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love (luv), n. 1. the pro- £ 
foundly tender or pas- ^ 
sionate affection for a 
person of the opposite sex. 
a feeling of warm personal at- 
tachment or deep affection, as g$ 
for a parent, child or friend. 3. WES 
sexual passion or desire, or its $ 
gratification. 4. a person toward 
whom love is felt; beloved person; 
sweetheart. 5. (used in direct ad- 
dress as a term of endearment, affec- 
tion or the like): Would you like to see 
a movie, love? 6. a love affair; amour. 
. (cap.) a personification of sexual affec- 
tion, as Eros or Cupid. 8. affectionate 
bh. concern for the well-being of others: a 

ma love of little children; the love of ones 
neighbor. 9. strong predilection or lik- 
ing for anything: her love of books. 

O. the object or thing so liked. 







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AH. FEBRUARY: Month of the wind chill, the snowdrift, the cold 
front. Just the time of year for some romantic warm-up. Hence, 
in plenty of time for Valentines Day, the Love Issue of Playboy; 
think of it as sexercise for the heartstrings. Under the guidance 
of editor John Rezek, we offer an issue in which nearly every fea- 
ture is on the complex, many-splendored subject of lov 

First we take on those damnably persistent questions about a 
vital blood-filled organ that is said not to function well in males. 
Were speaking, of course, of Mens Hearts. Physician 
novelist-film director Michael Crichton—of Andromeda Strain 
fame—found man’s romantic pulse to be plenty strong, thank 
you; women just have to be willing to listen and communicat 

Denis Boyles, a co-author of The Modern Mans Guide to Life (fea- 
tured in our December 1987 issue), is a prime source of solid 
advice on things masculine. In A Thinking Mans Guide to Losing 
Your Head, he shows how to fall in love without breaking your 
heart or your bank account. The key: learning 10 control your 
fall and protect your tender body parts. 

Novelist Horry Crews—author, most recently, of The Knockout 
Artist—speaks up for lust in The Wisdom of the Groin. His story of 
a married friend, caught naked on the root while chasing a coed, 
gets to the heart of loves true sell. In That Cheating Heart, Ben 
Stein issues a ringing apologia to infidelity, seeing in it every man's 
struggle with mort 

Asa Beber is a double threat in this special issue, writing of 
women and rejection in his Men column and contributing a short 
story, Casanovas Ghost (illustrated by Dennis Mukai), about the 
demons and angels who negotiate our 

Elsewhere, you'll learn to fight fair in Rules of Engagement, 
peck in on Courtships Weirder than Ours and find out, at last, How 
lo Sleep with Women—all humorously illustrated by Everett Peck. 
And what better time for the lusty, glorious Year in Sex? 

Of course, all love and no work makes a dull Playboy, so we hit 
the beat with investigative reporter Bob Woodward in this month's 
interview. He sits down with J. Anthony Lukes, himself a two-time 
Pulitzer Prize winner, for some sharp talk on sex and polit 

Now, you may wonder whether Edito Chief Hugh M. Hefner's 
engagement to Kimberley Conrad made us decide to launch a Love 
Issue, We'll say this: It didn't hi 

who like 
to smoke... 



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PLAYBILL esce 1 
PLAYBOY AFTER HOURS . ....... E «diee De re n 
MEN. ... ASA BABER 30 
DEAR PLAYMATES. ...... 38 

PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: BOB WOODWARD-candid conversation .*- 
HOW YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE... ..compiled by JEAN PENN 87 
CASANOVA'S GHOST—fiction. . . . ASA BABER 96 
EDEN REVISITED—playboy's playmate of the month 
RIO'S GRANDI—pictorial 
THE YEAR IN SEX—pictorial. . . 


Back to Eden 


163 Fashion with Passion 

COVER STORY Love is in the air, ond Michelle Smith is Cupid’s target. Con- 
tributing Photographer Stephen Wayda shot the cover, for which Michelle's 
hair was styled by John Victor and her moke-up by Pot Tomlinson. Lee Ann 
Perry was the stylist. Michelles sexy dress was designed by Christopher 
Clover, her gloves by Naomi Misle. Quoth the Rabbit: "It's oll in the wrist” 




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ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director 
and associate publisher 
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor 
TOM STAEBLER art director 
GARY COLE photography director 
G. BARRY GOLSON executive editor 


Gale editor, Fl B ir 
y DAVID STEVENS semior edi 
DER, ED WALKER associate edito 

staff writer; AUGER, BARBARA NELLIS. 
WENDY ZABRANSKY assistant — editor. 
BOURAS edi AURIE ROGERS assisiant editor; LEE 
archers, CON- 
LIAMSON (movies AN 
KERIG POPE managing director; CHET SUSKI. LEN 
WILLIS senior directors; BRUCE HANSEN assoctate 
directors; DEBLE KONG, KEN OVRYN junior directors; 
ANN SEIN Gon dino and pasie-np arlist; una 
MAN administrative manager 


AN associate edilo 
stant editor; von 

staff photographer; kt 

rapher; DAVID CHAN. 

LEE WELLS stylist; S 
isor; JOHN GOSS bus 


JOHN MASTRO director; MARIA MANDIS manager; 
RITA JOHNSON assistant manager; ELEANORE WA 

MIKE OSTI KI correspondents 

ate director 

MICHAEL T GARR advertising director; 20 QUILLA 
midwest manager; Ja 

york manager; WOMERT TRAMONDO category man 
ager; JOHN PEASLEY direct n 

JOHN a. scorr president, publishing group; 
EILEEN KENT contracts administrator; MARCIA TER- 
KONES rights © permissions mana 





WEXGOBUWHEUUWAT EA Tnrremier wor uo AE Fasz 
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Hello, my name Is Jeffery DeMarco, president and founder of Pyraponic Industries. My master's 
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On average, the Phototron draws only $4.00 per month in elec- 
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You can not fall with my Phototron. I do not allow any of my 
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EDER vous GeownIG 






Just a short note to say that the cover of 
the November issue has to be one of the 
most imaginative that you've designed in 
quite a while. There will definitely be a se- 
quel to Who Framed Roger Rabbit if Laura 
Richmond is around! 

Mike Venia 
Adrian, Michigan 

Your November cover with Playmate 
Laura Richmond portraying Toontowns 
seductress Jessica Rabbit sure wants to 
make me dabble in water colors. 

Michael L. McCarty 
Davenport. lowa 


Playboy is out of line with the replay 
given to Panta sons allegations 
against Senator Dan Quayle in your 
November Women of Washington pictorial. 
1 had the impression that The Playboy Phi- 

the business of the people who are married 
and no one else's. That is a view with which 
I heartily agree. 

‘The last good President we had was Jack 
Kennedy; after 25 years of inadequate 
leadership from the White House, it seems 
that a Presidential (or Vice-Presidential) 
candidate who is married and allegedly 
fools around should be the least of our 

Michael K. Flesher 
Oceanside, California 


Jerry Stahl's article Mondo Weirdo 
(Playboy, November) correctly asserts that 
we have a natural love for the eccentric 
However, Stahl barely scratches the sur- 
face with his assertion that "in the same 
way that nightly body counts 

with rouge on his checks have anestheti 
the popular psyche.” Am I the only one to 
draw some sort of conncctio 
Sixties, global violence has 

such a point that wars in Iran/Iraq and 
Afghanistan, to name a couple, haven't 
even merited attention on the si: 
news. (Quick, name three hostages 
their. captor with a near 
decade of Ronnie in Fantasyland and it 
should be obvious that not only do we love 
the oddballs but, hell, we need them, for 
balance, if nothing else. 

If anyone who read Robert Scheers 
profiles of George Bush and Michael 
Dukakis (The Men Who Would Be Presi- 
dent, Playboy, November) voted for either 
man, he went straight past weird to ultra 
friggin’ gonzo. Personally, I support the 
candidate whose slogan his time, why 
not the weirdest?” applies to the times. 
speaking, of course, of Bloom County's Bill 
D. Cat. You can't get much weirder than 

Dana Cieslak 
East Boston, Massachusetts 


The Men Who Would Be President 
(Playboy, November), by Robert Scheer, 
gives new meaning to the phrase “Figures 
don’t lie, but liars can figure.” Scheer ap- 
pears to have the same attitude as most 
politicians on matters of responsibility: 
i.e. that individuals are not responsible for 
their actions, the systcm 

Mark M. Yogodzinski 
Newton, Massachusetts. 


In the November Playboy Interview, 
Bruce Willis proves 10 the world that 
is not quite as shallow as 
television machismo 
a guise. But in reading the iner- 

; one can see right through the mask 
of toughness that hides an insecure 
schmuck. He makes a true blunder when 

describing his first sexual encounter. Of 
course, I would expect Bruce to come up 
with some fairy tale that fit his assumed 
persona. A guy as cool as he could not pos- 
sibly have gotten laid like a normal kid. A 
guy who likes to party as hard and blast 
music as loud as he obviously should be 


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n older chick, and then fuck 
y room, at the age of 1. 
s the nerve to complain that he 
didnt get for another six months. 
Now, this story struck me as such obviou: 
bullshit from the start that I originally 
passed over Willis blatant error. Besides 
the fact that very few people get laid at 14 
and give the chick an o m on their first 
try, and that no M-year-olds work as bell- 
boys, Willis says he walked out whistling 
the theme from The Godfather. Vf, as he 
purports, he was H when he nailed his 
first piece of ass, then thc ycar was 1969. 
Everyone knows that The Godfather wasn't 
released until 1972, making Willis a pitiful 
liar. Either he made up the entire story or 
else he was 17 when he first got it. It is sad 
that Will we of a cool guy has forced 
him to fictionalize his life. But I guess no 
one is as cool as he believes he is. 
J. Forstadt 
Middletown, Connecticut 
Bruce Willis says he must have been mis- 
taken about the song. It was the theme from 


In his September and October Men 
columns, Asa Baber criticizes the 
"monopoly of feminist thought" on college 
ampuses and the virtual exclusion. of 
men's studies from academic attention. To 
illustrate his point, he lists the many 
courses in Dartmoutlis womens-studies 
ng with women's issues. No 
tably lacking from Baber' list, however, is 
the program's introductory course—Wom- 
en Studies Ten: Sex, Gender and Society — 
a course that I and other male members of 
the Dartmouth faculty frequently te: 
collaboration with other womenis-studies- 
program facult 

As the descriptive title of this i 
introductory course makes clear, it 

means confined to womens issues. Rather, 
its focus is on the “gender system,” the 
complex pattern of role relations in our 
society by which men and women are 
mutually defined. Male socialization and 
other concerns that form a part of men's 
studics are thus a vital component of this 

L sha 

re Baber's belief that the field of 

men’s studies is important and merits a 
ce in our curriculum. But 1 

much fuller p 
would add that the current emph: 

s on 
nouth and else- 
¡equity or liber- 

sues at Dar 

notable v 
made women scholars and 
writers pioneers in its study. The field of 
women's studies is thus a crucial beginning 
of the kind of expanded study of gender of 
which men’s studies are a part 
Ronald M. Green 
John Phillips Professo 
Dartmouth College 
Hanover, New Hampshire 

der system 

of Religion 

Baber responds: 

Have women really been "the most notable 
victims of the gender system," or have men 
shared equally in those risks and inequities? 
Given the military draft, divorce and child- 
custody laws, unequal longevity rales and a 
host of other problems, arent men struggling 
in this culture, too? Perhaps those are ques- 
tions that a wable mens-studies program at 
Dartmouth could help answer. 1 hope Profes- 
sor Green is doing something about setting 
up such a program—and 1 hope he doesn't 
think that Women Studies Ten is an adequate 
response to the issue, 


So very glad my favorite Rabbit got to go 
on the Discovery's flight! 

sas newspaper The white portion of the 

ship makes a perfect Rabbit Head, with its 

nose to the right instead of the left. Love it! 
Dick Courtney 
WaKeeney, Kansas 

Alter reading Cynthia Heimels October 
Women column, “Texas Crude," I had to 
write to say that she is amazing. Her in- 
sight and perspective never cease to move 
me. That is not to say that I always agree 
with her. However, she invariably manages 
to ignite my emotional and intellectual 
fuel. Dont ever let this lady leave Playboy. 
Douglas Rush 
Salt Lake City, Utah 


As one who has struggled with anorexia 
a good part of my life, studied it and 
(mostly) triumphed over it, I was deeply 
touched by what Asa Baber writes in his 
November Men column, "Snow White's 
Asa, you got it exactly right, 1 
have never seen it written about more clo- 
quently or more compassionately Your 
words are going to help a lot of men and 
women, They ma 
ships that would otherwise be spl 
They may even save a li 

Bless Asa Baber for his Nov 
column, wl 

mber Men 
y disorders 

in women. This is an issue that needs to be 
addressed not only by the women who are 
afflicted with it but also by the ones who 
love them. And the most powerful thing a 
man can do to help a woman with an eat- 
ing disorder (aside from a subtle steering 
toward therapy) is to make sure that she 
knows he loves her for who she is, not for 
what her body looks like. 

Todays culture demands that. women 
look and dress like 16-year-old adolescent 
males: no breasts or hips, undefined limbs, 
no shape at all to speak of. What many 
women really w; the OK from the 
fashion industry, and from the men they 
love, 10 have the bodies that women really 
have—wi nd softness. It is my 
experience that many men would prefer a 
woman who's about ten pounds heavier in 
bed than out of it. Would that wc could 
oblige. Lets take a vote, guys: Who would. 
you rather jump in the sack with— Twiggy 
or Bette Midler? lll put my money on 
Bette any d 

Laura Wamelink 
Nashua, New Hampshire 

Asa Baber's column “Snow Whites Mir- 
ror" needs to be shouted through a meg 
phonc to every male who loves and cares 
for a woman caught in the clutches of 
anorcxia/buliri And it is a must read for 
any woman hauling around the excess bag- 
gage of a poor physical self-image coupled. 
with an cating disorder! 

For almost ten years of my life, it was Me 
and My Shadow (bulimia) looking into the 
mirror. 1 felt like the Three Faces of Eve 
with a different body type to fit my many 

wod swings. It was either the 400-pound 
circus lady or the young woman with the 
Popsicle-stick frame and no cellulite. Occa- 
sionally, the real me would surface—a 
preuy woman in her early 20s who felt 
good about herself (but bulimia always 
darted in and out to spoil everything). 

Finally. two years of weeklv sessions with 
a psychiatrist trained in ng disorders 
helped pave my way to freedom. And last, 
but certainly not least, was my husband, 
who stood by me, supporting me every 
paintul step of the way. 

Kathleen M. Rodgers 
Alexandria, Lo na 

Being a gradi 

ble to fi 
in the Nittany Lions, Howe 'ovember 
Playmate Reyes has changed that for 
me. She is, indeed, a very beautiful wom- 
an. I believe if we were to get together, we 
would be able to work out all our rival dif- 
ferences. If you could arrange this, 1 am 
sure both centers of higher learning would 
beneht and fully app: te this pea 

Rick Rasz 
Cleveland, Ohio 

Instant-on radar: 

How it works. How to defend yourself. 

[n on radar—sometimes called "pulse" 

radar—has been around foryears, But it's being 

used more frequently now as radar operators 

try to defeat detector users. Here's how it works. 
First things first 

Ordinary radar and instant-on radar use 
exactly the same type of radar beams. In fact, 
most radar guns can operate either way. It's just 
a matter of which buttons the operator pushes. 

How ordinary radar works 

In an ordinary radar trap, the radar gun is 
aimed at traffic and it continuously transmits 
a beam of radar waves The effertive range for 
the radar to "see" your speed is less than a 
half mile for most cars, longer for trucks. 

How radar detectors work 

Aradar detector is a radio receiver tuned to 
radar frequency. A high-performance radar 
detector is sensitive enough to pick up the 
radar waves before you drive within speed 
measuring range. It's as simple as that. 

How Instant-on radar works 

The instanton radar trap is set up just like 
an ordinary radar trap. The only difference is 
that the gun doesn't transmit until the operator 
pushes a button. So there is no radar signal 
for a radar detector to find. 

Then when you're within speed-measuring 
ran£e, the operator triggers the beam. Hence 
the term "instant.on: The radar reads your 
speed within a fraction of a second. too quickly 
for a human to respond. 

Your only hope. 

Because instant-on radar is faster than your 
reflexes, your only defense is to identify it 
before you are within its range. You must detect 
it when the operator zaps the traffic ahead of 
you. For this, your detector must reach out for 
distant radar signals. 

The Kustom Signals HA-12 anc KA-1, two of the mary regar 
units that can be operated ín an instanton or "nuse" mode. 

Yov're looking for weak radar that lasts only 
a few seconds. Finding even one such "pulse" 
is cause for alert. Finding a series of them, 
each stronger than the previous one, indicates 
yov're approaching an instant-on radar trap 
that's picking off traffic ahead. 

‘Same old strategy 

Identifying instant-on radar before you come 
in range is the only defense today, just as it 
was when we first introduced Escort. That's why 
our warning system, used on both Escort and 
Passport, tells you both the strength of the 
signal and the length of it. You need to know 
both to defend yourself. 

Nothing but the truth 

Our warning system indicates signal strength 
two ways: by a meter for a visual check, by a 
variable-rate beeper if you prefer to listen. The 
length of the signal is indicated by the duration 
of the alert. Knowing signal strength and signal 
length of every radar encounter is the only way 
10 find instant-on radar before it finds you. 

Escort and Passport are the most effective 
radar-warning instruments available. But don't 
take our word for it. 

When you understand that instant-on radar is nothing 
more than ordinary radar being turned on and off. the 
threat losesits mystery. Defense comes down to detecting, 
the radar before it's strong enough to find you. 

Aaloney breakthrough. Yet one cetecior maker has 
added a feature it calls "Pulse Protaction’ to one of its. 
mocels. Here's what it does: 

When this unit detects the sudden presence of a high 
strength signal, a "P" appears on its display and it sounds 
a special alarm. This is your "Pulse Protection: 

The fine print. Unfortunately, the sudden presence of a 
high strengin signal describes an instant-on encounter 
when you're within range. True protection fiom instanton 
depends on responding to weak signals, but "Pulse 
Protection” goest responc to weak signals. 

The maker says this feature "tells you when you're 
being shot at” And that's the problem. When you're being 
'Shotat, i's 100 lae. 

In 1987. Car and Driver, Popular Mechanics 
and Roundel each published independent tests 
ofradar detectors. And each gave us the highest 
ratings. Call toll-free and well send reprints of 
the complete tests, not just excerpts or quotes. 

We're as close as your phone 

We sell direct to you, and we guarantee your 
satisfaction. If you're not entirely satisfied 
within 30 days, return your purchase. We'll 
refund your money and shipping costs. 

To order, call toll-free. Orders in by 5:00 pm 
eastern time go out the same day by UPS and 
we pay the shipping. Overnight delivery is guar 
anteed by Federal Express for only $10 extra. 

Call now and the best defense against 
instant-on radar can be in your car tomorrow. 

Order Today 

TOLL FREE 1-800-543-1608 
(Mon-Fri Bam-Lipm, Sat-Sun 9:30-6 EST) 

By mail send to address below. All orders 
processed immediately. Prices slightly 
higher for Canadian shipments. 

Pocket-Size Radar Protection $295 
(Ohio res. aca $16.23 tax) 



The Classic of Radar Warning $245 
(Ohio Res. add $13.48 tax) 

Cincinnati Microwave 
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Cincinnati. Onio 45249 

©1906 Cancion Microwave, Inc 

Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. 

12 mg. “tar”, 0.9 mg. nicotine av. 
per cigarette by FTC method. 

TODAY ... 

£ 1988 BAWTCo. 



It used to be over when the fat lady sang. 
Now it's over when the pundits slap the 
prefix "post" on it. Have you noticed that 
now we're living in the fostmodern world? 
We've read that our age is posiliberal, post- 
conservative, postteminist, postnuclear and 
posiliterate, among other things. We want 
to know whatever happened to “neo”? 
And Post Toasties, for that matter. 


Postelectorally, we have The New Repub 
lics Hendrik Hertzberg to thank for the 
best new term in political parlance: 
pectorate. It refers to journalists, consult- 
ants and spin doctors who play a game of 
expectations during political debates. 
“Quayle was expected to do poorly,” wrote 
Hertzberg. Therefore, the expectorate ex 
pected Quayle to do well, “because expec- 
tations for him were so low that he could 
hardly fail to do beuer than expected.” 
Get it? 

IC Cx- 


Kemps Ice Cream Company in Min- 
neapolis sponsored a Sound of Moosic 
singing contest last year. The rules: a mini- 
mum of lyrics, a maximum of mooing and 
no instrumental accompaniment. The re- 
sults: More than 150 entrants from around 
the country mooed through Moolight 
Sonata (not quite the way Beethoven in- 
tended it), a Ravel homage called Bullero, 
the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's 
Moosiah, plus the more contemporary Blue 
Moo, | Remember Moo and the grand-prize 
winner, Moodolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. 

For just a litte mooooola (six bucks, 
from Kemps Sound of Mocsic, Julie John- 
son, Kemps Ice Cream, Marigold Foods, 
2929 University Avenue S.E., Minneapolis 
55414), you can own a cassette of the 32 
finalists, plus the nine weirdest losers. 


Baseballs spring training is about io 
start and we have a phenom for you— 
Todd Welborn, a relief pitcher with the 
minor-league Jackson Mets in Mississippi. 
What does he have? Dirt. Just a pinch of 

soil between his cheek and gum and he's 
ready to throw. (And we hear his fastball's 
all right, too.) 

Keith Burkman, the Jackson Mets 
grounds keeper, says that Welborn dips 
dirt instead of tobacco because “You don't 
get discascs, there's plenty of it and nobody 
ams it off y 
Burkman says he told Welborn to stop 
dipping field dirt because it's sprayed with 
herbicide. Instead, the grounds keeper be- 
gan to experiment with various flavors of 
dirt for Welborn and has come up with a 
winning recipe. 

"I sift the dirt to get out all the little 
rocks,” Burkman says. “Then I add some 
vanilla extract and some cinnamon. and 
stir it up to get a good consistency. After 
that, I bake it in a microwave for about 30 
seconds to kill the bacteria." 

And who said nouvelle cuisine was dead? 


So you think that cold-as-ice street talk 
on the cop shows is phony? Here's a dose of 
reality—a glossary assembled by the Los 
Angeles Times (with the help of court re- 
porters) that includes the fondest expres- 
sions of L.A. real street punks: 

Fooled out—made a mistake 

Do a train leave 

Do a ghost leave 

Mud duck—ugly girl 

Deuce and a quarter— Buick Electra 995 
Benzo— Mercedes-Benz 

Deuce-deuce 22 
Trey-cight—.38-caliber gun 
Four-five — 45-caliber gun 


liber gun 

Busti —go out shooting 
Ride on—drive-by shooting 
Talking head—ar 
You got four feet?—Want to fight? 
Take out of the box—kill someone 
Dead Presidents —money 
Kite— letter from prison 
Hook— phony pe 
Eight-track—two and a half grams of 



On the pipe—free-basing cocaine 


High beams on—high on cocaine 

Mark— someone who wants to be a gang 

Poohbutt—someone who thinks he is a 
gang member but is not considered worthy 

Glass house— police headq 
1067 Chevrolet (with wrap-around wind- 

Jim Jones—a joint laced with cocaine 
dipped in PCP 

ters or a 


We heard about a new magazine that 
challenges our imagination: Foreshin Quar- 
terly. Reportedly, it features articles on 
travel, circumcision and other personal ex- 
periences. You want it? Write to PO. Box 
11314, San Francisco 94101 


When Doris A. Stokes applied for a 
VISA card over the phone, a Citibank em- 
ployee asked whether she'd like a second 
card for a family member. “Maybe later,” 






“A Jesuit once told 
me that the easiest 
way to prevent your- 
self from committing 
a major sin was to 
watch one or, in the 
age of the VCR, rent 
one."—George Hick- 
enlooper, writer, in 
L.A. Style. 


According to Coi 
verse, Inc., sales fig- 
ures, percentage of 
buyers whose favorite 
color of high-top 

neaker is black, 44; 
white, 27; navy, I 
red, nine; maroon, 
four; pink, two. 

Percentage of new 
United States M.B.A.s 
who have no work ex- 
perience before start- 
ing graduate school: 
11.2. Percentage. who 
have had four years or 

had not se 

had served 


morc of work experience: 30.3. 
Average age of a new M.B.A.: 26. 

Percentage of new M.B.A.s in the 
United States who are Amer 873; 
who are foreign, 127; male, 62.2: fe- 
male, 378; white, 84: Asian, 79; His- 
panic, 3.3; black, 3.2 

Percentage of Army enlistees who are 
black men: 28.2. 
Percentage of female Army enlistees 
who are black: 44.3. 
Percentage of the ollicer corps that 

black: 6.6. 

Percentage of Americans who are 
black: 19. 

Number of calls the Army's coun- 
terespionage toll-free number (1-800- 

service between 19 
27 of the 54 who 
ved in the military, 
H had been in the military but 
had not served in Vietnam. 
1 the Reserves— 
and two had served in View 

CALL-SPY) receives. 
in one y more 
than 20,000. 


Percentage of those 
leads that are fol- 
lowed up: one. 


Number of arrests 
generated by the toll- 
free-number pro- 
gram: zero. 


Number of workers 
needed 10 
CALL-SPY: 13. 


FACT OF THE MONTH Since 1979, 
In a Wall Street Journal sur- centage of 
vey of chief executive officers federally | chartered 
who were eligible for military banks thi ther 
nd 1972, had no loan poli 

nored them: 8l. 

Percentage that 
skirted Federal bank- 
ing laws or internal 
operating proce- 
dures: 69; that lacked 
adequate systems to 
y bad loans: 59. 


ad passive or 
ds of directors: 59. 


Industry with the gre. 
an injury on the job: meat packing. 
Number of on-the-job injuries per 100 
meat-packing workers: 


Second riskiest industry: mobile- 
home manufacturing. Injuries per 100 
workers: 29,8. 

Third riskiest industry: vending- 
machine manufacturing. Injuries per 
100 workers: 28.1. 


Percentage of Ameri 
that they have or will ba 
blood to avoid cont 

Percentage of Am 
AIDS will become epidemic for den- 
tists: 31; for the population at large: 51. 

Stokes answered. In a few weeks, her new 
credit card arrived, along with a second 
card for Maube Later 


Antoinette Giancana: Mafia cook. 

Antoinette Giancana, star of our February 
1987 pictorial Mafia Princess and daughter 
of the late mafioso Sam "Momo" Giancana, 
told us she's writing a book—a Mafia cook- 
book. Not surprising. After all, what was 
her dad up to the night he was rubbed out 
in 1975? Cooking sausages and spinach. 

"Sausage, beans and escarole. That's 
what he was making," Antoinette correct. 
ed us when we recited the old news reports 
to her. “It wasn't spinach, it was escarole,” 
she repeated, ripping the lid off another 
botched police report. “Any Italian would 
know—theres a tremendous. difference, 
but the cops didn't know the difference, 
which is too bad." she added. “At any 
rate, Italians knew what he was cooking 
and that he hadn't added the beans yet 

Antoinette shared the family recipe, 
which will appear in her book, with us, so 
herewith, a preview of the recipe for: 


1% Ibs. Italian sausage (sweet or hot) 
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 
3 doves garlic. minced. 
1 can Great Northern beans, with juice 
1 large head escarole, rinsed 
1 or 2 small chili peppers 
3—4 tablespoons dry white wine 

Sharp Romano cheese, grated 

Sauté sausage in oil. Remove from skil- 
let. Sauté garlic, but do not brown ("lf you 
know what you're doing, cooking Italian 
food, you never overcook your garlic 
Add sausage to skillet ag; along with 
beans. Cook for 5 minutes over medium 
heat, then reduce heat. Add escarole, cover 
nd sinu lor5 or 10 mi 
then add chili peppers, wir 
water if necessary and serve in soup bowls 
with toasted Malian garlic bread on the 
side. "lop with grated sharp Romano 
cheese and serve a good red Italian wine. 
“L prefer a Valpolicella,” said Antoinette 
One thing stumped the Maha princess 
“Why do they call Italians romantic people 
when they eat all that dammed garlic?” 




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Experience the power of THE VIKING KNIFE. A 
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To preserve and protect your imported Viking Knife, 
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Only from The Franklin 
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The Franklin Mint Franklin Center, Pennsylvania 

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KEITH RICHARDS: record company says that 
he's “reluctantly ecstatic” about his first- 
ever solo album, Talk Is Cheap (Virgin). Me, 
too. A combination of insecurity and dedi- 
cation led Richards to stick with the Stones 
almost exclusively for more than 20 years. 
‚ger's solo outings and his re- 
fusal to tour after the last Stones album 
persuaded an angry Richards to take the 
plunge. And while Talk Is Cheap may 
not prove that Keith is all there is 10 the 
Stor gic (maybe two thirds of it), it 
conveys the essence of that band more con- 
vincingly than Jagger's solo efforts. 

At first listening, the album has a sketchy 
work-in-progress kind of feel. Keith is ably 
assisted by such maverick session pros as 
ex-Lale Night drummer Steve Jordan 
(who, with Richards, is the LP's coproduc- 
er), Charlie Drayton and Waddy Wachtel, 
but the real payoff comes when he spins off 
new variations on his patented churning 
riff, most notably on How I Wish. Some of 
the sketchiness may result from Keith's old 
work habits: With the Stones, he'd usually 
cultivate a riff with the rest of the band 
until it flowered into a complete song. 
Here he's jump-starting the process with 
an entirely new crew And the results are 
all the more impressive. The lyrics are 
thoughtful and heartfelt—and, yes, our 
boy can be brutally frank, as on You Don't 
Move Me, a searing dressing down of his 
old friend Jagger. Keith's singing is more 
than serviceable most of the time. But on 
mid-tempo rockers and ballads, such as 
Locked Away and Rockawhile, vou really 
miss ol' Hot Lips. This would have been 
the best Stones record in two decades. It’s 
still the best Stones album this decade and 
proof that the heart of the Stones is alive 
and beating— hard. Play it loud. 


Luther Vandross’ Any Love (Ep 
his best album, but then, when 
consistent as this composer-produce 
singer, it’s hard to say that one project is 
beuer than another. Each of his five other 
albums has sold more than 1,000,000 
copies. And cach has containcd at least one 
classic ballad performance, either inter- 
pr ions of standards (A House Is Not a 
Home, Superstar) or self-penned hits, such 
as So Amazing. Vandross’ musical catalog is 
so impressive that he merits comparisons 
to vocal giants as diverse as Sam Cooke, 
Nat "King" Cole and Dionne Warwick. 
The fact that Vandross isn’t as well known 
as, say, Whitney Houston or Anita Baker— 
both fine singers, but neither has his track 
record—is an example of images winn 
out over talent. Vandross, a heavy-set 
who shies away from interviews and non- 

Stone alone. 

Whitney and Anita are fine, 
but, Nelson asks, what 
about Luther Vandross? 

musical public appearances, is not natural 
-video material. But why should he 
be? From the beginning, he, along with his 
requent collaborators Marcus Miller and 
Nat Adderley, [r., has understood how to 
showcase his creamy-smooth tenor, high- 
lighting both his technical facility and h 
romanticism, For this album’ classic p 
formances, check out his cover of Major 
Harris Love Won't Let Me Wait, as well as 
The Second Time Around and the title song. 


UY Rattle and Hum (Island) is big, it’s 
bombastic, irs mythmaking, it wears its 
heart on its sleeve and drenches itself in 
historicity, And that’s why I love it 

Rattle and Hum is the first U2 album to 
come to grips with the blucs at the heart of 
odern popular music, and I dont mean 
the overt Delta influences on Silver and 
Gold or the duet with B. B. King on When 
Love Comes to Toren as much as the entire 
shape and spirit of the performances. 

This is the album on which U2 makes 
case for inclusion in the rock-and-roll pan- 
thcon. Sure, thats pretension, but who 
cares? The point isn't that U2 has reached 
for the sky but that its versions of Helter 
Skelter and All Along the Watchtower it 
own, not just homages to the Beatles and 

Dylan and Hendrix. 
It would be a very silly critic, 
who didn't nov 

c that Bonos submersior 
Godhead strains agai 

in a lov 

egotism, and I've always been oifended by 
the Chi nity that suggests, in 
Pride, that Martin Luther King, Jr's, mar- 
tyrdom was the only fitting measure of his 
life. But only liotic critic would let that 
stuff get in the way of guitar lines as strong 
as the ones Edge conjures up in Desire and 
All t Want Is You or of singing as powerful 
as Bono’ on Desire—or, for that matter, of 
ranting and preaching as useful as his on 
Bullet the Blue Sky. U2 is a great rock-and- 
roll band, and with Rattle and Hum, it sets 
a mark not only for the rest of its career but 
for everybody else who picks up a gu 
the next few years, 


jor can be used as a wall to defend 
gainst unwanted feelings invading from 
the unconscious, or it can be used as a 
bridge to those same feelings, making the 
unbearable bearable or at least more un- 
derstandable, Most television comedians 
are wall humorisis. Randy Newman is a 

NIA PEEPLES is a triple threat. After a 
three-year run in TVS "Fame" shes 
now enjoying Ihe success of her first 
LP. "Nothin' but Trouble,” and star- 
ring in the science-fiction big-screener 
"Deep Six." This month. we pul her to 
work critiquing U2% sound track 
“Rattle and Hum.” 

“l am fascinated by what U2 is 
saying—these guys truly say what 
they want the way they want to say i 
which is every artists goal. Some 
people haven't liked the stylistic di- 
versity of this record, but it works 
well for me. U2 is just reaching fur- 
ther back to its roots in America 
Gospel and rhythm-and-blues. De- 
sire emerges from a rock-a-billy base 
and / Still Haven't Found What Pm 
Looking For has been changed 
forever by the addition of the Gospel 
choir Voices of Freedom. The music 
blends beautifully with the lyrical 
theme, which involves U?'s glimpses 
of the United States during the 
Joshua Tire tour. U2 really made me 
stop and think about America. Now 
nt to catch up on U2's earlier 

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Tanal eaa Metal llo 
ee | c+ l cr le Ir Ic 
e | RER 
Ener. jme ll a ese [se Mes 
Luther Vandross | | | | | 
Any Love [thee B— B A— B 

Recbok is said to bc 
Mick Jagger for wearing his Nike run- 
ning shoes in public. Why? Because 
Reebok is sponsoring his Australian 
tour Jagger has promised to wear 
Reeboks, but, as Keith could tell com- 
pany spokesmen, Talk Is Cheap. 

REELING AND ROCKING: Video director 
David Rathod, who done clips for 
Huey Lewis and the Bengles, is pl. 
a heavy-metal feature called 
Crash and Burn. . . . Tom Waits has an- 
other movie wrapped up, a black cor 
dy with Sally Kirkland, Rip Tom and Keith 
Corradine called Cold Feet. Robbi 
Robertson is beginning a new movie 
called Insomnia, about a Sixties rock 
idol who drops out for a while and rc- 
turns to find the music scene radically 

NEWSBREAKS: Dionne Warwick has taped 
a pilot for a talk show, Dionne and 
Friends. .... V he Dead's drummer Mickey 
Hort is working on an adaptation. of 
Peter and the Wolf for TV and home 
video. It will use skiers to enact the 
classic. . . | Fox Broadcasting has con 
mitted itself. to airing a series of 
ht rock shows from ve 
ues around the world, starting this 
i - Showtime plans to air four 
g Pink Floyd's last 
Miami Sound Machine's homecom- 
ng concerts, à Hall and Oates show in 
n and Steve Winwood's Royal Albe 
Hall concert. . . . Aretha will duet with 
James Brown on her next albun 2 
Michael Jackson has so much money, he's 
giving chunks of it away. The Bad Tour 
has sold $108,000,000 worth of tickets 
so far and another $25,000,000 in 
memorabilia. Michael presented Mo- 
town Museum founder Berry Gordy with 

a clieck from proceeds of a Detroit con- 
cert to pave the way lor community 
grants. . . . Willis "Bebop" Edwords, B. B. 

Kings road m 

ng à book 

ager, is wr 

about the blues guitarist, B. B. King: 
Then and Now. .. . Elton John has come 
off the read to record but will tour 
America more extensively this year: . .. 
RCA, America’s oldest record label, has 
just enjoyed the most successful year in 
its 87-year history thanks to Dirty 
Dancing, Move Dirty Dancing and 
the company’s catalog of rap groups, 
which combined to make 1988 even 
more profitable than the golden Elvis 
ye - Patti LaBelle has recorded 
Prince-Sheena Easton song, Love 89, for 
her upcoming album. A studio fire 
destroyed Astleys next album. 
/ will have to sing the vocals again 
his producer rerecords the 
- . Siedah Gorrett’s debut album, 
Kiss of Life, is moving along on the 
Garrett, the co-author, with 
ckson, of Man in Ihe Mirror, 
ly had other songs recorded 
bv both Roberto Flock and Aretha 
Franklin. She has also recorded a duet. 
With Choka Khan, which may show up on 
Quincy Jones album. A very busy 
lady. . . . Keep your eye out for events 
sponsored by Musicians for Life, a non- 
profit organization started by Warner 
Communicati response to the 
Surgeon Gener quest that. enter- 
tainers get more involved in AIDS edu- 
A the first spot, which 
ed on the major network s 
nd VH-1. Other stars who'll do 
spots include Peter Gabriel, Los Lobos, Al 
B. Sure!, Rubén Blades ¿nd Whoopi Gold- 
berg. lly. lor all you Beatles [ans 
who've grown tired of Albert Goldman 
and want to relive the old days. uy a 
card game called Beatle 
only three dollars (plus one dolla 
postage and handling), you can find out 
what near catastrophe in May 1963 in 
the Canary Islands almost ended the 
Fab Four. You can get the game from 
Whit Album Editions, Box 1114-Y, Lan- 

ham, Maryland 20706. 

» than ever on Land of 
Dreams (Reprise), which contains his first 
three explicitly autobiographical songs. 
Newman knows how miserable he was as a 
child but never sinks into self-pity with his 
almost surreal eye for detail and sense of 
compassion for all his characters. Besides 
childhood, Newman returns here to two 
e themes: racism and greed 
It's Money That Matters sums up the mood 
of our time about as well as any song I've 
heard this year. If it weren't funny, it would 
just be unbearable, 

Whenever my cat takes a dump, he hops 
onto the sink 1 to his litter box and 
yowls the feline equivalent of “Look on my 
works, ye mighty, and despair.” Much as I 
like my cat, I daily ponder the question 
But is it art?” When I listen to Bon Jovi, I 
think of my cat. New Jersey (Mercury) at- 
tempts to step up from the litter box of 
power schmaltz to the pop metal of Def 
and the mythos of Bruce Sp 
money to spend in the 
dio, Bon Jovi docs a good job of sound 
Def Leppard. Having spent no time 
learning to write, it docs an excellent job of 
sounding like Springsteen when he's more 
ham bone than mythmaker. Look on the 
charts, ye mighty, and despa 


No sooner did Richard Thompson 
dump his spouse and partner, Linda, in 
g ad for 
His solo al- 
ns started off vaguely unsatisfying and 
ader every time out. Since Thomp- 
son is a world-class gi and composer 
who can outsing Ry Cooder himself. it's 
news that Amnesio (Capitol) is at leas 
improvement and maybe the rock 
he has been aiming at all dec 
no longer cries out for Linda’s acrid con- 
tralto and contrary soul. I must note, how- 
ever, that some romantic reversal or other 
has inspired a set of love songs even nastier 
than has been his nasty habit. The uproar- 
ious revenge hyperbole of Don't Tempt Me 
is the pole that defines the regrets of no 
fewer than six additional songs. Thomp- 
son seems to thrive on frictior 

Back from limbo at less apparent pi 
sonal cost are two veteran soul singers 
who've never been saddled with that label. 
Both reggae fixture ‘Toots Hibbert and 
blueswoman-to-the-stars Etta J 
chosen the same route back: via Me 
Toots in Memphis (Mango) is.a cover 
that doesn't coy—these oldies taught Toots 
to sing, though never (before) for the 
record. His Otis Redding is as on it as any- 
one who knows his sound would figure; his 
Jackie Moore and Ann Peebles are strokes. 
nd) is more 
but its deep groove is pure 
Stax-Volt, the kind of firm musical ground 
she hasnt stood on since she provided make- 
out music at basement parties 25 years ago. 
Her Otis Redding aint bad, either. 


good movies that crept out of town 

Eyewitness: William Hurt opposite a 
post-Alien Sigourney Weaver in an 
ing thriller about a high-rise janitor who 
hasacrush ona T M newswoman 

Clever scr oe omnik characters from NS 
guys who brought you Breaking Away. 
EX: The utle killed it. Fe 

trade jargon for cinematic special effects, 
trickily hi 

ched to the plot of a smooth, 
starring Australia's 
with feisty, reliable Brian 
hy as top cop on the case. 

Just Tell Me What You Want: Back in 1980, we 
called it “sophisticated comedy in cold 
blood." Ali MacGraw and Alan King sull 
score as combative valentines—bitchy mis- 
tress vs. ruthless tycoon. Best scene: Ali's 
purse-Hailing assault on King in front of 
stunned shoppers at Bergdort 



Women have their own favorite hot movies, 
and they dont star Charles Bronson. We 
made an unscientific survey of the women 
we know and came up with a list. 

Swept Away . Rich bitch gets mz 
on a desert island with her se 
turns boss and gives the orders; 
up a good fight but soon succumbs to the 
man-on-top-in-the- position. Women 
just love a take-charge kind of guy. 
Dracula: You know the story. But this vam- 



Brief Encounter (two morrieds meet ond cheot; commuter 
passion you never got from Meryl and Bob in Falling in 
Love); Shampoo (Warren Beatty blow-dries most of Bever- 
ly Hills); From Here to Eternity (Burt Lancoster ond the 
captain's wife in the famous sex- 



Straight fram the heart: The Way We Were, Zeffirellis 
Romeo and Juliet, Wuthering Heights. Also, on lond 
Gene with the Wind ond Out of Ai 
African Queen and Houseboat; in the oir: An Officer and 
a Gentleman and Top Gun. 

Heartburn (Streep ond Nicholson divorce Washington 
style; best mave: the coke in the face); Shoot the Moon 
(Diane Keotons marriage goes bust—in rhe fierce finale, 
sa does the scenery); Philadelphia Story (Kote Hepburn 
dumps a chump to remarry Cary Grant. Wha wouldrit?). 


Comic Gilbert Goti- 
fried claims to have 
the kind of beyond- 
wretched love lite to 
which most other fun- 
aymen aspire. Who 
better, then, to Wax 
romantic on the per- 
lect Valentines Day 
videos? "For me, Night of the Living Dead is ro- 
mantic because there are human limbs in it. OK, 
not all the limbs are aftached, but | cant be 
picky I thought The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 
was the feel-good movie of its year; but then, I 
always enjoy films about families.” C'mon, Gil, 
aren't there any videos that tug at your heart a 
little? “1 rented Love Story once. Ever since 
then, | hang out at singles bars and go up to the 
first woman who coughs. But for the most part, 
Women like romantic films, men are into pure 
filth. Let's face it; when an actor and an actress 
kiss in a movie, women sigh, men say, ‘Good, 
here comes the fuck scene!" — — uum roc 

pire is Frank Langella and women happily 
bare their throats for him. 

The Big Easy: ‘Tough New Orleans cop sc- 
duces a reluctant DA. the old-fashioned 
way: He earns it. Women love a man who 
takes his time, and no lady can resist Den- 
nis Quaid's slow, easy tease. 

Body Heat: Then again, sometimes you just 

1; On water: The 

-the-surf scene). 


Two Moon Junction (rich bride-to-be discovers kinky VCR 

sex with local carny; fram the screenwriter of 92 Weeks); 
White Mischief (depraved Brit colaniols steam up Foi 
Kenya with exotic bed-hopping); Call Me (lonely newspo- 
per lady finds new ways ta hang an the phone). 

skip the foreplay. When William Hurt 
throws that chair through the door to get 
Kathleen Turner, she ignites, along with 
women everywhere. Splendor in the glass; 

lust doesn't ge get any better than this. 
Last Tango in Paris: The classic: frenzied, 
passionate sex with no names ‘Two 

strangers meet, mate; then she kills him 
Women have a bit of praying mantis in 
them, dont they? 

The Story of "O^: A woman becomes a sex 
slave to please her lover, who likes to play 
with whips, chains and other toys. Kinky? 
Definitely. But the slave ultimately be- 
comes the master, and that’s what pushes a 
womansrLw button. —PHYLLIS HALLIDAY 


Warm Up with Traci Lords: Yep. the for- 
merly underaged porn star is back on 
video—this time in a bona fide exercise 
tape. Are her new routines as high-impact 
as the old ones? Not really: They were 
choreographed by Tanya Evereit of the 
Presidents Council on Physical Fitness. 
God bless America (Starmaster). 

Hollywood Scandals and Tragedies: 
James Dean's bisexuality, Vivien Leigh's 
nymphomania. Errol Flynn's weakness for 


Best lts-3-Coin-Flip Video: Eat or Be Eaten; 
Best Art-Instruction Video: Nude Beach Body 
Paintings Weirdest Special-Interest-Group Vid- 
o: Clowns for Christ; Worst Fashion Video: TV 
or Not TV: The World of Cress-Dressing: Best 
“Lets Not" Video: Lets Tap; Best We'd-Sooner- 
Swallow-Arsenic Video: Take Time with Pat 
Boone; Best Sure-to-Be-a-Cult-Classic Video: 
English Irregular Verbs. Best Its-a-Living 
Video: Bread Dough Folk Art. 

young girls—its all here in a vid docu- 
mentary that claims to reveal the inside- 
Tinseltown dirt (MPI). 


Bang Zoom!: Just when you thought 
camcorders were as simple as point and 
shoot, along comes the Hitachi gang with a 
VM-3150 model that features a snooping 
1.5x telephoto lens adapter—and that’s on 
top of a 6:1 zoom. Talk about getting up 
close and personal! 

Stay Put: For video-disc owners who dont 
like getting off their rumps mid-movie, Pi- 
oneer's LD-WI player has two disc drives 
and four laser hookups—so you can play 
both sides without so much as a flip. 





vum wakes the world go round in 
Working Girl (Fox). an assured and glitzy 
mantic comedy about sexual chemistr 
between corporate climbers. Melanie 

flith, playing an ambitious y 
from Staten Island, purrs it 
wheeler-dealer Harrison Ford: 
head for bi 
there anything wrong with that?” In 
Melanie's case, the answer is a resounding 
no. Ford, ıghly engaging as he 
horny partner in a multimillion-dollar 
financial coup, seems to be turned on by 
Melanies shrewd bu se—that 
alone may be an indication of the new way 
moviemakers are looking at women. On 
the other hand, the lard dressed-for- 
success ballbuster is played with fine 
flourishes by Sigourney Weaver as the boss 
lady whose skiing accident gives our hero- 
ine a chance to sneak in some take-ove: 
moves on her own. Sound familiar? 
Michael ]. Fox bounced through very simi- 
lar shenanigans in The Secret of My Success, 
a 1987 megahit. Here, while Kevin Wade's 
screenplay hardly lights up the board with 
originality, the formula still works, because 
director Mike Nichols puts some fresh spin 
on it with an all but irr ible cast. vvv. 


When toting up the triumphs of late 
1988, reserve another spot in the winner's 
circle for Meryl Streep. Without her, A Cry 
in the Dark (Warner) might resemble one of 
TVs earnest docudramas about justice 
miscarried. With her, it's a riveting Streep 
sweep of major proportions, recapping the 
ordeal of Lindy Chamberlain, an Aus- 
tralian woman whose trial for the 1980 
murder of her infant daughter became a 
ional sensation, Chamberlain claimed 
that a dingo carried off her baby while she, 
her husband (played to the hilt by Sam 
Neill) and their three children were vaca- 
tioning at a campground. As directed by 
Fred Schepisi, the story is compelling in it 
self, made more so by Streep vivid work 
as a tough-minded religious zealot who all 
but challenges the jury to convict her, be- 
cause she wont take the witness stand pre- 
tending to be a wounded doe or anything 
but what she is—innocent. While they still 
debate that question down under, Lindy 
Chamberlain has been officially exonera 
ed, and Streep summarizes her case in 
some wrenching movie moments you wont 
soon forget. YYYY 


The political climate of the Deep South 
has changed dramatically since 1964, 
three young male civil rights workers 
murdered in Mississippi. The land- 
ly brought their Killers 
10 court, if not to justice, inspired director 
Alan Parker's ippi Burning (Orion), a 
fictionalized, fiercely exciting message 

Weaver Working with Ford. 

Banish winter's chill with 
a trio of comedies, two 
powerful fact-filled dramas. 

movie written in blood, sweat and tears. 
The screenplay, a hard-hitting polemic by 
Chris Gerolmo, explores FBE efforts to 
break through a stonewalling society of 
Southern bigots. But even the Bureau's 
good guys (Gene Hackman and Willem 
Dafoe) are locked in a contest of wills 
about which way to go. Dafoe is solid as a 
by-the-book agent in charge of the investi- 
gation, while Hackman—a dynamic actor's 
actor who never lets a scene slip away from 
him—sets the tone as a tough, shrewd 
Southern-born veteran with a strong-arm 
approach to law enforcement. His meth 
ods, however, don't preclude cozying up to 
a gentle beautician (Frances McDormand) 
who's married to a local deputy sheriff 
(Brad Dourif). All the performances are 
first rate in a sizzling slice of social h 
tory about the baule for hearts and 
minds. ¥w¥¥ 


The troubled teenager (Alyson Hanni- 
gan) reports to her blissed-out dad (Dan 
Aykroyd) that his sexy new bride (Kim 
Basinger) has peculiar habits: “I saw her 
drink the battery juice from your Hondi 
That, with a slew of variations, pretty well 
sums up the humor of My Stepmother Is an 
Alien (WEG/Columbia). Four writers take 
credit for an immensely silly screenplay 
with a high-concept premise—eccentric 
widowed scientist accidentally beams down 
an extraterrestrial golden girl and marries 
her. While the premise never develops into. 
embling a plot, Aykroyd is of- 
ten hilarious as the pie-eyed beneficiary of 

Basinger's discovery that earthly sex has a 
lot of wham-bam cosmic potential. Clearly 
cognizant that Kim is an out-of-this-world 
comedienne who could stop traffic in 
space, director Richard Benjamin dotes on 
her curves as if to compensate. for 100 
many uninspired lines. Night 
Lives Jon Lovitz forces chuckles from a 
largely irrelevant role as Aykroyd's randy, 
jest-propelled brother. But even a fire- 
cracker string of intergalactic sex gags 
cant lift Stepmother up from medioc- 
rity Y 


g back at the war in Vietnam 
from this distance in time, The Iron Triangle 
(Scotti) is an earnest, highly emotional 
combat drama that tries to give both sides 
a fair shake, The Killing Fields Oscar win- 
ner Haing Ngor brings resonance to his 
peripheral role Cong captain, but 
the movie's m: the relation 
ship between a captive US. officer (Beau 
Bridges) and the young Cong guerrilla 
(Liem Whatley) who saves his life, Filmed 
in Sri Lanka and full of fierce, gutsy baule 
scenes that Platoon might have envied, Tri- 
angle dilutes its do-gooder intentions with 
déjà vu. YY 


ably improved, 
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Orion) is more or 
a remake of Bedtime Story, a mediocre 
1964 comedy with David Niven and a mis- 
Now Michael C: 
and Steve Martin are gloriously odd-cou- 
pled as con men on the Riviera, fleceing 
rich women and singling out a flaky young 
ican they assume to be a soap-com- 
pany heiress (played with impish charm by 
Glenne Headly). Director Frank Oz fields 
this talented trio in a triumphantly screw 
ball caper film with a delicious final twist. 
One or two slow spots, but the actors 
waltz around them and send you home 
happy. ¥¥¥¥ 



The madcap guys who created Airplane! 
are at it again in The Naked Gun (Para- 
mount), a sorry spoof of cops-and-killers 
movies borrowed from their own TV se 
ries, Police Squad! Leslie Nielsen, Priscill. 
Presley and Ricardo Montalban head a cast. 
heavily making light of everything from 
Beirut terrorists t0 body condoms. Despite 
some boflos, little of it works. YY 


its plot may create the mis- 
taken impression that We Think the World of 
You (Cinecom) is just a kinky British love 
triangle about two men and a dog. It's that 
and more, directed. with true. Brit. class 
consciousness by Colin Gregg from a novel 
by Joseph R. Ackerley, one of the first mod- 
ern homosexual authors to break out of his 
closet. Alan Bates plays a gay middle-aged 
businessman named Frank whose lover 
(Gary Oldman, roughing out one. more 


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vibrant character sketch in his gallery of 
rogues) is married, obviously bisexual and 
in jail for burglary. While Johnny the 
housebreaker sweats it out behind bars, his 
beloved dog Evie, a rambunctious German 
shepherd, starts fur flying in a heated 

Gilliam grins and Barons it. 


The tribulations of former Monty 
Python/film maker Terry Gilliom 
have been legendary since Brazil, 
which triggered his war of wills with 
Universal executives. His just-com- 
pleted epic The Adventures of Baron 
Munchausen has been yet another 
ordeal. “Making Brazil was a drean 
the nightmare came later,” he say: 
"With Munchausen, it's been an ago- 
nizing seven-month nightmare.” His 
litany of horrors began with a battle 
for rights to the classic. "We had to 
prove that the material was public 
domain, albeit the original was 
forty-two pages written in 1787 by 
Anonymous.” The bad vibes multi- 
plied on location in Italy ("We had a 
crew speaking four languages, and 
I'm totally inarticulate under pres- 
sure”), then financial backing evap- 
orated, then shooting moved to 
Spain, where “African horse fever 
broke out and two highly trained 
dogs we were using came down with 
liver complaints. Then David Putt- 
nam got hred as head of Columbia, 
and everything turned to rat shit.” 
Doggedly optimistic, Gilliam 
thrilled with his cast: John Neville as 
Munchausen, Robin William 
King of the Moon ("an uncre: 
appearance" originally meant for 
Sean Connery), Eric Idle as "the 
fastest runner in the world, pre- 
steroids,” plus Oliver Reed as the 
god Vulcan. “Reed's fantastic. If he 
doesnt get an Academy Award nom- 
ination, there is no God." During 
the worst of the Munchausen 
brouhaha in Rome, "Fellini used to 
come into the studio and bless every- 
body, crossing himself. My last night 
there, we had dinner and wound up 

ng around the Trevi fountai 
i id Gilli 
most made it worth while. 

custody battle involving Johnny's wife, his 
old mum and stepdad and Frank, who ulti- 
mately becomes more obsessed. with Evie 
than with her absent master. Bates eases 
o his role with grand English finesse, 
not quite concealing a smirk of superiority 
and noblesse oblige as he drops pound notes 
among Johnny's working- in. AL 
though the dog, as always, is a scene 
stealer, Evie (played by a bitch named 
Betsy) gets suff competition from the 
company she keeps in this mordant domes- 
tic drama with a cutting edge of wound- 
ing humor. YV'A 


Bill Murray, playing a nasty network-TV 
executive, winds up director Richard Don- 
ner's Serooged (Paramount), a modernized 
spin-off of the Dickens classic, with a dol- 
lop of yuletide cheer and bonhomie that 
would choke Rudolph the reindeer. Pl: 
ing the Scroogelike tycoon with a god- 
awful production of A Christmas Carol in 
the works, Murray gets to have it both 
ways, because the rest of the time—or 
most of it—Serooged is sock-full of rudely 
hip hilarity and sick seasonal jokes. John 
Glover, Karen Allen, Robert Mitchum and 
Bobcat Goldthwait add dandy contribu- 
tions as Murray's helpers, though Carol 
Kane—sporting angel wings and a good 
right hook—delivers the comic knockout 
punch as the Ghost of Christmas Present, 
Pour an eggnog, too, for whoever had the 
temerity to cast Buddy Hackett as Scrooge 
and gymnast Mary Lou Retton 
‘Tim in the TV special within the movic. If 
your funny bone has a mean streak, here's 
a gift rap of wicked wit and spoofery to 
brighten the holidays. Yx% 


Gay rights are asserted with mocking 
h-camp humor and unabashed pathos 
n the film version of Harvey Fierstein's 
Broadway hit Tereh Seng Trilogy (New Line). 
AIDS was not yet the scary issue it is today 
in the early Eighties, when Fierstein first 
sashayed to stardom as a drag queen 
named Arnold whose relationships with 
lovers, his Jewish momma and his gay 
adopted son moved audiences to giggle 
through their tears. Grim reality now 
shadows the lighter side of Ai 
dogged search for love, but dire 
Bogart does little to inhil 
whose performance remains ou 
brash and amazing. Whether it will play in 
Peoria or elsewhere in Middle America is 
doubtful, yet there's plenty of genuine pas- 
n shining through the  schmaltz 
Matthew Broderick's heralded stim as 
Arnold's youngest lover seems more a pro- 
motional stunt than shrewd casting. Anne 
Bancroft initially overacts her Jewish- 
mother routine, then settles down to carry 
the big scenes. After rstein, though, 
the showstopper is Brian Kerwin as Ar- 
nold' ried lover, Ed, whose anguished 
shifts between the gay and straight worlds 
make Torch Song more than a nostalgic 
dragtime tune for endangered boys in the 
band. ¥¥¥ 


capsule close-ups of current films 
by bruce williamson 

The Accused (Reviewed 1/89) As a rape 
victim, Jodie Foster takes charge. www 
Buster (Listed only) Paired with Julie 
Walters, singer Phil Collins proves he 
can act as a train robber on the run. vv 
Cocoon: The Return (Listed only) Despite 
nice company, this sequel shoulda stood 
in the pod. x 
Crossing Delancey (11/88) Warm comedy 
with Amy Irving and Peter Riegert as a 
charmingly mismatched couple. ws 
A Cry in the Dark (Sce review) Om 
with Meryl the Great. 

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (See review) 
Caine, Martin and Headly play clever 
con games on the Riviera. Vey 
Everybody's All-American (Listed only) 
Quaid and Lange as football jock and 
his Jill. Sudsy but star-spangled. wya 
The Good Mother (Listed only) Custody 
case brings Diane down to earth. — vY 
Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus 
Barbie (12/88) Revisiting a Nazi hench- 
man and the company he kept. yvy 
The Iron Triangle (See review) Back to 
"Nam with humane hindsight. w 
itle Dorrit (1/89) hours of Charles 
Dickens, but Alec Guinness and Derek 
Jacobi make the time fly. vi 
Madame Sousatzka (12/88) Teaching 
grand piano. MacLa roll. wx 
Manifesto (1/89) Revolution with a wry 
twist, by Dusan Makavejev ww 
Mississippi Burning (Sec review) Dixie's 

nes on 

death squads revisited. vw 
My Stepmother Is an Alien (Sec review) 
Piece on earth for space t EL 

The Naked Gun (See review) Softheaded 
spoof of hard-boiled detectives. vv 
Punchline (12/88) Stand-up comedy is 
another coup for Tom Hanks, a dead 
end for a miscast Sally Field wy 
Serooged (See review) Bill Murray's 
ad, merry Christmas special. — ¥¥¥¥% 
Spike of Bensonhurst (1/89) More broad, 
trendy Mafia mockery, about a punk 
prize fighter and how he grew. vv 
Talk Radio (1/89) Decline and fall on the 
air in Dallas, with Eric Bogosian, di- 
rected by Oliver (Platoon) Stone. — vy 
Things Change (12/88) Mobsters accord- 
ing to Mamet ww 
Torch Song Trilogy (See review) Life and 
loves of a drag queen. vvv 
We Think the World of You (Scc review) 
Boy meets man, man meets dog. YY 
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Break- 
down (1/89) Screwball comedy Español 
and much more fun than flamenco, vy 
Working Girl (Sce review) High rollers in 
high heels, and on the money. wy 

¥¥¥¥¥ Outstanding 
¥¥9¥ Don't miss % Worth a look 
4% Good show ¥ Forget it 

472 A new Ele. 


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Tr gs aways a good season for crime, but 
this month brings a particularly rich col- 
lection of transgressions to the literary 
docket. Joseph Wambaugh's The Blooding 
(Morrow) is a detailed nonfiction study of 
the first murder case ever to be solved 
hrough “genetic fingerprinting" (compar- 
DNA in blood or, in this case, semen 
samples). In addition to the historical and 
scientific interest of the case, it is told with 
such passionate fascination for the person- 
alities, such careful unfolding of the inves- 
tigative process that this book holds the 
tension and excitement of an imaginative 
police novel. A series of rape/murders and 
sexual assaults in the small village of Nar- 
borough, England, became the focus of a 
police task force that worked for five years 
before cracking the case. We are allowed to 
experience the lives of the victims and, lat- 
er, their families with an intimacy that 
magnifies the horror of these crimes. OF 
course, at the heart of every Wambaugh 
best seller are his candid portraits of po- 
emen and his knowledgeable step-by- 
step re-creations of police procedure. The 
British cops in Narborough and nearby 
Leicester are not quite as outrageous as 
the L.A.PD.s Choirboys, but their deter- 
mined quest for justice and their pecul- 
tar brand of constabulary black humor are 

Wambaughs nonfiction masterpiece, 
The Onion Field, burns with his anger at 
the nature of psychopathic crime. That 
anger is undiminished in The Blooding, 
but in this Hth book, we can see clearly 
Wanbaugh's evolution from a cop who 
writes about his experiences to a master 
storyteller who helps us learn from human 
behavior at its extremes. 

Psychopathology is also at the heart of 
E. L. Doctorow’ astonishing new novel, 
Billy Bathgate (Random House). Set in De- 
pression-era New York City, it is the color- 
ful and violent story of gangster Dutch 
Schultz and his henchmen, narrated by a 
clever 15-year-old boy who has struggled 
up out of the poverty of the Bronx to be- 
come the youngest member of the gang. 
Staying close to the often ranting and irra- 
tional Schultz, Billy attentively studies 
crime, greed, sex and a distorted micro- 
cosm of the Am ethos. 

The novel opens with a 


episode in which Billy participates in a 

c Mob murder. He impulsively jumps 
board a cabin cruiser that is carrying for- 
ner Schultz associate Bo Weinberg to his 
death. Tied to a chair, still dressed in a 
tuxedo, with his feet in a laundry tub of 
rapidly hardening cement, Weinberg sobs 
nd sings Bye Bye Blackbird as his debu- 
ante fiancée is taken into an aft cabin by 
Schultz. The existential cruelty of the 
scene is heightened by the cold-blooded 

Wambaugh re-creates the Blooding murder. 

A good season for crime 
novels; Bob Greene touches 
a nerve with Vietnam vets. 

efficiency of Schultzs gunmen and Billy's 
own wide-eyed terror as he witnesses the 
reward for the sort of life upon which he 
has embarked. 

In previous novels, such as Ragtime and 
Worlds Fair, Doctorow skillfully juggles 
American history to create a fresh mytho- 
logical vision of our past. Billy Bathgate 
transforms the vicious New York under- 
world of the Thirties into a magical cur- 
riculum in American Studies, The crude 
poetry of Dutch Schultz's soliloquies and 
Billy's own inner monologs become Walt 
Whitman-esque cadenzas. Billy's love af- 
fair with a wealthy blonde gun moll rever- 
berates with E Scott Fitzgerald imagery of 
sex and money. The surprise ending cer- 
tainly bows in the direction of O. Henry In 
passage after passage of his own rich, de- 

squarely in the mainstream of American 
romantic literature with a magnificent ad- 
venture story. 


If Doctorow's book emerges from a 19th 
Century tradition of storytelling, Richard 
Saul Wurman's Information Anxiety (Dou- 
bleday) looks forward to a 21st Century 
nightmare of technological data run riot, 
overflowing computer ın boxes and over- 
load signals flashing in everyone's brains. 
We're already secing cases of information 
bulimia, Chinese-dinner memory dys- 
function, Periodical-Proliferation Shock 
Syndrome and paper weight-watchers, ac- 
cording to. Wurman. As he points out: 
"More new information has been pro- 

duced in the past 30 years than in the pre- 
vious 5001 

1 doubt that it will allay anyone's 
anxieties, but Wurman’ philosophical 
overview of "The Noninformation Explo- 
sion" is the most stimulating examination 
of our overi 
He is a brilliant, shameless eclectic who 
has made the unusual organization of his 
book a lesson in information management 
It is designed so that you can read bits 
and pieces of it in no particular sequence 
and absorb the same concepts as if 
you had read it conventionally. Wurman's 
iconodastic approaches to problems of 
dassification, communication and under- 
standing are fun and coi sensical. His 
prescription to cure information an 
in a nutshell: Relax, accept your ignorance 
and ask questions; fail and learn from it: 
try doing things the wrong way when the 
ht way isn't working. 


Syndicated columnist Bob Greene has 
proved he can write candidly about sensi- 
tive issues, but in Homecoming: When the Sol- 
diers Returned from Vietnom (Putnam), his 
role is really that of catalyst and. editor 
rather than writer. Incredulous of stories 
he had heard about Vietnam vets’ being 
spat upon in airports upon their return 
from duty, Greene wrote a column asking 
vets to respond if that had actually hap 
pened to them. The column touched a 
nerve: More than 1000 people replied, and 
he has edited a representative sampling of 
their letters for this book. 

A few vets confirmed the spitting stories: 
others experienced warm welcomes. Many 
more, however, describe the moral equiva- 
lent of being spat upon: rude remarks, 
cold stares, the feeling of being resented 
and unwanted. The outpouring of emo- 
tions from all sides in Homecoming makes 
clear that here at home. the Vietnam war 
will not be over for a long time. But, in the 
words of one letter writer, Greene's direct 
question made it possible “for a lot of us to 
wipe a little spit off our he: 


(McGraw-Hill), by Lee Daniel 
Levine, subtitled "The Making of an 
American Sports Legend": Larry Birds 
tremendous ability to overcome adversity 
is never clearer than in this candid on- and 
off-court look at one of basketball's pre- 
miere players. 

Wait Till Next Year (Banta 
Goldman and Mike Lupica: Eat, slecp and 
drink New York sports, season by scason, 
for a full year. For superfan/Hollywood- 
movie man Goldman and New Yorks 
oh-so-prolific sports columnist Lupica, it 
was an odd couple's 50-yard dash through 
the sporting scene. 

m), by William 

There you are. Standing at the top of the 
steepest ski run you have ever seen. Yourskis 
seem defiant, anxious to test your ability to 
control them. Yourheartracesand your hands 
make futile stabbing gestures with your pole 
tips in the snow, as if by touching the icy 
surface you will plug into some energy source 
known only to the most expert skiers. Finally, 
after mentally mapping your first few crucial 
turns, you take a deep breath, lower your 
goggles and push off—a prisoner of gravity, 
soaring in ecstasy. 

Too advanced for you? Too adventuresome? 
Nonsense. The beauty of the sport of skiing is 
that descriptions of moments like the one 
above apply equally as well to beginners on 
their first intermediate slope as to experts 
flirting with-death by extreme skiing. Ex- 
treme skiing? The definition of "extreme" is 
brutally simple. Inextreme skiing, if you fall, 
you die. Fortunately, for the rast of us, there 

are gradations of extreme. And, as we will 
see, there are adventures enough for every- 
one. Even for beginners. Welcome to Playboy's 
Guide to Super Skiing, ladies and gents. 

Let's start at the beginning, because if you 
don't have an accurate idea of your skiing 
ability, you can’t begin to have fun pushing 
your limits. Remember, the first step to skiing 
better is to admit how youactuallyski. Unfor- 
tunately, for most skiers, this is the hardest 
part. Here's why. 

Skiing, perhaps more than any other sport, is 
daunting to ils practilioners—especially to 
beginners. This is why ski publications do 
their editorial best to give youas much monthly 
slatistigal information as possible so that, if 
you can't ski like a skier, at least you can 
sound like one. The resèt of all this mostly 
useless Data is that some beginners actually 
believe theyknowwhatthey are talking about. 
And the result of that self-delusion js the 
infamous term “advanced Intermediate.” 

Not surprisingly, this pressure to appear pro- 
ficient extends to more advanced skiers as 
well. Intermediates boastihey are advanced, 
advanced skiers sneer and proclaim them- 
selves experts. Genuine expert skiers, how- 
ever, the ones who can skianything atMach5, 
rarely play this game. If you ask them to 
describe their skiing, they usually just smile 
and say something disarming like, “Oh, | 
guess you might say | can turn'em both ways.” 

So take a tip from the experts. Assess your 
ability honestly. Especially when buying or 
renting equipment. Never speak with forked 
tongue when the guy who Is adjusting your 
bindings asks, "What kind of skier are you?” 

Next, considerthe options. Skiing is no longer 
exclusively defined as what one does on two 
alpine skis. More accurately, skiing is a syno- 

for " ing great fun in the mountains on 
snow." Clearly, FUN is the ultimate goal, yet 
there are many paths to achleve it, grasshop- 
per. And they all classify as skiing. Moré sr, 

less. Shall we look afthe mann? 
i ac ee 

First, there are types of skiing. These would 
include cruising, racing, bump skiing, powder 
skiing, tree skiing, freestyle skiing, going for 
air/ski jumping, speed skiing, cross-country 
skiing (including telemark skiing and skal- 
ing), mountaineering, and extreme skiing. 
Then there are types of skis. Alpine skis, 
nordic skis, monoskis, snowboards, nordic 
jumping skis, Mexican jumping skis, mono- 
nordic-crashing skis...etc. Finally, there are 
things that are just barely, sort of skiing— 
kind of. Things like parapenting (jumping off 
mountains on skis with a small steerable para- 
chute), parachute skiing uphill, hang-gliding 
with skis, innertubing (no skis), riding cafete- 
ria trays or snow shovels (no skis, no brains), 
and being dragged by horses—skijoring, an 
actual Scandanaviansports event. Butwhether 
you chose to specialize in one area or dabble, 
it's all skiing. And it's all fun. 

Once you have a good idea of all the wonders 
available to you, ask yourself what kind of 
st. Are you a speed demon? 

like grace? Some skiers lust 
alter the weightless feeling that comes from 
hurling their bodies off of rocky promontories. 
Others get positively rhapsodic about skiing 
thatdriest and lightest of all snows—powder. 
Some demented individuals actually enjoy 
destroying their knees and backs by bashing 
through the bumps as fast as gravity and skill 
willallow. As in love and sex, there is no best 
for everyone. It's purely a matier of taste, a 
matter of style. 

Begin by asking yourself what kind of chal- 
lenges you prefer. If you haven't skied a lot, 
and you haven't actually experienced things 
like tree skiing or giant slalom racing, ask 
instead which kind of skiers you admire most. 
Remember, there are no rules here, jus! per- 
sonal preferences. For example, some people 
think racers are tres cool. Others call racers 
“stick chasers" and wouldn't be caught dead 
on adownhill course. Some people find cross- 
country boring. Others speak of il as if they 
had seen God. Powder skiers, on the other 
hand, think they are God. 

Now assuming you have an idea which aspect 
of skiing you mightfind most stimulating or re- 
warding, there are a couple of down-to-earth 
considerations. Such as? Such as, if you de- 
cide to become a serious powder skier—the 
kind who uses helicopters for all uphill trans- 
Portation—can your bank account take the 
strain? Or if you decide to become a racer on 

Special Advertising Section 

the pro circuit, bang through the gates on solid 
ice with skis as stiff as 2x4's, can your body 
meet the demands? Or if you decide to get 
back to nature on skinny skis, are you really 
prepared to deal with any emergeney—Irom 
cranky bears to walls of snow moving at 200 
mph—when you're 30 miles from the nearest 
outpost with a phone? Or a bathroom? 


Thus we arrive at the four commandments of 
adventure skiing. Assess your ability. Con- 
sider the options. Choose your thrill. Con- 
sider the realities. These are not carved in 
stone, of course, but they may be helpful in 
changing your relationship with skiing from an 
infatuation to a passion. And passion, as we 
all know, is lots more fun than infatuation. 

To assist you in deciding what to sign up for 
this winter, we have devised a simple test. 
Oon’tworry, it's multiple choice and you can't 
help butpass. Like skiing itself, the tesl is fun, 
fastand very revealing. Racersready? Course 
clear? Go! 


1. When someone says “powder” you... 

a. Think of cosmelics, explosives or illegal stimu- 

b. Wish you were a better skier because everybody 
knows how hard it is to ski powder. 

c. Begin to salivale, your eyes glaze over and you 
make helicopter noises in public places. 

2. Yov'reskiing and you seea slalom course setup 
on the left side of the run. It's empty, the race is 
over, nobody's looking, so you... 

a. Skito the right. 

b. Enter the course at the top and ski slowly next to 
the gates—just to see what it's like. 

c. Ski the course flat out until the mountain closes 
and the ski patrol drags you screaming off the hill. 
3. You think tree skiing... 

a. Is for lunatics and morons with a death wish. 
b. Must be fun but only if the trees are gladed with 
lots of space in between. 

6. Is so much fun that you and your buddies sneak 
back in the summer with chain saws to cut your own 
secret runs. 

4. It snowed two feet during the night. It's morn- 
ing, the sun is out, the powder is perfect, so you... 
a. Leave town, you have to gel back lo work 

b. Catch the first tram up the mountain but wonder 
if you have the right gear. 

c. Sabotage the first tram after riding up with the 
ski patrol. 

5. You meet a member of the opposite sex who skis 
much better than you do. Naturally you... 

a. Realize it won't work out. 

b. Ask her/him for lessons. 

€. Nobody skis better than you do. 

6. A snow cat is... 

a. A kind of tractor that runs over beginners. 

b. A kind of tractor that smooths out the bumps. 

c. A kind of tractor that can take you to perfect 
powder even when the weather is too crappy for 
helicopters to fly. 

7. A helicopter is... 

a. Akind of airplane with no gliding ability whatso- 

b. An awfully expensive way to go skiing. 

c. Your best friend. 

8. Your best friend... 

a. Thinks you are crazy to be skiing at your age. 
b. Skis almost as good as you do. 

c. ls a helicopter. 




. Cross-country skiing is... 

.. For joggers who can't ski. 

|. For those times when you just want to gel away 
trom it all. 
c. What God did on the seventn day. 

10. Bumps are... 

a. What na ski resort charging $30 a day for lift 
tickets should have. 

b. What you re finally going to learnto ski this year. 
c. Nature's way of saying, “Turn here, now!” 

11. "Getting big air" means... 

a. You'll never go back to that Mexican restaurant 

b. Leaving the snow for more than two seconds. 

c. Having enough time to read a trail map and 
wonder if your bindings still work before you land. 
12. Snowboards and monoskis... 

a. Are for kids. 

b. Look like fun. 

t. Make it hard to decide whal to take up on a good 
powder day. 

13. To stay in shape for skiing you... 

a. Plan to join a health club next summer. 

b. Ride your bike and play tennis once a week 

©. Work for a living. 

14. To mentally prepare yourself for the ski season 

a. Walch ESPN 

b. Visualize yourself skiing like a World Cup racer. 
C. Get your body in shape early. 

15. One of your friends looks at the trail map and 
says, “You wanna try Death Spiral?” 



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since 1956. 

“From the makers of Jack Daniels... 

a. You suggest therapy. 

b. You say, “I'll try it if you will.” 

c. You bet him a fiver you can beat him to the 

16. The weatherman says you can expect a big 
dump tonight. 

a. You book the first plane home. 

b. You call the office and tell them you are already 
snowed in. 

e. You're not surprised. The weatherman calls you 
twice a day for updates. 

17. Ata major World Cup downhill event... 

a. You watch the race on TV in your condo. 

b. You go sküng because everyone else on the 
mountain is watching the race. 

€. You fore-run the course. 

18. Your spouse/roommate/significant other... 

a. Dictatesthat you ski resorts with extensive nearby 
shopping facilities/phones the office twice a day. 

b. Is as crazy about skiing as you are. 

c. Borrowed your 223cm. downhill boards and the 
4X4 without waking you up this moming. 

19. $30 for a lift ticket is... 

a. Outrageous. 

b. Not bad. What else can you do for $5/hour that's. 
as much tun? 

c. Another reason you cross-country ski. 

Congratulations. Since Ihere was no way lo fail this 
test, you have passed brilliantly, However, since 
the available answers ranged trom the Extreme 
Timid Beginner variety (all the ones labeled “a”) to 
the Exteme Ski-to-Die Fanatic (all the ones listed 

under ^c"), some elaboration has been provided 
lor your information. 

1. No matler whal anyone says, skiing powder is 
the absolute easiest kind of skiing. It is also the 
most fun. So whatever you do, wherever you go to 
ski this winter, don't avoid powder snow. Tip: 
Since powder snow naturally offers some resis- 
lance to your forward motion, don'ttryto make your 
first turns until you have gained a little speed. 
Make the turns close to the fall line at lirst—mainly 
straight down the hill—and then round them more 
as you get a rhythm and gain more speed and con- 
fidence. And don'tstep from one ski to the other as 
you turn. If you do. one ski will sink and the other. 
will float and this imbalance will cause you to fall. 
Instead, try to turn both skis together as a platform. 

2. Want to turbo-charge your skiing? Just step into 
a race course fora run or wo. You don't have to go 
fast, mind you; all you have to do is steer around the. 
gates. But whether you steer around the gales in a 
snowplow or in your best downhill tuck, you'll soon 
be hooked. 

3. Tree skiing is not for beginners. You need to be 
able to make good short turns in all kinds of snow 
conditions. You have to be able to ski well enough 
10 concentrate on the terrain, not on your turns. 

4. Tryto be flexible in your travel plans. Especially 
it the snow is perfect on the day you're supposed to 
leave. One day of great skiing can make an expen- 
sive, crowded week of crud and glop seem all 

5. One of the beauties of skiing is that it is a finesse 
sport, nota strength sport. And the better you ski, 
the less energy you need to expend. This is why you 
may be surprised to see so many kids, women and 
old folks zinging past you like you were standing 

still. Don't let this discourage you. Let it inspire 
you to become more efficient, more aggressive. 
Better yet, go take a lesson. 

6. Snow cats are a poor man’s answer to heli- 
skiing. They aren't exactly cheap, but they will take 
you to great powder skiing even in bad weather. 
And, unlike jet helicopters, which can whisk you 
back up 4000" to start skiing again within minutes, 
snowcals travel at a more leisurely pace and offer 
you the luxury of resting between runs. 

7. Heli-skiing is the ulitmate. Period. Itis also very 
expensive. Tip: You will have much more tun heli- 
skiing if you can get a group of friends together who 
all ski at about the same level and pace. 

8. Heli-skiing aside, always try to ski with friends. 
who have the same interest, physical ability and 
endurance as you. Unless you like wailing, giving 
lessons, or trying desperately to catch up. 

9. Try cross-country. It's peaceful. It's contempla- 
live. It's greal exercise. Tip: Cross-country is no 
longer just diagonal striding—jogging on snow. 
Two aspects of nordic skiing are very interesting 
and may be more attractive il you prefer a more 
active form of skiing. Dne is telemark skiing— 
essentially downhill skiing using nordic equip- 
ment. The other is skaling—essentially replacing 
the diagonal stride with a side-to-side skating 

10. Bumps, like ice, are unavoidable. Unlike ice, 
which is weather dependent, bumps are more or 
less permanent fixtures at all ski areas. You may 
never have to learn to ski ice il you watch the 
weather, but you should definitely learn lo ski 
bumps. Try to think of them as your friends 

11. Jumps are fun. Just don't pick ones with flat 
landings. And make sure you have a spoller lo 

watch for traffic if you can't see the landing site 
trom your launch site. 

12. Have you reached a plateau in your skiing? Try 
something new. Monoskis and snowboards are not 
exactly new, but they may be new for you. 

13. Your ski fun is directly proportional to your ski 
conditioning. How much fun do you want to have? 
Awhole bunch? Get in shape. Tip: Find a summer 
sport that's as much fun as skiing. That way you 
never have to “work out.” 

14. The expert has a point here. If you are sure of 
your body, you take a lot ol pressure off your mind. 
Visualization does work, but it helps to be able to 
make 20 or 30 tums without stopping to catch your 
breath, too. 

15. Try new runs. Also have options if the new run 
istougher than you thought it would be and you want. 
lo escape. Tip: Many long steep or bumpy runs 
have access routes to easier runs. Watch for cat 
tracks leading to other runs. But don't be a wimp 
either. If you don't ski runs that make you fall, you 
won't improve your skiing. 

16. Stormsare wonderful. Some of yourbest skiing 
experiences will happen when the weather closes 
down the roads and leaves youstrandedor discour- 
ages the pampered hordes from braving the ele- 

17. The nice thing about big events at a ski area is 
that everybody else wants to stop, stand around in 
the cold and watch them. This is a perfect time to 
go ski. Unless you like standing around in the cold. 

18. Ski with skiers. Shop with shoppers. Don't call 
the office orread any part ofa newspaper except the 
sports and weather. 

19. Evaluate Ihe cost of your skiing before you 

To the 
drinkers of 
Jack Daniels. 

begin. Decide what you can afford, find out what all 
the costs will be, fit that into your budget and then 
forget about it. You don't want to be thinking about 
money, talking about money, or locking for ways to 
save money when you're skiing. 

Well, how'd you do? All A's? Thal makes you 
a semi-pro couch potato who skis a couple of 
weekends a year. All B's? Hmmm. .. maybe 
youare an advanced intermediate afterall. Or 
maybe you are a B skier with C tendencies? 
No? You mean all your answers were C's? 
Interesting . . . maybe you are one of those C 
types who skis well, who's been skiing a long 
time, but just can't seem to generate as much 
excitement about the sport as you once did. 

Lazy, intimidated, or jaded, the problemis the 
same. You need a little nudge to get going. A 
friendly hand to get you out of yourrut. Some- 
one to come over and turn off your TV and 
unplug your refrigerator. What you need is a 
goal. Acold white reasonto live. A kickin the 

Don't worry, we won't suggest a drastic boot 
camp physical fitness regimen. Nor will we 
attempt to get you fired or spend all your 
money in the pursuit of powder and feline 






grace on snow. What we will do, however, is 
suggest that you do something different this 
year. Not even “some things.” Just one thing 

Ifyou don’t normally take lessons, take one. If 
you avoid the bumps like the plague, spend an 
afternoon skiing nothing but bumps. If you've. 
always wanted to heli-ski, go heli-ski. Just do 
one thing different—lel's say, every other 
day. If you enjoy it—and you will enjoy it— 
don't try to thank us. Just go do something 
else you've never done before. Pretty soon, 
you'll be hooked on new experiences. Pretty 
soon you'll realize that adventure skiing is 
simply a matter of doing something that’s new 
for you. Who knows, before long, you may be 
doing truly C-level things that are new for you. 
Maybe even O level. All in the name of fun. 

Don't say we didn't warn you. 

Getting thereis hall the fun. Be sure to plan your 
ski adventure with the TOYOTA 4RUNNER SRS. 
V6—perlorms anywhere, anytime. 

Outonthose snowy slopes stay powder dry with 

And after that brisk final run—reach for the 
ultimate aprés ski warm-up—JACK DANIEL'S 

3/4 oz. JACK DANIEL'S 

3/4 oz. Amarelto 

Mug of Coffee 

Whipped Cream 

sc DAM; 

©1988 The Gillette Company 

Lesson number one 
in the social graces: 
Never be offensive. 

How can you separate yourself from 
those VES hordes that exude a most 
ialodorous air? With Right Guard” 

Sport Sticks. Anti-perspirant. And deodorant. 
Replete with major protection. Sleek dome top.. 
And two splendid scents, "Fresh" and “Musk” 

| For who wants to appear unschooled in such a 
sensitive subject as Personal Hygiene? 

E Sport Sticks. 
Anything less would be uncivilized. 

Fresh or Musk’scent. Anti-Perspirant or Deodorant. 


Hee along by Hollywood, there 
was a more romantic time in our 
history, when an athlete wanted to excel 
because of love and the girl next door. 
Whether it was because the girl next door 
had big tits, we never questioned. 

Remember those days? 

Curly, State's star quarterback and all- 
round good person, gets kidnaped by un- 
shaven gamblers on the eve of State's big 
game against Normal. 

Woe is coach Goldie Bricks, who is tough 
ks but has a heart of gold. 

The coach goes to Betty Jean, Curly's 
girlfriend, who happens to be the sweet- 
heart of Sigma Chi and lives in a little 
white house only a half block off Flirtation 

"Curly's been ped," the coach says 
to Betty Jean, who's helping her mother 
hake a cake. 

"Oh, no!” Betty Jean cries out, almost 
dropping the mixing bowl. “We can't wi 
the game against Normal without Curly!” 

‘Our kids will give it all they've got, but 
it sure would make it easier if we had Curly 
in there so we could hup the ball to him.” 

Betty Jean says she bets those unshaven 
gamblers are holding Curly in the old 
haunted house on the outskirts of town. 

“Could be,” says the coach, who has to 
leave now and go to the stadium, becaus: 
Normal is kicking off to State. 

“Bozo and I 
Jean says. 

Bozo is Curly and Betty Jean's trusty 
side-kick, the pudgy fellow who plays a hot 
clarinet when everybody dances at the 
malt shop. 

Betty Jean and Bozo go to the haunted 
house. Bozo distracts the unshaven gam- 
blers by playing the Washington and Lee 
Swing on ihis clarinet, while Betty Jean un- 


Curly al Betty Jean race for the jalopy 
while Bozo fends off the unshaven gam- 
blers with his clarinet. 

Dont worry about me,” Bozo yells. "Get 
curly to the game!" 

Bozo's a good egg.” Curly says, as Betty 
Jean drives recklessly through town. 

They get to the stadium at the start of 
the fourth quarter. State is two touch- 
downs behind. 

"You know what, Betty Jean?" Curly 
asks, smiling. “I'm going to win this game 
for you. 

“No, Curly,” says Betty Jean, giving him 
a kiss. “You're going to win it for all of us— 
for everybody who believes in love 



friendship . . . loyalty. . .and America!” 

Down on the side line, as Curly slips into 
his football suit, Betty Jean slips into her 
cheerleader's uniform. 
y trots onto the field. The crowd 
roars. Stats band strikes up the fight 
song, which sounds remarkably like the 
Alabama fight song, and Betty Jean sings: 
“Fight on, fight on, / Fight on, men. / Re- 
member the Rose Bowl; / We'll win then!" 

State lines up in the Notre Dame box 
formation. Curly says, "Forty-seven 
twenty-three... sixteen . .hike!” 

Curly runs 79 yards for a touchdown 

Mysteriously State gets the ball back. 
Cur i 

y says, 

State gets the ball back 

this era, a team gets the ball back every 
time it scores a touchdown. 

State is on its own one-yard line and 
there is time for only one more play. In the 
huddle, Curly looks at his teammates and 
„Hippo, a burly lineman, says. 

"s awful risky, isn't it?” 
i our only chance," Curly replies. 
Surly takes the snapback, throws a pass 
to himself, runs 30 yards, pitches a lateral 
to himself, runs 30 more yards, pitches a 
other lateral to himself and goes the rest of 
the way—a 99-yard touchdown play: 


nder the unique rules of 

Up in the stands, Bozo, his head band- 
aged and his arm in a sling, waves his 
jarinet jubilantly. 

Happy fans swarm the field and carry 
curly and Betty Jean from the stadium to 
the malt shop on the campus drag. There, 
Bozo is playing the clarinet, coach Goldie 
eks is on piano, Hippo is blowing trum- 
pet and everybody is singing a medley of 
college songs. 

Meanwhile, in a quiet corner, Curly and 
Beuy Jean sip from the same chocolate 
malt out of two straw 

1 love this countr 

“And I love you,” 
ing sweetly 

Things are a little diffe: 

When Curly tests positive for steroids on 
the eve of the big game, Betty Jean dashes 
over to the athletic dorm in the Porsche 
her daddy bought her. 

“What are we going to do?” she asks 
Dion Leon, the all-American linebacker, 
who's snorting a line of coke as he talks on 
the phone to his agent. 

Dion can't be bothered, so Betty Jean 
races up to the six-room suite thats shared 
Rusty Hackle, the all-American run- 
ng back, and four nude, sex-crazed 
sorority girls, who are nibbling on hin 

Rusty can't be bothered, either, so Betty 
Jean sceks out Kinky Leaper, the split end, 
who hasn't been to a class in three years but. 
has twice made the scholastic all-American 

“Curly tested positive, Betty Jean says. 

"Better him than mi who 
takes a hit off a joint that looks like a cigar 
as he lies in his indoor hammock and 
hes three surf movies on three VCRs. 
What do you think we ought to do? 
Betty Jean asks. 

Kinky shrugs and says, "I dont know 
about you, but Im gonna put Normal in a 
teaser with Auburn and bet the Under. 

inky rolls out of the hammock, unzips 
and takes out Wilbur. “So, 
is Curly still your old man or what?” 
s Betty Jean, lurching for 

Curly says. 
n sa 

Beuy J 

t today, of 

Later, th 
Kinky says. 
now, bitch 
“I dont give a shit, asshole,” Beuy Jean 
"Why dont we suck up some morc 
rocket fuel and go piss on a graveyard?” 

‘re siting in a bar having 



A^ so, grasshopper,” the old man said 
to me. “You think you know about 
love, about men and women and the war 
between the sexes, but you dont know 
monkey poop about anything." 

Was it a dream? I was sitting at the feet 
of the famous Chinese philosopher Wun 
Hung Low, a man estimated 10 be 2000 
years old. It was almost Valentine's Day 
and, as if by magic, I had been transported 
into the mountains of China, there to 
ten and learn about love from this little old 
man with the wispy beard and shining 
eyes, While we talked, two beautiful Chi. 
nese maidens wiped his brow and mas- 
saged his neck and fed him rice. The 
women wore almost no clothing and their 
bodies were shining with oi 

“Your eminence,” | said, bowing low, 
“you are reputed to know all there is to 
know about men and women and their 
struggles to understand one another. I find 
the subject confusing, Please educate me.” 

“I cannot teach a swan to bark," he said, 
sniffing. “or a mule to ” As he said 
he placed his hands in the maidens’ 
laps and made a low, moaning sound. “You 
are an American male, which by definition 
mcans that you are stuck in a mountain of 
cultural doggy do. Face it, grasshopper, the 
sex livesof you and your brothers are total- 
ly screwed up. Almost all of your women 
are angry with you, few of them respect 
you, most of them feel quite superior 10 
you. Your lives have become as bitter as 
hemlock tea.” 

"This has to be a dream," I said to my- 
self. “Soon it’s going to be Valentine's Day. I 
should be buying candy and cards in 
Chicago. How did I get here? 

"What a strange culture," Wun Hung 
Low said, laughing, “You name your day of 
love after Saint Valentine? How peculiar. 
He is a man who was martyred in ancient 
Rome. Why choose him as a symbol of 
love? Passion and death, sex and pain, 
martyrdom and marriage—those are the 
combinations you people worship? Very 
strange.” He paused. "You have pl 
this Valentines Day, I presume?” 

“Sort of,” I said. 
ou will give gifts?” 

I said, nodding. 
“You will receive gifts? 
” L said, laughing. “But 1 can 
explain: Fin the guy, so Im supposed to 
give a lot of presents and stuff. If I'm lucky, 
I may get a card or two in ret 
You accept this imbal 
“Yeah,” 1 said, shrugging, “I guess so. I 



never really thought about it.” 

“Tell me, grasshopper, how many of 
your Valentine gifts are actually rejected 
by the women you give them to?" Wun 
g Low sipped tea and ate an egg roll. 
1 don't know” I said, shrugging again. 
“I never checked.” 

ng only of your pitiful 
grasshopper, Surely, 
ial gifts will be accept- 
ed and then simply forgotten, I am speak- 
ing of all the other gifts you men offer 
women gestures of friendship, moments 
when you try to communicate and br 
some kind of peace to the sexual wars. For 
example, when you smile at a woman, do 
you receive a smile in retu 
“No, not always. See, women 

c pretty 

"When you spea 
do you rea 

"Well" I said, "sometimes. But not al- 
ways. See, women are very busy with th 
careers and things. 

When you do a favor or a kindness for a 
woman, do you find reciprocity 

“Not necessarily,” I said. “See, women 
have been battered throughout history, 
and they think it’s our fault and we owe 

“Very strange,” Wun Hung Low mused. 
"Men have not been battered?” 

“Well, yeah, but that's the way it's sup- 
poscd to be. Men have had a tough time 

- throughout history, but that’s OK. Women 

have also had a tough time throughout his- 
tory, and thats not OK." 

“Why this double standard?” 

"Because women are more precious 
than we are and it is our job to protect 
them, even at the risk of our lives. Then. if 
they are unfair to us, we are supposed to 
shut up about it, because men are sup- 
posed to be strong and silent." 

“Strange.” Wun Hung Low said, smil- 
ing, "very strange. Are you sure that is how 
you wish to live? | suggest that you men ex- 
amine your lives very carefully." 

“Where should we start?” I asked. 

“Start with this Valentines. Day Ask 
yourselves: Arc you being treated equally 

are you acquainted with 
the three forms of womanly rejection? 
They are extremely subile, but you must 
learn to recognize them.” 

“Please instruct us," I said. 

Wun Hung Low shifted on his pillow. 
"First, there is the Rejection of the Smiling 
Hyena. In this form, the woman smiles at 
you and prctends to like you but is actually 
ready to bite off your appendages. She 
laughs and smiles, but there is great anger 
in her eyes. She takes your gilt, but she will 
ignore it, and you will never see her again. 

“We find, secondly, the Rejection of a 
Thousand Waterfalls. In this form, the 
woman seems sad, despondent, deeply 
touched. But behind the deluge of her 
tears, you will find the hard rocks of judg- 
ment. She has plans to dump you, even as 
she accepts your gift and weeps. This is the 
most deceptive form. 

“Finally, we have the Rejection of the Ex- 
ecutioner. In this, the woman neither sees 
you nor recognizes you. You do not exist. 
You are an unforgivable male who is to be 
punished for every injustice ever commit- 
ted toward women. If you hand her a gift, 
she drops it at your feet. All men have cx- 
perienced this form." 

“Not you, surely,” I said. 

The women seated by Wun Hung Low 
lcd. “Very well, I admit it, 
c always been able to attract 
women, grasshopper, but only because of 
my other name.” 

“I don't understand,” I said. 

“He is also called Wun Hung Like 
Horse,” the women chanted in unison, 

Suddenly, everything was clear to me. 
Then I woke up and went shopping. 


D: Reader: 
I just want to tell you how much I 

love you. I love your mind. 1 love your 
heart. I love your soul. I love the silly way 
your nose crinkles when your favorite 
quarterback is sacked. | love those wackily 
soft triangles of skin on the wp of your 
feet, I love the pattern the sweat makes on 
your T-shirt and your grunts of pain when 
you bench 225. I love your nostril hair. I 
love that vulnerable curve to the small of 
your back. I love the way you tell a joke, the 
way you soft-soap your mother. I love your 
high school-graduation picture. | love 
your love handles. 1 love you. 

Ready to puke? Come on, go with it, it's 
fun. Besides, I have to do this. I'm sitting 
here at my computer and a big, burly edi. 
tor from Playboy is standing over me with a 
pistol pointed at my head. 

He forced his way into my apartment a 
few moments ago, the brute. "No liberated 
whining, no feminist diatribes,” he hissed. 
€ about love and like 

a special issue. 

Oh, boy. You and I know that every 
column I write is about love, but try telling 
this bozo that. So where were we? 

L love the way your pupils dilate when 
you lie. I love the way you understand the 
infield-fly rule. God, is this boring. I'm 
putting us to sleep. Try another tack: 

“How do you know if youre in love 
asked Cleo. 

“Well,” she said, "if you know for sure 
that he’s scared of spiders, anal retenti 
about the cap on the toothpaste, can't swim 
and faints at the sight of blood, and you 
love him justas much, but not more, you're 
probably there. 

"But," I said, "what about that nauseous 
feeling in your stomach?” 

“That's obsession,” she said crisply, and I 
fell— Wait a minute! Didn't I already 
write this once? Oh, Jesus! OK, how about: 

Love, I am afraid of it. It makes my 

m not talking about the 
inevitable pain of love—Nicholas Cage 
spoke authoritatively on that topic in 
Moonstruck—its the inevitable subser- 
vience that scares me. 

The moment I fall 

love, I run into the 
kitchen and start to cook. Nothing can stop 
me; Lam compelled to whip up my famous 
chicken paprikash for my beloved. I bake, 
1 boil, 1 poach, I wash, I dry, the entire 
time feeling cozy and fulfilled. 

And when I'm not in the kitchen, Im 
dashing madly through lingerie shops, 
fingering wispy little garter belts, silky ca 



isoles, leather dog collars. Whereas nor- 
mally, lam the kind of woman who— 
pipes up the Playboy editor, 

ut why? This seems to me—— 
Just put a fucking sock in it, awright? 1 
may not be educated, but I can sniff femi- 
nist whining a mile off." 

The man is Cro-Magnon. Why must I 
cope with this rampant testosterone, this 
gun? Would a woman do this? No. If a 
woman were here instead, we. . .. Aha! 


Women are the greatest. I love them. 
They have the totally right attitude about 
everything—for instance, phones. Some 
people think that a phones primary pur- 
pose is to communicate information. Not 
women. We know that the purpose of 
phonesis to enable us to watch soap operas 
together in nightgowns. 

My phone rings at one ext every day I'll 
pick it up and say, “I 
stand why Erica 

And Sandy will say, "Could somebody 
please kill Natalie and Jeremy instantly?" 

And I will say, "I want to be Tad Martins 
wife.” We may actually exchange informa- 
tion, such as the fact that there's a great 
new hair colorist at Barncy's, but only du; 
ing commercials. 

Phones are also good for complaining, 

for dissecting everything our boyfriends 
said and did in the past 24 hours and, yes, 
forexchanging monumental insights! Cleo 
called this morning. “I have just realized 
that in a previous life, I a fluffer,” she 
chirped. Momentous! 

Women are also aware that nothing, 
nothing, is what it seems. IF we ruled the 
world, we would relegate linear thinking 
to a back burner, where it belongs. 

“My boss has postponed the conference 
in Wichita,” Rita will tell me. 

“Oh, my God!" I'll say "That means he's 
definitely leaving his wife.” 

“Obviously,” she'll say “But I knew that 
yesterday, when Sally in accounting wore 
her green jersey." 

In communal dressing rooms, women 
reign supreme. I'll be trying on, say, a pair 
of Romeo Gigli pants and of course I'll be- 
come immediately suicidal. "I never real- 
ized that my thighs were so intensely like 
ausages," "II weep. 
come on, doll," a woman next to me 
vill say. "Even Paulina the model looks li 
Porky the Pi Gigli pants, Jackets, yes; 
pants, forget about it. 
fou could try controltop panty hose,” 
another woman will s; 

"Sure," a woman in the far corner will 
vell, "then she can have a crotch that starts 
at her knees." 

I'm saying here that women will be there 
for vou in every sort of cri 

“] think you're saying that you're all a 

s," says the Playboy boy. “We 
g no lesbian shit about 
ches.” I quell him with a poison glance 

Pick a crisis, go ahead. Say you're a wom- 
an on a date at a fancy restaurant, and 
your escort, during the soup course, tells 
you hes bisexual. You know you must im- 
mediately go to the ladies’ room, where, 
inevitably, a girl you've never seen before is 
checking for lipstick on her teeth. First 
you'll help her, then you lLexplode: 

“Did you see who I'm with? He tells me 
he's bisexual! He doesn't even have a mus- 

“God, you didn’t know thai" she'll say 
calmly. “But he's a caterer. Hc went out with 
my brother. Maybe you'd like my date. I 
hcar he's great in bed, and he knows who 
Moschino is, but I don't know, | can't go for 
a blond. Want him?" 

“The one at the bar? Listen, hc is 
definitely good in bed! Reconsider!” 

“Broads!” says the Playboy fellow. But 1 
can tell he’s impressed. 

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F have a problem on which d E 
advice. I'm 29 years of age and single 
1 haven't had sex for at least three y 
Where | live, the women arc nearly all 
married or engaged. Actually, I don't know 
many women, since I am kind of shy How- 
ever, onc girl 1 know likes me a lot. She is 
about my age and lives with her parents. 
That's where the problem is. 1 know from 
the signals she gives when we are alone 
that she would make love with me. In fact, 
she has all but asked me to have sex with 
her. lm the one who hesitates. Not that she 
isn't preity—shes very attractive! 1 fan 
size about her a lot, but Tm afraid to make 
a move, She has a big mouth! She cant 
keep a secret. If we were to engage in sex, 
her relatives would find out for sure. In 
fact, I might just as well tell them my inten- 
tions, because she would surely let the cat 
out of the bag. Fm afraid they would come 
down on me like a sledge hammer if they 
found out. 

How can I persuade her not to tell any- 

one about our making love? Should I trust 
herto keep our sex life private? I need some 
advice.—]. D., Harrogate, Tennessee. 

Exactly how do yuu expect her to break the 
news to her parents? “Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Ud 
like you to meet my new sex toy. Hes eight 
inches of throbbing steel . .."? Unless her par- 
ents belong 10 the Mob or some revenge cult, 
we'd let the situation proceed. Sexual intima- 
cy has a tendency to create its own privacy— 
your mouth and hers vill have better things 
to do than talk, And most parents don't want 
to know, especially if shes your age. 

WI, ziritriend and 1 arc engaged in a 
debate about the besi way to visit paradise. 
Specifically, we want to travel to Tahiti and 
some other islands in Polynesia. She has 
heard about a luxurious cruise ship that 
calls at several islands and thinks thats the 
way to go—no packing and unpacking. I 
would prefer a room that didn't rock and 
roll, and I'm also worried that a cruise I 
that would sink me financially. Whats the 
best way to island-hop?—P. J., New York, 
New York. 

Cruises are a hat ticket for island-hopping; 
they are only slightly more expensive than 
land packages and they have a certain charm 
(especially if you plan to spend most of your 
time playing in your stateroom). The draw. 
back to such a cruise is that while you get to 
sve a lot, you don't have much time to interact 
with the people or their islands. A friend of 
ours who recently spent time on Bora-Bora 
claims that many of his most memorable en- 
counters look place over lingering restaurant 
dinners or as he strolled down a beach and 
struck up conversations with the locals. 
Tough to do if you have to be back on board in 
an hour or two. Seven days on the Wind 
Song (a 440-foot motorized sailing vessel) 
runs from $1895 to $2400 per person, or 


nearly $635 per day for two people. That in- 
cludes all your meals and, naturally, trans- 
portation from island to island. The best 
accommodations on Bora-Bora, such as the 
remarkable new Moana Beach Hotel, go for 
nearly $400 per night Jor two people, and 
meals ara extra (and nol exactly cheap). Of 
course, your room at the Moana Beach is ac- 
tually an over-the-waler thatched-voof bun- 
galow, complete with a glass-bottom coffee 
table for viewing the fish without getting wet. 
It may not be what Gauguin had in mind, 
but you could probably suffer through it for a 
few weeks 

Heres a sexual technique for Playboy 
readers. My wife and 1 play something 
called statues. I call her from work and ask 
her to fantasize about a sexual position for 
lovemaking later that day. She has to find a 
position—anywhere in the house—and 
then freeze in it. [ have to be able to touch 
her, kiss her and eventually penetrate her 
ithout her moving a muscle. We find that 
the hours of planning and anticipation 
make great foreplay, while the challenge of 
finding a suitably accessible position offers 
both humor and tension. On different oc- 
casions, 1 have found her on the dining- 
room table, on the weight bench in our 
home gym or just peering out an open 
window, buttocks bared to the room. It is 
very exciting and our roles can be re- 
versed. Sometimes I get to be the frozen 
one.—E. O., Chicago, Illinoi 

Thanks for the tip. Generations of Ameri- 
can wives have played this game—only they 
called it “pretending to be asleep. 

When we entertain, 1) get the carving 
duty—and 1 always boich the task. Talk 
about hack jobs! A friend suggested that 
¡he problem may be my knife. What kind 

of knife is best for carving? Can I get by 
with an all-purpose blade or do I need 
assortment?— T. P, Hartford, Connecticut. 

Your friend sounds as sharp as your knives 
ought to be. The fact is, carving a roast or a 
turkey isn't dificuli—undess your knife is 
dull, in which case, the best you can do is 
hack away. Regardless of shape, size or pur 
pose, the best knives are those that will lake 
and maintain a razor-sharp edge for a rea 
sonable period. The best knife blades are 
made of high-carbon stainless steel. 

A basic arsenal of knives includes the 
following: (1) an cight-to-ten-inch chefs 
Anife—triangular blade, wide at the base, ta- 
pering to a point— which is indispensable for 
chopping and slicing and, in a pinch, can 
substitute for a carving knife; (2) a utility 
knife—shaped like a chefs knife but small- 
er—handy for a variety of jobs around the 
kitchen; (3) a paring knife—three 10 four 
inches long—good for peeling and small cut- 
ting jobs; (4) a carving knife—long and 
straight, tapering to a point; (5) a bread 
knife—long, with a serrated or scalloped 
edge; (6) a sharpening steel to give your 
knives an edge between professional sharpen- 

Keep knives in a block or on a magnetic 
knife bar rather than in a drawer. If a drawer 
is the only available storage space, put the 
knife in a sheath to protect against buffeting 
by other utensils. Consistent use of the sharp- 
ening steel will help maintain your knives in 
good condition. Hold the steel horizontally in 
one hand at a slight angle away from you. 
Hold the knife in the other hand, with its 
point straight up, and, working from the base 
to the point, pull the blade down and across 
the steel. Repeat this procedure on the other 
side of the steel with the other edge of the 
knife. Do each edge several times. To keep 
them at their best, knives should be profession- 
ally honed from time to time. 

An ald joke has the wife complaining 
about a headache every time the husband 
iates sex. My problem is just the oppo- 
site. Quite often, after I reach climax, 1 cx- 
perience an incredible headache. Have you 
ever heard of such a phenomenon?— 
R. W, Washington, D. 

The tension associated with sex can trigger 
several kinds of headache—fiom a dull 
muscle-contraction headache to something 
called benign orgasmic cophalalgia. Accord- 
ing to an article in Medical Aspects of Hu- 
man Sexuality, “Men may be more prone to 
experiencing muscle-contraction. headaches, 
since most couples favor sexual positions in 
which the male is more active, without head 
and neck support.” What are the contribut- 
ing factors? “Muscle-contraction headache 
can occur in any personality type but is char- 
acteristically associated with states of pro- 
longed chronic anxiety. Maintenance of a 
rigid head-and-neck posture may be the body's 



attempt to brace itself against the anticipated 
psychological assault from a hostile environ- 
ment. This symbolic stance can lead to real 
and severe pain, as the toxic metabolites of the 
muscles in spasm irritate nerve endings and 
generate a cycle of further spasm-pam- 
spasm Like migraine patients, those with 
muscle-contraction headaches have difficulty 
expressing aggression and hostility and feel 
impotent in the face of overwhelming psycho- 
logical forces. The normally heightened my- 
otonia inherent in coitus is intensified and 
escalates to progressrue, persistent headache.” 
Most doctors treat the problem with relaxation 
therapy. To put it succinctly: Hang loose. 
Next time you make love, monitor yourself for 
tension. Are you grinding your leclh or hav- 
ing sex in a headstand? Stari sex with a mas- 
sage and the headaches may go away. lf not, 
check with a doctor 

Fa tike to present an old vintage cognac as 
an anniversary gift to a friend whos an 
aficionado. l've looked high and low, but I 
havent been able to locate such an item. 
Does anything like it exist? If so, can you 
sicer me in the right directi J. P. Dal- 
las, Texas. 

By “vintage cognac,” we assume thal you 
mean one that was made entirely from grapes 
groun in a single year. Until recently, ther 
was no such animal on the market, which 
accounts for your difficulties. However, 
Prunier 20 Years Old, a cognac certified as 
the product of a single harvest, aged in wood 
for 20 years in a bonded state warehouse, is 
now available in limited quantities, Maison 
Prunier states that the cognac was made with 
grapes from the 1966 harvest and bottled in 
1987. It can be ordered through selected wine 
and liquor shops. 

Cognac is traditionally offered as a blend 
of distillates from grapes grown in different 
years, based on the philosophy that blending 
results in a superior and more consistent 
product. But there have always been a few 
maverick producers who wanted to bottle 
cognacs that were the product of a single har- 
west for their individuality and style. While 
the Cognac Bureau (a French quasi-govern- 
ment agency that supervises the production of 
cognac) has never actually prohibited the bot- 
tling of vintage cognacs, its stringent require- 
ments as to verification of the age of any 
cognac bottled as a vintage make il virtually 
impossible for any cognac house to qualify. 
But Prunier has met the challenge and plans 
to continue producing a vintage cognac as 
purt of its line. More vintage cognacs should 
be coming along in the next decade or so as 
other producers get into the game. 

Wa are the odds of getting AIDS 
from a single sexual encounter? 1 recall 
seeing the figures somewhere, but now I 
cant find them. Would you search your 
files?—O. E, Seatile, Washington. 

There is no single set of odds. The most reli- 
able predictions come from the Journal of the 
American Medical Association. Ifyou have 
sex with someone who has the virus and do 
not use a condom, they say, you have a 

one-in-500 chance of becoming infected. If 
you have 500 sexual encounters with that 
same person, your chances are two oul of 
three. Using a condom reduces the odds to one 
in 5000 afier a single encounter: one in 11 
afier 500. Having unprotected sex is the 
equivalent of playing Russian roulette: You 
know the gun is loaded. Since most people in 
America have not been tested for AIDS anti- 
bodies, it is unlikely that you will know the in- 
fection status of your partner. If your partner 
does not belong to a high-risk group (homo- 
sexual or bisexual men, intravenous drug 
users from major metropolitan areas, 
hemophiliacs) and you do not use a condom, 
you stand a one-in5,000,000 chance of 
catching the virus after a single encounter; a 
one-in-16,000 chance after 500 encounters. 
Use a condom and your odds of catching the 
virus decrease to one in 50,000,000 after one 
sexual encounter; one in 110,000 after 500 
encounters. What if your partner does belong 
to a high-risk group and you still have sex? 
Without a condom, your chances of being in- 
fected range from one in 1000 to one in 
10,000 after a single encounter, If you have a 
relationship that lasts for 500 sexual encoun- 
ters, the odds range from one in 32 to one in 
three. To put these odds into perspective: You 
stand a one-in-33,000 chance of crashing on 
take-off or landing of a commercial airplane 
flight; a one-in-85 chance of crashing in an 
airplane you built yourself (as suitable a 
metaphor for love as we've ever found). The 
clear message from these statistics is that a 
condom can be maus best friend. 

A iicr investing a great deal of time and 
an inordinate amount of cash keeping my 
car protected and clean, in: a 
friend now tells me that detailing is the oi 
ly way to go for car care. What am I doing 
wrong?—G. H., Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

Detailing your car is like getting a mani- 
cure: You know you can do it yourself, but 
it just looks and feels better when someone 
else does it for you. A reputable detailer 
should clean your vehicle with a surgical pre- 
cision that results in an extremely clean and 
shiny automobile. Were talking about taking 
Q-Tips to gauges and steam cleaning the en- 
gine. In addition, he should provide protec- 
hon from the environment (Le, weather 
sealing the paint job) for a few months down 
the road. Make sure you find a detailer with a 
good reputation. Ask around. An experi may 
cost more (prices range from $125 to $150), 
but youll be taking the high road. 

F share an apartment with three 
of whom has an operatic sex life, five 
nights a week. Is there a tactful way to ask 
her to keep the noise down or to give 
break altogether? What was once comic is 
now just irritating. It has gotten to where 
we can't study—Miss W. E., Denver, Colo- 

Have you tried talking with her? All three 
of you could stand outside her room with 
score cards, rating the performance. You 
could set up a tape recorder, tape the noises 
and play them back at full volume. Is it real 

or is it Memorex? You could take 1000 card- 
board egg cartons and tack them to the walls 
of her room for soundproofing. You could buy 
her a gag from one of those SIM shops. Sug- 
gest that maybe her boyfriend doesnt need 
audio feedback—that dawing his back would 
prove just as effective. Maybe shes faking the 
noise—in which case, everyone is losing oul. 
Maybe she is reacting honestly to an incredi- 
ble lover—in which case, demand that she 
share the techniques, if not the lover, with all 
of you. At the very least, suggest that she do 
it at his house occasionally. Or, if her boy- 
friend has three friends, start a chamber-mu- 
sic society. 

A fier years of faithful servie 

my AM/ 

savings in a new, updated version, I'd like 
to revamp my entire sound system and still 
be able to eat. Any suggestions?—N. T. D., 
Calgary, Alberta. 

Look into a rack system. They're compact, 
stylish and reasonable enough to cause mini- 
mal financial damage, Kenwood, Sony, JVC 
and Panasonic all make a wide range of rack 
systems that include tuners, amps, cassette 
decks, CD players, speakers and shelves, most 
of which will expand as your system does. 

WW hy does your heartbeat increase dur- 
ing lovemaking? Is it the exercise or the ex 
citement? Can you lose weight by making 
love?—P. W, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

According lo Gabe Mirkin, a sports-medi- 
cine specialist, your pulse quickens during 
lovemaking because of catecholamines—hor- 
mones that the body produces during periods 
of excitement. You aren't going aerobic, just 
chemical. Mirkin also ciles a New York doc- 
tor, Abraham Freedman, who suggests that 
you can lose as much as a pound every four 
days by reaching for your mate instead of 
your plate. By substituling sex for a 700-calo- 
rie between-meal snack, he claims, you avoid 
the calories in the snack and you burn 200 
calories as well, for a total of 900 calories. 
Mirkin challenges those figures: Very few 
people burn 200 calovies during sex (aggres- 
sive coupling burns about 250 calories an 
hour—but if youre that cager, are you going 
to last an hour?). Mirkin calculates that fore- 
play (or, for that matter, being the passive 
partner in intercourse) burns only 100 calo- 
ries an hour. Orgasm apparently consumes 
400 calories per hour but lasts only about 15 
seconds. You'll have to look for other ways to 
lose weight. 

All reasonable questions—from fashion, 
food and drink, stereo and sports cars io dating 
problems, taste and ¢tiquette—will be person- 
ally answered if the writer includes a stamped, 
self-addressed envelope. Send all letters to The 
Playboy Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. 
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. 
The most provocative, pertinent queries 
will be presented on these pages each month. 

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T he question for the month: 

How well or how long do you have to 
know a man before you're willing to get 

F iiends before lovers is what I say to thi 
question. My relationships have worked 
out best that way. Even though its hard 
to wait to get physical, | always do. 

want my sexual experience to come with 
love. The wait- 
ing makes the 
sex mean more. 
These days. 10 
start a new re- 
means to use 
protection. If 1 
were 10 start a 
new sexual re- 
lationship now, 
Pd ask the guy 
to get a blood 
and even 

tive, if he wanted 
me to take the test again, I would. I've only 
been with three guys in my life, but I had 
the test anyway, just to make sure. 


People do tend 10 lie about their past 
I'd ask for a blood test, even though that 
wouldn't cover all infectious diseases. How 
long two people wait to have sex has a lot to 
do with chem- 
istry. But you 
have to be care- 
ful about con- 
traception and 
you both have 
to be willing to 
talk about your 
sexual histo- 
ries. In fact, to 
break the awk- 
wardness of 
Ed talk first. Ies 
going 10 be 
tough to ask, "Are you bise adrug 
user?" If he were, would he tell me? I dont 
think so. I'd have to try to protect myself, 
because 1 know where I've been. 



F don't think the answer is how long have 
you known someone, but how well. It has 
to do with honesty and tru 
with being able to ask, “Is the 
should know?" You cant get that k 
rapport on onc date, but vou might learn 
enough in a 
week to know if 
someone is ly- 
ing to vou. I 
have to be able 
to believe the 
answer to "Do 
you have AIDS 
or herpes?" If 
I get what I 
think isan hon- 
est answer, even 
if it’s yes, | love 
him for telling 
the truth. Look, everyone I've talked to 
hates condoms. One of the options is not to 
sleep with anyone until you get in a rela- 
r stick with it. Its restrict 
wt like that very much, either. 
ate for the time being, Until I 

odas do. 


INbowadays, think that it’s very impor 

tant to know someone before you have sex 
with him. I wouldn't sleep with just anyone 
Ive been with the n for four years. 
but if I were starting a new relationship, 
Fd want to talk 
about his past 
and ld hope 
we wouldagree 
about our mu- 
tual intentions. 
My boyfriend 
and I have 
talked. about 
getting the 
AIDS blood 
test, but my 
doctor discour 

aged it. He said the test is still unreliable 
enough to give one either a false sense of 
security or the scare of a lifetime. Until the 
test is more accurate, I think people need 
10 communicate un each other about the 
important sexual facts of their lives. 

JULY 1988 

Finink it would be great to be friends for 
a couple of months first. Then I'd feel com- 
fortable enough to talk about how both of 
us have been taking care of ourselves sexu- 
ally. By then, I've observed his behavior 
and he has 
checked out 
mine, 100. Peo 
ple are soaware 
of AIDS now 
that no one's 
ego is harmed 
by saying. 
"Lets go gei 
a blood test" 
One of the men 
ed told me 
that he had 
been seeing a 
girl who had messed around so much that 
he had had the blood test. He offered this 
information to me. 1 think that happens 
more often if you've gotten to know some- 
one first, and it shows real consideration on 
the part of a prospective partner. 


APRIL 1988 


Monty sleep with men I know and E have to 
feel very strongly about someone to even 
want to sleep with him. Part of feeling 
rongly about 
someone is 
agreeing with 
him about life- 
style. For me, 
that would not 
include promis- 
cuity 1 feel I 
have 10 know 
my sexual part- 
ners, and there 
io time lim- 
it. Both people 
have to be un- ^ 
afraid and up front about their past and be 
willing to talk to each other about it 

Que en 


Send your questions to Dear Playmates, 
Playboy Building, 919 North Michigan Ave- 
nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. We won't be 
able to answer every question, but well try. 




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For many people—maybe for most 
people—the idea of legal 
conjures up nightmare vi 
nation self-destructing in an orgy ol 
chemical abuse, They presume that on- 
ly they, and a few other sensible souls, 
could resist the lure of uncontrolled 
substances and would be 

doomed to live hunkered 

down behind 
ed doors a 
the police would be stoned. 

For those of us who are 
awake, the nightmare is 
now. What we have is de 
facto drug legalization. 
Anyone who wants drugs 
can get them and, if you're 
not tooting or shooting foo 
obviously, the risk of pun- 
ishment is minimal—even 
lor cops, kids. Yuppies. 
welfare mothers, famous 
athletes and train engi- 
neers. When you find an 
lowa farm boy with a dol- 
lar bill up his nose, you 
know that the potential for 
illegal-drug use has pretty 
much been realized MAS: 

Our present laws make N 
some poor people rich and Kr 
keep drugs attractive be- 
cause of the good old 
American “Don't tell me 
what to do” attitude, the 
e trait that made Pro- 
on such a great sue 
—at giving birth w 
organized crime, discred- 
g the law a 
law enfore 









By William J. Helmer 

tanualizing). Age restrictions—any le- 
galization plan would undoubtedly 
have them—would still keep drugs at- 
tractive for adolescents who need to 
outwit the system and defy parental au- 
thority, We cant tell kids nor to do 
they'll do them anyway. We cant 






ies poster portends todays t tear of à drug Ina. 

to use them. Among tolerably well-ad- 
justed young people, the need to get 
high is not as great 2s is the drive to 
conform or to imitate—usually celebri- 
ties and famous athletes. The things at 
which celebrities excel require certain 
qualities, to be sure, but good 
sense is not necessarily one 
of them. They are as prone 
to stupidity as anyone else 
Ihe difference is that their 
stupidity and bad judg- 
ment are newsworthy, al- 
fordable and (with a few 
glaring exceptions) surviv- 
able, and whatever prob- 
lems drugs cause them, 
personally or professional- 
ly, are seldom apparent to 
the television viewer. 
Celebrities give drugs a 
certain glamor that pro- 
vides a strong argument 
against letting the free-en- 
terprise system sell drugs 
(though seeing starlets 
pitching heroin might be 
fun), And the best way to 
strip the glamor from 
drugs is to see that they 
remain generic and are 
distributed exclusively 
by Government agencies. 
Nothing would reduce the 
novelty and the attractive- 
ness of drugs more than 
having to stand in line for 
them at a Government 
operated clinic, where 
staffers would doubtless be 
wonderfully adept at in- 
competence, incivility, 
passive-aggressive obstruc- 

things would get if drugs 
were legalized: Half the vi- 
olence in our citics today is 
ith drugs, a result either of ingesting 
ing the money to buy 
ion would give us 
life as we know it— without 
OF course, theres a ley 
cern about kids using drugs a 
passage agers are 
(only a Nancy Reagan 
come up with something 
that makes forbidden fruit eve 



tell them its OK to do drugs; they'll 
turn into test pilots going for the outer 
limits of drug usc. Education that scpa- 
rates use [rom abuse might save lives by 
providing information on how to do 
drugs without doing damage. If you're 
going to drive, you need to know where 
to find the brake: 

But there's obviously something in 
addition to the effects of the drugs 
themselves that entices teens and others 

tionism and ordinary rude- 
ness. The system would be 
so user unfriendly that it would dis- 
courage the casual use that could, in 
fact, lead to addiction. 

Furthermore, just making drugs 
legal, available and cheap would doom 
the i ional drug industry ov 
night, saving billions now being spcnt 
on law enlorcement that is failing 
spectacularly to interdict smugglers— 
and frecing those funds for drug edu 
cation and rehabilitation. And levying 



even a modest tax on legalized drugs 
could raise enough money to retire the 
nauonal debt. 

The rich might object to the degrad- 
ing clinic experience and be tempted 
to buy their drugs at a small mark- 
up from someone willing 10 endure 
bureaucratic indignities. That would 
have to be discouraged, so we should 
leave in place some pretty Draconian 
penalties—such as confiscating the 
BMW—for yone who goes outside 
the system. 

There's a down side to everything, of 
course. If drugs were legalized and bu- 
reaucratically dispensed in a manne 
that eliminated much of their appeal. 



1828 North Amarican Syndicate, I 
ad wan presor GLA. tene 


we would also be eliminating an im- 
portant avenue of upward social and 

itted an otherwise disadv. 
med Al Capone to ascend from a 
lowly brothel bouncer to Chicago's mul- 
timillionaire crime lord in less time 
than it takes most people to finish col- 
lege. In the same city, drug prohibition 
recently allowed another unschooled 
slum Kid to meet his maker in a coffin 
built to look like a Cadillac. em. 
balmed fingers festooned with d 
mond rings and clutching wads of 
money. Thanks to our naive and moral- 
istic approach 10 the drug problem 

Panicky headlines and national hys- 
teria have, for nearly eight decades, col- 
ored Americans’ feelings about dr 
use. We've heen told often enough that 
legalization means license, that legal- 
ization means approval, that legaliza 
me and chaos. 

Legalization, if handled properly. 
means none of those things. lt means 
that the black market would shrink; it 
means that we could isolate the crimi- 
nal by-products of drug abuse from the 
public-health issues; it means that we 
would have more resources for educa- 
tion and drug treatment. 

If drugs were decriminalized, Amer- 
ica would look like thi 


+ Drug sales would be permitted only 
by Governmentlicensed vendors. 

+ Vending would be restricted to 

pharmacies and clinics. 

+All decriminalized drug products 
would be sold generically Brand-name 
competition would be prohibited, 

+The commercial middle person 
would be eliminated. The Government 
would act as the middle person and dis- 
tribute drug products to vendors. 
The Federal Government would ne- 
e drug purchases directly with 
foreign governmei 

*Foreign governments would be 
given economic incentives for control- 
z production neling distri 
bution through legitimate channels. 

*Proceeds of drug sales would be 

ict price cont 
costs low. 

+ Drugs would be provided on de 
mand to discourage the development 
of black markets. 

ls would keep 

By Georgette Bennett 

* Government clinics would dispense 
free drugs to impoverished addicts and 
offer treatment and re-education pro- 


"Ihe Food and Drug Administra 
tion would impose strict quality-control 
and labeling requirements on dru 

* The majority of drug-enforcement 
and drug-imerdiction dollars would be 
redirected to treatment and prevention 

* Ma: antidrug advertising and 
public-education campaigns would be 

* All commer 
would be banned. 

Antidrug education would be a 
mandatory part of all school curricu- 

+All community. centers. servicing 
school dropouts and impoverished 
populations would be required to 
provide-antidrug education 
imum-age requirements would 
be established. 

+ Outreach programs would be de- 
veloped for underage offenders. 

7 People in whom drugs induce psy- 
chotic, violent behavior would be treat 
ed through the mental-health system 
and subject to involuntary commit- 

l advertising of drugs 


* Civil penalties for workplace drug 
use would be established. 

* Strong corporate antidrag policies 
would be promulgated. 

+ Bona lide job-related criteria would 
be developed for jobs in which drug 
use was prohibited on and oll duty. 

"Where bona fide job-related cr 

ria could be established, noninvasive 
drug-testing procedures would be im- 
plemented. Drug testing would be con- 
ducted only where reasonable suspicion 
or probable cause could be established. 


minal sanctions would apply for 

Circumventing regulations for legal 
sales of drugs. 
ouging price: 

Selling drugs through unauthor- 
ized outlets, including by mail or by 

Skimming, evading taxes and keep- 
ing criminally negligent records. 

* Enforcement responsibilities would 
be divided among the Bureau of Alco- 
hol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Drug 
Enforcement Administration and the 

Legalizing drugs would obviously 
not rid our society of all drug corrup- 
tion, blac rketeering or underage 
drug use. However, with drug legaliza- 
tion, much of the drug-related crime 
would decrease and. public education. 
and much-needed treatment programs 
would increase. 
free society is based on the prem- 
ise that human beings. rational and 
can be trusted to make informed choic- 
es. Just as an excess of tar and nicotine, 
calleine, cholesterol, alcohol and sug; 
can be harmful to users and yet be le- 
gal, so also should drugs be legal. 

Georgette Bennett, the author of 
"Crimewarps: The Future of Crime in 
America,” is a former professor of sociolo- 
ey at the City University of New York and 
has worked as an udvisor to the New York 
City Police Department. 




Judith A. Reisman lives in a dream 
world if she thinks magazines such as 
Playboy make readers run out and com- 
mit sexual crimes (“The Big Lie: Reis- 
man Revisited." by James R. Petersen, 
The Playboy Forum, October). She ap- 
parently spent too much time talking 
with Mr. Green Jeans 
Shane Hines 
Arlington, Texas 

It goes without saying that pe- 
dophiles are sick people who would mo- 
lest children e if Playboy, Penthouse 
and Hustler did not exist Yet you 
devote four and a hall pages to Re 
mans “Executive Summary: Images 
of Children, Crime and Violence in 
Playboy. Penthouse and Hustler Maga- 
zines.” Did her bullshit study scare you 
that badly? 

John H. Kindt 
Raleigh. North Carolina 

About the cartoon (published in the 
March 1972 issue of Playboy and 
inted The Playboy Fo 

Wildmon. I usually just toss it into the 
garbage, but after reading vour article 
on Reisman, I noticed that the Journal 
has a two-column advertisement for the 
Reisman report that states that it puts 
Playboy in its “true light" To keep the 
ALEA. views in perspective, your read- 
ers should note that the A.EA. Journal 
also says that the television show Alf 
promotes "incest and child sex." 
(Name and address 
withheld by request) 

The Reisman report is a disgrace to 
social research as well as to Reisman 


Wayne Joh 

As the following letters attest, Reisman 
mailed her report or a summary of it to 
bookstores and newspapers in order to en- 
courage them to publish editorials against 
Playboy or to pull the magazine from 
their shelves. 

Two yea 

ayo, a local decency group 

descended upon the Houghton |Michi- 

gan] County Board of Commissioners 
to demand that it enacı a law to remove 
pornography from stores. The board 

I thought that that was the end of the 
matter. Not so. Judith Reisman has 
been circulating her report indicating 
that Playboy and other magazines cause 
child abuse—and bookstores, including 
Michigan ‘lech’, are refusing to carry 

Michigan Tech 15 not an activist cai 
pus, but I'm hoping this free-speech is- 
sue will inspire discussion on campus 
about the right of adults to make their 
own choice of reading material 

Robert P. Yeo. 
Laurium, Michigan 

I have been a reader of Playboy for 
many years and have vct to see children 
"in the nude, in full intercourse with an 
adult or being violently molested,” as 
one reader of The Free Press newspaper 
in Carrollton, Ohio, believes. The letter 
writer was basing his statements on the 
report issued by Judith Reisman 
Linda L.. Icenhour 
Carrollton, Ohio 

rum, October) that supposedly 
implies incest. Iheres also a 
bear in bed with the girl. Does 
that imply bestiality? A picture 
is worth 1000 words, and Judith 
Reisman's interpretation of the 
picture is just (hat— ler- 
pretation. Maybe the a 
prostitute, maybe she is the 
mans wife, maybe. . . 

Reisman should also note 
that breast size varies. from 
woman to woman. Not all full- 

Lam sure that I am not alone 
in my concern over the lies stat- 
ed as fact by the. people who 
quote the Reisman report. Our 
constitutional rights are threat- 
ened more by people in our 
own country than by our for- 
eign "enemies. 

W. S. Griffith 
Canal Winchester, Ohio 

The Somerset Messenger 

grown women have full-grow 
breasts. She has forgonten th 
purpose of cartoons—to make 
us laugh. Even if the artist did 
imply incest, the twist is in the 
caption. Perhaps the cartoon it- 
self teaches us a lesson about 

Lynn Willer 
Sodus, Michigan 

Reisman is a fucking wacko. 
Her so-called findings are to 
ly lud »d hilarious, a 
the conclusions cannot possibly 
be supported. 

Jack Lee 

Bridgewater, New Jersey 

For some reason, I'm on the 
mailing list of the A.FA. Jour 
nal, published by Donald E. 

and Steve.” 

"Sodomites eat human waste. 

“We don't raise no sissies—we raise men.” 

The human-rights ordinance did not pass. 

The following statements were made during the 
time that the Chicago City Council was pondering 
a human-rights ordinance that would prohibit dis- 
crimination against homosexuals: 

“In the words of the great Reverend [Hiram] 
Crawford, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam 

Gazette published an article 
about a man who claimed that 
pornography causes child mo- 
lestation and drug abuse. Its 
amazing that a mere 50 miles 
west of the most intellectually 
advamed city in the world, 
there are people with such 
small minds. 

W. Sarra 

Bridgewater, New Jersey 

Regarding voodoo sex as de- 
scribed by Julie Goodall in "For 
the Record" (The Playboy Fo 
rum, September), after enjoy 
ing Playboy for 13 years, I have 
yet to have the urge to stick 
needles in my dick! 
Jack Shahan 
New Creek, We: 







The Postal Services meddling in 
m nstead of merely delivering it —is 
by no means a recent phenomenon. The 
entrapment schemes described in "The 
Child-Pornography Myth," by Lawrence 
A. Stanley, and “Operation Borderline," 
by Frank Kuznik (The Playboy Forum, 
September), arc simply its latest Gestapo 
ploys. For from its carliest d behind 
that cheery fagade of indolence and inso- 
lence, postal officials have been doing one 
thing efficiently: canceling civil liberties. 
he following is a partial litany of Po: 
Service offenses, 

From 1835 until the Civil War, many 
outhern postmasters—illegally but with 
the acquiescence of the Postmaster Gen- 
eral—suppressed abolitionist literature 
because of its incendiary nature. The en- 
suing controversy came to the attention 
of the Congress, and Senator John Davis 
of Massachusetts noted that, under some 
state laws, the Declaration of Independ- 
ence itself could be considered incendi- 
ary and, thus, barred from the mail. 

In 1873, Anthony Comstock success- 
fully lobbied Congress for a Federal law 
(still standing as the Comstock Law) to 
ban obscene material from the mail. Ob- 
then as now, was not clearly 
defined. Comstock was appointed special 
agent of the Post Office and he arrested 
people who sent contraceptive devices 
and birth-control information through 
the mail. By January 1, 1874, be had 
seized 194,000 obscene pictures and pho- 
tographs, 134,000 pounds of books and 
50.300 rubber articles (mostly condoms). 
of his victims was a magazine pub- 
lisher convicted for mailing a periodical 
that contained a letter to tbc editor ask- 
ing if there were legal redress for a wom- 
an whose husband had forced her to have 
sexual relations even though she was re- 
covering from a vaginal operation. The 
publisher served more than one year in 
prison. Comstock prosecuted anyone 
who advocated sexual views that did not 
conform to his own and bragged about 
having driven at least 15 of his victims to 

During World War One, the Post Office 
did its best to put several anarchist news- 
papers out of business by refusing to dc- 
liver them—sometimes on the pretext of 
their having advertised or advocated 
h contre 

By John Dentinger 

In 1917, under the newly enacted Es- 
pionage Act, the Postmaster Gene 
ordered his men to turn in all publica- 
tions “containing mauer which is calcu- 
lated to cause insubordination, 
disloyalty. mutiny or refusal of duty in 
the military or naval service, or to ob- 
struct the... draft.” Within one month, 
15 publications—most of them social- 
ist—had been excluded from the mail 
nd. ultimately, 75 newspapers were 
barred for one reason or another. Among 
the dangerous mailings intervepted was 
an announcement of the formation of the 
il Liberties Bureau, a forerunner of 
the American Civil Liberties Union. 

The Post Office obstructed distribu- 
tion of US-based German-language 
newspapers if they refused to adopt a 

E a 

pro-Government policy toward the war. 
Even a resolution against sabotage was 
banned from the mail—because it used 
the word sabotage. 

In 1928, the Post Office brought crimi 
action against a Brooklyn mother 
who mailed out sex-educacion pamphlets 
reprinted from a medical journal. 

In 1929, two men seeking to bar "psy- 
choanalytical” books from schools were 
indicted for “obscene” mailings for send- 
ing excerpts through the mail 

Also in the ‘Tiventies, the Post Office 
forbade the Anti-Imperialist League 
from using envelope labels that read 

forbade mail 

Ragua. In the Thirties, 

suckers attacking Franklin D. Roosevelt 
and ones stating | DONT READ HEARST — 
latter on the grounds that the 70-year-old 
William Randolph Hearst, might be 

In the Forties, publishers were re 
quired to send their books or magazines 
to the Solicitors General of the Post 
Office Department, who then deter- 
mined whether or not the publications 
were suitable for mailing. The magazine 
Rewolt was barred from the mail for quot- 
g one sentence from The Communist 
Manifesto of 1848, 

In 1943, the Post Office stripped £s- 
quire of its second-class-mailing permit, 
alleging that it contained obscene mater 
al—and then claiming that the magazine 
was “not of a public character contribut- 
ing to the arts, literature and the sci- 

Inthe late Forues, a man was convicted 
for sending his wife a hrst-class letter of 
an indiscreetly passionate nature. 

In 1951, the Post Office refused to de- 
liver a rare edition of Aristophanes’ com- 
edy Lysistrata to a California bookseller 
It claimed that the text was “plamly ob- 
scene, lewd and lascivious” and that it 
was “well calculated 10 deprave the 
morals of persons reading same.” The 
“lascivious character" of this story (which 
Ils how the women of two Greek city- 
states plot to cease sexual relations with 
their husbands until they make peace 
with each other) had somehow been over- 
looked for some 3000 years. 

Also in 1951. the Post Olfice stopped 
delivery of the Soviet newspapers Pravda 
and fzwestía, claiming that only diplomats 
and registered agents of foreign powers 
could receive “political propaganda.” 

In 1954, under pressure from Catholic 
groups, the Post Office decreed that 
Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom, 
an anti-Catholic book. 

In 1957, it publicly burned 100 sacks of 
“wash and nudism" in Chicago and 
seized cases of “pornography” en route 
10 sex researchers at the Kinsey Institute 

In 1959, the Post Office attempted to 
ban D. H. Lawrence's novel Lady Chatter- 
leys Lover from the mail and, as late as 
1961, tried to ban Henry Miller's Tropic of 



ed the following decree: 

If non-first-class mail that looked “like 
Communist propaganda” came from 
abroad addressed to à US. resident, the 
addressee could. receive the item at the 
cost of having his name go on a list of 
persons wishing to receive Communist 
mail. A copy of the list was reportedly 
obtained by the House Un-American Ac- 
uvities Committee. 

From 1953 to 1973. the CIA conducted 
n extensive (and illegal) program of 
opening, copying and assumedly reading 
first-class mail coming in and going out 
of the country: (A similar secret FBI pi 
gram began in 1940 and ended in 1966. 
1t copied more than 215,000 letters and 
distributed them to other Federal agen- 
cies. The CIA also photographed the 
covers of 2,700,000 pieces of n going. 
to or arriving from the U.S.S.R. It took 
down the names of every person men- 
tioned in the correspondence—about 
1,500,000—and stored them in its com- 
puter data bank in McLean, Virginia. 
Among those whose mail was read and 
photocopied were Richard M. Nixon, Ed- 
ward Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey. 

Frank Church, Martin Luther King, Jr., 
John D. Rockeleller IV, Federal Reserve 
Chairman Arthur Burns, A.EL.-C.1.O. 
head George Meany, Representative Bel- 
la Abzug, John Steinbeck, Jane Fonda, an 
American exchange student in Moscow 
writing home to his father and a 1 
old short-wave-radio listener who wrote 
to Radio Moscow. 

In 1965, a Senate subcommittee inves- 
ting the snooping being conducted 
by Federal agencies asked then—Post- 
master General John A. Gronouski for 
the names of the people—24,000 of 
them, by official estimate—whose mail 
had been intercepted 
Post Ollice agents during the preceding 
two years, Gronouski refused to reveal 
the names, saying that disclosing them 
would violate the civil liberties of many 
innocent persons (whereas spying on 
them presumahly had not). According to 
the Chief Postal Inspector, “mail watch- 
es” were authorized only when there was 
good reason to believe that they could be 
pental in solving a crime. Yet in- 
ation submitted to the subcommit- 
tee showed that such watches could even 

be placed on suspects’ doctors, priests, 
ministers and attorneys. And in Kansas 
City, a mail watch was placed on a ten- 
year-old boy 

At the same time, postal officials ad. 
mitted to diverting personal first-class 
mailto the IRS, saying that it belonged to 
tax evaders and that, therefore, no real 
arm had been done. 

In the Eighties, the Postal Service de- 
livers tax delinquents’ mortgage pay- 
ments and other checks to the IRS, which 
over the name of the payee—and cashes 
the checks. In the case of one ex-post- 
office employce who owed the Govern- 
ment $285, the IRS cashed and kept a 
$1300 mortgage-payment check. Attor- 
ney-client correspondence of people who 
are involved in IRS investigations has 
been delivered to and opened by the IRS. 
Both the Postal Service and the IRS 
claim that the delivery and openings 
were accidental. 

Your friendly Postal Service. It builds 
dossiers, censors, spies, hijacks checks 
and masterminds entrapment schemes. 
Who would have guessed that postage 
stamps could buy so much? 


1 would like to bring to your auention 
my concerns regarding the special report 
on "The Child-Pornography Myth," by 
Lawrence A. Stanle! 
by Fr (The 
Playboy Forum, September). The authors 
of the articles misled you aders. I 
would like to set the record straight 

Project Looking Glass is aimed at indi- 
viduals who knowingly purchase and re 
ceive child. pornography through the 
mail. The Department of Justice and the 
judicial system have upheld the sting con- 
cept—in particular, Project Looking 
‚lass—as being legally sound for identi. 
fymg and apprehending individuals who 
violate The Child Protection Act of 1984. 

‘The subjects of the investigations were 
individuals who had demonstrated 
terest in child pornography on at t 
two previous occasions. Only those indi- 
viduals were sent solicitation/disclaimer 
is who expressed a fur- 
nterest in child pornography were 
atalogs fully describing the materi- 
ailable. Orders were filled with child 
pornography seized in other investig: 
tions and reproduced specifically for this 
operation, and the material was recov- 
ered in subsequ ver has 
the US. Postal Service produced child 

The success of the operation can be 


sured by the results. Controlled de- 
liveries were made, search warrants were 
executed and 139 individuals were 
charged, We have had successful prose- 
cutions in 93 cases, with 46 cases pend- 
ing. Those cases were heard in numerous 
judicial districts across the country. Al- 

ile ZEHN 



All ol the material described In the following 
pages ls sold by Far Eastern Trading Co. Ltd., for 
educational purposes only. There are no visual 
‘depictions of any person under the age of eighteen 
(16) and any sale cf this material will only be to. 
Those who have filed a written disclaimer with the 
company Indicating that they are not employed or 
acting as an agent of any municipal, county, state 
or federal agency. 

All material sold through this catalogue is 
protected by Worldwide copy rights and cannot bo 
reproduced without authorization. 

A Federal lie: disclaimer on the Govern- 
ment entrapment brochure. 

though the authors rely on the American 
Civil Liberties Union's opinion that child- 
pornography stings are entrapment, our 
experience has been the opposite. Ku: 
nik’s statement that “there was no crime 
until the Government seduced people in- 
to committing one” is untru 

Project Looking Glass searches uncov- 

ered 35 cases of sexual molestation of 
children, Some examples are: 
In a Pennsylvania case, postal inspec 

tors found diaries and notebooks det. 
ing actual child-molestation activities. 
The suspect admitted to sexually abu: 
ing children and was arrested by state 

In a New York 
spectors found a suspects di 
cluded the names and ages of his victi 
and sexual acts performed with males as 
young as 12 ycars old. The diary was dat- 
ed from 1976 to 1984 and contained ap- 
proximately 100 entries. 

In a Michigan casc, postal inspectors 
found numerous sexually explicit photo- 
graphs of a suspects nieces. The photos 
had been taken from the time the girls 
rc five years old. 

n a Connecticut case, postal inspec- 
id sexually explicit photos of a 
i- year-old nephew. 

claimed that the Postal 
Service is trying to "solve the problem of 




sexual child abuse.” We do believe we 
have contributed to solving it. Our re- 
sponsibility, as mandated by The Child 
Protection Act of 1984, is to keep child 
pornography out of the mails. The Postal 
Service will not allow the mails to be used 
to distribute child pornography and thus 
perpetuate the victimization of children. 
We believe that if only one child is molest- 
ed, that is one too many. 

Stanley says, "Anyone looking for the 
child-porn underground will find only a 
vast network of postal inspectors and po- 
lice agents.” Thank you for making this 
statement. If it is true, E sincerely hope it 
will deter anyone from using the mails to 
obtain child pornography. 
les R. Clauson 
Chief Postal Inspector 
Washington, D. 

Lawrence A. Stanley replies: 

Chief Postal inspector Clauson claims 
that his Project Looking Glass was aimed 
only at those who purchase and receive 
child pornography through the mails; yet a 
great many of the sting-operation vichms— 
a good number of whose homes were ran- 
sacked by teams of law-enforcement 
officers—possessed no child pornography 
whatsoever. And in most of those cases, there 
was no direct evidence suggesting that those 
targets were seeking out child pornography 
al the time they were solicited by the US. 
Government. Indeed, both the Postal In- 
sheclion Service and U.S. Customs carefully 
concocted their solicitation letters so as to be 
intentionally misleading regarding the le- 
gality of the material they were selling 

Many of the defendants who were solicit- 
ed by Ihe Postal Inspection Services Far 
Eastern Trading Company initially re- 
ceived a brochure contaming the following 
person who was convicted stated that he 
thought he was “going to get adult women 
with pigtails or that the pictures would be 
altered to make it look like there were chil- 
dren in them,” Another convicted man said 
that he was “curious to see how they were 
going to show this stuff and still be legal.” 

Clauson claims that each victim of his 
Ming was identified on two previous oc- 
casıons as having an interest in child 
pornography, But once again, he has mis- 
represented his operation. For example, in a 
case in Oregon, the alleged connection to 
child pornography was the fact that the 
suspects name was on one of 2000 in- 
dex cards seized in a raid on pornography 
dealer Catherine Wilson's residence in 
1976. But Wilson was at that time—by the 
Postal Services own admission—selling 
primarily heterosexual material (see “The 
Playboy Forum,” January). There was no 
evidence that the suspect had purchased 
child pornography. 

In another postal sting, a defendant was 
targeted because his name was on the mail- 

ing list of Award Films, a distribution com- 
pany that never sold child pornography. 
What it did sell were award-winning for- 
eign films about, among other things, grow- 
ing up (“Fanny and Alexander,” “Small 
Change" “Pixote") and being gay (“You 
Are Nol Alone"). 

The implication made by law-enforce- 
ment officrals—that purchasers of Gav- 
ernment-issued porn pose a danger to 
children—also jails to carry weight. Studies 
of men convicted of sex crimes against chil- 
dren reveal very liltle exposure to pornogra- 
phy at all, let alone child pornography. Ron 
Langevin, senior research psychologist and 
associate professor of psychiatry at the 
Clarke Institute, Uniwersity of Toronto, is 
one of the foremost experts on sex offenses, 
particularly pedophilia and incest, and has 
been conducting research on sex offenders 
for nearly 20 years. Langevin has noted the 
low rate of assoctation between consump- 
tion of pornography of any type and the 
commission of sex offenses. He writes, “It 
seems that men who commit sexual offenses 
against children do not accumulate child 
pornography, though some individuals 
may. To predict a predisposition to pedo- 
philia or to the commission of child abuse 
based on the possession of pornography 
would be a futile effort.” 

Clauson cites 35 alleged instances of 
child molestation that were discovered as the 
result of searches made during Project 
Looking Glass. The information he gives 
aboul rach of them is vague, possibly 
misleading and intended to manipulate the 
reader. How many of those 35 cases have 
been adjudicated? What evidence did 
the Government have that would prove that 
the writings in the diary setzed in the second 
instance were not mere fantasy? What does 
Clauson mean by sexually explicit? Does he 
mean what Postal Inspector Robert North- 
rop meant when he tried to bust Alice Sims? 
(See following item, “In the Eye of the Be- 
holder") Clauson's instances are best under- 
stood as the rhetorical devices that they are. 

Contrary to Clausons impression, the 
question raised by my article is not whether 
or not the Postal Inspection Service should 
be called upon to solve a social problem as 
serious as the abuse of children. Rather, the 
question raised in my arücle is, What does 
the Gowrnment think it is doing selling 
child pornography to individuals who oth- 
erwise could not obtain it? Why are the 
United States Department of Justice, the 
Postal inspection. Service, US. Customs 
and the FBI leading the American public lo 
believe thal child pornography is a serious 
problem, when the Government is the only 
commercial producer? 

Clauson may argue that the Postal Serv- 
ice has never "produced" child pornogra- 
phy, but the fact is that it advertises and 
offers child pornography for sale, and it sells 
and delivers it. Both crimes carry with them 
benalties of as much as ten years and a 
$100,000 fine for a first conviction. 

United States Postal Inspectors don't 
just censor sexually explicit mail, they 
create it. Postal Inspector Calvin Com- 
fort—using the name Jolene Ed- 
wards—wrote at least a dozen letters to 
the Reverend Russell Zangger, an lowa 
minister who is involved in an antici 
cumcision movement. "Jolene" pro- 
fessed interest in Zangger's work and 
asked for information. The minister 
sent Comfort anticircumcision material 
in the form of letters and video tapes: 

June 20, 1986 
Dearest Reverend Zangger, 

Thank you very much for the wonder- 
ful tape. The children and 1 watched it 
first—and then I was so inspired, 1 
showed it to eight of iny friends. You 
should have heard the hushed silence 
and looks of thoughtful contemplation 
as we watched the poor little boys be 

I agree with your thoughts in your 
letter; Our society is so mixed up—it 
condemns masturbation, which is a 
healthy means of sexual expression, 
and instead urges the brutal dis- 
figurement of boys’ penises. .. . 

Can lask you, Hasa woman ever told 
you what it feels like to have an uncir- 
cumcised cock firmly nestled in her 
vagina? How does it feel stroking gently 
in and out compared to a circumcised 
penis? I guess I have so much to learn! 

Please write me another personal let- 
ter. You are so intelligent and sure of 
yourself. And please, if | may be so 
bold, could you send me the tape show- 
ing yourself in the beautiful and natu- 
ral act of masturbating? 

Thank you and God bless you. 


PS. Again, thanks for the tape—it 

was superb! 

In response, Zangger sent Comfort a 
tape with more anticircumcision in- 
struction. It included a seven-minute 
segment of him demonstrating mastur- 
bation. Comfort responded: 

July 9, 1986 
Dear Reverend Zangger, 

1 was so excited watching you mas- 
turbate that 1 must have watched that 
part nine or ten times, Fortunately, you 
had sent me the article about women's 
masturbating, so I knew what to do. I 
would have gone crazy otherwise, I 
turned the lights down low and was 

wearing only a thin silk night robe. As I 
watched thc third time, I fclt my hand 
reach down and gently caress my 
aching vagina. I was softly moaning in 
pleasure and had a tremendous or- 
gasm. My whole body was coated with 
sweat as I came over and over again. 
Maybe you can help me with a deci 
sion. I showed the tape to Andy—hes 
13 and I felt he was ready. His candor 
shocked me at the end of it, “Mom, 
would you show me how to mastur- 
bate?" I was so surprised and shocked 
that I said it was a very important ques- 
tion and that I wanted to ask someone 
who would be very knowledgeable. 
What do you think? Would it be OK to 
touch Andy? Have you ever done that 
to any children? How should I tell Andy 
if you think it's not a good idea? It's so 
amazing how fast children grow up. 
these days. I would really appreciate an 
answer, as I have seen that you have a lot 
of wisdom on interpersonal relations. 
ue confession," I love 
to getting married to my 
ex, I guess I led a wild teenage life. My 
ex only liked to have penetration and 


Postal Inspector Robert Northrop of 
Washington, D.C., is one of those tire- 
less Government workers who keep the 
mails free from kiddie porn, come rain, 
snow, sleet or lack of credible evidence. 
‘And, if you are unlucky enough to live 
in his jurisdiction, you don't even have 
to use the mails to have him meddle in 
your affairs. 

Artist Alice Sims of Alexandria, Vir- 
ginia, took a roll of pictures of a 
friend's four-year-old daughter and of 
her own one-year-old daughter 
frolicking in the She 
planned to use the shots in a series 
of drawings that would juxtapose 
naked children with images of wa- 
ter lilies. She dropped the film off 
at a local drugstore to be devel 
oped. A developer, sceing photos 
of naked children, suspected kid- 
ed Northrop. 
police moved in 
with a search warrant. Workers 
from the Division of Social Services 
took her two children into protective 
custody. The Washington Post and The 
Washington Times paraded the family 
before their readers; the latter iden 
tified Sims as a kid-porn suspect. 

Friends of Sims and her husband's 


nothing more, just enough to satisfy 
himself. Before that, I met some boys 
who loved giving and getting sucked. 
Daryl and I met when I was 16. He 
would bury his soft curly brown hair 
and lick my vaginal area, sometimes his 
tongue caressing gently, other times 
thrusting deeply like a wild animal. He 
gave me my first orgasm. lt was won- 
derful. I begged to have him enter me 
with his now-throbbing penis, but he 
brought it to my lips. I soon found my- 
self enjoying licking his member and. 
he moaned loudly. Daryl and I were 
close until he went off to college. 

I was introduced to sex at H and am 
not ashamed to admit that 1 have been 
active ever since, until the onset of my 
divorce. Other than for you, | have not 
encountered a man that ] thought I 
could trust to take a girl's feelings into 

I would like to ask a special favor. I 
really enjoyed the video with the young 
boys’ penises—they have been so help- 
ful in teaching Andy and Kim. Could 
you send me one or two pictures of a 
young boy's penis—maybe a picture or 

sent more than 100 letters to the Divi- 
sion of Social Services attesting to their 
good character. One gallery director 
looked at the photos and found them 
"harmless. pictures parent would 
take. Nothing titillating at all." 

Sims's drawing, 1988 (left). Waler-baby 
drawing published in Punch, 1887 (above). 


a video tape? Kim now has so many 
questions and 1 want to show her how a 
boy grows up. Who knows, maybe she 
will find an uncircumcised man... 

Zangger responded to this letter by 
telling Jolene to demonstrate masturba- 
tion to ber son by standing behind him 
and holding " 
the video tape." He advised her that she 
might get sexually aroused. 

The Postal Service indicted Zangger 
for mailing child pornography and a 
video tape of himself masturbating. 
Zangger was found innocent of the first 
charge but was convicted of the second. 
The conviction was vacated on appeal. 

The question we are raising is not 
whether or not Zangger was beyond re- 
proach in his actions or words but 
rather, What was Calvin Comfort, 
Postal Inspector, doing spending time 
and tax dollars portraying himself as a 
woman and writing sexual fantasies to 
a man whose only offense to date was 
being an anticircumcision advocate? 

Northrop couldn't be fooled, though 
In some of the pictures, one of the girls’ 
hands were in contact with her genitals. 
“The child's hand was on her genitals; 
she was masturbating,” declared the 
vigilant postal inspector to Skip Kal- 
tenheuser, a free-lance writer covering 
the story for Legal Times. “The Federal 
Code definitions of child pornography 
include ‘lascivious display of the geni- 
tals’ and ‘masturbation, and the law 
was violated. . .. Those pictures are 
pornographic. . . . Intent is something 
defined not by state of mind but by 
overt acts." 

Fortunately saner voices did not 
agree with Northrop. and a judge re- 
turned custody of Simss children. The 
commonwealth decided not to prose- 
cute her, for lack of criminal intent. 
"The state should have made her say 
she was guilty of child pornography." 
Northrop told Legal Times, “but did not 
1, and put her on probation." 

Sims son had nighunares. He want- 
ed to hide his mother's artwork, to tell 
the Government she wont paint any- 
more. He showered under 

This is child protection, Postal Serv- 
ice style. Now, about those Bein of 
your kid on the bearskin rug. . 




what's happening in the sexual and social arenas 


hicles were damaged when a crowd of off- 
duty cops scrambled on top of them to geta 
better view of a wet-T-shirt contest at their. 

annual police picnic. The Connecticut 
State Police Union has agreed to reim- 
burse the state for the repairs. 


SALEM. VIRGINIA—A self-ordained Pen- 
tecostal minister and self-proclaimed 
prophet said that during a vision, three 
angels warned him that U.S. authorities 
were going to file sex charges against him. 
Unfortunately, he revealed the vision only 
after he had been brought to trial in the 
state court for sodomizing two teenagers 
and after he had been indicted by the Fed- 
eral court for using boys as prostitutes 
during revival tours. He was unable to 
prophesy the outcome of the trials. 


DALLAS—The Christian Life Commis- 
ston, an agency of the Southern Baptist 
Convention, the nation’s largest Protes- 
tant denomination, recently made some 
decisions that indicate a sharp right turn 
for the already conservative organization. 
It decided to stop distributing copies of the 
Surgeon Generals report on AIDS, be- 
cause il is not a guide to Christian moral- 
ity; it has unthdrawn support for a 

pamphlet opposing the death penalty, be- 
cause capital punishment is "societys way 
of upholding the sanctity of human life”; 
and it elected a new director who believes 
that it is “contrary to Gods will to date 
non-Christians” and that “God hates 


WASHINGTON. DC.—When H. Robert 
Showers, Jr. head of the Attorney Gener- 
als National Obscenity Enforcement 
Unit, was asked to serve also as deputy to 
the Criminal Division chief, prosecutors 
complained that he was not qualified for 
the position, one that includes supervising 
the departments fraud section. Because 
of the complaints, Showers’ position was 
redefined to exclude fraud from his juris- 

The prosecutors apparently knew what 
they were complaining about, for recently, 
Showers was placed on leave while await- 
ing the oulcome of an investigation by 
the Office of Professional Responsibility, 
which is reviewing. allegations that he 
asked a lawyer to destroy a document per- 
tinent to an obscenity case. 


WASHINGTON, DC—Ronald Reagan 
signed legislation ordering the Federal 
Communications Commission to crack 
down on radio and television indecency— 
not just in daytime or prime time but at 
all times. The 24-hour prohibition was 
stipulated in an amendment to an FCC 
appropriations bill and sailed through 
both Houses of Congress with virtually no 
discussion. North Carolina Republican 
Senator Jesse Helms was the author of the 

Reagan also acknowledged support for 
a legislative amendment to tax organiza- 
tions that earn a significant portion of 
revenues from performing abortions. The 
amendment will be tacked on to a bill re- 
working the 1986 Tax Reform Act. 


HOUSTON— If you're planning to shop in 
Mexico, better pause before buying any ar- 
tifacts that remotely resemble drug para- 
phernalia. Note the story of two women 
shoppers who returned with a couple of 
50-cent pipes—only to have Customs 
agents seize thetr automobile under the 

zero-tolerance program. After a public 
outcry, the car was returned. 


request that an AIDS test be given lo the 
man accused of kidnaping and repeatedly 
raping her has been turned down by a 
state superiorcourl judge. The alleged 
rapists attorney contended that testing his 
client for AIDS would violate the de- 
fendants constitutional rights, because 
state law permits testing only for venereal 
diseases, and AIDS is a viral illness. 

BOWIE, MARYLAND—Tivo men accused 
of raping four women in Prince Georges 
County wore condoms during the rapes— 
apparently in order to protect themselves 
from acquiring AIDS. 


LONDON. ENGLAND—British nutrition 
expert David Conning made the mistake 
of telling a group of scientists that daily 
consumption of a common fungal infesta- 
Hon named ergot, which is sometimes 
found in the wheat used in high-bran ce- 
reals, can theoretically cause LSD highs. 
Tabloid newspapers subsequently report- 

Flakes.” Conning denied that breakfast 
food contains enough LSD for an acid 
high and issued a British understatement 
regarding the press reports: "Well, I think 
most of them have gone over Ihe top." 

Hi 's flying in on the red-eye 
just for my party. 

i Good taste is always an asset. 

Je8 Schell & Somerset Co. New York, NY. Blended Scotch Whisky 43 

- And he drinks Johnnie Walker 


AM AlcNol B6 8*1. 

Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 

16 mg "tar; 10 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Feb.'85 


a candid conversation about watergate, the supreme court, john belushi 
and politicians’ private lives with the celebrated investigative reporter 

When Bob Woodward telephoned a source 
some time ago, the secretary who took the call 
thought it was Robert Redford on the line. 
Even the source—who knew better—hesitat- 
ed when Woodward came onto the line, con- 
fusing the reporter with the actor who had 
once played him. 

Woodward occupies a unique niche in 
American popular culture—hes perhaps the 
only print reporter who is more famous than 
most of the people he interviews. Much of his 
celebrity derives from Redfords portrayal of 
him in “All the Presidents Men,” the 1976 
film version of the Watergate saga based on 
the book by Woodward and his Washington 
Post side-kick, Carl Bernstein. 

Its about to get even more confusing. For, 
in a relatively short time, Woodward will be 
portrayed by as many as four more actors. He 
is slated to be a character in movies or TV se- 
ries based on three of his other best-selling 
hooks — "The Final Days" (1976). the story of 
Richard Nixons decline and fall; “Wired” 
(1984), about the death of actor John Belushi: 
and “Veil” (1987), about William Caseys 
tenure as Director of Central Intelligence — 
and, perhaps, in an autobiographical scripl 
now being completed by Elsa Walsh, Wood- 
wards companion of the past six years and 
herself a Post reporter 

Indeed, at the age of 45, Woodward is a 
full-blown journalistic legend. Ben Bradlee, 

his boss at the Post, calls him “the best re- 
porter Fue ever seen. Period.” David Halber- 
stam, who made his name with aggressive 
pursuit of the truth in Vietnam, hails his 
“single-minded ferocity.” Seymour Hersh, 
perhaps the only other reporter of this era 
with a comparable investigative record—and 
a man nol given to gushing about oth 
achievements—says of Woodward, “Hes aw- 
fully good; his work has really held up over 
the years.” 

But, not surprisingly, Woodward’ celebrity 
has brought him disparagement as well. Crit- 
ics question his confidential relationship with 
his sources, suggest that he may even have 
fabricated some critical scenes in his books 
and argue that he has not found the proper 
balance of his voles as the Posts assistant 
managing editor in charge of its investiga- 
tive unit, as the neuspapers star wporter and 
as a writer of best-selling books. 

So pervasive is Woodward's influence and 
so familiar is his by-line on the front pages 
and the best-seller lists that it is hard to be- 
lieve that he emerged onto the national scene 
only in 1973. His upbringing gave little hint 
of the role he was to play. 

Born on March 25, 1943, in Geneva, Ili- 
nois, he grew up in nearby Wheaton, a sub- 
urh of Chicago. When he was 12. his parents 
divorced, with his father retaining custody of 
Bob, a brother and a sister Later, his father 


remarried a woman who had three children of 
her own, and together they had another. The 
eldest of the seven, Woodward tried hard io 
live up to the expectations of his father, then 
Wheatons leading lawyer (and later a 
Judge). In sports, he did not impress, bul aca- 
demically, he did well enough lo snag a naval 
R.O.TC. scholarship to Yale, where he ma- 
Jored in history. 

Graduating in 1965, he fulfilled his Navy 
obligation with four years as a communica- 
tions officer at sea, then was "extended" to a 
fifth year in the office of the Chief of Naval 
Operations. Woodward hated the Navy and 
the Vietnam war. so when he got out, he grav- 
dated toward the institution most critical of 
US. involvement in Vietnam: the press 

After a year with the Montgomery County 
Sentinel, where he made a local splash cover 
ing Maryland’ political hanky-panky, he 
joined the Post in September 197) and was 
assigned to the night police beat, Another sto- 
ry soon mier 

On June 
ied alone by nical mol editor Dots ry 
Sussman, who told him that five men carry- 
mg photographic and electronic gear had 
Been arrested earlier that morning during a 
burglary at the Democratic Party headquar- 
ters. The city desk needed some extra hands 
on the story. Could he come in? 

Woodward jumped out of bed and walked 

"You know from human nature that if a 
Congressman is living a lie in his private life, 
what kind of lie is he living as à committee 
chairman? Ud say, "Lets look at this guy and 
see if there's a pattern.” 

"Judy Belushi wanted a different ending to 
the story. 1 guess she hoped I would find out 
that John had been tied up and forced to take 
drugs, or that he was alive in Des Moines. 
She couldn't cope with the real ending." 


“The real question is how our reporting has 
stood up. I am totally comfortable with the 
record. After the attacks on The Final Days, 
Kissingers memoirs come out and describe 
Ihe prayer scene almost exactly as we did." 



the six blocks to the Post, where he found un- 
other reporter, a rumpled, shaggy-haired fel- 
low named Carl Bernstein, at work on the 
same story. 

In the days following the break-in, as they 
worked side by side, the two young men— 
Woodward was 29; Bernstein, 28—eyed 
each other suspiciously. But soon they discov- 
ered that they worked well together—Wood- 
ward supplying the establishment credentials, 
a well-honed intelligence and dogged dili- 
gence; Bernstein providing the writing skill, 
cunning and an almost feral intensity. Wood- 
ward had been divorced from his first wife 
and high school sweetheart, Kathleen Mid- 
dlekauff and Bernstein was separated, so 
neither had a family life to prevent him from 
working 12 to 18 hours a day. Work they did, 
breaking story after story as the Watergate 
saga unfolded. For their efforts, the Post won 
a Pulitzer Prize. 

Soon Watergate was a collage industry, 
wilh Woodward and Bernstein üs chief en- 
trepreneurs. Their book on how they got the 
story, “AU the Presidents Men,” was pub- 
lished in 1974. It sold more than 300,000 
copies and rose to number one on the best-sell- 
er lists. (It appeared. first as excerpts in 
Playboy m May and June 1974.) Two years 
later, it was released as a film, starring 
Redford as Woodward, Dustin Hoffman as 
Bernstein and Jason Robards as Bradlee. 
That same year, Woodward and Bernstein 
published their second book about Water- 
gate— "The Final Days" —uhich, like its 
predecesor. soared to the top of the best-seller 
lists and sold nearly 600,000 copies. 

But behind the scenes of this long-running 
show, the two stars squabbled. Woodward took 
increasing umbrage at Bernsteins work 
habits; Bernstein met and married New York 
Journalist Nora Ephron, lefi the Post and set 
out lo become a true “writer.” So, when the 
opportunity to report fiom inside the 
Supreme Court presented itself. Woodward 
turned to his boyhood friend Scott Arm- 
strong, then a reporter at the Post. The result, 
in 1979, was “The Brethren,” again a num- 
berone lest seller, with some 600,000 copies 

Meanwhile, Woodward was beginning to 
see himself as the logical successor to execu- 
tive editor Bradlee, He became metropolitan 
editor, but it was soon apparent that that was 
not his strength. In 1981, one of his staffers, a 
young woman named Janet Cooke, won a 
Pulitzer Prize for her story about an eight- 
year-old heroin addict, only to have the prize 
revoked when it was discovered that she had 
fabricated the story. Although Woodward and 
his colleagues pried the truth out of Cooke 
and promptly published everyhing they 
knew, the episode was a setback for the young 
editor, dashing his hopes to succeed Bradlee. 
The next year, he was shunted aside, appoint- 
ed an assistant managing editor and given 
free rein to pursue his own book projects while 
developing investigative stories for the paper. 

His next booh—aud the first without a for 
mal collaborator—was “Wired,” which told 

the story of John Belushis losing batıle with 
drugs. (It, too, was excerpted in Playboy, in 
July 1984.) Once more, Woodward hat the top 
of the best-seller lists, with more than 
300,000 copies sold, but the book stirred a 
furor among Belushis family, friends and 
admirers, who charged that he had distorted 
the late actors life. 

Then, in September 1987, Woodward pro- 
duced “Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 
1981-1987” Hs publication provoked fresh 
controversy, particularly over its final scene, 
in which he claimed to have interviewed CIA 
Director Casey in the hospital shortly before 
he died. Caseys widow vehemently denied 
that Woodward had been in her husband's 
hospital room. Others charged Woodward 
with withholding important material from 
his newspaper in order to hype his book. 

As usual, the book hit the top of the 
York Times best-seller list, selling an impres- 
sive 500,000 hardcaver copies. But Wood- 
wards publishers had expected even higher 
sales, and his critics were harsher than ever. 

AL this interesting juncture, Playboy asked 

“I don't get any kick 
out of protecting sources, 
but... its a kind of 
sacred trust.” 

J. Anthony Lukas, twice a winner of the 
Pulitzer Prize for journalism and nonfiction, 
to talk with Woodward. Lukas’ report: 
“When I told mutual friends that I was 
preparing for these conversations, they ex- 
Dressed. astonishment that Woodward had 
agreed lo talk, Reporters who have dealt with 
him claim that he is temperamentally secre- 
tive, loath to volunteer information about 
himself: ‘Bobs one of this citys most private 
people, said a colleague. “Not quite the J. D. 
Salinger of the press corps, but getting there. 
“Indeed, when 1 first called, he didn't seem 
eager for the interview that had been suggest- 
ed, though he graciously proposed a private 
dinner. } persisted, Woodward eventually ac- 
ceded and one morning, I presented myself at 
his gray Victorian house in Georgetown. 
“Vogue magazine once said that Wood- 
ward had a face ‘as open as a Finnish sand- 
wich, and he was the soul of genial 
hospitality as he welcomed me into the spa- 
cious house decorated with movie posters, 
deep leather chairs, expensive stereo equip- 
ment and potted greenery. At our heels 
mipped Pym, a tiny Lhaso Apso that belongs 
to Elsa Walsh. In the kitchen, the cook was as- 
sembling a picnic lunch, for Woodward had 
decided that our first encounter should take 
place at his new weekend retreat on the 
Maryland shore, just south of Annapolis. 
“H took the best part of an hour in Wood- 
wards Honda Accord to reach the house on a 

wooded point off Chesapeake Bay. The sunny 
Cape Cod-style home had breath-taking 
views of the water and the pine-clad islands. 
We sat on the bright sun porch in a brisk 
breeze off the bay. 

“By noon, it had grown chilly, so we moved 
inside to eat lunch in two armchairs pulled 
up to Ihe great stone fireplace. Perhaps it was 
the bone-chilling cold, perhaps the length of 
the marathon interview, but the afternoon. 
session didn't go so well. 

“As I dug into his relationship with 
confidential sources, he grew a bit testy. For a 
time, we danced around the delicate issues: 
the persistent doubts in some peoples minds 
thai Woodward super sources, notably Deep 
Throat, exist as he describes them. Woodward 
suspected that I was pursumg some agenda 
of my own. It was gelting late, we weren't 
making much progress, so we drove back to 
the city. 

“A month later, I returned to Washington 
and checked into a hotel. Woodward couldn't 
make it until eight that evening, because he'd 
spent the entire day with the producers of 
Wired,’ going over a draft of the script. 
When he arrived, he looked exhausted. 

“But over dinner in my room, it soon be- 
came clear that the air between us had 
cleared. We were two reporters trading jour- 
nalistic yarns. Talking about how he builds 
source relationships, Woodward warmed to 
the tas] 

“The next day, we finished up, with several 
hours at his house in a cozy study with forest- 
green walls, comfortable chairs and a well- 
stocked bar. I do a lot of interviews myself in 
this room, he said. ‘It puts people at their 
case. They seem to talk here.” 

“IL bet they do." 

PLAYBOY: You a problem most journal- 
ists dont suffer from—being mistal 
Robert Redford. Is 1 true that ever since 
he played you in All the Presidents Men, 
people have tended 10 confuse the two of 
women who w 
the difference. 

PLAYBOY: You're about to be portrayed in 
several more movies. Have you scen them? 
WOODWARI e seen an early print of the 
film based on Wired. my book about the 
death of John Belushi. Its terrific, well be- 

|. I've gone out with lots of 
immediately able to tell 

nd my expectations: in fact, much better 
doesnt pull any 

than the book. The mo 
punches about drugs, bi 
Belushis s 

Il the Presidents 
à story around that the 
1 book—set off a 
ons to journalism schools. 
s, I know that that idea is 
around, but I think the Columbia Journal- 
ism Review showe it so much 
Watergate as Viet 
chord in young An 

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right to me. Viemam was a searing experi- 
ence, a bloodletting. Nobody died in Wa: 
tergate. The morality of Nixon and his 
group distressed a lot of people. But it’s not 
the kind of distress that changes a career. 
Nobody has ever told me, “I went into jou 
nalism because of you.” 
PLAYBOY: Nonetheless, you and your Wate 
gate partner, Carl Bernstein, changed the 
image of reporters forever. Yet now, when 
reporting on personal lives has become a 
of political life, polls are showing a 
marked hostility toward the press. Are you 
concerned about this kind of backlash? 
WOODWARD: No, I don't think those polls 
reflect what people really feel. People 
uncomfortable with reporters going 
round, as The Miami Herald did in 1987, 
staking out Gary Hart's house. No one likes 
that. Even the reporters who did it are ui 
comfortable. But, like the reporters, I 
think the public is comfortable with the rc- 
sult. They said, “Yeah, we needed to know 
that, and now that we know it, we dont 
think he's fit to be President.” 
PLAYBOY: Why do you believe that evidence 
of an affair isan indication of unfitness for 
the Presidency 
WOODWARD: It has to do with your word. 
The m; gc vow is your word, even 
though a lot of people break it 
wasn't just breaking it, he was obsessed 
with breaking it. 
PLAYBOY: The old rule of thumb was that 
you could report a public figure's private 
life only when it affected the performance 
of his public duties. Is that outmoded now? 
WOODWARD: Being President is a twenty- 
four-hour-a-day job. If you've got some- 
body living a lie in one phase of his life 
that inevitably affects how hes going to 
perform his duty. Ivs a fundamental char- 
acter issue. 
As 10 the old rule of thumb, remember, | 
started reporting in the middle of the 
Vietnam war, when everything was up for 
grabs. There we were, as reporters and as 
zens, examining the basic i of 
whether we were involved 
immoral war; indeed, what 
we were. I never felt const 
tered the reporting business. 
PLAYBOY: But shouldnt there be cor 
straints? If a Presidential candidate is al- 
ways fair game, what about the woman 
who calls you at the paper and says, “I'm 
sleeping with a Congressional committee 
chairman and I'll go on the record.” Do 
you report it? 
WOODWARD: Well, it depends, If you called 
him up on it and he said, “Yup, it's tru 
I'm going through a lousy time and my 
marriage is on the roc! Fd tend on both 
a human and a reportorial level 10 
"Well, here's a guy who knows himself. 
pretty well and is villi 
1 probably wouldn't do the stor 
Let me give you an example from real 
life. Just alter Jimmy Carter was elected, 
his new Appointments Secretary was sup- 
posed to be a fellow named Greg 
Schneiders. Somebody came to me and 

int when I er 

aid that Schneiders had owned some ba 
and defaulted on some loans and was 
So E called him and he 

y true. My finances are in a 

but I 
I didn't 

mess. I'm straightening them out 
think it's going to take some time. 

do a story on it. I gave it to another re- 
who mentioned it in passing in a 
profile of Schneiders. Eventually, he didn't 

y subvert my attack-dog 
nkly my threshold just 

get the job. It ma 
mage, but, quite fr 
wastrt crossed. 
PLAYBOY: Getting back to our hypothetical 
Congressman, if he said to you, “That’s a 
damn lie,” you'd go after him? 
WOODWARD: Well, if you sec him on the 
cover ol the local magazine with the per- 
fect family, and so forth, then there's a ci 
trast. And you know from human natur 
that if he’s living that kind of lie in his pri- 
vate life, what kind of lie is he living as 
committee chairman? Then Ud say, “Lets 
take a look at this guy and his committee 
and see if there's a patter 
1 feel pretty strongly that you've got to 
look at these things. And the nice thing 
about where I work is, you can spend 
months looking at them and still end up 
saving, “Gee, we don't have a story. 
PLAYBOY: You scem to be saying that the be- 
havior is less important than how the pei 
son cycles that behavior through his own 
psyche. Is that the standar 
WOODWARD: It's about self-knowledge 
Look, everyone has to confront failures or 
mistakes, and part of character is how you 
deal with failures and mistakes. I have a 
twelve-year-old daughter, and many of our 
confrontations are about owning up to be- 
havior and accepting the consequences. 
PLAYBOY: But aren't there acts that are 
wrong in and of themselves, whatever the 
attitude of the person who commits them? 
‘Take the case of the SEC officer who was 
accused of beating hi 
WOODWARD: But that's a criminal act. We're 
talking about the margins, arent we? 
Screwed-up finances, extramarital se 
smoking marijuana 
PLAYBOY: Then the lesson to anyone in pub- 
lic life is, IF you've committed a criminal 
ict. you Probably ought to cover up, be- 
use Woodward will go after you. But 
the activity is at the margins—— 
WOODWARD: Confess! [Laughs] 
PLAYBOY: Does amy of this apply to Water- 
gate? Of course, (hat involved outright 
criminal activities. But if Nixon had been 
more frank about what the White House 
had done, wouldn't he have finished out his 
second term? 
: We could sit here and craft 
graph statement that Nixon 
could have read in late June 1972 ıh 
would probably have disposed of the whole 
thing. But what kept everyone going was 
the fierce and overstated denial from the 
start, so people said, "Whats being con- 
cealed here? Why is there such a rabid re- 
ction to all of this? 
PLAYBOY: We'll return to Wat 
fore leaving the topic of ex-candidates, le 

gate, but be- 

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Tracy Chapman. 
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Ole eon John The 
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SugarCubes-Liés To — Cup 370320 
RE Wynton Marsalis Quartet 
ig sone di -ive At Blues Alley 
Tighten Up. Vol 88 (Columba) 30000290098 
e 7* — Serglu Comissiona— 
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The Psychedelic Furs-Al (CBS Masterworks) 369843 

ons Ang Nong 
CNS og yohmny ats Once na 
Wile Nelson—Whet A Georgia Satellites Open 
PS s A ‘Night (Elekra) 388480 
Joan Jeti And The 
Richard Marx EM) 36961 — Blackhenris 
Up Nour Alley 
Besia- Tine And Tides. 
oc) E 
REO Speedwagon— 
Greatest Hits pe) 367672 
The Beat ot Eric Carmen 
pe E 
Brahms-Double Concerto 
leaa Stor, Vo VOM. 
Atbaco. Chicago Sym 
Solo Pam vov (CESME) Ss 3a7250 
Various Ariss 
re Dwight Yoskam- Buenas 
iN, Noches From A Lonely 
BobJames—horyCoast_ FPeomiHeprse 372078 
amr Bo) SETOS Taking Heads Naked 
UBAD(RRM) arzao sem "aor 
Branford Marsalls— Michael Feinstein— 
Random Abstract Hemenber Mchael 
(Gouna) angeo — Fenstsin Sings inang Berin 
Grover Washington, se — Ec 
Maa Prince—Love Sex; 
(Counba) TR 
YehwaMerunln-Handel: — o any 8 The 
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Philharmonic Orch Melody Makers— 

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Pat Beratar- Wido Awako SERO 
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George Benson—Twice 
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Concerto: Selnt-Saens: 
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Midnight Oll-Diesel And 
Dust (Cokmba) 366183 
Billy Ocean- Tear Down 
Those Wall 
(hebra) 365825 
No 3. Nomingion, The 
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Angel E 
Keith Sweat-Moke test 
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dames Taylor- Never Die 
Young Camba) aeaieo 
Tasa] Bary 
Daryl Hall John Oates- 
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Al (Eleka) E 
Wynton Marsalls— 
Baroque Muse For 
(CBSMaser) 364695 
Information (artic) 364018. 
Madonna—You Can Dance 
See) E 
Linda Ronstadt- 
Cancones De Mi Padre 
(sven) 362640 
Andres Segovia. 
Collection. Vo. 1 Music 
By Bach 
(HCACiassecs) 362293 
George Michael-Fath 
(Coloma 362208 
Belinda Carliste-Heaven 
On Eann 
Michael Jackson—Fad 
(too ‘2079 
Sting. Nothing Lie The 
Sun (ABN) 361675 
introducing The Hardline 
According To Terence 
Tent D’ 
(Columna) E 
Poison-Open Up And Say 
(Gapiovengme) 368688 

Kenny G-Sihouette 
[5] 371559 
Guns N' Roses Arpette 
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Yes-Eig Generator 

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CBS Maste: 361022 
Bruce Springsteen— 
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Billy idol Vital ol 
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Debbie Gibson-Ou Of 
The Blue ar) 208927 
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Gershwin (Ange) 359745 
Vacation (Geten) 359075 
“La Bamba”, Orig. 

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10,000 Manlacs-In My 
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Various Artists. ¡Angol 
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Elton John—Reg Strikes 
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Dion and The Belmonts— 
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Supertramp—Ciasscs Vol 
SUAM) [^ 
simi Hendrix- The Cry Of 
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Stevie Won 
Innervisions (Tamia) 362368 
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tAlanic) 351957 

Arena rank 
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Prae povo siones bec) 

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Van Halen— OUEI2. Bobby McFerrin—Simple Copland—Rodeo, Bil) ene Michael Jackson—Trriller 
(Warner Bros.) 369911 Pleasures (EM) 368306 rea Sann, S Gem. Ke wa pd 318089 
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dear up a side light about Gary Hart. It 
turned out that he was your friend and 
had even lived in your house on two occa 
sions. How did that come about? 
WOODWARD: In 1979, Hart called me up 
and said he knew | had recently been di- 
vorced and had a big house in George- 
town. He ssed. confused 
person—confused about his marriage. 
about whether it was on or off The human 
thing to do was to say yes, which I did 
PLAYBOY: How well did you know Hart? 
WOODWARD: Wed had a couple of long 
conversations. That's all. 

PLAYBOY: How long did he stay th 

WOODWARD: A couple of months. Then he 
came back in 1981 or 1982, well before he 
was a Presidential candidate. 

PLAYBOY: Did you see much of him when 
he was living with you? 

WOODWARD: No. That second time, he 
barely ever opened the refrigerator. 1 
found out that he was staying at some 
woman's place and using my house as a 
kind of mail drop. and I uncomfort- 
able with that. Then some Colorado re- 
porter wanted to interview me about the 
Senator and | told Hart I would have to 
answer fully and honestly. We had a lunch 
at Trader Vics that got pretty testy. He 
said, "These are private matters. Why can't 
you just tell him. 'No comment?" And I 
id, "Because he's a colleague and because 
dodging something like that never work: 
Hart was upset, hut he moved o 
PLAYBOY: A telling conversation in light of 
what happened later. 

WOODWARD: More than telling. | was very 
distressed. 1 told Bradlee, “This man 
thinks that he can erect a Chinese Wall be- 
tween his personal life and his political ca- 
reer, and you can't do that.” I urged him to 
assign a reporter to carefully examine 
Hart's career after the 1984 election. So all 
I did was encourage aggressive coverage 
PLAYBOY: If you got a call this afternoon 
rom a general at the Pentagon who was 
separated from his wife and he said, "Bob. 
] hear you have a spare room. 
WOODWARD: If you called up and needed 
room, I might let you in if you were willing: 
a notarized affidavit that you would. 
never run for public office. That thing 
with Hart, it was a mistake. I didn't see its 
amifications. It substantiates my mother's 
view that no good deed goes unpunished. 
PLAYBOY: Are you bothered at all by the 
pearance of hypocrisy in the reporting of 
such subjects? When you investigated Wa- 
tergate, you were examining activity you'd 
presumably never engaged in. But when 
reporters investigate marital infidelity or 
the use of marijuana, that is something 
many of them have done themselves. 
WOODWARD: Well, you couldn't have a re- 
porter who was committing adultery on 
Thursday following some candidate 
around on Friday night to see who he was 
sleeping with. That would be absurd and 
hypocritical. But a reporter who had com- 

was a di 

t first 

mitted adultery years before and learned 
lesson, maybe. 

PLAYBOY: Gay Talese, in his book on The 
New York Times, says that all good re- 
porters are outsiders. Are you an outsider 
WOODWARD: Yeah, I think so. 

PLAYBOY: Really? Son of a leading lawyer i 
a Midwestern town. Protestant. Middle 
class. Educated at Yale. A naval ollicer. To 
many people, you look like the quintessen- 


That's where you've got it 
wrong. There's no better place to start 
reer as an outsider than on the bench at 
Wheaton Community High School, which 
was Red Grange's school, too. I was terri- 
ble. I almost never got into a game. And up 
in the stands was my father, who'd been 
captain of the Oberlin football team, 
PLAYBOY: Was he disappointed in you? 
WOODWARD: He never upbraided me, but I 
knew how disappointed he was. So I spent 
a lot of time up in my room as a radio ham, 
talking in Morse code around the world. 
You remember the ham-radio club in high 
school—all those guys with slide rules on 
their belts? Thats an outsider, believe me. 
PLAYBOY: Didn't it begin even earlier than 
that? There's a story one of your friends 
tells about you as a child at Christmas. 
Your parents had divorced, and you didn’t 
think that the presents you and your sib- 
lings got were up to those your new step- 
brothers and stepsisters got. 

WOODWARD: Oh, yes. I looked up the 
prices of all t sents in the gift catalog 
It was a moment of great emotional dis- 
tress for me and my father when I con- 
fronted him and showed him that the 
money he'd spent on them and on us was 
so dramatically out of balance. 

PLAYBOY: Bob Woodward's first piece of in- 
vestigative reporting and. psychologically 
speaking. a significant moment? 
WOODWARD: Oh. absolutely It was kind of 
sad, but the fact is that it's a very competi- 
tive world when two families are brought 
together that way. You end up feeling like 
an outsider in your own family 
PLAYBOY: What about Yale? Did you feel 
like an outsider there? 

WOODWARD: | remember taking the train 
from New York to New Haven—and walk- 
ing into the university and literally know- 
ing no one. | was eighteen years old and 
utterly rootless in this Eastern-establish- 
ment world. g all over again. 
PLAYBOY: It’s dox, isn't it, to seem like 
such an insider and fecl like an outsider? 
WOODWARD: A paradox, maybe, but I'm 
not so sure it's a handicap. In fact, it may 
bc a wonderful benefit to feel like an out- 
sider inside establishment institutions. 
PLAYBOY: You started writing at Yale, didn't 
you—some poetry and a novel? 
WOODWARD: A silly novel, about 
man growing up in a small Michs 
town very much like Wheaton. And all the 
turmoil in the family. One chapter would 
be in very overwrite ulkner 
the next in sparse Hemingw; 



Garbage. I sent it off to some New York 
publishers. But when they said no, I aban- 
doned it. 

PLAYBOY: You abandoned more than the 
novel, didn’t you? We're told that you aban- 
doned all your liter ambitions, the 
whole idea of being a writer. even the no- 
tion of yourself as an intellectual 
WOODWARD: Yes. It was pu 
The novel wasn't accepted 
that I wasn't any good at it 
PLAYBOY: But you'd had only one book 
turned down something every published 
novelist has experienced. It doesn't seem 
to be enough of a reason to give up all liter- 
ary aspirations. Did something else drive 
you aw 
WOODWARD: [Pause] Yes. 1 suppose what 
later attracted me to journalism was that I 
could deal with the external world and not 
have to look inside so much. Because inside 
me, inside that first novel was all the pain- 
ful material of. Wheaton and childhood 
and divorce and families in which all the 
nocent are wounded, because children 
are innocent, and it inflicts great pain. . . . 
PLAYBOY: The novelist has to dredge up all 
those buried emotions, while the journalist 
can keep them ata distance? 
WOODWARD: At a great distance. Frankly, 1 
find other people more interesting than I 
find myself. One has to make choices in 
life. That was a choice I made. Maybe it has 
erected a barrier in my life, but by and 
large, it has worked for me. 

PLAYROY- Rut it wasn't only a reject 
the inner life—wasn't there also a strong 
attraction to the life of a newspaperman? 
WOODWARD: Oh. yes! I ight away 
that was what I wanted to do, beca 
excited just going into the newsroom. It 
was immediate, not filtered or abstruse. 
PLAYBOY: Your first real exposure to jour- 
m was when you got out of the Navy, 
1970, right? 

WOODWARD: I went to see the Posts 
metropolitan editor. Harry Rosenfeld, who 
somewhat reluctantly gave me a two-week 
tryout. I wrote fifieen stories, none of 
which was published. He said, "See, you're 
terrible. It's a profession you've got to learn 
like any other. Get your training some- 
where else. Then come back and we'll see: 
PLAYBOY: Those words didnt discourage 
you as the rejection of your novel had? 
WOODWARD: No, and when I went to see 
the editor of the Montgomery County Sen- 

ely practical 
lit was cl 

n of 


tinel, Y told him, "I want this job so bad I 

taste it.” Later he told me, “That's why 
red you. 

Some of the stories I did there got 
picked up by The Washington Post, and in 
the summer of 1971, Harry Rosenfeld took 
me back. They put me on night police, 
from six-thirty rm. to two-thirty am Pd 
work the night shift and then go in the 
t day and write the story. I did nothing 
all over the paper, 

as a period I remember with great 
fondness. Lile was simple and direct. This 
may overstate it a little bit, but it’s the 


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closest thing to the Platonic academy that 
exists in this country, where you're inter- 
ested in ideas, inquiring, skeptical. There 
were no sacred cows. Nothing was off 
PLAYBOY: Nine months later, along came 
Watergate. Where were you when you first 
heard about the burglary? 

as asleep in bed when the 
nine o'clock on a Satu 
day morning, and Barry Sussman, ity 
editor, told me that five men had been ar- 
rested carlier that morning in Democratic 
headquarters. It didn't seem like much, but 
1 liked to work weekends, so I went over to 
cover the arraignment hearing. 
PLAYBOY: What first aroused your suspicion 
that there was something bigger lurking in 
that little burglary? 
WOODWARD: The presence of this lawyer, 
Douglas Caddy, representing the burglars 
Burglars normally don't have attorneys 
ready to appear at the arraignment. | kept 
asking Caddy how he'd become involved. 
He was very vague, finally daiming he'd 
gotten a call in the night asking him to 
represent Bernard Barker, a man he'd met 
at a cocktail party: It made you go, “Hey, 
wait a minute.” 

But the big “Hey, wait a minute” was 
when they asked onc of the burglars, James 
McCord, where he worked. He said he'd 
recently retired from Government. The 
judge asked, “Where in Government?” 
and McCord finally said, "CIA." Thats 
when 1 really did a “Holy shit.” A burglar 
who worked for che CLA! 

PLAYBOY: You did have one disappoimment 
over Watergate, didn’t you? The Pulitzer 
advisory board later decided to award a 
prize for what you had done, but Bradlee 
determined that it should go to the Post as 
an institution rather than to you and Bei 
stein individually. 

WOODWARD: Yes, you gct only a couple of 
shotsat a Pulitzer in your carcer. That was 
our chance and it was snatched away 1 
worked myself up into some concern about 
it and went to see Bradlee. He said that 
Carl and I would always be identified with 
the story but that the Post needed the prize 
at that moment. He had the longer per- 
spective and | had the shorter onc. 
PLAYBOY: Of the major unanswered ques- 
tions about Watergate, which interest you 
the most? 

WOODWARD: I think the main unanswered 
question is, Did Nixon know about the bu 
glary in advance? I'm working on part of 
that answer now. | think there are some 
people who are still alive who may be able 
to answer that. 

PLAYBOY: What about the motive for the 
Watergate burglary itself? As you know, 
there has long been a theory that the 
Nixon forces were principally interested in 
finding out how much Larry O'Br 
chairman of the Democratic National 
Committee, knew about Nixons ties to 
Howard Hughes, specifically the one hun- 
dred thousand dollars that Hughes had 
passed to Nixon through the President's 

friend Bebe Rebozo. At a recent confer- 
ence on the Nixon Presidency, Jeb Magrud- 
er said that ¢ as, indeed, the motive. 
What do you thin 
WOODWARD: I think the Hughes-Rebozo 
thing was part of it, but motivations are 
complex. There's a tendency to feel that 
because Watergate turned out to be such a 
calamity, the burglars had to have been 
looking for the Holy Grail. In fact, if you 
look at their testimony, they say they were 
on a general fishing expedition to find 
some dirt on the Democrats. And, as with 
any expedition, everyone had a different 
PLAYBOY: Do you resent the implication by 
some critics that your sources on Water- 
gate—among them the fabled Deep 
"Throat—may have been people in the in- 
telligence community? 
WOODWARD: I resent it because it's untrue. 
As you know. I'm not going to discuss the 
identity of Deep Throat or any other of my 
confidential sources who are still alive. But 
just say that this suggestion that we 
ng used by the intelligence com- 
munity was of concern to us at the time 
and afterward. When somebody frst 
wrote the article saying about me, “Wait a 
minute; this is somebody in an intelligence 
gency who doesn't like Nixon and is try- 
ing to get him out,” I took that seriously. 
The CIA is an agency with professional 
covert manipulators who try toalter events 
by deceiving people and directing them, 
running them like an intelligence agent. I 
have revisited this question of disinform: 
tion—Td rather not go into how it was 
done—but I've satisfied myself and others 
that that was not the case. 
PLAYBOY: With the story’s breaking all 
around you, how did you lind time to write. 
All the Presidents Men? 
WOODWARD: We didn't. That August, Carl 
said, "Weve got to get out of town.” My 
mother had a house in Naples, Florida. 
Bradlec gave us six wecks off and we flew 
down. Carl wrote on a glass-topped table 
by the pool and I wrote inside, controlling 
the car keys and the telephone to kecp Carl 
und. We wrote most of the book that 
way and finished it locked in a couple of 
New York hotel suites that December. 
PLAYBOY: The book came out in sp 
1974 and was quickly a best seller. When 
did you realize to what extent it had cap- 
tured the nation's imaginationz 
WOODWARD: The excerpts first ran in 
Playboy, and one evening, 
iding down Connecticut Avenue 
l-news station was reading from an ex- 
cerpt with no break for about six minutes. 
Carl and ] looked at each other and 
shrugged. What uas thi: 
PLAYBOY: Later on, especially after the 
movie, a lot was made of the contrast be- 
tween you and Bernstein. When he looked 
at you, he saw, as he would later put it 
“lawns, greensward, staterooms and grass 
tennis courts." You were supposed to have 
n him as "one of those counterculture 

journalists” you despised. Was that a prob- 
lem between you? 

WOODWARD: No. I especially don't remem- 
ber ever talking politics with him. We had 
a job to do and that absorbed our energy. 
PLAYBOY: But wasn't there some friction de- 
veloping between the two of you? 
WOODWARD: We had some disagrcements 
about work habits. I tend to be more of a 
workaholic and Carl tends to be on the 
lesser side of workaholism. But thc differ- 
ences weren't political. 

PLAYBOY: If Bernstein was the countercul- 
id, you had been an officer in the 
wy. Did the Vietnam war affect your 

WOODWARD: I was on board a Navy ship off 
the coast of Vietnam, a radar picket ship 
that ran communications for carri 
bombers. And bouncing around out there, 
1 asked myself, What am I doing here? 
What are we trying to achieve? Who is the 
enemy? Why is my life being wasted? 

I was a great fan of Catch-22 and saw 
the senselessness that pervaded every- 
thing we were doing out there. 1 really 
hated the war. I hated the idea of dying. I 
hated the idea of killing. When 1 think 
back to 1970 and ask why I became a re- 
porter, it was probably because of Vietnam 
more than anything else. It was a bad war, 
a wrong war, and the people who were un- 
covering that were journalists. So, ves, I 
was affected. 

PLAYBOY: But for a lot of young Americans 
in that period, the passion against the war 
carried over to a passion about everything 
else that was wrong with America. That 
didn't happen with you, did 
WOODWARD: Did I become a radical? No. 
Think of it. I left the Navy in 1970. Less 
than two years later, I was working on 
Watergate. In another two years, the Presi- 
dent had resigned. You couldn't come off 
that experience and say the system was 
corrupt. It was a sense that you didnt need 
radical solutions. The establishment solu- 
tions work. And after what we did on Wa- 
tergate, which would have seemed so 
outlandish a few years before, Carl and I 
both became the nice little boys. Carl got a 
haircut, and so forth. So you could proba- 
bly say that we were co-opted and taken 
into the establishment, 
PLAYBOY: But, of course, your politics had 
been pretty establishment, hadn't they? At 
your high school graduation, you gave a 
speech cribbed from Barry Goldwaters 
Conscience of a Conservative; and as a Yale 
freshman, your political-science instructor 
called you a cryptofascist. 
‘WOODWARD: Yeah, but by the time I got out 
of Yale, | was probably a cryptoliberal, 
largely about the race issue. 
PLAYBOY: As late as 1968, though, you were 
a registered Republi nd voted for 
WOODWARD: Yeah, but that was largely an 
iwar vote. I was in the then, voting 
by absentee ballot. 1 hated the war LB] 
nd, reading the press, it 
us that if there were any chance 

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of stopping the war, it would be the other 
PLAYBOY: Nixon was, of course, the subject 
of the next book you and Bernstein wrote, 
The Final Days. Many people believe u 
that was vour finest book. But it also 
p a storm. Those people who 
int like the way you had used Deep 
Throat—perhaps suspected there never 
was a Deep Throat—were even more criti 
cal of your reliance on confidential sources 
in The Final Days and of your adamant re- 
fusal to name them. 
WOODWARD: Oh. When that book 
came out, there was an incredible barrage. 
People jumped up and down. saying. 
“How can you say that Nixon and 
Kissinger were praying on the floor to- 
gether? How did you know he was talking 
to the pictures on the wall?” 
PLAYBOY: And demanding that you tell 
them who your sources were? 
WOODWARD: The late John Osborne, then 
the White House correspondent of. The 
New Republic, invited me to lunch one day 
and said he had to know whether Al Haig 
was a source for the book. And I said, “I'm 
not going to tell you." He was outraged 
and he grilled me, implying that Haig had 
said he wasn't a source. | remember think. 
ing, What à temptation to answer. 

Id like to tell you who all the sources are. 
1 dont get any kick out of protecting 
sources or keeping names out of books and 
newspapers. But those are the terms of en- 
gagement, particularly when you're in- 
volved with the intelligence agencies or 
the Nixon White House or the Supreme 
Court. In those worlds, there's no way peo- 
ple are going to talk on the record 

So it's a kind of sacred trust that works 
from a practical point of view as well, be- 
cause the people who come to me at the 
Post know that if they request confiden- 
tality, it will be protected at all costs. 
PLAYBOY: If you found that a source had 
lied to you, would you feel released from 
the confidential relationship? 
WOODWARD: Yes. The terms of that r 
tionship are trus; and candor. If I quote 
the Secretary of State as saying something, 
he's accountable for what he said. But if 1 
say that a source said this, the underlying 
fact has to be true. So if I could establish 
that somebody had lied to me, Id write an 
article saying that so-and-so had broken 
the trust relationship, and this is how it 
PLAYBOY: Has it ever happened? 
WOODWARD: Not that I'm aware of. 
important that a reader 
1 "spin" —what tone or interpre 
on—is being put on a story? And whose 
spin that is? 
WOODWARD: Well, first, my hackles get up. 
when I hear that term spin. People often 
have an ax to grind, but we put it through a 
pretty rigorous process to determine that 
somebody isnt distorting. You have to cor- 
rect for that by having a second or a third. 
source, trying to get documents, putting it 
through all the tests and filters. 

PLAYBOY: Ist it 
know wl 

Finally, the real question is how our re- 

porting has stood the test of ume. I am 
totally comfortable with the record. Afte 
all the attacks on The Final Days. Kissi 
gers memoirs come out and, lo and be- 
hold, he describes the prayer scene almost 
exactly as we did. He puts it in the Lincoln 
bedroom instead of the Lincoln sitting 
room—apparently our mistake. Then Nix- 
on comes out with his memoir. One line: 
ic. President and the Secretary of State 
got down onto the floor and prayed. As 
more memoirs are written, piece after 
piece of the book proves to be. 
PLAYBOY: OK. The Final Days comes out 
and it, too, is a huge best seller. But then 
you and Bernstein split up. Why? 
WOODWARD: Our differences in work 
habits took their toll. There were distrac- 
tions in his life that kept him from the task. 
at hand in a way that caused too much anx- 
iety for me. And I just couldn't see unde 
king another project with him. 
We had talked about doing something 
on the military, but that was pre-empted 
when Carl fell under the spell of New York 
and of [writer] Nora Ephron. He ultimate- 
ly decided, with encouragement from New 
York, to cease 
leave the Post and to upgrade himself, to 
re-create himself as a writers writer. It has 
always fascinated me that there's this feel- 
ing that people have—generally not for 
themselves but for others—that now that 
you've succeeded, let's find something you 
can fail at or something that you will have 
difficulty adapting to. 

Carl is a great reporter. So the fact that 
he hasn't practiced that much in the past 
dozen years is everyone's loss, including his 
own. And I have told him that. But you 
have to credit him; he has produced a 
magnificent book on his parents in the Mc- 
Carthy era. And, happily since we stopped 
working together, we've become much b 
ter friends. 
piArsor: How did you happen to go on to 
write a book about the Supreme Court? 
WOODWARD: I'll tell you the source who 
started that whole project, because he's 
d. Fm revealing his name now, for the 
first time, because it's worth showing that 
there really are sources, people really do 
talk. It's not some reporters imagination 
or some letter that comes in the mail with 
no address, typed on a standard typewrit- 
er. You have relationships, you nurture 
them and they pay off. 

PLAYBOY: Wc re all cars. 
WOODWARD: It was Justice Potter Stewart. 
It was the spring of 1977. 1 was back at the 
Post, writing on a whole range of things. I 
went to a party at the home of Mrs. 
Katharine Graham, the publisher, and Jus- 
tice Stewart was there. All through the re- 
porting on The Final Days, Vd tried to talk 
with him and he said he couldn't. But when 
1 renewed the request at Mrs. Grahams, he 
said, "Well, maybe; call my offi 

So, the next morning, | called his office 
and he asked me to come by the next night. 
It was after dinner on April eleventh, 1977, 

that I drove out 10 Wesley Heights and, for 
security's sake, parked my car a block away 
from his big home on Palisades Lane. We 
sat out on his enclosed sun porch and he 
drank out of a silver mintjulep cup. 1 told 
him I'd become fascinated by the Court 
when writing about the Nixon-tapes 
He agreed to tell me about the Court—on 
background. “You don't identify me 
form or shape.” 

Then out came this anger about Warren 
Burger. It wasnt really a Burger Court, he 
said. The Court was actually controlled by 
a group of center Justices made up of him- 
self and Powell, with bits of White, Stevens, 
Blackmun and sometimes even Rehnquist. 
What came through most of all was this 
real intellectual disdain of Potter Stewart 
who'd gone to Yale, for Burger and for 
John Mitchell, these Nixon appointees 
who'd gone to night school. 

I didn't take a note that night, didn't 
even take out my notebook, and then when 
1 got home, typed out this two-and-a-half- 
page single-spaced summary. 
PLAYBOY: How long were you there? 
WOODWARD: Oh, it must have been four or 
five hours. What Poucr Stewart did that 
night was to outline The Brethren. He 
talked about all the fights with Burger, 
about who was going to get paid the most, 
whether the Chief Justice would get twenty- 
five hundred dollars a year more than the 
other Justices. And about dinners at the 
Court given by other Justices in which 
Burger would take over the whole evening 
and act as though it were fis occasion be- 
cause it was his Court. And Powell, t 
courtly gentleman from the South, labeled 
Burger's behavior “gross.” 

But the most impressive thing Stewart 
did that night was to describe in incredible 
detail the sanctum. sanctorum. of the 
Court, the Friday conference. He went 
‘ound the table and described the ap- 
proach each Justice would take. All Burger 
would want to do was uphold criminal con- 
victions; Brennan would give the straight 
liberal line: White was a loner, hard to pr 
dict; Blackmun would s 1 agree with 
everything that has been said," which 
Stewart thought hilarious, because there 
had generally been total contradictions. 

What also came across that night was 
Stewart's contempt for Richard Nixon, He 
felt that what had happened with Carl’ 
and my Watergate reporting was very im- 
portant for the country 
and for subduing th 
America, tamping it dow! 
Whoa.” The guys who had proclaimed 
they were going to fight crime turned out 
10 be the criminals. 

At the end of the. evening, his wife 
reminded him to walk the dog, Amos. So 
had a long leash, which was actually 
a clothesline, and he was still carrying 
his mint-julep cup. He was stumbling 
rou nd— not drunk, just fee! ng good 


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question.” He knew what he was doing and 
nk he almost hoped that he could 
en Burger down by launching 
this inquiry into how he ran the Court. 
PLAYBOY: What were you thinking that 
night as you drove away from those incred- 
ible four hours with an Associate Justice of 
the Supreme Court? 

WOODWARD: Well, as I drove home, I real- 
ized that either I could write a really inter- 
esting article with a little bit more work or 
here was the next book. So 1 wrote a memo 
and then I went to my boyhood friend 
Scott Armstrong—whom 1 had helped 
place as an investigator for the Ervin Com- 
mittee and who was now at the Post—and 
said, “This is really a two-man job,” and so 
that's how The Brethren got under way. 
PLAYBOY: Did you go back to see Stewart? 
WOODWARD: He continued to cooperate on 
and off in a very complicated way He real- 
ized he'd started somet 
and I really dove into this thing and t; 
with four other Justices, talked with one 
hundred seventy law clerks and penetrat- 
ed to the point where we got internal 
memos, drafts of opinions, conference 
notes, and so forth, Stewart realized he 
wasn't necessarily going to be happy with 
the result. I think he realized he had start- 
ed an avalanche of sorts that was going to 
cause the Court a lot of problems internal- 
ly and externally. He would talk with me 
for hours, but he was never quite as candid 
as he had been that first night. 

this confidential relati 
preserved until this moment. | dont know 
to what extent Stewart shared with his 
brethren the fact that he had talked, but 1 
think they had some idea, particularly aft- 
er the book came out, and Lthink I compli- 
cated his presence on the Court. Another 
Justice told me that part of the reason 
Stewart had left the bench was that there 
was a suspicion—I suspect in Burger's 
mind in particular—that this was a Stew- 
art operation 
PLAYBOY: All right. Here's an insider offer- 
ing you information because it serves his 
agenda. How do you correct for thai 
WOODWARD: Well, Stewart's contempt for 
Burger is very clearly stated in the book. 
Some other people's contempt for Stewart. 
is also clearly stated. 
PLAYBOY: Yes, but if Stewart had wanted a 
book that would cast doubt on the way 
Warren Burger ran the Supreme Court, he 
certainly got it, didn’t he? 
WOODWARD: A lot of the things Stewart 
said checked out from left, center and right. 
PLAYBOY: But your critics would say that 
s typical of source journalism. “Here's 
e who has a grudge against the 
Chief. At a party, he responds to Wood- 
ward's suggestion that they get together. 
"Then he opens the door to Woodward, gi 
ing him material with which to assail the 
Chief in a way the Justice himself could 
never do. Attracted by the opportunity to 
penetrate the Court's sec Woodward 
serves as Stewart's hit man, while reporter 

and source take shelter behind the confi- 
dential-source relationship." That would 
be the attack, wouldnt it 

WOODWARD: But that would be from some- 
body who hadnt read the book. Yes, Bur- 
ger probably comes off worst, but that's 
view shared by the other Justices we talked. 
with, by the clerks, by most academic 
Court watchers and supported by the doc- 
uments we got. They agreed on Burger's 
pomposity. his concern. with appearance. 
nterest in cases and the 
level of his scholarship. 

And 1 wouldn't say that Stewart com 
off best. I think Powell probably comes of 
best, then maybe Blackmun and Rehn- 
quist, Stevens, to a certain extent. I have to 
tell you of Stewart's private comment to 
someone else after the book came ow. He 
said, “There's a lot of truth in that book, 
probably too much." Which meant, it hurt. 
He didnt call up and say. "Great job, great 
hit job." 

PLAYBOY: Did you talk with him. 
the book came out? 
WOODWARD: Yes, but it was chilly, You see, 
he.opened the door, but then we got into 
the room and I think we saw it from all 
Look, would it have been nice to 
s all out in the introduction: “By 
1 was Stewart who opened the 
door and theres a lot of animus here”? 
The answer is, the terms of engagement 
prevented it. I would argue that a good 
ist has to protect those relation- 
ships or he'll never get into the room in the 
first place. 
PLAYBOY: Your most acerbic critic on The 
Brethren was Renata Adler, who, in her re- 
view for The New York Times, condemned 
the protection of a source's identity, "ex- 
cept when actual, identifiable harm would 
result to the source or to some other we 
thy cause or person.” The confiden 
source relationship, she concludes, "makes 
stories almost impossible to verify It sup- 
presses a major element of almost every in- 
vestigative story: who wanted it known.” 
WOODWARD: Adler cidit understand how 
the Court worked. She understood how it 
was supposed to work, based on having 
gone to Yale Law School, but not how it ac- 
ly worked. And she has a kind of in- 
fantile ignorance about the way reporters 
work, because she's not a practicing jou 

Specifically. she doesnt understand what 
we were doing in that book. It is verifiable. 
We had documents, we had diaries. In the 
Nixon-tapes case, we had all the memos, all 
the drafts—everything. IT you make the 
simplest eflort to check that book, you will 
find that you can verify it, which, thank- 
fully, scholars have done. As for sources, 
I've named our first one for you, and when 
others die, I'll be happy to name them, too. 
PLAYBOY: How security conscious did you 
have to be on The Brethren? Did you ever 
interview a Justice in his chambers? 
WOODWARD: Oh. yes, and I didn't even 
wear a red wig. I remember calling one 
Justice for the first time, and he said, “Can 

all after 

spell i 

you be here in five n ?" It was before 
the term started. We just sat there in his 
chambers for two or three hours. 1 went 
back the next day and the day after tha 
The Justices are part of the intellectual, 

political and soc shingion. 
One night, at a party I met Sandra Day 
O'Connor, "Oh," she . “I loved The 

Brethren. Y vold me more about the Court!” 
And I said something like. “I'd like to do 
an update on it,” and she said, "Absolutely 
not." And, in fact that her clerks 
have to sign what amounts to a secrecy 

PLAYBOY: You met Ju 
and Justice O'Connor at a party You n 
disagree with 1. E Stone, who said a r 
porter had no business breaking bread 
with the people he writes about 
WOODWARD: Of course, undue. chummi- 
ness can be a problem. but if people invite 
me to cocktails or dinner, I accept. My job 
is to get to know people. I think 1. E Stone, 
who is obviously one of the greats, limits 
himself by not dealing with peuple 
PLAYBOY: By the time you finished The 
Brethren in 1979, you began taking on a 
new role at the Post. 

WOODWARD: Yeah. Bradlee said, "You 
ought to try this.” So, I gave up writing 
books for a while and became the papers 
metropolitan editor. Colleagues would go 
out to lunch with me and say, "You're going 
to be Bradlee's successor; it's obvious.” And 
1 would say, “I dont know about that." lt 
was fortunate that 1 didn't put all my eggs 
n that basket, because, although 1 really 
enjoyed editing, | guess its pretty clear 
that | wasn't very good at it. 

PLAYBOY: Your critics argue that that was a 
result of your inordinate concentration on 
high-impact, “Holy shit!" stories at the ex 
pense of routine, bread-and-potatoes cov- 
erage of a city. Is that fair? 

WOODWARD: Yes, I think thats fair. I think 
thats what I was looking for. Ina way, I got 
what I deserved. 

PLAYBOY: And that came to be symbolized 
by the Janet Cooke affair? 

WOODWARD: Yes. Miss Cooke, a reporter 
on the city staff, which reported to me 
through the city editor, wrote a remarkable 
story about an eight-year-old heroin addict 
who was essentially being held hostage by 
his mother and the mother’s boyfriend. 

In 1981, her story won a Pulitzer Prize. 
Within a few hours, the ociated Press 
checked with Vassar, where Miss Cooke 
claimed to have gone, and found that she'd 
been there for only one ycar. Then Vassar 
called Bradlee and he called me in and we 
just looked at each other, said, “Oh, my 
God.” and we knew. 

So then I went on the case and got her 
questioned her into the night, really 
got tough with her and finally said, “In the 
interest of. yourself and this newspaper, 
this cant go on. We need the truth.” That 
Sunday, we published the full story of how 
she had fabricated that piece. 

PLAYBOY: Did the episode hit you hard? 
WOODWARD: lhose were dark da 

tice Stewart at a party 

is shaken. I talked with everybody, try- 
ing to figure out how I could have been so 
stupid. One night, 1 invited the entir 
metropolitan staff out to my living room. 
There were a lot of questions, there was à 
lot of anger, because people felt it splat- 
tered on them. Iı was like the passengers 
on an ocean liner that had gone aground 
who said to the guy up there on the bridge. 
"How did you let this happen?” 
PLAYBOY: Did you ever contemplate resign. 
ng from the paper? 
WOODWARD: Yes, the next Sunday, I went 
out to [publisher] Don Graham's house 
and told him that somebody had to be 
fingered and I felt that I should quit. 1 was 
not the one who edited the story; the city 
editor did that. But when you're at the top 
of the chain of command, you have to ac- 
cept responsibility. Graham said that if I 
quit, then the city editor would have to 
quit, and so would the managing es 
and Bradlee and Graham himsell— 
he wasn't about to do. What we ought to do 
was to look hard at the mistakes and ex- 
tract the proper lessons. 
PLAYBOY: What were those lessons for you? 
My failure was not only jour- 
moral. I said, “This is a great 
and never looked at the human im- 
pact on an eight-year-old. I think my 
greatest failure when Cooke came in with 
s not to have said, “Were go- 
ing to run the story tomorrow and then 
I'm going down to a phone booth and drop. 
à dime myself to the cops and tell them 
‘Go to this address and rescue this child, 
That might have set off alarm bells 10 
solve the journalistic problem. After the 
story came out, the mayor, to his credit, 
med to know who the child was and 
where she was. And we took a “principled” 
stand, saying, *No, we have a source rela- 
tionship with the mother." Well, that's ab- 
surd. It was murder, or slow torture, of a 
child, If that happened now, I'd think of 
journalism second and the child first. 
PLAYBOY: That is interesting, coming from 
the protector of confidential sources. Sup- 
pose you were writing on covert operations 
and your source were someone who had 
participated in the assassination ol a for- 
cign leader, which is a crime—would you 
drop a dime on that person? 
WOODWARD: No, 1 wouldnt. But it’s a 
provocative question. I think there are 
times when you might find a way to do 
your story and also uphold the law. They 
shouldn't be at war with cach other. But I 
have a special feeling for children. I have a 
twelve-year-old daughter and I think jour- 
nalists have extra responsibilities toward 
PLAYBOY: Lets talk about your next book, 
Wired. Ws the only book you've done on a 
non-Governmental subject. How did the 
project develop? 
WOODWARD: Well n The Brethren, it be- 
gan with a key point of access to somebody: 
Judy Jacklin Belushi, John's widow, called 

me and said, "I want you to look at this.” 
PLAYBOY: She went to you because she be- 
lieved there was something fishy about her 
husband's death, that the woman who had 
injected her husband with the lethal dose 
of drugs might have been a police inform- 
ant. So once again, the source went to yor 
armed with her own agenda. 
WOODWARD: Yes, but there was a major dif- 
ference here: Virtually all my interviews 
for Wired were on the record. Certainly, all 
th ussions with Judy Belushi. There 
was no disguised source, certainly no dis- 
guised agenda. 

PLAYBOY: Lynn Hirschberg, who wrote a 
piece in Rolling Stone about the Wired con- 
troversy, believes you were drawn to 
Belushi because, in some way, it was your 
own story. She thinks you were “fascinated 
by the failure of success.” She quotes you 
aying, “I know what it’s like to have e: 
me. And I hate to say it, but it's almost 
like you're already dead." 

WOODWARD: Sure, the perils of carly 
success—and that real problem, What are 
ng to do next? going 

“Gelting secrets out of 
‚people in the intelligence 
world takes incredible 

to do for us no s the famous Bradlee 
line on the pressures of a daily newspaper. 
Howard Simons was wonderful on that 
issue, a real mensch. He sat me down even 
during Watergate and said, "This is going 
to be hard; it’s going to be treacherous. 
Think about what you do. FII help vou." 
PLAYBOY: Specifically, you launched the 
Belushi project about a year after the Janet 
Cooke f nd the forced abandonment 
ion to succeed Ben Bradlee. 
Were the two episodes related? 
WOODWARD: Oh, yes, I guess so. Here were 
these two men from Wheaton, both of 
whom had Td been hit 
from behind and had to turn and look 
at the whole situation. Belushi got hit from 
the front and it was terminal. He had no 
time to take stock and extract a lesson 
Maybe that's what I was trying to do on his 
behalf. And, since we all identify with 
everybody we write about, maybe I was 
trying to extract a lesson for myself as well. 
But I was also drawn to the subject for 
other reasons. There's the Wheaton con- 
nection; theres the universal mystery of 
death; there's drugs; there's the Holly 
wood culture, which is Mysteryland to 
those of us in Washington. 
PLAYBOY: When the book was publi: 
some prominent people charged tha 
hadnt done justice to Belushi's 
Aykroyd called the book 

asted failure 

icholson said of you, “The man isa ghoul 
and an exploiter of emotionally disturbed 
widows.” The widow herself said, “He lied 
to me.” How did you react to those fero- 
cious attacks? 

WOODWARD: What I did in that book was 
hold a mirror up to those people and draw 
attention to their 
shi's death. They didn’t li 
Film people are used to gett 
ride in the press, p: larly out there. If 
we covered V gion like the Los Ange- 
les Times covers Hollywood, we would be 
out of business. The at all 
about the abuses, the stuff in Indecent Ex- 
posure or the drug stuff in Wired. They just 
don't touch it. They dont ask the hard 
questions about these people. 

PLAYBOY: The film people seem initially to 
have accepted you as a celebrity. Did their 
rage come from a sense of betrayal, that a 
fellow celebrity had turned on them? 
WOODWARD: II so, then they're n: Be- 
cause I was there with my tape recorder 
out, notebook out, making it clear what 1 

PLAYBOY: Perhaps you can dismiss the criti- 
cism from Nicholson and Aykroyd, but 
isn't it harder to deal with the widow's con- 
tention that you lied to her? 

WOODWARD: Well, everything | did with 
her is on the record. She knew exactly 
what I was doing I think Judy Belushi 
wanted a different ending to the story I 
guess she hoped I would find out that John 
had been tied up and forced to take drugs 
or that he was still alive in Des Moines liv- 
ing under a different name. She couldn't 
cope with the real ending. | understand 
that emotionally 

PLAYBOY: Let's move on to your most recent 
book, Veil, once again based on extraordi- 
to a major source, though no 
longer a confidential one. Perhaps the cei 
tral question is, What was William Casey's 
agenda? Why did he talk with you 
WOODWARD: Well, he was one of the cagi- 
est, sliest, smartest, most manipulative, un- 
scrupulous people 
PLAYBOY: But what 

WOODWARD: | think he was up to a whole 
series of things. I think he kind of enjoyed 
the game. E think he wanted to play de- 
fei g system for 
him. People have quoted him as saying 
that I was dangerous to the agency, and he 
may have thought it was better to know 
what was going on than to slam the door. 
PLAYBOY: Murray Kempton wrote a column 
putting it a bit more bluntly. He suggested 
that by drawing you into a quasi-con- 
fidential rela and by spilling selec- 
tively to you, Casey was diverting your 
attention from the things he didn't want 
you to find out. Any truth to that? 
WOODWARD: As an umbrella description of 
what was going on, no, I think Kempton 
just doesn’t know what he's talking about. 
But 1 concede that there were clements 

ng a free 


e is no curio: 

y acce: 

he up to in this 

I was an carly 



of what Kempton is talking 
ample, one of the things I should have 
made exp the book is that € 

ceeded in keeping me from writing that 
William Buckley, one of the hostages, had 
been his Cl [in Beirut. For 
more than a year, I knew that he was a CLA 
man and Casey regularly talked me out of 
writing it: “If you want to get him killed, 
you go right ahead.” So 1 talked with Brad- 
lee and others at the Post, and we agreed 
not to do it. I think we made the right deci: 
sion. But In sure he was able to say to peo- 
ple, “I've kept that story out of the pape 


And that was very important, more impo 
tant than I said in Vei. 


WOODWARD: Well, be Buckley had 

some ted to the 
PLAYBOY: What were they? 
WOODWARD: I'd love to tell you wh 
were, but Im not going to. Anyway, Casey 
felt that he had to leave no stone unturned 
to get Buckley out or, if not, to protect him 

ll right. What about Iran/Con- 
tra? You've admitted that you missed much 
of that while it was happening. Did Casey's 
strategy work the 
WOODWARD: Well, 1 would have preferred 
to have found out about the Iran arms 
les before that rag in Beirut, and | didn't. 
1 failed and I should have got it, and 1 am 
really critical of myself. He knew about it 
and he didn't tell me. So was I being co- 
opted? I don't know. I didn't get 
else to tell me about 
PLAYBOY: Casey w 
the press, wasn't he? 

pretty shrewd at using 

WOODWARD: Oh. yes. | think the real story 
there is the manipulative quasi openness 
of the Reagan Administration that didn't 

create the Haldeman-Ehrlichman wall. 
The Reagan people let people in and they 
talked. All kinds of officials—National Se 
ity Advisors, CIA Directors, White 
House Chiefs of Stall —dealt with stories 
in a very sophisticated way, a level of so- 
phistication that neither the Nixon nor the 
Carter White House could match. I dont 
think it was necessarily dishonest, but I 
think it wound up concealing some things. 
Casey was part of that. People were sur- 
prised that he would deal with me, that he 
would say, non, fly back with me, sit on 
the plane, get out the Scotch and the 
peanut mix,” and let me roam the world 
with the Director of Central Intelligence 
[D.C.1.]. So I think the case file is still not 
dosed on what and how much Casey ın 
aged to conceal, 
PLAYBOY: Lets take a great story you did 
have in the book: the fact that Casey per- 
sonally authorized the attempted as 
nation of Sheik Fadlallah, the Shiite lead 
You write that Casey had blood on his 
hands, because eighty innocent. people: 
though not Fadlallah—were killed in the 
bombing. Isn't that something Americans 
ought to have known about as soon as a 
porter uncovered it, without having to wait 

ar or two to read it in a book? 
WOODWARD: | agree with you completely. 
But, in that case, the final information— 
about the crucial discussion between 
Casey and Prince Bandar, the Saudi am- 
bassador to the United States—was not 
confirmed until July 1987. We were wind- 
ng up the book and we knew it would be 
out in September. So I told the Poss edi- 
tors about it. € y was dead at that point, 
the Iran/Contra hearings were winding 
down, they couldnt get the li amh 
ador to testify, because he had diplomatic 
munity. Se we waited two months. If | 
1 had that 
when Casey wi 
lished it. But I didn't. 

PLAYBOY: That raises the question of 
whether your multiple roles—as the Post's 
assistant managing editor for investiga- 
ions, as its best-known investigative re- 
porter r of bestselling 
books—are in some conflict. It’s the issu 
Flora Lewis of The New York Times raised 
ina very pugnacious column. 

WOODWARD: I think it raises some ques- 
tions, i Agal 
1 think Flora Lewis just charged out of the 
box with that and didn't look at what was in 
the book or what had been in the newspa 
per, and I think, pi ch, we put the 
right things in the paper and saved the 
right things for the book. 

Flora Lewi nd of assumed in that 
column that we hadn't thought about that 
vas we were well aware 
that it was fraught with potential prob- 
lems, which were sorted out in open con- 
sultation with the senior editors at the Post. 
It was a case-by-case decision on each story. 

A lot of what I was getting from Casey 
and elsewhere at the CIA found its way 
10 the paper, either under my by-line or in 
conjunction with what others at the paper 
were doing. I did a lot of good exclusive 
stories for the paper with the White 
House, the State Department and the De- 
fense Department correspondents. 
PLAYBOY: So you would argue that vour di 
verse roles actually rei her 
WOODWARD: Oh, ves. G ecrets, par 
ucularly top-secret documents, out of 
people in the intelligence world takes in- 
credible nurturing. I mean dozens of 
meetings, the slow buikling of trust and 
mutual confidence, So I and the top editors 
at the Post agree that you it going to 
t good daily stories about the CLA unless 
somebody's going for the deep game, in- 
terviewing people over months, years. You 
cant get the stories without the book and 
you cant get the book without having the 
role at the newspap: 

Casey knew I was going to write about 
the CIA in the Post, maybe the next day, 
which gave me access to him and to lots of 
other people. The faci that I was doing the 
book made it possible to build the source 
relationships that produced documents, 
tips and clues on major stories. 

PLAYBOY: A word about the 
the hospital. Don't you thi 

ted so much attention is that 
you put it at the end, implying that you lent 
Casey's few mumbled words a great deal of 
weight? Was placing it there a mista 
WOODWARD: Well, the book is the story of 
my relationship with Casey. That was the 
last encounter, so it appropriately goes at 
the end. Wa clusive evidence that he 

uch that he says. At the same time, 
k every 
Casey knew abou 

ic agrees now that of course 
the diversion, that. of 
course Casey was the hidden hand behind 
Oliver North, behind the whole series of 
actions, many of which we knew about, 
many of which we may never know about. 
So I think kind of a nice coda, and I 
feel basically comfortable about it. 
PLAYBOY: One reason many people seem to 
doubt that you were in that hospital room 
is that you w 
you got presumably because 
you had help and dont want to ident 
that help. Can you be any less mysterious 
WOODWARD: Sure I had help. Whether it 
vas high-level, low-level or mid-level, Im 
just not going to say. I gather the CIA con- 
ducted some sort of witch-hunt, trying to 
determine how it occurred. So 1 have 
10 proiect whoever helped me, and 1 will, 
just like any other source. 
PLAYBOY: Mrs. Casey ted that you were 
never in her husband's hospital ad, 
indeed, that you hadnt had the relation- 
ship you claimed to have had with him 
WOODWARD: She's a very sweet lady. Those 
were statements of emotional support for 
her husband, which she had every right to 

PLAYBOY: As we move toward the end here, 
it occurs to us that you're reputed to have a 
problem, as a writer, with the big, sweeping 
conclusion. You tried t0 write a big sum 
mary chapter at the end of Vel and 
couldnt; you tried a similar chapter at the 
end of The Brethren and couldn't do that. 

WOODWARD: Yes, that’s true. 1 cant write 
those big cosmic analyses. I read things by 
various people that 1 wish 1 could repli- 
cate, weaving fact and judgment, the kind 
of sophisticated calls that really help the 
narrative. But I am just nor capable—and 
ave fauh—of taking A, B, C and. 
i. “OK, now E." And TII tell 
you why. never know what you doi 
know. You fill in the puzzle, vou get lots of 
things. but there are parts you dorit sce. 
And Tve found it best to stick with what 

D and say 

you play to your strengths, and 1 
guess Im destined to bc a fact repe 
T thought there was a whole array of 
reporters out there finding out every 
that needed to be reported, I guess | 
would fold my tent. But I dont. I think 
there Il kinds of important things 
we dont even know the basics about. 

re still a 

By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal 
Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. 

" z a 

they say 

we dont 

have feelings, 


MY FRIEND DICK IS A PSYCHOLOGIST: I tell him Playboy has asked me to write about men's 
hearts. "That's a tough assignment,” Dick says. “You have a majority of the population 
against you." 

“The majority against me? Why?” 

“The majority of the population is women,” Dick says. 

Dick has written books on feminism. He's knowledgeable al 
novement, which can be pretty brutal. But I'm wondi 
meris hearts goes beyond politics, if anything more fundamental can be s: 


I am staying with a family in a thatched hut in a 
expect I will live among people in a state of primitiv. nstead, the husband. 
the wife fight long into the night. The baby screams. The other children look wor 

One day, the wife chops off her little finger. In New Guinea, this 
male protest against the way things are going. 

I find the husband, Hebru, stomping around outside the house. He's wearing a 
grass skirt, fcathers around his neck, a bonc in his nose, bright-yellow paint on his 
face. He kicks the dirt for a whil don't understand that woman," he says in pidgin 
English, shaking his head. “I don't know what she wants.” 

Well, I could have told him. Hebru is about to marry a third wife, and this wom- 
an, his second wife, is unhappy about it. It's perfectly clear to me. Yet, according to 
Tari custom, Hebru is entitled to as many wives as he can support. If he has enough 

but what 

the hell 

do they know? 




pigs to pay the bride price, he is entitled 
to take another wife. 

So, from Hebru's siandpoint, his sec- 
ond wife, Rose, has no business com- 
plaining this way acting badly, cutting off 
her finger. She is behaving outrageously. 

So there we are, standing in the morn- 
ing sun, kicking the dirt and commiser- 
ating over a traditional guy's problem. 

She isn't doing what she’s supposed to. 

She's mad for no reason. 

She's unreasonable. She's impossible. 



Men and women dont understand 
each other. They never have. Perhaps 
they never will. The battle of the sexes 
may be a permanent condition. 

If so, how can it be anyonc's fault? 


At a conference in Aspen, Betty 
Friedan argues that women are more 
moral than men. She receives a standing 
ovation from men and women alike. I re- 
fuse to stand. And secing the men ap- 
plauding and smiling, I think: If a man 
came to this conference and gave a 
speech in which he said that men were 
inherently more moral than women, the 
women would stone him to death. 

So why are these men standing and ap- 

What has happened to men, anyway? 

There is no question that men feel that 
they are under attack and psvchological- 
ly beaten down. All sorts of horrible 
qualities are attributed to us: We are un- 
emotional, we are brutal, we are violent, 
we are uncaring. Were lousy lays. We 
dont know how to find that clit. We don't 
know how to satisfy our mates. 

We've been hearing this for more than 
90 vears. There are young American 
men who have heard nothing else. 


1 am 45, old enough to remember a 
world before television and a world be- 
fore feminism, Even in the quaint, sim- 
pler world of the Fifties, there was plenty 
of conflict between the sexes. A typical 
Sunday afternoon would find the men 
outside by the barbecue drinking beer 
and the women in the kitchen drinking 
coffee. And before long, each sex would 
be complaining about the other. The 
women were inside saying, “Men are such 
children, they're so helpless,” while the 
men were outside saying, “Women are so 
helpless, they're children." 

Each group bitched about the other in 
those simplisuc terms. Everyone got his 
complaints aired. before a sympathetic 
audience, and then everyone went home 
with his mate, feeling much better. No- 
body really believed it. 

But, 30 years later, it seems as if the 
Fifties stereotypic view of men has been 
accepted in many quarters as true. The 
bookstores are full of books about how 

men hate women, refuse to grow up and 
are unemotional, unloving, violent. Tele- 
vision is full of men such as Alan Alda 
and Phil Donahue, who show by their en- 
lightened example that ordinary men are 
insensitive, incapable of commitment. 

There's some truth to all that, but 
there's also some exaggeration. 

Many studies are shamefully unscien- 
tific; many spokespersons have a person- 
al ax to grind; and much of the rhetoric 
simply doesn't match the facts. To take an 
example, the most accurate study of do- 
mestic violence concludes that women en- 
gage as often as men. That isn't 
widely discussed: Few men want to be 
known as wife beaters, but even fewer 
want to be known as wife-beaten. It's onc 
of the places where the much-criticized 
macho-male image collides with the facts. 
Rhetoric is simpler than reality. 

But meanwhile, men find they must 
defend themselves against the rhetoric, 
that they are inarticulate and wont ex- 
press their emotions; that they dont lis- 
ten; that they are unwilling to commi 

Its gotten so bad that when Friedan 
says men are often morally inferior, all 
the men stand up and applaud her. 

Let's consider those complaints again. 


Are men inarticulate? Sure, some- 
times. Expressing deep feelings is 
difficult, especially if you've been told— 
as most males have—that to express feel- 
ings is unmanly. 

But 1 dont really see that women are 
able to express their feelings any better. 
Many women like to talk about feelings, 
as men like to talk about football and 
computers. But when it comes to talking. 
about your own feelings, it seems to me 
that women suddenly stumble. In the 
workplace, around the dinner table, on 
that big date, I am not aware that a wom- 
an has an easier time saying the hard 
truths: that her feelings are hurt, or that 
she feels weak or sad or inadequate. 

I don't see women powering through 
psychotherapy faster than men because 
they have easier access to their feelings. 

1 dor't see lesbian relationships going 
more smoothly than heterosexual ones. 

I dont see friendships between women 
going more smoothly than friendships 
between men. Plenty of female friend- 
ships collapse into nastiness. 

I dont sec any real evidence that wom- 
en handle their feclings better than men 
do: Most child abuse occurs in single-par- 
ent homes headed by women. 

In short, L think the stereotype of the 
inarticulate, emotionally unexpressive 
male is simply untrue. The truth is that 
expressing a deep feeling is difficult for 
anybody, male or female. 


Supposedly, men dont know how to li 

ten, either. But here's my friend Li 

seated beside me at a dinner party, ask- 
ing what she should do in Stockholm 
when she goes there next week on busi- 
ness. She's flattering me, treating me like 
the big travel expert. 

But when I start to answer, Lois turns 
away and asks another man another 
Hattering question. 1 am giving my an- 
swer to the back of her nec! 

Lois’ behavior is an exaggeration of a 
well-documented reality. Studies show 
that in social situations, women ask ques- 
tions of men far more often than men a: 
women. It's a way of interacting. Flatter 
their egos. Keep 'em talking. 

But as I see it, Lois isn't being sociable 
at all. She is making herself the center of 
attention by insincere behavior. She's a 
kind of conversational cock tease. 1 find 
her behavior hurtful and demeanin; 

And later on, when we're alone, if she 
wants to tell me how men don't listen, 
she's got a big problem 


OF course, mate situations 
that listening is most critical —when the 
other person is saying something you 
don't want to hear, don't want to deal 
with. But at those times, are men espe- 
cially deficient? 

Notice at work, or in some other non- 
intimate setting, how often you must 
explain again what you mean, to males 
and females alike. Notice how often ideas 
get scrambled and even inverted. 

Communication is difficult even when 
nobody is angry or hurt or threatened. 
Its just plain difficult. 

I don't find that women have any spe- 
cial gift here, either. 


Men won't make commitments? Let's 
face it: Commitment is hard for anybody 
Watch a person in a store buying 
a shirt. “Oh, I dont know. Is it 
me?... I'm not sure I like the color." On 
and on, for some lousy shirt that he'll dis- 
card in a year. 

Irs harder if you're choosing your col- 
lege major. Or a paint color for the apart 
ment. Or a new car. Or a job. Or a mate 

The more important the decision, the 
more difficult it is to make. 
tension that surrounds it, the longer it 

When I was young, in the Fifties, all 
the women were eager to get married 
and all the men were eager to stay single. 
That dynamic has changed, perhaps 
even reversed. But the point is, it was 
always a dynamic. There was always 
tension and disagreement: “Lets get 
married." “Not now" “Then when?” “I 
don't know. I'm just not ready to settle 

One of the great ironies today is that 
women who aren't ready to seule down 
are doing a good thing—pursuing their 
careers and fulfilling themselves. Whereas 

(concluded on page 80) 

"Stop playing hard to get, Bernice!” 





HE RULES of the 

game during 

my youth were 
rigidly laid out. You invited a 
girl out three to five days in 
advance for a Friday- or Sat- 
urday-night date. You took 
her to a movie or a dance and 
then for a burger. On the 
third date, you tried to kiss 
her good night. If she let you, 
On successive dates, you 
necked with her in some 

semiprivate place, such as 

your dads Chevy before 

dropping her off at home. You began with French kissing. 
proceeded to general outside-the-dothes body fondling 

and, if you could manage to distract her attention long 


panty girdles, without ca 



enough while trying to get 
her hot, on about the 17th 
date, you went for bare tit. 
Once you got bare tit (second 
base or "bare second"), you 
could try for third. If the girl 
was not "fast," that might oc- 
cur around date number 34 
From there on into home 
plate, it was largely a matter 
of how skillfully you could 
manage the mechanics of 
clothing removal and actual 
entry while coping with a 

gigantic steering wheel, a 

gearshift, passing motorists, inquisitive pedestrians, occa- 
sional tricky underwear, such as corsets or (God forbid!) 

ng attention to the fact that you 

were actually aware of what you were about to get away with. As long as 
you could allow the girl to pretend that she was merely being swept 
along on a tide of passion rather than making a conscious decision to 
permit sex, the responsibility for what was happening wasnt felt to be 

on her shoulders. Once you permitted it to shift to her shoulders—and 

that generally happened long before you got to third base—there was 

only one thing you could do: attempt 
10 convince her verbally of the logic, 
the naturalness, the healthiness, the 

goodness, the rightness and even the 

beauty of letting vou shove your 
schlong between her legs. I became a 
master in my time of this type of ver- 
bal intercourse. 1 started using the 
technique long before it was necessary 
or advisable in the process of seduc- 
tion and continued using it long past 

the point of diminishing returns—of- 

ten losing the opportunity to score in 
the process. I began babbling about re- 
specting her afterward when we'd 
barely kissed and continued chanting 

the litany of precoital rites well into 

mally into the very act of 

intercourse itself. If the bodies of all of 
us overly verbal, ambivalent, guilt-ridden 
urban middle-class youths had been 
wired for sound and plugged into a PA 
system, the streets of our cities would 
have reverberated with thunderous 
choruses of: “Just let me sleep all night 
with my arms around you and I 
promise I won't touch you!” and “Just 
let me touch you there and I promise 1 

ont go any further unless you want 

a o tra ehe 
me lo!" and "Just let me put the tip in 
and I promise I won't go in all the way 
unless you ask me to!" and "Just let me 
put it in all the way and I swear to you 
I won't come unless you beg me to!” 
We were nervous, sweaty and horny. 
We hungered for sex, yearned for it, 
had wet dreams about it, We plotted 

make-out strategy with our buddi 

endlessly analyzing everything our in- 
tended had said or done after cach en- 
counter for evidence that we were 
succeeding or failing in our quest 

When we struck out, we were crushed, 

beaten and reduced to a bloody pulp. 
When we succeeded, it was with a 
whimper of relief, gratitude and out- 

rageous joy and, even if it was with a 

“fast” girl, we imagined that we were 
in love. In the late Fifties, we lay on car 
seats and our dates’ living-room floors 
and made out to records that seemed 
to typily dating in that period: the 

Kingston Trio, the Four Freshmen, the 

Four Aces, Frank Sinatra; Dave Bru- 
beck with Paul Desmond's saxophone 
doodling lazy curlicues around the 
melody lines; Jackie Gleason's Music 

for Lovers Only and Music to Make 

You Misty, with Bobby Hackett’s faraway trumpet blurring all the old 
standards into sleepy sound-alike versions of Our Love Is Here to Stay. 
It was a much more innocent time. It was before the advent of herpes, 
AIDS, ticking biological clocks and the transmutation of premarital as- 

sets into the marriage Community. What you worried about back then 

was whether your breath smelled good enough to risk kissing her, what 

to do when the arm you had around her shouldei the theater went 

numb and froze, how to buy a condom without setting off a clanging 
alarm in the drugstore and whether the breasts you'd been furtively 
fondling through her cashmere sweater for the past hour might some- 
how prove to be falsies and reveal you as the schmuck of the century for 

not having been able to tell the difference. Although I lost my cherry at 

the advanced age of 23 and got mar- 

ried five minutes before the start of 

the sexual revolution, I eventually got 

divorced, and this magazine sent me 
on a number of assignments to write 
about orgies and sex clubs. Soon I'd 
made up for all the time I'd squan- 
dered on verbal seductions on the seat 
of Dad's Chevy. “Isn't it amazing how 
fast you can get to know someone real- 
ly well by having sex with her upon 
meeting her?” 1 was fond of saying 
during that period. In time, I tired of 
orgies and sex clubs. I met a tasty 
young woman, dated her for a few 
years, married her and had a child 
with her. Im glad I went to orgies and 
sex clubs, and Um glad I evolved to 
other things. And I realize now. con- 
trary to what I said at the time, that 

ig sex with someone upon meci- 

ing her, far from causing you to know 
her well immediately, was false intima- 

ey; it practically ensured that you 

didn’t get to know her at all. For all 

is frustra 

ns, ma 

king out caused 
you to get to know your partner well 
h was also exciting and fun and, 

at times, achingly beautiful. I miss it 



(continued from page 70) 
Me situation are seen as u 

men in the 
nig to co 


In the end, complaints about men 
seem to come down to the issue of inti 
cy. Men aren't intimate. They don't know 
how to be. They avoid intimacy at all 

A woman I once lived with d 
our personal troubles. with her girl- 
friends. Whenever Fd see those gi 
friends, I was uncomfortable, because I 
knew they had been told all sorts of inti- 
mate things 

I mentioned this to my friend Elaine, a 
corporate psychological consultant. 1 
said I felt betrayed by the fact that my 
girlfriend went outside our relationship 
that way I said that in my 
men didn't discuss thi 
that sort of detail with other men. 

"Of course not,” Elaine said. 

Evidently, Elaine wasn't listening, be- 
cause I wasnt talking about men, I was 
talking about me. Second, Elaine was giv- 
ing me a stereotypic reply, and a rather 
unthinking onc, considering that she is a 
psychologist. And third, Elaine was new- 
ly divorced, 39 years old and living with 
an 18-year-old stud muffin. So, offhand, 
Fd say she was avoiding intimacy like the 
plague. Which is finc—in the battle of 
the sexes, we all need some RER. 

But where did she get the idea that it's 
men who arent intimate? How could she 
say it so confidently, as if it were a truth 
ly acknowledged? 


A statistician of the sexes would draw a 
Venn diagram with two overlapping cir 
cles, According to any trait, men cluster 
in one circle, wome 

But the circ 

We all know that is true, 

Even in the simplest aspect of sexual 
dimorphism—such as the fact that me 
have more muscle mass for body 

has never nce at the 
woman pumping iron next to him in the 
gym, trying casually to add up the weight 
she’s lifting? And how many reps is she 

The fact is, there are aggressive wom- 
en and passive men, physical women and 
verbal men, career-oriented women and 
home-oriented men. 

It may be true that most men differ 
from most women in some statistical wa 
But we don't have relationships with 
“most men” or “most women.” We have 
relationships with individual men and 
women. And when we apply the group 
stereotype 10 an individual, we are guilty 
of prejudic 

Its no longer acceptable to talk about 

Irishmen. Why isit still acceptable to talk 
about intimacy-avoi 

Most of the men I know wa 

1 to please 
women, to be friends with them, to get 
along with them. Most of the men I know 
nt sex and love and caring relation- 
lives. And on some level, we 
tionships with women more 
than women need their relationships 
th us. We are biologically frail: More 
male infants die in the first year of lile, 
we dont live as long as women and we 
fare less well living alone. We dont need 
statistics 10 remind us. We know in our 

How did we get to be defined as inti- 
macy avoiders? It doesn't make sense, ex- 
cept as prejudice. 


When I look at people, I sce individual 
human beings struggling to find love and 
fulfillment, using their skills, overcom- 
ing their drawbacks. Fach human being 
has some behavior that he or she can do 
; almost without thinking, and oth- 
er behavior that he or she accomplishes 
only with painful effort 

From this individual standpoint, gen- 
der doesn't seem very important. Its a 
detail, like where you were born. I can't 
say, “All men are this way" any more 
than I can say, “All Chicagoans are this 

The g 


ns won't stand up. 

On the other hand, intimate relation- 
ships are hard. 

is hard 

Getting along w 

‘Trusting another person is hard 

Frankly the easiest thing is to live 
alone. Then you can do whatever yo 
want. No conflicting schedules, no com- 
ng careers, no restraints, no different 
no annoying other person to put 
up with. 

But the thing is, then you're alone. 

Thesc , men and women can live 
comfortably as singles, and 25 percent of 
the adult population now chooses to do 
so. There's plenty of fast food, plenty of 
takeout, plenty of services catering to sin- 
gles. It's a convenient way of life 

But if you dort want to live alone, 
you'll have to put up with a nother per- 
son. And that other person just isn't go- 
ing to be the person you want him to be. 

At least not all the time. 

Thats just the way it is. 

So how can it be anybody's fault? 


Faulthnding through male stereotyp- 
ing has some unpleasant aspects that 
should be mentioned. The first is this: IF 
you can adopt the position that you're in- 
herently skilled in some aspect of rela- 

ing with another person 

h another person is 

tionships—say, intimacy —and the other 
person is inherently deficient, then you 
have an unbeatable position of power. 
The other person is always on the defe: 
sive. He will always have his hands full 
trying to prove that he isnt the way vou 
say he i: 

This is a control dynamic. 

The second is this: IF both men and 
women have trouble ing intimacy. 
then both men and women experience 
tension in that area. A convenient way to 
get rid of that tension is to blame it on the 
other person. Everything would be fine if 
he'd just talk or listen or make a commit- 

This is a se 

The at another 
person as type, he will feel 
sooner or later, he will pay 
is a revenge dynamic 

The fourth is this: H you treat another 
person as a stereotype, you will mis 
great deal of delight and richness in your 
association with him 

This is a tragic dynamic 


nd Bill is an artist whose wilc 
has just given birth to a son. Several of us 
go Over to his house to sce the new baby 
the baby's 
s to come out,” he says, grab- 
bing a piece of fruit, pushing it through 
his cupped hands. “I looks just like this.” 
He is excited. He tells all about the birth. 
“Its a miracle," he says, liis eyes misting. 
“I's a goddamned miracle.” 

An awkward silence Is over the 
table. We all look at our dinner. plates. 
Bill is a tough guy, an uncmotional guy. 
a guy wrapped up in his work. 

Bill is crying. 

Some pcople say that having a baby has 
changed Bill, but I dont think so. As £ 
as I can tell, he is the same person he al- 
He's still a tough guy and he's 
ped up in his work. But. like ev 
erybody else, Bill has another side. And 
here he is, crying over the birth of h 
complex person than he's usually as- 
sumed to be. 


The older 1 get, the more impressed 1 
am by the importance of human diversi- 
ty Were all so differeni—and a good 
thing, too. We need all kinds of people 
in che world. We need people who can ex- 
press the 
ple); we need people who are reflective, 
caring and We need people who 
arc interested in things, and people who 
are interested in people. 

We need all the traditional opposites: 

emotions (actors, for exam- 

artists and critics, coaches and players, 
bosses and underlings. M nd fe- 
males. And somehow, we've just got to get 


“Trust silly, romantic me io fall for that old 

bewitched-sailor routine! 



from the 


HE MORE WE SAY about love, the 
less we have it pegged. How we fall in love, what we are like 
when we're in love, the nuts and bolts, the grand, impossible 
feelings—bright minds throughout history have tried to cap- 
ture that slippery sensation. 

[Love is that] delightful interval between meeting a beautiful 
girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.—JOHN BARRY- 
MORE v Absence is to love what wind is to fire: It extinguishes the 
small, it enkindles the great.—COMTE DE BUSSY-RABUTIN v Man's 
love is of man’s life a thing apart, ‘Tis woman's whole existence.— 
LORD BYRON v [n love, one always begins by deceiving oneself, and 
one always ends by decetving others; that is what the world calls a 
romance.—OSCAR WILDE v Í try never to be alone with a beautiful 
woman. Because when I'm alone, the devil in me becomes danger- 
ous.—TINY TIM v Don't let that little frankfurter run your life.— 
BRUCE JAY FREIDMAN v If two people love each other, there can be 
no happy end to it. —ERNEST HEMINGWAY v As long as you know 
thet most men are like children, you know everything.—coco 
CHANEL v Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and 
touch and greet each other.—RAINER MARIA RILKE v | believe 
that love cannot be boughl except with love, and he who has a 
good wife wears heaven in his hal—MARLON BRANDO in Viva 
Zapata! « Dames lie about anything—just for practice.—Rav- 
MOND CHANDLER v Pll be damned if PU love just to love—there's 
gol to be more lo it than that. —HUMPHREY BOGART 



what we know about the chemistry of desire 

FOR SOME OF us, it happens once in a lifetime; for others, a few 
times. For many people, it seems to happen every Friday 
night. Regardless of how often it happens, one thing seems 
clear: Falling in love makes all of us feel good. 

From the instant we become attracted to someone, our en- 
ergy level begins to surge. We become so overstocked with 
adrenaline that we can put our basic needs on indefinite back 
order. Our heart starts racing, our breath comes more quick- 
ly; we feel excited, euphoric. To those of us who have taken 
amphetamines, it feels exactly as if we were on speed. 

What happens? For the answer, we turn to... science 


It is no coincidence that falling in love makes us feel asif we 
were speeding. In recent years, medical researchers have 
come to believe that romantic attraction and stimulant drugs 
such as cocaine and amphetamines affect our brain chemistry 

in much the same way. Much of the research that has been 
done in this area is examined by Dr. Michael R. Liebowitz in 
The Chemistry of Love. Dr. Liebowitz is the director of the 
Anxiety Disorders Clinic at the New York State Psychiatric In- 
stitute and an associate professor of clinical psychiatry at the 
College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University. 

“What seems likely,” says Liebowitz, “is that the same neu- 
rochemical events that underlie many kinds of pleasure and 
stimulant-drug arousal are also involved when we feel very at- 
tracted to someone.” That could account for why the feelings 
are so similar and, he adds, “for the bad judgment that both 
amphetamine users and lovers sometimes show” 

While acknowledging that it may seem strange to compare 
romantic feelings to drug-induced states, Liebowitz points out 
that drugs work not by creating new chemical reactions in our 
bodies but by speeding up or slowing down existing processes. 

It is interesting to note that he makes 
no distinction between the neuro- 
chemistry of men and of women. De- 
spite the differences in our anatomical 
designs, our chemical wiring seems to 
have the same scheme. 


To understand what happens neu- 
rochemically when we begin to fall in 
love, we must have an idea of how the 
nervous system works. When the 
brain sendsa signal through the nerv- 
ous system, it is carried through the 
nerve cells and across the synapses by 
chemical substances called neuro- 
transmitters, of which medical re- 
searchers have discovered more than 
30. Two important ones, for our pleas- 
urable purposes, are dopamine and 

To move down the biochemical 
chain of command, the neurotrans- 
mitters must attach themselves to a set 
of receptors on each cell. Each recep- 
appears, can receive only one 
specific neurotransmitter. 

In the late Seventies, scientists dis- 
covered that the brain has receptors 
for narcotics such as opium and hero- 
in, as well as Valium. That led to the 
discovery that the body contains natu- 
rally occurring narcotics that are 
called endorphins or enkephalins, de- 
pending on their size. Although it 
seems clear that these chemicals are 
powerful painkillers and can calm us 
down under stress, it is not clear just 
how they work. Some scem to func- 
tion by stimulating the receptors; oth- 
ers, by blocking them. 

Curiously one type of psychoactive 
drug for which there does not appear 
to be a specific receptor is amphet- 
amine. Speed, it seems, affects the 
nervous (concluded on page 144) 


whenit comes to mating games, we don't have it so bad after all 

so YOU TAKE this real zonzy young otter to the Four Cirques by 
cab ($5.50). Dinner avec wine ($185.85). Tip the maitre d' 
($10), even though he interrupted your most amusing anec- 
dote with "Is everything all right, sir?" Cab to Phantom of the 
Chorus Line ($6.50), tickets ($100). Cab to some funkadelic 
disco in a converted reform synagogue ($7). Cover ($40), tip 
(820) for the bouncer so both ear lobes won't have to be ampu- 
tated from standing outside in 15-degree cold. Drink charge 
inside ($1750). Go to the head (tip $2), come out and a bar- 
keep in Lederhosen tells you your date left with Gino, this 19- 
year-old bass player whose childhood was all messed up. 
Home ($1) by subway. (Total: $395.35.) Drink that quart of 
raki your super gave you at Christmas. Sleep, fists balled up, 

wishing Mother—the only loyal woman ever— were still alive. 

Noon, Sunday. The otter calls and she is furious. Where did 
you go last night, huh? If this sweet kid (he was gay and harm- 
less and so caring) hadn't seen her home—well, it was time to 
peddle the old bod for cab fare. So you apologize and forgive 
her. She, of course, hasn't forgiven you, but she may if you get 
tickets ringside to that Springsteen thing on Thursday. 

You may think, No way can there be any weirder courtship 
custom than that. But you'd think wrong. There are many 
weirder. Weirder and much, much less expensive. 

Capture courtship. This custom, as you might imagine, 
has several attractive features. For one, it can cut way down 
on rejection. The Kama Suira (concluded on page 162) 


intimate tips on spending the night 

THEY SAY THAT YOU SPEND one third of your life sleeping. And 
that big chunk of time probably involves a woman. But are you 
sleeping with her properly? 

In many ways, visiting the sandman with a partner is more 
intimate than sex, miles beyond the simultaneous orgasm, a 
zone that takes you light-years past the erogenous, across 
time. Let's assume that you've just made love, and now it's ac- 
tually time to go to sleep. Is it OK to dose your eyes and drift 
off to the land of Nod just because you're happy? Absolutely 
not. Like any voyager, you have to prepare for the trip and be 
respectful of your bunkmate. 

In other words, don't reach over and turn off the Bambi 
night light. It's there for your partner's protection. Yes, that's 
why you're there, too. But the presence of a night light doesn't 
mean that you're an inadequate bodyguard. Women are wor- 
rywarts, and as soon as the sun sets, they get the willies. 

Just as you forgive your gal's need for a night light, refrain 
from saying things such as, "Hey, what's he doing here?" re- 
ferring nervously to Teddy, the truly favorite twilight buddy 
of your sister in fatigue. This is the Teddy bear she has had 
since she was a toddler, another endearing talisman from her 

past used to ward off evil. Don’t think of him as a competitive 
third wheel, unless your partner insists that Teddy sleep 
between you, instead of on the (continued on page 156) 


a guide for the romantically illiterate 

WHERE HAS LOVE GONE? Once you did straddle crunches and ca- 
ble crossovers and pec decks to stay pumped up for her; now 
you couldn't break a ten-dollar bill. Your lovemaking together 

was laser tag and white-water madness—of late, it has been so 
dull, Ted Turner couldn't colorize it. “Whatever became of 
Great and Enduring Love? Abélard and Héloise, Tristram 
and Isoud, Antony and Cleopatra—those people?” 
she asks you. Well, this is whatever. 

Abélard and Héloïse. Back around 1100 a.n., before 
MTY scholastic philosophy got big media coverage. 
Paris groupies followed Pierre Abélard, who could 
make dialectic sound better than Sinatra singing My 
Way. Then, one day, Abélard met a young girl. This 
little cheese puff, Heloise, was niece to Fulbert, a 
canon of Notre Dame and the top-ranked gullible 
around. "I had such celebrity at that time and pos- 
sessed such graces of youth and body" Abélard 
wrote in his Historia Calamitatum, “that I feared no 
refusal from any woman." Bon Jovi he must have 
thought he was. Abélard offered to, um. tutor 
Héloise. Fulbert the Purblind was grateful: He gave 
Abélard permission to meet with Héloise at any time 
of day and to beat her if she didn't pay attention. 

Abélard was near 40 and a cleric. Héloise, bright 
and lovelier than snow showers, had maybe turned 
17. The whole thing was like Brooke Shields's going 
to Princeton. 

Héloïse got an A for ampleness. And Abélard 
"sought her breasts more often than the pages." At 
last (they were really pushing it), Fulbert caught 
Abélard and Héloise flagranie delicto. Fulbert was 
whizzed off something awful. Abélard made an 
offer of secret marriage, but Heloise—chicks like 
this dont come along (concluded on page 94) 


love styles of the rich and famous 

DWICHT GOODEN (pitcher, New York Mets): You just know it. lt's 
like when I go to the mound with my good stuff. You just 
know it's there. 

ROSS SHAFER (host of Fox Broadcasting's The Late Show): First, 
you find yourself spending way too much time in the Hall- 
mark gooshy-card section. Second. 
you're daydreaming about the night 
before and your trousers sponta- 
neously combust 

SUSAN DEY (actress): You're real scared. 
MICKEY ROONEY (entertainer): After 
sixty-seven years of experience, in- 
cluding eight marriages, heartbreak, 
sorrow and occasional elusive happi- 
ness and joy, 1 have found that love 
isn't something that should hit you 
suddenly: If it hits you suddenly, it will 
leave you just as quickly. Real, lasting 
love is not like a dandelion that the 
wind blows away It’s planted and, 
with nurturing, grows into something 
beautiful. That's why the secret to a 
happy marriage is to marry your best 

AL GOLDSTEIN (publisher): If 1 still 
want to see the girl after having mas- 
turbated, I know it's love. Otherwise, 
it’s just friction and scx. For mc, it’s 
usually my dick that’s doing the think- 
ing. I've found I can usually just mas- 
turbate and then go on to have a 
hot-fudge sundae and watch Ted Kop- 
pel and be happy. 

zsa zsa cABoR (personality): Who 
wants to know? What kind of question 
is that? If you don't know when you 
are in love, darling, youre really in 
trouble. When I'm in love, everything 
is rosy. I buy the best clothes and the 
best jewels. Nothing is too good. And 
I buy the most expensive food and 
spoil him to death. And if I'm not in 
love, I wear the cheapest clothes and 
buy the cheapest food and look like 

JERRY SEINFELD (comic): When you see 
Love Story, with Alı MacGraw and 
Ryan O'Neal, on TV and you find 
yourself thinking, You know, this real- 
ly isn't that bad a movie, 

SONNY BONO (mayor): It’s like when 
you start doing everything that's stu- 
pid . . . then you're in love. By stupid, I mean walking into 
walls, saying the wrong thing, not paying attention to any- 
thing else. . . like when a horse puts on real blinders. That's 

KIRSTIE ALLEY (actress): You know you're in love when you want 
to throw up. Loving someone is very cool; but being in love is 
a sickness. 

DR. TONI GRANT (radio shrink): The criteria for men and wom- 
en are different. Infatuation happens quickly, but so can love. 
A woman knows she has found real love when she has a man 

shecan admire, appreciate and accept exactly as he is, without 
any desire to change him... when she can truly view aman as 
her hero 

Lont ANDERSON (actress): Everyone knows you're in love when 
your knees grow weak as that certain someone walks into the 

room, when the bells go off when he holds your hand, when 
that incredible fireworks display takes place as youre being 
kissed. Yet I think the real test comes later. 

ERIC DICKERSON (running back, Indianapolis Colts): If you love 
a woman, you may hear someone say something about her go- 
ing out with someone else and you get a sick feeling in your 
stomach and hope it's not true. If you love a woman, you think 
about her day and night. Even on the field, when I'm practic- 
ing, she comes across my mind and it brings a smile to my 
face and makes me want to do (concluded on page 156) 


theres a cock-sure kind of intelligence 
that thrives below the belt 


“AND YOU WERE NAKED in the middle of the night on the god- 
damn roof?" I said. 

"As the day I was born,” he said, shaking his head in gen- 
uine disbelief and bewilderment as he stared down into his 
whiskey glass. 

“I do believe you gon’ have to run that by me again, old son. 
I think I missed a transition in there somewhere.” 

We were sitting at his kitchen table, waiting for his wife to 
come home from a Tupperware party. He poured us another 
dollop of bourbon and said, “There is nothing so ignominious 
on the face of God's earth as man in pursuit of pussy” 

T took off half the glass he'd poured and said, “Well, hell,” 
which was a kind of noncommittal agreement with what he'd 
said and a general lament of the fact that any man who had 
reached the age of puberty would instantly recognize that 
what he had said was true. A truth as universal, consistent and 
inarguable as the law of gravity. 

“Naked and spread-eagled on the goddamn roof?” I said. 

“In a misting rain, too,” he said, knocking back the last of 
the whiskey he'd poured and refilling the glass. “And sur- 
rounded by what looked to be ever’ goddamn cop car in town. 
But no sireens. Didn't turn on one goddamn sireen coming or 
going.” He sighed. "One sireen would've woke the wife dead- 

always something to be thankful for in any 
given situation,” I s 

He said, “And the thing was, my dick was still hard.” 

“Your dick still hard, you say?” I 

“Son,” he said, “you coulda broke a brick with my dick. Nev- 
er been harder. One of God's own mysteries." He swirled the 
whiskey in his glass and thought about it. “A mystery right up 
there with the mystery of pussy its very own self." 

Despite having recently received his Ph.D. and accepting. 
his first teaching position in the English department at a great 
Southern university, he still habitually dropped into the ca- 
dences and speech patterns of Mississippi, which is where he 
was born and raised. Especially does his voice turn to grits 
when he is doing battle with the bottle while at the same time 
wrestling with complex philosophical issues like pussy. 

He went on to teach for some ten years in the South but has 
come now to be a distinguished professor of literature at a fa- 
mous Yankee institution of higher learning, because over the 
years, he has become an internationally known exegete of 
many learned subjects. But I bet pussy ain't one of them. Not 
entirely, anyway. He probably understands about as much as I 
do; that is, something just above high-grade imbecility. 

T know for a fact that having grown steadily in scholarly 
reputation, as well as long in the tooth and thin in the shank, 
he still makes an occasional crawl across a rooftop in the mid- 
dle of the night to the bed of a young graduate student, where 
she, wet to the knees with anticipation, awaits his entrance 
through the window instead of the front door, which sanity 
would seem to indicate he would prefer using, But what the 
fuck has sanity got to do with fucking? When the groin calls, it 
calls in a language understood only by the gods—and a curso- 
ry reading of mythology makes even that open to question— 
but certainly, the language of the groin has never been 
completely understood by a single swinging dick over the long 
course of human history. 

While he steadily watched his whiskey, bemused by the mys- 
tery before us, I patiently waited for him to retell the story in 
which I expected to find the transition that I had missed, and, 
once found, it would make sense out of a grown man with a 
Ph.D.'s being naked in the middle of the night on a roof with 
a hard-on. When he did retell the story, it did make sense of a 
certain sort. 

The sense of the groin 

“See,” he said, “what 1 do is go across the roof to Martha's 
little apartment. She's a graduate student of mine and nasty 
enough to make you think you've died and gone to heaven.” 

“That fine, you say?” I said. 

“Sacredly and righteously nasty, and you know I don't say 
that about many. Not many a man can say that about, unfortu- 

“My experience exactly,” I said. 

“Anyway, hell, you can see how this place is put together. 
Once a mighty fine old home but then cut up like it is in apart- 
ments for starving students and assistant professors, and then 
all these L-wings jammed onto it any which way, so that if a 
man was to go out that window back in there in the bedroom, 
he could cut over the roof to the wing that runs yonder toward 
the street. And, as I said, I did it at night, and since I don't 
sleep in pajamas—dont sleep in a damn thing, never have—I 
was out there naked as the day I was born. But you can see 
from the lay of thc roof how it can bc donc." 

I understood how a man could do what he had donc. Hell, I 
understood that the first time. What I was having trouble with 
was why a man would do what he had done. 

"The graduate student whose lilies he had been feeding in— 
apparently more or less nightly—lived diagonally across the 
roof from the apartment he and his wife shared. And what he 
had been doing was waiting for his wife to fall asleep and then 
going out the window and across the roof. And he went 

“I couldn't very well start sleeping in pajamas when I never 
had before, and I didn't want to try to slip on nothing because 
of the noise and all, you understand. Then, one night, luck 
was agin me and I guess somebody heard me on the roof and 
called the law on me, you know, thought it was a burglar or 
some such thing. And it must have been a slow night down at 
the police station, because I think ever' goddamn cop in town 
showed up." 

“Damn, Buck," I said, “couldn't you have popped in for 
lunch or the middle of the morning or otherwise figgered out 
something a little more convenient than the roof and night 
and naked?" 

"Of course I could. And did. But mostly, my path to her bed 
lay over the roof. Either you understand the rightness of that 
or you don't. It cain't be explained." 


Sitting at that table with my friend 25 ycars ago, I knew I 
did understand, and I also knew that I could not have talked 
about what | understood—make any sense of any sort out of 
it—under threat of death. 

But 1 think I can now. By temperament, 1 am predisposed 
to reflect upon such things as the experience of the roof, 
the night, the window and the naked hard-on. And it 
occurs to me right now that (concluded on page 158) 






fashion by 


sexy dothing is the fuel 

that feeds the fire of a 
woman's libido. And that ef- 
fect is compounded when 
the styles he has slipped into 
are pleasing to the touch. The 
tactile pleasure of a cashmere 
sweater definitely is a head— 
and hand—turner, as is the 
sexy bad-boy look of an ox- 
ford-cloth buttondown shirt 
worn with the collar opened 
and the necktie loosened. 
Elegant formalwear also is 
seductive, especially a black- 
as-night dinner jacket and 
trousers combined with a 
crisp white wing-collared 
evening shirt. But, of course, 
the alltime favorite female 
bait is a pair of snug-fiting 
jeans stretched across a trim 

male tush. Get it on, guys. 

Left: Ride ‘em, cowgirl! Her 
guy has pulled on a pair 
of lizard-tipped — broken-in 
leather cowboy boots, from 
Mark Fox, Los Angeles, about 
$295. Right: The classic soft 
touch—a cable-design cash- 
mere sweater, by Malo Cash- 
mere, $650; worn with wool 
pants, by Cordovan & Grey, 
Ltd., $115. (His partner's blouse 
is hy Giorgio di Sant'Angelo.) 


Left: The pause that re- 
freshes. His choice of 
turn-on clothes includes 
a striped oxford-cloth 
shirt, about $53, a red- 
striped tie with woven 
flag motif, about $45, 
both from Polo by 
Ralph Lauren; and dou- 
ble-pleated khaki cot- 
ton-twill trousers, by 
Cordovan & Grey, ltd, 
about $65. Near right, 
above: This formal af- 
fair features a double- 
breasted worsted-wool 
tuxedo, from Perry Ellis 
for the Greif Companies, 
$475; worn over a diago- 
nal-pleated bib-front tux 
shirt, $56, and a silk 
bow tie, $15.50, both by 
After Six Accessories; 
plus a gold-and-onyx 
cuff-links and stud set, 
by Alfred Dunhill, $330. 
(The fady’s dress is by 
Tahari.) Near right, be- 
low: Mondo Brando! A 
L by Clai- 
borne Furnishings, $10; 
worn with classic stone- 
washed button-fly 501 
jeans, by Levi Strauss, 
about $32; and a hand- 
tooled floral-design helt, 
by Al Beres, about 
$165. Far right: A close 
encounter of the best 
kind, and he has on 
only viscose lounge 
pants with a drawstring 
waist, by Reporter, $125. 

cotton T-shii 



ABÉLARD AND HELOISE (continued from page 86) 

"Cleopatra was a kind of supine patriot. Egypt had 
no defense. Her body was its entire armed force.” 

often—said, no, she didn't want Abe to 
lliant career. She'd rather 
be his concubine, thank you. The 
Catholic Church didn't mind if a priest 
got off now and again, but marriage 
didn't fit its image. Héloise, however, was 
preggered by this time. Abelard—afraid 
that Fulbert would crack her engine 
block for spite—sneaked her off to his 
sister in Brittany There she brought 
forth a son, Astrolabe, which sounds like 
some kind of California theme park. 

In üme, Héloise came round. Agree- 
ment was made with old Fulbert, and the 
pair wed secretly. Héloise went off to a 
convent. Abélard visited when he could, 
once giving her deep absolution in the re- 
fectory But it ate at Fulbert: What balm 
was a secret marriage to his public dis- 
honor? So he hired some creepy types 
and— Let Abélard tell you; my pencil 
lead is so scared, it won't come out. "One 
night, as I lay sleeping in my chamber, one 
of my servants, corrupted by gold, deliv- 
ered me to their vengeance . . . they cut 
off those parts of my body with which 1 
had committed the offense wey de- 
plored." Not what you'd call elective 
surgery. Paris was stupefied. Two of the 
men got caught. They were parted from 
their parts and had their sight put out. 
Fulbert lost all his worldly pelf, which 
isn't the same thing. As for Abélard and 
Héloise—she went back to a convent and 
didn't see her love for ten years. By then, 
Abélard had become abbot at St. Gildas- 
de-Ruis and could help her order. They 
met in the convent garden. It must have 
been a poignant moment. She spoke first. 
with her sweet, bright voice. And he 
talked back in a gentle, loving, if rather 
high-pitched, whisper. 

Tristram or Tristan or Tristam and Isoud 
or Isolde or Iseult or Isolt. There are, good 
sooth, at least 11 versions of this legend, 
each about as dull as a barium cocktail. 
In one—Le Morte d'Arthur, by Sir 
Thomas Malory—paranoid King Mark 
asked Tristram to fight Sir Marhaus for 
him. Tristram hit Marhaus "such a buffet. 
that it went through his helm . . . and 
through the brainpan and the sword 
stuck so fast . . . Sir Tristram pulled 
thrice at his sword or cver he might pull 
it out from his head." That 
was Lawrence Taylor and hot with wom- 
en, for how else could he part someone's 
hair right down to the neck? But Tris- 
tram got dinged up, also. Since this was 

before Arthurscopic surgery, King An- 
guish set daughter Isoud to healing him. 
Tristram, as a Freudian could have told 
you he would, fell for his nurse. 

Anyhow, when he got home, bigmouth 
Tristram told King Mark about his major 
medical experience. Mark, piqued at 
groin level, sent Tris right back to woo La 
Beale Isoud for him. That was the chival- 
ric era: Knights were pure and honor- 
able and didn't even have a shop steward 
to whom they could complain. Worse yet, 
on shipboard, Tristram and Isoud drank 
à potion—which they thought was just a 
nice glass of schnapps—and came down 
with eternal love for each other. Mark 
and Isoud wed. But, in time, some lago- 
type gossip poisoned Mark's ear about 
Tristram and Isoud. Royally put out, 
Mark sent Tristram to the stake and 
Isoud to a leper camp, which is kind of 
unsporting, when you think it over. But 
‘Tristram beat that rap. He and La Beale 
hid in a forest until, after much adven- 
ture and emptying of brainpans, Mark 
found them asleep together. They were 
clothed. Between them, though, was a 
nude sword. This was history's first 
bundling board. 

Mark, large-souled, as usual, took 
Isoud in again. Poor Tristram went back 
to the joust-and-dragon circuit. In a for- 
eign land, he wed another Isoud or 
Isolde or Iseult or Isolt, this one yclept 
Isoud La Blanche Mains. He never made 
it with Isoud number two, though—be- 
ing still hung over from the magic 
schnapps. Time lurched on. Tristram got 
hit amidships by a poisoned arrow. He 
sent for Isoud number one, who alone 
could heal him. The deal was this: Her 
ship would carry a white sail if she were 
aboard; black if not. Isoud number two, 
grudging Isoud number one all those 
marital orgasms lost, told Tristram her 
sail was black. Tristram hit the planet, 
sayonara and out. On landing, Isoud 
number one did likewise. But, ah, love 
would generate a miracle yet. From their 
joint graves, two trees sprang up and en- 
twined. That and $1.50 will buy you a 
clammy pretzel on Fifth Avenue. 

Antony and Cleopatra, or The Crack 
That Almost Swallowed Up Rome. Her 
voice, said Plutarch, “was like an instru- 
ment of many strings. Plato admits of 
four kinds of flattery, but she had 1000." 
Looking at coin portraits, you see a pre- 
MasterCard Jewish-American princess. 

But back then, women often blacked out 
their teeth, so who are we to judge? 
Speaking charitably, Cleopatra was a 
kind of supine patriot. Egypt had no de- 
fense against Rome. Her body was its en- 
tire armed force. When she took up with 
Marcus Antonius, she had already flung 
herself at Julius Caesar, who, it is said, 
had given her one son, Caesarion, and a 
villa near Rome. He also installed her 
and her husband firmly on their Egyp- 
tian throne. Her husband was her broth- 
er—Ptolemy XIN—in the economical, if 
incestuous, Egyptian custom that, what- 
ever else, meant you didn't have to invite 
in-laws to your wedding reception. 

But Julius got rubbed out—which left 
Mark Antony and Octavian (a.k.a, Au- 
gustus Caesar) in charge of the world. 
Again, Cleopatra had to find a very sig- 
nificant other for herself and Egypt. She 
was 29 then and capable, one would 
guess, of arousing cadavers. Antony went 
to Tarsus. Cleopatra sailed over there 
with her Donald Trump-sized barge and 
put a binder on his soul. Soon they would 
form the fellowship of “inimitable 
ers"—who were to debauchery what 
Zamboni is to ice. In 40 Bc, M.A. went 
back home and, under pressure, made a 
dynastic marriage with Octavia, Octavi- 
ans sister. On his return to Egypt, he also 
married Cleopatra. That, aside from be- 
ing bigamous, set all Rome against him. 
But Antony didn’t care. Going by Shake- 
spears Antony and Cleopatra, you'd 
think their relationship lasted about two 
and a half hours with intermission. In 
fact, Antony and Cleopatra were togeth- 
er for more than a full decade and had 
three children. Any woman who can look 
that appealing with four sets of stretch 
marks must be a sexual cluster bomb. 

Octavian had it out with his delinquent 
brother-in-law at Actium. As we all know, 
just when it meant most, Cleopatra got 
henhearted and took her fleet out of bat- 
ude. Thus, Antony lost the world. He 
didn't speak with her for three days. 
Cleopatra thought, so it wouldnt be a to- 
tal loss, that if Antony could be induced 
to off himself for love of her (if not out of 
sheer exasperation), they might still win 
eternal renown. Cleopatra hid in her 
mausoleum and sent him a message say- 
ing she was defunct. Antony fell on his 
sword. (Romans did that a lot: They 
weren't very well coordinated.) Mean- 
while, what the hell, Cleopatra made a 
pass at Octavian. He, however, was about 
as highly sexed as a floor lamp. Cleop: 
saw that he would lead her captive 
through Rome, so she took two asps and 
went to bed. But she was right about ctcr- 
nal renown: Antony and Cleopatra, more 
than two millennia after their love end- 
ed, are still a decent brand of cigar. 



1 r 
I Am 
4 — = 





Me Riley Grimes 
fiction By ASA BABER fth uawin 
his editor the first time he met her. She was shapely, energetic, sweet- 
smelling, and her red hair and clean features were straight out of a 
Botticelli painting. 

Her name was Vanessa During. Riley knew that he loved her body 
and in time would probably even love her mind ard that he wanted to 
sleep with her immediately, if not sooner. He also knew that she 
seemed too tough and independent to be interested in romance. 
Wasn't that the way it usually was these days? Most of the women Riley 
knew were too busy for dalliance. “Not this year, I have a career” was 
the universal female slogan. 

“You write a good query letter,” Vanessa said. She was reading Ri- 
ley's article proposal with a tight smile. He had submitted the idea that 
he write a profile of a big-time commodities broker for Chicago Busi- 
ness Magazine. "Ever think of teaching a course to free-lance writers 
on how to submit queries? You'd be good at it.” Vanessa smiled again. 
Her face had a flawed brightness to it, a wholesome beauty that was 
clouded by tension. 

“Not a lot of liquidity in that market.” Riley smiled as he stretched 
his arms. “Most writers would take the course and never pay me. Writ- 
ers are always broke.” 

"Thats good,” Casanova interrupted. “There's no seduction 
without laughter. Keep it light. Shell (continued on page 152) 


A jj 
Y y 



THE MORE things change in 
the Eden dan, the more 
they stay pretty much the 
same—as pretty as Ameri- 
can beauty gets. Almost 29 
years ago, Americas girl 
next door was Miss Decem- 
ber 1960, Carol Eden. To 
find this month's exemplar 
of that famous girlnext- 
door look, we didn’t even 

have to go next door. We 

stayed home. Daughter Si- 
mone Eden, you see, grew 
up. This month, we proudly 
present the first second-gen- 
eration Playmate ever. "I 
couldn't be more proud," 
says Carol 

“I couldn't be more excit- 
ed,” says Simone. "I've want- 
ed to follow in my mom's 
footsteps since I first saw her 

picture in the magazine, 


miss february has great gatefold genes 

Simone Eden and her mother, Miss December 1960, Carol Eden, now share a footnote in beauty's history. Above 
left is Mom's 1961 Playmate Review photo. Above center, her December 1960 gatefold. Above right and on the 
facing page, Simone shows off the fruits of her lineage. At the top of the page, mother and daughter share a smile. 



when I was ten. Now, at last, it has happened." Born Simone Howe, Miss February switches surnames this 
month. Henceforth, she'll be Simone Eden, in honor of her mother. Not that mom and daughter agreed 
on everything. “Asa kid, I could be a little wild," she says. "Mom was always working—she was a model, 
then a nurse—and 1 rebelled. I grew up fast, mostly on my own. I always told her I was going to be a 
Playmate, like she was. She didn't quite believe me. Now that I am a Playmate, we're closer than ever." 

Simone'smother, now a licensed vocational nurse who cares for the elderly in San Clemente, California, 

agrees. "It has brought back a lot of memories," she says of sharing a history-making moment with her 


“| love lace, perfume, soft colors, feminine things,” says Simone. “But 
I'm a Gemini, the twin. | also love leather corsets, spike heels, water 
beds and long, slippery baby-oil massages. That's me—nasty but nice” 

daughter. "I remember some of the fan mail 1 got when I was a Playmate, and 
the thrill of being recognized on the street. ['m sure Simone will enjoy that. 
And I think shell be a wonderful representative of Playboy. Shes sweet and 

kind and so enthusiastic. Simone is a natural.” 

All-natural California girl Simone Eden surfs, skis and works out to uphold 
her spectacular figure—and the family name, “I love looking good," she says. 

"I'm shy by nature, but sometimes I don't mind showing off.” When the subject 103 

is men, she is not at all shy. “I don't like machismo, but I don't like guys who need instructions, either. I like daring men.” 
In olden days—when Simone's mom appeared on our centerfold—a glimpse of breast was looked on by some as cause 
for arrest. Things change. “Mom and I—we're the first mother-daughter Playmates ever, and thats special" The Edens 

prove that while some things change, other things—like the beauty of the girl next door—are American perennials. 



ee Py a 

bust: O78 WAIST: 24 HIPS: oan 

mem MA 


= fic 



Willard had heard so much about ice fishing 
that he decided to give it a try. He got all his gear 
together, went out onto the ice and started to drill 
a hole. Suddenly, a deep, resonant voice from 
above said, “There are no fish there.” 

Willard shrugged, picked up his equipment, 
moved another 50 fect out onto the ice and began 
to drill. Again, a big voice boomed, “There are 
no fish there. 

Willard looked up and asked, "Are vou God?” 

“No, asshole. l'm the arena manager." 

[eta viov JA 

As the French and American diplomats walked 
to lunch, they were stopped by a social scientist 
conducting a study on sexual mores. The two 
men agreed to answer a threc-part question. 

ay you are alone in a hotel room,” the re- 
searcher began. “There is a knock on the door 

You open it and a beautiful naked girl is standing 
there. Where would you kiss her? 
“On the cheek.” the American answered 

“Next, she steps into the room and closes the 
door. Where would you kiss herz 

‘On the mouth,” the American said. 

“Now she pushes you onto the bed and leaps on 
top of you. Where would you kiss he 

“Hmmm,” the American pondered. “Jacques, 
where would you kiss he 

The Frenchman shrugged. “Don't ask me. 
ami. | would have been wrong ze first two t 


How many college football plavers does it take to 
screw in a light bulb? Just one, but he gets three 
credits for it 

A New Yorker went to see his doctor for a check- 
up. The docte ed him and took some 

As the pat tting dressed, the doctor 
told him, "The physical exam went well. As far as 
I can tell, you're finc. As for the blood tests, go 
out to the beach. The results should show up m 
about a week.” 

A cemetery grounds keeper was going about his 
rounds when he saw a man lying on a grave, sob- 
bing loudly and pounding his hsts on the 
1. "Why did you have to die? Oh, why? 
he lamented, 
A loved one's passing 
grounds keeper offered 
someday, the pain will pass.” 

Loved one?” the weeping man said, looking 
up. ^L didn't even now ie guy 

Phen why all the tears?” 

"He was my wife's first husband!" 

a terrible loss," the 
1 consolatic "but 

As the president of the women’s guild desperate- 
ly leafed through her Rolodex lor a guest speaker 
to replace a last-minute cancellation, her door 
bell rang. Two men oflered to do work around 
the house in return for a meal, She agreed 10 
provide them with dinner if they chopped the 
wood in back of the house. 

Ten minutes later, she glanced out the window 
to see one of the men whirl across the law 
forming a succession of double [lips and one- 
handed cartwheels before disappearing into 
some bushes. 

Rushing out, she grabbed the second man and 
gushed, “That was amazing! Would your friend 
be willing to do that again at the en's guild 
this afternoon for twenty dollar 

“Charley.” the man called, "lady here wants 10 
know if you would chop off another finger for 
twenty bucks.” 

A golfer hooked his tee shot over a hill and onto 
the next fairway. Walking toward his ball, he saw 
lying on the ground groaning in pain 
torney,” the wincing man said, 
this is going to cost you $5000. 

n sorry, Em really sorry,” the concerned fel- 
eplied. "But I did yell Fore" 

fou got yourself a deal 


Perhaps youve heard of the new social-action 
group DAM— Mothers Against Dyslexia. 

An America 
Israeli w "Excuse me, but wl 
opinion of the food shortage 
The American answered, 
The Ethiopian replied, 

The Russian said, 

a Russian and an 

s your 

1 don't understand 

dont understand 

"I don't unde 

The Israeli thought for a moment 
responded, “I dont understand “excuse me. 

Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a posi- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, Playboy, 
Playboy Bldg, 919 N. Michigan Aw., Chicago, 
Il. 60611. $100. will be paid to the contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 

| ae 
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N y cdi Mur en N 
dod = N 
Y E Y $ > 
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7 n fa A 3 
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“But then I think about how rich you are, and then 
everything all right again.” 

Tu te Io, A 












article By Denis Boyles 

FRES THE SCENE: A normal guy gets up, 
puts on his suit and leaves for work. He's a brown-shoe guy, average in every way regu- 
larasa traffic light. Up ahead is the office. He picks lint off his tie, glances at his beau- 
tiful secretary standing in the office window and starts across the street. 

But the cover is off the manhole. Everyone can see it. People stop to watch the disas- 
ter. It’s like a cheat sheet for a Greek tragedy in which everyone except the hero knows 
something's wrong. Sure enough, his chin still up, the guy hits the hole mid-stride, 
and it seems that in a nanosecond, he's going to be up to his neck in shit. 

But in a flash, he’s popping his head up through the manhole opening, fresh as a 
daisy. Hey, you say, how did he do that? Well, its a gimmick shot in a movie of the 
mundane, and the hero is just a normal stunt man, a guy with a great talent for falling 
and never, ever getting hurt. 

Now, don't you wish you could pull off that stunt? Don't you think that in the film 
story of your life, you could do with something more than trick photography (ah, how 
your eyes deceive you) and a rich assortment of supporting characters? Dont you 
think you may be able to use a little industrial-strength stuntwork now and then? 

But, see, we're not really talking about guys’ falling into (continued on page 145) 






AST NIGHT approached perfection. Dinner at your 

discovery bistro had all the theatrical élan 

promised. The car wasn't towed. Cognac was 

sipped by starlight. And all that was a prelude to 
the main event, which was a bell ringer. 

But now, a ray of sunlight shoots between the cur- 
tains and the person next to you is stirring from sleep. 
A choice must be made. Coffee and a hurried kiss good- 
bye? Or a voluptuous lingering, a time to savor the 
mood of the night before? The 

second option requires aliulead- a host of morning-after 

vance planning. Provisions must 
be laid in, especially if your usual 
breakfast is a bowl of dried guava 
and twigs. The menu should 
have a touch of style. Most of all, 
its preparation should bea mutu- 
al effort, not only to get your- 

selves around some food fast but 

share-the- chores 
breakfast menus. 

who says guys have 

to extend the sharing, the warm and fuzzy. That means 
familiar ingredients assembled in provocative combi- 
nations that don't require the skills of a chef de cuisine. 
All the recipes that follow can be on the table within 30 
minutes of first padding into the kitchen, and all lend 
themselves to division of labor, cutting cooking time 
even further. 

In the instructions that follow, the key word, mean- 
while, signals tasksthat can be undertaken by your part- 
ner. To further reduce potential 
drudgery, place champagne, spir- 
its and squeezable fruits in the 
refrigerator before your night 
out. That's the time to ensure 
that all necessary ingredients are 
on hand, with extras to hedge 
against goofs. 

And while you're at it, some 

trouble with intimacy? 


other thoughtful touches are in 

e a a y T 1 | 





order. Hang a laundered robe on the 
closet door and place fresh toiletries by 
the sink. Extra points are given for neat- 
ness; and rewards follow. 


Steaks make a smashing brunch en- 
tree, and there is no better beef than filet 
mignon, the best of the tenderloin. Sever- 
al fried eggs and broiled tomatoes sprin- 
kled with Parmesan cheese may be 
added for heartiness. 

9 6-oz. filets mignons 

Salt and pepper to taste 

5 tablespoons butter 

1 tablespoon vegetable oil 

1 tablespoon lemon juice 

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 

3 drops Tabasco sauce 

1 teaspoon minced parsley 

Remove any border fat from steaks. 
Sprinkle them liberally with salt and 
pepper on all sides. In skillet, melt 1 ta- 
blespoon butter with oil over high heat. 
Add steaks. Sear for 3-4 minutes on one 
side. Holding steaks between two forks or 
large spoons, sear all edges. Reduce heat 
to medium high, then cook other side. 
Total cooking time should be about 8 
minutes for medium rarc. 

Meanwhile, melt remaining butter in 
small saucepan. Add lemon juice, 
Worcestershire, Tabasco and parsley. 
Stir. When steaks are done, put them on 
warmed plates and pour sauce over. 


Omelets are always a treat, but it takes 
practice to master the turning technique 
Left open, with the fillings mounded i 
full view, they are more appealing to the 
eye and far easier to execute. The two 
variations below are designed for an 8- 
inch skillet. If only a 10- or 12-inch skillet 
is available, double the ingredients. In 
either case, a pan with a nonstick surface 
is essential. Each recipe is intended for 
one person, so make one for her and the 
other for you. That leads to cross-tasting, 
a chummy exercise. 


1 small onion 

4 ozs. Monterey Jack cheese 

2 eggs 

J tablespoon half-and-half or cream 

2 slices bacon 

% cup walnut halves 

1 tablespoon butter 

Salt to taste 

Sour cream 

Parsley for garnish 

Peel and dice onion. Dice cheese. 
Mince parsley. Set aside. (This can be 
done the day before.) Break eggs into 
mixing bowl Add half-and-half or 
cream. Whisk until smooth. Set aside. 

Meanwhile, fry bacon over medium- 
high heat until crisp. Remove to paper 
towels to drain. Retain bacon fat in skil- 

let. Add onion and cook, stirring, until 
soft. Remove with slotted spoon and 
place in bowl. Add walnuts to skillet and 
cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Remove 
with slotted spoon to another small bowl. 

Wipe out skillet with paper towels. 
Add butter and melt over medium-high 
heat until foaming; swirl around to coat 
bottom. Beat eggs lightly once more and 
pour evenly into skillet. Add onion and 
cheese and swirl into eggs. Add salt to 

When eggs start to set, sprinkle walnut 
pieces over all. Don't stir. Cook another 
minute or two, until edges start to puff 
up. Slide omelet onto plate. Break bacon 
into pieces and scatter over omelet. Re- 
peat with parsley. Put large dollop of sour 
cream in middle. Eat right away. 


Ya new potato 

9 ozs. salami or pepperoni 

1 small onion 

I small tomato 

2 eggs 

1 tablespoon half-and-half or cream 

2 tablespoons butter 

Salt to taste 

Shredded fresh basil for garnish 

Peel and dice potato. Slice salami or 
pepperoni into thin rounds. Peel and 
chop onion. Seed and dice tomato. Set 
aside in separate cups or bowls. 

Meanwhile, break eggs into mixing 
bowl. Add half-and-half or cream. Whisk 
until smooth. Set aside. 

Put | tablespoon butter in skillet. Melt 
over medium-high heat until foaming. 
Add potatoes and fry, stirring, for 5 min- 
utes. Add salami or pepperoni and onion 
and cook 5 more minutes or until pota- 
toes are nicely browned. With slotted 
spoon, remove ingredients to bowl and 
cover to keep warm, 

Wipe out skillet with paper towels. 
Add remaining tablespoon butter and 
melt over medium heat. Stir eggs and 
pour evenly into skillet. Add potatoes, 
meat and onion. Stir eggs to cover other 
ingredients. Add salt to taste. Cook until 
eggs start to puff around edges of skillet. 

Slide omelet onto plate. Scatter diced 
tomato over it and sprinkle with basil. 


Breakfast at Brennans, a landmark 
New Orleans eatery, is such an institution 
that people forget that it serves other 
meals. One of its most popular desserts is 
Bananas Foster. This is a simplified ver- 
Sion, appropriately showy to climax a 
memorable brunch à deux. 

Ya cup cognac 

2 bananas 

Ye stick unsalted butter 

3 tablespoons lemon juice 

Ya cup sugar 

Pour cognac into cup and set aside. 

Peel bananas, cut off fibrous ends and 
slice in half lengthwise, then crosswise. 

Cut butter into chunks and melt in ski 
let. When butter foams, place bananas in 
skillet, flat side down. Sprinkle lemon 
juice and sugar over them. Spoon result- 
ing sauce over bananas and turn them 
two or three times until browned. Then 
put them on plates. 

Slightly warm cognac, then pour into 
skillet and touch match to it. Shake skillet 
gently until flame goes out and sauce 
starts to caramelize. Serve bananas with 
sauce poured over them. 


The French aperitif called kir blends 
créme de cassis with dry vermouth or 
white wine. With champagne, it becomes 
truly regal. 

1 oz. creme de cassis 

6 ozs. champagne. 

Put bottles of créme de cassis and 
champagne in refrigerator at least 
1 hour before serving. Pour % oz. cassis 
into each of 2 fluted champagne glasses, 
then add 3 ozs. champagne to each. 


A bloody mary made with tequila in- 
stead of vodka. The small amount of lime 
juice required takes very little time to 
squeeze and the result is better than with 
bottled juice. 

3 ozs. tequila 

6 ozs. V-8 juice 

I oz. fresh-squeezed lime juice 

2 dashes Tabasco sauce 

2 dashes celery salt 

2 teaspoons catsup 

2 lime slices 

Pour tequila, juices, Tabasco, celery salt 
and catsup into shaker filled with ice. 
Shake well. Strain into 2 glasses. Add 
fresh ice and garnish with lime slices. 


Vitamin C in an even more palatable 

6 ozs. orange juice 

10 ozs. champagne 

Chill juice and champagne separately 
for at least | hour. Divide juice between 
2 large stemmed wineglasses. Add 5 ozs. 
champagne to each. Stir. 

No matter what the morning-after 
breakfast consists of, a canny host will al- 
so have plenty of breads and spreads on 
hand. Fresh-baked biscuits or blueberry 
muffins can be stored in the fridge 
overnight, wrapped in foil in the morn- 
ing and resuscitated by a few minutes in 
an oven preheated at 200 degrees. 

A morning such as this can lead to an- 
other perfect night. Who says guys don't 
like to cook? 


“It was a great affair. I bronzed his briefs." 




THINK, Hey, that can't just be mist rising 
over the Pocono Mountains this AM. Uh- 
uh. That is a sexual greenhouse effect, T 
bet: the steamy residue, the hot-air slag 
from 5000 passionate groin encounters 
last night. There is a sheet-lightning flash. 
And I say to Moompsie, my wife, "See? 
"The atmosphere itself 

ALL HAIL THE just discharged static 
build-up from what 

POCONOS, must be a higher con- 
THE ULTIMATE centration of orgasms 

per capita than any- 

HAVEN where else in Amer- 
ica" You've heard 
FOR THAT about hitting your sex- 

FIRST NIGHT ual peak? It’s in north- 

eastern Pennsylvania. 
That green, that fertileness is caused by en- 
riching, hymeneal virgin blood. 

Each year, more than 200,000 people hon- 
eymoon between East Stroudsburg and 
Equinunk, Pennsylvania. As the Pocono 
Mountain Vacations Bureau will tell you—of- 
ten—ten main resorts gross more than 
3$100,000,000 per annum. Solid, predictable 
commerce: After all, at any moment, one per- 
cent of our national population is being led to 
an altar somewhere. There are more than 
1550 resort beds—heart-shaped, round, 
king-sized, canopied. Each is grinding out 
bridal jelly day after day. And, incredible as it 
may sound, the Kinsey Institute for Research in 
Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana Uni- 
versity has reported (continued on page 124) 




a (A 


a brief visit with monica, 

a brazilian bombshell 


His cruel world of ours 

sometimes brings us up 

against the big issues in 

life, such as: Who is 

that incredible woman, 
and how do I get to meet 
her? In this case, all we can 
do is offer a few clues; the 
rest is up to you. First, the 
ladys name: Monica Andrea 
Silvia Do Santos. A carioca, 
or native of that wondrous 
city Rio de Janeiro. She's a 
student and something of a 
linguist, speaking English, 
German and Portuguese. 
She also admits to being su- 
perstitious, especially when 
it comes to macumba, a kind 
of voodoo magic that comes 
in two varieties—black and 
white. Monica is a habitué of 
the hot Rio clubs Help and 
Jazz Mania, where, by all ac- 
counts, she is a lovely mover. 
Many people have been 
deeply moved by watching 
her. There have also been 
sightings on the beach at 
Copacabana. Thats about 
it, Monica-wise. Maybe the 
next step is to think about 

flying down to Rio. Adm 
it makes perfect sense, espe- 
cially at this time of year. 
Rio has the sun, the music, 

the sea, Carnival, Monica. . . . 

The many moods of 
Monica: At left, without 
the Brazilian flag; right, 
with. It's a grand old flag. 






Look at that smile. Check out those 
eyes. Pay close heed to the astounding 
beadwork. And those outrageous feathers. 
Is this great craftspersonship or what? 


HONEYMOON HOTELS (continued from page 118) 

"Romancing seven feet up in our whirlpool made us 
feel like, ah, like two roaches in a flush toilet." 

that 50 percent of newlywed folk have not 
slept together before marriage. 

It is a tender time. A time of love and 
commitment and pet names for his big 
cherry picker. Of shyness and sweet new 
sensation and rice found in her moist bud 
vase. Of, yes, awkwardness, ignorance 
and mucho macho pressure. A might 
that'll take the crease from anyone's per- 
formance underwear. Not to mention 
occasional danger. Let me tell you 
Moompsic and Pumpsies favorite Pocono 
Mountains wedding-night tale. This is 
certified true. 

Couple comes down to breakfast after 
their sexual Kickoff Classic at Paradise 
Stream. They look like funerary sculp- 
ture. He doesn't speak. She won't pass the 
apple butter. There is serious grudge- 
work going on. So one lady social direc- 
tor draws the bride out. 

What happened was. . . . See, at the 
best Pocono resorts, you can have a swim- 
ming pool right in your very room. Be- 
side the bed. He and she, as one might 
guess, were making love there. Picture 
this: She is Roating out supinc— hands 
behind head to support her upper-body 
weight on thc pool ladder. He is rum- 
maging away down below. All of a once, 
he gets so passionate, so banzai berserk 
that he yanks her off the ladder—yoik! 
She has gone under, head and torso— 
and he doesnt stop. This woman is not 
waving but drowning, and her groom 
wont lay off the piston pleasure. He 
thinks those wild fingers are thrashing 
through the chlorine because she has 
caught a monster orgasm. In fact, she is 
about to inhale half their heart-shaped 
pool. Aaargh. Was it good for you, too, 



You can imagine how a bride might 
react, confronted by such murderous 
urgency The case is pretty extreme, 
of course. Nonetheless, it serves as an 
emblem. Male sexual appetence, mo- 
notonous and warlike, can be enough 
to make any unprepared young wife ma- 
jor in menstruation for life. Pocono-re- 
sort people know that. They set out to 
mitigate and feminize sexuality. This is 
managed in three ways: (1) They distract 
the clientele from sex; (2) they refurbish 
sex, making it plush, irresistible and un- 
threatening; (3) they laugh at it a 
whole lot. 

1. Distracting his or her libido. The 
Pocono Mountains resort ambience may 

recall the ambience of Camp Taka-Wee- 
Wee—back when Mom was telling me 
that children came from a giant dust ball 
under her bed. At that magic moment of 
husband-wife consummation, the Pocono 
resort will return you to safe pre- 
pubescence—games, social activity and 
organization. Not that this is ever en- 
forced. You can hang out a bo NOT pis- 
TURB, WE ARE STILL IN BED sign and play 
two-man petting zoo all day. But Pocono 
games are so attractive (and part of your 
expensive prepaid package) that even the 
raunchiest groom will want to shoot bas- 
kets and pool as well as beaver. 

Remember, also, that newlywed kids 
have often never been alone before. Even 
if you warm her scallops every hour on 
the hour, there will still be time to kill. 
Boredom can override love: It is seditious 
and scary. She stares at him while think- 
ing, Why doesn't this interloper leave so I 
can call my mother? Or, on his part, If 
only she'd take a nap and let me watch 
The N.FL. Today. These "pups," as they 
are referred to, often don't have great 
conversational grist or imagination. 
They need structure, The Pocono resort 
provides lush intimacy—mixed with as 
little familiarity as possible. 

For a similar reason, all meals are tak- 
en in common. Eating with your spouse 
may be too much like, um, marriage. 
The social and occupational diversity is 
provocative of talk. We shared one four- 
couple table with a banker, a Shop Rite 
manager and a West Virginia coal miner. 
These people were as shy as bandicoots 
at first. But Pumpsie caught on how to 
crack ice. Just mention the Pocono Moun- 
tain room fly. The room fly is small, MiG- 
evasive, and can produce a tiny 
chuckling noise—"Heh, heh, heh." As in, 
“Heh, heh, heh, he's about to come. I'll 
land on his scrotum." Zang—did anyone 
see an erection around here? I know I 
put it down someplace. The only luggage 
you need take to northeastern Pennsylva- 
niais a number-six rubber band. 

As one social director remarked, 
"Games and activities are fun. But they 
also help you find out things about your 
partner that you never knew before." I 
never knew that Moompsie played ping- 
pong like a gym snake. Or tennis like 
some kind of court pirate. Moompsie 
never knew that Pumpsie was such a bad 
sport. This, in fact, is the down side of 
gamesmanship. Competition can get 
sour-spirited. Victory on the golf course 
may lead to reprisals in bed. Your lust 

may be taken hostage—and held for her 
missed backhand. I heard a woman 
say on the miniature-golf course, "Well, 
gosh, honey, at least you got it in one hole 
this weekend." 

2. Plush, irresistible and unthreatening, 
or furniture can be an aphrodisiac. 
Moompsie and Pumpsie stayed first at 
the Summit Resort, then at Cacsars Cove 
Haven. Our Fantasia suite was near 
Caligulan (pool, sauna, heart-shaped 
tub—which, unfortunately, took so long 
to fill that we fell asleep before we could 
climb into the His-and-HER ventricles). 
But, oh, our Champagne Tower Suite at 
Cove Haven came right from moom 
pitchers. I felt like throwing my child- 
hood sled into the fireplace. I mean, 
sheesh, what a toy. Half brothel cloud 
chamber, half Houston mission control. 
Thing should've had a dashboard. It 
played “Feelings, doo-wah-wah, feelings” 
on every part of the old sensorium. 

For just $336 per night, you get indoor 
heart-shaped pool, sauna, massage table, 
steam shower, refrigerator, fireplace, 
round and mirrored bed, no reading 
lamp and—tah-daah!—the preposter- 
ous and spectacular whirlpool bath set 
in a seven-foot-tall- champagne glass 
(patented). This concept is so laughable, 
so late-American megalomaniac that it is 
flabbergastingly effective. Marriages go 
downhill fast after Cove Haven. The 
placc, in fact, makes a cincmatic statc- 
ment; it says, "Scrcam out that orgasm; 
sex is big; this entire two-story room will 
be nothing less than amplification for 
your pleasure." It functions both as bed 
partner and as co-conspirator; it is like a 
stroll through one of your own sexual or- 
gans, particularly the female—moist, 
dark and enclosing. And your Cham- 
pagne Tower Suite has been engineered 
with brilliance. Hell, there are—in one 
area—so many temperatures and mois- 
ture levels, I was surprised the whole 
dang thing didn't shatter when I opened 
the refrigerator door. 

Romancing seven feet up in our trans- 
parent whirlpool made us feel like, ah, 
like two roaches in a flush toilet. You bark 
the odd shin, snort foam, achieve B-plus 
gratification and probably do it just once 
there. But this once may be one you 
wouldn't have thought of otherwise. And 
that, after all, is the rationale behind sex- 
val gimmickry—from absurd to high 
tech—it can serve as pretext for some ex- 
tra touching. 

Circular beds are de rigueur. Now, I 
can think of no reason—pure novelty 
aside—why roundness should be more 
voluptuous than squareness. And, in 
fact, it isn't. Worse, thus far, at least, no 
one has managed to invent a round sheet 
All bed linen, therefore, molts one 
minute after you get in, and you spend 

(continued on page 151) 





Rules of Engagement 
How to Argue with a Women You Still Intend to Have Sex With 


* Both parties should be fully clothed and stationary. 

* Neither party should be wearinga Walkman, watching TV or 
doing something “more important" than participating in the ar- 


= Open the dialog in an inviting, rational tone. Instead of “Get 
your ass in here so I can chew it out,” try "Let's sit down and get 
to the bottom of this.” (Whoopee cushions are prohibited.) 

* Do not lecture. 

* Avoid gesticulating in what could be interpreted asa provoca- 
tive style. This includes finger wagging, tongue thrusting, mim- 
icking, any gesture employed by the Three Stooges 

* Avoid the use of sarcasm, insinuation and any foreign lan- 

* Avoid threats, no matter how well thought out. 

*Speak in the first person singular. (Rather than “Everyone 
who has ever met you knows you are the most controlling Ama- 
try “I feel that 1 am constantly being judged.") 
not use superior intellect as an edge. 

* Resist the temptation toward one-upmanship (“Well, if I'm 
dense, you must be brain dead”). 

* Be specific in your grievance. Dont say, "There's just some- 
thing about you that irritates the shit out of me.” Try “We all have 



our idiosyncrasies, but that 
bit with the electric tooth- 
brush really puts me on 

* Admit to your own short- 
comings without protracted 

«Avoid repetition. (“I'm 
unresponsive! I'm unrespon- 

*Avoid all reference to 
physical attributes. Also, this 
is no time to bring up sexual 

+ Never quote the Bible or 
the other party. Not “You said 
you were going to a Tae 
Kwon Do class" Rather, "I 
understood you to have said 
you were going to a Tae 
Kwon Do class." 

*Lay your cards on the 
table from the outset. Don't 
hold back the ace for an op- 
portune moment, eg, "I 
didn't realize they held Tae 
Kwon Do classes in the lobby 
of the Drake Hotel at ten pst. 
on Fridays.” 

from a previous argument. 

* Avoid name-calling. 

«Do not be distracted by 
tears. Counter empathetical- 
ly with: “Don't change the 

«Don't resurrect 


* Bargain, compromise: 
"What series of sexual acts 
are you willing to perform. 
in what sequence and for 
what duration, in order to 

cloud my memory?" 

* Beware of sweeping over- 
statements: “I could be your 
perpetual slave and you still 
wouldn't be happy.” 

«Do not hedge, dodge or 
otherwise divert the subject: 
“Have you put on a few 
pounds recently?” 

* Do not lie. 


* If you can get up the en- 
ergy to fight, you can get up 
the energy to forgive and 

* Rock the boat whenever 
necessary. Couples who fight 
are more passionate. 

"Stage a ceremonial dos- 
ing. For example: a slight 
tousling of each other's hair, 
two bops on the shoulder, 
playing any song by the 
Righteous Brothers or taking 
turns carrying each other to 
the bedroom. 

* Remember, 
your friend. 

friction is 

How to Deal with Her Bibliographical Baggage 


Our Bodies, Ourselves—The Boston Women's Health Book 

Games Mother Never Taught You—Betty Lehan Harragan 
The Feminine Mystique—Betty Friedan 

The Little Prince—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 
Having It All —Helen Gurley Brown 

Fear of Flying—Erica Jong 

Tiffany catalog 

The Fountainhead —Ayn Rand 

The Peter Pan Syndrome—Dan Kiley 

Let's Have Healthy Children —Adelle Davis 
Wuthering Heights —Emily Brontë 

Out on a Limb—Shirley MacLaine 

Princess Daisy— Judith Krantz 

Love Story—Erich Segal 

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof — Tennessee Williams 
The Hite Report—Shere Hite 

The Sensuous Woman—J. 

Anything by Susan Brownmiller 

The Road Less Traveled—M. Scott Peck 

Scout Handbook—Boy Scouts of America 

The Book of Five Rings—Miyamoto Musashi 
Lolita—Vladimir Nabokov 

Naked Lunch— William S. Burroughs 

Being and Nothingness—Jean Paul Sartre 

The Scarlet Letter—Nathaniel Hawthorne 

The Panic of 89 — Paul Erdman 

The Great Gatsby—F. Scott Fitzgerald 

The Godfather—Mario Puzo 

Silent Spring—Rachel Carson 

Moby Dick—Herman Melville 

Out of Africa—Isak Dinesen 

Marlborough: His Life and Times—Six Winston Churchill 
Old Yeller—Fred Gipson 

The Taming of the Shrew—William Shakespeare 

The Kiplinger Washington Letter 

Basic Plumbing and Pipe Fitting—Frank Logiudici 
Anything by Norman Mailer 

Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive 
—Harvey Mackay 

"Come up and see my etchings"? It just doesrit work these days. Gal bait needs to be more cunning. 
The new lures include an elaborate espresso machine, a private steam room or a litter of puppies. 

Rubbing Her Right: A Perfect Foot Massage 

OMEN CRAVE. foot mas- 

sages Many consider 

them justifed rewards 

for enduring another 

day of  high-heeled 
shoes—cruel footware that 
nonetheless enhances the 
curve of the calf and the 
perk of the butt. It's best to 
consider it your end of that 
visual bargain. 

Some techniques include 
making a fist and using your 
knuckles to press hard in 
small circles over the sole of 
the foot. Go over the sole 
with strong thumb strokes 
while holding the foot with 
your fingers. Lift the foot by 
the ankle and work on the 
heel with your finger tips and 
thumb. Probe the skin 
around the anklebone. Lo- 
cate the long tendons that 
run lengthwise up to each 
toe. Massage the valleys be- 

tween the tendons. Squeeze 
the skin between each toe. 
Work cach toc separately. Ro- 

tate them. Pull them as 
though disengaging lite 
corks. Squeeze the foot with 
the heels of your hands on 
the top of the foot and your 
fingers grasping the under- 
side. Let the heels of your 
hands slide to the outside of 

the foot. Finish by holding 
the sides of the foot between 
your outstretched palms. Us- 
ing a rapid and vigorous al- 
ternating motion, work up 
and down along the sides of 
the foot. 

If you perform this mas- 
sage routine regularly and 
right, her little piggies will 
want to stay home. 

The ideal mate: 

1. Wears heels at least 65 
percent of the time and al- 
ways when youre out with 
guys from the old neighbor- 

2. Can catch a ball and 
then throw it—not like a girl 
(but, then, not entirely like a 
man, either). 

3. Never disconcerts her 
husband's mother. 

4. Has well-developed po- 
litical and social opinions but. 
neverairs them in the middle 
of her husband'sset speech at 
a party. 

5. Can use jumper cables. 

6. Is not afraid of mice, 
snakes or spiders—and is not 
allergic to cats. 

7. Doesn't begrudge the oc- 
casional quickic. 

8. Can pick a horse, bluff 
with two low pairs and lose as 
much as $50 without going 
into a funk. 

9. Will take weeklong trips 
by herself and not call home 
every night. 

10. Has at least two close 
girlfriends her husband both 
likes and trusts—but to 
whom he is not sexually at- 

ll. Is an incisive judge 
of character. 

12. Can, on a half hour's 
notice, produce a useful wed- 
ding present for someone 
you know fairly well and 
pack for a weekend trip. 

13. Must generate enough 
respect (if not healthy fear) 
in her husband that he will 
be persuaded not to do the 
really foolish and unneces- 
sary bad things. 

14. Doesn't remind you too 
much of her mother or 

15. Can drive a stick shift. 

16. Buys her mate a sur- 
prise present at least once a 

17. Isn't afraid to take the 
car for an oil change. 

18. Doesn't bother you 
when you're really pissed off. 

19. Likes oral sex. 

20. Graciously deals with 
the enthusiasm of a lifetime, 
whether it be crossbows, golf 
or Etruscan pottery, and tol- 
erates the enthusiasm of the 
moment, be it crossbows, golf 
or Etruscan pottery. 


0 NS 


Ac Marcovicci describes torch. sing- 
ing as "I torture myself for your 
benefit.” After years of acting on TV ("Love 
Is a Many-Splendored Thing,” “Baretta,” 
“Medical Center,” “Magnum, PI.") and in 
movies (“The Front" and, most recently, her 
boyfriend Henry Jagloms “Someone to 
Love,” the video of which is a Valentines 
Day release), she is concentrating her ener- 
gies on filling the Hotel Algonquins Oak 
Room, Los Angeles’ Gardenia club and 
Carnegie Hall with a growing following, 
which includes Warren Beatty and Jack 
Nicholson. Articles Editor John Rezek 
caught her in Chicago at The Gold Star 
Sardine Bar and hasn't been the same since. 
They met later, appropriately enough, in the 
lobby of the Algonquin. Rezek reports: “On 
stage, Andrea is charming, willy, beautiful 
and rivetingly intelligent. Face to face, shes 
exactly the same, only more casually 


PLAYBOY: Describe the start of a perfect 
Valentine’s Day- 

marcovices: Don't let me sound like Jane 
Seynin 1t w be able to talk about 
romance without anybody's thinking that 
I'm having a faint or anything. Waking 
up to a valentine left under the door 
would be very nice. 


rLAYBOY: How can a feminist get her 
heart broken? 

MARCOVICCI: It takes a little more effort, 
but not much. A lot of us lost sight of our 
hearts—and of some of the things that 

the torch EAT p 
à en 
singer ae ul 
scholar of e of crac 
hearthreak Her will sive 
tells how M eda 
men do 

Women Wrong 

and why she 

weeps at 


ty, because they 

have no roles to 

play that they can 
understand. Many 
women have wail- 
ed for the great 
romantic love of 
their life to come 
along and he has 
never come. And 
they have never 
had children. It's a 

rather chilly time for so many women. 
One older friend said when she had her 
child, “That's the romance I was waiting 
for, the real love of my life. Who knew 
that the prince I'd waited for was going 
to be my child?” 


PLAYBOY: What are the early events of a 
woman's life that inform the way she later 
approaches men? 

MARCOVICCI: All women carry their rela- 
tionships with their fathers throughout 
their lives in one way or another and usu- 
ally end up looking for someone like 
their fathers in the men they choose—or 
someone opposite. My father was sixty- 
three when I was born. He was much old- 
er than my mother. I grew up worried 
about his dying. And in a weird, perverse 
way—the way in which psychology 
works—I avoided picking somebody who 
would be continuous. 1 chose very 
difficult men who were not at all mar- 

Getting my period was really dis- 
turbing, an enormous event that I 
thought was handled brilliantly by my fa- 
ther. He told me he was going to take me 
dancing and got me all dressed up. lt was 
his way of saying, “You'll make a wonder- 
ful girl. You'll be fine, and there are 
beautiful aspects of womanhood that 
you'll enjoy" And what could a man do 
that could be more beautiful than that? 

As for the other moments of a girl's 
life, I bet all women remember their fa- 
ther's coming home at the end of the day, 
the sound of his keys in the door. When 
Daddy comes through the door, hes a 
god. That is one of the reasons fathers 
like to be fathers. And 1 still feel special 
when I hear keys outside the door, and 
Eve had that in relationships with men. 

First boyfriends are a very difficult sit- 
uation. I fell in love when 1 was about 
thirteen, and I got the boy to give me his 
LD. bracelet. My father was furious. “Get 
that slave bracelet off your wrist." He was 
so angry that I would have the mark of 
this other man. Later, I realized that he 
was also furious because when turned 
over, it had written on it: 1 AM A DIABETIC. 
My father was a doctor and was angry 
because what if I were in an accident or 
something? He was being very sensible. 


PLAYBOY: Give us a brief history of the 
major events in an adult romance. 

marcovicct: Eyes start the whole thing 
off. When you see someone across a 

room, or you're introduced to him at a 
party or you work with him, there is 
a moment that has to do vith really look- 
ing into his eyes and seeing what you see 
there. Good conversation is next. Laugh- 
ter and how fast it happens and how easi- 
ly it happens are next. Then there's the 
first kiss. Vital. Now there's a first kiss 
practically immediately Being comfort- 
able at a movie together is a big part of 
every romance. Also, whether people 
want to admit it or not, that moment 
when you finally are comfortable not go- 
ing out and you stay home and watch 
television. Sunday afternoons are the 
next milestone. People are very compli- 
cated on Sunday afternoons. They have 
old sadnesses that come up on Sunday aft- 
ernoon, and dealing with them together 
is a good idea. Then comes the decision 
and the celebration of making love, and, 
with luck, you get over that and then try 
it again. Then theres living together 
and/or marriage. And day-to-day life. 
And seeing whether you're lucky enough 
to have fallen in love with somebody 
who's trustworthy. 


pLavpov: What behavior of women should 
immediately be forgiven? 

Marcovicct: All premenstrual behavior 
short of murder. 


PLAYBOY: What immediately disqualifies a 

MARCOVICCI: [f he doesn't know who Cole 
Porter was. That's it: You, out of here. 
You're disqualified if you're not at least a 
self-educated person. A woman of cul- 
ture can certainly spend and enjoy time 
with somebody without a formal edu- 
cation. A man who is interested in the 
arts and in the world around him will 
more than qualify. If his only subscrip- 
tion is to Field & Stream or Guns and Am- 
mo, I think we've got a problem. 


PLAYBOY: Name three things a gentleman 
never does. 

MaRCOVICCI: A gentleman doesn't insist. 
He has the sensitivity to see when some- 
thing has gone too far. A gentleman nev- 
er gets into an argument with your 
parents. He can have a heated discus- 
sion with them, perhaps, but he should 
always back off at the right moment 
when he's talking with your mother. 
[Laughs] Third, a gendeman doesnt 
keepa woman (continued on page 160) 


Falling in love is easy, 
especially when 
youre married 



Pick up the bags and get in the limou- 
sine./ Soon we'll be away from here./ Step 
on the gas and wipe that tear away..." 

I had just plugged in my new remote- 
control CD and was testing it with Abbey 
Road, which is about as modern as I get, 
when the dogs started barking and 
hurling themselves at the front door. I 
opened it. There in the darkness of the 
Hollywood Hills stood my best friend, 
Lenny, a man whose life I had often ad- 
mired from afar and even up close. He 
wore his usual mask of ironic detachment, 
but his hands were fluttering around his 
face as if he were warding off mos- 
quitoes. On his back was one of the beau- 
tiful Polo jackets he always wore, this one 
a dark-blue silk-and-linen blazer. It was 
about 11 at night, which is the usual time 
that Lenny arrives to tell me about who 
was at Morton's or Spago and how much 
he has made or lost speculating in stocks. 

He walked into the living room and sat 
down on an orange love seat. I handed 
him a Scotch on the rocks. In one gulp, 
he downed half a tumbler. 

“I want to begin at the beginning,” he 

“Please do." 

"About half an hour ago," Lenny said, 
“I was sitting in the bedroom with my 
wife. I had just gotten back from a date 
with Kathy, who is almost unendurably 
beautiful but is not, as you know, my 

article By Ben Stein 





wife. She's also twenty-five and I'm forty- 
two. My wife, Cassie, is lying there in bed 
with a cough from this bronchitis she's 
had for about a month. 

"She looks at me with a wan smile and 
asks, 'Have I told you the fantasy that I 
use to keep from going completely insane 
when you're out at Mortoris with Kathy? 
You might find it interesting.’ 

“I'd love to hear it,’ I told her. 

“Cassie says, ‘I tell myself that the 
Lenny I know and love, that I’ve been in 
love with for twenty-two years, is away on 
a secret mission, and maybe he’s been 
dropped into Nazi Germany or some- 
thing like that. Maybe he's been cap- 
tured. But you're doing something brave 
and wonderful, and that’s where you are. 

“In the meantime,’ Cassie says, ‘I'm 
g with someone who's perfectly nice 
and he's paying for me to stay home so I 
can take care of our daughter, Marie. But 
he’s not the Lenny I love. He's somebody 
else who I’m not really close to. 

“And what I hope every minute, 
Cassie goes on, ‘is that there'll be your 
key in the door and it'll be you, and it'll 
be as if there never had been any Kathy, 
and you'll be the same Lenny I've loved 
from the minute I met you! 

"So, she's saying this,” Lenny told me, 
pping again on his Scotch, "and I'm 
thinking that this is what it must be like 
to have lung surgery with no anesthetic 

"And meanwhile, Cassie goes on, ‘I 
have to realize that you may not ever re- 
turn, and then Marie and I will just have 
to deal with it like a million other women 
who deal with it when their husbands 
don't come back. But if you don't come 
back, I'll always remember you as the 
Lenny who looked so handsome and so 
confident that first night at the Stork 
Club, when you met me and explained 
why the Vietnam war had to stop.’ 

“You know,” Lenny said to me, “I was 
wrong. It really wasn’t like lung surgery 
at all. It was more like they were doing a 
quadruple bypass without anesthetics 
while they were holding my eyelids open 
and making me watch The Cosby Show. 
After she said those things, she walked 
into the nursery to check on Marie and I 
started thinking about Kathy, whom I 
had just left and who was not exactly 
bubbling over with the milk of human 
kindness, anyway. 

“A half hour before Cassie told me 
what a great guy I was, I had been sitting 
in a chair in Kathy’s bedroom, overlook- 
ing the Pacific in Malibu. She had just 
finished telling me that she did not feel 
like having sex with me that night, or any 
other night, for that matter, and that the 
few bits and pieces of sex we had had in 
the past were history, a chance escape 
past her mental guards. ‘I have a big psy- 
chological problem with your being mar- 
ried,’ is what she tells me. ‘It's a big thing, 
you know, ‘cause you have this big, im- 
portant wife, and every night, you go 

back to her bed. I don't wake up and 
see you next to me in the morning. So if 
I have a problem having sex you, 
don't start yelling that I'm an ungrateful 
bitch. You're always saying that you love 
me, but listen to yourself, Lenny. You're 
married. Married.’ 

“So I reminded her that she had just 
had a two-year relationship with a mar- 
ried guy and that I gave her pres- 
ents and took her to nice places and 
treated her about a thousand times bet- 
ter than he did. 

“'yes,' she says. ‘I don't deny it. You 
treat me like a queen. But that's like say- 
ing that because youre riding a horse 
and it throws you, and you break your 
back, and you go into traction for two 
years and you really, really suffer, that 
when they offer you the chance to ride 
the same horse again, you should just get 
right back up on it and ride it. Besides, I 
was twenty-two then, I'm twenty-five now. 
Ive learned a lot about life. I'm still 
naive, but I’m nowhere near as naive. 
Can you hear me? Can you understand? 
Do you even care what 1 say, or do you 
only care if I say I'll go down on you?" 

“So I say, ‘But, Kathy, I treat you so 
well—'and she won't let me finish. 

“Yeah, you treat me too well,’ she says. 
"It bugs me sometimes. You're all over me, 
and you're married, and it would be too 
much even if you weren't married." 

"Itold her that I didn't have to Le mar- 
ried, that maybe that would change, and 
she says, ‘Don't do it on my account. I'm 
not promising a thing." 

"So J sat in her chair, and I looked out 
at the waves, and I looked at the pictures 
of her and her old boyfriends, and the 
new picture of me and Kathy in Santa Fe. 
I tried to think of whether any person 
who was physically well in a free, demo- 
cratic, industrial country felt as bad as I 
did at that moment. While I was thinking. 
about it, Kathy says to me, Dont sit all 
the way over there. Come over here and 
get in bed with me and hug me. But just. 
hug me and hold me and listen to me. 

Sometime,’ she tells me, ‘I'm going to 
just go up to your house and get some of 
those pills out of your closet and take 
some of them and sleep forever. I could 
easily do it after some guys just gone 
home or I'm going home alone from 
some guy's house, and I start to cry and 
just wish I could sleep forever." 

“Kathy fell asleep and I went home and 
I heard my wife tell me about how she 
imagined that I was away on a secret mis- 
sion, and then she changed Marie, and 
then she took a righteous dose of benzo- 
diazepines to keep from losing it over her 
problems, mainly one problem, a hus- 
band who has a girlfriend. And the pills 
knock her flat in about three minutes, so 
she doesnt have the slightest problem 
sleeping, either, just like Kathy. 

“Theres really only one person who 
has a lot of trouble sleeping around this 
whole thing." 

"I can imagine,” | said. Lenny looked 
to me, too, as if he were on a dangerous 
mission from which he might not return. 
I wondered how well secret agents slept 
when they were in enemy territory. 

"Usually" Lenny said, "I read The Wall 
Street Journal and make circles around 
every story where someone is stealing 
money from stockholders until I can fall 
asleep, but the fun has gone out of it, be- 
cause by then, I'm circling just about ev- 
ery story on every page. I get so panicky 
that I take a chloral hydrate, which looks 
exactly like an emerald, and then a Com- 
pazine, which is a pastel-canary color, 
and then a meprobamate, which is just 
blah white, and then a lovely Percocet, 
and I start wondering how many I would 
have to take to get out of the whole story. 
But I know my hypothalamus pretty well 
now. I just take enough to sleep, and 
preferably not to dream." 

Lenny lit a cigarette. He inhaled so 
deeply that in onc puff, he turned a third 
of the cigarette to ash. "That's what I do 
most nights," he went on. "But tonight, 
I'm going to tell you why I do this, even 
though it makes me and everybody 
around me crazy. 

“I have to tell you, even though you 
probably dort want to hear. It’s like one 
of those monsters from a Fifties horror 
picture: A surgeon has to wrench it out, 
and it’s covered with blood and tentacles 
and ooze, and it slides onto the laborato- 
ry floor and scuttles away. 

“Only it really isn't ugly Its really al- 
most sweet. Ws really almost pretty. Its 
like acute little monkey, and you can’t get 
it off your back, no matter what you do, 
and I think it's called life.” 

God help us; talk to me about anything 
but not about life. That's too hard, I 
thought, but I said nothing. I don’t like to 
interrupt Lenny and I knew he wouldn't 
interrupt me if our roles were reversed, 
which they sometimes have been. 

“First,” Lenny said, “I'm forty-two, and 
that’s right up there in middle-aged land, 
as far as I'm concerned. | dont like 
The way I see it, being young is where it's 
at. Being old is the last place I ever want 
to be. 

“So far, life's been going only one way. 
It's going from being young to being old. 
Now, at three a.m, you know and I know 
that there's not really a goddamn thing I 
can do about it. But at some other hours, 
it occurs to me that there definitely are a 
few things I can do about it. I can start 
jogging, or I can buy some new clothes at 
Bijan, or I can buy a new car. 

“But those don't really accomplish 
much, except as a by-product. The only 
thing that really works is a girlfriend. 

(continued on page 149) 

7A prince built this for his ladylove in an exceedingly romantic era that, 
sadly, no longer exists: lo celebrate getting into her pants." 




Televangelist Jimmy 
Swaggart, who had earlier accused fellow Assembly of God 
preacher Marvin Gorman of adultery, was himself defrocked 
when a Gorman snoop tracked him to a motel room shared with 
hooker Debra Murphree—who then reproduced the poses she 
said Jimmy liked to watch in some 
tacky photos for Penthouse. Swag- 
gart fessed up in a tearful tele- 

cast but refused to give up 
preaching. Ministry of 

Greed, a Newsweek 
staffers book on the 

profitability of TV's 
holy wars, may ex- 

plain why. 


It was The Year of the Infernal Triangle, as exemplified by what happened ^* the derriere 
when Brenda Richie (above right) discovered her R&B-singer husband pa Oe e 
Lionel, in a compromising position with one Diane Alexander (above left) in the latter's finefeatherwhile icing askat- 

Beverly Hills apartment. Brenda proceeded to bash both of 'em; cops were called. ing title for East Germany. 



the ups, the downs, the horizontals of 1988 

Its Love! Jessica Hahn Flips 

For 300-Lb, Wacky Ex-Preacher 

THE GOSPEL Jessica Hahn, who brought e 
ACCORDING 10 JESSICA his PTL empire to ruin, has gj 

We haven't heard the last of Jessica Hahn, the ex-church sec- 
retary who blew the whistle on Jin Bakker. Equipped with 
improved physical assets, she again 
appeared in Playboy; spilled the 
beans on former pastor Gene 
Profeta (with mike and Good 
Book, left), who was subsequent- 
ly indicted for tax evasion; got a 
Phoenix radio-d.j. gig; and made a 
video with ex-preacher Sam Kini- 
son (top) The conclusion drawn 
above is the National Enquirer's. 
Ours is that Jess was costumed 
by Cassandra (Elvira, Mistress 
of the Dark) Peterson (left) 


Y [veso REMEMBER. MAT TOOK At This Gay IN 
“AND... HEY 

Tie Tores} 3 

George Bush's surprising choice of Dan Quayle as his G.O.P. 
running mate sent the press scurrying after tales 
of campus capers and a memorable golf 
weekend spent with, among others, 4 
Playboy pictorial veteran Paula 
Parkinson (right). 


Fire equipment and the Chi- 
cago Bomb and Arson 
Squad sped to O'Hare 
Airport June 16 to de- 
fuse a stewardess' 
ticking suitcase. 
They found a 
ated vibrator. 


lona "Cicciolina" Staller, 
pom star and Italian 
M.P, had some down 
time: She was eject- 
ed from the Wailing 
Wall and busted 
for indecent 
exposure in 


Born in the U.S.A., fooling around on the road: Boss Bruce Springsteen was 
caught frolicking on tour with longtime backup singer Patti Scialfa (above left) 

in Paris, London and Rome. His wife, actress and model Julianne Phillips, whose 
TV movie His Mistress was being rerun at the time, soon sued for divorce. 


Pamela Des Barres (far 
right) describes her 
groupie days with Way- 
lon Jennings, Keith Moon, 
Don Johnson, Mick Jag- 
ger, Noel Redding, Jimmy 
Page and others in her book 
Im with the Band; she'll 
show, if perhaps not tell, even 
more in next monttis Playboy. 



After the release of | 
Bull Durham, in \ 
which hurler phenom 
Tim Robbins (inset) 
sports a garter belt, 
Frederick's of Holly- 
wood reported a 15 
percent increase in 

its sales of hosiery 
like the ones 
Playmate Kim 
Morris models 

at the right. Á H 


Martin Scorsese's 
controversial film 
The Last Tempta- 
tion of Christ stars 
Willem Dafoe as a 
Christ enticed by 
Satan with plausible 
visions of marriage 
and a family. Furious 
raised holy hell 



A party in a former 
gay bath in Man 
hattan, now the 
Cave Canem club 
(left), celebrated the 
release of Passion, a 
video and single by 
Romina Danielson, 
the Passion Flower 
of 1987's Joan Col- 
lins-Peter Holm di- 
vorce proceedings. 


Money with extra interest: Tops Check 
Cashing, Fort Lauderdale, hires topless 
hostesses. One likens her job to being at the 
beach, “Only you cant get a tan in here. 


Two Clearwater, Florida, guys sell shirts, 
panties, watches—every- 

thing but rubbers—star- 

ring cartoon. condom 
Eddie Rascal. 


Speaking of his pal 
Reagan, George 
Bush told Idahoans 
"| am proud to be his 
partner. We have had 
triumphs, we have 
made mistakes, we 
have had sex...” 




When Whoopi Goldberg became 
engaged to cinematographer 
Eddie Gold (below left), there 
was a hitch: her marriage 
to cinematographer David 
Claessen (below right). 


She was drawn "bad" for the movie, 
but Disney's coloring books cop out, 
with a Jessica Rabbit cov- 
er-up for the Crayola 

TA A9 Dom. 



Buzz off with Sybian, a 
$1395 device driven by a 
pair of '/s horsepower 
motors (one for rotation, 
one for vibration). Its 
from Abco Research 
Associates, Post Office 
Box 329, Monticello, 
illinois 61856. 


The turbulent marriage of boxing champion Mike 
Tyson and TV actress Robin Givens hit the ropes 
after eight months amid a flurry of press-conterence 
jabs and counterpunches, suits and countersuits. 
In polls, the public branded Robin a gold digger. 



In Cockney rhyming slang, Bristol Cities are tit- 
ties. At a Bristol City-Mansfield Town football 
final in Londons Wembley Stadium, fans 
showed theirs. To no avail: Bristol City lost. 

Page 3 Girl turned songstress Samantha Fox was back in 
Britain's tabloids again with news that a diet had trimmed her 
formerly bountiful breast measurement by four inches. 


California lawyer Laura 
Salant, 31, tried to sit 
for her husband's bar 
exam, but officials 
saw through her 
disguise. She 
was seven 



The Reverend Thomas 
Streitferdt of Harlem, Make a couple of movies with a sheila and see what happens! Aussie actor Paul Hogan's 
es ipd" m d aoa 30-year marriage to wife Noelene (above right) went on the shoals when Paul cozied up 
fares theya go do hell to his “Crocodile” Dundee co-star, Linda Kozlowski (above left). While in London to pro- 

for refusing his advances. mote “Crocodile” Il, Hogan quipped: “I'm rich and famous and Linda wants my money" 



Divorce lawyer Marvin Mitchel- 
son (right) had a lousy year, cli- 
maxing in accusations of rape 
by exclients. Carrie Leigh (far 
right) retained him for her pal- 
imony suit vs. Hef, then unex- 
pectedly eloped with Cory 
Margolis (inset bottom right). Now 
they've split and she locks great 
spoofing us all in National Lampoon. 


TV's Vanna White 
claimed that she 
wasn't nude in her 
unreleased flick 
Gypsy Angels 
(above). Evident- 
ly, she didnt like it 
any better than 
our pre-Wheel of 
Fortune undies 
pix (right). But a 
TV-movie gig as 
Venus rated high. 


Liberte, égalité, nudite? 
The Socialist Partys 
bare billboards repro- 
duced at left may have 
helped Francois Mit- 
terand win his election 
campaign. Gov. Michael 
Dukakis, take note: At 
the polls, sex outsells 
competence every time 


America's most confirmed bachelor, Hugh M. 
Hefner, popped the question to Playmate Kimber- 
ley Conrad at the Playboy Mansion's wishing well 




(continued from page 84) 

“The natural high of being head over heels in love 
evenlually wears off, just as drugs run out." 

system indirectly by inducing the brain to 
crank out high levels of norepinephrine 
and dopamine—the same two neurotrans- 
mitters that released at gusher levels 
during romantic attraction. 

Dopamine and norepinephrine seem to 
work their magic by lowering the activa- 
tion threshold of the b pleasure cen- 
ter, which is located in the limbic region of 
the brain. The limbic system is primarily 
responsible for our ability to experience 
emotions. Dopamine interacts with testos- 
terone (a hormone that both sexes share), 
which fuels sexual desire, and thus may be 
the chemical that puts the lust into love. 

The neurotransmitter activity triggered 
by romantic attraction prompted Liebo- 
witz to quip in a New York Times interview 
that love could be viewed as a “brain bath" 
of dopamine and norepinephrine. 


If only it were that simple. lt appe: 
that the brain must first be showered with 
phenyleihylamine, or PEA, a naturally oc- 

curring chemical in the brain that is one 
carbon atom away from amphetamine. 
Liebowitz believes that it is PEA—or some 
other amphetaminelike substance—that 
causes the brain to release the dopamine 
and norepinephrine. 

In addition to giving new meaning. 
perhaps respect, to the nd 
brain, it br usto a crucial questi 
we fall in love when we arc producing 
more PEA, or do we produce more PEA 
when we are falling in love? 

Liebowitz can say only that when we en- 
counter someone who meets our person, 
set of emotional and physiological criteria, 
a switch in our limbic system is "automati- 
cally thrown" and “our limbic pleasure 
centers go bunkers." 

In other words, something happens. 

It is worth noting that some foods— 
chocolate, in particular—have high levels 
of PEA. That raises the question of 
whether or not we could simulate the feel- 
ing of falling in love—or at least lust—by 

“So he goes, ‘You want to get married?’ and I’m, like, ‘Yeah. 

doing some serious choco loading. At the 
very least, it would be a cheap date. 
The answer to that seems to dep 
whether or not we can hold the MAO. 
MAO stands for monoamine oxidase, a 
class of brain enzymes that re 
emotional states. Just as d 
break down, or metabo 

d on 

ne, norepinephr ind PEA. Sadly. it 
out that PEA in food olized 
so quickly that it doesn't have time to reach 
the blood stream, much less the brain. 

We all know that the natural high of be- 
ing head over heels in love eventually 
wears off, just as drugs inevitably run out. 
As our body chemistry returns to norni 
the exhilaration of romant 
usually gives way to the comfort and secu- 
rity of romantic attachment. 

According to Liebowitz, the pleasurable 
feelings of attachment may involve not on- 
ly a stimulation of the brains pleasure cen- 
ter but also a reduction of jery, w] 
suggests the involvement of another brain 
network, the locus coeruleus. Researchers 
believe that this area acts as a human 
alarm cemer that regulates our feelings of 
anxiety, fear and depression. 

Attachment also appears to be the stage 
at which the brains production of natural 
narcotics, the endorphins, comes imo play: 
While it is not clear whether the endor- 
phins affect us by blocking or stimulating 
our receptors, they do seem to elevate our 
pain threshold and, medical researchers 
believe, may strengthen our immune sys- 
tem as well. Thus, it's possible that being in 
love provides us the added benefit ol mak- 
ing it easier to stay healthy. 
or the most part, those of us who have 
experienced the exhilaration of falling in 
love also know well the pain and sadness of 
falling out of love. From a neurochemical 
standpoint, our. production of PEA ap- 
pears to drop and our reservoir of do- 
pamine and norepinephrine shrinks to the 
size of a birdbath, Factor in decreased re- 
ceptor sensitivity and. youre looking at a 
virtual shutdown of the pleasure cei 

Another neurochemical 
be involved has to do with the activity of 
MAO. That notion is based on the effec- 
tiveness of a class of drugs called the MAO 
inhibitors in treating certain types of ex- 
tended depression. These drugs work by 
blocking the enzymes from breaking down, 
neurotransmitters, thus preventing the 
reservoir from drying up. 

Whether it’s high MAO, low P 
litle dopamine and norepinephri 
clogged receptors that turns us into chem 
basket cases when we go through the 
ma of breakup, there seems to be little 
's needed to get those ne 
ng again. 
a wink or a nod, 
our limbic switch is back in 


doubt as to w! 
mical circuits fir 

the ox position. 


(continued from page 112) 
holes in the streets. Its an analogy in which 
the open sewer is romance and the normal 
guy is vou. What we're really talking about 
here is losing your head over a woman. 
And, alas, the ability to take a fall over and 
over without showing the scars and bruises 
is a learned skill, one we generally miss, 
because at the time we need that knowl 
edge most, we're living in the suburbs of 
stupidity, head over heels for some dame. 
Which, by the way, isn't necessarily bad 
but is—necessarily—disorienting. And 
that's why we're all gathered here. 


Know the early-warning signals. The 
key to prevention, as 
they say, is carly 
detection. Alter ev- 
ery date or encoun- 
ter with the object 
of your fascination, 
check for the seven 

lation. You are 
ecstatic. You cant 
believe someone a 
wonderful, beauti- 
ful, witty, whatever, 
actually seems to be 
attracted to vou. It's 
amazing, it's incred- 
ible and, really, to 
everyone else, it's 

2. The critique 
You replay the game 
tape. You can! be- 
lieve the number of 

5. The Uri Geller spoon-bending syn- 
drome. You watch doors and will her to 
walk through them; you stare at your tele- 
phone and demand that it ring 

6. The neediest case. You require an in- 
ordinate amount of reassurance, especially 
from her, the one person from whom you 
should never seek it. 

7. Gender contusion, You act just like a 
girl. (Sec one through six.) 

Is this you? If your behavior fits any of 
the categories above, you're in deep. Swim 
to the edge and get a grip. 


Know what you expect from a woman 
before you fall in love with her. If you sim- 
ply hope that falling in love will make vou 

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front of the mirror; even over hill ana 
vou see your hair around bends. 

the way she must 

have seen it and you 
look like an experi- 
mental vegetable, 
something in the tu- 
ber family You won- 
der why strangers 
didnt stop vou on 
the street and warn you that you looked 

. Apprehension. You thought every- 
thing went well. But lers say you have the 
following thought at one in the morning: 
You are certain that she liked you less thi 
time than she did last time. By 1:15, you'll 
be convinced you'll never see her again, 
unless it’s in the company of another man 
and with a cruel smirk on her face. 

4. The Copernican fixation. Suddenly, 
you realize that she is at the center of 
everything you do and say. The books you 
buy are the books you think she thinks you 
ought to be reading; when youre with 
vour pals, she's the constant topic of your 
lame conversation. 

$ bre 

For dealer location call 1-800-COBRA 22, 

feel better, or if you just want somebody to 
nurse you through the illness of lile, you're 
going to be disappointed. 

Condemned lo repeat it: Unless youre 
reading Dad's copy of this magazine, you 
have a personal history that is littered with 
the remains of old romances, like a collec- 
tion of secondhand piñatas. By now, you 
should be able 10 see a pattern of some 
sort. Whatever went wrong before will go 
wrong again, unless you watch your step 
and try to change the normal course these 
things have taken before 


Sometimes love seems like something 
cooked up by the Chilean secret polic 

when you fall in love with a woman, you 
submit yourself to the emotional equiva- 
lent of a government experiment in pain 
and disorientation. When you check into 
the lab for testing, there's one crucial thing 
to remember: Hide your valuables. No 
matter what happens, make sure you put 
the following items in a sale place: your 
friends, your job, your bank account and 
your favorite hangout. IT your romantic 
adventure doesnt work out, you'll mistak- 
enly think that you have misplaced your 
self-esteem and your dignity. In fact, you'll 
find both right where you left them before 
the whole mess started 

But forget about your common sense; 
you'll lose that first, and you wont get it 
back until much, much later. 


Love lurks in al- 
leys and around 
blind corners, and, 
as a rule, you can 
be reasonably sure 
youll never meet 
a woman in whom 
you may be interest- 
ed in any of the 
predictable place: 
Nevertheless, here's 
what vou can expect 
if you go out looking 
for trouble 

The five worst 
places to meet wom- 

L Bars and tav- 
erns. The 
you meet at bars w 
have their availabili 
ty well upholstered 
with the soft edges 
of desperation. Only 
museums and su- 
permarket frozen- 
food sections will 
offer such a wide 
range of truly lonely 
people. If youre a 
lonely guy yourself, 
then you already 
know that loneliness 
leaves you vulner 
ble; it’s like a crip- 
pling ailment, one of which vou hope 
somebody will quickly take advantage. 

2 Personal ads. Sure, sure, everybody 
thinks of answering a personal ad some- 
time. It’s an attractive proposition, because 
you figure any woman who has to humili 
ate herself to the extent of advertising 
her availability can't possibly reject you. 

3. Work, We're told over and over not to 
mess around with co-workers, and for 
good reason. When the romance is over, so 
is the job. You cannot function well in an 
office where one of your colleagues is a 
former mattress mate. And even if the two 
of you succeed in ignoring the situation, 
others wort. After all, most workplac 





mass produce boredom as a by-product, 
and for everyone in the office, a failed af- 
fair will have the same compelling quality 
as a school-bus plunge or a prostitution 
bust. Don't defer the decision on this one. 
Make up your mind whether or not you 
think your prospective lover is worth your 

Beyond all those conside ns, remem- 
ber that using seduction as a means of get- 
ting ahead is a unisex gambit, and many of 
the women you meet at work will come 
fitted with a scabbard containing a double- 
edged sword. An ambitious woman at 
work secs romance as a weapon. 

On the other hand, where else is a busy 
chap going to meet somebody with whom 
he already has much in common? So, if 
you're determined to follow a bad hunch, 
here are some hot tips. 

* At all costs, avoid relationships with 
women who are your immediate subordi- 
nates Or over whom you exert any poten- 
tial professional influence. The road to 
sexual-harassment hell is paved with ill- 

formed intentions. 

t out. If you work for a large compa- 
ny and the romance gets scrious, one of 
you should transfer to another division. If 
you work for a small business, one of you 
should look for another job. 

hes on top. The most sensible rela- 
tionship is one with a woman who is 
superior at work. The costs of high- 
mance are much easier for you to calculate 
if you're the one who's going to pay. 

+ Get it down. If youre going to get in- 
volved with the woman in the next cubicle, 
wait until the third date (see below) to dis- 
cuss the inevitable complications; make 
sure she understands the consequences of 
the affair before you run the risk of screw- 
ing up vour job. 

4. School. If you're involved with some- 
body you met at school, it won't matter, be- 
cause, despite what you think now, it wont 
last. Women turn into grownups sometime 
in their late 20s; men defer such postado- 
lescent transformations until they reach 
their mid- or late 30s. As the new you 

“You realize, of course, I'm only doing this because 
of your cologne." 

evolves, the relationship will dissolve. 
5. Police stations. 


If you're ready to get heres a 


rundown of the ten best places to meet a 
1. In line. You're in good shape anyplace 

a queue has formed because of bureau- 
cratic inelhiciency—the motor-vehicles de- 
partment or the bank, for example 

2. At fires. There's nothing like sha 
the experience of watching your apart- 
ment building go up in flames to bring two 
neighbors a litıle closer togethe 

3. Hospitals are filled with women paid 
to care. The trick is to demote them to am- 
ateur status without a loss in the quality of 
their attention. 

4. In restaurants. Waitresses are made to 
be wed. There is something compelling 
about a good-looking woman coming at 
you with food in her hand: 

5. At weddings, but watch out for topi 

6. AL A.A. mectings. 

7. On airplanes—but only if you're lucky. 
If the woman sitting next to you looks swell 
but couldn't outwit livestock, you're in for 
nonstop nonsense. 

8. In churches or clubs. If youre in- 
volved with a woman you met at church, 
you probably aren't reading this, because 
youre afraid of going to hell. Churches, 
nagogues, clubs, coed gyms and profes- 
sional organizations are swell places 10 
meet potential mates. Like the people yon 
meet at work, women you meet at clubs or 
in churches come with a ready supply of 
shared interests. But unlike those salary- 
threaten isons, the only ma- 
terial thing you stand to lose is your 
dues-paying status. 

9. At parties. Parties are great, the sec- 
ond-best place to meet a gi 

10. The best place to me 
the home of a mutual 
territory; you come well recommended, at 
least by association; and your mutual 
friends will tailor the conversation for vou. 


guish love from 
n from lust. 
know the differ- 

Its important to dis 
fatuation and infat 
Lust: We assume yo 
ence between inf 
you pri ably know the difference be- 
tween your dick and your heart. If, lo 
ample, you look into her eyes when you 
talk to her, it's probably i f. 
the other hand, you look down her blou 
when you talk to her, it may well be lu: 
definitely lust if you push her hea 
and out of the way to get a better look. 
While serious infatuation is usually the 
first step to long-term romance, lust is oc- 
casionally the first step to infatuation. If 
that happens, you can figure lust 10 last 
three months or so. After th: ouble. 
Nothing's uglier than lust beached and 
floundering on the shores of r 
Lost in lust: Lust looks exactly like love; 

even an expert can't tell them apart, so be 
careful here. If you find yourself being 
pulled loins-first into an affair you think 
may be ill-advised, excuse yourself, go to 
the mens room and look at yourself in the 
mirror while you slowly count to 50. When 
you return to the source of the heat, try to 
imagine what she'd look like with food in 
her ears or peas in her nose or chow in the 
spaces between her teeth. Listen to what 
she's saying and pretend you have to listen 
to two hours of it every day for the rest of 
your life. Do anything you can to put the 
brakes on. We're all breeding fools, drown- 
ing in the deep end of the gene pool, and 
even the most savvy guy sometimes wakes 
up too late and wonders how his brains 
wound up in his briefs. 

On the other hand. lust and infatuation 
make a mighty heady mix, a brew for two 
that will still taste sweet after three kids 
and a retirement cruise. 


ns private life. If shes 
i. dont come on like 
ll just look like a 

Respect a woma 
wearing a wedding 
some Ronco Romeo—vo 
jerk. Some women, however, are on the 
confused cusp of availability, and a little 
conversational exploration is necessary 
But dont get involved in an overproduced 
detective movie. If it seems that a dinner 
invitation won't be a social gaffe, then ten- 
der one. I you aren't sure, try for lunch. 


’s a short list of women who may be 
able, all right, but who will deliver a 

* Your sister's best friend. 
+ Your boss's e 
+ Your best friend's ex-girlfr 
* Your ex-girlfriend's best friend. 
* Any woman too young to remember 
the songs that were popular when you 

were in high school. 


A good date is just like a T V movie, in 
that it has a beginning, a middle and an 
end. Beyond that, each of the first three 
dites is a component of a unique sort of 
progression: H the first three dates go well, 
you're on the stairway to heaven. Hf they 
dont, youre in the subbasement and on 
the escalator down. 

With that in mind, here' the bottom line 
op. Keep a first date simple. This isn't 
grand opera you're plotting here, pal. Just 
plan a pleasant and unpretentious eve- 
ning, Remember that the purpose of a first 
date is to confirm an initial attraction—on 
both sides, presumably—and t0 get to 
know each other, so build in a litle 
flexibility and keep the whole thing casual. 

Don't do anything that adds to the inher- 
ent discomfort of a first meeting. What 
were talking about is something like di 
ner, maybe some dancing and a nightcap at 
a bar or a night club. What we're not talk- 

ing about is a crowded schedule full of 
stops at every cool, quaint or chic bar 
you've ever heard of. Above all, a first date 
NT a contest with sex as a prize. 
Here are some other things to keep in 

* Plan ahead, but dont orchestrate the 
evening so tightly that you preclude any 

«Comfort counts. Pick a place with 
which you are familiar and where you will 
feel somewhat in control. The best way to 
npress a first date is to be genuinely at 
ease. After all, the ultimate purpose of a 
good romance alance of mutually 
sured comfort 
Separate yourselves from the crowd. 
Choose a restaurant that offers both the 

chance for conversation and the opportu- 
nity to do a little people watching. Save the 
imate venues for later dates. 
Sure, sure, youre interesting, but so is 
your date, Ask her a question and listen to 
her answer. Remark on her answer, thei 
ask more questi This is called conver- 
sation, and it's a powerful aphrodisiac. 
Any woman who matters will respond to a 
man who is genuinely interested in her in- 
terests. If you make a woman feel interest- 
ing, you've also made her feel somehow 
more attractive. And you've gone a long 
way toward making her think that you're 
interesting and attractive, 

* If you really want to get the goods on 
a girl, schedule a substance-free date: 
no drinks, no drugs. And make it 


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The git that is a Valentine 
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24Hr Information Hotline: 

midwinter, to eliminate all natural distrac- 
tions. Just the two of you sitting there 
stark-naked from the neck up, listening 
carefully and speaking clearly 

* Dont seek reassurance. Not on a first 
date, not on a third date, not ever. Women 
a sniff out fear and insecurity, Keep 
yours well hidden for lile. 

* Avoid future shock. Dont discuss your 
dreams for a family and a picket-fence fu- 
turc. Dont talk about favorite baby name: 
1f you feel you must talk about the future, 
ask her how she feels about the new tax 
regulations as they apply t0 IRAs and oth- 
er independent pension plans. 

* Dont ask her out for a second date be- 
fore the first date is over (sce below). 

* Dont make a pass on a first date. This 
isn't a contest. A simple kiss—or even a 
handshake—will suffice. II she expects 
nything more, you'll be the first to know. 
* When to ditch her: When you ask a 
woman to join you ona date, you're not vol- 
unteering for target practice. If your date 
is rude or gets uncontrollably drunk or 
starts giving you the all-women-are-vic- 
tims-and-you're-an-oppressor lecture, take 
her home pronto. Never, ever abandon a 
date, no matter how obnoxious she be- 
comes. Unless she specifically refuses to ac- 
company you, you are obliged to take her 
back to where you found her. 

«Be polite. Open that door, light that 
match, hold that chair, stand up, sit down. 
Courtly gestures and graceful. manners 
are not optional. If you don't know the 
rules of etiquette. learn them. And by the 
way, modern men do these things not be- 
cause we think women want us to (though 
functional intelligence and good manners 
are usually all it takes to get the girl of your 
dreams). It doesn't matter what women 
want. We follow the rules of etiquette be- 
cause it’s the right thing to do, and a mod- 
ern man always tries to do what's right 

First-date analysis: By the end of the 
first date, vou will have a well-developed 
impression not of who your date actually is 
but of who you fervently hope she may be. 
Try your best to separate the two, since any 
confusion you bring forward from this 
point on will only haunt you later 

A final first-date tip: The chances are, 
shell never look better to you than she 
does after the first date. 

The second date is a confirming circum- 
stance in which your fantasy characteri- 
zation will either hold water or not. 
Consequently, second dates should be cas- 
ual and somewhat briefer thau first dates. 
If she even comes close to meeting the ex- 
pectations you projected during the first 
date, youll find yourself in a state of mili- 
tant euphoria after you drop her off. Cool 
down. Any willful self-deception at this 
point will come back to haunt you later. 

And one other thing about second dates: 
They are as important to her as they are 
to you. She's not sitting there with you 
because theres nothing good on TV. 
Now is your chance to use all that body- 
lingo garbage you've been reading in wom- 

ens magazines. Watch for dilated pupils, 
excessive laughter at your lamest one-lin- 
ers, presenting behavior—lots of breast 
thrusting, preening and leaning into vour 
conversation—and touching. Especially 

The third date is crucial. If your third 
date goes well. you're a goner. On the basis 
of knowing a woman for only a few hours, 
you'll have made a significant emotional 
investment. You will have given someone 
you barely know mount of 
power over the happiness in your life. Con 
sequently, a good third date can last for 
months, even ye: 

Conversely; it can also plant the seeds of 
the romances destruction. Look at the 
danger signals. How much objectivity can 
you muster? After all, thosc assumptions 
you made about her on the first, second. 
and third dates may all be wrong, 
thing you'll find out much, much later 

n enormous 




Ts a classic mistake to confuse sex with 
love. You'll know the difference between 
fucking and making love when it happens. 
Until then, you can assume that sex has no 
intrinsic meaning for her or for you 

Your place or hers? M. your first over- 
nighter occurs at her place, you're still on 
probation. You'll see the museum of her 
life, but only the exhibits she has selected 
for public viewing: Everything is there for 
a reason. If some other guy's raincoat is on 
a coat hook, she knows it and she knows 
what it mcans to you. 

On the other hand, when she decides 
that she wants to be with you on your turf, 
shes exhibiting a meaningful measure of 
trust. If you stay at her place, you'll be ex- 
pected to leave in the morning. I she stays 
at your place, she'll expect to stay forever 

Moving in: A woman moves in figura- 
tively long before she shows up with the ex- 
tra stereo. Women come with a congenital 
ability to seduce with domestic subtlety, 
Suddenly, your home life is decorated with 
all the ornaments of comfort—socks are 
dispatched to drawers, maybe, or theres a 
sudden defoliation of the refrigerator 
That first hopeful fantasy of a life of 
home-grown comfort starts to become a 
reality, and pretty soon, you'd rather not 
live at all than live without it. 


There is an objective world out ther 
and you should try 10 visit it as often as 
possible, especially when you're falling in 
love. Try to bear in mind. for example, that 
there 15 no universal standard of beauty, 
and no matter how good-looking your 
sweetie is to you, to somebody else, she's so- 
so al best. In your infatuated, druglike 
state, she's the most talented, the most ir 
telligent, the funniest, most sensitive wom- 
an on the planet. To your pals out therc, 
she's just some girl laboring under your 
squidlike preoccupation. In faci, to them, 
frankly, she's your problem, not theirs 



(continued from page 134) 
Not just someone you meet at a bar or take 
off a street corner: a girlfriend 
“I'm not talking about sex here,” Lenny 

said 10 me, st 

ing at me as if I were a 
cobra ready to strike. “I'm talking about 
falling in love.” 

God. | thought, I knew it. Tell me about 
your galluones or your proctosigmoid 
oscopy. Bur please, not about love. lt 
hurts 100 much. Even to listen. But 1 said 
nothing and Lenny went on 

“Tes that feeling you have when youre in 
the sixth grade or at junior prom or at the 
end of the best date of your whole life. Ies 
the feeling that you've met someone so 
wonderful, someone who makes you feel 
so good that you're not going to die. It’s 
that feeling of spring in the East, of the 
little fishies swimming upstream in your 

blood, of every edge being sharp. of every 
color being ‘Technicolor 

“Tes chat feeling that life has just begun, 
It just started the minute the elevator door 
slid shut and you leaned forward to kiss 
her and she shut her light-blue eyes and 
opened her mouth and kissed back. At 
that moment, there is no such thing as 
death. There's just that moist, warm kiss 
and a feeling that life is a gracefully arch- 
ing skyrocket that will burst sometime, but 
the burst will go on forever 

“Do you honestly think that anyone 
would give up that feeling just because he 
got married?” Lenny said. "Who would 
give up that feeling for anything?” 

"Of course,” E said. “But you know it 
never lasts.” 

Lenny stubbed out his cigarette and lit 
another, then waved the match around as 
if it were a pointer. “Of course it never 
lasts,” he nodded, “But I'm not talking 
about the smell of a new car. Im talking 
about the ultimate euphoria of the human 
condition. I'm talking about the temporary 
but extremely sound defeat of death, and 
I'm not giving that up. 

“By the way, do you think Em the only 
man on my block who has affairs after he 
gets married?” 

"I know you're not,” I said. 

“You bet you know it,” Lenny said, smil- 
ing and drinking his Scotch. 71 really be- 
lieve I am speaking for every one of them 
when I say that 1 dont want to give up that 
feeling of love. Eros versus Thanatos: 
We're not giving up the Eros part of the 
equation, even if we know we're doing 
something wrong, according to some peo- 
ple. Life is wo precarious. If you take out 
balancing the death ball 
nothing between here and there ex- 
cept down, down, down, down, and I want 
to avoid that trip for as long as | can." 

Lenny looked at me like the mind reader 
he is and went on. “Of course, I lov 
wife. How could E not love her? But lve 
known her for twenty-two years. She's not 
that new face, those new lips. Yes, shes a 

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queen, but she's not the first kiss in spin the 
bottle. She's my wife. 

“Lenny,” I said, “you're an addict.” 
Exactly,” Lenny said, nodding energeti- 
cally. “The hook is in my flesh, right to the 
bone. That hook is so strong that it keeps 
me in Kathys oi And before her, in 
Lisa-Marie’s orbit and Terry's orbit. I take 
her to The Palm and she asks me to intro- 
duce her to other men who can get her 
important jobs. I take her to my class and 
she flirts with the star tennis player in th 
back row. She does it and then she stare: 
me when I call her a psycho bitch, and sl 
says, "You're married, Lenny. 

But then there 

re the moments when 
she's lying in bed with me, showing me her 
high school yearbook and | think, Dear 
God, these are from eight years ago, when 
I was already pretty near middle age. Je- 
sus, this kid is doing cart wheels in front of 
her high school, and now she's here with 
her head on my shoulde 

1 put up with her anger, because those 
moments are perfect Lucite instants that 
make me feel asif I'm outside time, outside 
history, outside entropy. Dont get me 
wrong. A lot of the ume with Kathy, | 
feel as if the entire Czech soccer team were 
kicking me in the teeth. But when I see the 
head on my shoulder, it’s all worth while, 
It’s worth anythi 

‘Then theres another thing. Im a 
lawyer. I also teach a class in law. Lam alse 
the father of a little and two German 
shepherds. Those jobs involve cleaning up. 
an incredible amount of shit, human and 
animal. In fact, I often feel as if my whole 
life is putting shit into a brown-paper bag 
for someone else, then scaling it up in plas- 
tic and waiting for someone to take it away, 
and then no one ever does. 

Except" Lenny added. almost breath- 
lessly, “when I fall in love. Then everything 
comes together. Then the shit is someone 
elses problem. The repetitiveness, the ug- 
liness, the boredom, the feeling that life is 
just incredibly short and Um wasting what 
little of it there is just disappears. Its just 
gone. Gar nicht. 

"The girl who stops me on the corner in 
Beverly Hills and oflers me a bite of her 
yogurt. The woma nks who asks me 
if 1 go there often. The woman down the 
hall who wants help with something she's 
iting. "Gimme shele: 
It's just a shot aw aid. 

'And you know what comes last? The 
eat. Somel 
so, Sometimes it's so filled with guil and 
conflict that it's barely there. When it's 
great, its euphoria. h's everything in my 
life lining up where it’s supposed to be. it's 
all of my confidence and everything strong 
in me bursting out in a major way, so that 
when I'm in court, I know the judge is go- 
ing to buy my arguments, and when lm 
king with the general counsel of a cor- 
poration, | know hes going to hire our 
firm to do his work. When the sex is really 
happening, irs rockabye sweet baby Lenny, 


and I feel powerful and confident and ag- 
gressive and peaceful all at the same time. 

“But the photos of the debate team, with 
Kathy standing up at a battered table, are 
every bit as valuable. 

Of course, | have pals I play cards with 
who tell me that the real thrill is getting 
away with something. They like the con- 
cy" Lenny said. “And 1 have still oth- 
nds who do it pure and simple to 
back at their wives. Marriages sometimes 
go on lor a long time. Men and women in 
those marriages ine 
that hurts. The night the wife got drunk 
and passed out when the boss was at din- 
ner. The night the wife said she had a 
headache and th ed up reading for 
two hours. The day the hubby won a big 
case and the wile didi say a word. A hus- 
band can even the score for a lot of those 
by taking another woman to bed.” 

Lets play Global Thermonuclear War” 
T said. 

“Yes, lets.” Lenny said. “In the bed- 
room.” He started to pick at imaginary lint 
on his silk jacket, and then he went back 10 
his story. “Then there's the power aspect 
The idea of the potentate of Baghdad, only 
he’s in Beverly Hills. The law may say he 
can have only one wife, but his power is too 
great for that, He can have as many girl- 
friends as he has time and personality for 
I know for a fact that there are men in Los 
Angeles who have filly mistresses st 
around town. It’s the ca 

in dis pure pow 

But Um not talking about that situa- 
tion.” Lenny said. He got up and walked 
over to my stereo and looked at the CD. “I 
love Abbey Road, too.” he said. "m not 
talking about that power game or getting 
back at my wife. Les not that. Its something 
else. Irs falling in love, 

“In a way thats a lot me 
because if vou make an appointment with 
a callgirl and she misses the date, you don’ 
lose any sleep over it. But when you fall in 
love, you're gambling with your selfre 
spect and your future, and that's a big 
gamble. "You play around, you lose your 
J the song goes. You play too long, vou 


ably do something 

e dangerous, 


lose your life. 
I know that song," 
“Still.” Lenny said, he 
pursued by my dogs, 
Fm interested in playing. Kathy will disap- 
pear, just like the others. My wife is per 
fect, and I hope shell be «d lor all 
1 then, Pd like to keep falling 
in love for all eternity. 
"They say that falling 
ful, and even if they're only half-right, 
that’s enough 
Lenny stopped and walked over 10 my 
chair. He pa 
Em going to sleep,” he said, “if Lean sleep.” 
He said that and then he opened the 
door, walked out into the Hollywood night 

and was yone 

ng for the door, 
irs the only game 

eternity; b 

n love is wonder- 

ied me on the shoulder. “Now 


(continued from page 124) 

“Tuesday, people hug, share the same wad of chewing 
gum. Saturday, people drink and heckle the comedian." 

the night on a dammy rubber 
you did in childhood. But mirrors, belie’ 
me, are still erotic. There will be 12 of you 
at any given moment in any Pocono resort 
This induc lubricious ménage à trois 
sensation. 1 mean, you and that guy with 
boils on his behind are both turf. build- 
ing the missis. Subjectivity and objecti 
ity interpenetrate. There may even be a 
homosexual twinge. Making love with 
Moompsie is so glorious, so dreamlike that. 
1 find it reassuring to wave at myself just 
before completion, to make sure I'm really 

With the spotlights on here and there, 
our room looked rather like a natural- 
history-museum diorama: HOMO SAPIENS IN 
MATING rosture, maybe. With lights out, 
you could cripple yourself trying to find a 
leak. Open one wrong door and you could 
step out through your Champagne Tow- 
er—ateeeee—goombye. But they'd bury 
you in tasteful decor: plum and rose, Erté 
art deco. Are the Champagne Tower suites 
a success? you ask. Well each co: 
$100,000, They started with 16 at Cove 
Haven. Now they have 136 ar all four re- 
sorts. Guess. 

There has been amicable but piss-ex- 
pensive competition among resorts. It is 
the most American sort of war—a war 
over plumbing. Pocono Gardens Lodge 
people threw down the gasket when they 
began to install their Roman-style sunken 
tub. Then came Morris Wilkins, inventor 
of the heart-shaped tub in 1963. Around 
1973, Wilkins struck again: He invented. 
the in-room swimming pool. Everyone 
had to take that plunge. By 1982, the Sum- 
mit had retaliated. It put both acuzzi 
and a swimming pool in its priciest room. 
But Wilkins wasnt through. He saw the 
Jacuzzi and raised it seven feet up. 

“Most of us now call ourselves couples 
resorts rather than honeymoon resorts,” 
Tony Farda, manager of the Summit, said. 
“The vacation couple has become more im- 
portant to us. But we still have honey- 
mooners, because 
its midweek.” No one would mistake Tue: 
day for Saturday at a Pocono resort. Mid- 
week, there is this foolish glaze of love 
around—the kind you see in a beagle pup- 
pys sha 
the same wad of chewing gum. They feel 
cach other up at dinner. Saturday, people 
drink a lot and heckle the comedian, 

Michael Wilkins, Morris’ son, said, "Now 
probably less ihan half our business is hon- 

And that half has changed. “They've 


gouen much older" Farda said. The 
groom in a prototypical first marriage is 
25; his wife, 23. They've traveled. They've 
seen a Jacuzzi before. Average combined 
income is around $30,000; about 45 per- 
cent have a college degree. Only 20 pe 
cent of the women are "housewives" Ar 
they venturesome sexually? Just check out 
the gift shop at Cove Haven. You have a 
sex-toy department right out of Peep- 
O-Rama on 42nd Street. Joy Jell. Motion 
Lotion. Dildos. Fart, the Game. Even, 
I was perplexed to sce, an inflatable-s 
doll collection. 

On that rococo note, I'll flip to: 

3. Laughing at sex, This is the debatable 
and threatening aspect of Pocono love. 
Mind, now, ribald, exaggerative humor 
a hallowed place in our sexual canon; I re- 
alize that. But it has always been primarily 
male stag-show stuff. Often during our vi- 
carious honeymoon, we were nudged to 
the hem of puerile tastelessness—and even 
cruelty. It was as if, in the midst of all that 
mountain green, deer and raccoons, rag- 
weed pollen and insect lile, we had come 
across a jaded urban burlesque house, 
Moompsie and Pumpsie were never at ease 
with this. It gave us an ambivalent pleas- 
ure, the kind you get, say, eating sunburn 
peel from some beautiful woman's shoul- 
der blade—sensuous, infantile, vaguely 





cannibalistic. We could surmise potential 
for damage: After all, the sexuality here 
just nubile, not hardened. 

zing part of yourself in the 
gross and absurd may be healthy—as long 
as it is not too large a part of you. For, in 
fact, laughter has forever been the natural 
foe of hard-ons and dignit 
The game program is dangerous and 
childish. And, yes, I admit, popular. 
Moompsie and Pumpsie sat 
snide, taulerale newlywed ga 
one seemed eager to 
n status. There is a sort of. 

achieve vici 

foolish bravado in this, as well as good 

Because, under 

ploded. Her sm, for 
may have been a loveful performance. In 
sex, asin most human enterprises, honesty 
is an overrated virtue. 

We learned—not that it was any € 
business—the following dirt 

Which women had on what color under- 
pants (most wore ) 

The pet name for his yang (Enormous 
Heat-seeking Moisture Missile, Robodick 
and Fred) and for her love glove (Alice, 
Gertrude and One Size Fits All). 

The most interesting place they had 
made love (bed, bed, bed and in their stu- 
dent lounge at school). 

How many times they'd made love since 
Sunday—and this was Thursday (20, 
eight, four and, yes, one, “Well,” she told 
's been drunk every night but Tues- 
he record, since you ask, for a week 
at Cove Haven is 69, or once every two and 
a half hours, night and day). 

There are cross-cultural equivalents to 


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this group experience. It is, first and obvi- 
ously, a rite of passage. Certain humilia- 
tions are essential, as they are, for instance, 
when one has just traversed the equator. 
But that isa general correspondence. More 
to the point, our Pocono weck reminded 
me of some tribal marriage ceremony. In 
Africa, columns of nubile women dance, 
with provocative accent, “against” their 
husbands-to-be. Sensuous display will oc- 
cur. But there is derision and humorous 
challenge, as well. It all announces an end 
to male promiscuity and the harnessing of 
his dangerous, disruptive libido. Pocono 
prurience—obscene joke and voyeuristic 
behavior—is, in fact, sublimation. Lan- 
guage has taken the place of performance, 
all symbolized neatly later when, on 
H ian Night at Cove Haven. Honest 
Phil put his men in effeminate grass skirts 
and made them hula for their women. 
Honest Phil Policaire, social director at 
Jove Haven since 1972, is the Great God 
Hymen himself. Honest Phil looks like an 
xtremely intelligent horse or the bastard. 
child of Huntz Hall and. your. coatrack. 
Vulgar beyond belief, sentimental be 
belief, energetic, wily, vain and ui 
ing, sly and innocent—that is to say, an 
American of the most attractive sort. You 
sense that no womb at Cove Haven is hos- 
pitable to conception, no sperm fertile un- 
tilit has been blessed by Phil. 

Honest Phil lives in the shadowland be- 
tween good dirty fun and fighting words. 
It is a matter, ultimately, of tone and tim- 
——as in shitté, his leitmotiv, his refi 
The word was ‘Oh. shit’ But people wrote 
10 management and said, ‘Oh, shit was 
very vulgar for a Caesars honeymoon re- 
sort. So we made it shitté [pronounced ‘shit- 
tay] It means the same thing, but it 
sounds loreign. I haven't had a complaint 

I said to Phil, as he opened his third 
pack of cigarettes that day. “So, what's the 
funniest thing you've ever seen or heard 
around here?" 

"Well"—he thought a bit—"well, there 
was this real young couple. I was having 
breakfast and I heard someone ask them if 
they'd enjoyed their in-room pool. And 
the guy said, "Darn it, no. We forgot to 
bring our bathing suits.’ Spit my food out, I 
laughed so hard. 

But reconsider for one moment, as Phil 
and I did then. See instead two young chil- 
dren, not stupid. but shy. Two who, over- 
modest about their bodies, have just made 
love for the first time without any light 
on, See them now standing, hand in hand, 
beside their beautiful and expensive 
pool—because they are too bashful for a 
skinny-dip together. 

The sweetness of newlywed love. Oh, we 

could weep. 


(continued from page 97) 
respond. Look, she's crossing her legs! 
That's very significant. She's fidgeting! 
You're getting to her." 

Shut up!" Riley hissed. He hated the 
way Casanova followed him around and 
popped up at embarrassing moments, car- 
rying on a dialog that only he and Riley 
could hear or parücipate in. How many 
years had this been going There 
“asanova was, floating in the air close to 
iley's shoulder, a ghost in miniature, a 
bantam phantom, a little figure about six 
inches high who haunted Riley’s days and 
nights and irritated him no end. As always, 
Casanova was wearing his court clothes. 
knicker and frock coat— 
but everything was slightly seedy, the wig 
poorly powdered, the vest in tatters, 

^L suppose you're right," Vanessa said 
brightly. “Writers never have enough mon- 
ey to pay for much of anything, do they 

"Nope, Riley said, laughing. He was 
trying to ignore Casanova, who had moved 
through the air and was currently peeking 
into Vanessa's blouse. 

"Grazie, grazie," Casanova chortled. 
“What beautiful breasts! Long nipples, I'm 
sure, very responsive nipples that feel 
everything, and theres a scent he 
Casanova was sniffing like a bloodhound 
hovering perilously close to Vanessa's 
neckline—“what a wonderfully clean 
woman, shes wearing hand lotion, aloc- 
cactus oil, E think, with a tench of straw- 
berry fragrance. Bellissimo, molio bene!” 
Casanova kissed his finger tips in joy 

sreat view!" Riley said to Vanessa. He 
coughed once into his fist and nodded to- 
ward her office window. Chicago Business 
Magazine had an unbeatable location just 
south of the river on Michigan Avenue. 
From where he sat, Riley could see the 
Tribune Tower and the Wrigley Building, 
landmarks of that magnificent skyline with 
which he'd grown up. And this day. the 
summer solstice of 1988, was a Chicago 
special, a sky of Midwestern blue, the air 
clear and clea 

anova chortled. He was 
gliding along the office ceiling, staring out 
the window at the Michigan Avenue 
Bridge. “Look at the wind twirt those 
dresses! Look at those legs! 1 love it, I love 
it!” He flew down and sat like a leprechaun, 
astride Vanessa's trim ankle. "Giddy-up!" 
He laughed as he bounced to her beat 

"It is a great view,” Vanessa said to Riley. 
"But I think we may lose it soon. Ivs a bit 
pricey. Warner thinking of moving the 

“Where to?” Riley asked. He tried to 
look sincere and businesslike, composed 
and sexless. That was what Vanessa €: 
pected, wasn't it? Casanova had told Riley 
that women these days wanted asexu. 
professionalism at first, so Riley was dete! 
mined to give it, He'd be neutral, rational, 
reserved, factual, orderly, against intima- 
cy, very much in favor of getting the job 

done, without flirtation, a supposedly sex 
less, nonthreatening drone in the new 
American workplace. He didn't do any of 
that well, but he tried. 

“loo much desire in the eyes, Riley!” 
Casanova yelled. He was still bouncing on 
sa's ankle. "Cut the heat. 
Vanessa said, gesturing. "Some- 
where behind the Merchandise Mart, I 
think. Much better price per square foot.” 

“Real estate,” Casanova called. “Talk 
real estate—her condo, your condo, hot 
neighborhoods, location. location, loca 
tion—you know the routine." 

Riley tried to ignore his mentor. “You're 
from New York City?” he d 

A sharp sound pierced the air. Casanova 
was whistling through his teeth. “Time 
out!” he yelled, pounding his palm on his 
fingers. “Whoa, hold your horses! Time! 
It was maddening. Casanova could freeze 
time and carry on a conversation with Ri- 
ley that contained, in that nanosecond, an 
annoving mixture of advice and criticism. 
You don't bring up New York City. Ri- 

: said in exasperation as he 
jumped to the floor. "She gave you no indi- 
cation that she wants to talk about it. You 
don’t know what it represents to her. Re- 
member the rules? Follow her lead. Make 
her comfortable. Acquiesce. You're The 
New Man talking to The New Woman” 
“Real estate bores me,” Riley griped. He 
ated these debates with Casanova. They 
were so drainin; 

“What are you here for, Riley? To enter- 

to be ent 
He was on Vanessas desk now, 
sitting on the edge of her computer key- 
board. "All great seducers are entertain- 
ers. Besides, youre no spring chicken, 
buster. You've got to work for it. You're al. 
most forty and you'r ng a lot of hai 
and carrying a few extra pounds. You may 
think you look like Nick Nolte, but nobody 
else does." € nova raised his arm and 
whistled once more. “Play ball!” he yelled. 

Because, being from New York, I'd 
think you'd find the real-estate prices in 
Chicago easier to deal with.” Riley said. He 
took a deep breath. 

“Definitely,” Vanessa said. She smiled 
brightly. showing her perfect white teeth, 
then took off on her own story line about 
real-estate agents and mortgage rates and 
condo assessments and a cranky fireplace 


y listened in his intensive mode, the 
beast on the prowl, in heat and unstop- 
pable. He took in Vanessa's every signal, 
the movement of her eyes, the tilt of her 
neck, the pace of her words. He was ab- 
ict that was as instinctual 
thing. Riley inhaled women 
as often as he could. They were his stimu- 
lant and comfort. 

‘Check list, Riley, said while 
Vanessa talked. He had his arms folded 
across his chest as he leaned back against 
the computer. 

^] cant stop looking at her hair,” Riley 
said. “It’s Irish-setter hair, isn’t it? Red as 

rust. An amazing color." 

greed," Casanova smiled. "Beauti- 


She's about twenty-eight, maybe thirty. 
She's neat. Look at her desk. Nothing out 
of place. I's intimidating, this neatne: 
Look, she lines up her paper clips ona tr 
What can I say? No family pictures, noth- 
i£ personal in her office. She's an editor 
on a career path, an executive on the fi 
track, So what else is new? There are mil- 
lions of women like that now. She wouldn't 
be interested in me, would she? 

[here's potential here.” Casanova said. 
“She chews her pencils. She licks her lips a 
lot. Shes very oral. White panty hose and 
red pumps and a very lacy bra. A Van 
Gogh print on the wall, a Shirvan hanging 
by the door. This is not a colorless woman, 
Riley She's filled with passion and she 
doesn't know where to put it.” Casanova 

paused. "She aches for it. 1 promise you, 
she aches for it." 
“Yon don't know that,” Riley scoffed. 

She's terrified of sex. She's an ice queen.” 
“Y know her. I know her.” Casanova said. 
ve seen her kind before—wonderful, 
anxious women who need it and deny they 
need it at the same time. They're all over 
the place these days. Reminds me of a con- 
lessa | met—gorgeaus c ved two 
canals over from St. Mark 
tended to be colder than the Alps, snotty, 
severe, scared every man she met 
even looks like her. Same tight little mouth, 
ne hunch to the shoulders. The contessa 
« dying for love. I could see 
when we passed in the piazz 
to her one evening at a ball 
Without saving a word or introducing my 
self, 1 pulled the back of her hand down to 
my groin. ‘My cape is in the atrium; she 
id without missing a beat. We were in her 
gondola in ten minutes. I made love to that 
woman all night before she asked me my 
name. "Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, at 
mr service, contessa, Y said. It was dawn 
and we were passing under the Bridge of 
Sighs. She had pulled the drapes back. 
The sunrise in Venice is like a sunrise in 
heaven, Riley. and | remember that mo- 
ment as if it were vesterday" 

“I was two hundred years 


in her eyes 
I sidled up 
a the palace. 

ago,” Riley 

Yes, but it seems like yesterday” 
Casanova smiled. 

Youre ancient,” Riley said. “You're a 

relic from another age. 
Casanova laughed. 

change, Riley." 

And you, Riley?” Vanessa was 

Me?” Riley panicked. He had 

listening carefully. 

you. Hello in 

Some things never 

iot been 

there, Anybody 

? Well, I don't know, I guess I 
asking vou about your condo as- 
vents." Casanova whispered. 

1 don't own." Riley said quickly. "No as- 
enis, I rent. Old Town. Upper floor 
of a brownstone. Eve got a great landlady, 
She hasni raised my rent for years. She 


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says it's her contribution to the arts." Riley 
ghed, a little too forcefully. He hated 
his own eagerness and anxiety, his relent- 
less desire, He wanted so many women so 
much of the time. 

“Life in the Fast Lane.” Vanessa 
cleared her throat as she read from Riley's 
‘ou'd do a profile of a 
commodities broker, a day in the life of, 
that sort of thing? 

“Yes,” Riley said, nodding. 

"You think you could do a profile that re- 
ally touches the reader?" 

"Yes." I could touch you, Riley thought; I 
could touch you because you want to be 
touched, because you arc as sick of the sex- 
ual wars as I am, because your life is as 
pale as minc. 

“You could explain what a day in com- 
moditics is like, how people handle money 
and losses, how they relax —if they relax? 
Vanessa asked. 

“I think I have some good sources,” Ri- 
ley said. “I could pull it off." 

“Her day!" Casanova called through 
cupped hands. “Get her talking about her 

“Besides,” Riley said, “I've got some- 
thing better than sources." 

“And that is?” Vanessa asked, smiling. 

"I love it! She likes to be teased!" 

Casanova clapped. 

“Intuition,” Riley said. 

“Oh, I see. ale? Isn't that a 
contradiction in terms: sked. 

“Not really. I can intuit y 
it. We've never met before, but I think I 
know Riley said. 

"You do, do you?” 
ic!" Casanova cheered. 

"Yes," Riley said. 

Be my guest," Vanessa said, gesturing, 
ley took a breath. “You didnt tell m 
where you live, but I think its near Lincoln 
Park. You take the one-fifty-one bus to 
work. You like to shop at Crate and Barrel, 
Your fathers a lawyer. Your mothers a 
ate agent. In New York City.” 

Scarsdale,” she said, absorbed. She held 
a pencil eraser to her lips and smiled as she 
listened. Her eyes seemed suddenly moist 

“Breakfast!” Casanova prompted. 

"You eat oatmeal for breakfast—after 
you've run three miles in the park. Vc 
havea cat. You hate dogs. You belong to the 
Art Institute. You spent a summer ii 
France and you want to go back. When 
you're depressed, you drink a bottle of cx- 

p Burgundy and listen to Mozart. 
“You sure its not Brahms?” Casanova 
“Mozart!” Riley said through gritted 

“Her bath!” Casanova said. 
Not vet." Riley shook his head. 

"Yes, now!" Casanova ordered. “Pounce!” 

"You bathe with oatmeal soap," Riley 
went on, trying to see Vanessa at home, u: 
ing the intuition Casanova had urged him 
to cultivate, “you have a whirlpool in your 
bathtub and a vibrating shower hcad ——" 
That’s enough!” Vane: id, breath- 
ing deeply 

“And a lime-green shower curtain, and 
you use hand lotion, different kinds, hun- 
dreds of small bottles of hand lotion you've 
ked up in hotels when youtravel — 
Enough!" Vanessa's voice broke. 

Casanova whistled. “Avanti!” he said. 

‘And you let your cat sit on the edge of 
the tub whenever you're in it, whatever 
you're doing,” Riley said rapidly. “And you 

“I really appreciate all your help, but 
I can handle it from here.” 

use large pink towels, very sofi, very warm 
from your towel warmer, and you wear big 
furry slippers afier you've oiled your feet 
ind trimmed your toenails— 

“Thars enough!" 
aising her palms toward Riley as if to 
push him away “Please! Enough." 

Riley shifted in his chair. He w; 
out of breath. “All right,” he said. 

Vanessa stared at the article proposal. 
She seemed disheveled. She had slumped 
in her chair. The room was silent except 
for the white noise of the computer. She bit 
her lip. “Chats very good," she said quiet- 
ly "Thats really very good. 
Dont we make a great trio?” 
asked proudly “Pounce, Rile 
b her and kiss her! 


Kiss her! 


‘Seize the moment, Riley! 

Casanova broke into a chant. 
scared of women, Riley's 

“You don't exist, Casanova, 

“Ido for you, paesano: 

“I wish you'd go away.” 

o chance, Riley. Im your buddy for 

Riley said. 


“You don't sound like a count. You dont 
sound like you're from Venice. And how 
could you be two hundred years old? Im- 
possible. You're just a ghost, a hallucina- 
tion, a figment of my imagination. | can get 
rid of you whenever I want to.” 

“Oh. yeah?” Casano aghed. “Just try 

“OK. wise guy. I will!” Riley snapped his 
fingers loudly and sh. 
Tm still here. nu 

Riley snapped his fingers again. The 
sound reverberated in the office. 

Vanessa looked up with a frown. “I beg 
your pardon?" she said toughly. There wa 
an enormous change in emotion. It was as 
if a cold wind had swept through the office 
Ice formed on everything, thick, fierce ice 
that coated. filing cabinets, bookshelves, 
mail trays, the carpet itself. “You think I'm 
a waitress, perhaps? Or do you snap your 
fingers at all the women you meet? 

“No!” Riley blu: nd shivered. He 
pulled his hands into his lap. He wanted to 
crush his offending fingers into 
He searched wildly lor an excuse, an ex- 
planation, a way out of hell. “I snap m 
fingers when Um thinking,” he stam- 
mered. “It’s a habit, a nervous habit. 

“Oh, Riley,” Casanova moaned. “You 

blew it, You had her and you blew it! 
“Let's get on with it, shall wc?” Vanessa 
id briskly: She sat up in her chair: cleared 
her throat, tucked her feet under her desk, 
made some notes on a legal pad. “How 
soon can you get us a first draft 

"Stall!" Casanova argued. “Play for time.” 

“Til need ex 
sand that sort 







of thing, And a kill fee. 

(ou re not stalling.” Casanova warned. 
“Youre forgetting love for business? I dont 
understand that. 
«penses within reason are all right," 
Vanessa said. "How about a mid-August 
dline? We'll have to keep the kill fee 
. Warners a bear about that” She 
made sharp, slanting notes on the pad. 
Her back was very straight. 
lly screwed t 

“Two thousa 
Vanessa asked. 

“Let's try four thousand,” Riley said, try- 
ing to smile. He hated. negotiating. with 

“Oh, go for it," Casanova said cynically 
“Nothing sexier than a business deal. 

“That's a little high for us,” Vanessa said. 
“I can't go over twenty-five hundred. 

“She's lying,” Casanova said. 

“Thirty-two hundred?" Riley asked. 

"Cant do it.” Vanessa shook her head. 
“Twenty-eight hundred is tops and Im go- 
ing over my line at that. 

“You've completely screwed it up, Riley,” 
Casanova said, shaking his head. "When 
she talks dollars, she's in her cocoon, shes a 
butterfly in ambe: 

"OK." Riley nodded at Vanessa. 

"Done," Vanessa agreed. She reached 
out and pumped Riley's hand with one 
sharp shak 

"Oh, great," Casanova said. "One sec- 
ond you've almost got her on the floor, now 
you're shaking hand 

“Tm looking forward to working with 
you, Riley,” Vanessa said as she stood. She 
tugged precisely on her jacket, straight- 
ened her bow tie. 

Me, too,” Riley said. 
“Lame, lame,” Casano 

up, Riley,” 

nd dollars for the le? 




lost it. Ask her out to lunch or something. 
Save it!” 
“Well, i's been good meeting you,” 

Vanessa said. She looked at her wrist 
watch. Every movement was controlled, 
premeditated. “I have a phone conference 
in five minutes." 

"You wouldn't have time for lunch, 
would you?" Riley asked as casually as he 

"Sorry" Vanessa said, shaking her head. 

“I mean, 1 could come back after your 
phone conference—" Riley stopped talk- 
ing. He was looking into corporate eyes, 

eyes that had. completely dismissed. him 
minutes ago. 

“Sorry” Vanessa said again without 
smiling. As she led Riley down the office 
corridor, her heels clicked like ice picks on 
the tile floor 
oure lei Casanova laughed. 
“Oh, cute! We walk down the hall, she 
shakes your hand, the doors close, you're 
out in the cold! Hello. Goodbye. Nice to 

er you." 

Casanova sat like a parrot on Ri 
shoulder in the empty ele: 
eflective performance, Riley. If I'd acted 
like that, you never. would've heard of 
me. Persistence and endurance. All great 

lovers have persistence and endurance. 
And no fear of rejection—none at all. I 
remember once in Piombi Prison—lead- 
tile roof, hot in the summer, freezing in 
the winter—the jailers wife, Carmen was 
her name, beautiful woman, enormous 

“Shut up, Casanova, Riley said as he 
walked through the lobby and into the 

7 Just before they exiled me, they threw 
me in jail because Id written this memoir 
about all the rich women I'd seduced ——" 
“Casanova,” Riley sighed, "would you 
give ita break?” 

“What are you going to do, huh, Riley 
How many empty evenings have you got 
ahead of you for the rest of your life? 
You're not doing so well, you know that, 
kid? I mean, how many times can you work 
out at the club and pretend that you're 

Casanova chattered on. Riley walked 
north toward his favorite coffeehouse. He 
turned onto Rush Street and ran smack 
into an outdoor art fair, booth after booth 
of paintings and pottery and wood carv- 
ings and photographs. crowds of people 
mingling slowly down the dosed street in 
the afternoon sun, the smells of grilled 
food, the sound of music from loud-speak- 

“All right! 


Casanova applauded. “This 
is my Kind of market place!” He stood up 
suddenly on Riley's shoulder, sniffing the 
like a bird dog. “I'm onto something; 
id with urgency. He tugged on Riley's 
nose in different 
mown hay. The 

ear lobe and pointed hi 
"Lemons. New 

sniffing, too. “Got it," he said, 
touch of baby powder. And 
coconut suntan cream. Banana-oil base, 

emon hair conditioner Casanova 
said. He coughed and waved aside a surge 
of barbecue smoke, "Straight ahead. Its 

getting stronger. Whoa! Right, forty-five 
degrees, Riley, or you'll lose it. She's her 

ad. “Booth seventy-si 

"Yubba dubba doo, iley Booth seventy- 
six! Long, tall, 
Bears T-shirt, pink bikini bottoms, shower 
shoes, great tan, great teeth! We could love 
her, Riley did a swan dive to- 
ward the pavement, circled the booth, 
went back to Riley's shoulder. “Not a bad 
photographer, either. I like her stuff. Cow- 
boys and Indians. You think she took these 

‘You took these yourself, right?” Riley 
asked the woman, She was sitting in a lawn 
chair by her booth, smiling at Riley as he 
studied her pictures, Lisa Deneuve was the 
me on the photographs. “L mean, these 
look like the wild West from a hundred 
years ago. 

“Ivy still the wild West in some places,” 
she said, laughing as she stood up. 
^L love her,” Casanova said dreamily. He 

jumped omo Lisa's shoulder and held on to 

her ponytail. “I want her. You'd better be 
good, Riley” 

Riley was good. He was superb. He 
pulled out every stop, talked. cameras 
and darkrooms, history and genocide. 
Remington and Sitting Bull. He praised 
pictorial composition. sepia coloring, the 
interaction of light and shadow, thc vi 
tues of black-and-white photography, film 
speeds and Hash attachments He e: 
pounded on the outlaw in all men, the ete: 
nal cowboy in their hearts, his own urge 
for a life on the range. alcoholism on the 
reservation, the loss of the soul through 
the photographers lens, environmental 
folly, corporate criminality, political cow- 
ardice, He even lied and claimed ranch- 
hand ancestors, rodeo progenitors. Riley 
was so good that Casanova didn't interrupt 
him for an hour. 

“You know, I've always wanted to do a 
book about today’s cowboys and Indi 
Lisa said. “But Im a photographes 
writer. I cant do the tex 
There you go, lite fella! An intro from 
heaven. Think you can screw this one up. 
t00?" Casanova prodded. “Maybe you 
could push her into that charcoal grill or 

Riley looked condescendingly at Casa- 
nova. “Just watch me, wop,” he said. And 
to Lisa: "Em a writer. Maybe I could help." 
Do you think you could?” She smiled. 
Sure,” Riley said. “We'd have to wor 
out the details." 

But you might help me write it? 

aybe," Riley 
‘Oh, you'd be perfect clapped her 
hands. "You understand my work. And 
you come from a family of cowbovs—— 
ke that bullshit artists——" Gas- 
anova scoffed. 

“And we could be partners!” 

“Well, there are details,” Riley intoned, 
proud of his self-control. “We'd have to 
work out a contract, how we'd split the 
profits if there were any, who gets rights 10 
what, that sort of thing." 
faybe we should talk about that.” Li 
smiled a prairie-goddess smile. 

“Maybe,” Riley said. 

“I close up the booth about n 
said, “if you'd like to come by then. 
could have some coffee 

"Sounds good to me; 

" Lisa 

s" she 

: ley said. laugh- 

Lisa shook Rileys hand vigorously 
“You're on! 

‘You're in!” Casanova cheered. “How to. 
o. jerk. You did OK.” He stopped. “But 
what about that commodities article, Ri 
ley? You've got a deadline to meet 

“Deadline?” Riley said, smiling. "Dead- 
le to be broken." 
m that, dont you?" 

$ time, 

2° Riley said. Th 
ful not to make the gestu 


he was ci 





(continued from page 87) 
something good. 
DR. RUTH WESTHEIMER (sex therapist): When 
your heart beats fast. When suddenly, the 
world looks wonderful. When you're very 
nice to all people—people you usually 
can't stand —you see them with different 
eyes. When you suddenly have a surge of 
energy and even tedious tasks seem to be. 
finished much faster. 
DAVE BARRY (humoris): When you lend 
your car to a woman and she calls you up 
and says she had an accident and the 
first thing you say is “Are you all right?" 
HANK WILLIAMS, JR. (country singer): When 
you're washing your hair more than twice 
à week. 
JUDY TENUTA (stand-up comic) When 
you've put your love pig through law school 

and he leaves you for a fetus in candy 
pants, and then you still tattoo his name on 
your back porch. 

RICK OCASEK (musician): You think the per- 
son you're with is the most important thing 
you crazy. H's a form 

in your life. It make 
of insanity: 

SHEENA EASTON (singer): ‘Things can get a 
little out of hand. When I'm in love, I go 
from frantically checking my phone ma- 
chine for messages to cating pints and 
pints of Häagen-Dazs chocolate chocolate 
chip—I mean, anything chocolate. 

LARRY GATLIN (musician): It's kinda like 
when you've got something in your eye. It’s 
just a little bitty thing—about the size of a 
pinhead—but it feels like the Rock of 

MADONNA (singer): No comment. 

"I see lovemaking as a gourmet feast—right 
now, we're marinaling” 

(continued from page 86) 
chaisc longue, where he belongs. 

If you'd like to join the Frequent-sleeper 
program here at Trans-Love Air 
dont simply roll over after lovemal 
with your back to your partner, and doze 
off as if it were your own bedroom. Even if 
itis your own bedroom, dont do 
an takes that gesture as a rejection. Of 
course, if she is the first to turn over, you 
shouldn't take it as a rejection (and in 
experience, you probably don't). Simply re- 
gard it as a lucky break. Now you can stop 
pretending to enjoy postcoital communica- 
tion and resume your natural persona. 
Turn over, grab some Zs, have an out-of- 
body experience, for all I care! Stop trying 
so hard! I'm asleep already! 

Nine times out of ten. though, women 
dont fall asleep first. That's because 
theyre thinking about a snack, wondering, 
if you knew they faked an orgasm or won- 
dering if you faked the whole thing be- 
cause all you probably wanted to do was go. 
10 sleep. anyway. To avoid dealing with 
those issues, and to prevent others from 
arising—such as, should you file a joint will 
even though you've only been living to- 
gether for one week?— proceed directly to 
the universal starting position after vou 
finish with the other stuff. The universal 
starting position is you on your back, ever 
accessible, and your bedmate on her side 
facing you, her head resting in the 
crook of your arm and her arm languidly 
across your chest You figure out which 
arm goes where. As we all know, this posi- 
tion is very lovey-dovey—and comfortable 
for exactly three and a half minutes, at 
which point, you dont fall asleep, your arm 
does, and so does her neck. What if you 
feel the discomfort of this position before 
she does? Get out of it quickly and di: 
creetly to prevent irreparable physical 
damage. In other words, don't announce 
that you forgot to put the top up on your 
Mustang, then run out to the street in or- 
der to return and assume a more enjoyable 
position. Simply roll over, gently taking her 
arm as you go (again, you figure out which 
arm), and indicate with body language 
that it is now time for the highly sleep- 
inducing spoon position. Like the uni- 
versal starting position, it is practiced the 
world over, even in places where they don't 
have spoons. And everybody really likes it! 

Soon, one or both of you will have fallen 
asleep. But what if she can't sleep? Try as 
she may to be polite and keep he 
nia to herself, you can't help noting that 
every 30 seconds or so, she muflles a 
cough, not well enough so that you dont 
hear it and not badly enough to indicate 
that she's secretly yearning for a foot mas- 

If you resist the temptation to ask her shoe 
doze off almost as 
flexology" If you 

appen to be with one of the high-strung 
few who arent soothed by podiatric indul- 
gence, get up and make her a cup of hot 
chocolate. (Remember, you get hot water 
by boiling it, not by turning on the hot-wa- 
ter tap.) Or you can make up a bedtime 
story and hope that it's good enough to lull 
her into lullaby land but not so good that 
she remains awake and asks for the rest of 
the trilogy. If none of that works, take a 
hint from that accomplished. paramour 
leddy and put on a bear suit 

By now, both of you should be snoozing 
away. But this is only temporary shelter 
You may find yourself awakened from a 
deep slecp by your slumbering partners 
strange sounds or mysteriou 

twitchings. Or, in the illumination of her 
Bambi night light, you may notice an ex- 
pression that sa ? 

. "Fm being ch 
through the catacombs of Cairo by 
Jackal with three heads and flames coming 
out of its left nostril. Please help me! My 
career is just beginning to take off!” What 
do you do? Do you gently wake her from 
this nightmare, gallant knight that you 
are, offering a swift ride back to the real 
world? Hey, I'm no M.D., but in general, 
not a good idea to wake a sleeper from a 
nightmare. Nightmares are (not necessari- 
ly) scenic overlooks on the pathway of life 
that often need to be completed naturally 
so the tourist can continue the journey. If 
you interrupt this side trip. you may pre- 
vent your partner from completing the 
dream cycle, thus causing her to be cranky 
during the ensuing hours and do things 
such as refuse to coddle your egg in the 
morni Think about it this way: Would 
you want your shadow side to be stranded 
in some subterranean nether world where 
it was forever trying to get back to a Good 
Humor truck? Probably not. So if your 
partner is having a fitful sleep, the best 
thing to do is gently hold on to her like a 
wave just before it breaks. That way, when 
she reaches the shore, she'll know that the 
bogeyman is still in the hallway: 

Now, supposing you two have finally 
reached the point at which your breathing 
is in complete synchronicity; you're about 
to enjoy a rare, simultaneous entry into the 
alpha state. Suddenly, you remember that 
you forgot to do something really impor- 
tant! You forgot to phone Sports Line to 
find out whether you won that bet with 
Dave about how many goals Wayne Greiz- 
ky would score in the second period 
against the Ran; l, it was a 
sucker bet, your idea, and you havent 
even phoned Dave to gloat. Guys, when in 
bed with your sweetie, the only buttons 
your fingers should contact are spelled 
L-O-V-E, and that's only when she's awake 

or half awake. (In fact, being the test body 

n Anatomy 101 on while se 
sleeping allows women to expre 
true catlike n 
cies such as phone calls to your bookic do 
not foreshadow resumption of the spoon 
position. So if you'd like to spend the re- 
maining wee hours clutching her litle 

sleepy head's safety knobs, keep your 
hands off the horn. 

Which brings us to the subject of her 
hands. Where are they? Uh-oh! They're 
down there, clutching your unit. Don't 
worry. Nothing bad is going to happen. As- 
sume she’s genuinely fond of it and is sim- 
ply reminding herself how good it felt 
when it was part of her infrastructure. 

Finally, remember that to successfully 
sleep with a woman, you must be able to 
successfully greet the morning with her. 
Should you fake sleep? Only if you want to 
run the risk of your partner's actually be- 
lieving that you're still sleeping, ignoring 
you completely because she's too polite to 
wake you up. However, once you admit to 
being conscious, it's difficult not to show off 
your daybreak tumescence with its insist- 
ent wake-up-show cheerfulness. But dont 
start poking her with it. She may think the 
whole thing is turning into date rape. This 
is a memorable time. If she's not a sheet 
clutcher or someone who barricades her- 
self behind a fort made of pillows, she is 
probably affording you a delightful view of 
sleep-puffed femaleness. Study it. Take 
notes from which to construct those com- 
pliments she'll be startled by and for which 
she'll invite you back for another evening 
of sleep. Bear in mind that, for some rea- 
son, women do not feel beautiful in the 
morning. It’s not for nothing that one 
womens magazine advises its readers 10 
wear their false eyclashes to bed. However, 
most women dont do this. Honest! Nor do 
they get up while you're sleeping to reap- 
ply mascara. So when they wake up, they 
feel unconstructed and exposed. And, like 
you, they probably have to pec. This state 
is not conducive to romance. If you leave 
the bed first, don't do so without i 
her—anywhere. She needs reassurance, 
not abandonment. When you return, allow 
her to escape easily. But while she's away, 
resist your urge to get to know her better 
by taking a quick peek under the bed. Be- 
cause if you weren't thrilled to encounter 
Bambi in a wall socket, imagine how you'll 
feel when you find a case of industrial- 
strength prophylactics, an empty pint of 
Southern Comfort and a half-foraged 
age of Ring Dings. Wait. She'll be 
If she’s taking a little longer than you 
expected, don't get nervous. She's either 
reassuring kitty that there's still room in 
the bed or Martinizing herself in the bath- 
room. Should you have hosed yourself off 
before returning to bed? Not necessarily. 
“The smell of sex is s Ihe smell of sex 
from last weck is not sexy. So you be the 
judge. If she returns and says, "You can 
use the shower now.” it’s probably time 
do that. But if she climbs like a panther 
back into her lair, then stroke her. make 
her purr and make her purr again. Be- 
cause other than having someone to help 
slay the dragons of the spiritual subconti- 
nent, the best reason to sleep with a wom 

10 wake up together, make love and 

asleep a 


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(continued from page 88) 
g before this, 1 should have 
ten a piece called Roofiops I Have 
Known. Maybe another time, Th ans 
groin needs and wants the urgent, savage 
and dangerous window, Finally, it may 
want nothing else. And the womans groin 
wants and needs it, too. She is waiting 
there across the roof, the voung woman. 
wet to the knees with anticipation, precise- 
ly because of that want and need. 

Since we came out of the caves—for that 
matter, probably before we went into 
them—the wants and needs of the groin 
have been tempered and softened, to the 
extent that a tempering and a softening 
are possible, by all those abstract nouns 
you have ever heard: responsibility, con- 
cern, compassion, mercy and the really big 
one we've all been waiting for—love. 

But those words are all language of the 
head and the heart, not of the groin. The 
groin knows pump and thrust. The groin 
listens and speaks to blood. The grom de- 
mands blood. Blood touching blood and 
thereby creating blood. lt has been the 
knowledge and the language of the groin 
that have kept the race alive. Most of us 
walk this earth not because men and wom- 
en wanted children but because men and 
women wanted each other. 

Love comes through the front door with 
a rose in its hand, wearing a suit and 
smelling of the sweet fakery of bouled pe 
fume. The driven by and caught in 
the demands of its necessary knowledge— 
comes through the window after having 
made a journey through the uncertain 
night. And the perfume it brings is not 
from the bottle but from the sea; its salty, 
wondrous primeval odor charged with and 
flavored by the myriad fish swimming 

Love wants Broadway Joe Namath in 
panty hose with a boule of Brut in his 
hand. The groin wants Joe Willie Namath 
taped, muddy, preferably bleeding a little 
nd smelling of sweat, but with so much 
fire in his blood that he is making yet an- 
other painful, impossibly courageous de- 
mand that his ruined knees take him to 
the only place he would ever accept: to vic- 
tory, to conquest. 

Make no mistake about it, the groin 
knows only victory, conquest, hunt down 
and subdue. The language of the groin 
does not know compromise or appease- 
ment; the groin is incapable of seeing and 
understanding the other side of any argu- 
ment other th; s own. Lest I be misun- 
derstood, which on this topic, I knew 
going in was unavoidable, 1 emphasize that 
Tam speaking and have been speaking of 
both halves of the human race. male and 
female. The la age of the female groin 
and the male groin is identical. It is for that 
reason that they carry on so well together. 


The myth of the male groin being the pur- 
suer and the conqueror and the aggressor 
ought to be put to rest. It ought to be but 
never will, 

Of course, there are those 
there is only the language and the knowl- 
edge of the groin. IF you believe that, vou 
will one day find yourself in a trick of shit 
deeper than vou ever imagined possible, 
or else you will lead a generally twisted 
and certainly diminished lite. 

But, ironically and paradoxically, it is 
the belief in only the language of the head 
and the heart that leads to genuine evil 
Such people do not really believe there is 
hair on the belly of the beast. Consequen 
Jy, they can be sold anything. ‘Tell the lie bi 
enough and often enough, always couch- 
ing it in the language of the head and the 
heart, and they will buy it. Hider could 
never have sold to Churchill what he sold 
chamberlain. C ll. that old hard- 
drinking, cigar-cating warrior, was too 
rank himself, had too much hair on his 
own belly—aud. always knew it—to ever 
buy a single goddamn word Hitler had to 

God save us all from those who believe 
we exist only from the navel up. and save 
us, too, every mothers son and daughter, 
from those who would have us believe we 
exist only from the navel down. The major 
religions of the world have taught that the 
head and the heart must rule whatever is 
below it 1 despair of that, I 
spaired of th. 
ed to entertain the 
gions of the world had not so enthu 
gs on the pc 
nd— need it be poi 
out?—always explained the reasons for 
doing so in the language of the head and 
the heart, never the gr 

The knowledge of the groin may want to 
fuck you a little bit, but it rarely wants to 
kill you. 

who believe 


ways de- 

But I might be more in- 

notion if 

tically brought their teach 
of the sword 


And what, you may have been wonder- 
ng, happened to my friend patiently wait- 
g naked back on the roof surrounded by 
the police? Was he caught? Ol course not. 
1 he been, 1 dont know where he'd be, 
but surely not at a famous Yankee institu- 
tion of higher | ijr as an exegete ol 
learned subjects. 

“Hell, 1 just hunkered low as I could git 
right there behind the chimney ull the po- 
lice finally got bored and left,” he said, 
finishing his glass. 

And when they did.” I said, "which 
ndow did you go toward?" 
“The rut was on me, you sumbitch. You 
know damn well which window ] went in. 
Aint that a mystery 

“Not really” I said. "You got another bot- 

“Try to keep one,” he said, getting up 
and going to the cupboard. 

“Hey, fella—you've got one dynamite lady here. Boy, 1 
wish I was in your shoes!” 





(continued from page 131) 

“If youre discussing ideas and being reasonably 
eloquent, a swear word now and again is part of it.” 

waiting, And I don't mean that in a small 
way, the five minutes or the half hour. But 
a gentleman doesn't worry a woman. Its so 
asy to make sure that you allow a girl 
you're with to feel secure. It’s so easy to say, 
“Yes, DI be there.” or “Yes, I'll call." 


rLaynov: Under what circumstances is it 
permissible for a woman to swear, and how 
does she learn how to make it natural and 
poi ? 

srarcovicc: [Laughs] With the phone com- 
y. for instance, swearing is absolute! 
sary. If you don't learn to say “fuck” 
to the phone company, theres no hope. 
Learning when a litle swearing is judi- 
cious is of great value, as is the ability to 

raise your voice at certain times. That 
however, shouldn't become a habit. Thei 
something so ugly when swear words are 
used in anger. But a swear word used in 
fun is OK. There's a section in my show I 
call “Songs from Movies That Fucked Us 
Up.” Theres no other way to say it. If 
you're discussing ideas and being reason- 
ably eloquent, a swear word now and agai 
is part of it. Let's be honest here: I swear in 
a black-velvet dress, so it's a totally differ- 
ent story. 


rravsov: What should a guy do when his 
girlfriend cries: 

marcovicer: Hold her, hold her, hold her— 
that is, if she wants to be held. And I can 

“Darling, are we talking 
deliberate, responsible left-brain love or are we 
talking impulsive, spontaneous, damn-the-torpedoes 
right-brain love?” 

tell you what not to do, but this is per- 
sonal only to me. Dont say "shhhhh. . . 


mavsov: Are you fond of weddings? 
MARCOVICCI: I cry at weddings. Badly. I 
weep uncontrollably. I dont even have to 
know the people. I hear the wedding 
march, 1 cry I see the white dress. I cry. 
But I dont get invited to a lot of weddings. 
What do they want a torch singer there 
for? Fm the harbinger of things to come. 


pavor: Describe the man who inspires 
torch singers. 

vaRCOVICCI: A withholder. A bad boy. The 
kind of strong, silent type who cant com- 
mit, who brings fire to a onship but 
has no foundation upon which to build 
anything of any lasting strength. That's 
the classic profile of the man about whom a 
torch singer sings. 1 do some of that in my 
shows now. But I also have a new category 
For “Girls Night Out,” | sing torch from 
the standpoint of my being the one who 
was wrong: having met the right man, not 
recognizing him as such and having let 
m go. Its probably the most painful 
torch of all 


pravsoy: Distinguish between a cad. a 
bounder, a dweeb and just a plain jerk. 
marcovicer: [Laughs] A cad is a man who 
knows he's hurting vou. who knows he's 
misbehaving and does it anyway, A 
bounder cant help himself. [Laughs] And 
a jerk doesn't even know what hes doing. 
doesn't have a clue. As for dweebs, they're 
probably just skinnier. A woman will sit 
around and complain about her cads. jerks 
and bounders, bur she won take responsi- 
bility for the fact that she saw all the signs 
long in advance. Once, I fell in love with a 
man who, when 1 first saw him, made me 
say to myself, That man is a cad. For thirty 
seconds, 1 knew he was insane. And for six 
months, after those first thirty seconds, I 
had to have it proved to me. Finally, | came 
around to sce his face one more time, at 
the very end, exactly as I had scen it at the 
beginning. And I kick myself to this day. 


pravpov: Give men an educati 

wagcoVIcci: First of all, buy it. [Laughs] 
Dont think of it as meaning something im- 
portant; it doesn't have to. You're not en- 
gaged the moment you give somebody a 
piece of jewelry. Take a look at what your 
girlfriend. wears. Go window shopping 
with her. Notice what she points to. l'm 
more moved by antique jewelry and small 
stones. Something sweet from the past. 
You cant ever go wrong with giving a per- 
son jewelry. 

about jew 


PLAYBOY: What dont love songs tell us 
about lov 

MARCOVICCE: We get enormous illusions 
about love from love songs, and I'm con- 
buing to that. I sang Some Enchanted 
Evening for the first time not long ago, and 
I asked myself why it didn't go something 
like: “You will go to a party you don't really 
want to go to, and you'll mect your cousins 
best friend, and you won't like his suit, but 
you vill like his eyes. And he won't be able 
to dance at all well, but he'll say something 
sweet, and you'll realize he likes his moth- 
er, and therefore. maybe he'll like yours.” 
Why dont they write that in a song? 
Theyll never do it, and | probably 
wouldnt sing it if they did. Weve been 
damaged by our love songs and by our 
movies, and yet they're such an essential 
part of that yearning that love seems to be 
about, that 1 absolutely must sing them. 
But usually end my show with something 
more realistic, about finding love where it 
may have been all along: under your nose 

Romantic fantasy love is what callan 
ety love. It makes you sick. And it's not re- 
ally love, it's narcissism. What you love is 
how you feel about yourself. You're 
Hoating on a feeling that is basically all 
your own. And it feels like being in love, 
because we're used to that kind of tension 
as being in love. Romantic movies are all 
about tension. but we dont see it played 
out. We don't see what happens after the 
words THEEND. So what we get is- 


Emotional chase scenes? 


mancoviccs: Exactly: And that’s what were 
spond to and in some ways what | sing 
about, too—that fabulous, emotional chas- 

ing. And I'm particularly moved by thos 
scenes when I see them in the movies, and 
that's why I sing. You're not supposed to be 
worried all the time when you're in love 
Of course, you lose your appetite a little 
and that's fine, We all love that. We want to 
lose weight when we fall in love. If you 
don't lose a pound or two, that isn't love. 


rLavsoy: Whats the most preposterous 
song you sing? 

mancovicca: Stay Well—a song 1 love in 
spite of myself. I almost have to issue a dis- 
claimer before I sing it, because it is the 
most torchy of torch. The song says 
[singing], “If I tell truth to you/my love, 
my own, / Gri your gift to me, /grief 
an dawn, / Yet whe 
weep you gone.” Its the craziest 
all the torch songs I do. 1 get liue girls 
coming to hear me sing. And I tell thi 
mothers to put couon in their ears for th 
song. But it’s the most beautiful song I've 
ever heard. And 1 must sing it. Love isa re- 
markable feeling. And I've had times in 
my life when I was able to let somebody go, 
knowing he was bad for me but loving him 
nyway A man who treated me terribly 
came to hear me sing, and I always thought 
that if I ever saw him at the club again, Pd 
throw him out bodily. 1 should just spit 

midnight, / Wild 

on him. | should say to the audience, "He's 
the one.” And it was so silly. When the show 
was over, I went over to hii 
hand and said, “I wi: 
er you choose to do.” So go figure. For me, 
its more important to be able to feel those 
feelings. But I didn't make a date with him. 
I'm not stupid 


rLaveov: Who understood women better, 
Cole Porter or Ira Gershwin? 

waxcovicct: Ira Gershwin. Most people be- 
lieve Cole Porter's lyrics are a little mo 
brittle and clever and a little distant. And 
in truth, most of them are. They're more 
cocktail-party love, more sophisticated. 
But there are Porter songs that are so dif- 
ferent from that. Like, “After you, who/ 
Could supply my sky of blue?/ After 
you, who/Could I love?/ After you, why/ 
Should I take the time to try. / For who else 
could qualify/ After you, who?" Its in- 
tense, pure and direct, and not quite so 
clever as many of his other songs were. Ir 
Gershwin understood more and was m 
emotional, more female. As Michael Fein- 
stein reminds us of the old joke, “George 
and his lovely wife, Ira.” 


Pinoy: In The Front, you kiss Woody Al- 
len for the first time with your hands fold- 
ed neatly on your lap. What was going 
through your head? 

marcovicer: Right before we shot that 

scene. Woody said to me, “I'm go 
only one lip when we kiss. Be- 
1 give you two, you'll never live 
through it.” So I was laughing, because we 
re a little nervous. Those kisses were 
sweet, as I recall. 


ravsow: When men goto hear you sing, do 
they become overw ht with emotion 
and throw themselves at you? 

MaRCOVICCI: Throw themselves at me! 
[Laughs] They dont throw themselves at 
me at all. Though Ud be ready to catch. E 
intimidate, mostly. Men are quite romantic 
with me and will write me lovely notes or 
send flowers. What | do on stage is a very 
roma nd it reminds people of 
another time and of another times man- 
ners and romances. I've had a couple of 
ien show up in white tie and tails, because 
of my crush on Fred Astaire. My audience 
seems to think I have a lot of. emotional 
knowledge. 1 appear to be somebody who 
knows so much about romance that 1 bring 
out a rather tender awkwardness in s 
men. They're very courtly with me. 


PLAYBOY: Under what 
sing in the shower? 
axcovicct: Under 


umstances do you 

ng arias and things like that. And I warm 
up and do all my vocalizing in the shower. 
I get into the shower to sing. 

circumstances. I 

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(continued from page 85) 

“There are people for whom marriage is convalescence, 
courtship being like a bout of erotic dysentery.’ 

recommends that you get your love cur- 
¡ed with wine. Or you kidnap her. Then 
that you prong her tll her tikka dot falls 
oll. Afterward, hire local clergy and light 
the cow-dung oven. Marriage consecrated 
around fire “cannot be set aside.” Polyne- 
n women of the likable Tikopia tribe are 
taken, then—in public ritual—held down 
and raped. Once insertion occurs, they 
stop resisting and accept Mrs. status. Her 
mom and dad won't grouse about it, either, 
as long as decorum has been observed. 
That is: Groom must abduct bride from 
family hut. Should she be snaflled up while 
hoeing in a field, mortal combat with dad 
may ensue. The Tikopia have their priori- 
ties nicely set: Rape is one thing; theft of 
service is another. 

Capture courtship in other cultures may 
be more ceremonial and less sa 
when it isn't positively hazardous. Among 
Khond folk of southern India, a prospec- 
tive bride and her female kin are waylaid 
by the groom and his men. Anthropologist 
Arnold van Gennap gave this play-by-play 
coverage: "The women attack the young 
men, hitting them with sticks, stones and 
clods of carth, and the boys defend them- 
selves with their stic + This fighting is 
by no means child's play, and the men are 
sometimes seriously injured 

Among Mabuiag people, a woman will 
propose marriage. But before he can take 
her, according to Van Gennap. this poor 
fiancé is cold cocked. "First, [her brothers] 
wound him only on the leg, but finally; they 
hit him on the head with a club. Immedi- 
ately afterward, one of the girl's brothers 
takes her by the hand and gives her to the 
young man." 
ask. “Ring?” he sa: 
in Madison Squa 

As one might surmise from this last ex- 
ample. capture courtship can rather easily 
become Courtship by trial. In some trad 
tions, the woman will refuse to submit ui 
til her suitor has, say, croaked his fir 
crocodile or taken a human head for the 
conversation cove. Elsewhere, men mu 
absorb rare torment before marriage. Ac- 
cording to Lailan Young (Love Around the 
World), Danakil men of Ethiopia are 
scourged by their future in-laws with raw 
hippohide. They must smile throughout 
ce as well as ski 
men (of Guiana) are stitched up in a ham- 
mock full of fire ants, The best husbands 
are those who can stay put longest. 1 do 
n dollop of outback common 

Courtship by exhaustion. There are pco- 
ple for whom marriage is convalescence, 
courtship being rather like a long bout of, 
oh, erotic dysentery. The Yapese practice 

gichigich, which, I think, must be pure 
sexual onomatopoeia. Young wrote: 
‘Gichigich . so fr ed tha women 
become weak and helpless, experiencing a 
multiple series of orgasms so hectic that 
they are unable to prevent themselves 
m urinating. The men feel that they are 
on fire, The climax comes when the wom- 
the ue. ENC 

sensibly, I say. Too much puo 
ying for the second take in a snuff film. 

Margaret Mead's cannibal Mundugu- 
mor of New Guinca are also rather impul- 
sive. Courtship assignation is made by 
wink or nod as the scarcely acquainted boy 
and girl pass each other along a jungle 
trail. They then come together like matter 
and antimatter. "These quick encounters." 
Mead wrote, “take the form of a violent 
scratching and biting match, calculated to 
produce the maximum amount of e 
ment in the minimum amount of time. To 
break the arrows or the basket of the 
beloved one is one standard way of demon- 
strating consuming passion: so also is tear- 
ing olf ornaments — [even—airee—an 
earring] and smashing them if possible.” 
Something more than hug therapy, that. 
When, however. the bush is flooded, your 
impetuous Mundugumor male may try 
sneaking into his bint's mosquito hasket— 
a ten-foot-long cylinder made of bast or 
sago shoots. This can be unhealthy. The 
Mundugumor father is jealous (and will 
often sleep alongside his daughter). If he 
catches them at it—and, as wet 
Mundugumor courtship 
quier—Pop “may fa opening of 
the sleeping bag and roll the couple down 
the house ladder, which is almost perpe 
dicular and six or seven feet in height.” 
You've heard tell about basket ca These 

Courting the in-laws. To primitive (and 
not-so-primitive) people, marriage is an 
economic event. Among Hongot head- 
ters, for example, the appr 
in-law must prove that wife 
hand" (labor). A fath 
s relayed by anthropolo; 

ice son- 


o Rosaldo, “Do not come to me un- 
less you plan to care for me when I am 
old." A good son like some kind 

ion plan. The young man will ent 
his fiancée family and job audition there. 
Meanwhile, he has been wooing, First, he 
looks his intended in the eye. Nest, he 
might give her a nice betel quid. Sometime 
later he may ask her to fetch him water. 
And so on. This process, one head-hunter 
commented, was like how you trained a 
pig. Soon, then, our suitor may win fa 

unless he falls from a 100-foot tree while 
being shot at by his brother w, which is 
the courtship-by-trial part of being Hongo! 
nd horny that I forgot to mention. 
Promiscuous courtship. When Jesus say 
“Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. 
he was referring, of course, to the Trobr 
and Islands. Trobriand people court the 
way old Jewish men venoose—with just 
about everyone. They have (or, 1 guess 
had) an institution, the bukumatula (bache- 
lor house), which ranked just below Chi- 
nese takeout among cultural advances. 

Let Bronislaw Malinowski describe it 
“Furniture consists of bunks with mat cov- 
erings. In such an interior. the older 
boys and their temp. 'esses live 
ether. ... When a couple dissolve th 
liaison, it is the girl who moves |. t 
another sleeping place with another sweet- 
heart.” Malinowski insisted that this wasn't 
group concubinage—but irs good enough 
for me. "Strict decorum obtains. The in- 
mates never indulge in orgiästic pastimes, 
and itis considered bad form to watch an 
other couple during their love eh ie 
The couple share a bed and nothing else.” 
me, mates are chosen, but "two people 
bout to be married must never have a 
meal in common. That would greatly 
k the moral susceptibility of a native." 
brave new world —where women just 
want to make love and are offended if 
buy dinner for them at Orso's. 

Contact courtship. Everyone knows about 
bundling—where man and his maid, in 
bed but dressed for an 
would grope each other half-rabid. 
fewer people realize is how extensive this 
habit (brought over from Holland, where 
they called it queesting) was before 1776 or 
so. As much as 30 percent of the rural pop- 
ulation may have gotten a feel for it 
Bundling was Yankee practical: In your 
average single-room house, a bed may 
have represented the entire Ethan Allen 
furniture set. If your lover walked 16 
hours round trip on Sunday to see you for 
three, some prone time was only polite— 
and bundling saved firewood. On occa- 
sion. Mother would tie her daughters 
ankles together or place a low board 
lengthwise between them. Bundling was 
tremendously controversial. Jonathan Ed- 
wards spoke against it. Pro- and ani- 
bundling poetry appeared. As Diedrich 
Knickerbocker said, “By [bundling], they 
acquired an intimate acquaintance with 
each others good q s before mar- 
riage . . . and a strict adherence to the 
good old vulgar maxim about buying a pig 
a poke. 

That courtship custom died with two- 
room houses and less expensive fuel. But it 
may return. Given our pre: 
h fluid exchange 
technology, I forese 
ceptive suit made of * 
And Eddie Bauer catalogs directed at 
the young urban bundler. —b. Kerr MANO. 



f you haven't done it already, now's the time to hang up the 
gold neck chain and retire any fat pinkie ring that might 
have crawled onto your little finger when you masquer- 
aded as a used-car salesman last Halloween. Diamonds 
for men are today's hottest rocks, with diamond-studded 
dress sets (links, studs and vest buttons) and platinum rings 

set with natural-colored diamonds fast becoming the crown 
jewels of a man's accessory collection. Clarity, color, cut 
and carat are the four Cs to be considered when shopping 
for something set with sparklers. The last, however, is the 
least important factor. When it comes to his diamond jew- 
elry, a man, for once, isn't judged by the size of his stones. 

Clockwise from 12: Crystal-and-diamond cuff links, by Trianon, $7500. Platinum diamond ring, $1025, atop an 18-Kt.-gold ring with a .65-ct. dia- 

mond, $4475, both by Pedro Boregaard. 

inum diamond and onyx dress set includes cuff links (shown), from Asprey, $12,000. Platinum 
diamond fly lapel pin, by Pedro Boregaard, $425. Cone-shaped diamond lapel pin, by Matthew C. Hoffmann, $720. 

iamond bird 

by Pedro 

Boregaard, $600. Antique Hamilton watch with diamonds, from the Chiuzac Gallery, $2800. Diamond studs, by Matthew C. Hoffmann, $1550. 


Available in an eau de toilette 
spray, $30, and an after- 
shave, $25, Colors de Benet- 
ton Men's Is a crisp, bold 
scent that comes in a mas- 
culine pentagonal bottle. It's 
sold only at Benetton stores. 

Just snap and schuss, as these 
Rocky Mountain Breakdown 
skis both glide and divide. f 
Each ski features a heavy-duty 
take-apart clip that facilitates 
transportation or seasonal A 
storage without affecting 

the board's perform- 

ance, from Evo- Y 

Made of water-repellent canvas duck and rich leather, 
these stylish English sporlsman's bags are the ultimate 
duffel. They measure 18”, 25" and 29" 

long and each features a full-length zip- 
per and a dust flap to keep out the 
elements, from Gokey's, St. Paul, 
Minnesota, $89, 
$114 and $165. 

lution U.S.A., 

Salt Lake 
City, seso. ey, 

This titanium quartz x 
watch in a leather case X 
with jeweler's tools and extra ` 
watch bands, by Heuer, $1950, and 

custom padded leather steering 
wheel, $312, are just two of a number 

of products being offered by famous race- L 
car driver Emerson Fittipaldi as part of his 
accessory collection. Both items are available 
from Fittipaldi Motoring Accessories, Miami. 

Not just a fax, ma'am. The Panasonic KX-F120 

(left) is a telephone with a speaker phone, a fax ma- 
chine, a copier and an answering machine, $1695. 
Canon's FaxPhone 8 (above) is a fax machine and a 
phone with a tone key pad and fast dialing, $1495. 


Pentax’ 35mm IQZoom70 compact camera fea- 

tures autofocus, autowind, a buil 
and a 35-70mm power zoom, $437. 

No, this isn’t 
son of Ro- 
bocop. But 
these Oakley 
Razor Blades 
do have tre- 
es are 
100 per- 
cent ef- 
against UV 
rays, and the 
frames, lenses, 
ear and nose 
pieces are inter- 
changeable, $70. 

in flash 

The optional long-nosed TE-Z100 
teleconverter (shown) ex- 
tends focal length to 
100mm, $80. 


Serve and 

Two Curves 
Fans of David lee 
Roth's music videos 
know beauty BECKY 
LE BEAU. After the ABC 
miniseries War and Re- 
membrance this past 
fall, everyone recogniz- 
es her, even if she's no 
threat to Martina. Yet. 

A Little Less than Basic Black 

We've often observed HEATHER LOCKLEAR in skimpy clothing on TV's 
Dynasty. Lord knows, she looks good that way. Still, this new look— sleek, 
chic and daring—is in keeping with Sammy Jo's new nicer-girl image. 


The Party Ninjas 
AXL ROSE (left) and 
SLASH are two of the 
five-member Guns N' 
Roses band, whose 
album Appetite for 
Destruction hit 

the charts fast 

and hot. 


Grace's Lace 
Is in the 

appeared on 
TV in Crime 
Story ant 
now putting 
together a 
las Vegas 
act, Grace 
can be our 
any time, x 

His Highness 

PRINCE comes out from under the fog machine 
for a royal second in this shot taken on his current 
concert tour. Lovesexy has gone platinum. We 
eagerly await his next move. 



Water Babe 

Actress MEG TILLY wanted to be a dancer, and anyone who 
remembers her breakthrough role as Chloe in The Big Chill 
knows that a dancer still lurks inside. Recently, she has com- 
pleted two films, The Girl in a Swing and Milos Forman's Val- 
mont, based on Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Meg's keeping cool. 


A Touch of Ass 

Why is it that the 
back end of this 
guy is enough for 
some of his fans? 
Singer GEORGE 

MICHAEL greet- 
ed his first 
‚American con- 
cert audience 

last summer 
with a little 
cheek. It 
drove the 

ladies wild. 




It’s been six years since the 


legendary artist Alberto Remember the Magic 8 Ball that seemed 
gas died, but many orig- to answer all your questions with “Ask 
al paintings of the volup- ain later"? A Chatsworth, Californi; 
Tuous. es he created for company named With Design in Mind has 
Playboy are still in o gone one better and created Sound F/X, 
rchives. And now, for the The Talking Crystal Ball. All you do is ask 
making Sound F/X a ves or no question, pass your 
s of the best of these hand over it and a human-sounding voice 
heautiful paintings avail- replies with one of 98 answers. (You can 
able in limited issue hook Sound F/X up to your hi-h fora 
through Mirage Editions, larger-than-life voice.) Sound F/X is avail- 
Ine., 1658 Tenth Streel able in electronics stores for about $80, 

91 V" x 29" and will be 
produced in a nine-color 

| \ Each will measure about 

lithographic process on 100 

grap E 

| percent archival paper. The 
l price for the first imay 

May 1968, pictured here, is 
$75. postpaid. No prims 
will be produced afier 
February 28. For credit- 
card orders outside C: 
"f À fornia, call 800-228-8819; 

x inside California, call 
213-150-9240, Well keep 
all of you posted. 


This winter, instead of curling up with a 
good mystery, try The Book of the Lion, by 
Sir Alfred E. Pease, or Kill: or Be Killed. 
by Major W. Robert Foran. These are just 
two of the many titles that Si. Martin's 
Press has introduced in a new and comin- 
uing series of reprints of the greatest 
classics in the literature of hunting and 
adventure. Peter Capstick, the famous big- 
game hunter, is the series editor, and all 
selections are from his personal library. 


Our Love Issue wouldn't be complete without a mention of the Sybaris 
Clubs, oases of luxurious privacy in the Chicago area “dedicated to roman- 
tic marriage.” The Sybaris at 3350 North Milwaukee Avenue in North- 
brook, Illinois. has a variety of cottages for two. But the one we like is the 
new Sybaris Chalet. I's a multilevel hideaway of pleasure that includes a 
water bed. a whirlpool tub and a steam room, plus—get this—you 
own private 22-foot swimming pool with an eight-foot slide. And 
for $450 a night on weekends. (There are lesser rates for davs and week 

168 nights.) Call 312-298-5000 for more information. Have fun 


Tired of tripping over all those 
wires alter you've hooked up 
your favorite video game and 
begun blasting away at aliens 
or looking for lost treasure? 
Check out Gamerica’s Freedom 
Stick, the only wireless in- 
frared jov stick on the market 
that’s compatible with Ninten- 
do. Sega. Commodore and 
Atari game systems. Yes, it re- 
ally docs work and offers ar- 
cade-style feel and action for 
one or two players as well as 
simultaneous two-player play 
All for $59.95 at toy and con- 
sumer-dleetronics stores, 


You may have heard of Panty- 
ol-the-Month, the unique serv 
ice that sends one sexy panty 

a month to the lucky lady of 
your choice on a three-month, 
six-month or one-year sub- 
scription basis. Now PO.M. is 
branching out and offering 
two qualities of panties— 
regular and deluxe—with 
prices for a three-month sub- 
ption going for $58.50 and 
7. respectively. A call to 
gets you all the 
information and, yes, Panty 
of-the-Month also sells other 
kinds of lingerie. A two-dollar 
catalog, Undres to Kill, shows 
and tells all. Ask about it 


With everyone getting into 
rubbers these days, it only 
figures that someone would 
develop a better product for 
the feet, too. Grips footwear. 
manufactured by Jordan David 
Safety and Health Products in 
Warrington. Pennsvl is 
the first product we've seen 
that actually brings sivle to 
avershoes. Two looks are 
available: One is a Caploe 
model and the other is a W 
Tip. And. to give you extra 
traction, the soles of both have 
been treated with aluminum- 
oxide grit, The price: $45 
pair at better shoe stores 


This Valentine's Day, try ordering a Breaklast-in- 
Bed basket from Confections in Birmingham, 
Michigan, and sce il you dont score major points 
with your wile or girlfriend. (You may score in an- 
other wax, too.) A Breakfastin-Bed basket for 
two, which includes croissants, strawberries, cider, 
chocolate truflles and more, all nicely packaged 
and delivered by U.S. overnight, is $50. lo order 
call 313-626-9848 and allow 48 hours (sorry. no 
weekend deliveries) to be on the sale side. 


“The cocktail has returned from exile in the pale 
world of white wine . . . and stepped out on the 
town in high heels and hip company.” says Jill 
Spalding in the coflec-table book Blithe Spirits, “A 
loast to the Cocktail.” And if you like to read 
about the lore and lure ol great drinks (accompa- 
nied, of course, by gorgeous photos of the concer 
tions), you'll find Blithe Spirits (Alvin Rosenbaum 
Projects, Inc.) worth its $50 price. Call 800-543- 
1037 to order, then drink up. 






















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16 mg. “tar”, 1.0 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method: