Full text of "PLAYBOY"
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"Light my Lucky”
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DO ANYTHING YOU WANT with us this month, just don't get near an
open flame. July's гілувоу ће most explosive magazine to hit the
stands in more than 30 days—is a sparkler.
The rockets’ red glare you see overhead heralds the arrival of
Chuck Yeager, breaking the PLAYBOY barrier with American Hero, a
memoir of the dawn of the space age. An excerpt from Bantam’s
Yeager: The Autobiography of Chuck Yeager, co-written by Leo Janos,
American Hero is a look back at the career of one of the world's fast-
est, most daring pilots—the exemplar of what Tom Wolfe called The
Right Stuff. Yeager says he's seen women and even a few golden
trout who clearly had it, but he’s still not sure what The Right Stuff
is. Whatever it may be, it’s all over American Hero, which boasts the
right illustration by Herb Davidson.
The spike is the stuff of great volleyball, and one dude with the
right spike is Indiana Hov, the Jupiter of beach deities. In Volleyball
ods, Mike Sager paints Hov as the bronze star ol a sport that's just
hitting the big time. But Hov wants the big time’s big money now.
He'll go on strike before he spikes for peanuts. He's getting manaad,
Will Hov follow V-ball's earlier gods into an endless summer of
obscurity? In his own words, “No waaaaaay!”
Is Rob Reiner a meathead? No waaaay! In this month's Playboy
Interview, the director of This [s Spinal Tap and The Sure Thing dis-
cusses everything from life as a showbiz kid to penis size to the
integrity of the National Enquirer with interviewer David Rosenthal.
Rob and his famous dad, Carl—who also took time to chat with us
this month—have already drawn more laughs than those two
famous Martins, Steve and Billy.
Jamie Lee Curtis can claim two noteworthy parents, Tony Curtis and
Janet Leigh. Her mom starred in the first slasher film and Jamie Lee's
career began that way, too; but since Halloween, she’s turned
screams into sighs with such gore-free delights as Love Leiters, Trad-
ing Places and Perfect, in which she plays the title role. After you've
stared at her picture for a while, read Jamie Lee’s perfect 20 answers
to David Rensin's 20 Questions.
Is head just a head game? In an oral examination called Who's in
Charge Here?, Susan Squire studies the dynamics of oral sex. Some
look down on it, but some say oral sex is just like any other kind of
sex, only tastier. Squire’s overview may turn your ideas on the sub-
ject upside down and inside out.
Look into fantasyland for out July fiction. Howard Waldrop's Heirs
of the Perisphere is a futuristic fantasia in which a familiar-looking
mouse and friends set out to find America in the 35th Century.
Donald E. Westlake’s Breathe Deep, winningly illustrated by David Wil-
cox, spotlights a Las Vegas loser out for revenge. We won't give away
the ending, but in this Vegas, the odds do not favor the house.
The odds have always favored James Bond, but 007 faced
Grace Jones, until she was cast in his new film adventure, A View to a
Kill. We call this month’s star pictorial Amazing Grace, and you'll
know why when you see Helmut Newton's photos of the amazing Miss
Jones and her boyfriend, Rocky IV’s Dolph Lundgren.
You say you don't go to the movies? You'll wait months to sec
Grace in the new Bond movie? You must be a videot. Join the
crowd. Printed-word apostate Paul Slansky offers an insider's tale of
the tape in The VCR Ate My Brain, which comes without an FBI WARN- |
ING but with a fine freeze frame by illustrator cel O'Brien.
Videoholics and other couch potatoes will appreciate Mark
O'Donnell's Swimming Taught Scientifically—now they can study
swimming by mail. See what science can do? Forget about licking the
backstroke. Lick a stamp and you can learn to swim without ever
getting chlorine in your eyes.
Get Sheer Madness in your eyes right away, though. Arny Freytag's
loving look at legwear leaves little to the imagination and nothing to
be desired. After that, turn to leggy Playmate Hope Marie Carlton and
let your imagination run wild.
You're going to enjoy this month's sparkling PLAYBOY. Just remem-
ber what we said about open flames.
What else would you give
aspecial Daddy for Lei Day?
Warbucks © 1985 Tribus
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WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE?—article 78
AMAZING GRACE—pictorial 82
BREATHE DEEP—fiction................ SUR AES e DONALD E. WESTLAKE 94
JUST HAVING FUN—playboy's playmate of the month. . .. .
AMERICAN HERO— memoir . .. .
PLAYBOY BY DESIGN—modern living
SHEER MADNESS—pictorial............... ee 26;
AND THREE TO GO!— modern living .................................... .. 140
GI JO-pictorial ................
PLAYBOY FUNNIES—humor............. > sy
PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE ............ E ceed por Ue ineo 205
Why do cover girls wear red-white-and-blue suspenders? To keep your
hopes up. We can't give away everything on the cover, after all. Otherwise,
you would never turn to this page and learn that our Fourth-of-July cover
photo— produced by West Coast Photo Editor Marilyn Grabowski and shot by
Contributing Photographer Stephen Wayda—features Miss October 1983, the
star-spangled Tracy Vaccaro. Oh, say, have you ever seen anything better?
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editor and publisher
NAT LEHRMAN associate publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
TOM STAEBLER art director
GARY COLE photography director
С. BARRY GOLSON executive editor
editor; TERESA GROSCH associate editor; PLAYBOY
(administration), DAVID STEVENS senior editors;
SEN, JOHN REZEK senior staff writers; KEVIN COOK,
SUSAN MARGOLIS-WINTER (new york) associate edi-
1015; MONA PLUMER assistant editor; MODERN
LIVING: ED WALKER associate editor; JIM BARKER
assistant editor; FASHION: HOLLIS WAYNE editor;
HOLLY BINDERUP assistant editor; CARTOONS:
KERIG POPE managing director; CHET SUSKI, LEN
WILLIS senior directors; BRUCE HANSEN, THEO KOU-
VATSOS associale directors; KAREN OAEBE, KAREN
Gurowskv junior directors; JOSEPH PACZEK assist-
SEIDL ат! assistants; SUSAN HOLMSTROM traffic coor-
dinator; BARBARA HOFFMAN administrative manager
MOSES, MICHAEL ANN SULLIVAN associate editors;
PATTY BEAUDET assistant editor; POMPEO POSAR sen-
dor staff photographer; DAVID MECEY, KERRY MORRIS
staff photographers; DAVID CHAN, RICHARD FEGLEY,
MARCUS, STEPHEN WAYDA contributing photogra-
‘TOMLINSON stylists; JAMES WARD color lab supervi-
‘Sor; ROBERT CHELIUS business manager
JOHN MASTRO director; MARIA MANDIS manager;
tion manager
J P. TIM DOLMAN assistant publisher; MARCIA
TERRONES rights €? permissions manager; EILEEN
KENT contracts administrator
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Is 2 months' salary too much to spend
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I want to congratulate Scott Cohen and
PLaveoy on April's Wayne Gretzky Inter-
view. You pick up the sports page today
and read about recruiting violations on
college campuses, athletes arrested for
abusing drugs—and these are the people
our children look up to? Gretzky is a
breath of fresh air in the polluted world of
professional sports. He plays for the love of
his game, not for the money. People con-
done the fighting in hockey, but Wayne
has brought the game into a new world of
pure skating and stamina. Since he joined
the N.H.L., Wayne has dominated his
sport. I don’t think any other player in
sports can say that. If 1 had a kid growing
up, I would use Wayne as an example
demonstrating that dedication and hard
work do pay off,
an Meyer
Brecksville, Ohio
You never have to tell hockey wizard
Wayne Gretzky to “shut the puck up!”
He's as smooth as the ice that made him
famous, he’s honest, he’s bright. While
you're counting votes for the Great One as
world's best athlete, here's mine—add one
for the Gretzky Interview as PLAYBOY'S best.
Pat Edmondson
Burbank, California
My compliments to Daniel Mark
Epstein for his extremely perceptive essay
Signals (PLAyBov, April). It captures what
I have thought for years about the sexual
moods of women. May 1 suggest that gen-
tlemen pay particular attention to that
“luxurious drowsiness toward midnight”?
Steven Smith
Los Angeles, California
If I didn’t want to make love, for what-
ever reason, Epstein would be the man to
change my mind. His words convey the
ridiculousness of women's moods; Epstein
understands us better than we sometimes
understand ourselves, which is extremely
rare in a man. Thank you for a great essay
on the ambiguities of us women. And
thanks for an over-30 Playmate in the
same issue—I was beginning to think we
had outlived our usefulness.
Karen J. Curia
Harrison, New York
What a surprise to be honored by the
PLAYBOY readers with such a beautiful
award! Thank you for your kind wishes
and for making my day a special one
Quincy Jones
Los Argeles, California
The always-gracious Mr. Jones won
1985's Playboy Music Poll as Best Jazz
ComposerlSongwriter, for the third time in
Reading Cynthia Heimel’s acerbic “А
Good Man Is Harder to Find” (Women,
рїлүвоү, April), I had to feel sorry for her
Her hostility toward successful men—
along with her clichéed generalizations
about them—makes her seem about as
appealing as a wet rag. She wonders why
today's man seems arrogant. Possibly it's
because he has become fed up with the
sexist double standards of today's liber-
ated woman—fed up with her insatiable
desire to have her cake and cat it, too.
Brian Bentley
Los Angeles, California
Just where does Heimel get the idea that
“it’s easy to get dates” if you are a man?
My single male friends and I have not
found this to bc truc, and we are not the
“arrogant fools" Heimel so enjoys describ-
ing. We are hard-working, understanding,
generous and average-to-good-looking,
but we don't see women “flashing some
cleavage and offering tuna casserole” to us!
I am sure that for every woman who
spends “lonely Saturday nights with only
a vibrator for company” there are at least
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two men who spend the weekend courting
their own right hands. There are "good
men" out here, ladies, but you've got to
give all men a fair chance or you'll never
find out who we are.
Gregory M. Sayre
South Bend, Indiana
1 don't know what Cynthia Heimel
looks like, but I know she's a beautiful per-
son. The impression I get from her Women
cclumn is that of an intelligent, sensitive
woman. It is interesting that although she
has written about numerous aspects of
man-woman relationships, I have not yet
disagreed with her, even on minor points.
Tam a man, yet I could almost write the
same things about women that she writes
about men. I could tell about many of the
same frustrations, disappointments and
joys. Could it be that Heimel really under-
‘stands our complex social games? It is
thrilling to know that there is such a
woman as she. Keep at it, Cynthia. We
necd your wit and your insight.
I. Kertesz
Chandler, Arizona
I found Asa Baber's April Men column,
“Sexist Witch-Hunt," a timely, interesting
piece. Baber continually amazes me with
sharp, well-written essays on the state of
men’s allairs with women, society, ego and
almost everything else. His poignancy is
matched only by his cleverness, his wit
only by his style. Baber continues to be my
favorite PLAYBOY contributor. When my
long-awaited magazine finally shows up,
his column is the first thing I read.
Jim Neumerski
Converse, Texas
As usual, Baber is right on target in
April's Men column, “Sexist Witch-
Hunt.” Гуе read his column for several
months now and am impressed by the
courage with which he relates truths about
male-female relationships. The same
“feminists” who rail against the Miss
America Pageant as a meat market giggle
with glee at male strip shows. The same
women who demanded and got a Playgirl
magazine still want to close the doors on
PLAYBOY. Women who bemoan the double
standard of our male-oriented language
think nothing of referring to a man as a
nerd, bastard, hunk, wimp or jock—terms
for which there are no female equivalents.
One of Cynthia Heimel’s favorite expres-
sions, I believe, is “pond scum.” But woe
to the man who calls his female co-worker
"honey"—he will soon find a sexual-
harassment suit dangling over his thought-
less head.
R. K. Cardwell
Jefferson City, Missouri
Wonderful cover on your April issue.
Donna and Natalie Smith have the most
beautiful eyes. But we are curious about
the freckle combination in Donna’s cleav-
age. Is that a Rabbit we detect?
The Boys at the Pru
Prudential Insurance.
Newark, New Jersey
I found the logo on the April cover! 1
noticed Donna Smith's chest. She has a
few freckles, and one is in the shape of
your Rabbit Head. Keep up the good
David A. Piatek
Buffalo, New York
I want to compliment you on the fine
Ken Marcus pictorial Playmate Sisters. 1
have been in love with Cathy St. George
since I saw her in your centerfold.
Recently, I had the chance to watch Cathy
in living, moving color in your Playmate
Review 2 video. And now here she is
again—with her beautiful sister Toni.
Great! April's pLavBoY is a perfect issue.
Dave Willis
Falls City, Nebraska
You have proved beyond a shadow of a
doubt that lightning can strike twice in the
same family. First I fall in love with Miss
March 1983, Alana Soares, and then you
give me her sister Leilani in Playmate Sis-
ters. Alana and Leilani are definitely the
most gorgeous sisters Pve laid eyes on.
Philip Frey
Rochester, New York
Although Donna Smith is certainly one
of the loveliest women to appear in your
pages in quite some time, I must admit I
was captivated by her older sister Natalic.
Thank heaven for little girls, but thank
PLAYROY for older sisters
James R. Hudman
Lubbock, Texas
Being a New England boater, I have
ample time in our long off season to devour
nearly every beating publication on the
market. Imagine my delight, while scan-
ning the April praysoy, at finding What I
Learned at Sea, by Reg Fotterton. My
congrats to Potterton for one of the most
entertaining stories on the nautical experi-
ence I’ve had the pleasure of reading. By
the way, if that глуво Travel Editor posi-
tion Reg gave up is still open. . . .
Pete Drost
Meriden, Connecticut.
In addition to the more obvious reasons,
I was pleased to see Cindv Brooks as Miss
April because she is evidence that women
do not lose their beauty when they hit 30.
Should Miss Brooks appear in a retrospec-
tive pictorial ten or 20 years from now, I’m
sure I'll feel nostalgic about her. But from
checking the pictures on her Data Sheet
and seeing the way her looks have
improved between the ages of 26 and 33, I
think ГЇЇ be having some other healthy
feclings about her, too.
Robert E. Griffith
Lexington, Kentucky
Thank you for presenting a Playmate
who was born earlier than 1965. In Cindy
Brooks, you have finally found a girl
whose favorite film isn't Fast Times at
Ridgemont High.
R. Coleman
Les Vegas, Nevada
Being a fan of American history, I am
refreshed to see that Cindy Brooks recog-
nizes the important political—as well as
historical—aspects of the Civil War. I'm
sure that if George Pickett had had the
classy Miss Brooks on his side on that fate-
ful July third, the outcome at Cemetery
Ridge would have been different.
Thomas J. Korkuch
Chatham, New Jersey
We men at Gettysburg College are
elated to discover that your April
Playmate, Cindy Brooks, is a native
Gettysburgian. Your Gettysburg center-
fold has caused more excitement around
here than anything else since the Civil
War, After seeing Miss Brooks, we realize
that beauty can arise in Gettysburg after
all. Thanks for a rare treat.
The Hairy-Chested Fiji Men of
Phi Gamma Delta
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
One score and 13 years ago, her parents
brought forth on this continent our Miss
Brooks, conceived in liberty and dedicated to
the proposition that beauty lasts more than a
score and a half.
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According to the Chester County, Penn-
sylvania, Daily Local News, “Perhaps the
cruelest tragedy in the death yesterday of
James E. Dever is that had it happened a
few minutes later, he might still be alive.”
We understand the point but not the
context. San Frandsco mayor Dianne
Feinstein, rebuking members of her sta-
dium task force for saying that they pre-
ferred Rincon Hill as the site of a new
baseball park, pointed out that “every site
proposed to date has had some problems
with it.” She angrily added that these
“premature ejaculations by committee
members are frankly not at all helpful.”
Oklahoma football coach Barry Switzer
is not very popular in Utah. His critical
remarks about the Brigham Young foot-
ball team's number-one ranking have
raised hackles all over the state. So it
shouldn't come as any surprise that the
mayors and commissioners of Salt Lake
County passed a resolution suggesting that
a Midvale, Utah, sewage lagoon be named
the Barry Switzer Bowl.
New hope for the aged: We bet Hous-
ton's Suburbia-Reporter got a rise out of its
readers with this headline:
Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out
of bed. Jay Shaheri, a waiter at Manhat-
tan's Jockey Club, sensed trouble when а
drunken customer threatened to punch out
his lights after work. So Shaheri, a cau-
tious man, took a bodyguard to walk him
to the subway station. Along the way, an
elderly woman jumped from a I9th-floor
window and landed on Shaheri, who was
rushed to the hospital with back injuries.
"That's the down side. The up side is that
the late leaper turned out to be a wealthy
socialite, and Shaheri is suing her estate
for $20,000,000. He claims she jumped
“without regard for human safety."
Last month, we reported that the Soviet
Union was sending aerobic-dance instruc-
tors to Ethiopia. For those of us who were
thankful that the United States did not
engage in such farcical foreign aid, rest
assured that we are getting our own house
in order: New York City’s Human
Resources Administration, in conjunction
with the sponsors of the New York Mara-
thon, is sending track coaches to city shel-
ters in order to provide the homeless with
a running and fitness program. “This
shows them that the city is taking an inter-
est in them," said one municipal worker.
Before his death at the age of 72, Edwin
McKenzie, an English tramp known as
Diogenes, was befriended by painter Rob-
ert Lankiewicz. “Diogenes and I decided
that his body should be preserved," says
Lankiewicz, explaining why he embalmed
it, sealed it in resin and now wants to dis-
play it in his home. Plymouth district-
health officials took exception to the idea,
and Lankiewicz has been forced to hide
the body until the legal questions have
been sorted out. “Then I will bring him
home to remain with me for the rest of my
life—something like a large paperweight
in the library.”
If you were a research physiologist at
the Toledo Zoo, how would you encourage
your ruffed lemurs to mate? Right —you'd
build them a water bed. “People can joke
all they want,” says zoo physiologist John
Andy Phillips, “but my job is to get ani
mals to breed.” And his experiments have
shown that the monkeylike animals from
Madagascar are fonder of a nesting box
that’s equipped, well, sort of like a motel
room. So he built them a water bed—
2' x 4', aluminum-coated to protect it
from the excesses of lemur passion. But
did he think to include a heater? Magic
Fingers? Lingerie? Cable TV? A wheezy
ice machine down the hall?
North Dakota’s Beulah Beacon pub-
lished a four-inch classified ad that read,
“Bachelor with 40 acres of good land
would like to meet lady with good tractor.
Matrimony in mind. Please send picture of
claimed the headline in the Charleston,
West Virginia, Gazette. Hey, once a
trouper, always a trouper.
Reef fish, according to The New York
Times, often. change from female to male,
what to buy for the man who thinks he has everything
This certificate from.
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A video vital-signs recorder.
usually because the school's only male has
disappeared or died. The job usvally goes
to the largest female, which begins acting.
like a male within a few hours—and pro-
duces sperm within ten days. Other spe-
cies repeatedly switch from female to male
and back again, sometimes in a single
mating. On the ocean floor, where singles
bars are scarce, experts say reproduction
is sometimes possible only if one of the
partners makes the big switch
How do they do it? No one knows for
sure. But geneticists say it's much easier
for a fish or a reptile to change its sexual
stripes than for a bird or a mammal to do
so. A school of trout, for example, can be
made entirely male simply by adding a
certain hormone to the water. We'll stick
to beer.
Posing as a high-priced prostitute, a 22-
year-old woman robbed several men at
Atlantic City hotels by slipping them
knockout drugs.
The osculatory outlaw's М.О. was to
lure male gamblers into hotel rooms,
where, while kissing them, she would pass
a drug from her mouth to theirs. Police
still can't figure how the “Kissing Ban-
dit" as she was dubbed, avoided being
knocked out, too.
Before her bussing was busted, her two-
year mickey-mouth club netted more than
50 grand in loot.
АП that and still no tongue.
Write If You Get Work Department: ^ man
who said he desperately wanted a job as a
drummer for David Bowie was arrested for
mailing a fake bomb to Bowie's record
company. Enclosed was a note that read,
“Sorry to intrude in so obnoxious a fash-
ion, but. . . I wanted to ensure that this
got to your attention.” George Simpson,
who included his real address, pleaded
innocent to a single felony count of mailing
a facsimile bomb. We think this guy has a
future in PR.
No wonder good help is hard to find. For
the third straight year, the Mississippi leg-
islature is considering the removal of a law
that makes it legal to kill servants. “The
killing of any human being by the act, pro-
curement or omission of another shall be
excusable,” reads the law, “when commit-
ted by accident and misfortune in lawfully
correcting . . . a servant.”
The bill to toss out the antebellum law
was introduced by Representative Credell
Calhoun, one of 20 blacks in the legisla-
ture. In 1983 and 1984, the bill failed to
get out of committee; this year, it finally
cleared that hurdle and is presumably on
its way to a general vote.
We applaud the copy writer responsible
for a Herman Survivors waterproof-boot
ad that proudly boasts, "NINE YEARS WITH-
OUT TAKING A LEAK.” We do suggest, how-
ever, that he get up from the typewriter
once in a while and let himself go.
JVC presents the video camera with a VHS tape deck
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Check out the VideoMovie at your nearest JVC
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The home-computer morket may
be cooling off, but some hockers
certoinly oren't. Our friends ot
lui mogozine in Fronce tell us
thot vintoge porn os shown ot left
is being put on disk. Also, there
ore striptease and strip-poker
progroms that will let you lose.
either your shirt or hers. In Amer-
ica, some of this is showing up at
sex shops ond is odvertised in the
clossified section of computer.
mogozines. Siveo, o Poris shop.
sells by moil order only. We've
heard thot hord- ond soft-core
software is being written by а
porn ring thot colls itself the
Cleon Crock Bond. This is to let
the members of the band know
thot we ore both Apple- ond
IBM-compotible. And thot we
oppreciote the sense of humor
they hove about their name.
Climactic. Sometimes you treat the car as you would a wom-
an. Push it to the limit. But there's gentleness. too. You
have to make it last if you're going to make it to the end
Monaco is very twisty. It requires 38 gear changes а
lap—and a lap takes about 80 seconds. There's no mar-
gin for error. At Indy. you're doing 220 mph down the
Straightaways. Entering turn one is like turning into a
closet. You can't see the exit. You let the car run free.
You're inches away from the wall, sometimes actually
brushing it. Yet you have time to relax down the straighta-
A lap takes only 40 se
Yes. Except when you're not going in the direction you
want to be going in. Then that's really, really quick
Most artists can’t
wait to sell their work
Nor Frank Frazetta,
who is the ranking
fantasist of our age
Cat Girl (shown in the
poster directly at right)
is an example. George
Lucas bid on it. Sylvester
Stallone tried to buy it
for his wall. But no go.
This canvas, along with
more than 90 percent of
the artists other work
will remain in his own col-
lection, and now they will
be housed in The Frazetta
Arı Museum in East
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Frank and his wife. Ellie,
had always made a point of
keeping as many of his paint-
ings as possible. And over the
ast years, they have been
king out and buying others
back. They also recognized
that Frazetta—the man who,
after all, made Conan the
Barbarian a houschold
image—was himself such а
cult artist that the faithful
needed a place to flock to
view his achingly voluptuous
women, his hulking heroes,
wondrous weirdos, The
an inspired bit of seli-
keting, fell upon the artist
and his wife. The museum
covers a full block and con-
tains shops that sell Frazetta
posters (there are more than
100 in print), books (Frank
Frazetta: Book Five is just out
from Ballantine). T-shiris.and
so forth. East Stroudsburg is
less than two hours from New
York or Philadelphia, which is
a short way to go for art that's
out of this world.
Psychem is the smell of co-
caine—no effect, no psycho-
tropic action, just the
smell—overpowering and
real and entirely legal, A
pharmaceutical chemist
cooked it up, presumably, for
times when you need some
thing like coke—double-blind
experiments, placebos, detox
programs. Or, it occurs to us,
getting your asshole brother-
in-law busted at an especially
nasty border crossing. Or
fucking with some expen-
sively trained narc dog's head
The Seychelles are
those islands you'll
notice in the Indian
Ocean if you turn
right at Kenya. An
Air Seychelles ad
describes many rea-
sons (O visit—one
being "the mysterious
Coco-de-Mer," or
double coconut. We
looked at the photo,
and it didn't really
seem that mysterious
to us. Cute, though.
The conversation.
clocks th
n our office
arted this way: Since sci-
entists have hypothesized that our bodies have internal
regulate what we do—the study is called
chronobiology —when are they going to release the really
important findings? Things like the best time to make
loye? We hurriedly dispatched our
good news and there’s bad news.
both males and females peaks during the fall months (so
much for the notion that sap rises in the spring). The bad
news is that men and women prefer sexual activity at dif-
ferent times of the day: he in the morning, she at night—
usually after an expensive meal, So much for science.
escarchers; there's.
rst. sexual desire in
D. J. Hall paints poolside portroits of women with sunny dispositions.
Her commissions include Hollywood wives. She makes them lorger ond
brighter thon life—on large convoses thot go for more thon $15,000.
While Crockett and Tubbs
have been keeping South
Florida sale for rock video
and Giorgio Armani, Dade
County Feds have uncovered
what seems to be а business
guide for Latin-
drug traffickers. The 12-page
Spanish how-to booklet, first
made public by а Wall Street
Journal reporter, is packed
with uscful information and
advice for the dilettante smug-
gler, Among the straight dope
* Housing. Find a house in
a quiet residential neighbor-
hood. Swimming pool is op-
tional. Two-car garage a must
* Security. Buy a large, well-
trained dog. Great Di
the recommended breed.
* Beepers. The usc of coded
beeper signals is a major help.
Emergency codes will tell you
the following: (1) Suspend
what you are doing and take
cover on your own. (2) Help.
1 am in custody. Will next
indicate where I am being
held. (3) Suspend what you
are doing and call for urgent
Always carry your
nes are
* Entertainment. Never
have extravagant social
events at your home. An
occasional barbecue, with
only family and trusted
friends in attendance, is finc.
* Employee relations. Keep
your employees happy. Do
not overload them with work,
but do not let them sit idle. It
is very dangerous to have
somebody doing nothing,
* Emergencies. In the event
that a quick escape is neces-
sary, always keep the house
stocked with the following: ai
line tickets, traveling mone:
an escape vchicle, bulletproof
, tear
© Try to imitate an American
in all his habits. Mow the
lawn. Wash the car.
And one final caveat, the
sort that any corporation
worth its bottom line is built
* Never use the company car
for personal business.
Any new neighbors on your
block lately?
(©1984. Paco Rabanne Parfums. Photograph by Robert Farber
What are you doing?
Taking a shower.
Right now?
No, right now I'm standing in a
puddle of water.
You didn't say goodbye.
I didn't want to wake you.
Who could sleep when there's a hunk
with no clothes оп wandering around.
at five in the morning, knocking over
I had to come back and dig out
my sincere suit. Big meeting this
morning. I get to say things like
“bottom line” and “net net” with a
straight face. What are you doing?
Lying here, thinking about you. You
know, I can smell your Paco Rabanne.
It’s like you were still here.
I wish I were.
I couldn't go back to sleep,
remembering everything. I wanted to
hear your voice. It has the most
interesting effect on те...
Maybe I should run over and read
you a bedtime story or something.
Or something.
Paco Rabanne
For men
What is remembered is up to you
CHEVY CHASE, in the title role of Fletch (Uni-
versal), often seems to be up to some pri-
vate mischief, perhaps a Saturday Night
Lively spoof of the character he's supposed
to be playing for real. Secing him ain't nec-
essarily believing him, yet his throwaway
comic style may be the freshest element of
director Michael Ritchie's implausible but
entertaining movie based on Gregory
Mcdonald’s award-winning mystery novel
The action is smoothly paced and the
trimly tailored adaptation by Andrew
Bergman suits Chevy's impersonation of a
smartass investigative reporter, an inso-
lent, martini-dry jokester who drops onc-
liners and dons frequent disguises while
introducing himself to various dupes as
Igor Stravinsky, Ted Nugent or Harry S.
Truman. He's in pursuit of a hot story
about drugs, bigamy, a faked murder and
high-level corruption, following seemingly
unrelated clues from Southern California
to Utah and back again. Tim Matheson,
Dana Wheeler Nicholson, Joe Don Baker
and Richard Libertini interrupt his itiner-
ary one way or another, all helping Fletch
tighten up any loose parts. ¥¥¥
A comedy of errors about anonymous
mash notes and mistaken identity, Secret
Admirer (Orion) is an unabashed, updated
spin-off of Rostand's classic Cyrano de Ber-
gerac, reworked for today's teenagers. The
recipient of the passionate missives is
C. Thomas Howell, a lad who's infatuated
with a prom queen (Kelly Preston) but
pays little heed to an unassuming honor
student (Lori Laughlin), plainly a girl des-
tined to find her life changed by, among
other things, contact lenses. David
Greenwalt, a first-time director as well as
co-author (with Jim Кош) of Admirers
screenplay, has managed to crib from a
classic without insulting the source; the
result is a conventional but perky youth
movie with flashes of wit, warmth and real
romantic upswing—a good cut above the
usual portrait of raucous teens who seem
to spend all their energy either making out
or mooning. ¥¥Y4
It came with springtime, rather late for
our deadline, but Desperately Seeking Susan
(Orion) held too many beguiling sur-
prises to ignore. Aptly described as
“a sort of New Wave Holly Golightly,”
pop singer Madonna makes an impressive
big-screen debut as Susan, a punkish,
street-smart New York vixen whose curi-
ous life is further complicated by a young,
bored and restless New Jersey housewife
(Rosanna Arquette) who begins to think
she’s Susan after a blow on the head brings
оп amnesia. Aidan Quinn plays one of the
Chase (with Nicholson, above) brings fiction's popular gumshoe Fletch to screen.
Fletch goes to
the movies as Chevy Chase;
Cyrano gets a teen update.
men in their lives, while Robert Joy,
Laurie Metcalf and Mark Blum round out
the fast company indebted to director
Susan Seidelman (whose first film was
Smithereens, a low-budget festival favorite)
and to several other upcoming women in
film, among them author Leora Barish
and coproducers Sarah Pillsbury and
Midge Sanford. After a somewhat slow
start, Susan is not only bright, romantic
and inventive but a sly feminist statement
full of unexpected humor. ¥¥¥¥%
"The saccharine title doesn't do it justice,
but A Test of Love (Universal) is the compel-
ling true story of a physically handicapped
but intellectually gifted Australian girl
saved by a courageous, devoted teacher
from spending her entire life as a
semivegetable in an institution. Angela
Punch McGregor, as the teacher, and
Tina Arhondis—herself a child with seri-
ous physical disabilities—as the plucky
Annie McDonald, give Test of Love plenty
of emotional wallop and human drama
when they buck not only the entire medi-
cal establishment but Annie’s own family
by taking her case to court. Like every
other movie of this genre, from The Miracle
Worker to Mash, it is simultaneously an
ordeal and an inspiration. УЙУ
An elevator controlled by a malevolent
microchip or some such mysterious elec-
tronic mutation is the source of evil in The
Lift (Island Alive). Reportedly established
as a cult favorite in Europe, this Dutch-
made shocker by writer-director Dick
Maas is far less silly than it sounds. The
movie tops every giggle with several gasps
as the lift's blood-red doors open and snap
shut on unwary passengers who are suflo-
cated, decapitated, strangled or merely
dropped to their deaths. An elevator tech-
nician (Huub Stapel) and an enterprising
girl reporter (Willeke van Ammelrooij)
represent our side in Maas’s man-us.-
machine horror show. A minor piece, to
be sure, but visually effective and mined
with mischievous and cerie surprises—all
intended to do for unmanned elevators
what Psycho did for curtained showers. ¥¥
There is something disarmingly dumb
but inoffensive about a black hero named
Leroy (played by handsome movie new-
comer ‘Taimak) who eats popcorn with
chopsticks while watching Bruce Lee
martial-arts movies. Berry Gordy's The
Last Dragon (Tri-Star) also features Vanity,
the singer (and star of a May PLAYBOY pic-
torial), looking exceptionally luscious as a
glamorous disco d.j. who has to be rescued
a lot. Against a loud blast of Motown
sound, Last Dragon's plot is so stagger-
ingly simple-minded that the archvillain of
the piece wants only to get his music video
on the air. While Taimak and Vanity may
sound like labels slapped onto “decorator”
Superstars created for one-time use, these
two beauties make the comic-strip vio-
lence watchable if not memorable. ¥¥
In Atlanta, an 11-year-old black run-
away who's considering suicide finds shel-
ter with a middle-aged white alcoholic
recluse. The growth of their relationship,
despite gaps of age, color and culture, is
A chance to get away. Americans look forward to those moments.
Moments to unwind. Moments to enjoy the things you appreciate in life.
And because Seagram’s 7 has always been a part of that enjoyment,
you've made it America's most popular whiskey for nearly forty years.
the main business of Marvin & Tige (Castle
Hill), a movie that wears its heart on its
sleeve. Such forthright sentimentality is
made agrecable if not altogether credible
by low-key, gently blended performances
in the two title roles by John Cassavetes, as
Marvin, and precocious newcomer Gibran
Brown, as Tige, the illiterate waif he
befriends. It's very nearly a two-man show
until Billy Dee Williams appears, force-
fully playing the long-lost parent who may
or may not win back his son. No wrench-
ing tearjerker, because director Eric
Weston exercises reasonable restraint
throughout, Marvin & Tige has a
Christmasy spirit that finally brightens
even the shabby back streets of Atlanta
with a graceful plea for brotherhood,
familiar but tastefully framed. ¥¥
Four Playmates and our August 1983
cover girl, Sybil Danning, are prominently
featured in a scatterbrained comedy called
Malibu Express (Malibu Bay). Patched
together with sex, violence and verve by
writer-producer-director Andy Sidaris,
this may be the definitive drive-in movie.
Girl watchers can ogle Sybil along with
Barbara Edwards (1984 Playmate of the
Year) and Kimberly McArthur (Miss Jan-
vary 1982) as a pair of shipboard party
girls, with Lynda Wiesmeier (Miss July
1982) and Lorraine Michaels (Miss April
1981) making impact in more substantial
roles. There’s also Shelley Taylor Morgan
(of TV's General Hospital) among a slew of
other cuties caught up in the whizzing Cal-
ifornia traffic with some bad guys who sell
“computer secrets” to the Russians. For
women in the audience, Darby Hinton (a
kid actor in the Daniel Boone TV series a
couple of decades ago) plays Cody Abi-
lene, a sexy private investigator who's a
Tom Selleck look-alike but steals Clint
Eastwood's lines (“Make my day,” etc.),
drives a De Lorean and seems proud of
being a great lay but a poor shot. That's as
much message as you'll get from Malibu
Express, a cultural artifact slightly less
meaningful than a commercial for the
Pepsi generation. So drink deep, but don't
blame me if you go away empty. VY
Writer-director David Hare's doleful
but provocative Wetherby (MGM/UA
Classics) earns points mainly for the lumi-
nous presence of Vanessa Redgrave, an
actress whose quicksilver instincts can
never be dull. She’s discovered in Wetherby
(named for a town in Yorkshire) as a sen-
suous and spinsterish schoolteacher whose
brief encounter with a strange young man
at a dinner party leads to sex, violence and
some rueful flashbacks about a wartime
romance 30 years earlier. That part of the
movie piques curiosity, because the hero-
ine as а young girl is portrayed by Joely
Richardson (Vanessa’s daughter with
director Tony Richardson), who in every
respect resembles an carly pastel sketch of
her mom. Although Hare is also the
author of Plenty, a stage hit en route from.
Hinton, Wiesmeier in Malibu Express.
Fun with Playmates on
the Malibu Express;
Vanessa outclasses Wetherby.
Broadway and London to a movie version
with Meryl Streep, he seems to be bogged
down here, creating a star vehicle that
scarcely бийде unless Vanessa pulls
hard. ¥¥
Another small triumph for women and
artistic freedom is Camila (European Clas-
sics), by 62-year-old writer-director
Maria-Luisa Bemberg. This lushly pro-
duced and lyrical romantic tragedy is
based on the true story of Camila
O'Gorman, daughter of an aristocratic
Catholic family from Buenos Aires who
scandalized society and the Church in
1847 by running off to live in sin with a
handsome young priest. Even with a
holier-than-thou posse on their heels, Susu
Pecoraro as Camila and Imanol Arias as
the errant Father Gutierrez make forbid-
den fruit look tempting. VV
Julie Hagerty's dithery charm, which
gave Airplane! a substantial lift and helped
Lost in America gain altitude, is put to the
test in Goodbye, New York (Castle Hill). As
a chic young wife who leaves her faith-
less ne'er-do-well husband, takes off for
Paris and winds up on a kibbutz in Israel
more or less by mistake, Julie has to do an
awful lot of dithering to divert attention
from the plot. That she succeeds even part
of the time is a triumph of mime over mat-
ter. Her co-star (also the film's writer-
director), Amos Kollek, may daydream
that he is Israel's answer to Woody Allen,
but this won't keep Woody awake nights. Y
capsule close-ups of current films.
by bruce williamson
Amadeus Music, Mozart and Oscar's
best picture of 1984. wu
Blood Simple A slight case of murder,
Texasstyle—fearsome and funny. ЖУЗ
Camilo (Sec review) Unholy lovers on
the lam down Argentine way. Wa
The Clinic Taking venereal discase
lightly with irreverent Aussies. vx
Creator Peter O” Toole's the madcap sci-
entist who hopes to clone a wife. ¥¥%
Desperately Seeking Susan (Scc rcvicw)
Starbright feminist frippery. WWW%
Fletch (See review) Chevy on a fairly
fast track as fictional newsman, ¥¥¥
Goodbye, New York (Sce review) On a
kibbutz in Israel, shalom, Mr. Right. ¥
Heartbreakers Two guys making out in a
lively comic romp through L.A. ¥¥¥
King David Skip Gere, read The Book. Y
Ladyhawke Scenic medieval adventure
with Hauer, Pfeiffer. E]
The Last Dragon (See review) From
Motown, martial arts and Vanity. VV
The Lift (See review) Dutch-made spook
show with more ups than downs. — YY
Lost in America Albert Brooks getting
good comic mileage coast to coast. ¥¥¥
MacArthur's Children Sprawling slice of
life in postwar Japan. WA
Malibu Express (See review) Take pop-
corn and dig groovy gals 'n' guys. ¥¥
Marvin & Tige (See review) Man and boy
beat thc drums for brotherhood. YY
Mask As a wayward mom devoted
to her handicapped son, Cher steals
the show. WA
My New Partner Philippe Noiret’s a
greedy French detective teaching his
side-kick the tricks of the take. vv
A Passage fo India Mcticulous Lcan
pickings from Forster's novel. ¥¥¥
A Private Function Maggie Smith and
Michael Palin pignap а porker. ¥¥¥¥2
Pumping Iron Il: The Women Brace your-
selves, fellas. Here they come. ¥¥¥
The Purple Rose of Cairo Woody Allen’s
slight but stunning tribute to movie
magic—with Mia Farrow, of
course. yyy
The Return of the Soldier Psychodrama
smashingly played by Glenda, Julie
and Ann-Margret vis-à-vis Alan
Bates. yyy
Secret Admirer (See review) Cyrano recy-
cled as a high school crush. WA
Streetwise Scattle’s lost youth in a tell-
ing documentary. ww
A Test of Love (See review) Another Mir-
acle Worker, down under. WA
Wetherby (Sec review) Some heavy sled-
ding, but Vanessa saves it, sort of. WV
YYYY Don't miss
YYY Good show
YY Worth a look
¥ Forget it
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IDOL GOSSIP: Sexy Rebecca De Mornay, who
played the feisty hooker in Risky Business,
will team up with Jon Voight and Eric Rob-
erts in Cannon Films’ Runaway Tram, an
action drama about a lone woman trapped
with two escaped convicis on an out-of-
control train. . . . The Flying Karamazov
Brothers, noted for their comedic juggling
act, will play a group of whirling dervishes
in Fox's The Jewel of the Nile... . HBO
and Silver Screen are partners in no fewer
than three feature-film projects now in
various stages of production. The first of
these is Sweet Dreams, a biopic based on
the life of country singer Patsy Cline. Jessica
Longe will play the lead, with Ed (The Right
Stuff) Harris co-starring and Karel (The
French Lieutenant's Woman) Reisz directing.
Next in the line-up is Volunteers, with Tem
(Splash) Hanks and SCTV's John Candy
playing a pair of unlikely Peace Corps vol-
unteers raising havoc in Thailand. Nicholas
Meyer will direct. And rounding out the
agenda is a big-business comedy called
Head Office, in which Judge (Beverly Hills
Cop) Reinhold portrays a recently di-
plomaed M.B.A. leaving the rarefied halls
ofacademe for the turbulent rat-race of the
business world. Danny DeVito, Eddie Albert,
Jone Seymour, Don Novello, Michael (Satur-
day Night Live) O'Donoghue and Wallace
Shawn have been set to co-star.
SADDLESORES: Rumblings from the set of
Silverado, Lawrence Kasdan's homage to the
assic Western, seem to indicate that the
writer-director of The Big Chill has
another blockbuster up his sleeve. Obses-
sive secrecy has surrounded the project
from its inception (Kasdan wants it to be a.
“surprise”), but insiders have lately begun
to use such superlatives as important and
wonderful when describing the flick. Set
for a late-July release, Silverado reunites
several members of the Chill cast (Kevin
Kline, Jeff Goldblum and Kevin Costner, who
was barely visible as the deceased Alex),
along with Scott Glenn, Rosanna Arquette,
Monty Python’s John Cleese, Brian Den-
nehy, Danny Glover and Oscar winner linda
Hunt. As for the flick itself, it's а Raiders of
the Lost Ark-style action adventure with a
touch of comedy that utilizes the basic
aspects of the classic oater. Set in the
1880s and shot in Santa Fe, Silverado is a
reflection of Kasdan’s own self-proclaimed
childhood attraction to Westerns. Kasdan
himself scems confident—during produc-
tion, he supervised his own making-of-
Silverado documentary.
REAL-WORLD JITTERS: St. Elmo's Fire is an
ensemble film with a basic premise that
seems to lie somewhere between those of
The Big Chill and The Breakfast Club. (In
fact, three of its co-stars— Emilio Estevez,
Publicists for John Hughes's Weird Science have sworn secrecy oaths, but a persistent rumor
reports that the director of Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club is altering his teen-reality
formula to allow Anthony Michael Hall and friends to fabricate a fantasy femme (Kelly LeBrock)
from Frankenstein films, computer hackery, Popular Mechanics and pLaveoy gatelolds.
Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson—appeared in
The Breakfast Club.) It concerns a tight-
knit group of seven young men and women
who, having just graduated from college,
must now face up to the rigors of the real
world. As in most ensemble movies, how-
ever, the crux of the plot lies in the charac-
terizations. Estevez plays a law student
whose career is thwarted by an infatuation
with a long-lost love; Nelson and Sheedy
are roommates and lovers who are unable
to come to grips with commitment and
marriage; Reb (Class) Lowe portrays Billy
Hixx, a saxophone player unable to cope
with responsibility. His Classmate Andrew
McCarthy is a budding writer with a job
writing obits fora newspaper; Demi (Blame
It on Rio) Moore is recruited into an
international-banking job and must deal
with life in the fast lane; and Mare
Winningham plays a young social worker
with a crush on Hixx. The title, inciden-
tally, pertains to flashes of bright lights in
night skies that sailors, as legend has it,
regarded as divine signals.
NO M.S.G., PLEASE: New York's Chinatown
is the setting for Year of the Dragon, a Dino
De Laurentiis production noteworthy for the
fact that it marks Michael Cimino's first
directorial effort since Heaven's Gale.
Billed as an “urban thriller,” Dragon
opens during a Chinese new-year celebra-
tion on Mott Street, As the fireworks
crackle, two rival Chinese street gangs
start slugging it out and, when the smoke
clears, the corpse of an 85-year-old Chi-
nese patriarch is found in a nearby coffee
shop. Sometime later, a duo of Chinese
gang members opens fire with subma-
chine guns inside a luxurious Chinatown
restaurant. Are these two events related?
Are they acts of terrorism or simply a
gangland vendetta? The task of solving the
mystery falls into the lap of the N.Y.P.D.’s
most decorated captain, Stanley White
(played by Mickey Rourke). He is joined in
his investigation of the murders by Tracy
Tzu, a TV news reporter of Asian descent
(played by model Ariane, making her film
debut). Together, the two uncover a sinis-
ter plot by a seemingly upstanding Chi
nese businessman to control heroin
trafficking. Based on a novel by author
Robert (Prince of the City) Daley, Year of the
Dragon is set for August release
1 WANT My Mtv! Oh, oh. Another wacky
teen has gotten his paws on some sophisti-
cated technology. In Back to the Future,
(coproduced by Steven Spielberg), TaxPs
Christopher Lloyd plays a mad scientist who
has developed a method of tampering with
timc. Who should gct his mitts on thc con-
traption but Marty McFly (played by
Family Ties’ Michael J. Fox), a high school
senior who can't live without his MTV. So
what happens? Marty is transported back
to the year 1955, to a world without rock
n’ roll, let alone MTV, and who does he
happen to meet? ‘Two Fifties teenagers
who will one day become his parents. The
implications of this premise are in-
triguing—what if Marty interferes with
his parents’ meeting, for instance?—and
with Spielberg coproducing, we can prob-
ably rest assured that all possibilities will
be exploited to the fullest. Interestingly
enough, Back to the Future will be released
in mid-July, giving summer moviegoers a
choice of three teens-and-technology fan-
tasies, the two others being Weird Science
and My Science Project.
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Eric Clapton used to be God. Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page were God for a while. Eddie Van
Halen seems to be God right now. Despite the current popularity of synthesizers, it is un-
likely that electroric-keyboard players will ever rank as highly as guitarists in the eyes of rock
theologians. But there are definite comers in the guitar ranks, ard here are two of them (above,
left and right): Steve Stevens and Mark Knopfler. Rock 'n' roll is here to stay, even eternal.
DOL HANDS: “When you can't play
basketball or football, you do what's
necessary to get laid," says Steve Stevens.
So you could conclude, as with other gui-
tarists, that fate and hormones thrust his.
guitarness upon him, and thereafter he
had choices: between the guitar and a big
bar mitzvah, between the guitar and hand-
ball, between the guitar and the viola
(much preferred at the High School of
Performing Arts), between the guitar and
the security of a regular job. Stevens chose
the guitar on every occasion and is now
on the verge of vast fame and wealth as
Billy Idol’s Keith Richards. He has not,
however, forgotten his roots as a short vir-
gin from Queens
“J designed a guitar for Hamer,” says
Stevens, who adds about cight inches to
his height with hair spray. "It's going to
have a really small body, because most
kids who play guitar have really small
bodies. It's also going to have a finger
board that lights up in sequence and an
optional three-color fluorescent paint job.
It's my answer to Robbie the Robot.”
Generating a nice buzz as the new kid to
watch for his melodious meld of punk and
pop, Stevens is one of the reasons—along
with Idol himself—that Billy Idol's name
finally became accurate. Even people who
still find Idol too handsome to deserve
interesting vocal cords admit that Rebel
Yell is a relief between bouts of synth-drum
incessance at the local dance club. Cur-
rently at work ona new album with Idol, a
solo project and the sound track to King
Death (Idol plays a rock-n-roll assassin),
Stevens manages to balance his virtuosity
with humility: “I don’t want people think-
ing, There’s anew hot-shot guitarist, when
they hear a Billy Idol record. The playing
always has to be in the context of the
But ya gotta show off, too, or people are
gonna think you're short: “When I was а
kid, I saw John Fahey play once, and he
mooned the audience. Afterward, no one
was talking about his great finger picking.
It was all “Did you see his ass?” From then
on, I knew you had to be a performer.”
IN THE WORKSHOP: If Merk Knopfler
had stayed with his original calling—
journalism—he'd be one of those guys
banging away on a decrepit old manual
because word processors don't feel like
real writing. As a guitarist, he goes for
minimum stuff between his brain and your
ear, even shunning picks in favor of bare-
finger-tip plucking.
Fortunately, he saw what happens to
journalists after a career covering lies and
violent death (“They become alcoholic,
cynical, prejudiced and mercenary”) and
returned to his guitar with enough will to
weather several years’ starving before Sul-
tans of Swing made him a star as a mem-
ber of Dire Straits and gave the world one
ofits most distinctive guitar styles—sort of
organic electric.
His last record as leader of Dire Straits
was Alchemy, a double live set in 1984, and
although he has been recording some
beautiful sound tracks (Cal and Local
Hero) and writing hits for Tina Turner
(Private Dancer), it's been a while since
the world has heard a Dire Straits album
of original music. So maybe he could tell
me what he’s been up to in the studio
“No, I couldn't," says Knopfler. “It’s
very difficult.”
So we talk about good and evil for a few
hours until he allows that he’s mixing the
new Dire Straits album. It’s called Broth-
ers in Arms, and Sting sings “I want my
MTV” on one song that was inspired by a
delivery boy's rap about video music.
Weird characters are a staple in Knopfler's
“1 realized asa young man that you can
be someone else in a song—not urite
about someone else but be someone else,”
says Knopfler, an admirer of Randy New-
man and other character writers. “An-
other song on the album, The Man's Too
Strong, is the weirdest I ever wrote. The
character is a war criminal, one of the
most despicable creatures on earth. But
he's haunted by his inability to achieve
joy, to create, like his adversary. He con-
siders killing the adversary, but it doesn’t
solve anything. He still has the same prob-
Well, good thing he doesn’t have to
remain the character that he likes to be.
REGGAE UPDATE: The Pablos are com-
ing! Pablo Moses? Tension (Alligator) is a
follow-up (at last) to his acclaimed self-
produced In the Future from 1983. His
music has been described as "acid reg-
gae," though it’s mellower than that might
suggest, even when he’s singing about
bombing everyting, mon. The other Pablo
is Augustus Pablo, also Jamaican and а
performer, but an entreprencur as well,
founder of several record labels and pro-
ducer of many groups—a selection of
which turns up on Rockers All-Star Explosion
(Alligator), including Pablo himsclf, Jah
Bull, Sister Frica, Junior Delgado, Delroy
Williams and Ricky Grant. Of his own
music, this Pablo says, “We call it the Far
East sound, because we play in minor
chords. When you play those chords, it's
like a story without words, and certain
mon who go into deep meditation can pen-
etrate it." A little righteous herb doesn’t
hurt, either. Together, these albums take
you along the path Jah’s music has been
following since Bob Marley's passing.
If The Alan Parsons Project were
funded by the Pentagon, Vulture Culture
(Arista) would be a $4300 screwdriver.
It's much ado about not much, easily for-
gettable stuff only a band member could
love or remember. There were two other
notable instances this month of the inexo-
rable product imperative, which insists
that groups and artists release albums at
certain intervals, whether or not they've.
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got anything new worth hearing. Hard
otherwise to explain the Tubes’ Love Bomb
(Capitol) or Greg Kihn's Citizen Kihn (EMI
America). Generally speaking, we're fans
of both, but these albums aren't worth the
price of admission—unless you make gobs
of money, in which case there's one bit of
inspired lunacy on the Tubes’ album, a
wonderful, goony gene splice of Wooly
Bully and Theme from a Summer Place that
they call Theme from a Wooly Place—but
it’s only 20 seconds long. And Kihn's al-
bum, while not awful, simply sounds per-
functory, like a term paper that was due.
Gorage Sale (Reachout International) is
an anthology of 19 self-styled garage
bands from around the country (plus one
stray from Stockholm), not one of which
we'd ever heard of. Say the liner notes:
“It's taken the sad and snoring somnam-
bulism of corporate Eighties slush rock to
stir the dormant garage scene back into
action this time there's an all-out bat-
tle raging against the plague of drippy,
funkless geek music assaulting ош
senses." We can accept that. The
garagedom answer seems mainly to
return, via slightly bent routes, to that
golden yesteryear of 1966. The Seeds, the
Stems, the Leaves, the Shadows of Knight,
> & the Mysterians, the Sonics—these arc
the garagers’ stations of the cross, with a
Farfisa organ toodling up there on the
altar. While they mostly play in a
neolithically primitive style, they've at
least got passion (zits, too, it sounds like in
many cases)
Those expecting Jimmy Page and Paul
Rodgers' new aggregation, the Firm, to be
the second coming of Led Zep or a bionic
Bad Company are in for a letdown.
Radioactive highlighted by Page's schiz-
oid riffing—is a nifty enough single, but
the rest of The Firm (Atlantic) offers little
more than clichéed lyrics and middle-of-
the-road fare. Page's legendary guitar is
mostly conspicuous by its absence or bur-
ied in the muddy mix; his few solos sound
as if they were phoned in from overseas. In
short, Zep without the zip. These guys can
do better.
John Palumbo’s Blowing Up Detroit
(HME) describes love in the New Wave
lane. You know—ménages à trois, bondage,
masochism, transvestism, sex with girls
from outer space. Most of it’s pleasant, if
forgettable, and some of the lyrics careen
over into word salad. Like She's the
Release, which begins, “I’m the fire—she's
the hole.” Got that? But we really did like
onc cut, Drifting Back to Motown, a funny
lament about a guy who can't keep up
with his New-Wavicr-than-thou girlfriend.
It's a pick hit single if ever we heard onc.
Some say Mick Jagger’s first solo effort
sounds like what you'd expect from the
Stones if they were better players and а
tighter band. Fair enough, if you remem-
ber that the Stones’ rowdy sloppiness has
its charms. On She's the Boss (Columbia),
the funk is more in the rhythms than in the
guitars. This is a clean, streamlined dance
record that leans as much on Jeff Beck’s
and Herbie Hancock's riffs as it does on
Mick’s melodies. The real surprise is
Jagger's vocals—he hasn't sounded this
involved with his lyrics since Some Girls,
though She's the Boss is more like Under My
Thumb in drag than a feminist manifesto
Mick comes across as less of a caricature of
himself than usual. Nothing dazzling, but
a respectable effort
Who would have expected the hippest
aggregation of the month to appear on the
sound track to Porky’s Revenge (Colum-
bia)? The album was produced by Dave
Edmunds, the Welsh fanatic. Along with
providing some hot performances of his
own, he has also lured on board Jeff Beck,
Clarence Clemons, the Crawling King
Snakes (featuring Edmunds, Phil Collins
and Robert Plant), the Fabulous Thunder-
birds, George Harrison, Carl Perkins—
even Willie Nelson, whose Love Me Tender
seems woefully out of place here, but what
the hey? Y'all tap us a new keg an’ brang
on them guruls with they shirts undone,
Jim Bob!
The party suggested by the anthology
sound track to Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon
(Motown) is sleeker, more upscale—high-
rise views, designer dresses aswirl, Perrier-
Jouet instead of Miller time. These cuts by
Willie Hutch, DeBarge, Stevie Wonder,
Smokey Robinson and Syreeta, among
others, represent state-of-the-art Motown.
The differences and the similarities be-
tween what’s here and the classic Mo-
town hits of the Sixties are intriguing
One constant is that most of it practically
drags you off your chair and dares you not
to dance.
At first, we thought John Martyn on
Sopphire (Island) had discovered a new
drug—one combining the effects, say, of
Valium and scuba diving. Just a little too
relaxed, with parts possibly recorded
under water. Then we noticed that the
album had been done in Nassau, so it’s
more likely too many rum and tonics and
Englishmen left too long out in the sun
One cut is even called Mad Dog Days—a
dead giveaway, we'd say. Apparently,
Martyn wanted to emulate the moody
meanderings of The Polices super-
essful Synchronicity. At times, he man-
8 A bonus: the daffiest rendering of
Over the Rainbow ever.
Top ten got ya down, Bunky? No pep in
the pop on the radio? Drowning in New
Wave? Videoed out? That's when it's
time to go back to the source—we mean
MY SON, THE ROCKER DEPARTMENT: Music publicist Joan Tarshis was recently on a New York
subway, perusing a copy of Billboard. So what? Here's the twist: A man got onto the train,
‘sat down near her and said, “Is my son still on the charts?" When Joan asked him who his
son was, the man answered, “Peter Wolf; ever heard of him?" When she nodded yes, Mr.
Wolf confided, “You know, he was very upset when the band broke up.” They've become
pals, and Peter's solo album did good business. That should make a father proud,
jUMOR OF THE MONTH: We've heard that
there is a small but steady ground
swell to make Louie, Louie the Wash-
ington state song. We like thinking
about the possible ramifications of this:
Can you picture the Walla Walla
Kiwanis Club’s opening a mecting with
a rousing chorus of the state song?
REELING AND ROCKING: Twisted Sister is
planning to make a film, and it won’t
be limited to concert footage. “It’s
going to be a scripted comedy with a
plot,” says Dee Snider. .. . Jagger and
at a theater near you—Mick
sists it’s really going to happen. But,
he says, “It won’t be like the Tony Curtis
and Jack Lemmon film Some Like It Hot,
even though David alway
into dresses if possible.” . .
try is doing the sound track for a movie,
Restless Natives, shot entirely in Scot-
land. . . . After actor Timothy Hutton
completes his 20-minute featurette of
Don Henley's Sunset Grill, he hopes to
direct full-length movies. . Paul
McCartney is writing the sound track for
Gene Hackmar's Twice in a Lifetime.
NEWSBREAKS: After 15 ycars apart, The
Rascals will reunite for a summer
tour... . If you're going to be in the Big
Apple this summer, don’t forget Lin-
coln Center’s Mostly Mozart Festival,
from July eighth through August 24.
And speaking of Mozart, you may not
know that when the sound track from
Amadeus made the charts, it was the
first time ever a double classical album
made the top 100. . . . Wham!, on its
recent tour, became the first Western
group ever to play China, The invite
came from the Youth Federation, an
organization of 200,000,000. Five ver-
sions of Careless Whisper in Canton-
ese and Mandarin versions of that and
four other Wham! songs are currently
being recorded by one of China’s top
artists... . While Bob Dylan admits
that videos help sell records, he says,
“If people can sit at home and see the
person singing, why would they go see
him in concert? In person, they aren’t
going to look as good—audiences will
see the sweat, see them at different
angles, see a lot of things they don't sec
on a video. You can’t be so pretty in
person.”...In an ongoing effort to
expand awareness of the compact-
disc system, The Compact Disc Group
has installed a toll-free number,
1-800-872-5565, to assist consumers. In
addition to answering questions and
referring calls, staffers will poll people
on a variety of subjects related to buy-
ing habits. . . . We're recommending
Sixties Roch: A Listener's Guide, by Rob-
ert Santelli. (If it isn’t in your bookstore,
write to the publisher, Contemporary
Books, 180 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois 60601.) . . . Here's
what Pat Benatar has to say about her
- “Its difficult, because
looking like a sex kitten and having the
mentality that goes with it are two dif-
ferent things. I never had the mentality
to go with it. In the beginning, I was
just trying to say that women rockers
didn't have to be androgynous. They
could look female and have brains. I
was trying to break the stereotype. It
didn’t really work, but I feel better
about it now. I still don’t want to look
like a boy." . . . PBS debuts Alive from
Off Center, featuring videos by top cho-
rcographers, composers, playwrights
and video artists, this summer. David
Byrne will write thc theme music.
the blues, of course. Blues in Chicago are
aliver and weller than ever, and three new
albums on Alligator provide an excellent
sampler of state-of-the-art Chicago blues.
James Cotton provided the timeless harp
solos on countless Muddy Waters sides
before going solo in 1966. On High Com-
pression, he's assembled two different finc
bands. The James Cotton Chicago Blues
All-Stars are a traditional nonhorn line-up
featuring gritty Magic Slim on guitar,
Pinetop Perkins on piano and Aron Burton
on bass. The other group, Cotton's regular
band, is horned and funked up, more slick
and uptown. The mix is a sampler of
styles, with the All-Stars’ Sunny Road as
the standout. Fenton Robinson’s album
Nightflight is more for slow dancing and
making out—not that it doesn’t cook. You
can hear T-Bone Walker and other Texas-
blues influences in Robinson’s guitar,
along with a Memphis breeze in the
horns—all evolved into a style of his own.
Included here are tasty updates of two
carly Robinson hits, Crazy, Crazy Lovin’
and Schoolboy. But probably the hottest
blues band in Chicago right now belongs
to Son Seals, and it’s casy to tell why on
Bad Axe. Without ever quite leaving the
blues, Seals packs a bunch of rock 'n’ roll
and funk into his guitar playing, which,
like his voice, is more edgy and raw than
the more mellow Robinson stylc—
especially on such cuts as Don't Pick Me
for Your Fool and Just About to Lose Your
Clown. All three albums are recommended
for combating those top-ten blues.
Rosanne Cash, widely known as Johnny
Cash's daughter, Carlene Carter's step-
sister and Rodney Crowell’s wife, may
soon gain fame as Rosanne Cash’s song-
writer with the material on Rhythm and
Romance (Warner). In the nearly three
years since she last recorded, she seems to
have scrutinized her musical approach
and, evidently, her marriage, too. All of
that adds up to the touchingly scrutable
scenes from a modern romance on such
songs as Never Gonna Get Hurt, 1 Don't
Know Why You Don’t Want Me and Second
to No One. And if your hard heart hasn’t
yet broken with the strain, listen to her
song for Dad, My Old Man. Rosanne is in
full bloom.
Jason & The Scorchers / Lost & Found (EMI
America): Bar band of the month. In
Nashville, where it hangs out, this passes
for heavy metal.
Eric Clapton / Behind the Sun (Warner):
Have guitar, will play the most lugubrious
tripe to fill an album. Where, oh, where is
the Eric of old?
Terri Gibbs / Old Friends (Warner): Musi-
cal thoughts for liberated good ol’ gals by
a practitioner from the I’ve-got-sunshine-
and-mountains-in-my-hair school that’s
almost shut down these days.
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G monsters at the supermart! A
mailman delivering death! A tiger in
the boys’ room! A starving shipwrecked
surgeon starting to think his feet look just
Maybe Stephen King’s premises sound
silly, but that thought fades along about
the second paragraph of each story in Skel-
eton Crew (Putnam's). In his novels, King
takes the reader by the hand and leads him
slowly to the haunted house, then shoves
him inside and locks the door. In this col-
lection, which includes a novella, The Mist,
19 short stories and even two snatches of
verse, he lands you in a hurry and then
leans back, chortling, while you shiver on
his hook. Now and then, he even doffs
his shockmeister crown and becomes—
presto!—the king of black comedy. We're
not about to ruin the surprise, but toward
the end of Survivor Type—the one about
the hungry surgeon—he gets off one of the
funniest lines you'll read’ this year. Laugh
until you scream, but read it with the
night light on!
In his first novel, Angels, poet Denis
Johnson two years ago charted the course
of two drifters through a world of bus ter-
minals and shattered dreams, psychiatric
wards and petty crime. In Johnson's latest.
book, the world itself is seemingly adrift.
Fiskadoro (Knopf) is set in Key West in the
middle of the 21st Century, some 50 years
after a nuclear war, and its inhabitants,
cut off from history and uncertain of the
future, are fishermen and shamans. They
listen to Jimi Hendrix on Cubaradio and
pray to the gods Allah and Bob Marley.
"They decorate their homes with steering
wheels and hts and other bits of use-
less machinery. The genetically aberrant
mingle with ghosts of the dead. This is fer-
tile territory for a writer as gifted as John-
son, and his powers of description are
equal to the task. But while there is much
poetic detail to admire in this book, the
story is aimless and ultimately unsatisfy-
ing. Johnson is clearly a writer to watch.
He’s got the chops for big-time fiction.
Uncovering the Sixties: The Life and Times of
the Underground Press (Pantheon), by Abe
Peck, is a definitive description of that dec-
adc that refuses to dic. Peck was at the cen-
ter of the Sixties himself, first as a reporter
for the Seed in Chicago, then as a member
of the Underground Press Syndicate and a
writer for Ral in New York City. “I cov-
ered some of the decade's key events,” he
writes, “and gave my time, my heart, my
health to the papers.” In brilliant and per-
sonal prose, Peck chronicles it all: the
stodginess of mainstream joumalism as
the Vietnam war began, the imaginative
but sometimes irresponsible reporting of
the undergrounders, the ever-presence of
Government surveillance and manipula-
Short-form King: as scary as ever.
Short stories from the
horrormaster; Abe Peck
writes a classic.
[2 SN: Doss
Underground Press: required reading.
tion (Armageddon News, an underground
paper in the Midwest, was staffed by FBI
agents), the cumulative impact of civil
rights issues and assassinations and drugs
and music and comics and revolutionary
rhetoric on the generation that flowered
and then wilted in that era. Peck charts it
all with a historian's eye and a survivor's
heart. This is simply the best book about
the subject, and it is bound to go on Amer-
ica's required-reading list.
We admit it—we’re Deadheads from
way back. You gotta love ‘em. Hard to
imagine one of the haughty Rolling
Stones, for instance, saying, as Bob Weir
does in Pleying in the Band: An Oral and
Visual Portrait of the Groteful Dead (St.
Martin's): “We may not be the most pro-
fessional outfit on the face of the planet,
but once things get rolling, there is some-
thing that happens.” Or Jerry Garcia:
“We were a social configuration of some
kind before we were a band. Our roots are
in that strictly good-time thing, basic hi
pies, without any kind of motive or pur-
pose. It’s one of the things that's given
us a sort of community strength.” Like
Halley’s comet, the Dead go around and
come around—and on June seventh, they
marked their 20th anniversary in rock "n*
roll, which is the occasion of this book, а
collage of band interviews and more than
250 pictures assembled by David Gans
and Peter Simon. Its structured (or not)
like a rap, with everybody getting in his
two cents" worth on a given subject if he's
got somethin' new to say—just as the
band itself is structured (or not), with
extreme democracy, not to say anarchy, at
the core. There are probably more Dead
books than Dead albums (18 of the latter
on 25 discs, and counting), but this one's
especially good at revealing the dynam-
ics—of both the people and the music
Weir calls it “misfit power.” This book is
for anyone who has ever wanted to spend
some time hanging out and rapping with
the Grateful Dead; we came away from it
feeling we knew them better in useful ways
and understood their music better, too—
neither of which is generally worth the
trouble when it comes to rock bands. But
the Dead are a way of life, a raggedy-assed
cosmos. So ler's hope Garcia forgoes free-
basing, so they'll be around another 20
Short, but not sweet, is Coptain Maximus
(Knopf), a collection of short stories and a
screen treatment by Barry Hannah. Han-
nah’s fiction, mostly about hard-drinking
middle-aged males, is strong stuff leavened
with bits of humor. Too offbeat to be a
hest seller in any circles but literary ones,
this slim volume is still well worth a look.
Out of the Cradle (Workman), by William.
K. Hartmann, Ron Miller and Pamela
Lee: A dramatic, beautifully illustrated
guide to the solar system, with a point to
make—as man depletes the
triguing introduc-
tion to the 21st Century.
The Sweet Нурарег of Life (Howard Uni-
), by Roy DeCarava and Langston
Hughes: Originally published in 1955, this
handsome reprint (photographs and text)
about family life in Harlem as secn
through the loving and forgiving eyes of a
grandmother is nothing short of terrific.
D: te efforts on the part of the Anti-
Warm Beer League and the Society
for the Prevention of Toenails in Pork Pies,
it looks as if they're going ahead with
Wimbledon again. That's good. We need
this tournament, Wimbledon—ah, the
grass courts, the strawberries and cream,
the flowered hats, the ivy-covered
linesmen—to remind us of what tennis
was like, at its best, before it died.
Not that the death of tennis preys on my
mind like something important—like, oh, I
don’t know, a cheeseburger, maybe—but
thoughts of another Wimbledon did start
me wondering about when it was that ten-
nis actually died. Recreational tennis died,
of course, when so many middle-aged pco-
ple started trying to chase lobs—and died.
As for spectator tennis, 1 remember that
it almost died a number of years back
when there was nobody around but intro-
spective Australians. Then it suddenly
gained new life because of something
called Open Tennis, which said it was OK
for "amateur" tennis stars to accept
money above the table. But Open Tennis
was a good idea that backfired. While it
removed the amateur sham from the sport,
it has done nothing since, as far as Í can
tell, but make billionaires out of rude chil-
dren, moody defectors and a lot of guys
with hair that looks like bats have slept in
it. All in all, then, I am forced to conclude
that the professional boom that once saved
tennis has, in fact, killed it for good—with
a big assist from the silly shirt.
Uh-huh, the shirt. Show me a man who
wears one of those shirts with a skimpy lit-
tle lay-down collar and seroochy little
short sleeves that tug at the armpits, and
ГЇЇ show you either a tennis finalist or
some guy rearranging baskets of ferns in
the Hamptons.
I can live with the shirt. Poor taste is the
backbone of our economy. But what about
the repetitious results? Who among us
isn’t glazed over these days when we read
in the sports pages that four guys named
Yommick or Igor, all in different parts of
the world, from Tokyo to Houston, all in
their silly little shirts, have cach won
$300,000,000 in some kind of nonevent
that sounds like a Lucas-Spielberg film,
Volvo and the Nabisco® And John
McEnroe’s never even there, probably
because Tatum O'Neal wanted to stay
home and watch the music channel.
My head swims with the thought that, їп
this one life, I may have seen tennis pro-
gress from Don Budge and Alice Marble to
Farrah Fawcett becoming John McEnroe's
But back to money, the $300,000,000
that Yommick or Igor wins every week.
Nobody has ever been able to explain to
me where all of that money comes from or
why whoever has it wants to give it to a
bunch of athletes who go to a city largely
to be arrogant, uncommunicative and
insulting. They are all those things to the
promoters who raise money for them,
the officials who want their pictures made
with them, the fans who adore them and a
press that makes them famous. For those
who haven’t figured out why tennis stars
are arrogant, uncommunicative and insult-
ing, I'm happy to offer some theories.
Theory One: The tennis player is arro-
gant because he mistakenly believes he
excels in a rich man’s sport. The blazers
and ties at the cocktail parties have him
fooled. If the tennis player had a brain that
extended beyond his next “exo fee,” he
would know that yachting, thoroughbred
racing, buying countries, collapsing banks,
electing politicians—these are the games
of the rich. Tennis is a middle-class sport.
Theory Two: The tennis
uncommunicative because,
and I don't really mean to pem but,
well—he's stupid.
Theory Three: The tennis player is
insulting because, in all probability
whining little shit has never had his
ass kicked by an outside linebacker.
ГЇЇ skip over some of the other things
that have contributed to the death of
tennis —headbands, short pants on Com-
mies, new stadiums built in the landing
patterns of Delta and United—and cut
straight to the clincher, The clincher is the
Tennis Interview.
“Congratulations on
pionship, Igor. It must be a great feelir
“Yes, to feel the winning is much better
than to feel the losingness that comes from
the loss of not winning.”
“You had good support out there today.”
“Yes, I said this to myself and this is
what I told myself I must do. This was my
(ou seemed to look at your coach
before the tough points.”
“Yes, I must give credit to my coach.
Also, my dietician, my doctor, my chefand
my pilot”
“Was today’s match the toughest you've
ever had?”
“Yes, but such things are relative. In
tennis, much can sometimes depend on
the line calls and the lateness of the cour-
tesy cars.”
“You were down by two sets.”
“Yes, the press will say that, but in my
mind, it was a different story, and this is
only for me to say when I have spoke.”
“It was your serve that brought you back.”
“Yes, it was in my mind to hit a high
percentage of first serves and take away his
serve by coming back low and to his feet.”
“Doesn't everybody try to do that?”
“Yes, but the mental aspect must come
into play as well as the mind.”
“In your book, you say the key to good
tennis is keeping the ball on the other side
of the net.”
“Yes, the book is $15.95 and on sale in
the boutique,”
“How will you celebrate this victory?”
“Yes, Vitas and I have an exo in Mon-
treal. After that, I go to my villa in France,
then to my chalet in Switzerland. If there
is time before my exo tour of Japan, I will
buy six cars and a diamond mine.”
“Are you going to play at Wimbledon?”
“Yes, we are discussing this, but so far
they have not agreed to change the dates to
accommodate my schedule. It is sad for
me to say, but some people have no consi
eration for the competitor.”
“I have only one more question, Igor.”
paves yo ои
“How well do all you silly fuckers
think you'd play without ball boys?”
ming the cham-
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A s most travelers and shoppers
know, the British lease on Hong
Kong—extorted during the so-called
Opium Wars of the 19th Gentury—
expires in 1997. Although new accords
between Chinese and British negotiators
are supposed to ensure an orderl
year-long transition from British to Chi-
nesc administration, no onc really belicves
that will be true. The planned stationing
of Chinese troops on Hong Kong soil sug-
gests that the erstwhile crown colony's
freewheeling, free-enterprise atmosphere
may be at least a little restrained. All of
which means that travelers who haye never
experienced its unique appeal—and those
who have and want to return before Hong
Kong becomes a Chinese satellite—have
little more than ten years to do so.
Why go careening across the Pacific to
visit Hong Kong? For starters, it’s home to
about half a dozen of the best hotels on the
planet—and that’s not just a travel writ-
er's hyperbole. The work ethic of the huge
Chinese population (and the low wages
paid) means an amazing ratio of staff to
guests. A typical deluxe hotel in Hong
Kong employs staff members to meet you
at the airport; colleagues to carry your
bags from the luggage carrousel to wait-
ing limousines (everything from deluxe
Daimlers to knockout Rolls-Royces); a
pair of porters (usually in pillbox hats)
who open hotel front doors every time any-
thing even remotely human approaches;
endless bellmen, floor boys, room boys,
bearers, cleaners, fetchers, carriers and
guys who just stand around waiting for
some odd idea to strike a guest. When you
step off an elevator, there’s almost always
a foot race with thc floor man to your room
so he can open your door before you do.
Pick up a telephone and order anything
from tea to teriyaki, and your order may
arrive at roughly the same moment as the
receiver hits the cradle. This sort of service
is the standard against which you'll meas-
ure every other hotel stay for the rest of
your life.
Which is number one? Well, over on
Hong Kong Island, the Mandarin and the
Hong Kong Hilton battle it out for top
spot, with the Mandarin getting a narrow
nod. But folks who know Hong Kong best
now seem to be gravitating toward the
Kowloon (mainland) side of the harbor,
especially since a host of new hotels has
popped up along the landfill called Tsim
Sha Tsui. Among them are the Holiday
Inn Harbour View, the Shangri-La, the
Regal Meridien, The Royal Garden, the
New World (Hong Kong's best hotel
Kong and The
Regent (the very best of this terrific
group). Most offer incredible views across
the harbor toward Hong Kong Island and
its looming опа Peak. Military ves-
sels, freighters, tankers, ferries and other
seagoing traffic combine with an endless
parade of junks and sampans to provide a
scene as hypnotizing as any in an action
movie. It’s especially breath-taking at sun-
set from a room at The Regent—don't
reserve unless you're guaranteed a room
facing the harbor.
Eating Hong Kong’s second-best
indoor sport, and some of the best chefs in
the world work here. Chinese cooking is
available in every subspecialty, from
Shanghai to Szechwan, dim sum to dragon
and phoenix, and there are restaurants
from Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Indone-
ia. Vietnam and the Philippines. Here is
the place (if you dare) to try dishes that
would make Indiana Jones blanch: not
only monkey's brains eaten directly from
the skull of a freshly killed simian but bear
paw, snake, dog, pigeon, frog, sparrow,
mouse, lizard— many of which arc offi-
cially banned as food but bring exorbitant
prices anyway.
For the less exotically inclined, there is
the midday meal at Hong Kong City Hall,
where 2500 lunchers vie for the attention
of scores of serving persons wheeling dim
sum carts around a dining room the size of
Madison Square Garden. Somewhat more
gaudy are the floating restaurants of Aber-
deen, on the other side of the island,
reached via junks and sampans.
Perhaps the most clegant of Hong
Kong's classic Chinese restaurants are the
Man Wah, on the roof of the Mandarin
hotel, and the new Lai ng Heen, at The
Regent. There are also first-class Western
eateries such as Gaddi’s (at the Peninsula
hotel), Lalique (at The Royal Garden),
Plume (at The Regent) and The Grill (at
the Hilton). But for a combination of
snacks and social scene, there's still
nowhere else in Hong Kong that matches
the lobby of the Peninsula. It's a sort of
parade route for an endless stream of daz-
zling women from both Orient and Occi-
dent. If you can't find companionship in
the lobby of the Pen, you'd better change
your after-shave,
Shopping is an essential part of Hong
re, and everything from pearls to
is sold here in authentic or imita-
tion form. There isn't anything the Hong
Kong Chinese cannot make or copy; ever
since they mastered duplicating Louis
Vuitton’s brown vinylized canvas, they've
heen creating knock-ofls of every Paris
product—and lots of items Louis never
dreamed of. Climbing the ladder streets of
Hong Kong Island, where the alleys are
filled with name-brand imitations, you
half expect to trip over a Buick with an LV
Custom gear is also a Hong Kong spe-
cialty, and bespoke shirts, suits, sports
jackets and odd trousers are cranked out
with remarkable speed and efficiency.
Remember, however, that Hong Kong tai-
lors copy a lot better than they create, so
it's best to take along something you'd love
to have painstakingly duplicated.
For pure bargains, nothing beats the
rowdy market that flourishes in the town
of Stanley. Famous-brand jeans, signature
sport shirts, tennis togs, every conceiv-
able hrand and variety of sport shoc, lug-
gage (you'll prohahly nced an extra bag to
tote home all your purchases) and lots more
are sold in alley shops and street stalls.
After dark, night markets in Kowloon
and down by the out-island ferry docks on
Hong Kong Island pick up the retail slack.
Here business of every sort is transacted
unashamedly, and the openness of the com-
merce can make an unsuspecting observ-
er gasp. It’s a place to experience
before it disappears forever.
After all, ЫЎ
if smoking isn’t a pleasure,
why bother?
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
[ hey're taking away our role models.
In movies, books and television
shows, men arc being trivialized, and the
message is this: You guys are mostly
dumb, frivolous, awkward and
mouselike—and if you don't agree with
that, you're sexist.
You've seen Amadeus, right? That's the
film about the gifted but infantile com-
poser who giggled like an idiot and then
died of indigestion. Great vision of
Mozart? The way you always thought of
him? Peter Shaffer called his scrcenplay for
Amadeus “a fantasia based on fact. It is not
a screen biography af Mozart and was
never intended to be.”
"That disclaimer doesn't do it. Most peo-
ple viewing Amadeus think they're seeing
the real Mozart, and as they leave the the-
ater, they have to be wondering how such
an imbecile could produce such а good
sound track.
The Mozart I know about was a man of
infinite variety and great strength. He was
a playful man, no question about that. He
was also vigorous and direct, and his
music was a concrete and vivid reflection
of his energy, talent and perception.
Take one day from Mozart's life. He
wrote to his wife about his schedule: Hc
rose at five am, took a long walk, treated
himself to some cutlets ("che gusto!”),
played two rounds of billiards, sent for
black coffee, smoked “a splendid pipe of
tobacco,” quickly orchestrated the third
movement of the Clarinet Concerto,
dined on *a delicious slice of sturgeon”
and other delicacies, and then, since he
had “a rather voracious appetite,” sent his
valet back for seconds.
This is the same Mozart who was bled
of two to three quarts of blood during the
last 12 days of his life, yet had the strength
to stand up and rehearse his Requiem ten
hours before he died.
Not a giggling, bawling jerk, in other
words, but a man who led a varied and dif-
ficult life and who met his many chal-
lenges bravely.
Why didn’t we see that Mozart?
The fast answer to that is simple: He
wouldn’t sell. The handle, the gimmick,
the trick these days is to make a mockery
of any male whose life goes beyond the
narrow range of cop or cowhoy. Amadeus
is the perfect vehicle for the Eighties—the
greatest composer of all time wasn't a
man, he was a mouse. It’s the message this
culture seems to want to hear.
Meanwhile, of course, Diane Keaton
and Sally Field and Sissy Spacek have
been busy playing cinematic superwomen,
none of whom giggles inanely or loses self-
control at a moments notice. Women,
we're being told, have their shit together.
Men never have. Not even the best and
most creative of them.
Men are disappearing nowhere more
obviously than in contemporary fiction.
Find a novel that is not a spy or detective
story and you're likely to find a feminist
tract. Women form the bulk of today’s
literary consumers, we're told. Why
shouldn't they? The standard novel of the
Seventies and Eighties describes a brave
but lonely woman who discovers that
there’s life after men. Or should that read
“after mice”?
Example: "He was still handsome . . .
but the beauty had something desiccated
about it, like a dried flower. . . . He was a
slim, proud-looking man, more delicately
built than his sister. He should have been
the girl and she the boy."
That is a description of Julian DeVane,
the most prominent male in Gail Godwin's
latest novel, The Finishing School. Julian,
poor mouse, will go on to kill himself at
the end of the book, but who's surprised?
It’s obvious he won't be able to hack it.
Here’s how he plays the piano: “His eyes
were almost closed, and he touched the
keys with a slight restraint; he looked as
though he had sent himself into some other
realm and had to be careful not to be swal-
lowed up by it... . Several times Julian
hummed aloud, or emitted abrupt, gut-
tural sounds as he played.”
Well, at least he doesn’t giggle.
When the next editor you meet laments
the fact that men are not buying novels the
way they used to, you might ask why they
should. So they can watch themselves
being annihilated? Or you might ask that
editor what it’s like to be male and walk
into a bookstore these days. Usually you're
greeted with shelves of feminist fiction,
and then you turn around to face the
special section on women’s issues. It’s a
double whammy, and it proves that pub-
lishing’s matriarchy is alive and well. Men
sense that and stay away.
What's going on? It has to do with
money, among other things. The femi
audience is the largest, the most c:
identifiable, the one most clearly on the
ascendancy. Women now constitute a sig-
nificant portion of the work force, and
their search for role models has been given
top billing. Turn on your TV and you'll
see what I mean.
P. J. Bednarski, former television critic
for the Chicago Sun-Times, wrote recently
about male roles in the TV wasteland:
“Something has happened to the TV Guy.
Some things have been surgically removed
from men: brains and spines and morals
and scruples. . .. Men are the old Women.
on TV. Ornamental. Subservient. Dull-
witted. And most often, very good-
looking." Bednarski goes on to cite
examples of dumb guys we're all supposed
to laugh at: Ted Danson and the late Nich-
olas Colasanto in Cheers, Tom Poston in
Newhart, Thom Bray in Riptide,
Brosnan in Remington Steele, John Ritter
in Three's a Crowd, John Forsythe in
Dynasty, Tony Danza in Who's the Boss?—
the list goes on
The trivialization of the male today is a
conscious manipulation of our national
psyche to create and then please a market.
The money people doing this have no real
understanding of who we men are, Nor do
they seem to care.
I's time for some new bumper
stickers. How about MOZART was А
Honk if you agree El
“They say its the number one
gin in America.
They say it tastes
excitingly different.
They say its the only gin
' thats mellowed”
drink it with someone
you know very, very, well
...Or want to^
Everything they say...is true.
f I here I was, minding my own busi-
ness, reading my March PLAYBOY,
when an essay called What Else Do Women
Want? struck my face. Í read it, my cyes
growing wilder as I was told that we femi-
nists were “deranged and flabbergastingly
disingenuous,” “just another piggy little
special-interest. group” and ithout
regard to logic, principle ог justice."
I shook my head in wonder when I read
further that we were a powerful political
lobby that must systematically be stopped
before we single-mindedly stripped away
the rights of all free men.
“The author, John Gordon, seemed to
have (when all his rhetoric was boiled
down) these major beel
A. Women don’t have to get drafted,
which is not fair.
B. Women make out better, because
they usually get to keep the kids and get
child support, but a father doesn’t have
the right to demand abortion.
C. The only reason women make 59
cents for every dollar men make is that
they take time off to raise children and
haven't the seniority to make more.
D. Women are trying to stop men from
seeing the truth by pretending there are
snuff films and that there was a cheering
crowd of gang rapers in New Bedford—
both of which are myths.
To my mind, this piece of writing is a
petulant mélange of demifacts and high-
pitched fears; in other words, propaganda.
Let's just look at a couple of distortions:
Gordon cites Sandra Day O'Connor as
a feminist, yet her Supreme Court voting
record on the legality of abortion makes it
clear that she is not a feminist.
According to Joyce Wadler, a Washing-
ton Post reporter who covered the New
Bedford rape trial, the “crowd” did exi
“Just five or six,” Wadler says, “although
Thate to use the word just when discussing
gang rape.”
I could go on, but it seems pointless
simply to demolish Gordon's “facts.”
Instead—what the hell—let’s jump to the
basic issue: What do we feminist broads
want, anyway? Are we trying to cut off
men’s balls, or what?
Let's first address the assumption that
feminists are a powerful political lobby.
My response can only be “Huh? Where?
When? How?" Powerful as we are, we
couldn't even get the Equal Rights
Amendment passed. And we all know how
terribly threatening the E.R.A. is, what
with equal-opportunity bathrooms and all.
I wish we were powerful. I want us to be
powerful. But Gordon's conclusion that we
are and must be stopped is discouraging.
The subsidiary assumption, that femi-
nists are promoting their interests at the
expense of men, is even more upsetting.
Let's look at а parallel situation, the
civil rights movement. Was every blow
gainst racism equally a blow against
white people? No, it was simply a blow
against white supremacists. Everybody—
except the Ku Klux Klan—benefits from
the civil rights moyement. Similarly, every
attack against sexism is not an attack
against men; it is an attack against
Americans have a strong sense of fair
play. Unfortunately, sexism is an
grained trait in both men and women,
which leads to a stupefying amount of sen-
sitivity in both sexes. Men don’t under-
stand why women sock them in the jaw for
using the word chick. Hey, they've always
used the word chick, it’s just the way they
lalk, goddamn it! Women can't figure out
why men don't understand that the word
chick is offensively diminutive. And so it
goes. In times of change, things can get
very touchy. Try, if you're white, using the
word nigger. Go ahead.
Now, about this child-care/custody
business. Let's try logic: One cannot say
that women make only 59 cents for every
dollar men make because they're the ones
who have to stay home with the kids and
then go on to say that they don't deserve
child support and custody of their chil-
dren. As long as there is inequity in the
market place, there will be inequity in the
home. Child-care issues cannot be re-
solved until women’s earnings, dollar for
dollar, achieve parity with men’s.
A big problem with Gordon's essay is
that he cannot seem to differentiate
between women and feminists. Not all
women are feminists, and it's dangerous to
assume that they are—since it means that
every act by every woman is a feminist act,
and every time a woman (such as Sandra
Day O'Connor) does something irritating,
you can label her a feminist and say that
the entire movement is rubbish.
Which brings me to Andrea Dworkin,
an alleged feminist who gets a lot of press.
Dworkin is the most vocal supporter of
Women Against Pornography, and she,
along with feminist law professor Cather-
ine MacKinnon, drafted an Indianapolis
antiporn statute defining pornography as
“the sexually explicit subordination of
women, graphically depicted, whether in
pictures or words.”
Tam not crazy about pornography, but
1 am simply nuts about the First Amend-
ment. And when I saw the Women Against
Pornography picketing the Broadway pro-
duction of Lolita, I knew we were all in
trouble. This is dangerous and scary.
What makes it worse is that Dworkin has
joined forces with Jerry Falwell types.
Funnily enough, Gordon doesn’t even
mention Dworkin. She's the only reason
men should feel threatened by feminism,
though she is anything but representative
of modern feminist thought
So what is modern feminist thought?
Damned if | know. We are not, and
never were, a monolithic movement. Femi-
m is based on the premise that no one
should be deprived of her or his civil
rights; but after that, we agree to differ.
Betty Friedan, in her most recent book,
talks about getting together with men
again, Germaine Greer, in her most recent
book, says that no woman can be fulfilled
unless she is a mother. I don't always
agree with my sisters, but I will defend to
the death their rights (except, perhaps,
when they link up with Jerry Falwell).
We are, by and large, a good bunch.
And we are certainly not the enemy. Ifyou
want an enemy, cast your eyes toward the
maniacs who are bombing abortion
clinics, for God's sake. E
One taste tells you its perfect.
One Tuchtells you its Weber.
Imagine perfectly barbequed food. Tender. Juicy.
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One taste tells you the Weber One-Touch
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The Weber One-Touch kettle also has the
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The Weber One-Touch kettle. See it at your
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And taste perfect barbeque flavor tonight.
The patented Weber One-Touch System opens the
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From the biggest name inyour backyard. 2 >
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I ke lbs cotes cum, Bn c
years ago, while I was living in a balmy
little crease in the hills north of San Fran-
cisco, I went after the dirt around my
house as if it were going to save whatever
small scraps of sanity I had left, and
maybe it did. Not that it probably looked
sane from the next property. Га still like
to hear my neighbors’ version of the spring
day I walked into the middle of my
unplanted garden plot, dropped my pants
and sat to test the folk theory that if the
soil is too cold for your bare ass, it's too
cold for the seedlings you're getting ready
to plant. I had a fine garden that vear—
corn, four kinds of tomatoes, onions,
сикез, peppers, chard—and by the time
Pd eaten the last of it, I was feeling pretty
good about the job Га done and the fun
Га had making the earth say beans in-
stead of grass, as Henry Thoreau put it.
During the winter, while I was waiting
for the sun to come back so I could do it
again, the price for local marijuana hit
$200 per swindler's ounce, and the greedy
little accountant in my head began sug-
gesting that if we were smart, we ought to
make the earth say beans and grass this
year. So a friend and I built a greenhouse
out of used lumber and corrugated plastic
panels; then I double dug two large beds,
stirred an intense formula of compost and.
other organic vegetable food into them
and planted: in one bed, 12 cocky little pot
seedlings that Га sprouted with the new
moon; in the other, tomatoes, marigolds
and the kind of mums that get those big,
mop-looking heads. “Just like growing
money,” said the accountant as we
watched the Cannabis put on muscle and
begin to stretch out.
The weeds came up as if this had been
their property for 10,000 years, which it
had. There were days when I felt as if I
were trying to disconnect the San Fran-
cisco Bell System by pulling out one phone
at a time, but weeding isn’t bad work. It’s
not as deep-down satisfying as yanking a
telephone out by the roots, but it’s in the
same family of exercise, and after a while,
I didn't care what excuse got me into the
pretty light of that quiet little shack
But you're never doing what you think
you're doing, and that turns out to be as
true in the greenhouse as it is in love and
romance. When you jug all that heat and
light, passionate things happen, and only
some of them are what you had in mind.
Just a little more than two months after
I planted it, the marijuana hit the seven-
foot roof and I topped it to encourage that
good sumo shape. Then four males
showed their pollen sacs and I hustled
them out of the ground and onto the com-
post heap before they could have their way
with the females, because the idea behind
sinsemilla is that if you deny the ladies а
chance to make seeds, they will, like nuns,
spend all their energies producing the
more spiritual oils, which are what get you
high. When my plants flowered, they con-
firmed the theory by sending up a sweet
green musk that stoned every last spider.
and bug in the place and seemed a perfect
airborne expression of the six or seven
luminescent shades of green that ran from.
the trunk to the upper stories of those
beautiful trees. The promise in the smell
drove me crazy, so I pinched a few early
buds, dried them, then sat down in the
greenhouse and smoked. They tasted as
sweet as they smelled, and they got me
high enough that as I sat there watching
them grow, I realized for the first time
exactly what the poet Gerard Manley
Hopkins meant when he said that what
you stare at eventually stares back at you.
Meanwhile, the flowers had grown into
clumps and bushes big enough to make me
think of a Mafia funeral; and it was
becoming clear that if I didn't start eating
the tomatoes, they were going to strangle,
then eat, the entire greenhouse. From then
on, Late seven or ten a day while I tried to
eyeball what the weight of the pot crop
was going to be once I'd dried ít. I figured
about two pounds of perfect, no-seed buds,
which meant about $4000 after I'd kept
some and given some to friends.
What I was forgetting was that every-
thing you grow is related to everything else
that grows around it, and the other thing I
was raising on my property at that time
was my 17-year-old daughter, who was
putting certain fragrances of her own into
the air, which were attracting the kind
of two-legged pests and vermin that are
a lot harder to beat back than aphids
and moles. So I shouldn't have been
shocked that September morning when I un-
locked the greenhouse door to find four of
the eight plants gone and a panel ripped
off the rear of the place. But I was; and I
was red-zone mad that what had been one
of the most pleasantly consuming things
F'd ever done was now turned into a grim
kind of sentry duty that had me hoping the
bastards would try it just once more. They
did, of course: long-haired teen scum,
belly-creeping down from the road,
through the weeds, in the middle of the
day. | watched, like a sniper, from a
second-story window, a brick in my hand,
and when the first of the three got right
below me and started to jerk at one of the
panels, I thought, Now. Then I saw myself
the way you sometimes do when the mon-
ster is just short of blowing away the last
grain of decency you own, and I thought,
You gonna crush this kid’s skull for a cou-
ple of bags of dope? “Hell, yes,” said the
monster, but I didn’t, because, somehow,
making the earth say murder wasn’t what
Pd had in mind when I laid the seed in.
Instead, I yelled, “What the fuck you doing
down there?” Tt was a rhetorical question,
and the way the trio took off, I think they
understood that.
I harvested the last of the four plants
that day, almost two months ahead of their
full, juicy maturity, and when І got the
crop dry, there was just under a pound. I
sold some, but I smoked most of it myself
and shared it with my pothead friends;
and the next season, I left the lock off the
door and filled the greenhouse with vege-
tables and flowers. I told myself that I
could buy good marijuana, but tomatoes
like the ones coming out of that little shed
were not for sale at any price.
The accountant hated that logic, of
course; but, then, my biggest mistake was
ever letting him into the garden in
the first ec
Where youre going,
its Michelob.
The way you work, the way you
play, you're on your way to
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Ham a 29-year-old businessman very hap-
pily married to a woman of the same age.
My problem concerns our sexual
relations—or at least my fantasies about
our sexual relations. There’s something
missing from our sex life that I constantly
fantasize about and would dearly love to
experience: spanking—that is, my spank-
ing her. This obsession may sound rather
absurd, but my particular “perversion”
doesn’t seem to be quite as rare as I once
imagined it to be—at least from what I’ve
read and heard. My wife came from a
rather conservative family and was sexu-
ally naive when I married her, but she has
since, I think, come to enjoy sex and has
been willing to try new things. My prob-
lem is, how do I ease spanking into a
regular part of our sex life? Do women ever
fantasize about being spanked? This par-
ticular need of mine has been with me ever
since 1 was an adolescent but has had no
outlet for satisfaction other than in
fantasies—I was simply afraid, as I am
now, that if I told a woman about this,
she'd pack up and leave. Mind you, I
wouldn’t dare hurt her. It’s just that
whenever I see her gorgeous, slightly
plump little ass wiggling around the
house, I have an enormous hard-on and
fantasize for the next week about taking
her over my lap, pulling down her jeans
and panties and paddling her with my
bare hand or a ping-pong paddle. There
are variations on this, of course. All this,
I’m sure, does make me sound like a sadis-
tic pervert. Maybe I am. But assuming no
one gets hurt (and I have no intention of
hurting her beyond mere light spanking),
what's the harm? Any suggestions?—S. S.,
Chicago, Illinois.
Don't be so timid. Show your wife this let-
ter. Say, “Gee, it takes all kinds to fill the free-
ways, doesn't it, honey?” Then pause and ask
her if she’s ever had a fantasy about spank-
ing. (You may be surprised by her answer.) As
a means to an end, you might simply confess
to your own fantasy and ask for her coopera-
tion. A marriage should include the sharing
of fantasies. That has to cut both ways.
Maybe you'll wind up on the receiving end.
W bought a TV set that’s supposed to be
cable ready. I can get some cable chan-
nels, but the picture is completely scram-
bled. I recall that on my old TV, there was
a horizontal-hold control that could
straighten out the picture. There's no such
control on my new one. Are the TV-set
manufacturers in cahoots with the cable
operators to force us to pay for a cable
converter?—B. N., San Diego, California.
To begin with, the term cable ready is some-
what overstated, It would be more to the point
to describe the new, electronically (digitally)
tuned TV sets as cable compatible, which
means that they can receive the basic channels
of a cable system without a converter and also
permit the use of a remote-control accessory.
You still have to subscribe to the cable system,
however. And you still need the converter to
get the "premium" channels that are scram-
bled. The horizontal-hold control has nothing
to do wilh it. The use of microprocessors for
tuning simply obviates the need for that con-
trol. The scrambling of the premium channels
is done generally by either of two techniques.
One is known as sync suppression, which
tears up the picture. The other is video inver-
sion, which makes blacks white, and vice
versa, and also messes up the color. You could
fiddle all day and night with a horizontal
adjustment and get nowhere with such scram-
bling. Note, too, that getting some kind of
descrambler on your own is illegal. As things
stand, you must get that device from the cable
Tiii S a ce sisi To aani boy
incredible it may seem. Three weeks ago,
my girlfriend abruptly and unexpectedly
broke up with me. I believed we were hav-
ing a happy, understanding relationship.
Her final words were, “І have only one life
to live. Pd like to experience different
things." I was crushed. I persistently tried
to win her back—with roses, chocolates,
cards and anything else you can imagine.
It was no use, Anger began to set in, and 1
was determined to discover the man who
had swept her off her fect and away from
me. I rented a car and parked down the
street from her house on a day I knew she
would go out. Sure enough, she came out
and entered her car. She had gotten
dressed up and was very beautiful. I fol-
lowed her to an apartment complex not far
away. The sun had just dipped below the
horizon as she went up a few steps and
knocked on a door. I got out of the car and
watched from behind a tall hedge. To my
tremendous surprisc, a tall and attractive
brunette who must have been about 35 or
40 years old opened the door. They kissed
each other bricfly on the lips. And as the
door closed behind them, Ї saw the bru-
nette grab and squeeze my ex’s buttocks. I
left quite disgusted and disappointed. I
have nothing against gays, but I can tell
you my girlfriend sure wasn't one. She's
22, and maybe she was lured by the other
woman. The mystery woman is not only
gay but about 15 years older than my ex.
Is this a passing thing? I still love my girl-
friend very much and would do anything
to be with her again. Any tips on how Í
could win her back? Your advice would
be greatly appreciated.— T. S., Seattle,
We suppose a sex change is out of the ques-
tion. Come back as a lesbian and you might
win your ex's heart. But then, this may just be
a phase she’s going through. There you'd be,
empty, uh, handed. She's moved on. Face that
and get on with your own life. You are m love
with a memory, with the habits of a good time.
They say that the only cure for a woman is
another woman. Find her.
E have a rather embarrassing problem:
Whenever I am around women, I get a
huge hard-on. I try not to think about it,
but it swells and really hurts. This hap-
pens up to three times a day, and the
women I work with really notice. Now no
one will go out with me, even to lunch,
because everyone thinks I'm a pervert
and very horny. Thats not it at all. In
fact, Lam a normal guy. What can I do to
control my "bulging muscle"? I am nine
inches, so it's a problem.—]. L., Butler,
Alem. Maybe you should wear looser cloth-
ing. lt works for us.
Recently, for some obscure reason, a
group of us found ourselves discussing the.
proper manner of urinating while wearing
Jockey shorts. Much to everyone's sur-
prise, we were unable to reach an agrec-
ment and would appreciate your advice
and hearing whether or not you have any
survey background on this subject, It
appears that the categories involved are
three: (1) those who use the flap built into
the front of the Jockey shorts; (2) those
who pull the leg of the Jockey shorts to one
side; (3) those who pull down the waist-
band in order to relieve themselves. The
conversation was quite hilarious; all of us
involved have been asking our friends and
we have found that there is a great diver-
sity of opinion on the matter. We originally
thought that the purpose of the flap was to
facilitate such matters and that that would
be the over-all winner of our informal poll.
Much to our surprise, the pull-the-leg-to-
one-side method seems to be most prev-
alent. We would appreciate hearing your
comments.— P. S., Shirley, New York.
It’s always nice to hear what men are con-
cerned about in Shirley, New York. Seriously,
though, we know of no formal surveys on this
matter, but we would lay odds that most men
do, indeed, pull or adjust their briefs to one
side to facilitate urinating. You're correct in
assuming that the flap was built into the
shorts for this purpose, but we honestly doubt
that very many men use it.
WI, fiancée, a divorcee, and I are both
employed at a local TV station and must
frequently work different hours and con-
tend with on-call assignments. She
recently persuaded me to sell my condo-
iium and move in with her, as we arc
serious about getting married. All had
been going very well until her 15-year-old
daughter decided to return from the West
Coast, where she had been staying with
my fiancée's ex-husband. The girl is ex-
tremely cunning and provocative to-
ward me, to say the least, Whenever I’m at
home and her mother is at work, she'll do
practically anything she can think of to
turn me on—walk around in bra and
panties; come into the bedroom when Pm
asleep and tickle my feet teasingly—and
will often sit оп the bed, seeming to
implore me to make it with her. It's gotten
to the point where she reacts jealously to
my relationship with her mom and is no
doubt striving to compete with her for my
affections. I would never even consider
any form of relations with the girl, not only
because of her age but because I do have
high personal esteem and, above all, a
genuine desire to marry my fiancée, for
whom I have the greatest respect. How do.
I handle the present situation? I really
don't want to foul up the relationship
between my fiancée and her daughter and
would prefer not to have to confront the
girl directly. I would rather ignore the sit-
uation and hope the flame will burn itself
out eventually.—F. P., Miami, Florida.
It’s not your job to act as a father, but it is
your responsibility to act as an adult. If and
when you marry your fiancée, you are going
to have to work together on a number of prob-
lems, including child rearing. Confer with
your partner to be. You may have to seek
counseling for your new family, Understand-
ing, not silence, is the answer.
Th 1983, 1 was presented with a baby
granddaughter. This year, my son and his
wife are expecting another child. I'd like to
do something for them besides the usual
setting up of trusts and the like. I remem-
ber that at a European wedding I
attended, the father toasted the couple
with wine of his daughters birth
year—wine he had laid down for her
when she was born. What wines of the
1983 and 1985 Bordeaux vintages would
be at their peak around 2005-2010? And
how can I order some?—R. J., Hartford,
The early barrel-tasting reports of the
1983 vintage are in. While not so spectacu-
lar as those of 1982, the wines promise to be
very good, indeed, and should hold well into
the next century. At this point, you will have
to buy 1983 futures m Bordeaux; the deal
is that you pay full price on receipt of order
and take delivery in 1986. The good side is
that by 1986, the wines will likely have
appreciated considerably. If you want to go
top flight, some suggestions include the usual
premiers crus: Chäteaux Lafite, Latour,
Margaux and Mouton. All of them are about
$480 a case now. For more modest
drinking—but still very good—you might
consider Cháteaux Palmer, Léoville-Las-
Cases and Figeac (all about $240 a case).
For a still more modest taste, try Chateaux
Gloria and Angludet (about $120).
Bam а 35-year-old, six-foor-tall woman
with a good figure and long blonde hair. I
think I am attractive. My husband is a
very practical man, a good provider and a
loving father. My problem is that he is
content with a not-so-exciting sex life
crammed into a couple of minutes at the
end of the day. I want to expand into act-
ing out fantasies. I have tried to act out dif-
ferent roles—a hooker, a stripper and
others—but he gets very embarrassed. 1
want to set moods for lovemaking and
spend more time at it. All this is so threat-
ening to him that now, if I put on a sexy
nightgown, I can scc panic in his eyes. I
have tried to explain to him that I have dif-
ficulty shifting gears from talking about
kids, finances, etc., to lovemaking. I need
more preparation, more fantasies. His
worst practical statement, which blew
the entire night, came when the lights were
low and soft music was playing: He
announced, “Don’t forget, the garbage
goes out tomorrow.”
Sometimes I think 1. would like the
excitement of an affair, but I want to be
faithful to my husband. If he pretended to
be someone else, I would get that excite-
ment. My dream is to make love to a Paul
Bunyan type of character, with boots, a
flannel shirt and low-cut jeans, When my
husband works in the yard in jeans, I am
all over him; but being very practical, he
never quits working and gives in tome. He
contends that after you have been married
awhile, you should expect your sex life to
settle in and be comfortable. I find that
boring. I think you should be constantly
looking for ways to spice it up. Most love-
making takes planning to make it exciting.
I still love а quickie, too, but a planned
lovemaking session would be terrific. Am I
expecting too much? Should I be content
with having a good man who loves me? I
am open to any hints.—Mrs. D. R., Allen-
town, Pennsylvania.
We don't like to take sides in marital dis-
agreements, but we unll say that in theory, at
least, we prefer your approach to sex. Wild,
imaginative, swealy, reciprocal sex is the
heart of marriage. What you have at present.
isa stalemate brought on by conflicting sexual
attitudes. Counseling could help resolue that
stalemate, but we have a hunch that your hus-
band isn’t interested in seeking help— largely
because he doesn't think there's a problem. If
that’s the case and your frustration is severe
enough to warrant it, we thank you might
benefit by going for help alone and talking
out your feelings with a trained professional.
There may be no way to change your hus-
band; but at the same time, we don't think you
should have to keep your fantasies and desires
under wraps. We hope the two of you find a
middle ground.
ME, question is about orgasms during
dreams. My husband discontinued our
sexual relations about seven years ago. At
various times of the month, because of an
inactive sex life, I have erotic dreams, usu-
ally involving a climax. Often, 1 will
awaken during it or immediately before
reaching the full climax and my physical
position will be that of the woman in the
mary position—supine and with legs
apart. I fail to understand how I can reach
a climax with no stimulation to the geni-
tals (my hands, blanket and pillows are
never involved). If the climax is semifin-
ished, 1 have to turn on my side and rub
my legs together to reach completion. This
method, but it
pressure on the clitoris caused by the leg
position. Is it possible for the mind to
bring on an orgasm? I have had a dis-
charge from viewing erotic movies or pic-
tures, but there were never the orgasmic
spasms that are present in these dreams.
Can you enlighten me?—Mrs. K. S., Min-
neapolis, Minnesota.
Women, as well as men, have nocturnal
orgasms. There's nothing abnormal about
you; this is just your body's way of letting you
тош that it's functioning properly. If and
when your sex life improves, your nighttime
episodes are likely to occur less frequently or
even to stop. And we would suggest seeing a
therapist. Seven years without sex produces
an itch of a different kind —spiritual as well
as physical.
is my usual involves
All reasonable questions—from fashion,
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dating
problems, taste and etiquette—will be person-
ally answered if the writer includes a stamped,
self-addressed envelope. Send all letters to The
Playboy Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N.
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
The most provocative, pertinent queries
will be presented on these pages each month.
Т... question of the month:
What advice would you give adaugh-
ter about first-time sex?
First га discuss birth control. Then rd
try to find out how strongly she felt about
the guy and if she really wanted to have
sex. If both answers were ves, I'd say go
ahead. I think Га uy to say that sex is
healthy and
enjoyable but
that birth con-
trol is the main
thing. l'd hope
that the gi
а mamalla,
considerate and
sensitive. It's a
scary timc, and.
thinking that
you could get
into trouble
might take the
positive aspects right out of it. But the rest
of the experience is pretty much going to
fall into place. I couldn't tell her what 10
do or how to please a man, because she's
going to have to figure out the details for
herself. I'd hope she would enjoy herself.
D |
лол Muha
IM, advice would be, take your time. So
many young people rush intosex, and then
it’s over. They don't really understand
what has happened. Through experience,
you discover that sex doesn't have to be
intercourse. It
is also talking,
holding, touch-
ing and
l's not
plain sex
suggest an
older man,
because he'd bc
more responsi-
ble and I think
he'd be a better
teacher. Whats
older? About
30. Sure, there are exceptions, but younger
men aren't into pleasing their partners yet.
An older man can show a young woman
about her own pleasure and do it gently.
Older guys aren't so nervous, you know.
"FE har is something. E have thought about
a whole lot. Га tell her to go for an older
man. А man in his 30s who has been
around a bit is going to be understanding
and he's going to be more interested in
making her feel
good and com-
fortable. He'll
be more likely
to show affec-
tion. Younger
guys are still
learning how to
get it them-
selves and
might be insen-
sitive or too
rough. That
kind of experi-
ence could be devastating for a young
woman. Га make the same suggestion to a
young man: Don't pressure your 16-year-
old girlfriend; if you want to learn about
sex, go with an older woman. I think an
acceptable age to start is 17. That's when 1
first fell in love, and I still am.
^W Ads
besides the birth-control rap?
that straight and I knew that
she really liked the guy, Га try to tell her
not to be too nervous. I'd tell her all about
foreplay and encourage her to make it go
pect to have this conversation with a 16-
year-old. You
can't really say
no to a 16-year-
old; it would
just make her
rebel. Unless
the guy were a
complete bum,
1 dont think
Id ever come
right out and
forbid her to
him. I
ht say
something like, “I'm not crazy about this
guy and I think you can do a lot better.”
Still, if she were determined to go ahead
with it no matter what, I'd wish her a good
time as she walked out the door. Telling
her no would just encourage her.
JULY 1984
[| think about this a lot, because 1 know
that one of these days ГЇЇ have a daughter.
and I know she'll become aware of her sex-
uality earlier than I did. I never went to
bed with anyone until I was 18. | assume
my daughter will be with someone before
that age, My
only advice will
be to make sure
it's the ri
guy. And
tell her,
hurts you, hit
him!” But Ст
not going to tell
her yes or no. I
am going to
encourage her
to wait for
someone she
really cares about. And when she turns 12,
I'm going to lock her in her room! Seri-
ously, Га ask her to think about how she'll
feel about herself in the morning. If she
thinks she'll have no regrets, that’s fine.
plate 7
Wa cell hes nor lo bein а hurry, to make
sure he felt as strongly about her. Fd tell
her not to go through with it just because
some guy
into it. | would
have already
explained birth
control, so Га
remind her to
bc careful. I
don't think age
is that impor-
tant in her
partner. An
olde man
might be more
considerate, but young people have to find
out these things for themselves. Thats
what youth is for. Fd advise her to do it
with a person she cares about
еу b
Send your questions to Dear Playmates
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. We won't be
able to answer every question, but we'll try.
z к
A Roy
` SE tan SE
ы ioo
а continuing dialog on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers
The first time I ever got a job, at a men's
retail store in a shopping mall, I had to
take a lie-detector test. It was supposed to
find out whether or not employees were
honest, and the store gave the test from
time to time to find out if anyone had been
raiding the ull. It was a real piss-off, but
given what's going on now in the job
world, that description of constant surveil-
lance seems an ironic metaphor.
These days, they don’t just piss you off,
they check your piss. Out here in Califor-
nia, and probably elsewhere, many large
corporations are now requiring job appli-
cants to undergo a drug-screening urinaly-
sis. You can refuse, of course, just as you
can refuse a lie-detector test. But that
means you don’t get the job.
(Name withheld by request)
Santa Monica, California
1 feel I must disagree with David Hunt
(in the March Playboy Forum) on two
First, I dispute his clear-cut distinction
between pornography and erotica. Al-
though your publication falls firmly in the
category of erotica, by Hunt’s own defini-
tion, it could be considered somewhat
pornographic—despite your high photo-
graphic standards.
Second, pornography must not be sum-
marily trashed—like prostitution, it does
have a place in society. With it, the cranks
can stay indoors and live out their weird or
sadistic fantasies singlehandedly. Without
it, they'll be out on the streets looking for
teal, live candidates.
Keep pornography off the newsstands
and in the back rooms, maybe. But please
don't trash it—I value my wife's, sisters"
and female friends’ safety.
A. J. Austin
High Wycombe, England
The Bible is a very adult book. Nobody
seems to mention the explicit sex in it—
from incest to fornication in public to
adultery. Absalom, for example, took ten
of his father's concubines and fornicated
before onlookers. In the New Testament,
ing occurred among early Jewish
Christians that hadn’t been heard of even
among gentiles: a son's lying with his
father’s wife (fornication on his part, adul-
tery on hers).
Gordon Mayfield
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
I notice that every so often, you just
have to sponsor a little communism in
your publication. I never see you wave the
flag. Are you soft on these people? Do you
really favor that slave system, or could it
be that you can’t sort out Soviet misinfor-
Your effort to destroy our intelligence
“The Bible is a very
adult book.”
systems by quoting sources such as Frank
Wilkinson (The Playboy Forum, November
1984) without identifying his Communist
connection is a case in point.
Shape up or 1 shall ship out on you.
Edward McLeary
McMillin, Washington
For shame, Edward; you know and we
know that you don't subscribe to PLAYBOY,
probably don't buy it, but do receive a goofy
right-wing newsletter called The American
Sentinel, which gave you our address and
told you to chew us out about Wilkinson. We
didn't quote him as a source of anything; we
gave him an H.M.H. First Amendment
Award for his efforts in behalf of freedom of
speech and of the press. Isn't it odd thal we
never seen to find any staunch right-wingers
who defend that amendment? Get a load of
how much your buddy from Texas respects it:
Because of your H.M.H. Award to
Communist Party stalwart Frank Wil-
kinson, who spent 1961 in jail, I am
instructing our employees to remove your
magazines from our drilling rigs, offices
and company cars.
Charlie Jacobs, President
KTX Management Company
Corpus Christi, Texas
For the record, Wilkinson was among those
jailed for refusing on principle to testify
before the House Un-American Activities
Committee, whose witch-hunting excesses
finally caused Congress to abolish it.
Ever since World War Two, the concept
of patriotism has been drifting rightward.
Ideas that used to be considered subver-
sively Nazi or totalitarian are more and
more considered “all-American.” Even the
insulting arrogance during the 1984 Olym-
pics was considered standard American.
Unfortunately, the left chooses to con-
demn the past along with the present,
inadvertently helping to cover up hoi
much America is drifting away from its
sense of equality and justice, while the
New Right is rewriting our past to agree
with its blueprint for the future
The Revolution, the New Deal and the
New Frontier, the Liberty Bell and the Stat-
ue of Liberty once stood for just the oppo-
site of what President Reagan claims. And
the American flag, with its 13 equal and
interchangeable stripes and equal but
changing star patterns, once stood for
progress and equality, not law and order.
The Ayatollah can return Iran to its tradi-
tions, but the traditions President Reagan
claims to be trying to restore here are for-
eign, not American.
While founded a little earlier, PLAYBOY
embodies many of the ideals of the New
Frontier and, therefore, should place repli-
cas of American flags and Liberty Bells
alongside its periodic articles defending
free speech and civil liberties and opposing
oppressive CIA-FBI activities
Richard Kanegis
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I think that the National Rifle Associa-
tion and its members should have all the
rifles they want. The fact that bear and
deer hunters as often as not mistake one
another for big game could not bother me
less. Citizens who feel they need the pro-
tection from burglars that handguns offer
them should also have the right to bear
arms. If their children accidentally shoot
off their fingers, or worse, because
Mommy and Daddy carelessly failed to
store their guns safely, that also does not
concern me. What must be banned from
manufacture, import, sale and possession,
however, are cheap, badly made so-called
Saturday-night specials. These small
handguns are the first choice of criminals
precisely because they are so widely avail-
able on the black marker. These guns
serve no legitimate purpose. Anyone who
is interested in guns as a hobbyist or for
protection will go out and buy a first-class,
high-quality weapon that he can trust.
There is absolutely no reason these
Saturdzy-night specials should be sold,
because only criminals buy and use them.
Mathew Wilson
Boston, Massachusetts
Liberals, as usual, are good at propos-
ing imaginative solutions to social prob-
lems, such as combining bans on the
manufacture, sale and possession of so-
called Saturday-night specials with the
registration of high-quality rifles and
handguns. This is illiberal!
Cheaply made Saturday-night specials
are usually owned by people who cannot
afford expensive weapons, including low-
life criminals who have no class. But they
are also owned by decent people who want
simply to be able to protect themselves
and whose only crime is that they are too
poor to go out and buy a $400 Dirty Harry
Nancy Reagan can afford a pretty little
pearl-handled pistol to keep on her bed-
side table, but people who live in the inner
city and who are most often the victims of
violent crime must seule for economy
models. To ban Saturday-night specials
would be to discriminate against the poor.
I already know what will happen if
cheap handguns are banned: There will be
Government gun-quality-testing labs, all
the liberals will lobby Congress to set gun
standards and we will have a Government
program to help the poor buy guns. Gun
stamps will be handed out with welfare
checks on the first day of every month, and
it will cost taxpayers billions.
Frank Frangolis
Wilmette, Illinois
Not all Right-to-Lifers аге concerned
only with the unborn's well-being, as I
think they would have us believe.
Last September, as 1 began my sopho-
more year in college, I got a phone call
that scared the hell out of me. A girl I had
slept with only once, four or five weeks car-
lier, told me she was pregnant. The father,
it appeared, was either me or another
guy— there being no way to determine
that until birth, because of the proximity
of her two “outings.”
Of course, Ї was informed of birth con-
trol back in that unenlightened era of my
life—and since that subject had not been
acknowledged, I felt it my responsibility to
bring it up before our roll in the hay. I
asked her if she was оп the pill. Yes, she
said. Perfect, I thought. Obviously, that
was a blatant lie.
Even as a kid, I was intrigued by the
thought of someday being a father. But the
circumstances in my dream were entirely
different. They included an established
career, a home, some financial security—
not to mention a wife whom I would love
at least as much as any other person.
Should I be the father, I am faced with
the intolerable choice of being a half-assed
daddy or no daddy—and pretending the
whole thing never happened.
I certainly have nothing to offer a baby
right now. Financially, what? Five or ten
bucks a week for support? That stinks.
My immediate response upon hearing
the news was to suggest abortion, to which
she had been adamantly opposed from the
outset. Now, if this particular Right-to-
Lifer were sincerely interested in the
unborn's well-being, there wouldn't be an
unborn to mention, would therc?
(Name and address
withheld by request)
I have developed what seems to me a
foolproof document for use in certain deli-
cate situations. It served me well during
my bachelor years and, now a family man,
1 pass it on in the hope that other readers
may find it useful.
S. Bonnette
Alexandria, Louisiana
FEMALE About to copy sexual i
Am above the Lawful age uf consent am in ту tight mind, aud
am pot under the intluence uf any Drug or Narcotic,
Neither docs be have to
Promises wo iulluence we, Û am in m» fear of him whatsoever
y him; Duet know whether he
manic or net and Bars cate, Tun not adecp or Drunk and,
Du ти expect or want to,
am entering, ite this Relation with him because E love й and
1 want it as mach as he ducs,
iM receive the Satisfaction
L espect, I'm willing tn Play an Early Rerum engagement.
Signed Before Jumping inte Bed This
у [ue
We can only speculate that your good looks
and charming personality compensated for
the grammar, spelling and punctuation.
The seat belt was a wonderful idea, it
was inexpensive, easy to use and could
save many lives. Our Government has suc-
ceeded in taking that clever idea and (1)
making it expensive (those lights and
buzzers cost money); (2) making it ineffec-
tive (many people once actually used the
seat belt that just lays across your lap, but
few use that awkward contraption that
reaches across your chest and tangles). All
the ad campaigns in the world won't make
a shoulder harness comfortable.
Timothy R. Higgins
Attorney at Law
St. Louis, Missouri
From time to time, I am reminded of the
genius displayed by some people in their
efforts to achieve the opposite of what they
want. Recently, the P.T.A. in one of our
charming communities between Dallas
and Fort Worth got together a resolution
asking that the lyrics to rock-*n'-roll music
be printed on the covers of record albums.
The reason, according to Lanette Cosby,
local P.T.A. president, is that rock lyrics
are in “poor taste or harmful” and should
be posted as a kind of consumer warning
to the teenagers and their parents. Not
only that, suggested Cosby and the P.T.A.,
but the government should enforce a law
banning “obscenity” on the airwaves,
thus also keeping rock music off the air.
These P.T.A. folks are of the opinion
that rock lyrics encourage suicide, drug
abuse, sex and general moral decay. If
that’s so, which I doubt could be proved,
then, of course, the very best way to
spread the dangerous lyrics among adoles-
to (1) ban them on the radio and
(2) print them on album covers.
Once kids know for sure the words their
guardians don't want them to hear, they’ll
buy the albums at twice the rate they did
when the words had to be interpreted
through howls, bad mixes and falsetto
screams (assuming the kids have learned
to read, that is).
The resolution passed the state P.T.A.
mecting and was sent to the national P.T.A.
Should I support this effort?
Harlan Wicker
Dallas, Texas
Let your conscience be your guide.
I get a feeling of déjà vu whenever I hear
or read that former Interior Secretary
James Watt, the Reverend Jerry Falwell
or other righteous reverends claim that
Michael Jackson, Boy George and rock
music have a bad influence on our youth.
I remember the Forties, when thou-
sands of people, some called bobby-soxers,
lined up outside theaters to see and hear
“that skinny, blue-eyed kid from Hobo-
ken” sing. Some of the religious zealots of
that time claimed that Francis Albert
Sinatra was responsible for the increase in
juvenile delinquency, for making “sex
maniacs” out of young people and for
“moral degeneration.” One cleric went as
far as to blame Sinatra for causing acne. In
spite of all those pious utterings, Sinatra
went on to become an actor and a
what's happening in the sexual and social arenas
LOS ANGELES—A jaywalker who claims
that he was rendered impotent by a police
Taser gun has sued the Los Angeles Police
Department for $20,000. The plaintiff
states that when he refused to sign the
ticket charging him with a pedestrian
violation, one cop grabbed him and
another zapped him with a Taser, which
delivers a briefly incapacitating jolt of
50,000 volts at a very low current level.
It is considered safer than a bullet or a
ASPEN, COLORADO—A 39-year-old
drunk-driving suspect managed to parlay
that problem into an even bigger one as he
was being booked into the Pitkin County
Jail. The arresting officer looked up from
his paperwork to see his man sniffing a
white powder that, sure enough, proved to
be cocaine.
LOS ANGELES—Barney's Beanery, а
popular eatery that has long irritated
homosexuals with a "Fagols stay out”
slogan that has become its trademark,
caved in to West Hollywood's new law
banning discrimination against gays. The
slogan appeared in the Thirties in the
form of a sign since memorialized in print
and art, and a few years later, it survived
а lawsuit by gay activists when attorneys
Jor the restaurant successfully argued
that it was “part of the tradition and
decor . . . obviously intended to be hu-
morous and... not coupled with any
policy or practice of discrimination.”
Barney's owner decided that voluntary
compliance was the better part of valor
and allowed the lesbian mayor of West
Hollywood to ceremonially take down the
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Contrary to general
belief, almost 1,000,000 burglaries a
year occur while residents are at home,
and im about one third of the incidents, a
household member is robbed, raped or oi
erwise assaulted. A study by the Justice
Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics
also found that a “substantial” percentage
of burglaries are committed by persons
related to or known by the victims. The
bureau’s director called burglary “poten-
tially a far more serious crime than its
classification as a property offense indi-
cates” because of the possibility of serious
felony crimes’ occurring in connection
with it.
WASHINGTON, D.C—The International
Planned Parenthood Federation will lose
$17,000,000 in Federal funds because it
finances abortion-related services in for-
eign countries. The U.S. Agency for
International Development said the cutoff
reflected the Reagan Administration pol-
icy that prohibits Government grants to
“organizations which perform or actively
promote abortion as a method of family
planning in other nations.” I.P.P.F. said
the funds used for that purpose were
convicted rapists have been sentenced to
maximum prison terms of 30 years each
after the supreme court of South Carolina
refused to let a state circuit judge offer
them probation on the condition that they
submit to surgical castration. The high
court said that that would involve mutila-
tion, which violates the state constitution's
prohibition against cruel and unusual
105 ANGELES Campus police at Los
Angeles Pierce College and at California
State University, Northridge, are looking
for a kinky vandal who consistently goes
for G.M. cars driven by coeds, stealing the
gas pedal, culting up shoes into small
pieces, ripping out wiring and generally
making a mess of the interior. In 14 inci-
dents reported during a two-month pe-
riod, one girl's car had been hit six times
and another's three times. Said the police
captain at Pierce, "I guess he just doesn’t
like pretty girls who drive G.M. cars.”
Said an investigator at CSUN, “The guy
has to have some kind of foot fetish or
something." The only mon-G.M. car
involved so far was a Fiat.
man convicted of kidnap, rape and forci-
ble oral copulation has had extra time
added to his sentence because he gave his
victim herpes. That disease, a jury found,
met the state definition of “great bodily
harm,” which meant that five years could
be added to the 25 he was given for the
other offenses.
WASHINGTON, D.C—The U.S. Supreme
Court took along step toward dismantling
its landmark 1966 Miranda decision by
ruling that authorities can use the con-
fession of a suspect even if his self-
incriminating statements are made before
he is informed of his rights. But the Court
also ruled that the Constitution requires
states lo provide free psychiatric assistance
for indigent defendants who intend to
plead insanity.
AUSTIN, TEXAS—A 17-year-old high
school senior managed lo freak out his
drama teacher, fellow students, school offi-
cials and the Austin police and fire
departments when he arrived late to class,
clutching a hand grenade and behaving
in a paranoid manner, complete with
whimpering and accusations of persecu-
tion. Before the emergency services
arrived, the student snapped out of it and
said, “I did a pretty good job, don't you
think?" He explained that he had just
performed the five-minule improvisation
required for his final drama exam. Then
he handed the teacher the notes for his act
and revealed the grenade to be a dummy.
The various authorities were less than
pleased but indicated that they would show
some leniency under the circumstances.
supporter and friend of Richard Nixon's
and a member of President Reagan's
“kitchen cabinet." АШ this raises three
major questions in my mind: (1) Aren't
President Reagan and the Reverend
Falwell afraid of contracting acne when
they attend one of those $1000-a-plate din-
ners with Sinatra? (2) То which future
President will Boy George be a confidant?
(3) Did Falwell’s God tell him to seek
monetary vengeance by suing publisher
Larry Flynt, while the Devil told rock
stars to raise money for the starving
people in Ethiopia?
Stuart D. Kantor
Parish, New York
It seems that some people can’t get
enough of a bad thing. In May 1984,
Indianapolis mayor William H.
Hudnut III signed into law yet another
attempt at an end run around the First
Amendment. Even though his effort
was struck down last winter, the mayor
has vowed to fight on. Meanwhile, pro-
ponents of similar ordinances in New
York, Los Angeles, Detroit and other
cities are watching and waiting.
The Indianapolis law, based on a bill
that had already been vetoed by Min-
neapolis mayor Donald Fraser, sought
to establish a civil rights basis for con-
trolling sexually explicit materials. Ir
was supported by a coalition of fringe
feminists and moral conservatives, who
argued that pornography constitutes
“a discriminatory practice based on sex
because its efect is to deny women
equal opportunities in society.” The
i “the sexually
explicit subordination of women,
graphically depicted, whether in pic-
turcs or in words," when a number of
other conditions were also present.
Within hours of Hudnut’s signing it,
the ordinance was challenged in Fed-
eral court by a coalition of bookstores,
trade associations, publishers and a
cable-television station. An injunction
was issued shortly thereafter, and in
November, the ordinance was declared
unconstitutional by U.S. District Judge
Sarah Evans Barker, who found it to be
both overbroad and too vague.
In striking down the law, Judge Bark-
er was straightforward: “To deny free
speech, in order to engineer social
change in the name of accomplishing a
greater good for one sector of our soci-
ety, erodes the freedoms of all and as
such threatens tyranny and injustice.”
After such a judicial thumping, one
would expect this novel approach to
censorship to be mercifully laid to rest.
Unfortunately, Mayor Hudnut thinks
otherwise and is appealing the Barker
decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit.
The irony of the ordinance, says Burt
Neuborne, legal director for the Ameri-
can Civil Liberties Union, is striking.
“It unites radical feminists with the
Moral Majority. Find me any other
issues that those two groups would be
in agreement on, and ГІІ show you an
outburst of political activity all over the
Neuborne agrecs with his adversar-
ies in one respect: “T don't think any-
body thinks that violent pornography
that shows women systematically
degraded and turned into objects for
brutality is a good thing. It reflects a
very troublesome element in American
life. But you don't cure that by stamp-
ing out the symptom, and the damage
to the First Amendment would be terri-
ble. You would set a precedent for any
group that felt that it being
adversely affected by speech to organ-
ize politically and render the speech
illegal. Blacks could do it, Jews could
do it, capitalists could do it." Neuborne
is quick to point out that the feminists
behind this approach are “а very, very
small minority of radical people who
claim to speak for the feminist commu-
nity” but are far from representative.
Isabelle Katz Pinzler, director of the
A.C.L.U.'s Women's Rights Project, is
one feminist who is “very troubled" by
the law. Aside from the First Amend-
ment objections, she says, she is “very
distressed by the vision of women that's
embodied in it." In attempting to pro-
tect women, Pinzler says, the ordinance
treats them as children, One section of
the law would have made it lcgally
impossible for a woman to sign a con-
tract to act in pornographic movies, on
the assumption that such contracts
must inherently be signed under
duress, “That whole idea is something
we have been working very hard to get
away from,” Pinzler says. "Women can
enter contracts the way that anybody
else can, and to say that they can’t den-
igrates them.”
Most important, Pinzler calls these
ordinances a “diversion from the really
important economic issues. Say there
wasn't a First Amendment and you
could enact this law. I don’t think it
would solve women’s real problem,
which is sexism in the economy.”
But one thing the effort clearly does
do, according to Michael A. Bam-
berger, lead counsel for the coalition
that successfully opposed the or
mance, is cost. He cstimates that
Hudnut's efforts will cost Indianapolis
citizens approximately $250,000.
We Americans are a fickle and myopic
bunch. Trendy to the max, we hop onto
any band wagon that plays our song.
Today it’s the Ethiopians. We send them
our money. We send them our food. We
even scnd them our newsmen to describe
their slow starvation. But what about
Scientists recognize the fact that the size
of a population of animals is determined
by the environment. When the land can’t
support the population—for whatever
reason—mortality increases, natality de-
creases. Mankind, however, is oblivious to
this law of nature. When a human popula-
tion becomes too large for the land to sup-
port, America sends a CARE package
The result? Mortality decreases, natality
increases. The 1,000,000 starving persons
we save today become 4,000,000 starving
persons a generation from now.
We Americans don't realize what we are
doing, and our attention spans aren’t long
enough for us to sec the results of our mi
guided altruism. When starvation in Ethi
opia is no longer newsworthy (and it will
cease to be, in the not too distant future),
when the images of emaciated bodies and
the bloated bellies of little children have
faded from our minds and all we Ameri-
cans remember is the glow in our hearts
we got from sending ten dollars to a relief
organization, the starvation will continue.
We just won't hear about it or we'll ignore
it, or both.
So what should we do? Turn our backs
on the Ethiopians? Ignore the cries of hun-
gry children? Perhaps.
I mean, why not? We do it all the time.
There are people in our neighborhoods
whose needs are as desperate as any
Ethiopian’s—homeless men, women and
children who wander the streets searching
for food and shelter; people who freeze to
death in the winter because they can’t pay
their fuel bills; malnourished children;
elderly persons who desperately need
medical care. But then, more fashion-
able to send relief to Ethiopians than itis to
send relief to the family down the block.
No. The answer lies not in closing our
eyes but in opening them. We must realize
that sending a one-time donation to any
cause—whether it’s to the Ethiopians or to
the Ameri Indians—does li to alle-
viate the pain and often does little more
than prolong the agony.
If our morality dictates that we inter-
vene between man and nature, if we're
going to keep the Ethiopians alive today
and then tomorrow, we've got to accept
the responsibility of teaching them how to
conserve their natural resources and how
to feed more people with the resources
they have. That means making a long-
term commitment to improving their
standard of living. Only then will our indi-
vidual contributions—and our good
intentions—not be in vain.
D. Cameron
Athens, Georgia
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All we hear of these days concerning
women in our society is their alleged “dep-
rivation” due to male oppression. I was
raised in a traditional family in which
women were highly regarded and treated
with cordial respect. Never in my life have
I ever patronized or abused a woman. My
upbringing prohibits such behavior. Now I
find that the women’s movement is accus-
ing me of things I have never done.
It has always been my conviction that
women want equal rights only when itis to
their advantage to have them. Women’s
ambitions are insatiable and know no
bounds, not even those of equality, fair-
ness or justice. Hence, the women’s move-
ment is not one of cquality, as it claims.
I am a student of history and have
learned of a theory known as the pendu-
lum effect. This theory says that when a
society embraces a particular set of values,
it eventually changes to embrace the val-
ues of its antithesis. With that in mind, I
am patiently waiting for our society to rec-
ognize the one-sided deal that the wom-
en's movement is offering us and that it is
more often the men who are abused.
1 wonder if PLAYBOY could provide its
readers with a list of men's organizations
that respond to the women's movement.
Robert McInnes
Athens, Ohio
We don't agree that the women's movement
is any more unfair, unjust or unequal than
are some of the problems it attempts. to
address. There ave abuses on both sides of the.
fence. Among the men's groups dealing with
these issues, you may be interested in contact-
ing Men's Rights, Inc., Box 163180, Sacra-
mento, California 95816; the National
Congress for Men, Box 147, Mendham, New
Jersey 07945; or the Coalition Organized for
Parental Equality (COPE), 68 Deering
Street, Portland, Maine 04101, which pub-
lishes a directory of rights, mediation and
support groups. We must admit, though, that
this is the first time we've heard anyone com-
plain about “insatiable” women,
In his letter in the March Playboy
Forum, Tony Edward Brown expresses his
anger at Reagan’s elimination of certain
social services and at the majority of vot-
ers for electing Reagan. That seems
understandable—the economic status of
blacks in this country continues to be
deplorable. Reagan's attack on social pro-
grams while military spending runs ramp-
ant is a clear indication that his priorities
are questionable at best.
But I disagree with Brown's terminol-
ogy. He says that Reagan’s policies are
racist and that the people who voted for
him are supporting "institutionalized eco-
nomic racism.” Those strong words show
that Brown is not aware of who his enemy
really is. He thinks he is fighting a white
population determined to keep blacks at
the lower strata of society. The fact is that
for the majority of white voters race is not,
and has never been, an issue.
Most people vote according to their feel-
ing of how solid their economic status is or
will be. They live, play, shop and work in
the suburbs and only read about the inner
cities in the newspaper. They may be con-
cerned and wish things were different, but
race is not a major issue with them. The
candidate they vote for—Reagan in this
case—is the one who plays the economic,
rather than the social-justice, game. Out-
side the inner cities, one simply does not
win elections by making race an issue.
Occasionally, a socially conscious candi-
date will slip in, but only because eco-
nomic conditions are either so good that
“For the majority of white
volers race is not, and
has never been, an issue."
people can afford to be benevolent or so
bad that they want the other guy out.
Although a great percentage of the elec-
torate may be ignorant or selfish, most of
them are not racists and do not vote in
order to support racist tendencies. They
vote for themselves instead. Such is major-
ity rule. Those who seek change and sym-
pathetic ears within this system should
recognize that the term racism doesn’t reg-
ister with the masses, because they do not
see themselves that way. The true enemy is
greed, and it is a much greater obstacle
than racism has ever been.
C. Johnson
Akron, Ohio
As founder and president: of the
National Association of T-Shirt Toters
(NAT-SHIT), Lam asking the help of your
readers in ending what may be the most
widespread exploitation of the American
consumer since the coat and tie—which,
of course, I do not wear. Like millions of
other people, 1 have over the years become
accustomed to wearing that most durable
and practical item of haberdashery, the
T-shirt. It can be washed along with jeans,
requires no ironing and encourages wear-
ers to remain fit while allowing them not
to give a shit if they don’t. T-shirt wearers
have always been supporters of personal
liberty and idiosyncrasy.
Unfortunately, merchants and hustlers
eventually figured out that the T-shirt-
clad bodies of the U.S. (and world) popu-
lace were virtual wastelands of unused
billboard space. And so came the T-shirts
Today, you can hardly walk along the
beach or through a shopping mall or
across a campus without commercial bom:
bardment from somebody's chest. This
especially insidious on those chests that
point their messages right at you. A pair of
tits screams PEPSI GENERATION and I get
You get the drift. Now, as a good and
loyal American, I don’t like to crowd any-
body’s hype, and I certainly don’t have
any bad words to say about advertising
But as NAT-SHIT president, 1 must
object to the continued use of a scam that
doesn’t give me a piece of the action.
I'm talking T-shirt royalties.
As of this month, NAT-SHIT is asking
Congress to enact legislation requiring the
manufacturers of T-shirts with commer-
cial messages to reimburse each pur-
chaser/wearer for the duration, frequency
and audience exposure of the applicable
message. That may seem a complicated
procedure and a lot of trouble, but that's
the nature cf advertising. You could figure
а royalty system the way radio stations fig-
ure ad rates, on cost per thousand,
verified by secret polls that everyone
knows are a load of shit anyway.
Purchasers could be reimbursed at
point of sale on the basis of an industry-
wide scale or could be paid pro rata at the.
end of cach year for five years, the average
wear-out time of a good T-shirt. Wearers
in large urban arcas would receive more;
farmers, practically
nothing. Women
could get a bonus,
Creating the first
national industry in
which “comparable
worth" moved be-
yond mere cquality
to a form of sexual
The entire royalty
system would also
be controlled by the
consumer, not the
manufacturer, if Congress phrased the law
correctly. Every person in this country
could become his or her own cottage
advertising industry, and commercial slo-
ganecring would no longer be a form of
unwaged labor.
This year, T-s|
me" caps.
is. Next year, “gim-
Rod Davis
Austin, Texas
That's the kind of entrepreneurial spirit
that makes America great. It reminds us that
a few years ago a major cigarette company,
noticing the great amount of sign space that
was going to waste on privately owned auto-
mobiles, started paying oumers to let them
turn their cars into moving billboards.
“The Playboy Forum” offers the opportu-
nity for an extended dialog between readers
and editors on contemporary issues. Address
all correspondence to The Playboy Forum,
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
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namo mew. ROB REINER
a candid conversation with the director and former “meathead”
about life in hollywood, life with father and life after sitcoms
They say in Hollywood that Rob Reiner is
hot. And not for the usual reasons.
He doesn't have a new TV series.
à He isn't having an affair with Joan Col-
He hasn't published a kiss-and-tell biogra-
bhy that he wants to push.
What Reiner has done is io demonstrate
that there is life after situation comedy by
becoming the director of two movie hits in a
row—the very hip “This Is Spinal Tap" and
the very commercial “The Sure Thing.” To
the surprise of many moguls, Reiner has
dropped ош of rerun heaven to become a big-
time director and is doing it on his own
terms—not as Mike "Meathead" Stivic from
“All in the Family," not as Carl Reiner's son,
not even as the former husband of actress and
sitcom queen Penny Marshall. In short,
Reiner is a Hollywood hid who may be on the
way to doing something rare for that breed—
becoming his own man.
The saga begins circa 1947, with Rob's
birth in the proverbial vaudeville trunk.
Poppa Carl was appearing at that time in a
touring revue. Pretty soon, indelibly warped
by such backstage baby sitters as Bob Fosse
and Buddy Hackett, baby Rob, allegedly
cuter than one might today imagine, was
“The networks aren't inierested in just mak
ing money. They're interested in making
ridiculous amounts of money. If all of a net-
work's programs were in the bottom 20 of the
Nielsens, they'd still make enormous amounts.”
being reared in the Bronx. Across the street,
unbeknown to him, lived a little girl named
Penny Marshall.
Things were hopping in the Reiner house-
hold: Carl was writing and performing for
“Your Show of Shows.” He and his
colleagues—the likes of Mel Brooks, Sid
Caesar, Howard Morris, Imogene Coca—
didn’t know it then, but they had pretty much
invented the golden age of television. The
gang would often gather at the Reiner apart-
ment and Fire Island summer house, and
Rob would listen while the clever grownups
incessantly tried to make one another laugh.
Soon, though, the Reiners moved on. First
to suburban New Rochelle—where Dad
seemed just like any other commuter, except
that he worked only 39 weeks a year—and
then, in 1959, to Beverly Hills.
Rob spent his vacation afternoons watch-
ing his father put together “The Dick Van
Dyke Show.” He began to understand what
audiences considered funny; the showbiz bug
bit hard. Encouraged by his mother, Estelle,
Rob spent a couple of summers working in
theaters back East.
Reiner dropped out of UCLA and began to
spend most of his time around other comedy-
struck kids. The humor was centered in a
“Our marriage dissolved over time. But one
night, we saw an ad on TV for the National
Enquirer predicting, ‘Penny and Rob will
split.’ That's the reason we got divorced—we
didn't want to make the Enquirer look bad.”
small circle of Beverly Hills High School
buddies, notably the class cutup, Albert
Brooks, a scrauny would-be actor named
Ricky Dreyfuss and another famous TV per-
sonality's son, Larry (son of Joey) Bishop.
Dreamers all, constantly fantasizing about
fame and fortune in comedy.
The guys, with a few other intrepid souls,
formed a comedy troupe called The Session.
Sometimes the gags were very broad (a TV-
game-show take-off called “Let's Watch a
Death,” involving the electrocution of a midg-
et, was a big favorite), sometimes nonexistent.
With some successful forays into stand-up
comedy, Rob got noticed. He began appear-
ing in The Committee, an improv group that,
in the late Sixties, was as close to the cutting
edge of music as of comedy. He'd be hanging
out with the likes of Mama Cass, Harvey
Brooks, Steve Miller; Janis Joplin would join
the troupe on its San Francisco stage.
The critical break came in 1968, when the
Smothers Brothers hired him as a writer.
When the show was canceled, Reiner and
partner Phil Mishkin wrote and performed
some well-received stage works, while churn-
ing out gags for everything from a Robert
Young TV special to an Andy Griffith series
“I remember going over to the “Van Dyke’
show with Dad. I'd crawl behind his desk and
look around and think, God, look at all this!
He's creating these TV shows, winning Emmys,
he's a genius—and I'm inadequate.”
called "Headmaster."
Then came the audition for a new series,
“All in the Family,” created by old family
friend Norman Lear. Rob gol rejected.
Twice. On the third try, he passed —and went
home with the Meathead role. Sally Struthers
was chosen to play Rob's wife, winning her
role over a little-known actress from the
Bronx named Penny Marshall.
As “All in the Family” zoomed in the rat-
ings, Rob married the little-known actress
from the Bronx. For the first five years of their
marriage, with “All in the Family” and Rob
picking up Emmy after Emmy, Penny Mar-
shall Remer looked for steady work. When
“Laverne & Shirley" aired in 1976, it not
only made Penny as big a TV star as her hus-
band, it knocked his program out of the top
Nielsen slot. For the next three seasons, Rob
and Penny were a Burns and Allen for the
Seventies—only on separate channels.
But from the time Rob finished his eighth
and final “All in the Family” year, things
started to come unstuck. He signed a produc-
tion deal with ABC, but his two mam
projects—an ambitious comedy series about
immigrants called “Free Country” and a sat-
ire program, “The TV Show"—died quickly
in the midst of a network-management shake-
up and disputes over censorship; the experi-
ence left him bitter and frustrated. The
Reiners’ two-star household had abruptly
become a one-star enclave; it was hard for
Rob to adjust to the supporting role. A
divorce ensued, and Reiner began a deter-
mined effort to find his own way.
He wanted to direct, “This Is Spinal Tap,”
a send-up of everything bad, pretentious and
just plain silly about the rock scene, was the
vehicle. The problem was, Hollywood's
moguls found the concept of an improvised
pseudo documentary about a nonexistent
heavy-metal band hard to fathom. Or
finance. It took four and a half years of
relentless hustling for the deal to be consum-
mated. The critics loved the movie and it cre-
ated a cult following.
With "The Sure Thing,” a gentle romantic
comedy, opening strongly last March, Reiner
proved that “Spinal Tap's” success was no
fluke. He is currently shooting “The Body,"
based on a Stephen King story, in Ore-
gon, a project to be followed by his first
big (820,000,000)-budget film, “Princess
Bride,” by veteran screenwriter William
With Reiners career in high gear, we
thought it a propitious moment to interview a
man who is something of a human touchstone
in American popular culture of the past two
decades—he was born to it, grew up in it,
auditioned for it, succeeded at it, married into
it, rebelled against it and contributed to it. We
asked writer and former managing editor of
Rolling Stone David Resenthal to take the
assignment. His report:
“Rob Reiner begins each day with a moan.
Not a primal one, mind you, but a good,
honest-to-God guttural exhortation directed
at the world at large. From what I can
gather, nobody hears this daily cry, as Rob
lives alone in his spacious Beverly Hills
home. So much for my expectations about
comedy. I started out thinking Rob Reiner
would be a great guy to get drunk with until I
found out he doesn't drink. Never been drunk
in his life, he says; the stuff just doesn't agree
with him. I was skeptical at first but soon
came to believe him on that count and most
other things.
"He's honest, almost compulsively candid.
You get the feeling he's more than a bit embar-
rassed talking about himself, but once he's
started, he's determined to go at it full tilt. He
doesn't just want this lo be an interview,
he wants it to be the best interview. It's a drive
and an attitude that extend throughout his
entire life—not just ambition (though that's
clearly there) but a need to achieve it all.
“То tell you the truth, even if Rob were a
bald-faced liar, I wouldn't want to be the one
to call him on it. He's big. At 6'2" and
more than 200 pounds, he has the look of an
aging athlete. A thick mustache offsets his
shiny bald pate, and his blue eyes often seem
more half-closed than half-open. The most
animated thing about him is his voice; reso-
nant even in polite conversation, it hits you
like a sonic boom when he's riled—not an
uncommon event. He is gracious to a fault,
"I don't think “All in
the Family’ had any
impact on social change.
Ii just portrayed
people realistically.”
but he does have a temper— 'Stupidity pisses
me off, injustices piss me off, pigheadedness
pisses me off,’ he says—that witnesses claim is
nol a pretty sight.
“Reiner has a public image as being fast
on his feet, funny, cynical and quicker than
thou. But these days, he doesn’t try to accom-
modale one's expectations of his cleverness.
Instead, the impression he conveys is that of a
man of surprising sensitivity and intelli-
gence, serious and strangely somber. This is,
after all, someone who grew up around come-
dians, inherently understanding the pain
behind their facades. It seems not a bit out of
character that as a child he idolized not only
his father but also Emmett Kelly.
“Reiner's Century City office is a modest
suite behind an unmarked door. He runs a
casual operation. Joking with a guy who
brings fresh bagels and cream cheese each
morning, he works at a cranberry-colored
desk. Behind him are mountain views and,
on the walls, some ‘Spinal Tap’ parapher-
nalia and a framed Daily Variety ad pictur-
ing Rob and Carl Reiner congratulating
themselves on being the first fatherlson team
to have separate movies (Carl's ‘All of Me,’
Rob's ‘Spinal Tap’) on one year’s ten-best
"His personal life is quiet these days. He
either dines with one of a small circle of
friends (close ones include comedians Albert
Brooks, Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest)
or catches a Lakers от Dodgers game. He is
not much of a partygoer: He gets home early,
watches some sports or news on his bedroom
projection TV, then gets set to moan again
the next day.
“However, there is always baseball. As the
slugger on the L.A.-based Coney Island
Whitefish, he has led his team to two league
Softball championships in the past three years.
He assails his ample midriff—‘Food, he
moans, ‘is my drug'—but it apparently does
not hamper a determined batting style.
“It is baseball, not showbiz, that gave
Reiner his greatest thrill. "I came in my
pants,’ is the way he describes it. There he
was, left field in Dodger Stadium, a celebrity
charity game, and a guy hit one out there,
deep, off the wall; Rob ran it down, hurled
and fired home, where it landed, on one
bounce, in the catcher's mitt, deftly cutting
down some audacious fool trying to score
from second on Reiner's arm! People were
‘screaming, the stadium was rocking in
delight, everyone was applauding the big guy
running off the field from left. As he passed
the pitcher's mound, Don Newcombe, who
had hurled the fateful ball, nodded his appre-
ciation to his stalwart teammate. ‘Thanks,
kid,’ Newcombe told Rob, ‘you saved my shut-
out." Ecstasy.
“Rob Reiner has a primal desire to com-
pete, to equal if not surpass his peers, It seems
to trace back to his father, the man he once
wanted to be, the man he has tried profession-
ally to escape. It seemed like a good time to
talk, since Rob's career has eerily paralleled
Carl's, and only now is the break clear. The
films he's currently making are about as far
‘from his father’s brand of comedy as one can
gel. It’s a conscious move; finally, Rob
Reiner is competing only with himself.”
PLAYBOY: To start out ——
REINER: Wait a second. I want you to
understand something: If we're going to do
this Interview, under no circumstances will
I reveal the size of my penis
PLAYBOY: You leave us no alternative
REINER: And another thing. You know
those pictures PLavsoy runs on the first
page of the Interview? Well, I'd like them
all to be the same photo. Under the first
one, the caption should say, “Rob wants
the quote under this picture to refer to his
relationship with his father." Under the
second one, it should say, “Rob wants this
quote to refer to his sexual attitudes.” And
under the third one, “Rob wants this quote
to refer to his interest in the women’s
movement and the nuclear freeze.”
PLAYBOY: It may be tricky, but we'll see
what we can do. If we can regain control
here. You're someone who personifies
American TV: Your father starred in Your
Show of Shows and The Dick Van Dyke
Show—two milestone programs of the Fif-
ties and Sixties. You starred in All in the
Family, while your wife at the time, Penny
Marshall, was starring in Laverne &
Shirley —monster shows of the Seventies.
That makes you something of a living
scrapbook—or television royalty
REINER: I guess what's most interesting to
me is the sort of parallels that exist. My
father began by doing satire—that’s what
Your Show of Shows was—and moved on to
Van Dyke, which was a family-oriented sit-
com, a program that was considered a
breakthrough then. I started with satire,
too—writing for the Smothers Brothers,
also doing improvisational comedy with
The Session; both of those were satire.
And from there, I went on to All in the
Family, which was a family-oriented sit-
com, considered a breakthrough show.
PLAYBOY: As a kid, did you understand
what vour father did for a living?
REINER: I knew exactly what he did. He
made a complete and utter fool of himself
in front of millions of people and was
highly paid for it. It was a good job.
PLAYBOY: Let’s start with the age of com-
prehension. Your Show of Shows went on in
1950 and made Carl Reiner, Mel Brooks
and Sid Caesar huge stars. Do you have
any strong impressions of it?
REINER: І was pretty young for a lot of the
time it was on, but there are a couple of
things I remember. One had to do with the
show’s sign-off. At the end of the program,
the cast would line up for a goodbye. And
during this, every
would straighten his ti
my father
it was actually a
signal to us at home, his secret way of say-
ing hello. The other image I recall most
clearly is going down to the studio with my
father and standing outside the doorway of
the writers’ conference room. I'd stand
there and see these 12 men, all smoking
cigars, yelling and screaming at one
another at the top of their lung:
PLAYBOY: What they
REINER: There was a lot of high-powered
talent, egos and power in that room. They
had to get their points across.
PLAYBOY: We suppose you saw a lot of Mel
Brooks. Besides Your Show of Shows, he
and your father also did the 2000-Year-
Old Man routines together for years.
REINER: When I was a kid, Mel would be
with usa lot. We'd summer on Fire Island,
and he'd go onto the beach and round up
all the little kids, the real tiny ones, and
say, “Follow me"; then he'd lead them in
exercises, I mean, not like knee bends or
push-ups but these hysterical, bizarre
movements. He was funny when he did
that; he was like another kid—a big kid.
Mel is also serious at times, but he does
love to perform, loves to work as a stand-
up, to work a room. You know, in 1979, I
was in Venice, along with Mel, as part of a
celebrity group to be on The Merv Griffin
Show. We're in Saint Mark's Square, sum-
mertime, and there was a huge group of
tourists; they're recognizing all the celebri-
ties. But Mel wasn't getting recognized as
were screaming
much as he would like. All of a sudden, he
jumps up in the middle of Saint Mark's
Square and starts screamini
Brooks; don't you know me?
star! Blaung Saddles!
I'm a big
Young Franken-
* He just started screaming out all
his credits!
There was this other scene once, which
my father told me about, when he and Mel
went to France. And Mel had difficulty
communicating in French. So one day,
they're in some little town, and Mel gets
up on some steps and begins to yell, “АП
right, everyone! The joke is over! From
now on, everybody goes back to talking
PLAYBOY: Didn't your father and Mel used
to do a lot of comedy at your house?
REINER: There was a lot of shtick going on,
but it was always in party situations. Peo-
ple begged them to do their 2000-Year-Old
Man, and you'd be privileged to be there
when they'd do the routine. There were
moments in my house that were pure gen-
ius; when Mel was on a roll, it just didn’t
get any funnier
PLAYBOY: And you'd just watch?
REINER: I was young, but I always wanted
to hang around and listen. But ГЇЇ tell you,
one of the biggest thrills in my life came
when I was about 16. I was sitting at home
while Mel and my father were working on
some new 2000-Year-Old Man material to
do on The Ed Sullivan Show. And I came
up with a routine! Í couldn't believe how
a nice talk about rob's problems with his dad
PLAYBOY: From talking with Rob, we get
the impression that as a child, he lived
completely in awe of you. How did you
rcact to that?
CARL REINER: I'll tell you a story. When
Rob was seven or eight years old, my
wife saw him combing his hair in the
mirror. He looked so cute, so hand-
some. And as he was doing this, he
announced, “I'm going to be an actor.”
So he's going on with this and then he
says, "And I’m going to change my
name.” My wife said, “Look at that!
He's not going to trade on. Daddy's
name.” So she asked him finally,
“What are you going to change your
name to?" And he said, Carl."
PLAYBOY: Rob does seem to feel, though,
that he didn’t get much support from
you. For instance, he's very conscious
of the fact that you didn't think he was
particularly funny
CARL REINER: I don't know if he holds it
against me, but I couldn't defend
myself against that. This is an example,
though, of how you shouldn't judge
your own kids. Parents can be very bad.
at that. My relationship with Rob was
not a joking one. Actually, I did know
that Rob had a good sense of humor,
because һе laughed at the right things.
Even as a little kid, he had a strange,
wonderful combination of being sullen
and surly, but he could laugh even in
that mode. He was very shy, though.
He was very anxious to stay in the
room when my friends were around,
but he was afraid to perform for us,
because we were so high-powered.
PLAYBOY: Do you think it was reserve
more than anything else?
CARL REINER: Well, Rob was a good
absorber and had a great memory, And
it was because of this that Rob discov-
ered Bill Cosby.
PLAYBOY: How did that happen?
CARL REINER: When he was about 16, 1
came home from the Van Dyke show one
night about one in the morning. Rob
was awake. I said, "What are you
doing awake? You have school tomor-
row." And he said, “1 just saw the
greatest comedian on The Tonight
Show, a guy named Bill Cosby." And
he procceded to get out of his bed and
do Cosby's whole routine for me, thc
voices, everything. I just got hysterical.
So the next day, I went over to the Wil-
liam Morris office and got a tape of the
show. I played it for myself and then for
Sheldon Leonard, who produced Van
Dyke and later 1 Spy. It was the first
time we'd even seen Cosby.
PLAYBOY: There was always the charge
against Rob that he got work only
through you in the early days.
CARL REINER: To be honest, I was sort of
saddened that I never really helped in
that way. Because I do hear of people’s
putting their kids in plays and things
like that; it’s perfectly normal. But I'd
never worked with Rob that way.
PLAYBOY: Rob's first TV writing part-
ner, Steve Martin, became a huge
movie star through your films. Do you
ever feel guilty about that?
CARL REINER: Remember, at that time,
Rob, with All in the Family, was better
known in this country than I had been
doing Show of Shows. Very carly in his
carcer, in fact, I became Rob Reincr’s
father. And I didn’t mind it one bit. I
felt that Rob was going to prevail,
because he had worked on his own to
become who he was.
Steve was already a big star when we
started working together. He was, you
know, a commodity, and I directed
that commodity. That’s a reality Rob
had to live with. If I had done anything
other than be normal and natural, 1
would have hurt him; if I had catered to
that fceling, done anything about it, it
would have been wrong and he would
have suffered.
“With “All in the Family,’ Rob was better
known than I had been doing ‘Your Show
of Shows.” Very early in his career,
in fact, I became Rob Reiner's father.”
PLAYBOY: Rob talked about the way you
were often “on” when he was a kid, the
way you liked to perform. In fact, one
gets the sense that his reserve is per-
haps a reaction against your outgoing
CARL REINER: That assessment is proba-
bly right. But we are very similar; we
have identical senses of humor. Still,
we're differently talented.
PLAYBOY: In what ways?
CARL REINER: We're both actors, we're
both directors, we both write. But he's
strong in one area, I’m strong in
another. For instance, hc has the ability
to really be a first-rate director. But I
think I was a better writer. I think I
was a better stand-up comedian, but
he’s a better actor. In any event, Im
a lot older than he is; Гус got more
PLAYBOY: Speaking of which, Rob men-
tions in his Interview that he remained
a virgin until he was 20 and was afraid
of sex, that it was a subject never talked
about at home.
CARL REINER: I guess the funny thing is,
he doesn't remember. Twice, 1 gave
him lectures—once when we were liv-
in New York, and then a few years
later out here. That time, the subject
came up again because Rob asked me
about something he'd heard on the
radio about unmarried sex. We're dri
ing, and I started talking about all thi
stuff: how babies are born. And 1
decide I'd better show him that this is a
serious subject and there’s no embar-
rassment. So I stare right at him and
say, “Now, you've got to look in my
eyes.” And PII never forget what hap-
pened. “Dad,” he says. I say, “What?”
And he answers, “Dad, can’t you keep
your eyes on the road?” It was a bigger
trauma for me than for him.
PLAYBOY: All in all, though, it sounds as
if you're proud of your son.
CARL REINER: All three of my kids are
sensitive, very human people. I mean,
they've suffered—we all suffer—and
they’ve struggled, struggled in the right
direction, struggled with life.
You know, I got such a big thrill
today. I just opened up the newspaper,
and there was a full-page ad for The
Sure Thing. And it said on top of the
ad, “Rob Reiner’s new romantic com-
edy.” It was great, the best, to see that.
Rob made that picture better than I
ever could have done.
exciting it was. The bit was about the deri-
vation of applause, who invented it. What
the first man who applauded did was this:
He saw something he liked, slapped his
hands on the sides of his face and said, “O
God, is that good!” But then this other guy
points out that if the guy is going to do
that all the time, he'll slap himself dead.
So this first guy, when nobody was look-
ing, snapped his head back from between
his hands—and clapped. Pretty soon,
other guys modified it, and eventually,
everyone applauded the way we do now.
PLAYBOY: Where was your applause in all
REINER: Just the fact that they used it was
enough for me. Here I was, 16, and 1
thought the stuff they were doing, the
2000-Year-Old Man, was the hippest thing.
around. I'd come home from school and
listen to the record every single day. There
was a cult of people, including kids, who
loved it. And you knew you had a bond
with someone if you could throw out a line
from the 2000-Year-Old Man and he could
tell you the next joke; it meant you could
talk with each other.
PLAYBOY: What about the rest of the Your
Show of Shows crew? Neil Simon, for
instance, was one of the writers there.
REINER: He didn't make a big impression
on me, because he was so quiet. My father
used to talk about how Neil, during thc
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he was saying. Then my father would
jump up and yell, “He's got something!
He's got something!"
PLAYBOY: Another quick take: Sid Caesar.
Did you see of him as a kid?
REINER: Sure. The first time I ever went
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those people working on Show of Shows
were Jewish.
REINER: Everybody. h
PLAYBOY: Did you think everyone in the
world was Jewish?
REINER: Actually, I thought the world was
divided into Jews and Catholics. Where I
grew up in the Bronx, the neighborhood
was half Jewish, half Italian. Since all the
Italians were Catholics, 1 thought that if tig More Phase tu Sound.
you weren't Jewish, you were Catholic
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PLAYBOY: In 1959, your family moved from
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New York to California so your father
could work on The Dinah Shore Show. And
mot long after, the Van Dyke program
startcd. Your father wrote the show and
also appeared in it, playing the irascible
comedian supposedly based on Sid Caesar.
REINER: Actually, that character was an
amalgam of a lot of variety-show stars, sort.
of Sid, Jackie Gleason, Milton Berle, all
rolled up into опе.
PLAYBOY: In any case, you got to hang out
with all those TV stars and comedians
when your father took you to work with
him—and you were still just a kid. Didn't.
you get on everybody's nerves?
RENER: Everybody included me and
allowed me to be there. I was like every-
one's kid. I was in awe of those people.
PLAYBOY: Was the Van Dyke set as boister-
ous as the Show of Shows set?
REINER: I remember my father and
Sheldon Leonard, the producer, fighting а
lot. They'd throw cigars at each other. But
all it was, really, was two guys being
passionate about something. Sheldon
used to say, “Polite story conferences lead
to polite scripts.”
PLAYBOY: But at that age, was hanging out
on a TV set more fun than being out in the
sunshine, picking up girls?
REINER: Well, I grabbed Mary Tyler
Moore by the ass once.
PLAYBOY: Really?
REINER: Yes. I was 14 and she was about
24. She's such a nice lady and was so
cute—the cutest. And I was hot for her.
She always wore these pants—you know,
she was the first leading lady to wear pants
on a television show. Well, she's got this
fabulous body and I looked at her ass and
it was so great, like the best thing I'd ever
seen. So I had to touch it. E just had to
grab it.
PLAYBOY: How did she react?
REINER: She was shocked, and she went
and told my father.
PLAYBOY: What was his reaction?
REINER: I think a father is always proud
when a son does any sexual kind of thing.
But here, I think propriety won out; my
father took me aside and said, “Did you
grab Mary Tyler Moore by the ass?" And
I said, "Yeah." And he said, “Well, don't
ever do that again." So I didn't, but, boy,
I really wanted to.
PLAYBOY: You were in your late teens before
you decided you wanted to go into televi-
sion yourself. You'd been kicked out of
UCLA for skipping classes and had the
Vietnam war to contend with, right?
REINER: Yeah, Pd been called for my physi-
cal. And I got a note from a psychiatrist.
that said, “He's crazy and would not do
well in the Army. This man would not be
helpful to us in Vietnam." I got a defer-
ment. It was a rough time. I didn't
want to go to Canada; I was definitely
prepared to go to jail. To tell you the
truth, though, you know what I think was
maybe the worst thing about the war? It
made people who were patriotic feel they
were not patriotic You were told you
weren't a patriot because you didn't want
to go and kill people whose country we
had no business being in in the first place.
"That, to me, was the biggest crime of all.
I remember my father was very much
involved in the moratorium in San Fran-
cisco. He marched ——
PLAYBOY: Did you, too?
REINER: No, I don't know what I was doing.
Running around, doing some kind of hal-
lucinating. I did my little stint in Haight-
Ashbury in 1967. The summer of love.
Peace, love and togetherness. Janis Joplin.
PLAYBOY: Were you living there then?
REINER: I was seeing somebody who was
living there and spent quite a bit of time
up there. Plus, I had friends there in The
Committee, the improvisational group I
had done some acting with, so I was in San
Francisco every other weekend.
PLAYBOY: Did you wear flowers in your hair?
REINER: No flowers, but psychedelic
clothes—large bell-bottom jeans, weird
sunglasses, I didn’t wear peace symbols
around my neck, but I did wear love
beads. I had long, long hair, the beard,
everything. I was a hippie.
PLAYBOY: Were you an acid freak?
REINER: No. I did my share of experimenta-
tion, but I was a real moderate user. But
there were guys taking 100 trips and shit
like that. Some of the guys in The Com-
mittee used to go on stage on acid. One
time, I got stoned on grass before I went
on—it was the worst fucking set I ever
played. I never did it again.
PLAYBOY: So while all this was going on,
you started to work in TV?
REINER: I was about 19 then, and I began
to get jobs: I was hired to play every TV
hippie you can imagine on the most ипћір
shows. I did two Beverly Hillbillies, a
Gomer Pyle, a That Girl—I played hippies
in all of them. Then I did one called The
PLAYBOY: Who was in that?
REINI ive Arden and Kaye Ballard. And
Desi Arnaz was thc producer. What hap-
pened was this: I was playing this
hippie—what else?—and we were doing a
run-through before the final taping. I had
this tiny little scene, and, in the middle of
the run-through, I came up with a funny
line and just threw it in. I got a big laugh,
but Desi didn't like it, because 1 was
improvising. He got furious. He started
screaming at me [heavy Spanish accent]:
“Maybe that’s what they do at The Ses-
sion, maybe that’s what they do at The
Committee, maybe that’s what they do on
The Dick Van Dyke Show, but we don’t do
that here. I’m paying $10,000 a script and
I don’t need you to fuck around with the
lines!” He went nuts. And I thought, Jesus
Christ, I’ve upset Desi Arnaz! Then he
says, “You want to talk to me, you come
outside.” So we walk off the sound stage,
everybody's standing around, and Pm
thinking, Oy, oy, oy! and he starts scream-
ing again. So I said, “Listen, let’s just for-
get about it. It's only a five-line part; you
can get someone else.” And he says, “No,
amigo, no. Don’t worry about it, amigo;
we'll fix it.” He kept calling me amigo. But
eventually I said, “No, I think it’s better if
you get another actor.” So I left, and they
found another guy to do it. It’s all no big
deal. But that night, on the Rona Barrett
news from Hollywood, this comes on:
“Rob Reiner, actor, hippie-psychedelic
son of actor Carl Reiner, got into a fight
with Desi Arnaz on the Mothers-in-Law set
and—whoops!—the beardcd bad boy
walked off.”
PLAYBOY: You must have been very proud
REINER: Yeah. Rona Barrett was very big at
the time, and I loved the way she
described me; I thought it was a giggle. I
just remember hearing that phrase and lik-
ing it so much: hippie-psychedelic son.
Bearded bad boy!
PLAYBOY: The incident didn’t irreparably
damage your TV future: Pretty soon after-
ward, you were working for the Smothers
Brothers. How did that come about?
REINER: 1 was with the Committee troupe
in L.A. when Tommy Smothers came to
see our show. I think this was 1968, and he
was producing The Glen Campbell Show
then. He liked the Committee guys and
hired me and Carl Gottlieb. So we did
Campbell and then joined the Smothers
show when it began again in the fall. It
was their last season.
PLAYBOY: That must have been quite a
step. The Smothers Brothers was the hottest
show on television then.
REINER: Along with my divorce later on, it
was one of the two major upheavals in my
life. It was the change from being the kid
in the household to kind of entering the
adult world. I guess it was the first realiza-
tion that I wasn't going to be able to lean
on my folks as I had before. You take these
big steps and they’re painful, but you wind
up getting stronger and better. I hope I
don’t have any more of these upheavals—I
always worry about whether there'll be
another one and, if it happens, is it going
to be horrendous.
PLAYBOY: Why horrendous? With the
Smothers Brothers, you’d just gotten a
great job.
REINER: Lets put it this way: I was con-
fused, very confused about where my place
was in the world, where I fit in.
PLAYBOY: But the work on the show went
well, didn’t it?
REINER: It was a good writing staff. Steve
Martin and I were partners, and we were
the youngest ones—that's why they stuck
us together. We wrote a couple of funny
sketches, but it was a bitch trying to get.
them on the air. When you're the young
guys, people try to slough you off, push
you aside. It was very frustrating. Also, we
had censorship problems; Tommy was
always fighting with the censors, and at
the last minute, something would be
thrown out.
PLAYBOY: So you had to do another sketch
REINER: Real fast. I remember, three in the
morning, we're sitting with Alan Bly and
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Mason Williams, the head writers, and
Bly says, “God, does anybody have any-
thing we can throw in?” So Steve and I
say, “Hey, we've got this Hollywood-
premiere thing." It was a very funny
sketch, a take-off on a Hollywood opening,
with all the stars and starlets arriving, all
the interviews and that stuff. And we act it
out, and all the writers are laughing hys-
terically; they love it.
But Alan would go, “No, I don’t think
this one works.” So, two, three months
later, we're in the same fix and Bly says,
“Does anybody have anything?” Then
he'd look at Steve and me and say, “You
guys had that Hollywood-premiere thing.
It was pretty good. Let's hear that again."
So we performed it once more, everybody
laughing. Then they'd go, "Nah." I think
Alan Bly just liked hearing us do the bit.
PLAYBOY: It never got on?
REINER: Never. But one I did for Pat
Paulsen did. We had him as the owner of a
novelty firm, the folks that make hot gum,
the dribble glass and all that stuff. He's
demonstrating all these things for some cli-
ents and, of course, they all backfire. At
one point, though, he sits down and you
hear this big fart and he goes, “Huh!
Somebody must have slipped a whoopee
cushion when I wasn’t locking.” He gets
up, looks down, and there's nothing there.
Tt was, to my knowledge, the first fart joke
done on television. I’m quite proud of that.
I think I'm also the first American actor to
ever say the word cocksucker in a movie. It
was in Where’s Poppa?, which my father
directed. He made me do it. It's his fault.
PLAYBOY: Were you upset?
REINER: No, these are my scatological dis-
PLAYBOY: Was it strange for you when
Steve Martin began making all those pic-
tures with your father? After all, you and
Steve had started together as TV writers,
and all of a sudden his movie career took
off under the direction of Carl Reiner. Do
you see any irony in that?
REINER: It’s interesting. They've made four
films together, and the first one, The Jerk,
became one of the largest-grossing come-
dies of its time. And it was a little weird,
because here was Steve, a contemporary of
mine, and my father—Steve was like
another son, the son my father would have
liked to haye, the funny son, not the brood-
ing, introverted child that was me. I think
I was a little bit jealous, a little bit threat-
ened. But by the same token, I knew that 1
could never do the kinds of things that
Steve did and docs.
PLAYBOY: Does that depress you?
REINER: Not really. lt wasn't as if he got
the job and I didn’t. It was “This is the
kind of stuff he does.”
PLAYBOY: Do you see Steve a lot now?
REINER: Once in a while—usually if my
father’s with him.
PLAYBOY: Besides Where's Poppa?, has your
father ever asked you to be in any of his
REINER: Sure. I did The Roast, which he
directed, on Broadway, and I had a tiny
little bit in Enter Laughing.
PLAYBOY: How tiny was it?
REINER: | had three lines. That was a big
disappointment for me. I'd wanted to play
the supporting lead, the part of David’s
best friend. I auditioned for it. It was most
uncomfortable—probably more for my
father than it was for me. 1 did pretty well
at the audition, but I didn’t get it.
PLAYBOY: Wait a minute. This sounds
REINER: I know. I auditioned for my own
father! And he turned me down! God, no
wonder I’m in analysis
PLAYBOY: Wasn’t that destructive?
REINER: I guess I wanted his approval so
PLAYBOY: And he let you go through with
REINER: And I didn't get the part!
PLAYBOY: It's mind-boggling.
REINER: [Laughs, voice rising] I know what
I did! I put myself in the worst possible
position and I got rejected. OK? OK? Why
are you torturing me like this?
PLAYBOY: At least this is cheaper than anal-
ysis. How often do you go?
REINER: How many days are there in the
PLAYBOY: Last we looked, seven.
REINER: Well, if they could make up some
more days, they’d be putting me on the
calendar for those days, too.
PLAYBOY: You had to audition for a friend
of your father's, too, didn't you? You knew
Norman Lear when you were a kid, and
years later, when Lear was casting a new
comedy series
REINER: Yes, I auditioned for All in the
Family—three times. And I didn't get
the part the first or second time. There
were two pilots and two sets of Mikes
and Glorias before I got cast. So, at least,
I can say that my getting the part of
Mike Stivic—Meathead—had nothing
to do with my knowing Norman. If it had,
he would have cast me the first time out.
You know, nobody hires anybody else for а
favor, because it's his ass on the line.
PLAYBOY: We suppose there were always
folks who said you got the All in the Family
part because of your relationship and your
father's relationship with Lear.
REINER: Let me start this way: Because of
my father, doors were definitely open to
me; no question, But those doors will close
faster than they will for anybody else,
because you're under scrutiny. You'd bet-
ter be able to deliver right away, because
people are set to knock you down or say
you're not as good. Certainly, it is much
more difficult getting there im the first
place if you're not connected. But you can
sneak in thc back door, hone your craft,
fail a little morc casily until you're ready.
PLAYBOY: Did you feel guilty about your
REINER: No, because I always felt there was
pressure on me. People always compared
me with my father. Even if their expecta-
tions cf me weren't as great as mine, they
had some preconceived notions.
PLAYBOY: When you got the role of Mike
Stivic, did you feel you had finally had it
made—on your own?
REINER: Actually, Га never wanted to do a
TV series. I didn't want to work for five
years making a whole career out of playing
one character. The only thing that
attracted me to All in the Family was the
script I had read. I said, "Wow! This is
unlike anything that's ever been on televi-
sion, and if I have a chance to be part of it,
I want to." But I thought the show would
last 13 weeks and we'd go off the air. I
didn't think anybody would accept that
kind of show. And it's interesting, because
we weren't a hit right away. We came on
in the spring, and the audience caught
оп when the original 13 episodes were
rerun over the summer.
PLAYBOY: After that first scason, you were
quoted as saying you were already bored
with the show.
REINER: I probably was. But ГЇЇ tell you
how it progressed: By the second year, we
were tremendously hot and successful.
It was wonderful to be part of something
that was so talked about, that had so much
impact on the American people. The third
year, though, was really frightening. I
thought the excitement was starting to
wear off; I saw myself stuck for years on
end doing the same thing. I was very dis-
PLAYBOY: Was it because of the money? In
a magazine article at that time, you com-
plained about your deal. “I can tell you
one thing,” you were quoted as saying,
“ГЇЇ never sign a contract again until my
lawyer's looked over every single word.”
REINER: I doubt seriously that I said that
But if I did, I’m sure I was in the middle of
a renegotiation or I was upset. We're talk-
ing about something that happened maybe
12 years ago! I did just fine on the show. I
made good money. What we did have,
though, was a terrible residual deal. In
those days, you made a buy-out, mean-
ing that after six runs of the show, that
would be it. All my shows have run a lot
more than six times. But ГЇЇ tell you, I
have no remorse, regrets or anger about
what I earned from the show. None.
PLAYBOY: How did you finally deal with
your feelings of being stuck in the series?
REINER: Well, you're a professional and you
go to work and do your job. In the fourth
year of All in the Family, I started to make
peace. I said to myself, “I'll try to make
the best of it and get something out of ii."
And after I did that, the fifih through the
eighth years were wonderful, because it
was like going to school. I thought, I'm
learning what this is all about.
PLAYBOY: What do you mean?
REINER: Norman and Carroll O'Connor
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estimated MPG for comparison. Actual mileage may vary
"Turbo-diesel Trooper H, [estimated MPG,
had set up ground rules that allowed me
and Sally Struthers and Jean Stapleton to
have creative input. I was involved in
helping structure the stories, in rewriting,
in editing—all the things that made the
program. If I had just had to do my part as
an actor, go in every weck and play the
part, I think I would have been unhappy-
It was an cgoless show, though, and it
taught me that actors, writers, directors
must serve the piece. All in the Family was
a pure example of that.
I remember Herb Gardner came to one
of our run-throughs and watched us as we
sat around afterward doing notes. And
everybody spoke up. I'd tell Carroll how
to do a line, Sally would tell Carroll, Jean
would tell Carroll, Carroll would tell Jean;
we'd all talk to one another, help one
another out, talk with the writers. If there
was a scene where I felt extraneous, for
instance, I'd say, “Take me out; put me in
something else." The attitude was “Let's
make the best possible show, because if we
do, it'll make us all look better." And
Herb Gardner's sitting there through all of
this, and afierward he says, “1 can't
believe what I’m seeing here. This is cre-
ative communism!”
PLAYBOY: When All in the Family first went
on, it stirred a tremendous amount of
controversy. Everybody from the Anti-
Defamation League to Laura Z. Hobson,
who wrote Gentlemen's Agreement, at-
tacked it for celebrating bigotry. Did its
political impact concern you?
REINER: In terms of social change or
import, I don’t think the show had any. If
it had any impact at all, or anything
important to say, it was that people could
be portrayed on television in a realistic
manner. Its impact was on people, and
that’s what all theater is about. To me, All
in the Family was good theater.
REINER: What a good dramatist can do is
portray an aspect of life so that the peo-
ple who watch it have their own experi-
ences enhanced. They sce something that
strikes a responsive chord in them that
makes them say, “I know what that feels
like; I know what that is." They will get
more out of their own experiences because
somebody else has told them what they
were actually experiencing.
As to politics, what's interesting is that
everyone involved in All in the Family was
a Democrat or even more liberal than that.
But what we were showing was a bigoted
person, Archie, and a liberal-minded one,
Mike, and saying, “These people exist:
you draw your own conclusions.” The rea-
son the program was so successful was
that half the people, or more than half,
thought Archie was right. Norman Lear’s
favorite play, in fact, is Major Barbara, by
George Bernard Shaw. The play is written
as a polemic, and if you don’t know that
Shaw was a liberal, you leave the theater
asking, “Who's right, the warmonger or
the liberal?”
PLAYBOY: Do you think the show succeeded
in what it set out to do?
REINER: Absolutely. Better than any other
half-hour show has ever done. I've studied
all the fucking sitcoms; Гуе seen every
goddamn one. And while there have been
some great ones—Mary Tyler Moore,
M*A*S*H, Cheers, Taxi, Van Dyke—All in
the Family was the best.
PLAYBOY: How did you feel about the show
after you left and its format changed, when
it became Archie Bunker's Place?
REINER: I wasn’t interested in it. I watched
only one episode, and there wasn’t the
kind of tension we had. It didn’t have the
natural antagonists. It was much softer.
PLAYBOY: What about Mike Stivic? Do you
miss the character?
REINER: Mike was very similar to me. He
went through a transition over the years.
He began very idealistically and, as he
gained responsibility, with a baby and a
Job, he began swinging toward the center.
‘As we all do, he began accepting certain
realities of life.
PLAYBOY: He was also a bit of a knee-jerk
REINER: He was always left of center, and
as for myself, I'm sort of off the chart
somewhere. I’m conservative in some
ways but incredibly radical and anarchis-
tic in others.
But Mike was full of shit sometimes. He
If you
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mg. "ter", 0.6 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method.
espoused all these liberal points of view,
but when push came to shove, especially
on women's issues, he'd take the party line
with the chauvinists.
PLAYBOY: Mike's vast wardrobe was mem-
orable, wasn't it?
REINER: Yeah. For eight years, 1 wore the
same jeans and work shirt and cowboy
boots every single week.
PLAYBOY: Did they still fit you by the end of
the run?
REINER: I went through a lot of ups and
downs. I weighed as much as 208 pounds,
as little as 190. It’s funny, because when
they show All in the Family in reruns, they
don't go in order, they just bounce around.
So one day, I've got lots of hair and I'm
skinny. The next day, I've got just a little
hair and I’m fat. The next day, lots of hair
and fat and the next, a little hair and
skinny. There was one year, for maybe one
or two shows, when I looked good.
PLAYBOY: And those are the tapes you keep
at home.
REINER: [Laughs] Exactly. Hair and thin.
PLAYBOY: Your ex-wife, Penny Marshall,
told us that after All in the Family ended for
you and your new TV projects didn’t hit,
you went into a bit of a tail spin.
REINER: It was a particularly rough time. I
was upset, because when you've done a
show like All in the Family for eight years,
you get to thinking nothing bad can hap-
pen to you. You feel invulnerable. I was a
young man, very successful, making a lot
of money, had a marriage that was going
pretty well for a long time. Then I hit a
couple of failures. It was the same period
Penny and I were drifting apart. I was
badly shaken.
PLAYBOY: Was it just because you found
yourself out of work for the first time?
REINER: No, because I could always get
work. The problem was that I wasn't
being allowed to do what I wanted to—a
series I created called Free Country. I was
about to take a step out on my own and the
door was slammed. It frightened the shit
out of me.
PLAYBOY: Do you still feel bitter about Free
REINER: I think it was one of the most inno-
vative TV series ever created. It was basi-
cally a Jewish Roots. I think the networks
weren't too thrilled about putting on a
show about Jews. It was weird, because
the guys we pitched it to at the network
were all Jews. To be fair to them, though,
they have a constituency out there they
have to program for, and shows like Happy
Days were very big and successful then
PLAYBOY: But you feel there’s no real qual-
ity programing?
REINER: I never believed TV should all be
quality stuff. Everybody should be allowed
to have something that he wants to watch.
The networks always point to Cheers and
Hill Street Blues as examples of programs
that are supposedly good—and they are,
but they're not innovative. I believe there
should be a place for one or two shows that
are really intelligent, really sophisticated,
for that segment of the audience that
wants them. And I don’t give a fuck what
the numbers are, what the ratings are—
they should keep those shows on the air!
But ГЇЇ tell you something: The net-
works aren't interested in just making
PLAYBOY: What are they interested in?
REINER: They are interested in making
ridiculous amounts of money. Unbridled
greed. Don't forget—if every TV program
were in the bottom 20 of the Nielsens,
they'd still make enormous amounts of
PLAYBOY: Penny Marshall implied that you
were disturbed by the fact that her series
Laveme ES Shirley was a big hit, that she
was taking home the pay check, not you.
REINER: Yes, I think so. I think any man
would be lying if he said it wouldn't be an
ego blow to see his wife making more
money than he was or working when he
was not. The role that Pd played through
the marriage was that of supporting her,
taking care of her, because for many years
I worked far more than she did. All of a
sudden, I wasn't doing that job. I was at
an ebb point in my carcer—and life—and
I looked to her for support. But at that
time, she was consumeé with her problems
on Laverne & Shirley—there was always
some kind of trouble or crisis there. And 1
was thinking, Wait a minute; /’m not
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
please try Carlton.
getting anything here. I'm suffering, I’m
not working and I don't have anybody
REINER: [t wasn't her fault. This was who
she was. She needed a lot of attention
when she wasn't working and she needed
as much, if not more, when she was.
I'd always thought that when she started
working, it would be easier, because she'd
have her own identity, she'd have her own
job, she wouldn't feel such a lack of self-
esteem. But it didn't work out that way.
PLAYBOY: What happened after that?
REINER: We got divorced pretty soon after.
That period afterward, for several years,
was a 24-hour-a-day horror show. It was
like being slipped bad acid and going on a
downward spiral. I cried quite a bit. It was
a one-two punch. I had no work, no mar-
risge. There was an air of desperation
about me for a lot of years after that. I
never thought I would say, “I like being
alone." I’m sure that's not going to be my
state for the rest of my life, but I think it’s
important I spend some years feeling com-
fortable on my own. That way, the next
time I go into a relationship, it will be with
a little more strength within myself.
PLAYBOY: Before we get there, let’s back up
a bit. You were 21, young, carefree. You
discovered Penny. What was it like then?
REINER: She faked me out: When I met her,
I thought she was Jewish. And, you know,
Jewish guys are supposed to be attracted
only to shiksas—which I am to a great
degree. So after I met her, I said to myself,
“Gee, look at this, I’m actually attracted
to a Jewish girl—this must be a match
made in heaven!" Then 1 found out she
was Italian and it all fell into place.
PLAYBOY: How did you meet?
REINER: It was at Barney's Beanery, which
was and is still a big hangout bar on Santa
Monica Boulevard. Janis Joplin would be
there, Jack Nicholson always used to come
and Harry Dean Stanton was a fixture. I
was with some friends and she was with
some friends and we just.
PLAYBOY: You mean you picked her up?
REINER: I think she picked me up, actu-
PLAYBOY: Love at first sight?
REINER: No, it wasn’t. We were friends for a
couple of years; we hardly even dated at
first. Before we began living together, I
was sharing a house with Albert Brooks.
There were separate entrances, like a
duplex, and he'd be downstairs and I'd be
up. And when Penny and I started going
together, I would take her upstairs and
we'd make love. We'd finish and the phone
would ring; it would be Albert calling from
downstairs. He'd say, “Are you done?"
We'd say, “Yeah.” And Albert would ask,
“You want to go get something to eat?” So
we'd get dressed and go over to the drug-
store at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel about
midnight and have dinner.
PLAYBOY: Was it embarrassing to have to
be so open about your sex life?
REINER: No, we were young, we were free.
This was the age of the sexual revolution
and all that. It was uncool to be prim or
shy about any of it, real uncool, even
though before Penny, I had been pretty
naive—didn't lose my virginity until I was
20. We never talked about sex at home.
PLAYBOY: Then you decided to get married.
REINER: It seemed like a logical step. I'd
just turned 24. We'd been living together
for a year and a half, were getting along
well, and we thought it was the next thing
to do.
PLAYBOY: Where was the ceremony?
REINER: In my folks’ back yard. There were
about 100 people and we ordered all the
food from a Chinese restaurant. It was so
funny, because the bill came with the
order- was, like, $1000 to go! But it was
real nice; we improvised our vows to each
other and had our friends run the cere-
mony with a judge around to make it legal.
I had three best men: Phil Mishkin, who
was my writing partner then, Rick
Dreyfuss and Albert Brooks.
PLAYBOY: У\сгс you a faithful husband?
REINER: Actually, no. We did experiment.
You've got to take this in context; this was
the Sixties generation. But we did experi-
ment with an open marriage for a short
stint and it wasn't particularly good. The
idea of an open marriage seemed good at
the time, because it meant you could just
fuck anybody you wanted and there was
no guilt.
PLAYBOY: But it didn't work out that way?
REINER: No, because when you feel strongly
for somebody, you really don't want to
fuck other people. You get to a point where
you don't want to engage in a lot of mean-
ingless sex. I’m sure a lot of people enjoy
doing that, but [ don't. I never have.
PLAYBOY: But you tried it?
REINER: Oh, sure, I tried it plenty. Ànd the
actual act itself, while you're doing it, cer-
tainly feels great. It's just that afterward,
you know the old joke, you want the
woman to turn into a pizza. It’s because
you're not emotionally connected—and
that feeling is horrible.
PLAYBOY: About the open-marriage experi-
mentation —
REINER: Well, to be honest, it wasn’t really
a successful open marriage, because we
never talked to each other about it.
PLAYBOY: You mean you never told Penny it
was an open marriage?
REINER: [Laughs] Right. No, what I really
mean is that we never told each other if we
had been with other people. So it was
more or less that in case we cheated, it was
like a pact that it wouldn't mean the end of
our marriage. I never knew anybody she
was with and I don’t think she knew any-
body I was with. I can’t speak for Penny,
but for me, it happened very rarely. |
mean, it was fewer than what you can
count on one hand—fewer than five but
more than one.
PLAYBOY: Your marriage lasted ten years.
Why did it end?
REINER: I know it sounds like a cliché, but
you know how you talk about two people's
growing in different directions? Boy, that
was it for us. 1 still like Penny, she likes me
and we get along really well. But back
then, my attitude was probably upsetting
to her.
REINER: Well, she was doing Laverne &
Shirley, and I didn’t like the show. I had a
much more elitist attitude then than I do
now. I loved my wife in it—she is a bril-
liant comedienne and did a wonderful
job—but I thought the program was not
very intelligent and all that.
PLAYBOY: And you'd tell her that?
REINER: She always wanted to know what I
thought, and it was hard. It never worked,
making the separation, telling her what I
thought of her performance and what I
thought of the show. If I said anything
negative about the show, she'd take it as
“You don’t like me” or “You don’t like
what I do.” This shit went on all the time.
But I think Penny had a point. You want
your spouse to be supportive and on your
side. She wanted me to just love what
she was doing. And the fact that I
didn’t I was at fault in that I wasn’t
as supportive as I could have been.
PLAYBOY: Yours wasn’t the only negative
voice; Laverne €? Shirley never got good
REINER: Penny and Garry [Marshall, the
show’s creator and Penny’s brother] were
always upset because there wasn't a good
critical response to Laverne & Shirley and
because they didn’t get nominated for
PLAYBOY: Especially since you and All in
the Family raked in the Emmys every year.
REINER: Sure, that was upsetting, You
know, when we were breaking up, we had
this fight. We were screaming at each
other. And at the height of it, Penny told
me to take my Emmy awards and shove
them up my ass.
PLAYBOY: How did you react?
REINER: All I could think at the time was, I
wish I were a movie actor, because the
Oscars don’t have those pointy wings the
Emmys have. I thought, God, that would
be awfully painful.
PLAYBOY: Is that your instinct—when
someone says something truly nasty to
you, you reflexively think of a gag?
REINER: I’ve had moments like that. We
had very few fights, very few. But one
time, I remember, she was really mad at
me and yelled, “You stink!” And I said,
“Wait a minute here! Let's get this
straight. I may be wrong, I may be doing
the wrong thing, but I don't stink!”
PLAYBOY: You told her, ch?
REINER: I couldn't let it ride. One time,
though, she threw cherries at me. It was
the most physical thing we ever did.
PLAYBOY: Other than sex, we assume.
REINER: Yes, occasionally we did that.
PLAYBOY: Early in the marriage?
REINER: There's a saying—I don't know if
is true—that if you take a penny and put
itin a jar every time you have sex the first
(continued on page 156)
Стат: Gin Cana Duy Tonic.
domination, submission, exquisite pleasure =. {
and fear—oral sex may bethe trickiest i game of ail E 1
article By SUSAN SQUIRE, \ j
Often, during dinner, he pushed my head betweeh his 0 ighs We
developed a game: He tried to see how long.h€ could continue to kar
calmiys 1) how'soón I'could make him drop his fork and moan. *
id — ELIZABETH MC NEILL, “Nine and a Half Weeks”, mon |
HE poes the pushing. Her wrists are bound to the table leg all the while.
Hes cast as the master of the game, she as the slave. Yet only she can
make him drop his fork. Only she can make him moan. Is he in
charge? Or is she? ED
Oral sex: Hearts have been stolen by it, relationships broken by it. It i
can make men soft and women hard. It can serve as a shorthand for i
self-image and a character tip-off to others. It can be an act of manipu- f i
lation, adoration or indifference. It is surely never an act of procrea-
tion, so it lacks the Judaeo-Christian stamp of normalcy. If not
procreation, its purpose can only be deviant. “The use of the mouth as
a sexual organ,” wrote Freud, “is considered as a perversion if the y i
/ lips [or tongue] of one person are brought into contact with the : Y
genitals of another.” Although once upon a
time in America, spouses could and did go
through a lifetime of matrimony without
ever tasting the genitals of their mates, no
self-respecting adult who made it through
the frantic fucking of the Sixties and Sev-
enties would dare avoid what has now
become a basic element of the sexual rep-
ertoire. We're all supposed to be willing
and able to give it and to love getting it,
but such a supposition is flagrantly sim-
plistic. Where plays of power are involved
or merely imagined, nothing is simple.
He drove into her mouth. It was not
the caress of her lips the length of him he
was looking for, but the back of her
throat. For a long time he probed. . . .
In her heart she felt her womb, useless
and scorned, burning her.
—"Story of O”
It’s the classic pornographic position, to
drive into a woman's mouth from above
her as she lies or kneels, a position
intended to subjugate the woman and
empower the man. For many women, it
can be arousing if played as a game chosen
by both parties, as an infrequent fillip cho-
sen to break the routine, like a twice-yearly
bout of anal sex or mild bondage. But if a
man insists on it consistently and exclu-
sively, any psychically healthy woman will
at the very least feel extremely bored and
will surely wonder about the psychic
health of her lover.
Maureen was in love with Philip, an
aristocratic Oriental who insisted on be-
ing the auteur of oral sex. A man with a
selfadmitted “pornographic mind," he
wanted his sex life with Maureen to consist
of certain specific elements. She was to be
the responsive but passive participant in
an unvarying ritual: He would undress her
leisurely, go down on her with skill and
concentration, and when she had come
once, twice, three times, he would enter
her. Depending on your attitude, this rou-
tine sounds like either tedium incarnate or
a gorgeous sexual dream.
In the beginning, it was the latter for the
normally strong-willed Maureen. “Con-
trol isn’t important to me,” she says. “I
like sex too much to think about power."
But as she became emotionally hooked on
Philip, she wanted to sample him and give
to him. Like any woman who enjoys sex
and is in love, she wanted to know every
curve and vein and freckle and hair of her
man, and she wanted this knowledge on
her own terms and in her own rhythm. But
Philip would allow her to go down on him
only in the classic male-supremacy posi-
tion. She would be on her knees and he
would be standing, directing her as
always. If she tried it any other way,
he would prevent her in that eloquent
manner that men have: He'd go soft.
Immensely frustrated and too smart not to
concede that Philip's denial of her desire
for him spelled out a sexual and emotional
half life, Maureen ended the relationship.
Maureen grew weary with her role as
the submissive receiver/receptacle, but she
never felt degraded by it, because she was
a full and agreeable partner in its enact-
ment. If a woman is forced without fore-
knowledge into this position, she may not
protest but she will almost certainly feel
like garbage. A woman lacking in self-
respect may feel that her self-image is jus-
tified by her being treated like garbage.
However, that is not the same as finding
the experience erotic, though some men
think that female compliance and desire
are invariably linked.
Bethany, now 40, still remembers the
afternoon 12 years ago when her ex-
husband, Allan, came over, ostensibly to
discuss their son’s schooling. Since their
split, Bethany had been through the typi-
cal emotional kaleidoscope that besets
divorcing people—loneliness, confusion,
ambivalence, anger, guilt, despair, loss,
sclfhatred. When Allan began kissing
her, she responded from her need for com-
fort and sustenance. Then he pushed her
head down and leaned against the back of
the sofa. She complied “because I thought
I was supposed to, because I felt insecure
and because I was terrified of a future
alone with a kid and three dogs. After-
ward, I felt like a dirty dishrag. I stood
over the kitchen sink and cried for an
hour. If it happened again, I would never
submit to him. I would shoot the fucker
Sometimes, for a woman, it’s titillating
to play at being subjugated. Andrea has
initiated the play with several lovers and
found one man to be “‘overly sensitized” to
the implications of it. “I had given him a
blow job on my knees. I had chosen the act
and the position. When it was over, he
asked me if I felt humiliated by it or if I
thought it was a subservient position to be
in. I was surprised by his concern. I'd
never thought of it that way. I think that’s
because I grew up Catholic and ignorant
about sex—sex was so powerful that you
could not speak its name. Thanks to my
ignorance, I had no preconceptions about
what was or wasn’t acceptable. It had
never occurred to me that a man would
feel there was something degrading to a
woman about that position.”
Although men rarely admit to favoring
the brutality component of oral sex, those
who do will often justify it by saying, as
Tony, 39, puts it, “Women don’t mind
being raped orally if they can control
who's doing the raping. Choice is control.”
“Tony sometimes has erection problems if
he's with a woman who's “too willing.”
Although respectably married, he has an
active underground sex life focused on
very young girls and games of force.
He mentions a peak sexual experience
he had while in his early 20s. "She was
younger and a virgin. We'd just seen the
movie Blow-Up—the first time I'd ever
seen pubic hair in a movie. We were
parked in my car in front of her house. I
whipped out my cock and forced her head
upon it. She struggled and gagged, but 1
wouldn't let her head up. The orgasm was
memorable because I was in charge from
start to finish.”
But only because his subject of subjuga-
tion chose not to play her ultimate hole
Something in my Mouth he put: 11
called him Beast and try'd to bit it... .
— ANONYMOUS, circa 1707
105 the final irony of force, a woman's
latent and powerful revenge for powerless-
ness. The castration factor: It blips along
the back of a man’s mind every so often
when he has entrusted his irreplaceable
organ to a woman's oral ministrations. For
some, the blip becomes a solid line. Jerry,
a tender and funny mam, has been vic-
timized by the ancient fear. At 35, he pur-
sues neither fellatio nor casual sex, thanks
to an experience that began as a lark and
ended up a trauma. For his 21st birthday,
his friends got him fallingdowndrunk and
bought him a blow job. Jerry had assumed
that it would be the “apotheosis” of the
act and his first opportunity to come in a
woman’s mouth.
The hooker was short, with a six-inch
scar across her throat. Giggling and weav-
ing, Jerry stumbled after her up some
stairs and into a room. He fell onto the
bed. She pulled his pants down, looked at
him, rolled her eyes and said, "You're
gonna need some help, honey.” Then she
started in on him.
“I saw her head, with that scar, disap-
pear between my legs. With my drunken-
ness and the sight of the scar, I was
hopelessly flaccid. She came up after
about five minutes and said, ‘Not tonight.”
The next day, when Pd sobered up, I real-
ized she could have done anything—she
could have bitten it off. l'd been at the
mercy of a woman with a six-inch scar
across her throat, a woman who had
offered the information that her boyfriend
was doing 25 years to life and she was
hooking to get the money to get him
paroled. The image of her burying her
face, with that scar, in my groin has since
flashed through my mind many times
when someone’s gone down on me, and
every time, I’ve gone soft.”
There are men who are eager receivers
only if the woman is both clearly enthusi-
astic and highly skilled, apparently a rare
combo. Andy, 38, is a lover of bars,
bourbon—and blow jobs performed by
hookers. Because he doesn’t want to “scar
anyone's sexual psyche,” he's difüdent
about criticizing a womar's technique (to
the point that he once endured the oral
lovemaking of a girlfriend who wore
braces until he finally told her that he
didn't like fellatio). With a hooker, he’s
(continued on page 184)
“Isn't this romantic? We're floating down the Mississippi
like Huck Finn."
she battles bond, rocks with “rocky #0” hunk :
dolph lundgren—have you met miss jones?
As archvillainess May Day in the
new James Bond film, A View to a
Kill, singer/actress Grace Jones
gets to soften up 007, played by
Roger Maore, before the kill. This
series of partraits by the provaca-
tive photographic artist Helmut
Newtar, о longtime friend, cap-
tures the sheer power of Grace
ond of her fiancé, Dolph Lundgren.
RACE Jones is on the prowl
again, raising hackles, eyebrows and o lot
of hell along the way. No one else assaults
the senses os Grace does. One moment
aggressively feminine, the next curiously
masculine, she transcends gender. There's
a hint of menace, the vague possibility of
violence in her demeanor. She is alien, the
embodiment of the unknown. And she
draws уси to her as a flame draws o child.
olph Lundgren can afford to
be soft-spoken. He is o chompion kick
boxer, solid muscle and bigger thon you
and any friends you might bring olong. He
doesn't eot: He “carbs up.” Dolph will be
Sylvester Stallone’s opponent in Rocky IV.
One night in Australia, Grace and he met:
the Sphinx meeting the Colossus of
Rhodes. The synergy wos sufficiently awe-
some to make the allionce permanent.
ow they live together, the
strong тап and the strong woman,
the soft-spoken and the outspoken, the
Swede ond the Jamaican. Their careers
have come together in a house in a canyon
above Los Angeles. There theyll make
their stand: he in acting, she in acting ond
singing, both already winners on their
own. Wha knaws what can be accom-
plished by (concluded on роде 202)
r “gawrsh,” said guf. “do ya
I 5 alna ink we're the only D
left on earth?”
br als» I 1313 a fiction By HOWARD WALDROP
THINGS HAD NOT BEEN going well at the fac-
tory for the past 1500 years or зо.
A rare thunderstorm, a soaking rain
and a freak lightning bolt changed all
When the lightning hit, an emer-
gency generator went to work as it had
been built to do a millennium and a
half before. It cranked up and ran the
assembly line for a few minutes before
freezing up and shedding its brushes
and armatures in a fine spray. It had
run just Jong enough to finish up some
work in the custom-design section.
The factory completed, hastily certi-
fied and wrongly programmed the
three products that had been on the
assembly line 15 centuries before. Then
the place went dark again.
“Gawrsh,” said one of them, “it shore is
dark in here!”
“Well, huh-huh, we can always use the
infrared they gave us."
“Wak, wak, wak!” said the third.
“What's the big idea?”
The custom-order jobs were animato-
mechanical simulacra. They were designed
to speak and act like the famous cartoon
Creations of a multimillionaire artist who
late in life, in the latter half of the 20th
Century, had opened a series of gigantic
amusement parks.
Once, these giant theme parks had
employed persons in costumes to act as
hosts. Then the corporation that had run
things after the cartoonist's death had seen
the wisdom of building robots.
The simulacra would be less expensive
in the long run, would never be late for
work, could be programmed to speak
many languages and would never try to
pick up the clean-cut boys and girls who
visited the parks.
These three had been built to be host
robots in the third and largest of the parks,
the one separated by an ocean from the
two others.
The tallest of them had started as a car-
toon dog but had become upright and had
acquired a set of baggy pants, balloon
shoes, a sweat shirt, a black vest and white
gloves. On his head was a miniature car-
penter's hat; long ears hung from it. He
had two prominent incisors in his muzzle.
He stood almost two meters tall and
answered to the name GUF.
"The second, a little shorter, was a white
duck with a bright-orange billand feet and
a blue-and-white sailor’s tunic and cap.
He had large eyes with little cuts out of the
upper right corners of the pupils. He was
naked from the waist down and was the
only one of the three without gloves. He
answered to the name DUN.
The third and smallest, just over a
meter, was a rodent. He wore a red-bibbed
play with two large gold buttons at the
waistline. He was shirtless and had shoes
like two pieces of bread dough. His tail
was long and thin, like a whip. His bare
arms, legs and chest were black, his face a
pinkish-tan. His white gloves were espe-
cially prominent. His most striking feature
was his ears, which rotated on a track, first
one way, then the other, so that seen from
any angle, they could look like featureless
black circles.
His name was MIK. His eyes, like those
of GUF, were large, and the pupils were
big rcund dots. His nose ended in a perfect
sphere of polished onyx.
"Well," said MIK, brushing dust from
his body, "I guess we'd better, huh-huh,
get to work.”
“Uh-hyuk,” said GUF. “Won't be
many people at thuh Park in weather like
‘Oh, boy! Oh, boy!” quacked DUN.
"Rain! Wak, wak, wak!’ He ran out
through a huge crack in the factory wall
through which streamed rain and mist.
MIK and GUF came behind, GUF
ambling with his hands in his pockets.
MIK followed him, ranging in the ultravi-
olet and infrared, getting the feel of the
landscape through the rain. “You'd have
thought, huh-huh, they might have sent а
truck over or something,” he said. “I guess
we'll have to walk.”
"I didn’t notice anyone at thuh
facktry," said GUF. "Even if it was a day
off, yuh'd think some of thuh workers
would give unceasingly of ther time,
because, after all, thuh means of
produckshun must be kept in thuh hands
of thuh workers, uh-hyuk!”
GUF's specialty was communicating
with visitors from the large totalitarian
countries to the west of the Park. He was
especially well versed in dialectical mate-
rialism and correct Mao thought.
As abruptly as it had started, the storm
ended. Great ragged gouts broke in the
clouds, revealing fast-moving cirrus, а
bright-blue sky, the glow ofa warming sun.
MIK looked around, consulting his pro-
gramming. “That way, guys!” he said,
unsure of himself. There were no familiar
landmarks. All around them was rubble,
and far away in the other direction was a
sluggish ocean.
It was getting dark. The three sat on a
pile of concrete.
"Looks like thuh Park is closed," said
МЇК sat with his hands under his chin.
“This just isn't right, guys,” he said. "We
were supposed to report to the program-
ming hut to get our first day's instructions.
Now we can't even find the Park!”
“Well, uh-hyuk,” said GUF, “I seem
tuh remember we could get ahalt of thuh
satellite in a 'mergency.”
“Sure!” said MIK, jumping to his feet
and pounding his fist into his glove.
“That's it! Let's see, what frequency was
“Six point five oh four,” said DUN. He
looked eastward. “Maybe I'll go to the
“Better stay here whiles we find
somethin' out,” said GUF.
“Well, make it snappy," said DUN.
MIK tuned in the frequency and broad-
cast the Park’s call letters.
“Zzzzzz. What? HOOSAT?”
“Uh, this is MIK, a simulacrum at the
Park. We're trying to get hold of one of the
other Parks for, huh-huh, instructions.”
“In what language do you wish to com-
municate?” asked the satellite.
“Oh, sorry, huh-huh. We speak Japa-
nese to each other, but we'll switch over to
Artran if that’s easier for you.” GUF and
DUN tuned in also.
“It’s been a very long while since any-
one spoke with me from down there.” The
satellite’s well-modulated voice snapped
and popped. “If you must know,”
HOOSAT continued, “it’s been a while
since anyone contacted me from any-
where. I can't say much for the stability of
my orbit, either. Once, I was forty thou-
sand kilometers up, very stable. . . .”
“Could you put us through to one of the
other Parks or maybe the studio itself, if
you can do that? We'd, huh-huh, like to
find out where to report for work.”
“ГЇЇ attempt it," said HOOSAT. There
was a pause and some static. “Predictably,
there’s no answer at any of the locations.”
“Where are thuh folks?” asked GUF.
“I don’t know. We satellites and moni-
toring stations used to worry about that
frequently. Something happened to them.”
“What?” asked all three robots at once.
“Hard to comprehend,” said HOOSAT.
“Ten or fifteen centuries ago. Very noisy in
all spectra, then silence. Most of the
ground stations ceased functioning within
a century of that."
"Then there was a burst of fuzzy static.
“Hello? HOOSAT?" asked the satellite.
“It's been along time since anyone. ...”
“Ivs still us!” said MIK. “The simu-
lacra from the Park. We——”
“Oh, that's right. What can I do for
“Tell us where the people went.”
“T have no idea.”
“Well, where can we find out?” asked
“You might try the library."
“Where’s that?”
"Let me focus in. I can give you the
coordinates. Do you have standard naviga-
tional programming?"
“Boy, do we!” said MIK.
“Well, here's what you do. . . .”
“I'm sure there used to be many books
here,” said MIK. “It all seems to have
turned to powder, though, doesn't it?”
“Doggone wizoo-wazoo waste of time,”
said DUN. He sat on one of the piles of
dirt in the large broken-down building of
which only one massive wall still stood.
The recent rain had turned the meter-deep
powder on the floor into a papier-máché
“I guess there's nothing to do but start
looking," said MIK.
“Hey, MIK, looka this!” yelled GUE.
He came running with a steel box. "T
found this just over there.”
The box was plain, unmarked. There
was a heavy lock to which MIK applied
various pressures.
"It's, huh-huh, stuck.”
“Gimme that!” yelled DUN. He
(continued on page 152)
fashion By KOLS WAYNE
relax. three cooling looks
are coming your way
or TOWN, summer in the city—
and now that you've tried
skinny-dipping under an open
fire hydrant and deep-sixing yourself
in a vat of gelato, maybe it's time you
made a smart cool move and updated
the clothes sticking to your back.
Summer is the season for unlined and
unconstructed sports coats in fabrics
such as cotton and linen. Being more
absorbent than synthetic blends, nat-
ural materials keep you cool and
rumpled-looking. When the tempera-
ture hits 80, nobody wants to wear a
tie that’s knotted like a hangman’s
noose, so loosen up and unbutton
your collar, too. Hot summer light
colors include the neutral hues worn
together, or try mixing beige tones
with gray or indigo for a dressy hot-
summer-night look. The heat goes on.
Right: The dark side of summer—a
navy-linen shirt jacket, $170, worn
$100, and linen slacks, $110, all by
Ron Chereskin; plus a leather belt,
by Just Jamie, $55; and c watch,
by Emerich Meerson, about $130.
The crisp, clean, summery look of
linen on linen. His unlined window-
pane-plaid linen. jacket, $265,
complements double-pleated
` slacks, $1 dress s
The silk road to style—o gra:
Shantung blazer, $450, si
tissue-linen shirt, $170, апа linen
slacks, $150, all by Andrew Fezza. For
contrast, he's added a loosely knot-
ted plaid cotton tie, by Rob Davis
for Vicky Davis, $20. His sueded-
leather belt, by Just Ja: $50.
be wary, chuck.
this old gambler
plays for high stakes
LACK STITCHING over the left
pocket of his white-silk shirt
read cHUCK in cursive script.
His pale, wiry arms were crossed
below the name; his large Adam's
apple moved arrhythmically above.
Before him on the small lima-bean-
shaped green table the 200 playing
cards were fanned out, awaiting
fresh players.
It was 3:30 in the morning and
fewer than half the tables in the
main casino were staffed. A noisy
crowd at one crap table gave an
illusion of liveliness, but only four
of the seven blackjack dealers on
duty had any action. Chuck had
stood here at the ten-dollar-limit
table for nearly an hour; it was
looking as though he wouldn't deal
2 single round before his break.
“Hey, Chuck."
At the left extreme of the table
stood a small old man in a coors
cap, smiling, hands in raincoat
pockets. The raincoat hung open,
showing a white shirt, a sloppily
knotted dark, thin tie and a bit of
dark jacket. The old man had
shaved recently but not well, and
his gray eyes were red-rimmed and
merry. The dealer saw not much
hope here, but he said, “А game,
“Maybe in a while, Chuck," the
old man said and grinned as
though he were thinking of some
joke. “Did you know I came out of
the hospital just this morning?”
The dealer, his foot near the but-
ton that calls security, looked at the
old man. He said, “1з that right,
“Sun City Hospital, right here in
Las Vegas, Nevada. Fixed me up
just fine. No more broken bones.”
That I-know-a-joke grin appeared
“Sir, if you’re not interested in
“Oh, I could be, Chuck,” the old
man said. “1 might Ье.”
The night was slow, and the deal-
er's break was due in just a few
minutes. So he didn't touch his foot
to the button that calls security.
“Take your time, sir,” he said.
“That's all I've got,” the old man
said, but then he grinned again. “I
love the big Strip hotels at night.”
“You do, sir?”
“Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I hate
Vegas, you (continued on page 178)
here's our hope for the future
тне PARTY didn't start until Hope Marie Carlton got there.
Hope brings it with her, you see. Mostly legs and ramrod
straight, she strode through the crowd greeting people
with a laugh and a hug, like a salesman or a politician,
though she had nothing to sell and wasn't up for any
office. It’s as though she has trouble finding a reason not to
be happy and wants to spread the word.
“Im always out to have fun,” she
admits. “When people say, “Hope, you
always look as if you're having a good
time, I say, “Yeah, I go everywhere with
myself? >
When you finally talk privately with
her, you find she's no Pollyanna, just
determined not to let anything get her
“I mean, it's the way the cards fall, isn't
it? It's as if Pm in the middle of a game
right now and I don't know what's going
to happen next, which is exciting and very
“I ran computers for a while and I
almost ripped my hair out. I couldn't
stand it. I'd go crazy sitting there looking
at that screen and punching in invoices all
day. One day, I got up, threw that stack of
papers and said, ‘I’ve had it" I walked out
and got on my horse and went for a four-
and-a-half-hour ride, and I was fine. And
as long as you don't put me back in that
office, I'll be fine.”
There's not much chance of that hap-
pening. Hope, who most of her life has
called Tampa home, is firmly established
as a model there and, with several years’
experience to her credit, is planning to
tackle Los Angeles next. After all, she's
"already the big one-nine. I’m getting
old," Hope says, only halfjoking. “Гуе
been working since I was 13. My mother
used to model in New York when Í was a
baby, and I started doing little-girl fashion.
shows and stuff like that.
“I was an only child and I was spoiled.
But I was not spoiled rotten. Í got things
that I wanted, but I was always expected
to save up half the money for them myself
first. That teaches you responsibility.
“When I was in high school, I was
working, going to school and taking care of
horses; that's all I did. At one time, I was
responsible for seven horses. But when
At a celebration of her 19th birthday in
Playboy Studio West (top left), Hope's
infectious good humor—see examples
opposite—leads our photo staff astray.
But later, in a preflight briefing on the
runway and in the air, she’s all business.
"T've been taking flying lessons now for
about six months. I’m getting ready to
solo and I'll have my license within the
next couple of months. Danger? I don't
even think about it up there. I think the
joy and the adrenaline override fear.”
modeling got serious, I had to give it up. It
was just taking too much of my time. I
always bit off more than I could chew. But
that teaches you; it makes you learn.
“Besides, I deal with pressure really
well. I think I’m better under pressure. It
keeps me going, like having somebody
light a fire under me.”
Hope hardly needs such encourage-
ment. She gets such a charge out of what
she’s doing that dragging her away from it
would seem to be the problem.
“When Pm in front of that camera, I
become somebody else. It’s like a release,
and I don’t think of anything else but what
Pm doing. 1 just go crazy. I love it!
he only thing that really makes me
miserable is coming to a standstill
"T'd like to marry when I'm betueen 24 and 28.
That gives you time lo get the itch out of your
britches, be ready for a commitment. Boys have
never really been a problem for me. Sometimes they're.
a pain, but I don't think I could live without men
and I don’t think they could live without me, either.” 101
- p, Manic
TURN-OFFS: AAA. unamalı tie
g c 07 4 ORALA lan 7/54 200)
Y &
PVP hon ALA ПА ael CU 22.
Y 200 А2021 LNA CA QUA au
Al 12 277 Eae Kunnon
FAVORITE PUPA d is Z Z Que А LMA — FU 2 as
les an excellent program,” said the computer
salesman extolling the new home-computer
“But how can a computer play strip poker?”
asked the dubious customer.
“It displays a picture of a girl on the screen,”
explained the salesman, “and every time she
loses а hand, she removes another article of
“And what happens when there's nothing
The clerk leaned forward and whispered,
“The computer goes down.”
Washington wags report that capital callgirls
and military-hardware contractors have a lot in
common: They both charge $100 per screw.
А; they drove to work together, one old friend
turned to the other and described a strange
dream he'd had the night before. “I was twelve
years old and it was my birthday,” he began. “I
asked my mother if she knew what day it was,
and she said, ‘Yes, and here is twenty dollars to
go to Disneyland-— ”
“That's funny," his friend interrupted. “I had
a strange dream last night, too. А beautiful,
naked redhead got into bed with me; Eres a gor-
geous, naked blonde began crawling into bed,
too. I didn't know what to do.”
"Why didn't you call me?" his friend asked.
“I did call you,” he replied, “but your mother
said you had gone to Disneyland.”
fe must have been a watchman in an organic-
er warehouse who said that waste was a
terrible thing to mind.
Though at times sex is sin,” mused Miss Grillo,
As she eyed the guy nude from her pillow,
“Your equipment's so small
That it’s no sin at all—
I would term it a mere peccadillo."
Word has reached us about a pepe gum young
lady whose nickname is Federal Express. Wi
she's headed for a date's apartment, it's N
lutely, positively guaranteed that she'll be
there overnight.
Hearing that hypnotism might cure his impo-
tence, the young man visited a local practitioner.
Every week for six months, the hypnotist waved
his watch and intoned, “You're getting drow-
зу... it's getting bigger you're getting
drowsy . . it's getting bigger.” Finally, secing no
improvement, the frustrated young man quit.
"I'm worse off than ever," he complained to a
friend. “Not only am I still unable to get it up,
but every time I sce a watch commercial, my
balls fall asleep."
Late опе afternoon, a man placed a call to his
home. A strange woman answered.
" she replied.
“We don't have a maid.”
“Your wife hired me today.”
“OK, is my wife there?”
“Yes,” answered the maid, “but she’s upstairs
entertaining her boyfriend.”
‘The furious husband paused a moment, then
said, “Would you like to make a quick hundred
thousand dollars?”
“Yes, of course,” said the maid.
“Then go to the hall closet, get my shotgun
and shoot my tramp wife and the bastard she's
The man heard footsteps going to the hall
closet, then the sound of the maid’s climbing the
stairs. A moment later, two loud shots rang out.
‘The maid returned to the phone and asked,
“What do you want me to do with the bodies?”
“Throw them into the swimming pool,”
ordered the aggrieved husband.
“What pool?”
“Uh, is this 555-7749?”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines gay cokehead
as a toot fairy.
This crazy Army sergeant sneaked me into his
tank,” giggled the town sexpot to her girlfriend,
“and then we fucked our brains out all through
the Fourth-of July parade!”
“That must have been exciting.”
“PI say! Pd never been in a tank before!”
White rummaging through his wife's dresser
drawers, the farmer discovered three soybeans
and an envelope containing $24 in cash.
When asked about the curious items, his wife
been faithful, either, and was, therefore, inclined
to forgive and forget a few moments of weakness
in his wife. "I'm curious, though," he said.
“Where the twenty-four dollars come
“Oh, that,” his wife replied.
beans hit eight dollars a
“Well, when soy-
shel, I sold out.”
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a post-
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY,
919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor whose
card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“I don't like your room . . . I don’t like your Бей. . . I don't like
your underwear. Let's see the vest."
EVER SINCE Tom Wolfe's book was pub-
lished, the question I'm asked most often
and which always annoys me is whether ог
not I think Гуе got The Right Stuff. I
know that golden trout have the right stuff,
and Pve seen a few gals here and there
who I'd bet had it in spades, but those
words seem meaningless when used to
describe a pilot’s attributes. The question
implies that a guy who has the right stuff
was born that way. I was born with un-
usually good eyes and coordination. 1
was mechanically oriented, understood
machines easily. My nature was to stay
cool in tight spots. Is that the right stuff?
All I know is, I worked my tail off to learn
how to fly, and worked hard at it all the
way. And in the end, the one big reason 1
was better than average as a pilot was that
I flew more than anybody else.
As a kid, I never dreamed of being an
aviator. I was a pool hustler from the West
Virginia hollers. I saw my first airplanc
close up when a Beechcraft bellied into a
the real stuff about the right stuff, from the man who knows
cornfield on the Mud River. I was 15 and
stopped by on my bike to see the wreck
before heading out to the county poor
farm, where I helped out on Saturday
afternoons, shaving the old codgers.
Besides running chores, playing Kelly
pool in the pool hall or poker under a cov-
егей bridge at the edge of town and catting
around with three or four different gals,
there wasn’t a helluva lot going on in my
life in the summer of 1941. I had my
diploma from Hamlin High School tucked
in a drawer somewhere, and I fished it out,
together with my birth certificate proving
I was 18, when an Army Air Corps
recruiter came to town. I enlisted for a
two-year hitch. I thought I might enjoy it
and see some of the world. Dad never
preached at us, and I can recall him giving
me only two pieces of advice: Never buy а
pickup truck that wasn't built by General
Motors and—on the day I left for the
Service—*Son, don't gamble." Hc hadn't.
been pleased with a job I'd had sweeping
up and racking balls at the pool hall for
ten bucks a month, while picking up side
money hustling games.
I became an airplane mechanic. Grow-
ing up around truck engines and drilling-
equipment generators, I was one of the few
kids in town who could take apart a car
motor and put it back together again. Dad
was an expert mechanic, and I just under-
stood motors—a natural ability, like hav-
ing exceptional eycs and coordination to
be a crack shot. Hand a rifle to a hillbilly
and he'll hit a bull’s-eye every time. So,
without knowing it or even caring, I had
the talents needed for flying in combat.
But after taking my first airplane ride, Pd
rather have crawled across country than
go back up. I took off for a spin with a
maintenance officer flight-testing a ship 1
serviced and threw up all over the back
seat, staggering out of that damned thing
as miserable as I'd ever been. But teenag-
ers blot out the past when thc present
scemsappealing. (continued on page 118)
a magical mirrored.
audiolvideo hideaway in
the suburbs of manhattan
Playboy by Design, a feature that
will be the open-sesame to some of
the most exciting rooms in the world.
Rather than explore every facet of a home,
it will be a tip sheet filled with architec-
tural and furnishing ideas that should
spark some notions of how you can update
your own digs. Take the room pictured
here. Designed by Anthony Antine in
association with Marc Polo, it’s a van-
ishing act done with mirrors, and what
disappears is the five-foot Mitsubishi
front-projection television screen when
matching sets ofmirrored bifold doors are
closed. The companion projector, dis-
guised as a lacquered cocktail table, sits
directly across from the screen. Six
brushed-stainless-steel columns function-
ally anchor the room’s design: Two house
a pair of 6'8'-tall Beveridge speakers, a
third is outfitted as a bar and the remain-
ing three are for storage. It’s a sexy, sleek
space that's great for а movie screening or
a night of quiet reading by the fire.
(^ LOOKING AT our new baby,
MU "Nm
Above: To save space, the room's audio com-
ponents were vertically flush-mounted into a
countertop opposite the Mitsubishi giant-screen
TV. Among the oudio exotico: a Mork Levinson
emp ond preamp, a Sequerra tuner ond а
Eumig cassette deck. Heavy audio metol!
eddie cochran didn’t know it,
but there is a cure
for the summertime blues
IN SUMMER, when the sun is still high, a
glass of beer naturally comes to mind
Beer is sociable. It is also decidedly
American—in a melting pot sort of
way. It has come to our shores along with
the rest of us. The hop is the product
of some promiscuity; its distant rela-
tions include the grape, Cannabis and
asparagus—a hedonistic family, indeed.
Eating hop shoots is believed to purify
the blood, and the custom dates back to
Roman times. As a tradition, it is not big
in the New World, but you never can
tell. Americans may have to make do
with asparagus. Served in a light, buttery
omelet, with a glass of a dry, aromatic,
pale Belgian import such as Duvel (Devil,
in Flemish), it makes a sinfully luxurious
Sunday-brunch dish.
Another new import in the American
market, also from Belgium, is Sudden
Death (more seductively, the label is
in Flemish: Mort Subite). It’s not an espe-
cially strong beer, but it ás exotic—
cherries are macerated in the brew during
fermentation. No fewer than four rival
labels of Belgian cherry beer, varietally
known as kriek, are now being imported
into the U.S. They may be exotic, but they
clearly have a following, and they are the
definitive summertime brews, with their
pink-champagne color and tart, sharply
quenching palate. Indeed, in Belgium they
are customarily served only in summer.
German imports reflect a nation that
has special beers for every season and a
continuous calendar of celebrations at
which to drink (continued on page 190)
AMERICAN HERO minua fon tege 112)
“You're whipping through a desert canyon at 300
miles an hour, your belly barely scraping the rocks.”
I saw a notice announcing a “flying ser-
geant” program. I'd take my chances with
flying to become a sergeant: Three stripes
and you were out of pulling K.P. and
guard duty. I applied.
The war was only months old when I
was accepted. There were just a few of us
enlisted men—the rest were college boys,
cadets who would become commissioned
officers when they received their aviator's
wings. At first, I worried about keeping up.
with guys who were a little older and a lot
better educated than I was, but once we
took off in a trainer, we were all equal. I
got sick the first few flights but quickly
overcame it. Because I was well coordi-
nated, I had less trouble than most han-
dling a stick and rudder. But it was hard
work learning to fly and, like everyone
else, I sweated through my first solo and
bounced in for a landing in one piece.
Flying became fun. I knew what I was
doing in the cockpit and understood the
airplane. In only a month, I graduated
from being airsick even while flying level
to actually enjoying spins and dives. Being
cocky and competitive, I began bouncing
other students and staging mock dog-
fights. I could line up on air or ground tar-
gets before others in the class even saw
them. My instructor knew who was best in
the group, and in the end, I was the one he
recommended to become a fighter pilot. I
was thrilled.
March 1943. You're whipping through a
desert canyon at 300 miles an hour, your
belly barely scraping the rocks and sage-
brush, your hand on the throttle of a P-39
fighter. It's a crystal-clear morning on the
desert of western Nevada, and the joy of
fiying—the sense of speed and exhilara-
tion 20 feet above the deck—makes you so
damned happy that you want to shout for
joy. A hillock rises ahead, and you ease
back, skim over the top of it, dropping
down above cottonwoods lining the bank
of a stream. You feel so lucky, so blessed to
be a fighter pilot. Nearly 100 of us are test-
ing our skill and courage by leaving prop
marks on the dirt roads, stampeding graz-
ing cattle (a few angry ranchers cven take
pot shots at us) and raising the shingles off
ranch houses. Swooping over the desert
like a horde of metal locusts, we practice
for strafing runs, the most dangerous mis-
sions, which will cventually kill many of
us. Our instructors warn us to get down on
the deck as low as we can, staying below
the tree line, where enemy machine guns
can't target a clear shot.
That was Tonopah, Nevada, where 30
18 fledgling pilots began six months of inten-
sive training to become a combat fighter
squadron—the 363rd. We lived sur-
rounded by sand dunes in tar-paper
shacks belching black smoke from the oil-
burning stoves that warmed only them-
selves on cold desert nights. The wind
never stopped blowing and the chow was
awful, but none of us complained. We flew
from dawn to dusk, six flights а day, six
days a week, dogfighting, buzzing and
practicing gunnery. We crawled exhausted
into the sack at ten and straggled to break-
fast at 4:30 am., taking off on our first fight
just as dawn broke. I logged 100 hours of
flying that first month. Hog heaven.
Once I was а fighter pilot, I couldn't
imagine being anything else. We were hell-
raising fighter jocks with plenty of swag-
ger. When we weren't flying, we zipped on
our leather flight jackets, which told the
world who we were, and crowded into Bud
Anderson's 1939 Ford convertible and
drove into Tonopah, a wide-open silver-
mining town. On paydays, we crowded
around the blackjack tables of the
Tonopah Club, drank ourselves blind on
fifths of rotgut rye and bourbon, then stag-
gered over to the local cat house. Miss
Taxine, the madam, tried to keep a fresh
supply of gals, so we wouldn’t get bored
and become customers of Lucky Strike, a
cat house in Mina, about 70 miles down
the road. But we went to Mina anyway,
wrecked the place, and the sheriff ran us
out of town. The next morning, a P-39
strafed Mina’s water tower.
In late June, we left Nevada to begin
training in bomber-escort and coastal-
patrol operations at Santa Rosa, Califor-
nia. The morning we left from the train
depot, Taxine and the gals came down
with sandwiches, doughnuts and hot coffee
and gave us a heroes’ send-off, For us, the
war was drawing ever closer.
Oroville, California, was the next stop
on our training schedule. My first day in
town, I went over to the local gymnasium
to try to arrange a U.S.O. dance—a way
for our guys to meet the local girls. I
walked the length of an enormous gym toa
small office where a very pretty brunette
was seated behind a desk. Her name was
Glennis Dickhouse. I asked her if she
could arrange a dance that evening for
about 30 guys. She looked so annoyed that
I thought she might throw me out.
“You expect me to whip up a dance and
find 30 girls on three hours’ notice?”
“No,” I said, "you'll need to come up
with only 29, because I want to take you.”
Glennis did it.
Glennis remembers: 1 really don't know
why Chuck appealed to me so much, but
obviously he did. He was very skinny in
those days, and his grammar was just
atrocious—because of that West Virginia
accent, 1 barely understood every third
word he spoke, I had dated a few soldiers
but never a fighter pilot. I think that really
impressed me, even if he was the most jun-
ior officer in his squadron. But I also
sensed that he was a very strong and deter-
mined person—a poor boy who had
started with nothing and would show the
world what he was really made of. That
was the kind of man I hoped to marry.
We finally got together on his final
weekend of training in Casper, Wyoming,
before he shipped out for overseas. The
entire group, all three squadrons, had a
big party in a hotel in downtown Casper. 1
danced with everyone in his squadron.
"The men were confined to the base after
the party until they shipped out on Mon-
day morning. Chuck sneaked out to stay
with me. When I returned home and went
to work, one of the girls looked at me
rather strangely. “What on earth hap-
pened to you?" she asked. "Look in the
mirror." My face was a mass of tiny red.
pimples. I had chicken pox. I had to laugh
thinking that through Chuck, I had spread
chicken pox among all those quarantined
Chuck called me the day he left. As the
maintenance officer, he stayed behind for а
few days to help pack and move equip-
ment. He said he had loaded 500 pounds
of Christmas candy for children into the
washing machines they were taking to
England. Then he left for New York to
catch up with the squadron. He wrote reg-
ularly from England, telling me he had
named his fighter Glamorous Glennis.
Clarence E. "Bud" Anderson—leading
ace of the 363rd, with 17 kills—remembers:
Chuck Yeager is my closest friend. Our
bonds are firm and deep and were forged
while we flew together in combat.
He was a standout pilot and character
from the day I met him in Tonopah. He
flew like a demon and was always taking
the calculated risks that are the essence of
his personality. We all liked to buzz, but
Chuck buzzed a few feet lower than the
rest of us. He was aggressive and competi-
tive, but awfully skillful, too. In combat,
he didn’t charge blindly into a gaggle of
Germans, but with the advantage of hav-
ing sharp eyes that could see forever, he set
up his attack to take them by surprise
when the odds were in his favor. And when
Yeager attacked, he was ferocious. There
wasn’t a pilot in the squadron, including a
few who didn’t like him, who didn’t want
Yeager close by in a dangerous mission.
On October 12, 1944, leading the group
ona bombing escort over Bremen, I scored
five victories—the first ace in a day. Í take
(continued on page 166)
“Oh, darling, Mr. Simmons has just finished
our soaking tub, and guess what? He’s not going to soak us as
much as his original bid.”
iM |
ana mnn?
but, boy, did it open my eyes
RESIDENT REAGAN was at his ranch, sit-
ting at a desk outdoors in the mom-
ing fog. He had just signed a tax-cut
bill, and he was the soul of amiability as
he fielded questions from the press. It was
August, and everyone was delighted to be
in Santa Barbara instead of Washington.
The President's dog strolled over.
Three thousand miles away, in my
Manhattan apartment, I watched this
scene on my 17-inch Sony as I unpacked
my new video-cassette recorder—a JVC
VIDSTAR—and removed it from its Sty-
rofoam cocoon.
For a long time, I’d been telling myself
that I didn’t need a VCR. I was a movie-
goer, a rock-’n’-roll fan, a reader of news-
papers, magazines and books. Except for
baseball games and the odd assassination,
I wasn’t much of a TV viewer. I'd never
seen M*A*S*H or All in the Family. Y
couldn’t have cared less who shot J.R. I
felt my blood pressure rise at the mere
mention of Fred Silverman. What would I
do with a machine designed to retrieve
and store that which was created to be
utterly disposable?
Still, I wanted one. Friends who owned
them boasted of watching ten straight
hours of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, of
renting such movies as Dr. Strangelove and
Annie Hall, of fast-forwarding at triple
speed through (continued on page 144)
a mere mortal will get spiked every time
OU'RE gonna grovel!”
“Well, ah——”
“You're finished!”
“You might as well stick a
fork in yourself, "cause
you're done, bud, you are дооосопе!”
Indiana Ноу is on a rampage. Stomping
his size 13s, spilling Coors on the pile car-
pet, rocking the whole wheelbase of a Ford
Chieftain motor home. Poodle the pro-
moter is twitching. A tiny nervous pulse at
the corner of his eye. He’s sitting at the
dinette, behind a mound of empty cans.
Hov’s looming over him, shooting at Poo-
dle with his index finger and thumb, like a
kid playing guns. Only Hov's not playing
guns. He's playing life. What he's shooting
is L for loser, L for anyone who isn't as tall
and tan and talented as he, anyone who
doesn’t get laid as much as he, anyone at
all who can't sky high over a net and whip
arm snap wrist smack palm, wail a
12-ounce ball so it blurs and then bounces
in the sand.
This is Indiana Hov, Tim Hovland, Mr.
Southern California. Six feet, five, 200
pounds. Blond, blue-eyed, perfectly jawed.
Overwhelming choice for best buns
on the beach. Twenty-five years old,
$100,000 a year. Playing volleyball.
But he’s not playing today.
“No waaaaaay!”
Indiana Hov is on strike.
“No money, no Hov” is what he told
Poodle, the promoter of two-man pro
beach volleyball. Then he told him, “Eat
shit and die.” Put Frick and Frack against
Larry and Moc in the finals of the world
championship. Put your mother out there.
Hov's not touching sand. Not without
double the purse and player sanction of all
events. Not until you open the books on
this pop stand. Say no? Righ-ti-o. You
don’t need Hov, he don’t need you.
My beach, my girl, my way, fuck off.
“Now get the hell out of my motor
Poodle isn’t budging. He's just as stub-
born as Hov. Last time they tangled, Poo-
dle earned his nickname. Hov threw him
into a swimming pool at a motel in Fort
Lauderdale. Poodle tried to retaliate and
ended up splat on his back on concrete.
Someone said it reminded him of a poodle
attacking a great Dane. Then, as now, on
this Friday morning in September, the first
day of the 1984 Jose Cuervo World Cham-
pionship of Beach Volleyball, Poodle is
trying to make Hov remember who’s in
charge. It was his idea to turn two-man
into a professional sport. He created Hov.
He created the volleyball gods. Without
him, they'd still be playing for fun.
And besides, even without Ноу, even
without the other top gods, Poodle has 17
teams signed to play in his tournament.
Seven thousand fans are already in the
bleachers at the Seaside Lagoon in King
Harbor, Redondo Beach. And the bikini
contest hasn't even started yet.
Poodle doesn't have to listen to Hov.
Right now, the sponsors are behind him.
"They have a one-year contract with Poo-
dle, so they have no choice. They've
refused to negotiate with the players.
They're backing Poodle all the way, so Poo-
die is staying put. It’s not really Hov's mo-
tor home, anyway. It belongs to A.M.C./
Renault, one of the sponsors of the tour.
Ноу is Renault’s spokesplayer. In Hov's
mind, though, he's here zn the motor
home, so it’s his. He commandeered it
because walking around in the hot sun,
carrying a picket sign, doesn’t suit the
defending world champion.
Problem is, it doesn’t suit the sponsor,
cither. Two hours ago, Wally the Renault
rep got so pissed over the players’ strike
that he threatened to take the keys to
Hov’s Turbo Fuego. The car—like the
personal appearances, per diems, flight
allowances—is part of Hov’s contract. But
so is playing volleyball. The big boys from
Renault were supposed to be flying in for
this one. The motor home, the cases of
Coors, the $20-an-hour bimbo in the cus-
tom bikini with Renault’s logo, THE ONES TO
WATCH, printed across the ass—all of this
was for the bosses.
But the players had to go and strike.
And Wally had to phone the pale, flabby
bosses in Detroit—on the very weekend
that the United Auto Workers had closed
13 General Motors plants—and tell them
that the players here had walked out, too,
that the barefoot guys who go to the beach
for a living were marching around with
semiliterate signs, shooing away fans,
playing Solidarity Forever on a boom box.
Wally didn’t dare tell them what Hov
had done to Andy Fishburn. Wally had
guaranteed Hov personally when he sold
the sponsorship. Hov’s responsible, he
told them. Hov’s got a degree in public
relations from USC, he told them. How
could he tell them now that when
Fishburn, a former world champion him-
self, decided to cross the picket line and
play, Hov had threatened to piss in his
Gatorade and to fuck his wife, then hocked
the biggest, greenest lugie that anyone
had ever seen onto the windshield of
Fishburn’s car? The fact that Hov had a
Renault towel wrapped around him when
he did this didn’t help, either.
So Wally threatened to take the car.
And Hov ran to the Fuego, kicked in the
turbo and roared off, not to return until
he'd hidden the car in a garage in an alley
six miles away.
By the time Hov returned to make peace
with Wally, to let Wally make peace with
him, Wally had downed two double
Dewar's and had started on the Coors.
Hov took a seat in the motor home, started
helping with the beers. Things were calm-
ing down.
Until Poodle came in, sat down at the
dinette and said, “Look, Hov, can’t we
talk about this thing like adults?”
“Мо waaaaaay!”
Poodle’s real name is David Wilk. A for-
mer PR major and student-body president.
at Cal State Northridge, Wilk, 34, started
professional two-man volleyball in 1976
as a promotion for Beach Volleyball maga-
zine. He and his partner, the magazine’s
circulation director, advertised a two-day
event, put up $5000 in prize money, drew
30,000 fans. Following their success, they
left the magazine, formed Event Concepts,
went into volleyball full time. By 1984,
they had built pro beach volleyball into 13
tournaments and 500,000 fans in six
states, [rom Florida to Hawaii, with a total
purse of $200,000. Such sponsors as
Cuervo, Renault, Miller High Life, Cop-
pertone, Honda and Hobie were climbing
all over one another to give money, to
take part.
By 1985, Event Concepts and Poodle
124 Wilk were gone. Poodle the promoter was
hanging up on long-distance calls from a
national magazine. But the tour is still on,
handled now by Group Dynamics, Inc., of
Santa Monica and Tokyo, a proven inter-
national PR concern. The tour has been
expanded to 15 dates with the addition of
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, and Wild-
wood, New Jersey. The total purse has
been raised to close to $300,000. Depend-
ing upon whom you ask, the reason for
Poodle’s ouster was the players’ strike, the
work of an ambitious lawyer or a sudden
change of allegiance by the sponsors, after
the 1984 season, from Poodle to the players.
In any case, the strike was the begin-
ning of the end for Poodle, the beginning of
a new beginning for the tour. Although
Renault is now out, Bollé eyewear and
G.M.C. will come aboard, and the other
top sponsors are hanging in, looking for-
ward to bigger exposure from a more
experienced firm. Group Dynamics has
handled Virginia Slims Tennis and Paul
Masson Marathons and Volvo All-
American Tennis. The owner of the firm,
Jack Butefish, was a founding owner of the
Quebec Nordiques and of the Interna-
tional Track Association. His firm has
handled accounts for Union Oil, Philip
Morris and Seagram’s.
It was only a matter of time before Poo-
dle had to fall. Like a smalltime agent who
found himself a superstar in a honky-tonk,
he had created a monster. At first, the
gods were happy: Someone was providing
a crowd and a little money. Beat a pitcher
of beer all to hell. But as the young years of
the tour passed, the gods started realizing
that they could demand as well as accept.
They started realizing that two-man pro
beach volleyball was more than just a
game. It was the symbol of a lifestyle, the
California lifestyle, the American Dream
of the Eighties.
Hold a tournament and here they come,
straight from the Pepsi commercial, dis-
posable income on parade. Two together
on roller skates and two more riding skate
boards, joggers in Norma Kamali and
heavyhanders in Speedos, BMX bicycle
tricksters and Fuji 12-speeders with sheep-
skin saddles, each more beautiful, more
tan, more blond or bunned or legged than
the next. This is Southern California,
Oneida of our times, capital of the king-
dom of I. A place where headphones don’t
disturb conversations and cars never get
dirty. A place where people don’t care
“How ya doin?" but always notice, “Ya
lookin’ great!”
String up six volleyball nets and offer
some money, and you can have it all pack-
aged to go. Zoom the horizon—a power-
boat race. Pan the middle distance—a
regatta of sloops. Cut close to the
crowd—a guy from Playgirl interviewing
potential centerfolds. A crew from Honda
making commercials about scooters. А
radio jock playing Trivial Pursuit, giving
away Coke visors and Frisbees as prizes. A
Coppertone-sample girl rubbing some
Number 2 on a pectoral. The bimbo from
Renault doing her crotch-to-camera-lens
back bend, telling everyone within earshot
that she also writes prose, poetry and
songs. A guy with a ring in his left nipple
guzzling beer. A giant balloon bottle of
Cuervo Gold swaying in the breeze atop
the refreshment stand. Cut, cut, cut to the
California lifestyle, all of it under a sky as
blue as tinted contacts, on a beach as
rocky-fine as cocaine, next to an ocean
as stirring as a Jacuzzi.
All of it because Poodle Wilk and his
partner knew a product when they saw
one. "It couldn't lose," Wilk had said
back in September in Redondo, at the
Cuervo world championship, a time when
he was happy to talk to reporters. “It’s
free admission. It's at your favorite beach.
You've got great-looking athletes, great-
looking girls who come out to see the ath-
letes and guys who come out to see the
girls. It’s a day in the sun; you go for a
swim, you drink a beer. It's the same thing
these people would be doing anyway, but
they've got a giant party going on all
around them. And besides, you have some
great volleyball, some amazing athletes.”
"The athletes, of course, never have
ordered things this way. To them, the mar-
ketability hinges on the game. To them,
beach volleyball is a test of strength and
skill. A contest like tennis or golf, played
by talented athletes. In high school, Hov
was named first-team all—Los Angeles in
football, basketball and volleyball. He was
Southern California’s Athlete of the Year
as a senior, beating out football 49er
Ronnie Lott. Hov could have been quar-
terback at Nebraska, strong forward at
Houston. He could have been on the 1984
gold-medal U.S. Olympic volleyball team.
In fact, he was on the team for a while. But
the coach wouldn't let the guys play on the
beach. He imposed a curfew. Then he took
some of the team to Utah in the dead of
winter for Eastern-bloc training tech-
niques. Hov was training in Ohio at that
time, but for three weeks, the boys from
California climbed rock faces, slept in
igloos, went without food. They got cold.
This period was the end of Olympic hopes
for Hov and several others. The newspa-
pers called it a “personality conflict.”
During the winter, Hov and some of the
others play indoor volleyball in Italy. Last
year, Hov was M.V.P. of that league.
Playing as an amateur, on a team spon-
sored by a sportswear manufacturer, he
made 40 grand, plus free car, meals, room,
athletic-club membership. Hov's partner,
Mike Dodd, also played in the Italian
league for a year. Although Dodd, like the
rest, grew up playing volleyball on the
beaches, his first choice of sport was bas-
ketball. He played college ball at San
(continued on page 138)
these moods.
e you in.
“I kind of lik
Ыз d
why stockings give a woman a leg up on the competition
Remember the joke in which, ofter
a difficult and frustrating seduc-
fion, he soys, “If I'd known you
were o virgin, | would have taken
more time,” and she replies, “If I'd
known you had more time, | would
have removed my panty hose”?
Therein lies just one of the reasons
we've olwoys preferred stockings
(end the lacy garter belts often
ottoched to them). Worn with or
without underpants, they provide
easy access ot love's crucial junc-
tures. Everyone knows that wed-
dings, for instance, ore deeply felt
ceremonies for all involved. Yet,
with stockings and sons under-
pants, the bride at left odds new
meaning to the term deeply felt. As
for the groom, would he feel the
same if he were feeling ponty
hose? Stockings and garter belts
also provide a classy touch to lody
floshers (obove ond right) ond
moke elevator quickies infinitely
more manogeable than tights do.
If you should try one, remember:
Furs are optional, but foxes ore not.
The faint whisper of silk stockings rubbing against eoch other when a woman walks past is a sound relished by the truly romantic mon, be-
cause he realizes thot o woman who wears them is os romantic as he is. After all, stockings and garter belts are primordial props in male
fantasy, ond a woman wha acknowledges that knows how to work her way into your imaginatian. The seemingly absent-minded lady
above, for instance, is certain thet the bellhop will never forget her. Ten to ane, he won't ask for a tip, either. The view clone is priceless.
Some women's legs fit their stockings so perfectly that the stockings can stay up without help. But in most cases, unsupported stockings oren't guaran-
teed to do so unless worn as they ore by the inverted lady at left. Part of every young girl's first lesson in the hosiery arts includes learning where to
attach her garters (not on the inner thigh, as the young miss with her rubber ducky, above, hos just discovered). Lesson two? Removing them, of course. 133
Apart from their seductive connotations, stockings, particularly silk ones, have often been ossociated with opulence
and elegance. Take the two ladies above, for instance. One can tell right away that they're upper-crust suburbanites
‚out on the prowl for a bit of dangerous living. Note the subtle bid for attention in the top photo. And to what do
such ladies resort when they can't find suitable companions? Garter fights, the high-class version of food fights. One
must be extremely attentive to c women who wears stockings. Of course, if she displays her accouterments in a man-
ner similar to that of the lady on the opposite page, paying attention will be effortless. Still, you can't toke her for
granted. There are sharks out there who like stockinged legs as much as you do, as you'll see when you turn the page.
(continued from раве 124)
"Some days he sees his broker. Some days he plays
lennis. Some days he goes to lunch."
Diego State, was drafted in the eighth
round by the N.B.A. Clippers. Also on the
tour are Karch Kiraly, M.V.P. of the gold-
medal U.S. Olympic volleyball team, and
Steve Timmons, another Olympic stand-
out. Steve Obradovich, known as O.B.,
the Beast, played wide receiver on USC's
1977 Rose Bowl team. He tried out for the
These are athletes of some standing.
Volleyball is a great sport. No one’s argu-
ing that. But the hook of the sport is the
lifestyle. That’s what the sponsors are
banking on. That’s what Group Dynamics
is banking on. And that’s where the gods’
talents really lie. Hov and Dodd and O.B.
and the rest are Southern California, high
priests of the way Madison Avenue tells us
we should live—cars and women, beach
and beer, board surfers and orange pop.
Hov has no books in his condo in Manhat-
tan Beach. He has two magazines. Both
have his picture on the cover. He reads the
sports pages and the financial pages and
throws the rest of the paper away. He
doesn’t own a watch. He doesn’t wear
shoes. Some days he gets out of bed and
tides his bike. Some days he sees his bro-
ker. Some days he plays tennis. Some days
he goes to lunch. Some days he practices
volleyball. Some days he does two of those
things. All of Tim Hovland’s time is
Miller Time. He'd be a great commercial.
The lifestyle, of course, is not new. The
Beach Boys and Annette Funicello were
telling America about it years ago. But it's
only lately that it’s scuffed its thongs
across the continent and become an aspi-
ration. Just the thing America needs for
the Eighties—a remake of Happy Days, set
at the beach.
The root of the lifestyle is a four-by-four,
ten feet high and stuck in the sand.
ball posts began appearing on the be
of Southern California in the Thirü
California interpretation of a Depression-
era pool hall. But the lifestyle as we know
it really blossomed in the happy vacuum
of the latc Fifties, сапу Sixties. They had
volleyball gods back then, too, amateur
ancestors of the modern, professional kind.
They lived in vans or under piers or at
home with the folks if allowed. They made
a little money picking up returnables on
the beaches or slinging hash in the diners.
They were the classic beach bums, later
the classic beach hippies, They drove their
cars onto the beach. They roasted wienies,
played cards, necked. The surf pounded,
the girls squealed, bongos were heard on
the breeze.
But mostly what they did, along the
Coast from Sorrento to Long Beach, was
play two-man volleyball. They played it
from dawn until dark, honing the art of the
dig, the pass, the spike, eating sand for
nothing more than the thrill. There was an
occasional trophy, a first-prize pitcher of
beer from the Sorrento Grill, a dinner
from the Wharf.
Guys such as Ronnie Von Hagen, 62
open-tournament wins, never won a nickel
for greatness. Von Hagen didn’t drink,
smoke or chase women. His parents gave
him vitamins for Christmas. He lived todo
nothing but play volleyball. Yet, a half
mile from the beach, nobody knew his
name. He couldn't have cared less. Von
Hagen and the rest played to keep center
court for the next game, to feel the hard
throb of being best.
These days, the volleyball gods sweat
only for money, for the hard throb of being
paid, being recognized, being loved. Top
players are watching the stock market and
investing in real estate. They're negotiat-
ing personal-appearance fecs with spon-
sors who want to beefcake up their images.
Like the old-timers, they don’t have jobs.
But they aren't living on returnable
RCs, "They're living on purses and interest
and per diems. Hov is no Moondoggie.
His condo isn't made of palm fronds.
His world view may be. He bets his
dick, “no small wager,” that “70 percent
of the people out on the beach know me.
Maybe even 70 percent of the whole South
Bay know me. When I started wearing
striped trunks, everybody on the beach
bought striped trunks. Í switched to plaid
and now everybody's got plaid. Town the
beach, me and Mike and Karch and those
guys. We own the beach. We're like gods,
fuckin’ gods, fuckin’ goooooods!”
But hear Hov's declaration and you
detect a little grit in the ego. This is why he
and the rest of the major gods struck the
Cuervo world championship, why they
tried, and eventually succeeded in, ousting
Poodle. As Hov and the rest know well,
they may be recognized in their litle
world; they may be making money and
setting trends in swimwear. But their lives
aren't like Jimmy Connors’. They have
their flights to tournaments paid for, but
they always go coach. They get some free
meals now and then, but usually from a
local diner, The Kettle. A few of the local
bouncers know them, but they still have to
stand in line in L.A. Hov and Dodd rate
free cars, but none of the rest do. Of the 70
to 100 top professionals, only a dozen do
nothing but play volleyball, The other
ones have jobs. Not that the gods care that
the other ones work. More to the point, it
makes them look bad. How much credibil-
ity is there in beating a waiter and a house
painter in the world finals?
What they want is to see volleyball
become a real professional sport. They
want management that can get them Life
magazine, ABC Sports, millions of dollars,
instead of Volleyball magazine, a German
documentary, thousands of dollars
"There is a chance, as years pass, that the
gods will get what they're after. One day
soon, perhaps with the help of Group
Dynamics, ABC will find the beach and
America will discover that many of the
best players in the country weren't even on
the Olympic team, that they were down
the Coast an hour or so from L.A., playing
two-man for money. And when that hap-
pens, when more than just the cultists
know their names, gods like Indiana Hov
will know that they sat out a world cham-
pionship for good reason.
For now, though, Hov and the rest will
have to wait and see. They'll have to be
content with excelling at the lifestyle. For
now, says O.B., the Beast, they'll have to
be content with “getting to know an astro-
nomical amount of people and everybody
knowing who you are . . . keeping your
name in the papers . . . having all these
people watching me with my shirt off,
jumping high and hitting hard, entertain-
ing them, showing them how this game
should be played. . . .
"We might not have the illustrious
careers of tennis players," says O.B., the
oldest god at 30. “We don't get to travel
around in Rolls-Royces; we don't get
rental cars or penthouse suites. We're
still kind of rough and vagabonds. . . .
“But still, basically, without volleyball,
I'm just another good-looking guy.”
“T'I bet your neck is pretty sensitive.
Like, if I did this, you'd get goose
Indiana Hov feathers a finger down the
girl’s neck. She arches her shoulder and
purrs, then pulls away.
“I know who you are,” she says.
Hoy smiles ultrabright. Scrapes a toe.
“Yeah. I'm Tim Hovland.”
“You're the one on those commercials
“I'm a volleyball player. A profes-
“Oh, yeah, that’s right. My little sister
has your picture in her room. She’s in love
with you. .. . Those other guys—they’re
players, too, right?”
‘The girl is pointing to 12 large humans
who line a wall in the bar, loom there like
the skyline of Century City. They are
here on Wednesday night, two days be-
fore the Cuervo championship, following
an important meeting to affirm their com-
mitment to the strike. The meeting start-
ed an hour late, lasted 30 minutes and
(continued on page 192)
last one into the living room's a votten egg
Please do not throw this letter away as
you probably have so many others before
this. We seck no unfair profit, only what is
natural for a valuable service competently
offered. We of the School of Swimming
Taught Scientifically remind you, espe-
cially you shut-ins and pathologically shy
types, that we can get you out of your piles
of old newspapers and faded religious
etchings and into the turbulent bounding
main—without costly traveling expenses,
without fear of drowning, without water.
Yes, if you have five minutes and an
ordinary chair, we can teach you to swim
by mail. No instructor will intimidate you,
no horizon daunt you. You teach yourself
with any one of our ten scientific pam-
phlets and foldout lifelike watery-blue
floor patterns. Choose from the back-
stroke, the trudgen crawl, treading water,
the Catherine wheel, swimming like a dog,
swimming like a cat that didn’t want to be
thrown in, swimming with clothes on,
swimming with hands and feet tied, the
Monte Cristo sack tick and the successful
English Channel crossing. As a bonus if
you order all ten, we will include free in-
struction in artificial artificial respiration.
You probably believe yourself to be
open-minded. How can you presume to
judge us without trying our methods? Why
throw this letter away when you could
open-mindedly send us a check or money
order? Do you suppose we have enjoyed
the meager response to our previous mail-
ings? Why should you live your life in fear,
either of us or of the oceans that cover
most of our earth? Complete the enclosed
blank and return it with your offering.
Don’t delay. Summer is short and
sois life. E
ock away your daughters! Bar
L the doors! Harley-Davidson is
about to give birth to a wild
three-wheeled child, and the
streets will never be the same again. Its
new offspring is named the Trihawk
and, yes, Virginia, it is a motorcycle—
at least as far as the Feds are con-
cerned. But climb into the cockpit as
though you are getting aboard a For-
mula I machine, turn the key, listen to
the torquey burble of the faur-cylinder
engine through twin tailpipes as you
wind it up through five gears, and then
try to tell us that you're not driving one
fun car. We're talking serious pleasure.
Major action on three wheels. Troll
with a Trihawk and your only problem
will be where to stuff all the crumpets
you've collected.
Actually, Trihawks have been a Cali-
fornia cult vehicle for several years.
The original parents, Bob McKee of
Can-AM and Indy fame and meat-patty
mogul Lou Richards, combined brains
and bucks to put their three-wheel
show on the road in 1982. But last year
they sold out their West Coast company
to Harley, and that Milwaukee firm
immediately applied frugal Midwest-
ern business ethics to the $14,888 price
tag, cutting it to a basic $9975. Add
$400 for a soft top and side curtains.
Plus $489 for an AM/FM radio, $600
for leather seats and interior and $225
for a stainless-steel roll bar and other
goodies and, as Everett Dirksen once
said, pretty soon you're talking about
real money. Still, $12,000 fully loaded
isn't too much to pay for a machine
that'll one-up four-wheel yuppie-
mobiles going for twice the price.
Enough of history. Gentlemen, start
your Trihawk’s Citroën air-cooled
1299-c.c. four-cylinder engine and
move on out. In half a block, two
Trihawk truisms become apparent.
Truism number one: You will immedi-
ately forget that there's only one wheel
behind you. Truism number two: The
irrational fear that you are going to tip
over at the first turn vanishes after the
first turn. In fact, the faster you go, the
more the Trihawk seems to hunker
down, its wide front suspension gob-
bling up bumps like a real car would.
Car and Driver Magazine, in fact, listed
it as “best” in road holding. In other
words, a Trihawk ain't no gocart. It's a
real screamer. And the voice you hear
may be your own, yelling with delight.
Three cheers for three-wheelers!
hot little flyi
wedge, the trihawk, is
loose in the streets.
run for your wallets!
Right: The Trihawk may technically be a
matorcycle, but its cockpit and VDO
gauges outclass many four-wheel com-
petitors. Leather seats and a sparty
leather-wrapped steering wheel are
optional. The glave box locks and there's a
compartment behind the seats for stor-
age. Tap speed? About 100 mph. Zero to
60? About ten secands. Not bad for a
frant-wheel-drive flying wedge that also
gets about 40 miles per gallon on the
highway. All for a $9975 base price. Nice.
the beautiful screamer says no to the fast life,
yes to marriage, and confesses she's laid tile
р“ her days as the queen of the
screams and the tantalizing glimpses of
skin to which audiences were treated in
“Trading Places” and “Love Letters,” there
is more to Jamie Lee Curtis than an unforget-
table figure and a banshee wail. She is an
actress on the move—and she can be seen
moving this month with co-star John Travolta.
in “Perfect.” We asked Contributing Editor
David Rensin if he would mind spending a
few hours with Curtis in the Lower Manhai-
tan apartment she shares with her husband,
Christopher Guest. Said Rensin quickly: “No
PLAYBOY: After two engagements that
didn't work out, you recently devastated
American males by marrying Saturday
Night Live's and This Is Spinal Tap's Chris-
topher Guest. Had you seen him in the
film before you met? Was it the hollow-
chested English-rock-star look that at-
tracted you?
curtis: Yes, I saw the movie first. Actually,
Pve been reluctant to talk about this,
because I don't want to take advantage of
something that was really great and spc-
cial. [Pauses] 1 was single, working on a
film, not going cut to partics much any-
more. I was reading Rolling Stone and
there was this picture of three guys:
Michael McKean, Harry Shearer and
Christopher. They had their arms around
one another—nice and normal. And I
went, “Who's this?" Chris had a smirk
and looked great. I flipped the page and
there they were as David, Derek and Nigel,
from Spinal Tap. 1 did a double take.
I went to see the movie and came away
thinking Chris was very, very talented and
that Pd like to meet him. I didn't know
how to go about it, but one day, ina fit of
self-confidence, I called hisagent. Irambled
on about how Pd never done anything
like this but would like to meet Chris.
He took my number and said he'd give
him the message. But nothing happened.
“Three months later, a girlfriend and I
were having dinner and there he was
across the room. We smiled and said a lit-
tle “Hi,” but then I turned to my girl-
friend and went, “God!” like a child. He
was with a girl and a guy and I didn't
know the situation. So I stayed away. He
called the next day. We had dinner a cou-
ple of nights later.
PLAYBOY: What were you thinking a few
months later when the minister finally said,
“You may kiss the bride”?
CURTIS: Í was worried that my nose was
running from crying so much. I was seri-
ously wondering if anyone had a Kleenex
or if it would be terribly uncouth to wipe
my nose on my sleeve. Our minister had
warned me to take tissues. She was right. I
lost it during the vows. As a little girl, I
had dreamed of saying all the words. So
when “to have and to hold” came up, I
just went. Then I laughed and so did
everybody else. It broke the tension. We
have an audio tape of the ceremony. We've
since listened to it together. It’s a very
strange experience.
илүвоу: When did you stop being a girl?
CURTIS: I still am. Pm a girl rather than a
woman. Woman to me means hair spray
and perfume. I look forward to being one,
but I want to be my own kind of woman. 1
don’t want to have to respond to society's
expectations about scx, relationships, how
I dress. I want to be a wise old woman.
Not smart, wise. That leaves you fuid.
PLAYBOY: Do girls just want to have fun?
curtis: Ever hear the song Boys Just Want
to Have Sex? Well, girls also want to have
PLAYBOY: In carlier interviews, you insisted
you wouldn't take your clothes off on cam-
era. What happened?
curtis: [Deadpan] 1 lied. [Laughs] The
realities changed my mind. Love Letters,
for instance, was a movie about an obses-
sive love affair. You had to see it.
In Trading Places, 1 was nude for seven
seconds, I timed it. But there are some
reviews that claim I was naked for the
whole movie. If Ophelia had turned her
back and shielded herself, it would have
been false modesty. She was a prostitute.
Any hesitancy would have been wrong.
But it was a terrific movie and all I can tell
you is that the nudity helped a lot.
Had I not done the work that involved
nudity, I don’t think I'd be working right
now. It has given me a career and let me
hold on to my self-esteem. Now the nudity
thing has become a pain in the ass. But I
can live with it. It’s a big deal only if I
make it one.
FLAYDOY: Once, you were stigmatized as the
queen of the screams for your work in hor-
ror films. What makes you scream now?
curtis: Being asked about those films. 1
say I don’t want to do them and it’s like
being forced to hate them. I’m trying not
to. I had a really good time.
PLAYBOY: What's the most important thing
you have to do to be taken seriously as an
CURTIS: To stop thinking that some people
may not consider me as seriously as I do.
If someone thinks of me only for my
body—well, that’s all he’s going to think
of and there’s no way I can make him
change his mind.
PLAYBOY: In Perfect, you walk around in
gym clothes. When can we expect the
Jamie Lee Curtis exercise book?
CURTIS: You can't. Гуе tumed it down
many times. І wouldn't do it for all the
moncy in the world.
PLAYBOY: What did you discover about
John Travolta that you hadn't cxpected to
curtis: There’s something that happens to
people when they become very, very
famous. It’s a look in their eyes—you can
never look into them. They’re not looking
at you, they’re looking at themselves. But
when he walked in and said, “Hi, I'm
John," it was like [claps hands], boom, it
was OK. I know about the problems and
pressures he's had. They're not unlike
those my dad had at 27.
vLAYPOY: Compare Tony Curtis and John
curtis: They're both amazingly handsome
men. Both enjoy their stardom. We need
the reclusive stars, but we also need those
who say, “I don’t know how this happened,
but Pm not going to hide behind it.”
pravnov: What does the press have wrong
about Hollywood?
curtis: That it’s shallow, hollow, that
everything is a facade and everyone is just
out to make a buck. There are those peo-
ple, but there are also those who love mak-
ing movies. Hollywood is filled with
talented people waiting for their chance.
You know, (concluded on page 201)
(continued from page 121)
“I knew from sad experience how the VCR mocked
even the most conscientious collector.”
John Houseman's Smith Barney commer-
cials. I came to see the VCR as an elec-
tronic Robin Hood, taking power from the
big, bad TV networks and giving it to the
lowly viewers. Having defined it as an
instrument of cultural revolution, I felt
obligated to get one.
I plugged in the machine and hooked it
up to the television as the President leaned
back in his chair, laughing, and demon-
strated to the assembled reporters that he
didn't tuck his pants into his boots. I stud-
ied the VCR instruction. booklet, then
called the phone company and set the
quartz timer clock to the exact second. I
peeled the shrink wrap off the cassette, slid
the tape into the machine and started to
record just as Mrs. Reagan, smiling insin-
cerely, joined the gathering. A journalist
asked the President his dog’s name.
A few minutes later, I stopped recording
and rewound the tape. Did it work? I
pressed the playback key. There on my TV
screen was Mrs. Reagan again, smiling
insincerely. A journalist asked the Presi-
dent his dog’s name. “Lassie,” he said,
beaming, and then he stopped beaming
and said, “Mil Millie's her name.”
The leader of the free world had just for-
gotten his own dog’s name. I rewound the
tape and watched him forget it again. And
again. Yes, the machine worked.
In the beginning, there was somcthing
vaguely naughty about using the VCR.
Did NBC idiotically broadcast SCTV, the
best show in the history of television, in
the wee hours of Saturday morning? I
watched it on Sunday afternoons. Was I
usually out during the evening news? Dan
Rather’s intense glare illuminated my TV
screen at midnight. My enjoyment of
“time shifting”—the networks’ name for
watching things at the wrong times—was
enhanced by this illicit thrill 1 could
speed things up, slow them down or stop
them entirely if I felt like taking a break. I
was giddy with power. This was how TV
was meant to be experienced, and all pre-
vious interaction with the medium seemed
Before long, I was watching a lot of tele-
vision, turning on the set automatically as
soon as I got home. There was something
oddly comforting about resuming an activ-
ity Га written off as moronic when I was
14, and my resistance continued to crum-
ble. I came to admire Johnny Carson’s
ability to get laughs out of failed material.
I found Larry Hagman's portrayal of J. R.
Ewing a work of comic genius, and missing
an episode of Dallas soon became unthink-
able. In time, I found a warm spot in my
heart for Jane Pauley.
The VCR was reconnecting me with the
mainstream roots I'd renounced in the
Sixties, easing my sense of alienation, wel-
coming me back into the fold. I began
keeping its remote-control unit within
arm's reach as I moved around my apart-
ment, a compulsion that did not go unno-
ticed by friends.
A few months later, À Clockwork
Orange—my favorite movic—tumed up
on Cinemax the day after my building was
wired for cable. I taped it, of course, and
after taping Mean Streets and. Sullivan's
Travels a few days later, I decided to build
a modest film library. I'd heard horror
stories about seemingly normal people
who bought VCRs and abandoned their
former lives, focusing all their energies on
increasingly indiscriminate frenzies of tap-
ing. I wasn’t worried. With the price of
blank tapes hovering between $11 and $14
apiece, that fate seemed unlikely for me.
Once I started collecting, though, it
seemed arbitrary to limit myself to movies.
One night, I was watching The Honey-
mooners and thought, There are only 39 of
these; why not tape them? A few weeks
later, I started on The Twilight Zone and
made a mental note to get all the Monty
Python’s Flying Circuses next time they
were shown. When MTV was added to
my cable system, I thought I also ought to
be taping rock videos. I knew someone at
the station who sent me advance copies
of the minute-by-minute play lists telling
me when to tune in for the songs I wanted.
Within a month, Га recorded 300 of them.
And all the while, the price of blank
tapes kept dropping. One day I found a
store that sold TDK T-120s for $8.99, and
1 heard myself ask for a box of ten.
With 60 hours’ worth of recording tape
at hand, I set aside one cassette to gather
up those random video moments that
defied easy categorizing. One day, for
instance, I turned on the local news and
found Pia Zadora telling the weatherman
how much she loved being rich. “I enjoy a
kind of lush lifestyle," Pia said, her pear-
shaped face filling the screen as I started
recording. “I mean, I drive around in a
limousine and I stay at the best hotels. But
that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not seri-
ous about my work. I’man achiever. I love
to work. I love to create. It’s my thing.”
A week later, I caught John Belushi's
last TV appearance, inside a bloated body
bag being carried out of Hollywood's
Chateau Marmont. Another evening, I
tuned in just in time to capture Supreme
Court Justice Byron White getting socked
three times in the head in Utah by a large
bearded man who shouted, “That busing
and pornography just doesn’t go!” One
morning över breakfast, I taped footage of
aman in Alabama setting himself on fire
while a news crew stood by and faithfully
recorded the event.
And one night, a visibly excited Presi-
dent Reagan shared the stage of a Vegas
Up with America rally with several lounge
singers. “Wait till I go home,” gushed the
President of the United States, "and tell
Nancy I played Las Vegas with Wayne
Newton and Bob Goulet!”
With stuff like that regularly turning up
unannounced, | began kecping a tape
loaded in the machine at all times. And 1
noticed feelings of vague unease whenever
my supply of blanks dipped below three.
I gradually realized that I was experi-
encing two kinds of ti eal Time, with
all of its well-known imperfections, and
Video Time, a new, improved time in
which everything lasts only as long as you
want it to. As the weeks went by, keeping
them separate became increasingly diffi-
cult. I watched the world series live on TV
and caught myself trying to speed up the
commercials, which seemed interminable
at their normal 30-second length. Waiting
in a bank line, I felt a sudden urge to fast-
forward myself up to the teller's window. I
was merging with my VCR
Where I had once prided myself on
never reading TV Guide , 1 was now rush-
ing to the newsstand every Monday morn-
ing to pick up the following week’s issue.
That was another VCR-induced time
warp, leaving me desperate to know every
detail of not only this week's TV schedule
but also next week's. I would go through
the program listings with a yellow mark-
ing pen, highlighting the things I wanted
to tape. Was Albert Brooks going to be on
The Tonight Show ? Were there any W. C.
Fields movies coming up? Was anybody
interviewing Richard Nixon? To avoid
even the slightest possibility of forgetting
to record something. 1 began typing up.
weekly THINGS TO TAPE lists.
It alarmed me when I found myself
thinking about the new TV Guide as early
as Saturday evening—a full week before
its listings took effect.
One Monday morning, I got a wonder-
ful surprise: WNEW-TV was about to
rerun Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, a
true television classic. This was my first
commitment to taping something five
nights a week, and it required enormous
discipline. I knew from sad experience
how the VCR mocked even the most con-
scientious collector. At various times, I'd
forgotten to set the er; Га set it but
neglected to switch it on; I'd provided 90
(continued on page 160)
"I'm glad that turns you on, stranger, Бш that ain't my finger.”
100s Box: 8 mg. “tar”, 0.7 mg. nicotine
av. per cigarette by FTC Method.
lonilord, U.S.A., 1985
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
jo collins, 1965's
playmate of the year, relives
a mission of mercy
that, with the purchase of a lifetime sub-
scription in the U.S., the first issuc is per-
sonally delivered by a Playmate. It is our
most fervent hope that this policy can be
extended to include из... . Any one of
the current Playmates of the Month would
be welcomed with open arms. but if we
have any choice in the matter, we have
unanimously decided that we would prefer
the 1965 Playmate of the Ycar—Miss Jo
If we are not important enough . . . to
send a Playmate for, please just forget
about us and we will quietly fade back into
the jungle.
WENTY YEARS aco, Vietnam was a distant
T domino, a reddening spot on the map that
some of us couldn't find if we tried. While
Gemini VIT orbited the earth, Doctor Zhivago
opened down the block and the American Foot-
ball League was challenging the N.F.L. to
something called a Super Bowl, Hugh Hefner
opencd his mail and found the following letter,
dated November 1965:
This is written from the depths of the
hearts of 180 officers and men of Company
B, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd
Airborne Brigade (Separate) stationed at
Bien Hoa, Republic of Vietnam. We were
the first American Army troop unit com-
mitted to action here in Vietnam, and we
have gone many miles—somc in sorrow
and some in joy, but mostly in hard, bonc-
weary inches. . . . We are proud to be here
and have found the answer to the question
“Ask what you can do for your country."
And yet we cannot stand alonc— which
brings me to the reason for sending you
this request.
The loneliness here is a terrible thing—
and we long to sce a real, living, breath-
ing American girl. Therefore, we have
enclosed with this letter a moncy order for
a lifetime subscription to PLAYROY magazine
for B Company. It is our understanding
The leter came from Second Licutenant
John Price. Price and his buddies in Bravo
Company had each kicked in a dollar to pay for
their subscription, with an eye on the deal we
offered potential subscribers. A few years
before, we had published a special Christmas
gift offer in which we promised to send a
Playmate to deliver the first issue of a $150 life-
time subscription to anyone who lived in a city
where there was a Playboy Club. (Lifetime sub-
scriptions are now $250, but personal delivery
is out. It got to be expensive, as you will see.)
Moved by the lieutenant’s request. Hef
consulted with the Defense Department and re-
ceived clearance for Project Playmate in Janu-
Don't try this yourself or we'll sue: Longing for the comforts of home, the troops set up ersotz Ployboy Clubs throughout South Vietnam. In peacetime,
this would give our lowyers fits, but we've olwoys bent the rules for Gls in wartime. At Bien Hoa, GI Jo (the one with long hair below left) signed some-
thing for everyone. “For yeors after my trip.” she soys, “people would come up to me with pictures I'd signed over there. There's fan mail even
todoy.” She visited the wounded in field hospitals (below center) ond toured Company B's base camp in a newly decorated Bunny Bus (bottom cen-
ter), even received a green bere! from a Special Forces officer at Black Virgin Mountain (below right). Reflecting on the styles she wore in service to
PLAYBOY, Jo said, “Those bulletproof vests they make you wear do nothing for a girl's figure.” Above, the centerfold that started it all. No vest.
агу 1966. He called Jo, and the rest is a side
light to history. When the men of the 173rd
Airborne got together in May in Washington,
D.C., to mark the 20th anniversary of their
deployment, remembering Project Playmate
was a highlight
Price, now 43, left the Army in 1970 as a cap-
tain after a second tour of duty. He works in the
diamond business in Huntington Beach, Cali-
fornia. He doesn’t dwell on the years he spent
in combat or the year and a half he spent State-
side recovering from “having my left arm
nearly blown off” not long after he wrote his
leiter to Hef. Some things he remembers
fondly, however. One of those is a visit from
1965's Playmate of the Year.
“I think of it as a shining spot in the war,” he
says of Jo’s good-will tour. “We were constantly
in combat, taking a lot of casualties, and her
visit was the flip side of the coin for us.”
What was welcome relief for Price was an
eye-opening assignment for Jo, now an execu-
tive recruiter for direct marketing with Chi-
cago's Judy Thor Associates.
“That trip was the most wonderful, exciting
experience of my life,” she says, “but it was
frightening. 1 didn't even have time to think
about it when PLavgov called. There was only
time to get my passport and get on a flight to
San Francisco, What I was doing—the danger
of it—didn't make an impression until we
landed in Vietnam. There were mortar shells
being fired at us. But the whole thing didn't
really hit me until I visited the field hospitals."
"There were an awful lot of guys in there
who were badly shot up, and she was only 20,”
says Price. “But she did very well—like a light
in the darkness.”
Jo and her entourage also toured non-
regulation “Playboy Clubs” from Bien Hoa to
the Cambodian border. Jo rode in the Playboy
Special, a brigade helicopter named in honor
of her visit. She signed hundreds of autographs
and was dubbed an honorary sky soldier
by Brigadicr Gencral Ellis W. Williamson.
Still, mortar rounds in the distance kept Jo
In Chicago not lang aga, John Price and Ja Collins closed ranks for the first time in almost 20
years (below left) in front of o picture of ће rayso lifetime-subscriptian presentation they
launched os o lieutenant ond o Playmate of the Year. Return with us naw ta 1966: At Bien
Ноо'з “Playbay Club” (below right), Jo and company are oll smiles os she finishes an outo-
graph session. She's shaking out her left wrist because her right hand is cramping into a claw.
After a long day's hike, Jo found, she could always hitch a ride back to bose with her knights in shining armor (above right). And while Playmates
of the Year always pass muster, that didn't keep one Green Beret from giving her a long inspection (above left) before pronouncing her fit
Project Playmate begon in Saigan (below left) with countless interviews and о dozen roses from Lieutenant Cloncey Johnson ond Pfc. Marvin
Hudson, representing B Company. Jahnsan and Hudson were last-minute substitutes for lieutenant Price, wha had been wounded in action a week
before. When Jo plonted her first Vietnam kiss on Hudson, the tough Pfc. blushed deeply enough ta hide the lipstick on his cheek. Then came
a visit ta Price ond his wordmates at the 93rd MASH unit (below right). “Most af them were badly hurt,” said Ja, “but no one. camploined.”
GI Jo spent her second doy flying into bottle zones in the Playboy Special (top left). Her
carriage wos flanked by gunships and her escorts were MPs. There weren't any tunes on
the rodia (top right), but the moment she touched dawn, there were autographs to sign
(above right). On her final day in Vietnam, she was joined by o stitched-up Lieutenant Price
(above left). He intraduced her to all the men of Bravo Company, who had returned еп
masse from potrals when General Williamson granted them leave to meet her. Below, Ja
checks out the decor in the Bien Haa PX. Who's that beauty in the wet white blouse?
from forgetting where she was. Her first ride in
the Playboy Special set the project’s tone.
“It seemed as though we'd hardly arrived,
and there we were over hostile country, being
given our first taste of what they call contour
flying,” she reported. "That's when you skim
the treetops to prevent enemy snipers from get-
ting a clear shot at you and then, suddenly,
shoot straight up, at about 100 miles per hour,
to 3500 feet, so you can check the area for Viet
Cong troop movements from outside their fi
ing range.” Only when the next day's activities
ended did she realize how close to battle she
had been. "We were all standing outside the
Officers’ Club in Bien Hoa when I heard
the sound of shots coming from fairly close by
Then, right before our chopper lifted off, a
series of flares went off and lit up everything for
miles. I kept thinking how great it would have
been if all those boys had been back home
watching a Fourth-of-July celebration, instead
of there in the jungle fighting for their lives.
Some of them lost the fight. “At one of the
field hospitals,” Jo said, “there was a man who
had just been brought in off the helicopter
He'd been blown up. They asked me to se
him, and I went in. He said, ‘I'm so glad you're
here, sweetheart,’ and with that he died.”
Twenty years later, she shakes her head. “I
will never forget that—never.”
In May, when the 173rd Airborne held its
reunion, Jo Collins was an honor
Shortly before the reunion, she and Price
met in our Chicago offices to celebrate on a
smaller scale. “I told her we were going to
have to do this every 20 years,” laughs Pric
Jo's reaction: He's a delight. Listen, his arm
was shattered and they wanted to send him
back to the States, but he wouldn't leave Saigon
il I arrived. It gives me such a good feeling,
seeing him again."
It's been a long time since the new
1966, when Playmate of the Year Jo Collins
took off from San Francisco on the most mcmo-
rable, heart-rending few days of her life. Today,
one of those men in Gemini VII runs Eastern
Air Lines. Doctor Zhivago turns up on the after-
noon movie, crushed in the ratings by the
Super Bowl. Jo doesn't brood over her Vietnam
experience any more than Price does, but
sometimes she leafs through her mementos
“Гуе got more flags," she says, "and tro-
phies, too. There were articles in newspapers
all over the world, so my scrapbook is pretty
heavy. It’s gone through a lot—water damage
from moving, this and that—but once in a
while, I'll go through the pictures. And I'll
think, My gosh, it’s hard to believe I was there.”
Price has two Purple Hearts and one badly
scarred arm to remind him that he was there.
He also has memories of a Playmate who flew
8000 miles to deliver a lifetime subscription to
him and his buddies. That's not a fair ex
change; but for a bunch of lonely soldiers, Proj-
ect Playmate was at least a happy
“Before our reunion, the last tim
had met was a lifetime ago,” Price
“on the other side of the world iv s good just
rcaching out and touching agai
Way to go, GI Jo. This month, we salute
you, John Price and all the men
who served in a dark, trying time. y
More autagraphs (top left). When Jo returned to the States, she could crush rocks in her
bore hand. Top right, Jo and her party decopter for a briefing on the progress of Project
Playmate. A stop at Black Virgin Mountoin brought instruction in mortar firing (obove
right), while a visit to Lay Ninth (above left) meant a soft drink ond another workout for
Jo's trusty pen. Below, a lost look at the Playboy Special as it whisks our intrepid
Playmote off to the front. The Speciol hos been moth-balled, but its most famous passenger
remembers that chopper—with o smile and just the slightest lurch in her stomach.
(continued from page 90)
“The landscape was rocky amd empty, the wind blew
fiercely and it had begun to snow.”
grabbed it. Soon he was muttering under
his beak. “Doggone razzle-frazzin' dad-
gum thing!” He pulled and pushed, his
face and bill turning redder and redder.
He gripped the box with both his feet and
hands. “Doggone dad-gum!” he yelled.
Suddenly he grew teeth, his brow
slammed down, his shoulders tensed and
he went into a blurred fury of movement.
“Wak, wak, wak, wak, wak!” he screamed.
The box broke open and flew into three
parts. So did the book inside.
DUN was still tearing in his fury.
“Wait! Look out, DUN!” yelled MIK.
“Gawrsh!” said GUF, running after the
pages blowing in the breeze. “Help me,
DUN stood atop the rubble, parts of the
box and the book gripped in each hand.
He simulated hard brcathing, the redness
draining from his face.
“It's open,” he said quietly.
“Well, from what we've got left,” said
MIK, “this is called The Book of the Time
Capsule, and it says they buried a cylinder
a very, very long time ago. They printed
wp five thousand copies of this book
and sent it to places all around the world
where they thought it would be safe. They
printed this book on acid-free paper and
stuff like that so it wouldn’t fall apart.
“And they thought what they put in the
time capsule itself could explain to later
gencrations what people were like in their
day. So I figure maybe it could explain
something to us, too.”
“Well, let's go,” said DUN.
"Well, huh-huh,” said MIK. “I
checked with HOOSAT and gave him the
coordinates and, huh-huh, it's quite a little
ways away.”
“How far?” asked DUN, his brow bee-
*Oh, huh-huh, about eighteen thou-
sand kilometers. Just about halfway
around the world.”
“Oh, my aching feet!" said DUN.
“That's not literally true,” said GUF.
He turned to MIK. “Yuh think we should
go that far?”
“Well, I'm not sure what we'll find.
Those pages were lost when DUN opened
the box. ...”
“I'm sorry,” said DUN in a contrite,
small voice.
“But the people of that time were sure
that everything could be explained by
what was in the capsule."
“Апа yuh think it's still there?" asked
MIK put a determined look on his face.
“I figure the only thing for us to do is set
our caps, start out and whistle a little
tune," he said.
“Yuh don't have a cap, MIK," said
“Well, I can still whistle! Let's go, fel-
las," he said. “It’s this way!”
He puckered his lips and blew a work
song. DUN quacked a tune about boats
and water. GUF hummed The East Is Red.
They set off in this way across what had
been the bottom of the Sea of Japan.
They were having troubles. Three weeks
before, they had come to the cnd of all the
songs with which each had been pro-
grammed and had had to start repeat-
ing themselves.
Their lubricants were beginning to fail;
their hastily wired circuitry was оуег-
worked. GUF had a troublesome extensor
in his ankle that sometimes hung up. But
he went along chcerfully, sometimes hop-
ping and quickstepping to catch up with
the others when the foot refused to flex.
"The major problem was the cold. There
was a vast difference between the climate
they had been built for and the one they
found themselves in. The landscape was
rocky and empty, the wind blew fiercely
and it had begun to snow.
The terrain was difficult and the maps
HOOSAT had given them were outdated.
Something drastic had changed the course
of rivers, the land, the shore line of the
ocean itself. They detoured frequently.
The cold worked hardest on DUN. He
was poorly insulated, and they had to slow
their pace to his. He would do anything to
avoid a snowdrift and so expended even
more energy.
They stopped in the middle of a raging
“Uh, MIK?" said GUF. “I don't think
DUN can go much farther in this weather.
An’ my leg is givin’ me lots o° problems.
Yuh think maybe we could find someplace
to hole up fer a spell?”
MIK looked at the bleakness and the
whipping snow around them. “I guess
you're right. Warmer weather would do us
all some good. We'd conserve both heat
and energy. Let's find a good place."
“Hey, DUN,” said GUF. “Let's find a
“Oh, goody gumdrops!” said DUN.
“Dm so cold.”
They eventually found a decp rock shel-
ter with a low fault crevice at the back.
MIK had them gather up what sparse veg-
etation there was and take it into the shel-
ter. MIK talked to HOOSAT, then
wriggled his way through the brush they
had piled to the other two.
Inside, they could barely hear the wind
and snow. It was only slightly warmer
than outside, but it felt wonderful and
“I told HOOSAT to wake us up when it
got warmer,” said MIK. “Then we'll get
on to that time capsule and find out all
about people.”
“G'night, MIK,” said СОЕ
“Good night, DUN,” said MIK.
“Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs
bite. Wak, wak, wak,” said DUN.
"They shut themselves off.
МІК woke up. It was dark in the rock
shelter, but it was also much warmer.
The brush was all crumbled away. A
meter of rock and dust covered the cave
floor, the dust stirring in the warm wind.
“Hey, fellas!” said MIK. “Hey, wake
up. Spring is here!”
They stirred themselves.
“Let's go thank HOOSAT and get our
bearings and be on our way,” said MIK.
They stepped outside.
The stars were in the wrong places.
“Uh-oh!” said СОЕ.
“Would you look at that?" said DUN.
“I think we overslept,” said MIK.
"Let's see what HOOSAT has to say.”
“Huh? HOOSAT?”
“Hello. This is DUN and MIK and
HOOSAT's voice now sounded like а
badger whistling through its teeth.
“Glad to see ya up,” said the satellite.
“We asked you to wake us up as soon as
it got warmer!” said MIK.
“Tt just got warmer.”
“It did?" asked СОЕ.
“Shoulda seen it,” said HOOSAT. “Ice
everywhere. Big ol” glaciers. You still
aimin’ to dig up that capsule thing?"
Yes," said MIK, "we are."
“Well, you got an easy trip from now on.
No more mountains in the way."
“What about people?” asked MIK.
* ain't heard from any. My friend the
military satellite said he thought he saw
some fires, little teeny ones, but his eyes
weren’t what they used to be. He’s gone
now, too.”
“Thuh fires mighta been built by peo-
ple?" asked GUF.
“It’s sorta likely. Weather ain't been
much for lightning," said HOOSAT.
“Hey, bub, you still got all those coordi-
nates ] give you?”
“I think so," said MIK.
“Wall, I better give you new ones off
these new constellations. Hold still; my
aim ain’t so good anymore.” He dumped a
bunch of numbers into MIK’s head. “I
won't be talkin’ to you much longer."
“Why not?” they all asked.
“Well, you know... my orbit. I feel
better now than 1 have in centuries. Real
spry. Must be the ionization. Started a
couple o' weeks ago. Sure has been nice
talkin’ to you young fellers after so long a
time. Sure am glad I remembered to wake
(continued on page 180)
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(continued from page 76)
two years of your marriage and then, after
that, you takc a penny out cach time you
have sex, you won't empty the jar if you're
married 20 years.
PLAYBOY: How many pennies did you have
REINER: I know there's one big Penny I
don't have anymore.
PLAYBOY: Was there a single moment when
you realized that the marriage was over?
REINER: No, it really just dissolved over
time. But Pll tell you a weird, freaky story.
Penny and I had been in New York doing a
TV movie; we'd been building this house
out here, and it was taking about two
years. And we kept wondering when we
were going to move in—it never got done.
So, just before we came back, the decora-
tor told us, “I guarantee that when you get
back from New York, i'll be ready and
you can move right in.” And sure enough,
when we got back, we walked into the
house and it looked just incredible.
Well, it was night, we were exhausted,
so we just went upstairs to the bedroom,
didn’teven unpack, and just flopped down
on the bed. So I turned on the TV—and I
swear to God this is the absolute truth—
the first image that popped onto the screen
was an ad for the National Enquirer and it
said, “National Enquirer predicts Penny
and Rob will split.”
PLAYBOY: You knew which Penny and Rob
it was talking about?
REINER: I did. In fact, that’s the reason we
got divorced—we didn’t want to make the
National Enquirer look bad. We wanted to
preserve the integrity of the publication.
PLAYBOY: Competition with your wife
wasn’t the only problem you faced along
those lines. Wasn't it also tough living up
to your father? A few years ago, your
father told an interviewer, “Rob wanted to
grow up to be me.” Was he being serious?
REINER: My father was somebody in the
public eye, somebody who was brilliantly
funny; all his friends were brilliantly
funny. It was something I felt J had to do
And I can do it; I have done it. But I have
also found it uncomfortable to feel that Pm
being funny just to be competitive or to be
PLAYBOY: So there’s guilt after comedy?
REINER: No, but I just don’t feel a sense of
satisfaction from it, as my father does. For
instance, my father loves to perform; he
gets tremendous pleasure out of it. I like to
perform, too, but I'm not driven with a
need as great as his to be on stage, to be
the center of attention. When I was a kid,
he used to embarrass me sometimes; we'd
be walking down the street in New York
and he'd start singing at the top of his
lungs: “Ius a lovely day today, so what-
ever you've got to do . . .' ” ог“ ‘Beyond
the blue horizon. . . .' " Of course, every-
body would look. And I'd be hiding my
face, going, “C’mon, Dad, please!”
I like and need to have attention, just
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like anybody else, but my natural state is
not jumping up in front of people and per-
forming. I think a lot of what J did with
my acting career was, in a way, to show
people—show my father—“Look, I can
do this, too; I'm good at this.” It's only
lately that I don't feel that need as greatly
as I did.
I'm just beginning to feel comfortable
enough with myself to say that if I feel like
doing shtick, ГИ do it, and if I don’t, I
won't. People have certain expectations of
me because of All in the Family and This Is
Spinal Tap, but I'm a much more serious
person than people think—much more
serious than my father. You know, when I
was growing up, my father was—and is—
the sweetest, kindest man, well liked, with
a wonderful sense of humor. And all 1 ever
heard was “Your dad's the greatest! He's
the most wonderful, terrific man around!”
I just thought, Jesus, there's no way I'm
going to be able to be like him. I was in
awe of him; he was like a god to me. I
remember when I went over to the Van
Dyke show with him, he'd go down to the
set, and I’d crawl into his office and sit
behind his desk. And I used to look
around and think, God, look at all this!
He's creating these TV shows, he's win-
ning Emmys, he’s a genius—and I’m
inadequate. There I was, thinking I
should be able to write for the Van Dyke
show—and at 13, that was probably fairly
ambitious, but that's what I thought. I
couldn't, and it was very frustrating. I was
jealous of him.
PLAYBOY: Did you try to emulate him, to be
as outgoing as he was?
REINER: Sure, but I was shy, incredibly shy.
That’s always been my nature. When I
was a kid, Í was very introspective. So I
was probably reacting against my father’s
personality. I know it was difficult for me
to feel that I had a place in the house,
because my father is so demonstrative, so
much larger than life. I couldn't figure out
how I fit in there. When you're little, you
really can't compete. I don't think he quite
understood how I was as a person. He
never thought I had a sense of humor,
never thought I was funny. When 1 was
eight or nine and we were spending the
summer on Fire Island, Norman Lear was
there. Norman remembers me playing
jacks with him one day and making up
jokes and doing shtick. I made him laugh.
But when he went and told my father,
“You know, Rob is really a funny kid,” my
father answered, “Get out of here! That
kid? That sullen, brooding kid is not
funny. No way.” Later, I did a summer
production of my father’s own play Enter
Laughing. The audience loved it, but I
knew he hated it. He was applying rules to
me that he wouldn’t have applied to just
another 18-year-old boy.
PLAYBOY: When did your father change his
REINER: When I was 19. I'd directed a pro-
duction of Sartre's No Exit at a lit-
tle playhouse in Beverly Hills, the
“Be sure she’s home by midnight. That’s when
her husband gets off work!”
Roxbury—Rick Dreyfuss was in it, in fact.
And ГИ never forget it, because my father
came backstage, looked me straight in the
eye and said, “That was good. No
bullshit.” It was the first time Га gotten
that sort of yalidation from him.
PLAYBOY: Do you think that children
threaten their parents?
REINER: No question about it. I’m sure a lot
of that was operating. And it continues to
PLAYBOY: You mean he wants you to do
well—but not that well?
REINER: It's mixed. He's tremendously
proud of me and loves me very much, but
I'm sure there’s always the fear of being
superseded, of being replaced. I'm sure it
goes on with all fathers and sons. There’s a
battle that goes on inside you, which is
this: You don’t want to hurt your father;
you don’t want to surpass him, because it
may hurt him. At the same time, though,
you don’t want that to stop you from
achieving in your career. It’s a rough knot.
] know my desire to achieve will always
win out, and I think that deep down
inside, he would hope that would be the
case. Deep down, I think all fathers want
their sons to be successful.
PLAYBOY: Hypothetical question: Let’s say
you and your father had both been nomi-
nated for Oscars this year for best
director—you for This Is Spinal Tap, he for
All of Me. Who would you like to see win?
REINER: Me. Between interview sessions,
you spoke with my father; what did he say
when you asked him that?
PLAYBOY: He said he'd want you to win.
REINER: He said me?
REINER: All right, Pop! Isn't that nice? . . .
Maybe he’s lying. Seriously, if he won, Га
be real thrilled; I wouldn't feel bad. Га
feel better if Z won, but I'll tell you, that's
a rough onc. Part of me would feel bad if
he didn’t get it, but if I am totally honest
with myself, I'd rather be the one to win.
You know, we do love cach other dearly;
the best hug Гуе ever had in the whole
world was from him. When he hugs you,
you feel hugged—it’s a wonderful feeling.
He's terrific, but we're very different.
PLAYBOY: Although you're in the same
business, you scem to be declaring your
REINER: Um starting to do work that
reflects who I am. Most of what Гуе done
until now have been things that came from
what I learned at my father’s knee. Spinal
Tap, for instance, is satire; and my father
was one of the great satirists of all time.
With The Sure Thing, though, 1 was
attracted by the idea of a young man’s
starting to make the connection between
love and sex—a concept expressive of
me—and the fil a romantic-comedy
setting that is not so much unlike things
my father would do. With my next film,
The Body, I'm making a movie my father
would never begin to make. He'll appreci-
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ate it, I think—1 hope he loves it—but I
don’t think it’s a choice he would ever
make. It’s scary, because I don’t know if
I'm going to get accepted this way
PLAYBOY: How did Spinal Tap come
REINER: The script was kicking around for
quite some time, and it was frustrating
beyond belief. I got very disheartened. It
took four and a half years from the time we
began working on it until the time it got on
screen. We had this little 20-minute prod-
uct reel that was a demonsuation of the
kind of satire we wanted to do. We had a
screening at Columbia once, and there was
no laughter at all. The lights went up and
they said, “Well, that’s interesting; we'll
think about it.” It was like death. I finally
sold it to AVCO/Embassy, but then Nor-
man Lear, of all people, and a partner
bought the studios, and I thought he'd
dump the project. Instead, he was the one
who ended up spearheading Spinal Tap.
PLAYBOY: So Lear came through for you
again, as he did for The Sure Thing.
REINER: Actually, Norman didn’t like the
script for The Sure Thing very much at all;
he told me that in no uncertain terms. He
just didn’t think it was funny. It was real
tough for me, because this is a man I
respect so much—the one man besides my
father I can absolutely say I love. It
like taking a woman home, saying, “This
is the woman I'm going to marry,” and
your father says, “Well, she’s a tramp, but
if you want to marry her, be my guest.”
Norman’s attitude finally was, “If you
think this is good and think you can make
something out of it, go do it.”
PLAYBOY: It seemed like a high-risk film,
though: a teenage romantic comedy that
isn't gross.
REINER: Well, I don't like Porky's or Police
Academy or those kinds of films. And they
used to make me angry, because I thought
they were taking food out of my mouth: If
everyone goes to see Porky's, there's no
room for anything else. But what I’ve
learned is that there's room for other kinds
of movies
PLAYBOY: Isn't The Sure Thing a reaction
against teenage exploitation movies?
REINER: It may turn out that way, but it
wasn’t our intention. We just wanted to
make a good movie that treated young
people with some respect and showed that
they had feclings that were as deep as any-
one else’s. At first, though, I was worried,
because we didn’t have car crashes, we
didn’t have nudity, we didn’t have food
fights. Basically, what we have here is a
simple love story about two characters
who are on scrcen practically all the timc.
And I thought, God, will an audience sit
still for this? But I think maybe audiences
were starved for something like this.
PLAYBOY: Your next film is by Stephen
King, right?
REINER: The Body is based on a short story
of his, but it doesn’t have horror, murders
or anything like that. It’s the story of a 12-
year-old boy, misunderstood by his father,
who starts to like himself and think he’s
valid. That’s what's beginning to happen
to me now. It's a hard process. You find
out your parents are human, and at first
you're angry, because you don't want
them to be. You want them to be perfect,
godlike. But you learn to forgive them; and
once you do, then you can go about the
business of living your life
PLAYBOY: You say you're feeling better
about things today, but Richard Dreyfuss
told us that the day after the Hollywood
screening of The Sure Thing, which was a
triumph, you sounded miserable.
REINER: It’s truc enough. I can't sit still for
a minute and think, Ooooh! I did good!
You know how a woman puts on a make-
up base? Well, I have a base of depression
that's always there. 1 don't allow myself to
feel great too much of the time—which to
me is horribly tragic
PLAYBOY: Do you ever wake up and just feel
REINER: No. In fact, when people say
“Have a nice дау” to me, I feel a lot of
pressure; I don’t know how the fuck to do
it. I have moments when I seem joyful, but
they always catch me by surprise. I
remember driving through Coldwater
Canyon one time, and all of a sudden, this
unbridled joy just started bubbling up in
me. I don’t know where it came from—
and it lasted six seconds. To be honest, I
think Гхе been happy 18 seconds in my
whole life, and they've been spread out.
Where there's hope, though, is that I feel
there's a happy person trying to creep out
of this depression.
PLAYBOY: Professionally, you're soaring.
What would make you feel better person-
REINER: To be able to have a good relation-
ship with a woman and have a family. But
I would have to feel good about myself
first. Marriage is very attractive to me.
I've never thought, Oh, boy! Single! I get
to fuck a lot of women! That's never been
appealing to me. Now, though, I’m like a
pendulum: I go through stages when I run
around a lot, get tired of it, then want
somethi with real emotional content.
And when I’m not able to make that work,
1 go back to running around. I think what
it boils down to is that I’m not ready yet
for another long, long-term relationship.
PLAYBOY: It sounds as if you’re still afraid
of something
REINER: The only things I’m afraid of are
my own feelings, my own emotions—that
I won't be able to control them or under-
stand them. That would be the root of it.
PLAYBOY: Speaking of which: We probably
shouldn’t ask, but why won’t you discuss
your penis size, Rob?
REINER: How crass of you! No! No!
PLAYBOY: This is the big interview: You’re
supposed to come clean about everything,
REINER: Listen: If you had a penis that was
only an eighth of an inch long, you
wouldn't want to talk about it, either.
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(continued from page 144)
“The things I cherished most were those moments of
video surrealism that I'd snatched out of the air."
minutes’ worth of blank tape for a two-
hour show. I'd left outdated programs оп
the timer. I'd pushed the pause button to
avoid taping commercials and failed to
unpause it when the show resumed
Despite those potential pitfalls. I managed
to tape 109 of the first 110 Mary Hartman
episodes. I left an empty half hour on the
tape where the missing show—number 92,
the victim of a sudden cable outage on my
block—would go if I ever got another
crack at it.
Then, with no warning, the show disap-
peared from the schedule, replaced by a
talk show called Thicke of the Night
Collectus interruptus! I called the station,
angrily demanding, then politely request-
ing and, finally, abjectly pleading that
they broadcast the 20 episodes that would
complete the story line through Mary’s
breakdown on The David Susskind Show.
No way, I was told. 1 checked the TV
Guide to see if any Connecticut station was
still running the series, thinking that
maybe I ought to take a VCR and go stay
in a hotel in New Haven for a month, but
none was.
Finally, I accepted defeat. The fact that
I had yet to watch even one of the 2400
minutes of Mary Hartman Yd recorded
was small consolation.
It occurred to me one evening to figure
out exactly how much material I had on
tape that I'd never seen. I counted more
than 50 television programs and 100 mov-
ies, including such greats as Vertigo, Mr.
Smith Goes to Washington and Sunset Boule-
vard. This is ridiculous, I thought; instead
of actually watching something, I’m mak-
ing a list of things I haven't watched; but I
didn't dwell on that for long, because
I suddenly remembered two old shows I
wanted to start collecting, neither of which
was then being syndicated in New York,
which annoyed me quite a bit—what were
they waiting for, Armageddon?—and, hey,
was my phone broken or something, it
seemed like years since anyone had called,
and why was I getting all these magazines
I never had any time to read, and, shit, Га
forgotten to put a tape in the machine and
I was missing Bedtime for Bonzo.
Aficr two years, video tapes had
marched their way across 11 shelves that
had formerly held books and were midway
through the take-over of a 12th. By then, I
had 418 movies, ranging from the sublime
(Citizen Kane, Badlands, Lolita) to the
ridiculous (Endless Love, Mommie Dearest,
Hardly Working). 1 had—in addition to the
109 Mary Hartmans—all 39 Honeymoon-
ers, all 45 Monty Pythons, 126 episodes of
The Twilight Zone, 78 hours of SCTV, 60
hours of Dallas and a 13-hour PBS special
about Vietnam that I'd heard was excel-
lent, though I hadn't actually seen any of
it. I had 623 rock videos, of which at least
12 or 15 were probably not bad.
I had 1200 hours—50 days—of video
tape, every minute of it painstakingly
indexed. For all of it, though, the things I
cherished were those unexpected and
unheralded moments of video surrealism
that Pd snatched out of the air: Barbara
Walters asking Katharine Hepburn “what
kind of tree" she'd be if she were a
tree. Tom Snyder chatting with Charlie
Manson, John DeLorean burbling to the
cops who were about to bust him that
the cocaine he was holding was “better
than gold.” (The VCR had made it possi-
ble to have the worst moment in a total
stranger's actual life in your personal
video file.)
News reports on homeless people were
followed by people in clown costumes
reviewing movies, Gruesome crimes were
recycled within months as TV movies or
"docudramas." Nancy Reagan hopped
into Mr. T's lap and kissed his huge head,
and the President came before the cameras.
singing the praises of James Bond. As I
taped, the boundarics between reality and
fantasy were being destroyed on the
nation's TV screens, the touchstones of
sanity picked off one by one, like the space
rocks in Asteroids.
The First Lady appeared as herself on
an episode of Diff rent Strokes. The Speaker
of the House draped himself over a bar-
stool or two on Cheers. A former President
and his Secretary of State—Gerald Ford
and Henry Kissinger—served themselves
up as video wallpaper for the stars of
Dynasty. “Hello, Alexis, good to see you,”
growled Kissinger to Joan Collins, who
never stopped shaking his hand as she
cooed, "Henry, hello! I haven't seen you
since Portofino," and then added lewdly,
"It was fun!” (In the episode's closing
credits, he was listed as Dr. Henry
The entire culture was happening on
television, an ongoing stream of electronic
bits and pieces whose absurdity was
obscured by their volume. The VCR made
it possible to isolate these moments and,
examined individually, their bizarrencss
was hard to miss. Somebody should be
collecting these lunatic epiphanies, I
thought, acknowledging that the job was
mine as | invented it. It was as if I
expected to wake up onc morning in a Uto-
pian America and be called on to provide
vidco-taped proof that life here used to be
really insane. I realized that what I was
searching for was a single piece of incon-
trovertible evidence, and I knew my VCR
was the only place to look.
Tt dawned on me that I had a serious
video habit, and I briefly considered going
cold turkey. Instead, 1 rented a second
The new VCR, an RCA VJP900, cost
$50 a month. It was a top-of-the-line
model, and its up-to-the-millisecond fea-
tures included a wireless remote control, a
three-week timer and a scan that let me
view tape forward and backward at up to
12 times normal speed. Not only did it
double my recording capacity but it freed
me from having to save an entire program
for a fabulous four-minute chunk. Now I
could dub the part I wanted onto a master
cassette and reuse the original. Even with
the price of tapes dropping below six dol-
lars, this would save me a lot of money.
The second machine empowered me to
make copies of tapes to trade with other
collectors— I'd met several at my local
video store or, rather, at the one of the
eight local video stores that I patronized.
It also opened up the possibilities of cre-
ative editing. I started a list of tapes I
could compile:
Take My Kid, Please. Excerpts from
prime-time soaps in which parents of
young children are shown interacting with
their toddlers during the opening seconds
of a scene and then handing them over to
the nearest servant
Details at Eleven. Breathless promos
hyping upcoming local news shows:
“Soviet troops cross the Polish border, and
a report on a Long Island boy who makes.
hats out of ice cream.” “The Pope is dead,
but the Red Sox are still alive.” “Bad but-
ter in the Bronx."
That Was No Lady. Samples of perform-
ances by actresses playing prostitutes in
TV movies and miniscries.
Adolf, We Hardly Knew Ye. Samples of
performances by actors plaving Hitler in
TV movies and miniseries.
Neatness Counts. The closing moments
of Tom Brokaw’s daily newscasts, during
which the anchor man straightens his
script and fastens i a paper clip.
The Buss Stops Here. Game-show host
Richard Dawson kissing his contestants.
They Also Serve Who Only Stand and
Wave. President Reagan and his wife wav-
ing at the cameras as they get on and off
airplanes and helicopters.
In fact, I started none of those collec-
tions, preferring to preserve things as hap-
hazardly as I found them. I was a
pop-culture prospector scanning for video
gold, taping as much as 14 hours of televi-
sion a day and then speeding through it in
search of 20-second-long nuggets like
Ringo Starr in Princess Daisy—having his
toenails painted in a hot tub and trilling,
"If only Mum could see me now'”—or Pia
Zadora bouncing onto The Merv Griffin
Show with a dog wearing a black scarf
("Gucci?" Mery asked. “Of course,” said
us invents ESP
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Ыг. blessed with ESP
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So now you can skip that awkward stage
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ESP is a mini-computer brain that intuitively
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Manat W Carsen Co. Ltd. Toronto,
Pia) or the broadcast of a three-year-old
video-dating tape made by Christopher
Wilder, who was in the midst of a murder
spree that had claimed several female vic-
tims. "I want to date," Wilder had said.
“I want to socially meet and enjoy the
company of a number of women."
When I started collecting, l'd used a
ballpoint pen to write out the identifying
labels Í stuck on each tape. After a year,
Td found that black felt-tip was easier to
read, and I'd relabeled all of them.
Now I took an aesthetic dislike to the
way the five-and-a-halfinch-long strips
looked on the sides of the seven-and-a-
half-inch-long cassettes, and I decided to
replace them with the more understated
three-and-a-half-inch-long ones. “I redid
my labels,” I told my girlfriend when she
asked what I'd done the previous evening.
“That's the third time,” she said; and
before too much longer, she wasn't my
girlfriend anymore.
“Man,” said my cable repairman one
afternoon, eying the wires connecting the
switchers, splitters and power booster to
the TV, the two VCRs and the cable box,
“every time 1 come here, you get in this
deeper and deeper.”
"The more I fixated on this video blend-
ing of reality and fantasy, the more 1
returned to the first image I'd recorded:
President Reagan. Í had dozens of hours of
him on tape. I had him in the Vatican nod-
ding off during a meeting with the Pope. I
had him in Brazil toasting his hosts, “the
people of Bolivia." I had him in the Oval
Office arm-wrestling with a bodybuilder
while his aides in the next room were bricf-
ing reporters on the U.S. pull-out from
Lebanon. 1 had him filling sandbags in
Louisiana, riding a stagecoach in Mon-
tana, hoisting a beer (but not drinking it).
in a Boston pub. I had him playing with a
computer, driving a tractor, blowing out
birthday candles, picking out valentine
cards, swinging a hockey stick, tossing a
baseball, calling a tax increase a “revenue
enhancement” and a nuclear warhead a
“peacekeeper.” I had him with Jerry
Lewis and Merv Griffin and Michael Jack-
son and Spider-Man, with Barbara Wal-
ters and Claudette Colbert and Tammy
Wynette and Kate Smith, with dogs and
horses and turkeys and pigs. I had him
doing everything but actually working at
the job of running the country. If 1 ever
found that single piece of yideo tape that
would confirm the merging of truth and
fiction in America, it seemed likely to star
Ronald Reagan.
To me, “President Reagan” was the
ultimate television creation—a character
who was also the product, selling himself
to a target audience that had spent the
past quarter century getting used to peo-
ple with two or three large emotions and
no small ones. His moods were always
broadly telegraphed. When he was
Friendly, his eyes crinkled and his head
bobbed like a toy dog in the rear window
of a car. When he was Happy, he threw his
head back, mouth agape in laughter.
When he was Angry, his lips compressed;
when he was Sad, his voice cracked;
and when he was Busy, he wore glasses.
"There were no subtleties, no rough edges.
He was unlike any human Fd ever
For all its dedication to artifice, televi-
sion has been unmatched for revealing the
truth about those who appear on it. The
only rule for playing the ТУ game is that
you have to be willing to risk baring your
soul. But Reagan was cheatin,
of opening himself up to the au
hid behind his role, playing a part that
existed only on camera—and he was get-
ting away with it. When the press called
attention to things that contradicted the
electronic image, the public ignored or
reinterpreted them. His loose grasp of the
facts was secn as an endearing idiosyn-
crasy. His distaste for detail somehow
became charming. His oft-repeated one-
liners were hailed as wit. People liked this
“President Reagan” character, and they
didn’t want his series canceled.
With hundreds of episodes of The Prest-
dent Reagan Show in my collection, I was
still missing the one that answered the
question he himself had raised with his
autobiography: "Where's the rest of me?”
I wanted to sec the Wizard behind his
video curtain. I wanted to watch the Presi-
dent of the United States without his
knowing he was being watched.
My search continued. Scanning through
Good Morning America one afternoon, 1
found David Hartman's jail-cell interview
with Margie Velma Barfield, who was
scheduled to bc executed that week in
North Carolina after confessing to feeding
four people—including her boyfriend and
her mother—rat poison. “What's the
plan?" Hartman inquired s itously.
"Are you afraid of this coming Friday? . . .
Have you ever said, “I just can't believe
what І did?" Barfield seemed subdued.
They both looked like potatoes.
Back in the studio, Joan Lunden was
wearing a dress I'd definitely seen her in
before. How many outfits does she have, I
wondered, and how often does she repeat
them? Is there a regular rotation? That
- Sie. e. ET ані?
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QUI How many years old is the whisky in
information, I realized, was available to
me if I chose to make it minc. All I had to
do was save a [ew seconds of cach day's
show, then go back after a month or two
and check out her wardrobe. The VCR, I
thought, is the key to otherwise unobtain-
able knowledge. Of course, I could gather
that particular data by just watching the
show and taking notes, but the VCR ena-
bled me to sleep till noon and still do it. It
occurred to me that no sane person could
have had these thoughts.
A few days later, in the early-morning
darkness outside the prison, a woman who
had essed Barfield’s execution by
lethal injection reported that “during the
procedure itself, there was no movement,
no jerking, nothing to that effect.” Barfield
wore pink pajamas, we were told, and her
last meal was Cheez Doodles and Coca-
Cola. Oh, yes, and right alter she was
killed, her body was rushed to a waiting
ambulance, where a donor-transplant
team tried to restart her heart in order to
save her kidneys.
I was taping scveral hours of news a
day. One night, I caught John Bangs of
American Cyanamid defending the
cies of U.S. corporations in South Africa.
"Leadership of the American companies,"
he explained, “has gone a long way toward
helping oppose the bad aspects of apart-
heid." Bangs did not elaborate on the
good aspects of apartheid.
Another night, I taped an update on
Richard Nixon's shingles. And the night
after that, News 4 New York had an “exclu-
sive” interview with one Irene Wein-
choski, a 60ish redhead who had gotten
subway vigilante Bernhard Goetz’s auto-
graph after serving him lunch at the Mark
Twain Diner in Union, New Jersey.
“What did he have to eat?” the NBC.
reporter asked.
“A turkey sandwich on whole-wheat
toast, with lettuce and tomato,” sai
Weinchoski, “and a glass of orange juice."
“What was it that made you want that
man’s autograph?” the reporter asked.
“Just that I saw him on TV,” the wait-
ress said. “That was the only reason.”
I thought of driving to New Jersey to
get Irene's autograph ‘cause I saw her
on TV.
And then it was over. A friend sent me a
cassette with a note saying, “I think you've
been looking for this." The tape, my friend
explained, had been pirated by somcone
with a back-yard satellite dish that ena-
bled him to pick up live network feeds that
were not broadcast to the general public.
It had been recorded during the quarter
hour preceding Super Bowl XIX, and it
was labeled Let Reagan Be Reagan. 1
loaded it into the VCR.
President Reagan was in the White
House, standing in front of a painting. He
was staring to his right at a TV monitor
tuned to the pregame activities at the
Super Bowl in Stanford. Two men hover-
ing on his left had their hands in his jacket
pockets as they hooked up his mike.
"Hey," Reagan said, “looks like they're
gettin’ read
The President—who earlier in the day
had been sworn in for a second term—was
topping off his Inauguration with a guest
shot on The Game, flipping the coin to
determine whether Miami or San Fran-
cisco would receive the opening kick.
They'd gotten him down here early,
though, so he stood on mark and
waited silently, eying the coin in his right
hand. “Let me see how this works,” he
said nervously. ping it to the floor. “It
is heads,” he intoned grandly, testing his
delivery. He flipped it again. “It is tails.”
Now he was ready for anything. Someone
in the room showed him which camera
would be on when ABC cut to the White
House for the coin toss. "Play to that one,"
Reagan said, nodding. “All right.” He re-
sumed his cxpressionless stare at the TV.
Suddenly, he perked up a bit. “I have
to tell ya, Frank Sinatra had a rec-
ommendation—instead of tossin” the
coin—what woulda been a lot better,”
he said, making up in body language what
he lacked in syntax. *You'd have had me
outdoors throwin’ out the ball—I would
have thrown it—a little artwork, of maybe
a ball going across a map; and out there,
one of them catching a ball as if it's gone
all the way across the United States. How
*bout that?” His attention again returned
to the TV. He looked very uneasy, as if he
were terrified of blowing his lines, and he
held on to the coin with both hands. Some-
onc handed him a page with his script on it
and he looked it over, moving his lips as he
memorized. America the Beautiful came
over the TV, and the President started
humming along: “Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-
hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm. Then he stopped.
Three minutes had passed since he had
entered the room
Something on the screen amused him,
and he laughed quietl mself, “Heh-
heh-heh,” and then, “Hee-hee-hee.” When
the smile left over from those laughs faded,
he seemed unsure of what to do with his
mouth, and his expression was alternately
simian and reptilian until he remembered
how it was supposed to go. Then an
announcer in the stadium introduced
the Super Bowl Children's Choir to sing
The Star-Spangled Banner. "Heccecy," the
President said, as if the playing of the
national anthem before a sporting event
were an unexpected delight. Someone
asked him what the temperature in Stan-
ford was. “I don’t know,” he said, adding,
“I do know that the half-time ceremony is
an entirely Air Force military-personnel
entertainment group." He'd been stand-
ing there for seven minutes, not budging
from his mark, waiting to go on.
Again he stared at the set, as if he might
miss his cue if he took his eyes off the
screen. When the sportscaster promised
viewers a very unusual coin toss after the
next block of commercials, the President
made a stupid face and twisted his arm.
strangely to emphasize the unusual nature
of the event. Finally, the referee was intro-
ducing him. He checked that coin one last.
time—yes, it was there—checked the
monitor and he was on! Instantly, thc
whole thing came to life. The smile lit up!
The eyes twinkled! The head bobbed! The
camera was on! “It’s a distinct pleasure
and a privilege for me to be a participant,”
he purred, “although I wish I could be a
participant closer at hand. But who makes
the call?”
On the field, the Dolphins’ captain
called heads, and former football great
Hugh McElhenny instructed the President
to toss the coin. He did, and it took a
funny bounce and landed a few feet behind
him. After several seconds, he announced,
“It is tails.” ABC cut to the crowd reaction
at the game, and the President deflated as
soon as he noticed that he wasn’t on. He
was reminded that he had an encore com-
ing up, though, so he idled instead of
shutting down completely. McElhenny
thanked him for his services. “Well, thank
you,” the President said, on again. “It was
a privilege, and all I can say is something
that used to be alittle prayer of mine when
I played football myself; ‘May everyone do
their best, may there be no injuries, may
the best team win and no one haye
regrets.’ ” He had been on national televi-
sion for 42 seconds.
His mike was turned off, so the tense
small talk he exchanged with his son
Michael while the room emptied out went
unrecorded for posterity. Then the Presi-
dent looked around forlornly, offered a lit-
tle wave to the few remaining audience
members and was led out of the room.
I played it through six times, repeating
bits of dialog, slowing down sequences,
freezing individual frames until I knew
every nuance by heart. It was unlike any-
thing else in my collection—an early Andy
Warhol movie with a six-foot mannequin
instead of a skyscraper, a video black hole
sucking the viewer into 15 real-time min-
utes with a 74-year-old man whose philos-
ophy is "I entertain, therefore I am.”
When he wasn't playing to an audience, he
didn't seem to exist at all.
In America, in 1985, it had come to this.
A people that spent an average ol seven
hours a day watching television had cho-
sen a television character as their Presi-
dent, Technology had made it possible for
an average citizen with above-average
determination and a few thousand dollars
to spy on the actor who played the role and
to do so from the comfort of his or her own
home. And I had in my library a profound
historical document—a tape of the most
powerful human on the planet standing in
one spot for ten minutes, waiting to go on
TV and flip a coin. I had set myself the
thankless task of proving that fantasy and
reality had become indistinguishable, and
I had succeeded.
Yes, the machine worked.
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(continued from page 118)
credit for being plenty lucky. We picked up
our two boxes of B-24s over Holland and I
positioned two squadrons to escort them,
then took off with my own squadron to
range about 100 miles ahead. We were
over Steinhuder lake when I spotted
specks about 50 miles ahead. Combat
vision, we call it. You focus cut to infinity
and back, searching a section of sky each
time. To be able to sce at such distances is
a gift that's hard to explain, and only one
other man and | could do it. The other
guys, who had excellent eyesight on the
ground, took it on faith that the two of us
actually saw something far out there. I
didn't even radio to the others but just
kept us heading toward the German fight-
ers from out of the sun. We were at 28,000
fect and closing fast. Soon I was able to
count 22 individual specks. I figured they
were Me-109s sitting up there, waiting for
our bombers. And I was right.
"They were just circling and waiting and
didn't sec us coming at them out of thc
sun. Wc closed to about 1000 yards, and if
their leader saw us, he probably thought
we were additional 109s, because he made
no effort to scramble out of our way. In the
lead, I was the only one yet in firing range,
and I came in behind their tail-end Char-
lie and was about to begin hammering him
when he suddenly broke left and ran into
his wingman. They both bailed out. It was
almost comic: 1 scored two quick victories
without firing a shot. But apparently the
big shortage in Germany was not of air-
planes but of pilots, and the Germans were
probably under orders to jump for it in
tight spots. By now, all the airplanes in
that sky had dropped their wing
were spinning and diving in a wild, wide-
open dogfight. I blew up a 109 from 600
yards—my third victory—when 1 turned
around and saw another angling in be-
hind me. I pulled back on my throttleso hard
that I nearly stalled, rolled up and over,
me in behind and under him, kicking
ight rudder and simultaneously firing. Í
was directly underneath the guy, less than
50 feet away, and I opened up that 109 as
if it were a can of Spam. That made four.
A moment later, I waxed a guy's fanny in
a steep dive: I pulled up at about 1000
feet; he augered straight into the ground.
On rainy nights in the flight leader's
Nissen hut, we'd listen to Glenn Miller
records and toast grilled-checse sand-
wiches on the coke stove. If we'd had a
good day at work, we heated a poker red-
hot and branded another swastika on the
front door. Each swastika represented a
dogfight victory, and by the end of my
tour, that door displayed 50. During the
last week in November, I became a double
ace with 11 kills by shooting down four
German planes during a historic dogfight
Glennis remembers: Being a military
pilot's wife seemed exciting, especially
dE - 5
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ME. cem cU
"And if you look to your right, we see the home of
Voltaire . . . and next door... .”
with a husband like Chuck, who loved
action, whether it was flying or hunting or
fishing. So I was primed to say “Yes!” if
and when he ever proposed. He arrived at
my door in California, straight from the
war in Europe, and told me to pack.
“I'm taking you home to meet my folks.”
“What for?" I asked.
“What do you think?” he replied.
I reported to Wright Field in July 1945,
a few weeks before the atomic bomb ended
the war. I was assigned as an assistant
maintenance officer to the fighter-test sec-
tion of the flight-test division—the hub
over the next decade for the testing of a
radically new generation of powerful air-
planes that would take us to the edge of
space and change aviation forever. Two
weeks after arriving at Wright, I was flying
the first operational American jet fighter.
I had no idea what the future might
hold. It was like having Aladdin's lamp
with unlimited rubs. I could fly as much as
I wanted, building flying experience on
dozens of different kinds of fighters. The
first chance I got, I flew to Hamlin and
buzzed Glennis, who was living with my
folks because we couldn’t find any housing
at Wright. I called her that night and said,
“J miss you, hon, but I’m in hog heaven."
I had a small office between hangars
seven and eight, where all the fighters
were kept, and got to know some of the test
pilots. It never occurred to me that I could
be one of them—I lacked the education.
All of them were college grads, mostly
with engineering degrees. There were
about 25 fighter test pilots, and they
weren't shy about their status. They were
the stars of the show. I thought, Well, fair
enough. If they’re fighter test pilots, they
must be hotter than a whore's pillow.
So, every time I took off in a P-51 on a
test hop, I climbed to 15,000 feet and cir-
cled over Wright, waiting for one of those
guys to take off. As soon as a test pilot
climbed to altitude, I dove at him. I went
through the entire stable of test pilots and
waxed every fanny. A few of them fought
back halfheartedly, but none of them had
any combat experience, and when they
saw that I was merciless, they just quit.
And they weren’t amused at being shown
up by an assistant maintenance officer.
I flew six to eight hours a day; I flew
everything they had, including most of the
captured German and Japanese fighters. I
checked out in 25 different airplanes. I
never did understand how a pilot could
walk by a parked airplane and not want to
crawl into the cockpit and fly off. 1 would
touch ground just long enough to climb
our of one airplane and service-check
another. I even flew the first prototype jet
fighter, the Bell P-59, which had been
secretly tested on the California desert in
Everything about airplanes interested
me: how they flew, why they flew, what
each could or couldn't do and why. As
much as I flew, I was always learning
something new—whether it was a switch
on the instrument panel I hadn’t noticed
or handling characteristics of the aircraft
in weather conditions I hadn't experi-
enced. In order to have an eager curiosity
about an airplanc's systems, you've got to
love engines and valves and all those
mechanical gadgets that make most peo-
ple yawn. It was a terrific advantage when
something went wrong at 20,000 feet.
The jet age arrived for me the day I was
seated in the cockpit of the Lockheed P-80
Shooting Star—the first operational
American jet fighter. I felt like I was flying
for the first time. I greased that thing in on.
landing, as happy as a squirrel hunter who
had bagged a mountain lion.
But I came within an inch of being
bounced out of test-pilot school and out of
“By golly, Pam, before I met you, I didn’t know
how happy happy hour could be.”
. 1 took off with my instructor
one day in a two-seat prop trainer to run a
power-speed test at 5000 feet. Suddenly,
the master rod blew apart in the engine
and the ship began to vibrate as if it
would fall apart. I cut back on the power
and began looking down to sce where I
could make an emergency landing. We
were over Ohio farmland with plenty of
plowed fields. I didn’t want to bail out
unless it was absolutely necessary. My
instructor, a Lieutenant Hatfield, hadn't
done much flying, and I looked back at
him in the mirror and saw that his teeth
were sticking to his lips. I said, “No sweat.
Lock your shoulder harness and make sure
your belt is tight, because I'm gonna try
and make it into one of these fields.”
"There was a farm with fields on either
side, and [ started to set mysell up on one
of them. But I was sinking too fast coming
in on a dead stick to make one field and.
was really too high to use all of the other,
so we came in between the two, directly in
the path of the farmhouse, a chicken
house, a smokehouse and a well. Wheels
up, we hit the ground, slithering along,
and went through the chicken house in a
clatter of boards and a cloud of feathers.
As the airplane skidded to a stop, the right
wing hit the smokehouse, turning us side-
ways, and the tail hit the front end of the
farmhouse porch, flipping us around. We
came to rest right alongside the farmwife’s
kitchen window. She was at the sink, look-
ing out, and I was looking her right in the
eye. Dust and feathers were raining down.
Topened the canopy and managed a small
smile. “Morning, ma'am," I said. “Can I
use your telephone?"
Because there had been a loss of civilian
property, a board of inquiry was held. One
of the witnesses was a councilman in a
nearby village who claimed that before 1
crash-landed, 1 had buzzed down Main
Street. Lieutenant Hatfield, who was my
passenger, supported my denial, but those
four majors on the board seemed hostile in
their questioning, and I was scared to
death. I could easily be court-martialed.
The barograph aboard my airplane was
my best defense. It clearly showed my alti-
tude at the time of the engine problem and
what we were doing before I hit. Without
I had figured that our lives would settle.
down as soon as I got test-pilot school
behind me. Little did I know. A few
months after I graduated, I was selected to
be the principal pilot to fly the X-1 and to
try to break the sound barrier.
Twice during quick trips out to Muroc
Air Base in the Mojave Desert to pick up
airplanes and ferry them back to Wright, 1
saw the X-1 being shackled beneath a
B-29 bomber prior to taking offon a fight.
1t was a small ship, painted bright orange
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and shaped like a .50-caliber machine-gun
bullet. Somebody told me it was rocket-
propelled with 6000 pounds of thrust,
designed to fly at twice the speed of sound.
"That was beyond my understanding, and 1
let it go at that.
The pilot was a civilian named
Chalmers “Slick” Goodlin. He was a
sharp-looking guy, rumored to be making
a fortune from Bell in these risky flights. 1
heard he was real hot, and he had to be to
walk away from a few of those X-1 tests. In
those days, civilians did all of the research
flying, so they could be paid risk bonuses;
nobody wanted to ask an Air Corps pilot
to risk his neck on a military pay check
I was busy doing air shows and flight-
test work; being the most junior test pilot
in the shop, I was lucky to be asked to
make coffee, but 1 did manage to get a few
interesting jobs. In May 1947, I attended a
meeting of all the fighter test pilots,
requesting volunteers to fly the X-1. My
friends and fellow test pilots Bob Hoover
and Jack Ridley raised their hands along
with me and five others.
Hoover and I were renegades who were
gone a lot of the time and definitely
weren't part of the clique, so all we heard
was that the X-1 research program was in
some sort of trouble and that the Air
Corps was planning to take it over from
Bell and Slick Goodlin. I said, "Sure, put
my name down,” knowing there were at
least a dozen others with more seniority in
the section; then I flew off to Cleveland to
do an air show. Colonel Albert G. Boyd
was also there, and I flew back on his
wing. He was head of the flight-test divi-
sion and a tough, demanding disciplinar-
ian. When he landed, I remarked on the
radio, “Not bad for an old man."
Colonel Boyd wasn't amused. “Who
said that?” he barked. There was absolute
silence, though I figured my drawl had
given me away. Colonel Boyd had just
bought a new car, and he was the kind
who kept meticulous records about its per
formance. So a couple of us decided to put
some pebbles in his hubeaps. We watched
from a window: He backed up, stopped,
got out, looking puzzled, got back in,
drove a little more, stopped, got out. We
laughed until we almost wet our pants.
But a few days later, he sent for me, and
I thought, Oh, God, here we go! It was
either the pebbles or my remark when he
landed that had caught up with me. Colo-
nel Boyd never looked sterner, and when I
saluted in front of his desk, he kept me
standing at attention for nearly half an
hour while we talked. I left in a state of
but he sure moved around the edges. He
asked me why I had volunteered, and I
told him it seemed like an interesting pro-
gram, something else to fly. He said,
“Yeager, this is the airplane to fly. The first
shock. He didn't exactly offer me thc
Johnson, to take a test flight а
pilot who goes faster than sound will be in
the history books. It will be the most his-
toric ride since the Wright brothers’. And
that’s why the X-1 was built.” He told me
there were all kinds of incredible planes on
the drawing boards, including an aircraft
that could fly six times faster than the
speed of sound and a supersonic bomber
powered by an atomic reactor. The Air
Corps was developing a project that would
put military pilots into space—but all
these plans were stuck on a dime until the
X-1 punched through the sound ba
haven't any doubt it will be done,
nel Boyd told me, “and that an Air Corps
pilot will be the one to do it."
He told me why the Air Corps was tak-
ing over the program. Slick Goodlin had
contracted with Bell to take the X-1 up to
0.8 Mach, which he had done. Then he
had renegotiated his contract and
demanded $150,000 to go beyond Mach
one. Point eight Mach was phase one of
the program. Phase two was to take it on
out to 1.1 Mach—supersonic. Slick had
completed 20 powered flights but felt that
things were getting too thrilling and tried
to renegotiate his bonus by asking that it
be paid over five years to beat taxes. Bell
had brought in their chief test pilot, Tex
d verify the
danger involved. He had flown around
075 Mach reported that Slick
deserved every dime he asked for. But the
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lat plan idea, and until the
matter was resolved, Slick refused to fly.
‘The Air Corps had lost patience with all
the delays апа decided to take over the
-1 project.
I asked the old man if he thought there
was a sound barrier. “Hell, no,” he said,
“or 1 wouldn't he sending out one of my
pilots. But I want you to know the hı
ards. There are some very good aviation
people who think that at the speed of
sound, air loads may go to infinite. Do you
know what that means?"
“Yes, sir," I said. “That would be it.”
He nodded. *Nobody will know for sure
what happens at Mach one until some-
body gets there.”
Before his death in 1976, Major General
Albert G. Boyd remembered: I asked my
deputy, Colonel Fred Ascani, to sit down
with me and review all of the 125 pilots in
the flight-test division and sce what kind of
list we could compile.
І wanted a pilot capable of doing
extremely precise, scientific flying. Above
all, 1 wanted a pilot who was rock solid in
stability. Yeager came up number one.
Major General Fred Ascani remembers:
Wall, we all wanted to be somebody, but
some got to be somebody more than others.
In those days, Chuck wasn't quite a
nobedy, but he wasn't a somebody, cither,
and I knew him mostly by reputation,
which was as an extremely proficient pilot
who flew with an uncanny, instinctive feel
for the airplane. He's the only pilot Гуе
ever flown with who gives the impression
that he’s part of the cockpit hardware—so
in tune with the machine that instead of
being flesh and blood, he could be an
autopilot. He made an airplane talk.
Glennis remembers: When 1 moved out to
Muroc, I was practically the only wife
there. Shortly after we settled in, Chuck
drove me to the base to show me the X-1
He purposely hadn't told me that he had
named the plane Glamorous Glennis, but
there it was, written below the cockpit,
just like he'd done on his Mustang in
England. This was an important research
airplane and I was very surprised. And
proud. He said, "You're my good-luck
charm, hon. Any airplane I name after
you always brings me home.” [ really
think that’s why the Air Corps allowed my
name to stay on the X-1. Chuck didn't ask
permission to do it, and they weren't
delighted that he had—the official pic-
tures of the ship had my name airbrushed
out—but none of the brass wanted to
interfere with his good-luck charm and
perhaps jinx the mission. So Chuck got his
way and I had a namesake that one da
would be displayed in the Smithsonian
near another famous airplane, the first onc
flown by the Wright brothers.
Shivering, 1 hanged my gloved hands
together and strapped on my oxygen mask
inside the coldest airplane ever flown. I
was cold-soaked from the hundreds of gal-
lons of liquid-oxygen fuel stored in the
compartment directly behind at minus 296
degrees Fahrenheit. No heater. no de-
froster—I'd just have to grit my teeth
for the next 15 minutes until I landed and
felt that hot desert sun. But that cold saps
your strength: It's like trying to work and
concentrate inside a frozen-food locker.
"That cold will take you on the ride of
your life. You watched the X-l get its
seven-A м. {ceding in a cloud of vapor, saw
the frost form under its orange belly. That
was cerie; you're carrying 600 gallons of
LOX and water alcohol that can blow
up at the flick of a
switch and scatter you
over several counties,
But if all goes well,
the beast will chug-
alug a ton of fuel
a minute.
Anyone with
brain cells would
have to wonder
what in hell hc
was doing in
such a situation:
E De Care j
анаи MEXICO.
strapped inside a live bomb that was
about to be dropped from a bomb bay.
The butterflies are fluttering, but you feed
off fear as if it were a high-energy candy
bar. It keeps you alert and focused.
You can’t watch yourself fly. But you
know when you're in sync with the
machine, so plugged into its instruments
and controls that your mind and your
hand become the heart of its operating sys-
tem. You can make that airplane talk and,
like a good horse, the machine knows
when it's in competent hands. You know
what you can get away with. And you can
be wrong only once. You smile reading
newspaper stories about a pilot in a dis-
abled plane who maneuvered to miss a
schoolyard before he hit the ground.
That's crap. In an emergency situation, a
pilot thinks about only one thing—
survival. You don't say anything on the
radio, and you aren't even aware that a
schoolyard exists. That's exactly how it is.
There are at least a dozen ways the X-1
can kill you, so your concentration is total
during the preflight-check procedures. You
load up nitrogen-gas pressures in the
manifolds—your life’s blood, because the
nitrogen gas runs all the internal systems
as well as the flaps and the landing gear.
Then you bleed off the liquid-oxygen man-
ifold and shut it down. All's in order.
Half an hour ago, we taxied out to take-
off in the mother ship. Because of the pos-
sibility of our crashing with so much
volatile fuel, they closed down the base
until we were safely off the ground. That's
the only acknowledgment from the base
commander that we even exist. There’s no
interest in our flights, because practically
nobody at Muroc gives us any chance for
success. Those bastards call our flights
Slick Goodlin’s Revenge. The word is that
he knew when to get out in onc piece by
quitting over money.
One minute to drop. Ridley, my flight
engineer, flashes the word from the co-
pilot’s seat in the mother ship. We're at
25,000 feet as the B-29 noses over and
starts its shallow dive. Major Robert Ca
denas, the driver, starts counting back-
ward from ten.
C-r-r-ack. The bomb-shackle release
jolts you up from your seat, and as you sail
out of the dark bomb bay, the sun explodes
in brightness.
The moment of truth: Ifyou are going to
be blown up, this is likely to be the time.
You light up the first chamber.
Whoosh. Slammed back in your seat, a
tremendous kick in the butt. Nose up and
hold on. Barely a sound; you can hear your
breathing in the oxygen mask—you're
outracing the noise behind you—and for
the first time in а powered airplane, you
can hear the air beating against the wind-
shield as the distant dot that is Hoover's
high-chasc P-80 grows ever bigger. You
pass him like he's standing still, and he
reports seeing diamond-shaped shock
waves leaping out of your fiery exhaust.
ing faster than you can even think
only one of four rocket cham-
bers, you turn off one and light another.
We're streaking up at 0.7 Mach; this
beast’s power is awesome. You've never
known such a fecling of speed while point-
ing up in the sky. At 45,000 feet, where
morning resembles the beginning of dusk,
you turn on the last of the four chambers.
God, what a ride! And you still have
nearly half your fuel left.
Pancho's was a dude ranch as well as a
watering hole and barbecue. One night we
walked over to the corral and had them
saddle up a couple of horses. It was a
pretty night, and we rode for about an
hour. We decided to race back. Unf
nately, there was no moon, otherwise 1
would have seen that the gate we had gone
out of was now closed. I saw the gate only
“Ask her if she can bring a horny friend for me!”
when I was practically on top of it. I was
slightly in the lead, and I tried to veer and
miss it, but it was too late. We hit the gate
and I tumbled through the air. The horse
got cut and I was knocked silly. The next
thing I remember was Glennis kneeling
over me, asking me if I was OK. I was
woozy, and she helped me stand up. It
took a lot for me to straighten up; I felt like
Thad a spear in my side.
y. “You broke
a rib,” she said. She was all for driving
straight to the base hospital.
I said, "No, the flight surgeon will
ground me.”
“Well, you can't fly with broken ribs,”
she argued.
“IfI can't, I won't; if I can, I will."
Monday morning, I struggled out of
bed. My shoulder was sore, and I ached
generally from bumps and bruises, but my
ribs near to Killed me. Glennis drove me
over to Rosamond, where a local doctor
confirmed that I had two cracked ribs and
taped me up. Hc told me to take it easy.
The tape job really helped. The pain was
at least manageable, and I was able to
drive myself to the base that afternoon.
I was really low. I felt we were on top of
these flights now, and I wanted to get
them over with. And as much as I was
hurting, I could only imagine what the old
man would say if I were grounded for fall-
ing off a horse. So I sat down with Jack
Ridley. I said, “If this were the first flight,
1 wouldn't even think about trying it with
these busted sumbitches. But, hell, I know
every move I've got to make, and most of
the major switches are right on the
control-wheel column.”
He said, “True, but how in hell are you
gonna be able to lock the cockpit door?
“That takes some lifting and shoving." So
we walked into the hangar to see what we
were up against.
We looked at the door. Jack said, “Let's
sce if we can get a stick or something that
you can use in your left hand to raise the
handle up on the door to lock it. Get it up.
at least far enough where you can get both
hands on it and get a grip on i
We looked around and found a broom
Jack sawed off a ten-inch piece of broom-
stick, and it fit right into the door handle.
"Then I crawled into the X-I and we
it out. By using that broomstick to raise
the door handle, I found I could manage
to lock it. We tried it two or three times,
and it worked. Finally, though, Ridley
said, “Jesus, son, how are you gonna get
down the ladder?”
I said, “One rung at a time. Either that
or you can piggyback me,”
Jack respected my judgment. “As long
as you really think you can hack it,” he
said. We left that piece of broomstick in
the X-1 cockpit.
Glennis drove me to the base at six AM
It was October 14, 1947—the ninth test
flight of the X-1. The moment we picked
up speed, I fired all four rocket chambers
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in rapid sequence. We climbed at 0.88
Mach and began to buffet, so I flipped the
stabilizer switch and changed the setting
two degrees. We smoothed right out, and
at 36,000 feet, I turned off two rocket
chambers. At 40,000 feet, we were still
climbing at a speed of 0.92 Mach. Leveling
off at 42,000 feet, I had 30 percent of my
fuel, so I turned on rocket chamber three
and immediately reached 0.96 Mach. I
noticed that the faster I got, the smoother
the ride.
Suddenly, the Mach needle began to
fluctuate. It went up to 0.965 Mach, then
tipped right off the scale. I thought I was
seeing things. We were flying supersonic!
And it was as smooth as a baby's bottom:
Grandma could bc sitting up there sipping
lemonade. I kept the specd off the scale for
about 20 seconds, then raised the nose to
slow down.
I was thunderstruck. From 0.965 Mach
to supersonic was one unexpected dip!
And in the blink of an сус. After all the.
anxiety about breaking it, the sound bar-
rier had turned out to be a perfectly paved
speedway. I radioed Jack in the B-29.
"Hey, Ridley, that Machmeter is acting
screwy. It just went off the scale on me.”
“Fluctuated off?"
“Yeah, at point nine six five.”
‘Son, you is imagining things.”
“Must be. I’m wearing my cars and
nothing else fell off, neither.”
The guys in the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) track-
ing van interrupted to report that they
heard what sounded like a distant rumble
of thunder: my sonic boom—the first one
by an airplane ever heard on earth! The
X-1 was supposedly capable of reaching
nearly twice the speed of sound, but the
Machmeter aboard registered to only 1.0
Mach, which showed how much confi-
dence the Air Corps had; I estimated I
had reached 1.05 Mach. (Later data
showed it was 1.06 Mach—700 miles per
And that was it. I sat up there fecling
kind of numb but elated. After all the
anticipation of achieving this moment, it
really was a letdown. [t had taken a
damned instrument meter to tell me what
Fd done. There should have been a bump.
on the road, somcthing to let vou know
you had just punched a nice clean hole
through that sonic barrier. The unknown
was a poke through Jell-O.
Major General Fred. Ascani remembers:
Colonel Boyd came into my office. “Well,
they did it,” he said, and from the grin on
his face I didn't have to wonder what he
was talking about. Coincidentally, only a
few days before Chuck's historic flight,
President "Truman had declared the Army
Air Corps to hc a separate branch of the
Service. We were now officially the U.S.
Air Force. What better way to celebrate
than to crow about this flight? In fact, wc
had planned to go after cvery aviation
record on the books as soon as the speed of
sound was achieved and really give the
Navy a run for its money. So we were
shocked when orders came down from
the highest levels in Washington to clamp
the security lid on this flight. And it stayed
clamped more than eight months.
The public was kept in the dark, but
official Washington knew all about it, and
everybody wanted to meet the intrep-
id hero who had broken the awesome
sound barrier. I recall General Hoyt Van-
denberg’s getting the word back to us at
Wright to “keep that damned hillbilly
Yeager out of Washington.” The general
was very Ivy League. But he was whistling
in the dark. About a week after he made
the flight, we flew Chuck back to Wright
and had a top-secret ceremony in the
commanding gencral's office, where he
received the Distinguished Flying Cross. I
remember his whispering afterward, “1
needed that like a hole in the head.”
He played his new fame perfectly and
knocked Washington on its ear. Very mod-
est, very matter-of-fact, an casygoing, lika-
ble country boy with more bravery than
Prince Valiant. The Secretary of Defense
and the Senators who met him were in
awe. They shook their heads in wonder,
patted him on the back and asked him to
autograph the pictures he had taken with
them. Chuck wasn’t play acting; he was
just being himself. But he was also astute
and knew the impact he was making. He
had big balls and he knew it. But he
played the hillbilly to the hil: “Aw,
shucks, I just happened to be at the right
place at the right time. It was no big deal.
Just another job.”
Glennis remembers: 1 saw that flight
what I could see of it, which was mostly
the white contrails from Chuck’s engine
exhaust streaking up in the sky. I didn’t
hear the sonic boom when he flew at Mach
one, because it was about 40 miles away,
so I had no idea that anything special had
happened. I recall he drove up in the fire
chiefs truck, got out and flopped into our
car. “Tm beat,” he said. “Let's go home.”
1 tumed on the ignition and was about to
drive off when Dick Frost and Bob Hoover
came running oyer and began clapping
him on the back and making a big fuss.
And that’s how I found out that Chuck
had broken the sound barrier.
Dick Frost, Bell. project engineer on the
X-1, remembers: 1 didn't leam that Chuck
had broken his ribs until a long time later,
but it was so typical of him to be matter-
of-fact, He was going to go home with
Glennis, but we said, “No way." I remem-
ber grabbing him and jumping up and
down, We were one happy bunch. We went
over to the operations office, where I
called Larry Bell at the plant to tell him
the news. Chuck and Ridley called Colo-
nel Boyd. Then we went over to the ofli-
cers’ club to cat and drink a toast. We
planned a big party that night out at
Pancho's. Meanwhile, Colonel Boyd's
office called back and informed us that the
tightest possible security lid had been
clamped on the flight. It was not to be dis-
cussed with or disclosed to anyone. Well,
Muroc was a small base, and here we
were, rowdy and celebrating in the officers"
club—the word was definitely out. But
orders were orders, so we decided against
holding a party at Pancho's. Instead,
about 4:30, we drove to Chuck's house.
He fixed us a pitcher of martinis.
Around six, we decided to go on to my
house and continue partying. It really was
bizarre being forced to celebrate in secret
the most historic flight of the age.
Chuck had an old motorcycle that
Pancho had given him—a beat-up old
thing without headlights. He cranked up
the motorcycle and led the way. We were
so damned excited and happy about what
we had accomplished that we sat around
cackling like geese, insulting the hell out of
onc another, and by eight or nine o'clock,
we were definitely pickled.
No one was in any condition to drive
and certainly not to drive a damned
motorcycle. Hoover and 1 urged Chuck to
leave his bike at my house and drive back
to his place with us. He said, “Aw, shit, 1
can manage. No sweat.” Needless to say,
he prevailed. It was decided that I would
provide his headlights. He said, “Yeah,
well, ГІ keep right in front of you all."
He got on the bike and cranked it up. It
sounded louder than the X-I, and right
then I should have known we were in trou-
ble. He roared away. Hoover and 1 fol-
lowed in my Chevy coupe. By the time we
got on the road, Yeager was way ahead,
blazing off in the dark. Now, this is a road
out in the boonies, not much traffic, noth-
ing but desert on either side, so on a moon-
less night, the darkness is total. Only
somebody with Yeager’s incredible eye-
sight would have dared to drive it without
headlights. And he didn’t just drive it.
‘That son of a bitch was racing it. He was
nowhere in sight
But just as we approached a right-angle
turn in the road, Hoover and | saw a big
cloud of dust. You never saw two guys
sober up faster than we did. There was
Chuck stretched out on the road, under-
neath that motorcycle. He had skidded on
sand making his turn. We ran to him, cer-
tain that he was dead. And it was sheer
terror, because he was the man of the
hour, who had just broken thc sound bar-
rier, and Hoover and | could be held
accountable for the death of an American
So we pulled that bike off him and saw
that he was not only still alive but giggling
like a loon. He wasn't even scratched.
Chuck got to his feet, still laughing. But
he put up his hands in surrender. He said,
“OK, OK, you guys are right. ГЇЇ take it
easy. I'm sober now." And he started to
get back on that bike
“Bullshit,” I said. “No way. Get your
ass in my car." He shook his head. Off he
went. Hoover and I ran back to my car
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and took off after him. But there he was,
still going balls out in the pitch-dark. We
had a brief glimpse of him crouched low
over the handle bars, and then he just
zoomed out of sight. By the time we pulled
up at his house, he was in the kitchen, fix-
ing us one more pitcher for the road.
I lived balls out, flew the same way. I
had my own standards, and as far as I was
concerned, there was no room for test
pilots who couldn't measure up to the
machines they flew. We dealt with a high-
powered team of scientists and engineers
from NACA, the forerunner of NASA, but,
whatever its initials, I rated it about as
high as my shoelaces. Its pilots were prob-
ably good engineers who could fly pre-
cisely, but they were sorry fighter pilots.
"Today it is a new breed. I'll take my hat off
to any of the NASA pilots flying shuttle.
Neil Armstrong may have been the first.
astronaut on the moon, but he was the last
guy at Edwards to take any advice from а
military pilot. Neil was NACA's backup
pilot on the X-15. One day his civilian
boss, Paul Bikle, called me to say that
NACA was scheduling an X-15 flight and
planned to use Smith's Ranch Lake as an
emergency landing site. Smith's Ranch
Lake was about 250 miles away, and I told
him that I had flown over it recently and it
was soaked from the winter rains. He said,
“Well, my pilots were over there today and
they said it’s not wet.”
I laughed. “Well, then, be my guest.”
But Paul had doubts of his own or he
wouldn’t have called. He asked me if I
would fly Neil up there and attempt a
landing. “No way,” I said.
“Would you do it in a NACA airplane?”
he asked.
“Hell, no. I wouldn’t do it in any air-
plane, because it just won't work.”
He then asked, “Would you go up there
if Neil flew?”
“OK,” I said. “I'll ride in the back.”
I tried my damnedest to talk Armstrong
out of going. He said, "Well, we won't
land. ГЇЇ just test the surface by shooting a
touch and go”—meaning he'd set down
the wheels, then immediately hit the throt-
tle and climb back up into the sky.
I told him he was crazy. “You're carry-
ing a passenger and a lot of fuel, and that
airplane isn't overpowered anyway. The
moment you touch down on that soggy
lake bed, we'll be up to our asses in mud.
The drag will build up so high, you won't
be able to get off the ground again."
He said, *No sweat, Chuck. ГЇЇ just
touch and go."
And that's exactly what Armstrong did.
He touched, but we sure as hell didn't go.
The wheels sank into the muck and we sat
there, engine screaming, wide-open, the
airplane shaking like a moth stuck on fly-
paper. I said from the back, "Neil, why
don't you turn off the sumbitch? It ain't
doin’ nothin’ for you.”
He turned off the engine and we sat
176 there in silence. I would've given a lot to
sec that guy's face. Very soon it would be
dark and the temperature would drop to
below freezing. We were wearing only thin
flying suits and the nearest highway was
30 miles away. "Any ideas?" I asked him.
Neil shook his head.
Bcforc dark, NACA sent out a DC-3 to
search for us. I got on the horn with the
pilot and told him to give us time to walk
over to the edge of the lake bed, about a
mile away. I told him to touch down but
not to stop. “Open the door and keep on
moving while we jump aboard." He did а
good job, and when we got back to
Edwards, Bikle was sull there. I don't
know what he said in private to Arm-
strong, but when he saw me, he burst out
The Air Force had hoped to put the first
men into space, but the Eisenhower
Administration had chosen NASA—a
civilian agency that, ironically, selected all
military pilots for its first group of astro-
nauts. The Air Force wasn't interested in
going to the moon. We had had plans on
the boards since 1947 for orbiting military
space stations manned with our own astro-
nauts. We knew damned well that the Rus-
sians had similar plans, and we aimed to
beat them to it. In 1961, I was appointed
to head the new Air Force Acrospace
Research Pilot School at Edwards to
train military astronauts.
NASA's Mercury astronauts had been
chosen before our school geared up. But
over the next six years, the space agency
recruited 38 of our graduates to its corps of
astronauts. Some of our guys turned the
NASA people down flat. They came back
from their interviews in Houston and told
me, “Were overqualified for their pro-
gram. All we get to do is take a ride, like
one of those damned chimps they sent up.
We don't want to get involved, because
everything is controlled from the ground
and there is nothing to fly.”
I said, *Hell, I don't blame you. I
wouldn't want to have to sweep off mon-
keyshit before I sat down in that capsule."
But as time went on, NASA made its
program damned attractive to recruits. It
was in a tough spot, needing outstanding
pilots who were little more than Spam in
the can, throwing the right switches on
instructions from the ground. Even then,
they had trouble landing precisely and it
sometimes took half the Navy to locate a
capsule bobbing in the Pacific, miles from
where it should have been. Also, NASA
had many more astronauts than available
rides, and a lot cf guys never flew ог had to
wait for years to get their opportunity. So
the agency sold its program like one of
those fly-by-night land developers selling
tracts in the desert. For signing up, a guy
got a free expensive house, donated by a
Realtor in Houston, and a cut of a lucra-
tive contract with Time-Life. The glamor,
splash and money made it attractive to
some pilots. The guys came back from
their interviews and told me, “All the talk
in Houston is about how much money we
are going to make.”
My attitude was that they shouldn't get
a dime for being selected for the program,
especially when the risks involved weren't
half as great as some of the research flying
done at Edwards over the years.
Risk was what our life was all about,
and take my word for it, I was always
afraid of death. Facing death takes many
different kinds of courage. There's battle-
field courage where a guy, hopelessly
trapped, suddenly decides to take as many
of the enemy as he can with him before he
himself is killed. Many Congressional
Medals of Honor were awarded posthu-
mously for that kind of heroics. Then there
is a more calculated kind of courage that
comes when you are strapped inside а
bullet-shaped rocket airplane to fy at
speeds at which many experts think the
ship will disintegrate. Does that kind of
courage merit the Medal of Honor? I was
awarded that medal the year after I
retired, and the nicest part about winning
it was that I received it standing up.
The Right Stuff? I don't deny that I was
damned good. If there is such a thing as
"the best," I was at least one of the title.
contenders. But what really strikes me as I
look back over all those years is how lucky
I was—how lucky, for example, to have
been born in 1923 and not 1963, so that I
came of age just as aviation itself was
entering the modern era. Being in my early
20s right after the war was the key to
everything that happened in my life, plac-
ing me smack in the golden age of aviation
research and development, allowing me to
participate in the historic leap from prop
engines to jets and from jets to rockets and
outer space. For Christopher Columbus to
make his mark on history, he had to be
born at a time when the world was
believed to be flat. For me to make mine,
people had to think that the sound barrier
was a brick wall in the sky. Reaching my
21st birthday in the age of the Concorde
would have done me no good at all.
Not that flying today isn’t fascinating,
but technology has removed much of the
stress and danger that made being a test
pilot similar to being a matador. Still, life
is as unpredictable as flying in combat.
If the day comes when a flight surgeon
tells me I can’t fly anymore in high-
performance jets, I can always sneak out
back and fly ultralights.
Not long ago, the Piper Cub people
asked me to fly one of their airplanes non-
stop from Seattle to Atlanta to try to estab-
lish a new distance speed record. I did it
and shaved a couple of hours off the old
record. So nobody needs to remind me of
how lucky I am.
I haven't yet done everything, but by
the time I’m finished, I won't have missed
much. If I auger in tomorrow, it won't be
with a frown on my face.
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(continued from page 95)
“T know where I belong, but I just keep coming out
to the Strip. It’s a fatal attraction.”
know, but I love the hotels at night. I come
in, I breathe deep, I'm a young man again.
All the old words come back, run around
inside my mind like squirrels. You know
what I mean, Chuck?”
“Excitement,” suggested the dealer,
“Oh, sure. Oh, yes. By day, you know, I
hang around downtown. You know those
places. Big sign out front: PENNY SLOTS. FREE
“State of the art, sir—no matter where it hits, it
destroys the entire world.”
BREAKFAST. Penny slots.” The old man
made a laugh sound in his throat—heh-
heh—that turned into something like a
“Sir,” said the dealer, "I want to give
you some friendly advice.” He'd seen past
the imperfectly shaved cheeks now, the
frayed raincoat, the charity-service neck-
Че. This was an old bum, a derelict, onc of
the many ancient, alcoholic, homeless,
friendless, familyless husks the dry wind
blows across the desert into the stone-and-
neon baffle of Las Vegas. “You don’t
belong here, sir,” he explained. “I’m
doing you a favor. Security can get kind of
rough, to discourage you from coming
“Oh, I know about that, Chuck!” the
old man said, and this time he laughed
outright. “I belong downtown, with those
penny slots. Start all over again, Chuck!
Build a stake on those slot machines down
there, penny by penny, penny by penny,
come back!”
“Sir, I'm telling you for your own
“Chuck, listen.” Hands in raincoat
pockets, the old man leaned closer over the
table. “I want to tell you a quick story,”
he said, “and then I'll go. Then we'll go.
"The dealer's eyes moved left and right.
His shift boss was down by the active
tables. His relief dealer was almost duc.
“Keep it short," he said.
“Oh, I will!’ His hands almost came
out of the raincoat pockets, then didn’t.
“Chuck,” he said, “I know where I belong,
but I just keep coming out to the Strip. late
at night. It’s a fatal attraction. You know
what that is, Chuck?"
"I think so," the dealer said. He
thought about showgirls.
“But what makes it, Chuck? Look
around. No windows, no clocks, no day or
night in here. But it’s only at night 1 like
these places. That’s when they make me
feel . . . good. Now, why's that?”
“1 wouldn't know, sir.”
The old man said, “Well, I was in here
one time, and a couple of security fellows
took me out back by the loading dock to
discourage me a little. There were all these.
tall grecn-metal cans there, like if you have
bottled gas delivered to your house out in
the country, and I bumped into them and
fell off the loading dock and all these big
green-metal cans rolled off and landed on
me. And that’s why I was in the hospi-
The dealer looked at him. “But here you
arc back again.”
“It’s the old fatal attraction, Chuck."
“You'd better get over it.”
“Oh, I'm going to.” Once again, the old
man’s hands almost came out of his rain-
coat pockets but didn’t. “But I thought Га
tell somebody first about those green cans.
Because, Chuck, here's the funny part.
They had them in the hospital, too."
“Ys that right?”
“That's right. “What's that?’ I asked the
nurse. ‘Oxygen,’ she said. ‘Any time you
see а tall can like that, if it’s green, you
know it's oxygen. That's a safety measure
on account of oxygen’s so dangerous. You
get that stuff near any kind of fire and the
whole thing’ll burn like fury.’ Did you
know that, Chuck? About green meaning
“No, I didn’t.”
“Well, what I kept thinking was: Why
does a big Strip hotel need about fifty cans
of oxygen? And then I remembered the big
hotel fire on the Strip a couple years ago.
Remember that one?”
“I do,” the dealer said.
“It said in the papers there was a fire-
ball crossed six hundred feet of main
casino in seventeen seconds. That's fast,
“I suppose it is.”
“In there, in the hospital," the old man
said, “I had this thought: What if, late at
night, here in the casino, with no windows
and no clocks, air conditioning out of vents
all over, what if . . . Chuck, what if they
add oxygen to the air? The very air we
breathe, Chuck, this air all around us.”
The old man looked around. “Here in this
spider's parlor.”
“I wouldn't know anything about that,”
the dealer said, which was the absolute
“Well, I wouldn’t know, either, Chuck.
But what if it's true? Spice up the air at
night with extra oxygen, make the gam-
blers feel a little happier, a little more
"Pm going to have to call security
now,” the dealer said.
“Oh, Pm almost donc, Chuck. You sec,
those penny slots downtown, they won't
lead me back anywhere. I threw myself
away, and lm not coming back at all. |
would have checked out of thi. еп life
two or three years ago, Chuck, if it hadn't
been for this fatal attraction. Come out to
the Strip late at night. Breathe deep. Get а
little high on that extra oxygen, begin to
hope again, get roughed up by security."
""They don't do that with the oxygen."
“They don't? Well, Chuck, you may be
right." The old man took his hands from
his raincoat pockets. In his right hand, he
held a can of lighter fluid; in his left, a
kitchen match. "Let's see," he said and
squirted a trail of lighter fluid onto the
green felt of the table.
The dealer, wide-eyed, stomped down
hard on the button. “Stop that!” he said.
The old man kept squirting lighter fluid,
making dark puddles in the felt. “Security
coming, Chuck?” he asked.
“Good. Га like them to travel with us,”
the old man said and scraped the match
along the edge of the table.
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(continued from page 152)
“T got a feeling we're being followed,’ said DUN,
squatting down behind a rock.”
you up. I wish y'all a lotta luck. Boy, this
air has a punch like a mule. Be careful.
Across thc unfamiliar stars overhead, a
point of light blazed, streaked in a long
arc, then died on the night.
“Well,” said MIK, "we're on our
“Gawrsh, I feel all sad,” said GUF.
The trip was uneventful for the next few
months. They walked across the long land
bridge down a valley between stumps of
mountains with the white tecth of glaciers
still on them. They crossed a low range
and entered flat land, without topsoil,
from which dry river courses ran to the
south. Then there was a land where things
were flowering after the long winter. New
streams sprang up.
They saw fire once and detoured but
found only a burnt patch of forest. Once,
way off in the distance, they saw a speck of
light but didn’t go to investigate, thinking
it only another prairie fire.
Within 200 kilometers of their goal, the
land changed again to a flat, sandy waste
littered with huge rocks. Little vegetation
grew. There were few insccts and animals,
mostly lizards, which DUN chased every
chance he got. The warmth seemed to be
doing him good.
GUF's leg worsened. The foot first
stuck, then flopped and windmilled. GUF
kept humming songs and raggedly march-
ing along with the other two.
DUN stopped, turned and watched
behind them.
“What's wrong?" asked MIK.
“I got a feeling we're being followed,”
said DUN, squatting down behind a rock.
All three watched for a few minutes,
ranging up and down the spectrum.
“DUN, I think mebbe yer seein’ things,
uh-hyuk,” said GUF.
They continued on, DUN stopping
occasionally to watch their trail.
When they passed one of the last trees,
MIK had them all take limbs from it.
“Might come in handy for pushing and
digging,” he said.
They stood on a plain of sand and rough
dirt. There were huge piles of rubble all
around. Far off was another ocean and to
the north, a long, curving patch of green.
“We'll go to the ocean, DUN,” said
MIK, “after we get through here.
He was walking around in a smaller and
smaller circle. Then he stopped. “Well,
huh-huh, here we are,” he said. “Latitude
lorty degrees, forty-four minutes, thirty-
four seconds, point oh cight nine North.
Longitude seventy-three degrees, fifty
minutes, forty-three seconds, point eight
four two West, by the way they used to fig-
ure it. The capsule is straight down,
twenty-eight meters below the original
surface. We've got a long way to go,
because there's no telling how much soil
has drifted over that. It's in a concrete
tube, and we'll have to dig to the very bot-
tom to get at the capsule. Let’s get work-
ites early morning when they started.
Just after noon, they found the top of the
tube with its bronze tablet.
“Here's where the hard work starts,”
said MIK.
It took almost a week of continuous
effort. Slowly the tube was exposed as the
hole around it grew larger. Since GUF
could work better standing still, they had
him dig all the time, while DUN and MIK
both dug and pushed rock and dirt clear of
the crater.
They found some long, flat iron rods
part way down and threw away the worn
tree limbs and used the metal to better
On one of his trips to push dirt out of the
hole, DUN came back looking puzzled.
“I'm sure 1 saw something moving out
there,” he said. “When I looked, it went
"There yuh go again," said GUF.
“Неге, DUN, help me lift this rock.”
It was hard work. Their motors were
taxed. It rained once, and for а while there
was a dust storm.
“Thuh way I see it,” said GUF, looking
at their handiwork, “is that yuh treat it
like a great ol” big tree made o? rock.”
They stood at the bottom of a vast cra-
ter. Up from its center stood the concrete
"We've reached twenty-six meters,”
said MIK. “The capsule itself should bein
the last two point three eight one six
meters. So we should chop it off,” he
quickly calculated, “about here!” He drew
a line all around the tube with a piece of
chalky rock.
They began to smash at the concrete
with rocks and pieces of iron and steel.
“TIMBER!” yelled DUN.
The column above the line lurched and
with a crash shattered itself against the
side of the crater wall.
“Oh, boy! Oh, boy!”
“Come help me, GUF,” said MIK.
Inside the jagged top of the remaining
shaft, an eyebolt stood out of the core.
They climbed up on the edge, reached
in and raised the gleaming Cupraloy time
capsule from its resting place.
On its side was a message to the finders,
and just below the cycbolt at the top was a
line and the words cuT HERE.
“Well,” said MIK, shaking GUF's and
DUN's hands, “we did it, by gum!”
He looked at it a moment.
“How’re we gonna open it?” asked
GUF. “That metal shore looks tough!”
“I think maybe we can abrade it around
the cutting line with sandstone and,
well . .. go get me a real big, sharp piece
of iron, DUN.”
When DUN brought it, MIK handed
the iron to GUF and put his long tail over
a big rock.
“Go ahead, GUF,” he said. “Won’t hurt
me a bit.”
GUF slammed the piece of iron down.
“Uh-hyuk!” he said. “Clean as a whis-
MIK took his severed tail, sat down
cross-legged near the eyebolt, poured sand
on the cutting line and began to rub it
across the line with his tail.
It took a full day, turning the capsule
every few hours.
They pulled off the cyebolt end. A
dusty, waxy mess was revealed.
“That'll be what's left of the waterproof
mastic,” said MIK. “Help me, you two.”
They lifted the capsule. “Twist!” he said.
The metal groaned. “Now, pull!”
A long, thin inner core, two meters by a
third of a meter, slid out.
“OK,” said MIK, putting down the
capsule shell and wiping away mastic.
“This inner shell is threaded in two parts.
Turn that way; ГІЇ turn this.”
They did. Inside was a shiny sealed
glass tube through which they could dimly
see shapes and colors.
“Wow!” said GUF. “Looka that!”
“Oh, boy! Oh, boy!” said DUN.
“That's Pyrex,” said MIK. “When we
break that, we'll be through.”
“Plldo it,” said DUN, picking up a rock.
“Careful!” said GUF.
The rock shattered the glass, There was
a loud noise as the partial vacuum disap-
“Oh, boy!” said DUN,
“Lers do this carefully,” said MIK.
“It’s all supposed to be in some kind of
The first things they found were the
messages from four famous humans and
another whole copy of The Book of the Time
Capsule. GUE picked that up.
There was another book, with a black
cover and a gold cross on it. Then they
came to a section marked ARTICLES OF COM.
MON USE. The first small packet was labeled
Inside were an alarm clock, bifocals, a
camera, a pencil, a nail file, a padlock and
keys, a toothbrush, tooth powder, a safety
pin, a knife, a fork and a slide rule.
The next packet was labeled PERTAINING
Inside were an Elizabeth Arden Cyclamen
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Color Harmony Box, a rhinestone clip and
a woman's hat, style of autumn 1938,
designed by Lilly Daché.
“Golly-wow!” said DUN and put the
hat on over his.
The next packet was marked FOR THE
First out was a small spring-driven toy
car, then a small doll and a set of alphabet
blocks. Then MIK reached in and pulled
out а small cup.
He stared at it a long time. On the side
of the cup was a decal with the name of the
man who had created them and a picture
of MIK, waving his hand in greeting.
“Gawrsh, MIK,” said GUF, “it’s you!”
A tossed rock threw up a shower of dirt
next to his foot.
"They all looked up.
Around the crater edge stood men,
women and children dressed in ragged
skins. They had sharp sticks, rocks and
ugly clubs.
"Oh, boy," said DUN. “People!” He
started toward them.
“Hello!” he said. “We've been trying to
find you for a long time. Do you know the
way to the Park? We want to learn all
about you.”
He was speaking to them in Japanese.
The mob hefted its weapons. DUN
switched to another language
“I said, we come in peace. Do you know
the way to the Park?” he asked in Swed-
They started down the crater, rocks fly-
ing before them.
“What’s the matter with you?” yelled
DUN. “Wak, wak, wak?’ He raised his
“Wait!” said MIK in English. “We're
Some of the crowd veered off toward
“Uh-oh!” said GUF. He took off, clank-
ing up the most sparsely defended side of
the depression.
Then the ragged people yelled and
They got the duck first.
He stood, fists out, jumping up and
down on one foot, hopping mad. Several
grabbed him, one by the beak. They
smashed at him with clubs, pounded him
with rocks. He injured three of them seri-
ously before they smashed him into à
white-blue-and-orange pile.
"Couldn't we, huh-huh, talk this over?”
asked MIK. They stuck a sharp stick into
his ear mechanism, jamming it. One of his
gloved hands was mashed. He fought back
with the other and kicked his feet. He hurt
them, but he was small A boulder
trapped his legs; then they danced on
GUF made it out of the crater. He had
picked the side with the most kids and
they drew back, thinking he was attacking
them. When they saw he was trying to
escape, they gave gleeful chase, bouncing
sticks and rocks off his hobbling form.
“Whoa!” he yelled as more people ran
to intercept him and he skidded to a stop.
He ran up a long, slanting pile of rubble.
More humans poured out of the crater to
get him.
He reached the end of the long, high
mound above the crater rim. His attackers
paused, throwing sticks and rocks, yelling
at him.
“Halp!” GUF yelled. “Haaaaaaaaaalp!”
An arrow sailed into the chest of his
nearest attacker.
GUF turned. Other humans, dressed in
cloth, stood in a line around the far side of
the crater. They had bows and arrows,
metal-tipped spears and carried iron
knives in their belts.
As GUF watched, the archers sent
another flight of arrows into the people
who had attacked the robots.
The skin-dressed band of humans
screamed and fled up out of the crater,
down from the mounds, leaving their
wounded and the scattered contents of the
time capsule behind them
It took a while, but soon the human in
command of the metal-using people and
GUF made themselves understood to each
other. The language was a very changed
English/Spanish mixture.
“We're sorry we didn't know you were
here sooner,” the man said to GUF. “We
rarely get out this far, and we heard you
were here only this morning. Those oth-
ers,” he said with a grimace, “who fol-
lowed you here from the Wastes won't
bother you anymore.”
He pointed to the patch of green to the
north. “Our lands and village are there.
We found this place twenty years ago. It's
a good land, but others raid it as often as
they сап.”
GUF looked down into the crater with
its toppled column and debris, Cigarettes
and tobacco drifted from the glass cylin-
der. The microfilm, with all its books and
knowledge, was tangled all over the rocks.
Samples of aluminum, hypernic and
ferrovanadium gleamed in the dust. Razor
blades, an airplane gear and glass wool
were strewn up the sides of the slope.
The message from Grover Whalen
opening the World's Fair and knowledge of
how to build the microfilm reader were
lost. The newsreel, with its pictures of
Howard Hughes, Jesse Owens and Babe
Ruth, bombings in China and a Miami
Beach fashion show, was ripped and torn.
The golf ball was in the hands of one of the
fleeing children. Poker chips lay side by
side with tungsten wire, combs, lipstick.
GUF tried to guess what some of the items
“They destroyed one of your party,”
said the commander. “I think the other
onc is still alive.”
“ГИ tend to 'em," said GUF.
“We'll take you back to our village,”
said the man. "There are lots of things
we'd like to know about you."
“That goes double fer us," said СОЕ.
“Those other folks pretty much tore up
what we came to find."
GUF picked up the small cup from the
ground. He walked to where they had
MIK propped up against a rock.
“Hello, GUF,” he said. “Huh-huh, I'm
not in such good shape." His glove hung
uselessly on his left arm. His ears were
bent and his nose was chipped. He gave off
a noisy whir when he moved.
“Oh, hyuk-hyuk,” said GUF. “We'll go
back with these nice people, and yuh'll
rest up and be right as rain, I guarantee."
“DUN didn’t make it, did he, GUF?”
GUF was quiet a moment. "Nope,
MIK, he didn’t. I’m shore sorry it turned
out this way. I’m gonna miss thuh ol’ hot-
“Ме, too,” said MIK. “Are we gonna
take him with us?”
“Shore thing,” said GUF. He waved to
the nearby men
The town was in a green valley watered
by two streams full of fish. There were
small fields of beans, tomatoes and corn in
town, and cattle and sheep grazed on the
hillsides, watched over by guards. There
were а coppersmith's shop, a council hut
and many houses of wood and stone.
GUF was walking up the hill to the
house MIK was in.
"They had been there a little more than
two weeks, talking with the people of the
village, telling them what they knew. GUF
usually played with the children when he
and MIK didn’t have to be around the
grown folks. But from the day after they
had buried DUN up on the hill, MIK had
been getting worse. His legs had quit alto-
gether, and he could now see only in the
“Hello, GUF,” said MIK.
“How yuh doin’, pardner?"
“Not so good,” said MIK. “Are they
making any progress on the flume?”
"Two days before, MIK had told them
how to get water more efficiently from one
of the streams up to the middle of the
“We've almost got it now,” said GUF.
“Pm sure they'll be up and thank yuh
when they're finished."
"They don't need to do that," said
“I know, but these are real nice folks,
MIK. And they've had it pretty bad, what
with one thing and another. They like
talkin’ to yuh.”
GUF noticed that some of the women
and children sat outside the hut, waiting to
see MIK.
“I won't stay very long,” said GUF. “I
gotta get back and organize the cadres into
work teams and instructional teams and so
forth, like they asked me to help with.”
"Sure thing, СОЕ,” said MIK.
There was a great whirring noise from
MIK and the smell of burning silicon.
GUE looked away. “They just don't
have thuh stuff here," he said, "that I
could use to fix yuh. Maybe I could find
somethin’ at thuh crater.
"Don't bother,” said MIK. “I
doubt... .”
GUF looked at the village. “Oh,” he
said, reaching into the bag someone had
made him. “I been meaning to give yuh
this fer moren a week and keep
fergettin’.” He handed MIK the cup from
the time capsule with his picture on the
“Гуе been thinking about this since we
found it,” said MIK. He turned it in his
good hand, barely able to see its outline.
“I wonder what else we lost at the crater."
“Lots o' stuff,” said GUF, "but we got
t0 keep this."
“This was supposed to last a long time,”
said MIK, "and tell people what other
people were like for future ages? Then the
people who put this there must really have
liked the man who thought us up!"
“That's fer shore,” said GUF.
“And me, too, I wonder?”
“You probably most ofall,” said GUF.
MIK smiled. The smile froze. His eyes
went white and a thin line of condensation
rose up from the ear tracks. The hand
gripped the cup tightly.
Outside, the people began to sing a real
sad song
It was а bright, sunny morning. GUF
put flowers on MIK's and DUN's graves
at the top of the hill. He patted the earth,
stood up uncertainly.
He had replaced his frozen foot with a
wood-wheeled cart with which he could
skate along almost as easily as walking.
He stood up and thought of MIK. Не
sat his carpenter's cap forward on his head
and whistled a little tune.
He picked up his wooden toolbox and
started off down the hill to build thc kids a
swing set
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(continued from page 80)
confident that there will be no scraping of
tecth, no need to be polite and no obliga-
tion to reciprocate,
With other women, Andy would rather
be the giver but not the orchestrater. He
likes a woman to direct him; then
he knows she’s getting what she wants and
he doesn’t have to worry about his own
performance. “I love it when a woman
puts my head between her legs, and I love
it when she comes. It doesn’t give me a
feeling of power, though. It’s more a feel-
ing of being useful.”
Some men find cunnilingus both a wel-
come refuge from and a handy compensa-
tion for erection worries, since only your
tongue needs to be in working order.
Larry, 40, has been unfaithful on and off
throughout 14 years of marriage. Guilt
about his affairs has triggered spells of
impotence with both his wife and his other
women. “I never know when I'm going to
turn into a eunuch,” he says, “so I learned
early on to give good head—partly out of
guilt for not being able to perform, partly
from the pleasure of having a woman on
the tip of my tongue. But mostly from
machismo: If my sword isn't gonna work,
something's got to.”
“There are men who subscribe to neither
the castration nor the compensation factor
but still are wary of fellatio because of the
con factor. These men tend to have been
around the block a bit. From experience,
they rebel against the subliminal message
that swept through their adolescent minds:
If a girl goes down on you, she'll do any-
thing for you. Neil, 45, would rather give
than receive for two reasons: “1 find it
more erotic to explore a woman's body
than to have her explore mine. And I don’t
want to be conned. I think women put
men on a little bit. Women know that men
love the fantasy of male dominance played
out, and so they go along with it by
them head. Hookers use that. That's why
they have so much contempt for men—
because men are so easily conned.
Max, 55 and on his third marriage, says
he “highly values" fellatio—but although
he’s physically potent when he gets head,
it makes him feel impotent: “I always want
it more than she does, and the person who
cares least always has the most power.”
Repeatedly, he’s found himself compro-
mised by the con factor. “At the beginning
ofa relationship, a woman conquers me by
going down on me and acting like she loves
it,” he says. “Once she's got me, her basic
anger about having to please men comes
out. A woman gives you your sexuality;
she makes you feel potent, so you marry
her; and then she sabotages you and
makes you impotent. Because I’m the one
who thrusts, I suppose I have the power
when it comes to intercourse, but I’ve
never enslaved anyone by it as I’ve been
enslaved by oral sex.” Max chooses to be a
giver, because "it means 1 haven't given
"I'd like to trade up. Will you be part of my home-
entertainment system?
anyone control of my cock.”
His reaction may seem excessive, but
з not unfounded. From the first time a
girl feels а guy's erection during a slow
dance in high school, she suspects that
therein lies not just his power but hers. She
guesses that the way to a man's heart is
likely to be south of his stomach, and soon
she realizes that it behooves her to know
what to do down there, even if she'd rather
be elsewhere. Give a guy a great blow job,
so the story goes, and he'll always call
The reverse of this, according to Robert,
is give a girl great head and she'll drop the
phone. Women aren't the only ones capa-
ble of using oral sex to manipulate a situa-
tion in their favor. Robert, an engaging
raconteur who's quick-tongued in general,
is a master at this. One night he was at а
woman's apartment, beginning to make
love to her, vhen her phone rang. It was
another man she'd been seeing. “It was a
demeaning position for mc to be in, sitting
around waiting for her while she talked to
another guy. She was trying to control me
by letting me cool my heels. I wanted to
put her in her place and even the score,
remind her that she was to be available to
me on my time. As she talked on the
phone, I pushed up her skirt and started
eating her. She got off the phone pretty
damn fast."
Fuck's only what you do. Animals
fuck. But cunt's a lot more than that. It's
thee, dost see. . . . Cunt! Eh, that's the
beauty of thee, lass.
—p. H. LAWRENCE, "Lady
Chatterley's Lover”
And the beast, some women fear. For if
cunt is, literally, female essence and if
there’s anything unsavory about it, then
by definition the woman is unsavory as
well. An old-fashioned thought, OK, but
one that lingers in the female conscious-
ness. À woman is always worried about
what men are thinking of her, and few
things are more worrisome than what a
man is thinking when his mouth is
between her legs.
А woman may dream of the man who
will want her so much and be so accepting
of her that he'll beg to taste and suck her
with all the lights on when she has her
period. "This man will kiss her all the way
down her body, and when he reaches her
“two-leaved Book," as the 18th Century
called it, he will take her tampon string
firmly between his teeth and slowly pull
the thing out.
But it's only a dream. Women are
ambivalent about living out their sexual
fantasies. If this dream man materializes,
she'll be hesitant and confused. Shell
shrink from the physical and correspond-
ing psychological exposure implied by her
fantasy. She'll make excuses and muddle
around doubting his motives. She'll think,
Why would anyone want to go down there
that much? As Helen Lawrenson put it in
her good-natured autobiographical essay
“How Now, Fellatio!,” the first time some-
one performed cunnilingus on her, back in
the Twenties, she thought he had “gone
mad, like what’s-his-name—Nebuchad-
nezzar?—who got down on the ground
and ate grass."
Unless a woman knows a man very well
and feels secure in his affection for her,
she'll be at least fleetingly suspicious of
him when he goes down on her, especially
the first time. She may assume from expe-
rience that he’s doing it not so much out of
desire for her as for the trade-off —do unto
me as I do unto you. Women do tend to
maintain hidden sexual agendas and to be
generally more circuitous in their dealings
with the opposite sex, so they expect from
men what they’re used to in themselves:
What's said and what's meant, or what's
fantasized and what's wanted, can be dif-
ferent things.
Men have been indoctrinated by mod-
ern times into thinking that the only sure
way to satisfy a woman is through oral sex.
ed to the propa-
ganda that they feel guilty if they don't do
so during the first encounter. But most
women can tell whether or not obligation
lurks behind the licks. Women are para-
noid observers of signs and portents when
it comes to cunnilingus. Some habitually
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Y. У
notice the state of a man's erection. If he's
really hard when he begins and is less so
when he comes up, it will be duly noted,
and she'll assume onc of two things with-
out asking for clarification: Either she
smells or tastes bad or he doesn’t like to do
it. She may go on to feel embarrassed
about the former or to hate him for the
latter. Obviously, she'd be better off not
Hilary doesn't enjoy cunnilingus,
because she's worried about taking too
long and it makes her feel resentful and
powerless that someone else has his finger
on the stop watch. Her sense of time pres-
sure often gets expressed through hostility
and bitterness toward the man, sometimes
justifiably, sometimes not. The expecta-
tion of frustration keeps her locked in a
negative cycle: She's afraid to let go,
because she's sure that he'll decide that
her time's up just as she comes close to
If a woman begins with the assumption
that she's not going to be well cared for, it
doesn’t matter how skilled or enthusiastic
a man is about giving head. He just can't
win. With some women, men are damned
if they do and damned if they don't. If
such a woman likes getting head but you
don't do it long enough or in the right
place or without enough enthusiasm, she
thinks you're selfish. If she doesn't like it
but won't say so, you'll do it for too long
and then she'll be turned off by the time
you want to enter her or have her return
the favor. If she does like it and you do it
right and for long enough—well, even
then, there are no guarantees, because
some women feel endangered by sexual
abandon ard the loss of control implied by
it. Such a woman may focus on the man's
pleasure instead—not because she's sub-
missive but because she’s protecting her-
self by holding back.
Jessie, 34, is confident of her skill as a
giver of head, a confidence that has been
reinforced by many lovers. Getting head is
liflerent matter. "When I feel a man
grow in my mouth, I feel power. Giving
head puts me on a completely equal basis
with a man. It’s the only sex act that
doesn't make me feel like a receptacle,
because I’m directing arousal. I can
make him change size; I can make him
come or make him wait. I look at his cock
as a feast. But I discourage a man from
going down on me. My mind won't click
off. I can’t reach that complete concentra-
tion and involvement that [ experience
when I’m giv Why not? “I suppose
because I don’t like to give up that control.
It makes me too vulnerable.”
Occasionally, a man can seize oral con-
trol ofa reluctant woman and be rewarded
for his action. Fred, 28, met a woman on a
business trip. She was about 20 years older
than he was and had just separated from
her husband. She was of a generation that
produced virgins for wedding nights, and
she had never known a man other than her
husband. No one had ever gone down on
her. “J wanted to be the first one,” says
Fred. “She was embarrassed about it and
tried to push me away, but I held her legs
open and told her to relax. I wanted to
make her like it, to break down that bar-
rier, especially because it seemed like one
of those no-no, yes-yes situations. The
third time I did it to her, a few weeks later,
she came. She seemed awed, as if I knew
her better than she knew herself. That def-
initely felt like power. It was the power of
experience— being a professor of sexual
There's onc configuration that, because
of its equality of action, seems to have no
place in S/M pornography such as Story of
О, and that's the pretzeled scene known as
soixante-neuf, or 69. The vocabulary for it
may be limited, but not the opinions of it.
It’s like New York City—people either
love it or hate it. Some say it's the most
mutual, intimate and engrossing sex act
possible; others find it nerve-rackingly
competitive, distracting and uncomfort-
able. People who have had simultaneous
orgasm in it say that the experience is dev-
astating in intensity. It’s not a position
new lovers are likely to curl into without
some prior acquaintance.
In ongoing relationships, there does
seem to be a pattern: The less emotional
the interchange between the partners, the
less likely it is that 69—by definition not a
one-sided act—figures prominently in
their sex life. The pro-69ers tend to be the
ones least likely to relate power to sex and
the ones most likely to prefer intercourse to
either cunnilingus or fellatio alone. “If a
man's between my legs and I'm way up
here,” says Anne, “it feels so detached. I
want a literal physical connection. With
men I love, my favorites arc either 69 or
fucking and Frenching at the same time.
But I have to be in love to want to be that
And this is sex, this is it... and he
feels the feeling coming doum right
down there, groubmg up and he presses
his face down, with the mouth, such a
mouth he's got . . . and he's done me,
done me. . . .
— ILL ROBINSON, “Perdido”
Well, yes. We'd probably have a lot
more fun if we forgot about power. "Isn't
it supposed to be mindless?” says Danny,
31, under his usual fagade of self
containment. “I want someone to be lost
in space when I go down on her. I want to
be lost in space when she goes down on
me. Isn't that the whole point? To lose
“Beer is the natural drink at a cookout, and in these
eclectic times, it should match the food.”
them: Springtime brings bock beers; sum-
mer welcomes in Weizen, or wheat, beers;
and in autumn there are Oktoberfest
beers. Bock beers are strong and sustain-
ing, Weizen beers fruity and refreshing,
Oktoberfest beers malty and nourishing.
Such specialty brews were a part of Ameri-
can tradition, too, before Prohibition, and
they are now making a comeback.
German-American brewers in Wisconsin
have long produced bock beers in spring
In the West, the Anchor Brewing Com-
pany of San Francisco has gone one better
' by producing its own Weizen beer, strictly
as a summer specialty. If beer is the
Yuppie drink, then Weizen is the most
upwardly mobile style. Look for those tall,
vase-shaped glasses of Weizen beer, gar-
nished with a slice of lemon
The British refresh themselves with
draughts of Bass or some other English
ale. In the rare event of a hot summer, the
ale may be compounded with equal pro-
portions of lemonade or ginger beer to pro-
duce a shandy. Fill a punch bow! with
large chunks of ice and gently pour on
equal quantities of an English ale and gin-
ger beer. You might even care to add a
dash of sweet lime juice and, perhaps, dust
your beer punch with nutmeg. Add some
fresh fruit, such as Michigan cherries, for
The hop and the juniper have long been
partners in crime. Many a Dutchman has
been known to brighten his summer by
using his Heineken or Grolsch, Brand’s or
Gulpener to chase down a shot of Bols or
De Kuyper gin. With such imported light
beers as Amstel now being challenged by
Nordik Wolf and Rolland (St. Pauli Girl's
boyfriend), perhaps aquavit and schnapps
will be looking for chasers, too.
The most sophisticated summertime
brew is surely Guinness, lightly chilled,
served half and half with champagne. Pour
these two noble ingredients simultane-
ously into a pitcher—very gently,
indeed—and serve them at an outdoor
party on a hot summer's day. The tangy
kiss of stout is arousing; its smoothness,
soothing. Marry those to the frisson of
champagne and you have an intoxicating
combination. Black velvet is the perfect
name for it. There is a less extravagant
version, too: black satin. This combines
stout and cider, a bittersweet accompani-
ment to roast suckling pig.
Beer is the natural drink at a cookout,
and in these eclectic gastronomic times, it
should match the food. There are some
natural combinations—pale beers with
fish or chicken; dark ones with spicy foods;
ales with red meats—but there is also the
question of provenance.
For example, if the cheese is from Wis-
consin, shouldn't the beer be, too? Miller,
the Wisconsin brewery that popularized
light beer, developed America’s arch
typal summertime brew, Now Miller has a
new, draught-fresh beer called Plank Road
on the drawing board. If you are going to
have a Creole shrimp boil, try to find Dixie
beer from New Orleans. If it's going to be
ribs over a mesquite barbecue, how about
something from Texas: Pearl, Lone Star or
the rare Shiner beer? Those most Ameri-
can of beers are light and cooling and
won't overpower food
То hunt down beers from corners of the
Union may seem a frivolous pursuit, but so
is partying. That is the joy of summer:
long, lazy days without four walls to trap
the soul, without having to dress up or
work too hard at anything, cven at enter-
taining. No patently crafted, elaborate
dinners with condescending little wines,
just a cookout with beer. A connoisseur’s
Second Color Choce
[or ee
cookout, all the same, with a choice of
food—and beer— that friends will remem-
ber with a sunny glow in the dark days of
next winter.
One beer is not enough. Was it cver?
Offer a selection, but in modest servings
six ounces, in a large wineglass or highball
glass, is plenty. The idea is to taste, not to
chugalug. Nor will beer stay cold in larger
vessels, especially if it has been only
lightly chilled. Most beers taste best at 45
to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, though some
specialties should be warmer or colder.
Half a dozen beers is about right—
perhaps three from the U.S., each from a
diffcrent state, and the others from a vari-
ety of countries. Pick each beer to suit a
certain stage of the proceedings.
A Belgian cherry kriek: Mort Subite,
Lindeman, Liefman or Belle Vue.
A Mexican beer, preferably Tecate, very
well chilled, served with salt round the rim
of the glass and with а half lime or lemon.
If you're serving Wisconsin cheddar, try
а beer from that state. If you're serving a
Canadian cheddar, try a Labatt's or a
Molson Golden. Muenster calls for brown
bread and a Belgian monastic beer such as
Orval. Cream cheese, radishes and rye
bread go well with a Weizen beer from
A German beer such as Beck's,
Henninger or St. Pauli Girl, or a Midwest-
егп brew such as Budweiser, Michelob,
Stroh's Signature or Christian Moerlein
An Irish stout—Guinness or Beamish—
or an American porter such as Jubilee or
Pottsville, or a black velvet.
An amber beer, ideally Dos Equis, from
A Texas beer, or an American dark such
as Michelob Classic Dark, or a smoked
German beer such as Kaiserdom
Bass, Whitbread or Sam Smith’s Pale
Ale, or an American counterpart, served
at a natural cellar temperature.
Keep your beer indoors and out of
direct sunlight until you are ready to serve
it. Exposure to sunlight can quickly make
beer taste skunky—a known cause of the
summertime blues.
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(continued from page 138)
“Notch and tell. That's the name of this game, and
the girls play it as well as the guys.”
concluded with a resolution to go to the
Outside Orville & Wilbur's, valets park
the cars, and inside, it is crowded, as
always, with ferns and brass and repro-
antique signs and people with tans. A live
band plays oldies. Three guys in the bath-
room are offering free toots if you'll buy.
"They'll take a personal check or offer a
ride to a moneymatic. Two men in ties dis-
cuss Johnny Carson. Two girls in dresses
discuss at-home bikini wax.
‘The players have been here 15 minutes.
Already they’re landscaped with girls. The
girls posc just so: chin raised, one foot bal-
ancing on the heel of an open-toed pump,
one hand resting on a hip. They smile,
widen their eyes, giggle. They throw their
hair back a lot. The players stand with
their arms crossed. The talk is about
MTV, automobiles, cable TV, tennis,
movies, going to the beach, getting wasted
and, of course, volleyball. Whenever one
of the girls looks away from the player
she’s talking to, checks to see how her
friends are doing with the other players,
the player she’s talking to looks down,
checks to see how the girl's tits are doing.
An important concept: Here in Manhat-
tan Beach, you call them girls. Fifteen
miles down the Coast from L.A., in the
heart of the heart of the lifestyle, there are
no women, and there are none in this bar,
except, perhaps, for the older lady in a
pants suit who looks like someone's
mother visiting from back East. Here, а
place that residents gleefully call the her-
pes capital of the world, “I’m active!” isa
grecting and Alan Alda might as well be
the Ayatollah. Men are men. Girls are vol-
ley dollies, fringe bennies or, more univer-
sally, trim.
Girls are measured in numbers. Guys
don't fuck, they notch. They build num-
bers. A few years ago, Hov tried to count.
Lost track at 300. Numbers like that
require a strange sort of selectivity: This
onc has a good face, so she’s notchable.
This one isn’t so pretty but has great tits,
so she’s notchable. This one does laundry;
this one likes to cook. This one looks bad
in a bathing suit but good in clothes, so
she’s a wintertime notch.
Notch and tell. That’s the name of this
game, and the girls play it as well as the
guys. Singles bar at the mailbox, in the
parking lot, on the sit-up board. Any time,
day or night. Sniff. You hear so many sto-
ries, you start to believe that some percent-
age must be true. While the gentlemen on
the East Coast are whining and dining,
these guys with the blow-dried hair are
notching. They’re notching in the toilet.
Notching with a few friends watching from
the closet. They're bringing home a notch,
“Your father taught me everything I know
about sex, dear. Which is why I suggest you go
read a book on the subject.”
notching, passing the notch to a room-
mate. The roommate notches and then
passes her to a third. The third guy takes
her away for the weekend. This may hap-
pen more than once with the same girl.
That's what they say, anyway.
Spend a few weeks out here and you
begin to realize that people aren't going to
restaurants or record stores to eat or buy
records. They're going in search of notch.
They're not running and biking and lifting
for health. They're doing those things so
their calves will look good when they angle
their fcet on the hecls of their pumps.
So their biceps will strain at the sleeves of.
their T-shirts. So the numbers on the
Manhattan Beach notch exchange will be
forever bullish.
Hov hunts notch on the theory of space
invasion. Say anything just to enter the
bubble of a girl's awareness—just to get
her to focus on the product. The product
has been on the cover of U.S. News &
World Report. It’s been July on a calendar.
Ifshe doesn’t buy, one of the next ten or 15
Tell her her neck is probably sensitive.
Ask her if she really needs to eat that
whole plate of Nachos herself. Offer to
help her lose some calories. Guess her bra
size. Ask if she'd like a drink: “May I buy
you a cocktail?” And if she counters with a
smirk and a line of her own, something
like, “I have a daughter your age,” riposte
quickly with, “I'll buy her а cocktail,
They have some kind of style, these vol-
leyball gods. Standing there against the
wall of the bar, on this Wednesday night
before the most important tournament of
the season, they are an awesome group.
There is Sinjin Smith, world champion
in 1979, 1980 and 1982. Great name. Lives
at his mom's house, in a separate addition
in the back. Trophy shelves run the cir-
cumference of the little room, the center-
pieces of which are the 1979 N.C.A.A.
volleyball-championship trophy—he was
M.V.P.—and a king-size bed. On the
back of his door is a Levi's-jeans advertise-
ment, poster size, featuring Sinjin Smith.
Sinjin is managed by the high-powered
Nina Blanchard and Ford agencies. He
has modeled in GQ, Vogue and PLAYBOY,
has done television commercials for
Woolite, Alberto VO-5, Coppertone and
Arrow Shirts. He appeared in an episode
of Magnum, P.I. as Tom Selleck's two-
man-volleyball partner. Sinjin’s body
washed ashore shortly after the first sta-
tion break. Two years ago, Sinjin was the
billboard boy for the Milk Advisory
Board. There he was, two stories tall, all
over California, bare-chested in tennis
shorts, with a woman draped over his
shoulder. The message: MILK—IT DOES A
Jon Stevenson wears his hair like Prince
Valiant. Has the most devoted groupies of
anyone on the tour—an entire family in
Clearwater, Florida. When Stevenson
comes to town, the family puts him up at
Break away to refreshing taste.
Come up fo Kool.
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their home, feeds him, gives him a van to
drive. The family has a son who wants to
be just like him. The father is always say-
ing to Stevenson, in that Florida drawl
that all the players mock, “Why don't you
take Jeffrey here down to the schoolyard
and do some one-sets with him, give him a
few pointers? Just as a favor now, hear?”
Stevenson and the other players can't
stand the family. They invite young Jeffrey
to parties that don’t take place. They feed
the mother’s home-cooked dinners to the
dog under the table. But they always go
Missing from the group tonight is Andy
Fishburn, the one whom Hov will later
assault with lugies. Fishburn thinks the
strike is stupid, that they’ve come pretty
far in eight years, that the rest of the play-
ers don’t understand business.
Fishburn understands business. He is a
project manager for Barclay Hollander
Corporation, the real-estate-development
firm that drained Marina del Rey and
introduced condominiums to Southern
Fish played his college volleyball at
Stanford and Yale. He looks like Robert
Redford. Once, he went to Magic Moun-
tain with his wife. Six women asked if he
was the actor. He does resemble him, only
Fish is prettier—upturned nose, no moles.
Fish has some Hollywood in him, though.
His grandfather directed the original ver-
sion of Ben Hur. His grandmother played
Maid Marian in the original Robin Hood.
Also absent are Gary Hooper, who
works in his fathers insurance and
brokerage firm, and Dane Selznick.
Selznick owns two surfboards, drives a
chocolate-brown Eldorado, models and
acts in movies and commercials. He
played the medic for a team of girl football
players in Oklahoma City Dolls.
As always, О.В. is here. He is a former
world champion, and the players respect
him. Hc is the personality on the tour, the
John McEnroe of two-man pro volleyball.
Wherever they go, the local press writes a
story about him, even though he hasn’t
won a tournament since 1981. When О.В.
makes a bad play, he bites the net. When
he doesn’t like a ref’s call, he pulls down
his trunks. In the finals of the 1983 world
championship, he and his partner had
game point on Hov and Dodd, but for
some reason, O.B. felt the need to hit an
easy set with his head instead of his palm.
The crowd cheered. They won the point
but lost the game. But people remember
that head. Just as they remember the time
he stopped a match, called over a waitress
and ordered one of those tropical drinks
with an umbrella garnish.
Dodd is talking to Karch. Both of them
have new flattop hair styles. Karch is
probably the best player on the tour, but
in general, the Olympic players are not as
good on the beach. The two-man game
requires more all-round skills than the six-
man indoor version. In six-man, players
are specialized. There are spikers, setters,
blockers. They play on a fast floor. On the
beach, two players have to have all the
skills, have to cover the same size court on
a slower surface.
Also present are a few of the lesser gods.
Under any other circumstance, they’d be
rated L for loser. Earlier this season, at a
tourney at Santa Cruz, two of the losers
had made reservations a year in advance
for an ocean-front room at the Dream Inn.
Hov and Dodd had made no reservations.
They landed in a motel two miles away. So
they drove to the Dream Inn and liberated
the room from the losers—just told them
to leave. They vanished.
Tonight, this Wednesday before the
Cuervo world championship, and for the
course of the planning of the upcoming
strike and the eventual switch to Group
Dynamics, the losers are included. The
cool guys are clapping them on their
backs. Someone has to make the picket
signs and write the press releases and find
a Xerox machine. In exchange, the gods
have allowed an invasion of the nerds.
“The losers are loving it. As Hov and the
rest of the gods engage in their various
space invasions, one of the losers, 5'8",
brown hair, adenoid problem, gets up his
new courage of association and ap-
proaches two beautiful girls.
"How you doing, girls?”
No answer.
“May I buy you girls a cocktail?"
“Гуе already got a drink.”
“Well, then how about some dinner?”
“Thank you, no.”
“Pm a professional volleyball player.
What do you girls do?”
“We work.”
“Oh... . Well. . . . Would either of you
girls care to fuck?"
Mornings at Manhattan Beach belong
to mothers, tan but not so beautiful any-
more. They wear shorts over their scant
bikinis. Their towheaded children play
naked on blankets by the volleyball net. It
is Thursday, the day before the Cuervo
world championship. There's a group of
six women rotating games on one court,
four more on another, two alone on
another, waiting for their game to begin.
"The group of six plays twice a weck. The
same six, more or less, have been coming
here for five years for two-woman volley-
ball, housewives getting together for the
South Bay version of mah-jongg, bowling
or tennis.
Above the courts, people play body
mania on a concrete boardwalk called the
Strand. They jog, bike, skate. They have
deltoids. It's not like back East. There's no
such thing as “You have to know me to
love me.” On the beach, you can’t wear a
bulky sweater to hide your flab. The ten
extra pounds are harder to ignore. Here,
there are no fat people. Here, in a town
two miles square, there are, by informal
count, ten places to pump iron and only
one bookstore. The marquee at the Man-
hattan Beach Health Club advises, THERE'S
AND YOU REALLY ARE. The weekly tabloid is
called Easy Reader.
ОК the Strand, a cramped line of man-
sions and then a sharp rise in the land.
The slopes are stippled with cracker-box
houses, peopled with stewardesses who
live in efficiencies for $600 or $700 a
month, salesmen who live in illegal con-
verted garages. Lots of stucco, balconies,
windows, weathered wood. Take a look
inside. Just the necessities—tubes, tunes,
beds. A heap of running gear in the corner.
Beer and Gatorade and lunch meat in the
refrigerator. Cars are parked everywhere
on the narrow streets, on the sidewalks, on
the postage-stamp lawns. Except for a
handful of vintage Americans and quite a
few jeeps with surfboard racks, most are
lifestylemobiles: Hondas, Porsches, Zs,
BMers. The cars head north in the morn-
ings and south in the evenings, back and
forth from livelihood to life.
There is some industry around Manhat-
tan Beach. TRW and Hughes are nearby,
as are several refineries and a pottery fac-
tory. But mostly, during the day, the feel is
deserted village. Echo of waves, hum of
neon, tinkle of bicycle bell. Nice.
Soon, at lunchtime, the beach will fill
with car pools of men breaking for two-
man volleyball. The students will come
after that, planting their surfboards in the
sand, playing a few games before the
waves come up, and then the men will
return again about five. Most of the day,
the eight courts here off Marine Avenue
will be busy, as will thousands of courts
up and down the Coast.
But at the moment, on this Thursday
morning, the beach belongs to the moth-
ers. They've stopped playing volleyball to
sing Happy Birthday, give out cookies to
the kids.
Nearby, Hov and O.B. are sitting in the
sand. Hov is bouncing a volleyball on his
knee. O.B. is running sand through his
hand. They've already decided to strike,
but they’re here to practice, because they
figure the minute Poodle hears that they've
decided not to play, he'll cave to their
demands. Turn the books, the money, the
whole pro circuit over to them.
The gods are used to getting their way.
They surround themselves with people
who will give it to them. Hov’s father, who
lives 15 minutes north, cooks him break-
fast. His mother does his laundry. O.B.’s
wife does those things for him. Hi:
lets him work a flexible schedule in their
The year was 1969
Not everyone was into protest and
1а Huelga, bra-burning and radical chic.
The fashion underground was
talking about a new perfume which had
quietly surfaced in Paris.
It was fresh but not virginal. Bold
© 1909. Pace Rabanne Perfor
Underground classic
but never aggressive. It had what the
French call “presence”
Today, 16 years later, it is still very
much with us.
It flourishes in spite of minimal
fanfare and an advertising budget that
wouldn't keep Colette in stickpins.
Not even rhinestone stickpi
Its a classic, durable as the films of
Von Stroheim, the cut of a Poiret gown,
the chic of a Sargent countess.
And classics don't need
million-dollar hype. Just women DJ
of impeccable taste. PARIS
restaurant so it won't interfere with his
volleyball. Both Hov and O.B. get stock
tips from fans. Two days ago, Hov bought
Phillips Petroleum on a tip. This morning,
it is up five points. Another fan has taken
Mike Dodd under wing. Dodd’s got a
condo among his numerous investments in
Manhattan Beach, a fortune in a town
where an old house is usually demolished
before a new one can be built.
Right now, though, the problem is get-
ting up some games, and no one can help
them with that. There are two college
guys—amateur players, losers—sitting
five feet away. Hov and O.B. would rather
sit than play with them. Another god is
bound to show soon.
“Jesus,” says Hov, looking over at the
birthday party. “These women really
“Mother cows,” says О.В.
“They play every Wednesday.”
“Today's Thursday.”
“Where is everybody? Nobody comes to
the beach anymore.”
“Yeah, everybody's working, I guess.”
“I shoulda worked today,” says O.B.
“Stop bitching. Taking a day off is the
best thing in life for you. Only thing better
is not working at all.”
"I just can't believe there's nobody
here. Ín the old days, I'd go up to Sorrento.
at 9:30 in the morning. Von Hagen and all
those guys would be there. They'd play all
day long. Play every game. Ten, 12 games.
Play until dark. . . 2"
“So they were stupid.”
“They’d play with anybody. Hacks,
girls, anybody. Just kept touching the ball.
Thats why Von Hagen and those guys
were so good.”
“Fuck. None of those guys would be any
good today. They wouldn’t make shit for
dollars. We'd eat 'em and swallow. .. .”
As Hov and О.В. talk, a third loser joins
the two others. Fifteen minutes later, there
comes a fourth. They start a game.
Hov and O.B. sit.
"Then Hov says, "You hungry?"
“T could eat.”
“We can always come by later and see if
there's some games.”
“Fuck, there's nobody to play with any-
more, anyway.”
“Would you pose in the nude?”
“Not even for money?”
“For a quarter of a million?”
“Do you have a lot of money or some-
By Sunday, the last day of the 1984
Cuervo world championship, the guy from
Playgirl has enlisted the aid of the bimbo
from Renault, She’s had quite a lot to
drink, is deviating from the written ques-
tions for potential Playgirl centerfolds. Her
license plate, by the way, says FLASHHH. It's
framed by a plate guard that says CHAINS
year-old daughter at home with a sitter.
Her husband sells cars. You can look, but
you can’t touch. That seems fine to the
correspondent from Playgirl. He's appar-
ently taken her up because he doesn’t
want potential centerfolds to think he’s a
fag. The two are bounding from hunk to
hunk on the outskirts of center court.
Somehow, amazingly, the bimbo keeps her
balance, even on spike-heeled sandals in
sand. At the moment, though, she's knecl-
ing on the edge of a blanket at Andy Fish-
burn's feet. Fish, the god who crossed the
picket line, is not interested in being a cen-
terfold. Last night, his wife had their first
baby. Right now, he's waiting to play and.
win the finals of the world championship.
All around them, there's an event going
on. The bikinis, the beer, the nipple rings
and the regatta of sloops in the distance,
the balloon bottle of Cuervo Gold sagging
a bit after three days of boogie max. No
one seems to care that the gods didn't
play. No one seems to care that none of the
semifinalists were seeded. They gave a
tournament without the gods and people
still came.
In droves. Thirty thousand pcople over
three days. All the gods could do was
stand outside the fence at Seaside Lagoon
with picket signs that said, WHERE'S THE
sionally, one of the gods would observe
how small the crowd was this year. Occa-
sionally, Hov would come out of the motor
home to pick a fight, shoot a few Ls at the
losers who had crossed the line to play. He
kept saying the same thing: “Every time I
see you at the beach from now on, I'm
going to bc all over you. You're going
down, bro. Doowwwnnn! Every time I sec
you, you're dead. Decaaaaaaad! You're a
fucking scab for life."
Hov's father, C.O., came by to sit with
Ноу in the motor home. C.O., a semire-
tired school-supply salesman, was getting
disgusted with Indiana Hov, with the
strike, with Hov's rampage. “If you're
going to drink, drink, and if you’re going
to talk, talk, but you can’t do both at the
same time," C.O. advised him several
times. Hov's brother, a personal-injury
attorney, also advised him to cool it. He
figured Renault had grounds for breach оГ
To this, Ноу зай In onc car and cut
the other. Docsn't register a twinkle.”
Then he opened another beer.
Meanwhile, the other gods milled
around the entrance to Seaside Lagoon,
telling some fans that “the best players in
the world are not participating in the tour-
nament today,” flipping the bird to other
fans who said, “What are you striking for,
and free beer?” A repre-
sentative of the Abused, Battered Chil-
dren’s Foundation of Marina del Rey
stopped by to pitch the players. He was
offering five grand a player—minimum—
for participation in his own event, the
Abused, Battered Children’s Pro Celebrity
Volleyball Tour.
Some fans did leave when they saw that
the gods were on strike. First, though, they
asked the players questions and stood real
close, patting their backs, basking in soli-
darity with the movement, in familiarity
with the gods. Other fans hung around
outside the fence with the players. These
were mostly adolescent girls. The players
said things to them like, “Hey, honey,
want to suck some cock?” and “Come take
a look at my Trousersaurus rex.” To this
the girls giggled and rubbed more
Coppertone on their backs.
At one point, a fan with a bunch of cam-
eras came by. He wanted to take their pic-
ture. The players told him to fuck off. He
said, “But this is a gathering of the best
players in the world in one place.”
“You're damn right, bro,” said one of
the players. “Let him take the picture.”
Conservatively, 14,000 of the spectators
were on hand for the naming of Miss Jose
Cuervo. The 1984 Penthouse Pet of the
Year was the chief judge. More than a few
of the fans commented that she was fat
She had a pimple on her thigh that could
be seen three rows back. But the contest-
ants weren't bad. Even the players laid
down their signs and sneaked inside to
watch Sylvia Adams (who said, in
response to her question, that she would
take a good-looking man and two cases of
Cuervo Gold if she were stranded on a
desert island), Beverly Bunn, Marissa
Mendoza and Strawberry Frehoff compete
for the $1000 in prize money. Strawberry
wore a leopard bathing suit. Her aspira-
tion, she said, was to get into real estate.
She had the second-largest tits in the
group, but the one with the largest had a
bit too much stomach. Strawberry won the
By today, Sunday, the number of gods
has dwindled. The teeny-bopper trim is
absent—something about two of them and
a god in a shower at a party last night. The
boom box and Solidarity Forever are gone,
too. The picket signs have becn stuck,
unattended, into the Cyclone fence. Wally
the Renault rep is home with his wife. Hov
and Dodd are here, as are Karch and
Sinjin and O.B. Hoy still hasn't picked up.
a picket sign, but he has hoisted quite a
few Coors. Between Hov and the bimbo,
four or five cases have probably been
drunk. That doesn’t include last night.
Hov went to Orville & Wilbur's, then left
and went to a massage parlor to visit a
Japanese friend, then came back to Man-
hattan Beach and hit two other bars, then
returned to Orville & Wilbur’s. Just about
“First Fswitched to rum.
Then I graduated to the flavor of
Myerss Original Dark’
"If you've grown to appreciate the finer
things in life, you'll welcome the difference
in Myerss Original Dark, the world's finest
Jamaican rum.
The flavor is deep, rich and adventurous...
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is nothing short of wondrous.
You'll see, once you graduate to the flavor
of Original Dark, there's just no turning back”
closing time, he hooked a notch. Her face
wasn't too great; her tits weren't too great.
She probably didn’t look too great in a
bathing suit and she certainly didn't look
great in her sun dress. But she bought the
product. She was notchable.
Ноу really started going at the Coors
yesterday afternoon, after Poodle the pro-
moter, feeling that he had broken the
strike and assured his continued position
as king of the gods, had set the record
straight on who was an L for loser.
It began after some of the players had
realized that Poodle wasn’t going to cave
to their demands, that the 1984 Jose
Cuervo World Championship of Beach
Volleyball was going to be played without
them, that someone else was going to win
the $22,000 purse. When this had sunk in,
a group of the volleyball gods went to Poo-
dle and begged him to start the tourna-
ment over again, to let them play. Hov
even Came out of the motor home to hear
the verdict.
“Мо waaaaaay!” is what Poodle said.
After he said that, Poodle had leaned
back, fluffed his curly hair, screwed his
small, dark eyes into the big blue ones
belonging to Indiana Hov, Mr. Southern
California. He let Hov twitch a moment,
then said, “Be happy for yourselves. You
stood up for your principles. Don’t regret
it. 1 stood up for what I believed in, too.
I'm going to do what I gotta do, too. This
strike will serve a useful purpose. Maybe
after this we'll see we need each other, that
we have to work together, that we can’t
screw each other.”
To this, Hov had said, “Money talks,
bullshit walks.” Then he walked away.
Poodle had won. Or at least it appeared
that way. Hov wouldn’t be world cham-
pion twice in a row, at least not this time.
His sponsor was mad at him, might even
file suit. And worse, Hov had heard
through the grapevine that Dodd, his part-
ner, had called the Olympic coach to dis-
cuss getting back onto the national team.
Hoy knew now that the strike was dead,
that the players would be back out on the
sand next week for the last tourney of the
season, the Miller Tournament of Cham-
pions in San Diego. He knew now also that
ABC and Life and the rest were still a
dream away. It appeared, as he walked
away from Poodle, head lowered, thongs
scuffing, that tears were welling in his eyes,
though that could have been just a reac-
tion to the bright sun after all that time
spent in the motor home.
“ Dear Friend: You may
already have won a million dollars! If
you believe that, you'll believe anything, so here's
what we want you to do... .
Then, all of a sudden, Hov stopped and
“I got it. 1 got it. I goooooot it!”
The players gathered.
“We can put on our own tournament!”
“Yeah. Like an exhibition,” said Dodd,
warming, “Like ‘Come on out and sce the
best players in the world practicing! ”
“All right!”
“We'll show them some real volley-
“I don't know about this, bro,” said
O.B. “This could really piss off the spon-
“Fuck them!”
“Yeah,” said O.B. “But what if nobody
“You don't think the fans would come
see us?"
“Who the fuck will know to come?" said
Jon Stevenson. “Poodle and those guys
advertise for weeks before the tourna-
ments. They spend all this money on radio
and newspaper ads and stuff.”
“So what?” said Hov.
“What, you think the fans are gonna get
our vibes and know to come?” said Steven-
And so there convened another council
of the gods, and so Indiana Hov’s last-
ditch solution was put to a vote and
defeated unanimously. Even Hov voted
against it. Then he went back to the motor
And now it is Sunday, and the finals of
the world championship are about to be
played without him. Hov is once again in
the motor home, Only this time, he’s
“I don't know,” Hov is saying between
drags on another Coors. “At this point, Pd
say Event Concepts has pulled it off. The
people are going to show up because of the
beach party. It’s nothing compared to nor-
mal, the caliber isn’t near the same, but
the people are here. .
“I worked very hard to get where I am.
1 find when I work hard, then I usually
win. There has been an occasion when
something has gonc wrong, when somc-
body has played better. But that's rare.
And once I lose to someone, I guarantee 1
won't lose again.
* Never again.
“No waaaaaay!"
Outside the motor home, on the beach,
a tall man wearing a gold chain is kicking
around in the sand, scoping the beer, the
buns, the games. He has a folder under
one arm that says GROUP DYNAMICS, INC. His
name is Jack Butefish. He's making notes
on a little pad. One thing he's written is
A third is Hov. The last he’s circled three
He knows a god when he sees one.
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(continued from page 143)
“When I became intimate with men, I heard if you
don’t make love six times a day, something is wrong.”
Perfect is about what the press can and
cannot do and about how much it can hurt
people. My character has been burned by
the press one time too many. Then she
gets burned by Travolta’s character, He
puts down a couple of girls for heing pro-
miscuous and for wanting plastic surgery
to improve their looks.
ълувоу: OK, defend plastic surgery.
curtis: Oh, in a second. If it makes you
feel better about. yourself, do it. It's not
immoral. If someone says her husband
wouldn't like it, the hell with her husband.
Don't expect too much, though; it will
straighten your nose, but it won't give you
happiness. I live with my body every day,
and every day I see changes. Some I like,
some I don't. Í like lines around my eyes. 1
don't like fat. The breasts drop. It hap-
pens to everybody. So if it’s going to take
getting my eyes pulled up, PI do it. Any
woman who wants to do it should, and ГЇЇ
stand up for her and punch her husband.
PLAYBOY: What's the second-best thing
about your body?
curis: What's the first? [Pauses] My eyes
аге. My toes are pretty great, too. Cute.
Like little hands.
PLAYBOY: How do women make friends?
curtis: Many are made at school, where
there's a lot of bonding because of the hor-
monal changes. You end up in little groups,
going, "Is this happening to you, too?"
Plus, you're shielding yourself from boys.
Then you discover boys and end up spend-
ing so much time with your lover that your
friendships with girls change drastically.
I'm going through that now.
PLAYBOY: What's the best advice a woman
has ever given you?
CURTIS: My mother told me to be true to
who I am. Dealing with everyone's expec-
tations of who I was supposed to be was my
biggest burden. For example, when I first
became intimate with men, I heard that if
you don’t make love six times a day, some-
thing is wrong with you. Now I’m trying to
throw all those expectations—external
and internal—out.
PLAyBOY: How do you pack? What do you
always take with you?
curtis: I'm an amazing packer. I've even
got pictures of me packing for a European
tour I did to promote Trading Places.
Pretty funny. I always overpack if some-
one else is going to carry my bags. If I have
to carry them, I underpack. I carry only
basic things, and always in black. When
black gets dirty, I just clean it with a lint
brush. I always take tennis shoes, because
I wear them with dresses and I have a ter-
rible back anyway. Гуе learned how to
pack cashmere in tissue paper so it doesn't
wrinkle, That's a good tip. I’m just very
organized and I have everything in plastic
bags—underwear in one, something else
in another. Now I’m thinking about read-
ing this one day and wondering who cares
put my underwear in a plastic bag. I
also unpack wherever I stop, even if it's
just for a day. Everything goes into draw-
ers. I’m usually very neat—though I tend
to litter horribly around my airplane seat.
PLAYBOY: What are your home-improve-
ment skills and what have you done with
curtis: Гуе laid tile. Гуе refinished furni-
ture. I'm handy with a hammer and nails.
Stripping wallpaper is a nightmare. Once
you start, you do not finish until you're
finished. But 1 like to do things myself. Ifa
jar needs opening, I don't like to ask some-
‘one else to do it. ГЇЇ do everything in my
power to get it open before I turn to Chris
and go, “Honey?”
PLAYBOY: Your personal corporation is
called Kid Curtis. What are some of the
names you considered and rejected?
Invisible Ink. Flat Feet. Or was it
PLAYBOY: What kind of role would you like
to play that you suspect you will never be
curtis: Royalty. I was brought up in Bev-
erly Hills and was privy to a certain brand
of royalty. I say rovalty because it best
covers someone with real clout, upbring-
ing and class—a thoroughbred. I don’t
think I'd be the spot-on choice for the role,
though, because I don’t dress like royalty
or hang out with them. But I have insights.
Not to name-drop—like “I know Julio” —
but Гуе had dinner with the Khashoggis.
Their sense of reality is different from ours.
the most ridiculous
notion of the Eighties?
CURTIS: That sleeves on jackets are sup-
posed to be pushed up above your elbows.
T don't get it. The greatest invention of the
Eighties, however, is Tenax. We're a
mousse generation. The stuf is like drugs.
I'm trying to quit right now.
“Well, have you done any commercial voice-overs
besides Phone-an-Orgasm?"
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(continued from page 86)
the power of Dolph and the grace of
Grace? Neither one started out to be in
show business. Dolph, born in Stockholm,
has a degree in chemical engineering and
knows six languages well enough to get by.
While still attending school, he became
European kick-boxing champion in 1980
and 1981 and Australian champion in
1982 before drifting first into modeling and
then into acting.
Grace was born in Jamaica and spent
her childhood there, attending parochial
school, chafing under a rather strict
upbringing and using track as a release for
her pent-up energies. Her ambition then
was to be a Spanish professor. (She, too, is
fluent in several languages.)
It was not until her family moved to
Upstate New York that Grace began to
explode into something entirely different.
She began her career on the stage in sum-
mer stock, then hit the runway as a model.
"There, her approach often tested the limits
of conservative advertisers.
“Му image was always too strong for
them. And that’s when I went to Europe.
There I found a completely different atti-
tude. Europeans want you to be strong.”
With that license, Grace quickly
evolved, experimenting with various per-
sonae, combining her singing and acting
talents in stage performances that stunned
audiences with bizarre images and fright-
encd them with the newness of it all. It
was hard at times to see just where she was
coming from. The conflicting sexual iden-
tities, for instance, the seeming antipathy
toward men:
"Pm anti-male ego, les say, not
antimale. Гуе always been drawn to sensi-
tive men—men who have an ego but not to
the extreme that the woman becomes a
silent partner. I have found many times
that if I do become a silent partner, it eats
me up inside. Sometimes it’s smarter to
play dumb. But I’m silent for only so long,
and then it comes out anyway.”
Grace’s latest creation, the role of vil-
lainess May Day in the James Bond adven-
ture film A View to a Kill, will give us yet
another image of her.
“ get to be more frilly, I think, as May
Day. She dresses elegantly, takes time for
make-up and manicures, all those things.”
But don’t expect a radical change in
Grace because of a movie role. There are
still plenty of icons that need busting and
shirts that need unstuffing.
“I like conflicts. I love competition. 1
like discovering things for myself. It’s a
childlike characteristic, actually. But that
gives you a certain amount of power, and
people are intimidated by that. They are
even afraid to approach me. Once they do,
they see it’s OK. I’m not going to chew
their heads off or become violent if they
say the wrong thing. It's a role. I’m acting,
but they take it all so seriously."
“My God—where did you learn to kiss?”
Remind your father he didnt
raise a cheap-skate.
Crown Royal about $14.
A Cheap Roa not included.
accessory company, Tracy Design, in Santa Barbara,
California, manufactures mighty slippery fairings and
luggage. While it may or may not be true that if
you've seen one fairing you've seen them all, the same can't
be said for Nelson’s latest creation, The Tracy Oasis, which
Т тасу Nelson travels in the fast lane. His motorcycle-
he describes modestly as “the ultimate beach chair." Incor-
porated into its aluminum frame are JBL speakers coupled
to a booster hooked to your personal stereo stored in a
sealed cabinet. Another compartment stashes a six-pack
and a freeze pack. And when your day at The Oasis is done,
the chair can be folded and rolled home. Roll on, Tracy!
line your walls with the thinnest, most advanced
technology this side of Arthur C. Clarke's famed
monolith. If you answered A, B or C, take off, turkey. Skinny
tech is here, and soon everyone will be wondering what fat
о make a room look bigger, you should (A) paint it
| pink, (B) dump your furniture, (C) wear glasses or (D)
tech was all about. See the baby monolith below? It's а
receiver and cassette deck about two and a half inches
thick that hangs on the wall. The TV/radio and the phone
machine are similar space savers. So slim down your elec-
tronic environment and start using your living space for (A) a
dance hall, (B) conventions, (C) living or (D) all of the above.
Right: It's the perfect kitchen p
Trade pint-sized and por- RUNS HEE
table bladeand white AM/FM TETEE vir
unit (the Model 7-7150), with a
five-inch screen, that sticks lil
Spider-Man to the unde
a cabinet, thus saving you count-
er space, and then slides out of
its swiveling mount when you
want to tote it to the beach,
by General Electric, $199.95.
[FM з 72, 25,209,101, 100 m
LL e s!
Below: Phone-Mate’s new
MiniMate 5050 phone/an-
swering machine can be
mounted on a wall, as well
as placed on a tabletop, and
offers beeperless message
retrieval, plus a function
that allows you to leave in-
house messages for guests,
girlfriends or other mem-
bers of the family, $159.95.
Above: Look! Up on the wall! It’s nota bird or a plane but
Technics’ SA-R100 stereo receiver with cassette deck—an
integrated three-piece stereo system that's 43 inches long
and only about two and a half inches thick. The amplifier
section puts out 30 watts per channel, and the cassette
deck features Dolby B and C noise reduction and autore-
verse. The AM/FM quartz synthesized tuner offers 16 sta-
Чоп presets, and the wireless remote (right) lets you make
adjustments from your easy chair. The price: $740 for the
receiver, $260 for the pair of SB-R100 speakers shown.
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing The Great ` WELL HUNG
Libido, the world's only X-rated magician, and н авал нЕ
с the floating in the world: those who are
phallus; learn how to remove a bra without - EIT Ато
touching the treasures beneath—yes, these and who aren't. o onc olihe
other erotic illusions can be yours for only $39.95 former, then How to Hang a
his magic bag of very dirty tricks
(write to The Great Libido's Magic Pack, P.O = Spoon, Joe Martin's $5.95 sofi-
Box 240534, Memphis, 38124). No, that's not cover published by Turnbull
The Great Libido pictured below. It’s just his S ТУО OU Nel ER EDU
assistant, and he’s not about to make her disappear. Y z 2 die made scope c atiy
— шаша MA SY, 7 from angle of dangle to com-
| š petitive spooning and will also
instruct you on how to care
for your utensils. And if you're
| not into spoon hanging, well,
here's your chance to get with
the “in” crowd— impress
friends, neighbors and any-
body else dumb enough to
watch with your new-found
ability to hang heavy-duty
tableware on your head.
(Spoon hanging, for all you
| X cultural dropouts, is the
science of hanging a spoon ог
spoons from your features
without adhesives, nails or
3 psychokinesis.) Honey, what
| ; say we do a liule spooning
| 8 à tonight? Your face or mine?
At last, a 90-minute personal video tour through
22 of the most exclusive shops in Beverly Hills—
without the hassles of parking and haggling with
pretentious clerks. Of course Cartier and Gucci
are on A Shopping Spree in Beverly Hills, along
with such specialty shops as a Swiss chocolatier
and a toy emporium. Video Systems, Inc., P.O.
Box 22920, Denver, Colorado 80222, is the place
to order from: $39.95 in either VHS or Beta
Next stops: Aspen and Paris.
Traveling on the River Thames is always pleasant, but making your
journey aboard the luxurious Captain Webb—a 12-passenger barge
that replicates the floating palaces of years past from which British
royalty waved to their landlocked subjects—is definitely a watery
groove. A 16-day guided journey, with trips to Southwark, Hever
Castle, Canterbury and Tunbridge Wells, among other storied stops,
will set you back a princely $2490 per person, double occupancy
Salen Lindblad Cruising, 133 East 55th Street, New York 10022, has
all the info. And, yes, the beds on board are queen-sized
You think we're going to make a joke
about getting a kick out of this table,
right? Wrong— you're going to get a boot
out of it. Two boc ct, and the
a solid-hemlock top. J.M.'s Taxidermy
Company, 1570 West Bosque Loop,
Bosque Farms, New Mexico 87068, is into
"pscudohomosapiel taxidermy,” and the
boot table is J.M.`s kickoll All for $120
(deduct $10 if you supply boots and j
Your shit-kickers
should look so good.
Know what a horny man's favorite break-
fast is? A roll with some honey! Yuck,
yuck, yuck. Yes, trivia mania has cracked
the adult-game market in the form of
Adultrivia, 2400 bawdy questions and
answers color-coded into six categories—
Jokes and Limericks, Mythollancous, Hot
‘Times in History, Sex in Art and Litera-
irc, The Famous Uncovered and The
Facts of Life. Send $22.50 to Adultrivia,
P.O. Box 72685, Roselle, Illinois 60172.
Saturday night will never be the same
There’s more to the romance
and history of wine than just
sniffing and swallowing, as
you'll discover if you visit
New York's Cooper-Hewitt
Museum on East 91st Street
from Junc 4 through October
‘That's when Wine: Cele-
n and Gerenjony—an
exhibition featuring more than
350 objects that document the
impact of vino on the history
of design —vill take place.
Exhibits include Greek drink-
ing vessels, the Bacchus wall
bracket here and much more.
No, the Gooper- Hewitt docsn't
offer a happy hour.
Anybody can flick a Bic, but if
it’s heavy-duty fire you're seck-
ing for your smokes, consider
Sculptures on Fire—a series of
six solid-brass lighters, in both
pocket and table models, with
a miniature sculpture by artist
Robert W. Addison on cach
one. Styles include a racer
(shown), a stallion, an eagle, a
bass, Western saddle and a sea
spirit—and the price for such
craftsmanship also ought to
spark your interest: $49.95 for
a pocket lighter and $189 for a
table model, sent to Vasilia
Lid., John Hancock Genter,
Chicago 60611. A tasteful
melding of brass and class.
Snap them up.
y you hit the beach last
nd three people
reported sighting a beached
whale? Put your money where
your mouth is
The Original Boston Computer
Diet, a unique way to lose
weight via computer,
from Scarborough
plays the role of a persor
weight-loss counselor. A sing
(plus instruction booklet)
that fits the Apple H family
or the IBM PC, XT or
PCjunior costs $79.95; a
disk for the Commodore
64 is $49.95. Computer.
and department stores all
carry the dict, so try a byte
Merry Panksters
Pole watchers, take note. We are look-
ing at LADY PANK (loosely trans-
lated: Lady Punk), the first Polish
rock band to tour the U.S. The
Panksters even plan to shoot a
video while here. Judg-
ing from this photo,
they like to ride
the wild surfski.
There’s No
Doubting Thomas
It was either be a photog-
rapher or be a model for
18-year-old PAULA THOMAS.
Now this English muffin
is a model actress in the
new Bond film, A View to a
Kill. We tip our hat to her.
210 1
Uptown Sinclair
You've seen her in Thief of Hearts and
Weekend Pass, on Matt Houston and Find-
er of Lost Loves. Now the truth can be
told: She likes her Teddies bare. AN-
NETTE SINCLAIR is shameless in her
concern for the plight of the diminutive,
the defenseless, the stuffed. We hope
she keeps up the good work
Lorre’s Glories
Her first name really is LOLITA and she
takes her last name from her favorite
actor, Peter LORRE. Her parents are
from Germany and Latvia, but she is
from just outside Cleveland. Here she's
making two important points: first, that
her acting debut is in Michael Winner's
latest thriller, Scream for Help, and,
second, that she has reason to hold
her head high.
The Woman in Flesh Color
KELLY LE BROCK is the kind of woman who stops hearts, traffic and rational trains of
thought. But apparently, she can't stop working. Next up for her is a role in John Hughes's
Weird Science, with Anthony Michael Hall. Here she demonstrates her own brand of science—
why all higher forms of life are vertebrates. Notice how there can be а positive side to curvature
of the spine. Notice, too, how life in the fast lane of Hollywood glamor can support itself on one
arm. How can that be? This Kelly girl's keeping some good things under wraps.
Pro Bono
PAUL HEWSON (U2's Bono to you)
should be having a good time these days.
The band from Dublin sells more T-shirts
and merchandise than bands that sell twice
as many records, and four of U2's five
albums are in Billboard's Top 200. He's
waving; he's found work.
4 a d
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