Full text of "PLAYBOY"
G liday St р =. SEX STARS
David Halberstam АЯ OF 83
Hunter Thompson
William Manchester
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IF YOU'VE PAID ATTENTION to goings on in the Oval Office, you
know that some White House tenants have style and some don’t.
F.D.R. and Eisenhower had it. Ford and Carter didn’t. And no
President’s style has had a greater impact on the voting public
than John F. Kennedy’s. Now, on the 20th anniversary of Ken-
nedy's assassination, his friend and advisor Williom Monchester has
written a new book, One Brief Shining Moment: Remembering
Kennedy (published by Little, Brown), which we excerpt here-
in. Manchester's account of Kennedy's historic 1960 campaign
reminds us that style need not replace substance.
His critics have accused Tem Selleck of being all style and no
substance, but the star of television’s Magnum, P.I. proves oth-
erwise in our Playboy Interview, conducted by Devid Sheff. When
Sheff probes for Selleck’s philosophy, he unleashes a forceful
response that reveals that Selleck may be the Clark Gable of the
Eighties—discreet in his social life, traditional in his politics.
For all his visibility in commercials and on talk shows, Orson
Welles is onc of Hollywood's most elusive figures. However, his
biographer Barbera Leaming has been dining with him lately at
his favorite Los Angeles restaurant, Ma Maison. In The Genius
Takes On Tinseltown, she gives us a behind-the-scenes look at
the man who made Citizen Kane.
If Selleck and Welles are elusive, Joan Collins definitely is not.
Our cover girl, the bitch-goddess star of television’s Dynasty,
turned out to be a dream to photograph for Contributing Pho-
tographer Morio Casilli and veteran Hollywood photographer
George Hurrell. Our West Coast Photography Editor, Morilyn Gro-
bowski, coordinated the pictorial.
On the subject of sports, David Holberstom takes a nostalgic, if
disenchanted, look at what has become of professional sports
since the dawn of television in Notes ofa Fallen Fan, illustrated
by Tereso Fosolino. In Playboy's College Basketball Preview, Anson
Mount adds his voice to the chorus and says that the same prob-
lems (big media, big money) that have afflicted pro sports have
had a regrettable impact on the college game.
From his article 7he Curse of Lono, it would seem that Hunter
5. Thompson, world-renowned maniac, boozer, drug fiend and
all-round nice guy, had his own inimitable impact on the sport
of blue-marlin fishing from the day he hit the Hawaiian isles.
His embellished tale of bedlam on the high seas was taken from
his latest book (with Relph Steadman) of the same title, published
by Bantam Books.
“I was going to go into mourning for the death of sex,” says
Craig Vetter, “but I didn’t have the wardrobe for it.” Instead, he
decided sex wasn’t dead but merely unable to defend itself. He
takes on the media’s naysayers in The Desexing of America.
Some are inspired by sex, some by machines and some by sexy
machines. If you’re among the last, turn immediately to the
Playboy Guide: Electronic Entertainment, a magazine within a
magazine devoted to the latest audio-video goodies and trends.
To further enhance your lifestyle, Emanuel Greenberg reviews the
Caribbean rums in The Cane Mutiny and Hollis Weyne shows you
the latest party duds in Let’s Party!
To round out the issue, we have a great selection of fiction this
holiday month, with new stories from Donald E. Мез оке, Isooc
Bashevis Singer (illustrated by Irving Petlin) and George V. Higgins.
Also, Peter A. McWillioms concludes his three-part series on com-
puters with A Personal Computer Christmas, illustrated by Scott.
Gustofson. Andrew Tobios is back with another of his Quarterly
Reports, and this one, Great Plays, reveals some tricks of the
stock-market trade. There's also a pictorial on Morine Jahon and
five other sexy Flashdancers, our annual Playboy's Christmas
Cards to famous folks by Tom Koch, our review of the Sex Stars of
1983 and our Playmate for this yule season, the gifted Terry
Nihon. Settle back with a nice hot toddy and a full pipe and spend
some time with our Christmas gift to you. Good tidings!
German engineering is
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MEN ...... ASA BABER 55
Ia oe ES Me 59
THE DESEXING OF AMERICA—artide ........................ CRAIG VETTER 108
THE CURSE OF LONO-article ........ HUNTER 5. THOMPSON 130
JOAN COLLINS- pictorial ar
PLAYBOY'S CHRISTMAS CARDS—verse ... А Р ... TOM KOCH 146 Desexed Americo
BACK TO BASICS—playbay’s playmate of the month - 156
FLASHDANCERS—pictorial ._...... AR gan ne 180
SEX STARS OF 1983— pictorial essay ....... . ЛМ HARWOOD 202
THE LATEST FROM LONDON—ribald classic ..... sss 219
PLAYBOY FUNNIESChumor. ... sse 236
PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE ............... PRESSEN 323 Shining Moment P. 154
COVER STORY Our cover this month comes odorned with os spectacular
a Christmas pockogé os you'll find under опу tree—the stunning Joan Collins
іп a sleek gown designed by Jerry Skeels and Randy McLoughlin of Jeran Designs
af Los Angeles. But the cover is anly a hint of the delights in store for you in
our lang-awailed (ond worth the wait) Collins pictorial (see page 134).
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editor and publisher
NAT LEHRMAN associate publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
TOM STAEBLER art director
DON GOLD managing editor
GARY COLE photography director
G. BARRY GOLSON execulive editor
associate editor; FICTION: ALICE к. TURNER editor;
TERESA GROSCH associate editor; PLAYBOY
(administration), DAVID STEVENS senior editors
SEN senior staff writers; KEVIN COOK, BARBARA
associate editors; SUSAN MARGOLIS-WINTER asso-
сийе new york editor; DAVID SIMMONS assistant
editor; MODERN LIVING: rn WALKER associate
editor; JM BARKER assistant editor; FASHION:
HOLLIS WAYNE contributing editor; HOLLY MINDER
up assistant editor; CARTOONS: MICHELLE URRY
RERIG POP managing director, CHET SUSKI, LEN
WILLIS senior directors; BRUCE HANSEN, THEO
KOUVATSOS, SKIP WILLIAMSON associale directors;
JOSEPH PACZEK assistant director; BETH KAS
senior art assistant; ANN SEIDL, CRAIG SMITH art as-
sistanls; SUSAN HOLMSTROM traffic coordinator;
BARBARA HOFFMAN administrative manager
senior editor; JAMES LARSON, JANICE MOSES аззо-
CHAEL ANN SULLIVAN assistant editors; POMPEO
тозақ staff photographer; DAVID МЕСЕҮ. KERRY
MORKIS associate staff photographers; DAVID CHAN
tributing photographers; WARWARA CAME, JANE
WARD color lab supervisor; ROMERT CHELIUS bust=
ness manager
JOHN MASTRO director; ALLEN VARGO manager
scription manager
OLD sub-
HAL DUCHIN national sales director
J ¥ там DOLMAN assistant publisher; PAULETTE
GAUDET rights & permissions manager; EILEEN
KENT contracts administrator
execulive vice-president
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in which we offer an insider's look at what's doing and who's doing it
Our West Coast Editor,
\ Stephen Randall (with the
ҚЫ ^i headphones), can't quite
believe his ears as he hears
Some spicy sagacity on the
new Playboy Advisor radio
Show. Another person with
incredible ears (and every-
thing else) is Bunny Sandy
of the L.A. Playboy Club,
who joined Randall, produc-
er Stephen Peeples (left)
and Westwood One presi-
dent and executive produc-
er Norm Pattiz in the studio
for the very best in aural
sex and AM/FM Q. and A.
That's what up-and-
coming actress Heidi
Sorenson, Miss July
1981, deserved after
making the jump to
Hollywood from her
native Denmark a few
years back. Now she
has it—a feature role in
the TV movie Sunset
Limousine, which stars
John Ritter at the wheel
of the titular limo.
We always knew Heidi
was driven to succeed.
It could be, if Rodney Dangerfield can resist Miss January 1982, Kim
McArthur, in his movie Easy Money. Rodney plays a guy who will inherit
$10,000,000 if he gives up smoking, drinking, gambling and womaniz-
ing for a year. With Kim around, the first three should be the easy part.
E Я be a £
But some are loved more than most. All 16 Bunnies
of the Year (elected by keyholder vote) were feted at
Mansion West recently by Hef and Alan Thicke
of TV’s Thicke of the Night. Although great
at formations, the B.O.Y.s are not a marching band.
Wy py
Au Nun,
Young Peter Billings-
ley (left) yearns for a
Red Ryder Air Gun in
the new film A Christ-
mas Story, co-written
by Jean Shepherd
and based on his
PLAYBOY tale Red
Ryder Nails the Ham-
mond Kid (December
1965). We can't give
away the plot, but we
bet it will charm you.
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Thank you, as usual, for the photo-
graphs of acres and acres of skin, but spe-
cial thanks for the Playboy Interview with
the Sandinistas (September). It just may
be the best interview I have ever read
Maury Maverick, Jr.
San Antonio, Texas
I would like to think that PLAYBOY's
extraordinary Interview with the Sandi-
nista leadership put to rest the notion that
Nicaragua is being ruled by hard-eyed,
humorless ideologues controlled by Mos-
cow and Havana. That will probably not
be the case, however, since the hard-eyed,
humorless ideologues who have seized
power in Washington apparently will not
be deterred from turning all of Central
America into a bloody battleground. It is
sad to note, though, that the behavior of
Bonzo’s co-star is in keeping with one
of the uglier traditions of his office; i.e.,
that of an American President's sending
troops onto foreign soil without Congres-
sional approval.
Jeffrey Blankfort
San Francisco, California
The Playboy Interview with the San-
dinistas is deplorably prejudiced and
largely anti-American. Dreifus conven-
iently forgets to mention to them that if the
United States had not stopped its support
for Somoza, the F.S.L.N. would never
have come to power in Nicaragua, and
that during the first two years of the San-
dinistas’ government, the United States
gave it more financial aid than it had given
Somoza during all his years in power.
Nikolaos G. Kondylis
Watertown, Massachusetts
In view of the present policy in Nicara-
gua with regard to the media, Гт sure
that obtaining approval for your Interview
was not easy. You should be aware that
your publication may have been chosen
for this interview because of its wide-
spread appeal to the American people. As
you may know, the Nicaraguan govern-
ment does not allow Nicaragua’s internal
media to provide similar information to
the Nicaraguan people regarding U.S.
positions on this matter.
W. С. Cousland, Brigadier General,
US. Army
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Department of Defense
Washington, D.C.
Гуе known Ted Turner since he was in
his late teens. We've sailed and raced
together and against each other. I've spent
hours with him at his Hope Plantation
and can feel his love of the land. Hence, I
read Peter Ross Range’s Playboy Inter-
view (August) with special interest. My
question is this: How could you have
loused up an otherwise illuminating Jnter-
view by inserting the interviewer's ill-
informed opinions under the title The
Demons of Ted Turner? Turner is not a
saint; but he is the straightest man I know
That very straightness gets him in trouble
sometimes. While he doesn’t like criticism
(who does?), he will accept it when it's
warranted, and he remains intensely loyal
to friends who differ with him. You have
had two Interviews with him, but ГЇЇ bet
you won't get a third; you have hit him
below the belt by going beyond a good
interview and ruminating on other aspects
of the man—aspects you don’t know a
damn thing about,
Robert N. Bavier, Jr.
Cos Cob, Connecticut
Och-la-la! PLAYBOY is a real treat to
read and, of course, the women are beauti-
ful. But your September issue has an
extreme treat—the cover. Kym Herrin is
the perfect cover model. I cannot imagine
any red-blooded male’s not picking up this
issue on the merits of the cover alone. The
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Dolgins La Belles
mms wa BEST
a Rusty Nail?
a) the mate of the
hammerhead shark.
ii EL
b) a spring in a Hindu
water bed.
c) the delicious combination
of equal parts of Drambuie
and scotch over ice.
issue is great, as usual. But aren’t all the
people, places and things on the inside
lucky to have Kym heading the parade?
Bill Chaffin
Richmond, Virginia
In a world in which beauty is a rare
commodity, Kym Herrin would do well to
consider the advantages of personal incor-
E. Gilet
Nashville, Tennessee
I must admit being significantly dis-
appointed in, but not surprised by, Craig
Vetter’s Technodarlings in the September
PLAYBOY. My experience with MIT stu-
dents suggests that his portrayal of them is
narrow, shallow and uninvolved. Further,
to paint our education as crushing—one
that leads to young people’s becoming sui-
cidal—is inaccurate in the extreme. Final-
ly, Vetter’s treatment of women at MIT,
though consonant with PLAYBOY's usual
trivialization of them, is also regrettable.
As an attempted fictional spoof, smoothly
written by Vetter—not bad. As a piece of
reasonable reporting—far off the mark.
William J. Hecht, Executive
MIT Alumni Association
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Your portrayal of life at MIT is
unnervingly close to the reality of it.
Kudos to Vetter. As an undergraduate
employee of the Artificial Intelligence
Lab, I feel compelled to add to one com-
ment made in the article. Although some
folks here do manage to sit and hack unin-
terrupted for days on end, some of us find
the time to do other things as well—such
as read your magazine. Keep up the good
Michael J. Konopik
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Cambridge, Massachusetts
As my brothers and I read the Septem-
ber issue of PLAYBOY, we were particularly
drawn to the beauty and wit of Miss Sep-
tember, Barbara Edwards. But what
really caught our eye (besides her obvious
physical endowments) was her Playmate
Data Sheet. Imagine our surprise at her
listing her favorite turn-on as being a
Sigma Chi sister! I’m sure the rest of the
Greek world is outraged, but what can
we say, guys? The lady knows quality.
We love you, Barbara!
The Men of the Sigma Chi Fraternity
Zeta Psi Chapter
Cincinnati, Ohio
I leave for the U.S. Air Force at the end
of August and couldn't have asked for a
better going-away present than Miss Sep-
tember, Barbara Edwards. Since having
her come to boot camp with me in person
is impossible, I'm trying to figure out a
way to smuggle in her centerfold. If I get
caught, ГЇЇ expect you either to bail me
out or to let me see more of Barbara in the
very near future.
Michzel Davis
Aurora, Colorado
Don't worry about getting caught,
Michael. One of the first things they teach
you in the Air Force is bailing out.
Congratulations to Contributing Pho-
tographer David Chan and all the Girls of
the Atlantic Coast Conference (PLAYBOY
September). Of the many young ladies
depicted, I’m especially knocked out by
Kerry McClurg, the Maryland lovely who
admits that she’s wanted to appear in
PLAYBOY since she was 14. Now that
you've fulfilled her dream, how about sat-
isfying one of mine? I would love to see
Kerry in your centerfold.
Jeff Morriss
Edison, New Jersey
As a student at the University of Vir-
ginia and as one of the 70,000 boys in the
A.C.C., 1 enjoyed Girls of the Atlantic
Coast Conference immensely. It just goes
to show that the best-looking girls really
are in the South. Thanks,
William Н. Arrington, III
Charlottesville, Virginia
I am a 19-year-old female college stu-
dent who enjoys reading her dad's copy of
PLAYBOY every month. Your text on the
girls of the A.C.C. really points out the
unfairness of many of the women’s move-
ments on today’s campuses; that is, it is
acceptable for a woman to display her
intelligence, but it’s unacceptable for her
to display her intelligence and her beauty.
As a member of the female species, I feel
there is nothing wrong with an intelligent
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woman’s displaying her other attributes as
well. Cara Lee Macdonald of Ми
good example. Not only is she a
ambitious law major but she also has a
perfectly lovely pair of boobies. If it’s
acceptable for her to exhibit her intel
gence on the campus of Virginia, then it
should also be acceptable for her to show
off her knockers to the readers of PLAYBOY
if she wants to. 1 cannot accept the argu-
ments made by John Slaughter, Madge
McQueen and John Rogers that women
should be admired for their cerebral qual-
ities but not their physical ones. Mac-
donald and the rest of the A.C.C. girls
have every right to be proud that they
bared both their minds and their bodies.
Denise L. Chilipka
Rexville, New York
In regard to Anson Mount’s Playboy's
Pigskin Previl® (pLavsov, September):
With all due credit to Ara Parseghian’s
record at Notre Dame, which was certain-
ly notable, I question whether Ara was
second only to Rockne in performance.
Frank Leahy had an outstanding record at
Notre Dame, including a 39-game un-
defeated streak and national champion-
ships in 1943, 1946, 1947 and 1949.
Leahy’s record may have outshined Ara’s
and should not be overlooked. And let’s
give Gerry Faust a chance. He is recog-
nized as a sterling recruiter and he pre-
sents a good image for Notre Dame.
Perhaps this season he will prove he is a
great coach as well.
John Nusskern
Grand Junction, Colorado
Asa Baber usually does an excellent job,
which is why I am concerned about a slip
in his September Men column. He always
tries to be fair in his consideration of
women, but in “Ball-Bustin’ Blues, Part
One,” he commits the ultimate misunder-
standing. Baber states that feeling out of
control of one’s life is a male problem and
a relatively new one. He states that twice
in his life, he felt the deep anger of being
forced to be submissive. Just twice! Every
woman should be as lucky. Necding to be
in control of one’s life is a human need, a
need for both men and women. Ask any
psychologist. That men sometimes carry it
too far and want also to control the women
and the children in their life is more to
their advantage than to their disadvan-
tage. At least, when things start to go
wrong, they can recognize the problem, as
Baber does. Women who have been raised
to be submissive don’t even know where to
start looking. It is womankind’s largest
Linda Bairstow
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Crew Sweater
Carrie Parka
untains. Aspen, Colorado.
ULTRA LIGHTS: 5 mg. "tar", 0.5 mg. nicotine, LIGHTS: 10 mg.
"tar", 0.8 mg. nicotine, KING: 17 mg. “ter”, 1.3 mg. nicotine,
av. per cigarette by FTC method.
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
HOME: New York City.
AGE: 35 A
PROFESSION: Commercial film direetor, pe N
Pfeifer-Story Productions. 2
HOBBIES: Writing the ultimate self-help
book for the non-gregarious, How to Spend
the Least Amount of Time with People
You Don't Like.
LAST BOOK READ: Post Office,
Charles Bukowski.
Directed Fur, a satirical short film,
for Saturday Night Live.
WHYIDOW LDO: “After eight
years of taking orders in an advertising
agency, the time had come. The directee
would become the director. And I did.”
PROFILE: Works well with people.
Would prefer not to. “Closet recluse.”
HIS SCOTCH: Dewar's? “White —-
Label.” “Aftera long casting
session and {00 many stage
mothersghaying a Dewar's
and soda is the only honor-
able thing to do,”
In an article devoted to drug deals and
addiction among attorneys, The National
Law Journal reported the case of a Florida
lawyer accused of negotiating for the sale
of cocaine valued at $3,000,000. No
stranger to dope deals, the accused attor-
ney had specialized in defending clients in
drug-related cases, advertising his services
in High Times magazine under the head-
The Bradford, Vermont, school board
rejected a reference book on language
skills prepared by teachers at Oxbow
High School because it contained too
many spelling and grammatical errors.
Our favorite headline this month comes
from Australia’s Tasmanian Country:
"Тһе San Diego chapter of Mensa, that
weird club for ultra-brights, decided it
would be fun to invite members of Densa,
a group of self-proclaimed not-so-brights,
to a chili party. It was fun, said Densa
president Jack Canaan. But it would have
been more fun if the Mensa people had
remembered the chili
Drug-crazed crows, swacked on win-
dow putty, are terrorizing a new suburb
near Traunstein, West Germany, by
smashing windowpanes with their beaks.
Builders in the area have complained to
authorities that the birds, made hyper-
active and aggressive by something in the
putty, have caused substantial vandalism.
Perhaps the West Germans should enlist
the aid of Crow-Magnum, P.I.
Yes, but how were the canapés? Arthur
Prager, who attended a gala benefit at
New York's South Street Seaport Muse-
um in honor of Brooke Astor’s longtime
support, was overheard to say, “Brooke
Astor? I thought they were honoring
Brooke Shields.”
Two dozen members of the Vagos Out-
laws motorcycle club roared into Orange,
California, pulled up outside St. Joseph
Hospital, took the place by storm and
donated 50 units of blood. Leader Tony
“Rat” Simmons explained, “Many of us
have needed blood transfusions. . . . You
get out of life what you put into it.”
Members of the Southern Baptist Con-
vention voted overwhelmingly to hold
their 1989 meeting in Las Vegas. Donna
Jethon, a Southern Baptist from Reids-
ville, North Carolina, said after casting
her vote, “There's going to be prostitution.
There's going to be drinking. There's
going to be gambling. That makes me even
more determined to go there.”
Illinois secretary of state Jim Edgar
says final figures indicate that of the
16,385 vehicles given CV license plates—
indicating they serve charitable organi-
zations—there were 527 Cadillacs, 147
Lincolns, 18 Mercedes and one Rolls.
Los Angeles residents aren't just into
hot tubs these days. They’re also into cre-
atively defacing bumper stickers issued by
a local hamburger chain. What originally
read IN-N-OUT BURGERS now advertises that
even more appealing delicacy, the old m-
When Return of the Jedi premiered in
Kenya, one particular line brought the
house down. When alien Nien Nunb said,
“Atiriri inyui mwi hau inyouthe ukai
haha” to the pilot of the starship Millen-
nium Falcon, 1300 people broke into
cheers. Apparently, the alien spoke fluent
Kikuyu, the dialect of Kenya’s dominant
tribe. The phrase means “Listen, you over
there; come here, all of you.”
Richard W. Suter, Chicago numisma-
tist and author of How Not to Get Ripped
Off in the Coin Business, admitted in U.S.
district court that he had swindled coin
buyers out of at least $50,000.
A 20-year-old Paris housewife discov-
ered that a violent headache she had been
suffering for ten days had been caused by
а .22-caliber bullet her husband had fired
into her head while she was sleeping
When she awoke, she noticed some blood
Rabbit Is Senile, by John Updike.
Rabbit Angstrom runs away and for-
gets why. The continuing story of an
American hero.
Rocky XII, by Sylvester Stallone.
Another installment in the story of
the boxer who became Pope. Based on
the movie.
"The Odd Sea, by Homer. A new inter-
pretation and translation by A. J. Cob-
Dune Buggy: God Emperor of the
Road, by Frank Herbert. Science fic-
tion for the motor-minded.
Rural Routes, by Alex Haley. A black
postman finds his route.
2000 and : A Space Rip-Off,
by Arthur С. Clarke. The long-
awaited climax of the 2007: A Space
Odyssey trilogy. Hal, the homicidal
computer, becomes ап intergalactic
Sofia’s Joyce, by William Styron. The
imaginative account of James Joyce in
Four by Fitzgerald: Trendy Is the
Night, The Great Gretzky, This Side of
Parody and The Last Raccoon. Four
lost classics by Barry Fitzgerald.
Waiting for Good Dough, by Samuel
Bakit. A drama of rising expectations.
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Blooming-
dale’s Short stories from The New
The Wimps of War, by Herman
Woukie. The epic saga of three genera-
tions of conscientious objectors. For the
Gross Encounters of the Behind, by
Steven Spielberg. Psychic messages
drive a man to do weird things with
mashed potatoes.
Gandhi with the Wind, by Margaret
Bourke-Mitchell. The story of a Bos-
ton Brahman who moves to the South
to start a bean plantation. “Frankly,
Mahatma, I don’t smell a thing.”
Nancy Drew’s First Period. A serious
novel about Nancy’s initiation into the
world of punctuation; to be followed by
Nancy Drew’s First Comma.
Treasures of the Vatican Collection,
with an introduction by Pope John
Paul II. This official publication, au-
thorized by the Vatican Museums, is a
collection of the best confessions of
1982 as selected by priests on five con-
tinents. With a 30-page Celebrity Con-
fessions Quiz.
The Complete Scarsdale Prison
Diet, by Jean Harris and Dr. Hi “Ap-
ple” Turnover. Proper nutrition for
the other woman.
The Book of Lisps— “Great
in History,” by Irving Wallathe, Amy
Wallathe and David Wallethinthky.
101 Uses for a Dead Katz: Dealing
Creatively with Bereavement, by
Sheila Katz. A personal story of cop-
Years of Raking It In, by Henry Kis-
singer. Volume nine of his memoirs.
Amazing Grace: The Biography of
Grace Tarantella. A young girl from
Passaic, New Jersey, grows up to
become the mascot of the 82nd Air-
borne Division.
From Van der Rohe to Hi-De-Ho, by
Cab Calloway. The jazz singer’s favor-
ite houses.
Ball One, by Jackson “Tiger” Mor-
timer. The exploits of the popular
baseball player, who continued to play
despite the havoc resulting from a
botched vasectomy.
Real Flies Don’t Eat Shit, by Belle
Zeboob. Dining cheaply in New York
Like, Plie! Totally Pas de Deux!
Y'Know—Grand Jeté—Fer Shoor!
How to Be a Ballet Girl, by Allison
30 Days to a Slimmer You: “The
Mahatma Gandhi Diet,” by Richard
Attenborough. Passive resistance to
food, from the author of Sexy Legs in
20 Days: Where to Find Them—How
to Make Them Yours.
A Cut Above: "The Royal Circumci-
sion," by Chuck and Di Windsor.
With photographs, drawings and com-
memorative cup. — —AVRUM JACOBSON
on her pillow, got up, washed her hair and
then went back to bed. The husband,
charged with attempted murder, had been
despondent over losing his job.
Arnold Creeley, deputy sheriff of New
York's Tioga County, was relaxing at the
Rainbow Trail tavern in Owego one eve-
ning when the bar hosted a mouse race.
Creeley was swept up in the spirit of com-
petition. After placing a bet on his vermin
of choice, he accepted a challenge to eat
race mouse if it didn’t rally for a win.
Moments later, he was garnishing his
rodent repast with salt, pepper and catsup.
“He said the tail was wiggling in his
throat,” said tavern owner Donald Whee-
land. “It took him two swallows.”
Sign of the times: We found the follow-
ing message, in tasteful calligraphy, on the
back of the driver's seat in a local taxi:
After five weeks of intense law-enforce-
ment effort, the Park Forest South, Illi-
nois, police department's sting operation
busted a thief who'd been stealing small
amounts of marijuana from the depart-
ment’s evidence lockers.
Yes, a dope-eating mouse had been
chewing its way through plastic bags filled
with boo that were being held for an
impending drug trial. Officers bought four
“self-baited” traps, which contain a sub-
stance mice allegedly can’t resist. Still, the
little bugger ignored them and ended up
absconding with about a half ounce of the
pot—sign of a prodigious habit.
Finally, a savvy Park Forest South
detective suggested baiting a trap with a
joint: “Good, California-grade pot,” said
Police Chief Michael Dooley. “We knew
the mouse wouldn’t mess with the bad
stuff.” The culprit was found dead the
next day, its final bite of wonder leaf still
in its mouth. “That mouse,” said Dooley,
“probably didn’t know it was dead.”
An article іп the Tucson Citizen about
burial costs noted that cremation is often
опе fourth as expensive as a traditional
burial. Swan funeral director Edwin
Hudgel added, “[Cremation] is really a
lifesaver for people.”
Two American students returning from
the Soviet Union were detained by
Soviet customs agents who confiscated
their printed matter—including a recent
copy of PLAvsov. The students overheard
the officials saying to each other, “Do we
have this issue?”
“Yes, we can give it back to them.”
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FAITHFUL READERS of this column will
recall that it began six months ago with a
bold prediction: the demise of a major net-
work—NBC—during the next ten years.
May І amend that ever so slightly? The
forces conspiring against the networks are
no less powerful than they were. Still, on
further reflection. I'm ready to concede
that it may be impossible to lose money
running a network. NBC, after all, ran a
distant and dismal third last season and
still eked out a $100,000,000 profit.
What will happen is that NBC, as well
as CBS and ABC, will become inexorably
less profitable and less powerful as the
competition grows. And the most impor-
tant of those competitors may not be
Home Box Office or Ted Turner's WTBS
but one that doesn't exist yet: a fourth
network composed of independent stations
and opportunistic network affiliates.
Before we get caught up in abstract
concepts, let’s look at a specific fourth-
network notion. This fall, several produc-
ing partners introduced a show called
Thicke of the Night on approximately 120
stations around the country. The 90-min-
ute program, starring Canadian talk-show
star Alan Thicke, is designed as an alter-
native—for viewers and advertisers—to
NBC’s aging Tonight Show, with Johnny
Carson. Among the stations that picked up
Thicke are independents that might other-
wise be programing old network reruns
and affiliates of all three major networks,
including at least two from NBC that are
using Thicke in place of Carson.
Other producers have been cooking up
their own fourth-network projects. Em-
bassy Telecommunications is about to be-
gin a quarterly movie night on a group
of 100 stations it has put together;
Paramount Pictures has talked of a com-
bination movie-and-frst-run-specials
network, in partnership with three of the
largest group-television-station owners;
and McCann-Erickson, the advertising
agency, has considered helping develop a
project in which independent stations
would set aside two hours a week for first-
run programing.
If Thicke works, “it could mean Arma-
geddon,” says Bob Bennett, president of
Metromedia Television, which produces
the program in partnership with MGM/
UA and Fred Silverman.
Armageddon? A single show as the
showdown? Well, look at Bennett’s logic.
For years, Tonight has been among
NBC’s most profitable shows—reportedly
earning as much as $100,000,000 a year.
The affiliates that run Tonight earn only
a pittance by comparison; NBC pays each
one a nominal fee (“compensation”) and
gives it a couple of commercial spots at the
beginning and the end of the show.
So NBC won't play dead;
there's still a threat
of a fourth network.
By contrast, the producers of Thicke are
splitting the commercial time 50/50 with
local stations—meaning that each side has
90 spots a week to sell. If Thicke wins
even half the audience that Tonight does,
Bennett figures it will earn upwards of
$80,000,000 a year—and that affiliated
stations may earn ten times what they do
now by carrying network offerings. That
prospect could prove mighty seductive.
Certainly, the affiliates have reason
to feel restive. The networks, reacting to
diminished audiences and rising costs,
have already increased the number of
national commercials they run, usurped
morning and late-night time slots that
affiliates used to program (and profit
from) alone and failed to increase affiliate
compensation to keep pace with inflation.
“They’re fooling around with a delicate,
sensitive relationship,” says Bennett.
Now, thanks largely to satellite technol-
ogy, affiliates have a way of striking back.
Until recently, the networks, using tele-
phone land lines, were the only ones that
could transmit programs cost-effectively
and quickly. Now most stations have their
own satellite dishes. The result is an
instant and inexpensive means of plucking
from the sky whatever programs a produc-
er transmits via satellite. Which is how
Thicke is being distributed.
For national advertisers, the lure of
alternative networks is another competi-
tive outlet. As long as network shows were
the only ones that reached the entire coun-
try, major advertisers paid whatever the
networks demanded. But now that inde-
pendently produced shows such as Thicke
can reach nearly the same audience, ad-
vertisers have an alternative.
This fall, for example, a new half-hour
news-and-feature show called Newscope
is being delivered by satellite each day to
stations covering 90 percent of the coun-
try. Telepictures Corporation, the New
York-based producer of the show, is offer-
ing advertisers incentives the networks do
not, including guarantees of audience.
Among those who have signed up is Sears,
Roebuck. “Sears is spending more than
$2,000,000,” says Michael Garin, presi-
dent of Telepictures. “That money would
otherwise have gone to the networks.”
Independent stations are another part
of the equation. Up to now, they’ve built a
remarkably good business with remark-
ably little innovation—running old mov-
ies, local sports and reruns of shows like
M*A*S*H against the local news on net-
work affiliates. But without their own
programs, independents remain depend-
ent—and bland. By banding together to
produce original programing, they have
an opportunity to become distinctive—
and, perhaps, to compete effectively
against network prime-time shows.
Bennett's Metromedia is the best
positioned, since the company owns in-
dependent stations in the top three
markets—New York, Los Angeles and
Chicago—and has a total of seven stations
that reach 25 percent of the viewing audi-
ence. Indeed, Metromedia is active on sev-
eral fronts. Beyond Thicke, it is helping
keep alive Fame and Too Close for
Comfort, two shows that the networks
Metromedia is also initiating its own
monthly movie night—offering a feature
film on Sunday nights that hasn't previ-
ously played on the networks. As with
Thicke, participating stations will share in
the ad revenues—and stand to earn far
more than they would by running network
fare. In Boston, for example, where
Metromedia owns WCVB, an ABC affil-
iate, Bennett figures that the station might
easily earn $100,000 in ad revenues from
a reasonably attractive two-hour’ movie,
compared with $10,000 for using network
Unlike proponents of cable television in
its first flush, few fourth-network advo-
cates are suggesting that more interesting
programing will be one of the outcomes of
the competitive environment.
Beneficiaries from fourth networks
should include advertisers, independent
Stations, affiliates and producers. But for
viewers, the best hope may be more times
in which to watch the same movies and
“Any lip service paid to quality on tele-
vison is exactly that: lip service,” says
Garin. “All this fight is really over is a
bigger share of the advertising dollars.”
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¡copla (Knopf), by Harry Stein, is a
fictional account of those years in
the early part of this century when Ameri-
can life was so wide open that somebody
even found a way to fix the world series.
Stein beautifully catches the aura, the lan-
guage and the characters of the time.
Luther Pond is his inspired invention, a
grizzled old sportswriter who covered that
rigged 1919 White Sox series, and Buck
Weaver was one of the eight Chicago
players who were accused of throwing the
games and then were drummed out of
baseball for life. Between them, they meet
just about everybody who was anybody in
those years, from Ty Cobb to John L.
Sullivan to Shoeless Joe Jackson to Jack
London (whom Pond calls a lout and a
bad writer). And so do we. At one point,
Cobb goes into the stands to beat a nasty
fan half-senseless, then leads a players’
strike in the wake of the affair. That strike
lasts only hours, though, because the rich
men who owned baseball in those years
were utterly shameless in their exploita-
tion of the country boys who played for
them. It makes it a little harder to
begrudge the modern players their fat sal-
aries or to believe that there were good old
days when baseball was played mostly for
the fun of it.
OK, kids, ready for your history lesson?
Did you know that Vietnam veterans are
not eligible for benefits under the GI Bill?
That President Carter said, “Our concept
of human rights is preserved in Poland”?
That in the U.S.A. today, there is as much
forest as there was when George Wash-
ington was at Valley Forge? That 80
percent of our air pollution stems from
hydrocarbons released by vegetation?
That fascism was really the basis for the
New Deal? That General Anastasio So-
moza, dictator of Nicaragua, resigned
from office because the Organization of
American States asked him to? That when
the United States was the only country
with nuclear weapons, it did not blackmail
others with threats to use them? That it
may be true that people go to bed hungry
every night, but most of them are on diets?
What? You don’t believe what you're
hearing? But our President told us so! And
Mark Green and Gail MacColl have com-
piled an account of “Ronald Reagan’s
Reign of Error.” The book is titled There
He Goes Again (Pantheon). It’s good for a
lot of laughs, but it’s also good for some-
thing more profound, a basic question
What does the President know?
The tide of Ron Hansen’s book The
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward
Robert Ford (Knopf) hardly lets the reader
know what a literary treat is in store for
him. What he gets, though, is a historical
novel, well researched, that provides a
The 1919 Black Sox scandal retold.
Baseball, Reagan, Jesse
James, mystery and Paul
Theroux on Britain.
A Jesse James novel that works.
gentle, poetic and vivid portrait of the
James gang as living, breathing scum
bags. This isn’t just ге!
through the device of fictio:
convincing contemporary view of socio-
pathic depravity. Jesse has some redeem-
ing eccentricities, but the others display
worrisome forms of righteous and vicious
redneckism. This, communicated with a
fine style and careful wordsmithing,
should secure honors for Hansen.
In the summer of 1929, а German doc-
tor and his mistress turned their backs on
middle-class Berlin society, sailed halfway
around the world and set up housekeeping
оп deserted Floreana Island in the Pacif-
ic's Galápagos archipelago. Dr. Friedrich
Ritter fancied himself a philosopher, and
Dore Strauch saw a chance to escape
from her schoolteacher husband. Both
envisioned a pastoral retreat from the
20th Century. But the Adam and Eve
of Floreana, as Friedrich named them,
were soon joined by other outcasts—
notably, a gunslinging, self-titled baroness
and her entourage of servile young men.
By 1934, three islanders were dead. The
Galápagos Affair (Random House) is a fas-
cinating account of that eccentric commu-
nity, as pieced together by Cambridge
zoologist John Treherne. While Tre-
herne’s expertise isn’t in journalism, his
inquisitive and thoughtful nature unravels
innumerable contradictions in the un-
solved deaths. In this instance, truth is
stranger than fiction.
Раш Theroux, author of two excellent
travel books, The Great Railway Bazaar
and The Old Patagonian Express, has
just come through with his best effort, The
Kingdom by the Sea (Houghton Miffin).
“The longer I lived in London, the more I
came to see how much of Englishness was
bluff and what wet blankets they could
be,” Theroux writes of his growing irrita-
tion with that city, “but when I began to
think about traveling around Britain, I
became excited.” And travel around Brit-
ain he does—around its coast line (“Brit-
ain was its coast—nowhere in Britain was
more than 65 miles from the sea”). In this
volume, Theroux takes trains, hitchhikes,
rows, walks, talks, observes, through
Cornwall and Wales, Ulster and Scotland,
from country lane and deserted beach to
village and city. A fine book; don’t leave
home without it.
The College Catalog (Quill), edited by
Constance Masson: A serviceable, some-
times funny primer for collegians who
have no buddies in the upper class, The
tone is properly sophomoric, the illustra-
tions are cute, but there’s some bizarre
advice here. Need extra bucks for tuition
and books? Turn to page 86 and “Be Your
Own Chimney Sweep.”
Mr. Bedford ond the Muses (Viking), by
Gail Godwin: This novella and five stories
prove that sometimes even the smallest
events in people’s lives can make for the
most interesting tales.
The Rescue of Miss Yoskell and Other Pipe
Dreams (Congdon & Weed), by Russell
Baker: To paraphrase a TV commer-
cial—when Russell Baker writes, we
Grand Delusions: The Cosmic Coreer of John
De Lorean (Viking), by Hillel L.
you didn’t know it, De Lorean is the real
Great Gatsby. Read all about it.
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rated Booklet and instru
DIRECTOR Robert M. Young skillfully
squeezes pathos from The Ballad of Gregorio
Cortez (Embassy), based on the true story
of a Mexican fugitive who became a leg-
end after shooting and killing a Texas
sheriff in 1901. While there’s no doubt
that he pulled the trigger, Cortez’ essential
guilt or innocence is studied, Rashomon
style, from several points of view. He is
evidently the victim of mistaken identity,
plus faulty translation by a sheriff's depu-
ty who tries to “talk Mexican.” Whether
hot on the trail or hunkered down with a
trainload of Texas Rangers, the exhaus-
tive man hunt that brings Cortez to injus-
tice is painstakingly re-created here. The
vintage lifestyle and locations are photo-
graphed by Ray Villalobos with an air of
absolute authenticity. 105 a class act
throughout, yet Gregorio Cortez is disti
guished mostly for a magnificent, low-key
performance in the title role by Edward
James Olmos (best known heretofore as
the star of the stage and screen musical
Zoot Suit). Olmos’ wrenchingly honest
underplaying stirs memories of Brando at
his zenith in Viva Zapata. This conscien-
tious chronicle doesn't begin to match that
classic. Even so, Young makes it both sen-
sitive and suspenseful—an underdog epic
with plenty of bite. YY
Anyone old enough to remember Pearl
Harbor may feel strong resistance to some
aspects of Nagisa Oshima’s Merry Christmas
Mr. Lawrence (Universal Classics). In a
questionable coda to a harrowing tale of
British soldiers in a Japanese prisoner-
of-war camp, Oshima suggests that right
or wrong is a judgment made by whoever
holds the winning cards at a given mo-
ment. But World War Two cannot be so
easily equated with Vietnam, say, and
Mr. Lawrence has rocks in its head as a
thinking man’s war drama. The movie’s
strength rests on two stellar performances,
by Tom Conti, in the title role, and by
singer David Bowie—once again proving
his electric screen presence as a handsome
young officer whose attractiveness pretty
well unhinges the camp commandant
(Ryuichi Sakamoto, the Japanese pop star
who also composed the movie's arresting
musical score). The homosexual under-
currents somehow muddle the major
issues about men at war, and Oshima—
creator of two erotic classics; /п the Realm
of the Senses and Empire of Passion —may
be more comfortable studying men in love.
In any case, he exploits Bowie's androgy-
nous appeal to the max. Without it, Mr.
Lawrence would be an earnest but weari-
some antiwar tract. YY
No use fudging the fact that Bob
Fosse's disturbing, brilliant Star 80
World War Two
Stellar performances from
Conti, Bowie, Olmos;
flawed, brilliant Siar 80.
Star 80's Hemingway. Roberts.
culture clash.
(Warner/Ladd) poses problems for a crit-
ic from PLAYBOY. The subject is close to
home, dealing as it does with the murder
of the 1980 Playmate of the Year, Doro-
thy Stratten. That said, let's give Star 80
the nod as a totally personal and complex
interpretation by Fosse of an American
tragedy of our time—deeper than the 1981
TV movie starring Jamie Lee Curtis, with
much fiercer emphasis on the character of
Paul Snider, the obsessed hustler and also-
ran who found Dorothy, promoted her,
married her and went berserk when he
saw no place for himself in her bright
future. As Snider, young Eric Roberts
tops his sensitive performances in King of
the Gypsies and Raggedy Man with an
unnerving, hypnotic portrait of a congeni-
tal loser. He's a composite of Lee Harvey
Oswald, John Hinckley, Jr., and the
have-not hero of Taxi Driver, a nobody
who practices sleazy charm in front of his
bathroom mirror and looks dangerous
from the first moment we meet him, eying
Dorothy with palpable greed rather than
healthy lust. As Dorothy, Mariel Hem-
ingway is sweet, blonde, vulnerable,
reaching a bit but still a reasonable fac-
simile of the Vancouver schoolgirl des-
tined for fame and fortune well beyond
her introduction on a centerfold. Interest-
ing that Carroll Baker—a flaming film
sexpot of the Fifties—is aptly cast as Dor-
othy’s skeptical mother, who initially op-
poses her daughter’s career move to L.A
with a lout she derides as “а tango danc-
er.” But is Carroll here to tell us, between
the lines, that the love goddesses of yester-
year look back in anger? Maybe.
Minor quibbles aside, Fosse’s treat-
ment of PLAYBOY is impeccably polite,
though superficial. Cliff Robertson plays
an avuncular Hugh Hefner, “Mr. Hef-
ner” to Dorothy as she sashays through
photo sessions and the Playboy Mansion
West, apparently relishing the only “up”
moments of her life as a Hollywood golden
girl. The rest of the movie concentrates on
EE 3
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Snider’s malevolent rage, frequently cut-
ting away to fast glimpses of the grisly
murder scene or post-mortem interviews
with various witnesses who knew Dorothy
and Paul before her affair with a Holly-
wood director (Roger Rees of Nicholas
Nickleby, sympathetic as a carefully fic-
tionalized Peter Bogdanovich) moves
Snider to buy a shotgun.
And there’s the rub. Whether inten-
tional or subconscious, Fosse’s persistent
visual linking of sex and violence evolves
into a final statement that makes Star 80
rather oppressive and likely to hearten
those fanatic feminists who see any nude
photograph of a woman as an invitation to
enslavement and assault or worse. From
Cabaret and Lenny to All That Jazz, there
has always been a dark underside to the
glittering sensuality of Fosse’s work—
nobody does it better, yet his famous piz-
zazz often feels guilt-edged. Because he is
an enormously gifted moviemaker, Fosse
will mesmerize you while Star 80 delivers
the subliminal message that no good can
come of all that bare skin and packaged
sex appeal. It's an odd contradiction, since
the film’s surface glamor (and chief sell-
ing point) benefits from Mario Casilli’s
flashy, pLAvBovesque stills of Hemingway
as Stratten (see next month's pLaYBoY for a
sampling); also, cinematographer Sven
Nykvist’s unflagging genius helps keep
this chilling case history looking very
handsome. Dazzling but downbeat, Star
80 is, in effect, all about Fosse himself as
an ambivalent showman-cum-sociologist,
all about Snider as a murderous psycho-
path, with almost no fresh insight or truth
about Dorothy. The previous public rec-
ord remains, to show that truth. ҰҰҰ
Perhaps his daring-but-dreary flops of
recent years explain, in part, why director
Robert Aluman has started turning to the
theater for source material. Anyway, the
Altman film version of David Rabe’s
award-winning Streamers (UA Classics)
has lost nothing in a vivid translation from
stage to screen. Confined to the claustro-
phobic area of an Army barracks in the
Sixties, when the Vietnam war and L.B.J-
were part of our daily bread, Streamers
breaks out like a dramatic brush fire. No
American movie since Altman's own
M*A*S*H has made a stronger antimili-
tarist statement about violence. The erup-
tion of hostility among four men awaiting
orders to ship out—two black soldiers and
two white—is prompted by fear for their
lives in combat, though the explosive
action appears to stem from racism and
half-hidden homosexual tension. The title
is an image of mortality supposedly taken
from the jargon of airborne troops—
streamers are parachutes that don’t open.
And the over-all production is excitingly
designed, from the opening credits (a
snappy close-order drill, shrouded in mist)
to the drab, grayish interior scenes, in
which subtle touches of red hint at the
Wright, Lichtenstein in Strearners.
A winning play by
Altman, a mishmash
from Doug Trumbull.
Brainstorm: Farewell to Natalie.
Lonely Hearts’ Kaye, Hughes.
bloodshed to come.
As usual, Altman’s casting is inspired,
which means that the acting in Streamers
could hardly be improved upon. All of
these performers are stunning: David
Alan Grier as the amiable black GI;
Michael Wright as his chum, an angry
outsider with the presence of a coiled
cobra; Matthew Modine as the sexually
confused Billy; Mitchell Lichtenstein
(famed artist Roy is his father) in a
vibrant turn as the gay provocateur. As a
pair of battle-scarred old sergeants,
George Dzundza and Guy Boyd will give
you goose bumps with their jingoist
brawling. By definition somewhat stagy
and schematic, Streamers is nevertheless a
hold-your-breath movie—cogent, dynam-
ic, the smoothest Altman work since his
prolific golden period of 1970-1975. ¥¥¥
The high-tech idiocy of Brainstorm
(MGM/UA) kept me totally confused,
despite yeoman efforts by Christopher
Walken, Louise Fletcher, Cliff Robertson
and the late Natalie Wood. It’s the video-
game school of cinema, all about a diaboli-
cal machine that makes vicarious thrills a
fact—in other words, one person’s physi-
cal and emotional experiences can be
taped and directly re-experienced by
another individual. Well, of course, this
invention falls into the wrong hands, as
usual. And so does Brainstorm, 1 suspect.
Producer-director Douglas Trumbull, a
special-effects wizard whose illustrious
credits include 2007: A Space Odyssey,
Star Trek—The Motion Picture and Close
Encounters of the Third Kind, appears to
have better grasp of visual gimmickry than
of plot and simple continuity. Most of the
time, Brainstorm does not make a hell of a
lot of sense. It’s the kind of movie that
prompts you to nudge your neighbor and
say, “Huh?” wondering whether you had
dozed off and missed something impor-
tant. Might be easier to just skip the whole
show. ¥
In 1982, the Australian Film Institute's
Best Film award went to writer-director
Paul Cox’s unassuming Lonely Hearts
(Goldwyn). Down under, that’s as good as
getting an Oscar. Lonely Hearts was also
honored with nominations for best direc-
tor, best actress and best actor. You will
know why when you see this exceptional,
tender little love story co-starring Wendy
Hughes and Norman Kaye as a couple of
ordinary people whose courtship proceeds
with the classic, easy-does-it appeal of
such movies as Brief Encounter and
Marty. Cox takes his time exploring every
nuance of the relationship between a 50-
year-old bachelor, who wears a terrible
toupee and has a penchant for shoplifting,
and an uptight spinster who is deathly
afraid of men and sex but even more
afraid of her domineering parents. Kaye
and Hughes do a beautiful job of ensemble
playing in a comedy that is slow-paced,
perhaps, but hypersensitive, spirited and
virtually certain to leave a lump in your
throat. ¥¥¥
Once hooked on the films of director
Nicolas Roeg, a fan is likely to become
incurable despite frequent disappoint-
ments. Roeg's Eureka (UA Classics),
ou | lever e though somewhat апу and pretentious
compared with his best work (Walkabout
H А and Don’t Look Now, for example), is also
dazzling, imaginative and hypnotic from
Ol | I S Ir beginning to end. A bad movie but an
O exciting one, redeemed by a reckless bra-
vura style and a lusty performance by
Gene Hackman as one of the world's
wealthiest men, who struck it rich in the
gold fields and has lived unhappily ever
since on a private tropical island. He calls
his island Eureka (from the classical
Greek exclamation “I have found it”), and
Roeg’s variations on the theme of obses-
sion are seasoned with sex, murder, voo-
doo, alcoholism and dark intrigue. Jane
Lapotaire as Hackman’s drunken wife,
Theresa Russell as his wayward daughter
and Dutch dreamboat Rutger Hauer as
the fortune-hunting son-in-law he de-
spises head a charismatic company that
includes Joe Pesci and Mickey Rourke
among its smiling heavies. The screenplay
really goes to pieces after a brutal murder
(I won't give away the grisly details) and a
ludicrous trial scene that would stymie
any actress but definitely leaves the sensu-
ous Miss Russell with egg on her face.
Seldom has a courtroom drama been so
sabotaged by self-indulgence. While that’s
the worst of Eureka, even veteran Roeg
addicts may occasionally see this garish
modern tragedy as a loyalty test. жұу;
The charisma shown by Tom Berenger
as one of the flashier performers in The
Big Chill is nowhere evident in Eddie and
the Cruisers (Embassy). This time out, Ber-
enger plays a high school teacher who
used to be a pianist-composer for 2 rock
group led by the lengendary Eddie—a
mythic figure in pop culture after he drove
his car off a bridge and vanished back in
1963. It’s 1983 when Eddie and the Cruis-
ers begins, as a sort of musical suspense
drama asking, “Is Eddie Wilson actually
alive and about to reappear?” Berenger
more or less spearheads the search party,
but neither the screenplay nor the direc-
tion ever truly lifts off, which means the
actors are marooned in mediocrity. Eddie
comes to life only in its flashbacks, star-
ring movie newcomer Michael Paré, who
expertly lip syncs the musical specialties
(perfect pieces for the period, composed by
John Cafferty and performed with the
Beaver Brown Band) and leaves an indeli-
ble image on the screen. As a star-is-born
showcase for Paré, Eddie has single-track
vision, obscuring all others. ¥¥
Back in the Fifties, three country louts
brutally rape a French farmer's German-
born wife. Decades later, her somewhat
deranged but beautiful daughter is driven
>, Ы n G6 | by murderous vengeance to accomplish the
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remember about this Gallic—and Goth-
ic—suspense drama, directed by Jean
Becker, is the magical screen presence of
Isabelle Adjani. Her role may seem far-
fetched at times, but Adjani’s portrayal of
the sullen, shapely, maniacal provincial
sexpot rivets attention from start to finish
There’s gleaming steel beneath her wil-
lowy starlet exterior, and she cuts through
all the dramatic contradictions of Deadly
Summer, the better to fit them into her
own flashy, tarted-up portrait of a psycho.
Just try to look away. ¥¥¥%
This year’s Oscar for best foreign film
went to the Spanish entry, To Begin Again
(Fox International Classics), a choice like-
ly to confirm the suspicion that too many
academy voters are geriatric cases doling
out prizes to well-behaved underdogs. Al-
together benign and trivial, not to mention
familiar, Begin Again is the odyssey of an
aging, ailing writer (Antonio Ferrandis)
who has been to Stockholm to collect a
Nobel Prize for literature and who stops
off in Spain, after an absence of more than
40 years, to see an old flame and to rekin-
dle friendships with his old soccer team
hefore going back to die in harness on the
campus at Berkeley. It’s not bad, just una-
bashedly sentimental, doggedly ordinary
Cole Porter’s Begin the Beguine, which
wells up on the sound track at regular
intervals, made me shed a tear for one or
two far worthier movies that might have
won that Oscar. ¥¥
Is there a law on the books decreeing
that Gerard Depardieu must star in two
out of every three movies made in France?
There's hardly enough variety in his per-
formances to justify such overexposure,
and The Moon in the Gutter (Triumph) puts
Virtually everyone in a bad light. Co-
starred with Depardieu in this turgid,
mannered melodrama about a stevedore
who's obsessed with grief over his dead
sister, a rape victim, is Nastassia Kinski as
a kind of upper-crust dream girl. But even
the Kinski charisma seems dampened by
Gutter's aesthetic overkill. Director and
co-author of the screenplay is Jean-
Jacques Beineix, whose delightful Diva
established him as one of last year’s most
promising film makers. The stylistic tricks
he used there were part of the fun, but the
same self-consciousness undermines Moon
in the Gutter, which is altogether preten-
tious—with actors moving and speaking at
the pace of sleepwalkers. Some signs of life
are exhibited by a vital, earthy young
actress named Victoria Abril, new to me,
playing Depardieu’s vengeful girlfriend
with flat-out, unaffected sexiness, as if she
were on loan from a much better movie. ¥
The ubiquitous Depardieu has the title
role in Polish director Andrzej Wajda’s
French-language Denten (Triumph). As a
history lesson about Danton’s conflict
with Robespierre (Wojciech Pszoniak)
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after the French Revolution, the movie is
solid, sober and enlightening. Through
the lengthy trial scene before he goes to the
guillotine, Depardieu, as Danton, talks,
talks, talks. The production is opulent but
seldom emotionally involving. If you pre-
fer a learning experience to an exhilarat-
ing night at the movies, join Gerard. ¥¥
Credit Pia Zadora for scoring high
marks against heavy odds in The Lonely Lady
(Universal), a clinker adapted from Har-
old Robbins’ book about a lady novelist
not unlike the late Jacqueline Susann.
When she finally goes onstage to claim her
first screenplay Oscar, the embittered her-
oine says, “I don't suppose Pm the only
опе who's had to fuck her way to the top.”
As a teenager, she is raped (with the пог-
zle of a garden hose) beside the swimming
pool of a famous Hollywood writer, whom
she subsequently marries. Oh, everything
happens to Jerilee Randall. The wonder
is that Pia’s honest performance almost
conquers the handicaps of a ludicrous
script, lame direction, even costumes that
occasionally smack of sabotage. She has
dignity despite all, consistently projecting
a sense of her own worth that takes the
edge off Lonely Lady as laughable trash.
Someday, if ever she lucks out with a rea-
sonably intelligent screenplay and a direc-
tor who knows his stuff, the last laugh
may be Pia’s. Take her or leave her or let
"em snicker up their sleeves at her, she is a
pro, likely to come back swinging. YY
Talk, talk and more talk—all about
l'amour, with some tumbling in the sack
for a change of pace—dominates Pauline at
the Beach (Orion Classics). French writer-
director Eric Rohmer pegs it as one of a
film series he calls Comedies and Proverbs,
“a little dance of love” that is witty, be-
guiling and featherweight. Pauline (en-
gagingly played by Amanda Langlet) is a
teenager vacationing at a scaside resort
with her sophisticated cousine Marion
from Paris—a stunning showcase role for
blonde Arielle Dombasle. The plot poses
such questions as: Will Marion find hap-
piness with Henri? Should Pauline lose
her virginity with Sylvain or Pierre?
Who's going to tell Marion that Henri
was caught in bed with Louisette, the pro-
miscuous candy peddler? None of it mat-
ters in the least, you understand, yet
Rohmer makes this frivolous ode to sum-
mer romance quite irresistible. Reserve
some credit for cinematographer Nestor
Almendros, one of the world’s best, who
catches the casual holiday mood to perfec-
tion—as easy to take as a snooze in the
shade while the birds and the bees flit
from flower to flower. УУУ
С. Gordon Liddy and Timothy Leary
are the unlikely co-stars of Return Engage-
ment (Island Alive), sharing the platform
for a filmed debate—or maybe a vaude-
ville act—that might reasonably be sub-
titled “Crack Shot Meets Crackpot.” Only
in America would a convicted Watergate
conspirator and the guru of modern men-
tal chemistry team up to air their political
differences in a showbiz format that be-
came a hit on tour. Don’t be surprised. In
this era of best-selling books by crooks,
nothing succeeds like excess. Return En-
gagement may be an effrontery, but it is
also astounding and audacious, cluttered
with mind-boggling images. My favorite
is the opening sequence: a giant U.S. flag
as backdrop for a performance of America
the Beautiful, lusty vocal by Liddy, piano
accompaniment by Leary. УУУ;
Ostensibly the story of а would-be writ-
er (John Shea) torn between the girl he
loves (Kate Capshaw) and aimless tom-
foolery with half a dozen boyhood chums,
Windy City (Warner/CBS) blows it every
which way. This studied romantic comedy
hard sells charm and eccentricity, with
Shea and Capshaw—two exceptionally
attractive performers—undone by a whole
series of cloyingly cute scenes that put my
teeth on edge. Set in Chicago, to music
that italicizes any thought or feeling the
composer can pin down, City wrings
poignancy from the terminal illness of one
of the hero’s pals (Josh Mostel), a funny
fat fellow who'd love to sail to Tortuga on
a pirate ship before he dies, just like Errol
Flynn. You think that’s impossible? Not
for writer-director Armyan Bernstein,
who waxes whimsical nearly all the time.
Iwon't belabor details, except to warn you
that Bernstein claims credit for writing
Francis Coppola’s misguided One from
the Heart. Any questions? ¥
Low-key and all aglow, Basilous Quartet
(Libra Cinema 5) plays like a piece of
cinematic chamber music. The analogy is
quite fitting for a wise little Italian come-
dy about a world-famous classical ensem-
ble—four aging, able musicians who have
lived only for music and who decide to
disband when their eldest member dies
unexpectedly. What happens when a bril-
liant young violinist persuades them to
regroup is the tale told charmingly by
writer-director Fabio Carpi. As the young
musician, who introduces his fuddy-duddy
colleagues to recreational drugs and
spends his own off hours coaxing women
into bed, Pierre Malet seems perfectly cast
to emphasize the point that “youth is dan-
gerous... also exhausting.” One of his
older associates, a closet homosexual, be-
comes psychotically fixed on the handsome
young prodigy, whose presence shakes
the Basileus Quartet in countless ways.
Some exceptional musical interludes are a
nice fringe benefit for those who care, yet
knowledge of the classics is not essential
for appreciation of what Carpi has 10 say
about youth, age, life and love. Quartet
moves from Paris to London to Vienna
and Venice, scoring modest triumphs all
the way. ¥¥¥
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez (Reviewed
this month) 1901 man hunt. v
Basileus Quarter (Reviewed this
month) Love and music. We
The Big Chill Lawrence Kasdan’s all-
star reunion of Sixties rebels. ¥¥¥¥
Brainstorm (Reviewed this month)
More like a lull. ¥
Danton (Reviewed this month) After
the Revolution, encore Depardieu. ¥¥
Eddie and the Cruisers (Reviewed this
month) Michael Paré lively as a de-
ceased rock star. WwW
Educating Rita Michael Caine bril-
liantly plays Pygmalion with an eager
beautician (Julie Walters). yyy
Eureka (Reviewed this month) Good
bad movie. Ww
Fanny & Alexander A surprisingly
warm-blooded human comedy by Ing-
mar Bergman. ww
Heart Like a Wheel Race-car champion
Shirley Muldowney, played with zest
by Bonnie Bedelia. БЕ
Heat and Dust Аз ап Englishwoman in
India today, Julie Christie explores the
romantic scandals of yesteryear. ¥¥¥
Lonely Hearts (Reviewed this month)
Mating game, Australian style. ¥¥¥
The lonely lady (Reviewed this
month) The perils of Pia. vv
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Re-
viewed this month) It’s Bowie. | ҰҰУ;
The Moon in the Gutter (Reviewed this
month) Depardieu again, with the di-
rector of Diva, both waning. y
Never Cry Wolf Man meets Canis
lupus in a grand outdoor еріс ¥¥¥
One Deadly Summer (Reviewed this
month) Adjani for all seasons. | Y'A
Pauline ot the Beach (Reviewed this
month) Stylish ode to summer romance
à la frangais. Wy
Return Engagement (Reviewed this
month) A headline act known as Leary
and Liddy. w
Risky Business Tom Cruise runs sub-
urbia’s best little whorehouse. vv
Star 80 (Reviewed this month) The
Stratten tragedy according to Fosse—
starring Mariel Hemingway. ¥¥¥
Streamers (Reviewed this month)
Antiwar fireworks by Altman. ¥¥¥
To Begin Again (Reviewed this month)
Oscar's Best Foreign Film, 1982. Cha-
cun à son goût. vv
Under Fire Nolte and Hackman as
journalists in Nicaragua. wy
Windy City (Reviewed this month)
Chicago with whimsy. y
Zolig Woody Allen’s cool deadpan
spoof of documentaries. WY,
¥¥¥¥ Don’t miss ¥¥ Worth a look
УУУ Good show ¥ Forget it
тч =
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OUNDS OF AFRICA: Until recent-
ly, all that most Americans knew of
African music was the ominous rumbling of
drums in jungle movies. Only bits of the
real thing have filtered into American pop
music, via Hugh Masekela, Manu Diban-
go and the Missa Luba. Lately, though,
action has stepped up, as Bow Wow Wow
and Talking Heads have spiced their
music with tribal drums and splashes of
Afrobeat. If your curiosity has been
aroused, here are a few categories to
African soul: While it’s true that rock,
blues, R&B and Gospel have some of their
roots in Africa, Africans themselves have
frequently borrowed from Western pop.
James Brown is almost a bigger star in
Africa than he is in the U.S., and perform-
ers ranging from Stevie Wonder to Bob
Marley have huge audiences over there.
Masekela got his start with a pop hit
called Grazing in the Grass but has done a
number of albums mixing jazz with Afri-
can rhythms. The newest Anglo-African
connection is Juluka, а multiracial group
from South Africa presented on the War-
ner Bros. album Scatterlings as a sort of
African equivalent of Fairport Conven-
tion (see review). Long familiar to U.S.
audiences is Miriam Makeba, whose
fondness for traditional African music
gives her songs a folkish simplicity. The
less well-known Letta Mbulu, who relies
upon more contemporary styles, sounds
like an African Joan Armatrading.
African pop: Fela Anikulapo Kuti is not
only a major pop star but also a consider-
able political presence in his native Ni-
geria; his records abound with diatribes
against Western corporate imperialism
and African social hypocrisy. But support-
ing his views is Africa 70, one of the hot-
test, most infectious rhythm sections on
the face of the carth—iv’s the group Talk-
ing Heads emulated on Remain in Light.
Fela’s albums here are all imports, but the
опе to look for is Original Suffer Head, on
Arista (UK).
Juju music has quickly become a pas-
sion for many pop hipsters, thanks to King
Sunny Adé, Nigeria’s other reigning pop
icon. Unlike Fela’s Afrobeat music, which
owes much to the steamy rhythms of
James Brown, juju is cool and insinuat-
ingly infectious, built from a foundation of
fluid, melodic drumming with added gui-
tars, vocals, even synthesizer. Check out
Adé's first American album, Juju Music
(Mango), for a rich purée of rhythm and
melody. Then try his new LP, SyncroSys-
tern (Mango).
The most far-flung of West Africa’s
pop styles is high life, irrepressibly сһеег-
ful music relying heavily on guitar and
horns to push the percussion along. Prince
Nico Mbarga (amazing how much royalty
shows up on the African charts) calls his
group Rocafil Jazz, but don't expect any
bebop from him; just get his first Ameri-
can release, Sweet Mother (Rounder), and
clear the dance floor. Two domestic
samplers, Sound d’Afrique and Sound
d'Afrique II (Mango) offer appealing
highlife variants from central Africa.
African traditional music: The real Roots,
if you will. Because this stuff is of endur-
ing interest to musicologists, there is an
awful lot of it on record; the problem lies
in sorting the truly listenable from the
merely ethnomusicological. One key factor
is checking the label. The Nonesuch Ex-
plorer Series, for example, offers good
sound quality and excellent price (85.98
list); Lyrichord has some superb music in
its catalog, but others of its discs sound аз
if they were recorded over the phone.
Not sure which style you’re interested
in? A good head start can be found in
Music and Rhythm (PVC), a compilation
that intersperses native sounds from Afri-
ca and Asia with the work of Third
World-conscious rockers. If you’re fond of
xylophone or thumb piano (remember
Earth, Wind & Fire’s Kalimba Story?),
good records to have are Rhythms of the
Grasslands and Shona Mbira Music, both
on Nonesuch. Those curious as to where
Bow Wow Wow and Adam Ant stole their
thunder ought to seek out Burundi:
Musiques Traditionelles, on the French
Ocora label. As for vocal styles, perhaps
the most fascinating belongs to the Pyg-
mies, whose gorgeous yodeling—that's
right, yodeling—is well represented on
Lyrichord’s Music of the Rain Forest
Pygmies of the North-East Congo and on
Ocora's Gabon: Musiques des Pygmöes
Because there is so much music to
choose from, anthologies tend to be spotty,
but two commendable tries are Africa
Dances (Original Music) and the two-vol-
ume Assalam Aleikoum Africa (Antilles).
And, lest we forget some of the best-
known natives of Africa, Animals of Africa
(Nonesuch) is sure to make your neigh-
bors wonder about the company you
keep. —J. D. CONSIDINE.
Both Neil Young and Billy Joel have
tossed small bouquets at the foot of the
rock-"n'-roll altar this month, each with
an album of new songs that sounds as if it
were dug from stacks of old 45s. It’s a little
risky to reach back in spirit the way these
albums do, because it’s unlikely that any-
one else will ever bop and shake like the
original boppers and shakers, but both of
these loving counterfeits pull it off with
style and feeling.
Young’s collection, called Neil and the
Shocking Pinks—Everybody’s Rockin’ (Geffen),
is the simpler, purer tribute. The time-
warp cover photo could be of Carl Perkins
or Bill Haley in pompadour, pink suit,
pink tie, black shirt and two-tone shoes,
and the musical touches seem to have come
out of the same attic trunk: echo chambers,
sax solos, doo-wop backgrounds, Jerry
Lee Lewis-like piano and Ricky Nelson
high notes. Our favorite is Kinda Fonda
Wanda, which gathers an all-star squad of
rock-’n’-roll sweethearts—Skinny Min-
nie, Long Tall Sally, Short Fat Fanny,
Runaround Sue, Betty Lou, Peggy Sue,
Donna, Barbara Ann and Jenny.
Billy Joel’s An Innocent Man (Columbia)
sounds and feels simpler than it really is.
The bass lines, backgrounds and harmo-
nies of these songs remind you of the
Coasters and the Drifters, and the melo-
dics are sweet ог growly in the spirit of the
Fifties—but just below that, there is some-
thing more sophisticated. “PI take my
chances, I forgot how nice romance is,”
say the lyrics of The Longest Time; but
Here's to tastier martinis. With Gilbey’.
Its the gin that gives all your drinks superb gin taste.
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MIKE DOONESBURY LIVES: One thing is for certain—when Mike Doonesbury was a lowly
Yale undergraduate, neither he nor we ever dreamed of Broadway. Mike thought just getting
his degree was "а challenge for our times." Well, thanks to his creator, Garry Trudeau,
Mike, Zonker, Joanie and the whole gang will meet nightly in New York's Biltmore
Theater in Doonesbury: A New Musical. There will be a cast of ten and music by Elizabeth
Swados. Not bad for a guy who started his college career with no social skills at all.
new basement studio in Buffalo,
Rick James says, “I just put $800,000
[into it] so I don’t have to record in
L.A. if I don’t want to. L.A. is expen-
sive and L.A. is shit. Here, we can do a
quality job and we're at home. Pm
going to rent the studio out, too. If
Michael Jackson wants peace and quiet,
he can come here to record. He can
even stay at the ranch.” Are you listen-
ing, Michael?
which produced The Compleat Beatles
and Girl Groups: The Story of а
Sound, has acquired the world-wide
film rights to the reunion concert by
the Everly Brothers and the rights to
their life story. . . . John Travolta, who
plans to star in the Brian De Palma mov-
ie Fire, says he may research his rock-
star role by going on the road with a
group. . . . Former Kinks and Whe pro-
ducer Shel Talmy has sold a screenplay
about Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
Newsereaks: Here's а story we like a
lot: Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics
says that MTV agreed to play their
Love Is a Stranger video only after
Annie Lennox produced legal documents
that proved she—not a transvestite—
was the one who had starred in it.
Although the video won best of the year
in Great Britain, MTV got viewer
complaints the first time it was aired
and took it off until Lennox produced
the documents. Is it any wonder, then,
that MTV has a slightly M.O.R. repu-
tation? We know a great-looking wom-
an when we see one. Lionel Richie
shot a video with some pretty hot assist-
ants: Five Easy Pieces director Bob
Rafelson was behind the camera and
Michael Nesmith produced. . . . Don’t
expect to see the next J. Geils Band
album until late this winter or early
spring, and don’t expect to see the band
perform, either. There will be no con-
certs until the record is done.
But after that, look for ап exten-
sive American tour. . . . David Bowie
has joined some exclusive company at
Madame Tussaud’s. The model of
Bowie will be added to those of Elvis,
the Beatles and Elton, who represent
rock at the wax museum. A Tussaud's
spokesman says the cost runs between
$5000 and $10,000. The subject usu-
ally donates an outfit (would you want
to see yourself in someone else's
clothes?) and does an hourlong photo
sitting. About Bowic, the spokcsman
says, "David's eyes are more unusual
than most—he has one blue eye and
one brown eye—but it's no problem.
We have a large stock of glass eyes in.
every possible color." Well, thank the
Lord. ... In case you haven't noticed,
foreign artists have once again invaded
the Billboard charts in record-breaking
numbers. Last time, we called it a Brit-
ish invasion; it now includes the other
"colonies," Canada and Australia. In
fact, if you give partial credit to such
bands as The Police and Crosby, Stills &
Nash, who have British members, the
list includes more records by foreigners
than by Americans. .. . Speaking of
money in the bank, the FBI says it was
tipped off to a huge counterfeit-tape
operation by angry recording artists.
In a surprise raid, agents confiscated
250,000 bootleg tapes, many of them
country. Some of them had already
been loaded into two tractor-trailer
trucks and bore shipping labels ad-
dressed to truck stops, street vendors
and even some major record stores.
Agents say the equipment at the New
Jersey facility was capable of making
75,000 cassettes a day. Just think of all
the royalties that wouldn’t have been
paid. . . . Finally, did you get the
album Girls’ Night Out, by Toronto? It
has a 3-D jacket, a 3-D inner sleeve
and a pair of 3-D glasses. Pretty hip,
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they also say, “Maybe this won’t last very
long... maybe ГЇЇ be sorry when you're
gone,” and, in fact, most of these songs
hold out that teenage hope for the power
of love, then take it back. An innocent
man, perhaps, but not naive—and the
combination is ambitious and interesting.
Jazz loyalists will be grateful to the
moguls at Mosaic Records, a West Coast
mail-order label, for reviving and hand-
somely packaging the work of several
titans. In its first release, Mosaic is offer-
ing The Complete Blue Note Recordings of The-
donious Monk, The Complete Pacific Jazz and
Copitol Recordings of the Original Gerry Mulli-
gan Quartet and Tentette with Chet Baker and
The Complete Blue Note Recordings of Albert
Ammons and Meade Lux Lewis, All are boxed
with booklets, discographies, photos and
more. For details, write to Mosaic, 1341
Ocean Avenue, Suite 135, Santa Monica,
California 90401.
Carnaval in Cuba (Folkways, 43 West
61st Strect, New York, New York 10023)
is like Independence Day and Mardi Gras
combined—with a bit of pagan ritual
thrown in for primal energy. Played by
various Cuban street musicians, the dense
drum rhythms tangle like cats on a hot tin
roof. Horns of African and Chinese inflec-
tion produce an earthy, jovial pugnacity
Really, this is the only Cuban dance
record you'll ever need. Copious historical
WINTER IS when folks at Jack Daniel's id
If traditional country must evolve from
like to tell stories, especially on one another. |, Qe ATi a
2 P A ide it safel t the pitfalls of
The stove in Jack Daniel's old office draws a | pop thet have шиш Pent tesa al
4 . a C&W ists. L
lot of story-tellers this time of year. They like | желе ver ama, In Ұшу Moon
to tell about such things as when someone's — | #21 nett ай conducive to good bar-
room brawling or appropriate for inter-
prize foxhound treed a screech owl. But before | mission a the loca stock-car races, but he
3 i knows when to use an occasional minor
long, one of the old-timers will start talking | ord о good ейеа. Nice sound for seri-
. ous country courtin’.
about Mr. Jack Daniel. That .
2 Here's our rock-’n’-roll-party album of
generally brings up what the month: The Animals Ak (LR.S.).
Mr. Jack said about making
Burdon and the boys are back, and while
whiskey —'Every day we
V you'd like a booklet about Jack Daniel's. drop us a hne-
they'll never fill up Yankee Stadium in
CHARCOAL | 1984, they sound like the best bar band
MELLOWED | you stumbled onto in 1969. The Night is
i í an unstoppable cut; Eric’s cover of Trying
make it we make it che б to Get to You probably will; and the rest
best we can.” And as DROP (six songs on each side!) rocks preity fine,
à Р , too. This ain't House of the Rising Sun,
you can imagine, that’s б but it ain't condo music, either.
no joking matter. BY ROE SHORT CUT
Howard Devoto/Junky Versions of the
Dream (LR.S.): Future schlock from the
Tennessee Whiskey • 90 Proof « Distilled and Bottled by Jack Daniel Distillery former leader of Britain's Magazine.
Lem Motlow, Prop., Inc., Route 1, Lynchburg (Pop. 361), Tennessee 37352 There is no chance you'll like this record if
Placed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Government. | your hair is its natural color.
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mo Gossip: This month's Yondah Lies
da Castle of My Faddah Award goes to
Paramount for picking Richard Gere to
top-line—are you ready for this?—The
Story of David (alternative title, An Israel-
ite and a Gentleman). Set to shoot in Italy
under the direction of Bruce (Breaker
Morant) Beresford, the film will follow the
progress of its hero from his days as an
innocent shepherd through his reign as
king of Judah. No other casting news
was available at presstime, but Mr. T
sounds appropriate as Goliath and Debra
Winger might be good as Bath-
sheba. .. . God only knows why, but Co-
lumbia is prepping Annie 11, with moppet
en Quinn set to reprise her title role.
This one, they say, will be less a tradition-
al musical and more an action-adventure
flick with songs. (Can’t wait for Annie
3-D). Independent film maker Jan Egle-
son, responsible for several worthy PBS
productions, has been named as direc-
tor. . . . Peter Boyle will play the leader of a
Thirties New York gang who inducts
Michael Keaton into a life of crime іп Fox's
spoof of old gangster movies, Johnny Dan-
gerously. Danny DeVito and Dom Delvise
have also joined the cast.... “I have
promised to do a comedy if I mess this
up,” vows Bill Murray of his first serious
dramatic role, a part in Columbia’s pro-
duction of W. Somerset Maugham's The
Razor’s Edge. Co-starring with Cotherine
Hicks, Theresa Russell, Denholm t and
James Keach, Murray plays a young man
trying to come to terms with himself and
the world as he finds it following World
War One. (It’s the role played by Tyrone
Power in the 1946 movie version.) The
new picture is being shot on location in
England, France and the Himalayas. .
Mike Nichols will direct the movie of Nora
Ephron’s best seller Heartburn.
RIOT SQUAD: The Ladd Company's Po-
lice Academy is one of those wild-and-cra-
zy ensemble comedies featuring a few
name actors and a host of lesser-known
thespians. Steve (Diner) Guttenberg, Kim
(Tribute) Cattrall and Bubba (Oakland
Raiders) Smith star in the picture, which
involves the conversion of a group of kooks
and maniacs into a crop of cops. Gutten-
berg plays a guy given the choice of going
to prison or becoming a police cadet, Cat
trall wants to leave her humdrum Jui
League life behind and meet exciting peo-
ple and Smith is fed up with being a florist.
The rest of the cadets include a Latin
Lothario, a momma’s boy, a henpecked
Jewish-American prince, а compulsive
sycophant, a weasel and a ghetto graduate.
Putthosenuts up against three ultraserious
police instructors, add jokes and stir and—
presto!—you have comedy. (It worked for
Animal House, anyway.) Police Academy
is set for a 1984 release.
FRANKLY, МҮ DEAR...: Louisiana,
starring Margot Kidder and lan (Chariots of
Fire) Charleson, is one of those grand
Southern epics in the classic tradition of
Gone unth the Wind: In the breathless
prose of the press release, “rich with pas-
sion, intrigue and action, it ranges from
the grandeur of vast plantations to . ... the
battlefields of the Civil War.” Basically,
105 a long story (it spans three genera-
tions) about a beautiful, tempestuous
woman (Kidder) who struggles to win
back a plantation while torn between the
men who desire and pursue her and the
one man she truly loves but can never pos-
sess. Sound familiar? Louisiana, directed
by French film maker Philippe (King of
Hearts) de Broca (who recently became
Kidder's third husband), co-stars Victor
Lanoux, Andreo (La Grande Bouffe) Fer-
reol, Lloyd Bochner, John (Topaz) Vernon
and Hilly (Roots) Hicks. The film makers
plan to release the film both theatrically
and as a TV miniseries.
VIETNAM REVISITED: In Paramount's Last
River to Cross, Gene Hackmon plays Marine
colonel Jason Rhodes, a man obsessed with
finding his son, who was among those miss-
ing in action in Vietnam, After years of
inquiries and shuttles from the U.S. to Asia
and back, nothing has led Rhodes any closer
to finding out whether or not his son is alive;
so, with funding from а high-level corporate
executive (Robert Stack), he plans an auda-
cious mission through the Mekong jungle,
prepared to use force if necessary tofind and
release his son. Accompanying him on the
expedition are six Vietnam veterans, por-
trayed in the film by Fred Word, Reb Brown,
Harold Sylvester, Tim Thomerson and Patrick
Sweyze, all gifted veterans of the screen,
and, in his starring debut, heavyweight con-
tender Randall “Tex” Cobb. Also co-starring
as Rhodes's estranged wife is Gail (Norma
Rae) Strickland. Last River to Cross is
directed by Ted (First Blood) Ketcheff, pro-
duced by John Milius.
MURDER INK: What would Christmas be
without Clint Eastwood? Yes, fans, the
squinty-eyed star is back, this time as Dirty
Harry after a seven-year absence from the
role of homicide dick. The new adventure,
called Sudden Impact, is the fourth in the
series and the first to be directed by East-
wood. (Sondra Locke co-stars, of course.)
No need to detail the plot here—suffice it
to say that Harry discovers, the hard way,
that he is the target of a gangland assassi-
nation scheme. You can’t beat a winning
formula, folks. Eastwood, as director,
seems to have developed a perspective
about the character he plays. Says he,
“Harry understands the difference between
right and wrong. He is a determined,
instinctive cop. Harry does not doubt him-
self, he does not equivocate and he does
not allow procedure to obscure justice.”
CLASS АСТ: American Playhouse, PBS’
critically acclaimed series, commences its
third season this coming January with a
full roster of programing in 27 original
productions. Among them are The Cafele-
ria, based on Isaac Bashevis Singer's 5101
of lonely immigrants in New York; Р!
Roth's The Ghost Writer, starring Clai
Bloom and Sam Wanamaker; and an hour-
long adaptation of Eugene O'Neill's Hugh-
ie, with Jason Robards.
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rr was a truck stop just like any other. I
parked my 18-wheeler and went inside to
get off the road and out of the cold. It was
Christmas Eve. Everybody with good
sense was at home, but there I was, in a
truck stop on Interstate 80 somewhere in
Towa, eating steak and eggs and drinking
coffee and watching the snow outside. The
road can be as lonely as the ocean.
Pretty soon, I noticed a fellow sitting at
a table back in the corner, near the salami
and the oil filters. He was slouched down
in his seat and there were a dozen empty
beer bottles in front of him. Damned if he
didn’t look as sad as if he'd just totaled a
new Peterbilt.
Now, in a truck stop, you don't stare at
another fellow, if you know what I mean.
So I minded my own business and wrote
out my Christmas list and listened to the
jukebox; but every now and then, I
watched that dude out of the corner of my
eye. He looked familiar. Maybe it was the
beard, maybe it was the boots, maybe it
was that red suit with the white trim—I
don't know—but it was him. He was
chugging beer and hanging his head. I
went over to talk to him.
“Santa Claus,” I said, “how are you?”
He looked around. “How the hell do
you think I am, son?” he asked.
“You don’t look so good, Santa. How
come you're topping your tank with suds?
It’s almost Christmas.”
“So what?” he asked.
“Aren’t you supposed to be flying over
rooftops and climbing down chimneys
right about now? Pull yourself together,
man. You’ve got work to do.”
“Better tell that to the judge, boy.”
“The judge?” I asked.
“Yep.” Santa Claus cracked another
beer. “Let me tell you something, trucker.
I used to be up to my armpits in work on
Christmas Eve. I don’t have to bother
now. She’s got it. Damn near all of it.”
“Mrs, Claus. My ex-wife.”
“You two got divorced?”
“Yep. And she got the kids. The judge
cited mother love. Said they were in their
tender years. Said she should take over
and I should get the hell out of the way.”
“What did you come out with?” I
“I got 50 percent interest in the house at
the North Pole. And I got the sleigh.
That’s about it.”
“What about the reindeer?”
“They turned on me, trucker. Dasher,
Dancer, Blitzen, the whole bunch, They
went with the money. ‘She got the gold
mine, I got the shaft,’ ” he said.
“So, from now on, it'll be Mrs. Claus
who comes down the chimney?"
“Indeed,” Santa Claus nodded. “Read
“ "Santa Claus,’ | said, how are
you? . . . You don't look so good... .
How come you're topping
your tank with suds?’ '"
this. It’s the court order. Chimneys are
out. I can’t go near them. It says so specif-
ically. Besides, I can't get anywhere with-
out my reindeer. The bailiff came out here
and collected them this morning. They
didn't even look back. That Prancer, Pd
like to kick his rear end, he looked so snotty.
He always did like Mrs. Claus better.”
“Wow,” I said, “I guess I never thought
of Santa Claus getting a divorce.”
“Happens to the best of us, amigo,”
Santa said. “I got problems just like any
other man.” He stopped and looked em-
barrassed. “I guess I shouldn’t say any-
“Santa, you can talk to me.”
“Tm not so sure,” Santa said. “I’m not
sure we men know how to talk to one
another about anything much. I tried to
talk to one of my helpers about my trou-
bles with my wife. Damned if that litle
bastard didn’t nod his head and pretend to
listen and then go try to hit on her. Now,
what kind of treatment is that?”
“Pretty common,” I said.
“ГИ say it’s common. It’s crazy the way
men treat one another, always competing,
always looking for the edge.”
“Merry Christmas,” I said, trying to
cheer him up.
“Bah! Humbug!” Santa Claus said.
Now, I never thought I would hear
Santa Claus say “Bah! Humbug!” to
"Santa, I'm ashamed of you,” I said.
“You're feeling too sorry for yourself. I've
been divorced. I know it’s hard. I know
we're in trouble. But we can't just sit
around and mope, damn it."
Santa Claus was making а paper air-
plane out of his divorce decree. "I think
ТЇЇ have another beer,” he belched.
“Please, Santa,” I said, “don’t do this to
yourself." It was hard for me to say what I
wanted to say next. "Santa, when I was а
little boy, I was looking for only onc thing
in life: I wanted to find men I could look
up to, men I could respect and shape
myself after. I think most of us guys are
like that. 1 don't think we know any other
way to live except to copy the men we
respect. And, Santa, you were one hell of a
role model for me. I wanted to be like you
when I grew up, to be fair and funny and
helpful and open and honest and gener-
ous. But what I'm seeing here tonight is
like the bad dream I call my life. Every
damn role model I ever had gave out on
me. My father died and the baseball play-
ers got rich and the generals got mean and
my buddies got scared and the politicians
got greedy—well, you know. Come on,
Santa, don't you give out on me, too.”
Santa Claus looked at me for а long
time. Something changed in him. He
combed his beard with his fingers and
straightened his cap and brushed the pret-
zel crumbs off his suit. The color came
back into his checks and he stood up care-
fully, like a man getting out of a hospital
bed. “Where's your truck, son?”
“In back,” I
"I got a trailer hitch on my sleigh.
Reckon we could hook up? If you can get
us started, I can get us flying.”
“No problem, Santa.”
“So what if I can’t go down the chim-
ney? There are doors, aren’t there? 1 was
getting too fat for chimneys, anyway.
Come on, trucker, let’s haul. We got miles
to go. ГЇЇ be damned if ТЇЇ disappear just
because somebody tells me to.”
Santa hitched his sleigh to my truck,
and before I was out of second gear, we
were flying as high as the moon.
“Merry Christmas, son,” he sai
“That's a big ten-four,” I laughed.
We got presents through the door of the
last house of the last child just before
dawn. Then Santa flew me and my rig
back to the truck stop in Iowa. “Ho, ho,
ho,” Santa chortled.
That was just before a Smokey Bear
ticketed us for speeding, but we didn’t
care. It was a truly fine Christmas, and
that’s all you can ever ask for, all you
can ever give. E
N Ау,
ISUFFER, like many women of my ilk, from
Nick Nolte mania. I can’t get enough of
the guy. The rasp in his voice, the bewil-
derment in his eyes and even his certain
extra beefiness make me go all funny
internally. 1 especially like the way he
shrugs his shoulders. It’s a shrug that, if it
could speak, would say, “I don’t know
what is going on, and even if I did, Pd
probably fuck ир.”
I like existential angst in a man; it
makes me think he knows what’s what.
There is a certain comfort and coziness in
a man who’s strong enough to show such
vulnerability. Robert De Niro showed it
in The Deer Hunter. Burt Reynolds
showed it in Semi- Tough. Dustin Hoffman
showed it, with a vengeance, in Tootsie.
Unfortunately, Nick and Robert and
Burt and Dustin are movie stars. In their
private lives, they may well be smarmy
twits who ooze all over the Polo Lounge
and get excited only when their agents
phone to tell them they’re getting three
extra points. Who knows?
What I do know is, there is a lot
of counterfeit vulnerability making the
rounds lately. It scems to be an epidemic.
And there is nothing more unsettling than
Vulnerable Man, the would-be superhero
of the Eighties. Allow me to introduce him:
+ Vulnerable Man hurts. Small puppies
being mistreated bring visible and ex-
tremely virulent emotional anguish to his
countenance. Tales of starvation in India
force him to take to his bed. For days.
+» Vulnerable Man cares. Is it your
birthday and nobody’s brought you a pres-
ent? Vulnerable Man will rush right over
with flowers. Toothache? Vulnerable Man
knows how you feel; he’s been there. Job
problems? Vulnerable Man knows what
bastards those men at work can be.
e Vulnerable Man understands. He's
been through the grisly divorce, the death
of a loved one, the problems of writer's
block. He can empathize.
* Vulnerable Man feels. Oh, God, does
he feel. Sometimes, he just doesn’t know
what to do with those feelings of his.
Sometimes, they get so strong, he thinks
he'll burst—he really does. He knows he's
allowed to cry now, and he does so at every
available opportunity.
And not only all of the above but Vul-
nerable Man also sympathizes. And tries.
And isn’t perfect. And shows his anger.
Vulnerable Man is a loathsome excres-
cence. 1 want someone to push bamboo
shoots under his toenails. I want him to
lose his job. I want his landlord to evict
him. In fact, if he keeled over and died, I
might sing a little song.
And I'm not the only one. Witness the
following conversation, held in a random
bar in Manhattan only days ago.
“There is a lot of counterfeit
vulnerability making the rounds
lately. . . . And there is nothing more
unsettling than Vulnerable Man.”
youn: Fellow came up to me,
wanted me to join a men’s group.
сумтнл: Men's group? What kind
of men’s group?
тоны: Dunno. Something about
understanding women’s oppression.
SHARON: Yuck! Excuse me, I think
Pm going to puke on my shoes.
LesLie: You told him no, didn't
you? I wouldn't want you to turn into
one of those smarmy, sensitive guys.
SHARON: Too right. My first hus-
band turned into onc of those. There
I was, minding my own business; and
suddenly, he was acting like he was
doing me a big favor by managing to
get it up. He used to cry into his cere-
al in the morning, too. Said Wheaties
depressed him.
JOHN: I told him to get stuffed, as a
matter of fact. The way I figure it,
men arc chauvinists, all of them. A
woman told me that, and I believe
her. Just like all white people are
racists, even though they don't wanna
be. So I'm a chauvinist; 1 know that.
But I don't want to revel in it. I just
try to bear it in mind before I act, so I
don't do anything £oo stupid.
SHARON: You know that fellow
Alex? The one whose family has
money? Well, all of a sudden, he's
gone into fathers’ rights. A revolting
concept. He takes video tapes of
fathers during the birth of their chil-
dren. My brother’s wife had a baby
and he came running over, all wor-
ried and sensitive-looking, and said,
“How is he?” Meaning my brother.
CYNTHIA: Not a word about the
wife? Or the baby? He'll have to go.
LESLIE: ] really hate this new male
JOHN: Me, too.
SHARON: Me, too.
Me, too. And I'll tell you why. 176 all
simply protective coloration. Vulnerable
Man doesn’t really give a shit. He knows
the right words, the glib phrases, since
he’s boned up on his feminist treatises. But
if one happens to glance at his eyes during
one of his oozing, riddled-with-emotion
diatribes, one notices a glassy, calculating
coldness. And one realizes, with a frisson,
that this man is simply trying to get on
one's good side.
What makes it all even more discour-
aging is that not only is Vulnerable Man
betraying women, he's also betraying his
own sex.
"This is a horrible story, but I’m going to
tell it: When I was 11 years old, my best
friend, Dede, started menstruating. And
you know what 1, slimy creature that I
was, did? I rushed right up to Johnnie
Taylor, my obsession at the time, and told
him all about it. Why? Because I wanted
to identify with the guys, wanted to show
them what a cool girl I was
This is Vulnerable Man’s favorite ploy.
He just can’t wait to show you. in word
and gesture, what pigs other men are and
how he’s so much better.
Now, don't get me wrong. 1 am not
advocating that all men must go back to
their oppressive, male-chauvinist-piggish
ways with no questions asked. Please.
1 just think that every man in the world
should shut up about how liberated he is.
Instead of speaking, act. Help open a day-
care center. Get up with the kids in the
middle of the night. Wash a floor. Hire a
woman. Just keep it to yourself is all
Real, true vulnerability is incredibly
courageous business. It’s the ability to grit
your teeth, gird your loins and then man-
age to tell someone that, yes, if she sleeps
with another man, it'll kill you. Or that
you’re scared she’s going to leave you. Or
that you're afraid you're the biggest jack-
ass in the world, but could she please love
you anyway? Tough stuff.
Nick and Robert and Burt and Dustin
are professional actors. They get paid tons
of money to simulate that honorable vul-
nerability, because they're so good е
at it. Amateurs, please refrain.
In the spring of 1980,
the port at Mariel Harbor MARTIN BREGMAN
was opened, and thousands mv PRODUCTION
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They came іп search 1 BRIAN DE PALMA
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One of them found it on the d | AL PACINO
sun-washed avenues of
Miami...wealth, power and | 1 A “SCARFACE”
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He loved the American Dream. $ PRODUCED BY
With a vengeance. Ei С MARTIN
V $ 5
Coming in December
to a Theatre Near You.
МА, husband and I have been married
for five years and had sex together at least
three years before our marriage. During
all that time, I have never had an orgasm
from intercourse. My orgasms come from
oral sex or masturbation, which I greatly
enjoy—and my husband has said they
really turn him on, too. But now he insists
that I have a vaginal orgasm, which, it
seems, I cannot achieve. During sex, he
has refused me any kind of oral stimula-
tion or even masturbation, stating that 1
will never learn how to have a vaginal
orgasm if he does that. Needless to say,
lovemaking has gone downhill for both of
us. Is there anything I can do, any tech-
niques or exercises I can learn? We have
tried different positions and different an-
gles of penetration, as well as different
speeds, but nothing seems to help or even
come close. I have tried to find books that
may help me, but so far, I cannot find
what I am locking for. Can you help in
апу way?—Mrs. A. C., St. Louis, Mis-
Research studies have shown that many
women, for any number of reasons, never
reach climax during intercourse. And sex
therapists agree that when couples focus on
orgasm, they create more problems than
they had to begin with. Your husband’s
tactics will not work. Instead of depriving
you of what does, he should incorporate it
into the sex act. Try touching yourself
while you are making love. As for reading
material, we suggest “The Playboy Advi-
sor on Love and Sex” (it’s available for
$10.95 from Putnam Publishing Group,
Department PBM-5, 200 Madison Ave-
nue, New York, New York 10016) or Lon-
nie Barbach’s “For Each Other.” Both
books give hints on what has worked for
others, but there is still much to learn. We
would like to hear from other women read-
ers about their orgasmic experience. How
did they learn to climax during inter-
course? We'll publish the best letters in
future “Playboy Advisor” columns.
А. East Coast company has offered me
a job. I’m still negotiating my salary, but 1
am concerned about the cost of living in
the new location. Pm comfortable now,
but 1 understand housing is especially
expensive there. Is there a way to gel a
line on how far my money will go if I take
the job?—S. T., Nashville, Tennessee.
Your future employer is the best source
Jor the information you want, and you
shouldn't hesitate to ask for it. You will
want to know how most employees get to
work, where they live, what functions you
will be required to attend and the cost of
those functions. You will also need guide-
lines on weather and dress requirements,
which can add considerably to your living
costs. It will also help to get a newspaper
from the area to find out the costs of hous-
ing and food. One major expense that
many people overlook is that of state and
local taxes. You will need to find out the
level of income, sales, property and auto-
mobile taxes in the new location to negoti-
ate your salary properly. A ten percent
increase in salary may sound good until
you learn that moving from Nashville to
New York, for instance, will increase your
tax burden by 12 percent, leaving you not
only without a raise but in the hole.
For kicks, my girlfriend and I experi-
mented with going for her orgasm by nip-
ple stimulation only. She has rather small
breasts but larger-than-average, firm nip-
ples. After some ten minutes of kissing,
rubbing, sucking and tonguing, it hap-
pened! She reacted in the same way she
does with a vaginal orgasm. We were so
motivated that we pressed our good for-
tune until she reached simultaneous nip-
ple and clitoral orgasms. That is now a
way of life with us, with quicker results
each time: Two to three minutes for a cli-
max is our present time, with even faster
multiples. Needless to say, I am repaid for
my efforts with fantastic reciprocation.
Are we unique? I don’t know of a nipple
orgasm other than our experience.—
R. L. С., Los Angeles, California.
We certainly don’t mean to take away
from your new-found pleasure, but your
ladyfriend is by no means unique. Many
women are capable of experiencing or-
gasm without clitoral (or vaginal) stimu-
lation. We've even heard of women who
could be stimulated on the ear lobe. Нош-
ever, the two of you are to be commended
Jor doing a little research on your own.
Now you're both reaping the benefits.
To help me control my weight, a friend
has suggested that 1 use a concoction from
a health-food store that contains some-
thing called guarana. What is it? Is it safe
to use?—L. D., Tacoma, Washington.
Buying from a health-food store won't
make you healthy any more than driving
into a service station will gel you service.
So don’t be misled by appearances. Gua-
тапа is not new. It is, in fact, the national
drink of Brazil. The active ingredient in
guarana is caffeine, the very same stuff you
find in coffee, cola and chocolate, but in far
greater quantities. It is made from the
seeds of a jungle shrub and is nothing
more than a stimulant. Weight loss is a
simple matter of burning more calories
than you take in. You can do it by eating
less and exercising more. A stimulant is
Just a crutch people use in place of the will
power it takes to eat less. Toss out the
crutch; let your will govern your shape.
М, husband is a voyeur. To arouse him
requires almost exclusively that 1 relate
intimate descriptions of naked women,
women he knows. The better the detail,
the more excited he becomes. He always
thanks me warmly and profusely for my
descriptions, but I resent having to give
them. We have tried alternative foreplay
and lovemaking techniques, but he always
wants to return to that one. І work out
daily to keep in top shape and keep my
appearance at its best; and then, when 1
am lying naked in bed, waiting for him, he
is at the window, trying to catch a glimpse
of the couple (or the Woman) at the win-
dow across the way. If 1 had let myself go
and were fat and ugly, his voyeurism
would make more sense. As things are, I
am hurt and have told him so. It seems as
if all my effort to keep in great shape for
him is wasted. I cannot see sharing this
with a counselor, as the Peeping Tom
bit is best kept under wraps. What do
you suggest?—Mrs. М. O., Boston,
Have you considered moving into the
apartment across the way? What we have
here is a conflict of sexual styles. A voyeur
is a person who likes his love at a dis-
tance—he may feel overwhelmed if the
Mr. Jack Daniel was the originator of the
square bottle for his whiskey and always
wanted to have a matching square glass. Well,
here it is! This hefty square glass (each
weighs 14 ounces) is the perfect companion
to a bottle of Mr. Jack’s finest. The inside is
rounded to make drinking a pleasure and the
original design is fired on for good looks and
durability. My $15.00 price for a set of 4
glasses (8 07. capacity) includes postage.
Send check, money order or use American Express,
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Telephone: 615-759-7184.
source of stimulation gets too close. On the
other hand, you want more interaction—
right now you are accommodating his fan-
tasy and getting nothing in return. When
sex becomes a duty, it’s as good as gone.
The healthiest love styles are flexible. He
should cater to your desires, or you should
both create new ones. Don't be afraid of
counseling; confidentiality is maintained.
After taking a test drive in a new auto-
mobile that I intended to buy, I’m still not
certain that it’s the one I want. The reason
is that the test drive was so short and the
salesman rattled on in the passenger seat
while I was driving. Is my experience typ-
ical? Arc there dealers who will allow me
more time and a private, extended drive to
really test the car?—R. M., Glendale,
It’s hard to fault the dealer for not want-
ing you to play with his new car for a
couple of days. But the opportunity would
be welcome, considering that you're asked
to make a fast judgment about a purchase
you'll have to live with for several years.
Many a driver has discovered that those
soft seats he loved during the spin around
the block offer no support at all during
hard cornering on his daity commute. One
good way to make your final judgment is to
first rent the model you intend to buy.
These days, rental companies offer a wide
range of cars—anything from a Ford
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Escort to a Maserati Quattroporte. A few
calls to the rent-a-car agencies in your
area just may turn up your dream car.
Once you’ve got it, put it through every-
thing you would expect your car to do, give
it a top-to-bottom inspection or just sit in it
and pretend you own it. A rental can tell
you much about how the car is going to
age, mechanically and cosmetically. Ex-
pensive, you say? Not really. Like a dinner
date, it’s a small investment up front that
can save you a lot of grief later.
М, lover and 1 enjoy oral sex frequent-
ly. When the act is consummated, she has
the thoughtfulness and the good taste to
ingest my ejaculate. Together, we have
noticed that when we abstain from that
activity for a week or more, she seems to
experience a greater number of facial
blemishes. The question: Does the fre-
quent (at least once every three or four
days) ingestion of male ejaculate prevent
facial blemishes? Additionally, since I
equally enjoy and reciprocate with cunni-
lingus, what is the effect on me of my
ingestion of her love juices at approxi-
mately the same intervals? Does the inges-
tion of those precious bodily fluids have
any other effects (for females, on breast
size, hair texture and sheen, сїс.; for
males, on nose size, mustache texture and
sheen, etc.)?—P. A., Norman, Oklahoma.
Oral sex produces only one physical
effect—intense pleasure. It relieves tension
(and stress has been connected with com-
plexion problems). All other claimed ben-
efits—from reducing spiraling inflation to
raising the Dow Jones—are based on word
of mouth.
ІМ, running program has become some-
thing of an obsession with me, and Pd like
to continue it, even through our Minneso-
ta winters. Can running in the cold hurt
my body? Is there anything special I can
do to keep myself warm without running
in a down parka?—S. T., Minneapolis,
When the mercury dips, we find our-
selves more inclined toward indoor sports;
push-ups in front of a roaring fireplace, for
instance. But if you gotta run, you gotia
run. So protect yourself with light layers of
clothing, a good windbreaker and a hat.
Ideally, your clothes should let moisture
out while retaining heat. Fabrics such as
Gore-Tex are perfect for that. Rapid
movement in cold produces a wind-chill
effect that makes you feel even colder than
the surrounding air does, so a windbreaker
is essential. Most body heat is lost through
the head and the neck, so it is prudent to
keep them covered. Of course, to produce
body heat in cold weather, you have to
raise your caloric intake. And don't forget
Jogger's rule number one: The farther you
run, the farther you have to run back.
W am a male, 21 years old and straight.
When I was about 16, a friend and I used
to double date. After one such night, we
went back to his house. We'd both been
“unlucky” that night. Sitting in his room
and talking about those broads, we got
even more horny. My friend decided he
had to jerk off immediately; and somehow,
I joined him. Afterward, we used to mas-
turbate together every so often. We never
touched each other or anything like that
We didn’t even think we had a problem
with homosexuality. Anyway, somewhere
around the age of 18 or 19, we just stopped
doing it. (We started getting luckier.) Once
in a while, we still double date; but after-
ward, no solo performances. Do you think
what we uscd to do makes us somewhat
gay?—S. B., San Diego, California.
[Рт having problems with my girlfriend.
Sometimes I reach out to touch her and
she pulls away, saying, “Not now.” 1 feel
rejected. She says that she doesn't like the
way I touch her, that she doesn’t like to be
pawed. Can you shed some light on her
behavior?—R. W., Detroit, Michigan
Alexandra Penney, author of “How to
Make Love to Each Other,” has a very
perceptive observation about the way men
Anything can happen.
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Ц Y ES {wish to take advantage of your Las Vegas
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Charge my [] Visa Г) MasterCard L American Expres:
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Vegas World Hotel Casino
1. Valid 7 days a week. Reservations
can be made now ог later, but
reservations must be made at least
10 days before arrival
2. A reservation tee of $148 per person
(total $296). must be mailed with the
Invitation Requést Form to guarantee
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you will receive on arrival. all of the
benefits as described.
We guarantee you reservations on the
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5. RESERVATIONS — Cancellations of
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February, 1984.
and women differ with regard to touch:
“Most women distinguish between two
kinds of contact; that is, they separate sex-
ual touch from affectionate touch in much
the same way that men consciously ur sub-
consciously differentiate between pure
physical sex and making love. Most men
don't realize that playful or affectionate
touching, however, is central to most
women’s sexual responsiveness. Extended
touching and kissing and cuddling all over
the body—nonsexual touching—are as es-
sential to most women’s readiness to make
love as is erotic or specifically breast/geni-
tal touching. Many women feel that a
man’s touch contains a demand for sexual
intercourse. Touching can thus elicit the
opposite response from the one you desire.
You’re touching and stroking your part-
ner, but instead of reacting with warmth,
she is becoming increasingly unrespon-
sive. .. . Generally, [men] perceive touch
in sexual terms. If a woman hugs or
embraces a man, he will not, as she does,
think of it as purely a form of affection or
warmth; he is likely to take it as a prelude
to sexual activity. To further compli-
cate the problem, since most men prefer
direct and immediate genital stimulation,
they tend to think of playful touching as a
duty, as something to be done to please a
woman. For many men, nonsexual louch-
ing ts simply a series of stops along the way
to genital touching, and this is exactly why
women feel their touch as a demand,”
Sounds hopeless, right? Penney makes
the point that men touch women the way
they would like to be touched and that
women touch men the way they would like
to be touched (light, feathery touches over
the entire body). She recommends an
exercise in role reversal: For ten minutes,
let your lover show you exactly how she
likes to be touched—then it’s your turn.
“You are giving him the sensations that
you would be most responsive to. You, for
instance, prefer long, sensuous stroking of
your legs and inner thighs. You like your
nipples lo be sucked firmly; you enjoy the
pressure of a palm placed above your pubic
bone (many women do) while having
your breasts caressed. Do these things to
your partner so that he can experience as
closely as possible what it is that feels good
to you.” Sounds like good advice.
All reasonable questions—from fashion,
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dating
problems, taste and eliquette—will be personal-
ly answered if the writer includes a stamped,
self-addressed envelope. Send all letters to The
Playboy Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N.
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
The most provocative, pertinent queries
will be presented on these pages each month.
You can hear a prerecorded message from
The Playboy Advisor by dialing 312-976-
4343. It’s not dial-a-prayer, but it’s close.
Theitty bitty book light
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They don't just reduce tape noise.
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Technics cassette decks with
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dbx is effective because it
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These Technics cassette decks go ол
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Music Select to automatically find any
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In addition, there is automatic tape
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Explore all of the Technics cassette
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ET HEEL, Technics
@dbx в areghtered trademark of dbx. inc. The science of sound
bre of the great myths of our time is
that the sexual revolution has produced a
generation of men and women who have
rejected all traditional behavior. We
thought we'd investigate this subject with
our Playmate experts and get their views
on being faithful.
The question for the month:
Is sexual fidelity important to you
and can it be achieved in a relation-
В can be totally faithful in a relationship,
and I have been. The few times I've
strayed have
been when the
relationship I
was in was go-
ing badly. I
think fidelity
improves sex as
time goes by,
because a feel-
ing of trust de-
velops and you
relax. Infidelity
gets messy and
someone gets
the short end of the stick. I also think
fidelity is easier for women than for men.
It doesn’t take as much effort for women
to be faithful.
Lorine Mishara
APRIL 1981
[К rm in love with someone, I'm totally
loyal. I do not mess around on him. Pm
faithful, and that’s the way I like him to
be, too. I don’t believe in a swinging type
of relationship,
where I can go
out and so can
he. That's not
my ideal. Pm
I need to know
my man is my
man, and 1
think he'd like
to be sure of me
in the same
way. I wouldn't
want to do the
kind of thing that I would not like done to
me. It’s that simple
Wery important. I don't like messing
around. But if it happened, I'd hope for
honesty. For example, if my boyfriend and
I were sepa- i
rated for a
week and, after
we both re-
turned home,
he told me he’d
been up to
something, I
think I could
accept it, be-
cause he told
the truth. I
think men feel
it’s morally OK
for them to fool around but not OK for
women. I couldn't fool around myself, I
would never do it. If the urge ever hit me,
I would tell my boyfriend before I did
Сүрә. aD Moun
Wr a combination of the old school and
the new generation. 1 have a razzmatazz,
dazzle side and an old-fashioned, Victori-
an side. On one
hand, I think of
being commit-
ted to one man.
On the other
hand, 1 realize
that no one
person is going
to supply all
my basic needs.
So I guess I see
fidelity as a
thing, because I
accept the fact that it’s possible to be
attracted to more than one person. I'm not
too concerned with what he does with his
body as long as he respects me and keeps
his other stuff out of my face. That's
where I'm at. Respect.
Fr Ja
JUNE 1975
Tes possible in this day and age—diffi-
cult but possible. Pm not altogether sure
if marriage
makes it less
difficult or
more. When
you're married,
you feel a deep-
er commit-
ment; but in a
relationship, 1
guess 1 feel
I can fool
around, if I
find I like the
other guy bet-
ter. I'm not leaving a marriage. It's just
not as complicated. In marriage, I think I
will bc faithful to my husband, and I don't
think ГЇЇ find it too hard to do.
MAY 1983
Mate sexuality and female sexuality are
different with respect to fidelity. Men are
basically in search of novelty and women
are in search of
monogamy. ГЇЇ
probably catch
hell for saying
this, but I'd be
more inclined
to excuse a
man. Why? It
seems that men
can have sex
with an attrac-
tive woman
and not blink
an eye. Women
make a more emotional investment. I’m
not talking about marriage, but I do need
to know a man is interested in me as a
person. So I'd be more likely to forgive a
man even if I didn't appreciate his lapse.
(6% P LE
JUNE 1981
Send your questions to Dear Playmates,
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois6061 1. We won't be
able to answer every question, but we'll try.
a continuing dialog on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers
It was with great delight that I discov-
ered in the August issue a contemporary
philosopher to rival Plato, Aristotle, Ploti-
nus, Augustine, Ficino, Shaftesbury,
Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer,
Nietzsche, Croce, Dewey and Heideg-
ger—even Professor Fred W. Lorenz and,
most certainly, Hugo Carl Koch, whose
interesting letters also appeared in the
1 refer, of course, to the grandmother of
reader Morton Weiss, who, in closing the
Lorenz-Koch exchange, quoted her wis-
dom in concisely resolving the issue of
when life begins. I predict long lines of
pilgrims making their way to her door.
Thomas L. Fernow
Fort Thomas, Kentucky
Grandmother Weiss, says her grandson
in his letter, believes that “life begins when
the children move out and the dog dies.”
This is in response to the letter from
Constance Robertson (The Playboy Fo-
rum, September) and her opposition to
1983’s being declared the “Year of the
Bible,” which she considers an example of
“Governmental interference” and “reli-
gious tyranny.” It is no more tyrannical
than having church night at the local skat-
ing rink or bat day at the ball park. The
American Revolution was not a rejection
of divine authority, as she states, but a
rejection of a dominant church and state
over people seeking religious freedom.
‘John Fisher
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Fine, but it still sounds as if you want to
beef up that divine authority with Govern-
ment authority, which is what the founding
fathers, Robertson and we, too, oppose.
I call your attention to the Burglar
Abatement Act (or whatever it’s actually
called) recently passed by our Louisiana
state legislature and debated on the ABC-
Television program Nightline. The new
law gives householders the right to use
deadly force, if necessary, to repel burglars
ог other home invaders. In other words, to
shoot ’em without having to prove in court
that you were in fear for your life.
An NAACP spokeswoman in the de-
bate objected to the law on the curious
ground that blacks would be getting shot
more often than whites, from which I
would hate to infer anything. (The bill’s
co-author pointed out that black homes
are far more likely to be burglarized or
invaded than those of whites.) On her oth-
er point, that human life has greater value
than a TV set—which seems to presume
that the housebreaker has filed notice of
intent—1 think the burglar himself should
be the judge of that.
An A.C.L.U. spokesman objected to the
law on the ground that it was empty and
dangerous symbolism. I say dangerous,
possibly; symbolic, certainly; but empty,
“The Yiddish schtup [15]
a rather funny word, a lot
more romantic and not
quite so harsh.”
no. If burglars and the like only read
about the law and correaly figure that
they're now fair game for any fearful or
angry householder, human psychology
will do more than а battalion of police.
A Baton Rouge TV-station phone-in
poll had more than 2000 calls supporting
the law and 12 opposing it, according to
one participant in the debate. Perhaps
there were 12 Baton Rouge burglars home
that night watching their TV sets instead
of stealing one.
B. O. Reeves
New Orleans, Louisiana
I have read PLAYBOY all these years
because it discusses sex intelligently and
portrays women in a way that is not
degrading or trashy. Finally, along comes
Bill Deming (The Playboy Forum, Au-
gust), suggesting we try to find some
better word than fuck to describe the
romantic aspects of sex—an idea that
seems to be right along the lines of your
editorial policy—and he even offers to
contribute money toward setting up a con-
test. What does he get? A humorous put-
down. I happen to think he has a good
idea. Why not elevate sex and our lan-
guage a bit and find ways to express such
loving with words of dignity?
Bruce D. Edwards
San Dicgo, California
"The word fuck came from our Puritan
forefathers. It was an abbreviation put on
the stocks of those caught in fornication or
adultery. It simply meant “for unlawful
carnal knowledge.”
“Jay Pee”
Dillsburg, Pennsylvania
I would like to suggest the Yiddish
schtup. 105 a rather funny word, a lot
more romantic and not quite so harsh.
Carön Sandres
Redondo Beach, California
While reviewing your August issue, 1
came across a plaintive cry for a word
more palatable than fuck, a serviceable
but increasingly ambiguous term.
Swiving, according to John Barth (The
Sot-Weed Factor) and The Oxford Eng-
lish Dictionary, has mainly to do with
“sexual connexion” and has been detailed
in charming, if obsolete, fashion.
A staunch Anglo-Saxon term is this, to
swive, and it is free from value judgment
ог gamesmanship, except in that she is as
readily swived as he, says Oxford.
Paul Norton
Los Angeles, California
To Edwards: Our chuckle wasn't a put-
down but merely a humorous sigh at the
magnitude of Deming’s project (and we
notice you yourself didn’t submit an
To “Jay Pee”: That wonderful but erro-
neous explanation has been going around
for ages, but the word fuck actually comes
to us from the German—Ludwig Fick,
one of history’s greatest fornicators, who
lived in the 17th Century. (Let’s see if we
can get that one started.)
To Sandres: Schtup. Yeah. That ought
to really sweep them off their feet.
To Norton: OK, everybody. We're going
with swive. Deming, send him his $100.
(continued overleaf)
Interior Secretary James Watt has fi-
nally managed to convince me that he’s
not just wrongheaded, not just dim-witted,
but aggressively stupid and intellectually
wicked. Гуе read newspaper reports that
he now has seen fit to compare people who
would keep abortion legal to the Nazis,
who murdered Jews. Does that nitwit not
realize that it takes exactly the same gov-
ernmental mentality and authority to
compel childbearing that it does to con-
demn people to death? The danger lies not
in laws that protect people from Govern-
ment power but in laws that give the
Government the power over people, pro-
hibiting one thing and making another
compulsory. The Watt mentality is the
one we have to fear. He thinks like Hein-
rich Himmler, even looks like him. And he
understands Nazi double talk: ARBEIT
MACHT FREI ("Work makes you free”) was
the sign that greeted Jews who were going
to their state-ordered deaths in concentra-
tion camps. That use of the word free is
like Watt's use of the word liberty—com-
pletely Orwellian. This man is dangerous,
very dangerous.
Harrison L. Browne
Cuernavaca, Mexico
For many of us who served in Vietnam,
the Agent Orange issue remains a growing
concern, in response to which 20 states
have now established Agent Orange com-
missions or programs through their leg-
islatures. While the mandates of the
programs vary widely, all have in common
a desire to resolve the questions of their
Vietnam veterans about their health and
that of their children as a result of expo-
sure to toxic herbicides.
Illinois and several other states are con-
ducting a survey of their veterans to devel-
ор an overview of the health problems.
Illinois is the first and, to date, the only
state responding to the concerns of those of
us who served in Vietnam with agencies
such as the Red Cross and whose exposure
to toxic elements was identical to that of
our military counterparts. Elsewhere, we
are excluded from any testing and treat-
ment programs, but the Illinois Commis-
sion on the Status of Women has called for
our inclusion under H.R. 339.
My appointment to the state Agent
Orange commission by Governor Jim
‘Thompson is also a first and again focuses
attention on the civilian veterans.
The Playboy Foundation shares our
interest in these matters, and we will be
working with it on program designs.
We hope that as public attention con-
tinues to focus on the dioxin issue through
such incidents as Times Beach, Missouri,
the number of states with Agent Orange
programs will grow.
Joan M. Maiman, Commissioner
Illinois Agent Orange
Study Commission
Springfield, Illinois
In the September Playboy Forum,
Robert Shea writes of the need for a group
to study and evaluate all of the liberal
(and conservative) causes in the land.
Pm pleased to report the publication of
The Philanthropist, “the independent
newsletter of tax-deductible giving.” It is
written for people and organizations that
give large chunks of money to charities
and causes of all kinds. Shea is right—this
is fertile territory for consumer-oriented
investigative journalism. We are already
working to uncover some major scandals
in fund-raising and charitable-organiza-
tion operations, and we plan to shake up
the many well-meaning groups that have
grown fat and happy. By the same token,
we will also report on the thousands of
small groups doing good work that are
struggling for funding.
The first issue will be out in November
1983. A one-year charter-rate subscrip-
tion is $158—tax-deductible, of course.
The address: The Philanthropist, 2175
Hudson Terrace, Fort Lee, New Jersey
07024 (212-725-7488).
Ross Becker
Fowler & Wells, Publishers
New York, New York
We're also advised of the Wise Giving
Guide, which rates hundreds of not-for-
profit organizations and from which indi-
vidual reports on various groups can be
ordered. A one-year subscription to the
monthly guide is 820: from the National
Information Bureau, 419 Park Avenue
South, New York, New York 10016 (212-
Regarding “Liberty and Safe Streets,”
by Richard Sharvy (The Playboy Forum,
September): It’s most pleasing to see that
kind of clear thinking growing across the
country. Sharvy's would be a constitution-
al amendment that gave more than it took.
С. Gelisse
Metaline Falls, Washington
While I am in substantial agreement
with Sharvy’s position, his proposed con-
stitutional amendment suffers from a seri-
ous practical flaw. It states:
No act shall bc considered a crimi-
nal offense by the states or by the
Federal Government unless it violates
the natural rights of individuals.
The “natural rights of individuals” are
left undefined and, thus, their definition
would be left to the discretion of Federal
judges, a group of men and women whose
commitment to individual liberty is incon-
sistent at best. Furthermore, nothing is
said about the rights of groups of individu-
als such as corporations and churches.
Let us remember that the first ten
amendments to the Constitution were de-
vised as further limitations on the power
of Government. With that in mind, I
propose the following Free Enterprise
Section 1. Neither the Congress
nor the states shall make any laws
prohibiting or regulating the free and
voluntary exchange of goods and
services except as necessary to punish
theft and fraud.
Section 2. All laws in violation of
this amendment shall be null and
void two years after the ratification of
this amendment by the states as pro-
vided in the Constitution.
In focusing on statutory crimes, Sharvy
overlooks a very large source of the eco-
nomic repression that drives people to
crime. Indeed, many turn to statutory
crime because it is unregulated, untaxed
and open to all. We must address all forms
of Government interference in our lives.
James T. Crowe, Jr.
Richmond, Virginia
According to Professor Sharvy, the state
has no business interfering with anyone’s
liberty to do things that do not violate the
natural rights of others. That appealing
principle could have appalling conse-
quences. In purchasing narcotics, medi-
eines or tranquilizers, I would not be
violating the rights of others, so the state
would have no business interfering with
my liberty by requiring a prescription.
Lift that requirement, however, and thou-
sands would die needlessly each year from
overdoses, from allergic responses or sim-
ply from failing to seek competent treat-
Heroin addicts may commit crimes
mainly to get drug money, but if heroin
were cheap and legal, many more people
would become addicted; and, given the
debilitating effects of heroin, many of
them would still commit crimes merely to
get money for their next meal or a place to
sleep or their next fix.
One must be caught in the grip of a
theory to suppose that the state has no
business controlling a significant public
Jim Stone, Assistant Professor
of Philosophy
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
Professor Sharvy simply didn’t have
space to explain the long-term benefits of
social Darwinism.
Prison rape results in maimed bodies,
maimed minds and bitter recriminations
Tt scars the victim and the vi izer alike,
and all of society picks up the tab at a later
date, one way or another.
‘The reports and the language of sexual
assaults in our institutions reveal a gross
misunderstanding of the problem. News
reports constantly allude to “homosexual
assaults.” In reality, most such acts of
what’s happening in the sexual and social arenas
er of a video arcade, leed off after quar-
reling with local officials, has offered his
home rent-free to the Hell’s Angels
motorcycle club so they "can do to
Westport what Westport did to me.
He also threatened to turn his game
room into a porno parlor with seating
Jor 150 people. He added, “ГИ have to
move my family when I get done with
this town. I wouldn't want to live any-
where near the Hell's Angels.”
ALBANY—New York has finally
sorted out its laws and is banning bot-
tomless sun bathing. Public nudity had
already been illegal in most jurisdic-
tions, but the applicable state law had
specified only that women could not go
topless. “It is currently permissible for
either a man or a woman to appear
bottomless in public,” complained Gov-
ernor Mario Cuomo before the revised
law was passed.
Meanwhile, the Antelope, Oregon,
city council, now dominated by the fol-
lowers of an Indian guru whose cult
had invaded the town, has voted unanı-
mously to create a city park “for relax-
ation and recreation without wearing
aborted fetuses may eventually be used
to treat thousands of people paralyzed
by spinal-cord damage, according to
medical researchers. The president
of the American Paralysis Association
told a meeting of doctors, lawyers and
religious representatives that the cell
transplantation had been successfully
carried out in some laboratory animals
with damaged or diseased nerve fibers.
cHicaco—A man jailed for a month
in 1978 on a charge of rape has won an
out-of-court settlement of an undis-
closed amount from the city. The plain-
tifPs civil rights suit charged that he
had been held on high bail and that the
police never bothered to check out his
alibi—that at the time of the rape, he
had been at his own wedding reception,
along with more than 100 guests.
NEwARK— Reversing а lower-court
decision, a New Jersey appeals court
ruled unanimously that the removal of
a feeding tube from a mentally incom-
petent, seriously ill woman would have
“constituted homicide” and violated a
fundamental medical principle, “First
do no harm.” The woman died while
the decision was under appeal, but the
appellate panel elected to rule anyway,
because the issues raised were of grave
public importance. It found that the
“trial judge had erred in holding that a
noncomatose, non-brain-dead patient,
not facing imminent death, not main-
tained by any life-support machine and
not able to speak for herself, should be
painfully put to death by dehydration
and starvation.” The court expressed
concern that the earlier ruling
amounted to “the authorization of eu-
North Muskegon police officer was
wrongfully fired in 1977 for living with
his girlfriend, a Federal district judge
has ruled. The court rejected the city
atiorney's argument thal the couple
had violated а state law prohibiting
“lewd and lascivious cohabitation” and
said that “constitutional rights should
not depend on popularity polls or
whims of public opinion.”
drunks in a stalled pickup shot .22
rifles at passing cars for hours and
wounded two motorists, one seriously,
on Interstate 40 about 18 miles west of
Winslow. According to police, they
were angry because no one would stop
to help them.
SALT LAKE Cr Y— Sheriff's police have
arrested a man they believe was the
same one observed hiding in the pit of
an outhouse with a video camera, tap-
ing the bare bottoms of women using
the facility. The culprit was discovered
when one of the women looked into the
hole and saw him standing waist-deep
in sewage.
HONOLULU—The civic-minded citi-
zen who hired a hooker with police
money and afterward testified against
her in court now wants the city to
defend him against the woman's law-
suit for $120,000. The city decided it
couldn't, since doing a favor for the vice
squad doesn’t make one a city employ-
ee. The prostitute’s suit alleges that the
good citizen was instrumental in caus-
ing the violation of a number of her
state and Federal civil rights.
Californians of all kinds—including
Catholics and political conservatives—
oppose by 69 percent any U.S. constitu-
tional amendment that would prohibit
abortions, according to a state-wide
poll. The director of the California Poll,
as it's called, said the survey indicated
that substantial majorities of both Cath-
olics and conservatives disagreed with
their leaders on the abortion issue.
dents of the suburb of Homewood are in
а snit over a 56-foot-tall statue of the
Roman god Vulcan that stands atop a
local mountain, aiming its torch toward
downtown Birmingham and из bared
buttocks at the community behind it.
To calm the residents and amuse every-
one, a clothing store has proposed
dressing the statue in the world’s larg-
est pair of denim jeans if it can prevail
on @ major jeans manufacturer to go
along. The store said it would donate 50
cents to the U.S. Olympics team and 50
cents to а statue-repair fund for every
pair of the jeans sold during the stunt.
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sexual violence are not inflicted by homo-
sexuals but are acts of aggression and
expressions of power and control by het-
erosexual inmates. The more repressive
an institution, the more likely it is that
sexual violence will occur. Worse, prison
officials frequently utilize sexual violence
as a means of inmate control.
Inmates who are victimized have no
options that are acceptable. Prison offi-
cials insist that attacked inmates press
charges against their assailants, knowing
full well that would be suicidal. Inmates
who are raped rarely get decent medical or
psychological treatment. There is little or
no counseling about the psychological dev-
astation that has taken place when an
inmate’s body has been invaded and con-
trolled by another person.
‘There is no blueprint or quick solution
to the problem, but several steps could and
should be taken:
* Victims of sexual assaults must not be
treated as if they have committed a prison
* Expert and sensitive counseling must
be available to men who have been physi-
cally or emotionally harmed.
* Staff members must be sensitized to
the reality and ramifications of sexual
* Proper classification of inmates can
help to avert some incidents.
= Prison officials must deal effectively
with the sexual aggressor.
As long as there are large, overcrowded,
impersonal institutions, there will be acts
of sexual violence, There must be a long-
range effort to reduce the populations
of our prisons and to understand, as
Dostoievsky wrote, that “the degree of civ-
ilization in our society can be judged by
entering its prisons."
David Rothenberg, Executive Director
The Fortune Society
New York, New York
Granted, living conditions in prisons
are shameful and radical reform is indi-
cated, but in most cases, a criminal has
made the choice and prison isn’t supposed
to be fun.
An injured society doesn’t owe usa pic-
nic in jail. I guess if we don’t want to be
treated like animals in cages, we shouldn’t
act like them to begin with.
Patti Denning
Odessa, Texas
Maybe so, but it’s hardly in society’
interest to brutalize people it will likely
have to deal with again later.
I sincerely hope that you're happy, now
that your 30-year campaign to legitimize
sin and immorality has paid off in an epi-
demic of AIDS and herpes. God only
knows what He will send as the next
plague on fornicators, drug users, shits
and homosexuals of the so-called sex-
ual revolution. The Centers for Disease
Control report that some AIDS
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victims have as many as 1000 sex partners
over a lifetime. Talk about promiscuity! I
hated to hear that the Government was
spending my tax dollars and those of other
decent Americans on AIDS research; you
are all getting just what you deserve.
(Name withheld by request)
Hackensack, New Jersey
We like to run letters like this every
once in a while just to remind people that
there are some real nuts out there.
According to Moral Majority spokes-
man Jerry Falwell, God has visited the
plague of AIDS upon homosexuals be-
cause of their lifestyle. If God is handing
out diseases as punishment, He must also
have something in for the blacks (sickle-
cell anemia), the Jews (Tay-Sachs' dis-
ease), the middle Europeans (lupus) and
the children (measles).
I was brought up to believe in a forgiv-
ing God who loves us all. However, the
Bible does warn us about false prophets.
John O. Sutorius
Hollywood, California
Regarding the Honolulu police giving
money to private citizens to have sex with
local prostitutes and then testify against
them (Forum Newsfront, September):
What is prostitution but having sex for
money? Aren't the Honolulu police then
turning their citizens into prostitutes?
M. Morgan
Las Vegas, Nevada
See this month's “Forum Newsfront”
Jor an interesting update.
Mutilating the body without medical
justification is offensive, but the principal
argument against circumcising baby boys
is that it deprives the boy of his right to
make this very personal decision. It robs
the child of a free choice. Just as others do
not have the right to tell a woman what to
do with her body, it is pernicious for
others to make an irreversible decision to
circumcise one totally incapable of object-
ing. If a man wants to be circumcised,
that’s his choice. Let him make it when he
can understand the consequences.
(Name withheld by request)
Washington, D.C
In a modern society, the cutting off of
the foreskin has no relationship to good
health. Circumcision was first promoted
by 19th Century and early-20th Century
physicians to curb masturbation and
“masturbatory insanity.” As that
uniquely Victorian and Puritan American
notion gave way to clearer thought, the
“cleanliness” myth rose to take its place.
There is just no medical evidence to sug-
gest that uncircumcised boys have higher
rates of disease or cancer than circumcised
ones. If there had been any validity in the
health myth, the practice would never
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or Child Abuse by Circumcision
and the Liability of Parents, Physicians and Hospitals
By Richard W. Morris, Attorney at Law
God зраке
unto Abraham.
Abraham then
looketh upon the
heavens and ask-
eth: “You want
me to cut off my
Abraham was Ay
not the first to maim his tally-
whacker; he was merely following an
age-old tradition.
‘Ancient Egyptian records speak of
circumcision as a blood sacrifice for
sexual purification. Among the East
African Wakikuyu, the foreskin is
buried in the ground in front of the boy
from whom it was cut. The African
Bara father throws it into the river.
The Turks bury it as they do finger-
nails and other parts of the body,
because they fear it might be used in
black magic. The Amaxosa Kafir boy
carries it away after having it cut off
and buries it in a secret sacred spot.
On the west coast of Africa, the fore-
skin is soaked in brandy and swallowed
by the boy who lost it. The Arabs of
Algiers wrap it in cloth and put it on
an animal. The Hova of Madagascar
wrap it їп а banana leaf, then feed it to
acalf. The Wolof dry it out, then carry
it as an object of virility.
In Australia, the Urabunna touch
the stomach of each elder brother with
the foreskin, then place it on a fire stick
and bury it. The Arunta bury it
the blood from the operation. The Kal-
kodoon string it on a twine of human
hair and hang it around the mother’s
neck to keep the Devil away. The
Yaroinga women drink the blood from
the operation.
In some Australian tribes, the boy
who is about to have the operation is
placed on a platform of living bodies of
the tribesmen; then a tooth is knocked
out to begin the ceremony, and blood
drips from his mouth upon the chests of
these below him. One modern tribe
shoots the foreskin with a gun.
In another modern tribe, the medi-
cine man takes the baby from the
mother when it is only a few days old,
spread-eagles it with straps, grabs the
penis in one hand and proceeds to cut
without anesthetic. Amid the blood, the
screams, the rise of the cortisone level
and the knowledge that the infants
sleep pattern
will be altered
for days, the
medicine тап
claims it feels no
pain. What tribe
is this? The
North Ameri-
And that bit of ritual savagery is
done ostensibly as a hygienic measure.
In fact, every excuse for this curious
practice has been proved false. Circum-
cision promotes no reduction in the
incidence of V.D. and no improvement
in hygiene. There is no connection
between uncircumcised males and cer-
vical cancer in their female partners.
Even when circumcision is performed
by skilled operators, there are an esti-
mated 227 infant deaths from it in the
US. each year!
If women were circumcised in mod-
ern America, Gloria Steinem would
march on Washington.
The American Academy of Pediat-
ries (among other American Medical
Association groups) has recommended
against routine circumcision. The fa-
ther of modern Judaism in America,
Isaac M. Wise, in 1869, suggested that
circumcision be declared optional for
adult converts to Judaism. Don’t in-
fants deserve the same protection?
"То do the dirty deed, several felonies
must be committed by the physician:
(1) mayhem, for doing the cutting; (2)
kidnaping, for taking the child away to
do it; (3) false imprisonment, for hold-
ing the child in restraint; (4) sexual
molestation; (5) assault with a deadly
weapon—plus a variety of misdemean-
ors that are lesser included offenses.
The parents are conspirators at worst
and accomplices at best, guilty of a fel-
ony in either case. The hospitals pro-
vide the place of torture, making them
guilty of a felony in many states.
Who cashes in on the operations?
The doctors and the hospitals. Circum-
cision represents an annual income of
approximately $50,000,000. Mayhem
for money. Crime for profit. Damages
for sure.
The case is presented today to the
reader, tomorrow to the court. Ladies
and gentlemen of the jury, find the
defendants guilty as charged.
have died out in Scandinavia, Great Brit-
ain, France and other health-conscious
Western nations, Habits of cleanliness are
taught. Removing the foreskin to keep the
penis clean makes as much sense as pull-
ing your teeth to keep your breath fresh
(Name withheld by request)
Washington, D.C.
The procedure for circumcising a help-
less newborn infant is gruesome. First, he
is placed on his back and no anesthesia is
used. He screams and struggles in pitiful
agony and terror. Sometimes infants are so
overcome with pain and shock that they do
not cry but, instead, lapse into a semicoma.
The baby’s foreskin is first smashed,
then slit, torn away from his glans and
sliced off.
Rosemary Romberg Wiener, Vice-
INTACT Educational Foundation
Bellingham, Washington
OK, OK! We get the point and we agree,
But some of you anticircumcisers are begin-
ning to sound like anti-abortionists.
For many years, I have been biding my
time in the hope that some topic of shrill
debate in The Playboy Forum would inspire
me to contribute a letter—one that would
astound my millions of fellow readers with
some brilliant insight and would resolve,
once and for all, some complex issue. The
abortion controversy has driven me to the
typewriter more than once, but always I
found the finished product intellectually
wanting and did not mail it. Likewise, the
hotly debated matter of circumcision, pro
and con, leaves me unable to quite get it up,
despite the intensity displayed by some of
the correspondents on both sides. In fact,
those two issues now have combined in my
muddled brain to form a third impondera-
ble, which for now will have to serve as my
only Forum contribution.
What I want to know is, Does the fore-
skin have a soul?
John Lattimer
New York, New York
I consider myself a liberal person, but I
must take exception to the letter from
attorney Timothy R. Higgins in the May
Playboy Forum regarding appropriate
punishment for first-time drunken-driv-
ing offenders.
Driving while under the influence is
against both civil and moral law, and any-
one who doesn’t live in a cave knows that.
Drunken drivers not only put themselves at
considerable risk, they put everyone in the
immediate vicinity at risk from their negli-
gence. Higgins tells of “horrible memories
of arrest and court proceedings.” Too bad.
How would he like to remember legal pro-
ceedings for vehicular manslaughter?
A day or two in jail is not too high a
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price to pay for imposing one’s drunken
and impaired self upon others. We all
have a choice; we have to pay the price for
the wrong one.
C. Turner
Yakima, Washington
Needless to say, we don't necessarily
share the views of our correspondents. You
may be interested to know that a member
of the Massachusetts legislature has filed a
bill that would give judges the option of
ordering fluorescent license plates on the
cars of convicted drunken drivers.
I was shocked and disgusted to read in
The Philadelphia Inquirer that the father
of a ten-year-old boy beaten to death by
his stepfather had been ordered by a judge
to pay $6940 in back child support.
Richard Barnes complained about the
abuse of his two sons, as did neighbors and
school officials, but the courts and “the
system” did nothing to help the kids. To
protest, he stopped payments in 1975, and
still nothing happened. In 1981, Barnes's
son Richard was killed with a fence post,
and the stepfather was convicted of mur-
der, the mother of manslaughter. Now
Judge Jerome Zaleski of family court has
ordered Barnes to reimburse the state for
aid payments made to the mother before
the boy was murdered.
Little wonder that some people draw
the conclusions that fathers have few
rights, many judges are stupidly insensi-
tive and our judicial system sucks.
Jack Williams
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sit with any woman for more than a
day and you’ll hear how unfairly and ter-
ribly life has treated them. Somehow,
women have the idea that we men are
partying at work, having a great time
while they're stuck at home. So, like Eve,
they’ve had to taste that apple, and now
they further complain about how tough it
is to be a superwoman.
Td be the first to admit that men do
some shitty things. But at least after
they've betrayed someone they supposedly
love, they feel guilt. When it’s the woman
doing the betraying, she’s out by the pool
the next day, soaking up some rays. As a
good friend once said, “If women didn’t
have tits and cunts, they’d be shot on
Norman Bates Fan Club
Birmingham, Alabama
Don’t pay any attention to him, ladies.
He's just one of them good ol” boys.
“The Playboy Forum" offers the opportu-
nity for an extended dialog between readers
and editors on contemporary issues. Address
all correspondence to The Playboy Forum,
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
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a candid conversation with the country’s “hottest sex symbol" on acting,
politics, women—and how tough it is to get a dale when you’re gorgeous
It’s one thing to call him the most popu-
lar male actor in America, as some in the
publicity business have done. But People
magazine raised the ante by calling him
“the Clark Gable of the Eighties,” with
“the body of an N.F.L. linebacker and the
head of a Viking sea lord.” A Ladies’
Home Journal reporter saw that and
raised: “Pue interviewed Redford, New-
man, Reynolds and Eastwood, and in
terms of sheer physical impact, they don’!
even come close.” But the man being
burbled over hardly seems to be playing
the game. “I just happened to have had
some luck with a TV series that hit,”
shrugs Tom Selleck. Then again, he may
be playing the game exceedingly well.
Three years ago, no one knew Selleck’s
name. If he was recognized on the streets
at all, it was as the guy on the Salem bill-
boards. But that was before “Magnum,
P.L," the television series that features a
charmingly inept but always sincere pri-
vate investigator named Thomas Mag-
num, hil the arrwaves.
With its lush Hawaii scenery and lin-
gering shots of Selleck's 674”, 200-pound
physique, “Magnum” is a continuing hit
as it enters its fourth season. In the process,
Selleck has become TV’s biggest star and
“All this attention has turned me into a
very slow worker with women. I’m less apt
to hop into the sack with someone for a lot
of reasons. I don’t want to be Magnum in
bed, I really don’t.”
has caused a revolution in a medium once
criticized by bluenoses for its overemphasis
on female sexuality: “Having passed
through the winter of the incredible hunk,
when ripple TV replaced jiggle TV, it has
finally occurred to me that nearly all of the
chests being bared on prime-time televi-
sion these days have hair on them,” wrote
one critic, while another termed Selleck
the prototype of half a dozen other male
leads on popular television series. It was
that label—hunk, implying macho and
brainless—that stuck, and Selleck was
stuck unth it.
After the initial success of the television
show, he granted a slew of interviews and
photo sessions and seemed to be every-
where. Selleck posters and T-shirts were
the new rage (his participation was often
unwitting; most merchandising was un-
authorized). His appeal was broad. He
seemed unthreatening to men—he was
shy, self-effacing and always the kind of
team player who would never steal your
girl—while remaining a heartthrob to
women. His audience obviously sensed
something more behind the hunk facade.
He tried to close the door on all the
attention when it became oppressive, but it
served only to fuel the publicity machine.
“If hunk? and 32 other titles come with
that of sex symbol, I don’t want it. It’s just
another media hype. There is no event in
which the hottest new sex symbol is picked.
You don’t get a degree їп sex symbolism.”
He was on the cover of magazines that had
never interviewed him and in picture
spreads he had never authorized. Although
he was not averse to the company of beau-
tiful women, there were no apparent skele-
tons in his closet, no scandals to be
revealed. The portrait that emerged, reluc-
tantly, seemed to be that of a mice, uncom-
plicated guy whose looks, manner and
engaging personality had struck a popular
His background may have something to
do with it; the Selleck profile fits the nice-
guy image. He was born in 1945 in
Detroit, where he lived until he was four
and his family moved to Los Angeles.
From the start, he was hopelessly all-
American: Always a top athlete, he was a
letter man in high school baseball and bas-
ketball. His family began in the middle
class and moved into the upper middle
class as his father rose in the real-estate
business to his current position as vice-
president at an L.A.-based firm. Tom’s
basketball skills earned him a scholarship
to the University of Southern California;
even at free-wheeling USC, to judge by the
evidence, he rarely got in any kind of trou-
ble. He earned a watch from his father for
following a family tradition of abstaining
“If somebody says, You look nice,’ am I
supposed to say, "I know"? There's nothing
wrong with modesty. This attention to my
appearance is embarrassing. Whatever my
appearance is, it’s part of my instrument.”
from alcohol, cursing and tobacco until he
was 21—there’s not much to suggest that
he made up for it after that age—and his
major high-jinks took place when he was a
member of a college fraternity.
During the Vietnam war, he enlisted in
the National Guard so he could pursue his
fledgling acting career instead of being
shipped overseas. Although he never as-
pired to acting—he had hoped to play pro-
fessional baseball instead—he stumbled
into acting jobs, television commercials,
soap operas (“The Young and the Rest-
less”) and occasional TV series (several
small roles in “Bracken’s World”). There
were also a few small parts in such movies
as “Myra Breckinridge,” for which he was
chosen by Mae West, “The Seven Min-
utes” and “Coma.” Like many stars, he
bridles today at the idea that he was an
“overnight success,” pointing to the 14
years he spent as a featured player and
But in 1980, he burst into the limelight.
After only a few guest parts in such TV
series as “The Rockford Files,” he was
suddenly offered parts as Indiana fones in
а George Lucas/Steven Spielberg film
called “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” in a
Blake Edwards film called “Victor/Victo-
ria” and as the lead їп а TV series to be
called “Magnum, P.I.” Because he had
signed a contract with Universal Pictures,
producers of the pilot, he accepted the tele-
vision offer. Since the success of “Mag-
num,” he has, of course, gone on lo become
one of Hollywood's most sought-after ac-
tors and has starred in two TV movies
(“Divorce Wars: A Love Story” and “The
Shadow Riders”) and two Jeature films
(last year’s “High Road to China” and his
latest, “Lassiter”).
Stars such as Dustin Hoffman, Robert
Redford, Alan Alda and Al Pacino are cer-
tainly more respected actors, but Selleck
is something else—a kind of hero for this
time. Unlike Pacino’s or Hoffman's, his
good looks are less ethnic, more WASPy.
And unlike Redford’s and Alda’s, his polt-
tics, which trickled out in bits and pieces of
interviews, appear to be relatively conserv-
ative. He has seemed to support President
Reagan, was supposedly against abortion
and for nuclear power. Although he am-
plifies and even changes some of those
political points in this interview, claim-
ing that previous quotes had been taken
out of context, they seem appropriate all
the same: Selleck is a star for the Reagan
era. He, like his character on “Magnum,”
is patriotic and concerned and has an ami-
able sense of humor.
With all that attention being lavished
on him—especially by the ladies—it made
us curious: What does Tom Selleck have
that a lot of the rest of us would like to
have? To find out, PLAYBOY sent David Sheff
to Honolulu, where Selleck was beginning
to shoot a new season of "Magnum." Here
is his report:
“Yes, he is good-looking; and on first
impression, he seems a nice enough guy.
But I wondered as we began, What is all
this fuss about? Selleck fiercely defends his
privacy, so most of our interview sessions
took place in his mobile home, well stocked
with cans of apple and grapefruit juice, a
TV set and an electronic phone system.
A couple of sessions took place in his
office on the Universal Pictures lot. No
press- or business-related meetings are
held at his hom&; he reserves that for his
ошп time.
“T always try to be polite to fans,’ he
says, ‘but I’m not polite to people who get
near my home. I tell them they are on
private property and if they do not leave, I
will call the police.”
“The fan attention was, indeed, incredi-
ble. It was reminiscent of ‘A Hard Day's
Night’; girls actually seemed to palpitate
when they saw him, struck speechless,
stuttering or screaming. If there were a
spare moment, he would give them a nod,
but thal would bring on more squeals
When he could, he posed for photographs
with female fans. No matter where he
went, they were there. On the set, they
lined up five thick behind police barri-
cades, waiting for a glimpse of him; as he
“Т don't want the burden of
being a sanctimonious all-
American hero. I fail to reach
ту standards most of the
passed by, the murmurs rose to shrieks апа
there was near pandemonium. Selleck
seems to appreciate the importance of these
Jans at this time in his career, but the
actual confrontations with them seem diffi-
cult for him; he has not yet adjusted to
"These interview sessions were differ-
ent from others I’ve done with celebrated
people because of Selleck's formidable
schedule. Literally every 20 minutes, no
matter the importance of the subject mat-
ter we were discussing, we would be inter-
rupted by a knock on the trailer door and a
voice calling, You're needed, Tom.’ It was
also а difficult interview because of the
constant presence of a CBS publicist who
monitored every conversation. Although he
did not try to censor Selleck's responses—
nor did he try to guide the questioning, for
I would have stopped the interview—
even Selleck seemed to realize that his
presence was inhibiting. It reminded me of
the policy of the old-time studios that tried
to control their stars’ public personas. Sel-
leck apologized for it: ‘Network policy,’ he
explained. "They've been very good to me,
so I try not to make any waves."
"But he was obviously concerned that
the interview represent his true beliefs
about the variety of topics broached. He’s
had enough of the dumb-hunk, sex-symbol
image, and he looked to this interview as
а way to set the record straight. For the
three days following our talks, my tele-
phone rang as Tom called to clarify one
point or another, to add another thought or
two—particularly where political beliefs
were concerned. And although he consid-
ered the serious subjects the тох! impor-
tant, he realized he had to cover such
requisite questions as "What's it like to
have women chasing after you all the
“What I liked most about him was how
truly embarrassed he was by all the adula-
tion, Overall, he was more thoughtful than
his image as a hunk had allowed, though
being thoughtful doesn't necessarily mean
being colorful or provocative. While insist-
ing that his preferences in women were a
private matter, he was frank in discussing
how tough it can be for a sex symbol to get
an interesting date. He also exhibited a
tender side, speaking candidly about his
former wife, Jacquelyn, and her son,
Kevin, whom he treats as his оит.
“But the pressures were getting to him,
that much was clear. When he remarked
wryly that his eyes were not blue but
‘brown and red,’ he wasn't just joking.
He's being pulled in hundreds of direc-
tions, and his schedule is probably more
demanding than this particular U.S. Pres-
ident’s. It was on that note that we began
the interview.”
PLAYBOY: Your schedule, by almost any
standard, seems impossibly busy. How are
you keeping up with it?
SELECK: Barely. I’m just trying to ensure
that it doesn’t get in the way of my acting.
There's no time to study scripts or think
about a performance. I have been running
from one project to the next for what
seems to be years. Since Magnum became
a hit, 1 went straight through without
pausing for a break from my first season to
a TV movie, Divorce Wars, working
about 14 hours a day; finished that about
10:30 on a Saturday night, then flew
straight to Hawaii to start the second sea-
son of Magnum on Monday. I had
planned a month off before going to Yugo-
slavia for High Road to China, but the
series went about a month over, so I had
five days to get from Hawaii to L.A.—
where I did promotion for Divorce Wars.
After High Road, at long last, 1 was sup-
posed to have six weeks off before the next
season of Magnum. High Road went way
over schedule; and immediately after that,
an old commitment came up—to work
with some friends on a TV Western on
location in Mexico; then it was back to
L.A. for another week of High Road;
straight back to Hawaii to start Magnum
again; nine months of that; another film,
Lassiter, in London; and now Magnum
again. . . . Whew, this has turned into a
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you deta $i like.
f$ Php “an 1983
long-winded explanation, hasn’t it?
PLAYBOY: And we were going to ask you
what you do in your spare time. How has
being in such demand affected your
SELLECK: The point I was trying to make is
that I don’t have the time to work on parts
the way I would like to. At a certain point,
you think, Well, if I weren't quite so
burned out, if I had some time to charge
my batteries, I might be doing better work.
My philosophy about all this attention—
posing for pictures, signing autographs,
doing interviews—is that it’s great to have
fans and ГІЇ do everything I can for them,
but never at the expense of what goes up
оп the screen. If I get so tired that I can’t
do as well in front of the cameras, it’s all
pointless. A long time ago, when I played
sports in high school and college, I learned
something that applies to this business,
too: There are no excuses. You're judged
on your performance. When an audience
sees you up on the screen, it doesn’t care,
and it shouldn’t care, whether you have
the flu or you just got some bad news or
you’re in the middle of a divorce or you
just drove your car off the roof of a build-
ing [grins slyly|—or anything. People just
want to be entertained. So I’m not making
excuses. I go into every new role really
worried and scared. The first few days are
very difficult. So I myself, though some-
times I wonder if Pm pushing too much.
[As if on cue, there is а knock on the
door of Selleck’s trailer and a voice calls
out, “They're ready for you in front of the
camera.” After working on a three-minute
scene for 20 minutes, Selleck returns.]
PLAYBOY: You were talking about pushing
yourself too hard.
SELLECK: Yeah, I know pressure is part of
the job, but I understand how people can
fall into the trap of thinking they need
something artificial to get them going. It’s
a huge trap people fall into—the feeling
that you need drugs to keep your body
going when you're on a schedule like this.
I flat-out don't take drugs. But a real
problem for me is the nature of the work,
with this many nonstop commitments, An
actor has to observe people, even when
he’s not doing it consciously. Actors are
students of behavior. And if Pm around
only film crews, TV crews and PR people
all the time, I get an isolated, parochial
idea of what’s going on. Keeping in touch
with “normal” people is very important—
otherwise, you get smug. You think you
know what's going on, but you don’t. You
lose your sense of judgment. I think it hap-
pens to a lot of actors when they get “very
hot.” They lose contact with the real
PLAYBOY: How do you fight that?
SELLECK: My big anchor has been my fami-
ly. It’s always there to put me in my place
if Pm getting a bit full of myself. My best
friends are my brothers and sister. The
family is there, like a rock. There are a
few other friends, but things have changed
with my acquaintances. Some people I
(CIR) Paco Rabanne Parfums Photograph by Robert Farber
How’s the Great American
Novel going?
So far it reads more like the turgid
insights of a lonely Albanian
Did I hear the word “lonely”?
There's a fog rolling in.
You're in Pawgansett, dear. It
holds the world record for fog.
The "t" in my typewriter is
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than that.
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And you want me to catch the
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Bring a bottle of Paco Rabani
would you? The maidens are
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went to school with whom I haven’t talked
to since I went to college call me up and
just want to say hi—and just happen to
have a business proposition. I don’t really
consider them friends. So besides my fami-
ly and a few close friends, it gets harder
and harder to be with “normal” people; it
just isn’t quite the same thing when every-
body recognizes you. You can’t just go
PLAYBOY: How has that affected you?
SELLECK: It’s very hard. I like to spend time
with myself, such as going down to the
beach, sitting on a towel and reading a
book. I can’t do that now. But as much of a
pain in the neck as it can be, I try to do it: I
go to the beach, do my own shopping. The
alternative is to shut yourself up in your
house, your little fortress, but I don’t think
that’s too healthy.
It’s not just the loss of privacy that is
dangerous. You also get all these perks
when you're in my position. They're
great, and you enjoy them so much you
begin to expect them. People give me free
things, send me stuff they’d like me to
wear on the show.
PLAYBOY: [Indicating a stack of shoe boxes
in the corner] Such as those dozens of
pairs of size 11%s?
SELLECK: Yeah, but more than the gifts, it’s
the way you're treated. You go into a res-
taurant and you get the best table. Then
you get to the point where if you walk into
a restaurant and they treat you like a nor-
mal person, you’re outraged. It becomes
“Don’t you know who I am?” It’s non-
sense, but it’s there. I mean, I pose for so
many pictures that one time, a man came
up to me with a camera and said, “Excuse
me.” I almost said, in a weary tone of
voice, “Sure, ТЇЇ take a picture with you
and your girl.” But before I could patron-
ize him, he said, “Could you please take a
picture of us in front of that landmark
over there?” I had just assumed they had
recognized me! It gets worse: When I was
invited to the Kennedy Center, I was pos-
ing for pictures with the President and
Mrs. Reagan. Dudley Moore and a gover-
nor were there, and after about eight pic-
tures were taken, I realized I was standing
next to Mrs. Reagan with my arm around
her! I was so used to posing with fans that
I did it subconsciously.
PLAYBOY: At least you keep a sense of
humor about all of it.
SELLECK: But the point is, I don’t want the
best table! And I don’t know where in the
rulebook it says that people’s standards
change with a “public figure.” I'd learned
that it is rude to interrupt somebody's din-
ner, especially when he’s in the middle of
a bite. But people do that all the time. I
don’t yell at people who do that stuff, but
sometimes, somebody asks me for an auto-
graph when I’m eating and I say, “No,
but Pd be happy to if you'd wait until Pm
through eating.” Then he goes away and I
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feel guilty. I realize ГИ never see this per-
son again and that the ten seconds he spent
with me is his impression of me for the
rest of his life.
PLAYBOY: Looking on the bright side, we
imagine that you don't have much trouble
getting a date these days.
ЅЕЦЕСК: It may be easier to date a group-
ie; it's a lot harder to get a date with a
woman I really find interesting. And I
don't get specifically propositioned as
much as people think. It might be refresh-
ing if I did! [Laughs] Women think that 7
think—it gets complicated [/aughs]—
they're an easy mark for me because Pm
on a television show. You get into this
think-counterthink nonsense. Some wom-
en don’t want 10 go out with me for dinner
and end up in the gossip pages the next
day. In general, Гуе found I have more to
overcome with interesting women.
All of that attention has turned me into
a very slow worker with women. I’m less
apt to hop in the sack with someone—for a
lot of reasons. 1 don’t want to be Magnum
in bed with somebody, I really don’t. I
don’t think I can be that guy she has in her
head. You're going to fail if you try to live
up to that image. So, instead, you try to
figure out where people are at.
PLAYBOY: Are you pretty good at that?
SELLECK: No. I’ve gotten burned quite a bit.
Tm not great at it, and I have more trepi-
dations than ever. I realize there is a
certain natural curiosity, but sometimes 1
feel like a mascot. I get asked to parties a
lot. 1 don’t really have much time for
them, but when I did, I'd spend about two
hours taking pictures with very sophisti-
cated, often very wealthy people, and
they'd have their kids there and I'd feel
like a pet at the party. I find that’s very
insulting, It would be real nice to just go to
a party and sit and talk with people. It can
be the same thing with a woman who you
finally figure out is mostly interested in
being seen with you. For obvious reasons,
you have a tendency to question people’s
motives—and most people do have a mo-
tive or an ax to grind, or they want some-
thing. On my bad days, when I’m not
thinking quite right, I have the feeling
that everybody is tugging on my sleeve and
wanting something—but it’s part of the
job, as I say.
PLAYBOY: It’s tough being a sex symbol,
ЅЕЦЕСК: Let's just say there are two sides
to the coin. As Paul Newman once said
when he was asked how he felt about all
the women chasing him, “Where were
they when I needed them?” I was always
shy with women. When I was a teenager,
there was an enormous preoccupation
with girls; but I lost my virginity at a far
more advanced age than my peer group.
If you keep a sense of humor about it,
you realize that the attention has nothing
to do with you, It’s all image. I mean, it's
flattering, it’s nice to get the attention, and
I'm as weak as the next guy about it. Гуе
been at parties and met somebody who
obviously wanted to meet me because of
the image of the show, which can be a fine
way to be introduced. But the extent to
which we actually dated was in direct pro-
portion to how fast that syndrome went
away. If what you do for a living is the
main thing, it gets old real fast.
PLAYBOY: What does a sex symbol feel
SELLECK: The whole sex-symbol thing is
absurd. It would be ridiculous if I started
buying that stuff. And if macho and
“hunk” and 32 other titles come with that
of sex symbol, I don’t want it at all. I have
a hunch that the best directors in Holly-
wood don’t want to work with a sex sym-
bol. They want to work with a good actor.
105 just another media hype. There is no
event in which the hottest new sex symbol
is picked. You don’t get a degree in sex
symbolism, I don't even see Magnum as a
sex symbol. I think he is a well-rounded
character. He screws up a lot. He's not
always right. He doesn’t always say the
right thing to women and he doesn't
always get the girl. So the sex-symbol
thing is meant to sell magazines; next
year, there will be a new “hottest sex sym-
bol.” The healthiest way to operate is to
treat all of this as a job. In the over-all
scheme of things, it's not that important.
I've said it before: Pm not curing cancer.
I'm not really that important. Everybody
talks in terms of his career. When I hear
myself doing that, I try to correct myself
and refer to it as a job. That's what it is.
It's a fun job—on my good days, I feel like
Pm stealing money—but that’s what it is
The biggest help I've had in keeping this
in perspective is the 13 or 14 years when I
wasn't the hottest thing since sliced
PLAYBOY: What do you think of all the
press coverage you've had these past cou-
ple of years?
SELLECK: I think some of the exposure is
good. I just don’t want people to get tired
of me. It’s been very frustrating trying to
hold it down, especially when you very
politely say no to people you think are
ethical and they write about you anyway.
Sometimes, the press can threaten you,
which also amazes me: “We're going to do
an article anyway, so you may as well
cooperate and give us an interview.”
PLAYBOY: Do you succumb to those
SELECK: When you talk with attorneys,
you realize you have absolutely no legal
right to stop them; it’s very frustrating.
But you cannot give in to blackmail. The
less scrupulous people in the business hide
behind the First Amendment and “the
public’s right to know.” Those are just
excuses for the press to exploit you
because you happen to sell magazines at
that particular time. There is a difference
between reporting news and exploiting
people. Immediately after my son and I
had the accident [in which Selleck’s car
was driven off the third story of a parking
garage], I called my press agent so she
could get out the word that we were OK,
so my family and friends wouldn’t worry.
A press release was put out that told about
the accident and said that I was fine. But a
friend heard a TV bulletin interrupting a
program, saying—believe it or not—
“Tom Selleck involved in accident. News
at 11.” That's all it said! It is completely
irresponsible and exploitative—they knew
by then that there was nothing to the
story—and that was by the so-called legit-
imate press, not the National Enquirer.
It’s a bit frightening. I believe strongly
in a free press, and 1 think it’s one of the
great strengths of our system of Govern-
ment. But with every freedom comes a
responsibility. If you abuse the responsi-
bility, you run the risk of losing the frec-
dom. If you're willing to give up the
responsibility, you'll probably lose the
freedom. 1 worry about that. 1 worry
about an overreaction to a small element
of the press that is unethical and makes a
bad environment for the rest of the press.
PLAYBOY: An unauthorized biography of
you was published. Did you have any-
thing to do with that?
SELECK: Absolutely not. It’s quite bizarre
to have someone you never met write your
so-called life story. All of that was a shock
to me. I felt a little raped one of the first
times it happened. Гуе gotten thicker-
skinned about it, but I don't like it. The
fact that I could turn something down and
people could still do it was a shock to me.
And the fact that people could make up
stories—literally make up lies and print
them and get away with it—was a shock
to me.
PLAYBOY: All of that has a familiar ring to
it. Isn’t it just the price of celebrity?
: Says who? In a sense, they're say-
ing, “Your only recourse is to sue,” which
isn’t my favorite pastime. A lot of this does
come with the territory, and my shoulders
have to be broad enough for it. But it
doesn't affect just me—it affects my son, it
affects my ex-wife, it affects my mother,
my father, my brothers and my sister. It
affected my grandmother until she died
When she was very ill in her hospital
room, people showed her stories about me
that were lies. It was upsetting for her.
PLAYBOY: What sorts of stories are the most
SELLECK: I may be a bit unrealistic, but 1
don’t feel it’s anybody’s business whom |
date. The public may be interested in
whom I date, but I don't think it has the
right to know. I think that’s my own busi-
ness. There have been countless stories
about people 1 supposedly dated—and
sometimes we were a continent apart
When I was in Yugoslavia, I was suppos-
edly having a mad affair with Victoria
Principal, who was in Texas or California
or somewhere. Linda Evans is ап ac-
quaintance, and we have mutual friends,
and I like her very much—and sudden-
ly, the press had us having a mad
affair, because 1 joined a group she was
with one night at a restaurant. I like her.
Гуе met Victoria Principal, and she is very
nice. I might be able to be friends with
them. But I don’t want them to think that
I'm encouraging stories about them to get
publicity; that gets in the way of friend-
PLAYBOY: With the success of your show,
are you concerned that you'll be typecast
as Magnum?
SELLECK: Of course it’s a concern. It puts
you into a box, and you're trapped there.
My solution is to always surprise the
audience a little bit. There are surprises in
Magnum. And there were surprises in my
character in High Road to China and
there are some in my new picture, Lassi-
ter. І don't think the audience is going to
accept my doing character parts yet, but I
would like to do them in the future. For
now, I think all I can do is try to expand
myself each time 1 do something—a little
bit, within the framework of what I figure
the audience is going to accept.
PLAYBOY: Do you really think you’ve done
that with your movie roles? Critics have
suggested you've simply played different
versions of Tom Selleck.
SEWECK: 1 think that if I'm doing my job
right in a picture such as Lassiter, for
instance, people are going to say, “He’s
playing himself.” In a way, that’s a big
compliment to me—I’ve made the roles
believable. But in all the work Гуе done
lately, from the series to the TV movies to
Lassiter, I've considered my characters
very different. To me, they’re all a bit of a
stretch, which is very important.
PLAYBOY: We’re not sure what you mean.
‘Thomas Magnum and Patrick O'Malley
in High Road, for example, are similar
character types.
SELLECK: I agree that they aren’t really dif-
ferent, but if I go 180 degrees away from
how the audience thinks of me just to
prove I can act, Pm not so sure they're
going to accept it. But if I try to stretch a
litle bit here and a little bit there, gradu-
ally, I will be able to do drastically differ-
ent roles. It was important to me that
there not be any Magnumisms in my
characters in the feature films.
In Lassiter, 1 play a thief, which posed
an interesting acting problem: The way
the film is structured, the audience has to
like me, but I steal from people. I kind of
wrestled with that for a while. I discovered
that it’s important for a character like that
to have a code. It’s not necessarily impor-
tant that the audience know precisely
what that code is, but it’s important that
he operate consistently, whatever his code
may be—important that it’s clear to the
audience that he does operate from a set of
values. Anyway, who knows what will
happen? ГЇЇ let you know in about ten
years whether or not it worked. I believe I
can overcome typecasting.
PLAYBOY: What the difference between
working in television and in movies?
SELLECK: The first thing I was aware of in
the movies was that my eyeball was going
to be ten feet tall. My mouth was going to
be six feet wide. It’s so much larger than
life that it’s a bit frightening. But movies
and TV are largely the same techniques,
the same cameras. The difference is the
page count and the amount of time you
spend on each scene. I have always felt
that in either medium, an actor gets a lot
more credit—or blame—than he deserves.
Sometimes, you forget that a writer wrote
the script. And film making is a collabora-
tive effort. As self-centered as we want to
get, we just can’t make it alone in
PLAYBOY: Would you eventually prefer to
do only films?
SELLECK: It's great being able to do both.
There was a time, about five or six years
ago, when if I had to leave a television
series, nobody would touch me in a film. I
think it's very positive and healthy that
those barriers are breaking down. An
actor should act. The problem was not the
public but a prejudice within the industry
It’s a myth that audiences won’t pay to see
you in a movie if they can see you for free
on TV. The television market is a huge,
world-wide one now. Magnum was in 50
countries after the first year and a half.
High Road did the best in the countries
that had broadcast Magnum, but five or
six years ago, people would have consid-
ered that a curse.
PLAYBOY: Do you admit that the biggest
selling factor in High Road was Tom
Selleck? The picture made money, but the
reviews were mixed, at best.
SELLECK: Well, 1 think it was a good movie,
but if people came to see me, that’s great. 1
hope they keep coming, because I want to
keep making movies. And 1 prefer calling
them movies. I think we can really get full
of ourselves when all of a sudden it’s “са-
reers” and “films.”
PLAYBOY: Didn't you almost become а
movie star before becoming a TV star
when George Lucas offered you Harrison
Ford's role in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
SELLECK: Yes. I was also going to do Victor/
Victoria, by Blake Edwards. Both would
have been exciting projects, but when
there were scheduling conflicts, I chose
PLAYBOY: Any regrets?
SELECK: No. I can't imagine anybody
doing a better job than Ford did. It’s his
movie, his accomplishment. It was offered
to me, and I tested for it. Га already done
the pilot for Magnum, and when Lucas
and Steven Spielberg offered me Raiders,
CBS picked up my option for Magnum.
The network tried to talk them into delay-
ing it, but it didn’t work. I have always felt
a sense of accomplishment in that 1 tested
for the part and got it.
I know it’s easy for me to say now, since
Magnum became such a hit. Raiders was
such a successful film that had Magnum
gone on the air and been canceled
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after four shows, I might have been
depressed. Really depressed
[Another knock. “Rehearsals, Tom!”
After a half hour, the interview resumes.]
PLAYBOY: You've been called the new
Gable, the new Redford, the new New-
man. Is that kind of PR hard to live up
SELLECK: If it comes from the PR people, I
say, “Forget it, guys.” I just laugh. If a
critic says it, I think all you can be is
flattered by that stuff. There isn’t going to
be another Gable or Redford or Newman.
“To be mentioned in the same sentence is
real flattering. Pm a big fan of all those
people. The problem with buying any of
that stuff yourself is that next year, they'll
be calling somebody else the new Gable. If
you really buy that, you've got a long way
to fall when it changes—and it will
change. Actors have a lot of hills and
valleys in their careers, and I see no reason
that I won’t have a few more valleys in the
future. I don’t want to fall that far.
PLAYBOY: Perhaps even more flattering,
there has been a lot of publicity about
actors who are “new Sellecks.” How do
you feel about all your imitators?
SELLECK: Well, I guess it’s flattering to be
considered a prototype, or whatever it is,
but Гуе seen a lot of the shows you're
talking about. The actors they're calling
Selleck clones may be doing shows that
follow a certain trend in TV, but they are
all unique; they are all good actors and
they work very hard. You don’t last very
long in TV if you can't act. I just feel bad
for the other actors—guys who have stud-
ied their craft. I don't think they want to
hear that stuff. They should be able to
celebrate their own success. It’s their
achievement; it has nothing to do with me.
They are performing the best they know
how. I’m sure it bugs them to be called a
hunk or anybody’s clone.
PLAYBOY: Do you have any theories about
the phenomenal success of Magnum?
SEUECK: I honestly don’t. I did six other
pilots that were never sold, and in some of
them, I was as good an actor as I was
when I did Magnum. I think a lot of it is
timing, and a lot of it is script. A lot of
reviews call Magnum an action/adven-
ture show or a hunk show, but I don’t
think people who write those really watch
it. To me, our show is about people. The
interaction among the characters is every-
thing. We don’t have a car chase in
every show. I don’t shoot somebody in
every show. What we always have is inter-
action among the characters, particularly
the regulars. In fact, I like the little sub-
plots that always work better than the
main plot—the case that’s being solved.
Whatever it was, somehow we were lucky
enough to catch an audience.
PLAYBOY: Do you keep tabs on Magnum’s
ЅЕЦЕСК: No, I don't. I think all we can do
is produce the best show possible. I don’t
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have a lot of time to watch ТУ, which
bothers me, because I want to keep my
knowledge of the talent pool out there and
a sense of the product that is being put out.
When I have a chance to watch, ГЇЇ watch
Magnum. I'm not one of those people who
watch only educational ТУ and news and
sports. I definitely like television. I just
don't have much time. I used to really
enjoy Harry-O and The Rockford Files.
I'm a big James Garner fan. Oh, yeah, I
love Hill Street Blues.
PLAYBOY: How do you honestly rate yours
against those other shows you like?
ЅЕЦЕСК: I consider our show pretty heady.
Pm very proud of it. We make people
laugh—which is very difficult, probably
more difficult than making them cry—and
we have made them cry, too. Of course,
we've done some episodes that were real
turkeys. I think the audience will forgive
you for the ones that don’t quite make it if
you are adventurous. We work hard on
each one. I don’t want them to come back
to haunt me, showing that during the
fourth and fifth years, I sold out, I really
slacked off. You can do that; it’s real easy
to get smug and complacent.
PLAYBOY: How do you respond to the nega-
tive reviews of the show?
SELECK: 1 don't mind being reviewed by
people who don’t like our show, but I
don’t like the ones who claim it’s some-
thing that it isn’t—such as a show where I
run around with my shirt off all the time.
Well, I don’t. Since the show’s inception,
when Magnum is troubled, he goes out
and swims laps. And when I’m swimming
laps, I'm in swim trunks; it makes sense,
doesn’t it? Sometimes, I even come out of
the water.
I do have the power to eliminate any-
thing from a script that seems like gratu-
itous nudity—and I do, because I don't
like running around with my shirt off. T
admit I'm sensitive about it now, because
of all the press. But there are certain times
when not wearing a shirt is very natural. I
mean, we're shooting in Hawaii, for God's
PLAYBOY: Steve McGarrett of Hawaii
Five-O wore a suit and a tie.
SELLECK: The Honolulu police do that. Pm
nat playing a policeman who has to go into
the office.
PLAYBOY: You mentioned the hunk label.
That's been used a lot. How do you feel
about it?
SELLECK: Well, it’s a real interesting theory
that I owe my success to being a hunk. But
1 have been in the business for about 15
years, and until Magnum, I wasn’t really
doing that well. If that’s all there is to it,
why didn’t it work for me all those years?
Actually, it’s something writers concocted
to sell magazines. A woman recently
wrote a commentary in TV Guide on the
“hunk shows.” First of all, to lump six or
eight hard-working actors together in one
category is very bigoted. She probably
read two or three other articles and fig-
ured that this was a trend and might sell
some magazines.
I do agree that there are trends in the
business—that’s unmistakable. Magnum
followed them, too. We couldn’t have bro-
ken a lot of the barriers on Magnum with-
out a show such as Rockford Files before
us. It proved that a detective character can
have a three-dimensional life; he doesn’t
have to solve every case.
PLAYBOY: But to stay with the subject, are
you insulted by the hunk label?
SELLECK: No, І don't get insulted by that if
they're talking about my appearance. I’m
Not going to sit with you and analyze that
stufi—if somebody says, “You look nice,”
am I supposed to say, “I know”? It just
goes against my grain. I don’t think there’s
anything wrong with a certain modesty.
And it’s not phony. You can have self-
confidence and not run around blowing
your horn all the time. All the attention to
my appearance is a little embarrassing.
Whatever my appearance is, it is part оГ
my instrument. 1 just try to watch that my
publicity doesn’t get to a level where I
consider it exploitative. As I say, I want to
work in ten years. And, frankly, I think
the jury is still out on me. If people want
to say that I got this job on my looks, that’s
fine. But, again, Рус been in this business
for about 15 years, and my appearance
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wasn’t any big deal until now. In fact,
there are more instances where it hurt me
rather than helped me.
PLAYBOY: Such as?
SELECK: Every actor I know has the same
cross to bear: When he walks into an
office, there are certain stereotypes he has
to overcome to get that job. If you're trying
for a serious part and they know you from
comedy, it’s “Oh, no; he’s too funny.”
Someone may, at first glance, seem too tall
for a part or have the wrong voice. If you
walk in and they know you’re a former
basketball player from USC who has done
modeling, they say, “Oh, here comes a big
dummy.” You’re written off before you
walk in. I did а lot of parts in commercials
that were definitely first-impression parts.
You walk into a room and they say,
“Well, he looks fine." But I had a problem
when it got past that, to having to speak.
SELLECK: When I was 25, I looked as if 1
were in my 30s, but I sounded about 12
But gradually, I got work. If you do a
good job, people ask you back. Slowly—
very slowly- you overcome whatever
stereotype there was.
PLAYBOY: Your complaint sounds like the
male version of the dumb-blonde-actress
SELLECK: Well, I think it’s tougher on
women. A lot of it is due to the fact that in
our business, most of the people who give
out the jobs are men. There's such a thing
as chemistry. If a male producer finds an
actress attractive, he's more likely to give
her a job. But I've never had any kind of
personal proposition from a man or a
woman at an interview. Anyway, I think
I'm being taken more seriously, so maybe
T'm going in the right direction
PLAYBOY: One reason your show is taken
seriously is the presence of the Vietnam
legacy in your scripts—with three Viet-
nam vets as characters, Magnum is
unique on TV.
SELLECK: We do get a lot of mail from veter-
ans who are grateful for our show. They
have seen Vietnam veterans depicted on
television as maladjusted sex maniacs or
psychotic killers suffering from delayed
stress. They can’t thank us enough for
presenting an image that is relatively posi-
tive of three guys who served in Vietnam,
who had different views about it and who
emerged as relatively normal people who
have made relatively normal lives for
themselves, And that is the case with most
of the people who served in Vietnam. But
some of the shows I'm proudest of are the
silliest ones. Of course, I lean that way
anyway. Pd rather make a fool out of
myself than anything else. We've done
ery silly shows
How do you respond to the criti-
cism of Magnum’s violence?
SELLECK: Violence is one of the elements of
drama, so a certain amount is necessary,
particularly in a show with a detective
plot. But Magnum isn’t excessively vio-
lent. People who say it is don't watch the
show. And I do worry about television’s
preoccupation with violence. One reaction
to that concern has been to show the same
amount of violence but less of its results:
The camera will zoom onto the gun and
you won’t see the body. To me, that’s
worse. You should show the consequences.
There certainly is gratuitous violence on
television. If a show doesn’t hold itself up,
it has to rely on violence and car chases
You see cars crashing into one another all
over the place. Again, you don’t see the
consequences. I've been in a car accident.
It’s not that much fun. So, yes, I am con-
cerned about the image we portray. Kids,
in particular, don’t always separate reality
from fiction. A letter from a kid saying, “I
love to see you drive fast in the Ferrari”
worries me.
PLAYBOY: After a day on the set, do you get
into a Ferrari?
ЅЕЦЕСК: I don’t drive it. Ferrari has given
me one to use, but it got impossible here—
it was like driving a flag around. Too
bad, because it’s a wonderful car. Who
wouldn’t want to drive a Ferrari?
PLAYBOY: In any case, is it hard not to be
Magnum when you leave the set?
SELLECK: I know Pm not Magnum when
Pm off the set. Pm reminded enough of
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my mortality: My knees hurt when I play
sports and all sorts of things.
PLAYBOY: Do you do any of your own
SELLECK: I do some, but I don’t have a com-
pulsion to do all my own stunts; I think it’s
unprofessional. If I get hurt, 150 people
on the Magnum set are hung up. There
are not many days they can shoot our
show without me. If Pm working on a
movie, it could be many more people and
lots of money. For a while, I stopped
everything—including sports, which have
always been a part of my life. But Гуе
managed to break my nose a couple of
times since I’ve been here. I play competi-
tive volleyball, which is а very fast game;
the ball can be spiked at about 90 mph. I
worked with a very dark spot on my nose
for a while. I try to be professional, but
you can carry that only so far.
The most unprofessional thing I ever
did was this year, while I was working on
Lassiter. 1 played on the Outrigger Canoe
Club volleyball team and we made the
championships, but I had to be in London
when they were scheduled. By coinci-
dence, I was asked to speak at Bob Hope’s
80th birthday party at the Kennedy Cen-
ter. I hate speaking publicly, but how do
you say no to Hope and the President?
Because of that, I was able to schedule
time off from Lassiter, even though we
had just started shooting that week. I got
two days off. I asked for an extra day,
claiming it was for rehearsal, then char-
tered a Learjet to take me back and forth
between Washington and Memphis,
where the volleyball championships were
being held. I holed up with the team in a
motel—two to a room—and we won the
championships! I was like a kid, laughing
over what Pd done. But winning that
tournament was the biggest achievement
of my life.
PLAYBOY: That certainly doesn’t rank up
there with the worst crimes ever confessed.
You mentioned earlier that you don’t do
drug —
SEUECK: And I think it's important to say
that in interviews. I’ve lost close friends to
drugs. I don’t want to sound puritanical,
and I'm hardly a saint—I have my share
of vices, but drugs aren’t one of them.
PLAYBOY: What are?
SELLECK: For starters, I no longer sneak
around clotheslines and steal underwear.
[Laughs] I don’t know. I've been known to
drink too much. But I don’t enjoy getting
drunk. I like some wine with dinner.
PLAYBOY: OK. For the record, what is the
story behind the headline-making accident
involving you, your stepson and a parking
ешеск: Well, I had a few fender benders
when my dad was teaching me how to
drive. It was like that with my stepson,
Kevin. I was teaching him how to drive a
stick-shift car. He had a little problem
with the clutch at just the right time: We
happened to be on top of a three-story
parking garage. We went over the edge
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and hit the ground. We walked away; we
couldn’t have been any luckier. But what
was awful about it was that the poor kid
made a small mistake and it was in the
newspapers and they gave it to him at
school. He’s weathered all that—he has it
in the right perspective, I think—but it’s
an example of what my family has to go
through because of me. He is getting the
brunt of my success without the perks.
PLAYBOY: What is your relationship with
SELLECK: It’s a heightened reality: dad for a
month. But it’s nice in that the time is
about as normal as possible. I don’t want
to be Santa Claus for a month when I sce
him, though that’s the tendency. I’m still
dealing with the guilt that my marriage to
his mother split up. But we manage to
have some kind of normal life. At least we
try. We went over to McDonald’s the
other night for some hamburgers, and I
had to sit in the car and he had to get them
for us. We sneak into movies after the
lights go down. It’s a little bizarre.
PLAYBOY: During the split-up of your mar-
riage, you were in Divorce Wars. Was
that merely a coincidence?
SELLECK: Believe it or not, it was. But your
personal life does affect your work in front
of the camera. It was scary. The character
was very different from me and he didn’t
handle the situation as I did, but I felt
what he was going through.
PLAYBOY: Did the split-up with your wife,
Jacki, have anything to do with the pres-
Sure on you when Magnum took off?
SELECK: Not at all. Perhaps there would
have been trouble, because doing a televi-
sion series is one of the worst strains on a
relationship there can ever be, but the
plain and simple fact is that the problem
my wife and I had had come to a head six
months before I ever did the pilot for
Magnum. Of course, stories were written
about my getting hot and dumping my
wife. There were other mean stories that
spoke more derogatorily of my wife than
of me. Maybe the writers figured she
didn’t have the resources to pursue them
legally; I don't know. It really infuriated
me. I asked for this. She didn’t.
PLAYBOY: Because of all that—and all the
sex-symbol craziness we've talked about—
would it be difficult for you to have a seri-
ous relationship with a woman now?
SEWECK: Yeah, and I worry about that.
‘The nature of the work means there are
long separations, which are hard enough.
Then, when the articles start coming out
about you and the leading lady becoming
an item—and, no, I don’t get involved
with people I work with—it eventually
has some effect. Also, I work so hard, 1 go
home like a zombie sometimes. At some
point, the woman would—and should—
say, “What about me? What about us?”
Гуе resigned myself to the fact that it
would be very tough to have that now.
Whatever happens, happens. But I really
worry that someone may not even be
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getting a chance because of all this
PLAYBOY: You don’t get involved with
people you work with?
ЅЕЦЕСК: I think it’s a big mistake. You
can't control your emotions, but let's say
you become infatuated with somebody
you're going to be working with for the
next four weeks. And you get involved.
And something happens after the first
week so you're not involved anymore. You
have three weeks of hell in front of you.
Especially if you are portraying lovers.
PLAYBOY: Did you learn that from personal
[Selleck smiles.]
Come on, "fess up.
SELLECK: Sometimes you fail
PLAYBOY: Anyone we'd know?
[Selleck grins, points to sealed lips.]
Let's move on—or back. Did you grow
up a fan of movies and television?
$ЕШЕСК: [ was a bigger sports fan than
anything, but I grew up on Jimmy
Stewart, John Wayne, Henry Fonda,
Gary Cooper; Wayne, particularly. Pve
always loved old movies. I've always
watched a lot of movies on-TV. I will stay
up until three AM. to watch a terrible hor-
ror film. It’s got to be really bad, though.
PLAYBOY: On your list of favorite leading
ladies, is there one you would most want
to work with?
SELLECK: The list is enormous. I hate to list
them, because ГЇЇ leave somebody out.
There's one: Audrey Hepburn. Ill leave it
at that.
PLAYBOY: When did you decide to go into
SELIECK: At USC, I was in a fraternity—
‘Animal House was a parody, but ours was
sort of like that, a jock house. I certainly
didn’t want to be an actor. I never even
thought of this business. I fantasized about
playing professional baseball, especially
when I was younger. When I got offered a
contract at Fox, I was still at college and
I'd never done any acting. But a friend of
mine talked me into trying it. I took a
drama class in college—because it was
supposed to be an easy course—and the
teacher said my friend and I were good
types for commercials. My friend went out
and found a photographer to take pictures
and all that, so I sort of followed his lead.
Then, without really trying, I got the
same commercial agent. 1 went on a few
interviews and never got anything except
something in an Air Force training film.
Eventually, after my last season of
basketball, I got a Pepsi commercial
not because I gave a brilliant reading but
because I could stuff a basketball with
either hand. About that time, I also went
on The Dating Game a couple of times.
1 was bachelor number two—and, no,
1 wasn’t picked. But somebody at Fox
saw me on the show and called me to au-
dition a scene, The studio put me under
contract. I think I started out at $65 a
week. "That's when I took acting classes,
voice classes—though nothing helped my
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voice—and dance class.
PLAYBOY: So your first acting jobs were in
television commercials?
SELECK- Yeah, commercials were what
kept me alive. I’ve always felt I’d rather do
a silly commercial than take a silly acting
part for the money. When I got more suc-
cessful in commercials, it gave me the abil-
ity to turn down the acting parts I knew I
shouldn't do. I had one job in the year and
a half before I did the pilot for Magnum,
by my own choice. I was even able to say
no to Magnum when they first offered it to
me, because I didn’t feel it was right—it
wasn’t quite the same show it is now. It
was more in the James Bond category,
and that wasn’t what I wanted to do.
PLAYBOY: When did you begin acting in a
SELECK: The commercials were in the
early Seventies. I had already gotten some
parts—one starring role and one lead in a
pilot for a series. I also did a remake of
The Best Years of Our Lives, in which I
had one of the three leads. I had already
done that stuff, and then I did a print
commercial for Salem cigarettes and be-
came known as the Salem Man. But I
moved away from that, and for the next 12
years or so, I did dozens of soap operas,
pilots and movies of the week until
Magnum came along.
PLAYBOY: Your college years were in the
late Sixties. What was your situation with
Vietnam and the draft?
БЕШЕСК: Around the time I was in college
and got that contract from Fox, I got
called for my physical, which meant I was
going to be drafted in about three months.
Thad a student deferment, and I was very
concerned. I didn’t particularly want to
get shot at, but I firmly believed in my
commitment, my military obligation.
It seemed as if the best way to fulfill my
obligation and still work with Fox was to
get into the National Guard. If I were
drafted, I would have gone away for two
or three years. By enlisting in the Nation-
al Guard, I went on active duty for only
six months of training and then served one
weekend a month, plus two weeks in the
summer, for six years. I was an Infantry
soldier at the time things were getting a
little dicey. Two days after I got back from
active duty, we were activated to go to
Vietnam. All of a sudden, after enlisting
so I could stay in the States and work, I
was in an Infantry unit that was going to
Vietnam! Two days after that order came
in, it was rescinded, but our unit was the
first unit in the Guard, so every time any-
thing happened—fires, floods—we were
activated. I remember some terrible times
when Bobby Kennedy was shot and we
were sent to guard the armory in case
something happened.
It was a very political time, and the
rhetoric got turned into such nonsense.
Every once in a while, somebody would
find out I was in the National Guard and
Pd get accusations like "You're support-
ing killing.” The National Guard was not
the most popular place to be then. The
scariest time for me was when we were
called into the riots at Isla Vista near San-
ta Barbara. William Kunstler spoke to a
mass rally. He gave a speech, getting
people riled up. But when a riot broke out,
he wasn’t so courageous leaving right
afterward. He was good at letting other
people get arrested and leaving kids in vol-
atile situations where they could be seri-
ously hurt. Гуе never forgotten that.
I was stationed in front of the Bank of
America, where the riot started. We had
roadblocks throughout the town. I didn’t
want to be there. I did not like the idea of
being stuck in an adversary situation
against people I considered peers. Nobody
did. That was about the time of Kent
State, and we were all aware of the vola-
tile situation we were in. After Kent State,
we all asked, “How can anybody possibly
shoot anybody, especially unarmed kids?”
There's no answer to that question. But I
got some insight into it in Isla Vista in the
middle of one night. We didn’t know what
was going on—we were not adequately
trained for the situation. I didn’t want to
hurt anybody. And somebody was going to
get hurt; we were just waiting for some-
thing to happen.
We hadn't gotten much sleep in the past
24 hours, and we were going to be up all
night at our post. We were given orders to
lock and load when we saw a mass of
people coming down the street toward us.
I refused to load. I don't know why—it
was as if I couldn’t comprehend the seri-
ousness of the situation. But the potential
for tragedy was there. I remember one guy
in charge of our unit panicked. That’s
why I can at least understand the climate
in which Kent State occurred. We were
there muttering jokes at one another, try-
ing to laugh off the situation, praying
somebody wouldn’t throw a Molotov cock-
tail at us. We didn’t want to admit that we
were really in a life-threatening situation.
We couldn't conceive of that. PI tell you
what finally ended the riot: It started to
rain. By that time, the kids were giving us
cookies and coffee. And the riots were
over. The kids went back to their apart-
ments and started throwing parties. But
what I really resented was that I could
have hurt somebody. And over what?
PLAYBOY: Do you feel any more or less
political today? In the coming election
year, will you endorse a candidate?
SELLECK: I’m well read on politics and 1
really have very firm beliefs, but until
now, I’ve been determined to keep them
pretty much private. I'm not sure that it’s
fair for me to use my position as an actor
to sway people. At the same time, I also
feel my opinions should count less.
PLAYBOY: But you have taken stands on
such controversial issues as abortion and
nuclear power.
SELECK: No, not really. An article that
came out recently summed up what I sup-
posedly thought of the President, abortion
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and nuclear power in one paragraph. It
was yes, no and maybe. That was taken
from an interview I did in Yugoslavia, and
the writer drew broad generalizations
from some comments | made. And that
was in another respected magazine.
PLAYBOY: Sci the record straight.
SELLECK: When I was asked whether or not
I supported the President, it was right
after Reagan had been inaugurated, and |
said yes. It was his first year in office and
he definitely had a mandate, yet I saw a
tendency for people to second-guess his
economic policies, which was absurd. АЙ 1
said in that interview was, “I think we
ought to give his cconomic policies а
chance.” He'd been increasingly ham-
strung by the system of checi
balances, which is fine, though I would
have liked to see him have his way even
more to find out whether or not his ideas
worked. If we elect somebody, he’s got to
be able to implement his policies. It seems
to me that economically, an awful lot of
things he's done are working quite effec-
tively; I’m saying that two years after that
article I thought it was a little unfair for
somebody to quote me a year and a half
later, but he did.
As for abortion, 1 never spoke out. All 1
said was that I didn’t think it was just a
woman’s issue. When women’s groups try
to usurp a man’s right to share in that
decision, 1 disagree. It takes two people to
conceive a child, and I believe the man
ought to be included in the decision.
That's all 1 said. The only thing beyond
that I will say about abortion is that
nobody has been able to figure out to my
satisfaction when human life actually be-
ins. That is the major problem in dealing
with the abortion issue. Nobody knows at
what point during the gestation period a
fetus thinks and feels. I think those
are important questions that have to be
answered before you even deal with the
subject. That’s all I really care to say
about it
As far as nuclear power goes, I said, in
effect, “I think the jury is still out, but to
my knowledge, no one has ever been killed
in a nuclear-power accident” That
doesnt mean we shouldn't have safe-
guards, but people often get killed in the
utilization of other sources of power, so I
think we ought to give nuclear power a
chance and watch it closely. We obviously
are watching it closely; it's almost impo:
ble to build a nuclear-power plant now
that there are so many constraints. Beyond
that, I don't want to really get into all of
those issues, mainly because I don't think
Tam prepared to talk about those compl
cated issues and take stands on them so
PLAYBOY: Where do you stand on the
political spectrum?
SELLECK: Oh, God, I don't want to get into
all that. Yes, I have strong feelings about a
lot of it, but | don't want to get that much
into politics. I'd rather speak in general
terms. I believe strongly in our free-mar-
ket system, with its inherent rights—the
ight to better yourself, the right to fail.
Unless you have the right to fail in a free
society—without opting for cradle-to-
grave security—you're never truly going
to have the ability 10 succeed. What we
have in this country is rare in the world.
We have a place where you can be born
poor and end up rich; we have that mobil-
ity. Now, it’s very difficult, and the odds
are certainly stacked against you if you are
born poor, but I do know that we have
upward mobility and, consequently, less
of a class system than other countries. A
lot of rich people pay very little in taxes
and they are doing it quite legally. They
are always going to have a certain advan-
tage, because they can hire the best attor-
neys. That's just part of the human
condition. There are always going to be
those kinds of differences and inequities.
You can't legislate them away. They cer-
tainly haven't in Russia. There, the only
people who get limousines are burcaucrats
and athletes. Or actors.
PLAYBOY: So you don’t think much of
SEWLECK: I think that’s a bunch of nonsense.
Show me one society that’s ever bought
that scheme and has evolved past the dic-
tatorship £o the proletariat. 1 think people
are realizing that there is no free lunch. If
you want the Government to do something
for you, you're going to have to pay for it,
and you can probably get it done more
efficiently and cheaper by paying for it
yourself than by paying for it in taxes,
PLAYBOY: You're more conservative, even
right wing, than we expected.
SELECK: No, l'm middle of the road. I
think the far right and the far left converge
in totalitarianism. Now, Pm very much
against big business, but I'm also against
big unions and Big Government. Power in
that proportion corrupts itself. Every
Government project and agency should be
subject to review and renewal. Unfortu-
nately, when we establish а commission or
an agency to handle a problem that is
legitimate and should be handled, people
are hired and have jobs they then want to
protect. But the function of that agency
should be the elimination of the problem
and, therefore, of the need for
you end up having people creating prob-
lems just to justify their salaries. . . .
T've said an awful lot about my pol
feelings after telling you I didn’t want to
talk too much about them!
PLAYBOY: Why did you decide to let loose
ЅЕМЕСК: Гус been quoted on all those
things. I think that if my opinions are
going to be quoted, they at least ought to
be my opinions. This is by far the most I
have ever spoken my mind about any-
thing, and it’s because 1 choose to do so,
because of your format. I think it’s the
fairest format there is, I've always read the
Playboy Interview—but I buy the maga-
zine for the pictures. [Grins]
PLAYBOY: All right, we can’t finish this
interview without asking a couple of final
questions. First, is it true you make
87,000,000 for two seasons of Magnum?
SELLECK: Pm not getting paid $7,000,000
for two years. Pm making a lot of
money—a lot more money than I ever
thought Га make. What I make is my
business. I don’t like leaking selective
information about contracis and things
like that. But, yes, Pm making a lot of
money. Im making investments for the
future and sore sort of a game plan so my
family is taken care of. But these figures
are mind-boggling to me. | mean, it's a
cliché, but it’s true: How much can you
Somebody asked me in an interview if 1
feel guilty because I'm making a lot of
money now. I said absolutely not. I don't
go home and stick the money in a mattress;
1 invest it, I spend it and I go to better
restaurants, and all those things create
better jobs, and they are what our sys-
tem—our free-market system, when it
operates in the best and the purest way—
is all about. What's the other question?
PLAYBOY: Ап important one: How many
Hawaiian shirts do you own?
SEMECK: І have bunches, but I haven't
bought one in, oh, about four years. I
really don't want to run around Honolulu
in a red Ferrari and a Hawaiian shirt,
trying to stay young.
PLAYBOY: Do you think about getting
SELLECK: I think about it. Sure. At my age,
it's quite сауу to fractionalize your life.
There are a lot of little landmarks you hit:
25 is half of 50; 38 is half of —what?—76.
So I do wonder where I've been and what
Pm doing. I ask, Am I going in the right
direction? So I take stock a little bit, I
guess. It doesn’t do much good to worry
about it, though. I mean, none of us is
going to get out of here alive.
PLAYBOY: With all the pressure and anen-
tion, you seem to be OK— pretty much in
SELLECK: On good days. On bad days, I lose
everything. It's a hard image to live up to.
In an interview like this, I want to speak
what is in my heart of hearts, but I do
censor myself. Sometimes, I tell you not
necessarily what you want to hear but
what J want you to hear. That's not to say
it's not honest, but it's a heightened reali-
ty. I don't want the burden of being a
sanctimonious all-American hero or sex
symbol or anything else. I just do the best
job I can. 1 fail to reach my standards most
of the time. But 1 keep them; it’s impor-
tant to talk about standards and goals, but
that’s all they are—goals. I'd hate to be
held accountable for not living up to
everything I say. Somewhere between the
standards and the striving for them, I’m
doing pretty well and feeling very lucky
about it.
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RACE YOURSELVES: There is a bogus
rumble in certain parts of the
media to make you believe the
sexual mood of America hasturned from
the open ground it gained over the past
20 years back toward the cold, mean
shade of the old Puritan morality.
The message is subtle in some places
and gross in others, but it is pretty
much the same either way. We are
being told that the sexual revolution
has left us a bitter inheritance; that the
freedom to discuss, study and experi-
ment with our sexuality without the
terrible burden of guilt and shame has
produced more problems than it has
solved; that God is angry; that the
social order and even nature herself has
turned on us for our hubris; and that
the results are depression, despair, dis-
ease and even death.
The current media turn began five
or six years ago with such stories and
movies as Looking for Mr. Goodbar
and Cruising, which implied that those
who sought sex where it was openly
available were likely to become victims
of bizarre violence. And because most
of us don’t look for our partners in
bars or bathhouses, there was a tenden-
cy to believe that the adventurous
fringes of sexual pursuit were dark and
But there were other reports, small
ones at first, that began to hint that the
forces of sexual liberation were stalling
out. Statistics on marriage and divorce
were carefully monitored, and when
they varied by even a few points, it was
interpreted as a profound shift toward
old values and styles. Story after story
reported the barking of small dog packs
such as the fanatic right-to-life Catho-
lics and the people who call themselves
the Moral Majority; they were against
abortion, sex education and the dis-
pensing of birth-control advice; and,
finally, against erotic photos of any
kind on the absurd claim that such pic-
tures inspire violence and pedophilia.
The more radical elements of the
women’s movement often played to
that rhetoric by insisting that men as a
group were sexually irresponsible
animals who raped and otherwise
exploited women, abandoned their
children without qualm and clung vi-
ciously to a double standard that
wanted to cast women as concubines.
More recently, columnists and other
commentators have begun to theorize
that the flood of sex manuals has left us
wishing that the subject would just
creep back into the closet and leave us
alone. The message, stated in so many
words by some writers, is that to
demystify sex is to trivialize it, that to
study it scientifically is to rob it of its
purpose and its joy. Until, finally, the
most profound charge of all was lev-
eled at the new sexuality: that it had
driven a wedge between love and sex
and had rendered them hopelessly
if you'll just take your hands off each other for a minute,
certain media puritans would like to announce the death of sex
separate. Because the sexual revolution
had suggested that sex and love could be
separate events without anyone’s being
hurt or degraded, the critics began to
argue that such a split was what the liber-
alizers had been after all along and that it
was leading to a dangerous depersonaliz:
tion of human behavior. Sex without love,
they said, makes animals of us all.
When enough of these reports had been
published, they became the subjects of
pieces such as the one by Fran R. Schumer
that appeared in New York magazine of
December 6, 1982, called “Is Sex Dead?”
A few paragraphs into the article, the
author says, “Indeed, a generation that
skipped the hand-holding stage of adoles-
cence is rediscovering dating. There’s ro-
mance instead of lust, courtship in place of
seduction. Pushed into the closet by the
revolution, virginity has pushed its way
back out. And in the offices of therapists, a
new sexual dysfunction has made its
debut: lack of desire.”
‘Throughout the article, people referred
to as veterans of the sexual revolution con-
fess that random, loveless sex has left them
empty and that they are secking something
deeper and more selective these days.
Schumer says that for some time now,
“there was among many a deep-seated
dissatisfaction with some aspects of the
sexual revolution’s prescribed code of be-
havior: the studied indifference with
which people approached sex; the en-
forced coolness, the thesis that sexual inti-
macy was the best way to get to know
Just who prescribed the behavior of the
sexual revolution or who enforced the
coolness is vague, of course, as are data
indicating that people ever thought of love
and lust as necessarily separate or that
they want to retreat to the morality that
insisted the two ought never to be separate
on pain of sin and social disapproval.
Sooner or later, someone was bound to
seek those data, the statistical proof that
we are repudiating sexual open-minded-
ness in favor of the style practiced a gener-
ation ago. Psychology Today took on that
project last February, using as its starting
point the hypothesis that romance had
been a casualty of the new sexual moral-
ity. It was obvious from the introduction to
the questionnaire for their “Love and
Romance Survey” what the editors ex-
pected to find.
We observe Valentine’s Day this
month—an appropriate time, we
thought, to consider our beliefs about
love and romance. Have we begun a
new infatuation with romance? The
makers of Valentine cards might say
so; sales have increased by about
50,000,000 cards over the past dec-
ade. Is the sexual revolution over?
Are the forces of workaholism, finan-
cial troubles and herpes turning us
back to traditional romance? Have
our feelings about love become more
romantic and so, possibly, less
They found what they were looking for,
of course. And they found it at least partly
because of the way they had structured
part of the questionnaire. The results,
published in July 1983 and quoted by
newspapers and TV newspeople all over
the country, announced that 53 percent of
the respondents wanted love from their
relationships, while only one percent
wanted sex. The fact that these two things
were made to seem mutually exclusive,
however, was the result not of the sexual
revolution but, rather, of the way Psychol-
ogy Today had framed the question.
Readers had been asked, *What do you
look for in your relationship with your
partner?" and had then been instructed to
circle only one among these choices: finan-
cial security, love, companionship, ro-
mance, sex, other. It’s hard to imagine
what could beat love in an either/or vote
like that. And to oppose it to sex steals the
brightest of possibilities from both.
In December 1982, Esquire published
an article designed to remove any ques-
tion about what modern erotic life had
come to. A funeral wreath filled the cover
under the bold headline “THE END or sex,”
the title of George Leonard’s new book,
excerpted within.
Leonard is the author of the best-selling
Education and Ecstasy, and for 15 years
or so he has been the leading wordsmith
for what used to be called the sensitivity
movement and is now called humanistic
psychology: the _ loving-caring-feeling-
touching approach to life as lived at Esa-
len, the most famous of its ranches. For a
long time, Leonard was one of this move-
ment’s most enthusiastic Pooh-Bahs, and
he admits as much in the opening para-
graph of The End of Sex.
“Like millions of other Americans, I
welcomed the sexual revolution of the Six-
ties,” he writes. “I even did my own small
part, through books, articles and special
issues of Look, to help it along.”
And, indeed, he did: In a January 13,
1970, Look article called “Why We Need
a New Sexuality,” he argues that al-
though the old sexual taboos might have
been useful before modern contraception
and hygiene, it was time to let go of them.
“Today,” he writes, “these same attitudes
threaten the social order, heighten the
chance of violence and war, increase pop-
ulation pressures and needlessly restrict
human pleasure and fulfillment.”
In the same article, he calls for an end
to all sexual censorship. “This means just
what it says: Sexual intercourse and birth
could be shown on network television and
in family magazines. Nothing would be
hidden.” He ends his rhapsodizing over
the new sexual order like this: “The new
sexuality leads eventually to the creation
of a family as wide as all mankind that can
weep together, laugh together and share
the common ecstasy.”
Between then and now, however, the
sexual revolution somehow failed to live
up to the promises that Leonard invented
for it, and so, in The End of Sex, he is
forced to renounce the whole thing.
Throughout the book he separates sex and
love and insists that sex is either mindless
and exploitative or part of a deeply com-
mitted romantic love that he calls “high
“For example,” he writes, “the idea of
sex for recreation has a lilting ring to it,
suggesting the beautiful young people you
see on television dancing from one partner
to another . . . taking pleasure and adding
delight. And those who support it would
be quick to point out that sex for recre-
ation can involve caring and intimacy. But
we who live in a leisure society have seen
where a surfeit of recreation can take us:
to frantic, aimless travel, increased pollu-
tion and stress, the desecration of ancient
landmarks, the trivialization of history
and culture. In the same way, ‘recreation
al sex’ has already led to a frantic, aimless
search for sensation and from there to the
deadening of sensation, to sexual escala-
tion and stress, to a desecration of court-
ship and romance.”
Nowhere in his opus does Leonard cite
instances where the leading voices of scx-
ual liberation called for hit-and-run sex as
an ideal. Instead, he claims to have sensed
а mood of boredom and despair among his
friends and others he interviewed for the
book. When he does get around to the pos-
itive fruits of the sexual revolution, he
admits he doesn't want to retreat from
them. “Make no mistake,” he writes in
Esquire. “1 do not sympathize with the
methods or the aims of the so-called Moral
Majority. I want to keep the best of the
sexual revolution. The new freedom to
talk openly about sexual matters is a bless-
ed thing. A few straightforward words can
sometimes clear up misunderstandings
that would have produced a lifetime of
guilt and shame in the devastating silence
of times past. I want information on erotic
feelings and actions, anatomy and physiol-
ogy, venereal disease and disorders and
birth control and abortion made available
to young and old.”
Still, he says, “The term sex might once
have been useful in defining a field of
study and focusing attention on certain
modern problems, but it has outgrown its
usefulness... It has become, in fact, an
enemy of erotic love and must be seen as
yet another aspect of the abstraction and
depersonalization of life that now threaten
human survival. ‘Sex,’ in short, is an idea
whose time has passed.”
Leonard is never without hope for
(continued on page 318)
husband tells me you're the slickest damn
salesman at Amalgamated Software.
to indulge in petty publicity stunts soon
would have offended his owner, and we
would have seen, after Steinbrenner’s in-
stinctive need to be more important than
any player, his equally instinctive need to
punish. In the case of DiMaggio, it would
have been not so much what he said as
what he failed to say. One can see the
tabloid headlines: “JOE SNUBS GEORGE/RE-
pay party.” Followed, of course, by
SELF/SAYS N.Y. OWNER.” Followed by “Joe's
weit as rro " I realize that this is a pain-
ful scenario for Yankee fans—the loss of
the most treasured player of modern
times—but Steinbrenner would have bal-
anced it by signing Ted Williams a year
later for $4,000,000. Again the headlines:
ular melodrama, of Williams and Stein-
brenner, given the immense egos of the
two central characters, would not, we well
know, have lasted very long, either. Once
again, the headlines: “GEORGE TO TED: BUNT
OR ELSE”; followed by “KID: rM NOT/PAID TO
sunt.” Followed by “GEORGE BENCHES KID/
FEET TO SPITE SPLINTER.” Followed, inevita-
And so it goes.
Thave thought often of how I became so
coldhearted about things that once meant
as much to me as sports and the New York
Yankees did. In my childhood, the Yan-
kees were desperately important to me and
my fantasies were connected with them. In
the beginning, the myth of sports was tied
up with baseball, for I grew up in the
Forties, when professional football and
basketball were either nonexistent or dis-
tant minor sports. To children growing up
in those days, life seemed humdrum, the
deeds of athletes seemed more real; theirs
were the first feats of excellence that I
could understand and calibrate, and from
an early age, I was fascinated by them.
Thus, the journey of understanding
musi begin for me, as it does for so many
others of my generation, with DiMaggio.
In 1939, when I was five years old, my
father took me for the first time to Yankee
Stadium. We had talked about that trip
often before we actually made it, and I
was well prepared for the wonders of it.
To this day, I can remember the excite-
ment I felt as we approached the stadium
itself —the feverish rush 1 felt outside as
we went up to the ticket windows, the
need to move more quickly lest the game
start without us, the awe I felt looking
down at the field and seeing the greenest
grass I had ever seen. It was a weekday
game, and 1 was also surprised that there
were so many empty seats. I had assumed
that they'd all be taken because everyone
else in the city would be as eager as I was
to go.
My father had been a good athlete, and
he knew baseball and was careful in
explaining what to look for in the game.
“There,” he said, pointing to a tall figure
standing by himself near the batting cage.
“That is DiMaggio.” That was 44 years
ago, and 1 can still remember him telling
me to watch how DiMaggio rounded sec-
ond base, to note that he had a particular
grace for so tall a man. In addition, he told
me to watch DiMaggio in center field
when a ball was hi
said, get а much саг
than almost any other outfielder. I listened
dutifully, though in retrospect, I do not
think a five-year-old boy has a very good
sense of getting a jump on a fly ball.
The Yankees played Cleveland that
day, and I rooted against the Indians with
a passion that amused my father. The
Yankees won and I was as happy as I had
ever been. As we left, my father turned to
me and said, “Well, you’re a Yankee fan
now.” And, indeed, I was; I was com-
mitted, ready to suffer through the war
years with clinker teams until my heroes
returned. Even now, I have a clear vision
of DiMaggio rounding second, stretching
a double into a triple. And my father was
right—he was exceptionally graceful for
so tall a man.
In subsequent years, as 1 wondered
why I had taken sports so seriously for so
long, it often seemed to me that much of it
was the inevitable assimilation of an im-
migrant family: Sports were so American
that by knowing them well and by playing
well, one became more accepted and less
alien. Surrounded by a world that was not
always psychologically comfortable, 1, like
many youngsters, turned to the order
apparent in sports. Morcover, sports
seemed a safe place to invest my emotions
and passions when I was young. But now,
a father myself, I am apt to add a third
reason: It was one of the few things that 1
could share at an carly age with my father.
I could not lightly share thc old military
uniforms and medals in our attic, nor the
memories that went with them, nor any
talk about his work, nor, when he went
back into the Army during the war, very
much about what he was doing there. But
we could share the Yankees and DiMag-
gio, and it was part of our bond. In this
urban age, 1 do not think young boys are
easily bonded to their fathers—not as easi-
ly as they are supposed to be—yet there
are now, more than 33 years after his
death, still a few things that connect me to
mine: the smell of cigarettes mixed with
shaving cream іп a bathroom; going fish-
ing early in the morning; and entering
Yankee Stadium and seeing again, every
time I go, the miraculously green grass. I
think now that part of the reason that I
loved the Yankees and DiMaggio was that
they were among the first things in my
father’s world that I could share. So the
Yankees became my team and, soon, my
father went off to war.
During the war, we lived in Winsted,
Connecticut, and there my loyalty was
confirmed. The Yankees were on WINS,
1010 on your dial, and my brother and I
would take our old radio to whatever cor-
ner of the house provided the best recep-
tion on that day and listen to Mel Allen’s
honeyed voice describe the game. It was a
world of Ballantine Blasts and White Owl
Wallops. It was as if we knew Mel Allen
and he knew the Yankees, and so we felt
connected to them.
Those years, the late Forties and the
early Fifties, were my great years as a
baseball fan. I was loyal first to the Yan-
kees, then to the American League. Soon
after that, 1 began to lose the faith. And
there were, J suspect, secret increments to
that process. Perhaps the first was the
retirement of DiMaggio. For my genera-
tion, he was the ultimate mythic figure—
not just a great player but a man who had
what we perceived as class. Above petti-
ness, revered by his teammates, he did not
need to speak for himself, because his
deeds spoke for him. As boys, we were
taught by a generation of sportswriters to
respect his stoic heroism, just as Hem-
ingway’s heroes were to be respected for
their grace under pressure. Now, looking
back at him and his career and knowing a
good deal more about the egos of athletes
and stars, I think he had an absolute sense
of the theater of what he did. There is the
story that Jimmy Cannon told about
DiMaggio, at the end of his career, play-
ing every day in considerable pain even
though the Yankees had a comfortable
lead. “ое,” Cannon had asked him, “why
are you doing it—why are you putting out
зо much?”
“Because,” he is supposed to have
answered, “there might be someone out
there who's never seen me play before.”
In retrospect, what was critical about
DiMaggio and the special quality of his
myth was that he was probably the last
great athletic star of the pretelevisi
By that I mean to say that w!
his big games were on television, he him-
self was not. We saw the action, but we
did not see him talking afterward with
Johnny or Merv or Howard. He re-
mained as he played: elegant and aloof.
We could make of him what we wanted
and endow him with the qualities we
No man is a hero to his valet, and what
valet’s-eye view оГ
the crushing hype of
1 have a suspicion that Reggie
only is as good a hitter as DiMaggio
“Га like to see Miss December. . .. I’m Mr. December.”
(though nowhere near the complete base-
ball player he was) but shares one other
quality with him, which is an instinct for
the drama of an event and a capacity to
rise to the great occasion. In the pretelevi-
sion era, though, the deeds were done and
they stood by themselves, to be savored
and replayed by the fans in memory; they
were mythic, in many cases, precisely
because they were not widely seen and so
had to be passed on by word of mouth.
That, unlike the instant replay, is the path
to true legend. In Jackson’s casc, the deeds
have become mixed with a thousand video
images of Reggie himself, predicting and
acknowledging and explaining why he
likes to play in the big games, all detract-
ing, inevitably, from those moments of
action, diminishing both deed and self.
There was no subtraction from DiMag-
gio’s accomplishments. It was not that he
lived a life, athletic or personal, of a high-
er order (indeed, the sense, from a di:
tance, is that he was basically suspicious
and almost surly with all but a few trusted
insiders in those years); it was that he
lived in a society that demanded, in return
for its ticket, less of him. Perhaps there is
some kind of lesson here, for when Di-
Maggio played, the fan was still essen-
tially in the seat and television was an
ancillary force. The smaller crowd, which
paid the player less money, got less of him
in return.
When DiMaggio retired, іп 1951, 1
was 17. The boy I had been was on his
way to becoming a man, and the Yankees
held less attraction for me. Mantle arrived
to replace DiMaggio, and I was never able
to accept him completely, for he had
arrived with exorbitant predictions of his
greatness, with too many comparisons, as
yet unearned, with DiMaggio. I resented
that and accepted him later, only in his
declining years, when it became clear that
(despite the amplification of his deeds
by the New York media) he was, in fact,
a player of great ability and decency
But it was not just that DiMaggio had
gone and a usurper had arrived; I had also
changed. I was gradually going out into
the real world, and I was gradually forced
to view athletes as part of that world as
well. By 1955, I was still a baseball fan,
though perhaps a less passionate one, and
that fall, I was working as a reporter in a
small town in Mississippi. Each afternoon
that October—for it was an afternoon
paper and I was free by two rand base-
ball was still played in the sunlight—I
would join assorted local pols and busi-
nessmen around the set in the lobby of the
Henry Clay Hotel. Those were tense and
angry days in Mississippi; it was just a
year after the Supreme Coun had banned
segregation in local schools, and it was the
same year that two white men had lynched
a young black boy named Emmett Till.
The state was on fire with racial tension,
and it showed in that group gathered
around the old black-and-white set. They
were all rooting vehemently for the Yan-
kces, then a lily-white team.
In truth, they were not so much for the
Yankees as they were against the Dodgers,
who had Robinson, Campanella, Gilliam
and Newcombe. That Dodger team seems,
in retrospect, infinitely more exciting and
sympathetic than the Yankees. They were
not just black ballplayers but exciting
ones, players with speed and daring.
The hotel room simply seethed with
hatred; this was no longer a baseball
game, this was а kind of war.
Robinson was the focus of it, not
because he had been the first—there were
too many of them now and that was for-
gotten—but because he was so fierce and
so provocative. It was as if he knew those
people were there and, by his body lan-
guage alone, taunted not just the Yankees
but those white fans who would not accept
him for the consummate athlete he was.
This they could not do. Men who loved a
sport, who would have thrilled to his style
had he been white, had to cut themselves
off from something they held dear. That
was no small victory for Robinson.
Taunted by him, they responded bitterly.
He was not Jackie Robinson to them that
day, he was “Nigger Jackie.” If he got on
first, it was “Emmett Till leading off
first,” in honor of the lynched little boy.
It was a room filled with rancor and
anger; | did not know then—nor, most
assuredly, did they—that it was part of a
death gasp of а dying order, that very
soon, their children and grandchildren
would be playing with and rooting for
great black athletes at West Point High
and Ole Miss and Mississippi State. They
were bitter because in some primal way
that I did not yet understand, it had al-
ready happened: They were playing in the
world series, and it (the television box)
was bringing it home to West Point; and
though no black could yet play at West
Point High or Ole Miss, it no longer mat-
In the lobby of the Henry Clay that
day, the real world and the fantasy world
became irretrievably mixed. Sport would
never again be a place in which to escape,
pure and immune from the real world,
filled with only the heroic deeds of men
who were different from the rest of us. My
life now demanded that I cover issues that
were filled with moral resonance; if in that
part of my life the moral questions were so
important, how could 1, in the other part
of my life, the sports part, so completely
suspend the values against which I now
began to judge men and events?
In that room, part of a childhood forev-
er ended. It would be nice for the purpose
of this article to report that 1 changed my
loyalty and rooted for the Dodgers—but
that is not true. What happened that day
stilled something in me, and I remained
almost mute, rooting silently for the Yan-
kees but curiously ambivalent about it,
pleased when Robinson defied them with
his play, though not wanting them to lose.
It was a joyless series for me.
In the years that followed, my loyalty
began to diminish and I cared less about
sports. I was busy covering civil rights in
the South, and Martin King was more
important than Mickey Mantle and Wil-
lie Mays.
Then, in 1961, as Maris and Mantle
chased Ruth's record, I (unlike most Yan-
kee fans) rooted for Maris over Mantle—
a sign of how alienated I had already
become. But I paid little real attention. 1
was on my way to the Congo to become a
war correspondent. That fall, the Yankees
were in the world series and I was in
Katanga trying to stay alive. Two years
later, the Yankees again were in the series,
where Koufax destroyed them complete-
ly, and I was in Vietnam. (“The Jews
won the world series,” my brother wrote
to me, clearly delighted by this news.)
While I was back in the country briefly
in 1964, to cover Robert Kennedy’s race
for the Senate, I returned to the New York
Times office one afternoon and found out
that the Yankees had fired Mel Allen. For
the boy who still existed in me, Allen was
a treasured link to the pleasures of the
past, of epic feats and grand moments.
(The boy remembered that in 1948, when
his father and his brother had visited an
Eastern prep school, trying to get his
brother registered as a student, they had
gone in for an interview and the boy had
remained in the car. Bored by the real
events going on around him, he listened as
Mel Allen described Henrich’s assault on
a home-run record. He had hit four home
runs with the bases loaded, which tied the
existing season record. Now Henrich, up
again with the bases full, swung on a
pitch, and the boy thrilled as Mel Allen
described with mounting excitement the
mighty course of the ball, going, going . . .
and then the excitement died as he
described the ball hooking foul. The boy,
who later could not remember the birth-
days of close friends, would still remem-
ber, courtesy of Mel Allen, that Henrich
was from Massillon, Ohio.) The day of his
firing, I walked into the Times city room
and turned to Stan Levey, a fine labor
reporter who sat next to те.
“Gee, that’s sad news about Mel
Allen," I said.
“Mel Allen!” he said. "Sad news?
You're crazy, Halberstam. He's the worst
homer in baseball. He never says anything
critical about the Yankees. Look at you,
back from Vietnam; you win all those
prizes for going against the grain, against
(continued on page 124)
exceptional goodies that make giving and getting a yule delight
Ба Tow York, $34 for four The Baccarat crystal champagne bucket, about $555, is also from Tiffany.
Below: Gee, Dod, it’s a rebuilt Wurlitzer, circa 1946, that Jukebox Junction in Des
featuring a foam-core with calfskin, graphite fibers and an extra-large
sweet spot, by Prince Manufacturing, $525, including a fully bined calfskin cover. Match!
Left: Bang А Olufsen's Beocenter 77005,
housing turntable, cassette deck and tuner,
with a Beocenter Terminal (not shown), gives
you total wireless remote control from any-
where in the room, $1995, including the
77005, Beocenter Terminal and two S45
speakers (also not shown). Also available: a
custom Master Link to control the 7700S from
ether rooms housing additional speakers.
Right: A ten-gram ingot watch with a 14-kt.-
gold case with Olympic torch/rings embossed
on the dial, by Longines-Wittnaver, 51190. -
Above: For the serious downhill schusser, there's а tight-and-tight model-SR2
hand-laminated fiberglass helmet (with a face guard) that’s especially designed
for comfort in the tuck position, by Bell Helmets, $160. Right: You'll be at home
on the urban range with a handmade, soft calfskin saddle bag that’s ideal оз a
night or daytime tote, from Jonathan Western, Long Beach, California, $195.
Above: Quartz Time Capsule desk clock in block, red and white (onoth-
second discs, from Kovacs, New York, $46. Above left: Porsche's titani-
um pocket lighter has a fiat design for easy carrying and refueling and
a super-reliable piezo-electric ignition, distributed by the Americon РО
Company, $110, including a teokwood case. Seiko's amazing block-
and-white TV wrist watch picks up V.H.F. and U.H.F. channels, plus FM
stereo radio on its compact receiver unit, and also provides time, calendar,
alarm and stop-watch functions, $495. Dick Tracy, eat your heart out!
thot puts callers on hold; it measures о
compact 9° х5” х 3%”, from The
Sharper image, бол Fronciseo, $69.
Above: Pure Gold skis, made of a special blend of Kevlar, carbon grophite and
are designed to handle all ski conditions, from hard pack to powder, by
Pure Gold Research, $650 a pair. Right: Minolta’s 35mm auto-focus Talker camera
Notes of а Fallen FAN (continued from page 118)
“All that mattered was this: me with my best against
you with your best; all else is wind and blather.”
the Government, and you're rooting for
Mel Allen.”
He was astonished. But I was mourn-
ing the loss of Mel Allen somewhat as one
mourns the loss of a childhood friend. And
with that, the boy finally connected his
two worlds and became a man.
The man, it turned out, was now more
liberated from the past. He still followed
the sports pages closely but began to make
judgments about athletes based on qualifi-
cations other than regional loyalty. What
kind of men were they? Was there a value
system that connected them to the best of
sport and to their teammates? Was there
something about them that went even
beyond sport? Were they about some-
thing? Rusty Staub, slow of foot, was not
necessarily a ballplayer I admired or
found exciting. But I remembered how, in
June 1968, after Robert Kennedy was
assassinated, he had been one of the very
few players who thought it an event of
importance, and although he had not
refused to play in succeeding games, he
had worn a black arm band for a time. So
I came to root for Staub. I also came to
admire Bill Russell for his high intelli-
gence and his fierce pride; I fancied that 1
could understand why, shunned socially in
Boston, underappreciated by the fans and
the media, he had, as a policy, refused to
sign autographs. I had been touched in the
early Sixties by the innocence and the joy-
ousness of the young Cassius Clay and
came to respect the unshakable political
integrity of Ali (whom I viewed as being
the only holder of high public office to
resign his position in protest over the Viet-
nam war).
As a man, I came to respect Johnny
Unitas despite the fact that he had beaten
the Giants and because he had endured.
He said little but managed again and
again to confound the odds. No one did the
two-minute drill like Unitas, and I found
nothing wrong with rooting for a man
from a place as arcane as Baltimore. Very
early on, І also came to like Vince Lom-
bardi, in the days before his macho cult
began 10 rank alongside that of John
Wayne. I sensed in Lombardi the Italian
immigrants rage 1 be accepted; he had
been denied a rightful chance to coach the
Giants, and that particular fire, more than
anything else, seemed to burn in him. 1
admired, as well, the play of Carl Ya-
strzemski and the way he led the young
Red Sox into a pennant fight in 1967.
‘That team was exciting, and I gradually
found it easy to forgive the descendants of
my old nemeses, Pesky, Doerr, York and
That September, I found myself back in
Vietnam. It was not a happy time. The
war was at its height and Saigon had
become a base for an immense American
Army. A city I had loved in the past was
now filled with too many soldiers and too
many hookers. The war was not going
well, and it had made me feel alienated
not just from Saigon but from America
itself. But in those days when the Red Sox
were making their run, I took pleasure in
getting up a little earlier every morning
and walking over to the А.Р. office to
check on the ticker what had happened in
that pennant race. There was а 13-hour
time difference, and the results sometimes
would come in during the morning and I
would go over and sit by myself and look
at the box score that contained Yaz’s hero-
ic deeds (vaz, it seemed to say each day:
and 1 would take sweet solace. 1 tried to
see him as he was in Fenway Park—a
place I had come to love, the huge wall
looming over it all—with his cocky stance,
as exaggerated as that of my beloved
DiMaggio. It was an oddly comforting
moment, a reminder of an America I still
felt connected to when 1 felt so discon-
nected from everything else. Then I would
rejoin the war. I have always felt 1 owed
Yaz something.
What was happening in those years, the
Sixties, was that the world of sports was
changing, almost under our noses, becom-
ing more brazenly commercial. It had
always been commercial, but now it was
becoming married to television, and the
commercialism was about to be un-
checked. The nature of the game was
about to change, and the impulse for the
athletes, for the owners and, finally, for
the fans, was to change, too. Hype had
always been a part of the game; there had,
after all, been hype about a Giants rookie
named Clint Hartung, who not only
would be the greatest hitter in history but
every fourth day would pitch as well. But
it was now a dominating factor. In the
past, it had been limited—the chance to
place a message on an outfield sign or to
get an athlete to pose for a magazine ad
touting the cigarette he smoked. But now
Madison Avenue was about to find a new
arena for its skills.
Soon, athletes became salesmen. Madi-
son Avenue had married television, which
had, in tum, bought sport. 1 watched the
process with mounting apprehension. I
soon tended to root against athletes who
were among the favored representatives of
the advertising business or who in а par-
ticular season had received hype beyond
the call of duty. In 1968, the year in which
Denny McLain won 31 games, I rooted
for him to reach that high plateau but was
also appalled by the media fever that it
created. I watched the world series that
fall with special pleasure, for Bob Gibson
had become a favorite of mine; he was so
good, so tough, so unyielding of his per-
sonal and professional integrity that I had
come to see him as someone special, a man
not yet corrupted by the age. In the world
series, he pitched that October day against
McLain, and I had never seen the televi-
sion camera report with such fidelity. It
was the game in which he struck out 17
Tigers, and the camera shot Gibson tight
in image after image, showing only the
ferocity of pride in his face—a tribal
prince on the mound, I thought that day
The picture did not need any voice-overs
nor “supers” imposed while he was pitch-
ing. The camera told all; it was as if he
were flouting the world of media, of hype,
of commercial endorsements (of which he
had done, great pitcher though he was,
precious few). All that mattered in the
end, his face seemed to be saying, was this:
me with my best against you with your
best; all else is wind and blather. It was a
moment as true as anything I have seen
in sport in the past 20 years. It was
the moment not of the hype but of
the athlete.
I did not even know what I was re-
sponding to at the time, but now I can see
that a wariness of spirit and commitment
had begun even before I realized it. For
better or worse, I think I would now mark
its full flowering with the coming of the
first Super Bowl, an event that symbolized
the domination of sport by television. The
immense hype and amplification of deed
was now mandatory; for if high quality of
event was now not necessarily a part of the
ritual, then the pregame hype certainly
was. Inevitably, the game itself, after a
couple of weeks of Rozellian promotion,
was almost always an anticlimax. (The
two league-championship games that pre-
ceded it, in which only football was at
stake, were almost always excellent—
much more about sport than about destiny
and history.) So the coming of the Super
Bowl was a critical moment in the new
face of sport, marking a lack of essential
harmony between event and amplification
(continued on page 238)
“What we have here is gluttony and abstinence, ribaldry and
prayer, obscenities and solemn ceremonies, dancing, screwing
around and saintliness—all in all, Christmas works.”
^ m
so tell me,
just how
many affairs
did this
guy have?
fiction by
Етн in the office of Ways and
Means Reardon told Karen in |
the office of Senator Bolter that
Cecilia Dunn in the treasurer's |
Е. office had refused to attend Ron- э
ald Devlin's wake. “I couldn't X
и” believe it,” Beth said. “I said to
her, ‘Ceil, this is a guy that you
knew all this time, am I right?”
E And she goes, ‘Yeah, I guess so."
4 Ye Like she wasn’t really sure and
! 7 stuff? And I go, ‘Ceil, whaddaya
mean, you guess so? This is the
/ guy that two years ago when you
first come in here, you get one
look at the guy and you can’t
Y even talk for two days, am I
right? This is the same guy and
they got him laid out for two
{ nights down at Donovan’s,
9 ` you're not even going, the
wake?” And Сей kind of just
P d shrugs her shoulders and won’t
\ 8 look at me, you know how she
; ж gets?”
x ^ en
” Karen said, “she does
that with me, too. When you ask her
something that she don’t want to tell you,
she won't look at you when she says some-
thing. It’s very annoying.”
“Yeah,” Beth said. “Well, she did that.
And then she goes, ‘I didn’t see Ronnie for
quite a long time.’ Like that’s going to
explain it or something, she hasn’t been
seeing the guy.”
“I don't think it explains it none,” Kar-
en said. “When she was seeing the guy,
she was seeing the guy just about every
night. I couldn't keep track of it, what
nights she was supposedly staying with
me. It was kind of embarrassing, lots of
those times, I’m afraid on the weekend, on
Saturday morning, my mother wants me
go down the store and pick up the meat for
the week from Mr. Bemis, and I don’t
know if I oughta go, you know? Because
what if I run into Ceil’s mother down
there and she starts talking to me about all
the nights Ceil’s sleeping over my house,
huh? I don’t суеп remember which nights
they were, she’s supposed to be there.
What if her mother asks me what Ceil and
me did on last Tuesday night that she had-
da stay over my house we got home? I
didn’t see Ceil after work Tuesday night.
All 1 saw of Ceil back on Tuesday was the
back of her back, leaving the office at five
when I was on my way down to the ladies’
room and I happened to sec her. What am
I gonna say? I said to her many times,
"Ceil, this is OK and everything, you wai
na see Ronnie like this, but now in addi-
tion to you probably getting in trouble if
someone finds out, you got me where I'm
going to get into trouble myself.” And she
goes, ‘Don’t worry, Karen. Nobody’s go-
ing to get into trouble? When her mother
knows she’s been in my house, I got only
one bed in my room and now that my
brother’s separated from his wife, he’s
back in his old room at home, and where
did she sleep all those times at my house
when she was supposedly there? But
Cecilia don’t care. Cecilia’s in love.”
“I know it,” Beth said. “I said to her,
“Сей, all right? It isn't like nobody knew
you were seeing each other, you know? It
was all over the State House. All the girls
knew it and so’d most of the men. It isn’t
like nobody knew it.” ”
“Of course they did,” Karen said. “I
seen some of the men that found it out
right when she first started seeing him,
and that was practically all they could talk
about. Even with us. The Senator asked
me one day, he was trying to get Ronnie
for something, and he couldn’t find him,
and he calls me into his office and says,
‘Karen, all right? Man to man? Has Dev-
lin got something going on on the side with
that kid in the treasurer’s office” And I
like the Senator, you know? ] didn’t want
to lie to the guy. He’s been nice to me. But
at the same time, I don’t want to just go
and tell him that Ceil’s seeing Ronnie like
that, so I goes, ‘I don’t know.’ And he just
looks at me like he knows I am lying,
which naturally makes my face get all red,
"cause I am, and he just shakes his head
and goes, ‘Jesus H. Christ. It’s not hard
enough around here that I got to ride herd
on these guys so I know how they’re voting
on something, I got also to keep track of
who they’re seducing and all of that kind
of shit. It isn’t fair, Karen, it just isn’t fair,
a grown man like that should know better,
chasing around with a teenager like
“Yeah, Karen,” Beth said, “but from
the way Ceil was talking when she came
in here, it wasn't like Ron was the first
guy, you know? Plus which, she was
twenty. Ceil knew what was going on. She
didn’t think it was Frenching made ba-
“Yeah, I know,” Karen said. “I’m just
saying, is all. If Ceil thought she was
keeping a secret and stuff, she was wrong.
All the girls knew it and so did the men.
She just liked to pretend.”
“Yeah,” Beth said. “Well, she’s still at
it, I guess. I says to her yesterday, I saw
her at lunch, I said, “Сей, and I told her I
drove in so 1 had the car, and did she want
to come with me, the wake down to Don-
ovan's there, and then I'd drive her home.
See, I figured she's not gonna want to take
the T after dark, all of them dead beats
around when you get on the next car at
Park Street, just waiting to see which one
you pick and there isn’t anybody clse
around or anything. And she goes, ‘Oh. 1
ain't going, and then she won't look at
me. And fora minute or so, I just looked at
her, because I could not believe that I just
heard her say that. And I said to her,
‘Ceil, you’re not going? You were close to
this guy.’ And she goes, ‘I don't care. I'm
not going? And I figure she's thinking,
people will talk if she shows up the wake,
and I tell her, I said, ‘Ceil, listen to me, all
right? We’ve been friends a long time, or
so Гуе been thinking, you first come
around and ask me start lying for you, and
I feel like I must have some rights in this
thing. If yowre staying away from Ron
Devlin’s wake on account you were seeing
Ron and you think itll make people talk if
you go, just forget it. Because people were
already talking, all right? Talking long
before this. And all you’re gonna make
them do if you don’t go to this is make
them talk some more. And what they’re
gonna say this time if you do that will not
be better. It will be a whole lot worse and
it won't help you none.’ ”
“Of course it won’t,” Karen said. “It’s
just like she admitted it, she stayed away
like that.”
“That’s exactly what I told her,” Beth
said. “I said, “Сей, I said, ‘if you don't
show up down to Donovan's tonight, it
will be just like you went down there and
put up a big sign that said that you and
Ron was having an affair and that was
why you didn’t go, because you were
afraid to face his family.’ And she looks at
me and she goes, ‘Well, so what, Beth, all
right? 1 was having an affair with him,
and I am afraid to face his family. That
time last year when they had the party for
the speaker leaving there and Ronnie
brought his wife? She had too much to
drink and she got mad at me. She was all
right at the beginning of the evening, but
then she had a lot to drink, and I lost track
of her in the crowd, and I’m gonna go the
ladies’ room before I leave, all right? And
she followed me right in there, like she’d
been waiting the whole night just to catch
me in there by myself, and I hadda sit
there in the stall until finally he sent
someone in to get her out while she was
screaming at me and calling me just about
every filthy name that you could think of
and saying if it wasn’t for me he would’ve
still been living with her and he never
would’ve left her like he did with those
three kids.’ ”
“Well,” Karen said, “that isn’t true.
Old Ronnie there was pretty careful and
he never went around talking all the time
about the things that he was doing, maybe,
but I happen to know it for a fact he never
spent much more time in his house than he
absolutely had to.”
“I know you do, Karen,” Beth said.
“That was a long time ago, Beth,” Kar-
en said. “It was a long time ago, and he
was a lot younger then’n he was when he
started seeing Ceil there, and I was a lot
older’n Ceil was when I was seeing him,
and, anyway, it was just something that
happened because we both had way too
much to drink down the Cape outing there
for the Fourth July. And a few times after
that. That was all there was, and it was a
long time ago.”
“Quite a few times, Karen,” Beth said.
“It wasn’t that many times, Beth,”
Karen said. “It was all over by Christmas
of that same year. I just got tired of him,
that’s all, and the sneaking around, and it
was all over.”
“That’s not what I remember being
told when it was over, Karen,” Beth said.
“That isn’t what you told me at the
“Well,” Karen said, “maybe that isn’t
what I then, but I was upset then. I
don't know what I might've said.”
“You said he dumped you,” Beth said.
“That's what I told Сей. I said, ‘Ceil, you
look, all right? All you’re doing here is
you are making yourself like you were
something different than a lot of people in
this building that could say exactly the
same thing. That they know Ronnie Dev-
lin’s dead but they’re not going down the
wake because they got the same excuse
you got, and you don’t see them doing
that. Karen, she’s going there. You don’t
see her just hanging back and pretending
(concluded on page 232)
drink Dy EMANUEL GREENDERG уучкктз of all kinds abound these
days, but as far as we know, a rum tour of the Caribbean has never been
proposed—an oversight we’re about to address. It’s a stay-at-home trip,
о you won't need beachwear or nautical threads. Iu fact, all that’s
uired is a receptive palate. Old Caribbean hands claim that English-
nd French-speaking islands are the sources of fuller-bodied specimens,
hile rums from Spanish-speaking arcas are on the lighter side. Despite a
exceptions, that theory holds up rather well. (Obviously, the rum-
pping lass on this page is from an English- or (continued on page 233)
this christmas, trade
your candy canes
Jor sugar cane and
take a rum tour
of the caribbean
WE WERE about 40 minutes out of San
Francisco when the crew finally decided to
take action on the problem in lavatory 1B.
The door had been locked since take-off,
and now the chief stewardess had sum-
moned the copilot down from the flight
deck. He appeared in the aisle right beside
me, carrying a strange-looking black tool,
like a flashlight with blades or some kind
of electric chisel. He nodded calmly as he
listened to the stewardess’ urgent whisper-
ing. “I сап talk to him,” she said, pointing
a long red fingernail at the occurien sign
on the locked toilet door, “but I can’t get
him out.”
The copilot nodded thoughtfully, keep-
ing his back to the passengers while he
made some adjustments on the commando
tool he was holding. “Any 1.D.?” he asked.
She glanced at a list on her clipboard
“Mr. Ackerman,” she said. “Address: Box
99, Kailua-Kona.”
“The big island,” he said.
She nodded, still consulting her clip-
board. “Red Carpet Club member,” she
said. “Frequent traveler, no previous
history . . . boarded in San Francisco, one-
way first class to Honolulu. А perfect
gentleman. No connections booked.” She
continued, “No hotel reservations, no
rental саг... .” She shrugged. “Very po-
lite, sober, relaxed. . . .”
“Yeah,” he said. “I know the type.” He
stared down at his tool for a moment, then
raised his other hand and knocked sharply
on the door. “Mr. Ackerman?” he called.
“Can you hear me?”
There was no answer, but I was close
enough to the door to hear sounds of
movement inside: first the bang of a toilet
seat dropping, then running water.
I didn’t know Ackerman, but I remem-
bered him coming aboard. He had the look
of a man who had once been a tennis pro
hawaiians wailed
centuries for the
return of lono,
the god of excess,
but the good doctor
showed up instead
in Hong Kong, then gone on to bigger
things. The gold Rolex, the white-linen
bush jacket, the Thai bhat chain around
his neck, the heavy leather briefcase with
combination locks on every zipper... .
‘These were not the signs of a man who
would lock himself in the bathroom imme-
diately after take-off and stay inside for
almost an hour.
Which is too long on any flight. That
kind of behavior raises questions that
eventually become hard to ignore—espe-
cially in the spacious first-class compart-
ment of a 747 on a five-hour flight to
Hawaii. People who pay that kind of
money don’t like the idea of having to
stand in line to use the only available
bathroom while something clearly wrong
is going on in the other one.
I was one of those people. My social
contract with United Airlines entitled me,
1 felt, to at least the use of a tin stand-up
bathroom with a lock on the door. I had
spent six hours hanging around the Red
Carpet Room in the San Francisco airport
arguing with ticket agents and drinking
heavily and had finally secured a seat for
myself and one for my girlfriend, Laila, on
the last 747 flight of the day to Honolulu.
Now I needed to get myself cleaned up.
My plan on that night was to look at all
the research material I had on Hawaii.
There were memos and pamphlets to
read—even books. My task looked simple
enough at the time: Some poor, misguided
editor named Perry wanted to give me a
month in Hawaii for Christmas, and all I
had to do was cover the Honolulu Mara-
thon for his magazine, a thing called Run-
ning. 1 didn’t know then what queer and
hopelessly confused reasons were, in fact,
taking me to Hawaii. I never asked myself
until much later what kind of awful power
it was that caused me—after years of
refusing all (and even the most lucrative)
magazine assignments as cheap and un-
worthy—to suddenly agree to fly out into
the middle of the Pacific Ocean to confront
the half-wit spectacle of 8000 rich people
torturing themselves for 26 miles through
the streets of Honolulu, and calling it
sport. There were many things to write,
for many people—but I spurned them all
until this strange call came.
And then I persuaded my friend Ralph
Steadman—the British artist and my
partner in more terrible misadventures
than he cares to remember—not only to go
with me but to take his whole family half-
way around the world from London, for
no good or practical reason, to spend what
would turn out to be the weirdest month of
our lives.
We are talking, here, about a thing
with more power than I knew.
“These islands are full of mystery,”
Perry had told me. “Never mind Don Ho
and all the tourist gibberish—there's a
hell of a lot more there than most people
Wonderful, 1 thought. Deal with the
mystery. Do it now. Anything that can
create itself by erupting out of the bowels
of the Pacific Ocean is worth looking at.
Now I needed a place to shave, brush my
teeth and maybe just stand there and look
at myself in the mirror and wonder, as
always, who might be looking back.
I have never really believed that mirrors
in airplane bathrooms are what they seem
to be. There is no possible economic argu-
ment for a genuinely private place of any
kind on a $10,000,000 flying machine.
No. That makes no sense. The risk is too
high. Too many people, like master ser-
geants forced into early retirement, have
tried to set themselves on fire in those tin
cubicles . . . too many psychotics and half-
mad dope addicts have locked themselves
inside, then gobbled pills and tried to flush
themselves down the long blue tube.
The copilot rapped on the door again
with his knuckles. “Mr. Ackerman! Are
you all right?”
He hesitated, then called again, much
louder this time. “Mr. Ackerman! This is
your captain speaking. Are you sick?”
“What?” said a voice from inside.
The stewardess leaned close to the door.
“This is a medical emergency, Mr. Acker-
man—we can get you out of there in 30
seconds if we have to.” She smiled trium-
phantly at Captain Goodwrench as the
voice inside came alive again.
“Pm fine,” it said. “PH be out in a min-
ute.” The copilot stood back and watched
the door. There were more sounds of
movement inside—but nothing else except
the sound of running water.
By this time, the entire first-class cabin
was alerted to the crisis. “Get that freak
out of there!” an old man shouted. “He
might have a bomb!”
The copilot flinched, then turned to face
the passengers. He pointed his tool at the
old man, who was now becoming hysteri-
cal. “You!” he snapped. “Shut up! PI
handle this.”
Suddenly, the door opened and Acker-
man stepped out. He moved quickly into
the aisle and smiled at the stewardess.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” he said. “It’s
all yours now.” He was backing down the
aisle, his bush jacket draped casually over
his arm but not covering it.
From where I was sitting, I could see
that the arm he was trying to hide from
the stewardess was bright blue all the way
up to the shoulder. The sight of it made
me coil nervously into my seat. I had liked
Ackerman at first. He'd had the look of a
man who might share my own tastes—but
now he was looking like trouble, and I was
ready to kick him in the ball ike a mule,
for any reason at all. My original impres-
sion of the man had gone all to pieces by
that time. This geek who had locked him-
self in the bathroom for so long that one of
his arms had turned blue was not the same
gracious, linen-draped Pacific yachtsman
who'd boarded the plane in San Francisco.
Most of the other passengers seemed
happy enough just to see the problem
come out of the bathroom peacefully: no
sign of a weapon, no dynamite taped to his
chest, no screaming of incomprehensible
terrorist slogans or threats to slit people’s
throats. The copilot, however, was staring
at Ackerman with an expression of pure
horror on his face. He had seen the blue
arm—and so had the stewardess, who was
saying nothing at all. None of the other
passengers had noticed it—or, if they had,
they didn’t know what it meant.
But I did, and so did the bug-eyed stew-
ardess. The copilot gave Ackerman one
last withering glance, then shuddered with
obvious disgust as he closed up his com-
mando tool and moved away. On his way
to the spiral staircase that led back up-
stairs to the flight deck, he paused beside
me in the aisle and whispered to Acker-
man, “You filthy bastard, don’t ever let me
catch you on one of my flights again.”
I saw Ackerman nod politely, then slide
into his seat just across the aisle from me. I
quickly stood up and moved toward the
bathroom with my shaving kit in my
hand—and when I'd locked myself safely
inside, I carefully closed the toilet seat
before I did anything else.
"There is only one way to get your arm
dyed blue on a 747 flying at 38,000 feet
over the Pacific. But the truth is so rare
and unlikely that not even the most fre-
quent air travelers have ever had to con-
front it—and it’s not a thing that the few
who understand usually want to discuss.
The powerful disinfectant that most
airlines use in their toilet-flushing facili-
ties is a chemical compound known as
Dejerm, which is colored a very vivid blue.
The only other time I ever saw a man
come out of an airplane bathroom with a
blue arm was on a flight from London to
Zaire, en route to the Ali-Foreman fight.
A British news correspondent from Reu-
ters had gone into the bathroom and had
somehow managed to drop his only key to
the Reuters telex machine in Kinshasa
down the aluminum bowl. He emerged
about 30 minutes later, and he had a row
to himself the rest of the way to Zaire.
It was almost midnight when 1 emerged
from lavatory 1B and went back to my
seat to gather up my books and papers.
The overhead lights were out and the oth-
er passengers were sleeping. It was time to
go upstairs to the dome lounge and get
some work done.
When I got to the top of the spiral
(continued on page 144)
“Don’t bother looking for erogenous zones, because when I see a diamond
like this one on my finger, my whole body becomes erogenous.”
ows ruts as a plot line for Dynasty, ABC's soapy series of
| | sex and corporate intrigue that’s become a national mania
Alexis Carrington Colby—a woman so evil and conniving
she makes J. К. Ewing look like Mother Teresa—decides to pose
for maysoy. The word goes out to Blake, her slick and sometimes
sinister ex-husband, and Krystle, his stunning, goody-two-shoes
second wife. Of course, Alexis will have to tell her two sons, the
mentally unstable Adam (don't (text continued on page 306)
two great photographers
meet one great star—
an exclusive portfolio
It took two of the biggest names in
photography to do justice to TV's
reigning sex queen. Above, George
Hurrell’s classic style coptures Joon
in black ond white. Left, veteran
Ptavsoy Contributing Photogropher
Mario Casilli works his particular
brand of magic in color.
“Until now, when an actress turned
30, she kept it a secret," says Ca-
silli, the man behind the lens for
the series of color portraits.
“Joan will change that. It was ex-
citing working with her. There's а
little bit of animal in her that she
lets sneak out. You feel as if
you're with a panther.”
`I haven't photographed anyone like
her іп ages,” says Hurrell. "Look at
that block hair against her pale skin.
The other stars of today can't cam-
pare—in looks or personality.”
(continued from page 132)
“Топо was a chronic brawler with an ungovernable
temper and a taste for strong drink at all times.
staircase, І saw my fellow traveler Mr.
Ackerman sleeping peacefully on one of
the couches near ће bar. He woke up as I
passed by on my way toa table in the rear,
and I thought I saw a flicker of recognition
in the weary smile on his face.
I nodded casually. “I hope you found
it,” I said.
He looked up at me. “Yeah,” he said.
“Of course.”
Whatever it was, I didn’t want to know
about it. He had his problems and I had
T walked up to the bar and got some ice
for my drink. On the way back to my
table, I asked him, “How’s your arm?”
“Blue,” he replied. “And it itches.” He
sat up and lit a cigarette. “So what brings
you to Hawaii?” he said.
“Business,” I said. “Pm covering the
Honolulu Marathon for a magazine.”
He nodded thoughtfully and put his
feet up on the table in front of him, then
turned to smile at me. “You staying long
in the islands?”
“Not in Honolulu,” I said. “Just until
Saturday, then we’re going over to a place
called Kona.”
“Yeah,” I said, leaning back and ореп-
ing one of my books.
“Why Kona?” he asked. “You want to
catch fish?”
I shrugged. “I want to get out on the
water, do some diving.”
He nodded again, staring down at the
long fingers of his freshly blued hand.
“The big island is different from the oth-
ers,” he said. “Especially that mess in
Honolulu. It’s like going back in time. 105
probably the only place in the islands
where the people have any sense of the old
Hawaiian culture.” He smiled thought-
fully and handed me his card, which said
he was in the business of INVESTMENTS.
"Call me when you get settled in," he
said. “1 can take you around to some of the
places where the old magic still lives."
I put down my book and we talked for a
while about the island lore—the old wars,
the missionaries and some of the native
legends. One of the things he mentioned
with particular relish was a place on Kona
that he called the City of Refuge. It was a
sacred enclosure, a sort of ancient safe
house that provided inviolable sanctu-
ary—and not just to imperiled women and
children but to thieves and murderers and
all manner of fugitives on the run. It was
the first time anybody had told me any-
thing interesting about Hawai
“This City of Refuge is intriguing,” 1
said. “You don’t find many cultures with a
sense of sanctuary that powerful.”
“Yeah,” he said, “but you had to get
there first, and you had to be faster than
whoever was chasing you.” He chuckled.
“It was a sporting proposition, for sure.”
“But once you got there,” I said, “you
were absolutely protected— right?"
“Absolutely,” he said. “Not even the
gods could touch you once you got through
the gate.”
“] might need a place like that,” I
“Yeah,” he said. “Me, too. That’s why
I live where I do.”
He smiled and eased back in his seat
again. “On a clear day, I can look down
the mountain and see the City of Refuge
from my front porch. It gives me a great
sense of comfort.”
I had a feeling that he was telling the
truth. Whatever kind of life Ackerman
lived seemed to require a built-in fall-back
position. You don’t find many investment
counselors, from Hawaii or anywhere
else, who can drop anything so important
down the tube in a 747 bathroom that they
will get their arms dyed bright blue to
retrieve it.
We were alone in the dome with at least
another two hours to go. We would be in
Honolulu sometime around sunrise. Over
the top of my book, I could see him, half-
asleep now but constantly scratching his
arm. His eyes were closed, but the fingers
of his clean hand were wide-awake and
his spastic movements were beginning to
get on my nerves.
Finally, he seemed to be asleep. The
dome was dark except for the small glow
of table lights, and I settled back on the
couch to ponder my research material.
‘The Christmas season in Hawaii is also
the time of the annual Feast of Lono, the
god of excess and abundance. The mis-
sionaries may have taught the natives to
love Jesus, but deep in their pagan hearts,
they don’t really like him: Jesus is too suff
for these people. He has no sense of
humor. The ranking gods and goddesses of
the old Hawaiian culture are mainly dis-
tinguished by their power, not their puri-
ty, and they are honored for their vices as
well as for their awesome array of virtues.
‘They are not intrinsically different from
the people themselves—just bigger and
bolder and better in every way.
The favorite, King Lono, ruler of all
the islands in a time long before the
Hawaiians had a written language, was
not made in the same mold as Jesus,
though he seems to have had the same
basically decent instincts. He was a wise
ruler, and his reign is remembered in leg-
end as a time of peace, happiness and
great abundance in the kingdom—the
good old days, as it were, before the white
man came—which may have had some-
thing to do with his elevation to the
status of a god in the wake of his
Lono was also a chronic brawler with
an ungovernable temper, a keen eye for
the naked side of life and a taste for strong
drink at all times. That side of his nature,
though widely admired by his subjects,
kept him in constant trouble at home. His
wife, the lovely Queen Kaikilani Alii, had
a nasty temper of her own, and the peace
of the royal household was frequently
shattered by monumental arguments.
It was during one of those spats that
King Lono belted his queen across the hut
so violently that he accidentally killed her.
Kaikilani’s death plunged King Lono into
a fit of grief so profound that he aban-
doned his royal duties and took to wander-
ing around the islands, staging a series of
boxing and wrestling matches in which he
took on all comers. But he soon tired of
that and retired undefeated, they say,
sometime around the end of the Eighth or
Ninth Century. Still bored and distraught,
he took off in a magic canoe for a tour of
foreign lands—whence he would return, he
promised, as soon as the time was right.
The natives have been waiting for that
moment ever since, handing his promise
down from one generation to another and
faithfully celebrating the memory of their
long-lost god/king at the end of each year
with a two-week frenzy of wild parties
and industrial-strength fireworks. The
missionaries did everything in their power
to wean the natives away from their faith
in what amounted to a kind of long-over-
due alter-Christ, and modern politicians
have been trying for years to curtail or
even ban the annual orgy of fireworks
during the Christmas season; but so far,
nothing has worked.
I was still reading when the stewardess
appeared to announce that we would be
landing in 30 minutes. "You'll have to
take your regular seats down below,” she
said, not looking at Ackerman, who still
seemed asleep.
I began packing my gear. The sky out-
side the portholes was getting light. As I
dragged my satchel down the aisle, Acker-
man woke up and lit a cigarette. “Tell "em
I couldn't make it,” he said. “I think I can
handle the landing from up here.” He
grinned and fastened a seat belt that poked
ош from the depths of the couch. “They
won't miss me down there,” he said
“ГЇЇ see you in Kona,” I said.
“That's good,” he replied. “I have the
(continued on poge 290)
NEARLY ли. the members of the Yiddish Writers’ Club in Warsaw, where I
went in the Twenties, considered themselves atheists. Free love was an
accepted way of life. The younger generation was convinced that the institu-
tion of marriage was obsolete and hypocritical. Many of them had become
Marxists and proclaimed something they called “Jewish worldliness.”
A different kind of writer altogether was Mottele Blendower, a little man,
a descendant of famous Hasidic rabbis. He (continued оп page 152)
missives and missil
for the jolly буы
New microchi
You're seized with s!
This Christmas Day.
Our tortured lives may
cheer м'
we humbly pray
soon be graced
with words of е wait to hear:
been erased.
Your verbal program's
With steel-encased propriety.
You've long stood fi id staunch
While others in you
From rowdy down to raunch.
When Sister Meg had girlish flings,
Your coolness Was convincing.
You seldom even yelled at Phil
When he sloughed off his princing-
Domestic bouts of Charles and Di
Were much too crass for you;
But Andy found your limits when
He pulled his palace Koo.
break out your
dressy threads for a
year-end holiday bash
5 PaTvcoms кмом, if isn't just the ~
halls that get decked out come the
year-end holidays. Our guy at left for-
sakes the penguin look of basic black tie
by choosing a wool double-breasted
dinner jacket with Lurex thread thats
combined with a vest and wool formal
trousers, all from Tiger of Sweden, $550;
plus а wing-collor shirt, by Yves Saint
Laurent for After Six, about $55; ace-
tate/satin bow tie, by Stephen J.
Sotmick, about $8; and
and-onyx cuff links, $170, and studs,
$200, both by Alfred Dunhill of tendon.
(His date's dress is by Marc Bouwer,
Ltd., New York.) Above: The heavy swell
at left makes strong fashion waves in a
cotten pin-point dinner jacket, $300,
and mohair / wool formal trousers, $125,
beth from Windsor European Fashion;
silk/cashmere /lamb's-wool sweater
vest, by Yves Saint Laurent Menswear,
$110; wing-collar shirt, by Henry
Grethel, $40; and silk paisley bow tie,
by Alan Flusser, about $25. His mortini-
drinking mate likes a silk-blend woven
jacket, $235, silk denim tweed slacks,
$125, and a pleated cotton shirt, $55,
all by Jhane Bornes Il; plus a suede
necktie, by Stephen J. Sotnick, about
$20; and a ee
tie tack, by ivan Gregorovitch,
Che elegant eje ur cin hs
on a dress by Morc Bouwer, Ltd.,
York; her jewelry is by Vanessa ph.
New York.) Right: The winning look of
winter white—a wool smoking jacket
and weolformal slacks, both by D. Cenci,
$850; wing-collar striped shirt, by Lazo
Shirts, $95; silk herringbone bow Не; by
Vicky Davis, 510; and leather-and-rayon
suspenders with brass clips/slides, Бу
Alan Flusser, obout $50. (The lady wears
a dress by Robert Molnar, New York;
gloves by Sachiko for La Crasia, New York:
and jewelry by Eric Beamon, New York.)
Above: Festive, funky and fun—a multicolor wool-blend plaid jacket with black-leather
sleeves, a baseball-type collar and rib trim, by Bianculli for Fundamentals, $500; cotton
striped formal shirt with a wing collar and pleated fly front, by Jhane Barnes И, $65;
double-pleated suede slacks, by Andrew Fezza, $700; striped bow tie, from Colourstiks by
Dunleigh-Tuxton, $13.50; and a black lizardskin belt, by Torino Belts, about $75.
Above: "Didn't we meet in Rangoon?” he says. No, but we should have, she thinks—and
she also likes the sophisticated night cool of his double-breasted block cashmere / wool
dinner jacket with multicolor fine stripes, grosgrain notch lapels, and formal trousers, both
by Alexander Julian, $850; cotton wing-collar shirt with pleated fly front and French cuffs,
by Pancaldi & B., about $165; and silk bow tie with pin dots, by After Six, about $10.
(continued from page 145)
“There were rumors that she had invited all her for-
mer lovers to the wedding.”
had а dark, narrow face, a pointed beard
and large black eyes that expressed the
gentle humility of generations. He was the
author of a book about Hasidic life in
Poland. One of Mottele’s grandfathers
had separated himself from his followers
in his later years and had become a sort of
divine recluse. After his death, his disci-
ples destroyed his writings, because they
hinted at blasphemy. Although Mouele
had done away with his long gabardine
and his rabbinical hat and had cut off his
side locks, he spoke like a rabbi, used their
solemn style of language, took on their
exaggerated politeness, always on the
watch, God forbid, not to insult anybody.
Mottele attempted to combine Yiddishist
modernism with the lore of the cabala. He
undertook to translate into modern Yid-
dish such mystical works as the Zohar,
The Book of Creation, The Tree of Life
and The Orchard of Pomegranates. In his
essays, he preached that love and sex are
attributes of the godhead and that the
proper use of them can be a means to pen-
etrate the illusion of the categories of pure
reason and to grasp the thing in itself and
the absolute.
Sometime after I met him, Mottele had
fallen in love with a woman named Zina,
who was known for her beauty. She was
blonde, tall and the daughter of a rich
Warsaw family. One year, she was elected
the Queen Esther of the Yiddish literary
masked ball. She had married and di-
vorced a rich young man, a lawyer. From
her parents, she had inherited a large sum
of money that evaporated with inflation.
Zina was a distant relative of Mottele's.
They had a large, noisy wedding.
Those who knew the bride and the
groom foresaw that the match wouldn’t
last long. Mottele was gentle and weak,
while Zina was robust. Her first husband,
the lawyer, said openly that his ex-wife
was a nymphomaniac. There were rumors
in the Writers’ Club that she had invited
all her former lovers to the wedding. An
intimate friend had learned that Zina con-
fessed all her sins to Mottele but he con-
tended that he was not jealous about the
past and that he would give her full free-
dom in the future. Mottele was supposed
to have told her, “The roots of both of our
souls are in the sephira of splendor, and in
those spheres, sins are virtues.”
One of Zina’s lovers, whom she was
supposed to have cared for most, was the
writer Benjamin Rashkes. She told Mot-
tele that she could never forget Rashkes.
When he was forced to move from his
bachelor’s furnished room because he had
impregnated the maid in his boarding-
house, Zina offered him a study in her
new, spacious apartment. She put in a
sofa, a writing table and even a Yiddish
typewriter imported from America so that
Rashkes could work there whenever the
Muse granted him inspiration. The trou-
ble was that he was less and less inspired
to write. He poured all his energies into so
many would-be love affairs that he had no
time for anything else.
‘There was constant talk in the Writers’
Club about the triangle of Mottele, Zina
and Rashkes. Even though Rashkes prom-
ised Zina to avoid the Writers’ Club and
do his work, he came to the club every day
and spent all the time on the telephone.
Closing the door of the phone booth, he
went on whispering his unending love dec-
larations. Rashkes maintained that mo-
nogamy had destroyed eroticism. Men and
women are not jealous by nature; the only
thing they dislike is to be deceived. Also,
they prefer the truth to come to them in
small portions and as a part of the love-
play. Rashkes was telling his colleagues
that many men enjoy sharing their wives
with the right kind of lovers and that his
ideas were based on his personal experi-
ence. The husbands of his paramours
were all his friends and admirers, he said.
They often reproached him for neglecting
their wives. Rashkes claimed that he kept
peace between his lovers and their hus-
A year did not pass before the gossips in
the Writers’ Club had a new sensation to
talk about. Zina had become seriously
enamored of a known Communist leader,
Leon Poznik. The Trotsky purges had
been in progress in Russia for some time,
but Poznik remained an ardent Stalinist.
He was the editor of two Communist
magazines; one in Polish and one in Yid-
dish. The Defensywa, the Polish political
police, had arrested Poznik a number of
times, but they always released him. They
were not interested in keeping the leftist
leaders in prison too long. Poland was
officially a democracy. One could not jail
people on the basis of their convictions.
Besides, the leaders of the Defensywa did
not want to root out communism in
Poland and put themselves out of jobs. As
for Poznik, he needed those short impris-
onments to add to his prestige in the party
and in the Soviet Union. He boasted about
his courage during the interrogations, de-
scribing how well he lectured to the Polish
fascists about Leninism. However, the
comrades called him, jokingly, the “Polish
Lunacharsky”—a Communist of talk, not
of deeds.
Poznik was broad-shouldered, small
and wore shoes with elevated soles and
heels. His eyes, behind the horn-rimmed
glasses with their thick lenses, seemed to
sparkle with a light of their own. I often
imagined that all the victories of world
communism shone through those glasses.
That Zina should fall in love with Poz-
nik seemed unbelievable. He had a wife, a
Communist functionary who had been
sentenced to five years in prison. He
bragged about his affair with an impor-
tant woman in Moscow, where he was
invited every few months. Besides, Zina
had never shown any interest in poli
She had been at one time a disciple of thi
celebrated medium Kluski, who special-
ized in materializing spirits of the dead. It
was her fascination with the occult that
initially attracted her to Mottele. But who
can fathom the ways of love? It became
known in the Writers’ Club that
now took part in all of Warsaw’s leftist
activities. The leftists published interviews
with her in their magazines. She put on a
leather jacket, the kind worn by the func-
tionaries of the Cheka, the Soviet political
police. She sold her jewelry for the sup-
port of political prisoners. Zina had re-
vealed to someone that the Defensywa had
summoned her for an interrogation and
that she had been kept overnight in the
arrest house on Danilowiczowska Street
where suspects were held. There was a
saying in the Writers’ Club that commu-
nism was like influenza; everybody had to
go through it sooner or later.
In the spring of 1927, Poznik and Zina
left for Russia. They disappeared sudden-
ly, without any notice to anybody in the
club. I was told that not even their com-
rades were informed. Neither Poznik nor
Zina could have acquired a foreign pass-
port. Those who were invited to the Soviet
Union had to smuggle their way across the
border at the town of Nieswiez. For a long
time, one heard nothing in the Writers’
Club about Poznik or Zina. Then the
rumor spread that Leon Poznik had been
arrested in the U.S.S.R. and put into the
infamous Lubyanka prison. Rashkes had
received a single Yiddish postcard from
Zina with an altered name—he recog-
nized only the handwriting. She used the
conspiratorial code language: "Uncle
Leon is mortally sick and they put him
into the Lubya hospital. The doctors give
scanty hopes." She signed the card, "Your
despairing Aunt Charatah,” which is the
Hebrew word for regret. Later, it came
out that in Kharkov, a Yiddish magazine
had published an attack on an anthology
Poznik had edited two years earlier. The
(continued on page 308)
Us slap the cuffs on “em and ask
Mr. Scrooge where he got the drugs!”
before there was a camelot,
there was a campaign—a
young man meeting a nation,
a legend in the making
William Manchester's friendship
with John F. Kennedy began in Boston
immediately after World War Two,
when both were young veterans crip-
pled by wounds. Their relationship
continued during Kennedy’s White
House years, when Manchester was the
President’s trusted confidant. Early in
1964, Jacqueline and Robert Kennedy
asked the author to write “The Death of
a President,” his definitive account of
the Dallas tragedy. This fall, Manches-
ter published his 15th book, “One Brief
Shining Moment: Remembering Ken-
nedy.” Here, he recalls the heady days
of the 1960 Presidential campaign, the
days of Camelot in the making, when
the future was bright and everything
seemed possible.
IN THE high summer of 1959, Jack Ken-
nedy was changing, deepening, given to
longer silences, less eager for verbal
fencing. As always, he was reading a
lot; among the books scattered around
154 were The (continued on page 276)
our miss december is
a daughter of the
computer revolution
er in Boston before leaving behind the
red-brick buildings of Harvard, the
white sails and the flashing oars, the jogging
scholars, to head northwest toward Concord.
The shot-heard-round-the-world Concord.
lt had been years since any girl we knew
lived next door to a national monument, but
Terry Nihen (pronounced Ni’-yen), our first
Massachusetts Playmate in recent memory,
does. Of course, Concord bridge is still there,
but New England is changing. The Colonial
houses are still there, tucked in the dense
green New England forests. But at every
crossroads, there is a computer company,
another building with Data or Digital in the
company name. Terry Nihen grew up in this
region, in Acton, and she has changed.
In a. part of the country where every child
gocs on to college, if not graduate school, she
opted to enroll in a technical-trade high
school in nearby Lexington. “1 wanted to try
something new, to test myself against other
kids. The school drew people from seven or
eight towns. I was thrown in with a new
crowd of very bright kids, just like that. I was
studying something I was interested in."
After graduation, she worked for a bank
for four years. She added two more jobs to
pay her way through a local community
p ovre Two winds along the Charles Riv-
"When I lived in the South, I found myself getting homesick. Atlanta was so new. 1 just had to come back. Boston has
character, romance.” Terry and friends take a surrey with a fringe on top down one of the old streets in Boston (above).
An early-morning stroll takes her past the swan boats of Boston Common (below right). “But it’s not all Victorian,” she
says. “There are nights I hang out at Spit, a New Wave club. Boston is as old or as new as you want it to be. It's alive."
“I get up about
6:30,” says Terry.
“I do some stretch-
ing exercises, have
a light breakfast WEB
and go to work. I
work until 4:30,
then do some more
exercising. My
Pic сор!
dinner. Afterward,
p MU
ie or go bowling or
ice skating." Or,
shall we say, she at-
tempts to go ice
skating. Terry
practices her recov-
ery on a rink at left
college. She changed direction and went to
work for a firm she calls Digital-in-the-
Woods. “I looked at other places that were
too ultraprofessional. Гуе learned that
what appears to be professional isn't. A
preppie look isn’t enough, I like something
flexible. I get the work done and laugh.”
She worked in an employment-relations
program: “I was relating not just to com-
puters but also to people. The best of both
worlds.” Because her company had offices
throughout the U.S., Terry decided to
leave New England. She settled on Atlan-
ta. She had apparently forgotten to pack
the famous New England modesty—lucky
for us. “I was a contestant in a bikini con-
test at a disco. First prize was a trip to
Fort Lauderdale. Melinda Mays [Miss
February 1983] was one of the judges. She
suggested that I try out for Playmate. I
was fairly rude about it. There were other
girls in the contest who were better-look-
ing. It had never crossed my mind that I
could be mistaken for one of the women in
PLAYBOY. But I thought about it for a day,
then called her.” There was no question in
our mind that Terry Nihen deserved to be
a Playmate. We had seldom seen a woman
in such great shape. “I taught an exercise
class three times a night. I got shin splints
and had to cut down, but Pm sull pretty
active. I want to get into weight training. I
don’t want big muscles, just to get every-
thing really hard, to be the best I can be.”
As we talked with Terry, we revised
our image of New England girls. “I liked
Auanta, but New England is home. I
And they didn’t believe we were from
PLAYBOY. During the shooting, we
came across a bunch of sun-crazed pic-
nickers who were having a pie fight.
Maybe we can call this the shot seen round the world: Terry poses for a picture
just downstream from the famous little bridge in Concord. Until recently, the
gristmill in the background of the shot below was in full operation. Say cheese.
missed the character, the history,
the people. Everyone has the
wrong idea about New Eng-
landers. We're not cold. We're
just not easy. In Atlanta, there
were more people willing to open
up, but there were also more peo-
ple willing to take you to the
After less than a year in At-
lanta, Terry returned to New
England to be close to friends and
family. “My best friends just hap-
pen to be family. My sisters. My
mother. They give me a lot of sup-
port.” The result is an impressive
blend of beauty and common
sense, ol warmth and intelligence.
“Pm not flighty. I'm not boring.
Being in PLAYBOY is a major com-
pliment, but I have to view it real-
istically.” We discussed her plans.
She will put some of her Playmate
money into a tax shelter. She may
break down and replace the 1967
Le Mans with the jacked-up rear
end that she uses for a car. She
may try acting (“Гуе been told
that I give a good show when
Pm upset or very happy”). But
in any event, she will do well.
“My friends say I have a good
ear, meaning I can relate to
their problems. I am very hap-
ру and willing to go cut on a
limb to help. It’s worth it.”
“My attitude toward modeling is a lot like my attitude
toward exercise. You go as hard as your heart can go. ГЇЇ
take it until I can’t take it anymore or until it takes me
somewhere else. I’m doing this mostly because of a dare.”
"I can't remember a time when PLAYBOY wasn't in my house. My brother brought it home, and each copy passed from
sister to sister. I don’t know when I first thought of modeling as a career. I knew it was a clothes-on, clothes-off
proposition. Just look at Vogue. Different magazine, same job. But I do know I couldn’t have done this when I was 18.1
was too impressionable. I would have looked at the pictures and just seen the outside. Now I know myself inside and out.”
HEIGHT 294 b” WEIGHT :/00 4-85
beach ws
Y Kars Olt 7 old /4 yord old
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As she delightedly unwrapped each Christmas
present, the grateful mistress insisted on express-
ing her appreciation to her generous lover with a
juickie. “Darling,” the man panted after the
fourth, "couldn't we consider a deferred-pay-
ment plan?”
Now, look here, Miss Patterson,” the resident
manager said to the provocative-looking new
tenant, “about that take-a-number device you've
gone and mounted on your apartment
loor. .. .”
Someday, yours may be the hand that rocks the
cradle,” the young man in the parked car told his
date. “Tonight, though," he went on as he
unzipped, “I'd like it to be the hand that cradles
the rocks.”
Following a threesome sex session, the girl
relaxed contentedly for a few moments, then
asked, “Was it good for you two?”
When pinched on the fanny, Monique
Succumbed to a peeved maiden’s pique
By exclaiming with verve
To her pincher, “Some nerve?”
“And in your case,” he gloated, “some cheek!”
That new salesman I dated last night turned out
to be hung like a bull—like, maybe with eight
inches!” the typist confided during an office hen
“I wouldn't let myself be bedded by a nobody
like that,” commented a co-worker. “My own
preference has run to individuals like the con-
“You can have the big wheels. 1 prefer the big
axle rods.”
Our Unabashed тагу defines bipartisan
as an A.C./D.C. politician
Singles-bar lore: The difference between a dog
and a fox in the eye of the beholder is a m
mum of five drinks.
Û met the kinkiest producer at lunch today,” the
Hollywood agent told his wife. “He spent most
of the meal boasting about the conquests he’d
“So what’s so kinky about that?” asked the
woman. “Surely you’ve been in this business
long enough to be blasé about the casting
“Oh, I am, I am—but this guy happens to
make nothing but animal pictures."
An outrageous young lady named Kyle
Likes to flirt in a whimsical style:
She'll depanty, it’s said,
And then stand on her head
To display her most quimsical smile.
Insult overheard in а bar: "You're such an
asshole that you ought to be listed in the Guin-
ness Book of Rectums"
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines Hula-Hoop
as a Hawaiian 1.U.D.
Word has reached us that the Yellow Pages
people have refused a listing for an outcall serv-
ice for stockbrokers titled Putz and Calls.
Га like to have my money back,” the customer
stated firmly.
"What happens to be the problem, sir?"
countered the sex-shop clerk
“This love doll you sold me yesterday inflates
with her legs crossed!”
My wife and I split up because we have too
much in common,” the solitary drinker confided
morosely to the bartender.
“Izzat so?”
“Yeah—we both like to cat pussy.”
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a postcard,
please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, Playboy
Bldg, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill
60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor whose
card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“Oh, dear! I thought you'd be in Moscow by Christmas!”
if orson welles
is so smart, how
come he can’t do
bigger box office?
personality By BARBARA LEAMING in 1975, The Ameri-
can Film Institute gave Orson Welles a star-studded banquet in the Los
Angeles Ballroom of the Century Plaza Hotel to present him with its Life
Achievement Award. Film clips of the past two winners, director John
Ford and actor James Cagney, flashed on a giant screen as the announcer
said, “Tonight, we honor the third man.” Nelson Riddle and his orchestra
struck up the theme from a movie with one of Welles’s most famous
performances, The Third Man. Spotlights focused on the paneled door as
the announcer continued, “The American Film Institute spotlights a direc-
tor, an actor, a writer, a producer—and here they are: Orson Welles.”
Into the glare slid the massive, gray-bearded Welles. For all his bulk, he
rolled quickly and forcefully ahead, his great flat — (continued on page 178)
ey OF
а” а compendium of wry
Q yulefoolery from
A Y the pages of playboy
2 эл
“Just holding the ladder will suffice, Mr. Jacobs.” “How'd you like to spend an old-fashioned Christmas
at Grandma's?"
>; <
= LL жс SE
= лр T < J р 7. ¡Se fes N
LC. n
= = zi td x
"Then, one cold winter's night, I said to myself, "I hate for this moment to end. but we mustn't N
‘What the hell am I doing up here in the North Pole with monopolize the mistletoe.” ы wy
а bunch of dumb-looking elves?” е
“But, Nancy, couldn't you just leave cookies and milk for “Nothing like chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Santa, as you always did before?” ch, Miss Blythdale?”
- v ы
Г 200 n M»
= A Gr 4
eg 40.1 ОР
Me i
“After all these years of giving, 1 said to myself,
‘So why shouldn't 1 give myself a present?”
“Memo lo the Christmas office-party committee:
"Congratulations, etc, etc," signed B. J. Wilkens.”
"Surprise, Grandmother! We've come to spend the
Christmas holidays with you."
ORSON WELLES г. pase 173)
“Welles was guilty . . . of the only true sin: He had
never been able to engineer a blockbuster.”
feet as close to the ground as the treads of an
armored tank.
He wore a jumbo tuxedo and a flowing
silk tie nearly the size of a pillowcase, and
he carried a script under his arm ashe took
his place at the red-draped dais facing a
stage plastered with blowups of his many
eminent film roles: the young shirt-sleeved
maverick in Citizen Kane; the white-
haired hulk of a Falstaff in Chimes at
Midnight; the handsome Irish rogue in
The Lady from Shanghai; the obscenely
fat, dissipated slob in Touch of Evil.
To Welles's right sat his darkly beauti-
ful third wife, Paola—the Italian Countess
di Girfalco—and to his left was his tow-
ering blonde look-alike daughter Beatrice.
Pecking each on the cheek, Welles turned
to acknowledge the electric applause of the
banquet hall, whose round pink tables
were filled with Tinseltown elite: Charlton
Heston, Jack Lemmon, Johnny Carson,
Natalie Wood, Rosalind Russell, Groucho
Marx,as well as assorted moguls and mon-
ey men who had come to toast Welles’s film
making as having “stood the test of time.”
Frank Sinatra sang The Gentleman Is
a Champ, to the tune of The Lady Is a
Tramp—an unfortunate irony, since
America’s greatest film maker had been
tramping about Europe for years. He
hadn't made a movie in Hollywood since
Touch of Evil, in 1957; and before that,
he'd spent a down-at-the-heels decade mak-
ing low-budget pictures in Europe when-
ever he could scrape together the cash.
After Sinatra, Ingrid Bergman gave a
testimonial: “1 think that it must have been
a great burden for him to have made a
masterpiece when he was 24 years old,”
she said, talking about Kane, “and it must
have been very hard to live up to it all those
years. ... I've been working in Europe
when Orson Welles was working in Eu-
rope,andwehadhardships—bothofus. . . .
I knew how he was working, and we saw
pictures produced by Orson, directed by
Orson, written by Orson, arranged by Or-
son, acted by Orson and clothes by —— He
had done everything. Still, he had his trou-
bles. And the joke started in Europe that
Orson Welles is running out of countries.”
There was much laughter at this, indi-
cating how aware all Hollywood was of
Welles's plight. But no one howled more
than Welles, his pudgy eyes crinkling with
delight. For he grasped the evening’s irony
better than anyone—and was prepared to
milk the occasion for all it was worth.
“Now he has come back to his own
country,” Bergman continued, “and in
great style.”
In effect, although Welles had long been
flitting in and out of Hollywood, the Amer-
ican Film Institute tribute was supposed to
be his official homecoming toa Tinseltown,
whose citizens were slightly embarrassed
about the unjust fate of the man who had
made Citizen Kane. His problems were
usually explained away by repeating the
rumors that he was an extraordinarily
expensive and troublesome director, which
those who have worked with him will tell
you is simply not true. But even if it were,
egos and excess are accepted parts of the
Hollywood scene; Welles, on the other
hand, was guilty—admittedly, undeni-
ably—of the only true sin: He had never
been able to engineer a blockbuster. While
the entire industry respected his artistic
genius—to which the A.F.L dinner was a
testimonial—it also thought he was just too
artistic to be bankable.
“Here we are,” Bergman concluded,
“and I'm so happy that The American Film
Institute has asked me to come so I also can
pay my tribute to you and thank you that
you have shown the world what rcal cour-
age is and tenacity and, of course, your
dazzling talent. So, therefore, 1 say bravo,
Orson, and hit us again with your talent"
After more speeches and a showing of
clips from Welles’s classic films, Sinatra
clasped the Great Man’s hand and led him
tothe transparent Plexiglas rostrum, where
Welles pressed the trophy to his great
stomach. Then he began to thank his hosts
in what composer Virgil Thomson calls
“the most beautiful voice in the world.”
“My father once told me,” gentleman
Welles began, “that the art of receiving a
compliment is, of all things, the sign of a
civilized man. And he died soon after-
ward, leaving my education in this im-
portant matter sadly incomplete.”
If the crowd tittered somewhat nerv-
ously, it was because they weren't sure
whether this was supposed to be a joke—
a joke about someone's father dying?
“My heart is full,” Welles continued,
cooing. “With a full heart—with all of
it—1 thank you.”
He seemed to have finished. But no
sooner had everyone applauded than he
picked up again.
“There are a few of us left in this con-
glomerated world of ours,” he said, “who
still trudge stubbornly along a lonely,
rocky road, and this is, in fact, our contrari-
ety. We don’t move nearly as fast as our
cousins on the freeway. We don’t even get
as much accomplished, just as the family-
sized farm can’t possibly raise as many
cropsor getasmuch profit asthe agricultur-
al factory of today. What we do come up
with has no special right to call itself better.
It’s just different. No, if there’s any excuse
for us at all, it’s that we're simply following
the old American tradition of the maverick.
And we area vanishing breed. This honor
I can only accept in the name of all the
mavericks. And also as a tribute to the gen-
erosity of all the rest of you—to the giv-
ers—to the ones with fixed addresses.”
Fixed addresses. On those words, Welles
paused, raised his eyebrows and stared
intently at his evening's benefactors, who
were not unaware that he was playfully
indicting them, using the occasion toremind
them that they had shut him out, that they
had been cozily ensconced in Hollywood
while he—the genius, the dazzling talent—
had kicked around the world.
Generosity. What generosity had they
shown, denying him the money to make
films all these years?
“A maverick may go his own way,”
Welles continued, “but he doesn’t think
that it's the only way or ever claim that
it’s the best one—except maybe for him-
self. And don’t imagine that this raggle-
taggle gypsy is daiming to be free. 105
just that some of the necessities to which /
am a slave are different from yours. As a
director, for instance, I pay myself out of
my acting jobs. I use my own work to
subsidize my work. In other words, I'm
crazy. But not crazy enough to pretend to
be free. It’s a fact that many of the films
you’ve seen tonight could never have been
made otherwise. Or if otherwise—well,
they might have been beuer. But certain-
ly, they wouldn’t have been mine.”
Finally, “just by way of saying good
night,” Welles introduced a clip from his
unfinished movie titled The Other Side of
the Wind—about a legendary film maker
named Jake Hannaford and his desper-
ate struggle to raise funds.
“The scene that you’re going to see,”
explained Welles, clasping his hands and
glaring at the money men around him,
“takes place in a projection room, and
waiting there is the Big Studio Boss. The
director has a stooge, and the stooge is trying
to sell the movie that Jake is mak-
ing, for which he needs end money —”
End money. This was what Welles really
wanted—and deserved—from these people,
not the trophy with the silver star on top.
But the next morning, after the applause
and the tributes and the toasts, he still
couldn't get financing for a film. Nor the
next morning, nor the next, nor the next.
In Hollywood, Welles is known as a
most entertaining—and — prestigious—
luncheon partner. Besideshistalesof Chap-
lin and Garbo and Bogart, there аге the
notorious, sometimes apocryphal stories
about himself —such as the one about why
William Randolph Hearst was really so
livid about Citizen. Kane. In 1941, faced
(continued on page 301)
a timely accounting of timeless principles of personal finance
you can win the stock-market game with dogged fundamentals—
or use razzle-dazzle to go for the big score
WANT TO TALK with you about great plays. Not
stuff like The Night of the Iguana or The Frogs,
though ГЇЇ grant there's some money in those,
too—Pm talking about the kind of play where
you dive into the third market and buy 40,000
Kodak, butterfly the July and October options,
link the two with a pile of September silvers, hedge with
market-index options and interest-rate futures, close out
the whole thing an hour later and leave for the helipad
$408,000 to the good.
Not because you’re greedy; because life’s a game. (As a
currently popular T-shirt has it: WHOEVER HAS THE MOST
THINGS WHEN HE DIES, WINS. There's not much room to
mince words on a T-shirt.)
A lot of people think that if they were just smarter, they
could make a ton of money in the market. No. Smart
alone won’t do it. It’s important also to be lucky, to have
the right temperament and to have a good-sized stake to
begin with. (The rich get richer, in part, because they can
afford to take risks and to be patient.) It may also help to
put in the hours. Not sitting in a broker’s gallery eyeball-
ing the ticker day after day—that won’t help. Digging for
something special.
Among the several methods:
1. What is loosely known as the Benjamin Graham
approach, after the late father of Fundamental analysis, in
which you analyze balance sheet after balance sheet until
you find a company selling so blatantly beneath its net-
asset value that you need not even sample its products or
interview its management to know it’s a good bet—a situ-
ation much less prevalent today than just a year or two
ago, which is why this proved so profitable for the folks
who made the effort a year or two ago.
2. What might be called the arbitrager’s approach,
which consists of finding wonderful little lapses of logic in
the prices of related securities and exploiting the bejesus
out of them.
The first approach—hunting for value and then sitting
tight—is widely known. The second—dancing around the
edges of the game, looking for clever openings—is less
often described. To quote Webster:
AR’BI- TRAGE: Like when you see gold trading at
$420 an ounce in London and at $422 in New York
and you buy 1,000,000 ounces in London at the same
time as you sell them in New York and you pocket
the $2,000,000 spread. Like, man—it’s fantastic.
Not everyone is adept at this sort of thing.
I called a classmate who will earn $500,000 this year as
an institutional salesman (not selling institutions, selling
to them—as contrasted with “retail” salesmen, who sell
securities to “the public”). He’s smart—and quick. I said,
“Listen, Hotshot [not his real name], I need an example
of something really brilliant you’ve done, something that
involves a couple of different securities and some fancy
footwork or a wrinkle. Give me an example of some great
idea you've had and you'll be famous.”
He immediately grasped the concept, then fell silent. “1
know what you mean,” he finally said, “but I can’t think
of anything."
“Oh, come on— just onc idea!”
Моге silence.
“I can just see what you're going to write,” he chortled.
“ Been in the business 15 years, never had an idea.’ ”
I start with this one because it’s one of two I've thought
of myself. (Been in the business 15 years, had two ideas.)
It has to do with the stock of Warner Communications.
Warner hit an all-time high of 63 in 1982. It was not of
much interest at that price, at least to me, because Гуе
always been a sucker for the notion of “buying low”—a
discipline that of necessity precludes buying stocks at or
near their all-time highs.
Not long afterward, Warner announced that its Atari
division was in the tank and the stock dropped to 28%.
In toying with the notion of buying some—at that
price, it looked interesting—I remembered Warner war-
rants. A warrant gives you the right to buy stock at some
specified price (55 in this case) for a given length of time
(through April 30, 1986, in this case). Warrants are also
called rights, because that’s all they are: the right to buy
stock at a certain price. They could be called options, too,
for they operate in much the same way; only warrants are
issued by the underlying company itself, while options are
issued by bookies in Chicago, (continued on page 188)
The body beautiful below belongs to Marine
Jahan, whose terpsichorean talents corried the
filmic Flashdance. Also-beautiful Jennifer Beals
starred, but most of the muscles you saw in
motion were Marine's. At left: Linnéa Quigley, who
knows that, above all, flashdancing is hip.
a Р | =
gli e.
med XI
| "
маа. - )
Kathleen Corrs regimen
(above) hos obvious benefits in
muscle fone ond flexibility,
though it’s absolute hell on the
wardrobe. The omnipresent
mirrors that ore part of flash-
donce practice may have
brought charges of narcissism,
but they reflect well on Kothy.
ST /
GREAT PLAYS continued rom page 179)
“There’s no telling what folks will pay for little pieces
of paper and a dream.”
New York, Philadelphia and San Francis-
co. (Also, options run for a maximum of
nine months, while warrants generally do
not expire for several years.)
The Warner warrant trades on the
American Stock Exchange. 1 figured if it
were cheap enough, it might be a better
way to bet on Warner’s future than simply
to buy the stock. But what's cheap
enough? What is the right to buy a stock
at 55—when it's 28—worth? Clearly, that
depends on how long the warrant has to
run (the longer, the better) and how likely
the stock is to shoot up in price.
My guess was that the warrant would
be selling around 5. For $500, that is, you
could purchase the right to buy 100 shares
of Warner stock at $55 each through April
1986. For $5000, you could control 1000
shares. Buying 1000 shares outright, by
contrast, would have cost $28,250.
Pm not saying I would have bought the
warrants at 5, but that’s about what I fig-
ured they were worth.
I looked in the paper (WrnC wt) and
was astonished to find them, in fact, at
11%. People were actually plunking down
$11.25 to control shares of Warner stock
that they could have owned for $28.25 in
the wild hope that sometime this side of
April 30, 1986, Warner would climb from
28% to well past 55. Which just goes to
show there’s no telling what folks will pay
for little pieces of paper and a dream.
But if it’s hard to know what a warrant
like this is worth with three years left to
run, here’s almost exactly what it will be
worth on the morning of expiration:
The right to buy
it at $55 will be
If Warner stock
is: worth:
$ 55 or below $0
65 10
75 20
100 45
Only if the stock were above $66 a
share would the right to bu; at $55 be
worth more than $11 at expiration.
The stock, at 28%, seemed perhaps
undervalued. The warrant, at 11%,
seemed ridiculously overvalued. So here
was the play: Buy the stock and short the
warrants. (Going short, you will recall,
means selling something you don’t own.
That would be larcenous were you not
obligated cventually to buy it back—
cheaper, you hope—to clear your ac-
count.) I called my broker and put in an
order to short 1000 warrants at 11%. Only
when that transaction was completed (for
it’s always trickier to short something than
to buy it) did I buy an equal number of
shares of Warner common stock.
Tf the stock is 55 or below on April 30,
1986, the warrants will expire worthless,
which means I won’t have to pay anything
to buy them back and clear my account.
Pl be allowed to keep the full 11% points
on the warrant—$11,250.
If the stock is above 55, the warrant will
have some value—but the more the better!
Grab a pad and pencil and consider the
Let’s say the stock is 66. Well, the war-
rant will be 11 or so (as it entitles you to
buy a $66 stock for $55), and I won’t have
any profit from having shorted it. But
that’s OK—I will have made 38 points on
the stock. Thirty-eight thousand dollars! 1
tremble in anticipation.
For every point Warner is above $66, 1
will lose a point on the warrant but gain a
point on the stock, and so still have a 38-
point profit overall, What’s more, the gain
willbelong-term, while any loss onthe war-
rant will be short-term (gains and losses
from short sales are always short-term),
and that can work to my advantage.
If Warner stock is exactly where it was
when I did all this—28%—then I make
nothing on it, but the warrants expire
worthless and I get to keep $11,250.
If Warner is someplace between 28 and
55, ГІ make someplace between 11 and
38 points.
Of course, should Warner slump to 3,
say, Га lose a lot more on the stock
($25,250) than I’d make on the warrants
($11,250). But you’ve got to take some risk
if you want to join the Pepsi generation.
(Another risk, please note, is that the com-
pany could unilaterally extend the life of
the warrants.) Nor, should the stock fall,
does anyone say I have to sell it. The war-
rants expire, but the stock lives on.
I was feeling quite pleascd with myself
for figuring all this out when I ran into
Jeff Tarr. At Harvard, years ago, Jeff had
launched Operation Match, the original
computerized-dating service. Now he is
one of Wall Street’s most highly regarded
arbitragers. We live in the same building,
only he lives оп а much higher floor. (The
entire floor.)
“Рус finally got one for you,” I said,
and I told my Warner story.
“Sure,” he responded. “We've done a
lot of that, only we figure you should be
shorting two warrants for each share of
the common. It’s a two-for-one reverse
warrant hedge.”
I went home, took out my pad and pen-
cil to see what would happen at various
prices if I were short two warrants for
each share of the common stock, and then
called my broker to short more warrants
Ala Moana would be worth mentioning
even if it weren't a potentially great play,
just for the voleanic passion of the name.
But the idea was to buy the stock at 272
and sit pat. Simple as that. Ala Moana
Hawaii Properties, as it’s formally known
and traded on the New York Stock Ex-
change, is in the process of liquidating
itself. Wiser minds than mine have
guessed that the liquidating dividend will
be in the neighborhood of $4—although
wise minds, I cannot stress too forcefully,
have been wrong before. They further
guess that it will come sometime before the
end of the century. Perhaps even before
the end of next year.
To turn $2.50 into $4 ain’t hay, but
what makes this play interesting, if it
works, is that at the same time as one is
turning $2.50 into $4, one may get to
report a sizable loss. This is possible
because: (A) The properties it’s hoped will
fetch $4 a share are on the books for a lot
more; and (B) Ala Moana shares—never
mind that they trade on the New York
Stock Exchange—are not shares of stock
but, rather, limited-partnership units. Ala
Moana is not a corporation but a limited
partnership. As such, profits and losses
flow through to the partners.
Its a neat play, but for a rarefied
crowd. Beware! The $4 may never materi-
alize. Or a portion of it may well have
been distributed by the time you read this.
Nor is this—even if it works—the sort of
thing you’d take to H&R Block. The le-
gal and accounting fees could be significant.
For Jeff Tarr, such expenses are justifi-
able. His group owns 890,000 shares.
Tt is February 1983 and Pan Am is des-
perate for cash to carry it through to sum-
mer. Some people are buying the stock at
5, hoping for a recovery. Others are buy-
ing bonds E. F. Hutton has concocted—
“Pan American World Airways, Inc., 15
Percent Convertible Secured Trust Notes
Due 1998.” They pay 15 percent a year
interest, are convertible into stock at $5.50
a share and are secured by a bevy of Boe-
ing 747s. The smart money is buying the
bonds and shorting the stock.
Roughly speaking:
If Pan Am should recover (which
seemed doubtful in February), the stock
could soar—but the bonds, being convert-
ible into the stock, would soar with it. A
break even.
If Pan Am limped along and the stock
(continued on page 274)
“Т know when you’ve been good, and I know when you’ve
been bad, so be good for goodness’ sake!”
there are two kinds of people—those who think
there are two kinds of people and those who don’t
FROM THE BEGINNING of Time, Man has been
on the move, ever oulward. First he spread
over his own planet, then across the Solar
System, then outward to the Galaxies, all of
them dotted, speckled, measled with the col-
onies of Man.
Then, one day in the year eleven thou-
sand four hundred and six (11,406), an
incredible discovery was made in the Master
Imperial Computer back on Earth. Nearly
500 years before, a clerical error had erased
from the computer's memory more than
e ===
2 ph
Woser ltl]
| E
1000 colonies, all in Sector F.U.B.A.R.3.
For half а millennium, those colonies,
young end struggling when last heard
from, had had no contact with the rest of
The Galactic Patrol Interstellar Ship
Hopeful, Captain Gregory Standforth
commanding, was at once dispatched to
re-establish contact with the Thousand
Lost Colonies and return them to the
bosom of Mankind.
The two armies were massed in terrible
array, banners flying, the hosts facing
each other across the verdant valley. The
tents of the generals were magnificently
bedecked, pennons whipping in the breeze.
Down below, clergymen in white and
black blessed the day and the pounded
grass and the generals and the banners
and the archers and the horses and those
who sweep up behind the horses. Filled
with a good breakfast, the soldiers on the
slopes stood comfortably, happy to be
a part of this historic moment, while
the supreme commanders of both forces
marched with their aides and their scribes
down through their respective armies and
out across the green sweep of neutral terri-
tory toward the table and the altar set up
in the very center of the valley under a
yellow flag of truce.
This was the first time these two
supreme commanders had met, and they
studied each other with a pardonable curi-
osity while the various aides exchanged
documents and provided signatures. Is he
fiercer-looking than me? the supreme
commanders wondered as they eyed each
other. Is his jaw firmer and lean-
er? Do his eyes flash more coldly and cru-
elly? Is his backbone more ramrod-stiff?
The ministers sprinkled holy water
over the papers. The supreme command-
ers firmly shook hands—very firmly shook
hands—and a great cheer went up from
the multitudes on the slopes. The ceremo-
ny was complete. The name had been
changed. The 300 Years’ War was now
officially the 400 Years’ War.
“Look out!” someone shouted.
Soldiers gaped. Horses neighed and
pawed the ground. Clergy and aides fled
with cassocks and tunics flapping, su-
preme commanders took to their heels and
the great long silver bullet of the spaceship
settled slowly, delicately, almost lazily into
the very center of the valley, the massive
base of the thing gently mashing the main
altar into a dinner mat.
“Remember, Councilman," Ensign
Kybee Benson said, pacing the council-
man's cabin, "these are intelligent and
subtle people, the descendants cf philoso-
“Hardly a problem,” Councilman Mor-
ton Luthguster responded. "I'm some-
thing of a philosopher myself.”
Ensign Benson and Councilman Luth-
192 guster meshed imperfectly. Ensign Benson
was almost painfully aware that the rea-
son the councilman had been chosen to
represent the Galactic Council on this
endless, trivial, boring mission to the uni-
versal boondocks was simply that nobody
at the Galactic Council could stand the
man’s pomposities anymore. Luthguster
didn’t realize that; nor did he realize that
it was Ensign Benson’s sharp-nosed per-
sonality that had won him a berth on the
Hopeful (neither did Ensign Benson); but
he’d certainly noticed that all his conver-
sations with Ensign Benson left him with
the sense that his fur had been rubbed the
wrong way.
Ensign Benson’s face now wore the
expression of a man eating a lemon.
“Councilman, would you like to know
which particular philosophy these philos-
ophers philosophized about?”
“You're the social engineer,” Luthgus-
ter pointed out, getting a bit prickly him-
self. “It’s your job to background me on
these colonies.”
“Dualists,” Ensign Benson said. “They
were dualisıs.”
“You mean they fought each other?”
Lieutenant Billy Shelby, the Hopeful’s
young second in command, knocked on the
open door and entered the cabin, saying,
“Sir, the ship has landed.”
“Just a second, Billy.” Taking a deep
breath, displaying his patience, Ensign
Benson said, “Not duelists, Councilman,
dualists. They believed in the philosophy
of dualism. Simply stated, the idea that
there are two sides to every story.”
“At the very least,” Luthguster said.
“Back in the Galactic Coun——”
“Gemini,” Ensign Benson interrupted.
“That’s what they named their colony,
after the twins of the zodiac. They'd origi-
nally considered Janus, after the two-
faced god, but that suggested a duplicity
they didn’t intend. Discussion and debate;
that’s the core of their approach to life.”
“A civilized and cultured people, obvi-
ously.” Luthguster preened himself, pat-
ting his big round belly. “We shall get
along famously.”
"No doubt,” Ensign Benson said.
“Shall we begin?”
They followed Billy Shelby down to the
main hatch, where the ladder had already
been extruded, but the door was not yet
open. Waiting beside it was Captain
Standforth, tall and thin and vague, his
stun gun ready in his hand. Pointing to the
weapon, Luthguster said, “We won’t be
needing that, Captain. These are peaceful
“I thought I might shoot some birds,”
said the captain. “For stuffing.” Bird taxi-
dermy was the only thing in life the cap-
tain really cared about. Seven generations
of Standforths had, unfortunately, made
such magnificent careers in the Galactic
Patrol that this Standforth had had no
choice but to sign up when he'd attained
the proper age, but the whole thing had
been a ghastly mistake, which everybody
now knew—and which was why he had
been assigned to the Hopeful.
"Shoot birds later," Luthguster said,
somewhat stiffly. “Let us begin peaceably.
Open the door, Billy.”
Billy pushed the button, the door
opened and Luthguster stepped out onto
the platform at the head of the ladder.
“Fellow thinkers,” he cried out and fell
back into the ship with seven arrows stuck
in him.
“Rotten aim,” Chief Engineer Hester
Hanshaw said, wiping her hands on a
greasy rag, then dropping it onto the clus-
ter of pulled arrows. “You'll live.”
“At least you could sound happier
about it,” Luthguster told her. Lying
there on the engine-room table, he was so
enswathed in bandages that he looked like
a gift-wrapped beach ball.
“Its mostly all that blubber protected
you,” Hester said unsympathetically
"You're a very inefficient design.”
“Well, thank you very much.”
‘There was no doctor on the Hopeful,
there being room for only five crew mem-
bers and the councilman. Hester Han-
shaw, 40ish, blunt of feature and speech
and hand and mind, had taken a few first-
aid courses before departure, with the atti-
tude that the human body was merely a
messier-than-usual kind of machine and
that most of its ills could be repaired with
a few turns of a screwdriver or taps of a
hammer. (Pliers had been useful in the
current case, plucking the arrows out of
the councilman.) Hester never gave her
engines sympathy while banging away at
them, so why should she give sympathy to
Luthguster? "I'll give you some coffee,”
she offered grudgingly.
Luthguster knew Hester’s coffee from
hearsay. “No, thank you!”
"Don't worry, you won't leak. I
plugged all the holes.”
Luthguster closed his eyes. А тоап
leaked out.
Lieutenant Billy Shelby, handsome, ro-
mantic, idealistic, bright as a bowling
ball, clutched the microphone in his left
hand, white flag in his right, and said,
“Ready, sir.”
The captain hesitated. “Are you sure,
“He already volunteered, Captain,”
Ensign Benson pointed out. “Obviously
we have to make contact with the Gemi-
noids somehow.”
“Pm sure, Captain,” Billy said.
So the captain pushed the button, the
door opened and Billy marched out onto
the platform with the white flag high
and the loud-speaker microphone to his
mouth: “People of —” his voice boomed
out over the valley, and a cannon Бай
(continued on page 198)
And yet, one essential area of human activity has been conspic-
uously left out of the onslaught of automation .. . SEX. How сап
& that be? My theory is that most inventors are prudish introverts and feel
ill at ease dealing with this altogether normal life function. I, personally,
harbor no such inhibitions and, to prove it, have created the following
suite of erotic appliances, such as KWIK-LIK, the pacifier at left, de-
signed for the teat-totaling executive. Let my work stand as one man’s
rebuttal to the shortsightedness of 100 years of geniuses, rest their souls,
Y: KNOW, today’s advanced technology staggers the imagination.
Now you can forget those phony lines and show-off stunts thot used to be the only way to start a “meoningful” relotionship. Thanks to LUVcuffs, the
mechanical matchmaker, you can be your plain old self ond still score big every time. Here's how it works: Just persuade your date to slip her wrist
through the comfortoble retoining strap (you do the same), set the on-board computer to the desired length of interaction (one to 24 hours), switch on
the tamperproof locking system and leave the rest to LUVeuffs. Inset: PUBIK'S CUBE. This tongue-in-chic desk novelty is a plush pleosure puzzle.
CHANGING HAT (below) has a “bathhouse
in the brim.” Just release tabs, roll down
polyethylene enclosure and you've got instant
privacy. It’s also a dressing room for
cheap boutiques or even a
think tank.
Above, the latest in office equipment includes PREPPY PANTIES (left), so perfect for those under-
the-table deals; select wide tie (modest) or norrow tie (daring) as appropriate to the occasion; at
right, the PRIVATE SECRETARY, with its patented "Loin-O-Type" jotter system that comes imme
diately into play when wearer assumes sitting position, helps today’s busy steno stay on top of the
situation even during stiffest dictation; a second pad may be worn at the rear for occosional entries.
Fulfill your photo fantosies with AUTONUDE. It’s the
next best thing to X-roy glosses. Just attoch the pre-
cision-tooled unit to your camero, olign the subject's
head with AUTONUDE' built-in naked body ond
press the button. Presto! AUTONUDE strips ‘em
bare. Try it on bystonders, passers-by, friends. Even
relatives. Subjects con't refuse. Great fun ot parties.
AUTONUDE is designed for maximum variation.
There is the fully naked, stand-up pose and the fully
naked waist-up pose. And for those who like to see
women in stockings, garter belts and push-out bras,
AUTONUDE cames through for them. If you want to
try this at home, the technicians who designed
AUTONUDE suggest using a lens wider than 35mm.
perky pet who'll tick-
le your fancy (right)
Wind him up and
watch him go, but
don’t let him out of
your sight! We can't
be responsible. Self.
lubricoting. Caution:
Do not overwind.
Coming soon, com-
Immortalize those
moments of special
intimacy with THE
LOVER (below
and right), on
camera. Seduc-
tively styled to
fit the occasion,
it features o
posing mirror.
Inset at left, the OPTICAL BREAST
ENLARGER, developed for small-
screen TV sets; it brings the small
bosom to fuller stature instantly!
THERE'S АМАН ON continues rom page 192)
“ ‘Those people aren't a part of our war. They're in-
nocent bystanders. The rules of battle don’t apply.’ ”
ripped through the white flag to carom off
the silver hull.
Billy gaped at the hole in the flag. “Gee
whizz,” his amplified voice told the sunny
day. “Don’t you guys believe in a flag of
“That ain’t no flag of truce!”
yelled from upslope. “It’s white!
“Well, what color do you want?
“Yellow! The color of cowards!”
“Wait right there,” Billy told the two
encircling armies and went back into the
ship. Carom! went a cannon ball in fare-
а voice
“After dark,” Supreme Commander
Krraich said, "we'll deploy a patrol to
sneak up on the thing and set fire to it.”
“I suspect, sir,” said an aide carefully
(Krraich was known to dislike correction),
“the thing is made of metal.”
Krraich glowered. Sneaking up on
things and setting fire to them was one of
his favorite sports. “It’s a fort, isn’t it?” he
demanded. “Could be just shiny paint.”
“Sir, uh, cannon balls bounce off.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s metal. Could be
“Rubber won't burn, si
Krraich turned his gaze full upon this
pestiferous aide, whose name was Major
Invercairnochinchlie. In the bloodshot eye
of his mind, Krraich watched Major
Invercairnochinchlic burn to the ground—
kilt, sporran, gnarled pipe, tam and all.
“What do you suggest, Major?”
Invercairnochinchlie swallowed. “Acid,
The other aides, also in formal officers’
kilts, all snickered and shifted their feet,
like a corralful of miniskirted horses; aides
liked to see other aides in trouble. But
then, Krraich’s least favorite and most
intelligent aide (the two facts were not
unconnected), a colonel named Alderpee,
said, “Sir, if I may make a suggestion?”
“You always do,” Krraich said, irri-
tated because the suggestions were usually
“That thing out there is a fort,” Alder-
pee said. “A traveling fort. Think how we
could use such a thing.”
Krraich had no imagination. “Your
“They’re about to send out a party
under a flag of truce. We kidnap that par-
ty, apply torture and learn how to invade
the fort. Then we take it over.”
Krraich was appalled and showed it.
“Violate a yellow flag of truce?”
“Those people aren’t a part of our
war,” Alderpee pointed out. “They're
innocent bystanders, The rules of battle
don’t apply.”
“And if we don’t do it,” Alderpee
added, “the Antibens will.”
“How do you do? I'm Lieutenant Billy
Shelby of the Interstel — Mmf!”
“There!” Colonel Alderpee
told you the Antibens would do i
The chaplain, in his black dress uni-
form, sprinkled holy water over Billy, who
sneezed. “Gesundheit,” said the chaplain.
“Thank you.”
“1 am the Right Reverend Beowulf
Hengethorg,” the chaplain explained. “I
am here to ready you for torture.”
“Torture?” Billy gaped around at all
the big, mean-looking, bulgy-armed men
lining the periphery of the large, torchlit
tent. “Gee whizz,” he said, “we're here to
be friendly. We came all the way from
Earth just to”
“Earth?” Wide-eyed, Reverend Henge-
thorg leaned close. “You wouldn’t lie to a
reverend, would you?”
“Oh, no, sir! You see, you were lost,
nd on Earth,” the chaplain said,
voice tensely trembling, “do they believe
in Robert Benchley?”
"I'm the only possible volunteer. The
councilman is wounded, Hester keeps the
engines going, Pam Stokes astrogates and
you understand the mission. I'm not nec-
essary at all.”
“Well, Captain,” Ensign Benson said
as they strode doorward together, “I have
to admit you’re right. All captains are
unnecessary; you’re one of the rare ones
who know it.””
“So I'll try to make peace with the other
army,” the captain went on, “and ask
them to help us rescue Billy.”
“And find out what’s going on here.”
“Well, I'll certainly ask," the captain
They had reached the door, where
firmly the captain pushed the button.
“There's no point in carrying any flags,”
he said. “These people don’t seem to
respect any color.” He stepped outside.
“Good luck, Captain.”
The captain looked back over his shoul-
der. “Did you зау some——" He dropped
from sight. Thump crumple bunkle bong
habingbing thud.
Ensign Benson leaned out to gaze down
at the captain, all in a heap at the foot of
the stairs. “I said, good luck.”
“Another one!” cried Colonel Alderpee.
“Men, get that one or we'll be using your
heads for cannon balls!”
“The ultimate proof!” the Right Rev-
erend Hengethorg was saying. “This fine
young chap here has never even heard of
Robert Benchley, much less read his
Proud of ‚norance, Billy smiled in
modest self-satisfaction at Supreme Com-
mander Mangle. “That's right, sir. What
1 mostly read is The Adventures of Space
Cadet Hooper and His Pals Fatso and
Chang. They just have the most——”
Supreme Commander Mangle, a knife
of a man—a tall, glinty-eyed, bony, angry
knife of a man—growled deep in his
throat; a distant early warning. Billy
blinked and decided after all not to give
the supreme commander a plot summary
of Cadet Hooper and His Pals Go to Betel-
Mangle turned his laser eyes on Henge-
thorg. “Reverend,” he said. His voice
needed oiling. “Explain.”
“The people of Earth are Antibens, just
like us,” the chaplain explained. “They
must be! Not only does that prove the
truth of our philosophy but we can ally
ourselves with Earth and destroy the Bens
Manele brooded. Apparently, he was
considering the advantages and disadvan-
tages of allying himself with people like
Billy Shelby, because when next he spoke,
he asked, “Are there any more at home
like you?”
“So you’re from Earth,” Colonel Alder-
pee sai
“Yes, I am,” Captain Standforth told
him. “I’m terribly sorry, but would you
mind scratching my nose? Just right on
the very tip.” The captain had been tied
with a lot of rope immediately upon arriv-
al in this army’s camp, so now his fingers
(and their nails) were imprisoned behind
Colonel Alderpee at first looked con-
fused, then seemed on the verge of actually
scratching the captain’s nose, then obvi-
ously bethought himself and snapped to
several nearby soldiers, “Untie this man. I
believe there are enough of us here to
quell him if necessary.”
“Oh, I won't need quelling,” the cap-
tain promised. “Just scratching.”
So the ropes were removed and the cap-
tain indulged in a good scratch while
Colonel Alderpee went off to consult with
Supreme Commander Krraich and a cou-
ple of chaplains in a far corner of the tent.
Returning a minute later, looking as
(continued on page 312)
auser-friendly computer primer conclusion of a series
and may all your buying decisions be bright
puter game around is Buying a Com-
puter. It’s fraught with mystery,
danger, intrigue and close calls. As in any
adventure game, the primary players—
whether they’re searching for the Lost
Ark, the Maltese Falcon or the Right
Computer—wonder, Whom can I trust?
It’s a question worth pondering.
First, don’t trust anyone who claims
you need a personal computer right away.
Computer fanatics have adopted some of
the zeal—and some of the slogans—of
religious enthusiasts. “Compute! ‘The end
is near!”
In fact, there’s no hurry. You’ve lived a
long time without a computer, and you'll
do fine a while longer. In purchasing a
personal computer, one of the first rules is,
Take your time. There is no need to buy a
computer this week or by Christmas or
before 1984.
Purchasing a personal computer re-
quires no small degree of patience, persist-
ence—and time. If you're planning to give
a computer for Christmas, consider in-
stead a few introductory computer books
and a gift certificate. Not only will the
input be valuable to the recipient but the
computer emporiums will be less crowded
in January than they are in December.
Don’t trust computer ads. Advertising
passed from unintentional self-parody in
the Seventies to surrealism in the Eighties.
One current tampon ad uses the slogan
“Out of sight means out of mind.” Satur-
day Night Live would have had trouble
doing that a few years аро.
It’s not just the ads that cannot be
trusted. Some computer magazines are
becoming more like hi-fi magazines every
day. Have you ever read a bad review of a
major stereo producer (read: advertiser) in
a hi-fi magazine? The reviews are so
bland and so careful that they’re useless.
Like hi-fi magazines, computer maga-
zines depend upon the advertising revenue
of the very products they must review. If
they’re too honest too often, goodbye,
advertisers; and, eventually, goodbye,
magazine. Popular Computing refused 10
publish a piece of mine on why the Apple
Ile was a bad value. The reason? Accord-
ing to the managing editor, “I happen to
like the Apple Computer Corporation.” I
think it’s permissible to speculate that he’s
also fond of the many pages of full-color
advertising from Apple each month.
So whom can you trust? Friends who
Т: intricate and exciting com-
have computers? Not necessarily. Individ-
uals tend to become addicted to the brand
of whatever computer they own. ‘They
don’t think, My personal computer is
doing all this good stuff. They think, My
Apple (or Kaypro or IBM or whatever)
is doing it. Besides, after spending a not
inconsiderable amount of money on a
computer, few people say, “I made a mis-
take. I should have gotten something else.”
More people swear by their Chevrolets
than at them.
And while we’re on the subject of cars:
You can trust computer salespeople about
as much as you can trust used-car sales-
people. I sometimes think that all the out-
of-work car salesmen applied for and
immediately received employment at com-
puter stores from coast to coast.
‘There are a few good computer sales-
people. They know as well as I do that the
majority is giving the minority a bad
name. In all fairness, there’s too much
happening too soon for any one person to
keep up. I certainly can’t keep up, and I
don't have to wait on customers eight
hours a day.
So, for heaven’s sake, don’t take my
word for anything. Pm just a voice crying
in the wilderness (Los Angeles). The
thoughts expressed in this article are noth-
ing more than my subjective, biased, high-
ly personal opinions.
So whom do you trust? If you want the
right computer at the right price, the
answer to that question is, trust yourself.
Dive in, learn as much as you can, look at
as much as you can, talk with as many
people as possible and, eventually, what is
hype filled will become distinct from what
is helpful.
What follows is a brief look at 40 or so
personal computers, starting with the least
expensive and going on into the personal-
computer stratosphere. So here they are—
and please keep in mind, all this is but one
man’s opinion.
‘The Timex Sinclair is known as the
world’s first disposable computer. You
buy one for about $49.95, take it home,
use it a few days and decide that (A) you
like computers and want to get a better
one or (B) you don't like computers and
want nothing more to do with them. In
either case, you get rid of the Timex Sin-
clair with about as much ceremony as
emptying a mousetrap. (Certainly, you
have one nephew or niece who doesn’t
have his or her own computer.)
‘The VIC-20 and the Commodore 64
represent an exceptional value in low-cost
personal computers. At less than $100, the
VIC-20 makes a much better disposable
computer than the Timex Sinclair. At
about $200, the Commodore 64 has nearly
all the hardware features of the $1395
Apple Ie. In the under-$500 home-com-
puter range, the Commodore 64 is the
clear winner.
Where did they ever get a name like
99/4A? It looks as though even Bill Cosby
was unable to save this machine. Texas
Instruments sold it at a loss earlier this
year, hoping to make up the difference in
software cartridge sales. The plan didn’t
work. A large quarterly loss was reported.
The stock dropped. Not many computer
watchers were surprised. Texas Instru-
ments has strongly discouraged anyone
else from making software for the 99/4A.
That is as smart as discouraging Standard
Oil from making gas for your car. If T.I.
does not change that policy, and quickly, it
will not be in the home-computer market
much longer.
All over Atariland, people are walking
about with glassy-eyed stares, mumbling,
“What happened?” For a while, it looked
as though Atari had the home-computer
market sewn up. It cost less than Apple. It
had Pac-Man. It had a catchy jingle
(“Have you played Atari today?”). What
happened? Competition happened. Coleco
offered better games; Commodore offered
а cheaper computer. Many are saying that
if Atari doesn’t pull something magical
out of its corporate hat, and soon, it may
wind up on the lengthening list of Califor-
nia’s endangered species.
Fortunately, this is not the dawning of
the Age of Aquarius. Yawn.
The Apple computer has not been a
good value for at least two years. Both
the Apple II and the Apple Ш have
been overpriced, in comparison with simi-
larly featured (continued on page 264)
i Y
” ж
BLONDE BOMBSHELLS: euweov's August cover girl, Sybil Danning
(left), should wow fans in Hercules, Chained Heat and Seven Magnificent
Gladiators. Above, a bouquet of Heathers—Thomas at left, Locklear at
right—is blossoming on television; Miss Thomas (here in her hit-poster
pose) in The Fall Guy, Miss Locklear in both Dynasty and Т. J. Hooker. The
beauty temporarily beached below is Randi Brooks of TV’s Wizards and
Warriors, who had a small but unforgettable part in The Man with
Two Brains. And on the opposite page, the girl we (and several experts) pre-
dicted would make it big in Hollywood this year, Kim Basinger, now proving
our point in Never Say Never Again and in The Man Who Loved Women.
older than his latest protégé, Stallone
seems determined to prove that physical
fitness is the ultimate solution for every-
thing from boxing to boffing. If he and
Travolta do team up for Godfather III, as
discussed, their gangsters will probably
cat low-cal spaghetti and save the cement
shoes for working out.
The women have been busy building,
too. Jane Fondo, at 45, has fashioned an
entirely new career with a best-selling
exercise book, records, video tapes and
salons. Turning 41, Linda Evans also had a
big beauty book on the market, as did
younger Christie Brinkley, including her
secrets for “navel maneuvers,” a prospect
that would enlist even the lazy.
With or without muscles, maturity has
suddenly become sexy. It’s truly amazing
how many of today’s sex superstars, across
the board in film, television and music, are
well into their late 30s, 40s or 50s.
One reason is that after the postwar
baby boom, the audience itself has moved
on in years, taking some favorites with it
and rediscovering others. (The number of
career comebacks in recent years—espe-
cially in soap operas—has been extraordi-
nary.) If the trend continues, the Sex Stars
of 1995 will be slipping into shawls
instead of out of bikinis, and the word
rocker will revert to its old meaning. Sec-
ondly, the younger members of the audi-
ence now seem totally confused about
what is sexy. Given the relative enlighten-
ment of society, they haven’t had the fun
of discovering smut that their parents did.
That could explain why they are so
excited by technology.
Still, the kids have good instincts. They
are currently crazy about Michael Jackson,
whose album Thriller was this year’s
multihit blockbuster, followed by a popu-
lar narrative record of E.T., which
brought him into collaboration with Ste-
ven Spielberg, with whom he now hopes to
do a musical. Having been a singer since
the age of five, Jackson often refers to his
yen for an acting career, but Hollywood
remains dubious about the thespian possi-
bilities in the high-pitched voice that’s oth-
erwise so popular. And since he's a grown
man who still isn’t shaving, it’s hard to
predict that his pipes will drop lower any
time soon.
Youngsters also continue to yearn for
the sexpots close to their own ages, such as
Nastassia Kinski and Brooke Shields, remain-
ing entranced by their exciting private
lives if not keenly interested in their recent
films. Kinski dropped another bomb with
Exposed. Better luck may lie ahead when
she appears with Jodie Foster (an old friend
with whom she’s long been swapping dirty
jokes) in The Hotel New Hampshire. On
location, the two girls shared an infatua-
tion with handsome Rob Lowe, who previ-
ously was the unlucky one who had to
play Jacqueline Bisser's son instead of her
adolescent lover in Class.
Filming Sahara, Brooke and mother
Teri were busy fending off older, admiring
sheiks and princes, concentrating on her
upcoming collegiate career at Princeton,
which she chose after Harvard refused
Mom’s demand that it promise to admit
Brooke before she applied. Although she
now concedes that her first boyfriend was
Robby Benson and her friendship with
Christopher Atkins was closc but brotherly,
Brooke is still awaiting her first big
romance, which she remains hopeful will
be just like in the movies.
Eddie Murphy captured the imagination
of both younger and older audiences; his
first two films, 48 HRS. and Trading
Places, were such smashes that they en-
couraged Paramount Pictures to nail
down his services with an unprecedented
$15,000,000 deal. Although his co-stars in
each of the first two hits got the romantic
roles, Murphy is expected to get his
chance soon enough.
Blonds are still popular, too—even
slightly emaciated ones such as David
Bowie. Always popular, Bowie has soared
in the past couple of years, both dramati-
cally and unexpectedly onstage in The
Elephant Man and in music, which
brought him a $10,000,000 recording con-
tract and more millions in concert ap-
pearances. Somehow, he also found time
to appear in two movies, The Hunger and
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.
Some prefer more traditional blondes,
of course, such as lovely Kim Basinger,
whose long tresses made an astounding
PLAYBOY cover in February (the rest of her
was even more astounding in the layout
inside). She co-stars with Burt Reynolds in
The Man Who Loved Women and is Sean
Connery's new woman in Never Say Never
Again, his current return as James Bond.
Oddly enough, she was spotted for the
part by Connery’s wife, whose taste is
obviously as good as her husband’s.
Inspiring other blondes who get tired of
not being taken seriously, Jessica Lange
became a rare double Oscar nominee this
year for her performances in Frances and
Tootsie. Ironically, in Tootsie, Lange por-
trayed a sexpot who didn’t remove her
clothes, but in Frances, she played a seri-
ous, troubled actress who bared all.
‘Twenty years ago, the sight of a naked
woman onscreen was supposed to thrill
the old man but threaten his wife, who
was fearful that she couldn’t compete with
that perfection. The kids weren’t supposed
to care, because they were too young.
Now it’s the women who are peering at
Richard Gere’s peepee in Breathless, while
the men sit and sulk, convinced that none
of that nudity is necessary to the plot, if
there is one. One might suppose the
younger generation had no such hang-ups;
after all, the increasing leniency of the
film-rating system theoretically takes into
account the fact that kids are better
adjusted and more sophisticated sexually
than they used to be.
Alas, it hasn't turned out to be so simple
for those who make those sexy, R-rated
films whose box-office survival depends
on those between 12 and 17, who are sup-
posed to attend with their parents but
always manage to lose them along the
way. Today’s big studios have expensive
market-research departments pestering
kids all over the country with questions
about what they want to see in films. A
couple of years ago, the experts found out
quickly enough that young boys like the
idea of being seduced by older women;
the result was the highly profitable Pri-
vate Lessons, starring Sylvia Kristel as the
seductress. The producers wanted to do a
sequel called Private School, about two
beautiful young girls competing to seduce
a handsome older guy, which the research
showed was an attractive concept for both
boys and girls. Then it got complicated.
According to the initial research report,
“Two sets of elements must be considered:
raunchy sex that attracts the guys and
puts off the girls versus innocent sex that
attracts girls but is at best neutral for
guys....Girls don't mind nudity of fe-
males, as long as they like what’s going on
around them. . . . Girls are not interested
in sex for sex’s sake. . . . Girls like sex and
raunch in context."
Encouraged by the last comment, Pri-
vate School's film makers went looking for
sex and raunch in context, selecting for the
competitive leads pretty and innocent
Phoebe Cates and spicy Betsy Russell, who
clinched the part when she removed her
top in the producer’s office.
Not surprisingly, the finished product
satisfied no one, despite constant tinkering
with such major questions as how much
pubic hair was too much. In other words,
what the boys liked, the girls didn’t, and
vice versa, resulting in only middling box-
office report cards.
All in all, simple sleaze is a lot more
fun, especially when it's running rampant
оп television’s prime-time soaps.
What Dallas started, Dynasty has now
perfected, thanks to deliciously seductive
performances by members of a scasoned
cast who've been around long enough to
know what sexy really is. At 50, Joan Col-
lins fully deserved a career revival as the
conniving Alexis Carrington, even if it did
cost her a third husband when she split
with producer Ron Kass. (Much the same
thing happened when Dallas’ Linda Gray
left her husband of 20 years.)
Dynasty has also been a big career boost
for lovely Linda Evans, who deserved
more than the publicity she’d been getting
as John Derek's third wife, whom he left
for Bo Derek, whose public attention has
now paled beside Linda's. And at 65,
John Forsythe finds that his part as the
powerful, ruthless Blake Carrington has
brought him more attention than did 30
years of playing nice guys.
Some youth is necessary on the tube, to
give the old folks a rest if nothing else. At
22, beautiful Heather Locklear was Dynas-
£y's darling slut, deserting a gay husband
in search of new conquests, blackmailing
Mom-in-law and having all sorts of si
lar fun. (Who could believe this Heather
is the same sweet girl who's so wholesome
on Т: J. Hooker? Who, for that matter,
could believe this is not the Heather
Thomas who appears on The Fall Guy?
Who cares? They're equally gorgeous.)
22, blond, beefy Christopher Atkins
g Dallas to bed down J.R.’s wife,
long-suffering Sue Ellen (Linda Gray),
who shouldn’t be suffering too much long-
er. Nor will Atkins’ fans, since his contract
calls specifically for him to bare as much
of his body as ТУ allows. Having started
in a loincloth with Shields in The Blue
Lagoon, Atkins’ body has been busy since,
appearing in a magazine centerfold and as
that of a male stripper opposite Lestey Ann
Warren in a picture titled Heaven. In pri-
vate, however, the bod still belongs to
longtime girlfriend Cindy Gibb, who stars
in TV's Search for Tomorrow.
Fourteen years older than Atkins, Les-
ley Ann is also nearly a decade beyond her
housemate, Jeffrey Hornaday (and weary of
talking about the age difference). But her
years of experience proved plenty lucky
for him when Warren’s ex-husband,
producer Jon Peters, dropped by to
complain that he had to replace his chore-
ographer for Flashdance. Warren gener-
ously suggested her current beau, and
that’s how Hornaday got his first big mov-
ie job, which turned out to be a major
box-office hit (and nobody ever really
complained that he used sexy Marine
Jehan as a dance double for equally sexy
Jennifer Beals).
All of which shows that Hollywood
domesticity can be dandy at times. But
back at the Peters house, Jon was having
less luck with longtime ladylove Barbra
Streisand, who had become a bit edgy with
the pressures of her directorial debut on
Yentl. Streisand built a fence at their
ranch to separate her portion from his—
and had his car towed away when he
parked on the wrong side of it, ‘That was
Hollywood’s best domestic dust-up this
year, except for the subpoena Jeff Wald
had served on ex-wife Helen Reddy during
the reception after her wedding to drum-
mer Milton Ruth.
‘There was even talk that Streisand was
smitten with Richard Gere after he cooled
his romance with Brazilian artist Sylvia
Martins. But Gere's fans seemed more
interested in whether or not he might
rebound to his Breathless co-star, preity
French import Valerie Kaprisky. Their
steamy nude scenes, however, didn’t seem
to carry forward, though she said they
were fun while they lasted—insisting that
lovers in real life don’t cover themselves
with sheets and she wouldn’t, either.
Meanwhile, Gere’s previous screen dal-
liance, Debra Winger, found herself in a
whirlwind courtship, while shooting Terms
of Endearment in Nebraska, with none
other than the state’s handsome governor,
Bob Kerrey, who once edged out Tom Selleck
on U.P.l's list of the world’s ten most
eligible bachelors. Although Winger’s
wickedly foul mouth shocked many of the
Nebraska locals, the gov didn’t seem to
mind, and the romance flourished at a
pace somewhere between that of Phyllis
George's marriage to Kentucky gover-
nor John Y. Brown and Linda Ronstadt’s
breakup with California governor Jerry
Brown—though the latter pair can still be
seen together sometimes, now that he’s out
of office.
Romance blossoms a lot on location.
Before leaving her native England to film
The Thorn Birds in Hawaii, Rachel Ward
was warned by a fortuneteller that true
romance was on its way. But surely, the
soothsayer didn’t actually mean Ward's
Thorn Birds spouse, confirmed Australian
bachelor Bryan Brown. After their first
romantic scene beneath a waterfall by
night, Brown's bachelorhood washed
away quickly, and the pair were soon
married. A few months later, fiery Bryan
was threatening violence to whoever was
feeding breakup rumors to the gossip
Dan Aykroyd married a very pretty
blonde, Donna Dixon, while equally pretty
and blond John Schneider of The Dukes of
Hazzard found a bride in L.A. newscaster
Tawny Little, a former Miss America, who
was previously one of Burt Reynolds’
many ladies. As usual, Burt himself stayed
free after a fling with his Stroker Ace co-
star, Loni Anderson, who played the most
improbable screen virgin since Doris Day.
As Anderson was added to the list of
Reynolds’ wraps, Stroker was added to the
list of his film flops. But with that many
beauties and that many millions, Burt has
probably stopped counting both.
One of the traditional side effects of
marriage, of course, is a demanding little
creature called a baby, something that
brings pleasure even to Sex Stars. Among
the new crop were sons born to Lindsay
Wagner and Jaclyn Smith and a daughter to
Charlene Tilton. At 34, Wagner is still
shaking her Bionie Woman image for
more serious roles and believes she’s in
better shape to be a mom than she would
have been while adjusting to fame in 1975.
Dad, incidentally, is an American Indian
A-Team stunt man, Henry Ki
Smith, married to cinematographer
Tony Richmond, takes baby Gaston with her
everywhere, even into the shower; given
Dad’s occupation, she has already collect-
ed more than 1000 photos, plus video
tapes, of the infant. Her parental enthusi-
asm must have rubbed off on her Rage of
Angels co-star, Armand Assante, who
rushed home after each day's shooting to
be with bride Karen McAm, who was
expecting their first child.
Tilton's tot caused her trouble with the
tabloids after she refused them pictures of
the baby. According to her, they retaliated
with a series of stories alleging that her
marriage to country singer Johnny Lee was
falling apart. But home life is solid, the
couple insists, and having the baby even
caused Charlene to lose a lot of that baby
fat that filled so much of the screen each
Friday night on Dallas. It will be a few
years yet before we learn whether or not
the little girl really likes being named
Cherish, one of the most precious baby
names since Cher anointed Chastity.
Speaking of baby names, one of the
year’s most dubious predictions came from
Laurene Landon, one of several lovelies
appearing soon in a rash of Amazonian
pictures. She has been quoted to the effect
that once the world sees her scantily clad,
athletic form dueling, wrestling and riding
its way through a couple of dozen male
victims in Hundra, women everywhere
will want to name their little girls after
that mythical heroine.
Somehow, we doubt it. But if Landon’s
right, then first grades a few years from
now may be full of Hundras, sitting side
by side with a lot of Sheenas (as played on
film by tawny Tanya Roberts) and Ayeshas
(brazenly portrayed by Sandahl Bergman
in a new version of She, which starred
Ursula Andress in 1965—though the name
didn’t quite catch on back then).
Or how about the melodic moniker
Arianne, the name of a temptress played
by statuesque Sybil Danning opposite Lou
Ferrigno in Hercules? After reading the
August pLavuov, however, future moms
may simply christen their daughters Sybil
in tribute to the Danning dimensions.
We're hoping, though, that a new gen-
eration of parents won’t be too influenced
by Sex Star names, inspirational though
their bearers be. It’s bad enough to think
of thousands of sweet litle girls’ going
through life known as Hundra. But for
the little boys, it could be worse. Getting
through school as Mr. T could be tough.
By Anson Mount
Front row: James Banks, forward, Georgia; leon Wood, guard, Fullerton St.; Lancaster Gordon, guard,
Louisville. Second row: Michael Jordon, guard, NC; Lou Carnesecca, Coach of the Year, St. John's;
Wayman Tisdale, forward, Oklahoma; Chris Mullin, guard, St. John’s. Third row: Melvin Turpin, forward,
Kentucky; Akeem Olajuwon, center, Houston; Sam Bowie, center, Kentucky; Sam Perkins, forward, NC.
IN THE PAST DECADE, college basketball has
enjoyed the most explosive growth in
popularity of any spectator sport since
Romans started tossing Christians to the
lions. Arenas sell out months in advance.
‘Television audiences multiply astronomi-
cally. Schools where basketballs once
dribbled through the shadows of the foot-
ball program now construct immense
arenas. Dozens of small, otherwise ob-
scure colleges are producing top-ranking
teams. Lightning-quick point guards and
seven-foot centers are becoming house-
hold names, and—perhaps most signifi-
1. Kentucky 11. Louisiana State
2. North Corolina 12. Missouri
3. Houston 13. UCLA
4. Georgetown 14. Kansas
5. St. John's 15. DePaul
6. Oregon State 16. West Virginia
7. Arkansas 17. Notre Dome
8. Maryland 18. Georgia
9. Ohio State 19. Indiana
10. Louisville 20. Fresno State
Possible Breakthroughs
Wake Forest, lono, Texas-El Paso,
lowa, Virginia Commonwealth, Santa
Clara, Boston College, Xavier, Virginia
Tech, Tulsa, George Washington.
cant of all—an avalanche of bucks is
pouring into athletic-department coffers.
Unfortunately, however, today’s col-
lege game finds itself beset with the
problems that always attend a massive
influx of fame and fortune. The dam-
age done to young athletes who play the
game and to the academic credibility of
the schools they represent has become a
hot potato that coaches and administra-
tors keep passing to the next guy.
An alarming number of college ath-
letes are turning into prima donnas.
Most leave the game in their early or
middle 20s, woefully unprepared for the next
50 years of their lives (even if they make it
to the N.B.A., the average pro basketball ca-
reer lasts less than five years).
The average player grows up in modest
circumstances, with limited intellectual hori-
zons. In high school, he’s courted by famous
coaches and rich alumni. In college, he’s given
make-believe summer jobs, ludicrously easy
classroom work and freebies of all kinds. He
is a campus hero pursued by pretty girls,
breathless sportswriters and avaricious agents.
By the time his athletic eligibility runs out, he
is marginally educated but insufferably arro-
gant. A few top players escape this scenario,
Clockwise from upper right (in honor of Coach of
the Year Lou Carnesecco's renowned clock wis-
dom): Chalk-talk translation of the St. John's give
and go; the first half of Fullerton State stor Leon
Wood's runnin'-and-gunnin' routine; Georgia's
James Banks (left) tries to plug the hole against
North Carolina's Michael Jordan; and the battle of
the biceps (left to right): Oklahoma's Waymon Tis-
dale, Banks and Jordan. At right: How about a
big hand (it's actuol size) for Akeem Olajuwon, Ni-
geria’s gift to the University of Houston? A soccer
goalie until three years ago, Olojuwon led Hous-
ton's Cougars to a neor miss in last year's
N.C.A.A. finals. Anson Mount is picking them third
this season (we didn't tell Olojuwon).
but not many. The universities, mean-
while, have become show-business opera-
tions as much as educational institutions,
more famed for their sports franchises
than for their academic facilities. Admin-
istrators are harassed by influential but
narrow-minded alumni and are saddled
with gigantic athletic budgets. Today, ac-
cusations of under-the-table payments to
athletes are exceeded only by the num-
ber of new and increasingly complex
N.C.A.A. rules. The resultant headaches
have caused some schools, such as Miami
and San Francisco, to throw up their
hands and drop basketball.
The core of the problem, says St. John’s
coach, Lou Carnesecca, is that young men
from relatively poor backgrounds are the
central attraction in a business that reaps
vast amounts of money. It is only natural,
he says, that they want to share in a few of
the sport’s lush rewards. Room, board and
tuition don’t seem much compensation to a
kid who thinks he’ll be worth half a mil-
lion bucks a year in the N.B.A.
“Someday,” says Carnesecca, “some
smart person is going to figure out a way
to legitimately give the players their fair
share of the financial take in this business,
and a lot of our problems will be solved.”
Coach Digger Phelps of Notre Dame,
however, says that college coaches can
already reduce those problems—by refus-
ing to reinforce athletes’ overdeveloped
egos and by insisting that each of their
players get an education that will prepare
him for life after athletics.
Both suggestions are only partial solu-
tions. The only way the problem will ever
be solved is by two revolutionary changes.
First, universitics must refuse to bestow
scholarships on players who can’t make
passing grades in legitimate academic
courses. High schoolers who actually want
(All of whom are likely to make someone's
All-American team)
FORWARDS: Tony Campbell (Chio State), Alfredrick Hughes (Loyola of Chicago),
Dallos Comegys (DePaul), Tom Sheehey (Virginia), Keith Lee (Memphis State), Charlie
Sitton (Oregon Stote), Greg Gront (Utah State)
CENTERS: Patrick Ewing (Georgetown), Uwe Blab (Indiana), Charles Barkley (Au-
burn), Greg Dreiling (Kansas)
GUARDS: Terence Stansbury (Temple), Adrion Branch (Maryland), Vern Fleming
(Georgia), Alvin Robertson (Arkansas), Calvin Duncan (Virginia Commonwealth)
{Incoming freshmen and transfers who will
make big contributions to their teams)
Reggie Williams, forward .
Harold Jensen, guard .
Alvin Frederick, quard .
Ricky Ewing, center .
Anthony Webb, guard .
Yvon Joseph, center .
Winston Bennett, forward -
James Blackmon, guard
Darryl Greshom, guard
Barry Sumpter, center
Alton Lee Gipson, center .
Malcolm Thomas. forward
Greg Dreiling, center ..
Winfred Case, guard
Rickie Winslow, forward
Stanley Wright, center .
Montel Hatcher, guard .
Kevin Johnson, guord
Ken Mathio, center .
Eric Willioms, guard
- Georgetown
+ Washington State
«++ San Jose State
real college educations but can’t pass uni-
versity entrance exams should be steered
to junior colleges, where Federal assist-
ance programs (Educational Opportunily
Grants) are available. Then those play-
ers could upgrade their academic skills
enough to gain admission to four-year
All of this will force the second change.
Professional leagues in both football and
basketball will have to maintain and
finance their own farm systems (as do
major-league baseball clubs) to develop
the abilities of those athletically promising
young men who don't really want to spend
four years playing academic charades.
While we wait for the time when ath-
letically ambitious young men don’t neces-
sarily have to be annoyed by algebra and
English literature, let’s take a look at the
upcoming basketball season. There are so
many roundball factories these days that
we can’t discuss the prospects of every sin-
gle one of them, but the odds are, your
favorite team comes in for a few cheers or
boos in the preview that follows.
Georgetown will finish higher in the
rankings this year because all the princi-
pal Hoyas return, to be joined by super-
frosh Reggie Williams. Patrick Ewing is
one of the three or four best centers in the
country; his supporting cast will provide a
lot more support than last year’s.
Si. John's lost three of last season's
starters, but the talent drain won't be very
noticeable. Playboy All-America guard
Chris Mullin leads a strong group of
returnees. Transfer Mike Moses (from
Florida) will join Mullin in the backcourt,
and freshman Walter Berry will be a big
contributor in the front court. By mid-
season, the Redmen should be as strong
as last year’s 28-5 squad. Most of the
credit should go to coach Lou Carnesecca,
a gentlemanly dynamo whose intellectual
mastery of the game is unsurpassed. In a
profession dominated by petty tyrants and
egoists, Carnesecca is a warm and human
coach who is genuinely liked by every-
one—all of which adds up to our naming
him Playboy’s Coach of the Year.
Boston College set a school record with
25 wins last winter, but now the Eagles
face their toughest schedule ever without
two of last year’s best players. A talent
void in the middle will be the biggest prob-
lem. Fabulous forward Jay Murphy will
have to carry most of the load.
Villanova’s main liability will be its
inexperienced front court. High hopes are
riding on the development of two sky-
scraper sophomores, Chuck Everson and
Wyatt Maker. Fellow soph Dwight Wil-
bur can bomb from the seats and will fill
(continued on page 220)
the latest from london from Joe Miller's Jests, or the Wit’s Vade-Mecum, 1739
A FAMOUS TEACHER of arithmetic had long
been married without being able to get his
wife with child. Once, a friend said to her,
“Madam, 1 hear that your husband is an
excellent arithmetician.”
“Yes,” replied she, “except that he can’t
Mr. Dryden, once at dinner, was of-
fered the rump of a fowl by a lady. When
he refused it, she said, “Pray take it, Mr.
Dryden; the rump is the best part of the
“Yes, madam,” said he, “and, I think,
also the best part of the fair.”
A modest gentlewoman, being сот-
pelled by her mother to go to court to
accuse her husband of a certain defect,
humbly desired of the judge that, for
modesty’s sake, she might be permitted to
write down her complaint rather than
speak it. The judge gave her that liberty;
and when pen, ink and paper were
brought, she took the pen and began to
write without dipping it into the inkwell
“Madam, there is no ink in the pen,”
said the clerk.
“Truly, sir,” said she, “you have put
my case very well and so described my
An amorous young fellow was making
very warm addresses to a married woman.
“Pray, sir, desist,” said she. “I have a hus-
band who will not thank you for making
him a cuckold.”
Replied he, “No, madam, but I hope
that you will.”
A vigorous young officer in love with a
pretty widow, coming upon her unawares
once, caught her fast in his arms. “Hey,
day,” said she, “do you fight after the
French way—that is, take towns before
you have declared war?”
“In faith, widow,” the officer replied,
“I would be glad to imitate them if I could
thrust into the middle of the country
before your forces could resist.”
А woman once prosecuted а gentleman
for rape. The judge at the trial asked her if
she had made any resistance.
“And it please you, my lord, I cried
out,” said she.
“Аус, she cried out,” said a witness,
“but not until nine months later.”
A gentlewoman had two gallants, опе of
them with a wooden leg. When she grew
big with child, she put the question to
them which should be named as the
father. He with the wooden leg offered to
decide it thus: “If the infant comes into the
world with a wooden leg, I will father it.
If not, it must be his.”
A gentleman once observed of a young
woman who plied her trade about the Inns
of Court that she had had more of the law
in her tail than most judges in England
had in their heads.
An old gentleman who had married a
fine young lady, being terribly afraid of
cuckoldry, took her to task one day. He
asked her if she had considered what a
crying sin it was to cuckold her husband.
“Lord, my dear,” said she, “I never
have such a sin in my head.”
Replied he, “No, no; I shall have it in
my head, but you will have it somewhere
The emperor Augustus, being shown a
young Grecian who very much resembled
him in looks, asked the man if his mother
had not been at Rome before he was born.
Ribald Classic
“No,” answered the youth, “but my father
Master Johnny, sitting with his moth-
er's chambermaid one summer's evening
on the green, was kissing her and pressing
her bubbies and the like. He decided to
inform himself as to whereabouts she tied
her garters and, by a lucky slip, went far-
ther than he should have done—at which
cried she, “Stop, Mr. John, or else I have
a stone to throw at your head.”
Said he, “Aye, girl, and if you do, I have
two stones to throw at your tail.”
A farmer going "cross his grounds in the
dusk of the evening spied a young fellow
and a lass very busy near a five-barred
gate in one of his fields and called to them
to ask what they were about. Said the
young man, “No harm, farmer; we are
only trying to prop a gate.”
Two Oxford scholars, meeting a York-
shire ostler upon the road, fell to bantering
with him and told him that, by sheer logic,
they could prove that he was a horse.
“And 1,” said the ostler, “can prove
your saddle to be a mule.”
“A mule?” they said. “How can that
Said the ostler, “Because it is something
between a horse and an ass.”
A wild gentleman, coming home drunk-
en, fell into his wife's bed by mistake, for
he had intended the maid's. His servant
soon took advantage by going to bed with
the maid. When that was discovered in the
morning, the fellow was obliged to atone
Üy marrying іне ан.
“Well!” said he. “Last night, little did
my master and I know that we were
robbing our own orchards!” El
the need for a long-range gunner.
The Syracuse squad will, as usual,
have ample talent but will have to spend
the early season regrouping (last year’s
three best players have departed). Guard
Dwayne Washington is the newcomer
most likely to win a starting role.
The player pool at Pittsburgh is im-
proved. The Panthers hope their new kids
can take some of the pressure off forward
Clyde Vaughan, who shouldered much
of the burden last season. Frosh Curtis
Aiken will provide much-needed outside
1. Georgetown 6 Pitt
2 St. John's
3 Boston Coege
7, Connecticut
8. Providence
9. Seton Hall
. Vilanova
j. Syracuse
6. St. Bonaventure
1. William & Mary
2. George Mason
3. Nay
STARSIN THE EAST: Es zate (Georgetown)
ш лыы ш
(Boston College); Pinckney (Vilanova); Viren
(Syracuse); (Vata, Alen (Pitsburg). Kele
Frederick (Connecticut ое (Howe
McCloud (Selon Най); Tee Birey (West Virgin
ia); Brown, Webster (George Washington); Stans-
bury (Temple); Ellerbe (Rutgers); Lojewski (St.
Joseph's); Sheehey (St. Bonaventure); Gibson, Col-
fins (Penn State); Sellers (Duquesne); Hempel
(Massachusetts), Upshaw (Rhode Island); Burtt,
Springer (lona). Gibbs (St. Peter's): ES (la
Salle); Mcintosh, Franco (Fordham); Runcie (Holy
Cross}; Cozzens (Army); Cain (Manhattan); George
Eire), pasar (Princeton); Graves, Ewing
(iae; i faitkus, Langs (Brown); Ferry (Harvard);
Racine (Pennsylvania), Bantum (Cornell; Ander-
son (Dartmouth); Lay (Columbia); Cieplicki (William
& Mary); Yates (George Mason); Butler, Romaine
(Navy); Curran (Niagara); Hall (Canisius); Steele
(James Madison).
4. Niagara
5. Canisius
6. James Madison
shooting, and transfer Jeff Robinson will
add muscular elbows under the basket.
And although Connecticut still lacks a
true center, the scoring will be more pro-
lific, because incoming swing man Alvin
Frederick joins Earl Kelley to give the
Huskies an exciting one-two punch
Watch for an exciting, free-for-all sea-
son in the Atlantic Ten conference. Most
2) of last season's top teams suffered heavy
graduation losses, and some of the also-
rans will be much closer to the top
The remaining talent at West Virginia,
especially guard Dale Blaney, is good
enough to make up for most of the Miners’
commencement losses. The Mountaincers
will again be up-tempo run-and-gunners.
George Washington coach Gerry Gim-
elstob has almost completed the rebuilding
job he began three years ago. He is one of
the future greats of the coaching fraterni-
ty. His team will benefit greatly from a
little maturity (four freshmen and a soph
were starters last winter) and from the
arrival of a tio of quality recruits,
Temple also escaped diploma depreda-
tions, and this season’s team will be a
duplicate of last year’s—only older and
smarter. But only one starter, Brian El-
lerbe, returns at Rutgers. Most of the oth-
er team members will be raw rookies.
Nine returning lettermen should enable
St. Joseph's to post its sixth straight win-
ning record. Bob Lojewski and Tony
Costner give the Hawks one of the best
front lines in the Atlantic Ten.
St. Bonaventure is another bunch that
will be dominated by youngsters. Big
freshman front-court players hope to alle-
viate the Bonnies’ rebounding woes.
New Penn State coach Bruce Parkhill
faces a long and tedious rebuilding job.
His priority will be filling a depleted front
line. Freshman forward Marshall Grier
looks like part of the solution.
Duquesne, with no big man on the
squad, will have to be a running team. By
midseason, it'll probably be run into the
ground. Everyone returns at Massachu-
setts, and new coach Ron Gerlufsen
should make the Minutemen into winners
(for a change) this year.
Forward Marc Upshaw’s healed knee
could make for a more successful season
for Rhode Island, but the Rams still face a
fight to avoid the conference cellar.
Tona could casily wind up among the
nation’s top 20 teams. This will be the
third year that the five lona starters
have played together. Prime recruits
Wendell Walters and Chris O’Gorman
will fill the Gaels’ only obvious need—
depth up front.
This year marks a turning point in the
evolution of the Fordham basketball pro-
gram. Seven incoming freshmen make up
the best crop of recruits in school history.
Four are good enough to win starting jobs
by the opening game. The entire Manhat-
tan attack will again be structured around
long-distance gunner Tim Cain.
Army took giant steps out of the basket-
ball pits last year. The still-young Cadets
will be even more improved this time.
Randy Cozzens will take the reins as
squad leader.
Princeton will retain the Ivy League
championship despite heavy graduation
losses. The Tigers’ front line was wiped
out, but a few nuggets among the ten
incoming freshmen ought to make up for
the losses.
Yale and Brown will be the most
improved teams in the league. Either
could take the Ivy laurels if Princeton fal-
ters. Yale has both the league’s most
explosive guard (Butch Graves) and its
tallest center (frosh Ricky Ewing).
Few teams have ever been so completely
wiped out by the diploma scourge as
Columbia. All of last season’s starters and
two top reserves are gone. It looks like a
grim rebuilding year uptown.
Barry Parkhill replaces his brother
Bruce (now at Penn State) as coach of a
William & Mary team that’s coming off
its best season in 30 years. The Indians
will again be a quality tribe, but the
schedule is tough.
Swing man Carlos Yates was the main
reason for George Mason’s surprising
success last year. He and his entire sup-
porting cast return, so this should be an
even bigger year for the Patriots.
Navy recorded the most wins in Middie
history last season. This year’s crew will
be bigger and stronger inside but notice-
ably slower.
The Canisius team is looking forward
to the arrival of long-range bombardier
Eyal Yaffe from Israel. Canisius has
apparently given up on attracting Leba-
nese fans.
Four James Madison starters went the
diploma route, and this year’s team will be
so young, says coach Lou Campanelli,
“that seven players on the travel squad
don’t shave yet.”
This will be a chaotic season in the Big
Ten. Injuries, luck and the vicissitudes of
officiating may determine the final stand-
ings. Several of last year’s best teams suf-
fered heavy personnel losses, and some of
the weaklings will be vastly improved.
Ohio State appears to be the most stable
team in the league. The Buckeyes will rely
on a smothering defense and an extremely
quick backcourt. One key to their success
will be the quality of play of center Alan
Kortokrax, who has yet to approach his
Center Uwe Blab is the only returnee
among last season’s six top players at
Indiana, so this will be a rebuilding year
in Bloomington for Bobby Knight. A
strong freshman contingent will provide
some immediate help. Best of the newcom-
ers? Steve Alford and Marty Simmons.
lowa's graduation losses were moder-
ate, so new coach George Raveling will
inherit a squad that’s long on experience
and front-court talent (Greg Stokes and
Michael Payne) but short on consistent
point-guard play. Newcomer Johnny Fort
could solve the problem at the point.
(continued on page 224)
want to help annie with her exercise? surrre you do!
OU KNOW ABOUT aerobics, don’t you? It’s exercise combined with dancing combined with
skintight leotards with wocka-wocka necklines—tons of fun for everyone. More to the point,
there are those who believe in doing aerobic exercises and those who believe in watching those
who believe in doing aerobic exercises. This feature is for the latter group, those who truly
appreciate great moves. No matter that you follow more sedentary pursuits. You can still have
a good time participating in Annie’s aerobics class, whether you're cutting through the skies in your Learjet
or lolling by the quay on the fantail of your yacht at St-Tropez or accelerating through the metropolis with
your current inamorata on the cross-town subway. Just get rid of the bimbo and hie yourself away to some
private place you can call your own. Take out this copy of PLAYBOY, if you haven’t already, and turn to page
00. Slip on your leg warmers. Pop the paper flap. Curl as directed. And stroke, stroke, stroke. If you follow
our instructions carefully, vou'll have a wonderful experience secing Annie actually move. In fact, you'll see
ber entire kinky aerobics class move. And if you're very, very lucky, you'll be moved, too. Wocka-wocka!
1. To see Little
Annie Fanny
and her buddies
do their exercise
thing, first de-
tach the panel
below along the
leaving the top
part intact.
2. Now roll An-
nie and the gang
upward, like a
window shade.
(Be gentle; this
is just the
warm-up.) Take
a deep breath
and clean and
jerk a pencil.
3. Thrust the
pencil into your
makeshift win-
dow shade. Roll
it up and down,
chanting, “Опе,
two! One, two!”
Both you and
Annie are guar-
anteca fast re-
sults. Phew!
7 1 | ( |
(continued from page 220)
“Loyola enjoyed unexpected success last year... . Al-
fredrick Hughes will again be the main man.”
Michigan State and Michigan will be
the two most improved teams in the Big
Ten. State has excellent depth at all posi-
tions, and the addition of muscular power
forward Ken Johnson (a transfer from
Southern Cal) could make the Spartans
title contenders.
Michigan’s main problems last winter
were inexperience and a shallow back-
court. Those liabilities will be eliminated
by the return of nearly all of the top Wol-
verines and the arrival of three blue-chip
freshman guards. Superscorer Antoine
1. Chio University 6. Northem поб
2 Boxing Gen 7. Central Michigan
8. Eastern Michigan
i M 9. Kent State.
5. Ball State
10. Western Michigan
i 5. Oral Roberts
MIDSTATES GREATS: Campbell, Taylor (Ohio
State), Blab, Morgan (indiana); Stokes (ома); Vin-
cent, Skiles en State); Tumer, McCormick
); Blackwel (Wisconsin; Aaron
(Northwestern); Devereaux (Ohio est) Jen-
fs Boing ren Epperson (Toledo): Karper
Shelton ; Din
тере Жу
Roberts): Burden (St. Louis); McRoberts (Butler);
Richmond (Oklahoma City); Corbin, Patterson (De-
Pad Kempen aro (Noe Dare): Chapman
(Dayton): D.
. Johnson (Marquette).
Joubert could be a hero by the end of his
rookie season.
Purdue, last year’s surprise Big Ten
team, vill have difficulty adjusting to the
loss of Russell Cross. Quick development
of seven-footer Joe Gampfer could help
ease the pain, Steve Reid may be the best
little (59") player in the country.
Last year's Minnesota team was also
built around a since-departed great center,
Randy Breuer. The Gophers will have to
224 have a guard-oriented offense this winter
unless either of two seven-foot recruits,
Mike Carpenter and Paul VanDenEinde,
grows up (pardon the expression) quickly.
Illinois also lost a superstar— Derek
Harper—and will have to make do with
some classy young leftovers. Bruce Doug-
las set school records for assists and steals
as a freshman and could become one of the
nation’s best point guards. The bench,
unfortunately, is almost nonexistent. If a
couple of starters foul out, the Шілі will
be in trouble.
Wisconsin will again be a very young
team. Accrued experience will help the
Badgers, but they'll have a tough climb
out of the cellar.
Severe graduation losses threaten to
make this a lean winter for Northwestern.
Incoming freshman Shawn Watts will
probably start at point guard.
Ohio University and Bowling Green
are cofavorites in the Mid-American Con-
ference. Ohio will benefit from depth,
experience and a bumper crop of recruits.
The front line, led by John Devereaux,
was the Bobcats’ strength last year, and it
returns intact.
Bowling Green’s lack of height should
be remedied by 6710” transfer Freddie
Bryant and several lanky freshmen. The
Falcons’ biggest problem will be finding a
point guard. Brian Miller is the best bet to
win the job.
Toledo’s fortunes will again depend
largely on the skills of superscorer Ken
Epperson, but even he can’t do it alone.
Miami, after suffering through five con-
secutive losing seasons, should become a
winner this year. Forward Ron Harper,
only a sophomore, stands to become the
best player in school history.
Ball State, decimated by graduation,
will be short of talent unless a couple of
promising transfers make an immediate
impact. In any case, the Cardinals won’t
be flying as high this year as they have in
recent campaigns.
Northern Illinois can bushwhack a few
unsuspecting opponents if only a compe-
tent supporting cast arises around multi-
skilled forward Tim Dillon. Two quality
newcomers, Greg Washington and Dan
Majerle, give Central Michigan a chance
to end its string of four losing seasons.
Eastern Michigan and Kent State both
suffered crippling losses to senioritis, but
strong rookie contingents at both schools
will take up much of the slack. Transfers
Fred Cofield and Percy Cooper will make
big splashes right away at Eastern Michi-
gan. Western Michigan, with more fresh-
men than upperclassmen among the top
ten players, will be short on experience
but long on future prospects.
Xavier and Loyola both enjoyed un-
expected success last year and will be
cofavorites for the Midwestern City Con-
ference title this season. Freshman Leroy
Greenidge will make a big contribution
his first year at Xavier. Born-to-score
Alfredrick Hughes will again be the main
man at Loyola.
Evansville, with all significant squad
men back from last year, will be the
М.С.С.5 dark horse. The best news for
the Aces is that forward Richie Johnson's
injured knee (which dashed their hopes
last season) is now healed.
Oral Roberts faces a severe shortage of
manpower: Several key players quit in
disgust last year when the Reverend
Roberts, the school's founder and resident
visionary, ordered the dismissal of coach
Ken Hayes in midseason. New coach Dick
Acres will be hard pressed to find five
starters. Rumor has it that the reverend
recently had a vision of a 15-foot basket-
ball player with the quickness and the
agility of a point guard. And a very light
Butler, like Detroit, will spend this sea-
son breaking in youngsters who must
replace most of last year’s departed—but
seldom lamented—regulars.
Legendary coach Abe Lemons takes
over at Oklahoma City this year, with a
massive rebuilding job to do.
This will be venerable and much-ven-
erated coach Ray Meyer’s last season at
DePaul, and his could be a Fourth of July
exit. The Demons won 21 games during
last year’s reconstruction efforts and will
be deeper, more mature and more accurate
with their jumpers. Freshmen Dallas
Comegys and Lawrence West can count
on clocking a lot of playing time.
Notre Dame boasts a bunch of child
prodigies. The starting line-up could be
made up of five sophs, with three fresh-
men as the top reserves. Anything the
upper classes add will be a bonus. These
kids are loaded with raw talent, and
the Irish could mature into one of the na-
tion’s top teams by season’s end.
The Dayton Flyers will again revolve
around scoring machine Roosevelt Chap-
man. But the Flyers’ schedule is a downer.
New Marquette coach Rick Majerus must
whip a crew of individualists into disci-
plined team players. He must also find a
dependable center. The job will probably
go to freshman Tom Copa, the pride of
Coon Rapids, Minnesota. So now’s the
time for some Milwaukee tavern owner to
open a Copa Cabana.
Although North Carolina won 28
games last season, the Tar Heels took it аз
an off year. Their greed for excellence
should be satisfied this winter, since nine
of the top ten "Heels (or should that be 18
of the top 20?) return—among them
Playboy All-Americas Michael Jordan
and Sam Perkins. The only question
coach Dean Smith must answer in fall
practice is about a point guard, but he has
three quality candidates available. With
all that experience and depth, the Tar
Heels will again—ho hum—be prime
contenders for the national champion-
Maryland will also wind up high in the
national rankings. Everyone, including
the gifted Adrian Branch, returns from
last year.
Wake Forest should be the most im-
proved team in the Atlantic Coast Confer-
ence and could be the main spoiler in
L North Carolina 5. North Carolina State
2. Maryland 6. Duke
7. Clemson
3. Wake Forest
4. Virginia 8. Georgia Tech
1. Kentucky 6. Nississippi
2. Louisiana State 7. Tennessee
3. Georgia Emm |
4. Vanderbilt. ). Mississippi State
5. Forida 10. Alabama
. Louisville
Virginia Tech
. South Carolina 7. Southern Mississipi
. Memphis State 8. Cincinnati
5. Ok Dominion
6. UNC Charotte
2. Nbama Birmingham 7. Jacksonvile
3. South Flonda 8. Western Kentucky
4. South Alabama
REBEL-ROUSERS: Jordan, Perkins (North Caroli-
па); Branch (Maryland); Teachey, Young (Wake
rest); Wilson, Carlise (Virginia), Charles (North
Carolina State); Dawkins (Duke); Jones, Hamilton
(Clemson); Price (Georgia Tech): Bowe, Turpin,
Master (Kentucky); Mitchell, Taylor (Louisiana
State): Banks, Fleming (Georgia); Cox, Tumer (Van-
бег); Willams, McDowell (Frida): Lard (Missis-
sippi): Brooks (Tennessee); Barkley (Auburn):
Pierre (Mississippi State); Hurt (Alabama); Gordon,
Wagrer (Louisville); Curry, Young (Virginia Tech);
Foster (South Carolina); Lee, Parks (Memphis
State); Gipson (Florida State); Williams (Tulane);
Green (Southern Mississippi); McMillan (Cincin-
пай); Duncan, Jones (Virginia Commonwealth),
Mitchell, Foster (Alabama-Birmingham); Bradley
(South Florida); Gerren, Calledge (South Alabama),
Smith (Old Dominion); Johnsen, Atkinson (UNC
Charlotte); Smith, Murphy (Jacksonvile); Jones
(Wester Kentucky).
league play. Most impressive of the four
returning starters is point guard Delaney
Rudd, a sensation last year as a sopho-
more. The top Deacon newcomer is Todd
May, a transfer from Kentucky’s over-
stocked program.
Virginia without Ralph Sampson? It
won't be the end of the world for Cavalier
fans. Most of Sampson’s supporting play-
296 ers return, and emerging from Ralph’s
shadow will undoubtedly inspire them.
They are joined by two frosh phenoms,
Tom Shechey (who labors under the dis-
advantage of being compared prematurely
with Larry Bird) and Olden Polynice, a
rather large young man who plays better
than his name but has the Herculean task
of filling Sampson's shoes.
Defending N.C.A.A. champ North
Carolina State suffered awful graduation
losses, but the Wolfpack’s well hasn’t run
dry. Best of a prime crop of recruits is
junior transfer Spud “Kangaroo” Webb,
an electrifying 576” point guard who made
49 dunks and was called for goal tending
several times during his junior college
career. Honest.
Duke and Clemson will both be much
improved, and either could duplicate
North Carolina State’s come-from-behind
performance of last year. Duke’s ample
but as-yet-ungelled cast will be reinforced
by two rookies, Tommy Amaker (a certain
starter at point guard) and Martin Ness-
ley (Duke’s first seven-footer).
The Clemson Tigers return virtually
intact and will be reinforced by a colorful
former redshirt, a superguard named Vin-
cent Hamilton.
Georgia Tech is progressing on the long
road to respectability in the A.C.C. Last
year’s freshman-dominated team will
profit from its difficult experience, as well
as from the arrival of newcomers Bruce
Dalrymple and Yvon Joseph—a 6/11”,
250-pound Haitian whose previous ath-
letic experience is as a soccer goalie. Does
that remind you of any particular center at
Kentucky is—as it has been every year
since Appomattox—the odds-on favorite
to win the Southeastern Conference cham-
pionship. If the Wildcats can overcome
their narcoleptic tendencies in post-season
play, they will carry home the national
championship. A treasure-trove of talent,
headed by Playboy All-America Melvin
Turpin, returns from last year's squad
and will be rejoined by fully recovered (at
last) Playboy All-America Sam Bowie.
Two golden recruits, Winston Bennett
and James Blackmon, will make sterling
contributions their first year.
Louisiana State coach Dale Brown
spent most of last season shuffling starting
line-ups in search of a workable combina-
tion. It paid off—the Tigers were the hot-
test club in the league at the end of the
year. Most of Brown’s line-up returns,
and his Tigers will be reinforced by point
guard Derrick Taylor, who has been hit-
ting the books to regain his eligibil
Look for LSU to be a top-20 club.
Georgia and Vanderbilt begin the sea-
son as the S.E.C. dark horses. Gradua-
tion pillaged Georgia’s front court, but
Playboy All-America forward James
Banks is left to do most of the work under
the basket. The Bulldogs’ backcourt, led
by Vern Fleming, is the best in the confer-
ence. Vandy’s prospects have been sky-
rocketing since coach C. M. Newton—a
low-key, high-class type—took over two
years ago. The youthful Commodores
can’t match most conference foes in speed
or size, but their skills have been sharp-
ened by overseas tournament play during
the summer.
Florida will be the most improved club
in the S.E.C. All the key Gators are com-
ing back, including a superb front-court
trio. A good Florida harvest of recruits is
led by guard Darryl Gresham. There are
few front-court bench reserves, however,
so the Gators could slip into foul trouble.
Ole Miss will be hard pressed to repeat
last year's heroics—it was the school's
most successful campaign since 1938. A
gem-quality contingent of newcomers is in
camp, though, led by junior college trans-
fer Braxton Clark and 6/11” freshman
center Sylvester Kincheon.
Four senior starters give Tennessee lots
of experience and leadership. Still, last
year’s main gun, Dale Ellis, can't easily be
replaced. Most heralded of the new Vol-
unteers is guard Fred Jenkins.
Auburn’s fortunes rest on the quick
assimilation of a prime crop of recruits
Last year’s most glaring weakness, guard
play, will glare less, thanks to freshmen
Gerald White and Frank Ford. Mississip-
pi State's three best players of last year
have departed. ‘The most ballyhooed of a
large contingent of MSU recruits is junior
college center Jeff Wulff.
Alabama lost half of its storehouse of
talem when Ennis Whatley defected to the
N.B.A. Allis not lost in Tuscaloosa, how-
ever, because the Tide has much better
depth than in recent seasons. Much will
depend on the burgeoning talents of center
Mark Farmer.
With the departure of the McNificent
McCray brothers, Louisville’s 1983-1984
fortunes will ride on the play of incumbent
forward Billy Thompson. The Cardinals,
with a heavily loaded talent bank featur-
ing Playboy All-America guard Lancaster
Gordon, will once more dominate Metro
Conference play. Rookie center Barry
Sumpter will be seeing a lot of action his
first year.
Virginia Tech stunned even its follow-
ers last season by winning 23 games with
three freshmen and two sophs as the start-
ing line-up. The Hokies will obviously
benefit from the experience. At the same
time, they're going to lose their ambush
advantage. Nobody’s going to take them
for granted. Hokie fans can take consola-
tion in the prospect of Dell Curry’s
becoming one of the best big players in the
land by the time he graduates.
Metro Conference newcomer South
Carolina will be a dark-horse contender
for the league title. The Gamecocks again
have an enviably deep talent pool. New
point guard Michael Foster will clock a
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lot of minutes in this, his first year.
Memphis State has depth problems as
bad as the bends, but some will be cured
by four prime recruits. The most promis-
ing is 611” center William Bedford. The
Tigers will still be essentially a one-man
team, with the outcome of all games heavi-
ly dependent on the play of Keith Lee, the
best player in school history.
Florida State could be the surprise теат
in the conference. Superstud transfer cen-
ter Alton Lee Gipson joins a deep and
experienced squad that plays a very soft
nonconference schedule.
Tulane, Southern Mississippi and Cin-
cinnati all suffered withering graduation
losses. John Williams at Tulane and Cur-
tis Green at Southern Miss will be the
cornerstones of their schools’ rebuilding
efforts. First-year coach Tony Yates will
make his Cincinnati debut with a team
that is both small and green.
Virginia Commonwealth has the inside
track in the Sun Belt Conference race. If
rookie point guard Nicky Jones learns his
job quickly and well, he and do-it-all Cal-
vin Duncan will make up one of the
South’s best backcourts.
Alabama-Birmingham, young but rela-
tively experienced, lurks in the confer-
ence's sleeper compartment. All those
promising underclassmen at UAB could
do a lot of growing up by season's end.
Jacksonville will be the most improved
Sun Belt team, but it's going to be a long
trip out of the cellar. Freshman guard
Ronnie Murphy is the primary cause for
optimism among Dolphin watchers.
Its two best Tigers graduated last
spring, but Missouri will still be favored
in the Big Eight conference race. Why?
Because a quality group of returnees will
be joined by coach Norm Stewart's best-
ever recruiting class. Transfers Malcolm
"Thomas and Blake Wortham will be
soaking up headline ink their first season.
Two freshmen, Ted Mimlitz and Cecil
Estes, will also make big contributions to
the cause.
Kansas will be nothing less than the
nation’s most improved team. Whether
that is enough to get the Jayhawks into the
top 20 depends on (A) how quickly 71”
center Greg Dreiling fulfills his enormous
potential and (B) how much experience
has helped last year’s freshman-domi-
nated team.
lowa State will also win a lot more
games. Nearly every Cyclone returns, and
the main minuses of last season—height
and bench strength—are now pluses,
thanks to four tall and talented newcom-
ers. Point guard Jeff Hornacck will again
be the catalyst for excellent team chemistry.
Graduation gutted the Nebraska, Okla-
homa and Oklahoma State teams. АП
three will have a tough time trying to
duplicate last season's 20-plus wins. Ne-
braska and Oklahoma will be largely
dependent on sophomore superstars. Cen-
ter Dave Hoppen rewrote the Nebraska
record book for freshmen last season, and
he'll be even more forceful this year.
Playboy All-America forward Wayman
5... And a train, and a skate board,
and a football, and. ...”
Tisdale of Oklahoma was recognized as
one of the top five front-court players in
the country—before his freshman season
was even half over. This year, he will be
surrounded by a green but talented sup-
porting cast. If it gels, Oklahoma may be a
conference power by midwinter. It's got to
happen sooner or later.
1. Missouri
2. Kansas
3, lowa State
Nebraska 8. Kansas State
1. Houston 6. Tees A&M
2. Arkansas 7. Texas Christian
3 Southern Methodist 8. Baylor
4 Texas Tech 9. Rice
5. Texas
1. Tulsa 6. Southern Illinois
2. Wichita State 7. Drake
3. Minois State 8. Creghton
9. West Texas State
5. Oklahoma
6. Oklahoma State
7. Colorado
4. Bradley
5. Indiana State
BEST OF THE NEAR WEST: Cavener, Bridges (Mis-
souri); Henry, Knight, Oreiing (Kansas); Stevens
(она State); Hoppen (Nebraska); Tisdale (Okiaho-
ma); Atkinson (Oklahoma State); Humphries (Colo-
rado); Roder (Kansas State); Olajuwon, Young
(Houston); Robertson, Kleine (Arkansas); Koncak
(Southern Methodist; Jennings (Texas Tech);
Wendlandt (Texas): Gibert (Texas A & M); Nutt
(Texas Christian), Stern (Baylor): Bennett (Rice);
Harris, Ross (Tulsa), McDaniel, Sherrod (Wichita
State): Corley (llincis State); Winters (Bradey);
Wiliams, Wright (Indiana State); Birch (Southern
Minos); Mathis (Drake); Benjamin (Creighton);
Jackson (West Texas State).
Transfer point guard Winfred Case
will be an immediate starter at Oklahoma
State. He will be feeding the ball то one of
the league’s better front lines.
Two transfers from Creighton, Alex
Stivrens and Tony Pruitt, have followed
coach Tom Apke to Colorado, where
they'll be starters this year. The Buffaloes
sorely need a big man in the middle, but
there's none to be found in this season's
large rookie contingent.
Kansas State also needs a big man. The
Wildcats will again be very young (there
isn’t a senior on the squad), but the spar-
kling sophomore class should profit great-
ly from a year’s experience
The Southwest Conference looks like a
dead heat between Houston and Arkan-
sas, with Playboy All-America center
Akeem Olajuwon giving the Cougars an
edge. Houston’s freshman forward Rickie
Winslow will be the next best thing to
Clyde Drexler. Two other new players,
Renaldo Thomas and Stacey Belcher,
could also play big roles for the Cougars.
Arkansas coach Eddie Sutton has had
two recruiting bonanzas in a row. Conse-
quently, he now has his deepest and
classiest squad ever. This year's prize
recruit is guard Kenny Hutchinson, who
almost has to be a starter by midseason,
Redshirt freshman guard Mike Ratliff is a
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real sleeper. He could be the surprise
player of the league.
If Houston and Arkansas bomb, South-
ern Methodist will be waiting in the
wings. The Mustangs were one of the
nation’s most improved teams last season.
"They'll be much better than that this year.
Four starters and most of the best reserves
return. Freshman Terry Williams will
add depth at center.
A scarcity of intact bodies will be a
problem for Texas Tech and Texas. Both
schools suited up only eight players for
some games last year. The benches still
won't be crowded. Added experience may
benefit both teams, but it doesn’t look like
that will be enough.
The story’s not much different at Texas
A & M and Texas Christian. Reconstruc-
tion is the operative word. The Aggies will
be handicapped by a lack of inside punch,
while the Frogs, with no seniors on the
scene, may suffer mightily from lack of
For the first time in Baylor’s history, a
truly big man—6’11” junior college trans-
fer Paul Kuiper—is in camp. Kuiper
brings accuracy as well as size. He'll help
correct the dreadful shooting that plagued
the Bears all last season.
Rice’s guard play will be up there with
the best in the conference, so the big con-
cern is a grainy inside game. Rapid devel-
opment of sophomore Terrence Cashaw
and frosh Steve Brooks could smooth out
that problem.
‘The rebuilding job at Tulsa is finished.
‘The Hurricane is ready to blow back to
national prominence, as well as to the
Missouri Valley throne room. Depth, size
and offensive fire power are all over
the place. Freshman Carlton McKinney is
a future All-America.
Wichita State emerges from the purga-
tory of N.C.A.A. probation this year, just
in time to face the impossible task of
replacing departed superstar Antoine
Carr. Front-line depth will be a problem
unless Antoine’s little brother Henry (he’s
697) comes on strong his freshman year.
Illinois State will again be a disciplined
no-stars outfit, but the Redbirds won’t be
able to sneak up on unsuspecting oppo-
nents this time. That spells trouble.
Indiana State and Southern Illinois had
bonanza recruiting seasons that will make
them the most improved teams in the Val-
ley. Center Stanley Wright and guard
Chuck Taylor will take turns taking bows
their first season at Indiana State. South-
ern Illinois benefits from a large con-
tingent of junior college transfers. The
transfers are much better athletes than the
seven players they replace, but if you
remember last year’s team, you know
that’s lukewarm praise.
We are coming up on Oregon State's
fifth consecutive 20-win season. Forward
Charlie Sitton, reputed to be the best play-
230 er in the Pac 10, will earn his accolades
and lead the Beavers’ drive to recapture
the conference title. Four incoming fresh-
men (the best of them, guard Rick Berry)
ought to make a big impact.
Graduation took a heavy toll at UCLA.
Kenny Fields will be the Bruins’ new
main man. Point guard Ralph Jackson is
the only backcourt player left with varsity
experience, but he will get a lot of help
from redshirt Montel Hatcher, who looks
to us like a future superstar.
California, taking a giant step forward,
could be the big sleeper on the Left Coast.
6. Arizona State
7. Stanford
y 8. Oregon
. Washington 9. Southern California
5. Washingion State 10. Arizona
1. Fresno State К New Mexico State
2. Utah State 7. Pacific
3. Fullerton State 8 ing Beach State
4. Irvine 9. San Jose State
5. Nevada-Las Vegas 10. Santa Barbara
1. Santa Clara. 5. Portland
2. Gonzaga 6. San Diego
3. Pepperdine 7. Loyola Marymount
4. St, Mary's
1. Weber State 5. Montana State
2. Montana 6. Boise State
3, Idaho 7. Nevada-Reno
4. idaho State 8. Northern Arizona
WESTERN HEROES: Sitton, Green (Oregon State);
State); Beasley (Arzona ا Jones
(Wyoming): Strong (Colorado State); Beer (Air
Force); Anderson, Thompson (Fresno State);
Grant, Washington (Utah State); Wood, Neal (Ful-
lerton State); Кы, Tumer (Irvine); Booker
(Nevada-Las Vegas); Colter (New Mexico State);
Franklin (Pacific); унше] State); Wit
liams (San Jose State); (Santa Barbara);
Keeling, Vanos (Santa Clara); Stockton (Gonzaga);
Anger (Pepperdine); Pickett Gt Mary's); Black
(Portland); Whitmarsh (San Diego); McKenzie
(Loyola Marymount); Worster (Weber State); Selvig
Sa Epp (игла Sido) Hd, Hanes
te); Epperly (Montana State); Hi Hayes
(Boise State); Jones (Nevada-Reno); Hurd (North-
ern Arizona).
The Bears have made progress in each of
coach Dick Kuchen’s six years in Berke-
ley. This may be the year they turn the
corner. Two superstud recruits, guard
Kevin Johnson and forward Jim Beatie,
could be superstars by midseason.
Washington may also be a contender їп
what promises to be a wide-open confer-
ence race. The Huskies, long in need of a
true center, have one at last in German
import Christian Welp. His countryman,
the mellifluously named Detlef Schrempf,
will make the improbable switch from
center to point guard.
Washington State lost four starters to
the N.B.A., a talent hemorrhage that will
bloody the Cougars. Nine of 13 scholar-
ship players are freshmen or sophs. Seven-
foot rookie Ken Mathia will have to
mature quickly for the Cougars to have a
winning season. But wait till next year!
Arizona State’s best recruiting class in
memory should help offset the loss of three
starters, Six freshmen will clock a lot of
playing time, but things look less than
sunny at ASU this year.
Stanford, as usual, will try to keep up
in a major conference with only a small
share of the talent. The Cardinals’ main
hopes this year lie in the scoring touch of
Keith Jones and the arrival of three prom-
ising freshmen.
Nearly everyone is returning at Ore-
gon, so the Ducks figure to benefit from a
litle more maturity (if nothing else).
Rookie forward Greg Trapp will be a
welcome addition; he'll never be given
Mouse as a nickname.
The Southern California Trojans are
full of underclassmen. They will again be
a conservative, unspectacular team featur-
ing rugged defensive play. Forward Der-
rick Dowell, the best of the new arrivals,
will make his presence felt posthaste.
Arizona’s new coach, Lute Olson, i
herits virtually nothing. Last year’s piti-
fully thin squad was nearly wiped out by
graduation. Give Olson three years, how-
ever, and he'll produce a winner.
‘Texas-El Paso will have a lock on the
Western Athletic Conference title if the
point-guard position can be restocked.
Rookie Jeep Jackson will probably motor
right into the job. Several classy redshirts
will reinforce four returning starters.
San Diego State also needs a depend-
able new point guard to go with a front
line that’s five deep with starting-caliber
players. Veteran forward Michael Cage is
the best cager in school history.
First-year Brigham Young coach La-
dell Anderson must find a new starting
center. His job was made much easier by
the signing 047727 freshman Carl Pollard,
but forward Devin Durrant will be the
Cougars' main man once again.
Hawaii also has a 7/2" center, Rogue
Harris, whose impressive 260-pound
musculature could get him drafted by the
Dallas Cowboys. "Too Tall Rogue"
would certainly be an intimidating moni-
ker. The explosive leaping ability of for-
ward Greg Hicks, however, will be the
Rainbows’ box-office attraction.
Either New Mexico or Wyoming could
be the surprise team in the W.A.C. Add-
ed experience and guard Phil Smith's
healed ankle will be two New Mexico
assets. Wyoming hopes to benefit from an
end to last season's soap opera of injuries,
sickness and personal problems.
Fresno State has the momentum (12
wins in its last 13 games), the mature
leadership (book-end forwards Ron An-
derson and Bernard Thompson) and the
new talent (point guard Ron Strain and
center Scott Barnes) to wrap up the Pacif-
ic Coast Association championship.
Utah States hopes for success are
pinned to supersoph forward Greg Grant
and transfer point guard Vince Washing-
ton. Fullerton State’s big weapon will be
Playboy All-America Leon Wood, a spec-
tacular point guard who is also a charm-
ing and intelligent young man. Too bad he
seems so rare. Wood will team with trans-
fer guard Darnell Fletcher—the best junior
college player in California last season.
A graduation crap-out at Nevada-Las
Vegas can be only partly salvaged by
recruits, so this will be a rebuilding year
in Gaudy Gulch.
Last year’s six best San Jose Staters are
gone, and the few survivors must look to a
good crop of recruits for timely reinforce-
ment. Transfer guard Eric Williams will
be the Spartans’ best player the moment
he puts on his uniform.
A talented, experienced and hungry
Santa Clara team should put a lock on the
West Coast Conference title. The team’s
catalyst will again be point guard Steve
Kenilvort. Santa Clara’s schedule is a kill-
er, but from midseason on, the Broncos
are going to be well-nigh unstoppable.
Gonzaga’s great expectations are based
on the leadership of a premier point
guard. “John Stockton is as quick as any
white guy Гуе ever seen,” raves coach Jay
Three of last year's Pepperdine starters
are gone, but two promising redshirts—
Dwayne Polee and Scott McCollum—will
fill part of the void. The rest of the void
will just have to remain one
St. Mary’s and Portland will both
improve with added experience (Portland
also has the tallest team in school history).
A productive recruiting campaign brought
some height to Loyola Marymount, par-
ticularly in the person of transfer center
Dan Hornbuckle.
Another transfer, seven-footer Shawn
Campbell, will help Weber State retain its
Big Sky championship. Montana, with its
always excellent defensive play, should
again be one of the league’s best teams, but
catching Weber State seems too tall an
order. Idaho State, Montana State and
Boise State will all improve due to mini-
mal graduation losses.
Only one of Nevada-Reno’s best seven
players of last season will return, so this
will be a painful rebuilding year in Gaudy
Gulch II. There will be nine (count ’em, >
nine) newcomers on the squad. Soh
Jay Arno, Northern Arizona's new
coach, also takes on a tough reconstruction
“ж. >
4 THAN >
project. He at least has supersoph Andy CG ‚ Z
Hurd as a cornerstone, but 1/5 going to are SOME lonia ) TA
take a few years for Arnote to fill out the
Photographed at Stanley Glacier, Kootenay National Park, Canada
(continued from page 128)
“ ‘Ronnie Devlin is the first man 1 ever met who was
more trouble dead than most men are alive.’ ”
that she never knew the guy or anything
like that." ”
“Beth,” Karen said, “you little bastard.
Did you go and tell Cecilia Dunn that I
was seeing Ronnie?"
“No, I didn't, Karen," Beth said. “I just
said, all I said was that she didn't need to
go around pretending she was any differ-
ent from all the other girls in here that had
a liule fling with Ronnie Devlin there or
anything like that. Like she was better
than the rest of us. And your name just
happened to come up, when I was men-
tioning it there.”
“You little bitch, Beth Shaughnessey,”
Karen said, “you little gabby bitch. Тей-
ing things like that to her about me and
mentioning my name that I was one the
ones that was involved with Ronnie Dev-
“Well,” Beth said, “I don't see what
harm it did. You did see Ronnie for a
while, and you also went the wake. You
didn’t go around pretending like you were
the one that was responsible, the guy had
that high blood pressure and he didn’t do
anything about it. Like you were the
woman that should’ve been his widow
there or something "cause you went to bed
with him. That was all I said to her, that
she didn’t have no reason she should act
like that, and I just happened to use you
for an example what I meant.”
“Pm gonna kill you, Beth,” Karen said.
“I don’t see why the hell you thought you
hadda bring my name in this thing. The
only other one that ever knew about me
when I was seeing him was you.”
“Sure,” Beth said, “because I had you
all the time staying over my house when
your parents might decide to call and ask
somebody why they didn't get no answer
when they tried to call the place that you
and Ginger had there in Jamaica Р1аї
Because you didn’t even want to tell
ger. And I did that. But you went down
his wake, didn’t you? I saw your name
right there in the book when I signed
mine. ‘Karen Jacques,’ it said, and it was
“Phew! That's a relief. I was worried when you said
Billy wanted a doll for Christmas.”
your writing, too. You must've gone.”
“I did go,” Karen said.
“Well,” Beth said, “that’s all I said
to her. That you went to his wake and
she should do the same. I told her that she
didn’t have no balls, and the next time she
decided she was gonna play around with
someone, she could find somebody else to
cover up for her, because I wasn’t going to
do it anymore if she was going to act like
“So you and her aren't speaking now, 1
guess,” Karen said.
Beth shrugged. “Well,” she said, “I
don’t know if we are speaking or we
aren't. And I don’t really care.”
“And as a result of what you told her
about me and Ron,” Karen said, “I sup-
pose that me and her aren’t speaking,
“I can't say as І know,” Beth said. “I
didn’t ask her that.”
Karen gazed at her a moment. Then
she smiled. “Well, Beth,” she said, “I cer-
tainly got to hand it to you, һауеп 1?”
“I don't understand,” Beth said.
“Of course you do,” Karen said. “You
come in here now and tell me about all
this talk you had with Ceil, now that you
and me both went down to Donovan’s and
had ourselves one last look at that hand-
some devil Ronnie lying dead there in that
gray suit we both liked, and Ceil hasn’t
got him anymore and so you rubbed it in
to her, she didn’t even dare to go and see
him off. Maybe throw a Hail Mary his
way if it wouldn't do any harm. And then,
when you get through reminding Сей she
hasn’t got him anymore, you come in here
and you give me the business about how I
didn’t have him anymore even when the
guy was still alive, because Ceil took him
away from me. So you got Ceil feeling
worse than she felt when she found out he
was dead, and now you got me feeling
worse than I felt when I heard the same
thing, and that's not а bad day's work for
one day, is it, Beth?" е
"I don't," Beth said, “I can't imagine
what you mean."
“No,” Karen said, “not much you can’t.
You know what I think, Beth? I think
you're glad he’s dead. Now you know just
where he is, and you always will know,
too. Ronnie Devlin won't be going on no
more outings on the Cape now, will he?
And this time, when you said goodbye to
him, you know he won't be coming back
with me.”
“You make me sick, Karen,” Beth said.
“I never thought of that before until you
mentioned it right now.”
“Right,” Karen said. “I wish we had
some booze right now. Ronnie Devlin is
the first man I ever met who was more
trouble dead than most men are alive. It
could be worse, I suppose. Now that he is
dead, you're the one who's got him back. I
hope you're both quite happy.”
САМЕ MUTI NY (continued from page 129)
“There are pleasant surprises in Puerto Rican
rums for those willing to explore.”
French-speaking island.) Puerto Rico is a
logical point of embarkation: Five out of
six bottles of rum consumed in the States
are from that commonwealth. Puerto
Rico’s whites are among the lightest rums
on the market; those labeled gold or
amber have a stronger flavor. Bacardi is
the leading brand, followed by Ronrico
and Don Q. There are pleasanı sur-
prises in Puerto Rican rums for those
willing to explore. Captain Morgan
Spiced Rum is made on a gold-rum
base, lightly sweetened and laced with
tropical botanicals and flavorings. It’s
aromatic and a good mixer. Also appeal-
ing to aficionados are the aged rums.
They're smoother and richer than the
ordinary golds—reflecting the extra
years they've spent in cask. Bacardi Gold
Reserve, Serralles’ El Dorado and Viz-
сауа, marketed in a hand-blown decant-
er, are brands given longer aging time.
Ron del Barrilito, not available
Stateside, is favored by locals for its bold
character and flavor. There are also a
number of 151-proof Puerto Rican bot-
tlings that are useful for flam-
ing dishes and exotic punches.
Jamaican rums are diametrically oppo-
site the Puerto Rican ones in every way,
including appearance. They're dark am-
ber to coffee-colored—and redolent of
molasses. In the U.S., Myers’s Original
Dark has been the most visible Jamaican
rum. Appleton, Lemon Hart and Dagger
also produce estimable dark Jamaican
rums; Lemon Hart is the fullest. Some
whites are also made, but that's not what
Jamaican rum is all about. Piment-O-
Dram, a peppery, spicy liqueur, and
Myers’s Original Rum Cream are both
made on a Jamaica-rum base. The former
is curious; the latter, voluptuous.
"Together, Haiti and the Dominican
Republic form Hispaniola, the island set
smack between Cuba and Puerto Rico.
Haitian rums are represented by the name
Barbancourt; note, however, that there are
lavo Barbancourts. Jane Barbancourt is
known for rum-based liqueurs, including
such exotic flavors as mango, hibiscus,
nougat, mint and spice. Rhum Barban-
court (not affiliated with Jane) presents a
light-to-medium, smooth, fruity rum dis-
tilled from cane juice rather than from
molasses, as is the usual practice. There
are four levels of Barbancourt, ranging
from a very young One Star to the vener-
able Reserve du Domaine. The Domini-
can half of Hispaniola also produces rum;
but at this moment, only one, Brugal Айе-
jo, is shipped to the States in glass. li's
about five years old, medium-bodied, with
а definite rum taste and a hint of perfume
in the finish. Cuban rums are quite
muted, with a shade more taste and char-
acter than the Puerto Rican ones. They’re
not currently imported to the U.S., but
some Havana Club trickles in one way or
That does it for the Greater Antilles,
that group of islands strung across the
northern edge of the Caribbean. The
Lesser Antilles, so called because they're
smaller, descend in an are from the Virgin
Islands to Trinidad, just off the coast of
Venezuela. Despite their diminutive
they turn out a list of varied and distin-
guished distillates—as some judicious is-
land hopping will demonstrate
Taking it from the top, American Vir-
gin Island гит» are quite similar to those
from Puerto Rico, and Virgin distillers
candidly admit to emulating the style of
the successful Puerto Rican rums. In fact,
Ron Carioca—now a Virgin Island la-
bel—was for many years produced in
Puerto Rico. Cruzan and Old St. Croix,
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the major Virgin brands, ship both white-
and gold-label rums. Cruzan Clipper, а
dark rum, is relatively restrained in taste,
considering it’s 120 proof.
Hard by, the British Virgin Islands
produce no rum, but they ship an unusual
bottling nevertheless—British Navy Pus-
ser’s Rum. It’s a blend of rums from Guy-
ana and Trinidad and comes complete
with legend. The name is a corruption of
the shipboard word purser, and Pusser’s is
allegedly made to the same formula as the
official rum rations issued on British naval
vessels until that endearing custom was
deep-sixed. Pusser’s is dark amber, medi-
um-full, aromatic, quite dry and bottled at
a valor-inspiring 95.5 proof.
Despite its geographic distance from it,
Martinique is a fully vested department of
France, and its rums are favored there.
Like the Haitian product, Martinique
rums are distilled from fresh cane juice.
They're in the medium-full range and are
flavorful but not as pungent as Jamaican
rums. Rhum St. James and Rum Clément
are both shipped here. Rum Clément is
available in several versions—the moder-
ately aged Terres Rouge, a six-year-old
bottling, the white Rhum Blanc and a cap-
tivating orange-flavored rum liqueur,
Clément Créole Shrubb.
Further along the Antillean arc, Bar-
bados offers rums in the light-medium
level. Bajan rums are balanced, with a
pleasant aroma that hints of spice and
molasses. Mount Gay has a following in
the States, especially among boating peo-
ple. Its Eclipse and Sugar Cane rums
(both made from molasses) are on the
lighter side; the Special Reserve has more
body. All Mount Gay rums spend at least
three years in cask before bottling.
The islands of Tobago and Trinidad
form one country, but the rums are dis-
tilled in Trinidad. They're right down the
middle, true, medium-bodied rums, with
substantial character and flavor but with-
out heaviness or molasses undertone. Sie-
gert's Old Oak and Fernandes Vat 19 are
popular brands. Both companies also
proffer aged rums on occasion.
Although it’s on the South American
mainland, Guyana is very near the Carib-
bean—and its Demerara rum is too
distinctive to ignore. Smoky, hearty Dem-
eraras are made from sugar cane growing
along the Demerara River, hence the
name. They are often bottled at high proof
and were staples aboard whaling ships.
Lemon Hart Demerara may be obtained
in both 80 and 151 proof.
Sometimes the appellation “West In-
dies” is given to brands that are blends of
rums from several islands. Rhum Negrita,
a very dark, heavy product shipped from
Bordeaux, contains rums from Marti
nique, Guadeloupe and Réunion. It is
favored for cooking. Lamb’s Navy Rum,
bottled in England, is a combination of
distillates from Barbados, Jamaica and
Guyana, It’s a good example of the type
once known as London Dock rum.
Rum is also produced in Mexico, Ha-
waii, India, Indonesia, Australia, Africa
and South America—in almost any tropi-
cal or subtropical area. With such a range
of choices, there would seem to be a rum
for every preference, every occasion and
every application.
Following is a roundup of rum drinks
gleaned from a variety of Caribbean
islands. They're uncommon—and uncom-
monly good, as they should be, coming
from the source. Enjoy them at your lei-
sure but offer a toast to Christopher
Columbus, who first brought sugar-cane
cuttings to the Indies—before splicing the
main brace.
% oz. white Puerto Rican rum
% oz. dark Puerto Rican rum
% oz. vodka
% oz. Grand Marnier
% oz. lime juice
2 ozs. mango nectar, chilled
Dash Angostura bitters
Lime slice, orange slice, cherry or fresh
mint sprig for garnish
Stir all ingredients but garnish in mix-
ing glass with cracked ice. Fill highball
glass one third full with crushed ice.
Strain chilled drink into glass. Garnish
with fruit. Serve with straws—and, tradi-
tionally, with a back-scratcher.
(About 24 portions)
1 boule (750 ml.) Captain Morgan
Spiced Rum
3 cups orange juice
1% cups lemon juice
¥ cup pineapple juice
% cup superfine sugar (or to taste)
1% quarts ginger ale, chilled
Orange and lemon slices, for garnish
Combine spiced rum, juices and sugar;
stir well to dissolve sugar. Chill. ‘To serve,
pour over block of ice in large punch bowl
and add ginger ale. Stir quickly. Float
orange and lemon slices on top.
(For two)
4 ozs. Clément Créole Shrubb rum
1 oz. fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon sugar
2 cups finely cracked ice
Combine all ingredients in chilled
blender container. Blend at medium speed
for about 20 seconds. Divide between two
chilled wineglasses.
2 ozs. Barbados rum
1%-in. strip fresh orange peel
Pour rum over ice in old fashioned
glass. Light a wooden kitchen match and
hold in one hand. With other hand, sharp-
ly squeeze peel over glass and touch it
with flame as oils are released. Immedi-
ately drop peel into glass; stir.
Based on a drink featured at the Jamai-
ca Hilton, Ocho Rios.
1 oz. Jamaica gold rum
1 oz. Tia Maria liqueur
2 ozs. orange juice
1 oz. pineapple juice
% oz. lime juice
1 teaspoon superfine sugar
Pineapple spear or watermelon cube
and cherry on a pick, for garnish
Shake rum, liqueur, juices and sugar
together until well combined. Pour over
ice in highball glass and garnish with
Local name for Jamaica's national bird,
the streamertail hummingbird.
1% ozs. Jamaica whitc rum
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon cream
4 teaspoon grenadine
Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain
into chilled saucer champagne glass.
Fresh-flower garnish is optional.
Cool idea from the Caribbean Beach
Hotel, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
1% ozs. Virgin Islands rum
% oz. grenadine
% oz. lime juice
2 ozs. orange juice
2 ozs. pineapple juice
le wheel, for garnish
Il collins glass with ice cubes. Pour in
all ingredients but garnish. Stir well to
chill. Hang lime wheel on rim of glass.
2 ozs. Pusser’s Rum
Ginger beer, chilled
Lime wedge
Pour rum over ice in highball glass or
mug. Add ginger beer to taste. Squeeze
lime wedge into glass. Drop in rind. Sur
Favored by Ernest Hemingway. A
single drink for Papa, it can serve two
normal drinkers gencrously.
4 ozs. light rum
Juice of % lime
1% ozs. fresh grapefruit juice
Shake all ingredients with ice until well
chilled. Pour unstrained into one double
or two single old fashioned glasses.
Rum is amiable, lending itself gracious-
ly to innovation and experimentation. Get
together with another spirit of suitably
amiable disposition—add some rum—and
get on with the experiments.
Boy, I'M V
pz “once A YEAR. B
y кө „ MOM.
Notes of a Fallen Jan (continued from page 124)
“Television so relentlessly pushed the new at us that
it would, in the process, obliterate the past.”
of event, a disharmony that lcads incvita-
bly to disappointment.
But the problem of the Super Bowl
was, even more, that it reflected the com-
ing of the great new American Sports
Glut, Now there would be more games,
more titles, more brilliant moments, but
each brilliant moment meant less and less.
For it was soon followed by other mo-
ments, equally brilliant and equally
memorable, that in the diminishing space
allotted for memory, became less mean-
ingful than ever. In sports, as in politics,
television so relentlessly pushed the new at
us that it would, in the process, obliterate
the past. Thus did each event, no matter
how heroic, recede ever more quickly. Yes,
there were more sports now and more
teams and longer seasons that overlapped.
‘The end impression upon the brain of the
fan was finally not unlike that of a glut-
tonous movie fan who has chosen to see
two or three great films on a given after-
noon and cannot later separate one from
the other. There was so much sport now
that nothing could be remembered or
cherished; there was more but there was
If DiMaggio was a hero of one genera-
tion—his fame cumulative, the memory
clearly focused of his deeds, a star only as
he produced—then Joe Namath was the
prototype of the new media athlete, for he
became a star simply by signing. Sonny
Werblin—he of show business—signed
“Let’s get something straight. I don’t
exploit elves and I never have. In fact, I’m the only
person who even employs them!”
Namath instead of other seemingly equal-
ly skilled quarterbacks because, watching
him walk into the room, Werblin judged
him to have star quality. The very nature
of his salary, $450,000 a year—the first
big salary in the then-escalating football
wars (wars that were not just between two
football leagues but, more significant, be-
tween two television networks) —guaran-
teed that, given even a minimum level of
competence on the field, he would be a
celebrity. For the hype, as many another
owner was to find later, was in the
Very quickly, starting with his signing,
Namath became not so much a great play-
er as a great media event. He was an
instant celebrity. He was said to be excit-
ing; indeed, like John F. Kennedy, he was
said to have charisma—the charming,
boyish athlete of great prowess, Unitas
crossed with Huck Finn. 1 watched care-
fully in those years, and his charm always
eluded me; I remember him in various
interviews as being basically suspicious
the eyes heavy-lidded, at once shrewd and
surly, as if wary of all the fuss going on
around him yet aware that there might in
the long run be some benefit in all of this.
Not surprisingly, his persona for a long
time obscured his football ability.
‘The explosion of money and free agents
that began with the signing of Namath
changed sport in many ways. It did not
necessarily make it worse, but it made it
different. It changed, in many instances,
the way the athletes perceived what they
did and, equally important, it changed the
way they were perceived by the fans. I do
not doubt that there are thousands of
young boys and girls out there today who
love and admire Dave Winfield as purely
as I loved and admired DiMaggio; but I
also suspect that there are even greater
numbers of young people who, instead of
thinking that modern athletes do some-
thing wonderful, admire them because
they've got a good deal. 1 do not know that
this is even a bad thing; it is perhaps a
more realistic assessment of the athlete on
the part of the fan (and certainly on the
part of the athlete himself, who in the old
days was quite likely to be suddenly disil-
lusioned upon the end of so brief a career),
but it marks an end of a special kind of
innocence for the fan at a remarkably pre-
cocious age. It leaves an altered relation-
ship and it changes forever the sense of
loyalty. When I was 12 years old, the
Yankees traded Joe Gordon to the Cleve-
land Indians for Allie Reynolds. 1 was
shocked and wounded: Gordon was my
second baseman and I had rooted for him;
Reynolds was the enemy. I did not lightly
accept him; it took a great deal of effort on
the part of Mel Allen, talking in warm
and friendly terms about the Big Chief
and what a good man and a tough compet-
itor he was, before I reluctantly bid fare-
well to Gordon and accepted the Chief. 1
do not know what it is like for a young boy
| 52
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to follow baseball today, but in some way,
conscious or unconscious, there must be a
sense of the dominant role of money and
an awareness that any player, no matter
how wonderful his deeds, might pack his
suitcase at the end of the season and
depart for greener terrain.
Oddly enough—given Namath’s role іп
all this—I rooted for his Jets when they
met Baltimore in Super Bowl III. Not
because of Namath but because his team
and, even more, his league, were under-
dogs; and in my new incarnation as a fan,
1 tilted toward underdogs. I also favored
older athletes when they were matched
against those who were younger (the
old Connors against the young McEnroe)
Age was the nemesis of the athlete; so, too,
it was the nemesis of the fan. 1 rooted, as
well, against certain cities: Dallas, for a
time, because a President had been shot
there (then, after those wounds had
healed, because the Cowboys had decid-
ed to call themselves America's Team),
and Los Angeles because, like New York
City, it was a citadel of hype and, even
worse, of Hollywood hype—athletes
mixed with stars, I rooted, moreover, for
athletes who comported themselves with a
personal dignity comparable to their ath-
ic skill: Julius Erving, given his great
dual talents, could have exploited his
ability selfishly. Instead, he systematically
sacrificed rare personel artistry for the
betterment of his team and still managed
to do things on the court that no mortal
had ever done before.
To my surprise, I came, in the midst of
adjusting my preferences, to a reluctant
respect for Steve Garvey. In the begi
ning, he had been the epitome of the ath-
lete I did not like, the Los Angeles athlete
who was not just an all-American boy
himself but even had an all-American
wife. (Not since Tom Seaver and his wife
had offered themselves in an advertising-
trade journal to do joint commercials some
ten years earlier had I been so suspicious.)
He had a good bat, a good glove, good
looks and would eventually run for the
Senate. 1 thought he was packaged
goods— perhaps the most damning charge
of all. But that began to change in the
1977 series. After all the hype about
Dodger Blue that year and what a fine
team of morally superior young men these
were, they came apart at Yankee Stadium
and only Garvey behaved with grace. In
defeat, the others criticized the ball park,
the city or the fans, or they ducked the
press altogether. Only Garvey remained
accessible. When Reggie Jackson hit his
third home run, I saw, to my amazement,
Garvey quietly clapping into his glove. It
was an epiphany: I had thought he was a
young man who was entirely about him-
self, but this showed he had a sense of
sport and of the occasion that need not be
restricted by his ego. 1 watched that—
more moved by Garvey, oddly enough,
than by Jackson—and I thought, Well,
Garvey, maybe you're OK after all. And
then 1 looked more carefully
The year І converted completely was
1981. That was the year Garvey’s wife
criticized him for being too plastic (per-
haps the first time in history that a local
talk-show person had accused someone
else of being plastic). Worse, she soon ran
off with Marvin Hamlisch. Shortly after
that, Garvey was playing in the world
series again. During the series, he ducked
no question, though he had to know that
every time he went to bat, some television
director in the booth was saying, “There's
Garvey—cut tight to his face. Tighter
than that!” And, of course, while they did
not add “supers” to the image, it was,
in fact, on most people’s mind:
GARVEY 20 2598.4... 29 HRS... WIFE R.
WITH M. HAMLISCH.... It must have been a
terrible time, yet he comported himself
again with exceptional dignity. 1 rooted
for Garvey and was pleased when he
signed last spring with San Diego, because
now I could root for him and not for the
But the final story I want to tell here is
about something harder than picking a
winning team or rooting for a sympathetic
athlete against an unsympathetic one; it is
about how I liberated myself from my past
and how I kicked the habit. For now, I am
pleased to report, Lam no longer a Yankee
It was not easy. The past is powerful,
and when it is cloaked in myth—the myth
of my father, the myth of a great athlete
like DiMaggio—the past is more power-
ful still. It took nothing less than the worst
‘owner in sports to do the trick. It is pain-
ful even to write about George Steinbren-
ner, for, in a sense, the greatest aim of his
tenure as head of the Yankees has been
self-serving publicity
Steinbrenner is the embodiment of the
new modern owner at his worst, the rich
man drawn to sport as a public exercise of
ego, the chance to bask in the reflected
glory of others’ deeds. He brings the word
owner to its essential definition, for he is
not just president, chairman of the board
and chief executive officer but owner—
and, no matter how high their price, these
are not ships; these are human beings.
No wonder he bought into the Yankees;
he wanted, after all, to be famous when
before he was only rich (in a society
where neither has anything to do with
true accomplishment—unless, of course,
the making of vast sums of money is соп-
sidered an art form). The team he ac-
quired consists of genuinely accomplished
men. He bought them, and now he praises
them, chides them, feuds with them, dis-
cusses before assembled press groups their
levels of personal courage. He does this all
the time. It is far more exciting than the
life of a shipbuilder, which is boring. In
the end, it becomes more his team than
that of the fan. There is no time for the
accrued loyalty to individual players that
is necessary for a real relationship be-
tween fan and team. The players come
and go too quickly. In the end, his moral-
ity triumphs, because the new [ans will
now be loyal only if the team wins; even
then, it is a new, colder kind of loyalty, as
abiding and deep-rooted as the modern
culture itself. But for Steinbrenner, it is a
victory, because his personality dominates;
the fan cannot think of the team without
thinking of him. One thought of the Yan-
kees of old and thought of DiMaggio hit-
ting with men on base and Whitey Ford
cuffing a ball. Now one thinks of them and
thinks, inevitably, of George. Perhaps
there will be a plaque for him in center
field alongside those of the other greats,
for he gives the fans victory after victory,
as promised. But there is a price: He has
taken the team away from them.
The last time I rooted for the Yankees
wasin 1978. That was partly a Steinbren-
ner team but even more a Gabe Paul cre-
ation. Paul had put together with
shrewd trades, and Steinbrenner had add-
ed just enough free agents to make it a fine
club, tough and gritty. It had come from
far behind to force the Red Sox into a
special play-off that turned out to be a
truly magnificent baseball game. That
team went on to crush the Royals, then
beat the Dodgers. Those Yankees were
still a wonderful baseball team; they
seemed to have their own special, almost
cynical character.
The end, for me, came in 1980. The
Royals were going to win it that year; they
were a good baseball club and they had
lost too often by too little in the past. But
in spite of it all, there was Steinbrenner
screaming at Willie Randolph and at a
third-base coach, shouting expletives at
the field. The camera, which had done so
much to inflate him, now stripped him
naked. He was sitting there at the end,
petulant, graceless, learning what all the
rest of us have always known: that
there are some things that moncy can't
buy. The camera showed the Yankees"
owner as a sad, foolish man— M«Enroe's
manners without McEnroe’s talent.
I, once a lover of the Yankees, true son
of the stadium, watched my television set
that day with absolute pleasure. I was
astonished that Steinbrenner could have
the best seat in the house and see so little,
that he could be so close to the game and so
far from understanding it. 1 thought how
much he could learn from Bob Gibson
about what baseball is really about —the
best playing the best, the cutcome, thus,
always uncertain. The sport was too fine
for him; it could not be bought, as if at
auction, before the season began. It would
still have to be played on the field. I root-
ed for the Royals that day, and I have
rooted for other teams since. I have shed
the past. Free at last, Martin Luther King
said, free at last. Thank God Almighty,
I'm free at last.
b __·
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recordings, a programmable, direct-drive
For the ultimate in recording convenience,
the Fisher 4950 has yet another highly
civilized feature—synchronous recording.
Since the cassette deck is fully synchro-
nized with the digital disk player and turn-
table, it automatically starts recording your
first selection when the music source
starts and automatically shuts off after the
selection ends. It’s as simple as that.
And if you think all this sounds incredi-
ble, you haven't seen anything yet.
Withremote control, stereo, and Dolby, plus
a14-day, 9-program timer, the front-loading
Fisher VHS has everything imaginable.
That includes auto program selection
and a sophisticated 4-head system for
exceptional picture clarity and quality.
For an even more exceptional picture,
there's the optional Fisher 25” high reso-
lution TV monitor and the ТЕМ Video
Signal Controller.
All together, the Fisher system 4950 is
designed for a very special group.
Namely, those who can appreciate the
difference between the ordinary.
And the extraordinary.
Youre Entering
Whistler Country.
We challenged Escort and won.
Motor Trend, Aug.'83 “Тһе Whistler Spectrum
resides at the top of the list. A world class
radar detector.”
Autoweek, Nov. '89 “The Spectrum is the
most sensitive radar detector Autoweek ha:
ever seen,”
BMW Roundel, July 83 "Fon
Escort has a true rival, It is ij
a winner."
Last yeärwe challenged the editors of the major car magazines to prove that the Whistler *Spectrúm wasn't
the best radar detector on the road. Е std “7”
The results are in. Spectrum placed a triumphiant first with па, Autoweek, and BMW Roundel. And
avery close second with Car and Driver (still scoring #1 i most critical out of 5 categoriés*),
We're not surprised. After all З out of 4 truckers h. n choosing Whistler since the first Whistler was built.
And now the Whistler Spectrum beats everyone with Ww.
“Pollution Solution™; A unique circuit that not only "stomps out"
interference from other units, butit enhancessensitivity.and eliminates
falsing as it does so.
Go with the name America's truckers trust. And America's leading
‘Car magazine editors named #1. Start driving in Whistler Country,
PS If yatr already own a’ we ıu can, by
writing Controlonics Corp, 5
"X band only —e
we play electronic santa and stuff the
stockings of the stars
“What I could really use,” says the star
of NBC's hit comedy Cheers, “is one of
those compact, portable stereo systems. 1
like to have music around me almost all
the time—in my dressing room during the
weeks that we’re taping the show, when
Tm on location with a crew or, more
peacefully, on vacation with my family.
Because I move around a great deal, I
really need a lot out of a stereo system. I
want it to have good sound, but I want it
to be compact. I just can’t lug a huge one
around, but I want something better than
those plastic models that the kids use on
the beach.
“There are a number of companies that
make good units. I think JVC is among
the best. It seems to be more geared to
tapes than to records. And that’s what I
prefer. Tapes are so much easier to pack
“What do I usually listen to? That
changes according to my mood and locale
When I was filming a Western, I listened
only to country-and-western songs. When
Idid Body Heat, I listened to Fred Astaire
songs. Filming Cheers seems to put me in
much more of an up-tempo mood. In my
dressing room now, I'd definitely listen to
rock—something energizing, something to
get the juices going.
“When I have time off, ГЇ listen to
more eclectic things—everything from Bil-
ly Joel to the cast album from Cats. 1 do
have a tendency to get hooked on one
album and play it until the tape wears out,
then I'll move on to something totally dif-
ferent. It keeps it interesting.
“I play a lot of the music for my three-
and-a-half-year-old daughter. You should
see her. Come to think of it, she’s the rea-
son I treated myself to another electronic
present. I bought an RCA video camera to
hook up with my VCR. I spend so much
time on the other side of the camera, I
decided it was time for me to start taking
movies of our daughter. She’s just so great,
and video is the best way I can think of to
try to keep up with her.”
“If 1 had to pick just one thing,” says
the angelic TV-and-movie star, “Pd get a
home computer. When I was growing up,
computers were the thing of the future,
and now that the future is here, I don’t
want to feel like I’m still living in the
Stone Age. But, I must admit, I’m also a
liule afraid of them. I've been reading
computer magazines and I still understand
only vaguely what floppy disks are. There
are so many computers on the market that
it's hard to choose. But the one Pd get is
the IBM. It has the features I want now
that Pm getting into scriptwriting—easy
word processing, hookup to data systems,
expandability—and, basically, I trust the
company. Also, I like its optional services.
Someone from IBM will teach you how to
operate it and then stay with you. If you
have trouble, you can call him and he'll
answer any questions. If your computer
breaks down, they'll even make house
calls. When you're new to computerese,
that’s a comforting thought.
“There are a couple of other items on
my Christmas list. I'd really like a new
three-quarter-inch video-tape player. I get
lots of cassettes from the networks and the
studios, and the machine I have now is
getting very old. I hear that the Sony
BVU-820 is a really good one.
“The other thing I'd like to get is a car
phone. It’s a really useful thing to have,
just for the peace of mind. If you get a flat
tire, for instance, you don’t have to worry
about being stranded. You can just call the
garage and tell them where you are.
“Some of those phones are real fun, too.
When I was doing Charlie's Angels, loca-
tions were always an hour or so away
from home. I had a phone put in my trail-
er so 1 could chat with my friends back
home, even while the trailer was being
driven around.
“Now Pd get a model like the Motorola
Pulsar. It can do just about everything:
scan a couple of dozen channels until you
get a clear one, hook up with the operator,
dial or redial. And that’s before you’ve
even picked it up off the receiver.”
“We've been playing around a lot lately
with video,” says Jeff Porcaro (at one
o'clock below), drummer of the Grammy
Award-winning group. “In fact, I copro-
duced and codirected the video version of
our last record. What I'd like to get for
Christmas is some new, computerized
video-editing and -mixing equipment.
Panasonic makes some really nice editing
controllers. And, while we're making
wishes, JVC makes a really good special-
effects generator. Play around with that
baby for a while and you'll be ready to
produce for the networks or for the music-
video programs. I think some of the best
production being done right now shows up
on MTV-type programing
“Another item that the group and I
have been eying is a new video camera. I
have a pretty fancy JVC now, and it's
fine, but Pd like to get one that shoots
underwater. You never know. One of us
could be the next Lloyd Bridges
“And, as long as Pm asking, I'd like one
of the new compact-disc players. I was just
in London with Paul McCartney and he
had one. The reproduction was just fan-
tastic. They’re great, not just for playing
but for recording. You can get a good 60
minutes on the single side of a compact
disc, which is tremendous for an artist. It's
a real drag to have to limit an album to 18
minutes a side because of the sound-quali-
ty restrictions of the vinyl. With CDs, the
sound quality is terrific.”(Toto’s equip-
ment courtesy of Pacific Video Product,
Inc., Anaheim, California.)
Sony creates seventh row, се
INTRO! NG THE SONY COMP; turntable could ever deliver st you hear the Sony Ci
DISC PLAYER. ТІ ghest of fidelity remains faith- pact Disc Player soon. Ест а sound you
You are looking at an invential ful too. Because the digital discs are can't from the audio innove
extraordinary that High Fidelity maga- е у eam, olute you uredly can.
fundamen- no phy: J dis
y in more tortion from such annoy © ONY.
en р п 5618 5 ТНЕ ОМЕ АМР ОМҮ
А piece of audio equipment that
€ you to hear something you ve
never h foi е tr d lets you
ny is ple 5 a c from your
The СОР-1@ u:
act di а far: more
‘mation than conventional
ult: fidelity :DP-l0l is ج
onventional акен ты nt you may own 3
tn | Sony Drive. Park Rid
is means to you 1s more while doubling as a potent stereo tuner,
lever in putting together a $1500. Next, а remote-controlled, C.
inment system. At this equipped Pioneer LD-1100 LaserDisc video
first decision may well be player, $800. Atop the Pioneer, a Surround
jot to invest in a digital Sound decoder that can pull the necessary
player. Actually, the real — rear-channel information from your stereo
"t be whether but when. mix and bring movie-theater sound to your
The triumph of the living room, from Fosgate Research, $575.
compact-disc system The decoder is well matched with the Alli-
over standard LPs and son:Three loud-speakers for rear-channel
turntables is inevita- sound, $790 per pair. Completing the
ble—not because the Surround Sound are Allison:Nine front-
silvery little discs and channel speakers, $990 per pair. To top off
their laser-equipped this supersystem, we've rolled out the
computer players are Kloss Model Two portable projection televi-
sion with T-1 video tuner, $2820. Any of
the video sources can be patched into it.
4 [рик ү!
Be Шы столну meann zu
light-years more advanced than their
analog predecessors (which they are)
but because the system takes the confu-
sion and the frustration out of assem-
bling a high-quality audio setup.
Since the performance of a compact-
disc player is largely predetermined by
standards established by Philips, play-
ers from all manufacturers should per-
form almost identically. And that
performance Jevel makes LPs look sad,
CD players have no styluses, nothing
to wear out the grooves. Discs are “read”
by a low-power laser beam in the play-
er. And they never wear out. The laser,
by ignoring such surface imperfections
аз dust, fingerprints and minor
scratches, makes playback noise-free.
CD-playback quality in general is as
close to perfect as any audiophile
has ever imagined. Frequency response
is ruler flat, and dynamic range—
the ability to capture both the softest
and the loudest sounds of a live
performance—is superb. Also, one side
of the four-and-three-quarter-inch disc
can hold up to 60 minutes of stereo:
sound without compromising a lick.
Eventually, CD players will be
priced by their complement of spe-
cial features. Paying less for a player
will give you fewer frills but the same
level of performance. Right now, most
machines will set you back somewhere
from $600 to $1100. By this time
next year, industry analysts predict,
stripped-down playerswillbé going for
about half that:
And if you're willing to invest the
money in hardware, be assured that
there will be lots of software to play on
it. Almost every American record label,
as well as the PolyGram conglomerate
of European labels, is busy issuing CDs.
There are more than 500 titles avail-
able in the U.S. right now (the likes of
Beethoven’s Concerto in D, by Itzhak
Perlman; Miles Davis’ Sketches of
Spain; Willie Nelson’s Stardust, and
Def Leppard’s Pyromania), a number
that should double in less than a year.
Everyone seems to be jumping on
the hardware band wagon. Companies
with existing or planned players in-
clude Sony, Denon, Magnavox, Hita-
chi, Phase Linear, Fisher, Akai,
Marantz and Sansui. Ready to join the
fray within the year are Aiwa, Ken-
wood, Mitsubishi, Onkyo, Pioneer,
Sanyo and Toshiba.
We've chosen to spotlight Mag-
mavox' top-of-the-line FD3000SL
CD player in our first system. But
it could just as easily work їп our
second setup or, eventually, sub-
stitute for the turntable or the
cassette deck in our third system.
CD players plug into any re-
ceiver's or amplifier's auxiliary
inputs. Those of you who have
cursed (concluded on page 262)
the very latest in electronic wizardry
1. Remote possibility. For those
who'd prefer to spend time turning on a
date instead of a stereo, we offer Acoustic
Research's Stereo Remote Control (SRC-
1). A control unit that hooks up to both
your A.C. power line and your stereo sys-
tem is activated by a hand-held wireless
transmitter. It turns on or off, regulates
volume and balance and can select an out-
side source. There’s even a sleep timer
that turns off the music after 30 minutes of
play. You get the lights. $160.
2. A home-movie star is born. Sony’s
Betamovie one-piece camera/VCR is the
first truly portable method of making vid-
ео home movies. No need to tote extra
equipment; this self-contained compact
unit uses standard, instantly replayable
Beta cassettes the way Super-8 cameras
use film. A rechargeable battery pack pro-
vides up to one hour of uninterrupted
recording. $1500.
3. Brief encounter. Sharp's PC-5000
computer is an incredible portable, offer-
ing 128K memory and an 80-column-by-
8-line LCD display. It's compatible with
IBM personal-computer programs. For
versatility, there’s an optional printer that
plugs into the top of the computer. For
travel, the display panel folds flat over the
keyboard and the unit fits into a briefcase
4. Three easy pieces. For maximum
sound in minimum space, the Acoustic
Design Group Triad 50 speaker system
packs a wallop. Small enough to fit into
the palm of your hand (after a while, you
may want to put them on a bookshelf), two
tiny, phase-lincd satellites (847 x 5%” x
514”) complement a self-powered woofer
driven by a signal-conditioning amplifier
rated at 50 watts. With a three-position
switch, the bass response is adjustable to
your listening environment. $500. Option-
al oak stands, $250 the set
5. Monkey business. Nintendo, the
creator of Donkey Kong, is now making
its best arcade games in hand-held and
tabletop versions. Here's the Mario Bros.
game, featuring cartoonlike characters in
simultaneous multisereen action. It dou-
bles as a timepiece, too. In an easily pack-
able case, it replaces your old travel alarm
while allowing you to climb to new
heights with the latest descendant of the
great ape. 840.
6. Taking the show on the road. The
next best thing to a drive-in movie may be
American Audio's Indash Car Video. It's
a combination two-inch TV, stereo cas-
seue player, AM/FM radio (with 50-watt
stereo amplifier) and digital quartz dock.
The unit can be installed in most dash-
boards—where, for driving safety, the TV
screen blacks out when you start the
car—or in the rear-seal area for
continuous viewing. $995.
7. Fancy footwork. And
the joy stick begat the Joy-
board. Amiga's skateboard-
like controller plugs into A
your game or computer
console and lets you
direct the action
with foot and
body move-
ment. Sail ha
E 51
down ski slopes in Amiga’s Mogul Maniac game or wrestle the
waves with Surf's Up. The Joyboard is compatible with most game
and computer software. Joyboard with Mogul Maniac game, $50.
8. Personal boost. Want more from your personal stereo? The
dbx Silencer PPA-1 plugs into the headphone jack and provides
Dolby В or dbx noise reduction, $49. 9. The Audio Source EQ-
Three, a five-band equalizer, provides sophisticated tone control for
any portable, $39.95. Both are battery operated and clip onto your belt
Alot of stereo equipment starts
becoming outdated as soon as you lift it
out of the box.
But not Pioneers SX-60 Receiver.
Its been planned for the future, not for
Because it's not just designed to
be a stereo receiver, but the control center
for the home entertainment system of
the future.
The SX-60 has both the perform-
ance and features necessary to interface
with the video and digital
recording hardware and
software you will cer-
tainly be buying over the next two decades.
To begin with, the SX-60 has the
ability to accurately reproduce the wide
dynamic range of digital recordings be-
cause of its revolutionary Non-Switching,
low distortion amp (80 watts per channel
des oo GU ua
into 8 ohms, 20-20000 Hz with no more
than 0.005% THD). Its incredible 95dB
signal-to-noise ratio can easily handle the
90dB digital range.
And when the video/audio
marriage is consummated, you'll have a
receiver that will remain compatible.
A video input in the SX-60 enables you to
listen to VCR or video disc programs
through your stereo system. And a simu-
lated stereo circuit transforms the mono
output of video (and AM) broadcasts to
create theatre-quality, stereo-like imaging.
The SX-60 features Quartz-PLL
digital synthesized tuning that locks in
stations and prevents any drift. Plus there
are 10 FM and 10 AM electronic station
pre-sets and precise digital readout.
As for ease and accuracy of opera-
tion, all of the SX-605 circuits are
completely microcomputer controlled.
a fluorescent
display provides visual reference to the
receivers vital operating mode.
While this display may give the
SX-60 a futuristic appearance today, you
can rest assured that 10 or 15 years from
now, it will fit right in.
Because the music matters.
800 4471700 In Minois: (8032-44
some news you can’t
live without
Ah, it all used to be so easy. A year and
a half ago, we put together the first Video
Game Hall of Fame. It appeared in the
Playboy Guide to Electronic Entertain-
ment and was followed by award ceremo-
nies at the Chicago Playboy Mansion.
Four companies making cartridges for
three game machines were honored.
Well, times have changed. Just a bit.
Several hundred cartridges, many millions
of dollars and about 1000 calluses later,
we're ready to enshrine a second group of
games that no victim of joy-stick finger
should be without.
‘Just to refresh your memory, our first
inductees were Asteroids (Atari), Astro-
smash (Intellivision), Conquest of the
World (Odyssey), Freeway (Activision),
Kaboom! (Activision), К.С. Munchkin
(Odyssey?), Major League Baseball (In-
tellivision), Missile Command (Atari),
NEL Football (Intellivision), Pac-Man
(Atari), Space Battle (Intellivision),
Space Invaders (Atari), Tennis (Activi-
sion), Video Pinball (Atari) and Utopia
This year’s winners are:
B-17 Bomber (Intellivision). Voice-
synthesized commands send you on a
bombing mission over occupied Europe,
helping relive all the fun of World War
BurgerTime (Intellivision). Combine
fast food with fast action and you just can’t
miss. Other food-fight games don’t hold a
pickle to this опе.
Decathlon (Activision for Atari 2600).
You try to do it all in this video version of
the Olympic competition. If your hands
can stand the rapid joy-stick action, you
win Bruce Jenner.
Defender (Atari 5200). The cream of
the space games is at its most vivid here.
Use your lasers and your smart bombs to
save your humanoids—not to mention the
world as we know it.
Demon Attack (Imagic for Atari
2600). Those little devils put up one hell
of a fight. Try to stop them before they hit
and split.
Donkey Kong (ColecoVision). The
original ColecoVision version of this great
аре chase is the best, but if you want even
better monkey business, try
Donkey Kong Jr. (ColecoVision). If
movie sequels were this good, we wouldn’t
have spent the summer playing video
Jungle Hunt (Atari 5200). Superb ani-
mation (more detailed than the 2600 ver-
sion) sets you off on an adventure that
makes Tarzan look meek.
К.С.% Krazy Chase (Odyssey?). К.С.
returns, this time with a voice, to fight the
dreaded Dratapillar in a manic maze.
Pitfall! (Activision for Atari 2600).
The best jungle-adventure game going. As
you go for the treasure, try to avoid the
scorpions and the snakes. They're the
Pole Position (Atari 5200). This one's
a winner from start to finish. Not only are
the three courses tough but you have to
qualify high even to run the race.
Soccer (Atari 5200). A sophisticated
game that manages to make the world’s
simplest sport rather complex. You really
need to use your head to figure out how to
Turbo (ColecoVision). This one comes
with a steering wheel and a gas pedal, just
like in the arcade. A race against time, the
elements and your budget.
Zaxxon (ColecoVision). A new genera-
tion of graphics makes this 3-D space bat-
tle both a challenge to your gamesmanship
and a test of your depth perception.
Tired of working your trigger finger to
the bone over your favorite video game?
Well, now there’s relief. The Videomax
game glove not only covers your sweaty
palm, it protects your precious trigger fin-
ger. The net glove lets your hand breathe,
while the leather palm is great for the
grip. It’s available from Nancy and Com-
pany, 22594 Mission Boulevard, Suite
302, Hayward, California 94541, for
$7.45, postpaid. It comes in left- or right-
handed models in sizes for men, women
and kids. You can get yours in white, gold
or our favorite, the navy-blue model. It
just goes so well with a pinstripe suit.
At last count, there were 4,876,912
titles available for home-video players.
Something like that. So how do you, with
a limited budget, decide which ones to buy
or rent to help make your next party one
to remember? Worry not. After years in
the screening room, we've made your
choices for you. You just don't need any
more than these:
Cocaine Fiends (Media Home Enter-
Coke Time with Eddie Fisher (Video
Famous T and A (Culiideo)
The Fundamentals of Cheerleading
(Cinema Associates)
Emmanuelle, the Joys of a Woman
(Paramount Home Video)
The Eruption of Mount St. Helens
(Cinema Associates)
How to Do Your Own Income Tax
(Cinema Associates)
How to Marry a Millionaire (CBS/
Fox Home Video)
The Harder They Come (RCA Vid-
The Harder They Fall (RCA/Colum-
bia Pictures Home Video)
With all the erotic video cassettes
flashing on the market, we thought
you might need some help deciding
which ones had real staying power.
So we went to one of the best
experts we know. Here, then (in-
cluding only a few of her own
films), are Marilyn Chambers’ top
ten turn-ons.
1. Up n' Coming (Caballero)
2. Insatiable (Eros)
3. Behind the Green Door
(Mitchell Brothers)
4. Devil їп Miss Jones (Arrow)
5. Devil in Miss Jones Part II
6. 1 Like to Watch (Caballero)
7. Taboo (VCX)
8. Talk Dirty to Me (Caballero)
9. Nurses of the 407 (Caballero)
0. Bad Girls (Collectors)
ІЕ time to go
back to work!
There may be some of you out there old
enough to remember when watches did
nothing but tell time. These days, that
seems to be a relatively minor function for
‘most tickers.
Witness the Seiko Voice Recorder
watch. You push a button, talk into your
wrist and record messages of up to eight
seconds. You can play your messages back
later, use the recorder as a note taker or set
the alarm for automatic playback.
They're getting smaller all the time
AM/FM radios, that is. This one’s from
Recoton, and it measures 2%” x 3% x 36”.
It's barely bigger than a credit card and
can get you in a lot less trouble.
They were the glory days of rock "n
roll. In 1958, Jerry Lee Lewis married his
13-year-old cousin. In 1959, Chuck Berry
was charged with violation of the Mann
Act, and later served time in prison. Those
were the days. But somewhere on the
streets of Detroit and in the heights of
Brooklyn, a new sound was going down.
Girl groups. Former backup singers were
suddenly fronting million sellers. If you
think that Bette Midler first did Da Doo
Ron Ron or that Linda Ronstadt created a
Heat Wave, it’s time to sell your heart to
the junkman. Try taking this little test at
your next party. Just match the song with
the girl group that recorded it. If you get
all the answers right, we have a special
prize for you. To find out what it is, phone
Beachwood 4-5789.
1. My Boyfriend’s a. Cookies
2. I Have a b. Little Eva
3. Chains c. Marvelettes
4. He Hit Me d. Angels
5. Keep Your Hands e. Crystals
Off My Baby
6. Nowhere to Run f. Shangri-Las
7. Don't Mess with g. Orlons
8. Don't Hang Up h. Martha and
the Vandellas
9. Walkin’ in the т. Ronettes
10. Walkin’ in the у. Chiffons
Answers: 1. d; 2. j; 3. a; 4. e; 5. b; 6. h;
Fe Bigs 9. 1; 10. f.
Presenting, in all its glory, the
RCA CC030 Solid State Color
Video Camera. A breakthrough
in form and function. How has
RCA combined the most
advanced video technology
with unequaled design? Turn
the page for the inside story.
[КОМ в ажени e
WITH REMOTE CONTROLS. The only one that shows
you what you're shooting-in color. Doubles as a
color monitor for instant replays. Detaches
for remote taping.
Automatically adjusts and monitors the color balance
whenever lighting conditions change.
The innovative M.O.S. (metal oxide semicon-
ductor) pickup system is free of troublesome
Goes beyond infrared
image "lag" Gives you superb overall color,
The CC030 is as remarkable inside time to stop reading aa
as itis outside.
An innovative, solid-state
image sensor combines with an
impressive list of “firsts” in the
U.S. to make this RCAs smartest
camera ever.
The first Electronic Color
Viewfinder. (And it's detachable.)
The first Constant Automatic White
Balance, so you'll never have to
check color levels again. The first
“Video Detail” Automatic Focus
with “Focus Lock”
There's more, of course. More
than twenty other outstanding
features, including an amazing
62-Character Title/Display with
Calendar and Stopwatch. But it's
start experiencing a
degree of sophistication
you won't find with any
other camera.
See your RCA dealer for
a demonstration. You'll realize
that with the CC030, you don't
say, “What can | do with this
сатега?", but rather, "What can't
Ido with it”
And while you're there, attach
the CC030 to ВСА incredible 900
Convertible VCR. You'll see why we
and ultrasonic technologies
to give you сое pcia
Actually "sees" the camera'a
subject and adjusts the focus
For the complete line of SelectaVision Color Video Cameras and VOR models, write to
RCA Consumer Electronics, Department 32-312R, P.O. Box 1976, Indianapolis, IN 46206
009 ЧЫН O Oe O I
When the NBC peacock starts to look
peaked, your TV may need some ad-
justment. Here’s a simple procedure
that guarantees the best color.
1. Disengage any automatic color cir-
cuits and turn the color control all the
way down, so that you have a black-
and-white image.
2. Turn the brightness control up
fairly high.
3. Adjust the contrast control. Start
with minimum contrast and then turn
it up until you get pure whites and solid
4, Adjust the brightness until you get
the most comfortable setting for the
room lighting.
5. Now you're ready for color. Turn
the color control up until the picture
looks natural. If it’s set too low, colors
will seem washed out; if it’s set too
high, they will seem to leap out at you,
and the image probably will lose some
of its definition,
6. Adjust the hue, or tint, control for
the most natural flesh tones.
7. At this point, you may want to
switch back and forth between your
manual settings and the TV’s automatic
mode (if it has one). You should find
your settings at least as good as the
set’s, and most likely better. If neither is
satisfactory, it's time for professional
help—or a new set.
What do you need to know when buy-
ing computer software? More than just
what program you want. Other concerns
include packaging (does your machine
take cassettes, five-and-a-quarter- or eight-
inch floppy disks or plug-in cartridges?),
the operating system and formatting. The
operating system is a program that tells all
those integrated circuits how to be a com-
puter; without it, no other software will
run. Operating systems come in an alpha-
bet soup of flavors. One of the most
popular is CP/M. An IBM Personal
Computer, though, runs with either
PC/DOS or, as an option, CP/M86
(which is not the same as regular CP/M).
The computer can be plugged into A.C. or
D.C. and it won't interfere with your AM
or FM. You get the idea. It’s not impera-
tive that you memorize all those codes—
I лавата)
just that you know they exist. Many pro-
grams, you see, are available for more
than one operating system. If you buy a
program on floppy disk, make certain the
disk is formatted for your machine. Other-
wise, you may not be able to get the pro-
gram off the disk and into the computer.
Don’t be fooled. Newer televisions and
VCRs are labeled cable-ready, but that
doesn’t always mean that you can watch
all cable channels without use of an exter-
nal cable-converter box. The main prob-
lem is that premium channels, such as
HBO, are often scrambled to prevent
unauthorized reception. For those, you
need the decoders built into the cable
Look for cable-ready sets that have con-
nections enabling you to switch on a
decoder box when you need it. Or you can
rig up an equivalent with an inexpensive
two-way signal splitter and a simple
“Та like to present a part of my
vast repertory of growls, smears, shouis, moans,
groans and exclamations.”
antenna switch. Connect the cable to the
splitter's input and one of the splitter’s
two outputs to the input of the cable box.
The cable converter’s output then goes to
опе of the switch’s inputs; the switch’s
other input takes the feed from the split-
ter’s second output. The last step is to con-
nect the output from the switch to the
cable input on your TV or VCR. When
you don’t need the cable box, you can
bypass it with the flick of a switch and use
your VCR’s timer or your television’s
remote control for channel selection.
Got a record that seems unplayably
warped? Here’s a sure cure. Get two
sheets of quarter-inch plate glass about 13
inches square. Thoroughly clean both the
glass and the record. Place the record
between the two sheets of glass. Preheat
your oven for about 15 minutes at its low-
est setting, then turn it off. Put the glass-
encased record on one of the oven racks,
close the door and let it sit there for 15
minutes, then open the oven door and let
the record cool for at least 40 minutes. (In
ovens with pilot lights, omit the preheat-
ing and cool the record out of the oven.)
When you take it out, it should be almost
perfectly flat. Add pepperoni to taste.
Do the highs from your tape deck sound
as if they went South for the winter? Try
cleaning the heads. Soak a cotton swab in
pure isopropyl alcohol. (It’s available at
most drug stores. Just make sure you don’t
get rubbing alcohol containing lubricants
that may gum up the innards of a tape
recorder.) Rub the swab across one of the
heads, turning it as you go, until it is dis-
colored. Discard it and continue with a
new swab until no more dirt comes off.
Then move on to the remaining heads, the
pinch rollers, the capstans and the tape
guides—cleaning everything with which
the tape comes in contact.
To maintain top performance, repeat
that procedure after every 20 hours of use.
If that seems too tedious, use cleaning cas-
settes such as those made by Discwasher
and Allsop. (These are especially nice for
cleaning the usually inaccessible heads in
car tape decks.)
Today, most cassette decks are billed as
“metal ready,” which means that you can
use them to record and play back cassettes
with pure-metal tape coatings. But do you
really need that capability? Metal tape
does provide better high-frequency per-
formance than lesser varieties, but only
while listening to classical music will you
ever need that extra margin—so why pay
for it? There are excellent premium-qual-
ity chrome and ferric tapes that will work
just as well for most recordings—at only
half to two thirds the price.
BEE Or “Еее ЕО
see on RCAs big 45-inch screen (measured di-
agonally) marks the beginning of a bright new era.
+ Its remarkable 65% increase in peak brightness
and 200% increase in contrast make it light-years
ahead of earlier RCA projection sets. Watching
projection television in the dark is a thing of the
Another improvement is a big, crowd-pleasing
viewing angle that makes just about every seat in
the house the best seat in the house.
performance giant is also a video monitor. Its
convenient i
hook up your
player, and stereo
brightest features our exclusive Digital Command
Center. The total contro! remote control that en-
ables you to switch from broadcast to VCR to
* videodisc viewing at the touch of a button.
All of this comes wrapped in the most compact
cabinet in RCA big-screen history. To see-our best
generation of big-screen TV’s ever, visit your
RCA dealer.
It promises to be a most enlightening experience.
For more information and a free copy of “Living
With Video” (a $2.50 reta i value), write: RCA
Consumer е
PO: Bo:
(continued from page 251)
“A VCR in the bedroom becomes more appealing
if you decide to pursue home moviemaking.”
mightily at the setup procedure many
turntables demand— installing the phono
cartridge, setting the tracking force and
antiskating bias—will find CD-player
setup a breeze. Remove a packing screw or
two, plug it in and you're ready to go.
Future applications of the compact disc
are fairly amazing. Since it is really a
computer medium—the disc itself stores
digital codes that are analyzed and inter-
preted by the player’s preprogrammed
processors—a CD might eventually con-
tain digital codes representing album liner
notes or even include graphic information
such as road maps that could be called up
on a tiny monitor installed in a car's dash-
board. Oh, yes—next: CD car stereo.
A CD player, then, is really a computer
dedicated to music. It becomes a logical
complement of a personal computer that
can be dedicated to almost any task. The
inclusion of personal computers in our two
main systems points firmly to a redefini-
tion of home-entertainment systems.
Coleco's new Adam computer, for in-
stance, is amenable to a host of sober tasks
but it will play games with a gusto that
makes lots of other so-called computer/
game machines seem tired.
With a full keyboard, 80 kilobytes of
random-access memory, а letter-quality
printer and a tape-based storage drive, the
Adam is startlingly low priced ($600). In
our top system, we’ve integrated it with a
Kloss projection TV, making game play-
ing a TRONIike experience. Coleco has a
whole new line of high-resolution super-
games designed to take advantage of the
Adam’s expanded capabilities.
Our second system has a game-playing
unit that’s not as sophisticated but just as
much fun: Mattel’s Intellivision II—to
which you can easily add a Computer
Module; a System Changer, which lets
you play Atari 2600-compatible games;
and even a 49-key Music Synthesizer.
One major home-entertainment devel-
opment that's not computerized (not yet,
anyway) is Beta Hi-Fi, Sony's technique
for recording a stereo sound track on video
cassette with a level of fidelity that
approaches that of the compact disc.
In its most basic form, the technique
takes a stereo signal and processes it in
much the same way an FM station proc-
esses music for broadcast. In Beta Hi-Fi,
though, the FM signal is mixed with the
video information and the two are re-
corded together on the video tape. The TV
image with the tinny little sound now has
the capability of full-fledged stereo. You
just jack your stereo speakers into this new
VCR and you're in business. As with a
standard stereo system, it will play your
mono tapes as well—in mono.
VHS Hi-Fi, available in Japan, has
been the victim of heel dragging here.
Expect to see models next year.
What Beta Hi-Fi and, eventually, VHS
Hi-Fi offer is, first, an alternative to stand-
ard audio recorders. With fidelity simply
unachievable on an audio-cassette deck,
you'll be able to record five hours of music
on one video tape. Second, you'll be able to
enjoy theaterlike Surround Sound at home
from movies produced in Dolby stereo.
Actually, any high-quality stereo-video
source, such as a Pioneer LaserDisc or an
RCA CED video disc, will enable you to
make use of the Dolby-stereo information
“hidden” in two-channel movie sound
tracks. With the addition of a special
decoder, such as the Fosgate Research
Model 101A featured in our top system,
The list of titles available for com-
pact-disc play is growing faster than
you can say Shostakovich. Just in time
for Christmas shopping, here’s a list of
late entries:
Billy Joel, Innocent Man; Placido
Domingo, Perhaps Love; Chuck Man-
gione, Journey to a Rainbow; Men at
Work, Cargo; Toto, Turn Back; Chi-
cago, Chicago 16; Judy Collins, Judith;
The Pretenders, Pretenders; The Cars,
Shake П Up; Bette Midler, No Frills;
Robert Plant, The Principle of Mo-
ments; Michael Jackson, Thriller;
Flashdance sound track.
Andre Previn, Debussy: Images for
Orchestra; Vienna Philharmonic, Lo-
гїп Maazel, conductor, Beethoven:
Symphony No. 5; New York Philhar-
monic, Zubin Mehta, conductor, Mahler:
Symphony No. 1 (The Titan); Chica-
go Symphony Orchestra, James Le-
vine, conductor, Mozart: Symphonies
No. 40 and 41 (Jupiter); Dallas Sym-
phony Orchestra, Eduardo Mata,
conductor, Ravel: Bolero; Boston Sym-
phony, Serkin, Ozawa, Beethoven Pi-
ano Concerto No. § (Emperor); Los
Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Amen-
can Music; St. Paul Chamber Orches-
tra, Pinchas Zukerman, conductor,
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons; Boston
Symphony, Schubert Octet; Suther-
land, Pavarotti, Verdi: La Traviata.
plus a second stereo amplifier and two
rear speakers (the ones we chose are by
Allison), movies will take on an exciting
extra dimension.
And while you're going for the works,
you may as well include a projection tele-
vision. We chose the Kloss Model Two
because it’s smaller and more portable
than its predecessors. It comes on wheels.
Video sources for the system are a Sony
SL-2700 Beta Hi-Fi VCR and a Pioneer
LD-1100 LaserDisc.
The marriage of video and audio tech-
nologies is also changing the configuration
of traditional audio componentry. The
folks at Jensen are the first to combine a
video tuner and a stereo receiver in one
chassis. Their AVS-1500 Audio+ Video
receiver (for FM and 133 TV channels)
and matching 19-inch monitor are a high-
quality, space-saving alternative to sepa-
rate components hooked together with a
rats nest of wires. Plus, the Jensen system
is totally remote controlled, making it per-
fect for the bedroom. It’s also one of
the few TVs that are truly cable-ready.
The receiver has two sets of RF inputs—
one for regular cable, the other for de-
scrambled pay channels.
Although the Jensen receiver easily
accommodates a CD player, you may
want to wait a bit and rely on stereo VCR
for music plus video. We've chosen JVC's
HR-D225U, a new VHS deck that has
four-head technology for great picture
quality and special effects at even the
slowest tape speed, as well as stereo sound
with Dolby noise reduction.
By the way, using that VCR in the bed-
room becomes even more appealing if you
decide to pursue the artistically rewarding
hobby of home moviemaking. JVC's new
low-light GX-N70 seems perfect for this
use. It records with the illumination of just
one foot candle. And it has infrared auto
focus, which allows you to put it on a
tripod and have hands-free operation.
If you want to hold off on all this fancy
equipment until the prices come down, we
suggest the following system as one that’s
basic but capable of providing excellent
sound at a reasonable price.
Its centerpiece is Sony’s STR-VX550
receiver ($360), which has enough inputs
and switching to accommodate the extra
goodies you'll eventually want to add. The
receiver drives a pair of Boston Acoustics
A70 two-way acoustic suspension loud-
speakers ($140 each). As main program
sources, we’ve chosen an Onkyo TA-2044
two-head cassette deck with Dolby B and
C noise reduction ($300) and a Pioneer
PL-S50 direct-drive automatic turntable
($165) with a Shure MLI40HE moving-
magnet phono cartridge ($190). For your
first fanciful foray, try a Sony RM-S750
Remote Commander system ($40). ІРІП
save you lots of effort and give you tons of
time to drool over the CD and the Beta
Hi-Fi ads. Dream on.
Thanks To Cobra Your Next
Will Include A Telephone
Combining a clock and a radio was so practical no one realized something obvious
was left out: the third bedside basic, a telephone. Cobra has now combined all three,
to simplify life on your crowded night table. Or in your kitchen, den or family room.
Cobra telephone-clock radios are available with either cordless or corded tele-
phones. All feature an AM-FM radio, lighted digital clock, and alarm settings for radio
or alarm wake-up. 2-їп-1 used to be ok. Today you can get 3-in-1. Shouldn't
your next clock-radio include a telephone? At leading retailers.
Cobra Cordless Telephone-Clock Radios
Deluxe model featuresa Cobra Includes a Cobra cordless phone 1
cordless phone with 300° range.“ with 300° range” you can take г
bullt-ın speakerphone for hands- anywhere around your home. NY
free conversanon and 9-number Automate last number redial
memory for ашотапс dialing тиме button for privacy
„Cobra Standard Telephone-Clock Radios
Deluxe model includes a Cobra Features a Cobra push-button
push-button telephone with9- telephone with mute button for
number memory for automane ^ privacy Push and the caller cant
dialing Plus mute feature and hear while you speak to someone
last-rumker redial near you. Plus automan last
“Range may vary dependingon local environmental conditions
Innovative Products For Changing Lifestyles
Cobra Consumer Products Group
6460 W Cortland, Chicago. Ilinois 60
(continued from page 201)
“The worthwhile Apple programs . . . have already
been rewritten for the IBM Personal Computer.”
computers, since 1980. The Apple He
(Apple says the е stands for enhanced. I
say it stands for expensive) added a few
keys, lower-case letters, a bit more memo-
ry anda printer port; reduced the number
of chips (the reduction has no value to the
consumer but makes the computer less
expensive to produce) and raised the price
(from $1330 to $1395). Even 1, who have
little faith in Apple, had thought it was
going to offer more and charge less.
Keep in mind that that price does not
include a screen or a disk drive or a single
piece of software.
The main reason people buy Apple Ies
is the software and the peripherals pro-
duced by other manufacturers. Most of
that comes from the late Seventies, when
the Apple II was the only color computer
on the block
But Apple is losing that advantage. Sev-
eral fine computers that will run the
Apple software are available. With a spe-
cial expansion card, even the IBM will
run it. The worthwhile Apple programs,
from a business standpoint, have already
been rewritten for the IBM Personal
The fact is, if you look at the telephone-
directory-sized listing of 16,000 programs
available for the Apple, the vast majority
of them are worthless. They look like
entries in a high school program-writing
contest. (“You will have three hours to
write a computer program. Go.”)
When you compare, hardware feature
for hardware feature, the Apple Ie
($1395) with the Commodore 64 (about
$200 and falling), you'll see that Apple
can obviously afford to sell the He for a lot
If, for some reason, you feel you must
buy an Apple Пе, you may want to inves-
tigate the Franklin ACE 1000 or 1200.
The basic ACE 1000 costs less than the
Apple Пе but includes a better keyboard
(though, like the Apple's, it is not detach-
able) and a numeric keypad. АП of the
plug-in cards, programs and peripherals
made for the Apple will work with the
Franklin ACEs.
The ACE 1200 is both Apple compati-
ble and CP/M compatible. The 1200 has
an 80-column display, a Z-80 (CP/M)
"He's from the store next door and it's their
lunch break."
processor, 128K of memory and both seri-
al and parallel printer ports. The 1200
and the 1000 both have color capability.
Even if it were not Apple compatible,
the Basis 108 would have a lot to recom-
mend it: great keyboard (detachable), lots
of free software (CP/M, Perfect Writer,
Perfect Calc, Perfect Filer, Perfect Spell-
cr), 128K of memory and two 160K
drives, all for about $2600.
A monochrome monitor is included. A
color monitor is about $700 extra. The
Basis I used had an Amdex amber monitor
that produced sharp characters—easy on
the eyes and pleasant to work with. Made
in West Germany, the machine has the
feeling of solid, reliable construction. In
all, an impressive computer.
Radio Shack was one of the first com-
panies (Commodore and Apple were the
others) to offer preassembled personal
computers. After a dull few years in which
it seemed that Radio Shack, like Apple,
was resting on its laurels (Apple's no long-
er resting—it’s homesteading), it has come
out with a few good computers—and one
very good one.
The Model 4 is the least expensive.
Two disk drives, attached keyboard,
$1999. Nothing great; but, for the price, it
docs the job.
The Radio Shack Model 12 is a bit
bland, a bit big and a bit overpriced (Ra-
dio Shack is the Chevrolet of computers),
but Radio Shack is everywhere and service
and availability are as important to com-
puters as they are to cars. You can do
worse for word processing or general
office computing than the Model 12. (You
can do worse without leaving Radio
Shack.) It has a detachable keyboard, two
disk drives (eight-inch) that hold a most
generous 1200K per drive, a 12-inch
green screen, and it retails for $3999.
The Model 16, at $4999, is over-
The good news at Radio Shack is the
Model 100. You wouldn’t want to run
your office with it, but you might want to
throw one into your briefcase. The 100 is
light (about four pounds), compact (small-
er than a three-ring binder) and highly
portable. The full-sized keyboard has a
great feel. The screen is liquid crystal (like
a pocket calculator’s) and displays eight
40-character lines. It's not what you'd call
a word processor—more a word recorder.
Whatever you store in the 100 can be
transferred to another computer for later
editing and revision. Documents are
stored in a kind of RAM that never for-
gets. After files are transferred to another
medium or are printed, the memory can be
erased for future computing.
The 8K machine costs $799, the 24K
с telephone compon And it has Sprint® and
to the future. When our speakerp!
ing machine come: ick it up
. So you can call in from
in the world. Get your There's even а
epeat them. hold when you
Our new pi For a free сору
voice-activate: Equipment, write to:
cassettes that reco! d Consumer ‘Affairs Division, One
ing calls. Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094.
remembers ир to 16
ic dialer
with automatic redial. SO
friends and emergency nasonic
just slightly ahead of our
of a button.
mark of GT!
you can
E Sprint‘ Communications‘ Corp.
numbers with the touch
(p sprint às registered service
machine $999 and the 32K $1120, plus
installation. I’d recommend the 24K as a
The Epson includes a full keyboard, a
20-character four-line screen and a built-
in 20-column dot-matrix printer. 105
about (Һе size of the Radio Shack 100.
The price is $795.
Text is stored on microcassettes, mak-
ing the Epson a better traveling com-
panion than the 100. The batteries of the
HX-20 are rechargeable and last а re-
markable 50 hours.
HEATH Н-89/2ЕМІТН 7-89
This vintage computer comes as a
build-it-yourself kit (the H-89) or assem-
bled (the Z-89). The machine is the same.
Heath is a hobbyist company, well estab-
lished in the do-it-yourself tradition, and
its catalog reflects that. To figure out the
number of possible optional configura-
tions of the H-89 would require, well, an
H-89. If you want this, you must also
order that; and if you buy two thats, you
get a special discount on one of these
However, if you buy one of these, you
don’t need this, because this is included in
these. And if you buy two of those, you can
get one of them at half price. All in all, if
you can put together an H-89 system
using the catalog, you should have no
trouble putting together the H-89 itself.
The price—$1429 unassembled, $1999
assembled—is high.
For a machine that Zenith and Heath
hope to usc to conquer the vistas of com-
puterdom, the Z-100 is surprisingly prim-
itive. "The screen display is not very good.
The keyboard is nondetachable. It is an
eight-bit and 16-bit machine, but the
amount of software that will run on the
machine scems limited.
It has some good points. It uses an
8-100 bus, for example. The S-100 bus is
а standard for which hundreds of plug-in
expansion boards are available. It pro-
vides great flexibility, but I'm afraid it
requires a tinkerer’s mentality. This ma-
chine, then, is right up a Heathkit-lover's
avenue. I’m not sure how well it will fare
in business, where nontinkerers abound.
It’s not cheap, either: $3599 for 128K of
memory, two 320K drives, a monochrome
screen and the Z-DOS operating system
(don’t ask).
The Kaypro II has a nine-inch green-
Phosphor screen that allows for a full 24
lines with 80 characters per line. Its de-
tachable keyboard is excellent. It has a
good feel, a numeric keypad and separate
cursor-movement keys. The two built-in
disk drives each hold 191K of information;
64K of memory is standard. Cost: $1595.
The Kaypro II offers a small soft-
ware store free with purchase: CP/M,
M-BASIC, Profit Plan, Perfect Writer,
Perfect Filer, WordStar, Perfect Calc,
Perfect Speller, The WORD Plus, U;
form and games. If you want MailMerge,
it’s $49.95 extra.
Yes, the Kaypro II represents a re-
markable value. With an inexpensive let-
ter-quality printer, it gives you a great
word processor for less than 82500.
The Kaypro 4 is the same as the Kay-
pro II except that it has double-density,
double-sided drives holding 394K each.
The Kaypro 4 is $1995 and includes a
different package of software: WordStar,
The WORD Plus, Microplan, M-BAS-
The Kaypro 10 is very much like the
Kaypro 4 (what happened to the five in
between?) except that the Kaypro 10 has
only one floppy-disk drive and а built-in
ten-megabyte hard disk. Kaypro continues
to astound with the price: $2795.
The machine is wonderful, a superb
value and all that, but I have one major
concern: the hard disk. In the world of
personal computers, hard disks are consid-
ered delicate beasties. They must be
treated gently and with the respect that’s
due anything that can destroy, on whim,
5000 typewritten pages of information.
You make
an error, you correct it,
you continue typing.
The visual display lets you
proofread before it's on.
the paper.
Step into anew age of technology. The EP-20 is the world’s smallest
and lightest full featured electronic. Compare...it’s engineered with
every portable feature plus many office typewriter functions
including а 16 character visual display, automatic correction system,
dual 88 character office keyboard, plus a built-in calculator. Let the
minimum bulk, maximum performance and incredible affordability
of the EP-20 change your typing habits, too!
Less than 5 Ibs.
Only 1%” high.
with built-in
carrying case.
Fits easily
into attache or
Available at leading retailers everywhere
BROTHER INTERNATIONAL CORP, 8 Corporate Place, Piscataway, N.J. 08854
A new Shure
phono cartridge can
improve your sound more
than a new $500 receiver.
A new receiver might make your stereo system look
better. But to make it sound better, don't overlook the
cartridge. A new Shure phono cartridge could improve
your sound more than a new receiver, and at a fraction
of the cost.
Shure cartridges put advanced technology at that crit-
ical point where sound is lifted from the record. Our
carefully contoured diamond tips trace the record
groove more pr
When a hard disk is put into a portable
computer, considering the knocks and
bangs to which portable anythings are
subjected, I become worried. The Kaypro
people assure me that the disk drive is of a
new design and double shock mounted and
on and on. I still keep thinking about 5000
typewritten pages’ being wiped out by one
careless porter.
This computer is heaven-sent for
people with tens of thousands of things to
file. The inventory of entire libraries or
auto-parts companies or baseball-card col-
lections can be put on this computer.
Ten megabytes is a lot. It’s very power-
ful but very dangerous. Please, with this
or any other hard-disk computer, back up
your irreplaceable information regularly.
Backup information is like a seat belt: If
it’s used only once in ten years, it’s worth
the effort.
This is a fine computer and an excellent
value. The standard Morrow Micro Deci-
sion computer comes with two disk drives
(186K formatted capacity); a 12-inch
green-phosphor screen (24 80-character
lines); a Z-80A microprocessor; 64K of
RAM; a detachable keyboard with a nu-
meric keypad, separate cursor-movement
keys and seven function keys.
And that’s not all: Morrow is a member
in good standing of the great software-
giveaway program. You get, free with
purchase, CP/M, Microsoft BASIC
(M-BASIC), WordStar, Correct-It (a
spell-check program) and Personal Pearl.
All that for $1599. With double-density
drives (384K per drive), the price is
$1899. Remarkable.
‘The screen display is sharp, clear and
legible. The keyboard is solid, with a good
feel. My only complaint is the noise the
disk drives make. Sometimes they sound
like a subway train braking. At other
times, they sound like Darth Vader
breathing. But not everyone is as sensitive
about the sound of disk drives as I am.
In all, the Morrow Micro Decision is a
great computer at a great price and well
worth your consideration.
One gets two disk drives, each with
380K of memory; a five-inch monitor that
displays, sharply and clearly, 24 80-col-
umn lines; a green-phosphor screen capa-
ble of graphics; and lots of software:
CP/M, WordStar Plus, Valet, Charton
II, Multiplan and Disk Manager. All this
in a package weighing only 18 pounds for
The Teleram is the most portable full-
function computer available. It weighs
about nine pounds, has a full-function
keyboard and four 80-character lines of
display. The display is liquid crystal. One
cisely, to pick up more of that sound.
Our exclusive “shock absorber” system compensates
for record warps.
For a stereo that looks good, buy a new receiver. But
for a stereo that sounds good, buy a new Shure car-
tridge. For our free brochure, write Shure Brothers Inc.,
Dept. 65Р, 222 Hartrey Ave., Evanston, IL 60204, or
visit your local authorized Shure dealer.
You'll hear more from us.
wouldn't want to write a magnum opus on
a four-line screen, but it’s usable.
The Teleram stores information on a
bubble memory. Bubble memory, like
КАМ, is user changeable, but it keeps the
information indefinitely, the way ROM
does, even when the power is turned off.
It’s a great combination of the two but, at
the moment, fairly expensive. The $2495
price includes 128K of bubble memory.
An additional 128K is $500.
The Toshiba personal computer in-
cludes a full-function keyboard, a mono-
chrome (green) screen, Z-80 processor,
64K of memory, two 280K five-and-a-
quarter-inch disk drives and CP/M. All
that for $1695. Not bad. The weak link in
the system is the video display. The letters
look broken and spotty. A positive aspect
of the video display is that, with the simple
addition of a color monitor, the T100 is
capable of full-color graphic display.
The Cromemco offers a keyboard,
monochrome (green) video screen, Z-80A
processor, 64K of memory, two 390K
five-and-a-quarter-inch disk drives, a
CP/M-like operating system, a word-
processing program, a spread-sheet pro-
gram and a structured BASIC program.
АП that will cost you $2380. The
keyboard, though detachable, is small and
does not include a numeric keypad. The
programs аге Cromemco's own.
A nondetachable keyboard is about as
limiting as a car seat that cannot be
adjusted. If you're an “average” driver,
you may never notice its inflexibility. If
you're shorter or taller than the norm, you
will find operating the machinery a study
in discomfort,
Another keyboard oddity—one the Ad-
vantage shares with the IBM Personal
Computer—is that the cursor-movement
keys and the numeric-keypad keys are the
same. One can use the numeric keypad to
either record numbers or move the cursor
about the document. A cursor-lock key
must be depressed to change from one
mode to another. That can be inconvenient
if you want to work with numbers and
move the cursor at the same time. The
Advantage is, however, rugged and reli-
The NEC people, who make the finest
letter-quality printer around, make sever-
al small computers marketed by at least
two divisions. The one that seems to be
getting the most attention is the APC,
which stands for Advanced Personal Com-
puter. As fond as I am of the NEC print-
ers, I must admit that I am not very fond
of the APC.
The keyboard is solid and the screen
display is clear—but then so are the key-
board and screen display of computers
costing half as much. The drives are eight-
inch only. They are also the noisiest drives
1 have heard on a small computer.
It comes with CP/M-86, WordStar,
SpellStar, MailMerge, dBase II, Super-
Calc II and the Millionaire package. All
that for $3448. If the machine were $1500
cheaper, it might be a breakthrough. As it
is, it’s not a great value. Its strength seems
to be in the addition of a color monitor. If
sharp, full-color graphics are required in
your business, you should certainly have a
look at the APC. And if you’re someone
who must do word processing in color, this
is a machine to investigate. (The color
monitor adds about $1000 to the price.)
To build a personal computer, Tele-
Video began with the best: its own 950
terminal. TeleVideo has been manufac-
turing high-quality, low-cost video termi-
nals for years. The 950 is near the top of a
line of a dozen or so models. It has a
detachable keyboard, 24 80-column lines,
numeric keypad, 22 programmable func-
tion keys, ete.
Starting with an excellent keyboard and
video screen, TeleVideo added a Z-80A
microprocessor, 64K of user-program-
mable memory, a CP/M operating system
and two five-and-a-quarter-inch disk
drives, each holding 340K of information.
The TeleVideo 802 is $3495. A hard-disk
version of the 802, the 802H, is available.
I used to recommend the TeleVideo 802 as
“Since we put Miss Simpson on straight commission,
she’s really giving it the hard sell.”
a good value until the even better value
below came along.
If this computer does not win some
design award somewhere, there is no
justice. Aesthetics aside, the TS803 is a
powerful, full-featured computer at a
great price ($2495). The two disk drives
each hold 340K of information.
The screen is green phosphor and
measures not 12 but 14 inches. (Does this
mark the beginning of a size war among
manufacturers?) The screen tilts up and
down. The keyboard has every key imag-
inable, plus 16 special-function keys, la-
beled word-processing keys and a numeric
keypad. TeleVideo has made some of my
favorite keyboards, and this one is no
exception. The keyboard is detachable, of
course, and has a long cord.
There is no fan, so the unit is quiet—
silent, in fact. For those deep thinkers who
prefer creation without the whir of white
noise, this machine is certainly worth lis-
tening to.
XEROX 820-1
The Xerox 820-П is the revised version
of the Xerox 820. It has a detachable key-
board with numeric keypad and separate
cursor keys, black-and-white video display
(24 80-character lines), two 322K disk
drives (five-and-a-quarter-inch), 64K of
RAM and a Z-80A microprocessor. It
costs $2995. CP/M is included.
There is lots of good news and one piece
of bad news about the Eagle ПЕ comput-
er. First, the good news:
It has a good keyboard, a fine screen, а
Z-80 processor, 64K of memory, two
390K five-and-a-quarter-inch disk drives
and costs but $1995. More good news:
The $1995 price also includes CP/M,
C-BASIC, UltraCalc spread sheet and the
Spellbinder word-processing program.
A good buy, that. Now for the bad
news: It does not have a detachable
keyboard. To quote Charlie Brown,
The processor of the QX-10 is an
eight-bit 2-80, and the machine has a gen-
erous 256K of RAM. It has two five-and-
a-quarter-inch disk drives, each holding
380K of storage. The screen is green,
exceptionally sharp and casy to read. It
has 25 80-column lines. The screen is also
capable of high-resolution graphics. The
keyboard is, precisely, State of the Art. It
is where keyboard design has been headed
all along and will probably be the most
imitated keyboard in a very imitative busi-
ness. It has a great touch and is a pleasure
to work with. It is, of course, detachable.
The over-all design (that is, the way the
QX-10 looks) is delightful.
The QX-10 comes with an easy-to-
learn word-processing program called
Hennessy . — -
The civilized way
to top off the penny
Valdocs. It is easy to learn, but the first
release was too slow and too buggy. There
have been four major revisions already—
each an improvement. One gets the feeling
that Epson and its software partner Rising
Star Industries are striving for excellence
and they’re going to achieve it.
The entire package costs $2995—a
great value. (A no-software, CP/M ver-
sion, with less RAM, costs $2495.)
IBM has built a terrific personal com-
puter. Rather than patch together a small
computer using a little from this IBM
machine and a little from that one, IBM
assembled a group of engincers, designers,
programmers and, yes, a few personal-
computer lovers and sent them off to
design and build the IBM PC.
There was fear in the land of small
computers that IBM would swallow up
the personal-computer market. Instead, it
looks as though IBM has created a whole
new industry called Supporting the IBM
Personal Computer, Inc. Everyone’s get-
ting a franchise: peripheral manufactur-
ers, software vendors, mail-order houses
and retailers. One program, for example,
called Keynote, allows you to customize
the IBM's keys to perform in one stroke
tasks that previously might have taken 30
commands and a half hour to accomplish;
MicroPro, for another example, updated
its popular word-processing program
WordStar for the IBM and has already
released a revision.
IBM is being unusually cooperative
with people who want to make things that
go in, go on or attach to the IBM PC.
Prior to this, its policy was: If it isn't made
by IBM, it shouldn't be used on an IBM
Now IBM is releasing schematics of the
PC and is offering all possible help.
105 even, wonder of wonders, market-
ing another company’s products under the
IBM name. The IBM printer is a Japa-
nese-made Epson with an IBM name
plate added. This is as radical as Stein-
way’s putting its name on Japanese-made
pianos. On the down side, the IBM/
Epson is looking a bit old next to the new
Epson printers.
The Personal Computer is available in
component parts. One can, for example,
buy just the basic computer, plug it into a
TV and store BASIC programs on а cas-
sette. But most people who decide to go
IBM go all the way: monochrome screen,
dual disk drives (360K per drive), 64K of
memory and detachable keyboard. This
will set you back about $3200.
The monochrome screen display on the
IBM is very good. It’s green phosphor,
with 24 80-column lines. A color monitor
can be added.
The keyboard is unique. Some people
love it and some hate it. The IBM key-
board was designed with what is known as
“audio tactile feedback.” When you push
down a button, you hear and feel a click. It
is not the same as the electronic beep or
boop one finds as an option on some com-
puters. The click is built into the keys.
There's no way to get rid of it.
Another strange clement of the key-
board is the placement of the ѕніғт key.
For years, small-computer manufacturers,
wanting to point with pride at the quality
of their keyboards, referred to them as
“Selectric-siyle.” The keys were in the
same positions as on the IBM Selectric.
IBM, for reasons known only to the
Creator and the creators, did not follow
the Selectric format. The ѕніғт key on the
left-hand side of the keyboard is tradition-
“Marvin’s a con artist.”
ally the width of two keys and is located
next to the z. On the IBM Personal Com-
puter keyboard, it’s the width of one key
and is not located next to the z. Further,
the RETURN key is smaller than that of a
Also, the keyboard does not have sepa-
rate cursor-movement keys; they are lo-
cated on the numeric keypad. One can use
either the cursor keys or the numeric keys
but not both. That would pose more of a
problem to electronic spread sheeters, say,
than to word processors.
But Keytronics has already introduced
a keyboard that attaches to the IBM and
corrects all those, uh, eccentricities. That’s
the nice thing about the IBM: It’s likely to
be the most supported personal computer
in history. In fact, it already is.
As with the Apple Пе, for anything you
want to do on a personal computer, you'll
no doubt find a peripheral or a program
that will let you do it. The Apple Ile,
though, does it on the high school level.
The IBM does it for adults.
Would you have believed, even a year
ago, that IBM would ever market a prod-
uct named ХТ? Sounds like a sports car
or an improved mouthwash. How quickly
the big guys let their image slip when
there’s money to be made.
The XT adds 64K more of memory (for
a total of 128K) and replaces one of the
disk drives with a ten-megabyte hard disk.
The price is $4995.
The Rainbow comes, ironically, with a
black-and-white screen. It displays 24
lines of either 80 or 132 characters. (The
screen switches easily between the two.)
The keyboard is detachable and excellent.
It Чез with the TeleVideo keyboard as my
favorite. It has a numeric keypad (with
add, subtract, multiply and divide sym-
bols), separate cursor-movement keys and
more special-function keys than anyone is
ever likely to need (there are 36 extra keys
on the keyboard).
The basic unit uses a dual disk drive
that holds two five-and-a-quarter-inch
disks. Each disk holds 400K of informa-
tion for a total of 800K. The Rainbow is
an eight-bit and a 16-bit machine. It will
run either CP/M or CP/M-86 software.
For $250 more, you can run programs in
the MS-DOS (IBM-DOS) format, and
64K of RAM is standard. It is expandable
to 256K. The cost is $3495.
A plug-in card permits high-resolution
graphics, and the addition of a color moni-
tor permits graphics in full color.
‘The Victor 9000 is a State-of-the-Art
computer. The screen display is the best
I've seen on a computer. As on the IBM,
the characters on the Victor are made up
has the Alpine touch.
For your nearest Alpine Dealer, call toll free: 4-800-424-1395. In California g Place. Torrance, CA 90501
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6 Years'OW. Imported in Bottle from Canada by Hiram Walker Importers Inc., Detroit, Mich. 86.8 Proof. Blended Canadian Whisky. ©1982
of serifs—thicks and thins in the design of
each letter. The result looks more like
printing than like a computer display.
The keyboard is, of course, detachable.
‘The disk drives are five-and-a-quarter-
inch and hold a massive 612K each; 128K
of user-programmable memory is stand-
ard. The price is $3495.
While the Victor 9000 does excellent
monochrome graphics, it will not do color
graphics. It is also not likely to get the
support that the IBM will be (and is) get-
ting from the manufacturers of peripher-
als and software.
[Editor's Note: As we go to press, the
world is waiting for the arrival of Coleco’s
Adam and IBM’s Peanut. Both are ex-
pected to be breakthroughs in the under-
$1000 category. Adam is a bold idea—an
80K-memory computer, with word-proc-
essing software and а letter-quality print-
er included in the basic package. All for
about $700. The storage system is a newly
designed tape drive that’s supposed to be
comparable in speed to the slower disk
drives out there. All software will have to
be new or rewritten specifically for Adam.
‘That could be a serious limitation, but
Coleco has shown impressive marketing
speed and resourcefulness in the past. At
carly press showings, there were enthusi-
astic reports about Adam’s feel and func-
tion, but we couldn't get McWilliams’
probing fingers on one, so we'll have to
reserve judgment.
[The IBM Peanut will most likely be a
true baby brother to the PC. Same 64K,
100 percent compatibility so it will run the
scrillions of programs written for the PC.
Without a disk drive (in other words, usc-
less), it is supposed to cost about $700;
with one drive, just over $1000. If it
works, it’s going to be hard to resist; and
in the shakeout many people expect in this
business, the Peanut will be rocking the
tree. IBM is not openmouthed about this
(or anything else) and there have been
delays. So the guesswork will go on awhile
То do a complete review of all the
printers (40, at least), peripherals (there
must be more than 4000) and programs
(estimates range from 40,000 to 80,000)
for personal computers would fill not just
this month's issue of PLAYBOY but also next
month’s Gala 30th Anniversary Issue and
most issues of 1984.
Instead, let me give you some starting
points. Each industry has its standards,
brand names that are, for one reason or
another, more popular than others. Гуе
listed a few of those de facto standards for
personal computers below. They are not
recommendations of the best, just a point
of reference from which to make your
‘The recognized leader in modems is
the Hayes Smartmodem. A close second:
Novation’s Smart-Cat.
The leader in letter-quality printers is
the NEC. The leader in dot matrix is
Word Processing. The most popular
word-processing program is WordStar.
The best spell-check program is The
WORD Plus. (Please see The Word Proc-
essing Book or Word Processing on the
IBM for a fuller description of word-
processing programs and letter-quality
Accounting. The most popular account-
ing packages are from Peachtree. The
Champion series seems easiest to learn.
Electronic spread sheeting. VisiCalc,
the program that started it all, is certainly
popular. The best seller these days is
1-2-3, a program designed with the IBM
in mind that some people say gives the
IBM PC power beyond the dreams of
mainframe computer designers of five
years ago.
Data bases. The most popular data-
base-management system is dBase II. For
subjective data bases (that is, information
that must be classified by assigned key
words), the best is SuperFile.
Communications programs, No clear
popular favorites here. Гуе found LYNC
to be very good.
And so it goes. The good news and the
bad news about the world of personal
computers is that it’s changing quickly.
No one can keep up, but have I got a deal
for you. I publish occasional “Updates”
for my computer books (The Word Proc-
essing Book, The Personal Computer Book
and others). Readers of my books are
invited to write in for the “Updates,” and
now that you’ve taken this short course,
you are as well. Please ask for “Update
C”—it’s such a fast world that A and B
have already been incorporated into this
article. The service is free, but please send
a self-addressed, stamped (37 cents) enve-
lope. Pd appreciate your including a dol-
lar or two to help pay for printing, though
it’s not required. Send everything to Peter
A. McWilliams, “Update С,” Box 6969B,
Los Angeles, California 90069.
Now you get some time off to go out
and touch the merchandise. ГЇЇ be back in
a couple of months with part four of this
three-part series, and we'll explore what
to do once you get your computer home.
See you then.
“Attention, everyone, we'll be experiencing a little
turbulence for the next few minutes.”
GREAT PLAYS шоп page 155
“Ed Thorp’s previous book was the one that showed
the world how to count cards at blackjack.”
sat around 5, the bonds wouldn't move
much, either—but would be paying 15
percent for your trouble. Not bad.
If Pan Am went broke, the stock would
collapse, yielding a huge profit to those
who had shorted it—but the bond, secured
by those 747s, might retain much of its
value, Bingo!
Тһе common thread in all of these plays
is limited risk. His is a running, not a
passing, game, Jeff Tarr says. Three
yards at a time. (A friend who has run his
$6000 trust fund up to $800,000 in 14
years puts it this way: “All I try to do is
make 30 percent a year. Anything after
that is gravy.”) But the fellow I should
really talk to about all this, Tarr says, is
former MIT math professor Edward О.
Thorp. Ed Thorp, Tarr says, wrote the
book on this kind of thing.
Ed Thorp's book, co-authored by fellow
math whiz Sheen Т. Kassouf and pub-
lished in 1967, was called Beat the Mar-
ket, A Scientific Market System. One
should, of course, be highly skeptical of
books with such titles, but Thorp’s previ-
ous book, in 1962, was called Beat the
Dealer. It was the one that showed the
world how to count cards at blackjack.
“Wall Street is a bigger game,” Thorp
grins, sitting at the conference table in his
Newport Beach, California, office, “and
you don’t have to worry about anyone
breaking your knees if you win.” He and
his partner in Princeton, James “Jay”
Regan, manage a nine-figure sum for pri-
vate clients. Since forming Princeton/
Newport Partners in 1969, they've
averaged nearly a 20 percent annual
return, less their own hefty profit share.
(Compounded at 20 percent for 14 years,
a dollar grows thirteenfold. Invested in the
Standard & Poor’s 500 index over the
same period, with dividends, it would
merely have tripled.)
Guided by a pair of Serious Computers,
soon to be replaced by an Even More Seri-
ous pair, the partnership trades like crazy
to exploit the glitches in the market. Bro-
kerage fees run into the millions each
year. Some 90 percent of their trades suc-
ceed, Thorp says, albeit on a modest scale.
A few succeed on an immodest scale.
In 1972, stock in badly troubled Re-
sorts International was 8, and warrants
that entitled you to buy it at 40 were,
understandably, cheap. But 27 cents?
Thorp’s model, weighing the length of
time to expiration, expected interest rates
and the volatility of the underlying stock,
told him the warrants were worth $4. He
bought all he could—10,800 of them—for
a total outlay, including commissions, of
$3200. But rather than risk even so
modest a sum, he shorted 800 shares of the
common stock to hedge his bet. Remem-
ber, we're talking arbitrage, not spccula-
A few months later, the stock fell to 1%,
so Thorp covered his short for a profit that
more than paid for the warrants—which
he kept.
Years passed.
Around 1978, he began getting calls
from people who wanted to buy his war-
rants. They were offering $3 and $4—not
bad for 27-cent warrants—but by then,
Resorts was trading around 15, and
Thorp's model told him the warrants were
worth $7 or $8. So he bought more (and
began shorting the stock again as a
He ultimately sold his original 10,800
warrants, purchased at 27 cents, for $100
apiece. “All those guys in the Resorts casi-
no counting cards,” Thorp chuckles at the
irony. “We found an even better way.”
When futures contracts were first of-
fered on the Standard & Poor's 500, in
April 1982, investors were able, in effect,
to go long or short the whole market—all
500 S&P stocks at once. But, especially at
first, the prices at which those contracts
traded were often a little out of whack.
If I were to show you a 85 bill and a roll
of 100 20-cent stamps, you’d pretty quick-
ly figure it was worth $25. You'd be
unlikely to offer more; I'd be unlikely to
accept less. But if I showed you 38,420
lire, 62 guilder, 2,000,000 yen and some
peso-denominated traveler's checks and
offered you the right to buy the whole
works six months from now, you might be
less certain what to pay. And, frankly,
who would care if you paid a tiny bit too
much? Ed Thorp's computer cares.
And Ed Thorp's computer was ready to
run those calculations the moment S&P
futures contracts began trading. Few other
traders were quite so fast off the mark.
So from June to October 1982, Thorp’s
group busied itself selling (and buying)
S&P futures contracts and buying (or sell-
ing) the stocks those contracts represented.
The idea wasn't to guess which way the
market was headed—quite the contrary.
The idea was to exploit the inefficiencies
of the market place. In effect, to buy $5
bills for $4.90 or sell them for $5.10.
This entailed truly extraordinary activ-
ity. Every time the command went out to
sell overvalued S&P contracts, orders
would also go out to buy corresponding
numbers of shares of 265 different stocks.
(Calculations showed that risk could be
sufficiently reduced using 265 rather than
all 500 of the stocks in the S&P 500.) The
partnership was doing 700 trades a day at
one point—generating more than one per-
cent of the total New York Stock Ex-
change volume on some days—turning
over, in all, something like half a billion
dollars of securities over the four-
month period. It meant tying up about
$25,000,000 of the partnership’s capital
and racking up monumental brokerage
commissions. But the four-month profit
came to $6,000,000.
The game petered out as other players
wised up. Now 85 sells for so close to $5, it
hardly pays to play.
Can you stand one more?
Bancroft is a closed-end mutual fund—
one of those rare mutual funds that, after
it was sold to the public, closed its doors to
future investment (most mutual funds will
eagerly accept as much new money as
people want to pitch into them). Its shares,
representing tiny slices of the fund, trade
on the American Stock Exchange. In
theory, if a fund’s portfolio is worth
$50,000,000 and the fund is divided into
10,000,000 shares, each of them should
be worth $5—right? Typically, though,
closed-end funds sell at a discount.
So, pleased at the thought of buying $5
bills for $4, Thorp and Regan went into
the open market and from July 1977
through July 1978 accumulated nine per-
cent of all Bancroft’s shares at a 20 to 25
percent discount from their net asset value.
To hedge against a general market
decline, they sold short many of the very
same securities Bancroft owned.
The thought was perhaps to persuade
Bancroft management to convert itself to
an open-end fund or to liquidate, either of
which would allow shareholders to redeem
their shares at full, undiscounted, value.
Meanwhile, a Florida bank holding
company called Combanks had had much
the same idea. It had purchased 11 percent
of Bancroft (from Carl Icahn, yet another
well-known arbitrager). So in September
1978, Thorp and Regan graciously agreed
to sell Combanks their shares—at a ten
percent discount to net asset value. Five-
dollar bills they had bought for less than
$4 each they were now selling for $4.50.
Fat profit number one.
The following summer, they went back
into the market and began buying up
another five percent of Bancroft, still trad-
ing at a hefty 15 percent to 20 percent
discount. They sold these shares not
long afterward to financial conglomerate
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Baldwin United at a slim five percent dis-
count. Fat profit number two.
Then Baldwin, which had also bought
Combanks’ holding and some others, got
into a cash bind. So it sold the whole block
of Bancroft—now fully 31 percent of all
the shares outstanding—back to Thorp
and Regan at an 11 percent discount.
Five-dollar bills for $4.45.
Less than 90 days later, Thorp and
Regan were successful in forcing Bancroft
management, with which by then they had
more than a little dout, to make a public
tender offer for their shares at a mere one
percent discount from net asset value. Fat
profit number three.
(Had all Bancroft shareholders ten-
dered—which it would seem to have been
unquestionably in their interest to do—
Bancroft management would have had to
sell off its portfolio, distribute the cash and
find other work. Interestingly, few share-
holders other than Thorp and Regan ten-
dered their shares. This may have had
something to do with the fact that, where
most tender offers are advertised with
blaring enthusiasm, Bancroft manage-
ment chose to make this опе... quietly.)
"This was my other great idea. 1 never
actually got around to doing it, but it did
seem awfully smart at the time.
There was Chrysler іп 1981, $6 a share
and headed for zero, and there was
Chrysler preferred, also $6 but a very dif-
ferent animal. The preferred stock came
with a 82.75 dividend—never to be raised
or lowered—and the promise that if
Chrysler ever fell behind in paying that
dividend, not a penny could be paid 10 the
common-stock holders until every cent due
the preferred sharcholders was paid. At
the time, about $5 in preferred dividends
had been omitted, and more was accruing,
every quarter. My thought was to short
the common stock and buy the preferred.
Two things could happen:
1. Chrysler could go bust. In that event,
the creditors might eventually get some
small portion of the money owing to them,
but there would surely not be enough to
pay everybody off and have anything
meaningful left over for the common
shareholders. So the common stock would
trade at next to nothing. The preferred
stock would also be worth next to nothing,
except that in bankruptcy, preferred stock
gets in line ahead of common stock, so
maybe it would be worth a little some-
thing after all. My gain from shorting the
common stock should equal or exceed my
loss on the preferred.
All in all, not a terrible prospect.
2. Chrysler could hang in there, catch
an upswing in the economy and survive
another cycle. How would the two securi-
ties act then?
Well, ultimately, the value in а com-
mon stock derives from the stream of divi-
dends it will pay out over the decades. Yet
before Chrysler could restore so much as
five cents of the ten-cent-a-share quarterly
dividend it had discontinued on the com-
mon in the summer of 1980, it would have
to pay off the entire arrearage on the pre-
ferred stock, which would have been
cumulating (as they say) inexorably at
$2.75 per year.
So if Chrysler began to show marginal
signs of health, the common stock might
bounce a little (how high could it bounce
under that Alpine debt, besieged by С.М.
and Japan?), but the preferred might
really mean something. There would be
the prospect of a one-time payment of bet-
ter than $11 a share (if it came, say, in
December 1983) to clear up the arrear-
ages, plus an additional $2.75 a year For
the Rest of Time. Surely, under such cir-
cumstances, you'd have a valuable little
piece of paper on your hands. Whatever it
would be worth, it would be a heck of a lot
more than the $6 you paid for it!
So what little you might lose covering
your short in the common you would
make up, very handily, on the profit and
the dividends from the preferred. How-
ever well the common did, I figured—and
I couldn't imagine its doing very well—
the preferred would have to do better.
Obviously, two things were at work
here to make my opportunity. The com-
mon was selling unrealistically high, at 6,
bid up by unsophisticates excited by Тасос-
ca and prone to invest with their hearts
rather than their calculators; while the
preferred was selling unrealistically low,
dumped by the folks who ordinarily do
buy preferreds—white-shoc types whe
were not about to scuff those shoes with an
issue as scruffy as this onc.
3. I had not considered the third possi-
bility, which was that Chrysler would
do brilliantly, pay off its Government-
guaranteed loan seven ycars carly and
show substantial signs of robustitude. As 1
write this, Chrysler preferred is up from
$6 to $30.25 (and you can just taste the
announcement that the dividend arrearage
will be paid off), which is the part I had
hoped would happen—a huge, long-term
capital gain, plus the prospect of a huge,
lump-sum dividend payment. What I did
not expect was that Chrysler common
would climb even higher, from $6 to $31.
All told, I would have broken even, more
or less, before some possibly advantageous
tax consequence—and before considering
the smarter things I could have done with
that money. Like depositing it in a savings
Опе could go on. Have we even men-
tioned options? Straddles? Spreads? No,
we have not. But this sort of thing is more
fun to read about when the dollars
involved are one’s own. However, the
important point may not be that you or 1
should try playing these games but that we
should appreciate the kind of pros we're
up against when we do.
“But, Momma, this is not your ordinary
May-December romance. . . .
One BRIEF SHINING MOMENT (continued from page 154)
“ Why do you think you can be President?’ He stared
Jor a moment, then gave a little lopsided grin.”
Organization Man, The Last Hurrah, the
new Barth, the latest Camus, an Angus
Wilson play, Nevil Shute’s On the Beach,
Parkinson’s Law, The Ugly American
and, looking out of place, two Тап Fleming
thrillers, Diamonds Are Forever and From
Russia, with Love. But these were diver-
sions. It was politics that pre-empted his
thoughts in these months.
A President was about to move out of
the White House, and while Vice-Presi-
dent Richard Nixon was certain to be his
party’s nominee, the line of prospective
tenants on the Democratic side was
lengthy. Most men with Potomac fever
juggle the idea for a while, contemplate it,
feel its pull growing or diminishing until
time and events force their hands. Kenne-
dy’s case was different. Two years earlier,
he and his father, Joe, “the Ambassador,”
a former American envoy to Britain, had
gone over the latest nationwide election
statistics provided by analysts the Ambas-
sador had hired for that one job, and had
concluded that the time to lunge for the
supreme prize of American politics was
upon them. Not the announcement; that
would be delayed until the first week of
1960. But from this point forward, the
junior Senator from Massachusetts would
have to step up his speaking activities,
organize his campaign and travel ссазс-
lessly, talking with local party leaders and
entertaining the men and women who
would be delegates.
In those days, only 16 states held open
primaries. The majority of delegates to the
convention were lined up elsewhere, by
barter, patronage, back-scratching or, now
and then, plain bribery. But those 16
offered the only route to power for outsid-
ers like Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey.
If neither could establish popular strength
there, the party would turn away. If, on
the other hand, one of them built up a
head of steam, knocking off all challeng-
ers, denying him the nomination would
not only be difficult; it would brand the
convention’s nominee as boss-picked. Ken-
nedy saw that. It was the key to his strate-
gy. He knew the country would refuse the
Presidency toaman whoseemed tohaveswin-
dled another candidate out of the office.
That, in sum, is how the young Massa-
chusetts Senator outwitted the party's
three most formidable contenders—Lyn-
don Johnson, Stuart Symington and Adlai
Stevenson. Outschemed, they forfeited the
race. Because Kennedy and Humphrey
were the only two Democrats in the field,
and they confronted each other in only two
states—Wisconsin and West Virginia—
26 the issue would be decided there.
In the summer of 1959, all that lay over
the horizon. Nevertheless, thoughts of it
were never far away. If you were a friend
of Kennedy’s, sitting with him on the
porch of his Hyannis Port cottage, sur-
rounded by his summer reading, you
remember asking him the big question
then, the one you had been shaping in
your mind for a very long time: “Why do
you think you can be President?”
He stared for a moment, then gave a
little lopsided grin and looked out to sea.
“Don’t you suppose Pve asked myself that
a thousand times? The thought is intimi-
dating. But then, you know, I look around
me at the others in the race, and I say to
myself, ‘Well, if they think they can do it,
why not me? Why not me?” That's the
answer, and I think it’s enough.”
On April 5, 1960, in Wisconsin, Ken-
nedy won more popular votes than any
candidate in the history of the state's pri-
maries, carrying six Congressional dis-
tricts and two thirds of the delegate votes.
Those around him were elated. He
wasn’t. He had been watching the televi-
sion commentators in silence, sipping a
bowl of chicken-noodle soup, ignoring the
whoops around him. Eunice, the sister
closest to him, sensed his mood. “What
does it mean, Jack?” she asked.
In a bitter voice, he replied, “It means
that we have to do it all over again. We
have to go through every one and win every
one of them, all the way to the convention.”
Jack understood how the results would
be interpreted by the East Coast bosses
who could deliver the delegates he needed.
He had won 56 percent of the popular
vote, but he had lost all four Protestant
icts, had carried one of mixed reli-
gions by a hair and had rolled up all of his
popular majority from heavily Catholic
areas. It had been his great hope to stifle
the religious issue—what one Massachu-
setts politician had delicately called “the
canonical impediment"—in Wisconsin.
He had failed, and now he had to tackle it
on a far more ominous battleground—
West Virginia, deeply religious and 95
percent Protestant.
By now, it was obvious that Johnson's,
Symington’s and Stevenson’s supporters
wanted to use Humphrey as a pawn, hop-
ing he could stop Kennedy on the first
ballot and give them room to maneuver.
But Jack's men were still confident—
indeed, overconfident—as Bobby Kennedy
and an advance party flew to Charleston,
West Virginia, where Bob McDonough, a
seasoned pol, had been organizing the
state for more than a year. According lo a
Harris Poll taken four months before the
Wisconsin primary, Kennedy could de-
stroy Humphrey in West Virginia, 70 to
30 percent. As the newcomers entered the
room in the Kanawha Hotel, where
McDonough’s key workers were meeting,
they were surprised to see that everyone
there was silent and glowering.
"Well," Bobby said cordially. "What
are our problems?”
А man jumped up and yelled, "He's a
Catholic! That's our goddamned prob-
lem!” Suddenly, the entire room erupted.
Men were shouting that West Virginians
would never vote for a Catholic, whatever
the race, for President or dogcatcher. Bob-
by stared at them. These people had been
working for Kennedy for months, and no
one had told them that their candidate was
a Catholic. He checked the Harris Poll,
which had been the source of so much
optimism. Harris had made the same
omission. Here in West Virginia, he now
realized, religion was more than a key
issue; it was the issue. The new Harris
figures were Humphrey 60, Kennedy 40.
So new tactics were devised. Because
West Virginians admired heroes, radio
and TV spots were prepared showing a
shot of a PT boat and Jack, the decorated
war hero. And he would begin to call
Humphrey a “front man” for politicians
who wouldn’t face him now, here, on
West Virginia soil.
He asked crowds, “If Johnson and the
other candidates want your vote in No-
vember, why don’t they have enough
respect for you to come here and ask for
your support in the primary?” In a state
that had long felt slighted, the response
was impressive. He visited their villages in
the mountain hollows, went into the im-
poverished mining areas and had himself
lowered into a mine. The desolation, the
bleakness and the hunger touched him
more than anything else in the entire cam-
paign. Still blackened with soot, he
stepped up to a microphone and said,
vibrantly, “President Eisenhower should
take Vice-President Nixon by the hand
and lead him into these homes in McDow-
ell County and Mingo County and Logan
County so he can see how the families of
West Virginia are trying to live.” He was
making a total effort now, shaking every
hand stretched toward him and speaking
until, having lost his voice, he signaled
Teddy to substitute for him. Teddy made
a rousing, impassioned speech, and the
cheering was so prolonged that Jack
stepped to the mike to croak that his
brother was not old enough to meet the
constitutional minimum-age requirement
for the Presidency.
Usually, Kennedy’s most conspicuous
supporters were young. In Logan and
Mingo and McDowell and Slab Fork,
however, his “touchers”—feminine sup-
porters actually wanted to feel him—were
not shrill high school kids. They were old
women, older than he would ever live to
be, deformed by years of cruel labor, and
гоо someting Gordi
they reached out with wembling fingers to
brush his sleeve or jacket. He had a special
way with them. He would lean over, smil-
ing tenderly, and let his cheek glide
against theirs. In that intimate moment,
he would say softly, so softly that you had
to be right there to hear it, “Thank you,
dear. Thank you.”
But the Harris Polls continued to
report that the key to the election was the
religious question. Kennedy's advisors,
searching for ways to cope with it, were
split. Ken O'Donnell and other members
of the Washington staff urged him not
to raise the matter in public; it was too
explosive. Kennedy's West Virginians dis-
agreed completely. Their neighbors and
friends didn't hate Catholics; they feared
them. Silence would only feed and
strengthen that fear. Louis Harris, shuf-
fling a sheaf of poll reports, said he was in
complete agreement.
After a major speech in Washington in
mid-April, just two weeks before the poll-
ing day, Kennedy reassembled his staff to
tell them he would attack, breaking the
silence about his faith and encouraging
discussion of it. He was prepared to an-
swer all charges, questions, accusations
and insinuations without consulting cleri-
cal authorities. "Let's face it.” he said.
“It's the most important and the biggest
issue in this campaign. Hubert can't talk
about it, though it hasn’t escaped my
notice that he uses Give Us That Old-
Time Religion as his theme song. So when
Т talk about it, ГЇЇ be the only candidate
talking about the most important issue
that all the voters are thinking about.”
Speaking at a rally on Main Street in
Morgamown, Kennedy told a small, in-
different crowd that the need for change
in the Federal Government was urgent—
then he paused. His voice changed,
picking up a cutting edge, and you
suddenly realized he was ringing changes
on a talk he had given in Boston 14
years earlier. In that Congressional race,
his first campaign, he had been defending
himself against charges that he was a car-
peibagger. Here in Morgantown, he put
the stratagem to different use: “Nobody
asked me if I was a Catholic when I joined
the United States Navy!” The crowd
stared at him. In those days, there were
many social taboos, and one of them was
that you never discussed your religion
with anyone except your priest or preach-
er or members of your family. So the peo-
ple of Morgantown’s Main Street gaped
Politicians didn’t say things like that. But
Jack was saying them, and he was picking
up momentum.
“Did 40,000,000 Americans lose their
right to run for the Presidency on the day
they were baptizedas Catholics?” he asked.
“Nobody asked my brother if he was a
Catholic or a Protestant before he climbed
into an American bomber plane to fly his
last mission!”
A few feet to your right, one man mur-
тигей, “Pretty good talker, I'd say."
As the crowd drifted away and he slid
into the car, he said, “How did it go?”
Still shaken, all you could manage was,
“Very good. Keep it up.” But you could
see he was proud. It had been on his mind
a long time, and he'd taken the plunge
and found that the water felt fine.
Thus far, though, he was still on the
stump. Newspapers rarely carry the re-
marks candidates make on street corners,
and while his new line was undoubtedly
passed along by word of mouth, only a
minority had actually heard and seen him.
That changed on May eighth, two days
before the Tuesday election. Kennedy ap-
peared on a half-hour paid telecast with
Frank Roosevelt, son of F.D.R., the Presi-
dent most West Virginians remembered as
having given them the best deal—new or
old—they ever got. There was no script.
Roosevelt asked questions and Kennedy
replied extemporaneously. The religious
question, the whole point of the program,
was raised by Roosevelt after they had
been on the air three or four minutes
and could be sure the families out there
had poured their coffee and settled down.
Jack’s answer occupied nearly half of the
broadcast. He reviewed the long struggle
between church and state and the monu-
mental decision to separate the two. Then,
looking directly into the camera, he said:
“So when any man stands on the steps
of the Capitol and takes the oath of office
of President, he is swearing to support the
separation of church and state; he puts one
hand on the Bible and raises the other hand
to God and he takes the oath. And if he
breaks his oath, he is not only committing
a crime against the Constitution, for
which Congress can impeach him—and
should impeach him—but he is commit-
ling a sin against God.”
At that point, Kennedy raised his hand
from an imaginary Bible and, repeating
himself softly, said, “A sin against God,
for he has sworn on the Bible.”
Theodore H. White described this as
“the finest TV broadcast I have ever heard
any political candidate make.” It turned
the tide of voter opinion, and that tide was
now running strong. Harris’ pollsters, sta-
tioned all over the state, were checking
and rechecking certain streets in certain
communities at certain intervals on a day-
to-day basis. “You could see them switch,”
Harris said.
On Monday, the day after the state-
ment—the day before the election—Har-
ris found, for the first time, a narrow
Kennedy lead.
It was an ironic turn of events for
Humphrey, who, in these final days of the
campaign, was the most thwarted, pro-
voked and aggravated politician in the
United States. His entire life had been a
testament to tolerance and charity. But a
West Vii ian determined to demon-
strate his tolerance, if only to himself,
almost had to vote for Kennedy.
Tuesday dawned bleak and drizzly, and
Jack awoke with an overwhelming, pre-
monition of defeat. Harris was wrong, he
thought; he could feel it. He told Bobby
that he was going home, he didn’t want to
see the others, and it was still early when
his plane, the Caroline, the Convair Jack
had bought for the campaign (“ИЛИ save
money”), set him down in Washington.
He asked Jackie to invite their friends Ben
and Tony Bradlee to dinner. Later, the
four of them could take in a movie. The
Bradlees arrived with a bottle of cham-
pagne. “One way or another, well crack it
open this evening,” Jack said. Before leav-
ing for the film, he called Bobby at
Charleston’s Kanawha Hotel. The polls
had closed at eight РМ, but no returns
were in. “OK,” Jack said to the others.
“Let's go to the pictures.”
In the Kanawha, Bob waited for the
first figures. When the results started
coming in, early precincts reporting from
the Eastern Panhandle, where people
lived their whole lives without laying eyes
оп a Catholic, were voting heavily for
Kennedy. By 9:20, Kennedy was taking
Humphrey 60 to 40. Suburbs, factory
towns, hill slopes, pocket villages; there
were no exceptions. A half hour later,
another deluge of returns arrived. The
same pattern was emerging in the cities.
Well before midnight, Humphrey de-
cided to concede. Prolonging the agony
was pointless. From his room in the
Ruffner Hotel, he sent out the appropriate
telegrams and phoned generous support-
ers. His graceful telegram of congratula-
tions did not reach Kennedy headquarters
until one лм. Bobby muttered, “God, poor
Hubert. Wisconsin and now this. He
works and works and spends and spends
and loses and loses.”
Since Jack was in Washington, Bob, as
always, saw to it that what his brother
ought to do was done. He walked through
Charleston’s rainy streets—bareheaded,
as always—to express his personal appre-
ciation for Hubert’s telegram. Humphrey
said he wanted to greet Jack on his return.
He intended to be a good loser; it was
important to him. Bob sensed that and
wanted to help him. On Capitol Street,
they stepped into Humphrey headquar-
ters, Jimmy Wofford, a folk singer who
had accompanied him throughout the
campaign, was strumming his guitar—old
Depression songs, songs of the New
Deal, of. Humphrey's youth, of a poorer
but infinitely more generous America.
Humphrey's eyes were bright with tears
as he started to read his statement. He
didn't finish; Jimmy started sobbing. Hu-
bert patted his shoulder. Bobby went over
and put his arm around Humphrey. He
led them up to the Kanawha, and he, too,
was crying. That was Bobby Kennedy, the
man everybody called ruthles:
In Washington, Jack and his party had
piled into his car and headed for the
Trans-Lux to see Suddenly, Last Sum-
mer. Unfortunately, they were late and
couldn’t get in. They walked across New
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York Avenue to the Plaza, which showed
blue movies. Pornography was less outra-
geous then than it later became, but Pri-
vate Property was nasty enough, starring
one Katie Manx as a horny housewife
who spread-eagled for every milkman,
newsboy and iceman who wandered near
her grasp. Halfway through the movie,
someone wondered if this sordid little
Valentine were on the Catholic index of
forbidden films. It was. The man who
would presently become the first Catholic
President, whose scholarly bent had en-
chanted West Virginians the previous
Sunday, was watching a dirty movie.
He was not, however, enjoying it. Ordi-
narily, he found sex fascinating—gossip
about film stars and Congressmen who
liked whips and almost any fetching girl
who happened to roll by and catch his
eye. Under other circumstances, he would
have enjoyed Katie Manx's romps in
various improbable positions. Tonight, his
thoughts were in Charleston. He began to
suspect that he had written himself off too
quickly. Every 20 minutes, he would slip
out to the lobby, call Bobby, return to
whisper, “Nothing definite yet" and
slump in his seat, flicking a fingernail
against his teeth, Eventually, the last
handy man pleasured Miss Manx for the
last time, and it was time to head home.
As he opened the door of his N Street
house, the phone was ringing. It was Bob-
by. Jack had won; had, in fact, rolled up a
stunning majority. After war whoops and
a call to the Ambassador, the Bradlees
fetched their bottle of champagne from the
refrigerator. A phone call alerted the crew
of the Caroline for immediate departure.
The Bradlees were invited; so were family
members Steve and Jean Smith. At the
airport, the press wanted a statement.
Jack said, “I think we have now buried
the religious issue once and for all.”
After Wisconsin and West Virginia,
one would think Kennedy had earned a
long rest. But in politics, it is the losers
who rest. The next seven weeks again
tested his stamina. He visited, and often
revisited, 16 states, appearing before state
conventions and state committee meetings,
talking late into the night with governors
and state leaders and bargaining with pro-
fessional politicians, who, in the arithme-
tic of conventions, counted more heavily
than the delegates chosen in expensive,
lengthy, wearing, enervating primaries.
Almost a week before the national
convention, Bobby arrived in Los Angeles
with the Kennedy team’s vanguard and
established a base in the Biltmore Hotel’s
room 8315—actually a four-room suite.
As the days passed and the excitement
mounted, the feeling of confidence in 8315
became a kind of intoxicant. It was under
those circumstances that Jack’s team saw
Lyndon Johnson hold a special press con-
ference on July fifth, six days before the
convention’s opening gavel. Kennedy men
disliked Johnson; they thought him a
hypocritical, unprincipled opportunist of
illiberal views. He announced with his
inimitable solemnity that he had searched
his soul, found himself capable of serving
his country as President and was, from
that moment, available. Kennedy head-
quarters rocked with laughter.
More mirth followed. Johnson was
claiming 502 and a half vores. The majori-
ty, 385 delegates, came from the South
and the Border States. He also said he had
scattered backers in the Northeast, but—
and this was new—he claimed 80 solid
votes in the West and the Mountain
States. In suite 8315, there were files on
each of the convention’s 4509 delegates
and alternates. After a few minutes of
checking, chuckles were heard, and as
notes were compared, they grew. As best
Kennedy’s supporters could tell, the dele-
gates Johnson thought he had recruited
were all hidden Kennedy votes— Jack's
second-ballot reserve.
Kennedy’s family, friends and staff
were scattered all over Los Angeles. The
Biltmore suite was the nerve center. The
key figures, veterans of Wisconsin and
West Virginia, had all arrived. Bobby,
Larry O'Brien, Ken O’Donnell and
Pierre Salinger—Salinger was now han-
dling Kennedy’s press relations—were
based in the suite. The candidate, howev-
er, needed seclusion. Suite 9333 was
reserved for him, but Jack didn’t even
want to be in the hotel. A week before the
convention, he had sent Dave Powers to
L.A. to find a hideaway. Its location
would be known only to Bobby, Jack’s
secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, and a few close
friends. Dave found an apartment build-
ing at 522 North Rossmore Boulevard
owned by Jack Haley, the actor, who
agreed to rent Kennedy the penthouse.
Beneath him would be the apartment of
William Gargan, another actor. Haley
and Gargan were sworn to secrecy. Here,
Jack would be only a ten-minute drive
from the convention site, the Los Angeles
Sports Arena. Four telephone lines were
installed, including one for nightly talks
between Jack and Jackie. It was a sound
plan, and it worked until Wednesday, the
third day of the convention. Kennedy was
briefly at the Bi re was begging
Dave to give him the hideaway address,
arguing that once Jack had been nomi-
nated, photographers and cameramen
would need pictures of it. Dave refused:
Jack wanted to return to North Rossmore
and pick up his swimming trunks. His
parents had moved into Marion Davies’
Beverly Hills villa. Kennedy planned to
watch the nominating speeches on a televi-
sion set beside the pool there; afier dining
with his mother and father, he would
return to his hideaway. Once he had
joined his parents, the hideaway could be
disclosed. The argument went back and
forth. Finally, Jack intervened: “Oh, for
God's sake, give him the address."
Dave did, and Pierre rushed off happi-
ly. At that moment, Frank Roosevelt
arrived and dragged Jack off to a party of
delegates, delaying his departure for 15
minutes. By the time he and Dave reached
the hideaway, the street was cluttered
with television equipment, and a crowd of
spectators had gathered. Jack glared at
Dave, who had done everything in his
power to prevent precisely this, only to be
overruled by Kennedy. “Well,” Jack said,
“this is one hell of a hideaway, isn’t it?”
Leaving unseen was a real problem. Car-
rying their swimming trunks, the next
President of the United States and his
closest aide stealthily descended a fire
escape on the back of the building, climbed
over a back fence into a neighbor's garden
and made their way to the Davies villa.
There they swam and then watched Or-
ville Freeman nominate Kennedy.
Unfortunately, some of the older party
leaders seemed more interested in savag-
ing Kennedy than in beating Nixon.
Harry Truman had opened the attack
in a televised press conference, asking
Kennedy, “Are you certain you're quite
ready for the country and the country is
ready for you?” He clearly preferred more
mature Democrats, naming Johnson
(whom Kennedy suspected of stage-man-
aging Truman’s performance), Missouri's
Symington, Governor Robert Meyner of
New Jersey and Connecticut’s Chester
Bowles. Stevenson was unmentioned.
Truman raised other arguments, but age
was the real issue. The transfer of power
from one generation to another cannot be
painless. The four chieftains in suite 8315
were Bob Kennedy, 34; O'Donnell, 36;
Salinger, 35; and O'Brien, the old man on
the Kennedy team, 43. Worse, Ted Soren-
sen, Kennedy’s chief advisor in Wash-
ington, was only 32. When Johnson had
growled that he wouldn't “be pushed
around by a 43-year-old boy,” he meant
Jack. Eisenhower felt the same; he always
referred to Kennedy as “that boy.” This
convention, Scotty Reston wrote in The
New York Times, would be remembered
as “the assembly that witnessed the
Changing of the Guard.”
Charges by a former President of Ken-
nedy’s own party could not be ignored.
Truman’s idea of an open convention,
Jack said in his sharp rebuttal, seemed to
be one “that studies all the candidates,
reviews their records and then takes his
advice.” To call him inexperienced was,
he said, downright absurd. His 14 years
on Capitol Hill meant he was more sea-
soned in national public life than any 20th
Century President when elected to office,
and that included Woodrow Wilson,
Franklin Roosevelt—and Harry Truman.
The White House, Kennedy said, needed
precisely what he offered: “strength and
health and vigor.”
Monday evening, there was a respite
from factional bloodletting. At the Demo-
cratic Convention dinner, the speaker was
the junior Senator from Massachusetts.
He reviewed the recent record of the
Republican President, and it was a highly
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successful speech, largely because in the
two months between the West Virginia
primary and that night’s gathering, Eisen-
hower had been lurching from one disas-
ter to another. lt was a good year to be
united against a Republican nominee.
But despite Kennedy’s commanding
lead, the day before the balloting, Johnson
toured state delegations with a naked plea
to “stop Kennedy.” He cited his record,
told them he was entitled to and expected
their support. That was L.B. J. the Major-
ity Leader; if you didn’t vote his way, he'd
stick it in you and break it off. But these
were not Senators. They were delegates,
most of whom were already committed
one way or another. Johnson attacked
Kennedy’s liberal credentials. Then,
reaching back to Exodus 20:5, visited the
sins of the father upon his child
and painted the sins blacker than they had
been, implying that Joe Kennedy had
been not only an appeaser but also an
admirer of the Nazis and had "thought
Hitler was right.” Finally, and desperate-
ly, rumors were spread that Jack was
“diseased” —some even said the disease
was “social.”
Kennedy’s physicians testified to his fit-
ness. Johnson threw up his hands. Of
course he believed the medical testimony,
and he couldn’t imagine who was respon-
sible for such despicable tales.
At Convention Hall, Sam Rayburn
nominated Lyndon, but when Gene
McCarthy, the freshman Senator from
Minnesota, rose to nominate Governor
Adlai Ewing Stevenson of Illinois, the
convention erupted in excitement. All day,
events had been building toward this mo-
ment. Stevenson was not merely admired,
he was cherished and deeply beloved. The
galleries and the bays outside the hall
were packed with Stevenson enthusiasts,
and they went rocketing down the aisles.
Yelling, wriggling, chanting, snake danc-
ing, they congested the floor as balloons
drifted overhead and popped, paper ban-
ners streaming in every direction read WE
WANT STEVENSON. The chanters picked it
up as standards bobbed up and down.
The Ambassador, watching Marion
Davies’ poolside TV, was briefly alarmed.
Jack phoned Bobby for the latest vote run-
down. Bob said that the demonstration,
though well organized, had influenced no
votes. Indeed, in California, Stevenson’s
delegates had dropped sharply. Hanging
up, Jack said, “Don't worry, Dad; Steven-
son has everything but delegates.”
Kennedy reached his apartment just in
time for the first ballot. As the states were
called, he kept score on a tally board. By
the time the roll reached Wyoming, his
total was 748—only 13 more would put
him over the top. As Jack peered at the
screen, he saw his youngest brother
crouching, the Wyoming delegation gath-
ered around him. Teddy’s grin had never
been broader. Jack said quietly, “This
may be it.” And it was. The state's delega-
tion went for him in one block, and that
made him the Democratic Presidential
nominee of 1960.
After a brief talk with his wife, he hur-
ried to the Sports Arena, where he would
make a short appearance before the con-
vention. A band played Toora-Loora-
Loora and then, as he entered the hall and
mounted the platform, Happy Days Are
Here Again. The delegates cheered while
he stood there smiling, flanked by his
mother and his sisters. He spoke briefly,
expressing his gratitude, and then re-
turned to North Rossmore.
Back in the apartment, Kennedy told
Dave he was too tired for a celebration,
but he was hungry. Dave fried him two
eggs while Jack prepared for bed. Mean-
while, his staff, with Bobby as chairman,
was discussing the Vice-Presidency. Ev-
eryone there was under the impression
that Jack was considering only two Sena-
tors: Symington of Missouri and Henry
Jackson of Washington. Johnson’s name
had not been raised. Only a few weeks
before, Kennedy had said that if he could
not be President, Johnson was the best-
qualified alternative. But hard words had
been spoken this week, and the big Texan
was anathema to the men who had worked
so hard for the Kennedy triumph, not to
mention to the liberal bosses who had
delivered their delegations and, perhaps,
to a majority of those who had backed
Kennedy in the primaries.
Johnson had said that under no circum-
stances would he swap his position as Sen-
ate Majority Leader for the empty office
of the Vice-Presidency. Reading congratu-
latory telegrams, Jack had therefore been
startled to find that the warmest and the
most graceful had come from the candi-
date who had run second in the balloting.
Before going to sleep, he tried to phone
Johnson, but L.B. J. had left instructions
that he was not to be disturbed. Jack then
sent a message to him asking for a ten
AM. meeting. Powers thought, My God,
he's going to olfer it to Johnson. His dis-
may was matched by Lady Bird’s at 8:30,
when Jack phoned to confirm the meeting
with her husband. Hanging up, she
blurted out, “Honey, I know he’s going to
offer you the Viec-Presideney, and I hope
you won't take it.” Lyndon phoned Sam
Rayburn, who said much the same thing.
Then the Texans started thinking.
Whoever became President, the post of
Senate Majority Leader would have only
a shadow of its greatness under Eisenhow-
er. The Vice-Presidency would free Lyn-
don of his sectarian role and his Texas
constituency. Finally—and for Rayburn,
this was conclusive—they had to consider
Nixon, whom the Republicans were about
to nominate. Rayburn couldn't even bring
himself ıo speak his name. “Lyndon,” he
said, "you've got to go on that ticket.”
What, L.B.J. asked, had changed his
mind? Mr. Sam said he was wiser now.
“Besides, that other fellow called me a
traitor, and I don’t want a man who calls
me a traitor to be President.”
Kennedy’s men took it much, much
harder. After Jack had phoned Johnson,
he called the Biltmore suite and told Bob-
by his decision. Bob was shocked. Salinger
and O'Donnell were outraged. Bobby re-
covered quickly, however, and said they
needed Texas to win in November. When
he left, Powers told O'Donnell, “If Jack
wanted to give it to Eleanor Roosevelt,
Bobby probably would -have said, “All
right. " O'Donnell's rage mounted as he
thought of ihe anti- Johnson pledges they'd
given to labor and civil rights leaders.
Jack entered, took one look at him and
said, "We'd better talk alone in the bath-
room." He was in his toughest mood, but
O'Donnell was entitled to an explanation.
In the first place, Kennedy said, Johnson
hadn't accepted his offer, and there was an
excellent chance he wouldn't But he
hoped he would take it. “I’m 43 years old
and the healthiest candidate. I’m not going
to die in office. So the Vice-Presidency
doesn't mean anything.” What it did
mean, he said, was that after a slim Dem-
ocratic victory in November—he had no
illusions about a landslide—“] won't be
able to live with Lyndon Johnson as
the leader of a small majority in the Sen-
ate. Did it ever occur to you that if Lyndon
becomes Vice-President, ГЇЇ have Mike
Mansfield in the Senate, somebody I can
trust and depend on?”
O'Donnell began to cool down. Never-
theless, the mood in the suite remained
ugly. Walter Reuther, Arthur Goldberg
and George Meany, according to those
who had seen them, were apoplectic. Jack
decided to offer Lyndon a way ош. He
sent word to him that when his name was
put in nomination, the convention might
erupt in a floor fight. Back came the reply:
There was nothing Johnson loved more
than an old-fashioned floor fight.
About the same time, the tide began
turning in the Kennedy suite. The
bosses—-Mike DiSalle of Ohio, John
Bailey and Abe Ribicoff of Connecticut
and David Lawrence of Pennsylvania
were milling around Jack, congratulating
him for strengthening the ticket. The lib-
erals were still muttering about the
“sellout” until Alex Rose of New York's
Liberal Party called David Dubinsky,
labor's elder statesman. After speaking
with Dubinsky, he turned to Reuther
and said, “He said Kennedy is making a
smart move! He said picking Johnson is
a political master stroke!” Johnson's
nomination went through smoothly, and
on Friday night, Kennedy delivered his
acceptance speech to 80,000 spectators in
the Los Angeles Coliseum, with anoth-
er 35,000,000 Americans watching on
television. He told his countrymen that
they were “on the edge ofa New Frontier.”
Great experiences are thought to
change people, and those who know them
look for evidence of it. Kennedy's whole
life had been a process of change— indeed,
one of his most remarkable traits was his
capacity for growth—but as far as you
could tell, he emerged from the convention
(and remained, in the White House) the
same man, with one interesting difference.
He had always been generous toward his
political opponents. He sympathized with
the men he defeated at the polls. In his
Senate office, he warned his staff that he
wanted to hear no ugly remarks about pol-
iticians who differed with him. But after
Los Angeles, it became increasingly clear
that he held Richard Nixon in contempt.
Kennedy’s strategy was to appeal to the
young, to the blue-collar workers and to
the liberals. His two great bases were the
Democratic South—holding it would be
Johnson's task—and the industrial re-
gions. While the theme of Kennedy’s drive
was that American prestige was slipping
and Americans must march forward—
"Let's get this country moving again"
was the slogan, coined by Walt Rostow—
the bearer of the Republican standard
preached the virtues of free enterprise,
individual responsibility, inflexible anti-
communism and a continuance of the
peace and prosperity that had marked the
Eisenhoweryears. Nixon'sadvantageswere
support from big business, greater expe-
rience, his strong middle-class roots and
Eisenhower’s incumbency. But Ike dealt
Nixon the worst blow of the campaign.
During a press conference, he was asked,
“What major decisions of your campaign
has the Vice-President participated in?”
The President’s almost unbelievable
reply was, “If you give mea week, I might
think of one.”
After Nixon’s nomination, the Republi-
can candidate had taken a slight lead in
Gallup's reports, but by late August, the
two nominees were running neck and
neck, and there was never a time during
the campaign when either could feel
secure. Two events in the race were griev-
ous to Nixon: Kennedy’s confrontation
with religious bigotry and the television
debates. West Virginia had demonstrated
that while Kennedy’s faith could cost him
votes if the issue were undiscussed, once
the silence was broken, he would gain.
Nixon had therefore instructed his staff to
refrain from discussing Kenncdy's reli-
gion. Unhappily for him, he could not
restrain Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, per-
haps the most famous Protestant clergy-
man in the country and a Nixon friend.
Dr. Peale led a group of Protestants in
issuing a statement that expressed doubt
that any Roman Catholic President could
free himself from the influence of the Vat-
ican. Nixon was helpless. He couldn’t
attack Peale. Kennedy, meanwhile, had
been offered an incomparable opportu-
nity. The Greater Houston Ministerial
Association had invited him to defend the
right of a Catholic to become President.
Nixon had also been invited but had
declined. Kennedy accepted.
The issue had been inflamed by Dr.
Danicl Poling, a Philadelphia clergyman
who had also run for office on the Re-
publican ticket. Dr. Poling charged that
Kennedy, as a young Congressman, had
refused to attend a fund-raising dinner
honoring four chaplains who had gone
down with the U.S.S. Dorchester in
World War Two. Kennedy had, indeed,
declined, but his reason was that he had
been asked to auend as a “spokesman” for
the Roman Catholic Church. He could
appear as a Congressman, a Navy veteran
or a private citizen, he said, but he had no
authority to represent his Church. John-
son and Rayburn thought he ought to give
Houston a miss, but Jack was adamant.
He would go. Those running the meeting
told him that he could make an opening
statement, that questions would follow
and that the event would be televised.
Assembled in the ballroom that evening
were 300 ministers, 300 spectators and tele-
vision camera crews. Kennedy was tense and
nervous, but, as usual, it showed only in his
trembling, hidden hands. On the screen, he
was sharp, forceful, precise and in complete
command. The serious matters in this race,
he told them, were not religion, Nixon’s or
anyone else’s. They. were hungry children,
elderly people who couldn't afford doctors"
bills, slums, inadequate schools and inept
US. foreign policies.
“These,” he said, “are the real issues.
But because I am a Catholic, the real
issues in this campaign have been ob-
scured. So it is apparently necessary for
me to state once again not what kind of
church I believe in—for that should be
important only to me—but what kind of
America I believe in.”
He restated the position he had taken in
West Virginia. Next come questions.
They were obvious and vaguely stated;
Kennedy handled them concisely and with
complete ease. Poling’s grievance was
served up to him, and he knocked it out of
the ball park—how could he possibly have
agreed to assume the role of “spokesman
for the Catholic faith”?
In an upstairs hotel room, Powers was
watching it all with Rayburn. In Los
Angeles, Rayburn's support of Kennedy
had been tepid. Now he was shouting,
“By God, look at him—and listen to him!
He's eating 'em blood raw!" On Tuesday,
in Austin and then їп Dallas, Rayburn
told crowds that Kennedy was “the great-
est Northern Democrat since Roosevelt.”
As the calls came in and the telegrams
piled up, Jack became euphoric. Houston
was exactly the tonic he needed for the
first debate against Nixon, now two weeks
away. In the past decade, the number of
American families owning television sets
had increased eightfold. Awaiting the
event, in living rooms all over the nation,
were some 70,000,000 people. There were
to be four debates, but the first was by far
the most important. It drew the largest
audience and it was a Kennedy triumph
The result was dismaying for Nixon, and
it startled him. He was an assured, skillful
debater. Watching Kennedy’s televised ac-
ceptance speech at the end of the Demo-
cratic Convention and unaware of Jack’s
exhaustion, he thought the Democratic
nominee had spoken too rapidly, in a voice
pitched too high and presented concepts
too complicated for the average American.
That was why Nixon accepted the chal-
lenge of the debates. It was the biggest
blunder in his political career—until, of
course, he became President.
Until then, he had been the more
famous of the two, holding, as he did, the
higher office. But in the debate, they stood
toe to toe, and Kennedy held his own.
More important—this shouldn't have
mattered, but its significance was im-
mense—he looked better. People who
heard them on radio that evening thought
both did well, but the larger television
audience saw the Senator as tanned and
fit, while the Vice-President, who had suf-
fered a knee injury, had lost five pounds.
He was haggard and he wore a shirt collar
a half size too large for him. He slouched,
his expression was dour and his complex-
ion was pasty, a consequence of coating
his face with make-up designed to hide
afternoon beard growth. Another factor
may have been Jack’s declining respect for
his adversary. It seemed devastating and
unmistakable to any viewer. Nixon would
be making an important point and the
camera would switch to Kennedy, whose
amused, faintly disdainful expression
would break the thread of the Republi-
can’s argument. At the end of that debate,
Nixon drew Jack aside for several minutes
of earnest conversation. Afterward, you
asked Jack what that had been all about.
“Nothing,” he said crisply. “Absolutely
nothing. The weather, for a while, and
then how hard it was to sleep during a
campaign. But all the time, he was keep-
ing an eye on the photographers. If he saw
one about to snap the ‘shutter, he would
look firm and jab his finger on my chest,
as though setting me straight on some big
foreign-policy issue. Nice fellow.” Later,
he asked, “Do you think the people realize
I'm the only man standing between Nixon
and the White House?”
In retrospect, what you remember best
about Jack's Presidential campaign is its
high good humor. In one specch, he said,
“Campaign contributions will not be ге-
garded as a substitute for training and
experience for diplomatic positions.” A
few days later, he added, “Ever since I
made that statement, I have not received a
single cent from my father.” At times,
Jack played with his humorless opponent,
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using as his straight man. Nixon
called him “another Truman.” Kennedy
shot back, “I have no hesitation in return-
ing the compliment. I consider him anoth-
er Dewey.” Republicans said (not for the
first time) that Joe Kennedy was going to
bribe voters. “My father,” Jack said, “told
me not to buy one more vote than is neces-
sary. He said he’s damned if he’s going to
pay for a landslide.” Kennedy seemed
almost to welcome hecklers. At New York
University, he dedicated his closing re-
marks to a group of Young Republican
jeerers: “АШ you young Nixonites—all
eight of you.” One of them shouted some-
thing about their candidate’s standing up
to Khrushchev in their Moscow “kitchen
debate.” Jack said, “Mr. Nixon may be
very experienced in kitchen debates, but so
are many other married men I know.”
Eisenhower made his move on Hallow-
cen, eight days before the election, and a
massive surge toward the Republican
nominee came within a hairbreadth of
carrying the popular vote.
Theodore H. White wrote that Eisen-
hower had “a magic in American politics
that is peculiarly his: He makes people
happy.” Ike was positive that the few
problems still unsolved would vanish to-
morrow, and his audiences believed him.
Jack had been taking a very different line.
Typically, he began, “I don’t run for the
office of the Presidency to tell you what
you want to hear. I run for the office of
President because in a dangerous time we
need to be told what we must do if we are
going to maintain our freedom.” Now
Kennedy felt his confidence shaken; he
had intended to arouse the people, but
perhaps he had merely frightened them
In San Francisco, he sat soaking his back
in a steaming tub, and there he told you of
his own feas Last week, Dick Nixon hit
the panic button and started Ike speaking.
With every word he utters, 1 can feel the
votes leaving me. If the election was
tomorrow, l'd win easily, but six days
from now, it’s up for grabs.”
So anxiety arrived, an uninvited guest
Yet fear eludes memory; the feeling sim-
ply cannot be recaptured. Other recollec-
tions flood back, a montage of sights and
sounds: Kennedy’s mounting disgust for
Nixon’s way of flinging his arms high
in the air . . . Jack's own gestures, the
chopping right hand used to stress
points . - . Nixon's denunciation of Tru-
man’s profanity, his vow never to sully the
Presidency by using blasphemy in the
White House . . . the enthusiasm on col-
lege campuses when Kennedy spoke of the
years ahead, “the challenging, revolution-
ary Sixties” Nixon’s favoring a re-
sumption of atom-bomb tests and charging
that his opponents’ criticisms were “гип-
ning America down and giving us an infe-
riority complex.”
Abruptly, the end approached and
Kennedy was going home. The Caroline
landed at Bridgeport, Connecticut, at mid-
286 night and you joined the motorcade at
Waterbury, where, on both sides of the
road, for nearly 30 miles, cheering New
Englanders, wearing coats over their paja-
mas, waved torches and flashlights and
red lights, and fire engines were lined up
outside every firehouse, sirens screaming,
bells ringing, and Kennedy, after reaching
his hotel room at three AM, appeared on
the balcony, urging people to go to bed,
but the 40,000 people stayed outside,
cheering until dawn. Sunday night, you
arrived at Lewiston at 1:30 am; it was
cold; the streets were silent, empty. Sud-
denly, the motorcade entered a park, and
more than 20,000 people switched on their
flashlights. When they recognized Jack,
the roaring began, a roar of joy, and here
you were in a freezing Maine factory town
in the middle of the night, feeling a
warmth and exultation to enshrine in
memory through all the years before you.
The last day began in Providence and
swung through Massachusetts, Connecti-
cut, Vermont and New Hampshire, end-
ing in the North End of Boston, where he
had first campaigned 14 years earlier. He
had to address a mass mecting in the Bos-
ton Garden, but the streets were so
jammed that he was late; then he had to
struggle again to reach Faneuil Hall.
There, where the Sons of Liberty had
gathered 190 years earlier to plot the Bos-
ton Tea Party, he made his farewell tele-
vision talk to the nation. On the 14th floor
of the Statler Hilton, he chatted with a
couple of old friends while putting away a
chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. In
the past week, he had never had as much
as four hours of sleep in one night. To-
morrow, you thought, he can sleep late.
But no; he wanted to be called at 7:30.
Jackie would be arriving to vote with him.
On that bright day, when you were
young and the future promising,
68,832,818 Americans went to the polls,
among them Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ken-
nedy of 122 Bowdoin Street, Boston, who
cast their ballots in the Third Precinct of
the Sixth Ward at 8:43 am. and then
boarded the Caroline for Hyannis Port.
The whole clan had gathered at Bob-
by’s house to await the first returns. Bob’s
brother carried Connecticut by 100,000
votes, Their sisters were yelping with joy,
assuming that that meant much more than
it did. The Ambassador's friend Morton
Downey, the tenor, was passing sand-
wiches and crooning Did Your Mother
Come from Ireland?; and upstairs, Lou
Harris sat with a slide rule and reams of
paper, checking his calculations against
those of the networks’ computers. “It’s
Lou against the machine,” Jack said with
a chuckle, lighting up a Havana Royal.
Presently, he, Jackie and a friend left to
dine at Jacks house, and when they
rejoined the others, no one was cheering.
He was losing in Ohio, Wisconsin, Ken-
tucky, Tennessee and the farm belt west of
the Mississippi and was running behind
expectations in Michigan and Illinois. Ev-
eryone was visibly distressed—except the
nominee. He retained his poise, detach
ment, sense of humor. Johnson called
from Texas, and Kennedy grinned as he
hung up. He reported L.B.] 7 comment:
"I see we won in Pennsylvania, but what
happened to you in Ohio?"
Ahcad of them lay what Jackie later
called "the longest night in history."
Slowly, a pattern emerged. Nixon had
lost, but Kennedy, though ahead in elec-
toral votes, had not won. The outcome
seemed to hinge on four states: California,
Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan. Any
two of them would give Kennedy the Pres-
idency; if he failed to take two, the election
would be thrown into the House of Repre-
sentatives. Jack yawned, rose and pre-
pared to leave. A friend asked where he
was going. He said, “То bed. The votes are
all in. I can't change any of them now.”
As he slept, the battles seesawed. Jack
lost California but won Illinois, Michi-
gan, Minnesota and New Mexico. He
awoke to find that he had 303 electoral
votes to Nixon's 219. Hc was President-
elect. The Secret Service had moved in at
5:45 Am, and your most vivid memory of
that day is the horror on the Secret Service
agents’ faces as they watched the fiercest
touch-football game in the ferocious histo-
ry of Kennedy sports, with the man they
were sworn to protect being assailed on all
sides by members of his own family.
Many months later, one evening in the
White House, he invited you to join him
in a stroll around the Ellipse, and while
passing the Washington Monument, he
asked whether, as a young Marine on
Guadalcanal, you had studied the sky
over the Solomons. All you could remem-
ber was the Southern Cross. But as a skip-
per of PT boats, he had been skilled in
celestial navigation; he could still reel off
the constellations and how they moved
through the night down under.
You remembered that talk on Novem-
ber 22, 1963. If you were sitting up with
Jim Swindal, the pilot of Air Force One,
hurtling homeward from Texas, you be-
came aware that night was approaching
rapidly. Less than 45 minutes after you
had left Dallas, shadows began to thicken
over eastern Arkansas. Outside, twilight
turned to gloaming and became dusk.
You locked out upon the overarching
sky and saw that the firmament was bril-
liant. Jupiter lay over the Carolinas, the
Big Dipper beyond Chicago; Arcturus
was setting redly over Arkansas. But the
brightest light in the deep-blue canopy
was Capella. Always a star of the first
magnitude, it seemed especially vivid that
night, and as Air Force One rocketed
toward West Virginia, it rose majestically
1000 miles to the northeast, over Boston.
Ever since, you have thought of Capella
as Kennedy's star. It is brilliant, itisswift, it
soars. Of course, to see it, you must lift your
eyes. But he showed us how to do that.
2 бас e Mode
If you think this is just another
car Stereo, please reserve judge-
ment until you've read about
what's underneath the lights,
buttons, and knobs
All of itis designed to make
listening to mobile audio more
thrilling than ever before
Let’s talk specs
Nothing better illustrates the
revolutionary advancements
of our FTX 180 better than its
First we started with a remark-
able new technology: Dolby "C"*
Sanyo's FTX 180 is the first car
stereo that can actually remove
up to 20dB of tape hiss and
background noise... all without
sacrificing one iota of music
Next, we designed an all-
new power amplifier circuit that
pumps out 15 watts per channel
with only 0.3% total harmonic dis-
tortion. That means you can turn
SANYO 15Wiisw
тон: 50 100 г
up the volume and get the thun-
derous lows and crystalline highs
that the original musicians
intended you to hear... with no
audible distortion!
Then we combined our FM
Optimizer circuit with a 12-station
frequency synthesized tuner. The
result: it not only locks onto the
exact frequency you want,
butis virtually impervious to
annoying noise
Let's talk features
Here are just a few: 1) automatic
tape searching; 2) LCD digital
station frequency/time readout;
3) switchable Dolby B/C; 4) metal
tape compatibility; 5) ultra-long
life S.S.P. tape head; 6) special
bass equalizer with triple turn-
over controls; 7) full auto-reverse;
8) fader control for balancing
4-speaker setups; 9) standby
switch, so you can listen to radio
while fast-winding a tape
We refer to the FTX 180 and the
other Sanyo FTX Series models
as “mobile studio sound systems”
Admittedly, that's a pretty lofty
description. But once you hear
one in your car, you won't dare
call it anything less.
“I can't listen to your troubles now, Frank. This is the Happy Hour.
(continued from page 144)
“ ‘A gang of vicious bull fruits harassing the traffic
on Main Street. No one warned me about this.’ ”
feeling you’re going to need all the help
you can get over here.”
We listened to the marathon on the
radio and fled Honolulu after a week of
steady rain, getting out just ahead of a
storm that closed the airport and canceled
the surfing tournaments on the north
shore. But we were on our way to Kona
now, and everyone assured us that it
would be sun-soaked and placid. The
houses were all set, and we’d soon be tak-
ing the sun and doing some diving out in
front of the compound, where the sea was
calm as a lake.
I was definitely ready for it—and even
Ralph was excited. The wretched weather
in Honolulu had broken his spirit, and
when he'd waded out into the ocean one
afternoon for some of the fine snorkeling
we'd heard about, the surf had nearly bro-
ken his spine.
“You look sick,” I said to him as he
staggered into the airport with a huge
IBM Selectric that he'd stolen from
the hotel.
“I am sick,” he shouted. “My whole
body is rotting. Thank God we're going to
Kona. I must rest. I must see the sun.
“Don't worry, Ralph,” I said. “A
friend of mine has taken care of every-
Mr. Heem, the realtor, was waiting
when we arrived at Kailua-Kona airport,
a palmy little oasis on the edge of the sea,
about ten miles out of town. The sun was
getting low and there were puddles of
water on the runway, but Heem assured
us the weather was fine. "We'll sometimes
get a little shower in the late afternoon,”
he said. “But 1 think you'll find it
There was not enough room in his car
for all our luggage, so I rode into town
with a local fisherman called Captain
Steve, who befriended us at the airport
and subsequently became our main man
on the island. Captain Steve had a fully
rigged fishing boat and was determined to
take us out to catch a marlin—a gesture of
hospitality that promised to make our stay
in Kona even richer and more exciting than
we'd known it was going to be all along.
The highway from the airport into town
was one of the ugliest stretches of road I'd
ever seen. The whole landscape was a
desert of hostile black rocks, mile after mile
of raw moonscape and ominous, low-lying
clouds. Captain Steve said we were cross-
ing an old lava flow, one of the last erup-
tions from the 14,000-foot hump of Mauna
290 Кеа to our left, somewhere up in the fog.
Far down to the right, a thin line of coco-
nut palms marked the new western edge of
America, a lonely-looking wall of jagged
black lava cliffs looking out on the white-
capped Pacific. We were 2500 miles west
of the Seal Rock Inn, halfway to China,
and the first thing I saw on the outskirts
was a Texaco station, then a McDonald’s
hamburger stand.
Captain Steve seemed uneasy with my
description of the estate he was taking me
to. When I described the brace of elegant,
Japanese-style beach houses looking out
on a black-marble pool and a thick, green
lawn rolling down to a placid bay, he
shook his head sadly and changed the sub-
ject. “We'll go out on my boat for some
serious marlin fishing,” he said.
“Гуе never caught a fish in my life,” 1
said. “My temperament is wrong for it.”
“You'll catch fish in Kona,” he assured
me as we rounded a corner into downtown
Kailua, a crowded commercial district on
the rim of the bay, with half-naked people
running back and forth through traffic,
like sand crabs.
We slowed to a crawl, trying to avoid
pedestrians, but when we stopped at a red
light, I noticed what appeared to be a clus-
ter of garish-looking prostitutes standing
in the shadows of a banyan tree on the
sidewalk. Suddenly, there was a woman
leaning in my window, yelling gibberish
at Captain Steve. She was trying to get
hold of him, but [ couldn’t roll up the
window. When she reached across me
again, I grabbed her hand and jammed my
lit cigarette into her palm. The light
changed and Captain Steve sped away,
leaving the whore screeching on her knees
in the middle of the intersection. “Good
work,” he said to me. “That guy used to
work for me. He was а first-class
"What?" I said. "That whore?"
“That was no whore,” he said. “That
was Hilo Bob, a shameless transvestite.
He hangs out on that corner every night
with all those other freaks. They’re all
I wondered if Heem had brought Ralph
and his family along this same scenic
route. I had a vision of him struggling
desperately with a gang of transvestites in
the middle of a traffic jam, not knowing
what it meant. Wild whores with crude,
painted faces, bellowing in deep voices and
shaking bags of dope in his face, demand-
ing American money.
We were stuck in this place for at least
a month, and the rent was $1000 a
week—half in advance, which we’d al-
ready paid Heem.
“It's a bad situation," Captain Steve
was saying as we picked up speed on the
“Those freaks have tak-
way out of town.
en over a тай
can’t do anything about it.
suddenly to avoid a pear-shaped jogger on
the shoulder of the highway. “Hilo Bob
goes crazy every time he sees my car,” he
said. “I fired him when he wanted to have
a sex-change operation, so he got a lawyer
and sued me for mental anguish. He
wants a half-million dollars.”
“Jesus,” I said. “A gang of vicious bull
fruits harassing the traffic on Main Street.
Ко one warned me about this.”
What kind of place had we come to? I
wondered. And what would happen if
we wanted to go fishing? Captain Steve
seemed OK, but the stories he told were
eerie. They ran counter to most notions of
modern-day sportfishing. Many clients
ate only cocaine for lunch, he said; others
went crazy on beer and wanted to fight on
days when the fish weren’t biting. No
strikes before noon put bad pressure on
the captain. For $500 a day, the clients
wanted big fish, and a day with no strikes
at all could flare up in mutiny on the long
ride back to the harbor at sunset. “You
never know,” he said. “Pve had people try
to put a gaffing hook into me with no
warning at all. That's why I carry the .45.
There’s no point calling the cops when
you're 20 miles out to sea. They can't help
you out there.” He glanced in the direc-
tion of the surf booming up on the rocks
about 100 yards to our right. The ocean
was out there, I knew, but the sun had
gone down and all I could see was black-
ness. The nearest landfall in that direction
was Tahiti, 2600 miles south.
It was raining now, and he turned on
the windshield wipers. We were cruising
slowly along in bumper-to-bumper traffic
The highway was lined on both sides with
what appeared to be unfinished apartment
buildings, new condominiums and raw
construction sites littered with bulldozers
and cranes. The roadside was crowded
with long-haired thugs carrying surf-
boards, paying no attention to traffic
Captain Steve was getting edgy, but he
said we were almost there,
“105 one of these hidden driveways,” he
muttered, slowing down to examine the
numbers on a row of tin mailboxes.
“Impossible,” I said. “They told me it was
out at the end of a narrow country road.”
He laughed, then suddenly hit the
brakes and swung right through a narrow
slit in the shrubbery beside the road.
“This is it,” he said, jamming the brakes
again to keep from running up on the back
of Heem’s car. It was parked, with all the
doors open, in a cluster of cheap wooden
shacks about 15 feet off the highway.
There was nobody in sight and the rain
was getting dense. We quickly loaded the
baggage out of the El Camino and into the
nearest shack, a barren little box with only
two cots and a Salvation Army couch for
furniture. The sliding glass doors looked
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ош on the sea, like they said, but we were
afraid to open them, for fear of the boom-
ing surf. Huge waves crashed down on the
black rocks in front of the porch. White
foam lashed the glass and water ran into
the living room, where the walls were
alive with cockroaches.
The storms continued all week: murky
sun in the morning, rain in the afternoon
and terrible surf all night. We couldn’t
even swim in the pool, much less do any
diving. Captain Steve was becoming more
and more frantic about our inability to get
in the water or even go near it. We con-
ferred each day on the phone, checking the
weather reports and hoping for a break.
The problem, he explained, was an
offshore storm somewhere out in the Pa-
cific—maybe a hurricane on Guam or
something worse down south, around Ta-
hiti. In any case, something we couldn't
control or even locate was sending big roll-
ers across the ocean from some faraway
place. Hawaii is so far out in the middle of
nothing that a mild squall in the Strait of
Malacca, 7000 miles away, can turn a six-
inch ripple into а 16-foot wave by the time
ithits Kona. There is no other place in the
world that so consistently bears the brunt
of other people’s weather.
Waves like that are rare on the Kona
Coast, though, where the waters are usu-
ally more placid than anywhere else in the
islands—except when the weather “turns
around,” as they say, and the winds blow
in from the west.
The Kona Coast in December is as
close to hell on earth as a half-bright
mammal can get—and this is the leeward
side of the big island; this is the calm side.
God only knows what happens over there
on the windward side, around Hilo. Andeven
real-estate agents will warn you against
going over there for any reason at all.
But they will not warn you about
Kona—so that will have to be my job for
as long as the grass is green and the rivers
flow to the sea. The Kona Coast of
Hawaii may be a nice place to visit for a
few hours on the hottest day in July—but
not even fish will come near this place in
the winter; if the surf doesn’t kill you, the
surge will, and anybody who tries to tell
you anything different should have his
teeth gouged out with a chisel.
Ordinarily, the Kona Coast is the fish-
ing capital of Hawaii, Kailua Bay is the
social and commercial axis of the Kona
Coast, and the huge, gallowslike rig of
fish-weight scales on the pier in front of
the King Kamehameha Hotel is where the
fishing pros of Kona live or die every
afternoon of the week—in full view of the
public, such as it is.
Sportfishing is big business in Kona,
and four o’clock at the end of the city pier
is show time for the local charter captains.
That is where they bring their fish to be
weighed and to have their pictures taken if
they're bringing in anything big. The
scales are where the victors show their
stuff, and the vanquished don’t even show
up. The boats with no blood on their decks
take the short way home—to the Honoko-
hau harbor, eight miles north. As cach
boatload of failures ties up there at sun-
down, the harbor curs rush to the edge of
the black lava cliff that looks down on the
dock and start barking. They want the
leftover lunch meat, not fish, and it is an
ugly scene to confront at the end of a long,
futile day at sea.
On any given day, most boats go back to
Honokohau, but a few return to the pier,
where the crowd begins gathering around
three. Jimmy Sloan, the commercial pho-
tographer who has the pier concession,
will be there with his camera to make the
moment live in history on 8 x 10 glossies
at ten dollars each. And there will also be
the man from Grey’s taxidermy, just in
case you want your trophy mounted.
Every successful charter-boat captain
understands the difference between the
fishing business and show business. Fish-
ing is what happens out there on the
deep-blue water, and the other is getting
strangers to pay for it. So when you come
swooping into Kailua Bay at sunset with a
big fish to hang up on the scales, you want
to do it with every ounce of style and slow-
rumbling, boat-handling drama that you
and your crew can muster. The Bringing
In of the Fish is the only action in town at
that hour of the day—or any other hour,
for that matter—because big-time fishing
is what the Kona Coast is all about (never
mind those rumors about marijuana crops
and bizarre real-estate scams).
Kicking ass in Kona means rumbling
into the harbor and up to the scales at
sunset with a big fish, not three or four
small ones, and the crowd on the pier
understands this. They will laugh out loud
at anything that can be lifted out of a boat
by anything less than a crane.
There is definite blood lust in the air
around the scales at sundown. By five, the
crowd is drunk and ugly and the tension
picks up as each new boat comes in. On a
good day, they are yelling for 1000-
pounders, and woe unto the charter cap-
tain who shows up with anything small.
But after two weeks on the Kona Coast,
Га had no occasion to show up at the Kai-
lua pier at all. This filthy goddamn sea
was still raging and pounding on the rocks
in front of my porch. Somewhere to the
west was a monster storm of some kind,
with 40-knot winds and 35-foot seas. That
is a typhoon, 1 think. We were paying
$1000 a week to sit out here in the rain on
the edge of this savage black rock and wait
for the annual typhoon—like the fools
they knew us to be.
Ralph snapped first, as always—and,
as always, he blamed it on me. Which was
true, in a way. It was my plan that had
gone wrong, not Ralph's, and now his
entire family was in the throes of a pro-
found psychotic experience. Some people
can handle ten days in the eye of a hurri-
cane and some can’t.
Ralph was becoming morc and more
concerned about that aspect of our situa-
tion as it daily became more desperate.
His primitive Welsh ancestry would allow
him to cling almost indefinitely to his own
sanity, he felt, but he was not confident
about the ability of his wife or young
daughter to survive a shock of this magni-
tude. “How many days of abject terror can
an eight-ycar-old girl endure?” he asked
me one day as we shared a pint of hot gin
in his kitchen. “I can already see the signs
She’s withdrawing into herself, gnawing
on balls of twine and talking to cock-
roaches at night.”
“That's why we have insane asylums,”
I said. "When your neighbors start talking
about their children at Oxford or Cam-
bridge, you can brag that you have a
daughter in Bedlam.”
He stiffened, then shook it off and
laughed harshly. “That's right,” he said.
“T can visit her on weekends, invite all my
neighbors to attend her graduation.”
We were half-mad ourselves at this
point. All of our desperate efforts to flee
the big island had come to nought. We
couldn't even get seats on a plane back to
Honolulu, much less to anywhere else
And our Will to Flee was real. But the
storm had knocked out our telephones and
there was no hope of getting through to
anybody more than a mile or two away.
The only place we could be sure of reach-
ing was the bar at the Kona Inn.
It is Monday on the Kona Coast, two
days before Christmas, three o'clock in the
morning. No more Monday-night foot-
ball. The season is over. No more Howard
Cosell and no more of that shit-eating
lunatic with the rainbow-suiped Afro
wig. That freak should be put to sleep,
and never mind the reasons We don’t
need that kind of madness out here in
Hawaii, not even on TV—and especially
not now, with the surf so high and wild
thugs in the streets and this weather so
foul for so long that people are starting to
act crazy. A lot more people than normal
for this time of year are going to flip out if
we don’t see the sun by Christmas
They call it Kona weather: gray skies
and rough seas, hot rain in the morning
and mean drunks at night, bad weather
for coke fiends and boat people. A huge,
ugly cloud hangs over the island at all
times, and this goddamn filthy sea pounds
relentlessly on the rocks in front of my
porch. The bastard never sleeps or even
rests; it just keeps coming, rolling, boom-
ing, slamming down on the rocks with a
force that shudders the house every two or
three minutes.
Ican feel the sea in my feet as I sit here
and type, even in those moments of nerv-
ous quiet that usually mean a Big One is
оп its way, gathering strength out there in
the darkness for another crazed charge on
the land.
My shirt is damp with a mixture of
sweat and salt spray. My cigarettes bend
like rubber and the typing paper is so limp
that we need waterproof pens to write on
it—and now that evil white foam is com-
ing up on my grass, just six feet away from
the porch.
This whole lawn might be halfway to
Fiji next week. Last winter’s big storm
took the furniture off every porch on this
stretch of the coast and hurled boulders
the size of TV sets into people’s bedrooms.
Half the lawn disappeared overnight and
the pool filled up with rocks so big that
they had to be lifted out with heavy
Our pool is a lot closer to the sea now.
On the night we arrived, I was almost
sucked into the surf by a wave that hit
while I was standing on the diving board;
and the next day, an even bigger one rolled
over the pool and almost killed me.
We stayed away from the pool for a few
days after that. It makes a man queasy to
swim laps in a pool where the sea might
come and get you at any moment, with no
warning at all.
Ralph is hunkered down next door in a
state of abject terror. The whole family is
sleeping on the living-room floor. When 1
tried to get inand steal Ralph’s TV for the
late basketball game, I almost stepped on
the child’s head as I came over the edge of
that slimy wooden porch. All their bag-
gage is packed and they're ready to flee for
their lives on a moment's notice.
But the goddamn surf is still thundering
up on the lawn at five in the morning.
This dirty Hawaiian nightmare has been
going on for 13 straight days, and there is
still no way out.
As New Year's Eve approached and the
weather showed no signs of breaking, it
was clear that we were going to have to do
something desperate to get in the water.
We had been trying to take Captain
Steve's boat out for almost a week, but the
sea was so rough that there was no point
in even leaving the harbor. "We could
probably get out," he said, “but we'd nev-
er get back in.
After a week of bad drinking and
brooding, Captain Steve finally came up
with a plan. If it was true that the weather
had really turned around, then logic de-
creed that the normally savage waters on
the other side of the island would now be
as calm as a lake.
"No problem," he assured me. “It’s
South Point for us, big guy. Let's get the
boat ready. ..."
Which we did. But the surf got worse,
and after five or six more days of grim
waiting, my brain began to go soft. We
drove to the tops of volcanoes; we drank
heavily, set off many bombs... More
storms came, the bills mounted up, and the
days dragged like dead animals.
The first person I saw when we walked
into the Kona Inn on the 28th night of our
doomed Hawaiian vacation was Acker-
man. He was sitting at the Kona Inn bar
with a sleazy-looking person in bell-
bottom Levi's whom I recognized as a
notorious dope lawyer from California, a
man I had met at a party in Honolulu,
where he was passing out his business
cards to everybody within reach and say-
ing, “Hang on to this—you’ll need me
sooner or later.”
Jesus, I thought. These leeching bas-
tards are everywhere. First they only
smoked the stuff, then they started selling
it, and now they’re gnawing at the roots of
the whole drug culture, like a gang of wild
moles. They will be standing, like pillars
of salt, at all our doorways when the great
bell rings.
One reason I'd come to Hawaii was toget
away from lawyers for a while, so I herded
our partyin the other direction and down to
our table looking out on the sea wall. Ralph
and the family were already there, and
Ralph was raving drunk.
“We're off to South Point tomorrow,” I
said. I sat down at the table and lit a joint,
which nobody seemed to notice. Ralph
was staring at me with a look of shock and
disgust on his face.
“I can't believe it,
” he muttered.
“You're really going out on that silly
I nodded. “That’s right, Ralph. We
finally figured it out—if this side of the
island is rough, then the other side must
be calm.” Captain Steve smiled and
shrugged his shoulders, as if the logic
spoke for itself.
“And South Point,” I continued, “is the
closest place we can get to the other side—
that’s where the weather breaks.”
“You should come with us, Ralph,”
said Captain Steve. “It'll be calm as a lake
down there, and it’s a real mysterious
“It's the Land of Po,” I said. “A deso-
late, bottomless pit in the ocean, teeming
with fish and within sight of the cliffs on
shore.” I nodded wisely.
“There are no fish,” he muttered, “not
even on the menu. All they have tonight
is some kind of frozen mush from
“Don’t worry, Ralph,” I said. “We'll
have all the fresh fish we can eat when I
get back from South Point. Once we get
around the corner down there to some
calm waters, I will plunder this sea like no
man has ever plundered it before.”
Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Hello, Doc,” said a voice behind me.
“Гуе been wondering where you were.”
I swung quickly around in my chair to
“Will Suzy find happiness with her
new vibrator? Will John and Mary invite
Derek over for another threesome? Tune їп tomorrow,
when Adult Cable Service brings you another
thrilling chapter о)...”
see Ackerman smiling down at me. The
arm he extended was still blue. I was glad
to see him, and now that he’d shaken the
dope lawyer, І stood up and took him
aside. We walked out to the lawn and I
handed him the joint “Hey,” I said.
“How'd you like to make a run down to
South Point tomorrow?”
“What?” he said. “South Point?”
“Yeah,” I replied. “Just you and me
and Steve. He says the weather should be
OK once we get around the point.”
He laughed. “That’s insane,” he said,
“but what the hell; why not?”
“Good,” I said, “lets do it. At least
we'll get out on the water.”
He chuckled. “Yeah. We will do that.”
He finished off the joint and flipped it into
the sea. “I'll bring some chemicals,” he
said. “We may need them.”
He nodded. “Yeah. I have some power-
ful organic mescaline. Pll bring it
“Right,” I said. “That’s a good idea—
just in case we get tired.”
He slapped me on the back as we
walked inside to the table. “Welcome to
the Kona Coast, Doc. You're about to get
what you came for.”
When I arrived at the Union Jack
Liquor Store in the middle of downtown
Kailua the next morning, Ackerman was
waiting for me in a Datsun pickup full of
grocery bags. “I got everything,” he said.
“You owe me $355.”
“Good God,” I muttered. Then we
went into the Union Jack and loaded up
my VISA card with four cases of Heine-
ken, two quarts each of Chivas Regal and
Wild Turkey, two bottles of gin and a
gallon of orange juice, along with six bot-
tles of their best wine and another six bot-
tles of champagne for the cocktail party
that night.
The plan was for Laila, Ralph and the
family to meet us at South Point around
sunset for an elegant evening meal on the
fantail of the Haere Marue. It would take
us six hours to get there at trolling speed,
but it was only an hour by road—so they
could spend the afternoon at the City of
Refuge and still get to South Point before
we did. Captain Steve had arranged our
meeting point—a small beach in a cove at
the southernmost tip of the island.
We left Honokohau not long after
10:30, and as we passed the main channel
buoy, I looked back and saw the peaks of
both Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea for the
first time since I'd been there. The whole
island is normally covered with a ham-
burger-shaped cloud for most of every day,
but this morning of our departure for
South Point was a rare exception.
I took it as a good omen, but I was
wrong. By nightfall, we would find our-
selves locked in a death battle with the
elements, wallowing helplessly on the
ridge in the worst surf Pd ever seen
and half-crazy with fear and strong
We had both The Wall Street Journal
and Soldier of Fortune on the boat, but the
run down to South Point was not calm
enough for reading. We staggered around
the boat like winos for most of the trip,
keeping the boat headed due south against
a crossing sea. The swell was coming
strong out of the southwest. At one point,
we stopped to pick up a rotted life preserv-
er with the words sQUIRE/JAVA painted on
the cork.
Captain Steve spent most of his time at
the wheel, high up on the flying bridge,
while Ackerman and I stayed down in the
cockpit smoking marijuana and waiting
for the reels to go off.
1 had long since got over the notion that
just because we were fishing, we were
going to catch fish. The idea of trailing
big-bore lines from the outriggers and
rumbling along at trolling speed was
absurd. The only way we were going to
get any fish, I insisted, was by going over
the side with scuba tanks and spear guns,
to hunt them where they lived
We trolled all the way down, but the
only signs of life we saw between Kailua
and South Point were a school of por-
poises and some birds. It was a long, hot
ride, and by midafternoon, all three of us
were jabbering drunk on beer.
It was just before sundown when we
finally rounded the corner at South Point.
The sea had been rough on the run down
the Kona side of the island—but it was
nothing compared with what we encoun-
tered when we came around the point.
The sea was so high and wild that we
could only gape at it. No words were nec-
essary. We had found our own hurricane,
and there was no place to hide from it.
At sundown, I switched to gin and Ack-
erman broke out a small vial of white
powder that he sniffed up his nose off the
tip of a number-ten fishhook, then offered
the vial to me.
“Be careful,” he said. “It’s not what
you think.”
I stared at the vial, examining the con-
tents closely and bracing my feet on the
deck as the boat suddenly tilted and went
up on the hump of a swell.
“It’s China White,” he said, gripping
the back of the fighting chair as we came
down hard in the slough.
Jesus, I thought, Pm out here with
junkies. The boat rolled again, throwing
me off balance on the wet deck with a cup
of gin in one hand and a vial of heroin in
the other.
I dropped them both as I slid past Ack-
erman and grabbed the ladder to keep
from going over the side.
Ackerman lunged for the vial with the
speed of a young cobra and caught it on
one bounce, but it was already wet and he
stared at it balefully, then tossed it away
in the sea. “What the hell,” he said. “I
never liked the stuff anyway.”
I pulled myself over the chair and sat
down. “Me either,” I said. “It’s hard on
the stomach.”
He eyed me darkly for a moment and I
planted both feet, not knowing what to
expect. It is bad business to drop other
people's heroin—especially far out at sea
with a storm coming up—and I didn't
know Ackerman that well. He was a big,
rangy bastard, with the long, loose mus-
cles of a swimmer, and his move on the
bouncing vial had been impressively fast. I
knew he could get me with the gaffing
hook before I reached the ladder.
1 resisted the urge to call Captain Steve.
Were they both junkies? I wondered, still
poised on the edge of the white-Nauga-
hyde chair. What kind of anglers carry
China White to work?
“It’s a good drug for the ocean,” Acker-
man said, as if I'd been thinking out loud.
“A lot of times, it's the only way to keep
from killing the clients."
I nodded, pondering the long night
ahead. If the first mate routinely snorted
smack at the cocktail hour, what was the
captain into?
It occurred to me that I didn't really
know cither one of these people. "They
were strangers, and now I was trapped on
a boat with them, 20 miles off the far-
western edge of America with the sun
going down and deep black water all
around us.
The land was out of sight now, lost in a
desolate night fog. The sun went down
and the Haere Marue rumbled on
through the waves toward the terrible
Land of Po. The red and green running
lights on our bow were barely visible from
the stern, only 30 feet away. The night
closed around us like smoke, cold and
thick with the smell of our diesel exhaust.
It was almost seven o’clock when the
last red glow of the sun disappeared,
leaving us to run blind and alone by the
compass. We sat for a while on the stern,
listening to the sea and the engines and the
occasional dim crackling of voices on the
short-wave radio up above the high
bridge, where Captain Steve was perched,
like some kind of ancient mariner.
The sea was not getting any calmer as
we approached our destination, a small
beach at the foot of sheer black cliffs. Cap-
tain Steve took us in about halfway, then
slowed to a crawl and came scrambling
down the ladder. “I don't know about
this,” he said nervously. “The swell seems
to be picking up.”
Ackerman was staring at the beach,
where huge breakers foamed. The first
alarm came from Captain Steve, up above,
when he suddenly shut down the engines
and came back down the ladder.
“Get ready,” he said. "We're in for a
long night.” He stared nervously into the
sea for a moment, then darted into the
cabin and began hauling out life jackets.
“Forget it,” said Ackerman. “Nothing
They'll know it was you.
can save us now. We may as well eat the
mescaline.” He cursed Captain Steve.
“This is your fault, you stupid little bas-
tard. We'll all be dead before morning.”
Captain Steve shrugged as he swal-
lowed the pill. I ate mine and set about
assembling the Aibachi l'd bought that
morning to cook our fresh-fish dinner.
Ackerman leaned back in his chair and
opened a bottle of gin.
We spent the rest of the night raving
and wandering distractedly around the
boat, like rats cast adrift in a shoe box,
scrambling around the edges and trying to
keep away from one another. The casual
teamwork of the sundown hours became a
feverish division of labor, with each of us
jealously tending his own sector.
I had the fire, Ackerman had the
weather and Captain Steve was in charge
of the fishing operation. The hibachi was
tilting dangerously back and forth in the
cockpit behind the fighting chair, belching
columns of flame and greasy smoke every
time I hit it with another whack of kero-
sene. The importance of keeping the fire
going had become paramount to every-
thing else, despite the obvious and clearly
suicidal danger. We had 300 gallons of
diesel fuel in the tanks down below, and
any queer pitch of sea could have spilled
flaming charcoal all over the cockpit
and turned the whole boat into a fire-
ball—putting all three of us into the
water, where we would instantly be
picked up in the surf and dashed to death
оп the rocks.
No matter, I thought. We must keep the
fire going. It had become a symbol of life,
and I was not about to let it die down.
The others agreed. We had long since
abandoned any idea of cooking anything
for dinner—and, in fact, we had thrown
most of the food overboard by that time,
thinking to use it for bait—but we all
understood that as long as the fire burned,
we would survive. My appetite had died
around sundown, and now I was covered
with layers of cold mescaline sweat. Every
once in a while, a shudder would race up
my spine, causing my whole body to trem-
ble. In those moments, my conversation
would collapse without warning, and my
voice would quaver hysterically for a few
seconds while I tried to calm down.
“Jesus,” I said to Captain Steve some-
time around midnight, “it’s lucky you got
rid of that cocaine. The last thing we need
right now is some kind of crank.”
He nodded wisely, then suddenly spun
around in his chair and uttered a series of
wild cries. His eyes were unnaturally
bright and his lips seemed to flap as he
spoke. “Oh, yes!” he blurted. “Oh, hell,
yes. That’s the /ast thing we need!” Cap-
tain Steve had never tried mescaline be-
fore, and I could see that it was reaching
his brain. It was obvious from the confu-
sion in his eyes that he had no recollection
at all of taking our last bottle of stimulant
with him, in the pocket of his trunks,
when he'd gone down with the scuba
tanks to secure our anchor line around a
big rock on the bottom, about 90 feet
below. Any fool who will dive to the bot-
tom of the Pacific Ocean with two grams
of cocaine in his pocket is capable of any-
thing at all; and now he was losing his
grip to the psychedelics.
Bad business, I thought. It’s time to col-
lect the knives.
When I woke up at sunrise, I found
Ackerman passed out like a dead animal
and Captain Steve wandering frantically
round the cockpit, grappling with a tangle
of ropes and saying over and over to him-
self, “Holy Jesus, man! Let’s get out of
1 stumbled up from the cabin, where Pd
spent two hours sleeping on a cushion cov-
ered with fishhooks. We were still in the
shadow of the diffs, and the morning wind
was cold. The fire in the hibachi had gone
out and our Thermos bottle of coffee had
cracked open sometime during the night.
The deck was awash with a slimy mixture
of kerosene and floating soot.
Ackerman had dropped a scuba tank on
his foot, crushing the big toe and splatter-
ing blood all over the deck. He’d then
gobbled a handful of Dramamine and fall-
en into a deep stupor. Captain Steve had
been awake all night, he explained, never
taking his eyes off the anchor line and
ready, at any moment, to leap into the surf
and swim for it.
“PIL never understand how we sur-
vived,” he muttered. “Now I know what
they mean about South Point. It is a dan-
gerous place.”
“The Land of Po,” I said.
“Yeah,” he said, reeling in the last of
our all-night fishing lines. All the hot dogs
had been gnawed off by eels, but the hooks
were otherwise clean. Not even a sea
snake had taken our wrong-minded bait,
and the water all around us was littered
with floating debris: beer bottles, orange
peels, plastic Baggies and mangled tuna-
fish cans. About ten yards off the stern
was an empty Wild Turkey bottle with a
piece of paper inside. Ackerman had
tossed it over sometime during the night,
after finishing off the whiskey and stuffing
the bottle with a sheet of Kona Inn sta-
tionery on which I had scrawled, BEWARE.
I made my way up to the bridge, where
I could look straight down on the main
deck of the Haere Marue and see both the
captain and the first mate badly disabled.
One appeared to be dead, with his mouth
hung open and his eyes rolled back in his
head, and the other was twitching around
like a fish with a broken neck.
The maze of human wreckage down
below looked like something the legendary
King Kam might have brought back to
Kona in one of his war canoes that got
caught in an ambush on Maui. We were
victims of the same flaky hubris that had
killed off the cream of Hawaiian warriors
in the time of the Great Wars. We had
gone off in a frenzy of conquest—to the
wrong place at the wrong time and proba-
bly for all the wrong reasons—and now
we were limping back home with our
decks full of blood and our nerves turned
to jelly. All we could hope for now was no
more trouble and a welcoming party of
good friends and beautiful women at the
dock. After that, we could rest and lick our
Nobody was there to meet us, but it
didn’t matter. We were warriors, returned
from the Land of Po, and we had terrible
stories to tell.
Captain Steve was still hunkered down
on the bridge when Ackerman and I fin-
ished off-loading our gear and prepared to
leave. “Where’re you guys going?” he
called out. “To Huggo’s?”
“No,” Ackerman said. “There’s only
one place for us now—the City of
Ackerman’s notion had seemed like а
good idea at the time, but the scene we
found back at the compound on our return
from South Point was too ugly to cure by
anything as simple as a drive down the
coast to some temple of ancient supersti-
tion where we might or might not find
refuge. Right, I thought, never mind that
silly native bullshit. It’s time to leave.
Where’s a telephone? What we need now
is a quick call to Aloha Airlines.
Ackerman agreed. We were both
stunned by the chaos we saw when we
turned the little VW convertible into the
driveway. The storm that had almost
whipped us to death in the ocean off South
Point the night before had moved north
and was now pounding the Kona Coast
with 15-foot waves and a blinding mon-
soon rain. Both houses in the compound
were empty, the pool was swamped, the
surf was foaming up on the porch and
deck chairs were scattered around the
lawn in a maze of what looked like red
seaweed, On closer examination, it turned
out to be slimy wet remnants of 200,000 or
300,000 Chinese firecrackers, a flood of
red rice paper from the dozens of thunder
bombs we’d been amusing ourselves with.
I thought it had been washed out to sea—
which was true for a while—but it had not
washed out far enough, and now the sea
was tossing it back.
Ralph and the family were gone. The
door to their house stood open and the
place where hed parked his car was
ankle-deep in salt water. The fronts of
both houses were gummed up with а layer
of red slime and there was no sign of life
anywhere. Everything was gone; both
houses had been abandoned to the ravag-
ing surf and my first thought was that
everything in them, including the occu-
pants, had been sucked out to sea by rip
tides and bashed to death on the rocks.
I was still rummaging through the bed-
rooms, looking for signs of life with one
eye and watching the sea with the other. A
big one, I knew, could come at any time
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with no warning at all, rolling over me
like a bomb. I had a vision of Ralph cling-
ing, even now, to some jagged black rock
far out in the roaring white surf, scream-
ing for help and feeling the terrible jaws of
a wolf cel grip his leg.
I heard Ackerman’s voice just as a mon-
ster wave hit the pool and blasted 10,000
gallons of water straight up in the air. I
scrambled over the porch railing and ran
for the driveway. High ground, I thought.
Uphill. Get out of here.
‘Ackerman was calling from the balcony
of the caretaker’s cottage. I rushed up the
stairs, soaking wet, and found him sitting
at a table with five or six people who were
calmly drinking whiskey and smoking
marijuana. All my luggage, including the
typewriter, was piled in the corner.
Nobody had drowned, nobody was
missing. I accepted a joint from Laila and
breathed deeply. Ralph had flipped out
sometime around noon, they explained,
when the sea hurled a 50-pound stalk of
green bananas up onto his porch, followed
by the wave of red slime. Hundreds of
dead fish washed up onto the lawn, and
the house was suddenly filled with thou-
sands of flying cockroaches.
The caretaker said Ralph had taken his
family to the King Kam Hotel on the pier
in downtown Kailua after failing to find
seats on a night flight back to England. He
handed me a crumpled piece of hotel sta-
tionery, damp and dark with Ralph's
scrawl and folded into a knot:
“I can't stand it anymore," it said.
“The storm almost killed us. Don't call.
Leave us alone. Do it for Sadie. Her hair
is turning white. It was a terrible experi-
ence, I'll get even. Love, Ralph.”
“Jesus,” I said. “Ralph went soft on
“He knew you’d say that,” said the
caretaker, accepting the joint from Acker-
man and inhaling deeply.
Ralph was gone, and soon the whole
family would be on a plane back to
England, clinging desperately to one
another and too exhausted to sleep for
more than two or three hours at a time.
Like survivors of some terrible shipwreck,
only half understanding what had hap-
pened to them, disturbing the other pas-
sengers with sporadic moans and cries,
finally sedated by the stewardess.
March 15
Dear Ralph,
OK. Things are really different now. It
took a bit longer than I figured, but I think
the Kona nut is finally cracked.
Part of the reason it took so long to get
to the bottom of this story was that your
tragic and unexpected departure from the
islands left me with a swarm of odd prob-
lems. For starters, I still hadn’t caught my
fish, which caused the charter captains
and fishermen who sat around the bar at
Huggo’s to constantly humiliate and de-
grade me. I was drifting into a macho way
298 Of life, you see. There was no doubt about
it. And no help for it, either. I was living
with these people, dealing with them on
their own turf—which was usually out at
sea, on their boats, mean drunk by noon
and still unable to catch a goddamn fish.
Then there was the problem of Heem,
the realtor, who wanted the rent for the
compound—at least $2000 in cash, and
questions would certainly be raised about
the crust of red scum on the property.
Once it hardened, not even a diesel sand
blaster could get it off. I drove past the
compound a few times and noticed a
strange red glow; the lawn seemed to glit-
ter and the pool appeared to be full of
blood. There was a certain beauty to it,
but the effect was unsettling, and I could
see where Heem might have trouble rent-
ing to decent people. Problem was, Ralph,
I didn't have the money. I had given
Heem $2000 up front, and the rest of the
debt was yours.
Finally, even our fishermen friends at
Huggo’s were getting nervous about why I
was still hanging around so long after you
left. By that time, even Ackerman had fled
(to Bimini—or so he said). Rumors were
beginning to take root all around me—
most of them concerning our story. Leav-
ing, as you did, battered and broken was a
sure sign to our friends that whatever we
finally published would not be good for
business—specifically, the selling of real
estate, which was all that ever concerned
them. There are 600 registered realtors on
the Kona Coast alone, and the last thing
they need right now is an outburst of bad
publicity in the mainland press. The mar-
ket is already so overpriced and overex-
tended that a lot of people are going to
have to go back to fishing for a living. I
knew it had reached a break point when
even the bartenders at the Kona Inn began
saying, “What kind of story are you really
But nobody patronizes me anymore,
Ralph. I could drink with the fishermen
now. The big boys. We could gather at
Huggo's around sundown, to trade lies
and drink slammers and sing wild songs
about scurvy. I am one of them now. I
caught the big fish.
It was, as you know, my first. And it
came at an awkward time. I was ready to
flee. We had an eight-o'clock flight to
Honolulu, then an overnight haul to L.A.
and Colorado. But the whole plan went
wrong, due to booze, and by midnight my
mood had turned so ugly that I decided—
for some genuinely perverse reason—to go
out and fish for marlin once again.
All you need to know about my attitude
at that point is that I didn’t pack that god-
damn brutal Samoan war club in my sea-
bag for the purpose of crushing ice. (You
remember the war club, Ralph—the one I
bought in Honolulu to pulverize aloe
plants to treat your back wound.) There is
a fearful amount of leverage in that bug-
ger, and I knew in my heart that by the
end of the day I would find a reason to use
it—on something.
Maybe on those drunken macho bas-
tards at Huggo’s. They don’t dare even lie
to one another about boating a 300-pound
marlin in less than 45 minutes. Then it
usually takes them another 15 minutes to
kill it. My time was 16 minutes and 55
seconds on the line and another five sec-
onds to whack it stone-dead with the club.
The beast fought savagely. It was in the
air about half the time I was fighting it.
The first leap came about ten seconds aft-
er I clipped myself into the chair, a wild
burst of white spray and bright-green
flesh about 300 yards behind the boat, and
the second one almost jerked my arms off.
Those buggers are strong, and they have
an evil sense of timing that can break a
man’s spirit. Just about the time your
arms go numb, they will rest for two or
three seconds—and then, in that same
split second when your muscles begin to
relax, they will take off in some other
direction like something shot out of a mis-
sile launcher.
Yeah .. . that poor doomed bastard was
looking me straight in the eye when I
reached far out over the side and bashed
his brains loose with the Samoan war
club. He died right at the peak of his last
leap: One minute he was bright green and
thrashing around in the air with that god-
damn spear on his nose, trying to kill
everything within reach.
And then I smacked him. I had no
choice. A terrible blood lust came on me
when I saw him right beside the boat, so
close that he almost leaped right into it,
and when the captain started screaming,
“Get the bat! Get the bat! He’s gone
wild!” I sprang out of the goddamn fight-
ing chair and, instead of grabbing that
silly aluminum baseball bat they normally
use to finish off these beasts with ten or 15
whacks, I laughed wildly and said, “Fuck
the bat, I brought my own tool.”
That's when I reached into my kit bag
and brought out the war club and, with a
terrible shrick, I hit that bastard with a
running shot that dropped him back into
the water like a stone and caused about 60
seconds of absolute silence in the cockpit.
They weren’t ready for it. The last time
anybody killed a big marlin in Hawaii
with a short-handled Samoan war club
was about 300 years ago.
Ii was very fast and savage work,
Ralph. You'd have been proud of me. I
didn't fuck around.
But the real story of that high-strung,
blood-spattered day was not so much in
the catching of the fish (any fool can do
that) as in our arrival at the Kailua pier.
We came in wild and bellowing. They
said people could hear mie about a half
mile out. ... I was shaking the war club
and cursing every booze-crazy, incompe-
tent son-of-a-pig-fucking missionary bas-
tard that ever set foot in Hawaii. People
cringed and shrunk back in silence as this
terrible drunken screaming came closer
and closer to the pier.
They thought I was screaming at
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them. Which was not the case. But to the
big afternoon crowd on the pier, Laila said
later, it sounded like the Second Coming of
Lono. I raved for 15 minutes, the whole
time it took us to tie up. Then I got out on
the pier and gave the fish six or seven
brutal shots with the war club while it was
hanging by its tail on the gallows.
‘The crowd was horrified. They hated
everything we stood for, and when I
jumped up on the pier and began whip-
ping a little 15-pound tuna with the club,
nobody even smiled.
But there is one thing I feel you should
know, Ralph: / am Lono.
Yeah. That’s me. I am the one they’ve
been waiting for all these years.
Or maybe not—and this gets into reli-
gion and the realm of the mystic, so I want
you to listen carefully, because you alone
might understand the full and terrible
meaning of it.
A quick look back to the origins of this
saga will raise, I’m sure, the same inescap-
able questions in your mind that it did in
mine, for a while. ...
"Think back on it, Ralph—how did this
thing happen? What combination of
queer and (until now) hopelessly muddled
reasons brought me to Kona in the first
place? What kind of awful power was it
that suddenly caused me to agree to cover
the Honolulu Marathon for one of the
most obscure magazines in the history of
And then I persuaded you to come
along, Ralph—you, who should have
known better.
Strange, eh?
But not really. Not when I look back on
it all and finally detect the patern—
which, in fact, I failed to see clearly myself
until very recently.
lam Lono ... that explains a lot of
things, eh? It explains, for instance, why I
am writing to you, now, from what
appears to be my new home in the City; so
make note of the address:
C/O Kaleokeawe
Gity of Refuge
Kona Coast, Hawaii
‘The trouble began when I came into the
harbor bellowing, “/ am Lono!” in a
thundering voice that could be heard by
every Hawaiian on the whole waterfront.
Many of those people were deeply dis-
turbed by the spectacle. I don’t know what
got into me, Ralph, I didn’t mean to say
it—at least not that loud, with all those
natives listening. Because they are super-
shtious people, as you know, and they take
their legends seriously.
It is not surprising, in retrospect, that
my King Kong-style arrival in Kailua
Bay on that hot afternoon had a bad effect
оп them. The word traveled swiftly up
and down the coast, and by nightfall the
downtown streets were crowded with
people who had come from as far away as
South Point and the Waipio Valley to see
for themselves if the rumor was really
true—that Lono had, in fact, returned in
the form of a huge, drunken maniac who
dragged fish out of the sea with his bare
hands and then beat them to death on the
deck with a short-handled Samoan war
club. It was not easy for me, either, to
accept the fact that I was born 1700 years
ago in an ocean-going canoe somewhere
off the Kona Coast of Hawaii, a prince of
royal Polynesian blood, and lived my first
life as King Lono, ruler of all the islands,
god of excess, undefeated boxer.
How's that for roots?
Don’t argue with me, Ralph. You come
from a race of eccentric degenerates; I was
promoting my own fights all over Hawaii
1500 years before your people even
learned to take a bath.
And besides, this is the red thread of
high craziness that ties it all together. Sud-
denly, the whole thing made sense. It was
like seeing the green light for the first
time. I immediately shed all religious and
“Why must you always wait till the last minute to do
your Christmas shopping?”
rational constraints and embraced a New
Truth. And I suggest you do likewise, old
sport, because we have it now: The True
Story of the Second Coming of Lono.
The real-estate Bund won't like it.
Indeed, they never liked us, despite all
the money we gave them. And when the
natives started calling me Lono and the
whole town got stirred up, the realtors
decided to make their move.
I was forced to flee after they hired
thugs to finish me off. But they killed a
local Caucasian fisherman instead, by
mistake. This is true. On the day before I
left, thugs beat a local fisherman to death
and left him either floating face down in
the harbor or strangled with a brake cable
and slumped in a jeep on the street in front
of the Manago Hotel. News accounts
were varied.
That's when I got scared and took off
for the City of Refuge. I came down the
hill at 90 miles an hour and drove the car
as far as I could, out on the rocks; then I
ran like a bastard for the sanctuary—over
the fence like a big kangaroo, kicked down
the door, then crawled inside and started
screaming, “I am Lono” at my pursuers, a
gang of hired thugs and realtors, turned
back by native park rangers.
They can’t touch me now, Ralph. 1 ат
in here with a battery-powered typewrit-
er, two blankets from the King Kam, my
miner’s head lamp, a kit bag full of speed
and other vitals, and my fine Samoan war
club. Laila brings me food and whiskey
twice a day and the natives send me wom-
en. But they won’t come into the hut—for
the same reason nobody else will—so I
have to sneak out at night and fuck them
out there on the black rocks.
I like it here. It's not a bad life. I can’t
leave, because they’re waiting for me out
there by the parking lot, but the natives
won’t let them come any closer.
Because 1 am Lono, and as long as I
stay in the City, those lying swine can’t
touch me. I want a telephone installed, but
Captain Steve won't pay the deposit until
Laila gives him $600 more for bad
Which is no problem, no problem at all.
I've already had several offers for my life
story, and every night at sundown, I crawl
out and collect all the joints, coins and
other strange offerings thrown over the
fence by natives and others of my own kind.
So don't worry about me, Ralph. I've
got mine. But I would naturally appre-
ciate a visit and, perhaps, a bit of moncy
for the odd expense here and there.
T's a queer life, for sure; but right now,
it’s all I have. Last night, around mid-
night, I heard somebody scratching on the
thatch, and then a female voice whispered,
“You knew it would be like this.”
“That's right” I shouted, “I love you!”
‘There was no reply. Only the sound of
this vast and bottomless sea, which talks to
me every night and makes me smile in my
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ORSON WELLES ег fom page 178)
“Wouldn’t anyone who knew anything about movies
want to back Hollywood’s most brilliant director?”
with his wrath and the threat of lawsuits,
Welles claimed that Kane hadn’t been
based on Hearst and his mistress Marion
Davies. But, more recently, he told a pal
that somehow, before making the movie, he
had found out the secret name by which
Hearst called Davies’ genitalia: Rosebud.
To Hearst, it was bad cnough that
Rosebud is mentioned throughout the рїс-
ture, but even worse was the idea that Kane
died with Rosebud on his lips. Then there’s
the wild tale about the lady who took
Welles to a hotel room for a fling. The
radio was playing, and no sooner was she
about to pounce than he heard his own
recorded voice: “Who knows what evil
lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow
knows!” —a character Welles played. “I
went limp and stayed that way for two
months,” he joked.
On the day in 1979 when Henry Jaglom
ran into himagain, Welles was dining with
Warren Beatty. Back in 1970, Jaglom had
directed Welles—whom he idolizes—in a
movie called A Safe Place, after which
Welles directed him in The Other Side of
the Wind.
“How are you?” Jaglom asked Welles,
whom he hadn’t seen in a while.
“Гуе lost my girlish enthusiasm,”
Welles replied.
“What happened?" said Jaglom—at
which Welles launched into the tale of woe
surrounding The Other Side of the Wind.
As had been Welles’s custom over the
years, he had scraped together financing
however and whenever he could, the end
money —$150,000-$200,000—coming
from an Iranian group headed by the
shah’s brother-in-law. Came the revolu-
tion in Iran and Khomeini’s boys declared
The Other Side of the Wind the property of
the Iranian people. When the shah’s broth-
er-in-law insisted the picture was his, the
revolutionaries said he had stolen from the
people and had noclaim to the film. Welles
was caught in the middle. The negative was
impounded—and deposited in a Parisian
vault until the French courts could resolve
the matter of its ownership (which they
later did, in Welles's favor).
Hearing of Welles's grotesque plight,
Jaglom decided to take it upon himself to
pitch a Welles script directly to the Holly-
wood baby moguls who—like Jaglom—
had long revered the man who made Citi-
zen Kane. Now in their 30s and 40s, these
guys were Jaglom’s contemporaries—and
he figured that if only they knew that Orson
Welles was available and willing to work
for them, they'd jump at the chance. In that,
Jaglom demonstrated both courage and
common sense—as well as a certain
naiveté. Wouldn’t anyone who knew any-
thing about the movies want to back Holly-
wood’s most brilliant director?
Welles gave Jaglom a script he had writ-
ten based on Isak Dinesen’s Gothic tale
titled The Dreamers, and Jaglom thought
the adaptation a “masterwork.” But when
he went to his powerful friends, they were
resistant to the very idea of Welles. Jaglom
would remind them of how much Welles
had once meant to them, to which they
would respond with phrases about separat-
ing youthful feelings from business prag-
matism. Welles, they claimed, simply
wasn’t commercial. His movies had never
made money—not even Kane—so how
could they justify bank-rolling him now?
Shifting gears, Jaglom tried appeals to
the baby moguls’ moral and aesthetic con-
science: Since they were probably going to
be fired eventually, anyway—a likelihood
in Hollywood, where no one has job securi
ty—didr’t they want to do something hon-
orable for a change? That worked with
some of the moneymen, who agreed at least
to look at what Jaglom was peddling. The
script, however, was exactly what they had
feared. There was no audience for The
Dreamers, they consistently told Jaglom—
it was too poetic, too fanciful.
Jaglom remained adamant—he wanted
to see Orson Welles direct a Hollywood
picture now and asked his friends how pre-
cisely to bring it about. Pressed to the wall,
the executives said the only way was for
Welles to come up with a more convention-
al, less poetic script—something to which
mass audiences would respond. Also, the
project would need a big star. Those were
the ground rules for Welles to work in Hol-
lywood again. Jaglom understocd.
Lunching with Welles, Jaglom ex-
plained the uniform response to the
Dreamers script. Then, eying his monu-
mental hero, he said, “Orson, I want you to
write an original movie.”
“I, I can't do that anymore,” Welles
replied. “I don’ „Really, I have this one
1 want to do—
Jaglom cut him off, saying, “Please, I
want you to write an original movie.”
“What about?” Welles asked.
“1 don’t know,” Jaglom said. “Tell me
some stories—just tell me.”
Several lunches—and many stories—
later, Welles reeled off something about a
Presidential candidate and his advisor.
Jaglom asked for more, and Welles kept
going—this was it.
“Would you give me just four or five
pages?” Jaglom asked.
“No,” said Welles, “I can’t do that any-
“Please,” said Jaglom, “just try it.”
“No, no, I can’t,” Welles demurred.
Next morning, Welles called Jaglom to
say he had been up all night and had 12
pages for him, though he wasn't sure they
were any good. Jaglom, however, found
them “just spectacularly wonderful” and
asked for eight more—and so on, until,
cight months later, Welles finished an orig-
inal script titled The Big Brass Ring.
With The Big Brass Ring, the idea was
for Welles to direct and act, the kind of
setup he had always favored. The story
concerns a young Senator—a Vietnam vet-
eran—on the very brink of attaining the
Presidency and the former Roosevelt aide
whom he discovers in Africa advising a des-
pot. The script includes an element of
homosexuality, with the old-timer, played
by Welles himself, becoming increasingly
involved with the Senator, for which role
Welles had Jack Nicholson in mind. Jag-
lom says that after considerable discussion,
Nicholson finally agreed in principle.
Day after day, month after month, Jag-
lom set Welles up for lunches with an end-
less array of producers, all of whom were
most eager to see and be seen with a living
legend. But in the end, nobody in Holly-
wood would touch The Big Brass Ring.
One moneyman was willing to talk busi-
ness but wanted to reserve for himself the
right to final cut; that is, the producer
would be able to re-edit the film as he
pleased—something the artist in Welles
just couldn't tolerate.
Clearly, Welles was going to have to
raise money his own way—he'd have to
earn it.
Reading а book at a pebbled-glass table
on a sunlit patio, there is Welles in a king-
size flame-red sport shirt. “Margaret
Mitchell began writing Gone with the
Wind in 1926 and she finished it ten years
later,” he says, ав if realizing we have just
joined him. “The writing of a great book,
or"— Welles pauses for what aestheticians
call a pregnant moment to gaze fondly at
the bottle on the table, his studied silence
implicitly linking great book and great
wine before he's even said it—“the making
of a fine wine takes time,” arching his eye-
brows as if he has just disclosed something
“What was true nearly a century ago is
true today,” he enunciates. “Paul Masson
will sell no wine"—again, the pause; the
eyebrows: all to convey meaning to the
meaningless —“before its time.”
For someone who supposedly can’t make
a commercial movie, Welles certainly
seems comfortable selling products on tele-
vision. Top commercial director Harry
Hamburg, who has worked with Welles on
ten or so spots, contrasts him with other
stars he’s directed who find commercial
work “a little unnatural.”
“Not Welles,” says Hamburg. “He goes
into commercials like he’s thought of the
idea. He understands the dynamics of
advertising. He respects the craft he's
doing. He wants to do the best possible job.
He reviews how much the product is selling,
from the marketing people. I mean, he
really goes into this shit.”
In 1978, when Paul Masson hired
Welles as spokesman, it was to reassure
people that Masson wines were the right
choice. “People have this incredible feeling
and insecurity that they're going to serve
wine to their friends, and then they’re
going to start laughing at them,” says John
Buckingham, the winery’s account execu-
tive at Doyle Dane Bernbach. “Or they’re
going to order a wine in a restaurant and
the maitre d’ is going to laugh at their
choice.” Welles, says Buckingham, “obvi-
ously has the image of a person who likes
food, so people find him very credible when
he talks about wine.”
Welles would arrive on the set with his
make-up already done—by himself.
Acutely conscious of his appearance in
commercials, he has very specific ideas
about how he should be lighted and photo-
graphed. “1 know what makes me look the
best,” he told Doyle Dane Bernbach.
Before his first day of shooting on the Mas-
son campaign, he dispatched written in-
structions to the cameraman. Hamburg
reports that Welles favors the brooding
look he gets when the camera is positioned
above his eyes so that he has to look up
slightly. Also, he likes the hard light, three
quarters on the left side. Hamburg says he
would set up everything to Welles’s specifi-
cations, so that he wouldn't balk the minute
he showed; then, once Welles was satisfied,
the director quietly altered the lighting and
the camera angle to his own liking. Ham-
burg insists Welles never noticed.
Welles is agreeable to doing extra takes
during shootings, but he insists upon each
one’s being justified.
“Why do you want it different?” Welles
asked Hamburg, who had ordered another
take. “If you say it faster, you can’t use it; if
you say it slower, you can’t fit it.”
“We're getting a hum from a refrigera-
tor,” said the director, who didn’t want to
tell Welles the client wanted him to speak
louder. “If you talk a little louder, you'll
talk above it, and we can drown it out.”
When Welles did the take, Hamburg
decided upon yet another. “Orson, you
sound like you're really selling,” he said.
“Well, Jesus,” Welles replied, “I don’t
want that,”
Another day, when Welles took 60 sec-
onds to do a 30-second bit, Hamburg pro-
“It’s too long,” he told Welles.
Welles disagreed. “It can’t be said any
shorter,” he replied.
“Well, we can’t cut any copy,” said the
worried director. “That’s what we need.”
“РІ give it a try,” said Welles, “but it’s
not going to work.”
He launched into action, taking 45 sec-
onds to say the lines. He tried again and
took 40 seconds. Again—and he’d reduced
them to 30. The astonishing thing was that
each time, he sounded exactly the same,
seeming to speak as slowly and with the
identical phrasing.
To maintain his credibility, Welles has
been known to balk at saying things or
appearing in situations that would be
entirely out of character for him. Presented
with the line “Stradivarius took three years
to make one of his violins; Paul Masson
took. . . .” Welles was dismayed.
‘ome on, gentlemen, now, really!” he
admonished. “You have a nice, pleasant
little cheap wine here. You haven’t got the
presumption to compare it to a Stradivarius
violin. It's odious.”
Another time, while shooting a cham-
pagne commercial, Welles found himself in
a living room with a particularly plastic
collection of extras, all of whom were over-
joyed to be working with the Great Man.
He looked disconcerted by their presence.
“Who the hell are these people?" he
asked Hamburg.
“They're at a party, Orson,” Hamburg
“A party at my house?” Welles said.
"I wouldn't have these people . . . ,” he
said. “I mean, this is really lousy. I
wouldn't have these people at a party at my
house. These people look like a party
Robert Young would have.”
When he’s makinga commercial, Welles
doesn’t like anyone besides the director to
talk directly to him. Even the clients have to
communicate with him through the direc-
tor or through the cameraman, who refers
it to the director.
Once, when he was working on a com-
mercial in England, a production person
made the mistake of violating that rule.
* "Peas grow there, ” Welles had said,
monitoring the commercial, for which he
was doing a voice-over. He and the director
were disagreeing about its timing.
“Pd start half a second later,” inter-
rupted the director.
“Don't you think you really want to say
“July” over the snow?" Welles asked. “I
think it’s so nice that you see a
snow-covered field and say, ‘Every July,
peas grow there. ”
Without transition, he launched into the
commercial copy as if it were Shakespeare:
“ ‘We know a remote farm in Lincolnshire
where Mrs. Buckley lives. Every July, peas
grow there.” Breaking again, he ad-
dressed his director, “We aren't even in the
fields, you see. We're talking about "em
growing and she's picked 'em."
Welles cleared his throat.
Then: “Can you emphasize in—in
July?" asked the unknowing production
“Why?” snapped Welles. “That doesn't
make any sense! Sorry, there’s no known
way of saying an English sentence in which
you begin a sentence with ‘in’ and empha-
size it! Get me a jury and show me how you
сап say “in July’ and ГИ go down on you!
That's just idiotic! If you'll forgive me my
saying so. That's just stupid! Уп July? I'd
love to know how you emphasize ‘in’ in ‘in
July"! Impossible! Meaningless!”
Anxious about having lost control, the
director sputtered, “I think all they were
thinking about was that they didn’t want
“He isn't thinking?” Welles said.
“Orson,” the director pleaded, “can we
just do one last”
“Yes,” Welles agreed, shifting gears.
“Tt was my fault,” assured the director.
“I said, ‘In July.’ If you can leave ‘every
July —”
“You didn’t say it!” Welles exclaimed.
“He said it—your friend” making
friend sound like a dirty word. “ ‘Every
July.’ No, you don’t really mean ‘every
July.’ But that’s bad copy! There’s too
much directing around here!”
Even with a director such as Hamburg,
with whom he has worked often and well,
Welles can have a bad day. Making a Mas-
son commercial in Los Angeles, Welles was
sitting on the edge of his chair, as is his
custom, so that Hamburg had to get down
on hands and knees to instruct him—a
position Hamburg compares to taking
“T want to feel piqued in this thing,” said
Welles. “You know, ‘As old Paul Masson
said many years ago——' ”
“What do you mean, piqued?” Ham-
burg asked.
"Piqued," Welles replied, speaking
down. "You know what I mean. Now,
you're the director, I’m the talent. You cre-
ate this emotion. Do something. Do some
directing with me. Get me in the mood.”
Hamburg looked up at the bearded Bud-
dha for a moment, then asked, “Orson,
what are you doing?”
Welles wasn't smiling. “This is your
job,” he said. “You get me in the mood now.
This is your art, and I want to feel it. You
tell me now how I can feel this thing.”
By now, the crew and clients were
crowding around them for the showdown.
“Why are you doing this?” Hamburg
“Because this is your art,” Welles
replied, “and this is my art, and we're going
to combine our arts now. Come on, do it.
Do it. Tell me——”
“Well, you're a fat slob,” Hamburg
“No,” Welles shot back, “that doesn't do
it, You're just going to make me laugh."
“You're a has-been,” said Hamburg.
“Nah, nah,” Welles complained, “that
doesn't do it, either. You have some pretty
weak acid you’re throwing in my face.”
Really furious now, Hamburg didn’t
care whether or not he ever worked with
Welles again.
Welles kept going: “Say something to me
that will make me piqued,” he urged.
“Well,” said Hamburg, alluding to a
cruel and spurious rumor about the au-
thorship of one of Welles’s classics, “how
come you screwed Herman Mankiewicz
out of the credit on Citizen Kane when he
actually wrote it?”
Welles went blood-red.
“Obviously,” he said, "you can't
differentiate between making someone
Nestled in the redwood empire beyond the Valley of the Moon
is a mystical place called Korbel.
Here since 1882, Korbel Champagne has been taught
to dance, laugh and celebrate life.
Every sparkling drop of Korbel Champagne has been
naturally fermented in the very bottle you buy...impatiently
waiting for the moment when your magic electrifies the air.
angry and making him piqued. Forget it.
ГЇЇ do it myself!”
Finally, like all good things, Welles’s
association with Paul Masson came to an
end. After three years, he was replaced by
John Gielgud. As for the reason Welles got
the boot, the introduction of Masson’s light
wines is among the factors mentioned.
“Obviously,” says account executive Buck-
ingham, “that would not be appropriate.”
More pointedly, one insider mentions а
Welles appearance on a TV talk show
whose host inquired about Welles’s recent
weight loss, to which he replied that he’d
stopped snacking and drinking wine.
Despite all the jokes, Welles’s obesity
poses a serious health problem to a 68-
year-old man. It apparently poses financial
problems as well. For while Henry Jaglom
insists that Welles's health is tiptop (except
for some trouble walking duc to arthritis),
he admits that his size and physical condi-
tion are among the first things Tinseltown
investors inquire about.
Since losing out at Masson, Welles has
lent his voice and image to a variety of
projects. One of his latest commercial spots
is for WABC Talk Radio. When the radio
people decided to hire a spokesman, their
initial concept wasto get Milton Berle. Mr.
Television would come on and say some-
thing like, “You think TV is really great?
Let me tell you about a much-ignored
medium—radio.” Some WABC staff
members were discussing Uncle Miltie
when, suddenly, the then-general manager
had an inspiration: “Why not use Mr.
Radio?” Mr. Radio was Welles. Even
before he made Citizen Kane, he had
acquired national celebrity—in 1938—for
the notorious War of the Worlds Martian
scare on radio, when people across the
country believed the little men from Mars
were rampaging through New Jersey.
Besides admiring Welless peerless
voice, WABC was impressed by the nice
ratings he had received for his Masson
spots. Welles explains that in a survey of
the ten most credible commercial spokes-
men in America, he came in number two.
“You'll never guess who came in num-
ber one,” he adds with a smirk, “Bill
But commercials don’t begin to tax the
creative range of Orson Welles. Lately, he
has cast his giant shadow on the rock
scene—on behalf of the popular heavy-
metal group Manowar. When the group is
introduced to screaming fans at concerts, it
is Welles whose recorded voice blasts on the
Р.А. system: “Ladies and gentlemen in the
United States of America, all hail—Mano-
war!” Teenaged aficionados of heavy
metal are invariably impressed that Mano-
war has the guy from the Paul Masson
commercials working for it.
Welles can also be heard on the group's
rousing first album, Battle Hymns, narrat-
ing something called Dark Avenger, about
a viking warrior’s ascent from hell on a
black horse. When he met the group in
New York for the taping, the guys in the
band— Joey DeMaio, Ross the Boss, Eric
Adams and Donnie Hamzik—sent Welles
a big fruit basket, wine and a limo to take
him to the sound studio, where he had to
ride upstairs in the freight elevator.
Known in heavy-metal circles as “Bass
Player of the Apocalypse,” 28-year-old
DeMaio is Manowar’s lyricist, and Welles
asked where he had gotten the inspiration
for Dark Avenger.
“Well,” said Joey, “this is just the way
that I personally live my life and that we
live our life. We believe in our hearts that
we're all warriors on the battlefield of life,
and anything you’re going to do in life, you
have to get out there and achieve, and you
have to strive for it. I mean, the world’s not
going to come and knock on your door.”
“You're absolutely right,” said Welles.
Heavy-metal music isn’t the only way
Welles has tuned in to the younger genera-
tion. Last year, he agreed to deliver the
opening address at the massive anti-nucle-
ar-weapons rally in New York’s Central
Park. His speech was to show that the old-
timers were as deeply concerned about the
Prospect of nuclear war as the kids. That
morning, before the 900,000 demonstrators
arrived, Welles was ushered through a cor-
don of police to the speakers’ platform,
which had been constructed high above the
sprawling Great Lawn. Unfortunately, he
quickly discovered he couldn’t walk up the
exceedingly long ramp, which was much too
steep for his bulk. Nor could he ascend it in
the wheelchair he had brought with him.
Figuring that the security guards hired
to monitor the rally might be able to help,
the ever-helpful Henry Jaglom searched
out one of the supervisors.
“Listen,” Jaglom told him, “I’ve got
Orson Welles here.”
“Hey, Orson Welles!” said Security.
“No shit! Where is he?”
“Га like you to come and meet him,”
said Jaglom.
“Yeah,” agreed Security, straightening
his tie. “Га love to.”
“But Гуе got a problem," Jaglom added,
explaining the sticky situation.
“No problem!” assured Security, who
instantly called a Brooklyn friend em-
ployed in construction.
In an hour, Brooklyn arrived with a
forklift used to construct skyscrapers. At-
tached to a chain was a platform onto
which Jaglom pushed Welles in his wheel-
chair. As the forklift hoisted them up, Jag-
lom gripped the chain with one hand and
the wheelchair with the other, since the
platform was swinging wildly to and fro in
mid-air “What are they doing? What are
they doing?” Welles asked with each dip.
Nervous about rolling off if Jaglom let go,
he was really sweating now.
“Hey!” yelled Security from below.
“There's no problem! Don’t worry!”
When the platform was finally at rostrum
level, several broad swings were necessary
to maneuver it to where the wheelchair
could easily be rolled off. “This is how it
ends,” Welles blurted out as the platform
tipped at an especially precarious angle. “I
can see this is what the obituary is, New
York Times, tomorrow: ‘Elderly over-
weight actor rolls to his death, crushing
young director friend in his path? ”
But, по, this is a Hollywood story, and
Hollywood likes happy endings. Or at least
surprise twists.
Athis regular table for four at Ma Mai-
son, concealed behind a latticework screen,
Welles is dining beside his constant evening
companion, a black toy poodle named
Kiki—or Mademoiselle Kiki, as the res-
taurant staff calls her. Mostly, Kiki
snoozes in her regular chair at his left,
awakening only to sip from a water dish on
the table or to growl and snap her tiny teeth
at anyone she suspects of ill will toward her
Her master isn’t growling. In fact, an air
of unabashed optimism hangs about him,
since he's lately concocted a movie project
that actually looks as if it may work out.
“For two years,” he says, “I shopped
around a very marketable commercial
product”—he means The Big Brass
‚Ring— “and по one would touch it.” Now,
as he discloses his new plan, Welles’s eyes
are twinkling as only his can. “Pm going to
do King Lear!”
King Lear? Orson Welles? In Holly-
Well, maybe. For despite the commer-
cial possibilities of The Big Brass Ring,
and despite the box-office potential of an
Orson Welles/Jack Nicholson cast, and
despite Henry Jaglom’s diligent sales
work, Welles was apparently an idea
whose time had not quite rearrived in Tin-
seltown. Jaglom did manage to attract the
serious interest of a major Israeli investor,
but details were never finished, and a stoic
Welles—who in the past has been respon-
sible for some of the most eloquent Shake-
spearean pictures ever made—returned to
an old pet project.
Today, as a result of the unanticipated
box-office success of such films as Zeffirel-
li's La Traviata, there's a sudden swell of
excitement among the moneymen about the
notion of putting classics on film. If the
excitement continues, Welles may find
himself artistic enough to be bankable.
“Can you imagine it!” he chuckles,
savoring the irony. “Orson Welles's King
Lear is a commercial project!”
Asked if he'd like a taste of chocolate
cake, Welles refuses. He’s been scrupu-
lously watching his diet at Ma Maison,
forgoing wine and dessert and, at home,
trying to get some regular exercise in his
back-yard pool, all in hopes of being in
peak condition for the mammoth task of
directing a film again.
“Tm in training for King Lear!” bellows
America’s greatest film maker as Kiki
opens her eyes to survey the Hollywood
crowd and see how they’re treating her
master now. 8
*] wasn't pickin’ nobody's pocket, guu'nor—
1 was merely fondlin’ the gent!”
fe K YAN C X 2 | INS (continued from page 135)
“То me, Гое got a great body. If it’s photographed
right, it can look absolutely great.
mention the word breakdown or he'll Ну
into a rage) and the homosexual Steven,
who had such radical plastic surgery last
season that it allowed the producers to
pull the ultimate in soap-opera chutz-
pah—to fire one actor and replace him
with another without changing the char-
Let's say Alexis gathers all of them,
plus her daughter, her ex-son-in-law and
assorted others, in her penthouse office
overlooking Denver. What will she say?
“Pm appearing in PLAYBOY, with a
modicum of tasteful eroticism, because I
know that it looks good,” she’ll announce,
sipping from her glass of Louis Roederer
Cristal champagne. “If I didn’t look good,
I wouldn't do it. I’m far too vain. I've too
much pride and I’m too intelligent to stand
there with fat arms and a big, fat belly.”
Blake looks stunned; Krystle is envious.
Steven seems puzzled and Adam starts to
have flashbacks to the mental hospital in
“To me, Pve got a great body,” Alexis
will say. “Sometimes, it looks terrific; and
if it's photographed right, it can look abso-
lutely great.”
Sound like the Alexis we've come to
know and fantasize about? Regular Dy-
nasty fans probably will not be surprised
to learn that those words were actually
uttered—during a taping session for a
forthcoming Playboy Interview—by Joan
Collins, the English actress who has made
Alexis into TV’s top sex symbol for men
and an unlikely heroine for women. Those
who have followed her more than 50 mov-
"It's from the Murrays ...
them anything?”
did we remember to send
ies or her escapades that have scandalized
Great Britain for years see it as a fitting
role for their favorite legend. So when
Joan agreed to pose for ғілувот, it was
obvious that she deserved not one but two
of America’s best photographers.
George Hurrell, perhaps the most
famous name in Hollywood glamor pho-
tography, was the choice for the black-
and-white series. He took his first photo of
a film star, Ramon Novarro, in 1927 and,
under contract to various movie studios,
shot all the greats—Greta Garbo, Mar-
lene Dietrich, Mae West, Bette Davis,
Jean Harlow, Clark Gable and hundreds
of others. As the star system died, he found
himself in vogue with a new generation
and, at 79, has taken album-cover shots
for Arctha Franklin, Melissa Manchester,
Chevy Chase, Keith Carradine, Lindsey
Buckingham and Fleetwood Mac.
If Hurrell missed any stars along the
way, it’s likely that Mario Casilli covered
for him. One of the original PLAYBOY pho-
tographers who helped perfect the art of
the centerfold (he has shot nearly 70 of
them), he’s also one of the most sought-
after celebrity photographers in the coun-
try, with nearly 50 ТИ Guide covers to his
credit. Ironically, it is Casilli, the junior
member of the photo team, who has
known Joan longer, photographing her at
what was the beginning of both of their
“It was 1956 or 1957,” he recalls. “She
had just come over from Britain 2s some-
thing of a Liz Taylor look-alike. She was
much more quiet at the time and was
nowhere near the lady she is now. She
has grown in confidence and has really
become her own person. I was impressed
with her then, but I would never have
guessed that she'd become such a star.”
For Joan, becoming a star was a long,
bumpy ride. She entered the Royal Acade-
my of Dramatic Arts when she was only
15 and quickly made her movie debut in J
Believe in You, with Laurence Harvey.
Numerous films, most of them forgettable,
followed. Of course, the quality of her
work hardly mattered, since she managed,
by dint of her colorful personal ‘life and
her penchant for speaking her mind, to
become a star in spite of her career. Few
saw or remembered her movies; no one
forgot her well-publicized affairs. And if
people did, Joan reminded them by writ-
ing her autobiography, Past Imperfect, in
1978. Even for a work by a woman long
known as "Britain's Bad Girl,” the book
was so shocking and the uproar so loud
that she demurely returned a $100,000
advance to her American publisher to
keep the book from being released here.
She has since reworked it, toned some of it
down and has agreed to let it be published
early next year. Even her age is controver-
sial. She tells interviewers she’s 48, but
other sources see her as slightly more
mature—say, 50ish.
To read Past Imperfect is to realize how
anemic the plot lines of even Dynasty can
be. Take, for example, Joan's first mar-
riage, to English actor Maxwell Reed. On
their first date, he drugged and raped her.
Then, seven months into their marriage,
he tried to sell her to an Arab sheik. Not
even Alexis would have the gall to try that
with Krystle.
After divorce number one, Joan learned
10 enjoy life. She had affairs with a string
of famous sons: Charlie Chaplin's son
Sydney, Arthur Loew’s son Art, Jr., Con-
rad Hilton’s boy Nicky and Rafael Tru-
jillo, son of the then-dictator of the
Dominican Republic. Terence Stamp and
Harry Belafonte got their turns at bat,
according to the book, while Richard Bur-
ton tried and struck out. Warren Beatty
asked Joan to marry him—he even
slipped her an engagement ring in a car-
ton of chopped liver—and their ill-fated
engagement was the talk of Hollywood
Her second marriage, to singer-song-
writer-director Anthony Newley, was an
improvement over her first but was still
stormy enough to be charted by the
National Weather Service. Seven years
and two children later, they split, and
Joan fell into the waiting arms of Ryan
O’Neal. A third marriage, to Ron Kass,
who at one time headed the Beatles’ Apple
Records, was marked with tragedy when
their youngest daughter, Katy, was hit by
a car and suffered what doctors said was
permanent brain damage. Joan and Ron
dedicated their lives to helping her recov-
er, and after years of both professional and
home-grown therapy, Katy was able to
resume a normal life. In fact, it was her
recovery that allowed Joan the chance to
work full time as Alexis, the only role in
her career that has overshadowed her pri-
vate life.
Veteran star watcher Hurrell is sur-
prised that Joan has never before reached
superstar status through her work. “She
has everything—the face, the figure, the
talent, the enthusiasm, the tenacity,”
he says. “The only thing I can figure out is
that she probably had a lousy agent.”
Casilli, on the other hand, thinks that
the public was just slow to catch on.
“Sometimes it takes the public a while to
realize how exciting a certain character
is,” he maintains. “Now Alexis is a fanta-
sy figure—rich, tough, sexy.” After all, it
says something about America that Alex-
is—who gleefully grinds her spiked heels
into the little people on her climb to the
top—has been accepted as a sexual fanta-
sy rather than a threat
Of course, there’s one other important
element to Joan's current success. She has
put in years of hard work and has thrown
herself into the role of Alexis—and that of
Joan Collins the star—with enthusiasm
and professionalism. The lessons of other
actors and actresses who turned out to be
flashes in the pan have been noted and
filed, as the longevity of her career attests.
It's a career she runs singlehandedly, often
without the help of a manager, a business
manager or a press agent.
“She follows in the tradition of the stars
of yesteryear,” says Casilli. “She has an
image and she knows how to exploit it. It’s
almost as if she’s a product. During our
session, she knew exactly what she wanted
to look like and what she wanted to wear.
She even does her own make-up—that’s a
lost art; none of today’s actresses can do
their own theatrical make-up.”
Hurrell agrees. “She cares about her
public. She’s always dressed to the nth
degree, always performing. She wants to
look good for the public at all times. You
don’t see that anymore. And I like the way
she speaks with such certainty. When we
went to her house to show her the pictures,
she didn't fiddle around. She knew exactly
which pictures made her look good—she
has a great eye for photography.”
Joan admits that she has been inspiréd
by the great stars she watched as a child,
and after realizing that few, if any, women
on television paid attention to fashion, she
saw a chance to stand out
"] was very positive that I wanted to
make a statement with clothes,” she ex-
plains. “I’m not Glenda Jackson. I can’t
just appear in an old serge skirt and a
“It’s fun to see that glamor come back,”
says Casilli. “Joan has been so successful
with it that I think we'll sec а lot more of it
from others in the future.”
That doesn’t mean that glamor has
replaced controversy as a Collins trade-
mark. Like Alexis, she seems to be able to
have them both—-and her photos in
PLAYBOY are proof positive that elegance
can be scintillating.
“The things I did in the pLayaoy layout
are unrevealing rather than revealing, be-
cause that’s more interesting,” she ex-
plains. “I can project sex by my face and
my bodily attitude. I can switch it on.”
Sex isn’t all that gets switched on.
People expect the outrageous from Joan,
and she expects criticism from them.
“Everybody says, ‘Oh, Joan, shocking
girl. There she goes again, always doing
the wrong thing, always shocking every-
body and being controversial.” Everybody
else rallies around, saying, ‘Oh, God, she’s
so terrible." ”
Is this pictorial the wrong thing? Is it
terrible? That’s not what Joan told us.
“1 can do what I want, and what 1 do is
not shocking and is not bad,” she insists.
“In my own mind, it’s OK. Pve got a good
body. I'd do it only if I knew I could do it.
"The instant I know I can't do it, I won't."
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(continued from page 152)
“Mottele’s marriage
to Zina was annulled and his
new wife was an 18-year-old girl.”
writer of the article, a Comrade Dame-
shek, had discovered in Poznik's introduc-
tion to the book traces of Trotskyism.
Not long after Poznik and Zina left, the
news spread in the Writers’ Club that
Mottele Blendower had become a pen-
itent—not of the modern type that com-
promises Jewishness with worldliness but
one who returned to extreme orthodoxy.
He grew his beard and his side locks,
exchanged his modern clothes for a long
robe, and one could see his fringed gar-
ment hanging down from behind his vest.
He published a letter in the orthodox daily
condemning all his former writings as her-
esy and poison for the soul. He forbade all
the Yiddish dramatic circles to use his play
and sent back his membership card to the
Writers’ Club. The owner of a Yiddish
bookstore made it known that Mottele had
bought from him all the copies of his book,
spat on them and threw them into the gar-
bage. Rashkes had gone to Mottele's
apartment to get back some of his manu-
scripts, but Mottele told him that he had
thrown them into the stove. Mottele’s
marriage to Zina was annulled and he was
allowed to remarry after collecting the sig-
natures of 100 rabbis. It was published in
the Yiddish orthodox newspaper that Reb
Mottele had married a pious Jewish
daughter, a descendant of renowned rab-
bis, and had become the head of a Yeshiva.
The curious in the Writers’ Club found
out that his new wife was an 18-year-old
girl who, according to the Hasidic law and
custom, had shaved her head the day after
the wedding and had put on a bonnet, like
а rebbitzen. Mottele had changed his tele-
phone number so that heretics and mock-
ers could not contact him. Once, when I
met him in the street, I greeted him, but he
turned his head away. It was hard for me
to believe that only a year ago, Mottele
had spoken with me about Kant,
Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Ouspensky.
Previously, he had been inclined toward
Zionism. Now he called the Zionists
betrayers of the Jews.
One winter evening, perhaps two years
later, I received a telephone call at the
furnished room I rented. I could not recog-
nize the woman’s voice until she told me
that she was Zina. I had never been one of
her friends—I used to greet her in the
Writers’ Club, but we seldom spoke. Now
she spoke to me as if I were an old friend.
She told me that she had smuggled her
way back to Poland. While in Russia, she
had learned that Mottele had remarried.
Here in Warsaw, she had tried to call
ха Rashkes, but it seemed he had moved out
of the room where he boarded lately. She
had asked for his address in the Writers’
Club, but no one knew it. She expected me
to know Rashkes’ whereabouts, but I
couldn’t help her. Zina’s voice had
changed. It sounded hoarse and old. She
asked me if I could meet her in the street,
at the corner of Solna and Leszno. I told
her that I was afraid to be seen with her,
because I might be arrested.
Zina assured me that the Polish author-
ities knew that she had escaped from Rus-
sia and there was no danger for me to be
seen with her. She said, “Му dear, I’m not
the same Zina. My own mother wouldn’t
recognize me if she were alive. I lost every-
thing in the Red Gehenna—my beauty,
my faith in the human race. A living
corpse is speaking to you.”
I let myself be persuaded and went out
to meet her. A mixture of snow and rain
had fallen. An icy wind was blowing. At
the corner of Leszno and Solna, I saw
Zina. 1 would never have known it was
she. She looked emaciated and aged. Her
hair had turned dark and was disheveled
and stringy. She had on a gray padded
jacket—the kind market vendors wore.
She extended her moist hand and said,
“Pm hungry and half-frozen. I haven't
slept for three nights. When we went to
Russia, I left all my clothes in the apart-
ment I had with Mottele. I tried to recover
them, but his wife slammed the door in my
face. The little money I had, I spent on
telephone calls, but none of my former
friends seem to be home. Where is
Rashkes? Where is he hiding? They all
run from me like from a leper. You won’t
believe it—the receptionist at the club
didn’t let me in. Well, I deserve it all.”
Zina spoke and coughed. She spat into
something that looked like a dirty napkin.
She said, “My lungs are sick. I suffer from
consumption or God knows what.”
“What did they have against Poznik in
Russia?” I asked. “He subscribed to all
their lies.”
“What do they have against anybody?
They swallow one another like wild ani-
mals. Have pity on me and take me some-
where where it is warm.”
After some hesitation, I took her to a
café on Leszno 36. The waitress frowned
when she saw Zina. I ordered tomato soup
for her and a glass of tea for myself. Zina
had abandoned all manners. She dunked
the bread in the tomato soup. She spoke
loudly, and the patrons around us winced.
She tilted the bowl, drank the last of the
soup and said, “I don’t recognize Warsaw.
I don’t even recognize myself. What I
went through from the day they arrested
Poznik until now cannot be described. 1
literally lived in the streets. I hoped they
would imprison me just to have a roof over
my head. But when a luckless person
wants something, the very opposite hap-
pens. I told them in clear words, “You are
murderers, not socialists, worse than fas-
cists. Your Stalin is a criminal.’ They just
laughed. They were even unwilling to
commit me to an insane asylum. When I
crossed the border on the way back to
Poland, they let me go without asking for
documents. . . .”
Zina began to cough again. She took out
the dirty napkin and blew her nose.
"Don't gape at me,” she said. “It’s me—
Zina, the ball queen of the Yiddish Writ-
ers’ Club, the crowned Queen Esther.
Woe to me!”
She smiled and, for a second, her face
looked young and beautiful once more.
Years passed. I had left Warsaw and
gone to the United States. The Hitler war
broke out, and then the atomic bomb came
and afterward the peace. Between 1945
and 1950, we found out, more or less, who
remained alive in Europe. I had heard
that Poznik had died in prison in Moscow
even before the war began. Others said
that he had been sent to dig for gold in the
north and that he died there from starva-
tion. As far as I knew, both Mottele and
Zina had perished in Poland.
In the fall of 1954, I made my first trip
to Israel. There I got more details about
those who had vanished in the ghettos, in
the concentration camps or in Russia. I
heard gruesome facts about my own fami-
ly. One day, in my Tel Aviv hotel, I was
trying to read a book by the dim light that
filtered through the shutters of the win-
dow. I had closed them for protection
against the thin desert sand that would be
carried in by the hot khamsin wind.
Someone knocked at my door. I had
already become accustomed to unan-
nounced visitors, since the telephone was
seldom functioning. I opened the door and
saw a little man with a white beard,
dressed in a rabbinical hat, and beside him
a tall woman in a wig covered with a
shawl, her face golden from the khamsin
sand. I looked at the couple and thought
that they must be a pair of schnorrers out
to collect alms for some cause. I noticed
that the woman carried a box in one hand
and an umbrella in the other. She looked
me over from head to toe and said, “Yes,
it's him!”
“May I know with whom I have the
honor?” 1 asked.
“Little honor," she answered. “My name
is Zina, and this is my husband, Mouele
Blendower. Don’t be afraid; we didn’t
come from the grave to strangle you.”
I should have been shocked, but since 1
had undertaken this journey, I had be-
come used to the most astonishing encoun-
ters. The little man said, "A surprise,
heh? Yes, we are alive. I know that I was
counted among the dead, They even pub-
lished my obituary here, but Pm still in
this world. Zina and I met in Lublin in
1948. My other wife and my children
were killed in the ghetto, and what hap-
pened to me is а story of a thousand and
one nights. We came here to the Jewish
state only two months ago.”
“Come in. Come in. This is really a
startling event,” I mumbled. Zina imme-
diately crossed the threshold and, after
some hesitation, Mottele followed.
He asked, “Why do you sit in the dark?
Because of the khamsin? I have experi-
enced all kinds of storm winds, but a hot,
sandy wind like this I see for the first time.
The winds in Russia are always cold, even
in the summer.”
“Everything there is cold,” Zina said.
“In 1939, when the war began and the
Polish radio announced that all men
should cross the Praga bridge and run in
the direction of Bialystok, I went with
them—first to Bialystok and later to Vil-
na, which belonged to Russia. I was sure
that the Communists would know my
record and send me to Siberia or to the
wall of the firing squad; but somehow, no
опе paid any attention to me. What 1
endured in the Red paradise for the second
time is not something to talk about now. I
survived the siege of Leningrad and later
found myself in the Caucasus Mountains,
among Persian Jews. They had been there
for the past two thousand years and spoke
a mixture of Parsee, Hebrew and Rus-
sian. In 1945, all the refugees attempted to
return to Poland or reach the DP camps in
Germany, but I said to myself, ‘Since
Poland is nothing more than one big ceme-
tery, what is the rush” But I became
deadly sick with asthma. When I finally
reached Warsaw, I walked among the
ruins like that prophet—what was his
name?—Jeremiah. I saw a young man
ig up the earth with a spade. I
asked him what he was trying to find and
he told me, ‘Myself.’ He was not exactly
mad, but queer. Later, 1 met some of our
former Communists who used to visit the
Writers’ Club. They had lost everything
but their chutzpah. From there, I made
my way to Lublin. One day, as I walked
on Lewertow Street, I saw this helpless
creature, my former husband. He had also
managed to stay alive; isn’t that funny?”
“Why are you standing?” I asked. “Sit
down, both of you. I don’t have any
refreshments. . . .”
“What? We didn’t come for refresh-
ments,” Mottele said. “We came to see
you. You don’t look much older. We fol-
lowed your work, even in Russia. In
Poland, I found a book of yours. As you
can see, my beard is all white. You must
be wondering how we can be together
again after what happened between us.
The answer is that the signatures of a
hundred rabbis cannot really annul the
spirit of a marriage. Anyhow, our re-
encounter was an act of providence. There
is a lot in the Zohar about naked souls,
and we two are naked souls.”
“Why do you stare so at my wig?”
asked me. “This was Mottele’s condition,
that I should put on a wig and behave like
a pious matron. I told him openly that I
don't believe in anything anymore. But
since this was his will, I gave in. What is a
wig? Just some hair from a corpse. The
truth is that I’m almost left without hair. I
got typhoid fever while in Leningrad and
became bald. I read somewhere that hair
grows even on the heads of the dead in
their graves. But my hair won't grow.
This means that I’m worse than dead.”
“Zina, don’t exaggerate,” Mouele
“What? I don’t need to exaggerate. The
truth is weird enough.”
“Where do you two live?” I asked
Mottele grabbed his beard. “Promise
me that you won’t laugh at me and I will
tell you.”
“J will not laugh."
“They made me a rabbi," he said
“Nothing to laugh at. You are a son and
a grandson of rabbis.”
“Yes, yes, yes. We came here without a
penny. The Joint Distribution Committee
paid our expenses. Someone announced in
the newspapers that I was alive. There are
quite a number of my father’s Hasidim
here, and they all came to me—from Tel
Aviv, from Jerusalem, from Safad, even
from Haifa, though Haifa is known as a
town of radicals. They began to call me
rabbi immediately. ‘What sort of a rabbi
am I? I said to them. ‘And what about
Zina” But they answered me, “You are a
child from our school. You are the image
of your saintly father.’ I will make it short:
I became a rabbi and she a rebbitzen right
here in Tel Aviv.”
“In my eyes, you are more of a rabbi
than all the others,” I said.
“Thank you. Jews come to me on the
Sabbath, we eat at the table and I recite
Torah. What is there left to preach to
them? Nothing but silence. They rented
an apartment for us and they provide for
us. What could I do here? I lost my
strength. They offered me compensation
money from Germany, but this money to
me is an abomination.”
For a while, we were silent. Outside,
the wind howled, cried, laughed, like a
bevy of jackals. Zina said, “Don’t be
amazed that I wear make-up. I know that
it does not suit a rebbitzen. But I suffer
“However, my client agrees
that he did, in fact, leave a dead body
in the road, and is prepared to face the music
on a charge of littering.”
from eczema. A man can let his beard
grow and cover his cheeks. Everything
shows on a woman. In a wind like this, my
face swells up.”
We were silent again for a long while.
Then Zina said, “Guess what I have in
this box?”
“Zinele, he’s a writer,” Mottele said,
“not a mind reader. Tell him what is
“Yes, I understand.”
“No, you don’t. That day in September
when the Warsaw radio ordered all men
to run to Russia, I went over to Rashkes
and tried to persuade him that we should
go together. But he refused. He was as
pale as death. The first day of Rosh Ha-
shana, he lay down on the bed and never
wanted to get up again. From all his
admirers, only one woman remained
faithful to him—Molly Spitz, a bad writ-
er, a psychopath.”
“I knew Molly Spitz,” I said. “She used
to come to the Writers’ Club.”
“Yes, she.”
“I didn’t
lover,” I said.
“Who wasn’t his lover?” Zina asked.
unfinished novel,” Zina
know she was Rashkes'
“He ran after all women between fifteen
and eighty. When the war broke out, they
all forgot him—but Molly Spitz, that
monkey, remained with him. The truth is
that а Nazi bomb had exploded in the
house where she lived and she was home-
less. I had finished with him once and for
all; still, I tried to save him. I pleaded with
him, but he said, ‘Zinele, go wherever you
want. I have lived my life and this is the
end.” He told me to open a drawer, and
there I found what I am carrying now. He
said to me, ‘Take it if you insist. The
Nazis don’t need my writings. Neither do
the Reds. They can use these pages for
cigarette paper.’ These were his last
“You carried it for all these years?” I
“Wherever І went—to Bialystok, to
Vilna, to Leningrad. This is not just a
novel. This is the story of our great love. I
tried to get it published in Vilna, but they
had all become flatterers of Stalin. The
mountain Jews in the Caucasus didn’t
know Yiddish. Here is his novel. 1 dragged
it with me over all the frontiers, all the
ruins. I lay with it in cold railroad
stations. I took it with me to the hospital
when I got typhoid fever. When I met
Mottele in Lublin, I gave it to him to read
“Don’t tell my parents about the diaphragm until
after Christmas, OK?”
and he said, ‘It’s a masterpiece.’ ”
Mottele slowly lifted up his head. “For-
give me, Zina; 1 never said this.
“Yes, you did. It was your idea that 1
should bring the novel to him,” Zina said,
pointing at me. “Now that we are in the
land of Israel, I want to publish it. I want
you to write an introduction to it. This,
too, was Mottele’s idea.”
Mottele shrugged. “All I said was that
he knew Rashkes better than the others
That day, I promised Zina to read the
novel and write an introduction. The
night after, I lay awake until three o'clock
and I read the entire manuscript. I was
reading and sighing. From time to time, I
slapped my forehead. I had always consid-
ered Rashkes a genuine talent. But what I
read that night was the worst kind of
mishmash. Had he become prematurely
senile? Had he forgotten the Yiddish
language? The protagonist of this novel
was not Zina but a man who indulged
in drawn-out polemics with the War-
saw Yiddish critics in tedious pseudo-
Freudian analysis, misquoting all sorts of
writers, philosophers and politicians. I
never would have believed that Rashkes
was capable of writing this bewildering
hodgepodge if I had not recognized his
handwriting. He had even forgotten how
to spell. Rashkes had a reputation for
being а humorist, but there was not a trace
of wit in this pathetic monolog.
A few days later, Mottele called me,
and I told him what I thought of Rashkes"
last work. He began to stammer, “I never
praised it. I said one thing and she heard
the opposite. If Hitler could hypnotize
Germany and Stalin Russia, something is
the matter with the human race altogeth-
er. Zina is sick. She was twice operated on
for cancer. They cut off her left breast. I
cannot tell her the truth about Rashkes.
She will soon have to go to the hospital
again. I myself suffer from angina pecto-
ris. 1 shouldn’t have visited you in that
sandstorm, but she actually dragged me.
What can I tell her about your introduc-
tion? Please find some excuse for declin-
“Tell her that I will send her the intro-
duction from America.”
“Yes, a good idea. There is great wis-
dom in delaying things. I would like to
meet you alone, without her.”
I made an appointment with Mottele,
but a day before we were to meet, someone
called me on the telephone and told me
that Mottele and Zina had both been tak-
en to the hospital. The man introduced
himself as one of Mottele’s Hasidim and
an ardent reader of mine.
He said to me, “This may sound to you
like a contradiction, huh? However, after
Treblinka, one should not ask any ques-
tions.” —Translated by the author and
Lester Goran
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THERE'S АМАН ON (continued from page 198)
“TU find that middle ground where the language is
vague enough so each side can believe it has won.”
though his own nose were now a bit out of
joint, he said, “Well, Captain Standforth,
1 wouldn't do it this way—I think it's a
waste of time—but before we get to the
subject of our conversation, I am required
to ask you, an absolute alien, your position
on the Benchley Paradox. So listen care-
‘The captain listened, idly scratching his
nose (now more for fun than for need).
“There are two kinds of people in the
world,” Colonel Alderpee began.
“This world?” the captain asked. “Or
“Any world! This is the Benchley Para-
dox; now, listen.”
“I do beg your pardon."
“There are two kinds of people in the
world,” the colonel repeated. “They are,
Robert Benchley claimed, those who be-
lieve there are two kinds of people in the
world and those who don’t believe there
are two kinds of people in the world. Now.
Do you agree with that?”
“Absolutely,” the captain said. “Seems
perfectly clear to me.”
Ensign Benson did not entirely believe
it. Billy and the captain were both back,
and each had made a tentative alliance
with the locals—with different sets of
locals. Upon their return, Ensign Benson
had brought them both up to the command
deck and, while the wounded councilman
and Hester and even the usually distracted
Pam had all sat around listening, he had
questioned both ex-prisoners. Their sto-
ries had dovetailed so thoroughly that
Ensign Benson really had no choice but to
accept the reality. “They are fighting,” he
said at last, “over Robert Benchley.”
“A philosopher, I guess,” Billy said
scratching his head.
“Very important, anyway,” the captain
added, scratching his nose.
“A smart-aleck, to judge from his para-
dox,” Ensign Benson said. “Perhaps even
a deliberate humorist.”
“Dangerous people, humorists,” Luth-
guster opined. “They should not be taken
All around, the captain’s stuffed birds
glared down from their perches, unwink-
ing glass eyes peering from among feath-
ers and beaks and claws of every color in
the rainbow and a few colors outside the
known rainbow of Earth. “All right,”
Ensign Benson said. “I begin to see what
happened. One of those original philoso-
pher settlers, with that heavy-handed light
touch professors love so well, introduced
the Benchley Paradox, in which you prove
Benchley right by disagreeing with him.
Because if everybody agreed with the par-
adox, then there'd be only one kind of per-
son in the world, and the paradox would
be wrong. Are any of you pinbrains get-
ting this?”
“Certainly,” said Luthguster, while the
captain and Billy and Hester shook their
heads and Pam doggedly worked her slide
rule. The stuffed birds gaped down as
though the very thought of the Benchley
Paradox made them furious.
“The Gemini philosophers,” Ensign
Benson went on, “had found a topic with-
out the usual comforting weight of prece-
dent behind it. Rather than cite old texts
at one another, they were forced to think
Jor themselves. Unable to appeal to prior
authority, they couldn't end the quarrel at
all. Each succeeding generation became
more rigid and less scholarly, until, by
“Total war,” Luthguster finished, dem-
onstrating his grasp of the situation.
“They sure don't like each other
much,” Billy agreed. “Boy, what they said
about the Bens.”
“The Bens said some things, too,” the
captain said, as though he felt it his job to
defend his side in the war. “About the
Antibens, I mean.”
Ensign Benson cleared his throat in a
hostile manner. When every person and
bird in the room was looking at him, he
said, “All right. The first question is,
What do they want from us?”
“An alliance,” Billy said. “To help
them destroy the Bens.”
“Well, no,” the captain said. “Actually,
they want an alliance to help them destroy
the Antibens.”
Luthguster sighed, his wounds creak-
ing. “Dealing with one colony at a time is
trouble enough," he said. "When they
begin to multiply —”
"Divide," corrected Ensign Benson.
“We're dealing here with mitosis, not sex-
ual reproduction.”
“Mitosis,” Pam said, looking bright. “I
know what that is.”
“You would,” Ensign Benson told her.
“All right, let's concentrate on the prob-
lem at hand. Obviously, Earth can't send
technical assistance or start trade pro-
grams while this war is going on, so our
first job is to bring peace. Any sugges-
“Once my wounds heal,” Councilman
Luthguster said, “I shall engage in shuttle
diplomacy. I'll speak with the political
leaders, deliver their demands, conduct
negotiations, and, eventually, Pl find that
happy middle ground where the language
is vague enough so each side can believe it
has won. Yes.” The councilman gazed
radiantly at some wonderful image of
himself in the middle distance. “ "The
Luthguster Реасе, " he quoted from some
future history text.
“In the first place,” Ensign Benson
said, “there are no political leaders on
Gemini. From what Billy and the captain
say, the society has been taken over en-
tirely by the two groups of military
commanders, with the assistance of the
religious establishment. In the second
place, this isn’t a war of territory or trade
routes or anything else rational that can be
negotiated. A war of philosophical differ-
ence is something else again. And in the
third place, Councilman, Гуе seen you in
action with local citizens before, and I
don’t want to unite the bloodthirsty fac-
tions on Gemini by making them form an
alliance against Earth.”
“Well, really,” Luthguster said, indig-
nantly scratching his wounds.
“If you want a thing done right,”
Ensign Benson said in disgust, “you have
to do it yourself. Unfortunately.”
“The Right Reverend Beowulf Henge-
thorg,” Billy said, on his best behavior,
“Td like you to meet Ensign Kybee Ben-
son, social engineer of the Interstellar Ship
“Ensign,” echoed Reverend Henge-
thorg, as he grasped Ensign Benson’s out-
stretched hand in a grip of steel. “Is that a
clerical rank, or military?”
“Somewhere between the two,” Ensign
Benson said through clenched teeth; it was
the first time since elementary school that
he’d tried to outsqueeze another person in
a handshake.
They were standing in the sunlight out-
side the large command tent while dozens
of men armed with arrows and broad-
swords and maces and battle-axes and
clubs and knives and metal-toed shoes sat
around their several other tents, watching
the two Earthlings with the flat expres-
sions of carnivores looking at meat.
Ensign Benson had understood it was
his job to visit both encampments, being
introduced first to the Antibens by Billy
and later to the Bens by the captain in his
own effort at shuttle diplomacy—or shut-
tle philosophy. Now, feeling all those
martial eyes on him, he reminded himself
that this was, after all, the most sensible
thing to do under the circumstances; риу
he'd been smart enough to know it.
“It was a great moment for us all,”
Reverend Hengethorg was saying, as he at
last released Ensign Benson’s hand with a
little superior smile, “when Lieutenant
Shelby confirmed what we have for so
long believed: that Earth is firmly Anti-
ben. I may say I took it as a personal
“Actually,” Ensign Benson said, mas-
saging his fingers and speaking with cau-
tion, “Earth’s philosophical position anent
the Benchley Paradox is somewhat more
sophisticated than that. Essentially, I
would say Earth’s position encompasses
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elements of both the Ben and the Antiben
points of view.”
Reverend Hengethorg’s frown had
something of the Inquisition in it. “Both
points of view? How can a position
encompass absolute contradictions?”
“Well, we don’t see the Bens and the
Antibens as being absolutely contradicto-
ry,” Ensign Benson explained.
“They are on Gemini,” the reverend
said. “But you must come with me to the
chaplains’ tent and explain Earth’s posi-
tion to the reverend fathers.”
“Pd like that.”
With the smiling, unconscious Billy
trailing after, they walked together toward
the chaplains’ tent, safely placed on the far
side of the slope, and Ensign Benson said,
“This is quite a large encampment. How
many of your people are here?”
“Why, all of us,” Reverend Henge-
thorg said in some surprise. “Except for a
few spies in the Bens’ camp, of course.
Where else would we be?”
“Don’t you have a town? Forts?”
“I don’t know what you mean by
town,” the reverend said. “We have had
forts, but they were vulnerable to fire and
siege and difficult to move, unlike that fort
of yours, which we all admire very
“So the women are right here with the
“The women are in the army. We are
all in the army.”
“Military school, just over there,” the
reverend said, pointing toward a nearby
copse from which came the shrieks of
childish savagery.
“What about farms? Food?”
“We have our herds. We hunt and we
pick fruits and so on in season.”
They walked past a smithy, where met-
al bits for harnesses were being hammered
into shape. “How many of you are there?”
Ensign Benson asked.
“Тас a military secret.”
“More than five hundred, I'd guess,"
Ensign Benson said, looking around
“Fewer than a thousand.”
“If you say so.” The reverend clearly
didn’t like having his military secret
guessed at so easily and accurately.
“But as the population grows —”
“Why should it grow?” Gesturing
“I think that the best Christmas present
1 could get this year would be somehow to hang
on to my rotten job.”
around them, the reverend said, “We and
the Bens have had stable populations for
four hundred years.”
Ensign Benson nodded. “Birth con-
The reverend shook his head. “War,”
he said.
They had reached the chaplains’ tent.
“My colleagues will be delighted to mect
with you,” the reverend said. “There's
nothing we all like more than lively philo-
sophical debate.”
“That’s fine.”
“Of course,” the reverend went on, “the
liveliest philosophical debates take place
under torture. But there’s no question of
that here,” he said, holding open the tent
flap, smiling wistfully to show how brave-
ly he was taking the deprivation, “is
there—Earth being our ally against the
“Indeed,” Ensign Benson said and fol-
lowed Reverend Hengethorg into the
“Captain , tapping her fin-
ger tips against the frame of the cabin’s
open door.
Captain Standforth looked up. A knife
was in his right hand, a palmful of desic-
cated guts in his left, and a pitiful lump of
orange feathers lay before him on the
desk, oozing green blood. “Yes, Pam? I’m
very busy. I must finish stuffing this Nibe-
lungen nuthatch before it dries out.”
“There's someone here,” Pam told him
“To see you. A man named Colonel
“Oh, yes,” the captain said, rising, wip-
ing green phlug from his hands onto his
uniform jacket. “I told him he could drop
by. He was very interested in the ship.”
“He certainly is,” said Pam
He certainly was. The captain and Pam
met him in a corridor well within the ship,
one level above the entry port. Colonel
Alderpee, looking very happy, was ac-
companied by a small, skinny scribe, who
earnestly scribbled notes to the colonel’s
directives: “Granaries along here, I think.
Horse stalls below; we'll need straw. Oh,
and moat detail to report at fifteen hun-
dred hours.”
Secing the captain and Pam, «Colonel
Alderpee said, “Ah, Captain, delighted!
It's a different fort from anything I've seen
before, but very adaptable.”
“Colonel, what are you——" the cap-
tain began, then stopped with a squawk
when he saw, ambling around the far cor-
ner of the corridor, a purple cow, closely
followed by a yellow-and-white polka-
dotted dog. “What—— What's that?”
“Eh? Oh, the herd,” the colonel an-
And it was. It was the herd and the
herders and the herders’ dogs and the herd-
ers’ wives and children. And the army, with
banners, marching to the squeal of bag-
pipes. And the clergy, with collection bas-
kets, and the cooks and the smithies and
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the leatherworkers and the teachers and the
glee club and the magicians and the story-
tellers and the horses and the hay and the
forges and the whips and the thumbscrews
and the tents (folded) and the extra arrow
feathers and the cooking pots and the bits of
string that might be useful someday and the
unfinished wooden statues of horses and
the supreme commander, Krraich, who
shook the captain’shand very hard and said,
“I shall take command now.”
“Oh, my goodness,” the captain said to
Pam. “We've got the Bens!”
Ensign Benson sat on a low stool in the
chaplains’ tent, in the midst of the rev-
erend fathers, both hearing them and
asking them questions. And what he’d
already heard had not been at all encour-
aging. He'd entered this den of iniquity
intending by easy stages to lead the Anti-
bens around to a more open point of view,
but he'd soon seen it was hopeless. Never
in his life had he met so many firmly
dosed minds.
Every approach he’d made to broaden
the Benchley Paradox had brought angry
frowns and mutterings of “Heresy.”
Ensign Benson could imagine—far too
well-—what happened to heretics on Gem-
ini, so by now he was simply vamping
along, trying to figure out some way to get
out of there alive. “If we accept the
Runyon Postulate,” he was saying, “that
all of life is six to five against, as glossed
by Sturgeon’s Second Law, that ninety
percent of everything is crud, we can then
see that Benchley’s Paradox merely ac-
knowledges that there will at all times be
unenlightened people who——”
Were they mumbling “Heresy” again,
for God’s sake? Was the word blasphemy
being bandied about? “What I'm trying to
say——” Ensign Benson began again,
wondering what he was trying to say, and
Billy came into the tent, crying, “Ensign
Benson! Come look!”
“The ship!”
More trouble? “Excuse me,” Ensign
Benson told the chaplains. “I must be
about my captain's business.” And he
marched right on out of the chaplains’
To see, down in the center of the valley,
the Hopeful filling up with Bens. “Oh,
now what?” Ensign Benson cried, at the
end of his tether.
“You,” said a knife-thin, harsh-faced,
resplendently uniformed man pointing a
bony finger at Ensign Benson, “shall pay
for this treachery.”
“Supreme Commander Mangle,” Billy
said, with his party manners again, “may
I present Ensign Kybee Benson.”
“Hello,” the supreme commander said.
“You die now.”
“Wait a minute! J had nothing to do
with that,” Ensign Benson said, pointing
at the spaceship. Some clowns down there
had started digging a moat. “I’ll take care
of it right now.”
Mangle’s thin lips curled. “You expect
us to permit you to return to your fort?”
Ensign Benson looked at Billy, who
sighed but managed a brave little smile. “1
know,” he said. “This is where I volunteer
to stay as a hostage.”
“1 don’t care who you are,” Hester said.
“You can’t start a lot of fires in my engine
“Tm the smithy,” the burly man ex-
plained, stacking his firebricks near the
reactor, “and the sergeant says this is
where I set up.”
“Well, you can tell your ser —”
Ensign Benson entered the engine
room. "Hester."
“Would you tell this”
“Ssh! Come here!”
So Hester went there, and Ensign Ben-
son said, “Forget him. Start the engines.
Don’t worry about a thing.”
“Billy will be worried,” Pam said.
“Billy will be all right,” Ensign Benson
told her. “Well all be all right. You just
plot the course. As for you, Captain, sure-
ly you know how to drive this thing.”
Pam and Ensign Benson and the cap-
tain were together on the command deck
with a lot of squalling babies; Colonel
Alderpee had decreed this space was the
nursery. Councilman Luthguster was off
making a courtesy call on Supreme Com-
mander Krraich.
“Well,” said the captain doubtfully, “I
have driven it, but that was a long time
= ‘Just take her up,” Ensign Benson
said, “and head southeast. Right, Pam?”
“Mm,” Pam said, lost in her slide
“Build boats,” Supreme Commander
Mangle said. “Tonight, we cross that
“Sir,” said an aide, coming into the
tent, “the fort is leaving.”
They all went outside. The fort was
gone. The moat remained, a ring of mud-
dy water around a crushed altar.
“Sir? Do you still want the boats?”
“Kill that idiot,” Mangle said. “And
bring me the hostage Earthling.”
Ensign Benson went to the command-
er’s tent (a.k.a. dining room) to explain
the situation to a suspicious Colonel Al-
derpee and a glowering Supreme Com-
mander Krraich. “The fort,” the colonel
pointed out, “is moving.”
“Plague,” Ensign Benson said.
‘They stared at him. They recoiled from
each other. “Plague! Where?”
“Back where we came from. The ship’s
instruments showed there was a breakout
just due. Congratulations, gentlemen,”
Ensign Benson continued, “you have at
last won your war. Within a week, there
won't be a living Antiben on Gemini.”
Southeast across the surface of the plan-
et ran the Hopeful, guided by Pam's slide
rule and steered erratically by Captain
Standforth, who had to keep picking
babies out of the controls. Diagonally ran
the ship, down from the Northern Hemi-
sphere to the Southern, around from the
Eastern Hemisphere to the Western. Ex-
actly opposite the original encampment, in
similar climate and terrain, where they
would be easy for Earth’s supply ships to
find but where they would never again
meet their enemies, the Hopeful set down
and unloaded the Bens. “You’ve done a
fine thing for Robert Benchley,” Colonel
Alderpee said as the Bens and their beasts,
their tents and their babies all deshipped.
“Tt was the least we could do,” Ensign
Benson assured him. “After all, you had
reached a stalemate in what was clearly a
war of total extermination. Something had
to be done.”
“Peace, it’s wonderful,” the colonel
id, then frowned. “At least, Гуе heard it
Councilman Luthguster made a speech
promising wonders in aid and technical
assistance to come from Earth. Some arch-
ers playfully lofted arrows in his direction,
but they were only fooling, and the one
flesh wound that resulted was easily
patched by Hester with a snippet of stick-
on plaster meant for stemming leaks in
“I was beginning to rather like all those
babies,” Captain Standforth said, a far-
away look in his eye. “1 wonder how
you. . . . Hmmmm.” He went away to
study his taxidermy books.
“Plague,” Ensign Benson said, as Billy
was untied from the rack. "You'll never
see a living Ben on Gemini again.”
“And you took them away,” Reverend
Hengethorg said, “so they couldn't infect
“That's right.”
“You've done wonders.”
“I know,” Ensign Benson said.
Billy came over, massaging his chafed
wrists, He looked taller. “Gosh, Kybee,”
he sai
“Well, ta-ta,” Ensign Benson told the
Antibens. “You'll be hearing from Earth.
Our job here is finished now.”
“Sir,” an aide said to Colonel Alderpee,
“there’s a dispute among the men.”
The colonel gazed over the new en-
campment, the tents still being raised, the
thud-thud of posts being driven into
the virgin ground. “Dispute? Over what?”
“Well, some of the men say those
people in the fort were from Earth, and
some say they weren't."
“Really? Call a meeting. We're mature
adults; we'll discuss it.”
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(continued from page 110)
“Tt involves herpes and AIDS and turns on the cruel
and heavy-handed equation of disease with sex.”
the future, however, and his hopes for the
high monogamous love he proposes are
very much like his Look hopes for the new
sexuality. In fact, they are exactly like his
old hopes. The final paragraph of The
End of Sex reads: “But I believe . .. that
love will prevail, that love will eventually
join us in a family as wide as all human-
kind that can laugh together, weep togeth-
er and share the common ecstasy.”
Actually, he did change one word. In
light of the women’s movement, he evi-
dently felt that mankind should become
But if Leonard and others like him are
silly in their premature announcements of
the death of sex, there is a more sinister
aspect to the erotophobic turn of the
media. It involves herpes and AIDS and
turns on the cruel and heavy-handed
equation of disease with sex and the Chris-
tian connection between sickness and sin.
Herpes was the warm-up. The media
discovered this ancient malady about four
years ago and almost immediately elevated
it to epidemic status. Reports of its conta-
gion appeared everywhere, and since its
physical manifestations are generally
mild, the emphasis was on the fact that it
was transmitted sexually and is, so far,
incurable. Anxiety was whipped to a point
way beyond the numerical realities until
the disease became a metaphor for the
kind of punishment that puritans have al-
ways insisted is waiting for those who have
sex with people they’re not married to.
When Time got hold of herpes, it con-
nected it to the angry morality of our past
by calling it “The New Scarlet Letter.”
The author of the Time story, John
Leo, assembled the kind of sexual horror
that used to come mostly from
priests and nuns who were trying to terri-
fy their young charges out of their sexual-
ity by loading them with lurid scenarios
that promised them that their bodies
would somehow rot if they were sexual
outside marriage. In a five-page cover sto-
гу, Leo trots out no fewer than four sexual
monsters, three of them women, who are
out there somewhere consciously spread-
ing herpes as some sort of insane revenge
on their partners. “They were just one-
night stands, so they deserved it anyway,”
Leo quotes a Philadelphia man who brags
that he has infected 20 women. A prosti-
tute estimates that she and her sister have
318 probably infected 1000 men.
“Few modern ailments have altered so
much basic behavior so quickly,” says Leo
in describing the epidemic nature of the
disease. And although such changes are
difficult to measure, if behavior has been
altered, it can be argued that it is not the
true incidence of the disease that has
changed it but the panic with which the
press has reported it—an attitude that is
explained in part by the fact that the sen-
sational sells and in part by the fact that
the morality behind those editorial voices
is stuck somewhere in the past.
Leo and Time betray their sense of sin
in the last paragraph of their herpes story
by finding something positive in the
spread of this tenacious virus:
It is a melancholy fact that it has
rekindled old fears. But perhaps not
so unhappily, it may be a prime mov-
er in helping to bring to a close an era
of mindless promiscuity. The monog-
amous now have one more reason to
remain so. For all the distress it has
brought, the troublesome little bug
may inadvertently be ushering in a
period in which sex is linked more
firmly to commitment and trust.
In other words, if a little suffering and a
lot of anxiety can turn things back toward
Time's idea of what is sexually right and
good, so be it.
With the discovery of AIDS, of course,
herpes began to look like the relatively
minor irritation it had always been, and it
was quickly replaced in the press by this
less common but far more awful disease.
Media coverage generally began on a
misguided track, because the usual victims
were male homosexuals and, again, be-
cause the primary method of transmission
was suspected to be sexual contact. The
May 31, 1982, New York titled an AIDS
story “The Gay Plague,” as if somehow
this vicious breakdown of the immune sys-
tem, unlike any other disease in the histo-
ry of medicine, chose its victims by their
sexual preference. In October 1982, The
Saturday Evening Post titled its AIDS sto-
ry “Being Gay Is a Health Hazard”; and
the February 3, 1983, Rolling Stone, їп ап
otherwise straightforward article about
what was known about the disease, used
the absurd question “is THERE DEATH AFTER
SEX?" as its headline.
It wasn’t long, however, before the new
panic was expanded to the general popu-
lation. In an editorial in The Journal of
the American Medical Association of May
6, 1983, the possibility was raised that
AIDS could be contracted through
ordinary close, nonsexual contact with a
victim. The wire services and The New
York Times moved that story along, and
Geraldo Rivera, on 20/20, added to the
panic and confusion by suggesting that
because AIDS could be spread by transfu-
sion, the nation’s blood supply might be
contaminated and the best precaution was
to begin storing your own blood.
And so another disease was approached
clumsily by the media because of its sexual
connections. The press reported the out-
break of AIDS as if it had been conceived
and loosed on the world because of the
sexual behavior of a small group. It was as
if someone had suggested that the Ameri-
can Legionnaires had brought sickness on
themselves and on the rest of us because
they were middle-aged men who went to
conventions in Philadelphia.
Тітез July 4, 1983, cover story on
AIDS focuses on the efforts of the Centers
for Disease Control to track the cause and
is followed by a report called “The Real
Epidemic: Fear and Despair,” which cat-
alogs the changes in gay lifestyle attrib-
uted to the scourge. “Footloose gays” are
turning to monogamy, says the report;
business in the bathhouses is down. A
Moral Majority preacher named Dixon is
quoted as saying that if homosexuals
aren’t stopped, it will mean the destruc-
tion of America. And then, in the last
paragraph, Leo gets back up into Time's
pulpit to take another swing at his idea of
the real culprit. “The sexual revolution
clearly is not over,” he writes, “but the
Eighties are proving to be a dangerous
decade both for gays and straights who
like casual sex and plenty of it.”
But if Time and Leo stop short of sug-
gesting that God and nature were taking
vengeance on the sexually permissive, syn-
dicated columnist Patrick J. Buchanan
does not. His column of May 24, 1983, in
The New York Post is headlined,
identifies him as a nasty moral retrograde.
“The sexual revolution has begun to
devour its children,” he writes. “And
among the revolutionary vanguard, the
gay-rights activists, the mortality rate is
highest and climbing.”
The story goes on to outline the spread
of the disease, lists other homosexual mal-
adies and then quotes medical researcher
J- Gordon Muir as saying that male
homosexuals should be allowed neither to
give blood nor to handle food. Finally, of
course, Buchanan finds a way of connect-
ing Democrats with the disease. (He was
Richard Nixon’s speechwriter.) He notes
that Walter Mondale, Gary Hart and
Alan Cranston are all committed to the
cause of homosexual civil rights, in-
cluding equal access to jobs, and then he
asks, What of the rights of people who
want to protect their children from the
proctoring of this infected group? He ends
with a half-wiued sort of conservative
Catholic righteousness that harks back not
so much to Puritan America as to Spain
during the Inquisition. “The poor homo-
sexuals,” he says. “They have declared
war upon nature, and now nature is exact-
ing an awful retribution.”
It was no oversight that Ronald Reagan
failed to send the pro forma telegram of
welcome to the World Congress of Sexolo-
gy when it met last May in Washington,
D.C. This Administration represents al-
most perfectly the Puritan streak that still
is, and may always be, alive in this coun-
try—a spirit that would just as soon have
the lights all the way off whenever and
however the subject of sex comes up.
The sexologists ought to have expected
it. Even under more enlightened Adminis-
trations, they have had to struggle for their
funding and their legitimacy. What they
probably didn’t expect was the negative
attitude with which the press ambushed
the most important and interesting recent
development in the field.
The attack came from New York on
July 19, 1982, and it was called “The Next
Sexual Hype—The G Spot.” In it, author
Linda Wolfe treated the renewed interest
the Gräfenberg spot as if it had been
discovered to sell books.
“There have been some new discoveries
about female sexuality—and they’ve got
the world of book publishing all excited,”
she writes in her lead paragraph. “The
first is that inside the vagina there's a
remarkable, pinpointable, dime-sized area
of sensitivity that when stimulated will
swell to the size of a half dollar and trigger
an intense, unique orgasm. The second is
that stimulation of this magical site . . . can
cause some women to release, through
their urethras, a fluid similar to semen—
in other words, to ejaculate. The source of
this intelligence is an outlandish book
called The G Spot and Other Discoveries
About Human Sexuality.”
After listing the book clubs and the pa-
perback houses that vied for the book,
Wolfe carries her derisive tone through a
list of the authors’ credentials and then
begins an attack on the fact that the scien-
tific method involved in their work was
less than first-class. In fact, the authors
anticipated her objections in the preface by
admitting that they had, in effect, written
a popular book, that much more research
remained to be done and that they hoped
“Oh, come on, Glen, more foreplay. This is
Christmas Eve.”
their hypothesis would be subjected to rig-
orous scientific scrutiny for validation or
rejection. Nevertheless, Wolfe goes to
great length to point out the gaps in their
technique and to ridicule the notion that
women might ejaculate. She takes most of
the courage for this attack from the fact
that Kinsey and Masters and Johnson
rejected the notion of the С spot after
applying research techniques that she calls
“elegant.” Wolfe ends her article by say-
ing that whatever The G Spot is, it i
science. “Indeed,” she says, “it often
resembles a highly inventive piece of
shock-the-bourgeoisie porn.”
Since the publication of the book, and
since Wolfe’s catty attack on it, post-
mortem tissue studies by medical re-
searchers in California and New York
have confirmed not only the existence of
the G spot but also a fundamental chemi-
cal similarity between female ejaculate
and semen. Both research teams say that
their studies are not yet complete, but the
New York researchers predict that within
two years, the G-spot phenomenon will be
an accepted fact of female sexuality. Nei-
ther of the studies has been widely
reported in the press.
In а way, the antisexual drift of the
press should have been predictable. It’s
very American, after all. No one loves the
notion of the pendulum effect more than
we do: A thing is either “in” or “out.”
From one-piece bathing suits to disco to
Western movies, the natural ebb and flow
of our attention is portrayed as wanting
either all of it or none of it. And while a
thing is “in,” it is touted to be the answer,
the panacea, the truth, and then, when
its time has passed, it’s orange peels and
coffee grounds.
In the case of something аз complicated
and as delicate as our sexuality, it should
go without saying that each of us moves
through a wide range of moods about it in
our lifetime, and that these moods repre-
sent no more and no less than a natural
evolution, a maturing that is deeply con-
nected to both mind and body and that
each of us goes through on our own sched-
ule, which is the often mysterious product
of our experiences and our world view.
The media are rough tools with which
to deal with the subtleties of our daily
realities. At best, they are a collection of
thoughtful voices that admit their biases so
that the audience can judge not only what
is being said but who is saying it. Most of
us come to the subject of sex with heavy
and confused baggage that makes it diffi-
cult to pursue our own changing sexuality
without struggle, error and some fear.
What we need for the job is all the infor-
mation we can get as straight as we can get
it. What we don’t need is the background
rattle of judgmental nonsense from those
in the media who cling to the timid belief
that all sexual exploration leads to the fall
of empire and then to hell.
Low т,
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Camel Lights.
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Camel taste.
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See NE
ack in 1784, a chess-playing automaton named The
Turk had Paris and London all agog as it defeated bi
ginners and masters with equal aplomb. Its secret,
of course, was that its flowing robes actually housed
a human (some say a very smart midget). It’s no secret that
Milton Bradley’s Grand-Master houses an advanced chess
Above: The chess set (top center) is Grand-Master, an elect
man you should play, by Milton Bradley, about $500. Left о!
computer with 12 levels of skill. But what distinguishes it from
other electronic chess games is that your invisible opponent's
pieces move by themselves, just as though you were sitting
across from Claude Rains, If that’s too bizarre, there are elec-
tronic Scrabble, bridge, backgar or Ms. Pac-Man. All
make worthy foes when you feel like challenging a microchip.
nic game that moves the pieces automatically and even gives you a hint as to what
is Monty Plays Scrabble, which pits you against an opponent with a 12,000-word
vocabulary, $149.95; additional vocabulary modules, $29.95 each; all by Ritam Corporation. Right of Grand-Master: Gakken electronic back-
bees which pits you against a wily computer (or another player), from Retrix Systems, Tustin, California, $69.95. Front row: Ms. Pac-Man, a
-sized home version of the famous arcade game with two skill levels and best-score display, by Coleco, $50; and Voice Bridge Challenger Ill,
Which can be your par er or уой appionenl: I(samouncer all bide In an abtihie voice and ree cir Шері OAE E БОГА Ee Ud ЕУ
he women in our lives give us so much that it's hard to
come up with the perfect yuletide gift that says
thanks without being cloying or corny. How can you
let a woman know that you really appreciate the
times she's forgiven you for showing up late and lit? How do
you tell her that when you add up your assets and liabilitie:
she somehow manages to top the asset list—even ahead
your beach house on Montauk? Well, to get the point acro:
you have to let go of some cash. Not mortgage the farı
necessarily; but there's something about the cool silence
extravagant jewels and furs that will articulate the ineffab
Besides, she'll have all year to thank you. Suggestions follo
Below left: That gift box by milady's head contains three flacons of
Joy Parfum, by Jean Patou, $450. On her ears are gold-and-pearl
earrings, by Limoges Jewelers, $650; on her neck, a pearkand-
diamond necklace, from Asprey, New York, $25,550; and on her bod,
pure-silk jacket and trousers, from Henri Bendel, New York, $460. In
the folding calfskin jewel box, from Asprey, $1200, are а 14-kt.-gold
bangle, $2500, and matching ring, $600, both by Limoges Jewelers; a
5.21-carat-diamond ring, by David S. Kwiat, $14,500; an 18-kL-gold
necklace, by Honora Jewelry, $4200; 12.51-caral-diamond earrings,
by David S. Kwiat, $34,000; 18-kt-gold-and-diamond bracelet,
$6900, and necklace, $9750, both from Asprey; opera pearls, from
The Sharper Image, San Francisco, $845; and a 24.40-carat-diamond
bracelet, by Oscar Heyman, $120,000. (Mama mia! What a Christ-
mas!) Below: Espresso Plus espresso/cappuccino maker, by Krups,
$400. Silver-fox fling, by Coopchik Furs, $1200. Metal BriefCage,
encasing a buttery-soft-leather sack, from Fabrications, New York,
$195; containing brass dumbbells, $27.50 each, jump rope, $20, and
hand gripper, $20, all from Unique Handicraft, Long Island Ci
While only a bonehead would hit the ski slopes or the cross-country trails
without something woolly on his noggin, a real outdoorsman will also
want to add a touch of the wild when keeping his numbed skull warm
And the wildest winter hats we've stumbled upon are those of the acrylic
Soft Animal line created by designer Melinda Pierce. For $24.95, post-
paid, you've got your choice of a polar, brown or panda bear, as well as a
raccoon or a rabbit. (The last, of course, is quite popular with snow bun-
nies.) One size fits all, says the manufacturer, Rocking Horse, c/o Cran-
borne Chase, 719 Warren Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109.
Just don’t wear them during hunting season.
The walking stick enjoys its
finest hour in Cane Curiosa:
From Gun to Gadget, а 374-
page coffee-table tome that
celebrates, in more than 1600
photographs, the secret history
of hundreds of canes housing
almost every conceivable ob-
ject, from a weapon to a vio-
lin. The author, Catherine
Dike, who herself has an ex-
tensive stick collection, visited
more than 75 private collec-
tions and 100 museums while
assembling the story, and the
result is such a fascinating ac-
cumulation of curiosa that it
almost makes you want to
walk with a limp. The
Cooper- Hewitt Museum,
Mail Order Department, Two
East 91st Street, New York
10128, sells the book for $72,
postpaid. At that price, it’s a
bargain for all cane harvest-
ers. There’s even a 1976
Jimmy Carter Presidential-
campaign cane pictured, with
a giant-peanut-shaped plastic
handle, that his followers can
lust for in their hearts.
The Vidmax people, who brought you
the laser video game Murder, Anyone?,
have just committed another perfect
crime in Many Roads to Murder, their
MysteryDisc II, which is currently avail-
able in video stores for about $39.95
Many Roads takes you back to 1938 and
follows private investigator Stew Cava-
naugh from a Harlem jazz joint to a
private explorer's club in scarch of mur-
derer, motive and method. There are 16
plot lines and solutions. Start tracking.
Owners of Apple Пе or Apple II Plus
computers can kiss their drink-recipe
books goodbye and belly up to Micro
Barmate, a floppy disk that contains reci-
pes for 220 drinks (with room for 35 of.
your own), all cataloged by name, by in-
gredients you have on hand or by catego-
ry. Virtual Combinatics, P.O. Box 755,
Rockport, Massachusetts 01966, sells the
disks for $42 cach, postpaid. The morn-
ing after you've had your Micro sips, try
a little hair of the dog that bytes you
Tetsujin 28, а 16”-tall Japa-
nese-made metal robot, con-
tains more tricks than a
roomful of hookers. His legs
open to reveal an elevator in
опе, and when you hit a but-
ton on his wrist—kapow!—
you get socked with a flying
fist. The Afton Toy Shop,
P.O. Box 98, Afton, Minneso-
ta 55001, sells Tetsujin 28 for
$59.50, postpaid. If he’s not
menacing enough, there's al-
ways Voltes V, who “сап be
transformed into five assorted
military machines or one giant
space-age tank.” Now, that’s
what we call tough.
This past September,
Potpourri featured a dirty
dozen Rockshots matchbooks
in all their tasteless glory.
Now Rockshots is hack to take
on the holidays with such sea-
sonal subtleties as HE SEES YOU
оп the matchbook cover and so
side. Just $7.50, postpaid, sent
to it at 51 West 21st Street,
New York 10010, gets you
another indecent dozen that
you can sprinkle under the
tree. If Rockshots sets its tacky
sights on Easter, we'll pass.
For the man who has every-
thing but self-control, there’s
Mom, an 18” x 24” poster of
the eternally watchful mother
that you can hang over your
desk or in your bathroom
or bedroom and look at the
next time you're up to some-
thing naughty and are psycho-
logically seeking a scolding
(Keep those hands on top of
the sheets, you dirty little
boy.) The poster sells for only
$4.25, postpaid, sent to Love
Your Mom Enterprises, P.O.
Box 8887, Durham, North
Carolina 27707. Now every
day will be Mom day.
If you think Bouncing Betty is the nickname of
a bimbo named Elizabeth, then you might con-
sider ponying up $5.95, postpaid, for Soldier
Talk, an 88-page softcover alphabetical com-
pendium of military slang from World War
One to Vietnam that’s available from D. Irving
Publishers, 16 River Street, Braintree, Massa-
chusetts 02184. (A Bouncing Betty was a Ger-
man antipersonnel land mine that exploded a
few feet off the ground, you Dogface Turtle.)
Why didn’t we think of this? Instead of the
kind of Christmas card you mail, It’s A Good
Deal, Inc., P.O. Box 10880, Chicago 60610, is
offering Good Deal Christmas Playing
Cards, featuring Santa Claus as the king, Mrs.
Claus as the queen, Jack Frost as his
namesake, twin elves as the jokers and a
Christmas tree as the ace of spades. At $3.95
per deck, postpaid, it’s a good deal for holiday
shoppers, and that means more Christmas
cheer for all of us—any way you cut it.
Party Doll
Listen, it isn’t easy. CARLENE CARTER is the daughter
of June Carter Cash and the wife of Nick Lowe. If that’s
not enough, Johnny Cash is her stepfather. When she
performs or cuts an album or shoots a video, people
watch her and the musical baggage she carries with her,
like it or not. So buy C'est C Bon and give her a break!
Lemmon Aid
Did the Dodgers commit an error last summer when they spent thal bundle for
Rick Honeycutt? They could have had Lemmon for less. Actor JACK LEMMON,
with some fellow celebs, played a tough LA. media team 10 a standoff, and
now he’s in shape to tackle the screen version of the Broadway play Mass
Appeal. He'll play a drinking priest, so he'll hit a few doubles in that role, too.
Gorilla My Dreams
Fifty years have passed since actress FAY WRAY has seen her
most famous companion up close. It just doesn't seem pos-
sible, but, as you can see, they're still good friends. We hear
that the original Kong has forgiven Dino De Laurentiis for his
1976 remake—even if it made a monkey
out of him.
the Marshall Plan
ervous. He's got the critics in
is corner, and now he’s trying
o find his audience. His most
есеп! album, Field Day, had a
»t going for it, but not enough.
However, when you describe
‘our musical influences as rock-
billy, soul, Phil Spector girl
;roups and the Beatles, the way
renshaw does, it’s only а mat-
er of time. So give him a
ecurity blanket and hang in
here until next time.
None of These Girls Can Help It
What сап we tell you? When two albums, Wet
(eft) and Black Magic (right and below),
appeared on our doorstep from a Cana-
dian label called Visual Vinyl, we
immediately thought of our loyal
Grapevine readers. The two
women featured on Wet are—
obviously—The Wet Girls;
MICHELE’s the blonde and
SHERYUS the brunette. Look
for the album, Wet's third, out
now. Black Magic'sreal name
is MARGUERITE. Her single,
Spellbound, is selling well
and she's currently working
on an album. Three cheers
for the picture disc!
Aman walks into a bar. He sits down
next to a good-looking woman and
opens his shirt. She quickly pulls a
flashlight from her purse and shines iton
his chest, which glows a light, iridescent
blue, the way your hand glows in those
singles joints where the bouncers stamp
it for identification under a special light.
Aha, he’s got protection, she thinks.
What's going on here? Nothing that is
a current reality. This is a fanciful scena
по based on news of a revolutionary
male contraceptive that Johns Hopkins
University reproductive biologists are
working on. It could be the most excit-
ing development in male birth control
The book The G Spot says that women
can improve their sex lives by building
the muscles of the pelvic floor. One
С Spot author—Dr. John D. Perry—is
selling the Personal Perineometer
(above), a below-the-belt fitness rater.
It's $750 from Biotechnologies, 50
Lawn Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103.
since the invention of the condom—
make that since the invention of oral
sex—a contraceptive salve that guys
could rub on their chests. Whenthe com-
pound was administered, via implant, to
rhesus monkeys, it was highly effective
and showed no major side effects.
Larry Ewing, head of Hopkins’ Divi-
sion of Reproductive Biology, has asked
the Food and Drug Administration for
permission to begin human tests on the
substance, which contains both the
male hormone testos-
terone and the female
hormone estradiol. The
two combined have been
found to suppress the
bodys natural produc-
tion of testosterone,
which stimulates the
body to produce sperm.
Ewing, who has worked
on developing the com-
pound for the past 12
years, claims that it re-
duces neither sex drive
nor potency. Nearly as
many years of testing
may elapse before the
compound can be mar-
keted. So look for it
at your pharmacy some-
time in the Nineties. By
the way, the lescent
variety is the product of
the Sex News Editor's
imagination. To date,
What did Fischman and Rankin find
out? After four months, couples report-
ed significant declines in sexual activi-
ties and expressions of intimacy; those
measured at the 12-month stage showed
Above, members of Memphians Against Social Harass-
ment (MASH) bare their chests in support of dancer
Cherlyn Ross, who appeared topless in a scene from the
Metropolitan Opera's production of Macbeth. Memphis
vice cops were in the audience but made no arrests.
there are no plans to
market it. But women will still be the
ones who get pregnant, so how will a
woman know if a man has done his daily
rub? She'll probably have to do it herself.
Nothing ever really changes; get the rub?
Researchers at the University of Mary-
land School of Nursing have been look-
ing into the sexual ramifications of being
the parents of a newborn baby. Susan H.
Fischman and Elizabeth A. Rankin
designed a study that would assess
couples’ changes in patterns of sexual
conduct after the birth of a baby. The
test was administered by mail to 68
couples at four months after birth and
128 couples at 12 months.
only small improvement. Couples cited
disruptions in touching, holding and
feelings of closeness and of sexual
fulfillment. There were some discrepan-
cies between mommies and daddies.
Median time for resumption of sexual
intercourse was 5.6 weeks for women
and six weeks for men. We suppose
the researchers didn't ask the respond-
ents who their partners were. The first
sexual reunion was considered less than
satisfactory by 34 percentof the women
but by only four percent of the men.
Reasons given for decline in intimacy
were fatigue and physical discomfort
during sex. Sounds like natural birth
control. Of course, if those parents think
their sex lives are suffering now,
wait until the kids start dating ЁЗ
Stop! is a new humor magazine that never treads lightly, never turns the other cheek and also happens to have a very
naughty, bawdy approach. It’s at good newsstands in major cities, or you can send two dollars for a sample copy
to Stop!, P.O. Box 529, Old Chelsea Station, New York, New York 10113. We sincerely hope it doesn’t stop.
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