Full text of "PLAYBOY"
AUGUST 1987 + $3.50
A Sneak Preview of Her Hot New Calendar RON DARLING
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THINKING Amor a vacation? This
relax time of year. М
cal paradise, whe
your friends, trash your enemi
plans for the future. So
specifically, deposed Philippin
his controversial spouse, Imelda, this month's Playboy Interview
subjects, who were questioned by Ken Kelley and Bronstein.
Veteran piavsoy interviewer Kelley, who has conversed with
Anita Bryant, Sparky Anderson among others,
alter all, the kick-bac
be you're dreaming of an exile to a tropi
ou could rehash the good old days, praise
es and cook up some revolu!
ned the renowned couple i
Hawaiian home, where the reputedly wc
table upper-
[thy ex
presidential pair had been holed up waiting for the other, uh,
shoe to drop back home. Despite Bronstein's sometimes scath-
ingly critical stories during the years he covered the Marcos
regime, he and Kelley were allowed to speak at length with the
exiles. What was Ferdinand and Imelda’s favorite topic? (No,
not footwear, though that subject did come up.) Their comebac!
of course. Nothing peps them up more than a little talk about
returning to power in the Philippines.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcos may profit from a good look at Anthony
Brandt's article Comebacks—it explains how best to triumph over
adversity. And just to prove the point, writers Bill Zehme and Jay
Stuller have assembled Rallies & Resurrections, an inspiring linc-
up of those mercurial types who've gone under in one way or
nother only to be borne again on the waves of success. If their
gs can teach you one thing, it’s that life is pretty much
gamble. Which brings us to Steven Criss Gambling in America
(illustrated by Philippe Weisbecker). a roundup of the best and
worst betting spots in the U.S. And Maurice Zolotow tracked down
the heavy action—bets in the four-, five- and six-figure range—
for High Rollers
The Fiction De; Chet Williamson's weird and
wacky fantasy Sen Yen Babbo E the Heavenly Host (Паи d by
Ed Girard), which is about a world in which evangelical wrestling
bigger than the Super Bowl. Proving once again that fact is
stranger than fiction, P. J. O'Rourke went after the real evangelist
story for his Travel column on Heritage USA, the theme park
that was created by fallen TV preachers Jim and Tommy Faye
When ace Mets pitcher Ron Darling got oll to a bad start this
season, Lewis Grossberger cringed. That's because he had just
turned in our profile of Darling, Pitcher Perfect (illustrated by
Anita Kunz). Figuring that he'd jinxed the Yale-educated jock mil-
lionaire, Grossberger assumed full responsibility
slump—and, we suppose, for all his later triumphs
the streets a little safer this summer, ace cyclist Nelson Vails put
his shoulder to the wheels to write The Art of Urban Cycling, a
complete two-wheeler tutorial for city bikers, including Vails's
tear-out tips on pumping your way around town—and surviving.
‘Thanks go to Kevin Cook for putting it into high gear editorially.
And for the rest—we must reach for the superlatives. Writer
Mark Zussman stayed hot on the heels of the hardest-working
woman in the modeling business to contribute the text for Pau-
lina, a sexy sample of shots from Paulina Porizkove's upcoming cal-
endar. On
of the top photographer's models in the country,
also our cover girl this month. Watch for her film
debut in Anna. And don’t miss the Sunshine State's fine
ces, the Women of Florida. Possibly our 20 Questions
subject wishes they all could be California girls. Dovid Rensin
nterviewed David Lee Roth about tight pants and stuff like that.
Contributing Photographer Stephen Weyda snapped Sherry
Konopski, our August Playmate, who's the prettiest pizza slinger
in the great Northwest, Appetite whetted? Turn the page
y i Шу Peachtree
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РДБ аас ER а араат з
TRAVEL: оогон rer — P. J. O'ROURKE 24
SPORTS. ccce Dee rcge are eue E ... DAN JENKINS 26
THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR .............. ———Ó À 35
DEAR PLAYMATES. .......... Ra aE cee en e E КЫ . 38
THE PLAYBOY FORUM..................- ee et x 41
GAMBLING IN AMERICA—artidle. .............................5$ТЕУЕМ CRIST 62
PAULINA— pictorial.............. ETE text by MARK ZUSSMAN 66
PITCHER РЕВЕЕСТ—регзопайу.... ..................... LEWIS GROSSBERGER 72
A GENTLEMAN'S BASIC WARDROBE-—fashion................. HOLUS WAYNE 74
SHARRY—playboy’s playmate af the month 82
WOMEN OF FLORIDA pictorial . x А > 108
20 QUESTIONS: DAVID LEE КОТИ... з.» Ee ee e pt A 120
FASTI FORWARD). ics eth teaver past ve RD ROS pecas 126;
WE -_:
PLAYBOY/ONITHE'SCENE EENET ETETE TEA ^ 155 Coribbean Cocktails P. 96
COVER STORY Paulina Porizkova looks like what millions of American
women wish they looked like. That's why, to herald our pictorial on Paulina,
we asked Marco Gloviono (who also photographed her new calendar) to
take this exclusive photo of America’s favorite cover girl. The foldout cover
provides twice as much hiding space for the Oryctologus cuniculus.
Sujata CI.
GI romero rosa.
For your speci
lady: a fun, oversized
PLAYMATE Face T-Shirt.
50/50 cotton/poly.
One size fits all.
Item #871, $11.00
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ditional) and
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ucts, Р.О. Box
1554, Elk Grove
Village, IL 60007
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1. Attach your mailing label from a recent issue in the
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editor and publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
and associate publisher
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor
TOM STAEBLER av1 director
GARY COLE photography director
G. BARRY GOLSON executive editor
сийе editor; FICTION: ALICE к. TURNER editor
TERESS GROSCH associate editor; WEST COAST:
JAMES Ko PETERSEN senior staff writers: WRUCE
dors; RANDE KLINE traffic coordinator; MODERN
LIVING: ED WALKER associate editor; Panam
COOPER assistant editor; FASHION: HOLLIS WAY St
editor; CARTOONS: wind UKKY editor,
MARY лох researchers; CONTRIBUTING EDI-
KERIG POPE managing director; CHET SUSKI. L
WILLIS senior directors; BRUCE HANSEN. THEO RC
Ултзов associate directors; KAREN САБЫ: KAREN
GUTOWSKY. JOSEPH PACZEK assistant directors;
атк; АНАК А HOFFMAN administrative manager
managing editor; LINDA. KENNEN, JAMES LARSON
MICHAEL ANN SULLIVAN associate editors; PITY
BEAUDET assistant editor; POMPEO POSAR senior staff
photographer; KERRY MORRIS staff photographer:
wara contributing photographers; IRIS MERMSEN
stylist; james warn calor lab supervisor
JONN MASTRO director; MARIA MANDIS manager;
сууп LACEYSIKICH manager:
NIKE OSTROWSKI correspondents
поп manager
MICHAEL т Cong advertising director; Zo NUILLA
midwest manager; FRANK COLOSNO, ROBERT
TRAMONDO group sales managers; JONS PEASLEY
direct response
J. TM DOMAN assistant publisher: MARCIA
TERRONES rights ES permissions manager; EILEEN
KENT contracts administrator
‚49 EACH.
‘OWN ANO OUT IN sow? || > олш 1533042
BEVERLY HILLS 5426052 | zu | CITIZEN KANE 5501032
OAY OFF 4273022 -— | MUSICALS NM
ALIENS. 3609092 LT иа un
prcav sue cor mo — Быр Sane MEE
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4269082 SI жи WISE GUYS EX MUSIC PURPLE RAIN 6045012 0507162
EVER ТОШ, озю _ | NGGE EDGE BLUE VELVET 5150072 — | SPACECAMP™ A86012 | THE 400 BLOWS. En
^ 270959 — | GODFATHER Tr | SPIES LIKE US 118082 — stan TREK Ell юлем?
اجب ن sux MALAMO | ue TEH мг DRY UL ито
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As a treatment professional struggli
to assist the recovery of chemically depend-
ent clients sentenced by the courts to
treatment programs, I must applaud your
article on addiction (Addiction and Reha
bilitation, viavuoy, May) as the most
coherent, well-researched piece I have yet
Icohol-susceptible public.
What amazes me is that the Gov-
ernment’s "war on drugs" emphasi
mass urinalysis, more sophisticated law-
enforcement technology, more manpower
and additional prison cells rather than
education and treatment to deal with a
population we have long recognized as sul-
fering from a treatable disease. Would we
а сапсег апф һсап-
Program Соога
Storefront Centers for Counseling
Drug & Alcohol
Sarasota, Florida
I salute you on the fine job your staff did
in repgrting the facts of the disease con-
cept of addiction in Addiction and Rehabili-
lation in your May issue.
As a recovering addict and an intake
counselor in a drug-treatment center, 1
found your report accurate, informative
and medically sound. It is our duty as
recovering individuals to mes-
sage to the addict who still suffers. Your
port has helped us in that work and also
has enlightened thousands of others for
whom drugs may become a problem.
Thank you for a job well done.
(Name withheld by request)
Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 bought my first copy of PLAYBOY in
ic monthly, hav-
ury's back
ing nearly à quarter ce
оп my shelves
In all those years, I've had indescriba-
ble enjoyment and entertainment but have
felt a few times that you unknowingly
undermined a little of your credibility in
regard to the usc of drugs.
But with the last three words on page
148 of your Л issue, you have a very
well-deserved right to feel proud. Those
three words? “Don’t ta
Г never have,
spoken out, others won't, either
Michael Frysinger
Lima, Ohio
лувоу has
Concerning pages 134—143 of your May
issue: Is there a T? How about an R? Oh,
there are two Rs. OK, is there an F? Now
how about a C? Hey, Dm doing all right
Now I'd like to buy a vowel or two. Is
there an E? Second letter is an E,
huh? Wow, I think I know what the word
is. Га like to buy an I. Two ГУ, you say?
I know Гус got it! Vanna is spelled
Lanny R. Middings
San Ramon, California
To be honest, when I first read of your
plans to publish photos of Vanna White, 1
thought, Here we go again; another
crawls out from under some rock and sells
pictures of a celebrity that were taken
acons ago. Well, I couldn't have b.
more pleasantly surprised. David G
an’s shots of Miss White in your May
e terrific. He maintains a level of
onalism and good taste that meets
the high standards of your Playmate
pictorials. I'm sure readers across the
country will agree with me and say thanks
to you and to Gurian for capturing these
delightful glimpses of a spectacular
Paul Yuratich
Metairie, Loui
Your pictorial of Vanna White is beauti-
fully done. I feel that I speak for the vast
majority of men when I say that these pic-
tures in no way change how we feel about
Vanna, On the contrary, I, for one,
Note 0f
Interest To
Periodically, PLAYBOY sup-
plies carefully screened or-
ganizations (whose products
and services we feel could
be of interest to you) with
the names and addresses of
our subscribers. Most sub-
scribers enjoy receiving mail
of this nature. However, oth-
ers sometimes object to
having their names released
for this purpose. If you wish
to have your name deleted
from lists furnished to out-
side companies, please mail
your written request (and
include your mailing label,
if available) to:
Cynthia Whitner
PLAYBOY Magazine
919 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
admire her even more alter seeing her
in your magazine. My friends and
co-workers agree on two things: She's gor-
geous and we all love her. Good luck, Vanna!
Hal Simonsen
5t. Paul, Minnesota
Having been a Wheel of Fortune fan for
the past two years, Гус had ample oppo
tunity to relish the fully clothed Vann:
White, while at the same time practicing
the time-honored male art of undressing
woman with one’s eyes. However. no mat-
tently I exercised my imagina
s mis
tec how
tive powers, Гус always felt I w
some of the cial de
navel, for instance, (Innie or outic?)
Thanks to the photos on pages 134-143
my question has be
Wayne Presh
Little Rock, Arkansa
М: White is what every
wants to look like in gorgeous ling
what's the fuss?
Mr. and Mis. John Alger
Wixom, Michigan
ic. So
The three biggest hypes so far this y
are the declaration by Oral Roberts that
God is a terrorist Who held him for ran-
som; that gal's publicizing her brief sex
liaison with Jim Bakker, alter seven years
and a $265,000 trust fund as hush money;
and Vanna White's $5,000,000-plus law-
suit against Pavnoy
1 have a snapshot of my aunt Emma in a
bathrobe that has about as much eroti-
cism as those pictures of Miss White. As
for nudity and embarrassm.
more at any public beach. And the text that
accompanies the pix is very supportive of
her. Instead of suing your magazine, she
ought to be paying you for the exposure.
S. R. Durkee
Bethesda, Maryland
nt, you see far
While a Senate staller with some hard
questions for the Air Force in the wake of
the Libya raid. I had the rare opportunity
to Ay with the 380th Bombardment Wing
stationed at Plattsburgh AFB, New York.
This introduction to Ше capabilities of the
FB-11] (the slightly heavier and longer-
winged sibling of the F-111s) did not jibe
with Andrew Cockburn's critical assess-
ment in Sixty Seconds over Tripoli (vi wow,
Screaming over the Adirondacks at 600
miles per hour at 200 feet in zero visibility,
an act of supreme faith for me, was routine
fare for the 380th. We engaged in a mock
attack thar demanded that the pilot, do-
ing double duty
without a weapons offi-
cer, simultaneously fly, navigate, monitor
the terrain-lollowing radar. operate the
C.M., handle the radio and teach me
offset bombing. | sensed no “task over-
load." As for the FB-HI itself, it is an
amazing weapons system. ‘The assertion
that the F-H is “less maneuverable than
the Boeing 707” is ludicrous. Acrobatics,
however, are of questionable relevance
when the mission is low-level, all-weather
night attack. Where speed. stealth and
surprise are everything, the F-111 has no
It is true that bombs strayed. Technol-
ogy will never eliminate the “log of war.”
zhly accurate weapons can minimize
teral damage and spare innocent
ans the horror of indiscriminate car-
pet bor Considering the
nature of the mission and the extremely
tight rules of engagement, the Air
and the nation have every
proud of the performance of the men and
craft of the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing,
The Asahi Shimbun
American General Bureau
ading Cars 87
Editorial Director and Associate Pub-
lisher Arthur. Kretchmer’s sidebar, And
fiom Where 1 Sit. . ... in the May issue ol
maveoy, E thought perhaps Krerchmer
might like some help in answering his
“marketing question number two: Is Gen-
eral Motors going 10 be in the car business
in 19977"
Irs tragic that my G.M. cai
The Best and
, terminally
ill and not even two years old, will nev
experience life in the fast lane. This mar-
vel of high techn а supe
gasoline, averaging 27 miles to the gallon,
thanks to its mighty four-cylinder engine
with turbocharger. Of course, most of
the time, it won't shift into second gear,
so the turbo probably is still new.
I can confirm the engine power. When
I'm sitting still at traffic lights with my
logy aver on
foot on the brake, the rpms register 5000!
1t took only three trips to the garage to get
worked out. The clectronic
Had to
that little
dashboard is a terri
have it replaced the first year, but it rea
works now. When the car is motionle:
the speedometer reads seven miles per
hour. 1 figure its merely making up for
the 1700 miles that were erased when the
і alled.
looks brand-new. Had to
ther scat covers and the rubber
molding on the doors the first year, not
to mention the air conditioner.
It’s becoming obvious to me why we
should not buy foreign cars. By support
ing the American automobile industry, we
arc endorsing big wages for inferior work.
By pu ng gas savers, we arc restrict-
ing OPEC's power, as suggested by our
Government. And, not least, we are giving
muscle to our garage mechanics, whose
carning power is а mere $40-plus an hour
Wanda Kopczynski
Tacoma, Washington
I bought your May issue just to see
Vanna White: but in my haste, my usually
accurate thumb fell a few pages short to
P. J. O Rourke's The Bachelor's Home
Companion. | can understand that some of
your readers may find O' Rourke's article
humorous. However, I find the tips and
insights truly gifted—just good common
sense for the less glamorous side of bache-
lordom. 1 was so impressed with the arti-
cle that I nailed a copy to the refrigerator
door for handy reference.
Albert Gay
Tallahassee, Florida
The Bachelor's Home Companion
late you on another superior humor
Pat Massey
St. Louis, Missouri
1 would like to thank you for your pic-
torial of May Playmate Kym Paige, What
сап 1 say, except “Wow!” How "bout a
parting shot for all your readers who must
have been as moved as I was? Thanks,
and keep up the excellent work.
Ronald H. Curry
Enfield, Connecticut
We don't get many letters from Enfield,
Ron, but you've asked the right question. We
wouldn't mind taking another look at Kym our-
selves. The rodeo-loving Miss Paige brings
out the bronco in a guy, don't you think?
Since Ed Meese
the centerfold in a recent issue, has deter-
mined that m.avuov does not, in fact, fall
“within the Supreme Court definition of
obscenity,” | have decided to enlighten
the gentleman with a gift subscription.
Please bill me in accordance with your
regular billing practices relative to such
subscriptions. I hope Ed enjoys the pic-
tures, since in my humble opinion, he
seems to be rather illiterate.
Mark E. Mascara, Esq.
Washington, Pennsylvania
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Howard Stern, talk radio's current bad
boy, is now assaulting television. Fox
Broadcasting Company is developing a
pilot featuring Stern, the notorious New
Yorker whose morning talk show originat-
ing on WXRK-FM combines jokes,
insults and parodies (and caught the ear
of the FEC—see page 4)
If Fox censors try to limit Stern's forays
into religion and sex, he may be cut off
from his best material. For example, his
referring, on the air, to his former boss at
New York's WNBC-AM, Kevin Metheny,
as Pig Virus; "Not for Goyim Only," a
periodic Stern fcature starring Rabbi and
Mrs. Murray Kahane of Temple B
Vegas of Atlantic City, confronting such
issues as Jewish pornography (The Devil
and Miss Cohen, Debbie Does Yeshiva); his
playing the Ku Klux Klan's hotline mes-
sage; or his lampooning of Mary Beth
“Mother M" Whitehead (“Hair like an
Egyptian,” sings Stern). Of course, if
scandal's a problem, he
become a TV evangelist
can always
When Run-D.M.C
Boys started touring together in June, they
weren't the only ones who'd bes
and the Beastie
n rehears-
ing. Rush Productions, management for
both groups, didn’t want a repeat of some
unfortunate. goings on just prior to last
year’s Run-D.M.C. show in Long Beach,
California ted prepping for secu-
rity this spring, Rush even produced its
own video, with the rap on good and
bad security practices, and passed it on to
so it sta
security teams working various venues—
sort of STV. That, plus the walk-through
and hand-held metal detectors, ought to
do the trick
As if the trade deficit to get
nother Japanese import. Not geisha girls
Not kabuki. When the tired Tokyo busi-
nessman goes out with the boys, he’s likely
to hit a karaoke bar. Karaoke (that's cara-
oh-kay) literally means “empty orches
tra." There's no piano player, no piano—
just a special laser-disc machine that plays
an orchestral arrangement while a video is
screened on strategically placed TV moni-
tors that also scroll printed words to the
song. A bar patron, fortified by sake or the
drink of choice, Chivas Regal
spotlight and sings his heart out—solo
There are literally thousands of karaoke
bars in Tokyo and a growing number in
New York and Los Angeles. We checked
out Chicago's Café Shino, where owner
Hitoshi “Tommy” ‘Tamura told us, “I try
to make my place as authentic as possible,
just like а real Japanese night club."
ands in a
are six attractive hostesses who,
among them, speak Japanese, Korean and
Chinese as well as English, and 1000 Japa-
nese songs on karaoke discs, plus 25
Engli: We asked a hostess to put on
New York, New York, a big favorite with
h one:
the Japanese customers. Images of the
Manhattan skyline TV
monitors. Oh, did we croon—all to enthu-
flashed on the
siastic applause. It was another Japanese
breakthrough: a big improvement on our
So the N.B.A. play-offs are finally over.
and 16 years and two dozen farewell par-
ties later, we've sadly seen the last of Jul-
ius Erving, right? Well, through the magic
of video tape, Dr. J lives on. CBS/Fox
Video Sports has just come out with a
tape slugged Dr. Гу Basketball Stuff. les
part instruction and part magic, In addi-
tion to basic tips for kids and weekend
warriors alike (haven't you always wanted
to learn how to do a finger roll?), the
action highlights make you sit back and
wonder how a human can fly
The tape, priced at $19.98, is the first
installment in a series of hoopla to come
out of an agreement between CBS/Fox
and the N.B.A. The video company will
now have exclusive rights to all game
highlights shot by the league. In the near
future, you can expect to sec s
footage— your favorite team, the best sla
dunks, the biggest bobbles—as well as
instant videos of championship play-olls.
The dcal should put CBS/Fox right up
there in a league with NFL
both quantity and quality of production.
It will also make a lot of money for Julius
Erving. Just what the Doctor ordered
Films in
An attack of déjà vu hit when we saw
the new movie about chicano pop star
the name of his biggest hit. How many
recorded versions of the bar-band staple
exist? Well, it turns out that the
been waxed more than 140 times between
Valens’ 1958 version and the one on the
movie sound track by Los Lobos. Among
Valens—La Bamba, which is also
the notables:
La Bamba by The Youngbloods, who
sing Spanish with a deep Southern drawl
The post-Buddy Holly Crickets turn the
song into surf music: “They call my baby
1 don't know
thing now, and I'm
22. Tm still trying to
figure out whats
going on. I wasn't
working, I wasn’t try-
ing to find a job, so I
figured, What else to
do? Соте out."—
New York debutante
Cornelia Guest in
current salary
range for dental
hygienists, $12,000-
$23,000; dentists?
median gross is
$150,288 per y
College | professors
make $25,000 to
$38,000 per year,
while college football
head coaches basc
salaries are between
$50,000 and $103,000.
Age at which infants are now
believed to be able to distinguish
happy, sad and angry facial expres-
sions: ten wecks.
Earlicst age at which a child can
speak two languages: three years.
Age at which most children learn
Number of American kids (aged 12
to 18) who run away from home cach
year: 500,000 to 1,000,000.
Number of American girls under 15
who get pregnant every year: 30,000.
Number of American adolescents
(male and female) who become prosti-
tutes each year: 900,000.
Percentage of American kids who
graduate from high school: 76.1.
Money spent in a ycar on records,
I's even money who's in pany owns Godiva
more trouble:
divorce lawyers.
the percentage of men between
the ages of 25 and 34 who have tion
never married has increased
from 15 to 30. And the per-
centage of women between the
ages of 25 and 34 who have pany owns We
remained unmarried has in-
creased from nine to 20.
tapes and CDs by
Americans under 19:
1.5 billion dollars.
Average number of
kids who appear on Soul
Train every week: 150.
Percentage of
American kids (aged
six to 15) who have
their own TV sets: 45.
Percentage who think
they ought to have
their own TV sets: 65.
Campbell Soup C
preachers or Chocolatier, Inc.
Since 1970, .
Sara Lee Corpora-
owns Hanes
Hosiery, Inc.
H. J. Heinz Com-
tional, Inc.
RJR Nabisco, Inc., owns R. J. Reyn-
olds Tobacco Company
Number of annual U.S. bathroom
accidents involving toilets, 21,000;
s, 18,000; towel racks, 2700;
drapes, curtains and shower curtains,
4300; washcloths and towels, 2300.
The word lady is derived from the
Old English hlefdigo, which means
“Red tape” comes from the color of
the tape that was tied around official
documents in 17th Century England.
The nickname gat for gun, often
heard in the gangster moyies of the
Thirties, derives from Richard Jordan
Gatling, inventor of the machine gun.
Parasol comes from the Italian
parasole, “to defend against the sun.”
La Bamba. ” New Riders of the Purple
Sage make it a hipster C&W bar tune. By
Johnny Rivers, La Bamba sounds as if it
were recorded at the beach around a sun-
set wienie roast. [ts mid-section segues
into Twist & Shout, La Bamba’s bastard
child, as do versions by The Sabras, an Is-
raeli rock group popular in the Catskills,
and Apache Spirit, a pop-folk band from
the White Mountain Apache tribe in /
zona. Another Indian rendition, by Vi
Molina, wins honors for the most deli-
ciously raunchy
Chubby Checker sings it half in English
ypso-rock beat: “Para bailar la
bamba/A little bit of limbo, a little bit of
samba." Joan Baez acoustic version dis-
s good, jour-
neywoman job sounds as if it were
arranged for the Vegas stage
Lawrence Welk: easy to snap your fin-
gers to. The Mormon Tabernacle Choi
"The world's most adaptable choral group
proves here that versatility doesn't equal
virtuosity. Still, the choir is better than
101 Strings, whose clevator-music La
Bamba would make anyone push the
emergency button. Oh, yes—there's a
disco La Bamba (by Antonia Rodriguez)
and several folkies’ versions, more than a
dozen courtesy of Travis Edmonson, who
reports that in the Fifties, he was subpoe-
naed before a McCarthy committee that
thought he was singing about the bomb. A
bomba it isn’t. And last, The Plugz, who
from the first note sound as if they can’t
wait to finish, do the very worst Version
ever recorded.
Mention the word party to the Ayatol-
lah Khomeini of Iran and he'll think Party
of God, right? We wondered, given Iran's
restrictive social environment, what the
average mullah might do to get happy
AbulFazl Shakuri, writing in Kayhan
International, has clarified the Iranian
concept of fun: “Playing is not suitable for
a believer except in three cases.” The
exceptions: ^1. Playing to train a mount.
2. Shooting exercise. 3. Playing with one's
wife. These deeds are all right." Let the
good times roll!
We've always suspected as much, and
now we've got rescarch to back it up:
"There's a fine line between madness and
creativity. Psychology Today reports that
Dr. Nancy Andreasen studied members
of the University of lowa's prestigious
Writers’ Workshop for 15 years and found
that 43 percent of them were man
depressives to some degree, compared
with ten percent of a similar but non-
g group. Looking on the bright side,
Р.Т. suggests that manic-depressive ill-
hess may give creative individuals access
to a richer and more intense
not shared by the rest of us.
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m ттш — A
LOVE BLOOMS AT a mountain resort in Dirty
Doncing (Vestron), all about a nice New
York girl who finds romance and rhythm
with a resident entertainer when his regu-
lar partner (Cynthia Rhodes) takes time
out to have an abortion. Jennifer Grey
(Joel's talented daughter) and Patrick
(Red Dawn) Swayze, a former ballet
dancer here strutting his stuff on film as if
to top Travolta, generate body heat as the
principal duo, whose only real problem is
the girl's father (Jerry Orbach). Dad's a
bigot on the subject of boys with dubious
seasonal emplo such as
Johnny Castle. Set in a not-so-distant past
where Flashdance merges with Herman
Wouk's Marjorie Morningstar, Dirty Danc-
ing moves in more ways than one. ¥¥¥
A charming, small-scale comedy about
the final summer of another Borscht Belt
hotel in the Catskills, producer-director
Steve Gomer's Sweet Lorraine (Angelika) is
plainly a labor of love as well as a personal
statement. As the aging proprietress of
"The Lorraine, Maurcen Stapleton glows,
as usual, opposite Trini Alvarado, as her
loyal granddaughter. riding point for a
cast of brash young perlormers who wait
on tables, mock the clientele, improvise
entertainment and generally give ethnic
gags a good name. Without a shred of con-
descension, Gomer drums up nostalgia for
the social traditions of an area affection-
ately known as the Jewish Alps. Even if
you've never made such a trip, the kosher
flavor is appealing. ¥¥
Scratch. those carly
(Columbia) would be an expensive disas-
ter to rival Heaven's Gate or Howard the
Duck. Yes, it's a decidedly muzzy *
epic written and directed by Elai
with an obvious tip of the hat to the Hope-
Crosby comedies of yesteryear. But co-
stars Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman
aren't bad at all. Correction: They're so
bad that they're often raflishly hilarious as
a pair of inept songwriters who get mixed
up with sheiks, CIA sche
ment and name
umors that Ishtar
nes and unde-
served success in Ishtar, a Godforsaken
Middle Eastern t
»uble spot. The troubles
are shared by Isabelle Adj
les Grodin and Jack Weston (a hoot
чу and Hoffman's slcazeball agent)
d up recording a live-
Their songs (written
mostly by May, themselves and Paul W
liams inspired drivel, topped by a
cunningly witless Williams ditty called
Wardrobe of Love (“There's a wardrobe of
love in my eyes. . . . /Sec if there's some-
thing your size. ..."). Dopey? You b
Ishtar spotlights two magnetic supersta
messing around, winning some, losing
‘Swayze, Grey hooling it in Dancing.
Two from the Catskills;
Warren and Dustin on the
road; more from Murphy.
some in May's flawed but jaunty screen-
play. Hope and faked their way
through dry patches, too, remember.
While Bob and Bi surer song-
and-dance men, this odd couple turns all
the traditions upside down, with Warren
(ho, ho) as the bumbling partner who has
no luck with girls. ¥¥¥
"The first in a pair of films based on a
two-volume novel by Marcel Pagnol, Jean
de Florette (Orion Classics) is a bookish
but brilliant drama that has drawn cheers
and tears abroad for taking French cinema
back to basics. If splendid acting, eye-
filling cinematography and a strong story
linc are old-fashioned ues, credit direc-
tor Claude Berri with the courage to give
Pagnol's fiction its due as a modern cl.
sic. In thc title role, Gérard Depardieu
wins instant sympathy as a hunchbacked
city man who returns to his roots on a
Provencal farm, taking along his wife and
child and a headful of impractical dreams.
Eventually destroyed because his land
apparently has no water, the dreamer
never recognizes the greed and cruelty of
a treacherous neighbor (Yves Montand)
who conspires with his nephew (Daniel
Auteuil) to secretly block up a spring on
Jean's property. Under Berri’s direction,
the meanness of French country life lights
the movie with a kind of elemental ener-
gy, placing human folly in the scheme
of things as much as rain, fire, frost or
the changing seasons. Like a gnarled old
oak against this landscape, Montand
magnificent, a peasant in whom every
normal passion except fierce family pride
seems petrified. While Jean de Florette
ends somewhat inconclusively on a note of
evil does it, there's poetic justice and rich
retribution in Manon of the Spring, the
companion piece that resumes the story
ten years later—though it's not slated for
U.S, release until late 1987. No fair. Once
hooked, you won't want to wait that long
to learn how the hunchback's vengeful
daughter pays back the wages of sin. ҰҰҰУ
Eddie Murphy's kiss-mine insolence,
plus his percolating comic chemistry with
Judge Reinhold and John Ashton, should
be enough to make Beverly Hills Cop Н (Par-
amount) a runaway box-ollice hit. The
movie sullers from sequel slippage, with a
plot so skimpy it could be printed on a
pinhead with room to spare. Murphy loy-
alists probably will not care, and director
Tony Scott (who did Top Gun) keeps the
action fast, loud and just about nonstop,
s Axel Foley character sneak.
at in Detroit to help his West
s (Reinhold, Ashton) avenge
an attack on their friend Bogomil (Ronny
Cox). Germany's Jürgen Prochnow and
svelte Brigitte Nielsen are the elegant vil-
Jains who, in one sequence, crash a bene-
fit party at Playboy Mansion West with
Murphy's gangbusters in hot
(Hef shows them the door; see |
PLAYBOY for further details). For me, the
second time around is pure hype with-
out much hilarity, but why cite logic
against Murphy's law? Stay tuned for
B-H. Cop HI. vv
Wildlife preservation is the underl
message of Harry and the Hendersons (Uni-
versal). Bearer of the message—the Harry
of the title, designed by make-up wizard
Rick Baker and portrayed by 7'2-all
Kevin Peter Hall—is a bigfoot, or sas
quatch, a critter of legend in the Pacific
Northwest. John Lithgow and Melinda
Dillon take charge as the Hendersons,
playing Dad and Mom to two sitcom-sassy
brats. They family of conspicuous
consumers whose station wagon collides
with Harry while they're driving home to
Seattle from a camping trip. How a hir-
sute, humongous house pet subsequently
disrupts life in the suburbs makes for some
noments of droll domestic comed:
Don Ameche called in on the c
master of bigfoot lore. Produced by 5
Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment, Harry
gets downright sloppy with sentiment
about loving our furry fricnds and hating
hunting rifles. It's a throwback to E.T.,
amiable but not half as successful at bring-
ing out the awe-struck child in all of us. ¥¥
Italy's Lina Wertmúller, a woman
already acknowledged as a world-class
film maker, stirs up another heady mi
ture of sex and politics in Summer Night
(New Line). Like her 1975 hit Swept
Away . . ., this stylish, insubstantial satir
ts Mariangela Melato as a wealthy
blonde bitch who meets her match
virile male from the overprivileged
ian underworld. Here, she’s a billionaire
so incensed by a wave of profitable kid-
napings that she decides to restore the
honor of the ruling class by kidnaping the
master terrorist (Michele Placido) respon-
sible for hijacking her high-and-mighty
friends. Once captive at her sumptuous
island retreat, milady’s prey wears chains
by Bulgari and is served caviar, cham-
pagne and a steady stream of insults. She
calls him “a left-wing prick,” while he
challenges her to come to bed and try it.
Wertmúller finally reduces the class war
to a simple-minded joke about sex as the
great equalizer. Pure fluff, but Melato and
Placido grapple like spoiled Olympian
gods going for the gold. ¥¥¥
A startling Spanish import, Padre
Nuestro. (International Film hange)
stars Fernando Rey as a dying Roman
Catholic cardinal who returns to his
native village to square accounts before
the grim reaper calls. His Eminence's
odyssey flushes some fairly carthy skele-
tons out of his family closets, revealing
that he was quite a lusty young priest
before his three decades of service in the
Vatican. The past haunts him mainly
through encounters with women: his
tyrannical old mother, his wary grand-
child, his daughter by a former mistress.
The wayward daughter (Victoria Abril)
is now a flamboyant prostitute who flouts
convention by selling herself to clients as
la Cardenala. As if that weren't enough,
the ailing old cleric also has a bachelor
brother (Francisco Rabal) who is hooked
on the joys of masturbation. Performed
with impeccable style, always under-
stated, director Francisco Regueiro's
Padre Nuestro (Our Father) may set reli-
gious zealots back on their heels, but for
just about everyone else it puts the con-
founding human comedy in sharp per-
spective. VY.
n à
Talent, intelligence and good
cannot save Gardens of Stone (Tri-Star), a
curiously flat Vietnam drama directed by
Francis Coppola as if he had spent all his
creative ammo several movies ago. Set
back in 1968, among the so-called Old
Guard who bury the nation’s war dead at
Arlington National Cemetery, Gardens
segues from a eulogy into flashbacks high-
lighting how fate fingers an cager young
Army recruit (D. B. Sweency) who can
hardly wait for reassignment to a combat
unit in "Nam. He's a naive superpatriot
surrounded by a home-front array of
hawks, doves and peaceniks portrayed by
James Caan, James Earl Jones, Anjelica
Placido, Melato: Who's the boss?
Back to the battlefield
of the sexes with Lina;
Caan almost saves Coppola.
Huston, Lonette McKee and Mary Stuart
Masterson. Coppola's earnest but listless
version of a novel by Nicholas Proffitt gets
most of its emotional snap and crackle
from the leathery top sergeant played by
Caan—back on the screen after a five-year
absence, he acts the bejesus out of the
meaticst role he's had since Coppola
directed him in The Godfather. Now
they're even. YY
Director John Schlesinger's acknowl-
edged skills guarantee that The Believers
(Orion) is always riveting, if not always
plausible. Voodoo evil seems to be “in”
as a subject for thrillers, and this one
(smoothly concocted by Mark Frost from
a Nicholas Conde novel) sets Martin
Sheen down in Manhattan as a widowed
psychologist whose young son becomes
the target for a ring of ritual child murder-
ers. Helen Shaver plays Sheen’s glamor-
ous landlady, who becomes involved with
santería, a mysterious religion of Afro-
Cuban origin. So do Robert Loggia,
Jimmy Smits and an ace company, all
reeling in horror from time to time with
New York as a backdrop. With Marathon
Man and Midnight Cowboy to his credit,
Schlesinger could give lessons in how to
combine urban glitter and ghoulishness.
“Weird fuckin’ city you moved into, Doc,”
snaps Loggia, playing a harried police
lieutenant. Yeah. While the ending looks
both overdone and predictable, by then
Believers will have you in a tightened circle
of terror. And for once, the shocks are
unspeakable but largely unseen. ¥¥¥
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
As of now, this column will hop up from a
Jour- to a five-Rabbit rating system (see
details below). The change is designed to
be more precise, allowing a fairer shake—as
well as fewer split hares—for films listed.
L'Année des Méduses (Reviewed 7/87)
Beach bums and boobs in France. ¥
The Assault (5/87) Oscar's choice as
best foreign-language film. vay
The Believers (Sce review) New York.
Y., under Schlesinger's spell. ¥¥¥
Beverly Hills Cop II (See review) If you
dote on Eddie Murphy, smile. vv
Blind Date (7/87) More like a bland
date, directed by Blake Edwards. ¥¥
Dirty Dancing (Scc rcview) Mostly good
clean fun in the Catskills. yyy
Gardens of Stone (Scc review) Best of
Coppola's slow show is James Caan as
a disillusioned Vietnam ver YY
Gothic (6/87) Waxing poetic with Ken
Russell on a Byron-Shelley trip. ¥¥¥
Hannah and Her Sisters (3/86) Woody's
Oscar-laden tale of Manhattan. ¥¥¥¥¥
Harry and the Hendersons (Sec revicw) A
sasquatch goes to suburbia. vv
Heaven (6/87) The hercafter explored,
sort of, by Diane Keaton. Wh
Hollywood Shuffle (5/87) Being young,
gifted and black in showbiz. yyy
Ishtar (Scc review) Mixed bag, ycah,
but yields a few good giggles. yyy
Jean de Florette (Scc iew) French
country life with a vengeance. УУУУ
Making Mr. Right (6/87) Robotic man on
the rocky road to romance. E
Padre Nuestro (Sce review) Cardinal
sins come home to roost wy
Project X (7/87) Matthew Broderick us.
scene-stealing chimps. БЫ
Radio Days (4/87) Yesteryear fondly
remembered by Woody Allen. vvv
Raising Arizona (5/87) Baby snatchers
in a rollicking comedy from the Coen
brothers, with Nicolas Cage. way
А Room with a View (5/86) From wall to
wall, a stylish comic gem. vvv
The Secret of My Success (7/87) Big busi-
ness for Fox, Michael J. wy
Summer Night (Scc review) Turning the
tables on a terrori: yyy
Sweet Lorraine (Scc review) Memories
shackle mountain inn. yy
(7/87) With
y ag head. ¥¥¥
Tin Men (6/87) Dreyfuss and DeVito
trade insults, truths and Barbara
Hershey. WI,
Withnail and 1 (7/87) A lively lost weck-
end with two English hams. yyy
YVYYY Outstanding
¥¥¥¥ Don't miss YY Worth a look
¥¥¥ Good show ¥ Forget it
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DAVID HOWE changes images the way Cyndi
Lauper changes hairdos, so the news that
the old chameleon is making yet another
comeback is no news at all. And he'll
ikely get away with it, but let's agree right
here that this time, he deserves something
worse— Chapter 11, maybe. Never Let Me
Down is proudly but expediently described
by EMI America as uncategorizable. This
means that instead of coming up with
something “new”"—such as the mechani-
cal but functional rock disco of 1983's Let's
Dance—Bowie has cannibalized his own
past. There's hard rock and pseudo soul, a
Spiders from Mars rehash, some mechani-
cal but functional rock disco and a ridicu-
lous spoken-word fable called Glass Spider
Through it all, Bowie favors the worst of
his many inadequate voices, that of the
overwrought chanteur who first surfaced
on 1973's Time. The accompanying profit-
taking promotion will be trademarked the
Glass Spider Tour. Don’t get caught
Having already crossed Run-D. M.C.
with Acrosmith and set the Beastie Boys
on A.C./D.C., Rick Rubin is now said to
have transformed four Brit doom fops
called The Cult into Led Zeppelin, Direct
comparison, however, reveals that Jimmy
Pages thunderclap riffs, Robert Plants
banshee yowls and John Bonham's ka-
boom are as difficult to replicate as you'd
imagine. Electric (Sire) is nothing more
than a collection of rocking riff tunes that
dispenses with the droning echoes and
laggardly beats of 1986's Love. 1 hear lots
of Led Zep simplified—no sagas, no
tempo shifts, no blues. I hear Steppenwolf”
(an unconvincing Born to Be Wild), Cream
(Aphrodisiac Jacket recalls Tales of Brave
Ulysses) and lots of Acrosmith—fop but no
fool, Ian Astbury apes Steve Tyler rather
than the unapproachable Plant. And |
hear an LP every bit as ent ning as,
say, Aerosmith's underrated Done with
Mirrors. Good work, Rick
Tom Petty has always been more of a
feeler than a thinker. So when he
attempted the Big Statement on 1985's
Southern Accents, the results were predict-
ably mixed. “Let Me Up (I've Had Enough)"
(MCA) is his best album since Damn the
Torpedoes, not because it offers the Right
Answers but because he asks the Right
Questions—such as “Who the hell am D”
Petty goes back to musical basics, admits
his confusion and attempts to make art out
of it. He's at his best when he bursts
through his inner muddling on the
Stonesian title cut and on Jammin’ Me, a
witty generic protest song for the Eighties
in which, with a little help from co-writer
Bob Dylan, Petty gleefully focuses his frus-
Xgau on the eternal chameleon.
Charles M. attacks Mac;
Dave does Bryan; Vic gets
Petty; and Nelson gets down.
tration on the irritations of life in media/
consumer land.
On Hard Times in the Land of Plenty
(Columbia), Omar and the Howler
exactly who they are: They're Creedence
Clearwater Revival—revived. This legend-
ary Louisiana bar band comes by its
roots honestly. The populist title cut
nearly out-Fogertys Fogerty, and if the
loopy charm of Dancing in the Canebrake
(imagine Sam the Sham fronting the
Band) doesn't land the Howlers in the top
ten this summer, then radio’s even lamer
than you feared
Bryan Adams intends into the Fire
(A & M), his fifth album, to establish his
credentials as something more than a teen
idol. There's no better formula for produc-
ing rock's most useless flops, but he gets
away with his big ideas a fair percentage of
the time. Those who think Adams a non-
entity haven't been paying attention
(which is what has driven him to this
much sell-consciousness, of course). He has
already proved that he can write a rock
ballad that tugs heartstrings (Summer of
69) and, in Diana, he displayed a sense of
humor, trying to argue th
Wales into dumping her prince.
Although the songs on Into the Fire have
ostensibly weightier topics, he sticks to his
basic A.O.R.-guitar attack; most of the
music here isn't anything Foreigner didn't
think of first, though Adams has a much
princess of
less ponderous rhythmic touch and the
advantage of coproducer Bob
mountain’s crystalline sound. As a
he'll never be Lou Gramm, but he
close enough for rock n’ roll. The lyrics
arc another question. Adams comes olf
well in some of the most difficult songs:
He's smart enough to set his antiwar num-
ber in World War One and to make sure
that his song supporting native Americans
contains the line “АП these changes can-
not be undone.” Into the Fire is an album
about lives in flux. But its weakest songs
are the ones in which Adams speaks most
personally — Home Again and, especially,
Rebel. Rebellion isn't one of his great vir-
tues; and, whether he knows it or not, the
flux he's describing is the product of
greater forces than mere rock rebellion
But that doesn't mean he doesn't make
(with his band, the Range) is rock's
rookie of the year—he's got the best-
neu-artist Grammy to prove il. Cur
rently working on his second LP, he
commented on another group making
serious music—U Heres Bruce's
word on "The Joshua Tree”:
“Гуе liked U2 ever since 1 saw
the band in 1983. On The Unforget-
table Fire, U2 started expanding,
with more variety in sound
duction. Joshua Tree continues in
that direction, from the beautiful
church-organ opening—a lot ol
songs have a certain spiritual
quality—to the use of harmonica,
acoustic guitar, percussion and, on
One Tree Hill, even strings. The folk
influences seem a bit more pro-
nounced on Runniug to Stand Stil.
U2 retains its intensity, espe
cially in Bono's vocals and ‘The
Edge's rhythmic guita
Bono's range of vocal nuance and
emotion on With or Without You just
could make it my favorite song—I
know it's the hit, but it really is the
one that gets me the most. The lyr-
ics are evocative and express a lot of
feelings. I also love J Sill Haven't
Found What I'm Looking For. These
guys do a lot of things that other
pop musicians can learn from.”
nd pro-
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some kick-ass rock 'n’ roll or that it
doesn’t say something.
Jody Watley’s Looking for a New Love
was one of the spring’s hottest singles and
a real woman's anthem in the tradition of
Donna Summer's She Works Hard for the
Money. But Jody Watley (MCA) doesn't
come near matching that instant dance
classic. Despite several big-name writer-
producers and a duet with George
Michael, this album doesn’t establish
Watley as a distinctive vocalist. It’s all
Public Enemy emerges from a provoca-
tive set of cultural antecedents: Malcolm
X, the Black Panthers and the Nation of
Islam. P.E.’s logo is a Kangol-cap-wearing
black urban teen framed in the gun sight
of a police revolver. As you might imag-
ine, these Long Island rappers aim to be
as political as they are fresh. On Yo! Bum
Rush the Show (Def Jam), Chucky D and
Flavor-Flav, supported by d.j. Terminator
X, are mean-spirited revolutionaries with
such incendiary cuts as Timebomb and
Righistarter (Message to a Black Man). But
even the nonpolitical raps rain verbal
sniper fire on cops, upwardly mobile
blacks and crack dealers.
little feeling.
Of all the Fleetwood Mac-alumni solo
albums, I have derived the most pleas-
ure from Mick Fleetwood’s The Visitor,
recorded in Africa in 1980, when Paul
Simon was still a one-trick pony. Despite
its experiments with form, the record was
solidly grounded in Flectwood's brilliant
sense of percussion, which ranks him right
up there with Ringo and Charlie Waus for
egoless taste. He and bassist John McVic
guided Flectwood Mac through all its
ns over the years and seem to
have discouraged the excesses of their
songwriting pcers— Lindsey Buckingham,
Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie. Unfor-
tunately, Tango in the Night (Warner) is not
the latest proof that Fleetwood Mac is
greater than the sum of its parts. Tango
lacks the hypnotic weirdness of Tusk and
the relentless hooks of Rumours, which
was probably a once с pop
masterpiece. But what it most lacks is the
sanity of Rumours, the exhilaration of set-
ting oneself and one's partner free from an
addictive relationship. Here Buckingham
yearns for a Big Love that will solve all his
problems and Chi ne MeVie thinks that
the antidote to her broken heart is a lover
who will tell her “sweet little lies.” This is
the romantic equivalent of a reformed
drunk’s slipping back into the bar for a
final binge: Maybe it seemed like a good
idea at the time, but it’s hard to justify
later, even with a great rhythm section.
Christgau | Garbo
George | Marsh | Young
Bryan Adams | |
Into the Fire. 3
David Bowie |
Never Let Me Down 3
Fleetwood Mac |
Tango in the Night
Prince | |
Sign 'O' the Times 10
Thompson Twins |
Close to the Bone
?_ | ol o
TÀ E dee a
ow еа 2
known for the world's greatest rock-'n’-
roll catalog, has opened its first store in
San Diego. The store, like the catalog,
will have, the owners say, the largest
selection of rock T-shirts, posters and
memorabilia anywhere. Look for a
Musicade storc in your city in the not-
too-distant future.
Jay King plans his film debut this fall in
Just Watch This Movie. . Tina Turner,
Joe Cocker, Freddie Mercury and Rebbi
Nevil are апи the international art-
ists contributing songs to the German
movie Zabou. . . . Adam Ant is making
World Gone Wild with Bruce Dern,
Michael Paré and Catherine Mary
Stewart Look for Tem Waits in
Ironuweed, starring Meryl Streep and Jack
Nicholson. . . . Michael Nesmith has two
films in production: Zippyvision, based
on Zippy the Pinhead, and Motorama,
set in the future. He'd like to work with
The Monkees on a movie, if they asked
him. . . . Sam Moore (of Sam and Dave
fame) and Jr. Walker have teamed up in
Tapeheads. They play a soul duo called
The Swanky Modes. . . . Stevie Wonder
is working on a concert feature that
will have him performing songs from
Motown’s golden age right through to
the present. Plans are to release it in
theaters and then make it available as a
home video. . . . We hear that Michael
Jackson is working on a spoof of the
making of music videos, calling it a
“mockumentary.” It will include
celebrity cameos and be shown in
NEWSBREAKS: Beach Boy Cad Wilson is
producing demos for Maria Muldaurs
y daughter, Jenny. He'd like to
produce her debut album. . . . Peter
Wolf may consider an invitation to
rejoin J. Geils, but mostly he's focused
on his own album. . . Four of
Motown's hottest Sixties stars, Martha
Reeves, Mary Wells, Eddie Kendricks and
David Ruffin, arc joining forces this sum-
mer for a Dancin’ in the $
They'll be performing across the coun-
try, so come get those memories. .
Jan Hammer is leaving Miami Vice to
write, produce and perform on Clarence.
Clemons’ new record. He may also tour
with Jeff Beck. . . . Bill Wyman plans to
tour England this summer with the
Stones’ mobile studio and record new
talent free. He's calling the program
Opportunity Knocks and plans to give
the young musicians he finds legal and
management help as well. "I want to
give something back,” he says. Those
planning to be in England and wishing
to submit tapes should send them to
Hugh Anderson, Interaction Associ-
ates, Atlantic House, 35! Oxford
Street, London WIR IFA. Willie
Nelson, The Judds and Manhattan Transfer
are all scheduled to play in China this
fall. . . . Frank Zappa is writing his auto-
biography, with the working title of
The Real Frank Zappa Book, for publi
cation in the fall of 1988. . . . We cheer
Tem Petty, who settled with the B. F.
Goodrich Company, which used a song
in a commercial that was too similar to
onc of his. The commercial has been
withdrawn. ... The rock group Keel's
new song, Uniled Nations, was re-
corded with 75 background singers,
including other musicians, record-
company staffers, journalists, girl-
friends and people pulled in off the
street. Then the producers reproduced
the 75 voices 20 times, creating the
«ссі of 1500 voices—a possible Guin-
ness world record. And finally,
when U2 was flying to the US. to start
a tour, the pla s struck by light-
ning. Sophia Loren was on the same
flight, causing Bone to comment, “It
must have been God taking her
P 4/4 Af ‘Nf 7, y My A “Mf BL Заб
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The night belongs to Michelob:
M y girlfriend, Dorothy, and I spent a
weekend at Heritage USA, the
born-again-Christian resort and amuse-
ment park created by TV evangelists Jim
and Tammy Bakker, who have lately been
so much in the news. Dorothy and I came
to scoff—but went away converted.
Unfortunately, we were converted to
i iow we're up half the night
ches’ sabbaths and have to
spend our free time reciting the Lord's
Prayer backward and scouring the neigh-
borhood for black dogs to sacrifice.
Frankly, it's a nuisance; but if it keeps us
from going to the Heritage USA part of
heaven, it will be worth it.
Just kidding. In fact, we didn’t actually
go to Heritage USA to scoff. At least, 1
didn't. I went because I was pissed. I
mean, normally, I take a live-and-let-live
attitude toward refried Jesus wheezers.
They've got their role in life and I've got
mine, Their role is to be dim, sanctimonious
and boring. My role is to have a good time,
But when the founders of Heritage USA
start having drug blasts and zany extramari-
tal frolics, they're stepping on my turf.
Heritage А is a fair-sized chunk of
Christendom, 2300 acres. It's half an hour
from the go-go New South Sun Belt to
of Charlotte, North Carolina—just over
the border in the poky Old South Bible
Belt county of York, South Carolina. The
Heritage entrance gate looks like a Colo-
nial Williamsburg turnpike toll plaza.
Admission is free, however. Inside the
gate, you have the same vaguely depress-
ing pine barrens that you have outside. A
dozen roads meander through the scrub
with the sly purposelessness of burglary
lookouts. Not that Heritage USA is an
“empty vessel” (Jeremiah 51:34). By no
means. Recreation facilities are “mi
tered unto you abundantly” (H Peter
1:11). There are playgrounds, kiddie
rides, bridle paths, tennis courts and
swimming pools, where I guess you have
to lose faith at least temporarily or you'll
just stand around on top of the water. And
there are vacation cottages for rent and
condo homes for sale, plus camp;
and acres of gravel to park your V
bago on. A golf course is bein
ГИ rush back as soon as it's done, just to
hear what new kinds of blasphemy Chris-
tian golf leads to:
‘This cup is the New Testament in my
blood."—4 Corinthians 11:25.
"E will put my hook in th
And you can visit the world headquar-
ters of PTL, which is in the middle of a
huge scandal right now, just like a real tel-
evision network.
Amid these lesser marvels is an artificial
lake with a 52-foot water slide and the
s largest wave-making pool. A little
in goes all the way around
. And across from the
station is an enormous hotel, shopping,
theater, restaurant and indoor ins]
tional-loitering ce
"The architects must have been touched
by the Holy Spirit, because they were defi
nitely speaking the language of design in
tongues when they did this. At one end,
there's the Heritage Grand Hotel, Geor-
gian on steroids, Monticello mated with a
Ramada Inn and finished in Wendy’s Old
Fashioned Hambui s Gothic. This is
attached to a 200-yard stretch of bogus
Victorian house fronts that screen the
shopping mall. The house fronts have
extruded-plastic-gingerbread det d
are painted in colors unfit for baboon pos-
teriors. Interesting that the same God
Who inspired the cathedral at Chartres,
Westminst Abbey and the Sistine
Chapel inspired this. Big Guy
Upstairs can be a real
Dorothy immediately went shoppi
She's normally as good at this as any
human female. But she was back in min-
utes, with no bags or packages and w
a dazed, perplesed expression, like a
hiopian given a piece of wax
fruit, What could be the matter?
We went into the bookstore and I found
out, There on the shelves were personal
affirmations of faith by Roy Rogers and
Dale Evans, a born-again diet plar, a
transcription of the horrible (though
rather unimaginative) things you can hear
you play rock-'n'-roll records backward
and a weighty tome arguing that every
time the New Testament says wine, it
really means grape juice. But I couldn't
find anything you'd actually call a book.
The Bibles themselves had names like A
Bible Even You Can Read and The Bible in
English Just Like Jesus Talhed.
‘Then we went into the music store. It
was the same thing. There were racks of
tapes and records by Christia
groups. Christian folk groups, С!
heavy-metal groups, Christian
groups, all of them singing original com-
positions about the Lord. No album was
actually tided / Found God and Lost My
Talent, but Vm sure that was just an over-
sight. There was even a “Christian rap
music" cassette called Bible Break. (1 was
witnessing a miracle, I was sure, or audit-
g one, anyway: Here was something that
sounded worse than genuine rap.)
The toy store was weirder yet. The
stuffed toys had names like Born-Again
Bunny and Devotion Duck. A child-sized
anoply of Biblical weapons was for sale,
including Armor of God, Helmet of Faith
and a Sword of Truth that looked ideal for
a clobber of little sister. And there were
Biblical action figures—Goliath with a
bashed skull, David looking fruity in a
goatskin sarong, Samson and Delilah
as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria
the copy on Delilah’s bubble pack. Here
was a shopper's hell, indeed
I looked at the people crowding the
Heritage Main Street mall. They didn't
seem to be having much fun here. Many of
them werc old; none looked very well off.
‘There was a dullness in their movements
and expressions. Even the little
looked somber and thick. In the men's-
room stall where I went to sneak a ci
rette, there were only four bits of graffiti
The last was scratched into the paint
ith a key or pocketknife.
Talmostdon’t (concluded on page 153)
THERE IS HOPE, sometimes rewarded, that
biographies will provide a golden key,
unlocking some essential mystery about a
person of unique interest—that and some
good gossip. Timeless insights into the hu-
man condition, plus a little dirt, are what
we're after.
We didn't go for obvious oncs; we tried
to find those you might have missed,
Evelyn Waugh: The Early Years 1903-1939
(J. M. Dent), by Martin Stannard:
Waugh was a curmudgeon, peevish and
crabby, and probably the funniest black
humorist ever, his clean prose a lesson to
us all. Waugh was also something of a boy
wonder, a novelist famous before he was
30, who sullered from what might be
called Robin Leach's discasc—a compul-
sion to hang out with rich people. Served
up in this somewhat academic but reada-
ble biography is plenty of roaring-
‘Twenties bisexual debauchery, travel to
exotic places and failed love affairs, which
all add spice to a most unusual care
William Foulkner: The Man and the Artist
(Harper & Row), by Stephen B. Oate:
Faulkner, considered by many the greatest
20th Century American novelist, was also
a drunk, a charming liar and, when he
chose to be, a cold son of a bitch. He loved
airplanes but was a rotten pilot. Until latc
in his life, his books never made much
money, so he labored through the Thirtics
and Forties in Hollywood, writing script
alter script to support the crowd of rela-
tives back in Mississippi, taking comfort
in bourbon, an understanding mistress
and bird hi ig with friends. Faulkner's
is the triumph of vision over big feet of
clay, here nicely told
Mary Shelley (Dutton), by Muriel Spark:
They didn't call them romantics for noth-
! This new revision of Spark's first book
reveals a novelist’s narrative skill in pace
and selective detail which is to say that
onc of its virtues is that it's short. Mary
vas the daughter of the famous William
Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft, wife of
the more famous Shelley, whom she out-
ived by many years, and author, before
she was 20, of Frankenstein. But hers is
mainly a love story with a sad ending.
Shelley, married at the time though soon
to be divorced, young himself, fell in love
with her when she was 17—and they took
off running to Europe, giddily happy with
each other. They kept a journal, traveled
on the cheap, read and wrote; all but one
of their children died, and Mary was left
with a heart full of bitterness,
Wilbur and Orville (Knopf), by Fred
Howard: While it could be a Horatio
Alger novel—Obscure Bicycle Makers from
Dayton Make Good!—this is also а ro-
mance, only here the love affair is with
nuts and bolts, technology. Neither Wil-
bur nor Orville ever married, and they're
noticeably short on girlfriends, even, i
A potpourri of intriguing biographies.
A biography roundup;
Dickey's tour de force;
a guide to music videos.
these pages— but they were long on good
old American know-how and inventive-
ness. Howard is excellent at describing the
thinking and scientific principles that
went into the Wrights’ carly experiments
with flight. What's more intriguing, how-
ever. is what happens affer the in-
vention—the competitive scramble to
make the plane commercially viable (the
Wrights’ first prospective customers, nat-
urally, were the military) and the long
battles to protect patents—making this as
much a business story as a saga of grit and
personal daring.
Winsor McCay—His Life and Art (Abbe-
ville Press). by John Canemaker: McCay's
life was fairly uncventful, but he was the
creator of Little Nemo in Slumberland, an
carly landmark Sunday comic that was an
opium dream of a strip and that served as
the basis of one of the first animated car-
toons, predating Disney by 20 years. This
handsomely produced volume brims with
color reproductions of McCay's work; il
the biography is less than compelling, it's
well worth a spot on the collce table of
anyone who's interested in comic art.
Peter the Greot (Dutton), by Henri
Trovat: Czar Peter, on the other hand,
couldn't have had à more eventful life.
Brilliant, brutal, headstrong. tempestu-
ous, passionate, he attempted nothing less
than the modernization of carly- 18th
Century Russia. Unfortunately, he wasn't
above donating the lives of thousands
peasants to the causc—whether in war or
п building St. Petersburg in the mud and
marshes. A man of vast appetites, with an
array of quirks ranging from the endearing
(he loved to travel incognito and work as a
common laborer) to the ghastly (he loved
torture, too, and personally tortured one
of his own sons to death), Peter was a
giant figure in a giant land. Trovat's biog-
phy does a good job of capturing the
man and his place in legend.
Is That И? (Weidenfeld & Nicolson), by
Bob Geldof with Paul Vallely: Who would
we thought it? In many ways, the best of
the lot is this autobiography of a rebel
rocker, leader of the Boomtown Rats, who
organized Band Aid and Live Aid and was.
nominated lor a Nobel Peace Prize. The
ting is surprisingly good, often funny,
nd Geldof comes off as a bright, likable
chap—even while growing up delinquent
in Dublin, at war with his old man and his
Catholic teachers (he once wrote to China
for 100 of Mao's Little Red Books and dis-
tributed them to classmates). Geldof’s con-
cern about the Ethiopian famine was no
sudden publicity stunt but had roots dat-
ing back to his childhood. His tireless
work to launch those benefits and then to
remain a spokesman for the cause are
sharpened by the fact that the Boomtown
Rats’ declining popularity found Geldof
broke and in debt, even as he was mecting
international heads of state to. promote
famine relief, A good lad. —DAVID STANDISH
There is a difference between a tour de
force and a masterpiece, and if you want
to know what it is. consider the works of
James Dickey. His first novel, Deliverance,
a masterpiece; it was also a terrific
odern adventure story, a book that put
him in the honored company of Jack Lon-
don. His new novel, Alnilem (Doubleday),
is a tour de force that belongs in the com-
pany of, oh, Norman Mailer's Ancient
Evenings or William Faulkner's A Fable.
This is a big, enveloping book with astro-
nomical goals (Alnilam happens to be the
Idle star in Orion's belt) and concerns
n, blindness, fatlierhood, even air.
But it is also long and windy and relies on
an irritating split-screen device that alter-
nates the point of view ofa blind man with
that of a sighted observer. This technique
does very little other than make the book
mechanically, as well as conceptually,
hard to read. In the end, onc is grateful for
the occasional flights of language and can
hope that Dickey has gotten this one out of
his system.
Music Video: A Consumer's Guide (Ballan-
tine), by Michael Shore: Music journalist
and MTV staff writer Shore has amassed
900 entries with info, reviews and rating
stem of must sce and must avoid.
music-video addict? You'll want this book.
А! of my patients аге encouraged to
drop by the office any time they
wish, whether they have a session sched-
uled or not. Many of them do come just to
sit around, drink coffee, read magazines,
watch my secretary mail bills. Occasion-
ally, some of them bring their deli sand-
wiches and sodas and have lunch in thc
waiting room. I would much prefer to have
them here in the warmth and safety of my
office rather than out on the street, where
they might be tempted to go to another
Red Sox game.
Basically, two kinds of patients come to
me for help. There are those who are try-
ing to fight their Red Sox addiction and
those who have already been infecied with
the Red Sox virus and are struggl
cope with it, hoping to find some peace
ess in the few months they have
Needless to say, I hear a lot of horror
stories. Let me just play you a couple of
tapes. First, here's part of a n | had
last month with a Red Sox addict who now
lives in New York:
“I never thought it could happen to me,
Doc. I thought | could control it. At first,
it was just bumper stickers. I didn't think
anything about it. Everybody had а
bumper sticker of some kind. Mine were
harmless. They didn't say ruck REAGAN or
anything, they just said Go RED sox
“But then it gets a grip on you. Like. I
went to this black-tie dinner and wore a
Red Sox cap. I was getting seduced. Next,
I was taking showers in my Red Sox
warm-up jacket. I couldn't take a shit
without it
“Pretty soon, you start calling in sick at
work. All you want to do is stay home and
watch the games you've taped. Somebody
says you're about to lose your job, but so
what? The Red Sox a thing
that's important any more
“Then come the lies. My wile said,
‘What are you doing wearing that stupid
cap and warm-up jacket around the
house? I said, ‘What cap? What jacket?"
She took away my cap and jacket, but I
had others stashed away. I kept them
locked up in drawers. I'd unlock a drawer,
sneak a peek at the в on a cap or a jacket,
then slam the drawer shut. Thirty-seven
minutes later, Ud have to do it again. Pd
have to sce that logo,
‘After a while, vou get paranoid. You
start to close the curtains before you
unlock the drawer and look at the logo.
€ the only
And you stand for hours peering out of
the window, keeping a lookout for all thi
Yankee fans who are out there wanting to
give you a urine test.
“Ies everywhere, Doc. It's on the
school grounds, in corporate offices, res-
tau bar you frequent, the discos,
all over the streets. Why can’t the cops do
something? They know where most of it
comes from. Boston! They know who's
bringing it in. Perfectly respectable-look-
ing people. Grown-up men and women.
“F guess I finally realized I needed ther-
apy when I started sleeping with the pho-
tograph of Roger Clemens. And 1 knew
the heartbreak 1 was in for. 1 knew I'd lose
my wile, the kids, the job, my home,
everything. I tried to tell myself it would
be worth it if the Red Sox won the world
series; but somehow, | knew deep-down, it
couldn't happen. They never win the
world series. Not with Ted Williams or
Yaz or nobody. So how were they gonna
win it with this bunch of creeps?
ETE st thing it does to
you and
gonna win the world
you'll have these world-
hip patches to put on your
warm-up jacket and these world-cham-
pionship bumper stickers to put on your
It makes vou feel brilliant, like
the Red Sox
series and
an outsmart you,
Il you're gonna do
is wind up in the gutte
“1 know this is true, but I can feel it
happening to me again. You got to help
mc, Doc. Make me a Me ything.
Um happy to report that the patient is
5. I started him off
s Rangers program,
it’s tougher to deal with
someone who's been infected with the Red
Sox virus. The tape you are about to hear
is heartbreakingly typical of the person
who's been stricken:
“My friends and I had always known
how promiscuous the Red Sox arc. We'd
heard about all of these people who had
been infected in 46 and others in 767
and still others in 773, but nothing serious
happened to them, because penicillin took
care of everything. Sure, à lot of them
wound up in mental institutions, but
nobody died, for God's sake
“Now [don’t know, Doc. I fear for the
future. My life is over and Um resigned to
it, but what about the next ger
f we have a few more seasons |
virus by 19
Red Sox are going to stop fucking people.
and that’s mainly how you can catch it.
“It’s so casy to get taken in. They flirt
h you and fondle vou. like they did last
year, and you fall for it. You fall into the
trap of making love with them in all the
normal ways, and the next thing you
know, they've stuck it up your ass
“You know the risk you're tak
somchow you can’t resist. You get swept
up in another world. The carth moves.
You think, Here 1 am, just an ordinary
m, but I'm making it with the Red
nd we're going to win a world se
“Your eyes roll back in your head and
you them on the shoulders,
ou're on this roller-coaster ride you hope
ever ends. You forget the dangers. All
that seems to matter is the moment.
“But then it happens. The unthinkable
‘The same old thing. Just as you're in the
middle of the most wonderful dream
you've ever had—you ean even envi
the ticker-tape parades—the ball r
between this guys legs,
realize that love never
with it; you've only bee
“Forget me, Doc. I'm done for
we care about the future, there's
answer. We've got to find a way
make the Red Sox wear condoms.
ad suddenly you
d anything to do
fucked again.
But if
nly one
When the
heat is on,
escape to
the ultimate...
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.
17 mg. "tar", 1.3 mg. nicotine, av. per cigarette by FTC method.
Yur probably reading this while
you're lying on the beach. You're
probably looking around at the scenery
every ten seconds. The hills and valleys
and tan places with suntan oil on them—
that’s the scenery I’m talking about. You
say it’s taken you 15 minutes to read these
four sentences? I understand.
You're trying to get up your nerve to
talk to the women who appeal to you,
aren't you? You're thinking of intros.
“Nice day, isn’t it?” “Excuse me, do you
have the time?” “Pm sorry, but could I
borrow a little suntan lotion?" “Do you
know your back is getting sunburned?
Oh, clever. Really clever. You know
those are dumb lines. You know you'd like
to have some new material. And you also
know that you're not crazy about possible
rejection. Face it: There's not a man alive
who hasn't backed down, wussied out,
walked away from a woman who was
attractive to him—but who seemed too
beautiful and formidable to deal with.
Well, you've come to the right column
There arc ways around your shyness. It
just takes a little thought, some minimal
planning. All you need is a knee brace, an
old shirt and a piece of paper—thrce
items that will change your luck for the
better. You use them at different times in
different ways, but they all point to th
same goal: meeting and greeting women.
1. The knee brace. We're talking much
more than an Ace bandage here. We're
talking a device, an implement, a big old
thing that has straps and braces and
leather and hinges, a medieval contrap-
tion that makes it look as if you definitely
have a knee that doesn't work. Sure, it'll
cost a little, but you can always buy the
basic brace and then jazz it up at home.
Frankly, if you had your knec brace
with you on your beach blanket, you pri
ably wouldn't be alone now. If you
limped onto the beach while wearing it—
and you have to limp with a knee brace or
you'll spoil the effect—you'd have been an
mmediate conversation piece, You'd have
been noticed, and some of the women
ng you would have felt sorry for
which is exactly what you want.
Go back to the beach tomorrow we
your knee brace. Limp toward the water
Smile bravely. If you sec an attractive
woman, sink suddenly to the sand while
you hold your braced knee with both
hands. Don't fall right on top of her. Have
a little couth. Drop to one side of her towel
and moan once. Only once. If she offers to
help you, refuse that help. At first. But
keep talking as you test your knec, col-
lapse again, stare at the sky and silently
curse your fate.
Do not claim that your injury is an old
war wound. Women these days couldn't
care less about veterans. They sec them as
stubborn and devious and preoccupied
with sex, which is accurate. No, you want
to comeon as a professional athlete who has
just signed a huge contract and has three
months to go before timc trials/football
camp/spring ing. The three months
give you time to figure out another story.
The knee brace presents you as virile
but temporarily fallen, a condition most
women cannot resist. It is ideal for
beaches, health clubs, jogging paths,
swimming pools. It’s almost as good as
the shirt
2. The shirt. 1 don't know which shirt.
Just pick out one of your old shirts. Then
buy some small tubes of paint from an
artists’-supplies store. Put dillerent colors
on cach of your finger tips. Slowly wipe
them all over your shirt. Let the paint dry.
‘Take the shirt with you wherever you go.
The gig is thi
You go to the nearest art
museum and find the room with the
a it. You're wearing your
shirt. You've mussed your hair
slightly. You
ings. You seem oblivious to everyone. Ti
tand and stare at the paint-
to look tortured, hungry and rebellious.
Think of your last tax audit or something
like that.
Within three minutes, onc or two
women will begin circling around you and
the painting you're staring at. Sigh once
Only once. By this time, you'll probably
be asked if you're a painter. Nod that yes,
you are, and ask one of these three ques-
tions: (A) “Do you think Scurat was dia-
betic, or was he really exploring. the
nature of light and form?" (B) “If Dau-
mier were drawing today, do you th
Disney Studios would givc him a job?
(C) “Do you ever want to get away from it
all the way Gauguin did?”
There is a chance that you will be asked
about your work. You should say, “I'm
into acrylics, mostly, but I still like oils."
If pressed further, sav, "Look, I really
don’t like to talk about my w while it's
in progress." Say this with a controlled
hysteria that indicates that your brilliance
often gives you agony. She'll love it
3. The piece of paper. Any piece of paper
will do. Write down some things you need
for your home. Do not list brand names
That shows no imagination and defeats
your purpose. Not much conversation can
be made out of "Where's the Clorox?”
So you write vague descriptions of the
things you need: "stuff to clean floors
with," “something to cat," “bleach and
soap." That's cnough. You're doing cat
gorics, not names.
Then go to your nearest grocery store.
Better make it a large onc, because you're
going to be hanging around for a while.
Your face should be a combination of puz-
zled, hopeful, sorrowful, plucky, sexually
neutral. Glance at the list, stare at the
shelves, shake your head in confusion,
look around shyly for help.
You are the ultimate helpless male. You
are either divorced, widowed or just back
from Central America (you pick it). As a
helpless male, you have every right to as
vice from the women who happen to
pass by and who, coincidentally, happen
to appeal to you. You arc harmless, vul
nerable, trying to hold your own housc-
hold together. How can any woman be
offended? You and she are, at that
moment, just two tired girls on the high-
way of life!
OK, that's three to get lucky. Гус got
more of them. Later ГЇЇ tell you about
the toe shoes, the dark glasses and
ihi goldfah, [3]
I packed my bags and left town with the
kid. He had always wanted to go to
the Caribbean. I didn't care much. My life
was shot. ОК. not shot.
But there comes a time in a woman's Ше
when too much water has gone under the
bridge and the idea of knitting seems
awfully racy, ja
much trouble- When the prospect of be
sexual seems appalling. My friends se
when I said I was never taking my clothes
oll in company again. “Well, not for a
year,” I said. “I may not be retired, but
I'm on a leave of absence. Anybody wants
to fuck me, he can apply in June 1988.7
"EH bet you dinner at the Gotham
you'll get laid in the next two months,”
said Ri
“Don't be crude,” I said. “We're talking
is here.”
ironclad reasons. One is the
myth, political propaganda
I hav
to make women feel desperate. Wome!
up jobs
па pressured intensely to gi
Antifeminist propaganda has re
ning high. Even my erstwl
Baber has joined the band w
recent Men columns. This depresses me
Then there are the diseases; then there is
my personal life.
Maybe this has happened to you: You're
demented in love; you spend too long find-
ing out it will never work. Then you spend
an equally long time feeling like a plant
that has been bending toward the sun but
whose light source has changed
time to start growing upright aga
say you know what Î mean.
Anyway, Barbados is just off Trinidad,
near the equator; the heat is so thick you
feel as if you're being ironed. The airport
probably ten miles from our hotel, but
wok about 45 inutes,
in highways were barely
nd people walked on them,
often holding parasols or carrying large par-
cels on their heads. Plenty of wild, strangely
configured palms, plenty of monk:
We arrived at our hotel, the Colony
Club, which probably has the best beach
situation in the world. Overhanging trees,
chaise longues under thatched umbrellas,
the bar and open-air luncheon patio right
there, so you can get a thickly rammed
pina colada and lie there getting gently
drunk and then stroll into the Caribbean,
which cradles you like a baby.
I floated and stared at the poisonous
now it's
п. Please
because the n
cab ride
two cars wide
manchincel trees and got to feeling rickety
and strange. The last thing 1 wanted was
for the tension to ooze Irom my body,
since it was holding me together. So I got
dressed and went to the police station
“I want a driving permit, please,” I
said to the cutest cop I've ever seen. He
took my moncy, stared deep into my eyes
and told me his name was Colin. Perked
ight up.
The kid and I went to the flower forest
and took pictures of cach other. We went
to the wildlife preserve, where 1 went into
shock watching a monkey carrying around
her dead baby while the other monkey
tried to wrest it from her grasp. We went
to Bridgetown, the capital, and looked at
hideous duty-free china. We sweated like
pigs and drank Banks beer, which is won-
derful. I was running around as if I were
in New York.
That night, while I sing for
dinner—which you have to do in Barba-
dos, since there don’t seem to be any inele-
gant restaurants—the telephone rang.
This was obviously a mistake; no one was
allowed to call me. It was the cop.
I swear I said I would go out with him
only because the tourists in Barbados
so unappealing you don't want to talk
with them. So I said, “Sure. Colin, come
right over.”
He doesn't drink; he is in the habit of
busting people for drugs; he lives with his
mother and several siblings. “How do you
as dre:
like the tourists here?” I asked him.
“Is there a city in the United States
led Georgia?” he wondered. “1
shouldn't say this, but those people are
rude. Why do they come here, where the
population is 90 percent black?" What
could I tell him?
I don't know, it be
The sun did the
me а relationship.
nevitable and relaxed
ne. I bought a tiger-print sarong from a
beach vendor. I snorkeled and saw the
pretty fishies. Colin called three times a
day, often fresh from another drug bust.
We had tiffs, even. More like negotiations.
About my not being where ГА said Га be,
about his being late.
It seemed normal, which I'm not used
to. I'm used to 1987, the attitudes between
the sexes being basically “I hate you and
I'm going to play every game I can think
of" “Oh, yeah? Well, fuck you!" This
vacation relationship was organic give-
and-take; I started dimly remembering
the way things used to be.
1 was having vivid dreams and night-
mares every night to the tune of the ceil-
ing fan. One morning, I woke up and the
unhappiness that had been permeating
me suddenly seemed discrete, tangible. I
could almost sec it—a black bundle of
misery—and I was beginning to separate
from it. I don't want to be like this any-
more, I thought. I'm going to stop.
“Pm hungry, Mom; let's go to break-
fast" said thc kid. We ate papaya and
pancakes and drank strong tea and
decided we were 100 lazy to ever move
I felt my misery floating away, off
nto space. Tropical strangeness.
Meanwhile, I was hardly letting Colin
hold my hand. Too soon it was my last
ight. Colin
beach. Every
closed up. He thought I was a ma
used up some courage to put my arm
around his waist, where 1 felt a bulge. He
wasn't glad to sce me; he had a pistol in
his pocket. We came to some rocks.
"Let's go skinny-dipping.”
“I don't want to.”
“Why not?
What could I say? Because I'm a dried-
up prunc? Untrusting and frightened?
Let's go skinny-dipping.”
Reader, I looked up. At that moment, a
star dropped straight down from the sky. 1
looked at the sea, then at Colin, grinning
in the dark. 1 started untying my
eng What the hell; you ОВУ
Eventually you'll arrive at Finlandia.
"d е Dik if
The world’s finest vodka.
М; accountant and I met for the
first timc at a place called The
Adventurers Club. Very damned appro-
priate, it seemed to me, because I'd been
crouched in the deep bush for years and
years without paying Federal income tax
(Against the Wind. v . April). I'd had
my reasons at the time I went off the track,
but Га outgrown them; and now I wanted
passage back over to the legal side of the
border, which was going to take a guide
who knew how to wield the big machete.
Just inside the door of the clubroom, a
monstrous grizzly, arms spread, jaws
open, loomed over us as if to say, "If I
weren't dead, you'd be lunch.” Antlered
heads stared from the walls across the
room into a glass casc where a couple of
shrunken heads napped side by side—a
sort of reminder, I thought, that in some
places, death and taxes are not only inevi-
table, they are the same thing.
‘Chances are good you won't go to
1," the accountant said by way of open-
ing the conversation, trying to calm me
down. “Unless, of course, you lie about
your income or otherwise try to defraud
the Government. I don't know of a single
case where someone who has turned
selfin voluntarily has actually done time.”
He was careful to add that nothing was
guaranteed; anything was possible if some-
body at the IRS got a hair up his ass.
I rendered my situation for him as hon-
estly as I could: A decade or so outside the
em, I don't know what | owe—and
whatever it is, I didn't have it then and I
don't have it now. He nodded, said he'd
had c like this before, and then he
started talking logistics.
Finally, I said, “You know, I think the
main reason | haven't kept up with this
stuffis that I'm scared of money. Just deep
down terrified.”
"Me, too," the accountant. 1
decided that was the right answer, in the
spirit of great climbers Гуе known who
say things like “If you're not afraid of
heights, you don't belong up here
A couple of days later, I sat amid the
rubble of old checkbooks and receipts and
1099s. Over the years, Pd thrown all ту
financial records into a large trunk against
the day I knew Га have to take this trip;
and once I had them out and on the fl
around me, the situation did:
bad as Pd expected—it seemed worse,
much worse. I'd been trying to keep my
sense of humor about the whole thing. and
Pd done all right up to then; but as 1
began picking through the garbage heap
of my records, all laughter died a whim-
pering sort of death.
I'd put a quote from Ralph Waldo
Emerson on an index card before Га
begun, and I read it again to try to get
my mind moving in the right direction:
"Money, which represents the prose of
life, and which is hardly spoken of in par-
ts elects
lors without an apology, is,
and laws, as beautiful as roses.
I tried to remember as many of the laws
of money as I could; and as I did,
became clear that if those laws are really
anything like roses, what they amount to
for people like me is the garden of agony.
If money is just a way of keeping score, for
instance, shouldn't there be a slaughter
rule for those who fall hopelessly behind?
And if money doesn't buy happiness, why
is it that poverty scems to buy worry and
trouble in such wholesale lots?
An hour after Pd begun sorting the
nasty scraps, I had that sweat on me that
smells morc like piss than like perspira-
tion. I took it to be the pure distilled
essence of every fearful moment I'd spent
fleeing financial adulthood. I tried to tell
myself to relax, that it was only money we
were dealing with here. Then I found a
six-year-old telephone bill with a long-
distance call on it that had cost me $24.
1 remembered it vividly: a pathetic,
anguished call, just one of a series of des-
perate late-night conversations that had
ended in the kind of pain it takes years to
shake. And it hit me—none of this is
about money. Every old envelope con-
tained at least one canceled check, or a
bill, or an I O U that was a trap door to
some scene I didn't want replayed.
Just before Га started the sorting, a
reporter friend had said something he'd
meant to be encouraging. "Once you've
taken your deductions and figured them
against your earnings, you probably won't
owe that much. 1 mean, a journalist can
pretty much write his whole life oft." Over
the 15 hours it took me to put those years
on columnar paper, it occurred to me that
there were three meanings to his words
and that only one of them had to do with
the IRS.
So far, it's taken five sessions, a couple
of hours cach, with the accountant to
assemble the fragments of my sorry fiscal
life into the kinds of line items and final
sums that fit onto a tax return. A half ап
hour into the interviews, I was ready to
bolt, to go to jail if that was what it
meant—anything to end the horrible per-
sonal inventory he was taking.
“Апа what year were you divorced?"
“Oh, God... ah... 1983 for the formal
decree, I think.”
No. I mean the first
“Oh, Christ. й
Then, while I sat there fighting off a
memory with a face like a meat-eating
bear, he'd riffle through the books and
charts and tables that contained the appli-
cable IRS laws of money—the Federal
roses—for that year. Every now and then,
he'd brighten and say something like “Oh,
this is excellent,” and then he'd read the
double- and quadruple-negative speak of
some old statute that seemed to move
things a measly distance in my favor. I
sat there wondering whether it's proper to
thank the man who brings you a cup of
poison because he's managed to spill some
of it on the way out of the kitchen.
On my walks home from the sessions
with the accountant, I gave myself all
the little Zen sermons about the uni-
verse unfolding just as it should whether
we know it or not, but they didn't work.
The estimate of what I owe so far is awful.
Of course, if the IRS lets me pay it off ata
couple of hundred bucks a month, it's go-
ing to take only 10 or 12 years to settle up.
Then again, I haven't even heard from the
Government yet, and it may have an-
other idea on how to prune my roses.
1 can't wait.
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Ba the June 1986 Playboy Advisor,
vised that there is no safe way to
increase the length of one’s penis. Let me
sk you, is there an unsafe way to do it
Um sick and tired of missing out on so
much action just because I am a dimple
dick. I am attractive, affectionate and vir-
ile, but my erections are on the small side
of average and the flaccid state is down-
ight embarrassing. The sex “experts”
insist that size really doesn't matter, but
that is a crock! Just check out any of the
swingers! magazines. At bars, women will
е me the eye; but when they r
crotch, the eye is all I
no sexually tra itted di
sess all the other qualities of a good lover:
it is just that the tool doesn’t measure up.
Pm ready to try anything. To me, it’s
worth the risk. After all, when a hooker
akes one look at you and offers a
discount—what more can 1 say? Thanks
for any advice or referrals —D. L., Cin-
cinnati, Ohio.
Sorry, but your argument doesn't measure
up. We suspect that your basic problem is not
in the size of your penis—it’s in your head.
Numerous studies have shown that clitoral
stimulation —not the size of a lover's penis —
is the key to sexual satisfaction in women.
lf you suspect that you're particularly
underendowed, see a urologist or an. endo-
crinologist for an examination that can
determine whether there is a physiological or
hormonal cause for your problem. Otherwise,
you're just going to have to learn to live with
yourself the way you are. In your letter, you
describe yourself with many positive. ad-
jectives—and we think those are the traits
and qualities you should emphasize when
dealing with women. We believe that once you.
find а caring, understanding partner who
will accept you as you are, your concerns will
be banished forever. In the meantime, we
repeat: There is no safe, effective means of
increasing the size of the penis. Many of the
products you see advertised that make such
claims are not only ineffective but potentially
dangerous, Change your attitude and save
your money
Wi lizer added to my
stereo system, I plan to record a lot of my
cassettes in the near future. This equalizer
features a pink-noise generator and is
capable of recording equalized tapes. 1 am
sure that this will greatly enhance the
quality of my recordings, but my questions
Am I better off recording the mi
equalized to my current listening room's
acoustics, or will a nonequalized record-
ing yield better sound quality when 1
the equalizer to accommodate
partments and rooms (considering
room dime: carpeting, fur-
th a
new e
niture, etc.)? Will I minimize the equaliz-
er's capability by playing equalized tape
number one (recorded in room number
one) in room number two with the cqual-
izer compensating for thal room's acousti-
cal character? Of course, this is just
another of life’s quandaries. What's my
best move?—G. J., Madison, Wisconsin.
We recommend that you not equalize your
tapes when you record them. It would be best
to use the equalizer to compensate for a
room's acoustics al the time of playback. As
you mentioned, you will get бейет sound
quality in a future listening room by compen-
sating for that room's acoustics with a non-
equalized tape rather than by possibly having
to make large compensations to balance out a
tape equalized to a different room. Another
reason is that nonequalized tapes will be
available for playback in your car stereo, in a
portable unit or at a friend's. house. This
would not be true of an equalized tape. If
your room's acoustics dictate the need for
severe equalizations, pre-equalized tapes may
sound terrible in another environment. Your
best bet is to record the tapes without equali-
zations and use the settings specified by the
pink-noise generator for playback of your
tapes. That approach will allow you the best
sound quality now and in fulure applications.
AIDS has increas
1 our awareness of
Now a lot of my friends are us-
ing condoms or trying to. The resistance
we get is amazing—inane remarks such
as "b can't feel a thing when I wear a
condom; it’s like wearing a raincoat in
the shower." Got any witty responses for
liss E. W., Hartford,
this situation?
‘Can't feel a thing? Then you won't mind if
1 practice nipple piercing, or open-heart sur-
gery, or my heavy-metal SIM act on your
backside,” No, we're not sure that levity is the
best solution for this kind of confrontation.
Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality ran
a list of typical remarks of defensive, resistant
or manipulative partners. There are those
who argue they don't need to use condoms: "I
know I'm clean [disease-free]: 1 haven't had
sex with anyone in X months.” The suggested
response: "Thanks for telling me. As far asl
know, I'm disease-free, loo. But Га still like
to use a condom, since either of us could
have an infection and not know it.” Then
there are partners who argue that “condoms
are unnatural, fake and a total turn-off.
The suggested response: “There's nothing
great about genital infections, either—either
give the condom a try or let's look for alterna-
tives.” "What alternatives do you have in
mind?” “Just petting and maybe some man-
ual stimulation. Or we could postpone
orgasm, even though 1 know we both want
it.” Then there are the manipulative assholes
who rant, “This is an insult. You seem to
think I'm some sort of disease-ridden slut or
gigolo." The prim-and-proper response: “1
didn't say or imply that. 1 care about us both
and about our relationship. In my opinion,
ils best to use a condom.” And then the last
gasp of the desperate: “Just this once.” Reply:
“Once is all it takes.” Clearly, there is a lot of
pressure and urgency out there. Taking time
to talk it out will not destroy the passion.
M reconitty пей а healthi club û got back
in shape, lose my love handles and per-
haps find someone to work out with in the
best two out of three falls. What's the lat-
est theory on the best time of day for
exercising?—R. F., Des Moines. Iowa.
For over-all fitness, find a time that will fit
your schedule. If you don't make your work-
outs, nothing happens. No matter what time
of day you work out, your body does the same
amount of work. However, according to a
recent study, if you exercise in the morning
on an empty stomach, the calories you burn
come more from fat than from lean, so you
may slim down faster if you skip that break-
fast at McDonald's and hunker down over à
short stack of iron. As for the social side of
working out, it varies from club to club. If
you like playing to crowds, the after-work ses-
sions are prime time. The people you meet in
the off hours are more likely to be serious fit-
ness freaks, which, to our minds, makes them
more interesting.
Wi; кийиш goes ш a «бой in
another state. One of the ways we keep
this long-distance alfair going is by
exchanging sex fantasies by mail. V
read Anais Nin's nie Barbach's
collections of sexual fantasies, as well
the books by Nancy Friday. We then try to
custom-tailor fantasies for cach other.
Neat, right? Now, here is the problem, if it
a problem: We've noticed that my fanta-
sies are longer and more varied than hers.
Does this bode ill for the relationship? Гуе
read that different levels of desire in a cou-
ple can wreak havoc. Are different fanta-
sies an сапу warning?—P. J., Boston,
Relax. If you are uninhibited enough to
share fantasies, this relationship has a great
chance of making it into the Playboy Advisor
Hall of Fame. Don't let distance be the only
excuse for sharing X-rated scenarios; be sure
to keep it up when you're next to each other. И
happens that the differences you've noticed
are normal. Two researchers at the Univer-
sity of South Carolina asked students to write
sexual fantasies, Males wrote longer, more
explicit and varied fantasies than did
females. There were some interesting differ
ences in how the sexes reacted to examples of
fantasy. Males, when they read fantasies
involving sexual activity within relation-
ships, mentioned more specific sex organs
than did males reading materials involving
casual strangers. Females included more sex
organs when they read examples describing
sexual encounters between casual strangers
than when they read fantasies describing sex
within a relationship. You figure it out. Not
surprisingly, the level of guilt that a partici-
pant experienced affected the length of the
fantasy he or she wrote. When a person is
uptight, his or her fantasies are shorter and
show less variety. And people who feel guilty
are less aroused by the fantasies they read or
write. But listen—being totally without guilt
and terminally horny, we enjoy a good fan-
tasy, loo. Next lime you write, send us a fan-
азу. Maybe we'll publish it.
What is the vest са.
Best for what? Commuting to work?
Transporting teenagers? Winning slalom
competitions? Impressing the socks off your
friends and neighbors? The point is, there is
no “best car,” though there may be a best one
for you. To find it, first get your priorities
straight: Decide which attributes and charac-
teristics are most important to you. No car
can be best al everything, so you will have to
make some trade-offs and sacrifice some econ-
omy for performance, ride softness for corner-
ing agility, style for practicality, features or
quality for a lower price. List these things, in
order of importance, along with financial
and other considerations, and use them as a
check list for shopping. Get some car maga-
zines and buyers” guides and consult an
expert, if possible. But beware the one-
marque “expert” who believes his car is great
and everything else is junk—such free advice
is worth exactly what you pay for it, Above
all, don't make the common mistake of decid-
ing what you want and then focusing on the
“deal.” A good deal on the wrong car is not a
good deal at all.
. R., Evanston,
F met a woman some time ago, but we've
seen cach other infrequently and non-
Recently, she let me know
someone she had been seeing had
asked her to sce him exclusively and that
she had agreed. She added that she would
like to continue seeing me as a friend and,
when asked, made it clear that there could
be something more than just friendship
between us if the relationship didn’t work
out. Now, this woman is a 31-year-old
(Um 38), successful corporate type who I
think wouldn't say something she didn't
mean, My head tells me that if she’s worth
it, and I don’t let this stop me from seeing
other women, then there's no harm in an
occasional drink with her after work. My
heart says this will make me look like a
stage-door Johnny, she'll sce this as a will-
ingness to be second choice, and why be a
masochist? What's your opinion?—L. T
Los Angeles, California.
There's nothing wrong with being a friend
toa woman—and besides, neither of you has
ruled. out the possibility that there might be
something more between you down the line. If
you are more hung up on this woman than
you've realized or admitted and find that
merely being friends is difficult, you'll have to
make your feelings known to her or just with-
draw gradually from dealing with her as time
goes on. For now, however, why nol at least
give friendship a chance? Al the same time,
keep your options open by meeting and dat-
ing other women. You may find you need a
An original suggestion for the Venus
butterfly (The Playboy Advisor, March and
June): Pucker your lips, drawing them
tightly around your teeth. Then, keeping
the tension up, form a small opening the
diameter of a pencil between them. Place
your pucker on your partner's clitoris and
move your tongue to the back of your
mouth, forming a suction and drawin
her in. Release the suction by moving your
tongue forward again. This technique is
distinguished from similar ones by the fact
that the tongue is not used for direct stim-
ulation, and with a litte practice, you can
average between four and six reversals
direction per seeond.—H, Bi, Holbrook,
New York.
Your entry was late but worth publishing.
Bm 5'6" and а real fashion plate. E have
my clothes altered and they are well fit-
ting; however, I have a problem with ties’
13 properly. It seems the only way a
tie is short enough is when 1 tie a Windsor
knot. Any suggestions?—-H. W., Sacra-
mento, California.
A Windsor knot, as you sugges, is a very
good way to shorten a too-long lie, since it
takes up an extra inch or so with the wrap-
over, Another solution is to tie the knot so that
the wider outside piece is at the right position
or length (mid—belt buckle) and the narrower
piece in back is tucked inside the shirt (at
about the second or third button), with the
bottom of the tie tucked into the trousers. It is
also possible to have some lies altered; compa-
nies that narrow ties can shorten them.
Hos can you iell if your parner is
frigid? I'm going with a woman whom I
feel 1 love, but our sex life leaves some-
thing to be desired. I don't get the im-
pression that she is even interested in
sex. What are the symptoms of a real prob-
lem?—G. D., Atlanta, Georgia.
Frigid is a great word to describe the
weather, not women. Helen Singer Kaplan
created a set of guidelines for diagnosing
inhibited sexual desire (1.5.0). A person has
to meet al least three of the following criteria:
“a lifelong history of asexuality, phobic
avoidance of sex, low level of initiation or
sexual receptivity, low frequency of sexual
activity, a consistent negative reaction to sex-
ual activity, verbal expression of a lack of
interest in sex, significant decrease in libido
from a past norm for that particular individ-
ual, engaging in sex for reasons other than
desire (e.g., to avoid hurting a partners feel-
ings) and partner complaint." A receut study
published in. Archives of Sexual Behavior
compared a group of women suffering from
LS.D. with a group of other women. Some
interesting differences emerged. Women with
LS.D. initiated intercourse five percent or
less of the time; the majority of the non-1.S.D.
women initiated sex 50 percent or more of the
time. The majority of women with 1.5.0.
refused sex more than half the time, whereas
96.3 percent of the non-I.S.D. women
refused five percent or less of the ime. More
than half of the husbands of the 1.5.0.
women had almost stopped initiating love-
making because of the refusals, whereas none
of the non-LS.D. women reported this.
Women with 1.S.D. were less aroused by fore-
play and intercourse. And they were less com-
municalive: Only 33 percent of the 1.5.0).
women asked their partners for what pleased
them, compared with 55 percent of the other
group. The causes of the dysfunction are not.
completely clear: The researchers found, for
example, that women suffering from 1.S.D.
thought their parents had negative attitudes
toward sex and that they had grown up with
little parental demonstration of affection.
Contrary to some previous findings, women
with 1.S.D. were more likely to have engaged
in premarital sex than were their non-1.S.D.
beers. And many of the women had developed
the problem during the course of their cur
rent marriage. If you think your relationship
fils this picture, you should find a qualified
sex therapist or family counselor. Change the
things you can change and live with the vest.
Al reasonable questions—from fashion,
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dating
problems, taste and etiquetle—will be person-
ally answered if the writer includes a stamped,
self-addressed envelope. Send all letters to The
Playboy Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N.
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Hlinots 60611.
The most provocative, pertinent queries
will be presented on these pages each month.
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Thre question tor the month:
Is there anything about the way you
look that you don’t like?
f. 1 feel tha
Bim very happy with m
I'm proportioned well, but if 1
change anything, I'd change
and my feet. |
would be taller
Pe SE. Pa
add two inches
and I would be
happier. It
would make a
big difference
to a modeling
iwo inches
could tak
into bigger cit-
ics bigger mar m
kets. Otherwise, people think of m
my height
fect aren't as petite as the reste
don't like my toes. I'd like to have a more
delicate-looking foot. Well, ther
n quite thrilled with my
small. [t doesn't have a
r Thomas’. My
ther than
al little. 1
nose. Is kind «
perfect shape, like Heath
hands are kind of small, ı
long and slender. My butt's
mean. it’s
but its small
you know? Гус
always liked
the cheerleader
bubble butt
and Гус
had one
to my ne
a second
fantasy is
geons nose
mot my cute,
short little nose with tiny nostrils. | have
strils in the world!
the tiniest ne
) =
i Hype om
JULY 1986
but I would never tell
to know why? Because some-
e parts of your body or face
fied with that oth-
а sou
times there
that you may be di
when I sec
my breasts. I alous
women with rı
ers don't sec. If you go to the trouble to
point them out, Hey.
get j
meone may зау 1 breasts.
she's right.” If Then you can be more active. All of a sud-
vou say ath- den, at 17, | blossomed out. Until then. Т
ng, other peo never even got noticed. People kept saying
ple may mot “You never used to look like tliis; vou were
even node à skinny lite twerp."
Why wuld? i om
point out mw % Gare
flaws to your er CHER BUTLER
readers? I know AUGUST 1985
D have them.
Т nor a. Big ty glamorous. Um com-
deal now the fortable with my looks, and I feel at ease
way GU owas ео а
when I was a i front ol
tecnägenand used (о dwell oni such things. someone. 1
Now I say, “So what" Nobody's perfect don't worry
= about it. ] used
Алі, GA A ERE а
plex about my
CAROL FICAT nose when I
DECEMBER 1985 was geting
ady for high
Mi 1 could change one thing about my- school It
sell, Га give myself perfect. vision. 1 slopes up. They
see so badly sed to call me
that when I Ski Slope. [t
walk down the bothered me when they said it. but then
street, people 1 all of a sudden. it didn't bother me anv-
know think I'm
ignoring the
IF 1 could
change a
thing else, Ud
more. I guess Û outgrew their teasing
ева Gurgaon
be — physically
E ed INI í like all of my body. If there is any
бу Seite Yann х of me that 1 work harder on than
more. Other- other, it's
wise, T try to be happy with the way Lam. hip arca.
1 don't think the physical things are as зеп seem to
important as p in trouble
nd the
and а lot سے
fat ends
LAURIE CARR UP there. I like
DECEMBER 1086 my hips, but I
work hard (o
There are tots ts 1 don't like. | Keep them in
shape. I think
don't like my te big, Ask
me to smile and you: have, ta
all you sec is E \ accept what
Жен PA has been given to you and be happy with
like my breasts ¿and 1 am happy with it, Of course, it's
hee tor good prove on what you have been
ven, too.
big. too, I know
ke them,
but 1 can't run; DONNA EDMONDSON
theyre always NOVEMBER 195
getting in the
way Clothes
Send your questions to Dear Playmates,
Чо ft right; Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave-
EE N u
amer А MY nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. We won't be
ned rese . able io answer every question, but we'll try.
big, also. They're bigger than most men's.
-l thin!
that’s it. Mostly, it's my teeth and
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the Meese commission issued
its findings on the connection between
pornography and violence, some of the
researchers who had testified before
the commission said that their work on
pornography had been misinterpreted.
Violence, not erotica, they said, causes
harm to society. That point became a
rallying cry for people who wanted to
protect raveoy from the pious anti
pornographers who wanted to keep
Debbie Does Dallas out of the clutches of
the National Federation for Decency
We should have known better. You
cannot escape being a scapegoat by
offering up an-
other scapegoat
One man's vio-
lence is another
man's Friday
Night Video.
We are finding
that the dynamics
of the violence
witch-hunt are the
same as thosc of
the sexuality
witch-hunr A
glimpse of a naked
body, claim the
leads to rape; a
glance at a fist
ight leads to mur-
der. Witness the
National Coalition
on Television Vio-
lence, a group
against violence iı
A copy of the N.C.T. V. newsletter
reads like a Consumer Reports of car-
nage. It gives capsule summaries and
ratings of some of our favorite junk
movies. The Meese commission fo-
cused on the most violent forms of
pornography, then tried to censor the
mildest forms of erotica. N.C.T.V.
starts with the most noteworthy exam-
ples of violence before moving on to the
ridiculous. Once you start looking for
violence, it's everywhere.
Avenging Force received N.C.T.V.s
highest rating, XUnfit, as the most vio-
lent movie of 1986. It has 121 acts of
violence: "After dozens of murders and
much pseudopolitical babble, the
movie comes to its inevitable conclu-
sion, a brutal man hunt in the bayou
country of Louisiana. Alcohol glorified
Violence includes much shooting,
movics and in toy
punching, stabbing, kicking, choking,
bombing, impaling; attacks with
spears, crossbow, grenades; car chases
and crashes; men pushed off
Here's another winner of the XUnfit
award. Guess the title: "In Texas, two
demented brothers continue the string
of chain-saw murders they started 14
years carlier. A disc jockey and a police
lieutenant investigate the crimes, and
they discover that the two lunatics
work for their father, a chili maker
who uses human flesh as a special
ingredient in his sauce. Violence
includes many
murders with
chain saws and
hammers; shoot-
ing, punching,
chasing. choking.
knifing. One of thc.
heroes holds a
lamp to the plate
in a man’s head
and clectrocutes
No contest—the
film is The Texas
Chainsaw Massa-
cre, Part 2.
OK, well con-
cede that these
movies aren't what
you'd want to
watch with your
five-year-old; but
then again, we
haven't noticed a sudden epidemic of
people with plates in their heads’ being
electrocuted in copycat killings.
And how about those movies you
will want to watch with your kind
gartner? How about that Walt Disney
classic Lady and the Tramp?
"In this animated
film, a foot-loose dog of
the streets meets and
falls in love with a pedi-
greed house dog. They
have a series of adven-
tures together, many of
which relate to an ill-
natured aunt who baby-
sits for the children of
Lady's master. Vio-
lence includes biting,
fighting, chasing, shooting."
CTV. has a hard-on for Disney:
"Few entertainment writers have noted
the high levels of violence in cer-
tain Disney movies like The Black Hole,
TRON or Something Wicked This Way
Comes. None has questioned the selling
of war toys at Disneyland and the sev-
eral violent amusements provided to
children." OK, scratch the trip to
Epcot Center. Let's take the kids to the
ballet. Sorry; here is N.C. T. Vs review
of The Nutcracker: "The story concerns
a young girl's dreams about her cecen-
tric uncle and a nutcracker she receives
as a Christmas gift. Violence includes a
battle between soldiers and mice using
swords, bayonets and cannons.”
As self-appointed censors, the guys
at N.C.T.V. are connoisseurs. They
are like safe-crackers who sand their
finger tips for increased sensitivity. In
onc movie, they found “violence lim-
ited to some shooting on a TV show."
These guys go to a movie and look at
what's on the tube in the movie? This
must be violence's equivalent to pas-
sive smoking.
N.C.T.V's editors have gone where
no man has gone before, let alone Gene
and Roger. For Slar Trek ГУ: The Voy-
age Home, they claimed "mild profan-
ity, alcohol use. Violence includes
chasing, gun threat, one Vulcan nerve
They borrow the boycott tactics of
the Reverend Donald Wildmon, en-
couraging pressure campaigns against
advertisers who support violence
in television. If we hadn't read their
newsletter, how would we have guessed
that “the U.S. military was the
number-one sponsor of violent TV pro-
graming, followed by General Motors
and almost every U.S. and Japanese
automotive company
If you can't find people who actively
engage in violence, then ferret out the
fellow travelers. Are you
now or have you ever
been a Clint Eastwood
fan? Gosh, these cam-
paigns of gentle pressure
are fun. We've got to
drop these guys a line
and tell them thanks.
N.C.F.V.'s address is
P.O. Box 2157, Cham-
Illinois 61820.
We'd go there in person,
but we don't want to join
a club of people who've seen more vio-
lent movies than we have. They're
probably dangerous.
It’s interesting that the Rever-
end Jim Bakker has never had a
problem with calling sin by its
right name—until recently. Too
bad we can't all blame our trans-
gressions on “treacherous former
friends” who “wickedly manipu-
lated" us.
Mike Pusch
Omaha, Nebraska
I find it amazing that the media
have made so little out of the
television-evangelist scandals. Jim
Bakker’s sexual gooliness and
Tammy Bakker's make-up artistry
are being treated as something to
clicit guffaws, while the real sins of
these people are ignored. Tele-
vangelists are using the Gospel to
make money—loıs of it. They are
preying upon people, many of
whom can ill afford the gifts they
give. This is the sin of the Bakkers
and other evangelists like them. Let
Jim have his tawdry affair and
Tammy her mascara, but stop them
from supporting their lavish life-
style with money that should right-
fully go to helping others.
J. Landers
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
We should thank whatever God
there is that the behavior of funda-
mentalists is restricted by our cul-
ture and political traditions. If it
weren't, we'd have the U.S. equiva-
lent of Lebanon, where hostility
between Moslem fundamentalists
and Christians is at the heart of
religious wars.
B. Collins
Bloomington, Indiana
Last усаг, the Bakkers’
reported $129,000,000 in revenues,
$44,000,000 of that in the form of tax-
exempt contributions from their tele
sion audience. PTL Club paid the
Bakkers nearly $5,000,000 in salary and
bonuses, a decent wage even by Wall
Street standards, and Tammy and Jim
claim that PTL owes them as much as
$9,000,000 in royalty payments. IRS
rules for tax-exempt organizations such
as PTL require that no individual
receive funds except as “reasonable”
payment for goods and services—but
that hasn't stopped the Bakkers from
drawing a hefty pay check.
As usual, the porn-film industry is under
fire—but this time from its own people. The
reason? AIDS.
The fire's coming from we camps: those
who feel that they should make only sale-sex
porn movies and those who, like producer-
actor Bill Margold, believe that safe-sex films
are “a fad [and] not what America wants to
sce. They want to see us taking chances. It’s
like a circus, They don't want to see a net
under the high-wire act.”
Even the Assemblies of God church,
in which Bakker was a minister, shows
little interest in the financial aspects of
the PTL scandal. Charles Cookman, the
Assemblies of God superintendent in
charge of investigating the affair, said he
had not looked into the question of
whose money had been used to hush up
Jessica Hahn. “It’s not under my pur-
view," he said. “The question of moral-
ity is under my purview.” Apparently,
for these people, personal spending of
money intended for religi
has no moral sig
"Tom Daubert
Helena, Montana
Televangelisis seem to have brought to
the tube only one practice of Christianity:
the collection plate. They perform acts not
of charity but of greed and self-
aggrandizement. At their best,
churches are congregations of people
who altend to one another т the
spirit. of their faith. Electronic minis-
tries do away with the communal
aspects of the church. Since
teleministers never face their congre-
gations, they get to use the cash
contributions for their own ends, their
own ideas of Christianity. In 1979,
Billy Graham denounced the new
breed of televangelists: He formed
the Evangelical Council for Finan-
cial Accountability. According to
Journalist Henry Fairlie, not one of
the top ten televangelists belongs to
the council—in fact, all ten consist-
ently breach its code. Even as the
Reverend Jerry Falwell was calling
for a new accountability, his money
machine was sending out letters to
several hundred thousand followers
asking for more cash for Christ. This
time, Falwell wants to raise
$8,000,000 to produce a television
special on AIDS for prime-time
preaching. (This is approximately
eight times the average cost of an
episode of “Moonlighting” or "Mag-
num, P.L," and we can assure you
that it won't have snappy dialog or a
car chase.) Falwell, in his usual
smarmy way, exploits a genuine соп.
cern, pumps it up with a taste of the
apocalyplic and begs you to reach
deeper into your pockets: “Please, 1
beg you, don't fail to heed this warn-
ing; for if we don't take immediate
action, AIDS will prove to be the
final epidemic, with millions dy-
ing each year Only God can
save our nation from the ALDS epi-
demic. . . . The homosexual and the
prohomosexual politicians have joined.
together with the liberal gay-influenced
media to cover up the facts concerning
AIDS." Will Falwell make his. special?
Maybe. Will it cost 88,000,000? Maybe.
Will every penny he receives go for this
project, as promised? Maybe. But you have
no real way of knowing. If Jesus came back,
would he do a TV special on AIDS. от
would he minister to the dying?
AIDS is causing new anti-American
sentiment in the Philippines. Why? Be-
cause thousands of Filipina “hospitality
girls” are being tested for AIDS—os-
tensibly to protect American
Anti-American groups claim that the
-= OR UM
Servicemen brought the disease to their
islands. They аге demanding the
removal of U S. military bases and com-
pensation from the U.S. Government to
AIDS victims and their families
AIDS is providing a new wrinkle not
only in sexual relations but in foreign
rel as well.
Mark Jenkins
Boston, Massachusetts
One television ad says, “Fm a nice
guy who gocs out with nice girls. But
these days, some pretty terrible things
arc happening to some pretty nice peo-
ple.” The speaker is referring to AIDS
and the ad attempts to sell condoms. Out
of curiosity—and as an attempt to allay
my ow (cars about getting AIDS—I did
a little checking and found out that some
other pretty terrible things happen to
some pretty nice people, too. In 1984, the
most recent year for which statistics are
complete, 765,114 people died of heart
disease; 453,492 people died of cancer;
154,327 people died of strokes, 92,911
people died in accidents; 69,100 died of
pulmonary disease; 58,894 people died
of pneumonia and influenza; 35,787 peo-
ple died of diabetes; 29,286 people com-
mitted suicide; 27,317 people died of
cirthosis of the liver; 24,462 people died
of atherosclerosis; 20,126 people died of
kidney disease; 19,796 people died as a
result of homicide.
In 1984, 4380 people died of AIDS.
The figure has increased in three years to
19, 394, but even so, you still stand a
greater chance of catching a lethal flu
than you do of getting AIDS.
M. Cook
Los Angeles, California
I've read many stories about the AIDS
epidemic, most of which indicate that
everyone is going to catch the disease. But
alter reading the New York Times ¢
"AIDS Alarms, and False
reprinted in The Playboy Forum in May, I
realize that 1 have little reason to worry
that / will get AIDS. I am currently in a
mutually monogamous relationship and
I know that none of my former sex part-
ners would ever have had sex with a
member of a high-risk group.
Brent Lee
Long Beach, California
Don't get carried away by confidence: the
virus does exist, and you cannot tell if a per-
son has ever used LV. drugs or slept with a
homosexual, И doesn't pay to be paranoid —.
that was the point of the editorial—but
there is still room for caution, For now, we'd
agree that you have no cause jor alarm. If
state senator W. D. Childers, arc those
that mention sexual intercourse, sexual
acts or human feces.
your situation changes, practice safe sex. It
won't hurt.
sur “Commentary” “Does
pression Cause Violence?" (The
Playboy Forum, May) illustrates
that “mammalian” behavior.
which includes nuzzling and hug-
ging one’s young, is behaviorally
superior to—in fact, more human
than—reptilian behavior, which is
characterized by an absence of
physical affection. The question
we have to answer is, How do we
encourage the pleasure-giving
aspects of our society? It’s obvious
that repressive elements in the
United States are in control—we
have to change that situation
Michael Rinclla
Albany, New York
I'm responding to a letter from
Robert Banks (The Playboy Forum,
May) in which he states that a
woman he dated for three weeks
became pregnant. Not wanting
the child, Banks feels no obliga-
tion to support it financially. 1
cannot comprehend how any par-
ent can be that callous toward his
child. Such a person must have no
capacity for love.
iam D. Cobourn
Concord, New Hampshire
Your “Commentary he So-
cial Cost of Drugs” (The Playboy
Forum, April) hits home on a
number of iss How can I
donate money to NORML.
(National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws)?
(Name and address
withheld by request)
Send all donations to NORML,
Suite 640, 2001 $ Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20009.
ida state legislators arc
doing their best to protect the resi-
dents of their state from secing
anything offensive. Their latest
target is bumper stickers. Otfen-
с bumper stickers, according to
the bill's sponsor, Democratic
If the state’s going to get nd of offensive
bumper stickers, Let's start with 1 VOTED
FOR REAGAN IN з. Now, that’s offensiv
Donald Vaughan
Greenacres, Florida
1 would like to amplify your “Commentary”
“Does Repression Cause Violence?” (The
Playboy Forum, May), in which my research
was cited. Since my theories were published,
cultural anthropologists have conducted fur-
ther research indicating an even stronger Corre-
lation between the amount of affection in a
culture and whether that culture is peaceful or
violent. When all the variables—including
physical affection given to infants, views ofado-
lescent sexuality and attitudes toward premari-
tal sex—are examined, we can accurately
determine 100 percent of the time whether or
not a culture is peaceful or violent.
The new research also indicates that depri-
vation of physical affection in infancy can be
compensated for later by encouraging physical
affection in the adolescent’s sexual relation-
ships. Conversely, the advantages of carly-
infant physical affection can be reversed by
repressing adolescent sexual expression.
Neuropsychologists find that depriving an
infant, child or adolescent of physical affection
during the formative periods of brain develop-
ment results in damage to the neural circuitry
that controls and regulates depressive and vio-
lent behavior. This leads to an impaired ability
to form intimate relationships and can cause
dependency upon alcohol and drugs in an
attempt to cope with the lack of affection.
When sexual repression is added to depriva-
tion of affection, wc can expect to scc an even
greater increase in depression, chemical depend-
ency and violence. Because the human necd for
sexual affection cannot be met within a caring
and nurturing relationship, it will be met
within the context of sexual violence. Thus,
there will be a higher incidence of rape, sexual.
exploitation and violence.
1 think you'll agree that these studies provide
a powerful rebuttal to the religious right's con-
tention that sexual freedom increases sexual
crimes—for, in fact, it does just the opposite.
James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
West Bethesda, Maryland
What we are doing here today is to
correct an altogether too narrow inter-
pretation of decency.
On April 16, 1987, the Federal Com-
munications Commission changed the
rules of the game. Henceforth, when disc
jockeys mention sex, even through innu-
endo, double-entendre or playful lan
guage, they risk censure by the FCC.
They may no longer talk about sex with
impunity, even if they avoid the famous
seven dirty words banned in a 1976 FCC
ruling (shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker,
motherfucker and tits). Now the 1987
FCC has created a new yardstick, generic
indecency. In the future, the FCC will
се a definition of indecency as being
language or material that depicts or
describes, in terms patently offensive as
measured by contemporary community
standards for the broad-
cast medium, sexual
ог excretory activi-
tics or organs
this new
ings to a
New York
host, Howard
Stern, for
indulging in
shock radio"
during a time when children might be
tening, and to a radio station at the
University of California at Santa
Barbara for playing a ten-year-old song
called Makin' Bacon. It also handed over
to the Justice Department for further
action transcripts of a discussion of gay
sex and excerpts from a play called
Jerker, broadcast by a Los Angeles sta-
tion, КРЕК.
One would think that this broad defi-
nition, with its far-reaching conse-
quences, could come about only with the
wide support of the public. Wrong. Polls
show that the majority of Americans are
against the curtailment of First Amend-
ment rights.
What, then, spurred the Government
to broaden its interpretation of inde-
cency? The answer: a very few com-
plaints. Unfortunately, those complaints
happened to coincide with the mor:
stance of the commissioners.
In July 1986, Nathan W. Post wrote a
letter to Tipper Gore, champion of Par-
ents’ Music Resource Center. Gore
passed the letter along to the FCC.
Last Saturday evening, 1 sat lis-
tening to the radio KCSB, 91.9.
The announcer was Eric Stone, Eric
plays heavy metal, punk and what
ГИ term raunch. He doc show
from 9:30 to midnight titled Strictly
Disco. Eric Stone . . . will gener-
ally throw in at least two extremely
vulgar, sexually explicit songs per
show. The others vary in shade and
degree. Many are liberally spi
kled with the word fuck or one of a
number of variations. . . . If the use
of a few expletives were all I had to
contend with, then I wouldn't have
bothered writing a letter. The prob-
lem is that a number of these tunes
go beyond the occasional
If these people were list
these tunes in their . . . homes, it
wouldn't matter much, either, but
this is broadcast over the public air-
waves and available to all ages
Perhaps you are wondering about
the kind of lyrics Pm referring to.
Wall, this past Saturday night, they
"Come here, baby, make it
quick / Kneel down there and suck
ning to
on my dick / Makin’ bacon is on my
mind/Makin' bacon is on my
mind / Turn "round, baby; let me
take you from behind
Some people are shocked by lyrics
many of us find amusing. They would no.
doubt stop us from list
ics in the privacy of our homes. They
haven't accomplished that—yet. They
want the airwaves to be as clean as PTL
Club's broadcasts. They're working on
it. Their contemporary community stand-
ards are those of Salem, Massachusetts,
circa the witch trials
In September 1986, the FCC received
another letter, this one from the Rever-
end Larry W. Poland.
ш to such lyr-
On Sunday суспі ugust 31.
1986, I was driving home from the
airport here in the Los Angeles area
when my automatic-search radio
picked up station KPFK, 90.7 FM
The program being aired between
ten Рм and 11 PM was J Am Are
You. It was featuring excerpts from
a play the broadcasters said was
being performed in the Los Angeles
area called Jerker. 1 was initially
stunned when the individuals read-
ing the script of the play used the
words luck and fucking freely but
was totally unprepared for the con-
tent that followed. The hour was
filled with dramatic reading of sex-
al fantasies between homosexual
men. - . . I have six children. If
of them had tuned in to КРЕ
the time that I did, they could have
lost in one hour the precious inno-
cence 1 as a father work so h
protect year in and year out. This
n't narrowcasting we are talking
about, this is broadcasting, broad
enough to be picked up by every
child with a five-dollar transistor
Frankly, that hurts and angers
me! It violates the values and sanc-
uty of my home, my family and my
God's hand, in the form of the
autoscan, subjected the Reverend. Mr.
Poland to an hour of gay dialog. He
could have changed the station or turned
off the radio; instead, he cru
highways, taking notes of the br
Poland also protested announcements
in simple, everyday language of events
sponsored by gay groups. It was not the
language but, it seems, the mere exist-
ence of such programing that he pre
tested, Eminently concerned with the
violation of Ais rights, he has no concern
for the violation of others’ rights
he broadcast was devoted to sensu-
ality in the age of AIDS," said David
Salnicker, the executive director of the
Pacifica Foundation, which owns КРЕК
“It was broadcast at night, following a
disclaimer that warned that some listen-
ers might find the material objection-
able. If we can't do a show about AIDS
in language everyone understands,
where are we? The play in question has
never been charged with obscenity in
Los Angeles, but we have been re ferred
to the Justice Department for broad-
casting obscenity. The language was no
different from what you hear on late-
night sex-therapy shows. We now find
that what was permissible is now
ally a crime.”
Two letters sent to the ЕСС were from
a familiar person. The Reverend Donald
Wildmon of Tupelo, Mississippi,
complained. about WYSP's Howard
Stern Show. minister from Tupelo
must have incredible reception on his
living-room radio: When he's not listen-
ing то God, he can pick up shows from
halfway across the country. He sent the
FCC tapes from shows that he had found
offensive. The seven-dirty-words ruling
was not enough to pacify Wildmon; his
hit list included penis, prostate, tampon,
hookers, cock, nipples, orgasm, kissing
ass, K-Y jelly and breasts
Should mentioning breasts, whether
facetiously or in a graphic discussion of
cancer, be against the law?
A New York group called Morality in
Media suggested to Mary V. Keeley, a
concerned mother, that she write a letter
to the FCC complaining about Stern,
which she did: “Despite the claims of
this station that they are now appealing
to a more mature audience, I personally
know of many young people who tune in
to this station every day. When 1 wrote
and complained about the programing
to the station manager, his response was
that parents should exci
over any material that we feel is inappro-
priate. This is difficult due to the use of
headphones by the kids, and I would
not... have know {Thad
not accidentally tuned in one morning."
She enclosed a tape of Stern convers-
ing with his assistant, Susan:
cise restraint
srers: Hey, Susan, honey,
remember the song Does Your Chew
ing Gum Lose Its Flavor on the Bed-
post Overnight? Here's my version.
You ready?
susan: No. No, no, no.
sexx: “Does Berzerkowit
party on the bedpost every
When her boyfriend says, ‘Dor
it,’ does she mount right up in spite? /
Does she grin and moan with pas-
sion and yell, “Hi-ho, Silberclite'? /
Does Berzerkowitz have a party on
the bedpost every night?
It’s not exactly the height of Western
civilization, but neither does it present a
danger to society. To bedposts, maybe.
"The letters read as though the authors
(concluded on page 46)
The FCC's decision to expand the
seven-dirty-words ruling alarms broad-
casters and listeners alike. Although
allegedly aimed at “shock radio” shows
such as the Howard Stern program,
originating in New York and simulcast
in Philadelphia, it has far-reaching
effects on radio programing of all kinds.
To find out the legal implications of the
ruling, we talked with the American
Civil Liberties Union's legislative coun-
sel, Barry Lynn.
pLavsoy: Do you think that the
complainants have a valid point in
taking programs such as these to task?
LYNN: Гус listened to Howard Stern
and I personally find his program
offensive. But my radio dial is not
welded to Stern's station. Unfortu-
natcly, some people don't scem to
realize that if you do not like what
you're hearing, there are dozens of
alternatives. And they don't seem to
realize that the purpose of the FCC is
not to be the national arbiter of good
PLAYBOY: Diane Killory, FGC gen-
eral counsel, maintains that the
change in policy is warranted bc-
cause there is no way to restrict chil-
dren from hearing these broadcasts.
пуху: There are plenty of programs
on the radio for my eight-year-old not
to hear. But in a free society. we can-
not restrict the adult population of
the country to hearing only those
things suitable for my child. The
policing of what children hear must
be the responsibility of parents and
not the responsibility of a national
nanny in the form of the FCC.
praveov: But parents can't possibly
police everything their children hear.
аххх: No, parents can't have con-
trol all the time. But children who
hear a Howard Stern broadcast are
not likely to have their lives shattered
because of it. This material does not
have magical qualities that will sub-
vert values taught by the family,
schools, churches or synagogues. Peo-
ple overemphasize the impact of
hearing what they consider untasteful
or indecent remarks. Are these pro-
grams going to corrupt our children?
I'm sure they won't.
PLAYBOY: The FCC claims to receive
20,000 complaints each year about
indecent programing. Why, then, has
it decided this year to revise its
1yxN: The FCC has been perceived
by the religious right as doing noth-
ing about sexually salacious material.
The FCC issued the new ruling
because it's been under pressure—
particularly since the Meese-
commission report—to do something
procensorship. 1 believe that the
pressure is almost entirely from the
religious right.
PLAYBOY: Americans are very much
anticensorship. How docs the FCC
justify being procensorship?
ухх: The FCC is now packed with
censorship-minded people, people
who like to scrutinize the American
airwaves for any allegedly dirty, sex-
ual material. They use the complaints
of a few people as an excuse for acting
in a censorial way against radio and
television broadcasters—which has,
1 think, been their inclination for
some time. Under the law, the FCC’s
obligation is to determine community
standards— which it did not do in the
Stern case. In fact, the FCC file about
the Stern show contains only 35 com-
plaints prior to this inquiry. And
that’s from a population in Philadel-
phia of 1,700,000 people. These fig-
ures make it very difficult to argue
that the Stern program violates con-
temporary community standards.
PLAYBOY: Is the FCC going to start
issuing fines and pulling licenses, or
has it published the new standards
merely to bring stations into line?
The main purpose of this
action was to intimidate broadcast-
ers, who are not always the most cou-
rageous people in town. | don't
believe that there will be more than a
handful of efforts by the FCC, if that
many, to utilize this new standard.
But the damage has already been
done. With all the hoopla surround-
ing this decision, broadcasters have
already cut back and will continue to
cut back on their willingness to be
frank about sex, whether it’s in the
context of rock music, sex therapy,
disc jockeys, presentations of radi
plays or political commentary. This is
intimidation It’s just like the Meese
commission's sending letters to con-
venience stores saying, “We're not
sure what we're going to do, but
we want to put you people
on notice: We think that you're
engaged in some dirty enterprise."
(concluded on page 46)
(continued from page 45)
had taken the same course in How to
Complain to the FCC. It’s postgraduate
work, after you complete How to Com-
plain to 7-Elcven and How to Coerce Dr
Pepper. First, stress that you are an aver-
age citizen who would never listen to
shock radio except by horrible accident
And imply that your shock incapacitated
you, forcing you to listen almost against
your will to the entire show, while tape-
recording the highlights. Next, stress that
you are concerned about the effect of
fringe language on innocent children.
Imply that your own children are model
creatures who have never uttered a four-
letter word and would not know what one
meant. Ask for sympathy by stressing that
technology, in the form of headphones or
transistor radios, makes your task as a
parent impossible. You need help.
The shocking fact of the matter is that
apparently on the basis of those five let-
ters, the FCC decided to expand its defini-
tion of obscenity.
At the heart of those complaints is the
question “Whose living room is this, any-
way?” Wildmon seems to argue that
improper broadcasting is an invasion of
his privacy, that even a chance hearing of
the word breast would destroy a family
member. Well, who's to say? Maybe he
knows his family better than we do. How
fragile their values are if mere contact
with a conflicting idea will corrode them.
In 1978, the Supreme Court bought the
notion that broadcasters had to behave as
if their material were being heard in the
drawing room of someone as pristine,
puritanical and casily offended as the
Reverend Mr. Wildmon. In the seven-
dirty-words ruling, the Court argued that
broadcasting should follow the tastes of
It is the 200th anniversary of the
United States Constitution and, given
the conservative temperature of the
country, I feel that it’s appropriate that
we consider adding a parallel version of
the Bill of Rights—the Sexual Bill of
We, the people of the human race, in
order to form more perfect unions,
establish justice and ensure the pursuit
of happiness, hold these truths to be
1. There shall be no law infringing
on any private sexual act between con-
senting adults.
II. There shall be no law restricting
sexual preference for private relations
the weakest links in society. Justice Wil
liam Brennan, one of the dissenting Jus-
tices, pointed out the flaw in this position:
Without question, the privacy
interests of an individual in his home
are substantial and deserving of sig-
nificant protection. In finding these
interests sufficient to justify the con-
tent regulation of protected speech,
however, the Court commits two
errors. First, it misconceives the
nature of the privacy interests
involved where an individual volun-
tarily chooses to admit radio commu-
nications into his home. Second, it
ignores the constitutionally protected
interests of both those who wish to
transmit and those who desire to
receive broadcasts that many—
including the FCC and this Court—
might find offensive... . .
We don't want to live in the Reverend
Mr. Wildmon's living room. And we don’t
particularly want to live in a country
where the politics of complaint dictate
what we can listen to or sec or read. Amer-
ica is diverse and, theoretically, tolerant of
that diversity. People who enjoy candid
conversation about sex or songs about a
lusty love style have just been sent by the
FCC to their room without supper.
We agree with Dennis Patrick's attempt
to correct the interpretation of decency,
but we consider it indecent that any fac-
tion of society can dictate to any other
faction what it may or may not listen to on
the public airwaves. Let the market place
determine what is acceptable, not five
commissioners in Washington or one min-
ister in Tupelo. Generic freedom is not
what the founding fathers had in mind.
between adults.
III. There shall be no law restricting
housing or employment, or any public
or private benefit, because of sexual
preference or marital status.
IV. There shall be no law restricting
the possession of visual imagery of
nudity or sexuality (except insofar as
children are depicted). Display or sale
of sexual depictions may be restricted
only as appropriate to the age of poten-
tial purchasers.
V. There shall be no law restricting
information about, or access to, birth
VI. There shall be no law restricting.
information about abortion, nor any
(continued from page 45)
Sometimes, intimidation works better
than lawsuits, particularly the
intimidation comes from a powerful orga-
nization such as the FCC.
PLAYBOY: How does this new ruling differ
from the old seven-dirty-words ruling?
ухх: The seven-dirty-words ruling was
a terrible decision in its own right; but
bad as that decision was, there was noth-
ing to indicate in it that anything other
than a direct use of those particular seven
words would constitute actionable inde-
cency. So the FCC has expanded that rul-
ing to cover innuendo, suggestivi
double-entendre—things that are certainly
well within constitutional protection.
PLAYBOY: Under the seven-dirty-words
ruling, a station could broadcast “adult”
programs after ten ьм апа before seven
AM, times when children probably were
not listening. Is this still truc?
ухх: Under the peculiar reasoning of
the new ruling, it seems that no time is
absolutely safe except, possibly, really
graveyard hours, literally in the middle of
the night, for there is no time when chil-
dren might not conceivably be listening:
there are always children with insomnia!
PLAYBOY: Is there any way to combat the
religious right's crusade for censorship?
ухх: There are ways to combat it. Peo-
ple can support broadcasters’ right to air
controversial material in two ways: first,
by writing letters to individual stations
urging them to kcep doing what they have
been doing, even if that includes frank sex-
ual discussions, and second, by writing to
the FCC expressing displeasure with the
new ruling. It doesn't hurt to build an
FCC file of leuers from people who don't
approve of the decision. That helps but-
tress the argument that it has totally mis-
represented community standards.
restriction on access to abortion.
VIL. There shall be no law crim-
inalizing consenting sexual behavior
before or outside of marriage.
VIII. There shall be a uniform age
of consent (16); and public sex educa-
tion shall be freely available, as appro-
priate to the age of each person.
IX. There shall be no law restricting.
the sale or possession of sexual accesso-
ries by adults.
X. Any enforcement of sexual limits
not specified in this Bill of Rights shall
not be assumed by Federal, religious or
self-appointed authorities.
J. Gordon
Atlanta, Georgia
what's happening in the sexual and social arenas
whelmed by the DRUGS ARE DEATH banner
and general death motif of a three-year-
old antidrug display, a burglar broke into
a civic meeting hall and made off with
150 samples of illegal drugs and drug
paraphernalia that had been arranged
inside a locked coffin. One civic official
commented, "I guess this really shows the
need for a drug-prevention program.
This was done for the drugs. Nothing else
was taken. The drugs were the only thing
on this person's mind.” Bul the township's
youth director suspected that the thief was
really “a 14-year-old boy who now has a
shopping bag of stuff to impress his
friends.” In any case, the undereducated
thief evidently didn't know that a lot of the
drugs were phonies and that others may
have changed chemical composition with
moscow—In а display of candor new
to the Russian press, a Communist Party
youth newspaper reports that homosexual-
ity appears to be on the rise in the Soviet
Union. The report remains consistent
with Soviet policy, however, by maintam-
ing that homosexuality should continue to
be treated as a crime to prevent the spread
of AIDS: "If there is freedom for homo-
sexuality, that means [AIDS] would auto-
matically spread. It would be the same as
advertising i." The article, which quotes
a specialist who blames homosexuality
on a breakdown of the traditional family
structure due to an increasing divorce
rate, endorses the state's position that
homosexuality can be cured through edu-
cation and proper upbringing. It added
that “the comparison will not please some
people, but this can be treated by the same
methods as alcoholism is treated.”
Court upheld two lower-court decisions
and struck down, without comment,
Utah’s Cable Television Programming
Decency Act. The 1983 law had loosely
interpreted the term “indecent program-
ing” and suspended such broadcasts
during the hours when children and
“unconsenting adults” normally watch
TV, a period that the state's attorney gen-
eral had declared to be from seven am to
midnight. Both the trial court and the
appeals court had found that the law was
loo vague and focused solely on nudity
and genital display without considering a
work's artistic merit,
_aris—France’s conservative govern-
ment has decided to prepare for next year's
elections by attacking pornography and
has effectively banned a number of sexu-
ally oriented magazines, including the
French edition of Penthouse and a
French magazine called Gay Foot, aimed
at male homosexuals. Sale of the maga-
zines is nol actually prohibited, but
because publishers now cannot use their
accustomed magazine-distribution system,
it will be prohibitively expensive for them
to deliver their magazines to bookstores.
pumtin—Following a resurgence of
right-wingism, Ireland's Censorship of
Publications Board has come out of hiber-
nation to ban the international best seller.
“The Joy of Sex." Within 90 minutes of
the announcement, the Family Planning
Association's stock of 25 copies was sold
out. The chairman of Eason and Son, the
country's largest bookseller, said he hoped
the condemnation pouring in from medi-
cal, business and literary circles would
eventually help end such censorship. "I
think it's a bit of Irish weirdness that we
will get over. What the censorship board.
obviously doesn't know is the difference
between a manual and a piece of
cHicAGO— Postal authorities are inves-
tigating the case of a bogus “personals”
ad in a local weekly paper in which a sup-
posedly gay University of Chicago student
sought to meet other homosexuals. Several
persons responded, only to find that who-
ever had placed the ad was sending copies
of their letters to their landlords, neigh-
bors and employers. The accompanying
warning that the person in question “may
be a carrier of AIDS” and should be
avoided at ail costs was on the letterhead
of an organization called the Great White
Brotherhood of the Iron Fist.
SAN FRANCISCO—A Chinese fish story
has pointed the way to a natural food sup-
plement with aphrodisiac qualities, at
least according to the people who would
like to parlay it into the biggest sex drug
since the pill. The Institute for Advanced
Study of Human Sexuality in San Fran-
cisco is testing whal it calls ExSativa, an
oat-based product originally developed by
the Swiss as an antistress tonic, which
the institute claims increases the sex drive
and improves sexual performance. One
researcher stated that “over 200 volun-
teers took the product for varying periods
of time. . . . Not every person reported
beneficial results, bul many reported
enhancement of desire, performance andl
or sensation, and almost everyone felt bet-
ter." The use of oats as an aphrodisiac
was reportedly inspired by a Chinese
farmer who dumped some prematurely
harvested grain into a pond full of carp
and then noticed a dramatic increase in
their breeding behavior. Although
ExSativa is currently available as a food
supplement, it is nol yet being marketed as
ап aphrodisiac.
A fatal disease that's transmitted by
sexual contact and that as yet has no
cure is bound to lead to hysterical or
outrageous action. And despite almost
daily reporting about AIDS in newspa-
pers and on television, there are still
pcople who are misinformed about this
"The following stories illustrate how
deep the fear of AIDS goes, showing
that people believe what they want to
believe, facts notwithstanding, and
that some will go to any length for
protection—or revenge:
«Some 20 District of Columbia
police officers raided a homosexual
social club wearing gloves, face masks
and bulletproof vests to “protect them-
selves from a lethal threat." An official
of the Fraternal Order of Police told a
D.C.-council-committee hearing that
his men had not been trying to humili-
ate gays, as leaders of that community
were charging, but added, "There is
medical evidence that indicates a real
possibility that the bite ofan AIDS vic-
tim, or the resulting exchange of fluids
that could occur if an officer had to hit
an AIDS carrier in the mouth, may
transmit AIDS. Due to fatal conse-
quences of the infection, I could not
good conscience fail to alert my constit-
uents and recommend safeguards."
Referring to a program to teach all
District-government employees about
AIDS, a city councilman commented,
If this program is effective, and police
were included, then why are we experi-
encing these kinds of foolish acts?"
+A British AIDS victim who died of
the disease has been entombed in con-
crete at a cemetery in North Yorkshire
as a precaution "in case we ever
opened up the coffin again," explained
a spokesman for the county's health
* A psychotherapist with London's
National Children's Home says that
he knows of 18 male prostitutes who are
aware that they are infected with the
AIDS virus but who are continuing to
engage in “revenge scx” with custom-
ers. “They are like time bombs waiting
10 go off. They hate their [custom-
ers]... and they hate the world for
what they feel it has done to them.
They arc so consumed by hate that
they want to infect as many mcn as
they can as a way of getting back.”
+ U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett
Koop, an evangelical Presbyterian
with conservative moral values, says
that he has been besieged by hate mail
from fundamentalist Christians for
ioning sex education in schools
condoms as a precau-
tion against AIDS. Koop says that he
has been accused of "sponsoring
homoscxually oriented curricula . . . in
the third grade and providing condoms
to eight-year-olds.” According to
Koop, “Nothing I ever said . . . would
indicate I would ever discuss sodomy
[with a child], let alone teach it.
[And] I know a lot more about the size
of an eight-year-old’s penis than they
do—and let me tell you, condoms
don't fit." Questions he has been asked
by fundamentalists indicate that some
of them still believe that AIDS can be
spread through casual contact.
*A psychiatrist at San Francisco
General Hospital reports that as many
as ten men hospitalized for depres-
sion and self-destructive behavior have
attempted suicide by trying to contract
AIDS, cither through multiple sex acts
with members of high-risk groups or by
sharing hypodermic needles.
*The Japanese government is
threatening to impose compulsory
AIDS testing on homosexuals, prosti-
tutcs and members of other high-risk
groups if they do not cooperate with
medical authorities by accepting coun-
scling and guidance from health serv-
ices. Other measures the government
may take include setting up computer
centers to process
data on the sexual
contacts of AIDS vic-
tims and obtaining
information on the
employment and sex-
ual behavior of for-
cigners suspected of
having AIDS who are
attempting to enter
the country. Japanese
legislators are also
considering enacting
laws to deny visas to
known carriers of
* The director of a
Chicago AIDS clinic
and information hot-
line reports a phone
call from a wor-
ried motorist who
had run over a pedes-
trian he believed to be
gay. The motorist
wanted to know how
to decontaminate his
car, which had the
man's blood on it.
+ As initially reported by newspa-
pers, Indiana police were seeking mur-
der and attempted murder charges
against a man who had bitten his
intended robbery victim in a struggle
over the robber's gun. The fight was
witnessed by the victim's wife, who
then died of heart failure after learning
from police that the attacker was a
hemophiliac who had contracted AIDS.
through a blood transfusion. Several
months later, the truth came out: The
"robber" was really the wife's lover,
the fight was between the husband and
lover over the relationship and the
woman had committed suicide after
learning that the man with whom she
had been sleeping had AIDS.
* A new District of Columbia law
bars insurance companies from testing
for AIDS, bars insurers from denying
coverage based on positive test results
and prohibits them from raising premi-
ums until the reliability of AIDS tests
is proved. This action has prompted 82
percent of the district’s major insur-
ance companies to stop writing new
individual-life policies rather than
comply with the law. “The issue is
whether insurance companies should
be able to evaluate risk," said one
insurance executive. “You're not going.
to go and put insurance on a burning
building." E
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( © Philip Morrisinc. 1987
a candid. conversation with the former president and first lady of the
philippines about tyranny, revolution, betrayal, love—and those shoes
On a good day, Ferdinand Marcos rises
with the sun, does a few stretching exercises
and gazes out at his domain: a couple of
acres of grass and flowers in the hills of Hon
olulu, with a decent view of Diamond Head.
His wife, Imelda, wakes up a few hours
later and prepares for her day: tending
the rows of dark-red bougainvillaea she's
planted, pottermg about in her garden—an
assemblage of clay pots with plants from the
homeland enclosed by а mesh of chicken wire.
She then plans the day's main events—lunch
and dinner. The rosary beads she fingers keep
her constant company.
Theirs is a classic study in bathos—how
the mighty have fallen. For 20 years, they
ruled supreme as the president and first
lady of the Philippines. Elected president in
1965, Marcos declared martial law in 1972
in the face of what he called “lawless ele-
ments" and the Communist-led insurgency
and effectively turned his country into his
оит personal fiefdom. For 14 years, he con-
solidated his rule, resisting calls for fair elec-
tions, confident in his support by successive
U.S. Governments, which were always eager
to have a firm ally securing the two giant
U.S. military bases in the Philippines. As
“1 believe you have to make an accounting to
Sod after death, For instance, He'd probably
ask, ‘Weren't you a participant in killing
Benigno Aquino?" Fd tell Him, You ku
better than that, Lord, because I was sick,
martial law stretched into the Eighties, there
were increased reports of systematic looting of
the public purse and more and more disre-
gard for human rights.
Meanwhile, Marcos had named Imelda
first governor of Metro Manila; she assumed.
vast control over the citys life. Always
obsessed by “beauty,” she determined to leave
her mark by gutting slums and erecting a
huge cultural center in. Manila, where she
could entertam such famous friends as
George Hamilton, Cristina Ford and Ronald
Reagan. She also made the most of her posi
tion by jet-setling around the globe and meet-
ing world leaders (Qaddafi, Castro, Mao,
Kosygin, the shah, the Pope, to name a few),
sometimes negotiating in her husband’s stead.
Her lavish taste for the finer things in life,
the huge—some said obscene—amounis of
money she spent on furs, jewelry and shoes,
and her reputation for dealing harshly with
perceived enemies earned her the title in the
world press of Steel Butterfly.
“An enchanted fairy tale" is the way
Imelda Marcos likes to describe her political
and marital union with her husband. The
fairy tale began to sour quickly in. 1983,
“After a leader has fallen, he's suddenly ugly,
a crook. Somoza! The shah! Everybods
Human rights! What about. human. right?
We chose to be with America, and that's why
we're now being crucified!”
when the Marcoses’ major opposition leader,
Benigno Aquino, returned from exile in the
United States and was assassinated moments
after his commercial flight landed in Manila
Although Philippine army troops had been on
hand to meet him, under the command of Fer-
dinand Marcos’ military chief of staff, Gen
eral Fabian Ver, Marces maintained that a
Communist gunman had somehow made his
way through the ranks and shot Aquino,
Intemational opinion said otherwise; Mar-
cos was pressured into ordering a special
couri to investigate the matter. The mid-
dle class of the country took to the streets in
an unprecedented display of opposition, which
was covered by international television.
When Ver was officially acquitted and
reinstated to his army post. the political pres-
sure from the United S/7tes—the. Reagan
Administration having been a particularly
staunch supporter of the Marcos regime—
and the daily demonstrations in Manila led
Marcos to call for a quick election. His oppo-
nent was Aquino's widow, Corazon, and her
campaign pledge to rid the country of cor-
ruption led to a mass movement. An interna-
tional team of observers, including a
delegation from the United States Congress,
“They claim Em worth—how much? Thirty
billion? 1 say, "Show me the paper and we
can split it and say goodbye like friends.’ But
they have to find it first! And not in pesos—
in American dollars!
was dispatched to watch the polling places in
the February 1986 election. The reports of
vote fraud were unambiguous: Marcos was
the reported winner, but the election was
The pressure at home and from the
U.S. continued unabated. Demonstrations
increased. President Reagan dispatched his
friend and advisor Senator Paul Laxalt to
tell Marcos of U.S. concerns. Still, Marcos
resisted. But within two weeks of the election,
a key player, defense minister Juan Ponce
Enrile, switched sides. He joined with
Corazon Aquino to engineer a bloodless revo-
lution. Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, along
with an assortment of family members and
staff, were forced to flee the Malacanang Pal-
ace in the middle of the night, leaving ha
eaten dinners on the table. After a stopover in
Guam, they ended up in Honolulu, There
they have been “marooned Imelda Mar-
cos’ word—ever since.
Aside from gardening and stargazing, the
Marcoses spend a lot of time trying to avoid.
appearances before two American grand ju-
ries convened to investigate their finances—
and those of the Philippines, since they were
intertwined for more than 20 years. The
Marcoses” reported wealth—his salary as
president was less than $6000 a year—is in
the billions and is supposed to include real
estate in Manhatian, entire corporations,
countless foreign bank accounts.
Although they insist, as did General
MacArthur, that they will return to the Phil-
ippines, many observers feel that their “
tirement” in Hawaii is appropriate. Both
Marcoses grew up while the Philippines was
an American protectorate; and when they
reminisce about the past and talk about the
present, the tone of the conversation is almost
that the Philippines, after all, is the 51st
state—more American than America. Both
have the ultimate colonial mentality.
Still, their desire to return, however far-
fetched, seems sincere. Their eyes fill up when
they talk of it, in impassioned speeches, in
poetry, in bursts of song. Reclaiming their
power in the Philippines is something they
consider their divine destiny. PLAYBOY sent
West Coast-based free-lance writer Ken
Kelley and San Francisco Examiner. re-
porter Phil Bronstein to Honolulu for a week
to conduct the “Playboy Interview” with the
deposed couple. Here is Kelley's account:
“I asked Bronstein to be my co-interviewey
because he's been covering the chaotic Philip-
pine scene for the past five years and knows
Filipino politics on both sides of the Marcos
fence. Most important, } knew that Ferdi-
nand and Imelda Marcos trusted him to
give a fair depiction of their predicament,
even though some of his reports about them in
the Examiner were quile scathing. He was
the first reporter in the palace the night the
Marcoses fled.
“I also knew that viawwoy had tried to
interview Marcos while they were still in
power, only to have the deal fall through at
the last minute. And, indeed, this one almost
did, too: After the session had begun, Ferdi-
naud began waffling about whether or not he
wanted to go through with it. He was per-
suaded by Bronstein to carry on, perhaps
aided by the reporter's spirited piano playing
to accompany Imelda's versions of ‘Sentimen-
tal Journey’ and “Don't Fence Me In."
“Some of the old forms were followed. We
drove up to chez Marcos and waited a good
half hour before being admitted —leefy secu-
rity guards shuffled about, but here the hired
help were watching Wheel of Fortune’ on a
TV set in the vacant garage.
“Duly admitted, we waited an hour or so
before Ferdinand Marcos emerged, impecca-
bly attired in his pinstripe-wool suit. The
temperature was around 90 degrees, and he
didn't even sweat a drop. He did appear to
have a lot of trouble walking. He tectered
and toltered about, one step at a time.
“I figured we would be lucky to get an
hour out of him. Wrong. We interviewed him
for several hours in his living room; and as
we talked, he became rejuvenated and would
vigorously gesticulate when trying to empha-
size a point—il was a remarkable transjor-
mation, So much so, in fact, that Imelda
Marcos, who had arranged the daily lunch
spread, one o'clock on the dol, was waving
“There was fraud
on both sides.
But mine was
not massive.”
her hands in obvious displeasure—Get in
here now" motions
“Eventually, we did.
“We ended up spending seven hours
around that immense table, a piece of wood
that seemed ten yards long. Ferdinand —Mr.
President,’ as he prefers to be called —sat at
the south end of the table with Bronstein and
his mike, while I sat at the other end zone
with "Ma'am, Imelda's official appellation,
my lape recorder running.
“Ht was a fascinating interplay. Bronstein
was at one end, I was at the other; and
although we'd have а lot of uninterrupted
one-on-one discussion, Imelda has а finely
tuned ear. And a strong voice. Occasionally,
while talking with me, she'd interrupt the
Bronstein-Ferdinand conversation to inler-
ject her own opinions, to which her husband
would sometimes reply with exasperation.
“Talking with Imelda Marcos is like talk-
mg with the Filipina version of Maria von
Trapp—she sings her point of view so often,
songs from Broadway classics to nursery
rhymes she'd learned as a child. She does it to
make her point in a light way. Her husband,
on the other hand, likes to lighten things up
by telling lawyer jokes; having been one for
so long, he knows them all, and so does every-
body he's telling them to, and the staff cracks
up because he's telling a joke—he's Marcos,
after all. But when you boil it down to sheer
entertainment value, Imelda wins hands
down. She plays her living room with gusto.
“During our luncheon session, the conver-
sations were repeatedly interrupted by calls
from the Philippines. Some were taken in the
dining room, some just outside; but. Ferdi-
nand's and Imelda's responses could be still
heard. His voice was much more low-key; hers,
much more animated. ‘Now you make sure
that you get your act together, combine all the
liberation forces, make sure that the Moslems
and the Christians get together and we'll free
the country and become one nation again,
she shouted at one point. It was not just for
the benefit of the reporters’ ears. Ferdinand
and Imelda Marcos desperately want to
return. And that was the topic with which we
began our conversations.”
PLAYBOY: Mr. President, if you were some-
how to return to power in the Philippines,
what would be the first thing you would do?
FERDINAND: Immediately stop the corrup-
tion taking place under Madame Aquino.
PLAYBOY: The same corruption that many
feel drove you from office in the first place?
FERDINAND: That is the popular percep-
tion, encouraged by the media. What is
never mentioned is that Madame
Aquino's family has been onc of the larg-
est landholders in the Philippines for
PLAYBOY: How would you stop this alleged
FERDINAND: Arrest everybody engaged in
Madame Aquino doesn't have the
тус to do that.
PLAYBOY: So if vou went back into power,
vou would arrest Mrs. Aquino on corrup-
tion charges?
FERDINAND: No, I would just prevent her
people from participating in all the enter-
prises they are engaged in. Like Peping
Cojuangco [Aquino's brother]. He should
just be anesthetized. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: Speaking of corruption, your old
friend former defense minister Johnny
Ponce Enrile, who helped stage the revolt
against you, said he committed fraud for
you during the last pre ial election,
the one you claim you rightfully won.
FERDINAND: Come on! Come on! He
doesn't have the guts to commit fraud.
He is a guy who always orders somebody
else to do the dirty work,
PLAYBOY: Don't you concede it was poss
ble that there was fraud during th
“There was fraud on both
sides. But mine was not massive. In the
1 my opposition was using
greenbacks to buy votes. We have the
sworn statements of some of these people
PLAYBOY: Did you giv
the team of U.S.
your side with voter fraud?
FERDINAND: The tcam treally both
One gentleman—I won't name him—
visited one clection precinct, then went to
s to
the bar and made up stories about us.
PLAYBOY: Thinking back about your down-
fall, do you now think you relied on people
who betraved vou? How did you know
whom to trust?
FERDINAND: It came down to a choice
between bad and worse.
PLAYBOY: Mcaning?
g General [Fidel]
Ramos or General Ver. How can you
choose? One guy, Ramos, is a weakling,
and his people are traitors. The other,
Ver, would give his life for you—but he's
too rough. He kicks people—things like
that. Like Patton.
IMELDA: [Speaking at the other end of the
table] Y used to tell him, “The palace is a
snake farm."
FERDINAND: Still, 1 think the first lady and
I acquired an instinct in determining who
can be trusted. We flatter ourselves in
believing we have been largely right.
IMELDA: Our instincts? Well, remember,
he’s a very linear thinker—very precise,
logical, one, two, three. But I think
very . - . woman, very holistic. So some-
times he thinks I’m dumb and spaced out.
PLAYBOY: What's an example?
IMELDA: I'll tell him this or that guy is no
good. He'll say, “Wanna bet? His creden-
tials are this, that, fantastic; he comes
from Нагу; or wherever." ГЇЇ say,
“Funny, but he just doesn't look right.
PLAYBOY: And you always mistrusted
IMELDA: Yes, and I’m sorry 1 was proved
PLAYBOY: Mr. President, Mrs. Marcos says
you are rational and logical, yet others say
you are superstitious. Don't you believe in
special numbers and carry a talisman?
FERDINAND: I am not superstitious. But I
do believe in clairvoyance. I believe in
extrasensory perception. I believe in tele-
pathic messages. I get the idea to watch
out lor a particular fellow—he may have a
ol in his pocket, ready to shoot me.
Does your clairvoyance tell you
ng about a possible return?
FERDINAND: Yes. I have that feeling. God,
or the Big Guy up there, my guardian
ngel, tells me. I keep asking, “Give me a
nif T can return."
PLAYBOY: Any signs so far?
FERDINAND: So far, the si
“Don't move yet.”
PLAYBOY: What about the move vou made
in January, when there was a private jet
waiting for you at Honolulu Airport to fly
you back to rally your supporters just after
tempted coup?
FERDINAND: No, no, wait a minute. 1
clarify this. There was someone
this fellow who made inquiries to us
but we never got in touch with
ybody— except when they were already
here and sent word they were availa
[laughs] if we wanted to use them. I s.
“After all this hullabaloo, how can 1
accept your offer? I'm not going to be shot
down in the middle of the Pacific. That's
not the graveyard I choose!”
п has been
PLAYBOY: You mean because the matter
had become so public?
FERDINAND: Yes, all the hubl
created. But back to your question: Do 1
believe in the spiritual, in the effectiveness
of, well, communicating with your God?
Yes, And I believe you will have to make
an accounting to Him after death. Say
you'd killed so-and-so. I would have to
say, “Yes, Lord, forgive me.” If I did.
Like, for insti „ He would probably ask
me, “Weren't you a participant in the con-
spiracy to kill Benigno Aquino?" And, of
course, Га tell Him, “You know better
than that, Lord, because I was sick; I
wasn't even working at the time it hap-
pened. I really ripped into the office of
PLAYBOY: Does t| n you still believe
in the lone-assassin theory —that the gun-
man, Rolarido Galman, managed to pene-
trate all the airport security that your
b that was
BEFORE THE FALL. The Marcoses preside over
Malacañong Polace in 1982. Four years later,
they tock more madest quarters in Hawaii.
friend and military chief of staff General
Fabian Ver had set up?
FERDINAND: I don't "believe." I know.
PLAYBOY: Yet you announced that theory
суеп before your own investigators had
concluded their study.
FERDINAND: That was because the Ameri-
can Ambassador and the State Depart-
ment people were pestering me, along
with my other critics.
PLAYBOY: What would you have done with
Aquino if he had not been murdered?
FERDINAND: Bring him back to prison!
Because he already had а death sentence
over him, there was no need to assassinate
him. All you had to do is bring him back
to prison and let the execution take place.
PLAYBOY: You mean you would have killed
him anyway?
FERDINAND: ‘Throughout my 20 year
office, 1 executed only one prisoner—a
heroin dealer who took pride in having
destroyed the lives of so many Filipinos.
Aquino, though, he was а sly one. He kept
calling me to sce if he could negotiate his
way into the government. He even tried to
do that a couple of months before he came
IMELDA: / ran against Aquino [in congres-
sional elections}. He was no threat to the
president and me. I beat Aquino by more
than 1,000,000 votes.
PLAYBOY: But. Mrs. Marcos, he was in jail
at the time
IMELDA: Well, my God! That was the most
romantic place to be in! I would like to be
in jail when 'm running for office. No, my
conscience is clear on Aquino. After [the
assassination], people suspected me of
conspiring with General Ver, but I'd be
surprised if I've spokcn ten sentences to
the general in the past 20 years. In fact,
when I called him, he would be terrorized
PLAYBOY: Mr. President, wasn't Aquino's
assassination the turning point for vou? If
he hadn't been killed, wouldn't you still
be in Malacanang Palace?
FERDINAND: His assassination just added
to the resolve of the U.S. embassy to try
to knock me out. It was [former U.S.
Ambassador to the Philippines Michael]
Armacost, 1 think, who masterminded the
whole thing. But, look, he’s now number
three in the State Department. Let's not
pick a quarrel with him. We have enough
PLAYBOY: The first lady is signaling us that
it's time to eat.
FERDINAND: Well, she's the mistress of the
house. In the Philippines, we say that once
the lady of the house has spoken, you sa!
[There is a break for lunch, during which
Mr. and. Mrs. Marcos agree to keep taping
the interview. Mrs. Marcos has laid out a
buffet lunch.)
IMELDA: You know, these are all my reci-
pes. I don’t make the food myself, but
they're all from my family tradition. Let's
see—why don’t you sit down next to me.
[Mrs. Marcos is at one end of the table, the
president at the other.)
PLAYBOY: Mrs. Marcos, do you feel a bit of
cabin fever, overseeing the running of a
small compound here in Hawaii, instead
of the glory you once commanded
IMELDA: No, because 1 feel that this is just
an intermission in my life. I don't have as
much to do as I did when I was in my
country, but I feel very happy. I have my
garden to tend to. My bougainvillaeas are
blooming, and I feel hopeful
One of the things for which I pat myself
on the back is that I have not missed my
possessions. It would be wonderful if 1
could sce them once in a while, but I have
a good memory. Malacanang Palace will
always stay with me.
PLAYBOY: Still, to go from dini
heads of state to gardening—
bother you.
IMELDA: What bothers me more is that the
press has got it all wrong. My husband, a
great humanist, is called a tyrant! A great
dict—uh, I mean a great democrat is
called a dictator! That bothers me. Fight-
for the Philippines is like fighting for
America, because we are one in spiri
And yet you leave the Philippines, this jew-
cl of a country, in the hands of a coconut!
What bothers me even more is that
being here in America, the most beautiful
country in the world—oh, why do you let
g with
Japan outsmart you, beat you?
Let me show you something. [Gels up,
goes out of the dining room and returns]
Look at this—what's this?
PLAYBOY: It looks to us like Uncle Sam in a
clown outfit
IMELDA: It is! Uncle Sam as a clown, and
when you wind it up, it has a music box
underneath that plays God Bless America.
s what American kids buy now.
What a disgrace to us Americans.
PLAYBOY: L's Americans?
IMELDA: [Laughs] I cant believe 1 said
that, us. [Knocks on her temples] Can you
imagine, me being an American? But you
see what I am saying—in America, this i
what is being offered to American kids for
playthings. Look at this one, too.
PLAYBOY: It’s a sort of Joe with a wal-
rus head and long tusks holding a
IMELDA: Thats what it is. [Delaches
bazooka and fingers it] These walrus
fangs—that’s what they painted on our
pictures in the Philippines after Cory
Aquino took over, all over the place, fangs
everywhere on the posters of me
president. (Turns over toys] Let's
where these things were made
Japan. The country saved by America
after it tried to destroy America—they
turn around and do this thing to America,
and America just gobbles it all up. It
so terrible. Children, American children,
are buying Japanese toys that ridicule
PLAYBOY: Why do you have these items,
then, if you're so disgusted by them?
IMELDA: My grandchildren. wanted some
and someone bought them. If |
© à policeman, I'd shoot them down,
these symbols of America, My friends in
the Philippines tell me that they're now
ing Cory Aquino dolls that look like
those horrible rag dolls—what do you call
PLAYBOY: Cabbage Patch Kids?
IMELDA: Yes, those. And they're ugly, All
the time I was in the Philippines, they
never made a doll of me. I guess it's not
my fault, because I’m not ugly.
PLAYBOY: Whereas Mrs. Aquino is?
IMELDA: No comment. [Laughs] | just
believe in beauty. Take mov, for
instance. PLAYBOY lly shows beautiful
women in a way they can be admired.
Some people call it pornographic, but 1
don't think so. I think rraypoy shows the
beauty of the female body. Goya did
the same thing a century ago. Americans
have admired beauty, and 1
admire Americans because of that. But—
look at these toys! This is not beauty!
PLAYBOY: We recall that you had some-
thing of a problem with naked pictures of
yourself way back when:
IMELDA: Yes, I got into trouble during the
1965 election. Somebody mounted my
ce on naked pictures. 1 was so furious—
they were very naked, very ugly bodies.
If they had used Marilyn Monroe's body,
then I would have had no problem. I
might even have ordered some. [Laughs]
But. again, I just don't understand why,
when you have the most beautiful country
in the world, you let other countries out-
smart yo
PLAYBOY: What would be a better system?
IMELDA: There should be only one leader.
‘Too many cooks spoil the broth! You have
the Congress, a very strong Congress; you
have the Justice Department —
PLAYBOY: You mean the Judiciary
IMELDA: Yes, that. And then you have the
President, and then you have a fourth—
the media! Who think of nothing but
like ours. You ha
the Batasang
IMELDA: Yes, and that is why Marcos
began with a system
d in the Philippines
Pambansa, your
WORKING OUT. Marcos showed his fitness
to rule in an exercise video tope shot in
Hawaii and then released in the Philippines.
nged it. Originally, it was like yours,
it did not work, because we were all
out—7150 islands. So Marcos
changed it to a parliamentary system
xcuse me, you're wrong. The
reason was that in the old days, the con-
gress system ended up with some con-
gressmen blackmailing the preside
when the president tried to—well, s;
atize the expenditure of public funds.
Why? Because a lot of the congressmen
were collecting bribes.
IMELDA: I didn't know thi
FERDINAND: If wc hadn't stepped in, the
entire system would have collapsed.
IMELDA: And as the days went by, it would
FERDINAND: Please hold on! Instead of the
simple martial law we declared, the alter-
iv ld have been the commander in
chiefs taking over the entire government,
PLAYBOY: Of course, your critics charge
that that's exactly what you did
FERDINAND: You must understand that |
was also protecting my life and the life c
my family. After the 1969 election, two
men wi aught in an
attempt to assassinate me.
IMELDA: And they were hired by.
FERDINAND: Hold it! ‘They were hired by
Eugenio Lopez, Sr., and many other of my
Many of them confessed. Even
when Eugenio came to the Malacañang
Palace to confess and apologize—he was
g all over the place—I just said,
“You didn’t need to come here. І know
what's going on. Furthermore, the lies you
have spread about me and my wife
IMELDA: The president and mysel
FERDINAND: Hold it, hold it! Lopez apolo-
gized to me. He said, “I had nothing to do
with the assassination plot, but I admit
that the information 1 published about
vour wife was fabricated.” [U.S. press
reports tell a different story: A member of
a prominent family, Eugenio Lopez, Jr.,
was imprisoned without formal charges
s, while his family refrained
om public criticism of the Marcos
regime and tumed over more than
$400,000,000 worth of holdings—includ-
ing a newspaper and a broadcasting
network—to Marcos’ relatives and sup-
porters. In 1974, Lopez Sr., then dying of
cancer, visited the Marcoses at the palace,
but his son was not released. Lopez Jr
then went on a hunger strike, and his fam-
s. It was not
that Marcos first charged
Lopez Jr. with attempted assassination. ]
IMELDA; The worst things he'd published
were stories that | was stupid! And that I
hadn't grown up across the street from
where General MacArthur had h
headquarters—that I grew up in a little
shop. Can you imagine that?
PLAYBOY: Why werc you called stupid?
IMELDA: | went to a Benedictine convent
for my enüre education. And im this
yearbook that you'd autograph for your
classmates, І would miss an E or an I or
whatever. At least 1 wrote some words.
FERDINAND: She was also the student-
council president.
IMELDA: "That's not the point—a psychia-
trist came to look at how I wrote, and he
said, "She thinks faster than she can
write.” I always mistake words when |
write, even today.
[Marcos leaves to take a phone call.]
PLAYBOY: Earlier, we were talking about
the betrayal by Enrile
IMELDA: On the day we arrived here, know-
g exactly that the main culprit of the
coup was Johnny Ponce Enrile—J-P.E.,
Marcos called him. Can you imagine
that—calling your enemy——
PLAYBOY: Who had been your fr
IMELDA: Exactly. But Marcos
take over the prime ministership of the
parliament and I will support you.”
Imagine! Mrs. Aquino did not offer the
prime ministership to J.P.E.!
PLAYBOY: Did that make you angry? That
your husband had
IMELDA: I was very angry. All of us were in
a state of shock. This man ile, the one
who caused all of these problems—it was
so terrible. We sullered all these indigni-
ties when we left. We were dumped into a
C-141, were all on top of each other; there
was no opening in the airplane, and we
could barely breathe, and it went from so
cold to so hot—it was a plane meant only
for cattle! So on the day, the very moment,
we arrived in Hawaii, he put in a call to
J.P.E., saying he'd support him.
PLAYBOY: And how did you react?
IMELDA: I said, “You are insane!”
[Marcos returns to the room in time for
that remark.)
FERDINAND: Take her, take her, please.
IMELDA: I'm serious. Mrs. Aqui
ished the constitution,
parliament—and they talk about Marcos
as a dictator? Marcos as oppressive? Mar-
cos, a tyrant? Mrs. Aquino, do you think
that if you destroy Marcos, the Philip-
pines will flourish? If Marcos was the
problem, OK; he's out. Why do you have
to spit at him, curse him, kick him?
This woman, Aquino, she is satanic. In
the name of God, she used God to package
communism, these crazy things.
PLAYBOY: Mr. President, if you do not suc-
ceed in going back, how do you think his-
tory will remember you?
FERDINAND: | cannot answer that yet.
There are several scenarios.
PLAYBOY: Meaning you still
FERDINAND: Let's put it this way: History
is not through with me yet. I still believe
that justice, no matter how slowly. it
grinds. But it grinds exceedingly well.
PLAYBOY: Well, let us put it this way: When
you hear your wife refer to you as honest,
generous, loving and the most wonderful
man on carth, do you believe lier?
FERDINAND: [ Pauses] I am a full man.
IMELDA: No, you're a whole man
FERDINAND: Right, I'm a whole man.
PLAYBOY: Which means?
FERDINAND: Most of the Third World pco-
ple have lost the yalues that made them a
whole man—the perception of dignity, the
true meaning of freedom and the willi
ness to fight for that freedom.
IMELDA: Can I grab your pen for a minut
I can draw it for you, to show what I
mean. [Takes pen and draws circles, squares
and other shapes] We're talking about the
whole man—body, mind and spirit. You
ve the body what is good and makes him
healthy [draws circle]. Give the mind the
truth to make him educated [draws stars
over the circle]. And then, when everything
n harmony, he is whole and starts to
smile [draws a smiling face over the other
drawings]. And if you take off one part of
that, the picture will look like a crocodile,
not content with that. We want
fulfillment and happiness to make a tru
happy face. If he has an unhappy face, it’s
this [draws an upside-down heart]. Mind,
body and spirit—and we all have a happy
PLAYBOY: Is this semeiology a way of
expressing a, what shall we say
IMELDA: I call it a theology. It’s
sumptuous, but it i
President, what do
hope to
and we
little pre-
correct. [made a the-
ology toward а new human order, using
symbols. And | call it Seven Portals to
Peace. [Takes pen in hand again] Here I'm
going to use only the numerical symbols of
one and zero. Number one, how does the
children [sic] draw a tree? Zero and one.
Sec? As long as there is one tree on the
planet, there will be infinity to bring
about ecological order. [Keeps drawing]
Number two, as long as there is one
woman—this the sex symbol of the
woman—and one man, the phallic sym-
bol, there you have it: woman and n
So there will be infinity and there will bea
human order. Are you following me?
PLAYBOY: We're trying. Please go or
IMELDA: Number three, as long as you're
not thinking of the dollar and going in cir-
cles for the dollar like a porcupine, man
will be the center, and man will flourish,
the dollar will go around and there will be
an economic order. Using only zero and
one! Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero. And man
is the center. And here's number four—I
always say the problem is also an oppor-
tunity, 1 don't solve problems. I re
problems into assets.
PLAYBOY: Of course, your financial assets,
many of which are being held, have been
of great interest to the U.S. media.
IMELDA: Thats my problem. I have an
American mind; I'm honest and open
"That's what my problem is and the prob-
lem of America is—we tell everything.
PLAYBOY: You haven't told everything to
the courts about your assets,
My dear, |
PLAYBOY: Such as, of course, the shoes
your palace closet
IMELDA: At least there were no skeletons in
my closet, no? [Laughs] People forget. In
the Philippines, shoes are now 60 pesos a
pair—that’s three dollars. And this busi-
ness of my having 3000 pairs of shoes—
even if I'd had 10,000 pairs of shoes for 20
years, that’s only $30,000, Many people
spend a lot more than that in ten years.
The thing is, I was promoting anythi
that was Filipino—I was the first lady
remember that
IMELDA: Well—I was not always parochial,
let's say. [Laughs] But I did wear a lot of
Filipino-made shoes. Look at these, for
instance. [Takes shoe off right foot] This is
Oleg Cassini, franchised in the Philip-
pines, and it was made in two hours
[Holds up shoe for inspection] In Italy, the
shoes would have taken two 10 make.
Two days!
PLAYBOY: Yes, but if they'd been made
Italy, they wouldn't have rubber sole:
yours do, would they?
IMELDA: They still stand up for wear.
"The point is, by making these shoes, we
were able to give jobs to our people. Shoes
were not even my weakness.
PLAYBOY: What was?
IMELDA: [Laughs] Um cei
to say it out loud for
you wcar only
ly not going
1 Aviv; arc you kid-
g? Seriously, my weakness was tri
people I shouldn't have trusted.
FERDINAND: One thing about her shoes—
she lost a shoe on a state visit to China,
because so many people were bugging her
Later, when the media publicized the
3000, we joked that we should have taken
them all along on that trip.
IMELDA: I got along the rest of the day in
China with one shoe by wearing a long
gown. But when I got back to the hotel, I
threw that shoe away. Then, a few days
after we got back to Manila, the Chinese
ambassador came to call. He had with
him the shoe I had thrown away
"The moral is, never throw shoes away,
because they will catch up with you.
PLAYBOY: President and Mrs. Reagan
made their own state visit to Bali last усаг,
Were you disappointed that you didn't get
to speak with them in person?
IMELDA: [Pauses] No, I was happy that wi
got to speak with them on the phone. We
were grateful that they remembered to
call, that they took time to speak with us.
I had spoken with Mrs. Reagan during the
final days in Ma
PLAYBOY: Really? You spoke with Mrs.
Reagan on the phone during that period?
IMELDA: Yes. On the day the palace was
under attack by rockets, she said to me,
‘Come, Mrs. Marcos, I invite you to the
United States." The Reagans were very
sweet and wanted us to be their guests. |
had to say that I would be the last to leave
my country. Unfortunately, the Reagans
were then fed lies by bureaucrats. But I
surely appreciated their humane concern.
PLAYBOY: Has it ever occurred to you, now
that the Reagans have their own troubles
with the Iran/Contra crisis, to call up
Nancy Reagan and return the favor—tell
her to just hang in there, that sort of thing?
IMELDA: Yes, I feel there will be a time for
all of that, but I don’t want to be pre-
sumptuous. They're smart enough to do
this thing right, and what President Rea-
gan did has a moral foundation to it.
PLAYBOY: Selling arms to Iran has a moral
IMELDA: You just cannot argue with me
about it—President Reagan did what he
did because he wanted to protect Amer-
ica. Reagan's number-one oath is to pro-
tect America. And the system would not
help, so he had to go an illegal way. But it
was morally righ
And, of course, Т understand what
like to be in distress. Last year, just before
Thanksgiving, we were getting so con-
gested in our home here—people were
getting hotheaded with each oth
wounding each other, hurting cach other;
it was like everybody had his own foxhole.
So then some of our people came and said
“Mr. President, we are leaving; we can't
nd this anymore; we're up to hei
[Points to neck]
PLAYBOY: A mutiny?
IMELDA: A mutiny. So the president said,
"Gentlemen, this situation reminds me of
my namesake, Ferdinand Magellaı
said, “When Magellan and his crew had
not seen land for many months as they
were circumnavigating the globe, Magel-
lan went before all of his men and said,
"Gentlemen, today we are no longer oi
nary mortals. We have just turned into
gods. And let us thank the Lord for this
great privilege of having been so deprived,
so humiliated, and given all these indigni-
ties, because these are all instruments for
heroism and greatness.”
“And I promise you," said Marcos,
hat this is one fight no one will lose—
even if we fail, we fail as martyrs for free-
dom.” There were three or four minutes
of silence; then everybody stood up and
saluted Marcos and said, "We're sorry,
sir." 1 have never seen the president in a
more glorious and shining moment than
When I saw this, I had to go and
embrace the president. I said, “Hallelu-
jah, this is something!" And ever since
then, things have been fine with our staff.
PLAYBOY: You think of yourselves as gods,
IMELDA: Yes, because we are on a divine
PLAYBOY: Which is?
IMELDA: To return to the Philippines to
reclaim our destiny.
FERDINAND: We are part of the achieve-
ment of being a god. That is what we are
about now. An ordinary mortal would not
be able to stand it. All of our statements
now have to prove that we have not gone
back to being ordinary mortals.
IMELDA: And even if we fall—
FERDINAND: We'll fall as martyrs for the
cause; we'll fall with honor.
PLAYBOY: You've said you would do any-
thing to keep the “flame” alive-
IMELDA: The flame of freedom!
PLAYBOY: What, exactly, does that mean?
FERDINAND: I'm willing to If neces-
sary. But I don't think that may be neces-
- I will not be surprised if by the
time this appears in print, we are enjoying
the Manila sunsets.
[Marcos leaves to take a phone сай.)
IMELDA: After you ve been deposed, after a
leader has fallen, he's suddenly ugly, a
crook. Somoza! The shah! Everybody!
You know who was the first to call us
when we got here? The shah's widow.
But, again, why did Marcos proclaim
martial law? Because the Communists
were already pounding on the gates of
Malacanang Palace and in congress. Did
Americans realize why we did it? No!
PLAYBOY: What Americans did hear were
the many allegations by human-rights
groups, such as Amnesty International, of
the terrible things the Marcoses had
ordered done to people
IMELDA: Human rights! Human rights!
How about human right? We chose to be
with America, not the Communists,
that’s why we're now being crucified!
PLAYBOY: You keep invoking the Deity. Do
you think God has something special in
mind for you?
IMELDA: Yes. I think He has something spe-
cial in mind for me. This has been too
much of a preparation. And I don’t just
believe in God—I make God real. I want
to be surrounded by what is beautiful. 1
want to do beautiful things.
FERDINAND: [Returning to the table] My
doctors have been telling me to take my
nap. I said I had an interesting interview
with pLayuoy. They asked, “Are they mak-
ing you the centerfold?” [Laughs] Maybe
we should send them the immigration
commissioner's picture.
IMELDA: They can't use your pictur
don't want you to look too healthy now
You'll be forced to sit down before the
grand jury in Virginia [about alleged mis-
use of U.S. Government funds]. [Laughs]
Me, I recycle everything—even being in
jail would be very positive for me if they
called me to a grand jury.
FERDINAND: I do not want to go home that
way. [Laughs]
IMELDA: Andy, tell them about your bitter-
est enemy.
FERDINAND: You're talking about the guy
who tried to turn me into a queer, which
I'm not and don't intend to be!
PLAYBOY: A homosexual political enemy?
PLAYBOY: Yet enemies of Marcos had real
reasons to fear you, didn’t they?
IMELDA: OK. What so terrorizes a lot of
people in the Philippines who would fight
against Marcos is that, always, all of Mar-
cos’ enemies somchow go and get sick, or
something terrible happens. [Laughs]
From time immemoriable [sic].
FERDINAND: Unfortunately, my enemies
are slowly dying away. And so the game is
not as exciting as it used to be. 1 am sur-
prised at the way they are disappearing
from the scene.
PLAYBOY: Some pcople charge that, over
the years, you have been responsible for
some of their disappearances.
FERDINAND: Let them say what they want.
It's not true.
PLAYBOY: What if something terrible were
to befall Cory Aquino?
FERDINAND: The Communists will proba-
bly try to kill Madame Aquino and blame
it on mc. It's in their blood.
PLAYBOY: It's in their blood to kill Cory?
FERDINAND: What do you mcan, Cory?
Everybody! All the leaders of every party,
induding ours. All she did was release
from jail the 441 most prominent Commu-
nist leaders our government had spent
ing to track down! The way the
Communists are conducting themselves,
even if Madame Aquino survives the elec-
tions, she will not last the year.
[The interview resumes in the living
PLAYBOY: Let's talk about the hours before
your downfall, Why didn't you try to
mount a counterattack with troops loyal
to you?
FERDINAND: | could have had the Mala-
cañang Palace bombed. I could have done
a number of things to ward off the айас!
ers. But I had another plan. I was going to
cut off all the palace's utilities and then
infiltrate the defense building—friends of
Enrile’s are also friends of mine. So T
called him and said, “Let's stop this fool-
le promised me he would try
to work it out; but by that time, I suspect,
Cory was already in touch with him—
through the Americans.
PLAYBOY: Why do you suspect that?
FERDINAND: Because I received a threat
that the Marines would be used against
me. The U.S. Marines! I got a formal
note—unsigned—from I won't say whom,
but it was a high-ranking U.S. official.
[Marcos has elsewhere named former
Ambassador Stephen Bosworth as the offi-
cial who threatened him. Bosworth denies
PLAYBOY: How did you respond?
FERDINAND: | said, "You show me this
note, but signed by President Re:
ГЇЇ surrender to you." I теа!
Reagan was declaring war on me—what
the heck! I surrender! I face reality! ГИ go
to the President and say, “I'm your pris-
oner; what's happening?" [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: Yet it seems clear that the order
for vou to step down came from the
FERDINAND: I seriously doubt it. It was the
diplomatic-level people at the U.S. em-
bassy, The policy there was to get Mar-
cos out. There was a U.S. Senator there
whose 24-year-old daughter felt
because there was a party she wasn’t
invited to attend. [State Department
sources say that no one of that description
was in the U.S. embassy at that time.] I
talked with President Reagan later and I
think he was unaware; he was misled.
PLAYBOY: And the assassination of Aq
as we have discussed, was crucial
FERDINAND: The Aquino assassination
added to the resolve of the U.S. embassy
to try to knock me off. But Pm not going to
fault anyone. All I know is that somebody
from a Senator's office [presumably that of
then-Senator Paul Laxalt, who served as
go-between during that period] called and
said, "You'd better get out of there. Even
gunboats will be used against you." So I
immediately issued an order that if any
American gunboat came into Manila Bay,
or if the Marines landed, no firing. [Li
It then. called
Laxalt checked out. Lax
Marcos to assure him that there was no
such threat.]
PLAYBOY: So, in effect, Senator Laxalt told
you that you had to cut and run.
FERDINAND: No, he never said those words
to me. In fact, 1 do not know what
Laxalt’s memory is, but the truth is that I
did not talk with him before the events
that ended in my departure from the Phil-
ippines. I talked with him afterward.
[Laxalt says this is not truc and that
he and Marcos spoke several times before
his departurc.] If he had ever said those
words to me, I would have said, “May 1
talk to President Reagan?”
PLAYBOY: And what would you have said to
your old friend President Reagan?
FERDINAND: I would have said, “You know
you're ordering the use of American
troops and violating the law. You are sup-
posed to submit this to the Congress
within 90 days.”
But the President did not know what
was happening to us. I know this because
he stopped off in Honolulu last year, on
his way to Bali, and he gave me the
impression that he did not know. It was
all underlings. The same type of under-
lings that, in my case, I say stole so much
money from the Philippines
PLAYBOY: Since you bring it up, do you
know what your net worth is?
FERDINAND: Yes. But Pm not about to tell
you. [Laughs] The true answer is yes and
no. My net worth is covered by the docu-
ments I have, and I am ready to show
them at the proper time. My enemies say 1
have deposits in the Bahamas, in Panama.
Now, Га like to see those, because 1 don't
have any paper on those
They claim Um worth—how much?
Thirty billion? I say, "Show me the paper.
and we can split it. You take 29 billion,
give me one billion and let's say goodbye
like friends." But they have to find it first!
And not in pesos—in American dollars!
IMELDA: You remember The Wall Street
Journal had stories that either the money
didn't exist or Marcos was smart to have
hidden it so well. Which was it, Andy?
IMELDA: You were smart! [Laughs]
[Mrs. Marcos leaves for a while.]
PLAYBOY: Earlier, when you talked about
America, and when Mrs. Marcos referred
ans," it seemed as if your
so tightly intertwined with U.S.
burg Address before I could read. We were
Look, I learned the Gettys-
under the U.S, educational system. But
my grandfather headed the revolutionary
forces and fought to the death!
PLAYBOY: Against the Americans?
FERDINAND: First against the Spanish, then
against the Americans. So 1 knew about
American history through his stories,
and I fascinated by American
heroes—Teddy Roosevelt, all the guys my
grandfather fought. I guess I was always
fascinated by America.
PLAYBOY: So you grew up in an essentially
American way
FERDINAND: Yeah, with hopes of going to
Harvard, only I was ordered into the mili-
tary. But I had, I remember, a yellow con-
vertible, a Chrysler fireball, all kinds of
other cars. I lived the bachelor existence.
PLAYBOY: A pretty lavish one, too. You had
some early success as a lawyer, didn't you?
FERDINAND: Yes, I was carning a good liv
, because I had a reputation for having
represented myself successfully before |
got my law degree.
PLAYBOY: What case was that?
FERDINAND: | was accused of murder. In
9. The guy testifying against me as
an eyewitness was someone I'd never seen
before. 1 jumped on him right in court and
started to choke him. I was strong and for-
got myself. I was actually in jail when I
took my bar exam and, of course, every-
one said, He'll never be able to concen-
trate and take the exam." But I am the
type who can put aside tensions and wor-
ries, and I took the exam, passed it and
began handling big cases right away.
Although I specialized in corporate law, I
decided to practice some criminal law, for
the sake of the criminals who had been in
the penitentiary with me.
Anyway, when you're a lawyer in the
Philippines, you're automatically consid-
ered presidential material. One of my first
cases was that ofa bon vivant charged in a
gold-mining scam. He was living quite the
bachelor life.
PLAYBOY: Unlike yourself? Didn't you say
you led a fast life—cars, ladies?
FERDINAND: God, we’re returning to sex! I
try to avoid it. The answer is yes and no.
There's a saying in the Philippines, “You
can be hungry in the eyes but no further
than that.” My greatest fear was that
someday | might wake up and discover
somebody I was not in love with beside
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me in bed. I was afraid I would go crazy
and shoot myself. So I promised myself 1
would never have an allair to the extent
that a woman could, well, corner me into
a shotgun wedding. So | kept window
shopping. But when I met Imelda, I was
swept off my feet. I proposed to her in the
first 30 minutes,
PLAYBOY: What persuaded you?
FERDINANI irst, I made her stand up to
find out how tall she was. She was about
my height, and I said, “I guess you'll do."
I told her I felt bells, I smelled roses, I
could quote poctry the whole night
through—I had never felt like that about
ny other мота!
PLAYBOY: And you did not even kiss her
until ——
FERDINAND: The altar. She was very cir-
cumspect and had a chaperon before we
were married. Our wedding was in '55,
and I was running for congress, and she
started having these migraine headaches.
[Both were involved with others at the
time of their wedding, which was in 1954,
and Marcos was already a congressman.]
We went to the doctors and they told me
the headaches were caused by my desire to
become involved in politics. They said,
“Either you give up politics or she will not
be able to perform normally as a wife.”
So I said to Imelda, “ГЇЇ give up poli
tics. ГЇЇ practice law, write books and
amass a fortune—part of which I could
put into a foundation for the poor." But
she cried, “I cannot make you give up
your life's ambition! Everyone says you
will run for president in 20 years!" I beat
them by nine years, by the way—I ran for
president 11 years later. But basically, she
said, "I'm going to be a politician's wife."
PLAYBOY: "Then it must have hurt when,
over the years, she was portrayed as the
ultimate dragon lady.
FERDINAND: Of course. She was not any
thing like that. She was not ambitious. She
was not grasping
PLAYBOY: ‘Then why
tion of her the oppo:
FERDINAND: Because she did not bother to
explain herselí—1 had to do it. In the
carly days, she was always alraid of
appearing before a crowd—until I got her
to sing. She'd always been a good singer.
When she was a kid in the Benedictine
convent, she lived right across the street
from General MacArthur's headquarters,
and he used to have her come over and
ig for his staff.
PLAYBOY: And you then began to sing
together as a campaign trademark, right?
FERDINAND: Yes. Before I knew it, she was
also delivering speeches.
FERDINAND: And she stopped having
migraine headaches. [Laughs]
[Mrs. Marcos rejoins the interview.)
PLAYBOY: We've heard that there is an
interesting story about your first public
appearance as a singer. What year are we
talking about?
IMELDA: Oh, don't ask me this! It was
the world’s percep-
1944, and 1 was singing ata garden party
in the MacArthur compound. Е sang a
song—God Bless the — Philippines—and
Irving Berlin, who was there, heard me.
He came up to me and embraced me and
said, “Dear girl, this song is God Bless
America" I said, “No, this is God Bless the
Philippines." He said, “I composed this
song, and it's God Bless America.” 1 said,
“There's no difference, because America
and the Philippines are the same.” He
said, “No, no, no. Almost the same but
not really the same; this song is really
meant for America.” So Irving Berlin
went off into a little corner and stayed for a
while. He came over to me and said, “I
must have a piano." So he went to our
house right across the street and played a
new song. “I have this new song for you,"
he said—Heaven Watch the Philippines.
“You'll learn this,” he said. “апа tomor-
row there's going to be a big show I'm
HIGH NOTE. Imelda Marcos, pianist in exile,
claims that in 1944, she sang before General
MacArthur and the entire U.S. Eighth Army.
going to present. You'll premiere this in
front of 40,000 men.” So the next day, I
ng it in front of the entire Eighth Army,
with General MacArthur and Admiral
Nimitz and Admiral Halsey, and I had a
backup chorus of 200 soldiers! You should
have seen me! [Irving Berlin, 99, says he
composed the song in 1945, not 1944, and
"definitely not” for Mrs. Marcos. Penta-
gon sources say that it is highly unlikely
that such an event took place during that
period.] This is how 1 first
public—I was ten or 12 ye
[Laughs] 1 still do love to sing, but I don't
get much of a chance anymore.
PLAYBOY: Perhaps you could sing a song or
two for us. We'll play the piano.
[Phil Bronstein, one of the two interview-
ers, sits down at the piano.]
IMELDA: Well... . all right. Let's start with
Sentimental Journey—do you know it?
PLAYBOY: We'll try.
IMELDA: [Gives a rousing rendition) “UM be
counting every mile of railroad track that
takes me back./Never thought my heart
tion./. . . [Breathy voice] Never thought
my heart could be so yearny./Why did I
decide to roam?/Got to take the senti-
mental journey, sentimental
IMELDA: Now let's try Don't Fence Me In.
[Sings with great gusto] “I want to ride to
the ridge where the West commences,/
Gaze at the moon till I lose my senses. . . ./
Don't fence me in. [Winds up] Oh, baby,
now, don't fence me in. Don't you fence
me in!” [Applause]
PLAYBOY: Do you have a secret desire to be
on Broadway?
IMELDA: 1 do have an offer to do a show.
It's called Aloha. It has seven beautiful
songs, and it's the story of Hawaii. In it,
the queen, Alika, comes out beautifully
dressed in her lei and grass skirt and long
hair—my hair is long, anyway. But the
nice part is, my first public appearance
will be with beautiful things in my hair,
wearing a grass skirt—and without shoes!
[Laughs] Im going to make money on
those shocs, you know. How is that for
recycling a problem into an asset?
PLAYBOY: Is there a singer whom you par-
ticularly admire?
IMELDA: Elvis Presley. He was ahead of his
time, because he had deep feelings. He
had the privilege of deep feclings because
he was deeply loved by his mother,
Gladys. He was able to appreciate deep.
profound beauty in sounds. And he
started a musical revolution. They say all
revolutions start from love.
PLAYBOY: Including the Aquino
IMELDA: No! That was started in
PLAYBOY: Your own love story was pretty
special, according to President Mar-
IMELDA: Yes, it was made in heaven. Гуе
been so blessed. Our life is a fairy tale.
PLAYBOY: Yet the rumors persist about
extramarital affairs. Yours, for instance,
with George Hamilton.
IMELDA: Well [pauses], at least he's good-
looking, isn’t he? I'm in good comp:
because he's got one of the most beau
women in the world as his girlfriend,
Elizabeth Taylor. We are beautiful
women, beautiful people. Why does the
press lap up all this stuff? Because we are
all beautiful people. But George Hamilton
and I were never more than good friends
PLAYBOY: Then, too, there has been much
publicity of late about your husband's
alleged affair with a starlet, Dovie Beams
de Villagran, a former B-movie actress who
claims she was once his mistress.
IMELDA: [Laughs] W nute! | know
better. I have a special sensitivity about
these things. You can tell when they're
playing hooky. We're too close. 1 would be
able to tell if he was with somconc elsc.
[Mrs. Marcas leaves for a while.)
PLAYBOY: Mr. President, vour own health
became the topic of speculation through
the last years of your presidency. There
were reports that you were a candidate for
a kidney transplant. Is that truc?
FERDINAND: I was ready for a transplant,
ycs. But when I came to the U.S. in 1982
and the doctors saw the results of my kid-
neys’ performing, they laughed me off the
operating table. I said, “Be frank with me;
do I need one?” Because I might haye had
to give up my dutics as president, and I
said I would have to settle my affairs and
would like to in the Phili
better yet, live in the Philippines. They
said, "Don't worr
PLAYBOY: Kidney dialysis is a procedure
that many people cannot afford. Yet
when the Aquino forces took over the pal-
ace, they found seven dialysis machines.
FERDINAND: That's right, seven. When a
doctor friend of mine was asked why I
would need seven dialysis machines, he
said I probably had seven kidneys.
[Laughs] The truth of the matter is, we
were preparing for a battle, so we were set-
ting up an cmergency hospital. The first
wounds in battle are usually those that
affect your kidneys. That's why they were
PLAYBOY: There was also a stir raised on
American TV when a video of your own
version of a Jane Fonda workout was
broadcast. Was it to show people in the
Philippines that you were healthy, despite
the rumors?
FERDINAND: To be frank, I did not intend
for it to be shown in the Philippines,
though it was. I wanted it as a record of
how I was feeling. Somebody apparently
got hold of it and sold it.
PLAYBOY: How could that happen?
FERDINAND: That's like asking how some-
one can tap my phone—but they do. The
telephone company even told me so. I
wrote a letter to the State Department
complaining, but to no avail.
PLAYBOY: Lers talk briefly about some of
the world leaders you've met. Can you
give us some thumbnail sketches of the
grcatest —Mao Tse-tung, to start?
FERDINAND: | admire all leaders who
attain their objective, no matter what their
politics. I appreciated Mao because it was
always said that no one would ever be able
to unite China. He did. He probably
killed morc people than were lost in World
War Two, but at least he kept to his
objective—until the last few years. He
wiped out Chi
PLAYBOY: Did Fidel Castro impress you?
FERDINAND: Yes, very much. A flamboyant
person. He impressed me in this sense:
He's one of the leaders who believe that
in war, as in love, deceit is acceptable.
PLAYBOY: And Margaret Thatcher?
FERDINAND: Her? The Iron Lady? Don’t
they say she’s the best man in England?
PLAYBOY: Didn't you say, when Mrs.
Aquino ran against you, that it was
beneath your dignitv to run against a
that incompetent!
PLAYBOY: Yet didn't you have Mrs. Marcos
no! Not all women are
negotiate the Tripoli Agreement with
Muammar cl-Qaddafi in 1977, when you
were seeking to have him cease funding
the Moslem rebels on the Philippine
island of Mindanao?
FERDINAND: Yes, Mrs. Marcos had been
over in Libya for a few days, and I talked
with Qaddafi through her efforts. In 15
minutes, we had reached an agreement
through the persistence of Mrs. Marcos.
PLAYBOY: Wasn't she threatened by the
P.L.O. during that trip?
FERDINAND: Yes, they were going to bomb
the plane she was on. And so all the macho
soldiers, including Ramos and Enrile,
abandoned her and took another plane
back to Rome. She stayed on the plane, on
the theory that the P.L.O. didn’t kill
women. I said, "Knock on wood,”
because they had killed women.
[Mrs. Marcos rejoins the interview.)
IMELDA: So, what are we talking about
PLAYBOY: World leaders and your role in
dealing with some of them.
PLAYBOY: Qaddafi
IMELDA: Oh, him. You know, I really went
out of my way to be friends with Qaddafi.
The stories I could tell! But I will tell you
this: I think he has a real problem because
he was spoiled by his mother—whom I
met and who is a wonderful lady—but it’s
this whole Arab macho thing.
PLAYBOY: Mr. President, is there one
achievement you're proudest of during
your 20 years in office?
FERDINAND: Yes. Getting rid of this slavish
colonial mentality in the Philippines. Con-
verting a people to learn their own past, to
stand up for themselves. None of that
ing. beggary, mendicant posture.
PLAYBOY: Do you think the people appreci-
ate that?
FERDINAND: Why do vou think they cling
to these ideas even after I’m gone? It's
only because of me. Those young kids—
they're not just fighting for Marcos but for
what he may have taught them. I was a
symbol. Those in their 20s knew no other
president except me. They knew Marcos
as a guy who could crack jokes, who could
demystify the complicated philosophy of
ife. He could quote Rousseau and explain
it—which no one had ever done.
IMELDA: That was one reason the U.S, was
so fascinated by us, as well. When we were
elected, we were called the Kennedys of
the Far East. I remember that The New
York Times, Life, Time, Newsweek covered
us. I even had my own articles in Reader's
Digest. Because we were fighting for the
same thing America stands for. This
estrangement now is just an interlude, an
intermission. Wait ull the second time
around. It’s going to be a big, big love
affair. [Sings] “Love is lovelier the second
time around... .”
PLAYBOY: Yet your reputation now, both in
the U.S. and in the Philippines, is of your
wealth and extravagance in a poor
IMELDA: What the president and I see in
the Philippines is not what you see. When
you go to the Philippines, you sec poor
people. You must remember how poor
they were yesterday.
PLAYBOY: Still, your
IMELDA: I always believed there was no
extravagance in good taste. There was no
extravagance in what I did and bought
for my country. I lost my mother, the
prime giver of love, when I was nine. We
were poor. Then, years later, when I was
able to give, I was crucified for it. If you
want to be intimate with poverty, be a
poor relation. And I was. I came from a
third-class province of a Third World
country to become leader of the country
for more than 20 years, to travel in all the
major corridors of power in my time. Isn’t
that something?
PLAYBOY: When you sang Don't Fence Me
In, we couldn't help feeling that you were
singing that your soul does feel fenced in,
living in exile.
IMELDA: It's a divine birthright to live and
di one's country. I never willed and
desired to be born in the Philippines—it
was just destiny.
PLAYBOY: If you got the opportunity,
would you go back to the Philippines
without President Marcos?
IMELDA: ‘The president is no longer here in
mind and spirit—this is only the shell of
a man. He’s physically in Hawaii, but his
mind and heart are in the Philippines.
PLAYBOY: Yes, but if he had to stay here—
let's say for health reasons—and you had
the chance to go back by yourself, would
you go?
IMELDA: Yes, oh, yes, I would. Right at this
moment, Pd go home. It's the only place
I'm obsessed with. Thirty-five years ago, I
went to Manila with a youthful face, a
dream and five pesos in my pocket. This
time, I will not go home even with a face,
because I've been deprived of my honor
and my dignity. ГЇ go back with five
pesos and make billions and billions of dol-
lars, because what I do comes from the
heart and the brain—Pve got both.
PLAYBOY: Mr. President, we'll be winding
up now——
FERDINAND: Did I tire you? Did I bore
you? As long as I did not bore you.
PLAYBOY: Not at all. But one more ques-
tion: something we alluded to before. You
said you're not yet ready to say what your
place in history will be. But how would
you want your epitaph to read?
FERDINAND: I don't . . . what's the lawycr's
PLAYBOY: Your epitaph, Mrs. Marcos?
IMELDA: One word: Love.
PLAYBOY: And your place in history?
IMELDA: I just want to be in heaven.
own extrava-
A stow tropical breeze wafts through the
sun-baked marble veranda overlooking
the walking ring at Hialeah Park. It is ten
minutes to post time for the cighth race,
an event that now seems certain to deny
me the $96,000 Pick-Six payoff that should
be mine, all mine. So far today, | have
been the Lord of the Races, picking the
first five winners in the , horses
that looked like baffling long shots to the
lis not
whether you win or
lose, its where
you play the game
mere mortals in the stands but were rou-
tinely brilliant selections for a Lord of the
Races. Now, though, I have only one horse
going for me in the sixth and final leg of
the Pick. , A filly named Clay Path, and
Lam certain she will lose.
Clay Path, a class act who today is
matched against a pack of second-raters,
has not raced months, but she is so
much more talented tha opponents
that she need be only [way ready to
win. The odds board g me, though,
that she is out for only a prep and some
exercise today, not to make me rich, She
should be an overwhelming favorite, but
a tepid choice and her price
is not falling. She is a dead piece, and the
sharpi ving away.
I explain all this to my beautiful
companion on the veranda, a five percent
investor in my Pick-Six syndicate and,
thus, the beneficiary of $4800 if Clay Path
gets home first.
“It doesn't matter," she
her banana daiquii Where ii
would you rather be? 1 hear i
back in New Yor!
Here, it is a balmy 72 degrees at the
country's most beautiful race track, a
palatial tribute to French architecture.
From where we stand, we can sce the
dreaded Clay Path and her rivals being
saddled up in a grassy walking ring that is
surrounded by tall, swaving palms. Beside
them is a bronze of the great horse Cita-
tion, surrounded by a pool filled with
water lilies. On the other side are foun-
tains, beds of flowers as vibrant in their
color as the South American parrots in the
aviary on the grounds of the race track.
On the front side of the track a few min-
utes later, the world’s largest colony of
pink flamingos preens on the two islands
in the track infield as the gates open for
the eighth race. Clay Path, away from the
gate sharply, is cannily snatched up and
taken back to the end of the pack by a
jockey who holds the reins as tightly as à
frightened child on a merry-go-round. He
loosens them slightly when the cause is 10
letting Clay Path finally advance to fifth
place, a dozen lengths behind the winni
The Pick-Six is lost and the final two
races on the card are a bust, but the
splendor of Hialeah and a gorgeous
south Florida sunset remain to soothe me
on the way out of the track, along with my
companion’s uttering the magic words
“Let's go to the dog track for dinner.”
I am, in a sense, $96,000 poorer, but I
am in Gambling Heaven. Six months later
and 1000 miles north, I find myself in the
heart of a lower circle. The road maps call
it Adantic City, and the sign at the
entrance to this place says DEL WEBBS
have found Gambling Hell.
I have been sitting at a $25 blackjack
table for seven hours, trying to win back
the $1200 that virtually disappeared in the
first half hour. I have worked the remain-
ing $75 hack to $800, but every time 1
approach the $1000 threshold, the cards
fall with cosmic injustice. The dealer, sul-
len and hostile, is snapping the cards at
me, grabbing my losing bets with enthusi-
asm. Only a few feet away, the clanging
slot machines are hammering at my brain
Finally, the cards start falling, and 20
minutes later, there is $1600 in front of
me. I stand up, almost falling as I find
that both legs have fallen asleep, and
begin to shove through the slot-machine
crowds to the cashier. [t takes 20 minutes
to get to the front of the cashier's line.
Staggering toward the lobby now, I feel
the eyes of the Casino Undead upon me: It
is a pack of the Bus People, the backbone
of business in Atlantic City, desperate
the world
wretches who lose their quarters carly in
the day and then sit in the lobby, staring
vacantly ahead, until it is time for the bus
to take them home. Finally reaching the
pavement and the first fresh air 1 have
breathed in half a day, I can look forward
to the 20-minute wait for the valet-parking
drones to find my car and then a two-hour
drive home on a dark and rainy turnpike.
Paradise Loss Satan and Star Trek's
Khan said they would rather rule in hell
than serve in heaven, but 1 preferred los-
ш out on $96,000 in Gambling Heaven to
winning $400 in Gambling Hell. Even a
gambler docs not live by bread alone.
"The American gambling landscape has
plenty of examples of both paradise and
inferno, with a lot of purgatories in
between. For most novice or casual gam-
blers, it is hard to tell them apart until
one's sentence is sealed. Unfortunately,
there is no sign on some of Las Vegas’
most opulent gambling halls saying, we
BAGE, no Caveats at some race tracks that
Finding a good place to gamble does
not mean finding a place to win money.
Ninety-nine percent of the people reading
this article are going to lose money gam-
bling in the course of their lives, and the
more they gamble, the more they will lose.
he remaining one percent comprises pro-
fessional gamblers, the winners of lotteries
and those who work the winning side of
gambling—bookmakers and race-track
and casino owners.
This is not meant to be discouraging.
One hundred percent of the people read-
ing this article will lose money the next
time they go to the movies or out to din-
ner. The point is finding value for the
entertainment dollar. In gambling, there
the additional lure that the nonprofes-
sional may actually go home a few dollars
ahead. If not, the idea is to walk away
enriched from the fun of it.
Casino gambling in this country is legal
only in Nevada, Atlantic City, New Jer-
sey, and Puerto Rico, though the action on
that commonwealth island is a minor
attraction for tourists and lures few serious
gamblers. Nevada and Adantic City offer
the same major games—blackjack, craps,
roulette, baccarat and slot machines—
and the biggest casinos in both places are
attached to luxury hotels. Otherwise, they
could hardly be more different.
All the best Nevada action is in Las
Vegas, our national monument to greed
vulgarity. A 24-hour-a-day psyche-
delic engine, the city turns mild-mannered
folk from the heartland into depraved
gamblers. The idea is to go wallow in it
A good rule of thumb for the Vegas
greenhorn is lo forget about staying in or
doing any serious gambling at the casino/
hotels you've heard of, but by all means
to walk through them. Caesars Palace's
moving sidewalks and replica of Cleo-
patra’s barge are wonderfully wacky. The
gambling tables, though, attract an inor-
dinate number of high-rolling sleazeballs,
fat dentists and contractors in country-
club sweaters. The scene is similar at
Bally's Las Vegas, formerly the famous
MGM Grand, which is as big as its old
name but a cold and hostile place
Las Vegas is essentially two cities, the
Las Vegas Strip and downtown Las Vegas.
The St where the Rat Pack used to
run and where the highest rollers play, but
downtown is where to have fun. Down-
town not only is Vegas in its most glorious
tackiness but also offers the most favorable
and pleasant gambling venues.
Downtown is packed into five long
blocks that seem like one continuous neon
casino. Audio-animatronic monkeys and
cowboys beckon pedestrians to come
inside and try their luck, and homely girls
in wild West garb shove coupons at every-
one for free slot pulls and souvenirs. (For
get about finding hookers, though: the
street trade has all been moved indoors
after a rash of incidents in which husbands
were boldly solicited despite wearing
wives on their arms.) Almost im le
the gaudiness of downtown is the
city’s best-kept secret, а casino/hotel with
the aptly invisible name of the Las Vegas
Club. The rooms cost $25 to $40 a night
and are as nice as those renting for twice
as much on the Strip. The casino is an
even better deal. The Las Vegas Club
advertises itself as having the world's be
blackjack rules, and it's right. A player
can double down not just on his first two
cards but on his first three or even first
four cards, pairs and aces can be split and
resplit indefinitely, the surrender rule is in
effect and there is an automatic winning
payoff for any six-card hand totaling 21 or
less. For those to whom the preceding is
gibberish, suffice it to say that those rules
give a good player an advantage over the
house even without counting cards
The entire place is roomy and sedate
and the dominant motif is baseball, owner
Mel Exber's passion. The dealers dress in
sedate baseball jerseys, easy on the eyes,
and are uniformly talkative and cheerful.
‘This is the rule downtown, where many of
the casinos are owned by old-timers. On
the Strip, home of the corporate conglom-
crates, the dealers arc instructed to talk as
little as possible, to keep the game and the
profits going quicker.
Many of the downtown casinos, includ-
i the Mint, the Horseshoe and the Fre-
mont, offer single-deck or double-deck
blackjack instead of the four-, six- and
cight-deck games elsewhere. The dealers
are under orders to shullle up early if bla-
tant card counters tip their hands, but a
good, discreet player can get a real edge in
the single- and double-deck games.
(continued on page 138)
*Really? That's exciting! Which one of the Beatles are you?"
WN SHE was а l5-
W:=- -old kid in Paris,
at an age at which
most girls are still sleeping in
kitten-print flannel pajamas,
trying to make sense of trigo-
nometry and dreaming of
boys they'd never have the
nerve to talk to, Paulina
Porizkova was living in night
clubs, dancing on tables and
pouring drinks down the
necks of strangers. Her tiny
Latin Quarter apartment
served as headquarters to a
horde of fashion-industry
kids who stumbled in at
with her new swim-
suit calendar, the
hottest model in
the world could give
a man sunstroke
dawn, only to revive hours
later for more raucous rev-
elry. That, though, was years
ago. This past spring, the
world's hottest model—also
the world's smartest, brashest
and most controversial model
and, arguably, the world's
most beautiful woman—
turned 22. The days when
experience everything, good
and bad, whatever it was, so
that when I died, I could say,
“Boy, I've done it.’ So I did
do it. And I'm still doing it.
Here the voice trails offand
turns vaguely serious. Yes,
there have been some adjust-
ments. There are more in the
works. Paulina, for example,
fun. Then, in the next line,
Pm saying shit and fuck. My
experience tells me that the
people who read Dostoievsky
usually don’t say shit and
fuck. So I’m not going to say
them anymore.”
Paulina is one of those
bright-burning cosmic phe-
nomena that occasionally
blast into view in high-profile
she is said to have worn her
apparently history.
“I was a wild kid, but
who wouldn't have been?"
she says. “You're in Paris.
You're 15 years old. All of a
sudden, after having been
rather ugly as a child, you
discover that you're attrac-
tive to boys. You're earning
tons of money—and there are
no parents around. Who
wouldn’t go completely nuts?
My old philosophy, which I
formulated when I was about
ten, was that I wanted to
has recently abandoned her
highly principled take-me-as-
Lam impudence and has had
her formerly crooked teeth
bonded. For the first time,
she has begun to appear on
magazine covers with her
mouth open. This exquisite
and expensive mouth, more-
over, is on the verge of turn-
ing a bit proper. “I do read
my press, and when I see
what I’ve been saying,” she
says, "sometimes I go, ‘Uh-
oh.’ Here I am, trying to
present myself as the intelli-
gent model. In one line,
Im saying that 1 read
Dostoievsky and Dickens for
fields such as modeling. Yet
she stands apart; she is one of
those notorious exceptions
who are at the same time
huge successes and rebels (or
at least not true believers).
From that megabuck mouth
have come shocking irrever-
ence, disdain for the code of
sentimental mush that those
models who can speak speak,
along with regular aggressive
(text continued on page 128)
The world's hottest model has
the magazine covers to prove
it; on the following pages,
shots from her new calendar.
Fy whos that guy in
the subway, the one
who looks tall, dark and famous? Isn't
that . . . ? Yeah, it was, but he's gone
Zoom! Ron Darling is on the run, and the
question is, Why? He rushes to a cable sta-
tion to do some dinky talk show on danc-
ing, of all things. He rushes to his
about-to-open restaurant, gets down on
his knees and hammers flooring. He
rushes to the gym and hammers away at
his body, which you'd swear looked per-
fect already. Now he's off to school to lec
ture kids about evil Mr. Drug Abuse. Now
to a photo studio to get his comely mug on
some magazine cover
Run, Ron, run. Can't ever seem to stop,
can't even slow down. Taxi, subway, fec
whatever gets there fastest, he grabs it
Everywhere, people do double takes and
try to mooch a signature or a handshake.
Phone messages pile up at all stops
Hey, Ron! Whoa! Hold it up. Take a
break. You're entitled. Your team won the
year. for Chrissake
You're a certified, honest-to-God hero: but
instead of going moose fishing or bass
shooting or suds gulping or whatever the
hell normal ballplayers are supposed to do
off season, vou're running harder than
ever. Listen, Ron, relax. Go home. Toni's
pregnant and lonely, and you could lean
back and catch some tube and chat about
baby furniture. Before you know it, win-
ters gone and it's back to work. Now's
your time to take it slow
Ви по. not you.
world series Last
The Dr. Sun Yat Sen Intermediate
School in lower Manhattan. A welcoming
committee is out front—Chinese men in
suits, anxiously watching for the guest
The guest is late. Whoops, there he is
now, striding briskly down the sidewalk in
a black-leather jacket with long, Western-
style fringe. He wears a backpack, which
is full of autographable photos, and also
holds а racket, just in case hc can steal
some time later for tennis. No chance.
‘The kids waiting in the gym give him a
boisterous welcome. Girls squcal as if hc
were a rock star. “Why are vou so cute?”
one asks in a question-and-answer session.
With the desperate shortage of Asian
celebrities in America, Darling is a major
idol in Chinatown, though he’s only part
Chinese on his mom’s side. He gets a sure-
fire laugh here with the line "I got my
height from my dad and my patience,
looks and intelligence from my mom.” At
the end, order crumbles and Darling is
mobbed, a calm giant (63") among bur-
bling Lilliputians. Finally. he breaks free,
and ofl he goes. Run!
At this point in Ron Darling’s life, so
much is going on that he often scems more
like a corporation than a person. To
coordinate all his public appointments, he
has his own public-relations man. In Phil-
adelphia, his financial agent is readying
his salary arbitration with the Mets. There
is another (continued on page 118)
GRAV-WOOL-FLANNEL SLACKS, a Crocodile belt, a striped shirt ol
a Island cotton and a double-breasted
navy-blue blazer with gold buttons—these are the cornerstones of a well-built wardrobe. But don't
kid yourself: The luxury of wearing things that wear well doesn't come cheap. The initial dollar out-
lay, of course, is returned to you in the quality and the longevity of the wardrobe you build. Call it
investment dressing. A single-breasted gray-pinstripe suit is a tried-and-true mark of a gentleman
that pays back dividends every time you wear it. A cashmere pullover is an old friend that just gets
better with age. Whether you choose a richly textured cardigan, a pair of custom-made shoes or an
ancient-madder dressing gown, the result is the kind of personal satisfaction that comes from the
ownership of something that never goes out of style. Give yourself a pat on the well-tailored back
lollowing the numbers: 1. Custom-made
English wing-tip brogues, by John Lobb, $1150. 2. Silk ancient-madder-patterned tie, by Cutlass &
Moore, about $35. 3. Leather shoeshine kit with brushes and supplies, from Barneys New York, $65. 4.
through 8. A Swiss cotton pocket square with a navy border and a hand-rolled edge, $9.50, a cotton
tone-or-tone pocket square, $5, a pocket square with a navy-and-red-striped border, $9.50, a cotton
pocket square with tone-on-tone checks, $5, and an Irish-linen pocket square, $8, ali from Barneys
New York. 9. Ostrich-leather credit-card case, by Hermes, $465. 10. Cowhide key case with brass
key rings, by J. & F. Martell, $66. 11. Onyx-and-gold cuff links, by Alfred Dunhill of London, $225.
ore basic
togs to bank on: 1. Double-breasted
camel's-hair overcoat with peaked
lapels and a self-beit, from Polo by
Ralph Lauren, $1100. 2. and 3. Troplcal-
weight-wool pinstripe suit with twin
vents and double-pleated trousers,
$995, plus a cotton pocket square with
a blue border, $9.50, both by Alfred
Dunhill of London. 4. Silk Jacquard fou-
by Aquascutum, $40. 5. Silk
twill tie, by Hermes, $65. 6. Red-silk tie
with a mini paisley print, by Alfred Dun-
hill of London, $55. 7. Black-calfskin
belt with a brass buckle, by Peter Bar-
ton, about $60. 8. Sea Island cotton
dress shirt with blue pinstripes and a
pointed collar, by Alfred Dunhill of Lon-
don, $95. 9. Cotton-broadcloth dress
shirt with a straight-pointed collar, by
Ermenegildo Zegna, about $110. 10.
Pink-cotton-broadcloth dress shirt with
a regular pointed collar, by Van Laack,
$95. 11. Striped Sea Island cotton-
broadcloth dress shirt, by Cutlass &
Moore, $80. 12. Sterling-silver cuff
links, by Hermes, $275. 13. Calfskin
straight-tipped shoes that have been
hand-lasted, -welted and -finished, by
Johnston & Murphy, $650. 14. Silk
ancient-madder dressing gown with a
shawl collar, patch pockets and a self-
beit, by Cutlass & Moore, about $400.
| he finishing
touches: 1. Treated-cotton trench coat
with a button-in wool! robe liner,
detachable wool collar, stitched belt
and leather buckles, by Aquascutum.
$575. 2. Crocodile belt, by Trafalgar,
$120. 3. Cashmere cable-knit crew-
neck, from Cashmere-Cashmere, $295.
4. Cashmere hand-framed crew-neck,
by Alan Paine, about $500. 5. Sea Island
cotton-broadcioth shirt with a button-
down collar, by Cutlass & Moore, 580.
6. Pleated wool-flannel slacks, from
Polo by Ralph Lauren, $185. 7. Ostrich-
leather eyeglass case, by Hermes,
$475. 8. Silk rep tie, by Alfred Dunhill of
London, $65. 9. Silk paisley bow tie,
from Polo by Ralph Lauren, $22.50. 10.
Silk braces trimmed with lizardskin, by
Cole Haan Accessories, about $50. 11.
Wool schoolboy scarf, by J. Press,
$32.50. 12. Silk pocket square, by
Hermes, $45. 13. Double-breasted
cashmere blazer with a silk lining and
14-kt.-gold-plated antique buttons, by
Robert Mannino, to order, about $800.
14. Calfskin handmade tasseled slip-
ons, by J. M. Weston, $335. 15. Lamb's-
wool socks with contrast tipping, by
4. Press, $6.50. 16. and 17. Cashmere
socks with a golf motif, $55, and
a cashmere cable-knit cardigan,
$530, both from Cashmere-Cashmere.
fS vo пив
in the cosmic world of evangelical wrestling, there rises a
diabolical new star!
1 USED TO tell my students at the seminary that an evangelical wres-
tling match was a morality play for our time. Gone were the days of
politically ideological wrestling, of grunting Iranian tag teams and
fat, sweating pseudo sheiks. Now saints and sinners grappled with
cach other on a stage of sin and redemption, the struggle between
good and evil so clearly delineated that even the most obtuse specta-
tor could comprehend and shout, “Hallelujah!” We could now—
thank you, Jesus—see the power, not of a man or even a country, büt
of the Lord. God was not only good, He was bigger and better than
Unfortunately, He also cursed me with a weakness for libidinous
and willing coeds, a weakness that eventually cost me my professor-
ship at the seminary.
It was therefore with a joyful heart that I received a comcall from
the Reverend Donald Devout of Denver, a man whose outrageous
piety was equaled only by his love of alliteration. “Harry, boy, how
are you?" His down-home accent was so thick Moses couldn't have
parted it, even though he was from Philadelphia, same as me.
“Understand you got some problems at the seminary.”
It was the first I had heard from Don since we'd been roommates
at Good News of the Airwaves Bible College. In the intervening
years, he had become the king of evangelical wrestling and had grown
reputedly wealthy and definitely famous in the process. “How did
you know Га been fired?” I asked him.
"How did Daniel know the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar? A Vision.
came to me in which you dipped into a tender virgin's inner temple!”
I was irked. “For heaven's sake, Don, she was twenty-two if she
was a—”
“Blasphemy, 100?” he bellowed so loudly my ear hurt. “But Jesus
forgives. So do I. Ever think about the wrestling ministry, Harry? It's
a great way to serve the Lord." He was finally spcaking without ital-
ics. "Your plight has reached my cars just as I have lost one of the
Lord's servants. It is a sign.”
To make a long sermon short, Don offered me the job of villain
Evangelical wrestling, of course, required villainous instruments of
Satan, and villains required managers. The managers were to find
appropriately ugly baddies and train and outfit them. Reverend Don,
fortunately, paid for the cyberprosthetics. (continued on page 106)
F YOU'RE ever in Longview, Washington—a logging town beside the Columbia River where
firs, cedars and alders brood until Sharry Konopski's dad and his men cut them down—
stop at Bruno's Pizzeria. There you'll find the prettiest pizza slinger in the great North-
west. “Someday I'll be a model, actress, mom or all three," says Sharry with a smile
that could fell the tallest fir or the most macho lumberman. “Right now, I’m 19. I’m still
figuring out my life. Pm a waitress, a good one, who also happens to be
PLAYBOY's Playmate of the Month. It’s my way of saying to the world, ‘Voila! Here I am!”
hen the news got around," Sharry says, “people started coming to Bruno's to look
for the PLavBov girl. Now, at work, I wear my hair up—nobody wants a hair in his
pizza—my nails aren't done and I'm in jeans and a T-shirt. They looked right past
me! I stayed behind the counter and thought, You'll never find me!” They will now
Longviewers will find Sharry unpretentious (her fave date is a movie and a long
walk), resourceful (she recently rebuilt her car's engine) and—almost despite
herself—glamorous, even though she does prefer pizza to nouvelle cuisine.
don't like to wear clothes all the time. | like to be comfortable.
Sometimes | like to be silly. | like to run around the house nude, so
posing nude wasn't so different. When we were kids, my girlfriend
and I used to strip and climb trees bare-assed, feeling silly and free.”
arilyn Monroe was gorgeous, witty, sexy—I
idolize her. When I was ten or 11, | used to
dream of being like her. And one morning 1
woke up and had breasts. | thought, Isn't this neat?"
hen I was little, | was really little. As а
baby, | slept in a shoe box, and later a
dresser drawer. | still think I'm kind of
short and stubby, but people don't seem to mind."
"т sexy— when | want to be. | don't want
to be pushed or grabbed. | like things
slow. 1 want the kind of guy who flatters
me, shows me off and makes me feel sexy.”
ome people in Longview are going to say it's
S wrong being in р.лувох. My thinking is, it's like
pressing a rose in a book. Someday, I'll bea
grandma— might as well get a picture of it while I’ve got it.”
NAME: Kc a
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амвтттонз:—а_{ unat to haue e E 7
And succeed ad Lhat ello.
FAVORITE THINCS: Ny, сиў. Boon. ths beach. x
: É 927 E
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SIE E her op ul
Vatican sources report that during Oral Rob-
eris! dollars-or-death vigil, the evangelist called
the Pope and asked if it would be possible for
him to be buried in Vatican City should the Lord
call him home. The Holy Father replied that
that would be most unusual, but he promised to
take it up with the cardinals and get back to him.
A few days later, the Pope called. “Mr. Rob-
erts, because of your lifelong dedication to God's
work, we have agreed to make a special excep-
tion in your case, However, the fee will be
A hundred thousand?" the startled preacher
replied. “But, Your Holiness, I expect to be there
for only three days.”
On his first day in the shop, the novice barber
nicked a customer badly while giving him a
shave. “I'm terribly sorry,” the barber apolo-
gized. “Let me wrap your head in a towel.”
No, thanks,” the customer replied. “СИ just
take it home under my arm.”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines impotent
loser as a guy who can't even get his hopes up.
Climbing onto a bar stool, a piece of string
asked for a beer.
“Wait a minute, Aren't you a stri
“Yes, Lam."
TE m sorry. We don't serve strings here.”
The determined string left the bar and
stopped а passer-by. "Excuse me," it sa
“Would you shred my ends and tie me up
pretzel?" The passer-by obliged, and the string
re-entered the bar. “May I have a beer, please?”
it asked the bartender
The barkeep set a beer in front of t
then suddenly asked, “Hey, aren't
I just threw out of here?"
“No, I'm a frayed knot."
e string,
vou the string
An elderly guest at a large hotel accidentally
locked himself, stark-naked, out of his room. The
poor fellow, in an effort to locate a staff member
to readmit him, opened a door down the hall
and found himself in the midst of a ladies’ flower
show. Spotting an exit sign across the room, the
horrified man sped for the door and escaped—
but not before the three judges awarded him a
blue ribbon lor best dried arrangement.
The fellow sat down at a bar, ordered a drin
and asked the bartender if he wanted to hea
dumb-jock joke
“Hey, buddy," the bartender said, “see those
two guys next to you? They used to be with the
“hicago Bears. The two dudes behind vou made
the U.S. Olympic wrestling team, And for your
formation, Ї used to play center at Notre Dame
“Forget it,” the customer . “1 don't have
time to explain it to five guys.
What do you get when you cross the Godfather
with an attorney? An offer you can't understand.
A sheep farmer troubled by coyote attacks was
visited by a Department of the Interior bureau-
crat just as he was taking aim with his rifle
the official shouted. “There's no need
to kill them. We have a drug that makes them
^] don't know what y'all do back in Washing-
ton,” the farmer drawled, taking aim again, “but
ош here, the coyotes eat the sheep.”
VAT lema
What do you do with 365 used rubbers? You
make a tire and call it a good year.
A man plied to become а
police officer. Since his uncle was the police
chief, the interviewer overlooked his lack of qual-
ifications and posed only one examination ques-
tion. “Who shot President соіа? he asked.
Hmmm," the man pondered. “May I think
about it?"
"Sure. Come back tomorrow.
When the man returned home, his wife
“Did you get the job?”
“Yes,” he replied happily. “They
me working oi ase.
ready have
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a post
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, visio,
Playboy Bldg., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago,
11. 60611. $100 will be paid to the contributor
whose card. is selected. Jokes: cannot be returned.
Imp 504
“Well, how's the old celibate doin’ today?”
EAT, ignore the humidity. People with
ts know that the antidote to thermal
all, frosty, spirit-laced goblet tin-
n fact, sipping such a cooling quaff
at le ¡sure-time activities—attested
ian not, rum is the liquor of
rums, since the Caribbean
a number
‘on page
DENNIS CONNER did it After losing the
America’s Cup in 1983, the first time in
132 years an American skipper had suf-
fered such humiliation, Conner came back
three and a half years later to compete
again for sailing’s Holy Grail. After dis-
patching 16 other 12-meter yachts in a
series of 43 round-robin challenge races,
he blew the Australians away four—zip in
the showdown finale. Dennis Conner, the
carpet salesman from San Diego.
Sugar Ray Leonard did it. Leonard, an
Olympic champion, then the world wel-
terweight champion, the good guy of box-
ing, had been forced to quit the ring five
years carlier because of a dangerous injury
to his eye that required surgery. In defi-
ance of much wise counsel, he emerged
from retirement to fight a machine of
destruction who hadn't lost in ten years,
who was a middleweight, not a welter-
weight, and whose motto was “No
mercy.” Leonard beat Marvin Hagler and
to his three other titles added middle-
weight champion of the world.
We associate comebacks with sports,
and these were two of the most thrilling in
recent memory. Sports, of course, epito-
mizes the back-from-the-dead saga, per-
haps because the setback often seems so
final, the end of a career. Joe Louis
endured a humiliating defeat at the hands
of the great Aryan hope Max Schmeling in
1936, then destroyed him two years later.
І wasn't even born then, but I know the
story well; people talked about it for years.
But businessmen make comebacks, too;
RECOVER GIRL: Moonlighting as
Maddie, Cybill Shepherd, last seen in a prom
plunge, has surfaced as the comeback queen.
Lee Iacocca took the moribund Chrysler
Corporation and restored it and himself to
health, after having been fired by Henry
Ford IT because Ford didn’t like the cut of
his jaw. Iacocca made $20,600,000 last
ycar in salary, bonuses and stock options;
Chrysler made close to 1.5 billion dollars.
Performers make comebacks. Where was
Cybill Shepherd a scant few years ago?
Down and out in Beverly Hills. Tina
Turner, abused and dismissed, turned up
the volume on her ageless sexual energy
and made entire busloads of younger rock
stars look insipid. Dennis Hopper, the bad
boy of Hollywood, shook off drug ram-
pages and scandal to re-emerge as an
Oscar contender. Now he's directing a
We love comebacks. More than that, we
seem to need them. We need to know that
eres to tat gutsy
qang thats been ed
aled Knocked 00,
papel and ogoten
and retumed to trump
the tide turns, that after
defeat can come victory, after
failure, success. We need it so
much that we let Richard
Nixon come back, the man in
all the United States who
may have least deserved it
We don't need Nixon, we
need the myth of revival, of
renewal. A man is down,
he's been hit hard, but he
picks himself up off the floor,
dusts himself off and is ready
to try again. He does and he
wins! Like little children with
a favorite book, we never tire
of hearing this tale. We'll for-
give just about anybody if he
makes a comeback.
We even forgave Bobby
Ewing for dying,
Sort of. There are peo-
ple who make comebacks,
there are others who merely
come back, and Patrick Duffy's
return to Dallas required
no triumph of will or wile; he was
just an actor coming in from
the cold. Stacy Keach, on the
other hand, shrugged off a
cocaine conviction in Eng-
land tostaronce again as TV's
Mike Hammer—a character,
by the way, created by a
writer everyone had generally
dismissed as a has-been but who
has made a remarkable come-
back of his own. Count no man
out till he’s out, and then count
a little longer (wasn’t Gene
Tunney saved, after all, when
he survived a count of II and
went on to knock out Jack
Dempsey?) We need this
stuff, we need it because
we've all been there, or somc-
where like it. We've
all passed through
our personal Slough
of Despond and had
to find the resolve,
the means, the cour-
age to face our mis-
takes, our bad luck,
and come back strong.
We need the Dennis
Conners and Sugar
Ray Leonards and
Richard Nixons be-
cause of what they
signify: Don't forget
me, pal. PII be back.
An example. A
friend of mine on the
West Coast was doing
well as an independ-
ent video producer;
he had shot some
documentaries for
(concluded on page 125)
Twin Billy
They are down but THE SWEETEST
never out. Against all 5 REVENGE
Солун А) FA А
sneers to cheers.
The comeback > 7
trail, that | hi YOu BACK?
circular | jm
avenue, is Я
dogged with
their numbers.
Remember the
Mets? Bom again.
Miniskirts? Мот
again. Faded denim?
Ralph Lauren again.
Pinky Lee is back as
Pee-wee Herman.
Nick and Nora are
back as David and
Maddie. Here's to
Halley's comet and DAVID CROSBY
Hayley Mills: What DICK CAVETT
goes around comes iis
aroused чау а 6. GORDON LIDDY
Tiger Billy Ranger Billy Athletic Billy Yankee Billy
He brawied, pub crawled, managed half the American
League; and now, as color man on Yankees broad-
casts, Bily Martin still gives George Steinbrenner fits.
the number-one net-
work by 1985. Still,
he's more than willing
to rerun the disaster,
that others might steer
Brandon Tartikoff:
“I've prided myself
that in seven years,
Гуе made a lot of
mistakes but not the
same ones twice. |
find new ways to
screw up. I look back
at that (811-1983
schedule and realize
that I made the clas-
sic mistake of trying
to serve too many
“Your main master
B) should be the Niel-
sens. After that come
the affiliates; you
In 1983, program- want good ratings for
» ing chief Tarükoff them so they won't
launched nine prime- hang you іп effigy
time bombs, all of during their annual
which were off the air meeting. But with the
in a matter of months. nine programs that
But in the best come- failed, 1 scheduled
back fashion, he was them for too many
NBC'sPlucked able to clear the rubble other reasons.
Peacock and build NBC into (concluded om page 148)
Tina turned on after spik-
ing hubby Ike and began
private dancing.
م ——
FOR THE _Ex-National Velveeta
Johnnys off the spot: DeLorean beat
a trumped-up drug rap and Mob boss
Gotti walked away from RICO charges.
Patrick Dufty
Studio 54 clubmeister Steve Rubell packed off to
jail for tax evasion but now runs the Palladium and
Morgans, a hip
America's Cup skipper Dennis
Conner aptly titled his book Come-
back; Mao's book is still well Red.
Video Game Casualty
Bushnell's Atari
Corporation, a bleep-
ing success story in
the Seventies, crashed
hard when video gam-
ing went bust. At the
same time, he also lost
all the dough he'd
invested in a restau-
rant chain called Pizza
Time Theater. Now
Bushnell’s back on a
roll in the toy biz, but
his memories of disaster
are horrifically clear.
Nolan Bushnell:
"Before Pizza Time
Theater, I was flying
much too high to be
brought down by a
small arrow; it took
a three-stage rocket,
because I was in the
“With the tremen-
dous success of Atari
and Pizza Time, you ness has no place in
start believing that business.
you аге a Wunderkind "But more than
and that you can до that, I felt I could
no wrong. This is
very dangerous. The
minute you get that
fecling, you become
reckless, and reckless-
handle other things
besides Pizza Time,
and they started tak-
ing 30, 40 and 60
(concluded on page 148)
Former tipsy First Lady Betty licked substance abuse; JOHN FOGERTY
Miss M divinely rose again after emotional collapse. PETER FRAMPTON
Uncle Walt is stil on ice,
but new boss Michael
Eisner has given Dis-
ney Studios new life.
an olympic
sitver medalist
and former
bike messenger
reveals his
survival tricks
In the asphalt
N... Vails, 26, a
National Sprint Cycling cham-
pion, Pan-Am Games gold
medalist and 1984 Olympic sil-
ver medalist, learned to ride on
the streets of his native New
York. Friends called him Chee-
tah for his speed and competi-
tive drive. Irate drivers called
him less flatiering names for
his hell-bent style. Vails served
as technical advisor for the
1986 movie “Quicksilver. '' He
also starred in the film's open-
ing sequence, a mano a mano
race between a cab and himself
on wheels. He is now training
with the U.S. team for the
upcoming Pan-Am Games.
Monhattan to Queens with-
out having to stop for a sin-
gle traffic light?
A lap around New York is
о great test for any cyclist. All
recreational riders should try
it. Take your life in your
hands. If you don't live in
New York, any big city will
do, but a weekday afternoon
in Manhattan is the best. |
want you blasting down
Broadway on Friday at five
o'clock. You've got to put your
behind on the line
Of course, if you think it's
going to be a joy ride in
the park, don't woste your
time—or clog the streets
By Nelson Vails
RIDING A BIKE in the city is like
playing a game with your
life. If a cab, a bus or a truck
doesn't run you down, and if
the cramps, crazies and traf-
fic cops don’t get you, you
win. | always win. I’ve been
playing the game since | was
a Harlem kid on his first bike.
| got great at it when | spent
two years as a bicycle mes-
senger in New York City.
Now I ride on tracks all over
the world. But for me, urban
cycling is still the all-time
thrill. How else could you
make it all the way from the
World Trade Center in lower
At the very least, you'll
need professional help. You
wouldn't go into с combat
zone without a little basic
training, would you? Well,
urban cycling is as different
from riding in the park as
Platoon is from Radio Days.
IIl be your drill instructor
My ability to stay on a bike
has kept me alive for the past
20 years. l've never hit a cor,
truck, bus, limo, hot-dog cart
or moilbox. | hove hit o
pedestrian or two, but they
were asking for it. Trust me.
Awareness—that's lesson
one (continued on page 150)
SEN VEN ВАВВО inact rom pe 81
“At last I heard Reverend Don introduce me, paint-
ing me as one of the great sinners of our age.”
Cyberprossing was what really made
evangelical wrestling succeed. The public
never would have stood for it in old-time
pro wrestling. The outcry had been bad
enough when the old-time wrestlers cut
themselves with hidden razor blades. So
can you imagine the clamor at seeing
hands ripped off, ragged stumps pumping
blood (oh, yes, human—Reverend Don
also owned a medical center) all over the
first few rows? Washed in the blood of the
Lamb, indeed.
But evangelical wrestling got away with
it. Its popularity was so strong that for a
public official to condemn it would be sui-
cidal. Literally. The fans were fans in the
worst way—fanatics. And it was a pack of
those fanatics who unknowingly made an
opening for me.
Sinning Sam Silverstein, who not only
managed Pilate the Proud and Horrible
Herod but was also a Jew, had been sav-
aged by an angry mob outside the stage
door. It seems that Herod and Pilate had
unwisely roughed up David and Jonathan
in a tag-team match before they had
allowed themselves to be battered into
submission by David's harp, and the
crowd took it out on poor Sam, who was
pronounced D.O.A. at Denver. General.
Bad luck for Sam, good luck for me. Rev-
erend Don gave me a weck to find a wres-
ter. "The uglier and meaner and the
bigger enemy of Christ the better!" he told
me, promising to banklink money for
I found my man easily enough, а 40ish
black brother named Mustafa who was
ugly enough and mean enough but
depressingly neutral toward Christ. We
flew to Denver, where Reverend Don met
us. Since our seminary days, he had
become a huge, hearty man with a crown
of hair like a shellacked air bag. Once in
his limo, he wasted no time in telling Mus-
tafa and me what the next few weeks
would hold.
“You,” he said unto me, “are now Har-
ry the Heretic, manager of Mammon, and
you,” he said unto Mustafa, “are Asphodel,
the Ebony Demon!” Then he smiled
broadly and generously. "Now, young
man, whom the Lord hath scen fit to de-
liver unto me, which hand would you pre-
fer to have replaced —thc right or the left:
Such was my introduction to evangeli-
cal wrestling. Mustafa, who required 2
minimal amount of persuasion and much
less money than I would have asked for,
chose to have his left hand replaced by a
cyberprosthetic one. It was, admitted:
an extraordinary piece of craftsmanshi
The technology was so far beyond the
myoelectric limbs of the Eighties that it
made their owners look like Captain Hook
in comparison. Instead of operating
through muscle movement, a cyberpros
limb is controlled through brain waves
whizzing through a micromini implanted
beneath the rib cage. Mustafa's new hand,
fitted firmly into the slot installed between
ulna and radius, did everything a real
hand could do, and with extra strength. It
was a shame that he would have only the
one match in which to show it off publicly.
That Saturday night, we were both
extremely nervous as we stood in the ramp
waiting to make our entrance. It was
nearly eight, and soon Mustafa and I
would be on TBS world-wide, seen by tens
of millions of people, a significant number
of them rabid Bornies howling for
Mustafa's blood. Everything was ready.
The redpaks and the raw liver had been
tucked into the phony wrist, and my
man’s face had been painted by Reverend
Don’s make-up artist, though I thought he
looked more like a little-theater Mikado
than like a demon.
At last I heard Reverend Don introduce
me, painting me as one of the great sinners
of our age, a man hurled out of the semi-
nary for teaching not only free love and
communism but also demonology and
photographic techniques in child pornog-
raphy. The more Reverend Don talked,
the more the crowd shrieked out their
hatred for me. But his diatribe against me
was nothing compared with the number
he did on poor Mustafa. There was noth-
ing racially oriented, since Reverend Don
had his share of black followers; but
when he was finished, there couldn’t have
been a soul in that arena who believed
that Mustafa was anything less than the
vilest, most depraved demon of the pit.
For all their hatred, they were well
behaved when Mustafa and I entered the
arena. They shouted and threw things at
us, but nothing heavier than a pair of bin-
oculars. The ring was blazing with light,
and high on the eastern wall hung a video
screen that displayed a compugenerated
Jacob wrestling with the Angel, the same
footage that began and ended each show.
We climbed through the red-velvet ropes,
and then Reverend Don introduced “Solo-
mon the Slammer! The Wisest Wrestler
beneath the Heavens!” Solomon came on,
handsome, bearded, golden-robed, sur-
rounded by modestly dressed handmaidens.
The match began, and in a brief time
Solomon was slamming the Devil out of
poor Mustafa, or Asphodel, as I tried to
think of him. The fatal moment at last
came to pass, and Solomon grasped the
left hand, wrenched and stood up with a
cry of godly triumph, holding the hand
high above his head, the myriad circuits
making the fingers flex and twitch as
though still connected to the screaming
demon writhing on the floor. Mustafa
seemed thoroughly possessed by the spirit
of the thing, flailing his arm so that the
geyser of blood doused a woman in the
front row who had been calling him a
“nigger Devil” throughout the match.
Finally, the redpak ran dry and the
implanted sensors shut off the pump, the
chunks of liver hiding the plastic and
metal that formed Mustafa’s wrist. His
struggle subsided and medicos rushed into
the ring with a stretcher, tossed Mustafa
onto it and whisked him away before any-
one could see that he was still breathing. 1
followed, shaking my head and making in
the air what I thought might be inter-
preted as arcane signs. I was booed, I was
spat upon, but I was not hit. At least not
For his pains, Mustafa received five fig-
ures, a ticket back East and the cyberpros
hand, a $50,000 consolation prize with
which he could win bar bets until the day
he died.
As for me, my remuncration was suffi-
cient but not extravagant. Reverend Don
kept the big bucks, and I learned as the
months went by that charity was one of
the areas in which the reverend could have
more closely emulated the Master.
The money, you see, is not in the
baddics but in the good guys. They're the
ones, always angelically handsome (as
though goodness had something to do
with looks), who get the commercials, the
product endorsements, the workout vids,
the guest spots on The 700 Club. My boys
got used and abused and tossed back into
the anonymity from whence they came,
and I spent my days hanging around gyms
looking for more canonical fodder. My
hopes of managing a hero were nil,
because all of them were already managed
by—you foretold it—the Reverend of the
Ring his divine self. And Don Devout
liked it that way.
Weeks went by, and I saw Mary the
Virgin trash my gal, the Whore of Baby-
lon; watched David smash my seven-foot-
tall Goliath; beheld Moses the Mighty
mash my gilded Golden Calf, ripping off
his implanted horns and piercing each of
his four liquid-hydrogen stomachs with а
startling blast of hell-fire. What could a
Golden Calf endorse? And a dead one at
that? But secing the calf get sautéed made
me think about other livestock, and soon
(continued on page 133)
“We sure appreciate your doing all you can to make
the weather interesting, Herb!"
if the beach boys
could see these
girls, they would
definitely change
their tune
€ had sus-
pected for quite a while
that something was,
well, happening in the
southernmost of our
contiguous states. What
with its burgeoning
economy, sunny climate
and relatively low cost of
living, Florida seems to
be attracting the sort
of adventurous young
woman who used to
head for San Francisco
or L.A. Could Florida be
turning into the Califor-
nia of the Eighties? We
sent Contributing Pho-
tographers David Mecey
and Amy Freytag to
crisscross the state—
from the fast lanes of
Daytona to the tequila
sunrises of the Keys and
points between, What
did they find? Replied
Mecey, "Remember that
song California Girls?
Let's just say it doesn't
tell the whole story."
"Something wild is
going on here,” says
Lynne Austin, Miss July 1986
(above), who helped spark our
Florida campaign. From the
looks of Sunshine Staters
Anita Faircloth, Amy Weiss
and Robin Zourelias (lounging
below), we can't disagree.
ell, Tampa girls are hip; we really dig the Л
smiles they wear . . .
Б Ahoy! On board the
ES M Scarab (at left), in
Don Johnson chases the
bad guys in Miami Vice, is
Ormond Beach's Robin Zourelias,
administrative assistant to
Hawaiian Tropic suntan-lotion
founder Ron Rice. Hosing down
ashore (above and near right) is
Tampa's Kristin Leslie, who, like
Lynne Austin, works for the popu-
lar Hooters bar-restaurant chain
The soueze me gal in the sequence
at near right is Barbara Ward, a
singer from Plantation. At far
right, another look at Orlando's
Anita Faircloth, who insists,
"Girls would get along better if
they started thinking like guys."
nd Orlando girls, playin' in the sand,
make the lifeguards float on аг... 0
Beach bums had better be on their best behavior when
approaching Clearwater's Pamela Stein (far left). She's
not only the baby of her family, she has five brothers— big brothers.
You might have better luck, though, with Altamonte Springs’ Chris-
tina Murphy (relaxing at right and going through the motions at
left): She's got six sisters. “Then again, most of them are married,”
Christina says, "which is
something | don't want to do
right now. I'm having too
much fun!” Kicking back at
the Parkesdale strawberry
farm in Plant City is Tampa's
Kelly Jo Dennis (top right)
Kelly Jo devotes most of her
spare time to reading novels
and writing poetry. Finally,
meet Boca Raton's Linda Car-
roll (above). Why is Linda sit-
ting in an air boat powered by
a giant fan? Well, if you were
into windsurfing, parasailing,
roller skating and fast cars,
you'd need to cool off, too!
a aytona girls love sunshine and they really
E I f
Lounging poolside (left) is
EM Brenda Muenzner, a 19-
year-old student who's an admitted
pushover for “adventurous men
with good, creative ideas.” Brenda,
like Christina Murphy, comes from
tiny Altamonte Springs—obviously
a reliable source of beauty. Busy
chasing down a cosmetology degree
is Ashley Brooks (above), a student
and part-time model from the Lake
Mary area. Sun and surf aren't
entirely unfamiliar to Ashley—her
dad's a Navy man. Heidi Guenther
(right) is a waitress and hot-fudge-
‘sundae freak from St. Petersburg. If
you're trying to figure out
what's on this lovely's mind, you
can be sure she'd be doing the
same with you if she had the
opportunity: Heidi is working
toward a Ph.D. in psychology.
de A nd Miami girls, with the way they move,
make the stars come out at night. . p
Would you buy insurance from Kristina Hauser? We sure would. The 20-year-old from Sarasota (above) is aiming
toward opening her own agency. We've posed her in a traditional Florida setting, the Arturo Fuente Cigar Factory
in Tampa. Amy Weiss (top) of West Palm Beach is locking for a mysterious, sensitive guy with blue eyes and blue jeans.
A "stargazer” and an actress, Amy claims that her main ambition in life is "to make my dreams into a reality." At last,
we come to Myra Baldwin (far right), a football-and-boxing enthusiast from Tampa. What else is she doing when she's
not putting in hours working at the local tanning salon? She's out on the beach, of course, soaking up the real thing.
“Here's Mr. P.! Carter shouts when Darling shows
up. ‘It must be the perfect time for practice.”
agent to handle product endorsements. In
Houston, a lawyer is preparing for Dar-
ling's trial resulting from The Notorious
Incident in a Texas saloon. In a gym
uptown, there is his personal-conditioning
coach to oversee his workouts. At home, a
manuscript awaits Darling’s labors at the
word processor. Today every star must
publish a book, but only Darling insists on
writing his.
Why is Darling doing all this? He didn't
have to go to the restaurant every morning
to bang on nails. He had zero restaurant
experience and three partners who would
have been content to have him just show
up and look pretty once the place opened.
He didn’t have to go to the gym four after-
noons a week and pay a professional to
lock him into Nautiluses and Polarises to
pound his flesh away and then pedal off
still more on an exercise bike that simu-
lates hills, for crying out loud.
Why, Ron, why? “I really wanted to go
all out this winter to put myself in the best
possible shape,” he says. But, Ron, the
Mets came in first. See this gold ring with
the shiny rock stuck in it? That means you
won. What's the story here, Ron? Turn on
Friday Night Videos and there you are
introducing the Bangles. Why all the TV?
Beats him. "Sometimes I ask myself that,"
he says. "I wonder why I do so much."
Maybe someone else can toss us a clue
here. Someone like Gary Carter.
Turns out that the exuberant Mets
catcher has his own name for Darling.
"Hey, here's Mr. P." Carter has been
heard to shout when Darling shows up.
“Must be the perfect time for practice.” To
the naked eye, his life must, indeed, seem
perfect. At the age of 26, Ron Darling has
everything: looks, wealth, fame, brains,
talent, youth, three quarters of a Yale edu-
cation, a Manhattan duplex penthouse, a
foreign sports car, a restaurant, frequent
offers to appear on TV and a world-
championship ring.
"There's also a beautiful wife. In fact, a
model wife. In the former Toni O'Reilly,
model and sometime actress, Darling
found himself the perfect Mrs. P.
Together, these aptly named Darlings
make up a spectacular package. With the
contrast of her red hair, blue eyes and fair
skin against his basic dark motif, there is
an exceptionally high incidence of over-all
cuteness. This is an act with a future in
showbiz. Ron's a bit stiff on camera, but
he's learning; Toni's a natural. When they
co-hosted Good Morning America, actress
Susan Sullivan could not keep from blurt-
ing, “You two are adorable!”
Yes, Carter is on to something with that
Mr. P. routine. Except that it implies per-
fection achieved. Fact is, the man has a
deep need to become perfect. Despite his
placid, shy, withdrawn exterior, Ron Dar-
ling is a driven man. A man who can't sit
still. Even when he finally does get home
and watches TV, he drives Toni batty,
madly remoting from channel to channel
And hc hates to lose, even if it's just a card
game with his wife. Behind that sleepy-
handsome face, so impassive, cool and
controlled, a turbine roars.
Sometimes he allows us a peck inside
Shea Stadium. The world series. Mets vs.
Red Sox. Darling gets the start in game
one, and he is pumped. He pitches per-
haps his best game of the year. His team,
however, is in a stupor. The Mets have not
yet recovered from their torture marathon
with Houston for the league champion-
ship and can muster no offense. Boston
ekes out one unearned run on a Mets
error; it’s enough to win
Normally, win or lose, Darling doesn’t
hold on to a game. But this one he had
wanted more than any he could remem-
ber. He pitched again twice in the series;
overall, he did fine. So did the Mets. New
York rejoiced; champagne flowed. But
Darling stayed up nights obsessing over
game one. Replaying it. Wondering what
оп earth he could have done differently,
thinking, I did everything perfectly and I
still got the loss. Ron, let go! You did all
you could! For heaven's sake, go to sleep!
Dream about the good old days.
Worcester, Massachusetts. The Sixties.
Search back far enough and you find that
every adult had a childhood. Never fails.
Ron Darling had a fairly normal one, com-
plete with two parents, though an exotic
pair they are. His father, Ron Sr., is an
orphan, raised in French Canada and
New England. He was a fine athlete but
turned down college scholarships to join
the Air Force. Stationed in Hawaii, he met
and married Luciana Mikina Aikala, of
Hawaiian-Chinese descent. She was only
18 when Ron was born. The couple moved
to Worcester to raise a family. With four
sons, both parents had to work hard. Ron
Sr. was a machinist and worked at other
jobs on the side. His wife, though a tiny
woman, loaded trucks for United Parcel.
The oldest son and namesake, Ron Jr.
became the focus for his father’s ambi-
tion. He was expected to do well in sports
and in school. Every day, despite his
heavy work load, Senior took Junior out
back and drilled him in the sport du jour.
Summers, it was hit 100 balls, field 100
grounders. This is where Ron must have
learned the lesson that he wasn’t ever
good enough. He had to get better.
Part of the curriculum was learning not
to show pain. If little Ronnie got whacked
by a bad bounce, he knew better than to
whimper or the next one from Dad would
come in twice as hard, Jump ahead a dec-
ade or so and see that lesson pay off:
Yale. (Well, of course. Would a perfec-
tionist be content with some jock factory?)
Somewhat bigger Ronnie is pitching. A
scholar from East Carolina College drops
him hard with an unstoppable smash off
the knee. Darling limps off the field. In the
stands, major-league baseball is watching.
Joe Mcllvaine, then a scout for the New
York Mets, thinks, Well, that’s the last ГИ
see of that kid today. Darling goes back to
the mound, takes some warm-ups and
resumes pitching. "It really showed me
something,” Mcllvaine says. “А lesser
guy would have quit at that point.”
That's our species for you. Find a pat-
tern early and stick with it. You are what
you were and what you'll be. No wonder
Ron do run run. Dad fired the starting
gun. And it wasn’t long before Ron found
yet another endlessly demanding father to
keep him hopping.
Ron, meet Davey Johnson. Well, no, not
quite yet. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1981. As
much as you love Old Eli, major-league
moola is tough for a working-class kid to
kiss off. So when the Texas Rangers draft
you number one, you trade your senior
year in New Haven for double-A ball in
Tulsa; you're such hot stuff, the Rangers
promise you'll be up to the bigs in a blink.
Next thing you know, they trade you!
You're stunned. You'rc depressed. All you
can think is, Hey, this outfit picks me
number one and now they don't want me
at all. Don't worry, Ron. It's all gonna
work out OK, because you're headed for
your team of destiny and the manager you
were born to play for.
OK, Tidewater, Virginia, 1983. Up in
New York, the Mets are a long-run disas-
ter; but below, things are quietly chang-
ing. A new management has been stocking
the minor-league system with young tal-
ent. Down on the farm grow Strawberry
and Gooden. By Ron’s second year in
Tidewater, he and his teammates believe
they are a better team than the Mets. So
does their supremely confident leader,
Davey Johnson. Coach feels that he is
building the nucleus of a new, winning
Mets team and that its new, winning man-
ager will be Coach himself.
‘Johnson helped Darling a lot. As when
he decided that the Rangers had screwed
up Darling's natural delivery. “Have you
always thrown overhand?” he asked dur-
ing a game in Syracuse. Darling said no.
(continued on page 131)
Discoveranultra light with real flavor.
2 0 aque
(Сч Editor David Кепип met
with the Lows Prima of rock, David
Lee Roth, on the San Francisco leg of his
Eat "Em and Smile" tour. In his hotel suite,
Roth shed a safari jacket, offered some spar-
kling water and nuts, asked his ladyfriend to
amuse herself in the bedroom for a couple of
hours and started talking even before the tape
was rolling. Rensin asked их afterward,
“What can I say about Dave that he hasn't
already said himself?"
PLAYBOY: You're surrounded by beautiful
з your videos. But we wonder
why we have never seen you socially with
a member of the other sex.
ROTH: What you're talking about is my pri-
te life. I'm not a television star. This is
not The Love Boat. Vm not in the movies
I'm not a stand-up comic. I'm not in the
National Enquirer unless some TV star
gets involved in my liule piece of the
world. So I guard my privacy—or ГІІ
have an audience for that as well. Look, 1
share more of what I am and what I do
with the public than 90 percent of my col-
leagues in the music business do. Sure, it's
ggerated. Sure, it's in Technicolor.
Us the way I see it and that’s the way I
live it. But I don't believe in putting
nonshowbiz people I'm involved with on
the pages of mag;
PLAYHOY: Why aren't you as press-shy as
most big rockers? Have you ever been at a
loss for words?
коти: America is the only place where
people think you're stuck up for not pro-
moting yourself, for hiding out, like
Prince—though if you're wearing a Day-
Glo red-white-and-blue tuxedo and you're
dimbing out of
rock’s а pearlescent lim-
ousine at the 7-
spandex Eleven, you cant
nr wonder why every
whirlwind on one's looking at
you. A lot of mu-
showmanship, =
ians are in-
. articulate because
swordsmanship they communicate
solely with their
and HOW Van instruments espe
ж, cially if they've
halen hurt his Sen me pase 14
cars practicing an
E chord in private.
Гус always seen the
press as a
munications avenue.
1 love to entertain people. I'm part of an
old, old tradition—only the latest model.
But I don't talk much about the music. I
talk about what's around me and what I
am and what I scc, because that lights up
the music a little better for you when vou
ying to get you to feel the
way I feel for three and a half minutes.
And when I get finished with my story, I
have no problem disappearing. All I have
to do is shut up.
тлувоу: Is there life without an audience?
ROTH: I couldn't imagine it. I like show-
and-tell time. I live for it. [Big laugh] And
it means lots of different things. But that's
not to say I'm always performing. I'm
often asked if the line between David and
Dave hasn't blurred quite a bit by now.
Can 1 tell the dillerence? Absolutely
PLAYBOY: OK. Lets talk Dave. Define
Daveness. What's the difference between
Dave and David? When is Dave too much
for even David? When is Dave most alone?
көтн: Daves surf. They catch a wave and
make it look good all the way. Daves think
five moves ahead or, at least, master the
ability to appear to do so—which may be
better, A Dave ys stuck with a Paul
Shaffer—in my case, Pete Picasso. In my
case, Dave does not have a whole lot of
responsibility in his life, docs not have to
worry about having his head in the clouds.
Dave doesn't have to count past four.
David carries the stop watch. David
checks the gas gauge before leaving.
Dave is too much for even David when 1
get physically tired. I can stand my fair
share of partying. and sometimes Í just
go completely Babylon. But that’s in-
tentional. All my training on the road is
sport-speeific. | can go for miles and
miles. I can hurl my body off a drum riser
with regularity and still dance until dawn
backstage. Pm one of those kids who
always bobbed and weaved in the back of
the classroom. I'm like a Frisbee dog who
chases and chases until he drops. So I
have to be really careful of that.
Dave is most alone backstage before the
show. It’s the quiet before the storm—
which is why the parties generally last so long
pLavnoy: What prompted you to follow in
the footsteps of Vikki Carr and Linda
Ronstadt and re-record your latest album
in S| sh? And what was the problem
with translating the title?
ROTH: 1 wanted to go boldly where no rock
band had gone before. I grew up in South-
ern California, going to schools with lots of
Spanish-speaking kids. One of my first
girlfriends was Mexican; the family owned
a Mexican restaurant. My first job, when I
was 13, was shoveling shit at a horse sta-
ble near the Santa An race track.
Everyone | worked with spoke Spanish. I
speak Spanish. That stuffs close to my
heart. On top of that, I keep hearing about
how the United States has one of the
world’s largest Spanish ing popula-
tions. Гуе been up and down the highway
a few times, so when I hear people in Cal-
gary, Chicago and Hartford speaking
Spanish, I begin to discern a pattern
As for the title, in English, “Eat em and
smile” means different things. Its sexy,
competitive, aggressive—a sense of
humor and worldlincss is implicd. When
you're forced to use your imagination to
come up with what / meant, thats poetry
If you translate it into Spanish, it means
only one thing—and then it’s just a
bumper sticker. When it's too specific, it
ain't poetry.
PLAYBOY: Every band has its method of
spotting beautiful women from the stage
and recruiting them for postconcert duty.
How do you cast your net?
ROTH: Well. this is the Eighties. We have
matrix-coded headsets that function on
their own crystal wave lengths. We have
security guards, wearing these headsets,
on either wing of the stage, crouched
behind the monitors. And they're con-
nected to all the guys in the pi
which is the barricade between the stage
the audience. Its about four feet
е, and the inside of the pit is numbered
is. During the guitar solo, ГІ
dance into a dark corner and say, “Beauti-
ful blonde, red T-shirt, three feet back,
number six.” And a guard will radio
down into the pit, and a guy will be on his
way. [Laughs] See, the payoll out here is
people. Not money. We're here to make
friends. Besides, what the fuck else can I
write about in my songs? The hotel? The
airports? Sure, I have my girlfriends back
home, specific people | always go back to.
My best mates, companions. It's till death
do us part—or a different time z
PLAYBOY: What do you regret most about
your breakup with Van Halen?
nora: [Tight-lipped stare] 1 regret most
that Van Halen saw fit to kick me when
1 was down and they were on their way
up. It was unnecessary and particularly
little morons for doing it. I'm angry.
[Paus . 1 thought Га
the last
e I saw Edward, we shook hands and
we both shed a tear and said. "Hey, like
/ band, we ing [the best of] a
carcer difference," But two weeks later,
I'm reading in the international press
an asshole | am and how Edward
had to put up with —Fm quoting—
my bullshit for 12 years. And the band
maintained that—even on stage—up
until the very last show of their tour. The
just went alter me. They told the press
that Dave left to be a movie star. When
the public didn't buy that, they said,
“We threw him out to get a better singer.”
When they didn't come up with one, they
said there were other problems. Now, after
“She bought her phone, he leases hi
ik they are a bunch of
months of this, I'm bitter. They're litle-
time people, in a little-time band, making
ittle-time music because of it. Spiritually,
they're all fucked up, and that's going to
come out in their music, their fat faces and
their videos. In fact, they didn't make any
videos because the people would sec it.
And it’s all the same kind of lying and
mindless word drool that led me to leave
that bunch of guys in the first place.
vivnov: Perhaps the press blew it out of
ROTH: No. The press only quoted what was
coming out of Van Halen’s little faces. But
the press sees through it now, because
tape does not lie. I've got a new band and
a show, and now we sce where the spirit
came from, where the music came from,
where the songwriting came from. And you
bet your ass I'm taking credit for it. 1
That tells you
a lot about the marriage.”
don’t want to hear any of this crap about
Van Halen's being number one, either.
Most people don't understand how the
record business works. Besides, Van
Halen still sold millions less than the last
time I was in the band. But I'm already
double platinum with a new band. And
we're over 4,000,000 internationally—and
that doesn't even include the Spanish
album. So fuck you, pal. I'm not going to
wait for you or anybody else to get out of
bed. That's why I’m here and why they
spent only 80 or 100 days on the road last
year. They're tired and slow. Edward
wanted to make music that took more
than a year in the studio and play it live
for two months. 1 wanted to make music
in half that time and play it twice as much
You get to swing the bat only threc times
and then you're out. [Grins] It’s cat-'em-
and-smile time!
vi BOY: What's your best memory of Van
ROTH: When the band was hungry, work-
ing to get somewhere, to make great
records—to be great at whatever we did.
That’s where we put our hearts, souls,
money. The concept of buying an all-
terrain vehicle or going on a prolonged
vacation never entered into it. Off? How
do you spell that? Everything that hap-
pened while we were locked into that fast-
forward mode is my best memory.
pLavwoy: After leaving your old band, you
almost made a movie. Will we ever sce it?
What was the story? Did you want to be a
movie star instead of a rock star?
ROTH: | was in no way going to give up
singing and dancing and touring and mak-
ing albums to make movies. Ї was just
hoping to take the videos to the big screen,
because it would look better. It's more col-
orful, more icing on the cake, The cake is
music. The cake is being on stage live. The
cake is the studio. Everythi i
Wanna make a video? Pink icing. Wanna
sell a T-shirt? Orange icing. Wanna make
a movie or talk about it all in an inter-
view? Green icing. None of these aspects is
essential, but what's a cake without the
icing? The story was based on all the char-
acters and the nuts and bolts of everything
that is Diamond Dave. Essentially, my
evil manager, Bernie Colon [laughs]. sells
my contract to a couple of clowns who arc
determined to have me work six shows a
day at Caesars Palace. Then they follow
me on my first vacation in many, many
‚else i:
pıavnoy: You're known for your jungle
trips. What do you pack, and why?
rom: I always take books, for three rea-
sons. First, toilet paper immediately rots
from the jungle humidity. So you have to
stay at least 15 to 20 pages ahead of
yourself, because you're gonna get a bug
and get sick. Unless you're a fast reader,
you're gonna get ahead of the book. Sec-
ond, personal reading enjoyment while
you're sick. In fact, probably the only
you'll have to read is when
around in your hammock. Third is to read
out loud. After the 12th hour of the 12th
day, you just don't want to carry your
Walkman anymore. Besides, the batteries
are dead and everything is rotting. I
remember in New Guinea once, we didn't
even bother setting up tents. We'd go for
14 hours, stop, carve a little place in
the jungle, put up a tarp and everyone
would camp down together like dogs
and Australians—excuse me, abori
[Laughs] Five or six of us, plus eight little
guys with bones in their noses and tribal
scarring on their faces, were under a tarp
in the pouri
loud to put everyone to sleep—only it was
National Lampoows A Dirty Book, so
everyone was laughing. And the book was
ultimately going to a great use anyway.
But the only bock the little guys had ever
seen was a Bible, with a thumping mis-
sionary attached. And they couldn't figure
out why everyone was laughing when I
was reading from the Bible. [Laughs]
PLAYEOY: Alter giving away some prizes on
the MTV Awards show, did you discover
any TV-show-hosting ambitions?
ROTH: Not for someone else's show. But I
thought of one recently. We'd go on every
Wednesday and have no specific format.
We'd start with a Letterman-type inter-
view, but we could always go ringside or
show videos or just talk. And mostly we'd
talk about what was wrong with every-
thing. Mind you, | wouldn't critique
somebody unless I thought he could stand
up to it. This business is tough enough.
We'd call the show What's Wrong [tiny
pause] with Dave?
rain. And I was reading out
PLAVEOY: Are your body-hugging jump
suits more dangerous to get into or out of?
And while you're at it, defend Underalls.
ROTH: The tough part is not getting into
or out of them. It’s finding somebody
dependable who can get down on his
knees and suck all the air out of the сий.
"Then you have to seal them off with a cou-
ple of bandannas—and even then, you
never know. I had a blowout recently in
Seattle. I started taking air in my left leg
about the fifth song. Rock "n' roll can be
ugly. Ugly. It was a stage-front blowout
and, of course, I can't carry a spare tire.
I'd have some trouble defending Under-
alls, counsel, because I love panty lines.
They're the second-greatest thing Гуе
seen in my life, the greatest being
what's contained therein. Packaging is
only half the battle. The people at Pills-
ill tell you Jesus Christ, I dis-
covered panty lines when I was seven
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years old, and I don't see why women
would want to smooth that out. As for my
jump suits, well, that's truth in packaging.
1 can't very well write the ingredients on
my sleeve.
тлувоу: Suppose you've had a lunch invi-
tation from Tipper Gore of the Parents"
Music Resource Center. How would you
smooth things over and sweep her off her
поти: Tipper Gore is not to be swept off
her feet; she is to be contained. Besides, I
think she has ulterior motives. Her hus-
band, Albert, who wants to be President,
is concurrently attacking the entire mu:
industry, hustling to expose more payola
and promotion scandals. They think that’s
going to get them a big name. People like
them come along every eight to 12 years,
peddling this nonsensical hysteria about
lyrics" ruining our kids. But we can't
ignore Tipper. She's sawing away at some
of the basic tenets of our great society. I
don’t want to trade off my constitutional
rights to someone who feels capable of
censoring my reading and listening mate-
rial. She wouldn't want me censoring hers.
I would suggest to the record industry and
my colleagues at large that we not play
ostrich on this one, regardless of who is
spearheading the latest movement. Never
play ostrich. You know what happens to
ostriches’ butts,
pLaveov: How does Dave say no to drugs?
What's your message for the youth of
котн: Oh, 1 go through my phases, though
certainly not the way I used to. 1 do more
than my fair share of partying—fooling
around with my body chemistry—just in
terms of pure energy. Гуе gone three days
hout sleeping, without any drugs, with-
out any outside stimulus except sex—
which finally wore me out. 1 guess I'm
type A. I handle it by finding things I like
better [than drugs]. I substitute. Sce, I
like to throw myself around with great
abandon, and 1 can't do that if I'm hu
over, fat and slow. I've been fat and slow
and know the difference. 1 love motorcy-
cles, but I like dancing better. Maybe I'm
not good enough to beat my addictive lit-
de personality. I won't even approach
that question. I just substitute. It’s a great
way to start.
rtavnoy: All right, about what are you still
noni: I've got a big dream here to do it all.
! 00,
It's easy to hide behind saying the agent
fucked up or the record company didn't do
its job or blaming the п But Fm
out in the open now, and it's not toy timc
anymore, There are no auteurs in rock ^n"
roll—though the press peddles it that
way. When a rocket goes up
back OK, everyone interviews the astro-
naut. But there are 1700 guys in Houston
who did all the major stuff. We're flying
rockets here, and people arc waiting for us
to fail. What makes me insecure is the pos-
sibility that the different facets of the dit-
ferent teams may fall apart. Or that ГИ do
something wrong, make a bad decision
that costs not in money but in time. And
in carcer.
PLAYBOY: What do you have left to prove?
котн: That we can complicate things even
more, that we can really twist things up.
We want to take complete control here and
expand. We want to set up our own tours,
videos, recording. There are bands that
did these things singularly. The Stones
had a record company. Zeppelin did a
movie. But no band did it all—and 1
know we can. That is the rock-’n’-roll
dream to me. This is a $1,000,000 empire
run by Spanky and Alfalfa, Maybe by
Huck Finn. No—the two guys Huck picks
up on his raft. [Laughs] That’s who the
Picasso Brothers are and where we're
headed, and it will change some things
in this industry. Maybe people will now
k twice before signing everything away
to the intermediaries.
pLavsoy: If a brand of rock `n’ roll were
named after you, what would it be called?
котн: Big Rock. Big fun. Big time. Big
sound. Big feeling on the way to the show.
Big feeling afterward. Big videos. Big pop-
ularity. Big money. Big mouth. Big ass
Big tits. Big fist. Big microphone
laugh. Big everything. Big Rock!
PLAYBOY: When is sex the
konn: [Very big smile]
PLAYBOY: You once required that the brown
M&M’s be removed from the candy
dishes backstage. What are your current
kora: 1 tie the right shoe first and t
clockwise in the shower. Lucky pennies
are heads up. And things are going just
great. Fucking A! I used to work for a liv-
ng. Now Гус got my ninth platinum
album. Um not fucking around. If that’s
all Гуе got to do to stay m this tax
bracket, I'll tie the right shoe first for the
rest of my life!
ast thing on your
COMEBACKS tion page 100
“At our best and bravest, we mimic that same refusal
to quit, that fist-shaking Pll-show-you grit.”
public television, he'd worked on video
productions with some big stars, he was
slowly building a reputation and a career.
Then a major long-term project he had
going with Home Box Office went into
turnaround. In other words, it was dead
About a month later, he found out he had
I was in L.A. around this time, and we
drove up and down the freeways in his lit-
tle blue MG. He was a mess. He was 36
years old, his budding career had gone
down the cathode tube, and he faced a
lifetime of insulin shots, not to mention all
the other problems, such as deteriorating
circulation and impotence and blindness,
that diabetics can suffer. He drove very
fast. I remember. He didn't talk much.
Then one cvening, while he was building a
fire in the fireplace, he started beating the
kindling with the poker, sending splinters
flying all over the room. Then he walked
out the back door and didn’t return for a
long time.
He fought the discase for wo years. He
tried to lick it with dict and exercise, with
specialist after specialist, with sheer will
power. His weight fell to 110 pounds at
опе point; at 6'1”, he looked like a corpse.
Finally, he found a doctor who showed
him how to test his own blood-sugar level
morning to see how much, if any,
insulin he needed that day, and that was
the turning point that allowed him to
bring his condition under his personal
control. He stopped fighting the disease,
started taking insulin as he needed it,
regained his weight, slept through the
night again. Then he took a neglected tal-
ent for graphic design and turned it into a
business. The titles on a recent TV block-
buster miniseries were his. His business
is booming. A year ago, he got married.
He's spirited, happy—F m proud to have
this guy as a friend.
The details vary, but the struggle is
achingly familiar. We get fired from our
jobs or we get diabetes or we slip into
alcoholism—and have to claw our way
back into the light. Friends who've been
there inspire us—but it's the people who
have made grand public comebacks whom
we look to for proof that even the most
embarrassing failures need not be final. If
nothing seems as perilous as celebrity.
nothing is so noteworthy as that return
from c
y lost, from obscurity and
rank Sinatra's. Sinatra, who, if
Kitty Kelley's biography His Way is to be
believed, has got to be one of the most
arrogant, hot-tempered, nasty stars ever
to fall out of the American heavens, com-
pletely messed up his life and carcer chas-
ing Ava Gardner around the world in the
late Forties. As Kelley reports, he was still
married to his first wife and his open defi-
ance of the marriage vows did not endear
him to his dwindling public. He was losing
his touch as a performer, furthermore;
movies were bombing, his records weren't
selling and his voice had a tendency to
freeze at concert dates. He opened
mouth but nothing came out. He was
deeply in debt. For a while, Ava Gardner
supported them both
But Sinatra is no Eddie Fisher, who,
when he was finished, was finished.
Sinatra is nothing if not determined. He
went after the part of Maggio in From
Here to Eternity, Maggio being the skinny
Italian soldier who gets killed in the knife
fight with Fatso, the sadistic sergeant.
Nobody thought Sinatra could act, but he
wouldn't give up. He sent telegrams to the
producers of the film and signed them
“Maggio.” He tested for the part; big
stars like Sinatra never tested for parts. He
offered to do it for free. “Lam Maggio,” he
said, over and over again. (Dennis Hop-
per said the same thing, trying to get the
part of Fr; in Blue Velvet: “1 am Frank."
And got the part. And made a comeback.)
In the end, Sinatra was cast and was paid
$8000. Eight thousand dollars! He owed
the IRS $109,000, and that was a pittance
compared with what he had agreed to pay
his wife to get out of the marriage. But the
film went on to win cight Academy
Awards. Sinatra took home best support-
ing actor. Variety called it “the greatest
comeback in theater history.”
A story like that changes everybody's
perception of the possibilities. This wasn't
an obscure citizen wrestling with yet an-
other job search or trying to figure out
bow not to screw up marriages number
two and three. This was Sinatra, in full
public disclosure—and that must really
jack up the pressure. Plenty of public fig-
ures, after all, don’t make comebacks;
they wisely retreat to the background, like
Gerald Ford, or attempt to come back, like
Muhammad Ali, and only make sad fools
of themselves. But Sinatra pulled it off,
and his ultimate triumph makes our pri-
vate setbacks a little less daunting, less
overwhelming. At our best and bravest,
we mimic that same refusal to quit, that
fiseshaking l'II-show-you grit. The how of
itis simple—defy and persevere. Use your
head, 100, of course: think out your
strengths and weaknesses and plot a гса-
sonable reach. We can't all be movie stars,
but anybody can keep on trucking.
It's an inspirational story, all right. It's
also, perhaps, a litle phony. There are
those who say that Sinatra got the role of
Maggio not because he was gu
determined but because certain well-
connected buddies put the squeeze on the
producers. That could be. Friends in high
places help. And luck, too, plays a part
in comebacks. Was it to the Mets’ eter-
nal credit that Bill Buckner let Mookie
Wilson’s easy grounder roll between his
th game of the world se-
us von Bülow got a second trial
on his attempted-murder charge, but did
he make a comeback or did he just fall
the hands of a friendlier jury? Did Nixon
actually plot and stage a return—or did
he simply wait in the wings, guarding his
health till the climate shifted, till we for-
gave and forgot? On the other hand, let us
not confuse moral fiber with mawkishness.
Television is full of sentimental, slightly
phony comeback scenarios. Retarded men
ty outside the asylum
struggle for
and achieve it. Quadriplegics, with enor-
mous effort, learn to ski again. Vietnam
vets get their lives together after hitting
the skids for eight or nine years. It gets
more than a little tearful, more than a lit-
tle tiresome.
But we keep on watching in spite of our-
selves. The market in comebacks contin-
ues bullish. With good reason: This is the
original country of the comeback. This is
what America is for. Europe was locked
to the rigidities of a class system; a man
out of luck in Europe was out of luck for-
ever. Not here. Nobody cared here what
had happened to a man elsewhere. This
was the country of the second chance. It
still is. I used to live near a guy who had
been a successful Broadway dancer; then,
when his legs gave out, he became a
printer and set up a printing shop. It
failed, and he went bankrupt. He opened
an art-supply store. That didn't do too
well, either. When last seen, he was cheer-
fully establishing vet another enterprise.
It was almost laughable; like Charlie
Chaplin, this was a man who, if you told
him there was no food, would matter-of-
factly make a stew of his shoes. But you
had to respect him. Only the dauntless get
the magic back. Yes, the Mets were ridicu-
lously lucky, but luck and pluck frequently
travel together.
We need the comeback story, senti-
mental or not. This is the country where
Liz Taylor loses miraculous amounts of
weight, where Bette Midler makes a virtue
of vulgarity, where Betty Ford sobers
up—and nobody mocks the spectacle of
restoration; not at all, we cheer them on.
Call no man beaten until he's dead, and
maybe, in the land of the born-agains, not
even then. In this, the homeland of free
enterprise, failure and defeat require a
tonic to get us back on our feet, back in the
market place. Not all of us, by any means,
have what it takes. But the possibility
exists: Others have done it: maybe we ca
two. We all live by th
‘fore most of us arc out of pajamas, Deborah Norville's workda
finished. As the new anchor of NBC News at Sunrise, she rises at (wo AM, arrives at
the midtown Manhattan studio before four and appears fresh and alert as the
broadcast rolls at six an —actually before sunrise during the winter. For 29-year-
old Norville, it is “the ideal job in television," allowing her to deliver news “that
for some people is the only information they get to begin their day." It's also quite
obviously the start of a major major-network career for Norville. Her intelligence.
friendly Southern voice and ingenue manner have caught the attention of NBC's
brass, who ask her to sit in on the Today show during Jane Pauley's absences.
Norville, in fact, has always turned heads; in the late Seventies, a CBS station man-
ager's wife saw her working as a college intern on the Atlanta PBS channel and
tipped her husband off to her. “I think everybody hated me at the University of
Georgia when I returned for my senior year,” Norville admits. “They were asking,
"How did you get that job? and I didn't have an answer" Later, at
Chicago's — WMAQ, she became a popular "anchor fo:
as some fans called her; but she
quit to take over the New York
rooster shift from Connie
Chung, who advised her,
"Get used to being
tired." "Obviously, if 1
could change any
thing about my job,
says Norville,
“it would be
the hours.”
Black and white and spread all over the toniest
publications in America, the photographs of Wayne
Maser feature libidothrobs dressed in denim. The sultry,
scorchy scenarios he's shot for Guess? jeans during the past four years
have expanded the parameters of print advertising and heated up controversies
aplenty. “1I suppose | make taboos palpable," shrugs Maser, a boyish 40-year-old N
whose possum-playing demeanor makes him seem incapable of conjuring images of swollen-
lipped nubiles teasing truckers and mounting cow pokes. "Somehow, | author my own fantasies,” he says.
“I mean, anything can happen outdoors—it’s real. What's funny is that people read more sex into these pictures
than really is intended.” Hollywood, of course, is intrigued: Maser has recently shot movie posters (92 Weeks, Falal
Attraction) and directed a Daryl Hall music video, with a slew of other offers piling up. “The interesting thing is,
everybody seems surprised that I'm this very normal guy,” he chuckles. “I think they expect me to have a cattle pen
126 іп my bedroom.” вц ZEHME
Il the real Corey Hart please stand up?
Is he the rock star with the spiky-
cuteness and be v appeal who's the
subject of so much hormonal gush from the
teen-fan mags? Or is he the serious mus
cian, the darling of criti
serious trouble. 1 th
1 v," What's not funny
had since his first.
al Night.
he’s been in the upper
ies of the charts with Never
and / Am by You
tent. But
hat the bulk of my
fans are at my shows because they love what
I do musically. They may want to know
about my personal life, but when I sit down
at the piano to play a song, 1 know they re
listening to me sing.” — MERRILL SHINDLER
Meet Miss Goodwrench
For the past five years, Kim LaHaie has worked
12-hour days in an auto shop, changing rods and
pistons, retooling crankshafts and replacing cylin-
der walls. If that sounds prosaic, consider the fact
that the motors she tinkers with propel the
3000-horsepower nitro-burning dragster driven by
her dad, racer Dick LaHaie. Car Craft has twice
nominated her for Crew Chief of the Year, a heady
honor, considering her age—27—and the fact that
she's the only woman to run a top-fuel pit. Of
course, drag racing s most notable woman, Shirley
Muldowney, made her name behind the wheel,
something LaHaie dreams about doing when she
revs Daddy's hot rod before it hits the starting line.
"We've talked a lot about my driving someday.’
says Kim. "It's a question of time and money. It's a
costly thing. In these cars, you can make a mis-
lake that costs you $20,000." О! course, with a little
luck—and the right mechanic—you can fix those
mistakes back at the shop. —PAMELA MARIN
fI seem weird,” apologizes comedian Taylor Negron, “it's
because | never fully recovered after they switched Darrins on
Bewitched.” And while that hardly explains Negron's termi-
nal on-stage nerdiness—when it comes to comedy, he may well be the quintessen-
tial nerd—a glimpse of his childhood may help. “In school, 1 was the one who came
into class wearing slacks, a retainer, a dickey and clogs—you know, the one pushing
the projector,” he says. What's worse, he was an audio-visual nerd in Glendale, an
L.A. suburb so dull, he claims, it “makes Burbank look like Berlin in the early Thir-
ties." That background gives Negron plenty of on-stage fodder and hasn't hurt his
burgeoning film career. His first and briefest role was a memorable cameo in Fast
Times at Ridgemont High. "1I delivered pizza to Sean Penn," he remembers. “With-
out me, there'd be no Sean Penn." Up next are two more impressive roles, one in
Moving, with Richard Pryor, and another in Punchline, with Tom Hanks and Sally
Field. Still, Negron, 30, insists he'll continue to work night clubs and college con-
certs, despite filmdom's obvious benefits. "In stand-up, you have to wait backstage
with prostitutes and drug dealers,” he observes. “In films, you can have them come
directly to your trailer.” — DAVID SHEFF
PA U LI NA (continued from page 66)
“Paulina seems to recognize that the market place
can bear a whiff of titillation.”
sallies against the hand that feeds her:
Modeling is stupid. (Alternately: “It
sucks.") She hates the work. She's in it for
the money. Beauty tips? Ask Christie
Brinkley. There is, perhaps, something
like a pissing contest going on here. The
pictures featured here were photographed
for Paulina’s 1988 calendar, her first
Christie Brinkley has done three. Not, for
the record, that Paulina has any ill to
speak of her rival. not at all. On the
contrary. I'm saying she's very smart. You
make a lot of money giving people tips on
how to look
Paulina not only doesn't dispense
beauty tips, she doesn't listen to them.
She considers exercise boring. She smokes.
She drinks. Sometimes she falls asleep
with her make-up on. “If you're a model,
you tend to be about my age,” she says,
“and at my age, if you have one last late
ight, it doesn't really matter. Your eyes
are red? You can always use Visine. When
"TI take a personal check from any Japanese ban
Pm at an age at which 1 no longer look so
good, obviously III no longer be able to
model.” This is cold, indecent reality but
not necessarily the way things ought to be.
“Modeling would be a great business to
get into when you're a 30-year-old wom-
an—30 or over. By that time, you know
where уоште going. The trouble with
modeling is that agencies keep grabbing
girls who are 14, 15 and 16, and they
screw them up, and five years later,
they're wacko.”
Paulina, of course, can say anything she
damned well pleases and still get paid
$5000 a day—minimum—for slipping her
body into and out of clothes. She gets
away with it for the simplest of reasons:
Whatever she puts on in the way of clothes
and whatever she has put out in the way of
magazine covers—Glamour, Mademoiselle,
Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Self, Sports Illus-
trated—sells. Far from self-destructive,
she seems to recognize that the market
place can bear a whiff of titillation, Even
today, she exercises only minimal sel
censorship. She trusts in the good will of
others, particularly journalists, not to mis-
understand; and if they do, she doesn't
really give a flying hoot.
conclusion is that she is s
tionistic intellectually
a model has
to be physically. In addition to a well-
developed impulse to shock, she also has a
well-developed impulse to please; and in
her case, the two work nicely together,
nce the more she shocks, the more she
pleases—if not everyone, ће
sizable part of her audience with a t
for irreverence.
“You want something really shocking
and outrageous to put in PLAYBOY?” she
asks. “How about if the editors were out-
raged and shocked by the simple truth—
that I'm a normal girl who happens to be
a model."
Sure, Paulina.
at least that
Paulina Porizkova was born in 1965 in
the Czech town of Prostöjov, and she was
three years old when Soviet armored vehi-
cles rolled in from the east to put an end to
liberalism. Her father, a sometime univer-
sity student and occasional truck driver,
periodically in trouble with the police
authorities, and her mother, then a secr
tary, climbed onto a motorcycle and
crossed to an Austrian refugee camp three
days before the Soviets closed the border
Then, from Sweden, where they settled
they çe media
campaign—the centerpiece of which was
a hunger strike—to get their daughter out,
too. Pictures of Paulina, then an ungainly
child with a dumb smile, made the front
pages of Swedish newspapers—to no
avi In a recklessly bold rescue effort
Swedish pilots next put Paulina’s mother,
Anna, down at a small, little-used airfield
close to where Paulina was living with her
grandparents. But not even а wig, a doc-
tored passport and cover of night were
enough to pull this onc off. The guys in the
trench coats had been alerted. Anna was
arrested, jailed and, because she was preg-
nant, finally released to house arrest. The
relatively happy ending is that, three years
later, the lot of them—mother, daughter
and a little brother, Jachym, born while
Anna was under arrest—were expelled
unceremoniously and bidden never to
show their faces in Czechoslo а ag.
For Paulina, the ordeal has had last
consequences, First, anticommunism, i
herited, in a sense, from her father and
mother, runs pretty deep in her. Husäk,
the name of the current Prague front man,
is also, she is quick to point out, the Czech
word for goose. “A good name for him.
she says. Glasnost? She's for it. "But who
cares? It's about as interesting as Ra
Gorbachev's having her American
press card refused in New York.”
Second, though she professes to believe
in home and family, she doesn't really
have a home, except where she hangs her
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.
hat and has her piano moved in, Nowa-
days, she travels on a Swedish passport,
but Sweden certainly isn’t home. The five
Swedish years were the really miserable
ones. The family was, in fact, no sooner
reunited than her father abandoned it and
Paulina was left to cook and look after
baby brother while her mother swabbed
floors in a hospital. “ is suppos-
edly the frecst country in the world,
because you're allowed to be anybody or
nything,” she says, “but people kill
themselves because it’s so boring.”
If Sweden isn't home, neither is Paris.
She was invited there at the age of 15
when a friend put some make-up on her
and took some pictures, which found their
nto the hands of that impresario of
style John Casablancas, head of the stable
of beauties that is the Elite modeling
agency. Her success was immediate and
Paris was nice—but yesterday.
Even New York. the town with the big
pay checks, the town that a girl like Pau-
na can't aflord not to live in, is hardly
more than a rest stop of opportunity. At
first, she didn't
and, of course,
the damned place listens to Chopin!”
she groused. "Nobody in the damned
place reads!" To add to her essential, one
might even say existential, homelessness,
the house in which she had been living
burned down four years ago. “I had
finally set myself up,” she says. ^I had a
little kitty, a piano, a carpet, the whole bit.
And 1 lost it all. I was lucky to get out
alive—me and the cat. And it kind of
teaches you that material things are not
that important. The next time I got an
apartment, the first thing | bought was a
new piano. That's one material thing that
is very important to me. Next I got a bed.
As long as I have a piano and a bed, I'm
What motivates her, she claims, is
money. If not for the pretty things it can
buy, then for security? "No," she says, “L
care about money as a source of freedom.
I care about money because it can buy
you less wor
The other thing that could keep Paulina
in New York right now, the high-quality
paydays aside, is a live-in American boy-
friend. What she loves about him, she
says, is everything, and she means to
marry him as soon as possible, whatever
that means; but his identi nd what he
does for a living are secrets. In the past,
she has identified him as a starving writer
or a starving artist. To pLavuoy, she said,
“There's no sense in my telling you what
he does, because I'm not going to tell you
the truth. . .. OK, he's a window washer."
A few conclusions can be drawn about
him, nevertheless. We know, for example,
that Paulina doesn’t much care about
famous men, and she also doesn’t much
care about conventionally handsome men
“Tom Cruise, Richard Gere, all the
national heartthrobs, all the pretty boys
pretty much leave me cold. They look Ii
male models to me, and male models.
е me about as much as baby soap.
My ideal dream prince, whom I started
“Do you want your filthy little carbons, sir?
constructing as a child, has to be
mysterious-looking, and he has to be intel-
ligent and have a sense of humor and he
has to read books and be passionate about
music and art.” Asked if her friend's iden
tity wouldn't be easy to discover simply by
watching for the two of them at concerts
and restaurants, she admitted, “Yes, bu
that just shows how uninteresting | must
really be, because no journalists have been
hunting me down to get at my private
Having appeared a couple of years ago
in the Cars’ video Drive, she has also
recently completed а first feature film,
Anna, which opened this past spring at the
San Francisco Film Festival to positive
reviews. It is expected to be distributed
commercially in the fall. “Its a low-
budget movie, a very low-budget mov
and I'm quite proud of it. I play a Czech
farm girl named Krystyna, who’s just got
ten out of Czechoslovakia and comes to
New York. She doesn’t speak any English,
and the only person she even knows of
here is this Czech actress who was very
big in the Sixties and then got expelled.
Krystyna tracks ber down, and then it
becomes sort of an All About Eve story.”
Paulina accepted the part after turning
down numerous offers to play corpses on
Miami Vice and naked bimbos in space.
No second movie is in the works.
She tries not to work more than three or
four days a week, never evenings, never on
weekends. “Work,” she says, “is an irra
tional interruption of one’s private life.”
She works, however, in pastels on canvas,
plays Chopin on the piano, reads, takes an
occasional stab at writing a children's
book on the life of her cat, stays out of dis-
cos and night clubs.
Her two best friends are British-born
model Joanne Russell, who appears on the
cover of the February 1987 pLaypoy, and
Kenyan-born model Khadija, Sometimes
they go horseback riding in Central Park.
They also shop and help clean one
another's apartments and sit around i
coffee shops, smoking cigarettes and bitch-
ing about the business. "Being a model
and being a girliriend isn't any diflferent
from being a secretary and being a girl-
friend. Girlfriends are girlfriends. We talk
girl talk; we talk about work. What other
chance do you have to really complain and
say exactly what you think and not have
anyone write it down and make headlines
out of it?
She was brought up as a Catholic but
doesn't “think” Catholic, though she does
still believe in God and occasionally likes
to walk around in a church and maybe
light a candle and "feel a little religious for
about five minutes," She hasn't been to
confession in a long time. “Are you kid-
ding? 1 go to interviews,” she says.
long as you're allowed to talk about yo
self for hours and hours, you're going to
stay completely healthy and sane.”
(continued from page 118)
At Yale, he'd thrown three-quarter style.
Johnson told him to go back to the old
way. He did and pitched better.
Johnson also criticized Darling a lot
And rarely praised him. Remind you of
anyone, Ron? In their four years together,
the two would develop a richly rewarding
and irritating relationship. It was inter-
rupted slighdy at the tail end of 1983,
when Darling was promoted to the Mets.
For him, it was a sickening spectacle. The
Mets were comfortably nestled in extreme
last. “The team was a joke,” Darling says
“No one was trying.”
But he was. He debuted against the
Phillies, and it was
enough to unnerve
a guy. The first
three hitters he
faced were Hall of
Fame shoo-ins. He
struck out Pete Rose
and Joe Morgan,
and he got Mike
Schmidt to ground
out. “When I
walked back to the
dugout,” he says,
t was like I was
walking on air."
Over the winter,
the Mets metamor-
phosed. Johnson
named mar
ager. His Young
Arms, Gooden,
Darling and Com-
pany, would
become the back-
bone of a team that
leaped from rigor
morlis to instant
contention. Johnson
nursed the Arms
along oh, so carc-
fully, rationing their
innings so as never
to overtire them
or undermine their
Johnson and Dar-
ling also nursed along a classic prickly
relationship. Their shouting matches—
never held in person, only through the
media—evoked comparisons to Rome vs.
Carthage, Earl Weaver vs. Jim Palmer and
other famous feuds of history. After a
game, Johnson (a known Rolaids addict)
might tell reporters that Darling had got-
ten behind on so many batters, it made his
stomach ache. Darling would read that
and gripe that Davey never talked with his
pitchers. Davey would read that and belch
anew for quotation. On they'd merrily growl
Of course, what we have here is two
world-class perfectionists butting head:
Good as Darling was, Johnson wanted
him better. Fortunately, so did Darling. So
what else could happen? He got better
The Darling who first came up to the Mets
was that great cliché, the hard-throwing
but wild rookie. The Darling of today
is a finesse pitcher. "For a young man.
that’s really quite a remarkable thing,"
says Keith Hernandez, the Mets’ saga-
cious first baseman. “To do that in two
years. It’s like you almost forget that he
used to be wild at one time.”
Johnson's problem was that Darling
always acted like a finesse pitcher—even
before he had finesse. Always he was try-
ing to outsmart the hitter. “Arrrgh!”
Johnson said one day in 1985. “I want to
strangle him by the throat until he's
dead!” Johnson was sick of Darling's try-
ing to hit the corners and missing. He
said, “Don't get fancy— just fling it down
the middle and let your natural hop get
the outs." Darling tried but couldn't
always manage it. Johnson secihed. You
couldn't fool him. That damn Yalie was
out there thinking
Darling worked and evolved. He still
walks people, but not so many. He has a
good mix. He has mastered the trendy
pitch of the Eighties, the split-fingered
fastball. The spliuer loves to do its
impression of a normal fastball until the
last millisecond, when it plunges insanely
The batter weeps.
Ron has thought about the parallels
between the manager and the father
whose back-yard drills pounded home the
lesson so thoroughly absorbed: Gotta get
better. He knows that Johnson scems to
understand something about him. “Davey
criticized me more than anyone else,” he
said in a reflective moment. “At first 1
took offense at it, but I think Davey did it
only because he knew I could be a lot bet-
ter. And he was right. He was right.”
Thus Ronnic runs. Ran to Manhattan
when he arrived on the Mets, unlike most
ballplayers, who cleave to the suburbs. He
can’t understand that. Here they have the
chance to experience the great throbbing
whacked-out hub of the universe and they
hide on Long Island
Darling couldn't wait to hit Gotham.
Before Toni, his hunger for experience
seemed to focus primarily on night life, at
least according to
the New York tab-
loids, which pla
him in half the
town's clubs and
restaurants on а
given evening. Ron
did enjoy life. He
had a much-
publicized date with
Madonna. He made
Cosmopolitan's list of
the ten most eligible
athletes. But he says
the debauchery was
mostly media inven-
tion. Even so, his
nervous enough to
start dropping hints
for him to cool it.
Johnson got up to
Speak at a promo-
tional dinner on
Long Island and
began, “Pm glad
Ron Darling has
been able to take
time away from the
New York social
scene to join us."
Marriage con-
ferred instant re-
spectability. Toni
O'Reilly, out of an
Irish family much
like Darling’ (lots
of kids, little money), escaped to the U.S
and a modeling career. Ron didn't settle
for the shrinking, worshipful type; Toni
likes to tease her husband and he seems to
enjoy it. “I couldn't believe how shy he
s," she says of their first date.
“I couldn't believe how brash she was,”
he shoots back.
As he’s admittedly “not very good at
planning evenings," Mr. Excitement
mosdy took Toni to basketball games.
They went out for about a year before
they got married. Toni has faced some
of the classic adjustment problems of
baseball wives—loneliness when Ron is
on the road and the fame factor, which,
after the world series, sometimes became
overwhelming. “God Almighty," she says,
“we can't even go to Macy's or the super-
market. People just mob him. And they
pushing me out of the way; some girl says,
"Can you believe he married her? God,
she's not even pretty." ^
With the new season approaching, Mr.
P. had to run harder than ever. Events
were all converging. The most dreaded
was the trial. Darling flew to Houston to
nally resolve his most mortifying defeat,
the Battle of Cooter's Saloon. The head-
lines had yowled about the four Mets
arrested for fighting with cops in a bar.
They were actually off-duty cops moon-
lighting as bouncers, and the problem
started when they objected to Tim Teufel’s
attempt to leave with an open beer bot-
tle—a crime in Texas. Scuflling broke out;
Darling went to Teulel’s aid and was
used of attacking the security men.
From the first, Darling had insisted that
he was innocent and hoped to go on trial
and prove it. But there was no trial. In
Houston, his lawyer immediately plea
bargained the felony-assault charges into
oblivion. Even the sentence of a year’s
probation would be quietly quashed a
month later as part of the deal.
What a relief it was to be of the
cloud that had hung over him the past half
year. For the man who would be perfect,
the embarrassment had been intense.
Here's a guy who gives antidrug talks for
the governor's task force, who visits sick
kids in hospitals, who thinks about maybe
going to law school after his baseball days
or becoming a TV newsman or living in
Europe, and now people must figure he's
some lo goon who brawls in bars.
What he'd wanted lor his public image
was a Guy with Class! Oh, well. His
public-relations man was working on it;
but at least, Ron consoled himself, the
people close to him knew the truth. “They
lorida for a brief
know I'm not this crazy
Ron and Toni flew to
vacation before spring training. Then Ron
flew right back to New York. Time for
what he called his arbitrary hearing. It
was his second in a row, and he was
annoyed. For three years, he'd been over-
shadowed by the Wunderkind Dwight
Gooden. If Ron was Mr. P., Dwight was
Dr. K., and before his spring drug test, at
least, he appeared to be of a higher order.
So for Gooden, the Mets always went all
out to negotiate a nice, friendly contract
settlement; for him, Darling felt, they'd
dig in and virtually dare him to try the
crap shoot that is arbitration. His first
time, asking for $615,000, he had lost.
"This time, asking for $1,050,000, he won.
Ron Jr. called Worcester to tell Ron
Sr. that he had a millionaire son. This had
scemed like an exhilarating thought; but
then, when he made the call, it didn't
seem so great “My father worked his
back off for 30 years,” Ron says. “He
won't carn $1,000,000 in his lifetime. It
seemed the height of something fanciful,
almost frivolous.
In the midst of all the other chaos, the
restaurant opened. The place pulled a big
downtown lunch crowd, and one of the
main reasons sat at a table and worked
hard at playing host. Dressed in modish
black, with a tiny diamond stud i
car lobe, Darling obliged a stream of
handshakers and autograph hounds. “Гуе
got butterflies in my stomach,” he said.
“Tt doesn’t make any sense. You know, 1
can pitch in front of 50,000 people, but I
don’t like to be in big crowds and I don't.
like to be the locus of attention.”
Still, competitor that he is, Darling goes
forth to slay the butterflies. He puts him-
sel'in situations where he draws attention,
and he handles them with apparent confi-
dence. He docs have an extroverted side
that peeps out now and then—like when
it’s silly time at the ball park and in the
midst of some gang of pranksters perpe-
again. “You
on," says
trating a hotfoot, there is Dar
suddenly, he’s the cool lon
never know which phase
Hernandez. ^He can be very distant or
al guy.”
g loves the game. It’s the sanctu-
у hich he can shut out all worldly
distractions, unleash his laserlike concen-
tration and shoot for the Big P. But when
the game ends (unless it's a world-series
loss by onc uncamed run), it is folded up
and put away. Off duty, Darling wants to
hear no baseball talk, hang with no base-
ball players. “1 do not take my work
home,” he says. “We do not talk about
baseball. Ever.” It’s important for Dar-
ling to think of himself as a well-rounded
person, not just Joe Jock. It’s also impor-
tant for him to assert his individuality
inst the forced conformities of team
So subtle little symbols of independ-
ence sometimes appear . . . such as that
tiny carring of his
St. Petersburg. Finally, the Darlings
managed a few idyllic days in the sun
together before training camp. Toni loved
lolling on the beach. Ron was bored. So
was Tyler Christian Darling, im utero.
What, lic around till April? Forget it. The
kid rushed into the world three weeks
carly. There could be no doubt that this
was the son of Ron Darling. Run, Ty, run!
So with the baby on the scene and his
court appearance behind him, it was time
for . .. baseball! Ron was in the best shape
of his life. Hed always had this problem
with no-decisions; he'd get pulled out of a
game ahead or tied and not get the win
What can a pitcher do? That's baseball,
right? Not if you're Mr. P. “Make me awe-
some," he'd ordered his conditioner. The
goal had been more stamina. Don't tire as
quickly and stay in longer. You control
your own fate. That was the plan.
Florida has dutifully provided the
required supply of sun, palm trees, gentle
breezes and sea gulls. Huge crowds belly
into the flimsy fences guarding the Mets’
practice fields, adequate when the team’s
down but now bursting with
Ron Darling works to Gary
Carter with a fluid grace. He’s back in the
back yard, striving, as always, to do it bet-
ter. The sweet old rhythm of pitch and
catch thrums out as Darling throws and
Carter plays Dad. “Get that movement,”
arter says. "That's all I'm concerned
about right now.”
“Uhhh,” Darling says. Whump!
“Don't come across the body.”
Uhhh." Whump!
“Good! That's it, right there.”
“Uhhh.” Whump!
“Let it out!”
The ball comes harder. A new scason
means a new chance for perfection. Mr. P.
iria again,
(continued from page 106)
the idea came to me for a hero of my very
"Samson," I told Reverend Don after
the match that night, while I waited for
the angry mob that wanted to kill me to
He raised an eyebrow
resembled a woolly-bear caterpillar,
“And a horde of Philistines?” he inquired.
“One Philistine. Phil the Philistine.”
that closely
“Phil the Fornicating Philistine!” he
1 nodded graciously. “Whatever. But
the gimmick is that instead of beating him
with the jawbone of an ass, Samson rips off
the Philistines jaw-
“His jaw-
bone?" Reverend
Don's wide and
atery eyes glit-
tered, and he
stroked his blocky
and clean-shaven
chin. “His jaw-
bone,” he repeated
thoughtfully. “TI
have to ask for
divine guidance on
that one. And find
out if eyberpros can
rig it up." He shook
his head. “Jawbone.
Sometimes, Harry,
n spite of all your
sins, I think thc
Lord touches you
with divine inspira-
Maybe so, but
the Reverend Di
didn’t touch me
with ine
funding alter he
used my He
and yours truly
found the slob to
play Phil the
Philistine—an ex-
jock — jaw-cancer
patient who was
only too glad to trade a night in the r
for a state-of-the-art job of reconstructive
cybernetic surgery. Everyone made out
like a bandit except Harry the Here
So the months passed, months of scul-
fling and hustling, of being the lackey of
Reverend Don and the nemesis of good,
. wrestling-loving Christians
ywhere, months of disguises and sub-
1 being lynched by those
same good Bornies. It was a lifestyle that 1
feared would go on as long as I survived.
But that was before Reverend Don found
the Hammer of Christ and 1 found Sen
Yen Babbo.
The Hammer, like Samsor
was my
Amaretto di Jac
56 proof ©1987, Imported by The PaddinctaniGaraeration;
idea, Reverend Don's imagination had
never extended to using a cyberpros limb
on a good guy, and when I made the su
gestion, hoping against hope that ће
would let me be the one to find and man-
age the newest servant of Yahweh, his eyes
lit up as quickly as my hopes dimmed. I
could tell that he thought it was a great
idea—an inspired idea—and that he
would never entrust it to me.
I was right. He didn’t, Within three
days, he had found the Hammer the
guise of a wrestler at Colorado State.
The kid was a senior and a glorious mon-
ster, with a face like a horny angel's. He
was also а Bornie, all six feet eight inches
and 300 pounds of him. Fifiy pounds,
however, were soon happily sacrificed for
a cyberpros r m, a perfect match for
the left, natural one, right down to hair,
moles and the tiniest pores. It slotted
smoothly into the articular capsule, where
it moved eflörtlessiy and without the
creaking noises that my own age-wei
shoulders make
At first, the Hammer was simple, trust
ing and enthusiastic. He didn't scem sur-
prised to learn that the blood, sweat, toil
and tears were all an act and didn't care,
since the subterfuge was, in his words,
“truly justified since it doth magnify the
Lord.” He spoke in italics, too—the Rev-
crend Don influence. The kid was so nice,
in fact, that 1 was afraid he was going to
blow his first match.
1122. NJ Photo: Ken Nahoum
The crowd was getting dulled out, as
my man, Bad Battlin’ Beelzebub, wasn't
supposed to give the Hammer the works
until after the sixth commercial. Beelz
bub was doing all right, roaring and curs:
ing and slamming the Hammer with an
occasional forearm to get out of the cor-
ners, but the kid didn't seem as if his heart
was in it.
I stood at ringside, making sorc
gestures, yelling to the kid that his mom
sacrificed to Baal, trying to get him to
show a little zip, all to no avail. But, as we
were to learn, the kid needed no urging.
He'd been setting us up—us and the
whole booing crowd
Finally it was timc. Beelzebub made a
move that was amazingly slick for a man
of his girth and age
and had the kid's
right arm wrenched
up behind his back,
pressing the hand
and wrist ever
higher, until they
touched the kid's
neck. Not once did
the kid's face dis-
the pain that it
Е pla
would have caused
anyone with a real
right arm.
Now the crowd
started to quiet
down, so that all
10,000 of them
heard the sharp and
heart-stopping crack
that the cyberpros
arm made as it split
way from the
shoulder in a rush of
blood and d "
Even 1
gasped. Beelzebub
laughed in prema-
ture triumph and
held the dripping
arm above his head
with both hands,
shouting, "Satanas!
Satanas!" which
endeared him not at
all to the shocked throng, who now started
to buzz in a definitely menacing undercur-
rent. and I wondered if we had gone toc
аг. Alter all, this had never happened
before. Not Elijah nor Solomon nor Daniel
nor any of the good guys had eve
much as a pinkie, and here we were rip-
ping off an entire arm. 1 felt the blood
leave my face as I looked around at all the
dream-shatiered Bornies apportioning
their anger between me and Beelzebub,
whose demoniac mirth had begun to be
replaced by fear
And then the Hammer of Christ made
his move, Through all of Beclz
celebratory posturing, the F
not winced nor cried aloud. He merely
lost so
stood, his face stony, his shoulder reser-
voir pumping a steadily diminishing sup-
ply of blood onto the ring floor. Now he
slowly turned and fixed Beelzebub with an
icy glare
I will never forget that moment—the
feel of the flop sweat sticking my sorcerous
robe to my flesh, the mixed smells of body
odor, popcorn and spilled grape juice, the
sound of 10,000 drawn breaths—and,
most of all, the look of deity on that young,
beautiful and human face.
In utter silence, thc Hammer of Christ
walked the few steps to his adversary and,
with one swift move, ripped the cyberpros
arm from his hairy hands, raised it over
his head like a maul and brought it down
on the head of Beelzebub, driving him to
the floor of the ring as brutally as Charl-
ton Heston smashed the Golden Galf in
The Ten Commandments
The crowd loved it. They yelled and
screamed and stomped and cheered and
stood up and threw their programs
and popcorn boxes and hats and coats and
Bibles in the air, then picked up what had
come down on their heads and threw it up
again. And all the time, the Hammer of
Christ kept whomping that cyberpros
arm—all 50 pounds of it —down upon the
unconscious head and body of my boy
Beelzebub, that fat, flabby, dumb 50-
year-old widower who had just wanted to
make enough money in this onc night to
move to Florida. It was wrong, all wrong
It had been planned, of course, for the
Hammer to take the arm and strike down
his opponent—but with a pulled blow.
One blow—a fake one—not the deadly
storm of them that the Hammer was rain-
ng down.
I couldn't do a thing. If the Hammer of
Christ didn't lambaste me, the crowd
would. I could only watch as the Hammer
of Christ, the bastard whose sweet face
had fooled all of us there in different ways,
beat an ex-pug named Billy Petrossian to
death while thousands cheered.
At last he stopped, held up the arm for
all to see and pressed it back to his shoul-
der, guiding it skillfully in a move he had
rehearsed for weeks, slotting it so that all
those little circuits joined, all the little
brain waves zipped and zapped and took
that dead, ripped-off arm straight up over
his head, where a false and bloody fist
clenched in holy, inholistic victory
Тһе Hammer and Reverend Don found
me sitting beside Petrossian’s still form
“Apparently, Jefferson didn't say a word
about drug testing."
when they came into the dressing room
ten minutes later. The medicos had left.
They were fakes, of course, and de
scared them. Reverend Don had a thin
smile on his full face, like a little boy who's
won a game by cheating but is happy he's
won just the same. The F looked
ecstatic. “He's dead," I told them. “You
Hed him."
The Hammer shook his head. “I'm only
His instrument. It was the Lord that
brought down destruction."
“It was you that brought down the
“I was filled with His spirit”
I couldn't believe it. "It's a game, you
moron! It's a fake, a show, a fraud! None
of it’s real; it’s not supposed to be real!"
Reverend Don smiled, fully now. “We
grieve along with you for the loss of our
brother here, Harry, but you must
remember he died in the service of Christ
and is so ensured of a place among the
“A place... you mean that's it?" 1
looked from onc face to the other. “That's
all there is? Billy Petrossian dies, no
sweat? And thc Hammer lives to kill
another day?”
“The Hammer,” Reverend Don
toned, “is the greatest bles:
cal wrestling has ever seen. He will win
more souls to Christ by showing the power
of the Lord than any servant of Christ in
this sorry century.”
“But . . - you've got a dead man here!”
“Zealousness in defense of the truc and
good is no crime. The death of this man is
a pity, true, and it shall not happen
again"—he gave the Hammer a sidelong
glance—“but the ministry of the Hammer
of C must not be stopped by an unfor-
tunate accident.”
Т grabbed Reverend Don and hustled
him into the hallway, away from the Ham-
mer. "Accident? That was no accident-
that kid loved it. It wasn't necessary,
at all! He's a killer, Don!”
“Not with peace but with a sword,”
Reverend Don reminded mc.
I shook my head to try and understand.
“You're going to wrestle this kid again?
You're going to sce he gets off”
He shrugged. "An accident. One we
can avoid in the future. ГЇЇ keep him
under tighter control, and you find some
foes of Christ with tougher skulls.”
Reverend Don was serious, and he did
what he said. There was an inquiry, but
the Hammer was exonerated in full, wres-
tling being a “high risk" profession. It was
not a surprising decision, as Reverend
Don's influence reached high. I almost
quit, but I didn't
Instead, I did as Reverend Don had
said and searched for hard skulls. I found
them at the rate of one a week. It was cas-
icr, since they didn't have to undergo c
berprossing. Ob, sure, when they found
out they had to wrestle the Hammer of
Christ, some of them balked. But Reverend
Don kept the Hammer in check, and none
of my boys was hurt too badly, except for
the one who caught a concussion when he
didn't twist his head at the right moment.
Still, I could see that urge in the Ham-
mer, and I feared he would go over that
thin edge again. For all his self-professed
piety, he was no Christian but a pagan
gladiator, and what I had foolishly mis-
taken for deity in his face had been an
angelically pure blood lust
I came across Sen Yen Babbo in a dirty
little gym in Pueblo that looked as if it had
tried to be a health spa and failed. The
free weights looked well used, while Nau-
tilus machines rusted in the corners.
There were no beautiful people there, just
a bunch of aging
fighters, a few
flabby bodybuilders
d some young
Turks punishing
punching bags. 1
saw no onc with the
physical oddities
that Reverend Don
thought made for
good villains and
was just about to
leave when Sen Yen
Babbo walked in.
He was the oldest
man there, proba-
bly in his mid-50s
He was wearing a
Gold's Gym T-
with so many holes
that one saw more
flesh than cotton,
and that flesh was
unpleasant to bi
hold. It was yel
low in color, made
a muddy ocher by
the matted covering
of gray-brown body
hair that sprouted
through the holes in
the T-shirt. His
bald head looked as
though it
made of spong
pped together
with papier-maché
The nose had been broken times beyond
counting, and the cars belonged on a rel-
ish tray. He was short and bandy-legged,
and his stomach hung al inches over
the sagging waistband of his gym shorts.
In short, he was a perfect match for the
beautiful, godly, diabolical Hammer of
1 walked over to where
bench pressing a bar with an absurdly
large number of iron plates on it. “How
asked him. He di
That's sure a lot of weigh
he'd begun
you doing?" 1
observed. He still didn't answer.
He dropped the bar bell into the sup-
name's Harry," I tried ay
ports and looked at me. “Sen Yen Babbo,”
he said. 1 must have looked blank, for he
went on immediately, “That's m’ name.”
Sen Yen Babbo turned out to be
extremely talkative for a man who didn’t
talk well, He possessed a host of impedi-
ments, all of them acquired from his
varied carcer. Thirty-plus years of prize
fighting, professional wrestling and just
plain roughhonsing with his peers had
shattered his jaw, scattered his teeth and
cleft his palate until he was left with the
barely distinguishable slur of a stroke vic-
tim. Still, before long, I was able to make
out most of the words and found him
astute enough to comprehend the merits of
y offer
“Wan' me ta rassle this Hammer guy."
lm OE АСЕ oS
i di Kid Creole
bythe r роп ‚Corporation, Fort Lee, NJ Photo, Ken Мойт. /
I nodded. “He's not very nice. He'll hit
you hard. You have a tough skull?
He laughed, an unpleasant, gargling
sound. “Touch "t," he grunted, lowering
his head so that the bald pate faced me
like a small boulder. I felt, delicately, and
found a slightly yielding top layer and.
beneath, a hard, calcified something. “Scar
tisha,” he said proudly. "Е ya can't bus"
it open, va can’t hur’ me.”
"Did anyone ever bust it open?"
“Well, the Hammer might
Sen Yen Babbo didn't seem averse to
losing. He'd lost plenty of times when he
was a pro wrestler back in the Eighties
“Think they ledda guy look like me win?
Naah, I lose alla time, know howda lose
The agreement was made, and I took
Sen Yen Babbo to see Reverend Don.
The holy man loved Sen Yen Babbo, his
face, his body, his manner, everything
about him but his name. “Sen Yen Babbo?
Nonsense, well call him the Beast, after
the beast in the Book of Revelation.”
"Sen Yen Babbo," answered Sen Yen
Pardon?" said Reverend Don.
Sen Yen Babbo.” answered Sen Yen
Babbo again
“I think," I tried to expla “that he
wants to use the name Sen Yen Babbo.”
Sen Yen Babbo nodded. “Sen Yen Bab-
zu Бо," he repeated
“But but it
doesn't mean any-
thing; what does it
"Means те"
clarified Sen Yen
The VideoGuide
listed the match as
the Hammer of
Christ us. Sen Yen
The night of the
match, we went over
the procedures one
more time. Sen Yen
Babbo had prac-
ticed with the Ham-
mer all week, and I
thought he was
ready. Still, there
was a lack of preci-
sion about him that
made me edgy. I
wanted him to
remember every-
thing that was sup-
posed to happen,
because I didn't
want him hurt.
“After the third
commercial break,"
I told him again, "is
when you go for the
right arm. It'll come
off easy. 1 don't
w when he'll grab it back from you—
he milks that like crazy. But when he
does, be ready for the blow and go with it.
Don't let him hit you head on, because if
he sees he's really hurt you, well, some-
thing might snap and he might rcally bang
you up."
Sen Yen Babbo lool
SI just don’t want anybody to get hurt”
"This Hammer guy, he killed that
"' I nodded. “Боп” you
worry about me. That Petrossian, he had
a soft head." When he grinned at me, I
was glad he liked me. “You good guy. Don"
" /
ed at me oddly.
you so worried about me for,
Petrossian, din’ he:
Yen Babbo
gly enough,
was right.
The evening began — auspiciously
enough. The mob hurled imprecations
and a number of popcorn boxes at Sen
Yen Babbo and myseli we entered the
arena. І was accustomed to it, and it
didn't bother him. As he climbed into the
ring, a juice bottle bounced off his head,
but he gavc no indication of its presence.
Seeing that made me feel better. He strode
immediately to the middle of the ring and
twirled about with a body not built for
twirling. The long red robe wafted out-
ward like a film of blood, and he roared a
guttural challenge to the world at large.
"Then he spat at the audience.
‘That was a new one on me and a new
one on the audience as well. To be spat
upon was bad enough, but to be spat upon
by ancient, evil, repulsive Sen Yen Babbo
was something clsc entirely. The first
three rows stood en masse and moved to-
ward the ring in a wave. But Sen Yen Bab-
bo swirled around again and roared and
stilled the waters as quickly as Jesus ever
had. Then he laughed and shouted as clear-
ly as he could, “Bring me the Christian.”
I was terrified. My previous wrestlers
had bullied and blustered but had never
spat, and no one had ever called for a
Christian in that blasphemous tone of
voice. It was fast becoming a nasty crowd.
As loudly as they had reviled Sen Yen
Babbo, all the more loudly did they cheer
the Hammer of Christ as he entered the
arena. "Ham-mer, Ham-mer, Ham-mer!”
rang the chant as the Scourge of God
vaulted over the ropes and landed with a
deft bounce. Here was a man who dis-
dained twirling. He simply strode to the
center of the ring, smiled a closed-mouth
smile and raised his cyberpros right arm,
fist clenched, showing the happy people
the Hammer of the Hammer.
They cheered and continued to cheer,
and I whispered to Sen Yen Babho,
“Third comme
He nodded. *"Fhir commersh’.”
The ring announcements, alternately
laudatory and condemnatory, were made
by Reverend Don, who locked crisp and
clean and holy in a white-silk suit. The
Hammer preened, Sen Yen Babbo snarled
and the bell rang.
It was a good show. The Hammer
“I hope you're into foreplay.”
leaped and pirouetted and turned, pu
ing and being punished with grace and
style. And Sen Yen Babbo was magr
cent in his own right, biting and clawing
and gouging with such artistry that had I
not known it was all spurious, I would
have been easily convinced that real may-
hem was occurring. And every ch: 1
got, I whispered sotto voce to Sen Yen
Babbo, “Third commercial? and he
would nod and mumble, “Thir
At last the time had come. Reverend
Don had plugged the latest evangelical-
wrestling viddiscs for the thi and
we were back to meat slapping meat. Now
Sen Yen Babbo broke the Hammer's full
nelson, spun, grasped the Hammer of
Christ by the wrist and wrenched with all
his strength. The arm went taut, snapped
and Sen Yen Babbo wrenched again, as
though trying to tear that last bit of gristle
that tenaciously holds the drumstick to the
rest of the Thanksgiving turkey,
‘The drumstick snapped off in a rush of
blood, and Sen Yen Babbo held over his
head, like some grisly trophy, the left arm
of the Hammer of Christ.
I suppose I had thought everything was
all right because the Hammer had not
screamed. He had never screamed before,
since screaming was not consistent with
his miraculous aura. But the reason he
didn’t scream now was that he had fainted
dead away from pain and shock. Reverend
Don walked, trembling, to where the
Hammer lay, oblivious to the pumping
blood that was staining his ice-cream suit.
Sen Yen Babbo still stood, the arm above
his head, apparently waiting to have it
snatched from his hand and get conked on
the head with it. All this time, the crowd
was deathly still.
At last Sen Yen Babbo turned impa-
tiently and saw Reverend Don bending
over the Hammer, saw how pale the Ham-
mer was where he wasn't splashed with
red and saw how pale Reverend Don was
às well. It was enough to give Sen Yen
Babbo pause and make him examine the
grisly relic he held. A cursory glance at the
strips of muscle and ligament dangling
from the shoulder joint told him some-
thing was awry, and he then did the only
thing that he apparently felt he could do
under the circumstances. Clinging desper-
ately to the now-aborted scenario, he
attempted to knock himself unconscious
with the arm, since it didn't look as
though the Hammer of Christ was going
to be able to in the near future.
The attempt was unsuccessful. The arm
bent limply at the elbow and flopped over
Sen Yen Babbo's shoulder. He dropped it
and looked at me in dismay.
I could give him no consolation, for I
knew that we were doomed. The crowd's
stunned silence had ceased, and a low,
turbulent roar was slowly growing. In
another moment they would be upon u:
destroying both the slayer and the mar
ager who had been responsible for the
destruction of their hero. Even now they
were rising, shoulders hunched forward,
eyes burning with the zealous fire of divin
retribution. I started to pray.
And the prayer was answered. A voic
spoke out that could be heard in each cor-
ner of the arena.
At first I thought it was God but
quickly realized it was Reverend Don on
his mike
The mark of the beast! Here on his
head! Hidden in his hair! The sign of the
I realized several things at once then. 1
realized that it was the Hammer's head
Reverend Don was referring to and not
Sen Yen Babbo's, since Sen Yen Babbo
had no hair; and I realized, too, that no
wrestler for God, in the six years in which
evangclical wrestling flourished, had ever
lost a match. And Reverend Don did not
intend a wrestler for God to start now. Ifa
wrestler for God lost, then he could be no
wrestler for God. Reverend Don was a
man who knew how to cut his losses.
“The Hammer of Christ? No, my
friends—rather the Hammer of the Anti-
christ" He called to the medicos.
“Remove this pestilence from our sight!
They rushed into the ring, threw the
unconscious and possibly dead Hammer
onto the stretcher and dashed out.
“And here.” Reverend Don went on,
pointing to Sen Yen Babbo, “is God's
instrument! As the Lord Jesus converted
Saul the sinner to Paul the saint, so he has
converted this sinner to his truth! No
longer shall this man be Sen Yen Babbo,
but he shall be Paul the Convert! And as
such he shall battle for the Lord and smite
the heads of the simmers! 1 almost
expected Sen Yen Babbo to decline the
ne change but he seemed to г
the gravity of the situation
accepted the new appellation with good
Then Т came to my last realization—
that if I did not join in quickly, the train
that was bound for glory and riches would
without me
Hallelujah!” 1 cried in letters as italic
as I could squeeze from a fear-parched
throat, leaping into the ring and embrac-
ing first Sen Yen Babbo and a confused
Reverend Don, whose microphone I took
easily. “I have seen the light at last!
Through my unwitting guidance has this
man Paul defeated a minion of Satan!“
“M? manager!” Sen Yen Babbo grunted
into the mila
"Hallelujah! The manager of Paul the
Convert! Born again—as are we all—to
manage this man against the forces of evil!
‘To join hands with Reverend Don and rid
this good world of the sin and the vermin
that corrupt it!”
I grinned at the man in the strawberry-
ice-cream suit, and handed him back his
mike. “Right, Don?" I asked him, and he
nodded dully as the crowd screamed their
delight at the saving of the souls of Sen
Yen Babbo and Harry the Heretic.
There's not much else to tell. The Ham-
mer lived, which was more than he
deserved, and sued Reverend Don when
he wouldn't buy him a second eyberpros
m. The Hammer lost, of course. You just
don't sue Reverend Don in Colorado. Paul
the Convert became, as everyone knows,
the most beloved wrestler since Hulk
Hogan, and I've managed him ever s
along with the rest of the Apostles, the
hottest tag team in the business. They're а
good bunch, with a lot less violence and a
lot more showmanship, which seems to be
the direction in which evangeli
tling is going
One more thing. I found out from one of
the Apostles that Sen Yen Babbo was a
good friend of Billy Petrossian, the pug the
Hammer killed in his first match. Maybe,
despite the childish ignorance he conveys
on The 700 Club, Sen Yen Babbo isn't
quite as punchy as I gave him credit for
The Lord works i
blunders to perform
al wres-
mysterious ways His
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GA MBLING (continued from page 64)
“If you regularly lose $20,000, casino owners will
gladly send a car or plane to get you.”
M of the downtown casinos also
have installed the most entertaining slot
machine ever invented, the Sigma Derby.
As many as ten players sit around a
mechanical race track, feed in coins, bet
on one-two combinations of the five run-
ners and then watch little plastic horses
contest one of thousands of variations on
races. Players root for their tiny Secretas
ats, and the whole thing is a lot more con-
genial than waiting for little pieces of fruit
to appear in the slot-machine windows.
One real edge the Strip holds over
downtown is in providing plush surround-
ings for sports and race betting. Cacsars
Palace has the world's best off-track-
betting parlor, a high-tech room with
giantscreen live telecasts from major
tracks. The Stardust has a similar room, a
bit dowdier but also livelier. A lot of sports
bettors congregate in those two places to
watch satellite telecasts of football games
from around the country. In every major
casino, there is a sports book that will take
bets on virtually anything that moves.
Sharpies shop from casino to casino for
the best odds and point spreads.
Playing poker in Las Vegas for serious
money should be left to the professionals,
who wait hungrily to pick the bones of
tourists who arrive expecting to repeat
their success in kitchen-table games back
home. The pros are content to put in eight
hours a day, play only one in 20 hands and
grind out a profit, and many play as secret
partners or as shills for the house. Ama-
teurs should stick to the low-limit games
and play "em close to the chest.
(Draw poker, incidentally, is legal
some Southern California towns, but play
ing the big poker rooms there is extremely
unpleasant. Those places have all the
ambience of a high school gymnasium,
and the players are a scary bunch of hus-
tlers who are not above stealing a chip
from your stack if you turn your back.)
Taking children to Las Vegas, or ex-
pecting to improve one’s health while in
town, seems to contradict the spirit of the
place. For those who insist, the Las Vegas
Hilton is strong in both areas. The Hilton,
which is just off the Strip and is one of the
world's largest hotels, with more than
3100 rooms, offers extensive supervised
youth activities and even separate dormi-
tories in which to pack away the kids while
the folks are losing their college-tuition
money at the tables. The sprawling spa
area is well equipped, and even the disso-
lute can enjoy the ten-dollar oxygen pep-
up offered to weary gamblers.
The rest of the Nevada gambling scene
consists of Lake Tahoe, Reno and some
smaller pit stops, such as Henderson and
Carson Of those, only Lake Tahoe is
“Sorry, Eldon, I won't do it unless you use a condom!”
worth a visit, and then only for those who
want some alpine scenery mixed with
their gambling. The betting rules throug!
out northern Nevada are unfavorable to
the blackjack player, and other games are
limited, as is the choice and variety of casi-
nos. In Lake Tahoe, C s has the best
casino and hotel, with many of the rooms
providing huge circular tubs for those
ntent on reliving the of
the latter Roman Empire.
Northern Nevada, despite its limita
ns, is paradise compared with Atlantic
City, a living civics lesson in why ca:
gambling should probably not be legalized
anywhere else in the country. Since the
first casino opened ther 1978, the
place has been a disaster for virtually
everyone except the fabulously successful
casino operators. Crime and housing costs
have soared, dri
g out many residents,
and few of the promised benefits that
wooed New Jersey voters to approve casi-
nos in a 1976 referendum have paid off.
Atlantic City, an hour from Philadel-
phia, two and a half hours from New York
City and within 200 miles of 20,000,000
Americans, is in essence a huge slum with
ten palaces towering above it. While the
famous boardwalk has a certain tacky sca-
side charm during daylight in the summer,
the rest of the town is a frightening and
gloomy ghetto that should not be navi-
gated on foot at any hour.
The philosophy on which Las Vegas
was built, and which survives there down-
town, is to make everything attractively
inexpensive so that people will gamble at
your casino. In Las Vegas, parking is usu-
ally free, rooms fetch reasonable rates and
meals are outrageously cheap. In Adantic
City, the prevailing attitude is “Gouge the
customers at every turn." Rooms start at
$90 a night in most places, food prices are
similarly inflated and posted parking rates
are as high as ten dollars for 12 hours.
Casinos everywhere thrive on the busi-
ness of high rollers, most of whom are
extremely inept gamblers who like the feel
of betting big bucks, cither because their
jobs provide no opportunities for risk tak-
g or because they are self-destructive
individuals. Any bettor who buys in for
$10,000 or more in the course of a v
command a range of perks from meals to a
n air fare. Generous guys,
those casino owners: If you regularly lose
$20,000, they will gladly send a car or
it can
suite and ev
Any ying for more than sp:
change in the slot machines should ask the
nearest casino pit boss to validate his
parking stub, wl without hesi-
tation. Anyone who plays for a while at
more than $15 a hand can command at
least a free meal in the coffee shop. Nov-
ices, though, should beware of seduction
by frecbi me that once led to
tory’s most expensive
ich is dom
On my first trip to Las Vegas ten years
M Alive with pleasure!
Me N minu
After all,
if smoking isn’t a pleasure,
why bother?
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.
Las Vegas may be tacky; it may be
inhabited by polyester pod people. The
noise from the slots may cause brain
damage. But it’s still the one place
you'll find serious high rollers, gam-
blers who, in the words of gambling
writer Howard Schwartz, play “with a
bank roll that has a comma after the
first number." They're attracted to
Vegas by more than the desert air—not
only do many of the major hotels and.
casinos woo big spenders with free
room and board (and, for those who
establish a credit line of $20,000 or
more, free air fare and a suite of rooms
fit for Liz Taylor) but the more adven-
turous gaming rules make winning, or
losing, large amounts of money easier
than at a race track or in Atlantic City.
You'll rarely see a true high roller at
the race track. High rollers like to be
treated like royalty, and race tracks
charge admission; in fact, they charge
for everything from parking to beer.
The track's share and taxes take a
quick 17 to 21 percent out of every dol-
lar that is wagered. And pari-mutuel
betting—in which money is put in a
pool so that bettors are actually betting
against one another—works agains
those with a large amount of cash to
wager. Putting too much money on a
horse can significantly lower the odds,
so that you'll make less money if you
win. In some cases, such as a Pick-Six
payoff, the track will even do the Goy-
ernment the favor of deducting your
taxes on the spot. Serious horse players
place their bets with bookies, and it's
not unknown for a big spender to take
his bookie to the track, whispering bets
into his ear, rather than take the short
but less profitable walk to the pari-
mutuel windoy
In Atlantic City, the Spartan ameni-
ties and more stringent credit restric-
tions inhibit the professional gambler.
"That's not the case in Las Vegas, where
the red carpet is waiting. At Caesars
Palace, for instance, those of us with a
mere few hundred to squander play at
kjack tables with tiny Formica
TABLE $5 TO $500; but for the high roller,
the figures are a bit different. “Our
it is $25,000 in blackjack and craps,
$100,000 baccarat and $500 on a
single roulette number,” says Dan
Reichartz, president and С.О.О. of
Caesars, adding, perhaps needlessly,
“These are not limits we would extend
to every player.”
And in Vegas, betting action is not
ited to the casinos, “Our sports
book has a $10,000 limit on college
football games and a $20,000 limit on
pro football,” says Reichartz. "In
championship prize fights, we are flex-
ible. On the Hagler-Lconard bout, we
were taking some very high action—in
the five-figure category."
Of course, there are those who feel
hemmed in even by those generous lim-
its. Binion's Horseshoe on Fremont
Street in downtown Las Vegas occa-
sionally waives the limits—any limits
It is also the site of the World Series
of Poker. The climax of the event is a
four-day no-limit-hold-'em game in
which the buy-in is $10,000 and the
winner usually walks away with at least
$500,000. Over at the Golden Nugget,
you may find such poker greats as
Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson, Jack
“Treetop” Straus, “Amarillo Slim"
Preston and Johnny Moss sitting
around a pot of $50,000 or more.
Those aren't stakes for amateurs, to
be sure, but the high roller gencrally
follows his own path. A sophisticated
blackjack player, for instance, would
not want to play at a club with suppos-
edly easy odds (which may not favor a
smart gambler). And the pros gravitate
to a different type of hotel as well,
partly because of the fantastic ameni-
ties offered to big spenders, partly
because the flexible house limits make
gambling more lucrative.
Caesars Palace leads the list of the
so-called Fabulous Four hotels favored
by serious players. While some find
its rococo extravagance florid, bei
comped one of the Olympic Tower
suites (complete with four bedrooms—
two with mirrored ceilings over the
bed—and an indoor whirlpool with a
floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the
Vegas Strip) is not a bad way to relax
while doing some high-limit gaming.
Another favorite is the Desert Inn
Hotel & Casino. Its luscious grounds
make it easy to forget you're actually in
Vegas, and it’s also the only major
Strip hotel/casino with a professional-
tournament-class golf course.
The Golden Nugget is the only
downtown hotel that can compete with
the luxuries of the Strip, as well 2s pro-
vide the excitement of high-stakes
poker. Outside Vegas, high rollers are
most likely to visit Harrah’s Lake
‘Tahoe, one of the few U.S. hotels to
carry both the A.A.A. 5-Diamond cita-
tion and thc Mol
Harrah's is the ideal place to combine
the excitement of high rolling at the
tables with the pleasures of fishing, ski-
ing, golfing and hiking, while inhaling
pure, pine-scented air.
In other words, it’s a sure bet.
il 5-Star award.
ago, | was playing $25 bla
Union Plaza Hotel and Casino on a morn-
ing so slow that I was the biggest bettor in
the pit. A bored casino floorman began
stroking me, lighting my cigarettes, giving
me tips on what to do in town and telling
me to be sure to let him know if I wanted
to get something to eat when I was done
playing. Flattered by the attention, I felt
slightly obliged to keep playing at a table
where the cards were running badly and
had run through all but $100 of a $1500
buy-in when I finally had the sense to give
it a rest. The floorman, friendlier than
ever, rushed over and gave me a chit for
the coffee shop. Frustrated and furious
with myself, 1 tried to get some of my
losses back by searching for the most
expensive thing on the menu. So I got a
free $12 crab-meat-and-gruyére-cheese
sandwich that cost me only $1400. And it
asn't even any good.
The typical Atlantic City player,
though, is a day tripper and a low roller,
giving the city an additionally cheap and
desperate feeling. In Las Vegas or Lake
Tahoe, almost everyone has a hotel room
to go back to, some strolling and sight-
seeing to do and a set number of days over
which to budget a gambling bank roll. In
Atlantic City, people are always checking
their watches and betting more than they
should in their last few minutes before
heading home.
Atlantic City offers far less gambling
variety than Nevada, without poker, keno
or sports- and race-book betting on the
menu, While the rules concerning double
odds are favorable for those who insist on
playing craps, a game of pure chance that
demands no skill and offers no long-term
chance of beating the house, blackjacl
played with six or eight decks out ofa shoe
practically everywhere and pairs cannot
be resplit, a bad deal for the player.
If one must go to Atlantic City, as even
I must two or three times a year when
the blackjack demon's call proves irresist-
ible, the best bet is Bally's Park Place.
(Yes, the properties in Monopoly really
arc named after Adantic City streets all
the way down to Mediterranean and Bal-
tic avenues.) Bally's, alone among the 12
superstructures, keeps the slot machines
decently separated from the gaming ta-
bles, offering some relief from the noisy
machines and their yapping players.
Bally's is darker, quieter and generally
more civilized than its counterparts, and
the personnel seem a tad friendlier. The
irony here is that Bally is the world’s larg-
est manufacturer of slot machines, which
would figure to make its casino the noisi-
est one-armed-bandit joint anywhere; but
the opposite is truc.
Bally's has the advantage of being cen-
trally located among the ten casinos on the
boardwalk and within walking distance of
some of them. The two casinos off the
boardwalk, Harrah's Marina and the
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Trump Castle, are a few miles away on а
marina in what promoters call the other
Atlantic City. True, they are somewhat
less crowded, but their isolation from the
city’s lone attraction, the boardwalk,
makes them unappealing.
The best place to gamble in Atlantic
City is six miles from the nearest casino, at
Atlantic City Race Course. It is not a par-
ticularly attractive track and the racing is
generally second-class, but the fact that
the game is horse racing and not craps,
roulette or blackjack makes it a winner.
A quick way to win a bar bet is to chal-
lenge the nearest sucker to name Ameri-
ca's most popular sport over the past
decade. Give him three guesses. Profes-
sional basketball isn't even close, pro-
fessional football is warmer and
major-league baseball runs a strong sec-
ond. But the winner on paid attendance
seven out of the past ten years is horse
racing. The figures are somewhat phony,
though, because a hard-core of daily race-
goers runs up the turnstile count whil
casual fans grow scarcer each year. The
two main reasons are that racing remains
largely absent from network-television
exposure, and that the game carries an
outdated stigma of disreputability. A race
track, in the eyes of many Americans, is a
place where your unemployed brother-in-
law goes to hang out with creepy old guys
and criminals, with a few rich cretins sit-
ting in the box seats.
In fact, while horse racing may no
longer be the sport of kin;
of choice among most profe
blers, bettors who relish an
challenge and players who enjo
thetics along with their action. And while
a cheerfully larcenous spirit is close to
the heart of the game’s appeal, race tracks
are uniformly safe and honest enterprises.
The pleasure of betting on races, rather
than on cards or dice, is the challenge and
exhilaration of smoking out a winner.
Fans are betting against one another, not
against the house. There is a sense of tri-
umph on choosing the right horse that is
absent in the casino. The winning black-
jack, craps or slot player has merely been
sitting in the right place at the right time.
There are two or more tracks in virtu-
ally every major city in the country,
except in those states, mostly in the South,
that piously ban the sport because they
prefer to keep gambling illegal. There are
two types of racing: thoroughbred racing,
the more popular kind, with jockeys riding
sleek and fast horses, and harness racing,
in which horses of a different breed pull
little carts and drivers while trotting or
pacing at a slower gait. Most thorough-
bred racing is conducted during the day,
and the big wheels roll at night.
The ideal thoroughbred track combines
the best of zoos, botanical gardens and
parks with the most challenging gambling
around and a sport that is unrivaled for
color, drama and pageantry. The most
important racing in the country takes
place in New York, Southern California
"She's out there somewhere, Charley. A girl with a
sense of humor, a kind heart and a love for life. A smart,
funny, tolerant, courageous girl with big tits."
ıd south Florida, and those states have
the nation's most splendid track:
The time to go racing in Florida is in the
Season, the first three months of the
when the action is at either бии
Park, north of Miami, or Hialeah Park
in the heart of that city. Hialeah, the
aforementioned scene of the $96,000 miss,
was modeled on Longchamps in France
but is far more attractive. The place reeks
of tropical decadence at its best. Gulf-
stream, sleeker and more prosperous,
lacks Hialeah's lushness but is still a
lovely place to win or lose.
In California, Hollywood Park, near
Los Angeles International Airport, is con-
venient but hardly worth seeing. An hour
north, though, is Santa Anita Park, at the
foot of the San Gabriel Mountains with a
majestic backdrop and an architecturally
appealing Spanish facade. Stargazers
should hit the Turf Club, where the likes.
of Fred Astaire, Walter Matthau and Dick
Van Patten regularly shovel their salaries
through the pari-mutucl windows.
New York, home of the nation’s best
racing by a neck over California's, offers
tracks that are open year round. Stay away
from November through April, when
dreary Aqueduct in Ozone Park, Queens,
is playing. But Belmont Park, which oper-
ates the rest of the year except for August,
is stately and grand, physically the
nation's biggest track at onc and a half
miles around and a monument to good
taste and simple elegance.
tors to New York City may be
tempted to visit one of the 100 or so green-
and-white Off: Track Betting shops around
town, but they should resist. O.T.B. is a
civic fiasco and a raw deal for bettors,
offering lower payoffs than either tracks or
bookmakers pay out and doin
shabby and unpleasant surroundings.
Just about everyone involved in New
York racing spends the year waiting for
August to roll around, because then the
action moves for four weeks to Saratoga
Springs, 150 miles north of New York
City. What ensues is a four-week p.
a postcard-pretty small town th
alive with glitter and raffishness and the
classiest month of racing in the sport. The
track, a wooden relic, has the feel of a
county fair, with wholesome food and
questionable hot tips being hawked with
gusto behind the stands. In the mornings,
the best horses in the world gallop
through the dawn mist as waiters serve
local melons and bei
The racing, besides attracting the top
horses from around the country, varies
more than anywhere else, making it an
i challenge for the regulars and
a primer of the sport for the novices. Races
are run at many distances, grass racing is
plentiful and there are even steeplechase
races. This is also the meeting where the
most bluc-blooded and highly touted
so in
] {
; ЧА Ne 4
Commissioned by
The Franklin Mint in honor
of the U.S. Constitution's
200th anniversary.
exhilarating tribute to our
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Experience his genius. In a
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American Majesty by Ronald
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Shown smaller than actual size of
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I need send no money now. I will
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n my sculpture is ready
T - Eranklin] Mint
two-year-olds are cracked out for their
debuts, offering a preview of thc following
springs Triple Crown races. California
has its own version of Saratoga, a summer
mecting at the Del Mar Thoroughbred
Club near San Diego. The racing is not
quite as good and the atmosphere
nowhere ncar as electric, but the track is
an attractive one and the ocean breezes
are soothing. Every day after the last race,
fans are serenaded with a recording of
Bing Crosby crooning Where the Surf
Meets the Turf.
Some of the nation’s best-known tracks
and races should be avoided like a slow
horse with a bum ankle. Chief among
those is the Kentucky Derby at Churchill
Downs, a delight mainly for undergradu-
ates who like to sit in the infield, swill and
regurgitate beer and hold up signs exhort-
ing female passers-by to SHOW US YOUR TITS.
For horsemen in the business, rich folk
who can afford thc ncarly $4000 tables in
the clubhouse and television viewers, it is
a great race, the culmination of months of
drama and speculation. For the rest of the
public, it is an afternoon with all the
charm of crawling through a commodities
trading pit. The betting lines are impossi-
bly long and it is difficult to see the races.
In addition, onc or two of those Derby-day
races often have the suspicious look of lo-
cal sharpies' putting a few good things over
on the unsophisticated crowd. Those dying
to experience the legendary mint julep
should skip the trip and try tasting the
combination ofsix spoons ofsugar ina glass
of bad bourbon. Stir with a stick of mint
gum. Keep a spittoon and a chaser handy
Probably the worst place to bet on
horses in North America is Keeneland, the
Lexington, Kentucky, track that is dear to
the hearts of the nation’s tony owners and
breeders. Running only three weeks in the
spring and fall, it functions largely as a
social event for the arca's horse gentry,
who maintain a clubhouse that is truly a
private club, with the public barred.
Operating under the slogan “Racing as it
was meant to be,” Keeneland fulfills its
self-appointed role as a guardian of tra
tion by offering no public-address system,
no race caller and no cxotic bets such as
the trifecta or the Pick-Six. Add to this
Kentucky's generally high-handed treat-
ment of the horse player and Keeneland
becomes a horse player's nightmare. This
“How nice to see you again, Dr. Schmidt.
Гое been waiting to ask you what, exactly, was in that
last presc
plion you gave me.”
is really a pity, because the track itself is
pretty and the quality of horseflesh high
"The success of the Adantic City casinos
has forced several race tracks in the North-
cast to close in recent years, but the shut-
g of such dingy plants as Bowie and
nonium in Maryland was no loss.
Track operators have finally realized that
they must make their plants modern and
somewhat competitive with the glitz of the
casinos. Three tracks in particular deserve
an A for effort and are worth sceing
Garden State Park in Cherry Hill, New
Jersey, just outside Philadelphia, is an
ultramodern plant with a unique glassed-
in paddock and the swankiest restaurant
of any track in the country. It is largely
modeled on Meadowlands, across the Hud-
son River from Manhattan. Meadowlands
is probably the best night out in all of
horse racing, with superior restaurants
and, for the first eight months of the year,
the richest and classiest harness racing in
the country.
Laurel Race Course, outside Baltimore,
was a dump for years; but under new own-
ership, it has opened the most sophisti-
cated gambling facility at any track in the
world: The Sports Palace, a horse player's
toy store. A bank of video-cassette players
allows a bettor to sec a tape of any race
run at the track in the past six months,
and a computer system with 12 terminals
lets a horse player research sophisticated
statistical data about horses, trainers and
jockeys. The Palace also features several
huge television screens showing races and
major sporting events around the count
and there is even a continuous ticker
play of the latest sports results from
around the country. Of course, betting on
football games is illegal outside Nevada,
but people have been known to get down a
bet regardless.
If winning the bar bet on America's
number-one spectator sport seemed casy,
here's one that’s a license to steal: Ask a
mark, "What is
spectator sport?” It’s not horse racing this
time, and the Bruins, Celtics or Red Sox
won't win the drink. The answer is that
Boston has gone to the dogs.
Greyhound racing, legal in just 15 states
but fabulously successful in New England,
Florida and pockets of the West, may be
America’s most invisible gambling suc-
Boston's number-one
cess. Mention of the sport unfairly con-
jures up images of dogfighting or
cockfighting and stirs memories of the
hilarious lead story on the inaugural ¢
sode of ABC-TV's 20/20 a decade ago:
Geraldo Rivera went undercover amid
much intrigue to yield a searing exposé on
the burning issue of whether or not racing
dogs are trained to hunt down jack rab-
bits. The sports visibility has further suf-
fered because of concerted lobbying by the
| AX
а але СВ
The Best and Worst Places to Gamble in Ame
The Las Vegas Club hos the
best rules and the friendliest
staff and surroundings.
Bally's Park Place is a haven
of restraint in Hell Town.
Tie: Hialeah Park in Miami is a
soothing tropical paradise;
Saratoga in Upsiate New York
hos the best racing.
The Hollywood Greyhound
Track, just north of Miami, hos
the spart’s classiest faci
and fastest dawgs.
Caesars Palace in Las Vegas is
о high-tech dream for horse
The Golden Nugget in Los
Vegas has the most options and
Binion's Horseshoe in down-
tawn Vegas for noisy, two-
fisted whooping it up.
The Las Vegas Club has the
world’s best blackjack odds.
Double-dawn heaven.
Bob Stupak’s Vegas World hos
the best deal in town: Far $396,
you get $1000 in betting action,
plus о room for twa night:
Bally's Park Place in Atlantic
ity actually permits employees
to Behave like human beings.
The slickest weasels and high-
est rollers just can’t help going
la Caesars Palace.
The Las Vegas Golden Nugget
is so tastefully decorated, you
won't believe you're in Vegas.
Saratoga in Augus is where all
the gaad anes end up.
Only the brave of heart ond
bank roll can survive the winter
meeting at Aqueduct.
Ai Santa Anita ond Hollywood
Park, the riders are sa good
that Bill Shoemaker is o liability
оп your horse.
The cowboys and crazies who
fill Oaklawn Park hate to bet
fovorites: big prices on cinches
Hialeah Park makes Miami
Vice Іосі as if it's shot in black
and white.
The pups ot Derby Lane in St.
Petersburg, Hollywood Grey-
hound Track, near Miomi, ond
outside Bos-
кажа io na c e non
Seen one, seen 'em oll.
The Stardust and Caesars in
Las Vegos are more fun than o
corner baokie—high tech all
the way.
The ones right near the doors
їо the casino showrooms. Set ta
pay off frequenily to make
gamblers out of farmers wait-
ing ta see Wayne Newton.
Bally’s Los Vegas Grand is
cold, joyless and forbidding,
with a staff to match.
Del Webb's Claridge is a study
in depression and desperation.
Keeneland in Lexington, Ken-
tucky, is the darling af monied
breeders but an ill-equipped
insult to the horse player.
Green Mountain Race Track,
on the New York-Vermont bor-
der, attracts few bettors; the
‘odds are poor, the atmosphere
Any New York City O.T.B. Par-
lor, where patrons gel low pay-
offs in shabby storefronts.
Keep an eye on your chips ot
ту othe dismal poker clubs
rn California.
Bally's Las Vegas on the Strip.
and Harrah's Marine in Atlan-
tic City make nice mousoleums.
Anyone ing blackjack in
Pure uc Ferd
‘arrested for stupidity.
The computerized Comp Card
at the Claridge in Atlantic City
Play for ten years and you may
get о free sandwich.
Union Plaza in Las Vegas
employees failed the niceness
test at callection agencies.
Zombie Bus People can't stoy
away from A.C/s first and
worst, Resorts International.
The Atlantic City Golden Nug-
is a noisy eyesare, making
Horses you thought had died о
decode ago are still running at
Penn National.
The Northern New Jerseyans of
Meadowlands came to eat and
ploy lucky numbers and have
yel to learn which end of the
iorse eals.
The champion jockey in Lovisi-
ana is the one who spends the
fewest days a year testifying
before grand juries in race-
fixing cases.
The good al’ breeders who
watch their pets run al
Keeneland don't mind taking
short odds on a sure thing.
Churchill Downs on Derby Day
isa vibrant, swirling crush of
humanity sort of hike heil.
Running o! the Arizona avals
shouldn't happen ta a dog, but
it does if it can't make it any-
where else.
Seen one, seen one too many.
Belting al an O.1.B. shop in
New York City is anly slightly
less pleasant thon waiting in
line far an unemployment
The ones in the Las Vegas and
Reno airports. Five more bucks
won't gel уси even for a week
atthe crop table, and you'll
need it for carfare home.
horse-racing industry, which has good
rcason to want dog racing suppressed: In
every head-to-head clash between the two
forms of gambling, dog racing has come
out the м
game is extremely appealing. Be-
yond the presence of man’s best friend, the
races are short, quick and easy to follow
over a small track. There are no jockeys
whose motives can be questioned, and the
dogs show and hold steady form by racing
twice a week. There are only a hand-
ful of professional dog bettors, because the
betting pools at most tracks are too small
to exploit and there are few opportunities
for a major coup. But the game is readily
accessible to the first-time or casual fan.
The world’s best-named race track
where Bostonians bet the dogs: Wonde
land Park in Revere. (Actually, Wonder-
land ties for best name with Phoenix
thoroughbred track: Turf Paradise.) Top
dogs flock to Wonderland in the summer-
time, and the track is a lot nicer than its
thoroughbred cousin down the road,
Suffolk Downs.
‘There are dog tracks in Key West and up
and down both Florida coasts, and most
of them are surprisingly appealing. Derby
Lanc in St. Petersburg is particularly nice,
and the Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club.
ncar Orlando is a perfect antidote to a day
at Disney World or Epcot
"The very best place to play the pups is
the Hollywood Greyhound Traci Hol-
Iv wood, Florida, north of Miami and just
up the road from Gulfstrcam Park. The
best dogs in the country head south for the
winter meeting and rich stake races from
Christmas through il. Many dog
tracks are cramped and rickety, but Hol-
lywood is palatial by comparison and has
two snappy restaurants specializing
stone crabs and Key-lime pie
On the night of the $96,000 near miss at
aleah, Hollywood Greyhound Track
was the logical place to recover—cn
ab restaurant didn't
have to bring the menu
"The usual vodka martini, shrimp
cocktail, stone crabs and Key-lime pic,
Mr. C.?" she asked, making me feel like a
Ilion bucks, give or take $96,000. The
sting of the day's losses was gone now, sof-
tened by the surre
pect of 13 dog races to come. The sleck
and tawny greyhounds would run their
hearts out for me, and I would be the Lord
of the Races again. A tower of $100 chips
in the blackjack pits of Atlantic City could
not have been as soothing.
1 was happy and serene without ha
cashed a bet, a gambler's ultimate vict
"The lesson + Of course it matters
whether you win or lose, but not as much
as where vou play the game.
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BUSHNELL (continued from page 102)
percent of my time. But I believed the pro-
fessional management Га put in at Pizza
"Time was adcquatc. In three months, the
company went [rom profits to major
“1 used to think I was very lucky. In the
summer of 1983, my sailboat won the
"Transpac, one of the oldest yacht races in
the world. We came into Hawaii first, past
Waikiki Beach with spinnakers flying, out-
running powerboats. With airplanes and
helicopters flying overhead, I stepped onto
the dock and faced 2000 people and the
news media and thought, Shit, this is great!
But from the minute 1 stepped onto that
dock, it was like my luck was all used up
“The boat lost its keel while being fer-
ried back to California and Pizza Time
started down the tubes. I thought, I can
control everything else, but not my luck,
and when it's gone, it's gone.
“Well, you can control luck. Once
you've used it up, you do three things:
work hard to replace it, do good works for
your fellow man or, if that fails, sacrifice a
virgin. I'm kidding about the last one.
During the fall of 1983, I would sit in my
office on dark, rainy days and just stare
out the window, trying to figure out what
to do. About five months alter 1 left Pizza
Time, it went into Chapter 11
“In the summer of 1984, I spent a
month at my house in Paris, asking
myself, "What's next, big boy? The expe-
rience of going from Wunderkind to goat
showed me that if you're a part-time quar-
terback, some full-time quarterback is
going to kick your head in. I figured that
I'd been done in by a lack of focus, so I
decided to concentrate on clectronics and
toys. And then an Inc. maga: y
suggested that I knew how to start compa-
nies but couldn't run them. That not only
pissed me off, it made me say, ‘Well, ГИ
show the bastards.”
TARTIKOFE (coninued from page 101)
“I was reading the overnight ratings,
and it looked bad. Га be up early Satur-
day morning calling the first person to
reach the oflice in New York and find we'd
had a 15 share for Friday, and on Sunday
Га find we'd had only an 18 for Saturday.
Each time, it was like a big punch in the
“The point is, I was in trouble
November and we needed a show for
Monday night at eight o'clock, where we
were getting a 16 share. The normal
of gestation from a concept to a program is.
five months, and 1 had to bail myself out
in five weeks. At that point, I was just this
short of using snuff movies. Well, I'm not
that immoral, but I was a desperate man.
brought Dick Clark and John
McMahon from Carson Production
together in my office and married them
a civil ceremony and got a program—T V's
Bloopers and Practical Jokes —that could go
on the air five weeks later. And we also
(continued from page 101)
had another new detective show for Tues-
day nights called Riptide.
“Riptide solidified Tuesday and helped
give us the first winning night we'd had in
more than two years. By the end of the
season, Bloopers averaged a 30 share,
which doubled our ratings in that time
slot. I was like a quarterback scrambling
around, throwing to the opposite end of
the field and getting a completion
“I used to watch Kenny Stabler at the
height of his game with the Oakland Raid-
ers. He'd know that when his team was
behind and there was 1:58 left on the
clock, he could get them down the field,
because he'd been there before, Well, no
matter what kind of programing straits 1
get into, ] know the drill to get out of it.”
Broker on the Rebound
Charles Schwab, as head of a high-
performance mutual fund called Investment.
Indicators, suffered a humiliating defeat at
the hands of the Securities and Exchange
Commission, leaving him $100,000 in debt.
But he survived to become the Ray Kroc of
discount stockbrokers, providing cheap, fast
financial services nationwide. He offers his
disaster-aversion advice at discount as well.
Charles Schw: “Investment Indica-
tors was very successful during the stock-
market craze of the late Sixties. By 1970,
we had some 10,000 shareholders, about
$18,000,000 in the fund and were one of
the top performers in the country. Publi-
cations were mentioning that we were
doing well, and we began receiving unso-
licited orders from around the country.
But that eventually led to our downfall.
We ran into legal trouble with the state
commissioner in ‘Texas and with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
‘Investment Indicators died a slow
death, taking about two years. What 1
found most upsetting was that this thing
was out of my control. It was an enormous
setback to my confidence and ego. I didn't
think about jumping off the Golden Gate
Bridge, but I felt totally responsible for
the situation, and 1 couldn't find anyone
to help me out of it. The lawyers couldn't
help. And while the issues eventually
sorted themselves out, the result was that
the lawyers who couldn't help made a sub-
stantial amount of money on it.
“I eventually walked away from Invest-
ment Indicators feeling Га done the best I
could for shareholders and conceded
defeat. There were a lot of unhappy peo-
ple, but most were empathetic toward те.
I suffered more substantially, proportion-
ally, than me else. Because I had
borrowed heavily for the company, I was
more than $100,000 in debt. My personal
life was in worse shape. Largely because of
the strain I'd been under, my mai
to trouble and 1 soon found mys
ivorced. К
There was absolute frustration cmo-
tionally and financially. I came to under-
stand that no matter how ethical you are
or how strongly you feel about doing a
good service for your customers, there are
still elements outside your control.
SCHWAB: Down $100,000 after an SEC
probe, he rode a bull market straight back to the top.
“But it didn’t take me too long to get
going again. I had started a small broke
age operation in 1971 and I refocused m
interest on it, preparing research repor
on companies. | also did a couple of
investment-banking deals, one of which
provided enough to retire my debts. In
1973, I founded Charles Schwab & Com-
pany, and I launched the discount-
brokerage concept the next year.
“On the positive side, Investment Indi-
cators gave me empathy for setbacks had
by others. 1 pay a high premium for pco-
ple with that kind of experience, especially
if they've learned something about them-
selves and how to manage their way
through such swings.”
Born-Again Publisher
With just two years as a journalist behind
him, Allen Neuharth launched a weekly tab-
loid called SoDak Sports and lost $50,000
ef his friends’ and relatives’ money
Neuharth recovered to build Gannett into
one of the world's mightiest media companies,
but he hasn't forgotten the lessons of his early
Allen Neuharth: “My partner, Bill Por-
ter, and I were young, cocky and confi-
dent. In school, we talked about being
rich and famous. We figured we knew
everything about it.
“SoDak Sports was a weekly tabloid pat-
terned after The Sporting News, covering
high school and college sports in South
Dakota. We had raised approximately
$50,000 from the sale of common stock,
most of it to friends and relatives. We were
going to build a publishing empire. And
we worked like hell.
“But even as circulation kept going up,
we kept losing money. We simply couldn't
crack the solid advertisers. The situation
kept getting worse. At one point, we
approached the Sioux Falls Argus Leader
the big paper in the area, and tried to sell
the management on publishing our paper
as a once-a-week supplement. But we'd
been smartasscs; our paper had been mak-
ing fun of the Argus Leader and its sports
coverage. Fred Christopherson, the pub-
lisher, laughed us out of his office and told
his friends that the inevitable had
"When bankruptcy proceedings start-
ed, I was struck by how routine it all was.
Signs were put up and ads were placed in
the classifieds, and people came in and
bought our desks, typewriters and station
gons. What the hell; everything went. I
cricd. The stockholders never got a penny
back on their investments.
“Completely broke, | took off for Flor-
ida and sat down to analyze what had
gone wrong. ГА obviously screwed up on
this one, and I learned that no matter how
good an idea or product is, you've first got
to be able to pay the rent. The SoDak
Sports experience helped a great deal in
making me aware of risks and rewards and
of how to approach future endeavors.
“I was up front with the managing edi-
tor at The Miami Herald about SoDak
Sports. He said he didn't give a damn
about the paper but hired me because T
NEUHARTH: His sports tabloid wound up
in the loss column, bul al Gannett, he's unbeaten.
showed rcasonable promise.
still think about SoDak Sports and it
still bugs me. I think about what I should
have done with capitalization and finan-
cial goals. It was a total, belly-up failure,
but at least I was old enough to learn from
it and young enough to recover. If it had
, Га probably be putting
out a couple of moderately successful
papers in South Dakota and have a mem-
bership at the Minnehaha Country Club.
“Oh, yeah, in 1977, Gannett bought the
Argus Leader. Fred Christopherson has
retired. We laughed about it.”
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(continued from page 104)
through 100. Urban cycling is all about
timing and judgment. It's about the thrill
of being aware, You have to think all
the time. Think Quicksilier—the movie 1
made with Kevin Bacon. By “think Quick
silver,” | mean think quick and think
The urban cyclist encounters think-last
situations everywhere. He may have a
split second to make a move; and if that
n't right, he's going to get clipped.
If he’s looking at a Bloomingdale's win-
dow or waving at a pretty girl, he’s going
to be looking up at the bottom of a truck.
He has to sce everything. He has to read
that scene in front of him, as if he’s looking
at a movie—see the things that could hurt
him and think fast enough to avoid them.
Look at the car in the center lane. It
may move over a lane and start a cha
reaction by forcing another car to move.
Look at that lady on the curb. She's either
going to step into the street to catch a cab
or stand in the street and wait for the light.
It doesn't matter that she's standing in a
bike lane. Pedestrians think a bike lane is a
light-to-change lane. That chain reaction
begun in the center lane may force you
into that lady. If you've been watching all
this unfold, like a movie, you have your
next move planned. If the sidewalk isn't
crowded, up you go. If you have to stop,
you stop; but if you think ahead and watch
that movie, you can almost always find a
way to make it through.
One thing you can't do and still be
aware of your surroundings is waste time
fooling with gears. When | was a mess
ger, I had the perfect city bike, a one-
speed coaster with two working hand
brakes. You need only one speed in the
city. If you have a ten-speed, put it in
EB Prepare. Streich before you ride to prevent cramps. Dress for cycling suc-
cess. It's cold, wear wool underwear, ski gloves and ski goggles, take a bandanna
to wear over your nose and mouth (you'll look
c Jesse James, but your lungs
won't freeze) and stick some paper under your shirt to keep the wind off your
EB Bc aware.
‘The surprised rider is the one who hasn't been paying atte
tion. Watch out for mirrors when you go between cars. Watch cabs—they'll stop
anywhere to pick up a fare. W:
ЕЙ Be aggressive.
gets heavy. Be posi
alternative route.
ways at once. If you do that, the w.
atch people getting out of ears—they don't look first.
Watch pedestrians, Watch that last car try s
y to cross on an orange light. Watch
Too many people fear cars. They go wobbly when traffic
ive in your cycling. If the traffic ahe
rhe best way to get clipped is to be indecisive and try to go two
you'll usually go is down.
d of you closes up, find an
ЕЙ In a jam, stop if you can. Aggressiveness is not the same as craziness
The recreational cyclist should always have a fallback—stopping. Risk your shins
and your ankles, but not your life.
EX If you can't stop, go straight. Going straight gives the other person an
idea of where you will be a second from now,
KA Never trust a turn signal.
they're going until they get there
Make an educated guess.
0 he can be somewhere else.
elf-explanatory: People don't know where
You can sec a problem coming when there are
changes in traffic. A chain reaction starts when one car changes lanes. You can
avoid it if you make your move early. A cab is ge
guring out the plot of a movie before the events
happen—you can keep yourself on your bike by seeing the thi
sticks his hand up. [t's like
you. Or help you.
ЕЙ No sight-seeing. If they're having a big
there is a pretty
waving at their friends.
EA Be courteous.
Ш Never hit a baby. When
n, listen to what th
Tip your cap to the laa
other person has to say. Help him up. Kill people
indness, up to the point where you have to defend yourself.
g to stop traffic for anyone who
s that could hurt
k. lf
ale at Macy's, you can
‘irl on the sidewalk, you can walk your bike. Some bikers wipe out
If you want to sec the sights, you should join a tour.
le. In a confrontation with a
ou’re up on the sidewalk, watch out for baby
carriages. Set а good example for future cyclists by missing them.
whatever gear you're most comfortable
with and leave it there. Or buy a mount
bike. They have big, rugged tires
they're sturdy. Their handle bars are too
wide for city riding—if you go between
cars, you'll get chopped by rearview
mirrors—so have your bike dealer cut the
handle bars to the width of your shoul-
That way, they can be like a cat’s
If they make it through a tight
spot, you know your body can make it, too
So speed up and squeeze through, or
slow down and weave around. Watch t
movie and pick the straightest line. Make
up your flight plan as you go. That's what
makes urban riding interesting.
Drivers are what make urban riding
frightening. Some of them hate you just
because you're on a bike. They think of
you as the enemy, and you can get in a
street fight if you're not careful. My only
real squabble was with a guy in a yellow
Dodge Colt. We had stopped, waiting for a
light to change, and 1 put my hand on the
gutter over his window. This was a man
with a grudge against cyclists or black
guys or both, so instead of saying “Take
your hand off my car," he slapped me. 1
got off my bike, leaned it on the bumper of
a parked car, went back and gave him
some awareness of my fist. When the light
changed, he was in the passenger seat.
Fighting is a last resort, though. I don't
want trouble with anyone. I never pound
on a car door, no matter how stupid the
driver may have been. There's no point in
denting someone's car. That pisses him
off; and, in general, you don't need somc-
one trying to kill you when he has a car
and you have a bike. You can show a bad
driver the error of his ways, but be courtc-
ous. Knock on his window and say, “Hey.
Awareness.” If that doesn’t work, catch
him at the next light and park in front of
him. He'll honk and call you four- and 12.
letter words, but he can't just run you over.
Ne underestimate a cab. Most cab-
drivers are good drivers, and they're just
out there making a living like everyone
else. But you get some who think it's their
job to test you. They'll play with you—
squeeze you into a double-parked car or
run you up the curb— just to see how you
handle yourself. A lot of bikers get them-
selves into hard spots by pissing cabdriv-
ers off, Don't. It's not in your best interest
It’s the same with a bus driver. His
vehicle weighs something like 20 tons and
yours weighs 22 pounds. That is a mi
match, but you're 1000 times
maneuverable, so you should be able to
stay out of his way.
"Trucks are tough, because you can't see
around them, they turn very wide and
they take up a lot of space. You can almost
always go between cars, but two trucks
side by side leave a space about as wide as
your front tire. Give them room. Do what
I say, not what I do, which is draft behind
a truck if сап find one going a steady 25
A truck has two or three times the draft of
a car—P get right up on its bumper and
do a little coasting. 1 don't recommend
drafting to the recreational rider, though.
Us dangerous. Trucks make a lot of sud-
den stops, and you can wind up pasted to
Limo drivers deserve respect. Most of
them are careful. They don't want brake-
lever scratches on their doors. The limo
driver has a big, wide-turning machine to
watch out for, so he's mellow. But limos
change lanes without signaling, like every-
onc else. You have to watch that Cinerama
in front of you at all times—even the
whale with the mayor in it can hurt you.
Cops should also be treated with
respect. It's perfectly all right, if you're in
a hurry, to ride against traffic. Just don't
do it in front of a cop. You may think you
can jam right past him, since hc has better
5 to do than chase a cyclist. Don't.
ops have radios.
Tourist drivers are the worst. They
never seem to signal, they just weave back
and forth in front of the Empire State
Building. The driver will go from the left
lane to the right lane while his wife is look-
ing at a map and saying, “Look, honey!
We were supposed to make a left here.
Bingo—chain reaction. Everyone swerves
left and you're running into people from
Minnesota. There’s not much you can do
about tourists except give them room. Be
aware of that out-of-state license plate.
Don’t take anything for granted. The only
thing worse than a tourist driver with a
map is a tourist driver without one.
You may think I am an expert at dodg-
ing dogs, but I’m not. There aren't m:
dogs in New York, at least without leashes.
I've never been chased by one, but I think
1 know what I'd do if a dog came after
me. I'd bark; and if that didn't work, Га
try to set a personal best in the sprints.
Remember this: There is nothing on
the street—animal, mineral or vegetable
(there are some vegetables with a driver's
license) —that is going to hurt you if
you're thinking fast and watching that
movie in front of you. Don't be afra
Don't wobble. Don't hesitate. He who hes-
itates gets clipped.
I've given you a lot of don'ts, but they
all boil down to awareness. Use you!
and your common sense. You have noth-
ing to fear from that cabdriver. When it
comes right down to it, he’s not going to
run you over—he can't айога to have
vehicular homicide on his record. You
don’t have to worry about that pedestrian;
he to worry about you. Go right
through, man!
Coexist with the street. Look at every-
thing in that movie. You're part of it.
You're one bike in this huge city, and it’s
dangerous, but it's fun. You have thc thrill
of being aware. You're zigzagging in and
out, beating the light. You've got to get
somewhere and you can't afford to stop.
But if you hear me yelling "Waaaa!"
behind you, make way.
(continued from page 97)
elements in the process. АП Puerto Rican
rums are given a minimum of one year in
charred white-oak casks to smooth out
and mellow. Specialty rums such as
Bacardi Anejo, Don Q El Dorado and
Barrilito are aged longer.
At the other end of the Caribbean-rum
spectrum is the full-bodied Jamaican
breed. Somewhere between these poles—
more or less in order of intensity—are
rums made in St. Croix (American Vir-
gins), Barbados, Haiti, Trinidad-Tobago,
British Virgins, Martinique and Guiana,
The last is best known for its smoky
Caribbean watering holes are the ideal
setting for exploring the possibilities of the
ion. Tending bar in the Caribbe:
is more than a job, it’s almost a calling,
and island bartenders are something else.
They handle the mixing with aplomb,
defily rocking out a succession of au-
dacious drinks: coladas, rum punches,
coolers and other chilling concoctions.
Caribbean mixologists say that people
drink with their eyes. They'll drape a
papaya slice or a curl of shrimp on the rim
of a glass, top a drink with a sprinkle of
nply garnish it with a tiny
wild orchid or a hibiscus blossom to prove
their point. Of course, it helps to
such delightful exotica literally growing
on one’s doorstep.
Another piece of local wisdom holds
that drinks designed to be cooling should
look that way. That means that all bever-
ages are served snapping cold. Frigid!
cinnamon or si
Julia, Valé
Glasses are frosted, either by burying
them in crushed ice or rinsing them in cold
water, then setting them in the freezer for
ten to 15 minutes. Even simpler, the rim of
a glass can be moistened, then swirled in
powdered sugar for that arctic image.
Fresh, hard-frozen ice is preferred, and
extra icc goes into the shaker. Tropical
syrups such as Falernum, passion frui
guava and soursop (guanábana) are sta-
ples of the Caribbean bar, adding subtle
flavors and often replacing plain sugar
Following are selected recipes from.
some of the best Caribbean resorts.
Except for wild orchids and hibiscus,
everything you need to make them be
found Stateside. And if you're moved to
visit the islands, so much the better.
Guests at El San Juan Hotel & Casino,
Puerto Rico, sun themselves on the spa-
cious beach, then cool out with shivery
drinks such as the Dirty Banana.
1 oz. Puerto Rican white rum
2 ozs. coffee liqueur
1 medium-size ripe banana, sliced
2 ozs. half-and-half
1 teaspoon superfine sugar
% cup finely crushed ice
Place all ingredients in chilled blender
container. Blend until just smooth. Serve
in large tulip or highball glass. If you like,
save slice of banana for garnish.
Dustin Hoffman, Howard Baker, Raul
Giscard d'Estaing and Lee
Trevino are just a few of the celebrities
who have enjoyed the serene atmosphere
and suave drinks at the Hyatt Dorado
“Just sit tight and, hey, no more surprise
appearances with Phil Donahue, OK?"
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Beach Resort, Puerto Rico.
1% ozs. Paso Fino rum liqueur
1 oz. Puerto Rican white rum
Y oz. lemon juice
1 teaspoon superfine sugar
1 teaspoon grenadine
Y oz. Bacardi Anejo
Pincapple wedge, for garnish
Briskly shake first 5 ingredients with
ice. Strain over cracked icc in tall glass.
Float Añejo by pouring slowly over the
back of a spoon. Garnish with pineapple.
When guests at the spilly Half Moon
Club, Jamaica, take a сойсе break, it’s apt
to be with this relaxing number.
1% ozs. Tia María coffee liqueur
2 ozs. milk, chilled
Roasted collce beans, for garnish
Shake coffee liqueur and milk briskly
with ice. Strain over fresh ice in old fash-
ioned glass. Float several coffee beans on
surlace if desired.
Jumby Bay Resort is a very private,
very special Caribbean retreat two miles
north of Antigua. Below, a peachy house
drink created by Jumby Bay’s bartender,
Woody Steele.
1 oz. apricot-flavored brandy
2ozs. Riunite Natural Peach
2 ozs. orange juice
Fresh peach slice or mango, for garnish
Shake first 3 ingredients with cracked
ice. Pour unstrained into chilled highball
glass. Top with slice of peach or mango.
At the Tryall Golf and Beach Club,
Jamaica, a Yellow Bird is not an ornitho-
logical species—it's a great cocktai
1% ozs. light rum
Y oz. apricot-flavored brandy
% oz. Galliano
Y oz. lime juice
2 ozs. orange juice
tin season, for garnish
hake all ingredients except fruit with
ice until chilled. Strain over fresh ice in
highball glass. Garnish as desired.
Enjoy a unique drinking experience! Sip
a cooler while floating down a man-made
stream, 1776 feet long—past waterfalls
and water slides—at the unique Hyatt
Regency Cerromar Beach hotel, Puerto
1 oz. Puerto Rican 151-degree rum
1 oz. Cointreau
11% ozs. tropical-fruit punch
% oz. fresh lime juice
2 ozs. papaya nectar (or %4 cup cubed
fresh papaya)
1 cup crushed ice
Papaya slice, for garnish
Place first 6 ingredients in chilled
blender container. Blend 30 seconds; stop
and let contents settle. Blend until
smooth. Pour into poco grande (chimney)
glass; hang garnish on rim.
Peter Island Hotel and Yacht Harbor,
British Virgin Islands, is a superlative set-
to do nothing but swig icy coolers, for
which the bar is known.
| oz. vodka
1% ozs. Puerto Rican white rum
6 ripe strawberries, stemmed and sliced
1 small ripe banana, sliced
Ye oz. coconut cream
Ya oz. lime juice
% oz. grenadine
% cup finely crushed ice
Ground cinnamon, for garnish
To chilled blender container, add all
ents except garnish. Blend
mixture is just smooth. Pour into tall glas:
or goblet. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.
Serve with straws.
моко JUNE
An interesting combination of tastes
from Williams and Daniels, a finc restau-
rant on St. Thomas.
2 ozs. Pertsovka vodka
4 ozs. orange juice, chilled
Lime wedge
Light splash grenadine
Orange slice, for garnish
Pour Pertsovka and orange juice over
ice cubes in tall glass. Squeeze in juice of
lime; drop peel into glass. Add grenadine
to taste. Stir until chilled. Garnish with
orange slice.
From the Fort Nassau restau
island of Curacao, a light, sprightly
1 oz. Don Q white rum
1 oz. curacao liqueur
2 ozs. pineapple juice
Pineapple wedge, for garnish
Shake all redients briskly with ice.
Strain over fresh ice in old fashioned glass.
Garnish with pineapple wedge
When you want something that
tasting and good for you, go to Momma—
Bahama Momma. You'll find her at smart
eating and drinking spots all over the
1% ог. Nassau Royale liqueur
1% ozs. Ronrico white rum
2 ozs. pineapple juice
2 ozs. orange juice
Dash Angostu
1% oz. grenadine, or to taste
% orange slice or cherry, for garnish
Shake first 6 ingredients with ice. Strain
over fresh ice in tall glass. Top with fruit
Ifyou have the Caribbean in your blood
but can't hie off to the islands just now,
find solace—and savor—in these beguil-
ing tropical drinks.
(continued from page 24)
have the heart to make fun of these folks.
Ir's like hunting dairy cows with a high-
powered rifle and scope. Then again, 1
have to consider what they'd do to me if
they caught me having my idea of a
vacation—an undressed bimbo in a sleazy
Florida hotel room, a bottle of lotion,
some drugged wine. . In fact, you
already know what they did when they
caught Jim Bakker. Heck, they want to
hang the likes of Jim and me. And all I
want to do is rib them a little.
Гуе always figured that if God wanted
us to go to church a lot, Неа have given
us bigger behinds to sit on and smaller
heads to think with. But God or carbohy-
drates or something had done that for
these people. They all had huge bottoms,
immense bottoms. It looked as if everyone
in the place had stuffed a chair cushion
down the back of his leisure slacks. And
what leisure slacks! Heal them, O Lord,
for they are injured in the buds of taste.
and I had dressed quietly for the
But my buttondown shirt and
chinos and her blue blazer and tartan skirt
made us stick out like nude calypso danc-
crs. We were wearing the only natural
fibers for 2300 acres in any direction.
“You know what you've got here?" I
said to Dorothy. “This is white trash
behaving itself{—the only thing worse than
white trash not behaving itself.”
Shhhh!” said Dorothy. “That's mean.”
“These people aren't having any fun,” 1
said. “They should join the Klan. They'd
be better off. They could hoot and holler
and what not. The Klan doesn’t do all
that much really bad stuff anymore,
because there are too many FBI double
in it. And if these people joined the
they could smoke and drink again.
v'd get to wear something half-
way decent, like an all-cotton bed sheet.
J.” said Dorothy, "stop it! Every-
body can hear you."
„” I said. “All you people,
you ought to——" Dorothy slapped a
hand over my mouth and pulled me
The next day, Dorothy and I pretended
to be married and went house hunting in
the Christian condominium subdevelop-
ment. The homes were mostly freestand-
ing ranch jobs built on slab foundations
and supplied with a couple of hundred
dollars of old-úmy exterior trim. Each
unit is supposedly built to order, but nei-
ther the designs nor the floor plans can be
altered. (What God and contractor have
joined together let no man put asunder.)
Condo prices ranged from $128,000 to
$144,000. I checked the real-cstate sec-
tions in the local papers, and this seemed
to be almost a third again the going rate
The model homes showed no special
religious features, no total-immersion
adult baptismal pools in the johns, Last
Supper-style dining arcas, scapegoat pens
or walk-on-the-water beds, ‘There was also
a sad lack of evangelical hard sell.
Instead, there was a lonely-looking
middle-aged lady with a layer of Tammy
Bakker-style make-up. “Now, I live by
myself here,” she said, "but, gosh, there
are so many things going о!
a moment to feel lonely.”
rupted by a phone call from Maine.
“Excuse me,” she said, "this lady is call-
ing from all the way up in Ma
The caller was, I gathered, very elderly.
“Yes,” said the real-estate lady on the
phone, “you can live right here at Herit-
age USA. ... No, dear, you shouldn't
ig you haven't even seen... .
Well, maybe you can get your minister to
drive you down."
We slipped out during the phone call,
feeling a little creepy. Something is draw-
ing forlorn old ladies and poor, troubled-
g families to Heritage USA. Five
n went there in 1985. It can't be
Jesus making them do a thing like that.
He's a compassionate guy, isn’t he?
We took one more walk through the
mall. 1 was cavesdropping hard, hoping
for somie final, telling quote. No luck.
Everybody was on good behavior, just
like the day before. There were no scream-
ing toddlers, no running kids, no griping
adults. It was like being in the First
Church of Christ Hanging Out at the
Mall. Dorothy heard a jewelry salesman
tell his customer, “It has a lifetime guar-
antee, or until Jesus returns—whichever.””
A Goody Two-shoes treacle seemed to
flow sluggishly through the place, and I
think it was making Dorothy a little crazy.
She kept whispering that we should go
behind a Coke machine or into a mop
closet or someplace and “pet.” They must
have this problem a lot at Heritage USA,
because all the Coke machines were right
out in the middle of the rooms and the
mop closets were locked. We tried a stair
well, but it had a floor-to-ceiling window
opening on the hotel lobby.
And that was when it dawned on me.
There's only one explanation for Heri
USA: Jim and Tammy are working for the
other side. Their own recent behavior
scems to make that obvious. And consider
the other evidence: a bookstore without
books, a record shop without mu:
what else could these be but the vain and
empty works of the Devil? And Heritage
USA has lots of rules and ugly architcc-
ture, just like Communist Russia, that den
of Satan. And don't forget that fundamen-
talism prohibits premarital sex, yet you
have a proper black Mass without
using a naked virgin as an altar. Put two
and two together—it’s not a pretty pic-
ture. Furthermore, as a result of our visit
to Heritage USA, Dorothy and I had com-
mitted every one of the seven deadly sins:
Pride—looking at our fellow visitors
had turned us into awful snobs.
Wrath—we wanted to murder the
Lust—if we could have found an open
mop closet. .
Avarice—by proxy (Jim and Tammy
Bakker, as founders of Heritage USA, had
committed this sin for us).
Envy—how come Jim and Tammy get
to live so high on the hog? Why didn't we
think of Heritage USA?
Gluttony—especially for a quick drink.
Sloth—we spent three days in bed
recovering from the drunk we went on
after we got out of there.
This is no way to have fun. Everybody
likes a good laugh. and there's nothing
wrong with that. But on this year’s vaca-
tion, steer clear of Heritage USA. For the
sake of your immortal soul, stay home
and take drugs and have sex, the way Ji
and Tammy do. (After all, 1 understand
they've been forgiven.)
“You're not going lo watch ‘Masterpiece Theatre’
in that shirt!”
Find the toll free number on Lowenbrau displays
Call Heather and instantly win.
* A Porsche 911 Coupe
* Trips to Furope or Japan
* Car Phones
* Porsche Design Sunglasses
e Lowenbrau’s international barmaids poster
С.Е. Porsche AG. Permission granted.
Sweepstakes ends Ji реп to U.S. residents of legal drinking age
in their state at time of entry.
Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ot long ago, the only patterned sock a man would, or
could, wear was the familiar diamond-plaid Argyle.
Now, when he puts his feet up on his desk, he's mak-
ing a fashion statement. Socks today are a rainbow of
color and a daring mixture of fun patterns and designs. Mod-
ern technology and the Nigata computerized knitting ma-
chine have turned the sock industry heels over toes. The
Nigata makes possible intricately knitted designs that pre-
viously had to be applied by a printing process. Whether the
knit is a richly textured Jacquard weave, a kicky over-all pat-
tern ora clock design on the outer side of the sock, you defi-
nitely have something stylish to step into before stepping out.
From upper left to right: Abstract-patterned cotton/nylon socks, by Laura Pearson, about $16.50. Jacquard wool/nylon socks, by Falke, about
$14. Striped acrylic/wool/nylon socks, by Head Phones, about $13. Golfer-patterned acrylic/wool/nylon socks, by Modules at Format,
$9. Video-game/car-patterned cotton/nylon socks, by Christian Dior for Camp Hosiery, $6.50. Red wool/acrylic socks, by Bill Ditfort, $17.
It has a 1000-watt high-power motor, finger-tip
controls and an on-board accessory compartment;
it's German-made and an S 238i. Relax, BMW; we're
talking about Miele’s great-looking canister vacuum
cleaner, the ultimate Yuppie baseboard racing ma-
chine. It features a triple-air-clean-filter system, plus
blower capability, $450; optional power brush, $150.
The СТЕ 7400 Integrated Telephone/TAD.
is a space saver's savior. The unit features
hands-free speaker-phone operation, one-
touch memory access to 20 of your best
telephone buddies, last-number redial,
tone selection and pulse dialing. The Tele-
phone Answering Device is built right in
and offers beeperless remote, one-button
playback and remote turn-on that activates
the machine with ten rings of the phone,
about $200. Look, Ma Bell, no hands!
Donvier’s Cordially Yours home cordial maker
will create a tasty aperitif or a delicately colored
after-dinner liqueur in two to eight hours, using
radiant heat to release the natural essence of
fruits, nuts and spices. The result is a doit-
yourself potion of flavor, nutrients and aroma
that’s an interesting alternative to brandy
or port, distributed by Nikkal, about $65.
The Italian-crafted Venezia couch is of
ariline-vat-dyed cowhide atop a lacquered-
wood base. Both ends of the 7%-foot-Iong
unit swivel—as shown—revealing low-set
lacquered corner cocktail tables and creat-
ing an intimate seating group, from Euro
2000, Escapades, Chicage, about $1650.
Look out below Sony's
MPK-M6 Marine Pack
for its 8mm Handy-
sony WARNEPICN сат camera/recorder
ШЖ. is a self-contained, sub-
surface little wonder that
takes home video all the
5 395 ay down to 165 feet, $1975.
2 Optional video light, $35.
The Exclusive Sunglasses, from Porsche Design,
| are as flattering as they are functional. The
X interchangeable lenses are surface-hardened,
heat- and impact-resistant, and the gear-
regulated folding hinges will withstand
T much abuse, $195; extra lenses, $25 each.
Breathe easy: The Instapure Air Filtration System
Model AFI-W reduces dust, pollen, furnace gas
and cigarette smoke by 99 percent and adsorbs |
common household odors. It's fully program- ||
mable and features a digital clock and wood-
grained cabinet, from Teledyne Water Pik, $375.
Clik Cases are tough, water-
proof plastic travelers that
you customize to hold
"€ cameras, cassettes
or what have you.
> They're all yours
in 12 classy col-
ors, from
E go, $12
| >
This Snake
Ain't Fake
THE FAT BOYS have an
album, Crushin', a mini
summer tour with the
Beach Boys and a new
movie, Disorderlies, hap-
pening at the same time.
The movie, co-starring
Ralph Bellamy, has the
Here’s Tracy,
Looking Racy
made her first TV com-
mercial when she was
only five. Now she's go-
ing to Japan to model
British-made clothes.
While we wait for her
next career move, feast
boys, playing the three 34g your eyes on this.
worst orderlies in nurs- We sure can pick
ing-care history, taking “em, right?
care of Bellamy, the
world's richest man.
Guaranteed laughs.
Little Dab
Actress WANDA
AGUNA knows
where to put the
frosting. You've
seen Wanda,
dressed, on The
Young and the Rest-
less and Days of
Our Lives and on
the big screen
in Man Killers.
We think this
pic is a man-
killer, too.
t 1987 PIP LG
Three’s a
These boys from
down under—New
Zealand and Australia,
tobe exact—make upa
hot new group called
They were an opening
act this past winter in the
U.S. and blew the main
attractions, well, out of the
house. We're telling you,
these guys have moved in.
I Read the News Today, Oh, Boy
Currently London's most-talked-about page-six girl, MARIA WHITTAKER
has been on the TV talk-show circuit, has a race horse named
after her, has won a bunch of dance contests
and is making her first trip to
the U.S.A. Welcome!
Bruce Is Loose
With Moonlighting in reruns
and the fate of Maddie and
David on hold, BRUCE WILLIS
is working on a new Blake Ed-
wards film, Sunset, with James
Garner, set for a Christmas-
time release. Willis is playing
Tom Mix In his free time,
Bruno may retum to rock
clubs, harp in hand, wowing
the ladies and making grown
men chuckle.
oto ie
If you're looking for a good reason to put some
lead in your pencil, there's Naughty Dots, a $5.95
softcover from Salem House Publishers in
Topsfield, Massachusetts, filled with 30 connect-
the-dots drawings that definitely aren't child's
play. Each set of dots has its own caption (we
especially like “Now it's your turn to look for my
contact lens!”). Try it on your next date and sce if
it doesn’t draw out some interests you'll like.
When К.С. Bearifone 11 speaks, people listen—
and look. In fact, we first saw K.C. at the winter
Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and it
didn't take long before every showg town
wanted one. К.С. is a voice-animated speaker-
phone with mouth and eye movements synchro-
nized to the caller's voice pattern. It even has a
ном button. TeleConcepts is the manufacturer,
and K.C. is available for about $180 at Macy's,
Spiegel and other outlets. Cute!
Glitter guru David Jerome, the president of Jerome Russell Cos-
metics (U.S.A.), Inc., claims the inspiration for his Glittering Sun-
tan Creme came while he was vacationing in the south of France,
where “attractive half-naked female bodies are a dime a dozen."
Obviously, the one who stood out in the crowd would get the most
Jerome's Creme (which is available in sun-block
strengths of two, four and ten) definitely is an eve catcher. A 2.2-
ounce foam-spray can sells for only $5 at drug and
department stores. Twinkle, twinkle, little starlet!
77 2
It was Playboy that hired a talented young French chef named
Jean Banchet to head up the kitchen at our late, great Club and
Resort at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, some years ago. Today, as epi-
cureans of the world (and all of you who read our 25 Best Restau-
rants in America feature in the March 1987 now, Jean
Banchet owns Le Francais in Wheeling, Illinois, one of the true
temples of gastronomy in this country. And to get you busy at the
stove, Banchet has video-taped Cooking for Guests, a 37-minute
VHS-only segment in which he tutors the viewer on how to pre-
pare a scallop salad, a capon entree and a dessert the Banchet
way. The tape sells for $43.95, postpaid, sent to J. W. Starbuck
Productions, 310 Clay Street, Woodstock, Illinois 60098, or call
1-800-338-9999 to put it on a credit card. Bon appetit.
The next time you curl up with The Sun
Also Rises, make the carth move for you
by spreading out the four-color 20" x 27"
Ernest Hemingway Adventure Map of the
World, which lists nearly 200 locations in
Hemingway's fiction, as well as his homes
and hangouts throughout the world.
Aaron Blake Publishers sells the map for
only $5.75, postpaid, sent to them at
Suite 130, 1800 South Robertson Boule-
vard, Los Angeles 90035. A poster is $9.
К aen.
Wonder what those tall and tan and
young and lovely girls on the beach at
Ipanema are wearing these days? Would
you believe Tantalizer Tossaway Tops—
maxipasties that are water-resistant and
remain on the breasts a day or more with
an FDA-approved adhesive? It's the
next best thing to going topless, and wo
sets cost only $9.50 sent to Temptu
Marketing, 157 Hudson Street, New
York 10013. Vavoom!
Big shots who have clawed
their way to the top can now
experience the equally exhila-
rating thrill of getting to the
bottom fast by signing aboard
the Lüft Taucher Alpine Rap-
pelling tour for executives in
the Bavarian Alps this October
17 through 24. While there,
you'll climb with experienced
mountain guides during the
day (no previous mountaineer-
ing experience necessary) and
be wined and dined in first-
class accommodations at
night. All for $2500, including
round-trip air fare, booked
through Liift Taucher Interna-
tional Rappelling Tours, 511
South 1] Avenue, Minneapolis
55415. You go first.
Harry Pearson is a perfection-
ist. As editor-publisher of the
bimonthly magazine The Abso-
lute Sound, ће ha:
past 14 years fi
home audio
gear. Now he has given birth
to The Perfect Vision, a quar-
terly sibling publication
devoted to “the fine and not-
so-fine points of video technol-
ogy.” Articles on laser rot and
MTS stereo sound ar: the
first issue, along with just
about c hing else you've
ever wanted to know about
video and were too dumb to
ask. A year's subscription goes
for $22 sent to The Perfect
Vision, P.O. Box 357, Sea Cliff,
New York 11579. Tunc in.
Slippery Stuff has been
around for years, merchan-
dised as “a unique silken liq-
uid that enhances the
pleasure of human contact."
It was sold in a box that had
about as much sex appeal as
a busted rubber. Then
Feathre Luv Enterprises put
this zippy new packag-
ig, and the rest is sales
history. Ladies love to be the
first to zip open Slippery
Stufl's cardboard container.
Order it for $10 from Feathre
Luv, P.O. Box 261, Harvard
Square, Cambridge, Massa-
chusetts 02238 and sce what
gets unzipped quick.
Can you find the radar in this picture?
Cobra can.
The Cobra Trapshooter, for visor or dash
By the time you see the radar source, chances
are its too late. But if you had a Cobra Trapshooter mount, literally fits in the palm of your hand
radar detector, it would sniff it out in an instant. The Trapshooter Ultra is even smaller, with its
Cobra Trapshooters not only find radar unique, sporty design, and 3 different alarm settings
wherever it lurks, but also filter out false signals that voice warning, melody, and beep.
other detectors simply can't. To find the dealer nearest you, call
Both the miniaturized yet incredibly sensitive 1-800-COBRA 22.
Cobra Trapshooter Ultra, and the Cobra Trapshooter Oh, the radar? Take a good look. It's just beyond
employ the latest technology in electronic the bend, behind the row of trees on the right
circuitry to warn you of radar, even over hills and Still can't see it? Better geta Cobra
around the bend. §
Cobra Teapshooter RD MIO.
Cobra Trapshoorer Ultra RD 4170
Real Pride | ME | are
ner taste.
| L. al
2 Smoke Contains Carbon Мопохійе.
© 1987 R.J. REYNOLOS осо. mo. "tar", 0. m i
ша E
ZA O0TR мо т
nicotine av. per cigarette by ЕТС method. ASTE