalent. September seems Ñke the
most perilous month (1 say that despite
having made several wips to the tropics
in September when no undue precipi
tation fell at all). Best to be resigned
to the fact that late-afternoon showers
are a constant in most parts of the
tropics year round, and just be thankful
that those sporadic showers provide an
excuse to head for bed till they cease
And, again, remember that the prices
at which even the most luxurious resorts
available in the off season can make
an extraordinary holiday experience.
hotel, but a good basic rule of thumb to
use in calculating the likely discounts is
to assume that you will be able to pur
chase paradise at about 40 percent off
high-season rates.
In the Caribbean, the selling of the
Discounts tly from hotel to
Really tying one on.
Getting s___ faced.
Having one more for the road.
Becoming polluted.
Drinking someone under the table.
Being plastered.
Bragging about the size
of your hangover.
Going out and getting looped.
With the possible exception of sex, no single Then the next time someone tells you how
subject generates as many foolish tales of prowess lousy he feels b se he had “one too many; you
as the consumption of alcoholic beverag can tell him how great you feel because you had
asic difference between the “one too fe
be highly Thats having a good time.
ouse our products with
1 If you choose to drink, drink Distilled ее. B ouncil of the U.S. (DISC
responsibly. 1300 Pennsylvania Building, Washington, DC © 20004
е |
"Seducing eng ne f
Buy 5 quarts of CAM2® М!
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Get more mileage, too. CAM2 Mileage can [
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Its the smart oil that can help you save gas, | КО М etree price only (Please allow four lo
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„Апа, | DOE By law Offer good September
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Light of the Party
Beautiful Pictures
Automatically Yours
with Instant Readout
X Omn
Youget perfect flash pictures automati
cally гот 19 inches way out to 26 feet. Sun-
pak's “Instant Readout" takes all the
‘complications ОШ of using flash. So it's easy to
get beautiful flash pictures of lile s exciting mo-
ments. And because the Aulo 221 recycles
every two seconds with nicad batteries, il's
always ready when youare. You'll never miss a
Precious shot
The Sunpak 221 is surprisingly compact
and lightweight. It uses standard batteries and
is available with an optional Wide-Angle Dif-
tuser and Tele Kit. Guide number is a powerlul
72 with ASA 100 fim
SUNPAK’ =з е
Available wherever good сатегаѕ аге sold.
“Sunpak Division, Berkey Marketing Companies
Dept rro. Вох 1102, Woodside. N.Y. 11377 - 1011 Chest-
nut St. Burbank. Ca. 91506 - In Canada: Sunpak
Corporation 0f Canada, Ontario.
off season has become a well-organized
ing, and the 23 islands and
countries that аге members of the Carib-
n Tourism Association h: tely
anded together to promote what they
call С
ibbean Bonanza Ti
promotion is to dramati
rate reductions, here
typical economies available up to De-
cember 15, 1980. At Casa de Campo in
the Dominicam Republic, for example.
rates are currently 57 percent less than
they will be after December 15. At
Dorado Beach in Puerto Rico, rooms
€ available about 40 percent dis-
count; in. Haiti, Habitation. Leclerc.
Part of
e hotel-
and some
a double room with breakfast can be
had for $95 for two—32 percent less
than at the height of the winter crush.
On Guadeloupe, the Meridien Hotel
reduces its rates by arly 30 per-
«тї for its least expensive double
rooms; and at the Sheraton in Aruba,
you can enjoy more than a 60 percent
saving. In addition, these rates can be
further reduced through the intelligent
purchase of one of hundreds of promo-
tional packa
This matter of packages is one of the
t elements in the whole
el equation, for it can
materially reduce the cost of even off
season rates. Unfortunately, it’s am
the most regrettable predisposi
Americans that they consider purc
ing any sort of travel package the equiv-
alent of vacationing in purgatory.
Perhaps the problem is that the movie
If 105 Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium
was such а good one, and received such
broad visibility, that many Americans
now belicve that every package-tour
participant is immediately shackled to
at least 49 other tourers, and the entire
proceeds оп its
way as onc—including trips to bedroom,
dining room and bathtub.
That can, assuredly, be close to the
truth, though it has become far more
the exception than the rule, As a matt
of fact, a. package purchaser should de-
nd no less than precisely the com
bination of travel clements he most
desires and should purchase that. pack-
е only if those elements —transpor
tion, accommodations, nd other
extras—cost less in a
purchased separately.
It’s also wise to survey package pro-
ms that may not sound too tempting
at first glance. Go beyond the cute
nes to ех the
ts included, since they may
able despite an unappetzing ti-
I have friends, for who
routinely travel to Bermuda on “honey-
moon" packages, despite being
ried and often traveling
“wife” on cach trip. They purchase this
manacled group then
23 Main St., Lynchburg, TN 37352
This 15 a comfortable sportsmar's billed cap.
Black mesh (ait cooled) and adjustable to any
sue head, with an official “Jack Daniel's Field
Tester" patch on the front. Guaranteed to shade
your eyes and start a lot of conversations. My
$5.25 price includes postage and handling
Both of these decks are prettier than a painting,
and so is the antique tin card case. Each card is
а bit larger and thicker than normal — like those
used on riverboats in the 1890's. There's a black
and a green deck— both with an antique gold
“distillery design” The face cards are re-
produced from 100-year-old artwork. So it’s а
real unusual set of cards for the serious player.
Twin deck in antique case: $8.50. Postage
Mı. Jack Daniel was the originator of the square
bottle for his whiskey and always wanted to have
а matching square glass. Well, here it is! This
helly square glass (each weighs 14 ounces) is
the perfect companion to а bottle of Mr. Jack's
finest. The inside is rounded to make drinking a
pleasure and the original design is fired on for
good looks and durability. My $15.00 price for a
sel of 4 glasses (8 oz. capacity) includes postage
FOR ONLY $25.00
Send check, money order, or use American Express,
Visa or Master Charge, including all numbers and
(Tennessee residents add 6% sales tax.)
For a color catalog ull c oid Tennessee tems,
send 31 00 to above address.
package because Bermuda hotels рш
themselves out for honeymooners, and
it’s an inexpensive opportunity to get a
bit better room (and some free extras)
t a good price. Furthermore, no mar-
riage licenses are ever scrutinized at
the time you sign up.
"The off season is the time when pack-
ages are most prevalent in all sorts of
permutations—sports, dining, adventure
and much more—and you should check
carefully with the airline and/or hotel
group to determine whether it has any
packages that will be in effect during
your planned travel time. It can save
you big money.
1. The good news is that off season
is the time when promotio
in, fares are most prevalent; the bad
me ?
Ж я f news is that the best of them arc
; usually announced with very little
advance notice. So to avail yourself
Shoes so comfortable you'll often choose walking over driving. Cassic styling.
Handcrafted by artisans from the shoe capital of America. Moderately priced. Available at | | ot ihe lowest possible fare, make sure
fine stores everywhere or write for a location near you. Walk-Over, Bridgewater, Mass. өч و инна ы ale
that any plane tickets you buy im
02324. Tel: (617) 697-6104.
роса Since 1074: Walk Over advance can be returned without can
Ў $ : " cel ty. That'll mean you
Geo. E. Keith Company, A Division of Official Industries, Inc. FINALLY. A SHOE THAT WALKS AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS. can е them for less expensive
" 2 CN 7 wansportation if the pportunit:
elegant, sensuous, delightful SEPA i ,
. 2. Don't rely on hotels alone for
Ups ч
` accommodations. The olf season is
Order Direct from Manufacturer the time when the rich and privileged
Machine Washable: 12 colo! lack, are usually elsewhere. and their posh
Royal Blue, Brown, Burgundy, Bone, vacation pads are often available for
d CSIRO: Navy; Red, Sunflower, rent at very low rates. It's the chance
ite, Mint Green. Set includes: j i até :
fat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, 2 matching to seid ih шшш, luxury at
pillowcases. very low cost, and leads on apartment
and condominium rental sources can
usually be obtained from the U.S
office of the tourist department. of
Queen Set ...$38.00
King Set PINAUD i
3 letter monogram on 2 cases - $3.50 -
Add $2.00 for postage & handling MOUSTACHE WAX
Immediate shipping on Money Orders
and Credit Cards: American Express, A must for styling, grooming & training
Visa and Mastercharge accepted. In- montanes beari and ELIGE
clude Signature, Account Number & xcellent for temporary color km dy
Expiration Date. Checks accepted. touch-ups and covering gray. Bond aent Public a
ow permit passengers to fly
HOT LINE NUMBER! : darts group отела and теша
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
N. J. & N.Y. Residents add Sales Tax.
Although sched
res are at their lowest
with another, so check offers carefully
A good source is the monthly list-
1 ings in the Travel Smart newsletter
4 FREE! introductory size (Жи Есту
[ILAC VEGETAL. AFTER 1. Research the
SHAVE LOTION with stand-by and budget
plus Styling. comb/brush regularly reappear in the off season
Only $2.00 postpaid Although perilous im peak periods.
= a they represent a very real savings (and
PENAUD веза steet. New vom. NY 10016 very little risk) during the low season.
Ploae send — eh of Pinaud Speciol 5. Above all, be flexible. OIF season
Offer at $200 per set. No COD. з i
E C Bin Ej е is the time 10 swing with one of the
(White D Blondel] Black[] z^ пу promotional opportunities, and
x y ар little adjustm of dates and des
Royal Creations, Gt. [HMM Tea ea ECA cedes
Dpt. (JT 350 Fifth Ave. (3308) New Yerk, NY 10001 сиу.
“Lady, when I asked you to go down, I meant on the ladder!”
(continued from page 130)
“Thai, Korean and Vietnamese cooks are cheerfully
individualistic and few work from recipes.”
ends of towel or with another damp
towel, until rice paper is completely
pliable. Place lettuce leaf on one side of
rice paper. Put about 14 cup crab-meat
xture on lettuce, spreading so that
is 3 to 4 ins. long. Top with couple of
mint and coriander leaves. Fold bottom
and top ends of rice paper over filling,
then roll up tightly lengthwise. Repeat
with additional rice-paper rounds un
filling mixture is used. Serve with dip-
ping sauce.
Note: These rolls are also delicious
fried. Leave out lettuce leaf, but other-
wise fill and roll as directed above. Fry
in hot oil for 4 to 5 minutes, turning
once, until crisp and brown. Wrap fried
rolls in lettuce leaves before serving.
(Thai Lemon Shrimp Soup)
(Serves four)
11b. shrimps
7 cups water
1 tablespoon dried lemon grass (or 4
strips lemon peel, 3 ins. long)
М teaspoon cayenne pepper
Juice of 1 lemon
Y, cup fish sauce
3 scallions (including green), thinly
3 tablespoons finely chopped corian-
der leaves
1 fresh green chi
Shell and devein shrimps. Bring water
to boil in stainless-steel or enamel sauce-
pan. Add shrimp shi
pepper, seeded and
"Not much, Wally. What's new with you?”
pecl and cayenne pepper; simmer 10
minutes. Add lemon juice and fish sauce;
simmer 5 minutes more. Strain liquid
to boi
allions, coriander
another n and return
(Vietnamese Beef-Lettuce Rolls)
(Serves two to three)
1 Ib. lean, tender, boneless beef
Marinade: 2 tablespoons fish sauce, 1
tablespoon salad oil, 1-2 mashed
cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon grated fresh
ginger, 1 teaspoon sugar
Small handful rice noodles (about 1
1 small cucumber (do not peel unless
skin has been waxed)
Dipping sauce: % cup fish sauce, 3
tablespoons each lemon juice and
water, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 mashed
cloves garlic, 14 slivered hot red
pepper, 2 tablespoons slivered raw
Soft lettuce leaves (Boston or butter
Fresh basil, mint and coriander leaves
Cut beef into very thin slices, then
into Lin. squares, Міх marinade in-
gredients, combine with beef and let
stand about 14 hour. Bring pot of water
to boil; add rice noodles; boil ? to 3
i or just until tender. Drain and
mmediately in cold water. Drain
again, very thoroughly. Cut noodles in
pieces. Cut half
thwise, then cut each half in thin
crosswise slices. Combine dipping-sauce
ingredients, Slide squares of marinated
beef onto moistened bamboo skewers.
Push slices very tightly together until
each skewer holds about 3 ins. meat.
Broil skewers about 2 minutes, turning
once. To eat, slide broiled beef off
skewer onto lettuce leaf, top with rice
noodles, cucumber slices and herb 1 5.
Roll up lettuce and dunk packet їп dip-
ping sauce.
Korean Hamburgers)
(Serves two lo three)
1 1b, lean ground beet
1 tablespoon soy sauce
14 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1 egg beaten with 1 tablespoon water
1-2 tablespoons sesame or salad oil
sauce, 1 vinegar, 1 tea-
spoon honey, 2-3 dashes Tabasco, 1
ly chopped scallion
Combine beef with soy sauce, pepper,
onion and sesame sceds; form into about
12 small cakes. Coat each lightly with
flour, then dip in cgg-water mixture.
Place each on rack set over plate until
Combine 3 tablespoons soy
Significant majority
equal to-or better than-leading high tars.
rates MERIT taste
Smoker Research Conclusive
Nationwide tests with thou-
sands of smokers continue to
confirm the MERIT break-
through in key areas of taste
and overall preference.
Blind Taste Tests: ln tests
where brand identity was con-
cealed, a significant majority of
smokers rated the taste of low
tar MERIT equal to—or better
than—leading high tar brands.
© Philip Morris Inc. 1980
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
Even cigarettes having twice
the tar!
Smoker Preference: Among
the 95% of smokers stating a
preference, the MERIT low tar/
good taste combination was
favored 3 to 1 over high tar
leaders when tar levels
were revealed!
MERIT is the proven al-
ternative to high tar smok-
ing. And you can taste it.
Kings: B mg "tar; 0.6 mg nicotine— M | RI |
100's Reg: 10 mg "'tar;' 0.7 mg nicotine—
100's Men: 11 mg "tar; 0.8 mg nicotine Kings & 1005
av. per cigarette, FTC Report 0вс:79
all hamburgers have been formed. Heat
oil in large skillet. Fry hamburgers about
2 minutes on cach side. Serve with sauce.
1 head Chinese cabbage
14 lb. white turnip. pecled
3 tablespoons salt
cluding green), sliced in
1 teaspoon ga
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
Cold water
Cut cabbage into n. squares. Cut
turnip lengthwise, then crosswise into
thin slices. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons
salt and mix well. Let stand about 20
minutes. Rinse well in cold water; drain.
Mix in remaining tablespoon salt, scal-
lions, garlic, ginger and cayenne pepper.
Transfer to lquart jar. Add enough
cold water to cover vegetables, leaving
14 in. headroom at top. Cover jar and
store in cool place several days or until
mixture is sufficiently sharp. Refrigerate.
Ideal place for storing kim chee as it's
ripening is in cool shed—apart from
house. If you lack such facilities, you're
on your own.
(Korean Braised Chicken)
(Serves three to four)
3 medium- al mush-
ze dried Orient
While menu
ems often have explanatory subtitles, the definitions
below should be of further help in cluing уо
in to popular dishes and styles
of preparation. Since spelling is phonetic, listings may vary from restaurant
to restaurant, In Th
restaurants, be sure to ask which dishes are extra spicy,
if they're not marked with a star or another symbol.
Gai Pad Kaprow: Chicken sautéed with bı
Kaw Pad: Fried rice.
l and chi
Kung Pad Ped: Shrimps sautéed with curry, coconut milk.
Moo Рай Prik: Pork sautéed м
Neau Pad King: Beet
Pad Tha:
h hot chili
itéed with ginger
autced rice noodles with shrimps, bean curd, bean sprouts, egg.
ind onion.
Pla Jain: Whole red snapper fried with shredded pork, mushrooms, ginger.
Tod Mun Pla:
cucumber sauce.
Yam Nean: Salad of sliced beef: dresi
lime juice, chil
d minced
npfsh. seasoned with curry: served with
g seasoned with lemon grass, lemon or
Dak Chim: Chicken sautéed and served with sweet-and-sour sauce.
Kujol Pan
Thin pancakes served wi
h selection of fillings—heef shreds,
shredded vegetables, bean sprouts, етс; sometimes presented in compart
mented dish. Also, a si
Mandu Kuk: Dumplings in broth
Mandu Tui
San Juk: Grilled skewered beef
Pul Koki.
Sin Sul Lo: Angel Pot, similar to Chi:
Dumplings filled with
Pul Koki: Thin strips of beef, marinated in soy-sesame
ийт: Batter-tried buterflied shrimps.
nd vegetables; seasoning similar to that of
gle filled pancake.
at and vegetables and fried.
auce and grilled.
ese hot pot, filled with la
and vegetables in scasoned broth. Cooking
hed at table.
Banh Páté Chaud: Well-seasoned ground beet in patty shell (French influence).
Banh Xeo: Shrimp
Cha Gio: Imp
and-pork pancake.
ial Roll—simil;
ame refers to sizz!
to Chi
ng sound of frying
ese egg roll but more delicate. Filling
wrapped in rice paper, fried, then rolled in lettuce leaf with condiments.
Com Chien: Fried rice.
ho, beet; Гот, shrimps: xac xiu, роп
ne is followed by princ
1 ingredient —ga, chicken:
Ga Rut Xuong: Boneless chicken stulled with páté-like filling; garnished with
w vegetables.
Mi Хао: Fric
Сот Chien.
Pho Ga: Beel noodle soup. Broth, noodles, fresh vegetables
assembled just before serving.
noodles. Name is followed by principal ingredi,
ent, as in
d seasonings
1 Ib. boned and skinned chicken
breast, cut into 2" x 14” strips
Marinade: 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 1
blespoon sesame oil, 1 teaspoon
sugar, 2 crushed cloves garlic, 1
teaspoon grated fresh ginger, several
grinds pepper
2 tablespoons sesame or vegetable oil
1 medium-size onion, sliced
3 small carrots, peeled and shredded
green pepper, thinly 51
tablespoons chicken broth or bouil-
14 Ib. zucchini, shredded
3 scallions (including green), thinly
2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds
Everything should be cut up, ready to
go. before starting to cool k mush-
rooms in hot water for about 20 minutes.
Cover chicken strips with marinade; let
stand about 20
rooms and cut into thin strips, discard-
ing stems. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in wok
or skillet. Add chicken and cook, st
ring, until pieces turn opaque. Remove
chicken from pan. Add remaining table-
spoon oil to pan: add mushrooms, onion,
carrots, green pepper. Cook. stirring. 2
nes. Add broth, cover pan; cook 2
minutes more. Return chicken to pan:
add zucchini, scallions and sesame seeds.
Cook, stirring, 2 minutes more. Serve
with rice.
The marinade for this classic Korean
from Arirang House, one of New
"soldest Korean restaurants.
(Broiled Short Ribs)
(Serves three to four)
3 Ibs. beef short ribs
34 cup beef broth
14 Cup soy sauce
14 cup Mirin wine or соски
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons olive or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 doves garlic. crushed
4 scallions (including some green),
finely chopped
2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds,
Several grinds black pepper
Have short ribs chopped into 21
in. squares. ‘Trim excess fat, then m
deep crisscross slashes in meat, almost
to bone. Marinate ribs for at least 1
hour in mixture of remaining ingredi-
ents. Remove ribs from marinade and
broil on charcoal grill. turning occa-
ly to brown all sides, until medium
. about ites. (Overcooking
ids to toughen meat.)
These cuisines are allegedly so sen-
suous that Oriental businessmen cus-
tomarily rush off to massage parlors for
dessert. Betcha nnie mer never
heard of that!
il sherry
= ло matter what you do,
ij always make your point.
е uy
EP PON ые ern Е ў
Johnnie Walker
Black Label Scotch
==й2, OLD
t .
On the way up, the work may not get easier,
but the rewards get better ae
1 T
en of the world know that there’s a global movement afoot. Good-looking spheres in a variety of sizes, from a jumbo
Italian-made model that does double duty as a bar holding bottles, ісе and glasses to a futuristic earth-in-space style
that displays stars, clusters and constellations have come out of the classroom and into the pad as a romantic (and prac-
tical) alternative to a piece of sculpture. Of course, you may not care that Rangoon, Burma, is on the opposite side of the
earth from Kingston, Jamaica, but that lovely young thing lounging by the fire just might. So don't just sit there, give globes a whirl.
Below left: Standing 20 inches high on а wood-and-brass base,
this antique-style globe shows the modern world in relief and
features hundreds of place names, from Top Brass, Chicago, $175.
Below right: Twin six-inch earth and celestial book-end globes
come with a spelling dictionary, English handbook, books of
synonyms/antonyms and quotations, by Replogle Globes, $40.
Below left: You'll flip when you flip the top of this 16-inch-high
Пабап-таде old-world globe with authentic descriptions and
decorations and discover an ice bucket inside, from Marshall
Field, Chicago, $100. Below right: Acrylic 20-inch globe within a
globe shows earth, 1100 stars, nebulae, clusters and constella-
tions; comes with dawn-to-dusk arc, instant geographic location
pointer, magnetic compass, manual, by Edmund Scientific, $285.
Above: Closed, this 32-inch-high old-world globe bar shows an antiqued world
map that’s been hand-painted by Italian craftsmen; opened, it’s a nifty bar with
room for six bottles of your favorite wine or liquor, an ice bucket that’s remov-
able and plenty of glasses, from Hammacher Schlemmer, New York, $395.
Ithough it began as something of a fad, the phenomenon
of the cowboy boot as citywear shows no signs of walk-
ing off into the sunset. Any explanation as to why this
peculiar trend continues to sit tall in the saddle would
have to include the fact that cowboy boots are surprisingly com-
fortable (after they've been broken in), eminently practical (they
keep your feet high and dry) and psychologically satisfying
(there's a little John Wayne in all of us). But another aspect of their
popularity is coming to light as designers create the next genera-
tion of boots, looks that are prized for their tooled artwork as well
as lor their practicality. Through a combination of exotic materials
and colors, intricate patterns and designs, cowboy boots have
become a means of urbane self-expression. Ain't that a kick in the
head, Hoppy? — DAVID PLATT
Above left: Something to kick up your heels over, pardner — a pair of Tony Lama eel and kitty-tan
cowhide silver-stitched boots, $185. Above center: We doubt if you'll be out mending barbed-wire
fences in these pin ostrich/calfskin boots with contrast trim, by Lucchese Boot, $500. Above right:
Ride ‘em, cowboy—right down to the nearest saloon in a pair of fancy iguana lizard/calfskin boots
with stitched trim and rounded toes and leather soles and heels, by Justin Boot, about $209.
Left: Here's a filly witha ша
lot of pull. What's she
come to grips with?
Nothing less than a pair
of pointy-toed cow- |
hide/calfskin boots with
multicolor stitching and
an underlay design, by
Ralph Lauren, about |
$195. Near right: Float f
like a butterfly in these
round-toed cow!
boots with multicolor
laid butterfly pattern, by
Texas Brand Boots, |
about $115. Far right: J
Saddle cowhide boots
with contrast stitching
and an underlay design,
by Wrangler, about $72.
Below left: Darth Vader, eat your heart out! These black calfskin hightops with silver piping and
studded decorative trim, designed by Beverly Feldman, about $200, are for the good guys. Below
Center: You think peanut brittle’s for kids? Not when you pull on a pair of peanut-brittle-colored
lizard/kiddie boots, by Nocona Boot Co., $221. Below right: Wide-toed perforated nubuck suede
cowhide/urethane boots with decorative ‚ гот Laredo Western Boots by Cedar Crest, $66.
Many business days in fall
and winter call for numerous
trips in and out of doors. For
me, lugging around and putting
on and taking off a heavy top-
coat is too much hassle. | stay
just as warm in all but the most
frigid conditions by putting on
several layers of clothes. The
secret is to capture body heat
among the loose layers. With a
T-shirt, shirt, sleeveless cardi-
gan, jacket (especially one with
a functional throat latch), light-
weight scarf (knotted outdoors,
folded loosely for a cravat in-
doors—or pocketed) and light-
weight gloves (stuffed casually
in the breast pocket while in-
doors), you'll be comfortable
and in style as you breeze by
the coat-check line.
One solution to the I-can’t-
putit-all-together fashion hang-
up is to mix shades of a
single color. For example, with
a gray-flannel suit, use a slate-
gray-silk shirt, houndstooth/
herringbone gray-tweed sweat-
er or vest, aluminum-satin tie
and gray-suede shoes. Add а
silver lapel pin and/or a pink
pocket square. Pure style.
There is a technique to
achieving the desirable dimple
beneath the knot of a neck-
tie. First measure a tie you've
been wearing from the tip to
the point just below where it is
usually knotted. Using that
length for any new ties (the
point at the top is where you
want the dimple), grab the tie
on either side of the point and
give it a couple of snaps to set
the lining. Then set your fore-
finger at the dimple point and
squeeze the fabric into rolls
from either side. With a tie clip
clamped from the back, let the
dimple set overnight. The proce-
dure works particularly well with
silk, which has the best
- |
Cambridge >
Cambridge Soft Pack: For easy-
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Box: Less than 0.1 mg "'tar;' 0.01 mg nicotine—Soft Pack: 1 mg '"tar;' 0.1 mg
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enewed Anglo-French hostilities have flared up on
Stateside soil as a pair of fine new midrange sedans
start rolling off the boats. France’s Peugeot 505
replaces the 12-year-old 504, while England’s Jaguar
Rover Triumph brings the Rover name plate back to Amer-
ica after a nine-year absence.
These two machines have much in common, yet each is
unique in its own way. Both have engines up front and
drive wheels out back in defiance of the world-wide trend
to front-wheel drive, yet both boast excellent interior room
and comfort for their size. Both offer outstanding ride,
handling and braking with power rack-and-pinion steering
and power front disc brakes, the Peugeot's independent
rear suspension and four-wheel discs giving it the edge in
technology if not in performance. Both also feature stand-
ard five-speed manual transmissions and optional three-
speed automatics.
But far different are the design and marketing philoso-
phies behind the two. The French 505 is intended as a near-
perfect compromise sedan, neither too big nor too small.
Reasonable performance paired with reasonable economy
for the fuel-conscious Eighties. A practical family four-door
that’s also willing, agile and fun to drive when you want to
make like Mario Andretti. The British 3500, essentially a
budget Jaguar, is aimed squarely at the individual who
Right and below: Ye
sexy-looking $16,000 mac
Under that sloping hood is a 148-hp УВ engine
and beneath the hatchback is 34 cubic feet of
Cargo space. Settle into the well-appointed
cockpit and you can hit 60 mph in just ten
seconds. Gentlemen, start your engines.
wants exciting sports-car looks and performance yet needs
sedan or wagon practicality on occasion.
The sleek, sexy Rover has the boxier Peugeot beat in us-
able cargo space, thanks to its handy hatchback and fold-
down rear seat, but the taller Peugeot is a bit more airy and
spacious inside for four or five adults. At ten seconds zero
to 60 for the 148-hp V8-powered Rover vs. about 14 sec-
onds for the four-cylinder Peugeot, there's no contest in
straight-line performance, but they'll both deliver 20-mpg
fuel economy in everyday driving. Only the Peugeot, how-
ever, offers an optional diesel engine for 29-mpg—or bet-
The Peugeot 505 competes in the $11,000-$13,000 range
with such other imports as Saab's 900, Volvo's GL and
Audi's 5000; but JRT believes its fully loaded $16,000 Rover
should draw from a variety of people and products: Audi,
Volvo or Saab owners moving up to something more ex-
citing; Datsun 280ZX, Corvette or Porsche 924 people
going to something more practical; potential BMW or
Mercedes buyers opting for something equally exciting but
a lot less costly.
Neither is likely to be everyone's cup of tea or glass of
Bordeaux, but we like them both for entirely different
reasons—and after a test drive we're convinced you will,
too. Pass the crumpets and croissants. — GARY WITZENEURG
French; not only will the new Peugeot 505
carry four to five adults in sedanlike comfort
but it will also corner like a Formula machine
(well, almost) when you push it up through its
five J gearbox that's combined with a
Bosch K-Jetronic fuel-injection system. Inside
E are fully adjustable bucket seals. The price for
this Gallic hummer—about $12,000.
Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing
We thought our May Playmate, Martha Thomsen, was pretty spectacu-
lar. We had no idea she was making strong men short of breath. But a
picture is worth a thousand words, right? We hope singer MARVIN
GAYE revives in time for his next series of concert dates.
© 1980 RAUL LE MAR
MORGAN FAIRCHILD (with boyfriend ERIK BORMAN, below) made a
big splash in the TV miniseries The Dream Merchants last spring. Now
she’s co-starring in an NBC series called Flamingo Road. Your Grapevine
gang always gets a kick out of these almost perfect publicity shots: She's.
dressed to the teeth and discreetly falling out of her dress!
Cream rises—even punk
cream. Look at Debbie
Harry. She's considered
too mainstream these
days. But THE PRETEN-
DERS, below, are just
about perfect. American
issie Hynde and her
cohorts, James
Honcyman-Scott, Pete
Farndon and Martin
Chambers, are now the
tough act to follow, Ob-
viously, things are look-
ing up.
Don’t Squeeze the Charmin
Evita's PATTI LUPONE (above left) is the toast of Broadway, but she's
still checking out the competition. The competition here is CHARLES
PIERCE, a wickedly funny female impersonator. Patti's got the glitz,
but Charles is our celebrity breast of the month.
Who, Me, Auteur?
Time was when a Clint Eastwood movie meant one squinty-eyed expres-
sion, a wholelot of violence and millions of bucks at the box office —while
the critics gnashed their teeth. Now the tables are turning. Director/star
Eastwood's most recent release, Bronco Billy, got raves from the critics—
but а lukewarm reception at the ticket windows. Can't please ‘em all.
There is just something
about the Sha Na Na
guys—probably that
you still couldn't take
them home to
Mother. Not even
BOWSER here,
who got dressed
up to cruise for
A Star
Is Shorn
got her locks cut for the new
Disney spy movie, Condorman. She'll
be disguised in a blonde wig. We'd
recognize her anyway, because back in
1977 she took the towel off for us.
you've got to make gestures and ac-
tively respond to cues from others. His
advice to men: Don't be pushy, but
don't freeze, either.
With all of the obscure areas of
study that abound, we're glad to see
scientists focusing on something we've
contributed data to for years—flirting.
Biologist Timothy Perper and anthro-
pologist V. Susan Fox pooled disciplines
to analyze how people flirt in bars.
After spending 350 hours at singles bars
in New York and New Jersey (obviously
Sociologists at Western Washington
University claim there's a direct cor-
relation between reli-
gious involvement and
lack of sexual activity—
at least among college
students. In a study of
290 females and 151
males, mostly freshmen,
researchers supplied
their heterosexual sub-
jects with questionnaires
assessing their sexual ex-
perience and their reli-
gious intensity. We don't
|, know about religion, but
2 the college freshmen we
know would write a
zbook about their sex
| lives if we let them. Our
condolences to the re-
searchers. Questionnaire
results indicated that re-
ligious students did less
of everything sexual than their less
religious classmates. Religious males,
though, showed substantial oral-sex
activity, with no corresponding activity
among religious females. We can only
conclude that either somebody's lying
or boy believers have been cavorting
with flesh outside the faith. Also, a re-
verse order of sexual initiation. takes
Some people just write us mush letters. But Pam Thompson; а
California horse trainer, told us we're near and dear to her
heart by way of tattoo. Does this mean we're going steady?
giving no thought to their reputations),
they've detected three distinct stages
of flirtation. First comes the approach
stage, that chest-stilling moment when
the would-be suitor (female 50 percent
of the time) quells all sane impulses,
turns to the object of desire and ven-
tures an opening line, such as, "Think
the rain'll hurt the rhubarb?” or
“Weren't you in Cannes last spring?"
The poetry and meter of that opening
line, according to the research team,
doesn't matter much. It's merely a way
to get to step two, pivoting—moving
from side by side to face to face.
Doesn't sound so tough, but sometimes
it takes up to an hour of small but
meaningful gestures before the partners
are facing each other. The important
thing here is reciprocation: She shifts £
her hip toward him, he puts his drink §
in the other hand; reaching for an ash-
tray, she accidentally brushes against
him, he smiles. This activity leads to
stage three: synchronization, when the
couple settle into a rhythmic “two
for the seesaw” mimicry of each other.
He takes a drink, she takes a drink; she
runs her fingers through her hair, he
fingers his hair; monkey see, monkey
do. They even sway in unison. We'd
call that a commitment. What you do | SES
next is entirely up to you.
Passivity doesn’t work, whether
you're the flirter or the flirtee, says
Perper. If you want to make new friends,
Don't keep your tongue to yourself, says
this T-shirt, $16 from Moonraker, 6930
N. Glenwood, Chicago, Illinois 60626.
place among male religious types.
Whereas most adolescents experience
sex with penetration some time before
oral sex, religious boys experience oral
sex first. Researchers theorize that this
is the old technical virgin routine—you.
come awfully close to doing it but stay
within the letter of canonical law. This
makes us think twice about those
hotel-room Gideon Bibles. Suppose it's
some sort of oral-sex fanatic fringe?
Doubtless, by now you've heard
about that bra insert designed to de-
tect breast cancer in its preliminary
stages. A great idea, and there goes
the no-bra look. Not so. We checked
For more about this hand-blown crystal
piece by a master Venetian glass blower,
contact The Glass Store, 1242 Madison
Avenue, New York, New York 10028.
with Fabergé, Inc., which has acquired
rights to the device, and found that
women will have to wear it a mere 15
minutes for its thermal sensors to de-
tect early formation of malignant tis-
sue. Experts predict that detection at an
early stage could save lives and a fash-
ion trend we've become rather fond of.
Barron's Educational Series has
brought out a fairly comprehensive
guide to the revolts and skirmishes of
the sexual revolution called Sexuality:
4 The Human Perspective, by Gary F
2 Kelly. The book profiles most of the
= pillars of the sex-research community.
Questionnaires and self-awareness ex-
ercises provide some entertainment,
while solid information on venereal
diseases and birth-control meth-
ods makes it a valuable read. B
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86 Proof Blended Scotch Whisky ©1979 Paddington Corp., N.Y.
In either length— King ог 100°:
is lowest.
See how Carlton stacks down in tar С f C
compared with U.S. Gov't. figures for К A
brands that call themselves low in tar: ez
tar nicotine
= mg/cig mg./cg.
Carlton Box (lowest of all brands)
less than 0.01 0.002
Carlton Soft Pack 1 0.1
Carlton 100's Box 1 0.1
Carlton 100's Soft Pack less than 6 0.5
Kent m Ss IA 09
Kent 100's 14 10
Merit. s 8. 0.6
Merit 100's _ 10 0.7
Vantage — 11 0.8
Vantage 100's Р eL e ee Ne, 0.9
WinstonLights 1K
Winston Lights 100's 13 1.0
Carlton Menthol.
King & 100% i res ш
The lighter 0.1 mg. nic.
و f 100's—Only
Э mg. (аг,
menthols. ee
Box: Less than 0.01 mg. "tar", 0.002 то. nicotine; 1007 Box: 1 mg. “tat, 0.1 mg. nicotine
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined àv, per cigarette by FTC method. Soft Pack: 1 mg. "tar", 0.1 mg. nicotine;
5 Menthol: Less than 1 mg. "tar", 0.1 mg. nicotine;
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 100's Soft Pack: Less than B та. "tar". 0.5 ma nicotine,
100's Menthol: 5 mg. "tar", 0.4 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Dec. "79.