Full text of "PLAYBOY"
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THERE ARE THOSE who watch television only for 60 Minutes. There
are those who read т.лувоу only for the Interview. Our March
issue is dedicated to all six of you. We had always been curious
about what went on behind the scenes of America's most popular
TV news magazine. It scemed only natural that the Playboy
Interview finally go mano a mano with the other guys. Morgan
Strong sat for days and weeks with the Mount Rushmore visages
of Sunday-night T V— Ed Bradley, Diane Sawyer, Morley Safer, Harry
Recsoner, producer Don Hewitt and Mike Wallace. We can hear the
stop watch ticking. . . -
This is an issue of the best at their trade. John D. MacDonald
returns to PLAYBOY after a ten-ycar hiatus with an excerpt from
the 21st Travis McGee novel (soon to be published by Alfred A
Knopf). The Lonely Silver Rain unveils a surprise in the life of
America's favorite beach bum, MacDonald's last appearance in
PLAYBOY was with The Taste of Gravy, in June 1974. Rounding out
the fiction is a story by George V. Higgins, Mother's Day, about a
prostitute with a taste for pain who catches the police with the
wrong pair of pants down,
Not all women wear leather and carry whips, but there are
some who are almost as dangerous as those who do. John Gordon,
author of The Myth of the Monstrous Male and Other Feminist
Fables, takes a look at feminist-action groups and finds that our
former bedfellows—er, bedpersons—make strange politicians.
His analysis of antimale sexism, What Else Do Women Want?, is
bound to cause controversy. Last November, Harper's magazine
sponsored a symposium on “The Place of Pornography.” The
feminist fringe—from Midge Decter to Susan Brownmiller—
had a fine day for the feeble-minded. Editor-Publisher Hugh M.
Hefner responds in a special Media column.
Wi we are on the topic of controversy, we'd like to know
whether or not it's true that Grace Jones and sprinter Carl Lewis arc
onc and the same person. Have you ever seen them together?
What we scem to have is a cosmic confusion. Roy Blount Jr. sug-
gests a solution with The Repackaging of Carl Lewis, illustrated
by John O'Leary. Maybe Lewis needs a new image maker. In 20
Questions, Bill Zehme checks in with Bob Giraldi, the guy who
directed Michael Jackson's videos, the flaming-hair commercial
and the Redney Dangerfield Lite Beer ads. You can't Beat It.
Ifyou aren't plugged into MTV, you're probably at your ter-
minal. Senior Staff Writer Rebert E. Carr is our resident
technonerd. Type Dirty to Me (with illustration by Olivia De
Berardinis) shows that man does not interface by shielded
cable alone but is using the electronic billboards to get sex
Tickle her bits. If you think software is sexy, be sure to check out
four Playmates of the Year in Understudies, a lingerie pictorial
assembled by photographer Stan Malinowski and Associate Photo
Editor Janice Moses. For those of you who like your sex from more
conventional sources, we present a portfolio of Sex in the Comics,
from a Chelsea House book by Maurice Hern.
We suppose there are some of you whose thoughts run less to
the great indoors than to the great outdoors. Especially for you,
we have a pictorial of a lady from Alaska named Toni Westbrook.
Her good looks may cause a new rush to the Yukon, Let's see: If
ht to Juneau via Des Moines, then back through
Milwaukee, with connections in Duluth, we could get a few thou-
sand extra miles on our frequent-flier program. Sound familiar?
Our financial guru, Andrew Tobias, investigates the world of
frequent-flier programs in Dollars in the Sky, which shows you
how to turn those miles into cash. Readers utilizing more down-
to-earth modes of locomotion may prefer Playboy's Guide to
If you plan on staying up late reading this issue or staring at
your personal computer, prepare yourself The Midnight Special,
with help from our resident gourmet, Emanuel Greenberg. Then
take a look at Playmate Donne Smith, and start dreaming.
Gold Rum instead.
Instead of Canadian, Bourbon or Blends.
Surprise yourself.
“Гуе switched ^
to Gold Rum
on the rocks.
It's smooth,
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it's a nice
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You'll find that gold rum makes а Ë y smooth drink—on the rocks,
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If you're still drinking Canadian, bourbon or blended whiskey, it’s because you
haven't tasted Puerto Rican gold rum. THE GOD RUMS OF P TO RICO
IPEAYBILU Ус. eret E E E euer dee, 3
THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR ....... oe ing gear ama ean = 39
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: “60 MINUTES"— candid conversation..................-- 51
WHAT ELSE DO WOMEN МАМТ?—езѕау..................... JOHN GORDON 66
RANGER IN PARADISE- pictorial . eeclesie 70
HIGH-END HI-Fi—modern living.
MOTHER'S DAY—fiction ...... k
COOKIN'—playboy's playmate of the month ........................-.-- 88
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor ........... 56 TBE OO E 102
TYPE DIRTY TO ME-arlide "l. eese ROBERT E. CARR 104
20 QUESTIONS: BOB GIRALDI................ gr 106
THE LONELY SILVER RAIN—fiction..............-.-- - JOHN D. MACDONALD 116
'UNDERSTUDIES—pictorial 118
BERNARD AND НИЕҮ—за!ге.................................- JULES FEIFFER 165
PLAYBOY ON THE СЕМЕ 222 Е e n EL m een 193
Tweed has never quite caught on in lingerie, but this month's cover—
produced by Associote Pholo Editor Janice Moses and shot by Stan
Molinowski—is going to change all that. Playmate of the Year 1982
Shannon Tweed is just a hint of what's to come in Understudies, an intimate
pictorial in which she's joined by three cohorts, beginning on page 118.
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editor and publisher
NAT LEHRMAN associate publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
‘TOM STAEBLER art director
GARY COLE photography director
G. BARRY GOLSON executive editor
editor; TERESA GROSCH associate editor; PLAYBOY
us (administration), DAVID STEVENS senior edi-
PETERSEN, JOHN REZEK senior slaff writers; KEVIN
associate editors; MONA PLUMER assistant editor;
editor; JIM BARKER assistant editor; FASHION:
HOLLIS WAYNE editor; HOLLY BINDERUP assistant edi
КЕМІС POPE managing director; CHET SUSKI, LEN
VATSOS associate directors; KAREN GAEBE, KAREN
GUTOWSKY junior directors; JOSEPH PACZEK
assistant direclor; FRANKLINDNER, DANIEL REED, ANN
SEIDL art assistants; SUSAN HOLMSTROM fraffic coor-
dinator; BARBARA HOFFMAN administrative manager
MOSES, MICHAEL ANN SULLIVAN associate editors;
ior staff photographer; DAVID MECEY, KERRY MORRIS
staff photographers; DAVID CHAN, RICHARD FEGLEY,
MARCUS, STEPHEN WAYDA contribuling Phologra
TOMLINSON stylists; JAMES WARD color lab supervi-
от; ROBERT CHELIUS business manager
JOHN MASTRO director; MARIA MANDIS manager;
tion manager
у P. TIM DOLMAN assistant publisher; MARCIA
TERRONES rights €? permissions manager; EILEEN
KENT contracts administrator.
Quite simply, PASSPORT is the
smallest superheterodyne radar
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SMD Technology
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At last, pocket-size radar protection.
New PASSPORT can go with you anywhere.
Hewlett-Packard LEDs shows signal
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PASSPORT comes with a fitted leather case.
Behind the Wheel
As you get closer, the pulse
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Upwardly Mobile
You can take PASSPORT any-
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PASSPORT keeps such a low profile,
it can be on duty without anyone
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complete with a visor clip, wind-
shield mount, straight cord, coiled
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And we back PASSPORT with a full
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©1983 Kahlúa* 53 Proof. Maidstone Wine & Spirits Inc., Universal City, CA
Thank you for the most interesting and
detailed interview with the magical Paul
and Linda McCartney I have ever read.
December’s Playboy Interview shows the
very human side ofthis fabulously creative
partnership. I know that Paul does all
the songwriting and most of ıhe singing,
but it's obvious from your Interview that
Linda has had a very stable, creative
impact on him. There is no equal to Paul
McCartney's talent, dedication and musi-
cal virtuosity in the rock world, and I am
continually stunned by him. Thanks again
fora great Interview with the McCartneys!
Jeff Silva
“Tacoma, Washington
What a relief to find that Paul McCart-
ney is a human being after all! A wonder-
ful, honest Interview with two wonderful,
honest people.
Steven Lianides
Farmington, Connecticut
Congratulations to you and to Joan
Goodman for a warm and honest Playboy
Interview. Thanks also to Paul and Linda
for all the great music and memories
they've given us through the years.
Scott L. Spencer
Dallas, Texas
I was most anxious to read your Inter-
view with Paul and Linda McCartney,
having read scores of magazine articles
and books on Paul and the other Beatles. 1
have been a Beatles fan from the moment 1
first saw them on The Ed Sullivan Show.
Now I feel that—for the first time—Paul’s
story of the group, from inception to
demise, has been honestly told. I don't
know how you and Joan Goodman did it,
but yours is the first interview with Paul
that reveals his opinions, not those that are
fed to the public by various sources. I now
have a different and much-improved opin-
ion of the McCartneys. It amazes me that
PLAYBOY continually leads the way with
Interviews of personalities who have
shunned publicity or been poorly por-
trayed elsewhere. Keep up the good work!
Steven E. Clinton
Orange, California
In the seven years I’ve been reading
your magazine, I have seen few pictorials
that can compare to Suzanne Take Two
(eLaybox, December). Suzanne Somers is
in fine form. Your opening shot of her is the
most alluring photo I have seen in any
magazine. I wasn’t a fan of Miss Somers’,
but that has now changed. Thank you for
a most pleasant conversion,
Robert W. Blackman
Portland, Oregon
On your December cover, you say,
ALL" T bought the magazine and quickly
shot to page 120, only to find that about
ten percent of “all” is missing. If this letter
is published, Ill never know about it.
David P. Souter
Justice, Ilinois
I have always thought that Suzanne
Somers is one of the world’s most beautiful
women; therefore, I must thank you for
bringing her to me in what is perhaps
PLAYBOY'S most stimulating pictorial ever.
It’s photographic magic!
Mike Nicholls
Windsor, Ontario
When I heard that Ron Reagan had
taken up journalism, I said to myself,
“Quit dancing, take up writing. Just like
that. Sure!” But I was wrong. His com-
mentary on the Democratic Convention
(While the Democrats Slept, PLAYBOY,
December) is both insightful and original.
Good show.
Leonard Olk
Vernon, Connecticut
I object to the presence, the inclusion—
the very existence, in fact—ofan article by
Qe Nee,
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young Ron Reagan in rLwBOYS gala
Christmas special. To publish the dreck
promulgated by this fellow is an insult to
such superior writers as Mario Puzo,
Ed McBain, your own fearless Anson
Mount and the estimable Roy Blount Jr.
Young Ron, the self-proclaimed practi-
tioner of Bonzo Journalism, has one too
many consonants in his designation.
Michael X. Marinelli
Atlanta, Georgia
Tam writing to congratulate you for the
excellent fashion feature The Spirit of 85
in the January PLAYBOY. I am sure you are
already aware that Giorgio Armani's pho-
tograph appcars on thc page with an outfit
by Perry Ellis. I point out such a small
detail only because I always find the qual-
ity of your features very high and I'd like
to sce you continue to keep such high
Gabriella Forte
Giorgio Armani Corporation
New York, New York
While we were trying on our dashing dud:
by Armani (left) and Ellis (right), elves in
leisure suits broke in and cobbled up the
works. Sorry, gentlemen.
Michael Drosnin’s Citizen Hughes
(рглүвоу, November and December) is one
of the most masterful word portraits that 1
have ever seen. While terrible, it is also
fascinating. I feel a horrified compassion
for Howard Hughes. Thank you for giving
me this insight into an unknown —until
now— man of our times.
Harriet Pickering
New York, New York
Recently, 1 was on the West Coast to
visit friends. While there, I patronized a
7-Eleven store with the express purpose of
purchasing a copy of PLAYBOY. There was a
slight problem: A picket line had been
established in front of the store. The pick-
eters were demonstrating their extreme
displeasure that the store was selling por-
nographic material; рілувоу and Penthouse
were both described as such. Undaunted,
I pressed on and purchased the magazinc.
Feeling a bit playful, I decided to rcad it on
the hood of my car. All hell broke loose. It
was brought to my attention that (1) the
picketers felt that I wasa pervert; (2) there
was a massive anti-7-Eleven campaign
afoot because the store carried PLAYBOY, et
al.; (3) a certain Reverend Mr. Wildmon
was going to save people like me from the
ravages of PLAYBOY; (4) the aforementioned
magazine is anti-Christian; and (5) even
though I am a doctoral candidate in statis-
tics at KSU, I would be a stupid s.o.b.
for patronizing 7-Eleven and purchasing
PLAYBOY. Realizing that I wasn't getting
anywhere—even logicians use logic only
as a source of income—I politely told the
pickets to fuck off. My questions are, How
widespread is this boycott? Who is this
Reverend Mr. Wildmon? How does one
make him and his followers go away? I
wish you luck with the boycott and com-
pliment you on your magazine. It is one of
the few that I purchase.
James S. White
Junction City, Kansas
James, we thank you for the gesture and the
compliment. Well answer your questions in
1. The boycott you encountered is not wide-
spread, but it’s hard to tell how far these
things can go. Have you read “Fahrenheit
2. Donald Wildmon is a minister from
Tupelo, Mississippi. He heads a fundamen-
talist splinter group he calls the National
Federation for Decency.
3. One deals with such types by respecting.
their right to free speech and demanding
one's own. Groups such as the National Fed-
eration for Decency threaten advertisers and.
distributors of TV shows, movies and maga-
zines they think need censoring. They have a
right to make their feelings known, which they
have done. They don't have a right to stop the
dissemination of nonfundamentalist ideas,
which they would like to do. Here's what io do
if you run into them again. Buy a Slurpee, a
PLAYBOY and a pocket Bible. Drink the
Slurpee, unfold the centerfold and read from
"Proverbs," “A merry heart doeth good like a
medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
А wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to
pervert the ways of judgment.” It confuses the
devil out of them.
I have a weakness for blondes. However,
1 must confess that Miss December,
Karen Velez, is a stunning exception to my
rule. She has, without a doubt, the most
seductive gaze of any woman I have seen
in your magazine—not to mention her
obvious physical attributes. Hats off to
Arny Freytag for capturing on film that
certain element that sets the unforgettable
woman apart from all the rest.
Bruce Haley
Kansas City, Kansas
In an effort to preserve my 22 purely
scductive pictures of Miss December,
Karen Velez, 1 have placed several copies
of your December issue in a safe-deposit
box. After having some of her pictures
U-Seal-It-ized and insuring them for
$2000, I now feel secure in the knowledge
that ГЇЇ be seeing her for a long time, even
beyond her appearance as Playmate of the
Paul Carney
Austin, Texas
Bruce Jay Friedman deserves a medal.
His article Ex-Wives (rLaysoy, December)
sure hits home—I found myself laughing
in spite of the pain.
Arnold Simon
Scarsdale, New York
I have to thank everyone at PLAYBOY for
producing an excellent magazine, but spe-
cial thanks to Bruce Jay Friedman for giv-
ing us Ex-Wives. His article put motivation
back into me and cleared out some
insanity. You see, just four days before my
December issue arrived, m asked for
a divorce. I guess I’m lucky she signed me
up for PLAYBOY five years ago, as a wedding
Daryl Joe Brownell
Sturgis, South Dakota
Bruce Jay Friedman, in Ex-Wives, men-
tions that they won't mind the “few
pathetic gains you've made in the bat-
guano market.” He must not have been at
my partner's divorce hearing. My partner
quit a lucrative job at the age of 42 to sell
bat guano. His wife gave him his walking
papers at their 20th-anniversary dinner
party. She was overheard mumbling about
his being "full of it for years," being
“batty” and something about Batman and
Robin. She then insisted on a cash settle-
ment or a percentage of the new bat-guano
business. My partner has taken Fried-
man's article to heart, but he will never
mention his pathetic gains in the bat-
guano market again. 1 won't, either. Pm
also divorced, but / excluded bat guano
from my last prenuptial agreement. It
does seem to breed discontent among
wives. Please let us know if you'd like some
dealershit information; we'll send you all
the latest poop.
Eric N. Thompson, President
U-Bar Cave Products
Carlsbad, New Mexico
Your humor department seems out of
touch with the rest of your magazine. I feel
that the cartoons would do well in The Sat-
urday Evening Post; the Party Jokes would
fit nicely in the laughter section of Reader's
Digest. Also, please try to have more pho-
tos of Неће in his little jammies.
Paul Meinen
Grangeville, Idaho
Paul, our new-year resolution (the only one
we made) was to get you to smile. Keep your
funny bone pointed at PLAYBOY.
Е we were a little surprised. All we did
was build the best radar detector we knew
how. We shipped our first ESCORT in 1978,
and since then we've shipped over 600,000.
Alongthe way the ESCORT has earned quite
a reputation—among its owners, and also in
several automotive magazines.
Over the past five years, Car and Driver
magazine has performed four radar detector
comparison tests. Escort has been rated
number one in each. Their most recent test
concluded "The Escort radar detector is
clearly the leader in the field in value, cus-
tomer service, and performance .. ” We think
that's quite an endorsement.
Our Responsibility
One of the reasons for our reputation is
our attention to detail. If we don't feel we can
do something very well, we simply won t do it.
Thats why we sell Escorts direct from the
factory to you. Not only can we assure the
quality of the ESCORT, but we can also make
sure that the salesperson you speak to is
knowledgeable. And if an ESCORT ever
needs service, it will be done quickly. And
it will be done right.
50 States Only
And that's the reason we don't presently
sell ESCORTS outside of the United States.
Even in the countries that use identical radar
(Japan and Australia, to name two) we know
that we couldn't provide the kind of customer
service that ESCORT owners expect. So we
pass up the additional sales rather than risk
our reputation.
In Japan, where h
"Dear Sir.
So we'll admit we were surprised when a
leiter from one of our customers included an
advertisement from a Japanese automotive
magazine. The ad pictured an ESCORT, and
the price was 158,000 yen. Our customer was
kind enough to convert that to U.S. dollars.
Using that day's rate ol exchange, an American-
made ESCORT was worth $714.93 in Japan.
Further translation revealed the phrase "The
real thing is here!” and warned against
Econ 101
Needless to say, we were flattered. We
knew that ESCORT had an impressive repu-
tation, but we never expected to see it "boot
legged” into other countries and sold at such
a premium. But the laws of supply and demand
are not so easy to ignore. When there is a
strong need for a product, there is an equally
strong incentive for an enterprising capitalist
to fill that need. And apparently, that's just
what happened.
igh-tech electronics
are a way of life, they pay $714.93
for an American-made radar detector
(You can get the same one for considerably less)
Easy Access
Of course, its easy for you to get an
ESCORT — just call us toll-free or write us at
the address below. The price is the same as
it's been for the last five years: $245. Quite.
a deal for what the Japanese must think is
the best radar detector in the world.
Try ESCORT at no risk
Take the first 30 days with ESCORT asa
test. If youre not completely satisfied
return itfor a full refund. You can tlose.
ESCORT is also backed with a one
year warranty on both parts and labor.
ESCORT $245 (Ohio res. add $13.48 tax)
TOLL FREE. .800-543-1608
IN OHIO.. .B00-582-2696
By mail send to address below. Credit”
cards, money orders, bank checks, cer-
tified checks, wire transfers processed
immediately. Personal or company
checks require 18 days.
Cincinnati Microwave
Departrnent 100-007-A03
One Microwave Plaza
Cincinnati, Ohio 45296-0100
Tune in “Talkback with Jerry Galvin” Americas new weekly satellite call-in comedy talk show Sunday evenings on public radio stations Check local listings.
No other Canadian feels as
smooth as Black Velvet.
Premium. Imported.
Sexism in Saudi Arabia is even showing
up on the hoods of Rolls-Royces. The Brit-
ish auto maker had to scrap its usual
hood ornament for a dozen special Saudi
customers. The traditional figure—an
upright woman they call The Spirit of
Ecstasy—is considered provocative in the
Moslem world. An older design depicts a
woman in what is considered the proper
Middle Eastern posture: on her knees.
Some people just don't have a firm
grasp of the obvious. According to the
headline in the Chicago Tribune, “росток
We're just passing this along as a public
service. The 1985 edition of the Old Farm-
ет Almanac quotes A. A. Kennerly of New
York City, who claims, *A sex-change
operation will age you five years."
The conversation at our office went
something like this: One editor, comment-
ing on our vocabulary style, lamented the
passing of the word dick to describe the
male member. Another editor took imme-
diate issue with that, arguing that the hip-
pest people he knew referred to the male
organ only as dick. In support of his argu-
ment, he reminded us of the great line in
48 HRS. when Eddie Murphy, fraught
with sexual disuse, said something like,
“Man, I'm so horny, when the wind
blows, my dick gets hard." We took a poll
among our male and female editors to see
what names the organs with which they
were familiar answered to. Among the
responses were unit, member, wei
and The Persuader. But common among
all the re: — and this is the
point—dick. In this topsy-turvy world, we
want to make things easier for everybody
And you often find yourself in a
conversation—intimate or otherwise—in
'ondents wa
which you need to refer to your organ.
"Those of us who have heard Andrea Dwor-
kin pronounce penis never want to hear
that sound again. So our advice is, when in
doubt, use dick. You'll be glad уси did.
Two women who made "resigner"
jeans—for the woman who has resigned
herself to having a full figure—are being
sued by Jordache for trademark infringc-
ment. It seems the company feels that the
name Lardashe is a little гоо similar to its
By the time Oxnard, California, author-
ities captured the man who had robbed a
local bank of $13,000, he seemed more
interested in evacuation than in escape.
Forgetting John Dillinger’s sound ad-
vice to young desperadoes, “Always use
the bathroom before you rob the bank,"
the fleeing felon ducked into a local laun-
dry to relieve himself. Finding no change
or small bills in his wad of loot, he was
y% w
unable to enter the pay toilet and was
apprehended by police in a “very excited
It seems he had forgotten Dillinger’s
second well-known adage: “If there's no
change among the plunder, always crawl
The Reader, Chicago's free weekly, has
one of the liveliest personal-ads sections in
the country. Recently, a disgruntled Cath-
olic took the opportunity to write, “Fuck
you, St. Jude. For favors ignored.”
Found, in this day of media stars, a
modest journalist. In House, the newsletter
of the Center for Investigative Reporting
reveals that when writer Craig Pyes heard
that his entire 30,000-word Albuquerque
Journal article “Salvadoran Rightists: The
Deadly Patriots” had been broadcast over
the antigovernment Radio Venceremos, he
quipped, “Well, there's a
instance of the guerrillas” committing
human-rights abuse against the
doran people."
The Dallas County medical examiner's
office ruled that champion fisherman
Danny Ray Davis had committed suicide
the day before he was to appear before a
Federal grand jury investigating cheating
at bass tournaments. According to reports,
Davis had been cooperating with the
grand jury but had expressed fears for his
life. The investigation had begun after
Davis won the $50,000 first prize in a
Labor Day bass tournament in Texarkana,
He won after laboratory tests showed that
the bass entered by two other fishermen
had come from Florida. Davis’ fish was not
tested. As Sam Giancana used to say, “See
that stupid fish. If he hadn’t opened his
mouth, he wouldn't have gotten caught."
‘Trenton, New Jersey, city councilman
Albert “Bo” Robinson has proposed an
idea for reducing teenage pregnancy and
1. Want to know what jolted Joe? Our
first—and most fabulous —Sweetheart.
3. Derek's Dominoes, Second Edition:
Part of a dynasty now, this cleavage
once symbolized with The Big Valley.
5. Maybe it's still a man's world, but
blonde bombshelling is no man's field.
This is, though. Plain Jaynes, take heart.
7. You've had the pleasure a few times
before, but if you still don't recognize
them, close your eyes and count to ten
чук P
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2. Thoroughly modem, these appeared
. drugged their owner.
4. She put up a front and Bob Fosse put.
her to the test. If Papa had seen these,
he might never have gotten depressed.
6. She won an Oscar for supporting her
dad but struck out in a later flick. We
still think the lady's good news bare.
8. Diamonds are the girl's best friends.
She always takes a buss to the ball park,
where she likes to work the hit and run.
lowering welfare costs at the same time.
Robinson, executive director of United
Progress, Inc., an antipoverty agency,
suggests paying teenaged girls $200 for
cach year they don’t become pregnant. If
they make it all the way to their 18th birth-
day without giving birth, he says, they
should get a check for $2000.
When the dust cleared after last Novem-
ber's elections, the Senate seat vacated by
Howard Baker had been won by Albert
Gore, Jr., whose father had been a
longtime member of that august body.
Baker graciously showed his 36-year-old
Democratic replacement around the club-
house. When they reached the senior Sen-
ator from South Carolina, 82-year-old
Republican Strom Thurmond, Senator-
clect Gore mentioned that they'd already
had one close encounter.
"How's that?" asked Baker.
“A long time ago,” Gore replied, “my
father took me to the Senate swimming
pool, and Strom Thurmond stepped on
my submarine."
“The student newspaper of Gcorgia Col-
lege at Milledgeville entered a piece of
roast becf in the Miss Georgia College
scholarship pageant to protest rules
requiring that a contestant must not have
been married, cohabited with a male, had
an abortion, had any children or had plans
to marry before the end of her reign.
“What do any of those requirements have
to do with scholarship?" questioned Jackie
Smith, editor of The Colonnade. Smith and
Andrew Boswell, a staff writer, entered
Piece of Meat in the contest by submitting
an official entry form, seven black-and-
white photos of the roast and a $30 fee.
Although party hard-liners still regard
it as a form of “spiritual pollution,” ten
Chinese art schools have begun employing
nude models. The unveiling took place
alter a Peking newspaper reported that
Chairman Mao had approved of bare flesh
for art’s sake—cven though there’d been
no posing in the raw during his 27-year
reign. When do we get to see the first Com-
rade of the Month?
In case you've been pricing one lately,
the following informative headline ap-
peared in the Chicago Tribune: ‘$15,000
The Austin, Texas, American-Statesman
ran the classified ad of the month: “Tired
of fishin’ but like the smell? I'll trade you
my 1929 antique gynecologist’s for
your bass boat or trihull.””
Sounds like another Congressional hand
job. According to the Chicago Tribune:
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FASHION UPDATE: You saw the suit Daryl Hall wears in the Out of Touch video. Now you see the
suit Charlie "Mr. Cool de Sax” de Chant wears
Hall and Oatess live show (above). So whose
suit is it, anyway? Right? We asked Н. and O. spokesperson Jeb Brien, who, after rebuking us
OY TALK: Boy George, flanked by his
plain-faced Culture Club ensemble,
Mikey Craig, Jon Moss and Roy Hey,
recently met the press at one of Chicago's
generic hotels usually reserved for trade
shows and traveling evangelists.
Boy sported a glittery gold fez with a
tassel and layers of big-print cotton
garments—the kind you used to see flap-
ping on clotheslines out in the country. His
kabuki-white face was punctuated by daz-
zling touches about the eyes and lips. Boy
resists nail polish. It all seemed appropri-
ate when a hotel chef in customary head-
gear poked his head in. Boy is, after all,
just another working bloke and nothing he
did dissuaded us from that notion.
Boy and the boys turned out to be an
amusing quartet, reminiscent of such other
Britons as (dare we say it?) the Beatles and
Quentin Crisp. Boy is the group's pre-
eminent spokesperson, and a wellspring of
opinions. On make-up: “I wear it for the
same reason women do—to look nice.”
On the press: “The press is real cynical
and I am, too, so it’s a great match.” On
himself: “I’m like a peasant who just
learned to write a check,” On the pitfalls
of success: “We all have cleaning jobs in
the morning.” On the Phil Donahue show:
“The best thing I’ve ever done—you get
to argue with people.” On the Jacksons
concert: “Like Holiday on Ice.” On video:
“All the videos on MTV are sexist.” On
Frankie Goes to Hollywood's simulated
buggery in the Relax video: "It's unneces-
sary to exploit things that way. We've had
people thrusting their pelvises at us for the
last 30 years.”
“Oh, you're just being bitchy,” taunted
for our lack of pelt savvy, explained, "Daryl's is Dalmatian—the dog suit; Charlie's is giraffe.” We
figure Charlie must have gone with the giraffe pattern for its obvious slenderizing effect.
Moss when Boy protested the charge by
some Texas fundamentalists that he is the
creation of the Devil. In their supporting
roles, the other band members displayed
energy and wit and the sort of relaxed
comfort that comes from selling several ga-
zillion -records world-wide. Moss played
with his gum in an ashtray. Hey, the mar-
ried one, refined our thinking on what is
and isn’t exploitation: If Hey wears a
dress, it's exploitation; if Boy George does,
it isn't. And Craig articulated the band's
founding philosophy: “We wanted to have
fun, enjoy ourselves.”
Well, what do you expect from a band
that titled its most recent LP, Waking Up
with the House on Fire, with a line from a
Doris Day movie?
more sex and drugs and rock "n' roll,”
George Michael says of himself and his
contemporaries. “The new bands are all
very professional.” Michael and partner
Andrew Ridgely constitute Wham, whose
LP Make It Big is the best rendering of
blue-eyed soul music since Hall and
Oates's Abandoned Luncheonette.
The professional rap is yet another
element in a soup of contrasting public
images that this group has cooked up.
Frankly, we're confused. First we heard
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and thought
Smokey Robinson’s Ше brother had
made a record. Then we saw the pretty
white faces on the record sleeve. Next
came the video, with those two muscular
guys in gym shorts jumping around in a
pep frenzy. Now we're supposed to believe
this buttondown crap? We asked Michael
what kind of image Wham was after.
"Image?" he asked with mock irrita-
tion. “We've never actually thought about
image. I suppose we're like Butch and
Sundance. The world is our oyster. We're
young and having a good time."
Well, even. Butch and Sundance were
professionals. We can hardly wait to see
the next video.
GOOD BOOK: We've gotten some
chuckles from Rock Archives (Dou-
bleday Dolphin), by Michael Ochs, who's
been wearing black-suede shoes with pink
Piping to help hawk it.
“I bought the shoes to go with the
book's cover," he told us. For a serious
rock-’n’-roll freak, Ochs sure has his act
His book covers the first 20 years of
rock in pictures from his collection,
the largesı rock archive in existence. We
saw moments we hadn't even known
about: Stevie Wonder meets Muhammad
Ali; The Band dresses up and goes out
Our favorite: Ironing Board Sam, a
Memphis eccentric who played an ironing
board equipped with piano keys. Some of
the shots are simpler documents, but
Ochs’s irreverent and informative patter
makes up for them. — KATE NOLAN
We still don't think that Linda Ronstadt
is the greatest jazz singer who ever lived,
but lush Life (Elektra/Asylum) is so much
better than her first outing with the Nelson
Riddle Orchestra that we're ready to
reconsider some of the nasty things we said
[ —— TRUST US ——
George Strait / Does Fort Worth
Ever Cross Your Mind?
Al Green / Trust in God.
Madonna / Like a Virgin
Elvis Presley / Rocker
Pat Benatar / Tropico
Madam / We Reserve the Right
when What's New came out. First of all,
Ronstadt's voice seems in finer fettle these
days—more control, more refinement.
And her phrasing is interesting and effec-
tive. Her version of Skylark is light and
wonderful. It’s lovely to see a woman age
gracefully, with her sexuality and intelli-
gence intact.
; .
There is a synthesizer/rap-track sound
in Pop music these days that is showing up
on too many albums. The latest casualty is
one of our favorites, Angela Bofill, on her
new album, Let Me Be the One (Arista).
When she's singing like her old self on the
title track and on No Love in Sight, she's
the same sexy Angie we'd love to take to a
fancy restaurant just to hear her talk. On
the other tunes, she is sucked into an echo.
chamber where electronic bones beat her
beautiful voice into submission. Her pro-
ducers, David Frank and Mic Murphy,
should each be whacked soundly on the
head with a saxophone or some other nat-
ural instrument.
If, like us, you've always loved the exu-
berant vocals of Earth, Wind € Fire,
you'll instantly recognize the incredibly
clear falsetto of Philip Bailey on his second
solo album, Chinese Wall (Columbia). His
first album, Continuation, produced one of
the baddest soul hits of 1983 (I Know), and
before the end of 1984, thc infectious Easy
Lover, last cut on Chinese Wall, threatened
to bust the top of the soul charts. Obvi-
ously, the man has talent. On Chinese
Wall, Bailey teams up with Phil Collins
(yes, that Phil Collins), who produced the
sessions and plays drums on all the tracks.
The best collaboration of the two Phils is
on the album's title cut, which sounds—
believe us—like Earth, Wind & Fire and
Genesis all in one song. Check it out.
Being among the dwindling few who
prefer lyrics to mean a little something, we
don't ordinarily take kindly to a line like
“She's so heavy, like a Chevy” —unless, of
course, the line comes from Kool and the
Gang, who have a way of writing lyrics just
the way a 16-year-old high school dropout
would and then singing them with such
adolescent intensity that you forget that
these are grown men. Once again, Kool
jiggles our marimbas with his latest
album, Emergency (De-Lite/PolyGram),
from which Misled (the song with the line
about the heavy Chevy) is sure to be a hit.
Kool be bad once again.
patrons of London's
trendier clubs writhed to the driving beat
of Love Resurrection, on which the lead
vocalist sounded like the graduate of a
Gospel choir. What a surprise to find that
the singer was none other than English-as-
Last summer,
tea-and-scones Alison Moyet, formerly of
Yaz (nee Yaz00).
Love Resurrection has now crossed the
Atlantic on the wings of Moyet's solo disc,
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LETS HEAR IT FROM THE BOY DEPARTMENT: The latest silliness on the concert circuit has
Wendy O. Williams thrilling her fans by cutting an effigy of Boy George in half with a chain
saw. We checked this out with the Boy when he passed through Chicago. "I think it's fab-
ulous. It's great publicity," he said. "Besides, I'm much better-looking than she is. That
bitch." After looking over his new Crayola-red hair, topped by a fez, we had to agree.
recorded three songs for the new
John Landis movie, Into the Night: the
title cut, a tribute to B.B.'s guitar,
Lucille, and Wilson Picketrs Midnight
Hour. Landis also supervised the mak-
ing of videos of the three. . . . Absolute
Beginners, the Keith Richards/ Ray Davies.
movie, has finally gone before the cam-
eras, six months behind schedule. David
Bowie, Elvis Costello and the Stones are set
to contribute new material to the sound
track. . . . Prince is planning the Purple
Rain sequel for 1986.... Оп Eddie
Murphys schedule is a movie called
Groupie, about a rock star who turns
the tables on a fan and starts to pursue
her. . . . Duran Duran is making a video
feature film co-starring actor Milo
O'Shea, who portrayed the character in
Barbarella that inspired the group's
name. ... Blame It on the Night, the
movie co-written by Mick Jagger, hasn't
gotten very good reviews from either
The Hollywood Reporter or Daily Variety.
Can Mick take the rejection?
NEWSBREAKS: Attention, Lou Reed fans:
An entire album of previously un-
released Velvet Underground material
has recently been discovered and
released by PolyGram, along with reis-
sues of the group's earlier stuff... .
The Marvin Gaye tribute in L.A. has
been taped for TV broadcast. It will
include film clips of Marvin in concert,
a laser show, large-scale dance num-
bers and performances by his contem-
poraries and by new stars whose music
he influenced. Proceeds from the trib-
ute will go to a trust fund for his three
children. - Medonna is putting
a band together for her first U.S.
The Stray Cats’ breakup is
- Doctors still don't know if
Tom Petty will ever be able to play the
i . Even assuming the phy:
cal therapy works and his hand contin-
ves to heal, live performances are still a
long way off... . David Lee Roth has
been writing songs for the new Edgor
Winter album. . . . The Beach Boys and
their music are the subject of Surfing
U.SA- А New Beach Boys Musical,
which opens in New York this month.
The Boys won't appear in the show,
but they may write some new tunes for
it....The Honeydrippers, a.k.a. Robert
Plant, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Brian Setzer
and Cozy Powell, will do a short U.S
tour. . . . Devohas gone into the restau-
rant business with Melissa Man-
chester, Bernie Taupin and Elvira. They've
opened a dim sum parlor in
L.A. . . . Deep Purple says that its new
album and tour make the reunion per-
manent but that videos are still under
discussion. ... Our British sources
report that ousted Clash member Mick
Jones has put together a dance-floor
punk band. The group hasn't got a
name or a record company yet; Jones
says he's "waiting for someone to
invent the technology I require." . .
Chris Difford and Glenn Tilbrook rewrote
a Dr Pepper jingle that we'll be
hearing about 20 times a day next
July fourth... . Here's a story we
really like: Although the critics weren't
crazy about Give My Regards to Broad
Street, Paul McCartney was philosophi-
cal. He was also quite excited about
one aspect of releasing the film: He
located Eleanor Rigby. Rigby's group,
The Delicates, was an opening act in the
Sixties for James Brown and Ike and Tina
Turner. She and McCartney shared the
same lawyer and when Paul was look-
ing for a five-syllable name for a song
lyric, the lawyer suggested Eleanor
Rigby. Rigby now works for The Holly-
wood Reporter. Now we know the
answer to the musical question “All the
lonely people, where do they all come
“ALF” (Columbia), and although it comes
close to being a religious experience, the
track is surpassed by its fellows Steal Me
Blind and For You Only. Moyet seems to
be on her way to full-fledged stardom.
Gospel singers, good or otherwise, gen-
erally don't have the popular following it
takes to get much play on secular radio,
but Vern Gosdin may have made enough
ofa mark on country music to change all
that. If Jesus Comes Tomorrow (What Then)
(Compleat) could do very well. Gosdin’s
respectful but personalized version of that
sometimes smarmy stuff could attract his
regular fans and a lot of others to a genre
that doesn't always require a sense of piety
or a revivalist childhood for enjoyment.
It seems as if the heavy influx of the reg-
gae sound has died down, which is good,
because it separated the men from the
boys, Jahwise. Black Uhuru is still around
because its members make good reggae, аз
they prove once again on their latest
album, Anthem (Island). The first cut,
What Is Life?, is Rastaferocions.
If it is possible то renovate а musical
cliché, that's exactly what French pianists
Katia and Marielle Labeque have done on
Gershwin (EMI/Angel They exhumed
Gershwin's original two-piano version of.
his 1928 epic An American in Paris and
have given it a world premiere on this disc.
It is a lively, invigorating, charming
tribute—to Gershwin and to Paris. lt
avoids all of the numbingly cute aspects of
the orchestral version and stresses deli-
cacy, vigor and affection. Side two pre-
sents the Labeques exploring the late
Percy Graingers Fantasy on George
Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess” for Tuo
Pianos. The score remains passionate and
eloquent and the playing, again, is crisp,
forccful and loving. Students of album-
cover art will find the Labeques good to
look at as well.
Mark Knopfler / Music from the Film “Cal”
(Mercury): Another spectacular sound
track, from the Dirc Straits acc. Similar in
feel to the Local Hero score.
Toto / Dune (Polydor): A different kind of
sound track, featuring The Vienna Sym-
phony Orchestra, with its lusty strings.
Eerie synthesizer underpinnings make it a
challenging mixture.
Get Smart! / Action Reaction (Fever
Records): This is what happened to Mid-
western bar bands when they heard the
Sex Pistols. Lots of beat and jangle; it's
raw and rocking.
The Kinks / Werd of Mouth (Arista): Ray
Davies lost a good woman last year in
Chrissie Hynde, but this is proof that he
isn't dying of a broken heart.
Aretha Franklin / Aretha’s Jazz (Atlantic):
The jazz parts from two previous LPs all
in onc place. A fine companion to the new
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ough guys don't do divorce work. It's
Tr of the code of the hard-boiled
detective—perhaps because it hits too
close to home, since most mystery-story
heroes are single, with heartache and pot-
holes on memory lane, Stephen Greenleaf,
who is no slouch at crafting detective fic-
tion (his Tanner series is first-rate), has
finally tackled the forbidden. The hero of
The Ditto List (Villard) is a divorce lawyer
named D.T. (which stands for anything
from delirium tremens to detumescent).
Here he slogs his way through three messy
divorce cases, and the results are heroic.
Mike and Amy are bright, well educated
and out of work. So they take a decisive
step—in a backward direction—and be-
come domestic help in Stanley Ellin's Very
Old Money (Arbor House). Mike signs on
as chauffeur and Amy as personal secre-
tary serving the Durie family in its huge
Fifth Avenue mansion. With as many clos-
ets as it contains, there are bound to be
lots of skeletons. ‘There is one family secret
that is particularly juicy, and its unravel-
ing ends in murder. But besides that, Ellin
knows the way the rich live: with a kind of
deft and graceful carelessness. Very Old
Money is a very rich read.
In A Clarification of Questions (Westview
Replica Edition), by Ayatollah Sayyed Ru-
hollah Mousavi Khomeini, we finally get
to the heart of the matter: There is no
heart in this matter, only rules. Available
for the first time in English, A Clarification
is the Ayatollah’s response to 3000 ques-
tions concerning Moslem law—more than
anyone would ever want to know.
Some of it makes great sense: “The
major abominable dealings are as follows:
First, selling real estate."
Some of it is surprising: An entire sec-
tion is devoted to “The Sweat of a Camel
That Eats Unclean Stuff.” But chuckles
aside, most of it is simply depressing. Is
this any way to run a revolution?
First, we must admit a prejudice. PLAYBOY
is a magazine with its own advice column,
so we look upon the questions and
answers in The Straight Dope (Chicago
Review), by Cecil Adams, with some ex-
pertise. Adams is a know-itall for the
Reader, a Chicago weekly. His answers are
profound, demented and fun. Now the rest
of America can share in his wisdom. It
sure beats Trivial Pursuit.
Bobby Giaquinto is a sportswriter who
does more screwing in his office than writ-
ing. He doesn't feel real great about that,
but he doesn't feel all that bad about it,
either. He just doesn't want his wife to
know aboutit, because, well, itwould be a
little hard to explain. In Pat Jordan’s The
Cheat (Villard), we find Bobby cracking
Breaking up is hard to do.
Mystery thrillers,
quotes from the Ayatollah
and some Straight Dope.
Even old money talks.
the first big baseball exposé of his career
and undergoing the first real love of his
life. Jordan, a sports journalist, makes the
book’s sports parts pale in comparison
with its descriptions of the women who
hover around Bobby; he’s at his best in
identifying the locales of male sexuality
and pain. This first novel is a good
opposite-field hit.
The trials of Jeremiah Kennedy, attor-
ney at law, aren't only in the courtroom.
This guy's got problems—a rebellious
wife, a jailed friend, a mentor in exile and
the IRS on his back. George V. Higgins
revives Jeremiah (from Kennedy for the
Defense) in his new novel, Penance for Jerry
Kennedy (Knopf). A typical Higgins story,
with more dialog than action and a funny,
clever plot, this is pure entertainment.
(For more Higgins, see page 84.)
He has been called a one-man Monty
Python troupe, a Wodehouse on acid and
the funniest writer now working in the
English language. Until recently, Tom
Sharpe was to Americans the writer most
likely to become an answer in Trivial Pur-
suit; his stuff was almost unavailable here.
Vintage Books has finally released his old
titles in paperback, so Americans can
begin to balance the joke deficit with our
English cousins. You might start with the
Wilt trilogy—Wilt, The Wilt Alternative
and the latest, Wilt on High (Random
House). No, this is not a book about hang
time in the N.B.A. Wilt is an instructor of
rapid reading at the Fenland College of
Arts and ‘Technology. He would like to kill
his wife; but, then, wouldn’t we all? The
Walter Mitty of murder is the kind of guy
who practices homicide with an inflatable
Judy Joy doll, who has international ter-
rorists for lodgers and who still can’t seem
to get along with the local police inspector.
Each book is unexpected—and perfect.
Digital Deli (Workman), written by The
Lunch Group & Guests, edited by Steve
Ditlea: Add up 146 writers, pundits and
computer personalities—from William F.
Buckley, Jr., to Nolan Bushnell—and what
do you get? A spectacular digital smorgas-
bord and one of the brightest, and most
surprising, computer books of the year.
Into the Heart of the Mind (Harper &
Row), by Frank Rose: The author spent a
year watching what happens when top
artificial-intelligence scientists try to teach
machines to think as they do. Where they
succeed, where they don’t and what
they’ve got coming up make for fascinating
reading. A clear, fast-moving introduction
to a complicated subject.
Hackers (Anchor/Doubleday), by Steven
Levy: Everybody knows that the mi-
crocomputer whiz kids started in ga-
rages, but few of us know how those
pimply-faced kids got out of the garages
and into the board rooms. Levy does, and
this very readable book takes you along
every step of the way. Next to a San Jose
hot tub, the most enjoyable way to get to
know who's who in microcomputers.
The Great Thoughts (Ballantine), com-
piled by George Seldes: This is a book that
could get you through a year of college or a
night on Bill Buckley's Firing Line. A list
book with a vengeance, its purpose is no less
than to assemble the ideas that shaped our
world. The surprising thing is that it works:
It’s painless intellectual entertainment.
Honda, Honda, Honda. We
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Inc. Rear
ast November's Harper’s featured a
ПЕЕ titled “The Place of Por-
nography," in which various pundits dis-
cussed the state of American porn. It was
a generally sensible discussion, but there
were a few surprising moments.
“The Playmate of the Month is a partic-
ular woman about whom the reader is
meant to have particular fantasies," said
Midge Decter, author of The New Chastity.
“In my view, this has a baneful effect on
people— makes them demented, in fact.”
Susan Brownmiller, calling pornogra-
phy “antifemale propaganda," said she
would ban it on the grounds that it is
"dangerous," that it "incites people to
commit violent acts" and that it “distorts
the nature of sex.” The founder of Women
Against Pornography went on to say that
“our society is able to understand the dis-
tinction between pornography and politi
cal disagreement” and that “Vogue's
fascination with S/M derives from its pop-
ularization in hard-core porn."
Reason had its defenders as well. Uni-
versity of Massachusetts political-science
professor Jean Bethke Elshtain answered
Brownmiller by saying, "The link that
you're suggesting between pornography
and violent sexual crimes draws on sim-
plistic behaviorist psychology. This psy-
chology doesn't enjoy much credibility
today, because it doesn't take into account
the intricacies of human fantasy life.”
Aryeh Neier, former director of the
American Civil Liberties Union, said,
“The claim that certain kinds of expres-
sion are ‘dangerous’ and an ‘incitement to
violence’ is used all the time to try to pro-
hibit speech one doesn’t like.”
And that little old porn maker Al, our
friend Goldstein, pointed out that “in a
democracy, a lot of things offend some-
one. . .. But I listen to points of view I dis-
agree with because that's what living in a
democracy is.”
Decter, at another point: “But we as a
society must do something to protect our-
selves. If the law cannot involve an asser-
tion of community standards, what is it
for? And if we have no community stand-
ards in this area, we are more than half-
way to the abyss. Amid all our talk about
First Amendment absolutism, I must
point out that at one time in this
country—and mot all that long ago,
either—speech was not absolutely pro-
tected; and I don't think American society
then was repressive or that people's rights
and freedoms were violated.”
Neier: “You are quite wrong. During
World War One, 2000 people were sent to
prison for speaking out against the war—
speaking against it, nothing more. We
were certainly a more repressive society
then. Our protection of speech essentially
Ша Eros for a Violent Age
3 Midge Decter
Jean Bethke Elshain
Susan m EricaJong Arsch Neier
iy Sene
Technolo and the Fare ofthe Inagration
By Fer Timer
Alo: amer by High Kemer Veri Geng
Rehd) Bam, Maro Мар Lisa
"For all practical
purposes, pornography is
simply what the censor
wants to censor."
began after World War One, with the
development of the ‘dear and present dan-
ger test. One has to ask a simple question
of those who favor censorship: What do
you regard as an intellectually honest
method of distinguishing between material
you find offensive and other forms of
Harper’s cditor Lewis H. Lapham
summed up: “The conversation seemed to
suggest a possible balance between the
claims made on behalf of morality and
those made on behalf of freedom. If we
could limit the public uses of pornography
(i.e., its egregious display, its pretense to
political statement), then we could more
easily preserve its private uses (as a form
of expression, as a stimulus to sexual feel-
ing). It would be ironic if a too devout
reading of the First Amendment pro-
scribed the chance of a decent and intelli-
gent compromise.”
Too devout?
When “The Place of Pornography"
appeared, Harper's asked for Hef's reac-
tion, This was his response:
“То the editor,
“] enjoyed reading your round-table
discussion ‘The Place of Pornography.’ I
was most interested—though по!
surprised—to see it go round and round
without even approaching a uscful*defini-
tion of pornography. Our inability to
define pornography is central to the issue.
“As your panelists made clear, there are
many people who would like to regulate
porn. Anyone presuming to do so must
first separate it from other forms of expres-
sion, since free expression is protected by
the First Amendment. But if pornography
isn’t free expression, I don’t know what is.
For all practical purposes, pornography is
simply what the censor wants to censor,
and regulate is a euphemism,
“Ms. Brownmiller says our society is
able to understand the distinction between
pornography and politics, but I think she
has failed to do just that. Those who
would impose their political views on the
rest of us—whether they want prayer in
school or censorship—often wrap their
arguments in pious clothes. They claim
that their perspective is the one all right-
thinking people must share. Well, it ain't
necessarily so.
“I am an advocate of First Amendment
rights. Given a choice between greater
governmental control and greater personal
freedom, I would choose freedom. Not
only does this choice appeal to democratic
instincts, it reflects what I consider a
healthy repulsion for imposing one's moral
choices on everyone else. The antiporn
groups, it seems, would rather err on the
side of state power, eroding the rights of
the individual. These groups certainly
have a right to express their views in a
political disagreement like this. What 1
worry about is whether they are willing to
sacrifice Al Goldstein's right to expression.
in order to enhance their own.
“Ms. Decter asserts that ‘pomogra-
phers . . . are helping to destroy all
humane and valuable attitudes about sex:
We will be lucky if there is any sex at all 25
years from now.' Has she even considered
the possibility that porn has positive
effects? At a recent conference at Colum-
bia University, the eminent psychoanalyst
Dr. Otto Kernberg said that inhibition
"limits a couple to conventional standards
that stifle passion.” He said pornography,
on the other hand, can stimulate an active
fantasy life—can be an antidote to stifled
passion. ‘A rebellious sex life within the
bounds of a couple,’ he concluded, can be
the cement of marriage.
“I am an optimist. If we don’t forget
that there are more ominous threats to
our future than pornography, I am cer-
tain there will be sex 25 years from now. I
hope to be having some. I hope I won't
need to ask for a censor's permission.
Time will tell.
Hugh M. Hefner”
Surman вузол лонае стши сев
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MANY PROVOCATIVE questions, none subject
to easy answers, burn like hot fuses
through The Falcon and the Snowman
(Orion), director John Schlesinger's
searching, factual suspense drama based
on the book by Robert Lindsey. How—
and why—did two misguided members of
the baby-boomer generation, both former
altar boys from reasonably affluent fami-
lies in Palo Alto, California, become trai-
tors to their country? A movie can probe
only so far, yet Steven Z; ү
tation tantalizingly worms its
the explosive relationship between
Christopher Boyce and Andrew Daulton
Lee—Boyce an employee with top security
clearance in the defense industry, his col-
league a self-destructive cokehead and
drug dealer. In 1977, both were tried and
convicted of selling U.S. intelligence
secrets to Soviet agents in Mexico.
Vital, unforgettable performances by
Timothy Hutton as Boyce and Scan Penn
as Lee are sure to position these two actors
among the pacesetters for 1985. Hutton’s
dreamy, disillusioned idcalist in love with
freedom and falconry may be a shade
romantic (the real-life Boyce subsequently
escaped from prison, changed his identity
and took to robbing banks before he was
recaptured), but he sums up the chaos of
an era when countless young people saw
the so-called American dream subverted
by assassinations, Vietnam, Watergate
and cynicism in high places. Some turned
to drugs as a palliative, and that sad solu-
tion is projected in extremis by Penn, a
mesmerizing performer who risks being
downright repulsive but finally wins audi-
ence sympathy because he never begs for
it. The uniformly fine cast behind the lads
includes Pat Hingle as Boyce’s proud
father, a retired FBI agent; Lori Singer as
his girlfriend; and David Suchet as the
K.G.B.'s wiliest man down in Mexico. To
make the pieces of this tangled tale adhere,
Schlesinger—whose natural affinity for
mavericks colors all his works, from Mid-
might Cowboy to Yanks—forces us into
collusion with his screwed-up antiheroes.
You may not like them. You may not
understand them. But you won't look
away. ЕУ
The first hour or so of Birdy (Tri-Star).
director Alan Parker's movie from
William Wharton's best seller about a
young man so obsessed with ornithology
that he imagines he can fly, is exception-
ally funny, fresh and charming. As the title
character, Matthew Modinc projects win-
some nonverbal innocence—just right
for establishing the curious friendship.
between Birdy and Al (Nicolas Cage) dur-
ing extended flashbacks to their high
school years in Philadelphia. The lads’
Hutton riveting in Falcon, Snowman.
Three movies seemingly
about birds are
definitely not for them.
Matthew Modine sharing dreams in Birdy.
Ullmann, Jones, Irons in The Wild Duck.
misadventures with girls, birds, baseballs,
stray dogs and fl
admirers of Wharton's wildly whimsical
ng machines аге all that
novel might wish, and sensitive teamwork
by Cage and Modine adds the zing of good
screen chemistry.
Later on, though, the film's time-
leaping format begins to grow cumber-
some, with increased emphasis on Birdy as
a virtually catatonic war veteran (the
book’s World War Two period has been
updated to post-Vietnam) who appears to
believe he's in birdland. Al, himself a
wounded vet still in bandages, with half
his face shot away, is assigned to coax his
buddy back to sanity. And here’s where
the screenplay (by Sandy Kroopf and Jack
Behr) loses altitude. Birdy winds up being
grounded by earnest sermonizing, spelling
out for us the sociopsychological whys and
wherefores in too many words, words,
words. Even so, let’s give Parker his due
for meeting a formidable challenge more
than halfway. ¥¥¥
Movies appear to be going to the birds,
with The Falcon and the Snowman and
Birdy accompanied in high formation by
The Wild Duck (RKR Entertainment).
Made in Australia with a stunning inter-
national cast, Henrik Ibsen’s classic play
co-stars Jeremy Irons and Liv Ullmann.
Both are blue-ribbon performances,
though Irons adds more to his pres
than to his image as a romantic hero with
this persuasive portrayal of Harold (Ibsen
called him Hjalmar, but all the names
have been Anglicized), the weak and self-
absorbed photographer who disowns his
young daughter (Lucinda Jones) when he
learns that she may have been sired by
another man. Few American male stars
would dare to accept such a maddeningly
unsympathetic role. Australia’s Arthur
Dignam also excels as the cruel friend who
spills the beans, drives thc rejected child
to a tragic end and persists in believing
that men must live without illusions. It's
Ibsen's thesis that the opposite is true, and
we necd any kind of help we can get. Wild
Duck's view of human frailty remains as
compelling as always, though even meticu-
lous adaptation cannot disguise the stagi-
ness and symbolism of a theater piece
written a century ago. That felled bird the
child is sheltering in the attic, you'd better
believe, represents all God's poor crea-
tures, one way or another. ¥¥¥
Former President Richard M. Nixon is
the one and only character onscreen in
Secret Honor (Sandcastle 5), subtitled “A
Political Myth” and directed by Robert
Altman, no less, in concert with some zeal-
ots from the University of Michigan. Orig-
inally an L.A. stage production written by
Donald Freed and Arnold M. Stone, who
describe their work as “a fici
tion,” Honor is a one-man show played
with devastating impact by actor Philip
mal medita-
Baker Hall. he's supposed to be Nixon in
his study, post-Watergate, boozing and
wheezing and cursing his fate as well as a
gallery of great men's portraits—everyone
from the "whoremaster" Kissinger to
Eisenhower, Lincoln and “that fuckin’
"Washington." Nixon's case for the defense,
snarled into a tape recorder that gives him
a lot of trouble, portrays him as the medio-
cre, mother-smothered tool of power bro-
kers who degrade the political process and
usually wind up selling us the Presidents
we deserve. ¥¥¥
A black detective from Detroit goes
West to investigate the murder of a pal in
Beverly Hills Cop (Paramount), which is
much less serious than it sounds. In fact,
director Martin Brest’s impudent cops-
and-robbers comedy (from a screenplay by
Daniel Petrie, Jr.) gives Eddie Murphy
another golden opportunity to demon-
strate his skill as a cheeky saboteur of the
social order. While Murphy's moxie works
to bring some smugglers and murderers to
justice, the long arm of the law in laid-back
Southern California is flexed rather lan-
guidly by Judge Reinhold and John Ash-
ton, as a hilarious team of Beverly Hills
undercover men who behave like a latter-
day Laurel and Hardy. As the inevitable
damsel in distress, Lisa Eilbacher is
comely if not crucial to the action.
Although slow getting started, Beverly
Hills Cop is amiable and original—a funny
clutter of character sketches that ulti-
mately yield to Murphy's law and send
you home feelin’ good. ¥¥¥
Call it an entertaining send-up of film
noir. Call it a vaudeville act. No matter
what you call it, City Hear (Warner) ought
to cheer the legions of loyal fans who dis-
cover surprisingly defi comic chemistry
between Clint Eastwood and Burt
Reynolds, respectively playing a police
lieutenant and a former cop turned private
gumshoe. Clint’s the invincible, stoic,
seemingly bulletproof hero who calls his
onetime colleague Shorty; Burt’s the
incorrigibly cocky smartass. Together,
they cruise the dank, mean streets of a
Mob-ruled early-Thirties American town
that looks as though George Raft has just
lammed out of it. Jane Alexander,
Madeline Kahn, Irene Cara, Rip Torn,
Tony LoBianco and Richard Roundtree
help disarm criticism of a featherbrained
what-the-hell plot concocted by Sam O.
Brown and Joseph G. Stinson for director
Richard Benjamin, who knows exactly
how to make the most of what he has: two
superstars on a freewheeling spree.¥¥¥
Jeff Bridges plays the titular extraterres-
trial Starman (Columbia) and does a
remarkable job of sustaining the illusion
that he is the earthly embodiment of an
alien from outer space. Specifically, he
assumes the shape of a recently deceased
house painter in rural Wisconsin, which
A pair of cop movies,
two cosmic voyages and an
earthly joumey to India.
Davis in the exotic Passage to India.
causes considerable emotional conflict for
the painter's young widow (Karen Allen).
Directed by John (Halloween) Carpenter,
Starman is more romantic than sus-
penseful—in effect, an adult E.T. liberally
spiced with sex appeal and good humor.
Allen and Bridges fall in love, of course, as
they drive cross-country to keep his fateful
appointment with a mother ship while
being hotly pursued by the U.S. Army and
a Government agent bent on vivisection.
Free-floating somewhere between the con-
ventions of science fiction and the breezy
ways of screwball comedy, Carpenter
doesn't always find the proper balance.
But Charles Martin Smith, as an eccen-
tric UFO expert, makes a good go-
between. ЖУ
More benign intergalactic forces shake
up a joint U.S./Soviet space mission in
2010 (MGM), adapted from Arthur C.
Clarke's novel (previewed in PLaysoy
Eddie Murphy leads Beverly Hills Cops Reinhold and Ashton on to some action.
back in 1982) by writer-producer-director
Peter Hyams, The movie version is splen-
didly handsome, high-tech and work-
manlike. Clarke’s leaps of imagination are
fortified by Roy Scheider's take-charge
authority, Helen Mirren's fine credibility
as a Russian cosmonaut seething with sus-
picion, plus feisty support by such sea-
soned troupers as Keir Dullea, Bob
Balaban and John Lithgow. But what
more can I tell you after I say yes, Vir-
ginia, Stanley Kubrick is a tough act to
follow. HAL 9000—the wayward master.
computer rcactivated from his 2001: A
Space Odyssey —has come spinning back at
erratic speed in a lower orbit. VV
East meets West and makes а mockery
of British colonialism in A Passage to India
(Columbia), based on the durable 1924
novel by E. M. Forster. Writer-director
David Lean’s literate, grand and splen-
didly handsome movic rarcly captures the
nuances of Eastern mysticism in Forster's
semiclassic, yet Lean weaves an elegant
mystery from the tangled tale of a neurotic
young Englishwoman (Judy Davis) who
imagines she has been sexually assaulted
by an Indian doctor (Victor Banerjee).
James Fox, Alec Guinness and Peggy
Ashcroft round out the vibrant cast of a
bookish epic. WW
Gregory Hines and his fellow black
headliners at The Cotton Club (Orion) pro-
vide nearly all the entertainment in
Francis Coppola's murky megabudget
fiasco—a flimsy Godfather set to music
Between the toe-tapping highlights, Ri
ard Gere and Diane Lane are trapped in
substandard gangland melodrama, YY
Cops and robots are the whole idea of.
Runaway (Tri-Star), a futuristic chase
movie with Tom Selleck as hero and Gene
Simmons (of Kiss) as the evil genius he's
pursuing. Machine-made. YY
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capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
Amadeus Mostly Mozart in moviedom's
best bio of a great composer. -¥¥¥¥
Beverly Hills Cop (See review) Law and
disorder à la Eddie Murphy. vvv
Birdy (See review) Good take-off,
uneven flight path. yyy
Blood Simple Type-A thriller. WIA
City Heat (See review) Burt and Clint
invite you to catch their act. yyy
The Cotton Club (See review) Thread-
bare but highly theatrical БЫ
Crimes of Passion Kathleen Turner turn-
ing tricks for Ken Russell vu
Dune Sandbagged s-f classic. y
The Falcon and the Snowman (See review)
Espionage stranger than fiction. ¥¥¥¥%
Falling in Love Streep and De Niro as
commuters on a rather slow track. ¥¥
Fear City Strippers in jeopardy, Melanie
Griffith topping the bill. Wy
The Flamingo Kid On the beach with
Matt Dillon, in superfine form. ¥¥¥
The Killing Fields Friendship under fire
war-ravaged Cambodia. ww”
Micki & Maude Plus Dudley Moore,
sorely in need of an Arthur. y
The Naked Face Roger Moore sprung
from Fleming for Sheldon schlock. ¥
A Nightmare on Elm Street Grand
Guignol with Gidget. vv
Night cf the Comet Wry s-f about Valley
girls and apocalypse in L.A. E
Paris, Texas After a dry spell, Kinski and
Harry Dean Stanton save it. IVA
A Passage to India (Sce review) Tasteful
Lean pickings from Forster. AA
The Perils of Gwendoline Too little, too
late, but reminiscent of Raiders. vv
The River Spacek and Gibson get their
turn at roughing it on the farm. ¥¥¥
Runaway (See review) Tomfoolery. УУ
Secret Honor (Sce review) Outrageous
and brilliant Nixon shtick. vv
Starman (See review) E.T. in love,
sort of—with Bridges, Allen. у
Stop Making Sense Nice cinematic
Singspicl with the Talking Heads. ¥¥¥
Stranger than Paradise An offbeat road
movie that may be mistaken for
Transylvanian New Wave. E
A Sunday in the Country French provin-
cial comedy, warm and winning. ¥¥¥
Supergirl Is it a girl? Is ita plane? No, it
went Dunaway. yv
Target Zone No bull’s-eye for Mitchum,
Burstyn or Hudson, slouching toward a
Middle East massacre. yy
The Times of Harvey Milk Poignant tribute
to a gay political martyr. yyy
2010 (See review) OK as far as it goes—
but nowhere ncar Kubrick. БЫ
The Wild Duck (Scc review) Ibsen’s bird
soars with Liv and Jeremy. yyy
YYYY Don't miss
¥¥¥ Good show
¥¥ Worth a look
Y Forget it
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Name _ ШИШИ
wot Gossip: Hollywood's recent rediscov-
ery of the Western continues to gather
steam with the announcement of two more
cowboy epics currently in production. The
first, described as a “large-scale Western,”
is Columbia's Silverado, co-written and
directed by Lawrence (The Big Chill) Kasdan
and starring Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn, Linda
Hunt, Kevin Costner, Danny Glover and
Rosanna Arquette. The other, titled Uphill
All the Way, is а $3,500,000 chase comedy
set in Texas in 1917, top-lining Mel Tillis,
Roy Clark and Trish Van Devere. That brings
the total number of Westerns in produc-
tion to five, a fair investment considering
the fact that Hollywood doesn't really
know if the moviegoing public will be
interested. . . . Robert Redford and Meryl
Streep will tcam up for the first time in
Sydney Pollack’s Out of Africa, based on
books by Isak Dinesen. Woody Allen's
next film will be called Hannah and Her
Sisters. Woody will star along with Michael
Caine, Farrow, Carrie Fisher, Barbara
Hershey, Julie Kavner, Maureen O'Sullivan,
Tony Roberts, Dan Stern, Max von Sydow and
Dianne Wiest. Naturally, plot details are
under wraps.
THANKS FOR THE MEMORY: Although the pro-
ducers of Orion's Desperately Seeking
Susan shudder at the mention of the word
amnesia, that somewhat overworked ail-
ment provides the major plot twist in this
contemporary comedy, due out this
spring. Rosanna Arquette plays Roberta, a
bored New Jersey housewife who becomes
fascinated by a series of newspaper per-
sonal ads involving a girl named Susan.
Curiosity eventually overcomes her, and
Roberta finds herself showing up at a pre-
arranged meeting place described in one of
the personal ads to spy on Susan and her
fantasy lovers. To make a long story short,
Roberta ends up with Susan's red jacket,
bumps her noggin, gets amnesia and
spends the remainder of the movie think-
ing she's Susan. Directed by Susan (Smith-
ereens) Seidelman, the flick co-stars rock
singer Madonna (in her film debut) as the
much sought-after Susan, and Aidan
(Reckless) Quinn,
NUCLEAR FAMILY: Robert Redford's Sundance
Institute, the Utah-bascd haven for young
film makers, has joined with Carson Pro-
ductions to produce Desert Bloom, “an
emotionally charged period look at family
life in Fifties Las Vegas," set against the
imminent arrival of nuclear testing in that
arca. The family in question is the
Chismore clan, and its story is told largely
through the eyes of young Rose (played by
newcomer Annabeth Gish), a shy 13-year-
old on the threshold of womanhood. Jon
Voight plays her alcoholic stepfather, a
Rosanna Arquette (above) stars as a bored housewife whose life goes from the mundane
to the adventurous in the soon-to-be-released Desperately Seeking Susan. Frankly, we
weren't looking forward to Porky's Revenge, third in the Porky's series, until we leamed that
Miss September 1984, Kimberly Evenson, would show up at Angel Beach High as a Swedish
transfer student. That's Kim below, preparing to bare all at commencement exercises.
gas-station owner and World War Two
vet who spends much of his time crocked
in front of a short-wave radio; the ubiqui-
tous JoBeth Williams is the mother, a work-
ing woman with a case of gambling fever;
and rounding out the cast is Ellen Barkin,
who portrays Rose's aunt Starr, a flam-
boyant divorcee. Set for a fall release,
Desert Bloom was written and directed by
Sundance alumnus Eugene Corr.
ence Project, actor John (Christine) Stockwell
plays a high school senior with two big
problems—his girlfriend has dumped him
and he won't graduate unless he can come
up with a science project within two
weeks. Desperate, he does what any other
enterprising high school kid would do: He
raids a nearby U.S. Air Force supply
dump, where he just happens to find a cer-
tain device that will do very nicely as his
science project—a machine capable of
creating time warps. Our hero's science
project has an interesting effect on his
classmates, not to mention his ex-hippie
science teacher (played by Dennis Hopper).
Disney plans to release the film this
Legend has it Dr. A.P. McGillicuddy
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3. Sweepstakes open to U.S: residents of legal
drinking аре as of February 1, 1985, except em
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age wholesalers and retailers and Don Jagoda
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send a stamped,
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ies Print)
RECENTLY, I told a friend that Га rather be
forced to discuss California cuisine with a
precious waiter in San Francisco than go
skiing again. "That's because I tried to
learn how to ski in the days when a new
pair of Bogners left a purple ring around
my waist (and still looked baggy), when
lacing up my boots required the help of a
crane operator and two heavy-duty mov-
ers, when the Head Standards were almost
as long as the highway from Fort Worth to
Waco and when every instructor on the
slopes looked as if he had just stepped out
of the prisoner's dock at Nuremberg.
АП of this combined to keep me from
learning how to ski very well, but I guess it
hasn't brought any undue harm to the
sport. As I type, millions of fashionable,
pretentious madcaps are once again іп)
ing the stridently quaint little Alpine v
lages of the world to trail-drop (“Rustler's
Dip isn’t nearly as crusty as Nonie's
Nook"), to mountain-drop (“The back
bowls at Gretchen's Gorge remind me of
St. Anton"), to lodge-drop (“Did you
know that the chef at Heidi's Hutch came
from the Crillon?") and, ultimately, to lav-
ish food and drink on Pepi, the handsome
instructor who will teach you the heel
thrust while trying to schuss your wife. I
never had to worry about Pcpi's making it
with my wife. Maybe it's those sweaters
they wear—I don't know. Have you ever
smelled a instructor?
"You vill follow те!” the instructor
would shout, his quasi-Nazi voice echoing
across some chic, aprés-Rockies slope,
whereupon he would go wedeln (tail-
wagging) through a corridor of fir trees,
leaving me locked in a stem turn that
would eventually send me sliding 4000
feet, head over binding, into a vat of
Glühwein. Glühwein? Who the fuck ever
drank Glühwein? Hey, Traudl—you, the
Fräulein with the rosy cheeks and yellow
curls who wants to grow up and someday
marry an Austrian railroad worker—get
this lemon-rind cinnamon-stick Burgundy
shit out of my sight and bring me a Jun-
ior B., OK?
“She is the daughter of my friend
Hannes,” booms the ski instructor, pat-
ting Traudl playfully on the ass. “Hannes
brought skiing to this valley. Here the
snow is always good. Over there, not so
“What's over there?”
There's another thing about skiing: Did
you ever try to smoke on an Alp? Sküng is
a no-smoking sport. It isn't no-smoking
the way San Francisco is, because smoking
offends the sensitivities of so many San
Franciscans who don't like cigarette fumes
"There has never been
anything recreational
about leaning
down a mountain.”
with their imported Belgian endive. It’sno-
smoking because on an Alp, one drag
turns your lungs into a terrorists’ raid.
“I would not smoke here," Pepi warned
one day as we gazed down at a valley of
chalets perfectly carved from radette
“What are we on here, the Eiger?” I
smirked, flicking the Dunhill. “Here's how
you smoke on the Eiger.”
That first inhale knocked me into a
bent-over reverse-shoulder position from
which I didn’t recover until I got back to
Heidi's Hutch and had my one and only
sip of what I took to be mule piss, a drink
that is often advertised as hot buttered
Back then, you were supposed to have
skied with, or bought dinner for, Stein
Eriksen, or you didn’t dare to be seen in
stretch pants, Eriksen was a dashing Nor-
wegian who had won some Olympic med-
als and then had come to America to
invent Aspen and the fondueburger.
I would have met Stein, I suppose, had
I failed to discover early on that if you
could ride the chair lift up the mountain,
you could also ride it down. I think it was
in Kitzbühel in 1964 that I first introduced
smoking to the down chair lift. One thing
about skiing: I never met a gondola I
didn’t like.
There was a time when 1 actually
enjoyed being around the sport. For seven
years in another life, on another magazine,
1 hung out and traveled with a group of
loons known as Coach Bob Beattie and the
United States Ski Team.
“This had nothing to do with so-called
recreational skiing, a term I have always
thought odd inasmuch as there has never
been anything recreational about leaning
down a mountain. The Beattie days, as I
call them, were wonderful, because they
laid the groundwork for the hippic-scum
daredevil Bill Johnson's ass kicking of the
Europeans in last year’s winter Olympics
downhill at Sarajevo. We won no gold
medals in those years, 1964 through 1970,
but Billy Kidd and Jimmy Heuga won
some big races and Rip McManus ate a lot
of stemmed cocktail glasses and Sj
Sabich horrified all kinds of lodge-dining-
room guests by taking a mouthful of
lighter fluid, striking a match and then
spewing a flame across somebody's rabbit
stew. We put Volkswagens in Italian hotel
lobbies for fun, dismantled discos, taught
the French how to cook steak tartare well
done, reminded the Austrians of their
intimate friendship with Himmler and
Goebbels and had a heck of a doggone
good time laughing at how genuinely witty
the Swiss were.
“My sides ache,” Beattie would say.
“Those goddamn Swiss have peppered me
with one-liners all the way from Wengen to
“Yeah, I know,” I said. We were trying
to get 800 pairs of skis off one train and
onto another somewhere between Zug and
Spitz. “I heard a guy say chocolate a while
“No shit?” said Bob. “I heard a guy say
“Well, of course, they’ve always been
funny as hell about watches.”
“Chocolate or watches, I don’t know
how much more my sides can take,”
Beattie said.
“They better not start on one of those
routines about their trains," I said. “TIl
fucking die.”
Christ, the Swiss were funny.
I still haven't laughed as hard as I did in
those days, 1 don't think—not even now,
when I have to crecp down a dark alley in.
order to light a Winston in San Francisco
or when I'm discussing the revolutionary
rear-entry boot with a serious skier.
Like the other day. A man said, “What
do you think of the SX-91s?”
“Well, you’ve got to like the flex adjust-
ment," I said, “but, frankly, Pm still a
four-buckle, crank-'em-down-tight kind
of guy, you know? See you on
just sav the word Texas and two adjectives
jump into your head: big and rich. Two
Texas cities, in particular—Dallas and
Houston—serve as America's best defini-
tion of everything that's larger than life.
There, even the local jokes center on the
larger, the more luxurious—and, espe-
cially, the more expensive. So it stands to
reason that those two cities have become
the sites of a lusty competition to see who
can construct the most opulent hostel-
ries— which means that you, fellow travel-
ers, can also live like the filthy rich for a
night or two.
In Dallas, the Terrace Suite at The
Mansion on Turtle Creek is among the
most lavish suites. It may not mean much
to you that this establishment is owned
and operated by Rosewood Hotels —until
you discover that Rosewood is the corpo-
rate moniker of Caroline Hunt Schoellkopf
(billionaire Bunker's baby sister), one of
the daughters of the late H. L. Hunt and
arguably the richest woman in a state
where that handle has real meaning. The
ce Suite boasts 1600 square feet of
living space and a spectacular view of the
Dallas skyline from a terrace big enough to
hold the entire Cowboys Cheerleaders
corps. A fully equipped butler’s pantry
and kitchen makes it easy for a resident.
chef to whip up any sort of special mid-
night snack.
Probably the worst-kept secret of last
summer's Republican conclave in Dallas
was that President Reagan himself put on
s jammies at the Loews Anatole, the
largest hotel in the Southwest. Not surpris-
ingly, our Chief Executive and Mrs.
Gipper were ensconced in all 2200 square
feet of the Grand Presidential Suite. For a
cool $1000 a day, one gets an MGM-style
bedroom-bathroom with gleaming gold
fixtures and whirlpool, plus butler.
"The opportunity to arrive via gleaming-
mahogany water taxi is one of the most
impressive features of the Mandalay Four
Seasons Hotel, situated on a canal that
roams through the Las Colinas area,
between downtown Dallas and thc air-
port. Here, the Governor's Suite, even
though not the hotel’s largest, is the top
choice. Its decor is described as Western,
though it's tough to figure out how the
Louis XIV fireplace fits in.
But not every hotel in the colorful
Dallas/Fort Worth area makes its mark
solely through elegance and excess. Take,
for example, the Stockyards Hotel, in the
historic stockyards district of Fort Worth.
Just a couple of years ago, this hostelry
had deteriorated into a haunt for local
winos; then new owners purchased and
redid the property in a style they call
cattle-baron baroque. Western saddles
have now replaced all the bar stools, ceil-
“You can live like
the filthy rich for
a night or two.”
ing fans provide the ventilation and bath-
rooms are furnished with pull-chain toilets
and some with claw-footed bathtubs. The
Bonnie and Clyde Suite is the extra-spe-
cial attraction, commemorating an actual
stay by the infamous pair. Bonnie's old pis-
tol, framed, and clippings describing the
couple’s illegal exploits adorn the walls.
Although Houston is thought of as a
wildcatter’s city, far less decorous than
Dallas, lots of the same oil and beef money
has flowed south to the Buffalo Bayou.
Mrs. Schoellkopf's signature is found at
the Remington on Post Oak Park, where
the 5-Bay Suite is the choice of guests who
like their comforts in the luxurious lane.
Two sitting areas, two bedrooms, a dining
area and a skylighted terrace combine
with a full kitchen and a fireplace in living
room and master bedroom. A personal
chef is but a phone call away, and the full-
height window walls let in as much light as
occupants may (or may not) desire.
At thc Four Scasons Hotcl, Houston
Center, the Presidential Suite contains
only three rooms, but they're furnishe
rare taste and style—with Baccarat wall
sconces, Duncan Phyfe armchairs, a Sher-
aton sofa, framed tapestries and additional
pieces bearing such designs as Hepple-
white, from eras as notable as that of
George IIT. This is a suite in which it's lit-
erally possible to let Georgian do it.
But for the ultimate, nothing rivals the
Celestial Suite at Houston's Astro Village
Hotel, which was listed in the Guinness
Book of World Records as the most expen-
sive (more than $3000 a day) in the world.
Its 13 rooms are a testament to excess that
dwarfs all competitors. It was the creation
of Judge Roy Hofheinz, the self-made
Houston legend who, among other t|
crcatcd the Astrodome.
Judge Hofheinz lived in the Cele:
Suite for two years, and it’s almost impos-
sible to convey the extravagance of the
decor. Upon leaving the elevator, guests
face the Foyer of Fountains, intended to
evoke the youth-restoring object of Ponce
de León's search. The Lane of Lanterns,
designed with New Orleans’ French Quar-
ter in mind, sets a spectacular stage for
what's to come.
The Sadie Thompson Suite has been
unashamedly constructed as a South
Pacific bamboo hut (with mosquito net-
ting over the bed), and everything reminds
visitors (not very subtly) of the lady of ill
repute in Somerset Maugham’s tale. The
Lilian Russell Suite sits right next to
Sadie's room, and the furnishings here go
well beyond the merely ornate.
After the Acapulco Patio comes the
P. T. Barnum Suite, where the Big Top
Room contains three circles on the carpet
and three more on the ceiling to provide
precise boundaries for any acrobatics (or
other feats of derring-do) guests might
care to consider. The bed in the adjoining
Bandwagon Room looks a little short, but
it’s actually wider than a king-size model;
it’s made from a calliope, wheels and all
Still more surprises await next door in
the Adventure Suite. Here the two-story
Tarzan Room is vine-covered (talk about
opportunities for swinging). The adjoining
bedroom is called the Fu Manchu Room.
Then the the main Celestial Suite,
which includes the memorable Mandarin
Bath, the Roman Bath and something
called the Minidome. This last is a sports
fan’s dream, for it includes a working rep-
lica of the Astrodome’s own spectacular
scoreboard on which it’s possible to keep
track of any activity or competition in
which you happen to be engaged. Only in
Texas, folks.
I suppose no treatise on the suite life in
Texas would be complete without at least
one real ranch. A new favorite is Randy
Moore's spread in Omaha (Texas, not
Randy rent electively; six
auto executives stayed there during last
summer's Dallas Grand Prix. Since Randy
imself a rodeo rider, all sorts of rodeo
memorabilia fill bis Spanish-type house.
"There's also a pool and hot tub. The auto
guys paid about $1500 a day; Randy says
he knows they enjoyed themselves,
because they left him a car as a tip.
Э mg. “tar”. 07 mg. nicotine av. pue тепе, ЕТС Report FEB. 84, КО 7
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THE HEADLINE caught my eye: “STUDY: BOYS:
Oh, no, I said to myself. If the world fig-
ures out that we men are in reverie much
of the time, that fantasy is as central to our
lives as breathing, what secrets will we
have left?
Fortunately, that article had its limits. It
described a study that had been conducted
by Malcolm Watson of Brandeis Univer-
sity. Under the auspices of the National
Institute of Mental Health, he had exam-
ined the fantasies of 45 youngsters at a
day-care center. What he found will not
surprise any of the men I know. But I
think I can speak for all of them when I
say that I'm glad that Watson confined his
research to boys and did not go on to dis-
cover that men are no different.
“Little boys pass as much as a quarter
of their playtime fantasizing spaceship
rides, ray-gun duels and other outlandish
adventures,” the article said, “while girls
are far less likely to act out unrealistic
Big news. Who's surprised? I'm not,
and neither is my spaceship. I take a ride
every day. I used to go behind the moon
and over to Mars, but recently I've been
trying to get out to the edges of the uni-
verse, because that’s the territory that
truly fascinates me. Usually I have a pai
ner on my space explorations. Usually
Debra Winger.. Sometimes it's Gol
Hawn. OK, once in a while it's Seka, but I
certainly wouldn't admit that publicly.
Our trips are very nice, though fraught
with danger. Often I have to climb into
my space suit and repair the magvite
magtrometer on the external computer
gyroscope. This is dangerous and difficult
work, but boy oh boy, do I get rewarded
when I'm safely back in the ship. Those
women are glad to see me. All three of
them. They ask what they can do for me
and I show them.
Watson found that “bizarre, often com-
bative, daydreams filled with magic and
the supernatural are the almost exclusive
domain of little boys. . . . Sometimes pre-
school boys pretend they are spies and
superheroes. . . . Woven through these illu-
sions are conflicts between good guys a
bad guys.”
Did you hear that? “Illusions.” Who the
hell does Malcolm Watson think he is?
Illusions? Listen, just yesterd
Berlin, OK? It was 1939. I was a newspa-
per reporter. Look, if you're going to mock
me, just stop reading this right now, all
right? Because this really happened. I was
in Berlin and Gocbbels was pissed off at
me because of my dispatches to the
Chicago Daily News. A beautiful blonde
who looked a lot like Goldie Hawn had
given me information that there were con-
I was in
"Debra Winger scolded me,
but | could tell that she
was very proud of my
coolness under pressure."
centration camps outside Munich, and I
had sneaked through the forest and photo-
graphed the barracks and the crematori-
ums and then had gone back to my hotel to
write about them. That series had won the
Pulitzer Prize, and Hitler was furious.
After Goebbels chewed me out, Hitler
wanted his turn. As I marched into his
office, I pulled out my Xenon Laser Rela-
tivity Gun. The great thing about this gun
is that you never kill anybody with it—
you just send him into a deepfreeze in
outer space for 6000 years. “Adolf,” I said
with my Humphrey Bogart smile, “there
are good guys and bad guys, and guess
which you are?” I disappeared him—
zap!—like that. I stopped World Y
Two. Let me tell you, that blonde back
Munich was grateful.
“Girls the same age also spend lots of
time pretending, but their fantasies are
almost realistic domestic dra-
In fact, the girls studied never
io the unrealistic never-never
land that so fascinated little boys.”
There he goes again. "Never-never
land." Why is it that researchers are so
condescending? What do they know, any-
way? Take my trip to the French Riviera a
few minutes ago. I suppose that’s a never-
never land? I broke the bank at Monte
Carlo. Seriously, 1 did. I started with only
50 cents and through grit, pluck and luck,
I worked my way toward a small fortune.
There was this big Sicilian guy at the rou-
lette table, and I challenged him to a series
of bets—pick a number, pick a color, pick
ny combination. Debra Winger was so
nervous, she could hardly watch. Man, I
was hot. We played for 16 straight hours
nd I won, lost, won again, lost again; and
then, at dawn, with the sky the color of
smoked glass, I broke the bank on one last
brilliant bet. Whew, that was a close one,
I suddenly realized. Debra Winger scolded
me, but I could tell that she was actually
very proud of my coolness under pressure.
She gave me a massage and then tucked
me into my bunk on our yacht.
The most dangerous part of the study—
the part that could show that not one of us
emperors ever wears clothes—reads as fol-
lows: “Watson found the high fantasy
among boys four or five years old but not
among toddlers who were two years or
younger. “This shows that it increases with
age ? Watson said” (i
It is to be hoped tha
continue along these li
is very troublesome territory. If he proves
what we men already know, and ifour ten-
dency toward fantasy is successfully
exposed, we will never hear the end of it.
Daydreams and night dreams are where
we frequently live, but we cover our tracks
by appearing busy, industrious, organized,
mature. We know we're not any of those
things, but we hope nobody else know
The answer, of course, lies with me in
my secret life. 1 will tal are of the likes of
Malcolm Watson. 1 will deny everything.
Watson and I will be debating on ional
TV. The whole country will be watching,
id I will lie like a rug for my fellow men,
ming that real men don't fantasize,
that our minds are always on our jobs. I
t and resplendent, and
the issue will be put to rest.
Of course, I will also be a little sweaty,
because I will have just come in from my
rock concert, where my fans loved my
music so much that they wouldn’t let
me go. Nevertheless, 1 will win the TV
debate with Watson, and people will be
impressed. George Will will shake my
hand. “I always thought you were a pinko
faggot Communist,” he will say with a
warm smile, “but you certainly protected
the reputations of us men this evening.”
My arm will be hurting a little, because
nobody can come back with only one day's
rest and pitch a perfect final world-series
game for the Cubs and not feel some pain.
But I will grin and bear it. And when the
shouting's over and I'm walking back to
my limousine, Debra Winger will hug me,
Goldie Hawn will giggle, Seka will pout
and I will smile.
Not just at them, cither, but at my
trusty spaceship, too.
Gotten a
This... instead of these.
Last year, more than 8 million” citations
were issued for driving over 55 mph on US
If you were unfortunate enough to re-
ceive one of these tickets, maybe it's time to
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Gives you earliest possible
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MAX RANGE TEST | When Direct
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Their opinion
was nearly unan-
imous. Motor
Trend, Auto-
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Whistler is also first choice of truckers
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© Motor Trend, Aug. 1983
Spectrum detects all kinds of speed radar.
Stationary - moving - trigger - even pulsed
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Spectrum cuts
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Unfortunately, the FCC
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That's why Spectrum developed two fea-
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For city driving (where microwave intru-
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Most other radar detectors give
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ence between these signals
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Dash/Visor or Remote model.
You have your choice of two top-line Spec-
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“Source: Speed Limit Enforcement Certification Data, October 1. 1982 through September30, 1983,
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The Spectrum Remote gives you the
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No-risk trial. Free gift.
Order your Whistler Spectrum - Dashi
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ır WASN'T UNTIL perhaps the 20th time that
my loved one looked reverently into the
toaster that I finally caught on.
“Му God, you're staring at your reflec-
tion in my toaster," I sai
"Of course," he said. “It's the perfect
height.” Which it is; it sits atop the refrig-
“Why don't you use the full-length mir-
ror?" I pondered.
“1 would, but your son won't get out of
my way."
Thus I realized that I was living in a
hotbed of male vanity. Discrect question-
ing determined that I am not alone. Every
woman I know who has men around the
house reports the same. There is a myth
that men care nothing about externals and
wouldn't know a shirt stud if it bit them on
the nose. In fact, your average male has a
pronounced sense of taste and style.
Yet men don't like to shop. I have
noticed that department stores, and even
small specialty shops, turn many fellows
surly, impatient, nearly tearful. They are
easily daunted. At times, they will even go
so far as to let a woman shop for them.
"Two reasons not to let women shop for
l. Even the sweetest of us can't help
ourselves—if given the chance, we'll turn
you into an accessory. We'll buy you a
brown suit that shows our mink coat to
advantage. We'll choose high-heeled lizard
cowboy boots for you to accentuate our
diminutive size. We'll decide you need a
deerstalker cap because we fancy ourselves
Anglophiles. Think about this. Do you
really want to be a glorified handbag?
2. Women only think they know how to
choose men's clothes. We get the broad
idea, but we're unaware of nuance. Lapel
size, for example, is a closed book to us.
We just do not understand about lapels.
You can't expect us to, just as we know you
don't understand that if a woman wears a
belted tunic or high heels with trousers,
she probably comes from the suburbs.
But there is one area in which we can
help: We know how to shop. Wc are, in
fact, fearless; and 1, for one, have got the
scientific principles of shopping down pat.
Here they are:
Know what you want. Lic down, close
your eyes and let your entire wardrobe
dance, sugarplumlike, through your head.
If you concentrate long enough, you'll
realize that your soul is crying out for a
pair of gray-flannel slacks, with maybe а
nice forest-green Viyella shirt
"This is really important. If you don't do
this, you'll walk into a shop, look hope-
lessly at the piles and piles of items, buy a
lime-green sweater and fice. When you get
home, you'll open your sweater drawer,
where you'll find half a dozen more lime-
"Chances are, you're not the
Scottish-castle kind of guy.”
green sweaters, all still wearing price tags.
This is the established pattern of panicked
shoppers—they buy the same inappropri-
ate garment relentlessly.
Whenever possible, avoid bargains. Possi-
bly, you've heard the expression “You get
what you pay for." Make this your creed.
There's always a reason that the wool
blazer you have your eye on costs only
$19.99, and the reason, unfortunately, is
not that the store’s proprietors are
Go ahead; don't believe me. Buy the
wool blazer if you must. The first thing
you'll notice when you get it home is that
it isn't actually wool but merely some clev-
erly insinuating polyester. You won't care
at first. But when hard little pills start
forming on your sleeves after the third
wearing, you'll be woebegone. Two wear-
ings later, the blazer will begin to fall to
bits, You won't notice this, because thc
unraveling invariably starts at the back,
Your friends will snicker and not tell you.
The only bargains that may be real are
items on sale from decent shops. But
beware: It's easy to be seduced by a
markdown. You wouldn’t look twice at
that $45 orange brocaded vest if you
hadn't noticed that it once cost $200. The
trick is to never look at the original price,
probably a lic anyway. Another trick is to
go to a sale on the first day, when they may
still have something in your size. Always
remember there is a very good reason that.
things are cheap.
Get a firm grasp on your taste. Every
human has his own style, but only approx-
imately ten percent of us know it. Others
of us look at the mannequins in store win-
dows, see a beautifully complicated Japa-
nese ensemble, get very excited and
actually buy this mélange. Or we may leaf
through some fashion pages, see a guy ina
tweed suit standing in front of a castle in
Scotland and think, That's me.
Chances arc, it isn't. Chances are,
you're not the Scottish-castle kind of guy
but a down-vest-and-corduroy-trousers
kind of guy or a black-leather-from-head-
to-toe kind of guy or a soigne-silk-suit sort
of fellow. It pays to know this, because if.
you don't know who you are, some snot-
nosed salesman is bound to tell you.
Stop whining about ties. A man who com-
plains that he has to wear a tie is a tedious
man, indecd. Ties can bc very pleasant. À
good tie can offset bland clothes and make
them look spiffy. Ties even look nice with a
work shirt and jeans. Don't tell me that
ties are constricting. I refuse to listen,
because I have worn five-inch heels and
know the true meaning of the word. If you
think ties are constricting, you're probably.
buying your shirt collars too tight. Or
maybe you just hate your job.
When in doubt, avoid all cuteness. Shoes
with fun tassels, shirts with epaulets, belts
with buckles shaped like Mack trucks and
blouson jackets with about 80 decorative
pockets fall into this category.
Natural fabrics are best. They last longer
or, at least, wear out more attractively.
And natural fibers are honest, whereas
most polyesters and acrylics are pretend-
ing to be silk, wool or cotton. Clothes
made out of fake fabrics tend to have an
inferiority complex, the last thing the
wearer needs while out on a date with the
girl of his dreams.
If you're cf the poverty-stricken persua-
sion, get your natural fabrics at vintage-
clothing stores. They were made better in
the old days, anyway. [t is also a well-
known fact that famous Italian designers
cruise these shops, find a particularly tasty
tweed coat for $25, make a modern facsim-
ile and slap it with a $600 price tag.
Be man enough to admit your real size.
There is a strong chance that your waist
size has changed since your days on the
high school football team. You're fooling
yourself if you try to squeeze yourself,
sausagelike, into 32-waist jeans when all
the world can see you need at least a 34.
To thine oum self be true. Buy only things.
you really love. Never settle for mere infat-
uation, and never listen to anyone else. If
you must listen to someone else, listen to
an old guy. Old guys know stuff. They
understand quality. But even an old
mec (Y)
VA Pest esa sa
male? A couple of friends and I were talk-
ing about sex recently, and we came up
with this question: How docs a male lose
his virginity in a homosexual relationship?
Would both partners lose their virginity in
the same act or would they have to switch
positions? Or do they have to have sex
with a female to lose it?—C. S., De Kalb,
We think virginily is an outmoded concept.
As Thomas Pynchon once wrote, you break
your cherry on something every day. The clas-
sical definition applies to the first time you
have intercourse with a female, but that is
only one of the firsts. What about the first time
you try oral sex or anal sex? Your first
nooner? Your first time outdoors? Your first
time with а crowd? The first time sex works
for both of you? The first time you do it twice?
The first time you do it with someone you.
love? The first time you do it with a complete
stranger? There is a difference between labels
and behavior. If you have your first orgasm
with a member of the same sex, il doesn't nec-
essarily mean that you are gay
fcr splurging on a compact-disc player
and a raft of compact discs, I’m wondering
whether or not I have to storc my discs
with special care. I've heard they're nearly
indestructible; but they're so expensive,
Fd hate to have to test that. Can you
help?—M. T., San Dicgo, California.
You'll be OK if you just give them the same
careful treatment that you give your conven-
tional LPs. CDs are not indestructible, just
less fragile than your vinyl discs. Dust,
scratches and grease can all affect the reada-
bility of the new CDs and can, in extreme
cases, make them unplayable. Scratches can-
not be lifted, but dust should be removed with
a polishing cloth and fingerprints with water.
Avoid storing CDs near heat, to prevent
warpage. Unlike conventional discs, they
cannol be hurt by repeated. playing—but if
you use one for a discus, that’s what you'll
end up with.
m 20 years old, and my girlfriend and 1
have been together for almost a year and a
half. We love each other very much and
have always had an honest and open sex
there are never any complaints, and it
is always an exciting and fulfilling experi-
ence for both of us. However, after a recent
lovemaking session, she made the com-
ment “Why does sex һауе to be so messy?"
"This has been in my mind also, but I've
never said anything about it. Most of the
time, when wc make love, I (we) like it
when I stay inside her until [ am almost
limp again. Then, if I get up to piss or
get something to drink, I have to use tissue
to wipe any excess semen (and I'm assum-
ing her vaginal juices, too) from my penis
and pubic hair. I’m also assuming that she
has to do the same, or else she wouldn't
have made thc comment in the first place.
Since then, our sexual activity has
decreased a significant amount. My ques-
tions are, What, if anything, can be done
about this predicament? and Just how
much of the “mess” is mine and how much
is hers?—B. D., Danville, California.
It is said that no one remembers what an
orgasm feels like, so maybe the mess is
nature's way of telling us that we've just had.
sex. We think you are making too much of опе
negative comment. There are several solu-
tions. You might place a towel and a warm
washcloth by the bed before you make love.
That way, no one has to get up. You can use a
condom with a reservoir tip to collect most of
the vital bodily fluids. You can lick each other
until you are squeaky clean, or you can
shower together. A little soapsuds in the right
place can lead to a second round. You can
make love frequently (ejaculate diminishes
with each orgasm) or masturbate beforehand.
As for arguing over which part of the mess 15
yours and which is hers—afterplay is not the
time for a property settlement. It’s a fine mess
you've gotten into—enjoy it.
В have heard of a four-foot-diameter dish
antenna for satellite reception. What is
your opinion of this product? If the four-
foot size can do the job, why all the fuss
about the ten- and 12-foot dishes?—O. T.,
Racine, Wisconsin.
The actual antenna that recetves satellite
signals is the relatively small device you see
suspended near the center of the dish. The
purpose of the dish itself is to collect and focus
the signal from the satellite onto this antenna.
The size and shape of the dish are calculated
to provide the proper surface for the beamed
signal, which, for most satellite television, has
been sent down from a five-watt transmitter
operaung on the four-gigahertz (that's four
billion hertz) band and aimed approximately
at the geographical center of the U.S. All
other things bemg equal, if the transmitting
power were increased or if the transmitting
frequency were changed, then a smaller dish
might do the job. In any event, it would have
to work harder the farther away from the cen-
ter of the U.S. it was used.
There is some word of an experimental sat-
ellite system using a ten- or 12-watt transmit-
ter on the 12-gHz band, but we have no
information yet as to the kind of reception it
can provide on a given-size dish. At this writ-
ing, then, the effectiveness of a dish antenna
appreciably smaller than the prevailing ten to
12 feet in diameter remains uncertain.
Caveat emptor!
Патан tidie emn
very strange situation with a 31-year-old
single female. For the past four years, I
have been a close friend and intellectual
peer of this woman's. Now I don't know
what the hell our relationship has become.
She has been living with a guy for six
years. Until now, he could do no wrong.
He recently got a major career going and
spends a lot of time at work. Well, you
know the rest of the story—but not
exactly. She has started telling me that he
is such a wimp and has come on tome, yet
our sexual behavior is strictly the twi-
light zone. She loves for me to pet her and
talk as dirty as possible to her, but she says
that I do not turn her on at all. We do a lot
of dry sex and even have acted out some of
her rape fantasies. There is nothing in this
for me, but I do this crap because I love
her and have told her so. She says that she
feels guilty for leading me оп. Help!—
D. L. P., Dallas, Texas.
Ifyou believe that sex in the twilight zone is
better than no sex at all, you may have found
the perfect relationship. It sounds to us as if
you are the transitional man—the shoulder lo
cry on, the ear to whisper rape fantasies into.
Sometimes these things turn into some-
thing else. Sometimes they don't. Maybe it's
time to search for someone who can recipro-
cate. It’s your decision.
A few months ago, on The Playboy
Channel, I saw a video tape ofa sexual-aid
party that had been made in a woman's
home. A group of women had been invited
to their friend's home to view and also pur-
chase vibrators and other items and just
have a good time. Since then, I have asked
all my friends if they've ever heard of such
a party, and they think I've dreamed it up.
I'd really like to have one of those parties,
but I can't find an agent. Please give me
some information, so I can show my
friends I'm not dreaming.—Mrs. T. C.,
Detroit, Michigan.
We're sorry to have left you alone in the
dark, but we hope we can make it up to you.
The party featured on The Playboy Channel
was sponsored by Alexis Home Parties. For.
information on joining the fun, contact
Catherine Alexis at 600 North McClurg
Court, Suite 1803, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
IM, она is 37 years old and I am
22. We are well suited to cach other, have
a lot in common and both love and like
each other. Although we are so compati-
ble, he cannot handle the pressures we
receive from our families, friends and oth-
ers. It started with jokes about “robbing
the cradle” for him and “What are you
buying him for Christmas, a rocking
chair?" for mc. These remarks annoy me,
because they reflect the ignorance and
immaturity of those making them. Howev-
er, they are devastating for him. His cous-
in's family, to which he has been very close
for many years, has decided to ostracize
him from its activities. That exclusion,
along with similar actions by other
"friends," has really depressed him, Al-
though we have made new friends who
accept or don't care about our situation, it
is not enough. My boyfriend feels that to
solve the problem we should break up and
I should find someone better suited to
me—that is, someone my own age. He
admits to placing too much emphasis on
others’ reactions but cannot free himself
from their pressures. Another point worth
mentioning is a comment he made. While
embracing me, he whispered, “I guess I'm
destined to be a bachelor.” Is there any-
thing I can do to alleviate these pressures?
1 feel our relationship is worth saving. It is
beautiful, and to others, its quality is envi-
able. I have learned a tremendous amount
about myself and about others, but do
learning and love have to be so painful?—
Miss B. H., St. Catharines, Ontario.
There is no simple cure for the insensitivity
and outright rudeness of others. Your boy-
friend should understand that as well. What
the two of you have is special to you and is
certainly worth hanging on to. It's too bad
that people close to you feel the need to be so
judgmental. Hold your heads high and
ignore them; the difference in your ages is
your business. The only people who grow old
are the people who “act” their age.
Deveson told thatyou should “turn into’?
a skid. Not long ago, I found myself skid-
ding on a slippery road and suddenly real-
ized I didn't know what that meant! Vm not
sure exactly what happened, but whatever
I did was apparently wrong and I ended
up spinning out and sliding off the road.
Luckily, I didn't hit anything, but the inci-
dent really got my attention. Can you offer
any tips on slippery-road driving that
might help me stay out of trouble in the
future?—P. B., Los Angeles, California.
Sure. Invite two beautiful friends over,
give us a call and we'll hang out by the fire at
your place until the road dries up. Seriously,
your car lost traction because you were going
too fast for conditions or did something
(turned, braked or accelerated) suddenly
enough to upset the suspension. First, what-
ever you do, don’t touch the br Standing
on the brakes is the fastest way into the ditch,
or worse, because sliding tires have no trac-
tion for steering or cornering. Second, obvi-
ously, stop doing whatever you're doing to
cause the skid. If you're trying to turn sharper
than the car will go, back off. If you're
already on the brakes or the accelerator, ease
off. This settles the suspension and lets the car
slow down on its own, which will get the tires
rolling and gripping again. “Turning into”
a rear-wheel skid means pointing the front
the same way the back end is heading, which
must be done quickly but smoothly. As soon as
both ends of the car are going the same way,
you've essentially saved it. Now, just as
quickly and smoothly, turn the steering back
the way you want to go—and a little farther.
This will catch the counterskid that often
results when the rear end slides back into line
but overshoots a bit. Once you've handled any
counterskid, you're home free. A front-wheel
skid (when the front wheels continue straight
instead of steering) is handled in much the
same way: Ease off the controls to slow and
regain traction, then gently try steering
again. Also, importantly, always keep your
eyes on where you want to go, not on where
the car may be heading at any given moment:
If you're not looking the right way, how can
you aim there? Your peripheral vision will
take care of the rest. Finally, do yourself a
favor and find a nice, big, open, slippery
(and empty) parking lot to practice on. With
practice, proper skid control can become
almost second nature.
Ham about to graduate from college. I
have been offered a good job with a rea-
sonable income. Now comes the hard
part: how to spend it. I've been told that
I should save, practice self-denial and
build toward the future. I've been offered
formulas—30 percent for housing, ten per-
cent for saving, etc. What do you
recommend?—R. S., St. Louis, Missouri.
Financial planning is the key to having
fun on a regular basis, One expert described
budget planning as the process by which we
figure out what we want and how to pay for
it, The point of a budget is not to live like a
monk, It is a means of organizing your
income into a pool of discretionary funds.
How you spend money says as much about
you as your love life, career or handwriting.
Certain steps ave essential. Set priorities.
Most budget pies divide income into food,
housing, transportation, recreation and sav-
ings. There is no set formula. The rule is to
pay yourself first—ten percent at the very
least. Build a reserve so that you can change
Jobs—if you want—a few years down the
road. Beyond that, you are on your own. Do
you want to see the world? Do you want to
stay in hotel rooms with room service? Do you
want to dress for success? Do you want the
Porsche you dreamed of as a kid? Is music the
love of your life? Would you save to buy
the state-of-the-art audiophile equipment
your ears deserve? Housing can wait until
you are settled and have built credit. Avoid
impulse purchases. Go for quality experiences
and quality goods. Don’t use credit cards for
perishable uems like travel—playmg now
and paying later is a drag. All a budget does
ts let you find a way, the easiest way possible,
to maximize your resources.
IM, lover and 1 enjoy a great variety of
things that we do for and to each other.
One thing that we do not enjoy as much as
we might, however, is anal sex. Once
we've begun, we both get great satisfac-
tion, but when I enter her, she is
caused more pain than my conscience can
stand. Since her pain seems to be caused
more by friction than by stretching, lubri-
cation seemed to be the answer. A lubri-
cated condom, we reasoned, had the
added benefit of containing the usual un-
aesthetic aftermath. However, the lubri-
cant turned out to be volatile and by the
time we were ready, it had dried. The
result was worse than not using anything.
I understand that petroleum jelly and
some other substances damage the vinyl
in a condom and make it useless. So,
my question is this: What may be used
as a supplementary lubricant with
condoms?—C. N., New York, New York.
You're right: Greasy kids’ stuff is not the
answer. Petroleum jelly can cause the rubber
in a condom to deteriorate. It also tends to dry
out membranes, which can lead to discomfort.
We recommend using a water-soluble lubri-
cant such as K-Y jelly or a specific sex-aid
product such as Transilube. In a pinch (or on
a backwoods camping trip), saliva is great for
slip-sliding away, Baby oil is also fine. You
may want to heat it in the microwave first, for
an added thrill. You don’t have to apply it to
the condom. Try manual stimulation of the
anus before attempting penetration. It is nat-
ural for the anal sphincter to contract in an
involuntary protective reaction. The spasm
can last for a minute or longer. However,
there is an eventual relaxation response, al
which time you should be able to make your
All reasonable questions—from fashion,
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dating
problems, taste and etiquette—uill be person-
ally answered if the writer includes a stamped,
self-addressed envelope, Send all letters to The
Playboy Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N.
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
The most provocative, pertinent queries
will be presented on these pages each month.
Lorilard. USA. 1984
Laser Technology Kev to Cracking Taste Barrier
A Great-Tasting Ultra Low
Tar, At Last. For years, smokers
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Exclusive “Flavor Chamber"
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Extra Tobacco To Last Longer.
Today, True's quality blend is
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This True You'll Like.
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
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That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
Menthol: 5 mg. "tar", 0.5 mg. nicotine,
ам. per cigarette by FTC Method.
Our twelve millionth sound system
just found a new home.
rst custom in-dash radio
rs ago.
Since then, we've made over twelv
Audiovox made the very
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million custom
sound systems for automobiles. One at a time.
"Today, our top-of-the-line Hi-Comp matched stereo
components produce a response so remarkable they arc
wooing Mercedes owners away from the most famous
European system
For instance, the Audiovox Hi-Comp НС
receiver/cassette being installed here is only 5" deep.
Yet it’s back-lit panel displays not only freque
time, but all other functions just as though you
small personal computer at your fingertips.
AS [yes
soft-touch operat
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With enormous pow
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tions of the home sy
But Audiovox hasn't stopped at sound systems in
bringing motorists the comforts of home. Whether
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ids the way with a host of features the competition
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Audiovox Corporation, 150 Marcus Boulevard,
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Or VO `x
stening satisfac-
We make cars more livable.
Dolby isa
Julby Laboratories, Inc
Remember the old tune Breaking Up Is
Hard to Do? Is it still true? How do you
treat someone once it’s over between you?
For the answers, we checked in with our
Playmate advisors
The question for the month:
How do you break up with a guy?
F just tell him it’s nor going to work and 1
try to make him understand why. I try to
answer all his questions, because I want us
to be friends.
The most com-
mon reason I
have broken up
with a man is
that I need
more time for
myself. My best
have been part
time. Then
each of us had
time and space
for our own
work and our own lives. If I get overly
involved, 1 feel smothered. Someday, ГЇЇ
want to be married, but right now, I don't
want so much intensity.
Да. ад
| ug yatay EEG bê finde ares
breakup, probably because in the process
of breaking up, I have already started to
avoid him. Га rather let a relationship
fizzle out than
say, “I just
don't want to
see you any-
more.” Why? I
keep thinking
about how bad
it would hurt if p=
someone said
those words to
me. Of course,
avoiding him
makes it worse,
and so we never
end up friends. Confrontation makes me
feel too mean, but I guess it probably
hurts worse if you don't talk it out.
WM had to break up a three-and-a-half year
relationship, and it was very tough. Some-
one has to be the one to say, “OK, this
isn't working out. I'd rather be your friend
than your
enemy. So get
your shit and
be out by
nine." I had to
sit down and
tell the truth:
that my feeling
for him had
changed and if
we separated,
maybe we
could save a
friendship and
also avoid a lot of future aggrayation. I
don't disappear. That is a real cop-out
Each of us deserves an explanation and
the opportunity to speak. So you guys:
Don't disappear on me, either! ll hunt
you down and you'll be sorry!
Denim ЙД
APRIL 1981
"Т лг» a difficult question. Гус had only
two real boyfriends, and when I broke up
with the first one, it was after five years
with him. It was very hard, and it took
a couple of m
months just to
really say,
“That's it. No
more." J
stopped an-
swering his
phone calls
after I told him
I'd grown up
and no longer
wanted to be
held back. 1
was. changing
and he wasn't, so I had to break the tie. He
kept calling and bothering me and my par-
ents, and it was awful, So 1 packed my
bags, left home and moved to L.A. Í think
s important to be honest, even if the
other person doesn't want to hear it.
| aswantaqa ата c os
to end it if that’s what's called for. And
friendship doesn't work for a recent
breakup. That has to come out of real
on both sides of
what happened
and why. You
can't do that
until you're far
enough away
from the situa-
tion to look
back and say,
"He left me
because..." or
“L understand А
what һаррепей
and now we can be friends." The best idea
I can think of is to find your ex-boyfriend a
new girlfriend, and then he won't ask you
every time he sees you if you're really
happy and if your life is really OK.
о nice wayitodoat
The guy doesn't want to let go and he
always feels it must be physical—you
know, that I'm attracted to someone else
or that a simple
act of inde
jor means |
don't want to
be with him
anymore, If it's
time for us to
break up, 1 try
10 say that
just because it
didn't work
out with me
doesn't mean it
won't work out for him with someone else.
But every man takes it as rejection. I can't
just disappear. I want the friendship after
what we've had together. But that’s hard
to work out.
JUNE 1975
Send your questions to Dear Playmates,
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. We won't be
able to answer every question, but we'll try.
a continuing dialog on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers
While teaching a course on human sexu-
ality, I decided to exercise my knowledge
of phenomenological rescarch by studying.
the relationship between the First Amend-
ment and the civil rights of women.
Accordingly, I had my students view a
Phil Donahue program on which those
issues were discussed (and on which, inci-
dentally, Playboy Attorney Burt Joseph
appeared) and then debate them in class
for several days. During that time, two
female students asked if 1 would show an.
adult film to the class. They wanted to see
an example without going to a public thea-
ter, so I obtained one and showed it (not
during class hours, of course)
Of 17 students enrolled in the class, ten
attended. I instructed the students to view
the film in a scholarly manner and after-
ward write a paper based on the film and
the debate held on the Donahue program.
‘Two days later, they were required to write
another paper on any delayed effects they
had experienced from viewing the film.
I was surprised at the results. While
Pembroke State University attracts an
extremely conservative student body, only
one male student indicated a belief that
women's civil rights had priority over the
First Amendment. The group that saw the
movie ranged in age from 19 to 28, with
the average age 22; six of the students were
female; five were white, threc black and
two American Indian. Five religious
denominations were represented, includ-
ing one Catholic and five Baptists. One of
the women became ill after seeing the film,
but even she thought First Amendment
rights had priority.
Stephen M. Marson, Assistant Professor.
Department of Sociology and
Social Work
Pembroke State University
Pembroke, North Carolina
For quite some time, 1 have followed the
debate over erotica vs. pornography. My
ion is that porn is not an asset to
society and should be summarily trashed,
but erotica always will and should be here
For all the discussion, however, 1 have
never heard a good and definitive distinc-
tion made between the two. Here is mine.
Erotica: material in which bodies (male
or female) are portrayed in a way that,
while stimulating, does not focus on one or
two anatomical parts; crotica presents the
whole person.
Pornography: material that reduces men
to cocks and women to cunts.
In every magazine I have looked at
except one, I have seen men and women
portrayed as sex objects, ready only to fuck
or to be fucked. The picture captions tell of
how “hard and ready he is" or how “wet
and hot she is.” This is disgusting.
The human body is beautiful. There is
nothing wrong with nude photos, as long
as the focus is the whole person, not a part.
The exception I spoke of is PLAYBOY. In
it, women are photographed in such a way
as to call attention to the whole person,
and the short comments near the photos
"Porn is not an asset
to society and should be
summarily trashed, but
erotica always will
and should be here."
describe her feelings and opinions, her life
and her activities, not just how ready she is
to screw.
This is erotica, done in a way that is
tasteful. It stimulates and arouses, which
is its purpose, but it describes the person
behind the photo.
Keep it up, PLAYBOY. You provide an
example of erotica that all should follow.
David Hunt
St. Paul, Minnesota
Violent, weird, twisted and outright bad
pornography is thoroughly repulsive to all
but a tiny minority of the population.
However, the people who produce and
buy and like such stuff might very well
start pursuing even worse hobbies than
looking at ugly pictures if our selí-
appointed moral guardians cranked this
societal safety valve shut.
O. J. Lehrman
New York, New York
We're nol sure it's that simple. While we
don't think the depiction of pornographic vio-
lence is a direct cause of sexual violence, we
also don't write off the argument that the
proliferation. of such material might give
some mentally unstable weirdos the idea that.
such behavior is socially acceptable. But any-
one familiar with the history of censorship
knows that giving such power to the state does
infinitely more harm to society than good.
About a year ago, my wife and I agreed.
to get a divorce. Belore we made up our
minds, one of the big causes of friction
between us was her conversion to a fairly
militant brand of feminism. She decided
that ours had been a master-servant rela-
tionship, and equality now became her
shibboleth. Every aspect of the way we
lived had to be examined and equalized,
every responsibility divided neatly be-
tween us. She demanded that I ac-
knowledge her as my equal in intelligence,
talent, energy and political acumen.
"Then we hired lawyers and proceeded to
negotiate a divorce settlement. What a
change! From being as assertive as Bella
Abzug, my ex-wife-to-be suddenly was as
helpless as the legions who worship Phyllis
Schlafly. In all thosc years we had lived
together, she had learned nothing but
homemaking, had acquired only the most.
rudimentary survival skills to go with her
bachelors degree in English and four
years of premarital office jobs. If she did
not receive 75 percent of my assets and 50
percent of my earnings, in perpetuity, she
would end up sleeping in subway stations
and carrying her possessions in a shopping
When it pleased her to demand equal-
ity, she did. When she wanted the privi-
leges that women enjoyed when they were
considered the weaker sex, she had no hes-
itation in demanding them. She thus man-
ifested a universal human trait called
wanting it both ways.
But, wl one may admit the natural-
ness of a predator’s appetite, one doesn't
have to cheerfully hand over one's arms
and legs. Remember, you men who are
cager to undo past injustices by giving
women anything they ask for: Yesterday's
victims of oppression are all too often
tomorrow's tyrants.
Michael Dean
San Francisco, California
As a lawyer limiting his practice to fam-
ily law, l've handled custody cases in more
than 20 states in all regions of the country.
Dozens of those cases involved charges of
sexual abuse of children. The current rage
is for a disgruntled spouse to accuse her
former husband of sexual molestation.
Lynn Kaersvang of the Adams County
Department of Social Services has gone
on record estimating that 90 percent of the
complaints of neglect and abuse her
agency receives from noncustodial parents
are baseless and 50 percent are made
vindictively. I suspect that the figures arc
not much different in any other city
Research done by Kenneth Pangborn in
1977 demonstrates that 67.9 percent of all
physical and emotional child abuse is
committed by custodial mothers, the
boyfriends and their new husbands
According to Pangborn, a child has a
seven times greater chance of being
abused if he or she is in the custody of the
mother than if he or sheis in the custody of
the father.
As author of Winning Custody, and in
my 17 years’ experience as a family law-
yer, Pve seen the dynamics of sexual abuse
too often to recount: Start with a cold,
unresponsive mother as a role model. The
nubile child learns by observing her
mother that sex is not an act of love but a.
tool by which to manipulate the opposite
The daughter harbors understandable
anger toward her mother for the mother's
selfish decision to interrupt the healthy
father-daughter relationship and to de-
prive the child of an intact family and a
real father. The mother refuses to permit
the new husband or boyfriend to enjoy the
role of husband and protector. The daugh-
ter, having learned manipulativeness from
her own mother, seduces a sexually frus-
trated stepdad, soiling the mother's new
relationship and holding the stepfather to
ransom in the process.
Although sexual molestation of children
no doubt has been with us to a lesser
extent for millennia, in my opinion, the
new wave is the direct product of liberal
divorce legislation. We have converted the
i tion of marriage into not much more
than a glorified going steady, rewarding
those mothers who are narci for
excising the natural father from the day-
to-day lives of their children, always to
the detriment of the children and often to
the doom of the mother's wish for a “new
Liberalization of the divorce laws was
touted as a panacea to "eliminate acri-
mony” in divorce. Yet every time the legis-
lative fire brigade arrives, the flames grow
fiercer. One must wonder what it is they
are pouring on the flames.
Maurice R. Franks
Attorney at Law
Denver, Colorado
On the topic of juries, as raised in the
November Playboy Forum: The writer of
the letter exults in his knowledge that a
jury can nullify a bad law. Your response
is, “A lot of our readers are lawyers who
may have news for you.” That, sirs,
sounds like a leading statement. You might
as easily have referred your readers to U.S.
ws. Dougherty, 473 F.2d 1113 (1972), and
U.S. vs. Moylan, 417 F.2d 1002 (1969),
which acknowledge that it is assumed that
juries are aware of their right to judge both
the law and the facts of cases and that
judges therefore need not instruct juries as
to that right.
(Name withheld by request)
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii
Since the English Magna Charta in
1215, one of the major purposes of a citi-
zen jury is to not convict under laws it feels
are unfair. It is truly dangerous to assume
that politicians are passing good laws and
“Tt is truly dangerous
to assume that politicians
are passing good laws.”
that unconstitutional ones are weeded out.
During the Civil War, the Dred Scott deci-
sion centered on fugitive slaves, with
courts determining that slaves must be
returned to their owners, like any other
property. Juries of the North thought this
was a bum rap and often wouldn't convict.
When Government officials saw that
juries could veto political schemes, they
wanted it mandated that juries could
decide only the breaking of law, not the
law itself. The question was debated back
and forth, and in 1895 the U.S. Supreme
Court ruled in Sparf vs. U.S. 156 U.S. 51
that although juries have the right to ig-
nore the judge’s instructions on the law, the
juries shouldn't be aware of it! Neat, huh?
Jury nullification isn’t taught in Fed-
erally funded schools. The term isn’t in the
encyclopedia or the dictionary and it is
dropped from law schools and references.
Talk about George Orwell's being behind
the times! All ju
acknowledge its existence only grudgingly,
and judges refuse to tell juries about the
power or to allow defense attorneys to
refer to it. It is treated like a haunting, per-
sistent ghost whose rare appearances are
tolerated, deliberately ignored and cer-
tainly not encouraged.
Attorneys for the National Organization
for the Reform of Marijuana Laws could
have a field day, and many of the current
powers of the Government could be abol-
ished if juries knew their rights and
responsibilities. In many areas, juries will
not convict for marijuana and other “mor
als” laws, so they aren't enforced. In Geor-
gia, Indiana and Maryland, nullification
is a constitutional part of the state judicial
We may have seen a form of jury nullifi-
cation in the DeLorean trial. Revulsion
against the Government has reached a
point at which that jury was unwilling to
convict. The $1,000,000 indictment of
singer Jerry Lee Lewis was thrown out
by a jury of his peers in Memphis when
the IRS apparently overstepped its
bounds . . . for the umpteenth time.
Since, as you say, a lot of your readers
are lawyers, I’m sure you are going to get
some predictable answers. You could do
them a favor by filling the gaps in the
knowledge they failed to receive in law
school, What have you got to lose, except
some bad law?
P. A. Detches
Huntington Beach, California
Anybody else?
No doubt, by now, you have taken
notice that in the past election, President
Reagan was supported by 70 percent of
white voters and ten percent of black vot-
ers, There may be a number of reasons for
this, from Nancy’s remark about seeing
“all these beautiful white people” during a
political reception to Reagansteinomics’
sacking of affirmative action, voting-rights
enforcement and social relief programs
aimed at the impoverished ghetto and
rural areas populated by blacks.
_ A more tangible reason may be the sta-
ic that the average black-family income
in the U.S. remains about 56 percent of
the average white-family income—at vir-
tually the same level as in 1960. In other
words, the Reagan plan to rob from the
poor and give to the rich (supply-side eco-
nomics) is robbing more from blacks, pro-
portionately, than from any other segment
of society.
I wouldn't go so far as to say a vote for
Reagan amounted to a vote for institutic
alized economic racism . . . oh, fuck it,
yes, I would say that. 1 and 90 percent of
the blacks of America. Not that anybody's
Tony Edward Brown
St. Louis, Missouri
Used to be, when I was a kid, the most
interesting things to watch for on the high-
way were Burma Shave signs. When I got
older, I'd look out for coed hitchhikers
and/or radar traps. Times have changed.
Moving across our highways today are
semitrailer rigs filled with enough toxic
chemicals and nuclear material to gag a
what's happening in the sexual and social arenas
WASHINGTON DC —fFederaldrugauthor-
ities say that Colombia's recent crackdoum
on cocaine laboratories is causing those
operations to be moved to the U.S., where
it’s easier to obtain the ether and other
chemicals needed in the refining process.
Officials report seizures of the crude
cocaine base being smuggled into this
country, with many new drug labs crop-
ping up in such slates as Florida, Ken-
tucky and New York.
WASHINGTON, D.c.— President Reagan
has signed legislation permitting the crim-
inal prosecution of medical personnel who.
withhold treatment to severely handi-
capped infants, The so-called Baby Doe
bill, otherwise known as the Child Abuse
Amendments of 1984, expands the defini-
tion of child abuse to include medical
neglect except in cases where, in a doctor's
“reasonable medical judgment,” the
infant is irretrievably comatose or would
not survive even with treatment. The law
requires states using Federal funds to
operate child-protection programs to
incorporate a number of new rules and
Supreme Court has upheld the authority
of the village of Morton Grove's ban on
the possession of handguns by private citi-
zens, and supporters of the ban believe
that such laws will now be enacted in
other cities. The decision followed unsuc-
cessful appeals by pro-gun groups to sev-
eral lower state and Federal courts,
including the U.S. Supreme Court, which
refused lo hear the case. Since the Morton
Grove law, Evanston and Oak Park, both
suburbs of Chicago, have enacted similar
Meanwhile, the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms reports that more
than 3,000,000 handguns were manu-
Jactured in or imported into the U.S. in
1983, the most recent year for which fig-
ures are available, and a little-publicized
Media GenerallAssociated Press survey
indicates that nearly half of all Americans
have guns in their homes for self-defense
and thai about one in len carries them for
that purpose, legally or otherwise,
sr. LOLIS—A study of homicides and
executions in Illinois from 1933 lo 1981
supports the belief of most sociologists that
the death penalty does not deter murder
The research found that demographic
factors—particularly the percentage of
the population living in urban areas,
unemployment and the proportion of the
population male, nonwhite, aged 15 10
29 —uwere tied to fluctuations in the mur-
der rate. The study was conducted by asso-
ciate professors Scott Decker and Carol
Kohfeld of the University of Missouri at
St. Louis, who chose Illinois because it
maintained accurate records and was a
representative state in terms of the popu-
lation variables examined. The findings
an Illinois were supported by data from the
five states with the highest number of exe-
cutions since 1930—Texas, California,
Georgia, North Carolina and New York.
In Nebraska, meanwhile, officers at the
state penitentiary caught a death-row
inmate swapping places with his identical
twin, who ts also an inmate, and were try-
ing to decide whether the switch was part
of an escape plan or simply a prank.
WASHINGTON, DC.— The Internal Reve-
nue Service has removed a lien from the
house of a Billings, Montana, woman,
has returned $140 it seized from her sav-
ings account and has stopped trying to
collect on the cash value of her life-
insurance policy—punishments it had
imposed because of the innocuous note on
her tax return, “Signed involuntarily
under penalty of statutory punishment.”
In a similar case, a former suburban
Cleveland schoolteacher offended the IRS
by writing on the return envelope, “Fund
for ex-actors; illegal armaments for dicta-
Lors" and, what was worse, drawing a line
through the paragraph on the form
acknowledging a penalty for false state-
ments. The latter taxpayer is still being.
fined, and both have filed lawsuits charg-
ing the IRS with violating their First
Amendment rights to free speech.
san FRANCISCO—A Federal judge has
dismissed ап $80,000 damage suit
against the U.S. Government by a female
ex-soldier who was beaten and raped at
Fort Ord in 1982. The Army had rejected
the claim on the ground that rape was
a risk that came with the job, and the
Federal-court ruling cited a 1950 Su-
preme Court decision finding the mili-
lary immune from damages for negligence
connected with military service. The 26-
year-old plaintiff argued that “no woman,
whether in the military or not, should be
required to submit to rape,” and her attor-
ney said he would appeal the decision to
the Ninth Circuit
LOS ANGELES—A superior-court judge
has upheld a $6,000,000 award to an En-
cino multimillionaire who had sued his
estranged wife, a former Philippine movie
star, for having him falsely arrested on
child-molestation charges. The defend-
ant's bill included $4,000,000 for emo-
tional distress and $2,000,000 in
punitive damages after a jury concluded
that no molestation had occurred.
SALEM, VIRGINIA—A man hauled back
into court for not paying court costs after
his conviction on traffic charges was
given the choice of going to prison or get-
ting a job and marrying his live-in girl-
friend. The threat of prison stemmed from
his having violated the terms of probation
on an earlier conviction, and he opted for
the job and marriage. The county judge
who gave him the alternatives was said lo
have been “pleased as punch.” The proba-
dioner said he had wanted to get married
continent of maggots, not to mention
I don't know about you, but I get pissed
off about that, especially about the rigs
filled with parts and plutonium destined
for nuclear-bomb assembly. According to
an article in The Progressive magazine, the
Department of Energy hauls more than
three fourths of its nuclear-weapons com-
ponents by truck, logging up to 4,500,000
miles a year. On highways—you know,
like the ones you and Î us
Some of us don’t think this is safe or
secure. Although the trucks are suppos-
edly well protected, there is no reason to
assume that they are any less vulnerable to
random accident—or hijacking—than
anything else on 18 wheels.
Perhaps most annoying is that the
trucks arc unmarked. That doesn't really
fool anybody looking for them, but it does
endanger drivers and communities
through which those vehicles pass. If the
Government's going to move radioactive
matter through my town, I'd like to know
about it and know that the truck has
plenty of protection, even an escort. Not
only would such efforts safeguard the con-
tents but they would give the American
people a concrete idea of just how large
and how pervasive the nuclcar-bumb-
production network is.
To that end, a group called Nukewatch,
headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin,
has assembled a national network of nuke-
truck spotters to help document the move-
letter from ireland LOVE AND CELTIC LAW
Many Americans may think that the.
U.S. legal system is weird in matters of
sex, but to see true legal surrealism in
action requires a visit to Ireland.
To begin with, Irish law, like Irish
spcech, is both eloquent and elusive
"I saw your man yesterday," onc
chap says in a pub.
“Oh,” says the next chap, "and is
“Not at all, man. No trouble there”
is the answer.
You may think drug smuggling or
LR.A. activities are being discussed.
You may wonder who “your man”
and what business he has and how he
avoided “trouble,” but there may be no
dark mystery at all; the Irish just do
not like being understood too quickly
by strangers. They developed that pref-
erence during 800 ycars of forcign
occupation, when informers were
everywhere; 60 years of independence
have not changed it. Irish laws are not
intended to be understood by stran-
gers, either.
PLAYBOY readers may be amazed to
learn that all forms of contraception
were illegal in Ireland until five years
ago; such is the hold of the Catholic
hierarchy on Irish politics. The Family
Planning Act of 1979 changed things,
sort of. Many people here, including
feminists and other radicals, think that
the act makes contraceptives legal for
the married—only for the married—
but that is not necessarily so. It makes
contraceptives legal for those “practic-
ing bona fide family planning.” What
does that mean? Anybody using a
condom is practicing family planning
in that he plans to prevent pregnancy,
but is marriage a condition of family?
You may as well ask who “your man" is
in our hypothetical pub conversation.
Nobody knows.
Since January 1978, several family-
planning clinics and Well Woman Cen-
ters, as some are called, have appcared
in the larger cities, selling contracep-
tives to both the married and the
unmarried. Are they breaking the law?
Maybe yes, maybe no. For four years,
the police insisted to angry right-
wingers that they had no evidence that
the law was being violated (which
could be true, since nobody knows
what the law is). Finally, they made a
few arrests, perhaps deciding that only
a married couple constitutes a family
for purposes of definition. The first
cases to reach the courts were thrown
out on legal technicalities. Prior to
those arrests, the delicacy of the police
had been explained in the press: Many
own condoms from
(When I checked this
with a Dublin Well Woman Center, I
was told bluntly, "Of course they do.")
Sincc then, the delicacy of the courts
has been even more esoteric and Celtic.
A while back, Dr. Andrew Rynne,
president of the Irish Family Planning
Association, tried to force a test case.
He sold condoms to his unmarried
next-door neighbor, and then they both
went to the police to report the crime (if
itis onc). This was too clear-cut a case
to be dismissed on a technicality. He
was fined, but it was dismissed on
appeal. Peering into the mists of the
Celtic twilight, one can only guess that
nobody really wants a test case, since it
might go, by existing international
agreement, to the European Supreme
Court—strangers unversed in the
poetry of Irish law—with unforesec-
able and un-Hibernian consequences.
Meanwhile, Dr. Rynne has announced
10 all media that he is still selling con-
traceptives to the unmarried, but the
police, acting as if they cannot read
newspapers, ignore him. You must
remember, of course, that only God
knows what bona fide family planning
is, and maybe contraceptives are legal
for those who are wed in His eyes. And
maybe not.
Such ambiguous legislation is sarcas-
tically called an “Irish solution to an
Trish problem” by critics. It saves the
politicians from head-on collision with
the Catholic Church, while
concessions to reality.
1983 anti-abortion amendment to the
Family Planning Act guarantees to pro-
tect the life of the unborn but “with
equal regard for the life of the mother.”
No two lawyers in Ireland agree on
what that means, but most suspect that
it means that abortion is somehow legal
in some Cases, despite the intent of the
conservative forces that supported that
milarly, divorce is illegal here in all
cases, with no exceptions. However, it
takes only £50 (about $60) for a round-
trip ticket to England, and English
divorces, though frowned on by the
Church, are legally recognized here
The law, in effect, says: You can’t get
divorced in Ireland, but for the price of
the ferryboat ticket, you can get
divorced in England and come back to
Ireland a single person in the eyes of
the law, if not the Church. The same
dodge applies to abortion: The round-
trip fare is still £50, and not even the
most right-wing groups suggest giving
pregnancy tests to all Irish women
going to Liverpool on the overnight
ferry and then retesting them when
they get home.
I have great admiration for the poli-
ticians here. They arc progressive in
most matters, antimilitaristic and
peace-loving and surprisingly well edu-
cated. The sex laws they write combine
a genuine desire to be humane with the
certain knowledge that anyone who
openly opposes the Church is doomed
at the next election.
Dublin, Ireland
Robert Anton Wilson is a former
PLAYBOY editor and author of many books,
including the classic "Hluminatus
Trilogy" (with Robert Shea).
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The Vodka
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ment of those vehicles. Nukewatch can
give details about what to look for on the
Department of Energy trucks and how to
look for it.
(Name withheld by request)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
If you want to avoid throwing yourself in
front of the wrong big, ominous-looking,
unmarked truck, you can contact the
Nukewatch people al 315 West Gorham,
Madison, Wisconsin 53703.
A litle-known provision of the Tax
Reform Act of 1984 signed into law by
President Reagan last July 18 may be of
interest to your readers. Guys, under prior
law, an excise tax had been placed upon
your arrow if it was 18 inches or more in
length and required a pull often pounds or
more. The new law, which became effec-
tive September 30, 1984, changes Internal
Revenue Code Section 4161 and imposes
an 11 percent excise tax on your arrow if it
is less than 18 inches long (a pull of ten
pounds or more is still required). One of
your worst fears may have been realized.
Robert M. Arlen
Attorney at Law
Pompano Beach, Florida
Suffice it to say that the three pages of tax-
law documentation and explanation supplied
by attorney Arlen and pertaining to such mi-
muliae of sporling equipment as arrow length
might well be grounds for the bou-and-arrow
equivalent of a Boston Tea Party, protesting
the governmental costs of cooking ир such
quibbles. This particular effort at revenue
enhancement could be construed as one of the
most subtle efforts yet by the Reagan Adminis-
tration to avoid “raising taxes” by balancing
the Federal budget on the backs of American
In his November Playboy Forum letter,
Steve Charnovitz makes the amazing
assertion that a new E.R.A. should con-
cern itself with “equal rights in things that
matter—such as employment and
cducation"—but not with the draft. If a
woman, because of her sex, is denied a
career promotion, then that constitutes
a wrong to be rectified. But if a man,
because of his sex, is wrenched from his
job and assigned dangerous and distasteful
tasks for buck private’s wages, the pro-
posed amendment is silent. And, more-
over, if that man is sent to an unchosen
death in an uncharted jungle, is that, too,
a “thing that doesn't matter”?
Understand, no one is suggesting that
the draft be extended to include women.
Many, indeed, feel that the 13th Amend-
ment essentially resolved the conscripi
question by categorically prohibi
involuntary servitude, except as punish-
ment for a crime. But an “equal rights”
measure that explicitly legitimatized
involuntary military servitude for exactly
one of the two equal sexes would constitute
a swindle so blatant as to be laughed out of
any legislative forum considering it.
Chuck Hammill
Los Angeles, California
I am a 97-pound (give or take 40
pounds) weakling with no stomach for
violence—hand to hand or otherwise. I
like peace and harmony and have good
will toward my fellow man (and my fellow
woman, too, just to keep the record
straight). I work fairly hard, earn a tolera-
bly good living and want only to be left
alone to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I do
not even like to contemplate trying to deal
rationally with one or more street punks of
any age, race, religion or national origin
who might size me up as an easy target for
whatever violent impulses fulfilled their
emotional or financial needs of the
moment. In the past three years, there
have been two occasions when the little .25
automatic pistol I inherited from my
sainted father (which I carry in my wallet
pocket) allowed me the time and oppor-
tunity to discuss with some mean-spirited
and quite muscular gentlemen the fact
that I vote Democratic, support the
E.R.A,, believe in legal abortion, donate to
Pacifica Radio, save whales to the best of
my limited ability, strongly oppose sexual
discrimination against women and desire
“God created men,
but Colonel Colt
made them equal.’”
enforcement of the Civil Rights Act of
1964. Call me a Second Amendment lib-
eral, if you will, but I was able to bore my
audience to death without a shot fired, and
they left me in pcace, in accordance with
the old saying “God created men, but Colo-
nel Colt made them equal.”
(Name withheld by request)
New York, New York
Since you're looking at a mandatory prison
term for thumbing your nose al New York gun
laws, we'll do you the favor of withholding
your name until you come to your humanitar-
ian senses, lay down your arms and no longer
constitute a threat to the local muggers.
I was disappointed that you failed to
uncode the slogan on the button on the
blouse of the woman in the natural-foods
store, as described by J. Rodney Davis in
the November Playboy Forum. It read, THE
You cutely responded that such a weapon
was better for decapitating, unless there
was a pun on the word broad. I think the
problem is improper word division and
the button should be read THE way
when a woman pledges to love a man for-
ever, those words instantly endear her to
his heart.
Sce how easy that was?
niel Valentine Waters
Kansas City, Missouri
You said a broadsword would be better
for decapitating or dismembering than for.
Same is true for a “broad's
D. Baker
Red Jacket, West Virginia
Davis missed a golden opportunity by
not asking the woman to explain thc
meaning or intent of the button. It could
have been the opening gambit to a truly
interesting experience.
Conrad R. Powell, Sr.
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Davis may have been standing too close
to what the button was pinned on not to
figure that one out.
Larry Cole
Tampa, Florida
Davis probably encountered a member
of the Society for Creative Anachronism,
Inc.—S.C.A. for short. We re-create the
Middle Ages in any number of ways, such
as battling with broadswords and shields.
Here in Caerthe (Denver, to you), we have
the proud slogan “Do it in chain mail.”
igi Bates
Denver, Colorado
I was underwhelmed by your naiveté.
Of course it means “The way to a man's
heart is with a broad's word." Doesn't
that jump out at you?
A broad is not a wife or a live-in or a
person of commitment. A broad is
a woman who has been around the track
a few times. Husbands who are denied
wonderful crazy rolls in the hay by their
goody-goody wives turn, if they have any
smarts, to broads. A broad may be a
widow, a divorcee, a never-married
woman. She wants nothing permanent
except her independence. She simply
enjoys making a man sexually happy for
the moment.
A broad's word is a pretty damned reli-
able one. And so it follows that it is the
way to a man's heart.
Ester M. Keith
Hawthorne, California
We didn't want to spoil the fun for the doz-
ens of readers who took us to task for our lit-
eralism and responded along the lines of
Waters and Baker, But note that the mailbag
also held a few surprises.
“The Playboy Forum” offers the opportu-
nity for an extended dialog between readers
and editors on contemporary issues. Address
all correspondence to The Playboy Forum,
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
Alive with pleasure!
if smoking isn't a pleasure,
why bother?
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
а candid. conversation aboul hard news, muckraking and showbiz with
the creator and correspondents of america’s most trusted. television show
On Tuesday, September 24, 1968, 16 tele-
vision seasons ago, CBS broadcast yet
another documentary type of program. Of.
that first show, the reviewer for Daily Vari-
ety later wrote: "If it had been a neuspaper,
it would not have sold many copies. The sto-
ries were dated and the magazine format,
lifted from print, pretentious. There were too
many producers with too little imagination."
The program was “60 Minutes,” and before
itwas moved to a Sunday-evening time slot, it.
threatened to become just another well-
intentioned CBS News program. Instead, it
became a national institution.
As comfortable as a pair of old tasseled
loafers, the insistent tick, lick, tick of its stop
watch each week signals to an average
35,000,000 viewers thal their guys—and.
now their gal—are on to something: Some
wretched larceny will be exposed; some Gov-
ernment bumbling will be laid bare; some
petty dictator will squirm.
From its uninspired beginning in 1968
through the spare Nielsen winters of the Sev-
enties, Ihe show endured — just barely. As late
as 1975, it finished 52nd out of 65 in the rat-
BRADLEY: "To be able to stand up in the Khyber
Pass and say, ‘Here's little Butch Bradley from
West Philly. Alexander the Great passed
here 2500 years ago.’ God, that’s a kick!"
REASONER: “Our influence is evanescent. We
may create a fuss about something, there may
be an outcry in Congress, maybe even hear-
ings, but then . . . it goes away.”
ings. Bul then it began to climb rapidly,
helped by the decision ın 1976 to “bump the
network” (meaning that CBS’ entire schedule
would be pushed back in the event of a foot-
ball runover); and by 1980, it found itself in
the most improbable situation any news-
dominated TV program had ever stumbled
into: It was number one.
In the years since, swapping the top spot
from week to week with the likes of “Dallas”
and “Dynasty,” "60 Minutes” has been
firmly ensconced at the top, making headlines
many Monday mornings with its stories and
reportedly netting the network more than
$60,000,000 a year—by far the most profit-
able continuous CBS broadcast ever.
Most observers would agree that it is the
show's personality that is responsible for its
continuing impact on American life. Not only
has its format been widely imitated but other
programs have sought—largely unsuccess-
‘fully—to produce the kind of chemistry evi-
dent in its on-air correspondents. That
chemistry is nol the hoked-up chatter that
passes for chemistry at happy-talk local news
stations. For, as strong as its reporting has
SAWYER: “So far, everyone has been extraordi-
narily generous about their producers, their
stones, about letting me get my feet wet. What
happens a year from now—check with me."
HEWITT: "Ambush journalism is what print
reporters call something they've done since the
penny press. I don't think you're entitled to pri-
тасу when you're committing malfeasance.
been, as fortuitous as its time slot is, “60
Minutes” has had the advantage from the
start of strong, vivid host/narrators who have
become as familiar to American viewers as
members of their family.
There was Harry Reasoner, the wry,
acerbic uncle who delivered the goods jour-
nalistically but never appeared to take them—
or himself—too seriously. There was
Mike Wallace, the brilliant, sometimes nasty
older brother whose relentless pursuit of the
guilty (and the timid) became sel pieces in the
show. When Reasoner left, Morley Safer
came aboard, and his combination. of light,
whimsically written pieces and often hard-
hitting dispatches made him а trusted
younger brother. Then, for a spell, there was
earnest, good ol’ boy Dan Rather, who could
give il to you with a straight drawl or dress up
like an Afghani if it meant getting the story.
Then came Ed Bradley, whose soft-spoken and
often intensely personal reports made him the
first black reporter to become a comfortable
part of America’s extended TV family. And,
finally, Diane Sawyer, the most recent addi-
tion, the undeniably glamorous sister who
SAFER: “Being on ‘60 Minutes’ means people
return your calls. 1f somebody doesn't want to
give you an interview, he wouldn't give it to
Jesus Christ if he called.”
WALLACE: “In TV journalism, we wince at the
word performer, but the fact of the matter is
that there is a performance involved. That
doesn't mean it's phony or theatrical."
went off to make good in a less traditional
way than the boys did, then joined the family
in the nation's living rooms.
In between its revealing intervieus with the
likes of the shah of Iran and the Ayatollah
Khomeini and its exposés of wrongdoing in
corporale board rooms and in Government
bureaucracies, “60 Minutes" spun electronic
journalism off in dozens of new directions —
not all of them positive. Ambush journal-
ism—the practice of catching someone
unawares in the unpitying glare of the TV
lights—became an “in” thing for local
reporters trying lo make names for them-
selves. Criticisms of “60 Minutes’” editing
techniques, about what gol left out and what
was broadcast, began to arise. There were
also questions asked about oversimplification,
as very complex issues were reduced to 12 or
14 minutes a segment.
There have been many other questions as
well—about checkbook journalism, about
celebrity journalism—enough, in fact, that
we thought it time to attempt an unusual
journalistic challenge: that of interviewing
the correspondents and the creator of the show
as a group, not merely as journalists pursu-
ing private careers. It also meant including
as first among equals Don Hewitt, the origi-
nator and boss of “60 Minutes,” a man less
well known to the public but celebrated,
respected and, some would say, just a bit
notorious among his peers in the profession.
For the task we chose freelance journalist
Morgan Strong, whose recent “Playboy Inter-
view” with Lebanese war lord Walid Jumblatt
(July 1984) gave him what we felt was the
necessary stamina to track down five globe-
trotting journalists and a kyperenergetic pro-
ducer. His six-year stint as an infantryman
in the Marines didn't hurt, either.
Ц took him five months to complete the
“Interview.” Because of their schedules, the
correspondents were almost never together.
Thus, most of the interviews took place une on
one (though sometimes one correspondent
would drop in on another's interview session)
and were later edited by topic. The sessions.
took place just out of earshot of dozens of pro-
ducers and researchers hard at work tracking
down new stories and preparing background
reports and questions for use by the corre-
spondents. For the record, the “Playboy Inter-
view” was conducted by one reporter, who
prepared. all his own. questions and used a
single tape recorder. Strong’s report:
“Grilling Mike Wallace was a breeze. The
assignment began with an interview with him
at his home in Martha's Vineyard. Wallace,
who had put off pLavnoy's requests before, was
supposedly reluctant when it came to the other
end of a microphone, and given his reputa-
tion as the toughest journalistic gunslinger in
town, І expected trouble. But he couldn't have
been more cooperative. Perhaps it was the set-
ting: His vacation home, with a manicured
lawn sloping down to a picturesque, yacht-
filled bay, is a tough place to be surly. His
autobiography, ‘Close Encounters,’ had just
come out to favorable reviews, and he had re-
upped with CBS for a reported $1,000,000 a
year. The weather was nice, too.
“Next on our hit list was Don Hewitt, the
energetic founder and producer of the show.
My conversations with him (and subsequent
ones with the other correspondents) took place
on the ninth floor of the skyscraper across the
street from the sprawling CBS Broadcast
Center on West 57th Street in New York City.
A vast warren of cubbyholes and spacious
offices occupying nearly the entire floor, the
nerve center for ‘60 Minutes! roughly corre-
sponds to the hierarchy of the show itself:
bright, airy offices with views of New York
Harbor for Hewitt and the star correspond-
ents; but for the producers, those often
nameless people whom many credit with the
show's imagination and solidity, a series of
spare, cramped offices. That, as they say
everywhere else, is showbiz.
“Speaking of nerve centers, the impression
one gets of Hewitt, forever interrupting him-
self or jumping up to resolve a crisis, is of
a combination of Edward R. Murrow and
Mel Brooks—perhaps without the latter's
level of high anxiety. With his tweedy look,
he doesn't even dress like the CBS powerhouse
he obviously is. I had been told that he had
the attention span of a gnat, and though
that was largely true, he obviously enjoyed
this chance to alight from time to time
“Mike and I have argued this
publicly: ‘How do you get flies—
with honey or with vinegar?”
and talk about his work at some length. In
fact, when we first sat down to talk, we were
chatting about similarities between the kinds
of interviews PLAYBOY does and the exhaustive
profiles '60 Minutes’ does, and Hewitt
remarked, ‘Yeah, I kind of wondered when
you guys would get around to doing us."
"Beyond Hewitt's office are the ones
belonging to Wallace, Safer, Bradley and
Reasoner. Sawyer's office, being prepared for
her when I was there, has taken the space for-
merly allotted to Captain Kangaroo. That's
showbiz, too.
"Although similar to the others in space
and layout, Bradleys office is the most
interesting —the sound of soft jazz is piped in
continuously, and plants hang everywhere in
an easy and clultered atmosphere. Reasoner's
office is filled to the ceiling with books and
reminded me of a crusty judge's chambers.
Safer's wall is adorned with the mangled pro-
peller of an airplane that he cracked up once
while attempting a take-off. Since Safer is not
a pilot, he was unable to offer me any sort of
rational explanation.
“Here's what I liked best: Although there
were all sorts of electronic editing gadgets
and screens scrolling text throughout the
offices on the ninth floor, I noticed that by the
desks of Hewitt and the three senior corre-
spondents of 60 Minutes’ were placed clunky
old manual typewriters. It was comforting.
PLAYBOY: Mike, as we understand it, when
60 Minutes was first being put together,
Harry Reasoner was chosen as the sole
anchor. Then came the idea of a second
anchor. Do you think they chose you as
Harry's opposite?
WALLACE: As Harry said, “humorless,
unpleasant, uncivilized”—a complete
contrast to this gentle and cultivated soul
Reasoner. Yes, they certainly found their
man in me.
PLAYBOY: And now there is talk about the
latest correspondent, Diane Sawyer, con-
ceivably replacing the first, Reasoner.
WALLACE: Those stories about Reasoner’s
leaving the broadcast are simply not true.
Harry just came through the best year he’s
had since he came to 60 Minutes. How
that story got any circulation 1 have no
idea. Its a disservice to Diane and to
Harry and to 60 Minutes generally. I’m
getting a little older and don’t travel the
way I used to.
PLAYBOY: What can we conclude from that?
WALLACE: What will happen, and has been
happening, is that I will begin to back off.
That's one of the reasons Sawyer is
PLAYBOY: Sounds like a retirement
announcement to us. But before we talk
more about retirement, Harry, do you
remember it the way Mike does—that he
was added to balance your more sophisti-
cated image?
REASONER: It was news to me when Mike
said in his book [Close Encounters] that the
show was originally designed for me and
then they brought him in. It was not clear
to me at all at the time, and it was not
clear to me that we were a good combina-
tion. Finally, it was also unclear what 60
Minutes was going to become. I remember
that I went on substituting for Cronkite
about 20 percent of the time and doing the
Sunday-night news and specials and a lot
of things. 60 Minutes was something that
was on every Tuesday, sometimes.
PLAYBOY: There was supposedly tension
between you and Mike at first.
REASONER: Au contraire. I think Mike
would agrec—we became lovers almost
immediately. [Laughter] Of course, there
was immediately a substantial difference.
in style. Mike and I have argued this pub-
ly, and it goes back to the old question
“How do you get flies—with honey or
with vinegar?" Mike gets a lot of flies with
vinegar and I get just as many with honey.
It's not a difference in intent or a difference
in the goals of reporting; it's a difference in
how you do it.
PLAYBOY: Morley, you were the third onc
hired, and you've been quoted as saying,
“Lers face it: We're not the four best
reporters in the world; what we have going
for us is [executive producer] Don
SAFER: Hewitt said this? [Laughter] Oh! I
said this? [Laughter] Yeah, I think so. I
think that's true. His talents arc unique, to
the extent that when you've got Don's
attention, nothing else gets his attention.
He just focuses. It may be difficult to get
his attention sometimes. And he's terrifi-
cally loyal as a boss. You feel that you're
not standing there ass-naked. And he
believes in the broadcast; that's important
The show is also lucrative for all of us
[laughs]. He would do anything to save it
PLAYBOY: Ed, we're trving to pin down the
beginnings of 60 Minutes and deter-
mine who gets the credit or the blame. As
the fourth of the present reporters hired,
do you agree that Hewitt is 60 Minutes’
main strength?
BRADLEY: We're four different personal-
ities— five now. We have different ways of
approaching a story, different ideas; and,
obviously, some of us do one thing better
than the others. No one does better than
Mike does at his type of story, and the
same is true of Morley and Harry. But
Hewitt is something else. You can go in to
Hewitt with a piece that's in trouble,
where there are elements of a good story
but it's just not working, and he can take
the thing and just say, “Ah, wait a minute,
no, you don't want to start there; start
with this and end with this.” He knows
what will work. When he is on, I have
never seen anyone as good as he is. When
he's off, he's terrible. And he has off days.
But he has a remarkable amount of energy
and good cheer. He kind of sets the tone
around here, and that's his gift
PLAYBOY: Diane, we just left Mike Wallace,
and he suggests that contrary to the
rumors about your replacing Harry Rea-
soner, it's Mike you'll be replacing in the
long run. He has said he's going to “begin
to back of.” š
SAWYER: It was never true that I was going
to replace Harry. But don't tell me that
Mike is going to leave! I don't even want to
hear that! I don't want to think about that!
He can't leave! I'm going to have my teeth
in his ankles [laughs] to prevent him from
going out the door.
PLAYBOY: Do you agree with Morley's
ssment that Don Hewitt is 60 Minutes"
Not-so-secret weapon?
SAWYER: Yes. The guiding, self-renewing,
revitalizing genius.
PLAYBOY: Now that you are working for
Hewitt, what are your impressions of him?
SAWYER: I thought I had been in the busi-
ness a long time and I thought I had
worked with a lot of people, and you come
in sometimes thinking you’re sort of smart.
You know how to do a piece, and you get
in that first screening with Hewitt, and
he’s trying to be very diplomatic. He says,
“You know, I think we could make this a
little better,” and the next thing you know
[laughs], the whole thing has been rear-
ranged. And he’s right, and you realize
that he’s operating on a level above any on
which you've seen people operate.
PLAYBOY: Don, among other nice things
being said about you is that you invented
the wheel in this television-news business;
you are, or were, the Wunderkind of televi-
sion. Let's talk about that for a bit
HEWITI: Isn't that awful? I guess at 62 I
ought to stop being the Wunderkind of tele-
vision, don't you think?
PLAYBOY: That's what you were called in
the late Forti
HEWITT: That's right. You know why?
Because there wasn't much talent around
The real talent when I came here in 1948
was in the entertainment division. Sidney
Lumet, Bobby Mulligan, Franklin
Schafiner—they were directors here then.
They all left and went to Hollywood
Schaffner was the last to go. We were codi-
rectors on the Evening News, but he left for
Hollywood and made Patton, Nicholas and
Alexandra and Papillon
PLAYBOY: But you stayed and made a
career in television news; some people cred-
it you with bringing it out of the Stone Age:
HEWITT: Like most things, that's exagger-
ated. Let me tell you a little about myself
to kind of explain it. When I was a kid, I
went to the movies every Saturday, and for
all of us kids, the people on the screen were
our heroes. There were Tarzan and Tom
Mix, and none of the kids knew which
screen hero they wanted to be most. That
was never my problem. When I walked
out of the moviehouse, 1 knew 1 wanted to
"m E -
at are friends worth?
be either Julian Marsh, the director in
42nd Street, or Hildy Johnson, the reporter
in The Front Page. And one day, along
came television and, by God, I could be
both of them!
PLAYBOY: You were a journalist during
World War Two, weren't you?
HEWITT: I was a civilian war correspond-
ent. I was all of 20 years old. I had the
dubious distinction of being the youngest
accredited war correspondent in the U. S.
at that time—whatever that means.
PLAYBOY: After the war, you were an editor
for Acme News pictures. From there, you
were hired by CBS and became a director.
You got into the business of political cover-
age pretty early.
HEWITT: Yeah, Douglas Edwards and I
worked together at the 1948 Democratic
Convention. I was an associate director.
Ed Chester, then the head of the news divi-
sion at CBS, tapped me to become the
director and eventually the producer of
CBS Evening News. The show was going to
be on the air five nights a weck for 15 min-
utes. In those days, people said you
couldn't do the show five nights a week,
because it was too complicated.
PLAYBOY: You became the producer, a term
you coined, which in effect meant that you
were responsible for both the technical
and the editorial direction of the show. It
was unique at the timc.
HEWITT: Yeah, but it’s a misnomer and
never should have happened. Nobody
should be called a producer in television
news. We're all reporters. They call me an
executive producer, but that’s a dumb
thing to call anybody. David Merrick is a
producer. Darryl Zanuck was a producer.
Thats not what we are. But television.
decided to borrow the names and titles
used in Hollywood and on Broadway, and
somehow those titles became attached to
the guys in the news division
PLAYBOY: Whatever thc title, the job
involved being in charge of both the tech-
nical and the editorial sides. Why both?
HEWITT: I discovered that the technical had
to complement the editorial, just as a good
newspaper or a good magazine decides
that a certain layout, a certain type face or
the placement of pictures enhances the
story. I realized that working with broad-
casters’ pauses and inflections, the way
they look and sound, is to broadcasting
what putting in commas and semicolons is
to print editing. That’s how you punctu-
ate. We punctuate with inflections, with
voice delivery, with visual elements. I
grew up as a big fan of Life magazine. In
fact, that's what 60 Minutes is—Life mag-
azine on TV.
PLAYBOY: Do you accept the credit—or the
blame—for setting the style for TV news
broadcasts, as reputed?
HEWITT: I think that probably happened,
because I was the only guy around who
had the wit to realize that vou had to put
yourself in the place of a television viewer.
Always—every piece I’ve ever looked at or
look at today—I say to myself, “If I were a
guy sitting at home, would I like this?” In
the early days, I became obsessive about
it. On the Doug Edwards broadcast, I
would take brown paper and cut out fig-
ures and tape them to the screen and stalk
around the room, saying, “Ifa guy is sit-
ting 20 feet away, are those figures big
PLAYBOY: Iss it true you tried to get Douglas
Edwards to learn Braille?
HEWITT: Absolutely. I never understood
why people laughed at that idea. Before
they had TelePrompTers, guys had to look
down at their scripts. It was a great idea!
PLAYBOY: You also created the revolution-
ary two-projector shot, didn't you?
HEWITT: Yeah, it was a little technical
razzle-dazzle. Up to that point, there was
a single sound system, so you couldn’t
break away, and editing was tough. Just
one of those ideas. Someone else would
have thought of i months later.
PLAYBOY: And didn’t you invent the term
anchor man?
HEWITT; Pm not sure if it was CBS chief Sig
Mickelson or myself, but it came out of a
conversation we had about our corre-
spondents at the ’52 Convention and how
“I know the trouble you can
get yourself into doing an
interview. There are no
indiscreet questions, just
indiscreet answers.”
Cronkite would be the “anchor leg"—the
best guy on a relay team being the anchor.
It has nothing to do with boats, as people
assume. But it’s such a silly thing to
call anybody—an anchor man! 1 love it
when a local anchor man goes out on a
story—you know what they call him? A
“floating anchor.” Isn’t that terrific? I
mean, it’s such a fucking nutty business!
PLAYBOY: Your early style was considered a
little abrasive. You modeled yourself after
your Front Page hero, scrambling after the
scoop and causing a lot of distress at CBS-
HEWITT: Sure, no doubt about it. I was a
little abrasive when I came here. I guess I
did rub a lot of people the wrong way.
I look back at some of the things I did that
I would never do again. I was young and
stupid. I brought a different style to CBS
News. [Laughs] I think people looked at
me, to use Mike Wallace's favorite phrase,
like a hair in their soup. J think that today
if somebody came around and did under
my aegis some of the things that I did, Га
throw him out the door.
PLAYBOY: Your behavior in those days has
been described as manic. You did some
pretty bizarre things.
HEWITT: Yeah, like throwing pencils
through the control-room window. It
started out a genuine frenzy and after a
while, it became an act, When Mickelson
was the head of CBS News, he'd call me
around four o'clock and say he had visitors
coming up to watch me direct Edwards
with the News, and ask me to put on a
show for them. And I would spin like a top
and whirl like a dervish. I hada lot of nerv-
ous energy. [Laughs] But you grow up.
PLAYBOY: Mike Wallace had a similar rep-
utation as a maverick when he arrived,
didn't he?
HEWITT: Mike and I were both looked at as
interlopers: How did these guys get into the
club? We're both more dignified now. But
ГІ tell you one thing: Im 62; Mike is,
what—66 or 67? Mike and I can beat any
kid in the house on any story, anywhere,
any time.
PLAYBOY: There was a period during the
Sixties when you fell out of grace with
CBS and were, in effect, exiled. Was that
when you got the idea for 60 Minutes?
HEWITT: That's right. And. there wasn't
much excitement about i hard
Salant [then president of CBS News] says
today, frankly, he thought it was a terrible
PLAYBOY: The curious thing is that when
you came up with the idea, you were out of
favor, Reasoner was having trouble and
Wallace, as you said, was something ofan
outsider. It seems as if they gave it to the
guys they didn’t know what to do with.
HEWITT: Right. Harry and I were out of
favor. But Mike; they just didn’t know
what the hell to make of Mike. . . .
PLAYBOY: Mike, in your book, you wrote
that on those rare occasions when you
are interviewed, you can sec a gleam in the
reporter’s eye. Why the gleam?
WALLACE: It's a gleam that means,
now it’s your turn, buster.”
PLAYBOY: Yet it was relatively difficult to
pin you down for an Interview. Haye you,
of all people, been shy?
WALLACE: Well, one thing is that you don’t
want to betray—betray may be the wrong
word—you don’t want to let people
know what your politics are, if, indeed,
you have politics. [Smiles] I also know the
trouble you can get yourself into doing an
interview. It’s said that there are no indis-
creet questions, just indiscreet answers.
PLAYBOY: You developed your reputation
as a tough reporter on the old Night
Beat show, didn't you?
WALLACE: Yes. I had never really thought
seriously about journalism as a career,
because I felt that I didn't have sufficient
background. I'd never really worked for a
newspaper. My main experience was as a
rip-and-read announcer on NBC radio in
the Forties. In the middle Fifties, I decided
that maybe television interviews were the
kind of thing Fd want to do. So we put
together a news department at channel
five in New York.
PLAYBOY: The set of Night Beat was a bit
theatrical and intimidating, wasn't it?
When the friends are close and the
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Friends are worth it.
WALLACE: The dark studio with two or
three cameras and the glaring spotlight
and the cigarette smoke and the close-ups
of people's faces—things like that?
PLAYBOY: Yes, some of the same effects you
later used on 60 Minutes. Your best inter-
views are perceived to be those in which
the subject is obviously uncomfortable,
where you're grilling him.
WALLACE: You mean when the interviewee
begins to sweat and squirm and so forth?
Yes, that probably follows my having
established a chemistry of confidentiality
and relaxing the interviewce to the point
where he thinks he can really level with me
and suddenly says, “Hey, wait a minute.
What have I done? Now I’m in trouble.
Now Pm going to have to answer candidly
and honestly. Well, perhaps Га better
come clean."
PLAYBOY: You mention in your book that
your little group would gleefully search for
ways to deflate the pompous and the fatu-
ous among your subjects.
WALLACE: Indeed, we did.
PLAYBOY: Then was the point of the pro-
gram to embarrass the subject?
WALLACE: The essence was not so much to
deflate as to get at the truth. Really. I
mean, it wasn’t deflation for deflation’s
PLAYBOY: But there were occasions when
you went beyond what was reasonable,
weren't there?
WALLACE: As in the interview I did with Al
Capp? I had no argument with Capp
going in. It didn’t occur to me that there
was going to be much there beyond a kind
of self-drawn profile of this very inventive
and funny comic-strip artist.
PLAYBOY: But you effectively destroyed the
guy oncamera, and you later regretted it.
WALLACE: | regretted it eventually.
because, in effect, I caught him without his
psychiatrist. I got caught up in the process
in a strange way. He was sweating and
uncomfortable, and he almost became a
butterfly on a pin. But he was doing it to
himself. He would say something outra-
geous, then almost apologize with this gig-
gle. And when I called it to his attention,
he began to fall apart oncamera. I think a
little of it would have sufficed. Instead, I
kept at it. But that was fairly early in Night
Beat, when we were perhaps full of our-
selves and probably enjoyed the spectacle
more than we should have.
PLAYBOY: That was the point we were mak-
ing. Isn't that the sort of thing that made
your reputation as morc of an inquisitor
than an interviewer?
WALLACE: Mind you, I think it was per-
fectly legitimate. But no, its not some-
thing I would do today.
PLAYBOY: After Night Beal and a stint at
ABC News, you moved to channel 13 in
New York, where you did the first half-
hour evening news show in the country.
WALLACE: Yeah, long before the networks
did it. The first half-hour network news
show began in 1963, I believe. Our show
lasted until the money ran out. It was a
first-rate undertaking.
PLAYBOY: What did you do after it folded?
WALLACE: There were a couple of years in
which I was casting about, knowing what
I wanted to do but not finding it ca:
PLAYBOY: You did commercials then, didn’t
WALLACE: I did cigarette commercials. I
even did some used-car commercials.
PLAYBOY: And you'd been in a Broadway
play earlier.
WALLACE: Yes. 1 had done nearly 100 per-
formances in a comedy called Reclining
Figure. | played an art dealer. Then I
hosted a talk-and-variety show in New
York, complete with second banana. One
nice thing is that a young unknown named
Barbra Streisand made maybe 30 appear-
ances that year. Someone at the station
economically erased all the tapes.
PLAYBOY: What happened after that?
WALLACE: I anchored the political conven-
tions for Westinghouse and did the election
coverage. I made a trip around the world
for them, a week here, a week there. Hong
Kong, Saigon, Nairobi and so forth.
PLAYBOY: But you felt you were still floun-
“I caught Al Capp without
his psychiatrist. He was
sweating and uncomfortable,
almost a butterfly on a pin.”
WALLACE: Yes. It wasn't until 15 years in
the business that I figured out what I
wanted to be. And by that time, I was
close to 40. And then came the unfortunate
accident to my son. That's when I figured,
Well, let's take a year off and try to figure
out who the dickens you are and what you
really want to do.
PLAYBOY: Your son's accidental death in
Greece must have been a terrible blow.
WALLACE: [Quietly] Peter . . - Peter was a
poet and an athlete. And he was going to
be a writer. And E... his death was, as
any father would understand . . . there is
no way adequately to explain what that
kind of loss means.
PLAYBOY: Did his death compel you to sort
things out?
WALLACE: Somchow, it did. Somehow, it
contributed to that. My wife, Lorraine,
had wanted me all along to get back into
journalism; she'd been nudging me in a
very supportive way to do it, After months
of unemployment, Dick Salant of CBS
called and offered me a job anchoring a
New York newscast. I did that but also
was a reporter. After more than 20 years, I
was covering a beat, something most
reporters do in their early 20s
PLAYBOY: So you were paying your dues all
over again?
WALLACE: Oh! That was the single most
useful thing, because I really was on pro-
bation. I don’t mean just with the hier-
archy. 1 was on probation with my
colleagues in the newsroom, and I was on
probation with myself.
PLAYBOY: Was there any resentment among
your colleagues because of your checkered
WALLACE: Some. Cronkite, whom I had
known, couldn’t have been more cordial.
Harry Reasoner, because we were going to
replace his Calendar news-feature show,
resented me a little.
PLAYBOY: So when you two co-anchored 60
Minutes, was there still some ill feelin,
WALLACE: It was patched up. Actually, it
was patched up with everybody at the
1964 Republican Convention out in San
Francisco. I hadn't been assigned to the
floor. 1 was out there simply for the morn-
ing news. CBS was having a tough time
against the opposition for ratings. They
asked me if I wanted to go onto the floor
and I said of course I did. I think people
were surprised that I could work on the
floor with a certain understanding. That
really was the watershed as far as CBS was
concerned. Later, I covered civil rights,
Vietnam, all of it.
PLAYBOY: And vour sins were forgiven?
WALLACE: Yes. Strangely, no matter what
you've done in the past, it all helps you
eventually. That surely has been true in
my case. Some of the things I had done
along the way, which could hardly be clas-
sified as reporting, nonetheless gave me an
understanding of how to handle myself on
the air.
PLAYBOY: And when 60 Minutes came
along, you had an ideal sort of background.
WALLACE: Perfect, because it’s the front
and the back of thc book. Regardless of
whether we're doing a Horowitz or a Car-
son, or a Sadat or a Nixon, there is this
variety of experience—including that foolish
detour to Broadway for 100 performances.
PLAYBOY: Harry, lets talk about your
career. You describe your background as
either well rounded or drifting.
REASONER: I’ve never resolved that ques-
tion in my mind, either.
PLAYBOY: Your background is similar to
Mike's in that respect.
REASONER: Mike was well experienced in
broadcasting long before I was [smiles]
But, yes, I expect that it is.
PLAYBOY: You started as a broadcaster at
KEYD in Minneapolis, where the com-
mentaries you did at thc end of your
broadcasts received a lot of notice. Then
you went to CBS in New York as a reporter
contact, or, in reality, a cameraman's
assistant —and for a dramatic cut in pay.
REASONER: Yes, I think every time 1 come
to CBS, I take а 50 percent cut in pay. 1
have a Scotsman’s instinct about these
things. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: That’s where you first ran into
Don Hewitt,
REASONER: Yeah, he was producing the
Evening Neus with Douglas Edwards. In
those days, since there were no television
correspondents, the people on the assign-
ment desk really got a chance to go out on
stories. That's how I got to know Hewitt.
PLAYBOY: He was regarded as the golden
boy of television in those days. Did you
pick up a lot working with him?
REASONER: Ycah, and vice versa.
PLAYBOY: When you were working for
Hewitt, there was a story that after you
had gotten an exclusive interview with
Nikita Khrushchev by posing as a deputy
sheriff, somcone asked you if you hadn't
been worried about being arrested by the
Secret Service. And you said
REASONER: “I'm more afraid of Don Hew-
itt than I am of the Secret Service.” Abso-
Iutely. It's true today. I wasn’t afraid, just
impressed with him.
PLAYBOY: You were the first television
reporter to be named a CBS correspond-
ent. Until that time, there had been only
radio correspondents.
REASONER: I think so. I was the first guy
who didn’t come out of World War Two or
the Korean War or radio.
PLAYBOY: Although you did spend time
later covering Vietnam, as did the other.
male correspondents on 60 Minutes.
REASONER: The only difference with me was
that I was in Vietnam first, as an employee
of the U.S. Government 20 years before
those guys were there. Not all that long
and not all that expertly, but I was not
surprised by what Í found when I went
PLAYBOY: What conclusions did you draw
from the experience?
REASONER: J was in agreement with Gener-
als Eisenhower and MacArthur that it was
idiotic to get involved, whatever the prin-
ciples, whether they were good or not.
PLAYBOY: In any casc, you began doing a
CBS network radio show out of New York
in the early
REASONER: I did a radio news show, or two
of them a day, and I had never done radio
before. I was a child of television—
however difficult it may be to regard me as
a child.
PLAYBOY: Your television career took off
afier columnist Jack Gould wrote a glow-
ing report about your radio broadcasts
in particular, those end pieces.
REASONER: Well, he just зай
they were all well written.
PLAYBOY: Do you still enjoy writing? Do
you write all your own 60 Minutes pieces?
REASONER: Certainly not all of them. For
instance, I think Morley, who is justifiably
proud of his writing, has a different feeling
about it. He enjoys writing; 1 enjoy having
written. But Morley's young and he's get-
ting more experience. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: You mean you don't enjoy the
REASONER: The actual process is very diffi-
he thought
cult. And you have to do it alone and you
think a drink would help, so it won't, so
you can't Its a very lonely, difficult
process. 1 like to contemplate writing,
and I like having done it. It’s the actual
process that bothers me.
PLAYBOY: You said at the beginning that
when you finally ended up at 60 Minutes,
nobody really gave it much of a chance.
REASONER: I don't think we foresaw what it
was going to become. I was there a little
more than two years before I left for ABC.
We were about 54th or 55th out of 64 in the
ratings, some dismal thing. When I came
back from ABC, having invoked my Bar-
bara Walters clause—
PLAYBOY: Which was?
REASONER: There was an oral agreement
when they hired Barbara as co-anchor at
ABC and they wanted me to agree to it. I
said I would if they would cut two years off
my contract. That was my Barbara Wal-
ters escape clause, With no disrespect to
her, I thought the whole thing was a mis-
take and wanted to leave. She was the least
of my problems.
PLAYBOY: Actually, you didn’t do badly at
ABC for a time. Didn’t the ratings of your
newscast go up?
REASONER: Yeah. One of the things I resent
is the talk in recent years about how much
Roone Arledge has done for ABC News.
Producer Elmer Lower, Howard K. Smith
and I did that for ABC News. We brought
up the ratings to a respectable third place,
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almost second some of the time. But then
things went wrong. Lower retired and
Fred Pierce took over, and he had, I think,
the badly conceived idea of hiring Barbara
Walters to team up with me.
PLAYBOY: You went back to CBS after nego-
tiating a pay cut and rejoined 60 Minutes.
Did you find it changed? Was there any
tension when you suddenly reappeared?
REASONER: As I frequently point out to
Mike, in my first full year back, we
became number one [laughs]. There
weren't many changes. Don had retained
his enthusiasm, the atmosphere was the
same. When I came back, I was the fourth
correspondent and had missed completely
the period when they added the third cor-
respondent, Dan Rather. When I came
back, I suppose there was a period...
not when I didn't get along with Mike but
when there was a question of whether or
not I still had the legs, as a baseball man-
ager would say.
PLAYBOY: Asscrtions that you are lazy have
followed you most of your professional life.
Are they undeserved?
REASONER: That kind of assertion, I think,
has haunted me a good deal during my
professional life. Obviously, I deny it; but
it's very hard to deal with, because if you
deny it, you recognize some basis for it.
PLAYBOY: You can't protest too loudly?
REASONER: All I know is, when I left CBS
for ABC, they had to find four people to
replace me. The only denial I make is that,
yes, I don't carry briefcases home for
show. I don't work on airplanes, I don't
try to do everybody else's job. I just try to
do my own.
PLAYBOY: Morley, you began your televi-
sion carcer at the Canadian Broadcasting
SAFER: Well, I began at newspapers before
that, at Reuters. I was a reporter on the
street at 19. Then I became the London
correspondent for CBC, and CBS hired
me from there. They kept me in London
and then, after four or five months, they
sent me to Vietnam.
PLAYBOY: Morley Safer's war, as it was
called, because of your hard-hitting pieces.
SAFER: Ycah, well, Morley Safer's war is
first of all not true, and secondly, if true,
it's a dubious distinction.
PLAYBOY: Your reporting was decidedly
antiwar. You managed to infuriate Presi-
dent Johnson at one point.
SAFER: I had some problems with Johnson;
I had some problems with the Pentagon; I
had some problems with the American
mission in Viemam. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: You stayed in Vietnam for three
years and then went back to London for
CBS. Hewitt spotted you in 1970, when he
was looking for a replacement for
Reasoncr. What were you doing that
caught his eye?
SAFER: 1 was in the middle of burying
DeGaulle. I got a call while I was feeding
my report on the general's funeral by satel-
lite to New York. Reasoner had just left, or
announced he was going to leave, to go to
ABC, for which I will be forever grateful,
and they offered me the job.
PLAYBOY: You, perhaps more than the oth-
ers, had a tough time of it when you joined
the show, right?
SAFER: Well, I was the new kid, with a lot
of pressure, because we were trying some-
thing new. We were utterly unheard of. I
was utterly a stranger to working in a head
office. I guess from my earliest days in
newspapers, I was always away from the
brass. My staff, when I was abroad, con-
sisted of me. The brass was 12 or 13 hours
away. They could never find you, so you
could deal with them on your own terms.
Suddenly, I was surrounded by guys who
were telling me what to do and watching
me do what I did. And I was being hovered
over all the time by these damn people.
PLAYBOY: You had doubts that 60 Minutes
would survive; wasn't part of the deal that
if it folded, you would get your job in
London back?
SAFER: There was one condition: that when
it folded, I would get my old job back. The
record of serious broadcasts was and is ter-
rible. So I made certain that my future was
going to be all right. I would go back to
where I was going to be happy. I had
never lived in New York or in the United
States before.
PLAYBOY: As the new guy, did you feel you
were in battle with Mike over turf?
SAFER: Yeah, and I had never worked in a
situation like this before. There is intense
competition around here.
SAFER: Mike and my friendship—it’s no
secret—has undergone quite serious
strains over the years but always sort of
comes together again, as they say. We're a
bit older. He's much older. [Laughs] And
those things we fought over don't scem like
the end of the world anymore.
PLAYBOY: But as an independent-minded
reporter, you must think it's fitting, in ret-
rospect, that your career led you toward
60 Minutes.
SAFER: I've never used the word career. I
mean, I woke up one day and I was a
reporter; I woke up another day and I was
a foreign correspondent. I woke up
another day, І was one of two guys on a
“prestigious” broadcast. I never planned
anything; I never applied for anything. I
was really very lucky.
PLAYBOY: Ed, was it happenstance for you,
BRADLEY: 1 ended up in journalism quite
by accident, yes. I was a teacher moon-
lighting as a jazz disc jockey at a local
radio station in Philadelphia—on top of
calling play by plays for basketball games
and reading news. By 1967, I had rcached
а point where I decided that I couldn't
continue pursuing two carcers full time,
Pm not a desk person and J can't spend a
lot of time in one room, so I decided to go
with broadcasting and answered an ad for
CBS in New York. I bagged the job.
PLAYBOY: You didn't stay long, however.
BRADLEY: I stayed about my limit, three
and a half years.
PLAYBOY: Then you went to Paris on a
vacation, and your experience there had
quite an effect on your career.
BRADLEY: I decided that I was born to live
in Paris. I mean, there were just no ifs,
ands or buts. I absolutely fell in love with
the city. I met some people there who
turned me on to Paris, and it was a won-
derful experience.
PLAYBOY: You were lucky: You got a job
with CBS network radio there.
BRADLEY: Well, the CBS network had
offered me a job before, but it was a desk
job and not very much money at that, so I
turned them down flat. But when they
offered it to me again in Paris, I said,
"Look, you don't understand: I quit
because I want to travel.” They said,
"Come work for us; you'll travel first-
class." I thought of that years later in the
Huong Giang hotel in Hue, Victnam,
watching the bugs crawl up the wall and
listening to hand grenades going off out-
side. It wasn't exactly the first-class they
had promised. Anyway, | said thanks but
no thanks.
PLAYBOY: What made you decide it was
what you wanted?
BRADLEY: I was broke. I was looking at the
possibilities, and they were slim and
none—and slim was on his way out of
town. So I took a job as a CBS stringer. It
gave me a reasonable income. I mean,
there were weeks when I made nothing. I
lived on the Paris peace talks.
PLAYBOY: You mean the Paris negotiations
between the U.S. and Vietnam to end the
BRADLEY: Yeah. The Paris peace talks were
held about once a week. If they held the
talks, I made the rent money. I remember
once when the talks were suspended for 13
wecks and I got a check for $12.50. But I
managed to survive. I made enough to
afford a motorcycle, put clothes on my
back and vacation on thc Rivicra.
PLAYBOY: You don't seem to have been
career driven anywhere along the line. You
were concentrating on having a good time.
BRADLEY: No, I wasn't career driven. I
didn't go to Paris for a career. 1 went to
Paris for my life. Being in a strange place,
with a strange language, it was kind of—it
was like taking an acid bath. I could cut
through things and kind of figure out how
I had gotten to where I was. That was
important. I had a very complicated child-
hood, as 1 guess a lot of people have had,
and Paris helped me sort it all out
PLAYBOY: You left after two years and went
to work for CBS television in Ncw York.
BRADLEY: Again, accidental. I came back
and reached another crossroads, as I had
with teaching. I realized I couldn't con-
tinue as a stringer in Paris anymore. My
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ego wouldn't let me. I decided I was either
going all the way in or getting out.
PLAYBOY: You went all the way, all right. —
to Vietnam for CBS.
BRADLEY: I'll tell you about that: Bob Lit-
ile, the foreign editor at CBS, said, after I
was formally hired, You know, you really
came back at a bad time; we're in the mid-
die of an election campaign"—it was
*72—“and we really have nothing domes-
tically for you." And I said, “Bob, FII tell
you what; that’s fine with me, because I
don't want to live here. 1 would rather live
in"—1 tried to think of the worst place in
the world —* Vietnam!" He looked at me
and said, “Are you volunteering?”
PLAYBOY: Were they having a hard time
getting correspondents to volunteer?
BRADLEY: I don't know. But I was pretty
naive. I wanted to be a war correspondent,
and I thought I had to get to Vietnam
before the war was over. That was when
Kissinger had said peace was at hand. So
I rushed out, and in one week, I was in
PLAYBOY: You were ncarl
nam or, rather, in Cambodia.
BRADLEY: Yes. I was nearly blown up, but
in the end, it was a superficial wound, thc
kind you can walk away from and talk
about later. What was a morc emotional
experience for me was spending some time
with the Viet Cong in the jungle. It was
while peace negotiations inside Victnam
were still going on. The kind of deters
tion and dedication I found among the
Viet Gong was just mind-boggling.
PLAYBOY: If there is one thing you four men
share, it’s the Vietnam experience. Morley
became famous for his opposition to the
war, Mike was a supporter until he cov-
ered it, and Harry was against it, too. Did
spending that time with Viet Cong turn
you around?
BRADLEY: Well, I went there opposed to the
war. | was in this country during the
antiwar demonstrations. I covered them
for CBS radio in New York. So that made
it very difficult for me to cover the war
objectively, because, in conscience, I was
opposed to it.
PLAYBOY: When you came back from Viet-
ham, you covered the Carter campaign in
1976 and then became a Washington cor-
BRADLEY: Yeah, CBS sted I come back
and promised me there was no such thing
as a number-one or number-two corre-
spondent. But that didn’t prove to be the
PLAYBOY: That was similar to the position
in which you'd found yourself in Paris—
effectively second string, in other words.
BRADLEY: We had a senior correspondent.
That’s Bob Schiefler. And that means that
he is the one who does the pieces for the
Evening News. If there were a second
piece, I would get on. Hell, t
Plus, I got into the same old thing: It was
an office job. You go to the same place
lled in Viet-
"s no fun.
every day and check in. Now, pcople were
saying, “Isn’t it great? Your office is in
the White House.” But listen, I’m down in
the basement in this little nook, in the
back of the White Housc press room. And
if Jimmy Carter jumps, I have to be there
to say how high. But it's no great fun, and
it wasn't the kind of work I wanted to do.
Yes, I did want out.
PLAYBOY: There have been assertions that
you weren't too easy to get along with dur-
ing your Washington tour, that you were
abrasive and egocentric. Was it because
you saw it as a second-string job?
think so. I think I'm easy to get
along with. I don't think I'm abrasive or
cgocentric. I think I have a healthy ego,
but my problem in Washington was that
there were too many bullshit assignments.
PLAYBOY: Safer points out that when he
came to 60 Minutes from Paris, after Viet-
nam, he faced a similar problem.
BRADLEY: I had always worked overseas lor
CBS, and I was my own boss. When I
went out, I was the producer. So then to
come back and have to report to a desk
and get a good night before you could
go—it was all a big change for me. 1 don't
think anyone understood that. People
“To watch Wallace climb
over seats to get to Nancy
and Ronald Reagan —I
love live television!"
didn't understand that I had not come up
through the system, that I had made my
own way.
PLAYBOY: It was during the 1976 campaign.
and conventions that you met a couple of
other guys who had made their own way—
Hewitt and Wallace.
BRADLEY: That was the first time I was
exposed to Hewitt and the frenetic energy
he has. He was in charge of the corre-
spondents. When you see him turned
on—I mean, it’s amazing. He's just a live
wire. You kind of sit back and, you know,
watch. And then to scc Wallace at work!
PLAYBOY: You were impressed?
was in awe. I was what they
call a relief correspondent. We had two
teams, and I was on the second team on
the floor. I found that whenever I knew
Wallace was getting ready to go onto the
floor, I'd try to stay close and watch him.
It was just amazing to see someone who is
so—I tease him about his age—someone
of his years! [Laughs] I call Mike “Pops”
today. But to watch Wallace climb over
seats to get to Nancy and Ronald
Reagan—I love live television!
PLAYBOY: In those last couple of years
before you joined 60 Minutes, you
anchored the Sunday Night News, the first
black correspondent to do so.
BRADLEY: It’s a shame that that was so
noteworthy. But it's indicative of what you
have to go through in this country.
PLAYBOY: You mean, because you are
black, there is always the lurking suspicion
that despite the fact that you've paid your
ducs and have thc credentials, your race
has helped your career?
BRADIEY: I don't know. I don't know why
the notion is advanced, whether it's
because whenever reporters ask about it,
they advance the notion.
PLAYBOY: Certainly, when you went to 60
Minutes, it was said that getting a black
rcporter on the program was a good thing;
until then, it had been a white, male club.
BRADIEY: Reporters always mention that.
I've never heard it from anyone at CBS. If
it’s true, CBS got a twofer: They got a
minority and someone who's good. Гуе
never given it much thought. Í look at it
this way: This is one of the top jobs at
the premier broadcast of the
network in terms of ratings and draw. I
don’t think CBS would do anything they
thought would mess it up.
PLAYBOY: Diane Sawyer is now the newest
kid on the block. As the previous one, do you
think she has the credentials to join you?
BRADLEY: Yeah, I think so. Probably less
than my colleagues, but who can match
the years that Mike and Morley and
Harry have? But given the experience that
she has had, I think she’s done a good job
at every step. I remember her from Wash-
ington; her office was diagonally across the
hall from mine. She was taking some heat
for her Nixon affiliation, and I think we
both felt like outcasts then.
PLAYBOY: Diane, your road to television
was rather indirect.
SAWYER: I’m afraid my path to journalism
was rather desultory. I had just got out of
college in 1967 and I didn't know what 1
wanted to do. I was considering newspa-
per work when my father said, “Why don’t
you try TV?” So I started in Louisville,
my home town. There were no women
doing hard news on TV, and it occurred to
me this might be a pioncering opportunity
and an adventure.
PLAYBOY: It was while you were doing news
and weather for a local station that Bill
Small, then the CBS Washington bureau
chief, saw you, wasn’t it? He later hired
you for CBS.
SAWYER: Well, he had seen my work on tel-
evision. 1 had known him before, because
he'd worked for CBS in Louisville and his
children were in the class my mother
PLAYBOY: But first you moved to Washing-
ton, where you ended up working as a
press aide for Richard Nixon, your job for
the next eight years, Your association with
the Nixon | nistration wasn't to your
advantage when you went to work for
CBS, was it?
SAWYER: I think it’s safe to say it was not
(continued on page 78)
© 1985
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Ws finally clear—
this thing called feminism wants
everything, guys, everything
ıs largely a matter of what gets noticed. Its
practitioners exert themselves to make us place cer-
tain considerations in the foreground and others in
the background. That is what lobbyists and political-
action committees are for. Representatives of the
American Medical Association or the Conserva-
tive Caucus, for instance, are, doubtless, estimable
people who would like everybody to be happy; but
when all is said and done, what they most want is for
their clients to get morc attention than the rest of us.
All that is so obvious that it may hardly seem worth
saying. But consider a further point: Sexual poli i
in the end, just politics. It, too, is largely a matter ol
what we are encouraged to notice and what we are
discouraged from secing. Its practitioners want us to
place in the foreground the concerns of one sex and in
the background those of the other. To be sure, like
other lobbyists, they arc likely to tell you that their.
ultimate concern is with the good of all humanity,
with which the interests of their group happen to
coincide. Many of them will genuinely believe it
as former General Motors president Charles Wilson
probably believed that what was good for G.M. was
good for Am . Indeed, many of them will be
right—just as Wilson was right—to an extent. But
only to an extent and only at those times when their
interests do not compete with the interests of others.
At all other times, they will remember the first princi-
ple of their calling: There is only so much attention to
go around, and the point of the game is to get most of
it for their team.
The fact that sexual politics is just politics brings us
quickly to a dismal conclusion that has long been
waiting for all of us to sce: Whatever it once may have
been in theory, the women's movement today is
nothing more or less than a lobby, single-mindedly
promoting the interests of one group at the ex-
pense of another, without regard to logic, principle or
ice. “By their fruits ye shall know
them,” and ideology has long ceased to be
the question for feminists; the question is,
rather, just this: Which side gets its inter-
ests attended to? That is as true of the
movement's most conservative representa-
tives as it is of the radicals: The two most
powerful women in national Government,
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Health
and Human Services Secretary Margaret.
Heckler, are exemplary hard-ass Reagan-
ites in relation to all minorities except
their own, that of middle-class women, to
which they are invariably as indulgent as
any discredited bleeding-hearter.
Generally, when one interest group suc-
ceeds in getting such special attention, the
result may be unfair, but it is not likely to
be terribly injurious to those passed over.
The simple mathematics of the lobbying
business usually guarantee that no indi-
vidual will have to suffer in anything like
the proportion to which another individ-
ual is benefited. Singling out the soybean
growers of America for special treatment is
not, realistically, the equivalent of dis-
criminating against each of the other
workers of the country: There are just too"
many of them, and whatever relative dis-
advantage they may suffer will be diffused
100 widely to allow any of them legitimate
cause for feeling personally aggrieved.
In this regard, however, sexual politics
is different from other kinds—perhaps, in
fact, unique. There are, after all, only two
sexes, dividing the human race about
equally. To discriminate in favor of one is,
unavoidably, to discriminate in equal
degree against the other. A person who
likes the Irish better than other nationali-
ties cannot really be said to be bigoted
against all the other tribes of humanity,
cannot seriously be called a racist. But a
person who preaches the superiority of one
sex necessarily preaches the inferiority of
the other and does deserve to be called a
sexist, A movement that tells us, by pre-
cept or example, that we all have to be
especially attentive to the interests of one
sex also tells us that we have to be espe-
cially oblivious to those of the other; even
if it calls that instruction consciousness
raising, such a movement deserves to be
called sexist.
Despite its protestations of sexual egal-
itarianism, when the National Organiza-
tion of Women argucs against (as it does)
efforts to redress the traditional antimale
bias of child-custody settlements, it is not
merely working for women, as it will tell
you it is; it is also working against men.
The same is true when feminists demand
(with some success) that the traditional
presumption of innocence be withheld
from accused rapists and extended beyond
previously accepted limits for confessed
husband-murderers. Or when communi-
ties across the land are lobbied (also with
some success) to consider real or repre-
sented violence against women as an espe-
cially urgent issue, essentially more wor-
thy of attention than ordinary violence
against, you know, men. It is true, too,
when the same people who once drove Dr.
Edgar Berman from his post on a Demo-
cratic Party policy committee for making
an issue of menstrual-related tension now
demand that it be an admissible defense in
court; or when, in response to feminist
pressure, Indianapolis and other cities
attempt to ban cinematic depictions of het-
erosexual (not homosexual) copulation on
the grounds that the woman (not the man)
in the scene is being degraded and that the
women (not the men) in the audience or
outside it are being oppressed. When, after
some 25 executions of male criminals, the
prospect of putting to death a woman who
murdered, among others, her own mother
suddenly stirs controversy and national
uneasiness—when all this and much more
goes on—the time has come to realize that
what we are dealing with is sexism, the
programmatic exaltation of one half of us
at the expense of the other half, as pro-
moted by the most successful political-
action committee of our age. In
self-defense, if nothing else, the time has
come for men to start noticing some things
that they are not generally encouraged to
notice these days.
Readers of PLAYBOY may consider such
admonitions superfluous. If there is any
audience that one would expect to be at
least as alert to male as to female interests,
it ought to be the readership of this maga-
zine. Well, no offense, but I wonder. Take
a look at the following news item,
reprinted in its entirety, and see how you
feel about it.
SAN FRANCISCO (October 20, 1983) —
Female inmates of San Quentin
prison will have to endure strip
searches and showers under the scru-
tiny of male guards, says a Federal
judge who ruled that privacy is second-
ary to security.
U.S. District Judge Spencer Wi
liams yesterday dismissed a class-
action suit brought by three inmates
who complained it was humiliating to
be naked in front of male guards at
the maximum-security facility. They
also complained some of the male
guards verbally harassed them.
Williams said use of male guards
didn't violate the inmates’ constitu-
tional right to privacy and said secu-
rity needs justified the physical
observation and hands-on searches
by correctional officers, including
The ruling protects men's employ-
ment rights in correctional facilities,
said California Attorney General
John Van de Kamp.
Unless 1 am terribly mistaken, the reac-
tion of most readers of this or any other
publication is probably one of incredulity,
even shock. Uniformed men being licensed
to grope ("hands-on searches,” indeed!)
and abuse naked women, against their
will, in the name of “men's employment
rights"? Can such things be? In a time
when female workers who find that men
have been peeking into their shower room
can successfully sue the company for mil-
lions (as happened recently in Wheeling,
West Virginia), when “sexual har-
assment" is the red flag of the hour?
Where is Ms.? Where are 60 Minutes,
Nighiline and the various evening news
shows? How is it that they all failed to
notice, and tell you about, such an enor-
"They didn't tell you about it because
the news item quoted, though reprinted in
its entirety, was transcribed with one
slight alteration: My word processor was
instructed to run it through its find-and-
replace function, replacing the word male
with female and men with women, and
vice versa. As an experiment, you might
try reading the item again, restoring the
original words. Notice how commonplace
it suddenly sounds? It sounds common-
place because it is commonplace. In its
inal version, it is not a bloodcurdling
atrocity but part of the normal furniture of
contemporary American life, unnoticed or
barely remarked. That is why it was only
by chance—while leafing through the
back pages of a local paper on a slow news
day—that I happened across it, and why
you never heard about it on the network
news. It is just not the sort of thing the
people who run those enterprises consider
worth noticing, not the sort of thing
enlightened people, in the present climate.
of sexual politics, are supposed to notice.
What are we supposed to notice? Snuff
movies, for one thing, the ultimate expres-
sion of man's rapacious, ctc., and so forth,
toward woman—even though, as it hap-
pens, there are no authentic snuff films.
Still, the snuff-movie story has, so far,
emerged in the campaign against men as a
kind of Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion, a lie that keeps coming back по mat-
ter how many times it's exposed.
It does, however, have competitors for
the honor. There is, for example, the
fabled crowd of cheering, applauding men
in the famous New Bedford rape case of
threc years ago—a crowd that did not
exist, as was eventually discovered by a
press that did not go out of its way to
deflate the myth it had helped create. And,
of course, there is the formulaic utterance
“Women earn 59 cents for every dollar a
man earns"—a figure that is technically
correct, to be sure; but, as George Gilder
(on the right), Lester Thurow (on the left)
and several others have pointed out, a di
parity resulting from a variety of causes
(continued on page 156)
“Gosh, Melanie—yow're beautiful when you're angry!”
u.s. forest service officer toni westbrook doesn't pine for an indoor job
MAGINE YOURSELF a part-time tree-naper out in a remote corner of Alaska's Juneau forest
region at five a.m, halfway through sectioning up the giant spruce tree you've just fell
š with your trusty chain saw. Suddenly, you hear footsteps behind you, the ominous splat
a wad of chewing tobacco hitting the snow and a voice saying, “OK, buddy, you'll have to clear
out. You know these trees aren't SPE E to be cut down.” And imagine turning around to
The magnificent view abave is of Herbert Glacier (named after a onetime U.S. Secretary Navy),
one of the stops Toni Westbraok, U.S. Forest Service law-enforcement officer, makes on a'helicopter
t ayer the 1,500,000-acre Juneau Ranger District of Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. «
After a lang day of trekking through the Juneau forest, Toni and her buddies down a few beers at the Red Dog Saloon, a colarful local pub (above
left). And how does Toni relote to these burly lumberjock types? “1 con ride а horse, shoot and cover my territory аз well os anyone else," she says,
“and the guys | work with respect me for thot.” She also chews tobocco— "just o little chow now ond then." Above right, Toni prepares for o helicop-
ler reconnoissonce flight. Below, she gets her jeep ond her pet Husky reody to hit the forest troils in seorch of squotters and illegol woodcutters.
confront the forest ran
She's 5'7", has curly dark hair
and a 34-23-35 figure and is
accompanied by a Husky
whose jaws have no safety
switch. Of course, you are
armed with a rifle (as is nearly
everyone in this territory,
where the bears are large
enough to play Frisbee with
your body), but you don’: dare
go for it. You're caught and you
know it. And—what the hell—
you probably don't mind, since
the ranger is the prettiest damn
thing you've ever seen in the
woods at five A.M
She's Toni Westbrook, and
we discovered her during our
search for a forthcoming Girls
of Alaska pictorial Toni, 28,
was born in California but
moved to Alaska two and a half
years ago and now considers
herself a native Alaskan. Alas-
ka, of course, is horseback, jeep
and four-by-four territory, still
largely unpopulated and, like
many of its citizens, still a bit
wild. Toni learned to ride her
parents’ two horses long before
she knew how to drive a car.
Accordingly, the first thing she
did when she had enough
moncy for a car was to buy a
horse. “He cost me $700, plus
$150 a month to feed,” sa
Toni, “but he earns his keep. I
ride him on patrols through
parts of my territory that can't
be reached by truck." Her ter-
ritory is the 1,500,000-acre
Juneau Ranger Distrit of
Alaska’s ntic Tongass
National Forest. And what
does Toni’s job involve? “The
two main things I look for are
people who've built makeshift
cabins out there without a
permit—they're hard to find in
an area that huge—and illegal
Toni works out with weights
when she isn’t patrolling the
giant spruce-and-hemlock for-
est. “You need muscle strength
for my job. For instance, after 1
"My favorite thing is to ga ta my
‘own cabin in the forest and spend
a week there doing nothing but
fishing, going for lang walks in the
snow and lazing around by the
says Tani, lazing around ot
t. It’s enough to make a city
slicker feel os rustic as all get out.
chased one guy away, I had to
roll his log sections, which
weighed about 80 pounds
apiece, into my truck. It took
all afternoon." Toni, who once
won a 20-buck bet (with a man,
of course) over the number of
push-ups she could do, is, how-
ever, quite a lady away from
the job. She likes “tall, dark,
handsome men—but then,
what woman doesn’t?” with a
sense of humor. “А man who
can make me laugh does much
better with me than а strong,
silent macho type.” Say, Toni,
have you heard the one about
Smokey the Bare . . . ?
But seriously. If you're ever
lost in the Juneau forest range
and pray for an angel to rescue.
you before your toes freeze off,
don't be surprised if that angel
is carrying a sack of Copen-
hagen. And remember: No jol
ing with the ranger on duty.
H you're wondering obout the tot-
too on Toni's thigh, below, all we
can tell you is thot it's o long-
stemmed rose. As for how ond why
she got she keeps that to her-
self. At ony rote, os the old
scying goes, this bud's for you.
2 ^ howto save a would-be hero from himself
TISNOT my place, as a slow white per-
son with mongrel dogs and an old
Plymouth Horizon, to tella supersonic
black person with a virgin-white Sam-
oyed and a new BMW how to repackage
himself. But I am going to. Everyone else
may be willing to let the world's most
famous active athlete go on being eerily
boring, but I think the man has potential.
How anybody who always does exactly.
what he has in mind, and who moves like
the Greek god of Thrust combined with
the Greek god of Flow, and who operates
like the California god of Public Relations,
can manage to win four gold medals, find
opulence through amateurism, appear on
the cover of Time twice in three weeks and
still lay an egg, 1 don't know. But that is
the feat Carl Lewis pulled off at the 1984
He came іп image-heavy. It is said that
the mother of Peisidorous, an ancient
Olympic boxing champion, disguised her-
self as a man so that she could act as her
son's second. Then, when he won, she for-
got herself, took him into her arms and
caressed him. This incident led to a rule
requiring all Olympic trainers to appear
naked, which I imagine did not make
Peisidorous the sentimental favorite four
years later. I can see them now, a chorus of
little gnarled guys from the Hellenic
equivalent of Canarsie, chewing on cigars
and cracking, “You better show us some-
thing. Thanks to your momma, we got to
stand here with our balls hanging out."
But at least Peisidorous did not go into
the Olympics with a penchant for wearing,
at various times, pointed white-rimmed
glasses, orange-and-black Harlequin
tights, eyebrow pencil, orange lip gloss
and a haircut that made him look unset-
tlingly like the metasexual New Wave
poseuse and singer Grace Jones. Nor did
Peisidorous have a manager who said
things like “No one's ever had a Carl
Lewis going into the Olympics before.
We're on the frontier" And “We want
Carl to be identified with one major com-
pany, the way O. J. Simpson is with Hertz
or Bob Hope is with Texaco.”
Peisidorous did not threaten to sue some
Italians who planned to film a documen-
tary on him. Carl Lewis did. “I don't want
to be diluted," he told Gary Smith of
Sports Illustrated.
The Lewises are a tight family who do
not see themselves in terms of “people.”
Said Carl's long-jumping sister Carol,
“People aren't what they wish they were—
and we are." As it turned out in Los
Angeles, Carol finished behind several
people and showed dissatisfaction with
herself. Tell us about it, Carol. Welcome to
life. But Carl won all the golds he had set
as goals for himself and demonstrated
great galloping self-pleasure before a
world-wide audience of something like two
and a half billion. Quite a few of those
watchers, however, were saying, "Carl,
take a flying leap."
It was in the long jump that he stepped
on his dick. After leaping far enough to
win the gold, he played it safe. Four times,
his turn came around for another shot at
Bob Beamon's venerable world and
Olympic record, but each time, as thc
global village cut away from whatever else
it was doing to focus on Lewis alone,
he passed. He saved his energy for the
other events he had to win in order to pre-
serve his appeal as a corporate front per-
son. Judicious business strategy, perhaps.
But prodigious athletes do not become
American heroes by keeping their powder
and lip gloss dry. (Especially when, right
after the next commercial, tiny, scarcely
ripened gymnast women are busting their
humps as if in one last desperate effort to
forestall Armageddon.) As of this writing,
no major U.S. corporation has stepped
forward to embrace a Harlequin-panted
jock who is not a hero.
So it's repackaging time. Lewis and his
manager led up to the Olympics with a
four-year, six-point plan. I propose these
six new points for a Great Leap Forward:
One: Marry the daughter of the chairman
of a major corporation. Or his son.
Carl Lewis’ sexuality, of course, is none
of our business. Sure. Here we have a man
who carries his own make-up kit, displays
his buns in Vanity Fair, collects china and
crystal, wears puffed-sleeve jackets and, on
the other hand, drives 125 miles an hour
with a Fuzzbuster in his car and says, “If
you are very masculine and believe in
yourself, it is very hard to attack your mas-
culinity." A lot of people want to know
who a guy like that is taking to the dance.
And all he will tell us is, “I could be sleep-
ing with a horse for all [people] know”
and “It's not as though six people have
caught me in bed with six men." Most of
the characters John Wayne played could
have said the former and Truman Capote
could have said the latter. Do we want an
‚American hero who either never has sex or
never has it with anybody he wants to be
seen with? "True, Michael Jackson seems to
get away with one or the other, but (A) he
is a Jehovah’s Witness and (B) an element
of creepiness works in rock "n' roll.
What if Lewis’ sexuality is something
major corporations and Mr. and Mrs.
America frown on? Well, every American
hero's sexuality should include a broad
streak of philosophy summarizable as fol-
lows: “Fuck 'em."
Two: Revive redneck chic.
Joe Namath worked against type by
making panty-hose commercials. Lewis
might start using country-boy locutions.
Fortunately, there is a new book out called
You All Spoken Here, by Roy Wilder, Jr.,
which provides any number of useful
expressions: "He's so tight, when he grins.
his pecker skins back.” “He lies so bad, he
hires somebody to call his dogs." “All
vines and no taters.” “He's been places
an’ et in ho-tels.” “Fast as salts in a
widder woman." “Dumber than a barrel
of hair.”
Three: Start hanging out with somebody
other than family and walk-around guys.
How about Chuck Yeager? Vanessa
Williams? Geraldine Ferraro? George
Burns? It would humanize Lewis’ profile if
people were to ask George Burns what the
two of them did together and Burns were
to reply, “He wanted me to run with him,
but when we came to the first lap, I sat in
it. Then I introduced myself and she said,
"Aren't you going to go any further? I
said, ‘It’s nice of you, but not at my age.’
She said, ‘Aren’t you going to jump with
Carl? I said, ‘No. At my age, what could
surprise me that much?”
Four: Collect something different.
I have been told that Waterford crystal
fits into the new mandarin elegance of rich
black males. Well. Maybe. I still say it
sucks. He who accumulates crystal is
bound to start watching his step. Re-
member when someone broke into Lewis”
house during the Olympics and smashed
his Waterford collection? Maybe that
wouldn't have happened if he collected
something less fragile, something ordinary
people could identify with. Like duck
decoys, for instance.
Five: Develop vulnerability.
Carl Lewis insists on being a master of
all he deigns to touch. “He is secure
enough to risk," says his acting coach, but
there is actors’ vulnerability and then
there is folks’ vulnerability. A real Ameri-
can hero—Muhammad Ali, Richard
Pryor, Billie Jean King—has downs as
well as ups. For starters, Lewis could go
fishing on The American Sportsman and—
no, not fall into the water. Just not catch
Six: Do something for free.
After the Olympics, Lewis’ agent
claimed that his client had turned down
$100,000 for a single track meet and would
not sign with a pro football team for less.
than $1,000,000 a year. Since Lewis is said
to hate the macho regimentation of football
(and good for him), this means that he
would undertake half a year of something
he can't stand for seven figures but
wouldn't do one night of something he
loves for six. This is not heroic.
Far better would be for him to give him-
self over to some large-scale charity effort.
"This would prove he is rich. It also might
do both Lewis and people some good.
How about a Carl Lewis telethon to com-
bat a major affliction? 1 have one in mind.
It strikes hundreds of thousands of
contemporary Americans—lawyers, bish-
ops, Presidential aides, TV Christians,
Yuppies, consultants, Pentagon officials
and, yes, superstar athletes. I don't know
the scientific name for this condition, but
down home we used to call it Too Stuffed
to Jump.
“A number of other things would have made me
(continued from page 64)
happy. But this is the Valhalla of TV.”
the best part of my résumé. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: Would you have liked to omit it,
to describe it as eight years with the Feace
SAWYER: Ycah, cight years of Government.
PLAYBOY: But it did arouse some resent-
ment, didn't it? Dan Rather, for one,
objected to your being hired, didn't he?
SAWYER: I really think that it was an objec-
tion on principle. I was the specific; his
objection was to the general, which
included me.
PLAYBOY: Was there cvcr any demonstra-
tion of your colleagues’ displeasure?
SAWYER: Only things that appeared in gos-
sip columns: “CBS News staffers express
dismay” kind of thing. No one ever
expressed their feelings directly to me.
Most of the criticisms that became public
were from unnamed sources. Dan Rather
approached me and told me what he had
said, so 1 didn’t hear it from someone else,
which was very kind of him.
PLAYBOY: That antipathy changed while
you were co-anchor for the CBS Morning
News with Bill Kurtis in 1982. You did an
interview with your former boss, Richard
Nixon, and asked some pretty tough ques-
tions. Do you think that was when you
shook off other people’s doubts?
SAWYER: I think that finally closed the
chapter, but the antipathy had changed
before that. The change was perhaps just
by dint of familiarity and by the fact that I
was given the CBS News equivalent of an
initiation rite. We didn’t have to dip our
hands in spaghetti and be told foul, vile
things—but I was sent out on every
stakeout. It's the kind of thing that every
new person goes through, a kind of survi-
val of thc fittest. Some former stars of local
TV haven't appreciated it, but I was fortu-
nate in that Ї had no expectations and
extremely low confidence about my jour-
nalistic ability at a network level, because
I had not done it for so long. So I was
the one who was called in the middle of the
night to go stand on freezing street corners
for hours to stake people out. I chased peo-
ple to get one sound bite for an insert in
someone else's story. In fact, 1 think I hold
the record for the longest stakeout.
PLAYBOY: Where was that?
SAWYER: In the lobby of the Madison
Hotel in Washington, during the Mideast
negotiations—from which assignment, by
the way, I got a good number of business
cards from men who did not believe I was
there for any respectable purpose. Try
protesting sometime that you're sitting in
the lobby of a hotel, day in and day out, for.
journalistic reasons. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: The contacts you made during
the Nixon Administration must have been
useful during the time you covered the
State Department for CBS.
SAWYER: Oh, they helped some. I’m not
sure that whatever else I might have done
in those years wouldn’t have brought me
friends and people to ask questions of.
PLAYBOY: But you had met and dated
Henry Kissinger during the time you spent
in the Administration. He must have pro-
vided you with some contacts in the State
SAWYER: Well, no. I knew some people in
the State Department, but remember, it
had changed hands. I knew some people in
the establishment in Washington, and they
tend to pass in and out of jobs. So I knew
people at State but not because of him.
PLAYBOY: You've never covered foreign
affairs, in the sense of being a foreign cor-
respondent. Is that a handicap here?
SAWYER: I would like to have done a couple
of years overseas. Do I think it's a handi-
cap? I’m not sure. I think not knowing
about foreign affairs might be a handicap,
but in the year I spent covering the State
Department, I got the graduate course.
PLAYBOY: There have been asscrtions in the
Press that your friendship with William
Paley, the CBS chairman, and others, such
as Kissinger, have been responsible for
your rather rapid rise. The question raised
is whether that rapid rise has been exclu-
sively on your merits as a journalist. How
do you respond?
SAWYER: Whose question is that? Is that
yours? You've seen me on the air; you've
seen my work. I don't believe it's a ques-
tion. I believe it’s a manufactured ques-
tion, because I’m a female and because it’s
PLAYBOY: It’s not titillating to raise a ques-
tion discussed elsewhere, most recently in
a TV Guide article titled “Is Diane Sawyer
Tough Enough for 60 Minutes?” The arti-
cle implied that those friendships may
have contributed to your success.
SAWYER: [Smiles] It is a preposterous ques-
tion! But itamuses me. The TV Guide arti-
cle went on to say that those who know
think it is preposterous, that I work hard.
PLAYBOY: If you were doing an interview
and a similar question were being asked in
the press, would you not ask it?
SAWYER: I might ask you how you felt
about the fact that people asked you the
question. I don't think I would ask it as a
real question, unless I thought you were
lousy at your job. The old "Some people
say" routine: We know the tricks.
PLAYBOY: Then clear it up once and for all.
SAWYER: It's not true, of course. And let
the record show that this entire exchange
has been entirely through smiles.
PLAYBOY: It will. Speaking of friends, you
stayed with Nixon out of loyalty, as you've
often explained. But as to those tough
questions you asked him on your Morning
News interview, hadn't they occurred to
you while you were working for him?
SAWYER: Well, I had worked with him on
the Watergate part of his book. All cf the
factual questions had been asked. Some
of my questions probed for emotional
responses, for a sense of his own feelings,
and they hadn't been asked, because they
don't have to be asked when you're work-
ing closely with someone. A lot of time had
passed, and I wanted to ask the questions
that I thought the people in the audience
would have asked. I think it's arguable
that I did. I also wanted to see if there had
been any changes in his state of mind since
I had left. It wasn't a sudden transforma-
tion on my part.
PLAYBOY: If you had those questions in
your mind, why did you wait so long to
leave Nixon's employ?
SAWYER: Once I became immersed in the
book, I was responsible for a significant
section of it. I really felt I had a responsi-
bility to see it through.
PLAYBOY: How did you end up at 60 Min-
SAWYER: My feeling that it was time to
leave the Morning News was the prime
mover in my arrival at 60 Minutes. It was
Don's feeling that I should move, too.
There was a lot of resistance at various ex-
ecutive levels at CBS toward doing it at this
time. But keep in mind that Don had been
talking about getting me on 60 Minutes
during the period when the Morning Neus
had increased its ratings monumentally.
PLAYBOY: When did you meet Hewitt?
SAWYER: I first met Don Hewitt, I think in
any memorable sense, at the Democratic
Convention four years ago. I covered the
floor and he vas the floor producer. That's
the first time I remember working with
him [leughs]—or experiencing him, which
is not much different from meeting him.
PLAYBOY: Were you tired of the Morning
SAWYER: CBS made it clear they wanted
me to be happy, and we agreed that my
tenure on the Morning News should be a
finite one. I had never thought I would
stay for 13 or 14 years, as others have
done. So when I had a sense that it was
time to move on, I felt I could approach
them and I did. There were a number of
other things we talked about my doing,
including reporting for the Evening Neus,
which would have made me happy. But
this is the Valhalla of TV.
PLAYBOY: Your contract is reported to be in
the neighborhood of $800,000 a year,
which puts you near the top of the pay
(continued on page 158)
“I always wondered, darling, what m meant when you said you
wanted to walk through life as a spectator."
wallet-busting ways to break the sound barrier
modern living By NORMAN EISENBERG
IT LOOKS LIKE an architect's model for a
cluster of ultramodern buildings with
ramps, terraces and towers thrusting
skyward. Then someone presses a but-
ton and the whole thing comes alive
with incredible sound. You are in the
presence of a new kind of sonic great-
ness, and size, complexity and cost just
don't mean a thing. What counts is
performance—with the fringe ends of
the audible spectrum given as much
meticulous attention as the main sonic
body. Obviously, this system is not for
everyone. Aside from its size, the setup
costs a cool $45,000—and that's only
for the speakers and an equalizer.
Rounding out the full stereo stable
with suitably matched turntable, arm,
Bottom left: Stonding 7'6” tall, Infinity's
Reference Standard Series II is the Ralph
Sampson of stereo speakers. For $32,000,
yau get four rosewood modules (only two
are shown here)—two contain six 12"
polypropylene woofers euch and the other
two house 12 electromagnetic induction-
midrange drivers and 36 electromagnetic
induction tweeters each. Below right: At
$12,900, the French-made Goldmund Ref-
erence turntable costs as much as a mid-
size car, but mony purists swear by its
computer-controlled motor and suspended
subchassis, which rests on a 20"-tall steel
stand (not shown), from Christopher
Hansen Ltd., Los Angeles. (The Goldmund
T3B tonearm shown increuses fhe price
$2800.) Right: The Sequerra Model 1 Spec-
trum Analyzer/FM Tuner analyzes signal
specifics while picking up FM stations,
by United Sounds of America, $5000.
cartridge, tape deck, tuner and amplifi-
ers ups the ante to about $90,000. This
particular speaker setup is the custom-
built contribution to high-end audio by
David A. Wilson, the owner of Wiison
Audio Specialties of Novato, Califor-
nia, a designer who makes his 1650-
pound speakers available in more
than 100 fine wood finishes. Give him
about 14 weeks to deliver the system
once you order it. The full name is the
Wilson Audio Modular Monitor, but
you can call it WAMM. If you can't wait
for a WAMM to be built and $32,000 is
burning a hole in your pocket, there's
the Infinity Systems Reference Stand-
ard Series III speakers, which, at 7'6",
suggest'a scale model of a high-rise.
They weigh in at a mere 1200 pounds
and house a dozen 12" woofers and 72
tweeters in the four modules. As of
right now, the WAMM and the Infinity
Ш are probably the world's most
expensive and elaborate sound boxes.
Just looking at them can inspire awe.
Who'd have (concluded on page 190)
Left: WAMM, bom, thank you, David Wil-
son of Novato, California, for creat-
ing the Wilson Audio Modular Monitor
(WAMM), a stereo speaker system consist-
ing of two full-range array towers, two
subwoofer towers ond a high-perform-
ance equalizer, all housed in your choice
of cabinetry, $45,000, including calibra-
fioe by Wilson himself. Below: The DMC-10
is a high-resolution preamplifier with a 24-
kt.-gold-ploted circuit boord, by Spectral
Audio, $2795; Lucite cover, $60. Right:
More power to you in the form of Krell's
KMA-200 power amp that delivers about
200 watts per channel, $7000 a pair. Far
right: A unique ABLT-1 linear-tracking
tonearm that operates on pressurized air,
by Dennesen Electrostatics, $1400; it's fit-
ted with o rare hond-built Kiseki car-
tridge made of lapis lazuli, from Krell
Industries, Milford, Connecticut, $3500.
sure, my trade's kinky. but naked corpses?
uh-uh, officer, that's too exotic for me
HE CHIEF SAID that the first mistake was
letting Rita operate without any inter-
ference in the Monaco Estates. “I
* knew it and I said it,” he said mourn-
fully. “I said we should get a warrant and go
tear the place apart. Cameras and every-
thing, go in and grab the broad. Arrest
whoever's hiring her, tie him up and beat him
with the chains and whips, and put her out of
business. Make it clear that we won't stand
for this. And then I sit here like a twerp and
let you say we shouldn't. I am losing my
damned grip. I deserve this crap."
"Chief," Lieutenant Kiley said, "that's
what we know now. At the time, though, we
had no P.C. We could not go in. What do we
say to a judge— This is probable cause, your
Honor, "cause we know the дате? a whore’?
That would not float, Chief, you know.
Wouldn't float at all. No, I think our
approach was reasonable."
"Reasonable," the chief said. “Bullshit,
reasonable. "Where the hell is Rita?’ I ask,
and you tell me, ‘She left town.” I know Rita
didn't do that, damn it, Buster. This one-
horse place is made for her. She's got no com-
petition. Hustling the goddamned salesmen
and the other two-bit clowns that think
drinking in a bowling alley's the next best
thing to Vegas. Rita Beauregard, for God's.
sake, down from the Maritimes 'cause she's
sick of fishermen, puts her ass out on the
block here and they think she's Hollywood.
She makes more in one good night than I do
in a week, and she does not pay taxes, either,
and you tell me she left town? *We should find
out where she is,’ I say, ‘and put her out of
business.” And, Buster, I am telling you, that's
what we should've done. Picking up the tran-
sients that're getting stiff in bars, selling them
blow jobs and stuff: That we can tolerate. But
this saddy-mazzy bullshit, with the manacles
and whips? That is dangerous. 'Some poor
asshole dies with her and we are in the shit."
And now, of course, one did, and that's
exactly where we аге.”
“Lock, Chief," Kiley said, “this is not that
type of case. This guy died of natural causes.
That much we do know. This was not a
young man, Chief. He was fifty-six. What
knocked him off was his own ticker, not the
torturing. Rita said he just came in. Told her
what he wanted and'd taken his clothes off.
“He dropped dead on me,’ she said. "This is
my fault, Buster? Anybody can drop dead
anyplace he wants. This guy happened to
Pick mine, while he was seeing me.
“That is what I mean,” the chief said,
“that that kind of thing can happen. She
gets some guy in a bar, goes to his room
with him. He gets all his clothes off and he
has a heart attack. That's no problem,
Buster, if it's handled right, you know?
Rita puts her clothes back on, gives us a
quick call. We go over, she clears out.
That’s all there is to it. We know who the
victim is—motels keep registers. We know
where the dead guy lives, and so that is no
problem. He’s where he’s supposed to be,
even if he’s naked. And his goddamned
mother, Buster, isn’t waiting for him there.
Waiting for us cops to come and tell her he
is dead. So she can have a heart attack and
really give us trouble.”
“I know, I know,” Kiley said, looking
miserable. “But we couldn't've expected
this, that this kind of thing would happen.
You got to remember, Chief, this is one
mean twat. She has got nice hogans there,
and her ass won't quit. But underneath
that bleached-blonde hair, there's the
mind of an assassin. All the time she
worked the alleys, that was dangerous.
Some night she may get some guy, isn't
normal, you know? Thinks he'll get his
jollies there by beating Rita up. Well, Rita
was aware of that, and Rita was prepared.
‘These guys, Buster, I pick up. They could
be anybody. I go with them, by myself,
and I don’t have no pimp. They see this,
the ones with brains, that I am alone. Let
me tell you this thing, Buster, that I can
protect myself. No son of a dumb beetch is
gonna beat your Rita up.’ So, when we
hear she's setting up, no more hustling,
I'm sort of relieved, you know? 1 thought
that was safer.”
“Uh-huh,” the chief said wearily, “what
did she have, Buster? Nice little snubby in
her handbag there, which she had no
license for? You should’ve grabbed her
then, Lieutenant, collared her right off.
itch a year injail, persuade her
iley said, “I didn’t see it, if
she had a gun. Maybe it's karate, sorne-
thing else she knows. l'd've frisked her,
she'd've sued me. Had me up on charges.
Maybe when she says ‘I feex him,’ that is
what she means. She can kill guys with a
pencil, choke them with her bra.”
“Yeah,” the chief said. “Well, OK.
Doesn’t matter now. You did not arrest the
broad and now this shit has happened.
Where do we stand with this now?”
“OK,” the lieutenant said, “this is
where it is, Medical examiner is going
down to Hope Memorial. On his way
there now. Stiff is in the freezer drawer, for
the formalities. Paramedics tell us it was
myocardial infarction. Plain old ordinary
heart attack. Nothing chargeable.
“To go with the stiff,” he said, “ме have
got a suit of clothes. This would be the sec-
ond set, the second suit of clothes. This
time we are pretty surc, these ones go with
him. Wallet in the trouser pocket, usual
1.D.s. They say that his name is Lanza
and he lives up in Dublin. This would
be the Dublin that is in New Hampshire
there. I put Wormser checking with the
local cops from there. We should know by
five or so if this is the right guy."
“I assume,” the chief said sarcastically,
“you told Wormser, ‘If it is him, try not to
tell his mother?”
“Locals will take care of that,” Kiley
said ruefully. “That is out of our hands
now, who informs his next of kin.”
“What about the old broad?” the chief
said savagely. “What about the one we got
that we did break the news to? Where is
she while we sit talking? Having a press
conference? Or is her real son doing that,
saying how he'll sue us?”
“She is in intensive care, over at the
Spellman," Kiley said efficiently. “Nurse
on duty there tells me that her attack was
mild. But, since she is very old, they are
taking all precautions. Vital signs are sta-
ble and she's under strong sedation. They
say if no more attacks come and she
doesn't have more shocks, she should be as
good as new within a week or two."
“That is, I assume,” the chief said, “if
they can keep Father Lynch away from
her. Goddamned old tosspot.”
"Father Lynch is not our problem,"
Kiley said with satisfaction. “I said some-
thing to the nurse and she laughed at me. 1
get the impression from her that he might.
be leaving there. The archdiocese may not
be pleased when they get their report."
“That may go for me as well when I get
our report," the chief said. “That, of
course, should be quite soon, with the
reporters calling."
“Our report is being typed," Kiley said
uncomfortably. "Do you want me, brief
you now, so you can start responding?"
“Yeah,” the chief said, “might as well.
Wished I got a haircut. How comes it
never fails when something like this comes
along, I am always thinking I should get a
haircut soon? Every time I'm on TV, I
look like a hippie. You think maybe they're.
connected—rough stuff and no haircuts?
If I kept my hair cut short, this crap
wouldn’t happen?”
“Could be,” Kiley said, “I guess. Any-
way, you want it?” The chief nodded.
“Rita called in,” Kiley said, “sounded
very upset. Asked for me and got
Wormser, whom she does not know.
Wormser isn’t used to her, how she talks
and all. This could be where this thing
started to unglue.
“Rita gets across her meaning, that
she’s got a dead guy with her. Wormser,
who does not know her, does not under-
stand this, Wormser thinks that guys drop
dead when they are with friends, family
around them or the people they work with.
Wormser is a rookie and this is all quite
new to him. Therefore, he tells Rita, she
should call an undertaker.
“This does not please Rita,” Kiley said
ruefully. “Rita is a businesswoman and
her work’s brought to her. She has her
appointments and her afternoon is filled.
This guy that is dead is just one of several
clients. She cannot let guys in for her
unique services if she has got a dead man
stretched out in the bedroom. Rita’s
trade's a little kinky, but it's not quite that
exotic. Corpses with no clothes on do not
turn her clients on.
** ‘No, no,’ Rita says, naturally excited,
‘this man who is dead with me, I do not
know his name.’ Rita did not go to college,
but she knows important things. She does
things to you for money, but she doesn’t
arrange funerals. She wants Wormser to
send somebody, take this man away. Oth-
erwise, she loses business, and she doesn’t
feature that.
“Wormser decides this is hopeless. It is
beyond him. He has got this crazy woman
yelling at him on the phone, and he does
not understand more than a third of what
she’s saying. He dispatches Hall and
Gleason to investigate.”
“Hall and Gleason,” the chief said, “of
course. That would figure. Stupid rookie’s
got a problem, gets two more to help him."
“Hall is pretty savvy, Chief,” Kiley
said. “She is not experienced, but she is
pretty savvy.”
“For a housewife, I agree, Hall is pretty
savvy," the chief said grudgingly. "What
Га like is savvy cops, but they say times
are changing."
“There have been reports of that,"
Kiley said innocendy. "Hall and Gleason
reach the scene reasonably fast. Wormser
had the wrong apartment number,
though, from Rita. There is some confu-
sion, since she's not on the doorbells.
Finally, they ascertain the right apartment
number. Get it from the manager, who
does not like her much. He tells them he
doesn't think that she belongs in there.
“This is a nice place, he says. ‘We have got
good tenants. New apartment complex
like this, she's not what we have in mind."
Rita apparently has lots more visitors than
he likes, and they seem to come and go
from her at all hours, day and night.
Gleason tells him that this one doesn't
sound like an improvement. He goes with
them to the door, and there is a big scene.
Before they can do much to find out what
Rita’s problem actually is, Hall and
Gleason have to tell the manager to beat it.
He can evict her after they have finished.
"Rita's in her work clothes for this
whole discussion," Kiley said. “This con-
sists of leather vest, with nothing under it,
and a matching leather skirt, which is very
short. It is also slit up both sides and
there's nothing under it. Except Rita's
crotch, of course, and Rita's high black
boots. Hall says Gleason had some trouble
concentrating on his work.
"They get rid of the manager and go
(continued on page 172)
“It shouldn’t take a computer to figure out
that computer widows are horny.”
miss march is on her own again, which means
the competition is outnumbered
DONNA SMITH sat crackling like a campfire in her boyfriend's Burbank
living room. In a loping narrative, she was recounting, with almost no
regrets, the unusual series of events that had brought her to where she
is now. Often, she exploded. Sparks flying in all directions, she'd leap
from her chair and take the center of the room as though there was
just too much to say sitting down. And there was.
She began with her childhood and her mother's midnight exit from
Oregon, just ahead of the authorities who wanted to take her six chil-
dren from her. She fast-forwarded to Washington, where the family
“I have found that there's some good in everyone. They may not
act that way, but all people have hearts. And if you're smart,
you can find a way to get to the heart, no matter whose it is.
settled for a while, and on to Idaho, where at the age of 14, she left home;
traveling in Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii and, finally, Japan, sometimes
working as a cocktail waitress with a fake I.D.; then going success-
fully into modeling, getting married, getting divorced, moving to Los
Angeles—which is where we said, “Whoaaa!”
There were details of interest here—such as how a young American
girl could make her way in a country where people speak mainly
Shopping with her sister Natalie (left) in L.A., Donna visits
trendsetting Laise Adzer, where she's aided by manager Juanilla
Malerba (below). “You had to take me to a place where I'm going to b
weak,” scolds Natalie. "Now I'm going to go and blow my whole checi
A master dribbler with “a serious hook shot,” Donna takes on some of
the boys at an L.A. playground. It was no contest. Cutting a demo tape
in North Hollywood's Amigo recording studio (right), Donna tests
the equipment, and the reserve, of the studio's recording engineers.
Donna's notion of relaxation belongs on "ABC's.
Wide World of Sports." She burns sand and rubber
on a Mexican. beach (above) and navigates a bor-
rowed catamaran (below), skimming over the waves
along the Mexican coast. At right, she provides
a tantalizing early moonrise over Manzanillo.
Donna had no problems posing for the ғ.лувоу camera. “Tue always been comfortable with my body. Some of my friends expected
me to be embarrassed, but I said to the photographer, "Why should I be? That's what I'm here for. Take the pictures; let's do it.
Japanese. “I speak Japanese," Donna said
simply. Had we known her better at the
time, we wouldn't have asked such a stu-
pid question. It’s best to give Donna the
benefit of any doubt. If you underestimate
her, her attention drifts.
“I was interested in the Japanese and
their culture," she went on, "so I just
picked it up. After that, I dated a lot of
Japanese men and ended up married to
one for a time."
Although she hasn't been to college,
Donna handles herself like a Ph.D. Experi-
ence is a great teacher, and the lady has a
trigger-quick mind. Fending for herself
was an carly lesson, and she's honed her
wit as well as her sensibilities. She's on her
own again, and enjoying it.
“I like being independent,” she said. “I
wouldn't have it any other way, because
there was a time when I wasn’t. I would
be living with a man, and he'd say, ‘Well,
it’s my money. I’m paying the rent.’ I'm
out in the cold unless I do as he says. For-
get it! Not happening Not with this
cookie, anyway.”
Donna's nothing ifnot candid. She finds
the straightforward approach is best.
“I’m really easy to communicate with,
because I get right to the point. I don't
play around. I just say it like it is. Pm
a very (text concluded on page 151)
Knocking around the world, as Donna
has done, gives one acute insights into
human nature. Quoth Chairman Donna,
"They say there's someone for everyone.
But that's not always true. Sometimes
there's nobody for someone, because
that someone's too much of a jerk!"
"If a man can just let a woman go and get oul whatever's in her head, do
her thing, and just let her know, I love you, and I’m here, the woman will re-
ciprocale if she really cares about him. Everybody needs space, or the thing
won't work. Being with someone 24 hours a day drives you to hatred."
NAME: Serna VL
BUST: 5 2788 тет: AE HIPS
HEIGHT: 2 We. weicht: LOS
Menta & i лас Eg x ¿ |
А horny young attorney dropped into a singles
bar on the prowl. The first girl whom he invited
to his pad responded ruefully that she hadn't yet
been fitted with her new diaphragm. A second
confessed that she had broken her contraceptive-
pill chain. Coming on to a third lovely, the fellow
asked delicately, “Have you taken pleasure pre-
cautions, my dear?"
“Oh, уе: indeed,” the girl
straighiforwardly. “I have my LU.D. in
“That's great” reacted the eager legal cag!
“I knew that if I kept looking, I'd find a loophole.
Our Unabashed Nation's. Capital Dictiona
defines political insider as a Congressman gett
How faithful were you to your wife?” Saint Peter
asked the candidate for admission at the pearly
“One thousand percent!” insisted the man. “I
never even looked at another woman!"
“That's remarkable," commented the saint.
“As a special reward, you're being assigned а
Jaguar to drive here in heaven
“And... if I had been unfaithful?”
“You'd have to use other transportation,
depending on how much you had cheated.”
A few days later, Peter chanced on the new
arrival sitting, sobbing, in his vehicle. “What is
it?" he inquired. “You've made it to heaven and,
thanks to your exem ital fidelity, you can
tool around in this n What's the trouble?”
“My wife died in the same accident 1 did,
gulped the sobber, “and I've just seen her. She
was pedaling a tricycle”
Whats your denomination?” the skid-row
rescue-mission clergyman asked the floozy
“A twenty—hopefully,” she replied
Boy, was I had!” the girl complained to a sister
chorine. “The smooth bastard managed to con-
vince me that the number of his secret Sw
bank account was tattooed under his foreskin!
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines tearjerker as
a sensitive chap who cries while masturbating
Now thar word has gotten around that Old
MacDonald recently bought himself an inflat-
able latex sex object, he’s being referred to as the
farmer in the doll.
When 1 got a water bed years ago, I was able to
get my wile to join mein churning it into a
torrent," reminisced the drinker, “but th
gradually subsided to Lake Placid.”
"You're lucky," responded his bar companion.
“With my wife, our water bed has always been
the Dead Sea.
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines transvestite
as a gender pretender.
How come you keep wasting that beer by pour-
ing some of it in your hand?" one fraternity
member asked a nerdy brother.
“T hope to score tonight,”
I'm getting my date drunk.”
the reply, “so
1, could be that you've heard of the pimp who
refused to let his girls go down on him. He was
known. of course, as the headless whoresman.
A petite girl, when begged for some action,
Told a guy with a nine-mch attraction:
“U would cause me dismay
If you went all the way—
Bul Га settle," she smiled,
for a fraction."
What arc the four cycles in the functioning of an
nal-combustion engine?" the high school
p-class instructor asked a student
i n,” answered the lad, “but
I'm kinda hazy about the others.”
“The cycles, in order, are intake, compression,
ignition and exhaust,” reviewed the instructor
somewhat wearih
“They're pretty difficult to remember, Mr.
Rogers,” pursued the dense student.
“Not if you think of them in terms of
extracurricular soci like on dates,”
countered Rogers, with a tight smile. “Then you
might consider them to be the approximate
equivalents of sucking, squeezing, banging and
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a post-
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, т
Playboy Bldg, 919 N Michigan Ave., Chicago,
Ш. 60611. “$50 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“Of course, it may be one of those sting operalions!”
sex and computers
were made for each
other—after all,
didn’t eve offer
adam an apple?
article By ROBERT E. CARA aaron had a nag-
ging urge to be a part of the personal-computer frenzy. It
was springtime in the computer age and free enterprise was
in bloom. Each day, it seemed, a newer, faster, more power-
ful, more up-to-date computer would come onto the market.
Or go off the market. For a dedicated consumer like Aaron,
these were times that made your palms sweat. He longed to
plunge into the fray.
Every day, his former friends would regale him with sto-
ries of new wonders they had performed on their magic
machines the night before. Then they would go stand in
groups and talk in acronyms to other people with magic
machines. If the tales told in these sessions were true, there
were novels in progress, screenplays being mapped out,
data being processed, important things being input and
equally important things being output.
But Aaron was a practical man. Did he need this? After
all, his best attempt at a novel had run into plot trouble in
the third paragraph, and his idea for a screenplay had, of
course, been stolen by George Lucas and corrupted into
Raiders of the Lost Ark. He was also blessed with surpris-
ingly little data. He did have a few record albums, but they
were mostly rock and, by nature, defied categorization.
“If only І had more data, I could make this pay off,”
Aaron told himself. He just couldn't justify going out and
plunking down the equivalent of two Kawasakis (or a
Honda Civic or a month in Tahiti or a neighbor-killer
stereo) for the privilege of owning something he didn't
know how to operate and that, if he did, would no doubt
wither from his paucity of data.
“Show me one practical use for the thing and Ull buy it,”
he shouted to his former buddies, who simply shook their
heads and remarked how much fun Aaron used to be.
“Psst! Ya gota minute?” beckoned (continued on page 174)
the pop of some classic pop culture
on his lite beer ads, the “beat it” video and that sizzling pepsi spot
B? Giraldi may be the busiest film maker
in America. He's considered the Cecil B.
De Mille of music videos, the Steven
Spielberg of television commercials. Having
worked with Michael Jackson on the nou-
classic, award-winning "Beat It" video, he is
credited with setting the standard for that
medium. Consequently, such heavyweights as
Paul McCartney, Lionel Richie, Diana Ross,
Kenny Rogers and Pat Benatar have sought
him out for their own videos. As for TV com-
mercials, Giraldi could easily be the highest-
paid director in the business, if not the most
visible. In addition to making the infamous
Pepsi spot in which Jackson’s hair caught fire,
he has directed the majority of the hilarious
Lite Beer All-Star ads for Miller, a campaign
that has been recognized as the most success-
ful in history. Bill Zehme caught up with
Giraldi in New York. He reports: “I asked
Giraldi if he'd like to take the Pepsi Chal-
lenge. He said he'd rather not, though he
swears he'd pass—he just hates that ad cam-
paign. During our conversations, he drank
ice water, took a call from Olivia Newton-
John, looked at rushes of a Jernaine Jackson
video and made fun of dancing lesbians.”
PLAYBOY: Do real men watch rock videos?
GIRALDI: Interesting. The other night, I
was sitting in my apartment in Los
Angeles with three friends, all guys, all
real men. We were each on our tenth glass
of wine, watching MTV. We were heckling
the screen, saying, “What the hell is this
shit?” But we found ourselves waiting for
the next one, glued with a sort of excited
expectation. One guy had an appoint-
ment, but it took him an hour and a half to
drag himself away from the television set.
Another guy was like a kid who memorizes
batting averages; he knew the names of
every one of those fucking groups: Crush,
Fear, Up Your Nose, The Talking Glasses,
The Ashtrays. The whole thing was like
watching sports. I had never found myself
doing that before, but I was with guys.
Now, maybe truck drivers and macho mus-
cle men get uptight seeing sissies dancing
and prancing around in videos. But my
feeling is that 90 percent of that popula-
tion are flaming faggots, anyway.
PLAYBOY: Settle a raging debate for us. Are
videos advertising or art?
GIRALDI; Í say art. Cynical businessmen
and record executives call me naive, But I
know advertising and have been in that
business all my life. Videos are, perhaps, a
promotional tool to bring the music indus-
try back to life. But are they ads? They
may help sell records, but so does the
weather. Videos don’t sell songs the way
Bubba Smith sells Lite Beer for Miller.
There’s no pitch involved. When you see a
great video, you're more interested in
watching, hearing and feeling it than you
are in running out to buy the record. Vid-
eos are created through inspiration, much
like paintings or movies. That goes for the
very best videos, anyway. The majority of
them are just boring and repetitive. Those
are the ones that are most like advertising,
simply because they all look the same. I’ve
had enough ofselling. When 1 feel the urge
to sell, I make a Pepsi-Cola commercial.
PLAYBOY: What is MTV’s most unforgiva-
ble sin?
GIRALDI: Saturation. Nobody could have
predicted this video craze, but we owe it to
ourselves to be careful. Videos may wear
out their welcome. I like MTV and believe
it’s the single most responsible entity
behind the boom in the music industry.
But even my 17-year-old daughter, Maria,
tells me she can’t watch a steady diet of
MTV anymore, whereas she enjoys shows
like NBC’s Friday Night Videos and New
York Hot Tracks. For me, it’s like football,
in the sense that at the end of every single
winter season, there’s been too much.
PLAYBOY: Where would you rather watch
GIRALDI: Thirty-five thousand feet above
the ground, in an airplane. That would
be a smart place to pipe in a channel.
You're a captive audience up there. When
you’re bored on one of those six- or eight-
hour flights to Europe or California, you
might like some jive to break things up.
You know, the plane would rock a little bit
in the sky. The worst place to watch itis in
bed, making love. The beat is so varied,
you might lose your place
PLAYBOY: A number of big-name acts—Joe
Jackson, for one—have denounced videos
for robbing people of their right to visual-
ize music for themselves. How valid is that
omaro: Not valid at all. Joe Jackson
thinks videos suck for several reasons.
However, he has also said that if he could
dance like Michael Jackson, he might not
mind doing videos. What he’s saying, in
his heart, is he feels he may not be a con-
summate performer. I disagree. I'd love to
make a video with Joe Jackson, because
Га make him as hot as a firecracker on-
screen. Moreover, he underestimates the
power of music.
Example: Lionel Richie's classic love
song Hello. We made a video in which
Lionel is a teacher to a blind girl who's in
love with him. She sculpts an identical
likeness of his face in clay. Admittedly,
the video is somewhat contrived—pur-
posefully, in fact—but it's a nice visual
love experience. It's my personal concept
of the song. When I told Lionel about it at
dinner one night, he damn near cried. He
said it had nothing to do with the song, but
he loved it. When you hear that song on
your car radio, I guarantee that you will
not think about the vidco. If we're as
romantic a people as I think we are, songs
will never leave our imaginations. Musicis
stronger than that.
PLAYBOY: Now that Michael Jackson's Beat
Tt has become the video classic, can you re-
veal the seamy underbelly of its creation?
GIRALDI: Beat [t is a study in timing. Young
people in America were ready to see videos
that were more professional, more story-
oriented, more emotional. They were
rcady to see a star actually perform. Inter-
estingly enough, if Beat It premiered
tomorrow, it wouldn't be the phenomenon
it was then, even though it will always bea
fine video.
The real scoop on Beat It, if anyone
cares, is that Michael and I wanted to doa
street interpretation from the start. Other
interpretations have been mentioned by
sicker minds. But that's what the song is
about: turning your cheek to the dangers
and the silliness of young street violence.
Michael suggested that we use real Los
Angeles gang members and break dancers.
I took the idea on vacation to Santo
Domingo with my wife and daughter. For
the entire week, I sat on the beach, playing
Beal It, and wrote a scenario based on
experiences I had growing up in Paterson,
New Jersey. It was chic to be tough. I
hated that, obviously because I wasn't
tough. To this day, I have no tolerance for
bullies. I go right after them on the sets.
That knife-fight sequence comes from a
story a Puerto Rican guy in the Bronx told
me 20 years (continued on page 153)
there has always
been plenty of comic
carnality— you just
have to know
where to look
vou Two
so LONG?
Moan's 1930 pursuit af carny dancer
Little Egypt (named far her pyramids?)
was gripping to fans af the early strips.
LOIS LANE AND LANA LANG weren't cuties for nothing. Was there ever a red-blooded boy who
didn't imagine Lois stripped of her color-dot jump suit, ready for a nude embrace with
Superman—or, better yet, Mr. Mxyzptlk? (Let's leave the Bizarros out of this.) Well, we
weren't just little perverts projecting our fantasies onto the page. Maurice Horn's new book
Sex in the Comics proves that sex was there all along— put there by graphic artists who knew
what made our little hearts go pitapat. Lois and Lana were cuties for us!
The open depiction ofsexin the comics is something new, buta subversive thread runs all
the way back to the turn ofthe century. Buster Brown displayed his easy cool with all the girls.
Happy Hooligan was a clown at everything but his dauntless pursuit of Suzanne. The closet
door opened a little more around 1907, with the establishment of the daily strip. Mutt and
Never LOOK ar
Flash Gordon, by Alex Raymond: Probably the sexiest of all the adventure strips of the Thirties, Flosh Gordon draped its female characters in flimsy
wisps that nibbled at the limits of censorship. Here, from 1935, the Ісусі and lovely Dale Arden learns that being the hero's ladyfriend can whip o girl
right into shape. The witch queen Azura has fogged Flosh's mind, you see, preparatory ta a little B&O. Don't worry, though. Next week's coming.
Wonder Women, by Charles Moultan (William Moulton Marston) and H. G. Peters:
Marston, a psycholagist, created Wonder Woman (above, in a 1945 adventure) as on
affirmative-oction praject—with oll thase hunks around, little girls needed somebody to look
up to. They found her in W.W. Even when Steve was superstrong, there wos na doubting
wha'd соте aut an tap. Flash Gordon, by Alex Raymond: Looks like mare trouble far Flash in
1940— meonie Ming sets a trap with the unlucky winner of a Dale-look-alike contest (right).
The Phontom, by Lee Falk and Ray Moore: Eraticism figured in many of the Thirties strips—with
The Phantom, you could call it anonymous sex. This is from a 1936 opus, “The Singh Pirates.”
Brainy Diana hos faund an ambergris deposit in the South Seas; the vicious Prince Achmed is hald-
ing her assistant, Dr. Owens, until she reveals its location. Perfume was expensive even then.
Supermon, by Jerry Siegel ond Joe Shu-
ster: The greatest of all action heroes final-
ly mode it with Lois Lane—in о movie.
Verse Jas
|} Sao an sorae
Elder: The second greatest cf all actian heroes is like
Little Orphan Annie, plus eyes and genuine breasts.
Jeff, Jiggs and Moon Mullins were always
ready with an ogle and a leer, though
more—much more—was implied.
Then came the action strip. Artists
discovered that couples could fight for
freedom and justice. Readers discovered
that action, especially violent action,
could be an aphrodisiac. The early car-
toonists eschewed titillation and ass, but
their images of men and women in close
embrace, facing unspeakable evil, spoke
for themselves. By the late Thirties,
erotic imagery was a staple of the adven-
ture strips—Flash Gordon is remem-
bered as much for his flights into Eros
(later transposed into the explicit film
Flesh Gordon) as for his flights of fancy.
As the Thirties became the Forties and
mainstream comics warmed up slowly, a
host of anonymous artists began spoofing
sex in the most blatant comics of all—
the black-and-whites. Dubbed eight-pag-
ers or Tijuana Bibles, the black-and-
whites were 4” x 6" booklets that wasted
no time in telling their tales. Their plots
invariably dealt with the frantic rutting
of public figures and famous comic-strip
characters. Such virile heroes as Gordon
and Tailspin Tommy, as well as meek lit-
tle wimps like Pete the Tramp, spun their
tails with such immaculate heroines as
Dale Arden and Little Orphan Annie
(“Leapin” lizards, Flash”). The eight-
pagers’ raunchy humor evolved into the
“underground comix” of the Sixties. The
Pope of the underground movement,
Robert Crumb, presided over a grubby
Fritz the Cat, by Robert Crumb: in the early
Sixties, the undergraund comix demolished
every tabao they cauld turn up. Crumb was
the guru of the undergraund wave; his freaky
tableaux left no staned phrase unturned. And
Fritz, of course, went an to movie stordom.
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Major Fatal, by Moebius: Not a new hospital show, Major Fatal is just one of Ihe sleek, explicit strips by Jean Giraud, whose pen-and-ink nome is
Moebius. Sex is usually peripherol in Moebius’ work, a diversion from the business ot hond. The major's lost lines in this 1978 panel mean, “Pete? This
is Fy! The lob just told me the body of the girl wos only a double android.” Our French-specking sources soy “Rraca” translotes loosely as “Yum.”
The Horny Goof, by Moebius: Jeon Giraud strikes agoin oround
1980 with a purely sexual tole of stardust mammories (below).
Great Dame Kowalsky, the Space Slut, prepares a reception for
the titular Horny Goof, a tit man from a galaxy far, far awoy. His
reputation for sexual prowess—let olone goofiness—hos
reached the ends of the universe. Now it’s about 10 reach hers.
Lenore Goldberg and Her Girl Commandos, by Robert
Crumb: Here's Crumb at his Crumbiest (right) —o few panels from
his Sixties masterwork of the sexual revolution. Crumb's support-
ing charocters hod such names os Angelfood and Dicknose, like
Dick Tracy's faes, but that was about all they had in common with
their ancestors. Almost everything in the undergrounds come
down to sex, from class struggle to the virtues of taking turns.
Mutant World, by Jon Strnad and Richard Corben: Corben, the artist, is опе man who believes sex mokes the world go round—whotever world you
have in mind. Mutont World is a charming ploce where a six-yeor-old mutant named Dimento can have o satisfying relationship with a clone named
Julie. Here's a line from the next 1983 panel, not seen here: “But tell me, professor . . .
if he's just a kid now, what will he be like when he's 20?"
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Smilin’ Jack parody, anonymous: A prime example of the Thirties’ eight-page
comics, this take-off of a popular strip stripped its wholesome choracters of oll
pretensions, making Mary and Jock charter members of the Mile High Club.
La Nouvelle Venus, by Paul Gillon: Our shapely heroine, just bock from saving
the goloxy, enjoys alittle R&R in 1983 with her dream lover—a virile, very single-
minded guy she’s made with a contraption called the cosmic transmitter.
revolution. In mock contrition, Crumb often
signed his more outrageous pages R. Scum,
Crumbum or El Crummo
Magazines such as PLAYBOY soon devel-
oped their own, slicker versions of adult
comics, of which Little Annie Fanny is only
the first and most celebrated. Today, in
terms of their sexual content, comics have
almost caught up with the rest of our media.
Somebody tell Lois—making it with Super-
man in the movies doesn’t count.
Aurelia, by Dony: As Dony,
Daniel Henrotin managed colorful,
explosive encounters even withaut FIVE Yer. /
using color. The flashy montage
from the Seventies below stars
Henrotin's beauty Aurelio, o force-
ful damsel who doesn't mind being
avertaken by a handsome stud of
indeterminate nationality. Dany's
use of crosscutting imogery mode
Aurelia an active comic stripper.
Lann, by Frank Tharne: Lonn is the latest in Tharne’s line of Amazon warriors, which includes
Conon's fave, Red Sonja, os well as Ghita of Alizarr. Our own Moonshine McJugs is no warrior,
but she, too, wos born on Tharne's sketch pod. Here, in a 1984 strip, we find Lonn infiltrating
оп enemy stronghald. In the next panel, she'll divert the doper with “a burst of sexual virtuosity.”
Stephanie Starr, by Mike Friedrich and Dick Giordano: Longtime superhero practitioners
Friedrich and Giordano can do more than yaur basic capes and doomsday weapans—sometimes
they settle back for a casual round of sex and vialins. In this 1983 R-rated version of the traditional
romance comic, the hera ond heroine get to relox with the lights on. Why did this take 85 yeors?
THE MIDNIGHT SNACK is as much a part of
American folklore as Paul Bunyan, Wyatt
Earp, Annie Oakley and the Battle of
Bunker Hill. Yet, for some reason, this
innocent indulgence has often been linked
with a guilt trip. Remember the movies,
TV sitcoms and comic strips in which a
hulk somewhat larger than Mr. T
nabbed in the act of sneaking forbidden
rations from a bulging refrigerator?
Shame! Shame! We say the hell with old
hang-ups and Puritanical inhibitions. Up
the midnight snack! The best midnight
munch is a turkey sandwich—after the
Thanksgiving guests have gone and it's
just the two of you again in the blessed
quiet. Halve a couple of crusty rolls;
slather one side with Thousand Island
dressing, the other with pan juices or
gravy. Now heap on the white meat, dark
meat and turkey dressing—the right
amount is just a little too much. If you
like, add a layer of thinly sliced onion and
a dish of ripe olives or gherkins.
a host of noshes for those whee small hours
Py Emanud Gremboy
Well, that takes care of Thanksgiving
Day—but what about the 364 others? No
problem—soul food of the midnight hours
should be simple, something you can
throw together quickly and easily. It
should also be savory and substantial, to
succor appetites honed by a night of frol-
icking or a chukker of mattress polo.
Comestibles favored for after-hours chomp-
ing include eggs, cheese, tuna, smoked fish
and sandwiches, all prepared with unu-
sual style and panache. Consider the mun-
dane egg, for example: It can be paired
with smoked salmon in a luxurious eggs
Romanoff or with Mexican salsa for a pep-
pery huevos revueltos. Cheese needn't
always be sandwiched or flanked with
fruit. The right fromage, handled know-
ingly, can transform an ordinary pasta
sauce into haule cuisine. Imported tuna
puts the gourmet stamp on a light but sat-
isfying salad plate. Plain old pita bread is
the ideal foundation for a superpizza if you
get a late-night yen, when the neighbor-
hood pizzeria is shut. And if you’re still
hooked on mile-high Dagwood sand-
wiches, try a croque-monsieur for a sophis-
ticated change of taste.
There are times, however, when circum-
stances dictate a sensuous approach to
midnight nibbling. And frankly, at those
moments, there's only one acceptable
offering for an intimate snack à deux—a
rich, luscious, drop-dead dessert. Choco-
late in any form does it for a lot of people.
Others respond to exquisite gelati or exotic
fruit tarts. But for utter rapture, it’s hard
to beat a medley of outsized strawberries
at their peak of perfumy ripeness, anointed
with the aromatic magic of kirsch or
Cointreau and smothered in créme fraiche.
When you share this culinary treasure with
your partner in pleasure, the results will,
indeed, be magical
Obviously, possibilities for nocturnal
noshing abound— but one thing is a must.
There's no (continued on page 187)
someone is littering travis mc gee's
life with pipe-cleaner cats—
and he wants to find out why
N FRIDAY, the first day of February, it took a
long time to get out of bed. I checked the
morning and found we had gone back to
chill, so I put on an old sky-blue-wool shirt,
stretch denims, wool socks and the gray
running shoes. I looked at myselfin the mirror and said
aloud, “Tell me the truth, old buddy. Are you getting
old? Have you lost a lot more than a half step getting to
When I stepped out onto the fantail, I found a stick
figure of a cat made of old pipe cleaners on the mat look-
ing up at me. Ifit was a message, the meaning eluded
me. I picked it up to flip it into the trash tin, then
changed my mind and brought it in and put the caton a
shelf with a raised lip near my bed. Someone was trying
to tell me something, but the message wasn’t clear.
I went to the hotel alone, and for breakfast I had USA
Today, double fresh orange juice, three eggs scrambled
with cheese and onion, crisp bacon, home fries, whole-
wheat toast and two pots of coflee.
When I went back aboard my home, I went up onto
the sun deck and came upon another cat, a purple one,
staring at me from the flat place atop the instrument
panel. I sat in the pilot seat, the cool wind on my face,
and looked at the fool thing. Somebody was going
to elaborate trouble to have a tiny bit of fun. If they
were sending a message, they had forgotten to include
the code. Maybe somewhere in che world there was
some other Travis McGee who'd find the pipe-cleaner
cats comprchensible and hilarious.
On Saturday morning, when I approached my blue
truck at nine to head for Miami, I found a brown pipe-
cleaner cat on the windshield, (continued on page 130)
four overwhelming playmates of the year prove that less is more
——— м.
THE worD lingerie is
derived from the Lat-
in inum, linen. Pretty
prosaic. The words
Playmate of the Year date
back to 1960, when Ellen
Stratton became the first
to win that appellation.
Pretty straightforward.
Put the terms together,
though, and you've got
Playmates of the Year in
lingeric—a phrase that's
worth studying in depth.
Playmates of the Year
Barbara Edwards (1984),
Marianne Gravatte (1983),
Shannon Tweed (1982)
and Monique St. Pierre
(1979) are dazzling on
the street, of course. In
intimate surroundings,
they've been known to
cause temporary blind-
ness. You definitely
won't be underwhelmed
After work, Barbara Ed-
words sunset strips (far left)
in end out of a Prima Eclat
underwire bra, garter belt
end G string, $120, from
M. A. Rabinowitz, New
York. Left: Barbara feels
uplifted by a $175 silk-
chiffon camisale/bikini from
Frances Smily, Clio Designs.
Yon cassis—that's the color of Marianne Gravatte's silk-charmeuse robe at left—has a lean-and-hungry look, ideal for a night of purple pas-
sion. Her cassis bandeau bro and lacy-front bikini complete Morianne's royal regalia. A gift that keeps on giving, the entire outfit can be yours
for just $380, from Donno Giambrone at Le Boudoir Giambrone, New York. Above, we find Newfoundlond's favorite daughter, Shannon Tweed, get-
fing o leg up on lote-evening dress in on ivory-coshmere tuxedo coat with satin collar ond motching ivory-silk-charmeuse garter belt. Loré of Los
Angeles sells the coot for $575, while the gorter belt's o steol ot just $42. You're no! willing to fly to L.A. for them? Then just call 1-800-992-SILK.
Marionne's reor view (above) always provides scenic curves—all the more so when she's dressed in Donna Giambrone's silk high-cut French undie
trimmed in lace, plus a matching silk-charmeuse camisole. The undie ond the camisole sell for $68 each. Loré suggests that you “indulge your utmost
fantasy of opulence in this amazing silk-charmeuse cocoon, flowing with double marabou right to its extravagant train” (right). Actually, you
might loak funny in it, but your girlfriend wouldn't. Shannon certainly looks pretty opulent. The bustier camisole itself is $95; the rase-colored
cocoonis $575. Vocabulary lesson—a comisale is a short negligee; charmeuse is a satin finish; marabou is feathery stuff; and the cacoon's a robe.
There's a Wild One in every crowd. In this case, it’s Marianne, all leathered up
end ready ta paint the town black. Hipsters, take heart—her high-cut lace
“hipster” with detachable garters, by Dolores for Poirette, is а bargain at $18.
Does your fantosy combine sensuousness
and innocence? Then ignore Borbora Ed-
words on the facing page; in an exquisite.
peignoir from Loré, banded with ontique
cocoa lace, $625, she's totally sensvous.
At right, Shonnon Tweed models Donno
Giombrone's silk-chiffon tap pants in
white with a flocked lurex design, $B2.
Above: Say hello to minimalist fashion we
соп all offord. For only $34, you can outfit
your favorite lody in ostrapless stretch-lace
teddy and fingerless oll-lace gloves, from
Early Gilbert of Son Froncisco. From Santo
'Monica's Jonquil comes Shannon's black-
and-stone-checkered mon-tailored silk
robe, with shorts to motch (right), $295.
A priceless Monique on a pricy antique—Monique St. Pierre (obove) models o silk-charmeuse French undie in turquoise, trimmed in block embroi-
dered loce, which Denno Giambrone will let you have for $68. The chair, sod to say, is not for sale. We're waiting for Louis the Something to
соте back ond cloim it. On the focing page, it’s Borbora ogein, offering o clinic in demure seduction. Her blozing silk-charmeuse peignoir, with
loyers of silk-organzo ruffles unfolding to the weist, is o $465 creotion by Loré. Soshed ot the top, it's guoronteed to keep the home fires burn-
ing. Now we've come to the end cf our study in scorlet, black ond chormeuse. There'll be no quiz —we assume you've been paying ottention.
LONELY SILVER RAIN continued fron page 117)
“Pue been planning this for three years. I wanted to
make you feel so guilty yowd kill yourself.
with one paw under the wiper so it could
stare in at me. I put it in the ashtr:
I got home to find, in the last light of
day, an orange cat on the mat. And so,
with a pattern roughly predictable, I made
preparations for bed, cut all the lights, put
on dark slacks and turtleneck, cased out
the forward hatch, crept around the side
deck and settled down in the deep shad-
ows, my back against the bulkhead, a
navy-blue blanket over me.
Tipsy boatmen went past, guflawing
their way back to their floating nightcaps.
“Let Marie take the wheel and she had
it hard aground in ten minutes.”
“You remember Charley. He found
three bales of it floating off Naples and he
got them aboard. Took it home and dried
it out and he's got enough there to keep the
whole yacht club airborne until the year
Two Thousand.”
"Should have had it surveyed, damn it.
Dry rot down all one side of the transom.”
And some harmony, ending when some-
body used a bullhorn to tell them to knock
it off, people were sleeping.
Slow hours. And then a swiftness of
slender femininity, half seen in the glow
from the distant dock lights. Creak of my
small gangplank. She had learned not to
step on the mat. She knelt, hair adangle,
leaned far forward to put the pipe-cleaner
cat on the door-side edge of the mat. I
gathered myself. Lunged and snapped my
hand down onto slender wrist. Yelp of
fright and dismay. Then some real trouble
when I dragged her aboard. Impression of
tallncss, She was all hard knees, elbows,
fists. She butted and kicked and thrashed
and almost got away once, until finally I
caught her hand in a come-along grip, her
hand bent down under, her elbow snug
against my biceps.
“Ow!” she yelled. “Hey, ow! You're
breaking it.”
“Shut up or I will.”
It settled her down. She made whimper-
ing sounds, but she had become docile
enough for me to fish out my keys and
unlock the door and escort her into the
lounge, turning on the lights as we entered.
I shoved her into the middle of the lounge
and she spun around, glaring at me, mas-
saging her wrist. Just a kid, 16 or 17. A
reddish-blonde kid, red with new burn
over old tan, a kid wearing a short-sleeved
white-cotton turtleneck and one of those
skirts, in pink, that are cut like long shorts,
surely the ugliest garment womankind has
ever chosen to wear. But if anybody could
ever look good in them, this one could.
‘Tall girl. Good bones.
“You're brutal. You know that? Really
“OK,” I said wearily. “Im brutal.
What's all this with the cats, kid?"
In response, I got a wide, humorless
grin. “Got to you, huh?”
“It has begun to annoy me. Puzzle me.
"That's all.”
She stared at me.
You're not having me on?”
“Kid, when somebody starts invading
my privacy with pipe-cleaner cats, I would
like to know what's going on. "That's all.”
She stared at me. “My God, you’re even
more opaque than I thought. You’re an
“You're serious?
“OK. The animal is asking you to sit
down and the animal will buy you a Coke.
Maybe you can stop emoting and make
sense. What are you kids taking lately? It
has warped your little head.”
She hesitated and then sat on the edge of
the yellow couch. “Thank you, I don’t
want a Coke. And I don’t take anything.
Aside from getting a little woozy on winc a
couple of times. You sit down, too. Are you
ready for a name?”
“I'm Travis McGee.”
“1 know that! Oh, don’t 1 know that. Гуе
made a study of your life and times, Mr.
McGee. I can't think of anything more
pathetic than an aging boat bum—beach
bum—who won’t or can’t admit it or face
it. You are a figure of fun, Mr. McGee.
Your dear friends around here are misfits
or burnouts, and I don't think there's one
of them who gives a damn about you.
You're a womanizer, and you make a li
ing off squalid little adventures of one kind
or another. You have that dumb-looking
truck and this dumb-looking houseboat
and nobody who cares if you live or dic.”
“Kid, you've got a good delivery and a
pretty fair vocabulary.”
“Stop patronizing me!”
“Whats with the multicolored cats,
“My name is Jean Killian.” It was
almost shouted, like some kind of war cry.
And then I knew why she had reminded
me of someone. 1 felt the tears behind my
eyes. I got up and walked toward her and
she got up, tall, to face me. In a rusty,
shaky old voice, I said, "You're her kid
Eyes so pale in her sun-dark face that
they looked like the silver of old rare coins
stared into mine. The strength of her emo-
tions had narrowed her eyes. I could not
remember anyone ever looking at me with
such venomous concentration. "here was
hate in there. Contempt. But she spoke
softly. “No, you stupid jerk. Pm Puss’s
daughter. And, God help me, I'm your
bastard child. Look at me! People around
here have asked me if I'm related to you.
"To him?” I said. ‘Hell, no" ”
I really looked at her. The shoulders
and the long arms. The level mouth, the
shape of the jaw, the high checkbones, the
texture of the hair, with my coarseness and
Puss’s auburn.
"That's . .
“If you had any kind of conscience at
all, Father dear, it would have hit you.
Puss. Pussycat. But she didn't even mean
enough to you so you'd get the connec-
tion.” She sat down again and put her
hands over her face. “A rotten, pointless
“Why should I have a bad conscience
about Puss?”
“Perhaps for men like you it is standard
procedure. But I think it is cruel and
wicked for a man to live with a woman
and then, when she becomes ill and preg-
nant, kick her off his dumb houseboat and
look for a new lady.”
uss told you that?”
“My mother lived just long enough to
have me, and she died the day afterward.
Her sister brought me up. Her sister, my
aunt Velma, told me all about you and
where and how you live, and I've been
planning this for three years. I wanted to
make you feel so guilty you'd kill yourself.
But you d-didn’t even know what the
cats meant.
low old are you?”
“Seventeen in April. What's that got to
do with anything?”
I moved over to the chair by the built-in
desk, put my foot up on it, rested my fore-
arms on my knee and studied her. She sat
on the yellow couch, out on the edge of it,
fists clenched, returning my inspection,
meeting my gaze, showing me her con-
tempt, her hate.
“I had the feeling there was something
wrong with Puss. But I never realized she
was sick,”
“Or pregnant. Sure. You just never
“Do you want me to try to tell you a lit-
tle bit about this, kid, or do you want to
step on everything I say?”
“There's nothing you can say.”
“Ро you want to know how I met her?"
“Not particularly, Mr. McGee.”
I sighed. “Kid, I just wish you-
“Stop calling me kid!”
“OK. Jean, then. I was running on the
beach one morning. Puss had stepped on a
sea urchin in shallow water. She came
hobbling and hopping ashore, in obvious
trouble. OK, so I got the spines out and
brought her over here and got her heel
fixed up. She was. . . a lot of fun.”
“Lots of fun, huh? A great sport, huh?"
“Merry is the word. A big redhead who
(continued on page 182)
- what the cats were all
a timely accounting of timeless principles of personal fmance
when you turn your frequent-flier miles into tickets or cash,
are you gelting your two cents’ worth?
HE PL AT shimmering on the runway. Or
the runway sat shimmering on the plane. Or
perhaps the plane, an American Airlines
DC-10, was the first of the vertical-take-ofl-
and-landing jumbos—a jet that would sim-
ply rise into the sky without a runway.
Something must have been special about the plane,
because it was packed to overflowing with passengers pay-
ing the $336 one-way coach fare from New York to Dallas,
while not 200 yards away sat a half-empty Braniff 727
offering the same trip for $109.
In truth, not everyone on the American jet was paying
the $336 one-way coach fare. I, for one, had a $249 ticket
($498 round trip). By buying the ticket weeks earlier and
sticking to my travel plan, I had been able to nab the bar-
gain fare.
Sure, that bargain fare was more than double Braniff's
step-right-up, no-restrictions fare, but not everything is a
simple matter of money.
For one thing, the American flight was scheduled to
depart ten minutes ahead of Braniff's. Other things being
equal, it would likely arrive ten minutes ahead, too, and
time is money.
For another, wide-body aircraft are generally more
comfortable than 7275. But not this time. When I checked
in at the Admiral’s Club—90 minutes early—I was told
that the flight was almost fully booked, with only center
seats available. Could I use one of my gold upgrades,
I asked, to sneak into first class? (Yes, the kid's not
just an American AAdvantage traveler, he's AAdvantage
Gold! AAnd a stockholder!) Not a chance.
What's more, it was already too late to secure anything
but a center seat for the flight back from Dallas the follow-
ing day. It seemed that now that you could fly there for
$109, no restrictions, on Braniff, people were positively
banging on American's door for a seat at $336.
So I walked.
Not to Dallas, naturally, but to Braniff. And flew to
Dallas for less than half the special fare on American—
less than one third the full fare—and was surrounded by
empty, cool leather seats.
Hours after I returned, Braniff announced that it would
be shrinking its fleet from 30 planes to ten and selling off
nine of its 12 gates at Dallas to American.
But before that, as I started to take my first tentative
steps toward Branifl, the nice lady at the Admiral's Club
said softly—the line calculated to stop me in my tracks
and sit me back down in the center seat— You know, you
won't get your AAdvantage miles for the flight.”
There it was. She'd called my bluff. As it happened, in
this case she lost the hand. But the power of her words was
a testament to what has got to be the greatest stroke of
marketing genius of the decade, the frequent-flier incen-
tive programs. It is the genius that packed the American
flight at three times the fare and left Braniff coughing in its
exhaust. (It’s not so much that folks consciously paid an
extra $227 each way to get their 1388 AAdvantage miles.
It's that they didn't want to know about alternatives. Shop
around to save their employers a few hundred bucks?
Uh—my other phone's ringing.)
I wavered. I am a man who has earned eight free trips
on American Airlines, so І know about frequent-flier
miles. I know about flying to Seattle via Dallas, at a cost of
an extra three hours and no movie, to be able to fly there
on American. 1 am a man who actually turned down the
chance to be in a United Airlines TV commercial and
$5000 worth of free travel because I don't fly United. I am,
further, a man who loves games and who managed to eam
two free trips on Pan Am (1 do fly Pan Am), plus a first-
class upgrade, by flying a total of 9050 actual miles but
playing his cards right and accumulating an additional
41,082 “bonus” miles. (“That's impossible," said my
young cousin and good friend Adam Aron, who happens
to run Pan Am's frequent-flier program. “Check it out,”
I suggested. “That's amazing!” he said after confirming
my claim.)
So I'm hardly one of those guys who are down on
frequent-flier programs because they neglected to sign up
at the outset. No, J was in there flapping my greedy little
wings from the start.
But $249 for a center seat versus $109 in
It’s time, I deeply regret to say, to take a
second look at the frequent-flier programs.
There are a lot of ways to figure this,
and the answer will vary from airline to
airline. But on most, the goal to shoot for is
50,000 miles or thereabouts (40,000 on
Pan Am, 70,000 on Eastern), because at
that level, you get two free round-trip
coach tickets.
So, very roughly, figure that 50,000
miles equals two round-trip tickets to
Hawaii. (Even if you'd rather go to St.
Martin, you will find yourself on Maui out
ofa compulsion to hit up the airline for the
longest trip in its route system. Californi-
ans choose St. Martin.) Two round trips
to Hawaii—again, very roughly—equal
$1000. Sure, you could spend a lot more
than that, but if it were your money, you
wouldn't. You'd shop around for one of the
supersaver fares and maybe get seven
nights in a tiki-tacky Waikiki hotel thrown
„ to boot So what we're talking
here—$1000 earned by flying 50.000
miles—is two cents a mile.
Or maybe less, depending on how you
figure it. If, for example, you accept East-
em's ofler of a lifetime membership in its
Tonosphere Club for 100,000 miles (there
admittedly being some question whether
it's your lifetime or the airline's thats the
limiting factor), you are making a simple
trade of 100,000 miles for a $650 member-
ship. Two thirds of a cent per mile.
Pan Am will fly you coast to coast and
back four times in return for just 70,000
miles. What's that worth? If it’s worth
$3752 (the price of four full-fare Pan Am
round trips to the Coast in coach), then
each frequent-Rier mile is worth more than
a nickel. But if four round trips to the
Coast are worth $952 (the price People
Express charges), then each is worth just
under a penny and a half.
As a rough rule of thumb, say the miles
you accumulate are worth two cents each.
By paying American an extra $227 to fly
you from New York to Dallas, you get 1388
frequent-flier miles worth $28. Not a bad
deal—so long as it's not your $227
“When it comes to investing," I was
going to say in the United Airlincs ad I
didn't do, “I’m a great believer in diversi-
fication. But when it comes to frequent-
fier programs, it makes sense to
concentrate all your miles on one airline.
A good reason to make that airline United
is that United flies to more of the top 100
business destinations than any other air-
And, indeed, that is а good reason. One
hundred thousand miles spread over a
dozen airlines is worth nothing. The same
100,000 miles on a single carrier can buy
you two first-class trips to the moon. It
obviously makes sense to concentrate on a
carrier whose route structure most closely
overlaps your travel patterns.
But by the time United launched its
frequent-flier program, Га already accu-
mulated thousands of miles on American
and so was not about to switch, I and (by
now) more than 1,000,000 others. Who-
ever was responsible for dreaming up this
program at American should have been
“Attention, Mother Ship One! The inhabitants
of this planet are friendly, intelligent and they
don't suffer from postcoital depression."
‚cn a $1,000,000 bonus (no one person
was responsible, American insists), for
Amcrican was first onto the field and has
by far the largest frequent-flier program.
Frequent travelers, who account for more
than half of airline revenues, used to
switch carricrs for trivial reasons—a flight
left 15 minutes earlier or was showing а
better movie or was $11 cheaper. Airline
scats were essentially a commodity, one
very much like another. “Brand loyalty"
was modest at best. But not anymore. Air-
line scats may still be very much like one
another (they are! They are!), but now
cven a couple-of-hundred-dollar price dif-
ferential is not always enough to break the
My own primary carrier is American.
lis award program is hooked up with
Frontier, Avis, Sheraton and others; its
service is tough to beat.
Pan Am, hooked up with Republic,
Hertz, Sheraton and others, is my second.
Tt flies from New York to Florida, which
American docsn't, and its award program
is even more generous. Service isn't always
as efficient as American's, but there's a
certain richness and tradition to it, all the
same. This past October, for example, I
reserved a first-class seat to the Bahamas.
Annoyingly, the airline called twice to
nudge me into buying my ticket early, lest
T lose my reservation. Couldn't I buy it at
the airport, I asked? How crowded could
an October midweck flight to the Bahamas
be? But Pan Am prevailed, and when I got
to its Boeing 747, I was the only one in first
class. Seat 1B. Eventually, another man
and a woman got on and, naturally, the
computer assigned them the two seats
directly behind me. The woman began
reading the paper out loud over my left
ear. Alier 20 minutes of this, they began to
hum. 1 started gathering my things to
move, but, in truth, they were humming
very well. I don't know who the woman
was, but when I turned around to glare a
little, I saw that the man was Luciano Pava-
rotti. Somehow, one can more easily pic-
ture Pavarotti flying Pan Am than Eastern.
"That said, Eastern actually does a bet-
ter job, I think, than many people give it
credit for (though closing its Concourse
D Miami Ionosphere Club one crowded
recent Friday afternoon was not, in my
view, the paradigm of perceptive schedul-
ing). Eastern is, in any event, my third
carrier. Its award program, hooked up
with 'TWA, Hertz, Marriott and others, is
not lush, but I need Eastern. Neither
American nor Pan Am flies between
LaGuardia and Boston or Washington, as
I do; Ncw York Air flies thosc routes but.
has no frequent-flier plan (Eastern credits
you with 1000 miles each way, so it's actu-
ally a little lusher than it appears); and
People Express, the airline that answers all
calls with a busy signal, leaves from
Newark. The cab fare to Newark is more
Strap down. Lean back. Let the wind blow your hair. receivers, power amps, EQ/amps, and speakers.
While Clarion blows your mind. With features like Magi-Tune Ill” FM reception,
Forty-plus years. Under our bell. And between your electronic tuning, separate bass and treble equalization,
door panels. It's no surprise we deliver superior car audio and Dolby" noise reduction. To put you in complete
performance no homegrown audio maker can. control of a own listening desti
by your Clarion dealer. ix it for yourself.
Our line of products is so. YD have lo pack a Rol
lunch to see and hear everything. АМ/ЕМ slereo cassette n ш do, you may never know what serious rocking
Is all about.
a ee la: "Dolby is aregistered trademark o! Dolby Laboralones, Inc
FÑ 7 2 mnr 9 ZR
Om u ШКО
2 р - (59 Clarion
- 1 з sex ш CLE ee END
Clarion Corp. of America, 5500 Rosecrans Avenue, Lawndale, CA 90260
than the flight to Boston.
All the other major airlines have
frequent-flier plans— T WA's is terrific—
but once you've chosen sides, there's little
incentive to switch.
What makes these programs all the
morc irresistible is the fact that your aver-
age frequent flier, being in or close to or
perhaps even above the 50 percent mar-
ginal tax bracket, would have to earn
$1000 to have enough, after tax, to buy a
$500 ticket to Haw;
For tax purposes, frequent-flier awards
arc considered discounts from the price of
the tickets used to carn them. If you buy
nine tickets and get the tenth free, bully for
you: That's no more income than is the
fourth bar of soap you get free with the
first three. Similarly, if a company buys
$4000 worth of tickets to send you around.
the country and receives a free ticket val-
ved at $400, it owes no tax on the $400.
Its just gotten $4400 worth of tickets for
But if it buys $4000 worth of tickets and
you get the $400 free ticket, then you are
supposed to declare the value of that ticket
as income and pay tax on it.
So far, the Government has had the
great good grace not to bother with this,
any more than it attempts to tax the value
of personal phone calls made by cmploy-
ees on company phones at work, or other
modest perks of modern life
And rightly so. Here you and your com-
panion were about to take a weekend in
Tarrytown at a travel cost of $18; but,
since you've got these free first-class tick-
ets, you decide to go to San Diego instead.
You never would have gone there for the
weekend on your own $2240 (the cost of
the trip in first class). So are the tickets
really worth $2240?
It would be different if travel-award
winners had their choice of the ticket or
the ticket’s value in cash. Then the ticket
could be said truly to have the cash value
and might, indeed, be taxed as income.
Contest sponsors often offer cash equiva-
lents to winners who would find it awk-
ward to accept the $12,000 piano, say, and
be stuck having to pay $6000 in tax.
Airlines could never afford to offer
meaningful cash equivalents, because, to
the airline, the real cost of the $500 ticket
it's giving away may be around $35 for a
couple of meals and a few extra gallons of
If the IRS ever did start aggressively
taxing frequent-flier tickets, one possibility
would be to base the tax on the lowest fare
then prevailing—on any carrier—on the
assumption that if it were your money for a
vacation, you'd look for a cheap fare. And
then to tax only half that amount, in rec-
cognition of the fact that, were the ticket not
free, you might very well not have taken
such a trip at all. And then to lower that
sum by the degree to which the tickets
were earned with personal travel as op-
posed to employer-financed travel. And
then to charge the tax only if the free ticket
is actually used (some expire worthless).
Such a system might be reasonably fair,
only what kind of madman would keep
track of it all? It's crazy!
‘And how would you tax a first-class
upgrade—an award that turns a super-
saver scat into a scat on the same planc
that may theoretically be worth $1000
more but that actually buys you just a cou-
ple of free drinks, a wider seat and hors
Having said that it’s impossible to
assign a cash value to frequent-flier miles,
I must now tell you that a handful of
enterprising travel companies have been
doing just that. Israel Eiss (Travel Enter-
prises, Inc., 23 Jones Street, New York,
New York 10014; phone 212-691-6638)
began making a market in bonus tickets
back in 1981, almost as soon as the pro-
grams began. Before that, he was a trans-
lator. He and three part-time employces
use a “fluctuating, confidential market-bid
sheet” as a guideline in buying and selling
frequent-flier tickets. Want to go first class
to Europe or beyond for half the going
rate? Eiss can arrange it. Right now, for
example, he is paying $600 for first-class
awards to Hawaii and reselling them for
around $800. That’s more than the lowest
supersaver but a heck of a lot cheaper than
the $1784 first-class fare you'd normally
Eiss says the airlines aren't publicly
supportive of his efforts but that they have
no gripe. “Their basic interest is to reward
their frequent travelers and provide incen-
tives. It doesn't do them any good if a guy
can't get some benefit from the awards.
And it’s the guys who get the most awards
who have the least free time to use them.”
Except for Pan Am, most airlines do
allow you to transfer your awards to whom-
ever you want. But you have to do so before
you accept the award. Once your name is
on the ticket, it’s nontransferable.
I called another market maker (AGCO,
10111 Colesville Road, Silver Spring,
Maryland 20901; 301-681-8200) and said
I had two frequent-flier awards for sale. A
very pleasant young woman asked how
many miles I had on which carriers. I con-
jured up 70,000 miles on Eastern, entitling
me to two round trips anywhere in the
U.S., and 50,000 on American, entitling
me to two round trips anywhere in the
U.S., including Hawaii and the Carib-
bean. She consulted her price sheet and
offered to send me a check, on the spot, for
$525 for either one. 1 would then be obli-
gated to lorward my award certificates. I
didn't try to negotiate but probably could
have. AGCO owner Alan Gross, a so‘
psychology professor, says AGCO tries to
match the competition.
The Coupon Broker, for example (Suite
125, 1780 South Bellaire Street, Denver,
Colorado 80222; 303-759-1953). Like
AGCO, The Coupon Broker has been
around since 1979. That's when United,
trving to rebuild traffic after a debilitating
strike, began offering coupons worth 50
percent off the next flight to anyone who.
flew United. They were bearer coupons,
meaning that anybody could use them. A
big business (in thc world of small cnter-
prise) grew up when brokers bought such
coupons for $20 or $30 apiece from one-
time travelers and resold them a day or
two later for $80. In any event, the young
woman I spoke with at The Coupon Bro-
ker offered $600 for my 70,000-mile East-
ern award and $750 for my 50,000-mile
American award. Fifty-thousand-mile
awards on United and TWA were worth
$600 and $950, respectively, she said. If I
sent her my signed award certificates,
checks would go out by return mail. (This
is less risky than it sounds, because even
having relinquished your award certificate,
you remain in control. The broker fills in
someone else's name on your certificate,
but the airline sends the ticket, in that
name, to you, the award winner. You then
forward the ticket to the broker.)
The result of all this has been to down-
grade the importance of price in the pur-
chasc of business travel. If we know
nothing else, it's that people love to play
games and to get things free. So if it costs
the employer an extra $297 to earn $28 in
frequent-flier credits, it's well worth the
money. Hey, the ticket says coscH—what
more can the boss ask? (A few employers
require bonus awards carned on company
travel to be turned back to the company,
but that policy is neither popular nor
There is no moral to this story. The
frequent-flier programs are great for the
parücipants, not so great for the infre-
quent fliers who, in effect, subsidize them.
"They're great for the airlines that got into
them early and execute them well; not so
great for the airlines that have lagged
behind or bumbled the fine tuning (one
lost a bundle last year when, by
award recipients a deadline for using their
free tickets, it crowded vast numbers of
nonrevenuc passengers into seats that
otherwise would have been occupied by
paying customers). Neither are they so
great for the sharcholders of companies
whose employees are wasting time in air-
ports waiting for flights on the carrier of
their choice or paving more than they have
Ultimately, a commodity will be pro-
vided cheaper and morc efficiently if price
competition is strong. These programs
weaken price competition. But the airline
indusuy is still an awfully competitive,
efficient one, so it's hard to care.
But don't take my word for it. Гуе got
just 12,000 miles to go for another two free
т 7 723
`w L
from abroad. With relatively affordable Nissan 300-ZX
Turbos and Maserati Biturbos turning 0—60s in the low sev-
ens, with Mitsubishi Starion Turbos and 16-valve Toyota
MR 2s not far behind and with six-second Porsches and
exotic Ferraris on the higher end of the price scale, Ameri-
ca's domestic makers can't afford to ignore the perform-
ance-minded market.
Also, this renewed horsepower war is being fought under
a new and challenging set of rules. No car may be sold in the
U.S. without first meeting extremely stringent exhaust-
emissions standards. And every company selling here must
meet a fuel-economy bogie of 27.5 miles per gallon on the
average for its entire “Нее!” of cars or be liable for substan-
tial cash penalties.
In fact, emissions and fuel-economy standards, not per-
formance, are the major reasons for most of this sophisti-
cated and expensive new hardware. It's pretty tough to
meet those laws and still maintain good drivability and
acceptable performance with a simple old carburetor. Then,
once the Feds are satisfied, if you've managed to work some
extra tire-frying horsepower into the engine equation,
too . . . well, that’s more power for the people!
General Motors has met the triple challenges of perform- `
ance, economy and squeaky-clean exhaust by going to
sophisticated multipoint electronic fuel injection (M.F.I.)
on just about all of its V8 and V6 engines. Pontiac's 150-hp
1.8-liter turbo four (found in Pontiac Sunbird turbo and
Buick Skyhawk T Type turbo models) also boasts M.F.L.,
while other G.M. fours get by with throttle-body injection
(T.B.L.), plus the new roller lifters.
What's the difference? Both types are computer-
controlled, but T.B.I. squirts fuel into the incoming air at
just one central point (like a carburetor but more precise),
while M.F.I. feeds each cylinder individually. Although
M.F.I. is more complex and expensive, it gives better and
more exact mixing of fuel and air for complete combustion.
The bottom line is better economy, better drivability (no sag
or surge when you mash the (continued on page 148)
Ferrari Testarossa
A.T.Vs that go anywhere and
do anything with gusto
MANY MOONS AGO, someone slipped a piece
of paper into the suggestion box at Honda:
Why not make 2 motorized tricycle? We
can think of 100 reasons not to, but that’s
why we're American. The Japanese went
ahead and created an entire new industry
of fat-tired all-terrain vehicles, perfectly
suited for running errands around the
farm and for falling off at high speeds. But
that’s part of the fun. The latest innova-
tion is an extra wheel. This year's A.F Vs
have four of them. You can choose from
utility models, flat-out racers or middle-of-
thc-off-road riots. Here, we feature some of
the best of the batch.
The Hondo Odyssey 350 (top) is designed to
hondle the reolly rough stuff. Full front ond
rear suspension will smooth out the bumps. A
varioble-pitch torque converter eliminates shift-
ing. A fully podded bucket seot, with compe
fition-type restraint harness ond a full roll
coge, will keep you in touch with the seat of your
pants, $2998. The Yomaha YFM200N Moto-4
(middle) is o work horse that occosionally likes
to kick up its heels. Designed for anything from
corrying loods around c construction site to
herding cottle oround a ranch, the beast hos o
196-c.c. four-stroke engine, o five-speed
tronsmission with on automotic clutch and o
dependoble shaft drive. The large front car-
rier, reor corrier and trailer hitch are stondord
equipment, $1899. Kowosokís four-wheel
KLF185 Bayou (bottom) is light (333 pounds)
but is loaded for bear. The 182-c.c. four-
stroke engine is coupled with a five-speed
tronsmission with reverse, shoft drive ond elec-
tric starting. The steering systemis similar to thot
used in automobiles. An independent front
suspension smooths out the rough ond ready,
$1849. The Suzuki Quad Racer LT250RF (lorge
photo) is optly described as a four-wheeled
moto-crosser. The hell-bent-for-leother A.T.V.
hos о 249-c.c. two-stroke liquid-cooled
engine, with o five-speed tronsmission, oil-
damped shocks and a Suzuki full-floater, box-
type oluminum swing arm in the reor, $2299.
car stereos that move you
With new cars offering more zip, we've chosen
some top-line stereo systems that are sure to
add real rolling thunder. The large beauty ct
right is a Rinspeed 939 Turba Convertible. The
Swiss custam-car makers have bui an the
base of a Porsche 911 Carrera. Its sound sys-
tem cames from Alpine. The Madel 3015 com-
puterized graphic equalizer ($400) is able ta
analyze cor acaustics to create natural tanal
balance. Other Alpine gaodies include the
7165 АМЈЕМ/саѕѕене player ($380), the 50-
watts-per-channel 3502 autboord cmpl
($350) and three pairs of speaker systems.
There's a high-tech system for every taste and
budget. We affer the fine frant-end units
below. JVC's KS-C200 ($570) has a five-band
graphic equalizer, Dolby B and C and a ton af
Торе features. Next, Panasonic's CQ-S934
($430), which offers dbx tope playback for
drama similar to that available fram campact
discs, is an audiophile's delight. The Clarion
8500R ($300) has smart-tuning circuits for
improved FM reception. Blaupunkt's Los
Angeles ($580), in addition to being a fi
radia and tope deck, comes with A.R.I. traffic-
information circuits. Finally, the Pioneer
KE-A330 ($200) has night illuminatian, in-dash
cassette with quortz-PLL electronic Supertuner
Ill. The modestly priced unit offers 18-station
selection, auto-replay and tape guard.
S saa
(inches) (inches) SYSTEM“ ENGINE**
(sec) (eityhwy mpg) PRICE
Buick Century T Type
189.1 38-V6 EH
Mid-size sporty sedan
Buick Electra T Type
197.0 38-V6 ЕН
Sporty fwd luxo sedan
Buick Skyhawk T Type.
18-4 EFIT 15005600
Small, sporty hatchback
Buick Somerset Regal
180.0 25-4 EFI
New fwd small personal coupe
Cadillac Cimarron
1779 2.8-V6 ЕН
Faster with optional V6
Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z
192.0 50-V8 EFL
Optional tuned port injection
Chevrolet Cavalier 224
1724 28-V6 EFI
New small high-performance Chevy
Chevrolet Celebrity Eurosport
1883 28-V6 EH
4-cylinder or optional МЄ.
Chevrolet Corvette
176.5 57-V8 EFL
Newly injected for 85
Chrysler Laser
175.0 22-4 EH
High-tech fwd, optional turbo
Chrysler LeBaron БТ$
180.4 22-4 EH
Optional 146-hp turbo
Dodge Daytona
175.0 22-4 EH
Optional 146-hp turbo
Dodge Lancer
180.4 22-4 EH
New fwd sport sedan
Dodge Omni БІН
164.8 22-440.
Low-budget answer to VW GTI
Dodge Shelby Charger
22-4 EFIT 146@5200
Turbo standard for 85
Ford EXP Turbo
16-4 EFIT 120005200
Ford's turbocharged 2-seater
Ford Mustang SV)
23-4 EFVT 205@4400
The ultimate Mustang.
Ford Tempo GL Sport
176.2 23-4 EH
New sports package available.
Ford Thunderbird
197.6 38-V6 EH
"Bird gels smoother optional turbo
Lincoln Continental Mark Vil LSC
2028 50-V8 ЕН
New antilock brakes for 85
Mercury Cougar XR-7
23-4 ЕНІ 155@4600
Answer to T-bird turbo coupe
Mercury Topaz ES Sport
176.5 234 EH
New sports package available
Oldsmobile Calais
177.9 25-4 EFL
Fwd small personal coupe
Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera 6T
190.3 38-V6 ЕН
High performance with injected V6
Oldsmobile Firenza GT
1743 2.8-V6 ЕН
Olds’ answer to Sunbird
Pontiac 6000 STE
188.8 2.8-V6 EH
New multipoint injection
Pontiac Fiero 6T
165.8 28-V6 EH
Mid-engine gets optional V6
Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
1916 5.0-V8 EH
Available injected VB
Pontiac Grand Am
1775 25-4 EH
Pontiac’s answer to Honda Prelude
Pontiac Sunbird Turbo
18-4 EH/T 150025600
Turbopawered optional
Renault Alliance Convertible
163.8 17-4 ЕН
Ragtop with more power
Renault Encore £S
160.6 17-4 EH
Fwd sporty hatchback
Volkswagen GT
“Chevrolet ‘Spectrum
158.0 18-4 EH
Pocket-rocket version of Golf
New fwd subcompact
Chevrolet Sprint
Suzuki-built 3-Cylinder minicar
Dodge/Plymouth Colt Turbo
16-4 EFI/T 102@5500
Version of Mitsubishi Mirage Turbo.
Dodge/Fiymoutn Conquest
2.6-4 EFIT 145@5000
Version of Mitsubishi Starion
Honda Civic CRX
Quick, economical 2-seater
Honda Prelude
Highly popular fwd sporty coupe.
Isuzu Impulse
20-4 EH
Gorgeous Giugiaro body
Mazda 626
High-style mid-size fwd
Mazda X-T
135-hp GSL-SE available
Mitsubishi Gallant
24-4 EH
All-new fwd “electronic sedan”
Mitsubishi Mirage Turbo:
16-4 ЕН 10205500
Restyled, improved subcompact
Mitsubishi Starion Turbo
2.6-4 ЕНЛ 145@5000
High-tech turbo sports car
Who says you can't have it all?
Not Gary Villapiano, manager of his own physical therapy and
fitness company by day and jazz guitarist by night.
“On the job, I put all of my energy into helping other people
rebuild their bodies and their lives. At night, I revitalize my soul
with my music?
Gary wants it all in life and in the beer he drinks. He demands
super-premium taste and a less-filling beer. That's why he drinks
Michelob Light.
Why should you settle for anything less?
Youcan have it all Michelob Light.
MAKE & MODEL (inches) (inches) SYSTEM* ENGINE** Con TRANS.'** (sec) (city/hwy mpg) PRICE & FEATURES
Nissan Maxima SE M E +t 3.0-V6 EH. 152@5200 [ Sporty new fwd sedan
Nissan 200-SX Turbo I 5 1.8-4 EFT 12005200 E Sporty turbo coupe
Nissan 300 ZX Turbo I E =. 3.0-V6 EFVT200@5200 É America's fastest Japanese import
Subaru 4WD Turbo Sedan I I a 18-4 EFT 111@4800 E К 4wd with available injected turbo
Toyota Celica ў 1 i: 24-4 EFI 116@4800 I 24/30 t New convertible for '85
Toyota Corolla 67-5 y E š 1.6-4 EFI 112@6600 E 26/29 I Twin-cam, 16-valve power
Toyota MRZ I É 1.6-4 EFI 112(96600 I 26/28. I Twin-cam, 16-valve mid-engine
28-6 EFI 16195200 I 20/24. Y Hatchback with twin-cam 6
22-5EH 110@5500 19/25 ) Í Higher performance for '85
2.1-4 ЕН 140@5500 3 Y 17122 £ Turbocharged luxury sedan
1.8-4 EFI 102@5500 I 24/30 £ New body, more power
27-6 ЕН 121494250 21/28 4 Small 6-tylinder
35-6EF| 182@5400 E 17/23 X More power and A.B.S. brakes
3.5-6 EFI 182@5400 Й 17/23 Г More powerful engine
Mercedes-Benz 190€ ў zi 2.3-4 MFI 120@5000 ) 19727 E A little more power
Mercedes-Benz 500SEC Е 5.0-V8 МА 184094500 I 14/16 I Standard airbag, А.В S. brakes
Merkur YR4Ti I Ч 23-8 EF/T 175095000 E 19/24 Ў New German-built Mercury
Porsche 811 Carrera. £ E 4 32-6 EFI 207@5900 E 17/25 y Classic rear-engine Porsche
Porsche 928 $ . I | 5.0-V8 ЕН 288@5750 £ Y New 4-cam, 32-valve УВ
Porsche 944 É -f 2.5-4 EF|_ 150@5500 22: Terrific 4-cylinder Porsche
Volkswagen Jetta GLI E 1.8-4 EF} 10005500 [ New performance package
Volkswagen Scirocco. 18-4 Ef 90@5500 I I Twd sports coupe returns.
Nw MS = 25-V6 EFI 154@5500 Sports cou coupe ipe with | injected v6
— иш jam ur 134ЕН 75(@5500 [ 000. Former Fiat mid-engine
4 9-H12 МЇЇ380@5750- 1 T2-cylinder hyperexatic
3.0-V8 МА 235@6800 E A timeless beauty
_25-Ү6ТТ 185005500 Twin-turbo sport sedan
2 0-4 EFI Ter Classic former Fiat convertible
191.7 102.0 FR 5.3-V12 EFI 262@5000 ЗА 82 13/17 36,000 V12-powered luxury coupe
Lotus En Turbo 1690 960 МЕ 274ЕМЛ 205006000 — 5M [3] 14/25 50.000 Turbopowered mid-engine exotic
Peugeot 505 Turbo 1867 108.0 FR 22-4ЕНЛ 142@5600 — 5M. 91 18/24 18200 Turbo'd, almost a French BMW
Renault Fuego 176.8 96.1 FF —22-4EH 9105000 5М 2 23/31 9.000 Larger standard engine
‚Saab 900 Turbo 186.6 99.1 FF 20-4 ЕНИ 1605500 — 5M H 19/25 18,150 New 16-valve turbo power
Volvo 740 Turbo 188.8 1091 FR 23-4 EFI/T 160@5300 4M+0D 90 19/25. 13.000 Sportier 760 GLE Turbo
NOTE: The above chort ñ o representative sampling of the world's most desirable mokes and models; 1 does not list oll models nor attempt to be comprehensive. Domestic cor prices are
1985 factory-suggested retail; foreign prices are port of entry. They do not include state or local taxes, trarsportation or dealer-preparation charges. Some price, horsepower, fuel-
economy ond acceleration figures are early estimates and subject to change
"Engine plocement/drive wheels (F = front, R = recr, М = mid). *"Stondord or recommended in designated model (Т = 1urbochorged, TT = rein-turbo, R = rotory, Н.О. = high output,
EFI = electronic vel injection, MFI = mechonical fuel injection). ***4M = 4-speed manual, 3A— 3-speed automatic. OD = overdrive, RM = reor mounted.
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FUTURE STOCK (continued from page 139)
gas), cleaner exhaust and more power.
When Chevy engineers put M.F.L,
along with "tuned" intake ports (an old
racers’ trick) and friction-reducing roller
hydraulic valve lifters, into the Corvette’s
already impressive 5.7-liter V8, they came
up with 12 percent better fuel economy to
please the Feds, plus 25 more horses to
please everyone else.
Chevy put a similar system into the Z28
Camaro's 5.0-liter V8 and got an identical
25-hp boost over last year's 190-horse
carbureted version. This 215-hp M.F.l.
motor can be had in either the regular Z28
or the new, ultimate IROC-Z, but only
with four-speed automatic transmission.
Chevy's versatile 2.8-liter V6 also gets
M.F.L and some new applications for "85.
Rated at 130 hp, it’s an option in the mid-
size Chevy Celebrity and Pontiac 6000 and
standard in the performance-oriented
6000 STE. In 125-hp form, it's available to
liven up the otherwise underpowered
Chevy Cavalier, Olds Firenza and
Cadillac Cimarron compacts. And a mus-
cular 140-hp version motivates the SE and
balls-out GT versions of Pontiac’s fine
Fiero sports car, lowering the mid-engine
two-seater’s 0-60 performance to about
eight seconds.
Besides the cagerly awaited V6 Fiero,
Pontiac's biggest news is its small “sports
specialty" Grand Am. Forget the old high-
performance name; this is a smoothly
trimmed, nicely turned-out. front-drive
sports coupe intended to take on the likes
of Honda's popular Prelude, Toyota's
Celica and Nissan's 200-SX. Available
with four-cylinder or V6 power, it starts at
arcasonable $8000 and can be optioned as
a small luxury cruiser or (with Y99 per-
formance suspension and big Eagle GT
tires) a crisp-handling sports tourer.
Oldsmobile offers a Grand Am counter-
part called Calais, styled and trimmed for
a conservative buyer.
Buick Division, С.М. V6-engine-and-
clectronics specialist, offers a Euro-look,
performance-oriented T Type version of
nearly every model it makes. Topping the
line is the luxurious, fine-handling Electra;
at the bottom is the swift, turbocharged
Skyhawk. In between are a surprisingly
fast turbo-V6 rear-drive Regal T Type and
а 3.8-liter M.F.I. V6-powered Century T
"Iype sports sedan.
Cadillacs Cimarron is finally competi-
tive in the tough luxury-sports-sedan mar-
ket, thanks to its new optional M.F.I. V6
and a minor face lift that lengthens its nose
(to accommodate the larger enginc),
classes up its tail and, in general, makes it
now look more Caddy than Chevy.
Ford's 5.0-liter V8 engines get roller
lifters to cut friction and wear, plus a host
зав of other refinements ranging from racing-
type tubular exhaust headers in the hottest
models to multipoint electronic fuel injec-
tion in the pricier ones. For well under half
the price of Chevys Corvette, high-
performance addicts can buy a 210-hp
Mustang GT that's only about a second
slower 0-60. For about the same money as
the Corvette, luxury/performance seckers
can have the impressive 180-hp Lincoln
Continental Mark УП LSC, with
advanced air-spring suspension and
America’s first four-wheel antilock brak-
ing system.
Ford's mid-size Tempo and Mercury
Topaz get their adrenaline levels raised
with a new sport option that includes a
100-hp Н.О. engine and upgraded suspen-
sion that lifts their handling into true
sports-sedan territory, The timeless Mus-
tang convertible is back, and the
turbocharged Mustang SVO—easily the
best-handling and most sophisticated
Mustang ever—is scheduled for a 30-hp
boost (to 205) and stylish Euro-look flush
head lamps along about midycar. Thc
sexy Thunderbird Turbo Coupe and its
Mercury counterpart, the Cougar XR-7,
powered by a milder 155-hp version of the.
SVO Mustang’s 23-liter turbo four, are
smoother to drive, thanks to new hydra
engine mounts and an upgraded shift link-
age for their standard five-speed trans-
But Ford's biggest ^85 new-model
excitement arrives from across the Atlan-
tic. Built by Ford of Germany and avail-
able from Lincoln-Mercury dealers, it’s
called Merkur XR4Ti and is a U.S. ver-
sion of Ford’s hot European Sierra XR4i
sports coupe. Ford’s U.S. engineers added
a variation of the T-bird/Cougar/SVO 2.3-
liter turbo four rated at a healthy 175 hp.
The Mcrkur’s suspension is fully independ-
ent and typically Teutonic in agility; its
interior is quiet, comfortable and func-
tional in the German tradition; and its
performance is downright impressive at
about 7.5 seconds 0-60.
Chrysler, too, has roller lifters and other
improvements to squeeze a few more mpg
out of its remaining rear-drive sedans. But
most of Chrysler’s modern front-drive fleet
is powered by the company’s excellent 2.2-
liter four, with a two-barrel carb in every-
day models, throttle-body fuel injection in
upmarket and performance models and
multipoint injection in turbo-boosted cars.
Chrysler's answer to the sports-sedan
trend is a pair of very slick five-door hatch-
backs called Dodge Lancer and Chrysler
A.M.C./Renault, America's Franco-
American partnership, has added a very
affordable (at $10,000) new Alliance con-
vertible, This and the sports-oriented
Encore GS hatchback come standard with
а new 78-hp 1.7-liter engine, a major
improvement over the regular 55-hp 1.4-
liter four. And there's a lively new
turbodiesel option for A.M.C.’s hot-selling
downsized Jeep Cherokee and Wagoneer.
VW of America launches its all-new
Rabbit replacement, called Golf, which
looks like a slightly larger, more round-
cornered Rabbit. Why the funny new
name and the dated styling? What we've
known as Rabbits always have been Golfs
(from Golf Strom, German for Gulf
Stream) everywhere but here. And the
original Golf has been so successful and so
widely copied throughout the world that
VW’s conservative German management
decided that it didn’t want to change its
looks very much. So there! The new Golf’s
main claims to fame are significantly bet-
ter performance, ride and handling, slicker
aerodynamics, more usable room in the
rear seat and cargo area and even a larger
fuel tank for longer-range cruising.
Avanti Motor Corporation is alive and
well and is turning out custom-built
Avanti sports coupes from its ancient facil-
ity in South Bend, Indiana. Based on a
still-sensuous 1963 Studebaker design, the
Avanti was updated inside and out last
year and gets further refinements for '85. A
convertible is a recent addition, and a
higher-performance GT should follow.
While everyone else has been going tur-
bocharger nuts these last few years,
Toyota has been quietly developing its
sophisticated four-valve-per-cylinder en-
gines. Four small valves (two intake,
two exhaust) give a more efficient flow of
fuel/air mixture in, and exhaust out, than
two larger ones can.
Toyota has been selling twin-cam
16-valve four-cylinder engines in Japan for
years but only last fall brought one over
here. This little mechanical beauty dis-
places only 1.6 liters but delivers a spirited
112 hp and an easy 6600 rpm in the sporty
rear-drive Corolla GT-S coupe and
liftback. As if that weren't enough, Toyota
has just introduced a mid-engine, two-
seat MR 2 sports car powered by the
same twin-cam 16-valve 1.6, in this case
mounted transversely behind the pas-
senger compartment, as direct compcti-
tion for Pontiac's o. And Toyota's new
entry in the growing sports-convertible
class is a nicely executed factory-author-
ized conversion of the 112-hp, independ-
ent-rear-suspension Celica GT-S.
The performance war between arch-
rivals Nissan and Toyota is not just being
fought with sports models. In addition to
the 200-SX—vs.-Celica and 300-ZX-:
Supra battles, there's a skirmish heating
up on the Japanese luxury-sedan front.
Nissan's Maxima is all new and has been
converted to space-saving front-wheel
drive for '85, while Toyota’s Cressida is
reskinned and significantly improved but
remains rear-drive. The former boasts a
152-hp E.F.L V6 borrowed from the
300-ZX sports car, while the latter coun-
ters with а 156-hp Supra-derived twin-
cam E. traight six. Both will scoot
from 0-60 in about nine seconds.
Nipping at the heels of Tovota and
Nissan are two small but progressive Japa-
nese car makers, Honda and Mazda.
Honda has upsized the engine in its high-
economy Civic CRX two-seater (now
called CRX HF) from 1.3 to 1.5 liters and
still claims the best 49-state (excluding
California) EPA ratings at 49 mpg city, 54
highway. All other Civics (except the basic
hatchback) come with a 12-valve (two
intakes, one exhaust per cylinder), dual-
carb 1.5-liter that generates a lively
76 hp. The popular Prelude continues
unchanged, while a new top-line luxury
SE-i model, powered by a 101-hp 12-valve
EFI. 1.8-liter engine, is added to the
Accord sedan line, Mazda, meanwhile,
carries over its subcompact GLC and
slickly styled mid-size 626 lines unchanged
for *85. And there are now four variations
of the quick RX-7 sports car, all with
Mazda’s unique rotary Wankel engine,
but only the top-line GSL-SE has the
larger and more powerful 135-hp version.
For only the second time in memory,
eccentric yet highly successful Subaru (the
only U.S.-owned Japanese-car importer)
has significantly redesigned its line. The
"85 sedans and wagons and the sporty
hardtop boast all-new, more contempo-
rary and more attractive bodies and interi-
ors, plus major engine improvements. The
upgraded 1.8-liter Subaru engine, sort of
a water-cooled version of VW’s old
H-shaped flat four, gets overhead cams
with a carburetor in low-line models and
fuel injection in pricier versions. Power is
up as much as 29 percent (to 111 hp with
optional turbo), while economy increases
as much as eight percent compared with
84. All models offer a choice of front-
wheel drive or optional on-demand four-
whecl drive, and the 4wd Turbo sedan has
a dual-range five-speed gearbox and a
clever height-adjustable air suspension
that automatically elevates the car more
than an inch for extra clearance when the
4wd mode is selected at less than 50 mph.
Mitsubishi's dealer isn't
nationwide yet, but three of its car lines
(and its small trucks) can be found at
Dodge and Chrysler-Plymouth deal-
erships. These are the turbocharged
Conquest sports car, the Colt Vista van/
wagon and the new Colt subcompacts.
The last have handsome and aerodynamic
new bodies, more interior room, more
comíort and features and a larger, more
powerful (68-hp 1.5-liter) engine. An
optional 102-hp 1.6-liter turbo four (with
water-cooled turbocharger bearings),
along with upgraded suspension and tires,
turns these small wonders into serious
pocket rockets.
Where brand-name Mitsubishi prod-
ucts are available, the Conquest is called
Starion and the new Colts are Mirages.
Other models (not sold through Chrysler)
include the compact Tredia sedan and the
Cordia hatchback (both available with
water-cooled turbocharging), the 4wd
Montero and an all-new luxury four-door
called Galant (pronounced “gah-lawn”).
Powered by a 101-hp E.F.I. 2.4-liter four
with Mitsubishi’s patented twin balance
shafts to smooth its vibrations, the front-
drive Galant is about the same size as
Toyota's Camry and Mazda's 626 sedans
but aspires to compete with the larger and
more expensive six-cylinder Cressida and
Isuzu, also not yet available nationwide,
brings to market the same handsome
Giugiaro-bodied Impulse sports coupe,
the same rear-drive I-Mark subcompacts
and the same small trucks it offered last
year. Isuzu, as G.M.’s Japanese partner,
also supplics the new front-drive Spectrum
models being sold through East Coast
Chevrolet dealers.
As you may know, VW's German-built
front-drive Jetta sedan is essentially an
uplevel Rabbit (er, Golf) with a spacious
trunk. So you'd be right to assume that
the '85 Jetta is all new as well. But it has
come out better in the styling department,
looking more contemporary than the '84.
In fact, the Jetta just may overshadow
its less expensive sibling in style- and
status-conscious America, and it may soon.
join the Golf in VW's Pennsylvania assem-
bly plant. Three fuel-injected four-
cylinders—an 85-hp 1.8-liter, a 52-hp
1.6-liter diesel and a 68-hp 1.6-liter
turbodiesel—are available in regular and
uplevel GL-model Jettas, while the higher-
performance GL] version features a
100-hp 1.8-liter, sport suspension and
sportier seats and interior trim.
Audi's mid-size 4000S, Coupe GT and
40008 Quattro (also imported by VW
of America) get prettier and more
aerodynamic new bodies and interior and
power train improvements for '85. Euro-
style flush head lamps, full-width tail
lamps, integrated body-color bumpers,
larger bodyside rub strips and more
rounded corners give them a softer, more
slippery look. A 102-hp 1.8-liter fuel-
injected four and a 110-hp 2.2-liter
injected five-cylinder power the front-
drive 4000$ and Coupe GT, respectively,
while a 115-hp version of the five-banger
motivates the nimble 4wd 40005 Quattro.
Zero—60 times, in order, are 9.6, 9.3 and
9.5 seconds.
High-buck rivals BMW and Mercedes
both offer computer-controlled antilock
brakes. The German system, called ABS,
is standard in both companies’ larger
models, optional in Mercedes smaller
ones. Mercedes gives a six percent horse-
power boost (to 120) to its 190E “Baby
Benz" sports sedan, turbodiesel-powered
models are quicker off the line thanks to a
revised automatic torque converter. More
important, Mercedes’ SRS (Supplemental
Restraint System), which consists of a
driver's-side air bag and front-scat auto-
matic belt tensioners (which tighten up
on impact for added crash protection)
become standard in the top-line 500SEL
and 500SEC and optional in most other
models. Automatic belt tensioners also
become standard for both front occupants
in all but the 300CD diesel coupe.
BMW, meanwhile, escalates the Ger-
man luxury/performance wars by drop-
ping a muscular 182-hp 3.5-liter E.F.L six
into its top-line 7, 6 and 5 models. The
ing new models are designated 735i,
635CSi and 535i and with five-speed
transmission will do 0—60 in 8.1, 7.7 and
7.4 seconds, respectively.
And Porsche has a four-cam
32-valve (four valves per cylinder, eight
cylinders) version of its aluminum V8 for
the top-line 928S luxury sports car. Details
weren't available at presstime, but we're
projecting some 260 hp and sub-six-second
0-60 performance for this $50,000 flier.
Porsche's classic 911 Carrera and
Cabriolet and the wonderful four-cylinder
944 are unchanged for '85, but a 944
"Turbo is due by fall.
Except for a new Ferrari, there's not
much cooking from the Italian makers this
year. Alfa Romeo's sexy GTV6 2.5 coupe
improved shift linkage and a lower
base price as leather seats, sun roof and air
conditioning become optional. A new
lower-priced Graduate version of the clas-
sic Spider Veloce may prove interesting to
the just-out-of-college set. The other two
reasonably affordable Italian sportsters,
Bertone X1/9 and Pininfarina Spider, are
back with detail changes only. Maserati's
$25,900 Biturbo sports coupe, powered
by a 185-hp twin-cam fwin-turbocharged
V6 and capable of 6.8-second 0—60s, re-
turns. And so do Lamborghini's $105,000
VI2-powered Countach and the more rea-
sonably priced Jalpa sports car but only in
limited quantities.
Wait a minute! Did we say “а new
Ferrari"? Right. The superb 308GTBi and
308GTSi and the four-seat Mondial coupe
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Guy Laroche Paris
and convertible return intact for '85, but
there's a brand-new 12-cylinder Testa-
rossa at the top of Ferrari's line, and it
should make it across the Atlantic in only
slightly detuned form. Details are sketchy
at this writing, but the mid-mounted four-
cam 48-valve 4.9-liter flat 12 should make
about 380 hp and propel this blood-red
rocket to 60 from rest in just under six sec-
onds and to a top speed approaching 180
mph! The radiators are side-mounted
(hence the huge “cheese-grater” vents),
the body is aluminum (except for the steel
doors and roof), and we'll bet the price
will be well into six figures.
Jaguar's comeback continues with
record sales in 1984 and a record start in
*85. Why the renewed success? All the sexy
VI2-powered XJ-S coupe and the beauti-
ful six-cylinder XJ6 sedan ever needed
was better quality and reliability, and they
have vastly improved in both since new
management took over in 1980. Rolls-
Royce and Bentley roll on unaltered, while
the racerlike Lotus Esprit Turbo mid-
engine sports car enters '85 an inch lower
in front (thanks to antidive front suspen-
sion) and with new ventilated front-brake
rotors. Its four-cam fuel-injected 16-valve
turbocharged four cranks out an unbeliev-
ablc 205 hp from 2.2 liters of displacement.
While France's Renault has dropped its
turbocharged Fuego, rival Peugeot has
added fuel-injected turbo power to a new
performance version of its 505 luxury
sedan. The resulting 142-hp 505 Turbo
hits 60 from rest in a tick more than ninc
seconds and handles like a French BMW.
Sweden's Volvo also recently turbo-
charged its most luxurious sedan, the
oddly square-roofed (but very popular)
760 GLE. Like Volvo's smaller turbo mod-
els (coupe, sedan and wagon), this is a
neat, intercooled and (of course) electron-
ically fuel-injected installation—and sur-
prisingly fast considering the car's size and
weight. It generates 160 hp from 2.3 liters
and does 0-60 in the nine-second range. A
sportier and less expensive version (about
$19,000 vs. $22,600) of this larger turbo-
charged Volvo, called the 740 "Turbo, is
new for '85, as is a nonturbo four-cylinder
740 GLE. Saab's all-new, larger and more
luxurious car is still several months away
from U.S. introduction, but its high-tech
16-valve turbo engine is already here in
the eccentric but lovable 900 Turbo. This
one, too, is fuel-injected and intercooled,
delivers 160 eager horses from 2.0 liters
and does 0-60 in 8.7 seconds.
And that, perhaps, is the ultimate state-
ment of high performance. When cars
from little old neutral Sweden start to
make major power plays, you know for
sure we've driven into a bold new age.
(continued from page 93)
honest person. And I’m so easygoing, it's
The freedom she expresses is based on a
well-cultivated inner strength. Donna
knows who she is and where she stands.
“I'm very religious. I believe very
strongly in God. It gives me strength.
Like, if I'm scared on an airplane—I hate
to fly!—I say a prayer and I know I'm
going to make it. He’s always looking over
me. Boy, I'll tell you, He's definitely been
there quite a few times. Quite a few. . . .”
Donna grew quiet and her eyes misted
over. “See, now, if I talk like this, I'll start
crying, so you have to stop talking to me.”
She excused herself and went to make tea.
Later, when she returned, she was
crackling again. Modeling has been good
to her, but she'd like to try something else,
and singing is the best possibility
“1 do all kinds of stuff. I like progressive
funk, and I like jazz. I like Phoebe Snow’s
style a lot. I also like the Pretenders, stuff
like that, to get up there and really be a
cocky bitch onstage; you know, to have
everybody by the balls in a very strong but
innocent way.
“Гуе had a lot of people say that when I
sing, I sound a little like Kim Carnes but
with a black side. I sing black because I
was raised around black people.
“I used to be real shy about my singing.
Stage fright. But every time I do sing,
someone will say, ‘Donna, get out there.
You're a gold mine walking down the
street. Someone ought to snatch you up!”
Although her career is uppermost in her
mind right now, Donna hasn't given up on
love—not by a long shot.
“One day, PII get married again, I'm
sure. I would love to have one or two chil-
dren. I would definitely live with someone
a long time first, though, to be certain I
could spend the rest of my life with him.
“The kind of man I prefer is a gentle-
man. Warm, loving, gentlc—just as its
said. I don't like arrogant men; you know,
men who have a wild hair up their ass and
think they can conquer the world. Men
who think, You owe me, because I’m cool.
Men like that—disrespectful.
“Sex isn't a big part of my life. It's a
medium part; let’s put it that way. There
arc times when I don't want it at all; then
there are times when, honey, give it up,
you know! I thoroughly enjoy pleasing my
man, and I enjoy being pleased. It’s
important to have good sex in a relation-
ship. But people who think it's the most
important thing can stay out of my life,
because I don’t believe that.
“Money isn't that important to me,
either. If I wanted limousines, I could
have all the limousines I wanted right
now, believe me. I'd rather have my own
and tell a man, ‘Hey, would you like me to
pick you up in my limousine? ”
"Then she levels her eyes and speaks
carefully: *I want to be able to depend on
a man as well as depend on myself. But I
want him to know that I don't need him.
"It's not that whatever Donna wants,
Donna gets. That's not the way I am. I'm
2 very giving and a very loving person. I
have a heart as big as this world. Anyone
who knows me will tell you that.
“And I cook, too. Oh, boy, do I cook! I
can do Italian, Japanese, Mexican, Chi-
nese, steaks. No cookbooks, either. All
with the tongue—just the tongue. Every-
body out of my kitchen; Im cooking!”
"There was really no need to add that.
We were already convinced the lady could
cook. In more ways than one.
"He's never caught nuthin’—unless you count what that
wailress down al the pier bar gave him!”
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BOB GIRALDI ........;.......
“Luciano Pavarotti expressed a desire to make videos.
I've always wanted to work with him."
ago. One night, he and his gang from
‘Tremont Avenue had a fight with а rival
gang. They dug a circular pit, and the two
gang leaders climbed in, tied their free
hands together and proceeded to cut each
other up with the knives in their other
hands. One of them was killed. That
image just stuck with me. Choreographer
Michael Peters turned it into a beautiful
dance. That’s showbiz.
PLAYBOY: No one has ever heard your side
of the story regarding the ill-fated Pepsi
commercial in which Michaels hair
caught fire. You were directing. What went
through your mind?
GIRALDI: Nothing. 1 was the only one who
didn't really know what was happening
until people rushed onto the stage. I didn't
see it. I was off to the side, watching my
black-and-white monitor. The fire looked
like a special lighting effect on my screen.
Suddenly, Michael was trying desperately
to get his jacket off, thinking it was on fire.
Like most accidents, it was over before it
started. But the hysteria was there. Нс
never scemed to be in danger. Then he was
whisked off to the hospital and I saw him a
couple of hours later. He was speaking
despite the pain. It was an accident. To
say any morc about it is not very smart,
because there will probably be a lawsuit
I have no bad feclings toward Michael,
and 1 hope he doesn't harbor any toward
me. He is a brilliant performer, a genuine,
shy, withdrawn young man. He and I
worked together three times; we did fine
work, had fun and made history. But our
personal relationship is over—for the
moment. He's gone on to do some very
important stuff, and so have 1.
PLAYBOY: On the lighter side, The Glove
has launched many rumors. Care to add
GIRALDI: After a couple of days of shooting
on the Pepsi commercial, Michacl and his
brothers were in my dressing room clown-
ing around. We had just been called to the
set. I said, “OK, guys, let's go." Michael
asked us to wait a minute, because he had
to go to the bathroom. So he goes into the
john. A few seconds later, from behind thc
door, we hear him scream, “Anaaiiüeeeee!”
Our hearts sank and we all ran to the
bathroom. Michael comes walking out,
holding between his fingers his classic jew-
eled glove, drenched. What had happened
was that the glove somehow fell into the
toilct. Hc had fished it out and was laugh-
ing. The little glove looked so soppy
was never quite sure from what.
PLAYBOY: What's your dream assignment?
craro: Making A Day in the Life, by the
Beatles. І won't say how I'd do it. But I
told Paul McCartney, for whom 1 directed
the Say Say Say video, that if he ever wants
to do that one for posterity, for the sake of
history, to let me know. It’s obviously one
of the songs that make me nuts. But Paul
has probably had his share of posterity.
pravsov: Would you let your daughter
marry a rock star?
GIRALDI: It depends. I'd love her to marry
Boy George. Hc would be the best catch of
the year. I imagine living with him would
be great fun. My daughter could pretty
much do what she liked. As it is, she prob-
ably will marry a rock star. Her boyfriend
is a geologist.
PLAYBOY: What's the strangest video you
never made?
GIRALDI Luciano Pavarotti expressed a
desire to make videos of two of his c
songs. Гус actually always wanted to work.
with him. He's certainly a commercial
artist—he plays Vegas and football stadi-
ums. He gives the world gorgeous music. I
never met Pavarotti, but I sat down with
his manager and all he talked about was
the bottom line. It was such a turnoff. He
said, “We can't spend that, because the
record's going to sell only a million. We'll
never get a return." 1 told him,“First,
you're talking to the wrong person. And
“What the New Testament should have said, of course,
was Judge not, unless ye happen to be judges.
second, you're doing Pavarotti a disserv-
ice.” You don't just do videos when the
profits from your record sales allow you to.
Lionel Richie never said he was afraid to
spend money, and his videos helped cata-
pult him to become the most important
superstar in the business after Michacl
Jackson. It’s naive and shortsighted for
‘managers, agents and record companies to
take that attitude. The bottom line is a
long-range thing in communications and
the media.
PLAYBOY: What would a
video by Giraldi look like?
ваши: It might be tough for Frank now.
His place is secure in history. But he's got-
ten past the age of running around and
Frank Sinatra
performing. He’s no longer Maggio in
From Here to Eternity. A Sinatra video
today might simply be his singing face
interspersed with other images. The song
I'd pick would be Lonely Town. When I
graduated from college and got my first
job, as an art director in Detroit, I played
that song every night for a dozen months.
I'm a romantic.
PLAYBOY: You once wanted to make a fea-
ture film about the lifc of Frank Sinatra,
Jr. Wh
carn: My vision was a tragic story that
probably would have ended happily: The
father is perhaps the grcatest pop singer in
the history of the world, a cult figure, a
strong inspiration to men. The boy, who
would never be able to follow in those foot-
steps, tries anyway. He embarks on an
impossible career. He rises, falls, levels off,
winds up doing obscure club dates in Min-
nesota or wherever. He encounters trage-
surrounding the family: his childhood.
coping with the women in his
finally, the realization that he
can't be who he thinks he should be. The
message: We can only be ourselves. The
young boy grows up and comes to terms.
with this horrible, tough life. [Pauses]
They stopped me. The old man would
never allow it. But I didn't want to do an
exposé or an exploitative movie. A simi-
larly incredible film was made about
LaMotta—Raging Bull. But that was a
negative piece. 1 would have made a posi-
tive statement. Hollywood would have
hated But Hollywood doesn't know
anything about making movies.
PLAYBOY: On the sets of the Miller Lite
commercials, who gets more respect— you
or Rodney Dangerficld?
GiRALDI: Rodney gets all the respect in the
world from everybody, He always runs
around making people crazy. I once said
that I'd never seen a more insecure actor,
which I still honestly believe. He got very
angry at that and accosted me. But the fact
, he constantly tugs at his tie and asks
how he looks. Well, he obviously looks ter-
rific. His stuff is incredible, He's a great
addition to the All-Stars and a perfect cat-
alyst. But he doesn’t hang out. Rodney is
not one of the guys. He doesn't sit around
a bar with Billy Martin and drink away
the evening. But his nervous energy is con-
tagious. No matter what anyone says
about Rodney, everybody performs better
when he's around.
pLaveoy: How does a man who regularly
berates such monsters as Bubba Smith
and Boog Powell to their faces live to tell
the tale?
GIRALDI: You mean me? Because they trust
me. I've done good by them. They know T
feel for all of them genuinely and like
them. They're the biggest kids in the
world. I call our set the Zoo. I don't
demean them. What I do is holler at them,
but in my own lovable way.
ГЇЇ never forget standing over them on a
Fort Lauderdale beach where we were
doing the Lite tug-of-war commercial. It
was the end of the day. Their hands were
red and ripped and bleeding. The sun was
beating down. They looked like lobsters,
and they were tired of pulling. I just
needed one great take, but they weren't
giving it to me. I started screaming, “Why,
you bunch of has-beens! What the hell's
the matter with you? Maybe your carcers
are all over, but mine's just starting! For
Christ's sake, pull, you bastards!” Then 1
looked into the eyes of Ray Nitschke on
one end and Nick Buoniconti on the other,
and I realized that, if they wanted to, they
could see to it that the world never heard
from me again. But they decided instead to
pull just a little harder. And that time, it
worked. They sensed that I was only after
a great shot. Somebody’s got to be the
coach. These guys are athletes.
ts to know: Who is
that giggly blonde in those commercials?
Is she everything you expected in a
woman or less?
GIRALDO Her name is Lee Meredith and
she is a New Jersey housewile. She’s a very
fine actress and a very, very bright lady.
That ditz character is all fake. In the
spots, 1 guess she’s Mickey Spillane's
bimbo. The Doll. The guys are always
after her on the set, making jokes about
her bust and fanny. I can't repeat what
they say or else they'll really kill me. Mar-
tin is after her every three seconds. But she
is a highly respected member of that team.
PLAYBOY: Tell us some Zoo stories. Which
All-Stars cut up? Which don’t get
GIRALDE Everybody's fun behind the
scenes. Its one prank after another.
Bubba Smith: I made him tear open a beer
can 60 times in his first commercial. He
couldn't get the lines. "Today it would be
nothing for him, becausc he's turned out to.
be one of the best performers of all. Great
at underplayed comedy. Bob Uecker: fun-
niest man in the world. Hc likes to walk
around the set with my little eyepiece and
play director. He gives camera guys and
prop men orders like “Danny, shoot her at
five-eleven or nine-two!" He doesn't know.
what the hell he's talking about. Screws
them all up. Billy Martin: classy. A joke-
ster capable of putting lighted matches in
shoc soles. That's his thing. Dick Butkus:
takes his work very seriously. Yet he's one
of the biggest kids of all. A great instiga-
tor, along with Red Auerbach and Tommy
Heinsohn. They love to start trouble
between people and break balls. They
like getting Rodney pissed off. Магу
Throneberry: quietest guy of all. But he's
not dizzy. All he ever says—on- or
offeamera—is “I don't know why they
asked me to do this commercial."
Lets ponder the influence of
advertising on modern life. If it can't be
said in 30 seconds, is it still worth saying?
GIRALDI: 1 don't want to agree with that at
all. Unfortunately, the world does. Adver-
tising has created a population that bores
quickly, and we're more visually oriented.
I read recently that you can see about 175
cuts in a five-minute video, whereas a half-
hour episode of / Love Lucy had maybe 12
scenes at most. We have become the Show-
Me Generation.
Everybody wants an answer quickly. If
a guy calls to sell you insurance, he's got
to talk fast before you hang up. You've got
to get your word in edgewise or else Pm
not gonna listen to it. It’s rare for some-
body to just sit down and say deliberately,
“Now, Bob, look at mc and listen." VII
doze off. We've become the fastest country
in the world—even in our lovemaking.
One has only to go to Europe to realize
how fast we are, If we don't get our check
in a restaurant sooner than a minute after
we're finished eating, we become incensed.
We think the waiter has gone off to have a
smoke. We are impatient people, because
of the incredible deluge of advertising.
PLAYBOY: If you're someday asked to
appear in a commercial, what product
would you feel most comfortable selling?
omarm: The American Express card.
Can't you see it? “Do you know me? I'm
the guy who helped Michael Jackson beat
PLAYBOY: What should you never say to
an ex-athlete?
ciraLor: Number one: Never say, “You're
old." Athletes have the same egos and
insecurities as movie stars. Number two
and maybe more important: Never tell
him that he can't go to his left anymore.
That's the lowest.
“Well, if that's all that's keeping him alive, why
won't Medicaid cover it?”
(continued from page 68)
“We were told that men should support feminism
because of the new freedoms they stood to gain.”
(many women take years off to raise chil-
dren; they have, as a group, spent less time
in the work force piling up seniority, etc.),
of which systemal discrimination is
emphatically not one. It matters not. The
New York Times, 1 am convinced, has a
special 59-cents-on-the-dollar line of type
оп constant stand-by, ready to be bunged
into every third issue or so as proof of
man's inhumanity to woman. The phrase
is routinely flourished, like a flag, when-
ever some new assault on male interests
requires justification.
This is not the way things were sup-
posed to work out, gang. It may sound
quaint now, but there are those of us who
can remember having had high hopes that
women's liberation, as it was then called,
would prove to be not just another piggy
little special-interest group looking out for
number one but an actual movement for,
well, liberation, freeing male and female
alike from a host of accumulated stupidi-
ties. There was, after all, much cause for
such hope. We were repeatedly told—and
it made sense—that men should support
feminism because of the new freedoms
they stood to gain, the old macho encum-
brances they would be able to shed, the
promise that both sexes would come out of
the transformation freed of much that had
formerly worked to make them enemies of.
one another and themselves.
So we hoped and so we expected, once
upon a time. Even at the outset, however,
there were intimations of trouble to come,
apparent if you looked at what the mem-
bers of the movement's vanguard were
saying and writing among themselves.
What you found was eerie and
disturbing—a peculiar kind of double-
tracking that was either deranged or
flabbergastingly disingenuous. Somehow
or other, with one exception, all the gains
men might have envisioned from the new
dispensation were finessed away. (The
exception was the right to cry, which may
have been retained on the humane ground
that when the new order arrived, men
would have a lot to cry about.) Could men,
for example, expect something approach-
ing equitable treatment from the divorce
courts in alimony and child-custody cases,
which had routinely ruled that they must
(1) leave and (2) pay for their children?
What, and break the sacred bond between
mother and infant, undermining Mother
“Oh, don’t be such a wimp, Edwards. Surely you can pick
me up a package of tampons on your lunch hour.”
Right? (Which sacred bond, incidentally,
traces back to the industrial revolution,
when fathers were driven away from their
homes and children and into the factories,
and not to the primordial forces that keep
creeping into the literature.) To the con-
тагу: Feminist pressure was (and is)
directed toward further increasing the
discrepancy—toward hounding down and
jailing defaulters, for instance. (With the so-
far sporadic jailing of fathers who cannot
afford to pay, we have returned, for men
only, to the debtors’ prisons abolished in
the name of common decency more than
100 years ago.) Well, then, if men were to
be asked, under penalty of law, to continue
paying for the children they had sired,
could they have some say in the mother's
decision about whether or not to get an
abortion? What, and interfere with—turn
up the volume here—a Woman's Right to
Her Body? (The coexistence of Mother
Right and Pro-Choice formulas within the
same set of heads is one of the authentic
curiosities of our age.) Could men expect
women to share the burden of defending
their country's borders? Could they expect.
that women be drafted, like them, and, if
necessary, fight and die, like them? No,
there just shouldn't be any draft at all,
because there shouldn't be any wars, and
there. wouldn't be if women ran things,
because men made wars. (The example of
history's female leaders, a singularly san-
guinary lot, was carefully overlooked.) If
there were a war, it should be left to the
men, because men loved it.
Well, then, since, in the nature-us.-
nurture controversy, feminism was
necessarily committed to stressing envi-
ronmental influences, did the movement
look forward to a day when men would no
longer hold their current 20-to-one pre-
dominance in the nation’s prisons or
when, for instance, a man arrested for
2 capital crime would no longer be about
ten times as likely to be sentenced to death
as is a woman (as is now the case)? A few
spokespersons thought that it one day
might be so, but they were drowned out by
a chorus whose unmistakable message was
this: Nurture be damned; men are just
naturally inclined toward violence, espe-
cially rape, and the main thing wrong with
our penal system is that it isn’t tough
enough on them as it stands. Ditto for
hopes that men might lose some of their
overwhelming lead in suicide, heart attack
and other stress-related disorders, in the
process cutting into some of the female
edge in the life-expectancy sweeps.
Wonders are many, and here is one:
When I ask my college classes what they
consider the single most flagrant example
of sexual discrimination in America today,
I receive all kinds of answers —women
take their husband’s names; 59 cents on
the dollar; Jean Harris went to jail and
Nixon didn't—but never what seems to
me the obvious one: that the class’s male
students, and only its male students, are
required by law to register for conscription
in an organization that, if so empowered,
will certainly brutalize them for two years
and may well kill them, which in this cen-
tury alone has been responsible for the
selective extermination of hundreds of
thousands of their fathers and grandfa-
Wonders, I say, are many; but what is
one to think ofa young man who, with that
hanging over his head, can look on his
female classmate with the uncasy convic-
tion that he is the one who is somehow
oppressing her?
Just this: that like his father and the
other older males of this country, he is an
aborigine, a sucker, a dunce when it comes
to the ways of sexual politics. That he
has failed to notice what any behaviorist's
pigeon would have noticed by now: that he
and his kind arc the ones getting screwed,
man, and that this fact is surreally out of
sync with the official version that has been
passed on to him.
Once he realized this, he might, if he
read around, come to a few other self
evident conclusions. He might see that, far
from being a lunatic fringe of the zany
past, the people who used to call them-
selves radical feminists have done a fabu-
lous job of getting their values into the
currency of conventional wisdom, which
he was parroting. If he knew a little his-
tory, it might then occur to him that one
big reason for their success is, almost cer-
tainly, the uncanny convergence of their
conspicuously radical sentiments, which
amount to the position that women are
better than men, and the traditional codes
of chivalry, which also amount to the posi-
tion that women are better than men. He
would certainly see that those values were
full of manifest inconsistencies that evapo-
rate once one recognizes the essential
premise at work—a premise spelled out
some years ago in the statement of princi-
ples of a group called New York Radical
Women: “We take the woman’s side in
everything. We ask not if something is
‘reformist ‘radical,’ ‘revolutionary’ or
‘moral.’ We ask, Is it good for women or
bad for women?”
Which might, perhaps, bring him
round, at last, to the dismal conclusion
that sexual politics is just politics.
Finally, I hope it might occur to this
young man that it is not in the interests of
either truth or his own survival to reflex-
ively support such a movement. It is past
time for the last minority, men, to recog-
nize that their own rights ate under attack,
to organize, formulate policy and start
applying pressure the other way. If the
young man is reluctant to think of himself,
in his privileged collegiate niche (though
his even more privileged female colleagues
are not often so inhibited), let him con-
sider those San Quentin inmates, most of
them black and all of them male, suffering,
in the name of “women’s employment
rights,” indignities that no woman would
be asked to suffer.
Or let him just open his eyes and cars
from day to day and attend to what comes
in. As someone who has written a book on
the subject, I can't help noticing the evi-
dence. Even if I could, the men’s-rights
organization to which I belong, Coalition
of Free Men, keeps my consciousness up.
But sometimes I get tired of pointing out
what seems so obvious and at the same
time so hidden from the common eye. Yet
all occasions do inform against me.
A while ago, I turned on the television
before going to sleep, and there was
Johnny Carson listening to some actress,
and she was going on about this wonder-
ful women's group she worked for that
was trying to мтап women away from
the rapaciousness that, "unfortunately,"
seemed to come from men. And there was
old Johnny, a man rather famous at the
moment for being taken to the cleaners by
as rapacious a woman as ever glommed
onto a gold mine, a woman who, it seems,
annually spends enough money on under-
wear to feed Appalachia—there was
Johnny, I say, nodding his head and say.
ing, “Yes, I see, uh-huh.”
I know that talk-show hosts are sup-
posed to be that way, but, still, I wish he
had said something
“60 MINUTES" (conned from page 78)
“What do you care what they think, as long as you
get them into the tent?”
scale at 60 Minutes, higher than some of
the other 60 Minutes correspondents. Is
that true?
SAWYER: I’m not going to tell you [smiles
PLAYBOY: As the last aboard, are you some-
what in awe of these men? Their work is
almost legendary.
SAWYER: They have worked very hard to
shatter any reverence I might have had for
them. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: They haven't overwhelmed you
with solemn advice?
SAWYER: Our group photo session was a
combination of a convention of journalists
and Animal House. [Laughs] It was the
funniest hour I have spent in years, each of
them topping the other. They were mainly
assailing one another. They could have
taken the show on the road. The four of
them together! I wondered whether I had
been brought in to be an audience, fresh
fodder for their jokes. It was very funny.
PLAYBOY: OK, Don, back to you. In a nut-
shell, what was the reason for 60 Minutes’
HEWITT: They moved us to six o'clock Sun-
day. Nobody predicted anything more
than a slight increase in audience. Then a
programing genius by the name of Oscar
Katz said, "Les put it on at seven." I
said, "That's ridiculous." Then, all of a
sudden, we took off like a big-assed bird.
But who really knows?
SAFER: It was the Sunday time slot. The
adults took over control of the set from the
kids, who had been watching Disney or
WALLACE: I think it had to do with the oil
embargo. People had to stay home more,
rry, Mike seems to feel among
other things that the oil embargo in the
carly Seventies helped.
REASONER: Oh, that's nonsense. I think the
reason for 60 Minutes’ success, for one
thing, is that it obviously was an idea
whose time had come—a cross between
the Evening News and documentaries. Sec-
ond, the fact that CBS finally made the
commitment to give it a very good time in
the week and to run it there regularly—
football or not, whatever—to run the
whole show. And third, it was the mixturc
of the correspondents. And I think that
even though it didn't really happen until
after I left, the rise of the program, I think
I can say immodestly, part of its success
was because of Don, Mike and me.
WALLACE: There was also the whole busi-
ness of Watergate, and the latent thirst for
that kind of reporting in America worked
to our benefit. In addition, a good deal of
our reporting back then, when we were not
well known, was almost live. It was a kind
of play-action journalism
PLAYBOY: What is play-action journalism?
WALLACE: You had cameras running, you'd
research the story, you and the producer,
but in the final analysis, you walked in and
let the story develop in front of you.
PLAYBOY: What's an example?
WALLACE: When we set up cameras inside
the clinic on Morse Avenue. I think that
was the first exposure of Medicaid fraud,
certainly on television, and we didn't
really plan it all out in advance. Then
there was the story Barry Lando and I did
on corporate perks at the Super Bowl
PLAYBOY: When you caught executives
using company jets to fly to the Super
Bowl? That was a spontaneous thing?
WALLACE: We were there to tell the story of
how money spent ostensibly for business
purposes was not infrequently spent by the
company executives to entertain them-
sclves. So we set up our cameras at the
private-plane airport in New Orleans
without knowing what would happen. We
had a book with all the tail numbers of the
various private jets used by corporations
around the country, so we knew when the
Rockwell plane or the CBS plane or what-
ever was coming in.
PLAYBOY: And you caught a few?
WALLACE: It was fascinating to watch these
corporate planes come in and suddenly
hear over their radios that we were on the
ground with our cameras—and zoom ofl
into the wild blue yonder. I mean, plane
after plane would circle, hoping our cam-
eras would go away. Thosc were the salad
days, when we began to make our reputa-
tion. І remember them well.
PLAYBOY: Don, do you think CBS sup-
ported your carly days for prestige alonc or
out of a sense of public duty?
HEWITT: You know, I keep hearing that
CBS stayed with 60 Minutes through a lot
of rocky times. That's not the way it really
was. It was that Stanton and Palcy had set
the tonc: These arc the kinds of broadcasts
we should keep on doing, and one day, one
of them will catch on and be popular, and
this one did.
PLAYBOY: The network brass gave you the
best crews and a fairly substantial budget
for a news program that was not profit-
able. Why?
HEWITT: They gave us what we needed to
do the job. They were running a news hour
every Tuesday night opposite Marcus
Welby, M.D., and it was going nowhere.
They figured, What the hell—we'll run
the news one Tuesday and the crazy idea
Hewitt came up with the next. And at
some point, people got interested in 60
Minules and we took over. In those carly
days, nobody ever thought about ratings.
Nobody in the news division ever knew
what ratings were. We just knew we'd done
a show and we went home. One day, some-
body said, “You're number 30," and I
said, “What the hell docs that mean?”
PLAYBOY: Really? No awareness?
HEWITT: Over in Black Rock, CBS corpo-
rate headquarters, yeah. Never around
here, When I was directing the Cronkite
news, I knew vaguely that we had fewer
people watching us than Huntley-Brinkley
had. I just knew that they were more pop-
ular. 1 didn't know whether we had a 4.2
share and they a 6.2. I just knew that you
couldn't do anything about it. ... You
know the biggest ingredient that goes into
a successful broadcast?
PLAYBOY: Tell us.
PLAYBOY: Still, you make your own luck.
One of your favorite expressions is getting
people “into the tent.”
HEWITT: Sure! What would have happened
if Ud started by cal our show a docu-
mentary program? We'd have gotten 15
percent of the audience. I remember once
we did a show and called it CBS Reports:
Illegal Aliens. 1 said, “No! Let's call it The
Gonzales Brothers and run ads saying, ‘Join
the Feds tonight as they chase three wet-
backs through the streets of L.A.’ Let "em
think it’s Kojak. What do you care what
they think, as long as you get them into the
PLAYBOY: Then whats the diflerence
between that and a carnival pitchman’s
HEWITT: 1 wouldn't be dishonest. Now,
don’t compromise your news judgment or
your integrity when that broadcast is on
But I would make some compromises to
get people into the tent.
PLAYBOY: But you would package or mer-
chandise the produc? Add a little
HEWITT: Absolutely. What do you think the
cover of PLAYBOY is? The cover of every
news magazine? Merchandising.
PLAYBOY: But that seems predicated on the
idea that the viewer is resistant to being
informed, that you have to merchandise.
HEWITT: Oh, absolutely. Viewers didn't
buy the set to bc informed; they bought
the set to be entertained. If you can inform
the guy who bought the set to be enter-
tained, you're ahead of the game. That's
why 60 Minutes is what it is. We know that
the viewers out there essentially bought
that set to look at Dallas. Right? Ifyou can
get them also to look at us, you're ahead.
PLAYBOY: You have to twist their arm to get
them there, however. But that gives you
those all-important ratings that keep you
on the air.
HEWITT: Sure. I mean, look. We keep hear-
ing from the critics. They always talk
about ratings, ratings. Why is ratings a
dirty word and circulation a clean word?
It’s as if advertising is a clean word and
commercials is a dirty word. Everybody's
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looking for ratings. Any newspaper—
almost all of them, with certain minor
exceptions, run some kind of circulation
stunt. They're in the ratings game, no
matter what they call it, and they sit there
with this holier-than-thou attitude and
talk about television. "There's a lot wrong
with us that the critics don’t know about.
The critics are so busy writing the trite,
clichéed things they have written for all
these years that they beat up on us for all
the wrong reasons. Especially The New
York Times.
HEWITT: Any time anybody says anything
about television that is the least bit
unflattering, The New York Times loves it.
They go into high gear. And it’s because
[Times executive editor] Abe Rosenthal
has made no bones about how much he
hates television. Гуе heard him on the
subject. And if you think Abe’s attitude
isn’t well known on the Time’s television
pages, you're dead wrong. The Times peo-
ple know it, and when there’s something to
criticize, they love it, and they all jump up
and down, they salivate and they applaud.
PLAYBOY: You have some difficulty dealing
with criticism, though you acknowledge
that there are legitimate criticisms. “They
beat up on us for all the wrong reasons” is
your quote. You mean that your critics
deal with the fluff and not the substance?
HEWITT: Yeah, they don’t know enough
about us. One of their problems is that all
the critics who write about television
news, with some minor exceptions, are
also writing about Dallas and Dynasty, and
they don’t know how to differentiate
between what we do and what Lorimar
Productions does. That’s why they don’t
do it very well.
PLAYBOY: You don’t regard television critics
as legitimate journalists?
HEWITT: They're print journalists—any
one of whom would give his eyetecth to
come and work here, The nerve of these
people! The critics who work for these
newspapers wouldn’t know how to find
their way from the airport in London to
downtown Mayfair. And they're going to
tell you what you do right and what you
do wrong!
What has to make reporters unhappy,
and I would be unhappy if I were still in
print, is if they go out and work their asses
offon a story, and find out that people who
read their story had scen it closer-up than
the reporter did; they were there, Televi-
sion has taken them there. There was a
time when it was kind of exotic to be a
reporter. By God, you got to meet Con-
gressmen and go to Bengasi and Tobruk;
wow! Now the viewer goes there every
night. It’s no big deal.
PLAYBOY: No more glamorous,
coated foreign correspondents?
HEWITT: The glamor of the globe trot-
ters.... You know, our correspondents
really are the last of a breed. Everything is
done by bureaus now. But, in any case,
you've got to realize that the viewers have
been everywhere. There’s no mystery. I
mean, some guy says, “Boy, 1 was at Cape
Kennedy for the launch of the first moon
flight,” and the guy at home says, “So was
1.” The Super Bowl was played in your
living room; John De Lorean was acquit-
& ae
“No, we don't have a rest room, bul you're welcome to
piss over the edge of the cliff."
ted in your living room. It all happens
right there. The place of the print reporter
in the world is not the same as it once was.
That has got to sting. I would be unhappy
about that, too. Let any big story break this
minute—something big, some catastrophe or
war—in every city newsroom in America, the
first thing they do is turn on their TV set!
PLAYBOY: Morley, how do you fcel about
SAFER: Some of it may be deserved. Some
of it, I don't know, but it strikes me that
the guys across the country who write
about television are people whom the edi-
tors don't trust to go out and cover stories
Of course, in some cases, there's some-
thing like, not quite jealousy but a
competition print reporters feel, to which
I'm not unsympathetic. When we go out
and cover a story, the kind of resources we
can bring to bear on it can't be matched
by many publications, if any. I’m going to
Lagos next week. 105 not even a go-ahead
story, I’m just going. There's a guy there 1
want to see about a story. Even the rich
newspapers won't spend that kind of
PLAYBOY: Do you agree with Don that 60
Minutes shouldn't be singled out because
of showbiz techniques?
SAFER: Art Buchwald does showbiz three
times a week! My God, he invents chara
ters in your daily newspaper. If we're
going to compare what we do
being columnists, something like that,
sure, there are entertainment aspects of it.
You look for exciting and interesting and
affecting stories. You don t look for boring
stories, stories of little consequence. The
same people who make these allegations
are all writing in newspapers. And some of
those front pages are much more outra-
geous than that or more hokey or whatever
you want to call it. What do we have to
defend here?
PLAYBOY: You feel you do a job equal to, if
not better than, a print reporter's?
SAFER: The fact is—and I can't prove I'm
right statistically, but I know I'm right —
we, in covering the news, do a better job
and a much morc accuratc job than any
newspaper in the country.
PLAYBOY: That's a lot of territory. Do vou
really believe that?
SAFER: Absolutely. I think we check out
our facts more carefully than the newspa-
pers do, particularly monopoly newspa-
pers such as The New York Times, which in
terms of big journalism is the only
newspaper in New York When we're
wrong, we're more open about it. We don't
cover as many stories and we don't cover
them in the depth The New York Times can.
PLAYBOY: Your pictures can distort, how-
ever. The tight shots, for instance—some-
thing we've discussed with Mike—can
suggest guilt or innocence without being
SAFER: Your point taken, there's no ques-
tion that people who have great powers of
persuasion, who are extremely articulate,
present a better case than people with very
weak powers of persuasion or people who
are inarticulate. They may be as right or
as wrong, but the articulate one will have а
better chance. No question, but it's televi-
sion! That's where we work!
PLAYBOY: That’s a topic that has particular
relevance to the General William West-
morcland casc, which is in thc courts now.
Mike, you're the one most involved.
WALLACE: Right, but it was not a 60 Min-
utes piece. It was a CBS Reports, which I
narrated, and I believe it was a fair and
honest broadcast.
PLAYBOY: Producer George Crile was
charged with selective editing and with
improprieties that violated CBS’ own
guidelines. Isn't that truc?
WALLACE: Gcorge has acknowledged one or
two indiscretions in the editing that were
strictly against the CBS guidelines. He
was reprimanded for it and was eventually
suspended for taping telephone calls for
accuracy's sake without the knowledge of
the two or three people he interviewed.
But he's off suspension and back at work
PLAYBOY: Do vou feel you gave Westmore-
land a chance to express himself fully?
WALLACE: I felt he had an opportunity to
express himself adequately. But nonc of
this has anything to do with the substance
of the broadcast, which said that there had.
been a systematic deception, a calculated
distortion of enemy-troop-strength figures.
PLAYBOY: And you felt that you had estab-
lished that?
WALLACE: Anyone who spent any time in
Vietnam knew that it was almost standard
operating procedure. Everybody knew the
body counts were inaccurate. Everybody
knew that the weapons counts were inac-
curate. They were discussed at what was
called the five-o’clock follies, the press
briefing that took place every day in
PLAYBOY: What arc you saying—that all
the critiques of the broadcast were unfai
WALLACE: The most thorough critique, the
one done by T'V Guide, didn't charge that.
the substance was inaccurate, just that
certain aspects of the process were not
according to CBS’ own book of standards.
PLAYBOY: So was it proper or improper not
to go by the book?
WALLACE: It's something you shouldn't do.
"Those of us at CBS should probably know
more about the book than we do. It's a
massive list of guidelines put together after
the brouhaha over the program The Sell-
ing of the Pentagon some years ago, about
which there were complaints in the Con-
gress and the Pentagon. In the best of all
possible worlds, we would have it commit-
ted to memory. I think it’s fair to say that
most of us don't, But the real guideline is
fairness. I believe the broadcast was fair.
PLAYBOY: You have a pretty stringent set of
checking procedures, don’t you? Did they
break down in the case of the Westmorc-
land piece?
WALLACE: That piece had a different proce-
dure, because it took more than a year to
produce. Howard Stringer, executive pro-
ducer of CBS Reports, and Andy Lack, sen-
ior producer, were involved in another
series; 1 was involved in 60 Minutes. So
George Crile, to a certain degree, was by
himself, and it’s conceivable it didn't get
the same kind of exhaustive scrutiny.
PLAYBOY: How about the camera tech-
niques you used with Westmoreland—
your old Night Beat tight shots? You'll
admit that kind of close-up didn't do much
to convince anyone of his innocence.
WALLACE: Right. He scemed to be
trapped—trapped by the words coming
out of his mouth. But he didn’t know what
shot they were using. Nor did I know what
shot they were using. That option is left to
the cameraman.
PLAYBOY: The cameraman was given no
instruction for the shot and the camera did
not move physically closer?
WALLACE: No, the lens will come in. And
the cameraman himself was apparently so
moved by what was going on oncamera,
realizing that he had a dramatic moment.
William Westmoreland, General of the
Armies, a man who had run the war in
Vietnam, who had addressed a joint ses-
sion of Congress and was used to the para-
phernalia of television and tough questions
from journalists —
alling apart?
WALLACE: I was surprised at the confusion
and distress that he made quite apparent
in that hotel room in Manhattan where we
filmed the piece. Perhaps he was unpre-
pared for our preparation.
PLAYBOY: Then you don't sec any difference
between asking those kinds of questions
with a camera watching and asking them
for publication?
WALLACE: I don’t think there’s any differ-
ence at all really. I can be confronted in
this Interview with contradictions in things
I haye said or done in the past. Whether
I'm dishonest, fair or unfair, I can be
confronted in the same way I confront peo-
ple. pLavnoy didn't have to subpoena me
here. I'm here of my own free will and
accord. I'm here not unwillingly, and the
price of admission is to make myself vul-
ncrable to whateveris putin printaboutme.
PLAYBOY: Diane, how do you feel about zoom-
ing in on a subject you're interviewing?
SAWYER: I like tight shots. 1 think tight
shots are revealing. I think they illuminate
well. John Chancellor told me once that
television is a lic detector, and I think
when people look at other people care-
fully, up close, they sense things about
them. I don’t think it's necessarily wrong
or right to use a tight shot.
PLAYBOY: Isn't it mostly used to take
advantage of the subject?
REASONER: The tight-shot close-up is not
done to make anybody sweat, It's done
because it’s the most effective way to let
the viewer listen to somebody. If over a
period of time a cameraman took a shot
that I thought was unfair or inappropriate,
I would change it in the future. I tell
almost everybody I interview before the
camera starts that there may be some
questions that seem antagonistic, but I tell
him that no one is going to mousetrap him,
that we have plenty of film. If you feel you
gave a stupid or misleading answer to a
question, say so and we'll do it again.
PLAYBOY: Is that responsible journalism?
In print, for instance, you may not have
that latitude.
REASONER: Well, in a print interview, you
talk a lot longer, and then the reporter has
a great deal of latitude that we don’t have
for indirect quotations and [laughs] mind
reading. I wouldn’t give the same oppor-
tunity to a political figure or an actor,
someone who was familiar with the cam-
сга. But to someone who was nervous and
unfamiliar with the camera, I would.
PLAYBOY: Mike, you touched on the poten-
tial misuse of television. You and Morley
had an ethical problem with a Haitian
story he wanted to run, didn’t you?
WALLACE: Yes. My wife had lived in Haiti
and had family there. I knew the family
well and had done a story there in 71. It
was not a self-consciously tough story but
fairly tough, We dealt with Papa Doc and
Baby Doc. And Hewitt walked into my
office one day and said, “Hey, go talk to
Morley, he’s thinking about doing a story
on Haiti.”
PLAYBOY: Did you try to talk him out of it?
WALLACE: I walked over to his office and
said, “Look, Lorraine's family wasn't too
happy the last time around. Ifyou have a
hell of a story to do, OK, but if you're just
thinking about that along with other stor-
ies, I'd be happy if you didn’t do it.”
PLAYBOY: Which didn’t make him very
WALLACE: It was obvious that he wasn't
happy about being asked not to do it. At
that time, there was a little tension
between us. Later, it broke in the papers
and became a full-blown hassle. In retro-
spect, it's obvious I shouldn't have asked
Morley not to do the story.
PLAYBOY: But you get along well now?
WALLACE: Oh. yes. But I do feel it was
badly handled, by Don Hewitt in particu-
lar, though he isa man I have great admir-
ation for. In my estimation, there were
enough crrors to go around in the handling
of the whole business.
PLAYBOY: The Haitian allair occurred
about the time you were having some
problems because you had used words
such as watermelons and tacos in ways that
scemed racially disparaging while doing
an exposé of lien contracts handled by the
San Diego Federal Bank. The bank had
filmed you while you were filming them.
WALLACE: Yes. Someone kept peddling the
film of my quotes until finally a reporter
did the story for the Los Angeles Times
When you do the kind of work I do, you're
fair game. But what upset me was that I
would be perceived as a racist. I have a
body of work and friendships that prove
PLAYBOY: Lct's talk about the technique for
which 60 Minutes initially became
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famous—doing interviews with people
who don’t want to speak to you, otherwise
known as ambush journalism. Mike,
you're most linked with it, and because of
it, you’ve been called more a performer
than a journalist.
WALLACE: We wince in television journal-
ism at the word performer, but the fact of
the matter is that there is a performance
involved. That doesn’t mean it’s phony or
theatrical. But sometimes it's the best way
to tell the story of people who are breaking
the law. But you know, ambush journal-
ism, that’s a kind of old-fashioned 60 Min-
utes piece. We haven't actually done it for
PLAYBOY: Are you saying you won't prac-
tice ambush journalism anymore?
WALLACE: Actually, it happens that we do
have an old-fashioned piece this season
about counterfeiting designer luggage. We
set up our cameras behind a wall in a suite
at the Plaza, and when a couple of people
come in and try to sell counterfeit bags, I
pop out from behind the potted palms, so
to speak, and confront them. But we don't
do that much anymore.
PLAYBOY: Ed, what do you think about
ambush journalism?
BRADLEY: I've never done it. If it's the only
way to get at somebody, then do it. If I've
got the goods on somcbody and the guy
will not face me, how else am I going to
confront him? Hey, then take the shot.
PLAYBOY: You've never used the technique?
BRADLEY: I can't say I’ve never done it,
because I did it once on CBS Reports. The
Blacks in America story. In this little town
in Mississippi, there was a doctor who had
segregated waiting rooms. And this was in
°78. It was the only way to show what
existed in Mississippi in 1978. What was I
supposed to do—get those doctors to sit
down for an interview and tell me why
they still had separate waiting rooms for
white and black? I knew they wouldn't do
it, so we went in rolling.
HEWITT: “Ambush journalism" is a phrase
print reporters have invented to describe
something that they themselves have done
since the penny press. Reporters have
always walked up to people unannounced,
unawares, trying to catch them off guard.
The only difference is that when they did
it, nobody saw it. When we do it, people
sec it.
PLAYBOY: That description seems strained.
The confrontation. isn't clearly demon-
strated as a confrontation until it's visual.
HEWITT: First of all, there is a tendency to
look askance at what is called confronta-
tion journalism. Confrontation, as we
practice it, is good journalism.
PLAYBOY: That seems convenient. Give us
an example.
HEWITT: We probably know as much about
the guy who is approached on the strect as
the district attorney knows. We've been
trying to reach him fcr months. Now, this
very subject came up recently. We did a
thing on a cancer clinic in Murietta, Cali-
fornia, where we went posing as patients.
PLAYBOY: For which, as we recall, you
received a great deal of criticism.
HEWITT: Gene Patterson of the St.
Petersburg Times said, “That's the kind of
thing you shouldn’t do; people have aright
of privacy.” I agree with the latter part of
what he said.
PLAYBOY: But you went ahead anyway, and
you would go ahead in similar circum-
stances to get the story.
HEWITT: I don't think you're entitled to pri-
vacy while you are committing malfea-
sance. Gene had said on a broadcast we
had done together, “Those people had not
been convicted of anything, and you had
no right to do that, because they had not
been tried in a court.” And I said, “Has
your paper ever run those pictures from
those hidden cameras of a guy robbing a
bank?” And he said yes. I asked, “Why
wasn’t he allowed to rob the bank in pri-
vacy? What right did you have to invade
his privacy? He had not been convicted of
anything at that point!”
PLAYBOY: Diane, you haven't yet done
many stories, but what are your feelings
about ambush journalism?
SAWYER: I think there are times when what
they call ambush journalism—I'd call it a
surprise encounter—is the only way to get
a story. I think that in every case, you have
to weigh the importance of the information
that you will or won’t get against the
importance of seeing the person at the cen-
ter of the story. If it is an important story
and you think that seeing him’is a critical
piece of it, then I think it's justified. When
it’s done for theater—and I don’t think it’s
been done for theater on 60 Minutes—as
has happened on local news stations,
imitatively, I’m as opposed to that as any-
one else.
PLAYBOY: The objection is that with a sub-
ject unfamiliar with a camera, closing in
on him when he's nervous anyway will
tend to magnify those nervous reactions in
the viewer's mind and, depending on the
case, suggest culpability when perhaps
there is nonc.
SAWYER: I don't think people are so obtuse
most of the time. They listen, and if the
person is making sense, if he consistently
makes common sense, they know.
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about role play-
ing, the technique Mike uses so effectively
oncamera to get information?
SAWYER: Well, you want to show your
interview subjects a healthy skepticism,
and I don’t think that’s a role outside my
character. And as for the fact that the cam-
era is watching—if it were watching right
now, it would show you reacting with hor-
ror to what I'm saying. 1 joke. The camera
shows you reacting as you would nor-
mally. Because it’s television and because
those reactions are edited into the piece,
people think you’re playing a role when, in
fact, it is nothing more or less than what
you would do listening to me. But, no, I
don't invent a personality for a piece.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever used the tech-
nique of ambush journalism, Morley?
SAFER: I did it once. We walked into some
villain's office. It was a story on
commodity-option dealing in which one
company seemed to control the entire
industry and turned out to be an utter
phony, as it happened. We walked into the
company's offices in Detroit with the cam-
era on, because it was the only chance we
were going to get to see what the boiler
room looked like.
PLAYBOY: Did you feel it was justified as the
only way to get the story?
SAFER: 1 don't feel particularly good about
having done that, honestly. It has as much
to do with your own sense of, or your own
comfort with, something as it has to do
with anything else. There are ways of
doing a story.
PLAYBOY: In contrast to the hard stuff you
were doing in Vietnam and elsewhere,
your 60 Minutes pieces escape most of the
criticism. You're perceived to be the white
hat. Do you agree?
SAFER: Don't tell that to the National
Council of Churches.
PLAYBOY: Wc know it was going to sue vou.
for an unflattering piece you did on it. But
in a general sense, you've escaped the crit-
icisms, you've never ended up in court.
Dan Rather did and, of course, Mike is
spending a lot of time there.
SAFER: Well, I've been sued a number of
times. Гуе never gone to court. I've been
very lucky in that respect. I like to think
it's because we're so nicely pinned down,
that every T is so carefully crossed that
they've pulled back a bit. Now, Pm not
suggesting that those others aren't! [Points
his finger at the interviewer]
PLAYBOY: No. But you attribute it to
something—again, perhaps, to a non-
assertive style?
SAFER: I think there are ways to do things.
You're perceived in a certain way because
of the way you do something. I do things
differently from the way Mike does or from
the way Rather does—no better or worse
but different. Is that a calculated differ-
ence? Of course not! I’m not an actor, and
T'd be a fool if I thought I were.
If you look at the body of work Гуе
done, I’ve always tried to mix up the kind
of stories I do, just to keep my attention
focused. I could never fun:
note kind of job in journalism. Even in
Vietnam, 1 tried to keep from tripping
over my own footprints on every single
story. I’ve always preferred to do stories,
whether soft or hard, that are observed.
"That's a conceit of minc. As important as
interviews are, and I do them, when
you're talking with people, they're often
selling something. They're giving a totally
biased point of view. 1 think my eye of
the middle-distance observer is often more
accurate. I like to write the pieces more
than I like to sit and listen to people talk.
PLAYBOY: Ed, we’ve talked about how vari-
ous correspondents get their stories, but
you've managed to avoid virtually all of
the public controversy that surrounds the
others— particularly Mike and, to a lesser
was stuck, but
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extent, Morley and Harry. Is it a matter of
style or approach?
BRADLEY: Mike has a style of reporting and
a kind of piece for which he's noted, and I
don't think anyone else does as much of
that or gets as much attention for the
pieces that he docs as Mike gets. That's
his strong suit. We cach bring something
different to the broadcast. The kind of
witty essays that Morley docs add a
dimension that helps make this show
work. Harry has his own style. Where I fit
in, what I've always felt that I do best,
involves compassionate listening. The
Jahnke story, for instance, was a story of a.
kid who shot his father. What it required
on my part was thc ability to get this
youngster to talk. It’s not always easy, and
I think that's what I do best. I think Pm a
compassionate listener. 1 like doing that
kind of story better than going, "Aha! I sce
here by this document that you said in
PLAYBOY: Diane, your style as a reporter is
not necessarily of the hard-hitting school,
the way Mike's is
You know, Don says—let him tell
you this—that you don't have to be tough
or hard-hitting, you just have to be smart!
Hard-hitting is to most people a style
rather than a process of getting at the
truth. I like to think I’m pretty cxacting at
getting at the truth.
PLAYBOY: You're in a business in which
image, whether you like it or not, can be
important; can’t it often compensate for
lack of substance?
SAWYER: Compensate? Never! People who
know can tell. But the reverse question is
another way of getting at it; namely, is
substance alone what matters on televi-
sion? We can wish that it were, but when
people look at you, they react to you,
they're forced to look at you, so therefore,
they have to react to what they see. That
was the question in the Christine Craft
case, in which a newscaster was appar-
ently demoted because of her appearance.
PLAYBOY: That brings up the frequent criti-
cism that something may look good on tel-
evision but not necessarily be good
SAWYER: That’s a legitimate question to
raise. In television, we're all troubled by
the ability of the picture to overwhelm the
word, and you will never disentangle your-
self from that. It’s a fact, and it does occur.
All you ean hope is that audiences become
increasingly sophisticated and look else-
where besides television, that they read.
PLAYBOY: Mike, you mentioned your pro-
ducers earlier. There are assertions that
yours is really a producers’ show, that
the correspondents are just front men. You
are given a copy of the story outline
they've spent months working on and hop
on a plane, and when you get there, they
give you the questions to ask, You pop
oncamera for a few hours, then you're on a
plane back to New York. True?
WALLACE: There's a germ of truth to that
but only a germ. First of all, at least half of
the time, one of the correspondents will
come up with a story. Look, is a
collaborative undertaking; all television
journalism is. We're really talking about
all of us as reporters. The producer and
researcher may spend six to eight to ten
weeks on a story. The fact is that a corre-
spondent will spend six to eight to ten days
on it.
WALLACE: It should be apparent that if
you're going to turn out 25 stories a year,
that is the system that has to be used.
PLAYBOY: You can’t do your own stories?
WALLACE: It’s impossible. That's the sys-
tem, and along the way, each one of us has
felt, Hey, 1 want to go back to doing my
own stories. Morley and I have talked
about that. We had all done our own stor-
ies at one point—Safer in London and
Vietnam; Bradley in Vietnam and at the
Tarry at the White House;
ics and the Middle East,
civil rights. It isn't as though we haven't
done these things the producers do now.
PLAYBOY: Noncthcless, they get relatively
little credit,
WALLACE: I’ve said for ten years that 60
Minutes is a producers’ show. They really
get most of the fun, most of the charge out
of the digging and thc donkcywork. But
the stories are done in constant consulta-
tion with the correspondent, and each
of us works differently from the others.
PLAYBOY: Ed, how do you react to the
assertion that you correspondents are
front men for your producers?
BRADLEY: Scc all of those files over there?
All those things are research materials!
I've got a story that I’m going to do next
week. [Walks over to cabinet and brings back
folders) I've got six, seven, no, eight, fold-
ers of material that I have to read. [Heat-
edly] But I've got to have all this material
at my finger tips. Now, if that makes me a
front man, then Pm a front man!
PLAYBOY: Morley?
SAFER: That charge denies that we [corre-
spondents] have any journalistic intent or
any brain, I guess. Do the producers do a
lot of research? Yes. Do they produce
masses of stuff? Yes. Do they always reduce
the masses of stuff? Sometimes. Do they
write out areas of questions? ОГ course.
This is a collaborative work.
PLaYBOY: The question is, where do you
come in?
SAFER: When it comes down to it, it’s you
interviewing the guy. But we're all report-
ers here. If it were anything else, if it were
as you or the critics describe it, the broad-
cast wouldn’t work. Honestly. There is a
lot of interaction among us and with Don.
And you can argue with Don. He doesn’t
issue edicts to people, cither to the produc-
ers or to the correspondents. If he did
[laughs], the edicts would last about 30
REASONER: Fairly frequently, when I go
out somewhere to do a piece, people will
"hat seems to be relatively little
come up to me and say, “Oh, you really go
out on stories." I show them my airline-
mileage card.
PLAYBOY: But is it true that the producers
do most of the work?
REASONER: I don't think the truth is very
complicated and it's certainly defensible.
We have five producers nominally as-
signed to us, which means, arithmetically,
that the producer spends five times as long
on a story as a correspondent does. This is
a group business. The role of the producer
is tremendously important. But I'm rea-
sonably sure that the producers who work
with us don't think of us as puppets or
PLAYBOY: Do you normally write your own.
REASONER: No. I don't write them, but the.
questions that arc written are carefully
prepared guides to make sure we don't for-
get or miss anything. A good interview
will wander far from the written questions.
That's a matter of listening to what the
interviewee says.
PLAYBOY: Don, while we're setting the rec-
ord straight, what about checkbook jour-
nalism? You’ve been stung on a couple of
occasions because of the practice—H. К.
Haldeman, for onc, conned you by giving
you a $100,000 noninterview—haven't
HEWITT: Hmmmm. OK. Will you leave in
my response to the Haldeman question?
PLAYBOY: Of coursc.
HEWITT: Bob Haldeman was never on 60
Minutes. That's one of the great myths
that have been going on for years. We were
pre-empted for two weeks. 60 Minutes
never paid Bob Haldeman a penny. CBS
did. We didn't.
PLAYBOY: Wallace did the interview. Safer
introduced the show and it was in your
üme slot. So if there is confusion,
understandable. But you guys were
conned; isn't that a good example of
what's wrong with checkbook journalism?
HEWITT: Not “you guys"! CBS guys! I had
nothing to do with that! I’m not sure 1
would have done that... I might have,
But inasmuch as I had no part in it, 1 want
to stay out of it. I vehemently deny,
and I am outraged that anyone would
think that we would pay Bob Halde-
man. ... [In a whisper] But we did pay
Gordon Liddy. [Laughs]
I didn't know, nor was it any of
my business, how much Haldeman w
paid. And I have no objection to that kind
of checkbook journalism.
PLAYBOY: You met ollcamera with
Haldeman first, didn’t you?
WALLACE: Yes, we had dinner at his hotel.
We could sce the White House from the
room. And I don't know what triggered it,
but he said, *You know, [Richard Nixon]
was really the weirdest man to ever sit in
the White House."
PLAYBOY: That convinced you that hc was
going to give you a great story?
WALLACE: I didn't want to pursue too far
what he had brought up. If you lose it in
rehearsal, you won't get it spontancously
‚ "EXPECT «20е
9 24
on film. But, yes, it convinced me that he
was going to say things on film.
PLAYBOY: But in reality, he was setting CBS
WALLACE: That's really what he was doing:
selling himself for an interview to CBS.
PLAYBOY: Getting back to the subject of
vent checkbook
journalism. Newspapers did. They call it
something else; memoirs, for instance.
Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s daughter,
arrives in the United States. The New York
Tames wants her exclusive, so they buy her
memoirs. Checkbook journalism.
PLAYBOY: There’s an accepted difference
between memoirs and news.
HEWITT: I’m glad you've brought this up.
Print reporters, because they deal with the
written word, assume that written words
are worth money. I mean, they get paid for
words they put on paper. But why
shouldn't one get paid for the spoken
word? I'm in the spoken-word business.
PLAYBOY: You paid $500,000 for
spoken words. That might be considered
IEWITT: The New York Times paid Richard
on for the right to what he put on
paper. And they were outraged that CBS
would pay him not for what he put on
paper but for what he put on video tape. 1
don’t work with paper, I work with video
tape. Henry Luce, the publisher of Time,
was buying news before I was born. That
kind of money in this business pays for just
a minute-and-a-half commercial. I'm glad
CBS spent some of its hard-earned money
to inform the public.
PLAYBOY: Speaking of CBS moncy, from
what we’ve been able to gather, 60 Min-
utes is responsible for some 60 percent of
the broadcast division’s profit. CBS keeps
those figures pretty well hidden, but —
WALLACE: Come on!
PLAYBOY: That's what our research shows.
WALLACE: Then they can certainly afford to
pay the first-class travel we fought. for.
We're kept on food budgets of $50 a day—
breakfast, lunch and dinner, $10, $15,
$25—so not much money goes to waste on
60 Minut
PLAYBOY: Didn't your recent contract guar-
antec you $1,000,000 a year until 1987?
[Wallace smiles broadly]
HEWITT: You know, if that’s true about the
CBS profits, you're telling me something
I've never heard before. I have no idea.
I've been told that 60 Minutes is the big-
gest profit maker in the history of broad-
casting, but I just don’t know.
PLAYBOY: Morley, we were on the subject of
checkbook journalism. How do you feel
about it?
SAFER: Well, it’s not something I'm com-
fortable with, partly because the more you
do it, the more you're going to have to do
it. I think it’s ~ usy precedent to set. I
think there’s a danger: When the facts
become a commodity, there may be efforts
to enhance them and thus the value of the
y, what about you?
object to it. I think there are
probably times when it's justified, but I
object to it. That's a personal opinion; I
don't speak for CBS.
PLAYBOY: Diane, checkbook journalism?
SAWYER: I don't know, and I’m glad 1
don't have to make those decisions. I
really don't know. I don't know whether
or not it's justified.
PLAYBOY: Morley, the story most associ-
ated with you, and perhaps typical of some
of the victories 60 Minutes has had, was
the one concerning Lencll Geter, falsely
convicted of a crime, whom you got out of
jail. It demonstrated why, in the eyes of
many, 60 Minutes is considered the
nation’s ombudsman, the people's de-
fense counsel,
SAFER: We spent a long time on that story,
ТЇЇ tell you, the three of us— Suzanne St.
Pierre, producer, Marti Galovic, who was
the rescarcher, and I. We went through
these highs and lows that you go through,
but never at the same time. [Laughs] It
was a very satisfying story. You go into
those pieces, as I don't have to remind
you, with some doubts. It's the only way to
go into that kind of piece.
PLAYBOY; With skepticism?
SAFER: You can't go in being a truc believer
in the guy's innocence, because that way
lies folly. 1 went in with some great doubts
about his innocence. In thc final analysis,
all we said was that we had some serious
doubts about this guy's guilt. I think we
ultimately convinced the authorities of.
what, in their hearts, they knew had been
a sloppy job. Also, 1 think it is fair to say
that when a poor black man-in Texas is
brought into court, the assumption of guilt
is overwhelming.
PLAYBOY: Harry, what do you think about
60 Minutes’ being a sort of ombudsman?
REASONER: Well, it's evanescent. I think we
may create a fuss about something with
the show, and there may be an outcry in
Congress and maybe even hearings, but
then [waves his hand] it goes away.
PLAYBOY: Perhaps, but you've accom-
plished a lot of things, haven't you?
REASONER: We were the first to do a major
program on drunk driving, two or three
years ago, I think; and a few months later,
drunk driving was on the cover of
Newsweek. Then there was a lot of talk
about changing the laws in various states.
I don’t know if anything permanent ever
PLAYBOY: Of course something permanent
happened. New laws are sweeping the
country. Don't you think the show can
take some credit?
REASONER: Well, come to think of it, we
also did the first story on the danger to
asthmatics of sulfites, the preservatives
used in wine and in food. We did a very
good piece—then, months later, The Neu.
York Times ran a great big story as ifit had
just discovered it for the first time!
PLAYBOY: Diane, how do you respond to
the idea that the program is an ombuds-
SAWYER: You respond by being doubly,
triply, quadruply careful. 1 don’t place
myself in that role, but I do see 60 Minutes
scrving that purpose in many ways. Inso-
far as you can watch and say, "Good hcav-
ens, that's happening to me!” and
something will be done about it, I think
it’s a terrific thing for the country to have.
PLAYBOY: Mike, your report on Polo, Mli-
nois, was a look at a family whose severely
disabled daughter had died after the town
cut off its water because the family could
not pay its bill. You effectively held up the.
entire population of the town to national
vilification. But wasn't there a real ques-
tion as to relative guilt?
WALLACE: We didn't set out to prove any-
thing. I didn’t even believe the stories
about the town at first. I was prepared to
believe what the townspcople claimed. But
all you had to do was walk in and sce the
mother and the father and the older chil-
dren and then the desperately ill baby and
the family's devotion to her. There wasn't
an extra dime around that family.
PLAYBOY: And that established your angle.
what you set out to prove—that the towns-
people were the villains—right?
WALLACE: It was perfectly apparent that
there was hostility in the town. ‘The family
were regarded as deadbeats, because the
father had had the gall to buy himself a
beer or a pack of cigarettes instead of pay-
ing his water bill.
PLAYBOY: The town's defense, as we recall,
was that the family had cable television
and three cars and that they refused to
demonstrate to the social services that
they hadn't the income to pay the bill.
WALLACE: Look, there was absolutely no
desire to hold the townspeople of Polo up
to public obloquy. I think they were
ashamed that this had taken place. They
realized that they were wrong. A lot of
them, surprisingly, were thin-lipped and
almost cruel, in my estimation, toward
that family.
PLAYBOY: One of the complaints about the
broadcast was that you had arbitrarily
edited out some of the more positive
responses to the town's charitable actions
WALLACE: Not some of them, one of them, I
believe—a fellow in a wheelch: Tt was
not, believe me, out of unwillingness to tell
an accurate story. He had a speech imped-
iment in addition to being a paraplegic
PLAYBOY: But he testified as to the town's
fair treatment of him, and that aspect was
left out of your piece entirely.
WALLACE: It would have been very painful
for an audience to watch him try to speak;
at least, that was the judgment of both
producer Bill Willson and myself. It did
nothing to change the sense of the story. If
you go back to the poll that was taken in
the local newspaper, it came down on the
same side as our piece.
PLAYBOY: The rcsponsc to that is that you
werc also selective in
to the poll in which townspeople gave their
view of the situation.
WALLACE: My answer to that is “Baloney!”
Take a look at the newspaper; it was stun-
ning, because what it did was to convict
the townspeople of Polo out of their own
PLAYBOY: But what about the repercus-
sions? You portrayed the town as filled
with heartless monsters, then picked up
your camera and left. After your broad-
cast, there were calls and hate mail from
throughout the nation threatening the
entire population. The mayor was forced
to move. Don’t you think there might have
been soine balance in the piece?
WALLACE: I was satisfied that I was telling
an accurate story. The fact that the girl
had died shortly before we put the piece on
the air was an indication of how sick she'd
really been.
PLAYBOY: OK, let's move on to onc of
Harry Reasoner's stories. You did a con-
troversial piece on the Illinois Power
Company concerning cost overruns on
construction of a nuclear facility; after
your broadcast, the company was able to
demonstrate inaccuracies. In fact, it dis-
tributed a film demonstrating them.
REASONER: Well, on the contrary. In the
Illinois Power Company story, with which
I am intimately familiar, for obvious rea-
sons, the company did tape everything we
did. And it made an hour-long piece, com-
pared with our 15-minute piece. We had
two inaccuracies: We had misread a chart,
which we admitted on the air, and we had
an error in judgment in that we had had
an interview with the officer of the nuclear-
power commission, or whatever it’s called,
that was verbose. We chose to paraphrase
it and we shouldn't have; we should have
used the guy. That was one inaccuracy,
one error in judgment. Everything else we
said was understated. The cost overruns
are at this point approximately four times
as bad as we said they were at the time.
PLAYBOY: You were forced to make on-the-
air corrections, presumably because the
company was distributing the film. Per-
haps you might not have if not for that
REASONER: Among other things, the com-
pany people finished their piece with a pic-
ture of my doing a concluding statement
across the lake from their power plant.
And as I was talking, they superimposed
Lincoln’s quote “You can fool some of the
people some of the time but not all of the
people all of the time.” Well, in the first
place, it was a shrewd thing to do. But in
the second place, it turned out that
Lincoln probably never said it, and if he
did, he did not say it in Clinton, Illinois.
PLAYBOY: You televised a story critical of
the power of the Mormon Church in Utah
and of its efforts to take control of a mem-
ber's farm. It didn’t hold up, did it?
REASONER: | think we didn’t have i
don’t think we . . . I think it was a legi
mate idea and a legitimate story, but I
don’t think we had the documentation.
PLAYBOY: It certainly appeared that there
was some substance to the story. Why do
you feel it wasn’t there?
REASONER: My fecling was—when the
story first came up—because any church
has very great secular power, you have
potential problems. I mean, it was true
when Massachusetts and Connecticut
were overwhelmingly Catholic, and it's
been true in a lot of places and I thought it
was true in Utah. [Reflective pause] I don't
think it was an inaccurate story. I just
don't think we established it.
PLAYBOY: So it's a mixed record; despite
your many triumphs of innovative report-
ing, the Westmoreland casc is continuing
and Mike now has to go to court over the
story he did exposing Lieutenant Colonel
Anthony Herbert, the officer who claimed
that atrocities had been covered up by the
high command in Vietnam.
REASONER: It’s not Mike's year. Right or
wrong, it's a pain in the neck.
PLAYBOY: 60 Minutes has also spawned a
new cottage industry: teaching business-
men and politicians and the Pentagon how
to dcal with television interviews.
SAFER: I think that's about as valid an
industry as snake oil.
PLAYBOY: Arc they selling the public a bill
of goods?
SAFER: How can they know what 60 Min-
utes wants to do when most of the time, we
don't know what 60 Minutes wants to do?
These guys have no understanding of jour-
nalism. They have no real feel for what
reporters think, what the process is. They
think it’s all cut and dried: Step A follows
step B. Journalism is erratic. It’s often
irrational. It’s the way certain facts fall
into place. There is no process.
PLAYBOY: Businesspeople sometimes do
perceive 60 Minutes as being against big
business, given the number of corporate
targets you've gone after.
HEWITT: If we're perceived as being against
big business, well, we're a big business
ourselves. We're probably a bigger busi-
ness than what we usually report on. Busi-
ness is antimedia. And the media are
antibusiness; there's a very simple reason.
There are only two things a businessman
ever wants said about himself: what he
pays his advertising agency to say and
what he pays his PR people to say. I would
love to go through life, if I were a car com-
pany, with people thinking that everybody
who worked for me was named Mr.
Goodwrench—or, if I were a tobacco com-
pany, that people thought my middle
name was low tar and nicotine. That’s
why businesspeople go up the wall: We
play with their carefully manicured image
PLAYBOY: As you said, CBS is a very large
business. How often have you taken on
CBS itself?
HEWITT: Well, we've taken on CBS once,
when we did a story on press junkets and
said, “These are bad things for reporters.
to go on and CBS runs them.”
PLAYBOY: What else?
HEWITT: We also took on the Ford Pinto,
and Ford is one of our biggest advertisers.
Ford dropped off that week but came back
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the next. We also took on the breakfast-
food companies, which are among our big-
gest advertisers. I think we're living in an
era when people expect us to do that.
PLAYBOY: Some of your critics, whether
corporate or individual, bring up the
charge of "selective editing." How do you
HEWITT: Good God, Гуе never known a
newspaperman in my life who didn't edit
PLAYBOY: Don't you concede a potential for
distortion in your clioice of the outtakes
that aren't useful to a story?
HEWITT: No, wait a minute. That's a very
important point. Outtakes are the news
that isn't fit to print. Outtakes are what we
put into the wastebasket. It’s just that
everybody has a right to come in and rum-
mage around in our wastebasket. The
newspapers have found that words like
outtakes sound evil, “All right, Louie,
what did you do with the outtakes?”
That’s ridiculous! Outtakes are what we
decide is not worth putting on the air.
PLAYBOY: What about the issue of
oversimplifying, of trying to get every
story down to 12 or 14 minute:
SAFER: That's a tough question. I don't
know. I think we try like hell to be fair.
But space is the curse of all journalism,
whether you're writing for The New York
Times or PLAYBOY Or us.
PLAYBOY: Have there been occasions when
you've bent the rules in putting together a
REASONER: There are the CBS standards
that say, for example, that you cannot usc
a question from onc part of the interview
with an answer from another. You cannot
Stage; you cannot re-enact unless you say
you're doing it. But you know the rules
when you do a story. Normally, unless it’s
a very important person whose time is
very valuable, we shoot with one camera.
"That means you shoot reverse questions.
You're shooting over the subject's shoulder
to get the correspondents asking questions
for editing purposes. There is a famous
story about why the rule that an
interviewee must stay while you do the
reverse shots, even though you don't need
him, was made. When Walter Ulbricht
was the Communist head of East Ger-
many, Dan Schorr, then with CBS, got a
rare interview with him. It was a real
coup; it ran for a half hour on prime time.
‚A month or so later, Paley was in Europe
and had dinner with Schorr. He said,
“That was a great interview! What I don't
understand, though, is how you could dare
to be so tough on him.” Dan said, “Oh, he
wasn't there then.” The next day, the rule
came down to have the interviewee stay
and listen to the questions. [Laughs]
SAFER: Now we have very strict rules about
ng. I can't recite them all to you, but
they're here.
PLAYBOY: Give us an example.
SAFER: Well, we can't do what you do
all the time and what newspapers do
all the time— which is perfectly legitimate,
by the way—and that is to edit out of
time sequence. If during this Interview
we were finishing and you ended up
saying, “Thank you very much, and by the
way, did you ever commit a crime?" and I
said, “Oh, yeah, I robbed a bank in 1948.
I got away with $50,000," I think 1 know
what your lead would be. Right?
PLAYBOY: Probably.
SAFER: You'd take that exchange and put it
at the beginning of your Interview and go
from there. We can't do it that way. lt
doesn’t mean that we do things absolutely
chronologically. We might put that quote
up at the top, but we would have to go
through this torturous dance to explain
what we were doing.
PLAYBOY: The mechanical requirements
are simply different. Splicing film is more
exacting than editing in print, granted.
But the contextual integrity is the issue.
SAFER: Come on, with you guys in print, if
the guy said it, the guy said it. It doesn't
matter where in the piece you put it. But it
matters where in the piece we put it. Our
critics say, “You took it out of context.”
Well, you guys take it out of context all the
time! Our rules—which I think are not
good rules, by the way—are a lot tougher.
PLAYBOY: They're not good? Why not?
SAFER: Some of them are just foolish. We
shouldn't be compelled to be fair; we
should be fair, period. But I think some of
the minutiae of the editing process are
silly. I guess there has never been any
other form of journalism so acutely exam-
ined as ours.
PLAYBOY: By the print media?
SAFER: Of course! [With some exasperation]
And not just by the print media, but by the
public, by the people we go out and do
stories on!
PLAYBOY: When you go out and do a story,
do you find that the celebrity of being one
of the 60 Minutes correspondents has an
effect on you?
SAFER: I think it makes you seek what you
used to assume—privacy or anonymity or
whatever you want to call it. Sometimes
you have questions about people: Are they
being nice simply because they want to
know somebody who's visible?
PLAYBOY: But the show provides access,
SAFER: People return your calls. You usu-
ally get a table ata restaurant. And profes-
sionally, it's good. If somebody doesn’t
want to give you an interview, he wouldn't
give it to Jesus Christ if he called.
PLAYBOY: Don, how do you keep your fect
on the ground with all the attention your
people get?
HEWITT: Whatever the egos are here, what-
ever happens, for some reason 1 don't
really understand, we generate a lot of
psychic energy in this office. And we're
able to project that psychic energy through
the tube every Sunday. This place is an.
amalgam of talents, and nobody around
here ever gets too big for his britches. The
secretaries will slap me down if I do it.
And that’s why it works, by the way.
Because to make the right decisions, I
can't be Don Hewitt, producer of 60 Min-
utes; I have to be Don Hewitt, Joe Viewer.
I have a very healthy respect for the Lions,
the Kiwanians, the traveling salesmen.
The one thing I can't abide is elitists.
PLAYBOY: Whether or not you have people
1o remind you that you're mortal, you still
have a great deal of power.
HEWITT: I never think of myself as power-
ful. I’m always stunned when people say it.
PLAYBOY: But you must realize that you
HEWITT: Probably, yes. But it doesn't com-
pute in my head.
PLAYBOY: Nevertheless, running America's
number-one-rated show is a fact—as is the
possibility that you could dictate to the
viewer or be as manipulative as you
wanted with the audience.
HEWITT: Hey, wait a minute. I don't know
what you mean by manipulative. How is
that any different from what PLAYBOY does
with its readers? Anyone can be manipu-
lative. The Pope can be manipulative.
[Testily] I don't know what the hell that
PLAYBOY: Effectively, that once you estab-
lish contact with the viewers and draw
them in—once you have them "in the
tent"— you can do whatever you choose.
HEWITT: Yeah, more or less. But one of the
things I’m always curious about is, if our
TV critics look at that [points to office TV.
set] as the boob tube, why are they always
on our backs? We may have elevated the
boob tube and helped cultivate a little of
that vast wasteland!
PLAYBOY: You've never used your position
to make a political statement or take a
stand. Why?
HEWITT: I’m ideologically neuter. Today 1
may love Ronald Reagan, but by this
afternoon, I may hate him. One of the rea-
sons this broadcast is successful is that it
has no point of view. But I don’t take posi-
tions, because I don’t know enough to do
that. I'm always bored and astounded by
editorial writers who decide they know
what to tell the world.
PLAYBOY: You believe in the wisdom of the
HEWITT: I like the masses. I hate the left
wing and the right wing, but I like the peo-
ple in the great middle wing.
PLAYBOY: Because they're buffeted on
either side by absolutes?
HEWITT: Right! Right! That's true. I’m not
so egomaniacal that Im going to tell peo-
ple what's right and what's wrong. Every-
body who works here is Idle-class and
proud of being middle-class. We may live a
lot better than most because we make a lot
of money, but we still have middle-class
PLAYBOY: What about the show's becoming
too middle-class, too bland? Some people
feel that with fewer confrontations and
other encounters, the show has developed.
middle-age spread.
HEWITT: I don't know. We've been on the
air for 16 years, and we’re still doing better
than a 35 percent share of the audience
every Sunday night. Middle-age spread? I
hope not. I go in every Sunday as if it’s
both the first and the last show I'll ever do.
PLAYBOY: Morley, Don feels that the broad-
cast appeals to the great middle class.
How, given your salaries and perks, can
you maintain your perspective?
SAFER: That's a fair question but not only
to highly paid, highly visible jour-
nalists —a fair question for every reporter,
induding somebody on a small-town
newspaper, because reporters as a breed
tend to be pretty arrogant, to feel, if not
above the crowd, then apart from the
crowd. It's a strength and a weakness at
the same time. But does a doctor stop
being a doctor when he becomes rich? I
think he feels the same responsibility. If
уоште a professional, you're able to sepa-
rate your life. Look, I was a reporter in the
street at 19 and never went to college. So,
obviously, my perceptions aren't that
much different from most people's.
PLAYBOY: Diane, Don has been talking
about the program's basic appeal to Joe
Viewer, to the middle class. With your
background as a Junior Miss and in
Wellesley College and the Nixon White
House, and now the big salary, can you
share the perspective of the middle class?
SAWYER: I care about the same things.
First of all—I don't know who you think I
am! My grandparents on both sides were
farmers. I am from a terrific, probably
very middle-class family, and I care about
the same things the viewer cares about.
PLAYBOY: OK. Ed, how do you manage to
get away from big-time journalism and all
its trappings?
BRADLEY: I have a friend, singer Jimmy
Buffett. From time to time, I go on thc
road with him and play in the band. I play
the tambourine or the cowbell, with the
most god-awful beat you've ever heard.
But it’s a wonderful feeling for me to get
out and do that.
PLAYBOY: You seem the most restless; is it
possible you might move on?
BRADLEY: I don't see myself being here 20
years from now. I’m 43 years old. Jeez, I
don't want to do this for another 20 years.
I don't know. Maybe now I have to start
looking, but I've never thought that way
and I don't want to start now. Maybe Pm
just too stubborn to change. But it has
always taken care of itself. When I get to
that fork in the road, Pll make that
decision—but not until I rcach that fork.
PLAYBOY: You're shortly going to be
renegotiating your contract. Do you have
many options besides 60 Minutes?
BRADLEY: No, there are more options on
the way up than when you’re there at the
top. There's a lot of room to maneuver on
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the bottom of the pyramid, but when
you’re at the top or ncar the top, there’s
not much room.
PLAYBOY: There's always Pai
BRADLEY: [Laughs] Yep. Yep. Joe Masraff,
who was kind of my mentor in Paris—Joe
taught mc how to cook, among other
things—I used to tell him, "When I get
back from Vietnam, I'm going to save
about $30,000 and come back to Paris and
retire." Well, the last time I saw Joe, he
said, "So, my friend, you must have the
$30,000 to retire on." I said, “Well, Joe,
you know how it is with inflation and all.”
PLAYBOY: Harry, what do you say about
keeping your feet on the ground amid all
the wealth and fame?
REASONER: James Kilpatrick, the conserv-
ative columnist, once said that all report-
ers should remember that even though
they're invited to sup at the homes of the
powerful they should remember that
tomorrow they may be begging for crumbs
at the kitchen door. Your clout is because
you're CBS or рглүувоу or The New York
Times. It's not because it's you.
PLAYBOY: Let's finish by returning to the
theme of what makes this show tick. It
doesn't appear to have much to do with a
Harvard Business School approach to
management or organization.
SAFER: [Laughs] 105 haphazard, very
much unplanned. People write books
about the broadcast and analyze it as if
Hewitt and the rest of us sat around this
big table plotting this show.
PLAYBOY: There don’t seem to be a lot of
rules and regulations around here. No
memos or mectings?
BRADLEY: I’ve got a memo here on my desk
somewhere. [Searches through papers] This
is the second memo I’ve received from
Don Hewitt in four years [laughs]. We
don’t have memos and we don’t have staff
SAWYER: My first week here, I kept walk-
ing around, looking for any clue about
how things worked. And then it occurred
to me, it’s like... it's like going to a
mixer; there’s no form. There are just sim-
ple communications, and you find a pro-
ducer in the hall and you say, “What do
you think about . . . 2" And maybe he'll
say, “I don’t like it," and then you'll walk
on to the next producer and say, "What do
you think about... ?" and he'll say, “I
love it!” and you've got yourself a story.
PLAYBOY: Don has supposedly written only
two memos in 16 years?
SAWYER: And held one meeting, which was
a disaster, in 1967. The tone is set at every
level; you don't have to doa story if you're.
not interested in it, You learn that very
carly. The correspondents and the produc-
ers and the researchers never have to do a
story. At every level, you have the option
of saying, “I'm not interested in this one.
that only people
are part of it.
PLAYBOY: Do you, like the others, expect to
have turf problems?
SAWYER: Well, initially, everyone has been
extraordinarily generous about producers
and about stories and about letting me get
my fect wet. What happens a ycar from
now—check in with me. Let's see what it’s
like when a story is thrown out into the
middle of the floor and we all have to go
for it.
PLAYBOY: Harry, do you think 60 Minutes
can last much longer at its present peak?
REASONER: I would guess so. Even if a
decline began, or an erosion, which would
not be too surprising after 16 years, I don't
think there would be a dramatic erosion.
In other words, 1 don't think 60 Minutes
would be number three one ycar and num-
ber 30 the next. But there may not be any
decline at all. As long as Don Hewitt
retains his 16 years of wonder and amaze-
ment at the fact that people can talk on
film, 1 guess we're all right.
PLAYBOY: Morley, do you have any criti-
cisms of the broadcast?
SAFER: They would probably be benign.
PLAYBOY: Benign criticisms are better than
SAFER: Oh, I don’t know. They really are
benign. Well, one of them is not so benign,
but I’m not going to tell you what it
PLAYBOY: Go ahead.
SAFER: You won't tell anybody, right?
PLAYBOY: No, it’s just between you and us.
SAFER: Га like to see more soft pieces—
arts pieces—on the air.
PLAYBOY: That's pretty benign. But
wouldn't you lose some of your audience?
SAFER: 1 think that when you have thc
advantage of what 60 Minules covers, you
can do it. We wouldn't do it if it weren't
interesting. I'm probably the only one who
would say that. I would also like to feel less
compelled to tic things into neat packages
and to leave some time to explain the con-
tradictions. It may tend to leave some peo-
ple confused. That's not a bad thing.
PLAYBOY: Ed, as you look back someday at
your career and your visible success, what
will you think about?
BRADLEY: Thc good things wc'vc been able
to do, the places we've been. I still want to
go back to Vietnam or Pakistan. Here
[pointing to a picture on the wall of himself
in the mounlains of Pakistan]. This is me in
the Khyber Pass. For me to be able to
stand up in the Khyber Pass and say,
“Boy, here’s little Butch Bradley from
West Philly. Alexander the Great passed
through here 2500 years ago"—God, I
mean, that's a kick!
I had to write a new will a few years
ago. My divorce was final and I had to
make some changes. What did I do with
the thing? [Searches messy desk] Here. The
last line, sce? It says that the last five per-
cent of my assets should be used to toss a
party with as much food and drink the
money will allow. When it's time to punch
out, if you had some fun, what more can
you ask for?
WALLACE: Partly because of the way things
are run, by and large, 60 Minutes is the
happiest shop Гус ever worked in.
Another part is a matter of pride in our
work and our success. Of course, I’ve got-
ten older, too. And I've gotten to the
point, at 66, where people don't get angry
at an old man. When you're 46, you get
angry; by the time уоште 66, уоште a
PLAYBOY: In your book, you say that
your epitaph—we're talking prematurely
way I do.
PLAYBOY: Your epitaph would be ToucH—
BUT Fair. Anything to add to that?
WALLACE: Not a thing.
PLAYBOY: And looking back on your carcer?
Contented? Vindicated?
WALLACE: Fulfilled, yes. Look, I paid my
dues along the way. Little by little, found
myself. Gave up some things, conceivably,
in pursuit of my profession. I don’t say
there are no regrets. I made some choices,
But by and large, I can’t think of a more
useful way to have spent a professional life.
And if there have been some casualties
along the way, you make choices and live
with those choices.
PLAYBOY: Don, onc thing scems to be clear
about this show's success: You've had a
group of idiosyncratic journalists and have
imposed virtually no structure on them.
That way, when your imitators say, “W
should structure it the way they do —
HEWITT: [Excitedly] That's right! That's
why they can’t do it! There’s a lot of
schlock out there. Nationally, ABC’s mag-
azine is OK, but NBC has been to the
well—how many times?—and come back
dry with First Tuesday or Second Saturday
or Holy Thursday. They keep looking at the
structure and they keep finding that this is
not structure; this is people. It’s just a
bunch of people, and if you ask us how do
we do it, we can’t tell you!
PLAYBOY: There’s no recipe.
HEWITT: There's no recipe. Absolutely;
you've got it. [Laughs heartily] The reason
nobody else can fake this cake is that
there’s no recipe for it. And that’s why the
network leaves us alone, because they fig-
ure the whole fucking thing is so fragile.
You know, it could fall apart. If a big gust
of wind came along, it might blow the
whole thing over, and they don’t want to
mess with it, The corporate brass get to
testify before the Senate on how much of a
national institution we've become—but
they have no idea how the hell it works!
Hell, it’s luck, as I said. You're looking
at a man upon whom God bestowed Mike
Wallace, Morley Safer, Harry Reasoner,
Ed Bradley, once Dan Rather and now
Diane Sawyer. A man with just enough
common sense to know what to do with the
Not if I keep playing tennis the
Its enough to make you want to set lost.
(continued from page 86)
“This one could be juicy. Maybe it is someone
famous got bumped off in there."
inside the pad. "There on the floor, in the
bedroom, is Rita’s customer. He is naked
and he's dead, which is, of course, two
problems—who he is and how he got
dead— before they should move him. Hall
and Gleason, being rookies, Gleason being
distracted, do not sec the first one.
“Hall goes by the book and calls the
paramedics. Unfortunately, she makes a
rookie mistake when she does this and
employs her radio. This, of course, is mon-
itored by all the fucking press. Therefore,
when the medics arrive at the Monaco,
they have got some company, those bas-
tards with their goddamned notebooks
and their microphones. This could be a
murder, right? In those new apartments?
High-priced doctors, lawyers, shrinks?
This onc could be juicy. Maybe it is some-
one famous got bumped off in there.
“Manager wins all those turds—he
won't let them upstairs. This means Hall
and Gleason still do not know that they're
down there. Paramedics get through all
right. They look at the guy. Looks to them
like natural causes, which means they can
move him. Wrap him up and cart him out,
which leaves Hall and Gleason in there
with just Rita. They get her calmed down
a little, which they mostly do by leaving.
Rita's work is hard to do when there's a
corpse in with her, but having two cops to
replace it doesn't pleasc her, either.
"Hall and Gleason go downstairs,
where they meet the reporters. This is also
something which they have not become
used to. Those turds ask them lots of ques-
tions, which they try to answer. All they
really know, of course, is where the medics
took him. Name, age and address are
things that they never got to ask him.
“Therefore, all the press turds immediately
start calling Hope Memorial, which is
where the medical examiner wanted him
delivered. And, of course, all the hospital
knows is that it was a heart attack, ‘acute
myocardial infarction.” But who had this
attack they don't know any more'n we do.
“Consequently,” Kiley said, “Wormser
starts getting all these calls from the hospi-
tal and the fucking press: "Who the hell is
he? And Wormser don't know, either. So
he gets on the radio, which is the only way
"It's two am., Debbie. Give him his blow job
and get him out of here!”
he can get in touch with Hall and Gleason,
and he tells them, ‘Go back to the Monaco
and find out who this son of a bitch is."
And the press hears all of that, too, but 1
guess they're not paying attention or
“Hall and Gleason go back to see Rita,”
Kiley said, “and by now, about an hour's
gone by and Rita's entertaining a new cus-
tomer. Which she don't want Hall and
Gleason coming in to see who he is,
because this isn't good for business, either,
guy's lying there as naked as two snakes
and all of a sudden two cops come in, sec
him all tied down with his cock ng up
in the air- So Rita won't let them in. And
they tell her, ‘OK, then bring the dead
guy's clothes out and give them to us, and
we'll leave you alone with this new weirdo
you got in there.” And Rita thinks this is
probably the best deal she's gonna get
from them, so she does it and hands the
guy’s clothes out to them.
"They find the wallet," Kiley said.
“They get on the radio and read the LD.
off to Wormser. Which is, of course, that
the dead guy is Steven Audette, who hap-
pens to be the superintendent of schools in
Maynardville, docs not live in the Monaco
apartments and therefore had no good rea-
son to turn up dead with no clothes on in
them. The press turds arc naturally inter-
ested in this, and they arc on Wormser
now like he was a big tasty dog and they
were all саз who were really hungry.
“Wormser does not do what he should
have done," Kiley said, "which is get
ahold of me in court and get me back here
to run this damned thing. Hc is going to
prove what a valuable man he is. He is
going to be sure that this is rcally Steven
Audette that died of a heart attack in
Rita's pleasure palace. He tells them to
check the wallet for a motor-vehicle regis-
tration, and there is one, for Steven
Audette’s brand-new Chrysler Town &
Country, and then to check the parking
lots around the Monaco and see if such a
car is there. And it is, naturally, a nice
white new one, in which is sitting Steven
Audette's mother. Who had been to sce
her doctor in the Monaco while her son
was apparently dropping dead in Rita’s
“They find the old lady sitting there in
the car and they ask her where her son is,
and she tells them he is in the Monaco sce-
ing his doctor while she is secing hers. And
they want no part of telling her what has
happened to old Steven, of course, so they
say, ‘Right, Mrs. Audette. Tell you what,
all right? Your son has been taken ill and
he's down at the Spellman Hospital, and
we will take you down there so you can see
him, OK?" And the old lady is naturally
upset, but not as upset as she's going to be
when somebody tells her that her darling
boy is fucking dead, and that is why they
are being so smart when they say he is in
the hospital. So if she takes a fit or some-
thing when she finds out what really hap-
pened, there will be lots of doctors and
nurses around to catch her before she hits
the deck.
“They take her down to the Spellman,”
Kiley said, “and they walk her in there,
nice and slow, and they put her in the
chapel, so that she can pray for him. And
they tell Father Lynch what they think is
the truth, so he will break it to her gently,
like those priests know how to do.
“And he was shit-faced," Kiley said.
“So he tells them this is no problem, and
he goes into the chapel where she is kneel-
ing down and praying and he says to her,
“Mrs. Audette” And she says, ‘Yes.’ And
he says, “Your son is dead.’ Like you would
say to me, ‘Your fly’s open.” And that is
when she has her attack.
“So,” Kiley said, “they are feeling rea-
sonably good that they at least knew
enough to get her to the hospital before
this jerk wallops her with the bad news,
and they call in. And Wormser, by then,
has been talking to Rita, who has got
another problem now. Which is that she
has got a customer and a suit of clothes in
her apartment which do not go with each
other, and this nice man named Audette
docsn't want to start any trouble or any-
thing that would get his name in the paper
about his patronizing whorchouses, but it
looks likc the cops took his clothes and
would they please bring them back? And
that is the first clue we get that we may
have a small problem here.”
“Wonderful,” the chief said.
“That is one word for it, maybe,” Kiley
said. “So, where we stand now, if we do
have this thing straightened out like we
think we have, Steven Audette has got his
own clothes back on, and he is at the Spell-
man with his mother in intensive care.
And he does not wish to make any fuss
about this, even though it obviously has
not made him happy. When his mother
wakes up, he will tell her that she must
have dreamed it when the priest told her
that her son was dead, and he thinks he
can get her to believe that. Which means
that if we can keep this thing reasonably
quiet, he will probably not sue us.
“We have got also," Kiley said, “the
dead guy at Hope Memorial. And we
should have him identified, like I said,
before five. There is no foul play there,
though, so that is no problem.
“In other words, Chief,” he said, “not
that I am recommending this as normal
procedure, but I think we have got this
whole mess under control now.”
"Sure we have," the chief sai
lutely. Unless you count Rita."
“I don't follow,” Kiley said.
"You don't?" the chief said. “No, well,
that should not surprise me. Rita now is as
sale as if she was in church. Don't you
understand that, Buster? She is running a
fucking brothel in the Monaco apart-
ments, where they don't want such busi-
nesses. What she's doing is against the
law. But now we can't stop her, can we?
Because if that manager calls up and tells
us we have to grab her, or somebody
decides that she rolled him while he was in
there with his pants off, and we go to get
her, she will look us in the eye and say,
*Audette. If we arrest her, she will tell
everybody all about this afternoon. Which
will mean that Steven Audette then will
have no reason not to sue us for damned
near killing his old mother. Which means
that we can't arrest old Rita now for doing
anything. Now do you see why I liked it so
much better when she was doing business
in the goddamned bowling alley?”
“Yeah,” Kiley said, "I guess I do.”
"Good," the chief said forcefully.
“Now, there is one more thing. You know
this whore, am I right? And she is pretty
“More or less,” Kiley said. “More or
less, I do. She is pretty smart”
“Good,” the chief said again. “Then
you ask her for me, just out of curiosity, all
right? Make it very plain to her, I don’t
plan to do anything. But ask her, Buster,
when you see her, she do this on purpose?
Did she switch those pants on us so that
this would happen?”
“Jesus H. Christ," Kiley said, drawing
in his breath. “You know, I bet she did.”
“Yeah,” the chicf said, “but you will not
bet with me. When this broad says the feex
is in, she is not kidding.”
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(continued from page 105)
“After all, how many transsexuals do you know who
own computers? One, two, three at the most, right?”
the computer salesman. “Feast your eyes
on this.” He held up a small box glistening
with virgin shrink wrap.
“Inside this box is something called a
modem. With this little number sitting on
the dash of your computer, you can meet
Needless to say, Aaron was intrigued.
Here, at last, was a truly practical reason
for buying a computer. A pox on Lotus
1-2-3! The figures he wanted to manipu-
late had asset curves far beyond those of
the ordinary spread sheet. The 1500-c.c.
roar of the twin Kawasakis was little more
than a whisper in his memory now.
Aaron gave the salesman a small plastic
card and the salesman gave him a com-
puter and a modem. Aaron rushed home
to set it all up and, before long, he was on
line, modem to modem, with a smooth-
typing lady firefighter named HOTSTUF
35. A month later, Aaron, who since had
changed his name to BULGE 151, and
HOTSTUF, who turned out to be aptly
named, got it on in a Grand Prix in the
parking lot of a hardware store.
What changed our friend Aaron's life—
and is changing thousands more lives like
his every day—is a phenomenon known,
loosely, as computer dating.
No, this isn't like the agencies that
sprang up in the late Sixties and Seventies
that claimed to be able to match you
with the perfect mate. They offered little
more than a high-tech blind date. The
computer was making all the compati
ity judgments; you were just along for the
ride. This is something different—a whole
new way of making the primal connection
right from the computer terminal in your.
own home.
Tt was inevitable, of course, that the
computer revolution and the sexual revo-
lution would come together at some point,
though most scientists had expressed
doubts. Indced, for a long time, sociolo-
gists had bcen worried about the aliena-
tion factor in microcomputing. Thousands
of people's staring glassy-eyed at CRTs,
they concluded, was bound to interfere
with normal social interaction. No interac-
tion meant no babies. The human race
was in jeopardy. The great masses of
people necessary for our lifestyle would
disappear. First the crowds would go, then
the audiences, then the spectators. Soon,
such great institutions as stand-up comedy
and state fairs would dic. .
Well, the experts needn’t have been con-
cerned. The basic drives are alive and well
in the computer age. My personal studics
have shown that long hours spent staring
ata CRT have only a positive effect on my
libido. In fact, the longer I stare, the morc
positive the effect.
So it's not surprising that once it
became possible for computers to talk to
one another, most of the conversations
naturally fell to human concerns, prima-
rily the alleviation of sexual tension. Man
does not interface by shiclded cable alone.
The cost factor helped move thin
along. In recent times, the price of com-
puters has dropped sharply. It is now pos-
sible for almost anyone to join the
chip-switching brigade for only a few
Computerbucks. A Computerbuck, for
those of you who don't own computers, is a
variable denomination somewhat like a
betting chip. Its value at any time is deter-
mined by how much you want a particular
piece of hardware or software. Hardware
and software come in discrete multiples of
$100 bills; hence, the need for a device like
Computerbucks, which can reduce your
Cost to practically nothing. Say, for exam-
ple, you want a modem that costs S600
and your budget will allow only $400.
That $200 difference is instantly converted
to Computerbucks, which you can arbi-
trarily decide are worth far more to
you than, say, Foodbucks or cven
Rentbucks. In the face of such a bargain,
you buy the modem you want.
Fully equipped and shorn of only а few
Computerbucks, thousands began to expe-
rience the joy of telecomputing. Systems
were devised to enable these people to
handle their CRT-induced desires. In thc
beginning, the systems grew naturally out
of electronic mail, which itself began as an
adjunct to data-base systems. A data base
is simply a large computer crammed with
information, accessible by way of the
phone lines using a computer and a mo-
dem. Somconc discovered that you could
call a big computer, type a message on the
system and then someone else, somewhere
else, could call up the system and read
the message you left. It was marvelous, it
was instantaneous, it was anonymous. The
last was the magic word. People have a
tendency to let it all hang out when they're
No one knows exactly how this got
started. Rumor has it that late at night,
when hackers were busy POKEing and
PEEKing, strange glitches sometimes
appeared on the screen:
Such a message would take the average
computer nerd by surprise, but the ranks
of nerddom have swelled lately to include
plenty of fully organic and operational
human specimens, male and female.
These pioneers, fresh from the singles
bars, recognize right away the call of the
broad-breasted puffpecker and reach into
their bag of clever retorts, put-downs and
general mating-ritual banter for a suitable
Thus, the dance begins. A connection
has been made. Granted, right now it's
just a couple of thousand dimly flickering
lights on a screen. But you're actually talk-
ing to another person, not a machine. The
potential is there.
As luck would have it, there were
enough people who enjoyed computer
trysting to spawn many dedicated on-line
sexually oriented (S.O.) bulletin-board
systems (B.B.S.). So I fired up my modem
and took a tour. The first thing I learned
was that you can’t tell a system by its
Take the case of GENDERNET. I ran
across it while poring over the lists ofhun-
dreds of B.B.S. that have suddenly sprung
up out of nowhere. It sounded like just
what I was looking for: a B.B.S. specifi-
cally for the netting of the opposite gender.
I was wrong. GENDERNET turned out to
be a system for transsexuals and trans-
vestites. It is not a dating service but bills
itself as an "information source for the
transvestite, transsexual, spouse and sup-
port professional."
I am quite happy with both my sex and
my clothing. But a good reporter couldn't
possibly pass up an operation like that—
especially when he realized that he was
witness to an incredible statistic. After all,
how many transsexuals do you know who
own computers? One, two, three at the
most, right? Well, assuming that that's
about the national average for each person
(and that some of us know the same trans-
sexuals), even with the transvestite varia-
ble (we can't really know who's wearing
what), there still don't seem to be enough
transvestite/sexuals cum computers to sup-
port such a data base. Yet there it was. I
felt a little like Kevin McCarthy in Inva-
sion of the Body Snatchers.
As long as I was on line, I pushed a few
buttons to bring up the menu. Every data
base has a menu of possible selections:
special files, programs, letters, recipes and
assorted weird items. I chose *ASK THE
SHRIN an advice column for what
GENDERNET called T.V.s and T.S.s:
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Frankly, I had expected a more percep-
tive answer from Dear Counselor. Doesn't
he/she realize that Sally is in the majority:
women who can recognize a good thing
when they see one? What’s got Sally
knocked out over T.V.ism is the oral sex
that's been coming along with it. Sim-
ple Pavlovian theory says that every time
Sally sees her mate in high heels, she
knows she's going to get her bell rung. It's
a wonder she doesn't blow the grocery
moncy on pumps for Prince Charming.
While all this may provide you and me
with a chance to second guess the prob-
lems of strangers, apparently a real need is
GENDERNET, there was no place a
computing cross dresser could turn for
advice—and certainly his long-suffering
wife was up the creek. The brave new
world of computerized sexual frankness
has opened electronic inroads to all sorts
being served bere. After all,
of communities.
Let's say, for instance, you're a nudist
and your friend is a swinger. You want to
get in touch with other nudists and swing-
ers around the country. You and your
friend have only a quarter between you
What do you do? You call ODYSSEY II
If the folks on GENDERNET scem to
have only questions about their sexuality,
the folks at ODYSSEY II have only
answers. You say you like skinny-dipping
in the open air? ODYSSEY II can line you
up with the nearest clover-decked meadow
and enough fellow knickerphobes for a
Maypole dance. Or maybe you'd just like
toget together with another nice couple for
a little sushi and four-way sex. No prob-
In the growing (it seems) tradition of
sexual B.B.S., ODYSSEY II has married
two heretofore unrelated sexual proclivi-
ties. (Presumably, we will soon have the
foot fetishists and the fellators banded
together on the HOOFNMOUTH net-
work, while the onanists and the heavy
breathers chat on the VIBRAPHONE cir-
cuit.) What it has going for it is a fair
amount of style. You pay a fee for member-
ship, wait a few days and you are sent a
password and a handsomely prepared
user's manual. All the information about
you is coded so no one knows who you
really are, The messages on ODYSSEY
II's board are frank and to the point:
FROM—> FRED G-u512 45b
TO 45b
FROM-> KENB-454S #45
“Now will you have a vasectomy?”
FRON-> ROBERT P- 8457 #85
Propositions here run the gamut from
hot-tubbing parties to what one user
described as a “tropical snorkeling adven-
ture with optional sex.”
It occurs to me that І may have been
leading you to believe that all this com-
puter phone cruising is a simple matter. It
is not. At times, it is every bit as frustrat-
ing as the ordinary round of bar hopping.
The pitfalls are many. To begin with,
there is the computer itself. Most of those
on the market are so new—and so new to
their owners—that smooth modeming is
out of the question. I have discovered that
factories actually send you only every
other page ofan instruction manual. They
keep the rest to read to you when you call
them for help. This is known as technical
Familiarity with your hardware is essen-
tial. If you're going to try chatting up some
of the girls on these lines, you'd better
know how to snap vour keys. No female
hacker worth her code name is going to sit
around waiting for you to dope out your
owner’s manual so you can answer her
proposition. Life's too short, and tele-
phone time is money.
Besides the modem, you also have to
learn how to operate your communica-
tions program. A proper program is char-
acterized by almost total convolution. To
achieve a parallel, therefore, the instruc-
tions must be undecipherable. The
instructions for my program, one of the
simplest, run a full 15 pages. The program
contains six primary options, 13 secondary
options and ten tertiary options, each rep-
resented by combinations of one, two or
three alphabetic characters. There are
three uses for the letter T alone. All ofthis
must be committed to memory.
Every B.B.S. has its own protocols and
signals as well. You're subjected to endless
troductions and bulletins and menus
and lists of commands. There is no sense
in trying to memorize these, since they will
change with the next B.B.S. Commands,
incidentally, are one-, two- or three-letter
codes, Ik ths. Aftr a whl u strt 2 thnk Ik tht.
Another significant problem is that
most of these boards are run by a single
person on a single computer with a single
telephone line. Indeed, anybody with a
low-cost computer and a modem, plus a
B.BS. program, can start his own sex-talk
circuit. The maintenance costs are practi-
cally nil (just a few Computerbucks), since.
you never call out; other people always
call in. The drawbacks are that you have
to maintain your system and you cannot
use your computer or your phone line
while your B.B.S. is in operation.
The consequence to the user of this kind
of home-owned utility is that he can try for
weeks to get on a system only to find that
he has to apply for a password. Or that the
system is just for gay carpenters. Or that
the flesh pool is so shallow that he can’t
get a good match-up. Or that the board is
simply boring.
The person who runs the B.B.S. is
called a sysop, a truncated form of system
operator. It can be fun being a sysop, espe-
cially if you like soap opera. You see, the
sysop gets to sit in front of the terminal
where all the action scrolls past. He can
read anything you type in and everything
your addressee writes back. He has unlim-
ited power over the board. If he doesn't
like your style, it’s a simple matter for him
to erase your name and password from
memory. If you’re the sysop on a good
board, it’s better than daytime TV.
I talked with a sysop on a good board
called the SYSLAVE network. The
SYSLAVE network is known as the kinki-
est in L.A., a city where such a distinction
rightly evokes awe. The B.B.S. is called
SYSLAVE because the sysops are slaves to
their systems. Heh, heh.
Our sysop, SYSLAVE #27, had some
interesting statistics to offer. For instance,
the odds. The board, at the time I talked
with him, had 250 users, and only 25 were
women. Now, unless we're talking very
healthy women here, your chances of mak-
ing a score are about equal to those of the
guys in San Quentin. SYSLAVE #27
claimed that usage of the system increased.
at certain times: for example, after Christ-
mas, when everybody got a new computer.
Considering some of the text found on this
B.B.S., one might also suspect full moons
and low tides
There are actually seven boards in the
entire network, including SYSLAVE
500, which is more or less hetero, BAR-
RACKS, which is heavily gay, FRATER-
NITY, which is light gay, and LEATHER
AND LACE East and West, which I felt it
prudent not to ask about. All of these are
naughty-naughty boards. If you're into
candlelight and romance and nonacces-
sorized lovemaking, yowll feel like a
brown shoe here.
SYSLAVE #27 says he watches the
action whenever he can, and no wonder. If
you think Dynasty is hot, you should try
the participatory drama unfolding on the
"I remember once we started getting
calls from a woman in Atlanta named
PEACH 451,” he says. “She began to cor-
respond with a Los Angeles woman named
MOM 125.
“After talking with her for a while on
the B.B.S., MOM invited PEACH out for
2 visit. Well, when Peach arrived, MOM
was out on a date and PEACH decided to
take a stroll on Hollywood Boulevard.
PEACH, apparently, had a penchant for
suggestive—well, hooker-type—clothes,
and, of course, she was immediately
arrested for prostitution. Eventually,
MOM had to go down and bail PEACH.
out. They got to be great friends, and they.
still talk about the party they had in the
old firehouse when PEACH would climb
to the top of the firepole and slide down
onto a waiting face at the bottom, Her
thighs were chapped for weeks.”
Lam sure that PEACH and MOM could
be great fun. But to me, firepole antics do
not spell meaningful relationship. I went
in search of something a little less Barnum
& Bailey. I found Marc the Martian's
Mixed-up Matching and Message
MMMMMMAI, as it is designated, is
typical of the mainstream computer meat
markets. You begin with a questionnaire
calculated to reveal to all who access it
much more than you would tell a perfect
stranger at any meeting. Sure, exaggera-
tion is possible; so is lying. But if you want
to get a righteous match-up, you're almost
compelled to answer in total honesty. Gar-
bage in, garbage out, as they say. Most of
these questionnaires go on for much longer
than the average college-entrance exam, so
Гуе selected a few choice queries just to
give you an idea of what you're up against.
What, for instance, would your answers
be to:
“Here in my country, everyone is for the woman’s movement.
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(plus 734% sales tax for TN delivery.) and, in all probability, get an answer back.
Mail to Lynchburgor call toll-free name z = (please print)
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CST) M-F. address
1 don't know what your black book is like,
but that's considerably more women than
are in my active file. I chose a few high
= = я numbers and called up their question-
maires, selecting the option “answers
Lay mail to: PLAYBOY only." My first choice was COUGAR, an و ا قا
50A Main Street, Lynchburg, TN 37352 [GMB a ET TREE NEED incredible 87 percent match:
=> СА
You've got to be slightly intrigued by
someone who says she has red eyes. I took
the answer “Psychotic/in need of profes-
sional help" to be probably the most
truthful choice for anybody on the circuit,
but COUGAR probably meant it to be
cute. The most telling answer is the mys-
terious entry "another brand of com-
puter." When you figure that there arc
more than ten major, high-consumer-
profile computers listed and she has
"another brand,” you have to assume you
are dealing with a rebel. I made a note to
keep COUGAR in mind for when I'm
You con spot them onywhere. Their groom-
ing is greot, their clothes stunning. They
toke care of themselves ond they enhance
their oppearonce with a rich bronze tan.
They're onew generotion- the thousands of
ойе men ond women who have discov.
ered thot Silver Soloriumston better safer
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thot burn ond age the skin. And they ton
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Call oll free right now:
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feeling wild and crazy.
What I was really interested in, though,
was finding someone who could tell me
what it was like to be electronically wooed,
as opposed to the old hands-on method.
No one sexually active for less than four
years could tell you that. That's why I was
happy to run into VIXEN. At the age of
40, she could remember when men and
women sought each other's physical com-
pany for a date. With 21 calls, VIXEN
was also a veteran of the B.B.S. If you
went to the same bar 21 times, you'd be
entitled to your own stool. On a computer
system, they might give you an extra
E-mail slot. Thanks to the miracles of
modern science, I don't even have to
describe VIXEN to you. I can just punch
a few keys and call up her stats:
=> СА
-» 112 POUNDS
When I finally talked with VIXE
was not so much a revelation as a confir-
mation of the potential of the computer
dating systems. As a single mother and a
free-lance writer, both time- and energy-
consuming occupations, she was the kind
of person who could take full advantage of
remote-control flirting. And she did. Not
only that, but she seemed to like it —even
prefer it. Her handle, she said, appeared
on a number of systems, and she had been
corresponding regularly with several men
around the country. Naturally, I won-
dered why she had taken to this new form
with such enthusiasm.
“1 like it because it’s a level of commu-
nication that I haven't experienced before
and because it's also very new. As a writer,
1 feel I have an advantage. I can put the
right words together. For instance, I tried
to pick a good handle, one that would
arouse curiosity. I tend to communicate a
lot with other writers. It's natural, because
they'll be sitting using their computers as
word processors and then they'll need to
play hooky for a while, so they'll just
switch over to telecommunications.
“Particularly when I’m working a lot, I
don’t have time to go out and circulate.
This is a way of meeting people without
even going out. It's very intimate in a
strange way. People feel safer with technol-
ogy than they do with each other. I don’t
have any anxieties about talking to a
stranger, because I have time to compose
myself and decide what my opening shots
going to be. There’s no chance I’m going
to get nervous and spill my drink down
somebody’s Pierre Cardin. I don’t even
have to get dressed up!”
hats one improvement over singles
bars, but what about the reliability of the
person on the other end of the line? Are
people more truthful sitting at a computer
terminal than they are sitting at a bar?
“I'm honest when I answer the ques-
tions," VIXEN said, “but I find that a lot
of people aren't. Most of them lie about
three areas, basically: their weight, their
age and their marital status. For instance, a
man will log on as a single and actually be
married. lt often happens that someone
will write to me and I'll look up his ques-
tionnaire and it will say MARRIED BUT
AVAILABLE, which is one of the choices
you have. About 20 to 25 percent of my mail
is from men who are MARRIED BUT
AVAILABLE. I think its great if they
want to call up and talk but not if they want
to тесі.
“I also find there is a tendency to be
very honest in the so-called private corre-
spondence on the board. You do get to
know people at a certain level of intimacy.”
And what makes that honesty and that
intimacy possible between strangers?
“There's no threat, there's no chance of
face-to-face rejection. If I have to tell
somebody, ‘No, I’m not interested in a
relationship with someone — who's
attached, he doesn't have to hear that
from my mouth, so it makes it a little eas-
ier to be honest.”
It's unclear at this point what effect the
introduction of honesty into male-female
relationships will have. It’s certainly revo-
lutionary; but, as usual, nobody has stud-
ied the long-term effects. We may find that
it’s destructive. In a way, for example, it
allows people to be more callous in the
conduct of their social life. On the other
hand, a certain forthrightness may be wel-
come. What does seem to be happening is
that roles are becoming equal. Words on a
CRT have no gender. Traditional bowing
and curtsying is at best awkward and
strangely out of place in the formal, hard-
logic environment of the computer. There
is, for some, a tendency to come on strong.
“Гуе experimented with the degree of
aggressiveness I can get away with,”
VIXEN admitted, “as well as ways of
dealing with men’s aggressiveness, the
kind that always made me feel vulnerable
and uncertain. There are a lot of men who
will log in and their first letter reads, Let's
do it.’ Now, I don't know what their suc-
cess rate is, but I feel that people would try
that a lot quicker on the computer than in
a bar. In other words, they can experiment
with that kind of come-on to see what the
reaction will be. But basically, most men
have their acts together about how to
approach a lady.
“Just recently, Гуе been corresponding
with a man who’s a gourmet cook and a
hypnotist. I told him to send me his latest
low-cal recipe and he sent me one for gar-
lic chicken. I sent him one back for
gazpacho. Now we're negotiating about a
glazed roast duck.”
That certainly is a back-door approach.
I haven't run into the old low-cal-recipe
ploy in quite a while. But the question is,
When do you graduate from gazpacho to
“J like these relationships to take weeks
or even months before I meet the person.
This guy might be interesting. He’s more
my age. I get a lot of letters from 20-year-
olds who are ‘into older women . . . can't
wait to get together . . . you won't be
sorry . . "—that line.
“T usually delay the meeting as long as
possible. If Pve been writing with a guy
for a while and he says, ‘Listen, I really
want to meet you. | think Гуе proved that
Tm not an ax murderer or anything.
Please, please have lunch with mel of
course, I have to consider it. But you know
way before the meeting if the chemistry
will work.”
"This time-frame expansion is an inter-
esting idea, especially to those of us who
have a tendency to rush into relationships
headfirst. “Ап inability to postpone grati-
fication” is the way the psychologists
describe it, as though it were a dysfunc-
tion. But how do you get the fires burning
with this well-tempered woo pitching? Is it
possible to turn a girl on simply by tickling
her bits?
VIXEN found out it was.
“One time, I was left a very long and
explicit letter by a guy who claimed to be
an 18-year-old surfer and who, it turned
out, wasn’t. And although I was offended,
because I had been played along, I did get
off. 1 read it and 1 was aroused. I've found
it to be astonishingly stimulating to read
sexually explicit text on the computer. 1
printed out that letter and saved it,”
So what is the compctition like on these
boards? Does an average guy have a
chance with a girl whose weekly E-mail
approaches 60K? Surprise! The meek are
inheriting the phone lincs. The grcat
equalizer is no longer the Colt 45. Now, if
you'te fast on the keyboard, you can make
the Eighties woman swoon. You can catch
an eye with a deftly placed ellipsis or raise
goose bumps with a sensuous comma—
and all well before thc lady even knows
what you look like. Bulging muscles or
even a bulging fly simply will not com-
pute. If the merchandise isn't on the top
floor, milady will quickly shop elsewhere.
“Most of the original people on these
boards were computer-oriented,” VIXEN
said, “but recently, there have been a lot of
new people who aren't part of that clique
of technocrats. Now you have people with
much broader interests
“You get into those interests rather than
concentrating on the usual surface cle-
ments of a person. The result is that 1
started to date a guy I never would have
looked at twice because to me, physical
appearance has always meant a lot; 1
mean, he wouldn't have had a shot! I find
I'm more willing to suspend that now that
we've gotten close over the computer lines.
Now I can just enjoy a person-to-person
relationship with him.”
Best of all, on a dating-system board,
your persona can be changed as casily as
typing іп a new one. If you're not getting
the desired results, a change in one answer
on your questionnaire may be all it takes
to turn your luck—an advantage VIXEN
is not loath to exploit.
“I once had on my stats that I liked
‘health food’ but I kept getting guys who
wanted to take me to health-food restau-
rants. I love health food, but I hate the
restaurants. So I changed it to ‘French.’ ”
The promise of the computer has always
been to make our lives easier and more
productive. In extending that promise to
our sex lives, a new era in computing has
begun. We are witnessing a quantum leap
in sex accessibility unparalleled since the
invention of the front-release bra. It’s a
great time to be alive
Ordinary typewriters can only put words on paper.
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(continued from page 130)
“T had detected no uncertainty in her. I felt that
maybe the gamble had failed and I had lost her.”
believed the world was mad. A loving per-
son. Her mind and her speech went olf at
funny tangents. It made some people irri-
table. Not me.”
Oh, no. Certainly not you!”
Kid. Jean. I am talking about your
mother, and you never got to know her.
Maybe you want to know a little bit about
“Not from you!”
"She was with me for a few months. She
stayed aboard this houseboat with me. I
was involved in something at the time. A
friend of mine had been killed. Tush
Bannon. Some people wanted his land. In
the process of finding out who killed him
and why, some other people got killed or
got badly hurt. Puss was especially good
with Janine, Tush's widow. Sometimes she
would . . . go off somewhere inside herself,
out of touch. It seemed odd. Meyer—he's
my best friend —"
“T know."
“Не noticed it, too. We talked about it,
and we decided it was probably something
about her divorce."
“What divorce?
“So I found out.”
She stood up. “What's the point of all
this? You'd lie to me. You lied to her. You'd.
lie to anybody, wouldn't you? After I
watched you walk by me on the beach, I
knew you were my father. I was hoping
you weren't. I can't make you sorry,
because you haven't got any conscience at
all. And that is giving me some pretty
wonderful thoughts about my heredity,
Dad. Sorry I went to all the trouble. You
aren't even worth that much. You are so
smooth and plausible, you make me sick.
You worked a scam on her, but it won't
work on me.”
She was never
“Tt nourishes me."
"I have a farewell letter from your
“Do you hate her so much you don’t
even want to read i?”
“I never said I hated her!”
“What is your opinion of her?”
“OK, I guess she wasn’t very smart
about people. Why should I tell you my
opinion of her
“I want to know why you arc afraid to
read her letter to me.”
“Afraid? Bullshit! Let me see it.”
“It’s one of the few things in my life
worth keeping in a safe-deposit box.”
w liber:
“The bank is closed. It will open Mon-
day morning at ten. I don’t want you to
think I have any possible way of tricking
you. I had no idea you existed, so I
couldn't have faked a letter in expectation
you'd show up someday.” 1 wrote the
name and address of the bank on a slip
of paper. “Meet me there at ten in the
“I don't want to meet you anywhere,
I took the chance. “OK. Then don’t
bother. I'll be there in case you change
your mind. In case you decide it might be
hice to know something more about your
mother than you do. It'll be a better check
on your heredity, kid. Now get out
"Tomorrow you may grow up a little, and
when you do, then ГЇЇ want to talk to you.
But not now, not the way you are now.
Good night."
I matched her flat and level stare until
she spun and left. I had detected no uncer-
tainty in her. I felt that maybe the gamble.
had failed and I had lost her. I went out
slowly and saw her, far down the pier,
walking swiftly under the dock lights.
I wanted to tell Meyer, but not yet. Not
now. I didn’t want to tell anybody while
I was still trying to comprehend what
had happened to me. I saw the cat she
had been trying to leave. It had been flat-
tened in our little fracas. I straightened it
out, went in and put it with the others.
I could recall every plane and texture of
her face, recall the timbre of her voice, the
style of her movements—all in sweetly
excruciating detail. Some strange mecha-
nism in my head was projecting color
slides of all the familiar parts of my life. I
seemed to hear the click as cach slide fell
into place. Everything familiar had
assumed a different shape, sharper out-
lines, purer kind of color. It seemed very
much to me like the strangeness that hap-
pens after you have spent weeks in a hospi-
tal, when you come back out again into the
world, seing everything fresh—a stop
light, a brown dog, a yellow bus. Some-
thing has changed the world and washed it
I paced the lounge and paced the sun
deck half the night, thinking about her,
wondering if she would be there. 1 knew
she had to be there. H Puss and I had
given her anything at all, it would be a
sense of fairness.
When the hard winds of change blow
through your life, they blow away a lot of
structures you thought permanent, expos-
ing what you thought was trivia, buried
and forgotten. The sweet, soft taste of the
side of the throat of Puss Killian. The
rough and husky edge of her voice as her.
laughter stopped. The small things are
lasting things.
Monday came in with a hard winter
rain and a steady wind. I awoke with the
conviction that I would never sce Jean
again. She was half real and half imag-
ined. I was too restless to have anything.
but coffee, too edgy to keep my attention
on any small manufactured boat chore.
Wind tilted and creaked the houseboat
again and again.
Finally, Í put on foul-weather gear, a
complete set, with hood, in the electric
orange-red of the gloves and flags they
wave at you at road-construction sites. It is
useful when anyone falls overboard in
heavy weather, to become the only dot of
color in a steep, gray, surging world.
I started walking so early that I was at
the bank by 9:15, and 1 knew that if I tried
to just stand there and wait, I would be
maniacal by ten o'dock. So I went striding
past the bank and kept walking for a mcas-
ured 23 minutes. A mile and something.
"Turned on the mark and went back, but
got to the bank at five of ten. Had I found
shelter in the entrance, І wouldn't have
been able to see her coming. So I stood out
in the rz It made such a deafening clat-
ter against the crisp plastic of the hood
that I could not hear the traffic sounds. I
kept turning my head like a man at a ten-
nis match, because I did not know from
which direction she would arrive.
"Ten o'clock. Five after. Ten after. And I
knew ithad been a bad gamble. From the
two of us she would have gotten an
unforgiving stubbornness, stronger than
the sense of fair play. The rain was heav-
ier. It bounced high off the asphalt, an
eight-inch curtain fringe of loncly silver
rain. I could stand there until it ended and
nothing would change.
She came moments later at a hard run,
with a transparent raincoat over her
sweater and jeans, her hair tucked into a.
shower cap. Her face looked set and pallid,
her lips almost colorless. We went in and
stood over at one side, dripping onto the
bank's giant rug. I pushed my hood back
and she pulled her shower cap off and
shook her hair out.
o we play your game, Mr. McGee,
whatever it is.”
“I was beginning to think you wouldn't
“I nearly didn’t.”
“Where are you staying?”
“What's that got to do with anything?”
“J guess it was social conversation.”
"Don't waste it on me.”
So she walked with me back to the
vault arca, where I signed the card and
gave the tall black attendant my key. She
buzzed the gate open and we followed her
back to the aisle where my box was. I
pulled it out and took it to one of the little
rooms where people clip their coupons and
closed the door. There were two ch;
“Who says they don't make "em anymore like they used to?”
front of the countertop, a lamp with a
green shade, scissors on a chain.
Before I opened the box, I took off the
rain jacket and pushed my sleeves up. I
showed her that my hands were empty,
then opened the box lid and reached in
and took out the letters, took Puss's from
the thin stack and handed it to her. Then I
told her to wait a moment. I took some
other things out of the box and said, as I
showed them to her, “This is a picture of
your paternal grandfather standing beside
his automobile long ago. It is an Essex.
This is a picture of your paternal grand-
mother sitting on the steps of a vacation
cottage on a lake you never heard of. This
is your uncle, who died young. And this is
a picture of ycur mother."
She had been feigning indifference until
I showed her Puss's picture. She took it
from me and read the inscription aloud,
"Chocolate peanut-butter love." She
looked at me questioningly.
“A private joke.”
“She was lovely, really lovely!”
“Now, if you wouldn't mind reading the
letter aloud? Careful unfolding it. The
paper has cracked in a couple of places.”
“Why should I read it aloud?"
“Because your voice quality is a lot like
Sheshrugged, unfolded it, began reading.
Old dear darling, I said one time
that I would write it down to get it
straight for you, and so I have and
even had the eerie idea you might be
able to read all the words between the
words. The name was right. I lied
about that. But the town wasn't, and
Chicago isn't the town, either. And
there was no divorce. And I love Paul
very dearly and have all along, and.
love you, too, but not quite as much.
That lousy Meyer and his lousy law.
Get a pretty girl to kiss Old Ugly and.
tell him he was absolutely right. You
see, my dear, about six months before
you met me on the beach with that
living pincushion stuck into the sole of
my foot, they took a little monster out
of my head, maybe as big as an
English walnut, almost, and with
three stumpy little legs, like a spider.
Half a spider. And the men in white
dug around in my head to try to find
every little morsel of the beast,
because he turned out to be the bad
kind. So. . . I got over confusions and
got my memory all straightened out
again, and my hair grew back, and I
pinned an old buddy of mine to the
wall of his office and he leveled,
because he has known me long
enough to know I have enough saw-
dust to keep me solid. His guess was
one chance out of 50. No treatments
possible. Just go off and gct checked
every so often, bright lights in the
eyes, stand and touch the tip of your.
nose with your finger tip while keep-
ing the eyes closed. That stuff. And
pens drawing lines on little electric
charts. [ could accept it, my dear,
because life is very Шу and I have
busied up my years in good ways. But
I could not accept the kind of life that
went. with the waiting. Dear as Paul
is, he is a sentimental Kraut type, and
we had the awareness of the damned.
time bomb every waking moment. So
life became like a practice funeral,
with too many of our friends knowing.
it and everybody trying to be so
bloody sweet and compassionate dur-
ing a long farewell party. I began to.
think that if I lucked out, Pd be let-
ting them down. So | finally told Paul
“Oh, I hired a new secretary today. Poor
thing. Apparently, she's never been able to experience
orgasm with a man.”
that if it was the end of my life, it was
getting terribly damned dreary and
full of violin music, and I am a ran-
dom jolly type who does not care to
be stared at by people with their eyes
filling with tears. So I cashed in the
bonds for the education of the chil-
dren I'll never have, and I came
ahunting and I found you. Was ] too
eager to clamber into the sack? Too
greedy to fill every day with as much
life as would fit into it? Darling, I am
the grasshopper sort, and so are you,
and, bless you, there were dozens of
times every day I would completely
forget to sort of listen to what might
be happening inside my redheaded
skull. Be glad you jollied and romped
the redheaded lady as she was coming
around the clubhouse turn, heading
for the tape. She loved it. And you.
And how good we were together, in a
way that was not a disloyalty to Paul!
He is one of the dogged and steadfast
ones. Can you imagine being mar-
ried, dear, to Janine, great as she is,
and having her know you could be
fatally ill? She would mother you out
of your mind until you ran. As I ran.
But there was a little nagging feeling I
was having it all too good. I kept tell-
ing myself, Hell, girl, you deserve it.
And then hairy old Meyer and his
damned law about the hard thing to
do if the right thing to do. I suppose
you have been wondering about me
and maybe hating me a little. I had to
run from you exactly when I did and
how I did, or I couldn't have left at
all. You see, the dying have a special
obligation, too, my dear. To keep it
from being too selfish. I was depriving
Paul of his chance of being with me,
because it is all he is going to have of
me—all he did have of me—and I
was forgetting that I had to leave him
enough to last him long enough to get
him past the worst of it at least. The
darling has not done the interrogation
bit, and if he thinks or doesn’t think
there was a man in the scene, I
couldn't really say. You would like
each other. Anyway, the female of the
species is the eternal matchmaker,
and I have written thc longest letter of.
my life to Janine, all full of girl talk
and about living and dying, and I
have, I hope, conned her into spin-
ning a big, fancy pack of lies about
the Strange Vacation of Puss Killian,
because I am leaving her name and
address with Paul, saying that she
could tell him how I was and what
happened among people who didn't
know. It is a devious plot, mostly
because they would work well. Hc is а
research chemist and perhaps the
kindest man alive. Anyway, last week,
all of a sudden, the pupil of my big,
gorgeous left eye got twice as big as it
should, and they have been checking
and testing and giving me glassy
smiles, and I am mailing this en route
to the place where they are going to
open a trap door and take another
look. So they may clap the lid back on
and say the hell with it. Or they may
go in there and, without meaning to,
speed me on my journcy, or they may
turn me back into me for another
time, shorter or longer. But from the
talk around the store, the odds on the
last deal make the old odds seem like
a sure-thing bet. Do you understand
now? I’m scared. Of course Pm
scared. It's real black out there, and it
lasts a long time. But I have no
remorse, no regrets, because I left
when I had to, and Meyer got me
back in good season. Don't do any
brooding, because if I can try to be a
grownup, you ought to be able to take
a stab at it. Here's what you do, Trav
my darling. Find yourself a gaudy,
random, gorgeous grasshopper
wench, and lay aboard the Plymouth
and the provisions, and go funtiming
and suntiming up and down the
lovely bays. Find one of good appetite
and no thought of it being for keeps,
and romp the lassie sweetly and com-
pletely, and now and again, when she
is asleep and you are awake, and your
arms are around her and you are
sleeping like spoons, with her head
tucked under your ugly chin, pretend
Puss, who loved you.
At first it had been a mechanical read-
ing, but then she slowed. The words had
almost too much meaning for her to han-
dle. And for me to handle. I had closed my
eyes for a little while, pretending it was
Puss. But that was too much for me, and I
had to watch Jean as she read, watch the
slow tears, listen to the breaking voice.
Without looking at me, she folded it and
put it back into the box and said, “Can we
get out of here? Can we walk?”
We walked. She had the good, long
stride Puss had bequeathed her. We
walked back to the beach, where the hard
rain had pocked all the footprints out of
the sand above high mean tide. The wind-
driven waves curled and smacked. Kids
were out there, vague in the rain curtain,
surfing. Some G-stringed joggers passed
us. No talk. I knew she would talk when
she was ready.
Finally, we sat on onc of the small fat
fences that keep the parked cars off the
beach. The rain was casing.
“They did a Caesarean in the eighth
month, when they knew she was slipping
away. She was too far gone for labor. She
died the next day. 1. . . I just didn't know
all this!”
"She must have told her sister some-
thing about how she . . . about what it was
like between us.”
She thought that over, frowning.
“Maybe she did. I guess she probably did.
Maybe she told her husband, too. From
what Velma said, he was really great to my
mother after she came back. But he
couldn't handle having me. The arithmetic
was all wrong. Child of unknown person.
He fixed it with Velma to raise me with her
batch. Look, I love Velma and all my fos-
ter brothers and sisters. She didn't treat
me differently at all. Not in any way. She's
“Like my car—it talks and talks, but it
never says anything."
great. He sent money all the years, what
he thought was fair. Morc as prices went
up. I've never met him. I think he's a fine
person. I can understand him not wanting
me as a kid. I wasn't his kid.”
“I never knew she was pregnant. 1
never knew she was dying."
“I know that now, McGee. I thought
you knew all that stuff. 1 thought you just
didn't want to be involved. Let me tell you.
something—I wish they'd never told me.
No. Gross that out. I'm glad Velma told
me. Puss hurt a lot. Some of the stuff they
wanted to give her for pain would have
hurt the baby inside her. Me. So she stiffed
it out alone. For my sake. Loved me.”
She bent over, face against her knees.
She made a small sound of grief, lost in
the surf crashing and hissing.
Carefully, gently, 1 put my hand on her
shoulder. “Maybe Velma licd about me
because she didn’t want to lose you. She
didn’t want you to gct some kind of
romantic image of your beach-bum father
and come looking for me, ever. She know
you're here?”
She straightened and looked at me with
reddened eyes. “Oh, no. She thinks Pm
visiting a girlfriend in Santa Barbara.”
“Where is home?”
“Youngstown, Ohio. I graduated high
school last June.”
“You graduated from high school.”
She gave me a crooked, tear-stained
smile. “Old Dad takes over the grammar,
“Takes over whatever he can take over.
Whatever you'll let him take over. Have
you been working?”
“Ata Charming Shoppe. 105 a chain. I
worked through Christmas and quit.
Look, can I have a copy of that letter? To
“Why not? We'll walk back and get a
copy made at the bank."
She looked at me, her head tilted, her
expression puzzled.
“You know, I feel as if I've just gotten
over being sick, sick a long time. I used to.
dream about you dying. You were always
fat and bald.”
“At times I have a fat, bald disposition.
Look, Jean. It's just the same for me. That
strange feeling."
“How can it mean anything much to
you? You never knew I was alive, even."
I reached for her and she put her hands
in mine. “I don't know if I can say this. It
means more than 1 can say. It turns my life
upside down. It changes a lot of things I
thought 1 was. It’s some kind of door
opening for me. We've got lots of plans to
“Т said rotten things to you.”
“And enough of them were true.”
“No. Now I know what you're really
like. Puss is telling me in that letter what
you're like. She didn't know she was tell-
ing her daughter anything, but she was.”
And we walked back slowly, talking all
the way. There was a lifetime of good talk
ahead of из. There was another feeling I
had about myself, more difficult to grasp.
In the past few years, I had been ever
more uncomfortably aware that one day,
somewhere, I would take one last breath
and a great iron door would slam shut,
leaving me in darkness on the wrong side
of But now there was a window in
that door. A promise of light. A way to
It is May, early May, a lovely time of
year in Florida. We have taken the Busted
Flush north up the waterway to a place
where it opens into a broad bay. I have
dropped the hooks at a calm anchorage
well away from the channel and far enough
from the mangrove coast to let the south
breeze keep the spring bugs away
We have brought aboard pungent cal-
drons of Meyer’s special incomparable
chili and enough icy beer to make the chili
less lethal. How many of us are there?
Twenty? Thirty? Let's say a lot.
We are here, and there is music and
therc arc bad jokes, and so wc are all a lit-
tle bit longer in the tooth and have seen life
go up, down and sideways without any
rhyme or reason anyone can determine.
We laugh at tired old jokes because they
are old and tired and familiar, and it is
good to laugh.
1 get up and go ambling back through
the folk. A great day. I find Meyer up on
the sun deck, leaning against the aft rail,
alone for a change. He is now Unde
Meyer, a dispensation from my daughter,
Jean, that pleased him immensely.
We talked about Jean, about her latest
letter. “You two get talked out before she
left?" he asks.
“There's a couple of years of talk to
make up,” I say. “We'll have time. You get
a chance to look over the trust agreement
Frank sent you?”
“Good work," he says. “As a trustee, I
can vote to invade the principal in casc of
emergency. Sound.”
“She got one hell of a score on her col-
lege boards.”
“Three times you've told me, Travis.”
“And she's a horse bum. Imagine that.
A horse bum from Youngstown who is
going to go to a school of veterinary medi-
cine eventually. Imagine me fathering a
horse bum from Youngstown."
“Travis, she is handsome. She is tough
and good and staunch.”
I look at him. It strikes me that he has
not been surly or hostile at any time.
Lately I have been bringing out the worst
in people. No more.
He seems to know what I am thinking.
“How much went into the trust?" he asks.
"Everything!" I say.
He stares in consternation. “Every-
thing? Everything?"
“Well, I saved out about four hundred
bucks, and so I've got to scramble around
and find some salvage work real soon."
He puts his hand on my arm, beams at
me and says, "Welcome to the world."
Midnight Special.
(continued from page 114)
better way to round off your midnight
adventure than with a mellow, pungent,
lulling nightcap to carry you off to
sleep . . . and tender dreams.
(Four servings)
A simplified version of a zesty pasta dish
served at Lavin’s, a respected Man-
hattan restaurant. The recipe was adapted
for home use with the help of Lavin's exec-
utive chef.
1 Ib. fusilli (corkscrew pasta)
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup chicken stock or bouillon (canned
or reconstituted is OK)
2 shallots, peeled and halved
2-3 ozs. goat cheese, crumbled
Freshly ground pepper
Salt, to taste
Chopped toasted pecans or walnuts
Cook fusilli according to package direc-
tions until tender but still chewy—or to
taste. Meanwhile, combine cream and
stock in 2-quart saucepan. Fix shallot
halves on toothpick and add to pan, Bring
mixture to boil; reduce heat and simmer
for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Whisk
cheese into sauce, stirring until completely
dissolved. Remove shallots. Grind in
pepper to taste. Add salt only if
necessary; both stock and cheese are likely
to be well salted. When pasta is done,
drain well; then toss with prepared sauce.
Divide into portions and garnish gener-
ously with chopped nuts.
Note: Because of its “American foods”
policy, Lavin’s uses California goat cheese,
but a tangy, herbed chèvre would be equal-
ly compatible. Adding more cheese will
give the sauce body and zip.
(One serving)
Offered as a midnight snack at Trader
Vic establishments. Look closely and
you'll notice a startling similarity to the
classic eggs Benedict.
English muffin
2 slices smoked salmon
Pepper, optional
2 eggs
Hollandaise sauce
Romanoff salmon caviar
Split and toast English muffin. Put a
slice of smoked salmon on each half. Sprin-
kle with pepper, if desired. Poach eggs and
place on muffin halves. Top with hollan-
daise and garnish with a dab of salmon
Note: Decent, prepared hollandaise
“Say, how high is this slope, anyway?”
sauce is available in specialty food shops
and fancy supermarkets, and Knorr's dry-
mix hollandaise is widely distributed. 17
you prefer homemade, the sauce below
can be prepared in a jiffy.
M lb. (1 stick) butter
3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Ye teaspoon salt
Pepper, several grinds
Heat butter in small saucepan or frying
pan until bubbly; be careful not to brown.
Keep warm. Rinse blender cont:
hot water and dry. Add remaining
ents to blender container in order listed
above. Cover container; buzz at medium
speed until thoroughly mixed. Keep
blender running; shift cover to make open-
ing and pour in hot butter in slow, steady
stream. Use immediately or keep warm
in top of double boiler over hot water.
Leftover hollandaise should be stored in
(Four servings)
A version of the pizza presented at The
Piteria in Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
4 pitas (pocket breads)
Bottled pizza sauce or marinara sauce
1 can (4 ozs.) sliced mushrooms, drained
(or 4 large fresh mushrooms, sliced)
Ya lb. Monterey Jack or other semifirm
cheese, shredded
1 medium onion, sliced
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper, if desired
Gently flatten pitas; they tend to curl at
edges. Spread concave side of each with
thin layer of sauce. Divide sliced mush-
rooms among the pitas. Sprinkle a good
heavy coating of shredded cheese over
cach. It’s starting to look mighty like a
pizza. Toss onion slices in oil and arrange
over cheese. Place on cookie sheet and set
under broiler 5 to 6 ins. from flame. Check
after 2 minutes; these things burn casily.
Pizza is au point when cheese is bubbly
and starting to brown. You probably won't
want salt, but a little pepper might be
(Four servings)
1 can (7 ozs.) dark Italian tuna
1 can (20 ozs.) cannellini beans, drained
1 large ripe tomato, in wedges
1 small red onion, diced
6 globe radish liced
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice or wine vinegar
Freshly ground pepper
Romaine-lettuce leaves
Anchovies, rinsed and drained
Drain tuna, place in salad bowl and
flake. Add beans, tomato, onion and rad-
hes. Whisk oil and lemon juice to com-
bine and drizzle over salad. Add pepper to
taste; toss well. Spoon on lettuce leaves;
garnish with anchovies.
(Two servings)
Very popular in France—and gaining
fans in the States.
3 tablespoons sweet butter, softened
1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard
4 slices white bread
2 slices Emmentaler or fontina cheese
2 slices country ham
2 slices white meat of chicken
2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk
Pinch of salt, optional
“If Mr. Wonderful doesn't
come along soon, I may have to settle for
Mr. No Worse Than the Next Guy."
Combine butter and mustard; mix thor-
oughly. Spread lightly on one side of cach
bread slice. Make 2 sandwiches, with a
slice of cheese, ham and chick each.
Beat eggs moderately with milk, salt
lightly; pour into soup plate or piepan.
Dip sandwiches in egg mixture; turn them
until they've absorbed it all. Heat about 2
tablespoons butter in large skillet; sauté
sandwiches until both sides are golden
brown and cheese has melted. Cut sand-
nto quarters. Serve with swcet
pickles and potato chips.
(Two servings)
A tasty late-night snack from Santiago
Moneo of Casa Moneo in Manhattan.
Revueltos means “soft set,” which
describes the consistency of the huevos
2 tablespoons oil
1 ripe tomato, seeded and chopped
2 canned mild green chilies, chopped
1⁄4 small onion, chopped
4 cggs, beaten moderately
Heat oil in medium
tomato, chilies and onion; sauté over
medium heat until softened. Pour in eggs
and stir slowly with fork, pausing to let
eggs catch on bottom and sides. When
done, eggs will be moist and creamy, not
firm. May be served with hot refried beans
and tortillas—both available in fancy food
shops and supermarkets.
Quick-Fix Huevos Revueltos: Substitute
about Y cup La Victoria bottled salsa, or
other good prepared salsa, for the fresh
ingredients. Heat in pan with oil, add
beaten eggs and scramble, as above.
Superb! Note that salsa comes mild or hot.
Most people find the mild plenty caliente!
Hero Boy's James Del Orte suggests ап
Italian favorite as a sumptuous finale to a
memorable after-hours munch—mascar-
pone cheese and ripe strawberries. Mascar-
pone, a luscious triple cream cheese,
complements the tart-sweet berries beau-
tifully, Jimmy likes this with an extra-dry
sparkling wine or a dessert wine.
1% ozs. cognac
3 ozs. milk, chilled
% ripe banana, mashed
1 teaspoon superfine sugar, or to taste
Dash bitters
Y cup crushed ice
Place all ingredients but cinnamon in
chilled blender container. Buzz until just
smooth. Pour into chilled tall glass. Taste
for sweetness and correct, if necessary.
Dust surface lightly with cinnamon.
A midnight bite doesn’t have to be a
Tom Jones romp. For people who are truly
passionate about food, quality, not quan-
tity, is the criterion. Bon appétit!
Patient (ler before LC L. Process; center,
the patient, Juan Andujar undergoes the
procedure at International Cosmetic Labs,
performed by Dr. Max Mollick and a
female assistant
As a man who has tried everything
on my own thinning locks except the
sweat of a moose, | was always skep-
tical of all hair replacement ads, as
Menachem Begin is of President
Reagan's claim that AWACS planes in
Saudi Arabian hands would be “good
for Israel.”
With this in mind, | recently visited
International Cosmetic Labs, 209
Proiessional Building, Rt. 130,
Cinnaminson, N.J. 08077, after calling
(609) 829-4300 which has performed
thousands of medical procedures
during it's long existence
“This is not the same thing as a hair
transplant or a hair piece, or medical
implants", explained a medical
assistant. “It is designed for people
who still have some hair. We take a hair
sample from the customer and then
make the new preparation to blend
perfectly with it. The new preparation
is made of a combination of human and
synthetic hair."
While | waited for a nearly bald
customerto go through the procedure,
a handsome young man walked into
the International waiting room with a
head of thick, wavy hair.
"This was done here last week," ex-
plained Dr. Jack Rydell, a 25-year-old
chiropractor from central Jersey who
showed himself (before the procedure)
with a balding pate.
“I started losing my hair when | was
19. Some men don't care about this, but
Ido. | looked into hair transplants. but
they're too messy, and they cannot
thicken hair which | wanted to do.
They can never give you a natural look.
Now my hair looks just like it did when I
was 18.
Dr. Rydell said he is completely
satisfied with his "new hair", which
may cost anywhere from $1200 to
$3800. Iran my own fingers through his
hair, which looked and felt exactly like
thick hair. I yanked, but it did not come
Losing my skepticism quickly, |
watched as Juan Andujar, a 28-year-
old hairdresser from New Jersey who
was largely bald on top, underwent the
LC.L. Process. Dr. Max Mollick, a staff
physician of International Cosmetic
Labs applied fine hairlike retainers
throughout Andujars dome. Techni-
cians then started attaching hair fila-
ments, creating a full head of hair. A hair
We've all seen the ads on tv, a man with a billiard ball for a head suddenly has a head full of thick wavy hair. He's
swimming & playing tennis. Beautiful ladies mesmerized by his now wavy mane, and no matter howhard a disembodied
hand yanks, it can't upset a hair on his head, or his rosy disposition.
stylist then styled it, the whole process
taking about 3 hours. Andujar was ob-
viously pleased with the results.
Dr. Max Mollick is a radiologist who
has performed thousands of surgical
procedures. When asked about the
possibilities of infection, "We've seen
cases of minor infections but they've
been very rare, certainly no greater
than in anyothertype cf surgery. There
is also a lifetime warranty with this.
procedure. Also, the 1.C.L. Process is
totally reversable for those who worry
about that sort of thing.
The retainer material used in THE
LC.L. PROCESS has been used ex-
tensively in many parts of the world in
major heart surgery, for those of you
who care about such things, it is an
isotactic crystalline stereoisomer of a
linear hydrocarbon polymer containing
alittle or no unsaturation. Such retainer
material is not absorbable nor is it
subject to degradation or weakening
by the action of tissue enzymes. It is
resistant to involvement in infections.
There are no known contraindications
and for you doctors with your
medical Baedeckers handy, for further
data you may refer to THE JOURNAL
CIATION, March 10, 1962, Vol. 179, pp.
SURGERY, Vol. 52, No. 5. August 1967
or write International Cosmetic Labs.
“Does high-end audio succeed in its heaven-storming
ambitions? Of course it does.”
dinky little cranked-cylinder gadget would
come to this? It’s all for real, however, and
is actually a new overground area in stereo
hi-fi that includes other types of compo-
nents, each of which crawds or tops the
$10,000 mark. This heady realm is popu-
lated by a new breed of hi-fi buff known as
a high-ender. For this dedicated fidelity
devotee, audio could become more impor-
tant than eating. He is turned on not only
by the unmatched sound of such cquip-
ment but also by its exquisitely detailed
construction, the attention lavished by its
manufacturers on every aspect of the prod-
uct, from its painstakingly engineered
innards to the visual appeal of its housing
and the sexy compliance of its controls.
Using such equipment becomes an immer-
sion in a special kind of experience that is
almost tactile and visceral as well as
At its extreme, catering to such tastes
can become 2 matter more complex than
custom-tailoring a new suit. For example,
Wilson does not merely sell you his sys-
tem; he literally fine-tunes it to a specific
environment. The entire process, from ini-
tial acoustic measurements through the
final setup, takes three days.
The amplifiers used in such systems are
chosen from a select group of products
currently in favor among high enders. One
is the Krell KMA-200, a mono (single-
channel) power amp conservatively rated
for 200-watt output. A pair for sterco
comes to $7500. Among preamps now in
favor are the Krell KRS-1, at $6500; the
Swiss Physics SP-1, at $4000; the
Dennesen JC-80 (actually a pair of mono
preamps), at $3500; and the Spectral
DMC-10, a stereo unit with a separate
power supply to minimize hum and noise.
Its price is $2795. An additional $60 gets
you a see-through cover for viewing the
DMC-10's gold-plated circuit boards. If
you've got it, baby, flaunt it!
While the choice of amplification equip-
ment is relatively wide, there are only two
FM tuners that this group considers suit-
able mates for its supersystems. One is the
Sequerra Model 1, a $5000 unit featuring
built-in analyzers that display the charac-
teristics of a received signal. At only
$1195, the Tandberg TPT 3001A is a sur-
prisingly inexpensive alternative that
many claim outperforms the Sequcrra.
The most striking entry in the rarefied
realm of high-end equipment is the
Goldmund Reference turntable. It looks
like a piece of machinery from a space sta-
tion and—without a tonearm—costs a
cool $12,900. Many, even among the high
enders, are satisfied with the lower-priced
Goldmund Studio, which sells for a paltry
$2500—also minus a tonearm. The $7000
Nakamichi TX-1000 (without tonearm
but with a separate motor for centering a
disc on the spindle) has a following, while
an entry from Denon, the Model
DP-100M ($6200 with a servo-controlled
tonearm), is considered by many to be an
excellent alternative.
Turntable manufacturers, as a rule, also
offer tonearms, but there are tonearm spe-
cialists whose products have a unique
appeal. Prominent among this small group
right now is the $1400 Dennesen ABLT-1.
It's a linear model with air bearings that
“Well, so much for the northern lights.”
has a claimed tracking error of zero
degrees. You can’t get much better than
In phono cartridges, the universally
favored type is a moving coil. But which
one? Many would pick the $3500 lapis-
lazuli Kiseki, а hand-built cartridge that’s
about as exotic as the semiprecious stone
it’s made from. There's also a following for
another Japanese entry, the Koctsu onyx
Signature ($2250), while from Dutch
designer A. J. van den Hul comes the Type
1, which, at $1250, is claimed by many to
do as fine a job as any other in tracing
record grooves.
How does the new digital sound, specifi-
cally in the form of the compact disc (CD),
fit into this picture? Some high enders wel-
come the CD as a superior program source
with which they can show off their
splendid sound systems. Others feel that
while digital sound can be better than
analog sound in theory, not all CDs really
deliver the kind of legendary sonic superi-
arity their manufacturers claim for them.
Countering this view is one that holds
that the high enders’ indifference to the
CD is motivated by a desire to perpetuate
a kind of cultist tweakery that has grown
up around analog turntables, tonearms
and moving-coil cartridges.
This attitude, in turn, relates to the rela-
tively low interest high enders have in tape
recorders and an understandable paucity
of tape decks aimed at this group. In cas-
sette decks, the current favorites are the
‘Tandberg TCD 3014, at $1395, and the
Nakamichi Dragon, at $1850. For open-
reel devotees, there's the Mark Levinson
ML-5, at $14,400, which accepts reels of
up to 12% inches in diameter and runs at
the pro speeds of 15 and 30 inches per sec-
опа. Other favored units include the $9000
STC Nagra, with ten-and-a-half-inch
open-reel adapters, and the similarly
priced Stellavox.
Does high-end audio succeed in its
heaven-storming ambitions? Of course it
docs. All you need to convince yourself of
this is to attend a demonstration. Combine.
Wilsons WAMM with a pair of Krell
power amps, a Goldmund turntable and a.
Kiseki cartridge and, brother, you'll have
your sonic socks blown off,
But don't feel left out because your
budget can't match your new-found taste
for great sound. Like a Ferrari or a Rolls-
Royce, high-end audio has a limited mar-
ket. However, it continues to goad the
rest of the hi-fi industry, keeping the
mainstream manufacturers on their sonic
toes. As a result, a good deal of high-end
theory and practice docs filter down to
broader levels to make for better stereo
products in all price ranges. High-end
audio remains the peak of the mountain,
but the entire terrain is beautiful as a
result, and there is much beauty along the
slopes that is very affordable.
For smokers who prefer the convenience oí five more cigarettes per pack.
` Marlboro
Now, famous Marlboro Red
and Marlboro Lights are also available
in a eonvenient new 25% pack.
Not available in some areas. © Patio morris inc. 1985
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
Lights: 11 mg "'tar;' 0.7 mg nitotine— Kings: 17 mg “tar.” That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
1.1 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, by FTC method.
“Waters for teardrops.-
Dickels fordrinkin”
Candi inmy humble opinion, mixin "thetwos à ‘cryin’
shame. Cause Dickel goes down so smooth and easy, o )
need any company.
"Course, some folks dont see What way y Theyll mix this fine
Y Tennessee BR whisky with soda —who knows what.
Guess that aint all
| Hit werentloranc
wouldnt be r
x country)
ou think Knight Rider's souped-up Trans Am is hot?
You like the Millennium Falcon? They're heaps. With
the Etak Navigator, you can turn any junker into a
motorized mind. How? The Navigator displays your
position and destination ona view screen by means of a com-
pass, a computer and a memory full of maps. As you drive,
your position on the screen—marked by a triangle—remains
constant. The map moves past you, ensuring that whatever
streets lie ahead through the windshield appear on the
screen. Zoom in fora close-up; zoom out fora God's-eye view.
Then say goodbye to maps that never fold back up. With
a copilot like the Navigator, all you do is drive, baby, drive.
Below: Available this spring for 2000 square miles of the San Francisco area, Etak, Inc, will then zoom its computerized navigational system
in on Southern Califomia, followed by the East Coast and the Midwest. Two models are available: The 450, shown, with a 4%” screen on a
flexible stalk, is ideal for passenger cars, $1395; and the 700, with a 7" screen, is for cop cars, ambulances, etc, $1595. Computerized maps
of designated areas, $35 each. The open road will never be the same. Look for the unit at auto stereo and mobile communication stores.
Destinations can be se-
lected from an easy-to-
read street index stored
oneach EtakMap cassette.
The Etak Navigator map
can be zoomed in to
show a tight view of the
area surrounding the car.
After a destination has
been selected, the Navi-
gator displays the loca-
tion as a flashing star.
Punk rockers may not bow and face west when
the name Wally Haider is mentioned, but anyone
who's into big-band jazz knows that Haider's Los
Angeles sound studio was the home of many
movie and early-TV big-band productions. Now
Haider has dug into archives and put together a
selection of nine video tapes showcasing the tal-
ents of 33 bands. The tapes are $49.95 cach, sent.
to Swingtime Video, P.O. Box 3476, Hollywood,
California 90078. A frce catalog is available
Calvin Klein, watch your ass! A new fashion
movement is hanging in there, and wel lay odds
it's going to be stiff competition. We're talking
about Dingus Wear—yes, wearables for your
wang and designer duds for your dick. Dingus
Wear's most popular one-size-fits-all styles
indude a cowboy outfit, a chef's hat, jacket and
apron or a tux for $21.95 each sent to Dingus
Wear, P.O. Box 408343, Department B200,
Chicago 60640. It’s a whole new balls game.
Anyone who's ever set down
his drink at a party only to
discover that he couldn't
remember where he'd put it
or—even worse—to find that
it’s disappeared down some
other guest’s throat or been
dumped will appreciate the
ingenuity of Buffet Butler:
four 13" x 17" vinyl mats
with 12 numbers (1 to 12 or
13 to 24) and 12 letters (A to
L or M to X) printed on each
All you do is remember
that X (or whichever square
you choose) marks the spot
while you get up and boogie,
do a trick with a lamp shade
and a bar of soap, perform
your ever-popular impression
of Fay Wray masturbating
King Kong or put the heavy
moves on your hostess. A set
of Buffet Butler mats will set
you back $25 sent to
Stimuleye, Р.О. Box 187,
Worcester, Massachusetts
01602. Ring for the Butler.
He's got your drink.
Most coffee-table books cost and weigh a ton, and their glossy
pages filled with lovely photos of Etruscan frescoes never sce the
light of day. Then there's Great Bordellos of the World, a 254-page
illustrated history by Emmett Murphy (Quartet Books is the pub-
lisher), selling in bookstores for you'll have to chain to
your table. Chapters range from “Gods, C and Harloıs”
(those naughty Assyrians) to “Going Public,” a collection of con-
temporary cat houses. Say, on page 241—the little blonde bomb-
shell in the baby dolls. Isn't that your wife?
Now that Jonbil, Inc., has come out with
Long Haul trucker's jeans, it's eased on
down the road to another market that has
the smell of instant success— Long Haul
Cologne. Long Haul's scent has been
described as being as masculinc as a lug.
wrench, combining citrus with herbs and
spices— plus maybe a pinch of diesel
smoke and coffee grounds tossed in. A
four-ounce bottle goes for $18, from Long
Haul, P.O. Box 37, Highway 75, Chase
City, Virginia 23924. Well, smell you!
With a staff meeting at nine, a confer-
ence at 11 and a sales meeting from one
to five, it's not your fault that your girl-
friend told you to go take а flying fulo at
eight, when you forgot her birthday. At
least, that's the way we look at it, and so
does Remember, Inc., a company at 40
Freeman Place, Needham, Massachusetts
02192, that, for $30 annually, will
remember six special days you specify.
and send out cards. Sleep well, Mr. Big;
Remember, Inc. is awake.
With about 11,000,000 comput-
ers sold in North America last
ycar, you can bet your RAM
and ROM that there are going
to be at least a couple of million.
of them abandoned by thei
owners once the novelty wears
off. That's where International
Computer Orphanage steps in.
1.C.O. is an adoption agency for
computers at 6711 Mississauga
Road, Suite 103, Mississauga,
Ontario, L5N 2W3. Just $35
gets you membership and full
info on how to temporarily or
permanently adopt a used com-
puter. A Kaypro 2 for $999, or
$15.42 a day? That's not much
of'a byte, now, is it?
Richard Avedon's Lost Marilyns
arc the stuff that legends are
made of—four period photos
that Marilyn posed for in 1958
for Life magazine, cach depict-
ing a sex symbol of the past:
Lillian Russell (shown), Clara
Bow, Jean Harlow and Theda
Bara. Avedon had mislaid the
photos until about a year ago,
and now he's offering them as
20" x 28" posters through
Andrew Grenshaw, Lid., 407
East 75th Street, New York
10021, for $25 each, unsigned,
or $50 cach, signed. Avedon
reminisces that when Marilyn
saw the photos, she told him,
"I'm prouder of these than any
movie I've ever made.” We agree.
If you've ever wanted to pull
off a hat trick against
Edmonton, play in the world
series or score the winning
T.D. on Super Bowl Sun-
а radio-cassette re-creation
of a sporting event—anything
from baseball, en and
football to tennis, boxi
hockey and golf. Sound pm
and a professional announcer
add to the realism—who
wouldn't believe you knocked
out Ali in the seventh? For
more info, contact Hall of
Fame Tapes, P.O. Box 8908,
Rockville, Maryland 20856.
day, has Hall of Fame got
a deal for you. For 859.95,
it will make you the star of
Sheila E. Holds the Pickle
Oh, God, we don't know what to tell you. This guy can't
be located to tell the tale of singer/percussionist
SHEILA E. With Prince as her mentor, Sheila is climb-
ing the charts. And everything else.
Someday Our
Prince Will Come
In this year of androgyny,
PRINCE is king. His album and
movie Purple Rain went through
the roof. His concerts were the
hot tix t ler. He's respon-
sible for a bevy of women sing-
Sodo we care if he dresses
like Mozart?
FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD did not take America by the same storm that
captured Britain. It didn’t have much of a stage show, and its hits were too short.
But it has great slogans, and it's the only pop group we can remember that uses a
bunch of drag queens for an opening act. Too cute!
Wait a Minute, Mr. Postman
When LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM publicly whined about his love
life, hehad no idea how many women would be happy to make a
go ofitwith alonely millionaire. You think his troubles are over?
He has to answer all that mail!
Guitar Man
We watched SAMMY HAGAR’s album VOA move up the charts
this past winter and his single / Can't Drive 55 do the same. So
it's no wonder that when the Red Rocker performs, girls throw
red things onstage. It began with scarves but recently switched
to underwear. And Prince thought he was the only one?
Guns and Buttercups
SIAN ADEY JONES is a very attractive woman. She is also a former Miss
Wales, a model and an actress. If you'd like to see her poetry in
motion, catch the new James Bond film, A View to a Kill, in May.
Until then, we're going to fantasize about get-
ing arrested.
Howto tempt your lover
without wearing a fig leaf.
First there was light.
Followed soon thereafter
by man and woman, a.ka.
‚Adam and Eve. Then came
the business with the apple,
and before you could say
“You snake in the grass;
five zillion years went by
But all wasnt for naught,
because that fateful faux
pas not only altered the
history of haberdashery
but also inspired
the creation
of DeKuyper® Original Apple Barrel” Schnapps.
While the advent of apparel is certainly appreciated,
especially in sub-zero surroundings, the birth of DeKuyper
Apple Barrel Schnapps is universally ballyhooed.
All it takes is one teeny -weeny taste to convince you that
this refreshingly crisp blend selected from nine apple varieties
is the most sinfully delicious thing to happen to apples
since day one.
Whether youre throwing a posh garden
party or entertaining a party of one, succumb _
to the temptation of DeKuyper Apple Barrel A
Schnapps. It makes every Eve feel a little special. E M
DeKuyper Original Apple Barrel Schnapps
DeKuyper Original Apple Barrel Schnapps Liqueur, 48 Proof, John DeKuyper & Son, Elmwood Place, Ohio.
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