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AUGUST 1984 е $3.00 

ч From Fifties Pinup to 
$ Eighties Knockout 

Terry Moore 

РР, Ночага 
Em Hughes's Ex 
CON Shows It 

АП Off 

Richard Lamm 
Gives Us a 
Future Shock 

A Viewer's 
Guide to the 

Money, Sex and 
the American Couple 



Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined 

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AS THE SUMMER heats up, so do many relationships. That can be 
cither good or bad. When it's good, it can Ье very good, indeed. 
When it's bad, it often has something to do with money. Espe- 
cially these days. Contributing Editor D. Keith Mano assesses this 
development in Money, Sex and the American Couple (illus- 
trated by Teresa Fasoline)—and comes up with a foolproof way to 
find out if you and your mate are really compatible. Accompany- 
ing the piece is The Dow Jones Emotionals: 30 Issues on Which 
Relationships Rise and Fall, by sociologists Philip Blumstein and 
Pepper Schwartz. They wrote the book on the subject— American 
Couples: Money, Work, Sex. 

Some couples have more problems with money than others. 
Terry Moore's once secret marriage to Howard Hughes is out in the 
open, and she proves in The Merriest Widow she has nothing to 
hide. Matter of fact, we think of her as one spruce goose. From 
that sort of one on one, we bring you another kind: sports 
journalist David Israel goes man to man with the U.S. Olympic 
basketball coach, Bobby Knight, in the Playboy Interview. Main- 
taining America’s pre-eminence in world-class round ball is, as 
we learn, a full-court press. We also give you a road map to 
the Summer Games in the Playboy Guide to the Olympics. Here 
are hints on what to look for in each event, who’s favored, the 
fine points of how to video-tape your favorite amazing feats and 
а catalog of fun facts and fuck-ups from Olympics past. 

If you think 1984 is not all George Orwell cracked it up to be, 
just wait a few years. Colorado Governor Richard D. tamm paints 
a bleak picture of what's in store for us. But in 7994: A Predic- 
tion (illustrated by Stanislaw Fernandes), Lamm says we can 
soften our future shocks—but only if our leaders start making 
some unpopular decisions. 

Speaking of unpopular decisions, as our elected officials lum- 
ber through this portentous year, some disturbing social studies 
are getting large grants from the Justice Department. Lorry 
Bush's Viewpoint, “Fat Grants and Sleazy Politics: Reagan’s 
Porn Paranoia,” alerts us to the fuzzy sort of thinking we're 
paying for these days in Washington. 

Fuzzy thinking has never been one of actor Kurt Russell's 
weaknesses. In 20 Questions, he tells Contributing Editor David 
Rensin why he hates his generation, why he thinks nuclear power 
isn’t all that scary, what he thinks about baseball’s designated- 
hitter rule and how he got to first base with Goldie Hawn. Anson 
Mount, on the other hand, gives us the fruits of his prescience in 
Playboy’s Pro Football Preview (illustrated by Boris Vallejo). 
We won't reveal his Superachievers here, but one conclusion can 
be asserted: Bears fans, once again, wait until next year. 

We've heard that the Boy Scouts of America has hired a 
consultant to bring scouting into the Eighties. Loyd Lynford's The 
New Official Boy Scout Handbook advises any little old ladies 
trying to cross the street that they're on their own. 

Lawrence Block's story By the Dawn’s Early Light finds ex-cop 
Matt Scudder investigating the murder of a friend's wife. And 
he finds out more than he wants to know. Which is also true of 
the rich older man in The Time Exchange, by Damon Knight. It 
turns out that if you've got the time, there's always a buyer. 

In Walk on the Wilder Side, Gene Wilder shows off Italian 
threads while pursuing woman in red Kelly Le Brock in San Fran- 
cisco. Mario Casilli photographed this fashion story for us. And if 
all that heats you up, Emanvel Greenberg has a number of Long, 
Tall Coolers to wet your whistle. You'll need yours for a proper 
salute to this month's Playmate, Suzi Schott, and the gaggle 
of enticing women entrepreneurs we've gathered in fucceff 
Blorief. They are women who believe that living extremely 
well is the best revenge. Take that heart-warming thought, 
and this magazine, to the beach. 



i Е. 


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POBL гасене ex sx eium exon exe hri a E ай CON V TRE RA 



THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR ot circ санда Аара» Sae дал CER C ДЕРЕ нэш ЫЗ 


PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: BOBBY KNIGHT—candid сопмегѕаћоп.. ................. 55 
SUCCES$ STORIE$— pictoriol . Veios t cipio a 76 
1994: A PREDICTION-—opinion ......................- RICHARD D. LAMM 82 Boloncing Act 
LONG, TALL COOLERS—drink ........................ EMANUEL GREENBERG 86 

SURE SCHOTT—ployboy’s playmate of the тото 96 

PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor. aaa ass nnne по 
BY THE DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT—fiction ..................... LAWRENCE BLOCK 112 
SNAP DECISIONS—meder living ........................- DON SUTHERLAND 120 

THE MERRIEST WIDOW-pictoriol. 130 

BERNARD AND НЏЕҮ—ѕайге. ................................. 186 

205 Wilder Styles 

COVER STORY Recognize Terry Moore, once the beloved of reclusive bil- 
lionoire Howard Hughes, soon the beloved of our millions of readers? Sporing 
no expense, we got Contributing Photographer Stephen Woydo to toke this 
month's cover shot of Terry, о lady who's occustomed to the best of everything 
ond whose looks hove lost nothing to inflotion—as you'll see оп page 130. 



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editor and publisher 

NAT LEHRMAN associate publisher 

ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director 
TOM STAEBLER art director 
DON GOLD managing editor 
GARY COLE photography director 
G. BARRY GOLSON executive editor 


editor; TERESA GROSCH associate editor; PLAYBOY 
GUIDES: Maury 2 Levy edilor; WEST COAST: 
is (administration), DAVID STEVENS senior edi- 
PETERSEN, JOHN REZEK senior staff writers; KEVIN 
SUSAN MARGOLISAWINTER (пеш york) associate edi- 
tars; DAVID NIMMONS assistant editor; MODERN 
LIVING: ED WALKER associate editor; им BARKER 
assistant edilor; FASHION: HOLLIS WAYNE editor; 
по DERUP assistant editor; CARTOONS: 
edilor; JOYCE RUBIN assistant editor; NANCY BANKS. 


Pore managing director; CWEY SUSKI. LEN 

senior directors; BRUCE HANSEN, THEO 
KOUVATSOS, SKIP WILLIAMSON associate directors; 
JOSEPH PACZEK assistant director; BETH KASIK 
senior art assistant; ANN SEIDL, CRAIG SMITH ат 
assistants; SUSAN HOLMSTROM fraffic coordinator; 
BARBARA HOFFMAN administrative manager 


senior edilor; JAMES LARSON, JANICE MOSES A550- 
CHAEL ANN SULLIVAN assistant editors; POMPEO 
rosar staff photographer: DAVID MECEY. KERRY 
morris associate staf} photographers; DAVID CHAN. 
contributing photographers; BARBARA CAMP, JANE 
Warp color lab supervisor; ROBERT CHELIUS bust- 
ness manager 

JONN MASTRO director; MARIA MANDIS manager; 
QUARTAKOLE assistants 


scription manager 


L P VIM DOLMAN assistant publisher; MARCIA TER 
RONES rights & permissions manager; EILEEN 
KENT contracts administrator 


Shorten your 

Soloflex, twenty-four traditional 
iron pumping exercises. For a free 
Soloflex brochure, call anytime. 
VHS Video Brochure" available 
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in which we offer an insider look at whats doing and who's doing it 


Asked whathis Olympic downhill gold medal meantto him, 
Bill Johnson (above left) said, “Millions.” Johnson and his 
dad were checking out the good life when they dropped by 
Playboy Mansion West to spend Movie Night with, among 
others, Hef and Miss January 1982, Kimberly McArthur. 
Johnson may appear as the star in a future Mansion Movie 
Night—rumor has it he's heading for Hollywood next. 


In the film Romancing the Stone, Kathleen Tur- 
ner plays a novelist whose heroine is named 
Angelina. Early inthe movie, Angelina comes to 
life in the angelic form of Kymberly Herrin 
(above). Kym has been a romantic character 
before. On our March 1981 gatefold (right), she 
looks set for a night of romancing the Stones. 


China is the traditional gift for 20th anniversaries; platinum's the 
modern choice. But there are no China dolls or platinum blondes 
in this tony group of celebrants (from left, Chicago Talent Coordi- 
nator Sharon Center, Manager Vicki Choconas and models Doug 
Benbow, Ken Bencit, Jill DeVries, Toni Yudt and Toni Sipka), во 
we thought Rabbit would be apropos fora celebration of 20 years 
of Playboy Models—the model modeling agency since 1964. 


Playmates often go on to dizzying success, 
but Miss November 1974, Bebe Buell's, 
head is still spinning over her conquest of 

the vinyl frontier. She's the audio-visual star 
of her band, The B-Sides’, new album. If you 
like the way Bebe looks on the A side (be- 
low), waitl you 

KING: 17 my. "rar", 1.3 mg. nicotine, 1007: 17 mg. "t", 
14 mg. nicatine, гу, pr cigarette by FIC method. 







After reading Peter Collier and David 

Horowitz’ Young Kennedys: The Decline 

of an American Dynasty (PLAYBOY, May), 

I find one thing apparent: Character, like 

other traits, often skips a generation. 
John R. Moritz 
Spring Lake, Michigan 

Young Kennedys is a brilliantly written 
account. I hope that any comfort people 
take from reading that the Kennedy kids 
have problems as serious as the ones their 
own kids have—or worse—is short-lived. 
A second generation of tragedy is nothing 
to take solace from. 

Kim Ellen Callahan 
San Diego, California 

I'm disappointed to find ғилувох join- 
ing the ranks of the National Enquirer 
and other sensationalist tabloids by pub- 
lishing Young Kennedys. The Kennedy 
family has given so much to this country, 
through military and Government service, 
suffering tragedy while serving, asking for 
little in return. Now we sit and demand 
more from them because they are Ken- 
nedys. I can’t say 1 have learned more 
about the Kennedys or that my feelings for 
them have changed after reading Young 
Kennedys. 1 have concluded that an article 
such as this serves no purpose except to 
cause pain to a family that has experi- 
enced more than its share of it. 

Larry Oleson 
Carson, California 

If such is the result of being born to the 
purple, then I thank God my family 
was—and is—consigned to serfdom. 

Robert F. Frittier 
Assumption, Illinois 


I hope it doesn’t make you smug, but, 
again, a Playboy Interview (May) has 
made me feel good in a uniquely satisfying 

way. Despite my lack of interest in fashion 
and my eternal surprise at how much 
money is spent on it, in less than an hour I 
received 2 condensed and insightful be- 
hind-the-scenes look at the fashion indus- 
try and at Calvin Klein, one of its leading 
figures. Your Interviews continue to earn 
PLAYBOY a special place in our society. 

Loren Dunton 

San Francisco, California 

Klein and my well are similar in one 
respect—they’re both shallow. 
Bill Roberts 
Portsmouth, Virginia 


In June of 1982, we asked Yoko Ono 
for her assistance in creating a major exhi- 
bition on the history of folk and rock mus- 
ic and their relation to peace efforts. Over 
a period of more than a year, she and her 
staff gave generously of their time and 
energy, suggesting possibilities, supplying 
information and gathering materials for 
the exhibition. It is a testament to her 
commitment to peace that during the peri- 
od described in David and Victoria Shefi’s 
The Betrayal of John Lennon (PLAYBOY, 
March), she remained open to a project 
such as ours. The exhibit, “Give Peace 
a Chance,” drew thousands of visitors 
to The Peace Museum. Without Yoko 
Ono’s involvement, it would not have been 

Marianne Philbin, Curator 
‘The Peace Museum 
Chicago, Illinois 


Although Гуе felt the urge to write to 
you before, Гуе never done it. But The 
“Thriller” of It All (pLayoy, May), fea- 
turing Playmate Ola Ray, finally moved 
me to action. As an admirer of the beauty 
of black women, I resent the fact that 
few black models appear in men’s maga- 
zines. Your work with Ola Ray may 
change that. She is exuberantly beautiful 


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and Richard Fegley's photography is ех- 
quisite, as usual. 
Gilberto Cobian 
Morgantown, West Virginia 

1 was excited 10 see the beautiful Ola 
Ray in the video Thriller and the May 
issue of PLAYBOY. Ola attended the same 
high school as I, and to sec someone from 
such a small school make it to the top is 
really a thriller. 

Jeri Takemoto 
San Jose, California 

Todd Colicchio 
West Orange, New Jersey 

I enjoyed your May issue. The only 
thing that could really make my day 
would be another picture of Ola Ray. 

Kelwyn Wright 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 
Consider it made, Kelwyn. We've got a 
soft spot for people who quote Clint East- 
wood. As for Ola, she’s found a soft spot to 

relax in after another day of stardom. All 
that thrilling can get a little tiring. 

First there were April's Zhe Method vs. 

the Fast Вай and May's The Big-League 
Point of View, both excellent. Now you've 
got Reggie Jackson's (with Mike Lupica) 
My Life in Pinstripes in June. That's an 
awesome baseball team you're forming, 

Louis Lustenberger 

New Orleans, Louisiana 

Thank you for your May pictorial Hel- 
lo, Young Lovers. 1 have been waiting for 
such a feature to appear in eLAvBOv for 
quite some time, and І think PLAvsov is the 
only magazine capable of presenting such 
a layout in a tasteful manner. My compli- 
ments on a fantastic feature. 
Steve Edwards 
Springfield, Virginia 

My husband and I read with great 
interest your essay on older women and 
younger men. We, too, are a May-Decem- 
ber romance: I am 42 and my husband is 
24. We have been very happily married 
for nine months. We, too, were faced with 
all the traditional reasons our relationship 

wouldn't work. Steven and 1 have enjoyed 
many humorous circumstances; I would 
like to share one of my favorites with you. 
His parents were very upset when he 
decided to marry me, and in a last-ditch 
effort to talk him out of it, his father said, 
“боп, one day you will wake up and look 
at her and she will be old.” 

“Ней, Dad,” said Steven in a most seri- 
ous voice, “she already zs old.” 

My attitude is this: If we share one, five 
or ten years together, that will be more 
happiness than I've ever known before. 
Thank you for reminding us “older” 
women that there’s life after 40, especially 
if it’s shared with a younger тап! 

Mrs. Steven L. Dupre 
Knoxville, Tennessee 

As a 21-year-old woman currently liv- 
ing with, and totally captivated by, a 58- 
year-old man, I found Hello, Young 
Lovers extremely interesting. May I sug- 
gest that in a future issue you show your 
readers the other side—younger women 
who prefer much older men? If my lover 
and I ever break up (which 1 fervently 
hope we never do!), I won't even consider 
becoming involved with a man under 50. 

Irma Calvert 
Concord, California 

“Older” woman Виа Jenrette may be 
receiving critical acclaim for her acting 
ability, but I doubt that she'll ever top her 
famous performance on the steps of the 
U.S. Capitol. 

Philip Schacca 
West Hempstead, New York 

Cynthia Heimel's Wornen column has 
been mandatory reading for me since its 
first appearance in плувоу. She is al- 
ways thought-provoking and intere: 
Her Hello, Young Lovers is outstanding, 
to say the least. Judging from the pictures 
of her that occasionally appear in Playbill, 
she is not only "with it" but also is a lovely 

Lanny R. Middings 
San Ramon, California 

The staff of Rockamerica wishes to 
thank you for the positive light you 
shed on us in your “Television” column 
(pLavpoy, May). It’s especially delicious 
within the context of an essay on MTV. 
Ed Steinberg 
New York, New York 


The Playboy Guide: Electronic Enter- 
tainment (May) discusses some of the best 
merchandise available on the retail mar- 
ket—for video crazies and audiophiles 
For the second straight year, however, you 
fail to mention anything related to the 
blossoming  satellite-television industry. 
What gives? You do a super job of 

informing us about almost ай the marvels 
of today and tomorrow, but you've man- 
aged to misplace somewhere your wave 
guide when it comes to telling readers 
about the more than 100 channels of 
entertainment that fall in their own back 
yards. I'm going to run out tomorrow and 
buy a Panasonic VCR and a Proton video 
monitor—so I can derive even greater 
pleasure from my 12-foot satellite-receiv- 
ing system. 

Jeffrey Aksamit 

Cleveland, Missouri 

In the March Playboy After Hours sec- 
ton, you published a paragraph titled 
“Take Him, He's Hers” that is grossly 
inaccurate. I do not teach a “how-to” 
course. I conduct a self-help seminar 
titled "Let's Talk About Extra-Marital 
Affairs," which is one of several І teach. 
"The course examines such issues as what 
extramarital affairs mean in terms of love 
or sexuality regarding the "left-out" 
spouse, what makes an extramarital affair 
healthy or neurotic and how to deal with 
ncgativc feclings stemming from your own 
or your husband's liaison. My credentials 
include a Ph.D. in psychology from City 
University of New York, as well as cerufi- 
cates in sex therapy, behavior therapy and 
rational emotive therapy. 
Cynthia Silverman, Ph.D. 
Canoga Park, California 

The sky is blue, the ocean is blue; Patty 
Duffek's eyes are bluer than blue. When T 
turned to the opening pages of her picto- 
rial (May), the first things to catch my eye 
were her bluer-than-blue eyes saying hel- 
lo. I was lucky enough to meet Patty at a 
Phoenix bookstore, where she signed my 
issue of PLAYEOY, and 1 discovered that she 
is as charming as she is beautiful 
Ron Bradley 
Phoenix, Arizona 

You don’t have to look any further for 
your Playmate of the Year. She's Miss 
May, Patty Duffek. I really don’t think 
you can top her, but please try 

Ernest Sabins 
Waco, Texas 


Just a note to say that all of us deeply 
appreciate the mention of Rock & Roll 
Confidential in your April “Fast Tracks” 
section, We are getting quite a bit of 
response from it, which I'm sure will con- 
tinue for some time. As a former Gl and 
steelworker, 1 know that PLaysoy gets read 
actively for years after а particular issue 
comes ош. 

Lee Ballinger 
Rock & Roll Confidential 
Maywood, New Jersey 


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Under the heading 5ЕХ AND NUMBER, 
The Mutual Benefit Insurance Compa- 
ny's group plan contains a general pro- 
vision that "whenever required by the 
context of the policy, the plural includes 
the singular, the singular the plural and 
the masculine the feminine.” Interesting 

From our Drop Dead Department: А 
St. Petersburg widow and her family were 
awarded a $240,000 judgment in a lawsuit 
against a funeral home and cemetery after 
the body of the woman's 73-year-old hus- 
band fell out of the coffin in the parking 
lot before his funeral 

А truck driver tooling down interstate 
ten near "Tucson flicked his cigarette out 
his window and set fire to the 26 tons of 
hay he was hauling. 


Import quotas be damned. The Fresno 
Bee included this ad in its auto classified 
“Honda Blowjob: 1980 ACCORD LX. 
Newer than new. Very low miles. Must 
see to appreciate, a real cream puff.” 


A sign in front of the Fountain Blue— 
an oyster bar just outside Orlando—read. 


The Rochester, Minnesota, law firm of 
Dingle, Suk, Wendland & Walters, Ltd. 
has announced that Kevin P. Howe and 
Jon Н. L. Dewey have joined it. Accord- 
ing to The Bench & Bar of Minnesota, the 
new firm will be known as Dewey, Suk, 
Dingle and Howe, Lid 


The Dallas Morning News ran а classi- 
fied ad for a “live-in mature housekeeper- 
cock in good health for elderly man.” 
А cut above: 
Corriere della Sera reported that thieves in 
Italy have stolen a treasured relic known 

The Milan newspaper 

as the holy foreskin of our Lord. Fleshing 
out its history, an item in Geo revealed 
that the Virgin Mary allegedly gave the 
foreskin, stored in a vase filled with oil, to 
Mary Magdalene. Later, Charlemagne 
gave it to Pope Leo Ш, and it has since 
rested in a church in Calcata, where it 
goes on display once a year. Only this 
year, it was clipped 

In a sports commentary, а Kansas City 
Times columnist discussed the University 
of Kansas’ basketball victory over intra- 
state rival Wichita State University: “The 
game Sunday afternoon started ош with 
the emotion every college basketball game 
should have, although maybe the motives 
could have been more gentile." Goy, team, 


Full-figure lawsuit: Luanna Cashatt of 
Clinton, lowa, claims she was fired from 
her job at a Caterpillar Tractor Company 
plant for being overly curvaceous, and 
she's filing a discrimination lawsuit 

against the firm. She charges that she was 
dismissed because male workers spent too 
much time staring at her 40-20-36 figure 
and not enough time doing their jobs. Oh, 
yes—the workers of whom she speaks are 
employed at the Mount Joy plant 
We want to believe this, but we just 
can’t. The Montreal Gazette classified 
section ran the following: “Retired accor- 
dion repairman wants strong girl to share 
newly acquired aardvark farm in New 
Zealand. Ph.D. in animal husbandry an 
asset. Must be good mah-jongg player, 
drink beer and enjoy yodeling." 
Why can't they just give us the facts? 
The New York Times described the diffi- 
culties the last space shuttle was having 
with the Solar Max this way: “STUD May 
As it is and ever shall be: When Kathy 
Jean Sufi became engaged to William 
Marvin Dicks, the Palatka, Florida, Daily 
News announced their betrothal the only 
way it knew how: “sTIFT-DICKS.” 
In Mesa, Arizona, a would-be robber of 
a Chinese restaurant fled without any loot 
when an employee mistook his holdup 
note for a takeout order. 
It's а topsy-turvy business. The Ottawa 
Citizen's headline revealed the bare truth: 
And this from a state with а town 
named ‘Terre Haute. As of September, a 
law sponsored by a state senator, who 
fears bilingualism, will make English In- 
diana’s official state language. 
Judge Frank Saia knew something was 
up when defendant Norman Spooner 
presented a note, handwritten on a pre- 
scription pad allegedly from his doctor, 


You've got the time and money for a vacation, bul nothing out there really inspires 
you. You've had one too many poolside piña coladas and rubbed coconut tanning 
oil on one too many beautiful women. Delirious sex with gorgeous female strangers 
no longer satisfies the explorer in you, nor does it sit well with your wife. Even 
seven days of rain in Bermuda is no longer the thrill it once was. What you need is 
а new vacation, one that fills those needs you can hardly express. 

The Reagan Ranch—As part of this 
Administration's down payment on the 
Federal deficit well-to-do taxpayers 
can now be paying guests at the Presi- 
dent's Santa Barbara retreat for seven 
days and six nights. For $6800 per per- 
son, guests receive three daily meals of 
macaroni and cheese and will be al- 
lowed to make one major policy deci- 
sion. A complimentary obscene phone 
call to Moscow or Tip O'Neill is also 
included, as are a visit with the First 
Lady and a ride on the President's 
favorite mount. 

Lovely Lebanon—Seven days, six 
nights, three governments. Special 
going-out-of-business rates. 

Role Reversal—On a normal trip, 
your baggage is supposed to follow 
wherever you go. This is an interesting 
idea, but it often seems to encounter 
resistance. Hence, our innovation: You 
follow your baggage wherever it goes. 
Combine the certainty of baggage pos- 
session with the excitement of a sur- 
prise destination, the best of both worlds. 

Star Turns—Spend a week on tour 
with Michael Jackson. There is no bet- 
ter way to get close to the contempo- 
rary music scene and at the same time 
discover what sex Michael is. Seven 
days, five nights, two nose jobs. 

National Geographic Tour—Adven- 
ture. Beauty. Nature in all its glory. 
This is the only tour with stops in 
every country where women have 
really big tits. Visit beautiful Ethiopia 
("large and pointy”), the Sudan 
("huge and droopy”) and Italy (“round 
and melonish, juicy, with nipples like 
tangy red prosciutto”). Mangia! 

Pharmacopoeia Village — Activities 
include smoking drugs, dropping 
drugs, inhaling drugs and eating drugs. 
Meals are served on a sliding scale. 
The people smoking pot get to cat 
the food of the people doing coke. The 
retreat has received unanimous praise 
from the world press. Le Monde: *Oh, 
wow." The Times of London: “Ек- 
traordinary. And I did so appreciate 
that acrobatic girl from Colorado.” 
New York Times food editor Craig 
Claiborne gave our chefs special 
mushroom omelet “а zillion stars.” 

The Ed Norton—For people who 
want to get to the core of the Big Apple. 

You wonder: Are there really alligators 
in the New York sewers? Are there 
rats as big as caribou? Where does Ed 
Koch’s love life take place, anyway? 
Why not sce for yourself? See the New 
York New Yorkers never see, and at 
the same time avoid the hordes of Jap- 
anese camera wielders who have 
turned the sidewalks into a nightmare. 
One of the nicest things about this tour 
is that when you finally sce Times 
Square, it will seem like Gstaad; and 
by the end of your stay, your girlfriend 
will think a golden shower is just a 
touch of morning dew. 

Club Fred—Easygoing, not neces- 
sarily concerned with being at the “in” 
place? Club Fred could be for you. 
Named after our friend Fred, who used 
to have standards but found them to be 
a burden, Club Fred is a great place Гог 
a guy who believes that Tahiti's fatal 
flaw is that it doesn't have a bowling 
alley. The club has many of life's lesser 
amenities and is within a day’s drive of 
water. A gentle smog-and-soot cover 
helps guard against sunstroke. Our pal 
Fred’s two favorite people are Gandhi 
and the Marquis de Sade, and we fig- 
ure there are only two places for a guy 
like that to hang out. Club Fred is one 
of them. 

The Corporate Retreat —Arc you in 
business but still a bit uncomfortable 
about it? Come to our resort and 
learn how to act corporate. Spend time 
on our firing range, where you can 
learn to terminate employees. Take 
courses in hearty laughter and back- 
slapping. Learn to express deep con- 
cern for the economy, as opposed to 
blathering about petty obsessions such 
as the fact that your division is going 
down the toilet. Complimentary pair of 
plaid trousers, Mandatory golf. 

Travel Agent’s Whimsy—For people 
who care more about bargains than 
about being alive, here is a ten-day, 
12-night budget trip that would seem 
hard to ignore. The $379 package 
includes meals and lodgings at the 
finest establishments in Paris (Ken- 
tucky), Manhattan (Kansas), Vienna 
(Georgia) and Rome (New York). If 
you've spent years lowering their ex- 
pectations, this could hit the spot. 


explaining why Spooner had previously 
not shown up in court. The note read, “I 
seen Norman Spooner on March 9 and 
treated him for a womb on his neck.” 


From the Go With Your First Impres- 
sion Department: Trivial Pursuit enthu- 
siasts will eventually get to the card that 
asks, *What did Otto Titzling invent?" 
According to T.P., it's too true: the bras- 


А соттоп complaint among apartment. 
dwellers is their neighbors noise. But 
Mabel Nileski, a Cresson, Pennsylvania, 
woman, didn't have a chance to complain. 
Her neighbor Gregory Pauley, an unem- 
ployed father of two, apparently at- 
tempted suicide by shooting himself in the 
chest with а .22 rifle while lying in bed 
The bullet tore through Pauley’s back, 
a pillow and a wall—and wounded 

Picky, picky: А New York City pub- 
lisher passed along a letter hc received to 
Publisher's Weekly—1he Bible of the in- 
dustry. The letter read, “Pm seeking to 
secure a list of all the female Jewish artists 
past 50 yrs. of age and who are residents 
of Manhattan. The reason I am writing to 
your company is that you are a publishing 
outfit and you most likely have had 
numerous women illustrate your books. 
P.S. Do you know of any female artists 
that fit the above description and have the 
first name of Estelle.” 

Love for Sale Department: According to 
The Wall Street Journal, no less, bondage 
chic is "in." At Headlines, a San Fran- 
cisco boutique, the manager says, "I'm 
amazed at the clientele we've been getting. 
А year ago, it was teenaged punkers with 

Mohawks . . . now we're getting women, 
secretaries, professionals," all buying 
studded-leather wrist bands, leather 

miniskirts and fingerless leather gauntlets 
with spikes. This garb, once shunned by 
almost everyone except the sexually kinky, 
got picked up by pop stars and is now 
being imitated by red-blooded Americans 
everywhere. Flip, a shop in Greenwich 
Village, says the new cruel look is “rising 
from underground—it's becoming street- 
level." Pedestrians everywhere, take note. 

An Abilene, Texas, funeral home listed 
under “Frozen Food—Wholesale” in the 
Southwestern Bell telephone book filed a 
$311,000 damage suit against the phone 
company. Elliot-Hamil Funeral Home 
sought damages for mental anguish and 
loss of revenue. The phone company said 
that it apologized for the mistake and 
would give Elliot Hamil an “adjustment” 
on its bill. 

According to а headline in The Louis- 
Has he checked his bottom drawers? 




„слова... REYNOLDS TOBACCO co. 

STEINWAY? is a trademark of Steinway Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined 
which does not maka or license. STERIC? Co Cigarettes. That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 
12 mg. "tar", 1.0 mg. nicotina av. per cigaratte by FTC method. : 

Back panel connectors Dual mode illuminated 
ready for digital cassettes or control panel (shown in tuner 
compact disc players. mode). Switch to tape and 
theres a whole new set of 
icons to figure out. 
Tuning mode: 18 station pre- 
sets—12 FM, 6AM. Tape mode: 

program tape deck functions. DE E 
Volume up. Ead 

Volume down. 


Automatic mute function. 

AM/FM selector in tuner 
mode, direction/release in 
tape mode. 

Up/down tuning in tuner P Se 
mode, FF/Rewind in tape 



Full graphic equalizer lets 
you shape sound the way you ala 
like it. LY 



Jemark of Dolly Laboratories 

Balance/ bass/treble, local 
scan and more behind 
flip-down control panel. 

Activates quartz clock. 

Radio Program Timer lets 
you pre-program up to two 
different stations at two 
different times. 

а CONTROL TUNER DECK [J)[j(posv s-c un 


Memory select in tuner mode, 
music repeat in tape mode. 

Selects cassette mode and 
changes display. 

Selects tuner mode and tuner 

= Е command display shown. 

Station scan in tuner mode, 
bi-directional scan in tape 


Auto Sound Levelizer—adjusts 

interior music level to differing 
road conditions. Roll down a 
window, the volume goes up. 
Pull off the freeway, the 
volume goes down. 

aphic Equalizer, for instanc 
sensor that adjusts the volume when 
you roll the window down. Or up) 
So it's also one of the most expensive 
autostereos in the world. 
What you see 
just the Centrate 
"М Stereo Cassette 
unit and Graphic Equa- 
i cost $850.00 and 

complete Centrate 
System — including amplifier, sub-woofer, remote 
control, four speakers and installation — could 

to $3,000. 
But even though Centrate may not 
be on everybod с 
all Ше same to impart a bit of c 
actually use: 
Even after we told our engineers to go- 
or-broke, damn-th build- the! best Е 

ta you might 

tuner comp 
|| was the ven 
Ш available in a whole line of 
eminently affordable Pioneer 
( models 
Which is another way 
of saying you can't buy a 
better car stereo.Fven if you spend more for the 
stereo than you spent for the car. 


Because Ше music matters. 




THE TANDEM title role in АЙ of Me (Uni- 
versal) is shared by Lily Tomlin and Steve 
Martin, and I couldn't have liked them 
more. Tomlin plays a terminally ill, 
wealthy shrew who announces to Martin, 
as her unscrupulous young lawyer, that 
she intends to come back from the dead. 
“What makes you think you can do that?” 
he asks. “Because Im rich,” she answers. 
And on that cheeky note, All of Me whips 
up a delectable batch of slapshtick mad- 
ness, zestfully directed by Carl Reiner 
(Martin’s collaborator on both The Jerk 
and Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) from 
an appropriately zany screenplay by Phil 
Alden Robinson. It’s not afl quite as hilar- 
ious as the early scenes, which had me on 
the floor—when Lily’s frigid, spinsterish 
soul accidentally turns up in Martin’s 
ever-ready body. As the mystic responsible 
for the mistake, Richard Libertini might 
steal the show if he were in lesser 
company. But Tomlin's knowing twinkle 
brightens up her impersonation of a dis- 
embodied prude glimpsed mostly in mir- 
rors, and Martin is spectacular in dealing 
with the problem that the left side of his 
body is male, the right side female. It’s not 
necessary to be a Martin fan to savor this 
particular tour de force, but just try to 
keep a straight face when Steve's right- 
handed alter ego has to help him zip up in 
the men’s room. Madolyn Smith, as his 
exasperated fiancée, and Victoria Ten- 
nant, as the stableman’s conniving daugh- 
ter who was supposed to inherit the dead 
woman's soul along with her worldly 
goods, perform their bitchery with flair. 
All aspects of All of Me are well balanced 
by Reiner, who knows how to blend 
knockabout comedy and sharp-edged sat- 
ire so the seams scarcely show. Ууу 

When you come away from a movie 
remembering the cinematography above 
all, there is apt to be something amiss. 
Caleb Deschanel's camera wizardry just 
about swamps The Natural (Tri-Star), ап 
exceptionally silly, self-important bascball 
drama adapted from Bernard Malamud’s 
first novel. The overuse of slow motion— 
for grand-slam homers or winning 
pitches—and silhouette shots serves as a 
constant reminder that this is not just 
another baseball yarn. It's an apocalyptic 
allegory, by golly, chock-full of characters 
who stand jor something but seldom seem 
to be living, breathing people. As the hero, 
a middle-aged rookie who breaks into big- 
league ball at an age when most players 
start to think of retirement, Robert Red- 
ford is photographed like the superstar he 
is—mouthing high-minded platitudes, 
striking attitudes, generally portraying the 
myth rather than the man. Robert Duvall 

Tomlin, Martin get it together. 

Tomlin, Martin in comic 
mismatch; Redford out at first; 
Hardbodies is beached. 

Kristi Somers, one of the Hardbodies. 

is Max Mercy, a merciless sportswriter, 
with Kim Basinger, Glenn Close and Bar- 
bara Hershey in thankless roles as three 
women who dramatize the doubtful thesis 
that an athlete’s swing is only as good as 
the dames in his life. Director Barry 
Levinson, after his stunning debut with 
Diner, pretty well strikes out here, as if he 
were so preoccupied with the Thirties 
decor that he never got down to basics. 
"Though touted as a labor of love for 
Levinson and Redford, The Natural is a 
согпу, operatic, overwrought mockery of a 
great American sport. ¥¥ 
Hardbodies (Columbia) are those splen- 
didly proportioned girls who frequent the 
beaches of Southern California—usually 
wearing little more than minuscule swim- 
suits and roller skates. Judged by the 
quality of mindless summer fun afoot in 
this beachnik epic, girls get "dialoged" by 
cute guys (as the cutest twosome, Teal 
Roberts and Grant Cramer look awfully 
pleased with themselves). But when three 
boorish businessmen come to party at the 
beach, they have to produce more than fast 
chatter—or, as one hardbody succinctly 
puts it, “I don’t fuck fossils for free.” 
Another curvaceous philosopher wonders 
aloud why guys like boobs. Kinda makes 
ya think, doesn’t it? If not, you might have 
a better time getting buried in the sand. Y 
Dutch film maker Paul Verhoeven ab- 
hors sexual taboos (his Turkish Delight 
and Spetters gave pause to the prudish), 
yet I'm not sure frankness can save The 4th 
Man (Spectrafilm) from intrinsic medioc- 
rity. As usual, fine camerawork and top- 
grade performances lend the movie an 
aura of class, but Verhoeven's cerie occult 
drama too often slips over the fine line 
separating daringly lewd from ludicrous. 
His trio of unzipped principals includes 
a famous homosexual novelist (Jeroen 
Krabbe), a thrice-widowed blonde beauti- 
cian (Renee Soutendijk) who may actually 
be a wicked witch, plus the handsome stud 
(Thom Hoffman) they both want to bed. 
Although by no means boring, 4th Man 
ultimately dissipates its smooth carnal 
decadence in expendable deep-think about 
death, fate and redemption. ¥¥ 
The films of French writer-director 
Bertrand Blier, from Going Places in 1974 
to his 1978 Oscar winner, Get Out Your 
Handkerchiefs, frequently feature a pair 
of eccentric but innocent male chums with 
a manipulative female between them. My 
Best Friend's Girl (European International) 
has Isabelle Huppert doing a fine deadpan 
comic turn as the amoral Viviane, who 
moves in with a handsome ski-shop owner 
(Thierry Lhermitte, a French romantic 
idol already well on his way to bigger 
things) but prefers his older, portly ami, 

Micky (drolly played by the comedian 
Coluche). Blier’s plot could be scribbled 
on one corner of a postcard from Cour- 
chevel, the breath-takingly photogenic 
French ski resort where most of the inter- 
action among this engaging threesome 
takes place. Like an afternoon in powder 
snow on the intermediate slopes, Best 
Friend’s Girl is cool, fast, flip and 
fun-loving, but nowhere near Olympic 
class. ¥¥% 
While а sailor’s away, his wife may 
stray—and that pretty well sums up the 
story of Swing Shift (Warner). Goldie 
Hawn, winsome as ever, is the liberated 
house mouse who discovers a whole new 
world—and Kurt Russell, too—when she 
goes to work on the assembly line of an 
airplane factory in California during 
World War Two. Ed Harris (he was 
John Glenn in The Right Stuff) sympa- 
thetically plays the cuckolded gob and 
Christine Lahti is a wry delight as the 
heroine's obligatory confidante. But 
the movie’s emphasis is mostly on wartime 
atmosphere—all snoods and newsreels 
and nostalgic tunes in a modest package 
from director Jonathan Demme, whose 
trip down memory lane smacks more of 
careful research than of experience. ¥¥% 
Three out of four so-called youth mov- 
ies make me feel that puberty rites ought 
to be revoked, but there's a nice fillip of 
truth and freshness in Sixteen Candles 
(Universal). Former rLAvBov contributor 
John Hughes wrote screenplays for Mr. 
Mom and National Lampoon's Vacation 
before his debut as writer-director with 
this lively, lightweight comedy about young 
lust, among other things. Molly Ring- 
wald appealingly plays а plucky heroine 
whose family and friends have forgotten 
her 16th birthday. “Aw, рее” might be the 
only apt response to that crisis, except that 
the movie compensates for total triviality 
with its wicked asides about teeny-bop- 
pers in heat. The hottest sprout by far has 
to be Anthony Michael Hall—a real find 
as the school "weenie," earnestly prac- 
ticing to be a sex fiend when he grows 
up. ¥¥% 
Writer-director Penelope — Spheeris’ 
anarchic and colorful Suburbia (New Hor- 
izons) makes the point that punks are only 
human. Her story is pretty rudimentary: 
violent local rednecks vs. a sympathetic 
band of outsiders—in this instance, some 
runaway kids with spiked hair and 
strange clothes, living in an abandoned 
housing development. There’s a suicide, 
plus a conventional and predictably vio- 
lent climax, but Spheeris’ cast of un- 
knowns looks semipro, street-wise, as if 
improvising on the spot a collective por- 
trayal of a group that calls itself T.R.— 
‘The Rejected. They get to you, perhaps 
more so if you're of an age to find meaning 

Hall, Ringwald in Candles, 

Suburban teens, normal 
and alienated; some 
unusual fare from overseas. 

Suburbia's Julie Winchester. 

Irezumi's tattooed lady. 

in the message that people who need 
people may hide behind purple hair. ¥¥ 

In Kyoto, an old master of tattooing 
believes that a woman's skin is most recep- 
Чуе to his art when she is sexually 
aroused. Thus, he orders his young assist- 
ant to make love to the beautiful Akane 
(Masayo Utsunomiya) while he adorns 
her body with a tattoo commissioned by 
her well-to-do lover. Much more than this 
goes on in Irezumi (Almi Classics), a wildly 
alien but well-acted and intensely erotic 
drama directed by Yoichi Takabayashi. 
Rooted firmly in the culture that gave us 
hara-kiri and graceful geishas, Irezumi 
(literally, “the spirit of the tattoo”) ex- 
plores the far horizons of pain and pleas- 
ure with fastidious style. Bizarre, but 
undeniably provocative. УУЖ 


Director Andrzej Wajda's A Love in 
Germany (Triumph) studies Sturm und 
Drang on the home front during World 
War Two. Adapted from a novel by Rolf 
Hochhuth, the plot is familiar stuff but 
powerful because Wajda makes every 
chestnut seem sizzling hot. He also had 
the wisdom to pick Hanna Schygulla 
for his leading lady. As a village shop- 
keeper who's having a furtive, forbidden 
affair with a Polish prisoner of war (Piotr 
Lysak) while her husband’s in the army, 
Schygulla forcefully demonstrates why she 
is a top international star. Her man hun- 
ger is so palpable that she seems virtually 
drunk with desire, blind to consequences, 
whether she's buying condoms at the 
pharmacy or risking a quick bash beside 
the road with her passionate Pole. He's 
part of a forced-labor contingent perform- 
ing heavy-duty chores around the village, 
and fraternizing with local Frauen is a 
capital offense. Filtered through Wajda's 
fine sensibility, Nazi cruelty still has 
numbing impact. Even so, the highest 
drama of Love in Germany is watching 
Schygulla generate unabashed and unre- 
pentant lust. ¥¥¥ 


Another case of illicit fraternization 
with the enemy occurs in Another Time, 
Another Place (Goldwyn), all about an 
affair between a Scottish farmer's wife 
(Phyllis Logan) and an Italian prisoner 
(Giovanni Mauriello) assigned as a field 
worker during World War Two. Nice act- 
ing by all hands, sensitive direction by 
writer-director Michael Radford. But be 
warned—the scenery, the sex and the life- 
style are all spectacularly bleak. ¥¥ 


The spate of suspense movies made 
from books by Stephen King could be 
slowed down or simply sluiced away in 
silliness by Firestarter (Universal). Drew 
Barrymore, that precocious little charmer 
from Е.Т., still exudes charm as an eight- 
year-old kindlin' cousin to Carrie, a sort of 
human flame thrower cursed with the 
power of pyrokinesis. David Keith is also 




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After rehearsal, in a tall glass 
filled with ice, pour 102 oz 
Smirnoff. Fill with equal parts 
of cranberry and orange juice 
Garnish with orange slice. 


At the backstage party, combine 

4 сирз Smirnotf Vodka, one 16 o7 
can crushed pineapple with syrup, 
опе 1107. can mandarin oranges, 
one 607.can frozen pineapple 
juice, pour over block of ice in 
punch bowl. Just before serving, 
add 2 qs. ginger ale. Stir gently. 
Serves 30. 


While savoring the reviews, in 
a chilled stem glass, add 3 oz. 
Champagne, 3 oz. orange juice 
and a splash (12 oz.) of Smirnoff 
Vodka. Gently stir the 

chilled ingredients 

and garnish with a = 

There's vodka, 
and then there's Smirnoff? 


OK as her protective daddy, who has 
mind-bending powers of his own and 
knows his little girl is high on the hit list of 
a secret Government agency called The 
Shop. As two of The Shop’s leering vil- 
lains, Martin Sheen and George C. Scott 
are cither plain terrible or giving the 
hammiest comic performances of their 
careers—with Scott camping it up as a 
one-eyed assassin named Rainbird. In a 
fair sampling of the asinine dialog, anoth- 
сг bad guy bluris, “Suppose lighting fires 
is only the tip of the iceberg.” Huh? Fire- 
starter’s consistently stumbling direction 
matches the screenplay, with dramatic 
impact roughly equal to a false alarm. ¥ 

Blatant homosexuality in a British 
boys’ school is the subject of Another Coun- 
try (Orion Classics), which enjoyed con- 
siderable success on the stage in London. 
Julian Mitchell's play is a cunning fiction 
with clear references to one of England's 
great political sex scandals—the case of 
Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, two 
diplomats who defected to Moscow in the 
Fifties after spying for the Soviet Union. 
Аз a flamingly promiscuous gay student 
named Guy, who falls in love with 
another handsome boy (Cary Elwes), 
young Rupert Everett gives a flashy and 
remarkable performance. So does Colin 
Firth, as his leftist friend, a sexually 
straight rebel who's shocked to learn that 
Guy, bucking tradition, intends to remain 
gay even after they leave school. Рт not 
sure I buy Another Country’s thesis that 
this violation of the social code leads to 
disgrace and political disaffection, but 
director Marek Kanievska puts the case 
with intelligence, sensitivity and so little 
sensationalism that anyone looking for 
cheap kicks in the movie’s boy-meets-boy 
encounters is apt to be disappointed. ¥¥% 


None of the usual glaze of Gallic chic 
and sophistication covers up the nasty nit- 
ty-gritty of contemporary French family 
life in A Nos Amours (Triumph). Director 
Maurice Pialat, who also plays the stray- 
ing father in this strident household, does 
not curb curses or fisticuffs or screaming 
matches in his portrait of a promiscuous 
teenager (Sandrine Bonnaire) on the run 
from ennui to anything that feels good. 
Winner of a prize (in a tie with Le Bal) as 
France's best picture last year, Nos 
Amours also lifted the sexy Bonnaire into 
the limelight as most promising new 
actress. She's the definitive nymphet, Su- 
zanne, who despises her parents, scorns 
her obese businessman brother and jumps 
into the sack for recreational sex as casual- 
ly as she sneaks off to see a movie. French 
audiences reportedly swarmed to Pialat’s 
hard-edged exposé of treachery and ter- 
rorism en famille. It’s unsparingly honest, 
often compelling, but may feel like a slap 
in the face to Americans who'd rather 

snuggle up with Terms of Endearment's ^ 

heartfelt brand of domestic drama. Can't 
say I blame them, either. УУ 


capsule close-ups of current films 
by bruce williamson 

АЙ of Me (See review) Tomlin reincar- 
nated as Martin, both funny. УУУ 
Another Country (See review) British 
boychicks minoring in buggery. УУ 
Another Time, Another Place (See re- 
view) Romance scotched. yy 
Le Bol Half a century of history re- 
played by hoofers. yy 
The Bounty Mel Gibson’s turn to lead 
those famous mutineers, ОК. ум 
les Compéres A runaway kid on the 
Riviera, pursued by Depardieu. ¥¥% 
Firestarter (See review) Flame-out. ¥ 
The 4th Моп (Sce review) Going Dutch 
in а boy-girl-boy love triangle. vv 
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of 
the Apes A real swinger. wy 
Hardbodies (See review) Also soft in the 
head, but you may not notice. ¥ 
Iceman Getting lo know а guy who's 
spent 40,000 years іп a glacier. ¥¥% 
drezumi (See review) How-to drama of 
a tattooed lady in Kyoto. уми 
Liquid Sky Star-bright Anne Carlisle 
dolls up a punky semiclassic. yy 
A love in Germany (Sce review) Pas- 
sionate Frau (Hanna Schygulla) meets 
Polish POW. УУУ 
Moscow оп rhe Hudson From Russia 
with Robin Williams, who's fine. ¥¥¥ 
My Best Friend's Girl (See review) Ro- 
mance à trois. vv 
The Natural (Sec review) Redford at 
loose ends as a baseball legend. yy 

Nos Amours (See review) Unre- 
touched French family portrait. муза 
Preppies Extracurricular studies of sex 
and other such shenanigans. vv 
Privates on Parade Denis Quilley drag- 
ging a British entertainment unit on a 
high-camp tour. ума 
Racing with the Moon The three young 
stars come out well ahead. ум 
The Revolt of Job Old Jewish couple 
adopt Christian boy in Nazi era. ¥¥% 
Romancing the Stone Thrills and spills 
for novelist Kathleen Turner. УУУ 
Sahara An unlikely sheik of Araby kid- 
naps our own Brooke Shields. — УУ 
Sixteen Candles (See review) Kid stuff 
with a few extra kicks. ууй 
Splash A fine fishy romance, with Tom 
Hanks and Daryl Hannah. yyy 
The Stone Boy Rustic family tragedy, 
with Duvall as head of household. УУУ 
Suburbia (See review) Punksville. ¥¥ 
Sugar Cane Alley To be young, black 
and gifted on Martinique. vy 
Swann in love A richly embroidered but 
skimpy Proust sampler. yy 
Swing Shift (See review) Hawn and 
Russell on the home front. уз» 
This Is Spinal Тар АП the rock groups 

rolled into one swell spoof. УУУУ»; 
¥¥¥¥ Don't mis ¥¥ Worth а look 
¥¥¥ Good show ¥ Forget it 




IDOL GOSSIP: Teri Garr and Peter (Shoot the 
Moon) Weller will top-line Paramount’s 
Firstborn, a contemporary drama about a 
teenaged boy struggling to keep his family 
together. Tom Berenger, originally slated 
for the Weller role, was sidelined by an 
auto accident. Michael (Coal Miner's 
Daughter) Apted will direct. . Bud 
Cort will play the role of Sigmund Freud 
in 20th Century-Fox's The Secret Diary 
of Sigmund Freud, a spoof on the origins 
of Freud's theories. Co-starring in the 
film, which should be out shortly, are 
Dick Shawn as a patient with identity 
problems, Carel Kane as a beautiful nurse 
who lusts for the young shrink, Carroll 
Baker as Momma Freud, Klaus 
and Marisa Berenson. - lovis Malle 
will direct Amy Madigan and Ed Harris in 
Alamo Bay, a drama about Vietnamese 
immigrants in conflict with local "Texas 
fishermen. . . . Donald Sutherland and John 
Heard have been set to star in Tri-Star’s 
Catholic Boys (tentative title), described 
by one source as “а cross between Sister 
Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You and 
Animal House.” Eddie Murphy, of all 
people, has been signed to replace Sylvester 
Stallone in Paramount's action comedy 
Beverly Hills Cop. Maybe typecasting is 
dead at last. 



RUSSKIES AND NAZIS: Now in production 
for HBO Premiere Films are Culag, star- 
ring David Keith and Malcolm McDowell, 
and Forbidden, with Jacqueline Bisset and 
Jurgen Prochnow. In the former, Keith 
plays an American ex-Olympian turned 
sports commentator who ends up in a 
Russian work camp, where he plots an 
escape with fellow inmate McDowell. In 
Forbidden, which takes place in Nazi 
Germany, Bisset plays a wealthy, aristo- 
cratic Frau who falls in love with a Jewish 
prof (Prochnow) 


1VANT ТО ВЕ ALONE: In Garbo Talks, Anne 
Bancroft plays ап eccentric middle-aged 
lady who finds out she has a brain tumor 
and has one dying wish—to mect Greta 
Garbo. Obediently, her accountant son, 
played by Ren (Silkwood) Silver, takes up 
the task of locating the elusive Garbo and, 
along the way, meets all kinds of crazy 
New York theatrical types (including 
Torch Song Trilogy writer-star Harvey 
Fierstein), separates from his spouse (Carrie 
Fisher) and meets his dream girl (Catherine 
Hicks). But does he deliver Garbo? In 
other words, does Greta Garbo actually 
appear in this flick? Well, yes and no. 


THE OLDER WOMAN: Columbia's No Small 
Affair is your basic coming-of-age roman- 
tic comedy involving a teenager who falls 
in love with an older woman. Directed by 

As Sam played it, again and again, the world will always welcome lovers. Among those moviegoers 
will greet soon are Jacqueline Bisset and Albert Finney in Under the Volcano (above), 
С. Thomas Howell and Jamie Lee Curtis in Grandview, U.S.A. (below). In the long-awaited film 
version of Malcolm Lowry's 1947 novel, Finney plays an alcoholic ex-Brilish consul (haven't we 
seen this one?) and Bisset his estranged wife; in Grandview, Jamie Lee owns and runs а demolition- 
derby track and messes around with Howell and also with Patrick Swayze, a married man. 

Jerry (Honeysuckle Rose) Schatzberg, the 
picture stars Jon Cryer (son of actress 
Gretchen Cryer) as а 17-year-old amateur 
photographer whose eye is always at the 
view finder of a Nikon. One day, night- 
club singer Demi (Blame Jt оп Rio) Moore 
accidentally walks into his frame of focus, 
he asks her to pose for him and, as they 
say, love springs. Alas, he’s only 17, she’s 
all of 23; he’s a virgin, she’s not; and so 
оп and so forth. Set in San Francisco, No 
Small Affair is due out in September. 

Century-Fox has a sure-fire box-office 

winner in Revenge of the Nerds, the 
adventures of a group of collegiate com- 
puter whiz kids who are tired of getting 
kicked around by jocks and decide to start 
their own fraternity house. Starring in this 
“campus romp” are Rebert Carradine as 
Lewis, who builds robots and doesn’t 
realize he’s a nerd; Anthony (Heart Like a 
Wheel) Edwards as Gilbert, a nerd with a 
mensch struggling to get out; Curtis Arm- 
strong as the obligatory gross nerd; Larry B. 
Scott as a gay black nerd; and Julie Mont- 
gemery as a snobbish cheerleader who 
starts liking nerds when she realizes 
they’re human beings, too. 

This is one of those chicken-or-egg puzzles. We're not sure whether Liberace set the stage for 
performers such as Michael Jackson, Annie Lennox end Boy George or whether they're responsible 
for his current popularity. Lee (with The Rockettes, above) just broke a Radio City Music Hall 
ticket-sales record, previously set by Peter Allen. їп апу case, it's proof Grace Slick was years ahead 
of her time—she wanted Liberace to tour with Jefferson Airplane (now Starship) ten years ago. 

be surprised if you sce folks goose- 
stepping on the dance floor of your local 
disco sometime soon. Those savvy Ger- 
mans—who were, after all, the first 
people to give the Beatles their due—have 
been exporting an arsenal of song hits 
recently that are exploding up our charts 
like so many V-2s 
So far, the leader of the pack is Nena 
(the singer and her band have the same 
name), whose antiwar song 99 Luftballons 
went to number two on Billboard’s Hot 
100 while the video (in German and 
English versions) went into heavy rotation 
on МТУ. But she's got plenty of company 
from Das Vaterland, including Peter Schil- 
ling, who spent half a year on the charts 
with Major Tom, his ode to David Bow- 
ie's character of that name; Taco, whose 
robotic-synth version of Puttin’ On the 
Ritz was a novelty hit; Kraftwerk, the orig- 
inal showroom dummies who started the 
clectropop juggernaut rolling in the mid- 
Seventies and came back with the dance 
smash Tour de France (in French, natür- 
lich); Nina Hagen, who left East Germany 
years ago and now sports a yellow-green 
Mohawk while reviving the clothes and 
music of Zarah Leander (better known as 
the sex symbol of the Third Reich); Trio, 
whose manager, Klaus Voormann, once 
played bass for the Beatles, sold 4,000,000 
copies in Europe of something called Da 
Da Da 1 Don't Love You You Don't Love 
Me Aha Aha Aha before it became a cult hit 
here; and drummer George Kranz, who 
topped our dance charts with a drums- 
and-vocals oddity, Trommeltanz (Din 

Daa Daa)—apparently, Dada is a hot 
item these days. 

But for the truly adventurous—or fool- 
hardy, depending on your point of view— 
there's even an art-rock band called 
Einstürzende Neubaten, which means, well, 
“collapsing new buildings" They don't 
sing in English yet, but with lyrics that 
translate roughly as "Listen with pain, 
hear with pain, ears are wounds,” perhaps 
that’s just as well. —PETER OCCHIOGROSSO. 

GOOD ROCKING: Мс had only one 
question in mind when we called Rockwell 
(a.k.a. Kennedy Gordy, son of Berry Gor- 
dy, the father of Motown), and it had to do 
with the title track from his debut album, 
Somebody’s Watching Me. So, Rockwell, 
we said, who's been doing all this watch- 
ing, anyway? 

“Everybody,” Rockwell said. “I'm so 
cute you can't help it. Women watch me, 
men watch me, little animals on the street 
watch me. I’m telling you, I can’t get away 
from it. It’s happened all my Ше. 

“When I was younger,” continued the 
20-year-old, “T used to get into а lot of 
fights. The only reason I ever had to fight 
was that people were staring at me. I 
would stare back and they didn’t like it, 
because I was so cute.” 

Ti must be hell, we said, laughing 
along with Mr. Cute. All that attention, 
just when you're trying to get famous. But 
wait—does that explain the pseudonym? 
Is Rockwell camouflage for a hounded 
Kennedy Gordy? 

“The name started in high school,” he 
said. “Everybody called me Rock, because 

I had a heavy-metal rock-'n'-roll band. 
But, see, I felt that I rocked well, so 1 
decided that’s what the name had to be. 
Гус been Rockwell for years. Nobody calls 
me Kennedy anymore.” 

We were just saying goodbye (and pon- 
dering a few pseudonyms of our own— 
Writewell? Scribewell?) when Rockwell 
added, "Hey, listen, can you get me in 
touch with some of your Playmates? I'm a 
man, you know; I’m not Prince!” 



Sometimes strange things happen to 
critically acclaimed bands. Sometimes 
they begin to believe they're Minstrels for 
All Time. R.E.M.'s first album, Murmur, 
won heavy awards from Rolling Stone, 
The Village Voice and Record. R.E.M.'s 
second album, Reckoning (LR.S.), may 
well do the same. Its title, though, should 
be a clue that there's more grave contem- 
plation on this album than in the Gettys- 
burg Address. Maybe there’s a critical 
conspiracy to bring you, the supposedly 
tasteless consumer, pomp "n circumstance 
dressed as rock "n' roll. Reckoning is 
chock-full of fine, serious musicianship 
but a bit short on inspiration. But we reck- 
on the awards will be rolling i 


Which came first, the record ог the vid- 
ео? In Ebn-Ozn's case, a weird, wonderful 
video of AEIOU Sometimes Y led to a 
hurriedly produced album, Feeling Cav- 
alier (Elektra). 105 an audacious exer- 
cise in orchestral synth, but AEIOU 

m~~ TRUST US —_ 


In Performance at the Playboy Jazz 
Festival (various artists) 

Carla Bley / Heavy Heart 

Vern Gosdin / There Is a Season 

Missing Persons / Rhyme & Reason 

Bruce Springsteen / Born in the U.S.A. 



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PUT ON YOUR GLAD RAGS DEPARTMENT: Boy George is launching his own fashion 
line, Common Currency, this summer in England. Do not expect a line of dresses to 
be included. Said Boy recently, “Мо one laughs at priests because they wear dresses, 

Their clothes are accepted. I'd like society eventually to accept the way | look.” T-shirts 
will be the first order of business, and nothing will cost more than $35. Cheap chic, yes? 

НЕ BOYS CAN'T HELP IT: Just one last 
note regarding Boy George: He 
turned down Michael Jackson's offer to 
do a duet. “1 do admire Michael,” said 
Boy, but explained that he doesn’t 
want to work with anyone but Culture 
Club—"I think we're the best band 
around"—right now. Boy added that 
when Jackson called, he didn't believe 
it was really he; but since then, they've 
spoken several times, discussing, 
among other things, rumors that Jack- 
son is a transvestite. “We both had a 
good laugh about it,” Boy said. 
Bowie's upcoming film projects is 
Poe, in which he'll co-star with Sean 
Penn. . . . George Harrison's film compa- 
ny plans to make three movies this 
year: two comedies and one serious 
film, the last directed by John Mac- 
enzie, who made The Long Good Fri- 
day... . Bette Midler has a couple of 
films in the works, including My Gir- 
dle Is Killing Me... . Nelson's 
Red Headed Stranger is finally being 
shot for HBO, with Willie and co-stars 
Morgan Fairchild, Angie Dickinson and Rip 
Torn. .. . Andy Warhol will direct his 
first video for The Cars. . . . After such 
movie success stories as Footloose and 
Flashdance, which packed movie the- 
aters with young audiences, Holly- 
wood studios would like to hire more 
госК stars to work on films but, said a 
spokesman, “it’s tougher to make a 
deal with a major music artist than it is 
for a studio to sign Marlon Brando." 
NEWSeREAKs. Sony Video software 
has licensed five full-length concerts 
and one music documentary from 
МТУ for cassette release to the home- 
video market. The musicians involved 
аге Warren Zevon, Graham Parker, Split 
Enz, Kansas, The Outlaws and Pete 
Townshend. The videos are priced at 

$29.95 each, except Townshend’s, 
which sells for $19.95. You can get 
them now. . . . John Denver says he's 
going to be the first singer in the Chal- 
lenger space shuttle. He also plans to 
do a Broadway musical on the life of 
Will Rogers. Denver always said he was 
far out. . . . Have you seen Adam Ant 
and Grace Jones in their Honda Scooter 
commercial? That's far out, too. . . . 
Legendary guitarist Duane Eddy hopes 
to assemble an all-star band of guitar 
players for his cable-TV special. “I'm 
going to ask Lindsey Buckingham, Ry 
Cooder, Albert Lee, Rick Springfield and 
Tom Petty. It would be sort of a guitar 
summit.” It looks like Nile Rodgers 
has the inside track to produce Jagger's 
solo album—that is, after Mick goes off 
diaper duty. . . . The Everly Brothers" 
American tour has just started up and 
the LP will be released in the com- 
ing weeks, with Dave Edmunds produc- 
ing. . . . Look for Toto on tour in the 
U.S. briefly this month before going to 
Europe and Japan. Then expect a 
much more extensive American tour in 
the first part of 1985. ... We Coulda 
Told Them This Ourselves Depart- 
ment: The Recording Industry Asso- 
ciation of America has confirmed that 
prerecorded-cassette sales have finally 
topped albums. . . . Dionne Warwick is 
writing her autobiography, and she has 
also turned down a $2,000,000 offer to 
sing in South Africa. . . . After its five 
years in development, you can finally 
buy The Record Game, a board game 
in which players compete in various 
areas of the music business. It'll cost 
you $44.95 for the pleasure. Kenny 
Rogers is endorsing the game through 
an agreement by which his name, logo 
and photo will appear on the box and 
in the ads. Naturally, the winner makes 
the most money! — BARBARA NELLIS 

Sometimes Y is the only cut you'll listen 10 
twice. Pretension clangs through most of 
the songs on Feeling Cavalier including 
a cover of Rockin’ Robin, sung by Ozn, 
doing an imitation of Black Sabbath’s Iron 
Man—but there's some fun to be had on 
side two, and Ozn is probably the best 
white rap artist alive. 


Brother John (Palo Alto), drummer El- 
vin Jones's second album for the label, 
serves as a launching pad for tenor/sopra- 
no saxophonist-composer Pat La Barbera. 
Former featured soloist with the Buddy 
Rich band and currently with Jones, La 
Barbera writes and performs distinctively 
and with unusual command. Inspired by 
John Coltrane, he has managed to tran- 
scend that giant's influence and offers 
music that is both listenable and challeng- 
ing. La Barbera is deftly supported by 
Jones, always a source of force and sur- 
prise, the highly creative bassist Reggie 
Workman and pianist Kenny Kirkland, 
another emerging major voice. This is an 
important record. 


The good and unusual bring distinction 
10 Singin’ till the Girls Come Home, a Colum- 
bia Contemporary Masters Series vocal 
collection. Tony Bennett turns up with а 
small group of distinguished jazz musi- 
cians headed by Stan Getz and makes а 
striking impression. Carmen McRae and 
Louis Armstrong combine to good effect 
on two songs by Dave and Iola Brubeck. 
Jon Hendricks with and without Lambert 
and Ross, and Mose Allison give notable 
performances on previously unreleased 
material. Only an easily dismissed item by 
the Gordons, an obscure vocal trio, lightly 
mars an album worthy of your attention. 


It was inevitable that tenor/soprano 
saxophonist-composer Branford Marsalis, 
older brother and musical side-kick of the 
sensational Wynton, would have his own 
album. Titled Scenes in the City (Colum- 
bia), it showcases a promising musician 
lacking only that edge of individuality and 
that consistency provided by time and 
experience. Even at this juncture, jazz fans 
should pay attention. The elder Marsalis 
sibling is imaginative and has a discern- 
ible spark. He also has the help of a cast 
of uplifting modern players—including 
Charnett Moffett, an extraordinarily 
poised 16-year-old bassist—who add sub- 
stance to his album debut. 


Hank Williams, Jr. / Major Moves (War- 
ner): Some interesting moves, from swing 
to laments to blues, but nothing truly 
major, except maybe for dedicated Bo- 
cephus fans. 

The Chi-Lites / Steppin’ Out (Private 1): 
Weird electronic sounds seem to get in 
the way, but that hasn't stopped others. 
Vocals as great as on their hits of the 
past Oh Girl and Have You Seen Her? 

d ~ 


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Е Hunter took ап ах 
And gave old Lizzie 40 whacks. 
When Spiering saw what he had done, 
He gave old Lizzie 41. 

On August 4, 1892, in Fall River, Mas- 
sachusetts, an unknown assailant took an 
ax to Andrew and Abby Borden. Their 
daughter Lizzie stood trial for the murders 
and was acquitted—in part because the 
weapon was never found and, when police 
arrived, Lizzic was not covered with 
blood. The trial seized the imagination of 
America then and still has power today. 
Evan Hunter treats the murder as Gothic 
romance in Lizzie (Arbor Housc). He spec- 
ulates that Lizzie was caught in the act of. 
lesbian love with Maggie, the Irish 
maid—who helped her dispose of the evi- 
dence. Frank Spiering, a crime reporter, 
gives us a fresh analysis of the murders in 
the nonfiction Lizzie (Random House). He 
bases his investigation on transcripts of 
trial testimony, newspaper accounts, con- 
temporary interviews and statements of 
living witnesses. The result is compelling. 
Spiering thinks that Lizzie’s sister Emma 
(who stood to inherit the family fortune) 
took the ax to her parents while Lizzie 
watched. Toughlove in reverse. 


What do the UN, the World Food Pro- 
gram, the Red Cross, CARE, OXFAM, 
Catholic Relief Services and the World 
Council of Churches have in common? 
"They all tried to go to Cambodia's aid 
after the Pol Pot regime did its horrendous 
tap dance on that country's soul and body. 
William Shawcross writes about the 
strange and bungling world of disaster 
relief in The Quality of Mercy (Simon & 
Schuster), describing the myriad ways in 
which inertia, cowardice and bureaucracy 
seem to go hand in hand with starvation 
and mass executions. Shawcross (author 
of Sideshow, the much-praised study of 
America’s secret bombing of Cambodia in 
the early Seventies) discusses at length 
the question: How can or how should the 
international community react in the face 
of the knowledge that a government is 
massacring its own people? As he points 
out, they asked the same question at 
Nuremberg. So far, nobody has answered 
it satisfactorily. 


Somebody is raping young women—the 
same young women—again and again, on 
different occasions. Somebody is hanging 
female track stars from lampposts. Are 
the crime sprees related? In Lightning 
(Arbor House), the 38th of Ed McBain's 
87th Precinct novels, it doesn’t matter. 
McBain’s dialog is as crisp as ever, his 
command of police procedure is astound- 
ing and his tale rolls along like a black- 
and-white on cruise control, but nearly 
everything happens at random. The vil- 
lains are random crazies. The women are 

Two views of Lizzie's ax. 

A few new whacks at Lizzie Bor- 
den, plus nonfiction on 
Nixon and murder Texas style. 

Old Nixons never die. 

random victims, described breasts-first in 
true crime-fiction fashion. The two main 
plots never intersect. Why? Because Light- 
ning's another page-turner from McBain, 
a.k.a. Evan Hunter, the purpose of which 
is to get us to the last page, where we're 
set up for the 39th 87th Precinct novel. 

Robert Sam Anson has done the nation 
а service with his Exile: The Unquiet Oblivi- 
on of Richard M. Nixen (Simon & Schuster). 
Painting a deep and rich portrait of the 
complicated man most of us loved to hate, 
Anson shows us a plucky, mean, difficult 
Nixon, an elder statesman who can speak 
eloquently (often on ТУ, profitably) about 

history and politics in one breath—and 
then withdraw a dinner invitation to 
Diane Sawyer after she questions him 
roughly during a CBS-TV interview. It's 
all here, from Watergate on, and it’s good 
reading, well balanced and fair. 


"Going back to Dunetown," Federal 
agent Jake Kilmer says in the opening line 
of William Diehl's novel Heoligens (Vil- 
lard), “was worsc than going to Vietnam. 
I didn't know what was in store for me in 
"Nam; I knew what was waiting in Dune- 
town.” What was waiting in that marshy 
south Georgia city, along with the Mafia 
and Jake's long-lost love, was Dunetown's 
Special Operations Branch, a ragged-look- 
ing eight-man team of renegade cops and 
turncoat criminals. It was the S.O.B.s vs. 
the hoodlums when Jake got to town, with 
neither side rejoicing at the sight of a Fed. 
Diehl has written a whodunit delight. 


Not many writers can assemble infor- 
mation from many sources and weave it 
into fast-paced, sure-footed nonfiction that 
packs all the intensity and dramatic quali- 
ties of a good novel. Gary Cartwright did 
that quite well five years ago in Blood 
Will Tell, his best seller about Fort 
Worth's T. Cullen Davis murder mystery. 
Now he bites off an even bigger chunk of 
colorful Texas crime and depravity in 
Dirty Dealing (Atheneum), taking the read- 
er on a roller-coaster ride of big-time law- 
yering, scamming, gambling, smuggling 
and general misadventuring that deci- 
mated El Paso’s Chagra family and killed 
a Federal judge in the process. What we 
have here is a hell of a story about drugs, 
corruption and violence, told by a virtuoso 
whose understated style effectively trans- 
ports us from the safety of the printed 
page to the places where evil dwells. 


The Corporate Steeplechase (Facts on 
File), by Forbes columnist Dr. Srully 
Blotnick: A surprisingly readable business 
book based on a 25-year study of 5000 
Americans. You're sure to recognize the 
foibles of your co-workers in the various 
сазе studies. You may even spot your own 
personality profile. 

The Insider's Guide to the Top Ten Business 
Schools (Little, Brown), edited by Tom 
Fischgrund: Savvy, firsthand advice about 
getting in, getting by, getting rich when 
you get out. 

Wits & Sages (Johns Hopkins), written 
and illustrated by Neil A. Grauer: An 
introduction to 12 of the sharpest minds in 
journalism, Wits & Sages includes brief 
personal histories, interviews and selected 
writings of syndicated columnists ranging 
from Buchwald and Bombeck to Bro- 
der, Buckley, Royko and Will. 


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High performance means sensitivity to 
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What does that mean? Spectrum conclu- 
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Sensitive receivers also detect microwave 
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Most receivers solve this problem with a 
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Spectrums exclusive Filter Mode™ 
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Several imported radar detectors generate 
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Thanks to the patented Pollution Solu- 
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The Dash/Visor Model Spectrum, 
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space in the 
front of your car. 

The console 

measures just 1.8" 

X 3.2" x 27, and 

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You SEE THEM out there in all seasons: 
men with binoculars and walking 

sticks and bird books, looking соп 

fused, able to chart only a few of the birds 
that fly through the air and nest in the 
trees, Why this male inability and uncer- 
tainty? Because, until now, the Roger 
Tory Petersons of the world simply have 
not told the whole story. There are birds 
out there that have never been classified 
according to type, color, habits and 

Where in Audubon will you find the 
deep-throated hummingbird, the slinky 
beach skimmer, the liberated nest chuck- 
er? Did Ranger Rick show kids his 
sketches of the high-tech hawk? Where in 
the Smithsonian will you find a model of 
the thin-bellied iron pumper or, most lurid- 
ly colored of all, the downy cock teaser? 

"There has been a gigantic cover-up, you 
sec. But that ends teday. The following 
list is not complete, but it's а start. Take it 
with you on your next bird-watching tour. 
It may help. And don’t forget: Birds are 
the only other two-legged creatures on 

The downy cock teaser: Most prevalent 
in the South but found in all states of the 
Union; its call is a constant high-note 
chirp (“No-no-no-no”); found at expen- 
sive watering holes, the downy cock teaser 
responds warmly to attention for a few 
minutes, then suddenly turns cold and 
hostile; it bathes only in private and is 
rarely seen to mate, a fact that confounds 
ornithologists; costly to feed, it will at first 
titter on command, but if you try to pet it, 
it will shrink silently into a corner; likes to 
rub briefly against male trouser legs. 

The deep-throated hummingbird: 'The 
only bird that can feed and sing at the 
same time, tremendously fast-tongued and 
fast-winged, it is fond of flowers with 
lerge stamens and has been known to fly 
long distances to get to one; surprisingly 
small considering its capacities, the deep- 
throated hummingbird is considered а 
treasure by most men; found usually in the 
West and in the movies. 

The corporate warbler: Inhabits cities, 
usually skyscrapers; a relatively new bird 
оп the scene, the corporate warbler hides 
its bright feathers by piling them into a 
bun at the crown of the head; colored and 
marked like the penguin, the corporate 
warbler appears formal at all times; i 
call—"Bottom line? Bottom line?” —is 
delivered in a firm, low voice that is pleas- 
ing in a conference room; probably the 
best fed of all the birds listed here, it none- 


“Where in Audubon will 
you find the deep-throated 
hummingbird, the slinky 
beach skimmer, the 
liberated nest спискег?” 

theless stays slim by flying around and 
around the same building every morning 
and evening; the only bird with feet 
shaped like Nikes. 

The slinky beach skimmer: Found only 
near tropical beaches or swimming pools, 
this large-breasted bird, evenly tan in 
color and glistening with oil, is not rated 
very highly for its intelligence, but that is 
probably an unfair judgment by the ex- 
perts; the slinky beach skimmer, for exam- 
ple, can find a rum drink in the dark, and 
it is the most naturally rhythmical of all 
the birds, always hopping and bopping to 
its own internal sound system; the only 
bird that can surf, by the way. 

The hard-beaked ball buster: From the 
same family as the liberated nest chucker, 
the hard-beaked ball buster is one of the 
more difficult birds to spot, since it can 
take on the form and coloration of many 
other birds as a disguise; it has even been 
known to pose as the soft-soaping pleader, 
and once, in Virginia, it appeared under 
the cover of the perpetual mourning dove; 
but nothing can remain hidden forever, 
and it is the flight pattern of the hard- 
beaked ball buster that gives it away: 
Hawks circle, pigeons swoop, robins hop, 

but the hard-beaked ball buster flies 
crotch-high in concentric circles until it 
finds its target, whoever he may be; usual- 
ly found near divorce courts. 

The scrumptious chickadee: Known in 
bird-watching circles as a “ten out of ten,” 
the scrumptious chickadee is clear-eyed, 
smooth-featured, efficient and wary. It 
possesses a sweet whistle, pleasing move- 
ments, high intelligence, mobility and 
sass. A bird that ages beautifully, it is 
sometimes compared to the mythical phoe- 
nix. The scrumptious chickadee leads a 
somewhat hazardous life, for many a 
hunter is after it, and even in migration it 
can be a target, albeit illegally. This bird 
often has a difficult time finding a mate, 
but that doesn’t stop it from trying. 

The thin-bellied iron pumper: This is 
onc hell of a bird, only recently discovered; 
fun to watch, dangerous to criticize, you 
can bet that pound for pound the thin- 
bellied iron pumper is the strongest and 
toughest bird on the block, bar none. 
You've heard of a covey of quail and a 
pride of lions and а herd of elephants, but 
have you heard of an exhibition of iron 
pumpers? They are something to behold 
as they fly in formation, each of them 
hauling bar bells in mid-air, flexing their 
wings and clenching their claws and often 
shrieking in delight. Some experts argue 
that the thin-bellied iron pumper is a ge- 
netic mutant, a mistaken cross between the 
radical wren and the Schwarzenegger ea- 
gle, but who cares? It’s here to stay. 

The radar-eyed gold digger: Some 
people insist that this bird is extinct, but 
it’s not; with plumage as bright as neon 
and with an innate shrewdness that proves 
Darwin was right, the radar-eyed gold 
digger will perch on a man’s shoulder only 
in certain seasons of his life—and rarely 
when he really needs it; a highly de- 
veloped sense of sight enables this bird 
to see money wherever it is hidden, be it 
in wallets or bank vaults, and for years 
it has led the list of the world’s ten richest 
birds; its mating call is something of a 
hoot—“Whatareyouworth? Whatareyou- 
worth?”—that deteriorates into a harsh 
cackle if you answer falsely; the one thing 
to remember in dealing with this particu- 
lar bird is that the IRS does not permit 
any legal deductions for its upkeep, nor is 
depreciation allowed (though the bird 
itself will tell you differently); found most- 
ly in Connecticut, Palm Beach, Chicago’s 
North Shore, Hollywood, the capitals of 
Europe and Latin America and some 
places we don’t even know about. 


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YOU KNOW HOW YOU, as a man, have occa- 
sionally come upon a small group of wom- 
en chattering in animated whispers that 
immediately stop as you approach? What 
do you think we're talking about? The 
great sex we had last night? How we've 
found an incredible laundry detergent that 
has done wonders for Johnny’s old socks? 
Meat-loaf recipes? Needlepoint futures? 

Well, no, we're not. We're talking 
gynecologists. We're all on this vast, 
relentless, King Arthur-and-the-Holy 
Grail search to find one. One who won't 
diagnose an ovarian cyst as a tubal preg- 
nancy. One who won't decide, in а mo- 
ment of carefree bravado, to give us a 
partial hysterectomy. 

We all need a good gynecologist. In fact, 
flip ahead to the centerfold of this maga- 
zine. Pretty girl. Notice her snatch? Her 
quim? Her love pocket? Her slit, cunt, 
pussy? Yes, there it is, right where it 
belongs: the divine triangle. 

Inside those pearly nether lips, there 
lurks a vastly complex and highly trained 
assortment of reproductive apparatus— 
apparatus that must be primed, tuned, 
probed and monitored. In other words, 
even Miss August must go to the gynie. 

Know what happens when she does? 
First he makes her wait. That is a rule, 
and you're thrown out of the gynecolo- 
gists’ union if you say, “Come right in, 
madam," in less than 93 minutes. After 
all, how important is a woman's time? So 
Miss August cools her heels reading The 
Happy Mommy Catalog or some such 
until, as eventually as Godot comes, she is 
led into a room. She undresses and puts on 
a polyester robe whose ties at the back are 
missing, then listens for 25 minutes to the 
nurses talking to their boyfriends on near- 
by telephones. 

Enter Doc. He pulls down a roll of dis- 
posable paper on his table; she lies on it 
and crackles. He guides her feet into two 
cold metal stirrups so she is on her back 
and splayed, just like, as Joan Rivers says, 
“а take-away chicken." 

“Just relax,” Doc will tell our center- 
fold, inserting a thick, cold metal specu- 
lum into her love canal. “I’m just going to 
cause a bit of discomfort, honey." Then, of 
course, blinding pain. A Pap smear is tak- 
еп to see whether or not she has cancer. 
"The state of the ovaries and the cervix is 
checked. The uterus is given a friendly 
howdy. Her breasts are kneaded to detect 
unpleasant cancerous lumps. Finally, Doc 
pulls off his rubber glove with a healthy 
snap and tells Miss August to dress and 
meet him in his office. 

Where he sits behind his massive desk, 
grins and probably tells her that she has 
trichomoniasis or nonspecific vaginitis or 


“We would ай go through it 
calmly if only we could 
be sure the gynecologist 
we had chosen had all 
his marbles.” 

possibly a teensy yeast infection. Maybe 
her cervix is eroded, oozing blood, and she 
needs to be cauterized. Or maybe some- 
thing in there looks funny and a biopsy is 
indicated. It is always possible that she is 
healthy. Such things have happened. 

Then Miss August gets a prescription 
for cream to squirt up herself every night 
with the aid of a little plastic plunger that 
never works. Or perhaps she needs sup- 
positories that melt and break or refuse to 
be unwrapped from their tin-foil cocoons. 
Or, if she has trichomoniasis—a fun dis- 
ease that makes you itch uncontrollably 
and smell like a decomposing mackerel— 
she is prescribed Flagyl, which gives many 
of us headaches and diarrhea and costs a 
small fortune. 

This is all time-consuming, expensive 
and unpleasant, yet we would go through 
it calmly if only we could be sure the gyne- 
cologist we had chosen had all his mar- 

Take, if you can, Dr. О. Dr. O.’s зесге- 
tary called me once, about three years ago, 
and said, without resorting to tact, “You 
have gonorrhea! You must take massive 
doses of ampicillin immediately!” 

1 was not pleased, since I hadn't had sex 
in months and I was just on my way to 
Los Angeles to visit my own true love, 

who picked me up at the airport in a white 
limousine stocked with roses and Wild 
Turkey. When my own true love snuggled 
up to me, slipped his hand under my skirt 
and said, “Oh, darling, it’s been so long,” 
Thad to pull his hand away and murmur, 
“So sorry, my angel, but I seem to have 
gonorrhea.” The night took a nose dive 

Three days later, when I called the 
gynie’s office to check in, the secretary 
said, “So sorry, honey, but you don’t have 
gonorrhea alter all. The tests were mis- 
leading.” Misleading? 

‘Then there was the guy who insisted on 
painting my insides with gentian violet at 
every available opportunity. Since it never 
worked, I finally went to another guy, 
who told me that nobody’s been painting 
pussies with gentian violet since, say, 1910. 

My friend Cleo was told by her doctor 
that she was just being silly and hysterical 
when she complained of pain; а few weeks 
later, she was rushed to the hospital with 
an ovarian cyst as big as a grapefruit (all 
ovarian cysts are as big as grapefruits). 
She developed peritonitis and came peril- 
ously close to dying. 

My friend Rose, after five miscarriages, 
is again pregnant and is recuperating in 
the hospital after having her cervix 
stitched closed with what the doctor 
quaintly called a *McDonald's tie.” This 
is her fifth doctor. She's keeping her fin- 
gers crossed. 

And my poor friend Rita went to the 
hospital at five лм. a few weeks ago in 
incredible agony, and nobody knew why 
A tubal pregnancy? A pelvic mass? Cysts? 
Ruptures? She had been bleeding contin- 
uously, so her last gynecologist had pre- 
scribed high doses of hormones. Now this. 
Her new doctor didn't understand this 
hormone business and figured he'd better 
operate. She wouldn't let him. She had her 
entire network of friends do research to 
find the absolutely ultimate gynecologist 
in all the boroughs of New York and 
called him in for consultation. 

The ultimate gynecologist sat at his 
massive desk and said to Rita, “Your last 
doctor could not possibly have read your 
records. It is clear to me that you have had 
a recurrence of the pelvic inflammatory 
disease that you contracted eight years 
ago. 1 will give you antibiotics." 

This is all very tiring. What makes it 
also infuriating is the way most gynecolo- 
gists pat us on the head and tell us not to 
be hysterical, that they will take care of 
everything. And then they don’t. If they 
don’t respect our minds, can they think of 
our insides as other than vaguely interest- 
ing gadgets? 

My latest doctor just called and told me 
Thad a “borderline three” Pap test. I 
know what that means. Do you? 


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you never expected. A drink that's‏ سے 
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And toast all the others goodbye.‏ 

. 7“ Seagram's V.O. It's everything 


Вата 20-year-old male, not so good- 
looking and slightly overweight. I am 
engaged to a very lovely and caring 21- 
year-old who couldn't love me more. I love 
her just as much, and our relationship is 
fantastic. We've known each other for 
more than a year, and through many long 
talks we have learned almost everything 
about each other's past. 

Му problem 15 that 1 am a very jealous 
person. My sex life before I met my 
fiancée was mostly imaginary. She, on the 
other hand, has had a fairly active sex life 
since high school. She has told me about 
her previous lovers and assures me that 
she was never happy with any of them. 
They were typical adolescent relation- 
ships. I believe her, but that does not di 
minish my very strong feelings of jealousy 
toward her former men. It really tears me 
up to think of someone else loving her. I 
feel а: ап always in constant competi- 
tion with them. There is nothing that she 
does or says to make me feel this way; my 
jealousy is all a product of my own insecu- 

These feelings have never externalized 
themselves. I keep them to myself, but 
they play across my mind, and I'm 
afraid that they may come out sometime 
and 1 may say something to hurt her. 

If you can help me in any way, I would 
really appreciate it. This may just be 
something that I have to grow out of —I'm 
still a long way from being fully mature— 
but I’m troubled. I’m open to any sugges- 
tions you can offer. Thanks for listen- 
ing.—D. H., Dallas, Texas. 

What if your fiancée had told you noth- 
ing of her pasi? Then you'd have nothing 
to feel insecure about. She did you a favor 
їп the name of honesty, and the least you 
can do is accept her confessions and forget 
about them. It is pointless to be jealous of 
her past lovers, especially when your lady- 
friend has gone out of her way to reassure 
you that her past affairs were meaningless. 
You should be thinking about the present 
and the future. You're in her life now, and 
that’s ай that should count. If your insecu- 
rities are so strong that you don't feel wor- 
thy of her, perhaps counseling can help. 
Otherwise, it's up to you to get your act 
together and enjoy what you have—or else 
risk damaging it or losing il outright. The 
choice is yours. 

Мао of the VHS VCRs I have seen 
have three speeds. My next-door neighbor 
has such a VCR and he tells me he never 
uses the first two speeds, preferring to tape 
everything as slow as possible. He says the 
picture quality is the same at all three. If 
that is so, why are there three speeds?— 
R. L., Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Would you believe hill climbing? Prob- 

ably not. The point of all those speeds is 
simply to match the tape length to the pro- 
gram you are taping, for rore economical 
use of the tape. Many of the low-end VHS 
VCRs that have three speeds do not allow 
Jreeze-frame or slow motion in the middle 
mode, usually called LP. The fastest mode, 
SP—for standard play—gives the best pic- 
ture and sound. With each step down, you 
lose visual and audio quality. Flutter, for 
instance, is more likely to occur in the 
superlong play (SLP), also known as 
extended play (EP), mode and the fre- 
quency response may not be as good. In 
other words, if you are taping а drama, you 
can use any mode, bul if the program is 
musical, you are better off letting the VCR 
clip along at its top speed. 

Lately, I've noticed that many girls don’t 
like to give out their phone number. 
‘They'd rather you give them yours so they 
can call you. I can understand that. But 
when the time comes to do it, there's 
always a lot of fumbling for a pen or 
a pencil to write down the number. Га 
like to give girls my card, but I suspect 
that might be considered a little formal, 
if not downright stuffy. What do you 
say?—M. P., Boston, Massachusetts. 
While we've run across the "Don't call 
me, ГИ call you" routine more times than 
we'd like to admit, it’s not always а brush- 
off. But just in case it is, the proffering of a 
handsome card could make a woman think 
a bit. Of course, we are not suggesting that 
you give her your business card. Save that 
for conventions. Have a card made just for 
social occasions. It should include your 

пате and phone numbers for office and 
home. Your address isn’t necessary unless 
you want to include it. Formal or not, your 
personal card will make an impression. 
Certainly, an engraved card is harder to 
throw away than a scrap of paper. And 
you may even find that you'll get one back 
from the lady. 

BBecause I work in a place where others 
are dose by, I like to use my personal 
stereo so they won't be disturbed. Besides, 
Рт a New Wave fan, and the people I 
work with can't stand that kind of music. 
People have told me that playing loud 
music can damage my hearing. I notice no 
hearing loss, and it seems to me that if the 
stereo. were harmful, the manufacturer 
wouldn't put it on the market. What do 
you say?—R. P., Detroit, Michigan. 

We wouldn't trust our hearing to some 
Government regulation agency, and you 
shouldn't, either. There are a lol of things 
on the market that are harmless if used 
with care but devastating if used carelessly. 
Personal stereos are one such category. 
Most people play them loudly; some 
people play them at high volume to mask 
other loud noises, of which there are many 
in today’s world. According to the Occupa- 
tional Safety and Health Administration, 
the loudest average noise level legally per- 
missible in the workplace over an eight- 
hour period is one of 90 decibels. A study a 
few years ago showed that most people 
were playing their stereos at levels around 
120 decibels. That is enough lo damage 
hearing if the level is maintained for sev- 
eral hours at a time. Audiologists recom- 
mend a level somewhere around one third 
gain on any personal stereo. You're lucky if 
your hearing hasn't been affected yet. But 
remember that hearing loss can be cumu- 
lative. A little here and a little there and 
soon you шоп”! be able to hear chamber 
music, much less New Wave. 

В noticed a leuer in a recent Playboy 
Advisor from a woman who comes very 
close to orgasm during exercise. 1, 100, 
become wildly turned on by prolonged 
strenuous exercise. A little history may be 
in order. During high school, I was quite 
the female jock and got into heavy weight 
training. In college, I was not into organ- 
ized sports, but I did work out fairly regu- 
larly. After college, I became much less 
active and as a result began putting a lot of 
weight onto what had been a solid, muscu- 
lar, strong body. I finally reached an 
unacceptable weight and got back to 
working with heavy weights and got back 
to being solid again. I am built a little 
strangely—from the waist up, like а 
slightly overdeveloped gymnast, but from 
the waist down, like an overdeveloped 




power lifter. I have huge, exceptionally 
muscular legs. 

While I am working with weights, par- 
ticularly during a heavy workout, the 
longer I go and the more I have to really 
grind it out, the more turned on I become. 
My body is hot, the muscles are straining, 
the sweat is flowing and the passion is 
growing. The guy I go with, Jeff, says 
making love to me is like making it with a 
bucking bronco, because I am very active. 
Last summer, he and I got back to my 
place one night and got into a friendly 
tussle by the car. Quite by accident (we 
always discover fantastic things by acci- 
dent), Jeff ended up with his arms across 
my shoulders and his legs wrapped 
around my waist. I decided to carry him 
(he weighs 187 pounds) up to my apart- 
ment. It was maybe 30 yards to the build- 
ing, then up one flight of steps, which 
really felt good, then to my door. I was 
very reluctantly about to let him get off 
when—wonder of wonders— 1 felt him big 
and solid and hard against my back. I was 
almost afraid to ask, but when I did ask 
him if having me carry him pickaback 
turned him on, he said it was fantastic and 
a real turn-on for him. He said that the 
feel of my strong body working under him 
was incredible, but I must be all but 
exhausted and he had better get off. I let 
him off only long enough for us to get our 
clothes off; then, with no urging at all on 
my part, he got back on and 1 carried him 
up and down the length of my apartment 
until we were both so turned on, we 
almost attacked each other. So my turn-on 
with prolonged strenuous exertion and 
Је turn-on with the feel of my body as 1 
carry him are fantastic.—Miss J. S., Ann 
Arbor, Michigan. 

Thanks. We're changing apartments 
soon and we need someone to help us 
move. Er... 

П drive my jeep to some wild places where 
gas stations are few and far between. I am 
hesitant to carry one of those metal gallon 
cans with gas in it, because Гус heard they 
can explode. I live in a city, so there's no 
point in keeping an outboard can; my gas 
would be fueling every stolen moped in 
town. Are gas containers as dangerous as 
Гуе been led to believe? Do you have any 
suggestions?—M. P., Chicago, Illinois. 
Let's get the disclaimer out of the way 
first: We do not recommend that you carry 
gasoline in a container inside your car. 
There are, however, times when you will 
have to carry gas—in the circumstances 
you mention, to power lawn mowers or to 
rescue a friend stalled оп the highway. The 
standard red gasoline can with yellow let- 
tering is the preferred container, since it’s 
vapor-tight. And it’s the vapors. that you 
have to worry about. To cause an explo- 
sion, they or the liquid would have to be 
ignited by a spark or fire. Gasoline will not 
combust spontaneously. As the tempera- 
ture goes up, the vapors increase. If they 
are expelled in a closed car, you unll be 

driving a bomb, You do have a warning 
built in. Before you hear the explosion, you 
will smell the fumes. That means ventilate 
fast. П takes a concentration of four to sev- 
en percent to make a combustible air-gas 
mixture. You should keep the can filled to 
capacity; otherwise, you allow room for 
fumes to develop and emerge when you 
open the can. Naturally, there must be 
absolutely no smoking or use of fire, light- 
ers or matches by anyone in the car. Final- 
ly, if you intend to do a lot of long-range 
driving in your jeep, you should have an 
auxiliary gas tank built into your vehicle. 
That’s the only really safe way to transport 
extra fuel. 

This is something that has been gnawing 
at me for some time. With the right 
woman, I love giving head—even more 
than I do getting it. Most of my lovers 
nearly always reach orgasm through oral 
sex, and while they reciprocate, they don’t 
seem to have the passion for, or the knowl- 
edge of, the act that I do. The result is that 
while many women have gone down on 
me, I have never in my 33 years on this 
planet had an orgasm that way! I am 
beginning to feel a bit cheated. Is there 
something wrong with me because I enjoy 
giving head more than getting it? _M. H., 
Los Angeles, California. 

If you've reached orgasm in other ways, 
you obviously don't have a physiological 
problem. It could be that you've never 
received friction to bring you to orgasm, or 
perhaps you hold back for some psycholog- 
ical reason. There is nothing wrong with 
enjoying gwing more than receiving, 
though it’s unfortunate that your experi- 
ences have left you feeling that way for the 
wrong reason. If you're dissatisfied with 
what you've received, you should be offer- 
ing suggestions lo your partners as to what 
pleases you. Try lending a helping handor 
maybe even а vibrator. Try switching to 
oral sex at the height of intercourse. Once 
you have one this way, a second orgasm 
Should come easily. 

ММ ben 1 get my two weeks off this year, 
I'd like to go down to Mexico or maybe 
even to Europe; Гуе never really experi- 
enced a different culture firsthand. My 
problem is that I don’t speak any foreign 
language. My friends have told me not to 
worry, that there will always be someone 
around who can speak English. Is that 
true? If not, how much of a language do I 
need to know to get around?—R. D., 
De Kalb, Illinois. 

Being at а loss for words can be as frus- 
trating in а foreign country as it is in this 
country. While it is no doubt possible to 
traverse the globe using hand signals and 
pictures drawn in the dust, it’s not likely to 
be a very illuminating experience. Like- 
vise, trying to find the English translator. 
in a small village at three ^M. to have the 
scorpions removed from your quarters 
could spoil an otherwise perfect evening. If 
you stick to the rain tourist destinations, 

chances are you won't require much more 
than a few words or phrases, some of which 
you can find in various phrase books and 
‘some of which you will pick up there. The 
phrase books seldom offer instructions for 
the romantically inclined. But the nice 
thing about languages is that they overlap 
at points. Learning a new one or, at least, 
moving out of the phrase-book stage may 
not be so difficult. We think it'll help make 
your adventure memorable. 

ША тарьсан: 40 and à дерп шаг. 
riage, I want to share some lessons that I 
learned the hard way and that bear rele- 
vance to questions raised recently in The 
Playboy Advisor on premature ejaculation 
and clitoral stimulation. While married, I 
had premature-ejaculation problems and 1 
felt that this was a major factor in my 
wife’s being nonorgasmic. She had less 
interest in sex than I, and it seemed that we 
both accepted the fact that our life in bed 
would always be a less-than-happy com- 
promise. Poor communication permeated 
other aspects of our relationship, however, 
and after six years, we separated. My cur- 
rent girlfriend is also divorced. Her hus- 
band was able to bring her to orgasm in 
the missionary position. That ability had 
to do with his pelvic musculature—which 
1 certainly do not share! We worked out 
a simple system that has proved to be 
very successful for us. In our favorite po- 
sition, she lies on her back and I lie on my 
left side, to her right. Her right leg is over 
my hips and my legs straddle her left leg. 
This is a very relaxed position for both, 
and entry is achieved much more easily 
than in the missionary position, for in- 
stance. The most important aspect of our 
system is that while we make love, she 
masturbates. She takes charge of her own 
orgasm and leaves me to concentrate on 
keeping things under control until the 
appropriate moment. In fact, at least 80 
percent of our orgasms are simultaneous, 
in spite of the fact that she is relatively 
slow to climax. Her masturbating also 
serves to turn us both on; but, most impor- 
tant, 1 do not have the extra responsibility 
of bringing her to a climax while control- 
ling my own. With the pressure off, the 
premature-cjaculation problem disap- 
peared literally overnight! When I think 
back to how I used to feel in those bad old 
days, I can scarcely believe that it is the 
same man now enjoying a wonderful sex 
life.—R. J., Rochester, New York. 
Thanks for sharing these insights. 

All reasonable questions—from fashion, 
food anddrink, stereo and sports cars to dating 
problems, taste and etiquette —uall be person- 
ally answered ifthe writer includes a stamped, 
self-addressed envelope. Sendall letters to The 
Playboy Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. 
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611 
The тоз! provocative, pertinent queries 
will be presented on these pages each month. 


Не sons tad enough of the Alan. 
Alda type, or has it become the model for 
what women really want? Or is the whole 
issue just another example of media hype? 
We wanted to know what our Playmate 
advisors had to say about this subject. 

‘The question for the month: 

Do women really want to be with 
sensitive, unaggressive men? 

Hao. 1 tike shy men. They give you a lot to 
think about. I think aggressive men seem 
wo be hiding 
something, and 
that’s why they 
put up a shield 
of words and 
actions. Sensi- 
tive men are 
more open and 
honest. I'm at- 
acted to a 
man who wants 
10 get to know 
me better, who 
is not trying to 
put the make on me, who doesn’t have a 
harsh approach. Ifa man hides his sensi- 
tivity from you, you don't really get to 
know him very well. 

par fet 


Vo all for a sensitive, gentle guy, but once 
in a while, I need some excitement. 
guys fun, 
and they're a 
challenge to 
me. Thats the 
guy who takes a 
step beyond the 
expected. So 
l ask myself, 
“Can I handle 
a person that 
strong? Will 1 
give in too 
much? m 
supersensitive. I'm the one who usually 
gives in. The challenge for me is, can Î 
stand up to a strong vill and not get hurt? 




Р... of hat que I 
think women want sensitive and aggres- 
sive men. By aggressive, І mean. bold, 
honest and direct. Don't beat around the 
bush. If it's sex you want, tell me it's sex 
you want |f 
it's lunch, let's 
have lunch. But 
don't lie to me, 
lead me on or 
give me false 
hopes. 1 also 
want a man 
who is going to 
be my friend, 
who has com- 
passion, who is 
willing to build 
a relationship 
slowly bv laying a foundation. To me, 
that’s a sensitive m Гус said before 
in this column, it all begins with friend- 
ship, with conversation 
formation. I think talk will take off a 
lot more clothes than force or pressure 
ever will. 

a hype. 1 

Rov VOU Mun Xt Lo. 

APRIL 198) 

Women want sensitive men, but I think 
they also want aggressive men. At least I 
do. | want a man who is aggressive about 
his goals in life, who is sexually aggressive 
I feel that his energy will rub off оп me 
But I love 
in a man, too. 
How can a 
woman com- 
municate with 
a man who isn’t 
concerned with 

her feelings? 1 
want a man 
who шашу 10 

talk to me, who 
wouldn't give 
up trying to 
talk to me, even if I were in a bad mood. 
That's the kind of person | try to be 
n a relationship, and I expect to get it 
in retur 

MAY 1983 

Togay; wonin do want a sen: 
think there has been a big shift in 
tudes. If both partners are aggressive, the 
mix is too strong for a relationship to last. 

Now, my , 
own li In 8 
with the best | 
man in thc 

world. We both | 
play off being 
the stronger 
force. 1 don't 
mean we take 
turns; it’s more 
whoever feels 
like it at the 
time. When we 
met, he wasnt 
threatened or put off by my 

man I like. 



[| think that when most men talk about 
being sexually aggressive, what they mean 
is that they 
want to be bet- 
ter lovers. Most 
women want 
men to be bet- 
ter lovers, 100; 
only to them, 
that means be- 
ing а more 
sensitive lover. 
As for me, the 
word aggres- 
sive ha very 
sexual mean- 
„ва personality trait, not a physical 
one. It does not mean the use of force. On 
the other hand, sensitive does not mean 
passive. It means sensitive £o the other per- 
son, I find both of those words just fine by 
my definition of them. 

p A 


ск 1983 

Send your questions to Dear Playmates, 
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave- 
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. We won't be 
able to answer every question, but we'll try. 



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If you'd like extra recipe books to give with it, we'll be happy to oblige. 
©1983 Каншаг 53 Proof. Maidstone Wine & Spirits Inc., Universal City, CA 


a continuing dialog on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers 


In the February Playboy Forum, a New 
York gentleman named Andy Williams 
has some harsh words to say about waste- 
management problems and suggests, 
among other things, that industrial pollut- 
ers be required to sip from jiggers of their 
own effluents, In the May Forum, а 
Brush, Colorado, gentleman named Dan 
Ingmire takes issue with New York's Wil- 
liams on a number of points and calls him 
a jerk. 1 happen to be Andy Williams the 
singer, who is not involved in this interest- 
ing exchange and, in any case, does not 
wish to be confused with Andy Williams 
the alleged jerk. I don't have a copyright 
on the name. 

Andy Williams 
Beverly Hills, California 

Ah, you're the other Andy Williams 

Good to hear from you 


‘The urinalysis test for detecting illegal 
drug use is becoming a popular method for 
enforcing the zero-tolerance policy, but to 
say that such a policy is cost effective is 
ludicrous. The computer industry in Cali- 
fornia’s Silicon Valley is currently using 
that test to track down criminals who 
(ssh!) smoke marijuana, at about $15 a 
test. Гуе heard that our “cost-conscious” 
military is spending approximately $150 a 
test, with the goal of submitting every per- 
son serving in our Armed Forces to Project 
Golden Flow; personnel coming back 
from liberty are especially targeted. Who 
wants a sailor, Marine, airman or soldier 
to enjoy himself while on leave? 

Project Golden Flow is an example of 
the dear-bought military expenses for 
which U.S. taxpayers are paying. Screw- 
drivers for aircraft fuselages are going for 
the same price! Can these “morality en- 
forcers” call this cost effective? Sounds 
like a financial report from the Acme 
School of Creative Accounting. 

Malcolm С. Мау ш 
San Francisco, California 


"The Air Force base to which I am cur- 
rently assigned recently contracted with a 
local cable company to provide cable-TV 
service for the members of the base. One of 
the stipulations of the contract, much to 
our chagrin, was that The Pleasure Chan- 
nel and The Playboy Channel not be pro- 
vided to anyone on base, 

А local publication that carries base 
news runs a section in which readers may 
air whatever is on their minds. After 

receiving numerous complaints by mem- 
bers of the base’s population about not 
being able to receive those channels, our 
wing commander replied in this section 
that he had made the decision not to allow 
erotic video not because he was dictating 
morality but because it was a matter of 
practicality. He said that he had based his 
decision on many police reports that 
linked incidence of sexual crimes with the 
viewing of pornographic materials. 

lam a subscriber to the new cable serv- 
ice. It is a vast improvement over the 

“Т have never heard 

that pornography has 

been linked to a rise 
in sex crimes." 

service we had before. I get The Pleasure 
Channel and The Playboy Channel in 
scrambled form and can discern most of 
what is going on. It leaves a lot to the 
imagination, though, which may be better 
(or worse, depending on how you look at 
it) than an unscrambled picture. Addition- 
ally, the base exchange sells adult maga- 
zines. Furthermore, I have never heard 
that pornography has been linked to a rise 
in sex crimes. 

1 believe that this is an instance of one 

individual’s abuse of his position to impose 
his morality on those under him and sup- 
press what little freedom of choice remains 
for those of us who would fight to uphold 
those liberties. 

For the record, 1 would like to say that 
we in the Armed Forces are bound by law 
to obey the orders of those above us and 
that we will continue to do so. It just seems 
unfair that our constitutional rights are so 
blatantly disregarded when it is we who 
will, in the end, defend those rights. 

(Name withheld by request) 
Homestead AFB, Florida 

Some recent studies have attempled to 
link sexual violence and violent pornogra- 
phy, and we're not sure but that there 
‘may, in fact, be a connection. We deplore 
both bul also oppose censorship and don’t 
believe there’s any simple cause-and-effect 
relationship such as the enemies of pornog- 
raphy would like to establish. (See “View= 
point,” page 51.) We believe that any 
social harm derives from depictions not of 
sexual activity as such but of violence in 
the context of sexual activity, which sure 
enough might give some people the wrong 
idea of what lovemaking is all about. We'll 
be dealing with this subject regularly in 
the months to come. 


The chutzpah of the Reverend Jerry 
Falwell, that he should flash more of his 
tête-à-tête with President Ronald Reagan 
over e-time TV! Will we be hearing 
wedding bells next? 

Sure, the public forum is essential to the 
health of our relatively free society. But 
where is the touted separation of church 
and state? Hey, it’s bucks for Jerry—votes 
for Ronnie! 

And, sure, the virtually untaxed Fal- 
well has а right to force-feed a few 
teurized minds; but the verbiage and this 
romance with the electric general. proba- 
bly turns many more stomachs. It’s poetic 
that Falwell is the same plump-faced 
preacher who converted Lynchburg, Vir- 
giniz's, Donald Duck Bottling Company 
into a Baptist church. And, since he 
appears to be a quack, we can essentially 
appreciate the news that Falwell is regis- 
tering voters from his obedient flock. 

However, due to the Orwellian reach of 
Falwell's political right arm, the less oral 
majority of Americans had better sit up 
and watch the bears dance. We're still free 
to be involved with this year’s election 
process. We can urge others to register 
(without telling 'em how to vote!). 

Could be we suffer from traditional 



“polapathy”; maybe it’s just a deficiency 
of multiple-mineral amino-acid chelates 
in us, for the U.S. has its fill of “rubber- 
stamp politicians," and 45 billion ham- 
burgers have been sold. We try to digest 
the tasteless Quarter Pounders. The rub- 
ber stampers we swallow with a gram of 
megamultivitamins. Many refuse to regis- 
ter or vote. It's American bill of fare and 
may be the nature of the beast political. 
But can we ignore the phenomenon of 
Ronnie and Jerry's kids? 

Ronnie and Jerry's kids are the first 
offspring of this seedy romance between 
church and state. Try to guess whom 
they'll vote for this year! 

Of course, rubber-stamp poli 
have been around as long as poli 
But—gadzooks!—here come the rubber- 
stamp voters! Whom will they favor— Jer- 
ry or Ronnic? Will anyone be able to tell 
the difference? Who cares? 

Bon appétit, America. Let's get off our 
heinies and register—get active—before 
church and state tie the knot! 

Frank Batey 
Palm Springs, California 


Not long after the news came out that 
the U.S. had been mining the ports of 
Nicaragua, I found the enclosed sheet 
music in an antiques shop, and it 
prompted such а terrible feeling of déjà 
vu that I thought Га send it to PLAYBOY. 
America, Here's My Boy appeared during 
World War One and, in proper patriotic 
fashion, features a mother offering up her 
son to go and fight; i.e., the song uses the 
mother-son relationship to promote the 





supply of cannon fodder to the trenches of 
France, Germany, Austria, et al. 

The song reminded me of the lengths to 
which even our own Government ard its 
chauvinist supporters will go to convince 
the people of America approximately 
every ten years that one of the duties and 
obligations of the U.S. male is to go kill 

somebody, ог get killed, on behalf of what 
the current crop of politicians defines as 
the national interest. In World War One, 
it was the interests of the great banking 
and financial cartels and the divvying up 
of the emerging industrial world. World 
War Two provided its own reasons, not 
all having to do with Hitler’s Nazis, as did 
Korea and then Vietnam. Which genera- 
tion of this century has missed the op- 
portunity to die or kill for Mom and 

After Vietnam, which ground up my 
generation, it seemed as if the horror of 
war might be restrained by our own sense 
of loss and perhaps even by a little wisdom 
in Washington. Not so. Pressed by the 
domestic backlash of its fiscal terrorism in 
the U.S., the Reagan Administration has 
been looking for four years for a way to 
rally voters back to the polls in time for 
re-election. The Carter fiasco in Iran 
stands as an object lesson to the Adminis- 
tration: Not just any old intervention will 
do; it has to be one with a quick and pre- 
dictable victory. 

So the patriotic offspring of America 
had better start learning Spanish, because 
that’s what they'll need where they're 
headed. The infusion of U.S. troops, 
weapons, spy apparatus, paid assassins, 
mercenaries, economic and political-desta- 
bilization efforts into Central America 
since 1980 is none the less odious for 
being so blatant. Reagan, Caspar Wein- 
berger, Jeane Kirkpatrick and others in 
Washington intend to have their way in El 
Salvador and Nicaragua, just as they have 
gotten used to having it in Honduras, 
Guatemala, et al—and in Chile, of 
course, back in 1973, when President Nix- 
оп paved the way for Reagan. Thousands 
of US. Marine, Army, Navy and Air 
Force personnel are, and have been, train- 
ing across Gentral America, preparing not 
only to help contras (i.e. mercenaries) 
harass the Sandinistas and turn El Salva- 
dor into a hell on the Southeast Asian 
model but to actually be prepared for a 
direct U.S. involvement. In Central Amer- 
ica, that event is taken almost as a given: 
The question is not “Will the U.S. 
invade?” but “When and how will we 
deal with it?” 

Reagan blundered in laying the Nicara- 
guan mines by offending Congress, some- 
what slowing his war-’84 drive but not 
stopping it. Mining a sovereign power's 
harbor is an act of war in itself—exactly 
the kind of intervention Reagan says the 
Cubans practice. It’s all a kind of mad- 
ness, just like the public-relations ground- 
work that was laid for pulling 
us into Vietnam. Central America will 
be the same kind of quagmire, jungles 
and all. 

But, at least, if we go again, we don’t 
have 10 write а new song. I think the one 
from World War One still preity much 
catches the spirit. 

Harwell V. Н. Anderson 
New York, New York 


Richard 5. Ovinnikov, Soviet ambassa- 
dor to the UN, recently stated that “we 
have all started on a new spiral of mad- 
ness.” And that is putting it mildly. There 
can be no winners in a nuclear-arms race. 
Provoked by fear, both sides continue to 
run blindly toward the finish line, while 
we in the stands grow hoarse trying to stop 

Back home, we take solace, searching 
the TV screen for some signs of peace. But 
all we see are signs of war, a stage set 
waiting for some action. It is a play with 
two directors, each one with his own inter- 
pretation. It isa very long short story writ- 
ten by different hands, each one holding a 
different truth. 

As this new year unfolds, it is this writ- 
er's hope that we may all be around to 
read the final resolution to this hideous 
fiction of war. 


Nothing here 
is real. 
A setting, 
some people, 
a bit of conflict 
and suspense. 
Go ahead, 
read them alive. 
They speak, move, 
grow old and die. 
And и is over, 
like life, only 
nothing here 
stays buried. 

Charles Ghigna 

Alabama School of Fine Arts 
Birmingham, Alabama 


This is in response to Robb Santoyana’s 
leuer on value systems in the April 
Playboy Forum. He is correct in stating. 
that shared value systems allow for tran- 
quillity, respect and a certain amount of. 
bonding between neighbors of different 
ethnic backgrounds, especially in Ameri- 
ca. As а 40-year-old father of four, an 
attorney, a social worker and a musician, 1 
can attest to that. But, to carry the inquiry 
further, we have serious and apparently 
dedicated social revolutionaries in this 
country intent upon eradicating the pres- 
ent system and/or establishing a separate 
black nation in the Southern United 
States. One such group is the Republic of 
New Africa. Its intentions and moral aspi- 
rations appear to be no more absurd than 
those of the 17th Century American colo- 
nialists. Its members are apparently intel- 
ligent, cut their grass, pay their bills, etc., 
but they do not share the prejudices 
against “assholes” of their white counter- 
parts. These revolutionary Afro-Ameri- 
cans tend to see “niggers” as victims of 2 
corrupt system rather than as just so much 
riffraff, as whites view their “white trash” 


what's happening in the sexual and social arenas 

TULSA—A county jury has awarded 
$390,000 in damages to a member of 
the Collinsville Church of Christ who 
was publicly denounced for what the 
church called the “sin of fornication.” 
The plaintiff, a 36-year-old divorced 

registered nurse and the mother of four, 
admitted to having had an affair with a 
former mayor of the small community 
but refused to repent publicly on the 
ground that that would be hypocritical 
and “piling one sin on top of another.” 
When her fornication was announced 
to the congregation, she slapped the 
church and three of its elders with a suit 
for invasion of privacy. The elders 
argued that it was their “sacred duty to 
watch over members of the flock” and 
that it was only their concern for “her 
soul’s condition” that compelled them 
to act. An attorney for the church said 

the verdict would be appealed. 
Supreme Court has affirmed a 

$400,000 judgment awarded to a Sus- 
sex County woman who claimed that 
she had been tricked into believing 
that she was legally married for 20 
years. The 55-year-old woman said her 
supposed husband told her he was 
divorced when she met him in 1958, 
helped her obtain what she thought 
were divorce papers from her former 
spouse and arranged for their own mar- 
riage, which was conducted, it turned 
out, by a phony priest and witnesses. 
She said she didn’t learn the truth until 
the man left her in 1978, by which time 
the couple had had two sons. 


LOS ANGELES—Sergeant Perry Wat- 
kins, who declared that he was a homo- 
sexual at the time he was drafted in 
1967, may have lost his battle to stay in 
the Army. Despite what the justices 
called ап exemplary Service record, he 
was refused re-enlistment in 1982 after 
а change in regulations mandated the 
discharge of avowed homosexuals. At 
that time, he obtained a Federal-court 
injunction reinstating him but with the 
understanding that his continued serv- 
ice was contingent on the outcome of 
the Атту appeal. The U.S. Ninth 
Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the 
military, declaring that unless such 
regulations are “repugnant” to the U.S. 
Constitution or to statutory law, civil- 
tan courts have only limited power to 
intercede, because “judges are not giv- 
en the task of running the Army.” In a 
reluctantly concurring opinion, one of 
the justices protested that “our nation 
has lost a fine soldier, and Sergeant 
Watkins has suffered а manifest injus- 
tice” but agreed that the judicial panel 
was bound by a previous similar deci- 
sion in the Ninth Circuit concerning 

the Navy. 


county judge disqualified a 62-year-old 
scientist for jury duty after the man 
admitted, with some embarrassment, 
that the blonde woman prosecutor in 
the case turned him on. “I apologize. . . 
but I find her extremely attractive sex- 
ually,” he said after being allowed to 
approach the bench. “Г can handle that 
intellectually, but I don’t know whether 
1 would be inclined to give her case 
greater credit for it or have resentment 
for having to handle it.” The judge, 
noting that the woman prosecutor was 
turning “beet red,” sent the prospective 
juror back for possible selection in 
another trial. 


CLEVELAND—Faithful viewers of reli- 
gious television programs are exposed 
10 an average of more than $138,350 a 
year in requests for funds, according to 
а study at Cleveland State University. 
Communications professors Robert L. 
Abelman and Kimberly A. Neuendorf 
extrapolated that figure after watching 
three episodes each of 27 different reli- 
gious programs and assuming that reg- 
ular viewers watched only two hours a 

day, which they said was a conservative 
estimate. They reported that the aver- 
age cost of a Bible sold through such 
shows was $192. 


NEW YORK crry—Legal abortions 
saved about 1500 women from preg- 
nancy-related deaths over the past ten 
years and probably prevented the births 
of thousands of infants with serious 
defects, according to a research director 
for the Population Council. Writing in 
Family Planning Perspectives, the late 
Dr. Christopher Tietze reported that 
“the number of life-threatening but not 
fatal (pregnancy) complications averted 
probably reached several tens of thou- 



cHICAGO— Marijuana smoking is 
now normal behavior among young 
Americans, with its use peaking be- 
tween the ages of 20 and 22 and de- 
clining after the age of 25, according 
to research reported in the American 
Medical Association’s Archives of Gen- 
eral Psychiatry. At the same time, a 
Government-sponsored survey of high 
school seniors conducted by the Univer- 
sity of Michigan found that daily pot 
smoking had declined from a high of 
nearly 11 percent in 1978 to 5.5 per- 
cent in 1983. Both studies found a gen- 

eral downturn in drug use in recent 
years and a greater concern over the 
possibility of harm resulting from regu- 
lar use. The Michigan study found, 
contrary to earlier suspicions, that teen- 
agers were not simply switching from 
illicit drugs to alcohol. 



brethren. The answer lies in the injustices 
of what Santayana refers to as the distanc- 
ing ability that whites possess. Blacks, 
being in the minority and being highly 
visible, are more likely to be lumped into 
one large class. To many whites, we are 
all simply niggers. 

The question is whether the “niggers” 
and the “white wash” can become produc- 
tive in this country once social injustices 
are removed. I doubt it sincerely, given the 
widespread delusion many have that social 
injustice bears all blame for personal fail- 
ure. I have come to the conclusion that 
only my inadequacies as a man can keep 
me from accomplishing what I desire, 
even in the face of social injustice. The 
sooner we all—blacks, whites, et al.— 

accept the principle of social as well as 
individual responsibility, the better off we 
as Americans and the world will be; but 
some, in free and totalitarian societies 
alike, will never accept that principle. 
Melvin Turner 
Attorney at Law 
Detroit, Michigan 


Shame on Dr. Horace Naismith (The 
Playboy Forum, March)! Either he slept 
through embryology or he made no serious 
effort to answer Edwin L. Tice's simple 
question Why do males have nipples if 
they are not intended to suckle babies? 
The answer is, of course, efficiency, econ- 

‘The Government 
of the United States 
never looks so fool- 
ish as when it takes 
it upon itself to 
attack “obscenity” 
and proceeds to drag 
our courts through 
the embarrassment 
of being a party to 
such a stupid en- 
deavor А recent 
case in point is U.S. 
us. Vartous Articles 
of Obscene Mer- 
chandise, decided 
last year by the U.S. 
Court of Appeals 
for the Second Circuit. Think of the 
image the case evokes: the forces of the 
United States arrayed against a menac- 
ing army of Swedish sexual ap- 

The case was mainly about some 
video cassettes bearing such well- 
known titles аз Debbie Does Dallas, 
Behind the Green Door and Flesh Gor- 
don. The Feds decided to spend mucho 
thousands of your tax dollars and mine 
to seize and declare contraband these 
dubious exercises in freedom of expres- 
sion lest they corrupt the morals of the 
citizens of New York City. 

(Laughter is acceptable at this time. 
Thank you.) 

Even the courts find it hard to write 
about these issues with a straight face. 
In U.S. vs. Obscene Merchandise, the 
appeals court remarked on the "du- 
bious assumption that the triers of fact 
[the jury or, in this case, the trial judge] 
have their fingers on the pornographic 
pulse of the community." The appeals 
court neglected to advise us where to 
put one's fingers to take the porno- 
graphic pulse 

What cost the Government its case 


By Louis F. Linden 

was its failure to put. 
forth any evidence 
of the community 
standards that the 
tapes were alleged 
to violate. The pros- 
ecutors had counted 
on the trial court 

judge’s personal 
judgment that com- 
munity standards 

would be those of a 
little old lady Iowa 
schoolteacher іп 
1890. They guessed 
wrong. The trial 
judge noted that its 
"widespread avail- 
ability" suggested that а great many 
people in New York spend a great deal 
of money on just such material. He 
even noted that B. F. Skinner, the noted 
behavioral psychologist, had recently 
applauded noted theologian Раш Til- 
lich for his defense of pornography as 
“extending sexuality into old age." 

Embarrassed and dismayed at the 
negative cost benefits of the Govern- 
ment's prosecution, the U.S. Attorney 
appealed, rather like doubling up 
when losing at craps. Snake eyes! The 
appellate court decided that, yes, Vir- 
ginia, there are community standards 
that can be circumstantially evidenced 
by “enclaves of tolerated obscenity.” 
And by those standards, the alleged 
obscenity wasn’t legally obscene. 

This intelligent and honest decision 
seems to bring judicial reasoning full 
circle to the common-sense conclusion 
that a dirty movie, like truth and beau- 
ty ora contact lens, is in the eye of the 

Louis F. Linden is executive director 
of the National Association of Criminal 
Defense Lawyers. 

omy of effort and beautiful design in 
God’s plan. 

There are 23 pairs of chromosomes that 
serve as the blueprint for the human body. 
Only one pair is directly related to pro- 
ducing sexual differences. On а purely 
genetic level, those differences are the 
testes and the prostate in the male and the 
ovaries and the uterus in the female. 

The other differences in male/female 
packaging are the result of hormones 
produced by those organs under the 
appropriate conditions. We сап best 
demonstrate how this works when it fails 
to do so. In the rare genetic malady testos- 
terone insensitivity, the molecule essential 
for transporting testosterone into the cell, 
where it affects the nucleus, is missing. 
The result is a person who appears to be a 
woman. At the time menstruation should 
occur, the absence of a womb is discovered 
and testes are found where the ovaries 
should be. These women make wonderful 
wives and mothers of adopted children 
and are usually described as very “femi- 
nine,” if you still choose to describe femi- 
ninity as being quiet and unassertive, with 
a low sex drive (not me, thanks). 

Testosterone is responsible for the de- 
velopment of the penis and the scrotum, 
Ше correct placement of the testes and а 
more aggressive and sexual nature in the 
male. Testosterone also changes the brain 
prenatally from the basic female cyclical 
pattern (later governing the menstrual 
cycle) to the longer, less noticeable cycles 
of the male brain, now being elucidated. 

Both male and female humans (the 
result of the activity of the 44 chromo- 
somes not related to sex and the two that 
are) are based on the female body design. 
Testosterone produces the welcome mas- 
culine effects in genetic males. The 
presence of the nipple in men is just an 
undeveloped option. It represents a poten- 
tial breast that did not develop due to lack 
of estrogen, a process that can easily 
be reversed should the man develop hor- 
mone imbalance due to disease or excessive 
use of some drugs (including alcohol and 
marijuana). It won't be the same structur- 
ally as a woman's breast, if that matters to 
Dr. Naismith 

Maura D. Goodman 
Portland, Oregon 
As our Great Issues expert, Naismith 
deals in truths that transcend mere facts. 


When Illinois chief circuit judge Peter 
Paolucci sentenced a woman convicted of 
murder last December, he cited her three 
abortions in three years as an aggravating 
factor. “What value, may I ask, does she 
place on human life?” he asked. Га like to 
ask what value that judge places on an un- 
biased justice system. It seems incredible 
to me that a man on trial for rape who has 
been previously convicted of the same 
crime two or three times cannot, in most 
cases, have those convictions used against 
him. Here we have a situation in which 

the information has nothing to до with the 
crime and the judge considers it in sen- 
tencing. Talk about aggravating! 

M. Helms 

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 

I just wanted to tell you that 1 was 
amazed and deliriously pleased by your 
reply to a Right-to-Lifer's carryings- 
on about abortion's being murder (The 
Playboy Forum, April). Г have just sub- 
scribed to PLAYBOY, and that is the first 
issue I have ever read. 1 am and always 
will be a card-carrying feminist and felt a 
little guilty for wanting to enjoy PLAYBOY'S 
articles and, yes, men. Although 1 find 
some of your attitudes sexist (and some of 
the women's tits too big!), there's really no 
more sexism in your pages than in anyone 
else's. In fact, I applaud such stands as 
your belief that female human beings have 
the right to control their own bodies. 

Julia Rose 
San Diego, California 

We, like many other inmates, have very 
strong negative feelings about abortion. If 
а woman becomes pregnant duc to rape or 
if having the baby threatens her life, then 
she should have an abortion if she desires 
one. But those are the only reasons that 
abortions should be legal, for there are 
many ways to prevent pregnancy. 

If a woman becomes pregnant before 
she’s ready and doesn’t want the baby, 
then she should be made by law to bear 
the child and put it up for adoption. 
Abortion is no different from murder. A 
doctor who performs abortions is no dif- 
ferent from an FBI or CIA agent or any 
other Government official with a license to 
kill and get away with it. 

Ronald D. Ricks 
"Tony Garcia 
Chesapeake, Virginia 

That position is going to give the prison 

population a bad name. 

The pro-life people say that they are 
against abortion because they are protect- 
ing and representing fetuses and embryos. 
I believe that their concern ends at birth, 
because if someone really cares about the 
welfare of children, he wants the best for 
them. And what morc can be offered to a 
child than to be born to a parent or par- 
ents that want him and will be able to love 
and care for him? It has been shown that a 
forced pregnancy not only is harmful to 
the happiness and future of the child but 
also is destructive to the family unit. 

It is wrong to use abortion as а form of 
birth control, and we must try to educate 
women to that fact. However, if the right 
to choose has been a privilege misused by a 
few, we must not let that prejudice us 
against it, because it would jeopardize 
women's lives and health if the choice 
were removed. 

Candice B. Lynam 
Weehawken, New Jersey 


Every time I turn a page, it seems that 
somebody is spouting off about gun con- 
trol, whether the complaint is that he feels 
that some “radical” group is trying to take 
away his civil liberties or that the country 
is about to be taken over by a bunch of 
bloodthirsty killers who consider it their 
right to go around carrying 357 worth of 
“protection.” I have mixed feelings about 
the issue but admit that I tend 10 agree 
with those opting for gun control. 1 feel 
that handguns are dangerous and specifi- 
cally designed to kill people and therefore 
are of no legitimate value to private citi- 
zens. This is no doubt where all the 
N.R.A. members stand up and say, “Hold 
оп there, boy; I believe in Mom, apple 
pie and the American way and the right to 
live freely in the country of my choice, 
the good ol' U.S. of A., and you can't go 
telling me that I haven't the right, as a 
responsible citizen, to bear arms to protect 
my property and family. It is everyone’s 
right—and duty as a good citizen—to go 
out and buy a handgun, and I show this by 
joining the N.R.A." 

Sure, fine, I respect your rights, but 1 
have the right to examine your logic and 
make some decisions on my own. The first 
thing to do is examine the name of your 
group: The operative word is rifle, which 
doesn’t say anything about handguns, and 
that’s where I get confused. I don’t deny 
anyone the right to protect himself. I feel 
that in our present viclent society, the 
individual does need some form of protec- 
tion; but, at the same time, 1 feel that a 
handgun isn’t it. Go ahead, buy and learn 
10 use a rifle—it’s much more intimidating 
than a tiny handgun and more useful as а 
hunting tool. Better yet, don’t buy any sort 
of long-range weapon—a properly trained 
person without the false sense of security 
of a gun is a much more formidable and 
dangerous opponent with his bare hands 
than any street punk or thief with a gun. 
In actual combat, if his opponent is intelli- 
gem and adequately prepared, the one 
with the gun is at a disadvantage. 

I very much want to protect a certain 
favorite skin—mine—and if there hap- 
pens to be just X number of easily con- 
cealed weapons, I feel I have a right to be 
nervous and ask if there might not be 
an alternative method of self-protection. 

David B. Williscroft 
Leduc, Alberta 

‘The gun-control arguments that appear 
in your pages bring up a fundamental 
principle that pLAvBov, from its start, has 
championed in the sexual arena—in 
ual liberty. In fact, the freedom to possess 
a gun is defensible by the same arguments 
that you openly use for sexual freedom. 

Both guns and sex have their good 
points and their bad. Despite the risks 
associated with sexual activity—herpes, 
unwanted pregnancy, the often fatal 
AIDS, as well as severe emotional distress 

(1 know several women who should be 
dassified as lethal weapons)—you have 
consistently taken a strong and correct 
libertarian position against Big Brother's 
intrusion into the bedroom. There are 
even some of us out here who see your 
defense of individual rights not merely as 
a justification of your own shameless 
depravities but as the upholding of impor- 
tant principles. 

Jt is time that PLAYBOY extended the 
same principles to the ownership and 
legitimate use of firearms. Libertarians 
often dislike some uses of freedom that 
others savor, but we rcalize that there are 
no unimportant freedoms. If rights are 
determined by social acceptability, then 
there is no basis for freedom at all. If we 
neglect the advocacy of rights to possess 
the means of defense, Government power 
over the individual increases profoundly. 
You just might be offering up the weap- 
ons, both actual and philosophical, that 
would shoot down the sexual freedom for 
which Рілувоу has fought so long, 

I would call your attention to the new 
book Firearms and Violence, edited by civ- 
il rights and civil-liberties attorney Don B. 
Kates, Jr. It was published by the Pacific 
Institute for Public Policy Research, and 
it calmly examines the social problems 
suggested by its title, as well as the vari- 
eties of public policies that attempt to 
address the social problems associated 
with private firearm ownership. 

Eric Marti, Managing Editor 
Reason Magazine 
Santa Barbara, California 

The book, we can affirm, is an impres- 
sive collection of writings by Kates and 
others ranging from liberals to conserva- 
tives who provide some of the best thinking 
we've seen on these complex subjects. It’s 
going lo втеайу perturb the polemicists at 
both extremes. 


Woman's sexual caution began shortly 
after man’s dramatic descent from the 
trees, when the cave leopard discovered 
human beings and realized a 200 percent 
return on its energy investment. This sit- 
uation founded the laws of economics and 
gave man the incentive to bash everything 
in sight. Time passed and the cave leopard 
disappeared, but we're still swinging, and 
women remain cautious. Incidentally, felis 
lex fuck interruptus created all of the dead 
laws prohibiting sex between consenting 

Bill Loren 
Rockville, Maryland 

There almost seems to be an interesting 

point here, but we're not quite sure. 

“The Playboy Forum" offers the opportu- 
nity for an extended dialog between readers 
and editors on contemporary issues. Address 
all correspondence to The Playboy Forum, 
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave- 
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. 


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WHEN THE Justice Depart- 
ment handed an $800,000 
grant to Dr. Judith Reisman, 
once a self-styled feminist 
critic of porn, to study the 
effects of pornography, it was 
a sign of bad times to come. 
Dr. Reisman, who had be- 
comea darlingof ultraconserv- 
atives after charging that the 
late Dr. Alfred Kinsey was 
"involved in . . . the vicious 
genital torture of hundreds of 
children” and claiming that 
Americans’ understanding of 
sex had to be revamped, was 
heading out in search of find- 
ings to support the Reagan 
Administration’s ^ paranoia. 
One of the Administration’s 
second-term goals is to put a 
high priority on antiporn 
programs, raising to a nation- 
al standard the moral and civ- 
il-liberties climate of Provo, 
Utah, home of the U.S. Solic- 
itor General Rex E. Lee. 
Reisman's work would be 
merely the tip of that ice- 

There is more than enough 
in her grant to justify concern. Reisman, 
according to her proposal, expects to 
give law-enforcement agencies and the 
courts a new definition of obscenity 
based on the “neurophysiological pro- 
cesses by which pictures or words chem- 
ically act upon juvenile and adult brain 
hemispheres. . . . 

“Once we can operationally define 
what sexually explicit material is physi- 
ologically and biologically,” Reisman 
boasts, “our ability to form opinions and 
to evaluate its innocuousness or viru- 
lence will be grounded in solid scientific 
law” that will “carry . . . weight in the real 
world of law, education and behavior.” 

Ultimately, Reisman believes, the 
new biological definition of obscenity 
will allow the censorship of “trigger 
messages” that result in “juvenile out- 
of-wedlock births, family violence, sex- 
ual abuse, exploitation [and] juvenile 

"The fact that this is nothing less than 
a Big Brother censorship program isn’t 
likely to bother Reisman. She’s already 
on record as claiming that free speech 
doesn’t really exist in America; there- 

fore, stopping what she views as por- 
nography won't raise the issue of 

“Defense of pornography is based on 
the spurious notion that freedom of 
speech actually exists" Reisman wrote 
in a 1979 article titled Freedom of 
Speech as Mythology. 

“Freedom of speech, however, does 
not exist,” she flatly stated. “Once this 
concept has been disproved, the porno- 
graphic-business community . - . can be 
challenged without raising cries of cen- 
жы, н 

Reisman's credentials for offering 
such theories—much less for receiving 
taxpayer-financed funding to explore 
them—are fuzzy. She claims member- 
ship in eight professional organizations, 
but six of those groups say they do not 
provide credentials; in any event, at the 
time she wrote her résumé, five said 
they had no record of her membersl 
Moreover, despite her claims on her 
résumé and in public appearances that 
she is an author of note on pornography, 
no published works exist; she does, how- 
ever, have a documented record as a 

songwriter for Captain Kan- 
garoo, for which she wrote, 
among other songs, My Dad- 
dy’s a Policeman. 

It is the police who love 
Reisman. Her grant has been 
provided by the Justice De- 
partment’s Office of Juvenile 
Justice and Delinquency 
Prevention. The Reagan ap- 
pointee currently in charge of 
that office has a discretionary 
budget for grants—and is 
rapidly creating a network of 
social and biological engi- 
neers who will attack pornog- 
raphy on the basis of its 
impact on juveniles. 

The Juvenile Justice office 
stays in touch with the special 
Behavioral Science Unit at 
the FBI academy in Quan- 
tico, Virginia. According to 
Justice Department spokes- 
men, it was FBI officials who 
brought Reisman to their at- 
tention, and the FBI invited 
police officials to hear her 
present her thesis оп por- 
nography. When eyebrows 
started to raise in Congress 
over the grant, North Carolina police 
who had attended the FBI seminars 
contacted the Congressman heading the 
investigation to claim that Reisman was 
the cops’ friend and should be encour- 
aged to continue her work. 

Certainly, that is a message that is 
well received at the Juvenile Justice 
office, now headed by Alfred Regnery, 
son of ultraconservative publisher Hen- 
ry Regnery and a frequent seminar 
companion of the Reverend Jerry Fal- 
well’s. Regnery has given extensive in- 
terviews to the Moral Majority Report, 
Human Events and the Family Protec- 
tion Report on his grants to study 
pornography which clearly indicates 
the constituency he finds most support- 
ive. Most recently, his office confirmed 
that he will participate, along with 
Phyllis Schlafly, Jerry Falwell and the 
Reverend Pat Robertson, in a seminar 
on the eve of the Democratic National 
Convention in San Francisco, to discuss 
“the threat of homosexuality.” 

Regnery has been pushing out several 
million dollars’ worth of grants without 
using a competitive system to solicit 




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research interest, something Congress now 
would like him to do. But the grants al- 

ready announced have one common 
theme—they claim juvenile delinquency is 
on the rise (reports showing it is actually 
declining were not released by Regnery), 
that sex and, particularly, pornography 
are linked to violence and that bio-engi- 
neering will solve those problems. 

While those projects might be dismissed 
by some as simply more Washington- 
funded reports that will (thankfully) sit on 
shelves, there are indications that the Rea- 
gan Administration views them as ammu- 
nition for a war it is launching. 

The President's Commission on Organ- 
ized Crime, for example, is merely a blip 
оп the wide screen, but observers of its 
activities expect it to move to a much high- 
er profile in 1985. It is expected to swerve 
away from questions involving invest- 
ments in American business to find 
congenial links between organized crime 
and pornography outlets. 

Certainly, the FBI has been gathering 
information that it deems would be help- 
ful should the commission turn to that top- 
ic. In early 1982, the FBI announced that 
it had cracked a major pornography oper- 
ation through undercover work and that 
grand juries would be sequestered in sev- 
eral states, mostly Southern, to hand down 
indictments. The announcement was giv- 
en little press attention but perhaps de- 
serves some examination as an example of 

the FBI's way of doing business in the 
Reagan Administration. 

The operation "cracked" by the FBI 
was a commercial film-processing house 
in Upstate New York, which developed 
hundreds of thousands of snapshots and 
family-album photos each year. When the 
FBI was tipped off that the film sent for 
development included home photos of sex 
acts, an agent infiltrated the lab and took 
down the names and addresses of everyone 
who had sent in such candid shots. None 
of the pictures appeared to be intended for 
commercial purposes, all of the acts por- 
trayed appeared to be consensual; but the 
FBI claimed, nevertheless, to have trapped 
a pornography “ring.” Search warrants 

were issued in several instances and em- 
ployers were notified that employees were 

being investigated for "pornography- 
ring” links; but by early 1984, the FBI 
still had produced no major convictions of 
a nationwide pornography chain 

Such broad definitions and sweeps into 
private activities, noncommercial їп na- 
ture, might not be rarities in a second 
Reagan Administration. Certainly, the 
Administration argued for those rights in 
pushing for new legislation dealing with 
obscene photos and depictions of individu- 
als under 18 years of age. Until this year, 
restrictions had been placed on sexually 
explicit material involving persons under 
16; and even then, proof of obscenity was 

required. In the bill recently signed by 
President Reagan, the age has been raised 
to 18 and no proof of obscenity—or com- 
mercial purpose—is required. 

In testimony before a Senate committee 
considering the legislation in late 1982, a 
Federally funded research director who 
studies sexually exploited children ob- 
jected to raising the age of “children” to 
18, as well as to other provisions in the 
bill. Both he and a police representative 
said the legislation would do little to 
solve the very real problem of children 
who are “throwaways” from their fami- 
lies and who end up on the streets to be 
exploited. More than 75 percent of the 
children on the streets have reported sex- 
ual abuse in their families, the principal 
investigator told the committee, and the 
largest group on the streets “are children 
who have been pushed out rather than run 

But when the House of Representatives 
came to a vote on the bill, the roll call 
showed approval for the measure by a 
400-to-one margin, as strong as the vote 
after Pearl Harbor approving President 
Roosevelt's declaration of war. 

“This is not a pretty time,” Reisman 
said in a 1979 interview. "If my assess- 
ment is correct, it is a time of war.” 

Already the frightening chill that pre- 
cedes such crusades has arrived. 

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a candid conversation about character, integrity and other rarities 
in sports with the no-nonsense indiana and olympic basketball coach 

An actress once said that movies aren’t 
plots or performances or philosophical 
presentations: “They are moments.” If the 
audience left remembering a moment, if 
that moment was etched forever in the 
memory, then, she said, the endeavor could 
be considered worth while and successful. 
So, too, is it with sports in America. The 
moments are what 15 important. 

And so is it that the career of Bobby 
Knight, the basketball coach at Indiana 
University, can be recalled in perfectly 
preserved moments. There, young and im- 
petuous, his back to the camera, his form 
as flawless as that of the finest National 
Football League punter, he boots an un- 
seen object skyward in protest of an unseen 
wrong. Now, a little older, a little grayer, 
he is standing in front of his team’s 
bench—his plaid sports jacket open, 
his tie, as it perpetually is, at three quar- 
ters sta[j —gesturing, barking instructions, 
improvising as the action swirls past him. 
At times, you see him after the work has 
been done. One year, he is standing awk- 
wardly alongside his two favorite play- 
ers— all- Americans Scott May and Quinn 
Buckner, who are holding a championship 
trophy and wearing basketball nets around 
their necks—a big, goofy grin splitting his 

“Most problems in big-time college sports 
arecreatedbyalumniwhoareunable to brag 
about their school's team. Some guy says, 
Tm tired of our getting beat. We'd better 
start cheating to get us some players." ” 

boyish face. Then, after another champion- 
ship won in another place and time, he is 
riding on the shoulders of his jubilant 
players, his jaw set defiantly, his right 
index finger raised in triumph. So it is that 
Bobby Knight, who is so much of America, 
who embodies many of our strengths and a 
Jew of our weaknesses—and cherishes all 
of our values—has arrived at this Olympic 
summer as America’s coach. 

Chances are that if one American star 
emerges, it will not be a runner or a jump- 
er or a swimmer or a boxer, as in so many 
Olympic games past; it will not be a 
bouncing blonde with dimples or a tough 
kid sprinting his way out of a ghetto. The 
тоз! likely candidate as the games of Los 
Angeles approach is a basketball coach 
named Robert Montgomery Knight, 43, of 
Orrville, Ohio, and Bloomington, Indi- 
ana—and, mosily, the United States of 
America, Even without the participation 
of the Soviet bloc countries, this summer 
will be the opportunity of his lifetime. 

Bobby Knight was born on October 25, 
1940, in Massillon, Ohio, a town that has 
achieved fame for mass producing tough 
football players and coaches. He was raised 
in Orrville, another town in northern 

“People take Patton—a tough, demand- 
ing individualist—and equate him with 
me. Well, that’s not what I try to imitate. 
He sacrificed people. My basic idea is let’s 
live and fight tomorrow.” 

Ohio, by a father who worked on the rail- 
road and a mother who taught school. He 
grew fast and tall and, after starring on the 
high school football, basketball and base- 
ball teams, he accepted a basketball schol- 
arship to Ohio State. The company there 
was formidable—it included John Havli- 
cek, Jerry Lucas and Larry Siegfried, all of 
whom starred in the National Basketball 
Association—and Knight was the sixth 
man on teams that won 78 of 84 games and 
the 1960 National Collegiate Athletic As- 
sociation championship. 

Knight did not just idle away the time 
he spent оп the bench. He studied 
the game and, after taking his history-and- 
government degree in 1962, was hired as a 
high school coach. A year later, he was 
drafted and was assigned to be the assistant 
basketball coach at West Point. Two years 
after that, when Ве was just 24, he was 
named head coach at West Point, a place 
of many traditions, including losing bas- 
ketball teams. 

While studying the game under some of 
its most inventive minds—including his 
three basketball mentors, Fred Taylor, his 
Ohio State coach; Pete Newell, who won a 
national championship at the University of 
California and an Olympic gold medal in 


“In leadership, you're trying to get people 
to be better than they think they can be, to 
reach within themselves. You're trying to 
get a guy to do something he doesn’t want 
to do—and do it well." 


1960; and the late Clair Bee, who coached 
the great Long Island University teams of 
the Thirties, Forties and Fifties—Knight 
developed а reverence for most of basket- 
ball’s traditions, though losing was not one 
of them. 

He made that abundantly clear during 
his first season at West Point, when he 
won 18 games and the Cadets were invit- 
ed to а post-season tournament. Knight 
worked at West Point five more sea- 
sons, accumulated a record of 102-50 
and earned another three invitations to 
the National Invitation Tournament in 
Madison Square Garden. But he had 
accomplished about as much as he could 
with the limited talent available at Army, 
and in 1971, he moved to Indiana Univer- 
sity, а school with a rich tradition of 
winning basketball. 

In his 13 seasons at Indiana, Knight has 
matured from basketball’s enfant terrible 
to its eminence grise, but many more 
things have not changed. His teams still 
play aggressive man-to-man defense and a 
controlled offense. Bul, mostly, they win. 
In 1976, the Hoosiers were 32-0 and won 
the N.C.A.A. title, and Knight became the 
first man to win a national championship 
аз a player and then as а coach. In 1981, 
Indiana won another national champion- 
ship, and this past season, the Hoosiers 
came within a basket of making the final 
four, though their talent pool had been 
depleted by injury and graduation. Many 
coaches and sportswriters said it was 
Knight’s finest coaching job. 

But championships and games won are 
not the only measures thal distinguish 
Knight from the pack. They are simply the 
by-products of an iron will, a relentless 
search for basketball perfection and stead- 
fast integrity; numbers and trophies only 
begin to lell the story of how this man who 
inspires loyalty and fervently returns the 
Javor has become our Vince Lombardi for 
the Eighties. 

During the 1981 final four, for example, 
Knight walked into a restaurant with some 
friends. While his party waited to be 
seated, a fan of an opposing team started to 
harass him. “Knight’s an asshole! Knight’s 
an asshole!” the fan, who was standing at 
the bar, yelled repeatedly. Knight didn’t 
want the other patrons of the restaurant to 
be disturbed on his account, so he took 
steps lo remedy the situation: Although 
some witnesses say Knight pushed and the 
man stumbled, the fact is that the offending 
Jan was stuffed—backside first—into a 
garbage can. And he made front-page 
news across the country. 

He also made front-page news the last 
time he coached an American team in 
international competition, in 1979 in the 
Pan-American Games, which were played 
in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He became 
embroiled in a dispute with a policeman 
who was assigned to the practice gym. 
He and all the other American witnesses 
said the cop had provoked him and then 
started to push him, adding that Knight 

had merely brushed the cop’s hand aside in 
self-defense. The cop alleged that Knight 
had attacked him. Knight left Puerto Rico 
before the court proceedings, during which 
he was tried in absentia for assault, con- 
victed and sentenced to six months in jail. 
He didn’t leave, however, before winning 
the gold medal and riding off defiantly on 
his players’ shoulders. 

PLAYBOY assigned David Israel, who 
often covered Knight during stints as a 
newspaper columnist in Chicago, Wash- 
ington and Los Angeles, to spend lime 
with the coach as he prepared for the 
Olympic games. Israel's report: 

“The interviews with Knight were con- 
ducted over two one-week periods two 
months apart. The first week was spent in 
Bloomington, Indiana, in the middle of 
January, when the weather was really 
starting to chill and the Big Ten basketball 
season was starting to heal up. The second 
week was spent in Seattle during the last of 
March and the first of April, when four 
teams not coached by Knight were playing 
Jor the national championship. 

“In Bloomington, the pace was hectic. 
During the season, Knight speeds along at 
@ pace that is equally controlled and 

“For two weeks in the 
summer, all basketball 
fans are going to be united 
as one group following one 

frantic. He always knows exactly what he 
wants to do, but he would also like to do 
everything at once. He is exceedingly 
organized —there is never, for instance, a 
pause during practice to decide what to do 
next, because every drill and its duration is 
written on an index card Knight keeps in 
his hip pocket. By the same token, there 
is never enough lime in the day. Perhaps 
that is why, during the season, he sleeps 
too little and eats too much. The eating is 
often done on the run and almost always at 
crazy hours. At midnight after one game,a 
banquet of barbecued ribs and chicken that 
easily would have fed two dozen was 
devoured by Knight, four assistant coaches 
and a couple of guests while game films 
were watched. Three hours later, when 
everyone else had gone home, Knight was 
prowling about Bloomington looking Jor a 
place to have a chocolate sundae—he has 
an insatiable sweet tooth—and talk about 
fishing in Montana and Idaho during the 
summer. In January in Indiana, the inter- 
views were conducted а! breakneck speed 
at just about anyplace we could steal a 
moment and find some quiet. 

“In Seattle, the pace was relaxed. The 

Indiana season had ended the week before, 
and Knight was taking it easy before 
embarking full time on his Olympic busi- 
ness. He was dining with old friends and 
colleagues, addressing a coaching clinic 
here, working an all-star-game telecast as 
color analyst there, enjoying the calm be- 
fore the storm that was to come. Wherever 
we talked, however, the first order of busi- 
ness clearly had to be Olympic basketball.” 

PLAYBOY: For a few weeks this summer, 
you're going to be called America's coach. 
Is being the Olympic coach something 
you’ve always wanted? 

KNIGHT: I very much enjoy the opportuni- 
ty to do it. I coached the Pan-American 
team in 1979, and at that time I was hope- 
ful that I would coach the Olympic team, 
because it was going to play in Russia. I 
thought that would be a great challenge. 
But Dave Gavitt was chosen as the Olym- 
pic coach for 1980. Then in 1982, when 
this selection was made, I really wasn’t 
attuned to the meetings. I knew they were 
going on, but I just hadn't paid a hell of a 
lot of attention. The appropriate commit- 
tee had asked me to fill out a form to send 
in to be considered as an applicant, which 
I did. I was home one Saturday night and 
they called me and told me I'd been picked 
as the Olympic coach. 

PLAYBOY: Was one of the reasons you 
weren't paying attention to the selection 
process that you thought your chances had 
been diminished by what happened in 
Puerto Rico? 

KNIGHT: Oh, I wasn’t sure. No, I didn’t 
know whether or not Puerto Rico had 
anything to do with it. l'd coached the 
Pan-American team, and 1 basically 
wasn’t certain that someone who had 
coached that team would also be picked to 
coach the Olympic team. I really didn’t 
think Puerto Rico had anything to do with 
it, because I thought that the people who 
were acquainted with the situation under- 
stood exactly what happened. That whole 
thing has never done anything but amaze 
me, because anybody who was there knew 
that what I said, and what our players 
said, was exactly the way it happened 
PLAYBOY: Do you want to say what hap- 
pened, once and for all? 

KNIGHT: No. It was bullshit. It was more 
than four years ago; I have no desire to 
discuss that now. The only thing that ГЇЇ 
say about it is, very simply, that when I 
told my version, it was corroborated by 
every single American basketball player 
there. But people just didn’t pay attention 
to that. And that gave me an insight into 
how little a lot of people in the press are 
really willing to look at and try to under- 
stand things. 

PLAYBOY: What did you conclude? 
KNIGHT: I think the press basically jumps 
to а lot of its own conclusions. I enjoy 
reading about things that / know about 
personally to see how accurately they're 
reported. And I don’t find that they are 
reported with any great deal of accuracy. 

PLAYBOY: Which was more to blame—the 
press or Puerto Rican justice? 
KNIGHT: I don't want to talk about that. 
Don't try to get me into that. I have no in- 
terest in discussing that subject. Period. 
PLAYBOY: Do you wonder if it'll have any 
effect on your treatment in Los Angeles? 
PLAYBOY: Will it affect the way you're 
treated by other teams or how you're 
viewed by the public? 
KNIGHT: I’m not coaching the other teams. 
As for the public, 1 got damned near 1000 
letters after that thing, and all but 21 or 22 
were very supportive. Let's talk about 
something else. 
PLAYBOY: АП right. How important do you 
think it is that America win a gold medal 
in the Olympics? 
KNIGHT: І think for America to win the 
gold medal in basketball is something 
that's simply accepted by people; it's the 
possibility of America's not winning the 
gold medal that's an issue. When the gold 
medal was stolen from us in 1972, I was 
down in Brazil and people there said, 
“Well, what happened to the United 
States? It’s obviously not the best апу- 
more.” Those people had no idea who 
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or Willis Reed or 
John Havlicek was. They had no idea that 
We've got a whole league of players vastly 
superior to those playing anywhere else in 
the world and that we don’t put in about 
six weeks and then go play. And so if we 
lose the medal, I think that has a great 
propaganda value for all kinds of people. 
But winning it, I think, has a much 
greater effect here at home than it does 
abroad. You have such a tremendous fol- 
lowing for basketball here in the United 
States—people follow college basketball 
and the pros—and for that two-week peri- 
od in the summer, all of those basketball 
fans are going to be united as one giant 
group following one team instead of a lot 
of teams. All that support that usually 
goes to alll those teams is going to be fun- 
neled right into one team. I think the 
enjoyment and the pride that all those 
people would get from the Americans’ 
winning the gold medal in basketball 
would be the greatest satisfaction that I, as 
a coach, could have or that any one of our 
players could have. 
PLAYBOY: How much of a burden is this 
for you? You’ve come right out of a season 
in which you don’t sleep, you eat poorly, 
and you always look forward to the last 
game of the year. Now it’s as if you have 
to play an entire season again. 
KNIGHT: But I’m going to do it only one 
time. Ever. For as long as I coach, this will 
be the only time that I do it. And I think 
enough of the opportunity, the responsi- 
bilities and the challenge to really not even 
think about it as something extra. It’s just 
something that I’m really interested in, 1 
really appreciate having the chance to do 
it, and I will simply do it as well as I can 
because of that. 
PLAYBOY: How did you feel about the U.S. 

boycott of the Olympics in 1980? 
KNIGHT: I strongly opposed President Car- 
ter’s decision not to send American ath- 
letes to Moscow. I felt that we were taking 
away one of our great strengths—showing 
people all over the world just how our kids 
compete, how hard they work on behalf of 
the United States. I thought it was an 
incredible mistake to do that. 

PLAYBOY: Does the hypocrisy of the Olym- 
pic eligibility rules disturb you? Other 
nations compete with veteran professional 
teams, but you are prohibited from using 
American professionals. 

KNIGHT: I don’t think there’s any question 
that an incredible double standard exists. 
You used the word hypocrisy, and I'm 
sure that’s applicable to the situation. The 
Italian national league is no less profes- 
sional than our own N.B.A., yet players 
from the Italian league are all eligible to 
play on their respective Olympic teams. 
But I don’t think about that. If that were a 
concern, І wouldn't be interested in the 
job. I think that we can get done what has 
to be done with the kids who are eligible 
and available to play, or I wouldn’t have 

“Гое heard kids 
have gotten up to 
$700,000 to go to 

a school to play 
football or basketball.” 

taken the job. 

PLAYBOY: The Olympics are a one-time 
thing, but hypocrisy and cheating are per- 
petual topics when it comes to big-time 
college sports in America. Starting with 
the issue of recruiting, why is there such 
widespread cheating? 

KNIGHT: I really think that most problems 
are created by alumni who are unable to 
brag about their school’s football and bas- 
ketball teams. Some guy sits down and 
says, “I’m tired of our getting beat. Рт 
tired of not going to a bowl. Let’s do some- 
thing about this. Let’s get some players. 
After all, that’s what everybody else does. 
Hell, everybody’s cheating and getting 
players. We'd better start cheating to get 
us some players." 

PLAYBOY: 15 everybody cheating? 

KNIGHT: I think there's an awful lot of it. I 
think that there's big money involved in 
getting good kids, football and basketball 
players, to go to college today. I mean 
large sums of money. 

PLAYBOY: What's big money? Digger 
Phelps, the Notre Dame coach, said he 
knew of players who were getting paid 
$10,000 a year. 

KNIGHT: Well, I told Digger that he was 

thinking like a Catholic would—in terms 
of bingo when he should be thinking in 
terms of the craps table, because $10,000 
wasn't going to touch how big it is. 
PLAYBOY: How big is it? How much cana 
good player make in a year in college bas- 

KNIGHT: I honestly can't tell you a sum. 
Гуе heard figures thrown off the wall that 
kids have gotten, over a four-year period 
of time, up to $100,000 to go to a school to 
play football or basketball. 

PLAYBOY: How do you handle it? If a kid 
tells you that another university has of- 
fered such and such and that without that 
help he won't be able to live a decent life, 
what do you tell him? How do you con- 
vince him he shouldn't accept that offer? 
KNIGHT: All I’m going to say to him is, 
“Well, let me ask you something: Do you 
want to sell a piece of yourself or do you 
want to go to college for what you should 
legitimately go for? You have to make that 
decision. Somebody’s going to own a part 
of you one day, but you're going to be 
independent the other way.” If a kid tells 
me specifics about that other offer, then 
Im immediately going to go to the 
N.C.A.A. and tell them exactly what Гус 
been told, and then it's up to them to 
investigate it. 

PLAYBOY: Have you done that? 

KNIGHT: With the kids who have told me 
that, yes. But I’ve had опу a couple of 
kids come out with me and say, “Well, I 
would get this if I went to so and so.” 
PLAYBOY: What was the result of the inves- 

KNIGHT: In one case, one of the schools 
was put on probation, but not for that par- 
ticular kid. 

PLAYBOY: What school was it? 

KNIGHT: North Carolina State a while 
back. The kid started asking me, “How 
many round trips home will your univer- 
sity provide me per year?” I went into a 
long, drawn-out discussion to finally get 
that out of him. It took me 15 minutes to 
get out of him what school was going to 
provide trips. 

PLAYBOY: North Carolina State is a school 
that served itstime on probation for recruit- 
ing violations involving certain players, 
then won a national championship with 
some of those players. Did that gall you? 
KNIGHT: Absolutely. Because my feeling 
about probation is, very simply, this: First 
of all, it’s not just the school’s fault and it's 
not just the alums’ fault or the coach’s or 
whoever is involved. It’s the kid's fault. 
He knows what the hell the rules are. It's 
very rare that the kid doesn’t know that. 
So my feeling is that you should not play 
basketball or football in any kind of post- 
season play with kids who were responsi- 
ble for your school’s going on probation. 
So when North Carolina State and Ken- 
tucky were put on probation, I felt those 
schools should have been denied the possi- 
bility of playing in the N.C.A.A. tourna- 
ment until those kids had left school. 
PLAYBOY: What are the mechanics of 


cheating? If you were a coach who 
cheated, how would you do it? 

KNIGHT: One time, I sat down and tried to 
figure it out. And here's a scheme that 1 
came up with that I’m sure is typical of 
many things that are done. 

Га get ten alums to give $1000 to a 
roofing company. The roofer is an alum of 
my school, and he can submit some kind of 
bill to each of those ten alums, and then 
they pay it. So now the roofer has $10,000 
to use. He hires а kid to work for him and 
can keep books on all kinds of fictitious 
overtime, so maybe over the course of a 
normal summer's employment, this kid 
could make $10,000 to $12,000. That 
seems pretty foolproof to me. The simplest 
thing in the world at a major university is 
to find ten guys willing to put $1000 
apiece into something to ensure they'll 
have a good football or basketball team. 
PLAYBOY: And there's no way that the 
N.C.A.A. can trace that? 

KNIGHT: I don't know. How the hell do 7 
know? The N.C.A.A. is, I think, the most 
unfairly maligned organization in educa- 
tion today. We think of the N.C.A.A. as 
this monster that exists in Kansas City. 
АШ Kansas City is is an administrative 
body for the N.C.A.A. Any investigative 
body in the world needs the power of sub- 
poena and the threat of prosecution to be 
successful. The N.C.A.A. has neither. 
PLAYBOY: So there is no effective way to 
stop anybody from cheating? 

KNIGHT: That's exactly what I’ve said. 
One, I don't think anybody cares. Two, 
Im not sure how the hell you can stop 
anyone, because the N.C.A.A. doesn't 
have the two powers it needs. 

PLAYBOY: Then what's the point of work- 
ing against it constantly if you're just 
banging your head against the wall? 
KNIGHT: Well, I just think there’s a right 
way to do things and a wrong way to do 
things. I don’t think that a kid learns 
anything by being given something. I 
think that here at Indiana, the scholarship 
the kid gets, the opportunities he has as a 
basketball player and what the experience 
is going to mean to him after he graduates 
are enough. He doesn’t need to be given 
$100 a month. If he wants $100 a month, 
then he should make it in the summer and 
put it in a checking account and withdraw 
from it every month. As a coach, I would 
get по satisfaction whatsoever out of 
seeing my team beat somebody knowing 
that I was paying those guys, that they 
hadn’t come to Indiana because that was 
where they wanted to play. Now, obvious- 
ly, some people don’t give a damn about 
that. But that happens to mean а lot to me. 
I want to see our team win as much as 
anybody wants to see his team win, but 
there are certain principles that I think 
should be followed to get there. 

PLAYBOY: One of your principles is that 
your players must get educated. That 
doesn't necessarily happen elsewhere; 
most college basketball players don't grad- 
uate. What should be done about that? 

KNIGHT: I've suggested for years—and no 
one has paid the slightest attention to 
this—that a scholarship be replaced only 
because the kid who had it got a degree. 
And if he didn’t get one—let’s say you 
even give the kid an extra year to get that 
degree—then the school loses a scholar- 
ship for a year or for two years or whatev- 
er. But nobody wants to pay any attention 
to that. Nobody yet has and nobody will. 
PLAYBOY: Does all the cheating that goes 
on ever make you ashamed of being in the 
business that you’re in? 

KNIGHT: No, I'm not ashamed of it, 
because the only part of it that I'm really 
concerned with is the part that I run: bas- 
ketball at Indiana. Pm not concerned 
about other sports at Indiana. I’m not con- 
cerned about basketball at other schools. 
I've just made up my mind that what Pm 
concerned about is basketball at Indiana. 
Тп terms of education, in terms of what I 
think is right and wrong, I’m certainly not 
ashamed. I’m very proud of what we have 
done here. 

PLAYBOY: How do you see the situation 
changing? If you were to guess what col- 

“I think there's a right 
way and a wrong way 
to do things. 

I don’t think a kid 
learns anything by 
being given something.” 

lege sports would be like in the year 2000, 
what would you say? 

KNIGHT; Well, you'd just have to allow for 
inflation and add that to cheating, just like 
you add it to everything else. We won’t 

PLAYBOY: What you're calling for is an 
honesty that doesn’t exist anymore. Where 
did you get your sense of values? 

KNIGHT: My dad was the most honest per- 
son I've ever known. He never bought a 
thing, except the house, that he didn’t pay 
for with the money he had in his pocket. 
And I don’t think he ever made more than 
$8000 a year. If he didn’t have money in 
his pocket to buy a car or a suit, a meal, a 
piece of furniture, he didn’t buy it. My 
dad lived until I was 29 years old, and in 
those 29 years he owned three cars. I’ve 
never known anybody like him. A lot of 
people didn’t agree with him. He had a 
tough time ever leaving a tip for anybody, 
because he always said, “Nobody ever 
gave me a tip for doing anything. I get 
paid like everybody else does.” Which 
always kind of tickled me. Through him, 
Гуе always felt that you’ve got to have 
rules. I think the next biggest influence on 

me personally in that regard would be 
Fred Taylor. 

PLAYBOY: Your basketball coach at Ohio 

KNIGHT: Yeah. | was a very average player 
at Ohio State, and I didn’t get anything for 
doing anything. I don’t think anybody else 
did, either. Taylor maintained an incredi- 
ble honesty in his approach to recruiting 
and playing and everything else for the 
entire 17 years he was head coach there. 
PLAYBOY: When you played at Ohio State, 
your team won a national championship. 
Were the rules broken as widely then? 
KNIGHT: I don’t think that recruiting was 
nearly as big an issue as it is now. I don’t 
think that people went all over the country 
recruiting. The first highly organized, 
effective recruiter was Vic Bubas of Duke. 
He did it, I think, on a very honest basis. 
He lit the fuse that exploded recruiting, 
because he went out and recruited good 
kids and recruited them honestly. Yet, in a 
way, he created a monster. 

PLAYBOY: Staying with your own sports 
history for a moment, did your father push 
you into sports? 

KNIGHT: No. He was neutral. He always 
went to see us play. He went to see me 
play a lot in college and saw us play 
whenever he could when I was coaching. 
He thought it was funny that I went 
into the Army to go to West Point as 
assistant basketball coach. He couldn’t 
understand that. First of all, he couldn’t 
understand why the hell you would go to 
college to be a coach. He didn’t think you 
needed a college education to coach—nev- 
er could comprehend that. But when I told 
him I was going to join the Army to coach 
at West Point, he really thought then he’d 
raised an idiot. 

PLAYBOY: What did it mean to you to go to 
West Point? 

KNIGHT; I really looked forward to it. I 
had enjoyed reading military history and I 
ended up majoring in history in college, 
and what more historical institution than 
West Point is there in America? The 
whole idea of what West Point stood for 
had a special interest to me, and as I 
stayed there, my feelings about it became 
stronger and stronger. West Point is an 
absolutely outstanding institutional con- 
cept. Just like anywhere else, 1 encoun- 
tered some people there who were inept 
and had no business being in the positions 
they were in. But as an institution, it’s 
second to none. 

PLAYBOY: You went there as assistant 
coach, as an enlisted man in the Army. 
KNIGHT: As a Pfc. Ninety dollars a 
month— $895, to be exact. 

PLAYBOY: It didn't take you long to become 
head coach, did it? It was within two 
years, when you were 24. 

KNIGHT; Yeah. And I had two months to 
go in the Army. I was still a Pfc. when I 
became the head coach. 

PLAYBOY: Why would West Point make а 
24-year-old kid head coach? 

KNIGHT: I was cheap. They couldn't get 

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anybody any cheaper than I was. 
PLAYBOY: When you were offered the job, 
did you say, “Wait а minute; I’m 24 years 
old. Maybe I’m not ready for this"? 
KNIGHT: No, I didn’t think that. 

PLAYBOY: You had never had any doubts 
about it? 

KNIGHT: 1 felt that I had played four years 
in a system at Ohio State that was set up 
by as good a coach as there was in the 
country, and I had had the opportunity to 
work for a year in high school for an out- 
standing coach. So my age never really 
concerned me. I didn’t know a hell of a lot 
about basketball, but I knew how 1 
thought the game should be played, and 
I knew that I could coach и the way I 
thought it should be played. So, no, 1 was 
never concerned with that. 

PLAYBOY: Did the period you were at West 
Point coincide with the antiwar protests? 
KNIGHT: Oh, yeah, this was one of the 
greatest things Га ever seen: We had a 
kid—the all-time-toughest kid who ever 
played college basketball—Mike Gyovai. 
He was from Aurora, Illinois. We're play- 
ing up at Syracuse and some students have 
just taken over the R.O.T.C. building, 
where they're demonstrating against the 
military. And here we come in and play. 
We just beat the hell out of Syracuse in 
this particular game. And the students are 
on us. They're throwing nuts and bolts out 
of the stands. The sports-information di- 
rector at Army, Bob Kinney, still has a 
long bolt that was thrown down right 
beside him when he was sitting at the 
scorer’s table during the game. He keeps it 
on his desk to this day. Anyway, Gyovai 
comes out of the game with a couple of 
minutes to play and he’s at the opposite 
end of the floor from our bench. Now, 
Gyovai was 6/5", 225, and he looked like 
he weighed about 190 solid. And I can 
remember to this day his walking over to 
the side line in front of all these taunting 
Syracuse students, from the end of the 
court right to our bench, just as slow as he 
possibly could walk. I turn to a great 
friend of mine, Colonel Tom Rogers, our 
officer representative, and I say, “Can you 
believe the son of a bitch? He’s going to 
start World War Three right here.” He 
was just going to dare somebody to say 
anything to him. No one did. ГЇЇ tell you 
one thing: If we ever do have World War 
Three, they better find things for him to 
attack, because there isn’t anybody gonna 
beat him. 

PLAYBOY: The military has obviously in- 
fluenced your thinking as a coach and as a 
man. Whom do you admire? Patton? 
KNIGHT: Patton had an incredible ability 
to see what he had to do and how to do it. 
But I think he was pompous beyond what 
his position called for. MacArthur was 
also an incredibly arrogant, pompous guy. 
Yet he engaged more enemy troops with 
fewer casualties than any other military 
commander in history. That, to me, is the 
mark of a great general. But I think my 
choice as the greatest military commander 

of all is Ulysses S. Grant. 


KNIGHT: Because Grant wore the uniform 
of a private. He had no self-interest at all. 
He never tried to promote himself in any 
way. He felt he was a soldier given a job to 
do, a distasteful job, and that was to get 
the war over as quickly as he could. That 
was his only objective. Grant had a far 
broader understanding of the war than 
anybody else who had ever been in the 
military. When he went to Washington to 
assume command of the Union armies, he 
went with his son; through a mix-up, 
nobody was there to meet him at the train. 
He went to Willard’s hotel and simply 
registered as U. S. Grant and son. You 
know, a guy like Patton or MacArthur 
would have been met by jeeps and tanks 
and airplanes and paraded down Consti- 
tution Avenue and everything else. I’ve 
done a lot of reading about Grant in the 
past three or four years. He was a brilliant 
tactician and strategist, and he did it with 
a great style. I’m a tremendous admirer of 
Patton’s, but I admire him because of his 
ability to grasp what he was confronted 
with and then beat it. 

“Coaches can learn 
a lot by studying 
examples of indecisiveness 
or timidity. Most 
military commanders 
are timid.” 

PLAYBOY: How do those qualities apply to 
coaching basketball? 

KNIGHT: I honestly feel that as I have read 
about Grant, I have tried to become more 
low-keyed in my approach to things, to 
stay the hell out of them, to be more 
removed from them. 

PLAYBOY: How have you become more 

KNIGHT: Oh, when somebody asked a 
question at a press conference, I might 
have said, “That is the dumbest goddamn 
question I’ve ever heard,” and now I 
might simply say, “Oh, I don’t know; has 
anybody else got a question?” 

PLAYBOY: Don’t you think that analogies 
between sports and military can be— 
KNIGHT: Overworked? Yeah, sometimes. 
‘Take the idea of winning and losing. You 
don’t want to be second in a war. I mean, 
you're not preparing for next year's war. I 
think the best analogies that can be made 
are the command-decision analogies be- 
tween commanders and coaches. Coaches 
can learn a lot just by studying examples 
of indecisiveness or timidity. Most mili- 

tary commanders are timid. The great ones 
haven’t necessarily been the most brilliant. 
They're the ones who are the most aggres- 
sive and are willing to go after things. 
PLAYBOY: Which is a quality most people 
would associate with Patton—or you. 
KNIGHT: People take Patton—a tough, 
demanding, rugged individualist—and 
they equate him with me. Well, that's not 
the part of Patton that I try to imitate. 
TThe part of him I admire is the way he 
recognized opportunities and developed 
strategies—we'll use this road because it 
takes us here and that one can't—and the 
way he was willing to get down in the 
mud and direct tanks. But my most 
severe criticism of Patton would be that he 
was too interested in his own image as a 
military commander at the sacrifice of 
people. And I mean lives. My basic idea is 
let's live and fight tomorrow. I think Pat- 
ton fell short in that category. He sent 
250, 300 people on an almost suicidal 
mission to free his son-in-law from a pris- 
on camp during World War Two. Mac- 
Arthur, despite his greatness, could be 
just as self-absorbed. I don't know wheth- 
er or not this is really true, but in the 
movie MacArthur, he was upset about the 
atomic bomb's being used in Japan be- 
cause it deprived the American Army and 
himself of the glory of an invasion of 
Japan, which would have been war as һе 
thought war should be fought. But how 
many millions of American lives did Har- 
ry Truman save? Truman may be the 
greatest American who ever lived. Не 
once wrote a letter to his brother in which 
he said, ^I think the proper thing to do, 
and the thing I have been doing, is to do 
what I think is right and let them all go to 
hell. Sincerely, Harry.” [Laughs] That's 
the way the guy operated. 

PLAYBOY: Why do you remember that let- 
ter verbatim? Did you study it? 

KNIGHT: J study what I think is right and 
what I think is the way to do something. 
Some guy who writes about it or watches 
it from the stands hasn't studied it. I've 
studied. And if it turns out to be wrong, 
then I’m going to re-evaluate it and make 
the decision differently the next time. 
Themistocles was asked, I think, “Would 
you rather be a writer or a participant in 
the Olympics?” And his response was 
“Far better to be the doer of deeds than 
the chronicler of them.” 

PLAYBOY: On occasion. 

KNIGHT: I’m not using that as а compari- 
son to writing or journalism. I’m just say- 
ing that Pm usually sure my decision is 
right because I've studied it and the other 
guy hasn't. 

PLAYBOY: Do you always think you've 
done the right thing? 


PLAYBOY: What are examples of things 
you think you were wrong about? 
KNIGHT: Well, it might be something I've 
said to somebody and then, in retrospect, 
Гуе thought that wasn't the thing to say 


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under the circumstances. It might be the 
way Гуе handled something or gotten irri- 
tated or upset. 

PLAYBOY: But you don't often apologize in 

KNIGHT: Guys who apologize for things in 
public always amaze me. When I read 
how somebody apologized publicly for 
something, I never think there’s much sin- 
cerity in that. Or when I read that some- 
body has donated $10,000—T've donated a 
hell of a lot of money to things and nobody 
knows anything about them and nobody 
ever will know about them. I just think 
that the things that you do privately are 
much more meaningful. 

PLAYBOY: You may be the most famous 
person in Indiana—more famous than the 
governor or the Senators. Do you think 
there's something wrong with a society 
that elevates a college coach to that level, 
or is it understandable? 

KNIGHT: You don't have an entire daily 
section of the newspaper devoted to medi- 
cine or education, but you've got an entire 
section of every daily newspaper devoted 
to sports. And, particularly when one 
team is successful, be it in football or bas- 
ketball, the one person who usually re- 
mains with the team is the coach. But 
there is a difference between being well 
known and being looked upon as some- 
thing that you aren’t. I think that you have 
to understand why you're as well known 
as you are. Гт as well known as I am 
because I’ve had a hell of a lot of basket- 
ball players who played pretty well. I look 
upon that as simply an appreciation for 
Indiana University basketball. 

PLAYBOY: Beyond that, what do you think 
people see in you? 

KNIGHT: I think people can look at me and 
if they cut it to the absolute simplest form 
possible, they'll tell you one thing: The 
son of a bitch is honest. I think people 
have an appreciation for someone who 
says what he thinks. I think they know 
that I make mistakes but try to do what's 
right. At least I hope so. The people at 
Indiana have been very good to me. Indi- 
ana has been a great place for me to be. 
PLAYBOY: The university or the state? 
KNIGHT: The university and the state. 
PLAYBOY: What effect has your intense 
fame had on your family? 

KNIGHT: Гуе always tried to keep my fam- 
Пу completely removed from it. Гуе tried 
to teach my two boys that they have no 
special privileges whatsoever because 
somebody associates them with Indiana 
basketball. I've tried to keep them out of as 
much as] can. Гуе never allowed stories to 
be written about my family or my family 
to be interviewed by anybody. As any 
father would, I let them receive some ben- 
efit from what I do, such as being around 
the team. From the age of six, Tim carried 
water and towels and wiped up, and so 
did Patrick. But if they want to be there, 
they gotta get their ass in gear, like every- 
body else. 

PLAYBOY: Let's focus on your work. What 

is the day of a game like? 

KNIGHT: Well, the game day has gotten 
more difficult for me, as more is expected 
from the team. We've gotten to a point 
where we're expected to win a lot, so we're 
trying to live up to that expectation. Los- 
ing games that are close is much harder on 
me now than it was before. Before, I 
would just say, "We've got to work hard- 
er, we've got to do something better." Now 
I tend to reflect on what we have done. 
What should we have done? What didn't 
we do? Ah, I have a much tougher time 
than I did before handling games we lose 
that we might have won. 

Game day—I used to have а kind of set 
routine. Now, a lot of times, Z do things 
differently. We had our last game of the 
regular season with Ohio State. Johnny 
Bench came to watch the game, and 
instead of sitting there for two hours, 
thinking and planning, аз I used to, I took 
him to the lake where I do a lot of fishing. 
Then we went back for the game. ГА nev- 
er have done that a few years ago. 
PLAYBOY: Getting to the game itself, give 
us a coach's perspective. What are the 
things that you need to see during a game 

“Tm as well known as І 
am only because Гое had 
a hell of a lot of basketball 

players who played 
pretty well.” 

to coach efficiently? 
KNIGHT: Well, I’ve got to see if what we 
have set up defensively is being followed 
through. That’s number one. Number 
two, is what we're doing defensively suffi- 
cient to contain their offense? Then, offen- 
sively, are we getting good shots? Are we 
having trouble getting good shots? Are our 
people moving without the basketball? I 
try to look at what we're doing in terms of 
what we've set up for this particular game. 
Then I try to be ready for any changes 
that the other team might make; ideally, 
we've anticipated some of them and we 
can adjust to the changes that they make. 
PLAYBOY: What's likely to make you jump 
out of your chair during a game? 
KNIGHT: Defensively, when a player 
doesn’t recognize where the ball is; when 
he misses something because he didn’t 
know where the ball was, which is рага- 
mount. That’s one thing. A second thing 
is missing a block-out. The third thing is 
not moving—to help out or to impede the 
progress of the ball. 

As for offense, ours is very subtle in its 
development and moverent. I think it is a 

difficult offense, so it's harder for me to 
always see what's going on. Often, I have 
to study the film to know what's hap- 
pened, so Рт less likely to jump off the 
PLAYBOY: In terms of motivating a team, ог 
in terms of your own expectations, what 
do you set as a goal at the beginning of a 
KNIGHT: Well, next season, my initial 
thing will be, “All right, at one point in 
this season, 280 teams are going to be 
reduced to 64, and your goal is to be one of 
those 64 teams." Гуе mentioned that on 
the first day of practice every year that I've 
been in Indiana. Along with that, we want 
to win the Big Ten championship. We 
start talking about that the very first day 
that we get together, those two goals. 
PLAYBOY: No more than that? You don't 
strive for the national championship? 
KNIGHT: No, because most teams aren't 
capable of doing that. I totally disagree 
ith the guy who says, “Well, our objec- 
tive is to win every game; our objective 
is to be a national champion." I've been 
there. And Гуе had teams that win every 
game, and I know how hard that is, and 
there are very few teams that can do it. I'm 
not a believer in striving for the impossi- 
ble. No, I'm a believer in being very real- 
istic about what you can and cannot do, 
and then trying to achieve what you realis- 
tically can achieve. 
PLAYBOY: But was it realistic in 1976— 
with that team—to expect that you could 
win the national championship? 
KNIGHT: Exactly. I told the team on the 
first day of practice of the 1975-1976 sea- 
son that nothing less than the national 
championship would be satisfactory. The 
rest of it was all just a means for us to 
get there. We had to play a schedule; we 
had to go the first day of practice. I knew 
that team was the best team in the coun- 
try. In fact, that was one of the best teams 
T've ever seen play college basketball. 
PLAYBOY: Was 1976 different from 1981, 
when you also won the championship? 
KNIGHT: Yeah, but only because we'd 
started out badly in 1981 and we'd had to 
get some players straightened around. But 
I thought that we were the best team in 
the country at the end of that year. 
PLAYBOY: What are the best teams you've 
ever seen play college basketball? 
KNIGHT: Oh, I think that Ohio State '60 
team, and a couple of those UCLA teams, 
and that 1976 Indiana team, and probably 
the 256 San Francisco team, but I didn't 
see it play. 
PLAYBOY: Is there a number of games 
won—a percentage—that constitutes а 
measure of success for you? 
KNIGHT: No. Гуе never thought of it in 
those terms. Winning 20 games isn't it. 
Winning the league championship isn’t it. 
It's being able to take a given season and 
look at it and see if we did as well as I 
thought we could. 
PLAYBOY: Last season, you reached the 
final eight of the N.C.A.A. tournament 

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with a team that was relatively inexperi- 
enced and was hampered by injuries. Was 
that a successful season? 

KNIGHT: In the context of accomplishing 
what we had tried to accomplish in terms 
of goals, it was. However, over the course 
of the season, we had several opportunities 
that we did not make the most of—maybe 
four times. When I think of those things, 
the season wasn’t successful. And as we go 
into a new season, that’s what ГП have to 
change if this team's going to grow. 
PLAYBOY: It sounds as if you go through 
life in a constant state of dissatisfaction. 
KNIGHT: No, I don't think so. I don't 
attach the same process of evaluation to 
other things that I do to coaching basket- 
ball. If I go to a restaurant and order din- 
ner and it's lousy, that doesn't spoil my 
evening. It's just a lousy dinner, so I don't 
eat it. Let's get on with what else we're 
going to do. But if we go toa basketball 
game and play a lousy game—yes, that 
spoils my evening. 

PLAYBOY: For a lot of people, college bas- 
ketball means color and pageantry; the 
game is part of a larger spectacle. Do you 
notice cheerleaders and bands? 

KNIGHT: I think I notice the big picture. 
The cheerleaders have enthusiasm. But 
one of the great distractions of professional 
sports are the bump-and-grind girls they 
have. I think they detract immensely from 
the sport. There’s no real enthusiasm 
there. It’s like we're selling a picture of a 
naked gal on the cover of the Methodist 

PLAYBOY: Are you saying sports is reli- 

KNIGHT: No, I’m just saying that religion 
stands in its own right, just as profession- 
al sports should. What the hell do you 
need sex for to see professional sports? I 
think that’s demeaning to the sport. If I 
were involved in a professional franchise, 
the first thing Га do is fire the girls. But 
there’s a bouncy enthusiasm about bands 
and cheerleaders that I really enjoy. 
PLAYBOY: During the game, are you aware 
of the crowd—whether it's for you or 
against you? 

KNIGHT: No, I don’t think so. I’ve tried to 
adopt an attitude since the very beginning 
that you can't be more relaxed at home or 
more tense on the road because of the 
crowd. You've got to reach a point equi- 
distant between the two, so you play con- 
sistently no matter where you are. As long 
as I've coached, I haven't been very con- 
scious of crowds—even at home, where 
we've had some great crowds that have 
been spontaneous beyond belief. I think 
maybe when a game's over I might say, 
"Our crowd was pretty good today" or 
“We hada bad crowd today,” but that’s all. 
PLAYBOY: There's no subliminal response 
during the game? 

KNIGHT: No, I really don't think so. When 
І first had to do public speaking, I learned 
to talk over the top of everybody's head— 
you know, instead of looking right at a 
person. If you do that, you can lose соп- 

centration. You know, if you happen to 
look at some good-looking girl sitting there 
[laughs] or a friend of yours, it can really 
break your concentration. So, I found very 
quickly that it didn't bother me to get up 
in public; it was almost as though I were 
talking to myself instead of: My God! 
There's 1000 people out there! And I 
think that’s kind of the way that Гуе 
always thought about crowds in basket- 
ball. Whether it's 20,000 or whatever the 
hell it is, Pm just looking at the game, not 
what’s going on around it. 

PLAYBOY: You're so animated during the 
game, people assume that a lot of what 
you do is intentional—designed to deflect 
attention from the players onto you to take 
pressure off them. 

KNIGHT: I don’t think I’ve ever done any- 
thing like that. My whole theory of coach- 
ing and the physical presence that I have 
at a game is directed toward the game; 
toward encouraging a player, toward 
chastising him, whatever it might be. But 
it has no bearing at all on how I think the 
crowd might react. I think you would find, 
if there were some way that you could 
study it, that I’m no different at home or 
on the road insofar as my actions are con- 

“One of the great 
distractions of professional 
sports are the 
bump-and-grind girls. 
There’s no real 
enthusiasm there." 

cerned. And I’m really not much different 
in games where we're ahead or behind or 
close or whatever. 

PLAYBOY: So you're denying that any part 
of coaching is a performance art? 
KNIGHT: Unless it’s subconscious. I have 
never consciously tried to do anything like 
that. Some of my players may have said 
they think their coach distracts the crowd 
from them; if so, that’s something that just 
happens. I can remember only one time 
ever consciously trying to stage something: 
It was my first year at Indiana, and I was 
trying to get a technical foul— 
PLAYBOY: You had to try to get a technical 

KNIGHT: And the guy just refused to give it 
to me and I said to hell with that, that’s 
the last time- 
PLAYBOY: What did you do? 

KNIGHT: Oh, I was out screaming and hol- 
lering, because I thought maybe it would 
get everybody going. It was such a ridicu- 
lous thing that I never made that attempt 
again. Any technical that I’ve gotten, I’ve 
gotten because of the spontaneity of the 
situation. I'm sure that I have reacted by 
not caring whether or not I got a technical 

foul. You know, I may have thought the 
mistake was so severe that, damn it, I was 
going to say what the hell I thought по 
matter what. 

PLAYBOY: Billy Packer, the CBS announc- 
er, said that you work the officials, that 
you set up an official in the first half for 
something you're going to want in the sec- 
ond half. 

KNIGHT: Let me tell you what I think 
about that: I think that's just so much 
bullshit; it gives a broadcaster a chance to 
talk about something. When I get оп an 
official, it’s because I think he's doing a 
lousy job. I don't have time to sit there and 
figure out how I can “work” an official 
I've never done that. I have had games 
where I thought we had a poor official or a 
weak official, and I wanted to make damn 
sure he didn't go to sleep or that he was 
aware of what the hell he was doing. And, 
as a game progresses, I'm not going to sit 
there and say nothing about bad calls. 

I figure this about officiating: I don’t 
think there's an official in the country who 
knows as much about basketball as I do. 
Not even close. Or as much as any other 
coach knows. And when I've got a com- 
plaint, I want it listened to. I've seen an 
official not watch for traveling; Гус seen 
him watch the flight of the ball instead of 
the shooter's hand afterward whether ог 
not he gets hit. I think that basketball offi- 
ciating is tough, but I don't think there are 
very many officials who know how to 
watch logically from one to two to three to 
four to five in a given position on the floor. 
And when I see somebody violate the logi- 
cal progression of what he should be look- 
ing for, then I’m going to let him know 
about it. 

PLAYBOY: Do you ever feel bad about caus- 
ing a guy embarrassment or berating him 
too much? 

KNIGHT: If Гуе made a mistake, I have 
said so a number of times. 

PLAYBOY: Because of your knowledge of 
the game, and your record, you have been 
called a genius. How do you react to that? 
KNIGHT: I’m not sure what a genius is. I 
once heard a guy describe a genius as a 
queer who can whistle while he works. 
PLAYBOY: What else might a genius be? 
KNIGHT: I don’t know. I don’t know what 
your definition is. I would think that it 
would have to be a guy who is able to do 
things mentally that other people are real- 
ly incapable of doing, and in that context, 
Т ат absolutely not а genius. I would not 
qualify in any way for it. I’m not able to 
do things mathematically; the sciences, 
chemistry, physics are like foreign lan- 
guages to me. 

PLAYBOY: Perhaps people who are gen- 
iuses in those fields would find it impossi- 
ble to analyze the movements of ten rather. 
large people in а confined area. 
KNIGHT: I don't think it takes a genius to 
do that. I don't think that's a word that’s 
applicable to coaching. 

PLAYBOY: What word would apply? 
KNIGHT: Studious, flexible, analytical. But. 

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not genius. 
PLAYBOY: Do you ever wonder how you 
would have done if you had devoted your- 
self to some other field? 

KNIGHT: I don't know. This may be the 
only thing in the world I can do. 
PLAYBOY: For someone of your intelli- 
gence, is there any continuing challenge in 
trying to win basketball games? Do you 
ever wonder what you're doing devoting 
your life to this one game? 

KNIGHT: Well, I don’t know. I really enjoy 
the idea of being able to do what I want to 
do a lot of the time, and coaching basket- 
ball permits that. I enjoy being able to go 
to Montana in the summer and spend a 
month fishing by myself, with a friend or 
with one of my kids. I enjoy having a job 
where I’m expected to do something, and 
as long as I do it, nobody cares when I’m 
there or how often. I think basketball 
simply affords me an opportunity to do 
the things I like to do other than basket- 
ball—and I think that’s why I do it. 
Besides, as I said, I don’t know whether 
Т4 be any good at anything else. It seems 
Гуе been fairly good at this, so I keep 
doing it. 

PLAYBOY: Do you crave victory? 

KNIGHT: No, what I have is a great desire 
for excellence, and it doesn’t include victo- 
ry. Winning is a by-product of playing 
well. On the other hand, I have a very, 
very low level of tolerance for anything 
that isn't good in terms of our play. 
PLAYBOY: But to press you on an earlier 
question, do you ever wonder what it mat- 
ters, in the larger scheme of things, if 12 
guys who happen to be on the Indiana 
basketball team play well? 

KNIGHT: Well, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t 
matter at all, except I’m in charge of those 
12 guysand it matters a hell of a lot to me. 
I mean, what I care about is what I’m in 
charge of, and they’ve placed me in charge 
of coaching basketball at Indiana, so, 
damn it, we're going to play it as well аз 
we can play it. And I don’t think Гус ever 
lost perspective that this has to mean 
something to the kid, far beyond how 
many points he scored or how many 
rebounds he got. But if you were to check 
over the kids who have played for me over 
the years, there aren't any of them on 
relief anywhere, and there aren't any of 
them as social burdens anywhere, and 
there aren't any of them who don't have 
good jobs. I mean, they've done extraordi- 
narily well. 

PLAYBOY: Do you ever think that you 
might want to use your ability to lead and 
influence people to something bigger, such 
as politics? 

KNIGHT: At one time, I thought I might 
like to go into politics, but what I would 
like to be is appointed to a job and not 
have to run for it. I don't want any obliga- 
tions. You know, I want somebody to say, 
“АП right, we're going to appoint you the 
United States Senator from Indiana." I 
don't want to go through all the garbage of 

PLAYBOY: But as an appointed Senator, 
what would you do if you had to be on the 
Senate floor for an early vote—even 
though that is when you usually fish? 
KNIGHT: See, that’s why I am content with 
what I'm doing. I've never, never said I 
thought there was something bigger, or 
broader, on the horizon for me. How long 
ГП coach, I don't know. But once I quit 
coaching, ГЇЇ continue to live just as I do. 
PLAYBOY: And if you never have another 
intellectual challenge that’s satisfying? 
KNIGHT: I don’t need intellectual chal- 
lenges. I really don’t. I have an intellectual 
challenge in deciding what Ву I should use 
this afternoon on the river. Now, that’s a 
challenge that exists only between me and 
the fish, and not another soul knows about 
it; but if I walk off the river figuring I 
whipped that challenge, then I feel pretty 

PLAYBOY: In 1981, you almost quit; you 
were close to being burned out. You even 
considered leaving Indiana to work for 

KNIGHT: I think that you’re wrong about 
that. 1 don’t think that I've ever been close 
to being burned out. I’ve seen that phrase 
bandied about by coaches and people in 
the business, and I’m not sure exactly 
what it means. The only thing that I did 
was give serious consideration to going 
into the television end of basketball, be- 
cause it would allow me to do something 
different. It was still an association with 
college basketball, only going about it in a 
different way. 

PLAYBOY: Why didn't you do it? What 
changed your mind? 

KNIGHT: I had a long talk with Ara Par- 
seghian. He's a guy for whom I have tre- 
mendous respec. He told me that he 
thought I should quit coaching first, not 
quit coaching to do something else. Не 
said that I should quit, sit around and 
see what I wanted to do, then go do it, be- 
cause that would be the only way I would 
know that I'd truly had enough of coach- 

PLAYBOY: In other words, it was a matter 
of being interested in the potential televi- 
sion job; you weren’t tired of coaching. 
KNIGHT: The job really intrigued me. It 
would have been an excellent time for me 
to get out of coaching, if that’s what I 
wanted to do, because we'd just won the 
N.C.A.A. championship and things were 
in pretty good shape. We had good players 
coming back. It was going to be a good 
team the next year for whoever took over. 
I didn’t have any qualms about leaving 
because of that. But I changed my mind. 
PLAYBOY: Television pays nicely, but so 
does coaching. It’s said that Eddie Sutton 
at Arkansas makes $1,000,000 a year. 
Compared with the rest of the faculty, are 
college coaches overpaid? 

KNIGHT: When we look at a total universi- 
ty structure, the job with the least security 
of all is either the football coach’s or the 
basketball coach’s. In very few cases does 
either have tenure. He has to win. You 

don’t have to produce X number of A 
students if you’re a chemistry professor. 
You don’t have to produce a Rhodes schol- 
ar every five years if you're an English- 
literature professor. There aren’t any 
requirements there. But a coach is paid to 
win. I mean, you can cut it any way you 
want it. You can talk about athletics and 
all the altruistic motives that we can attach 
to athletic participation—and there are a 
lot. But purely from a standpoint of 
retaining his job, a coach is going to do it if 
he wins. And because of that pressure, 
because of what a successful team means 
to a university in terms of fund raising and 
alumni involvement, a coach is worth 
what he’s paid. I've told our people that 
I'd love the 15 percent each year of 
what basketball takes in over and above 
what it was taking in when I came here. 
PLAYBOY: What would that amount to? 
KNIGHT: It would amount to enough so 
you wouldn’t have to write anymore and I 
wouldn’t have to coach anymore. 
PLAYBOY: Are we talking about millions a 
KNIGHT: Yeah. We're talking about a lot of 
money. Television revenue. When I came 
to Indiana, we were getting $2000 a game. 
Now we're getting about $18,000 a game, 
plus all the other national-TV games and 
everything else that we have. We were 
averaging about 6000 people per game 
and now we're selling about 17,000 tickets 
per game. I mean, it’s astronomical. 
PLAYBOY: All right: Besides being a nice 
business, what is coaching? 
KNIGHT: Coaching is motivation. Coaching 
is leadership. Coaching is, are you going 
to get the guys to attack the river? Some of 
them are going to get killed, but we got to 
go attack the river. So I've got to figure out 
how to get them to do that. Coaching is 
basically understanding human nature. 
Human nature is, very simply, this: Hu- 
man nature—for you, for me, for any- 
body—dictates to us that we do what we 
have to to get by. So we got to beat human 
nature’s ass, first of all. We got to go 
beyond just getting by. And if we can do 
that, then we got a chance to be successful 
as a team. So I got to understand that. 
Then the next thing I got to do is get 
these players to play harder than they 
think they can play. I got to get them to 
work harder than they think they can 
work. John Ritter, who played on my first 
team at Indiana, said something about my 
approach to coaching that will never be 
topped. He said, “Well, Bobby Knight 
just gets us to play better than we ever 
thought we could play.” I could never 
have anything nicer said about what I'm 
trying to do. And in any leadership role, 
you're trying to get people to be better 
than they think they can be. You're trying 
to get people to work harder than they 
ever thought they could work. You're try- 
ing to get people to reach within them- 
selves. Leadership. You're trying to get а 
guy to do something he doesn't want to 
do—and to do it well That's what 


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leadership is. 

PLAYBOY: What doesn't a person want to 
do on a basketball court? 

KNIGHT: Dive onto the floor for a loose 
ball. Get down in a defensive stance and 
just scratch and scramble and work like 
hell to keep the guy from getting the bas- 
ketball. Block out on every shot. Take 
nothing but good shots. Макс good passes. 
There are all kinds of things guys don't 
want to do. 

PLAYBOY: What's the most fulfilling thing 
about the job? You've said it's not winning 

KNIGHT: No. Who cares about that? If you 
do what you have to do and do it right, 
you're going to win. The single most ful- 
filling thing about coaching has been kids 
who have played for us coming back to 
watch us play again. There isn't anything 
that pleases me more than to look into the 
stands before a game and see one of our 
former players there. 


KNIGHT: Because it's got to have meant 
something to Aim if he's coming back to 
watch us play. Now, that doesn't happen a 
let of places. 

PLAYBOY: Is that something you conscious- 
ly strive for? 

KNIGHT: Well, І encourage them to come 
back. We try to make them feel they're 
always a part of the team. And if you take 
the time to notice in our locker room— 
as Sherlock Holmes once told Watson, 
"Everybody sees but few perceive". 
PLAYBOY: We saw: You have the names of 
all your former players on plaques in the 
lockers they used. 

KNIGHT: You’re one of those few assholes 
Sherlock Holmes was talking about who 

PLAYBOY: Let's talk about the toughest 
issue in professional sports today: Do you 
understand what all the drug abuse is 

KNIGHT: I think I may understand what’s 
going on through players I played with or 
against—far longer than anybody. 1 ге- 
member once we had a representative 
from an N.B.A. office come into a Big Ten 
meeting. Just off the top of my head, Га 
say it was five years ago. The guy started 
talking about how there was no drug 
problem in the N.B.A., that they policed 
it. I got up and walked out. Wayne Duke 
[the Big Ten commissioner] asked me 
where I was going, and I said, “I’m not 
going to sit here and listen to that idiot 
insult our intelligence about the lack of a 
drug problem in the N.B.A.” Each coach 
had brought two players with him, and 
instead of standing up and telling those 
kids what the hell it was all about, what 
really happens, giving them examples of 
how many guys screwed up their careers 
because of drugs, this idiot was up there 
telling us there was no drug problem. I 
said, “I don't need this. Pll be back when 
he’s done.” 

PLAYBOY: So do you understand why drug 
abuse is so widespread? 

KNIGHT: I think that what you have, very 
simply, is players having too much money 
and too much time. It becomes a social 
thing and a status thing. Money is a prob- 
lem for most people who want to purchase 
drugs. It’s not a problem for the profes- 
sional basketball player. 

PLAYBOY: But do you think it’s as detri- 
mental and as terrible: 
KNIGHT: Absolutely. There isn’t anything 
good about it. There isn’t anything that 
should be tolerated about it. I’d like to be 
in charge of drug administration for about 
a month. 

PLAYBOY: What would you do? 

KNIGHT: Well, I would be tough. Let’s just 
leave it at that. 

PLAYBOY: Would you like to be head of the 
Drug Enforcement Administration? 
KNIGHT: For about a month. 

PLAYBOY: What would you do? 

KNIGHT: I would go at trying to wipe the 
thing out. I wouldn't stop boats; Га sink 
them. I mean, I'd do a lot of things first 
and ask questions later. 

PLAYBOY: If you were running the N.B.A., 
what would you do about drag users? 
KNIGHT: I think that there are situations 
where the first thing you try to do is cure 
the problem. It can be treated as an illness 
like any other. Alcohol abuse is an illness. 
Drug abuse is an illness. As to involve- 
ment in anything other than use—such as 
possession with intent to distribute any 
drug in any way—if it were up to me, the 
player would be disbarred for life from 
playing in the N.B.A. 

PLAYBOY: Have you personally ever tried a 
drug to see what it was? 

KNIGHT: No, no. 

PLAYBOY: Not even in college? 

KNIGHT; Never, like in capital fucking 

PLAYBOY: Why have things changed? Do 
you feel today's players are different from 
those in your day? 

KNIGHT: No, I don't think so. Drugs just 
weren't available then. Alcohol was avail- 
able. I think as many players had prob- 
lems with alcohol then as have problems 
with drugs today. Drugs in this generation 
are just a substitute for the alcoholism 
when I was growing up. 

PLAYBOY: Apart from drugs, do you find 
athletes today any different from the ath- 
letes of 15 or 20 years ago? 

KNIGHT: No. But I think that the coaches 
and the adults are different. I think the 
people in charge of athletes have changed. 
Athletes under the right direction are will- 
ing to work as hard, put as much effort 
forth, as they ever were. But the people 
who administer the athletes are less de- 
manding. Teachers as a whole have 
changed—the scope of education is far less 
demanding today than it was 20 years 
ago—and that’s a tragic mistake. 
PLAYBOY: Why did it happen? 

KNIGHT: If I holler and shout at you, 
chances are you're going to back down. So 
when kids hollered and shouted, adminis- 
trations backed down instead of throwing 

them the hell out of school. Most people 
want to avoid conflict. People for centuries 
have been able to bully and buffalo their 
way through things simply by hollering 
and shouting. So many times, we ac- 
quiesced to student demands—to the point 
where you don't have to attend class today. 
You can dress any way you want to when 
you come to class. I teach one class and I 
tell them on the first day that if they 
want to wear a hat, they’d better not wear 
it in there. If they want to go barefoot, 
don’t do it in my class. You don’t wear 
shoes, you don't get in the classroom. You 
cut one class, it’s a C. You cut two classes, 
it’s failure, 

PLAYBOY: Which class? 

KNIGHT: I teach a course in coaching. And 
I say, “Don’t tell me about university reg- 
ulations, because we go by my regulations 
here.” And if the university doesn’t like 
those regulations, it can tell me not to 
teach the course. 

PLAYBOY: How many students are in your 

KNIGHT: Oh, I’ve had up to 100 and down 
to 50. 

PLAYBOY: How many fail? 

KNIGHT: I don't think anybody fails. 
People cut class, they drop it. They drop 
cut before they can fail. They could all get 
A's as far as I’m concerned. 

PLAYBOY: We talked carlicr about your 
military heroes. Who are your sports 

KNIGHT: Ted Williams. 


KNIGHT: Because of a lot of things. Wil- 
liams said that his goal in life was to walk 
down the street and hear somebody say, 
“There goes the greatest hitter that ever 
lived.” And he just worked at that. And 1 
doubt if anyone else in athletics has ever 
taken one thing and worked as hard at it 
as Williams did. Now, Williams is a guy 
who’s got great hand-eye coordination. If 
I'm not mistaken, he still has one of the 
highest, if not the highest, visual scores 
ever recorded on the Naval Aviation phys- 
ical exam. And Williams was his own 
man. He went about doing his thing the 
best way he could do it, the way he under- 
stood it best. He was also a great philan- 
thropist when he played with the Red Sox. 
I've had guys tell me all kinds of stories 
about things that Williams did that he 
never wanted anybody else to know about. 
But he was crucified by the press for 
all kinds of things by people who 
really didn't know what he was like. 
PLAYBOY: When you, like Ted Williams, 
walk down the street in five or ten years, 
what do you want people to say about 

KNIGHT: Well, a friend of mine, John 
Flynn, once asked me, “What do you want 
as an epitaph?” And I said Га be very 
happy if they cut on my tombstone: HEWAS 

For centures, the finest beers in the world. 
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Tuo hundred years ago, 
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Then Julius Stroh visited 
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He found the best beers та variety of 
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essay By D. KEITH MANO MONEY, I needn't remind you, is a potent, launch-on-warning aphro- 

disiac. Why d? you think men keep condoms in their wallet? А male can add one inch below for every extra 
$100,000 or so of income—I mean, it's called long green, isn’t it? PLAYBOY's exhaustive sex survey (March 1983) 
showed that “the more money a man makes, the more likely he is to have an affair.” Hotel room, silver fox, fake 
mustache, prostate massage: All that offshore drilling is expensive. And from another installment of the survey 
(July 1983): Men who earn more are also more apt to manage at least one ménage à trois. I know I’m more 
attractive with a $100 bill stuck in cach ear. The connection between cash power and sexual success has been 
understood since first that sentence “Не gasped and spent himself on her body” was written. Those aren’t 
sperm you ejaculate. Those are tiny nickel: 

For women, too, money isa sap raiser. The survey (October 1983) uncovered this intriguing datum: “Almost 
three times as many of the women who always climax as those who never climax make $40,000 or more.” 
Income can impart confidence—and, it would seem, a legally tenderer clitoris. Moncy relaxes women: Success- 
ful performance at the office will carry over into bed. There is more physical self-assurance, as well. Tulane 
psychiatry professor James A. Knight has said, “The drive to accumulate money is a special form of the need 



30 issues on which relationships rise and fall 


1. The most common fights between 
couples are about money manage- 
ment—and they're most hotly con- 
tended when there's a difference 
between means and desires. This is 
especially true when money is tight but 
опе half of the partnership insists on 
the right to spend it as he or she sees fit. 
For example, Harry gets his pay check 
and immediately spends it on his car. 
He says, "I earned it, right? Damned if 
Рт not going to get some fun out of it.” 
Fair enough, except that his wife was 
counting on that money to pay the 
plumber's bill. 

2. The second most common fight is 
over whether to spend 

ing his money on gas exploration and 
he tells her what he thinks of her buy- 
ing WHOOPS bonds. 

5. Decisions over who will keep the 
checkbook and manage the budget can 
erupt into serious battles and hard feel- 
ings. Sometimes a man fights to be the 
only one who knows what money has 
come in and what has gone out. This 
makes the woman crazy, because she 
doesn't know how much money they 
have and can’t make informed money- 
related decisions. She feels like a child. 
When she wants to be a grownup, he 
resists. Problems also arise if she does 
keep the checkbook but is constantly 
under surveillance and is really just a 

clerk without any de- 

or to save. One person. J 
wantstoliveitup;the 4 | | |, 

cision-making power 
She may think she’s 

in the future. The 

a trusted partner un- 

other sees rainy days 1 ПИ I 

person who wants to 2H 
spend feels that his or 

til he summarily re- 
verses one of her 
budget decisions. Sud- 

her partner's reluc- 

tance to use money is 
not only a spoilsport 

an employee rath- 
| er than a partner, 

denly, she feels like 

reaction, it's also a 
vote of no confidence 

+ and she feels hu- 
al miliated. There are 

in his or her contin- 
ued carning capacity. 

"i other perils in this 

arena. Let's say she's 

On the other hand, 


the partner who 12] 

the bookkeeper and 
gives him an allow- 


wants to save feels 
unsafe with a spendthrift partner. 

3. Common fight number three is 
when partners are not equally comfort- 
able about the amount of debt they're 
willing to carry. Harry thinks a bank 
card is an invitation to carry a large 
balance on it every month. His wife 
isn't bothered by a few hundred dol- 
lars’ being carried over but balks when 
the numbers start to rise higher. They 
share their credit rating, so she doesn’t 
accede to his style of debt. 

4. Even when people agree on a gen- 
eral approach to saving, they can still 
butt up against each other's financial 
philosophies. If money is to be saved, 
the next question is, How? Women 
tend to be more conservative about 
investments and are partial to C.D.s, 
money-market accounts, even passbook 
accounts. Men are more likely to think 
that oil wells and finding a fixer-upper 
property are the ways to go. A couple 
may resist each other’s plans—espe- 
cially when she reminds him about los- 

ance. One day, he 
asks for money and she says, “Sorry, 
we can't afford that." He says, “Thats 
impossible. I am a good provider. You 
must be a bad manager.” She’s in- 
sulted—especially if she's been a gen- 
ius at making each of their dollars go 
for ten. But if he has never been to 
the supermarket, he can’t understand 
where all the money has gone. They 
live in different worlds, and each 
thinks the other is being unreason- 

6. Couples often quarrel over record 
keeping. This is а little issue that may 
surface around tax time. “What do you 
mean you have no receipts?” he gasps. 
A person who is a bookkeeper at heart, 
linked with a free spirit, is headed for 
some smoldering encounters. 

7. Monetary independence is a cru- 
cial issue in couples’ money manage- 
ment. In a household where one or 
both are never allowed to have “pri- 
vate,” unaccounted-for money, guerril- 
la warfare (continued on page 14б) 

for possession. It is made possible by the 
social function of money. The need to 
accumulate money becomes an aspect of 
bodily narcissism, and fear of its loss is 
like fear of bodily injury.” 

I know this topless dancer, an otherwise 
respectable wife and mother, who has 
envelope after envelope, each filled with 
$1000, under her mattress. Sylvia spent 
$2500 for a silicone inflation, $1500 more 
оп tooth bonding, more yet on plastic sur- 
gery. For her, cash is almost a prosthesis. 
“Pm going to get collagen implants if nec- 
essary. Then a face-and-neck lift. What- 
ever it takes. The money makes me feel 
secure. I want—I have—to be sexually 
alluring. Even when I’m 60. It turns me 
оп. Pd go crazy if I lost that.” 

But what about couples? Well, for them 
there is no such thing as petty cash. Rela- 
tionships, we find, are credited, debited, 
balanced or Chapter 11ed by the house- 
hold spondulics. (Only sex, another form 
of, um, double-entry bookkeeping, is more 
critical.) And when you talk about cou- 
ples, you mean Philip Blumstein and 
Pepper Schwartz. They collaborated, of 
course, on a magisterial study—American 
Couples: Money, Work, Sex. ГИ give you 
a statistical M60 burst. B. and S. got 
lengthy questionnaires back (12,000) from 
enough paired people (heterosexual, gay, 
lesbian) almost to repopulate Lawrence, 
Kansas, the day after. Then they inter- 
viewed another 300 or so in detail. For our 
purpose, I'll isolate the heterosexual mate- 
rial, though their gay-and-lesbian print- 
out is also fascinating. 

Heterosexual couples — are—what 
else?—either married or cohabiting. B. 
and S. studied about 3600 of the 
former, 650 of the latter. They make 
one further distinction: They divide mar- 
riage into “institutional” and “voluntary.” 
Institutional equals religious, child-rear- 
ing, sacramental. Voluntary equals an 
open-ended relationship (which, though 
legal, is closer to cohabitation) that doesn’t 
necessarily presume till death do us part. 

T'm into institutional marriage myself. 
If you count Mother, I’ve been wed 41.9 
years out of 42. Гуе done time. But my 
two non-Oedipal marriages are probably 
quite indicative, as far as that troublesome 
male-female financial balance sheet is 
concerned. My first was, Z thought, a 
benevolent patriarchy: Jo just happened to 
be on the dole—my dole. I have since 
understood what a squamous attitude I 
had. In my second marriage, to Laurie, 
T've been going Dutch: Our budget is pret- 
ty much copaid. As I read through the 
literature, I realize that my field trip from 
Sixties macho to Eighties splitto could be 
considered a useful synecdoche for our 
national progress. 

Money can make us uncomfortable. 
Conversation about it, we sense, is as 
tasteless as a plastic souvenir from 
Graceland. (continued on page 149) 

“Why your gamekeeper and not your chauffeur, Lady Chatterley?” 


in which three 
bold, bright, beautiful 
entrepreneurs show 
how to succeed 
in business with 




UNNY How strong personalities jump right out at a camera. Pam 
McCann—the fluffy one—smiles shyly and faces the lens with 
an earnest blink of long sable lashes. Linda Delgado—the one 
with the electric eyes—laughs wildly and challenges the photographer to 
catch her at it, but the shutter speed to match her hasn’t been invented 
yet. Diane McDonald—the savvy, deliberate one—sizes up the camera 
and dares it to catch her off guard. 

These three young women make a lot of decisions, earn a lot of 
money, wear a lot of diamonds and tum a lot of heads. Through wit and 
strength of will, they have jumped to the top of professions in which men 
normally do all the climbing. And if living well is the best revenge, 
they’ve been taking their vengeance for some time now. 

There are many shapes of success. Here are three of the best. 

3/23/61.  Vice-presi- 
dent of Greenworks, a 
Houston  floral-design 
company. Went to 
Houston from Akron, 
Ohio, in 1981. Sold 
roses on street corners 
her first day in town; 
now supplies flora for 
the mayor's office, ma- 
jer hotels and half of 
southeast Texas. 
Secret: “We have the 
best design staff.” 

Net Worth: “Мапу 
thousands of flowers.” 
Evaluation of Flowers in 
Our Pictorial: "Not as 
good as mine.” 

. UNDA DELGADO: Born 11/21/ 
61. President of Incentive Travel, 
Inc., of Lake Oswego, Oregon— 
specializing in luxury уас‹ 

Motto: “You want a jet? A 
Mexico with 50 rooms, а pool and 
а grand piano? No problem.” 
Net Worth: "Let's just say | made 
| $40,000 at 18. It's more now.” 
` Philosophy: “Ве yourself. Push.” 

ALL RIGHT, all right, I know that George Orwell's 
Nineteen Eighty-Four hasn't come true! The 
world isn’t divided into three superpowers, 
Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, that battle one 
another constantly. No Big Brother hangs over 
Great Britain; no telescreens watch its citizens. 
Nineteen eighty-four is still scary, but in a way 
different from Orwell’s prediction. I further know 
that it’s hazardous enough for an author, let alone 
a politician, to forecast a dire future. He who 
speaks with the aid of a crystal ball usually ends 
up eating ground glass. 

Yet a view of a future toward which trends are 
taking us can be a powerful tool in keeping it from 
happening. Nineteen Eighty-Four was a warning 
as well as a prediction and, thus, served a very 
important role. Because we create our futures by 
our choices, predictions can help sound alarms. 
The future is to be created; it's not a fixed result 
that we inherit. If it is predictable, it is preventa- 
ble. “Trend,” said René Dubos, “is never destiny.” 

I am not a pessimist by nature. Life has been 
very good to me. But in the ten years that I have 
been governor of Colorado, the American people 
have seen a massive change in our economy and a 
massive loss of our wealth. In 1965, the year 
before I was elected to the state legislature, one 
U.S. corporation, General Motors, earned twice 
as much income as the 30 largest German indus- 
trial corporations and the 30 largest Japanese сог- 
porations combined. By 1980, С.М. had reported 
a loss. In 1965, U.S. industrial corporations with 
sales of more than a billion dollars represented 70 
percent of all such companies in the world. By 
1980, that figure had fallen to 40 percent. In 1975, 

the man who said we have a duty to 
die now tells why we may want to 

opinion by 
ИИИ O Кап 
Governor of Colorado 



my first year as governor, the U.S. had a 
trade surplus; in 1983, we had a 61- 
billion-dollar trade deficit. Simply put, 
this country is rapidly losing its wealth. A 
more besieged America has evolved, and 
politicians must adjust their agendas to its 
new realities. 

I believe we are now heading toward a 
gloomy future filled with major economic, 
political and social traumas, and it's not 
that we can't alter that trend but that we 
won't. Thus, we're careening toward dis- 
asters of our own making. 

The oil disruptions of the Seventies and 
the inflation and recession we experienced 
weren't isolated incidents but a preview of 
the future. We live in a time during which 
some awesome forces are converging. 
Multiple problems will multiply. There is 
a gathering storm in the world as infinite 
needs run into finite resources. 

It is my contention that there are no 
easy solutions, that our country's prob- 
lems can be solved only by a series of very, 
very hard choices—and that our political 
system is not used to making those choices. 
In the U.S., politicians have traditionally 
been able to spend entire careers distribut- 
ing a growing pie; thus, they're good at 
distributing pleasure but not at allocating 

Bur the future will not allow us to con- 
tinue to ignore these hard problems. They 
won't get better, they'll get worse—unless 
attacked immediately. Because most of 
them are taken to the political market 
place for resolution, there is no better time 
than an election year to discuss them. I 
challenge all the candidates, in both par- 
ties, to confront these problems now. We 
cannot afford to wait. 

What follow are my own best-guess 
predictions about where certain political, 
social and economic forces are taking us. І 
have borrowed a technique from Orwell, 
whose book projected 35 years into the 
future to help us conceive the inconceiva- 
ble. In this case, I have merely added ten 
years to his date. One reviewer of Nine- 
teen Eighty-Four said, “It is the most 
terrifying warning that man has ever 

But I'm afraid I have to add a few ter- 
rifying warnings of my own. 


I predict that by 1994, interest rates илїї 
have risen to 25 percent at least twice, gold 
will have hit $2000 an ounce or more and 
inflation will have roared back to double- 
digit numbers al least twice. We uill see a 
Depressionlike economic trauma before 

As a society, we've been committing acts 
of political and economic malpractice. In 
his first 1000 days in office, Ronald 
Reagan has increased the national debt of 
the United States by half. The U.S. Gov- 
ernment is borrowing approximately 30 
cents of every dollar it spends. Our nation- 

al debt is projected to grow from 1.4 tril- 
lion dollars in 1983 to two and a half 
trillion dollars in 1989. Democratic Sena- 
tor Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New 
York warns that if Reagan serves a second 
term, his projected budgets will nearly tri- 
ple the national debt in his eight years. In 
other words, he will add twice as much to 
the deficit as his 38 predecessors did over 
195 years. 

That fiscal insanity is by no means all 
Reagan’s fault, however; Congress must 
accept its share of responsibility. It is clear 
to me that the question isn’t which politi- 
cal party can offer a way out of these 
tumultuous times but whether either party 
can. The Republicans can’t say no to mili- 
tary spending and the Democrats can’t say 
no to social spending. Together, they’re 
repeating all the mistakes of the Sixties, 
attempting to give us both guns and but- 
ter. Before long, though, we'll have to pay 
for our excesses. We're living on a store of 
wealth built up by past generations, but 
the joy ride is coming to an end. Our econ- 
omy, rich as it has been, can take only so 
much abuse. 

It is axiomatic in politics that the earlier 
one addresses a problem, the more the 
alternatives and the easier the solutions. 
By not adequately attacking the deficit sit- 
uation in 1984, we will be facing an 
undercut economy in 1985, after the Pres- 
idential election. The Federal deficit is a 
sword of Damocles hanging by a thread 
over the national economy. The U.S. is 
clearly going to have to cut the rate of 
spending and increase taxes. The solution 
isn’t either but both. Whoever is elected 
next November will face a deteriorating 
economy and will ask himself, “Was it 
worth it?” 

By 1994, the seemingly irresistible force 
of Federal spending will have run into the 
new reality of the static economic pie. 

A static economic pie? Hasn’t the U.S. 
always had a growing economy? Actually, 
family income in this country essentially 
has not grown since 1973. All wages, wage 
increases and benefits since 1975 have 
been wiped out by inflation, and in 1980, 
the average American saw a five-and-a- 
half-percent loss in real income. I predict 
that we will see our economy continue to 
gyrate between periods of hyperinflation 
and periods of deep recession. Further- 
more, I believe that one of the most diffi- 
cult political problems we will face 
between now and 1994 will be the new 
responsibility of politicians to allocate not 
abundance but scarcity. 

For at the same time we have a static 
economic pie, we also have exploding 
demands. We built up such systems as 
Social Security, Medicare and Federal 
pensions in a time of a growing economy 
as though the boom would continue for- 
ever. Many other systems are built on 

similarly faulty assumptions. The inter- 
mediate requirements of the Social Securi- 
ty Administration (SSA) assume a nonstop 
growth in real wages of one and a half 
percent a year (substantially above what 
we have averaged in the past 15 years); 
they also assume an increase in the birth 
rate from the current 1.8 children per 
woman to 2.1 children and a steady five and 
a half percent unemployment rate after 
1995. The SSA also assumes that there 
will be little growth in life expectancy 
despite the fact that that prediction flies 
in the face of America’s experience over 
the past 50 years. I believe all of those 
assumptions will be proved wrong. Social 
Security is already facing а multitrillion- 
dollar imbalance over the next 75 years. 

Thus, we have made promises and 
raised expectations beyond our ability as a 
society to deliver. I believe that America’s 
systems are now out of control. We all 
know about the 1.4-trillion-dollar debt 
and the 184-billion-dollar annual deficit. 
As of 1983, the unfunded liabilities of 
Social Security stand at 5.1 trillion dollars, 
which, of course, is not considered in the 
l.4-trillion-dollar national debt Un- 
funded military pensions, in this society in 
which a typical enlisted man will reüre 
from the Service at 39 and an officer at 43, 
amount to another 500 billion dollars. 
Pensions are forever: The U.S. still pays 
pensions to widows of Civil War veterans. 
'The Federal Civil Service system's un- 
funded liability is another 500 billion dol- 
lars, which we will have to pay off in the 
future. Additionally, it is estimated that 
Medicare will be 97 billion dollars in debt 
in 1995; on top of all that is at least anoth- 
er trillion dollars that we will owe just to 
keep up our infrastructure, which is now 
rapidly deteriorating. 

Consider the numbers: Our systems are 
not only actuarially unsound, they are a 
chain letter to the future. 

By 1994, it will have become clear that 
the U.S. is a country in liquidation. 

Last year's trade deficit was 61 billion 
dollars. Next year's is projected to far 
exceed that. The U.S. has learned to buy 
abroad but not to sell abroad. 

Tt appears likely that our country will 
continue to lose its place in the interna- 
tional economy. We have gone from 30 
percent of the world gross national prod- 
uct in 1970 to just over 20 percent in 1980, 
and that trend continues. The U.S. has 
seen its industries lose their competitive 
edge in the world market place and has 
seen trade deficits skyrocket. Even those 
industries in which the U.S. remains dom- 
inant, such as agriculture and aircraft pro- 
duction, are under very heavy attack. 
Robert Reich of Harvard has pointed out 
that during the Seventies, our share of 
world sales declined by 23 percent while 
every other industrialized nation except 
Great Britain maintained or expanded its 

(continued on page 94) 

"I suddenly don't give a damn if Friday ever comes!” 

| EA 

> | ummer's here, with из beach action, poolside 
drink By f МА | UE | Ch f f A В f R ( horseplay and weekend sojourns to the country 
for some well-earned R&R. That’s the good news. The bad news is swelter and sizzle. How does one 
overcome? The same way as before the world became air-conditioned —with frequent infusions of tall, 
frosty coolers liberally laced with compatible spirits. Mention tall-and-frosty concoctions and one's 
thoughts, of course, turn to gin and tonic, vodka and fruit juice or light rum and cola—the classics. But 
those clear-white spirits are extremely versatile and lend themselves gracefully to any number of 
quenching quaffs. So why restrict your pleasure to a few old reliables, inviting though they are, when 
there’s such a wealth of exuberant alternatives? Astute mixologists brighten their offerings with exotic 
syrups and mixers, ripe seasonal fruits or berries and invoke uncommon spirits when opportune. Add a 
decent blender, a mechanical ice crusher, plus ice, and you’re ready to qualify for your M.S.—master of 
summer drinks. There’s a knack to operating a blender. The first imperative is don’t overblend, as it 
warms the contents of the container. Also, there are times when you want a slightly grainy texture 
rather than total smoothness. If some elements in the mix resist liquefication, shut off the motor; the 
solids will settle at the bottom, close to the blades. Then rev up again (concluded on page 90) 

a roundup of whistle wellers for 
those who like their summertime 
liquidity lean and lanky 



“you mean,” he said, “that I can make one hour with her seem like five?" 


SHE WAS HALF his age, а cool young woman 
whose green eyes he could not read. He 
had never known anyone remotely like 

His name was Bryce Cromartin— 
Bryce Cromartin III, in fact, though he 
had dropped the Roman numeral, as too 
ostentatious, years ago. He had a house in 
Marblehead, a condominium on Beacon 
Hill and a summer place on the Cape. 
Her name was Vicki Mahoney; they had 
met in his lawyer's office, where she was a 

She would never allow him to take her 
home; she said she lived with her invalid 
mother. They met once a week, on Fri- 
days, for an hour: It was the only time she 
could get away, she said. He gave her little 
presents, nothing in bad taste—a slim gold 
chain with a ruby, a diamond clip. Then 
somewhat larger presents, but she refused 
to meet him more often. 

In his usual foursome on Wednesday, 
Jack and Larry were talking about a new 
place called "The "Time Exchange. "It 
seems they can really make the time go by 
faster or slower," said Jack. *Ed Vander- 
meer told me he tried it for a dentist’s 
appointment. A root canal. He said it was 
all over before he knew it." 

"But can thcy really give you more 
time?" Cromartin asked. 

"Yes, they bottle it somehow." 

"The image that rose in Cromartin's mind 
was that of Vicki, sprawled in delicious 
abandon. He looked up the place in the 
phone book and went there the next day. 

The Time Exchange was in a seedy 

part of town, but the establishment itself. 
looked modern and new. Around the cor- 
ner, at another entrance, a line of derelicts 
stood waiting. 

Inside, it was like a doctor's office— 
potted shrubs in redwood boxes, chrome 
and brass. A young man came forward 
alertly. “May I help you?" 

“Well, I’m not quite sure. Those men I 
saw around the corner—are they” 

They were time donors, the young man 
said, but that was not for Cromartin. The 
best plan for him, he thought, would be 
the deposit-and-withdrawal system: Cro- 
martin would deposit unwanted time by 
means of a little canister taped behind his 
ear, which he would bring back to The 
Time Exchange for processing; then, 
when he wanted time, he could withdraw 
it from his own account. 

*No— well, perhaps later—but I was 
thinking of, ah, having it for tomorrow." 

In that сазс, said the young man with 
an understanding smile, the Exchange 
had certain clients, perfectly respectable 
people, who left time on deposit for sale to 
others, and that time, which was of the 
highest quality, could be purchased at a 
very reasonable rate. 

He spread out a schedule for Cromar- 
tin’s inspection. The fees were graduated 
according to a factor system that Cromar- 
tin at first found confusing. 

“Then you mean,” he said, “that if I 
spend an hour somewhere and the factor is 
five, it will actually seem like five 

Exactly so, said the young man. The fee 


was a litte stiff, as a matter of fact, but 
Cromartin paid it. Thereupon, a smiling 
young woman in a nurse’s uniform took 
him into a back room and showed him 
how to attach the gleaming little canister 
behind his ear and how to work the little 
slide that turned it on. Another employee 
wrapped the canister for him and the young 
man bowed him out. 

All day Friday, Cromartin was in a 
sweat of anticipation. Evening came at 
last; he picked Vicki up at the usual place 
and drove her to his condominium. While 
she undressed, he went into the bathroom 
with the canister. He attached it behind 
his ear, as he had been instructed, and 
carefully pressed the slide to the on posi- 
чоп before he brushed his hair over it. 

Vicki was lying on the black-satin 
sheet, arms and legs spread, looking at 
him with her green eyes in the dimness as 
he approached. And it was just as the 
young man had promised; his delight went 
on and on, and when her body convulsed, 
the waves of pleasure rippled through him 
as if they would never stop. 

Afterward, as they lay together, he ran 
his finger tips up the side of her neck, then 
behind her ear, and his heart swelled with 
sudden joy when he encountered a little 
canister there. What sacrifices she must 
have made to buy this time with him! 
How could he ever repay her? 

Cromartin put his trousers on. Vicki, on 
the edge of the bed, yawned delicately as 
she picked up her watch. “Is it nine o'clock 
already?" she said. “Ном time flies." 


LONG TALL COOLERS an paee a0, 

“Long, tall coolers are guaranteed to lower your 
thermostat before the first swallow hits bottom.” 

and work in short bursts until the recalci- 
trant morsels are broken down. Summer- 
drink formulas often call for shaved ice—a 
chip off the old ice block that’s difficult to 
achieve at home. You'll find finely crushed 
ice, about pea size, quite satisfactory. Ice 
both chills and dilutes, so shake or stir to 
the point of optimal coldness, not a second 
more, and don’t recycle ice in the shaker or 
the pitcher. Start every round with a fresh 
batch. It also helps to chill all ingredients 
and utensils beforehand. 

The potions detailed below are among 
the best sun glasses in the world. Many 
are originals gleaned from esteemed re- 
sorts and smart watering holes around the 
globe. They're thoroughly delicious and 
therapeutic—guaranteed to lower your 
thermostat to cool before the first swallow 
hits bottom—two persuasive reasons to get 
at them without further delay! 


From the Hyatt Regency, Maui, Hawaii. 

1% ozs. light rum 

2 ozs. soft ice cream 

2 025. liquid yogurt 

1% ozs. strawberry purée 

¥ cup finely crushed ice 

Papaya wedge, for garnish 

Add all ingredients but garnish to 
chilled blender container. Buzz until just 
smooth. Pour into chilled 12-oz. tumbler. 
Spear papaya wedge with pick and lay 
across top of glass. Serve with straws. 


From the Manila Hotel, Philippines, 
courtesy of George Lang, who created the 
concept for the dining room and bar. 

1% ozs. white rum. 

Y oz. Galliano liqueur 

3 ozs. guanábana (soursop) nectar 

1 rounded scoop vanilla ice cream 

1 egg yolk 

¥, cup crushed ice 

Cherry, for garnish 

Add all ingredients but garnish to 
chilled blender container. Buzz until bare- 
ly smooth. Pour into large wineglass or 
highball glass. Garnish with cherry; serve 

with straws. 


Created by Freddy Lopez, bartender at 
El Panama Hilton, Panama City. 

1 oz. gin 

1 oz. vodka 

% oz. Cointreau 

3 ozs. guava nectar, chilled 

1 or 2 dashes grenadine 

% 02. coconut cream 

Pineapple chunk, long strip orange 
peel, cherry, for garnish 

To cocktail shaker with cracked ice, add 
all ingredients but garnish. Shake vigor- 
ously—really rock it—until everything is 
well combined. Strain into tall glass over 
ice cubes (El Panama uses 14-02. zombie 
glass). Garnish; serve with straws. 

(For two) 

A charming confection of a drink—pink 
and as smooth as mink—from the charm- 
ing Restaurante La Plantation, Pointe-a- 
Pitre, Guadeloupe. 

3 ozs. Clément Créole Shrubb liqueur 

% cup milk 

1 oz. grenadine 

¥ ripe banana, sliced 

ЗА cup crushed ice 

Lemon-peel strip 

Place all ingredients but lemon strip in 
chilled blender container and buzz until 
just smooth. Divide between two chilled 
highball glasses. Twist lemon peel over 
each and add to drink. 


From the luxurious Belle Terrasse Res- 
taurant in the Tivoli Gardens, Copen- 
hagen, a cooler made with a Danish 
cherry specialty—Kirsberry. 

Crushed ice 

3 ozs. Kirsberry 

1 oz. ginger ale 

Lemon slice, for garnish 

Half fill highball glass with crushed ice. 
Add Kirsberry; stir. Pour in ginger ale; 
stir lightly. Garnish with lemon slice; 
serve with straws. 


Served in the attractive summer garden 
of Restaurant Purbacher Zeche, just out- 
side Vienna. 

3 ozs. Zwack Viennese Pear liqueur 

2 teaspoons lemon juice 

% cup finely crushed ice 

Ripe-pear wedge or orange slice, for 


Combine all ingredients but garnish in 
chilled blender container. Buzz until just 
smooth. Pour into wineglass or highball 
glass. Decorate with fruit. 


An adaptation of a drink from Hono- 
lulu’s Kahala Hilton. 

1% ozs. Midori or other melon liqueur 

У oz. orgeat syrup 

1 tablespoon lemon juice 

1 teaspoon superfine sugar 

3 chunks honeydew melon (И cup) 

¥, cup finely crushed ice 

2 ozs. club soda, chilled 

Lime wheel 

To chilled blender container, add first 6 
ingredients. Buzz until just smooth. Pour 
into chilled collins glass. Add soda; stir 
briefly. Hang lime wheel on rim of glass; 
serve with straws. 

(For two) 

A twofer from Trader Vic’s in the New 
Otani Hotel, Tokyo—also available on 
request at other T.V.’s. 

3 ozs. light rum 

1 oz. amaretto 

2 ozs. orange juice 

1 oz. pineapple juice 

1% ozs. lemon juice 

1 tablespoon superfine sugar 

Y, cup shaved ice 

Buzz all ingredients in chilled blender 
container until just smooth. Pour over ice 
cubes. T.V.’s serves this in a large shell- 
shaped vessel and floats a gardenia on it, 
but you can use a large Burgundy balloon 
glass—and skip the bloom. Don’t forget 
straws—one for each participant. The 
drink can also be divided between two 
highball glasses, though it’s not as cozy. 


From Jake’s, a bouncy new dining/ 
drinking emporium in Manhattan. 

1 oz. vodka 

% oz. gold rum 

Y oz. triple sec 

¥, oz. lemon juice 

2 ozs. pineapple juice, chilled 

1 teaspoon superfine sugar 

Lemon slice 

Shake all ingredients but lemon slice 
briskly with cracked ice. Pour unstrained 
into tall glass. Garnish with lemon slice if 
you like; serve with straws. 


From the head bartender, Marco Polo 
Hotel, Singapore, courtesy of George Lang. 

1/4 ozs. light rum 

¥, ог. peach-flavored brandy 

Y, oz. fresh lime juice 

1 ог. pineapple juice 

1 tablespoon superfine sugar 

Dash vanilla extract 

1 slice canned pineapple 

А cup finely crushed ice 

Cherry, pineapple cube, mint sprig, for 


Combine all ingredients but garnish in 
chilled blender container. Buzz until just 
blended. Pour into tall glass; garnish. 

Now that you have the scoop on sum- 
mer drinks, don’t keep it to yourself. Share 
your discoveries with a warm friend and 
cool it together—over a passel of frosty 
concoctions. It’s bound to build a cozy 
relationship. е 


looking for knockout 
clothes to impress your 
leading lady? here’s what 
gene wilder wears to 
stalk “the woman in red” 


GENE WILDER would be funny in 
a nudist colony. But put him in 
some great-looking Italian 
threads (and drape gorgeous 
Kelly Le Brock on his arm) 
and he becomes damned іт- 
pressive, And impressing 
someone is just what Wild- 
er’s latest screamer, The 
Woman in Red, is all 
about as he pursues Le 
Brock—who із, оГ 
course, Ше woman іп 
red—all over Зап 
Francisco. We won't 
tell you the ending, 
but we will say that if Е б ] TY 
he'd gotten a little help Кар || 

from the manufactur- i ] A 

ers of the three drop- 

dead outfits featured | 

here, his quest would 
have been a snap—or, 
better yet, a zipper. 

Right: A very droll Gene 
Wilder and a very dry 
Kelly Le Brock. Will they 
wind up on the rocks 
Over their martinis? Not 
likely with him coming 
оп in a wool tweed over- 
plaid-pottemed double- 
breasted sports jacket, 
$495, а cotton plaid 
buttondown shirt, $110, 
pleated tweed slacks, 
$170, and a silk tie, $40, 
ай by Valentino; plus 
woven-leather shoes, by 
To Boot, about $105. 


Here, Wilder's ploy is playing hard 
to get and our woman in red sudden- 
ly decides he's not for the birds. His 
plumage? A belted Italian-made cotton 
blouson jacket with knit shoulder 
detail, stand-up collar and zip front, 
$515, coupled with a linen/cotton crew- 
neck, $290, a linen tattersall-patterned 
shirt with buttondown collar and shoul- 
der pleats, $295, and linen pleated 
slacks, $185, all by Gianni Versace. 
(No, that bulge under Wilder's crew- 
neck isn't his bobbing Adam's apple; 
it's a cotton tie, by Vicky Davis, $14.) 

Below: Ah, the Ше of а sex symbol. 
Pants off today, pants on tomorrow. 
What's a poor fellow to do? muses 
Wilder as he settles down for a second 
helping of bubbly—and, he hopes, le 
Brock—wearing а butterscotch-suede 
safari jacket with epaulets and a suede 
belt, from Pietrovonni by John Rima, 
$850; plus ап Italian cotton button- 
down shirt, by Andrew Fezza, $75; and 
о nubby wool Не, by Bionculli, $40. 
Wilder's neatly folded, natty-looking 
wool pleated slacks, about $125y are. 
also from Pietrovonni by J 5 




(continued from page 84) 

"There's enough blame to go around for everyone. Big 

unions, bad management, lack of research. . . ." 


share. Clearly, we will never dominate 
world markets again, because other low- 
wage nations have learned good lessons 
about marketing and mass production 
from us. 

The question is, will we be innovative 
enough to beat our new competition? I'm 
afraid not. Our inability to meet the 
demands of international competition is 
seen particularly in capital-intensive, 
high-volume industries. The U.S. propor- 
Чоп of world automobile sales has de- 
clined by one third since 1963; sales of 
industrial machines have declined by one 
third, agricultural machinery by 40 per- 
cent, telecommunications by 50 percent, 
metalworking machinery by 55 percent. 
Goods are being made wherever they can 
be made cheapest, regardless of national 
boundaries. In the past ten years, America 
has spent 318 billion dollars more on for- 
eign goods than we have received for our 
products abroad. Unless we find ways to 
improve our productivity, a U.S. worker, 
at, say, $15 an hour, can’t compete with 
workers in the many nations that pay 50 
cents or one dollar an hour. And we cer- 
tainly can’t compete with the Japanese 
when our capital expenditure per worker 
is $250 and theirs is $650. A South Ko- 
rean steelworker makes one eleventh the 
wage of a U.S. steelworker. It would seem 
unavoidable that the most efficient places 
for mass production of standardized com- 
modities in the coming years will be Third 
World countries. 

There’s enough blame to go around for 
everyone. Big unions, bad management, 
lack of research and development, too little 
attention paid to productivity—all play a 
role. But, more than any other factor, we 
simply find that our insulated continental 
market place has turned into a cannibalis- 
tic international one in which we’re com- 
peting with countries with highly skilled, 
low-priced labor. Jobs Row toward cheap 
skilled labor. 

It’s hard to find a scenario that restores 
the United States’ shrinking share of the 
world economy, especially with an over- 
valued dollar that effectively puts a tax on 
all our exports. I predict that we'll contin- 
ue to lose many high-paying industrial 
jobs to the Third World and will replace 
them with lower-paying service-economy 
jobs, И we're able to replace them at all. 
Right now, the 20 fastest-growing new 
jobs in the U.S. pay annual wages that 
average $5000 /ess than those 20 occupa- 
tions in the steepest decline. 

Nineteen ninety-four will see the U.S. 
with а substantially reduced middle class, 
and we will have moved toward a two- 
class society. 

If we fail to increase our productivity 
and develop new international markets for 
our manufactured goods, we won't be able 
to offer our children high-paying jobs in 
commerce and industry and, as a result, 
we'll have a greater gap between rich and 
poor. I predict that by 1994, the U.S. will 
have less of the middle class upon which 
our democracy was founded. We will have 
moved toward a society of two classes, the 
rich and the poor; and, as we have seen in 
other countries, a marked difference be- 
tween rich and poor leads all too often to 
social unrest. The middle class serves as a 
bridge between the haves and the have- 
nots. If it goes, so goes political stability. 


Nineteen ninety-four will see a bitter 
battle over a shrinking number of jobs. 

For millions of Americans, job opportu- 
nities are being destroyed by the combined 
pressures of automation, international 
competition and obsolescence. Dr. Gail 
Garfield Schwartz and William Neikirk, 
in their book The Work Revolution, pre- 
dict that after 1990, it will take perhaps 75 
percent of the work force to do 100 percent 
of the work. We'll have more people than 
we have jobs, a terrifying imbalance. 

‘The technological revolution will bring 
both good news and bad. We'll have jobs 
for highly skilled workers but not for 
semiskilled ones. American workers are 
vulnerable to foreign imports because our 
market place is wide open and foreign 
goods are cheap and of high quality. And 
at the same time we're losing jobs, a con- 
stant stream of American women into the 
work force, as well as the human tide of 
illegal immigrants, will further increase 
the number of people seeking employ- 
ment. Also, evidence shows that Ше 
elderly, pushed by economic need, will 
work longer, thereby occupying jobs that 
won't turn over as fast as in the past. 

Nineteen ninety-four will clearly see 
America move into a new world of 
the structurally unemployed. More and 
more occupations will require fewer and 
fewer workers to produce more and more 
goods and work. Layoffs of the future will 
become attributable less and less to tempo- 
rary recession or inevitable business cycles 
and more and more to permanent work 
dislocation. Technology and international 
competition are shrinking jobs at just the 
time many new job seekers are trying to 

enter the American economy. 

Dr. Schwartz and Neikirk predict, 
“The coming job crisis will shauer the 
uneasy tranquillity of the American work- 
ers. Setting worker against worker, it will 
ignite bitter wars between the old and the 
young, between men and women, between 
white and nonwhite, between native-born 
and new arrival.” Essentially, then, we're 
moving toward a time when the economy 
won't be able to incorporate ай the people 
who are desperately seeking work. The 
US. will see its first long-lasting job 


I predict that 1994 will see American 
cities largely full of angry, frustrated and 
unemployed minorities who will substan- 
tially change the face of urban America. 

My first job out of law school was as a 
lawyer for Colorado’s Anti-Discrimina- 
tion Commission. My wife marched in 
Selma, Alabama. We had a great dream of 
an integrated society, a dream that, far 
from being fulfilled, is sliding backward. 

A study by the Joint Center for Politi- 
cal Studies shows that in 1950 in the larg- 
est cities in the United States, one public 
school student out of ten was a minority; 
by 1960, the ratio was one out of three; by 
1970, it was one out of two; by 1980, it 
was seven out of ten; by 1990, nine out of 
ten students in big cities will be minorities. 

Many of these minorities live in slums 
and squalor with little expectation and lit- 
tle hope. Their other social problems are 
myriad. Fully 56 percent of all black chil- 
dren are being raised in fatherless homes. 
Currently, one out of ten children in the 
U.S. is supported by Federal Aid to 
Dependent Children. Clearly, illegitimate 
births know no color line, but a greater 
burden is borne by urban minorities. In 
Pennsylvania, 66 percent of all black 
babies are born out of wedlock; in Dela- 
ware, 63 percent; in Washington, D.C., 64 
percent; in New York City’s Harlem, 77 
percent. Many of their mothers are chil- 
dren having children, which perpetuates 
a cycle of poverty and frustration. In the 
раз! decade, the number of single-parent 
families has almost doubled. When you 
add the illegitimacy figures to the divorce 
figures, you find that one quarter of all 
American children under the age of 18 are 
now living in one-parent homes. Research 
shows that regardless of race, only half of 
all teenaged mothers graduate from high 
school. Their infants are far more likely to 
be born prematurely, with greater risk of 
brain damage or other birth defects. 

Despite the poor record of assimilation 
of our existing minorities into the Ameri- 
can mainstream, the massive flow of His- 
panics coming in from south of the border 
is creating another unassimilated minority 

(continued on page 144) 


; but we feel we 

have too much money for that. 

"Some people collect miniatures, 




miss august has her sights set on succeeding in style 

ER EYES ARE LIKE PLANETS. They seem larger than life, cinematic, wide-screen. People 

see Suzi Schott and assume that they've seen those eyes before. “I’ve been mistaken 

for Marie Osmond, for the girl in Flashdance, Jane Fonda and Mackenzie Phillips. 
I don’t mind people’s making a comparison, as long as they don’t dwell on it. Really, now. 
Mackenzie Phillips?” The waitress comes up to our table and asks, “Aren’t you Brian 
De Palma’s wife?” “See what I mean?” We tell her that will change when she becomes a 
Playmate and the August issue is on the stands. She will be Miss August 1984 forever. In 
fact, someone passing through the PLAvsov offices recognized Suzi when he got a look at her 
layout: "She's the girl who lives in the high-rise across from me. I see her swimming all the 
time.” Already, she is famous. 

“I think I know who you're talking about,” Suzi told us. "There's this guy who walks 
around his apartment with binoculars, in his underwear, singing to himself and playing air 
guitar. At least I think that's what he's doing." Suzi has rather strong notions about who she 
is and how she wants to be approached. When she first came to Chicago, she worked in a 
singles bar on Division Street. “The guys who came there were like Genghis Khan on a 
business trip. It was ‘Hey, babe, get me a J. & B. and water.’ They were Johnny Dance- 
alottas with million-dollar tastes and five-dollar wallets. The kind of people who hang 
out there think Flashdance should have won the Academy Award. It’s all ‘I'll take you 

"I don't feel famous. I’m excited by being a Playmate. I feel glamorous, but also 
feel like one of the guys. I don’t want to leave anyone behind. You can look at a pic- 
ture of someone forever without talking to her. I don’t want to be isolated.” 


“И was PLAYBOY's idea to do our shooting 
on the Paquet French Cruise liner S.S. 
Rhapsody. We were treated royally. I 
had a stateroom with unlimited closet 
space, which was odd, since I wouldn’t 
be wearing clothes in the pictorial.” 

“The other passengers on board ship were a delight. They were all from the same 
trailer park. Everyone knew one another, so the cruise ship was like a small town. 
People treated me like a celebrity. But we had to shoot at sunrise and sunset, so I went 
to bed early. The boat visited Cozumel and Playa del Carmen, Mexico; Grand Cay- 
man; and Ocho Ries in Jamaica.” Shipboard activities also offered a source of enter- 
tainment. “I played roulette, but only for the camera. We had a masquerade ball 
one night and I went as a cancan girl. You should have seen me dance.” Later, she 
relaxed at railside, talking with one of the dealers from the ship’s casino (below). 

here, ГЇЇ show you there.’ Those 
same people, when they hear I'm 
a Playmate, get nervous and re- 
spectful, as though I were a 
different person. What И car- 
penters were as famous as 
Playmates? Look, I called up my 
mom and told her that I was 
Miss August. She said, ‘That’s 
fine. Do you want to know what 
I bought at Venture today? " 
"That perspective helps Suzi keep 
her feet on the ground. 

She grew up in Addison, Ші- 
mois, a very small town just 
outside Chicago. After a two- 
year stint as an executive secre- 
tary, she came to town to try out 
modeling. She is an energetic 
explorer of the city: “I wanted to 
develop a personal style, to get 
into places where no onc else 
goes—new restaurants, new 
clubs, new stores.” Her educa- 
tion is a two-way process. She 
believes that restaurants should 
be made aware of individual 
eccentricities. “I will go into a 
restaurant and order a root beer 
or a Dr. Brown’s black-cherry 
soda. Maybe next time they will 
stock it.” She showed the same 
initiative with her modeling ca- 
reer. When approached Бу 
PLAYBOY Associate Staff Pho- 
tographer David Mecey, she 
said, “Why not?” A test led to 
this pictorial and to lots of as- 
signments around town from 
Playboy Models. She landed a 
job with a women’s store in 
order to sharpen skills in her 
first love—fashion design. She 
has developed her own style in 
dress—she looks as good on the 
street as she does without 
clothes: a knockout. As the din- 
ner progresses, some of her hu- 
mor becomes evident. “If I had 
to choose between chuckles and 
orgasms, I would choose chuck- 
les. You can remember some- 
thing funny and laugh again 
How often do you remember 
something sexy and have an or- 
gasm?” She has no dreams of 
Hollywood. “I wish my parents 
had forced me to take music les- 
sons, dance, tap, computer, any- 
thing. But as it is, РП make the 
best of what I am.” And what 
she is is eclectic. When you ask 
her for a list of favorite movies, it 
includes Papillon, All That Jazz, 
any Albert Brooks movie and 
Dastardly and Mutley in Their 
Flying Machines, a TV cartoon 
about a dog who squeaks as he 
laughs. So take a good look. This 
is Suzi Schott, one of a kind. 

Suzi enjoys ап active physical Ше. Skiing, on water and snow, is her favorite 
sport, but even a shipboard jog gets the heart pumping. However, she drew the 
line at high diving at the Rock House in Negril (right): “Мо way.” Her 
favorite part of the trip was cavorting in a waterfall near Ocho Rios (below). 
“This was one way to keep cool. It was a nice taste of the islands. I hated going 
shopping, though. Next ите, Га rather be on my own sailboat and explore at 
my own pace. All that running around in make-up finally got to me. I had to 
bring myself down. You should see the geek pictures, where I’m making faces.” 

"Treally enjoyed this shooting. I feli sexy because I knew it would look sexy. I hada tan. Whenever I have a tan, I look better. 
Hey, I looked this good every day, but take my word for it: You're getting the best here. This was how I cooled off." 


irt in bed? Do Lact silly? Not 
ch as in these shots. For one 
Idon't hide behind the sheet 

на 16 in the room. 
до have our own games.” 

“When I had a night job, I was a zombie ай day, but now that Pm working real hours, I do my relaxing at night. I like to 
lie back and think about exotic places. Pm going to Marion, Indiana, in a week, but I don't think that quali 

А ичет OF me омин 




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The guy 1 dated tonight turned out to be a 
ist," reported the girl 
‘ou mean literally—whips and that sort of 
thing?” asked her roommate. 
“Worse than that! The creep screwed me with 
a four-inch penis and then French-kissed me 
goodbye with an eight-inch tongue!” 

We understand that a women's magazine with 
a substantial lesbian readership will soon con- 
tain an advertisement for heavy-duty dildos 
called Maxi Puds. 

There's а lot of business sentiment in favor of 
using part of our public beach for nude bathing 
by tourists,” a member of the town council 
pointed out, “but we may get a lot of unfavorable 
publicity if we refer to it as a nude beach.” 

“In that case,” weighed in a colleague, “why 
not call it ‘the buffer zone?” 

Fads certainly breed fads. The hottest-selling 
item in sex shops today is the new inflatable 

Cabbage Snatch doll. 

| was ага cocktail party that a man stated, “A 
woman's hair is her greatest asset." 

“I disagree," grumbled a second fellow. “It’s 
her smile." 

“No, no—it's her bustline,” insisted a third. 

“Excuse me, you guys, but I'm leaving,” said 
the sole female in the group, “before one of you 
gets down to the truth.” 

A woman has petitioned 10 have her former 
husband declared in contempt of court. It seems 
that he approached her as both were leaving the 
divorce tribunal with a request for a farewell 


Said the surgeon, "I drink, Mrs. Buck, 
So we're both of us really in luck 

Since your sexual cavern 

1s as big as a tavern, 
What I plan is to nip . . . and then tuck.” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines laying rub- 
ber as a condom. 

But how сап we be sure,” the parks commis- 
sioner mused in a staff meeting, “that those kids 
who make out in the bushes will understand that 
mean is NO FUCKING?” 

When һе phoning obscenely, old Potts 
Gives a spinster who'll listen the hots 
By describing how whangs 
Shoot a wad during bangs! 
He's a kink who likes calling the shots. 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines well-hung 
G.O.P. member as a banana Republican. 

ln а bold new remake of Snow White, we've 
been told, the queen will chant, “Mirror, mirror, 
оп the ceiling. . .." 

Ала then there was the Spaniard who hoped 
that a sex-change operation would improve his 
love life . . . and, sure enough, it turned him into 
a regular Doña Juanita. 

Frankly, it wasn't that memorable a wedding 
night,” the bride confided to a friend. “In fact, 

Charley's cork popped before the champagne's. 

The big-rig operator stopped to pick up the girl 
hitchhiker in short shorts. 

"Say, what's your name, mister?" she in- 
quired after she'd climbed into the cab. 

“It's Snow—Roy Snow," he answered, “and 
what's yours?” 

“Ме, Рт June— June Hanson,” she said. 

"Hey, why do you keep sizing me up with 
those sidelong glances?” she challenged the 
trucker some miles down the road. 

"Can you imagine what it might be like," he 
countered with a question of his own, "having 
eight inches of Snow in June?” 

Heard a funny one lately? Send it on а post- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 
Playboy Bldg., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 
Il. 60611. 850 wall be paid to the contributor 
whose card 15 selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 

“This is what I like about swimming . . . every muscle comes into play!” 


he stared into his glass and hoped to see the 
answer to the murder, but the answer wasn't there 

a matt scudder mystery 


ALL THIS HAPPENED a long time ago. 

Abe Beame was living in Gracie Man- 
sion, though even he seemed to have trou- 
ble believing he was really the mayor of 
the city of New York. Ali was in his 
prime, and the Knicks still had a year or 
зо left in Bradley and DeBusschere. I was 
still drinking in those days, of course, and 
at the time it seemed to be doing more for 
me than it was doing to me. 

1 had already left my wife and kids, my 
home in Syosset and the N.Y.P.D. I was 
living in the hotel on West 57th Street 
where I still live, and I was doing most of 
my drinking around the corner in Jimmy 
Armstrong’s saloon. was the night- 
time bartender. A Filipino youth named 
Dennis was behind the stick most days. 

And Tommy Tillary was one of the 

He was big, probably 6/2", full in the 
chest, big in the belly, too. He rarely 
showed up in a suit but always wore a 
jacket and Че, usually a navy or Burgundy 
blazer with gray-fiannel slacks or white 
duck pants in warmer weather. He had a 
loud voice that boomed from his barrel 
chest and a big, clean-shaven face that was 
innocent around the pouting mouth and 
knowing around the eyes. He was some- 
where in his late 40s and he drank a lot of 
top-shelf Scotch. Chivas, as I remember it, 
but it could have been Johnnie Black. 
Whatever it was, his face was beginning to 
Show it, with patches of permanent flush 
at the cheekbones and a tracery of broken 
capillaries across the bridge of the nose. 

We were saloon friends. We didn’t 
speak every time we ran into each other, 
but at the least we always acknowledged 
each other with a nod or a wave. He told a 
lot of dialect jokes and told them reason- 

112 ably well, and I laughed at my share of 

them. Sometimes I was in a mood to remi- 
nisce about my days on the force, and 
when my stories were funny, his laugh 
was as loud as anyone’s. 

Sometimes he showed up alone, some- 
times with male friends. About a third of 
the time, he was in the company of a short 
and curvy blonde named Carolyn. “Caro- 
lyn from the Caro-line” was the way he 
occasionally introduced her, and she did 
have a faint Southern accent that became 
more pronounced as the drink got to her. 

Then, one morning, I picked up the 
Daily News and read that burglars had 
broken into a house on Colonial Road, in 
the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn. They 
had stabbed to death the only occupant 
present, one Margaret Tillary. Her hus- 
band, Thomas J. Tillary, a salesman, was 
not at home at the time. 

I hadn't known Tommy was a salesman 
or that he'd had a wife. He did wear a 
wide yellow-gold band on the appropriate 
finger, and it was clear that he wasn't 
married to Carolyn from the Caroline, 
and it now looked as though he was a 
widower. I felt vaguely sorry for him, 
vaguely sorry for the wife Га never even 
known of, but that was the extent of it. I 
drank enough back then to avoid feeling 
any emotion very strongly. 

And then, two or three nights later, I 
walked into Armstrong's and there was 
Carolyn. She didn't appear to be waiting 
for him or anyone else, nor did she look as 
though she'd just breezed in a few minutes 
ago. She had a stool by herself at the bar 
and she was drinking something dark 
from а lowball glass. 

I took a seat a few stools down from her. 
I ordered two double shots of bourbon, 
drank one and poured the other into the 
black coffee Billie brought me. I was sip- 
ping the coffee when a voice with a Pied- 



mont softness said, “I forget your name.” 

I looked up. 

“I believe we were introduced," she 
said, “but I don’t recall your name.” 

“It’s Matt,” I said, “and you're right, 
Tommy introduced us. You’re Carolyn.” 

“Carolyn Cheatham. Have you seen 

“Tommy? Not since it happened.” 

“Neither have I. Were you-all at the 

“No. When was it?” 

“This afternoon. Neither was I. There. 
Whyn’t you come sit next to me so’s I 
don’t have to shout. Please?” 

She was drinking a sweet almond 
jueur that she took on the rocks. It tastes 
like dessert, but it’s as strong as whiskey. 

“He told me not to come,” she said. “To 
the funeral. He said it was a matter of 
respect for the dead.” She picked up her 
glass and stared into it. I've never known 
what people hope to see there, though it’s 
a gesture I’ve performed often enough 

“Respect,” she said. “Whats he care 
about respect? I would have just been 
part of the office crowd; we both work at 
Tannahill; far as anyone there knows, 
we're just friends. And all we ever were is 
friends, you know." 

"Whatever you say." 

“Oh, shit," she said. “I don't mean I 
wasn’t fucking him, for the Lord's sake. I 
mean it was just laughs and good times. 
He was married and he went home to 
Momma every night and that was jes’ fine, 
because who in her right mind'd want 
Tommy Tillary around by the dawn's 
early light? Christ in the foothills, did 1 
spill this or drink it?" 

We agreed she was drinking them a lit- 
tle too fast. It was this fancy New York 
sweet-drink (continued on page 128) 



this ballplayer-turned-actor swings hard at umpires and 
the press—and tells how he got to first base with goldie hawn 

ooking tough and comfortable in jeans, 

T-shirt and boots, а chain-smoking 
Kurt Russell sprawled on a small chair in 
the office of an. L.A. publicity firm that 
once represented his girlfriend, Goldie 
Hawn. Although then onscreen in "Silk- 
wood” and now appearing in “Swing 
Shift” (co-starring Hawn), Russell does 
not like to overdo his press exposure. But 
according to Contributing Editor David 
Rensin, who sat opposite him, “He quick- 
ly began to enjoy himself, firing off opin- 
tons on everything from the foibles of his 
generation to the designated-hitter contro- 
versy. He also seems very much in love.” 


PLAYBOY: Many actors have gotten politi- 
cal mileage out of the nuclear controversy. 
After your role in Silkwood, is it an issue 
on which you take a stand? 

RUSSELL: Not really. Гус learned some 
technical things from Silkwood that have 
slightly altered my opinion on the subject. 
But Pm still a great believer in nuclear 
power plants. It's a perfect sort of energy, 
only there аге two problems. The first—to 
make the plants technically correct and 
safe by following all the rules and regula- 
tions—can be solved. The other problem 
is not immediately solvable. Nuclear 
waste is put into plastic bags and stuff and 
is buried and is alive and radioactive for 
250,000 years! We just don’t know if we 
have anything that can contain it for that 
long. So what we have is something with 
great potential on which we haven't yet 
closed the book. We don’t know how to 
put this monster to sleep. Until we do, we 
shouldn’t play with it. However, I have 
tremendous faith that we can find a way. 


PLAYBOY: Compare real Ше and the 

RUSSELL: There is no comparison. The fun 
in films is when every so often you can hit 
that magical spot of being so real as to 
create the illusion that it’s real. That’s 
what is to be admired, not the reality of 
what is being watched. It’s a fine line. The 
idea is to tread that line, and any movie 
that can is most satisfying to me. Whether 
or not Silkwood dealt with real life— 
whether or not we tried to do it as close to 
real life as possible—is irrelevant. It's still 
only a movie. But the appreciation level 
changes according to how real you can be, 
and I try to be as goddamn real as I can. I 
want to suspend the audience’s reality. 



PLAYBOY: You did that with your critically 
acclaimed portrayal of Elvis. Where did it 
all go wrong for him? 

RUSSELL: ГА worked with him and knew 
him, but I won't pretend to understand 
Elvis' life or to know how much of thc 
various biographies are true. I really don't 
care. His story is long and complicated, 
but one thing is explainable: At a certain 
point in life, he realized there was nothing 
he could do wrong. People were nct going 
to let him not be Elvis. He was Elvis no 
matter what. And that's probably the most 
horrible thing to realize. Whatever void 
that leads to is probably impossible to fill. 


PLAYBOY: How do you handle your high- 
pressure job? 

RUSSELL: I disagree with the assumption. 
There's no pressure at all in this business. 
Pressure is the winning run on third base 
and you at the plate and 40,000 people 
screaming and then you getting jammed 
by the pitch and grounding out weakly to 
third and everyone groaning and booing. 
The Olympics is pressure. Politics at the 
high-stakes level is pressure. Medicine, 
where you’ve got a guy on the operating 
table who’s going to live or die by what 
you do, is pressure. Standing in front of a 
camera and getting deeply involved in 
exposing another person is not pressure. 
It’s interesting and fun and sometimes dis- 
appointing. But not pressure. 


вълувок: When did you finally get an hon- 
est day's pay for an honest day's work? 

RUSSELL: On a paper route I had when 1 
was nine. I got up at four АМ. and finished 
at 6:30. I must have gone to 60 or 70 
houses. After a month, when I went 
around and collected my moncy, I knew 
why. I had the paper route because I 
wanted ten-speed bikes for me and my sis- 
ter. After six months, I realized that it 
would take me two years of delivering 
papers. That's how I got into acting. My 
dad [former baseball player and actor 
Bing Russell] was up for a picture that 
Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris were 
Eoing to be in. It had a part for a ten- 
year-old. I thought, This is it! I could meet 
Mantle and Maris and make enough to 
buy both bikes with only about six weeks’ 
work. I called my dad's agent and went on 
the interview but didn't get the job. But I 

discovered that I enjoyed the interview— 
which I hadn't expected. Eventually, I did 
get some work on a TV show called Our 
Man Higgins. 1 liked it and I figured that 
Га just keep going, make a few bucks and 
see what happened. 


PLAYBOY: You also ended up playing 
years of minor-league baseball. Where 
do you stand on the designated-hitter 

RUSSELL: As much as I think it’s been 
fantastic to extend the careers of record 
makers, I disagree with the concept of put- 
ting in a hitter. It’s trying to solve the 
problem of run production for a television 
audience. Pitchers are 11 percent of a 
team’s hitting power, but the teams don’t 
make them hit. I say make the mother- 
fuckers take batting practice. Letting the 
pitcher hit adds variables to a game that’s 
made up of variables. It makes the man- 
ager have to deal with the situation. Hav- 
ing played so much baseball, Гуе come to 
the conclusion that after a certain point, 
most guys are basically of the same physi- 
cal ability. But what’s truly interesting 
about the game is the mental aspect: 
They've got Joe Blow in the Бий pen and 
it’s the seventh inning and they're only 
two runs down. What should they do? Рт 
interested in what can be done with 
moves, in giving the American baseball 
audience something to second-guess. The 
more you take away from the fans the 
ability to second-guess, the more you hurt 
the game. 


PLAYBOY: Jocks are notorious practical jok- 
ers. What's your most memorable prank? 
RUSSELL: Jeez, we had some great ones, but 
this is the best. A guy I knew was pitching 
a no-hitter in the ninth inning and the 
batter hit a grounder to the shortstop, who 
threw to first and got the runner by two 
steps. But the ump at first called him safe 
and blew the no-hitter. Well, the pitcher 
hated the ump anyway, and after the 
game, he was thinking of how he could get 
the guy. About a week later, the pitcher 
caught the clap. And a week after that, we 
were scheduled to have the same ump. So 
the pitcher figured out a plan, and I, 
another guy and the pitcher carried it out. 
Actually, it wasn’t funny. It was awful. 
But I felt sorry for the pitcher, because he 
would have (continued on page 159) 





sports By ANSON MOUNT 
RIMEMBER cs pro football was fun? A 
brisk autumn afternoon spent yelling 
for the home team; tail-gate parties 
before and after the game; heated argu- 
ments in the corner tavern about who 
was the best linebacker. Players were 
superstuds or duds; coaches were om- 
nipotent or impotent. If the home team 
won the Super Bowl, we enjoyed an off 
season of celestial bliss. If it lost, we 
waited sullenly for Next Year. 

What do we read about in the sports 
pages now? Arrogant kids and their 
avaricious agents demanding—and get- 
ting—multimillion-dollar guarantees 
for a few years of part-time work. Point 
spreads. Acrimonious court battles be- 
tween franchises and city governments. 

Greed and egocentricity have taken 
their tolls in all enterprises, from the 
Roman Empire to De Lorean Motors. 
Those same ills are now threatening 

an early line on teams 
and players in both 
conferences of the n.f.l. 

The Raiders made January 
22, 1984, a red-letter дау 
for blackhearted guys Ьу 
ripping the Redskins to 
shreds in Super Bowl XVIII. 



James Lofton, Green Bay. 
Roy Green, St. Louis . . Wide Receiver 
Doug Cosbie, Dallas....... ... Tight End 
Anthony Munoz, Cincinnati . а ..Таскіе 
Joe Jacoby, Washington... . . . Tackle 
Chris Hinton, Indianapolis . . .. Guard 
Kent Hill, Los Angeles Rams . . Guard 
Dwight Stephenson, Miami . . . .... Center 
Joe Montana, San Francisco -Quarterback 
Walter Payton, Chicago .... ... Running Back 
Eric Dickerson, Los Angeles Rams. . Running Back 
Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh . . -Place Kicker 

.... Wide Receiver 


Lee Roy Selmon, Tampa Bay .. Теа Епа 
Doug Betters, Miami Е Ж. End 
Randy White, Dallas .... .. Tackle 
Dave Butz, Washington . 3 .. Tackle 
Jack Lambert, Pittsburgh . .. -Middle Linebacker 
Hugh Green, Tampa Bay . ... Outside Linebacker 
Lawrence Taylor, New York Giants . „Outside Linebacker 
Everson Walls, Dallas........ Зосе Cornerback 
Mike Haynes, Los Angeles Raiders .. Cornerback 
Nolan Cromwell, Los Angeles Rams. . .. Free Safety 
Kenny Easley, Seattle . 3 . Strong Safety 
Rich Camarillo, New England 

Billy Johnson, Atlanta . 

Bill Bates, Dallas 


Miami Dolphins 
. . -Cleveland Browns 
. Los Angeles Raiders 

A.F.C. Western Division 

A.F.C. Champion . . . . Miami Dolphins 

N.F.C. Eastern Division. 
N.F.C. Central Division . 
МЕС. Western Division ....... apoóuo 

-Washington Redskins 
. . -Green Bay Packers 
San Francisco 49ers 

N.F.C. Champion. . . .San Francisco 49ers 


professional football, and their exemplars 
are several of the more visible owners of 
N.F.L. franchises. There are a few sane 
owners still around—Lamar Hunt and 
Hugh Culverhouse, for example—but 
their influence is diminishing. 

Back in 1980, I filled this space with а 
warning about bad owners, thinking a 
solution might be near at hand. Now it’s 
time to sound the air-raid sirens in the 
luxury boxes; in four yezrs, things have 
only gotten worse. 

The N.F.L's founding owners were 
enterprising entrepreneurs such as George 
Halas and Art Rooney, who tried to sur- 
vive financially while building pro sports 
into an entertainment business. Halas 
once paid a Chicago station to televise a 
Bears game. When pro football became a 
national obsession, however, the predators 
moved in. It wasn’t just a matter of bucks; 
it was also the call of ego fulfillment 
Scores of superrich but otherwise unenvia- 
ble slobs began coveting pro football fran- 
chises. Then they began buying them up. 

In any healthy free-enterprise system, 
there are a few people who would under 
ordinary circumstances be well-adjusted 
garbage collectors but whose avaricious 
instincts combine with fortuitous business 
coups to make them fabulously wealthy. 
They live in pretentious mansions but are 
personally obscure. Waiters ignore them. 
Bank presidents love them, but bank tell- 
ers don’t recognize their names. Their 
thirst for fame and adulation grows and 

So they buy a football team and sudden- 
ly they’re Somebody. Almost every day, 
they make headlines. Waiters and tellers 
are obsequious. People ask for auto- 
graphs. It’s the ultimate ego trip. 

But rarely is an N.F.L. franchise avail- 
able, which explains the hungry money 
poured into the formation of the U.S.F.L. 
two years ago. 

The flaky-owner problem also exists in 
other professional sports. “Baseball own- 
ers are the toughest set of ignoramuses 
anyone could ever come up against,” says 
former baseball commissioner A. B. 
“Happy” Chandler. “Refreshingly dumb 
fellows: greedy, shortsighted and stupid.” 

Commissioner Chandler, happily for 
him, never had to deal with Atlanta 
Braves owner Ted Turner. Yankees own- 
er George Steinbrenner is another em- 
barrassment to many of his peers. At the 
major-league-baseball convention in Nash- 
ville last winter, Steinbrenner’s preening 
before television cameras reminded ob- 
servers of Muammar el-Qaddafi. 

Why is the powerful, often destructive 
influence of franchise owners so little 
known to the average fan? Because both 
sportswriters and coaches are effectively 
muzzled by owners. 

Sportswriters are beneficiaries of the 
generous hospitality of pro franchises. 

(continued on page 122) 

“Oh, wonderful, Gengo! That mirror on the ceiling really helps!” 


join playmate penny baker for the inside scoop on how to get more 
creative mileage from today’s point-and-shoot automatic cameras 


modern living 


FTER MONTHS of traveling and 

modeling for PLAYBOY, Playboy 

Models and Playboy Video Pro- 

ductions, it’s no surprise that 

our 30th Anniversary Playmate, 
Penny Baker, one day insisted that turn- 
about was fair play. Since she had spent 
countless hours in front of the lens, why 
couldn't she spend a day or two making 
snap decisions while hanging out at 
Playboy Mansion West? Never one to 
refuse a lady and sensing that there might 
be an interesting story in the works, we 
equipped Penny with five brand-new 
cameras that list for $300 or less and 1014 
her to snap away. Our premise was that 
you can be just as creative—and have just 
as much fun—with an inexpensive camera 
as with one that’s a wallet buster. Most 
snap shooters are photojournalists. They 
do not construct elaborate sets and spend 
hours carefully lighting them. Rather, 
they excerpt slices of the reality around 
them and commit to permanence an in- 
stant from the flow of events. 

Any professional photojournalist worth 
his f-stops knows that the decisive mo- 
ment—the one that is most succinct and 
eloquent—announces its own coming. It 
can happen anywhere without much ad- 
vance notice. You need a ready eye and a 

quick finger on the release. 
“Anywhere” is the domain of many 
cameras nowadays—all those anywheres 
you never dared to take your camera 
before: the beach (salt and sand are your 
camera's enemies), the ski trail, the bath. 
Getting squeaky clean with someone can 
be ticklish, but would you risk your cam- 
era to photograph the consequences? You 
can with a tidy little instrument called the 
Fujica HD-S. It's Fuji’s all-weather cam- 
era, specially sealed to be water-resistant. 
It's not really an underwater camera such 
as a scuba diver would take into the briny, 
but a Fuji spokesman affirmed that it is 
watertight to a depth of 18 inches. 
Snowbanks, the nitty-gritty of the sea- 
shore, a dust storm on the veld and other 
environments interesting to people but 
unfriendly to cameras are likewise the 
domain of the HD-S. For all its mastery 
of nature, this camera, like all those fea- 
tured in this article, is a fully automatic 
aim-and-shooter. Automatic programed 
exposure control responds immediately to 
prevailing light. If things get dim, the 
built-in flash is ready in moments. The 
f/2.8 lens has a 38mm focal length, giving 
it a moderately wide-angle view—an asset 
when two or more occupy someplace con- 
fining, such as (continued on page 196) 

Opposite page: Surrounded by a candid sampling of snapshots, our slick click, 30th 
Anniversary Playmate Penny Baker, is off and shooting using a stable of inexpensive 
automatic cameras. Hanging around her neck—as if you haven't noticed —is Minol- 
ta's X-570, a quartz/clectronically governed 35mm single-lens-reflex auto-exposure 
model with automatic and full-metered-manual operation, $268 for the body; $153 
for a 50mm £/1.4 lens. In her right hand (at far left) is the Nikon L35AF One Touch, 
with automatic film load, rewind and advance, plus active infrared narrow beam 
focusing for quick operation even in low-light conditions, $210. Penny's also holding 
in her right hand Canon’s T50, with a 50mm #/1.8 lens, automatic features galore 
and shutter spceds from two scconds to onc thousandth of a sccond, about $300. In 
her other hand (at near left) are Fujica’s rough-and-ready HD-S, a water-resistant 
camera that’s at home from the mountains to the oceans to your own cozy shower 
stall (naughty you), $285; and the Pentax Sport 35, with ex] tion 
button for back-lighted subjects, electronic self-timer and pop-up auto flash, $169. 






(continued from page 118) 

“The only sure thing about the Colts’ first season in 
Indianapolis is that they won't win many games." 

"They travel free on team planes. They get 
passes to comfortable press boxes, where 
they're served lavish spreads of food and 
booze. They get access to training facilities 
and locker rooms. All of those privileges 
can be withdrawn at a moment’s notice, at 
the owner's whim. And sportswriters, like 
ordinary people, have to make a living. 

Coaches can verbally assault players, 
officials, fans, opposing coaches—anyone 
except franchise owners. An unspoken 
agreement existed for decades (until the 
emergence of irresistible target Robert 
Irsay, owner of the now Indianapolis 
Colts) that any coach who made a negative 
comment about an owner would be forever 
blackballed by the N.F.L. Venerable 
coach Sid Gillman once unloaded his frus- 
trations about an owner onto me but 
called the next morning to say, “Please 
don't quote me or ГЇЇ never get another job 
in the league." 

Where can we look for a solution to the 
owner problem? How about Green Bay, 
Wisconsin? There is a growing sentiment 
among civic leaders across the country in 
favor of confiscating (it's called the right of 
eminent domain) sports franchises. If cit- 
ies can own zoos, aquariums and sta- 
diums, why can’t they own their own 
sports franchises? Therc is now only one 
such civic-ownership arrangement in the 
N.F.L.—Green Bay Packers, Inc., is a 
publicly held corporation, with 1788 
shareholders, and for decades it has been a 
model of stability and success. Packers 
fans, who are among the most loyal in the 
country, feel their team really belongs to 
them, because it does. Best of all, they 
aren't subjected to the obnoxious postur- 
ings of an arrogant and greedy owner. 

But while we wait—impatienly—for 
the inevitable civic take-overs of many 
other franchises, let’s look at this year’s 
prospects for the various teams. 


New England Patriots - 
New York Jets .... 
Bufialo Bils ........ 
Indianapots Colis ...-........... 

Miami is a prime candidate for Super 
Bowl honors. The Dolphins have a bril- 
liant young quarterback (Dan Marino), 
an equally talented young receiver (Mark 
Duper, who got much less credit last year 
than he deserved) and a squad laden with 
veterans in their prime years. 

The Dolphins’ only discernible weak- 

ness is their defense against the run, due 
primarily to a dearth of linebacker talent. 
That need should be met by two promis- 
ing rookies, Jackie Shipp and Jay Brophy. 
Another draftee, Dean May, will be 
groomed as Marino’s backup. 

If the Dolphin defense adjusts to the 
change of defensive coordinators (Chuck 
Studley replaces Bill Arnsparger), expect 
the Dolphins to wind up in Palo Alto for 
Super Bowl XIX. 

1 the Dolphins flounder, the Patriots 
are waiting to claim the spoils. The future 
is very bright in New England. The Pats 
have a young team that is maturing rap- 
idly and has no discernible weaknesses 
except place kicking and a sometimes 
erratic defensive line. 

Patriotism is sky-high, and coach Ron 
Myer's work ethic is paying dividends. 
Some of the spoiled brats he inherited two 
years ago have left; others have grown up. 
There was a refreshing lack of bitching 
about contracts by players during the off 

The Patriots’ major asset, largely unap- 
preciated by Boston fans, is a superb 
offensive line. 'The defense will be much 
improved if a few promising young line- 
men can get their act together and if the 
linebacking corps (one of the league's best) 
can avoid a repeat of last year’s plague of 

This will be an especially interesting 
pre-season for the Patriots as Tony Eason 
challenges Steve Grogan for the starting 
quarterback job. Both are premium tal- 
ents. Their performances will be helped 
greatly by the arrival from Nebraska of 
superb rookie receiver Irving Fryar. 

The Jets’ unprecedented off-season 
house cleaning has been so extensive (it 
could continue through pre-season work- 
outs) that no one is sure who will be play- 
ing where. Quarterback Richard Todd, 
now a New Orleans Saint, is the most 
notable of the players who were shipped 
out. He will likely be replaced by Ken 
O’Brien, who was the Jets’ number-one 
draft pick last year. 

The upheaval was partly a matter of 
shaking up a complacent squad. Many 
Jets had read so many press reports last 
August about how they were going to the 
Super Bowl that they coasted to a disas- 
trous last-place finish in the A.F.C. East. 
The trades also brought some valuable 
draft choices. Two of the rookies, safety 
Russell Carter and defensive end Ron 
Faurot, will be immediate starters. 

Look for second-year coach Joe Walton 
to crack the whip this pre-season. The 

Jets will be a more dedicated, more disci- 
plined squad. 

Nineteen eighty-four will be a year of 
uncertainty in Buffalo. Last season, the 
Bills had a break-even record despite the 
most devastating wave of injuries in club 
history. Coach Kay Stephenson did a fine 
job despite his inexperience (his only other 
head-coaching job had been at a high 
school), team morale was rock solid and 
the reserves played admirably. 

The schedule is tougher this season, 
however, and the Bills desperately need a 
replacement for defected running back Joe 
Cribbs. They also need more beef in the 
defensive line. 

The draft brought runner Greg Bell 
and defensive end Sean McNanie, but the 
prize of the Bills’ rookie crop will be 
receiver Eric Richardson. 

The only sure thing about the Colts’ 
first season in Indianapolis is that they 
won't win many games. No team with 
such ordinary talent can be expected to 
win in a depressing, insecure and madden- 
ing environment. Everything about the 
Colts is unstable. By next year, they could 
Ье the Peoria Colis. Owner Robert Irsay 
has the temperament and charm of a rhi- 
noceros with a toothache. He and lawyer 
Mike Chernoff are perhaps the most ludi- 
crous duo since Laurel and Hardy. 

Team morale is in the pits. In one 
moment of low comedy last fall, a Balti- 
more sportswriter advised linebacker Ver- 
non Maxwell, “Don’t let Irsay's racial 
slurs bother you. He's just a dumb Chi- 
cago Polack who doesn’t know any 
better." Well, he should know better. 

At best, the Colts will be dull. The 
offense will again be a grind-it-out run- 
ning attack featuring runner Curtis Dick- 
еу and a gutsy offensive line anchored by 
Chris Hinton. 

"The draft was a bonanza, because the 
Colts had acquired many early picks by 
trading away rebellious players. Defen- 
sive back Leonard Coleman and defensive 
tackle Blaise Winter will make immediate 

But don’t be surprised if, after they look 
over the situation in Indianapolis, some 
of the Colts’ prize rookies defect to the 
Lower Slobbovian Soccer League. 

Cleveland Browns . 

Pittsburgh Steeler 
Houston Oilers 
Cincinnati Bengals 

Last year, the Browns had an exasper- 
ating tendency to win the tough games and 
lose the easy ones. That’s a common char- 
acteristic of young teams. The Browns 
should profit greatly this season from their 
own added maturity and the disarray in 
the other A.F.C. Central teams. 

(continued on page 198) 



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AREYOU А YOUNG MAN looking to make a good start in the world? Are you ready to meet new challenges and make new friends? Does 
your family have a pretax income of more than $100,000? Fine. B.S.A., Inc., has а place for you. 

Maybe you heard about scouting from your father or from other scouts, or maybe you just read our ad in The Wall Street 
Journal. No matter— scouting is still the great adventure it's always been. B.S.A., Inc., is still devoted to making boys into men, 
shaping the leaders of tomorrow and providing competitive return on our investment capital. 

The patrol is still the heart of scouting. We recommend that you pick an exciting, distinctive name and a smart letterhead. Many 
troops take names from major growth industries — for example, the Silicon Valley Screamers. If you have a problem choosing, consider 
retaining the services of a major pollster. Then copyright your choice. If things really take off, consider incorporating the patrol. 

You'll need a patrol call that all members will use. Scouts used to make the noises of various endangered species, such as screech 
owls or coyotes. We suggest that your troop get an incoming 800 number. 

Your patrol leader must be carefully chosen. This scout should be honest and dependable and have high name recognition on 
local network affiliates. When he’s in town, your leader will call patrol meetings. However, thanks to developments in camping 
software, the patrol of the future is almost here. Soon, you'll be able to teleconference troop meetings and overnights without getting 
out of bed. 

One other thing: While new scouts believe in kindness, good citizenship and good deeds, they also recognize the need for caution. 
Before you help that old lady across the street, get her to sign a B.S.A. liability waiver. Don't get burned. 



On my honor, 
I will do my duty 
to stay lithe and well toned, 
to help others if convenient, 
to suffer but not much, 
to keep alert in boutiques, 
to be well fed and morally straight. 
Have a nice day. 


The scout is: liquid, expedient, 
management material, 
brave without carrying it too far, 
centered, together, 
ambitious and up-scale. 


“Be insured.” 

There will be no official welcome from 

the scoutmaster this year, because we have 
just been notified that he has moved to San 
Francisco with his friend Randy. 




Tinted contacts 

Aviator shades 

Kerchief by Cardin 

Gold chain 
Lacoste shirt 

Body by 

Digital watch 

B.S.A. Standard 





Your therapist’s number 
White-noise machine 
Dioxin purification tablets 
B.S.A. Scout Pouch 
lead-lined sleeping bag 
Amino-acid hair conditioner 

со oogoo0no 


DO Sixteen-bit fully programmable 

Very long extension cord 
Geiger counter 

Hammer and nails 
(including documentation) 
Emergency kit: 


Roach clip 

Razor blades 

Short straw or dollar bill 

Airtight vial 

е пап 


О How to Beat the SAT 

D Winning Through 

D Accessing Your 
School's Data Base 


Chopsticks (for 12) 
Pepper mill 

Duck press 

Dijon mustard 

е н о = EL 


Scout Blanche card 
Official B.S.A. pager 

memo paper 
Glowing-campfire video 
cassetle (VHS) 
Health-club membership card 
Portable wireless phone 
Scout document shredder 

auna по DX 

Check each box as you get 
ready for camp. Use a number- 
two pencil. You have 30 minutes 
to complete this section. 


Your patrol may already have a number of favorite campsites. If not, we recommend that you choose a site with its own natural 
beauty, near a lake or in the shadow of a mountain. Avoid wet bogs, toxic land-fill areas, old chemical dumps and any terrain that 
glows at night. First, you'll need to dig a latrine. This is one of the most humiliating tasks in camping. Assign it to a younger scout 

who's easily intimidated. But it's no fun straddling a ditch, no matter who has done the work, so many troops lobby their regional 
scout office to arrange a lease/purchase option on a Porta-Flush. 

You should post all vital information in a central location. Know the location of the local hospital, the fastest road out, the nearest 
decent pizza. It’s a good idea to have somebody set up the video games between some trees 

Each troop should post a duty roster. Assign this task to your troop's data-base manager, who's responsible for backing up the 
hard disk and for general ledger and payroll. While everybody is setting up camp, now's the time for you to angle for a corner tent next 
to the scoutmaster’s. 


Never carry cash on a camp-out. Traveler’s checks are OK, but credit cards are recommended 
for an overnight. 

Hiking is an essential part of scouting. There are tracking hikes, lost-child hikes, market- 
research hikes. Take your manual to identify local flora, fauna and zoning restrictions. By the end of 
the day, the aggressive troop will have a detailed survey of the proposed regional mall, including scale 
drawings of sewer lines and parking lots. Use red flags to mark the trees worth saving 

Canoeing is a skill handed down to us by the Indians. Even the best canoeists must always wear 
life jackets. If you plan to canoe on a river near Cleveland or Buffalo, fireproof your jacket in case the 
Tiver ignites. 

Codes are essential for communications over long distances. From lake shore to mountaintop, 
scouts have long used flags, flashlights and smoke signals. We suggest a stand-alone terminal using 
RS232 XON/XOFF protocols and a smart MODEM. 

The campfire is a B.S.A. institution, a place for song, warm camaraderie and serious power 
scouting. Positioning is everything. Put the fire between you and other scouts, and make sure they get 
the smoke on their side. If you know the words to the songs, sit near the scoutmaster. 

Big-name entertainment is often beyond the troop budget. To entertain yourselves, organize a 
couple of skits. And if cash flow is a problem, be smart: Don't demand an advance; go for points in 
the movie version. 

When it's time to strike your tent and pack your mess kit, make sure to save a few pine needles 
and acorns. Without proper documentation, the IRS won't let you write off the camp-out as a 
business expense. The B.S.A. Tax Letter recommends that you take a muddy arrowhead to the audit. 
It works every time. 


To advance quickly in scouting, you'll need to master many skills. For attaining them, you'll be rewarded with merit badges. You 
must then present those accomplishments in the form of a lucid résumé. One tip: Yes, B.S.A. head-hunters like a diversified résumé, 
but if you want to fast-track the scouting game, don't go wasting a lot of time and favors on fringe badges such as beekeeping and 
bookbinding. Do confide your ambitions to your scoutmaster. Take him to lunch. Don't talk politics. And when he asks if he can leave 
the tip, take him by the elbow and whisper: "Your money's no good here." The following are some useful badges. 

Commerce James Watt First Aid, 
helps you decide Conservation, Mutual Funds awarded to the Advanced First 
whether or not to Law, because the badge for teaches you to Scout who Aid teaches you 
pe the it's never too that scout who look like you've can most to recognize 
troop in a bull soon to litigate. | auctions off your just heard from successfully herpes in your 
t campsite's Dean Witter. disguise a Scoutmaster. 
» mineral rights. receding hairline. 

Mergers and 

Acquisitions, for Fire Satety 
Lobbying, the the brave scout тасы you Юю 
: only badge that who defends his SE d Ш 
Johnnie Walker con ра Donor пор нота: sets your tent on 
straight up. d "No: 
The aggressive scout 
spends after-hours de- 
veloping skills to cul- 
tivate that special je 
пе sais quoi. You'll 4 „ - 
need elective badges. - 
Remember: Scouting Sushi Nautilus and 
is not a hobby; it's a Handling Spa Technique 

[vo 09v: 




(continued from page 112) 

“The cops hit their place and found stuff from my 

house everywhere they looked. 


shit, she maintained, not like Ше bour- 
bon she'd grown up оп. You knew where 
you stood with bourbon. 

1 told her I was a bourbon drinker 
myself, and it pleased her to learn this. 
Alliances have been forged on thinner 
bonds than that, and ours served to propel 
us out of Armstrong's, with a stop down 
the block for a fifth of Maker's Mark— 
her choice—and a four-block walk to her 
apartment. There were exposed brick 
walls, I remember, and candles stuck in 
straw-wrapped bottles, and several travel 
posters from Sabena, the Belgian airline. 

We did what grownups do when they 
find themselves alone together. We drank 
our fair share of the Maker's Mark and 
went to bed. She made a lot of enthusiastic 
noises and more than a few skillful moves, 
and afterward she cried some. 

A little later, she dropped off to sleep. I 
was tired myself, but I put on my clothes 
ard sent myself home. Because who in her 
right mind'd want Matt Scudder around 
by the dawn’s early light? 


Over Ше next couple of days, I won- 
dered every time I entered Armstrong's if 
T'd run into her, and each time I was more 
relieved than disappointed when I didn’t. 
I didn’t encounter Tommy, either, and 
that, too, was a relief and in no sense dis- 

Then, one morning, I picked up the 
News and read that they'd arrested а pair 
of young Hispanics from Sunset Park for 
the Tillary burglary and homicide. The 
paper ran the usual photo—two skinny 
kids, their hair unruly, one of them trying 
to hide his face from the camera, the other 
smirking defiantly, and each of them 
handcuffed to a broad-shouldered, grim- 
faced Irishman in a suit. You didn’t need 
the careful caption to tell the good guys 
from the bad guys. 

Sometime in the middle of the after- 
noon, I went over to Armstrong’s for a 
hamburger and drank a beer with it. The 
phone behind the bar rang and Dennis put 
down the glass he was wiping and an- 
swered it. “He was here a minute ago,” he 
said. “РП see И he stepped out.” Не 
covered the mouthpiece with his hand and 
looked quizzically at me. “Are you still 
here?” he asked. “Or did you slip away 
while my attention was diverted?” 

“Who wants to know?” 

“Tommy Tillary.” 

You never know what a woman will 
decide to tell a man or how a man will 
react to it. I didn’t want to find out, but I 

was better off learning over the phone 
than face to face. I nodded and took the 
phone from Dennis. 

I said, “Matt Scudder, Tommy. I was 
sorry to hear about your wife.” 

“Thanks, Matt. Jesus, it feels like it 
happened a year ago. It was what, a 

“At least they got the bastards.” 

There was a pause. Then he said, “Je- 
sus. You haven’t seen a paper, huh?” 

“That’s where I read about it. Two 
Spanish kids.” 

“You didn’t happen to see this after- 
noon's Post.” 

“No. Why, what happened? They turn 
ош to be clean?” 

“The two spics. Clean? Shit, they’re 
about as clean as the men’s room in the 
Times Square subway station. The cops 
hit their place and found stuff from my 
house everywhere they looked. Jewelry 
they had descriptions of, a stereo that I 
gave them the serial number, everything. 
Monogrammed shit. I mean, that’s how 
clean they were, for Christ’s sake.” 


"They admitted the burglary but not 
the murder." 

""That's соттоп, Tommy." 

“Lemme finish, huh? They admitted 
the burglary, but according to them it was 
a put-up job. According to them, I hired 
them to hit my place. They could keep 
whatever they got and I'd have everything 
out and arranged for them, and in return I 
got to clean up on the insurance by over- 
reporting the loss." 

“What did the loss amount to?" 

“Shit, J don’t know. There were twice 
as many things turned up in their apart- 
ment as I ever listed when I made out a 
report. There’s things I missed a few days 
after I filed the report and others I didn’t 
know were gone until the cops found 
them. You don’t notice everything right 
away, at least I didn’t, and on top of it, 
how could I think straight with Peg dead? 
You know?” 

“Jt hardly sounds like an insurance set- 

P No, of course it wasn't. How the hell 
could it be? All I had was a standard 
home-owner's policy. It covered maybe a 
third of what I lost. According to them, the 
place was empty when they hit it. Peg was 


“And I set them up. They hit the place, 
they carted everything away, and I came 
home with Peg and stabbed her six, eight 

times, whatever it was, and left her there 
so it'd look like it happened in а bur- 

“How could the burglars testify that 
you stabbed your wife?" 

“They couldn't. All they said was they 
didn't and she wasn't home when they 
were there, and that I hired them to do the 
burglary. The cops pieced the rest of it 

“What did they do, take you down- 

“No. They came over to the house, it 
was carly, I don’t know what time. It was 
the first I knew that the spics were 
arrested, let alone that they were trying to 
do a job on me. They just wanted to talk, 
the cops, and at first I talked to them, and 
then I started to get the drift of what they 
were trying to put onto me. So I said 
I wasn't saying anything more without my 
lawyer present, and I called him, and he 
left half his breakfast on the table and 
came over in a hurry, and he wouldn't let 
me say a word." 

“Ага the cops didn't take you in or 
book you?” 


“Did they buy your story?” 

“Мо way. I didn’t really tell 'em a story, 
because Kaplan wouldn't let me say 
anything. They didn't drag me in, because 
they don't have a case yet, but Kaplan says 
they're gonna be building one if they can. 
They told me not to leave town. You 
believe it? My wife's dead, the Post head- 
DER,’ and what the hell do they think I’m 
gonna do? Am I going fishing for fucking 
trout in Montana? “Don’t leave town.’ 
You see this shit on television, you think 
nobody in real life talks this way. Maybe 
television's where they get it from." 

I waited for him to tell me what he 
wanted from me. I didn't have long to 

*Why I called," he said, “їз Kaplan 
wants to hire a detective. He figured may- 
be these guys talked around the neighbor- 
hood, maybe they bragged to their friends, 
maybe there's a way to prove they did the 
killing. He says the cops won't concen- 
trate on that end if they're too busy nailing 
the lid shut on me." 

I explained that I didn't have any offi- 
cial standing, that I had no license and 
filed no reports. 

"That's OK,” he insisted. “I told Kap- 
lan what I want is somebody I can trust, 
somebody who'll do the job for me. I don't 
think they're gonna have any kind of a 
case at all, Matt, but the longer this drags 
on, the worse it is for me. I want it cleared 
up, I want it in the papers that these 
Spanish assholes did it all and I had noth- 
ing to do with anything. You name a fair 
fee and ГЇЇ pay it, me to you, and it can be 
cash in your hand if you don't like checks. 
What do you say?" 

(continued on page 154) 


“Welcome to the wonderful world of creative financing!” 

Some things just im- 
prove with age. Notice 
Terry (for left) in a 
publicity shot from the 
movie Platinum High 
School in 1959. Neor 
left, she poses poolside 
today. "You don't have 
to be trapped in ап old 
body ot ony age,” 
cloims Terry, an exer- 
cise nut. "You con stay 
youngif you work atit." 

now that her secret marriage to howard hughes is out in the open, 
terry moore proves she has nothing else to hide 


currently signs autographs, Terry Moore-Hughes. The day 

began with a series of telephone interviews—from Penn- 
sylvania, Detroit, even Canada—all with the now-familiar 
question, What was Howard Hughes really like? A stretch- 
and-tone class, along with a three-mile run on the beach, fol- 
lowed, keeping Terry’s 55-year-old body in a shape even a 
20-year-old could envy. A quick shower and she was ready to 
greet a writer from Us magazine, who probed and pried into her 
past life with you know who. Next came a high-level confab 
with executives from Pocket Books, the publishers of The 
Beauty and the Billionaire, Terry’s book about her favorite 
subject. Later, she met with her publicist to discuss her plan 
to pilot a jet around the world as a tribute to ... yup, you 
guessed it. After still another interview appointment—this one 

I: HAD BEEN another busy day for Terry Moore, or, as she 



with a PLAYBOY staffer for the piece you're reading—she was 
scheduled for an cvening songwriting session with composer 
Jerry Goldstein. They hope the result will be the theme to 
the TV movie based on Terry’s book. 

Some 35 years after their secret marriage aboard a yacht and 
eight years after his death, Howard Hughes is still the main 
topic of conversation around the Moore household. For years, he 
was a subject she discussed in whispers, but since that fateful day 
in 1983 when the heirs to his estate decided to agree with Ter- 
ry’s claim that she had, indeed, married the eccentric billionaire, 
she’s been Hollywood’s most public widow. There was a cash 
settlement, of course, though no one will say how much it is. (“I 
can live off the interest for the rest of my life,” claims Terry 
cheerfully. “It’s somewhere between five and eight figures,” says 
her attorney vaguely.) But the carefully orchestrated publicity 


That's Burt Lancaster in the background (above left), watching Terry in a steamy embrace with Richard Jaeckel. The movie was Come Back, 

Little Sheba, and it earned Terry an Oscor nominoti 

in 1952. Another film success, Beneath the 12-Mile Reef, with Robert Wagner (above 

right), followed in 1953. Despite her success ond high profile, few knew of her marriage to Hughes, described in her book (above center). 



that resulted put Terry Moore's name back in 
lights, enabled superagent Irving “Swifty” 
Lazar to negotiate a six-figure advance Гог 
her book and reminded casting directors that 
sometimes the freshest face in town has been 
around a long time. 

To Terry, however, there was something 
more important at stake “The thing I 
wanted was vindication,” says Terry, who 
revealed their secret wedding after Hughes 
died and quickly found herself lumped together 
with the likes of Melvin Dummar and others 
with sometimes questionable claims to the 
Hughes estate. “A bunch of crazies were 
claiming things,” she remembers. “To prove to 
the world that I had been married to him, that 
I had never been divorced from him, that 1 
wasn’t some twit who went around making ир 
stories—that was what I wanted. Гуе always 
been able to make a living, so the thing 1 
was most happy about was their admitting 
I was his lawful widow.” 

Her saga with Hughes began back in the 

early days of her career as an actress. Like the 
other starlets of that era, Terry was young and 
innocent, and her life was dictated by her strict 
Mormon parents and the omnipotent studio 
heads, who would decide whom she could date 
and what she would wear. Few actresses ever 
got off to a more promising start—the media 
loved her girl-next-door quality—and during 
her heyday, she appeared on more than 30 
magazine covers. She even received an Oscar 
nomination in 1952 for her performance as the 
sweet young boarder who awakens Burt Lan- 
caster's lust in Come Back, Little Sheba. The 
public was not alone in taking notice of this 

ve never thought of myself os being beautiful,” 
mointains Terry. “But the people at млүво‹ made 
те feel beautiful. I think of these photos аз art.“ 
Above, a publicity picture from Black Spurs. 

Terry always kept working, despite other marriages and raising two 
sons. Above left, she offered to be a volentine to promote MGM's A 
Man Called Dagger (1967), and on May 25, 1983, she cheerfully 
posed with a photo of her late husband (above right). Why the 
smile? That's the day she was declared Hughes's legal widow. 

burgeoning new star. Over at RKO studios, a wealthy, rakish 
inventor and aviator who also dabbled in movies had found her 
attractive, too. Terry was only 18 and Howard Hughes was a 
persistent suitor. He wooed her with flattery and expensive gifts 
but kept their marriage secret to protect her pristine image. 

For Terry, it was both a madly passionate first love and a 
continually troubled relationship. Hughes was a compulsive 
womanizer and yet terribly jealous of Terry’s friendships. She 
was young and headstrong, and the combination was lethal. By 
1951, Terry had married someone else just to spite her secret 
husband, which technically made her a bigamist. That marriage 
was short-lived, and she and Howard spent another four years 
in their on-again, off-again, intense love affair. When the final 
breakup came, in 1955, there was no real reason for them to get 
a divorce. No one, except for Terry’s family and a few close 
Hughes aides, knew they had been married. Even when both 
had found new mates—actress Jean Peters for Hughes and 
millionaire Eugene McGrath for Terry—her obsession with 
Hughes continued. Nor did her next marriage, to Stuart Cra- 
mer, which lasted 12 years and gave her two children, help her 
forget. Cramer, ironically, had been Peters’ first husband. 

“As the children needed me less, I began feeling great moods 
of depression,” remembers Terry. “We found a psychiatrist who 
put people into the hospital for three days and gave them sodium 
pentothal to find out what they really felt. We both decided to do 
it, and I went first. Evidently, all I talked about was Howard 
and how much I was still in love with him. Stuart and I had 
had a very solid marriage until then, but it went very rapidly 
after that. Stuart is still bitter toward Howard—he lost two 
wives to him, more or less.” 

By then, however, Hughes had adopted his reclusive lifestyle, 
so a reconciliation was impossible. Still, Terry found that her 
dreams revolved around Hughes. Even his death and the atten- 
tions of numerous suitors have not changed her feelings. “My 

manager says Не has never seen anyone get 
as many calls and crushes from zillionaires 
as I do,” she explains. “That’s because How- 
ard Hughes is every zillionaire’s image of what 
he'd like to be. He had everything—the studio, 
the fast cars, fast airplanes, women at his feet. I 

haven’t found anyone who compares to How- 
ard. Гуе met some very nice people, but I just 
haven’t fallen for anyone. When I look back, 
he was the only man I ever totally loved.” 

You think Howard Hughes was an eccentric part- 
ner? The 1949 film Mighty Joe Young (below) 
was billed as “the strange story of a beautiful girl 
and а gorilla." When your career spans more 
than 50 films, not all of them are genuine gems. 

е always played i а! explains Terry. “I 
was never glamorized. That's one rea: 
was so much fun. | can't believe these photos are of те." 





Share the wisdom of 
this Kindy country 

folks Just Ke you. 

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EO тоо eR.) PAM BABY! 
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(continued from page 94) 

“Tt is inevitable that we are going to have to ration 
health care in the United States.” 

in America. The flow of illegal immi- 
grants has increased tenfold in the past 
decade alone, with authorities apprehend- 
ing more than 1,200,000 illegal immi- 
grants in 1983, most of them Mexican. 
This means that soon we'll have two 
large minority blocs that don't share pro- 
portionately in our country's wealth. Sta- 
tistics from the Joint Center for Political 
Studies show that the personal wealth, ог 
accumulated assets, of black families is 
only 36 percent of that of white families: 
"The average wealth of black households is 
$24,608 as compared with $68,891 for 
whitc houscholds. In the past two decades, 
the yearly income of black families has 
remained at about 60 percent of that of 
white families. Although black households 
make up 12 percent of all households in 
America, they hold only four percent of 
the combined wealth of blacks and whites 
(211 billion dollars in personal wealth as 
compared with 4.875 trillion dollars held 
by whites). Fewer than half of black 
households have savings accounts, while 
77 percent of white households have them. 
The impact of those economic realities 
and demographic changes will be gargan- 
tuan, leaving our cities tinderboxes of 
frustrated, angry and underemployed mi- 
norities. The social time bomb is ticking. 


America’s health-care system ил be 
bankrupt by 1994. 

We stand on the threshold of the age ОГ 
the bionic man. A large number of organs 
are already transplantable, and trans- 
plants for virtually all of the others wait in 
the wings. Medical science is inventing 
much faster than public policy can pay for 
its inventions. By 1994, we will have 
attempted on three or four occasions to 
avert the bankruptcy of Medicare, but it 
will be very clear by then that health care 
has gotten completely out of control and 
will be consuming an unacceptable part of 
the gross national product. Already, ten 
and one half cents of every dollar in Amer- 
ica is spent on health care. In the cost- 
of-living index, health care is growing two 
and one half times as fast as the other 
economic indicators. 

On top of that, we'll soon face a day 
when medical science is able по prolong 
physical existence indefinitely, filling our 
hospitals with sick people who are alive 
but whose quality of life will be intoler- 
able. We already have too many hospital 
beds, too many costly specialists and an 
overdose of medical technology; and now 
we're coming into the time when the 

growth of the aged population, combined 
with the explosion of health-care costs, 
is going to bankrupt а number of systems. 
In 1970, the number of individuals aged 
65 and over was 20,000,000; in 1985, 
it will be 29,000,000. Ву the year 2030, 
when the children of the baby boom 
are well past the age of retirement and 
our children are approaching it, there 
will be 65,000,000 aged 65 or over in 
America. The hospital-patient days of 
persons over 65 are projected to increase 
from 105,000,000 in 1980 to roughly 
275,000,000 in the year 2000, almost tri- 
pling the amount of hospital care for the 
aged in a 20-year period. 

It is inevitable that we are going to have 
to ration health care in the United States. 
Health and hospital spending cannot be 
reduced unless there is some cutback in 
services to at least some patients. Geomet- 
rically rising costs are on a collision course 
with a financial system that simply cannot 
afford them. A million and a half people 
have heart attacks in America every year; 
how many should have access to an artifi- 
cial heart? How many heart transplants 
can we afford; and, as technology further 
increases the ability to keep people alive, 
can patients get more than one transplant? 
How many heart transplants should we 
give to a smoker? How many liver trans- 
plants should we give to an alcoholic? We 
simply have not come to grips with the fact 
that medical innovation stands ready to 
break us as a country. 

We already spend more moncy, a larger 
percentage of our gross national product 
than practically any other industrialized 
nation in the world, on an inefficient 
health-care system—and one that is head- 
ing for bankruptcy to boot! 


We wall have at least one major oil crisis 
before 1994. 

After two crippling oil crises in the past 
decade, I am astonished that we still rely 
for a significant part of the free world’s oil 
оп one of the most anachronistic places on 
the earth, the Middle East. Europe and 
Japan depend even more on it. 

This is a volatile dependency. Thirteen 
of the present Arab heads of state, or more 
than half of them, have reached power as 
a result of the forceful removal of their 
predecessors, and in the past 15 years, 
Arabs have fought Arabs in 12 fierce 
wars. The Islamic-fundamentalist revolu- 
tion is sweeping the area—with grave 
anti-Western implications—and there 
have been four major Arab-Israeli con- 
flicts, now threatened further by the crisis 
in Lebanon ard the failure to resolve the 

Palestinian-autonomy question. 

On top of all this, our own oil discover- 
ies don't keep pace with production, and 
we have failed to begin to make the ener- 
gy-efficient decisions that we should make 
to remove the waste from our society. I 
predict that by 1994, the Organization of 
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 
will have reasserted itself and we will be 
back in the lap of the Arabs. 

By 1994, payment of utility bills will be 
а major problem in the United States. 

This prediction follows from the pre- 
vious one, but even if OPEC doesn’t find 
new power, it is clear that we have 
expended our inheritance of cheap petro- 
leum and natural gas. The costs of utilities 
will rise dramatically in real dollars and 
as a percentage of household spending. 


The Third World will be bankrupt by 

I predict that by 1994, ОРЕС will be 
joined by the Organization of Debt Ex- 
porüng Countries (ODEC), as a large 
number of Third World countries default 
on their debts to the developed world. Do 
we really think that 400,000,000 people in 
South and Central America will get up 
every morning and go to work for the 
Chase Manhattan Bank? It just won't 
happen. Third World nations will recog- 
nize these debts only as long as they're 
able to get them rescheduled and have 
additional money lent to them. 

Ву 1994, the U.S. will have an interna- 
tional welfare caseload to add to its domes- 
tic welfare caseload. 

We will add another billion people to 
the world by 1994. The demography of 
the future is awesome. While the popu- 
lation of Europe will grow only 4.5 per- 
cent in the next 16 years, that of Africa, 
which is already facing starvation, is pro- 
jected to grow 65.9 percent, followed by 
that of Latin America at 44.6 percent. 
‘That means that in the next 20 years, 
we'll add the equivalent of 20 Bangla- 
deshes to an already hungry world. 

"The Worldwatch Institute has made a 
study of what is likely to happen. Between 
1979 and 1983, world economic growth 
expanded less than two percent a year. 
The effect of slower economic growth var- 
ied widely according to national popula- 
tion-growth rates. For example, a two 
percent annual economic-growth rate 
would still raise incomes by two percent in 
Belgium and West Germany, which have 
achieved zero population growth. But for 
Kenya and Ecuador, whose annual popu- 
lation-growth rate exceeds three percent, a 
two percent annual economic growth pro- 
duces steady declines in income and living 
standards. There are 34 countries whose 
numbers are growing at three percent or 
more a year, most of them in Africa, the 
Middle East and Central America. Those 

countries will become America's interna- 
tional welfare caseload. 

By 1994, I predict, the Catholic Church 
will have ended its prohibition of artificial 
birth control, but the change will come too 
late to prevent demographic chaos. Many 
countries that cannot now feed themselves 
will dramatically add to their populations 
and will look to us for relief. Wc will sec 
megafamine in parts of the Third World 
by 1994. The individual miracle of birth is 
becoming a collective tragedy. 

We will see constant political turmoil on 
our Southern borders. Multiple Cubas will 
appear in our hemisphere. 

We're not just fighting communism in 
South and Central America, we're fight- 
ing demography. Overpopulation causes 
increased poverty, unemployment and en- 
vironmental degradation that add to polit- 
ical instability. Over the next ten years, 
we'll continue to sec a massive flow of 
people into urban areas that are doubling 
in population every decade or two, with 
vast slum areas doubling in about half that. 
time. By the year 2000, the world will 
have 56 cities with populations of more 
than 5,000,000, as opposed to only 29 
now. About two billion people will live in 
"Third World cities. The slum areas con- 
tain a high percentage of unemployed 
young men, living in appalling conditions 
next to wealth and privilege. This is a 
prescription for revolution. Most of these 
cities lack the capital, education, training 
or political system to improve. They will 
not get better; they will get worse. 

Most countries in South and Central 
America are characterized by three traits 
that in the next ten years will cause mas- 
sive instability: high population growth, а 
vast discrepancy between rich and poor 
and corruption as a way of life. We fool 
ourselves when we call these Third World 
countries “developing countries.” Most of 
them are plagued by internal cultural 
division, tribalism, communalism, гей- 
gious strife and traditionalism that render 
governance all but impossible. Instead of 
developing countries, they are, for the 
most part, never-to-be-developed coun- 

As General Maxwell Taylor put it in a 
letter to a member of Congress: 

Our national-security interest in 
maintaining a global balance of pow- 
er and global restraints on Soviet 
aggression depends on the continued 
viability, and economic, social and 
governmental stability, of a number 
of strategically located developing na- 
tions. Our national strength also de- 
pends on a strong economy, which, in 
turn, depends on assured access to 
certain essential sources of raw mate- 
rials—primarily oil and scarce 
minerals—located in Third World 
countries. Such access requires the 

maintenance of comparative peace 
and stability within these nations and 
their regional environment. 

But such conditions cannot pres- 
ently be assured. . . . 

The United States’ strategic position in 
the world will continue to be undercut, 
though it is unclear whether that will nec- 
essarily benefit the Soviet Union. Nearly 
all the Third World countries in which 
the U.S. has vital security interests have 
serious population-growth problems. 
Egypt adds 1,000,000 people a year to a 
country that cannot feed those it has. 
Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, 
Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Kenya, Nigeria, 
Mexico and almost all the countries in 
Central America and the Caribbean are 
heading toward varying degrees of demo- 
graphic nightmares. 

It is clear that a number of Cubas will 
be added to the one too many that we 
already have in our hemisphere. 


"The future is always full of surprises. 
World dynamics are so volaule that one 
should always expect the unexpected. Yet. 
I believe that certain trends are so power- 
ful that they can—if left unaltered—be 

Politics is the management of expecta- 
tions. The American electorate has come 
to expect a growing pie, with politicians 
arguing about how to distribute the 
growth dividend every year. But there has 

been virtually no growth dividend to dis- 
tribute in the past ten years, and at the 
same time, it is obvious that we have seri- 
ous problems in our military-procurement 
programs, our Social Security system, our 
health-care system, our other pension sys- 
tems; but seldom do politicians—especial- 
ly in an election year—even identify the 
problems, let alone the solutions. It is my 
thesis that America needs a dose of the 
philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous: The 
Patient gets well only when he admits to 
self the full and desperate nature of 
his problem. We have to recognize that 
public policy needs a series of hard, some- 
times even tragic, choices to bring our 
economy under control and ensure our 
future prosperity. We really need a politi- 
cal ticket that can offend everyone a little. 
It will not be easy. Few politicians have 
made a career out of asking for cutbacks or 
sacrifices. However, in a number of our 
programs, America has made more prom- 
ises than we can now pay for, and it is 
imperative that not another Presidential 
campaign go by without the candidates’ at 
least debating those issues. 

І am haunted by John оске? state- 
ment that "hell is truth seen too late." 
Will we as a society find the personal dis- 
cipline and political will to see those new 
forces and correct our ways? 

Nineteen ninety-four will be here be- 
fore we know it. 

TOT‏ عدو 
“Oh‏ < = 

"Rodney, say good night to your new car and 
come to bed.” 




(continued from page 74) 

"One day, he discovers her nest egg. He doesn't call 
it skimming, he calls it embezzling.” 

can happen. For example, a woman who 
has no right to discretionary funds—not 
even enough to buy her husband a present 
he doesn’t know about—may start “skim- 
ming” some money out of the household 
budget. One day, he discovers her nest egg. 
He doesn't call it skimming, he calls it 


8. Other flash points are arguments 
that pair children and money. Men often 
don’t realize how much money it takes to 
clothe and feed a child. The conversation 
can be particularly intense when it is 
about children from a previous relation- 
ship. She may accuse him of not caring 
about her children or of protecting his kids 
but not hers. If there’s not enough money 
to treat the kids evenhandedly, the entire 
relationship can be in jeopardy. 

9. The same problem applies to in-laws 
and parents. Say Harry’s family needs 
help and he has to ask his partner. If the 
partner won’t help or isn’t gracious about 
it, the other resents having to plead for 
something he feels his partner should 
gladly provide 

10. The last of these dreaded three 
arguments involves alimony, and here we 
get into the major leagues of money bat- 

Чез. The new wife isn’t particularly 
pleased that half of his salary and some of 
hers goes to support his ex-wife in the 
style to which the new wife would like to 
become accustomed. Jealousy over the 
past gets mixed up with deprivation, and 
the result is volatile stuff. 


11. Some women feel that “your money 
is our money and my money is mine.” A 
traditional man may encourage that feel- 
ing—after all, he is the earner, and having 
a woman who feels that way redounds to 
his provider role. Another man, howev- 
er—particularly one who finds that the 
family needs her money for expenses— 
may no longer find this quaint. Her “mad 
money” makes him feel just that. This is 
especially tricky in a household where the 
man encourages а woman to feel this way 
but changes the rules when finances get 

12. The two-career couple has its own 
special money aggravations. If the two 
have been independent for a long time, 
they hate to have to be financially account- 
able to anyone else. They find апу- 
thing that requires fiscal cooperation and 
compromise grating. They should tread 
lightly the first time they cosign а 

“James, I just want you to know that I’m 
user-friendly, too." 

note—or lend their partner money. 

13. Which brings up the wonderful 
world of pooling money. The first fight is 
about whether or not to do и. The second 
is about getting used to doing it—and 
what it means for someone else to have the 
right to draw (and overdraw) on a joint 

14. Then there are the fights over 
what's fair to contribute. Will each part- 
ner put in half or will each put in money 
according to what he or she makes? Some 
partners say, “You want an equal say? 
Then put in equal pay!” If he earns 
$50,000 and she earns $18,000 and he 
wants her to pay half of the $2000 
monthly mortgage payment (or she 
doesn't get a full vote), he should be aware 
that he is manipulating her into a resent- 
ful junior partnership. Her money seems 
to get lost in the pool. She makes a sugges- 
tion about what to do with their money, 
but he doesn't feel that her contribution 
entitles her to disposition of the entire pot. 
Each cconomic decision brings up the 
issue “Whose money is this, anyhow?” 

15. When money is separate, objects are 
usually separate. Then the fights are 
about who actually owns what. If she put 
60 percent of the money down on the 
chair, does she own the chair or just the 
legs? The couple who mentally put tags 
on everything in the house sometimes have 
a problem with recall. Keeping fastidious 
records doesn't always prevent disagree- 
ments about who owns what. 


16. Even if items and money are kept 
separate, partners still have strong feelings 
about how money ought to be spent 
Certain spending habits are considered 
morally offensive. Having a monetary 
morality different from one's partner's 
(e.g, he buys $100 wines while she is 
waging the war on poverty) causes bitter 
fights even if money isn’t commingled. 

17. In the Eighties, are women truly 
emancipated from housework, or do they 
have to buy their way out? A man 
may insist that a woman use her money to 
pay for child care, house cleaning and 
dining out, because she’s creating those 
expenses by not covering those activities 
herself. “You pay for it—after all, you're 
the one who’s getting out of it.” Some 
women accede to that philosophy, so hap- 
py are they not to be doing it themselves. 
Others pay—but resent it. And some 
women call a pig a pig, and pack. 

18. Strangely enough, the matter of 
having enough money isn’t the most seri- 
ous area of disagreement. The man’s abili- 
ty to earn is so sensitive a topic that it 
doesn’t come up until a blood fight is in 
process. Men receive questions about their 
earning power as a frontal assault on their 

19. OF course, the only argument worse 

Warning: The Surgeon General Нав Determined 
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 

-. Viceróy 

MBEROY Kings 15 пос Лаг”, 079 709. COT ave Per 
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is the one based on how much the woman 
earns—when she earns more than he does. 
He gets competitive. He may bad-mouth 
her promotion or indicate that she's lucky 
she’s in such an easy industry in which to 
succeed. Often he adds injury to insult 
when she confronts him on his behavior 
and he adamantly denies it. They get into 
а cycle of oblique and head-on collisions. 
This is one money issue that can’t be left 
unrepaired or it will unravel the relation- 

20. Let’s say both partners are working 
and earning good money, and each likes 
the idea that they’re a dual-career couple. 
Money becomes an issue when partners 
push each other to get ahead, get a raise, 
get their due (and, while they’re at it, to 
bring home some more money to help sup- 
port their overextended lifestyle). Being 
pushed to confront a boss isn’t usually 
appreciated. Badgering will cause a battle. 

21. No matter how much money the 
couple earns, there are some things that 
aren’t done. One is making a major pur- 
chase without consulting one’s partner. 
No man can go home and say, “Hi, honey, 
I just bought a cabin cruiser,” and expect 
an uncomplicated reaction. 

22. How much to spend on a vacation is 

a common enough source of argument—so 
common that many couples dread their 
annual discussion about it. If the trip is 
less—or more—luxurious than one or 
both partners feel comfortable with, trou- 
ble brews. Fights break out when the per- 
son who can afford to pay wants to call all 
the shots. They can also erupt when Har- 
гу generously offers to subsidize the trip 
but his partner refuses to go unless she can 
pay her own way. If that means the vaca- 
tion can’t happen on schedule or at all, 
Harry, who wants to go now—and is will- 
ing to pay for it—gets annoyed. 


23. But let's say that over the years, the 
couple have worked out their financial dif- 
ferences. Are they out of the woods? Not 
necessarily. They may get lucky by clean- 
ing up in the stock market or winning a 
lottery or inheriting Aunt Mildred's for- 
tune. That gives them new options they 
hadn't anticipated. Windfalls provide ex- 
cellent opportunities for arguments. 

24. Charity begins at home, but it may 
have moved ош. The first question is, 
Should the money be given away at all? 
The second is, To whom? The third is, 
Does a partner have veto power on a spe- 
cific charity (eg. "If you give to the 

“You have to sit up straight 
for your counseling, Mrs. Larson. Lie down even for 
an instant, and it’s analysis.” 

National Rifle Association, ГЇЇ divorce 
you”)? The fourth is, How much (“You 
gave your inheritance to Save the 

25. Two people often don’t agree on 
what is a lot of money and what isn’t. This 
is also complicated by different patterns of 
generosity. Some people like to make 
small gifts—such as picking up a lunch 
tab. Others watch such things scrupulous- 
ly. But the person who watches nickels at 
a restaurant may be very generous about 
serious issues (such as donating to peace 
organizations or social-service agencies). 
And the person who picks up the tab may 
find large donations horrifying. Two 
people who have no empathy for each oth- 
er's monetary styles are going to fight. 

26. One person may feel that you have 
to be honest about your emotions, your 
hair color, your golf score—anything but 
your taxes. Another may feel that if the 
supermarket checker gave you extra 
change, not reporting it should warrant a 
trip to the Bastille. Those two people 
should probably not be together. Doing 
their taxes together may help them to a 
new status—one that will allow them to 
file separately the next year. 


27. Issues about security and retirement 
crop up among people over 40. Fighting 
about life insurance is one of the early 
disagreements. Some people think they'll 
live to be 100, and they don’t want the 
life-insurance company to profit from 
their longevity. A nonworking partner 
may not appreciate such optimism, since a 
wrong guess can be a financial as well as 
an emotional disaster. 

28. То some men, filing a will is like 
signing up for an airplane that's scheduled 
to crash. To the family that wishes to 
avoid probate or a contest from a grasping 
relative, that attitude is not acceptable. 
The wife pushes and the husband accuses 
her of wishing him dead —which may not 
have been the way she felt at the begin- 
ning of the argument but is certainly the 
way she feels at the end of it. 

29. Older couples have fights over апу 
intimation of mortality. When a wife sees 
her 65-year-old husband take on a project 
that requires his attention for the next 15 
years, she not unreasonably gets a little 
worried. He takes that as her betting on 
the wrong side of the issue. 

30. Finally, there are little money hab- 
its that don’t cause big fights but do drive 
one’s partner crazy. Keeping a lot of mon- 
ey around the house just in case the banks 
fail; being afraid to carry cash and always 
borrowing from others; never asking for 
the check—no single one of those behav- 
iors is enough to cause a divorce. But if 
you find yourself with a money quirk, 
understand that it can cause more trouble 

than it’s worth. 

МОМЕҮ АКО SEX (continued from page 74) 

“Т kept her so ignorant, Jo thought a $20 bill had 
to clear before you could break it.” 

Courtship might license intimate sexual 
confessions, but seldom will that intimacy 
extend to detailed income and disburse- 
ment information. Some think premarital 
sex is a good patch test for compatibility. 
I suspect that premarital joint checking 
might be more definitive. Strip-search 
me, thumb through my medicine chest 
or secret Polaroid collection, bug the 
phone—nothing has more personal reso- 
nance, more revelatory force than a check- 
book or last year’s itemized IRS form. 
What you spend is what you are. 

And it has gotten rather worse. В. and 
S., with laser-knife insight, remind you 
that we meet and woo now in places that 
are socially and economically impartial. A 
disco. The public library. A dating service. 
Moreover, we have become more geo- 
graphically mobile than the latest strain of 
flu. Once, couples came together at their 
yacht, their tennis club. Or they were con- 
strained by ethnic heritage and work to 
the church dance, union gathering, neigh- 
borhood social hall. There, certain 
assumptions about money—similar in- 
come, habit of saving or expenditure, dow- 
ry, even—were implicit. Today, men and 
women approach marriage or a new live- 
in as prepared for their financial future as 
your average sedan-chair bearer would be 
for the modern transportation industry. 

No amazement, then, that one quarter 
to one third of couples list budget manage- 
ment under their MOST SERIOUS PROBLEM. It 
is pandemic. “Money establishes the bal- 
ance of power in relationships except 
among lesbians.” Is money important? 
Does Oscar de la Renta make Spanish 
flies? Men, it is noted, take this pragmatic 
attitude home with their work. Money 
talks, bullshit walks—men tend to say that 
a whole lot. Women pick it up at the 
breakfast table (or, since 52 percent of 
women work—and get paid less than 
men—they may have learned on their own 
by now). Yet, not only are we made irrita- 
ble by his or her fiscal finagling, at home 
we аге also and, nonetheless, very roman- 

ic. ГЇ buy you the moon, da-de, diamond 

rings and everything. We are demoralized 
afterward to be haggling with spouse like 
bail bondsmen over a minor felon. As if 
this weren't disorienting enough, B. and S. 
report more than 75 percent of wives still 
felt it important that Mr. Husband pro- 
vide them with financial security. 

And, back in 1964, I went right along. 1 
made our not-exactly-enriched bread 
(about 3125 per week take-home). That 
meant I didn't have to change diapers or 
turn up at a four-a.m. feeding. It was the 
era of specialization, right? I worked nine 
to five and wrote; she did everything else. 

And I ran the bank account. I kept her so 
ignorant, Jo thought a $20 bill had to 
clear before you could break it. But con- 
temporary husbands did about the same: I 
can’t today remember one working wife of 
our close acquaintance. Sure, I gave Jo 
what seemed to me a papal household 
allowance. But examine the word: I gave 
my children an allowance as well. Money 
control extended that father-daughter au- 
thority relationship she had just left. If 
you want extra cash, the Grand Dispenser 
will give you an audience, kiss his staff of 
office first. Really dehumanizing to beg 
money from your husband so you can, say, 
buy him some poor doodad for Christmas. 
Hey, Jo, if you read this—I was a first- 
rate asshole. 

А very uppuckered one. Let me say—in 
some self-exoneration—gee, I was push- 
ing the old panic bolt back then. Age 22; 
wife and infant; subsistence wage. And 
writing The Big Novel to bootstrap us out 
of a hopeless financial sitz bath. Our 
apartment was so small we slept in bunk 
beds: No other way the bedroom would fit 
my desk. If Jo came in (when writing, I 
didn’t always let her; I was ruthless)— 
wonk! The doorknob would knock my 
glasses off. Roderick, our son, didn’t have 
his own room; we sort of stored him in a 
pantry. To this day, I wonder he didn't 
grow eyestalks, like some lightless potato. 
But there I was, summa cum grad of 
Columbia, powerfully underachieving. 
And for males in 1984, it hasn’t changed 
that much. В. and 5. say, “Earning money 
is intimately bound up with a man’s self- 
respect, and when he loses his self-respect, 
he begins to question how he feels about 
his life and his relationship.” You know 
how much sympathy the line “Um, Pm 
writing a novel” will get you. Standard 
response is, “Oh, you are? 1 collect 
hubcaps myself.” (Translation: Whyncha 
get а decent job, schlemiel?) 

B. and S. do report that “married cou- 
ples who feel they are doing well 
financially often see this as a joint accom- 
plishment, proving they chose each other 
wisely.” I was proud when Jo won her 
Danforth Fellowship. (Though, had she 
begun earning then, I admit it, I wouldn't 
have accepted a direct subsidy to the 
household. I dunno, it would've set prece- 
dents. Like a private college taking Feder- 
al aid: In no time, they'll make you teach 
Hindustani and build special ramps ай 
over. Paranoid, maybe, but. . . .) And for 
remarriage, I chose а self-supporting 
Tony-nominated Broadway actress. Yet 
even though more than half of women (48 
percent of women with children under six) 
work, the husband still has one unique 

financial surcharge. Hear this from B. and 
S.: “No matter how much or how little a 
wife earns, her income has much less 
impact on how each of them feels about 
the family income. It is up to the man to 
make the couple’s mark in the world.” Not 
so different from 1964 or 1864. Even if she 
has this billion-dollar plant-healing fran- 
chise, her entry-level-wage husband is 
some kind of vulgar parasite. 

Men who cohabit, however, don't get 
the same moral and financial alligator clip 
snapped on their softest part. Mind you, 
sociological data for cohabitants are about 
as conclusive as sociological data for Gin- 
su-knife owners. B. and S. pioneer here. It 
is just of late that we have acknowledged 
cohabitation, Lee Marvin et al, to be 
something more than a special disease 
vector. But cohab Ше, from your first 
cardboard carton and one-month sublet, is 
primarily economic in aspect: love as small 
business. Within the relationship, cash 
competition will forever be implicit, like 
two hookers in a price war. Women, of 
course, have gone for cohab, particularly 
since feminism became varnished truth. It 
may facilitate a career. Or help them side- 
step housewifedom, which can turn the 
cerebrum to calf's-foot jelly. But for men, 
I think, the "vulgar parasite" syndrome 
has had great effect. In cohab existence, 
women are perceived to have made their 
own bed (made it on alternate days, 
ideally, I guess). That burden of couple 
success doesn't fall so heavily atop the 
male. And if he should default on his rent, 
well, she doesn't need to change names so 
that a creditor won't find her. 

“The most provocative evidence we can 
offer on the link between power and mon- 
ey comes from the cohabiters. . . . For 
cohabiters, the male-provider image loses 
its importance and other values take pre- 
cedence. . . . Cohabitation is а pay-as- 
you-go system and each partner's rights 
and privileges are based on what he or she 
contributes. . . . [Yet] we find that when 
the woman has greater influence over how 
money is spent (leisure activities and fur- 
niture buying) the couple faces more con- 
flict. When the man has greater influence, 
or when the influence is equal, there is less 
turmoil. Thus cohabiters have to juggle 
both traditional and nontraditional pres- 
sures, making money problems difficult to 
solve. We have ample evidence to show 
this is quicksand for cohabiting couples.” 

I knew one cohab pair who came and 
went each through separate house doors: 
Holy Mother Mass card forbid that 
she should scrape up Ais mud. They also 
had, believe it, a red line painted down 
their living-room wall—His— —HERS. 
(Though, as tribute to love or aesthetics, 
the line did detour—zag, jag, zag— 
around one particularly fine heirloom 
portrait that belonged to her.) And you do 
catch some breath of this in most cohab 
home life: that—except maybe for the cold 
leftover chicken wing—each item has 



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some distinctive (if invisible) monogram. 

Cohabs are rather like persecuted eth- 
nic folk expecting that big pogrom: 
They're set to pack and travel at the drop 
of a Cossack. Superpoliteness prevails. 
Both are in the guesthouse. Her cat won’t 
even sleep on his clean shirt. When, for 
‘one year, I cohabited—hell, her housecoat 
hanging from a doorknob was the shroud 
of Turin. ГА put down towels when I sat 
on her family armchair (never can tell 
when incontinence will hit you). And she 
never put my bookshelf out of alphabetic- 
by-author order. It was great fun: the 
rough equivalent of living in a period res- 
toration, Monticello, maybe. I went to the 
john pretty often. It, at least, was neutral. 

Who, then, would you think hassle each 
other most about dough—married or co- 
hab? Good try, but wrong again. Despite 
cutpurse rivalry ("male cohabiters,” for 
instance, "are too competitive with their 
partners for the woman's success to en- 
hance the relationship"), a cohab pair is 
more courteous or, if you will, dishonest. 
Married people fuss-budget more. B. and 
S. suggest a common-sense reason for this: 
Marriage—with its stronger institutional 
substructure—can withstand heavier chop. 
breaking. In fact, compared with Mr. 
Cohab, the husband is also happier with 
his work: Earning for others is more 
pleasurable. By contrast, cohab people 
have a cordless grip on their relationshi, 
"To protect it, they swallow guff like Dis- 
posalls. They're scared that any argument 
about who should pay for her vaginal 
foam will crack them. Never mind an 
occasional palimony ruling, the law 
doesn't provide real schematics for cohab 
separation. It can be expensive. Women, 
in particular, are unprotected—no judge 
to decide who'll get custody of that Day- 
Glo black-light poster or the cat door. 

Most disagreements, though, are less 
about income than about how it should be 
spent. Shall we buy new iron for his 
weight room or more sand for her raked 
Japanese garden? Resource pooling (like 
communism) is great in concept, if only 
itd work. But humans are territorial. 
Moreover, everyone is hypersensitive 
about the Divorce Beast: Sheesh, 41 per- 
cent of all American men and women will 
at some time experience a household un- 
raveling. With that ill-aspected send-off, it 
takes considerable gall to pool cash. Some 
bleak day, you may wake up and find that 
he or she has left—after playing dirty pool 
with your mutual fund. 

I remember the night I decided to move 
out. How, I thought, can you give all this 
up—1500 books, my comfy office, 12 cats, 
those wonderful meals, someone to blame 
when I drop a glass in the kitchen or fall 
over the footstool? How can you take it all 
with you? So, I said, pack just what you 
need: complete Strip City. Guess what? I 
didn’t even fill the back of my station wag- 
on. Wow, I said, shows how little is really 
essential to life. And a mile down the road, 
1 realized that I hadn't packed one single 

item of clothing. Socks, underwear, not 
even a tie clip. I dress so unchichi, even I 
didn't want custody of my wardrobe. 

But I did wipe the savings account out. 
(It, ah, represented loan money from a 
friend. . . .) And the business can get bit- 
ter. One friend's wife took half his Ency- 
clopaedia Britannica: A-C, E-G, I-K, 
etc. Don't ask him about anything begin- 
ning with D. Jo kept the first five years of 
my diary: Humph, she said, you might 
have written it, but it was about us. And, 
of course, children are the saddest hostages 
to fortune. What should you carry away— 
two arms and a torso? Indeed, you settle 
for their weekends, when they, if asked, 
would rather give you Wednesday and 
"Tuesday, which are a dull time, anyhow. 

But cohab, in my experience, is differ- 
ent. We argued. Enough, I said, I'm leav- 
ing. So, she said, go. I went before I went: 
By the time I had finished zipping up, all 
my belongings were neatly beside her ele- 
vator, in those very same boxes, suitcases 
and A&P paper bags they had come in. 
Simple: Even my drawer in her bureau 
was vacant. We hadn’t had time to create 
joint property. And she pressed the DOWN 
button for me. 

Cohab people, as you might guess, pool 
less often than married. And fewer women 
advocate pooling, even though, with the 
disparity in male-female income, it would 
appear to favor them. B. and S. advance 
this simple axiom: “Меп and women feel 
and act differently about money. To men 
it represents identity and power. To wom- 
en it is security and autonomy." Yet, as 
they conclude, for all the resentment and 
conflict, financial symbiosis can be an 
important bond. Those who joint file, joint. 
save, joint spend—and do it without gar- 
roting each other—are more likely to sur- 
vive. Economic independence may liberate 
either individual, but it also tends to leave 
less of an emotional slush fund for 
the relationship. 


Sex is, as you well know, negotiable 
stuff. It can be an IOU, promissory note, 
trade goods, investment capital, rubber 
check. 'The male sexual bank balance is 
often drawn on or fattened hy his earning 
power. What you deposit this afternoon 
may well affect what you deposit tonight. 
Greg, one B.-and-S. case history, has а 
working wife. “I don't mind her success, 
but I need my own. . . . When I see myself 
as less masculine, I see her as more self- 
sufficient and more masculine, which isn't 
so great. . . . It affects my sexual interest 
and the way 1 feel about the relationship." 
This syndrome has long been noted about 
black men in a ghetto environment. Un- 
able to reinforce their maleness through 
the job market, they feel inadequate and 
split. I understand that: A book advance 
check or handsome lecture fee can make 
my seminal works positively churn. 

Women have, since the first neolithic 
sick headache, used sex to barter: tit for 
that and that and that. It was a kind of 

coupon clipping—worth the new dress, 
perm, dinner out, whatever. Women had 
their own black-market trade going on 
right at home. But female financial self- 
support has caused restructuring—and 
more frankness. First of all, she isn't home 
whenever he lusts after her. Even more 
than that, she doesn't need as much mate- 
rial property. Sex, as medium of ex- 
change, has been devalued. During this 
past year, it isn't coincidental, surely, that 
I've heard about three wives who charge 
their men for a sexual preference—in 
particular, for the elusive blow job. 
Theresa told me, “I come home after 
work, the last thing I need is to get my jaw 
knocked out of line. Yet I know he needs 
it; he's feeling insecure. So once, he said, 
ТИ give you ten bucks.’ Hey, fine. He 
feels better about asking; I feel it’s worth 
my time. And a semiprostitute situation 
turns us both on. Only thing is, I hate 
telling him, the price is going up to $15 
after January first.” 

Sarah, who works for AT&T, еа 
right up on that reference to prostitution. 
“It’s a spin-off from feminism. Remember 
when Kate Millett was trying to ‘save’ 
prostitutes from exploitation? Well, she 
got the predictable defensive response 
from the hookers: that wives were prosti- 
tuting themselves just as much. So were 
secretaries, for that matter. My husband is 
aroused anyhow by pickup, wanna-good- 
time, Eighth Avenue fantasies. Money has 
always liberated men from performance 
responsibility. Now, though, there is an 
even more salient factor—namely, men 
want sex more often than women do. We 
both work. We try to split everything fair- 
ly. But how do we split his need for five 
quick sessions а week and my need for two 
nice, slow, lazy ones? Early on, he started 
paying me. Twenty dollars, for any sex 
where I didn’t come, too. Quickies, you 
know. To be fair, if he cooks an extra meal 
during the week, he makes up a check and 
leaves it on the table. It’s kind of fun. 
Spaghetti marinara comes out equaling a 
shot over the hassock. I come out ahead, 
though. I can go without eating longer 
than he can go without my body." 

ГЇЇ be candid. There are nights when I 
miss my seigneurial first-marriage self. 
Being sole support does bring a certain 
privilege, and the wife is hard put to 
escape it. That third one when she has 
already been asleep for half an hour. Or 
those somewhat inconvenient times (when 
she was on the phone or repairing my 
car muffler). You see, I had a childish 
allowance then, too. Now, of course, I’m 
тоге... mature. Sex in an even-up finan- 
cial marriage is requisitioned, you might 
say. Joint stock decisions have to be made. 
It is almost as if desire and stamina came 
with a double-signature passbook. I've got 
to finish this paragraph tonight. Tomor- 
row she has both a matinee and an eve- 
ning performance. It is hard, under the 
best circumstance, to synchronize passion. 
But when we do meet, well, B. and S. are 

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right about pooling your funds. It is splen- 
did collusion. Contrails are made. Ani- 
mals gather their young around them in 
fear. People for a mile around call the 
24th Precinct to ask what that sound was. 
And there are no debts outstanding. 

Housework is another matter, though. 
If it were up to me, a formal table setting 
would include plastic knife and fork, 
paper plate, Duracell-powered romantic 
candle and one pair of scissors at each 
chair—so you could easily cut open the 
individual gourmet frozen-food bag. Lau- 
rie and I agree that I should pay in full for 
occasional maid service. She still does too 
much by far. (And I speak as one who, not 
so long ago, thought a suffragette was the 
female M in some S/M duo.) I see no 
reason why career people, male or female, 
should ever Electrolux. B. and S. will 
bear my male bias out. “Married men’s 
aversion to housework is so intense it can 
sour their relationship. The more house- 
work they do, for whatever reason, the 
more they fight about it. If this pattern 
continues into the future, it will be a major 
barrier to the reorganization of husbands’ 
and wives’ roles.” 

Mr. Mom is dead. Already. Women, 
even employed women, still do the house- 
work. Oh, I did supervise my two young 
sons when Jo began her Ph.D. matricula- 
tion at Columbia. But that consisted most- 
ly of opening my office door once each day 
to yell, “Clean this goddamn house up, 
take the garbage out and make me a sand- 
wich.” Now and then, they did. В. and 5. 
continue: “There has been some recent 
interest by the media in men who volun- 
tarily choose to stay home and take care of 
their house and family while their wives 
work. Try as we might, however, we could 
not find a significant number of men who 
fit the description of “househusband: ” 

Here I blow my whistle for interfer- 
ence. Where are our progeny? Note that 
WORK is just about the only heading under 
which B. and S. even bother to mention 
children. At this juncture, I perceive a 
misemphasis in their survey: Worse, they 
miss the population for the people. You 
read, say, that money is less irksome in 
"institutional" marriages than in “volun- 
tary” marriages. But this voluntarism is 
already a thunderous departure. Even 
three decades ago, Га guess, 97 percent of 
men and women married to have or to 
legitimize offspring. The title of В. and S^ 
study is indicative enough: In 1960, they 
would have called it American Families. 
This concept of sterile pairing off—gay or 
cohab or volunteer—is the most terrific 
and comprehensive sexual trend in our 

And, if I may say so, it seems quite, 
well, un-American. After all, the nation- 
al paradigm had been one of generational 
progress. А nonroyal succession was ii 
plicit: Immigrant parents worked to en- 
sure lower-middle-class stature for their 
children. And those children, in turn, 
would guarantee some third- or fourth- 

generation heir law school, medical 
school—even, if they could, social stand- 
ing. The sterile pair, though, is time- 
bound by a single generation. I might 
name (and advocate) several legal, reli- 
gious, civil or economic motives for insti- 
tutional marriage, yet there can be only 
one compelling, conclusive reason for it: 
the nurture of children. Divorce, in even а 
most cordial form, will belabor children. 
Single parenting, at best, is lopsided. True 
adulthood, I imagine, must be measured 
in contrast to some childhood. People who 
extend themselves through blood are re- 
sponsible: I use that adjective in both the 
simply legal and the honorific sense. 
Abortion, birth control, sure—yet, under 
that mechanical apparatus, the couples’ 
desire for independence from parental 
obligation (and mystery and risk) has 
changed America most of all. Since 1607 
or whenever, we have been a future- 
oriented, optimistic people. Now, more 
and more, we are only of the dull and 
circumscribing present. 

But even in this most liberated season, I 
sense a rare hesitance. Attitudes are 
strangely irresolute. Men and women no 
longer feel so self-approving. Beuy Frie- 
dan, who is ahead, first annotated it in her 
1981 book, The Second Stage. Women of 
our first feminist generation, she said, 
were experiencing а new distress. Inti- 
mate Strangers (1983), by Lillian B. Ru- 
bin, was also alert to it. The Cost of Loving 
(1984), by Megan Marshall, is pretty 
much devoted to this phenomenon. Wom- 
en are discovering what men have known 
before, that even acceptance and legal 
equality can't assure human fulfillment. 
"That a prepotent career may just anesthe- 
tize deep emotional dissatisfaction. Mar- 
shall calls it The Myth of Independence. 
And her corresponding statistical backup 
isn’t auspicious: “Only four of ten women 
still single at age 30 were likely to find 
mates. For women with an advanced 
degree or a high salary, the odds were 
worst. She would find that most of the 
men in her income bracket were already 
married.” And, perhaps even more impor- 
tant for female wholeness, you can’t—as 
one interviewee put it with regret— 
“freeze dry” children until your career is 
at full thrust. Rubin made an enlightening 
verbal experiment. She asked both men 
and women what the key word independ- 
ence meant. “Not one man I spoke with 
had any negative association with the 
word, while most women did. By and 
large, men associate independence with 
such words as freedom, control, pow- 
er, self-sufficiency, happiness. Women’s 
thoughts turn to worries about being 
alone, not close to anyone, unnurtured.” 


We are in a strong period of consolida- 
tion now. Our revolutionary time is, for 
this long moment, on hold. We are taking 
evidence again. Gay and feminist leaders 
have begun to reorganize or protect the 
salient they drove forward. Sexual permis- 

siveness, a useful beast after all, is getting 
domesticated. It appears now more often 
on the conjugal-bed cover than on the 
Time-magazine cover. That, | think, is 
especially positive: Between mate and 
mate, nothing should be taboo. Women, I 
think, will be bearing more children, with 
men they meet earlier in life. The career 
can stand some postponing; relationship 
and parenthood will gain prestige. Mar- 
riage of the “institutional” kind should 
make a comeback. Divorce figures, no 
doubt, will remain grim. But there may be 
less resistance to alimony and child sup- 
port. Sex and money cannot be set apart 
from each other. Some unattractive prag- 
matism will forever intrude on our best 
passion. But by 2000 a.p., B. and S. might 
feel comfortable conducting instead a sur- 
vey of American Families. 

By then, I predict, an irresistible force 
will resync the American Zeitgeist. I 
indulge in neither flipness nor cynicism 
here. It is a force that no government or 
ideological program has ever been able 
completely to repress. Socialism and com- 
munism haven’t managed. Nor the worst 
dictatorship, nor the most permissive hu- 
man ambience. And those good, if dislo- 
cating, intellectual and social events of 
1960-1980—feminism, sexual liberation, 
consciousness—will not resist it wholly, 
either. I mean The Free Market. We 
were, you recall, talking about Sex and 
Money. Let us get on down and examine 
the male/female relationship in terms of 
cash, self-interest, marketing and, yes, 
commodity value. 

Take out your note pad. There will be a 
test later. I now unload on you D. Keith 
Mano’s Special Point System for Prejudg- 
ing the Success or Failure of Any Male/ 
Female Relationship. It is infallible. Or, 
at least, as infallible as Pope John Paul I 
was when he was. 

Looks 1-5 1-10 
Intelligence 1-7 1-4 
Money /Power 1-10 1-5 
Success/Prestige 1-10 1-5 
Age (for men, 8-0 
doesn't count; for 

women, drops one 

point per five. 

years from the age 

of 20 on up) 

Personality 1-5 1-5 

OK, run it up on your credit-card cal- 
culator. A Redford-looking, brilliant, rich, 
famous, congenial man of no particular 
age would rate my Perfect 37. And a 
Welch-looking, brilliant, rich, famous, 
congenial woman of 21 or 24 would also 
ring up 37. You note certain discrepancies 
in the scoring? A certain double standard? 
Fine; leave us discuss it 

In The Free Market, Looks are, I esti- 
mate, twice as valuable to women as to 
men. Intelligence, however, doesn’t neces- 
sarily make a woman more prepossess- 
ing—she can be overqualified for love, you 

might say. This is similarly true with 
Money/Power апі  Success/Prestige. 
Some men enjoy clout in a woman; most, 
though, feel inferior and uncomfortable 
with a high achiever (especially if she is 
achieving more highly than he). Charm 
will enhance both in about equal measure. 
Which leaves Age—easily the most con- 
troversial (and unfortunate and true) fac- 
tor in my system. Put it this way: Age 
doesn’t affect a man’s Free Market worth 
(if anything, it can help; Pm twice as 
attractive at 42 as I was at 21). Age, on the 
other hand, is a terrible discriminator for 
woman. No clause of the E.R.A, no affir- 
mative action can neutralize it. 

For the first time, though, liberal and 
feminist women are acknowledging The 
Free Market. I quote Rubin: “The solace 
and protection of marriage, for example, 
are more readily available to a man than 
to a woman, especially after youth has 
passed. Like a fine wine, aging in а man is 
thought to add to his complexity and 
finesse; the ‘attractive older man’ can 
make the heart of a 20-year-old skip a 
beat. With a woman, it’s quite another 
matter. Even in youth she doesn’t have the 
same social value as a man, isn't such a 
highly prized ‘commodity.’ As she ages, 
her situation worsens. .. ." 

Or I quote the female manager of а 
computer dating service: “Below the age 
of 25, there's, like, three men to two 
women. Sometimes two to one. Between 
25 and 35, it tends to even out: one to one. 
Above 35, it tends to slide over: Women 
become the predominant group. We can't 
do much at all for the woman who is over 
45— though, of course, we'd like to.” 

Now, it is my contention that you can 
toe tag and say so long to any relationship 
in which male and female are more than 
three points apart by the Mano Special 
Point System. Try it with your mate. 
Remember, though, the numbers are sub- 
jective. She may be fork-nosed and built 
like a pit pony—but if you think she's 
worth eight, then, in that relational 
context, give her eight. He may be a 
flesh-pressing, influential politician, yet 
she—into art and Gauguinish romance— 
may downgrade him to two or three under 
Success/Prestige. The ineluctable dynam- 
ic is there. If a man progresses reasonably 
in life—raising his Money and Success 
counts—he will tend to pass an early part- 
ner on the way up. Her age value and, 
often, physical attractiveness depreciate. 
Sure, it isn’t fair; it is, simply the Market 
situation. Don’t ask me why people buy 
Smurf dolls or, ugh, a packaged mixed 
cocktail, either. 

Fear not, I have made provision for the 
Intangible. Love—chemical, senseless, 
low-budget—rates a full ten. After you've 
done your addition, if there is that danger- 
ous three-plus discrepancy, give ten to 
whichever spouse or cohab has scored low- 
er (and then reduce this Love Factor by 
опе for each three months of the relation- 
ship). There is also an important Inertia 

Factor—but it will favor only institutional 
marriage. Here you add one point to the 
lower score for each three years your cou- 
ple has been together. (Inertia will include 
children, in particular; clean underwear; 
sexual compatibility; fear of alimony; etc.) 
As you can see, my Point System will 
favor institutional marriage. In fact, 1 
think institutional marriage was in- 
vented—by whomever it is that invents 
this sort of thing—to protect women (and 
their children) from those very disruptive 
Free Market forces Гуе been analyzing. 
Mind you, we'd all rather eat Dippity- 
Do than contemplate a Victorian or 
Renaissance Florentine marriage. Match- 
making without consent—for financial, 
dynastic or class reasons—is considered 
about as cold and undemocratic as intrave- 
nous sex would be. Yet we place a prix 
fixe on each other. And judge relationships 
by monthly statement. A recent check-out- 
counter tabloid had this head: “HousE- 
hell, I can't afford one at that rate; maybe 


she could just come in on Monday and do 
the cat box. But any wife who takes that 
figure to heart (and it may be accurate; I 
dunno) has priced herself out of business. 
Marriage, despite all we've said, isn’t just 
a pair of comakers and one promissory 
note. There must be some intangible that 
doesn't translate into pure pelf. 

Recently, I attended this self-help class 
held by Joanna Steichen, author of 
Marrying Up, ап American Dream and 
Reality. "There we were, three dozen men 
and women, eager to sell our virtue for one 
step up the social salmon ladder. Steichen 
looked at us and said, "Who here would 
marry just anyone, sight unseen, for 
$10,000,000?" Pause. Moral abacus click- 
ing. Hesitation. Yet no hand went up. 
Although not one of us, I daresay, had met 
man or woman who was $10,000,000 ugly 
or gross or bent, we cherished that last 
romantic shred. It wasn’t easy, but we 
held out. 

And the rest of you had better, too. 

“I want you to know, Miss Davis, that blue is 
my favorite color.” 


DAWN'5 EARLY LIGHT (continued from page 126) 

“You were a cop and now you're private, and you can 
get down in the streets and nose around." ? 

He wanted somebody he could trust. 
Had Carolyn from the Caroline told him 
how trustworthy I was? 

What did I say? I said yes. 


I met Tommy Tillary and his lawyer in 
Drew Kaplan’s office on Court Street, а 
few blocks from Brooklyn’s Borough Hall. 
There was a Syrian restaurant next door 
and, at the corner, a grocery store special- 
izing in Middle Eastern imports stood 
next to an antique shop overflowing with 
stripped-oak furniture and brass lamps 
and bedsteads. Kaplan’s office ran to wood 
paneling and leather chairs and oak file 
cabinets. His name and the names of two 
partners were painted on the frosted-glass 
door in old-fashioned gold-and-black let- 
tering. Kaplan himself looked conserva- 
tively up to date, with a three-piece 
striped suit that was better cut than mine. 
Tommy wore his Burgundy blazer and 
gray-Alannel trousers and loafers. Strain 
showed at the corners of his blue eyes and 
around his mouth. His complexion was 
off, too. 

“All we want you to do,” Kaplan said, 
“is find a key in one of their pants pockets, 
Herrera’s or Cruz’s, and trace it to a lock- 
er in Penn Station, and in the locker 
there's а foot-long knife with their prints 
and her blood on it.” 

“Is that what it’s going to take?” 

He smiled. “It wouldn’t hurt. No, 

actually, we're not in such bad shape. 
They got some shaky testimony from a 
pair of Latins who've been in and out of 
trouble since they got weaned to Tropi- 
cana. They got what looks to them like a 
good motive on Tommy’s part.” 

“Which 15?” 

I was looking at Tommy when I asked. 
His eyes slipped away from mine. Kaplan 
said, “A marital triangle, a case of the 
shorts and a strong money motive. Mar- 
garet Tillary inherited a little over a quar- 
ter of a million dollars six or eight months 
ago. An aunt left a million two and it got 
cut up four ways. What they don’t bother 
to notice is he loved his wife, and how 
many husbands cheat? What is it they 
say—Aninety percent cheat and ten percent 

“That’s good odds.” 

“One of the killers, Angel Herrera, did 
some odd jobs at the Tillary house last 
March or April. Spring cleaning; he 
hauled stuff out of the basement and attic, 
a little donkeywork. According to Her- 
rera, that’s how Tommy knew him to con- 
tact him about the burglary. According to 
common sense, that’s how Herrera and his 
buddy Cruz knew the house and what was 
in it and how to gain access.” 

“The case against Tommy sounds 
pretty thin.” 

“It is,” Kaplan said. “The thing is, you 
go to court with something like this and 


“Fred, Howard . . . Howard, Fred... you know 

Cynthia . 

Diane, Fred. 

you lose even if you win. For the rest of 
your life, everybody remembers you stood 
trial for murdering your wife, never mind 
that you won an acquittal. 

"Besides," he said, “you never know 
which way a jury's going to jump. Tom- 
my's alibi is he was with another lady at 
the time of the burglary. The woman's а 
colleague; they could see it as completely 
aboveboard, but who says they're going 
to? What they sometimes do, they decide 
they don't believe the alibi because it's his 
girlfriend lying for him, and at the same 
time they label him a scumbag for screw- 
ing around while his wife's getting 

“You keep it up,” Tommy said, “I'll 
find myself guilty, the way you make it 

“Plus he’s hard to get a sympathetic 
jury for. He’s a big handsome guy, a sharp 
dresser, and you'd love him in a gin joint, 
but how much do you love him in a court- 
room? He's a securities salesman, he's 
beautiful on the phone, and that means 
every clown who ever lost a hundred dol- 
lars on a stock tip or bought magazines 
over the phone is going to walk into the 
courtroom with a hard-on for him. I'm 
telling you, I want to stay the hell out of 
court. РИ win in court, I know that, or the 
worst that'll happen is ГІІ win on appeal, 
but who needs it? This is a case that 
shouldn't be in the first place, and I'd love 
to clear it up before they even go so far as 
presenting a bill to the grand jury." 

“So from me you want” 

“Whatever you can find, Matt. What- 
ever discredits Cruz and Herrera. I don't 
know what's there to be found, but you 
were a cop and now you're private, and 
you can get down in the streets and nose 

I nodded. I could do that. “Опе thing," 
I said. Wouldn't you be better off with 
а Spanish-speaking detective? 1 know 
enough to buy a beer in a bodega, but Pm 
a long way from fluent.” 

Kaplan shook his head. "A personal 
relationship's worth more than a dime’s 
worth of ‘Me llamo Matteo y ¿como está 
usted?" ” 

“That's the truth," Tommy Tillary 
said. “Мац, I know I can count on you." 

I wanted to tell him all he could count 
оп was his fingers. I didn't really see 
what I could expect to uncover that 
wouldn't turn up in a regular police inves- 
tigation. But I'd spent enough time саггу- 
ing a shield to know not to push away 
money when somebody wants to give it to 
you. I felt comfortable taking a fee. The 
man was inheriting a quarter of a million, 
plus whatever insurance his wife had car- 
пей. If he was willing to spread some of it 
around, I was wil to take it. 

So I went to Sunset Park and spent 
some time in the streets and some more 
time in the bars. Sunset Park is in Brook- 
lyn, of course, on the borough’s western 

edge, above Bay Ridge and south and west 

of Green-Wood Cemetery. These days, > 

there, with young urban professionals 

renovating the old houses and gentrifying \ ОПКА ОМ КЕ 
the neighborhood. Back then, the upward- 5 А 

ly mobile young had not yet discovered 
Sunset Park, and the area was a mix of 
Latins and Scandinavians, most of the 
former Puerto Ricans, most of the latter 
Norwegians. The balance was gradually 
shifting from Europe to the islands, from 
light to dark, but this was a process that 
had been going on for ages and there was 
nothing hurried about it. 

I talked to Herrera’s landlord and 
Cruz’s former employer and one of his 
recent girlfriends. 1 drank beer in bars and 
the back rooms of bodegas. I went to the 
local station house, I read the sheets on 
both of the burglars and drank coffee with 
the cops and picked up some of the stuff 
that doesn’t get on the yellow sheets. 

І found out that Miguelito Cruz had 
once killed a man in a tavern brawl over a 
woman. There were no charges pressed; a 
dozen witnesses reported that the dead 
man had gone after Cruz first with a bro- 
ken bottle. Cruz had most likely been 
carrying the knife, but several witnesses 
insisted it had been tossed to him by an 
anonymous benefactor, and there hadn't 
been enough evidence to make a case of 
weapons possession, let alone homicidc. 

Т learned that Herrera had three chil- 
dren living with their mother in Puerto 
Rico. He was divorced but wouldn't 
marry his current girlfriend because he 
regarded himself as still married to his 
ex-wife in the eyes of God. He sent money 
to his children when he had any to send. 

I learned other things. They didn’t 
seem terribly consequential then and 
they've faded from memory altogether by 
now, but I wrote them down in my pocket 
notebook as I learned them, and every day 
or so I duly reported my findings to Drew 
Kaplan. He always seemed pleased with 
what I told him. 


I invariably managed a stop at Arm- 
strong’s before I called it a night. One 
night she was there, Carolyn Cheatham, 
drinking bourbon this time, her face fro- 
zen with stubborn old pain. It took her a 
blink or two to recognize me. Then tears 
started to form in the corners of her eyes, 
and she used the back of one hand to wipe 
them away. 

I didn't approach her until she beck- 
oned. She patted the stool beside hers and 
I eased myself onto it. I had coffee with 
bourbon in it and bought a refill for her. 
She was pretty drunk already, but that’s 
never been enough reason to turn down a 

She talked about Tommy. He was 
being nice to her, he said. Calling up, 
sending flowers. But he wouldn't sce her, -TuEwnLOS FINEST VODA 

because it wouldn't look right, not for a Е Оной 
new widower, not for a man who'd been NX, NY O 1984. 


publicly accused of murder. 

“He sends flowers with no card en- 
closed,” she said. “Не calls me from pay 
phones. The son of a bitch.” 

Billie called me aside. “I didn’t want to 
put her out,” he said, “а nice woman like 
that, shit-faced as she is. But I thought 1 
was gonna have to. You'll see she gets 

I said I would. 

I got her out of there and a cab came 
along and saved us the walk. At her place, 
1 took the keys from her and unlocked the 
door. She half sat, half sprawled on the 
couch. I had to use the bathroom, and 
when I came back, her eyes were closed 
and she was snoring lightly. 

I got her coat and shoes off, put her to 
bed, loosened her clothing and covered her 
with a blanket. I was tired from all that 
and sat down on the couch for a minute, 
and I almost dozed off myself. Then I 
snapped awake and let myself out. 


I went back to Sunset Park the next 
day. I learned that Cruz had been in trou- 
ble as a youth. With a gang of neighbor- 
hood kids, he used to go into the city and 
cruise Greenwich Village, looking for 
homosexuals to beat up. He'd had a dread 
of homosexuality, probably flowing as it 
generally does out of a fear of a part of 
himself, and he stifled that dread by fag 

“Не still doan' like them," a woman 
told me. She had glossy black hair and 
opaque eyes, and she was letting me 
pay for her rum and orange juice. "He's 
pretty, you know, an’ they come on to him, 
an’ he doan' like it.” 

1 called that item in, along with a few 
others equally earth-shaking. I bought 
myself a steak dinner at The Slate over on 
Tenth Avenue, then finished up at Arm- 
strong's, not drinking very hard, just 
coasting along on bourbon and coffee. 

Twice, the phone rang for me. Once, it 
was Tommy Tillary, telling me how much 
he appreciated what I was doing for him. 
It seemed to me that all Г was doing was 
taking his money, but he had me believing 
that my loyalty and invaluable assistance 
were all he had to cling to. 

The second call was from Carolyn. 
More praise. I was a gentleman, she 
assured me, and a hell of a fellow all 
around. And І should forget that she'd 
been bad-mouthing Tommy. Everything 
was going to be fine with them 


I took the next day off. I think I went to 
а movie, and it may have been The Sting, 
with Newman and Redford achieving 
vengeance through swindling. 

The day after that, I did another tour of 
duty over in Brooklyn. And the day after 
that, I picked up the News first thing in 
the morning. The headline was поп- 
specific, something like “KILL susPECT 
HANGS SELF IN CELL," but I knew it was my 
case before | turned to the story on page 

Miguelito Cruz had torn his clothing 
into strips, knotted the strips together, 
stood his iron bedstead on its side, climbed 
onto it, looped his homemade rope around 
an overhead pipe and jumped off the up- 
ended bedstead and into the next world. 

That evening’s six-o'clock TV news 
had the rest of the story. Informed of his 
friend’s death, Angel Herrera had re- 
canted his original story and admitted that 
he and Cruz had conceived and executed 
the Tillary burglary on their own. It had 
been Miguelito who had stabbed the Til- 
lary woman when she walked in on them. 
He'd picked up a kitchen knife while Her- 
rera watched in horror. Miguelito always 
had a short temper, Herrera said, but they 
were friends, even cousins, and they had 
hatched their story to protect Miguelito. 
But now that he was dead, Herrera could 
admit what had really happened. 


I was in Armstrong's that night, which 
was not remarkable. I had it in mind to get 
drunk, though I could not have told you 
why, and that was remarkable, if not 
unheard of. I got drunk a lot those days, 
but І rarely set out with that intention. I 
just wanted to feel a little better, a little 
more mellow, and somewhere along the 
way ГА wind up waxed. 

I wasn't drinking particularly hard or 
fast, but I was working at it, and then 
somewhere around ten or 11 the door 
opened and I knew who it was before 1 
turned around. Tommy Tillary, well 
dressed and freshly barbered, making his 
first appearance in Jimmy's place since 
his wife was killed. 

“Hey, look who’s here!” he called out 
and grinned that big grin. People rushed 
over to shake his hand. Billie was behind 
the stick, and he’d no sooner set one up on 
the house for our hero than Tommy 
insisted on buying a round for the bar. It 
was an expensive gesture—there must 
have been 30 ог 40 people in there—but I 
don’t think he cared if there were 300 or 

I stayed where | was, letting the others 
mob him, but he worked his way over to 
me and got an arm around my shoulders. 
“This is the man,” he announced, “Best 
fucking detective ever wore out a pair of 
shoes. This man’s money,” he told Billie, 
“is no good at all tonight. He can’t buy a 
drink; he can’t buy a cup of coffee; if you 
went and put in pay toilets since I was last 
here, he can’t use his own dime.” 

“The john’s still free,” Bil 
don’t give the boss any ideas.” 

“Oh, don’t tell me he didn’t already 
think of it,” Tommy said. “Matt, my boy, 
I love you. I was in a tight spot, I didn’t 
want to walk out of my house, and you 
came through for me.” 

What the hell had I done? I hadn't 
hanged Miguelito Cruz or coaxed a con- 
fession out of Angel Herrera. I hadn't 
even set eyes on either man. But he was 
buying the drinks, and I had a thirst, so 
who was I to argue? 

said, “but 

I don’t know how long we stayed there. 
Curiously, my drinking slowed down even 
as Tommy’s picked up speed. Carolyn, I 
noticed, was not present, nor did her name 
find its way into the conversation. I won- 
dered if she would walk in—it was, after 
all, her neighborhood bar, and she was apt 
to drop in on her own, I wondered what 
would happen if she did. 

I guess there were a lot of things I won- 
dered about, and perhaps that’s what put 
the brakes on my own drinking. I didn’t 
want any gaps in my memory, any gray 
patches in my awareness. 

After a while, Tommy was hustling me 
out of Armstrong’s. “This is celebration 
time,” he told me. “We don't want to sit in 
one place till we grow roots. We want to 
bop a little.” 

He had а car, and I just went along 
with him without paying too much atten- 
tion to exactly where we were. We went to 
a noisy Greek club on the East Side, 1 
think, where the waiters looked like Mob 
hit men. We went to a couple of trendy 
singles joints. We wound up somewhere 
in the Village, in a dark, beery cave. 

lt was quiet there, and conversation 
was possible, and I found myself asking 
him what Pd done that was so praise- 
worthy. One man had killed himself and 
another had confessed, and where was my 
role in either incident? 

“The stuff you came up with,” he said. 

"What stuff? I should have brought 
back fingernail parings, you could have 
had someone work voodoo on them.” 

“About Cruz and the fairies.” 

“Не was up for murder. He didn’t kill 
himself because he was afraid they'd get 
him for fag bashing when he was a 
juvenile offender." 

"Tommy took a sip of Scotch. He said, 
"Couple days ago, huge black guy comes 
up to Cruz in the chow line. ‘Wait’ll you 
get up to Green Haven,’ he tells him. 
"Every blood there's gonna have you for a 
girlfriend. Doctor gonna have to cut you 
à brand-new asshole, time you get outa 

I didn't say anything. 

"Kaplan," he said. "Drew talked to 
somebody who talked to somebody, and 
that did it. Cruz took a good look at the 
idea of playin’ drop the soap for half the 
jigs in captivity, and the next thing you 
know, the murderous little bastard was 
dancing on air. And good riddance to 

1 couldn't seem to catch my breath. I 
worked on it while Tommy went to the 
bar for another round. 1 hadn't touched 
the drink in front of me, but I let him buy 
for both of us. 

When he got back, I said, “Herrera.” 

"Changed his story. Made a full con- 

“And pinned the killing on Cruz.” 

“Why not? Cruz wasn’t around to com- 
plain. Who knows which one of ет did it, 
and for that matter, who cares? The thing 
is, you gave us the lever." 

“For Cruz,” I said. “То get him to kill 

“And for Herrera. Those kids of his in 
Santurce. Drew spoke to Herrera’s lawyer 
and Herrera’s lawyer spoke to Herrera, 
and the message was, ‘Look, you're going 
up for burglary whatever you do, and 
probably for murder; but if you tell the 
right story, you'll draw shorter time, and 
оп top of that, that nice Mr. Tillary’s 
gonna let bygones be bygones and every 
month there’s a nice check for your wife 
and kiddies back home in Puerto Rico.’ " 

At the bar, a couple of old men were 
reliving the Louis-Schmeling fight, 
the second one, where Louis punished the 
German champion. One of the old fellows 
was throwing roundhouse punches in the 
air, demonstrating. 

I said, “Who killed your wife?” 

“One or the other of them. If I had to 
bet, Га say Cruz. Не had those litle 
beady eyes; you looked at him up close and 
you got that he was a killer.” 

“When did you look at him up close?” 

“When they came and cleaned the 
house, the basement and the attic. Not 
when they came and cleaned me out; that 
was the second time.” 

He smiled, but I kept looking at him 
until the smile lost its certainty. “That 
was Herrera who helped around the 
house,” | said. “You never met Cruz." 

“Cruz came along, gave him a hand.” 

“You never mentioned that before.” 

“Oh, sure I did, Matt. What difference 
does it make, anyway?” 

“Who killed her, Tommy?” 

“Hey, let it alone, huh?” 

“Answer the question.” 

“I already answered it.” 

“You killed her, didn’t you?” 

“What are you, crazy? Cruz killed her 
and Herrera swore to it, isn’t that enough 
for you?" 

“Tell me you didn’t kill her.” 

“I didn't kill her.” 

“Tell me again.” 

“I didn't fucking kill her. What's the 
matter with you?" 

“ don’t believe you.” 

“Oh, Jesus,” he said. He closed his 
eyes, put his head in his hands. He sighed 
and looked up and said, “You know, it’s а 
funny thing with me. Over the telephone, 
Pm the best salesman you could ever 
imagine. I swear I could sell sand to the 
Arabs, I could sell ice in the winter, but 
face to face I’m no good at all. Why do you 
figure that is?" 

“You tell me.” 

“J don’t know. I used to think it was my 
face, the eyes and the mouth; I don't know. 
It’s easy over the phone. Рт talking to a 
stranger, I don’t know who he is or what 
he looks like, and he's not lookin’ at me, 
and it’s a cinch. Face to face, especially 
with someone J know, it’s a different sto- 
ry.” He looked at me. “If we were doin’ 
this over the phone, you'd buy the whole 

“It's possible.” 

“Its fucking certain. Word for word, 
you'd buy the package. Suppose Г was to 
tell you I did kill her, Matt. You couldn't 
prove anything. Look, the both of us 
walked in there, the place was a mess from 
the burglary, we got in an argument, tem- 
pers flared, something happened.” 

“You set up the burglary. You planned 
the whole thing, just the way Cruz and 
Herrera accused you of doing. And now 
you wriggled out of it.” 

“And you helped me—don’t forget that 
part of it.” 

“I won't" 

“And I wouldn’t have gone away for it 
anyway, Matt. Not a chance. I’da beat it 
in court, only this way I don’t have to go to 
court. Look, this is just the booze talkin’, 
and we can forget it in the morning, right? 
Ididn’t kill her, you didn't accuse me, we're 
still buddies, everything’s fine. Right?” 


Blackouts are never there when you 
want them. I woke up the next day and 
remembered all of it, and I found myself. 
wishing I didn't. He'd killed his wife and 
he was getting away with it. And Pd 
helped him. ГА taken his money, and in 
return ГА shown him how to set опе man 
up for suicide and pressure another into 
making a false confession. 

And what was I going to do about it? 

I couldn't think of a thing. Any story I 
carried to the police would be speedily 
denied by Tommy and his lawyer, and all 
Thad was the thinnest of hearsay evidence, 
my own client’s own words when he and I 
both-had a skinful of booze. I went over it 
for a few days, looking for ways to shake 
something loose, and there was nothing. I 
could maybe interest a newspaper report- 
er, maybe get Tommy some press coverage 
that wouldn't make him happy, but why? 
And to what purpose? 

“Вш there are some days when 
I can't handle the duality and I'd rather be just 

totally fish." 



It rankled. But I would just have a cou- 
ple of drinks, and then it wouldn't rankle 
so much. 


Angel Herrera pleaded guilty to bur- 
glery, and in return, the Brooklyn Р.А. 
office dropped all homicide charges. He 
went Upstate to serve five to ten. 

And then I got a call in the middle of 
the night. РА been sleeping a couple of 
hours, but the phone woke me and I 
groped for it. It took me a minute to recog- 
nize the voice on the other end. 

It was Carolyn Cheatham. 

“1 had to call you," she said, “оп 
account cf you're a bourbon man and a 
gentleman. I owed it to you to call you.” 

"What's the matter?" 

“Не ditched me," she said, “апа he got 
me fired out of Tannahill and Company 
so he won't have to look at me around the 
office. Once he didn't need me to back up 
his story, he let go of me, and do you know 
he did it over the phone?” 

"Carolyn —-" 

“Its all in the note," she said. “Рт 
leaving a note." 

"Look, don't do anything yet," I said. I 
was out of bed, fumbling for my clothes. 
“TIl be right over. We'll talk about it.” 

“You can't stop me, Matt.” 

“I won't try to stop you. We'll talk first, 
and then you can do anything you 

The phone clicked in my ear. 

I threw my clothes on, rushed over 
there, hoping it would be pills, something 
that took its time. I broke a small pane of 

glass in the downstairs door and let myself 
in, then used an old credit card to slip the 
bolt of her spring lock. 

The room smelled of cordite. She was 
on the couch she'd passed out on the last 
time I saw her. The gun was still in her 
hand, limp at her side, and there was a 
black-rimmed hole in her temple. 

There was a note, too. An empty bottle 
of Maker's Mark stood on the сойсс table, 
an empty glass beside it. The booze 
showed in her handwriting and in the sul- 
len phrasing of the suicide note. 

I read the note. I stood there for a few 
minutes, not for very long, and then I got a 
dish towel from the Pullman kitchen and 
wiped the bottle and the glass. I took 
another matching glass, rinsed it out and 
wiped it, and put it in the drainboard of 
the sink. 

I stuffed the пос in my pocket. I took 
the gun from her fingers, checked rou- 
tinely for a pulse, then wrapped a sofa 
pillow around the gun to muffie its report. 
I fired one round into her chest, another 
into her open mouth. 

I dropped the gun into a pocket and 

They found the gun in Tommy ТШа- 
ry's house, stuffed between the cushions of 
the living-room sofa, clean of prints inside 
and out. Ballistics got a perfect match. Pd 
aimed for soft tissue with the round shot 
into her chest, because bullets can frag- 
ment on impact with bone. That was one 
reason ГА fired the extra shots. The other 
was to rule out the possibility of suicide. 

“I can't hear а word you're saying." 

After the story made the papers, I 
picked up the phone and called Drew 
Kaplan. “I don't understand it," I said. 
“Не was free and clear; why the hell did 
he kill the girl?" 

“Ask him yourself,” Kaplan said. Не 
did not sound happy. “You want my oj 
ion, he's a lunatic. I honestly didn't think 
he was. I figured maybe he killed his wife, 
maybe he didn't. Not my job to try him. 
But I didn't figure he was a homicidal 

“It’s certain he killed the girl?” 

“Not much question. The gun’s pretty 
strong evidence. Talk about finding some- 
body with the smoking pistol in his hand, 
here it was in Tommy’s couch. The idiot.” 

“Funny he kept it.” 

“Maybe he had other people he wanted 
to shoct. Go figure a crazy man. No, the 
gun’s evidence, and there was a phone 
tip—a man called in the shooting, re- 
ported a man running out of there and 
gave a description that fitted Tommy pret- 
ty well. Even had him wearing that red 
blazer he wears, tacky thing makes him 
look like an usher at the Paramount.” 

“Tt sounds tough to square.” 

“Well, somebody else'll have to try to 
do it,” Kaplan said. “I told him I can't 
defend him this time. What it amounts to, 
I wash my hands of him.” 


І thought of that when I read that 
Angel Herrera got out just the other day. 
He served all ten years because he was as 
good at getting into trouble inside the 
walls as he'd been on the outside. 

Somebody killed Tommy Tillary with a 
homemade knife afier he'd served two 
years and three months of a manslaughter 
stretch. I wondered at the time if that was 
Herrera getting even, and I don't suppose 
ТЇЇ ever know. Maybe the checks stopped 
Boing to Santurce and Herrera tock it the 
wrong way. Or maybe Tommy said the 
wrong thing to somebody else and said it 
face to face instead of over the phone. 

I don’t think Га do it that way now. I 
don't drink anymore, and the impulse to 
play God seems to have evaporated with 
the booze. 

But then, a lot of things have changed. 
Billie left Armstrong's not long after that, 
left New York, too; the last I heard, he 
was ой drink himself, living in Sausalito 
and making candles. I ran into Dennis the 
other day in а bookstore on lower Fifth 
Avenue full of odd volumes on yoga and 
Spiritualism and holistic healing. And 
Armstrong's is scheduled to close the 
end of next month. The lease is up for 
renewal, and I suppose the next you 
know, the old joint'll be another Korean 
fruit market. 

I still light a candle now and then for 
Carolyn Cheatham and Miguelito Cruz. 
Not often. Just every once in a while. 


(continued from page 115) 

“You can be too sensitive, too loving, too understand- 
ing, too good. It’s wrong to be too good.” 

been in the record books—which meant a 
lot in minor-league ball—but the ump, 
whom the pitcher didn’t like, had blown 
the play. Our plan was to butter up the 
ump completely; take him out and have a 
couple of drinks after the game. So the 
pitcher did. He apologized, said, “You 
didn’t blow the call.” We then got the ump 
really drunk. Meanwhile, the ump's wife, 
who knew the pitcher and was privy to all 
this, had gone along. Which was the 
whole point. The pitcher had been dying 
with the clap for a couple of weeks just on 
the off-chance that he could pull off his 
plan— which was to sleep with the ump's 
wife. He did. Cut to three weeks later. It 
was toward the end of the season. We ran 
into the ump and he was still in a good 
mood. Again, we went out with him for 
some beers and he bragged about this and 
that and all the girls he'd been with. Then 
he said, “Shit, I don’t know where I got it, 
but I got a hell of a dose of the clap.” The 
pitcher just looked at him and said, “You 
got it from your wife,” and told him the 
whole story. Those two ended up going at 
it like two bulldogs under a blanket. I saw 
it all. It was brutal. 

PLAYBOY: What's dangerous about you? 
RUSSELL: Just what Pr capable of imagin- 
ing, because one is capable of doing any- 
thing he imagines. There is, however, an 
acceptability level. There is that line 
between all things, and it is of great con- 
cem to anyone who wants to get a lot out 
of life. I mean, what stops men from гар- 
ing and pillaging? What stops a guy from 
walking down the street and just fucking 
any girl he wants to fuck? Not that it's 
unacceptable to society but that it's un- 
acceptable to him. What stops a woman 
who's very much in love with her husband 
from having, on a whim, another guy in 
her bed when her husband comes home? 
105 unacceptable to her. What stops you 
from being mean and ruthless even though. 
there is a level at which you will be both? 
105 where you draw the line. The same is 
true for sensitivity. You can be too sensi- 
tive, too loving, too understanding, too 
good. It’s wrong to be too good. At least, 
it’s too much for me. 


PLAYBOY: You once said you hated your 
generation. How will history sum us up? 
RUSSELL: Our gencration—the baby- 
boomers—is just like any other. And that’s 
what I hate about them. They don’t seem 
to understand that we're just another gen- 
eration. We're just here to procreate the 
race. But if you think you're going to 

change the world forever, have the guts to 
carry it out. Be dedicated enough, rather 
than stop and say, "Oh, shit, 1 guess I 
have to make a living. Oh, God, now Гус 
got a family. Oh, God, now I have to take 
this job." If you do that, you have no 
balls. This generation didn't change basic 
structures. И became other things. АП of it 
was another view of youth going through 
its period of wanting change for apparent- 
ly no reason other than being young. 
Every generation has that period. It's bio- 
logical; otherwise, how could so many 
people buy the same bag of shit? It would 
be interesting to see something different. 

PLAYBOY: When was the last time you were 
RUSSELL: The last big surprise Г had was 

iecur ma 

“Well... how was I?” 

Goldie Hawn. I was surprised by the way 
I felt about her and by the way she was 
and the way she looked—also, by the way 
she could make me feel. I'd begun to think 
that perhaps my lot in life wasn’t to feel 
exactly how I wanted to feel with another 
person. I thought maybe it was something 
1 just wasn’t lucky witl was turning out 
to be more of an effort than I'd ever 
thought it should be. But after meeting 
Goldie, I realized 1 was right in the first 
place. I could just be who I was and some- 
one would take me for that and not hold it 
against me. I feel right. I feel like me. And 
I'm still surprised. 


PLAYBOY: What more do women need to 
know about men than they already do? 

RUSSELL: I wonder if they need to know 
any more at all. I wonder if perhaps the 
need now is to know less. Everything these 
days is so broken down and picked apart. 
Now there's this incredible movement 
toward understanding. But there are some 
things in nature that we are never going 
to understand. No matter how deeply 
you get into it, there are always more 



questions. And the answers don't apply to 
all men. Every one is an individual. I 
would prefer that men and women looked 
at each other as individuals and tried 10 
understand more about themselves. 


PLAYBOY: What fascinates the Hollywood 

RUSSELL: For some reason, the press will 
always love an actor who has tremendous 
personal problems or apparent ones. They 
think that suggests creativity and ability. 
They're wrong. It's just. personal. prob- 
lems. But as long as the person is tre- 
mendously tragic, with an emotionally 
charged, up-and-down life, we're told 
that’s why he's so great. Half the thing 
with alcohol or drugs is that the great 
moment will come in an actor’s life when 
he admits he's an alcoholic or a drug 
addict. Well, who the fuck cares? I don't 
buy that he had to experience that to be a 
great actor. I know very well some big 
slars, great actors and actresses, who are 
normal. But the press and the public like 
to find something mysterious about them. 
Meryl Streep is a good example. Meryl is 
anice, simple, wonderful, great girl who is 
а great actress. She’s got a tremendous 
array of technical things to use and she 
uses them. But mysterious? The public 
likes to think about the mystery, because 
otherwise, people would be saying, “Shit, 
Icould do that." And the truth is that they 
could, And a reason many actors are out of 
work is that that’s what some of them did. 
There are only so many jobs. I can’t tell 
you how much І dislike that idea of build- 
ing into a myth someone who is just stand- 
ing on a mark and reading a line. Even 
Brando is not a myth. Нез a man who 
does a job, and he’s extremely good at it. 


PLAYBOY: You were probably in more Dis- 
ney pictures than Dean Jones and Joe 
Flynn combined. Assess Walt Disney’s 
chances for survival as a studio head if he 
were alive today 

RUSSELL: Нед be the most successful film 
maker today, simply because he was a 
genius. He was able to stay ten, 15 years 
ahead of his time. Sure, they don’t make 
Disney’s kind of picture anymore. The 
problem is that they don’t. Can you tell 
me that Mary Poppins wouldn't succeed 
today? It would probably be this year’s 
best picture, because if he made Mary 
Poppins today, Disney would again be 20 
years ahead of his time without losing that 
Jeeling. He was absolutely great at honest 
emotion. He had that knack, I don’t know 
if that meant he was in touch with the 
public. I think he was just in touch with his 
own brain. That was all that mattered. 


PLAYBOY: Which of Disney's cartoon char- 
acters would you like to be for a day? 
RUSSELL: Peter Pan. I love his outlook on 

life. I love the world he lives in. It's one of 
tremendous adventure and excitement. I 
love that he's going to see it for as long as 
he can. He doesn't want to grow up, and 
he's never going to. [Laughs] My life is a 
lot different from Peter Pan's. I wanted to 
grow up. I wanted to fall in love and have 
a family, and I wanted to be the father of 
that family. I had to be big so I could hit 
the ball out of the park. 


PLAYBOY: Which big-league manager 
would you rather have to dinner: Billy 
Martin or Tommy Lasorda? 

RUSSELL: Billy Martin. I am not enamored 
of false rah-rah. I like someone who will 
fight, cheat, scratch, do anything to win— 
without getting caught. And when you do 
get caught, own up. Martin personifies 
that, even if he’s playing somewhat of a 
caricature of himself these days. He keeps 
coming back. 


PLAYBOY: Have you ever wanted to portray 
a Kennedy? 

Russet: Jack Kennedy is a well-rounded 
character suitable for a movie, and Гуе 
been approached about playing him or 
Bobby a number of times. But on the 
whole, the Kennedys do not fascinate me. 
Let's face it, though: There is a fascination 
with them, because they are like our own 
royalty. Pm just not much for royalty. The 
Kennedys are just people, and one of them 
was President. And he was killed. Ameri- 
ca has a fascination with the people we 
kill. But maybe it’s just a feeling of guilt 
around the country. 


PLAYBOY: You've done a number of violent 
films, such as Escape from New York, The 
Thing and the Charles Whitman story, 
The Deadly Tower. 15 America unnatu- 
rally fascinated with violence? Arc critics 
of violence in film and on television just 
wasting their time? 

RUSSELL: Not really. We're normally vio- 
lent because the population is growing. If 
you put enough rats in a cage, things start. 
getting tough. It’s just that some of us are 
more violent than others. When I’m in the 
city for a long time, I get hyped up and 
take things more to the extreme than when 
I'm comfortable in Colorado. 

Critics are totally wasting their time. It 
should be explained to children early that 
films and TV are not real life. They're 
fakes, simply phonies. When I was seven, 
we played Robin Hood with a plank over 
an inflatable pool. When one of us fell into 
the water, we poured catsup over him. We 
played out our fantasies. We wanted it to 
look like blood, but we didn’t think it was 
blood. We knew it was catsup. That's just 
what the movies are, and cartoons are an 
extension of that. If you want to censor 
that sort of thing in films and on TV, then 
you have to do the same for books, art, 

radio, plays. . . . The point is that this stuff 
belongs on TV and in the movies. That's 
where you can see fantasy before your 
eyes—someone else's fantasy —and under- 
stand that it’s not real. In real life, Wile 
Е. Coyote gets up, wanders off and dies. 
Most of the time, he doesn’t even get up. 


PLAYBOY: What should young boys learn 

They should learn the advan- 
tages, disadvantages and good and bad 
qualities of becoming a man, mixed in 
with all the situations in life one might 
have to handle. My father said some 
things that have stuck and that gave me an 
outlook on life that I appreciate—because 
I enjoy life. He said, “Don’t respect your 
elders as much as somebody who deserves 
your respect.” Also “Never walk in a door 
that you can’t walk out of.” And “If you're 
getting paid a man’s salary, do a man’s 
job.” Finally, “If you don’t do exactly 
what you want to do, you won't be hap- 
py.” Most people probably think things 
are stacked against the last idea. But, 
amazingly, it’s the easiest. 


PLAYBOY: Most actors use an interview Гог 
publicity or as a soapbox for a favorite 
issue. Is there a reason beyond those two 
that you’re here? 

RUSSELL: [Smiles wickedly] 1 like to lie in 
interviews. Sometimes I'll just blatantly 
lie, because a lot of lies are going to appear 
anyway, so why not make some of them 
up myself? Two years later, I'll be talking 
with someone who will say, “You once 
said .. ” and ГП say, “Мо, I didn’t.” Ten 
minutes later, he'll say, "Well, you 
said ..." and ГП say, “Yes, I did, but 1 
lied." I don't mind giving the interview a 
feeling of untruth, of its sort of being 
a piece of flack that somebody will read 
in a minute and a half on the toilet, that 
doesn't make much difference. The media 
in large part deserve that kind of bullshit, 
because they dish it out. So why not have 
fun with them? If I take it seriously and 
then read things that are not true, it's 
going to Вип. The only thing I can do is 
fight back. I lie for it to be entertaining 
when I read it. And I hope that by the 
time I'm 50 years old, there will be such a 
conglomeration of impossihle facts that it’s 
impossible to put them together and the 
press just gives up. I don’t really care to 
have people know me unless I meet them 
and I want them to get to know me. 


у: Have you lied to us? 

[Shrugs] Probably. 1 probably 
have. I honestly don’t remember. You'd 
have to go through it. [Pauses] I don’t 
think I've lied to you. But it really doesn’t 
make any difference. 







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SFAR AS WEKNOW, the first Olympics 
А“ televised, possibly because 

most of the participants back in 
776 wc competed in the nude. It was 
thought then that clothes merely restricted 
free movement. 

Since women were barred from the first 
Olympics under penalty of death, it was 
an all-male event. Some 40,000 men 
(there were very few no-shows) gathered 
to watch other men grapple and run in the 
buff. Ah, those Greeks. 

Well, things have changed just a tad in 
the past 2760 years. The 1984 Olympics, 
thanks to television, will be seen by two 
and a half billion people around the 
world. Women are no longer subject to 
the death penalty. And the athletes will be 

In many ways, the games have changed 
dramatically over the years. They are now 
every bit a spectacle. In Los Angeles, 
10,000 athletes will be judged by 1200 
officials. A million meals will be served 
during the two weeks of competition, 
including 50,000 pounds of beef, 80,000 
pounds of poultry and 130,000 loaves of 
bread. And when it’s all over, some 
25,000,000 pounds of garbage will have 
been collected. 

ABC-TV will carry the games. Some 
188 hours of coverage are planned. A 
broadcast staff of 2500 people, 660 miles 
of cable and 208 cameras will help make 
Jim McKay the man who came to din- 
ner—and breakfast and lunch. 

A commercial minute during the Olym- 
pics will cost $500,000, a hefty price tag to 
tell you that М & M’s.and Snickers are 
the official snack foods, Coca-Cola thc 
official soft drink and Buick the official 
car. Just so you don't get confused, Chev- 


rolet was the official car of the winter 
Olympics—except for the ski team. Su- 
baru was the official sponsor of the ski 

Old Spice and Blue Stratos are official 
sponsors of the U.S. track-and-field team 
but not of the entire Olympics. And Bud- 
weiser and Michelob (for a contribution of 
$11,000,000) are official sponsors of the 
U.S. Olympic team—but Miller, because 
it helped the cycling team train, is sort of 
official, too. It’s allowed to use the sacred 
five-ring Olympic symbol in its advertis- 
ing. The price tag for that was a mere 

Only 31 companies have been allowed 
the privilege of donating a minimum of 
$4,000,000 to the Olympic effort in order 
to become official sponsors. But there are 
other ways to get in on the boom. Former 
heavyweight champ Ken Norton pledged 
$500,000 to market the official Olympic 
key chains. The Olympic Committee will 
get a percentage of his profits. 

And there’s an official Olympic thim- 
ble, an official Olympic hairdresser and 
even an official Olympic trash-can liner 
(into which they put all the hair clipped 
by the official Olympic hairdresser). You 
get the idea. The Olympics have become 
big business. Megabucks. 

But we're here to tell you that that's 
only one side of the story. When you look 
past all the commerciali ion, the Olym- 
pics really haven’t changed. Down on the 
track and over in the swimming pool, it’s 
still a matter of basic contests: man against 
man and man against himself. All the 
commercials in the world can’t change 
that. It’s the Olympic dream, that special 
feeling that allows the neighborhood kid to 
believe that he might grow up to represent 

his country against the best in the world. 
And the dream can come true. Despite ай 
the hype, Olympic athletes aren't really 
superhuman. When you consider all the 
advanced training techniques, the scientif- 
ic approaches and the new equipment, we 
haven’t really come all that far. 

In 1908, American Harry Porter won 
the high jump at a height of 6’ 3”. In 
1976, the last time the U.S. participated, 
Dwight Stones grabbed a medal at 7’ 3^. 

In the 1924 Chariots of Fire games, 
Harold Abrahams won the 100 meters in 
10.6 seconds. In 1936, Jesse Owens 
won in 10.3. And in 1980, Allan 
Wells won in 10.25. After 44 years of 
progress, Owens' time would have still 
held up for a bronze medal. 

It’s with the true challenge of athletics 
in mind that we view the 1984 games. And 
since most of you will be viewing on televi- 
sion, we've geared our special Guide cov- 
erage to help you understand and enjoy 
the events even more. You'll learn what 
and whom to look for, as we offer Olympic 
previews and prognostications. So get your 
spikes on. Here’s where the fun of the 
games begins. 

Maury ê lary 

— Editor, Playboy Guides 



in this new event, we judged competition on stylistic 

sensuality. here are the perfect 10s 

Bob Seagren (above). One of the greatest 
Olympic psych-out artists of all time, this 
handsome and powerful pole vaulter 
stunned track-and-field fans at the 768 
Mexico games by coolly passing up a cru- 
cial vault. He re-entered at 17/84" and on 
the basis of fewest misses, won the gold. 

Wilma Rudolph (below). Her grace- 
ful, stallionlike strides made this 1960 
three-gold-medal athlete one of the most 
compelling runners to watch. Her beauty 
was inward as well: Wilma, who weighed 
only four and a half pounds at birth, over- 
came childhood polio and scarlet fever. 

f the games, 

Nadia Comaneci 
(right). This Romani- 
an teenager wowed ет 
at both the "76 and the 
"80 games by executing 
seemingly death-defying 
gymnastic moves with utter 
cool. With one of the most 
athletic bodies ever to grace 
Nadia made 
Olympic history in 776 by 
pulling down the first per- 
fect scores of ten for her 
performances on the un- 
even bars and balance beam. 

Donna de Varona (above). Complete 
with classic UCLA good looks, this world- 
record swimmer proved a showstopper in 
the "64 games by winning the first individ- 
ual-medley competition ever held for 
women in Olympic swimming. Two days 
carlicr, she had scored her first gold 
as a member of the free-style relay team. 

Johnny Weissmuller (right). This future 
"Tarzan's good looks received more atten- 
tion than his five swimming gold medals. 
The actor stayed in such good shape that 
at the age of 36, he was able to beat his 
personal best of 51 seconds for the 100- 
yard free style by two and a half seconds 

Buster Crabbe (far right). Better known 
for his dashing roles as Flash Gordon and 
Buck Rogers than as an Olympic swim- 
mer, Crabbe’s greatest role as a leading 
man came in the 1932 games, when he 
won the 400-meter free style by mere 
inches with a frantic splash at the finish. 

е! Catherwood. Only 18 years old 
сп she won the gold for the high jump 
the 1928 Amsterdam games, this rav- 
ing and very popular Canadian was 
nicknamed the Saskatoon Lily by the pho- 
tographers who covered her every move 

Victoria Draves (below). The daughter 
of a Filipino father and an English moth- 
er, this San Francisco native had a natural 
beauty that held the press spellbound 
throughout the 1948 games. Those also 
interested in Draves's athletic prowess 
were pleased when she won golds in the 
springboard and highboard diving events. 

Cassius Marcellus Clay (above). At the 
age of 18, this Louisville boxing phenom 
was already floating like a butterfly and 
stinging like a bee. In the 1960 final, 
he displayed his great defensive skills be- 
fore going on the offense in the last round 
and winning easily. Afterward, he asked 
the press, Ain't 1 pretty?” He was. 

Bruce Jenner. Not only did this boyish- 
looking heartthrob win the °76 decathlon 
with a world-record-setiing 8618 points 
but he later married Elvis Presley's for- 
mer girlfriend and turned to television. 
His good looks helped him hawk such 
basics as orange juice and breakfast cereal 

Bob Hayes. Dubbed “the world's fastest 
human," this Jacksonville, Florida, native 
with the broad, muscular shoulders and 
pigeon-toed running style quieted the 
cynics in '64 by setting an Olympic record 
in the 100-meter sprint. Hayes later took 
his controversial style into the N.F.L., 
where he was twice chosen all-pro as a 
wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys. 
Others would follow in his footsteps. 

Vera Caslavska. Competing against the 
Russians in 1968, just two months after 
they had invaded her native Prague, this 
gymnast with the ballerina-style moves 
won over the Mexico spectators by alter- 
nately displaying anger and sadness on 
her way to an impressive seven gold med- 
als. She topped off her record-setting 
pace with a crowd-pleasing floor exercise 
performed to the Mexican Hat Dance. 

Jennifer Chandler (ей). Eight years 
‘ago, this American diver drew as many | 
press notices for her good looks as she did | 
for her diving. Thankfully, the media | 
hype didn’t prove distracting: She won the 
gold easily over her East German rival. | 

Teófilo Stevenson (below). A handsome 
634" Cuban who dominated Olympic 
boxing by winning gold medals in 772, 
"16 and "B0 and proved his revolutionary 
commitment by refusing a pro contract. 

Rafer Johnson (belov left). This perfect- 
ly proportioned Техап turned on the 1960 
games by winning the decathlon in dra- 
matic fashion over his UCLA teammate 
Yang Chuan-Kwang. He later capital- 
ized on his handsome, well-chiseled looks 
as an actor and a sports commentator. 

Ralph Boston (below). In winning the 
long jump in 1960, this long-legged leaper 
might well have been the closest thing | 
to a gazelle the U.S. has ever produced. 

THE Way Ir Was 

a lightning history of the olympic 

The Olympics date back almost 3000 
years to ancient Greece. While the tradi- 
tion and styles of the ancient Olympiads 
were vastly different from those of today 
(no one wore Adidas), many of the events 
were similar. Wrestling, boxing, diskos 
and javelin were part of the first program. 
"The stade race was much like today's 200- 
meter sprint. Other events included the 
diaulos (400-meter sprint), chariot racing, 
skamma (long jump) and hoplitodromos 
(a foot race in battle armor). Tons of fun. 
In 394 a.b., the almost 1200-year Olym- 
pic tradition was laid to rest by Emperor 
"Theodosius I, who declared the games a 
pagan spectacle and banned the selling of 
souvenir T-shirts. The arena was later 
destroyed, but the tradition was not. Cen- 
turies later, a Frenchman named Baron 
Pierre de Coubertin proposed the idea of a 
modern international Olympics. The 
torch was rekindled, and in 1896, a new 
era of games began. Here's how the mod- 
ern Olympics played out 

1896, Athens. As ап acknowledg- 
ment of the games’ origins, the first mod- 
ern games were held in Athens. More 
than 140,000 people cheered as Spiridon 
Loues, a hometown shepherd, won the 

1900, Paris. In contrast to the success- 
ful Athens games, these Olympics were 
used by the French government as merely 
an adjunct to other expositions. Generally 
a disorganized side show, but Americans 
won 17 of 22 track-and-field events. 

1904, St. Louis, American organizers 
saw the Olympics as little more than a 
gimmick to draw more tourists to the 
world’s fair. Events were spread out over 
four long months, with European partici- 
pation almost nonexistent. More than 500 
of the 617 competitors were Americans. A 
mud-fighting event (concluded on page 188 } 






Olympic Records 
Men: 9.95 seconds 
Women: 11.01 seconds (1976, Annegret 
Richter, West Germany) 

(1968, Jim Hines, 

The 100 meters is your basic all-out 
mad dash to the finish—making this the 
race of seconds and inches. In the 1896 
Athens games, an American won the 100 
meters in 12 seconds flat, just over two 
seconds off the current record. 

Sprinters will do their dashing on a new 
synthetic eight-lane track recently in- 
stalled at the Los Angeles Coliseum, site 
of the '84 track-and-field events. "They'll 
be wearing six-ounce paper-thin spiked 
shoes made of nylon and calfskin, glove 
leather or kangaroo hide. Since it is likely 
that at the finish, top runners will be sepa- 
rated by no more than the thickness of an 
average paperback book, it is important to 
remember that judges will be watching 
torsos at the finish line—as opposed to 
feet, legs, arms, necks or heads. 

Since the advent of sensing devices in 
the starting blocks, sprinters are no longer 
able to jump the gun; the pressure of the 
runner’s feet holds open an electronic 
switch that beeps when more pressure is 
exerted—as happens in a false start. 

The starting blocks are made of alu- 
minum and have a built-in measuring 
gauge so that runners may place them 
where comfortable. A lock-in device im- 
mobilizes the blocks. 

While legs are important at the start, 
you'll want to watch a runner's arms once 
the starter’s pistol pops. The 100 is really 
an upper-body race. Close-elbowed arm 
pumping is how true power is generated 

Historical footnote: Future Dallas Cow- 
boys star Bob Hayes won the 100 meters 
in the "64 Tokyo games by a seven-foot 
margin, the widest in Olympic history. 
Note, too, that in this same Los Angeles 

Coliseum, in the 1932 games, Polish- 
American Stella Walsh became the first 
woman to break the 12-second barrier. 

Armchair tip: The "world's fastest hu- 
man” should win the men’s 100 meters 
at a top speed of 28 mph. The women's 
100 meters could be won in just under 11 


Olympic Records 
Меп: 19.83 seconds (1968, Tommie Smith, 

Women: 22.03 seconds (1980, Barbel Wock- 
el, East Germany) 

Resembling the 100 meters in madness 
of dashery, the 200 takes a turn and is run 
from a staggered start. To guard against 
lost curve time, sprinters try to hug the 
inside of their four-foot lanes by leaning 
inward. Runners break the race into four 
parts: the start (featuring full-body lean 
with rear leg and opposite arm thrusting 
in sync); the acceleration (body straight- 
ening slightly, high knee action and 
pumping arms); full stride (racer more 
erect, running on toes); and finish (begin- 
ning 15 yards from the line with shortened 
stride and accentuated lean, chest and 
shoulders thrust forward). 

Armchair tip: With this event usually 
won on the curve, watch for runners who 
best hug the inside of their lanes. 


Olympic Records 
Меп: 43.86 seconds (1968, Lee Evans, 

Women: 48.88 seconds (1980, Marita Koch, 
East Germany) 

The 400 runs from staggered starts. 
Acceleration takes place in the first 50 
yards; by 200 meters, runners reach their 
planned set pace; at 300 meters, they hit 
the imaginary “wall”; in the last 100 
meters, they break through the wall to the 

Most 400 runners prefer to draw one of 
the first three lanes, which places them 

Olympic medals are won and lost in the starting blocks. 
Watch for runners who combine forceful rear-leg push 
with а whipping opposite arm to gain acceleration. 

on the inside of the track, where they 
can use the other runners as reference. 

Historical footnote: In 1968, when 
Evans set his record, the top 12 men's 400- 
meter runners were all Americans. 


Olympic Records 

100-meter hurdles (women only): 12.56 sec- 
onds (1980, Vera Komisova, U.S.S.R.) 
110-meter hurdles (men only): 13.24 seconds 
(1972, Rod Milburn, U.S.A.) 

400-meter hurdles (теп) 
(1976, Edwin Moses, U.S.A.) 
400-meter hurdles (women): new event 

47.64 seconds 

There are three types of hurdles: 100- 
meter, 110-meter and 400-meter and ten 
hurdles in each race. The hurdles them- 
selves are designed in an L shape (for safe- 
ty purposes, to fall over easily) and vary in 
height from 36 inches (women’s 400 me- 
ters) to 42 inches (men’s 110 meters). 
Contrary to popular myth, hurdlers don’t 
jump over hurdles—they step over them— 
and they may knock down an unlimited 
number of barriers without risking dis- 

The 400-meter hurdles is considered a 
highly strategic event. By leaning his body 
low upon approaching each barrier, a 
hurdler is able to thrust his flexed leg over 
the barrier while moving his folded leg 
quickly past the lead leg. After clearing 
each barrier, the hurdler sprints between 
barriers at about a 14-stride average, eight 
feet to a stride. To compensate for time 
lost going around curves, he tries to take 
the barrier to the inside of the lane. 

ү? Т? 
Еу 17 


Olympic Record 
8.08.2 minutes (1976, Anders Garderud, 


This 3350-yard (almost cight laps 
around the track) obstacle-ridden course 
consists of 28 hurdles and seven water 
jumps. Steeplers separate the event into 
three stages: hurdling, water negotiating 
and between-hurdles technique. 

The 4 X 100-meter and 4 X 400-meter 

Olympic Records 

Men (4 X 100-meter relay): 38.19 seconds 
(1972, U.S.A.) 

Women (4 X 100-тейег relay): 41.60 sec- 
onds (1980, East Germany) 

Men (4 X 400-meter relay): 2:56.16 (1968, 

Women (4 X 400-meter 
(1976, East Germany) 

The 400-meter relay is run in lanes 
from staggered starts, with each member 
of the four-person team running a quarter 
of the distance. Usually, the first runner is 
the team’s quickest starter; the second is 
fastest on a straightaway; the third (some- 
times the slowest of the team) is almost 
always a skilled curve negotiator; the 
fourth has the best kick. 

Strategy and teamwork are the hall- 
marks of the relay events. Of crucial 
importance is the passing of the baton. 
There are two techniques: upward thrust 
(receiver holds palm inward with thumb 
separated from the fingers) and down- 
ward thrust (palm held upward with 
thumb and fingers forming a V). Passes 
are made at hip height, with arms at full 
extension. Note: If a baton is dropped, the 
runner who dropped it must recover it. 

There are two relay zones: the ten- 
meter exchange zone and the 20-meter 
acceleration zone. Receivers begin their 
run in the 20-meter acceleration zone but 

relay): 3:19.23 

А low center of gravity is the key to hurdling. Watch for alow lean and a quick snap of the lead 
leg. At the finish, the runner whose upper body breaks the plane wins. 


can receive the baton only in the ten-meter 
zone. The baton weighs three pounds, two 
ounces, is 11 to 11% inches long and is 
made of aluminum or alloy. 

Unlike the 4 X 100-meter sprint, the 
4 X 400-meter relay is run in lanes by the 
first runner and by the second runner as 
far as his or her exit from the first curve. 
Because of this no-lanes rule, baton re- 
ceivers on the third and fourth legs must 
be alert for runners arriving anywhere 
within the ten-meter exchange zone. Re- 
lay teams sometimes try to psych out the 
competition by juggling the order of run- 
ners at the last moment. 

Historical footnote: The U.S.A. has won 
the 4 X 100-meter relay 13 out of the past 
15 times. 

800- AND 1500-METER RUNS 

Olympic Records 

Men (800-meter run): 1:43.50 (1976, Alber- 
to Juantorena, Cuba) 

Women (BOO-meter run): 1:53.42 (19BO, No- 
dyezhda Olizaryenko, U.S.S.R.) 

Men (1500-meter run): 3:34.91 (196В, Kip 
Keino, Kenya) 

Women (1500-meter run): 3:56.58 (1980, 
Tatyana Kazankina, U.S.S.R.) 

‘The 800-meter (two laps around the 
track) run, requiring speed and stamina, 
is considered one of the best indicators of 
all-round running ability. Competitors 
begin in staggered starts and run around 
the track in lanes until the end of the first 
turn, when they suddenly break for the 
inside lane—the shortest route to the fin- 
ish. Strategy for the 800-meter is rela- 

tively simple: Don’t take an early lead (as 
in stock-car racing, runners follow in the 
“draft” created by the leaders); never pass 
on a turn; never let a leader get ahead by 
more than ten meters; don’t be intimidated 
by jostlers (this is very physical); and save 
enough kick for the final 100 meters. 

The 1500-meter (the metric mile) is one 
of the glamor runs of the Olympics, hav- 
ing produced such legends as Jim Ryun, 
Kip Keino and Paavo Nurmi. The 1500 
starts at the head of the backstretch down 
a straightaway from a “waterfall” start 
designed so that competitors on the inside 
don’t have unfair advantage. Runners be- 
gin by sprinting for the inside position and 
eventually fall in behind the leader in sin- 
gle file. 

The most popular (and often precari- 
ous) 1500 strategy is to back off the pace 
and make a challenge to the front runners 
at the last possible moment. The finishing 
kick can come with as much as 300 to 400 
meters to go. When passed, runners will 
often take position alongside the right 
shoulder of the runner who went by to 
prevent others from following in his path. 
A runner must be two strides ahead of a 
competitor he has passed before being 
allowed to cut back to the inside lane. 

3000-, 5000- AND 10,000- 

Olympic Records 
Women (3000-meter run): new event 

Men (5000-meter run) 13:20.34 (1976, 
Brendan Foster, Great Britai 
Men (10,000-meter run): 27:38.35 (1972, 
Lasse Viren, Finland) 

Endurance is the key in the long-dis- 
tance runs. Runners compete against 
опе another and (continued on page 188) 

The pivotal point in the pole vault is the д 
shifting of energy from the man to the 
pole. Expect it to bend more than 90 
degrees as the lead knee is pulled 
inward for the clearing thrust. 

While the plant and turn are key in the high- 
jump flop, a flexible pelvis con keep the 
competitor from butting the bar. 

You know how Dr. J. seems to hang in the air 
forever? Long jumpers, through sailing and 
hitch-kicking, try for the same magic. 

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In diving, inward pikes call for a rotation 
back toward the platform. 

The 1984 swimming schedule is the most wide ranging in 
history, with more than 900 competitors expected. 

Men and women will compete in 15 events, including 100- 
meter free style, 200-meter free style, 400-meter free style, 1500- 
meter free style, 100-meter backstroke, 200-meter backstroke, 
100-meter breast stroke, 200-meter breast stroke, 100-meter but- 
terfly, 200-meter butterfly, 200-meter individual medley, 400- 
meter individual medley and 800-meter free style (women only). 
Men's-team relay events include the 4 X 100-meter medley relay, 
the 4X 100-meter free-style relay, the 4 X 200-meter free-style 
relay and the 4 X 100-meter relay. Women’s-team relay events 
include the 4 X 100-meter medley relay, the 4 X 100-meter free- 
style relay and synchronized swimming. 

‘The first Olympic swimming contests were held outdoors in 
55-degree water, but not to worry: The 1984 competition will take 
place in a $7,000,000 pool complex with the water heated to 77 
degrees. The pool itself is some six fect deep, measuring 55 yards 
long and 25 yards wide. There are eight swimming lanes—each 
eight feet, two inches wide—divided by ropes with ficats. Compet- 
itors start from a raised 29¥2-inch platform of nonskid material. 

Swimmers receive lane assignments for trial heats according to 
their fastest pre-Olympic competitive times. Center lanes are 
reserved for the fastest times, with the next fastest assigned to 
lanes to the left and right of the center. 

‘As in track and field, the real strategy in swimming comes in 
the longer events. While the shorter sprints are considered tests of 
strength as swimmers make their rush to the finish, the 800- and 
1500-meter races require pacing and strategy. Most important to 
swimmers is the racing dive—a long, on-the-stomach, full-pow- 
ered push off the starting platform. 

‘There аге four major swimming styles: the free style (the all- 
purpose crawl), the backstroke, the breast stroke and the butterfly 
(swimmers use scissorlike leg movements with arms pulling and 
lifting over the surface). In individual medley events, swimmers 
use all four strokes to compete an equal distance; in team medley 
swimming, each individual in the four-person team employs, in 
order, the backstroke, the breast stroke, the butterfly and the free 

p es need a score card just to keep track of the officials. In 
addition to the head referee, there are a chief timekeeper, lane 
timekeepers, a starter, stroke judges, turning judges, finish judges, 
a recorder and a clerk. Most important are the stroke judges, who 
enforce the rules regarding each style of swimming, and the turn- 
ing judges, who make sure that turns are executed within the rules 
(in addition to informing competitors, via lap cards, of the number 
of remaining laps). 

Any swimmer causing a third false start (even if he had nothing 
to do with the first two) is immediately disqualified. Electronic 
timing keeps track of each swimmer via a (concluded on page 193) 

Watch for the swimmer who stretches the farthest on the 
starting dive to gain early momentum. 





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games can be found in the gymnastic 
events. A lot of the credit for the boom 
belongs to such female performers as Olga 
Korbut (72) and Nadia Comaneci (76)-- 
it was their grace under pressure, as well 
as their sheer sex appeal, that made fans 
of television watchers everywhere. 
In addition to this year's ten artistic 
events for men and women, women-only 
rhythmic gymnastics will be featured for 
the first time. Mer's artistic gymnastics 
includes floor exercises, pommel horse, 
parallel bars, horizontal (high) bar, rings 
and vaulting. Women’s artistic gymnastics 
includes floor exercises, balance beam, 
vaulting and uneven parallel bars. 
Rhythmic gymnastics features women 
working in carefully choreographed team 
formations. The performances consist of a 
series of ballet-style movements based on a 
spectrum of steps, jumps and pivots. In 
vidual athletes perform one routine with 
each of four props: а ball, a ribbon, a hoop 
and a club. Each routine must contain two 
moves of superior difficulty and six of 
medium difficulty. 

Floor exercises are performed on a soft 
mat four and a half centimeters thick and 

12 meters square. Scores are based on 
flexibility, physical strength, skill, flair, 
grace under pressure, personality, inven- 
tiveness and rhythm. Men's floor exercises 
last for 70 seconds, while women—who 
perform their ‘exercises to piano ассот- 
paniment—are permitted 90 seconds. 

In vaulting, the leather-covered horse is 
1.63 meters long, with a height of 1.35 
meters for men, 1.1 meters for women. 
After a run-up of some 20 meters, compet- 
itors take off from either a standing stop or 
a springboard 1.2 meters long. Women 
approach the horse from the side, men 
from one end. All competitors are obliged 
to perform one mandatory vault in addi- 
tion to one of their own choosing. They 
get two attempts at each. 

The wooden-handled pommel horse— 
used in men’s competition only—is 1.1 
meters high and the handles are 45 centi- 
meters apart. Two curved pommels 
are mounted on the horse, dividing the 
leather-covered surface into three parts. 
Supporting himself on the pommels, the 
athlete uses his arms to execute nonstop 
turns, swings and leg-scissor movements. 

The parallel bars—42 centimeters 
apart and 1.6 (concluded on page 185) 

The best horse vaults have good height and forward propulsion. 
А wobbly landing соп quickly lose points. On the balance beam, 
the full length (16’5”) is to be used, with no stops permitted. 


1980 Olympic Heavyweight Champions 
(Over 81 kilograms—179 pounds) 

1. Teofilo Stevenson (Cuba) 

2. Pyotr Zoev (U.S.S.R.) 

3. Jurgen Fanghanel (East Germany) 

Like it or not, you'll be hearing a lot 
from Howard Созей. Boxers from 80 
nations will be featured in 400 bouts in 12 
weight divisions—from 106-pound light 
flyweights to 201-pound superheavy- 
weights—over the course of 11 days. 

Olympic boxing is a distant cousin to 
pro boxing. While winners are deter- 
mined in the classic ways (through a 
knockout or a TKO or on points), ama- 
teur boxing matches consist of only three 
three-minute rounds. In addition, five 
judges sit around the 20-foot-square ring 
and evaluate fighters on a 20-point must 
system (in which the winner of each round 
is awarded 20 points. The loser gets pro- 
portionately less) 

Boxers must adhere to a mandatory 
eight count: When a boxer is knocked 
down, he must wait on the canvas until the 
count of eight before resuming action. If 
he gets knocked on the canvas again, the 
referee (who doesn’t take part in scoring) 
may then count a man out. 

There are other amateur-judging idio- 
syncrasies. Olympic judges bestow points 
for clean, crisp punches thrown; thus, a 
boxer who scores a sudden knockout will 
earn points but may not be awarded 
with victory in the same way as a pro 

counterpart, Judges are quicker to ex- 
clude punches with an open glove and 
ones that don’t exhibit total body control. 

In Olympic boxing, if a man is on the 
canvas at the end of a round, the bell is 
not sounded and the count continues. 

While Olympic boxing often features 
more defensive strategy (the “реекаЬоо” 
style, for example, in which a boxer fights 
from behind two upheld gloves, is a favor- 
ite) than pro bouts, amateurs employ the 
same age-old styles as their professional 

Boxers also have to be wary of accumu- 
lating “harm fouls”—warnings issued by 
the referee for illegalities. Three warnings 
result in disqualification. 

In addition to the five judges, who keep 
score on pads, there is a three-to-five-man 
technical jury that sits in judgment of the 
referees and judges. The technical jury has 
the right to overrule any decision. 

Boxers in the light-fly-to-welterweight 
classes wear eight-ounce marked gloves; 
boxers in the light-middle-through-super- 
heavyweight classes wear ten-ounce 
gloves. The gloves have a white band at 
the knuckle areas. This is considered the 
legal hitting area. Simply, the white 
makes a good blow easier for the judges to 
see and score. 

Armchair tip: Watch for boxers who 
know when to unload a payoff punch and 
when to go in for the kill when their орро- 
nent’s in trouble. 

The white area on an Olympic boxing glove is the proper hitting surface. The glove is painted 
so judges at ringside can score more easily when legal blows are landed. 


Forget all you know about wrestling, 
both pro and amateur. Olympic wrestling 
is a sport unto itself —two sports, actually: 
Greco-Roman and free style. And there 
are ten weight divisions (ranging from 106 
pounds to superheavyweights’ unlimited 
weight) in each style. 

As you might expect from its name, 
Greco-Roman wrestling has its roots in 
the Greek Olympics—and is therefore 
considered the purest form of the sport. 
No holds may be made below the hips, 
and all use of the legs is prohibited. Wres- 
tlers also begin from a standing position 
and try to take their opponent down for a 
pin or a fall by using only their arms. 

In the more open free-style version of 
the sport, more wrestling rules apply. 
A wrestler can be victorious in a free-style 
bout by pinning an opponent's shoulders 
or back to the mat for half a second. 

Matches for both styles of wrestling 
consist of two three-minute rounds. Wres- 

tlers score points during the course of a 
match with successful holds, superior po- 
sitions and near throws. The system of 
scoring is the same in both Greco-Roman 
and free-style wrestling. If after six min- 
utes neither wrestler has scored a fall, the 
competitor with the higher number of 
points wins the match. 

If a wrestler scores 12 or more points, 
the judges—seven in all, including the ref- 
eree—may terminate the match. 

Wrestlers also may lose а match 
through penalty points, a complicated 
method of scoring designed to discourage 
passivity. Matches are held on an open 
mat with an “active” circle that’s seven 
meters in diameter. The passivity area, 
used for quick rests, extends another two 
meters around. 

Armchair tip: Watch for wrestlers who 
are able to take early advantage and keep 
it. Many wrestling matches are won psy- 
chologically in the opening minute. 

Forget Hulk Hogon. No опе gets thrown over the ropes in Olympic wrestling. It all happens on 

а mat with active, passive and protective areas. 



Once upon a time, the U.S.A. could 
count on picking up an easy gold medal in 
men's basketball. No longer. While the 
U.S.A. is still the odds-on favorite for '84, 
basketball’s increasing popularity in 
Italy, Spain and elsewhere (as well 
as the continuing trend of U.S.A. col- 
lege basketball standouts to reject the 
Olympics in favor of turning pro) keeps 
U.S.A. coach Bobby Knight from taking 
anything for granted. 

Olympic basketball is played with a 30- 
second shot clock. As in U.S.A. college 
rules, there are two 20-minute halves. 

In Olympic round ball, when a player 
is fouled in the act of shooting (and Ше 
basket is not made), that player is 
awarded three opportunities to make two 
foul shots. Technical fouls against a play- 
er on the court result in two foul shots. 
Bench technicals are good for one free 
throw. Teams are allowed only eight fouls 
per half; after that, two free throws are 

awarded on every foul. 

The most noticeable difference on an 
Olympic court is the fanning out of the 
foul lane, allowing for less cramped quar- 
ters on a free-throw rebound 

To determine medal winners, Olympic 
basketball teams are put into brackets. 
Each bracket plays a round robin in which 
a win counts as two points and a loss 
counts as one point. If two teams finish 
with the same number of points, the team 
that wins the tie-breaking game also wins 
the higher medal. 

Historical footnote: Women’s basketball 
was introduced to the Olympics in Mont- 
real in 1976. In both the 76 and the 
°80 games, the women's competition was 
dominated by the Soviets; in '80, the 
U.S.S.R.'s women’s team won every game 
by more than 31 points. 

Armchair tip: Even though the U.S.A. 
squad will include such one-on-one stal- 
warts as North Carolina's Michael Jor- 
dan and Georgetown's Patrick Ewing, 
expect Knight—a strict disciplinarian—to 
enforce a team brand of play. 


1980 Olympic Heavyweight Champions (to- 
tal kilograms—45 kilograms equal 99.21 

1. Leonid Taranenko (U.S.S.R.): 422.5 kg. 
2. Valentin Christov (Bulgaria): 405 kg. 

3. Gyorgy Szolai (Hungary): 390 kg. 

‘The psychological drama that these 
often-gargantuan athletes bring to their 
performances makes this one of the most 
popular televised events. Many weight 
lifters go into a prelift trance just before 
approaching the bar bells and into a post- 
lift emotional release just afterward—all 
of which makes for great television. 

Olympic weight lifting features a two- 
lift program: the two-handed snatch and 
the clean and jerk. 

In the two-handed snatch (considered 
the more difficult event), the athlete lifts 
the bar from the floor to over his head in 
one movement, holding it there for two 
seconds. There are two popular two- 
handed-snatch techniques: the squat and 
the split (in which one leg is thrust for- 
ward while the other is thrust backward). 
Whatever the technique, the lifter may not 
turn his wrists over or extend his arms 
unevenly in the lifting process. 

In the clean and jerk, the lifter first 
brings the weight up to his shoulders and 
then, using the combined strength of his 
arms and legs, raises the weight over 
his head. The clean step of the lift requires 
that the athlete hoist the bar bell to a tem- 

porary position at the shoulders until he 
achieves an erect posture; the next step, 
the jerk, requires that the bar be lifted in 
one motion from the shoulders to over the 
head, with arms locked at the elbows. The 
weight must be held over the lifter’s head 
for two seconds. 

There are ten weight-lifting weight 
divisions, ranging from flyweight (114 
pounds) to superheavyweight (242 pounds 
and over). Each country may enter a total 
of ten weight lifters (it may enter one in 
each division or skip a division and double 
up on another). A competitor has three 
chances at each lift, but if he fails a lift, 
he may go toa higher one. Weight-lifting 
order is determined by the weight on the 
bar—lifters perform when the weight they 
have requested is placed on the bar. Win- 
ners are those who lift the most total 
weight, both snatch and clean and jerk. 

"The bar bell itself is seven feet long and 

just over an inch wide and is made of 
chrome vanadium. Located at either end 
are revolving sleeves to which the weight 
plates are attached. The weights, called 
bumper plates, range from just over one 
pound to just over 99 pounds. 

To protect their backs, competitors 
wear a four-and-a-half-inch-wide leather 
lifting belt. To ensure a better grip, they 
are permitted to apply chalk to their 
hands. Some also apply talc to their pes 
to help the bar slide down thei 

Historical footnote: Olympic. Wen lift- 
ing used to be a three-lift event. The con- 
troversial press was eliminated after the 
1972 games. 

Armchair tip: Since it is sometimes dif- 
ficult for the layman to distinguish be- 
tween a valid and an invalid lift, pay 
attention to the judges’ flashing lights: 
White indicates a valid lift, red an illegal 

The best weight lifters do the snatch as one continuous movement. Watch the wrists. If the 

lifter turns them over before the Бат hos passed his head, he’s lost it. 

4 out of 9 Sony car 
stereo owners 

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It seems there is one road that most Sony owners would gladly travel again. 
The road to a Sony car stereo. 

Ina recent survey, an overwhelming majority of Sony car stereo owners contacted 
gave Sony the ultimate testimonial. They said they would be more than willing to 
buy a Sony адаш As one Sony owner, Ronald Dokken of Minneapolis, Minnesota, vol- 
unteered, "When there's a car stereo that sounds as good and works as well as a 
Sony, why would ycu want another one?" 

In fact, most Sony car stereo owners when asked went so far as to say that they 
would keep their car stereos longer than they'd keep their cars. Or, in the words of 
Valerie Roussel of New Orleans, Louisiana: "My car was in the shop for a few weeks. 
I missed my car stereo a lot more than my car” And Mark Share of Tempe, Arizona, 
added, “I have two cars and two kinds of car stereos. I find myself driving the car with 
the better sounding one—the Sony.” 

Which is not at all surprising, considering the fact that Sony car stereos are 
not just engineered to perform reliably. They are also engineered to deliver bril- 
liant high-fidelity stereo sound. Because they take advantage of the same experience 
and innovative technology that goes into Sony's home stereos. 

So if you're in the market for a car stereo, it makes sense to go down the same 
road that 4 out of 5 Sony owners would travel. SONY. 



winning in the olympics 

is a matter of body and sole 

In the first Olympics, the Greeks ran 
barefoot. That saved a few bucks on 
equipment but made the use of spikes 
rather messy. Today's track-and-field 
shoes are scientifically designed to with- 
stand the demands of each event and 
each athlete. Here, a sampling. 

Clockwise from top, an Adidas high- 
jump shoe. This one is for the flop style. 
On a straddle shoe, the spikes are other- 
wise aligned because of the different 
jump techniques. The shoe shown is for 
the plant foot. The six spikes up front 
offer traction and stabi On his other 
foot, the jumper wears a different kind of 
shoe—usually one with only four spikes 
up front. Next are Nike javelin shoes. As 
the thrower gains speed up the runway, 
the long spikes help him stop momentum 
in order to plant his feet and shift his 
weight for the heave. Marathon shoes, 
such as the New Balance Comp 250s, 
protect the feet and legs from road shock. 
Special lightweight insoles buffer the 
pounding, while combination lasts 
provide forefoot flexibility and rear- 
foot control. Long-jump shoes, from 
Adidas, are constructed for runway 
speed (on the toes) and for hitting the 
board just right for take-off. Length 
of spikes differs with athlete, technique 
and surface. Hurdle shoes, from Puma, 
have semisymmetrical spike placement. 
Three lateral spikes provide maximum 
traction upon landing, while three others 
also come into play as the foot is rolled 
and propelled. Velcro closures allow 
greater support and flexibility. 
The Nike shot-put/hammer/discus 
shoe has a wrap-around rubber 
sole for best grip on the 
concrete or asphalt circles. To 
counter stress, there are Velcro 
cross straps that hook to the 
heel counter. The New Balance 
Spike 500, for middle- and long-dis- 
tance track racing, has a. polycthylene 
wedge for proper heel lift and protection 
against Achilles'-tendon and calf strain. 
A ПехіЫе spike plate provides the give 
and traction needed (ог longer runs. 
Center, an Adidas shoc for short sprints. 
Since sprinters run on their forefeet, the 
soles are paper-thin, giving more stabili- 
ty on the starting block. Length of spikes 
(which provide grip and traction) varies 
with the sprinter and the surface. 




meet the names who could dominate the games 

Edwin Moses (below). Undefeated for six 
years in the 400-meter hurdles, this 28- 
year-old has been waiting eight years to 
show what he can do in front of an inter- 
national audience. Expect him to try to 
steal the track-and-field limelight by best- 

ing the “impossible” 47-second barrier. 

Michael Gross (below). This 6767 
West German swimmer has suffered 
the inevitable Olympic comparisons; 
luckily, he is able to live up to the 
advance billing. His current times 
would leave Spitz dead in the water. 

Rob de Castella (above). Cuban-born 
New Yorker Alberto Salazar may be bet- 
ter known, but this Australian biophysi- 
cist beat him handily in Rotterdam last 
year. De Castella’s secret to marathon 
success: perfectly timed finishing sprints 
combined with a finely tuned intelligence. 

Rebecca Twigg (below). At 21, this 
American cyclist is known for her legend- 
ary sprint. A strong, aggressive rider, she 
took the world championship in "82. In 
this year’s 70-kilometer road race, the first 
women’s Olympic cycling event, Twigg 
and teammate Connie Carpenter give the 
U.S. squad a good shot at a medal. 

Eamonn Coghlan (right). Legendary on 
the U.S. indoor circuit, he’s an American- 
based Irishman (and disciple of Jumbo 
Elliott, the late Villanova guru) who has 
built up his outdoor game in recent years 
and expects to show his new-found 
strength in the 5000-meter competition. 

Mary Decker (far right). Combining 
grace and power, this 25-year-old Califor- 
nia native is the odds-on favorite to win 
the gold in the women’s 1500 and 3000 
meters. Her last-second sprint to the finish 
line should leave her Russian and Europe- 
an opponents fighting for second place. 

Cheryl Miller. This 63” USC round 
baller averaged 22 points and 11 rebounds 
a game in leading her team to the 
N.C.A.A. championship. With her tcam- 
mate Pam McGee also on the squad, the 
0.5. women’s team has its best shot ever. 

Carl Lewis (above). This 62" speedster 
should Ье to the Olympics what Michacl 
Jackson was to the Grammys. He has a 
good shot at equaling Jesse Owens’ four- 
gold-medal streak and becoming the first 
to break the 30-foot barrier in the long 
jump. And the smart money is on him. 

Greg Louganis (below). Favored to win 
the highboard-diving gold medal, this 
native Californian is also among the 
favorites in the springboard event. Expect 
the hometown crowd to give inspiration. 


Michael Jordan. After 
losing a heartbreaker to Bobby 
Knight’s Indiana team in the 
N.C.A.A. regionals, this 6/6” 
UNC leaper with the 19.6 
scoring average will be play- 
ing for Olympic coach Knight, 
with plans to prove he might be 
next year’s top pro prospect. 

Willie deWit. This Canadian 
heavyweight is conditioned by a 
former ring disciple of — believe 
it or not—Idi Amin. This 201- 
pound slugger is for real 

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the strongest, the fastest, the best. here are 

some athletes we'll never forget 

Jesse Owens (above). The son of an 
Alabama cotton picker, he reigned over 
Hitlers parade in the 36 Berlin games 
by meeting or setting 12 Olympic records 
and winning gold medals in the 100 and 
200 meters, long jump and sprint relay. 

Bob Beamon. This gangly American 
stunned the world in '68 by launching а 
292¥” jump (a record many thought 
would stand for years). 

Mark Spitz (above). In the '72 games, 
this cocky 22-year-old silenced the critics 
by swimming to seven gold medals—every 
one a new world record. 

Olga Korbut. With a pair of 72 gold 
medals, no one stole the hearts of more 
Olympic fans than this 88-pound Russian 
gymnast with elflike charisma. 

Oscar Robertson. With such future 
pro standouts as John Havlicek, Jerry 
Lucas and Walt Bellamy playing support- 
ing roles, “the Big O” led the greatest 
team in basketball history to an easy gold 
medal in 1960. 

Floyd Patterson. A Brooklyn reform 
school graduate, this 17-year-old middle- 
weight mesmerized boxing fans at the "52, 
games by overwhelming opponents with a 
flurry of combinations. He topped off his 
stellar performance with a first-round 
knockout to claim the gold medal. 

Paavo Nurmi. “The Phantom Finn” 
was legendary in middle- and long-dis- 
tance running in the '20 and 24 games, 
winning a total of ninc gold medals. 

Jim Thorpe. This Sac Indian from 
Oklahoma monopolized the 1912 games 
by winning both the pentathlon and the 
decathlon (a record he held for 12 years). 

Mildred “Babe” Didrikson (below). 
Voted the greatest woman athlete of the 
half century by an А.Р. poll in 1950, 
“Babe the Unbeatable” became the dar- 
ling of the "32 games by winning the finals 
of the 80-meter hurdles in a record-setting 
11.7 seconds. For an encore, she set a 
world record in the javelin and nearly won 
a third gold medal in the high jump. 

Rounding out our list of Hall of Fame 
inductees are Cassius Clay and Johnny 
Weissmuller, both of whom can also be 
found in our Sexiest Olympians section. 
"Talk about double threats. . . . 


the famous and forgotten 

experience the joy of victory and 

the agony of passing urine 

Think it's all been agony and ecstasy? 
Think again. Some of the best moments in 
Olympic history have been the just plain 
weird. Take the case of the giant wrestler 
Milo of Croton, who ate an entire bull one 
day at Olympia. Or, in modern times, the 
British boxer who couldn’t produce urine 
for a routine test. Or the German track- 
and-field star who was banned from com- 
petition for being a hermaphrodite 

This is the stuff of which Olympic mo- 
ments are made. Consider the following: 

When Argentine flyweight Pascual 
Perez learned that he was slightly over the 
weight limit to qualify for the 48 games, 

he shaved his head in an effort to lose 
valuable ounces. Shortly afterward, 
Olympic officials discovered that the scales 
had been incorrect and that Perez had 
been under the weight limit all along, 


An official questionnaire distributed to 
all 1900 Olympians queried, “Were you 
reared as an infant naturally or artificial- 
ly? What is the color of your beard? How 
strong was your grandfather?” 

In 1968, U.S. jumper Bob Beamon 
admitted having sexual intercourse the 
night before competing for the gold. The 
result: а 292%” jump—a world record. 
Said Beamon, “What do I do now?” 
While watching television in the 
Olympic Village during the '72 games, 
American sprinters Eddie Hart and Rey 
Robinson suddenly realized they were 
looking at the start of their own competi- 

tion. Panicked, they rushed out of their 
rooms, took a cab to the stadium but ar- 
rived too late. Moaned Hart, “How do you 
tell your father you aimed for something 
for two years and blew it like this?” 


The 1912 games featured a soon-to-be- 
famous entrant. Then-Lieutenant George 
5. Patton, old blood and guts himself, was 
a contestant in the pentathlon. He finished 
well in most contests but dropped to fifth 
place because of a surprisingly low score 
in one event—pistol shooting. 


Eleanor Holm, a young swimmer with 
the American team, was dismissed from 
the 1936 games in Munich for drinking 
during the boat trip from New York. 


After winning the gold in the 1972 
games in Munich, Cuban heavyweight 
boxer Teofilo Stevenson turned down a 
$2,000,000 offer to turn pro, saying, “1 
wouldn't exchange my piece of Cuba for 
all the money they could give me.” 



This is the stuff of which 
official Olympic memories are 
made. You can eat these things, 
drink them, wear them, throw 
them. They cost anywhere 
from 35 cents for a can of soda. 
to more than $5000 for a gold 
watch. Believe it or not, we've. 
induded a relatively small 
sampling here. Since souvenir 
collecting might be the 25th 
event of these games, consider 
this a warm-up. How many 
can you spot? 

Shirt and shorts (Levi 
Strauss), tie (Cervantes), sun- 
glasses (Vuarnet), hat and gym 
bag (Adidas), notebook (Stuart. 
Hall), guidebook (Access Press 
Ltd.), pen-and-pencil set (Pen- 
tel of America), gold pocket 
watch (Longines), towel 
(Designer Towels), track-and- 
field-team brass torch (Symbl- 
com), thimble (Papel Imports), 
Coca-Cola, Frisbee (Wham- 
О), key chain (Ken Norton), 
Sam the Eagle (Wallace Ber- 
rie), Snickers and M & M’s 
(M & M/Mars), Thermos 
bottle and mug (Aladdin). 


"The °84 Olympics have been on television for more than a 
year now—at least in Colorado Springs. "That's the site of the 
Olympic Training Center, where coaches have been using an 
assortment of Sanyo portable video equipment to record and 
evaluate performances. 

You may not want to get that technical in your own viewing 
of the games, but if you're a true fan, you'll want to preserve 
some of the more special moments. 

If you're about to buy а УСК, now's the time to look 
closely at special effects, the stuff of which gingerbread used to 
be made. With 188 hours of ТУ coverage over two weeks, 
there might finally be a good reason to get a 14-day-program- 
mable machine. It beats smuggling a TV into the office. Freeze 
frame and slow motion could be valuable for your own instant 
replays. One-button record will save wear and tear on your 
fingers. And remote control will mean you won't have to keep 
putting the beer down. Some tips for taping the games: 

Record at the proper speed. On many VCRs, special effects 
work on only one tape speed (usually the fastest). If you plan to 
use picture search, slow motion or freeze frame, you'll want to 
keep that in mind. 

Use memory rewind. Set the counter at 000 and keep a 
written log of where different events fall 

Edit. Use your pause control (especially if it's on remote) to 
cut out commercials and other parts of the program you can 
live without. 



To get you into the true spirit of the Olympics (not to 
mention passing the time during station breaks), we suggest 
that you create your own event. One refreshing idea is a beer- 
tasting competition. There are a lot fewer rules than in the 
official Olympic competitions; this is one event in which you 
can improvise as you go along. Here are a few pointers. 

Warm up: Even beer tasting has its rigid training. Don’t eat 
for at least an hour before the test. A sampling of plain, 
unsalted crackers and hard cheese between beers is recom- 
mended to clear the taste buds. 

Equipment: Select tall, clear tulip-shaped glasses. Be sure 
they're clean— impurities can affect taste and head. Take the 
beer out of the refrigerator about 15 minutes before tasting to 
reach the ideal temperature of 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Technique: To pour the beer, hold the can or bottle an inch 
ог two above the tilted glass and pour to the side. Correct 
pouring ensures a thick, creamy head and prevents trapping 
excess carbonation. 

Judging: Consider such qualities as aroma, hop flavor, body, 
sharpness, blandness, sweetness and mellowness. Look for a 
subtle aftertaste. 105 a matter of personal taste in this event. 

Historical footnote: In 1912, Olympic superstar Jim Thorpe 
trained on large quantities of beer. Look what it did for him. 

Armchair tip: Keep ап eye on the head. It can tell all when it 
tops a glass of beer. Look for a high and foamy head that’s long 
lasting. A sip should leave a lacelike pattern on the glass. 


(continued from page 175) 
meters high—are used only in men’s com- 
petition. In this test of agility and strength, 
both hands must leave the two oval wood- 
en (sometimes fiberglass) bars at the same 
time at least once during the exercise. 
With one continuous movement, the ath- 
lete moves from a full stop to a swinging 
movement and back again. 

The uneven parallel bars—43 centi- 
meters apart, 3.5 meters long—are used 
only in women's competition. Employing 
smooth movements, women swing from 
опе bar to another, two pauses allowed. 

The object of the men’s-only rings exer- 
cise is to swing in many different ways 
with minimal movement of the rings. 
Judges demand that all competitors per- 
form at least two handstands and at least 
опе “crucifix” (the body is upright with 
arms outstretched) from two rings that 
hang 2.5 meters above the floor. 

Used only in women’s competition, the 
wooden balance beam is five meters long, 
ten centimeters wide and 16 centimeters 
deep. Operating on a flat surface 1.2 
meters above the floor, competitors exe- 
cute handstands, runs, jumps and turns 
with only three pauses allowed. 

Used only by men, the horizontal bar is 
8'4” high and 2.4 meters long. With turns 
and changes of grip, the gymnast must 
swing nonstop, allowing his hands to leave 
the bar at least once. 

In each event, four judges score each 
gymnast independently. Maximum score 
is ten, with the highest and lowest scores 
thrown out and the average of the two 
remaining scores counting. The judges 
look for difficulty and style of execution 
and inventiveness. Penalty points are sub- 
tracted for loss of balance, bent legs or 
arms, lack of extension in movements and 
excess swinging for support. 

There are three artistic gymnastics 
competitions: team, all-round and individ- 
ual apparatus. 

In team events (competition one), 12 
men's and women’s teams—consisting of 
six members each—chosen from world 
championships vie for the judges’ scores. 
In addition, countries without national 
teams compete in four groups of six com- 
petitors. Team medals are awarded. 

All-round events (competition two) fea- 
ture the top 36 competitors—only two рег 
nation—from competition one. Scores are 
a combination of competition-one com- 
pulsories (25 percent), competition-two 
compulsories (25 percent) and competi- 

tion-two scores (50 percent). 

In individual apparatus events, the top Medal 
six competitors from team competition 
compete on one apparatus. Gold, silver 
and bronze medals are awarded for each. 

Armchair tip: Expect the women to 
steal the limelight from the men in gym- Chivas Regal * 12 Years Old Worldwide * Blended Scorch Whisky * 86 Proof. 
nastics again this year. The hidden ingre- Ro See DS SUE 
dient in this competition: charisma. 

2E rac el AE Ор някви 


Es : 

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IM (yv 65 

bU бот А PROBLEM, 


THE Way Ir Was 

(continued from page 167) 
was dominated by Pygmies. 

1906, Athens. These games were not 
considered official. Americans won 11 of 
the 20 track-and-field events. 

1908, London. Bad blood arose be- 
tween Grcat Britain and the U.S.; more 
than 2000 athletes from 22 countries par- 

1912, Stockholm. The Jim Thorpe 
games. Thorpe won pentathlon and de- 
cathlon gold medals. Electronic timing 
was introduced. 

1920, Antwerp. Held despite war-torn 
Belgium but sparsely attended. Finland 
was the big winner with legendary runner 
Paavo Nurmi. 

1924, Paris. In the Chariots of Fire 
games, swimming became important for 
the first time due to the exploits of 19- 
year-old American Johnny Weissmuller. 

1928, Amsterdam. These supercom- 
petitive games proved а welcome relief to a- 
world recovering from war. Women par- 
ticipated in track and field for the first 
time. Americans did poorly. 

1932, Los Angeles. In the Coliseum, 
18-year-old Mildred “Babe” Didrikson 
set world records in the 80-meter hurdles, 
javelin and high jump. 

1936, Berlin. After considering a boy- 
cott in protest of Hitler’s Aryan philoso- 
phy, the Americans competed anyway. 
Jesse Owens dominated the games. 

1948, London. The U.S. won 11 men’s 
track-and-field gold medals, including a 

world-record decathlon performance by 
17-year-old Bob Mathias. 

1952, Helsinki. After a 40-year ab- 
sence, the Soviets returned with 17 gold 
medals in gymnastics, weight lifting and 

1956, Melbourne. The first games ever 
held in the Southern Hemisphere. Texan 
Bobby Morrow, fighting the flu, won the 
100 and 200 meters. 

1960, Rome. Rafer Johnson squeaked 
by in the decathlon and Cassius Clay 
became the lightweight champ. 

1964, Tokyo. Dark-horse U.S. Marine 
Billy Mills won the 10,000 meters, while 
Joc Frazier, broken hand and all, won 
the heavyweight gold. 

1968, Mexico City. In the rare air, Bob 
Beamon flew to a superhuman 292%” in 
the long jump. Jimmy Hines set the 100- 
meter record at 9.95 seconds. 

1972, Munich. Eight Palestinian ter- 
rorists broke into Olympic Village and 
kidnaped a group of Israeli athletes. Sev- 
enteen people were killed and the games 
were suspended for 24 hours. Standouts 
included Olga Korbut, Mark Spitz and 
Frank Shorter. 

1976, Montreal Fierce competition. 
The Russians, heavy favorites, won only 
four track-and-field gold medals; the U.S. 
won six. Gymnast Nadia Comaneci and 
boxer Sugar Ray Leonard starred. 

1980, Moscow. To protest the Soviet in- 
vasion of Afghanistan, more than 62 nations. 
boycotted. East Germany and the U.S.S.R. 
won 127 gold medals in the U.S.'s absence. 


(continued from page 170) 
also against “the wall" (also called “the 
bear") —the psychological breaking point 
that most runners face after a few miles. 
Strategy in both of these races (and pre- 
sumably in the new women's 3000-meter) 
will consist of grabbing the lead carly and 
trying to hang on to it, taking a spot in the 
middle of the pack and making a move 
later ог running from the rear of the pack 
and waiting for a lengthy final kick. In the 
last straightaway, a runner cannot change 
lanes unless he or she is about to pass 
another runner. 


Olympic Record 

Men: 2:09:55 (1976, Waldemar Cierpinski, 
East Germany) 

Women: new event 

Currently the most fashionable and 
talked-about event on the Olympic track- 
and-field agenda, the marathon tradition- 
ally covers just over 26 miles of varied 
terrain. Marathoners wear special spike- 
less racing flats with heel cushions built 
up three quarters of an inch and soles with 
built-in “waffles” for traction. Most run- 
ners wear white (to reflect the sun) nylon 
shorts with pockets to carry candy bars 
and extra shoelaces. This year's mara- 
thoners will be treated to a particularly 
scenic course: The official starting point 
will be Santa Monica College, and six 
miles of the course will run along the cool 
Pacific Ocean, eventually (and dramati- 
cally) ending at the Coliseum in time for 
the closing ceremonies. The most impor- 
tant marathon strategy consists of sticking 
to a strictly defined game plan and being 
able to step up the pace for the last quarter. 


Olympic Records 

20-kilometer walk; 1:23:35.5 (1980, Mauri- 
zio Damilano, Italy) 

5O-kilometer walk: 3:49:24 (1980, Hartwig 
Gauder, East Germany) 

The oddest-looking of all Olympic 
track-and-field events, "race walking” is 
an art for the most rugged of athletes. 
Rules require that all competitors must 
have a part of one foot on the ground at all 
times and that the leg hitting the track be 
straightened for at least one second. The 
subjective nature of this call makes the 20- 
and 50-kilometer walks the hardest events 
for officials to judge. 

Olympic Records 
Men: 310'4" (1976, Miklas Nemeth, Hunga- 

224'5" (1980, Maria Colon, 

The lightest implement in throwing 
events, the spear-shaped javelin used in 

men’s competition is 810%” long and 
weighs one pound, 12 ounces; the wom- 
en's javelin is 7/614" long, one pound, 
10.16 ounces. The shaft of the javelin itself 
is made of metal alloy or wood. 

Rules state that the spear must be 
thrown above the shoulder or the upper 
part of the throwing arm and not slung or 
hurled sidearm. Each competitor is al- 
lowed three qualifying trials and six final 
tries. There are three commonly used 
grips: The javelin is held on the palm with 
index finger and thumb behind the cord 
grip or on the palm between the index and 
second fingers or against the index finger 
on the same side as the thumb. 

There are four steps to javelin chuck- 
ing: the run-up (a distance of some 120 
feet to build momentum), the carry (there 
are three positions for holding the javelin: 
above the shoulder, closer to shoulder level 
or with arm down and extended back), the 
approach and braking and the throw. The 
spear is whipped forward on the throw 
behind the strength of the rear leg. 

Olympic Records 
Men. 70'0 ^ (1980, Vladimir Kiselyov, 

Women: 73’6%” (1980, Попа Slupianek, 
East Germany) 

Perhaps the most disciplined of Olym- 
pic field sports, shot-put takes place 

within a sunken seven-foot circle. 

The shot itself is a brass or iron ball, 
weighs 16 pounds and is five inches in 
diameter; the women’s version is four and 
a quarter inches and weighs 8.8 pounds. 

There are several popular shot-putting 
techniques, all of which are permissible as 
long as the ball is pushed and not thrown 
and as long as no part of the athlete's body 
leaves the seven-foot circle. The shot also 
has to land in a 45-degree circle 

Most shot-putters hold the ball at the 
base of their middle three fingers, using 
the thumb and the small finger for sup- 
port. Putters begin by standing at the back 
of the circle with the shot tucked under the 
neck, just beneath the jaw. 

The most popular technique is called 
the O’Brien shift (after the U.S.A.’s Parry 
O'Brien, the first shot-putter to turn his 
back to the landing area). In it, the putter 
bends down over his right leg before going 
into "the glide” а drive off the right leg 
that results in the right foot’s landing near 
the center of the circle and the left foot’s 
slamming against a four-foot-wide stop- 
board at the front of the circle. The 
O’Brien shift (which takes three seconds) 
ends when the shot is let go at a 40-degree 
angle off a fully extended right hand. 


Olympic Records 
Men: 224' (1976, Mac Wilkins, U.S.A.) 

Women: 229'6" (1980, Evelin Jahl, East 

The discus is a highly technical event 
requiring skill, talent, balance, timing and 
strength. Working within a U-shaped cage 
shared by hammer throwers and compris- 
ing six or more panels of synthetic netting 
or steel wire, competitors hurl the discus 
through an opening in the cage into a 
legal-throw sector marked by chalk lines. 

‘Discus throwers begin by standing— 
feet 12 to 20 inches apart—at the back of 
an eight-foot-plus-diameter circle looking 
away from the direction of the throw. The 
throw begins with a running rotation, a 
counterclockwise movement that shifts the 
weight from the right foot to the left with 
the discus extended behind the whirling 
body. As the thrower finishes the full turn 
with his right foot back on the ground, the 
whirling motion is quickly increased. 
With his feet now 36 inches apart, he 
turns his shoulder and whips around his 
throwing arm. The thrower releases the 
discus with a hard wrist snap; a 30-to- 
35-degree angle is considered ideal. 

The discus itself is made of fiberglass or 
hardwood and weighs four pounds, six 
ounces (the women’s discus weighs just 
over two pounds). 


Olympic Record 
268'4" (1980, Yuri Sedykh, 

Known in layman's circles as the ball- 
and-chain event, the hammer comprises а 

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16-pound ball, a wire shaft and a handle: 
total length, 3°11”. The hammer has а 
head of solid iron or a shell filled with 
lead. Throwers wear a fingerless leather 
glove with a reinforced palm. 

Standing at the rear of a seven-foot cir- 
cle in a netted cage, the slinger grips the 
handle with both hands and turns his back 
to the throwing line. After a series of bent- 
knee preliminary swings, the first turn 
begins when the hammer's head is at its 
lowest point; the second turn is made fast- 
er than the first to increase velocity; and 
by the third turn, the thrower is a blur of 
action. As the final turn is completed, both 

feet are on the ground and the hammer is 
ripped from the thrower’s hands with a 
last-second forearm flick. 

Olympic Records 
Men: 7’8%” (1980, Gerd Wessig, East Ger- 
Women: 65%” (1980, Sara Simeoni, Italy) 

The high jump is an event of simplistic 
charm: You have to go over the bar with- 
out knocking it off its supports. Thanks to 
the invention of “the Fosbury Flop” by 
American Dick Fosbury in the '68 Mexico 
City games, the high-jump record has 

When “good enough" just isn’t gaod епо! 

Ф © 1984, Fuji America 118 Bauer Dr.. Oakland, NJ 07436 

been pushed nearly nine inches since the 
days of the old “straddle” style. 

‘The event’s phases are the approach, 
the take-off and the clearance of the bar. 

The approach depends on whether the 
jumper is using the flop or the straddle 
method. Straddle jumpers start 50 feet 
from the bar and take seven strides before 
take-off; floppers start at 70 feet and run 
along a curved path. 

The straddle is basically a forward 
pitch and roll. The chanciest part of it is 
making sure the trailing leg makes it over 
the bar. 

The flop calls for a faster approach and 
а belly-up backward thrust over the bar. 
The key here is а well-arched back. 

Jumpers wear special spiked shoes 
created specifically with the sole of the 
take-off foot built up for better leverage. 

A jumper can pass on the lower heights 
and enter the competition when he or she 
feels the height is right. Jumpers get three 
tries at a given height. Miss all three and 
they’re out. 


ic Record 
18114" (1980, Wladyslaw Kozakiewicz, 

In pole vaulting, the athlete attempts to 
turn linear movement into upward move- 
ment by deriving energy from the plant 
and bend of the pole. 

A vaulter grips the pole with both 
hands and sprints some 150 feet down a 
synthetic surface. Some three to four 
strides from the sunken planting area, he 
lifts the pole from his waist to directly over 
his head. Here, the bend of the pole 
begins. A second later, the vaulter rocks 
back as his legs go up to form a handstand 
in the air. With the pole now bent back, 
the vaulter thrusts up in an explosive 
motion that ends with a full handstand, 
the body turned toward the crossbar. 
‘Turning belly down to the bar, the vaulter 
gets legs over first, then hips and torso. 
Both arms push the pole away. 

Until the 19th Century and the advent 
of bamboo, poles were made of hickory or 
ash. By the Forties, steel had replaced 
bamboo; and after World War Two, 
fiberglass came along and radically 
changed the sport, quickly adding a foot 
and a half to the existing world record. 

Once а minimum is established, com- 
petitors can skip the lower heights, if they 
choose, and return at a higher height. In a 
tie at a given height, the man with fewer 
jumps wins the superior medal. 

The landing pit, once consisting of saw- 
dust and wood shavings, is now made out 
of foam rubber. 

Olympic Records 
Long jump (men): 29/214" (1968, Bob Bea- 

mon, U.S.A.) 
Long jump (women): 23/2” (1980, Tatyana 

Kolpakava, U.S.S.R.) 
Triple jump (men only): 570%” (1968, Vik- 
tor Saneyev, U.S.S.R.) 

The goal of long jumpers is to convert 
horizontal force into an upward jump. 
Body language is employed to gain greater 
distance. There are four parts to the long 
jump: the run-up (in which the jumper 
starts from a relaxed posture and turns 
into flat-out sprint), the take-off (the 
jumper leaves the leaning position in the 
last three to four strides, rises erect and 
shortens the final stride), the flight (there 
are several mid-air positions) and the 
landing (arms thrust forward and rear end 
arched to get every fraction of an inch). 

The three mid-air styles are sailing 
(legs together in a sitting position), hang- 
ing (a lead-leg-sweeping action) and the 
hitch kick (the jumper runs in place). 

‘The triple jump is made up of three 
rhythmic actions: the hop, the step and the 
jump. After gaining speed on a runway, 
the jumper must hit a seven-and-three- 
quarter-inch Plasticine take-off board for 
proper projection and then jump in one 
continuous flow until reaching the moist- 
sand landing pit. Three qualifying jumps 
and six final trials are allowed. 


Olympic Record 
8617 points (1976, Bruce Jenner, U.S.A.) 

‘The mystique of the decathlon is unsur- 
passed in Olympic competition. Each con- 
testant is required to prove his skill in ten 
separate events: the 100 meters, the long 
jump, the shot-put, the high jump, the 400 
meters, the discus, the 110-meter hurdles, 
the pole vault, the javelin and the 1500 
meters. The competition is held over two 
days, with five events per day and a 30- 
minute rest period between events. 

Much to the chagrin of many purists, 
the ten events do not carry the same point 
value; speed and leaping ability have 
greater value than power or endurance. 

Chance also plays а role. Running-event 
heats, for example, are drawn by lots— 
therefore, a decathlete who is last to high 
jump may be first in the 400-meter sprint. 

To stand a chance of winning, the 
decathlete must be heavily muscled, mak- 
ing the pole vault, the 400 meters, the 1500 
meters and the javelin throw—traditionally 
not big men’s events—nightmarish con- 
tests for these large individuals. 


In 1984, the women’s pentathlon will 
become the seven-event heptathlon, incor- 
porating the 100-meter hurdles, 800- 
meter run, long jump, high jump, 
shot-put, javelin and 200-meter dash. 

Their secret lies within 
their sole. 

Reporters, police depart- 
ments, even a famous 
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our famous TV gunshot 
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introducing alpine mobile security systems 

Three ultimate system: 


(continued from page 173) 

direct hookup with the starter's gun and 
the contact pads located against the wall at 
the pool’s end. 

The most artistic of the new "84 events 
promises to be the women’s synchronized 
swimming. Swimmers will compete in 
duets (one duet per nation) in both com- 
pulsory (without music) and innovative 
routines, to be judged by a panel of experts 
on а zero-to-ten-point sliding scale. Many 
routines are performed upside down un- 
derwater and include such aquatic ma- 
neuvers as the swordfish, the porpoise, the 
herto and the albatross. 

Historical footnote: After being hailed 
as an innovative breakthrough in the early 
Sixties, the somersault maneuver (in 
which swimmers twist around entirely 
after pushing off the pool wall) was 
banned in the ’64 games but reinstated Гог 
the 68 games. 

Armchair tip: Symmetry is everything 
in swimming events. Watch for swimmers 
who are able to keep their shoulders in 
line with the surface of the water while 
moving their arms and legs simulta- 

1980 Olympic Champions 
Men's springboord: Aleksondr Portnov 
Women's springboord: Irina Kolinina 

Men's plotform: Falk Hoffmann (East Ger- 

Women's platform: Martina Joschke (East 

With athletes hurling themselves down- 
ward at speeds of up to 50 mph (and with 
disaster only inches away), diving may be 
the most dangerous Olympic event 

In springboard diving, competitors 
spring off a plank 16 feet long and 20 
inches wide. In platform diving, partici- 
pants push off from a solid construction 
some 19 feet long, six feet wide and more 
than 30 feet above the water. 

There arc two categories of required 
dives: voluntary dives with degree-of-diffi- 
culty limits and voluntary dives without 
degrec-of-difficulty limits. 

With limits: In springboard, each com- 
petitor must complete a forward, a back- 
ward, a reverse, an inward and a twisting 
dive—with the degree of difficulty for 
each dive adding up to not more than 9.6. 
Platform competitors choose four dives 
(from the six available styles) with a 
degree of difficulty not exceeding 7.6. 

Without limits: In springboard, men 
make six dives; women, five. From the 
platform, men perform six dives; women, 

There are five major dives: forward 
(body faces water, dive forward), reverse 
(body faces forward, rotates back to the 
board before dive), inward (body rotates 

inward with back to the water), twisting 
(body twists in the air), handstand (diver 
starts from a handstand—platform only). 

After seven judges register their scores 
(from zero for a failed dive to ten for per- 
fection), the high and low scores are 
discounted and the remaining scores are 
multiplied by a coefficient determined by 
the degree of difficulty of the attempted 
dive. According to the Olympic table, dif- 
ficulty of dives ranges from а high of 3.5 to 
a low of 1.2. Look for high scores from 
divers who successfully execute such dare- 
devil maneuvers as a forward one-and-a- 
half somersault with three twists, a back 
one-and-a-half somersault with a two- 

and-a-half or a three-and-a-half twist or a 
reverse twister with a back two-and-a-half 
or three-and-a-half twist. 

There are four steps to every successful 
dive: the start (diver is fully erect), the 
sprint (diver takes off, gathering 
maximum spring), the flight (diver cleanly 
executes point-gathering maneuver) and 
the entry (diver enters the water cleanly). 

Historical footnote: Once a sure thing, 
the U.S.A’s string of 11 straight spring- 
board victories was broken in the 1972 
Munich games by Soviet Vladimir Vasin. 

Armchair пр: Diving rule of thumb: 
The less splash upon entering the water, 
the better the dive. (continued overleaf) 

When it’s time for a new stylus 

A good stereo can last a lifetime. Except 
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Replacing your stylus regularly is 
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This time, add just a few dollars and en- 
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Men shoot two rounds of 36 arrows at 
each of four distances: 90, 70, 50 and 30 
meters. Women shoot a single round of 36 
arrows at 70, 60, 50 and 30 meters. Key to 
success: a combination of arm strength and 
steadiness of hand. 


Canoeists propel their open boats by 
paddling single-bladed paddles on each 
side. In kayak events, competitors propel 
themselves from an enclosed boat with a 
double-bladed paddle. Key to success in 
both: coordination and clean strokes. 


There are two types of events: road гас- 
ing and track racing. The three road races 
are the 62-mile team time trial, the 108.7- 
mile individual road race and the women’s 
43.49-mile race. The five track races are 
the 1093.6-yard match sprint, the 1093.6- 
yard individual time trial, the 4374.4-yard 
individual pursuit, the 4374.4-yard team 
pursuit and the 31-mile point race. Key to 
success: “drafting” until the moment to 
pass is right 


Riders and their horses team up to com- 
bine strength and courage in a multiple- 
event program that includes jumping 
six-foot fences and water hazards. Often 
misperceived as gentrified sports, the 
equestrian events are some of the most 
dangerous. Key to success: smoothness in 
transition between movements. 


Меп use the foil, ёрёе and saber in sep- 
arate events; women compete only with 
the foil. Tournaments are run on a round- 
robin basis and matches are won by the 
first. fencer to score five touches. Key to 
success: dexterity and aggressiveness. 


Field hockey is played with 11 competi- 
tors on a side and is divided into two 35- 
minute halves. On a field measuring 
60 x 100 yards, competitors use three-foot 
sticks to advance a small ball up the field 
and into the goal. Key to success: As in ice 
hockey, the team that is able to maintain 
possession is likely to control the match. 

Olympic soccer is played with 11 men 

on a side in two 45-minute halves. Players 
must move the ball up the field with their 

head, feet, chest and other body parts 
only the goalie may use his hands. But you 
knew all that, right? Key to success: а 
tough playmaking goalie 


In handball, considered by some a cross 
between soccer and basketball, team mem- 
bers move a near-soccer-sized ball down 
an indoor court and throw it past a goal- 
keeper in order to score. Players are 
allowed to hold the ball for only three sec- 
onds at a time. The game is played by six 
court players and one goalkeeper in two 
30-minute (women, 25-minute) halves. 
Key to success: As in basketball, teams 
that are quick and in sync ere likely to 


А competitor wins а match by holding 
an opponent immobile on his back for 30 
seconds. Scoring is complex. Key to suc- 
cess: long hours and commitment to the 
judo lifestyle. 


In this event, a man sets out on a horse. 
His first encounter comes when he’s 
forced off his horse to fight a duel with 
swords. After he escapes, he is trapped 
again and forced to shoot his way out 
with a pistol. After that, he swims 300 
meters and runs two and a half miles. 

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Sounds like a video game. Key to success: 
incredible athletic prowess and a penchant 
for the highly unorthodox. 


Competition is in eight categories: sin- 
gle sculls, double sculls, quadruple sculls 
with coxswain (women only), pair-oared 
shell without coxswain, pair-oared shell 
with coxswain, four-oared shell with cox- 
swain, four-oared shell without coxsw: 
and eight-oared shell with coxswain. Key 
to success: clean, precise movements. The 
smaller the splash, the better the effort. 


Eighty countries will send more than 
1100 shooters to compete in ten events 
ranging [rom pistol shooting to rifle shoot- 
ing t0 game-target shooting. For the first 
time in Olympic history, there will be a 
women's shooting division. Key to success 
varies with event, but intense concentra- 
tion means a steady hand. 


Seven-member teams try to put a 28- 
inch ball in their opponent’s goal while 
competing in a 33-by-22-yard pool. Only 
the goalie may handle the ball with both 
hands. Key to success: The best teams fea- 
ture players who can specialize while 
playing a team-style game. 


Matches consist of the best three out of 
five sets. A team wins a set with a score of 
15 points, but the winning margin has to 
be two points or more. Six players on each 
team hit the ball over the 3/3” net in an 
attempt to keep it alive. Key to success 
rides with the team’s setter, the equivalent 
of basketball's playmaking guard 


Each of seven yachting classes is re- 
quired to run seven races over roughly a 
12-mile course. Lowest point total wins 
(Boardsailing will make its debut as an 
Olympic demonstration and medal event 
in L.A.) Key to success: physical stamina 
and an ability to read weather conditions 


Festivities begin with a round-robin 
tournament from which six countries will 
emerge to play in the finals. Key to suc- 
cess: knowing how the other team thinks 
in crucial situations. 


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This will be an open competition 
fessionals will be allowed to compete. But 
there’s a catch: Participants m 
years old or younger. Key to success: As in 
baseball, a competitor who knows his 
opponent's game will have an advantage. 

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"Clamshell models are popular with people who exer- 
cise their creativity from halfway up the Matterhorn.” 

a shower stall. And with a tripod or other 
sturdy mount, the built-in self-timer lets 
you enter your own depiction of the bath- 
er's decisive moment. 

The HD-S lists at $285, but you'll 
almost never find it bearing that price tag. 
While we quote list prices in this articte, 
just about all the equipment can be 
obtained for considerably less. 

"There are other water-resistant cam- 
eras. Minolta's Weathermatic A, for ex- 
ample, is a 110 cartridge-loading model 
(our emphasis here is on 35mm) and, of 
course, the Nikonos is Nikon's full- 
fledged undersea machine. Being a full- 
fledged Nikon, it is priced accordingly. 

However, the time-honored axiom that 
Nikon is expensive is no longer universal- 
ly applicable. Like most manufacturers, 
Nikon has entered the so-called leaf- 
shutter-camera market (the shutter 15 

within the lens, where it doubles as the 
lens-aperture blades). This market fea- 
tures simplified construction at moderate 
prices. Yet, owing to the wonders of the 

electronic age, these latter-day Brownies 
have the sophisticated technology that 
makes them swift in operation and accu- 
rate in results. 

Nikon’s economy model, a little brother 
of the L35AF shown on page 120, is des- 
ignated the L135AF, though it has been 
dubbed the Nice Touch (a name we would 
somehow have associated instead with a 
camera you can take into the shower). It 
also has programed exposure control, 
built-in electronic flash and а semiwide- 
angle lens—in this case, a 35mm f/3.5. 
Several other features also heighten the 
ease and speed of operation. 

For example, it has a built-in motor 
drive that automatically advances the film 
in about cight tenths of a second. The 
advantage of this is that you can keep the 
camera at your eye and continue shooting, 
directing all your attention toward identi- 
fying that decisive moment. An infrared 
beam provides automatic focusing, so that 
photographer, subject or both can be in 
movement while the camera sharp-shoots. 

“A good throw by Campbell, 
who is in a drug-rehabilitation program, 
and it’s caught by Sanchez, at first base, who 
hasn't had a drink in six weeks.” 

The 1135АЕ also has an automatic 
loading system and it will even automati- 
cally rewind your film into its 35mm car- 
tridge at the end of the roll. While auto 
rewind may at first seem a decadent luxu- 
ry, it offers a critical safety factor for the 
absent-minded. It’s all too easy to forget to 
rewind the film and open the camera with 
the film stretched across и. At the very 
least, you would lose four or five shots to 
light streaking. The list price of the 
L135AF is $162. 

Highly similar in general features is the 
Ricoh FF-3AF, listing at $215. Like the 
Nikon, the Ricoh is onc of the few cameras 
of its type that can accept the 1000-speed 
films from Kodak and 3M (Fuji has intro- 
duced a 1600-speed film that exceeds the 
metering ability of all but the final two 
cameras featured in this article). Ricoh 
has just introduced two accessory lenses 
that snap on over the standard lens: One is 
а close-up, one is a telephoto 

Close cousins 10 cameras of the leaf- 
shutter breed are the so-called clamshell 
cameras, such as the Pentax PC35AF 
(which also has a name, the Sport 35). 
While the Nikon and Ricoh models have 
built-in lens covers, the clamshell types 
possess sliding covers that practically en- 
gulf the camera when closed. The Pentax 
version has auto exposure, auto infrared 
focusing and built-in flash. Its 35mm lens 
has an f/2.8 maximum aperture. The 
Sport 35 has a back-light compensation 
button that causes the aperture to open 
one and one half stops more than thc 
meter advises, for more accurate expo- 
sures of subjects when strong light comes 
from behind. And although an auto wind- 
er is available, it is an option rather than 
an integral accessory. 

A поуе|- indeed, seemingly unique for 
this level of camera—variation of the 
Sport 35 is the Sport 35 Date, with the 
ability to imprint photographs with 
the date or time of day the picture was 
taken. For snap shooters who haul thc 
camera out only cvery so often and spend a 
year using up a roll, this can Бс worth 
while for documenting scenes or people 
long forgotten. Anniversaries and parties 
looked back upon years later also can ben- 
efit from dating, as can many photographs 
taken for professional or legal reasons. 
List price of the Sport 35 is $169; for the 
auto winder, $38. The Sport 35 Date 
comes with auto winder included at $225. 

The clamshell cover affords complete 
protection, sheltering the camera from the 
hard knocks of your backpack or back 
pocket and eliminating the worry of losing 
a lens cover. For that reason, clamshell 
models are popular with people who exer- 
cise their creativity from, say, halfway up 
the Matterhorn. One of the most profes- 
sional clamshells—among the pioneers of 
its type—is the Olympus XA (list price, 
$200). Focusing is manual by range find- 
er, film advance is manual and the flash i 
an external clip-on unit. The XA, inci- 
dentally, uses aperture-priority exposure 

automation. АП the others mentioned so 
far use programed automation, with 
which the camera decides on both lens and 
shutter settings. In aperture priority, the 
photographer sets the lens (from £/2.8 to 
#/22 on the XA) and the camera selects 
the matching shutter speed. This has 
become the preferred form of automation 
among most professionals, because lens 
settings influence the depth of field (the 
range of sharpness behind and in front of 
the point actually focused upon). Such а 
degree of creative control is uncommon in 
these litle whip-’em-out cameras. 

Vivitar produces a clamshell model, the 
TEC 35, which has a feature that is handy 
for spontaneous action: the smart flash 
"This is a built-in flash that automatically 
pops up into working position when the 
camera senses its need and automatically 
retracts once prevailing light brightens up. 
The camera is equipped with a 35mm 
£/2.8 lens, auto exposure and focus, motor 
drive and rewind. List price is $239.95. 

One of the newest clamshells is the 
Konica AA-35, nicknamed Double Take, 
which apparently refers to its half-frame 
format: The pictures are half the regular 
35mm size. Half frame enjoyed a surge of 
popularity several years ago that has since 
slackened off. But now that Kodak, Fuji 
and 3M have all produced high-resolution 
films, a.half-frame camera can achieve 
almost the same picture quality as a full- 
frame counterpart could three years ago. 

The nicest thing about half frame is 
that it doubles a film’s capacity: А 30- 
exposure roll becomes a 72-exposure roll. 
The half-frame format gives you, in effect, 
more mileage to the gallon. Auto exposure 
and focus, motorized film advance and 
rewind, 24mm f/4 lens and built-in flash 
round out the Double Take's major fea- 
tures. The price is $150. 

Another recent half-frame arrival is the 
Anscomark/135. It is not a clamshell 
design, but it does have one unique fea- 
ture: Instead of advancing the film after 
cach exposure, it retards it. When the film 
is loaded into the camera, the motor drive 
automatically winds it to the end. "Then, 
picture by picture, the film is rewound 
into the 35mm cartridge. If you were to 
accidentally open the body, most of your 
shots would be protected inside the car- 
tridge. Listing at $132.95, the camera also 
includes flash, auto exposure and a 24mm 
1/3.5 lens. 

АП the cameras described so far have 
separate-window view finders and non- 
changeable lenses. These are among the 
attributes that make them so conveniently 
pocketable, ready for operation wherever 
and whenever inspiration strikes. And 
although interesting results can be ob- 
tained with them, many people insist that 
a single-lens-reflex model is the true “сге- 
ator’s” camera. Through-the-lens viewing, 
reveals the frame area and depth of field 
accurately. But more to the point, SLR is 
the gateway to the most expansive array of 
lenses in the world. Many pros pick their 

cameras not for the cameras themselves 
but because of the lenses with which they 
can be fitted. 

Powerful telephotos, zoom lenses in 
telephoto and wide-angle ranges, ultra- 
wide-angle lenses for а forced perspective, 
bellows and extension tubes for extreme 
close-up work and macrolenses for copy 
work all are among the choices available 
to the SLR owner. No, you don’t have to 
have an SLR for photographic creativity. 
But it does greatly expand the universe in 
which you can be creative. 

The Canon T50 is as simple and as 
automated as anything described so far, 
making it a gateway mechanism into 
SLR-dom. It accepts all but four of the 
nearly 60 lenses in the Canon line, includ- 
ing the recently introduced 20-35mm 
f/3.5 zoom, the widest-angle zoom to 
reach the market so far, Programed auto 
exposure, integral motor drive and shutter 
speeds from two seconds to one thousandth 
of a second are among (Не T50’s features. 
List price with 50mm f/1.8 lens is $299. 

The olta X-570 is an advanced 
SLR that begins to encroach on the pro- 
fessional domain. Its list price is in the 
$400 range, but discounters offer it for just 
under $200. Like the T50, the X-570 
gives access to an outstanding line of 
optics—in this case, the Minolta lenses. 
But distinguishing it from all cameras 
mentioned so far is its possession of off- 
the-film-plane flash-exposure readings. 

Most automatic flash systems read their 
light output through separate sensor 
windows. The advantage of O.T.F.P. me- 
tering is the same as in SLR viewing: 
What you get is what you see. The expo- 
sure is tailored 10 the lens's exact field of 

view, making it more accurate. Integrating 
the flash output. with strong room light 
and even daylight (when flash is used for 
fill purposes) is more positively conducted. 
And multiple-lens apertures (rather than 
the single or couple to which external- 
sensing flash is restricted) can be used. 
This permits flash photography to include 
depth-of-field control to even a greater 
degree than daylight photography. (If you 
need the depth of field of [/22, you cannot 
command the sun to supernova, but you 
can force the flash to pump out more 

Nearly all the SLR manufacturers of- 
fer at least one model with O.T.F.P. flash 
readings. Predictably, а lot of these instru- 
ments have price tags nearing the strato- 
sphere, and justifiably so. They are fine, 
extremely advanced photographic tools. 
The X-570 can be considered an entry- 
level camera into state-of-the-art photo- 
graphic resources and potentials. 

Ultimately, though, it is the mind, the 
heart and soul, the inner eye of the pho- 
tographer that creates the photograph. 
The proof of that is the immortal compo- 
sitions of such turn-of-the-century pho- 
tographers as Alfred Stieglitz and Alice 
Austen, whose cameras were large, cum- 
bersome and slow-moving and whose 
operating capabilities were far more re- 
stricted than anything in this article. You 
still need vision, a tad of skill and even a 
mite of experience to do more than mun- 
dane work with modern cameras. But the 
point is that with their automatic this and 
motorized that, these little whiz-bangs are 
working in your favor. 

“Have you noticed the increased number of women 
returning to the work force? 




(continued from page 122) 

“Ехрес! the Campbells to bring win-hungry Oilers 
Jans опе of the most surprising teams in the league.” 

The departure of quarterback. Brian 
Sipe for the U.S.F.L. is unlamented. His 
replacement, Paul McDonald, will proba- 
bly do a better job. The Browns’ chronic 
problems at defensive end will be amelio- 
rated by the off-season acquisition of 
veteran Carl Hairston, The linebacking 
corps is superb, but the secondary needs a 
lot of help. Prize rookies Don Rogers and 
Chris Rockins will step right in to solve 
that problem. 

All in all, it looks like a red-letter year 
for the Browns, 

This will be a very iffy pre-season in 
Pittsburgh. Chances for a successful cam- 
paign depend largely on whether or not 
quarterback Terry Bradshaw is fully ге- 
covered from elbow surgery. If he isn’t, 
David Woodley and Mark Malone will 
compete for the job, but neither can ade- 
quately replace longtime hero Bradshaw. 

Other offensive problems include short- 
ages of quality tackles and wide receivers. 
Two draftees, Louis Lipps and Weegie 
Thompson, will snare their share of 
passes, but the only promising rookie line- 
man is Terry Long. 

Pittsburgh’s defensive unit and kicking 
game are both top grade. The Steelers 
have made the play-offs ten of the past 12 
years, and with a little luck, they could do 
it again. But don’t bet more than a couple 
of Rolling Rock beers on it. 

With just three wins in two seasons, the 
Houston franchise is desperate for man- 
power. The Oilers have an unbelievable 
string of road losses covering three full 

Houston’s future is in the hands of two 
Campbells: Earl, the runner (one of the 
best in the history of the game), and 
Hugh, the new coach 

Coach Campbell succeeded in signing 
quarterback Warren. Mcon, who played 
for him in Edmonton. Moon was the best 
passer in Canadian Football League his- 
tory and could be equally impressive in 
Houston. He will benefit from the Oilers’ 
only adequacy, a respectable offensive 
line, which this year is further strength- 
ened by superrookie Dean Steinkuhler. 

Campbell is a soft-spoken, methodical 
coach who uses brains instead of bluster. 
His rebuilding job will be made easier by 
the fact that the Oilers had several early- 
round draft choices last May. Rookie tack- 
le Doug Smith will be a terror in the 
defensive line, and Bo Eason will provide 
sure-handed help in the secondary. 

In short, expect the Campbells to bring 

win-hungry Oilers fans one of the most 
surprising teams in the league. 

The immediate future looks bleak in 
Cincinnati. Several Bengals starters have 
defected to the U.S.F.L., are playing out 
their contracts or have been traded. New 
coach Sam Wyche must deal with a con- 
servative and tightfisted management that 
bitterly resists the skyrocketing salary de- 
mands of players. He will have a tough 
time getting new, high-priced help, either 
by trade or through the draft. 

The Bengals’ prime offensive weapon, 
quarterback Ken Anderson, will soon 
have го be replaced. Turk Schonert is the 
Bengals’ quarterback of the future and 
might even take the starting job this year. 
Stanley Wilson, who was hurt much of 
last season, will replace Pete Johnson as 
the club's prime running back. 

Two first-round draft choices, lineback- 
er Ricky Hunley and end Peter Koch, will 
add teeth to the Cincinnati defensive unit. 
Another first-rounder, offensive lineman 
Brian Blados, should be a starter by зса- 
son's end. 


Los Angeles Raiders 
Seatlle Seahawks 

Denver Broncos 

San Diego Chargers .... 
Kansas City Chiels . . 

There are two keys to the Raiders’ 
ongoing success. First, their scouts are 
seemingly omniscient—they rarely make a 
bad draft choice or trade. Second, the team 
plays well enough to win most of its games 
during the season. Then the adrenaline 
starts flowing during the play-offs. A 
superb defensive unit that enjoys its bad- 
guy image certainly doesn’t hurt. 

Jim Plunkett will run the offense again, 
but Marc Wilson is the Raiders’ Q.B. of 
the future. Receiver Cliff Branch is 36 
now, but he still plays as if he were 18. 

A large portion of the credit for the 
Raiders’ success belongs to coach Tom 
Flores. Flores doesn't get much media 
attention, because he's always being up- 
staged by the leather-jacketed posturing of 
owner АГ Davis, but he has won two 
Super Bowls in five years. Flores is the 
only Hispanic head coach in N.F.L. his- 
tory and the only one whose parents were 
migrant farm workers. Don’t be surprised 
if his Raiders migrate north in January— 
to the Stanford campus—for another Su- 
per Bowl. But don’t be surprised, either, if 
the Dolphins replace them as A.F.C 

champs. The bad guys don’t always win. 

The Seahawks’ sudden resurrection last 
fall was the result of numerous personnel 
and attitudinal changes. Coach Chuck 
Knox made assiduous trades, bringing in 
several toughened veterans who became 
emotional leaders. As a result, the Sea- 
hawks played above their heads, defeating 
the Raiders twice during the regular 
season but caving in to the Raiders’ theat- 
rical savagery (and to the unaccustomed 
realization that they—the lowly Sea- 
hawks—were Super Bowl contenders) in 
the play-offs. 

Like the legendary phoenix, the Sea- 
hawks are on the rise. After last year's 
upheaval and restructuring, there is now 
an air of confidence and stability among 
the players. 

Seattle’s main problem is shallowness 
everywhere, especially in the offensive line 
and the secondary. A predatory nose 
guard would help, too, but none was avail- 
able in the draft. Rookie Terry Taylor 
will join the N.F.L. as a starter in the 

The Broncos are a team in the turmoil 
of transition. Thirteen rookies made the 
squad last year; six others were on the 
injured-reserve list. Many of the young- 
sters profited from their early combat 
exposure, especially quarterback John El- 
way, who, no matter how many boos he’s 
heard, is a certain future superstar. One of 
Elway’s main targets is Steve Watson, 
who is one of the best receivers in the 
league but doesn’t get much attention from 
press or fans. 

Several of this year’s rookies will see 
mucho minutes, because the venerable 
Orange Crush defense is suffering the in- 
roads of age. Three draftces—defensive 
tackle Andre Townsend and defensive 
backs Tony Lilly and Randy Robbins— 
will log a lot of playing time this year. 

The San Diego Chargers probably will 
not suffer а repeat of last year's cataclys- 
mic injury epidemic, but the malaise left 
over from a dismal and depressing season 
may be too much to overcome. 

Quarterback Dan Fouts seems fully 
recovered, and his substitute, Ed Luther, 
profited from a year on the firing line 
Many members of the squad, however, 
are beginning to suffer from advancing 
years. The defensive unit traditionally 
dreadful—won’t improve until the coach- 
ing staff quits using the draft to reinforce 
an already excellent offense. The 
Chargers acquired a linebacker and two 
defensive linemen іп off-season trades 
with the Giants and the Jets (moving from 
Sewer City to San Diego must be a heav- 
enly experience), and the draft produced 
defensive back Mossy Cade and lineback- 
er Mike Guendling. With help from them, 
maybe San Diego can hold opponents to 
fewer than 40 points a game this season. 

If the Kansas City Chiefs ever get their 
offense reasonably balanced, they'll con- 
tend for the division title. The Chiefs, Гог 
years a gung-ho running team, changed 


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strategy last year under coach John 
Mackovic, putting together a passing at- 
tack that was one of the most productive in 
league history. Unfortunately, though, the 
ground game turned belly up. The reasons 
were an injury-riddled offensive line and 
the lack of a quick outside runner. Imme- 
diate help will Бе provided by two rookies, 
tackle John Alt and runner Herman 

The Chiefs also need a good blitzing 
linebacker and much more beef in both 
lines. An intensive off-season conditioning 
program helped with the latter problem, 
and the draft produced two goodies, defen- 
sive tackle Bill Maas and linebacker Scott 

One thing is certain: Quarterback Bill 
Kenney and receiver Carlos Carson are 
two of the brightest rising stars in the 
league. The Chiefs’ attack will again be a 
spectacular aerial circus. 

Washington Redskins... . . „124 
Dallas Cowboys 4 11-5 
St. Louis Cardinals . 88 
New York Giants 5-11 
Philadelphia Eagles 412 

gton franchise, unlike the 
rest of our nation's capital, is a model of 
stability. There are no contract problems, 
and the players have a sense of familial 
loyalty to one another and to the coaching 
staff. Most of the front-line players аге at 
the peaks of their careers. 

The player who personifies the Reds- 
kins squad is Dave Butz, who has been 
one of the premier defensive linemen in 
the league for several years, but who (until 
he was belatedly named All-Pro last sea- 
son) has gotten little media attention 
because he isn’t theatrically vicious like 
the Alzados and the Gastineaus. Such 
people don’t make exciting sports copy. 

Having no immediate personnel needs, 
the Redskins drafted players they hope to 
develop for the future. 

The Redskins have one important psy- 
chological plus as they enter this season. 
Their performance in the Super Bowl 
(after nearly invincible showings the pre- 
vious two months) was such an embar- 
rassment that the Skins will be hungry to 
go on the warpath again. 

The Cowboys are consistently incon- 
sistent. In their most successful seasons, 
they begin as a bunch of bumblers, losing 
a couple of early games to obviously infe- 
rior teams. By midseason, they get their 
act together and then come on like Gang 
Busters in December. 

The Cowboys’ disappointing years fol- 
low the opposite scena Last season's 
сапу games were a steady dict of come- 
from-behind rallies. Then, in December, 
they ran out of steam. 

Disappointment and frustration (а 
12-4 season without a Super Bowl ap- 
pearance is considered a drought in 

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Dallas) will bring about some major per- 
sonnel changes this season. The most 
obvious change may be at quarterback, 
where Gary Hogeboom challenges Danny 

The offensive line needs a new infusion 
of muscle, The defensive unit, dismal by 
Dallas standards, needs help everywhere. 
The draft produced two gem-quality de- 
fensive players, Billy Cannon and Victor 
Scott, but no linemen whocould be described 
as Too Tall, Too Strong or Too Good. 

For years, the Cardinals have been a 
so-so team with great hopes for the future, 
but St. Louis fans are sick of waiting for 
next year. This could at last be the big 
year if the Cardinals can stay healthy. 
The front-line players are top drawer 
almost everywhere, but a shortage of qual- 
ity reserves poses a severe problem 

The Cards need dependable backup 
linebackers and receivers. Rookie Clyde 
Duncan will solve the latter problem, but 
St. Louis didn’t draft a linebacker until 
the fifth round. The Cardinals’ main 
assets are an outstanding defense (it led 
the league in quarterback sacks last sea- 
son) and an awesome passing attack fea- 
turing quarterback Neil Lomax (he could 
be the nation’s best in three or four years) 
and spectacular receiver Roy Green, 
who—believe it or not—was drafted as a 
defensive back. 

This should be a more productive, less 
frustrating season for the New York 
Giants Everything went wrong last 
year. Coach Bill Parcells was hit with a 
witches’ brew of large and small off-field 
and on-field tragedies and disasters. His 
offense gained the most yardage and got 
the most first downs in franchise history; 
but when the Giants got inside the 20- 
yard line, they became pygmies 

"The main problems are а flaccid offen- 
sive line and the absence of any good 
receiver not named Earnest Gray. The 
defense, though, anchored by Lawrence 
Taylor (probably the best player at any 
position anywhere), is superb. The un- 
settled quarterbacking situation, a dis- 
ruption last year, will be settled by Phil 
Simms in pre-season drills. His back- 
up—a good one is rookie Jeff Hostetler. 

The Eagles’ problems are flip sides of 
the same coin: They can’t run the ball and 
they can’t keep other people from running 
it. Last year, coach Marion Campbell 
inherited a team with too many players in 
their twilight years and too many players 
who had to be given game experience. Аз а 
result, both lines were unstable. Campbell 
hopes they'll be improved this season by 
accrued experience. 

The one bright spot in the Eagles’ talent 
pool is a spectacular receiver, the арйу 
named Mike Quick. He will be joined by 
rookie Kenny Jackson, who could be 
another stellar wide-out by winter. 

Unfortunately, the Eagles have one of 
the toughest schedules in the league, 
which will keep them flying low through- 
out 1984. 

Green Bay Packers 

Chicago Bears . . 
Minnesota Vikings 
Tampa Bay Buccaneers ... 
Detroit Lions 

Green Bay had the most potent offense 
in Packer history last season—and that's 
saying a lot Биг the defense, crippled by 
injuries, was one of the worst in the 
league. New coach Forrest Gregg, there- 
fore, will undertake a crash defensive. 
rebuilding job. Time heals all injuries, 
but Gregg needs fresh talent. The draft 
brought him defensive linemen Alphonso 
Carreker and Donnie Humphrey, plus 
linebacker John Dorsey, all of whom pro- 
vide good building material. 

The Packers’ Achilles’ heel is the quar- 
terback spot. Lynn Dickey is one of the 
league’s best, but he’s in his mid-30s now 
and there’s no proven backup in sight. 

‘The Packers’ hopes for the future rest 
on the broad shoulders of Gregg. A home- 
town product, he played offensive tackle 
for the team through 14 glory years. Vince 
Lombardi himself once said that Gregg 
was the best player he had ever coached. 
He is an intimidating personality with 
big, penetrating eyes and a deep, rumbling 
voice. Says quarterback Rich Campbell, 
“You get the impression that if he tells you 
to do something, you damn sure Бецег do 
it.” If the other players damn sure do what 
Gregg tells them, this will be the year the 
Pack comes back. 

The Bears have all the offensive players 
а play-off team needs. Jim McMahon is a 
potentially great quarterback, Walter 
Payton is the best runner in history (and 
an equally good blocker) and Willie Gault 
will (when he learns how to run his pass 
routes) become the game’s best receiver. 
"The offensive line, built around second- 
year tackle Jimbo Covert, will be mon- 
strous if it can stay healthy. 

The Bears’ main shortcomings are a 
talent-starved defensive corps and the ex- 
plosive temper of coach Mike Ditka, 
whose tantrums provoke constant emo- 
tional turmoil among his players. 

Bears morale has also been eroded by a 
somewhat paranoid racial resentment 
among many of the team’s black players. 
Vince Evans, the team’s likable and able 
black quarterback two years ago, was 
replaced last season by McMahon, an 
Irish Mormon. His arrival was as wel- 
come as a fox’s moving into the henhouse 
Receiver Gault, for instance, ii ts that 
McMahon and Ditka deliberately ignored 
him much of last season. 

The Bears’ defense will get an immedi- 
ate injection of powerful—natural—hor- 
mones from rookie linebackers Wilber 
Marshall and Ron Rivera. But that won't 
be enough for this once-proud, troubled 

Nineteen eighty-four will be a year of 
dramatic change in Minnesota. Neither 
the fans nor the players are going to enjoy 
it. Cool, laid-back coach Bud Grant has 
been succeeded by Les Steckel, a rigid 
Marine Corps type who is big on physical 
conditioning and forceful ass kicking. 
Don’t be surprised if some of the troops 

While the dust settles, however, a major 
rebuilding job will have to be done. The 
Vikings suffered devastating injuries last 
season, and many of the wounded, includ- 
ing quarterback Tommy Kramer, are still 
of questionable health as pre-season prac- 
tice begins. 

Steckel will be emphasizing offense, so 
runner Darrin Nelson will get a chance to 
make an even bigger splash than last 

Last season was one long nightmare for 
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It was a 
replay of Murphy’s Law: Everything that 
could go wrong did. New quarterback 
Jack Thompson had to break in behind an 
injury-plagued line that featured 14 start- 
ing combinations in 16 games. The only 
proven runner, James Wilder, was racked 
up for much of the season. Coach John 
McKay, not a skilled diplomat, had a bit- 
ter running feud with the local press. 
Some key players defected to the U.S.F.L. 
Fan discontent nearly reached the boiling 

The Bucs should improve on last year’s 
dismal 2-14 record, but don’t look for 
miracles. They had no high draft choices 
last May, which hurt because immediate 
reinforcements are needed, especially at 
linebacker and in the offensive line. The 
best of the newcomers is 65”, 225-pound 
linebacker Keith Browner. 

The Lions weren't as strong as last sea- 
son's 9-7 record would indicate. They 
only played four teams that finished with 
winning records and lost to three of them. 
But the Lions are young, and if their two 
main offensive problems (inconsistent 
quarterbacking and meager tight-end tal- 
ent) can be solved, the future could be 
worth growling about. 

Gary Danielson will probably take over 
at quarterback in pre-season drills, and 
prize rookie David Lewis will help at 
tight end. 

Lewis was only one product of a wind- 
fall draft. Several other newcomers will 
clock a lot of time their first year, especial- 
ly receiver Pete Mardley. 

Sen Francisco 49ers . .. . 

New Orleans Saints . 
Los Angeles Roms . 
Atlanta Falcons 

This should be another Super year in 
San Francisco. The 49ers have no serious 
weaknesses. Joe Montana is the league's 
best quarterback, and his most productive 

years lie ahead 

The 49ers’ offense was wildly inconsist- 
ent last fall (it had a tendency to cough 
and die in scoring territory), but a year’s 
added maturity for a young squad should 
solve that problem. 

San Francisco’s defense will be even 
stronger than last year’s excellent unit, 
thanks to the off-season acquisition of 
linemen Manu Tuiasosopo and Louis 

The 49ers’ only apparent need—one 
more top-grade linebacker—will be taken 
care of by rookie Todd Shell. 

They're singing in the streets in New 
Orleans, and it’s not even Mardi Gras. 
After years of being afflicted with losers’ 
syndrome, the Saints are emerging as a 
dominant team of the near future. The 
Saints’ greatest sin the past two years has 
been at the quarterback position, due to 
Ken Stabler’s age and Dave Wilson’s 
inexperience. But now Richard Todd, an 
able starter with a fine arm, has arrived 
from the Jets. 

In only four years, the New Orleans’ 
defense has risen from the worst in the 
league to one of the best. The Saints are a 
young team—they’ll only get better. 

Who brought about that seemingly mi- 
raculous resurrection? Bum Phillips. Ве- 
fore he took command, a player drafted by 
the Saints felt as if he were sentenced to 
purgatory. Only half a dozen players lived 
in New Orleans during the off season in 
the years before Phillips. Last year, 53 
players (active and on injured reserve) 
lived in town. 

Bum’s emotional hold on his players 
makes him appear almost messianic. At 
daily squad meetings, he rarely talks 
about football. Human relations and basic 
values are his most frequent subjects. Four 
years ago, the Saints’ locker room was аз 
cold as a corporate office. Now it has the 
warmth of a family room. 

With all these material and emotional 

assets, look for the Saints to get to the 
Super Bowl soon. If the 49ers falter, the 
Saints just might come marching in. 

Except for Phillips’ take-over in New 
Orleans, we can’t remember when a new 
coach came into a chaotic situation and 
had such a stabilizing influence as John 
Robinson did in Los Angeles last year. He 
gave the Rams a much-needed sense of 
dignity and self-worth. Their resulting 
loyalty and respect for him will pay even 
bigger dividends in the near future. 

Meanwhile, Robinson needs to beef up 
his pass rush and find a deep threat for 
Vince Ferragamo. Henry Ellard, injured 
last season, could solve the receiver prob- 
lem. Very little help came from last May’s 
draft, unfortunately, so Robinson will 
have to make do with what he has. 

The running attack, featuring Eric 
Dickerson and Barry Redden, will again 
be the Rams’ most powerful weapon. 

The defense also has some prime play- 
ers on whom to build for the future. Inside 
linebacker Jim Collins is a future All-Pro. 
Nolan Cromwell and Johnnie Johnson 
may be the best safety duo in the N.F.L. 
And new defensive back Gary Green, 
obtained from Kansas City, could make 
the Rams’ secondary the league’s best. 

"The Falcons’ problems can be summa- 
rized in one word: defense. Last fall, oppos- 
ing runners met such little resistance, they 
must have thought the Atlanta defensive 
line was on vacation. The draft, fortunate- 
ly, brought the Falcons some help in the ro- 
bust forms of defensive tackle Rick Bryan 
and linebackers "Thomas Benson and 
Rydell Malancon. Defensive back Scott 
Case will be cracking a few helmets. 

Atlanta's offense will be productive if 
quarterback Steve Bartkowski's knee is 
fully repaired. William Andrews is one of 
the best (and most underrated) running 
backs in any league. 

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Maserati $25,945 Bitrbo- isa. 
new kid on the U.S.- sport-sédari. 
block. Powered by a 185-hp бай. 
turbo V6 coupled with a five-speed 
manual transmission, ill xdo-zero. 
to 60 in seven seconds and top 130: 
. Add an-italian plush-interior 
(righB-tha includes leather seats, 
а four-speaker stereo and dehu- 
müdified-air conditioning and you've 
gota sexy machine that-upholds 
the standards of the Maserati Tri- 
dent. The-only-options are nerve 
and the skill to-drive it пони 

developed for the larger 528e sedan. The silky-smooth, elec- 
tronically injected 2.7-liter six develops 121 hp and a healthy 
170 pound-feet of torque that propels the new baby Bimmer 
to 60 mph in about nine seconds and to 118 mph flat-out. 
Both are driven by their rear wheels through five-speed over- 
drive transmissions and are harnessed by power-assisted 
four-wheel disc brakes. Both are at home squirting through 
city-traffic gaps, sprinting down twisty two-lanes or cruising 
serenely on America's speed-limited freeways. That's where 
the similarities end. We tested the 325e in its own best ele- 
ment, up and down a narrow, curvy, treacherous mountain 
road high in Arizona's ski country. It functioned like the coolly 
competent, well-oiled machine it is, completely unruffled, 
hanging on to the road like a terrier to a shoe, seldom so 
much as squealing a tire. For the extra five grand, the Biturbo 

adds pavement-wrinkling performance and additional flash 
to the sport-sedan equation. Even jaded Rodeo Drive types 
(who have seen it ай) do double takes, not sure what it is, 
then grin approvingly at the unmistakable Trident logo. And it 
has a warm Italian plush interior, with leather seats and a soft 
suede-look headliner that probably matches the elbow 
patches on your favorite sports jacket. Maserati created its 
legend primarily with sleek and sexy sports and racing cars: 
BMW made its name first with airplanes, then with motor- 
cycles and, eventually, with handsome, finely crafted auto- 
mobiles. Now these two famous European makers come face 
to face with very different approaches to the same terrific 
concept: the small six-cylinder sport sedan. Rejoice, four- 
wheel fans. There must, indeed, be a benevolent God in 
car-enthusiast heaven —GARY WITZENBU! 

BMW-invented the sport..sedan 

for_thexclass._The—e stands for 
=efficiency, so the silky-six Ва ап. 
ЕРА rating of 23 city/36 highway 
(vs. the Маѕегаіїѕ 15/25) and a 
nine-second —zerosto-60 figure. 
Right: A trip computer,—stereo; 
power windows—ocks, mirrors, 
sun roof and air conditioning are 
standard; automatic transmission 
and-leather seats are optional. 


Now that Tarzan chic is all the rage, thanks to Greystoke: The Legend of 
Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, the next logical step is to turn your boring 
bedroom into a Jon Hall jungle set by hanging up a Mombasa Mirage— 
a canopy kit that comes with an ultralight frame that suspends from the 
ceiling and fits any bed, plus two panels of fabric eight yards long. A 
standard Mombasa kit is $79.95, postpaid (extra panels are $19.95 each), 
sent to Yungjohann Hillman, Inc., 2345 Fort Worth Street, Grand Prairie, 
Texas 75050. Colors range from white to camouflage. Say, Jane, a 

lion has been 2-2-8. spotted near camp. 


You’d better sleep in our tent. 

If you'd like your next bash 
to begin—and even end— 
with a bang rather than a 

N whimper, there's LeBoom, 
NN a curious trick noisemak- 

Я à er that its manufacturer, 
AM Abatar Inc., P.O. Box 

* Florida 32790, calls a 
\O “French-style party ina 
. can.” All you do is light 
the fuse, and when Le- 
M Boom goes kaboom, a 
carnival of party favors, 
including confetti, 

streamers, fake glasses, bal- 
loons, feathers, noisemakers, 
blowouts, a phony mustache 
and a ball launcher with five 
balls, explodes into the air 
and cascades down onto your 
cavorting guests. All for just 
five bucks a pop. (Yes, it’s 
safe to use indoors, according 
10 Abatar, as the explosion is 
a pint-sized poof.) For the 
wild bunch, Abatar also 
manufactures a Naughty 
LeBoom at the same price 
that’s a real French tickler. 

| + 3109, Winter Park, 


We don’t ordinarily feature rural 
products, but when something as unusual 
as Fischer's Armored Mailbox crosses 
our desk, we figure all you rustics out 
there will want to be filled in on what's 
coming down the road. How tough is 
Fischer's product? Well, you can slug it, 
punch it, pound on it and, like Larry 
Holmes, it'll keep coming back for more. 
Price is $92.50, postpaid, sent to Add 
On's By Fischer, P.O. Box 746, 
Huntley, Illinois 60142. We give. 

For those of you who've always fanta- 
sized about owning a legit brothel in 
Nevada, there’s The Legal Whorehouse 
Owner's Handbook, а 160-page softcover 
available from Charlton House Publish- 
ing, P.O. Box 2474, Newport Beach, 
California 92663, for $6.95, postpaid, 
that tells you everything you always 
wanted to know—and maybe more— 
about the world’s oldest profession. One 
chapter even lists establishments—just 
in case you want to do research. 


Remember those feelthy eight- 
pagers from years ago with 
cartoon floozies and their boy- 
friends carrying on in ways 
that surely your mom and dad 
never would have? Now the 
Robinette-Orléans Erotic 
Rubber Stamp Company, 

P.O. Box 849 (Tucker 
Station), Pulaski, Virginia 
24301, has created a wonder- 
ful selection of vintage little 
ladies—plus a few oily gents— 
and put them, of course, 

оп rubber stamps selling for $3 
to $12. A buck gets you sample 
stampings. It's just like shop- 
ping on the Reeperbahn. 


"The image of the brown bag- 
ger as a lowbrow dingdong 
who wouldn't know a blue- 
berry muffin from a meadow 
muffin has been laid to rest 
with Eat n’ Read lunch 
bags—20 different brown bags 
available from Hyman Prod- 
ucts, 2374 Grissom Drive, St. 
Louis, Missouri 63146, for 
only $2.50, postpaid, with 
such intriguing subjects as 
PEOPLE discussed on the front. 
Did you know that Bela Lu- 
gosi was buried in his Dracula 
cape? We read it at lunch. 


No, we don’t know the name, 
address and phone number of 
the dedicated distaff body- 
builder pictured at left whom 
Scott Billups photographed for 
his Ladies of the Eighties 
poster, but we'd be more than 
willing to pump iron (or any- 
thing else) with her any time 
she wanted to. The poster’s 
printing process is lithogra- 
phy; the size is 35” x 23”; 
and, best of all, the price is 
only $29.50, postpaid, sent to 
Courtyard Gallery, Р.О. Box 
279, Elberta, Alabama 36530. 
If she’s married, we'll bet her 
husband never complains 
about being henpec-ed. 


Flip Up ties have plenty to say. On the surface, 
they're just conservative rep ties, but flip the tips 
up and you’ve got a variety of anything-but- 
subliminal messages that include BULLSHIT, FUCK 
giving the world the finger. For $16.50, postpaid, 
sent to J & J Design, P.O. Box 729, Palatine, 
Illinois 60078, you can tie one on and tell some- 
body to HAVE A NICE DAY, ASSHOLE. A free brochure 
is available. Who could ask for anything more? 


With Trivial Pursuit all the rage, it only stood to 
reason that somebody would sooner or later re- 
turn to those thrilling days of yesteryear—the 
Sixties—and come up with a nostalgia game in 
which participants could test one another's 
knowledge of such bench marks of the decade as 
Beatlemania and Vietnam. Somebody did, and 
Sixtomania is available from Kimo Press, P.O. 
Box 1361, Falls Church, Virginia 22041, for 
$12.95, postpaid. Like, love and peace, man. 



A Light Exposure 
SON (above) and LORI 
SINGER (below) have got- 
ten a recent press blitz, 
Johnson for Blame It on Rio 
and Singer for Footloose. 

Treasure Chest 
In our ongoing quest to bring you the best-looking starlets, we offer exhibit A 
for August, SUZANNE KENNEDY, who appeared in the suspense thriller 
They're Playing with Fire. Her next movie is described as a sexy action/ 
creature feature. We weren't told whether she's the 
action or the creature or the feature. 

Ain't Nothin' Like 
the Real Thing 

_ Wasn't it a chuckle to see these two jokers 
decked out in tuxes? It’s not every day that 
CHEECH and CHONG get a classy piece of 

| ass like this one. You can catch them in their 
usual attire in The Corsican Brothers. 

Real Веа!5 

This photo is for ай the people who have 
complained that they haven't seen enough of 
actress JENNIFER BEALS lately. Except for 
presenting an Oscar and gracing the pages 
of fashion magazines, the Yalie has been 
keeping a low profile. We like this profile 
much better, don't you? 

A Kiss Is Just a Kiss 

For those of you who've never seen him 
unmasked, here's mime MARCEL MARCEAU 
with his real face on. Marceau is also an 
accomplished artist, and at a recent gallery 
showing of his paintings in Chicago, he was 
seen making a pass at a lady of comparably 
few words. Ah, romance! 

Dudley Doright and His Mountee 

listen up: We know some major-league celebrity breasts when we see them, and this 
month, we've got SUSAN ANTON to thank for the pleasure. The dashing gent to her 
left is, of course, DUDLEY MOORE, whom you can currently see in The Best Defense, 
with Eddie Murphy. How about if we listen to Dudley and look at Susan? 


The belief persists that women don't 
use erotica to become aroused. Certai 
ly, that belief is central to the feminist 

| Barbe is an ingenious French cartoon 
(who broods about women. A nifty 
collection of his drawings, Strips Mi 

antipornography movement. But it is 
not true, at least according to sex 
therapist and author Lonnie Barbach, 
who has edited a book that is bound to 
be controversial, Pleasures Women 
Write Erotica. It's a collection of nonfi 
tion accounts by women about their 
most erotic experiences. Barbach de- 
cided to produce this book after women 
with whom she talked in her work as 
therapist complained that they couldn't 
find adequate turn-ons. While video 
pornography is made with arousal in 
mind, its male orientation sometimes 
turns women off. Romance novels are 
remarkably popular with women, but by 
d оп, they stop short of actual 
depictions of sex. Barbach decided to 
seek out real-life stories, believing that 
true erotic tales would ensure their 
value as turn-ons 

"| wanted to give women permission 
to feel good about their sexuality," Bar- 
bach said. So she solicited stories from 
gays, straights, married women, single 
women, liberal and conservative wom- 
en. The productisa richly varied volume 
of sexual tales that are sure to teach us 
something that turns on women. Note, 
we said “turns on women.” There is 
some question whether or not this stuff 
will work for men, because it is different 
from typical male porn. The female 
authors seem to reject the instant-sex 
formula of male erotica, in which the 
buxom barmaid wanders into 
the men's room, takes off all 
her clothes and then pro- 
ceeds to offer herself to 
every construction worker 
who walks in. 

While it is difficult to 
generalize about these 
stories and about what 
turns women on, you 
would do well to note 
where the writers begin 
them. They seem to perceive 
the sexual content, the arousal, as 
beginning long before the sex, and in an 
appealing context. 

In "Seventeen Years, Take Note," by 
Lynn Scott Myers, the author richly de- 
scribes her life as a displaced American 
hippie fruit picker in a small English 
village. The fields, her co-workers, the 
locals, the bar where they drink are all 
noted. Six pages into the account, she 
meets a guy. Five nights and seven 
pages later, penetration occurs. Impor- 
tant elements are how the couple meet, 
the woman's state of mind, the courtship, 
the psychological temperature and what 
the woman is feeling during sex. 

Some of the stories are less about sex 
than about nurturing. One lesbian story 
concerns a woman who has sex for the 
first time after a hysterectomy. Another 
features a male lover, a doctor, who not 
only bakes bread but folds the pro- 


This postcard caught our attention for 
Iwo reasons. On the back it says, THE 
TRUTH 15, THERE IS NO TRUTH. On the front 
it says, quite clearly, that women want 
to be alone—but, really, they don't. 

tagonist's laundry—quite likely not a 
prominent male turn-on. In some of the 
stories, sex doesn't even take place. 
Signe Hammers "1968" features a 
woman traipsing around Manhattan. It 
describes a daylong flirtation witha man 
she sees on the street. No sex. 

A poignant passage at the beginning 
of one account is the stuff of the 
romance novel: "He turned around in 
his swivel chair and riveted his icy blue 
eyes on mine.... | felt then that this is 
the face ! would want to look into 

The Germans, mas- 
ters of explaining the 
obvious, outdo them- 
selves with their Anti 
Baby-Condom, which 

"offers double security by 
sperm-killing gliding coat- 
ing.” The item itself, in 
pink, prompts us to think it 
probably looks better on. 

forever.” Much later, we arrive at lines 
whose erotic content is more apparent: 
“You have the sweetest pussy. | could 
eat you forever.” Once the women 
writers get to that point, they can 
“quiver into crescendoing orgasms” 
with the best of them. But the slow, 
titillating foreplay of intensifying signals 
is always there. 

And that is probably the universal 
truth revealed in these stories, the 
aspect that distinguishes them from 
those of the male genre. It reminds us of 
an interview we once conducted with a 
prominent Manhattan feminist. She 
told us that she objected not to the idea 
of pornography but to the fact that none 
of it really appealed to women. "I'd like 
to make an explicit film,” she said. “After 
the first hour of foreplay, I'm sure 
I'd think of something else to до” EJ 


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