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The fírst 
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Warning: The Surgeon Genera! Has Determined 
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The first ultra low tar _ 
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LAST YEAR about this time, Santa Fe, New Mexico's quiet 
mage as the artsy-craftsy capital of the Southwest went up 
n flames. Inmates of the New Mexico State Penitentiary 
had flown into a two-d ing 33 prisoners dead. 
Roger Morris, former White House staffer and a New Mexico 
resident, started looking for the story behind the bedlam and 
untangled the web of forces that produced the most savage 
prison riot in U.S. history. His article, Thirty-Six Hours at San- 
ta Fe, is a terrifying look at brutality and a shocking indictment 
of U.S. prisons. We've got more behind-the-scenes reporting 
in How to Buy Life Insurance and Get Out of I1 Alive (illus- 
trated by Jomes Higa), by nationally syndicated columnist 
John Dorfman. It's probably the best lifeinsurance story since 
Double Indemnity, but that was fiction and this is fact and 
it may save you from the pitfalls of this particular policy 
decision. And if you need any more protection, talk with our 
March interviewee, James Garner, also known as Bret Maverick, 
Jim Rockford and everyone's favorite Polaroid pitchman 
(with an affectionate nod to Mariette Hartley). Garner's 
interviewer, Lawrence Lindermon, who previously talked with 
Burt Reynolds and Sylvester Stallone for us, now ranks as an 
expert on Hollywood he-men. We know some women who 
would stroll through the LaBrea tar pits with their shoes off 
10 get just five minutes alone with Linderman's address book. 
Artist and satirist Derek Pell focused on turning off for The 
Joy of Celibacy, a punchy send-up of that current crop of 
talk-show propagandists who claim there's no sex like по sex. 
If the procelibacy movement sounds like a hustle, check out 
Hol Shots: The Country's Top Pool Players Show You Their 
Tricks, by Robert Byme, who, as author of Byrne's Standard 
Book of Pool and Billiards, knows how to hustle. Some 
people think the fourth estate is pulling off a pretty good 
hustle, too, as the news biz looks more like showbiz with 
each passing day. Associate New York Editor Susan Mergol 
Winter collected last ycar's bolfo flaps and flops in print and 
TV for a zany but true package called Media Madness 1980, 
designed by Associate Art Direcior Bob Post and illustrated by 
Doug Taylor. So much for the news—here’s the weather. Looks 
like rain, so turn to City Slickers (photographed by Steve 
Емен). For a chill, just read The French Lesson, new fiction 
from Contributing Editor Aso Baber, whose tale of U. S.-French. 
interaction in Vientiane will provide an insight into the 
vocabulary of intrigue that you won't get frc 

п Berlitz. Your 
French may fade, but you'll never forget Scotch after reading 
Emanuel Greenberg's Liquor of the Lairds (photographed by 
Marie Cosindas). 
We're proud to introduce our leggy blonde March 
Playmate, Kymberly Herrin, a flute player from Santa Barbara. 
Му Sister, My Self, in text and photos featuring some very ve» 


sters, provides the latest word on the old nature-vs- 
nurture argument: Why do they act alike? Canadian models" 
agent Je Penney has sent several of her clients to us. Jo's charms 
were not lost on Photo Director богу Cole, so he popped the 
question, Would she pose for us? You bet. By the way, the text 
portions of these three pictorials were all written by Associate 
Editor Walter L Lowe, who certainly knows how to pick his 
assignments. But just in case you think Lowe does nothing 
but talk with beautiful women all day, take a look at Playboy 
in the News, in which he shortcircuits a strange current of 
thought by William F. Buckley, Jr. As you сап sec, there's plenty 
to ponder this month, plus everything you need to know 
about humidors, darts, auto leasing, wrist watche: пір suits 
and sex (at least until next month). But if you have any 
questions, don't send them to Lowe—he's away on R&R. And 
"roller Bob Seger would say, turn the page. BABER 




РАВ Be ee К, О ы ACA: ES 




PLAYBOY AFTER HOURS .......... Mer Ace ced d OLD 

BOOKS E Nee NP дд ки МЛ i Дым 33 

Spy novels with a chilling edge of fru the consummate Honk Willicms 

% biography. 

pa MOVIES ӨР cu Ж жу. ae E O 22 
ре Niro ploys pugilist în Scorsese's Raging Bull: Nine to Five's a riot ell round! 

MUSICS N Р Жақ т Me me „сүй 42 

Songwriter Rodney тама croans (gutsy ballads; d Playmate Jeane! Manson 
tracks a winner. 

ELEMIS ION MEA Тыа» Лек АЕН acon abo eode Tu taco 48 
Moving portraits of men and their wars, ancient and modern; whodunits return; 
Shakespeare revisited; a Nijinsky retrospective features Nureyev. 

Jo Penney Germaine's is the place for D.C.’s interpretation of a Pan-Asian feast. 
RADIO Deere = eee ec sogesa i) 
Star Wars brings the Force to the 
Jon Voight primes for another hustling role; more Hollywood strikes Gus 
In Jamaica, things appeor to be looking up. 
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: JAMES GARNER—candid conversation ....... [7 

The affable star of Maverick and The Rockford Files—two of TV's most popular 
ond longest-running series—and those Polaroid commercials with nonwife 
Mariette Hartley discusses his decision to leave Rockford, getting beaten up on 
cn LA. freeway and what he thinks of Hollywood accountants: 

THE FRENCH LESSON—fiction ....................... ASA BABER 98 
When оп American Marine abroad avenges the deaths of three of his men, he 
learns a lesson the military has forgotten: You can annihilate your enemies, but 
you can't kill your conscience. 

JOIPENNEY——pittorial ЕТЕ E 102 
The beautiful lady who owns one of Canada's top modeling and talent agen- 
cies is her own best advertisement. Here's to a Penney who looks like a million. 

It's been а year since this New Mexican prison gained world-wide notoriety as 
the scene of the bloodiest riot in U.S. penal history. A journalist's detailed 
account of the atrocities committed during those 36 unforgettable hours—and 
why that nightmare could be repeated. 

loirds! Liquor - This smoky-flavored brew is favored by moor Scots—and even more Americans. 


rues p tos. PETER 3 RAPIDE. P. 241: ENENT GEAR. Р. 11 (2): CHRIS CALLAS, P. 241; GRANT EDWARDS. P. 12, VERSER CHGELNARD. Р. 5 (2) 


Recognize this dazzling smile? You may remember the Barnstable twins from their Double- 
mint commercials. If you really want to double your pleasure, turn to My Sister, My Self 
(page 146), showcasing a bevy of sensational siblings. If this is a double standard, we're 
all for it. Executive Art Director Tom Staebler designed and shot the cover featuring 
Parviz Sadighian’s bipartite Rabbit sculpture. 

THE JOY OF CELIBACY—humor ....... савоаесоввевоо DEREK PELL 115 
Too much sex getting you down? Bored with manuals, gadgets and groping? 
Relax. There are alternatives to sex: Abstention can be fun—and exhilarating. 
A Victorian-style guide to everything you need to know to avoid having sex. 

WRIST ASSURED—modern living .............--++-- pa ndtv ee ap 118 
Gorgeous pieces to keep close at hand. 
SANTA BARBARA SIREN— playboy's playmate of the month ........ 120 

Kymberly Herrin's talents—she's a virtuoso musician, an expert surfer and а 
shrewd real-estate agent—are enhanced by her enchanting physical charms. 

PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humar ................ рсы: 132 
GET OUT OF IT ALIVE—article ............... -..JOHN DORFMAN 134 

Your friendly neighborhood salesman claims you can't live without a permanent 
policy. The question is, can you live with one? Before you sign on the dotted 
line—and shell out a lot of bucks—read this piece carefully. 


A comparative buying guide to major life-insurance policies. 

Splash into spring with snazzy new rainwear that'll keep you dry and dapper. 

MEDIA MADNESS 1980—humar . . 
Carter wasn't the only one who took it on the chin last year. In their finest 
moments, the media proved infinitely more ridiculous than the subjects they 

When it comes to beauty like this, once is never enough. A glorious gallery of 
twins who make seeing double a pleasure. 

TO BEAT THE DEVIL—ribald classic ...... оте тсе; 157 

HOT SHOTS—sports ............. uico ten ROBERT BYRNE 159 
А cue-and-A course with pool's power shooters, who show how they rack up. 


20 QUESTIONS: LAUREN НОТТОМ ............................. 170 
Revlon's top model—and one of our favorite ex- -Bunnies—talks about acting, 
relationships and much more. 

PLAYBOY FUNNIES—humor .......... 

Install this all-purpose audio-visual system in one place—it'll take you where 
you want to go. 

Man & Woman: dating os an adult; leasing a сог. 



Prison Riot 

Miss Morch 

PLAYBOY PUZZLE ............. d tees c ge EILEEN KENT 241 

Handsome humidors; singular jump suits; dart equipment; Grapevine; Sex News. Neiman Sketchbook 

(2); pavio MECEY. Р 

ЖЕМ HAWRINS, P. 241; RICHARD KLEIN, ғ. з (4), 218 (1); HARRY LANGDON, P. 52: LARRY L LOGAM, ғ. 3, 
3 (4); Tom STAEBLER, (8): ERIC WESTON, Р. S1: WIDE WORLD, P- лан (2), ILLUSTRATIONS my: каль моюн, т. se, MIKE 



ә editor and publisher 
Wolfschmidt E cn e 
DON GOLD managing editor 


3. BARRY GOLSON executive editor 

photography director 

TOM STAEBLER cxecutive art director 
sislant editor; STAFF: WILLIAM. J, HELMER, 
1015; JAMES R. PETERSEN senior staf] writer: 
NELLIS, JOHN REZEK associate editors; JOHN 
WINTER, TOM FASSAVANT asociale new york 
editors: KATE NOLAN, J. к. O'CONNOR assistant 
modern living editor; кр WALKER assistant 
editor; DAVID PLATT fashion director; MARLA 
SCHOR assistant editor; CARTOON MICHELLE 
UkRY editor; COPY: ARLENE BOURAS editor; 
STAN AMBER assistant editor; JACKIE JOHNSON, 


KeRIG rore managing director; LEN WILLIS, 
CHET suski senior directors; BRUCE HANSEN 
ROR POST, SKIP WILLIAMSON associate director 
directors; wern клык senior art assistant 
PEARL MIURA, JOYCE PEKALA ari assisiants; 
SUSAN HOLMSTROM Laffic coordinator; BAR- 
BARA HOFEMAN administrative assistant 


MARILYN CRABOWSKI west coast editor; JEFF 
COHEN, JANICE MOSES associate editors; RICH- 
ARD FEGLEY, POMPEO rosam staf] phologra- 
bhers; JAMES LARSON photo manager; MLL 
uting photographers; гатту BEAUDET assistant 
editor: marx MURKY (London), JEAN MERRE 
MOLLEY (Paris), Luisa stewart (Rome) cor- 
respondents; james warn color lab supervi- 
sor; көшет CHELIUS administrative editor 

JOHN MASTRO director; ALLEN VARCO manager: 
МАША MANDIS assistant manager; ELENNORE 



Wolfschmidt is made here to the same RICHARD SMITH direclor; ALVIN WIEMOLD sub- 
supreme standards which elevated it to spg OPORTO é 5 
appointment to his Majesty the Czar and the zo [асо ADVERTISING 
Imperial Romanov Court. HENRY W. MARKS director 

The spirit of the Czar lives on. i 2 ADMINISTRATIVE 

PAPANGELIS administrative editor; FAULETTE 
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DRED ZIMMERMAN administrative assistant 

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Product of U.S.A. Distilled from grein - Available in 80 and 100 proof- Wolfschmidt, Relay, Md. 

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Clip and take this ro your Uniroyal dealer: 






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On that course, the mileage projection 
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These mileage projections (including 
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you want Uniroyal there. 


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When you compare, 



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in which we offer an insider look at what's doing and who's doing it 

Robin Young looks like the prize in this shot, but really, her prize was a 
United Artists screen test at Playboy Mansion West. Winner of a contest 
sponsored by Playboy and United Artists, Robin was promplly cast in the 
upcoming James Bond film For Your Eyes Only, starring Roger Moore. 


Baseball great Rusty Staub, beside actress/model 
Debra March, catches LeRoy Neiman painting the fa- 
mous gloves of his 25-year-old creation at the Femlin's 
25th-birthday party at New York's Magique disco. 


Sarah Purcell signs 
a REAL PEOPLE T-shirt 
at Playboy Mansion 
West during the an- 
nual Rainbow/Amie 
Karen Cancer Fund 
benefit. А record 
sum Was raised by 
Showbiz volunteers, 
including Rich Little 
and Henry Winkler. 


You can dress them up, but can you take them 
out? Above, eye-patched John DeCarlo jollies 
Aladdin, a.k.a. Gabe Kaplan, at Hef's latest Man- 

Former Monogram Pictures stars Huntz Hall of the Bowery Boys and Anne 
Jeffreys help Hef dedicate the newly named Hugh M. Hefner Little Theater, the 

oldest screening room in Hollywood. Hefner funded its restoration after the І 
Omate room was discovered beneath old wallboard on Monogram's former Se ae Gites nica oe 
Jot, which is presently the home of Los Angeles public-TV station KCET. Tha Cowboy and dhe Lady ct he come рну 



Martha Smith, who decorated our gate- 
fold in July of 1973 (above), peps up the 
opening scene of Vanities, which she 
also produced at the Beverly Hills Theater 
(she's in the center а! left). Someone 
must have realized that Martha played a 
cheerleader in the film Animal House. 


At left, world Grand Prix 
racing champion Alan 
Jones, beside December 
1979 Playmate Candace 
Collins, holds his U.S. 
Grand Prix trophy high aft- 
er his victory at Watkins 
Glen in New York. The ғуы 
1979 Playmate of the Year, 4 4 
Monique St. Pierre, right, is Шо = 
suited up to drive in the 

pro-celebrity race, also on | 
the Watkins Glen schedule. 



Amy Lou, a gray beluga whale, shares a secret with Manhattan Bunny Jen- 
nifer, below, at the New York Aquarium at Coney Island. Jennifer and other 
New York Bunnies later played volleyball to benefit the Save the Whale Fund. 

At a Lubin House Gallery, New York, exhibit of. 
PLAYBOY arl, sponsored by Syracuse University and 

PLAYBOY, Ar! Director Arthur Paul spots Clarice 
12 Rivers, model for the sculpture in the foreground. 

“Last year I switched to rum. 

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This year I graduated to the flavor of Myers’: 
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What makes Myers5 precious imported 
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They know Alka-Seltzer is effective. And they're comforted in knowing it's 
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So make sure America's Home Remedy is in your home. Because 
someday you'll be very relieved to find it there. 




The December Playboy Interview 
with George С. Scott is the first feature 
I have had the pleasure of reading in 
your magazine. 1 especially like his 
straight-from-the-shoulder comment on 
his disapproval of the people who took 
off for Canada during the Vietnam war 
and then had the guts to want to come 
home after the shooting had stopped. 

Paul S. Fulkerson 
San Francisco, California 

For starters, Scott's Stone Age remarks 
about Tran and warfare are asinine. I'm 
thankful that he wasn't the actor elected 
President last year. I hope he read the 
article by Dick Gregory in the same issue, 
but I doubt that it would have had any 
effect. As far as his remarks about acting 
and actors, after putting down all 
awards, he accepted an Emmy after turn- 
ing down an Oscar. In my book, that's 
hypocritical. As far as I'm concerned, 
Scott's reputation as а hell-raiser greatly 
exceeds his talent as an actor, One cheer, 
at best, for the not-so-great Scott! 

Tom Peyarnik 
Youngstown, Pennsylvania 

Alter reading George C. Scotts inter- 
view in the December issue, I'm thrilled 
to find a man with guts to say what he 
thinks is right. As a Viet vet, I can 
identify with his stand on the war. We 
shouldn't have been there in the first 
place, but we were and we should have 
given it our best shot. When I was there, 
1 felt I was being used. Our leaders, hah, 
hah, weren't trying to win. No one ever 
told us we had a plan or a strategy. Our 
most common ploy was to search and 
destroy. What a laugh. We would fly 
around with a load of grunts who were 
scared stiff. The Hueys would fly low 
and try to draw fire. If they did, we 
would land the grunts, who didn't know 
where they were or what they were up 

against, but they did their best. It was 
crazy. The guy who thought that one up 
is sitting on Madison Avenue, thinking 
up new tampon commercials. The whole 
thing was like sending а pro-football 
team into a game with no plays. 

Mark Reeb 

Springfield, Ohio 

Tt was refreshing to find out that Scott 
is a funny, lost and somewhat intelligent 
human being—just like most of us who 
are wondering what the hell life is all 
about. The interview has a rare atmos- 
phere about it: I felt as though tough 
old George were sitting across the table 
from me, sipping some brew and laugh- 
ing it up: and I attribute that to your 
excellent interviewer, Lawrence Grobel, 
and to Scott's intuitive s on life 
and the nature of ma 

Neil C. Garrison, M.D. 
South Pasadena, California 


Dick Gregorys artide Inside Kho- 
meini's Iran (PLAYBOY, December) should 
be required reading for every thought- 
ful concerned. American on the volatile 
i ag in Iran. It illuminates 
many of the ambiguous aspects of the 
hostage crisis as presented in the Amer- 
ican press. It's impossible after reading 
Gregory's article not to look deeper into 
the crisis and its ramifications. Many 
thanks to your thoughtful magazine for 
publishing such a relevant, timely and 
much-needed article on the Iranian ст 
Teddy Ramsey 
New York, New York 

If, as Dick Gregory claims, martyrdom 
is so sacred to Iranians that it is more 
to be desired than the Nobel Peace Prize, 
perhaps he can explain why tens of 
thousands of military-age Iranian stu- 
dents are sitting tight іш the United 
States while their country is engaged in 
what their Ayatollah declares is a “holy 

PLAYBOY, (ізің 0032-1478), MARCH 









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war" Could it be that martyrdom is 
easier to risk. when hundreds ог thou- 
sands of Iranians are attacking ап em- 
sy building protected by 10 or 20 
Marine guards than it is against a well- 
equipped invading Iraq 

Jim Thoi 

Paynesville, Minnesota 


Not all midshipmen at the United 
States Naval Academy are dull, straight- 
edged istic. Some of them en- 
joy having a good time every once in a 

while. This PLAYBOY Rabbit painted 
on the Naval Academy field house by a 
group of enterprising mids in the spring 
of 1980. 
Casey, Kelly and Sargeant Troy 
Annapolis, Maryland 

Funny, after all this time, I had 
thought that Holden Caulfield (Holden 
Caulfield at Middle Age, PLAYBOY, De- 
cember) had grown up to be the one 
and only Hunter Thompson! Thank you 
so much, David Standish, for springing 
Holden out of the mental w 
bringing him back into our h 
ol sport! Salinger should be proud 
Juli Eddings 
Amarillo, Texas 

A close-up of Holden Caulfield a long 
generation later is an intriguing idea, 
penned with uncanny skill. The world 
has darkened and hardened since he was 
16, and so has Holden. How could he 
not? You don’t want to hear about it. 
But I was glad to. Right on, Standish! 
Walter Havighurst 
Oxford, Ohio 


Your answer concerning the use of the 
hallucinogenic campana in Puerto Rico 
(The Playboy Advisor, November) has 
been brought to my attention. The plant 
іп question is not Ipomoea triloba, as 
you suggest, but Datura suaveolens, a 
close relative of Jimson weed. Its major 
components are tropane alkaloids such 
as scopolamine, hyoscyamine and atro- 
pine. Those compounds are toxic and 
hallucinogenic; thus, the use of datura 
is best considered a dangerous practice 
In some individuals, permanent. psycho- 
sis may occur, while in very sensitive 
individuals, pulmor 

sult. I would suggest that you warn your 
readers about the dangers of campana 
and other members of the nightshade 
José L. Vivaldi, Ph.D., Director. 
Coordination Office 
Scientific Research Area 
Department of Natural Resources 
San Juan, Puerto Rico 
Thanks for the word to the wise. The 
“Advisor's” advice still holds true: “Wear 
the flower in your lapel, not in your 
frontal lobe.” 

As a horseshoer and mule packer, 1 
have to admit that I get a big kick out 
of all your macho boot ads. But the 
Nocona ad (rLAvmov. December, page 
70), in which some yahoo is going after 
a Gila monster with a barbed-wire-fenc- 
ing tool, is a little too much to stomach. 
Gila monsters are an endangered species 
and deserve a little more consideration 
from PLaytoy. I personally would like to 
use a barbed-wirefencing tool to per- 
form a vasectomy оп the jackass who 
dreamed up that ad 
Dave Foreman 
Glenwood, New Mexico 
Hold on, Dave. Those Nocona boot 
ads, superbly illustrated by Alex Ebel, 
are some of our personal favorites. 
Besides, we'd bet if that lizard had a 
toc hold on your shiny new boots, you'd 
endanger it yourself. 


Let me be the first to lay daim to 
stealthy number 34 (Playboy Puzzle, 
December), whose superb hide-and-seek 
tactics allowed her to elude even your 

sharp-eyed Mans I, not to mention 

ТЕСЕ. ME f)‏ = 

the editors of the puzzle page. When 
apprehended, perhaps she might try her 

St. Paul, Minnesota 

Number 34 is all yours, Alan. But we 

doubt that you'll be very happy with a 
girl that shy. 


I wish your movie reviewer (Playboy 
After Hours, December) hadn't made the 
unqualified statement that Bete Midler 
uncensored is too hot for the home 
screen. Her entire uncensore 
been seen on my home 
TV and no one w 

show has 
n via cable 
{ching it had apoplexy, 

keeps you 

when the 
going gets 

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or turned into a pillar of salt, 
or whatever js supposed to happen to 
people who are exposed to four-letter 
words оп TV. Your reviewer should have 
said that Midler's show (and almost any 
PG- or R-rated movie, for that matter), 
would be considered too obscene by th 
networks and their censors. Whether such. 
shows are seen and heard in the privacy 
of one’s home or elsewhere is totally 
irrelevant, Just to illustrate my point, a 
network censor was-recently interviewed 
in i vine, and he said that 
the network chiefs really get alarmed 
when апу show gets 400 protest calls. 
Even assuming only 1,000,000 viewers of 
that show, which isnt much, that vocal 
bunch of blucnoses constitutes only four 
hundredths of one percent, and yet that 
was the network's threshold of worried 
nail biting. Now, hats incredible! 
Robert E. Ruckma 
Arlington, Virgin 

Its obvious that rLayeoy saves the 
best for last. Aud Miss December is proof 
of that. Terri Welles is what fantasies are 
made of. Thank you, ptavsoy, for an- 
other nice Christmas surprise. 
D. C. Schappell 
Baltimore, Mary 


is a golden goddess and I envy 
who commands her company. 
Today I mailed in my new subscription, 
but ои will be a long time before t 
issue leaves my hands. 

Tony Cook 

Chattanooga, Tennessee 

1 would like to thank rLaysoy for 
bringing me Terri Welles, the most 
beautiful woman 1 have ever seen. Her 

gorgeous face and luscious body will be 
able to pull me through the cold wintei 
months that lie ahead. 1 was debating 
whether or not to renew my subscription 
10 your magazine. but seeing Miss Welles 
helped me decide. My check is in 
the ma 

Greg Smith 
Greensboro, North Carolin, 

АП Т can say is that Miss Terri Knep. 
per, or Terri Welles, or whatever her 
name is, has my vote for Playmate of 
the Century; wow! 


le, Tennessee 
Sorry about the confusion, Buddey, but 

Knepper was just too much of a tongue 

libister for Terri's néw career 

We have tried desperately to find the 
perfect words to describe her. For us, 
two words sum it up: utterly amazing. 

Ron Pipinich 
Scott Trefaller 
Moscow, Idaho 

Never in our experience (which is 
quite extensive) of reading PLAYBOY 

e we эсеп a Playmate as beautiful as 
i Welles. If she had appeared in 
your magazine before we started col 
lege, we would have immediately switched 
our majors to the study of that gorgeous 
lace and body. She gets our votes for 
Playmatc of the Ycar, hands down 

The Men of Third Floor McLaughlin 
University of Santa Clara 

ма Clara, Californi: 


Who says that angels exist only in 
heaven and that goddesses only a 
myth? Terri Welles has definitely got 
our votes for Playmate of the Year! We 
lize that another look at Terri may 
have devastating effects, but we want 
our last request—one more breath- 
ing phato. 

The 41 Men of Fra 

Towa Stare University 

Ames, lowa 

We could hardly refuse a last request, 

or even a first one, for another picture 

lin House 

of Terri, gentlemen. It will be interest- 
ing lo see, however, how you divide this 
picture 11 ways. 


In James R. Petersen's December art 
de, Desire, 1 am quoted as saying: “I 
think that a woman who has had 17 sex 
partners will not be condemned by 
her partner." If you check the tape re- 

cording of the interview, you will find 
that I didn't make that statement; Dr. 
Jane Traupmann, a colleague of mine 

speaking about her impressions of today's 
men and women in their 30s, did. Nor 
do I agree with it. Research by John 
DeLamater and Patricia. MacCorquodale 
(Premarital Sexuality: Attitudes, Rela- 
tionships, Behavior) indicates that to- 
„ for both men and women of college 
the ideal is love or affection. with 
sex. Men and women are most likely to 
have sex with a person they love and 
expect to marry. Few have more than 

five sex tners. Although the dou- 
ble standard is dying, it is not vet dead. 
There are still enormous differences in 
how a sexual man and a sexual woman 
are judged. Thus, L think the typical 
an would feel distinctly uncomfortable 
with a wo 
perienced than himself. Aside trom that, 
the article is a fine one. 
Elaine Hatfield 
Professor of Sociology 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin 

а who was so much more ex- 


Thanks for the Christmas present 

(Tales of the Animal Grime Squad, 

rLAYBov, December). I never laughed so 

hard. Thomas Berger isa great storyteller. 
Melissa LePerc 

Prospect Park, Pennsylvania 


Congratulations to PLAYHoY and 
Richard Fegley for the exquisite pic 
torial on Linda Kerridge. Double Take 
(ғ.Ауноу, December) shows once again 
Fegley is a true artist. As for Linda— 
she's lovely. 

ack Beal 
Beloit, Wisconsin 

She has to be the nicest export from 
Australia since the ka 


Your December feature on 
aniversary of LeRoy Neiman’s Femlin 
sisaupgrb.,[n all of the years J have been 
reading PrAYsov, I don’t recall. having 
read a letter from а reader praising 
ciman’s talent, and I would like to go 
on record as doing so. Anyone who saw 
his exhibit “Horses the Hammer 
Galleries in New York in December 
1979, as well as his many sports illustra- 
tions that have appeared in тїлувоу, 
can attest to the fact that he is one of 
the greatest artists on the scene today. In 
fact, I look forward to cach issue of 
PLAYBOY that contains his sketches and 
have accumulated quite а collection of 
his work. 

the 25th 

Charles G. Gessner 
Knoxville, Tennessee 


In six consecutive issues of your m; 
zine—]une through November, 1980. 
pages 171, 133, 157. 149, 123 and 134, 

spectively—you have published pic- 
tures of women posing with horses. Is 
that just coincidence, or does it represent 
some sort of trend? 

A.W. Northam 
Tuleberg, California 

Listen, Northam, ше play "Find. thc 
Rabbit" around. here. We don't know 

from horses. 

5 то, "tar", 0.4 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FIC Report Jan. 1980. 




v T+ СЫ 

“Неу, look who switched 
to Natural Light." 

"It's that famous hooky player, the finest natural ingredients. He just 
Gordie Howe. Gordie switched because likes the taste. 
he thinks Natural Light tastes better. So if your goal is great taste ina 
That's why he put those other light beers light beer, check this tip from Gordie. 
in the penalty box. Next time you're in your favorite bar, ask 
Gordie doesn't know that Natural for a Natural Light. It's the one light beer 
Light's great taste comes from using only you can stick with" 

Taste is why you'll switch. 


Playboy in the News 

as others see us— following up on playboy stories and ideas that have made news 

When the A 

Defamation League of 

nai Brith announced last September 
that it was giving its First Amendment 
Freedoms Award to гглүвоү Publisher 

Hugh Hefner, the news was apparently 
more than conservative pundit William 
Е. Buckley, Jr., could bear. It was prob- 
ably only a temporary snap, caused by 
the strain of his dauntless mission to 
convince people that God is a conserva- 
tive. In a moment of apostolic apoplexy, 
Bill Buckley wrote a nationally syndicated 
column criticizing the A.D.L. and Hefner 
that appeared in the Los Angeles Herald 
Examiner under the cumbersome title 
x Omnia Vincit: With Friends Like 
This Man, the Amendment Doesn't. 
Need Enemi 

Buckle gument against the A.D.L.'s 
decision to honor Hefner gocs like this: 
Hefner is a man of essentially criminal 
mentality—Buckley says “underworld” 
but draws an analogy between Hefner 
and Billie Sol Estes, Louis B. Mayer and 
Joe Bonanno—who, like those other so- 
cial outcasts, has sought “the approval of 
the same community he systematically 
despoils by ostentatious public bene 
tions.” Therefore, Buckley contends, by 
honoring Hefner, the A.D.L. has both 
legitimized a public enemy and, in effect, 
prostituted itself. 

Most of his column is an attempt to 
convince the reader, the A.D.L. and per 
haps himself that Hefner is a wicked 
man, а man whose personal philosophy 
is antithetical to the human rights the 
First Amendment protects. Buckley has 
to prove Hefner's villainy, of course, be- 
cause his entire t rests on it. 
However, it's troublesome to prove a fan- 
tasy without resorting to arcane methods 
Buckley chose three: misinformation, irra- 
tionality and a cunning imagination. 
or instance, in his opening ра 
graph, after putting Hefner in the same 
dass as Bonanno, he goes on to imply 
that Hefner's primary motivation for 
starting PLAYBOY was to get the estab- 
lishment to like him: "His formula 
was... make a lot of money by pander- 
ing to the sexual appetite, clevating it 
to primacy—then spend part of that 
money coseducing critics or potential 

It seems that. Buckley has lost histor- 
пзе “pandering to 
ppetite, elevating it to pri 
in the moral atmosphere of 1953, 
when rravnov was first published, was 
by ute to winning friends 
and influencing people. Buckley fails to 
recognize the obvious fact that PLAYBOY 
was and is more than a sex magazine, or 

the sex! 

it could never have survived the decade 
in which it was born. And, finally, we 
wonder what Buckley means when he says 
“co-seducing critics.” Docs he mean that 
the critics wanted to be seduced, that 
they sort of seduced themselves? Buckley 
doesn't clarify co-seducing but plunges 
on resolutely to an example of one such 
supposed seduction. 

“It was years ago," Buckley writes, 
“that Harvard theologian Harvey Cox 
wrote an essay on PLAYBOY, denominat- 
ing it the single most brazen assault on 
the human female as a person in general 
circulation [sic]. What seemed like mo- 
ments later, the same scholar found him- 

novel, Who's on First, which appeared 
last February. Since Buckley has received 
soul left 
her high- 
if not hypocritical. for him to 
damn Cox. Buckley fails to recognize the 
possibility that once Cox, an open- 
minded man, examined rrLAvmov and 
had the opportunity to meet Hefner and 
engage him in debate, he concluded on 
his own that PLAYBOY was not the Devil's 

We also wonder how Buckley arrived 
at his view of "what rLaynoy essentially 
is.” Neither Hefner nor The Playboy Phi- 

self writing earnest essays for PLAYBOY, 
and before long he forgot all about his 
mission to identify rLavsoy for what it 
essentially іс an organ that seeks to 
justify the superiordination of sex over 
all other considerations—loyalty to fam- 
ily, any principle of self-discipline, any 
respect for privacy or chastity or modesty. 

Our first question, in light of Buckley's 
previous paragraph, is, if Cox was "co- 
seduced," what was the lure? Is Buckley 
g that an eminent Harvard theolo- 
1 accepted some sort of payoll? Is 
Buckley arguing that once Cox received 
money lor an artide from PrAYnov, his 
soul was tainted and it was just a matter 
of time before he became completely cor- 
rupted? If that’s the case, Buckley may 
have to look for smudges on his own soul, 
since he's been the subject of the Playboy 
Interview; debated Norman Mailer in 
these pages, written two artides for us 
(December 1970 and January 1973) and 
sold playboy an excerpt from his latest 

losophy has ever argued a 
loyalty, self-discipline, privacy or 
other virtues Buckley holds dear. What. 
pravnoy hac tried to say is that the hu- 
man sex drive, if ignored or rejected out 
of a sense of guilt, can cause psycho- 
logical damage and social aberration; 
whereas, if expressed in a guilt-free at- 
mosphere, it benefits both the individual 
and, indirectly, the society. In short, 
rrAYmOY has argued against repression, 
rather than for promiscuity. 

Unable to make that distinction, 
Buckley advises the A.D.L., an organiza- 
tion devoted to combating discrimina- 
tion against Jews and other minorities, 
that “Any serious disciple of Hugh 
Hefner would not hesitate to purr anti- 
Semitic lovelies into the ears of his 
bunny if that was what was required to 
effect seduction.” With that curmudgeon- 
ly statement, Buckley not only displays 
his respect for the intelligence of 
PLAYBOY's readers—the same readers һе 




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hoped would read his interview, his de- 
bate, his articles and his fiction—he also 
seems to have a very strange concept of 
the kind of conversation that turns wom- 
еп on (at least the women we know). 

Later in the column, Buckley says, 
Even as Hugh Hefner sells pictures of 
parted pudenda in order to make a dol- 
lar, а nickel of which he donates to 
institutions devoted to the rights of Nazis 
to march in Skokie and of fellow por- 
nographers to hawk their wares. . . ." 
We're glad to know that Buckley ap- 
parently knows what parted pudend 
are; however, wherever he's seen them, it 
this magazine. rLAYnoY 
doesn't photograph women quite so 
graphically. Howev re reminded 
that certain other magazines do. Prob- 
ably when a guy buys a lot of them each 
month, he gets them all confused. That 
confusion undoubtedly contributes to 
Buckley's rather broad concept of por- 
nography and pornographers. While 
pLaypoy and the Playboy Founda 
have always advocated the right to free- 
dom of speech, Playboy Enterprises ha 
never distributed, nor published, sex: 
material that we (or the vast majority of 
the public) consider pornographic. 

But that is the least of Buckley's male- 
dictions in that statement. The worst is 
the low blow he deals the American 
Civil Liberties Union and every other 
organization devoted to protecting the 
First Amendment by saying such organi- 

hasn't been 

. we 


ions are "devoted to the rights of 

zis,” etc. Buckley intentionally 
the impression that organizations like the 
A.C.L.U. condone Nazi activities while, 
the same time, he obscures the fact 0 
the First Amendment protects not only 
Nazis but everyone else. Perhaps Buckley 
thinks it shouldn't, in which case һе 
should say so directly 

Finally, having roused himself to 
moral indignation, Buckley pontificates: 
“The A.D.L. raises money to combat 
discrimination by honoring the principal 
agent of the kind of selfishness that di 
prives racial toleration of the ultimate 
sanction. This sanction rests on the pro 
found belief in the sanctity of the in- 
dividual, yes, even that of the nubile 
girl.” Before attempting to unravel the 
inchoate logic contained in that quou 
we'd like to express our surprise at being 
informed that Hefner is the principal 
agent of the spiritual despoliation of 
America. What with Satan and the Mafia 
around, we'd have thought that Hef 
would've come in no higher than third 
on Buckley's list. We find Buckley's rea- 
soning mind-boggling. He charges that 
selfishness—specifically, sexual selfish- 
ness—is an obstacle to racial harmony 
because the ideal of a nondiscriminato- 
ry society is based on the belief that every 
on is sanctified or holy and sex 
selfishness is unholy. If we're all holy їп 


God's eyes (presumably whether naked 
or clothed), how сап anything alter that? 
And if the nubile girl is sanctified, does 
she lose that sanctity because she poses 
nude in а magazine? 

The crus of the matter is that Buckley 
feels qualified to determine what God 
loves and what He doesn't, and accord- 
ing to Buckley, God doesn't like sexy 
pictures or libidinal drives or naked 
nubile girls. The Bible, on the other 
hand, says that when God made the 
world, He saw that it was good. Не 
made no exceptions for sex or those who 
enjoy it. But Buckley has always had 
this little urge to make the world into 
his picture of how it ought to be. So pei 
haps his portrait of Hefner and PLAYBOY 
should be balanced with a quote from 
the A.D.L. brochure honoring Hefner 

For over a quarter of a century, 
Mr. Hefner and Playboy Enter- 
prises, Inc, have invested a great 
deal of effort, including financial 
resources, into a number of areas 
relating to individual freedoms. Mr. 
Hefner has supported the Student 
Press Law Center, the nation’s lead- 
ing authority on free press rights 
for student journalists: the Media 
Coalition, concerned with restric- 
tions on freedom of the press; the 
Reporter’s Committee for Freedom 
of the Press, the only organization 
devoted to provid rch and 
legal services for First Amendment 
issues encountered іп publishing 
news; the annual Hugh M. Hefner 
First Amendment Awards to rec 
ognize the efforts of individuals 
working to protect and enhance con- 
stitutional guarantees; and helped 
maintain—by grants from the 
Playboy Foundation—a number of 
national organ 
protecting freedom of speech. 

He has given his name and sup 
port to a number of fundraising 
activities to benefit numerous health 
and sociilservice agencies, includ- 
ing the John Tracy Clinic, the Cys- 
tic Fibrosis and the 
Amie Karen Cancer Fund . . . and 
he works constantly оп behalf of 
First Amendment Rights through 
local courts and organizations for 
the benefit of all segments of society. 

Hugh Hefner's impact оп the 
rights of others far 
personal success he has achieved. 

ions dedicated to 


surpasses the 

Buckley may not like Hefner's busi- 
ness, but in the opinion of many. includ- 
ing the Л.Р... Hefner has transcended 
his role as a businessman. Buckley, on 
the other hand, if his column is any 
indication, is in the business of character 
assassination. IE only he could transcend 
his role as elfectively as Hefner has. 


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The Longview, Texas, police report 
that a masked bandit walked into a con- 
venience store brandishing his thumb 
and forefinger and demanded that the 
clerk empty the cash register. The clerk 
ked if the bandit was serious. When 
the robber replied yes, the clerk handed 
over ап undetermined amount of moncy. 


Leontina Albina just may put Chile's 
Planned Parenthood movement out of 
whack permanently. Mrs. Albina, 54, is 
currently expecting her 45th child. “My 
oldest is 36,” says the potential patron 
saint of Hallmark Cards. Топ e things 
even more interesting. all of Leontina's 
kids have the same father, Gerardo Al- 
bina, 59, a retired laborer who lives on a 
civil-service pension of $128 a month. 
Despite the uniqueness of her situation, 

Mrs. Albina is not impressed by her 
fame. "People told me I was becoming 
famous,” she shrugs. "I didn't know at 

first. We can't afford a newspaper." May- 
be if neighbors would chip ad buy 
them а gift subscription, they'd have 
something new to do with their time. 


When guests visit Johnny Carson's 
Tonight Show, they act alert, and with 
good reason. The guest chairs are built to 
be hard and uncomfortable. Their job is 
10 keep guess from falling asleep, 
“especially if they've had too much to 
drink.” says the show's art director. John 
Shrum. According to writer /wit Marshall 
Brickman, the concept of strange guest 
chairs dates back to when he was head 
writer for the show and invented the 
Brickm Speedy Swivel Guest Chair 
"When the conversation becomes mono- 
syllabic on both sides,” he explains, “it 
automatically tilts back slowly and 
dumps the guest into an alligator pit.” 

These days, of course, the chair has been 
updated. Horrified guests are dumped 
into either the NBG Programing Depart- 
ment or Tom Snyder's dressing room. 


Hollywood, Florida, is faced with a 
controversial and burning moral issue 
these days, that corrupt chancre on our 
virtue, that roller coaster to hell: bingo. 
Little old ladies are being lured ош of 
church ngo parlor that 
offers valet parking, seats for 1200 people, 
two snack bars, five large апа brightly 
lit boards and jackpots of up to $19,000. 
We have laws, you say, to prevent this 
kind of public depravity. Quite right, but 
the establishment is owned by Seminole 
Indians, who contend that their reserva- 
tion is а sovereign nation, exempt from 
this kind of regulation. Broward County 

asements to а E 

Sheriff Robert Butterworth doesn't agree 
and based his campaign for re-election 
on a bustthe-Seminole-bingo-game plat- 
form—and won. But the Seminoles still 
plan to defend their rights to wager out- 
rageous fortunes—perhaps with slings 
and arrows. 


A couple in Boston rented a safe-de- 
posit box at one of the large downtown 
banks. Nothing unusual about that. ex 
cept that every day at Mon 
through Friday. they would check out 
their safe-deposit box, take it into one 
of the private vault rooms, stay there 
for an hour or so, check the Бох back in 
and leave. After many weeks of this, 
bank officials became and 
nally confronted the couple and asked 
them what they were doing. They ex 
plained that inside the box were nap- 
kins and saltand.pepper shakers and 
that the vault rooms provided a quic 
private and relaxing place to have lunch. 




А 48-year-old nun was thrown into jail 
in southern Greece after her superior at 
the Pepolinitsis convent found her smok: 
ing Cannabis in her room 
is alleged to have grown the Indian hemp 
in the convent garden. She told police 
that she took the drug because it helped 
ha i more in her prayers. 
She denied planting the hemp herself, 
maintaining that it was "God's breezes 
that I nto the garden, 
where they took root. While we're still 
uncertain as to how the sister managed 
to obtain papers to twist up her sanctified 
smoke, we think that this undeniably 
qualifies her as a holy roller. 

cr Flothee 

d blown the seeds 


It takes more than a fertile imagination 
to make the desert bloom, so authorities 




weren't overly concerned when they 
got wind of a scheme to ship 1.2 billion 
dollars worth of manure to Bahrain, а 
tiny island in the Persian Gulf. Then 
somebody determined that the quantity 
of liquid fertilizer involved averaged out 
to ten tons per acre—enough to bury 
Bahrain in chicken and cow shit. Ap- 
parently, a Federal-court jury decided 
that Michael J. Randazzo of Galli- 
ano, Louisiana—who masterminded the 
scheme—was trying to lay it on a litde 
too thick: It convicted him of fraud. 


Frequent contributor Tom М 

this excerpt from his forthcoming biog- 
raphy “Young Calvin Klein”: 
As а lad, young Calvin would sew his 
name onto his clothes before leaving 
for summer camp each year. He noticed 
that if he sewed the name on the out- 
side rather than the inside, no one would 
ke his clothes and people would notice 
him. His bunkmates soon called his 
pants "Calvin Klein's, a name that soon 
lost its apostrophe. And so young Cal- 
in, excited by his summer-camp expe- 
rience, vowed to sew his name on pants 


We sent novelist and free-lance writer 
Bruce Pollock to interview Paul 
They met at a New York Сйу recording 
studio on the edge of Tin-Pan Alle 
praynoy: Did Mrs, Garfunkel ever think 
of you as a bad influence on her son? 
simon: Oh, no. 1 didn't lead him into 
the wild life; he got into it on his own, 
later on, when he grew up. We both got 
hooked on rock "n" roll at the same time, 
listening to Alan Freed's Moon Dog Show. 
and the Everly Brothers. Artie was always 
a singer at school. He sang (They Tried 
to Tell Us We're) Too Young in the 
fourth grade and knocked everybody out. 
By the seventh grade, we were singing 
together in groups. The friendship was 
based on much more than music—we 
were very similar kids, we had the same 
sense of humor—but without the music, I 
doubt if we'd have remained close friends. 
PLAYBOY: You started in rock ‘n’ roll in 
1955, at the age of 13—a mild-mannered 
middle-class Jewish boy from Forest 
Hills—when macho Southern punks and 
lower-class greasy hitters were the musical 
rage. Was there anyone in rock ‘n’ roll 
you could have beaten up? 
simon: Do you count Artie as being in 
rock "n' roll? Then I think I probably 
could have beaten him up. I could have 
easily taken cıre of Michelle Phillips. 
Neil Sedaka, too. Actually, I tried to 
emulate those hoody guys; we uscd to 
call them rocks. 

PLaynoy: Did you and Garfunkel 
distinctly different groupies on the rc 
siMON: We attracted about the same, be- 

ler sent 

cause people saw Simon and Garfunkel 
as one person. We did get separate letters, 
but I never paid much attention to the 
letters. I just remember that most of them 
were very, very long. The groupies we 
used to get were usually heavy readers— 
people who had read a lot of poetry. But 
I didn't really participate to a great deal 
in the groupie scene. I was always at- 
tached, and when 1 wasn't, 1 didn't go 
out of my way to pick someone up. And 
then the ones I did pick up, I thought 
were nice. I liked them. Maybe I didn't 
want to spend any more time with them 
than a day or two, but I liked them. It 
wasn't like a straight rock-n-roll fuck- 
them-and-leave-them style. It was a crook: 
ed rock-n-roll leave-them style. 

rLAYBOY: Did you feel rejected by the 
counterculture of the Sixties? 

SIMON: Simon and Garfunkel became so 
enormously popular that we were eventu- 
ally disdained by the hip critics. In the 
beginning, they lavished praise on us. 
Maybe at the height of the hippie day 
we weren't really іп fashion—we were too 
New York; we weren't. particularly 
ciated with the drug scene, though we 
were in it as much as anybody could be 
in it But it wasn’t part of our image 
I never wanted to be busted in Des 
Moines, you know. I didn't believe the 
hippie thing, anyway, that California, laid- 
k, minimalvocabulary existence. 1 
didn't believe all the smiles. I thought 
there was a lot of vindictiveness in i 
there was something very cruel under- 
lying a lot of it. I didn't buy it nor was I 
particularly intimidated by it. 

PLAYnOY; As the generation that came of 
age in the Sixties now reach mid-30s, do 
you think it inpact—or 
everyone of consequence sold out? 
SIMON: Selling out is a tradition in this 
country. Its like Mom and apple pic. 1 
mean, Abl Hoffman turns nself in 
to promote his book. Hitler's the one 
who said every man has his price, the 
only thing that's surprising is how low 
it is. But, sure, the generation. changed 


things- That war-baby blip in the popula- 
tion is always going to be the thing re- 
sponsible for change, until they don't 
have any money to buy things anymore. 
In this generation, there's a great em- 
phasis on form and not content, which 
1 find distasteful. Yet these are the people 
I feel most comfortable with. Га be 
shocked to find out they were as con- 
formist as other generations, but I think 
they're just as materialistic. I think that 
temptation is too hard to withstand. 
PLAYBOY: What is your most blatant ex- 
ample of conspicuous consumptioi 
SIMON: I try not to be conspicuously 
consumptive—because Ї just don't want 
to antagonize anybody. But I'm not afraid 
to spend money on where I live or on 
how I travel. I don’t think twice about 
buying anything, but, on the other hand, 
I don't buy that much. I've been wear- 
ing jeans since I was 14 years old, and 
that's what I like to wear. I don't have 
expensive hobbies. I don't own boats or 
sports cars. Feeling that you can do what- 
ever you want is great, and I can do 
whatever I want. 

PLAYBOY: It has been said that perhaps 
the chief benefit of huge success is the 
ability to afford a higher-priced shrin! 
SIMON: Success doesn't necessarily make 
you go into analysis. Besides, а higher- 
priced shrink isn't necessarily a better 
опе. I was in analysis for а long time— 
it was really good for me. I've been 
through а m iage and divorce and fa- 
therhood, successes and failures, and І 
think I'm now а very competent cripple. 
I can absolutely navigate my way across 
the street. Not in the most graceful man- 
ner, pethaps, but I can definitely get 
from one curb to the other. 

PLAYBOY: Are there any musicians in 
rock today who awe you with their talent? 
SIMON: Stevie Wonder а really great 
gilt, though I wasn't crazy about the last 
bit of work he did. I don't know if I'm. 
awe-struck, but as close to that as my 
mature allows. But there are a lot of 

extraordinary musicians around. 
PLAYnov: Are you a legend on your old 

SIMON: Sure, I guess so. I took my son 
there recently to show him my old house. 
I drove him around, took him to Artie’s 
house. We went down to my public 
school. I took him to the candy store 
where T used to hang out and place bets 
on the trotters. I bought him an egg 
cream—which now costs 45 cents. The 
guy in the candy store recognized me. 
He knew what һай become of me—but 
he related to me the way he'd always re- 
lated to me. He called me Paulie. 


What with all the fuss lately about the 
Moral Majority and how much its right- 
wing fundamentalist adherents hate 
rrAYnBOY, we look free-lance writer Eliza- 
beth Mehren up on her offer to cover one 

Why Old Grand-Dad | 

Special Selection is the most 
expensive Bourbon 
intheworld. æ 

114 Barrel Proof * Like our other 
fine Old Grand-Dad Bourbon, Old Grand-Dad 
Special Selection is distilled, then aged undisturbed 
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Old Grand-Dad is famous for. 

But what makes Special Selection so special is 
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Taste: As you savor a snifter 
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Tradition: Old Grand-Dad 
Special Selection is made to be enjoyed 
the same way Bourbon used to be. 
In fact, each bottle is so 
important, it bears its own 
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And isn’t that what matters ; 
to somebody who 
appreciates fine Bourbon 
most of all? RS 





Having endured this winter's Pub- 
lic Broadcasting Service science pro- 
graming, Richard Liebmann-Smith now 
lakes us on а journey to discover 
тап? relationship to the sandwich. 

To the untrained eye—your eye— 
this unimposing hunk of gray-green 
matter is merely a rock, а stone, 
meaningless conglomeration of petr 
fied crud you might toss away without 
a second thought. But to the enlight- 
ened eye of modern science, it is . . . 
ndwich, More precisely, it is half 
a sandwich—a woolly mammoth on 
and radiocarbon isotope dating 
tells us that this unappetizing glob, 
this primordial Big Mac once served 
as the entree at a prehistoric picnic 

re than 2,000,000 year t 

According to the popu 
andwich was invented here, in this 
stately wind-swept manse im what is 
now rural England, by John Monta- 
gu, the fourth. Earl of Sandwich. In. 
ict, however, the good earl was mere- 
ly the beneficiary of ап ancient Bi 
ish tradition permitting members of 
the nobility to take the names of their 
favorite victuals. Other familiar €x- 
amples abound: Lord Buckingham, 


the l of Cornwall, the Duke of 
This Egyptian hieroglyph, 

depicting a sandwich with meat in 
profile and cheese frontally, adorns 
the kitchen wing of the tomb of 

Karhop Il, a Pharaoh who lived— 
and died—in perpetual fear of what 
he believed to be the vengeance of 
aked beans on toast. 

And here, on a craggy, wind-swept 
spit of land jutting querulously into. 
the South Pacific, the no-lesssuper- 

itious ishind-bound primitives of 
Easter Island would erect this impos- 
ing icon to the submarine sandwich. 

Only here, in what is now this wind- 
swept somvlaki stand in downtown 
Athens, would the first halting steps 
toward a true scientific understand- 
ing of the sandwich at last be taken, 
s diligent Aristotle would painstak- 
ingly catalog а systematic menu of 
more than 40 varieties of Reuben— 
not one of which would satisfy the 
finicky Plato as “Ideal.” 



And then would come the Dark 
ges and, with them, the study of 
sandwiches would become inextric- 
ably bound with theology as the 
finést minds of the period would 
fritter away centuries debating how 
many double cheeseburgers could be 
rammed down the throat of an angel. 
By contrast, the England of the 
nlightenment would become 
lor free sandwichological 
Here, in wind-swept London 
Bacon, with his colleagues Sir Charles 
Lettuce and Sir Thomas Tomato, 
would discover the classic sandwich 
that bears their mes. Here, too, the 
great philosopher Hobbes (Thomas 
Hobbes, 1588-1679) would lament 
the was not able to put the infant 
ence on a firm theoretical footing, 
g to the inordinate amount of 
time he was obliged to spend in trying. 
to remember whether he was Hobbes 
or Locke (Jolin Locke, 1639-1704). 

The 19th Century would witness 
the greatest strides ever іп man's un- 
derstanding of the sandwich, perhaps 
none so profound as the theory of a 
“natural” selection of sandwiches, 
first propounded by Ralph Darwin, 
nephew of the turalist Charles. 
In his seminal ticatise The Voyage of 
the Bagel, Darwin would elucidate the 
precise series of steps by which a 
slender ham on pumpernickel can 
evolve into а massive club s: 
(survival of the fattest”). 

Today it is possible for us to recom- 
virtually any п üxings" to 
produce in the laboratory any sand- 
wich we can imagine! 

But where do we go from here? 
Should we heed the admonition of 
Dr. Irv Katz, cowinn st year's 
Nobel Prize for his brilliant work 
with cellophane-tasseled toothpicks? 
“I don't think we have the right to 
play chef,” Di 
Sweden. “Su 
goes all right, we'll be hailed 
heroes. But what's to stop some m 
niac from turning out a whole order 
of lox and peanut butter on glazed 
doughnuts. your Highness?” 

What, what, indeed? 


eat v 

of television evangelist Jerry Falwell's 
rallies in Sacramento. Her repor 
Га heard so much about Falwell’s so- 
called. anti-rLAvpov campaign that I 
expected a full-blown tack on the mag: 
azine. But the closest thing to that came 
during his message on abortion, in which 
he said, “America’s unborn babies must 
have someone speaking out in their de- 
fense, and don't expect Hugh Hefner to 
do it. 
Questioned later about his reference to 
Hefner, Falwell explained: "I usually 
mention Hugh Helner, Larry Flynt, Nor- 
man Lear and all those types who are 
helping to perpetuate America's most 
damaging and poisoning industry, the 
pornography business, at least once in the 
course of every I Love America rally.” 
Falwell, by the way, agreed ıl 
Moral Majority is ге; 
“That's just a catchy n 
sounded good. 
Falwell wouldn't exactly 

define por- 
nography, but he did mention “bedroom 

scenes, the displ 
of risqué, vulgar 
revealing picture 
like” as "poison 
of young peopl 

I decided to ask some of the members 
of Falwell's audience, seated on the stai 
capitol lawn, what they meant by porno 
raphy. Don Elliott, pastor of Sierra View 
Baptist Church in Rough and Ready, 
alifornia ighed 
focus on "poi phy, homosexu: 

ns, use 
ad profane lang 
obscene words and the 
the minds and souls 

abortion and its Haudulent [sc] use of 
Stretched ош on nic blanket, 

munching doughnuts in the shadow of 
the stare capitol, Jackie Gilmore praised 
Falwell for “trying to dean up all the 
garbage in society today.” Although she 
denied ever having read рглүвоу. Gi 
more said the magazine was “filthy. I 
wouldn't have it in my home. 1 know it's 
garbage. T don't have to read it to know 

Bob Kellogg, a pharmacist from Citrus 
hes wi 

н aterestingly enough, Ia- 
beled born-again Baptist Jimmy Carter a 
“humanist.” had a whole list of “отан. 
istic” social evils to complain about, 
including disintegration of the home, 
homosexuality, abortion, obscenity and 
“likewise, men and women living to- 

you know, they would have been arrested 
for what they're doing. Th 
just the tip of the icebe 

At the rally's end, we all stood on th 
capitol lawn, right under Jerry Brow 
window, held hands and joined the Li 
erty Mountain Baptist College singers in 
a lip-synched version of Amazing Grace. 
Well, my soul got nice and cleansed in 
acramento. E spent my four-hour stand- 
by layover waiting for a plane to Los 
Angeles at the Sacramento Airport—in 
the bar. 

Ofall the things a manufac- And, every year, they do. more exciting. 
turer brings to building motor- They break any rule, explode And while our engineers sit 
cycles, we think the most important апу theory, follow any lead that hunched over their desks, Kenny 
is an attitude. will knock an inch off the width of Roberts, world champion road- 

Ours, simply stated, is that good ап engine. Or a second off its racer and one of our most valuable 
enough is not enough. quarter-mile time. R&D men, sits hunched over his 
So, every year, Yamaha engi- Through long days and late Yamaha, screaming through the 
neers аге faced witha formidable nights, shaft drives become turns at Imola, Italy or Laguna 

challenge: to make our motorcycles smoother, suspensions more 
even better. responsive, brakes more efficient, 
seats more comfortable, styling 



At Yamaha, we dorit build great 
motorcycles to win races. We win 
races to build great motorcycles. 

Wewin races to test, to prove, 
to perfect, often to inspire the 
engineering innovations that make 
you want to buy our motorcycle 
instead of theirs. 

For 25 years, weve been very 
successful at it. 

This year, weve done it again. 

Introducing the motorcycle 
we've both been waiting for. The 
incredible new Seca 750. 


As high performance motorcycles 

go, this one goes like you wouldnt 


Its 748cc, DOHC, 4-cylinder, 
4-stroke engine is lighter than апу 
production 750 engine, anywhere. 
And, to the complete despairof the 
competition, narroweras well. With 
more power percubic centimeter 
than you ever thought possible. 

This combination of maximum 
power and minimum bulk (only 
474 lbs. dry weight), further com- 
binedwithan ultra-smooth, fully- 
enclosed shaft drive, makes the 
Seca as near to a perfect perfor- 
тпапсе motorcycle as anyone has 
ever come. 

And, ifwed stopped there, we 
could have taken our rightful place 
inthe Motorcycle Hall of Fame. 

But we didn't stop there. We 
began there. 

Wewent on to make the Seca750 
as frugal with fuel as it is generous 
with power Witha remarkable— 
and patented—new develop- 
ment called the Yamaha Induc- 
tion Control System (YICS 
for short). 

Utilizing an ingenious sys- 
tem of sub-intake ports, the air/ 
fuel mixture is literally blasted 

around the wall of the combustion 
chamber, distributing the entire 
mixture evenly for complete 

By eliminating inefficient, 
wasteful burning, YICS can 
result in an average fuel 
savings of 1075. With по 
moving parts. And absolutely 
no loss of power. 



When it Comes to suspension 
travel and handling, the Seca 750 
isina class by itself. Again. 

Because up front, you'll find our 
exclusive Anti-Dive Suspension 
System-until now, the exclusive 
property of road racing machines: 

hard braking, a unique 
valving mechanism restricts the 
flow of oil, and thus travel, in the 
forks, reducing front end “dive? 
What this does for handling—not 
tomention smoothness and com- 
fort—is a revelation. 

Of course, you can also adjust air 
pressure in the forks and‘dampen- 
ingin the shocks to help Americas 
streets and highways measure up 
to yourexacting standards. 

With a motorcycle that can do so 
many things so well, it will probably. 
come as no surprise that the Seca 
75015 the only two-wheeler that 

“other important functions. g 

can think. : 

Thanks to the 
amazing new Compu- 
terized Monitoring 
System located in the 
instrument panel. 

Inaddition to the infor- 
mation you get from bikes 
of ordinary 

intelligence—speed, rpm, 
miles travelled, high beam; 

neutral, turn signal direction— 
you also geta micro-compu- 
terized readout of seven“ 

AnLCD display, соп- 
nected to sensors. 
throughout the bike, — - 
lights up to report any 
malfunction in brake fluid 
level, engine oil level, 
battery fluid level, head- 
light, taillight, brakelight and 
sidestand position. 

So while the competition is 
still out there inthe 20th century, 
Yamaha has been busy in the 21st. 

Of course, it carit have escaped 
your attention that the Seca 750 is 
pretty nice to look at, too. 

break up the lines. (The reservoirs 
under the tank.) 

For looks, performance, han- 
dling and the sheer exhiliration of 

riding a motorcycle, по 

other bike even comes close 

tothe Seca 750. 

THE SECA 550. 

The trim, sculpted styling 
extends fromthe generous 5-gallon. 
tank (which looks much smaller), 
along the swept-back side covers, 
all the way to the neat tail fairing 
with its integrated taillight. 

And notice the covered handle- 
bars. Smooth, clear and uncluttered, 
with nowires, cables or 
brake fluid reservoir to 

For those of you who prefer a mid- 
size high-performance machine — 
and a more mid-size 
price to go with it — 
we offer the Seca 550. 
Ifyou remember 
with mouth-watering 
clarity Yamaha's 
legendary RD400, now 
EPA retired, you'll 
have some idea of the 
performance you can expect from 
the Seca 550. 
‘The 528cc, РОНС 

the Seca 750 
narrow, the 550 is. 
practically invisible. In fact, 
checking inata mere 
179 inches, it's only 

ahalf-inch wider than our current 
XS400 tui 

in! Which also makes the 

550, with a total dry weight of only 
407 Ibs., the lightest motorcycle in 
its dass. 

This brute of an engine redlines 

at an eye-popping 10,000 rpm, 
compared to about 8,000 to 9,000 
for the competition. 

That, combined with its rigid, 

race-bred,double-cradle frame and 
adjustable, totally-responsive 
suspension fore and aft, gives you 
more power and agility than ever 
streaked through а canyon or 
muscled up a mountain road. 

The Seca 550 even comes 
standard with a sleek, handlebar- 
mounted fairing to pay off in 
appearance what it delivers in 
The new Yamaha Seca Series 
for 1981. 

Powerful proof that in the race 
to build the finest, fastest, most 
sensible, most technologically 
advanced high-performance street 
machines in the world...we won. 


Seca. Learning things we can't look when they're on them. And when you do, you probably 

learn in a lab. Proving things we It has resulted in motorcycles won't think about Kenny Roberts. 

cant proveon a test track. that meet your personal demands Or Imola, Italy. Or the long days 
Our relentless refusal to сот- for handling, performance, comfort or the late nights. You'll just enjoy 

promise has resulted іп technologi- апа styling as well as our demands your ў 

cal and styling breakthroughsthat for excellence and innovation. We do all the work and you 

have changed the way people look You can feel the difference our ^ have all the fun. 

at motorcycles. And the way people attitude makes when you lean into And that’s the way it should be. 

a turn. Or pull away from a stop- 
light. Or just look at your Yamaha 

parked in the garage. 

Fd . 



And by offsetting the cylinders For example, to eliminate the 75° cylinder angle, produces 
slightly, we even managed to im- Vwins traditional “dead stroke” power so smooth, theres no need 
prove rearcylinder cooling. we developed our own firing for a balancer So torquey, you сап 

sequence on alternate crankshaft pass an 18-wheelerwithout even 
THEINSIDE STORY. ations This, combined with the downshifting: 
Inside the engine, relatively simple K And by simply reversing the 
operational changes resulted in $ crankshaft rotation, we succeeded 
appreciable performance ж. in shifting any ambient engine 

changes. В vibration from the frame to the 
ў | : rear wheel. So you leave it some- 
where on the road behind you. 
We could go on and on. About 
self-adjusting cam chain tensioners. 
"Through-the-frame air 
intake systems. Indepen- 
overhead cams. 

But the best mea- 
sure of our techno- 
logical contributions to 

the V-twin lies on the 
next two pages, in two 
of the most distinctive 
motorcycles in our 1981 
les known 
before you ride them as the 
Virago and the XV920. 
And knownafter you 
^? ride themas the waya 
V-twin should be. 


Even acasual glance at our 

beautiful new Virago will tell you 

hat when we set out to revolution- 
ize the V-twin, we didnt stop at 
the engine. 

Andif you think the Мгаро5 
looks are a radical departure from 
the ordinary, wait till you slip into 
the seat, slip into gear, and make 
your own radical departure. 


They succeeded beyond their — cleaner. It also contributes tothe 
own not-so-modest expectations. 14.8 inch engine width that can have 
The Virago's highly sophisti- you and your Virago banking at a 
cated monocoque frame design, better than 47°lean angle. 


Our engineers were determined to 

strike a balance between two equal- 

ly desirable attributes. 



for example, makes the engine a 
stressed frame member, simulta- 
neously eliminating the excess 
bulk and weight of downtubes. 
This not only allows passersby 
an unobstructed view of your 
dynamic duo, but lets the engine 
sit lower, without sacrificing ground 
clearance. The resulting 29.5 inch 
seat height and extra-low center 
of gravity give new meaning to the 
words comfort, control and stability. 
While the engine functions as 
part of the frame, the frame, con- 
versely, functions as part of the 
engine. Air for the intake system 
actually passes through the frame, 
eliminating the side-mounted air 

Ourroadracerproven Monoshock 
rear suspension system—the first 
everon astreet machine—works 
witha rigid triangulated swing arm 
to keep the rear wheel running 
straight and true. 

It's also adjustable for dampen- 
ing and preload, with only one 
point of adjustment that's easy to 
get to and easy to set. With your 
hand. Blindfolded. 


Our state-of-the-art, fully-enclosed 
shaft drive adds its own uncanny 
smoothness and quiet to the already 
relaxed, virtually vibration-free 
power of the engine: 

The 5-speed transmission 
delivers top speeds, even at lowrpms. 
Which doesn't hurt your gas mile- 
age any. And TCI produces a 
hotter spark electronically. So your 
Virago runs mile after maintenance- 
free mile 

Over the years, thanks to our 
unique combination of engineering 
innovation and common sense, 
Yamaha has established a reputa® 
tion foroutdoing the competition. 

This year, with the remarkable 
new Virago, we've enhanced that 

By,outdoing ourselves. 

Rear view mirmrfs) standard equipment. 


Before this bike was ever metal, 
it was a piece of paper. On it, a list 
of totally unreasonable demands. 

Make it the lightest, the leanest, 
indeed, the fastest 650cc in-line 
four ever built. And while you're at 
it, give it styling every bit as excit- 
ing as its astonishing performance. 


To say the Maxim 650 is the fastest 
motorcycle іп its class is a bit mis- 
leading. Capable of covering the 
quarter mile in 12.6 seconds? it'll 
challenge a 750. And smoke a few 
8505 as well. 

But show it a curve and youll 
quickly discover yet another 
reward of the Maxim's remarkable 
light weight. 

Honest-to-goodness handling. 

Its extremely low center of 
gravity and excellent steering 
geometry help create the sensation 
thatthebikeis actually an extension 
of you. A light, effortless respon- 
siveness that is also the contribution 
of its incredibly narrow engine and 
very tunable suspension. 

Rear new татті) standard eqmpment.*Sourre: Cycle Gnide 

The Maxim’s clean, quiet, de- 
pendable shaft drive is smaller and 
lighter than conventional shafts. 

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pedrum (Viking), а novel by David 

Wise, gives us plausible plotting, fas- 
cinating content and a frightening 
scenario—the possibility that the CIA 
has stolen uranium and made nuclear 
weapons for its own future use. The 
basic story makes a good read. Better 
yet, the details are accurate, from de- 
scriptions of covert operations run by the 
CIA to surveillance capabilitics of the 
NSA, to a fine sense of how ап Ameri- 
can Embassy operates abroad (the Lon- 
don station, in this case) on a day-to-day 
basis. Wise puts his considerable stature 
аз a journalist to good use. In case you're 
wondering, this is the same David Wise 
who wrote The American Police State 
and The Politics of Lying and who co- 
authored (with Thomas B. Ross) such 
best-selling nonfiction books as The 
Espionage Establishment, The Invisible 
Government and The U-2 Affair. Pretty 
good credentials for a spy novelist, and 
if you read Spectrum on top of those 
other titles, you may come to the con- 
dusion that paranoia is a reasonable 
state of mind. 

Inflation—and how it affects your 
money—is often poorly understood 

Gold bugs will tell you that nothing but 
the yellow metal is worth holding on to. 
Realtors will push property as the best 
hedge. Harry Browne and Terry Goxon's 
Inflation-Proofing Your Investments (Morrow) 
walks you through all your options. The 
authors spend some time explaining 
what causes inflation—and for those of 
us who are not trained in economics, 
those chapters alone make the daily 
financial news a good deal more com- 
prehensible. The rest of this book is a 
catalog of long-term strategies to ret 
your net worth: foreign currencies, 
precious metals, real estate, stocks, and 
so forth. This book is fun to read be- 
е, unlike the more comprehensive 
Sylvia Porter and Jane Bryant Quinn 
books, it's more specifically and more 
aggressively out to make your money 
work for you. In a year when financial 
guides аге cropping up all around. us, 
Inflation-Proofing Your Invesiments шау 
be the best of all. 


Richard (The Cincinnati Kid) Jessup's 
latest novel is Threot (Viking) and it gets 
our vote as one of the best suspense 
thrillers of the new year. The hero, the 
pscudonymous Tonio Vega, 
intelligence officer who served in Viet- 
nam along with his twin brother, then 
returned from the war to find that his 
brother had been captured and mistaken 
for himself. He learns through the intel- 
ligence grapevine that his brother’s free- 

an ex- 

Spectrum: no innocents abroad. 

High stakes and foreign 
intrigue—coupled with smart 
writing and tight plots— 
make these thrillers 

Threat: uncanny scare tactics. 

dom can be bought for $1,000,000, and 
that's where the drama begins. Tonio 
assumes a new identity as a student and. 
a delivery boy, then spends two years 
planning to extort the ransom money 
from the owners of the St. Cyr Tower, 
the world's most elaborate and exclusive complex. He calls him- 
self Threat and his challenge is to prove 
to the management of the St. Cyr, which 
is billed as having the most claborate 
security system in New York, that he has 

the capability of blowing the building to 
smithereens. He leaves а warning in an 
empty beer can. In a race against time, 
the best minds in the New York Police 
Department and the St. Cyr security chief, 
himself an ex-intelligence officer, try to 
find and destroy 
time, he wages a oneman psychological 
war against them. Threat works on sev- 
eral levels (Vega falls in love with a 
woman who has no idea what he's plan- 
ning) and it has a neat trick ending. If 
Jessup was thinking that this novel would 
make a good movie, he was right. 

Your Cheatin’ Heart (Simon & Schuster), 
by Chet Flippo, manages to decipher 
the real Hank Williams from the tragic 
legend that sprang up after his death. 
A lot of research went into this project, 
from tracing the Williams family tree 
to obtaining the medical records from 
the sanitariums where he rested under 
heavy sedation between bouts with the 
boule. Bullied by a 200-pound mother 
who belted him around, Williams once 
bragged that there was mo one he'd 
rather have beside him in a bar fight. 
Bur his life was filled with pain that 
didn't result from bar fights. According 
to Flippo. an overlooked congenital birth 
defect kept Williams’ back slumped. 
At 21, he compounded his troubles by 
marrying Audrey Guy, who not only 
battered her husband but also inspired 
his famous mournful lyric, including 
the title of this volume. Finally, they 
were divorced and he remarried short 
before he died, at the age of 29, saturated 
with drugs and vodka. Not unlike the 
current Elvis Presley marketing boom, 
business activity flourished around the 
stars death. Your Cheatin’ Heart, argu- 
ably his best-known song, was released 
after his death. To his credit, Flippo 
incorporates Williams’ music in the сх- 

plosive life story that deserves 10 һе 
read by every urban cowboy in America 


school. Situation: A “good girl,” seduced 
by her professor, becomes pregnant and 
seeks a back-street abortion, Sound like 
the plot of a typical hack novel? I's not; 
at least not the way Mary Gordon de- 
velops it in her novel The Company of 
Women (Random House). For her heroine 
is no typical girl. Felicitas (named afte 
а virgin martyr) was reared by five pious 
women and one domineering Catholic 
priest. Not a normal childhood. Gordon's 
sharp eye for detail and keen ear for 
dialog are used to brilliant effect on 
1 her characters and make this an 
extraordinary novel. 




Пе first reel ог so of Nine to Five (Fox) 

made me steel myself for an interim 
report on women's rights, ап En 
tion Proclamation for the working girl. 
The movie has a message of sorts, but 
forget preachments and let's hear it for 
Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin and Dolly 
Parton. Although they may have to share 
the top spot among film feminists with 
Goldie Hawn (as in Private Benjamin), 
Jane, Lily and Dolly are aces as a trio 
of office buddies, ог sisters-in-arms, who 
all become rebel queens for a day once 
Nine to Five gets up some steam. De- 
tails of the plot were covered sufficiently 
in the December rtaysoy (on location, 
with reporter Larry Grobel). The screen- 
play by Colin Higgins (of Harold and 
Maude and Foul Play) and Patricia 
Resnick—with Higgins directing in a 
hitor-miss manner—isn't quite as con- 
sistent as the collective star power un- 
leashed to belt it across. With those three 
misses, however, the hits come casy. Jane 
is a partner in the production and a јоу 
forever. More than atoning for her ill- 
conceived Moment by Moment with 
Travolta, Tomlin is hilarious, particular- 
ly when she camps through a Snow 
White fantasy about poisoning her boss, 
with lots of bluebirds and furry forest 
creatures dancing attendance оп her. 
Dolly is delightful, and while I'm not 
sure that what she does is acting, she 
exudes the kind of naturally sunny 
spontaneity that other actresses work 
very hard to imitate. There's no male 
love interest as such, just Dabney Cole- 
man as a boss you love to hate—"a 
sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical 
bigot” whom the girls kidnap and hold 
hostage. Never scolding or self-righteous 
re malechauvinist pigs Nine to Five 
shrewdly makes its points stronger by 


turning the revenge of the working girl 

the liveliest office ty of the 


Indubitably a top contender among 
current movies, Martin Scorsese’s Raging 
Bull (UA) may score highly as a tech- 
nical knockout. Scorsese stages several 
of the most bloody and gut-busting 
boxing sequences ever committed to 
film in an episodic, unsentimental adap- 
tation by Paul Schrader and Mardik 
Martin of rowdy middleweight cham- 
pion Motta’s autobiography, 
roughly spanning the years 1941-1960. 
Add to that an overwhelming perform- 
ance by Robert De Niro, framed by 
Michael Chapman's classic and classy 
black-and-white cinematography, plus a 
superb sound track subliminally provid 
ing nonstop nostalgia. Altogether, the 
film gets off to such a strong head start, 
the flaws don’t show for an hour or so. 
Then they multiply. There's overkill in 

De Niro's a knockout in Raging Buil. 

Let's hear it for 
the working girls; Scorsese 
delivers a TKO. 

Altered States: а sensory explosion. 

Scorsese’s subjective slow-motion shots 
that try to pound poctry into pugilism, 
but his worst miscalculation was to in- 
vest so much supercharged emotion in а 
character scarcely more likable than 
Attila the Hun. A simple-minded bully, 
La Motta outside the ring is even mean- 
er than he is with the gloves on. He's a 
boor and a wife beater who evolves, 
blow by blow, into a gross insensitive 
loudmouth exploiting his faded glory 
by performing in strip clubs or ludicrous 
one-man shows. Still, De Niro's remark- 
able physical transformation, from lithe 
young brute to barroom blob, is an 
unquestionable tour de force. Scorsese 
coaxcs showstopper stints from his entire 
cast, especially from newcomer Cathy 
Moriarty as Vickie, the sullen blonde 
beauty who became La Motta's second 
wife and favorite punching bag. The 

only other character to arouse my sym- 
pathy was Joe Pesci as the champ's 
put-upon brother Joey, who is also alien- 
ated by La Motta’s insanely jealous 
suspicion that somebody must be screw- 
ing his wife. There has not been such a 
raw portrait of the Italian-American 
macho man since The Godfather. Hardly 
in the same league, Raging Bull is flashy 
but finally empty and anticlimactic— 
more of Scorsese's gritty mean-streets 
realism with too little humanism to make 
us care. УУУ 


Suspense taken seriously has been part 
of every true movie buffs staple diet 
ince long before Hitchcock started. im- 
proving on the standard hair-raisers. 
Lately, there's been more gore than 
sophistication evident on the screen, 
with too many film makers ready to con- 
cede that the public prefers copious 
bloodletting to a tightly constructed plot. 
Some recent releases suggest ап upswing 
in taste, or at least the temporary re- 
versal of a god-awful trend. 

The energy crisis and a top-secret plan 
to delay production of synthetic fuel are 
the issues in The Formula (UA/MGM), a 
talky suspense drama based on producer- 
adapter Steve Shagan’s novel, which i 
turn was based partly on fact. John G. 
(Rocky) Avildsen directed Shagan's tale 
of big oil, big banking, bloody murder 
and OPEG treachery that moves from 
Beyerly Hills to St-Moritz, Switzerland, 
and West Berlin. Since the principal 
talking heads for hire happen to belong 
to George C. Scott and Marlon Brando, 
there's hardly a moment when you don't 
want to look and listen. These two are 
adversar with Scott as a retired detec 
tive checking out the meaningless murder 
of an old friend. Brando is in especially 
good form as the deadly but deceptively 
going chief of a huge conglomerate. 
Marthe Keller plays the beautiful wom 
an who invariably catches a heel, or loses 
one, in the sticky center of such plots. 
Slow іші, yet time flics when you're 
having fun. Just shift gears. ¥¥¥ 

Judged strictly as drama, Altered States 
(Warner) ends with a whimper. Every- 
thing else is tantalizing, one way or an- 
other—scary, hypnotic, easily the best 
Ken Russell movie since Women in Lo 
to which it bears no resemblance at all. 
Based on Paddy Chayefsky's novel, with 
a screenplay credited to Sidney Aaron 
(а nom de film explained by Chayefsky’: 
contractual option to take his name off 
the movie, an option he chose to exer- 
cise), Allered States explores mystic 
levels of human consciousness and de- 
ploys its own special-effects task force to 
create a number of the most mind 
bending aural, visual and visceral mo- 
ments а moviegoer is apt to experience 

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without taking LSD or a mouthful 
of magic mushrooms. Once again, mod- 
ern science triggers the plot, concen- 
trated in а New England scientific 
community where a young married pro- 
fessor (movie newcomer William Hurt), 
having tried everything else, begins some 
dangerous experiments on himself in a 
watery isolation tank. Free-floating back 
to primordial states of human existence 
is his goal. As usual, Russell goes too 
far—going too far, of course, is almost 
the definition of his cinematic style. But 
Allered States suffers for it, becoming 
incoherent at times, deteriorating into 
something like The Wolf Man at Har- 
тата. The dialog is often dense with 
hty academic jargon, another handi- 
cap, though the actors manage to sound. 
more than sensible. Hurt's performance 
establishes him a minor star evolying 
nto major importance before yo 
cyes, while Blair Brown, as his dis 
estranged wife, provides the strong emo- 
tional life line that separates a trip 
movie from a true movie. Although irri- 
tatingly overwrought at times, Altered 
States has a lot going for it. УУ 

Anyone who's skeptical about Hurt's 
hot career may discover more warmth 
in Eyewitness (Fox). Produced and di- 
rected by Peter Yates from a Steve Tesich 
screenplay—they're the team that made 
Breaking Away in 1979—this intricate 
offbeat thriller offers Hurt as the young 
maintenance man (or janitor) in a high- 
rise office building where he stumbles 
onto a murder that changes his life. He 
meets Sigourncy Weaver, for one thing— 
she’s the fetching TV newswoman who 
comes to visit the scene of the crime. 
‘Their chemistry works remarkably well, 
though the freshest scene іп Eyewitness 
is one in which Hurt and the girl he’s 
supposed to marry (Pamela Reed) finally 
confess, with huge relief on both sides, 
that they don’t love each other in the 
least. Hurt comes off here like a taller, 
handsomer Dustin Hoffman. Weaver is 
no less winsome than she was in Alien, 
and theres prodigal scene stealing 
throughout by James Woods, Christopher 
Plummer and Irene Worth. ¥¥¥ 

wi ctor David Cronenberg's 
Scanners (Avco-Embassy) will not disap- 
point a growing coterie of fans who con- 
sider Cronenberg a genius li 
beyond such directors as John C 
and Brian De Palma. The mo has 
scarcely begun when a man’s head ex- 
plodes like a shattered. melon. A kinetic 
kissin’ cousin to Carrie, an accomplished 
ner can concentrate his rdi- 
ry powers on such cerebral blowouts. 
Scanners diabolical political plot in- 
volves Patrick McGoohan, Jennifer 
о and Stephen. Lack, the last just 
OK in his key role. But the film's ending 
is dynamite, and that's where nine out 
of ten thrillers go askew. УУ 



capsule close-ups of current films 
by bruce williamson 

Altered States (Reviewed this month) 
A cosmic mental wet-down. yy 
Breaker Morant War heroes con- 
demned in vivid Aussie courtroom 
drama of military injustice. yyy 
A Change of Seasons Bo Derck bare- 
ly weathering a soso sex comedy 
with Shirley MacLaine, Anthony 
Hopkins. Y 
The Competition Pianissimo romance. 
Richard Dreyfuss, Amy Irving tickle 
the ivories but not the audience. ¥ 
Eyewitness (Reviewed this month) 
Boy meets girl meets murderer. ¥¥¥ 
Flash Gordon Max von Sydow's Ming 
outshines the hero. Some fun. yy 
The formulo (Reviewed this month) 
Oil-based intrigue with George С 
Scott and an unleaded Brando. ¥¥¥ 
From the Life of the Marionettes Ingmar 
Bergman, even grimmer than is his 
wont vvv 
The Idolmcker Rock stars of the 
ing performance by Ray Sharkey. ҰҰ 
Inside Moves Some charming people 
who need people in a friendly ncigh- 
borhood gin mill WY 
Loulou Isabelle Huppert and Gérard 
Depardieu with an amoral minority 
report from Paris. Sexy pair. vu 
The Mirror Crack'd Liz Taylor fcud- 
ing with Kim Novak while Agatha 
Christie calls the shots. уу 
Nine to Five (Reviewed this month) 
How to succeed in business according. 
10 Fonda, Tomlin and Parton. YYYY 
One-Trick Pony Paul Simon draws 
from experience to write and star in 
the tale of pop celebrityhood in the 
Sixties, yyy 
Ordinary People Robert Redlord's 
extraordinary directorial debut. ҰҰҰҰ 
Private Benjamin Hilarious Army ma- 
neuvers with Goldie Hawn. yyy 
Raging Bull (Reviewed this month) 
Boxer Jake La Motta's life relived 
by De Niro—a capital improve 

invented on the spot. А smash- 

ment yyy 
Scanners (Reviewed this month) 
Quite literally mind-blowing vy 

Stardust Memories As told by Woody 
Allen, the sweet smell of success is 
merely stale. vv 

The Stunt Man Premium hamming by 
Peter O'Toole in Richard Rush's mov 
iemovie about making movies. ¥¥¥¥ 

Tribute The slush runs that deep in 
a tearjerker based on the Broadway 
hit, but Jack Lemmon's moving per- 
formance is preserved intact, vy 

¥¥¥¥ Don't miss 
¥¥¥ Good show 

¥¥ Worth a look 
¥ Forget it 

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or money order for $1.86 as payment (that's 1€ for 
your first 10 selections, plus 51.65 to cover ship- 
ping and handling). In exchange, you simply 
agree to buy 8 more tapes or records (at regular 
Club prices) in the next three years—and you 
may cancel membership anytime after doing so. 
How the Club operates: every four weeks (13 
times a year) you'll receive the Club's music 
magazine, which describes the Selection of the. 
Month for each musical interest... plus hundreds 
of alternates from every field of music. In addi- 
tion, upto six times a year you may receive offers 
of Special Selections, usually at a discount off 
regular Club prices, for a total of up to 19 buying. 

If you wish to receive the Selection of the 
Month or the Special Selection, you need do 
nothing — it will be shipped automatically. If you 
prefer an alternate selection, or none at all. fill іп 

the response card always provided and тай it by 
the dete specified, You will alwayshave at least 10 
days to make your decision. If you ever receive 
any Selection without having hadat least 10 days 
to decide. you may return it at our expense 

The tapes and records you order during your 
membership will be billed at regular Club prices. 
which currently аге 57.96 or $898— plus ship- 
ping and handling. (Multiple-unit sets апа Double 
Selections may be somewhat higher.) And if you 
decide to continue as a member after completing 
your enrollment agreemert, you'll be eligible for 
‘our generous, money-saving bonus plan. 
10-бау Free Trial: we'll send details of the Club's 
‘operation with yourintroductory shipment. If you 
аге not satisfied for any reason whatsoever, just 
return everything within 10 days for a full refund 
and you will have no further obligation, So you 
risk absolutely nothing by acting now! 


It tne application is missing 
wrie to Columbia Record 
& Tepe Ciub, бері LTY/2A, 
Terre Haute, Ind. 47811 




ЕВЕ'5 RODNEY: Among musicians, 
Rodney Crowell's reputation is al- 
ready well established. More than 40 of 
his songs have been recorded by stars of 
various stripes, including Willie Nelson, 
Waylen Jennings and Emmylou Harris. 
If so far you've missed him, you owe it 
to yourself to check out But What Will the 
Neighbors Think (Warner Bros.), his second 

album. It's a treat of intelligent. post- 
Nashville, post-Outlaw songwriting most- a country vein, sung in a light, 
engaging voice darkened here and there 
by traces of melancholy. He appears to 
write great chug-along road songs as 
naturally as breathing, and his ballads 
grab through understatement, not sac- 
charine overkill. The boy has flat got it. 
Also highly recommended is his first LP, 
Ain't Livin’ Long Like This (Warner Bros), 
which is probably even a few shades bet- 
ter than this new one. You'll be hearing 
more about Rodney Crowell. 

Jeane Manson arrived in Paris five years 
ago, her reception was anything but laissez 
faire. After all, the French very rarely 
catch sight of a real Playmate and Jeane 
had been Miss August 1974. Then a few 
notables heard her sing and her star took 
off. Along came a recording contract, 
sellout engagements, TV shows and mov- 
ies The bottom line—6,000,000 records 
sold in Europe. 

“Now,” says Jeane, "I'm looking for the 
hit song that will bring me back to Amer- 
ica.” Her first U.S. album, Jeane Manson 
(Epic/Portrait), put together by veteran 

The Best of Bob Wills 
and His Texas Playboys 
2. George Benson / 
Breezin'. 8. Hank Wil- 
liams, Jr. / Habits Old 
and New. 4. Willie 
Nelson / Willie Sings 
Kristofferson. 5. Linda 
Ronstadt / Heart Like 
a Wheel. 

JOE WALSH: 1. Ralph 
MacDonald / The Path. 
2. Alan Parsons Project/ 
Pyramid. 3. Tomita / 
Snowflakes Are Danc- 
ing. 4. Turley Richards. 
5. Samuel Barber / Ada- 
gio [от Strings. 

Question: What have you been listening to lately? 

Dire Straits. 2. Hank 
Williams Sr's Greatest 
Hits. 8. Willie Nelson, 
4. Hank Williams, Jr. / 
Habits Old and New. 
5. J. J. Cale. 

Toots & the Maytals /| ЖА | 
Funky Kingston. 9. 
Gene Vincent / Blue 
Jean Bop. $. Graham 
Parker / Squeezing Out 
Sparks. 4. Augustus Pa- 
blo / Original Rockers. 
5. Talking Heads / 

Fear of Music. 

producer/arranger Milton Okun, may con- 
tain that hit. Manson writes and sings in 
a simple ballad style. Her gentle country 
voice explodes on some cuts into multi- 
octave jumps and vocal gymnastics that 
leave no doubt she'll carve out an Amer- 

ican niche. 


Bleck Market Clash (Epic NuDisk) is a 
tune sampler of hits old and new 
and previously unavailable here, from a 
group well on the way to claiming The 
Rolling Stones’ crown as England's pre- 
mier rock'n'roll band. Included is 
Bankrobber, the Clash's current big sin- 
gle in the U.K, which opens: "Daddy 
Was a bank robber, he never hurt no- 
body/He just loved to live that way, and 
he loved to steal the money.” Populist 

Classic Jazz has been issuing a lot of 
stuff that was previously available only 
in Europe, and jaz-piano fans сап 
only rejoice at the availability of Sammy 
Price's Fire and Hank Jones's | Remember 
You. A much-traveled veteran whose own 

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bio reads like the standard history of 
jazz. Price plays boogies and blues with 
the kind of touch that takes half а сеп- 
tury to develop. Jones, the much-lauded 
accompanist, goes for himself оп this 
set, as he delineates some very lucky 
standards with great feeling and great 


Neil Young used to put us off with 
the noise he made. He sounded like a 
boy soprano whose voice had changed 
but whose style hadn't. He was still sing- 
ing way up there where the notes are 
squeaky and the voice gets thin. Now 
he’s winding down. On Hawks & Doves 
(Reprise), he sings like a grown man. 
He even assays a growl or two. He sounds 
assured, a man who's got it together and 
knows it. And he is writing very well, 
indeed, from a poignant vignette (Little 
Wing) to the grim nautical saga of 
Captain Kennedy. There's some baleful 
political comment in the title song and 
on Comin’ Apart at Every Nail. The 
refrain on that one: “Oh, this country 
sure looks good to me/But these fences 
are comin’ apart at every пай.” Our own 
favorite an almost verbatim account 
of a meeting of the American Federation 
of Musicians, Union Man, all about how 
the local ratified a resolution to distrib- 
ute bumper stickers reading, LIVE MUSIC 
15 BETTER. Young does it deadpan, slyly 
and hilariously, sort of musical Bob and 
Ray. One side of Hawks & Doves 
just Neil and his acoustic guitar and 
occasional bass. On the other side, he is 
backed by a small band featuring some 
jazzy fiddling by Rufus Thibodeaux. 
This is the record Neil Young has been 
trying to make for years. 


The Reddings / The Awakening (Believe 
two young son: 
their cousin, are not fully developed 
talents yet—but they're on their way. 

Sonny Rollins / Love at First Sight (Milc- 
stone): It sounds like the Rollins we 
first came to love—and Stanley Clarke 
sounds like Superman with a bass. 

Ahmad Jamal / Intervals (20th Century- 
Fox) and Night Seng (Motown): Impec- 
cable pianistics, with soulful rhythm 
and casy-listening strings. 

Sky (Arista): Inflated pop variations 
on classical themes that never get off 
the ground. 

Keith Jarrett / G. |. Gurdjieff Sacred Hymns 
(ECM): Whoever OK'd this project 
should be forced to listen to the turgid, 
boring result through cternity. On 

Sylvester / Sell My Soul (Fantasy/ Honey): 
Would you buy used disco shrieks from 
this man? Keep it. 

Boyd Raeburn / Jewells (Savoy): Vintage 
big-band weirdness from a fellow who 
tried to orchestrate the way Lester Young 
played. Pleasantly disconcerting. 





"| don't 

need a new record album, | simply need a real human being to love me," Elton 
John said recently. Big deal, you say? But this time, he's talking marriage, folks. Just. 
think of all the couples who never had a hit record. Kinda warms the heart, doesn't it? 

EWSBREAKS: Buddy Holly's widow, 
Maria, has filed suit in an effort 

to gain custody of the recently lo- 
cated glasses of her late husband. 
The specs, a well-known Holly trade- 
mark, wt misplaced by officials 22 
years ago, when his plane crashed 
near Clear Lake, Iowa. . The auc- 
tion at Abbey Road Studios of re- 
cording equipment and memorabilia 
brought in about $250,000. Our fa- 
vorite item was a roll of toilet paper 
once rejected by the Beatles because 
of its inferior quality, which went 
for $200. Producer Robert Stigwood 
is countersuing the Bee Gees and, not 
to be outdone, the Electric Light Orchestra 
is reportedly also suing its manage- 
ment to get out of a contract. ... A 
nationally distributed — video-music 
network has already begun airing 
some programs over independent TV 
stations and cable systems. The New 
York-based Pop Network purchased 
53 hours a week for musicians such as 
the Pretenders, Michael Jackson, Marianne 
Faithfull and the Ramones. . . . Fans of 
the Coasters may have some trouble 
keeping up with the group, since 
there are about five different touring 
acts, all of which daim to be the 
iginal one. Apparently, anyone 
who ever performed with the Coasters. 
is entitled to use its name. ... You 
thought Chipmunk Punk was the end 
of it? No way. Jim Henson, the creator. 
of The Muppets, has formed a record 
label to cash in on this trend. Disney, 
high on the success of Mickey Mouse 
disco, is planning an LP called Goin" 
Crackers, featuring Donald Duck on 
vocals. . . . Total sales for all the 
Doors albums have now passed the 
16,000,000 mark. . . . More informa- 

tion on the musicbusines board 
game mentioned here last December: 
It's called The Record Game (what 
else?) and you can write to Gorilla, 
Inc, Box 288, Nashville, Tennessee 
37221, for det: 
RANDOM RUMORS: Record and tape 
pirates in Singapore are selling а 
bootleg called Bob Dylan and Jimmy 
Carter. The unauthorized recording 
includes parts of Carter's 1980 State 
of the Union Message and a selection 
оГ Dylan tunes from the concert at 
Budokan. The tapes are reportedly 
being exported to the Middle East, 
Malaysia and New Guinea. . . . Julio 
Martinez, a biggie in New York State 
drug-abuse rehabilitation, is propos- 
ing that records that encourage drug 
use be taxed a dollar every time they 
are sold or receive radio air play. . . - 
We hear that California legislators 
plan to propose tough new laws as a 
result of outragcous scalping of tick- 
ets (as high as $200) at last fall's Bruce 
Springsteen concerts іп 1.А. The pro- 
posal has gained support. from local 
rock promoters as well. . . . Glamor 
on the Road Department: While tour- 
ing in Australia, Daryl Hall and John 
Oates were interrupted at dinner опе 
night by a "fan" holding a gun, 
wearing a ski mask and demanding 
cash—not autographs. When other 
diners went to their aid, the gunma 
was captured and held for the po- 
lice—who, it turned out, had 
him on their wanted list for an en- 
tire year for similar escapades. Hall 
and Oates didn't get a reward, but 
their album Voices shot up 20 points 
on the Australian charts and went 

gold as soon as the story broke. 







shot making your lucky lassa winner. 

The luck of the Irish be with you me lads. Now "15 the time to enter 
your "Miss l'Rish" in the “I’Rish | Had A Schlitz" photo contest. The 
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a Schlitz" merchandising campaign. And she'll һе paid a model's fee 
of $800.00. 

Ah, but you must be quick about it. All entries must be postmarked no 

later than April 15, 1981. So, shake a shamrock before it’s too late. 
Here's how you enter: 

1. To enter the contest, your favorite Colleen must consent by signing 
the entry blank. Send a clear color photograph of her with a completed 
entry form ога 3" X 5" card with her name, address, telephone number, 
age, eye color and hair color, and mail to “I'Rish 1 Had A Schlitz" Con- 
lest, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, 235 West Galena Street (M.D. 3202), 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212. 

2. All color photographs must be at least 3" X 3" but no larger than 
8"X 10” They become the property of the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company 
and will not be returned. 

3. Entries must be postmarked by April 15, 198] and received by May 
1, 1981. You may enter once. 

4. Your favorite lass must be of legal drinking age in her state of гесі- 
dence and state of submission at the time of entry. Employees and 
their families of the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, its distributors, 

affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, and of Playboy, and re- 
tail licensees, are not eligible. Proof of eligibility may be required. 

5. The “I'Rish І Had A Schlitz" Colleen will be chosen by the Photog- 
raphy Director of PLAYBOY Magazine, whose decision will be final. 
The Colleen will be flown to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where her photo- 
graph will be taken by the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company. All expenses 
will be paid for the “I'Rish | Had A Schlitz" Colleen's stay in Milwaukee, 
and she'll be required to execute a model's release. 

6.The Colleen will be chosen by May 29, 1981, and notified by 
June 15, 1981. 

7.No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. 
Allfederal, state and local laws and regulations apply. 




¢ › Ms 

1981 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wis 




т powerful fecling as well as per- 
fection of form in WNET's adapta- 
tion of Guests of the Nation, to be aired оп 
Monday, February ninth, at eight Р.м. 
(E.S.T) as part of the Great Performances 
series on PBS outlets. Taken by Neil Mc- 
Kenzie from a Frank O'Connor story 
about Ireland in 1921, Guests was first 
produced off-Broadway, though its liter- 
ary theatrical roots scarcely show. Under 
director John Desmond the actors—with 
Frank Converse and Estelle Parsons fea- 
tured in a uniformly splendid company 
take just under an hour to etch a 
memorable, lyric tragedy that may be the 
best you'll ever see on the subject of men 
at war who carry out orders they despise. 
Two Irish rebels stand guard over two 
English prisoners in а scoldy old widow's 
cottage, where the sworn foes’ common 
humanity emerges as they do birdcalls or 
folk dances or bicker at cards. None сап 
foresee the ultimate understated horror of 
which Converse, as rueful narrator, 1% 
marks, "Anything that happened after, 1 
never felt the same about again.” His 
sickened moral sensibility leaps right off 
the screen. 

med оп location іп Соп- 

mecticut, though you'd never guess it, 

Guests is plain, simple and devastating. 

Whodunit fans ought to note on their 
calendars that this spring will bring 
forth, courtesy of the Mobil Showcase 
network, the first two Agatha Christie 
dassics ever made exclusively for televi- 
sion. The Seven Dials Mystery, duc in mid- 
March but not available for previewing, 
will be followed by Why Didn't They Ask 
Evans?, second of the three-hour presenta- 
tions. Both have solid British credentials. 
Sir John Gielgud plays roles in both 
teleplays, and that's a clue to the quality 
of the games afoot. In Evans, which 
uncovers dark deeds around several state- 
ly homes circa 1934, Gielgud's the v 
whose footloose son (James Warwick) 
joins forces with a smartset heiress 
(Francesca Annis, star of Lillie) to find 
out what's behind that title phrase—the 
last words uttered by a murder victim 
found at the bottom of a diff. You'll 
never guess right unles you're as cun- 
ning as the masterful Miss Christie. 


The distinguished Shakespeare Plays 
continue on February 23 at eight P.M. 
(Е...) on PBS outlets with The Merchant 
of Venice, which promises to be the most 
controversial program so far in the 
series. The historic debate about anti- 
Semitism as expressed in the character 
of Shylock isn't going to be cooled by 
Warren Mitchell's portrayal. Though 
unfamiliar to me, Mitchell is a brilliant, 
warm-blooded and very Jewish Shylock 
whose broad accent and general de- 

Mitchell, Jones as Shylock, Portia. 

Some pretty snazzy 
stuff is due on PBS, 
ABC and syndicated outlets. 

Generals' Richardson, West and Dysart. 

meanor conjure up images of a conven- 
tional scheming pawnbroker. When this 
Shylock lends money to the merchant 
Antonio and demands his pound of flesh 

on default, he’s not fooling around. The 
virtue of director Jack Gold's handsome, 
provocative three-hour production is 
that it is probably just the sort of black 
social comedy Shakespeare intended, 
Shylock may be a shyster, but there is 
ample provocation in the heartless young 
Venetians who mock him without mercy 
after they help his daughter (Leslee Ud- 
win as а sexy Jessica) elope with a 
Christian, making off with a small for- 
tune in jewels, In the humbling court- 
room climax of the piece, very touchingly 
played, Shylock is forced to kiss a cruci- 
fix and renounce his faith. “In convert- 
ing Jews to Christians, you raise the 
price of pork” is typical of the cruel wit 
that mocks his plight. The romantic 
subplot of Merchant of Venice—all that 
nonsense about lovely Portia and the 
ardent suitors who come to woo her by a 
kind of lottery involving three mysteri- 
ous sealed casks—is played with great 
charm by Gemma Jones as Portia and 
John Nettles as the lucky Bassanio and 
another of those fine English supporting 
casts. They're so brushed up on their 
Shakespeare, it’s always a clean sweep. 

The Great Performances offering for 
March ninth will be Rudolf Nureyev and the 
Joffrey Ballet in Tribute to Nijinsky, another of 
PBS’ Dance in America series. Anything 
Nureyev does has impact, and here he 
performs three of the great ballets 
danced by the mad young Nijinsky. In 
Petrouchka, he plays a tragic marionette; 
Specter of the Rose pairs him with ba 
lerina Denise Jackson in that lush period 
piece about 2 dreaming beauty and her 
blossomy dream man; his third vehicle 
is Afternoon of a Faun, originally choreo- 
graphed by Nijinsky himsell—a scandal 
in 1912 for its graphic eroticism, with the 
scantily clad hero having simulated эс 
with a wood nymph’s scarf. These early 
modern classics don't show the zesty 
young Jollrey dancers at their best, yet 
producer-director Emile Ardolino’s 
tasteful Tribute to Nijinsky is the vin- 
tage champagne of TV fare, with Robert 
Joffrey and Nureyev 
helpful notes and commentary between 
the acts. 

himself providing 


February is the starting month for 
Mobil Showcase's Churchill and the Generals, 
three weekly one-hour dramatizations of 
how Winston won the war with the help 
of some brilliant British military strate- 
gists and some well-meaning American 
brass. “Eisenhower has no strategic sense 
at all,” remarks one of Churchill's men 
at Casablanca when Ike (Richard Dysart) 
and General George Marshall (Joseph 
Gotten) seem overanxious about moving 
up D day. Timothy West makes ап im- 
pressive Churchill, an incurable war 

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lover and self-appointed messiah with a 
rage to vanquish Hitlers Huns. Arthur 
Hill plays F.D.R. passably, yet Generals 
ns Churchill's full-length portrait, 
polcon-insslippers sort of show com 
plemented by stunning newsreel footage 
from May 1940 to the invasion of Nor- 
mandy in June 1944. All in all, fascinat 
ing glimpses of global chess, seen mostly 
from the wings but with genuine si 
onstage—in an era when world leaders 
looked their parts and played them 
bravura style. So very John Bullish, how- 
ever, that I wouldn't recommend it to 
even occasional Anglophobes, who just 
might break out іп а rash. 

Mosada, another cight-hour marathon 
that will run for four nights beginning 
Sunday, April fifth on ABC, bumping 
such staples oap and Taxi, was 
shot on location in Israel at a cost of 
$18,000,000, It was adapted from ап Er- 
nest Gann novel by Joel Oliansky, who 
wrote the current movie release The 
Competition, and directed by Boris Segal 
(of ABC's Rich Man, Poor Man). Fd ar- 
gue with wiseass insiders who describe 
this as “a Jewish Roots." It's intelligent, 
inspirational, earth-bound. Masada is the 
ame of a mountaintop fortress where 
960 brave Judeans defied 5000 conquer- 
ing Romans back in the First Century A-D., 
and the cast has a standard complement 
of Beautiful People to represent both 
sides—Peter O'Toole as the Roman gen- 
eral Silva, Peter Stra as the indomita- 
ble rebel leader, Anthony Quayle and 
David Warner as lesser Romans, breath- 
taking Barbara Carrera as the captive 
beauty whose love humanizes Silva. A 
preview screening of the initial two-hov 
segment suggests that Masada's milling 
throngs will mill through miles and miles 
of scenery in a good cause, endorsing 
freedom and whipping up windstorms of 
déjà vu. 

Well into its second season, the suc- 
cessful Mystery! series (Tuesdays at nine 
Pam., ES.T., on PBS outlets) continues 
the h: -forming Rumpole of the Bailey 
for six weeks beginning February 17. 
Leo McKern hangs іп there as the 
cryptic, crusty English barrister who 
quotes Shakespeare, defends underdogs 
and refers to his formidable spou 
she who must be obeyed.” Once he 
hooks you, he's as hard to resist as Ar- 
chie Bunker. After McKern his h 
rumphed into spring, Mystery! bri 
us three more chapt 
Game (beginning March 81), that action- 
oriented, suspenseful racetrack series 
with Mike Gwilym as a trouble shooter 
whose specialty is hanky-panky in the 
horsy set. Gwilym's a kind of street 
smart cross between Cockney and Cag- 
ney whose style probably has more 
resonance for U.S. audiences than any 
English superhero this side of 007. —влу. 

s of The Racing 


І you have but 
one night in the 
nation's capital, 
Germeine's (2400 
Wisconsin. Avenue, 
Washington, D.C) 
is the place to 
die. This Ра 
Asian restaurant is 
the creation of а 
Vietnamese former 
paratroop nurse 
nd newsgirl named 
Germaine Loc and 
her husband, for- 
cer Time-Life war 
photographer Dick 
Swanson. From the 
ashes ой а broken 
mily was m 
executed in 
French debacle of 

called Ti Leaf Sca- 
food with Coconut 
Milk, іп which a 
ge fillet of the 
rockfish is 
ated, then 
steamed with 
shrimps, chopped 
seafood and fresh- 
squeezed coconut 
milk—all served 

wrapped in the 
ing foil. 

are five 


es, three Jamb offer 

ings, pork, beet, 
chicken and vegeta- 
ble items drawn 
from such varied 
culinary. traditions 
as the Japanesc and 
the Filipino. The 

1054 and made it 
out of Saigon on 
the last refugee 
flight in 1975), the 
Swansons have 
‹тайей ап eating- 
and-watering hole 
couched in natural 

For Pan-Asian cuisine 
in the nation's capital, 
pay a visit to Germaine's. 

problem at Ger- 
maine’s is du 
knowing where to 
start and when to 

If you have any 
room left for des- 
sert, the choice is 

woods, a skylighted 
ceiling and a jungle of greenery. It has 
become an instant hit with globe- 
trotting journalists and politicians alike. 

Germaine's is not strictly a Vietnamese 
restaurant; but it is de rigueur to start 
with an order of cha gio, the exquisi 
Vietnamese spring rolls made from 
minced pork, shrimps and cellophane 
noodles. Rolled іп crisp, diaphanous 
rice paper and dipped іп pungent 
namese fish sauce, these chewy little 
delicacies are to Chinese egg rolls what 
a French omelet is to scrambled eggs. 

Take our advice and eat just one cha 
gio per person so you can then order 
from the Indonesian-style saté grill near 
the front door. This is barbecuing as art: 
tiny cubes of beef, pork, chicken or 
shrimp skewered on long skinny sticks 
nd cooked over the open hearth. Satés 
ıe dipped lightly in a spicy peanut 
sauce before eating. 

Another delightful appetizer is a bowl 
of vermicelli-like Szechwan cold noodle: 
topped with slivers of cucumber and 
liberally dolloped with a thick, brown 

sesame paste that contains garlic, ging 
soy . sugar and hot pepper. The 
hot part sneaks up on yor 

is critical at Ge 
in such main courses as Viet- 
spareribs, marinated tenderly 
nd cooked with chopped lemon g 
Thai chicken-breast slices cooked with 
Oriental basil leaves and sautéed with 
about 20 different things"; or a dish 

there r 

limited. Two of 
avorites are lichee-nut and ginger 
am made exclusively for the res- 
ant by a small ice-cream parlor next 
door. The coffee, as in all Oriental 
leaves much to be desired. 
nson vigorously promotes the 
of drinking crisp and full-bodied 
wines with Oriental food, but Asian beer 
is really the best accompaniment to Ger: 
maine's food. Besides San Miguel (Phil- 
ippines), Amarit (Thailand) and Kirin 
(Japan), the restaurants beer list 
dudes the excellent, malty-tasting Tsing- 
tao from China and big bottles of the 
rather spotty Golden le from India. 

While far cheaper Шап Washington's 
bloated cadre of French restaurants, 
Germaine's is not your typical Orien 
bargain spot, either. Count on 520-525 
per person with drinks and tip for а 
three-course meal. Reservations a 
must during prime time on weekends 
(202-965-1185), To give you an idea of 
their тсе, be forewarned tha 
Fleetwood Mac was turned dows 
for calling too late. Couples w 
have a drink or two at the small, cozy 
bar overlooking Georgetown will prob- 
bly be squeezed in, however. Germaine's 
is open for lunch Monday through Fr 
day from noon to 2:30 р.м. 
served Sunday through Thursday from 
6 ьм. to 10 р.м. and Friday and Satur: 
day until 11 р.м. Most major credit cards 
are accepted. 






VENE at your local shopping mall, 
minding your own business. Suddenly, 
live and in person, Lord Darth Vader and 
a squad of his Imperial storm troopers 
come stampeding out of the dark corridor 
between Sears and Kinney Shoes. It’s not 
the real Darth Vader, of course, just some 
clown from the Star Wars publicity de- 
partment dressed іп the villain's armor 
‘The point is that you can hardly live in 
America these days and avoid the Star 
Wars phenomenon. 

The good folks at National Public 
Radio hope to capitalize on all that. 
"They've hired some of the most talented 
people in the broadcast industry to pro- 
duce а 13-part Star Wars series (beginning 
March second) based on the film and 
they're anticipating carry-over success on 

Radio drama all but dried up in this 
country 30 years ago, with the advent of 
TV. Radio demands the participation of 
the listener's imagination id that was а 
habit Americans were more than willing 
to break when the tube took over. I 
mention America specifically because, by 
contrast, the British Broadcasting Corpo- 
ration still produces more than 2000 hours 
of radio drama 
that amount is m 
play), National Radio Theater of Chica- 
go and CBS Radio Mystery Theater. 

Richard Toscan, a production execu- 
live at KUSC-FM, a major Public Radio 
outlet associated with the University of 
Southern California, came up with 
idea. “It seemed to me,” he said, “if 
NPR's goal was to attract a really large 
audience quickly, the best project would 
be Star Wars.” 

Toscan took his idea to George Lucas, 
the creator-director of Star Wars—who, 
with others at his company, Luca 
film. just happens to be a USC graduate 
Lucas had originally intended Star Wars 
to be a Flash Gordonlike episodic adven- 
ture-movie serial. When that plan proved 
economically difficult, it became а two- 
hour feature film. So the idea of convert- 
ing it back into 13 30-minute chapters 
pleased him. Besides, he was doing some- 
thing for his alma mater 

Lucas gave the radio rights to KUSC 
for one buck. The campus station shares 
distribution rights with NPR, which 
financed the projec on а noncommercial 
basis, at a reported total cost of $175,000. 
Part of the money will come from grants 
{тош the Corporation for Public Broad- 

urday morning in an eleg; 
and stonemasoned 
studio in Hollywood, award-winning 
radio director John. Madden had a cast 
of around two dozen actors reeling 


Шу wood- 

Daniels, Behrens, King, Hamill on mike. 

Here comes Star Wars 
again, this time via 
the magic of radic. 

through lengthy scenes 
faster than film making: 

“We didn't want to find sountalikes,” 
Toscan said. “We didn’t want somebody 
who was going to mimic what Har 
Ford or Alec Guinness had done ii 
movie. But we had to accept the fact that 

1 pace five times 

Stay Wars is almost an American. myth 
now. so we had to at least suggest the 

original characters. 
rom the film cast, they managed to 
get Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) and 
Britain’s Anthony Daniels (who plays 
СЗРО, the gold-plated robot), but they 
ran into scheduling problems with the 
other principal stars—Carrie Fisher, Guin- 
ness, James Earl Jones and Ford. Ber- 
nard Behrens will play Guinness’ role as 
Obi-Wan Kenobi; Brock Peters will re- 
place Jones as the voice of Darth Vader 
Since Ford was filming with Steven Spicl- 
berg in Europe, Репу King, a veteran 
film actor with experience in radio drama, 
was chosen to play Han Solo. 
Watching chem tape was somethin, 
ferent. During the memorable can 
scene. least 90 actors were grouped 
around three live microphones, which si- 
multaneously picked up barroom back- 
ground noise and featured voices at varied 

volumes—while, in an ion booth, 
Daniels’ voice was being tracked through 
a slight echo to produce the famili 

C-3PO “droid” voice. 
“The basic requirement of radio act- 

ing,” explained Madden, "as with any 

other kind of acting, is plausibility. А 
large part of that is imagining circum- 

stances that obviously aren't there in the 
studio. And a large part of that is simply 
monitoring what you hear yourself say. 
Mark Hamill is actually а sensational 
radio actor—he has an incredible ear for 
On the other hand, he's not used to 
sustaining a scene that takes four or five 
pages. It demands a kind of concentration 

and discipline that he doesn’t naturally 
have. But he can do it. 

During a break, I asked Hamill. Ki 
and Daniels how they were handling the 
transition from film to radio acting. 
PLAYBOY: Is there a difference between 
working in film and working in radio? 
DANIELS: I find radio very tiring, because 
3PO's voice is not that casy to do. In 
fact, as a robot, he doesn’t breathe, So I 
have to hold my breath most of the time. 
нами: The unusual thing for me has 
been going back to Luke as he was in the 
first story. The character really did make 
a transition to The Empire Strikes 
Back—there’s much less of that “Golly. 
gee whizz” in the second film. Is also а 
bit like doi à show in New York and 
then doing a revival of it somewhere clse 
with a different cast. Because Perry is nol 
trying ro do Harrison Ford. 
kine: D am trying to do Harrison Ford, 
nd this is as close as I can get. [Laughs] 
I was going to see Star Wars before we 
started, but I decided not to, I'm glad I 
didn’t, because then I think I probably 
would have tried to reproduce. as much 
as possible. Harrison Ford. And you can't. 
do that. It wouldn't work. 
нами: People accept very quickly. For 
a second, they will say, “That's a different 
Han Solo," and then they'll be right back 
n the story line. Really, the story line 
transcends the actors, and what's interest- 
ing for me is that we've got 13 half hours 
in which to tell the story. 

PLAYBOY: Then we take it you'd like to 
continue in radio after this project. 
нама: I'd love to. It's not the mone 
We're all getting just scale. But from an 
ego standpoint, I really didn't like the 
idea of somebody else doing my part. And 
in my generation, we missed out on so 
much: on live television and on ra 
KING: To a young actor, the kind of radio 
that’s so famous from the Thirties is the 
е thing you've never had a shot ar 
DANIELS: I's a shame that it doesn’t really 
exist in the U. S., because it's the best of 
a magical medium. I mean, in radio, it's 
the audience that wears the costumes. 
The great thing is that I don't have to 
dress up as 3PO. But if you watch me in 
the booth, it's as if I have the costume 
on. because I'm wobbling around in there. 
The mannerisms are an essential part of 
the character, and. in а way, I need them 
to be able to асас the same kind of 
impression in my head. 


A resurgence in the popularity of radio 
drama, based on the success of Star Wars, 
is at best a long shor. No one's forgotte 
the S0-yearold lesson—that radio just 
can't compete with television for the 
American audience. 

Or can it? Anything is possible when 
the Force is with you. —JUDSON KLINGER 

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рок cossir; Bob (Airplane) Hays will 
l star with Brooke Adams in Utilities, the 
story of a social worker who challenges 
a major utility company, the old little- 
guy-bucking-the-system theme. Apparent- 
ly, the script was originally considered 
for Robin Williams. . . . Fresh from Flash 
Gordon, Sam Jones has signed to do 
Kid Punk, an action crime thriller about 
а young police обсег who is railroaded 
off the force and falls into the hands 
of an unscrupulous bunch who promote 
him as some kind of punkish hero. Al- 
though the producers daim it is nol a 
karate film, theres a lot of karate in it, 
which is fine with Jones, who happens 
to be a blue belt. .. . At presstime. rumors 
were rampant that Hollywood be in 
for another series of strikes. The Writers 
Guild of America contract expires in 
March and the Directors Guild contract 
follows suit in June. If demands involv- 
pay-TV are not met, both unions 
may hit the picket lines, a situation t 
would virtually we the industry 
again, . . . Sylvester Stallone will probably 


Hoys Jones 

do a comedy after finishing Rocky HI. Al- 
though he hasn't yet completed the 
aplay, it will involve a starving actor 
ns up with a shrink who wants to 
be a screenwriter. . . . Farrah Fawcett will 
y Joan Robinson Hill in Murder in 
Texas, а four-hour miniseries based on 
an actual Houston murder case. Appar- 

tly, one of the reasons Farrah chose the 
role was that Ash Robinson, а surviving prin- 
cipal in the murder case who's now 84 
years old. said that Farrah was his 
dhoice to play the part of his deceased 


VEGAS ODDS: Jon Voight and Ann-Margret 
team up for the first time, along with 
Burt Young and director Hal Ashby, in 
Lookin’ to Get Ош. Based on a script by 
Voight and his longtime friend AI Schwartz, 
the flick is a fast-paced Stinglike adven- 
ture story about two hustlers (Voight 
and Young) who go to Vegas to pull 
off a scam the blackjack table and 
end up getting stung themselves. (Ann- 
Margret plays Voight's ex-girlfriend, now 
hooked up romantically with the manag- 
er of the Vegas hotel.) Sources close to the 
movie say that the idea for the film is 
one that Voight and Schwartz have been 

kicking around for quite some time, but 
other sources tell me that the production 
has been characterized by frequent script 

Voight Ann-Margret 

rewritings, reshootings and budget 
creases, not good signs. In any casc, 
is a definite change of pace for Voight, 
as well as for Ashby, whose last effort 
was the oddball hit of 1979, Being There. 

ронд рос: For the first time since he 
starred in M*A*S*H 11 yea 

rs ago. Donald 
Sutherland is back in the operating room. 
In "Threshold, he plays Dr. Thornas Vrain, 
а gutsy surgeon who performs an un- 
precedented operation to give a young 
girl the first artificial heart. To prepare 
for the role. Sutherland studied with 
Texas surgeon Dr. Denton Cooley. “Realism 
is obviously important to this picture, 
ays Sutherland. “To make sure 1 knew 
what I was doing, I went on Dr. Cooley's 
rounds and observed him in the operat- 
ing room. He docs $0 or so heart opera- 
tions a day! He taught me how to stitch 
and make incisions.” For further authen- 
ticity, the film makers borrowed $750,000 
hired 20 
0d put three surgeons on 24-hour 

worth of hospital equipment, 


made 1 

consultants. Special effects 
hearts, out of a special latex 
t with cerie realism and 
bleed when cut. They also made four 
full-sized bodies, four half-sized ones and 
20 gallons of stage blood. The film co- 
stars Jeff Goldblum, Mare Winningham and 
Michael Lerner. 


DUELING ZORROS: Douglas Fairbanks played 
Zorro in the silent era, Tyrone Power por- 
trayed him in 1940, but until now, there 
has heen a discreet silence concerning a 
little-known member of Zorro’s family— 

his identical, and somewhat fey, twin 
brother, Ramon. Mel Simon's comic send- 
up—Zorro and the Gay Blade—correcis 
that oversight, Continuing his successful 
venture into comedy, George Hamilton plays 
the dual role of the dashing masked 
swordsman and his twin, “Zorro is known 
all over the world,” says Hamilton. “He 
ranks second to Superman as a folk hero. 
We need Zorro today—how we need 
him!—riding down Pennsylvania Аус- 
nuc." For months prior to filming, Ham- 
ilton worked around the clock to meet 
the arduous physical demands of the dual 
role, starting in the morning with work- 
outs at a. Nautilus gym. then returning 
home to cross swords with noted fencing 
master Victor Рай, who rates him as 
"a fine and accomplished fencer on his 
own who need not be chorcographed in 
swordplay.” Afternoons were consumed 

Spanish riding styles and ending the 
exhausting regimen with bullwhip in- 
struction. By the start of production, 
Hamilton could flick cigarettes from the 
mouths of Zorro's adversaries and wrap 
the bullwhip around any villain's neck. 
The film, due out this summer, also stars 
Lauren Hutton, Ron Leibman and Brenda 

А ramy Aram: In. Chu Chu and the 
Philly Flash, Alem Arkin plays Philly 

Flash, a down-and-out ex-Philadelpl 
Philly whose big daim to fame is that 
he was relief pitcher in the 1957 all-star 
game. With dreams of glory, an ever 
present Phillies cap on his head and an 
old autographed baseball in his pocket, 
Arkin scrounges around San Francisco 
ith a motley crew of street people, try- 
ig to саға, by fair means or foul, enough 
moncy to take him to Flint, Michigan, 
where he's been offered a job as umpire 
for a softball team. The unusual aspect to 
this film is the fact that Arkin's whole 
family is in it. His wife, Barbara Dana 
(who also co-wrote the script), and his 
sons Tony, 12, and Adam, 24, all co-star 
with Carol Burnett, Jock Warden, Ruth Buzzi 
nd lov Jacobi. Says Arkin: "Each time 
I'm away on location, 1 miss my family. 
This seemed like a better way. Now I've 
got ‘em all here, working with me. 




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TITLING this column "Is Jamaica Safe?” 
is not just a cynical way to catch. your 
ye. It is an accurate report of the one 
question I'm asked—almost to the exclu- 
sion of all others—about what was once 
the Caribbean's most beguiling destina- 

It’s not a frivolous question. Officials 
currently estimate that political unrest 
in Jamaica resulted in more than 600 
people's being killed during the first ten 
months of 1980, in what cin only be 
described as inuaparty fratricide. The 
of that ongoing violence was 
ing to Jamaica's tourist trade 
The number of tourists has increased a 
mere 13 percent over what it was six 
years ago and, іп 1980, the government- 
owned hotels and airline (Air (ашай 
collectively lost more than $50,000,000. 

So why even consider an island idyl 
in such a turbulent. place? The answer 
is because maica's verdant hillsid 
flowing waterfalls and powdery sand 
beaches are still among the most alluring 
on this planet, and there are few islands 
anywhere that so completely satisfy a 
er's longing for a tropical paradise. 
Those physical atu no less 
appealing despite inflation in Jamaica 
that’s been running at 30 percent an- 
nually (on top of a 50 percent devalua 
tion of the can dollar in just the 
past year). 

Once upon a time, owning or renting 
a villa in Jamaica was the perfect way 
to laze away a holiday in consummate 
luxury. Now, savvy house or villa own 
ers or renters arrive on the island haul- 
ing their own foodsuufls, wading through 
customs with large cartons filled with 
bags of flour, boxes of cer ti, 
cake mixes and well-wrapped cuts of 
meat, cheese and other perishables, Simi- 
larly knowing tioners make sure 
they take along all their own sports 
gear—tennis rackets and balls, swim fins, 
snorkels, masks, scuba gear and golf 
equipment—lor such luxuries aren't 
readily available in any local shop on 
the island. And unless your smoking 
preference is for a. particular strain of 
locally grown ganja, even cigarettes have 
been in short supply lately. 

But nearly everyone in the local 
tourism industry is significantly encour- 
aged that the bad political situation of 
1980 will rapidly become very much 
better following the resounding defeat 
of the leftist government of Prime 
Minister Michacl N. Manley. Manley's 
led democratic socialism—and its 
alleged connection to Cuban president 
Fidel Castro—was denied another term 
ol office and Seaga's pro- 

tions are 

. spaghi 





The natives were getting restless. 
Now a new pro-tourist regime is 
touting a return to the 

idyllic days of old. .. . 

U.S., pro-frecenterprise Jama 
Party has now taken control. 
is both the son and the 
of travel agents, it is easy to 
ieve him when he vows to improve 
Jamaica's tourist image in a hurry. At 
a recent New York press conference, I 
listened as Jamaica's new minister of 
tourism frankly admitted that aime and 
violence had had a significant effect on 
tourism, and he vowed that the new 
government. is committed to “encourag- 
ing decorum and law and order.” 

Within three weeks after taking office, 
Seaga personally announced that hotel 
reservations were up 17 percent and gun- 
play and violence had been cut in half. 
The fact is that even prior to the elec 
tion, the violence on Jamaica was largely 
сіей to the poorest urban arca of 
the southeast, the district that Manley 
himself called “ghetto Kingston.” That 
is an into which few tourists ever 
venture, so the much-headlined threat of 
tourists’ being murdered in their beds 
was never an accurate reflection of the 
conditions existing in the major tourist 
enclaves on the north shore. To the best 
of our knowledge, none of the approxi- 
ately 600 people reported killed in 
1980 was a tourist, and (һе minister of 
tourism maintained that since the elec- 
tion, government security forces have 
been “astoundingly effective” in confis- 

а Labor 

cating illegal arms. 
The election of Seaga has given tour- 
ism in Jamaica an emotional lift. Even 
under Manley, the tourism business was 
high priorit ad was strongly 
promoted and encouraged by the govern: 
ment. In fact, the Jamaican government 
owns the vast majority of the hotels 
there, and it has made sure that all 
tourist facilities are sufficiently well 
stocked with provisions so that visitors 
are unaware of the deprivation that 
afflicts so much of the native population 
What's more, Jamaica has meaningfully 
increased its percentage of European 
visitors in the past couple of years, as 
they've discovered the delights of the 
devaluation and ree ion of the 
Jamaican dollar. So there is now an un. 
usually high percentage of international 
sun wors 


hipers with whom North Ameri 
can visitors can commingl 

Recent checks of the beach fı 
Negril, Montego Bay, Runaway Bay and 
Port Antonio showed holiday hordes 
cavorting with their usual glee, oblivious 
of any political unrest or threat of 
physical danger. There was some talk of 
rudeness in the shops in the towns and 

general feeling that it was wise to 
stay dose to the hotels and tourist 
centers. But no one felt inhibited by 
the possible dangers of roaming the 
interior regions of the island. 

If there are any other material prob- 
lems with vacationing in Jamaica, they 
have to do most with the high cost of 
eating out and getting about. While 
hotel rooms are still very reasonably 
priced—and even more so when they're 
purchased in conjunction with the myri 
ad package plans offered. by the hotels, 
tour operators and airlines 
taurant prices have doubled and 
comparable to (and occasionally шөге 
expensive than) first-class dining in Man 
hattan. That despite the fact that at 
presstime, one U. 5. dollar equaled $1.75 

ts at 

most re 


in Jamaican currency. 
One restaurant in Ocho Rios recently 
began the tourist season by listing the 

prices on its menu іш сап dollars. 
Not long after the start of the “official” 
tourist season (December 15), the Jamai- 
can dollar disappeared from the menu— 
it was whited out rather crudely—and 
“U.S. $" was just as crudely inscribed 
beside the prices. That meant that res 
taurant food prices—at least in that 
particular establishment—had suddenly 
taken а 75 percent jump. What that 
means is that dinner for two at a decent 
restaurant in Jamaica these days casily 
costs between $50 and $75. But the 
bottom line is that it’s still OK to go 
and enjoy Jamaic 




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Ram а reasonably attractive male, 20 
ars old. I recently went through what 
s for me a very emotional ordeal. About 

go, | met a very attractive Orien- 
We went out а couple of times. 

ith her. After goin, 
I moved in with her. 
Everything was going great. I was really 
interested іп marrying her. One day, 
while she was at work, I had the day off. 
I was bored. So I got snoopy and started 
to go through some old pictures of hers 
that she had stuffed into a box in the 
back of the closet. I ran across an enve- 
lope, on the cover of which was the name 
of a major reconstructive-surgery clinic. 
Т opened it and found documents of 
name changes, Social Security-number 
changes, work records and birth certifi- 
cates. What it came down to was: The 
girl I had fallen in love with had 
had a sex-change operation. It was а 
tremendous emotional blow to me. 1 
didn't know what to do. I didn't let her 
at I knew about it. 

enjoyed sex less 
her, needless to say. Since then, I haven't. 
been to bed with any girl. I almost find 
it hard to even talk with опе. Is it wrong 
for me to think so badly of her? I just 
don't understand, I'm afraid it has left 
an emotional scar for life. Is there any 
way for me to get over this?—C. H, 
Denver, Colorado. 

Life, as the тап says, can be a bitch. 
And silence can be a breeding ground 
for pain and confusion. Maybe you 
should at least talk this over with your 
friend. Maybe not, Although the facts of 
this situation border on the bizarre, the 
basic problem is the same with any 
breakup. H used lo be said that the only 
cure for a woman was another woman. 
We're not sure that applies here, but it’s 
the best shot we've got. When a relation- 
ship disintegrates, you should go out and 
have an affair or four or fie. You need 
10 liberate your own sexuality from the 
details of the immediate past, to assure 
yourself that your arousal-is not depend- 
ent on your former partner. As the 
years pass, you'll look back on this as а 
great war story for those times when your 
children ask you, “Апа what did you do 
in the sexual revolution, Daddy?” 

ЮМ, vidco recorder has just about 
soaked me dry. It’s not the machine, it's 
the cassettes. 1 like movies and paying 
$50 to 560 for a movie cassette is sl ng 
to cut into the rent. Is there some way 1 
сап indulge my hobby without getting 

into illegal duping?—P. 

You're not the only one who has that 
problem. Which is why the rental busi- 
ness is currently booming. In some areas, 
there ате still legal kinks to be worked 
ош, but some outlets—Fotomat, for in- 
stance—have been authorized 10 rent 
movie cassettes. The problem is collect- 
ing the royalties, which are considerable 
when you, in fact, sell the same goods 
over and over. Bul the distributors are 
beginning to see the light. Another solu- 
tion is trade-ins, which have also been 
successfully tried in some areas. You get 
maybe 815-820 off on а new cassette 
when you take an old one back. Swap 
clubs have also been formed. You pay a 
membership fee and you get a list of cas- 
setles other members want to swap. If 
that’s too formal for you, you can sel up 
your own swap club with a friend. Check 
the Yellow Pages or the ads іп video 
magazines to find the method that looks 
the best to you. 

T., Pittsburgh, 

The other night, my lover mentioned 
that he had experienced great head only 
a few times in his life. Mind you, he 
wasn't complaining about the quality 
ol our daily diet. it was just that there 
were one or two episodes that stuck 
out in his mind, if not his pants. I 
didn't follow up the conversation at the 
time, but since then, Гуе been wonder- 
ing: How can I improve my technique? 
Гле read The Joy of Sex, More Joy 
Xaviera's Supersex. All the sex manuals 
tell you is that oral sex is OK and fun, 
but none of them really goes into detail. 

Can you give me any pointers—Miss 
5. В., Seattle, Washington. 

We love questions like this; it gives 
us a chance to convene the Playboy Ad- 
visor Advanced Tutorial on Wondrous 
Sex and spend hours in the test bedrooms 
confirming our data. Ahem. You might 
ask your boyfriend to revi those peak 
encounters, to see if he can find an 
thing particular that distinguishes great 
head from the merely incredible. He 
might be able to define the secret in- 
gredient, but you should be warned that 
a lot of the people with whom we talked 
said that when it comes to oval sex, not 
having to give directions was a blessing. 
Surprise is more important than sug- 
gestion, improvisation more pleasurable 
than obedience or duly. There were a 
few techniques that were cited: Men 
seemed to recall with special fondness 
their partners who swallowed the ejacu- 
late, who performed deep throat or 
some other special trick (adding hands 
or teeth, handcuffs, feathers, whipped 
cream). Women liked men who did not 
stop at the first orgasm, who bopped till 
they dropped. Both sexes seem to like 
oral sex when it is done for its own 
benefit and not as some halfhearted 
form of foreplay. It seems that timing 
is more important than technique, 
though. Where and when you perform 
oral sex will make more of an impres- 
sion than the specific combination of 
saliva and sensation. Oral sex is 10 
intercourse what guerrilla warfare is to 
trench warfare: It’s best on the fly. Hit 
and run. Just remember the scene іп 
“Dressed to Kill.” in which Angie Dick- 
inson engages in a little zipless head 
with a stranger in the back seat of a taxi. 
We think it’s safe to say that the event 
was special. It’s getting awfully hard to 
find an empty cab these days. Other 
than that, it pays to notice how a lover 
performs oral sex оп you—it seems that 
people tend to do onto others as they 
want others to do onto them. Since this 
is a matter of national concern, we think 
we ought to open the discussion: If any 
of you have a special technique, or 
episode, why not drop us a letter? We'll 
publish the best tips in a future column. 

Having recently decided to upgrade the 
speakers on my sterco syster 
visit my local stereo shop. 1 was ushered 
into its “listening room” and the sales- 
man hooked up а pair of speak 
receiver, jacked up the volume to the 
level of pain and asked me how 1 liked 
them. Frankly, 1 haven't 
aural assault since a lateSixtis J 
Hendrix concert. Isn't there a better way 


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shop for speakers?—S. T., Los Angeles, 


Buying stereo equipment isn’t sup- 
posed to be like buying fast food, though 
that’s the impression you get in some 
electronic supermarkets. The next time a 
salesman. 6 you that kind of pitch, 
tell him you'll buy the speakers only if 
you can get the “listening room.” too. 
After all, that’s what you're listening to, 
not the speakers. You won't know exact- 
ly how the speakers are going to sound 
until you gel them into your сип living 
room. But since you can'l move the show- 
room 10 your house, you're going to have 
to take a controlled chance. Usually, the 
best place to start is money. Figure out 
how much you want to spend and stick 
with it. First, eliminate off brands, exper- 
imental systems and sf hookups. You 
don't want to underwrite somebody's 
RED department; you want good sound. 
Next, eliminate carved-wood cabinets 
and needlepoint grillé cloth, for obvious 
reasons. At that point, you'll find you're 
looking at perhaps three or four systems. 
Write down their names and leave the 
store. People get stuck buying things they 
don't want because they rush the pur- 
chase. You don't want sound for Saturday 
nights big party; you want it for a good 
portion of your life. During the next 
week or so, research the products. Read 
any literature the store has on the speak- 
ers, check hi-fi m: nes and books for 
their reviews and. finally, ask а knowl- 
edgeable friend. When you get two rave 
reviews, you're ready 10 go back to the 
store. That's when it's comparison time. 
But don't compare the speakers with one 
another, Ask to hear the very best, (ор- 
of-the-line speaker in the store and сот- 
pare your two against il. The one that 
comes closest to the high-quality speaker 
is the one you want. All that remains is 
to take it home and try it under your 
own listening conditions. If it doesn’t 
sound the way you want H to, take it 
back and begin the whole process again. 
Ignore the wails of your salesman. I's 
your money. 

"T ois may sound strange, but E find that 
when I am angry at someone, the sex 
that results сап be astonishing. On more 
than one occasion, I have engaged in 
hate fuck. 
leaves me feeling а liule 
x is supposed to be tender, 
, 4 morale booster, something jc 
ful. It shouldn't be associated with ag- 
gression, right? Is my 
К. S., Houston, : 
Not really, In the December PLAYBOY, 
in an article on desire, one expert points 
out that we experience an 
intense emotion—be it jealousy, fear, 
anger or grie[—we tend to carry over 
the energy into our sexual relationships, 
if given the opportunity. The physio- 
logical symptoms of arousal are the same 

your basic ram-it-to-the- 
It always 



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After the April 15th deadline, you 
can use your printing calculator to check 
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cards, whatever. 

You'll be so organized you'll 
be auditing everyone else. 

Sharp Electronics Corp. |0 Keystone Place. Paramus NJ. 07652 

for anger as they are for sex—rapid 
breathing апа heartbeat, etc. One emo- 
tion can fuel another. Indeed, ше are 
seldom aware of how long the feelings 
from one situation last—an argument 
at work can affect your dinner date. 
A triumph on the tennis court can still 
leave you feeling horny—even after a 
cold shower. (One researcher claims that 
physical exercise is an aphrodisiac. He 
found that joggers may experience a peak 
of arousal a half hour after finishing a 
run.) We wouldn't be worried about it— 
as long as you kiss and make up, it’s OK. 

"Tuis spring, I plan to buy a tenspeed 
€. As you probably realize, there are 
several hundred. diffe 
market. What I need is а place to start. 
What's the most significant difference 
between those that cost $100 and those 
that cost $300? I do want more bike 
than I need and J don't want a clunker, 
cither.—R. D., Atlanta, Georgia. 

Discounting gear systems, braking sys- 
tems, other hardware and accessories, the 
magic word in biking is weight. Pedaling 
power, handling and riding enjoyment 
are alla function of how much the bike 
weighs and how rigid the frame is. Natu- 
rally, you'll find that the more expensive 
the bike, the less it weighs, The highest- 
priced vehicles are close to the 25-pound 
mark; moderate bikes run about 30 
pounds; and “clunkers,” anywhere from 
35 to 40 pounds. Ten-specds ave slimmed 
down by using lighterweight, higher- 
priced metals. Those require superior 
construction techniques to keep the 
frames rigid. Hence, the higher price 
tags. If you're interested in “breaking 
away,” try the 25-10-30-pounder. For 
casual sport, go as high as 33 pounds. 
The rest are worth it only if your streets 
are not paved. 

Bam a 19-year-old girl who has indulged 
in masturbation since I was around ten 
years old. That's also probably about the 
age my boyfriend started. Neither he nor 
I have any trouble reaching a climax 
that way. When we have 

itercourse, һе 

has an orgasm but says the feeling, 
though pleasant, is not as intense as when 
he masturbates. As for me, 1 "t reach. 

no matter how slowly he 

very much in love and we enjoy sex im- 
mensely, but we feel a little incomplete 
(especially me). I'm beginning to wonder 
if what I thought was a myth—that mas- 
turbation interferes with sexual satisfac- 
tion later—is really true. 1 realize that 
this is a whopper to advise someone on 
by letter, but we hoped you could suggest 
a therapist who could deal with our prob- 
lem more cxtensivcly.—Miss D. L., Phoc- 
nix, Arizona. 

Don't panic. You тау not have so 
serious a problem. The fact that you have 
already masturbated to orgasm greatly 

removed please send to Mircbar Books, 904 Ethan Allen Highway, Ridgefeld, СІ. 06877. 

If coupon i 

The Shy Man's Way 
To Meet Girls 

“Most Men Are Too Busy Trying To Pick Up Girls To Meet Any” 

Don Ricci had always been shy with girls. 
"That's probably why he spent so many lonely 
nights home alone. 

Don is still shy with girls — but that doesn't. 
matter anymore. Now he's meeting enough 
beautiful girls (in spite of his shyness) to keep. 
him happy for a long, long time to come. 

For example — in just one week ош of last. 
month, Don met six girls. Out of the six, һе 
ended up dating five. And out of those five, he. 
ended up sleeping with three. (Pretty darn 
good for a man who's half scared to death of 

Sound crazy? 

Maybe so. But give us half a chance, and 
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Then, if you haven't met enough girls to 
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Why would we do such a thing? 

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Okay — now we're going to let you in on 
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Don meets between eight and fifteen girls. 
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On the average — he ends up sleeping 
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In a six month period, nine different girls 
asked him to marry them. (He turned them 
all down. He claims he'd be an idiot to get 
married now.) 

He's always getting presents from girls. 
Shirts, sweaters, home-made food. (He re- 
fuses most of them). 

He never has to worry about seducing 
girls. If one doesn't want to sleep with him, 
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ways plenty to choose from. 

And we'll show you exactly how he does 
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It doesn't require **good lool 
looks like any other average guy. 

It doesn't require a **good personality." 
Being bashful or feeling uneasy with girls 
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It doesn't require **money."" Our material 
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` Don 

It doesn't require "youth." We person- 
ally know a 55 year old gentleman who's 
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What does it require? 

Desire. Enough to take a chance. Enough 
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If you do just that much — no more, no 
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Remember — we guarantee it. 

Remember also — that you may not lose 
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We gave Don a little wooden sign to hang 
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too busy trying to pick up girls to meet 


Don't teke as long as he did to find out 
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The Shy Man's Way To Meet Girls is — 
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Tuta Books, Oept. 5М-107 


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increases the chances that you will learn 
to do so during intercourse. (Kinsey 
found that women who had taken things 
into their own hands in childhood were 
more orgasmic in marriage.) As for the 
relative quality of the pleasure, your ex- 
perience is not unique. Masters and 
Johnson found that the people in their 
lab generally reported that the orgasm 
derived from masturbation was more in 
tense than the one achieved during inter- 
course. It is easy enough to explain. You 
have the situation under total control 
and no one else to be concerned with, As 
for attaining orgasm during intercourse— 
it is less a matter of how slow he takes it 
than of how he takes it slow. Find a 
position that gives you a little more con- 
trol, that lets you direct the attention to 
where you need it most (usually, but not 
always, the clitoris). Use your hands— 
and/or а vibrator—while he's inside you. 
Try oral sex. In short, you probably 
don't need professional help, just a little 
amateur-hour enthusiasm. 

Bam a happy, recently divorced man 
who is finally beginning to appreciate a 
variety of sexual experiences with a 
fine lady, who also enjoys my joy in 
experimentation. Although she had пеу- 
er experienced anal stimulation and 
penetration before, she sure liked it 
when I introduced her to this form of 
lovemaking. We both enjoyed the sen- 
sations involved and during our romp 
in the hay, alternated vaginal and anal 
penetration. Now, here's my question: I 
was recounting highlights of this series 
of events to an old college friend whom 
I hold in the strictest confidence. He 
cautioned me that moving from front to 
were) and back again, without 
ning the vehicle of penetration, 
could harm my girlfriend by transferring 
bacteria from the rectal arca to the vagi- 
nal area, and thus cause 
illness. Is he rightz—G. L 

Your friend gives good advice. Follow 
it, You should be aware, though, that 
the greater danger is not to the woman 
but to yourself. The E. coli bacteria 
that ате пола quite harmless in the 
intestinal tract can wreak havoc with 
your prostate. You may want to wear 
а condom to protect yourself. 

All reasonable questions—from fash- 
ion, food and drink, stereo and sports cars 
to dating dilemmas, taste and eliquette— 
will be personally answered if the writer 
includes a stamped, self-addressed en 
velope. Send all letters 10 The Playboy 
Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi- 
gan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The 
most provocative, peri 
be presented on these pages cach month. 

O Start (or renew) my subscription. 
D 12 issues $18 (Save $13.00 off the $31.00 newsstand price.) 

Г] 36 issues $48 (Save $45.00 off the $93.00 newsstand rate.) 
O Bill me. C Payment enclosed 

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Rates apply to U.S., U.S. Poss., APO-FPO addresses only. Canadian rate: 12 issues $24 
To order by phone anytime, 

CALL TOLL-FREE 800-621-1116. 

(Except in Illinois. Alaska, Hawaii. In Шіпоіз only, call 800-972-6727.) 

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PLAYBOY гер. 7AAG5. Р.О. Box 2523, Boulder, Colorado 80322 


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a continuing dialog on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers 


For those who would "outlaw sin," 
the Indian state of Tamil Nadu should 
provide a little moral lesson. According 
to newspaper stories chief minister 
M. G. Ramachadran, a film star turned 
politician, toughened the 20-year-old 
“dry” laws when he came to power three 
years ago, imposing stiff jail sentences 
for drinking and even banishment from 
the state for hardened boozers. M.C.R. 
(as he's known to his fans) succeeded іп 
filling the jails but found, at election 
time, that his popularity had collapsed. 

It turns out that M.G.R. had been 
elected by an enormous bloc of women 
voters who idolized his screen image. 
Now they told him they were starving 
because 100,000 of their men had lost 
their jobs after being convicted of pro- 
hibition infractions. They said they 
didn't mind the men drinking and beat- 
ing them, provided they kept their jobs. 

"The laws were relaxed immediately. 
Now anyone over 30 can obtain a special 
permit to buy booze and chief minister 
М.С.К. has been re-elected. 

Norm Jamison 
London, England 


Since race became an important social 
and political issue in this country, seri- 
ous disputes have developed concerning 
integration, segregation, affirmative ac- 
tion, minority quotas, and so on. The 
thought has just occurred to me that 
those problems could be eliminated by 
pointing out to people that through a 
fairly simple legal procedure, they can 
amend their birth certificates by alleging 
that their race has been incorrectly 

It would be very difficult to disprove 
a person's allegation that he came from 
a particular culture or continent. It 
would be virtually impossible to trace 
most peoples family trees back more 
than several generations, let alone back 
to the original immigrants to this coun- 
try. Most people believe it is easy to 
determine race by the color of one’s skin, 
but that simply isn’t true. A well-tanned 
ucasian may be darker-skinned than a 
fairskinned Negro, and any test used by 
a court must be extremely accurate. 1 
think it would be a bit of 2 chuckle to 
hear a Federal judge order lightmeter 
tests of children entering school. 

Imagine how handy it would be for a 
white male to “corrett” his birth certif- 
icate to reflect the fact that he is a mem- 

ber of a minority, thereby allowing him 
to take advantage of various affirmative- 
action programs. I feel that if a great 
number of people utilized this proce- 
dure, it would throw a large monkey 
wrench into the gears of government, 
forcing acknowledgment that opportuni- 
ties should, indeed, be equal. 

Timothy R. Higgins 

Attorney at Law 

St. Louis, Missouri 

“Deputies said the massage 
parlor had been under 
surveillance for two years.” 


The daily press dependably chronicles 
human folly, often without quite realiz- 
ing the service it provides to those of us 
who are content to witness it in wonder, 
to comment to ourselves and our friends, 
and then to break up in laughter, but 
otherwise not participate. Your Forum 
Newsfront section seems to understand 
this without proclaiming it as editorial 
doctrine, because you provide such a 
good mix of important information and 
examples of madness that are equally 
instructive to a wide spectrum of readers, 
І herewith submit а news item too com- 
monplace and too local to merit serious 

and individual treatment, but will try to 
give it meaning to your general reader- 
ship by way of a little personal com- 

The article reports that 11 people 
have been charged with working in a 
house of prostitution disguised as a mas- 
sage parlor near Tempe, Arizona. The 
otherwise routine article names several 
female suspects апа concludes with the 
sentence, “Deputies said the massage 
parlor had been under surveillance for 
two years.” 

Jesus Christ! Two years’ worth of 
"surveillance" of a suspected whorehouse 
by law-enforcement officers produces a 
net result of 11 misdemeanor (here comes 
the pun) busts! 

The reporter who wrote the item 
failed to answer a number of questions 
that came to my devious mind. Perhaps 
PLAYBOY will obtain the answers. The 
questions are: 

l. Was the aforementioned surveil- 
lance conducted from inside the suspect 

2. Did the same officers "work the 
case" for the entire two-year period? 

3. What significant acts were observed 
by officers during the second year that 
were not observed during the first year? 

4. Were there significant changes in 
status of the surveilling officers during 
the case? (Promotions, marriages, retire- 
ments, incidence of venereal disease.) 

5. How many "customers" of the house 
were interviewed? Arrested? Charged? 

6. What cost to the taxpayer, that 730- 
day surveillance leading to the arrest of 
those “desperate public enemies”? 

J trust my friends at PLAvBOY to pick 
up where the local reporter left off. 

Lake Headley 
Phoenix, Arizona 

Headley is a former cop, first-rate pri- 
vate investigator, dedicated activist and 
inspired troublemaker with whom we're 
well acquainted. Having published 
Headleys questions, we'll let it go at 
that; they contain their own message. 

PLAYBOY's consistent defense of abor- 
tion puzzles me. As a college student and 
a woman who is not some protected 
species of rare virgin, I cannot under- 
stand your concern over the denial of 
public funds to welfare women to abort 
pregnancies they could easily have 
avoided through the use of readily avail- 
able contraceptives. Birth control is 
basic. Abortion is not and raises many 


moral and legal issues. Your editorial 
energies would be better spent promot- 
ing responsibility in sex instead of justi- 
fying abortion as the supposed right of 
someone who, through no one's fault but 
her own and perhaps her partner's, be- 
came pregnant in the first place. 

Please do not accuse me of indiffer- 
ence to the population problem or to 
the plight of the unwanted child. I think. 
these matters are extremely serious but 
would rather sce them anticipated and 
ided rather than corrected after con- 
ception already has taken place. 

(Name withheld by request) 
Omaha, Nebraska 

Apparenily, it's time for а litle his 
tory lesson. pLavnoy has been promoting 
the availability and conscientious use of 
contraceptives for the past two decades— 
since the days when birth control itself 
was controversial and often illegal. The 
right to obtain. contraceptives even by 
married couples was not recognized until 
1965, and as late as 1971, it remained a 
Federal crime to send contraceptive in- 
formation through the mails and a crime 
in some states to supply contraceptives 
to unmarried persons. We actively sup- 
ported several of the test cases that estab- 
lished the rights you seem to take for 
granted, and the idea of responsibility 
in sexual relations for both partners is 
one we've advocated to the point of 
belaboring it. 

Two facts remain that compel us to 
advocate complete abortion freedom, es- 
pecially in the face of mounting efforts 
lo destroy it. One is that of contracep- 
tive failure, a problem of much greater 
magnitude than generally imagined. The 
other is human nature that seems in- 
evitably and perpetually to include a 
substantial degree of bad judgment, ig 
norance, contrariness, stupidity or what- 
ever one wishes to call it. Half a million 
illegitimate births in 1979 can be 
blamed on anything one likes, but the 
fact of them remains and no amount of 
disapproval—or the restricting of abor- 
tion—is likely to correct a problem that 
too often is perceived only after the fact. 
Abortion is always a disagreeable alter- 
native to birth control; but that does not 
mean it should be any less an alterna- 
live. We do not sce involuntary child- 
bearing as a useful form of ейһет 
education or punishment. 


Illinois State Representative Herbert 
V. Huskey's bill to assure divorced moth- 
ers of their monthly child support is no 
doubt a step in the right direction (The 
Playboy Forum, November). After all, it 
is the welfare of the child we are con- 
cerned with. Most divorced mothers can- 
not afford the costly attorney fees 
required to receive what is rightfully due 
them in the first place. 

But what about the other side of the 


what’s happening in the sexual and social arenas 


DUBLIN—After years of fierce legis- 
lative debate, the Irish parliament has 
passed а Family Planning Act that 
allows married couples to legally pur- 
chase contraceptives. The law still ex- 
cludes single persons and permits the 
sale of birth-control pills and devices 

only by registered pharmacists and only 
with a doctors prescription. А “соп- 
science clause” in the law permits 
doctors and druggists to refuse to pre- 
scribe or sell them if they have per- 
sonal moral objections. 


BosTon—The Massachusetts Supreme 
Court has struck down the state death 
penalty in a harshly worded six-to-one 
decision that said capital punishment 
is “impermissibly cruel” and “brutalizes 
the state which imposes it^ The jus- 
tices found that the law violated 
constitutional rights іп several ways, 
discriminated against minorities and 
represented “a denial of the executed 
person’s humanity апа a denial of all 
his rights.” 

Elsewhere, the fifth U.S. Circuit 
Court of Appeals in New Orleans over- 
turned the Alabama death penalty on 
essentially technical grounds and the 
California Supreme Court upheld that 
state's capital-punishment law. Also in 
California, a U of С sociologist reported 
Statistical evidence that the death pen- 
alty seems to deter murder for about 
two weeks after a highly publicized 
execution, but then the murder rate 
goes back up. 


BARTOW, FLORIDA—A lawyer's imagi- 
native plan to demonstrate the unrelia- 
bility of eyewitnesses resulted in the 
conviction of an innocent courthouse 
bystander who had not ewm been 
charged with a crime. The attorney, 
defending a young black man accused 
of assault, battery and resisting arrest, 
asked another black youth to go into 
the courtroom and merely sit in the 
defendant's place. Assured that he 
would not get into any trouble, the un- 
involved party did just that, was duly 
identified as the culprit, convicted by 
the judge over protests of the lawyer 
and taken to jail to await sentencing. 
Said the judge, “Three witnesses posi- 
tively identified him, whoever he is.” 
After some further discussions, the 
young nondefendant was released and 
the conviction vacated 


The latest Gallup Poll on pot indi- 
cates that 52 percent of Americans now 
favor the elimination of criminal. pen- 
alties for possession of small amounts of 
marijuana and that onc in four favors 
its legalization. Among respondents aged 
25 to 29, 70 percent supported decrimi- 

A recent Canadian poll found that 
56.6 percent of those surveyed supported 
marijuana-law reform and that nearly 20 
percent believed pot should be sold like 
liquor in government-licensed stores. 

AURORA, COLORADO—Two former city 
policemen have filed a $25,000,000 suit 
against the mayor, the police chief and 
other civic officials, claiming that they 
became psychologically addicted 10 
cocaine and marijuana in the line of 
duty as undercover narcotics officers. 
The suit alleges that they were required 
to use the drugs for the purpose of “en- 
ticing suspects and gaining said suspects" 
trust in order to effectuale drug-related 
arrests” and both now sufjer from “acute 

clinical psychosis and paranoia,” 


WASHINGTON, b.c—By refusing lo 
hear an appeal, the U.S. Supreme 
Court has upheld an Illinois Supreme 
Court decision that took custody of 
three children from a suburban Chi- 
cago woman because she had been liv- 
ing with a boyfriend after her divorce. 
The three Justices who argued in favor 

of hearing the case stated in dissent, 
“Nothing in the record or in logic sup- 
ports a conclusion that divorced parents 
who fornicate, for that reason alone, 
are unfit or adversely affect the well- 
being and development of their chil- 
dren in any degree over and above 
whatever adverse effect separation and 
divorce may already have had.” 

Also in Chicago, а divorce-court 
judge denied custody of two children 
to a working mother chiefly on the 
ground that her job as a saleswoman 
required her to travel. Judge Charles J. 
Grupp said the woman was “entitled to 
pursue a career of her own” but added, 
“What is more important is that the 
children are entitled to a stable en- 


dropped murder charges against а 47- 
year-old man after deciding he qualified 
as a “battered husband” and had shot 
his wife in self-defense. An investiga- 
tion disclosed that on a number of 
occasions, the woman had shot at or 
had actually stabbed her spouse, one 

time leaving him lying іп a parking 
lot with a knife in his back, and that 
he killed her in the Бейіс) she was again 
reaching for a weapon. 


from prostitution are not taxable, the 
West German federal court has ruled, 
because they do not qualify under the 
“other income” provision of the na- 
tional tax laws and are not covered by 
laws relating to self-employment earn- 
ings. The decision exempts hookers 
from paying income tax but not brothel 
owners, who, the court ruled, are obli- 
gated to declare their percentage of a 
prostitute's earnings asa "turnover" tax. 


study has found that women recruits 
are failing to finish their first enlist- 
ments at a higher rate than male volun- 
teers. The dropout rate for women 
soldiers was estimated at nearly 39 per- 
cent for 1980, or six percentage points 
higher than for men. The Pentagon's 
equal-opportunity chief suggested that 
one reason for women's dissatisfaction 
with the Service was a lack of peer ac- 
серіапсе when performing traditional 
male jobs, especially when they were 
performing the jobs better than the 
men. Other possible factors were sexual 
harassment and the tendency of the 
military to keep even skilled women in 
traditional menial roles that permitted 
по career advancement. 


SAN rRANCISCO— The prestigious Has- 
tings Law School of the University of 
California has been ordered to pay 
$217,500 in damages for failing to pro- 
tect a woman student who was sexually 
assaulted in a school rest room in 1975. 
A superior-court jury of seven women 
and five men found that employees of 
the school “failed to exercise ordinary 
care" and that that failure “was a proxi- 
male cause of the plaintiffs injuries" 
through no negligence of her own. The 
suit noted that the attack occurred in a 
school building in а high-crime area 
and in the absence of reasonable secu- 
rity dictated by known local conditions. 


BIRMINGHAM—Jn ап unusual legal 
action to deter Ku Klux Klan violence, 
the Southern Poverty Law Center has 
brought а $1,000,000 civil suit against 
one regional Klan organization and 
lain members charging a conspiracy to 
deny blacks thei constitutional rights 
by “a series of intimidating and violent 
acts.” The suit also asks that such acts 
be legally enjoined, which would per- 
mit the arrest and immediate confine- 
ment on contempt charges of Klansmen 
for violating a Federal court order. 


Houston—A former home-economics 
teacher, fired in 1976 for giving her 
students a sex-and-dating questionnaire, 
has been awarded $71,000 in back pay 
and damages from the school district 
and the school superintendent in La 
Grange, Texas. А Federal-court jury 
found that a student had obtained a quiz 
produced by syndicated advice columnist 
Ann Landers, that the teacher had 
allowed students to answer the questions 
anonymously and that no school policy 
had been violated. 

Human sperm has been officially clas- 
sified as a prescription drug by a Cana- 
dian pharmaceutical group in order for 
artificial-insemination patients to qual- 
ify for treatment under Canada’s 

Medicare program. According to Amer- 
ican Medical News, the Order of Phar- 

macists of Quebec decided, after 
“lengthy philosophical debate,” that 
sperm used for insemination could be 
designated a prescribable medicine. 


woman accused of taking off her clothes 
and shouting “Praise Jesus!” during a 
church service arrived in municipal court 
to answer a charge of indecent exposure 
and repeated her earlier performance. A 
deputy district attorney reported, “I saw 
this lady sans raiment pushing her way 
through the crowd and entering the area 
between the spectators and the counsel 
table. The cheers and applause followed 
her as she went southbound through the 
courtroom.” After two marshalls per- 
suaded her to put on her clothes, she 
pleaded guilty to the original charge, 
received a two-year probated sentence 
and was ordered to a hospital for a 
mental examination. 

Elsewhere: Police in Hermiston, Ore- 
gon, arrested a woman at а local lounge, 
naked except for knee socks and who 
was about to leave in the company of 
four apparently intoxicated men. Ac- 
cording to the cops, the men identified 
themselves variously as the woman's 
husband, brother, cousin and uncle, 
but none knew her name. 

In Falls Church, Virginia, an accused 
woman shoplifter managed to prove her 
innocence by taking off all her clothes 
before a crowd of amused customers. 



coin? What costiree avenue of appeal 
do fathers have to assure them of their 
rights and of the enforcement of their 
visitation privileges? None. It doesn’t 
really matter what the courts have de- 
creed. The mother can always feign ill- 
ness, be conveniently gone or just plain 
refuse. A vindictive woman, using visita- 
tion privileges as a weapon, can cause 
far more harm to a child than most 
people realize. When the man is already 
paying out a healthy portion of his in- 
come toward child support, why do the 
courts assume he can afford attorney's 
fees to enforce his rights? Even if he does 
go through the legal process at great 
expense, it doesn't necessarily accomplish 
anything. Believe me; I've been there. 
Ron W. Huskey 
Shreveport, Louisiana 

One can assume that fathers will al 
ways use child-support payments as their 
only means of protest against archaic 
custody and visitation laws. When laws 
are passed that are truly in the best in- 
terest of the child, then I'll bet child- 
support collections increase dramatically. 
Jack D. Paradise, President 
Divorced Dads, Inc. 
Kansas City, Missouri 

Reading the December Playboy Fo- 
тит, I was amazed that so many people 

seem to have the misguided idea that the 
word sex in the E.R.A. refers to the act 
rather than to gender. To me that is 
absolute nonsense. The intent of this 
amendment is to eliminate discrimina- 
tion based on sex, yes, but to interpret 
this to include sexual acts is as absurd as 
interpreting "race" to mean a foot race 
or an automobile race. 

The question of the rights of homosex- 
uals is not addressed by this amendment, 
and the rights of rapists and other con- 
уісей felons are well defined by state 
and Federal law. 3 

"Ted Robinson 
Houston, Texas 

Lam a guest of the Texas Department 
of Correction in Huntsville, Texas, serv- 
ing two concurrent three-year sentences 
for selling one ounce of marijuana and 
possessing four ounces. Although I admit 
my guilt, the marijuana was home-grown 
with a THC content of about one to 
two percent. I am 44 years old, married, 
with a кој 
pened, I had been employed 20 years as 
a painter foreman and general superin- 
tendent. But let me get to the point. 

I think someone should research the 
total cost of a marijuana bust from be- 
ginning to end. Cops, jail, bonds, attor- 
neys, prosecutors, judges, probation, 
parole, prison, aid for families, paper 

ear-old son. Before this hap- 

work, travel expenses, etc. I know the 
cost of my case is in the thousands of 
dollars. It has cost me $20,000 in lost 
wages alone, not counting $5000 for 
attorney and bonds. I wouldn't even try 
to guess how much it costs the court and 
the taxpayer. All for a home-grown $25 

David H. Medlin 

Huntsville, Texas 


Please run this like one of those little 
PUBLIC NOTICE items in newspapers that 
disclaim debts of spouses, proclaim bank- 
ruptcies or otherwise officially inform 
friends, business associates and the world 
in general of some significant change in 
a person's situation. I can't think of a 
better place to post my notice than in 
The Playboy Forum. 

I would like to advise my friends and 
relatives that they no longer will be 
receiving birthday, Christmas or other 
cards, or any letters at all; to advise my 
creditors that I will no longer be paying 
my bills by mail and perhaps not at all, 
unless they wish to make an appoint- 
ment by phone and come by in person; 
and to advise various local, state and 
Federal Government agencies that, for 
their purposes, I am now DECEASED, with 
all mail to be returned to the sender. 

The reason for that will be the new 
nine-digit ZIP Code planned by the U. S. 

Rum glows with flavor 
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А mans horne is his castle. 

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"lanqueray Gin. A singular experience. 


Postal Service. After many years and 
many reminders from the P.O., I finally 
have trained my generally flaccid mind 
to both remember and use my present 
five-digit ZIP number, and have man- 
aged to record and use the ZIP numbers 
of many others with a conscientiousness 
that I thought was beyond my capability. 
I've been pretty damn proud of myself. 
Thave a hard enough time remembering 
even my own phone number, because I 
so rarely call myself. After a quarter of 
а century, 1 still cannot recite my Social 
Security number and have given up on 
it. My driver’s license and my checking- 
account numbers are out of the question; 
Ihaven't even tried. 

I just want everyone to know that I 
did the best 1 could, and on the nine- 
digit ZIP Code, I now choose to make 

my stand. American Express, if you want 
me, you know where to find me. Bell 
Telephone, I'll pay you in cash when 
you come with your wire cutters. Mom, I 
hope you understand; be assured I'm 
eating well, and, as you know, I never 
wrote very often, anyway. 

Michael Patton 

Cleveland, Ohio 

The House Government Operations 

Subcommittee has already had а bunch 
of irate folks testify to the cost, nuisance 
and potential confusion of a nine-digit 
ZIP Code, which may yet join the Susan 
B. Anthony dollar in the junk yard of 
Governmental good intentions. 

I see where the prestigious Times of 
London has dropped the title Ms. from 

its stylebook—it's vulgar, denotes noth- 
ing, and so on. Well and good, but it 
didn't go far enough. It should drop 
Mr., Miss and Mrs, as well. They're 
just as pretentious and meaningless as 
Ms. In print, most first names are easily 
distinguishable as to sex and even if 
they're not, in most circumstances, gen- 
der isn't pertinent. "Kelly Murphy was 
elected to the town council today." 
Does it matter whether Kelly is male or 
female? Does anyone care? If sex is im- 
portant, it will certainly be disclosed 
sooner or later without the necessity of 
tacking on the ubiquitous prefix. 

The millions of people who are con- 
cerned with whether the toilet paper 
should roll under or over are probably 
just as concerned with how to address а 
business letter. But what's wrong with 


raised when 

legal questions ar 

a self-inseminator meets a nonanonymous sperm donor 

Consciousness of the rights of fa- 
thers has been raised recently, thanks 
to the movie Kramer vs. Kramer. But 
thanks to the New Jersey Juvenile 
and Domestic Relations Court in a 
case titled, cryptically enough, CM 
vs. CC, that has been carried to a 
much higher plane. According to the 
judge, this was a case of first im- 
pressions’ presenting a unique factual 
situation with utterly no reported 
legal precedent. In other words, no- 
body had ever come up against a 
problem quite like this before. 

"Тһе facts as reported by the court 
were ‘that CC, the lady, very much 
wanted a child; however, she did not 
want to have intercourse before mar- 
riage and she did not want a child 
badly enough to get married. CC testi- 
fied that she had discussed with CM, 
her boyfriend, the possibility of hav- 
ing a child by artificial insemination 
and asked his opinion as to whether or 
not she should request one of his 
Iriends to supply the sperm. Ever gal- 
lant, СМ apparently offered his own 
sperm and together CC and CM went 
to a sperm bank. Unfortunately, the 
doctor at the sperm bank refused to 
help them. (It seems that all bankers 
are more difficult to deal with these 
days) But, as luck would have it, 
CC learned enough from the sperm- 
bank doctor to do it herself. By 
“do it,” 1 mean, of course, that she 
learned the procedure to artificially 
inseminate herself. So for several 
months thereafter, CC would go to 
CM's apartment, where CM would 
wait in one room while CC went to 


another room with her little jar of 
fresh semen and a glass syringe. At 
such a private moment as insemina- 
tion, CC evidently preferred to be 
alone. After repeated attempts, СС 
finally became pregnant. Everything 
was fine for about three months, but 
then CM and CC broke up. After the 
baby was born, CM attempted to visit, 
at which time he was told that his 
visits would not be welcome. 

But fathers have rights. It has been 
firmly established by the courts that 
even the natural father of an illegiti 
mate child is entitled to visitation 
rights. The question in this case, 
though, was whether or not CM was 
the natural father of the child, when 
the sperm used to conceive the baby 
was, in the court's words, “transferred 
to CC by other than natural conven- 
tional means.” 

In the 1968 California case of 
People vs. Sorenson, it was held that 
with artificial insemination, “The 
anonymous donor of the sperm can- 
not be considered the ‘natural father,’ 
as he is no more responsible for 
the use made of his sperm than is the 
donor of blood or a kidney.” The 
California court's statement as to nat- 
ural fathers showed a tremendous in- 
sensitivity; it was a kick in the groin 
to all the artificial inseminators, who 
work so hard with few 
of nonartificial inseminators. Іп any 
event, the New Jersey court. rejected 
the reasoning in the Sorenson case 
because CM was not anonymous. 

Finally resorting to common sense, 
the New Jersey court said, “The 

courts have consistently shown a pol- 
icy favoring the requirement that a 
child be provided with a father as 
well as a mother.” The court then 
recognized that if an unmarried wom- 
an conceives a child by intercourse, 
the father is no less a father for want 
of a marriage certificate. So it only 
seemed logical to the court that if an 
unmarried woman conceives a child 
from semen from a known man, that 
man is likewise the father. Only by 
donating his semen anonymously does 
the sperm-bank depositor escape re- 
sponsibility for the consequences. 

The court went on to say that it 
“takes no position as to the propriety 
of the use of artificial insemination 
between unmarried persons but must 
be concerned with the best interests 
of the child in granting custody or 
visitation, and for such consideration 
will not make any distinction between 
a child conceived naturally or artifi- 
Then, in a victory for arti- 
nseminators everywhere, the 
court held that it would not deny CM. 
the privileges of fatherhood. His re- 
quest for visitation was granted. As a 
final note, the court concluded, “Inas- 
much as the court has found CM to 
be the natural father, the court must 
consider support and maintenance of 
the child and payment of any ex- 
penses incurred in his birth." So CM 
got his visitation rights, and also the 
right to pay child support. 

Steven Weisman is an Amherst, Mas- 
sachusetts, attorney and writes the syn- 
dicated column “You and the Law." 



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Lake Genevo, Wisconsin 53147 

Dear Kelly Murphy? Will the status of 
somebody's genitalia influence the price 
of the gross of gizmos you need to manu- 
facture your plunkwunkets? Doubtful. 
Mike Darby 
San Francisco, California 


1 think maybe I've figured out the 
social dynamics of special-interest pol- 
itis and why minorities are no longer 
getting their legislation passed. The 
chain-letter effect, or pyramid principle, 
is finally happening and we've reached 
the point of diminishing political returns. 

When the civil rights movement got 
going, blacks were the only conspicuous 
minority demanding their long-overdue 
piece of the pie. Their successes inspired 
other minorities to follow their example 
until we now have so many militants 
and activists in the game that the whole 
system is unraveling—Indians, Latinos, 
women, gays environmentalists and 
even, for a time, “youth.” Not to men- 
tion the current groups of antigays, anti- 
blacks, anti-abortionists, antifeminists 
and religious fundamentalists, all de- 
manding this or that. Once too large a 
percentage of the population enlists in 
some special-interest or deprived minor- 
ity group, there's no longer a prosperous 
and powerful majority left to make 
political and economic concessions 

(Name withheld by request) 
"Tucson, Arizona 

And now, a special selection of letters 
that have been flooding “The Playboy 
Forum” since the election of our 40th 
President. Those contemplating suicide 
as well as those proclaiming the Second 
Coming have been excluded in the in- 
lerests of taste and space. 

What worries me about President 
Reagan is that he attributes his own un- 
complicated purity of heart to his closest 
advisors and associates. I don’t question 
Reagan's good intentions toward nearly 
everyone or his sincere alfection for 
democracy, but I doubt theirs. Some who 
have his ear are decidedly booster-Bab. 
bitt types, gung-ho for growth and de- 
velopment, ecology and clean air be 
damned; some are old military, crusty 
and mean-hearted, generous only with 
the idea of spending young blood; and 
some are not in the least opposed to in- 
ternational meddling and buddying up 
with unpopular despots as long as Amer- 
ican business interests are served. With 
friends like Jesse Helms, who needs 

Now that we can look back on it, it is 
ironic that Jimmy Carter was popularly 
perceived as a spineless wimp and 
Reagan was somewhat feared as a tough 
guy. It is really the other way around. 
Carter was a stubborn, hard-nosed, T'Il- 
do-itall-by-myself-thank-you loner; by 

comparison, Reagan is soft, sociable and 
trusting. He let others write his cam- 
paign platorm for him because he was 
sure his friends had America’s best in- 
terests in mind. Potentially, Reagan is 
the perfect patsy. Now that he is Presi- 
dent, he had better be careful; we could 
have another Harding on our hands. 

Jim Collins 

Dallas, Texas 

It will be interesting to see how Presi- 
dent Reagan pays off all the chits he 
holds from the special-interest groups 
who are now taking credit for his elec- 
tion victory. He has gone into office 
indebted to everyone from the born- 
again Baptists to the rightto-life Cath- 
olics and every right-wing nut group in 
between. He has managed to appeal to 
every crackpot and fanatic in the coun- 
try, except the real crazies who consider 
him too sensible. My hope is that such a 
panorama of political support will per- 
mit him to disappoint the more danger- 
ous of his supporters. I don’t think the 
man is totally stupid. I suspect—hope— 
that he is merely professional enough 
and also cynical enough and intelligent 
enough to understand voter emotional- 
ism and to perform as well as other 
Presidents who lucked into that high 
office for all kinds of wrong reasons and 
yet did OK. 

John Garcia 
Tndianapolis, Indiana 

For a President who was supposed to 
divide the country, Reagan seems, in 
fact, to be bringing it together. Even his 
victory back in November was more of a 
mandate than anyone predicted. It was 
the biggest popular-vote victory in a long 
time: Carter won in 1976 by a real 
squeaker; so did Nixon over Humphrey; 
Nixon's big margin over McGovern 
doesn't count, because no one except the 
Watergate gang took McGovern serious- 
ly. Statistically speaking, Reagan appears 
to be a unifying force: More Americans 
agree on more issues than they have in а 
long, long time. Of course, unification 
per se isn't necessarily a good thing, but 
I'll be damned if I сап see the people 
of this country turning as mean and 
hateful and self-destructive as Reagan's 
knee-jerk detractors would have us be- 
lieve his Administration signals. 

Reagan and Bush do not strike me 
strutting, bullnecked fascists, nor do they 
appear to be heartless disciples of un- 
regulated capitalism. And they do not 
appear to be uncompromising, suicidal 
fool. Isn't it already clear President 
Reagan and Vice-President Bush are go- 
ing to do their jobs just as evenhandedly 
as any of their predecessors? Liberals 
have been in a doomsday dither since 
the election, but that's because their 
camp indudes so many hysterics and 
babbling fearmongers. You go to sleep 

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with apes, you wake up with apes. 
Once again, the democratic process 
has served us well and served up, as 
usual, a mirror image of the majority of 
us who vore. That's right; Reagan and 
Bush really do represent из. And we 
haven't done so badly picking our leaders. 
Robert Courville 
Madison, Wisconsin 

Jimmy Carter may have had lust hid- 
den away in his heart, as he once said in 
a Playboy Interview, but he sure never 
demonstrated much passion while he was 
in the White House. "That boy was down- 
right dreary. Hooray for Ronnie the 
incher President and his right purty 
Miss Nancy. Shoot, they look good in 
the saddle. 

Bobby Wells 
Denver, Colorado 

As a woman who feared a Reagan 
Presidency and voted against him, rather 
than for Carter, J have to admit I'm be- 
ginning to like what I see. It is refresh- 
ing to have a couple of smiling men in 
the White House; Reagan and Bush's 
upbeat style is downright contagious, 
and welcome relief after four years of 
cool, frequently gloomy paternalism. I've 
even caught myself believing things wil 
get better in this country, not worse. 
Imagine that. And Bush is a particularly 
attractive, elegant, charming surprise; he 
comes on with a lot of appeal; now cute, 
now wise, now sexy! 

(Name withheld by request) 
Moline, Illinois 

o need now to debate reviving the 
aft or even draft registration. In 
the eyes of the world, particularly its 
more hostile and militaristic elements, 
putting Ronald Reagan at the controls 
should be the equivalent of several car 
riers, a fleet of nuclear subs and a dozen 
combat-ready Marine divisions in terms 
of military deterrence. Carter always ap- 
peared dangerously reasonable, rational 
and indecisive—the wimpy kid you easily 
could pick on. Maybe now our enemies 
will think twice with 2 Reagan pointed 
at their heads. 
(Name withheld by request) 
Falfurrias, Texas 

The so-called Moral Majority and the 
other Christian crackpots surely сап 
take much credit for putting the final, 
fatal, merciful bullet in the head of 
political liberalism, which has been dead 
on its feet for years now, anyway. That 
much is probably good. Perhaps out of 
the ashes of such а defeat can arise a 
new political philosophy of social prog- 
ress once President Reagan proves, to 
the disillusionment of his present wor- 
shipers, not to be Teddy Roosevelt after 
all. Or when voters discover that the 
clock cannot be turned back to the days 

when a Teddy could successfully lead 
this country. 

What concerns me is that the new re- 
ligious right will receive too much credit 
and that the power and numbers of these 
moralistic fascists will be overestimated, 
the same way the country once over- 
reacted to a handful of young radicals 
who knew how to manipulate the media 
and create a totally false impression that 
the country was on the brink of a leftist, 
youth-led revolution. In the days of lim- 
ited communication, when people read 
newspapers that were not hooked into 
wire services and everything happened 
much more slowly, any kind of “move- 
ment” had to have some basis in fact 

“Christian crackpots surely 
can take much credit for 
putting the final, fatal, 

merciful bullet in the head 
of political liberalism.” 

before very many citizens сусп would 
hear of it. 

Nowadays our columnists, commenta- 
alysts in the magazines, the 
y press and especially on the tube 
focus on every political belch and fart 
like a scientist discovering a new Pulitzer 
Prize-winning bug. The truth may well 
be that our moralistic majority is still 
the same handful of religious fanatics 
who used to inflame their backwoods 
flocks in revival tents but who now have 
discovered computerized mailing lists, 
sophisticated fund-raising techniques and 
all the tricks of the marketing trade— 
and the mass media, which compete to 
spot, analyze, report and exaggerate 
new trends far out of proportion to their 

What we have to deal with, 1 fear, is 
that the very obvious popular desire to 
put Jimmy Carter out of office and try 
a new devil with a different style will be 
misconstrued by our surviving politicians 
as a mandate to repeal the Bill of Rights, 
name God to a Cabinet position and 
otherwise plunge the country back into 
the Dark Ages of insulated, parochial 
and myopic stupidity, domestically and 

Manfred Grotte 
Atlanta, Georgia 

‘Those who are so loudly bemoaning 
the new regime and the prospect of po- 
litical power being wielded by religious 
fascists must remember that the Federal 
bureaucracy will protect us from any 
amatic changes, good or bad. And once 
ident Reagan proves as ineffectual as 

his predecessor in correcting national 
ills, he, too, will be turned upon by his 
“moral majority” and turned out of 

My analysis is that Ronald Reagan as 
President is merely an insidious plot by 
Teddy Kennedy to win the Democratic 
ion in 1984 on a platform of “I 
told you so.” 

Pat Schroeder 
New York, New York 

What a relief! Maybe now we can get 
back the Panama Canal. Without the 
control of Panama, we lose our source 
of Panama hats, just as when our posi- 
tion on Castro communism in Cuba cost 
us Havana cigars but otherwise accom- 
plished nothing. 

(Name withheld by request) 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

Panama hats come from Ecuador, actu- 
ally. And those fine Havanas only seemed 
better when they became contraband. 

My God, I think I see a new TV series 
in the making: We're all lost somewhere 
in the present. The commander of our 
badly rusting spaceship is none other 
than Captain Ronnie Ray-Gun, a lik- 
able, spry chap, perennially tan—maybe 
even centennially tan—who steers to the 
right, Unlike other s-f fantasies, the all- 
female crew is not scantily clad, nor 
would you want them to be. Octogenar- 
ians, every one of them. They call them- 
selves the Moral Majorettes. They tote 
supercharged Bible phascr guns, which 
they unhesitatingly use to blast the high 
heels and garter belts off wicked little 
girls and a few even more wicked little 
boys. And each week, Captain Ray-Gun 
takes his creaking ship and crew further 
and further back into time, searching 
always for a distant laissezfaire past, a 
time gone by, when gasoline, big cars 
and Geritol were in plentiful supply. 
The name of this new show: 4 Counter- 
clockwise Lemon. No jiggling. Occasion- 
al justified violence. And after four years, 
Jow, low ratings. 

(Name withheld by request) 
Palo Alto, California 

Thank God (who else?) for Reagan's 
sweeping victory at the polls and the 
fresh winds of change that are blowing 
across the land. Now, at last, I can afford 
to become a liberal again without the 
of being politically fashionable. 

Bob Lehrman 
Santa Monica, California 

“The Playboy Forum” offers the 
opportunity for an extended dialog 
between readers and editors of this 
publication on contemporary issues. Ad- 
dress all correspondence to The Playboy 
Forum, Playboy Building, 919 North 
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. 



-You can tell from the outside 
which Scotch they serve on the inside. 

Johnnie Walker 
Black Label Scotch 



a candid conversation with the easygoing star about “maverick,” “rockford,” 
funny commercials, his bizarre childhood and corruption in hollywood 

It has been almost a quarter of a cen- 
tury since James Garner fist captured 
America's fancy as television’s Bret Mav- 
erick, the most charming scamp and 
champion of justice (in his own way) 
ever to saddle a horse and ride out into 
the sunset. In the years since then, 
Garner, 6'3" tall and ruggedly hand- 
some, has retained his franchise as the 
only American actor who looks and 
moves like a classic leading man but who 
invariably imbues his roles with a touch 
of classic schlemiel. "The Rockford 
Files,” Garner's most recent TV series, 
showcased iis Emmy award-winning star 
as a pusillanimous private eye who flout- 
ed every mystery cliché extant. TV detec- 
tives from Richard Diamond to Barnaby 
Jones employed dishy (or at least per- 
sonable) secretaries; Rockford used an 
answering machine. Instead of a suitably 
shabby office à la Harry-O or the swank 
digs favored by a Peter Gunn, Rockford 
lived in a tacky trailer. And while hawh- 
shaws like Banacek, Mannix and Cannon 
were well paid for their exploits, Rock- 
ford was usually stiffed by his clients. It 
was a bright, funny show thal grew more 
popular each year as the rest of TV 
prime time grew more devoted to cheap 

“Did Universal do me out of a couple of 
million dollars? I think it's a lot more 
than а couple of million! . . . I'll be ten 
years in the courts, but that’s all right. 
Тт not going anywhere.” 

sitcoms and network freak shows such as 
“Real People” and “That's Incredible.” 

A far more versatile performer than 
his fans sometimes realize, Garner has 
made it as big in films as he has on TV. 
In the course of taking part in 32 mov- 
ies—his latest is “The Fan,” with Lauren 
Bacall—the veteran actor has quietly 
rolled up an impressive list of charac- 
terizations. Garner has adroitly done 
romantic comedies (“Тһе Thrill of It 
AIP’ and “Move Over, Darling”) cow- 
boy shoot"em-ups (“Duel at Diablo” and 
“Hour of the Gun”), contemporary ac- 
tion adventures (“Grand Prix” апа 
“They Only Kill Their Masters”) and psy- 
chological dramas (“36 Hours” and “Mis- 
ter Buddwing"). His favorite film genre, 
however, remains comedy laced with 
salire. “I suppose Гое played a fairly 
decent range of characters,” he recently 
noted, “but given three scripts that are 
about equal, ТЇЇ always go with the hu- 
mor. It’s what I like to do.” 

James Garner has always done what he 
likes to do. Born in Norman, Oklahoma, 
on April 7, 1928, he was the youngest of 
Mildred and Weldon Bumgarner's three 
sons. His eldest brother, Charles, wos a 
fine student who became a schoolteacher, 

“ ‘Maverick’ was the first pinprick in the 
balloon of TV Westerns. The same thing 
was true of ‘Rockford’ and detective 
series. . . . I come in and scrape "ст 
up. Рт a killer of genres.” 

and Jack, two years James's senior, 
pitched in the Pittsburgh Pirates farm 
system and later became a golf pro. 
Their baby brother, however, was always 
ап ace goof-off. In high school, Garner 
excelled at football, basketball, track 
and truancy. While in high school (or at 
least in the vicinity thereof), he earned 
а reputation for picking up whatever 
dares his friends laid down. “My buddies 
used to bet me I couldn't steal some- 
thing, and Га do it just to show "em I 
could,” he recently recalled. “My best 
was taking one of those fourfoot-high 
peanut machines from Woolwosth's. I 
just picked it up and walked out with 
aplomb, as if I was supposed to. After 
that, my friend Betty Jane Smith gave 
me the nickname Slick.” 

Slick Bumgarner became James Garner 
in 1954, when he wound up in Holly- 
wood. Three years later, he was the 
nation’s biggest TV star, routing both 
Ed Sullivan and Steve Allen on Sunday 
nights in “Maverick.” It was the start of 
an enduring career that has yet to show 
a sign of slowing up. 

To interview the 52-year-old actor, 
PLAYBOY sent free-lancer Lawrence Linder- 
man to meet with Garner in Lethbridge, 


“І don't come out there with a lollipop 
and I don't say ‘Take dat to da bank 
and I'm not flashy. 1 do humor; I don’t 
do comedy. Humor is much more subtle 
than comedy.” 




Alberta, where Garner was filming а 
new movie. Linderman reports: 

“Lethbridge is а small, hospitable 
Western town set just inside Canada 
about 200 miles north of Great Falls, 
Montana. When I flew in from San 
Francisco via Calgary, the area was ex- 
periencing its first snowstorm of the 
season, and it was a beauty. Garner had 
been in town for a month, acting in 
‘Pure Escape; a comedy written and di- 
rected by his friend Stuart Margolin 
(Angel in ‘The Rockford Files’), and co- 
starring Billy Dee Williams. The week 1 
arrived, Garner and the rest of the cast 
were working from five rm. to five A-M. 
each day, and my first evening there, I 
drove 40 miles to а location shoot in an 
unheated barn. It was not a glamorous 
setting. One side of the barn was open, 
and there was a lot of chatter on the set, 
mostly from my teeth. When we were in- 
troduced, Garner kidded me about show- 
ing up without winter clothing, but, as 
I told him, weather reports for the area 
had shown temperatures holding steady 
around 64 degrees, not six below freezing. 

“Garner is as amiable offscreen as һе 
is on, and between takes, he generously 
took the time to explain to a shivering 
journalist exactly what was going, on. 
Garner had grown a full beard for his 
role as a former rodeo rider who, with 
Williams, steals a prize bull to justifiably 
settle a personal score. I hung in for 
three hours, watching Garner do various 
scenes іп а stall with a 2100-pound bull, 
and also checking out the terrific rap- 
port among Gamer, Margolin and the 
crew of about two dozen mostly young 
Canadians. Unfortunately, ‘Pure Escape’ 
fell apart—its financing evaporated—the 
day after Garner and I completed the 

“In any case, my first night in Canada 
ended with a mild’ case of frostbite and 
two Japanese cassette recorders rendered 
hors de combat by the cold. The next 
afternoon, armed with a new Sony, I 
visited Gamer in his room at the Leth- 
bridge Lodge Hotel. Garner genuinely 
dislikes doing interviews—his quota is 
one a year—but in spite of that, I found 
him to be a remarkably candid and 
friendly cuss and we quickly got down 
to cases. A lot of people (including my- 
self) didn’t really know why Garner had 
quit ‘The Rockford Files; and that pro- 
vided an opener for our conversation.” 

PLAYBOY: Universal Studios is suing you 
for leaving The Rockford Files in the 
middle of its sixth season. Why did you 

GARNER: I just couldn't work anymore. I 
was a physical mess, mostly because of 
things that had built up over the years. 
T'm talking about injury on top of injury 
on top of injury, which was the result of 
working when I shouldn't have worked. 

Га done 11 of the series’ final 22 shows, 
but pain has a way of building up till it's 
unbearable, and I couldn't work with it 
anymore. And when the ulcers came 
along, well, 1 knew my mind was going, 

PLAYBOY: Is doing a TV series really that 
much ofa grind? 

GARNER: I don’t think people have апу 
idea how physically killing it is on a 
human being to be on the screen every 
week іп a one-hour action series. You can 
start with a little thing like the knees. 
David Janssen was always in the hospital 
with bad knees, and the same was true of 
James Arness and even David Soul, and 
‘Starsky and Hutch was on the air for only 
two seasons. We all know what it's like. 1 
know that more than once I talked to 
David Janssen along this line and he'd 
say, "I don't know if I'm going to make 
it.” I think you could pretty well attribute 
David's death to overstrain and overwork, 
David wasn't doing a series when he died, 
but I'm talking about a cumulative effect. 
When you do it for too many years, it'll 
get you. We have doubles, but you can 
use them only on long shots. So you've got 

“Tve had three knee 
operations, broke a bone 
in my spine, broke my 
right kneecap twice. 

I've also broken 

ribs and knuckles.” 

to flop yourself on the ground here, and 
guys punch you and you қа a little 
beat up there, and eventually you wind 
up comparing broken bones and torn 

PLAYBOY: What injuries did you sustam 
jn the course of making Maverick, Nichols 
and The Rockford Files? 

GARNER: Well, gosh, 1 wouldn't know 
where to start. I've had three knee opera- 
tions, broke a bone in my spine, and I 
also broke my right kneecap twice in the 
same place, but that didn't happen while 
I was working. 1 did that at home; I can't. 
walk up and down stairs very well because 
of the knees, so twice I slipped on the 
stairs. I've also broken ribs and knuckles, 
1 have disintegrated disks in my back and 
my neck and I've had all kinds of dis- 
locations, sprains and torn ligaments and 
tendons. The worst is the knees, though. 
I've had five incisions іп my right knee— 
the left one’s been operated on, too—and 
the last time, they went in with a hammer 
and chisel to see if they could get it to 
bend more than 100 degrees. I'm running 
a race with Dick Butkus to see who can 

have more knee operations. In а way, it's 
nd of funny, because we all get in touch 
with one another if we find out anything 
new. Joe Namath used to call and say, 
“Hey, Jim, I found a great doctor!” 
Janssen and other actors would call when 
опе of them discovered a new orthopedic 
guy who could help out. The last time I 
was in the hospital, Burt Lancaster was in 
the next room. Burt couldn't run any- 
more, so he was having a prosthetic knee 
put in. He told me, "It works fine, and 
at least there's по pain.” You know, you 
can fix sinuses and you can fix ulcers, but 
you can't fix legs when they're ропе. And 
we're not talking about soreness or just 
being uncomfortable. It's pain! 

In my last year on The Rockford Files, 
I'd get up to walk and Га hobble for the 
first ten steps. Until I could get some cir- 
culation in my legs and feet, it was like 
walking on hot coals. In fact, I was in 
such bad shape at the end of the shows 
fifth year that I asked Freddy Silverman 
not to pick up Rockford for a sixth sea- 
son. My contract with Universal was for 
six years, but NBC's contract with Uni- 
versal was for five, and if the series wasn't. 
picked up by NBC or another network, I 
could use the time to rest. But Silverman 
decided to go with Rockford for another 
year, so 1 had to do the best I could, 
PLAYBOY: Were you annoyed with Silver- 
man for not letting you off the hock? 
GARNER: No, I wasn't perturbed at all, 
because I knew the situation he was in: 
He had to fill the hour. Hell, he had a 
winner in Rockford, so it was easy to 
understand. I thought that somehow I'd 
be able to struggle through another year; 
after all, Га already gone through five of 
"ет as Jim Rockford. But 1 didn't make it. 
PLAYBOY: Did anyone at NBC or Uni- 
versal accuse you of being a hypochon- 
driac when you dropped out of The 
Rockford Files? 

GARNER: Not that I know of; but if some- 
one had, I probably would have rapped 
him in the mouth. 1 really think they 
should have been more aware of what 
kind of shape I was in. because all they 
had to do was call up their first-aid de 
partment to find out how many pain 
pills and muscle relaxants they had to 
give me to keep me on my feet. I was 
taking Percodan, codcinc, Soma, Robax- 
in—anything that would keep me work- 
ing. I really felt like a plow horse who'd 
pulled the goddamn plow too long; but 
1 made up my mind to stick it out. And 
then one day I was on the stage and 
I had such pains in my stomach that 1 
didn’t really know what the trouble was. 
I just doubled up in pain and I was bleed- 
ing rectally; I couldn't breathe because 
of my sinuses—it was not a wonderful 
moment. 1 said, "Whoa, get mc a doctor," 
so the studio doctor came out and dis- 
covered that my ulcers were back with a 


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vengeance. I think we finished filming 
that show and then I went down to the 
Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, which is 
nd of like Ше West Coasts Mayo 
Clinic. 1 spent three days there, and they 
told me I was run-down. Т needed an 
immediate rest—and I took one. 

PLAYBOY: If what you say is true, why do 
Universal executives daim you left the 
series over a money dispute? 

GARNER: Well, about four months before 
I got sick, somebody at Universal made 
a terrible mistake and sent me a cost- 
accounting sheet that showed that after 
five years on the air, The Rockford Files 
was $9,500,000 in debt. 

PLAYBOY: Exactly what did that mean? 
GARNER: It meant that Universal's got the 
greatest accountant you've ever heard of. 
It also meant that, according to Universal, 
The Rockford. Files was a terrible failure 
as far as amy profits were concerned, After 
the first year, I'd never seen an account- 
ing of the show, and I think the guy who 
sent it over after the fifth year is prob- 
ably digging ditches somewhere in Peru, 
because I’m sure Universal fired him for 
sending it to me. It’s pretty disheartening: 
to know that you're doing everything you 
can to bring a show in on schedule, and 
then find out it’s all been а waste of 
time. Anyway, I think Universal felt that 
after I saw the cost accounting, I said, 
uck ‘em, I quit." But that’s their first 
reaction to everyth An actor's not 
sick, he's mal B "Cause he wants 
something. As I said, I saw that profit- 
and-loss sheet months before I got ill, апа 
when I gave my deposition to their Jaw- 
yers, I got the feeling they'd been trying 
to tell Universal that they ain't got much 
of a case. I think it’s а corporate cgo 

PLAYBOY: Why would 
about Rockford's being $! 
debt? Were you in for a sh 

GARNER: Sure, I was. Cherokee Productions, 
my company, produced The Rockford 
Files, and my shar 
was 88 percent. Yo 
that goes six years and earns $40,000,000 
in rentals would be pretty profitable, 
wouldn’t you? I did, especially since we 
were no more than a total of seven days 
over on our shooting schedule for all six 
years—and nobody had ever done that 
before. I also rented my company's 
and trucks and lights to the show fc lot 
less money than Univ would have 
charged in order to keep the show's costs 
down, to always keep it within our 
budget. 1 worked and scrimped and saved 
and pushed and cajoled and did every- 
thing I knew to make the show successful, 
because 1 figured, boy, if you can't make 
а bundle in six у a series—especial- 
ly at the rate I was deteriorating physi- 
cally—then what was the point? I mean, 

уоп have been upset 
00,000 in 
re of the 

T can go out and work and make an awful 
lot of money doing pictures or whatever, 
but I thought that Rockford would make 
me financially independent of the b 
ness. You can question anybody you want 
on this, and you'll hear the same thing: 
There never was a better TV crew or 
production company than we had on The 
Rockford Files, And then you find out it’s 
all worthless, because they're going to 
bookkeep you to death. Thatll punch a 
hole in your balloon, sport, ГШ tell you 

PLAYBOY: It was recently alleged that Rob- 
ert Wagner and his wife. alie Wood, 
who own half of Charlie's Angels, had. 
been cheated out of their profits through 
unethical accounting mancuvers. Is that 
kind of thing widespread in television? 
GARNER: It's been happening to an awful 
lot of people for an awful lot of years, In 
fact, up until just a couple of years ago— 
I haven't checked on this lately—Ray- 
mond Burr and Jack Webb were about 
the only two people who ever made a 
profit on a television series. 1 
money on a series I produced. In 1971, 

зо made 

“Somebody at the studio 
made а terrible mistake 
and sent me a cost- 
accounting sheet that 
showed ‘Rockford’ was 
$9,500,000 in debt." 

we made Nichols, and even though the 
show ran for only 26 episodes and has 
never been rerun to speak of, it's in prof- 
its—and that had never been done before. 
PLAYBOY: Are you planning to contest 
Universtl Studios on its Rockford figures? 
GARNER: I certainly am. When I first saw 
that five-year report, I laughed and said, 
“Oh, well, my lawyers ahd accountants 
will take care of that.” But the more I 
got into it, the more I found out just 
what kind of things Universal did on the 
show. Let me start with a small example: 
Lets say you're the set decorator, right? 
You buy something for our show that costs 
$100. Well, instead of the actual cost, 
the studio t by about 
3.3, so that it now costs the show $330. 
Now, I can't be absolutely sure of that 
figure, but I'm not far off. The idea is for 
the set department to make a profit on 
what they buy. OK, we shoot the hour 
and now it's time to strike the set; the set 
department now adds another third of 
the stepped-up cost for tearing down the 
set, so the price is now up to about $450. 
Оп top of that, they have what they call 

their generic account. І don't know what 
it means and neither docs anybody else, 
but they now add on another third of the 
inflated price, so from $450, it goes to 
5600, and to top it off, they add another 
20 percent for overhead, so that $100 
item has now cost the series about. $725. 
They'll tell me I'm crazy when they read 
this, but Ict ‘em, I'd like to see somebody 
take a look at that generic account of 

PLAYBOY: Do you think Universal may 
have done you out of a couple of million 
dollars in profits? 

GARNER: A couple of million? I think it's 
a lot more Шап a couple of million! 
"There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever 
about that. 

AYBOY: What do you plan to do about it? 
GARNER: Oh, well have to sue, because 
they're not going to make из an offer. We 
will try to go over their books and then 
we will sue them and they will say, "Well, 
let's not do it that way, let's see if we 
can зеше it amicably.” They'll offer to 
give me about ten cents on the dollar: I 
won't take it. It'll be like trying to open 
the books of any major company. ГИ be 
ten years in the courts trying to get a 
good look their books, but that's 
right, too. I'm not going anywhere. 
PLAYBOY: Aside from the production has- 
sles, did you enjoy plaving 
GARNER: Absolutely. Steve С; 
the character 

nd wrote the first script 
and Roy Huggins brought it to me. 

hey'd been working on Toma, and 
Rockford was a character in an episode of 
that show. I don’t think Steve wrote 
Rockford with me in mind, though he 
might have, because the first time I read 
racier was there. I an, it was 
just obvious to me. The character devel- 
oped as we went along, but it was all 
basically there in the first episode. 
ics evolved, what kinds 
of things did you bring to the character? 
GARNER: Me? I t bring anything to 
it. Really, I just showed up and said the 
words. I never changed dialog or did 
things like that. And I never had the 
writers screaming at me for doing some- 
thing the wrong way, because T evidently 
understood what they were trying to do. 
Tt was the same thing I wanted to do. 
PLAYBOY: Which was? 
GARNER: Create a humorous character. 
Cleveland Amory once reviewed Rockford 
and said, "Garner's funny, but he’s slow 
funny." I think that's right. I don’t come 
out there with a lollipop and 1 don't say 
“dem d "dose" and “take dat to da 
bank,” and I'm not flashy. I do humor; I 
don't do comedy. And humor is much 
more subtle than comedy, and it takes а 
longer time to understand the characters. 
I'm much more interested in character 
than flash, because flash hits quick and 
leaves quick. But characters just go on 



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and on, and build and build. Rockford, 
if you remember, wasn't that big a hit 
during its first or second year; but it got 
better the third and the fourth and fifth — 
and the series was stronger when I left it 
than at any other time 

PLAYBOY: Why do you think Rochford was 
so successful? 

GARNER: I think the writing was terrific. 
Cannell and Juanita Bartlett gave us 
brilliant scripts, and Meta Rosenberg nı 
be the best producer in television. As far 
as my part in it, I just feel that if some- 
thing works for me, it's gonna work for 
everyone, because I'm pretty average. 1 
mean, I'm not any smarter than 
else, I'm realty the norm; I'm not looking 
to impress New York, I'm looking to im- 
press Delight, Arkansas. Гуе gotten to the 
point where I can read a script and think, 
Yeah, that's good, or, No, 1 don't think 
it'll really sell. And I've really gotten very 
comfortable with humor. 1 felt that was 
what Rockford really had going for itself, 
and that was also the source of our big: 
gest argument with Universal. After our 
first season, they wanted us to take the 
humor out of the series, 
PLAYBOY: Why did they want to do that 
GARNER: Because they were going to put 
us up against Hawaii Five-O, so they 
wanted Jim Rockford to be a straight 
detective. I told ‘em. “If you don't. iike 
the series, fine, cancel it, but don't come 
down here and tell us how to make it.” 
Studio usually worried 
about their jobs, which often leaves them 
situation of not really knowing what 
to do. But I wasn't worried about my job, 
and 1 knew what I was doing. I've been 
making pictures for 25 years, and if you 
don’t want to buy what 1 do, that's ОК. 
But I don’t want people coming in and 
trying to tell me what to do when they 
Пу know. I mean, studio execu- 
tive have been to business school and 
law school, but as far as film goes, they 
have no creative talent whatsoever, And 
so we stuck with the humor, and by the 
Чї season, they were alter 
more. A lot of that really had to do with 
Stuart. Margolin, who played the part of 
Angel. We snuck him into the pilot of 
Rockford as a kind of snitch; Angel's 
brother-in-law owned a small newspaper, 
so any time Rockford needed information, 
he had a source to go to. Well, we started 
using Angel more often than the network 
with him. By the third year, they couldn't 
get enough of Angel. Stu's really a buddy, 
and he's not only а fine actor. he's also 
a talented director and singer 

PLAYBOY: How did you happen to connect 
with him? 

GARNER: Oh, I met Stu at the end of the 
Sixties, when 1 was getting ready to do 
Nichols. Right about then, Ud gotten 
really weary of doing movies. I'd been 
going back and forth to Europe and Mex- 


executives аге 


don't re 

us to do 

id they told us not to bother 

ico three or four times a year. and I was 
tired of traveling, and tired of seeing my 
family only in hotel rooms, so Т decided 
not to work for a year. I lasted about 
three months, and then I started going 
buggy. I told my agent, "Let's take a look 
at а couple of scripts: after 
months, L told him, "Just get me 
damn script: I've got to go to work.” It 
went on for over a year like that, and 1 
ended up doing a terrible Italian picture 
titled 4 Man Called Sledge for Dino Di 
Laurentiis. 1 almost didn't care what it 
turned out like, because I'm not geared 
to not working. The problem was, I just 
didn't see any scripts T liked. In. most of 
‘em, you had to cuss a lot or take off your 
clothes, and that’s particularly bad for 
me, because if I take off my clothes, well, 
my body is so covered with 5сагв—Г a 
member of the 200-stitch club—that it 
would turn into a horror picture, and 1 
don't do horror picturcs. 

Anyway, I felt worthless and guilty, and 
I wanted to go back to work, but I didn't 
want to work outside Los Angeles, so I 
decided to do another television series. 
"Thats when Nichols came along, and it 
about a tumroFthe-century. sheriff 
Maverick and Rockford were pretty much 
alike as characters, but Nichols was a dif- 
ferent kind of bird. The series drew 
pretty fine line between making social 
nts and being entertaining. We'd 
mike sly little predictions and comments 
about, oh, what might happen with the 
automobile, the changing of the old West 
treatment Indians received, But 
we made certain that Nichols was still 
funny, To make it work, the sheriff T 
played needed a deputy who was а kind 
of lovable, shilty-eyed, no-good rat. So we 
began doing 
Meta came to me and said she'd found 
someone Га really like. Well, it was Stu 
Margolin, and I looked at some film of 
him on Love, American Style. Stu used to 
do all those little vignettes between the 
show's longer pieces. and 1 remember 
watching him in this quick tike in a jail 
cell. Some guy slammed the cell door in 

and nine 




or the 

onc day 

screen tests. and 

Stu's face and he made me laugh. I 
thought the guy was great, because I know 

it's difficult to make me laugh by watch- 
ing a guy's reaction to a door slammed 
in his face. I told. Met. Let's get him. 
and after I started working with him. I 
found out how brilliant Margolin is. 50 
we put him in Nichols and iter on used 
him in the pilot of Rockford, 

PLAYBOY: Nichols ran for only one year. 
Why didn’t it succeed? 

GARNER: For one thing, I really think the 
show was five or ten years ahead of ity 
time. For another, it received treatment 
from the sponsor and from the network 
that almost guaranteed its demise before 
it ever got on the air. Chevrolet spon 
sored the series, and 1 remember going 
to Detroit and showing it to them, and 

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The Vision of the Future 

they were disappointed because it wasn't 
Maverick, and they thought they were 
going to get Maverick. Frankly, Nichols 
above their heads and above their 
ence. They just didn't understand 
d so they walked away feeling, Oh, 
„ we've got a clunker. They didn't 
wait to see whether or not it would be a 
clunker on the air, which it was not. The 
show got good ratings. We were doing 
anywhere from 33 to 38 in th iclsens. 
and there are a lot of shows with 29s a 
30s that are still on TV. I think Nichols 
would have built up its audience and 
become stronger and stronger the same 
way Rockford did, if NBC had left 
ther year, but they really didn't 
give it a chance. Out of 26 shows, eight 
preempted—mostly for poli 

moved us opposite Marcus Welby, 
in hopes that we'd take enough audience 
away to knock old Marcus right out of 
the top ten. Well, any time one third of 
your shows are pre-empted and then the 
time slot is switched, people aren't gonn 
know when you're on. I was terribly dis- 
appointed, because I still think Nichols 
is the best of the three TV series I've 

PLAYBOY: You recently agreed to produce 
and star in a we ke of Maverick, 
begi on NBC next fall. H ng told 
us about the pitfalls of doing a TV series, 
why would you want to make another 

GARNER: Well, I had a commitment with 
Warner Bros. and NBC for another series 
after Rockford, and I have a pretty good 
relationship with Warners. I made Nichols 
for them and I have some confidence in 
them, I really don't anticipate running 
into any of the same problems with War- 

iat I had with Universal. 

are dead and lawyers have been run into 
the ground and, besides, neither of those 
two profe blc at thc 
moment. And I don't deal in futuristic 
things, Meanwhile, I'd thought about 
doing Maverick again ever since the T 

E it a couple of years ago 

updated from the 1860s to the 1880s. If I 
couldn't find a new format. | said Га 
il Maverick, and the minute I 
voiced that, everybody seemed to say 
hooray, wonderful, and we soon couldn't 
get our minds on anything but Maveric 
So they liked the idea, and ГИ go give it 
а shot. 

PLAYBOY: Aren't you worried that you 
won't be up to the physical demands of 
another weekly TV series? 

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GARNER: No, because I'm a lot healthier 
now than I was at the end of Rockford. 
I've rested since then, and Fm not plan- 
ning to be on the screen every minute, 
the way I was in Rockford. We're going 
to have other characters in Maverick, be- 
cause I'm just not physically able to be 
on the saeen one hour every week. 
Rockford really fixed that for me. I can't 
remember ever being in such bad shape 
as when I left that м 
PLAYBOY: Do you think you've completely 

GARNER: Oh. I got better almost as soon 
as E stopped work. I left the se 

cember of '79, and а month later, I was 
feeling really fine. As a matter of fact, I 
remember going over to see Stu Margolin 
one afternoon and telling Pat O'Bannon, 
Stu's girlfriend, that the last couple of 
days had been the first time I'd been rel 
tively free of pain. On the drive back to 
my place, I was really looking forward to 
watching a Laker basketball game on 
TV—and then that son of a bitch jumped 

me in Coldwater Canyon. 
PLAYBOY: If you're referring to the inci- 
dent in January 1980 in which you were 

severely beaten up, would you mind tell- 
ing us what happened? 

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GARNER: Well, it was something I really 
didn't need. I was driving home at about 
six o'clock, in the heart of evening 
rush-hour traffic, and in my rearview imir- 
ror, I saw ап El Camino passing cars on 
the right. Traffic was going six or eight 
miles an hour and just where Coldwater 
Canyon narrows, I saw this car come up 
slightly behind me on the right side, and 
I thought. What the hell is this? So I kind 
of pulled to the center and sped up a 
little bit to let the guy get in behind me, 
but instead of doing that. he tried to 
piss me and he hit my car, a Trans Am, 
on the right rear fender. It didn't feel 
like much of a collision, but I decided 
to stop and take a look. If there was any 
damage. 1 thought we'd exchange licenses 
nd the names of our insurance compa- 
nies. I put my right-turn signal оп and 
started to drive off the road—and the El 
Camino tried to pass me on the left. so I 
pulled into the middle of the street and 
stopped. I turned off the ignition, put on 
the emergency brake and was about to 
open the door when I suddenly heard. 
“You motherfucker!” And then, wham!, Y 
got belted. I wasn't exactly expecting 
PLAYBOY: Your window was open? 
GARNER: Yeah. I had the window down, 
and by the third time this character hit 
me, Га reached up and grabbed him by 
the throat. And while he's pumping away, 
this woman—who turns out to be his si 
ter—opens the passenger door of my car 
and grabs my keys and says, “C'mon, 
Aubrey. Гус got the keys, let's go." E 
dently. Aubrey—his name is Aubrey Wil- 
liams, Jr.—was going to pop me a couple 
of times, leave me bleeding at the wheel. 
throw away my keys and then take off 
It didn't work out th 
PLAYBOY: Why not? 
GARNER: Because I didn't let go of that 
sucker. After he'd hit me about nine 
times, I had him pulled up so close to 
the car that his face was on top of the 
roof; but even though he couldn't see 
where he was punching. he was doing 
some damage. | was holding him with 
both hands and he had hold of me with 
s left and was punching with his right. 
his necklace broke and so did 
mine, and he pulled himself away. 1 was 
pretty busted up at that point, but 1 
wanted some of his butt. Га had about all 
I wanted in the face, so 1 leaned back and 
got my feet out the window and kicked 
him hard enough in the chest to push him 
back. I finally got out of the car and as I 
stood up and turned to look for him, boy, 
I caught one flush in the mouth. I threw 
a punch at him and missed, and then took 
him clear across the street and we tripped 
over a curb and I landed оп top of him 
Afterward, I couldn't remember how he'd 
been able to get up so quick, but at the 
trial, he said he grabbed me by the co- 
jones, and that’s probably the only thing 

t way. 

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he didn't lie about in court. Anyway, һе 
got up. and the next thing I know, I'm 
getting kicked in the head. I was lying 
face down and he kicked me three or 
four times in the head, and then he 
kicked his way down the left side of my 
body. 1 figured Fd had enough, so I 
yelled, “Somebody get this son of a 
bitch off me!” 

PLAYBOY: Were there a lot of people 

GARNER: Sure there but nobody 
wanted any part of him. The guy had 
gone completely berserk; he had a man 
down who hadn't hit him and he wis 
trying to kill him, so, in a way. I don't 
blame anybody for not jumping in, but I 
don't think Га ever just stand by and 
watch. Anyway, the guy tried to kick me 
in the balls, but he got my tailbone in- 
stead, and fractured it. After that, he 
kicked his way up the right side of my 
body, and as 1 could feel him getting nea 
my head again, I thought, I he kicks me 
one more time, I'm going to play like 
Im out and dead. Well, he kicked me 
in the head, and I shuddered and made 
a noise and just went limp. And then I 
got kicked like you never saw! He kicked 
mc just behind my right ear and I 
thought he'd about tore my head olt. 
And then he kicked me once more іп 
the head and I heard his sister yell, 
"Come on, Aubrey, let's go." And so 


they started to take olf. He didn't know 
it yet, but he hadn't finished with me. 
PLAYBOY: You got up and went after him? 
GARNER: Damn right I did. I figured that 
any son of a bitch who can kick me and 
hit me that many times and who can't 
put me out ain't that tough. I couldn't 
sée too well, but I did spot his car, so I 
started. goin 
ger side of his car then, and I thought 
maybe I could grab his sister by the hair, 
and if he wanted to drive off, he cou'd, 
but he'd be dragging me, and. I wasn't 
about to let go of his sister’s head, But as 
I started after him, two guys I know—one 
of 'em was Lew Wasserman's chauffeur— 
came up and held me. Aubrey and his 
sister took off, and I went to the hospital 
Гог three days. 
GARNER: Oh, I had a pretty bad concus- 
sion, a cracked tailbone, a lot of aches 
and bruises and a few stitches in the head. 
But they were just small wounds, because 
Williams had been wearing kind of flashy 
Italian shoes. They got Williams only on 
assault with a deadly weapon, his shoes. 
Anyway, I ain't near as mad at Aubrey 
as I am at his lawyer, who called me a liar 
on television. A reporter asked, “Do you 
think there are some discrepancies іп Mr. 
Garner's and Williams" lawyer 
said, “Garner's a liar." The next day, his 

for it. I was on Ше passen- 

extensive were your 


man was totally convicted. The prosecu- 
tion could have called 15 witnesses and 
they all would haye told the same story, 
but only three or four were needed. 
PLAYBOY: Did you ever find out what 
provoked the attack? 

GARNER: "Ehe guy just blew his stack. Wil- 
liams is an ex-Green Beret who's belliger- 
ent and hot-tempered, and nothing makes 
you madder than to be doing something 
wrong and really fuck up at it. And that's 
what happened. He was hurrying and 
passing people on the right. and then he 
ran into me and got mad at me for 
getting in his way. But he knew how to 
take care of it: Hed just jump out and 
pop me a couple of times and then drive 
on. It backfired on him 

PLAYBOY: Between your physical bout with 
Rockford Files and your separation from 
your wife, this couldn't have been one of 
the better periods in your life. 

GARNER: The past couple of years really 
have been bad, and 1 don't know when 
I'm going to sce the end of it: but, hey 
you have your ups and you haye your 
downs. At that point, it felt like it was 
just one damned thing tacked onto an- 
other; but by the time I got out of the 
hospital, I felt a little better. I think it 
was because of the public reaction to what 
happened to me: I received thousands of 
letters, and a lot of people in show busi- 
ness whom I don't know very well sent 

n't mea: 

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The science of sound 

flowers. The warmth I felt from all those 
people made me feel pretty good; and 
when I got home, I was still cut and 
bruised, but I also thought that maybe 
I'd gone as far down as I could go. 1 felt, 
well, the business was shitty, the family 
was in an uproar, and physically I'd taken 
another real good beating; but, hey, may- 
be this was the end of it. And then I 
found the sweetest little dog you ever 
saw, a Samoyed, and he was a great com- 
Called him Rocky after you- 

PLAYBOY: Have things lightened up for 
you since then? 

GARNER: No, not really, because so many 
things are still up in the air. I'm not quite 
sure what I want to do careerwise, and 
my marriage is still not together. I didn't 
want to talk about this in an interview, 
but the reason my wife and I are separat- 
ed is that I was so physically and mental- 
ly exhausted from work that I said I had 
to take a sabbatical; I needed a hiatus. I 
had to get away and take some of the 
pressure off me, because there was tremen- 
dous pressure on me from many, many 
areas. And my wife understood that. Lois 
and I haven't had any arguments and we 
haven't had any fights. My wife and 1 
go to dinner once a week and we talk on 
the phone just about every day. There 
never was gonna be a divorce. 

PLAYBOY: In terms of what you want to do 

with your career, does any of the conflict 
have to do with making movies versus 
working on TV? 

GARNER: No, ‘cause I think it’s all kind of 
like formula-car racing, if you know what 
that’s about. In formula racing, you run 
a car on а set of tires that сап be only so 
wide, with an engine that can be only so 
big and can create only so much horse- 
power, and every formula is different. The 
idea is to see who can drive more-orless 
equal cars fast enough and smart enough 
to win. TV and movies are like that, too. 
You have certain restrictions in television 
that you don’t have in films, and it gets 
down to who works best in which formula. 
Right now, I don't think movies are my 
forte. I really haven't read a script lately 
that hasn't contained sex and/or violence 
that I want to be a part of, and I also 
haven't read a script where I wouldn't 
have to tell a director that I’m not gonna 
say this or do that. Now, I don't like to 
tell writers what they can and cannot do; 
when I get a script, I'll tell them either 
yes, I like it, or no, I don't. But I hate 
to go in and tell them how to do their 
picture. Anyway, I don’t distinguish be- 
tween TV and films careerwise. Which is 
why I said, OK, we'll do the TV series 
and we'll work within that framework. 
PLAYBOY: Do you feel the same way about. 
doing commercials? 

GARNER: не I do. The first ous I ever 

D MasterCard (0 Visa 

did on film was a Winston commercial. 
T'm the guy who made that grammatical 
error, read it, actually, that “Winston 
tastes good like a cigarette should,” in- 
stead of as a cigarette should. I didn't 
know anything about acting when I did 
it, so it had no value, but Гуе learned a 
bit since then, As far as TV commercials 
are concerned, I'm very selective about 
the ones I do. I'm not going to sell ant 
killer or deodorant and I don't do tooth- 
paste commercials, and you show me a 
commercial for Excedrin and I guarantee 
that watching it will give you a headache, 
I've been real fortunate with the Polaroid 
people, and it's been good for them, too. 
PLAYBOY: Why did you decide on Polar- 
oid? Did they make you an offer you 
couldn't refuse? 

GARNER: No, because a lot of other things 
were being offered to me, and for more 
money. But Polaroid always had a certain 
amount of class and they never did any- 
thing cheap. Their first salesman to speak 
of was Perry Como, and then they had 
Laurence Olivier and Candy Bergen. I 
had some meetings with their ad people 
and I was straight with them. I told ‘em 
I don’t believe in hard sell and I don't 
care about Еѕюрѕ, light, convenience 
or color. What I'd do would be to put the 
camera in front of people and tell a little 
joke and let the audience walk away with 
а smile. And if people really wanted 


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to find out about the camera, they could 
go ask a salesman, but I wasn't gonna 
get up on television and’ say, “This is the 
best camera I've ever seen,” and all that 
bullshit. I just wanted to leave them with 
a good feeling about the product. By now, 
I've probably done about 70 commercials 
for Polaroid, and not all of them work, 
but some of them do. 

PLAYBOY: Why so many? 

GARNER: That was my choice. I didn't 
want people to see and hear one joke 58 
times a week, because by the second or 
third time around, they'd get sick of it— 
and they'd also get sick of the product. 
So I asked to make more commercials, but. 
not to have any of 'em run too many 
times in any area. That's because commer- 
cials usually turn me off, so when I do 
one, 1 want people to like it and I want. 
а little humor in it. 

PLAYBOY: And Polaroid saw eye to eye 
with уси on that? 

GARNER: Oh, Гус bridled at certain things 
Polaroid has wanted me to do. 

PLAYBOY: Such as? 

GARNER: Everybody's going to hate me for 
this, but I don’t like to work with kids 
and animals, Usually, you wind up bustin’ 
your neck, trying to get a dog, say, to sit 
in one spot or trying to keep the kid 
happy. I deal in thoughts and humor, 
not in how cute a kid is. And it's so te- 
dious trying to get timing in those situa- 
tions. Have you ever heard the story about 
the comedian who asked the interviewer 
what the most important ingredient of 
comedy is? You be the interviewer and 
ask me the question. 

PLAYBOY: All right, Garner, what's the 

GARNER: Timing. That's what comedy is 
all about, and when you have to worry 
about а dog or a kid who's not looking 
up to catch the light, ing goes out the 
window. And you can't have humor with- 
out timing, which is why I told the ad 
people, "If you really want me to lezve in 
а hurry, just keep bringing those kids and 
animals on. Thats why Henry Fonda 
left GAF, fellas. He couldn't take work- 
ing with the kids and the animals." 
"That's the truth. Fonda is one of our great 
actors, and all that other stuff was taking 
away from what he was trying to do. You 
see, acting is а business, it's ту business, 
and as far as I'm concerned, 1 don't care 
what the medium is, And it really burns 
my ass when a Broadway actor goes to 
make a film in Hollywood and is called a 
sellout by his fellow actors, and the same 
thing happens when a movie actor does 
television or а commercial. We're actors. 
"That's what we do, that's what we sell 
and that's how we make our livings. If you 
use good taste and judgment, there is 
nothing at all degrading about doing a 
commercial and there's nothing to be 
ashamed of—and I set out to prove that. 

with the Polaroid stuff. Jane Fonda said 
she was embarrassed about Henry's doing 
commercials. Screw her! I mean, I love 
Jane and I've known her since she was а 
baby, but what a snobby attitude. God 
forbid if her career should go on its ass 
and she needed money to send her kids to 
school—if she was offered a commercial to 
do at that point, you think she'd do it? 
Damn right she would. And she'd prob- 
ably also come out with a statement about 
how there's an acceptable way to do com- 

PLAYBOY: Let's talk about another actress, 
Mariette Hartley. Were you surprised by 
the enormous response to the commercials 
you made with her? 

GARNER: Oh, I knew they'd work out well 
before they were shown. Mariette started 
working about the fifth or sixth commer- 
cial I made, and at that point, I wasn't 
too happy with the whole thing. Га just 
finished one with dogs and kids jumping 
all over me, and I thought it was bullshit, 
and said so. But then they needed an ac- 
tress, and Mariette was hired and we did 
the one where she says, “Why do you say 
one-step? It's two.” And I say, "No, 

“Mariette is really а 
marvelous actress. She 
can do comedy and can 
cry at the drop of a hat. 

On top of that, she 
photographs beautifully.” 

there's only one,” and we start playing 
with it. 1 knew it was good, and the ad 
guys immediately began writing those 
types of commercials, and it was fun to 
see the thing develop. Mariette is really а 
marvelous actress. She can do comedy and 
can cry at the drop of a hat. On top of 
that, she photographs beautifully. Here's 
a girl who worked for nearly 20 years to 
make it as a dramatic actress and she made 
it with a commercial that got people to 
sit up and notice that, hell, she's not only 
a dramatic actress, she’s also got charm 
and humor. 

I don't know if you'd say that's odd, 
but we all do it in our different ways. If 
you go back to Maverick and the time 
when Steve Allen and Ed Sullivan were 
on TV every Sunday night, Warner Bros. 
took this real-life dumb cowboy and put 
him in a cowboy suit and threw him out 
there on TV and told him to sink or swim 
against the giants. Well, he swam, but you 
wouldn't expect it to happen. I didn’t. 
PLAYBOY: Were you really a cowboy? 
GARNER: І wasn't a city slicker, that's for 

sure. I grew up around Norman, Okla- 
homa, and I was a poor kid; but 1 always 
had a lot of sympathy, because my mother 
died when I was four years old and my 
dad remarried a woman named Wilma, 
who was an absolute bitch. My aunts and 
uncles would always take me around and 
say, "Poor Jimmy." That woman was 
really responsible for the way I developed 
as an actor. I always try to keep my 
tongue in my check, because I don't want 
to be laughed at. 
PLAYBOY: Did your stepmother laugh at 
GARNER: Well, yeah, she said some terrible 
things about me. 
PLAYBOY: Can you recall any? 
GARNER: Oh, God, now you're getting into 
psychiatry. When I did something wrong, 
one of her great things was to put me in а 
dress and have everybody call me Louise. 
I mean, that was embarrassing, and I be- 
came quite introverted from the time I 
was about seven, when my dad remarried, 
to the time I was about 14, when they 
busted up. As you сап see, I'm not all that 
introverted now, but it took me a long 
time to get over that. In fact, deciding to 
become an actor was tremendously hard 
for me, because I never wanted to per- 
form. I used to have to sing with my 
cousins and my two brothers, Charlie 
and Jack, at family get-togethers. Or my 
dad would be drinking with his buddies 
and he'd say, “OK, boys, come here, I want 
you to sing. Charlie, you take bass; Jim, 
you take melody; and Jack, do the tenor 
part.” And I hated those things, I just 
hated performing. Damn it, I'm gonna 
PLAYBOY: You won't, Jim; it's all psycho- 
GARNER: Is it? Oh, well, forget it, then, I'm 
not going to sneeze. Anyway, I hated to 
do those things, and therefore I got to the 
point where I was really a rebel about it. 
By the time I was 14, Га become an іп- 
dependent little bastard, which is what I 
was. Nobody was going to tell me what to 
do or when to do it. I think I developed 
that attitude after my last set-to with my 
PLAYBOY: What happened? 
GARNER: Well, Wilma was going to whip 
me, and I didn't let her. She had this 
great thing about whipping. My dad then 
owned a country store and we lived about. 
nine and a half miles outside Norman, My 
stepmother used to make us go out and 
cut willow switches and then she'd beat 
us on the butt with them, but she also 
loved to hit me with whatever she had in 
her hand, whether it was a stick, a board 
or a spatula—she really loved spatulas. 
Well, this one time she was gonna whip 
me, I didn't let her, and it was an open 
rebellion. She came at me with a spatula 
and I hit her. I don’t remember how I hit 
(continued on page 158) 

1 A 


А man who thrives on a concern for detail. He appreciates flights of fancy, and he knows that all 
occasions are potentially auspicious. He plans for the perfect moment: the best food and drink, 
elegant tableware, stately flowers, the latest in formal dress. He knows the special moments are 
reserved for his favorite woman, the woman he knows how to surprise with a personalized 
gift. In PLAYBOY, he finds the guidance to lead the life that guarantees good memories. 

fiction Ву ASA BABER 

“THIS FRENCHMAN is a terrible per- 
son, Gene,” Chen said. He rocked 
back and forth in the bamboo 

I remember Chen clearly, even 
though it was 20 years ago. 1 
thought of him as a puppet, a 
small Chinese puppet. 1 assumed. 
he was at least 50, possibly older. 
He жаз bald and full-faced, and he 
wore steel.rimmed glasses that com- 
plemented his rumpled linen suit 
and vest. 

Like the country of Laos itself, 
Chen was full of contradictions. 
He fancied himself a banker, and 
he tried to dress like one, but he 
wore shower clogs instead of regular 
shoes and a red bandanna around 

i watched the rain outside 

his throat rather than a tie. Chen 
had a habit of fingering black wor- 
ry beads while he talked. Listening 
to his English, his London School 
of Economics English, only deep- 
ened the conflicting presence of 
the man. 

I sat оп my bed drinking Beef- 
eater gin without ice. I drank a 
lot in those days, and while I pre- 
ferred my gin with ice, I took it 
any way I could get it. The hotel 
refrigerator had broken down the 
day before the monsoon began. I 
was, by definition, left with warm 
gin and a trapped feeling: tropical 
claustrophobia; something like be- 
ing stuck in an elevator that is also 
a steam bath. 


my window. it was a violent rain. it fit my mood 

Chen had taken to coming in 
and talking with me whenever he 
found me in my room. He gossiped 
idly while the rain poured down on 
Vientiane, on the muddy Mekong 
River and the tin roofs of the stor- 
age sheds, through palm fronds 
and flame trees, a rain so hard that 
sometimes it obscured everything 
except the vines that framed my 

It was a violent rain and it drove 
the gecko on my ceiling crazy: He 
darted from corner to corner and 
talked to the rain in his lizard 

"Lets go smoke some dope," I 
said to Chen. 

“Тһе den's probably flooded," һе 


listed as 

said, waving my suggestion aside. It was 
clear that he wanted to talk to me at 
some length about something. He was 
busy setting me up, and he did not want 
his train of thought to be interrupted. 
Of course, I did not understand that at 
the time. 

“This Frenchman takes ears when һе 
kills," Chen said. 

“Не doesn't sound nice," I said. 

"Simply not to be trusted," Chen 
sighed. "He's a madman, I'm sure of it.” 
He sighed again, and it struck me that 
he might have been spezking of a failed 
marriage or a bankruptcy. 

Chen was a money-changer who used 
his tailor shop as a front for a black 
market in currencies. He tended to speak 
sadly about many things. He was particu- 
larly morose about people who did not 
honor deals. 1 had seen him come to 
tears, for cxample, about a minister of 
finance who could not pay the interest 
Chen had charged him on a personal 
loan. To that extent, Chen had a tragic 
sense of life. Coincidentally, the person 
in question was found drowned on the 
bank of the Mekong a week later. 
People said it was the work of the 
Pathet Lao, and Chen did not disabuse 
them of that notion. 

“Simply not to be trusted, those 
French,” Chen said. 

“That's what Gunny Nadeau used to 
say," I said, “and look what it got him.” 

Gunny Nadeau had been my second- 
in-command. Не and I had brought a 
special team out from Camp Pendleton. 
We hooked up with Sergeant Sutton at 
Tachikawa and Tony Allard at Kadena. 
On paper, we were attached to Task 
Force 116. In fact, we spent a lot of time 
around the Plain of Jars. 

Until everybody got snuffed except 


While Chen and I watched the rain 
outside my windows, I drank as much 
gin as I could to forget that Gunny 
Nadeau's charred body was lying in my 
poncho, brown side out, on line to be 
shipped back to Travis Air Force Base. 
The bodies of Sutton and Allard had 
made it out before the rains hit, but 
Gunny Nadeau was waiting for me. 

I knew that all three men would be 
illed in training exercises іп 
California. That is what happens when 
you die in a nonwar. 

"Your Sergeant Nadeau was French, 
wasn't he?" Chen asked. 

“Cajun,” I said. “Louisiana French, 
Same as Allard. Sutton was Canadian. 
There wasn't a real frog among us, 
Chenny. Isn't that something?" I asked. 

"I'm sorry about your friends, Gene," 
Chen said. "Perhaps they paid the price 
for freedom.” 

I did not reply to that. The rain had a 
hypnotic effect on me. I did not want to 

100 analyze history or talk politics or listen 

and death. I was sorely pissed at the war 
I saw shaping up, and I wanted to get 
out of Vientiane as fast as І could. I had. 
resigned my commission and was waiting 
for the rains to lift long enough to catch 
the next transport to Bangkok. Things 
had not turned out the way I had hoped. 

"I was talking to the Indian air attaché 
yesterday," Chen said. "He says he thinks 
this Frenchman may have brought in a 
surface-to-air missile.” He dropped that 
into the conversation like a marble into 
a water bucket. “This Frenchman amazes 
me,” he went on. “You cannot believe 
the stories I've heard recently. Last 
month, this Frenchman supposedly came 
into town dressed as a woman. A woman, 
of all things. He walked into the w.c. 
downstairs and shot one of your cultural- 
affairs people right in the face. And 
then, to make matters worse, he took one 
of her ears, too.” Chen clucked his 
tongue. “Leaving his mark, do you sup- 

“They take ears all the time incoun- 
try,” I said. 

“Yes, I know, but here in Vientiane? 
And a woman, to boot? I think that's 
Eoing a bit far, don't you?" Chen asked. 

“Yes,” I said. 

“The French are your allies, after all.” 

“Listen, Chenny." I said. "the French 
are on their own side. Period. Just like 
everybody else out here. The French 
figure this is their territory. They were 
here before us, and some of them think 
they'll be here after us. Maybe they will; 
I don't know." I paused. "Sometimes 
they have advisors down to patrol level 
with the Pathet Lao, I can tell you that," 

“How terribly confusing,” Chen sighed 
again. “I don’t understand any of it at 
all. Perhaps I'd better leave while I can.” 

"Be my guest,” I said. "Take your 
money and split. Go back to Hong Kong 
and start a real bank." 

Chen tried to light a cigarette. His 
matches were too damp, so I threw him 
my lighter. 

“Someone should take care of this 
Frenchman, Gene," he said, 

I rubbed my jaw. I hadn't shaved for 
a week. “Does һе have a name?” I asked. 

“I think it's LeGault.” 

“LeGault,” I repeated. The gin burned 
in my throat. 

“Yes. His father owned a string of 
rubber plantations. Large ones, too. Le- 
Gault was brought up near Luangpra- 
bang. He went to the Sorbonne for a few 
years. His older brother was killed at 
Dien Bien Phu, and LeGault came back 
to run the family business, You'd think 
he'd be angry with General Giap for his 
brother's death, but evidently not. I hear 
he hates Americans.” 

“Some people never get it right,” I 

“Yes, but what I don't understand is, 
why is he allowed to wander all around 
the countryside, doing terrible things, 
shooting people in the face, setting up 
missile sites, just generally mucking 
about, while you Americans act as if 
there's a picnic going on instead of a 
war? It doesn't make sense. Why doesn’t 
someone take care of the rotten apple?” 

I laughed. "Who are you working for, 
Chenny?" I asked. 

"Absolutely no one" he protested, 
"except myself." 

Nothing was said for a time. I was 
fighting with a vision I kept having in 
my days and nights: a chopper spinning 
down, out of control, a bright magne- 
sium star burning into the earth. 

It was as if Chen could read my mind. 
"You know, Gene," he said, "LeGault 
might have been responsible for that 
accident your people were in.” 

"Accident my ass," I said quietly. 

“You know what I mean.” 

“1 was there, Chenny. I was talking to 
them on the radio. I had the panels out 
and they had us spotted. It wasn't rota- 
tion problems. Don't buy the press re- 
lease. They were hit by the first SAM in 
Laos. You think I don't know a hit when 
1 sce опе? Somebody upped the ante. 
Maybe it was your boy LeGault.” 

"He's not my boy." Chen bristled like 
a terrier. 

I remember how hot my body felt at 
that moment, almost feverish 
somebody should take him ou 

“Now, now,” Chen pretended to warn, 
“you'd have to play your cards very care- 
fully if you decided to do that.” 

“So?” I asked. "You think I can't do 

"LeGault has lived here all his life,” 
Chen said. 

Looking back on it, I see how obvious 
this all was: the pattern, the hints, the 
coy preparation, the construction of 
argument and evidence. But I was angry 
at the time, or I let myself be wooed into 
anger, and I heard only what I wanted to 
hear. I understood at that moment that 
LeGault was mine if I wanted him and 
if I could get him. He was being handed 
to me on an unofficial platter without 
one incriminating thing being said. 

I was 25 years old, three years out of 
college, a Marine officer who was one 
month past the disappearance of his 
buddies in a bright ball of fire. I thought 
about that as I vaguely took in my hotel 
room: chipped plaster walls and rusted 
plumbing and old editions of Le Figaro 
torn up for toilet paper and my seabag 
stowed in the corner and the mosquito 
netting rolled up like a royal canopy 
above the rickety wooden bed. 

“May 1 buy you a pipe?” Chen asked 
after along silence. 

“You sure can," I said. 

(continued on page 108) 

p dA 74 


“Оһ,оһ... here comes trouble!" 


as owner and manager of 
canada's hottest new modeling 
agency, she leads by example 

IF THE QUESTION remains in amyone's mind as to whether or not a woman 
must sacrifice her femininity to be successful in business, we hope this pi 

torial answers it once and for all. Meet Jo Penney, president of Jo Penney 
Inc. Model & Talent Agency in Toronto. At 33, Jo is nearly an institution in 
the Canadian modeling business, though she founded Jo Penney Inc. only 
three years ago. She now manages 40 female models (30 adult and ten 
“juniors,” aged 16 to 19), ten male models and 30 hard-working actors and. 
actresses. Jo Penney models are regulars on the covers of Canadian women’s 
magazines—the. counterparts of our Cosmopolitan and Mademoiselle. But to 
bring the beauty of Jo’s models closer to home, remember Sylvie Garant, our 
November 1979 Playmate from Quebec? Ahhhh, yes. We discovered her 
through Jo Penney. And, in the process, we discovered Jo herself. Although 
she's a former model, she hadn't been in front of the camera since 1975. Бис 
even as we discussed business with her (and she can be all business, if you 
know what we mean), we couldn't help wondering if she'd consider posing for 
PLAYBOY herself. Finally, we popped the question. "I thought you'd never ask,” 
she replied. It's nice to get а Реппеу for your thoughts. (We couldn't resist.) 


Jo was о successful 
model and actress for 
several years, then 
formed a dance troupe 
(yes, she's also c skilled 
that specialized in per- 
forming at conventions 
and sales meetings. Out 
of the dance troupe 
came the idea to became 
a booking agent. “I 
found that I enjoyed 
making people success- 
ful,” she says. “When it 
came to the decision to 
open my own agency, | 
thought, It’s now ar 
never." 10% theatrical 
talents contribute to Jo 

Penney Inc.'s energized 
and eye-catching pro- 
motional posters like the 
one at left. 


Jo's knock for discovering beautiful young women has already brought us November 

1979 Ploymote Sylvie Garant (left) and our October 1980 cover girl, S. J. 

Fellowes. Jo recently opened a branch of her agency in Chicago and, with tolent 
Imlets"^ (below right), plans to become “the top modeling agen 

Jo's workdays are often frantically productive—on the phone 

or face to face, closing deals for her clients. Getting to 

that point is what counts, matching model with job description. 
Below, she lunches with one of her models, Ploymate Sylvie 
Garant. Back in the living room of Jo Penney Inc.'s nine-room 
office suite, she discusses а project with five of her top 

models. As for the photo on the opposite page, we asked Jo if 
she loves furs. “Yes,” she replied, "but diamonds and furs 
aren't everything. ld much rather have о successful company." 



(continued from page 100) 

“I had the gin bottle in one hand and the .45 in the 
other. I took a last long hit of gin.” 

“Whatever you are thinking about, 
forget it,” Chen said casually. 

“OK,” I said. I snapped my fingers. 

Chen laughed. “Very good,” he said. 

Chen drove me through the rain in 
his small Citroën down to the opium 
den near the river. Hc went in with me 
and I watched the young girl heat the 
brown ball of goo on the end of a long 
needle. When the opium was ready, she 
placed it in the bowl of the pipe and 
clicked the needle on the pipestem. She 
handed the pipe to me without smiling. 
Chen paid her, but he did not stay to 
take a pipe with me. 

I am not sure how long I stayed there, 
but I do remember that later in the 
evening, after my second pipe, I thought 
Gunny Nadeau was in the lower bunk. 
He was telling me war stories again 
about how he had been captured on 
Wake Island at the beginning of World 
War Two and how he'd lost a toe to 
frostbite at the Chosan Reservoir in 

"Lieutenant O'Hair,” the Gunny 
laughed at me in my opium dream, “they 
сап take this next war and shove it. 
appy new year, Gunny,” I said. 
арру 1961.” 

I went into a deeper sleep, and when I 
woke up, the Gunny wasn't there any- 
more. I could taste earth, violets, autumn. 
leaves. My lungs were burning and my 
head ached, but my body felt light, almost 
immaterial. It was wonderful opium. 

“A bientôt,” I said to the girl as I left. 
"Ca va mieux." I did not know if she 
spoke French, but J had been sent to Laos 
because, among other things, I spoke 
French, and. I was damned if I was going 
to speak English to the people. 


There was a light under Chen's door, 

but I felt too peaceful to see him. I went 
into my room and sat down in the rocker 
and sipped some gin. I was almost re- 
Taxed. That lasted for less than five 
minutes. There was а knock on my door 
and I knew it was Chen. 
He rushed into the room, “I 
АП. LeGault is over at Tiger" 
other swig of gin. Nothing set- 
tled in my mind and I eyed Chen coldly. 

"He's there, don't you see?” Chen 
clapped his hands and turned in а circle. 

I belched. 1 was not feeling warlike. 

Chen moved around my room like а 
moth. "What luck!" he smiled. "What 

108 marvelous luck.” 

“The luck of the Irish,” I laughed. 
"Eugene O'Hair, at your service, Mr. 
Chen, sir. 

“Gene,” Chen said, “I don't think you 
understand. LeGault is over at the baths.” 

“You think so, huh?" I asked. I thought 
I saw the face of Gunny Nadeau nodding 
at me from nowhere in particular, from. 
my mind's eye. "Maybe it's not LeGault. 

Maybe it's somebody else.” 
“I's him!" Chen protested. “Tiger 
called me. She knows him. Tiger knows 


Reading this as I have just written it, 
I have to laugh. I was being stcered like 
a boat in a channel, and I took direction 
willingly, because I wanted to kill, I 
wanted to even things up, and I carried in 
the jumbled baggage of my consciousness 
the idea that vengeance was mine, that 
I had earned it through my contact with 
drill sergeants and football coaches and 
politicians and professors and all the other 
men I had tricd to mold myself after. 
Vengeance was manly and clean, sharp 
as a whalebone, and I was God. 

“Maybe I should just take a looksee,” I 

said slowly. 
Absolutely,” Chen said in a low voice. 
“You should at least know what this man 
looks like. He’s quite dangerous. He might 
decide to come after you.” 

“That would definitely not be nice,” 
1 grunted as I kneeled down and unzipped 
my Vaka-Pak. I took my 45 out of its 
plastic wrapper. As I loaded the magazine, 
pushing the fat cartridges down on the 
magazine spring, I could smell oil and 
metal and brass casings. I checked the 
slide, admiring the precision of the ma- 
chining, the beauty of the grooves. I could 
feel myself start to salivate. That тау 
sound insane, but it is a fact: І was in 
love with small tolerances, colors of metal, 
gunpowder, the fit of the pistol butt in 
my hand, the weight of the weapon, my 
knowledge of it. 

“Let's us go take a look at this frog," I 
said to Chen. I tucked the .45 into the 
belt of my slacks. I was in civilian clothes. 
There were no white men in uniform in 
Laos at that time. 

Chen did not go with me, of course. 
People like that never do. He ducked out. 
from under my arm and went into his 
room. “I'll be with you in a minute,” 
he said, but I knew he was lying. It did 
not matter. My pulse was racing and J 
felt alive for the first time in weeks, The 
thick air did not tire me and the rain 
was no hindrance. I gave one last yell for 

Chen and then took off for the bathhouse, 
Tiger's Place, It was а few blocks past the 
American mission house. 

Tiger was one of those Oriental wom- 
en of indeterminate age who carry a tough 
beauty with them all their lives. She wore 
silk dresses with high collars and slit 
skirts. It was hard not to watch her legs 
while you talked with her. She wore gold 
rings and pearl necklaces and expensive 
perfume, and I suspect she was on the 
payroll of every secret service in Laos. 

“Gene, I can't let you in," Tiger said 
when she saw me standing at her desk. 
"We're full.” 

"Where's LeGault?" I asked. I had the 
gin bottle in one hand and the .45 in the 
other. I took a last long hit of gin and 
put the bottle down on a table. "Chen 
told me he was her 

“You're drunk, Gene,” Tiger said 

“I just want to see him, OK? I got to 
know what he looks like. He took out 

wooden and noncaring voice, she asked 
me, “You are forcing me to tell you where 

laughed. I pulled the slide 
hack and let it slam forward. "There's a 
round in the chamber now.” 

“In that case, he's in number five. With 

“Thanks, Mamasan," I smiled. I slipped 
through the beaded curtain and crept 
down the long corridor, down the dim 
hall in a crouch that I thought was pro- 
fessional as hell. 

It was all very stupid, of course, because 
T was just being used without my knowing 
it. There were any number of governments 
that wanted to be rid of LeGault. I did 
not recognize it at the time, but I was in a 
ballet, being choreographed by unseen 
forces, and I was too dumb to know it. 

I listened at the door of number five. I 
heard water running and a woman's low, 
happy voice. Steam floated out of the half- 
open transom. I cannot explain it, but I 
felt as if I were standing in a dingy hotel 
hallway in a small town in Illinois. I сх- 
pected, for the moment, to sce my grand- 
mother bchind that door. 

I opened the door a crack without 
being heard. Valerie was scooping bowls of 
water from the tub and pouring them 
over a man's head as he Jay back in the 
water. She was cooing like a pigeon, the 
way she always did with me. She held a red 
washcloth in her other hand and she 
rubbed it across the man's chest. 

They probably felt the breeze from the 
door at the same time, because they turned. 
toward me together. I was standing in the 
firing position, arms extended, legs apart, 
both hands holding the 45 and pointing 
it straight toward them. 

“Allez-vous-en,” Y said to Valerie. She 
(continued on page 202) 

vu V 

“Not on my left-channel Slanley-Mazursky speaker that 
delivers transparent highs, solid but nonboomy bass and warm, 
expansive, wide-open response in the mid-range!” 


Ку, . 1 
Y + i к Р 
е i 
1 * ў . 
cag 4 { | | 
2. nó dd 
“ы. 5 T 
кы ا‎ - А е 
ToS dala e rom анс * 
y fi | чый NES cas 5 à 346 2 "F 
" dude. СЫ ед am Cot any ai Ан? э ОҢ» ^ 



it was the most 
savage riot in u.s. 
penal history —but 
the worst offenders 
may have been outside 
the prison walls 



To the, inmates; the pen was like а 
small-town: virgin: Once ‘they, took Муга 
bélonged to them, ihe ordinary. prisoners 
as шеШ аз the real cons: No matter then 
who became its master, they knew that 
they could always have it back. 

usual grudging, appropriation and local graft, 
the New Mexico State Penitentiary stands 11 
miles outside fashionable Santa: Fe оп a site 
‘of stark; incongruous beauty. Southward, the 
soft Ortiz Mountains round gently toward Al- 
buquerque and, far beyond, the Mexican bor- 
dex. On the west, across thc Rio Grande valley 
of scrub “and. piñon, is the shadowed, ever- 
changing escarpment of the Jemez range. And 
to the north looms the last great spur of the 
Rockies, Ше Sangre (бс Cristo chain named. 
the Blood of Christmore than 300 years ago by 
frightened, pious conquistadors who first. re- 
corded the haunting sunsets that draw oyer 
iis peaks, a'sudden drain of color, crimson to 

gray, sky tò ground, as if the mountains were _ 

suffering some massive hidden wound: y 
Beneath. these vistas, the prison “itself isan 

a harsher setting. Except for a nearby trailer 

court, some scattered ranches апа зсуега! tiny, 
remnant mining towns a few miles-east and 
south, - he "institution: remains isolated сапа 
distinct Ой a treeless) windswept placa 
perimeter lights Hit ny unexpectedly in the 
mountain darkness ‘off the Santa Fe-Albue 
queérque highway. Yet оп the chill night-of 
February 1, 1980, there strangely, lie 
wind. Тһелехсйау, the smoke fom smoldering 
cellblocks and corpses (continued өп page 114) 


. ^e. 



BASE oy er 





SAN TA ЕЕ (continued from page 111) 

“Тһе watch began at midnight with 15 corrections 
officers and one civilian to oversee 1157 inmates." 

would curl almost motionless over the 

For weeks there had been warnings of 
a riot. The ever-vigilant prison psychol- 
өңім had reported in early January that 
inmates were hiding weapons in dormi- 
tory E2 and were preparing to take 
hostages. Although a routine shakedown 
search found nothing, informers told the 
deputy warden and the superintendent 
of security a few days afterward that an 
uprising was still planned, probably fol- 
lowing an evening count of prisoners. 
By late January, there were increasing 
requests from convicts for transfer out 
of dormitory E-2. The inmates there and 
elsewhere had become tense and with- 
drawn. Junior employees were afraid to 
go to work. The texthook omens of 
prison violence were everywhere. 

On Thursday, January 31, a nervous 
penitentiary intelligence officer, a former 
military policeman on the job barely two 
weeks, convened a meeting of senior cor- 
rections officials to appraise the gathering 
evidence. In perfunctory, manly tones, 
they talked of a possible hostage seizure 
E22 the following spring, of potential 
escape attempts, of smuggled weapons, 
of the usual racial unrest between white 
supremacists and the pen’s dominant 
chicano gang, La Familia. The mood of 
the inmates, the intelligence officer ad- 
vised, was “quite ugly.” 

What mattered in that meeting, how- 
ever, were not the intelligence memos 
nor the many portents nor the new in- 
telligence officer's inexperience but, 
rather, the men around the table. At 
their head sat the deputy secretary of 
corrections, the highest career official 
in the state system and, for the past 
27 years, at least—whether as associate 
warden, warden or simply headquarters 
bureaucrat—the ruling jefe of New Mex- 
ico's pen. More than any other single 
figure, save perhaps his own patron, 
the present governor of the state, this 
тап had shaped the history that had 
come down to that moment. It was 

largely his creation, his domain, that was 
about to erupt in the most savage riot 

American penal history. Most of the 
others in the room were likewise his 
creatures, men of the system, men too 
accustomed to ugly omens. 

When the meeting was over, there 
were no orders for special precautions or 
procedures, or even for checking and 
enforcing routine security practices. A 
week before, the warden had asked su- 

JM pervisors to review the riot-control plan; 

only two staff members could even find 
copies. As the officers of the morning 
shift arrived at the pen for work late 
the next night, they knew nothing of 
the Thursday intelligence meeting, noth- 
ng of the warnings about dormitory 
E or a nighttime take-over. 

In the first minutes of Saturday, 
February second, the prison guard 
changed with a routine briefing. The 
evening census count had been taken 
and the situation reported normal. The 
morning watch began at midnight with. 
15 corrections officers and one civilian 
medical technician left inside the peni- 
tentiary to oversee 1157 inmates, the 
guards outnumbered almost 80 to 1 in an 
institution built to keep safely and hu- 
manely no more than 850. The prisoners, 
some with mattresses on a cold floor, 
were jammed through ten two-story dor- 
mitories, cell houses and maximum- 
security cellblocks that form the north 
and south wings of the institution—all 
connected by a single central corridor 
running wing to wing through a middle 
administrative area housing the prison 
offices, mess halls, kitchen, gymnasium 
and control center. With each intersect- 
ing unit and each wing sealed off by 
riotcontrol grilles, the single-corridor 
"telephone pole" design is intended to 
conserve staff and security and to con- 
fine disturbances to their point of origin. 
But this design does not reckon with 
the human realities of penitentiary life. 

Outwardly, there is a familiar insti- 
tutional feeling about this prison: the 
hard textures of concrete and tile, poor- 
ly painted steel and tattooed skin, the 
hollow, sometimes crashing sound of 
footsteps, or doors slamming, or sudden 
voices down a distant corridor, the 
mingling of food and disinfectant with 
the hidden, sour scent of 1000 confined 
men. Yet beneath that surface, there is 
another world. It is a world of daily 
uncertainty and fear and hate, for 
guards and inmates alike. In the next 
few hours, that world will rise and 
turn unrelieved. 
rage on itself—smearing the state's con- 
crete and tile with blood, shocking and 
puzzling those who refuse to acknowl- 
edge it—and will then disappear again 
behind the shoddy walls of official fail- 
ure and self-protection. 

At 1:09 A.M., shift supervisor Captain 
Gregory Roybal and his sccond-in-com- 
mand, Lieutenant José Anaya, started a 
tour of the prison’s south wing to close 

st accumulated, 

its va 

down the dayrooms—open areas adja- 
cent to dormitories and cell houses where 
inmates are allowed to watch television 
on weekends until 1:30 л.м. Roybal and 
Anaya were both 52, with more than 20 
years of service at the pen, Neither had 
formal training in corrections, On a pris- 
on staff where a turnover of 80 percent 
common, they were officers of a guard 
corps composed of a small clique of un- 
schooled veterans and a majority of new, 
inexperienced officers whose starting sal- 
ary was little more than $700 a month 
and of whom fewer than one third had 
received even minimal training. 

The commanders began their rounds 
by passing through the steel corridor 
grille that separates the south wing from 
the administrative area and the central 
control room of the prison. The grille 
was supposed to be closed during those 
hours, but it was not. Like their fellow 
officers, like the warden and his deputy, 
like the high-ranking corrections-depart- 
ment officials who had walked the same 
corridor over the past months, Roybal 
and Anaya left the grille open as they 
passed through. 

"The officers secured a few of the south 
units without incident. Ahead, beyond an- 
other open, seldom-closed control grille, 
was dormitory E-2. The crowded dormi- 
tories, some with their flanking rows of 
double bunks, are the least secure units of 
the prison, designed for comparatively 
well-behaved convicts. Yet that night, E-2 
housed among its 62 prisoners some of the 
stitution’s most violent men, transferred 
there in a group the previous autumn 
while their maximum-security cellblock 
five was being renovated. 

Three inmates from E-2 had recently 
been sent back to cellblock segregation, 
though none for suspicion of a take-over. 
On the other hand, there were men in 
E2 who had been named by informers 
and in official intelligence reports as 
among those plotting a riot. There were 
cells available for them, but they had not 
been moved. 

Two weeks earlier, several inmates in 
E2 had smuggled yeast and raisins from 
the kitchen, mixed them in plastic gar- 
bage bags and made a pungent home- 
brew. By the time the guards climbed the 
stairs to the locked door of the dormi- 
tory, the men had been drinking heavily 
for several hours. They were angry, and 
they were waitin; 

Inside, E-2 was shrouded in darkness. 
Small blue night lights over the aisle had 
been burned out, routinely reported and 
routinely unreplaced for over a month. 
Only the faint cast of the lights from the 
Javatory and on the perimeter fence out- 
side silhouetted the still forms in the 

Joined now by guard Michael Schmitt, 
Roybal and Anaya entered the dormitory 

(continued on page 164) 

No, thanks, 
I'm celibate. 

a victorian 
guide to 
sexual abstinence 
With an introduction by DEREK PELL 


is bad sex. Whether one wields cumbersome 
ains manual labor. Recall the strenuous frenzy of 
in ogenous zones, the tiresome stream of vocal endear- 
z, the heated huffing and puffing, spitting and sucking (and for sadists, kick- 
ing and shoving)—that results in exhausted humping and lunging and banging, not to mentio s kissing (while out of 
breath) and abnormal exertions of the tongue (does anyone honestly believe that this repu ppendage was meant 
to work overtime outside one's mouth?), Not only is coitus collaborative drudgery but it is a distinctly anti-intellectual pur- 
rather than, say, reading Camus or taking in a museum, is shameful, 
ny cerebral distractions. 
ly pursuits that I recently uncovered a manuscript, The Joy of Celibacy, by Doktor Bey, 

n a country blessed with so 
in the midst of such schol: 


a Victorian gynecollagist. Ironically, Bey's 
best-known work was a classic how-to 
book for aspiring deviates (Doktor Bey's 
Handbook of Strange Sex. Sissy Twitch 
and Sly, London, 1899). At the time, it 
was believed that the author himself was 
a practicing pervert, but the discovery of 
this manuscript. offers overwhelming evi- 
dence that he was a closet asexual. 

Perhaps, dear reader, you are wonder- 
ing what relevance a 19th Century cclebra- 
tion of abstinence has for the liberated 
men and women of the Eighties. Well, 
plenty. It is an undeniable fact that today 
many people are turning off thcir love- 
making and, instead, turning оп their 
television: choosing Eyewitness News over 
cunnilingus, opting for Family Feud, rath- 
er than fellatio. Yes, statistics prove this. 
Why? Because Modern Man is lazy. 

Modern readers should welcome this 
enlightened exit off a dead-end road, а 
road that сап lead only to despair, disease 
or the birth of a child. So come, walk 
together, not hand in hand but joyfully 
detached, and enter the unexciting world. 
of celibacy. You will discover an art that 
needs no practice. 


1. Longer life expectancy: The average 
life span of the celibate is 104.5 years. Un- 
fortunately, the chaste individual runs the 
risk of being buried alive by misguided 
good Samaritans. 

2. Increased energy: In a recent study 
at Oxford uM it was discovered 
that celibate hyenas were able to run up 
and down a flight of steps, without pause. 
for 48 hours, while practicing hyenas often 
collapsed and began masturbating after 
15 minutes. 

3. Greater capacity to govern: Мапу 
well-known despots have achieved great 
success by suppressing their sexuality, as 
well as dissent. 

4. More leisure time: While hedonists 
are busy slaving away in the bedroom, the 
celibate is free to pursue his hobbies, 

5. Less accident prone: Rarely do celi- 
bates have accidents while lying down. 


Occupations best suited to a life of 
celibacy: marriage counselor. mortician's 
assistant, taxidermist, arithmetic teacher, 
postal worker, matador, literary critic, li- 
brarian, carnival freak, octogenarian, 
court-room stenographer, meteorologist, 
one-man-band leader, toll-booth opera- 
tor, ballistics expert, schoolcrossing. 
guard, leper, Ayatollah. 

Adultery: Celibacy, as practiced by dhil- 

|: Piece of furniture for the purpose of 
sexual intercourse (see perversion), Most 
cclibates prefer a rack of nails. 

Byesexual: Man who has bid farewell to 






his private parts (see castration). 

Castration: Removal, by chisel, of un- 
wanted protuberance. 

Chastity bells: Device that, when attached 
to the genitalia of either sex, warns of 
the slightest arousal in time to take 
action (see shower bathing). 

Sound of celibate expressing joy. 

: Gossip exchanged by celibates. 

Discase: "That which is not contracted by 
celibates, with the exception of leprosy. 

Ejaculate: One who flees the altar prior 

ng "I do." 

Female celibate; miniature 
igloo cuclosing the clitoris. 

Gay celibate: One who travels exclusively 
in mixed company. 

Impotence: Motto among Southern celi- 
bates: “Sex is of no impotence.” 

Japanese style: Suicide performed on 
one’s wedding night. 

Knowledge (carnal): That which is un- 

Lima beans: Cclibate's favorite snack. 

Greasing one’s feet (or foot- 

1 in escape from a rapist. 

Masochist: А well-adjusted celibate. 

Standing erect in the 

middle of a jungle. 

Navel: Object of contemplation among 
devout celibates. 

Oral contraceptive: A lecture on the joy 
of celibacy. 

Organ donor: See castration. 

Perversion: See sexual intercourse. 

Pimp: Dwarf devoted to the seduction of 

Quickie: Competition among celibates in 
the 50-yard dash. 

Railways: Transportation avoided by mile 

bates for fear of entering a tunnel. 

Sadist: An unhappy celibate. 

Saltpeter: Aphrodisiac for virgins. 

Self-abuse: The banging of one's head 
against a wall to vent hostili 

Sexual intercourse: See perversion. 

Shower bathing: Simultaneous cold show- 
er and hot bath to exorcise desire. 

ixty-nine: Number of noncrogenous 


‘Testicle: Phallicshaped frozen dessert giv- 

ng a convent to cstab- 

ес chastity bells. 
Vasectomy: The placement of an urn over 
the male member to conceal an erection. 
Voyeur: A blind celibate. 
Wet blanket: Lounging robe for celibates 
("Excuse me, while I slip into some- 
thing less comfortable"). 


1. Thou shalt not think it. 2. Thou 
shalt not dream it. 3. Thou shalt not want 
it. 4. Thou shalt not have it, 5. Thou 
shalt not touch it. 6. Thou shalt not taste 
it. 7. Thou shalt not see it. 8. Thou shalt 
not hear it. 9. Thou shalt not smell it. 10. 
Thou shalt not mingle with those who do. 

modern living 


nine reasons to hark to the call of arms 

work if you can get it—and one of the ways to get 

it is to slip or buckle something onto your wrist that 
shows you're a cut above the rest of the crowd. A simple 
bracelet says more about your taste tban a whole wallet 
full of С notes; and the same goes for a good-looking 
unusual watch. Get some wrist action in your life, gentlemen, 

and you'll be coming to grips with the other type soon. 

H OLDING HANDS at midnight 'neath a starry sky is nice 

Right: On this lucky fol- 

gold Riviera quartz watch, 
by Baume & Mercier, 
$9900, including an 18-kt.- 
gold band. Left: The Man- 
hattan GMT Chronosplit 
features a dual watch 
face; the lower portion is 
an analog quartz watch 
with date, while the 
vpper half is an LCD 

stop watch plus readout 
info on time, date and 
day, by Hever, $495. 

Left: The Citizen quartz 
watch also tells the day/ 
date, by Citizen Watch, 
$125. Below left: This 14- 
kt.-gold-cased Concord 
Nine/Quartz Royal Mari- 
ner watch stays accurate 
to 60 seconds a year, by 
Concord Watch Carp., 
$1390. Below: Casia's 
wonder watch, the C-80, 
does math and doubles as 
а stop watch and cale 
and tells dual times whi 

you're overseas, $69.95. 

It'll be a new you іп this 18-kt.- 
yellow-gold 1.0. bracelet (below) 
set with 38 small diamonds 
weighing .86 carat, from Nei- 
man-Marcus, $7480. Мек! t 
ап inexpensive alternative, a 
simple yet elegont gold-plated 
Pierre Cardin bracelet, $18. 


If you're honkering to put a band 
of gold around your wrist, make 
it a bracelet from Tiffany; the 
round one, below, is of sterling 
silver coupled with a 1 
gold-wire hinge, $25 
other is a classy 14-kt.- 
gold-link brocelet, $1015. 


«т like to rise early and 

get in some strenuous ех- 
ercise maybe go for a 

run on the beach, then 
play my flute for a little 
while. After that, I sit down 
to a breakfast of my own 
‘good home cookin’. ” 

Santa Barbara Siren 

she’s shy, beautiful and multitalented, and if you need 
а good reason to visit santa barbara, kym herrin is it 


10 / / 

F YOU Evek strolled with your lover 
along Butterfly Beach in Santa Barbara 
around sunset, chances are you were 
treated to a one-woman concert by 
Kymberly Ellen Herrin. “I used to ride 
my bike down there when I was a stu- 
dent at Santa Barbara City College and 
park beside a fiberglass tunnel. Га sit 
there, where I could watch the sun set 
on the Pacific, and aim my flute down 
the tunnel. People walked by, different 
couples, and I'd play music to fit them. 
If it was an older man and woman, 
maybe in their 50s, I'd play something 
like Moon River. When a young couple 
passed, or maybe a girl walking alone 
Га play something contemporary like 
The Girl from Ipanema, Y like to be 
alone with my flute. People who play 
music are never really alone.” Kymberly 
also plays guitar, harmonica, piano and 
a dab of sax. She surfs like a water sprite. 
She's a licensed real-estate agent. She 
lives in a rented house near the ocean 
where she shares the space with a family 
of rabbits (“The seven new babies are so 
cute. They look like little Volkswagens”). 
a collection of rare birds and a parrot 
named Paco who dive-hombs her in the 
kitchen, lands on the counter and says, 
“Стпеге, baby." Kymberly's shy. "I feel 
even shier if I really like a person. If it's 
a man, I get very nervous. It's hard to 
look him in the cyes. ] always lose the 
staring contest, because I think he'll see 
the lust in my heart." You might say she's 
unusually shy for such а beautiful and. 
talented. woman, but then, she's a late 

“I like tall, dark-haired men, preferably with broad shoulders, 
but I'm not attracted lo bodybuilders. 1 enjoy men with 

some wil and a cultural background. Those are things you can see 
in a man's face and carriage, even before you've met him.” 


bloomer. She's spent more of her life being awkward, tall and skinny rather than graceful, leggy and, uh, just right. “It all 
happened during one summer when I was in high school. My mother was away for two months, flying her airplane in various 
races like the Powder Puff Derby, and in that two months, I gained 20 pounds in the right places, The day she came home, I 
was sitting on our front porch, and she got out of her car, came over and said, “Куш?” She barely recognized me. When I was 
a scrawny little nothing, I could stay out past 11. Suddenly I had a ten-o'clock curfew.” Kym's mother has been the primary 
influence in her с. Her parents divorced when she was in grade school and her mother, а successful real-estate marketing 
developer, raised Kym, her older brother and two older sisters. Kym admits that she very nearly idolizes her mother, and it's 
easy to see why: “My mother is dark-haired and very beautiful. She's half Filipino—my father was Swedish-French—which gives 
her beautiful skin and eyes. Aside from running her own business and raising her children, she plays piano, she's a great cook, 
she flies and races airplanes and owns her own. Right now, she's building herself a new house. You might say that she's my 
inspiration. Everything she does, she does well.” Obviously, Kym is her mother’s daughter. Aside from her culinary skills, her 

“My favorite time to make love is the late afternoon. I get 
so much energy from it that I want to go out and do some- 
thing. I like making love at night, too, but not if I intend 
to go to sleep, because afterward my heart is pounding so.” 

“It seems like half the people 
in California have Jacuzzis 

or hot tubs. After a while, 
they're boring. I’m tired of 
Jacuzzis. In fact, you 

might say I'm just pruned out.” 


musical versatility and her unques- 
tionable physical beauty, she's also 
goal-oriented. The first thing she 
intends to do with the check she'll 
receive as our March Playmate is 
“invest in some property my 
mom.” Kym also plans to build 
her own house one day. “I've al- 
ready designed it in my head a 
million times,” she laughs. 

One reason Kym may never 
leave Santa Barbara is the surf. 
She learned to scuba-dive when she 
was 14. (“Ме and one other girl in 
a class with all men. Our boobs 
kept falling out of our bathing 
suits and nobody told us. But we 
passed, and by 15, I was diving 160 
feet.”) At 15, she climbed up onto 
her first surfboard, and she's been 
getting better ever since. We took 
a few photos of her riding the 
waves and, shy though she is, she 
asserted herself enough to ask that 
we indude at least one of those 
shots in the layout. “It seems like 
whenever they have a surfing 
Playmate, they never show her 
surfing. I just wanted one picture 
of me on those waves in Hawaii" 
(where she visited with Staff Pho- 
tographer Richard Fegley). "They 
were really good, over my head." 

Kym's immediate goal is to trav- 
el as much as possible, to places 
like Australia, South America, Mi- 
cronesia and Africa, to sce the fan- 
tastic wildlife, “especially the birds. 
"There's so much beauty out there," 
she says. Not to mention here. 

“When I was a little girl, maybe ten years old, I saw my first PLAYBOY. 
Back then, I had no fantasies about being a Playmate, because my 
first thought was, Geez, these women are really old; they must be 

as old as my mother. T hen, when I started blooming, I looked at the 
Playmates differently. I thought, Wow, these are beautiful women!” 


BUST: ааш. 24“ dite 

HEIGHT: „Б'9" werent: 124 sien: Libra — — 

BIRTH DATE: e mure 2 
--10 live lmg, laugh -R H 

TURN-ONS : Liwe ЖЕУ. 227220) езі nu tans - 

hme Ст" hot- al 

TURN-OFFS : n fial o 2 0 дилай. and 


Sus P» fed 
e, Shue Under, Whe Lhe 

FAVORITE 277 the Lm 5% АУ? ы diin, 

ЖЕ (ға 7 

-- E, Е ^ - 
Аде TT 44,92 аай 


My last boss told me during the job interview 
that he was interested in a combination of 
input and output," the girl told the employ- 
ment counselor, "but I soon learned that what. 
the combination involved was his putting it 
in while I put outl" 

What astrological sign do you relate to best 
in a woman?" small-talked the girl in the 
singles bar. 

“I have a definite favorite,” smiled the fel- 
low. "It's Clitaurus.” 

We recently heard the procedure whereby 
a Nobel Prize winner furnishes sperm for arti- 
ficial-insemination purposes referred to as а 
stroke of genius. 

In a gay troupe, an actor named Freed 
Was consumed by a cocksucking need. 
When they found him in bed 
With the star, the chap said, 
“It’s a game where I'm blowing the lead!” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines sexual eye 
signals as diddlywinks. 

1 used to let this ugly but rich and lonely old 
widow go down on me,” reminisced the one- 
time stud-for-pay during a drinking session at 
his club, “even though she wasn't very accom- 
plished and once even left tooth marks on my 
manhood. It proved to be worth it, though." 

“How so?" inquired an avid listener. 

“When she died, I turned out to be the heir 
of the dog that bit me.” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines feminine 
activism as a lib shtick. 

А transplanted Cockney 
accessible to the guys on the tour 
been nicknamed the British Open. 

ЛЕ groupie is so 
t she's 

Ik was in one of the last of the one-room school- 
houses that a small girl ran up to the teacher's 
desk and sobbed, “I just caught my finger in 
the desk topl" 

“Well, I'll kiss it and make it well, Betsy,” 
smiled the pretty schoolmarm. 

“And I caught my dingus in my zipper dur- 
ing recess, pr Smithers. shouted a раан 15- 
year-old. "How about some equal rights!” 

You see me wearing my hair in an Afro," de- 
claimed a flamboyant white pseudo activist to 
а small group at a party. “Іп fact, I'm so into 
civil rights that I've gone and teased my pubic 
hair into an Afro, too!” 

“And that means,” added his wife, who had 
had it with her spouse's ceaseless posturing, 
“that during ا‎ I have to look for a 
needle in a haystack.” 

КІ died, George, would you remarry?” the 
woman asked her husband out of the blue. 

"Thats a morbid question to spring on 
me, Louise," answered the man, "but, to be 
frank, in due time I probably would. 

"Would you bring your second wife here 
to live?” 

"Since the house is all paid for—yes." 

“Would you let her wear my mink coat?” 

“It would make more sense than taking 
a loss selling it." 

“I suppose you'd even let the hussy who'd 
replace me use my custom-crafted golf clubs!” 
railed Louise. 

“No, no— not that,” responded George. “She 
happens to be left-handed.” 

Sighed a sensitive condom named Ron: 
“Tm put off by the trick and the con: 
And the ads haven't fibbed 
In their saying I'm ribbed— 
There's a Scot who keeps putting me on!” 

Im afraid there'll be a substantial wait this 
evening, Mr. Sullivan,” the madam apologized 
to one of her Saturday-night regulars. “They're 
lined up humper to humper.” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines shrewd 
sheiks as oil slicks. 


When the old farmer was on his deathbed, he 
told his wife, “Rachel, I have something to 
confess. Those odd notches on the barn door— 
well, each marks a time when I was unfaithful 
to you with a hired girl.” 

“You can rest easy, Ben,” said Rachel, “be- 

а I've cheated оп you, too.” 
low often?" quavered the dying man. 

"As many times with various hired men as 
there are beans in that old pot in the pantry,” 
cackled his spouse, "and theyre all there— 
except, of course, for the batch I went and 
cooked up for the harvesting crew last year!” 

Heard a funny one lately? Send it on а post- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 
Playboy Bldg., 919 М. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 
ШШ. 60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor 
whose card is selected. Johes cannot be returned, 

tside under the balcony?” 

“Aren't they supposed to do that ou 

the one policy nobody 
seems to offer is the one that 

protects you from the 
hazards of insurance itself. 



E comes into your home with a hearty hand- 
Н: looking you right in the eye. Immediate- 

ly, he gives you the road atlas his company's 
ad promised. He admires your place, tells a joke and 
laughs at onc of yours. He shows you that he's an all- 
right guy. 

Before he leaves, your friendly local life-insurance 
salesman expects to have your signature on the dotted 
line. You will have committed yourself to spending 
thousands of dollars over a period of years for a prod- 
uct you really don't know very much about. The 
salesman will have carned a commission of perhaps 
$200 or $300, plus residuals And you will have 
stepped into a bear trap. 

You will have stepped into it because the salesman 
appealed simultaneously to your sense of responsibility 
and your sense of greed. There’s nothing wrong with 
either responsibility or greed; but when you try to 
make them bedfellows, you may be giving yourself 
an unintended kick in the financial nuts. Because 
neither your obligations nor the investment value 
of your policy may be what you think it is. 

Responsibility. If you're married, you don't neces- 
sarily need life insurance; the obligation doesn't come 
with the ring. If you don't have children, your wife, 

if she works, might be able to manage fine on her 
own (financially speaking) if you were to die. 

If you're single, you probably need life insurance 
even less. Your death might be an emotional tragedy 
for a number of people, but it probably won't cause 
anyone to suffer major financial harm. 

But if you have kids, there's where responsibility 
really comes in. Your death would create serious finan- 
cial problems for your wife and children. Life insur- 
ance can help protect them from those problems. 

But kids do grow up. Once they're on their own, is 
it your responsibility to provide them with a windfall 
profit on your death? Think twice. You just might 
decide that it’s not. 

So your necd for life insurance may be a temporary 
one. Why, then, should you buy the most commonly 
sold policy, which is intended to cover you for a life- 
time? Here's where the greed motive comes in. 

Greed. The salesman says something like thi 
“Look, friend, you need a certain amount of insur- 
ance. You could get just plain, temporary protection 
in the form of term insurance, which covers you for 
a limited number of years. But at the end of all that 
time, if you live, you get absolutely nothing back. 
Term insurance is the kind of insurance you have to 




136 of return on a lif 

Ше to collect. If you buy term insurance 
and you live, you're just throwing your 
moncy away. You might as well throw it 
down the sewer. You don't want term 
insurance. You want permanent insur- 
ance. Look at this whole life policy. 
With it, if you live, you get money 
back. Look at what your cash value will 
be in 25 years...” 

So, if you're like two thirds of the 
buyers, you take the salesman's advice 
and forget about term insurance. Instead, 
you buy a policy that has a cash value, 
one that offers “permanent” coverage. 
It may be called whole life, straight 
, ordinary life or some jazzier name. 
"The trap has just snapped shut. 

Don't blame the salesman. He really 
believes that permanent insurance— 
“whole life" insurance—is better for you 
than term insurance. He's been taught 
to believe that. He's paid to believe that. 
Blame yourself, if you didn't know 
enough to demand term insurance or at 
least to consider it very seriously. 

Because what you've just done, if you 
bought a whole life policy, is made an 
investment without planning for it, as 
you would plan if you bought stocks or 
bonds. That “money back" the salesman 
promised you amounts to an investment 
return, cven though it's not called that. 

Now, you're probably a fairly savvy 
guy when it comes to investments. You 
keep most of your cash in certificates of 
deposit, or real estate, or money-market 
funds, or somewhere—somewhere be- 
ides a regular savings account that pays 
a measly five-and-a-half percent interest 
rate. Right? But when you buy a life- 
insurance policy and the salesman says 
you should buy whole life because that 
way, if you live, you get “something 
back,” do you ask what the rate of re- 
turn is on the portion you get back? 
No, you don't. You don’t because you 
don't know to ask And if you asked, 
most companies wouldn't tell you. Rate- 
ofreturn information on the savings 
portion of a life-insurance policy isn't 
currently required by the 17.5. Govern- 
ment, or by any state (though Massa- 
chusetts and North Carolina have been 
considering it). Insurance companies 
often act as if there were no such thing 
as the rate of return on a life-insurance 
policy. Some of them even say there's no 
such thing. 

And that, to borrow a phrase from 
Jimmy Carter, is a lot of baloney. 
Sure, any figure you calculate as the rate 
of return can be disputed. But, by the 
same token, there are several ways to 
calculate the rate of return on a cor- 
porate bond. Yet you never hear anyone 
on Wall Street seriously maintain that 
the yield on a bond can't be calculated 
or that there is no such thing. 

The formula for calculating the rate 
insurance policy 

is well known within the industry. It’s 
called the Linton yield, because it was 
developed by an actuary named Albert 
Limon. The math is complicated, but 
the concept is simple to understand. 
nsider two 35-year-old buyers, Pat and. 
Tom. Pat buys “permanent” whole life 
insurance; Tom buys “temporary” term, 
We'll say they each buy $100,000 worth 
of coverage, hold their policies for 20 
years, then drop them. 

"Tom's term coverage costs him about 
$225 a year to start with. Each year, the 
premium goes up, because, with rising 
age. Tom's chances of dying are in. 
creased. By the time he's 55, Tom is 
paying about $1000 a year. 

Pat pays $1200 a year from the start— 
about five times what Tom initially pays. 
But Pats premium for a whole Ше 
policy never goes up; it always remains 
51900 a усаг. Pat can keep his coverage 
into his 90s if he wants to, still paying 
the same rate. Tom's term coverage, by 
contrast, probably can't be renewed after 
the age of 65 or so. If it can, the rates 
will be very steep, indeed. At the age of 
75, for example, Tom would have to 
pay about $10,000 for a ytar's coverage. 
Pat would still be paying $1200 a year. 

Pat's policy builds up a cash valuc. At 
the end of 20 years, when he is 55, that 
value ht be about $33.000. If Pat 
ends his insurance coverage then, he 
gets back the $33,000. If Tom ends his 
insurance coverage at the same time, he 
gets nothing back, because term insur- 
ance has no cash value. So who got the 
better deal? 

Probably "Tom. You might think his 
rate of return was zero; but consider that 
for the whole 20 years, Tom was paying 
lower premiums Шап Pat. The шопеу 
he saved on his premiums could have 
been invested. It could have been put in 
the bank, in a money-market fund, in 
stocks or in any number of other invest- 
ments. The Linton yicld tells how well 
"Tom has to do with his investments to 
match Pat's $33,000 return. 

Assuming Pat bought an average 
whole life policy, all Tom needs to do 
to come out ahead is to earn 4.12 percent 
after taxes. That conclusion emerges 
from a mammoth study of life insurance 
released in July 1979 by the staff of the 
Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 

In other words, the average life- 
insurance policy is about as good an 
investment over a 20-year period as that 
much-disparaged vehicle, the passbook 
savings account! 

But the FTC report has а number of 
other shocks in store. That 4.12 percent 
figure is the rate of return for policies 
that pay dividends—called, іп the trade, 
participating pol The average rate 
of return for nonparticipating policies— 
those that don’t pay dividends—was 2.47 


Also, life-insurance savings have a ma- 
jor disadvantage compared with pass- 
book savings. On a passbook account, 
you currently get only about four per- 
cent alter taxes (assuming you pay about 
25 percent of your income in taxes), but 
at least you get it consistently. With a 
life-insurance policy. your rate of return 
for the first several years is negative. 
The FTC estimated the average return 
(for dividend-paying policies) at minus 
8.36 percent for the first five years, and 
at only 1.48 percent if the policy is held 
ten years! (One reason is that the agents 
commission is paid mainly in the carly 
years.) In short, you have to hold the 
average lifeinsurance policy for about 
20 years just to earn the mediocre rate 
of return available on passbook savings 

After the 20th year, the rate of return 
usually rises a bit more but not much. 
The average lifeinsurance policy still 
returns less than five percent a year, 
even if held for 30 years. 

The trap clicks shut. If you buy а 
whole life policy, you face a problem. 
You've committed yourself to pay a fixed 
premium, year after year. If you decide 
to quit early, your rate of return will 
be, in a word, putrid. But if you hold 
on to the policy for the 20 or so years 
necessary to carn a fairly decent rate 
of return, inflation will probably have 
made that policy's coverage inadequate. 
IF inflation runs at eight percent a year 
from now until the year 2000, the 
5100,000 policy you buy today will then 
be worth only $23,171 (in today's dol- 
lars). That's if you die and your sur- 
vivors get the $100,000. If you live to 
cash in the policy in the year 2000, the 
530,000 or so you'd get would be worth, 
in today's dollars, about $6951. 

You also have to ask yourself how all 
that fis into your lifestyle. Let's say 
you have young children now. You know 
that your death, in the next year or two, 
would mean a real hardship for them. 
For about $225 a year (if you're around 
35 and buy term insurance), you can 
arrange for your wife to get $100,000 if 
you die. Simple and direct. In 20 years, 
your children may be self-sufficient, or 
may have joined some cult and fled to 
Kuala Lumpur. You might be divorced. 
You might even be dead. In most or all 
of those cases, you might well regret 
having decided to commit yourself to 
shelling out, permanently, $1200 2 year 
for permanent whole life insurance, 

But my agent says. . . . Life-insurance 
salesmen have quite a repertoire of argu- 
ments designed to get you to buy whole 
life or similar policies. Let's look at a 
few of them. 

1. Whole life helps you save money. 
“All right," the salesman might say. 
“Theoretically, you might be better off 

(continued on page 144) 

Right This lucky fellow's having no 
problem weathering the storm іп 

checked impermeable-cotton trench-type 
coat with self-belt, stand-up соШбт, 
padded shoulders and zip front, from 
lee Wright by Lanerossi, obout $185. 


taking a walk on the wet side? here are some 
colorful ways to add dash to the splash 

attire By DAUID PLATT 

THE CLASSIC BOGART TRENCH COAT may still be the most pop- 
ular style of raingear for walking in the wet. but this season is 
seeing a deluge of slick fashion choices. АП the designs, of 
course, have one objective—to keep the wearer dry—but the 
idea that this might be accomplished more interestingly seems 
to have occurred to a number of people. Hence the prolifera- 
tion of bright colors, shiny fabrics, jump suits, rain suits (even 
one done with short pants that may not keep your legs dry 



but is sure to get them noticed) and reversibles. А major 
influence comes quite naturally from sailing/fishing Сое, 
which have traditionally combined protection and a lively use 
of color. If this spiffer attitude to rainwear still seems a bit 
alien to you, consider the many ways that males are success 
fully mixing different looks. Cowboy elements (hats, boots, 
etc) are being combined with urban businesswear. Down-filled 

Above: Woter, water, everywhere, except on this street-wise city 
slicker who's escaping the elements wearing а precoated cotton 
poplin rain slicker feoturing a snap-front closure, drowstring hood 
and two snap-flap patch pockets, Бу Shedrain Company, $21. (It's 
double-your-money time, chaps, as this slicker also reverses to с 
navy-blue cotton polyester one.) His nylon tartan brolly, also 
by Shedrain, features a very sturdy wooden shaft, about $22. 

Below left: More slick stuff—this one's о water-repellent rubberized rain 
slicker with a convertible hood, zip and Velcro front closure, adjustable 
Velcro cuffs, two Velcro flap patch pockets and a Velcro collar tab, by 
Basco All-American Sportswear, about $45. (His cotton water-repellent 
umbrella is by Mespo Umbrellas, $22.) Below: For top-to-toe prote: when 
freewheeling in the wet, it's tough to beat this water-repellent rubberized 
rain er featuring block trim, zip- and snop-front closure, twin snop- 
flap bellows pockets and a convertible hood, $130, that’s been teamed 
with motching snap-leg coveralls, $90, both by Al В. Arden for Starpoint. 

ski jackets are being donned over 
suits. And active sportswear that 
would look right at home on a tennis 
court, jogging track or rugby field is 
now being worn practically any- 
where; casualwear is acceptable just 
for the fun of it. It seems to us that 
the same kind of experimenting and 
imagination make equally good sense 
in every area of apparel. Don’t think 
for a second that your basic black/ 
brown/tan raincoat is obsolete. But 
for variety and something of an up- 
lift when there's a downpour, it's a 
kick to have a few catchy looks to put 
оп, whether you're walking the dog 
or dashing out for a sixpack. While 
you're rethinking your wet-weather 
wardrobe, give some consideration to 
picking up a bold-color brolly, too. 

Top left: Here’s a short subject for a 
rainy day—a nylon rain jacket with 
button-front closure and button-through 
angled flap pockets, $52.50, worn with 
matching walking shorts with belt loops, 
side-entry pockets, plus two handy over- 
sized bellows flop pockets, $25, both by 
Don Robbie. Left: No, our man isn't c 
race-car driver taking shelter from с 
squall, he's just a hip guy who's into 
the latest in raingear—a nylon/cotton 
water-repellent jump suit with zip- and 
diagonal snap-front closure, elasticized 
waistband, stand-up quilted collar and 
а biswing back, by Ron Chereskin for 
State О'Моіпе, $90. Opposite poge: 
Who says you can't get a taxi (or a 
taxi driver) on a rainy day in the big 
city? His cover story is а good-looking 
one: It’s а nylon ciré trench-type coat 
with button-front closure, back yoke, self- 
belt and button-through inverted back 
pleat, by Sal Cesarani, about $65. 



Ше magazine, once king of 
hard-news phota stories, is back, 
but the focus of the stories has 
changed. In its July 
life ran a story on John’s digs 
titled Casa Travolte: An Exclu- 
sive Look at the House That 
"Grease" Bought. The mogo- 
revealed that “obsessed 
with his appearance, Trovolto 
had his ‘thunder thighs,’ as he 
calls them, retouched to slim 
them down for the Urban Cow- 
boy [publicity] photos.” 




In lote February, China on- 
nounced that it had begun its 
own version of People mogo- 

warld events. 

Тһе pastelecion 

During ол interview with NBC 
political color man Teddy White, 
Richard Nixon shared some of 
the wisdom he has acquired 
about how politicians should 
deal with TV appearances. “The 
moin thing is to get a good pic- 
ture where you're not wiping 
your brow,” explained the for- 
mer President, who then demon- 
strated what he meant by wiping 
his upper lip. 



Variety, the show-business newspaper, always hos a speciol twist on 


CARTER weeps.» And the first poragraph af the story announcing 
the most profound voter shift in 48 years began: “Elevation to the 
U. S. Presidency of Hollywood actor Ronold Reagan poses questions 
of what he could or would da to help solve theatrical problems.” 


Froncis Ford Cappola produced 
а half-hour live TV commercial 
for California's Governor Jerry 
Brown the Friday before the 
Wisconsin Presidential primary. 
The technical problems he en- 
countered were reminiscent of 
those he suffered on the set of 
Apocalypse Now. 

Opening credits proclaimed, 
"Live from Madisno, Wiscinsin./” 
Governor Brown first appeared 
on the screen the state- 
capitol dome showing through 
an apparent hole in his head. 
While he wos speaking, his 
microphone went deod and one 
in the clicked open— 
picking up a voice thot said, 


zine. Important People fectures 
“brief biographies of important 
peaple, longer articles on indi- 
viduals ond their experiences, 
letters, anecdotes and extracts 
from diaries af revolutionaries 
of the older generation." 


The National Enquirer's crack 
team of psychics made these 
predictions for 1980: 

“Senator Ted Kennedy will 
capture the Democratic Presi- 
dential nomination in 1980 and 
then—with a women өз his run- 
ning mote—will sweep into the 
White Hause in a landslide.” 

"Bob Hope will become the 

new U.S. 

“Ап amazing electronic de- 
vice developed by scientists will 
do away with the need for 

"The ghost of John Wayne 
will materialize at the Alama 
before the disbelieving eyes of 

Ambassador to 


When a foithful reader complained to columnist Abigail van Buren 
that she hed left blacks off her list of peaple who had come from all 
over the world to help build America, Dear Abby apologized for her 
mistake, noting that “for decades, [blacks] worked our fields, cleaned 
aur homes, cooked our meals, nursed our babies and tought our wors.” 

"This thing is reolly о snooze.” 
At one paint, it looked os though 
there were severol little men 
walking around on Brown's col- 
lar. All Coppolo needed wos 
Brando to mumble his woy 
through a comeo ond he might 
have had a hit оп his hands. 

“Michael Landon will quit his 
acting career and become о 
rabbi who devotes his life to 
helping the poor.” 

“Ап a mad, impetuous mo- 
ment, James Garner and Lauren 
Bacall will morry—but both will 
agree it wos a big mistake and 
divorce after ony а few 

"In a caolheaded act of 
heroism, John Travolte will take 
over the controls of an airliner 
moments after the pilot is strick- 
en with a heart attack. John will 
lend the plane sofely.” 

"Captain Kangaroo will be 
attacked and slightly injured by 
а wolverine thot has been 
brought en the show.” 

For a party ct а Gotham rock 
club to album 

launch their 

Emotional Rescue, The Rolling 
Stones decorcted the club in a 
hospital theme: bandaged man- 

wheelchairs, hospital 
beds and, while guests munched 
their canapés, a closed-circuit- 

television demonstration of 

open-heart surgery. 


The headline above heralded 
а Son Diego Union report 
on pornography and violence. 
That’s what we call great 
head—but 1980 was a banner 
year for such grabbers. Here 
are a few more of our favorites. 
crooned New York's Village 
Voice above its report on pre- 
iminary studies that show smok- 
ing contributes to impotence. 
read Georgia's Weekly Moultrie. 
Observer above a story on Miss 
Lillian’s state visit to Cairo. 
peted The Boston Globe when it 
тап а pro-Carter editorial that 
was supposed ta be headed 

One hundred forty thousand 
copies of the paper were printed 
before the Aprilfool prank 
was discovered. 

* IN’ DISEASES” was the title 
of a Cosmopolitan survey of the 
current crop of common ail- 

December's Texos Monthly 
turned aut not to be the story 
of J. R. Ewing or Bunky Hunt or 
even Dan Rather but a legal 
update on the growing practice 
of acupuncture that’s needling 
Lone-Star doctors. 

WENT TO SEED,” proclaimed the 
New York Post when Bryont's 
divorce was announced. 


The Australian Bulletin ran a story on the recent drought's long- 
term scars. For the cover, i! selected а photograph of a farmer 

deeply invalved in his sheep. 

Closer to home, Forbes magazine chose for its Morch 3, 19B0, 
cover a corny version of an old favorite. 




On July seventh, Jane Welch 
turned in а report to the 
Raleigh, North Carolina, News 
& Observer reading, “Dia- 
phragms supposedly don't work 
as well during simultaneous or- 
gasm or when the woman is on 
top." Her editar changed it to 
read, "The diaphragm doesn’t 
work during lovemaking.” 

Shortly before jumping from 
ABC to NBC, Miss Rona told Tom 
Snyder that ABC execs had sto- 
len her ideas and given them to 
Barbara Walters. The experi- 
ence was—well, traumatic: 
“There is nothing worse than 
feeling raped. . . . And for all 
the women who have been 
raped, the men who have been 
raped, physically and otherwise, 
it’s the same kind of feeling. .. . 
What I'm upset about is that my 
format’s been given to Bar- 
bara. . . . | can't watch my ideas 
given ta somebody els ofi 
feel sick. 1 feel cheated. 



Executive Mory Cunningham's 
Tesignation from Bendix amid 
sexual innuendo was the fem- 
inist issue of the year. In Wash- 
ington, newspaper rivals the 
Post and the Star claimed rights 
to Gail Sheehy’s version af 
Mary's true story from separate 
sources, but only the Pos! had 
access to the edited version. So 
Post honcho Ben Bradlee іп- 
serted a couple of lines that 
\Sheehy had nof written, to trick 
the Stor. It worked the first 
fime—the Sfor reprinted the 
change verbatim. But in the sec- 
ond installment, the Star caught 
Bradlee's trick and didn't bite. 
Instead, it came bock with its 
awn acrastic on the gossip 
page: “Ha-ha Ben.” 

During the Republicon Conven- 
tion, a pretty yaung reporter 
working on the Ford-for-Vice- 
President story for a national 
newsmagazine tried ta check a 
fact with CBS’ Dan Rother. 
Notebook open, pen poised, the 
intrepid reporter said, “Dan?” 
But before she could ask her 
question, Rather grobbed her 
convention floor pass and auto- 
graphed it. “That good enough 
for you?" he beamed. 


The day after he pulled out of 
the race far the Republican 
Presidential nomination, John 
Connally explained in an inter- 
view with Barbora Walters the 
circumstances under which he 
might get back in the race: 
“Let's assume that ап 
plane draps out from under 
both of the people we're talking 
about—both President Ford and 
Governor Reagan. Let's assume 
that, if you want to assume a 
macabre situation. Then | might 
do it. You know, | might need 
1o be available.” 



We lift our hats to Homer Cilley, 
wha risked (and lost) his job as 
executive praducer of Boston's 
Channel 7 evening-news pro- 

gram. On April first, Cilley 
broadcast ihe news that a hill in 
suburban Milton had erupted 
and was spewing lava and ash 
on nearby homes. The report 
included film of lava flowing 
down a hillside and the dubbed- 
in voices of President Carter 
and Massachusetts Governar 
Edward King expressing their 
concern. At the end of the 
bulletin, the reporter held up a 
sign that read ApriL FOOL, but it 
was too late. The community 
got frantic and СШеу (pro- 
nounced Silly) got the ох. 


Sometimes the media fall in 

love with a story. We've definite- 

ly had our fill of the following: 

1. The reol story af haw Elis 
died and what drugs were 
in his body 

. The Carter family saga 

. Gay rights 

. Gay Cubans 

. Gay Talese 



LIFE INSURANCE (onina pon poer 136) 

“With the money you save by buying term, you might 
be enjoying a new stereo or a ten-speed bike.” 

buying term insurance and investing the 
difference. But let's be realistic. You 
wouldn't invest the difference; you'd 

blow it. At least with a whole life policy, 
you have some systematic savings." 

"That is an argument you'll often hear. 
Within its cool, Calvinistic heart, it 
actually contains several propositions: 
(1) Money is a good thing to have. (2) 

In particular, you shouldn't spend it 
while you're young. (4) Most definitely, 
you shouldn't spend it on some passing 
pleasure. Therefore, (5) the best thing to 
do with money is to save it; but (6) most 
people lack the necessary will power. (7) 
You аге one of those people who lacks 
will power. (8) So you need something 
to force you to save. (9) Whole life in- 
surance is just what you need. 

This chain of logic seems to have a 
few weak links. It also involves some 
strong value judgments. Take $100 and 
leave it to accumulate at five percent 
interest for 20 years and you'll have 
$265. Take the same $100 and spend it 
on an incredible evening with a beauti- 
ful blonde and 20 years later you have а 
memory the value of which is hard to 
quantify. The memory will probably be 
unaffected by inflation, though, while 
the $265 may be worth (assuming cight 
percent inflation) only about $57. 

"Thus, the pursuit of happiness is not 
without value, though its value may be 
hard to measure. А case can be made 
not only for (as the saying goes) "buying 
term and investing the dilference" but 
also for buying term and frittering away 
the difference. With the money you save 
by buying term, you might be enjoying 
а new stereo, a tenspeed bike or a num- 
ber of other nice things. 

Suppose, though, that you buy thc 
chain of logic up through step eight. 
You really do have trouble saving and 
you think some kind of forced-savings 
vehicle might be good for you. That still 
doesn’t necessarily mean you should buy 
whole life insurance. What about a pay- 
roll-deduction plan or a thrift plan where 
you work? Its rate of return might be 
better than that on a whole life policy. 
But even if you explain all this to your 
insurance salesman, he still has other 

2. Whole life lets you carry insurance 
after the age of 60 or 70. Since the pub- 
lication of the FTC report, attacking 
the value of whole life as an investment, 

ма а lot of insurance people have been 

protesting that their favorite product 
has been misunderstood. It was never 
supposed to be an investment, they say. 
Well, at least not primarily an invest- 
ment. The real point of whole life all 
along, they say, has been that it allows 
you to carry insurance in your later 

"There's some truth to that argument, 
but it contains quite a few weak points 
as well. Why will you want to carry in- 
surance during your rctirement years? To 
benefit your children? But by then, they 
may well be self-sufficient. To benefit. 
your wife? At that point, what shed 
probably prefer is greater retirement 
income, so your annual expenditure on 
life insurance might be counterproduc 
tive. To pay estate taxes? Probably no 
big concern, unless you're rather wealthy. 
In any case, half of your estate can be left 
to your wife frce of estate taxes. 

Of course. there's always a chance that 
you'll find yourself single again in your 
early 608, meet a 19-year-old Hollywood 
starlet and proceed to have six children 
by her. Possible but not too likely. 

In any case, if you do happen to need 
life insurance during your retirement 
years, you still don’t have to pick a whole 
life policy at the start. Most term poli- 
cies are—up to a certain specified age— 
“renewable and convertible.” Renewable 
means that you can continue your соу- 
erage cach year by paying the increased 
premium. Convertible means that you 
can convert the term policy to a whole 
life policy if you want to. The conversion 
process is usually expensive. But it is 
there, as a hedge against the rather re- 
mote chance that you'll really need life 
insurance in your later years. 

8. Whole life comes with a low-cost- 
loan privilege. Lets say you buy a 
$100,000 whole life policy and in ten 
years it has a cash value of $15,000. Most 
policies being sold today haye a loan rate 
of eight percent, guaranteed. Let's say 
that 1990, like 1980, happens to be a 
е of high interest rates. It's tough to 
get a loan, and if you do get one. you'll 
have to pay about 18 percent interest. 
You can earn 14 percent on a savings 
certificate. In times like these, that eight 
percent guaranteed loan rate could come 
in handy. You'd borrow the $15,000 cash 
value at eight percent instead of taking 
out a car loan at 18 percent. Or you'd 
borrow the cash value and reinvest the 
money. It would cost you only about 
51200 in annual interest and you'd earn 

$2100 by reinyesting the money at 14 

Does all that sound attractive? Sure it 
does. In fact, in carly 1980, people were 
borrowing like mad from whole life poli- 
cies issued ten or twenty years ago. to do 
exactly those sorts of things. (Strangely 
enough, people in the life-insurance in- 
dustry weren't overjoyed to see people 
taking advantage of the loan prov 
that way. Instead, they were beginning 
to think about hiking the loan rate or 
instituting a variable rate.) But if you 
think the loan privilege is such a major 
factor that you should base your buying 
decision on it, you're probably the kind 
of person who'd like a date with Bo 
Derek because she has nice elbows. 

4. The cash value of a life-insurance 
policy is shielded from creditors. Truc, 
but hardly a big deal when you stop to 
think about it. If you got really hard 
pressed, you would probably drop your 

5. Whole life is a tax shelter. It is, for 
two reasons. You don’t pay any tax on 
the cash value until you actually cash in 
your policy. At that time, you may be 
retired, and thus in a lower tax bracket 
than you are now. Also, the cash value 
is taxed only to the extent that it ex- 
ceeds the sum of all the premiums 
you've paid (minus all the dividends 
you've gotten back, if it's a participating 

Whether or not this matters to you 
depends on what tax bracket you're in. 
Let's assume for а moment that the ac 
cumulation of cash value is completely 
tax-exempt. And let's assume that the 
whole life policy in question has a better 
investment yield than most—around six 
percent. If you're in the 70 percent tax 
bracket, that's arguably the equivalent of 
a 20 percent pretax return, so whole life 
might well be worth considering for 
Mick Jagger and David Rockefeller— 
assuming, of course, that they need life 
insurance at all. But if you're in the 33 
percent bracket, a six percent after-tax 
return is equal to a nine percent pretax 
return, which isn’t hard to find today. 

Whole life is а good, conservative tax 
shelter. Unlike other tax shelters, it in- 
volves virtually по risk of losing your 
money. Its even safer than municipal 
bonds. Is it the best tax shelter for you? 
Only your personal financial advisor 
knows for sure—and you're lucky if he 
docs. But unless you're in a high bracket, 
this isn't a major factor. 

6. Whole life can help you save up for 
retirement. Of course, this is inconsistent 
with argument number two, which pre- 
sumes that you're going to hold on to 
your policy during retirement, not cash 

In any case, this pitch is a spitball. It's 
not likely that the cash value of a whole 

(continued on page 211) 

. men's room!" 

“Third floor . . 


ey Sister My Seif 

new research on twins is fascinating; 
here are four pairs worthy of close examination 


A. шти, Piper Perry weighed three pounds and Tara Perry weighed two pounds. When you're that little, 

a pound can m: 

quite a difference in your appearance. Piper didn't look too bad, but Tara looked fairly 
wretched. For a while, the hospital had various tubes hooked up to her, and they had to shave off what little hair 
she had. Piper got to keep her hair. So it was that when the twins first went home and family friends dropped by 
to see them, their mother would bring Piper out of the bedroom, show her around proudly, take her back into 
the bedroom, then bring her out again and announce, "And here's Tara.” And she got away with it. That's a 
"twins" story, the kind of true tale that сап be told only by a person whose body comes in duplicate. Piper and 

Tara are onc of four sets of beautiful twins we photographed and interviewed for (text concluded on page 174) 


should be familiar to our readers who 
watch television regularly. The Barnstable 
sisters must be the most filmed and 
photographed twins in America. They 
were the Toni (shampoo) twins, they've 
taured with Bob Hope, appeared on The 
Love Boat, Hollywood Squares (ten times) 
and all the major tolk shows. As Eileen 
Ford models, they frequently grace the 
covers of popular women's magazines. 
Both are University of Kentucky graduates. 

а ond Cybil appeared on 

The Barnstable twins posed at the age of six (above left) with younger sister Barbara (in the middle). Tr 
The Tonight Show (below left) in 1974 ond they starred in Doublemint gum commercials (below, center ond right 

іп 1973 ond 1976. 

SHEILA ond MOIRA STONE, 22, are Bunnies ot the Dalles Playboy Club. In the childhaod 
picture (above left), Moira is on the left. As you can see below, the Stone twins have 

come a long way since then. That's 5/10" Moira leaning against the wall ond 5711” Sheila 
opening the door. “We're triple Scorpias,” says Sheila, "which means that at times, we're 
both very intense. Very intense.” Both ore dedicated and proficient pinball players, and in 
the photo above right, Moira racks up a free game while Sheila watches. 


PIPER опа ТАРА PERRY, 27, ore Bunnies who 
recently moved from the Dallas Club to the Los 
Angeles Club. In the photo above, that’s Piper 

in front. Tara points out that “you con tell the 
difference between us if you look closely. Piper 
has а beauty mark on her left cheek.” Piper says 
she likes “partying men,” while Tara prefers 
“men who would make good husbands.” They 
have a professional singing act and they played 
the LA. Club's Cabaret lost December. The 
scene ct bottom right is pillow fight between 
the twa 5/6", 35-24-35 sisters. It was a fie. 



LYNETTE and LEIGH HARRIS (in the picture below, thot's Lynette on the left) 
are so psychically attuned that they often experience each other's 

aches ond poins. You might remember them os Lyn and Leigh Holidoy 

from our April 1978 pictoricl Sisters. Both live in Milwaukee. 

Lynette’s pet peeve is Leigh's tardiness. Leigh says hers is Lynette's questioning her (“Why are you late"). 
When it comes to refreshments, Leigh likes “anything illegal, immoral and fattening.” Lynette says she 
spends her spare time "getting Leigh out of mischief.” They want to star together іп a movie titled “20.” 




“It’s been a wonderful evening. I want to remember everything 
about it. First, if you'll tell me your name. . . .” 

to beat the devil from Tales of the Rocky Tatras, by Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, 1903 Ribald Classic 

A FEW YEARS AGO, there was a certain 
goral, a hill man, who felt humped and 
bumped by life, and so he was about to 
hang himself when Old Nick appeared 
and asked him what he was up to. 

“IE thy skin were mine,” said the goral, 
"thou wouldst have hanged thyself 
thrice, not once.” 

“A bet on that?” 

“For what stakes?" 

“For thy part, thou shalt hang thyself 
and be mine; but if I cannot bear thy 
life for three days, I'll make thee a rich 
man.” They shook on it; the Devil 
assumed the man’s form and left for the 
goral's cabin. 

"There the wife was waiting: She was 
more than 40 summers old, fists like two 
milk pails and mouth like a watchdog's— 
barking that much. 

“Where hast thou been?" 

"In the forest, walkin’ an’ whistlin’,” 
quoth Nick, He had not quite finished 
the saying, when he got a good belt in 
the mouth, so that bells were ringing in 
his ears like the ones at the minster. 

“And dost thou not know that ‘tis 
spring now, that there is work aplenty?” 
shrieked the virago. “So thou wouldst 
whistle in the forest? Look at the thrush! 
"Lis good for thee thou art here. Get 
thyself ready. There is a wedding at 

Wally Lojas. And mind, thou art to. 

dancel ‘Cause everybody says thou art an 
old codger and cannot move anymore!" 

АП night the Devil had to dance. Each 
time he wanted to sit down, the scold 
was after him: "Wouldst thou shame 
me? As is, folks regard thee no better 
than a dog's car! Old gaffer! Dancel" 
And because the Devil was alrcady 
afraid of her, he kept going until the 
white morn. Near killed himself. 

‘Thought Old Nick to himself, We'll 
get home, then I'll sleep it off. That's 
what he thought! They drove up to the 
house, the Devil stripped and climbed 
between the sheets. The harridan jumped 
him: “Just look at him! Where wouldst 
thou pack thyself, thou dog’s breakfast? 
Dost thou not know thy plow is waiting 
for thee in the fields?” 

‘The Evil One stared at the shrew, but 
what could be done? No sooner did she 
give him a pittance of food to break his 
fast on than the Devil found himself 
at the plow. 

At noon, the scold came over with 
lunch: “How much hast thou plowed?” 
And then how this dragon did start cuss- 
ing and swearing! “Thou stupid broken 
windmill! Runt! Chewed-up dog's bone! 
"That is all thou hast managed to plow? 
At the table thou art a grown man, but 
at the plow thou art just a babe in arms. 
So thou wouldst feed now? There's thy 
feed, swallow's nest!" And she slammed 

the lunch pail to the ground. 

"Till sunset, the Devil had to plow and 
not stop. In the evening, he went home. 

"Chop the firewood?” 

All his bones were creaking in his 
back, but he chopped because he was 
scared of the woman. She called him for 
his supper. He ate a bite: Thought he, 
Now I'll sleep it off. 

‘The wife said her prayers. The Devil 
murmured something pretending to say 
his, and they lay together. He was tuck- 
ered out, almost to death, but when he 
closed his eyes, she said, “Matt.” (The 
goral's name was Matthew.) 



“And what else would I be doing?” 

And after a while, she asked, “And 
why art thou asleep?” 

* "Tis what the night is for.” 

And in a moment: “Ману! What. 
about if?” 

"What's it?” 

"It's what we were married for.” 

"What? After I'm made to dance all 
night, plow all day and then chop fire- 
wood all evening? And the food thou 
gavest me was enough for a barn fly.” 

And the spitfire said: “Thou Hun- 
garian corpse, thou wouldst give me lip? 
A klutz, a wet weakling! Dumb Mat- 
thew!” And she turned to him, please 
forgive the word, with her arse. 

Good, thought the Devil. Let her be 
angry. It was not two moments before 
the woman began again: 


А moment back ‘twas Dumb Matthew, 
and now 'tis Matty! thought the Devil. 
"What dost thou want?” 

“Matty,” cooed the gammer. “Come on. 


Ill give thee oatcakes with butter on 
the morrow.” 

And she took to traveling all over him 
with her hands, missed not one part. 

"The Devil saw there wouldn't be any 
sleeping and thought to himself: I'll 
give in, woman. I'll serve thee once, so 
that thou wilt leave me be. 

The Devil took and did what had to 
be done, laid down, went to sleep. 

And right away in his cars. 

Oh! How many times did she want? 
It was the truth that man was telling 
when he said he had enough! The Devil 
kept his mouth and his eyes shut. 


And the Devil said nothing. 

“Matt! Art thou listening?” 


‘The poor Devil was hardly prepared 
for what happened next. The tartar 
lifted herself from the bedding and 
planted an almighty kick right above 
where his legs forked! The Devil flew 
from the bed onto the floor. 

“Thou impotent old man! Thou 
cursed Judas Iscariot!” shrieked the vira- 
go. “Sit thee over there. Thou art not 
worthy of the marriage bed!” 

The Devil sat on a log, feeling his 
sides. because he got well banged up 
in the fall. 

And the gammer started a lament: 
“Oh, poor, unhappy ше! Why did my 
parents give me to thee for a wife? Oh, 
well did Aunt Agatha, rest her soul, 
advise: ‘Don’t give Kunnegunde to 
Matthew, he is a broken old man!’ Oh, 
misery, misery! Oh, my saintly mum!” 

And the woman was old enough to 
have been a grandmother. 

So the poor Devil was sitting on the 
rough bark, cold and splintery, and he 
kept thinking until he got angry. 

"Devils take thee!" he told the terma- 
gant. "Dance all night, work all day, eat 
as much as nothing, and then stir thine 
embers all the night! It's enough to beat 
the Devil!” 

He ripped off his shirt, escaped 
through a slit in the shutter and flew to 
the goral in the dale. 

‘The man was sitting by the fire. 

“Here already?” 

“Here,” answered the Devil. “You 
were right to say that were I in thy place 
I'd hang myself thrice, not once.” He 
lifted a rock and showed the goral a 
hidden treasure, a miracle to behold. 

“Well, now I am a wealthy man,” 
laughed the goral. "For the day chores 
ГЇЇ hire myself a hand or two, and ГИ 
take care of the night work myself." 

The Devil growled: "It will still be 
work enough for three Devils.” 

—Translated by Bogumil 

[у] 157 


JAMES GARNER (continued from page 96) 

her, but she banged her head on a kitchen 
shelf and that stunned her for a second, 
and when my old man came in, I was 
trying to choke her. He said, “What the 
hell's going on here?" He naturally took 
his wife's side, so my dad and my brother 
Jack had to hold me while Wilma busted 
my butt with a spatula. Later in the day, 
though, he asked my stepmother what Га 
done to deserve a whipping and she said, 
“Well, he did something. 
to know what and she said, “І don’t know, 
but I know he did something.” Dad said, 
“You mean you beat the hell out of the 
kid and you don't even know what he 
did?” And she said, “Well, I know he did 
something.” Beating me used to be 2 
favorite pastime of hers, I think. My dad 
and her got into it right then and there. 
Wilma left the house 2 couple of weeks 
Tater, and then Dad left to work in Cali- 
fornia a couple of months after that. He 
put me on а farm in Hobart, Oklahoma, 
and I stayed there for а couple of months, 
and then I went back to Norman and 
lived with my aunt for a few months, and 
after that, I was on my own. 

PLAYBOY: How did you support yourself? 
GARNER: I got а driver's license and а 
chauffeur's license when I was 14, and I 
drove a salesman for Curlee Clothes all 
over the state of Texas. We'd be out for 
а couple of months at a time, and Га take 
care of the samples, keep his books and 
really kind of look after the salesman. Не 
was an old guy who had an ulcer and he 
wasn't supposed to drink, but he really 
liked his Scotch and milk. He wasn't sup- 
posed to smoke cigars, either, and I was in 
charge of his cigars and every once in a 
while I allowed him to have one. We'd 
take a room at the Baker Hotel in Dallas 
or the Rice Hotel in Houston and the 
buyers would come in and they'd all sit 
around, drinking Scotch, and I'd end up. 
doing the selling. The guy was vice- 
president of the company and wanted to 
adopt me, but I was happy to be on my 
own. The following year, I drove for the 
company's salesman in Oklahoma, and 
we must've gone through 100 towns in the 
state. Those jobs took only a few months 
each, so I had to do other things to pay 
my way. I worked at grocery stores, I cut 
trees for the telephone company so their 
lines could go through, I was a hod carrier, 
I hauled Sheetrock and bricks, I worked 
at a chicken hatchery—I really had a lot 
of jobs. I used to get up at 3:30 in the 
morning and go sweep out the adminis- 
tration building at Oklahoma University, 
and then I'd go to school, play football 
and then work at night. I learned real 
early how to be self-sufficient, but a lot of 
people helped me out, including my 
grandmother, my uncle and my buddy 
Jim Раш Dickenson's mother, who тап a 

158 rooming house in Norman. The Okla- 

homa University basketball team stayed 
there, and she let me live there rent-free. 
Mostly, though, I wanted to be like every- 
body else and go to school. 

PLAYBOY: Were you able to do that? 
GARNER: Only to a certain extent. 1 fin- 
ished my freshman year, played varsity 
football for the high school and really had 
a terrific time with my friends. My rela- 
tives were worried about me running 
around loose, but I didn’t think I needed 
any supervision. I probably did, but I was 
a smart-aleck kid. I was still an introvert, 
but not among my friends. 

PLAYBOY: Did you get into any trouble 
with the law? 

GARNER: Oh, occasionally, but I just did 
the mischievous kinds of things all the 
kids did. On Halloween, we'd throw rocks 
at streetlights and knock them out, and 
one of the best games we played was 
Ditch 'em: Six or seven of us would line 
up in cars and the first guy would take off 
and everybody would try to stay with him. 
The idea was to lose everybody else, and 
you'd drive all over town and all over 

“My stepmother used to 
make us go out and cut 
willow switches and 
then she'd beat us оп 
the butt with them. She 
loved to hit me.” 

the country to get away from the others. 
We raised a lot of hell with that game, but 
we never hurt anybody and never even 
rolled a car, because we had some pretty 
good drivers. It sounds dangerous, but it 
wasn’t when we played it in 1944, Anyway, 
after my freshman year, I quit high school 
and Jim Paul and 1 joined the merchant 
marines. My dad signed permission for me 
to join, because I wanted to get in there 
and help win World War Two. The min- 
ute we enlisted, the Germans surrendered. 
I think they heard we were coming. 
PLAYBOY: How long did you stay in the 

GARNER: Only for about a year. Jim Paul 
and I wound up going to San Pedro, 
California, and he shipped out, but I saw. 
these good-looking girls who went to 
Hollywood High School and I told him, 
“That's for me.” So I went back to high 
school. My dad was living in Los Angeles 
and I stayed with him. Not too long after 
I got to Hollywood High, the Jantzen 
people came to school, looking for guys to 
model their bathing suits, and the physical- 

education teacher gave them the names of 
ten guys to talk to. I was on the list, and 
I wasn’t interested until they told me they 
were paying 15 bucks an hour. They took 
me out to Palm Springs for three days 
and I made some real good money off 

PLAYBOY: Did that get you interested in 
show business? 

GARNER: Hell, no. I wanted to play foot- 
ball for Hollywood High, but since I 
didn't show up for too many classes, I got 
kicked out. I was still under 18, so I had 
to go to school, and I ended up attending 
the Frank Williams Trade School. I think 
I majored in first aid there, and that's no 
joke. I started playing football for the 
Hollywood Boys’ Club and right away, 
Doc Lefevre, the coach at Norman High 
School, called me and said he needed some 
football players very badly and if he didn't 
get them, he was gonna lose his job. Har- 
ley Doc Lefevre. I went back to Norman 
and played football for him. I won't say 
I got paid, but I did have a credit card 
at a clothing store and I didn’t have to 
work a lot. 

I was a punter and a linebacker on the 
football team, and even before I left Cali- 
fornia, a coach at Southern Cal told me 
that when I got out of high school, he 
wanted me to play for SC. As it turned 
out, I continued my outstanding academic 
carcer at Norman High: I dropped out of 
school when 1 was 18. I had no ambition 
and I didn't really want to do anything. 
If somebody would say, "Let's go to Okla- 
homa City,” I'd pick up a job and work 
till I had enough money to go, and then 
I'd come back and think, OK, what am I 
gonna do now? If I'd get it in my head 
to go to California, I'd go. My dad had 
gotten into the carpet business, and when 
I came to Los Angeles, I'd work for him a 
little, and then I'd go back to Oklahoma. 
I swamped trucks in Odessa, Texas, for a 
while—loading and unloading them—and 
I also worked as a roughncck in oil fields. 
in Texas and Oklahoma. I never stayed 
anywhere more than three or four months 
at a time. I just went whichever way the 
wind blowed. 

PLAYBOY: At what point did that start to 
get a little stale for you? 
GARNER: If you really want the truth, not 
until I was 26 and about to get married. 
"That's when I started to get ambition and 
accept responsibility. Until then, what did 
I care? I could eat, sleep, and I. didn't 
want anything. I'd never had any great 
desire for things, you know. Anyway, in 
1950, I was visiting my dad in California 
when I got a notice from my draft board 
in Norman saying I could take my choice 
and report to the Army in Oklahoma or 
California. I was in the first bunch of guys 
drafted for the Korean War. 
PLAYBOY: We understand you won two 
(continued on page 181) 

the country's top pool shooters show you the tricks of their trade 

tain billiard room in Hamburg, 
Germany, in the year 1800 
might have heard the owner of 
the joint make an apparently 
preposterous claim. He said he 
could pocket a ball by jumping 
it from one table to another. 
Betting against him, of course, 
was folly, for he had mastered 
one of the first recorded trick 
shots. Yet you can be sure that 
someone always took him up 
on his proposition, if only to 
see him do it. Because then, as 
now, people just love to watch 
a gifted pool player perform 
the apparently impossible. 

We asked a few of America’s 
top professional pool players to 
name their favorite trick shots, 
and we invited top pool player 
Pete Margo to our Chicago 
studio to execute them for 
our camera. If you're a shark, 
or just a weekend shooter, 
you'll want to try these out 
yourself, Some look tougher 
than they are, mainly depend- 
ing on precise spotting of the 
balls and an accurately stroked 
cue ball. Others are so difficult 
that to make them with any 
degree of regularity requires 
the dexterity of а vio- 
linist, the nerves of a 
surgeon and the coor- 
dination, eyesight and training 
оме], of a professional pool 
player. Good luck, hot-shot. 



At ene point in the 1979 world 
straight-pool championship in New 
York City, Pete Margo made 270 
consecutive shots, а new record for 
the Professional Pool Players Associa- 
tion, He talks а good game, too. His 
electric style and pungent New York— 
New Jersey accent are as memo- 
rable as his sharpshooting. When he 
shoots trick shots, the audience is 
left leughing аз well as stunned. 

In Margo's honds, the Shoot Of Your 
Mouth shot is practically a show in 
itself, and he always uses it fo close 
an exhibition program. A victim is 
selected from the audience, prefer- 
ably one who is both beautiful and 
nervous, and is persuaded to lie 
across the table as illustrated, a ball 
resting on a piece of chalk clamped 
between her teeth. The cue boll is on 
the rail beside the toble. Pocketing 
the boll in the corner isn’t difficult; 
the trick is fo know how much 
speed to use so the cue ball doesn’t 
caress the victim on the way down. 


Con Ње halfback—in this case, the 9 boll—find a way through the 
mass of blockers and defenders guarding the side роске? Yes. If 
the 12 is struck full, the 3 hits the 13 and the rest of the balls part 
like the Red Sea. The сие ball caroms off the 12 to caress the 9, im- 
pelling it slowly into the side. A very satisfying shot. 


Tell, slim, cool end only 27 years 
old, Mike Sigel—nicknamed Coploin 
Hook (the license plate of his 2802Х 
reads С HOOK)—is the reigning world 
straight-pool champion. Many con- 
sider him the hottest player in the 
geme at the moment. He's given up 
hustling. “In small towrs, it's too bor- 
ing,” he says. "In big towns, I'm 
recognized and have to give up 
too much weight.” The so-called foot- 
boll shot is one of his favorites. 

The fastest ployer in the game is 
lou “Machine Gun" Butera, who's 
so eager to pull the trigger thet it’s 
agony for him to weit for all the 
balls to stop rolling. During one of 
the 12 mejor tournaments he hos 
won, he ran 150 bells without a miss 
in only 21 minutes, He's deadly on 
the socalled over-and-under shot, 
which in untrained hands con result 
in ripped cloths, broken cues ond 
balls bouncing on the floor. 

A mechanical bridge, or rake, is placed across the table os shown. 
The object here is to send the 15 ball under the bridge info the 
corner pocket while the cue ball jumps over the bridge before back- 
ing up under if fo pocket the 10 ball. To get the required jump-draw 
action, you must hit the cue boll below center with cue angled down- 
ward c! about 40 degrees. If you like your pool table, be careful 



Burly Steve Mizerak, © grade school 

history teacher in New Jersey, has | One of Mataya's favorite trick shots is о massé along the short rail. 
been among pooldom's elite for 15 | With the balls placed as shown and the cue stick elevated and striking 
years, and he has closets filled with | at obout 80 degrees from the horizontal, the сие bell first knocks 
trophies to prove it. The celebrated | the 5 into the corner, then goes halfwoy across the fable before 
TV commercial he made for Miller returning fo sink the 1. Motoyo makes it three out of four times. 

beer, which required 
consecutive trick shots 
ing monolog end the li 
gloss of beer from the table just in 
time to let the speeding cue bell pass 
underneath, hod to be shot 191 
times before the final take. 


As they're set up in this photo, the 13 and the 15 are frozen fo the 
гой on inch from the side pocket ond ore perpendicular to the rail. 
The 9 and the 7 are lined up so that they're aimed at the edge of 
the corner pocket, as indicated by the arrow. The 5 is ploced beside 
the 7, lined up with the opposite corner. The charm of the shot is the 
way the cue ball goes three rails Юю make one ball lest. But don't fry 
it with a gloss of beer on the fable. Mizerck says thot during the 
shooting of the commercial, “1 knocked the glass of beer over three 
times, ruining the table.” 


Handsome Jim Matayo, winner of 
mojor honors in 1971 and 1972, 
retired from the gome until recently, 
because, in his words, “| met а nice- 
looking tomato.” He's beck in action 
now end hes e standing $25,000 
challenge for a winner-take-all nine- 
ball match. Nobody hos volunteered. 
"Everybody is afraid to ploy me, 
end 1 don’t blame them.” In addi- 
tion to hi with о cue, he is an 
effective comedian, particularly good 
at imitations of other top players. 

Ray Martin's wife got fired of hear- 
ing him say that he wes very pos- 
sibly the best pool ployer in the 
world. “OK,” she seid, "prove 
So Marlin, at the аде of 32, started 
working seriously on his game, going 
out four nights a week to proctice. 
That wes 13 years ago. Hes since 
won more tournaments than he cares 
to count, including three world cham- 
pionships. What does his wife say 
now? “Thet’s my manl” Ray's trick 
shot dates back to the lost century. 

Three сие sticks are jammed info а corner pocket and three balls—in 
this cose, the 13, 3 ond 15—оге set up af the side pocket. The 
cue ball is struck with left English, hitting the right side of the 13. 
Тһе 13 and the 3 go in immediately, the cue ball travels three rails, 
rides up between two of the cues to the corner, where it “chonges 
tracks,” rolling down the two other cues fo pocket the 15. The secret 
is to use just enough speed fo send the сие ball up the ramp without 
jumping off the table as it turns the corner, but is easier than it looks. 


Hopkins dreamed up the Evel Knievel shot fo have something different 
for a television appearance with Willie Mosconi and Minnesota Fols. 
Here the 9 boll is resting on two pieces of chalk and the сие boll 
is lower thon the 9. Striking downward ct the cue bell makes it 
bounce up under the 9, which then jumps over the row of 13 
balls, goes through а triangle standing on edge and rolls info the 
corner pocket. He'll bet you even money he can make it on the firsi try. 


Allen Hopkins has the husky, healthy 
look of a college linebacker and а 
confident glow that comes from feel- 
ing he is the best money player іп 
the world of pool. “I've got to be 
good," he says with а smile. “It's 
what | do for e living. I'm always 
ready, always in stroke. | don't 
smoke, drink or mess with drugs. I'll 
play anybody who can get up some 
cosh.” Betting big money doesn’t 
scare the 29-year-old Hopkins. Не 
once flipped a coin for $5000. 

This shot doesn't work even for Rempe every time, but when it does, 
the fons go wild. So will your friends. The long diagonal arrows 
show how fo aim the two-ball combinotions. In this setup, because of 
the “throw efect" of frozen balls, the 3, 13, 6 and 15 will diverge 
from the arrows toward the corner pockets. When first trying this 
shot, stort with just the cluster of six bells in the center. Once you 

Ten years ago, Richie Florence was 
the hottest young hustler in the busi- 
ness. Now he's a cue maker ond a 
fournament promoter with several 
major events to his credit. "I want to 
be remembered as the man who put 
pool on the mop,” he says with 

affecting enthusicsm, "who pumped 
big bucks into it.” He swears he's 
оп the verge of seeing his biggest 
dream come true: a tournament in 
Las Vegas with 4000 players and 
$1,000,000 in prize money. 


This trick shot is one that should be practiced when the owner of the 
fable isn't locking. With the balls set up as shown, the cue is held 
almost vertically (note the unique mid-air bridge with the palm 
turned upward) ond the cue ball is struck with a crisp stroke. When 
Florence does it, the cue ball knocks in the far ball—in this cose, the 
9—then hesitates a second before rocketing backward along the rail 
io make the 3. А long mossé shot really brings а crowd fo Ё 

can make those, add the others. 


“King James" Rempe, winner of 37 
mejor pool tournaments, handles 
himself with an elegance that 
matches his style of play. He looks 
great in his silk shirts and tailored 
Molian suits. He remembers his first 
big score as а young hustler: "I went 
right out and bought a diamond ring 
for my pinkie, a pair of $400 alligo- 
tor shoes and a car. | let а friend 
drive the cor fill | was old enough.” 
е most spectecular shot involves 
sinking 16 balls at once. 




SANTA FE (continued from page 114) 

“This bloodiest of prison riots began, not with a wild 
rush or screams but with an almost controlled quiet." 

about 1:40 A.M, following their usual 
route up the aisles to close the dayroom 
at the far end. Another guard—Ronnie 
Martinez, 18 and working at the pen 
scarcely four months—was assigned to 
secure the door. 

But Martinez, like many other officers 
on many other nights, did not close the 
door. Small, slack men, Roybal and 
Anaya were in the aisle when they were 
quickly taken by the inmates, some of 
them weight lifters. At 25, Schmitt was 
bigger and stronger but no match for the 
several men who now jumped and beat 
him, some with ax handles. At the same 
time, two inmates hurled themselves at 
the door. There was a crash as it was hit, 
and quick muffled cries of the guards in- 
side being overwhelmed, but the sounds 
died in the stair well. For a moment, 
Martinez struggled to shut the door. 
Then the prisoners slammed it open, 
carrying the young guard with them. 

This bloodiest, most anarchic of our 
prison riots then began, not with a wild 
tush or screams but with an almost con- 
trolled pause and quiet. The rioters 
methodically stripped, tied and blind- 
folded the four officers, while one inmate 
dressed in Roybals uniform to screen 
the others as they descended toward the 
central corridor. But once they were 
down the stairs, through the unlocked 
gate at the bottom and through the open 
riot-control grille, the hard, half-drunken 
men of E2 waited no longer. They 
spilled into the central corridor past 
other open grilles, rushing up the stairs 
of an adjoining dormitory, F-2, to engulf 
four more guards, viciously stabbing and 
beating one who put up a fight. In the 
attack in the stair well, 49-year-old Her- 
man Gallegos, who had worked as a 
guard at the pen for a quarter century, 
slipped into the darkened dormitory and 
was sheltered there by sympathetic pris- 
oners. Down the hall, in unit E-I just 
below the dorm where the riot had be- 
gun, protective-custody inmates began to 
barricade their door against the freed 
prisoners. Moments old, the riot had al- 
ready begun to expose-the lethal divi- 
sions in inmate society. 

With keys from the guards, the rioters 
hurried to unlock six other dormitories, 
and in minutes, more than 500 prisoners 
were loose іп the south wing. The crowd 
milled for a minute or two in the for- 
bidden territory of the central hall and 
then began to move slowly north down 
the corridor, kicking ahead of them one 

164 of the officers seized at F-2—who was then 

stripped, bound, blindfolded and leashed 
around the neck with his own belt. 

By that time, guards at the door to the 
mess hall had seen convicts pummeling a 
naked man up the corridor, and an of- 
ficer in the control center had learned 
from an inmate using Roybal's captured. 
two-way radio that at least one hostage 
had been taken. But the guards were 
powerless as the rioters passed through 
the open south-wing:corridor grille into 
the administrative area. 

There was time only to close the rest 
of the guards behind the north-wing 
grille before the rioters appeared at the 
windows of the control center, beating 
their naked hostage with pipes and rods 
and taunting the terrified officers behind. 
the “unbreakable” glass panels installed 
only two weeks before. (The deputy sec- 
retary himself had reassuringly tested a 
security glass with a sledge hammer be- 
fore installation, but no one seemed to 
have noticed that it was not the same 
kind of glass.) 

The rioters began to beat at the win- 
dows with pipes and a fire extinguisher 
ripped from the corridor. Inside the con- 
trol center, officers watched the canister 
bounce once, twice off the glass. The 
third time, one of the panels began to 
crack. As the control-center officers fled 
out the front entrance of the prison, in- 
mates were already through the glass and 
standing over the control console with 
its keys and electronic locks for the entire 
prison. The seizure of the penitentiary 
had taken about 22 minutes. 

Now the inmates would head for the 
hospital pharmacy, for the drugs left 
there in such ample supply by the 
obliging bulk-purchasing policy of the 
state—and for the plumbing shop in 
the basement, where they would find an 
acetylene torch and other tools. They 
would need the torch, for there were still 
guards holed up behind a few locked 
grilles in the north wing. And, of course, 
there was cellblock four, the protective 
unit at the far end of the prison housing, 
the child molesters and killers, the men- 
tally ill, the weaker men who were vul- 
nerable to homosexual assault and other 
abuse and those who were thought to be 
the pen's notorious snitches. The rioters 
would need the torch in cellblock four to 
cut from cell to cell, and for the slaugh- 
ter. that was to follow. 


A territorial relic from the 1880s, the 
forerunner of the present pen stood at 
the end of Pen Road in Santa Fe, not far 

from the state capitol. Neighborhood 
children bicycled around its dark-red 
homemade brick walls. But a few feet 
away from the cyclists, on the other side 
of the walls, was what an ex-inmate called 
п “endless nightmare” of overcrowding, 
primitive sanitation and brutality. When 
four successive riots burst open in a single 
year in 1952-1953, the new institu- 
tion was quickly erected on the barren 
Cerrillos plain well out of town, and the 
awkward antique pen was expunged to 
the last brick—though not before wide- 
eyed Santa Fe school children were 
toured through both buildings to see the 
obvious wisdom and progress at hand. 

Yet the change of prisons in 1956 sim- 
ply transported to the new pen the 
deeper problems of the old. In two years, 
the penitentiary census had clinked past 
capacity to 905, and by 1963 averaged 
nearly 1300. Still worse, along with the 
swelling inmate population came the 
squalid sociology of New Mexico's cor- 
rections bureaucracy. The state in the 
Fifties left the custody and reform of its 
felons largely to a poor, meagerly edu- 
cated underclass of native Hispanics. The 
arrangement only mirrored local society 
beyond the prison walls, in which most 
of New Mexico's Hispanic majority—a 
people of proud cultural parochialism 
and ancestry in this country before the 
Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock— 
lived in economic and social subordina- 
tion to their own small aristocracy and to 
the growing Anglo minority whose mon- 
ey and men controlled the state. 

Over the next 25 years, New Mexico 
would realize genuine progress in lifting 
such discrimination. If the barrio's men 
of the Fifties were guards, clerks and 
laborers, their sons and daughters were 
moving in growing numbers to Santa Fe 
and Albuquerque subdivisions as an 
emergent middle class. But for the prison, 
the damage was done, the chemistry of 
poverty and misrule as relentless as the 
brewing of the raisin hooch in dormi- 
tory E2. 

In the politics of New Mexico's pov- 
erty and racism, the penitentiary prompt- 
ly became a center of bureaucratic 
nepotism and corruption, fostering the 
inevitable clique of administrators and 
guards tied by family, complicity and a 
shared incompetence in jobs none could 
afford to lose. Moreover, as a major em- 
ployer among the extended families of 
the region's Hispanic society, the pen 
provided votes, patronage and campaign 
contributions in the traditional Demo- 
cratic counties around Santa Fe. 

For almost every purpose, the system 
was pervasive and self-reinforcing. By all 
accounts, New Mexico's doomed prison 
was hardly an institution where educated 
new guards were welcomed or promoted; 
nor was it a place where embarrassing 




= ——~ 



Vil QUT 

intelligence was reported or given сге- 
dence, or where old friends, relatives and 
other fellow members of the guard clique 
were reprimanded for such minor mat- 
ters as unclosed corridor grilles. 

In much the same way, the cumulative 
corruption blocked any chance of help 
from the outside. Nervous officials report- 
j luable Federal funds in 
the Sixties for fear of the accompanying 
fiscal audits. While this prison, like most 
others, suffered harshly enough from 
stingy, shortsighted legislative appropri- 
ations over the past two decades, the 
modern management and budget: 


phistication that might have made a 
difference were resisted as a threat to 
both personnel and business as usual. 

RE nally, the circle closed with polit 
s who found no reason to clean out 
ate sinecure that was a virtual com- 
агу of votes and graft. There would 
be even less incentive for reform when, 
eventually, the long-tenured corrections 
officialdom came to know so much about 
those politicians, about who was prof- 
iting on the outside from shady contracts 
and dubious vouchers, about prisoners 
the politicians wanted favored and why. 

Оп the lowest level—the daily encoun- 
ter between prison captors and captives— 
this system took its toll in several ways. 
Added to the common oppressions of 
prison life, the entrenched nepotism in 
Santa Fe made change or relief for many 
inmates all the more hopeless. Ignorant, 
unschooled guards meant caprice, bru 
ity and exploitation by cunning 
Through it all coursed the ethnic suspi- 
cion and hatred between the predomi- 
nantly Hispanic guard corps and the one 
third to one half of prisoners who were 
Anglo or black, a raw exposure of the 
bigotry buried just beneath the surface 
of the chamber-of-commerce image of 
New Mexico's bicultural society. 

“From the beginning, it was run by а 
gang of officers and the strongest thugs 
in the population,” remembers one veter- 
an employee of the prison. “There were 
no real rules and no тезі security. Any- 
thing could have happened. It finally 

The haunted history of the modern 
state pen paralleled the rise and close 
tionship of the two principal public 
ls in the events of 1980. A tall, thick 
n of square face, no better educated 

Шап his peers but armed with w 
backers and critics alike call a “magnetic 
personality,” Felix Rodriguez was singled 
out carly from the guard ranks of the new 
prison. By 1958, he was associate warden, 
and he rose steadily—including five years 
as warden—to become deputy secretary of 
corrections. For 21 years, senior 
corrections officials swiftly came and went, 
Rodriguez was the one administrator con- 
166 tinuously in a position of authority and 



responsibility over the New Mexico peni- 
tentiary. It was he who chaired that 
meeting of the prison officials the da 
before the riot. 

Perhaps the most important admirer of 
Rodriguez’ administrative talents through 
s Bruce King, whose own po- 
fortunes were similarly impressive. 
Portly, educated at a rural New Mexico 
high school before World War Two, 
launched from the fortune of one of the 
state's largest feed-lot operations, the am- 
bDitious King entered Santa Fe County 
апа then legislative politics іп 1955, 
about the same time Rodriguez joined 
the prison bureaucracy. King's hallmark 
as a politician would be a penchant for 
expensive cowboy boots and the good-ol'- 
boy twang and manner of the great pan- 
handle plains that lap over into the stare 
from the cast, depositing grassland, 
money, pol reaction and ethnic 
bigotry. By 1963, he had become the 
state's powerful speaker of the house, 
with heavy Democratic vote margins 
around Santa Fe; and in 1970, he ran 
successfully for governor, It was King who 
would install his friend Rodriguez peni- 
tentiary warden for an entire guberna- 
torial term—and who, re-elected governor 
іп 1978, would continue to preside 
uncritically over the state's corrections 
department and penitentiary. 

"Inadequate people were surrounded 

by inadequate people,” says a former 
prison psychologist of the pen in the years 
before the riot. "The officials became 

indistinguishable from the inmates, and 
the riot, in а way, was simply а continua- 
tion of admin 

Tt was „ February 
second. The carnage was about to begin. 

As the prison control center fell to the 
rioters, a guard in the north wing placed 
a last call to an outside tower, telling the 
chiel of security there that if help did not 
arrive at once, rioters would control the 
entire prison. “We're doing all we cin,” 
answered the chief. 

Two guards then hid in the crawl space 
near the gas chamber beneath the north 
wing, where they would lie safely during 
the next 36 hours of horror above them. 
While the prisoners sacked the pharmacy 
below, the medical technician and seven 
inmate patients would also hide away on 
the second floor of the hospital, somehow 
unnoticed, for the duration of the riot. 
But the three retreating guards in the 
north wing, and another who had locked. 
himself in а far south-wing dorm, were 
soon taken with the keys from the contol 
room and the acetylene cutting torch from 
the plumbing shop. There were then 12 
hostages inside the pen. 

As the guards surrendered, the rioters 
rushed exultantly, yelling and whooping, 

to release the residents of maximum- 
security cellblock three—among them the 
elite toughs and most-feared men in the 
penitentiary, some of whom would play 
powerful and prominent roles in the later 
negotiations with officials, Even while 
cellblock three was being opened, those 
negotiations were starting. At 2:30 A.M., an 
inmate elsewhere in the pen radioed the 
warden and his deputies then anx- 
iously congregated in the main tower at 
the entrance. There would be no escape 
attempt, he told them, but any assault to 
retake the prison would mean the death 
of the hostages. The rioters demanded to 
meet with Governor King and the media 
to air their grievances. The inmate then 
put Captain Roybal on the radio to make 
his point. After a brief discussion among 
themselves, the officials agreed to nego- 
ше. The decision was academic, А hand- 
ful of state police arrived soon to plug the 
perimeter of the prison, but the forces 
necessary to recapture the building and its 
1000 suddenly uncontrolled, unpredictable 
men would not be there, or even remotely 
hours. "The offi 
began sporadic radio contact with the 
inmates, and waited. 

What was about to happen then inside 
the prison would become the subject of 
more than 100 indictments, nagging polit- 
ical embarrassment, much myth, theory 
and revulsion—and a singular new chapter 
in the history of atrocity. In the next few 
hours, rioting prisoners would bludgeon, 
butcher, kill and then rekill ag: nd 
cach of 33 fellow inmates. There 
would be a theory that the murders hap- 
pened in а drugcrazed frenzy, and at that 
moment, rioters were pawing through the 
pharmacy and sniffing the large stores of 
paint thinner and glue in the basement 
repair shops. But then the pillaged drugs 
were mostly soporifics. Nor was there 
clear evidence that the killers were 
high on sniff. There would be a theory, 
too, official and simple and widely 
cepted, that the victims had been mostly 
snitches, the treasonous, despised tools of 
petty, incompetent prison administration. 
Yet fewer than a third of those who died 
may have been known informers. Perhaps 
the only certainty in those murders was 
what happened to the people who dis- 
covered them afterward, the National 
Guardsmen who vomited, the experienced 
medical examiners who would be offered 
therapy, the nightmares. 

It began at three A.M. with a screaming. 
Spanish voice reverberating from the 
lower tier of cellblock three: ";No era 
уо... no lo hice!" (“It wasnt те... 1 
didnt do #1"). He was beaten to death, 
that first casualty of the pen's self- 
mutilation, а young thief from a super- 
stitious northern New Mexico village 
where they believed he changed himself 

(continued on page 220) 


ЭКЕ 986 

ALL HAUL the return of ће sexy, leggy cigorette girl! Mouled ond pinched іп the Forties and Fifties (the heyday of the rowdy conven- 
tioneer), she foded into obscurity when faced with the foshionoble taboos of the antismoking era. The recent resurgence of the mesh- 
stockinged cigorette girl con in port be attributed to ће marijuona kick. Although they all peddle brond-nome smokes, some girls hove 
become more enterprising. Recently, we've heard of shopely young tobocco vendors’ being dismissed from fashionable discos for hoving 

the controversiol herb tucked away in secret compartments of their trays. Purely to accommodate, of course. —LN. 


Look like you've arrived 
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Before you ride the stunning 

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From the rak- 
ish leading axle forks 
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america’s reigning heartthrob shares her thoughts on romance, marriage and the etiquette of the tooth cap 

D Rensin met with actress and in- 
stantly identifiable Revlon model 
Lauren Hutton over lunch in Los Ange- 
les. His report: “T know there are men 
who cut out all the ads that Lauren Hut- 
ton has appeared іп. I play baseball with 
those guys, and they would give up a 
500 batling average just to spend two 
hours with her. Lauren is, of course, 
beautiful. And intelligent, intriguing, in- 
genuous and inspiring. She also knows 
how to have a good time. In fact, eating 
lunch with Lauren Hution is even better 
than sitting in a pile of Ultima H ads all 
day long. She сап call me any lime.” 

PLAYBOY: Do most people think you're 
taller than you actually аге? 
HUTTON: Yeah. Everybody does. But 
that's when I had more of a magazine 
identity to people. Since my movie roles, 
it hasn't happened that much. Actually, 
"Т was one of the smallest models іп the 
business. I'm 5/734". When 1 started, it 
was in the days of the giant Germans. А. 
short girl was 5'11”. Veruschka was 6^4". 
It’s one reason why it took me so long to 
get started. So I talked very loud, moved 
very fast and wore very, very high heels. 

rLAYBoY: Has your modeling kept you 
from getting the movie parts jou wanted? 
HUTTON: Sure. I would never have gotten 
the chance to test for the role in Gigolo 
if John Travolta—who originally was 
cast in the lead—hadn't wanted me. 
After that, Paul Schrader, the writer- 
director, met me for five minutes at a 
party and found out I could walk and 
talk at the same time. That's prejudice. 
You have to work harder to overcome it. 
So my work has to be that much better. I 
was in Mexico, lying оп the beach, when 
all the reviews for Gigolo started coming 
ош. My old man came up and threw me 
a copy of Time. 1 forced myself to read 
the review line by linc. And it was won- 
derful. I didn’t even realize I was going 
to be so scared. Richard Schickel said I 
had “open, vulnerable playing” and that 
he “believed every minute of it" For 
the rest of the day, I felt so good, so 
legitimate. And then it started sinking 
in that I had considered myself illegiti- 
mate for the past eight or nine years. 
Fortunately, I'd been so busy I had never 
had the time to sit and stew about it. 


PLAYBOY: Who do you think is heir ap- 
parent to your top-model crown? 
ниттом: There's a really beautiful girl 
named Roseanne Vela. There are lots of 
them now, really. We'll just have to 
wait and see. 

PLAYBOY: You're 36 now. Isn't America 
becoming more fascinated with mature 
women like you, instead of nymphets? 
HUTTON: I think it's both. We're finally 
getting an idea of sexuality's full range. 
It's nice. It's a good time to be an actress. 
Roles that explore sexuality, explore 
life. Try to think about some change in 
your life that wasn't at least partly ticked 
off by sex. "There are finally some parts 
for women who are real, not just adjuncts 
to men. But only in the past five years. 

PLAYBOY: What do you think of women's 
HUTTON: Real women's movies, to me, аге 
just as boring as real men's movies. 
What's erotic for me is to have it mixed, 
What's erotic is something totally dif- 
ferent from oneself. I guess that's why 
Im heterosexual. Once in a while, it's 
interesting to go into a men's bar. Re- 
cently, I was in a place іп New York with 
about 300 guys all shoulder to shoulder. 
And I was іпуізіМе. It was grcat. I 
haven't been around a crowd of people 
where I was invisible for a long time. 

PLAYBOY: Were you a Playboy Bunny 
нитток: I was а Bunny for about five 
months. It was after I'd left college and. 
gone to New York, I was starving. And I 
couldn't do anything. Someone told me 
the New York Playboy Club was open- 
ing. I didn't think 1 was amply enough 
endowed for that. But, anyway, I was too 
young to work at night, so 1 worked 
during the days. It felt strange; І had 
never been in night clubs before. 

PLAYBOY: How do you feel about breast 
nuron: I certainly wouldn't do it. I 
think it’s silly. If someone had a strong 
need for them, she should do it, but I 
think of them as projections. 

рилүвоү: How can a man prove to you 
that he's liberated? 

HUTTON: Well, he wouldn't have to 
prove it. I would assume it. I'm sort of 
American that way. You're innocent 

until youre proven guilty. So, quite 
often, I get stomped three seconds in. 
You can sort of feel attitude. I just like 
to be treated like another human 

being, except one who's frailer, not 
as strong physically. Women have al- 
ways been, 

biologically, in a poorer 
They need protection. Men 
mes have to be inhuma and 
. But I'd rather meet a bad man 
than a bad woman. 


HUTTON: Women are rougher. I think 
men in their hearts are much more deli- 
cate than women. The older I get, the 
more I think about it. My mother always 
taught me, of course, that men were 
tough creatures who would hurt you and 
desert you and all that. "That love didn't 
mean as much to them. That they just 
had a different attitude. I got the idea 
of women's being shrinking violets, but 
now I don't think so. I certainly haven't 
been. І think women will survive more. 
Every time. And hurt for less timc from 
a bad affair of the heart. 

rLAYBOY: How do you handle a delicate 
man without offending him? 
nurton: I'm from the South, and every 
once in a while, I go back. I meet up 
with all these good old boys, whom I 
love, because I grew up with them. I 
know their heart. I also know their old- 
timy way of puffing up [she inhales and 
holds her breath], and I don't buy it. 
They're like chameleons. In Africa, 
chameleons puff up when they're about 
to be attacked or they're threatened— 
which is all the time, because they have 
no defense, They puff up and stand side- 
ys to present what they feel to be this 
huge front. Meanwhile, they're just Іше 
guys. So I tease. I come on strong and 
macho, then make a quick feign back to 
being a delicate flower. That confuses 
them, and then we can get by all that 
other stuff. 

PLAYBOY: What is romance to you? 

HUTTON: [Long pause] It's something that 
breaks patterns. So all of a sudden you're 

seeing yourself in a way that you haven't. 171 



really known for a while. It makes you 
new. To get through our lives, we're so 
attached to patterns that become more 
and more complicated cach second. We 
set up зо many restrictions on what we 
think and feel. Every time I see those pat- 
terns broken in myself, I'm in love. It 
could be a person, a place, a new way of 
seeing the sky. 


PLAvBOY: Do you prefer garter belts or 
panty hose? 

HUTION: I don't think I should talk 
about my collection of garter belts to the 
public. It's too rare, and other collectors 
will be trying to buy it. 

тілуноу: What do you consider most 
attractive about yourself? 
nurron: My old man says I have spunk 
and spirit. I guess that must be it. 

pLaynoy: Why haven't you married? 
поттох: 1 was afraid of a question like 
that. Well. because I didn't want to get 
divorced. My mother was divorced when 
I was an infant. It was a major tragedy 
of my life. I didn’t even know my father, 
for whom I was named. I will miss that 
for the rest of my lile. 1 don't ever want 
to do it to anyone else. For me, marr 
s lor children. Otherwise, you're married 
in your heart. Гус been with someone 
for a very long time. And if we're not 
married, I don't know who is. But for 
the actual thing, I don't know if I could 
stand the idea of being hooked. 

piaynoy: Did you feel that way from the 
beginning of your relationship, or grow 
into it? 

HUTTON: He taught me. Wait a minute. 
No, I felt that way since I was 13. Im 
not supposed to talk about him. He hates 
it. I miss him. I's been two weeks and Im 
getting crazy. But I must say that when 
І was very first in love, I suddenly saw 
big white dresses and little engagement 
rings. They were all the things I had felt 
very much above when I was growing ир 
in the South, I would get rushes of dates. 
because boys thought I believed in free 
love. And then, when I didn't come 
across, I didn't get asked again. I didn't 
know why guys were jumping on me; 
perfect strangers at football games or 
hamburger stands taking а lunge at me. 
I guess it was because I had told some 
girlfriends that I certainly wasn't going 
to be a virgin when I got married. It was 
a very hot idea for the time. But it came 
from all my reading, not from someone 
telling me. But I think that every girl 
around 93 or 24, whenever it is that you 
truly make that connection with some- 
one—if you're that young, I think bells 
go off. We really are nesters. And for a 
woman to say “I never want childrer 
just watch out. We've got 50,000 years of 
history to contend with. But when a com- 
mitment is of the heart, it's purer. It's 
more faith in youself. People separate 
because they change and grow in differ- 
ent directions. Thats natural. Гуе met 
someone who, despite all the changes 
we've gone through, is still interested in 
the same things 1 am. I lucked out. 

PLAyBoy: What do you like to do? 

nurron: Well . . . el. It's always 
been my fi . I've been all 
over the world. Traveling really helps 
my perspective. I did a lot of reading as 

a kid. I thought America had real luxury 
that other countries didn’t. But that's 
not true. I went to Morocco and the liv- 
ing was unbelievably sensuous and erotic. 
Eating under the stars while little kids 
entertain you, Flowers big as dinner 
plates. Lying on cushions, eating out of 
communal bowl. America is all 

We've gotten very much awa 
and become dependent on machines. 
One wonders what happened to the flesh. 
And 1 love animals. The whole thing. I 
even collect bugs. 
P 17. 
PLavuoy: When people sce you on the 
ect, how do they react to you? 

юттом: On my time off, I'm seldom 
duded up, and because I've lived in the 
Village for 14 years now, everybody is 
used to seeing me around іп sneakers 
and a T-shirt. However, every once in a 
nge happens. For 
go, 1 was 
walking down Madison Avenue and 
someone started yelling my name from 
across the street. I put on a little speed, 

but he caught up with me. He was a very 
distinguished-looking man in his late 30s, 
with a three-piece suit and a briefcase, 

which he flung. I immediately liked him 
because it out of kilter with his drag. 
Anyway, he got very excited and flung 
his case down on the ground and ripped 
it open and started telling me that he 
would freeze me for fr He said he'd 
written letters to me but didn't know 
where to send them, that this was his 
great moment. He was a guy who had a 
cryonics bin out on Long Island—a big 
cylinder—and there were 12 slots but 
only three filled up. He wanted to give 
me—well, І can't call it a life member- 
But any time I wanted to get 
frozen, he was ready. That was funny. 
Do you own any beach-front 


nurrox: I own nothing. Seriously. No 
car, nothing. If you're thinking it looks 
good on my taxes, forget it. I get nailed 
every ycai 

What's the etiquette for your 

tooth cap? 

HUTTON: I put 
a character I'm doing who would use it. 
I used it for Revlon because they wanted 

in when I think there's 

it. I'm not sure I would continue using it. 

pLaytoy: How does a girl like you get 

to bea girl like you? 

HUTTON: Thats a good question. Keep 
your cyes closed and your mouth shut. 
No. Keep your eyes closed and your 
mouth open. 1 don't know. Curiosity, 


"Experts Paul Masson Cabernet Sa on 
isa road nire wine, with nice E. 
What they're trying to say tastes good?” 

по wine before its time. 


A Sister 220 Self (continued from page 146) 

“Not only do we have the same taste in clothes,’ says 
Cybil, ‘we both crave frozen yogurt and pretzels, 

this pictorial. We are not at all surprised 
at the impact of these double images. 
Twins have always held a special fascina- 
tion for mankind. In some primitive 
societies, they are venerated; in others, 
slain. And for almost a century, they 
have been the primary test subjects for 
scientists sceking to solve the controver- 
in: Which has more influence 
on the forming of personality—heredity 
ronment? (Otherwise known in 
scientific circles as the nature-versus- 
nurture dispute.) Probably the most fas- 
cinating rescarch involving twins is now 
being conducted at the University of 
Minnesota by a team headed by psy- 
chologist Thomas Bouchard. So far, 
Bouchard has assembled exhaustive phy 
ical psychological and biographical in- 
ventories of 15 sets of twins who were 
raised apart and, in many cases, had 
never met before their first visit. to 
Bouchard's laboratory. It will take five 
years or more for Bouchard's research 
team (which includes six psychologists, 
two psychiatrists and nine other medical 
consultants) to analyze completely all the 
data they've collected so far; but already 
they've found remarkable similarities be- 
tween the twins who've entered the pro- 
gram. One of several equally amazing 
examples is the case of Bridget and 
Dorothy, 39-year-old twins who met for 
the first time when they joined the study. 
At their first meeting, each wore seven 
rings, two bracelets оп one wrist and а 
watch and a bracelet on the other. Each 
has а son, one named Richard Andrew 
and the other Andrew Richard. Each has 
а daughter, one named Catherine Louise, 
the other Kar Another pair, 
both named Jim, named their sons James 
Allan and James Alan. Both work p: 
time as deputy sheriffs, own Chevys and 
have dogs named Toy. And both mar- 
ried and divorced women named Linda, 
then married women named Betty. 
Bouchard, who originally set out to 
find out how the environment works to 
shape psychological traits, admits, "I 
ly expected far more differences 
n we've found so far. 
We thought it might be interesting to 
take some of the early data from 
Bouchard’s research and compare it with 
the experiences of our four pairs of 
t raised ар: 
twins report 
nilar physiological traits. Sheila and 
Moira Stone say they're both "practically 
the right eye.” "In fact,” says 
Sheila, “I can use Moira's glasses.” Cybil 
and Tricia Barnstable were involved in 

174 an 1-year study of twins at the Univer- 

sity of Louisville when they were young- 
sters and Cybil says, “They ground our 
baby teeth down 32 levels and our teeth 
were identical, all the way. Ordinarily, 
any similarity in physical structure be- 
tween two people doesn't go more than 
18 levels. At lea 
They also found that our chromosomal 
make-up vas identi 

Bouchard s; 
tling regularity, display 


behavior: Both will buy the same gift, 
piece of furniture or article of clothing, 
without the oth и. That 

occurs with high frequency among twins 
who are raised together, but Bouchard 
found simila ases with twins raised 
apart. An example from his research 
came from two middle-aged women who 
reported that when they were children, 
they were brought together briefly to 
meet each other and found that they 
were wearing the same dress. 

Our more familiar with 
coincidental behavior. Tricia Barnstable 
recounts, “Once, Cyb and I were sepa- 
rated for about four months and when 
we got together again, we both rushed to 
the sterco to play the other one a song— 
the same song. One time, I went to 
California and Су! nt to New York. 
I bought a blouse and when I got to- 
gether with Cyb again and took it out 
to show her, she'd bought the same 

Piper and Tara Pei 
eral times when they 
bought the same clothes. But perhaps 
the strangest story of all comes from the 
Barnstables. “Once, when I was 
Angeles and Trish was in Chica 
Cybil recalls, “we both fell down a flight 
of stairs the same day at the same 
And we both hurt a leg.” 

twins were 

y also recall sev- 
ге been apart and 

its. The “Jim” twins have diae 
cal smoking and drinking р 
both chew their fingernails to the quicks. 
Another pair Bouchard studied, Oskar 
and Jack, though raised in Germ 
and Trinidad, respectively, both like 
spicy foods and sweet liqueurs, read 
magazines from back to front, store rub- 
ber bands on thei ists, flush the toilet 
before using it and dip buttered toast in 
their coffee. 

Sheila and Moira Stone admit to hav- 
ing certain tastes in common. “We both 
like the same Kinds ets foods,” ee Moira, 

the only alcohol we'll dri 
Cybil and Tricia say their eating hab- 

its are identical. “Not only do we have 
the same taste in clothes,” says Cybil, 
“we both crave frozen yogurt and pret 
zels. We don't eat any meat but chicken, 
and we both drink nothing but Diet 
Pepsi. In fact, you. might say that’s our 
yogurt, chicken, Diet Pepsi and 
pretzels, morning, noon and night." It 
must be said. however, that identical 
twins also differ in many significant ways. 
The most common dissimilarity is that 
one twin is an introvert while the other 
is an extrovert, Bouchard's research team 
has found that one twin is more likely 
than the other to be aggressive and out- 
going. That observation is corroborated 
by what our twins tell us about the 
differences between them. 

Sheila Stone says, 
more outgoing of us. And I like to dress 
up more. I love wcaring spiked heels; 
you can't get me out of them. Moira you 
can hardly ever get out of tennis shoes 
or boots. I get hit on more often, but 
men seem to fall madly in love with 
Moira more oft 

Tara and Piper Perry also confess to 
the extrovert-introvert syndrome. "We're 
different in many says Piper. “1 
e to party and Tara is more the home- 
body type. She's punctual and I’m late. 
She's а vegetable and fruit eater and I'm 
a meat eater. She's not much of a drink- 
er, but I drink.” 

Leigh Harris says she’s generally late, 
while Lyn is punctual, and describes her- 
self little more extroverted” than 

think Fm the 

s “а 

1 Barnstable is of the opinion that 
are too much alike, it's un- 
healthy. "f think a twin has to assert 
her individuality. If twins can't do that, 
it сап become crippling to both of 
them." It should also be noted that, ex- 
cept for the Barnstables, all of our twins 
id they had different men. 

Our favorite twin however, 
comes from Tara Perry, who says she 
and Piper were shopping together once 
in a department store, and both women 
went into dressing rooms to try on an 

outfit they were considering wearing on- 
stage during their singing act. “When 1 
came out of the dressing room, I asked 

Piper if she liked the outfit enough to 
buy it. She didn't answer me. So I asked 
her again and she still didn’t answer ше. 
Т was beginning to get annoyed when 1 
noticed the saleslady dying laughing. 
Then I realized that Piper hadn't come 
out of the changing room yet. I was 
talking to a full-length mirror. 

AIL of which is to warn you: If you're 
dating a twin, be careful. If you aren't 
observant, you could get into a double 
nd. Unless, of course, you're an iden- 
tical twin, too. Then you risk a quad- 
ruple bind. Which reminds us of 
quadruplets. But that's another story. 


Y Tits 15 А WORD 

50 SILLY! 

V | ике TITS. THEY 










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ТО... ТО REFUEL, Ж sage 


Jones. mham! GALAXY WEEDS Youl 

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EO dm 

pee ee T aer puce 

реште кы BUT | | INOT Hee BABY Aion 
BEHIND чоо. 

ze aucun 

by Downs & Kurtzman 



АА 70) MLOVE? 

You DON'T 
















Liquor of the Laia 

(continued from page 112) 

“There are five levels of Scotch in stores: bulks, pre- 
miums, super premiums, ultrapremiums, malts.” 

few holdouts was our own United States. 
The smoky potion didn't establish a toe 
hold here until the late Forties, after 
World War Two. Even then it was an 
Eastern phenomenon, and a status sip, 
seen in posh cafes frequented by trendies. 
Only a handful of brands were avail- 
able—and they were essentially one style. 
Contrast that with the current situation. 
Today we have hundreds of labels to 
choose from, and devotees cin browse 
through a maze of Scotch bottlings at any 
well-stocked emporium. 

Even more inuiguing, Scotch is no 
longer monolithic, As blending and dis- 
tilling techniques became more refined, 
producers expanded the range of their 
offerings by jockeying such key factors as 
proportion of malts to grain whiskies, 
types of шай in the blend, age of the 
whiskies and nature of the cooperage. 

By now, there are four or five identi- 
fiable levels of Scotch on liquors 
shelves: bulk whiskies, premium b 
superpremiums, ultrapremiums and 
malts. These variations on the theme 
present interesting possibilities to the ad- 
venturous palate and the host with a 

flair for entertaining. The following 
overview should raise your Scotch con- 
sciousness and increase the joy of your 
Scotch experience. (For a fuller listing of 
brands, prices and applications, refer to 
Playboy's Guide to Scotch, opposite.) 

Bulk Scotches are whiskies distilled 
and blended in Scodand, shipped in 
barrels and bottled in Stateside plants. 
They tend to be very light and have the 
smallest ratio of malt to grain whisky. 
The relatively modest tab may reflect 
savings in production and handling, as 
well ts lower proofs and profit margins. 
Bulks account for one of every three bot- 
tles of Scotch we imbibe, and they 
not to be disparaged. Inver House, Pass 
port and Usher's Green Stripe are the 
leading bulkshipped brands in this 

Labels of authentic premium brands 
bear the legend DISTILLED, BLENDED AND 
BOTTLED IN scortAND. The operative 
word here is bottled. Distilled and blend- 
ed in Scotland, alone, doesn't make it. 
Until the bulks emerged. some 20 years 
ago, premiums had the field to them- 
selves, and they're still the largest cate- 

“But first, tell me, Mr. Cartright, how 
do you feel about E.R.A 2" 

gory. J&B Rare, Dewar's White Label, 
Cutty Sark and Johnnie Walker Red 
Label get the biggest plays. 

The superpremiums started to come 
on in the Seventies, and they're still 
coming. They're suave bottlings, cost- 
licr than premiums, but you can taste 
the difference. The generous ladng of 
malt whisky imparts depth and а pal- 
pable malt tang to the blend. Twelve 
years or better in the cask rounds and 
mellows the superprems. Chivas Regal 
and Johnnie Walker Black Label are 
the leading brands in case sales. 

The ulwapremiums ше distillers’ 
showpicces—more like individual gems 
than a category. The hallmark of this 
group is age. A number come in artful 
ceramic or crystal decanters and make 
alluring, enduring gifts. Between the 
aged whiskies and the attractive con- 
tainers, ultrapremiums can be quite 
dear—they're available in limited quan- 
es, with a ng list of customers. 
Chivas Royal Salute is way out front and 
Ballantine's 30 Year is a distant second. 

Lusty, unblended Scotch malt whisky is 
in a class by itself—the ingredient that 
gives Scotch character to a blend. The 
term SINGLE Or SINGLE MALT on a label 
means the contents are all from the same 
distillery. In practice, straight malts are 
usually singles. The most esteemed are 
those from the Highlands; The Glenlivet 
and Glenfiddich are popular brands. The 
heavily aromatic Laphroaig is typical of 
Islay malts, while Talisker, from the Isle 
of Skye, neatly spans the gap between 
elegant Highland distillates and pungent 

‘The uh 

е plateau in Scotch appre- 
ciation is the complete Scotch bar. It's 
no trouble to set one up, and no vast 
expense. You'll want a representative 
from each of the blend types— including 
an ultrapremium—plus a malt from the 
Highlands and one from Islay or Skye. 
With that, and the drink temptations 
that follow, you're ready for some seri- 
ous sipping. 


14 ozs. Scotch 

1 oz. apricot liqueur 

1 tablespoon lemon juice 

2 ors. grapefruit juice 

Pour all ingredients over ice in old 
fashioned glass; stir well. 


2 ors. Scotch 

2 ors. orange juice 

% oz. lemon juice 

% оғ. lime juice 

1 teaspoon superfine sugar 

Lime slice 

Maraschino cherry 

Briskly shake whisky, orange, lemon 
and lime juices and sugar with cracked 
ice. Strain over fresh ice in large old 


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шш — шы жен шш шш num mm шем шем mum жам жам кән кеш 


Spring Fashion Breakthrough 

There are no dull games in our Center Court" sportswear. 

fashioned glass. Decorate glass with lime 
slice and maraschino cherry. Serve at 

Note: If you prefer a drier drink, cut 
back on the sugar. If you like it sweeter, 
add a bit more sugar or grenadine. 


114 ozs. Scotch 

34 oz. white crème de menthe 

Shake briskly with ice. Strain into 
cocktail glass or over fresh ice in wine- 


134 ozs. Scotch. 

3 ozs. beef bouillon 

Lemon wedge 

Sprig parsley 

Pour Scotch and bouillon over ice in 
old fashioned glass. Squeeze lemon into 
glass, add rind; stir. Garnish with parsley. 


1 oz. Scotch malt whisky 

1 teaspoon honey, or to taste 

4 ozs. milk 


Shake whisky, honey and milk vigor- 
ously with cracked ісе. Strain over fresh 
ice in highball glass. Sprinkle lightly with 


A monster-size drink that can easily go 
for two. 

3 ozs. Scotch 

1 oz. Scotch liqueur 

¥, oz. medium-dry sherry (Amontillado) 

Slice lime, slice lemon 

Pour all ingredients but fruit over ice 
in large old fashioned glass. Stir until well 
chilled. Decorate with lime and lemon or 
fresh fruit in season. 


114 ozs. Scotch 

34 oz. Campari 

8 to 4 ozs. tonic, or to taste 

Orange wedge 

Pour Scotch and Campari over ice in 
tall glass; stir. Add tonic. Squeeze orange 
wedge into glass; stir quickly. 


2 ozs. Scotch 

3 ors. V-8 (vegetable-juice cocktail) 

2 dashes each Worcestershire, Tabasco 

Lemon wedge 

Pour Scotch and V-8 over ice in old 
fashioned glass. Add Worcestershire and 
‘Tabasco. Squeeze lemon wedge into glass, 
add rind; stir well. 


114 ozs. Scotch 

1% oz. sweet vermouth 

% ог. orange liqueur 

34 o7. lime juice 

Lime wedge 

Shake all but lime with ice. Strain 

into cocktail glass. Garnish with lime 


11% ozs. Scotch 

34 oz. Lemonier liqueur 

Lemon slice 

Shake whisky and Lemonier briskly 
with cracked ice, to combine, Strain into 
prechilled cocktail glass. Hang lemon 

slice on rim of glass and serve. 

Do something different: Invite a 
quorum of quaffing companions over for 
an informal Scotch tasting—say three 
or four different types. Then go on to a 
sampling of mixed drinks. All in the 
interest of education, you understand— 
and good, clean fun! 


The answer to “Which Scotch for what purpose: 
tails pertinent to the genre are given below. Be aware that prices apply to 
the 750-ml. bottle (25.4 ounces) and are ball-park figures. They can, and do, vary 
according to outlet, locale and even season. 

Bulk Whisky 

Proof: Most bulks are 80 proof, but a number are 86 proof, and some brands 
come in both 80 proof and 86 proof. It pays to check the label! 

Price Range: $5.25-$6.25. 

Brands: Vat 69 Gold, Clan MacGregor, John Begg Blue Cap, 
Bulloch Lades B & L, Bellows, Glen Rossie, Peter Dawson, 
Lauder's, Old Smuggler, Lang's, Martin's V.V.O., Grand Macnish, Catto's Gold 
Labcl—as well as Passport, Inver House and Usher's Green Stripe, previously 


Application: Етіпепіу mixable; ideal for cocktails, highballs and mists. Light, 

agreeable sip poured over ice. 

Premium Scotch 
Proof: 86 proof and 868 proof. 
Price Range: 58-59. 

and other definitive de- 

George IV, 
King James, 

Brands: Ambassador, Teacher's Highland Cream, Vat 69 Traditional, White 
Horse, Black & White, Ballantine's, The Famous Grouse, Grant's Stand Fast 8, 

Bell’s Extra Special, Desmond & Duff, Whyte & Mackay Special—as well 


Dewar's White Label, J&B Rare, Johnnie Walker Red Label and Cutty Sark. 
Application: Used in mixed drinks as the bulks are, but tilt is to pour over 

rocks and in highballs. 

Proof: 86 proof and 86.8 proof. 
Price Range: $12 and up. 

Brands: Cutty 12, Dewar's 12 Ancestor, Grant’s Royal, Haig & Haig Pinch, 
James Martin's DeLuxe, Grand Old Parr, Royal Ages, The Antiquary, Bell's 
Royal Vat, Buchanan's 12 Year, “Ne Plus Ultra"—as well as Chivas Regal and 

Johnnie Walker Black Label. 

Application: Superb mixers, but considering their price and rich, mellow tone, 
most people will take them over ice or with a light splash of water. 

Proof: 80 proof and 86.8 proof. 

Price Range: 520-575, or more—depending on packaging. 
Brands: Bell's Royal Reserve, Grant's Own Ancient Reserve, Whyte & Mackay 
21 Year, Johnnie Walker Swing, Ambassador Twenty-Five, James Martin's Fine 

& Rare, Royal Heritage 21 Year—as well as Chivas Royal 

30 Year. 

alute and Ballantine's 

Application: These venerable citizens deserve to be sipped reflectively with an 
intimate friend. They are, as well, destined to be gifts—for the man or miss who 

has everything else. 

Scotch Malt Whisky 

Proof: Most are 86 proof or 86.8 proof, but some go higher. 

Price: $15 a bottle, or a bit more. 

Brands: МасаПап, Mortlach, Glendullan, John Begg Lochnagar, Dewar's Malt, 
Cardhu Highland Malt, Glenmorangie (favored in the homeland), Tomintoul 
Glenlivet, Glen Grant Glenlivet, Capercaillie Blended Malt—as well as Glen- 
fiddich and The Glenlivet, Laphroaig and Talisker. 

Application: Compared to cognac by aficionados, malts are often served neat or 
with a tot of water. A splash of malt whisky, preferably in a snifter, is a canny 

way to capa grand dinner. 



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JAMES GARNER (continued from page 158) 

Purple Hearts in Korea, so you must have 
seen a good deal of combat. 

GARNER: Damn, how do you know all that? 
Did you do a little homework or some- 
thing? Actually, I didn't trade fire with 
the enemy more than six or seven days, 
but they were really long, bad days. I got 
wounded the second day 1 was in Korea. I 
was bringing up the rear of a patrol and 
1 got hit with shrapnel in my hand and 
the edge of my eye, so 1 went back to an 
aid station and I started picking out these 
little bits of metal while looking in the 
mirror of a jeep. Some captain ran up to 
me and said, “Don’t do that! Go inside 
the aid station and we'll get you a Purple 
Heart" So I went inside and I was 
awarded one on my record. The second 
time was a lot more serious. I was part of 
the Fifth Regimental Combat Team and 
we were overrun on a ridge line one night 
by waves of Chinese. Out of 130 guys, I 
think we had no more than 40 people 
left the next morning. We retreated all 
night long, and about 6:30 the next 
morning, we connected with another unit, 
just in time to watch our Navy fighters 
blowing the shit out of the Chinese posi- 
tions. We were all shouting things like, 
“АП right, go get ‘em, gang!” and right 
about then, an AT-6 spotter plane flew 
over us and because we didn’t have our 
orange air panels, the observation plane 
told the fighters about this troop concen- 
tation he'd just seen. Next thing we 
knew, Navy Panther jets were firing 20- 
millimeter rockets at us. I immediately got 
hit in the butt and my rifle was blown up. 
When a rocket hits, it sprays white phos- 
phorus in all directions, and rather than 
stick around, I jumped out of my foxhole 
and ran off the side of a cliff. God, I must 
have rolled 100 yards down, end over end. 
] dislocated my shoulder and tore up both 
my knees. Meanwhile, the jets were still 
firing away and their rockets were hitting 
rocks and bouncing around the side of the 
hill, which made me remember the line. 
“It ain't the one with your name on it, it's 
the one to whom it may concern that you 
have to worry about" A Rok soldier 
had also rolled down there, and he was hit 
a little worse than Га been; he had white 
phosphorus down his neck and back and 
you could tell it was smarting a little, 
“cause that stuff burns. Because of my 
knees, I could hardly move, but we finally 
dragged ourselves back up the side of this 
steep hill—and no one was there! 
PLAYBOY: Where had everybody gone? 
GARNER: That’s what J wanted to know! I 
mean, I'd have gone with them. Me and 
this South Korcan were now alone on top 
of the hill, and he didn't speak any Eng- 
lish and I didn't speak any Korean. It 
didn’t seem like a smart thing to stick 
around, so we began following the moun- 
tain ridge line south, hoping we could 

catch up to our retreating column. I fi- 
nally recognized the valley we'd come up 
the day belore and I looked at the Rok 
and said, "South, that's where we're go- 
ing.” He still had his rifle and 1 was wear- 
ing my helmet, and as we walked down 
the hill into the valley, I looked over to 
my right and maybe 150 yards away, we 
spotted a big group of soldiers—and they 
weren't ours. We saw them and they saw 
us, and this South Korean and I walked 
right by all these North Korean troops. 
The only thing I could ever figure out was 
that, since the Rok soldier was carrying 
a rifle, they thought he was one of them 
and that 1 was his prisoner. It took us six 
hours before we heard what we both knew 
were American tanks, and at that mo- 
ment, the Rok soldier gave me the rifle 
and gestured for me to give him my 
helmet. He was obviously afraid our guys 
might think he was a North Korean who 
had the drop on me, That guy really 
picked up on all of it better than I did. 
PLAYBOY: How badly were you hurt? 
GARNER: Oh, I had phosphorus burns on 

"I also worked asa 
roughneck in oil fields 
in Texas and Oklahoma. 

I never stayed anywhere 
more than three or 
four months at a time." 

my backside, but they weren't too serious. 
І was more worried about my knees: 
When I got to the hospital, they'd swollen 
up like balloons. After I got out, I did 
nine months in Japan with a base postal 
office. That part of the war was fun for 
me, because I became a dog robber, which 
is what I played in The Americanization 
of Emily. Guys in the Army like their 
mail and they become very unhappy if 
they don't get it. Well, I decided to spruce 
up our unit, and if they didn't give me 
what we needed, they didn’t get their mail. 
The base post office was stationed in a 
bombed-out shoe factory, and I turned it 
into a showplace. In exchange for their 
mail, other units got us the materials to 
build a bar and then kept it stocked with 
whiskey. Nobody over there had ice ex- 
cept us, courtesy of the Graves Registra- 
tion Unit. I built us a theater in the 
biggest room in the shoe factory, got а 
baseball diamond laid out, got us hot 
water and showers, and my crowning 
achievement was a swimming pool. Now, 
that took genius. The smallest room in 

the shoe factory was the basement, so we 
cleaned it all out, whitewashed it, cement- 
ed the floor, put a ladder up the side and 
filled that sucker up with water. 1 went 
backto the States a reasonably happy man. 
Before I got out of the Army, I took a 
high school equivalency test and I got my 
diploma, plus credit for two years of col- 
lege. After visiting my dad in California 
for a few months, I went back to Norman 
and enrolled in the University of Okla- 
homa. I thought I could play college foot- 
ball, but my knees were too mesed up. 
Instead, I hung around the pool hall after 
classes, racking balls, stealing what I could 
from the register, collecting my $20 a 
weck in veteran's benefits and picking up 
a little change on the side by playing 
hearts. bridge and snooker. 
PLAYBOY: Were you a hustler? 
GARNER: Let's just say I wasn't bad. 
Several years ago, I beat Minnesota 
Fats two out of three games of eight ball. 
Anyway, I dropped out of college after 
one semester, but at least I finished it 
with a B average. About six months later, 
Y went back to California, and for a 
year or so, I worked for my dad, bang- 
ing down carpets. And then fate really 
stepped in and I became an actor. 
PLAYBOY: Did you come down with an 
overnight case of stage fever? 
GARNER: Oh, no, nothing like that. It 
really was fate, or at least coincidence. 
Remember І told you I went to Holly- 
wood High for a while? Well, after 
school, I'd worked in a Shell service 
station on Hollywood Boulevard, just 
down the block from the Gotham Drug 
Store. A soda jerk in the drugstore 
named Paul Gregory used to buy his gas 
from me, and every time he'd drive іп, 
he'd tell me how he was going to be a 
producer. He once came in and said 
that I was a natural for the part of 
Li'l Abner and that he wanted to be my 
agent So now we fade out and I'm 
coming back from Korea and I pick up 
a Time and I see where a play called 
Don Juan in Hell, starring Agnes Moore- 
head and Charles Laughton, has been 
produced by Paul Gregory. I thought, 
Well, good for him, and then I didn't 
think any more abou 
Paul had always said, “You really 
ought to be an actor, Jim,” but Га 
never paid any attention fo it. Well, one 
day, I was driving up La Brea and I 
noticed a building that said, PAUL 
before, but it had never really hit me. 
Since I was thinking about getting into 
a career, I thought about going in to 
see him. Heres the part where [ate 
steps in: If I get an urge to do some- 
thing but it's not convenient to do it, I 
won't. Well, there was a parking space 
in front of Paul's building—and if that 
space hadn't been there, I would never 
(continued on page 192) 

HESE DAYS, it isn't easy 
for a man to know exactly 
when he's made it in the 
business world. A name on 
the door and a Bigelow 
on the floor are out. Ex- 
pense and travel perks, a 
company car and a gor- 
geous secretary aren't the 
success indicators they 
once were. So how do you 
know when you're really 
important? When your 
work load justifies your 
company's installing in 
your office suite (or home) 
the brand-new $100,000 
Teleportation Unit, an 

Welcome to the future. 
What you're looking at is 
the view from the control 
panel of the 1981 Telepor- 
tation Unit, designed by 
Doug Michels and Richard 
Jost. The two architects 
built this prototype in the 
home of a Houston invest- 
ment banker, and if you 
have a spare $100,000 
lying around, they can 
build one for you, too. And 
what do you get for your 
money? Well, to begin with, 
the obvious: an 80-inch 
sion screen and a 

incredible all-purpose com- 
puterized media room. 
What does it do? Well, it 
dissolves the already 
thinning line between 
American work and play. 
Installed in your office, it 
could make it easy for you 
to forget to go home. 
(That's what your company 
would be banking on, no 
doubt.) Installed in your 
home, it could save you gas 
money, obviating the need 
for your physical presence 
at the office. It would also 
enable you to negotiate 
heavy deals in your 
pajamas, which we all 
know is the ultimate perk. 
"The Teleportation Unit 
was designed by architects 
Doug Michels and Richard 
Jost, from New York and 
Houston, respectively. The 
result looks like a cross 
between a space module 
and a small, plush theater. 
So plush, in fact, that in 
addition to being a great 
place to do business, it's a 
great place for seduction. 
It seduced us, at any rate. 
We want one. 

At right, the Teleportation 
Unit turns into a boogie room 
with the aid of a disc in the 

Apple computer programmed 
to translate music into pulsing 
patterns of colored lights on 
the giant display screen. As 

it in the elevated white 

ien choir òt the control 

board, an amazing assortment 
of communications ond 
computer hardwore is at your 
finger tips. The computer 
comes with data processor, 
printer ond disc memory, and 
it's hooked up to the video 
projector, data screen, а 
video-cossette recorder and 
an audio system with four 
stereo speakers (built into the 
wall for wraparound sound). 
The audio system feotures 
your regulor television 
stotions, a hookup to 40 
cable TV systems around the 
country, a Bang & Olufsen 
AM/FM radio tuner, tope 
deck ond turntable. The 
nearly soundproof room is 
covered, top to bottom, in 
gray-blue wool with motching 
carpeting. Cushioned seating 
is provided at the front for 12. 
So bring your flight crew ond 
teleport them into tomorrow. 


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Single men often complain they don’t 
get enough of some things, but dating 
advice is not one of them. Instructions 
come from their mothers, from news- 
paper columnists, from friends who 
scored in singles bars last week—every- 
body. But Abby Hirsch is one dating 
expert with a difference; she seriously 
spends her days listening to war stories 
from the dating front. Her company, 
"The Godmothers, Ltd., is an exclusive, 
New York-based dating service that 
charges $250 to match men and women 
with their ideal companions, and busi- 
ness is booming. “What we offer basi 
cally, is the three best dates of your life,’ 
she says directly. "Our clients are attrac 
tive, articulate men and women of all 
ages who are often too proud, too suc- 
cessful or simply too busy for other kinds 
of dating services.” In short, she is to dating what Escoffier was 
to sauces, and her advice on how to behave with the opposite 
sex carries some clout, enough so that she has opened operations 
in Washington, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. 

Here is the Godmother on how to be a perfect date: One, Do 
not complain about or even discuss former relationships unless 
you are under direct questioning or duress. It is also not neces- 
sary to tell your life history on the first, second or third date. 
Two, Do have a sense of humor. “Women say all men ате too 
serious about themselves,” says Hirsch. “If you can make some- 
one laugh, she'll always be your friend. Besides, laughter is а 
great aphrodisiac.” Three, Do not have a check list of any kind. 
“You should not automatically accept or reject someone on the 
basis of the first date,” she advises. “After all, what may appear 
to be a woman's first concern is not necessarily what's last on 
her mind. Everyone has to be more flexible.” Four, Listen to a 
woman. Endlessly. Genuinely. Don't be interesting, be interested. 
In case you are wondering about the biggest question of all, 
the Godmother advises that it is OK to have sex on the first 
date, and it's also OK not to. “Just make sure you don't sleep 
with anyone you don’t want to hear from the next day,” she 
cautions. “Most of my clients assume that if everything else falls 
into place, sex will be good, too, so they aren't that worried about 
" As for making the first move, however, the responsibility is 
more clear-cut. “Most women are still uncomfortable about it 
and would prefer that the man took the initiative," says Hirsch. 


Half of the Godmother's cients are women, and she claims 
that they still like romantic men. 

“Men all think of themselves as romantics, but they don't do 
anything about it,” she complains. “They internalize romance 
and never translate it into things women understand, like 
flowers or a phone call in the middle of the day. Nothing flashy 
is needed—just any kind of surprise or consideration. Small 

things alone can make a relationship 
last a long time, and a little bit of 
romance can still make a woman swoon.” 

When it comes to things women do 
not like about men, the criteria are just 
as straightforward. For example, Hirsch 
has noticed that eccentrics are definitely 
out. "Women do not want dull men," 
she says, "but they also don't want the 
abrasiveness of the Sixties generation." 
"The man in search of himself does not 
get as much attention as the man who 
has found himself, she warns. "Also, 
women are put off by men who seem 
defeated. They don't want to buy into а 
whole package of problems." 

And what about the flip side? What 
do men dislike in women? “The biggest 
complaint men have is that women 
don't know what they want," she says 
emphatically. "Women tend to accept ог 
reject someone on the first date. If they 
accept him immediately, they compound that blunder by plan- 
ning their next three weekends together before the night is 
over." Men also complain that women don't seem to have time 
for them, that they often avoid commitments to men by using 
the old male excuse of “I'm too busy at the office to get involved 
with you.” 

What should women do to make men feel wanted? 

"A woman should cook dinner for а man," she states flatly. 
“The most popular woman in our service works asa baker. Also, 
she should try to make a man feel comfortable intellectually. 
Finally, she should be able to pack in five minutes." 

When the Godmother has a failure in mating clients, it's often 
a matter of chemistry. She has learned that mixing smokers with 
nonsmokers or pet lovers with pct haters is impossible. “Collid- 
ing lifestyles are always a problem," she sighs. "Disco versus 
antidisco, for example, or sloppy versus neat. I'm developing 
my ‘fingernail theory of compatibility.’ The world is divided 
into men who don’t like polished fingernails and those who do. 
1 think polished fingernails conjure up a lifestyle that men 
either immediately like or immediately dislike.” 

Daters are always testing cach other; they are constantly 
negotiating. They sometimes settle for: "You make me fecl 
comfortable; therefore, I'm going to like you." On the other 
hand, some of Hirsch's male clients are not content with mere 
comfort. They say, “My life is good and I want it better.” 
Hirsch encourages both parties to know what they really want, 
and to know when they've got it. 

And although she claims she started "The Godmothers as a 
lark, matching her friends just for the fun of it, being respon- 
sible for the lives of her clients seems to have had a sobering 
effect on her. "Romance is a creative art," she muses. "Our 
clients have a romantic ideal when they come in, and the biggest 
obstacle to their own happiness is feeling that there is always 
someone better around the corner. Expectations have a way of 
sabotaging things and we've got to get people out of that kind 
of thinking." TOM PASSAVANT 


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our next new car—should you 

buy it or lease it? For a grow- 

ing number of drivers, the an- 
swer is lease. Corporations are the most |) | 
frequent leasers, but leasing by private 
drivers has jumped 179 percent in the 
past decade, making it the industry's БАЙ 
fastest growing segment. Basically, a lease f 
is a long-term car rental (usually one to 
three years) and it can—for some driv- 
ers—offer dollar savings. Auto dealers, 
some banks and independent companies 
such as Hertz, Avis end National all 
handle leases. Shop around, because 
deals vary. 

Leases are of two distinct breeds: 
Open-End Lease: Monthly payments 

are lowest with this type, but you're 

gambling; when the lease expires, the 

Company may owe you money or you 

may оме it, depending on the car's trade-in value. When you 

sign an open-end lease, the company will estimate the car's 

worth when the lease is up one, two or three years thence. 1! 

estimates $2000, but the actual value turns out to be only $1500, 

you owe it a $500 “balloon” payment to cover the difference. If 
the car's worth is $2500, it owes you $500. 

Under the Federal Consumer Leasing Act, before you sign to 
Tease a car for personal use, the company must tell you how it 
calculates balloon payments. And, at the lease's termination, you 
can demand an estimate from an independent appraiser, binding 
on both you and the company. Also, the law limits balloon 
payments to no more than triple the monthly payment. For 
example, if your monthly payment is $200, any final balloon 
payment can't exceed three times $200—or $600. 

Watch it, though: If the contract you sign (read it!) waives 
your right to а balloon limit or if you put more than a stip- 
ulated number of miles on the car, any final balloon payment 
might be higher. Under the law, if the leasing company tries— 
after the lease expires—to win a larger balloon payment through. 
the courts, win or lose, the company must pay your attorney's fee. 

Closed-End Lease: This version has higher monthly fees, but 
it eliminates the gamble, because the car's ultimate trade-in 
value is strictly the company's problem. As in open-end leases, 
you're responsible only for damage to the car beyond normal 
wear and tear. But you may have to pay extra for mileage 
beyond a stipulated limit, such as 20,000 miles per year. 

Maintenance and Insurance Options: With both kinds of 
leases, you can choose from a range of maintenance agreements 
making the leasing company responsible for the cars upkeep, 
and you can also choose to insure the car through the leasing 
company, especially if you can get low-cost group insurance. 
These options result in higher monthly payments. 

Which lease is best? According to R. J. Weishaar, who runs 
Hertzs carleasing division, an open-end lease generally is best 
if you're a driver who puts low mileage on a car. Then the 
trade-in value is apt to be higher, giving you а good chance for a 
rebate. If you run cars hard, averaging more than 20,000 miles per 


year, a closed-end lease with full main- 
tenance is probably your best deal. Some 
companies now offer hybrid leases, elimi- 
nating balloon payments but still giving 
you part of the gain if the car's resale 
value exceeds the estimate because of 


Cash buying costs you the least, even 
tallying in the interest you lose on the 
$8000 or so you shell out for a car. But 
if, like most buyers, you take out a loan, 
the leascor-buy question gets iffier. 

The beast in the bushes is deprecia- 
tion—a new car's value nose-dives in the 
first three years, then levels out. Thus, 
the longer you keep a car, the less sense 
leasing makes, because your average de- 
preciation per year goes down. Keep а 
car long enough and you extract most of 
its value. But if you like your cars for- 
ever young, trading in every year or two, you get walloped by 
depreciation losses. Then leasing might save you some bucks. 

An advantage of leasing is no down payment. But you'll prob- 
ably have to ante up one or two months’ payments in advance, 
plus, sometimes, а small security deposit. You get the deposit 
back when you turn in the car (if it isn't banged up). 

Beware of lessors who advertise spectacularly low monthly 
payments—often they charge a nonrefundable payment up 
front. Never sign a lease on the basis of the monthly payments 
alone. Add up all the charges to see how the lease stacks up 
against buying the car. For example, with a given lease, will you 
have to pay for the car's registration? Do you owe sales tax on 
the payments? How much is the charge for excess mileage? 


You've decided on a car model and options. Now how do you 
decide which is cheaper, buying or leasing? 

On the leasing side of the ledger, figure in all of your costs, 
such as the total of your monthly payments, sales taxes, interest 
lost on the advance payments, and insurance, The potential bal- 
loon payment and excess-mileage fee at the end of the lease are 
hard to predict—probably, your best bet is to assume that both 
will be zero. Subtract income from selling your old car (many 
lessors will help you arrange the sale) and any tax savings. 

In toting up the cost of owning the same car, figure the car's 
purchase price minus trade-in and any discount you can wangle. 
Add on the sales tax, delivery and dealer prep charges, the 
finance charge for the loan, interest you lose on the down pay- 
ment, insurance and any other costs. Subtract any tax savings, 
such as deductions you can claim for interest paid on your loan. 

Check whether or not the lease enables you to get discounts on 
tires, batteries and other parts. Does the lease give you a better 
deal on repairs? Also, if your credit rating is squeaky clean, your 
monthly payments could be lower. With an open-end lease, you 
may have the option of buying the car at the estimated resale 
value when the lease expires. If the company has underesti- 
mated, you could get a good deal. —RICHARD WOLKOMIR 




JAMES GARNER (continued from page 181) 

have driven around the block to look 
for one, 

PLAYBOY: You really don't think so? 
GARNER: I know damn well 1 wouldn't 
have. As it was, I went in and we talked 
for close to an hour. I told him I didn’t 
know if I'd like to be an actor, but I 
was almost 25 years old and I had to do 
something, sometime. 1 made up my 
mind right then that I'd give myself 
five years to try it as an actor, and Paul 
agreed to become my agent. He thought 
I was finally using some common sense. 
Gregory said, "Look at yourself, Jim, 
and hear what you sound like. There's 
definitely a chance that something could 
happen if you learned how to act.” That 
made sense to me, because nothing I'd 
done ever held out the opportunity to 
make the money an actor has a shot at. 
Basically, I'd be using what God had 
given me—my looks. Now, I knew that 
there were hundreds of guys who looked 
like me and most of 'em could get in the 
door, but could they close it behind 
them? Maybe I could. And I wasn't 
looking for stardom; I was looking for 
a job, something 1 could make a living 
at. But if I wanted it, 1 knew I was 
going to have to change my attitude 
about а lot of things. 

PLAYBOY: Such аз? 

GARNER: I was still scared to death to 
perform in front of anybody. Gregory 
quickly got me a reading at Columbia 
Studios with a talent coach named Benno 
Schneider, and afterward, Schneider 
told me, “I don't know what you've 
bcen doing, young man, but you really 
should go back to it. Just because you're 
young doesn't mean you can be ап 
actor." Well, that about halfway pissed 
me off, telling me there was something 
I couldn't do. And it really helped me, 
because I had to get over that. It took 
me a long time to do it, but I did. I 
spent most of my first five years as ап 
actor trying to get over my fear of 
performing. After that rea 
hired me to tour in the national com- 
pany of The Caine Mutiny Court- 
Martial, which he produced. I was one of 
six silent judges and I did it for a year 
and never had one word of dialog, but I 
got a lot of experience and learned a 
great deal from the show's stars. 

PLAYBOY: Who were they? 

GARNER: Henry Fonda, Lloyd Nolan and 
the late John Hodiak. I used to watch 
Fonda just to study the way he moved, 
his posture and the way he sat, which І 
later copied, incidentally, in Support 
Your Local Gunfighter. I've used his atti- 
tude, stance and the mental images I 
have of him quite a few times in my 
films, but those were mostly physical 
things. What I really learned from him 

was a professional attitude and concen- 
tration. Johnny Hodiak became a good 
friend, and 1 was his understudy and he 
helped me out quite a lot. Nolan also 
taught me about concentration, which is 
the reason certain actors can walk out 
onstage and suddenly everyone's eyes аге 
riveted on them. Anyway, we toured for 
three months or so, and then the play 
opened on Broadway. My first night in 
New York, the three of them got me a 
date with an absolutely beautiful red- 
head named Barbara Walters—not the 
TV interviewer—and they took us to the 
Trocadero and to “ afterward, and 
ТЇЇ never forget their kindness. Here I 
was, a prop in this play, and my good 
buddies were the stars. 

PLAYBOY: Did you have any aspi 
to become a Broadway star? 
GARNER: None whatsoever. First of all, 
New York is not my town. I’m a small- 
town boy, and if you walk down the 
street in New York and say hi, somebody 
will hit you in the mouth. I mean, in 
New York, if you smile, they'll steal 


"I used to watch Fonda 
just to study the way he 
moved, his posture and 
the шау he sat, which 1 
later copied in ‘Support 
Your Local Gunfighter.” 

your teeth; and if you shake hands, 
you'll come back without an arm. It’s 
just not my town. Also, after a year in 
The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, 1 came 
to the conclusion that you have to be 
broader onstage than in film, and still 
being in the grip of introversion, I 
didn't have the guts to play that broadly. 
Before the show left Broadway, 90th 
Century-Fox offered me a screen test in 
New York; but there was a strong rivalry 
between New York and Hollywood offices 
of every film company, so I turned "em 
down and said if I did a test, it 
would be in Hollywood, not New York. 
They thought I was crazy. Well, I went 
back to the Coast after The Caine 
Mutiny Court-Martial finished іп New 
York. A couple of months later, Gergory 
called and asked if 1 wanted to play the 
role of Lieutenant Maryk in а new na- 
tional tour to be directed by Laughton. I 
obviously wasn't going to turn that 
down, so we began rehearsing for it and 
one afternoon, Laughton said to me [imi- 
tating Laughion and doing it well], 

“James, I want you to come up to the 
house today and lunch with me.” I was 
sure he was about to can me, because, al- 
though I knew my lines, I wasn’t very 
good. That afternoon, he told me, “Jim, 
your problem is that you're afraid to be 
bad. Therefore, you do nothing. You go 
down the middle of the road and you 
have no highs and you Һаус no lows." 
And he was right. I was still afraid of 
being laughed at, of being disliked, of 
trying not to be bad instead of focusing 
on being good. 
PLAYBOY: You were feeling defensive, in 
other words. 
GARNER: Yeah, which is what the under- 
playing I did for a long time was all 
about. Oh, I got braver as I got along, 
but he was absolutely right: I was afraid 
to be bad. Laughton told me that if I 
wasn’t any good, he'd let me know and 
to leave it to him. And since then, ГЇЇ 
stick my neck out and leave it to а 
director to chop it off if he has to. I 
did Maryk for four months in Texas, 
Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas, and 
then I went back to Hollywood, made 
my Winston commercial and lived off 
that for eight months. After that, I got 
the part of an irate lieutenant in the 
first episode of Cheyenne. God, I was a 
good irate lieutenant. Warner Bros. 
then signed me to a contract for $200 
a week, and then a lot of things 
happened very quickly. I got a small 
part іп a William Holden movie, 
Toward the Unknown, and then 1 
tested for Sayonara, Originally, the idea 
was to go with either Marlon Brando 
and an unknown Japanese girl or 
Audrey Hepburn and an unknown in 
the Brando role. They couldn’t afford 
both Brando and Hepburn, so if they 
went with her, I had a shot at the lead. 
Well, they went with Brando and a 
Japanese girl, but I wasn't really disap- 
pointed, because I figured everything 
always works out for the best. They 
were going to cast John Smith as an Air 
Force major who is Brando's antagonist 
in the film, and one day I talked to the 
producer and the director of Sayonara, 
Bill Goetz and Josh Logan, and I said, 
“Fellas, you've seen my test and you 
know I can do the part. If you sign 
Smith, you're gonna have to pay him at 
least $1200 а week; but, hell, the studio's 
got me for $225, so I'm going to be a 
lot cheaper." By God, they hired me. 
PLAYBOY: Were you nervous about work- 
ing with Brando? 
GARNER: I think you could say that. The 
first scene I did with him was in the 
back of a taxi, and I didn't exactly feel 
like Rod Steiger in On the Waterfront. 
Marlon noticed that my hands were 
soaking wet and that I was wringing, 
and he said, “What’s the matter?” I told 
(continued on page 197) 


[т TORY : 


О "onsicu Voltaire, give me one good reason 
JL. Showing, why I Should sleep with you. 



The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere & Others First in War, First in Piece... . 

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You're not going 

to believe this... 


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Sir..was that Whites of their £lies'or thighs’? ——- 
p" Qv TA 


| Ви. why has the Continental Con 
| уотеа me Miss Liberty Bell 
oe S 


Ben Franklin іп King Louis' Court 
s — Majesty, he sass A stiff in tine — pant, puff, 

ШЕР buff-saves sixté:nine’ 




-.. dnd, by the way, Justine, 
in case I neglect to mention 
it're a swell date. 

Кол В — 
finds ot about 1 


> Read the musickid! 
5» Read the music! 

so then T saia, 
“Let them 
eat cake, 

То be continued. 


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JAMES GARNER (continued from page 192) 

him I was a little nervous because this. 
was my first good picture. He told me 
not to worry and maybe he could help. 
me out. He did, too. He was the friend- 
liest of people, and from then on, I was 
his slave. He did make me feel comfort- 
able and he wound up almost coaching 
me and being my personal director. I 
figured if what I was doing was good 
enough for Brando, it was good enough. 
for me. And it also seemed good enough 
for Logan, who didn't give me a lot of 
d nly because Marlon and I 
rehearsed rehearsed. ГЇЇ tell you 
this: the best actor 

І think Brando 
we've eyer had. I always felt that be- 

cause he couldn't trust anybody but 
Kazan, he needed someone to pick ma- 
terial for him. If he'd ever found some- 
one like that, he could have done so 
much more. We haven't been that close 
over the years, but I still have a great 
affection for him because of what he d 
for me оп Sayonara. Working with him 
was just a јоу. I then went back and 
did the pilot for Maverick, because after 
looking at dailics of Sayonara, I don't 
think it was any stroke of genius on 
ner—we've got him and hi 
PLAYBOY: Does it scem to you that you 
owe a lot of the initial interest in your 
career to the fact that you were under- 

t's true. And down through 
the years, I've always kept my y 
below a lot of people's, for the simple 
reason that I think actors cut themselves 
ош of too many pictures because of 
their prices. For instance, when Lee 
Marvin went to $1,000,000 a picture, he 
cut his chances of working by more that 
half. But its one thing to be reasonable 
about your p d it was quite another 
what Warner Bros. at that time did to 
me on money. After I finished Sayonara 
and the Maverick pilot, Warners had a 
contract dispute with Charlton Heston 
and he walked ош of Darby's Rangers. 
It turned out kinda funny. Jack Warner 
told Heston to have his Darby's Rangers 
contract signed by a Friday afternoon at 
five o'clock, but Heston didn't do ii 
Well, at 5:30, they callcd me over to the 
television department—not the movie 
department—and told me I was such a 
good guy that they wanted to give me a 

raise. I was making $250 a week and in 
another five months or so, my contract 
called for a raise to $: week. They 
said they wanted to raise me to $350 a 

week right then and there—but they 
also wanted another year and a half on 
the end of a seven-year contract. Well, 
I was smart enough to turn that dowi 

They finally got around to offering me 
$500 a месі, and I needed the money, 

because my wife was pregnant, we had 
an eightyearold daughter who'd just 
come out of the hospital with polio. 
Well. on Monday morning, I found out 
I'd been given Heston's starring role 
Darby's Rangers and 1 thought, OK, the 
sons of bitches got to me. 1 didn’t find 
out until a couple of weeks later that 
they'd also sold the Maverick pilot. I 
told myself, you made the deal, but 
they're not crazy. If Maverick works and 
the movie goes, they'll rewrite the con- 
tract, because they know how inequitable 
it is. So I did Darby's Rangers, a World 
War Two movie that ends with Colonel 
Darby's becon general, 
little difficult for me to look 
mature when I had just turned 2 
then Maverick took off. Ed Sulliv 
the Sunday-night competition and he 
was making $25,000 a week. I was making 
$500 a week and Maverick was swamp 
his show. But doing the show itself w: 
a great, great experience. 

PLAYBOY: Do you remember the first 
Maverick ever filmed? 

GARNER: I really do, yes. Jt was a remake 
of Rocky Mountain, an Errol Flynn mov- 
ie—practically all the first Maverick 
scripts were rewrites of old Warner Bros. 
pictures. 1 even wore the coat and vest 
Flynn wore in Rocky Mountain, because 
they used stock footage from the movie 
for long shots, so I had to match my 
clothes to his. The first three cpisodes 
were directed by Budd Boetticher, a very 
ne director who's made cult pictures 
like Blood and Sand. He started injecting 
little bitty pieces of humor into the 
es almost immediately. 1 remember 
that in the sccond or third episode, we 
had an hour to film a very long fight 
scene, one in which both guys fight until 
they get so tired they can't throw any 
more punches. I told Budd, “Jesus, why 
don't we have this guy just knock me 
into some tall weeds and then come after 
me, and every once in a while PU knock 
him out of the weeds, 
knock me out of 'em. 

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Mr. Walsh, is not sufficient justification 

for asex 

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saw a lot of weeds and feet, and after that, 
we tended to use a lot of humor whenever 
we were pressed for time. After three 
shows, the writers started putting the 
humor on paper and, well, the show just 
took off. 

PLAYBOY. Did you fecl as if you were 
doing a satire on Westerns? 

GARNER: Oh. yeah. and we really did do 
satire. We did a take-off on Gunsmoke 
that we called ashy, апа we started it 
off with that shooting scene taken through 
Marshall Dillon's legs, except we called 
our sheriff M Il Dooley. And we had 
а Doc, and instead of Chester, we 
our guy Fester, who told me hi 
was caused by a dad-blamed horse that 
had stepped оп his тос. When it got 
better, I told Fester to keep the limp, 
because it gave him character, and he 

said, “I believe you're right.” and so he 
limped for the rest of the show. Or we'd 
do things for New York like having me 

say, “Let's drop it into the swamp and 
sec if it ks." When I started it, there 
were about 17 Western series on TV, and 
I couldn't see playing another steel 
eyed hero, becausé TV had plenty of 
those. I think Maverick was really the 
st pinprick in the balloon of TV West- 
erns, and when the series was finished, 
so were TV Westerns. The same thing 
was true of Rockford: There were ump- 
teen detective series when The Rockford 
Files first went on the air, and I wasn't a 
steely-cyed private сус and I wasn't 
brave. How many detectives are left on 
TV six уе r? 1 come in and scrape 
“ет up, I'm a killer of genres, I think, 
and there must be something to that, 
but I don't quite know what it is. 

PLAYBOY: Did vou ever scttle on а new 
ct with Warner Bros.? 
GARNER: You must be kidd 
course not. they wouldn't have wanted 
to do that. You know, we started shoot- 
ing Maverick on August 20, 1957, and 
when it went on the air on that Sep- 
tember 22, we had one episode in the 
-the pilot. They needed one a week 
and it took us six working days to shoot 
a show, meaning Maveric losi 
day a week. So Warners 
started looking for a side-kick, and then 
aged it to a brother and got 
and they signed him for more 


Not only that but I didn't find out 
months later that out of my 5500 
k, $285 was straight y and $215 
was an advance against residuals. At 
Warner Bros, nobody got residuals. I'll 
ever be able to remember all the tricks 
they pulled. Another instance: Contract 
t Warners didn't тес 
arance money—it 
to the studio. I on 
to appear on the Pat Boone show 

the studio wanted me on it, but they 

also wanted to keep the $7500, and that 
represented a lot of money to me. All the 
rest of ABC's cowboys were also going 
to be on—Jack Kelly, Clint Walker, 
Ty Hardin, Peter Brown and some 
others. Well, I refused to go on if I 
wasn't paid. I settled for $2500 cash and 
a Corvette with everything on it. The 
other guys wound up getting $500 cach 
and Warners tried to teach me a lesson 
a little later on. 

PLAYBOY: What did they do? 

GARNER: There ters’ strike 
during the third year of Maverick and 
they suspended me for eight weeks with- 
out pay, just to show me a little some- 
thing. They thought they had a contract 
clause allowing them to do that if the 
series had to shut dow Well, I sued 
them for breach of contract and I won, 
but for several months after that, actors, 
directors and producers were waiting 
to see if I could get away with й. My 
lawyers were frankly worried, because 
the major studios had a lot of power 
at the time and they were worried that T 
might not get another job. I didn't make 
a film for more than a ycar, but in eight 
weeks of summer stock. I made more 
money doing John Loves Mary than I 
would've working a whole year оп Mav- 
erick for $1250 a week. And at the end 
of the year, William Wyler hired me to 
do The Children's Hour with Audrey 
Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine. Не 
broke the mold and there weren't any 
problems after that. 

PLAYBOY: You've made 24 movies since 

was a 

then. Which ones do you consider your 

GARNER: The best, I think, was The 
Americanization of Emily. Unfortunate- 
ly, critics were just scared to death of it. 
It was the first antiwar film, it was the 
first film of any content that had nudity 
in it and a lot of people in the industry 
were afraid of it. The script really was 
brilliant, but selling it to the public 
wasn't easy, because a lot of people 
thought it was a Julie Andrews-nanny 
movie. But. in the long t's shown 
itself to be the great film it is. Гуе had 
four or five films like that, movies people 
realized were better after they'd gone 
around. Support Your Local Gunfighter, 
which I like almost as much as The 
Americanization of Emily, though for 
different reasons, originally wasn't 
thought of as anything much. But it wa 
a very good comedy. And Skin Game. 
also a very fine film, was practically 
thrown down the tubes. It came out thc 
same year as McCabe & Mrs. Miller, and 
Warner put their advertising 
money on that one instead of Skin 
Game, That's because McCabe & Mrs. 


Miller cost a lot more to produce than 
ng to get 

Skin Game and they were tr 

ward nomin: 

ion lor 

un Academy 
То me, it wa ke the time the Pitis- 
burgh Pirates signed my brother Jack 
id also signed a $100,000 
Paul Pettit, They 
tried everything in the world to make 
Pettit a major leaguer, because they had 
big money invested. in him. They tried 

as a pitcher 
bonus baby named 





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him as a pitcher, an outfielder, а first 
baseman, everything. Meanwhile, my 
brother was doing nothing but winning 
ball games for their farm teams, and 
he was making $175 а month. Anyw 
one other film І really liked was Grand 
Prix, especially the making of it, because 
I drove a race car for eight months. I 
so kind of like it because it's probably 
the only picture I ever went after as a 
career move. 

PLAYBOY: Why did you go after it? 
GARNER: By 1966, Га done a lot of пісе 
Іше pictures and one day 1 thought, 
Boy, what I need is an epic, a real Charl- 
ton Heston type of epic. And then 1 
read that John Frankenheimer was going. 
to do Grand Prix in C id I 
knew that if the picture was shot right, 
it had to be a big movic. I called Meta 
Rosenberg and she went over to MGM 
and got a script, and they liked the idea 
of my doing it, and it worked. 

PLAYBOY: You've been very upbeat dur- 
ing this interview, but we've been told 
there's a dark side to James Garner that 
manifests itself in two ways: Either you 
get terribly down on yourself or you get 
combative. You once mentioned that 
е part Cherokee and that when you 
nk, you sometimes want to take back 
the land. Does that still hold tru 
GARNER: Well, I don't do much drinking: 
anymore, because of the ulcer; and, be- 
sides, 1 don't really want the land back— 
it has too many taxes on it, And what 
they've given to the Indians ain't worth 
having, anyway. But, yeah, theres а 
darker and worse side to me th what 
you've «сеп, and I'm not all those happy 
things the press has conjured up about 
me. I get into terrible depressions and 1 
have my sell-doubts and periods of gloom 
and doom. I'm getting to the point 
where I can recognize them and pull out 
of them, but they still happen. 

PLAYBOY: What are your depressions like? 
GARNER: Oh, I've had times when I 
couldn't make a decision whether to take 
a shower or a bath, so I didn’t do either 
nd just sat there. Or I couldn't make a 
decision to watch a particular TV show 
or not, and just sat there. 

PLAYBOY: How long would you sit around 
like that? 

GARNER: For days. I've had some pretty 
good downers, believe me, and when 
they happen, I don't want to sce or talk 
to people. І just brood and stew, but it 
finally comes to me that, Jim, this is not 
very progressive, you're not accomplish- 
ing anyth To come out of it, I'll do 
something like go to a doctor or force 
myself to play golf, which used to be a 
great release for me. I've been a scratch 
golfer for most of my life, but I've had 
moments when I couldn't even get up 
the energy to go knock that dumb litde 
ball around. 


PLAYBOY: What arc your releases now? 

GARNER: About the same. I always find 
I'm much better when I'm working, and 
I usually have fun making movies, be- 
picture people arc the best 
n the world. This is the only 

business I've ever seen where people are 

lined up a half hour early, ready to go 
to work. Nobody ever wants to be late, 
because it's really a fascinating life. I 
usually find that people have drifted 
into it because, for some reason, they 
couldn't work nine-to-five jobs. They just 
couldn't hack that, and if they get a 
taste [or the movie business, they even- 
tually wind up spe ng in something. 
I mean, guys don't wake up опе day 
when they're cight years old and say, “I 
want to be a prop man 
PLAYBOY: Does the same hold true for 

GARNER: It holds true for me, І know 
that. It's an interesting way to live and 
it takes you everywhere. My God, do 
you think I could һауе found another 
way to go first-class around the world 
and to mect kings and queens and Presi 
dents and princesses? 

PLAYBOY: Probably not. bur don't you 
think there's a fairly stiff price you've had 
to pay for that? 

GARNER: No one cver said you get to win 
completely, because what goes around 
comes around. If you get something, you 
pay for it in one way or another. Every- 
опе says, how could anybody be unhappy 
making the kind of money actors earn and 
being famous and all that? And yet you 
can be unhappy if that’s not what you're 
looking for. I know that I miss my ano- 
nymity—and I miss it a lot. The thing 
that helped me as an actor for years and 
years was the fact that I could observe 
people and mimic them; and now I don't 
observe, Pm the onc being observed. I 
think it diminishes my capacity to under- 
stand people. but that's part of the game, 
part of the business and part of the 
career. It happened and there it is, I 
have to learn to cope with id I have 
coped with it fairly well. Bur that's one 
of the thingy I miss а lot. It never oc 
curred to me when I started out n 
actor that I'd lose that. I never thought 
of being famous or even successful; І 
didn't have those fantasies. 

PLAYBOY: What were your fantasies? 
GARNER: All I wanted was a job 0 I 
could make a living at, enough to com- 
fortably support my wife and daughters. 
And, you know, 1 never thought all these 
things would come along with it. I 
t looking for it, | didn’t want it. 
I think my big problem is that I've been 
so busy doing whar I'm doing, I don't 
know what I wanted. But I'm tired of 
talking about me. Why don't we talk 
about what you think about me? 

бық өй 

* Remember what the doctor said, Captain. Come five 
o'clock, forget the Great White Whale." 



FRENCH LESSON onina from page 108) 

“He was playing for time, thinking that someone 
would come and save him.” 

was wearing bathing-suit bottoms but no 
top. Her hands went to her mouth in fear. 
I gestured with the pistol and told her to 
get ош ag; he did, running past me 
like a slim spi 

T was wat ig LeGault’s eyes. They 
moved once toward the mattress on the 
massage table. So it was there that I sat, 
and I thought I could feel the bulge of a 
pistol under my thigh. 

It was a strange conversation, because 
I spoke only French and he replied in 
nglish. We were each insulting the other 
that way. 

LeGault was а thin man. He wore the 
rd of a professor and he 
ow face, middle-aged, with a certain 
Gallic disdain in the pitch of his mouth. 
He spoke as if nothing meant much to 

d him in French. 

“It goes well? 
“It goes," hi 
“What do you wa 
after a silence. 

"I'm not sure,” I said. 

He toyed with the red washcloth. “Уа- 
" he asked. "You are jealous or 

I said. 

tz" he asked casually 

“No,” Т laughed. 
bdicve me.” 

“Good,” he said with finality. He 
splashed water lightly across his shoulders. 

I kept the pistol leveled at his forehead. 
I was only а few fect from him. “I ad- 
justed the spring on this yesterday,” I 
said. "Very light nigger pull. Less than 
a kilo.” 

'm not jealous, 

“Oh, oh—it's either my wife or your shepherd.” 

LeGaul's mouth formed ап ironic 
in. "I hope you aren't nervous," he 

"Don't worry,” I said. 

We sat there for a time: no conversa- 
tion, each waiting the other out, conscious 
of water dripping and rain on the œr- 
тирей roof and occasional voices from 
other rooms, 

You are LeGault, aren't you?" I asked 
with a laugh. 

He spread his hands. 71 am whoever 
you wish me to be,” he said. 

“They say you French are everywhere.” 

He looked at me, then the ceiling. 
“How can that be?” 
“I ask myself that," I said. 1 leancd 
against the tile wall. “I myself what 
in the hell the French are doing in a 
secret war against the Americans.” 

LeGault inching his way up out 
of the water. I let him do it. I knew 
what was going to happen, T saw the 
whole thing before it actually happened. 

“Well, life is very confusing, isn't 

led. He had crooked teeth. 

quite good,” he said. 
“Where did you learn it? 
“I lived іп Paris for a couple of 

з accent.” 

nd where did vou 
he said. There w 

1 you like Fran 

Lost of the time.” 
“But the French can be very cold, ve 
I said. 
sorry to he: 
“Oh, yes,” T said. ch can 
be the most selfish people in the world. 
They always assume that they know 
more than anybody else. About every- 

t think 
he said. 

you met the right 

LeGault said. He wi 
for time, thinking that someone would 
come and е him. He did not realize 
that he had taken too many thi 
his ow nds, become too ui 
Jable, and that he was olf everybody's 
white list. 

Something told me I did not have to 
rush. I was enjoying the power I felt, 
enjoying it immensely. “Tell me ab 
youself,” I said. I laughed at the polite 
ness of my query. 
here's nothing to tell,” LeGault 

“You grew up in France?” 

“No. Here. Indochina.” 

“The son of a plantation owner?” 1 

My father was a farmer.” 

"You went to the Sorbonne?" 


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“You know all about me?" LeGault 

“I'm learning," I said. "What's your 
full name?" 

“Jean-Claude LeGault,” he said quietly. 
He sat up in the water, pulled the 
washcloth around his neck, made а 
production of splashing and smiling. 
“You already know that.” 

“I didn't know your first name,” I 
"Well, then, I am sorry I gave it to 

"No. no,” I smiled falsely. "I appre- 
ciate it," 
lerde," he said. It was the only 
nch he would speak to me. 

“You're down here from the north?” 
1 asked. 

“No,” he said. 
know it." 

“1 know Xam Nua,” I said 

“Ah, then you are not a tourist.” He 
laughed. “So you have to be what? CIA?" 

Nor exactly," I said 


igon. I'm sure you 

"Well, you're not the Red Cross,” he 
“Хо, not the Red Cross,” I said. 

“You won't tell m 
“Marines,” I said. 
"No." he said in that French fashion 
of dropping the jaw in disbelief. Faked 


I said brightly. 

“But look at you. You are not in 

“Хо. Neither are you.” 

We both laughed at that one. 

“I think of you Marines as, you know, 
very Fancy,” he said. 

“Bellboy?” I smiled 

LeGault looked at the 
“Marines are good fighter aid. 

“Yes, when they have a chance,” I said. 
"When they aren't shot down by your 

“SAMs?” LeGault asked. He perverted 
the word, drew it out with a jutted jaw, 
made it sound unfamiliar. 

“Surface-to-air missiles,” I said. 

“1 do not know these SAMs,” LeGault 

"Nobody eke did, either. Not around 
here. Not until a month ago. Bur some- 
brought some SAMs іп. They 
happen to be very effective against heli- 
copters.” I said. 

“I wouldn't know,” LeGault said. 

"Really?" I said. I pulled the hammer 
of the 45 back with my thumb. The 
small sound reverberated in the room. 
That noise was chilling, even to ше, and 
I was on the right side of the weapon 
“Yes, you do. You know.” 

LeGault talked more rapidly. He tried 
to sccm angry. “You're going to shoot 
7 he asked. "For м don't know 
t you think I've done, but I can 
hardly defend myself this way 

“Is funny that you never heard of 

ceiling again 



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SAMs,” T said. “I heard you and your 
crew were unloading the Iaunchers at the 
airport and trucking them right up the 
Royal Road.” I was amused at my own 
improvisation on Chen's brief story. 1 
thought it was brilliant. 

“That's absurd," LeGault said. He 
moved to a kneeling position. I let him 
do that, too. 

“I heard you take 
I said. 

"Don't be ridiculous" LeGault 
Who is telling you such thing: 
“A little bird,” I laughed. 
“Well, none of this is true," һе pro- 
tested. He sank back on his haunches, 
but I could tell he was still ready to 
spring. He reminded me of a tiger, 
a tired tiger. 

“Tell me more about yourself," I said. 
Ie?" he laughed. "I have an export- 
import business in Saigon. I play tennis. 
I swim the club. I waste my life. 
Really, you must believe me. The business 
pays my bills and 1 don’t have to 
finger. I fly to Bangkok and Hong Kong 
and Pnompenh and here, and I might 
take some opium with me sometimes, but 
can you blame те? Do you know what 1 
n sell a block of it for in Paris?" He 
assumed he had struck a rich vein of 
autobiography and he built on it. “I 
thought you were 
first. I've had some trouble here. 1 buy 
from the tr Other people are in- 
terested in the same territory. It’s a risky 

I let him wind down. I listened to him 
with my eyes half-closed. Then I laughed. 

s when you kill,” 



narcotics man at 


It doesn't check out, frog," I said. 
"You don't play tennis—you're pale. Look 
at you. You've got bites on your neck. 
You don’t cat well. You've got that three- 
thousand-yard stare. You're a jungle bun- 
ny, LeGault. Just like me. You think 
1 can't figure that out? We've been snoop- 
ing and pooping in the same places, my 
friend. But you raised the stakes. You 
broke the rules. You brought in a little 
toy that we didn’t expect. And you blew 
up three of my buddies. Three guys just 
doing а job. Coming in on resupply. And 
you blew them out of the sky. Poof. Just 
like that. Place your bets; nothing more 
goes; poof.” 1 was conscious that my anger 
made me a better linguist. My French was 

impeccable, filled with argot, and I spoke 
rapidly, like an angry waiter. 
That's absurd, what you have just 

said,” LeGault objected. Still in English, 

hill called Phu San," I 
‘Near the Plain of Jars.” 

“Don't talk nonsense,” he said. 
never been near the Plain of J 

1 spoke my first English. "Yes, you 
have,” I said. “You grow up there. It was 
your back yard.” 

There are moments when time slows 
down for me. It loses momentum. I can 
sce myself watching myself. Indeed, 1 am 
itle bit outside myself, and I know 
whar's going to happen, what each person 

do. And it is done. It is a powerful, 
addictive perception, as good as opium 
or gin. 

LeGault pushed off in a swan dive 
toward me, but he didn't do it very well 

"I have 


“OK, I believe you, they're waterproof.” 

and his feet slipped оп the bottom оГ 
the bathtub, He rose in an awkward 
arch, his arms flailing like а scarecrow’ 

I pumped one round into his chest. I 
did it very coldly, without thought. It 
was as if an invisible hand had slammed 
against him and tackled him in mid-air, 
His dive was broken and he crumpled 
outside the tub. Only then did I ri 
that my ears hurt from the explosion. 

There was a lot of blood. LeGault’s 
face was pale as alabaster and his eyes 
were empty. I knelt by him. patted 
his cheek with my pistol. "That's lor Gun- 
ny I said, “and Sutton and 
Allard." I paused, trying to think clearly. 
"From Lieutenant O'Hair, 075718." I 
stood up. “I don't take ears,” I said. 

It was all very manly and brave and 
dramatic, or so I thought at the time. I 
had just made the world saler and myself 
stronger: justice, venge: ll that good 

I walked back to the hotel іп a daze. 

No one can without. nking 
about it. 
I sat in my room until dawn, playing 

solitaire and wishing that Chen were 
around to talk to. He seemed to have dis- 

I drank more gin, but it made me 
nauseated. so I smoked a couple of pipes 
of hash. It was not opium, but it would do. 
"The gecko liked the smoke and he moved. 
where it drifted The n 1 eased and 
the gecko had less to worry about, so he 
got stoned with me. 

By the time the AID station wagon 
came to get me, with orders so recently 
cut that the mimeo ink smeared on my 
hands and trousers, I was too wasted to 
appreciate the irony of my leaving. The 
mission house had commandeered a spe- 
cial Caravelle with MATS markings from 
Bangkok: a French crew and a French 
steward who asked me idly if Га heard 
about the murder of a Frenchman in 
Vientiane the night before. 

I tried to answer the steward in hi: 
language, but 1 found that I could not 
speak French anymore. The words stuck 
in my throat. I simply never spoke French 
Not ever. 

T hope they get the bastard who did 
that,” I said finally in English. 

The steward stared at me as if I were an 
epileptic. “Bien sùr,” he said to me with 
a contemptuous salute. “Moi aus 

“What was that?” I asked with a stupid 
smile. 1 watched the steward’s eyes glaze 
over with that disrespect the French have 
for people who do not speak their lan- 
guage. I was not in the best of moods, 
because I had just supervised the loading 
of Gunny Nadcau's coffin into the hold of 
the Caravelle. That had been my only 
demand when the consul came to tell me 
1 to leave Vientiane immediately. 
So my tolerance was low and I made a 
production of Jeaning on the steward as 


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I climbed the steps into the aircraft, act- 
ing like an American country bumpkin. 
"Looks like the monsoon's lifted long 
enough to get us out of here,” I said to no 
one in particular. The passenger cabin was 
empty. The flight was for me alone. 
“Would you like a drink?" the steward 
asked me. 
"You got any American beer?" I asked. 
“We have wine,” he sail “It not 
American, but it is decent enough." His 
lish was fluent. 

k on me. 
I called to 

I sure like German wine,” 
him. He did not answer me. 

Gunny u and I flew back to Bang- 
kok and Saigon and Kadena and Tachi- 
kawa. We changed planes in Japan and 
then flew on to Wake Island and then 
Hickam and then 
Priority One orders, the same w: 
gone out, and the Pacific Ocean was as 

as ever. The Gunny's coffin was off- 
at Travis, but I didn't get to see 
it, because I was being hustled onto a 
DC-3 that was waiting on the runway to 
take me down to El Toro. 

Although I had resigned my commi: 
sion, I spent anorher few weeks back 
the First Marine Division. Most of the 
time I was being debriefed, talking into 
а tape recorder іп a barracks in Camp 
Pendleton. I knew it was a polite version 
of custody and that they were wondering 
what to do with me. Sometimes they let 
me jog the firebreaks, and once they let 
me go into Oceanside to swim and shop. 
But there was ай 
and I felt very trapped. 

They gave me tests and asked me to 
write up reports, but I could tell that they 
g for something, some signal 
me and 
at signal 
е no idea 

ays someone with me, 

let me back 
eventually came, though I 
what it was. 

I can only testify that the scars are 
there in strange patterns. 

If you met me, you would never guess 
that I killed so coldly. I seem like a nice 
person, if somewhat tense, and I put on a 
good act of being ci 
lies deeper, in a place not charted, 
surfaces in private forms that only people 
like me can reco 

For example: I don't read Ronsard's 
sonnet about age and bcauty and «ісер, 
the one that inspired Yeats, and Villon's 
Middle h written in frozen ink is 
not mine anymore, and Proust is out, as 
are Camus and Simenon and Sartre. 

And if 1 were in your home, and if you 
were to play the songs of Brel or the re- 
cordings of Piaf, or if you were to brag 
about your best Chateau Lafite-Rothschild 
or your richest Beaujolais, you might not 
notice any change in me, but I would be 
thinking, very briefly, about killing you. 

“If you want my opinion, the lord giveth and 

the lord taketh away too damn fast!” 


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hosted by 
Black & White 


4. Carol Lorenz, an attractive model from London, England shows us how she looks 
when she plays backgammon in Miami, Florida. Nice Carol! 2. Tremayne Rodd, or 
more properly Lord Rennell, looks confident. And well he should! As one of Great 
Britain's most colorful players, he is a world class backgammon champion. 3. Jean 
Sobieski, an artist, is not thinking about painting today Backgammon takes 
concentration! Carole Hultgren and Monika Sula ponder their next moves. 4. Denise 
Hemingway concentrates on her next move. Sne never needs to concentrate 
when she orders a drink: it's always Black & White and soda. 5. Lee Genud, Women's 
World Backgammon Champion, competes for the top prize in Miami. 6. Paul Weiss 
from Munich, Germany enjoys a favorite drink among new traditionalists. 

Black & White & soda. 

Black&White Scotch.The New Tradition. 


“What will $60,000 buy in 2010? If inflation is six 
percent, it will buy what $10,446 buys now.” 

life policy will mean much to you when 
your retirement comes, unless inflation 
stops the steady surge i 

ing the Scveni 

Suppose you buy a 
$100,000 cash-value policy now and retire 
in 2010, by which time the policy's cash 
value has reached $60,000. What will 
$60,000 buy in 20102 If inflation over the 

next 30 y s six percent (a fraction 
of the recent rate), it will buy what 
510,446 buys now. That's not enough for 
a major contribution to retirement. 

For that matter, buying term and in- 
vesting the difference won't prepare you. 
for a royal retirement, either. If you're 
going to retire in style, you'll have to 
plan for it separately. 

If a salesman tells you that a 
insurance — policy—any — life-insura 
policy—is the perfect way to plan for 
retirement, tell him to take a running 
jump into an economics course. 

OK. So now you've managed to coun- 
ter all the salesman’s arguments in favor 
of whole life insurance, and he's ready 
to scll you a term policy. What arc you 

If you buy term. Buying term insur- 
ance means protecting your dependents 
now, while making a minimum of com- 
mitments for the future. If life-insurance 
prices continue to decline, as they have 
in recent years (mainly as a result of 
increased competition and rising interest 
rates), you may be free to switch term 
policies with a minimum of hassle. 
Switching whole life policies is a more 
complicated business, since the low rate 


of return in the early years tends to lock 
you in. 

If you decide to buy term insurance, 

you to be aware that there are 
sev ds. Usually, you should look 
for a level term policy—one with a fixed 
death benefit. The premium for a level 
term policy usually goes up every year, 
or every few years, because of your i 
creasing age and risk of death. 
People who don't like u 
premium somctimes opt for a decreasing 
term policy—one in which the premium 
remains fixed and the amount of the 
death benefit gradually lessens as years 
pass. Decreasing term is cheaper than 
level term, but that's be è it provides 
less protection. To cover a mortgage, 

decreasing term makes sense; in fact, 

many decr 
just for tha 

ig term policies are designed 
purpose. But if you һауе 
twice before you 
ng term as your basic 

young children, th 

opt for dea 
insurance policy. 
Whatever kind of term policy you 

choose should probably be guaranteed 
renewable, at least to the age of 65 or 
so. You may also want it to be convert- 
ible to a whole life policy, in case it 
turns out you need life insurance in your 
retirement years. Most renewable term 
policies are convertible until you reach 
60 or so, but some are convertible only 
for a shorter period, such as 15 years. 

You ought to be wary of a product 
called deposit term. With it, you plunk 
down a fat deposit at the time you buy 
the policy and get your deposit back, 
"with interes" ten years later. The 
trouble is that the high so-called interest 
rate on the deposit may hide the fact 
that the underlying insurance is olten 
costly. Regulators in a number of states 
have been cracking down on deposit 
term. The product should be bought, if 
at all, with great care. If whole life can 
be a bear trap, deposit term can be a 
ap with poison in it. 

Should your policy pay dividends? If 
уоште buying а term policy, don't lose 
any sleep over the decision: Dividends 
on term policies are comparatively small, 
anyw wre buying a whole life 
policy, the historical record since World. 
War Two has generally been that di 
dend-paying policies have cost less. 

Dividends are small in the carly years 
after purchase but gradually grow until, 
by the time a policy has been in force 
for about 20 years, the dividend may 
offset a substantial part of the premium. 

On some very old policies, the dividend 
um. You can 
take dividends in cash, use them to 
reduce the next year's premium or to 
buy more insurance. 

Naturally, you. don't. get. something 
for nothing. On a participating (divi- 
dend-paying) policy, the company sets 
the premiums higher chan it anticipates 
will be necessary to cover cl 
company expenses. If it anticipa 
rectly, there will be surplus money to һе 
returned to policyholders in the form 
of dividends. Dividends, then, are re- 
funds of your own money. In that way, 
they differ significantly from stock div 
dends. And that's why dividends from 
stocks arc taxed, while insurance divi- 
dends aren't. 

In one impori . though, life- 
insurance dividends do resemble divi- 
dends paid to stockholders: They're not 
guaranteed. That point should be stressed, 
since the economic conditions of the 
past 30 years һауе caused many people 
to lose sight of it. A salesman may gi 
you the impression that the “d 
illustration” he shows you is as solid as 
the Rock of Gibraltar. He may hinr th 
the dividends actually paid to you will 
be larger than those illustrated to you at 
the time of sale. Based on history, that's 
likely to happen. But the company has 
no legal obligation to pay any dividends 
if economic conditions (or death rates) 
turn sour. 

How do you spot a good price? Let's 
face it: shopping for life insurance is 
der than shopping for a set of golf 
clubs or a color TV. The price of those 
items is plain and simple. The price of 
life insurance depends оп а number of 
variables: how long you keep the policy, 
what you pay in premiums, how much 

actually exceeds the prem 

“Whoever he is, he rides like he 
wears designer jeans.” 



And, just a short walk away, you'll find 

Jack Daniel's Distillery, where we still make 
whiskey the same way we did 114 years ago: 
gentling every drop with a 
process called charcoal mel- 
lowing. If you live in a big 
city, you won't find a store 

much like Lynchburg’s. 

No matter where you live, 
you won't find a distillery 

much like Jack Daniel's. 

Tennessee Whiskey * 90 Proof = Distilled and Bottled by Jack Daniel Distillery 
Lem Motlow, Prop., Inc., Route 1, Lynchburg (Pop. 361), Tennessee 37352 
22 Placed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Government. 

you'd like to know more about this unusual old store. drop us a line. 

GENERAL STORE, you'll find everything 
from darning thread to duck decoys. 


you get back in dividends, what the 
cash value is if and when you cancel 
the policy, and so on. In fact, the “true 
cost" of a life-insurance policy can never 
be known in advance. It can be known 
only after you've died or canceled the 
How, then, do you compare the cost 
? You have to use a 
makes assumptions 
) about the variables 
mentioned above. For example, most 
cost indexes are based on the assumption. 
that a policy will be Кері in force for 
20 years. It's unlikely you'll hold your 
policy exactly that long, but making that 
assumption allows you to compare 
Any good cost index also reflects the 
iming of payments amd refunds. For 
nple, two policies may pay the same 
idends over 20 years. But if 
r than the 
: If you, 

the money, you can invest it and earn 
interest on it. This important factor was 
ignored іп cost comparisons until the 
early Seventies. 

Most popular of the new breed of 
indexes is the interest-adjusted index. 
That is the figure on which you should 
base your cost comparisons. If you ask 
an agent to provide you with the index, 
he's required to do so in some 36 states. 
Even in the 14 other states, you can 
simply say that you won't consider buy- 

g a policy without knowing st- 
adjusted index. 

For term polices, there's only one 
interest-adjusted index. For whole life 
policies, there are two—one [ог net cost 
(which measures the cost if you cash in а 
policy) and one for net payment (which 
measures the cost if you die while the 
policy’s in effect). 

Don't worry about the name of a 
policy. Insurance companies love to 
decorate them with words like executive, 
nt’s and special. The truth is, 
can buy some comps 
s preferred” plans, while only 

can buy other companies’ 
s. What matters isn't the 
title; it's how much the policy costs. And 
the best way to measure that is by the 
cost index. 

If you're going to be shelling out 
thousands of dollars in premiums over 
the next decade or two, you have every 
right to check out the projected costs. 
There can be differences of thousands of 
dollars among similar policies, as the 
chart on page 214 shows. That's more 
important than which company offers 
the best road atlas. With some planning. 
you can buy life insurance that meets 
your needs, and keep your feet clear of 
the life-insurance bear trap. 

“There—that one there—the black mustache under 
the redhead—that’s my husband.” 


a cost comparison of 
life-insurance policies 

Most people think it makes good 
sense to dicker with a car dealer to 
save a few hundred dollars on the pur- 
chase of a new car. Yet some of the 
same people pay no attention to dif- 
lerences in the price of life-insurance 
policies—differences that can add up 
to thousands of dollars over the years. 

The prices in this chart are for 
$100,000 of renewable term insurance 
bought by a 29-year-old man. Price 
quotations were obtained from 20 of 
the largest U.S. life-insurance companies 
(as measured by sales) in late 1980. 

The policies shown vary in some 
significant respects. They can all be 
converted to whole life, but under 
varying conditions. Some are renewable 
longer than others, though all are guar- 
anteed renewable at least to the age of 
60. Some pay dividends, others don't. 
Some calculate your age based on your 
closest birthday, others based on your 
last birthday. And some are easier to 
get than others, since certain com- 
panies are more selective regarding 
applicants' state of health. 

This chart shows only one type of 
policy and at only one issue age. Don't, 
on the basis of this chart, brand an 
entire company as high-cost or low- 
cost. The point of the chart is not to 
label companies good or bad but to 
show that prices vary dramatically. 
Those shown are subject to change. 

(А) Anterest-adjusted netcost index (ot five 
percent) for 20 years. 

(B) Figure shown includes forgone interest ot 
five percent and assumes dividends will 
be paid as illustrated. 

Figures for Prudential do not include 
waiver of premium in the event of dis- 
ability, e provision whereby you ere 
freed from paying premiums if you're 
disabled. However, Prudential includes 
this feature (raising the cost above that 
shown in the chart), unless the buyer asks 
not to have it. 

Since this is o participating policy, the 
premium you actuclly pay may be re- 
duced significantly by dividends you re. 
ceive; these commonly offset 10 to 25 
percent of the premium shown. 
Technically not a term policy but similar 
to term and sold in lieu of it. 

Premiums for this policy moy be changed, 
within limits, affer the first five yeors. 
Cost of State Farm’s policy automatically 
includes waiver of pre 
explained in note C. 

m provision, 

and Policy Name 

Cost Cost Over 
Index (A) 20 Years (B) 


One-year Renewable and 

Convertible (R&C) Term (F) 
(Nonsmokers) $203 

$ 888 

$ 9,721 

Preferred one-year R&C Term | $207 

$1,251 (D) 

$ 8,923 

One-year R&C Term $236 



Yearly Renewable Term 
(Nonsmokers) $173 

8 972(D) 

$ 8,367 

Yearly Renewable Term 
(Nansmakers) $214 

$1,157 (D) 

$ 9,687 

Annual Renewable Term 
(Nonsmokers) $218 

$ 953 


Yearly Renewable Term 
(Nonsmokers) $182 

$1,160 (D) 

$ 8471 

Preferred one-year R&C Term 9217 

5 972(D) 

$ 7,499 

Canvertible Annual 
Renewable Term $169 

$ 895(D) 


Yearly Renewable Term $186 

$1,273 (D) 

% 9,791 

Yearly Renewable Term $208 

$1,091 (D) 


Preferred Yearly R&C Term $183 

$1,081 (D) 

$ 9,096 

Yearly Renewable Term $224 

$1,241 (D) 


One-year R&C Term 
(Nonsmokers) $195 

$ 9,062 

Graded Premium Protection 
(Nonsmokers) (E) $153 

$ 7,360 

Annual Renewable Term $207 


One-year R&C Term (С) $220 

$ 968 (0) 

5 7,326 

Annual Renewable Term 
(Nonsmokers) (G) $205 

Yearly Renewable Term 
to the Age af 70 (Nonsmokers) $191 

$1,153 (D) 

$ 932 

$ 9444 

$ 9,374 

Yearly Renewable Term $199 

$ 9,825 



Camel Lights. 
Low tan Camel taste. 

елена сс. 

y» Ong 0,8 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. 
Pr iuo 

P Warning. The Surgeon General Has Determined 
21 That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 


people, places, objects and events of interest or amusement 

The reference book Twentieth Century 
Crime and Mystery Writers (St. Martin's 
Press) contains in its 1568 pages detailed 
information on more than 600 English- 
language writers of mystery fiction, from 
Edward §. Aarons and Anthony Abbot to 
the ever-popular Israel Zangwill. If you're 
ап aficionado of detective stories, you'll 
want to add it to your collection, despite 
the $50 price tag. And if you're not, it 
still makes a nifty blunt instrument. 

After a night of wild and crazy lovemaking, the only thing worse than 
sleeping on the wet spot is slipping between sheets made sticky by some 
noxious-scented body oil. At least that’s what Love Creations (P.O. 
Box 519, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55369) contends—and if you agree, we 
suggest you check out its Love Pad, a large lily-pad-patterned vinyl 
cover that works great on a water bed or anyplace else you don't want 
to get gooey. And best of all, the pad's $44.95 price indudes a box of 
body oils and a storage bag for stashing when Mom comes to call. 

In the Forties, pink-flamingo lithographs 
were all the rage. Then came the Fifties 
and flamingos flew the coop. Now camp 
followers аге rediscovering the funky 
flamingo and a small company, Pink Fla- 
mingos, Inc., P.O. Box 160861, Sacramento, 
California 95816, is selling all that's left of 
the flock. An unframed litho is $75, but if 
you want to really fly high, you'll order the 
mirror-framed one shown here for 5175. 
Hang it in your hitsch-en. 

Back in 1972, Domus Ltd., a conversion-kit company located at 312 East 
17th Street, issouri 64108, came out with a kit that con- 
verted a VW Bug into a pint-sized pickup truck. Now Domus has done it 

$799 Flatback II pickup kit cuts a VW Rabbit down to pickup 
size mi also gives the owner a lockable, weather Pool storage area. 
Installation time is less than seven hours (unless you're Zippy the 
(ШІ. and the original car weight is unchanged. VW Bug owners, take 

heart: Domus still sells the original $499 Bug conversion kit, too. 

COME FLY WITH ME Anyone who's ever been in a canoe knows that 

there's no way you can romance your girl and 

paddle the damn thing without both of you 

ending up getting dunked. That was true until the 
Mopad electric canoe surfaced— a Mopad being 

а 14-foot fiberglass model that's equipped with a 

The craze to dress up as 
something you're not has really 
taken off—and no more so 
than in the latest selections 
found in the onc-dollar catalog 

of a mailorder company pedal-controlled silent battery-powered motor 
called The Cockpit, located at that's good for 100 hours between charges. 
ова venue Shute Ne Dolphin Products, P.O. Box 230, Wabasha, 
York City 10016. Everything to Minnesota 55981, sells a deluxe Mopad for S 

a World The loudest noise you hear will be your ukulele. 

help you dress l 
War Two fly boy is there, from 
reproductions of R.A.F. 
sheepskin-lined flight jackets 
for $305 to authenticlooking 
helmets for $60. Or, if you 
rooted for the other side, they 
also have samurai silk-screen 
headbands for only $15. 

Down East, dowsing with a 
pendulum is am accepted way to 
lap your subconscious and get 
some sixth-sense feedback on 
locating water, minerals and 
even missing persons. If you 
want to try your hand at it, a 
professional radiesthetist (that's 
a dowser to you, Charley) 
named Noah Raintree at P.O. 

Yes, that’s Humphrey Bogart in the days when 
Warner Bros. was still trying to package him 

Box 153, Waterbury Center, as just another pretty face. When the public 
Vermont 05677, is selling a didn't rally to his cry of “Tennis, anyone?” 
lead-crystal pendulum on a " Bogey went on to tougher roles. Now this 
chain for only $12.95, post- rare publicity still has surfaced and The 

paid. And he's also peddling a Nostalgia Factory, Brick Market Place, Newport, 
traditional Y-shaped wooden Rhode Island 02810, is selling а 36” x 27" poster 
divining rod for $9.95. If it of it for only $7.50, postpaid. In those days, 

doesn't work, you can use it as Bogart was into racquets instead of rackets. 
a slingshot. Twang! 



every time we see an English 
coat of arms, we wonder what 
the hell those rampant lions, 
visored helmetsand swirling 
drapes really mean. A 23-page 
booklet, How to Read a Coat. 
of Arms, that's available from 
Pendragon House, Р.О. Box 

21, Mystic, Connecticut 06355, 
for $3.95, postpaid, isa begin. 
ner's guide to this i 
subject and includes info on 
how to record your own color- 
ful coat. There are specific 
cadency marks for eldest 
through the ninth son. Sorry, 
your Lordship, no old bas- 
tards need apply. 



Frank (left) and Jesse James invented the 
daylight bank robbery in America and 
tested the idea for the first time in Liberty, 
Missouri, on Valentine's Day, 1866 

Missouri Hint, Soc. 

Cole (left) and Jim Younger. Serving with 
Frank James in a Confederate guerilla 
nit. Cole was said to have tried out a new 
Enfield rile on Yankee prisoners. 

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By the 1870s, Jesse James (lar left) was secure—and vain— enough to pose fora 
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SANTA ЕЕ (continued from page 166) 

“Desperately, they barricaded themselves in their 
cells, some trying to tie their grilles shut with towels.” 

into a dog to escape the sheriff so many 
times, When his body was later dragged 
outside by rioters and driven away in 
ап ambulance, the police dogs in patrol 
cars in front of the prison would begin 
to howl. 

Others from the cellblock died minutes 

later, one gouged and hacked with a small 
weapon, perhaps a screwdriver, a second 
with his face obliterated by а teargas 

launcher fired point-blank. Two more 
escaped, or were dragged, from the cell 
block, only to be executed somewhere else. 
And across the main corridor in cellblock 
six, an Indian and a Hispanic would be 

Then, just as suddenly as the screams 
and murders began, there was a pause in 
the slaughter. The tide of rioters sweeping 
through the north wing, through cellblock 
three to release and to kill, had broken 
against a jammed grille at the entrance 
to cellblock four, the protection unit. 
At the other end of the pen, guards were 
being beaten, stabbed and sodomized by 
ax handle and otherwise. The strong were 

sten, lady, if you want me to 

raping the young and weak prisoners in 
the south-wing dormitories, especially in 
A and B, where residents were alternately 
molested and beaten. They had begun to 
demolish the administrative rooms and to 
burn the hated files in the warden's office 
and the psychological unit. There were 
cries and smoke and fear in the corridors. 
But for the last hours of that night, there 
would be a kind of ominous order about 
the entrance to cellblock four, where they 
were impatiently but methodically burn- 
ing through the grille pate. 

Minutes after the two-a.m. takeover, 
warden Jerry Griffin, a former aide to 
Rodriguez and hand-picked by him for 
the warden's job, tried to call the deputy 
secretary at home. He telephoned Rodri- 
guez even before he called the state police 
for help. But there was no answer. Griffin 
called repeatedly, to no avail. 

Joanne Brown, another Rodriguez pre 
tégée, who was then his powerful assistant, 
arrived at the pen at 3:30 a-w., having 
tried also to contact her chief without 
success. The callers finally reached Rodri- 

finish this obscene phone call, yow ll have 
to turn off that vibrator.” 

guez at home at 4:15 A.M, and at five 
AM. he arrived at the pen, where һе 
immediately took charge, as he told 
Griffin, on the governor's authority. 

As Rodriguez assumed command, ele- 

ments of the state police and the Santa Fe 
city SWAT team were drawn up, ringing 
the prison. There at the front gate in the 
final hours before dawn, there were even 
a few encouraging developments. At 5:25 
A.M. Officer Gallegos—who had been 
hidden by sympathetic inmates in а 
south-wing dormitory since the take- 
over—sneaked down the main corridor in 
the smoke and confusion and was noticed 
only as he left the front entrance; amid 
confusing orders from officials outside, he 
barely escaped through the gate ahead of 
pursuing prisoners. In the next three 
hours, the rioters willingly released two 
Шу beaten officers from the south wing, 
leaving nine hostages inside. Meanwhile, 
the inmates who had barricaded themselves 
in dormitory Е-1 in the first moments of 
the riot escaped into the yard through a 
ку yards away, around the north 
wing of the pen, however, time had run 
out in cellblock four. It was the home of 
snitches, or at least generally thought to 
be. And it would not matter much that 
on that night, many of the block's 96 men 
were there for other reasons—because they 
were weak or victimized or unjustly 
branded, or were simply mentally ill 
felons in a state with almost no facilities 
or treatment for them save those cells. 
When a prison is he'd together by fear of 
the faceless informer, when the only way 
to buy necded protection from guards or 
prisoners may be to inform, and when a 
heedless administration may betray by 
stupidity or design its own informants— 
when that is the system, the truth about 
individual men will not matter. 
Now the rioters were about to break 
to cellblock four, and there was one 
last betrayal before they did. For hours, 
the inmates in four had watched and 
listened to the unquelled riot, and іп 
moments of quiet had heard the sickening 
hiss of the blowtorch eating away the 
grille. Desperately. they barricaded them- 
in their cells, some even trying 
e their grilles shut with towels or 

Then, suddenly, there were lights and 
forms outside, state police arrayed on 
the perimeter—only yards away throug 
a back door to the cellblock letting 
onto the yard. "And you know,” remem- 
bers one inmate of the cellblock, “we 
started calling for the guards. There 
weren't any guards there. We were flash- 
ing 5055 with our lights, ying to get 
those cops to come in, І mean, all the 
state troopers that were parked all up 
and down the fence, man—why didn't 
they come in? The back door was right 

The riot plan of the prison did reqi 


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that the main tower keep at all times 
an emergency set of keys to every 
door of the prison. That night, as for 
several months, there was a tower key to 
the outside door of cellblock four—but 
none to the grille just beyond that closes 
off the cell area. Їп any event, the state 
police watching the rampage inside, see- 
ing the glow of the torch, did not even 
ask for the keys. 

The sun was coming up behind the 
Sangre de Cristo. As the last of the 
grille bars melted away, the predators 
began to yell the names of thcir in- 
tended victims. Once inside the block, 
in the minutes before they cut through 
to open the individual cells, rioters 
ran from cell to cell, pointing to the 
condemned, sometimes throwing flam- 
mable liquids through the bars and then 
matches to ignite the victims, Some men 
in the cellblock remember an organized 
“execution squad" of seven or cight as- 
sassins, some a wild mob of merciless kill- 

ers. Outside, а prison official heard a 
whistling sound, looked up toward the 
cellblock with binoculars and watched 
four or five inmates hold a man down 
while another burned his head and face 
with a blowtorch. Execution was also by 
ax and rope, by electric drill and sander, 
by stabbing and by a steel rod driven 
through the head. A convicted child 
molester, a loathed untouchable at the 
bottom of the prison caste system, was 
hacked and incinerated. They cut and 
killed and then decapitated a mentally 
ill inmate, whose worst offense іп block 
four had been to be different, to lie 
naked day after day on the cement floor 
of his cell. Someone would subsequently 
pick up the severed head of the man, 
carry it about on the end of a rod as a 
fetish of battle or revolt. And then some- 
how, in this charnel-house madness, the 
head would be returned to the original 
owner, placed between the legs of the 
corpse when it was later taken out. 



1. At 1:40 Ам, inmates seized Captain 
Roybal, Anaya and officers 
Schmitt and Martinez in dormitory E-2. 


2. At 1:45, four other officers were taken 
outside dormitory F-2. Residents of the entire 
sauth wing were released. 

3. At 1:57, inmates moved through an open 
grille into the administrative creo, kicking 

222 one hostage down the carridar. 

4. At 2:02 Am., rioters smashed the control- 
center windows and gained access to the 
entire pen; some officers escaped through 
the front entrance. As that was happening, 
two other officers hid in the basement of 
cellblock five, beneath the gas chamber, 

5. Between 2:15 and 2:30, rioters broke into 
the hospital and sacked the pharmacy for 
drugs. An infirmary technician and seven in- 
mates hid an the secand floor af the haspital. 

Smeared paths of blood led through 
the doors of the cells from their back 
corners, where the victims had been 
cringing. The killing ground included 
not just the cells but the catwalk outside, 
and some mangled bodies from the up- 
per tier of cells were hurled with great 
force over the catwalk fence, thudding 
on the basement floor two stories below. 
A few minutes after sunrise, the carnage 
ended in cellblock four. The survivors 
Streamed into the rest of the prison like 
dazed refugees from a massacre, which 
was exactly what they were. Men had 
tortured and murdered 12 other men in 
that place. And it was not over. 

In another wave of killing around 
wn, six inmates of dormitory F-1 in 
the south wing of the pen were variously 
beaten, chopped to death and some later 
blowtorched. Six more died much Ше 
same ways in dorms A and В. There 
would be 50 screwdriver wounds in the 
eyeless corpse of one inmate whose 

6. At three a.m., three officers were captured 
in cellblock three and the residents of that 
celiblock were released; inmate Archie Mar- 
tinez, the riot’s first casualty, was killed. At 
the same moment, ather inmates were taking 
ап acetylene cutting torch fram the plumbing 
shop in the basement under the kitchen. 

7. At seven A.M, inmates finally cut through 

inta cellblock four. Thirteen inmates saan 
would be killed. 

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enemies had called him the King of the 

Earlier in the night, one inmate had 
been sought out specially in a south-wing 
cell house and bludgeoned in his bunk 
with a shovel, his body later dragged to 
the gymnasium and cremated in a pile 
of corpses. Another man was taken alone 
from far-south dormitory D; they left his 
crushed skull and shredded torso in the 
corridor adjacent to the prison class- 
rooms. Everywhere, bodies were mu 
lated, the killing and rage continuing 
long after the men were dead. the fingers 
of one hand broken as an afterthought 
on a burned, dismembered body. 

Although the district attorney would 
later try to draw the murky but neces- 
sary distinctions from terrified witnesses, 
there had been murder there by both 
and Бу scores to settle. Of the 33 dead, 
24 were Hispanic, seven were white, one 
black and one Indian. It would be said 
that there had been mutilations because 
there'd been no organizations, and also 
that organizations fed the hate that led 
to mutilation. It would be said that 
La Familia had swiftly taken care of a 
few enemies in selected places and ways 
and had left the bulk of the extermina- 
tion to the bad-dude Anglos. It would 
be said that the Aryan Brotherhood 
had killed to assert its status and con- 
trol in that predominantly brown-skinned 
prison. It would also be said—by officials 
with an eye on the future—that La 
Familia and the Aryan Brotherhood did 
not exist, or had not played a role, or 
should never be given too much credit, 
whatever happened. 


The carnage at the New Mexico реп, 
and the sequel of official blunders and 
evasions through 1980, were а natural 
outgrowth of the state’s shabby prison 
politics over the preceding у 
Throughout the Seventies, incompetence 
or corruption. or perhaps both, ruled the 
local corrections system with brazen im- 
punity, the misgovernment of the peni- 
tentiary a mocking fulfillment of the New 
Mexico state motto, "Crescit eundo,” “It 
grows as it goes.” 

1971: The decade began with ап in- 
mate work and hunger strike protesting 
bad food. the almost total absence of 
programs and the abusive and capri- 
cious administration. Broken up by 
ax-handlewielding guards, the strike 
chieved little improvement in conditions. 
There was no further inquiry, though 
Eugene Long, the pen security chief 
(and husband of Rodriguez’ cousin), 
was subsequently indicted for three 
counts of battery and арр 
in putting down part of the di 
and was promptly acquitted. Later, he 
was promoted to a correctionsdepart- 
ment headquarters position, served also 
as director of the women's prison and 
eventually returned 10 the prison's top 

nd tribal rite, by race and chance 

avated battery 


“Yep, workin’ late again—but don’t let me stop 
you [тот doing what you gotta do.” 



security job after the 1980 riot, where he 
soon faced new inmate charges of abuse, 
‘was investigated and was again cleared. 

1972; An Albuquerque Presbyterian 
minister and leader of prison-reform 
efforts was pursued and shot at on the 
highway south of Santa Fe after te 
fying before a legislative committee. 

The same minister had been ap- 
proached by a newly released ex-convict 
and a young Hispanic journalist, saying 
they wished to expose on television sev- 
eral penitentiary scandals. But the night 
before the scheduled program, the c: 
con and the journalist were killed by 
police in a mysterious incident. Mean- 
while, a former corrections secretary 
active in prison reform was threatened 
n anonymous night calls. There was no 
further inquiry. 

1973; An internal corrections-depart- 
ment report charged that several oui 
ers had improperly influenced paroles 
from the pen. Named in the report were 
Governor g's chief administrative 
aide, Toney Anaya; the governor's wife, 
Alice; his lieutenant governor, Robert 
Mondragon; and Democratic U. S. Sena- 
tor Joseph Montoya. All denied any im- 

According to later accounts of former 
oficials and ex-inmates, paroles at the 
time were going for 520,000 and up. 

A subsequent 1975 investigation of 
parole practices found “questionable 

conduct" and “peculiar behavior" by 
the board but no wrongdoing by the 
King administration or anyone else. The 
investigation was conducted, however, 
by the governor's Organized Crime Com- 
mission and by the then-attorney gen- 
eral, ya—the same ex-King aide 
accused in the 1973 corrections-depart- 
ment report. 

1975: Attorney General Anaya report- 
ed lence of uncontrolled trafhc іп 
drugs and other contraband, bribery of 
inmates, oritism and discrimi 
among employecs, suspected. livestock 
theft and other offenses under Rodri- 
guez’ wardenship. After the report came 
out, Rodriguez was promoted to direc- 
tor of all the state's adult institutions. 
There was no further inquiry. 

1976: The New Mexico pen was pro- 
nounced a “national disgrace” by the 
new warden, Clyde Malley, a former 
Federal corrections official who de- 
plored the denial of inmate rights, 
the general filth, guard cliques and the 
resulting poor staff morale. Malley 
turned up hundreds of ice picks, hack 
saws, knives and other weapons in what 
was described as the first complete shake- 
down in the history of the penitentiary. 

Praised by the citizen corrections 
commission, the grand jury and exin- 
mates for his effort to make basic changes 
in prison conditions, the warden left 
баша Fe in less than two years and 

was later publidy called a liar by Ro- 
driguez. There was no further inquiry. 

1977: The powerful Democrauc chair- 
man of the Legislative Finance Commit- 
tee declared “unreasonable” a proposed 
salary raise for pen guards, whose pay 
level was then 39th out of the 50 states. 

A major class-action suit was filed for 
prisoners by the A.C.L.U., charging pen 
overcrowding, violence, bad food, in- 
humane visiting procedures, the lack of 
medical or psychological services and 
other abuses. 

According to prison records, mentally 
ill inmates were untreated, put in body 
casts, confined to 6'x9' unventilated, 
unsanitary "strip cells" without bedding 
for indefinite periods and often left to 
self-mutilation and suicide. Yet 
would be no executive program, and no 
legislative appropriations, for expanded 
forensic facilities. There was also no 
further inquiry. 

1978: King and Mondragon were re- 
elected in a close race. But the black 
secretary of corrections, former university 
professor Charles Becknell (retained in 
an election deal for black votes), was soon 
forced out by the governor's men in the 
legislature. (“Му wife’s very best friend 
is a black woman,” said one state sena- 
tor during his attacks on Becknell.) 

1979: In December, 11 men escaped 
from the penitentiary. The usual at- 
torney general's investigation implicitly 


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excused Rodriguez and middle-level 
officialdom, leaving the blame on low- 
ranking guards and the department 
secretary, Becknell, who immediately re- 
signed. Rodriguez was then, at last, in 
line for the secretaryship. 

1971-1980, inclusive: Some 13 gr 
jury reports detailed major problems 
at the pen, often calling for special 
audits or investigations. The reports 
were duly filed with no further inquiry. 

A series of court orders оп prisoners 
rights and conditions went ignored by 
the penitentiary administration and un- 
enforced by judges, with no inquiry. 

Legislative appropriations for the pen, 
consistently lower than official budget 
requests, were also often less than the 
amounts actually spent by the prison. 
But there was no inquiry by legislative 
budget officers or the state auditor. 

Meanwhile, there were repeated and 
specific charges by ex-inmates of wide- 
spread penitentiary corruption, includ- 
ing traffic in drugs and fireanns, graft in 
food supplies, fraud in state vouchers, 

“Canned peaches again! $ 

theft of inmate personal property, official 
embezzlement of thousands of dollars in 
Veterans Administration funds intended 
for inmates’ education, manipulation of 
the parole system and deliberate over- 
crowding to ju increased budgets, 
and even organized gambling between 
the prison and nearby Santa Fe Downs 
(where race days were said to reduce pen 
К pressure: "You could get a bet 
down, but you couldn't get a shower,” 
remembered one staff officer). And about. 
all of this, there were no official 

Somebody,” one former penitent 
official said later, "had something on 

It was nine А.М. Saturday morni 
the wounded and trembling 
ing the building into the yard were be- 
ginning to relate the scenes of carnage. 
Through the day and into the cold night, 
the official radios would crackle with 
voices confirming their stori 
"We got no dead staff members in 
here,” one voice said. 



he knows 

I hate canned peaches!” 

Then a voice interrupted: “There arc 
dead people all over this damn floor: 

Later, another voice: “Attention, all 
units. Attention, all units; stop killing 
each other. No more hurti 
other.” A pause, and the same тап 
speaking to no onc, and everyone: "Man, 
there's blood all over this damn floor . . . 
up to your ankles.” 

Outside, officials heard all that as the 
penitentiary grounds rapidly took on the 
tableau of a battlefield. National Guard 
troops—until a few hours before just 
some sleepy on a Saturday morn- 
ing—deployed uncertainly around the 
building. Helicopters thrashed апа 
throbbed overhead. Ambulances and pa- 
trol cars lurched through the throng, 
hundreds strong, of relatives, reporters 
and sightseers on the two-lane state high- 
way leading past the prison reservation. 
Medical tents were set up and began to 
receive a mounting stream of wounded 
and drugoverdosed inmates among the 
refugees, who by the end of the day 
would also number іп the hundreds. 
Huddled under guard at one end of the 
yard, wrapped in blankets against the 40. 
degree cold that day and the freezing 
desert night to follow, those men stared 
out blankly at the ponderous siege camp 
formed in front of the pen. 

At the tiny main gatehouse, the 
command, Rodriguez was 

ig. who 

Everyone—not least Governor 

arrived on the scene at 9: 
understood that Rodriguez w 
the chief there, as always. Other int 
ested parties swarmed in and out of the 
gatehouse: the lieutenant governor, legis- 
lators, Rodriguez men, Kings men, 
favored journalists, utter strangers. 

Fortunately, the negotiations were 
never particularly subtle. Despite the 
butchery of inmates or the beating and 
sodomy of hostages, the rioters assured 
the authorities no guards would be killed. 
The governor said the pen would not be 
stormed. Officials were intent on fres 
the hostages, rioters on better conditions. 
In the early exchanges, the prisoners de- 
manded first the resignation of the clique, 
including the deputy warden to whom 
they were talking, and at least four other 
senior officers. But as the negotiations 
wore on, as the inevitability of the old 
politics outside became all too clear, the 
mate envoys began to refer respectfully 
to “Mr. Rodriguez” and to reduce their 
demands to postriot immunity and to 
specific improvements in the pen. 

The inmate positions were a familiar 
litany, echoing back over 20 у 
'ederal presence to prevent retaliation; 
reformed classification: an end to over- 
crowding; better food, recreation and 
ing; the stop- 
ping of disciplinary abuses, the snitch 
system and general harassment. Official 
responses—the consensus of Rodriguez 
is underlings—were variously vague, 


education; increased vis 

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yenuous, Months afterward, 
none of the concessions apparently given 

evasive, «ізін 

this would have been 


bloody Saturday 
uinely realized 

At midday. the killing abated, Some 
bodies were dragged into the gym and set 
ablaze, while most others were left where 
the murderers had finished with them 
And around both the dead and the living 
now seeped the eflluence of the rest of 
the mayhem, the sheer physical rava 
of the building 
lets and sinks and exposed pipes had 
been bashed and pulverized. and the 
sewage now ran out of cells and lavato- 
ties into the hallways, mixing with broken 
with tor 
tion from offic 

as well as the men. Toi 

glass, paper ol every descrip- 
al files to photos of chil- 
with sheets and slashed mattresses 
and with blood. Almost every floor of the 
pen was covered with thar gruesome man- 
made silt. Through the day, the water 
grew foul and cold. Fires smoldered in 
the dormitories and. of course, in the 
ymnasium-become-pyre. The sunlight 
filtered through barred windows. pierc 
ing the smoke and muck. The prison had 
the odor and feel, witness would 
say later. of an open-pit dump. 

Yet there were also strange islands of 
order amid the Dormitory 
Е?. where it had all begun 12 hours be 
Tore, almost undisturbed. As the 
killing and screaming had gone on with 
in earshot, а 
filled with smoke, inmates moved in апа 
out of E dr 

There were islands, 

as one 



as the corridors flooded 

king coffee and watching 

too, of humanity 

c heroism. Inmates іп the 
north wing gave their three guard hos 
tages food, coffee and cigarettes. and 
repeatedly protected them from attack 

by other inmates, Those officers would 
be among the last to be released—but 
ako the only hostages uninjured. Mean- 
while, by Saturday noon, other convicts 
began to give first aid to the slashed and 
sade wing 

olhcers the south 
courageously with leaders 
that the suffering guards should be re 
leased. Throughout the morning's slaugh 

ter. men had protected fellow men Irom 



anui riot 

Ше pens predators, and some now 
helped others escape. or carried ош 
wounded—and even when they were out 

they went back into the dank, 
acid hell to help still more, 

At 8:30 on Saturday morning Gover- 
mised the rioters access 

side, frec, 

nor King had prc 
amid lurid reports of murder and lunacy 
sed while Rodriguez and other ne 

to the the next ten hours, 

there жеге по more hosta 

rele: 0 

effect overruled King's commit- 
ment. No reporters in the pen. they told 


the prisoners, until all hostages were 
freed. At three vat, the gatehouse got a 
false report of the murder of four guards. 

and the governor ordered an assault on 

the prison, only to rescind the order 15 

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minutes later, when the report proved 
Finally, a little after seven, inmates 
met with two local broadcasters, who 
promised to take a television camera 
inside the pen the next day to air the 
convict grievances. Within an hour, the 
s released Anaya, badly beaten and 
suffering from a previous heart condition. 
Between then and midnight, two more 
hostages, the fifth and sixth of the 12, 
were sent out in return for conversation 
with the media. But with the night, the 
mood turned ugly again on both sides. 
Corrections officials were furious at the 
presence of the reporters. One of the freed 
guards was the man the rioters had kicked 
naked down the main corridor to break 
о the control center, and that night he 
had been beaten again, moments before 
being released tied to a chair. The other 
oflicer given over was Schmitt, who had 
been stabbed, sexually assaulted апа 
epeatedly tortured since he'd been taken 
24 hours before in the dark aisle of E-2. 
“We're going to hold off till tomorrow 
morning,” an inmate radioed through the 
pen at 1:07 л.м. Sunday. “Make sure 
those guys are fed and nothing happens 
to them. Хо hostages will be hi 
Rioters told reporters they would end the 
htmare the next day if negotiati 
were held in front of the med 

there was that night left. As a compa 
tive quiet settled over the encampment 
outside, as relatives and reporters shiv- 
ered s along the highway, sections 
of the prison were still aglow with 
flames. The smoke was a sharp gray 
against the night sky. Listening above the 
hum of the crowd, relatives down the 
road could hear the screams from inside. 
One of those who heard the screaming 
in the night was a newcomer to the scene. 
As the rioters got their news confe 
nd the remaining hostages were slowly 
talked free the next morning, reporters 
and inmates noticed him among the 
ranking officialdom moving importantly 
about the gatehouse. Heavy-set, a jowly, 
creased face beneath gray 
he would later posture as commander of 
the troops and police retaking the peni- 
tentiary. He seemed practiced, perh: 
too practiced, in the role. And although. 
no one there apparently knew it, he had 
brought to that cold smoking plateau yet 
another bizarre element of the story. 

Having rid himself of his unwanted 
black corrections secretary—a man whom 
the clique called "the nigger upsi 
Governor King seemed ready in carly 
January 1980 to appoint Rodriguez 
last to the highest penal position in the 
state, a title and career-crowning prestige 

“I hear you're the bouncer here. I do 
a little bouncing myself.” 

to match the de facto power he had 
wielded for years. At the last moment, 
however, a group of powerful old-family 
Anglo legislators warned the governor 
that the appointment would be too 
much, would compel an investigation, 
and King hurriedly looked elsewhere. 

At the arde iun of both 
the state's chief justice and its purchasing 
director, the governor selected without 
further question a native Hispanic New 
Mexican and erstwhile Federal official 
aid to have much law-enforcement ex- 
perience. On January 31, the day of the 
fatelul intelligence meeting of pen offi- 
cials, King announced the appointment 
of Adolph В. Saenz, “a person of such 
excellent quality and expert experience, 
said the governor, that it was a “great 
pleasure” to have him. Summoned to the 
riottorn pen that weekend, Saenz wi 
swiftly confirmed by the New Mex 
ico senate to preside over rebuilding the 
state's shattered facility and reputation. 

What no one in the Statchouse knew, 
or acknowledged, was that the vaunted 
new corrections secretary had spent 17 
years in the 17 S. Office of Public Safety 
(OPS), a ClAinspired program estab- 
ished in the late Fifties to advise foreign. 
police in suppressing political dissent in 
Latin America and elsewhere—and then 
abolished by bipartisan Congressional 
action 90 years later amid well-docu- 
mented charges of U.S. complicity in 
torture and political terror. 

The whistle was blown on OPS after 
the body of U.S. police advisor Daniel 
Мигіопе was found crumpled in an old 
Buick convertible on a barrio side street 
of Montevideo, Uruguay, on August 10, 
1970. Kidnaped by the Tupamaro url 
Шаѕ and then killed when the Uru- 
n government refused to ransom 
him by freeing political prisoners, Mi- 
trione was flown back to the States to a 
ıtyr's funeral by the Nixon Adm 
istration, While the murder aroused 

mounting controversy оу 
ported represion in Latin 
Scores of Latin journalists, clergy and 
others told of grisly police torture of 
political prisoners in Uruguay, Brazi 
and elsewhere, Stripped, beaten, sexu 
ly abused, tortured under water and on 
racks, burned with electric needles unde: 
fingernails, shocked with electrical wires 
on the brea 
of men, the victims described their 
onies in accounts that repeatedly 
pli U. S. advisors were sa 
to have supplied the torture device: 
nstructed their Latin police di 

test techniques, in some cases even 
a present at or participated in the 

Mitrione, Washington's official martyr, 
became a prominent figure іп much ot 
the emerging scandal. But in the accu- 
; evidence about pol 
шау, there were also numerous 

ts of women and the testes 




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reports of atrocity for some time prior 
to Mitrione's arrival in Montevideo in 
the late summer of 1969. The evidence 
poured in not only from political dissi- 
and victims but from a multiparty 
by the Uruguayan senate, from 
the Nobel Prize-winning Amnesty In-" 
ional, from a former Uruguayan 
police commissioner who resigned in 
revulsion, from another police official 
who was tortured himself as a suspected 
Tupamaro spy. from Catholic priests and 

then from the U. S. Catholic Conference 
of Bishops. Torture in Uruguay, said 

the array of authorities, had been “com- 
mon,” “normal,” “habit ' before 1969. 
And the U. S. advisor who had been 
Mitrione’s predecessor for four years, 
whose office was on the first floor of the 
Montevideo jefatura, where torture re- 
portedly took place and the screams of 
Victims reverberated, who by his own 
account had intimate and influential 
relations with the Uruguayan police, 
was Adolph Saenz 

From Montevideo, allegations of tor- 
ture by his police clients would. follow. 
Saenz through subsequent assignments 
п Coloml: d Panama. By the time 
he left Panama to return t0 teach 
International Police Academy 
1974, the OPS was under rising condem 
nation in the 10. S. Congress and. press. 
When U.S. advisors were exposed in 

the scandal of the infamous “tiger cage” 

cells in South 
nator James 
existence of а 
8 for 

Vietnam, when 
Abourezk rev 
torture "school" I foreign 
police, when columnist Jack Anderson 
nd other rescarchers could find theses, 
films and other documents at the Inter- 
national Police Academy dealing with 
torture, Congress moved in bipartisan 
action to abolish the OPS—the only 
agency so eliminated in the postwar 
period. Without opposition from a Ford 
Administration fearing a full investi- 
gation, the OPS was disbanded by 1975 

The ават of the disgraced agency 
glided quietly into simi 
some of its old clients in Washington— 
consulting firms and the new Drug En- 
forcement Administration. Meanwhile, 
Saenz himself drifted through four Fed- 
eral jobs over the next four years, the 
first at barely half his old 537,800 OPS 
salary and попе for longer than a year 
and a half. 

Mong the way, he applied through 
merit channels for а junior $10,000-a 
year planning position in a bureau of 
the New Mexico corrections department 
and was routinely rejected for lack of 
experience or training іп penology. 
Then, just as his last job as a deputy 
director of the Gustoms Patrol was being 
abolished in late 1979, Saenz's patrons 
in Santa Fe swung into action. Still 
without qualifications and with his OPS 
background apparently unknown or ig- 
nored, he was promptly offered by K 

ar work with 

“Love your petite points, Miss Rosemons." 


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the $40,000-a-year secretaryship of New 
Mexico's troubled corrections depart- 


It was now after sunrise on Sunday, 
February 3, 1980. On a smoking high 
desert in northern New Mexico, there 
was the nervous rustle and the dull 
crack of readying weapons among hel- 
meted troops preparing for an assault. 
hed dark women begged 

their plea 
sharp шо dingy 
concrete building stood surrounded by 
police cars, mili 
men in various ц while off to 
the side, between the besieging forces 
and the building, behind a high enci 
cling fence, hundreds of men wrapped i 
blankets clustered together to keep 
warm, and to wail 

Just after dawn, another guard es- 
caped the pen, having been hidden by 
inmates and then given convict clothes 
to sneak out with a group of surrender- 
ing prisoners. The rioters released an 
other hostage, a battered Roybal, in 
return for a promised 8:15-A.M. news 
conference. The beaten and stabbed 
Martinez, the young guard at the door 
of E2 so long before, was helped to 
escape from the rear of the реп later 
in the morning. and by noon still an- 
other officer was freed, leaving two 
hostages inside, along with the men 
still hiding above the hospital and the 
two guar the north basement crawl 

Most of the pen's few dozen blacks 
1 banded together to protect one 
nother, and now, having fled, they 
were huddled in the yard when a larger 
group of Hispanic prisoners suddenly 
started to chase them, shouting, Ш 
the blacks." As the blacks pressed against. 
а corner of the fence and the mob ad- 
vanced, a county sheriff ordered Guards- 
men and police at the fence nearby to 
"lock and load" and aim their weapons 
and gave the attackers five minutes to 
retreat. Seconds before the deadline, the 
Hispanic prisoners faded back. 

The news conference scheduled for 
8:15 had not yet been held, and officials 
still stalled for time. Finally, а little 
after noon, $4 hours after the guards 
had been jumped in E-2, the rioters 
granted the television and press 
interview they had been demanding. 
The self-appointed negotiators, and now 
spokesmen, were the hard men of cell- 
block three. Although they talked of 
grievances and ha ent, the inter- 
views wandered, and the inmates were 


now concerned with warding olf retri- 


d with their postriot ho 
amera, Rodriguez assured five 
of them they would be transferred out of 
state. The drama and carnage, the tu- 
mult and agony, were all suddenly 

ending in talk of a few inmate transfers. 

At the last moment, a helicopter 
swooped low over the negotiations in 
front of the pen. The inmates angrily 
pulled back the two remaining hostages, 
whom they had taken to the entrance. 
But the helicopter was urgently radioed 
away and the last two officers went out. 
It was 1:26 р.м. Sunday. The riot—this 
riot—was over. 

Minutes later, after a series of false 
маг and aborted orders over the past 
day and night—and now with Saenz 
yelling "Move out!” to SWAT teams 
that had no idea who he was—the police 
reentered the prison. From front and 
back of the pen, the special assault 
oups went in with only vague infor- 
mation and small crude maps of a coi 
plex most had never seen. Some believed 
there were hostages still inside. One 
team entered the outside door to cell- 
block four but was blocked from the 
horror inside by that grille to which an 
emergency key was missing. The team 
had to circle around to the back of the 
pen to enter by the kitchen, and, once 
inside the main corridor, they met 

another team that did not expect them 
and almost opened бге. At the same 
moment, in the north end, SWAT 
team encountered sheriff's officers who 
had unexpectedly followed the assault, 
and there was another near disaster of 

scared armed men mistaking one an- 
other for the enemy. To add to the 
confusion, miscellaneous officials, poli- 

nd onlookers now filtered into 
morbid, oflicious, self 


civilians alike tramped 
blood and 
muck, past the charred remains in the 
gym, by the crushed, mutilated bodi 
strewn the length and breadth of the 
pen from dormitories to cellblocks. The 
hiding fugitive officers were freed from 
the crawl space and the medical techr 
and inmates with him from the 
second floor of the hospital. Some trem: 
bling, empty-faced men were still crouch 
ing in their cells in block four. A few 
dead bodies were in cells jammed shut 
and could not be removed for days. 
Wounded, drug-overdosed men were be- 
ing led from the building. Medical and 

Police and 
through ankle-deep wate 

“Tm terribly sorry, but this is 
the nonfucking section.” 



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state-police forensic teams entered to tag 
and photograph the bodics for the mas- 
sive criminal investigation to follow, but 
at least two corpses were removed before 
they could be photographed, and photog: 
raphers hurried through the rest. Anthro- 
pologists would later be summoned to 
examine the ashes and muck for frag- 
ments of bone; they knelt carefully in 
the gymnasium, as if searching some 
primeval burial ground 

Through the smoke and slop and 
sheer vileness of it all, some of the de- 
liverers, like the train of official visitors 
that would come later, took weapons 
and other objects as souvenirs. Some, 
too—the attorney general's report would 
later refer to them tactfully as “non- 
inmates"—then pillaged the unharmed 
prison hobby shop and prison industries 
of more than $7500 in items owned by 
inmates, as well as by the state. Retaking 
officers found the penitentiary’s Protes- 
tant chapel desolated, like most other 
parts of the building, while the Catho- 
lic chapel had hardly been disturbed, 
except lor the outline of a corpse stained 
into one of the aisles. 

Out on the highway, the relatives 
keeping their vigil heard of the assault 
with new alarm. For 30 hours, they had 

tion. Warden Griffin, ostensibly the public 
spokesman, had been cut off from the de- 

cisions and intelligence а often 
misinformed. Numbers, names, condi- 
tions had been given, taken away and 

then rearranged amid growing agitation 
and despair among the families. Then it 
was over and the cruel confusion and 
uncertainty continucd for hours and, for 
some, even days. 

Rodriguez had entered the building 
after it was secured. Then he cime out 
and was surrou by reporters. “I 
opened this реп “һе told them 
somberly. "It wa 
state it was in—it was really b 

Yards away, the governor w 
phantly announcing to a crowd of r 
tives that the prison һай been retak 
When he finished, he pointedly stepped 
forward and kissed the forehead of a 
small Spanish woman. King smiled. The 
woman's face was tight, impassivc. “But 
what happened,” she asked, “what hap- 
pened to our men? 

In Ше days afterward, the state and 
much of the n were shocked at the 
barbarism of the riot. The New Mex- 
ico legislature repentantly authorized 
$88,000,000 to repair the prison, house in- 
mates elsewhere and design and build a 
new $50,000,000 prison. Governor King 
promised a “model” penitentiary. AH save 
100 of the inmates were transferred 
temporarily to other state and Federal 
prisons across the country. But from 
primitive, stifling stone jails in Oklahoma, 
(continued on page 212) 


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ONE OF THE WORDS in this erotic vocabulary test has been banned in Boston— probably because the censors don't 
know what they mean. We admit there are some bizarre and unlikely words here, but give it a try and you might 
surprise yourself with what you didn't know you knew about sexy language. Match each of the words below with the 

visual clue to its definition that follows. You may discover you're a silver-tongued devil who knows how to make coprolalia 
pay off. No time limit and no dictionary. Answers and scores appear on page 242 

1. coprolalia 3. callipygian 5. hippomaniac 7. macromastic 9. gravid 
2. fellatio 4. osculate 6. gynarchy 8. ecdysiast 10. Lothario 

11. voyeurism 
12. concupiscence 





Your result will be an AMAZING PRINT job 
done for pennies in minutes. е STICKERS 

‚ MICH. 48232 • DEPT. R.A.L. JR. 

1 coy State — Zip — 

pi ix — 

1 Date of Birth — ./.—/— For Your Birthday Present 

Answers to puzzle on page 241 

cal'lispyg'i*an (kal'i*pij'isàn), adj. Relat- 
ing to or having shapely buttocks. 
сопесирізесепсе (kon*kii’ presens), n. 
Sexual desire, lust. 

cop ro*la'li*a (kop'rosla'liea), n. The 
use of obscene language. 

ec*dys'i*ast (ek«diz'i«àst), n. 
fel-la'ti*o (fe* 
stimulation of the penis. 

grav'id (gràav'id), adj. Pregnant. 
gyn'archey (jin'àrski), n. Government 
composed of women. 

hip'po*ma'ni*ac (hip'ó*ma'nisàk), n. 

A lover of horses. 

Lo-thar'i*o (lo*thar'i«), n. A seducer, a 

mac'ro*mas'tic (mak'ró emas'tik), adj. 
Having very large breasts 

os'cu-late (os^kü lat), v. To kiss 
vo'yeur^ism (vwa'yür'iz'm), n. The 
obtaining of sexual gratification from 
seeing sexual acts. 

1-F 2-1, 3K, 4-E, 5-B, 6-), 7-1, 8-A, 9-H, 
10-D, 11-G, 12-C 


10-12 Erotically Erudite 

6-9 Orally Outstanding 

3-5 Potentially Provocative 

0-2 Verbally Impotent 


(continued from page 238) 

from new Orwellian electronic isolator 
cellblocks in Arizona, from harsh work 
details and rigid discipline, they watched 
what then happened—and petitioned des- 
perately not to be returned to Santa Fe. 
Within weeks, Saenz trans 
and brought Rodriguez back as acting 
warden. Although his own OPS history 
had by then been exposed. he also named 
as departmental deputy an old friend 
and former OPS officer in Colombia and 
Guatemala. Over the next four months, 
the habits of the jefatura governed the 
corrections system. Pen and department 
were Closed to the press. Budgets were 
juggled, employees threatened with lie- 
detector tests, critical journalists smeared 
as “Marxists” and Пау. The pen was left 
to its old unaccountable masters, while 
King was conducted on periodic tours to 
assure the public of suitable progress. 
Reformers accompanied statesupreme- 
court justices on a spring tour of the pen, 
nd when they insisted on the justices’ 
seeing the strip cells, when the tour then 
found fresh blood on the floor of one of 
the strip cells and the attending guard 
furiously thrust the keys at a woman re- 
former, saying, “Here, you run this god- 
damned place,” the state chief justice (and 
епу erstwhile patron) merely laughed. 
By mid-June, Saenz had obliterated 
what morale remained in his bureaucracy, 

hired one nephew to a key job and inter- 
vened to prevent the firing of another, 
and was at last under widespread fire іп 
the press and even among outof-session 

legislators. King then went to 
Tahoe for a governors’ confe 
Rodriguez with him. When he теп 
he fired Saenz and named an aide to be 

Saenz blamed his demise on Rodriguez 
que. аз well as on Marxist 
. But in a stormy open hear 
ing on corrections polices after Saenz's 
departure, King dashed savagely 
testifying ex-convicts and prison reformers. 
“You're excused. I've heard enough,” he 
snarled at them when they insisted on 
more thin five minutes he'd given 


them. There was no clique, по wrong- 

doing, he told the hearing. His defense of 
Rodriguez and his dismissal of the critics 
was emotional and transparently person 
far beyond the political loyalty of a gov- 
eror to a state employe 

Then. new wave of intimidation 
struck public critics of the system. Families 
of prisoners were photographed and 
threatened as they demonstrated in front 
of the pen, and the photos were re- 
portedly used later as the object of 
obscene remarks by administrators as in- 
mates passed through meal lines. Others 
active in prison-reform movements werc 
nearly run down on Santa Fe sweets, 

too, 4 

were followed by strange cars, threatened 
by night calls, harassed as they attempted 
to visit prisoners and had their homes 
and apartments burglarized. 

At the penitentiary, there was a postriot 
regimen of bruta price and i 
credible security lapses in which both 
inmates and conscientious guards were 
victims. The new chief of security and the 
deputy warden were accused by inmates 
of abuse—the former promptly cleared, 
the latter removed from the реп, though 
quietly shifted to a department sinecure. 
In a summer settlement and consent or- 
der, the old 1977 A.C.L.U. class-action 
suit produced a thick, e'aborate set of 
new regulations. Yet when the A.C.L.U. 
and the inmates pressed for enforcement, 
especially for Federal involvement, the 
0.5 Attorney and the FBI remained 
paralyzed by local politics, and the Justice 
Department took no initiative lest it 
embarrass the state Democratic machine 
Jimmy Carter needed badly in Ше Presi 
dential election at hand. 

In the corrections department, bureau- 
crats shrank in fear of Rodriguez’ obvious 
and sustained power. They would offer no 
help to undermanned, frustrated new 
guards who had been hired after the riot 
at improved salaries. only to struggle 
inst slovenly security, the hostility. fear 


and cover-ups of the old entrenched officer 

corps the resurgent violence and 
institutional control of the feral men in 
cellblock three, Through summer and 
carly autumn, there were a suicide, two 
murders and numerous stabbings and 
ssaults on guards and staff personnel, 
most of them uninvestigated and hidden 
from public view 

Finally, in late October, frightened 
prison guards and other workers appealed 

in a formal "safety grievance” to the state 
personnel director, begging that "some- 

th In 

ng bc done before it is too late, 

more than 30 internal prison memos— 
reports sent to Rodriguez [rom June 
through October and continuously 

ignored—the corrections officers docu- 
тешей a gathering torrent of 
threats and physical attacks by inmates. 
‘The maximumsecurity men of. cellblock 
three, the most unstable and lethal in the 
pen—many of them about to be indicted 
for murders during the riot—had been 
stripping away а shoddy chain link fence 
in the unit to make knives and ice picks 
They had showered guards with urine 
and bleach, hit them with rocks and fists 
They had roamed the cellblock unhand- 
cuffed, crawled under unanchored fences 
in the exercise yard, congregated by scores 
when there should have been no more 
than five outside at any one time. It had 
all happened as senior guard commanders, 
Rodriguez’ men, men of and around the 
dique, had stood by. And it climaxed at 
the close of October in a week of stabbings, 
murders and mounting terror. 

There was much the same derelict 



The Moral Majority—and other groups 
like them—think that children 
should pray in school. Not just 
their children. Your children. 

But that’s just the beginning. 

They want their religious 
doctrines enacted into law and imposed 
оп everyone. 

If they believe that birth control is a sin, 
then you should not be allowed to use 

If they believe that abortion is wrong, 
then you should not be allowed to have one. 

If they believe that the Bible condemns 
homosexuality, then the law should punish 

If they believe that a man should be the 
breadwinner and the divinely appointed head 
of the family, then the law should keep women 
in their place. 

If they are offended by the ideas in cer- 
tain books, then the law should ban those 
books from your libraries and schools. 

Andlike Joe McCarthy, they believe that 
anyone who disagrees with them should be 
barred from teaching in the public schools. 

These new groups are on the march and 
growing stronger each day. Their agenda is 
clear and frightening: they mean to capture 
the power of government and use it to estab- 
lish a nightmare of religious and political 

And they are dangerously deceptive. 
They appear to represent American patriot- 
ism, because they wrap themselves in the 
American flag and use words like “family” 
and “life” and “tradition.” 

their kind of “patriotism” violates 
every principle of liberty that underlies the 
American system of government. It is intoler- 
ant. It stands against the First Amendment 
guarantees of freedom of expression and sepa- 
ration of church and state. It threatens aca- 
demic freedom. And it denies to whole 
groups of people the equal protection of 
the laws. 

Тһе new evangelicals are a 
radical anti-Bill-of-Rights move- 
ment. They seek not to conserve 
American values, but to over- 
throw them. And conservatives as 
well as liberals should stand up against them. 


These groups have already had alarming 
success. They have been pivotal in blocking 
passage of the E.R. A. in fifteen states. Public 
school boards all over the country have 
banned books and imposed prayer and other 
religious ceremonies. State legislatures have 
begun Placing increasingly severe restrictions 
опа woman's right to have an abortion. 

They have grown into rich and powerful 
force in this country. 

raises a million dollars with its television 

How powerful? In the last election, key 
members of Congress were successfully tar- 
geted by them for defeat, because of their 
positions on abortion, E.R.A., and other civil 
liberties issues. 

Already there is talk in Congress of con- 
Stitutional amendments or new laws that 
would impose prayer in the public schools, 
outlaw all abortions, and repeal the Voting 
Rights Act of 1965. 

How rich? Ina week, the Moral Majority. 

the question of whether the Moral Majority 
and other groups like them have the right to 
speak. They do, and we would defend that 
right. The danger lies in the content of their 
views, not in their right to express them. 

Nor is it a question of political parties. 
The ACLU is non-partisan and does not 
endorse or oppose candidates for public office. 
But we will make certain that, whatever other 
changes may occur in the political arena, the 
Constitution does not become a casualty of the 
new order. 


For 60 years, the American Civil Liber- 
ties Union has protected the Bill of Rights. As 
former Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote: 
“Indeed, it is difficult to appreciate how far our 

‘freedoms might have eroded had it not been for 
the ACLU's valiant representation in the courts 
of the constitutional rights of people of all per- 
suasions. . ." 

We've been there in the past and we'll be 
there іп the days ahead. We will meet the anti- 
Bill-of-Rights forces in the Congress, in the 
courts, before state and local legislatures, at 
school board hearings. Wherever they 
threaten, we will be there to resist their 
attempts to deprive you of your liberty and 
violate your rights. 

The ACLU, like the Moral Majority, 
depends on individual contributions, But 

E they raise more money in a few weeks than 

we raise ina year. 
We canonly be as strong as the num- 
ber of people who support us. 

Inthe past, when the Bill of Rights was 
in danger, enough people recognized the 
threat, and came together in time to repel it. 
Such a time has come again. 

Please send us your contribution before 
another day passes. 

Without your help, we don't have a 


Dept. PB, 132 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036 

GL want to join the ACLU and help fight the new anti- 
Bill-of-Rights movement. Enclosed is my check in 
the amount indicated below. 

C] 1 donat want to become a member, but enclosed is 
my contribution. 

CJ Tam already an ACLU member; enclosed is anextra 

Ose 11550 11500 029.00 More 


Ameren Ciri Leies Urien Norman Done. Pes lane. Exec Desir 


We are facing a major struggle over the 
Bill of Rights. This struggle does not involve 



security throughout the penitentiary, sa 
the protesting guards—no binoculars in 
watchtowers, patrol and pursuit vehicles 
h flat tires and dead batteries, riot- 
control grilles left open. as always, sally- 
port gates that had not worked for a year, 
new clectronic locking mechanisms care- 
lessly placed іп reach of possible inmate 
"horwiring." guards with faulty 
none at all, and often only two officers 
assigned to supervise the 350-400 inmates. 
of the entire south wing—in blatant 
lation of the recent court order requir- 
Ng at least one guard for each dormitory 
nd cellblock. 

There was speculation that the prison 
regime had deliberately allowed security 
10 lapse in some heavy-handed attempt to 
show they could not run the pen under 
the restrictions of the court order, 
that there were too many privileges and 
standards and that such unruly inm 
did not deserve better condition 
obvious somebody wants it th 
пру young guard said of the i 
ligence. "And when you look at it, 
ils criminaL" But whatever the crude 
bureaucratic games, there was also much 
evidence last summer and autumn of the 
old, familiar incompetence, of men who 
ely made mistakes, buried the evi- 
nd ran the penitentiary only in 
craven coalition with the 
dominant felons of the institution. 

By mid-Novembe the contagion of 
with a nea 
dormitory. The victim was an inmate who 
had testified against the deputy warden in 
lier investigation of brutality. An 
immediate shakedown produced two guns 
and more than 100 knives—wl 
lministration later proudly displayed. 
But the state did not admit nor show the 
haul of some 25 gallons of home-brew, 

adios or 

n c 


which could have been produced and 
stored in such amounts only with the 
complicity of the prison author he 
next day, there was another incident in 
cellblock three as three guards were in- 
jured and inmates teargased. At the 
same time, a prison psychologist was told 
by several inmates not to go to work 
more, that hostages would soon be 
taken. In the weeks before Christmas, 
under the rule of many of the same men 
who had run it lor a quarter century, the 
New Mexico state prison teetered on the 
edge of yet another catastrophe. 
Meanwhile, Rodriguez had been hon- 
ored by his peers for outstanding scrvice 
and bravery during the riot. And after a 
tively neutral, factually accurate re- 
port on the riot itself, the state attorney 
general had issued the long-awaited part 


two of the legislatively mandated study, 
the section purporting to examine causes 
and history. Written under the direction 
of a scion of an old Anglo family thought 

be independent, the report nakedly ех- 
onerated Rodriguez and King with ersa 
sociology about prison life and implicitly 
blamed a former governor and other 
officials, like Warden Malley, long gone. 
“It was the final fucking over of the 
natives by the Anglo establishment.” опе 
observer said angrily of the report. point- 
g to the majority of poor Hispanic 
tes who hud been, and remain, the 
prey of the prison-system abuses. 
By November, too, in time for the t 
gassing and cover-up of the homebrew, 
3 new corrections secretary had arrived 
to replace King’s close aide, who had 
been an affable caretaker after Saenz. 
The new man was named Roger Crist, 
former warden in Montana and an 
old friend of Rodriguez. They had 
smoked cigars together, agreed that the 
pen had its ungovernable men and 

=: = ТЕШ ee OER 
و‎ ILL tme um GEILE EM Сеа 

“We used to call it stampeding, 
now we call it jogging!" 

settled that Rodriguez would be the 
nking deputy secretary in a new ге 
organization of the department. Crist 
sisted that he had seen no cliques in the 
New Mexico system and pronounced it 
"farfetched" that an inmate stabbing 
could have had anything to do with testi 
mony against an official. He had complete 
freedom to hire and fire, of course, like 
his predecessors—and he would keep 
Rodriguez and his men. “You have to 
give the governor the benefit of the 
doubt,” said the chairman of the Senate 
Rules Committee, who had approved 
Saenz without question and who would. 
then rubber-stamp Crist. 

“Why did it all happen out there?” i 
former forensic psychiatrist asked himself 
tion with reformers as the 
sary of the riot approached. 
To the rage and madness of criminally 
disturbed men, we added the extra rage 
and madness of a rotten administration. 
Its corruption incompetence not 

ad і 
only led to neglect of the prisoners but 
also created the conditions that then let 
loose the madmen on the others.” 

“Society doesn't like that plac 
former guard said of the penitentiary. 
“And people in this state willingly went 
in ignorance, while the politicians 
^t want them to know, anyway. Men 
like Felix Rodriguez took care of the 
prison when no one else wanted to, and 
now we're shocked at the consequences. 
We have only ourselves to blame.” 

Nine months after their ordeal, the 12 
guards who had been held hostage in the 
riot were given paltry 50 to 60 percent 
disability settlements by the state. None 
had returned to any sort of work. Some 
were deeply, perhaps permanently 
scarred. No sooner had they been freed 
from the rioters’ tyranny at the pen— 
one of them thrown out the front door 
of the prison with a fragment of broom- 
stick still lodged in his anus—than the 
tortured officers entered a new 
On one side, they 
a state government denying its r 
bility to them lest it have to à 
larger li; ty in the millions of dollars. 
of civil suits stemming from the riot 
the other, by a legal swamp in which 
their very recovery could jeopardize a 
just compensation. “The state wants them 
to disappear,” said a psychologist familiar 
with their plight. “The theory is that to 
collect, they'll have to be vegetable: 

On the wall above the console of the 
demolished control center at the pen, 
there had been a small familiar sign, a 
frivolous popular slogan put there long 
before, that had somehow survived the 
frenzy of last February. Many of those 
involved would later remember it as a 
bitter, ironic epitaph on all that had 
happened before and after the riot at 
the New Mexico State Penitentiary. The 
sign read simply, THIMK. 

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined 
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 



Filter: 3 D таг, 0.4 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FIC Report Jan. 19803 
Menthol; 3' т, "tat, 0.4 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by РТС Method? 




Gilbeysidea ` .. 
ofa Gin and Tonic: ` 

м.” “ 
А ad 0 ” 
.« € Taste the gin, too. A 
- * Gilbey's Gin is made with a unique idea in mind. ! 

The taste of the gin is important and should not be hidden 
by the mixer. So when you drink a Gilbey's Gin & Tonic, 

you'll taste the gin, too. 

fz PL ANY | BOYS 5 


e all know the old Kip- 
ling dictum about a 
cigar's being a smoke, 
but your favorite puff 
is going to last only so long unless 
you store it in such a way that the 
lobacco leaves don't dry out. And 
just as bourbon tastes better when 
poured from a Baccarat decanter, 
зо а cigar that's been plucked from 
a polished-wood or precious-metal 
humidor psychologically smokes 
superior to one that's been stashed 
in an old tin box. Aside from look- 
ing like it was crafted (огап English 
men’s club, a great cigar humidor 
should also be airtight and, ideally, 
lockable—the price of cigars 

being what they are today. Add 

a moisturizing device and 

you've got a permanent home 
for your most cherished 
cheroots. Now you're smoking! 

Following the numbers: 1. For the 
well-heeled puffer, Cartier in New 
York is offering a walnut and ivory an- 
tique humidor that was made in Eng- 
land about 1850, $1395. 2. This hand- 
some multidrawered pigskin and wal- 
nut humidor, from Mark Cross, New 
York, $600, features a release catch 
that, when pressed, opens the cigar 
drawers. 3. A cedar-lined campaign- 
style humidor of oiled Honduras 
mahogany, from The Brentwood Com- 
pany, Silver Spring, Maryland, $400. 
(Brentwood will also custom-make 
other sizes to your specifications.) 4. 
An English-made airtight ebony- 
veneer humidor that comes with a lock 
and key, from Nat Sherman, New York, 
$1000. 5. Sterling-silver cedar-lined 
cigar humidor, from Tiffany, New York, 
$2275. 6. Burlwood humidor com- 
plete with a moisturizing device, from 
Alfred Dunhill of London, Chicago, 
$625. Shown with the humidors is a 
pocket cigar cutter also from Alfred 
Dunhill, $21, and Macanudo Baron de 
Rothschild cigars, about $32 for 25. 




all them jump suits, coveralls or flight suits, the look is 
already well established among the young at heart and— 
like our levitating fellow below—i 

beach cover-up), replace a lounging robe when you're watching 
TV or go on the town to a casual party or a disco. Furthermore, 
jump suits come in a multitude of 

colors and fabrics (we even show one designed as a rain suit in our 
City Slickers fashion feature in this issue) ranging fromthe thinnest 
white parachute material to heavy-duty jungle camouflage cloth. 
And because jump suits can be worn so many different ways, we 
predict that the look will be more than just a passing fad. Perhaps 
it's a preview of tomorrow, when everyone will jump into his 
clothes and zip up. That idea may be more than just an 

illusion. — —DAVID PLATT 

into one bright style— 
а yellow-cotton model with zip-front closure, by A. Smile, $40; worn with a reversible leather! 
cotton blouson jacket, by Comstock, $275; and a combed-cotton shirt, from Garret by Robert 
Bruce, $30. Jumping over to the inset at far left, we see a jump suit of another color: It's a cotton 
khaki one with zippered pockets, by Kiffe I, about $50; coupled with a cotton knit short-sleeved 
pullover, by Ramrod, $16. The middle inset photo shows а polyestericotton jump suit, by Male 
Sportswear, $60; plus a striped cotton/polyester rugger shirt, by Canterbury of New Zealand, 
542.50. The inset photo below right focuses on a different breed of jump suit—a short-sleeved 
style, by Lemon Twist, about $40; that’s teamed with a sleeveless cotton tank top, by Forge, $15. 



"Iis spring, and as your fan- 
cies turn to thoughts of your 
summer wardrobe, the first thing 
10 do is buy yourselí a bouquet 
of neckties. Bouquet is an ap- 
propriate term, because the pre- 
dominant color theme for the 
months ahead is floral pastels in 
various hues from pink and 
peach to lilac, yellow and mint. 
Worn as a counterpoint to a 
dark business suit and white 
shirt, a pastel tie by itself is a 
refreshing look, But if you really 
want to step out looking spiffy, 
try combining, say, a light gray- 
ish-blue suit with a lavender 
shirt and a pink tie. The combi- 
nations are endless. 


We've said it before and we'll 
say it again: А short-sleeved 
dress shirt worn under a business 
suit gives the wearer a my-how- 
thatboy-is-shooting-up look 
that undermines the best of tai- 
loring. If your office is hot, take 
off your jacket and roll up your 
sleeves. Save short-sleeved dress 
shirts for more casual suits worn 
as sportswear. 


When shopping for a summer 
business suit, don't stock your 
closet with nothing but classic 
and conservative grays and navy 
blues. Suits in lighter shades 
and looser weaves are now the 
norm—and it's a welcome 
change to which everyone is 
rapidly adjusting. In keeping 
with this trend to lighten up 
outdated traditions, dress shoes 
are also becoming more casual, 
many reflecting details bor- 
rowed from athletic shoes. One 
we like, for example, is a 
smooth brown lace-up with a 
thin white rubber sole. It’s based 
on the classic bowling shoe. 


We're pleased to announce 
another happy trend that will 
help in the endless war on your 
wallet, Many styles of reversible 
coats and jackets are currently 
hitting the market and—sur- 
prise!—both sides of the gar- 
ments are good-looking. 




Qa Wee 


ext to chugalug contests and chatting up the girl on the next stool, playing darts is probably a pub crawler's most popular 
pastime. Years ago, dartists would fling their missiles at the butt end of a wine cask. Today, the target is a bristle board housed 
in a cabinet with places for scoring, plus dart-storage racks. And here's another point—a serious darter carries his own set of 


arrows, often custom weighted and available in a variety of metals from brass to tungsten alloy. Shooters also have their ow 
darters “diddle for the middle." Fire when ready, Didley! 

special language: To see who goes first, you and your fellow 

Devil or Angel? 

Charlie's Angel TANYA ROBERTS is working up | 
an original magic trick. She's trying to pull a hat 
out of a rabbit. EDDIE RABBITT, that is. We call 
this sleight of hand grabbing all the gusto. 

The Sheik of Cable TV 

And you thought he was just pushing dog food. Heeeeeere’s ED McMAHON and a bevy of 
former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, the TEXAS COWGIRLS, rehearsing for the next oil 
embargo. Actually, they're working оп a sketch for Showtime, the cable variety show. Hit it, Ed. 


Sneak Preview 

The story goes like this: Mel Brooks spotted MARY- MARGARET HUMES's poster last year and 

promptly signed her for а part in History of the World- Part I, which will be in the theaters 
252 this summer. We spotted this pic and voted her the celebrity breast of the month. 

Come Get These Memories 

Back in the days when the Jefferson Starship had all 
of its astronauts, MARTY BALIN and GRACE SLICK 
buried the hatchet. Now Balin's writing an opera, 
Rock Justice, and Grace is checking for wounds. 

ыы ҒЫР 

It's Not 
the Meat, 
It's the Motion 
We've been 

gearing up for 
baseball season. 
Here's one of our 
favorite pictures 
from the official 

rule book under 

the heading 

“How to Settle 
Disputes Without 
Bothering the 
Umpire.” That's 
plaining a point 


and Rolls 

Hot off the press: 
We got this thea- 
ter review from 
actor turned 
critic ROCK 
performance in 
the Broadway 
play Gemini. It 
looks like a hit. 


The Greatest Little Bachelor Book in 
Texas, a catalog of Lone-Star manhood 
on the hoof, lately has topped the 
Dallas best-seller lists. Besides confirm- 
ing the TV show Dallas' image of that 
city's smart set, this publishing success 




Wait a minute, is she talking about skis or a 
preferred aprés-ski activity? Either way, 
this business can get very rough on the 
knees and we urge caution at all times. 

marks a new trend in mate finding. 
The pulpy pictures-and-all paperback 
was conceived as a woman's simple 
{some say simple-minded) alternative 
to singles bars, computer dating and 
blind dates. Just pick out a guy and 
send him a letter. Better yet, use a form 
letter and write to all 200. A sampling 
of the wares? How about Texas’ most 
famous Jewish cowboy singer, Kinky 
Friedman, who rates playing miniature 
golf a favorite dating activity? Or Dr. 
Theodore Gambordella, author of 34 
Ways to Increase Your Bust? We'll bet 


he gets a lot of mail. To check them 
out, send $5.95 to SusAnn Publications, 
3110 Fitzhugh, Dallas, Texas 75204. 


You can’t count on your fancy turn- 
ing to, uh, love this spring. University 
of Texas physiologist Michael Smolen- 
sky suggests the real season for height- 
ened sexual activity is late summer/ 
early fall. To support his hypothesis, he 
cited the following evidence at the 
Tenth World Congress of Fertility and 
Sterility in Madrid. He said that U. S. 
birth records show that most babies are 
conceived in mid-October and inci- 
dence of gonorrhea peaks from late 
August through October. An English 
study found contraceptive sales highest 
at midsummer. In October, male tes- 
losterone levels measure highest, while 
sperm counts tend to be 20 percent 
lower than usual, perhaps an indicator 
of sexual activity. If from this we can 
conclude that our biological alarm 
clocks go off in August, then right now, 
it's about three A.M. That's enough to 
make your fancy turn—and toss. 


It was only a matter of time before 
health professionals took up jogging 
and started looking into the claim that 
joggers have more fun in bed. The 
Running Psychologist and The Ameri- 
can Medical Joggers Association news- 
letter both describe a new British 
report that says increased libido is not 
caused by running but by something in 
the runner's diet, Runners may experi- 
ence great sex, but usually on the day 
before the big race, not after. What 
gives? Since carbohydrates provide 
muscle power, runners often observe a 
carbohydrate-loading diet. First, they 
deplete the body's store of carbohy- 
drates by running and then avoiding 
them for several days. Then, for three 
days before a race, they load up on 
carbos. Earlier research shows that a 

diet restricted in fat and protein but 
rich in starches reduces the frequency 
and duration of impotence. The jog- 
ger's regimen of depletion and loading 
had an even more dramatic sexual ef- 
fect in the British study. The experiment 
involved a group of impotent men, an- 
other group that had difficulty achiev- 
ing orgasm and a normal group. Half. 
of each group was given the runner's 
depletion/loading diet, while the other 
half (the control group) ate what they 
thought was a high-carb diet but actu- 
ally was a normal diet. The results 
show an increase in sexual activity 
among all groups. All the men on the 
normal diet showed small improve- 

A Jackson Hole, Wyoming, ski freak 
swears what Jackson Hole's motto 
“Ski the big one” refers to. If that is true, 
we're confused about the skiing out there. 

ments (attributed to wishful thinking), 
while all men on the depletion/loading 
diet showed greater changes—the two 
groups with sexual dysfunctions im- 
proved an average of 67 percent and 
the normal men on that diet improved 
13 percent. This means that sexual 
marathoners don’t have to run— 

they just have to eat like runners. EB 

Fantasy Graphics ought to put some zip in her Zip Code. You can buy them for lessthan a buck at card shops and department stores everywhere. 

Looking for a valentine greeting, but it's not hearts and flowers that are on your mind? Try the direct approach. These all-purpose cards from | 


*Puerto Rican white rum 

makes a smoother 

than gin or vodka? 


*We consider our Puerto 

Rican white rum martini 

a classic? 

Equestrian trainer Hector Gandia and his 
wife, artist Janet D'Esopo. 

The white rum martini is every bit as 
crisp and dry as the gin or vodka variety. 
Yet it possesses a smooth refinement the 
others lack. 

White rum also makes decidedly 
smoother drinks mixed with tonic or 
cada тте eei ese 

All because every drop of Puerto Rican 
white rum is aged at least one full year, 
by law. And when it comes tosmooth- 
ness, aging is the name of the game. 

Hint: Some bartenders maintain that 
the crispest white rum martinis are 
shaken instead of stirred. 

Make sure the rum is Puerto Rican. 
The Puerto Rican people have been 
making rum for almost five centuries. 
Their specialized skills and dedication 
result in a rum of exceptional dryness 
and purity. No wonder over 85% of the 
rum sold in this country comes 
from Puerto Rico. 


For free "Light Rums of Puerto Rico" recipes, 
write Puerto Rican Rums, Dept. Р-1, 

1290 Avenue of the Americas, N.Y... NY. 10019. 
©1980 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 




23 Main St., Lynchburg, TN 37352 

Right now I'm having to eat my words 
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You can read for yourself what it 
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For a color catalog full of old Tennessee items and 
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Exotic European 
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Sleep-wear from top European 
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The brightest ideas in the world 
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Exit bland. Enter KOOL. 

Here is low ‘tar’ smoking satisfaction that plays to 
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KOOL MILDS gives you a refreshing sensation 
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There’s only one word for the KOOL experience: 



Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined 
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous toYour Health. 

Kings, 11 mg. “tar”, 1 1 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method.