Full text of "PLAYBOY"
— i
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
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WERE TALKING T WINS! No, not Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzeneg-
ger, though they're cute, too. The perfect pair on our minds this
month is im and Karin von Breeschooten, Rotterdam natives
who have us in Dutch in the best possible way—with a dazzling
Playmate pictorial and special twin-sized gatefold. Double vision
has never been this much fun. (Or at least not since October
1970, the last time we featured twin Play mates.)
We also invite you to share some visions of the prophetic Kind.
First, in Future Stuff, Malcolm Abrams and Harriet Bernstein Lake а
glance at all the neat gadgets heading for market by the усаг
2000—from levitating cars and uphill skiing to high-fiber cup-
cakes and musical toilets. The article, illustrated by Dave Calver, is
excerpted from the book of the same title, to be published by
Viking Penguin. Also on the predictive front, our sports prog-
nosticator (and Photography Director), Gary Cole, takes his annu-
al look ahead in Playboys Pro Football Forecast, illustrated by Jim.
Evans and Richard Duarde. As part of the package, you'll also meet
Green Bay's bruising 6'6", 315-pound draftee Tony Mandarich.
Smile when you call him rookie.
While we're on the subject of bruises—not to mention choke
holds, broken arms and lacerated kidneys—we'd like you to meet
Rorion Gracie, the jujitsu master profiled in Bad, by Pet Jordan. Ro-
rion claims to be the toughest guy in America, but he's not even
the toughest guy in his own family; his brother Rickson claims the
title of toughest guy in the world. And they've offered huge sums
of money to anyone who dares to fight them. Hear that, Mike Tyson?
With summer's end, the baseball pennant races heat up, and
who better to stoke those fires than Morganna, the busty kissing
bandit who, in the words of Vin Scully, “precedes herself by five
minutes"? Keeping us abreast of her outstanding developments
in Ode to Morganna is Curry Kirkpatrick. You'll also want to check
out the Playboy Interview with the Mets Keith Hemandez. He spoke
with Larry Linderman about his recent injury and the more lasting
hurt delivered last year by the Dodgers. And Jeff Daniels, the
loosc-limbed star of Something Wild and The Purple Rose of Cairo,
delivers expert commentary on softball in Bill Zehme's 20 Ques-
tions, When you play for a team called the Clams, you'd better
know your stuff.
Rounding out our outdoor coverage this month is Wind Dum-
my, a breath-taking first jump into paragliding—being lofted
from a hillside by a winglike parachute—by Contributing Editor
Craig Vetter. Hc looked before he leaped and still got into trouble.
The problem: Wind is invisible.
Even passing acquaintances of Playboy know that some of our
favorite sports are of the indoor variety, and we never tire of ana-
lyzing our game. So when we heard that Gregory Stock, author of
the million seller The Book of Questions, had prepared a sequel—
Lowe ES Sex: The Book of Questions—for Workman Publ
we snapped up an excerpt. This provocative volume gives new
meaning to the term multiple choice. What would you do if your
wife or girlfriend agreed to relax the rules of sexual fidelity?
Our fiction offering this month, written by Contributing Editor
Walter Lowe, Jr, and illustrated by Ernie Barnes, is called An Ounce
of Luck, about а Ише bag of fortune that threatens to throttle the
gamblers who possess it. We struck a bit of luck ourselves in a
gambling capital a few months ago, and the result is Reno
Confidential, a political pictorial with Leslie Sferrazza, twice the
first lady to hizzoner Pete Sferrozza, Reno's mayor. Bet you'll like it.
This is the time of year when you look into your closet to see
what, if anything, you've got to wear in the fall. Before you make
up your sartorial shopping list, do yourself a favor and consult
Fashion Editor Hollis Wayne's Back 10 Campus feature, pho-
tographed by Dewey Nicks. Wayne has divided the country into
regions for a tailor-made fit.
That brings us back to the Van Breeschooten twins. They're so
nice, we have to mention them twice. Enjoy. Enjoy.
One great name should be on the tip of your tongue.
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PLAYBOY AFTER HOURS ............. Е a RU dm i
SPORTS: cece AR с ты елу э DAN JENKINS 30
MEN To. sats sas ec) O TO O A .. ASA BABER 32
WOMEN. ........ cit os dasa dole oop cae co . CYNTHIA HEIMEL 35 Reno Confidentiol
THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR ............................. Жз req 37.
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: KEITH HERNANDEZ—condid conversation ............... 51
BACK TO CAMPUS-fashian ............................... . HOLLIS WAYNE 71
AN OUNCE OF LUCK—fictian ................. ano WALTER LOWE, JR. 80
BODY BY WINKLER—pictorial. |. cce = в2
BAD arde СЕ sess. PAT JORDAN 90
DOUBLE DUTCH TREAT—playboy's playmates of the тапћ.................... 96
PLAYBOY'S PARTY 2ОКЕ5—һитог......................... n2
Seeing Double
20 QUESTIONS: JEFF DANIELS. PUT TUS eee seni sis cen 118
WIND DUMMY article. ..... АСКАТ УЕТПЕК 20;
RENO CONFIDENTIAL-pictoriol ........................ darearen 130
РГАҮЕОТ ОМ THE SCENE R SA aE a a A T 171 Campus Foshion
We serve up a scrumptious double Dutch treat for you this month fea-
turing twins Karin and Mirjam van Breeschooten. Contributing Photog-
rapher Stephen Woyda shot the cover, which was produced by Michael
Ann Sullivan and styled by Lee Ann Perry. Thanks go to John Vic-
tor for styling the twins’ hair and to Pat Tomlinson for make-up. Now
and then, we enjoy taking а face-to-face meeting with our Rabbit.
‘SUnmesrmicteo ment
pe accepted
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ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor
ТОМ STAEBLER art director
GARY COLE pholography director
С. BARRY GOLSON executive editor
ciate editor, FICTION: ALICE к. TURNER editor;
lor; PHILLIP COOPER, ED WALKER associate editors;
FORUM: TERESA GROSCH associate editor, WEST
senior staff wriler; BRUCE KILER. BARBARA NELLIS.
KATE NOLAN associate editors; JOHN LUSK traffic
coordinalor; FASHION: HOLLIS WAYNE editor;
WENDY ZAURANSKY assistant edilor; CAR-
BOURAS edilor; LAURIE ROGERS assistant editor;
MARY ZION senior researcher; LEE BRAUER, CAROLYN
KERIG POPE managing director; CHET SUSKI. LEN
WILLIS senior directors; BRUCE HANSEN associale
directors; DEBBIE KONG junior direclor: ANN SEIDL
senior keyline and paste-up artist; BILL BENWAY,
ministrative manager
managing editor; LINDA KENNEN, JAMES LAKSON.
MICHAEL ANN SULLIVAN associate editors; АТТУ
BEAUDET assistant editor; POMPEO POSAR senior
staff photographer; STEVE CONWAY assistant photog-
NEWMAN, STEPHEN WAYDA contributing phologra-
hors; SHELLEE WELLS stylist; STEVE LEVITT color
lab supervisor; JOHN Goss business manager
JAMES SPANFELLER associate publisher
JOHN MASTRO director: MARIA MANDIS manager;
RITA JOHNSON disislanl. manager; ELEANORE WAG
BARBARA GUTMAN subscription circulation direc-
tor; ROBERT ODONNELL retail marketing and sales
director; STEVE м. COHEN communications director
JR. national sales manager; 208 AQUILLA midwest
manager; JOHN PEASLEY direct response manoger;
A. FOSTER TENNANT пеш york manager
MIRE OSTROWSKI correspondents
EILEEN KENT Contracts administrator; MARCIA TER.
RONES rights ÉS permissions manager
CURISTIE HEFNER chairman, chief executive of
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Having read your special report on cam-
pus racism, Disillusioned in the Promised
Land, by Trey Ellis, and Reassessing the
Roots, by David J. Dent (Playboy, June), I
have much sympathy for the attitudes ex-
pressed by both writers, who support the
notion that blacks are more successfully
educated and happier at all-black universi-
ties. | wonder, however, whether white re-
porters could have expressed the same
sentiments without being labeled racists.
Wouldn't black students be up in arms if
the Government forced all-black colleges
to accept large numbers of white students?
Why is it, then, that the scveral minor inci-
dents on college campuses—mean-spirited
though they are—elicit such strong reac
tion from your writers when they merely
encourage greater black-college enroll-
ment, which so many blacks are in favor of
to begin with?
Lawrence W. Schonbrun
Berkeley, California
‘Trey Ellis Disillusioned in the Promised
Land is interesting but full of unsubstanti-
ated claims and faulty logic.
Ellis points to ARYAN BY THE GRACE OF GoD
‘Tshirts as examples of racism but fails to
Tshirts that have popped up at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. Are whites, unlike
blacks, supposed to be ashamed of their
skin color? Fllis details the story of Regina
Parker, a black U of M student, who spent
months squabbling with her white room-
mate, but he fails to give any reason (save
for the fact that the woman was white) for
his assumption that Parker's roommate
was disagreeable because of Parker's race.
And, of course, he refers to Peter Steiner's
now-infamous speech but quotes him out
of context. What Steiner was saying is that
the U of M should try to recruit more mi-
norities without lowering its standards.
Steiner worded his speech very poorly, but
his point can hardly be seen as racist.
1 noticed other omissions and flaws, but.
it makes little sense to enumerate them
here, The point is that I cannot trust the
rest of Ellis article. Where else has he
twisted words and events? Where else docs
he give us only half the story?
Marc I. Whinston
Ann Arbor, higan
I am a well-educated and proud black
man from the South now living
Chicago. I was very pleased to sec your lat-
est issue focusing, in part, on racism.
However, I was disappointed in the arti-
cle Disillusioned in the Promised Land, by
Trey Fllis. There is no doubt that Ellis
talented writer, but this piece lacks sub-
stance. I read it with the hope of gaining
insight, but what I received was just several
individual accounts of racism. Most edu-
cated blacks can speak on that topic, and I
can give you a first-person perspective that
could fill a book.
Anthony Gibbs
Chicago, Illinois
I'm not sure why the articles on campus
racism were written other than to inform.
people that it still exists. My experience at
the University of Washington in the Seven-
ties was that 80 to 90 percent of the white
people I came in contact with were racist.
They were in every aspect of campus life,
from the dormitory in which 1 lived to the
marching band in which I participated to
the department of political science, in
which I studied my major subject
"The advice 1 would offer to the Regina
Parkers across this country is, first, the best
way to stop racism is to challenge at every.
turn those who practice it. Most racists are
cowards who, when challenged, will crawl
back into the slime whence they came. Sec-
ond, always assume every white person is a
racist until he proves himself otherwise.
Finally, do not give up on your education.
They cant win if you don't let them.
Vincent Stewart
Sierra Vista, Arizona
The next time you publish an article
about racism on campus, how about
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including both sides?
Explain why minority students have
access to all kinds of financial aid and
scholarships and why whitc kids from
lower-income families can't get aid. E
plain why standards are lowered to get mi
nority students into programs for which
they cant qualify
Explain why at two Big Eight schools,
Colorado and Oklahoma, black athletes
are constantly in trouble. Explain why.
when a black athlete has problems, he al-
ways blames racism rather than himself.
Jim Walker
Denver, Colorado
We have two thoughts in. response, Jim.
One is that white kids from lower-income
families can gel financial aid from a number
of sources. The second is that people who use
such terms as always and constantly in refer-
ence to people of other races are making dan-
gerous and unfair assumptions. That holds
true for both you and the guy who wrote the
letter preceding yours, with whom you have
‘more in common than you may think,
Playboy is guilty of publishing some
poor and uninteresting articles at times,
but Confessions of Captain X, by Captain X
and Reynolds Dodson, in your June issue
cannot go without comment. If you want
some stories about airline flying, you
should get an author who is knowledgeable
about the subject! It's easy to see why this
pilot (1 will nor call him a captain) didn't
want his name used.
1 flew for North Central/Republic for al-
most 30 years, and I flew the DC-9 and
Boeing 727 in and out of Saginaw, Mi
gan, many times. Our training at Republic
was superb, and we were accustomed to
fiying into smaller airports with sophisti-
cated jet aircraft. Saginaw isa safe airport.
The tower personnel there is the best.
It is very simple to tell when the ap-
proach to a runway is correct. Your pilot,
accustomed to u:
ing guidance available at all large ai
sat there fat, dumb and happy and almost
killed his passengers. He should be
grounded and the aircraft should be
spected for hard-landing damage. I will
call the КА Аз attention to this landing 30
inches from the end of the runway. Poor
top management and frugal pilot raining
can be lethal for the passengers.
Vern Loehndorf
Wauconda, Illinois
Kimberley Conrad, the 1989 Playmate
of the Year (Playboy, June), is pure perfec-
tion. The lady and the layout are outstand-
ig. The picture of Kimberley in the white
ingerie on page 132 is the most beautiful
I've seen in your magazine. The pictures
on pages 136 and 137 with the m
dripping pearls, are absolute n
Bravo 10 Mrs. Hefner and to the
magazine that gives a little of her beauty to
Anthony M. Mendolia
Kansas City, Missouri
atulations to Miss Conrad on be-
ing chosen Playmate of the Year. She is tru-
ly captivating. Mr. Hefner is а lucky man,
You have outdone yourself this time.
Your cover photo of the beautiful Kimber-
ley Conrad in lingerie is your sexiest ever.
Best of luck to Hefin his marriage to Kim-
berley and thanks for sharing her with us.
George Landis
Visalia, California
I know Kimberley Conrad is mortal by
her spoken words published in the Play-
mate of the Year article, but she is certainly
a perfect piece of work visually and worthy
of my reverence. By her existence, I know
God lives and cares about us to provide
such 2 lovely creature to gaze upon and en-
joy. Not since the Vargas Girls graced your
magazine has there been one so lovely as
Kimberley, but Kimberley is r
Maurice Carter
an Nuys, California
If it doesn’t work out between Hef and
Kimberley, put her on a bus and send her
up this way.
Gordon Atchison
Parry Sound, Ontario
The selection of Kimberley Conrad as
the 1989 Playmate of the Year is pretty pre-
dictable, It does surprise me, however, that
Mr. Hefner didit withdraw her from the
"Toronto, On
rd B. Brostrom
I've been an avid reader of Playboy for
many years and 1 have always enjoyed it,
but I'm going to comment on one thing.
I dont think that Kimberley Conrad
should have been allowed to compete in
the Playmate of the Year contest, since she
was engaged to Hugh Hefner at the time.
T's not that 1 don't think she’s pretty, but I
think that Kimberley should have dis-
qualified herself.
Roy W Denman
Hurst, Texas
We can't put it any better than Hef has:
"Its an honor she clearly deserves. I can't take
it ашау from her just because we've fallen in
Hey, guys, this Playmate contest was
easy There's 5 only one Playmate with a bel-
ly button like 's. Of course, you
could have really made it casy and showed.
her engagement ring. 1 bet even Hef
dialed 1-900-720-6061 a few times.
Mr. Hefner, you sure can pick 'em.
Lis Nandria
Merced, California
Aha! That explains why, every time we
tried to call Hef back in November, his line
was busy.
When 1 saw Richard Izuis pictures at
Italdesign, 1 was sure that Playboy's story
оп my company (Design by Giugiaro, May)
would be great! Now, after having read it, 1
have to say that it is more than great: It isa
perfect “fresco” of both my activities and
company. I am struck speechless by how
accurate and deep your look inside my
professional life is: so perfect that if I
didn't know better, I would think Playboy
was based next door to Italdesign and had
followed my company since 1968. It was
really a pleasant surprise to discover how
precise your reporting is.
With 20,000,000 thanks.
‘Turin, Italy
Talk about the girl next door: I was
showing my friends in our dorm my j
high school yearbook and | pointed out to
them that Dana Plato had gone to my
school. My friend Scott ran to his room,
grabbed the June issue of Playboy from the
top of the stack and opened it to Diff rent
Dana as hc placed it or
Please tell Dana for me tl
her son all the luck and
world. Also, 1 would like to join her fan
Ken Zelinka
Santa Rosa, California
1 resent Dave Marsh's vicious comment
in the June Music column about the Grat
ful Dead's being “the worst band in cre-
ation." Marsh obviously doesnt know what
he is missing,
Michael Johnson
Reno, Nevada
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A light adventurer we know reports:
At the prime seat in the prime bar in the
prime hotel in Tahiti, single and under 30,
I craved an evening of adventure. The bar-
tender had the perfect idea. A taxi was
summoned, and after a 20-minute drive
into Tahit's capital city of Papeete, it
dropped me outside a Vegaslike neon
facade with a sign that blinked THE PIANO
ван. The men in line looked as if they had
just exited Camp Beverly Hills: in their
20s and early 30s, with acid-washed blue
jeans, pastel camp shirts and requisite
high-top sneakers. The women were tall,
leggy unescorted Tahitians, with large hair
and fabulous sequined ensembles.
Then one of them scooped me up,
charged to the front of the line and
dragged me past the wide-eyed bouncer
with little more than a dismissive flick of
her wrist.
I am No-No," she purred in my ear
“Like the little mosquito. Welcome to The
Piano Bar!” Whereupon she gripped my
wrist and heaved forward on her stiletto
heels into the mass of sweaty dancers.
No-No was wildly popular. She knew all
the customers, introduced me to half of
them and danced with the rest. Pulling me
close, she pointed across the room to опе
woman who, she alleged, had been Marlon
Brando's mistress.
We danced until dawn, then No-No de-
posited me into a taxi headed for my hotel
It was the next day, poolside, that a more
experienced traveler told me who—or,
rather, what—No-No is. “The Piano Bar is
a notorious hangout for mahu,” he snick-
ered. Mahu, he let me know bluntly, are
‘Tahitian men who have been raised as
women since infancy.
It seems that for the past 1000 years or
so, some boys in daughterless ‘Tahitian
families have been brought up as females.
No sexual politics here, just. pragmatics:
The men wanted an ample supply of
"women" to handle all the household
chores so that the males had beaucoup time
to fish, play the bongos and have sex. The
mahu were noted by a slightly befuddled
Captain Cook when he visited the island in
1769, and many Tahitians were convinced
that Paul Gauguin's flamboyant hair style
and preference for unusual hats proved
that he was a mahu.
As it turns out, there are hundreds of
mahu in Papeete, a community slightly
smaller than Ottumwa, lowa. Everyone
knows them. The young ones are accepted,
the older ones, respected. And all of them
dress with more splash than the real wom-
en. Most of the waiters and housekeepers
in Tahiti are mahu. Some dress as men dur-
ing the day: Most do not, Some have under-
gone surgical alterations. Most have not.
Either way, they are, like most Tahitians,
achingly beautiful, dignified and proud.
And they dance well, too.
The miracle of birth is a wonderful
thing, but what it really needs is a state-of-
the-art sound track. Fortunately, Grateful
Dead percussionist Mickey Hart has pro-
duced a new compact disc and casseue
titled Music to Be Born By, designed to fill
the delivery room with the carthy rhythm
of drums, bass harmonics, a wooden flute
anda fetal heartbeat. The ins
are intended to have a calming effect on
oothing str
the mother, the spectators and, of course,
the little guest of honor. We hear that
if this project takes off, Jerry Falwell plans
to produce Music to Be Born Again By.
Theres а new cheap-tix theater move-
ment springing up in the Midwest. In
April, Chicago's Theater Oobleck pre
viewed a salute to free speech titled Eat
My Fuck, with a “free if you're broke" show.
Not surprisingly, it sold out. Cotton
Chicago's show Coed Prison Shuts admitted
theatergoers for free—then charged them
five to ten dollars to get out, depending on
their whim, Could be an important new
trend—or maybe we just like the title Eat
My Fuck.
Robert Duvall and fans of Apocalypse
Now might be irked if they saw—or, rather,
smelled—the new scratch-and-sniff ad
from BEI Defense Systems International.
The ad, for the Hydra 70 antihelicopter
rocket, comes with the special scent of
cordite (burnt gunpowder, more or less)
and carries the headline “THE SMELL OF VIC
TORY." Wrong. As Duvall says, “I love the
smell of napalm in the morning. . . . It
smells like victory.
You probably thought that recent im-
provements in relations between the U.S.
and the Soviet Union have reduced the
chance of nuclear war significantly. Not ac-
cording to the Church Universal and Tri-
umphant (CUT). Its members, based іп
Glastonbury, Montana, arc building bomb
shelters in preparation for what they see as
an imminent nuclear attack— possibly as
arly as this October—by the Russians.
CUT newsletter, Pearls of Wisdom, has
noted that the Soviets are readying a first-
strike nuclear attack on the United States
and church members should *prepare to
survive underground."
But underground prices are soaring. Re-
portedly, 126 missile duckers have signed
on with one shelter group at a cost of $1000
mentality, trashy
trash, CBS is sophis-
ucated trash. And
NBC wavers between
network trash in the
Chicago Tribune
ber of
guages spoken
world: almost )
Number spoken in 50
percent of the world:
Percentage of
American women
who almost never
cook, seven; of Amer-
ican men, 35,
umber of days an
average American
works annually to sat-
isfy all Federal, state
and local tax obliga-
tions: 124 (he's paid
up by May fourth).
Date by which tas
were worked off in
1950: April third.
In households with a TV re-
15. тоге control, women control it Federally legislated
. only 34 percent of the time. average fuel-effi-
The guage that ciency rating for all
is the official tongue of the most na-
tions: English (more than 40 countries).
Frequency of other official languages:
French (27 countries); Arabic (21 coun-
panish (20 countries).
Most frequently spoken language:
Mandarin Chinese, with 806,000,000
‘The next-most-common languages,
by number of speakers: Eng-
lish, 426,000,000; Hindi, 313,000,000;
panish, 308,000,000; Russian,
287,000,000; Arabic, 182,000,000;
Bengali, 175,000,000; Portuguese,
166,000,000; Malay-Indonesian,
132,000,000; Japanese, 123,000,000.
Style of cooking enjoyed by the most
Americans: home-style American (68
Percentage of Americans who like
n cooking, 57; who like Mex
cooking, 48; who like Chinese cooking,
48; who like Cajun/Creole cooking, 21;
who like French cooking, 19
Percentage of American women who
do not like to cook, 14; of American
men, 25.
new cars required by 1990: 275 miles
per gallon,
Required rating this year, 26.5
m.p.g.; in 1988, 26 m.p.g.
Actual average for Chrysler Corpo-
ration cars in 1988, 284 mpg; for
General Motors cars, 276 m.p.g.; for
Ford Motor Company cars, 264 m.p.g.
Based on a survey im Prevention
magazine, state where citizens рг;
the healthi behavior Florida
least healthy, Minnesota.
Other health-conscious states: Vir-
ginia, Massachusetts, New York and
Percentage of Americans who have
bought a ticket for a state-run lottery in
the past year: 42.
State where residents spend the most
moncy per capita on lot
year: Massachusetts ($2
tickets рег
Percentage of Americans who gam-
bled in a
sino last year, 12; who
5 for money, 12; who bet оп
E event, cight; who bet on a
horse race, seven.
per person. Private two-bed modules are
planned at an additional cost of $4295
meals not included. Guess we'll have to put
our faith in glasnost.
The makers of Making Sense of the Six-
lies, a series in the works for public televi-
sion, think they can do so in a mere six
episodes. They have asked Playboy readers
for photos, film footage and other audio or
visual materials that capture the events
and experiences of that tumultuous dec-
ade. While many believe that if you can re-
member the Sixties, you weren't there,
those who managed to record the cra us-
ing whatever medium—and we dort
mean the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—should
contact the producers, Varied Directions,
Inc., at 207-236-0711
Time leaper Bakula.
МВСУ new show Quantum Leap stars
Scott Bokula as Sam Beckett, a scientist
from the present who, duc to a foul-up in
his time-travel experiment, gets lost in the
decades between his birth in the mid-
Fifties and the present. Actually, Beckett's
body doesn't go anywhere; only his mind
does. As a result, he inhabits the bodies of
people in other eras.
“In one episode, 1 play an old black man
in a small Southern town just before the
start of the civil rights movement in the
Fifties. In another, I get transported into
the body of a woman—a secretary in the
Sixties—just before the beginning of the
modern feminist movement,” says Bakula.
“Just the other day, the costume people
showed up in my trailer with their designs
for that show and said, "This is the look,
kie Kennedy look. The jacket with
ned collar. What do you think”
t's gonna be a bizarre episode.’
With such oddball goings on at work,
ula do in his spare time?
He's a sports fanatic. “There's a scene with
Jeff Bridges in See You in the Morning," he
says, “when every possible pressure you
could imagine is on him; then he opens the
sports section in the newspaper, looks up
to heaven and says, “Thank you for sports.”
1 feel that way a lot,” says Bakula.
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MURDEROUS, MOVABLE farces about shuffling
dead bodies from place to place are an old
Hollywood tradition. Weekend at Bernie's
(Fox) has a corpse that hosts a cocktail
party, gets buried in the sand and is resur-
rected to go water-sküng. Dead or alive,
Bernie is played by Terry Kiser as a
financial charlatan who invites two naive
young insurance executives (Andrew Mc-
Carthy and Jonathan Silverman) to his
beach house, planning to have them
bumped off lest they expose the details of
a multimillion-dollar scam. The lads arrive
to find their host mysteriously murdered;
the rest is body-snatching spoofery Why
rigor mortis never sets in we aren't told, but
the actors—with Catherine Mary Stewart
as Bernies attractive neighbor—work
hard to. pump life into a broad comic
premise clearly ready for last rites. Rude
and dopey as Weekend is, you'll probably
catch yourself laughing a lot УУ?
No more the suave superguy whose fans
have grown accustomed to his pace, Timo-
thy Dalton's earthy 007 in Licence fo
(MGM/UA) is a new man for a new era.
He's tough but vulnerable, hardly a sarto-
rial trendsetter but still true to form in
wanting his martini "shaken, not stirred.”
Much of his latest in the marathon
Fleming series looks like Miami Vice, 11%
hard-edged action-adventure with tlie cus-
tomary hell-and-gone stuntwork on land,
sea or aloft, mostly triggered by Bond's
personal vendetta with a ruthless Hispanic
drug lord named Sanchez (Robert Davi),
in and around Key West. The bad guys
resident moll is exotic Talisa Soto, some-
what upstaged by Bond's preferred babe-
de-camp, a blonde pilot played with fresh
all-American zest by former model Cat
Lowell. As usual, after a lot of nasty busi
ness involving sharks and machines with
cutting edges, there’s a dynamic finale—a
symphony of masterfully synchronized de-
struction. While 007 hasn't lost his touch,
he has lost some of the worldly wit that sep-
arates the Bond classics from the series’
second-string successes. vaya
Grab a crash helmet and go for Indiana
Jones and the Last Crusade (Paramount). No,
its not as fresh and exhilarating as
Raiders, but how could it be? Here's an an-
tidote for anyone who sensed sequel slug-
gishness in Temple of Doom. With Harrison
Ford back for his third outing as Jones—
and River Phoenix briefly playing In-
diana as a boy wonder in a rousing se-
quence aboard a train full of wild beasts.
and badmen—director Steven Spielberg
has done it again. Onc of the best ideas in
this second. sequel recruiting Sean
Connery to play Indiana's father, a crusty
professor who mysteriously vanishes on a
Silverman, Stewart Weekending.
When it comes to lazy,
hazy-day movie fare,
summer hot, summer not.
quest for the. Holy Grail. Connery and
Ford are a testy father-son duo, sharing
quips, imminent danger, even the favors of
a gorgeous Nazi (newcomer Alison Doo-
dy). And why not, argues Connery as the
elder Jones: “Um as human as the next
man." 10 which Indiana retorts, “I was the
next man.” Last Crusade is an adult comic
strip, hyperkinetic high adventure that
scarcely pauses for breath. ¥¥¥
The press coverage and favorable re-
views it richly deserves may become a
handicap for sex, lies, and videotape (Mira-
max) if audiences are led to expect too
much. What they get is plenty—a small,
bold, titillating and penetratingly intelli-
gent first feature by 26-year-old writer-di-
rector Steven Soderbergh, who hereby
takes a giant step from obscurity to
overnight success. This trendy and in-
tensely personal domestic drama beams in
like a laser on four bright young people їп
Baton Rouge whose lives are not quite what
they scem. Ann, played in a moving minor
key by Andie MacDowell, is the mildly
malcontent wife of John, a successful
lawyer (Peter Gallagher; see “ОН С:
сга”). While their sex life has lost its zing,
Ann tells her shrink that she doesn't much
care. She also doesn't know that John is
getting it on with her kid sister Cynthia
(Laura San Giacomo), who's a bartender
and a sultry, predatory sibling rival. Every-
one's lies are exposed after the return of
Graham (James Spader), a former school
chum of Johns, who professes a passion for
honesty—to the point of admitting that
һе potent and can get his gonads
jump-started only by making video tapes
of women confiding their darkest sexual
secrets, In an austere, laid-back and dead-
pan comic style that curiously enhances its
impact, sex, lies, and videotape examines
the values of smart young media-saturated
moderns who combine late-Eighties
norality—anything goes if you can get
away with it—with the emotional depth of
Beautiful People in TV commercials. Al-
though Soderbergh himself is the real
find, his movie puts all its actors into orbit
and marks a major career breakthrough
for actress-model MacDowell, who, as Tar-
тап well-bred mate in Greystoke, once had
all her dialog dubbed by Glenn Close. On
her own here in first-class company, Andie
is dandy. УУУУ
Everything from Bellini to. Mozart. to
Verdi is splendidly sung in The Music Teacher
(Orion Classics), last years Belgian entry
for an Oscar as best foreign-language film.
Another movie won, probably because op-
eratic excerpts are insufficient cause to cel-
ebrate pretty period schmaltz about a
great singing star (bass-baritone José van.
Dam, an excellent actor as well as a voice
often resounding through the Met and La
Scala) who retires to train two younger tal-
ents. One (Philippe Volter) isa petty thief
unaware of his potential as a leading tenor,
the other (Anne Roussel) a shy soprano.
The two are destined to fall in love and tri-
umph in a vocal competition almost at the
very moment their old master is dying.
Music lovers may lend an ear, but haven't
we had enough of broken hearts accompa-
nied by crashing cadenzas? YY
Think again before rushing off to the
French-made Kung Fu Master (Expanded
Entertainment) in the mistaken belief that
its a martial-arts epic. The title refers to a
video game favored by a 15-year-old who
looks 13 but manages to excite a 40ish di-
уогсее (Jane Birkin) with two young
daughters. She and the boy slip away for a
romantic idyl that has all the erotic impact
of atutoring session in algebra. France's es-
teemed writer-director Agnes Varda casts
her own son, Mathieu Demy (director
Jacques Demy is his father), as the garcon
whos supposedly irresistible. Maybe it
makes e sense to the French. Over
here, Kung Fu looks like fair game for
charges of child abuse. Y
According to Young Einstein (Warner), the
famed scientist who came up with the the-
ory of relativity was the son of a Tasmani-
an apple farmer. When he inadvertently
launched the nuclear age, Albert's real in-
tention was to find some way of putting
bubbles into beer. Later he invented rock
t |
The man with the hat is back! 27%
pai |
Available at better department
and ment stores,
and roll. Sull with us? Then say “Gda
and roll out a welcome mat for Yahoo Seri-
ous, the zany young Australian who
dreamed up, wrote, directed and stars in
Oh, Mr. Gallagher
rd-winning young star
y (for Tom Stoppard's
The Real Thing) but dark, hand-
some Peter Gallagher, hi
less lucky with movies. In The Idol
maker, a 1980 also-ran but now a cult
favorite, he played a rock star. Crit-
ics scolled when he swam nude on a
Greek island with. Daryl Hannah,
who tied him down and dripped
candle wax on his bare chest, in
Summer Lowers (1089). Things were
looking up as he headed for the
annes Film Festival to hype his
sixth film, the definitive study of
Yuppie love called sex, lies, and
videotape. “It feels great to be with
something hot.” Gallagher, who
ys a philandering young lawyer
sleeps with his wife's sister. At
one rendezvous, he waits for her in
lant covering his
y idea,” says С;
“I thought the character
would look silly lying there with a
sheet pulled over hisschwanz.” Early
reports indicate that the movie
could put Gallagher's screen career
in gear. After one L.A. screening, he
gota phone call from Jack Lemmon,
who, he says, “couldn't wait to tell me
what he'd overheard a woman say-
ing about me on the way ош: ‘He has
such a subtle way of being a com
plete asshole? " After Cannes, Gal-
lagher was heading for Prague to
film Milena, starring Valerie Kapri-
sky as a Czech who translates Kalk:
“I play her first husband, a notorious
womanizer.” Is he leery of being
typecast as а rake? "That's not the
worst thing that could happen," says
;allagher, grinning, "but we're los-
ing the candle wax and potted
this exuberantly madcap biographical
spoof that bursts at the seams with
сепсе and good will. Down under, Yahoo
broke box-office records and became a pop.
idol with crossover appeal rivaling that of
vintage Monty Python or the Beatles at
their peak. He's neither as funny as the
former nor as musical as the latter, but he
is Scriously hard to resist. YYY
What's missing from The Tall Guy
(Vestron) is probably the fine, frenzied
hand of Mel Brooks. Midway through this
British-made comedy starring Jeff Gold-
blum as a Yank actor in London, we're
treated to glimpses of the opening night of
a big hit show called Elephant! It's а mu:
cal version of The Elephant Man, with
Goldblum, in the title role, sporting a tiny
trunk and thick skin to dramatize his de-
formity Brooks, whose manic energy once
made movie history with The Producers
song-and-dance classic Springtime for
Hitler, might have managed another coup
de théâtre here. Tall Guy just isnt fanny, de-
spite dogged efforts by Goldblum as a
straight man itching to be a star while
making out with a Polish nympho-
maniac (Joanna Kanska), a nurse (Emma
Thompson) and his leading lady (Kim
Thomson). Goldblum stretches his own
talents, but this screwball comedy finally
comes up short. YY
Near the end of World War ‘Two. an
American soldier (Gary Graham) and his
Japanese counterpart (Cary-Hiroyuki
Tagawa) confront cach other on an isolated
South Pacilic island. The Last Warrior (SVS
Films) has a sparsely worded, occasionally
strained screenplay about a GI nonplused
by his encounter with an enemy who
dreams of dying gloriously by the sword.
samurai style. Despite credibility gaps, the
movie is made memorable by superior
camerawork, stylish scoring and editing,
plus inventive, edge-of-your-seat direction
by w director Martin Wragge, clearly
a guy with the gilt of gab when it comes to
film language, Another discovery is Maria
Holvöe, who plays a beautiful blonde rel
us novice, the untouchable virgin who
gives the American something to think
about between mano-a-mano battles with
his foe. (There was no such diversion-
eroticism for Lee Marvin and Toshiro
Mifune, who made essentially the same
movie, Hell in the Pacific, in 1969.) 44%
A skip tracer who likes to assume dis
guises meets a bail- jumping blonde in Pink
Cadillae (Warner), which has counterfeit
ers, $258,000 in contraband cash, white-
supremacist hoodlums, the blonde
baby—and that car. Taking turns behind
the wheel are Clint Eastwood and Bern;
dette Peters, the long and short of it, evi-
dently having a very good time with a
screenplay more wordy than witty Be-
clouded or not, the stars glitter. vv
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
Checolat (Reviewed 7/89) Some French
colonials’ hang-ups about color. wy
Comedy's Dirtiest Dozen (8/89) Raunchy
stand-ups ТУ won't touch, wh
Comic Book Confidential (Listed only) A
panel discussion, with balloons. wy
Do the Right Thing (8/89) Spike Lee on
racism, wryly recycled as showbiz. УУУУ
Field of Dreams (7/89) Baseball players
from a diamond in the sky, with Kevin
Costner as the beautiful dreamer. ¥¥¥
Getting It Right (7/89) Jolly English farce
features Lynn Redgrave making waves
with a virginal hairdresser vv
How to Get Ahead in Advertising (7/89)
Rachel Ward's the baffled wife of a chap
promoting a cure for zits. Wh
Indiana Jones and the lost Crusade (Sec
review) Ford in a solid sequel. wy
Kung Fu Moster (See review) He's sti
very wet behind the ears. ¥
The Last Warrior (Sce review) New look at
a familiar World War Two story ұу
Lawrence of Arabia (5/89) All this and
hail Peter O'Toole. Masterful. — vvvvv
la Lectrice (8/89) Erotica by the book
with Frances grand Miou-Miou. ¥¥¥
Licence to Kill (See review) Bond's back,
and Dalton has him. ЕУ
Little Vera (5/89) Sexual revolution опе
steppe at a time, with Russia's
Negoda leading the way.
Lost Angels (8/89) Troubled teen Adam
Horovitz meets Donald Suther-
land. Wa
The Music Teacher (Sec review) Melodic,
but we've heard this song before. — wx
Pink Cadillac (See review) Needs work,
but Clintand Bernadette deliver wu
The Rainbow (7/89) Early D. H.
Lawrence done to a turn by Ken Rus-
sell УУУ
Road House (8/89) Patrick Swayze's the
bouncer and the whole show. WA
Scandal (5/89) Bad little girls go every-
where with naughty Brits. wy
Scenes from the Closs Struggle in Beverly
Hills (8/89) Socially irrelevant—and lots
of wicked fun. vvv
sex, lies, and videotope (Sce review) Busy
foursome involved with all three, УУУУ
Shell Shock (8/89) Postwar blues. ұу
The Tall Guy (Sec review) Yankee doo-
dling with an actor in London. w
Weekend at Bernies (Scc review) Body
snatchers with a sense of humor. vw
Young Einstein (See review) With love
from down under, a Serious come-
dy vvv
vw Outstanding
vvv Don't miss ух Worth a look
¥¥¥ Good show Y Forget it
$ menthol cigarettes "7%
ls taste the same...
г Marlboro
e Philip Morris Inc 1989.
By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal
| Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight.
lo by FTC method.
"| am so easy when it
comes to the videos |
enjoy,” says X-flick-
queen emeritus Marilyn
Chambers. Indeed, her
VCR hit list ranges from
psychological mysteries
: to screwball comedies
starring Carole Lombard
to anything by Ingmar Bergman (“Му favorite di-
rector, no question”). And while lush ro-
mances— (Casablanca, The African Queen, The
French Lieutenant s Woman—score high marks
with Chambers, she's a pushover for steamier
love stories such as The Big Easy and Two Moon
Junction. Which brings us to the real question:
Does Marilyn (whose recent Party Incorporated
is R-rated) ever rent the types of videos she
used to make? Absolutely. "But when | sit down
to an X-rated film, 1 honestly don’t want to see a
story and all that shit,” she admits. "I just like
to see the actors getting into it like | did—re-
айу having a good time. БЕГІС
20 vears old; Don Kirshners
Rock Concer faded into late-night
oblivion; MTV caters to the Clearasil
crowd. But fear not, there is a niche in
videoland for rollicking live concert films
in the tradition of Monterey Pop and the
Stones! Gimme Shelter. Namely:
The Last Waltz: Robbie Robertson leads the
Band's 1976 farewell concert, joined by
Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton and Ringo Starr.
Martin Scorsese's direction—with intimate
dose-ups and personal interviews—set the
standard for all rock Hicks to follow.
Stop Making Sense: Jonathan Demme cap-
tured this 1984 Talking Heads gig by fo-
cusingon the performance, which includes
a slide show of bare body parts and Byrne
cavorting about in his big suit. The real
scorcher: Burning Doun the House.
Sign 'O' the Tim: Гһе dynamic imp of sex
rock, Prince, brings his steamy road
show—complete with ladyfriends—to your
home. For every yin of his hips, there
bone-cracking yang from Cat
Youlll also see a pumped-up She
ton, and drum; Sheila
yond compare. The music ain't bad, either.
The Everly Brothers Reunion Concert: Onc of
the more quietly received events of this
decade was the 1983 reunion of Don and
Phil. But video never forgets, and the leg-
endary duo proves that its harmonies sur-
vived the test of t
watching with your lady,
Wake Up, Little Susie. Remember how it
worked for you back then? It still will.
led Zeppelin: The Song Remoins the Same:
Take some dry ice, mix in thousands of.
ng fans hoisting their butanes,
splice in shots of the Zep's golden tour jet,
throw in a few long-haired maidens, add
a handful of joints tossed on stage by a
generous crowd. d you have only half
of this video. Sheer madness.
our movie critic goes to the tape
Lately, we've been seeing a lot of straight-
to-video films—movies that never quite
made it at (or to) your neighborhood the-
ater. This can mean a good film that fell
through the cracks or, more frequently
dog that deservedly died at the box о!
Here’ a guide to a few of them:
Cohen and Tate: His fans may object, but
Roy Scheider is effective as a hired killer
whose partner (Adam Baldwin) wants to
waste a kid they have just orphaned. Have
a six-pack handy.
The Experts: This
Travolta film went
straight to video and you'll see why Не a
disco-club-hopper shanghaied to Russia,
where there's a fake Nebraska town used
by the K.G.B. to train agents. Got it? Glas-
nost killed off this turkey. Good riddance.
African gin mill? Ben Gazzara's her lov
tortured by guilt over a bastard son. Atmos-
pheric but asinine. Poor Julie.
Stealing Heaven: Elegant 12th Century
erotica about classic star-crossed lovers
Heloise and Abélard. Denholm Elliott is
the vengeful uncle who has his niece's tu-
tor castrated. Sexploitation in high style.
Under the Gun: Sam Jones (who once played
Mississippi Burning (1964 civil rights murder cose in
Deep South; flowed history but explosive dromo); Dan-
gerous Liaisons (serious bed-hopping in 18th Century
France; Pfeiffer at her loveliest, Close ot her wickedest);
Child's Play (kid's doll on murder spree; silly, scory as hell).
Twins (Schwarzenegger ond DeVito os long-lost sibs; di-
rected by Ivan [Ghostbusters] Reitman); The Best of Gilda
Radner (remembering S.N.L's funniest lady; Roseanne
Raseannadanna, Boba Wowo, et ol.); The In-Laws (Arkin
оз harried dentist, Falk as crazy CIA ogent; a riot).
Dirty Tennis (Dick Von Patten on how to humi
court rival; о nosty, funny crash cours
(replays ond recollections af 37 boseball greats; Billy
Crystal guest-stars); AWWF Premiere (top lady wrestlers
in “steamy One-on-anes” and
Flash Gordon) plays a Dirty Harry-ish сор
opposite former dethroned Miss America
Vanessa Williams—lookin’ good, acting
adequately. Both deserve better things.
White Hot: Not very. Director and star Rob-
by Benson has mostly himself to blame for
his poor showing as a “temp” drug dealer
who just wants to clear up his debts. Tawny
Kitaen is his wife with a bad habit.
Remote Poss
ies: OK, thanks to
Magnavox, now you'll never have to get off
the couch. Yep, its new four-head VCR
(VR9846AT) has а 49-function remote
control. Included with this hand-held mas-
terpiece are full on-screen function dis-
plays and bar-code programing.
Childproof TV: Tired of your kids’
watching slasher films? JVC's Telstar Mas-
ter Command II line comes with a feature
that lets you lock out three channels with a
code known only to you
Best Let's-Pray-You' ll-Never-Be-This-Bored Vid-
eos: The Magic of Paper Folding and Tissue
Paper Art: Best Building Videos Not Inspired һу
Donald Trump: Building Mr Universe Thighs
and Building Your Own Rod; Most Pathetic
How-to Tape: How to Party; Favorite Video Con-
versations: How to Talk to the Elk, How to Find
and Call the Wild Turkey and Soliloquy to a
Salmon and the Atlantic Salmon; Best It's-a-
Living Video: Boning and Carving.
le your
; Grand Slam!
ing tag teams").
Ilove museums. j
Ive been to Cooperstown |
ee times. j
Cognac we
Hennéssy а
The Spirit of the Civilized Rogue.
THERE ARE а handful of writers who dare to
wrestle larger-than-life themes, pursue ex-
tremes and transcend the normal limita-
tions of prose to reach for a personal vision
of The Great American Novel. Thomas
Pynchon, Norm Mailer and Robert
Stone come to mind. With Mile Zero
(Knopf). Thomas Sanchez joins them.
His bold, vividly imagined novel set in
Key West skillfully intertwines half a
dozen story lines into the central tale of a
Cuban-American cop searching through
the wildly diverse collection of Conchs,
Haitians, drug runners, Vietnam vets,
gays, crazies, burnt-outs, barflies and ide-
alists to find a killer. The plot, an ab-
sorbing phantasmagoria in itself, is a way
of exploring the history and culture of Key
West, the southernmost extreme of the
United States: “Mile Zero” of Highway
One. This symbolic place is also our deep-
est territorial incursion into the worlds of
the Caribbean and Latin America—the
end of the road and the start of the Ameri-
can dream for legal and illegal refugees.
Sanchez embellishes the natural
metaphor of this island in dazzling pas-
sages of poetic prose: the kind of language
to give you a late-night literary high. Then
he brings you back to earth with a rich cast
of Faulk folk characiers— people
such as St. Cloud, the burntout Sixties
radical forgetting his losses in bottles of
rum; MK, the Vietnam vet turned drug
runner; Evelyn, who spent her youth sleep-
ing with soldiers to persuade them not to
go to Vietnam and now turns to women for
love: Angelica, a sexy antifeminist who
її take yes for an answer; Isaac, the dy-
ing painter, who is a brilliant portrait of
the artist as an old man: and Justo
Tamarindo, the son of a Cuban cigar mak-
er, who seeks moral truth in a town full of
blurry ethical accommodations.
Beyond the powerful storytelling and
rich characterization, there is a spiritua
1. Conjuring with Ke
wes of teria, voodoo and
Catholicism, Sanchez takes us to the meta-
physical core of every character. He em-
braces a swirl of philosophical ideas and
themes on a big canvas and suggests
through his island oddballs that each of us,
no matter how mundane our lives, embod-
ics a cosmological struggle. This novel is a
rare and exhilarating expe
liant wide-angle metaphorical treatise on
modern American lile.
If Mile Zero is a poetic distillation of re-
ality, Jonathan Coleman's Exit the Rainmaker
(Atheneum) is the nonfiction version of ev-
eryone' secret fantasy. One day in 1982, a
respected and beloved 47-year-old coll
president, who lived in a 23-room Geor-
gian house in southern Maryland with his
Mile Zero: a Great American Novel.
Explore Key West,
indulge your secret fantasy
and laugh your ass off.
wife of М years, simply disappeared. Al-
though about 600,000 missing persons are
reported to the FBI cach year, few are suc-
cessful men who walk away from it all with
$28,000 in their pockets. Fewer still are lo-
cated by a writer who tells the story of such
a Walter Mitty fantasy in detail.
The book begins with a step-by-step re-
counting of how Jay Carsey's wife, col-
leagues, family and friends were shocked
to learn that he had disappeared, leaving
only some brief, unenlightening farewell
notes. Despite speculations, fears and even
pursuit by a private investigator, Carsey
could not be found. Coleman then details,
often in the fugitives own words, how
Carey had planned this disappearance
over a period of six months, though the
motivation for it was not clear, even to him.
(Later, we learn about the pressures of his
job, the problems in his marriage, his first
infidelity and his suspicion that people
liked him only for his position, not for
himself.) Jay headed for El Paso, Texas,
where he started tending bar, eventually
remarried and spent years waveling.
The New Yorker's laly correspondent,
William Mu describes himself as a
race-track degenerate who supports his
habit by writing novels. Personally, 1 hope
he never wins big enough to stop writing,
because the comic capers of his alter ego,
horse player/magician Shifty Lou Ander-
son, “The Poor Mans Houdini," become
more hilarious. with h book. In his
fourth Shifty novel, The King of the Nighteap
(Bantam), our hero becomes the owner of
a horse with a belly so big it looks preg-
nant. He also gets mixed up with a beauti-
ful female jockey a priceless Mayan
arüfact and ends up performing in a
porno film as “Bram Stoker.” Murray has
the lighthearted touch of a contemporary
Damon Runyon and surrounds himself
with a cast of eccentrics to match.
Spcaking of comedy, The Fireside Treasury
of New Humor (Fireside), edited by Al Sar-
rantonio, is an uneven but occasionally
hysterically funny collection of comedy
writing from the past 15 years. This an-
thology is worth having for P. J. O'Rourke's
“How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Get-
Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not
Spill Your Drink” alone, but there are out-
rageous contributions from lan Frazier,
Roy Blount Jr, Joe Bob Briggs and Лот
Bodet. At long last, some women have
broken into the comedy club, including
Delia Ephron, Merrill Markoe, Fran
Lebowitz, Cynthia Heimel and Stephanie
Brush (whose “Сап You Be Friends with
Your Brain?" is a gem).
Finally, Robert Olen Butler has written а
heart-wrenching, bittersweet novel about a
Vietnamese teenager called The Deuce (Si-
mon & Schuster). Vo Dinh Thanh lives
with his mother, a drug addict and prosti-
tute, in Saigon until his American father
comes to take him just before the collapse
in 1975. He is renamed Anthony James
Hatcher and tries to live in middle-class
Point Pleasant, New Jersey But torn by
personal demons and cultural conflicts, he
runs away to 42nd Street in New York,
known as "the Deuce" in street lingo, and
takes on that nickname as his third identi-
ty His struggle to survive in that slum
nightmare and to come to grips with his
Vietnamese heritage is told in the street
wise voice of a hurt, scared kid. This is a
tough, moving book.
Running the Amozon (Knopf), by Joe
апе: Few places are as wild as the 4200
miles of the Amazon River. If you remem-
ber Martin Sheen's boat ride in Apocalypse
Now, add drug smugglers, subtract Brando
and prepare for an adventure.
The Legend of Chris-Craft (Write Stuff), by
Jeffrey L. Rodengen: For the better part of
the past 115 years, Chris-Craft has been
the name in American boating. This epic
volume charts its course in pictures and
words. Prepare for a long cruise through
waters sometimes less than calm.
How to Abuse and Insult Everyone!, by Fred
Reiss: If you've ever been a few seconds too
late with a comeback, buy Reiss ($6.95 to
ВО. Box 1523, Pacifica, California 94044).
те Dominos had
springwear!” is a favorite.
NO ROCKAND-ROLL story сап be complete
without a healthy smudge of vulgarity, but
despite what Sam Kinison and his wres-
tling cronies seem to believe, vulgarity by
itself is never sufficient. That's why the pri-
orities of great rock and roll are far better
fulfilled by N.W.A.'s Straight Outta Compton
(Ruthless/Priority) and Sandra Bernhard's
Without You I'm Nothing (Enigma).
N.WA.'s musical settings first slice cur-
rent R&B fashion to ribbons and then go
оп to pretty up the latest in gang-culture
bad-mouthing. There's not a track here to
give a radio programmer comfort, and a
whole bunch of what the group has to say
(about women, drugs, cops and the sancti-
ty of private property) will make any mod-
erately civilized soul squirm. But that’s the
point: N.WA. establishes its turf within
Southern California's gangland street cul-
turc by not just eschewing but cviscerating
middle-dass morality. This isnt a bohemi-
an stance; its the real thing—music to
make the blood run cold, and for no better
reason than just to make sure it fits into the
culture that produced it. The group says
itials stand for Niggas with Attitude.
Sandra Bernhard is N.WA. with a smil-
ing face. Sort of. From the first number, in
which she guts cabaret singing, to the last,
a riotous female-but-not-feminist reading
of Prince's Little Red Corvette, she batters
everything she loathes in contemporary
culture, which is almost everything. Bern-
hard is the perfect hipster, which means
she reserves her deepest animosity for oth-
er hipsters. And so, in the grand tradition
of Lou Reed, as a brassy comedienne with
attitude, Bernhard is a rock-and-roll star
сусп if her covers of Zombies and Marvin
Gaye tunes veer off in the direction of the
night-club ditties she loves to loathe.
Bernhard rock.
Tough titters from
Sandra Bemhard and even
tougher stuff from N.W.A.
don't hear a Fight for Your Right, 1 also
wasn't smart enough to handicap Wild
Thing as the biggest rap single in history.
Bearing down on the cleverest rhymes in
the biz—"Expanding the horizons and ex-
ig the parameters / Expanding the
of sucker т.с. amateurs"—the
Beasties concentrate on tall tales rather
than boasting or dissing. In their irrespon-
sible, exemplary way, they make fun of
drug misuse, racism, assault and other real
vices fools may accuse them of. And be-
cause they're still bad boys, other bad boys
may take them seriously.
One reason nobody knew what thc
Beastie Boys were going to do for an en-
core is that Licensed to Ill redefined rap as
‚ In a cutthroat world predicated on
the insult, you don’t do that twice. But if
Paul's Boutique (Capitol) doesn't jump you
the way great rap usually does, it an-
nounces that these guys aren't about to
burn out on their yaunted vices—not chee-
ba, not pussy, certainly not fame. With pro-
ducer Rick Rubin now turning out hard
rock full time, Pauls Boutique skips the сх-
pansive pop-metal hooks that made the
Beasties rich and famous. It’s not as thick
and threatening as Public Enemy or as
waggish as De La Soul, but the Beasties
and Tone-Locs Dust Brothers have worked
ош a sound that sneaks up on you with its
stark beats and literal-minded samples,
sometimes in a disturbing way. And while I
As a press agent's concept, “Donny Os-
mond leaves his repressively inane past be-
hind" is compelling. Unfortunately, as the
idea behind his comeback, Donny Osmond
(Capitol), it doesn't work. Escaping sister
Marie to pose for pictures with Billy Idol
and to become a less explicit George
Michael—with black-leather jacket and
stubble—does not qualify as liberation in
my dictionary, But if your heart is heavy
with nostalgia for Flock of Seagullstype
synthesizer riffs, maybe it will in yours.
Lately, I've been reaching for Bombs
Away (Rykodisc), by Evan Johns and the
H-Bombs, when I need a shot of adren-
aline from my cassette player. A seventh-
degree black belt in “Texas twang, Johns
plays ferociously exuberant guitar and
sings in exuberantly ferocious voice. Note
that this is rock and roll, not the usual
aerobic recycling of virtuoso blues that
seems to be the norm in Texas. Johns and
his H-Bombs are truly explosive (aided by
the incendiary production of Gary Tallent
from the E Street Band) and deserve a
hearing beyond the roadhouse.
The O'Jays are back but without the leg-
endary writer producers Kenny Gamble
and Leon Huff. Once an unknown Ohio
trio, the O'Jays became Gamble and Huff's
favorite mouthpieces. But th
1975, and Eddie Levert, Walter
and Sammy Strain have moved on to con-
trol their destiny. Levert, Williams and
friend Terry Stubbs produced most of Seri-
ous (EMI), with other cuts contributed by
Gerald Levert and Mare Gordon of the
O'Jays’ off-shoot trio, LeVert, and by Los
Angeles-based producer Dennis Lam-
bert. While the songs aren't as distinctive
as the classic O'Jays hits, the singing is as
soulful and stirring as ever. In fact, one of
ALTHOUGH still best known for his gui-
tarwork m the Police, Andy Summers’
career as а composer, a producer and
an instrumentalist has taken off with
“The Golden Wire,” his second solo
LP. He was eager to hear the latest
from some other multitalented music
makers, the Neville Brothers.
“Yellow Moon, in spite of a few
flaws, is a great record. The out-
standing — thing—as — always—is
Aaron Neville's singing. It's the tone
quality, the phrasing—all those
things. His is a God-given gift—an
extremely sweet sound—and the way
he breaks into falsetto is spine-tin-
gling. And the production here is
great; I've never heard his voice so
clearly on vinyl before. He and the
band bring amazing interpretations
to Bob Dylan songs, like With God
on Our Side—very powerful, very
soulful. Some of the material
sounds a little too much like their
usual New Orleans stufi—then
again, theyre the kings of that
genre. I recommend Fellow Moon
highly. It solidifies the Neyilles’ place
in American music in a big way.”
| | | |
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ny Sugarman, who moonlights as the
Doors’ keeper of the flame, turned
down a request from ‘Trojan condoms
to use the Doors’ 1969 hit Touch Me in a
commercial, Ah, life; ah, art!
is working out a deal to bring his auto:
biography to the big screen. . .. Former
Blaster Dave Al is writing songs for
the next John Waters film, Cry Baby, a
fantasy about the birth of rock and roll.
The movie stars Johnny Depp, with ap-
pearances by Iggy Pop, Traci Lords, Patty
Hearst and that Fifties icon, Troy Don-
ahve. . . . Depeche Mode 101, the band's
movie, is raking in big bucks without
any newspaper advertising. - - . Look
for Dolly Parton, along with Shirley
Maclaine and Sally Field, in Steel Magno-
lias. . .. We're crossing our fingers: The
Rock "m Roll High School sequel will
likely have the Ramones involved
again... . Yes, that’s Tiffany's voice doing
Judy Jetson in Jetsons: The Movie.
NEWSBREAKS: Jason Bonham and his
band will have a debut album in the
stores any day now. . . . Laurie Anderson 15
planning a concert tour from October
to April, doing а week in each place.
Among the artists who will have boxed
sets out before Christinas are the Bee
Gees, Van Morrison, Simon and Garfunkel,
the Byrds, Moody Blues, Bob Marley and
the Who, to name a few. Last years Eric
Clapton, Dylan and Bruce Springsteen sets
each sold more than 250,000 copies. . .
Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis are 100 busy
starting up a record label and produc-
ing thc likes of Janet Jackson to partici-
patc in rcuniting their former band,
the Time. . . . John Cougar Mellencamp has
produced the debut album of James Mc-
Murtry, son of novelist Larry (Last Picture.
Show, Lonesome Dove) McMurtry. Mellen-
camp says producing other people isn't
his thing, but “this kid is such a wonder-
ful writer.” Like father, like son. . . .
Newcastle-Under-Lyme College in Eng-
land will offer a 15-week summer
course on the Beatles, free to students,
thanks to a grant from the band’s
record company. . . . Hall & Oates arc
gearing up for their 18th album. . . . Nat-
ойе Cole and Dionne Warwick arc ap-
pearing together in Las Vegas right
about now. . . . In other Dionne news:
She, Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight are
planning anothcr ПВО special and a
possible tour and record. . . . Rock mer-
chandising is finally moving out of con-
cert halls and record stores to malls and
7-Elevens. Aside from the ubiquitous
T-shirt, look for socks, beach towels and
nightshirts. . КУ esos tius REST
ing songs for a Culture Club reunion.
The Sixties group Moby Grape has 1 re-
united to produce a video documentary
and an album. Only one problem: Le-
gal snarls bar them from using the
name that made them famous. So
they're calling themselves the Melvilles.
Get it? .. . The CBS ten-part series The
Masters of R&B should be in full swing
by now. Why can't this last past the sum-
mer? ... Motown plans to merchandise
its logo on clothes, hats, glasses and
watches starting next year. . . . INXS
wont begin recording a follow-up to
Kick until November. . . . Finally, here's
onc for all you frustrated performers,
off-kcy singers and rhythmless dancers:
"The International Association of Whis-
ters and John Ascuaga’s Nugget in
Reno, Nevada, invite you to The
World's 12th International (foreign
competition, even!) Whistle-Off on
October 14—15. Work on something
technically difficult. How about the
Orange Blossom Special?
the pleasant things about Serious is how it
showcases not only Levert's p: atc lead
voice but Williams” mellow tenor. On the
ballad Out of My Mind and the slow-tempo
Lene It Alone, the interplay between the
flashy Levert and the supple Williams
makes the songs work. But Have You Had
Your Love Today?, a hip-hop-R&B track,
wants to be on the cutting edge of black
pop but comes off contri Itis the more
mainstream material that makes Serious,
well, serious.
Soul И Soul (Virgin) is the latest assault by
the black British invasion. А concoction of
two writer-producers, Jazzie B and Nellee
Hooper, Soul II Soul attempts to present a
ОК. interpretation of a wide range of
African-American musical genres (тар,
house, R&B). Mostly, the music is more in-
teresting than compelling. The exception
Ceep On Movin’, on which Caron Wheel-
ers vocal floats over a track that blends
a hip-hop drum-machine beat with а
swirling string arrangement. The tension
between the two sounds is exhilarating.
Most fans willing to shell out almost $60
for such box sets as Eric Clapton's Cross-
roads or the Santana retrospectives expect
to get all their heroes' hits, plus some rare
or previously unreleased material. Dreams
(Polygram), an Allman Brothers extrava-
ganza, is the latest four-CD/six-album
opus, put together by the same folks who
brought you Crossroads. Duane and Gregg,
aided by Dickey Betts, were arguably the
best white blues-rock aggregation to come
ош of the South. And while Dreams may
be a musicologist’s delight, its many minor
faults add up to a major irritation. Unlike
Crossroads, where the hit version of the title
tune was presented along with an invig-
orating slow-burn alternate take from the
Dominoes period, Dreams offers decidedly
inferior takes of the band’s two most incen-
diary, tight blues-rock romps, One Way Out
and Statesboro Blues, and leaves out the
classic originals. That’s infuriating! Also,
the remixes from the Eat a Peach session
add nothing; they just fiddle with the orig-
inals enough to be pointlessly irritating.
Why fix what doesn't need fixing?
What does work is the quad-to-stereo
remixes of the At Fillmore East live materi-
al, which clarify and enrich without skew-
ing the songs’ dynamics. Rarc highlights
include a moving Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr, tribute by Gregg from 1968, God Rest
His Soul, in which he truly finds his own.
voice. Ditto an astonishing Duane solo
piece from the same period, Goin’ Down
Slow, which features the most profound
white-blues guitar playing Ive ever
heard—as if all of Clapton's Bluesbreakers
sessions were squeezed into onc song. Not
зо an almost 20-minute King Curtis trib-
ute that highlights the Allmans’ worst
fault, intermir esr jams that tend to nod
out in the middle. Dreams could have been
fascinating at half the length and price.
Taste erd of ٠
© wed Baw T. £o.
Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.
E ch time college football season rolls
around, I begin to ponder whether
people can hold their own against wild
animals, pets, colors and elements.
Bears, Wildcats and Tigers abound, as we
know, but there arc plenty of pcoplc out
there, make no mistake. Sooners arc peo-
ple, for instance. So are Cornhuskers,
Mountaineers, Trojans, Rebels, Deacons
and Tarheels. Even an Aggie is a person.
Other people happen to be Cava-
liers, Volunteers, Hoosiers, Cowboys, Spar-
tans, Middies, Crusaders, Illini, Black
Knights, Jayhawkers and Boilermakers.
Which brings up something. Nothing
against Purdue, a fine institution, but can
you imagine a time in our nations history
when a student body would actually choose
Boilermakers for a nickname?
Was it during the Industrial Revolution?
The Fighting Irish are also people,
though in the interest of accuracy, today
they might better be known as the Notre
Dame Fighting Ethnics.
Frankly there are too many Tigers,
Wildcats and Bears around, as I see й
Tigers can be found at Clemson, LSU,
Missouri, Auburn and Princeton, not to
forget Memphis State, Jackson State, Texas
Southern, Doane, Occidental, Sewanee,
Trinity (Texas) and Morehouse,
Wildcats are in evidence at Kentucky,
Northwestern, Arizona and Kansas State,
not to forget Villanova, Davidson, New
Hampshire, Baker, Culver-Stockton and
Abilene Christian
Bears hibernate at Cal, Baylor and
Brown, but there are Bruins at UCLA as
well as Grizzlies at Montana and Polar
Bears at Bowdoin. Berkeleys Bears are
golden, by the way, which doesn't explain
ит» are Old Blue.
numerous pets in existence in
the form of Georgia and Yale Bulldogs,
Washington Huskies, Oregon Ducks, Ore-
gon State Beavers, Minnesota Gophers,
Wisconsin Badgers, Virginia Tech: Gob-
blers, Boston U Terriers, Texas Longhorns,
Rice and Temple Owls, and some might
even concede TCU Horned Frogs and
Maryland ‘Terrapins, which are ‘Terps to
headline writers and Turtles to people who
live in lagoons.
What about elements, you may ask? FII
give you elements. There are Hurricanes
at Miami and Tulsa, though how a Hurri-
cane would get to Tulsa is unclear, and
there are Cyclones at lowa State.
Atthe same time, there are at least three
зо Oceans that 1 know of. There is the Crim-
son Tide of Alabama, the Green Wave of
‘Tulane and the Waves of Pepperdine, but
none has ever scheduled a game against
the Stoned Surfers.
Why? Because there are no Stoned
Surfers, officially, just as there are по
Alpacas, Armadillos, Boobies, Camels,
Thistles, Dachshunds, Orangutans, Pos-
cupincs, Whippoorwills, Rulfcd Grouses,
Gnus, Iguanas, Egrets or Fighting Ro-
Of equal interest is the fact that in a
modern society, there are no Fighting
Sheetrockers, Fighting ‘Tree Planters,
Fighting Pest Controllers, Fighting Roof-
ers, Fighting Plumbers or Fighting Wall-
paperers to suit up on Thanksgiving Day
and do battle against their traditional ri-
vals, the Fighting Pool Cleaners, the Fight-
ing Appraisers, the Fighting Real Estate
Agents, the Fighting Loan Officers, the
Fighting Defense Attorneys and the Fight-
ing Sportswriters.
Much is left to be done in this country.
Among people, a study shows that many
of them are Indians. Bands of Indians
roam the campuses of William & Mary, Ar-
kansas State, McMurry, Catawba, North-
cast Louisiana and Juniata, while bands of
Redskins are at Miami of Ohio and Red-
men roam the campuses of Ripon and
Florida State, Aztecs at San Diego State,
Sioux at North Dakota, Chippewas at Cen-
tral Michigan, Choctaws at Mississippi Col-
lege, a Tribe at Huron and, don't kid me,
the Orangemen at Syracuse used to be
Savages before they became a color.
All this despite Stanford's efforts to
stamp ош Indians a few years back.
In Palo Alto one swell day in the early
Seventies, a small group of "Native Ameri-
cans"—I say they were led by Sitting Bull's
eighth ex-cousin by marriage—brought
pressure to bear on a spineless administra-
tion, saying that the name Indians “de-
meaned their heritage;
The administr: ranged a “student
referendum” (at least six students out of
12,000 are known to have voted), and the
once proud Stanford Indians, who used to.
go to the Rose Bowl a lot when they were
Indians, suddenly became a silly color, the
Stanford Cardinal.
"This change still doesn't sit well with the
school's old grads, nor has it ever been any-
thing but a joke to the students, who from
time to time will агу to arrange another
referendum and get the name changed to
something more appropriate, such as the
Wealthy Few or the Robber Barons. I hap-
pen to have a danghter who graduated
from Stanford, and it was she who once
said, “If we want to be like the Harvard
imson, why not go all the way and be-
come the Stanford Harvards?
There are other colors around, to be
sure. There is a Big Green at Dartmouth,
which also used to be Indians, a Red and
Blue at Penn, a Big Red at Cornell, a Big
Red at Denison and some Maroons here
and there.
Probably not many kiddies around who
remember that the University of Chicago
Maroons used to play football in the Big
Ten when it was the Big Nine.
That was before the intellectuals on the
campus decided that college football was a
beastly endeavor, something that ought to
be dropped so they could devote full time
to inventing the atomic bomb.
Mississippi State once had Maroons, too,
before they became Bulldogs. For years
they were Maroons, but I'm not entirely
sure it ever was a color-
My Websters Collegiate Dictionary says а
maroon is ive negro slave of the
West Ind па in the 17th and
18th Centu
Get back to me on that.
If you think people might think you order Chivas to show off,
maybe you're thinking too much.
A: gendo ems its ubt
few months, the Eighties will be
dead and gone. We'll «ay farewell to the
decade that brought us Ronnie and Nancy
and Ollie and Madonna. Gosh, what titans
they were, too! Isn't it awful to lose them
like this?
What's ahead for us in the Nineties? Will
Bill Bradley capture the White House in
1992? Will the Chicago Cubs finally play in
the world series in 1995, exactly 50 years
after their last series appearance? Will
communism crumble before religious tun-
damentalism in 1999?
Wait a minute; this is a Men column. I al-
most forgot what I was writing here. These
questions don't cut it. These questions
aren't at the center of mens hearts.
Face it; the major question for men as
they enter the Nineties has nothing to do
s or sports or religion. No way.
Us guys will be asking only one question as
this decade passes: Will I get laid in the
Nineties? is all we'll be thinking about on
Tanuary first.
You've come to the right place to find out.
about your sexual future, men. Because
“The Nineties Sex Quiz" that follows is a
true indicator of your chances and possi-
bilities. The men who take this test and.
pass it will be drowning nightly in the liq-
vids of love, all the way from 1990 to the
year 9000. But those who fail this quiz face
a very dry ten years in the desert. Tough
choices for tough guys, right?
If you're man enough, take the quiz. If
you're chicken, pass it by. And please note:
If youre a woman, do not read it. You
would learn too much about us, and you
know enough already, thank you.
1. The best opening line for the Nineties
will be
A. “Hi, I'm an investment banker.
B. “Hi, I’m a commodities broker.”
C."Hi, I'm a lawyer.”
D. “Ні, I'm not in debt.”
2. The new dance of the decade will be
A. The Donald Trump jump
B. The George Bush surf" glide
C. The Frank Zappa fox trot
D. The ayatollah stomp.
3.70 get in shape for sex, men vill
A. Pump iron
B. Play golf
C. Play tennis
D. Pump fur
4. To get in shape for sex, women vill
A. "Take aerobic-dance classes
B. Practice yoga
C. Take aikido
D. Inventa nuclear-powered vibrator
5. The percentage of women who reach
orgasm with you while having intercourse
during the Nineties will be
A. 95 percent
B. 35 percent
C. 75 percent
D. Youll never really know, asshole
6. The sexiest gift for a woman will be
A. A dozen roses
B. A red Ferrari
C. A diamond necklace.
D. All extant copies of your prenup-
alipalimony agreements
he sexiest scent that will appeal to
in the Nineties will be
А. Eau de cologne
B. Eau de sperm
Eau de musk
. Eau de surrender
8. The best sexual lubricant will be
A. K-Y jelly
В. Exxon sludge
C. Coconut oil
D. Penis butter
9. The favored sexual position for wom-
en during intercourse will be
A. Woman astride/man below
B. Man above/woman below
le by side/belly to belly
D. The one she tried while she said she
was visiting her sister, with three basc-
ball players, a trucker and a trapeze
10. As a sign that she is your love slave
during the Nineties, your woman will
A. Give you a hand job any time, any-
. Give you a blow job nightly
С. Compose a pornographic poem
about Mr. Happy and read it unan-
nounced at the next city-council meeting
D. Go pantiless every day of the week
11. The sexiest clothing a man can wear
during the Nineties will be
A. A gray three-piece suit
В. Sweat shirt and jeans
C. A short pink skirt and a cute little
blouse with shoulder pads
D. Nothing at all
12. The sexiest clothing a woman can
wear during the Nineties will be
A. An open Eisenhower jacket, a red
garter belt and red pumps
В. A very thin lcopardskin Icotard
ın Tshirt
D. Nothing at all
13. By the year 2000, men and women
will be
A. Feuding and fighting.
B. Shucking and jiving
C. Swinging and slinging
D. Just plain doing it
14. The ideal woman of the Nineties
will be
A. Tall and sensuous
B. Short and erotic
С. Medium and carnal
D. Indecent, improper, racy, sugges-
live, exciting, seductive, sexy, tantaliz-
ing, hedonistic, luscious, lusty, earthy,
bawdy, amorous, fervent, eager, provoca-
tive, humorous, impassioned, romantic,
torrid, turned on, wanton, orgasmic,
risqué and X rated
15. Ло compute your score on this quiz,
you should
A. Multiply the number of “A” an-
swers by your age
B. Divide the number of
by pi
C. Ask your mommy to figure it out
D. Unilaterally declare that you
passed it, toss it ош and go play
arly Happy New Decade to you,
men. The Nineties will be filled with chal-
lenges, but we all know the one that is at.
the top of our list. May the bluebird of sex-
uality visit your doorstep on a regular basis
and may the new decade bring you all love,
peace and wonderment.
SUUM =====
©1989 ЕМС
How To Cope When It Starts Getting Lonely At The Top.
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BoarHide is specially
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BoorHide is so supple,
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breaking it in.
unique process so its better
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The Wolverine
Extended Wear Wedge hasa
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end up with extremely flex-
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And you end up with boots
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BoarHide makes them
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BoarHide makes them
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BoarHide also makes
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Where cowhide can be stiff
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When your boots get
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Andat the bottom,
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So try a pair of Wolver-
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Available in safety toes and wide widths.
Made in the U.S.A.
I just had the most fabulous bath. I used
perfumed oil with egg, honey and
vanilla in it. I am now moisturized and.
smell like a cross between a garden and a
n Im a designing woman?
Ive just read the July Playboy, within
which I found a story about how there is a.
new strain of woman. А woman who wants.
to be taken care of, who looks for a rich
man by going to fancy health clubs, who
wants to have many babies and to be sup-
ported. À woman who manipulates, who
flatters, who will do anything to get that
wedding band. So I take a sweet bath to,
let's face it, become optimally attractive. Is
this playing fair? Is this what my column's
about? No, my column is explaining stuff
we do and know that men don't have a clue
about. Like trying on a bathing suit.
1. Trying on a bathing sui
You don't know. You think we just grab a
few suits, take them to the dressing room,
decide which one makes us look most like
the cover of Sports Illustrated and buy it.
Hah. Wear a bathing suit, and we may as
well be naked. So what if our genitals are
covered? Those small yet disgusting po
ets of flab about the waist are visible, the
cellulite pocks are screaming for attention,
those saddlebag thighs glow like beacons.
When trying on bathing suits, we, who
have spent two or so decades learning how
to usc clothes creatively to mask body
flaws, immediately become suicidal.
It’s early June, and I just got a call from
"I'm going shopping for a bathing suit.”
she said in a voice of death.
ave you taken a Valium?" I asked.
double dose. But you still have to
come with me."
No, I don't. Just remember that. the
overhead lighting in the changing booths
is Ше most hideously unflauering light
there is. With overhead lighting, you may
as well have neon arrows flashing at body
flaws. You'll be fine.”
ck you, I will not. Last time, I be-
came so despondent that I bought nothing,
went right to Haagen-Dazs, gained twelve
pounds from one double hot-fudge sundae
and stayed in my room all summer.
ОК, Dil be right over."
(Should I be telling this? Is tl
ing ammunition to the enemy
s just giv-
ke when I
drove me crazy was
mediately went out and fucked everything
he saw? Are men the enemy? What's my
positon here?)
2. Clothing.
It drives us slightly insane that, when go-
ing out to some fancy restaurant for din-
ner in our great new jump suit, cven the
most sophisticated man will say, "Is that a
new dress or what?” We women, who could
all be awarded honorary doctorates in
outfits, become despondent at our mates’
lack of discernment and vocabulary. We
would be thrilled if men knew what a
bolero was, what a peplum was, but we
would be satisfied if they could tell a dress
from а skirt from a jump suit.
Dress: One item of clothing that goes
from neckline to hem. Never pants.
Skirt: A garment that starts at the waist
and goes downward to anywhere from
thigh to ankle. Again, not pants.
Jump suit: Pants and a top made into
опе garment. Think gas-station attendant.
Bolero: A jacket no longer than waist
Peplum: A sudden, slightly mentally ill
flare at the waist that goes to or past the
hips. Especially helpful if the hips are
mammoth or the stomach protrudes.
(There I go again. Now when a man
goes out with a girl wearing a peplum, he
will smirk knowingly.)
he thing is, dear masculine reader,
that there is a method to my columns. Гат
out to prove that women are not Martians,
that the glossy, peplum-wearing creature
with highlighted hair is just another hu-
man being full of insecurity and weird-
ness. Some are smart, some are stupid,
none come from another planet. I figure if
I do this, I am bridging the abyss. That
men won't be so afraid of and, therefore,
so angry at women, that they will em-
pathize. So I trust you enough to take you
into the bathing-suit changing room. I am
a saint. But maybe I don't belong in this
magazine at all. Maybe it’s like a clubhouse
where men can be rowdy and mean and
sexist and nobody will bother them.
3. At the hairdresser.
It is true that women will tell their hair-
dresser anything. We live in fear that he
will make us look like Margaret Thatcher,
so if he wants to know about our sex lives
or tax crimes, fine. Some of us go to a hair
colorist, too. We're just as afraid of him.
There are two types of hair coloring—sin-
gle process and highlighting. Single proc-
ess is getting your hair colored one color
all over. This lasts for about three days and
then the dreaded roots appear. 5о we try
highlighting, which costs a weeks salary
and involves having your hair wrapped їп
tin foil for hours. Only the odd strand is
colored, so we can often last with high-
lighting for months. This is why you see
many zebra-striped blondes around.
While we're wrapped im foil, we may
have bikini waxing, so we can (ha, ha) look
good in a bathing suit. That entails lying
оп a table while a woman in a white uni-
form paints hot wax on your pubic hai
She then covers the wax with a strip of
cloth and rips the hair out. This hurts in-
tensely, bul we want to be beautiful.
(Yes, ves! We do try to trap men with our
wiles! We do! And we do usually want a
commitment, something solid and lasting!
So suc us! Would you be happier if we all
went around in sneakers and hairy legs,
getting fatter and fatter? You'd kill us.)
I kind of liked that article about design-
ing women. Because the underlying mes-
sage—so subtle you could have missed it,
so I'm telling you—is that men blew it.
Women wanted to be out in the work force,
the author says, but men never even picked
up their socks, so women ended up work-
ing two jobs, home and office. Now women
are giving up and looking for a provider.
The message: Do your chores or you'll be
turned into a meal ticket, and it may al-
ready be too late.
4. Birth control: what it feels like.
Maybe next month.
Look out
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[Hinc you eec heard of something
called a Coney Island whitchsh?—E. K.,
Dallas, Texas.
It's another name for а condom. And, for
those of you looking for le mot juste, here’s a
dictionary of condom synonyms, from Susan
Zimet and Victor Goodmans “The Great
Cover Up: A Condom Compendium": Ameri-
can letter, American tips, armorlarmor bag,
armorial guise, assurance caps, baby bal-
loons, baglbaggie, balloon, baudruche, bish-
op, bladder policies, buckskin, cabinet of
love, calotte d'assurances, capote anglaise,
cheater, chemisette, circular protector, coat,
condrum, Coney Island whitefish, cover, cun-
dum, Cutherean shield, diving suit, dog,
dreadnought, eelskin, English cloak, English
hat, English overcoat, English riding coat,
envelope, fearnought, fishskin, French bau-
druche, French letter, French male safe,
French safe, Frenchy, frog, frogskin, gant des
dames, garbage bag, glove (Old English),
goody bag, gossy, Grecian cap, gun, hat,
Hefty garbage bag, instrument of safety, Ital-
ian letter, jo-bag, Johnnie, joy bag, kinga, la-
tex, letter, luble, machine, male pessary, male
safe, Malthus cap, manhole cover, meat cas-
ing, neurodh (Hindi), never-foiling engine,
nighicap, one-fingered glove, one-piece over-
coat, peau divine, penis, penis wrapper,
phallic, Port Said garter, postocalyptrons,
раст айу, propho, prophylactic, protec-
tive, protector, raincoat, receptacle for wild
cats, redingote anglaise, rubber, rubber
balloon, rubber duckie, safe, safely, safety
cap, safety sheath, scum-bag, sheath, shield,
shoe, shower cap, skin, Spanish letter, special-
lies, sweater, thimble, thing, trousers and,
finally, very tight trousers.
ДА couple of the guys at the local tennis
club haye switched to wide-body rackets.
They claim that the thicker rackets give
them more power. Is this bullshit or
physics?—A. K., Skokie, Illinois.
If you hold a regular tennis racket іп а
forehand grip, the width of the side is about
18 millimeters. The rim provides a place to
stretch gut, taking away your only valid ex-
cuse for missing a shot. When you hit the ball,
there is some flex to the standard-size head.
The new designs increase the width of the rim
from 18mm lo between 25mm and 38mm:
The shift from narrow to wide rims gives ex-
tra stiffness and less flex. (In the past, this
was accomplished by changing the material
in the пт.) The result is greater power and
more depth to your shots, Power is fun, but
then, so is finesse. Ask to borrow one of the
rackets for a weekend or try to find a demo.
The new design could change your game
into a form of limited warfare or shred it
WI, girlfriend says that she can reach or-
gasm from nipple stimulation alone. Since
I never engage in nipple stimulation alone,
l havent witnessed the phenomenon
firsthand, Have you ever heard of such a
152—5. D., Chicago, Illinois.
Kids today. Whatever happened to heavy
petting? It sounds to us as though your girl-
friend has just given you a subtle hint that
ym are rushing your foreplay Give her
breasts an hour or so of your undivided at-
tention and see what happens. Or take along
a feather duster, oils or a vibrator, Consider
drawing a string of pearls across her skin.
Try finger painting or drawing with felt-tip
pens. Everything you need you learned in
kindergarten. It pays to periodically rehearse
the basics. When was the last time you simply
Kissed. for an hour?
п Japan, I was introduced to a deli
seafood item called uni. The outside shell
was spiny, like a small porcupine. The
t inside was something like salmon
caviar but and more luscious. I
haven't been able to find it here. What's the
glish name? Can you tell me whether i
available in the U.S., and where? I would
also appreciate information on how to
handle, prepare and serve this spiny sea
creature.—E S., St. Louis, Missouri.
The English name for the uni you enjoyed
in Japan is sea urchin, About 500 species of
this spiny creature can be found in coastal
waters around the world—including our
сит. While sea urchins are appreciated in
countries such as Japan, France and Italy,
they're still rather exotic in the U.S. However,
the demand is gradually rising, as people like
you encounter and savor them in foreign
The edible parts of the sea urchin are the
fingers of orange roe, which line the inside of
the shell. They have a very delicate, sweet sa-
line taste and a rich, smooth consistency. Sea-
urchin fanciers prefer to eat the roe raw,
perhaps dressed with a squeeze of lemon juice
or with finely chopped onion. The Japanese
also use the тое as a topping for sushi or
mixed with seasonings to make a savory
spread. Fancy restaurants here and in France
may use the voe as a sauce ingredient or as
the basis of a special dish. Le Bernardin in
New York offers an exquisite. preparation
called Baked Sea Urchins in the Shell with
Their Own Butter, in which whole roe fingers
are baked, then dressed in a creamy, buttery
sauce that incorporales puréed roe. Fournous
Ovens Restaurant in San Franciscos Stan-
ford Court Hotel used to serve a sea-urchin
timbale as a side dish, Is a kind of unsweet-
ened custard flavored with puréed тос.
Sea urchins can be found in Oriental or
Italian fish markets, particularly in ethnic
neighborhoods, Preparation isn't difficult.
After thoroughly washing the outside of the
shell in salt water, remove the membranous
circle at the bottom. Clean out and discard
the liquid and the dark strands left in the
shell; rinse lightly. Pour any dressing directly
into the shell, then scoop out the тое fingers;
or take them from the shell first and dress
them on your plate. Either way, its an adven-
ture in eating.
ama 27-year-old man, and while I rarely
do the singles-bar scene, I did meet a w
an through mutual friends at a night club
recently. We had a very enjoyable evening
together. I took her home and, largely at
my urging, 1 spent the night. Now, here's
the problem. After seeing this woman a
few times after our encounter, Гуе realized
that she is the kind of person 1 would like
to get to know better and maybe even have
a relationship with. 1 feel, however, that
something is missing because we slept to-
gether before we really knew each other. Is
there any way to get that “somethin;
back, or have I just learned an important
lesson about human sexuality2—M. R.,
Chicago, Illinois.
Youre suffering from what we call Groucho
Marx syndrome, named after the comedian
who said, "I refuse to belong to a club that
would have me as a member.” Do you think
that this woman was easy because she liked
you enough to sleep with you first and ask
questions afterward? Do you think she has
bad taste because she was persuaded by your
pushy seduction? Lighten up. If you think of
sex as the carrot you hold out for someone as а
reward for the incredibly complicated job of
discovering the real you, then you have sort of
reversed the process. We have always thought
sex was a way of finding out something about
the other person. From the sound of it, you ате
already having a relationship—you just got a
head start on the good parl.
Have you ever heard of the Thai body
scrub? One of my friends who visited
Bangkok started to describe it as the most
erotic thing he had ever experienced, but
then his girlfriend walked back into the
room and 1 didnt get the details. —Q. J.,
Boston, Massachusetts.
And so, rather than call your. friend the
next day, you decided to write to the fount of
all sexual wisdom and see if we were awake?
mail? Luckily for you, we're in a good mood.
The Thai body scrub is the ultimate іп рек
sonal hygiene
room, at the bottom of an empty pool or in а
basement—wherever there is a floor drain.
Inflate a small air mattress. You lie on the
mattress. Your girlfriend rubs your body with
bath oil, then rubs her own body with bath oil,
then dumps a bucket of soapsuds over the
mattress. She scrubs your body with her body,
It's called slipping and sliding. The inevitable
happens. Then you hese everything down
and wait until the next wash day
if our response had gotten lost in the
You perform it m a shower
F have a rather extensive collection of au-
dio cassettes and, consequently, I don't play
the same tape often. It seems that because
of disuse, something happens to the
tapes—many of them screech. Can you tell
me what causes this, what I can do, if any-
thing, to correct the malfunction and what
may be done to prevent it?—A. G., Storm-
ville, New York
Squeal on prerecorded cassettes is a com-
mon problem, often due to the shells them-
selves. Inexpensive shells warp because of
heat and humidity, causing the reel hubs to
bind slightly, giving off the annoying noise
you hear Sometimes, after a cassette is played
quite a bit, the slip sheets on it wear away and
create a squeal. You can remove the tape from.
the shell and transfer the music to а high-
quality cassette (available in kit form from
music shops, but ils a somewhat tedious job;
take it to an audio specialty shop for repair).
Or you may find it cheaper lo replace the
tapes that squeal. In the future, you may want
to сору undamaged tapes onto high-quality
cassettes. Keep them away from extremes of
temperature and humidity, as well as from
magnetic fields,
Fo: a liule more than a year now, I have
been employed as a retail-store clerk while
pursuing a musical career. 1 dont get out
very much and do not have a lot of
confidence about meeting women anyway
However, there is a woman who works with
me for whom I have developed very strong
feclings. Over the past several months, 1
have gotten to know her better, as we have
been working late together. After several
weeks of being very close to her, I bet
feel as if 1 were getting signals from her.
Not necessarily sexual signals but those
that might indicate she was interested in
me asa person. Eventually, I decided to ask
her to dinner. Well, as it happened, those
signals Id been reading were nothing
more than wishful thinking on my part
When І did ask her out, her reaction was
one of astonishment. She became very
flustered, saying she never expected any
such proposal from me. When she did
gather her thoughts, she told me she would
feel very uncomfortable going out with a
co-worker, as she had dated co-workers be-
fore and had had bad experiences. I told
her it was simply a friendship date with no
strings attached and asked her to at least
give me a chance. She said she would think
about it. A few weeks later, I asked her if I
could Again, I caught
her off guard. She finally said that she just
wouldn't feel comfortable going out with
me, but she didn’t want to hurt me by drag-
ging her final answer out any longer. Un-
fortunately, I havent been able to let go. I
see this girl every day and have fallen
deeply in love with her. We are still able to
communicate on a professional level, even
though Um sure she knows I am still carry-
ing a torch for her. 1 think that spilling my
guts or asking her out again would make
her feel awkward, embarrassed and per-
haps a bit frightened. This is definitely а
case of unrequited love, I truly am crazy
about this girl. Any suggestionsz—P. C.,
Baltimore, Maryland.
Yes. Lighten up. We've never met а woman
who held a principle of office politics higher
than personal attraction. Our guess is that
her rejection was a polite way of telling you
that there was no mutual attraction. How
ever, on the off chance that she meant what
she said, offer to quit. Find another job. That
ake her to lunch.
toli. For the purist.
Not just smooth, silky smooth. Not just vodka, Stolichnay:
шау, she may date you; but if not, you will
have al least replaced the stage-set for this
soap opera with a new cast of characters.
Since you are a musician, write a couple of
songs about unrequited love. Sing them until
you are bored silly or rich and famous. Look
for dates in the area of your greatest passion
(music), not your day job (salesclerk). What
you have here isn't true feeling but a fantasy.
Tis пісе to indulge, but real life is a lot more
Over the years, I have enjoyed reading
the Advisor guidelines for tipping. I dont
believe that you have ever covered a wed-
ding or a reception. I know that tips for the
waiters and the bartenders are included in
the catering charges. However, for all the
other services, in addition to the agreed-
upon price, should there be a tip for the
florist who will provide flowers at the
church, the reception and the dinner;
the photographer who will be present at
the ceremony, the reception and the din-
ner; the musicians who will play and
sing during the ccremony; the band that
will play and sing during the reception
and the dinner; the choirmaster at the
church; the wedding coordinator at the
church; the officiating minister; the lim-
ousine driver; the catering manager at
the hotel that is the venue for the rehearsal
dinner; and the catering manager at the
other hotel that is the venue for the recep-
tion and the dinner dance? If so, how
much?—R. R., Beverly Hills, California
What? No tip for the father of the bride?
The only person on this list whom you'd want
1o tip would be the limousine driver. The other
professional participants of your wedding
should be paid an agreed-upon fec that
should be negotiated in advance.
[| recently met a man who is into obscure
Oriental sex techniques. He says that a
Taoist master once suggested harnessing
the energy of the sun for sex by walking in-
10 а garden with an erection and pointing
it at the sun. You're supposed to imagine
the power coming into the organ, filling it
with warmth and then, when you finally
make love, radiating into your partner. Is
this guy pulling my leg?—Miss D. М, San
Francisco, California.
Something like this is mentioned in “The
Taoist Secrets of Love,” by Master Матак
Chia, It takes all kinds to fill the freeways.
Our research staff says thal the technique is a
great way to tell time and that the only benefit
to sex comes when you ask your partner to ap-
ply the sun block
ve been told that tequila has hallucino-
genic properties. Is there anything to
that?—]. Т. Detroit, Michigan.
No. . . but there's a story behind that belief
Tequila ts made from the blue-agave plant
(whach, contrary fo popular belief, is not a va-
riety of cactus). The Aztec name for all agave
plants was mezcal, and to this day, spirits
made from agaves other than the blue variety
are called mezcal. Now, heres where the plot
thickens: Mezcal is frequently misspelled mes
cal by Norte Americanos. As it happens,
there is a cactus called mescal from which
a hallucinogenic substance, mescaline, is
derived. The mix-up in spelling and pronun-
ciation (and a good measure of gullibility)
has fostered the myth of tequilas hallucino-
genic properties,
WM nat are the odds of a condom’ break-
ing during sex?—S. P, New York, New York
Consumers Union surveyed 3300 lovers
and calculated that during normal inter
course, one condom in 165 breaks. The break
age тие for anal sex is one condom in 105.
Concern over condom performance has sent
manufacturers back to the drawing board.
Carter-Wallace, the maker of Trojans, has t
troduced an extra-strength condom with more
durable latex for those of you who want better
mileage and. performance from your rubber
or who want a little subliminal advertising
оп your bedside table.
All reasonable questions—from fashion,
Sood and drink, stereo and sports cars todating
problems, taste and etiquette—uill be person:
ally answered if the writer includes а stamped,
self-addressed envelope. Send all letters to The
Playboy Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N.
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinvis 60611.
The most provocative, pertinent queries
will be presented on these pages each month.
© 1907) À
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If Oklahoma Congressman Mike
Synar has his way, it will be illegal to
hold the Kool Jazz Festival; it will be un-
lawful to produce a baseball cap with
the word winston on it; it will be illegal
to picture a woman ina Virginia Slims
ad; it will be unlawful for a bus with
a cigarette advertisement displayed on
its side to be driven near a school.
Synar has introduced legislation in
Congress to ban the use of models,
logos, scenes or colors in tobacco ad-
vertisements. If the bill
passes, tobacco ads will be
limited to black type on
white paper and the only
picture allowed will be a
life-size one of the product
package. Even these adver-
lisernents may not appear
in certain locations, such
as sports arcnas or within
500 feetof a school,
The "words only" ap-
proach to tobacco ads is
nothing less than a ban in
sheep's dothing, providing
potential consumers with
virtually nothing to alert
them to the existence of le-
gal products. Apparently,
Synar intends 10 censor
speech by making tobacco
ads as dull as most speech-
es on the floor of Con-
gress. Indeed, he and his
supporters have tried un-
successfully in the past two
sessions of Congress to ban
all tobacco ads. They con-
cede that their “long-term
goal—a total ad ban—
hasn't changed."
The effort to have the Fed Gov-
ernment micromanage advertising im-
agery does butt up against one major
legal impediment—the First Amend-
ment. Although the Supreme Court
recognizes some differences between
traditional political speech and com-
mercial speech, it takes a hefty reason
to justify Government regulation of ad-
vertising. In order to determine what
kind of commercial speech is protect-
ed, the Court developed a test with sev-
eral parts. The first part asks whether
By Barry W. Lynn
the ad is about a lawful product. Tobac-
co products are, of course, legal for
adults, though the majority of states bar
purchase by minors. Synar has focused.
on the children's issue—even naming
his bill The Children’s Health Protec-
tion Act (the same tactic that Congres-
sional and state lawmakers use in order
to ban pornography). He is convinced
that cigarette marketers target young
people to take up a habit he finds loath-
some and dangerous. His allies in the
antismoking war, such as The Coalition
on Smoking OR Health, like to point
out that Camel cigarettes’ 75th-birth-
day ad campaign is geared to teens. In
the ad, а comic cartoon camel wearing
sunglasses on its forehead and a World
War Two bomber jacket is shown with a
cigarette dangling from its mouth. Itis
hard to imagine any kid raised in the
Eighties finding this a turn-on. Even if
he did, the Supreme Court has made
it clear that regulations are unconsti-
tutional if they “reduce the adult pop-
ulation . . . to reading what is fit
for children."
The second part of the Supreme
Court test questions whether ads аге
misleading. Synar recently sent a letter
to all members of Congress seeking
their cosponsorship of his legislation,
saying that tobacco ads should be regu-
lated because they “[link] smoking to
a successful, healthy and active life-
style. . . ” This is nothing more or less
than what advertising does for any
other product. How many ads can you
cite that send the message
that the person who uses a
certain product is a miser-
able failure? Furthermore,
all you have to do is check
out the postswimming ac-
tivity on the beach at Day-
хопа at spring break or
visit a Virginia stream on
the opening day of fishing
season to find plenty of suc-
cessful, active people who
happen to smoke. There is
nothing misleading about
depicting the truth.
“The third part of the
Supreme Court test asks if
there is a substantial Gov-
ernment interest that is
directly advanced by the
regulation. In this case,
will neutering the Marl-
boro Man or Virginia Slim
really cause some people
not to pick up the smoking
habit and thus be health-
i ў ble evidence
suggests that it will not. In
countries with bans on to-
bacco advertising, there is
nosignificant decline in use. In Norway,
hich banned tobacco ads in 1975, four
times morc children between seven and
15 smoke than in Hong Kong, where
there are no advertising restrictions,
and 42 percent of adults smoke, one
third more than in the United States.
Wally Snyder of the American Adver-
tising Federation notes, “If your best
friend smokes, you might smoke. If
Mom and Dad light up after every
meal, you might learn to do the same.
But youre certainly not going to start
because you went to the Virginia Slims
tennis tournament."
The bill's proponents argue that the
effect of tobacco ads is subtle, a kind of
subliminal mind control that works its
pernicious magic on the young and im-
pressionable. Given that we were all
young once, wouldn't everyone be walk-
ing zombielike to the nearest cigarette
machine? They also condemn advertis-
ing campaigns geared to “children,
women, minorities, the low-income and
undereducated.” Presumably, only well-
educated, upper-middle-class, white
males are not impressionable enough to
be swayed by advertising.
With typical born-again flair, Patrick
Reynolds, grandson of the founder of
the R. |. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
has testified against tobacco advertis-
ing: "Why do cigarette companies want
to goon pouring more than two billion,
three hundred million dollars annually
into advertising? . . . Why dont the
Cigarette companies just save their
two billion, three hundred million
dollars cach year if the number of
smokers will be truly unaffected?" The
answer is obvious. For every one per-
cent of the market that shifts from one
company to another, the winner makes
$240,000,000. Moreover, as the Tobacco
Institute notes, “A company is not just
trying to shift customers away from
some other brand; it is trying to retain
the loyalty of its own users." It makes
very good economic sense to advertise.
As with all would-be censors, anti-
smoking activists don't like to bother
with the Constitution when they have
some other self-righteous principle оп
their side. Despite the claim of anti-
smoking groups that tobacco is "the
only product which kills when used as
intended," there are plenty of other
consumer groups equally convinced
that alcohol, red meat or sodium are
close to satanic.
What it all boils down to is this: Are
we better off with Government control
of information or with a frec market
place of ideas—including those in to-
bacco ads? You would have had to be
living in a cave for the past decade not
to know that the majority of people in
the medical establishment believe that.
smoking is bad for your health. But if
you want to use tobacco anyway, for the
flavor, the comfort or—dare we say
it?—the image, that is a right we need
to preserve.
The debate over tobacco use will con-
tinue, but it is fundamentally unfair not
то allow those who advertise tobacco to
be participants in the fray.
Barry W Lynn is legislative counsel for
the American Civil Liberties Union.
Someone other than Ployboy has finally token note of the Reverend Don-
ald Wildmon and the New McCarthyism. Richard Yao, cofounder of Funda-
mentalists Anonymous, recently wrote a letter to D. Wayne Calloway,
chairman of the boord of Pepsico, chastising him for submitting to Wild-
mon-inspired fundamentalist pressure to pull the Madonna Pepsi ad.
"Remember how people succumbed to the intimidation of Joe McCarthy
in the early Fifties? And how only a handful dared to speak out? History
repeats itself. In the Fifties, people were labeled Commies or pinkes ond
blacklisted. Today, TV ads and programs are labeled offensive or objec-
tionable and pulled off the cir.
“Censorship in the name of religion is still censorship. It is inherently
un-American and is repulsive not only to liberals and moderates but also to
conservatives who are against any unnecessary intrusion into private lives.
What is more intrusive than the attempt by fundamentalist censors to dic-
tate whot we con wotch in the privacy of our own homes?
"The zealots have concocted the myth that most of middle America
agrees with them. They hove tried to convince corporate America that
whot they want to censor would be missed only by liberals, secular human-
ists and pornographers. The reality is otherwise. For what do they find
objectionable? If they had their way, doytime soap operas would be out.
Oprah and Donohue would be banished from the air and Dallas and Dy-
nasty would vanish—ond that's only the beginning.
“Fundamentalists Anonymous wonts to show that middle America is not
en the side of the fundomentalists. Therefore, in order to protest Pepsi's
capitulation to censorship, we are calling for a boycott of Pepsi. Our slo-
gan is ‘No Madonna, no Pepsi We are also conducting a counter media
campaign with the theme “Pepsi —the choice of the fundomentalist genera-
tion.’ We are lining up the most uncool people in the country to endorse the
drink. We are enlisting TV-evongelist look-alikes to advertise it. Being
caught drinking Pepsi will soon be as bad as having an endless outbreak of
acne or a terminal case of bad breath. Only losers will drink Pepsi.”
Pepsi wanted lo avoid a controversy. It didn't want anything to get be-
tween its product and your teeth. Now it has a tiger by the toil.
whats happening in ihe sexual and social arenas
A 31-year-old Florida woman is suing
the local police for false arrest, false im-
prisonment and harassment after she was
jailed and lost custody of her daughters
for two days for allegedly dancing in the
nude to a Gladys Knight music video. Ac
cording to the woman, she had rushed out
of the shower to dance to “Love Over-
board.” Neighbors looking through her
third-floor apartment window called the
cops, who arrested her on three counts of
lewd and lascivious behavior in the pres-
ence of children.
SALT LAKE CITY—The Utah Court of
Appeals reversed the conviction of a wom-
an who had mooned her sons algebra
teacher to protest his keeping the boy after
school. The court found that—because she
was wearing underpants—the act was
not, in fact, lewd.
Liberty University expelled the student
hosts of a late-night campus-radio comedy
show ostensibly for using obscene lan-
guage. The students had parodied the rap
song “Wild Thing” by describing sex be-
tween a dog and a cat and had talked
about a fictional church whose members
got drunk on Communion wine. But what
really cooked their goose was satirizing
Chancellor Falwell’s tithing order requir-
ing all employees to kick back ten percent
of their income to the church-owned
school. The university spokesman denied
that the tithing parody had anything to do
with the expulsion, but the students don't
agree. One of them had been closely ques-
tioned about whether he was the author of
a letter to the local newspaper critical of
the policy.
lists Oral Roberts and his son Richard
responded to criticism about their lav-
ish lifestyles by selling two California
vacation homes valued at more than
$1,000,000. The pressure to sell came
after Oral, who had previously raised
millions by warning that God would “call
him home,” began pleading with his fol-
lowers to sell unneeded valuables to keep
his ministry afloat.
cuicaco—A study of 126 Fortune 500
companies reveals that 42 percent of them
secretly collect information on employees,
more than 50 percent use private invesli-
gators for background checks and 56 per-
cent do not allow employees to see all of the
information collected about them. The
University of Illinois researcher who con-
ducted the study called for a comprehen-
sive national policy to protect workers’
privacy, saying that employees are often
not told of files containing sensitive and
confidential information and, therefore,
have no opportunity to challenge incor-
rect information—even though it may be
shared with credit bureaus, landlords and
other outside agencies.
PAVILION. NEW YORK—About forty stu-
dents who protested their high school’s new
rules against hugging and kissing have
been suspended. The students staged a sit-
in over a student-council-approved code
of discipline that forbids "overt displays of
affection beyond hand-holding” anywhere
on school property, which they complain
would forbid hugging to celebrate a sports
victory or to console someone in time of
at the local high school adopted а "day-
light rule," which stipulates that students
engaging in affectionate behavior must
leave enough room between their bodies
Sor adults to see daylight.
DENVER—After а heated debate, the
Denver City Council narrowly voted
down the city’s 36-year-old “living in sin”
law, which prohibits unmarried couples
from living in the same house. The zoning
ordinance was enacted in the Stxties,
when residents feared that hippies would
establish communes and ruin neigh-
borhoods. "Zoning laws are to regulate
density, not relationships,” said one
anti-ordinance councilwoman.
LOS ANGELES—A woman who absolves
meris sins through the act of sex instead of
the act of contrition sounds more like a
prostitute than a high priestess to a Los
Angeles prosecutor—especially since the
ablution involves a $150 donation from
the sinner Accordingly, the city attorneys
office has charged a 51-year-old man and
his 46-year-old wife with operating a
house of prostitution, even if they call it
the Church of the Most High Goddess and
insist that sex is a rite of the church and
thus protected by the First Amendment.
The couple was arrested after an under-
cover vice officer refused to donate money
to participate in the “sacrament” of oral
sex and was excommunicated.
1 was amused by the Reverend
Donald E. Wildmor's campaign
10 pressure advertisers to with-
draw from the made-for-TV
movie Roe us, Wade. Without hav-
ing seen it, the Tupelo ayatollah
decided that it had a pro-abor-
tion stance and asked viewers
to boycott the companies that
had purchased advertising time.
Having seen the movie, 1 can
only hope that the advertisers
who pulled ош are eme.
ashamed. The docudrama was
objective and it humanized а mo-
ment of history; Wildmon appar-
ently cant abide history—he
would have us see only his ver-
sion of the truth. We may as well
go directly to theocracy.
J. Freeman
Cincinnati, Ohio
I paid attention to the ads
in Roe ws. Wade and thought
they we interesting. One was
for Vagisil, a feminine-hygiene
product—which makes sense,
given the subject of the movie.
Another was for Murphy's Oil
Soap, a household cleaner. The
voices from the fringe
Onceagain, television networks
and sponsors have knuckled un-
der to pressure from Wildmon
and others who dont believe
viewers should have the option of
being treated like adults.
It's about time for those of us
who believe in freedom to back
up our brave talk with a little ac-
tion. If networks and sponsors
are so sensitive to economic pres-
sure, maybe we should start a
“Boycott the wimps” campaign
of our own in order to protest
both the resurgence of censor-
ship and the antisex attitudes
reflected in some of the shows
now on the air. If those of us with
a mature attitude toward sexuali-
ty arent willing to stand up for
what we believe in, why should
society bother to take us seriously?
Marc Desmond
Brooklyn, New York
See our box "Pepsi: Soda Pop
of Puritans.” Fundamentalists
Anonymous is sponsoring a boycott.
of Pepsi—ıhe choice of the funda-
mentalist generation. FA. s address
is PO. Box 20324, Greeley Square
Station, New York 10001
"We feel that animals have the same rights as a
retarded human child, because they are cqual
mentally in terms of dependence on others."
—ALEX MCHECO, chairman of People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals,
regarding animal experimentation
“I had become friendly with the cows; I knew
them as individuals. . . . 1 first realized something
was ethically wrong with the milk industry and 1
was right in the middle of it. You dont really know.
your relationship with an animal until youre mak- .
ing your living off of it."
—CoLMAN MCCARTHY, Washington Post
columnist and former dairy worker
“When I stopped eating them, I realized ani-
mals have a right to life separate and equal to
ours." “ANGIE,” animal-rights activist
“Personally, I think that if Jesus was divine, һе
has to have been a vegetarian."
—KIM BARTLETT, editor of The Animals’ Agenda
Dr. James Dobson should not
use Ted Bundy as a machine for
his views and, most of all, should
not try to generate sympathy for
him ("The Making of a Monster,"
The Playboy Forum, July). We owe
ad pictures a number of elderly
cleaning ladies polishing pews in
a church, and the tag line is, “If
Murphys Oil Soap is good
enough to clean this house, it's
surely good enough to d
yours." I found that ad offensive.
It suggests that in God's house,
theonly role for women is domes-
tic servitude—an attitude appar-
ently shared by Wildmon and his
minions but, I hope, not by the
women who tuned in to the
movie. Was Murphy's Oil Soap
trying to sell to the fundamental-
ists who tuned in to Roe us. Wade
so they could subsequently com-
plain that the movie was propa-
ganda? Did Wildmon object to
using religion to sell household
cleaner? In all probability, he'd
like to see more Christian ads
Michael Toebe
Grand Junction, Colorado
Loppose the death penalty, but
something out of his execution.
Why wasn't his brain studied? We
could have possibly learned
something regarding brain dam-
age and chromosomal defects.
Pat Gallant Weich
New York, New York
such as the one for a Subaru four-wheel-
drive station wagon, whose tag line is,
“When Father Jones has to get some-
where to perform last rites, he doesnt
take chances.” Or one of Wildmon him-
self saying, "When Гт taping Saturday
Night Live to record the number of refer-
ences to penises, 1 use Memorex.” Or
“Sony Trinitron allows me to be offended
in living color.”
Wildmon showed his true colors in the
Roe vs. Wade debacle—and so did corpo-
rate America—by putting profit and ap-
peararces before principle.
Nathanicl Bynner
Evanston, Illinois
An autopsy of Bundy’s brain apparently
Jound no abnormalities. Because Bundy те-
fused to will his brant for scientific study,
no further research was conducted.
1 was both amused and vexed by
Junior Bridges and Mary Ruthsdotter's
protests against US. combat crews’
adorning their flying machines with
seminude or nude paintings of females
("War Veterans" The Playboy Forum.
June). Those women see male exaltation
of female sexuality as negative and don't
understand that soldiers who are told to
fight and, perhaps, die for their country
wish to have frequent reminders of what
makes it worth stopping a bullet—in this
case, the girl back home.
Grant Winston
Frankfort, Kentucky
Many soldiers die defending our coun-
try—which includes the women they
love. Who are Bridge and Ruthsdotter to
tell our veterans and Servicemen that
they may not pay honor to their love?
They apparently don't realize that if it
were not in part for the men who fly our
military aircraft, they might not be able
to ask the absurd question "Why do they
do this to us?"
Randy D. King
Eddyville, Kentucky
"The April and May issues of Playboy
appeared on British newsstands with a
sticker reading, FOR LEGAL REASONS. CER.
April Playboy Interview with the LR.A.
were missing, as were pages in the May
issue ofthe Scandal pictorial and the arti-
cle Burning Desires: Sex in America. Who
censors Playboy in Great Britain?
Roger Bridson-Babbitt
London, England
England’ libel laws dictate that the dis-
tributor of a magazine will be held liable if
the contents of any magazine he distributes
are found lo be libelous. Therefore, the ever-
cautious lawyers for English distributors of-
ten advise their clients to delete material
that under American standards of free
speech would be blameless
It's too bad that Paul Okami is so ill-in-
formed about those of us who work in the
area of sexual addiction (“The Betrayal
of Sex Research," The Playboy Forum,
June). Many of us have the same con-
cerns that he does that our research can
be used to bolster those who would label
any sexual behavior they dislike as “ad-
dictive” and, hence, bad. We know that
onc of the risk factors for developing sex-
ual addiction is growing up in a rigid,
sex-negative family environment. We un-
derstand that it isn't enough to have peo-
ple give up destructive patterns of sexual
behavior; they also must learn positive
ways of relating sexually.
Okami's portrayal of clinicians who
treat sex addiction as fun-hating people
who turn formerly sex-loving clients
into sexless wood carvers indicates to
me that he has never talked with a
UNITED WE STAND reads one of the
United Way's fund-raising posters.
The 100-year-old charitable or-
ganization claims that “United
Way-supported services benefit
individuals and families by mak-
ing possible the help and expert
care needed when critical prob-
lems arise.” Not always—not when
the critical problem is an unwant-
ed pregnancy.
Consider the sit-
uation in Seattle,
Washington. In
1987, Planned Par-
enthood of Seat-
tle-King County
decided to cstab-
lish an abortion
clinic. Last year,
United Way re-
quested that if.
Planned Parent-
hood wished to continue to receive
its funding, it divide itself into two
corporations—one that would
provide abortions and one that
would not. United Way would fund
the later. Planned Parenthood
agreed. Unfortunately, that plan
did not work. ‘Iwo Seattle Roman
Catholic powerhouses, Archbishop.
Raymond G. Hunthausen and
Coadjutor Archbishop Thomas J.
Murphy, wrote to the Planned Par-
enthood board of directors, accus-
ing the affiliate of declaring itself
“ready to become the abortion
factory of western Washington.”
Seattle anti-abortionists conduct-
Clinician or interviewed someone who is
sexually addicted.
Jed Diamond
San Rafael, California
One of the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
is that the addict acknowledges hes ап ad.
dict and can never drink agam. It's difficult
to relate to sex positively if, to cure the so-
called addiction, one has to give up sex.
ed an aggressive campaign to re-
move Planned Parenthood from
United Way.
"The United Way board passed a
resolution stating that United Way
would not fund abortions or organ-
izations that provide abortions.
Seattle Planned Parenthood was
forced to withdraw from United
Way. “Our mission is to provide re-
services to people
who need them,”
explained Lee
Minto, Planned
Parenthood's pres-
ident. “We could
accept United
Way's policy of not
funding abortions.
We couldn't accept
its policy of not
funding any organ-
ization that provides abortions.”
The Seattle situation is not ап
isolated occurrence. Planned Par-
enthood affiliates in Illinois and
Hawaii lost their United Way fund-
ing when they elected to include
abortion as part of their reproduc-
tive-health operations.
Women complained in the Sev-
enties that United Way was top
heavy with funding for male pro-
grams. United Way tried to rectify
that. Now it looks as though it’s try-
ing to short-shrift women again—
this time by denying funds to
Planned Parenthood. It's time it
rectified that. LISA PAGE
Ё ir o r u vm =
naval cadets learn a
Interviews with:
Capt. Prueher
Company Cuties
і! -
Last March, the midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy published a
parody of Playboy called Playmid. The issue contained a centerfold of a
female midshipman (please salute), pages of company cuties (suggesting
that the uniform still works) and various articles. Rear Admiral Virgil L,
Hill, superintendent of the school, declared the parody inappropriate
апа ordered all 5000 copies destroyed. The members of the brigade, in
training to uphold democratic principles, weren't even allowed to see the
magazine or decide for themselves. Now they сап. Destroy 5000 copies,
end up with 18,000,000 readers. That's the lesson in censorship.
| 26 Pages о!
lesson in censorship
The Reverend Donald Wildmon has been getting so much
press recently that you would think he is the only person in Amer-
ica who knows what we should read and witness. But there are
other names on the right-wing Rolodex, other contenders for the
title of all-American ayatollah. Yes, we have certain inalien-
By Keith Robinson
mu ior
Tired of ENG decisions all day? Don't verry = there
are plenty of people Who are eager b de your
thinking: Èr youl Here are à Few and their Specialties...
Philosophy: Books which
olt. aec beliefs mist
[| be avenged.
Tactics: Offending author pot to death,
offending authori agent beaten to
within 15% =F his/her life.
Phi ibseshj Teens learn anti-
| social. behavior From rock ries
Tackics Pressure record Companies to print
Iyrıcs en album covers, making lessons moch
Faster and easier.
акы Why Fight mind-
(ес prodrug peer pressure
j with logic when yoo an | EAR
ше БЕЛЕ anti-drug peer pressure to
Simply make drogs well. unfashionable ?
AIRI Рази Рут bale b+ Unidersal Press Syndicate Well ken yos vihen te laugh
Philosophy: Parents shauldn't
EY 21 have bo monitor what their
children are watching, even lake at right
Tactics: Pressure major companies with minor
Guts net be Stentor “offensive” shows.
Phicsophy Реде of civilization
is both Teflected in and aided
by peer Fashion choices.
Tactic: үт offenders
ү Tht 15 Further ud wis af the
Werl mest pseudo psevdo-celebrity.
Phlesephy: Ne koman Ше
is warkhless
TackicS Tang, insensitive;
borderline - volent abortion clinic blockades.
prove that some human lives ars worthless
able rights—the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happi-
ness—as long as we lead the life these puppetmasters want us to
lead. Cartoonist Keith Robinson provides us with the nıne-least-
wanted list, a rogues’ gallery of repression. Next thing you know,
they'll be telling you when to laugh
Der Filas stool) ret be
ich portray Jess a5
less ton Be Sar oF the Werl], the Prince oF
Pexe, whe offered love and Grgiveness te all-
Tactics: Blame Jews.
Philosophy Tell him Your ra
religion ee Sexual prefer-
еме, and he'll teil you
where (aad if) yoo can live,
Tactics: fark of the system now, bt probally
Eh ba a he ine e
Philosophy: Accoses those mike
disagree with him of being
Vicki of media томын,
and partisan politics.
Taches: Fights for his policies using media
manipolalion And parian palikics
Reprinted with pa
Traffic radar doesn't say which car is being clocked, it merely flashes a number. The radar operator must then try to determine which vehicle produced the reading.
Why radar makes mistakes.
How to protect yourself.
Although nine different errors have been
cocumented for traffic radar, the most common
source of wrongful tickets is mistaken identity.
It's hard to believe, but traffic radar does
not identify which vehicle is responsible for the
speed being displayec. It shows only a speed
number and nothing else. The radar operator
must decide who is to blame.
How radar works
The radar gun is aimed at traffic and it
transmits a beam of invisible radar waves. Each
moving object within range reflects these invisible
waves back to the radar gun. Using the Doppler
principle, the radar calculates speed from the
reflected waves.
Traffic radar is blind
Traffic radar works differently from military,
airtraffic-control, and weather radars. The others
use rotating dish antennasin order to track many
objects simultaneously
Traffic radar uses a far smaller, far cheaper,
gun-shaped antenna. This simplification requires
traffic radar to ignore all reflections but the
strongest. The number displayed is speed
calculated from the strongest reflection.
The best guess
Remember. these reflections are invisible.
Truck reflections can be ten times stronger than
car reflections. How can the operator know for
sure which vehicle is responsible for the number?
The truth is, he cart be sure in many cases.
The result is mistaken identity. You can be ticketed
for somebody else's reflection.
Self defense
The only way to defend yourself against
these wrongful tickets is to know when radar is
operating near you. Others agree with this
method. In his verdict upholding a citizen's right
to use a radar detector, Judge Joseph Ryan,
Superior Court, District of Columbia, wrote
“If government seeks to use clandestine
and furtive methods to monitor citizen actions,
it con ill afford to complain should the citizen
insist ona method to effect his right to know he
is under such surveillance."
We can help
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a candid conversation with the mets infielder on baseballs now-standard
injuries, fistfights—and, yes, love of the game
topics: money, cocame,
He is the ultimate professional. Since 1974,
when he broke into the big leagues with (Ле
St. Lows Cardinals, Keith Hernandez has
been perhaps the most consistently productive
player of his era. After 15 seasons in the ma-
jors, Hernandez, the diplomatic elder states-
man of the New York Mets, has compiled a
lifetime batting average of exactly .300.
Many baseball purists believe hes the finest
first baseman of all time and that he has al-
most singlehandedly redefined that position
Before his emergence, first base was often the
outpost of good hitters who couldn't field a
lick. Not for Hernandez. Uncannily adept at
digging up throws in the dirt and having al-
most patented the three-six-three double
play—first base to shortstop to first base—the
slick-fielding southpaw has won National
League Gold Glove awards for the past 11
In 1983, after eight and a half seasons
with St. Louis, the Cardinals traded Hernan-
dez lo the New York Mets, then the worst team
in the National League. He became the cata-
Ast that transformed a pack of perennial
losers and unproven rookies into a
confident—some say overconfident—group
of winners, "That the great bonus we got.”
Mets general manager Frank Cashen told
writer William Nack three years ago. “We
knew he was a great fielder, a great hitter, but
nobody knew that he was a leader,
nancially, E should be sel for life, but 1 got
ambushed, waylaid by the past. When 1 got
divorced, 1 got clobbered. There were other
problems. Г was set, but that options not there
anymore. And I'm pissed."
When Davey Johnson was hired to manage
the Mets їп 1984, he encouraged Hernandez
10 help out in any way he could, and the six-
foot, 205-pound first baseman took him up on
it. Because he knew every hitter in the league,
Hernandez took over the positioning of the
Mets’ infielders. He also, when invited, ad-
vised young Mets pitchers on what to throw to
whom. Says former Mets hurler Ed Lynch, “If
Einstein starts talking about the speed of
light, you better listen to him.”
Hernandez believes that his chief contribu-
tion to the team’ pitching staff has been his
willingness to act as its cheerleader. “When
the games on the line and there are runners
on base, some of our pitchers like me to walk
over to the mound and pump ‘em up.” he says.
“They don't need it, but they enjoy having me
tell ‘em things like, ‘Youre the best—now get
this son of a bitch and lets nail this down!
Its a тай-тай macho (hing, but everybody
likes some positive support.”
Hernandez’ value as a steadying father
figure was so obvious that in 1987, Johnson
appointed him the first team captain in the
history of the franchise. The Mets continue to
call on Hernandez to act as guidance coun-
selor: Last September, when New York called
up prize rookie Gregg Jefferies from the mi-
nors, the team deliberately assigned him a
locker next to Hernandez. “Osmosis,” ex-
plained Mets vice-president Joe Mellvaine.
“Do I have doubts about picking up where 1
left off? Sure I do. When you miss two
months, forget about exercising to get back in
shape—theres just no substitute for playing
nine innings every day."
“Keillis got a lot of baseball in him. Gregg
can. pick some up just sitting next to him."
Although he seemed like а throwback to a
time when the nation had a kinder, gentler
notion of baseball, in September 1985, Her-
nandez—testifying at the trial of a Pitts-
burgh drug dealer—revealed that he'd used
cocaine for three years. "I was very ashamed.
and worried about how the fans at Shea Sta-
dium would react when I returned to New
York after the trial,” he recently recalled. “But
when I came up to hit for the first time, the
crowd gave me a standing ovation. I'm never
going lo forget that.”
Born in San Francisco in 1953, Hernan-
dez became an ardent New York Yankees fan
at the age of five, when he discovered that he
and Mickey Mantle shared the same birth
date—October 20th. By then, John and Jack-
ie Hernandez and their two sons, Keith and
his older brother, Gary, had moved to nearby
Pacifica. Keitlis favorite sport was basketball,
After reading Oscar Robertsons biography,
he took a tip from the Big O and, every day,
dribbled a basketball to and from grammar
school—one mile away—using his right
hand. “1 wanted to be as good with ту right
as 1 was with my left, and it worked. I became
a very good ball handler"
By the time they reached Capuchino High
School in Millbrae, California, both Hernan-
dez boys were accomplished. athletes. Сату
“Га stopped enjoying the coke high by S1.
But I was still snorting in 82, and Га sit
there and say, ‘Why am 1 doing this? I was
down to minimal use by 83, Br the urges
stayed with me through 8:
little brother eventually became a big man on
campus: Keith was the first athlete in the
school's history to be named all-league in
baseball, basketball and football. He was of-
fered combined baseball football scholarships
to Stanford and the University of California
at Berkeley but declined both. In 1971, after
his high school graduation, Hernandez was
signed by the St. Louis Cardinals and sent to
St. Petersburg, Florida. St. Louis called him
up to the majors for the last couple of weeks of
the 1974 season, and a year later, he became
the Cardinals’ starting first baseman,
To interview Hernandez, Playboy sent
Lowrence Linderman to meet with the Mets’
first baseman shortly after the season started.
Linderman reports:
“Keith Hernandez has the swarthy good
looks of a Lalin screen idol, even though hes
not Latin and has a broken nose. (The break
occurred in the early minutes of a high school
football. game. Too proud to retire to the
bench, Hernandez, a quarterback, went on to
complete 23 of 36 passes for 353 yards and
three touchdowns. He got a lot of ink even as
a teenager)
“This is a sophisticated man whose inter-
ests reach far beyond the center-field wall at
Sheu Stadium. A student of military history,
particularly the Civil War, hes a great ad-
mirer of Confiderate generals—especially
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson—pri-
marily because they were tactical geniuses
who had more than their share of colorful id-
jusynerusies. A couple of yours ugo, Hernan-
dez delivered a speech on aspects of the Civil
War to the history faculty of the United States
Military Academy at West Point.
“Also, Hernandez, true to his Northern
California roots, is something of a wine
maven. His inventory now numbers more
than 200 bottles, but he insists hes not а col-
lector; his consumption, which is moderate,
has just never hept pace with his purchases.
His latest enthusiasm is politics—the process,
mot the idea of becoming a candidate. Hes
had two lunches with Richard Nixon. The
first time out, Nixon milked him for baseball
lore; the second, Hernandez got Nixon to
open up about his perceptions of China and
Russia. ‘Once I got him going, he went on jor
about an hour. It was just totally fascinating
and enlightening. Nixon is very sharp—he
hasn't lost anything to age."
“The big question in the Big Apple these
days is whether Hernandez has lost anything
to age. That (оріс popped up twice this
year— initially, when he was mired іп an car-
b-season slump (from which he extricated
himself), and then, much more seriously, aft-
er he fractured his kneecap in a game at Shea
Stadium on May 17. Wed already scheduled
our interview when that injury occurred, and
I was concerned that Hernandez, whos in-
tensely private and who measures his words
as carefully as Manhattan bartenders meas-
ure their drinks, might just clam up on me.
He didn't, Instead, we had a series of wide-
ranging conversations that touched on sev-
eral subjects—including his bout with
cocaine—that he'd never previously dis-
"I met Hernandez at the two-bedroom
apartment he shares with model Sheri Mont-
gomery high above Manhattan's East Side.
Hernandez, his right knee immobilized by a
splint, was already able to move around with-
out crutches. His injury provided the opening
subject for our interview”
PLAYBOY: Last year, the first serious injury
of your career—a torn hamstring—kept
you out of action for cight weeks, and this
season, your broken kneccap will also sidc-
line you foras much as cight weeks. In Oc-
tober, you'll be tl x; could these
njurics bc nature's way of telling you it's
No, I dont think so. IF my
kneecap had been shattered or broken in a
few places, and if they'd had to operate in-
stead of just putting it in a splint, then,
yeah, it would have been the end of my ca-
reer. But what I've got isn't debil ^
just a very clean horizontal break across
the patella. The X rays show a slight
‘Much as I'd love
to stay in New York,
baseball is a business.
ГЇЇ be negotiating
my next contract
at a base salary
of two million."
separation that’s so straight it could have
been caused by a guillotine. Dr. James
Parkes, our team physician, told me ГЇЇ be
fine as soon as it heals, though I'll probably
lose what little speed I have.
PLAYBOY: Exactly how did you break your
HERNANDEZ: Ii was a freak collision. In a
game against the Dodgers, I was on first
base when a ground ball was hit to their
shortstop, Dave Anderson, who went
across second base to field it. He wanted to
tag me and then throw to first fora double
play. In that situation, I'm supposed to
bump the guy so that he cant complete the
double play When 1 did that, my right
knee collided with Anderson's left knee.
The doctors said it was like a diamond cut-
ter tapping a diamond perfectly and get-
ting a perfect stone. 10 me, it felt more like
two rams butting he
PLAYBOY: Did you immediately know the
severity of your injury?
HERNANDEZ: No. I got up, ra
off the field
much p
kneeling in the on-deck circle, and when 1
started to get up—I couldn't. 1 had to use
my bat as a crutch, and thats when I told
Davey Johnson, our manager, to take me
out of the game. But the pain wasn't really
more than what you'd get from a sprained
ankle. That night, 1 slept with ice on the
knee. At six-thirty the next morning, 1
called Dr. Parkes and said, “Send an ambu-
lance. I cant walk.” He rushed me to the
hospital for X rays, and that’s all she wrote.
PLAYBOY: What was your reaction upon
learning you'd again be out for at least
eight weeks?
HERNANDEZ: Total frustration. 1 got off to a
ar, but I hit ‚339 in my last
d I was swinging the bat
an important scason for me,
because I'm in the final year of a five-year
contract, and the Mets are looking to make
a decision about whether or not they want
me back. And then this happens. But after
I thought about it awhile ___ I mean, what
can you do? What's done is done.
PLAYBOY: Do you have any doubts about
whether you can come back this season?
nd pick up where I left off?
Sure I do. When you miss two months, for-
get all the running and exercise you do to
get back in shape—there' just по substi
tute for playing nine innings every day
When I came back from my torn ham-
string last year, | was getting tired by the
seventh inning of our games. Stamina
опе of my two maim concerns.
PLAYBOY: What's the other one?
HERNANDEZ: The Mets’ feeling about Dave
Magadan, who now has his chance to show
what he can do. This hasn't affected my re-
lation with Mags—I mean, 1 got my
chance when Joc Torre sp
and the Cardinals called me up, and after I
did well, they traded Torre. Now the sho
on the other foot; that's b all. Т
Magadans big break, and if he's to have a
big career in the majors. he has to make
the most of it. And if he does, I'll have to
move on. But its not like I'm out in the
cold. ГЇЇ be a free agent next year, and as
much as I'd love to stay in New York, base-
ball is a business. ГЇЇ be negotiating my
next contract at а base salary of two milli
dollars а ycar, and if Magadan docs well,
the Mets may not want to offer me another
contract—itll be their call. We'll just have
to wait and see what happen:
PLAYBOY: While you were on the disabled
list last year, the Mets won twenty-six
es and lost twenty-three games, but
while you were with the team, New York
record was 74-36. Do you believe youre
that valuable to the club?
HERNANDEZ: Well, some players certainly
аге key to a ball club, and I feel that I'm
опе of the Mets! key rs, but not to that.
extent. The real answer to your question is
that I don't think the team as a whole han-
dled my absence well last year. I don't know
if I should say this, but I've always felt that
one of the Mets' weaknesses has been the.
inability of certain players—I'm not going
to name names—to accept respon
for failure.
This team can make excuses with the
best of them. Last year, my being out of the
line-up seemed like an excuse for the team
10 lose. At first, the typical quote from
them was, "Oh, my God, we lost Keith—
what are we going to do?” And as the sea-
son progressed and they were playing 500
ball, they continued to say, "We miss Keith,
we miss Keith."
"This year, they're handling the situation
a lot better. This year, the guys are telling
reporters, “Hey, we've got to take the re-
sponsibility on our own shoulders and hold
the fort until he comes back.” And I think
they will, Right now, the National League
East is like a horse race with everybody
jockeying for position. No one’s really run
away with the division race, and 1 don't
think any team will, When it's time for me
to come back, І expect the Mets to be right
there in the running. | should be playing
again by the time this interview comes out,
so by then, we'll know for certain what
they've done without me.
PLAYBOY: Burnping knees with a random
Dodger isn't nearly as painful as your run-
in with that team last year. In fact, you've
continued to claim that the Mets’ 1988
play-off loss to Los Angeles is 100 painful
for you to discuss. Has the pain subsided?
HERNANDEZ: [Big sigh] I suppose so, but it
was а major disappointment. We were big
favorites, but I knew it was going to be a
tough series even though we'd beaten the
Dodgers every time we played them dur-
ing the regular season. We were 10-1
against Los Angeles, but a lot of those
games were very tight and competitive and
could have swung either way. The fact that
we won all of them was misleading, but
that, I suppose, is the beauty of baseball.
PLAYBOY: Was there a moment in the play-
offs that still seems especially ugly to you?
HERNANDEZ: [Another sigh] Yes, the second
inning of game seven, which the New York
press calls our gold-glove inning. |
screwed up a bunt play, Wally Backman
ped on a double-play ball and then
Gregg Jefferies made an error with the
bases loaded. There were three ways to
fuck up, and we found them. That was the
most agonizing game of my career. You
play 162 games and errors happen, but
you're there for the world series, and if you
lose the play-offs, you don't go to the world
series. And seeing the зип go down on our
season because of errors—it was demoral-
ig. After giving up five runs in the sec-
ond inning, we were behind 6- nd once
Orel Hershiser got that early six-run lead,
forget it—he just painted the corners of
- He never gave us an opportunity
to peck away and get back in the game. He
just shut the door, like all good pitchers do.
PLAYBOY: What makes him so tough?
HERNANDEZ: The guy may look like a
schoolteacher, but he's got guts and he’s a
great competitor. There's a fine line be-
tween those who have brass balls and those
who don't; Hershiser's got em. And he got
hot last year. He put together a fifty-nine-
ining scoreless streak to close out the reg-
ular season. When pitchers are on a roll,
they have a direct line to where they want
to throw the ball, and they don't make mi:
takes. After my first at-bat, Hershiser did
not give me a pitch over the plate that
whole game. He was just working the cor-
ners, inside and out.
PLAYBOY: How hard did you take losing the
HERNANDEZ: Hard enough so that 1
couldn't watch game one of the world se-
ries. That Saturd: ight, 1 was just sitti
home with my girlfriend, and when we
finally turned the game on, Kirk Gibson
was walking back and forth in the dugout
and we heard the whole spiel about his in-
juries. Dennis Eckersley was on the mound
and | said, "I have to stick around and
watch this.” When he hit the home run—
well, from that point on, I felt a little better
about our loss. Tell me that wasnt a Holly-
wood script: Ninth inning, the Dodgers
are down, 4—3, а man on second, two out
and the countis three and two. Seeing Gib-
son hit that homer was like watching John
Wayne take on the entire Mexican army
th eight bullet holes in him.
PLAYBOY: Were you at all surprised that the
Dodgers went on to beat Oakland in the
world series?
HERNANDEZ: No, I think it was meant for
the Dodgers to win it all. They got hot at
the right time, and when that happens,
a team can be impossible to stop. But I also
think some of the As didn't help them-
selves by telling reporters that the Mets.
were the best team in baseball and that.
they were disappointed wed lost. 10 me,
that was Ше kiss of death. Rules one, two
and three: Keep your уар shut, let your bat
do your talking and don't piss anybody off.
You do not want to give your opponents a
banner or а flag to rally round
PLAYBOY: Funny, but the way we hear it, the
Mets offend all of their opponents and are
the least popular team in the National
League. Do we have it wrong?
HERNANDEZ: We're not well liked around
the league, but there are a lot of reasons
for that. You know, everybody loved the
Mets when they were the bums who always
finished last, but now that we're king of the
mountain, everyone is trying to knock us
off. People like to beat us, and 1 under-
stand that.
I remember when I was young and with
the Cardinals in the mid-Seventies, and we
were a fifth-place team. Whenever the
Dodgers or the Reds—the Big Red Ma-
chine—came to town, it was like our world
series. We'd play our asses off against those
teams, and then, when we faced a second-
division club likc the Cubs, we'd fall back
down to earth. You get up for the teams
that are on top.
PLAYBOY: Isn't the real knock on the Mets
that they're. braggarts who aren't above
taunting their opponents?
HERNANDEZ: Look, I dont think were dif-
ferent from any other team in baseball. We
have quiet people, characters and, yes,
some players who've said a lot of things
about our opponents. The real difference
that what you say in New York goes over
the news wires, and the next day it’s every-
where. So I think you have to be extra
careful about what you tell the press here,
and the teams finally gotten a lot smarter
about that.
But not everybody will watch what they
say. For instance, Wally Backman—he was
traded to Minnesota over the winter—was
always outspoken. He happens to be very
gutsy and cocky and he had a tendency to
mouth ofí—thats Wally Wed go into а
three-game series against somebody and
he'd say, "We're gonna kick their ass. The:
cant play with us.” I'd go, “Oh, Wall
Meanwhile, we'd kick the shit out of them,
But you don’t want to incite other teams or
give them extra reasons for wanting to
beat you. I think you have to follow that
line about letting sleeping dogs lie.
PLAYBOY: Let's focus on the current pen-
nant race: Even with the Mets' leader out
with injuries, most baseball experts still
believe New York will win the National
League pennant. St. Louis Cardinals man-
ager Whitey Herzog says, “If you put the
Mets’ pitching staff with any team in the
league, that team would win." Do you
agree with him?
HERNANDEZ: Yes, І do. hing's the name
of the game. Good pitching will always
keep you in the game. There's not a lot of
ssure on our offense to score five runs a
--а lot of times, three or four will be
enough for us to win, so were always in the
game. Conversely, our offense has led the
league їп runs scored the past three years
ina row, and that takes the pressure off our
pitchers—ir’s kind of like each hand is
washing the other. Still, if I had to pick a
team with a mediocre pitching staff and a
great offense or a great pitching staff with
an average offense, I'd take the pitching
any day of the week.
PLAYBOY: Is the Mets
in baseball?
HERNANDEZ: | haven't seen any that are bet-
ter. Dwight Gooden has awesome stull—
he throws extremely hard. He and David
Cone are the same type of pitchers: power
pitchers. Both basically have good, hard
fast balls and great curve balls. Bob Ojeda,
а crafty left-hander—sinker, slider and
great change-up—and Ron Darling are in
a diflerent category: They're control pitch-
ers. They work on a batter's timing and
have stuff to throw him off, whereas Good-
en and Cone will just overpower you. Sid
Fernandez is kind of in his own world. Hes
got this amazingly slow rainbow curve and.
sneaky fast ball. He's also got a weird mo-
tion and his pitches are always hard for hit-
ters to pick up. Hes the unique one.
PLAYBOY: Pitching aside, if you were scout-
ing the Mets for another club, how would.
you describe them?
HERNANDEZ: Га stress the fact that we're a
slugging team, a power team. Our lead-
off hitter and our second hitter kind of set
the tone. Our two center fielders, Mookie
Wilson and Lenny Dykstra, аге ип-
happy with their platoon roles, but they're.
pitching staff the best
indispensable to our club, because they're
both sparkplugs. Either Mookie or Lenny,
who has a swagger and a cocky air about
him, leads off. The young kid, Gregg Jef-
feries—good bat—hits second. They're
the table setters. From that point on, we've
got a power-hitting middle of the line-
up—me, Darryl Strawberry Kevin
McReynolds, Gary Carter and Howard
Johnson. Kevin Elster, our shortstop, hits
eighth, and anything he does offensively is
a big plus; his glove is that important to the
team. We wina lot with our power and. ob-
viously, pitching has been our strength.
PLAYBOY: This will come as no surprise
to you: Even managers of other teams.
have begun saying that this year's Mets
are vulnerable because the team's two
aging and injured
velerans—you and
Gary Carter—may
be over the hill.
Gary is hurting; we
all know that. He's
probably the guy 1
feel for more than
anybody else. His
arm is shot from
wear and tear, and
his knees have just
deteriorated on
him. Gary and 1 are
both thirty-five, and
1 know that Гуе got
aches and pains that
1 didnt used to
have, and I'm just
out there playing
first base. has
to squat down on ev
ery pitch, and he al-
so has to call the
pitches, and thats a
tremendous burden.
Garys in the same
spot 1 am—he'll also
miss a couple of
months because of
a knee injury:
and Um just hop-
ing he comes back
and finishes strong.
Garys been such а
great player that
you cant help but have a little compassion
PLAYBOY: What about yourself? You may
have won another Gold Glove last year, but
you also missed sixty-five games and your
average fell to .276, your lowest in a
decade. Do you think that wasa signal that
the end of your career is imminent?
HERNANDEZ: No, because I look at last sea-
son id this season, 100--іп terms of
how I was hitting at the point I got hurt, I
got off to a terrible start in '88; 1 was hit-
ting about .170 for the first three weeks and.
then came out of it with a bang, and when I
got hurt, 1 was up to .298. This year was al-
most identical in that I got off to the same
slow start. A lot of New York sportswriters
were doing stories that began with "Is Her-
nandez over the hill? Is he too old to hit
any more?" But then I got red-hot in May,
and when І had this freak accident, 1 was
up to .282 and really wearing pitchers out.
So I think I've put to rest all that talk about
my being through. I can sull hit
PLAYBOY: If that's true, how do you explain
the nose dive you went into after returning
from your injury last year? And will ithap-
pen again this year?
HERNANDEZ: I hope it doesn't, but it might.
The problem 1 had was that, after missing
all those games, I kind of felt like I was try-
ing to turn over an engine in winter, and
I just couldn't get going again. I wound
up hitting .240 for the second half of the
PLAYBOY: Is that how you picture yourself
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when you're hitting—as a finely tuned en-
HERNANDEZ: Yeah, but when I'm really red-
hot, the ball looks like it's coming at me in
slow motion, and hitting then becomes a
little like bowling, It’s like I'm the seven
pin—the corner pin in back—and this
bowling ball is rolling down the lane.
When you've got everything working,
thats how big and slow pitches look com-
ing up to the plate. Everything happens in
split second, of course, but when I'm real-
ly on a tear, I can actually sce the ball hit
the bat, the bat recoil and the ball leave the
And when youre по! doing so
HERNANDEZ: You think panic, and you hit
panic. When youre in a slump, you're not
picking the ball up out of the pitcher's
hand; therefore, it looks like it's going five
hundred miles an hour, Irs just the oppo-
site of what happens when you're red-hot:
Instead of thinking in slow motion, you go,
Oh! A curve! I better swing! The key to
hitting is seeing the ball leave the pitcher's
hand and not making a move until you
identify the pitch
PLAYBOY: At what point can you do that?
HERNANDEZ: When the ball is around six
feet out of the pitcher's hand. The reason a
baseball is white with red seams is to give
us a chance to identify the pitch. For in-
stance, when a pitcher throws a slider, the
red seams make a tiny circle in the middle
of the ball. A curve
ball spins like a
moon in orbit over a
planet. A fast ball
doesn't spin at all—
it docs nothing. A
screwball has a
ferent kind of spin.
Each pitch has
own identifying
mark, except for
the split-finger, and
thats what makes it
so tough, because
coming up to the
plate, it looks like a
fast ball, The way 1
deal with it is to pre-
tend its а sinker—1
can hit sinkers. This
game is all in your
mind and, like any.
thing ele, if you
doubt that you can
do something, then
you'll have a hell of a
time doing it.
Staub, your friend
and ex-teammate,
has said that he has
never seen a hitter
with your ability
doubt that ability as
much as you do. In
fact, he says that
when you get into a
slump, you act more like thirteen than
thirty-five. Is that an overstatement?
HERNANDEZ: Not really, because when I'm
going bad, I tend to торе and pout and
feel sorry for myself. The depression and
self-doubt are still there, and it's the one
thing 1 really don't like about myself. I
wish 1 could have been a totally confident,
cocksure piece of shit no one liked, and
then, when my career was over, | could be-
come what | am today. 1 would have done
that in a minute. I finally go back to what.
Lou Brock—my guru when I broke in with
the Cardinals— used to tell me: “If you're
going to [cel sorry for yourself, it’s going to
be a long, miserable season, and you're go-
ing to be out on the street working a job
from nine to five. Instead of channeling it
internally, direct your anger at the pitcher,
‘cause he's the one who's going to put you
out on the street." The only good thing I
can say about my self-doubt is that irs
probably a motivator.
PLAYBOY: How depressed do you get?
HERNANDEZ: When I'm in a slump— and
Ive had only two
years out of fifteen
when I haven't had
апу--І won't want to
go out to the ball
park. Now, a slump
is not ап unlucky
streak where you're
learing the cover
off the ball but
just not getting any
breaks—that’s frus-
trating, but you say,
“Well, it could be
worse; 1 could be
striking out" А
slump is when you
ауе striking out or
just not hitting the
ball good, and those
are the days you
dont want to go to
the park. And in-
variably those are
also the days when
you'll go to batin the
eighth or ninth in-
ning with the bases
loaded and the
chance to win it or
tic it—and you feel
like a piece of shit
up there. Гус always
been better than a
-300 hitter in clutch
situations—l. thrive
on that—but when
Im in a slump
Im thinking, Oh,
God, why me? Why
couldn't it be some-
one else up here?
But you've роо just
take a deep breath
and go, Well, I've
got to fight through
it. You cant give їп,
the clippings to prov
Anyway, one time when I was in а deep
slump, he said, “When that шкы! to
me and it got to a point where it wa
bad, Га go out and get drunk." Dad's not a
drinker, yet he told me to tic onc on. He
If you go back to your hotel room,
you're just going to dwell on the negatives
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HERNANDEZ: My older brother, Gary—who
later became an all-American first base-
man at Cal Berkeley—and 1 were both
raised to be baseball players. I knew the
fundamentals of playing first base when I
was six ycars old, including where to be in
every cut-off situation. My father would hit
me ground balls every day and we'd also
work on scooping
up throws in the
dirt—he'd ten-
nis balls, so if the
ball came up and hit
me in the face, I
wouldnt get hurt
PLAYBOY: Sounds to
us like the perfect
father-son relation-
ship. Was it?
Look, I dont want
this to come out
sounding bad, bc-
cause up until high
school, my father
was just the greatest
Dad was a fireman
who worked twenty-
four hours on and
forty-cight hours
off, and during
those forty-eight
hours—when Gary
and I were kids—
hed get all the
parents in the
neighburhoud tu
take their boys
down to the little
league and Babe
Ruth-league dia-
monds that he had.
helped build оп
church property.
When Gary and I
got to high school,
Dad started. worry-
ing that the high
school coaches were
gonna fuck us up
and ruin us. He
watched every fout-
ball workout and
every baseball
workout, and that's
when he started re-
айу pressing. He
couldnt let go. Gary
and 1 were both
very uncomfortable
about it
You give in, you're | your nearest
done. Advent dealer.
have a tried-and-
true formula for
breaking out of a
HERNANDEZ: Yes, and 1 got it from my dad,
who played double-A ball in the late For-
ties. Dad was a first baseman, and everyone
Ive met in baseball who played against
him said that if he hadn't been beaned—
hitters didn't wear helmets then—his eyes
wouldn't have gone bad and he probably
would have made it to the majors. One year
in the Texas League, Dad hit around 312
and was the star of the team-—-and he's got
and compound the problem. Go out and
have a good time, dont think about the
game, and when you go to the ball park,
you'll have a fresh outlook. Give your mind
a break.” I must tell you that whenever I
tried that, it always worked. I'm not saying
it's the right thing to do, but 1 can't say its
the wrong thing, cither.
PLAYBOY: How responsible was your father
for your becoming a ballplayer?
PLAYBOY: Did you
and your brother let him know how you
were feeling?
HERNANDEZ: No one really spoke up. Dad.
was the master, and in our house, ditfer-
ences were not tolerated. Gary was the first
one to tell Dad how we were fecling, and
when hc did, it was as if thc carth had
shaken. That was a major crisis.
PLAYBOY: Do you remember it?
HERNANDEZ: Yes, vividly. Dad had a temper
and was a shouter, and Gary just screamed
back at him and it turned into a shouting.
match and, of course, Mom was there to
wave our flag Mom was definitely the
buffer, but it really didn't help. My big
problem with Dad came years later, when I
was in the major leagues and told him,
“Hey, Lam a man, and 1 want to go it on my
own. If I get into a slump and it becomes
critical enough, ГЇ ask for your advice. But
1 want to play ball by myself and not have
you to lean on." That was in 1978, after Га
hit .340 the first half of the season and
slumped in the second half. 1 wanted to
pull away from him, which caused a big
stir. He just couldnt let go. Some people
have said we have a love/hate relationship,
but I don't think of it that way; I know Гуе
never hated him. And at this point, he's
backed off. My father taught me how to hit,
knows me better than anybody else, and 1
go to him when Em in trouble. And in-
riably, he always has something to say
that's helpful. 1 think we're both probably
very stubborn.
PLAYBOY: Do you think you have his tem-
per, as well?
HERNANDEZ; Hmmm. Well, I know that in
1973, when 1 was nineteen and playing
double-A ball in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1
acted like a maniac. I got off to a .170 start,
and I broke batting helmets, water cool-
ers—1 was very much of a red ass. It was
the hottest summer anyone down there
could remember—it was a hundred de-
grees every fucking day—aud it took me
two months to get to 300. 1 remember that
one day in early August 1973, I went six for
eight in a double-header and got to .300
and then went home and had an out-of-
body experience.
PLAYBOY: Care to tell us about it, Miss
HERNANDEZ: l'm not. kidding about this.
After that double-header, I went b:
the hotel and took a bath and I gu
went into a hypnotic state. All of a sudden,
1 was startled, because I actually felt some-
thing leave шу body, from the tip of my
ly felt like
toes to the top of my head. It
it was a ghost of my inr
snapped me out of my.
eyes and —whoosh!—it came
I don't know what the fucl
bly a release of tension, %
ac when 1 played there.
PLAYBOY: What was the result of that expe-
HERNANDEZ: Within two and a half wee
І was down to .260. I was
spent. I'd had a 13:
month period, and when I finally got to
‚300, all the tension came out and I had
nothing left. In the middle of that slump.
Bob Kennedy, who was then the Cardinals’
farm director, called me up to Tulsa, the
Cards’ triple-A dub. The team was eight
games out of first place, with a month to go
оп. I loved the weather there—
always a breeze in Tulsa—and in
thirty-one games, I hit 333, and we won
the championship on the last day of the
‘The next year at Tulsa, I hit 351 and
won the American Association batting ti-
tle, In August of 74—as I told you be-
fore— Joe Torre, the Cards’ first baseman,
sprained his thumb. I got called up and
did well, and "Torre was traded over the
winter. I was the heir apparent, and that's
when the pressure really came down on
me. At the start of "75, 1 got off slow, my
confidence really dipped and 1 definitely
needed to get sent down again.
PLAYBOY: What was the problem?
HERNANDEZ: The pitchers were just flat-out
jamming the piss out of me, and mentally, I
was overmatched. 1 was in awe of being in
the big leagues, and I'd go up to the plate
saying things like, “Oh, my, Um facing Tom
Seaver.” I had too many doubts about
whether or not I belonged in the big
leagues. I was my own worst enemy. 1 was
with them through Junc—I hit .203—and
then they benched me and sent me down
to Tulsa again. That turned out to be a big
break for me, because the new manager
there, the late Ken Boyer, knew Га been
getting jammed, jammed, jammed. So he
had me go out early every day, and he'd do
nothing but throw me inside pitches and
tell me to pull them to the right. All good
hitters like the ball out over the plate—you
like to extend your arms—but you have to
be able to hit when pitchers go inside on
you. Boyer really saved me. 1 hit .330 at
Tulsa, and in 1976, my first full season with
the Cardinals, I hit .333 after the All-Star
game, when they made me the starting
first baseman.
PLAYBOY: Was it smocth s;
point on?
HERNANDEZ: No, my average fell to .255 in
1978, and that’s when Lou Brock really
took me under his wing and became like a
second father to me. He taught me every-
thing, and I always told myself that when I
got to be his age—Lou retired after the 79
season, when he was thirty-nine—I'd help
out younger players the same way he
helped me out.
PLAYBOY: What was the most important
thing Brock taught you?
HERNANDEZ: How to hit lefi-handed pitch-
ers. Up until then, I was dangerous against
left-handers, but I really didn't start hit-
ting .300 off them consistently unúl Lou
told me, “You're standing too far away
from the plate. Move one inch off the plate,
and make it obvious to the catcher and ev-
erybody Thats significant and they're
gonna notice, and they're gonna throw you
ide fast balls.” Lou always said that in
your First at-bat їп a game, you should al-
ways establish inside on the pitcher, and
when you get the inside fast ball—and you
will—its OK if you rip it foul, because that
' gonna go, “Damn, thats my best
Hell know that he can't get you
on inside pitches, so for the rest of the
game, hell throw to your strength—the
middle of the plate or outside—and now
you've got. hat made a lot of sense to.
ng from that
me, and the following season, I went from
.255 to .344, the highest batting average іп
both leagues that year.
PLAYBOY: And it was that simple?
HERNANDEZ: lt wasn't simple at all. Lou told
me, "When they sce you ready for the fast
ball inside, they're gonna start throwing
breaking balls, but don't look for them—
look for fast balls away and adjust to the
curve.” 1 did that, too. And then he got me
in spring training the next year and said,
“Now youre gonna start mixing the pitch-
ers up, until they don't know what the fuck
you're doing. You'll pick your spots.” What
it finally boiled down to is this: If I'm look-
ing lor an outside pitch, I can handle any-
thing over the outside three quarters of
the plate; 1 can't handle the inside quarter.
When I'm looking for inside pitches, I can.
handle the inside three quarters of the
plate; I cant handle the outside quarter.
Every pitcher in the league—particularly
left-handers—now knows that I'm an area
hitter. 1 always have three quarters of the
plate covered, but which three quarters
the question that pitchers—and, really,
catchers—have to ask. The catcher has to
say, “Is he looking inside or out?" And hes
gota fifty-fifty chance of being right.
PLAYBOY: What part did your hitting play
in the emergence of the Cardinals as a
power to be reckoned with?
HERNANDEZ: Very little, I think. The Cardi-
nals didn't really come together until
Whitey Herzog got there in June of the
1980 season, and almost immediately, he
made a top team out of us. Whitey's forte is
that he gets the most out of his players. He
was the first manager I ever really played
for who talked to everybody on the team
and made everyone feel he was contribut-
ing—thats difficult to do, but Whitey's a
country bullshitter. And he knows the
game. Whitcy was the first manager who
called the team's attention to all the minor
fundamentals—like hitting the cut-off
man—that nine times out of ten will win
or lose you a ball game. He also molded а
team to play on Busch Stadium’s artificial
turf. Its a big ball park, and you need rab-
bits in the outfield to cut down the ga]
and Whitey went out and got 'em. By ‘82,
the team had gelled and we went on to win
the world series.
PLAYBOY: Was competing in the series all
you'd thought it would be?
HERNANDEZ: For me—no. The confidence
factor again. The one thing I'd hate would
be to go to the American League and have
to learn every team's pitching staff. Brock
always told me, “Hitting will get easier as
you get older. Youll face pitchers like Don
Sutton year after year, and when you go
to a game, you'll know what they're gonna
throw.” Nothing worse than when Septem-
ber comes and teams call up their minor-
leaguers and you've got to face these
rookies and not know what the fuck they'll
throw—I hate that! That's what would
happen to те in the American League.
And that's what happened to me in the '82
world series.
PLAYBOY: You couldrit figure out Milwau-
kee's pitching staff?
HERNANDEZ: Not in the first four games, I
couldn't. I went 0 for fifteen, and newspa-
pers were running stories about how I was
on a pace to break Gil Hodges' record of
going 0 for twenty-one in a world series. I
couldnt get angry at the reporters, be-
cause going 0 for fifteen in the series ¿5 a
story. Thats going to bother a younger
player more than a veteran, and it really
didn't get to me until I was taking batting
practice in Milwaukee before game five.
About seventy reporters were on the field
and all of them were asking me the same
question: "When are you gonna get a hit?”
At that point, the pressure was over-
PLAYBOY: What did you do?
HERNANDEZ: I took only one round of bat-
ting practice, walked out of the batting
cage and went into the trainers room—
which is off limits to the press—just to get
away from those negative questions. 1 was
being my own worst enemy again. Hitting
is a constant battle, and you really need to
think positive. You've got to get angry at
the pitcher and say, "I don't give a fuck
what you throw The counts 0 and two,
bases loaded, pressure situation—throw
me anything you want, ГЇЇ hit it.” You've
got to have the eye of the tiger, or, as Dad
used to say, "When youre up at the plate,
you've got to bea cold-blooded killer." I re-
member sitting in the trainer's room and
thinking about the spaced-out tank com-
mander Donald Sutherland played in Kel-
05 Heroes. He had this great line about
how you've got to tune out all the negative
PLAYBOY: Did that help?
HERNANDEZ: It must have. Even though we
lost game five, I went three for four and I
was on my way. In the last three games, I
went seven for twelve, including a three-
run homer off Don Sutton—and when Sut-
ton was with the Dodgers, I'd never come
close to hitting a home run off him. That
shot contributed to what eventually be-
came а 15-1 blowout in game six, a game
we had to win. The next day, we won it all.
PLAYBOY: Did that feel like the climax of
your career?
HERNANDEZ: No, and I was disturbed that
it didn't mean that much to me. 1 thought
that when we won it, I'd run over to the
pitcher's mound and jump up and down
and just go crazy—and I did that, but it
felt like what І was supposed to do. At the
time, 1 blamed it on having a child's view-
point of winning the world series, but that
wasn't the reason.
PLAYBOY: What was?
HERNANDEZ: I was burned out on baseball.
People don't realize that after a while, you
can get burned out. Major-league baseball
is every day—it's not a Sunday slow-pitch
softball league with beer in the dugout.
This is seven months out of the year with
only twenty days off. You play a hundred.
and sixty-two games in a hundred and
eighty-two days, and before that, you go
through six weeks of spring training with
no off days, and after enough years, the
grind gets to you. In '82, because we were
winning, I didn’t realize it had gotten to
me. The next year—when I went to spring
waining—is when it really hit.
PLAYBOY: What were you feeling?
HERNANDEZ: Well, I was twenty-nine years
old, I'd been in the big leagues for almost.
ten years, 1 had maybe ten more left and,
in a way, I'd attained everything I wanted.
I'd been M.VP, Га won the league batting
championship, Gold Gloves and I'd been
on a championship team—what more was
left but to do it again?
The following season, during spring
training, I talked to Pete Rose about it, and
he said the same thing had happened to
him when he was thirty. He told me you
have to remotivate yourself to go on. By co-
incidence, I met Julius Erving at this year's
Super Bowl, and Dr. J thought I was thirty
or thirty-one. Out of nowhcre, he said,
“Well, you're at the age now where you've
“I think coke is bad,
and anybody who
does it recreationally
is taking a tremendous risk.
Cocaine will grab you
by the throat."
got to remotivate yourself” When I told
him I was thirty-five, he said, “Oh, then
you've already been through that. I had to
do the same thing.” So I guess it must be a
natural process.
PLAYBOY: You may have remotivated your-
self at the start of the '83 season, but that
June, you were traded to the New York
Mets, a move that seemed to shock just
about everyone in baseball.
HERNANDEZ: Everyone except me; Га
smelled a rat six weeks in advance. I could
see that Whitey Herzog did not like me,
and in baseball—unless you're the biggest
airhead who ever walked the earth—you
are the first to know when you are not a
wanted commodity.
PLAYBOY: After you hit .299 and drove in
ninety-four runs during the Cardinals’
championship season, why didn't Herzog
want you on the team?
HERNANDEZ: [A very long silence] 1 must tell
you that I've never talked about this pub-
licly, because I want this period of my life
swept under a rug and forgotten. [Another
long pause] The real reason 1 was traded?
I've got to believe it was caused by my use
of drugs. When I said I'd smelled a rat six
weeks before the trade, what actually hap-
pened was that Whitey called a meeting
and said three players on the team were us-
ing cocaine. He said he knew who we were,
and if we didn't come out and admit it, we
were gone. But that was bluff. The Cardi-
nals had suspicions, but they didn't have
any proof.
PLAYBOY: But their suspicions were correct?
HERNANDEZ: Yes, and the three guys who
were using it were me, Joaquin Andujar
and Lonnie Smith—it's well documented,
because later on, we all testified in court.
Ironically enough, Га stopped using the
drug just a couple of weeks before 1 was
traded in '83. I started using cocaine in
1980—that was the year of my greatest
use. I never really used that much, and I
only did it on the road, but not every day
and not in every city. We would just do it
and yap and tell each other our life stories,
‘Two other players who were gone from the
team by '83 were also involved, and since
they're no longer in baseball, I don't see
any point in mentioning their names.
PLAYBOY: What prompted you to quit using
HERNANDEZ: Well, Га stopped enjoying the
high by’81. But I was still snorting coke in
"82, апа Га sit there and say, “Why the fuck
am I doing this?” 1 was down to minimal
use at the start of the '83 season, when
Whitey delivered his speech. And then
early in the season, when we played the
Phillies in Philadelphia, Lonnie came to
the park too strung out to play. He talked
to Whitey and turned himself in for reha-
bilitanon—Lonnie went into the tank fora
couple of months. Таг when I told my-
self, That's it.
PLAYBOY: Did Smith tell the Cardinals that
you and Andujar were also using coke?
HERNANDEZ: They knew. Lonnie had been
at that meeting when Herzog said he knew
three of us were using coke. The clubs
know whats going on—they all know.
We're their investments. They watch over
their investments.
PLAYBOY: Was it difficult for you to get off
the drug?
HERNANDEZ: Yeah, it was. When I started
using it, the biggest fuckin’ lie about co-
caine was that its not addictive. Listen, it's
tough to get off cocaine. The urges stayed
with me for the rest of the '83 season, and I
had those urges during all of '84 and '85,
as well. I had to stay completely away from
it. If there was cocaine in the room,
wherever I was, I left. Now I have a whole
new group of friends and I'm not around
it. I think coke is bad, and anybody who
does it recreationally is taking a tremen-
dous risk. Cocaine will grab you by the
throat, and the next thing you know, you're
in trouble. You're in trouble.
PLAYBOY: When did you feel as though you.
were in trouble?
HERNANDEZ: Well, not in '80, when I start-
ed doing it—I was enjoying it and I wasn't
doing it to the point where it affected my
game. I don't know exactly when it started
getting a hold on me; probably late "81 or
782. I think that if I'd kept it up, eventually
it would have torn me down. In a way, I
suppose the trade was actually the best
thing that could have happened to me, be-
cause no one on the Mets knew what I'd
PLAYBOY: Were you happy about being sent
to the Mets?
HERNANDEZ: Oh, no, notat all. I was traded
right at the deadline. On June fifteenth, I
was out taking batting practice and I'm
thinking, Well, I've got till midnight. 105
five o'clock, we're hitting and I'm in uni-
form—only seven more hours till dead-
line. A few minutes later, Buddy Bares, the
clubhouse man, came out and said,
“Whitey wants you in his office.” Assoon as
Buddy told me that, 1 knew I was gone.
"The only surprise was where I was going.
The minute | walked into his office,
Whitey said, "We traded you." I said,
"What team?” and he said, "The Mets.” I
honestly think they traded me to New York
just to bury me, because the Mets were
then a terrible team. While I was in his
office, Whitey called up Frank Cashen, the
Mets’ general manager, and put me on the
phone with him.
PLAYBOY: What did Cashen say to you?
HERNANDEZ: That he was happy to have me
aboard, and that the Mets were turning
things around—and I was sitting there
thinking, Oh, sure, the Mets have only
been mired in last place for the past five
years. I was also thinking that I had half a
season left on my contract, which may have
had a lot to do with the trade. 1 was
finishing a five-year three-point-eight-mil-
lion-dollar deal with St. Louis, and if I had
signed a new five-year contract, it would
have been for considerably more—proba-
bly for as much as the eight million, four
hundred thousand dollars I got from New
York. I don't think St. Louis really wanted
to pay it. They're a very conservative or-
ganization; they're the ones who are always
going to move last.
PLAYBOY: After talking with Cashen, did
you feel better about the trade?
HERNANDEZ: Let me put it this way: Аз
soon as I got home from the ball park, I
called my agent and said, “Can I retire? Do
I have enough money to quit?” And he
said, "No, you don't—not if you want to
lead the life you're used to.” After that, I
spoke to my dad, who really made me feel
better about going to New York.
PLAYBOY: How so?
HERNANDEZ: My father, being the fan that
he is, was very well informed about the
progress being made by Dwight Gooden,
Ron Darling and Walt Terrell, all of whom
were then in the Mets' minor-league chain.
He said, “You've got a pitching staff com-
ing ир” He also knew all about Darryl
Strawberry and said, "This team's got
some talent.” My dad knows baseball, so I
respected what he said.
PLAYBOY: You were traded to the Mets for
pitchers Neil Allen and Rick Ownbey—a
trade that delighted Mets fans but made
Cardinals fans fume.
HERNANDEZ: It was a bad trade, especially:
in retrospect. The Cardinals could have
gotten a hell of a lot more for me, I think,
because they didn't come out and tell the
world about the drug thing. But there cer-
tainly were rumors floating around—
when 1 talked to Cashen, he let me know
he'd heard whispers of my having a drug
problem. By the same token, if Whitey had
really wanted me, he could have come to
me and said, "Look, we know what you're
doing; let's get you some help." That never
And then, after the trade, the club sud-
denly went south, and St. Louis fans gor all
over Whitey for it. Still, he bit the bullet
and didn't come out and say I was traded
because of drugs and that Га lied about
not using them.
PLAYBOY: So Herzog was a stand-up guy?
HERNANDEZ: Yes, he was. But when Whitey
started getting heat every day because of
the trade and because the club had gone
south, he became very critical of me, and I
wish he'd kepthis mouth shut. Herzog said
I wasnt his kind of ballplayer because I
didn't always run out ground balls—and
that's a weakness in my game, I admit that.
He finally came up with the ultimate criti-
cism: He said I was a selfish player. That,
to me, is the worst. I'd rather be called a
dog than a selfish player. Thar's a player
who goes four for four and the team loses,
but he's happy; or when the team wins and
he's 0 for four, he's pissed off. That really
got to me.
PLAYBOY: Have you talked with Herzog
since then?
HERNANDEZ: Yeah, we're fine now I have
the greatest respect for him as a manager,
and because of that respect, it really did
bother me when I read that I wasr't his
kind of player. But as I've already men-
tioned, I also know that he could have gone
public with the drug thing and didn't.
PLAYBOY: How did your drug use finally
come to light?
HERNANDEZ: During spring training of
1985, I got a call from an FBI agent in
Pittsburgh, who said, "We want you to
come here and testify in front of the grand
jury concerning Curtis Strong,” who was a
drug dealer. I thought, Oh, fuck. Some-
thing that ended two years ago, something
thar's behind me—and I get caught now?
The trial didn't take place until September,
and Lonnie testified the day before I did.
He told the grand jury that he, Andujar,
myself and the two other players I alluded
to had used cocaine.
PLAYBOY: Were you upset at Smith for in-
forming on you?
HERNANDEZ: No, because 1 understood
what he was going through. I knew hc was
afraid that he would be suspended; I'm
sure they threatened him with that. So I
didn't hold it against him—were still
friends—and neither did Joaquin. There
were no hard feelings. What Lonnie
testified to was the truth, and when my
turn came, | wasn't going to perjure my-
self. And I didn't.
PLAYBOY: After you and a number of other
players were granted immunity in return
for your testimony, former baseball com-
missioner Peter Ueberroth gave you a
choice of being suspended for a year or
paying a fine of ten percent of your yearly
salary—which in your case came to a hun-
dred and thirty-five thousand dollars—
and performing two hundred hours of
community service. What did you think of
Ueberroths ruling?
HERNANDEZ: When he first came out with
his announcement, 1 didn't like it at all.
When Hollywood stars get caught doing
cocaine and it appears in the papers, ev-
erybody just says “Oh,” and it doesn't af-
fect their box office and they continue to
work. But then, I had to look atit objective-
ly and I realized this was a big scandal, and
Ueberroth had to do something, because
the public was outraged. The public—and
probably rightly so—said I should have
been thankful that I wasn't suspended for
life. Listen, I hate the fact that I'm part of
“The Pittsburgh Seven,” and that'll be
baseball history, just like the Black Sox
scandal: “The Pittsburgh Seven,” and
there is my name. Using coke was the
biggest fuckin’ mistake I ever made, be-
cause my reputation had been outstand-
ing, and I blew it.
PLAYBOY: How long did it take before you
were happy about having been sent to New
HERNANDEZ: Well, when I first got there,
my perceptions of New York were what
they'd always been: that it’s all crime and
muggings and don’t go out at night. Like
most people around the country, I was ter-
rified of New York. I was still married in
"83, and we had three daughters, so 1 lived
in Greenwich, Connecticut, and commut-
ed to Shea Stadium. But over the winter,
my wife and I separated for the last time,
and in 1984, Rusty Staub, who was my best
friend on the team, insisted that I take a
place in the city. And that’s when 1
changed my opinion of New York.
PLAYBOY: What caused you to change it?
HERNANDEZ: Rusty and two other Mets who
were also single, Ed Lynch and Ron Dar-
ling, were all living in the city, so the four
of us hung out together. Rusty knew the
city like the back of his hand, and being
the gourmet that he is, we used to go out to
great dinners after every game, and 1 liked
that. Throughout my years in St. Louis, Га
always gotten bored in the off season, be-
cause there wasn't enough to do. In New
York, you can't get bored—theres simply
тоо many things going on, and not just
party things. New York has great restau-
rants, Broadway shows, all kinds of enter-
tainment, and good basketball, hockey and
PLAYBOY: Off and on the field, you're
known best as “the Mex,” but we've been
told that that’s more of an alter ego than а
nickname. True?
HERNANDEZ: Yes, but it didrit start out that.
way. When 1 began playing in the minor
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leagues, the Caribbean, South American
and Mexican players I met usually asked
me where 1 was from. Га tell them the
truth: "I'm from San Francisco, and I'm
Spanish." Theyd alvays say, "Well, you're
not Spanish, you're just ashamed to admit
you're Venezuelan or Mexican." So instead
of fighting it, at eighteen, 1 became the
As I grew older, the Mex became some-
one other than who I was away from the
ball park. I remember that іп 1987, I spent
most of the season trying to get back to-
gether with my girlfriend; we'd been sepa-
rated for a year, and when 1 realized I'd
made a grave error in judgment, it affected.
my play and the way 1 carried myself
around the team. I was тооду and 1 was
distracted, and I'm usually hyper. At the
end of the season, Ron Darling came up to
me and said, “We need you to bc the Mex
PLAYBOY: And viho is the Mex?
HERNANDEZ: The Mex is a ballplayer who
enjoys being with his teammates and who
doesn't act like an adult thirty-five-year-old
male. He's not wild and crazy, but he cer-
tainly is youthful. When we're flying from
city to city, the back of the plane is where
everybody goes to have a good time. You
ро back and drink your beers and have
some fun during the two- or three-hour
flight to the next town. The Mex belongs in
the back of the plane, but that doesn't
mean Pm going to be getting drunk and
I'm really two different people: the
ballplayer and the person I am during the
off season. During the off season, I'm a
fairly solitary man; during the season, I
don't want to be solitary, I smoke cigarettes
during the season; the rest of the year, I
don't. During the winter, I get up early, like
normal people do, and I enjoy the day.
During the season, because we're noctur-
nal—the great majority of our games are
played at night—I stay up till two in the
morning and sleep till noon.
PLAYBOY: Is that the way you were spending
most of your time that first season in New
HERNANDEZ: Actually, the first half of the
season, I was living with a girl. The second
half, I wasn't going out like Joe Namath
and painting the town red, though I was
staying out late. Thats when I started
thinking Davey Johnson was the greatest
manager in the world. On Saturday nights,
I'd usually stay out till five in the morning,
and when I went to the ball park before
our Sunday-afternoon games, I'd tell Da-
vey, “I'm beat; I don't want to take hitting.”
And he'd let me go into the trainer's room
and sleep till noon, and often enough, I'd
go out and go four for five. That year—
1984—was the best of my career. I hit .300
every month and 1 was never better in the
clutch. To me, '84 was the initial challenge.
The team had lost ninety-four games the
year before; in '84, we won ninety games.
We turned it around in one year, and Da-
vey was one of the major reasons for that.
PLAYBOY: How would you characterize
Johnson's approach to managing?
HERNANDEZ: Davey plays alot of hunches—
he operates on his instincts, rolls the dice
and often goes against the grain. And Da-
vey's great at developing new talent and in-
stilling confidence in young players. He
was perfect for the Mets job. Davey never
put any of our young players in the posi-
tion I was in when I started out with St.
Louis: If they went 0 for four, he didn't
bench them the next day He nurtured
those kids, especially the pitchers. During
their first year with the Mets, whenever
Dwight Gooden or Ron Darling got into a
jam in the fifth inning or so, Davey would
make them get out of it themselves, and
only then would he yank them. And he
would get tremendous criticism for not let-
ting Dwight Gooden, at nincteen years of
age, throw more than a hundred and ten
pitches—or whatever the number was—
because our trainer had seen a lot of
young arms get blown out from overwork.
Unfortunately, our bull pen couldn't hold a
lead, so when we lost, Davey would catch a
lot of criticism for it: “Well, why didnt you
leave Gooden in? Doc was throwing a six-
hit, one-run game and you pulled him in
the eighth inning. Why?" And Davey
would always say, "Because he threw a
hundred and ten pitches" He took the
heat. It’s pretty clear to me that Davey's one
of the new breed of managers.
PLAYBOY: Apparently so: He's known to re-
ly heavily on computerized stats. Do you
go along with that?
HERNANDEZ: Yes, but only to a degree, be-
cause there are some things the computer
doesnt tell you. The first year Davey had
the print-outs, I got curious and checked
ту average against every pitcher we faced.
When I found out I was .345 against John
Candelaria, I couldn't believe it, because
he was one of the toughest left-handers in
the league. What the computer cant tell
you—at least not right now—is if I hit
twenty bloopers and infield bleeders or if 1
got legitimate hits off the pitcher.
The numbers also can be deceiving in
the other direction. The first time we faced
Nolan Ryan, who was then pitching for the
Astros, Davey called me into his office and
said, “I’m going to rest you today; take the
day off. The computer says you hit .175
against Ryan.” I said, “No, no, Davey. I
dort mind facing Nolan Ryan. Ryan's
tough, but I've beaten him.” I finally per-
suaded Davey not to rest me against Ryan,
and in the eighth inning, I hit a three-run
homer to beat him. My average against
Ryan may have been 175, but he always
walked me a lot and І was dangerous
against him.
PLAYBOY: Former Cardinals catcher Tim
McCarver, who's currently the hottest TV.
baseball broadcaster in America, says he
has never seen a player do more than you
do to help his team win, and Frank Cashen
agrees. Just what is it that you do?
HERNANDEZ: Exactly what Lou Brock did
for me when I was a rookie. I remembered
how Lou calmed me down and how much
that meant to me. I'd never been on a team
that had so many young players come up at
once who were bona fide major-leaguers,
but they were all going through what I had
gone through—wondering whether or not
they belonged in the big leagues. So all of
a sudden, I'm Dwight Gooden, I'm Ron
Darling, Im Lenny Dykstra, I'm Roger
McDowell, I'm Darryl Strawberry—partic-
ularly Straw. I had a special attachment to
him because he was gonna be the next
Willie McCovey and hit five hundred home
runs, and he had intense, immense pres-
sure put on him starting when he was
nineteen years old. I remembered how Га
felt when I was twenty-one and had my pic-
ture in Sports Illustrated, which ran an arti-
cle called “The Most Likely to Succeed.”
Darryl's still under much more pressure
than I ever was.
PLAYBOY: Any reason for that?
HERNANDEZ: Oh, sure—he hits monstrous
home runs. Darryls got awesome power.
And America much prefers a slugger like
Darryl to a Wade Boggs, a .380 hitter who
hits twelve home runs. We love home-run
hitters because home runs are exciting.
The closest thing to Darryl is Jack Clark,
who also puts fear into the hearts of a lot of
pitchers. Darry!'s very intimidating.
PLAYBOY: When crowds in stadiums
throughout the National League razz him
by chanting “Dar—ryl! Dar—nl!” does he
cver get intimidated?
HERNANDEZ: No, I think he likes it. The
reason they do it, of course, is that Darryl's
a special player. A lot of people compare
him to Reggie Jackson, but I think Darryl's
very sensitive, whereas Reggie was just
PLAYBOY: Meaning?
HERNANDEZ: Reggie loved being in the
spotlight. I mean, when he came to bat
with the bases loaded, he would get a
hard-on. Mr. All-Star-fucking-grand-slam-
homer-in-Detroit-off-theight-tower, Mr.
October—his ego just thrived on things
like that, and I know him, and I like him.
Darryl's not Reggie. Darryl has this vul-
nerability that shows, and it's such that in
New York, fans really love him, but they're
befuddled by him, and I think at least
some of that's been caused by the New York
press, which always criticizes his defense.
Darryl is not a Roberto Clemente in right
field—Clemente won twelve Gold Gloves—
but he's not a butcher in right field, either.
Well, maybe he is just an average
outfielder. So what? Listen, Darryl is the
cornerstone of the Mets' franchise—he is
the franchise player. You build teams
around a Darryl Strawberry and his abili-
ties. But even though New York fans are
very bright and very knowledgeable, they
get exasperated by him.
PLAYBOY: Why? Just because they think he
should be a great defensive player?
HERNANDEZ: No, it's the controversy that
seems to swarm around him every spring.
They really want to take Darryl into their
hearts, and it's a very frustrating relation-
ship. Darryl could have New York in his
back fucking pocket, and, to a degree, he
does, but fans always want him to do more.
last year, he led the league with
ne home runs, had a hundred and
one R.B.I.s and hit .269. What do you ex-
pect from this man?
PLAYBOY: Let's focus for a moment on your
mention of the controversy that always
seems to surround Strawberry: This past
spring, just about every TV station in the
nation broadcast footage of the two of you
fighting at spring training. You've thus far
refused to reveal the
cause of that fight,
so we'll try to finesse
this one out of you.
What was the cause
of that fight?
silence] Well, Гуе
been highly critical
of Darryl, and may-
be too much so—in
the newspapers—
about things 1
should have said to
him face to face. Гуе
always had Darryl's
best interests at
heart, but there are
things Ive зай
about him publicly
1 hadn't.
that he quit on us in
"84 апа 85. I think I
misjudged him back
then, and Darryl
is very misunder-
stood. 1 can tell you
that he is a caring
person who's got a
good heart and who
wants to be liked.
He is not an asshole,
which is to say he's
not a self-centered
piece of shit.
PLAYBOY: You still haven't told us what hap-
pened at spring training.
HERNANDEZ: What happened was this:
Darryl had heard from a most unreliable
source—dont ask me who, ‘cause I won't
tell you—that last fall, І had campaigned
against him winning the leagues M.VP
award. He didn’t hear this from anybody
connected with the Mets, but he believed
it, and that simply wasn't true.
PLAYBOY: The M.VP. award is voted on by
sportsvriters. He was told that you had
urged sportswriters not to vote for him?
HERNANDEZ: Right. The day before we got
into the fight, we ran into each other and
he asked me about it, and I said, "Darryl,
no." And I thought we'd cleared that up.
PLAYBOY: Obviously, you hadrit.
HERNANDEZ: That's also right. But I think I
really touched it off. Straw was then trying
10 get his old contract torn up, and ! told
some newspapermen I thought he was get-
ting bad advice from his agent—which was
rot really blaming Darryl. Anyway, he
picked the fight. There were all these cam-
eramen around and I said, “Are you sure
you want to do this right here, right now?"
He wanted to, and | couldnt back down.
But I didn't want to hit him, and I could
have coldcocked him. We were laughing
about this recently, because he hadn't real-
ly wanted to hit me, either. Darryl's also a
lefty, and he threw a half-assed left hand
and brushed my nose with the back of one
of his fingers—it wasnit even a backhand
PLAYBOY: Was that the end of it?
HERNANDEZ: Yes, but I couldn't sleep that
night—1 was very upset. The next day, 1 go
to the park and, lo and behold, Darryl
comes up to me and says, “Let's play catch,
Mex.” I can't tell you how relieved I was.
PLAYBOY: Why? Is camaraderie that impor-
tant to you?
HERNANDEZ: Camaraderie is very impor-
tant! In St. Louis, we were a tight unit, and
after a game, you didn't have to say, “I'll see
you at the hotel bar.” Instead of going up
to our hotel rooms after a night game and
feeling claustrophobic, we would meet
downstairs and talk to one another over a
few beers. On my first road trip with the
Mets in '83, I took the team bus back to
the hotel, and only three players were in
the hotel bar. I went, “Holy fuck!" It stayed
like that through the end of that first half
season I played for New York.
The next year, in '84, on our first road
trip, 1 made a point of going up to fifteen
players and saying, "Hey, ГЇ meet you їп
the hotel bar after the game." All fifteen
guys showed up, and I'll never forget that
Hubie Brooks, who now plays for the Ex:
pos, came up the next day and said, "You
know, I had a great time last night; let's do
it again." A team becomes a team that way.
And you don't just spend your time bull-
shitting. For instance, let's say Ниме went
one for four during the game. I'd ask him,
“That one atbat where you were awe-
some—what did the
pitcher lead you off
with? What did he
throw you on three
and one? What was
on your mind at
three and one?" The
pitchers talk about
pitching, the rest of
us talk about hit-
ting, and thats im-
PLAYBOY: Let's talk
some more about
hitting. Ted Wil-
liams once claimed
that hitting а
pitched baseball is
the toughest single
act in sports. Do you
do. If a quarterback
completes thirty
percent of his pass-
es, he won't make it
to the N.EL. You
dort hear about
quarterbacks with a
thirty percent—or
average. If a tennis
player gets in only
thirty percent of his
first serves, he's in
deep shit. Same with
a basketball player
who shoots thirty percent from the floor.
But a baseball player who gets hits in thirty
percent of his at-bats—only about a dozen
guys in each league are able to do that.
Check it out.
PLAYBOY: After fifteen seasons in the major
leagues, your lifetime batting average is
exactly .300. Can you tell us what it takes to
bea .300 hitter?
HERNANDEZ: Mental discipline. Total men-
tal discipline. Every year you have approxi-
mately seven hundred appearances at the
plate. There will be times when youre in,
say, St. Louis, and you're leading off the
ninth inning, the score is 10-0, it’s a week-
end game and the temperature is a hun-
dred degrees—and a hundred and forty
degrees on the Astroturf—and the heat is
reflecting up in your face. And you can't
give in, but once in a while, you're going to
give in. There air't a man alive who's gon-
na have seven hundred quality at-bats.
He's gonna have that time when he says,
"I'm tired, this game's out of reach, this
pitcher gives me trouble—fuck it" Keep
them at a minimum. And that's the differ-
ence between a .300 hitter and a .280 hit-
PLAYBOY: Last year, even though you were
only two hits short of it, the fact is that you
did fall below .280. Aside from that statis-
tic, are you aware of any inroads that time
has made on your ability to hit?
HERNANDEZ: That's difficult to answer, be-
cause before I got hurt last year—and this
year, too—I was having a normal season.
Let me put it this way: When I slip, ГЇЇ be
the first to know 1 once asked [former
Chicago Cubs slugger] Billy Williams
when he first felt that he was slipping and
what he did to compensate for it. Billy said,
"When I was thirty-seven, I felt myself be-
come a little slower—I didnt get the bat
around as fast as 1 always had, so 1 looked
for certain pitches. Billy and I talked
about the pitches he looked for, and what.
he told me will remain strictly confidential.
Im not giving anything away that I don't
have to.
PLAYBOY: At the start of the season, Mets
vice-president Joe McIlvaine sounded as if
he were ready 1 give ули away. Mullvaine
told a writer that if you don't play up to
your usual level, it may be “time to sever
the cord.” How did you react to that?
HERNANDEZ: І took it for what it was: That's
the business end of baseball. 1 was coming
off an injury that put me out for sixty days
and was getting ready to negotiate a new
contract, and he was saying, “Show me.” If
I were in Joe's shoes, I would have said and
done the same thing: I wouldn't have
signed me to another contract until late in
the season or until the season was over—
Td have waited to see if I'd had a good
year or not. I think its purely a business
decision, and a good one, a sound one.
They're doing the same thing to Carter—
the spotlight's on both of us.
PLAYBOY: And how hot is that spotlight get-
HERNANDEZ: This is a different sort of
pressure than I've ever had to deal with,
because I want to finish my career with the
Mets. New York is my home, and if I didn't.
give a shit about living there, I wouldn't
give two flips about playing somewhere
else next year. My injury has changed the
picture, however. Even though it's a freak
injury, it’s an injury nonetheless, and it's
real easy to picture management saying,
“OK, he's starting to get hurt now, and it
will continue.” But when I come back, and
if I get back in the starting line-up, I think
my destiny will still be in my own hands.
Of course, it's certainly possible that come
September—which is when this kind of
thing always happens—a contending team
will want a veteran first baseman to help
them in their stretch run for a division ti-
tle. But at least I'm not at the Mets’ mercy.
I'm a ten-and-five man—I have ten years
of service in the big leagues and more than
the required five with the same team—
which automatically means that they can't
trade me to a club I don't want to play for.
And if they can't trade me, then I become а
free agent and can sign with anybody next
PLAYBOY: How would you feel about being
HERNANDEZ: Right now, if I have to go
somewhere, there's only one team I'd want
to finish my career with, and it's in the Na-
tional League. I can't tell you which team,
because that could be interpreted as
breaking baseball's rule against tamper-
ing, and I'd catch hell for it from the com-
missioner's office. But I'd still rather finish
my career vith the Mets.
So the pressure this year is unlike the
usual variety, but it finally comes down to
the same thing: I've got to continue to pro-
PLAYBOY: And what if you can’t produce?
“Theres not enough years
left for me to have any
shot at getting three
thousand hits. Pm not
gonna fuss and break
my head over it.”
HERNANDEZ: What do I do? I don't know.
For the first time in my career, because of
my divorce and some financial problems,
I'm really playing for a new contract. I
should be fucking set for life, but I got am-
bushed, waylaid by the past. When I got di-
vorced, I got clobbered, and there were
also problems with my former agent and
the IRS. I had everything planned so that
after this contract, I could quit, if I wanted
to, and live off the money I'd deferred all
these years. I was set, but that option's no
longer there. And I'm very pissed about it.
PLAYBOY: Because of that situation, how
many more years do you plan on playing?
HERNANDEZ: If I can stay healthy, I've got
three years left where I can play a hundred
and fifty games a season. Physically, I may
have five years left, but the only thing that
could Keep me in the game that long is my
shot at three thousand hits, which would
just about ensure me a place in the Hall of
Fame. Between last year's injury and this
one, though, that's out: See ya. Sayonara.
There's not enough years left and not
enough games left for me to have any shot
at getting three thousand hits. I'm not
gonna fuss and break my head over it,
though I certainly would like to get twenty-
five hundred. But if it doesnt happen,
then it doesn't happen. I'll just have had a
good career, and Ill take it from there.
PLAYBOY: Since you've already indicated
that you probably won't be playing then,
what do you expect to be doing five years
from now?
HERNANDEZ: I’m not sure, and I'm worried
about it. Do I want to broadcast? Do I want
to manage? Do I want to stay in the game?
You know what would be the most effort-
less job? Just coaching for the Mets, living
in New York and throwing batting prac-
tice. I could do that for a while. Actually, I
would love just to fade into the sunset.
PLAYBOY: Is it important to you how New
Yorkers remember your years with the
HERNANDEZ: Well, I think it's already pret-
ty much guaranteed that I’m a member of
an exclusive club—only two Mets teams
have ever won the vorld series, the miracle
Mets of '69 and the "86 Mets—so we'll al-
ways be remembered. And no matter if my
career falls apart this year—the worst pos-
sible scenario is that I'm not given a new
contract—as time goes by, the fans will for-
get all that, and they'll remember '86.
"Thats important to me, and I'm looking
forward to old-timers' day in the year
2006—the twenty-year reunion of the
1986 Mets will be a fun day.
Other than that, I won't lose sleep over
how people are gonna remember me when
I'm through playing. Fans always expect
you to be in a great mood, and there have
been times when they've come up for an
autograph and I've had a bad day or I've
been in a slump, and I've been rude. Those
people probably hate my guts, 'cause you
remember those things. But if they think
I'm stuck-up or unfriendly, they ought to
think again. They don't know me. I have
my own life.
PLAYBOY: It almost sounds as if, when you
leave the game—aside from your desire
for Hall of Fame membership—you don't
want to leave any footprints behind you.
HERNANDEZ: That's not true. What's impor-
tant to me is how I'm perceived by baseball
people. When Whitey Herzog was my
manager, he could drive to the park every
day knowing I'd be in the line-up, that I
wanted to play and that I'd always give him
my very best. That's how I want to be per-
ceived. Not as this guy who got twenty-five
hundred hits and who was a lifetime .300
hitter. I gave it my best—thar's how I want
to be remembered.
And I know this much: When I retire
from baseball, I will miss the guys much
more than the game, and I think that's
true for most ex-ballplayers. I won't miss
having to drive in the clutch run with two
outs in theninth inning. But I will miss the
three-A.M. bus rides from the airport into
Cincinnati, where there's music going and
everybody's singing and laughing. Those
are the great times.
y U zn өтімі
al Lom 1 Ц
the pre-season scoop on this year's n.f.l. wars
UPER BOWL XXII, three minutes,
ten seconds left in the game,
Cincinnati up 16—13, San Francis-
co with the ball on its own eight-
yard line. Are the 49ers worried? Nah!
After all, they have the best wide re-
ceiver who has ever played the game in
Jerry Rice. And they have Mr. Clutch,
Joe Montana, the guy who has been
bringing teams back since his peewee-
league days.
So often, potential Super Bowl mag-
ic turns out to be all hype and no dra-
ma, games more memorable for their
commercials than for the final min-
utes. Not on this day, because Joc Cool
game on the line and the ball on the
Cincinnati ten, Montana finds John
"Taylor uncovered over the middle and
hits him for a touchdown. Its San
Francisco's third Super Bowl ring in
eight years and leaves Montana
seconds to rehearse "I'm going to Disney World."
Montana may not have proved that he's the best big-
game quarterback ever, but then, he's not finished. Cincin-
nati receiver Cris Collinsworth summed up Montana's
performance best: “Joe Montana is not human. I don't
want to call him a god, but he's definitely somewhere in
Happily, fans whose reason for living ended with Mon-
tana's heroics had plenty of off-season action to keep them
awake till fall. In fact, four events took place that changed
the face of professional football.
Start with the patriarch of coaches over the past two and
a half decades, Tom Landry, who was hustled out of Dallas
and into the sunset by new Covboys owner Jerry Jones, a
feisty Arkansas millionaire who cracked heads as a player
for the Razorbacks when offensive guards weighed only
185 pounds. Simultancously, Jones brought in former Ar-
kansas teammate Jimmy Johnson, he of the perfect hair
and almost perfect record at the University of Miami
(51—9) these past five years, to bring law and order and
some wins to an America's team only a shadow of its for-
mer self.
Next, in a move that surprised even his closest friends,
Pete Rozelle, the man most responsible for the wildly suc-
cessful mating of pro football and television, stepped
down after 29 years as N.EL. commissioner. The man had
is at the helm. Piece by little piece, he
takes apart Cincinnati’s zone coverage
and unlikely dream. Eight yards, seven
yards, then seven again. With the
made his mark. It was Rozelle who
persuaded the owners to split TV rev-
enues equally, thus creating league sta-
bility and economic fortune; Rozelle
who oversaw the merger of the A.EL.
with the N.EL. and the inception of the
Super Bowl; Rozelle who convinced
Roone Arledge at ABC that football
belonged in Monday-night prime time.
And to think that it took the league 23
ballots back in 1960 to settle on com-
promise candidate Rozelle, then a 33-
year-old PR man.
He quit, finally, “to spend more free
time and stressless time” with his fami-
ly. And who can blame him, after end-
less strife with the players’ union and a
decade-long legal squabble between
the league office and Raiders owner Al
Then 229 players changed partners
in the N.EL.s version of a Chinese fire
drill. That’s more guys than quarter-
back Custer had with him when the
Seventh Cav played Sitting Bull State.
When the league decided to short-cir-
cuit a lawsuit by the players’ union by allowing each team
to protect 37 players and give free agency to everyone else,
no one imagined that more than a third of the unprotect-
ed players would actually switch uniforms.
The move, referred to as Plan B, probably benefited the
weaker teams such as Green Bay (20 players signed), who
helped themselves to the leftovers of talent-rich franchises
such as Houston (15 players lost). It most definitely
benefited the players who switched, а mostly mediocre
crowd, who signed contracts for approximately 72 percent
more than they were paid in 1988. Can Gary Hogeboom,
who went from Indianapolis to Phoenix, really be worth
$3,400,000 over four years?
Finally, back in Dallas, Texas E. Schramm, the president
and general manager of the Cowboys and the second-most
powerful man in the N.EL., handed in his badge after de-
ciding there wasn't enough room in town for both himself
and new owner Jones. It was Schramm who had originally
pushed Rozelle for commissioner, who sat on the powerful
Tules committee and who, along with Rozelle, recognized
the potential of pro football on television. It was no acci-
dent that Dallas became America's team. Schramm engi-
neered it, along with five Super Bowl appearances, for his
"Joe Montana is not human. I don't want to call
him a god, but he's definitely somewhere in between.”
—cris COLUINSWORTH, wide receiver, Cincinnati Bengals
A "E
Eastern Division..........+ е
Central Division . Cleveland Browns
Western Division . Los Angeles Raiders
Wild Cards. . . „Houston Oilers
Indianapolis Colts
AFC. Champion Buffalo Bills
Eastern Division ee sn acres eer ee rH a Philadelphia Eagles
Central Division . .. Minnesota Vikings
. San Francisco 49ers
Be doen A ‚Chicago Bears
Los Angeles Rams
Mu er eue Ms Minnesota Vikings
Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia .. ...... csse Quarterback
Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis - A Running Back
Herschel Walker, Dallas _ Running Back
‚Jerry Rice, San Francisco. «Wide Receiver
Anthony Carter, Minnesota „Wide Receiver
Keith Jackson, Philadelphia Tight End
‚Anthony Munoz, Cincinnati
Gary Zimmerman, Minnesota .
Bill Fralic, Atlanta .
Мах Montoya, Cincinnati
Ray Donaldson, Indianapolis.
Bruce Smith, Buffalo . .
Chris Doleman, Minnesota is
Reggie White, Philadelphia Tackle
Mike Singletary, Chicago. - . Inside Linebacker
John Offerdahl, Miami. . Inside Linebacker
Outside Linebacker
Ardre Tippett, New England .
Cornelius Bennett, Buffalo.
Albert Lewis, Kansas City.
Frank Minnifield, Cleveland
Joey Browner, Minnesota .
Ronnie Lott, San Francisco
Tim Brown, Los Argeles Raiders
Ron Wolfley, Phoenix
Вапу Sanders, Detroit .................. КМ Ж.-с
beloved Cowboys.
Schramm left Dallas to take on the
challenge of organizing the N.EL.s new
International Football League, a devel-
opmental probe to test the viability of ex-
panding into foreign markets. Never
mind the outcome; Gil Brandt, the Cow-
boys former director of player personnel
and another victim of Jones's house
cleaning, knows where Schramm's heart
lies: “Tex will always wear a Cowboys star
оп his sleeve.”
"There were also a few less historic
changes in the off season. Steroids are
out; the instant replay is still in. All play-
ers will be tested for anabolic steroids
and masking agents during a seven-to-
ten-day period at the start of training
camp. À positive test will result in a mini-
mum 30-day suspension. А second posi-
tive test will result in a ban for the
remainder of the season, including all
postseason games. The use of the in-
stant replay as an officiating aid was сх-
tended onc more ycar by an owners’ vote
of 24-4.
And now, before any more N.EL. leg-
ends resign or are fired, or the Redskins
take off their paint to become Cowboys,
let's take to the field to pick the winners.
Philadelphia Еайез.............
Washington Redskins
New York Giants. .
Dallas Cowboys .
Phoenix Cardinals. .
When we predicted last year that the
Philadelphia Eagles would win the N.EC.
Fast, we had no idea that a Buddy Ryan—
coached team could finish dead last out
of 28 teams in pass defense. It did, and
the Eagles won the division anyway.
"The credit goes to quarterback Ran-
dall Cunningham and N.EL. Rookie of
the Year Keith Jackson, who set an Eagles
receiving record with 81 catches. Some
credit also goes to the Washington Red-
skins and the New York Giants, who
couldn't get their acts together.
Ryan says the Eagles are only eight
players and a year's experience from be-
ing able to play with the big boys. Never
believe Ryan's public expectations for his
team. He won't be satisfied with anything
less than a Super Bowl win.
Cunningham is talented enough to
lead the Eagles anywhere except into a
Soldier Field fog bowl with the Chicago.
Bcars, as happencd last scason in the Ea-
gles’ first and only play-off game since
1981. Mike Quick is completely recovered
from the broken leg that sidelined him
for eight games in the middle of last
Ryan found a jewel at linebacker when
the Bears left Al Harris unprotected un-
der Plan В. The acquisition of Harris
Tony Mandarich May Become the Best Pro Lineman Ever
Tony Mandarich is по
ordinary man-mourtain.
He is a mourtain range—
Rocky thighs, Himalayan
shoulders, tectonic plates
of muscle so tight his pecs
twitch when he clenches
his fists. The 6'6", 315-
pound Mandarich is vol-
canically strong. At an
audition for N.EL. scouts,
he bench-pressed 225
pounds 39 times. He can
dead-lift 780 pounds. In
the course of a "psycho
workout" he may hoist
half a million pounds. And
he may be the fastest
man his size on earth.
Mandarich is a preview
of the N.EL's future—
when every player will
be Schwarzenegger strong.
and scatback fast. Offen-
sive tackle as Terminator.
"I'm the new breed," he
says, dwarfing the dining-
room table in his Whittier,
California, condo 48 hours
after the Green Bay Pack-
ers made him the number-
two pick in the 1989 N.EL.
draft. “Most of the offensive linemen in the N.EL. are fat-
asses, twenty or twenty-five percent body fat. I'm eleven
point four.”
He grins. Currently embroiled in a bargaining war with
the Packers (he wants more millions than number-one pick
‘Troy Aikman got from Dallas), Mandarich knows that ev-
ery colorful quote increases his fame and enhances his
leverage. Publicity—"good pub"—is Tony's ammo. He cul-
tivates his image as the Hulkster of football. Asked to com-
pare himself with Brian Bosworth, another self-promoter
who made a lot of noise before playing a down in the
N.EL., Tony sniffs. “The Boz,” he says. Subtext: Bosworth
turned pro with Tony-style hoopla but is now known for
two things—Right Guard ads and a Boz-bash collision with
Bo Jackson. “1 don't like being compared to him. He's arro-
gant; I'm outspoken. And I won't lay an egg when I get to
the N.EL., like be did”
More inflammatory quotes:
"Bodybuilding is harder than football."
“Green Bay should not be called acity A village, maybe."
“The N.C.A.A.? Amateurs. They dont know what
they're doing.”
“I don't use steroids. I worked my ass off in the gym to
get big, and my family are big people. My brother plays for
the Edmonton Eskimos. My mom is big. She used to body-
slam me when I was thirteen, and 1 was over two hundred
pounds then. But I’m not saying I wouldn't use steroids. І
might. ГЇЇ do whatever it takes to be the best.”
“Yeah, I want more money than Troy Aikman. [N.EL. in-
siders] said that if Dallas didn't need a quarterback, they
would have picked me, So
1 should be paid more. 1f 1
don’t sign, 1 wort cry. Pll
sit out a year, work my ass
off in the gym and get big-
ger, stronger and faster. 1
might fight Mike Tyson.
Think of the pub that
would be."
"Sex is better for some-
one my size. I am better
than most people because
I'm ап athlete.”
Most of these lines are
delivered with the moun-
tainous Mandarich grin.
He hopes his fans under-
stand that a lot of the noise
he makes is harmless hype.
He is still troubled by a
recent national-magazine
cover story, which he
thinks misinterpreted
him; he thinks he came off
as a foulmouthed eating
machine crazed on ego
and heavy-metal music,
pumping iron around the
clock to the buzz-saw beat
of his favorite band, Guns
nt Roses. He does work out
to the G&R anthems Wel-
come to the Jungle and They're Ош ta Get Me, but a guy's got
10 listen to something loud while pumping iron, Tony says.
"I mean, Sinatra’s OK, but he's not the most rebellious guy.”
Ina contemplative moment, he explains himself—just a
normal giant trying to stir up alittle pub. He is not dumb,
he says, pointing out that his “fatass” quote was aimed at
the N.EL.s offensive linemen, with whom he will never
butt helmets. “If I'd said defensive ends were fat, then I'd
worry,” he says. He cites his media-star role model, Hulk
Hogan, as an example of what hype is all about. “I've met.
the Hulkster," says Mandarich. "Hes very low-key, even
humble. But оп TV, he yells, т the greatest! and “Hulka-
mania!" and all that. That's his thing. It’s a show, and the
show sells tickets. My show is Guns n' Roses. My show is be-
ing the madman, the big eater, the psycho. If I ate as much
as people think I eat, I'd weigh five hundred pounds.”
Man-mountain Mandarich sips a Diet Coke. “The public
wants the crazy guy, the psycho,” he says. “But I have a
mellow side. I'm human. The weight room and the run-
ning and the lifting and the football take so much out of
you—when I get home, I just relax and listen to my stereo.
1 guess this could ruin people's image of me—they'll think,
Wow, is he mellow . . ."
He shrugs. Whether he signs this year or sits out a year,
Tony Mandarich will be rich soon. The moment he strikes
N.EL. gold, he will replace his old stereo with a truly right-
eous sound system, which he will install in the house he
plans to build in Whittier. --КЕУІМ COOK
allows Ryan to shift another former Bear,
‘Todd Bell, to strong safety.
Keys to winning: Assuming the Eagles
have signed defensive end Reggie White,
the N.EL.’s leading pass rusher (18 sacks),
by the beginning of the season, Ryan's
biggest problem will be improving the
play of the Eagles’ cornerbacks. A year
of experience should help Eric Allen,
who got burned too often in his rookie
The Washington Redskins are second
only to San Francisco in winning per-
centage (.687) since 1981, when Joe Gibbs
took over as coach. But they weren't
immune from Super Bowl-champs dis-
ease last season, when they slumped to
7-9 and failed to make the play-offs. “It
was no fun,” understated Gibbs, who
pointed to injuries, turnovers (their take-
away-giveaway ratio was the worst in the
league) and an inconsistent running
The Redskins obtained running back
Gerald Riggs from Atlanta, which scared
Eagles coach Ryan into ungraciously
quipping, "He's almost as old as I am."
Actually, Riggs is only 98 but probably
does have most of his yards gained be-
hind him.
Doug Williams and Mark Rypien will
battle for the starting-quarterback job.
Look for Jamie Morris, a welcome sur-
prise at running back, to get more play-
ing time.
Keys to winning: With Dave Butz's re-
tirement, the Redskins have a huge hole
to fill on defense. Charles Mann must
bounce back from a subpar year. Gibbs
should go with the younger Rypien
at quarterback over the oftinjured
Did the New York Giants play over
their heads three years ago when they
dominated the opposition en route to the
Super Bowl? Or were they a great team
that gota little too old, a little too compla-
cent and lost the chemistry?
After their Super Bowl—hangover sea-
son in 1987, the Giants appeared to be on
the rise again last year. But a closer look
reveals a cream-puff schedule and only
one vicüm (New Orleans) that finished
the year with a winning record.
And things don't appear to be improv-
ing. Linebacker Lawrence Taylor, once
the scourge of the league, now dominates
only occasionally. Both linebacker Harry
Carson and defensive end George Mar-
tin have retired. And age and injury have
slowed safeties Kenny Hill and Terry
On offense, quarterback Phil Simms is
at the peak of his game. But the running
attack relies too much оп 5'7", 195-
pound Joe Morris. Tight end Mark
Bavaro will try to return to his All
Pro form after a disappointing season
marred by a Jengthy contract holdout.
The most courageous battle to be
fought this year by any Giant is that of
tackle Karl Nelson, fighting a recurrence
of Hodgkin's disease. He'll miss the
Keys to winning: The Giants need a
super effort from the defense, particular-
ly from Taylor and veteran linemen
Leonard Marshall and Jim Burt. The
beefy but inexperienced offensive line
has 10 protect Simms and open some big
holes for little Joe. And someone has to
figure out where the magic went.
If it weren't for the stars on their hel-
mets, you'd have a hard time recognizing
the Dallas Cowboys. Gone is the implaca-
ble one in the porkpie hat, Tom Landry;
gone is the most powerful pro football
executive of the past 29 years, Tex
Schramm; gone is Gil Brandt, the man
who, as player personnel director, creat-
ed the computer scouting methods that
all other teams eventually copied.
Gone also are Cowboys stalwarts
Randy White, Doug Cosbie and, of
course, as of last year, Tony Dorseu. Only
a few fossils remain, the most notable
being Ed “Too Tall” Joncs, returning for
an unbelievable 15th season.
The new Cowboys will be the creation
of the fusion between owner Jerry Jones
and coach Jimmy Johnson. But they'll
benefit from last year’s poor finish, which
netted the player Landry and Brandt
had wished but dared not hope for: quar-
terback Troy Aikman. Brandt put it sim-
ply: "Aikmaris got the best arm to come
out since John Elway's."
The new Cowboys will also have the
old Herschel Walker, and with a confer-
ence-leading total of 1514 yards, that ain't
bad. Last year's number-one pick, wide
receiver Michael Irvin, will benefit from
ing Johnson, who coached him at
Johnson faces an ideal situation, since
the Cowboys are unlikely to do worse
than their 3—13 mark of last season. In
fact, the Cowboys, who lost five games
last year by three points or fewer, weren't
really quite as bad as their record. Give
Johnson three years to build his own win-
ning tradition.
Keys to winning: While Aikman has
been getting all the press, quarterback.
Steve Pelluer will probably be the Cow-
boys' starter. Hell need to get off to a
good start to avoid the temptation to rush
Aikman. The Cowboys must improve
their take-away-giveaway ratio (—21)
and cut down on penalties.
If you're looking for a sure bet, put
some dough on Phoenix Cardinals quar-
terback Neil Lomax’ not making it
through the 16-game schedule. Lomax,
one of the best passers in pro football, is
dogged by an arthritic hip and a bad
knee. When he is healthy, the Cardinals
are almost a contender. They were 7-4
after 11 games last season, until Lomax
went down and the bottom fell ош.
Recognizing Lomax' vulnerability, the
Cardinals picked up unprotected free
agent Gary Hogeboom from Indianap-
olis. Even if Hogeboom can fill in ade-
quately for Lomax, Phoenix has some
other problems. The combined age of its
two outstanding wide receivers, Roy
Green and |. Т. Smith, is 65. And at the
end of last season, Earl Ferrell was the
Cardinals’ only healthy, productive run-
ning back.
Оп defense, end Freddie Joe Nunn
had 14 sacks, second among N.EL. line-
men. But the linebacking corps is ques-
tionable and there is little depth at the
Keys to winning: The Cardinals have
to hope Lomax can limp through the en-
tire schedule or that Hogeboom can fill
in. Linebacker Eric Hill, taken as the
tenth over-all pick, needs to step in as a
starter, and Ricky Hunley must finally
play up to his pro potential.
Minnesota Vikings
The Minnesota Vikings have a differ-
ent kind of quarterback problem. For
most teams, the О.В. quandary is who.
For the Vikings, it's which one. Last sea-
son, Wade Wilson started, was relieved
by Tommy Kramer after a loss to Buffalo
in the opener, only to regain the job after
game seven. The problem with this kind
of tag-team match is that your team
starts to resemble Family Feud.
The result for the Vikings was in-
consistency, exhibited by their inability to
concentrate on their weaker opponents.
A loss to the Packers in week 15 cost Min-
nesota the Central Division champi-
The Vikings have enough talent to
take them all the way to the Super Bowl if
coach Jerry Burns can solve the Q.B.
"The Vikings defensive front of Keith
Millard, Henry Thomas and Chris Dole-
man ranks with the best of any in the
league. One nagging question is the
status of defensive end Doug Martin,
sidelined toward the end of last season
with a knee injury.
"The Vikings improved their lineback-
ing corps by trading their number-one
draft pick next year to Pittsburgh for
Mike Merriweather, a talented but un-
happy Steeler who sat out last season in
a contract dispute. Another Minnesota
strength is their wide receivers, led by
Anthony Carter.
Keys to winning: The Vikings need
the healthy return of Martin and
linebacker Jesse Solomon. Burns must
"All right, switch to Plan B—rob from the poor and make ourselves rich.”
solve the quarterback question decisively
and early. The Central Division is a toss-
up between the Vikings and the Bears,
with the winner likely to be the team that
fares best against the weaker divisional
Last season, Chicago Bears coach Mike
Ditka crossed the line from man to living
legend. He coached the Bears to their
fifth consecutive Central Division title
after they lost Walter Payton, Wilbur
Marshall and Willie Gault, and after in-
juries sidelined key players such as Jimbo
Covert and Richard Dent. Of course, this
is no mere mortal; this is Iron Mike, a
guy who takes only a week off in the mid-
dle of the season for a heart attack, never
losing his competitive edge or sense of
Ditka has surrounded himself with
players who mirror his rather aggressive
view of life. Linebacker Mike Singletary,
after six Pro Bowls, hasn't lost the drive
that saw him break three helmets during
his career at Baylor. Dan Hampton and
Steve McMichael, Chicago's veteran de-
fensive linemen, still toss around motor-
cycle-gang members and offensive
linemen when the mood hits them.
But as Ditka well knows, yesterday's
victories aren't worth two tickets to Tom
Landry's farewell dinner. And for all the
Bears’ ferocity, they've faltered three
times short of their goal since Super
Bowl XX. “They don’t give accolades to
runners-up,” sayeth Ditka.
The Bears shunned the free-agent
market and managed to lose linebackers
Al Harris and Otis Wilson and corner-
back Mike Richardson. However, three
number-one draft choices will help dull
the pain. The Bears picked up Donnell
Woolford, who should make everyone
forget Richardson, and Trace Arm-
strong, Hampton's likely successor.
As Singletary says, “The Bears can't
survive without conflict.” The conflict of
the moment is who will play quarter-
back—Jim McMahon or Mike Tomczak.
McMahon's propensity for injury has
nullified his great leadership qualities;
Tomczak is less spectacular but more
Keys to winning: McMahon's re-emer-
gence as star quarterback and team lead-
er could help the Bears go all the way A
more likely scenario has Tomezak leading
a Bears team that will win plenty of
games, mostly with an intimidating de-
fense, but fail to surpass the team that
lost to Montana and the 49ers in the
N.EC. title game.
Becoming a competitive football team
has proved a matter of step by tiny step
for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The proc-
ess of watching a young team mature
can be a painful one. Vinny Testaverde,
heralded as the savior of the franchise,
managed one N.EL. record last season:
passes completed to the opposition (35).
But Testaverde 15 a great talent and will
finally sort out which jerseys belong to
which team.
The Bucs’ defense improved dramati-
cally against the rush (second in the
N.EL.), only to finish 26th against the
pass. Young players make mistakes, and
“Tampa Bay had 17 rookies on last season's
The Bucs need some sort of pass rush
from their linebackers. Winston Moss,
whose strength is supposed to be his
quickness, did not record a single sack
last season. Look for something different
from this year's number-one draft pick,
Broderick Thomas.
"The wide-receiver duo of Bruce Hill
and Mark Carrier combined for more
than 2000 yards, but the Bucs still need а
deep threat. Second-round pick Danny
Peebles may fill the need.
Keys to winning: Testaverde has to
come of age. Running back James Wilder
needs to return to form after missing
nine games last season with a knee in-
jury The pass rush must come from
“Thomas or elsewhere. Coach Ray Perkins
and the patient Bucs fans may finally
see the Bucs begin to turn the corner
this season.
One comforting thought for Detroit
Lions fans and new coach Wayne Fontes
is that the Lions probably can'tsink much
lower. Last season, they were the worst
offensive team in football, beating only
the likes of Atlanta, Kansas City and
Green Bay (twice). The club languished
under the uninspired coaching of Darryl
Rogers, who was asked to leave at the 2-9
point, the ineffective quarterbacking of
Chuck Long and a team attitude that
was, at best, quiescent.
But Fontes, who got rid of the “inter-
im” moniker during the off season, has
hired a colorful coaching staff (Woody
Widenhofer from Missouri, Frank Gansz
from the Chiefs and offensive specialist
Mouse Davis) and promises to field a
more entertaining, if not better, team.
To start things off, Fontes and the Li-
ons took Heisman Trophy winner Barry
Sanders with the third pick in the first
round of the draft. Sanders has the
speed, balance and intelligence that
should make him one of the game's true
In the sixth round, the Lions picked
up a steal in quarterback Rodney Peete,
downgraded by most N.EL. teams be-
cause of a weak showing in the N.FL.
combined workout. Peete could fit nicely
into Detroit's new "Silver Stretch," Mouse
Davis version of the run and shoot,
which calls for a mobile quarterback to
throw short.
Finally, the Lions picked up some team.
speed in free agents Mel Gray and Bobby
Joe Edmonds.
Keys to winning: Detroit is still missing
several key ingredients on offense and
defense, but players such as Sanders and
last season's rookie sensations linebacker
Chris Spielman and free safety Bennie
Blades should enable the Lions to pull
a few upsets.
For the Green Bay Packers, the Plan B.
free-agency system was like the blue-light
special at K mart. The Pack, lacking tal-
ent on both sides of the line of scrim-
mage, signed 20 free agents, the most of
any team in the NEL. Executive vice-
president Tom Braztz explained, “Some
teams were cost-cutters. Others already
had good football teams.” Neither was
the case for Braatz and the Packers, who
spent $850,000 on bonuses and commit-
ted $5,400,000 on free-agent contracts.
Unfortunately for coach Linday In-
fante, the man they used to call an “of-
fensive genius” when he was the offensive
coordinator for the Cleveland Browns,
none of the free agents was a quarter-
back, and the only Q.B. the Packers
picked up in the draft, Anthony Dilweg,
is projected as а punter, not a passer.
Which leaves Infante with quarterbacks
Don Majkowski and Randy Wright, nei-
ther of whom significantly distinguished
himself last season.
Infante's problems don't stop there.
Brent Fullwood, Green Bay's number-
one pick a year ago, gained only 483
yards оп 101 attempts. Not exactly а
steam-roller ground attack. The Packers
have little to commend them on defense
other than linebacker Tim Harris, a
household name if he were with any oth-
er franchise.
Of course, the Packers did get Michi-
gan State offensive tackle Tony Man-
darich (see story on page 67)
Mandarich, already with a Sports Шш-
trated cover to his credit, will be either
the prototype lineman of the Nineties or
the biggest bust since Rob Lowe's singing
Keys to winning: Infante must find а
quarterback around whom to build his
offense. The Packers will be looking to
next year's draft for the solution. The
only other hope for the Pack this year
1s to schedule more games with the
Vikings, who, for some reason, play patsy
for Green Bay (2-0 over the Vikings last
San Francisco 49ers .
Los Angeles Rams
New Orleans Saints .
Atlanta Falcons . .
A cardinal rule of pro football pre-
diction is never pick a Super Bowl cham-
pion to repeat. The Pittsburgh Steelers
were the last team to turn the trick, in
1979 and 1980. Besides Pittsburgh, only
the Washington Redskins have been back
(continued on page 78)
a coast-to-coast fashion report card
GETTING нюн MARKS for a collegiate wardrobe seems to have as
much to do with where you go to school as it does with what you
wear once you get there, This fall, a fashion war between the
states is raging on college campuses. But never fear, Joe College,
we've done your homework for you. We have the region-by-region
fashion skinny from schools across the country to determine just
what the hottest looks on campus
will be. Ready? Sharpen your
number-two pencils. Urbane style
lias retu ued Lo Ше urban schools
of the East. Colors are darker,
PE" ت - with splashes of mustard and
white. Chilly weather dictates turtleneck sweaters, oversized blazers and
black biker-style leather jackets. Retro prints and antique clothing are the
rage, with the peace symbol making a comeback. Cowboy boots and thick-
soled oxfords prevail as pick hits to hit the bricks. On Midwestern cam-
puses, the tone isa rugged country look. Heavy outerwear is a fact of life at
these schools. Anything longer than waist length is the choice of the stu-
dent body in the flatlands. A big colorful sweater and a pair of indigo jeans
and you're ready to face the coldest weather this fall. Last but not least,
the backpack is back, this time in leather or leather trim. The Sun Belt campuses on the
West Coast may be having all the fun. Shorts can be worn even on cool days, and the athletic look is the
way to go. The length of your shorts is important. They should
be walk-short or volley length, worn with an untucked camp
shirt. We score points for color, remember; light pastel sun
shades—coral, pink and blue—are the best. Speaking of shades,
sunglasses are an essential piece of the Western wardrobe. Mir-
rored Oakleys are the hottest, in bright, interchangeable colors,
with clip-ons a close runner-up. Add a faded blue-jean jacket,
lace up the high-top sneakers and prepare to go out and score
high fashion grades this season. Wear one for the old alma mater.
Left: Oversized
houndstooth wool
jacket, by Tom Tailor,
$230; wool-blend
knit mock-turtleneck
sweater, by French
Menswear, $70; cot-
ton twill trousers,
by JJ Cochran, $28;
and lizard-em-
bossed leather belt,
by Billy Belts, $31.
She's wearing his
Melton varsity
jacket, from
Guess? by Georges
Marciano for Men,
$295. Right, clock-
wise from top left:
Zippered leather
jacket, by U2 Wear
Me Out, $400; cot-
ton shiri, by Tom
Tailor, $59. Denim
jeans, by Calvin
Klein Sport for Men,
$46; cowhide shoe
boot with gored
inserts, needle toe
and cowboy heel,
by Code West,
$100. Soviet-style
watch, by Gruen,
$100. Leather mes-
senger bag with
shoulder strap, by
Sevestei, from Vil-
lage Tannery, $150.
Left: Quilt-lined
wool coat with
suede appliqués,
by Poco Loco, $400;
cotton work shirt,
by Nautica, $47;
‘and cotton turtle-
neck, by JJ
Cochran, $17 Right,
clockwise from top
left: Chukka boot,
by Timberland,
about $157; cotton
boot socks, by
Daveo, $8; diving
watch, from Guess?
by Georges Mar-
ciano Watches, $55.
Canvas backpack,
from British Khaki
by Robert Lighton,
$145; wool-blend
cardigan, by French
Menswear, $95;
oversized turtleneck,
by PA. Company
Boston, $25.
Leather belt, by
Billy Belts, $34;
trousers, by Axis,
$96. Suede vest, by
Reunion, $95; shirt,
by Boston Traders,
$54.50; mock tur-
tleneck, by PA.
Company Boston,
$25; sunglasses, by
Ray-Ban/Bausch &
Lomb, $60.
Left: Button-front
washed-out denim
jacket, by Levi
Strauss & Co., $50;
cotton double-
pleated walk shorts,
by Edgewear, $41;
short-sleeved but-
tondown cotton
sport shirt with
skate-board print,
by Jimmy'Z, $36;
and high-crew-neck
cotton T-shirt, by
PA. Company
Boston, $18. Right,
clockwise from top
left: Razor Blades
sunglasses, by Oak-
ley, $100. Tortoise-
shell sunglasses
with tinted clip-on
lenses, by Incognito,
$32. Air Flight high-
top leather sneak-
ers, by Nike, $110;
slouch socks, by
E. б. Smith, $13.50.
Cotton volley shorts
with elastic waist-
band, by Gotcha
Sportswear, $37;
nylon zippered
fanny pack, by
Edgewear, $14; cot-
ton short-sleeved
shirt, by Vuamet-
France, $30.
“In the past five years, no Super Boul champ has
won even a play-off game the following year"
to the Super Bowl following a win—in
1983, when they lost to the Raiders 38-9.
In the past five years, no Super Bowl
champ has won even a рїау-о game the
following year; the last two teams, the
New York Giants and the Washington
Redskins, didn’t even make the play-offs.
And vet, consider the San Francisco
49ers. They have the best big-game quar-
terback maybe ever in Joe Montana.
Their number-two quarterback, Steve
Young, is good enough to be most teams’
number one. Then theres Jerry Rice, the
wide receiver without peer. And Roger
Craig, Ronnie Lott, Michael Carter, allas
good as or better than anyone else in the
league at their positions.
But while the talent on the field will all
return, the brain on the sideline has
moved upstairs. Bill Walsh, the sclf-cffac-
ing coaching genius, resigned four days
after his third Super Bowl win of the
decade, ensuring that he wouldn't suffer
the fate of legends such as Tom Landry
and Chuck Noll, who lingered too long.
The unenviable job of replacing Walsh
falls to former 49er defensive coordina-
tor George Seifert.
Keys to winning: The 49ers have all
the keys except, perhaps, the magic one,
the luck to do it twice in a row. If
Montana and Rice stay healthy, if Seifert
can avoid looking over his shoulder, if the
49ers can replace tight end John Frank
and center Randy Cross, who have both
retired, maybe lightning can strike twice.
But don't count on it.
The Los Angeles Rams remain a bit of
an enigma: great talent, good coaching,
little success in post-season play. In fact,
they haven't made it to the Super Bowl
since Terry Bradshaw and the Steelers
cleaned their clock in Super Bowl XIV.
Several years ago, they switched strate-
gy, abandoning the one-dimensional of-
tense that featured Eric Dickerson for a
more varied attack, with quarterback Jim
Everett and speed receivers Henry El-
lard, Ron Brown and last year's first draft
choice Aaron Cox. The gamble appears
to be paying off. The Rams had the
third-best passing offense in the N.EL.
measured by yards gained.
Running back Charles White, sus-
pended for part of the season for sub-
stance abuse, has retired. Greg Bell, who
stepped in to gain 1212 yards last year,
had the starting job won anyway. The
Rams are hoping for a better showing
from second-year backs Robert Delpino
and Gaston Green.
On defense, the Rams are a bit suspect.
The line will rely on free agents Shawn
Miller and Alvin Wright, plus defensive
end Doug Reed. The linebacking is just
adequate. The Rams have two excellent
corners in Jerry Gray and LeRoy Irvin.
Keys to winning: The Rams, with five
picks in the first two rounds of this year's
draft, went heavily for defense. They
have to hope that at least two of the play-
ers, particularly defensive end Bill Haw-
kins, break into the starting line-up. The
Rams are well on their way to building a
team that will contend in the Nineties.
This year may be a struggle, however, as
the Rams play 11 opponents who had
500 or better records last season.
The New Orleans Saints had them
dancing in the streets through week 12 of
last season as they sported a two-game
lead in the N.EC. West. However, a 45-3
drubbing by the Vikings two wecks later
revealed their weaknesses, and by sea-
son's end, the Saints had gone marchin
out of even a play-off spot.
The cold reality of that late collapse is
certain to haunt coach Jim Mora and
general manager Jim Finks as they ready
their team to take on the improving com-
petition in the West. The Saints banked
last year on running back Craig “Iron-
head” Heyward, picked in the first
round, and wide receiver Brett Perri-
man, taken in the second. Heyward
missed four games because of a knee in-
jury and didr't play very well when he
was healthy. Perriman didn't contribute
much either.
Quarterback Bobby Hebert has a lot of
spunk but few downfield receivers to
throw to. The running-back tandem of
Dalton Hilliard and Reuben Mayes
would be helped by a good year from
The Saints’ biggest headache is on the
defensive line. All but three of their de-
fensive linemen were unprotected under
Plan B and no one even extended an
offer to any of them. Linebackers Pat
Swilling and Vaughan Johnson are un-
derrated. Both have speed and the abili-
ty to rush the passer.
Keys to winning: Because thcy were so
desperate for a defensive lineman, the
Saints may have reached a bit when they
selected Wayne Martin from Arkansas
on the 19th pick of the first round. Mar-
tin must crack the starting line-up and
several other defensive players will need
to turn in сагеет seasons to keep the mu-
sic playing along Bourbon Street.
The Atlanta Falcons are in transition,
the good kind, as in from lousy to com-
petitive. After kicking around the base-
ment of the N.EC. West for several years,
they've put a couple of good drafts to-
gether, picked up free-agent running
back John Settle, who did so well (1024
yards rushing) that the Falcons traded
three-time Pro Bowler Gerald Riggs to
the Redskins and generally served no-
tice to the league that a trip to Atlanta
isn'ta guaranteed W in the win column.
Player personnel director Ken Herock
deserves much of the credit. Eleven of
the 12 players from last season's draft
made the team, including starting out-
side linebackers Aundray Bruce and
Marcus Cotton, wide receiver Michael
Haynes and tight end Alex Higdon
This year, Herock picked Deion
"Prime Time" Sanders with the fifth pick
in the first round. If the Falcons can sign
Sanders, who threatens to become better
known as the Mouth of the South, and
get some of that gold off his neck, they'll
have one of the best cornerbacks in foot-
The Falcons remain very high on
young quarterback Chris Miller, refer-
ring to him as a 28-year-old Joe Montana.
Front-office hyperbole, sure, but Miller
did manage 2133 yards passing, despite
missing four games with an injury. Miller
and Settle are helped by the presence of
Pro Bowlers Bill Fralic and Mike Kenn in
the offensive line.
Keys to winning: Franchises aren't
turned around in one or two years, but
they can be in three to five, given good
drafting and consistent coaching. The
Falcons are promising at a lot of spots but
lack depth and thus are vulnerable to in-
jury everywhere. Miller must live up to
his press notices and the young players
must continue to improve.
Buffalo Bill
Indianapolis Colts . . .
New England Patriots -
Miami Dolphins .
New York Jets. .. .
The Buffalo Bills are ready to make a
run at the Super Bowl. And they'll get
there, not on the arm of quarterback Jim
Kelly but on the hard-nosed play of some
defensive-line veterans and the best
group of linebackers in the N.EL.
Move over Mike Singletary and
Lawrence Taylor, because the toughest
(and thc fastest) kid on thc lincbacking
block is Cornelius Bennett. And Shane
Conlan isn't far behind. They'll be back-
ing up Art Still, Fred Smerlas and Bruce
Smith, who all add up to a dominating
defense. In fact, the Bills should do even
better than the A.EC. low 237 points they
allowed opponents in 1988.
Of course, you have to score points,
(continued on page 138)
"Well, Miss Whitney—I don’t see any reason why you can't write your
masters thesis on how you spent your summer vacation."
WHEN AsURFEIT of pleasure dulls an
already mediocre mind, a man
commonly begins to fancy himself
a philosopher, always ready to ex-
pound his view of the world to a
captive audience. Thus it was that
Alfred Toomey ІП said one
evening to the Nigerian with
whom he playing five-card
draw, "Anything can be bought for
moncy, my friend."
He was, at that moment, raking
in nearly $20,000 worth of chips.
“The reason our friends"—he was
referring to three men who had
just pulled out of the game, having
lost more than $50,000 apiece
since the five had begun playing
six hours earlier—"the reason our
friends had to leave wasnt that
they weren't skilled card players.
They were actually very good,
don't you think?”
He didn’t wait for the Nigerian
to answer. “But they simply weren't
rich (continued on page 88)
if this is not perfect, what
ON THEUNUSUAL DAY she devotes to relaxing, she drives her black-cherry Corvette to the
beach at Marina del Rey, California, strips down to a microbikini and shows off the
shape that made her famous. "This is not the perfect body," says KC Winkler, contra-
dicting the evidence. "It ought to be, with all the working out I do, but it's not perfect
yet" Her nearly perfect shape, golden hair and aqua eyes have dazzled viewers of
"TV's Dallas, Growing Pains, Threes Company, Riptide and Crazy Like a Fox, but KC
first achieved name recognition as co-hostess of the game show High Rollers. She par-
layed that dicey gig into more guest shots and movie credits, including Night Shift,
Armed and Dangerous and the upcoming comedy Say Bye-Bye. And she just finished
her first season as the paragon of the syndicated workout series Body by Jake—KC is
the tanned beauty who performs fitness guru Jake Steinfeld's exercises while Jake
jokes around with the camera. "He's very funny” KC says, "but you know something?
I'm опе of the few people who have never seen Jake work out. I'm the one looking at.
the floor while he gives instructions" Her on-camera regimen, backbreaking as it.
seems to Jake's viewers, is a warm-up compared with the daily grind she performs to
keep her condition in the condition it's in. In the mirrored workroom of her palatial
Marina del Rev town house, she catches up on her reading while spending hours on
her exercise bike. She does lunges, calf work, trunk twists, fluuers and crunches, and
works out on an evil-looking contraption called a Paramount Fitness Trainer. Pinned
to the wall of her workroom is a poster—KC in a hot-pink bikini that would show а
gram of fat if one dared accumulate. “My motivation," she calls the poster. Worried.
KC Winkler, the fitness booms poster girl, wears о
lectard on the cover of Figure mogozine (upper left).
She first become famous os Crystal Owens’ co-hostess
оп the game show High Rollers (left) and wowed High
Rollers fans with o sizzling poster (right). Next is о
role in the film Soy Bye-Bye (upper right), in which her
chorocter, she says, "is fully clothed.” Readers who ore
distressed by thot news need cnly turn the page.
сатегав would detect any imperfection, she stepped up her work-
outs in Мау. She needn't have fretted. Now that her career is picking up speed. she
plans to be selective about the parts she accepts. "You get a little tired of playing bimbo
roles—ditzy blondes,” she says. “I hope I can help show that there are good-
looking women who can also walk and talk and think." Too late. She already has.
KC began sculpting this wark of art in aerobics classes at The Sports Connection (her lower half
appears in the clubs ads). She now pumps iron at the ultrachic Sports Club/LA ond in her mir-
rared gym at hame. Her regimen is designed ta tane the feminine physique, not inflate it. “I
don't want ta look macho," she explains, as though the ward macho might occur ta оп anlaaker.
There are sexuel benefits and sexual drawbacks to being in near-perfect shape. “Sometimes all
the working out makes you tao tired“ KC says. “But when you're not, you feel better about
your body and you have mare endurance." The benefits, she says, are well worth the trauble.
erm —À re OS
Pr ne
OUNCE OF LUCK inom ae so
“You see, Alfred told the Nigerian, ‘even luck can be
bought with enough money.
enough to take the chances that you and I
can take. There is a price beyond which
no man is willing to gamble. Am I right?”
The Nigerian smiled. nodded and
pointed to the dealer for the cut. Five
cards to each man. The Nigerian picked
up his cards, arranged them in his hand,
then stacked them face down on the felt.
Alfred didn't even bother to look at his.
“So you see,” he continued, "even luck
can be bought with enough money. Any-
опе who saw me win the past five hands
at this table would say I was lucky, but I
wasn't lucky. I simply outbid everybody
for the pot. Except you, of course. You
had the good sense to fold."
The Nigerian was swathed in a striped
tribal robe and wore a round flat white
hat. He had tribal scars on his cheeks that.
Alfred found both disgusting and, in an
odd way stimulating. The black man was
also missing the last third of the little
finger on his left hand, which, Alfred
had noticed, he raised above the surface
of the table only when he had decent
cards. His smile was benign, utterly po-
lite, revealing nothing to Alfred except,
possibly, a high level of craftiness. But
then, people see what they want to see.
“To fold when you have little chance of
winning is merely good judgment, my
friend,” said the Nigerian quietly “And
that as well as love and luck are the three
things that are priceless."
“Well, I might agree with you about
good judgment and love,” said Alfred,
finally picking up his cards to find a pair
of deuces, a pair of tens and a seven, “but
luck, no. Luck can definitely be bought. 1
just bought luck at this table, don't you
sce? Five thousand to you.” He pushed
five $1000 chips into the center of the
table, sat back and lighted a cigar.
The Nigerian smiled. still quite polite-
ly but with what Alfred interpreted as a
hint of insolence around the corners of
his mouth, and said, “I beg to disagree,
my friend. You didn’t buy luck. You mere-
ly bought power. They aren't the same
thing at all. Haven't vou ever heard the
saying that an ounce of luck is worth
more than a pound of gold? A man with
much wealth may find his money to be a
blessing or a curse. But the man with luck
or, as the Moslems would say, kismet in
his favor is blessed, indeed. I see vou and
raise you five thousand." Taken aback
somewhat by the Nigerian's eagerness to
increase the pot, Alfred pushed in an-
other $5000 and kept a close eye on the
Nigerian's left hand, which, he suspect-
ed, would rise from the table as the
Nigerian discarded. But his opponent
dropped four cards from his right hand,
laid the remaining one face down on the
felt and waited for Alfred to discard.
“Give me one,” said Alfred. Then.
looking at the Nigerian witha raised eye-
brow, he asked, “Are you sure you don't
want to take three instead? Tough odds,”
“Please don't tell me how to play poker,
sir,” the Nigerian answered curtly
Alfred's eyes locked with the Nigeri-
ап and for a moment, anger glinted be-
tween them, but Alfred had gambled
enough years to know better than to let
emotions affect his game. He picked up
his one card, a ten of clubs that gave him
a full house, then stacked his hand in
front of him and pushed 40 $1000 chips
into the pot.
“I kick forty,” he said softly. He decid-
ed to clean out the Nigerian. He didn't
like his attitude. The Nigerian would
learn, the hard way, that luck could be
The Nigerian examined the four cards
he'd been given, sighed and leaned back
10 think. Ina moment, he shrugged, then
pushed nearly half of his chips into the
center of the table. However, he kept his
hand on them, reserving his right to
withdraw them.
"Whars the matter, chief?" said Al-
fred, laughing. “The pot too spicy for
The man's dark eyes flashed and his
lips curled into a sneer as he leaned over
the table. “In my country, we are used to
spicy things,” he said, “and don't take the
liberty of calling me chief. 1 am a prince.
in my land, not achief.”
“Well, hey,” said Alfred coolly, “I didnt
mean anything, you know. Just an ex-
pression. But what I want to know is,
when are you going to take your hand off
your chips so we can find out who has the
better luck?"
"OK, but first 1 ask you one thing. If I
lose this hand, you will play me another
for the pot, double or nothing. If you
win, you take all my chips. If I win, you
still have a couple of hundred thousand
to play with. What do you зау?”
Welle: av)
е cards, face up. What do you say?"
urged the African, still leaning over the
"OK. Sure. That's next game. Just let's
get on with this goddamn game, for
Chrissakes,” said Alfred, beginning to
find the man annoying.
“Fine. I meet your forty and call.” said
the African, finally relinquishing his
chips and sitting back in his chair.
Alfred spread his hand on the table.
“Full house, tens over deuces,” he said
The Nigerian shook his head and
threw in his cards, uttering an expletive
in a tonguc Alfred didn't recognize.
“And now,” asked the dealer, “you want
me to deal a five-card hand, face up?"
Both men nodded in agreement. As the
dealer shuffled the cards, Alfred noticed
the African slip the fingers of his left
hand into a little brown-leather pouch
that he wore around his neck like a talis-
man. He caught a glimpse of something
sparkling in the man's dark fingers just
before he popped whatever it was into
his mouth. Was it an electronic device?
Was it a suicide capsule to be bitten open
if the African lost the hand? The Nigeri-
ап» demeanor changed. Briskly rubbing
his palms together, he appeared to antici-
pate owning the pot.
“You look like you're counting your
chickens before they hatch,” said Alfred,
“so 1 hope you wont be disappointed."
The black man smiled
The first two cards were aces, the club
to the African and the spade to Alfred.
Alfred's second card was the ace of
hearts; the Nigerians, the king of clubs.
Alfred's third card was the ace of dia-
monds: the Nigerians, the queen of
clubs. When all the cards had been dealt,
Alfred had three aces, but the Nigerian
showed a royal flush.
“Holy shit, I don't believe it
fred as the Nigerian retrieved the chips.
“Would you care to play another
hand?" asked the African, showing large
white teeth.
“Goddamned right I'd care to play an-
other hand,” Alfred replied testily.
"But, of course, you wont win,” the
Nigerian said matter-of-factly.
“Bullshit. Luck goes around and comes
around, buddy,” answered Alfred. With
that, he removed his suit jacket, loosened
his tic and rolled up his sleeves.
“Wearing fewer clothes has never im-
proved a man's luck, as far as I know,” the
Nigerian remarked dryly.
“Deal,” Alfred commanded the dealer.
“Five-card draw"
Alfred lost the hand, a full house to
four aces, and parted with $100,000. He
also lost the following hand and the next,
parting with $100,000 each time. A half
hour later, it was all over. The Nigerian
had taken nearly $500,000 worth of
chips from him.
“Damn!” exclaimed Alfred, slamming
his fist on the table. as he lost the final
hand, four fours to four fives. Then,
pointing his finger at the African's face,
he said, "Now, you wait right here, Prince
whatever your name is, and ГЇЇ be right
back with more chips. I want a chance to
win my money back.”
(continued on page 161)
mike vin?
“Relax, Senator, is only Mrs. Ortiz, our cleaning woman."
rorion gracie
is willing to fight to the death
to prove he's the toughest man
in the west
THE TOUGHEST MAN in the United States holds no official titles
and has had only one fight in years. He lives with his preg-
nant wife and four children, three small sons and a baby
daughter, in a modest ranch house on a tidy little street of
similar homes in Torrance, California. He is 37, tall and skin-
ny at 6727, 165 pounds, and he does not look very tough. He
looks more like Tom Selleck than like Mr. T. He is dark and
handsome like Selleck, with wavy black hair a trim mus-
tache and a charming, self-deprecating smile. He spends
more time in the kitchen than his wife does and wears a
woman's apron. He has an idiosyncratic high-pitched laugh.
He picks upa yellowed newspaper with an account of one of
his father's fights, adjusts his bifocals and reads. “ ‘The most
savage, stupid bloody desires of the audience were
satisfied,’” he says. Then he laughs. “Heh-heh!”
Rorion Gracie, a native of Brazil, isa family man in an Old
World sort of way. His wife, Suzanne, with pale skin and
straight brown hair, moves through her day silently and
without expression. Rorion, who is eager for lunch, snaps at
herand his visiting daughter, Rose, 18, from a previous mar-
riage. They move quickly and silently to his command. His
young sons, ages seven, five and three, meanvhile, are toss-
ing ping-pong balls onto the table. His baby girl, one, watch-
es. He asks them, please, to stop. Rorion dotes on his sons the
way his father doted on his sons. Itis the way of fathers from
macho countries in South America and the Mediterranean,
where sons are treated like little princes.
“I never spank my sons,” Rorion says, “because my father
never spanked me.” He spends as much time as possible with
his sons. He drives them to their soccer practice in his sta-
tion wagon. He spends the day with them at the beach.
Rorion once fought a kick-boxing champion and made
him beg for mercy in less than three minutes. Before the
fight, the kick boxer had stood in his corner of the ring and
flexed his muscular arms. He cut the air with savage kicks.
The crowd oohed and aahed. Rorion, skinny and stoop-
shouldered, stood in his corner and waited. Two minutes
and 15 seconds after the bell sounded, he was straddling the
kick boxer on the mat in such a way that, if the kick boxer
had not surrendered, Rorion would have "choked him out."
Rorion has made a standing offer to fight anyone in the
United States, winner take all, for $100,000. So far, he has
had no takers—for one simple reason. Rorion's fights are
fights to the finish with no rules. His fights are merely street
brawls in а ring bounded by ropes. Kicking, punching, head
butting, elbow and knee hits are all fair play in a Gracie
fight. Only the accouterments of a street brawl— broken bot-
tles, ash cans, bricks—are missing. The only purpose a ref-
eree serves in а Gracie fight is to acknowledge his opponent's
surrender when he taps the mat with his hand or passes out
from a choke hold.
Rorion (pronounced Horion, in the Portuguese way) is а
master of a kind of no-holds-barred jujitsu practiced by his
family in Brazil for 60 years. Gracie jujitsu is a bouillabaisse
For half о century,
Brozils jujitsu brawlers
have mode heodlioes
with their fight-o-the-
death challenges. In
1933, the 140-pound
Oswaldo choked o 360-
pound adversary imo
submission in two min-
wies; brother Helio
went an to challenge
Joe Louis ond Ezzord
Charles to bouts. (Louis
‘manager issued a polito
letter of dedine.) Helio
further enhaxed the
familys folk-hero status
when, after breaking
the arms and ribs of a
cific of the family, he
vos pordoned by the
President, а Groce fon,
‘ond left the detention
house in triumph.
Given the Gracie
style—just about any-
thing gocs—finding а
willing opponent was
always o mejor chol-
lenge; even the worlds
number-two jujitsu
master, Kato, got his
gi straight, only to
be fhrown for a loss
(choked to unconstious-
ress). Helios progeny
seem destined to carry
са ће kmilys serap-
ping supremacy: Son
Rorion donned his ki-
mono at the age of
‘one, then joined the
fighting боп (that’s Ro-
боп, stonding, right)
with brothers Rickson
ond Relson (seated,
middle) ond other fom-
йу roughneds whore
mmes begin vih
R. Rorior's sons, Ralek
ond Ryron, only lock
small; Rorion, when
not teaching, looks pos-
itively benign in бк.
of the other martial arts: judo (throws),
karate (kicks, punches), aikido (twists),
boxing (punches) and wrestling (grap-
pling, holds). Its primary purpose is
defensive; i.e., to render attackers immo-
bile. Rorion believes that since most real
fights end up on the ground 90 percent
of the time, Gracie jujitsu is the most dev-
astating of all martial arts, because it re-
lies on a series of intricate wrestlinglike
moves that are most effective when the
combatants are on the ground. All a jujit-
su master must do is avoid his attacker's
Kicks, punches and stabs until he can
throw him to the ground and then apply
either a choke hold to render him uncon-
scious or a hold in which he can break his
attacker's arm, leg, back or neck. A jujitsu
fight is like a chess match, in that the win-
ner is usually the one who can think the
most moves ahead of his opponent.
Jujitsu originated in India 2000 years
ago, traveled to Japan (via China) three
centuries ago and was introduced to
Brazil through Rorion's family 60 years
ago, when a touring Japanese master
taught Rorion's uncle some basic moves.
His uncle taught Rorion’s father and the
two men grew enamored of it, asonly two
small men with monstrous egos could.
They took Japanese jujitsu a step further
than their teachers by introducing tech-
niques that required less strength than
the Japanese style and would make their
family the most feared and famous in all
of Brazil. Rorior's father, Helio, once
fought an opponent їп the ring be-
fore 20,000 screaming spectators for
three hours and 40 minutes, nonstop, be-
fore the police finally separated the
bloodied combatants. Їп another ring
fight, he so savaged his opponent with
kicks to his kidney that many attributed
his subsequent death tothe fight. When a
rival martial-arts teacher once accused
the Gracie family of fixing its fights, He-
lio, surrounded by a taunting crowd, con-
fronted him on the street. He had broken
the maris arms and ribs before the police
arrested him. He was sentenced to two
and a half years in jail for that beating,
but the president of Brazil, a fan of the
Gracie family, pardoned him within a
Rorion laughs and says, “Heh-heh! My
dad kicked his butt." He is sitting in the
den of his tidy Іше house, sifting
through the many newspaper and maga-
zine articles writen about his family
while his sons wrestle, jujitsu style, on the
Rorion holds up 2 photograph of his
father in a kimono taken when Helio was
34. He is a small, slim man at 5'8", 135
pounds, with slicked-back hair an
aquiline nose and a pencilthin mus-
tache. He is hip-tossing his older brother,
Carlos, in an open field. "That was the
year my dad read a Readers Digest article
thatsaid a boxer beata jujitsu guy” Rorion
says. "Heh-heh! My father offered to
fight five boxers in one night. At various
times, he offered to fight Primo Carnera,
Ezzard Charles and Joe Louis. He put up
sixteen thousand dollars and told Louis
hed fight with Louis having no gloves,
just taped hands. No one took up his
challenge.” Rorion shrugs. "Louis was on
vacation and here was this liule bee
buzzing in his ear and giving him no
peace. Heh-heh!”
Helio reigned as the self-proclaimed
toughest man in the occidental world for
95 years. He fought 14 fighis in the ring
and los only two of them, one to
Japanese master Kimura and the other to
a much younger man—in fact, his
protégé—when Helio, at 42, was out of
shape. Helio is 75 now, the patriarch of a
family of nine children, including seven
sons, and 18 grandchildren. Rorion has a
photograph of his father at 73, still fit,
gaunt-faced, with his aquiline nose and
menacing pale-blue eyes. He is posing in
his kimono with three of his sons, Rori-
on, Relson and Rickson, in their ki-
monos. Father and sons are standing
identically—legs spread, arms crossed at
their chests, eyes glaring at the camera—
, underneath a seal of the Gracie Jujitsu
Academy, which Carlos and Helio found-
ed in Rio in the Twenties. Helio's sons
have all taught at the academy at one
time or another. They are black belts.
They are bigger than their father, darker,
but the look in their eyes is only a parody
of their father’s truly menacing look. Ex-
cept for Rickson. He has his own look.
Not menacing but devoid of emotion.
The blankness of the supremely con-
fident. Rickson is 29, as muscular as a
bodybuilder, with a Marine's crewcut, the
high cheekbones of an Inca Indian and a
square jaw. If Rorion is amiably hand-
some, Rickson is devastatingly hand-
some, Noted photographer Bruce Weber
devoted 36 pages of his book on Rio (О
Rio De Janeiro) to the Grades and Rick-
son. Rickson as a baby being tossed high
into the air by his father. Rorion and Rel-
son as small boys on the beach, Rorion
hooking his leg behind his brother's be-
fore throwing him to the sand. Rickson,
in bikini shorts, on his back on a mat in a
ring, his legs wrapped around the hips of
a muscular black man, also in bikini
shorts, who is trying to strangle him.
“Zulu,” says Rorion. “A street fighter.
He was thirty pounds heavier than Rick-
son. He threw Rickson out of the ring
four times in their fight.” Rorion gets up
to put on a video tape of Rickson's fight
with Zulu for the title of toughest man in
the occidental world. A grainy image
flickers on the screen. Zulu is sitting
astride Rickson, on his back. He is trying
to gouge out Ricksons eyes.
keeps twisting his head left and right to
avoid Zulu's stabbing fingers while, at the
same time, he is kicking his heels into the
are you man or wimp?
Carl Icahn Lee Marvin
Н. Ross Perot озеп Мис
Мегу Griffin Kate Hepburn
nens yon Kirk Gibson's series homer
Gitte-Gastineau First five minutes of any Bond
Sean—Madonna movie
mia Jim Bakker
Salman Rushdie Rudolph Giuliani
John Gotti
Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Connors
James Cagney Leona Helmsley
Patrick Swayze Nancy Reagan
James Brown Winnie Mandela
ACER UT olah
il Ayatollah Khomeini
Norman Mailer © Gordon Liddy 1
Maria Lemieux Dan Rather
Senator Robert
pea ors Sam Donaldson
Frank Lorenzo Dexter Maniey
Cast of thirtysomething
“Do | ice her or do | marry her?" Stonewall
—JACK NICHOLSON in Prizzi's Glenda
“То be or not to be." NOT-SO-TOUGH JACKSON
намет in Hamlet Michael
Margaret Thatcher С
Lauren Bacall Den
Mother Teresa Ben
Richard J. Daley Richard M. Daley
John Poindexter Oliver North
Joe Clark Sly Stallone
Ted Koppel Morton Downey, Jr.
Elvis Presley Elvis Costello
Elizabeth Dole Bob Dole
Marilyn Quayle Dan Quayle
Most people named Mike Most people named Percy
(Ditka, Ovitz, Tyson, Royko,
Singletary, Wallace)
sides of Zulu back where his kidneys
are. Rorion laughs and says, "Heh-heh!
After the fight, Zulu was pissing blood
for weeks."
The two men, locked in combat, roll
toward the edge of the ring. The crowd
surges forward. Hands reach out and
slap at the combatants. T he referee kicks
at the hands, trying to drive the crowd
back, while he grabs the combatants legs
and pulls them back to the center of the
ring. A rain of crushed paper cups de-
scends on the ring. The referee kicks the
cups ош of the ring like a soccer player.
‘Wild people, huh?" says Rorion.
“Brazil is a violent country. Watch here.”
Rickson stops kicking Zulu's kidneys,
locks his legs around his hips and rolls
him over so that now he is оп top. He un-
leashes a barrage of bare-fisted punches
to Zulu's face. Zulu tries to block the
blows with his hands.
Zulu manages to roll Rickson over now
so that he is on top of him, close to the
edge of the ring again. Before Zulu can
set himself, Rickson twists Zulu's body so
that Zulu is lying on top of him, both
men facing the overhead lights. Rickson
gets Zulu in a choke hold and squeezes.
Zulus eyes begin to roll back into his
Rorion, smiling, turns off the video
and says, “1 used to change Rickson's dia-
pers. Now he's the best in the world. Heh-
heh!" It amuses him that he is the
toughest man in the United States and
yet he is not even the toughest man in his
own family "Rickson has never been
beaten," he says. "No one will challenge
him after Zulu. It's been three vears. The
i ily is the only family in history
that will fight anyone with no rules. The
Gracies dont believe in Mike Tyson. Rick-
son issued a public challenge to Mike
Tyson, but he has not responded.”
All the while Rorion has been talking,
his three sons have been grappling on
the floor, like monkeys, ina silent parody
of their father and uncle Rickson. Their
names are Ryron, Rener and Ralek.
Nearby is his daughter Segina. Rorion
has two daughters by a previous mar-
riage in Brazil, Riane, 12, and Rose. Ro-
rion believes that the letter R has mystical
powers. He also shuns common names,
like Robert, because they carry their own
associations. “An ori 1 name has only
the aura you give и е says. It is a be-
lief, one of many, that Rorion inherited
from his father, whom he worships al-
most as a god. (Rorion's other siblings be-
sides his brothers Relson, 36. and
Rickson are brothers Rolker, 24, Royler,
23, Royce, 22, Robin, 15, and sisters
Rherica, 20, and Ricci, 12.)
Rorior's beliefs were fashioned out of
Helio and Carlos' devotion to jujitsu, not
merely as a martial art but as the corner-
stone fora way of living that encompasses
every aspect of a mans life, from morali-
ty and sex to diet. Rorion, for instance,
eats only raw fruits and, occasionally.
vegetables, and only in certain combina-
tions as prescribed by his uncle Carlos, a
nutritionist. His back yard is a greengro-
cer's market of boxes of apples, watermel-
ons, bananas, mangoes and papayas he
has bought in bulk. A typical Gracie meal
might include watermelon juice, sliced
persimmons and a side of bananas, and
the talk around the Gracie dinner table
between Rorion and his wife invariably
concerns such questions as whether apri-
cots should be combined with mangoes at
a meal. His sons have only a passing ac-
quaintance with foods other than fruits.
They have had chicken maybe three
times in their lives, and once, at a friend's
birthday party, they were given lollipops,
which they began smacking against the
sides of their heads because they didn't
know what they were.
If the Gracie family's belief in the
efficacy of fruits and the letter R seems
nutty, if harmless, then their devotion to
warrior values such as courage, honor
and chivalry borders on the fanatical.
Gracie men do fight at the drop ofan in-
sult, with predictably savage results.
When Carlos and Helio returned home
one night and found a robber in their
house, they offered him the choice of
fighting or going to jail. He chose to
fight. In minutes, his screams woke the
neighborhood: “Jail! Jail! Jail!" When
Unde Carlos fought, he was not content
merely to beat an opponent, he also
wanted to teach him a lesson, or, as Uncle
Carlos likes to say, "He's gonna get to
dreamland all right, but first he must
walk through the garden of punish-
Rorion laughs and shakes his head.
“Uncle Carlos was a bratty little kid.
When he saw a Japanese guy carrying
heavy loads of laundry, he liked to tri
him. Heh-heh! He was very aggressive.
When Carlos found opponents scarce for
his ring fights, he advertised for them in
the newspaper under a headline that
Rorion is not so aggressive as Uncle
Carlos, but he has inherited the Gracie
sense Of honor and chivalry And he
likens “The Gracie Myth” to the myth of
Sparta. “My purpose in life," he says, "is
10 keep the flame of Sparta alive.” Al-
though appropriate in a macho country
like Brazil, this warrior mentality often
seems out of sync in the more benign
dime of Southern California. Neverthe-
less, Rorion is not one to ignore an insult.
When he drove his wife and sons to a
movie recently and inadvertently cut off
another driver, he apologized. The man
rolled down his window and yelled, “Ass-
hole!" Rorion told the man he wasn't be-
ing polite. “Asshole!” the man yelled.
Rorion followed the man until he
stopped at a light. He got out of his car
and walked up to the man and said softly,
"Your mother's an asshole!" The man
rolled up his window and sped through
the light.
"] can't go to sleep having swallowed
frogs,” Rorion says. “Jujitsu 15 my peace
of mind. Its like having a forty-five-cal-
iber gun in the drawer. Suzanne knows
Just enough jujitsu to use it in her dreams
to come to grips with her fears. It's very
therapeutic. It takes away paranoia.
Rorion will not teach Suzanne jujitsu,
he says, because he already spends too
much time in the kitchen. He laughs,
then says seriously that it is a man’s, not a
woman’, duty to defend a woman's hon-
ог. It is another belief he learned from
his uncle and his father. In fact, his rela-
tionship with Suzanne is a parody of the
chauvinistic relationships his uncle Car-
los and his father had with their wives,
except for one significant point. Suzanne,
who was raised in Southern Califor-
nia, does not see herself as a docile
Brazilian wife.
Uncle Carlos had four wives and 21
children. When his first wife died, he
gave seven cf his children to Helio to
raise. At the time, Helio was on his hon-
eymoon with his wife, a chestnut haired
beauty named Margarida, who had been
educated in Paris. Helio also had another
family of sons with a woman who lived in
“When my mother couldn't have any
more sons,” Rorion says, “my father had
six more kids with another woman.
When my mother found out, she freaked.
My dad told her he still loved her and he
would never leave her. He just wanted
more kids. When I heard this, I was only
a boy and I thought my mom would get
thrown out. But my dad told me not to
worry. Then he said, ‘How many brothers
would you like?' ] said, ‘As many as possi-
ble. He said, ‘Good, vou have three
more. Now I have six; two from my mom
and four from my dad's other woman.
Мете all one family now.” Rorion holds
up a two-page magazine photograph of a
Gracie family get-together in Rio. Helio
and his wife are seated in the middle of a
flock of their children and grandchil-
dren, Carlos children and grandchil-
dren and Нейо% children with his other
woman. There are 48 beautiful, smiling
Grace offspring in that photograph,
ranging in age from two to 52. Fifty-sev-
en other offspring are missing from the
“I had the nicest youth you could ever
dream of,” says Rorion. “In summer, we
lived on a ranchin the mountains outside
Rio. It had twenty-four bedrooms and
eighteen bathrooms for thirty-seven kids.
All the meals were served three times
each. The kids ate with kids and the
adults with adults.” He laughs. “You had
(continued on page 144)
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“There will be an enormous fly in your future!”
Breeschooten was born November
15, 1970, at 7:5
Breeschooten was born eight minutes
later. When neighbors rushed to tell the fa-
ther the news. he suspected what was com-
8 am Karin van
" he said. "Twins." It
ing: "Let me ques
scems that the house in which the family
resided had a history of producing twins
as far back as the 1500s. The only question
we have: Were they as perfect as the Van
Breeschootens? Before we had a chance
for a face-to-face chat, Playboy Associate
Photo Editor Mi
vided the significant information: Karin
ael Ann Sullivan pro-
has a birthmark near her mouth and a
boyfriend in Germany; Mirjam doesnt.
Other than that. we were on our own. We
meet the misses september, the van breeschooten twins
met the girls in a hotel room across the
street from the Playboy Building. Mirjam
was wearing a long jersey. with the sleeves
pulled over her hands to use as mitts while
she served a hot room-service breakfast.
The first impression—adorable!—soared
when her double, Karin, walked into the
room. We started the interview by asking
"Ше dont really care about what peo-
ple think of our posing nude. Every per-
son is the шоу he or she is. If you are
walking дошп the nude beach on о sun-
ny day, they are also looking at you, so
what is the difference? When we first
looked at a copy of the American
Ployboy, we laughed at the tan marks
‘on the girls’ breasts,” says Karin. “Even
in privacy, they put their tops on?”
Mirjam her opinion of America. "We
watch St Elsewhere, Miami Vice, Moon-
lighting, Hill Street Blues. We only know the
gangsters. Last night, we were awakened
by police sirens. We thought we were in an
episode of Hill Street. Then we took a walk.
You have beautiful cars. Big, beautiful
cars. So far, everyone we've met has been
incredibly nice.” Karin jumped in. "Hol-
land is so small. It isa two-hour drive from
one side to the other. It’s like living in a
dollhouse. Everything is under control.
There's never a big event. All the news
from foreign countries is more exciting
than what happens at home. Our newspa-
pers can keep writing about a kidnaping
for six months. We learn to talk about very
small things for a very long time.” They
said they couldn't wait to eat at a real Mc-
Donald's. They wanted to go shopping for
cowboy shirts and boots. They wanted to
visit a school like the High School of the
Performing Arts featured in Fame. They
realize that their curiosity is shaped by en-
tertainment, but then, most Americans,
when they visit Holland, want to meet
Hans Brinker of Silver Skates
renown. "What is this silver
skate?” asked Mirjam. Karin:
"Our characters are really quite
similar but never at the same
time. A few years ago, 1 was
the wildest one in the house, and
now Miram is" Karin was a
model and Mirjam a nursing stu-
dent when the opportunity arose
to appear in the Dutch edition
of Playboy. Mirjam recalls Karin
pushing her in front of a mirror
and Mirjam giggling at the idea,
saying, “Oh, for sure, that's the
girl who will be in Playboy.” Mir-
јат giggled to the point of tears
again at the memory, her dimples
giving warning of a blush. “Yes,”
said Karin, verifying the story.
“One day she was nagging that I
was much more beautiful than
she was. I dragged her to a mir-
ror and made her look." Theyare
disco crazy. In Holland, kids start.
to go to dance clubs just out of di-
apers. Mirjam snuck out at 13, Six
months later, the two went out
together. “I was helpless," Karin
recalled, “but everyone knew
Mirjam from the first time.”
Have they ever switched dates?
Never. They shrugged off the
inevitable twin questions. “We
never could understand what's so
special about it. We can't imagine
what it’s like not to be twins.”
Mirjam believes that she ond
Harin share a psychic bond.
Although she had her ap-
pendix token out a year be-
fore Karin, when her sister
hod the operation, she expe-
rienced the pain. Do the two
share pleasure? "No" says
Mirjam. “Unfortunately пос.
We dont even shore the
same taste in boyfriends.”
Mirjam told the editors of the Dutch
Playboy that together they ore brove,
together they con do anything, but on
their ошп, they are not exactly heroes.
“| suppose every twin is shy when he
or she hos to do something alone.
When | see a nice guy, | would not
dream of approaching him. He has to
come to me. By the way, lets get one
thing stroight. Karin and 1 dont do ev-
erything together” Except pose for us.
vane: Logo oon reescHonta _
BUST: SICM_waıst: AICM nips: SG CM
HEIGHT: [A4 C wrom: _ 777 UG - А
BIRTH МЕ. Koklerdan
AMBITIONS: ul to pagio abia. —
TURN-ONS: с > be L
mT Lie RESkauRAMES -
and yeaicus pEcple
FAVORITE MUSIC: kem wz slow music
7 was yh ere 16 2 чеоне Qu ane Playboy
89coRsol! рор Holland shock
МАМЕ COMA ore rod
BUST:cXO cce. WAIST: бс» en HIPS:
AMBITIONS: ko Me a Salsa masa im Woe AS,
TURN-ONS: rien gende Manes: and qad Mense -
лсо ee nee
a = ;
FAVORITE т жрт А Rae шу.
Deens СО aS \
оуу hier wOX« ko Biking in Curogao myskeny woman!
becominG a modd.
Oibfire-fighting expert Red Adair stopped off
in Las Vegas for a few days of relaxation. Whi
sitting in a lounge one night, he was engaged
conversation by a fellow who'd obviously had a
few to many.
now who I saw yesterday?” the drunk said.
g Newton.”
fou mean Wayne Newton, doi
corrected him
“Oh, yeah," he said, adding enthu
1 week, I saw Benny Roger
You mean Kenny Rogers."
“The best of all was when I saw Polly Darton.”
“You mean Dolly Parton, fella."
Nonplused, the drunk asked his compa
who he was. When he was told “Red Adair,” the
fellow perked up and said, “Yeah? You still fuck-
in’ Ginger Rogers?"
Ош Unabashed Dictionary defines psycho-
somatic as Norman Bates's food processor.
А һоокег spotted a fellow weaving out of a bar
and thought he might be an casy $20. “How
abouta blow job, Мас?”
“Nah,” the fellow muttered. “I still have three
weeks of unemployment left.
The man stranded on a desert island could not be-
lieve his eyes when a beautiful woman in scuba
gear appeared on the shore. She smiled and said,
“ГЇЇ bet you could use a cigarette." Unzipping the
sleeve of her wet suit, she pulled one out and
handed it to him.
“ГІ bet,” she continued when :he man had
finished his smoke, “you haven't had a nice, cold
beerin a long time.” Unzipping the leg of her wet
suit, she pulled out a brew and gave it to the
grateful man
When he had drained the last drop, the shapely
woman unzipped the front of her wet suit. “ГЇЇ
bet,” she purred, “it’s been a long time since you
played around.”
“You mean,” the man gasped, “
clubs in there?”
өше got golf
How many country singers docs it take to change
a light bulb? Four—one to screw it in and three to
write about the old one.
Two dim-wiued golfers found themselves at a
foggy par three where they could sce the flag but
not the green. Each hit solid shots. When they
1 walked onto the green, they discovered that
one of the balls was six inches from the cup and,
fter searching for the other onc, found that it
had gone into the cup. They then tried to figure
out whose ball was whose. They had both played
Titleist number threes. They decided to ask the
golf pro to make a ruling.
Alter congratulating the men on their superh
shots—and after being told that cach of the men
ing the same brand and number ball—
he asked, "OK, so who was playing the yellow
A grasshopper walked into a bar, sat down on a
stool and ordered a martini. “Hey,” the astound-
ed bartender exclaimed, “do you know we have a
dr ed after you?"
idding,” the grasshopper sa
d. “Irving?
p m
What's the difference between a slut anda bitch?
A slut screws everyone; a bitch screws everyone
but you.
ng to an ad in the paper for Bible sales-
ise the manis past sales per-
formance was so good, he hired him.
“lo everyones astonishment, within a few
months, the fellows sales were the best in the
company The president called a meeting to con-
gratulate him and to inspire the other salesmi
"Son, tell us your secret for selling so many
Bibles." he said.
“Irs I just go to the d-d-door and say,
‘W-w-would you like to b-b-buy a B-B-Bible? Or I
c-c-could с-с-еоше in and read it t-t-to you:
Heard a funny опе lately? Send il on a post-
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, Playboy,
Playboy Bldg, 919 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago,
Ill. 60611. $100 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“Leonardo is designing a line of colognes, too.”
Vial ho E
it gyrates! it
levitates! it sings
and it flushes! get
ready for 2001:
a shopping odyssey
FUTURE STUF for consumers. Every-
thing in this article should be in your
supermarket. hardware store, pharma-
су. department store or otherwise avail-
able by the year 2000.
Many of the technologies behind the
products are new and developing, so it's
doubiful thatany one reader is going to
be knowledgeable about all of them.
For that reason, we have made Future
Stuff light on scientific and technical
talk and heavy on clarity.
Think of this as a window-shopping
expedition into the future. Enjoy pick-
ing out what you'll buy tomorrow.
Below the title of each product, there
are three headings: opps, era. and
PRICE. A few words of explanation are
needed for each.
opps: This is the probability, meas-
ured as a percentage, that the product
will actually be on sale by the year 2000.
When the odds are listed as 100 per-
cent, the product now exists in a form
that can be marketed and sold. For ex-
ample, the levitation vehicle (odds: 100
percent) has a manufacturer who is
ready to take the product to market.
In most cases, the odds of a product's
reaching the market have been project-
ed by the inventor or the manufacturer.
In some cases. though, the authors have
made this projection based on available
ETA: This is the estimated time of
availabilitv.—the year—that the prod-
uct is expected to arrive in stores
In many cases, when the ЕЛГА. is list-
ed as 1990, the product is already being
sold in a limited fashion, usually by the
manufacturer or through mail-order
In most instances, the E.
. has
been supplied by the inventor or the
manufacturer. However, in some cases,
the authors have made the projection.
hat the inventor or the
it is not applicable,
as the product will not be sold directly
10 consumers but will be incorporated
into other products.
ODDS: 100 percent.
ЕТА.: 1991
PRICE: $100,000.
This is the stuff of comic books, 5-Ғ
magazines and the dreams of genera-
tions of little boys who loved machines.
It's called the Moller 400. In appear-
ance, it's a sleek cross between a Cor-
vette and a rocket ship. In function, it's
a car, a helicopter and an airplane.
It seats four, takes off vertically, can.
do 400 mph, hover low, land softly and
park in your garage. And it's almost as
easy to operate as a video game.
The inventor of the Moller 400 is
Paul Moller, one of those boys from the
Forties who held on to their dreams.
While earning his doctorate at Montre-
al's McGill University and through 15
years of teaching at the University of
California at Davis, he worked to devel-
op new types of aircraft.
Now head of his own firm, Moller In-
ternational, he is putting the final
touches on his masterpiece, which he
modestly calls “an alternative to the
family car."
Moller has already tested the technol-
оду for the Moller 400 in his earlier
model, the 200X, which looks like a
fiying saucer. lt operated successfully
on numerous flights—both by remote
control and with a pilot aboard.
Now the Moller 400 is about ready
for take-off. It's six feet high, nine and a
half feet wide and 18 feet long. It has a
cruising speed of 225 mph and gets 15
miles to the gallon.
Its powered by 65-pound, 528-с.с.
rotary engines, each of which generates.
150 horsepower, or more than two hp
per pourd, four times that of a typical
aircraft engine.
The Moller 400 is propelled by eight
of these compact engines encased іп
four separate ducts. With no exposed
blades, the craft is much safer to ma-
neuver on the ground than either a
helicopter or a small plane.
Moller has built the craft with safety
in mind. Three on-board computers
check one another's work and can back
one another up. They'll also provide
the aircraft with a sophisticated colli-
sion-avoidance system expected to aid
air-traffic controllers by the year 2000.
At speeds above 125 mph, altitude
can be maintained even if six of the
eight engines should fail. If all the en-
gines should die, the Moller 400 could
land with the aid of an emergency
parachute and its five-foot stiletto nose
would crumple to absorb shock.
While leaving bumper-to-bumper
traffic below may seem like the
fulfillment of every commuter fantasy,
Moller believes that the craft's first ap-
plication will be performing search-
and-rescue missions in isolated areas.
Still, а lot of childhood dreamers are
lining up for the craft. According to
Jack Allison, marketing director for
Moller International, 47 people have
already reserved a Moller 400 by pay-
ing a fully refundable $5000 deposit.
ODDS: 100 percent
ETA; 1990
PRICE: $699.
If you missed Sinatra at Carnegie
Hall or the Beatles at the Royal Albert,
the technology is now here to re-create
such magical experiences.
Yamaha Electronics, applying di
al technology, has come up with the
DSP-I00U. a device that can re-create
dozens of acoustic environments, in-
cluding jazz clubs, discos, outdoor are-
nas, churches and concert halls.
Controlled by a remote key pad, the
DSP-100U requires a stereo system with
a minimum of four channels of am-
plification and four speakers. It works
with a CD player, a turntable, a tape
deck or even a radio.
The DSP-100U is already available at
many audio specialty dealers.
ODDS: 75 percent
ETA: 1994
PRICE. $2000
They're called intracorneal rings and
they can eliminate the need for eye-
glasses and contact lenses.
Quite simply, a thin corneal ring will
flatten the cornea to correct nearsight-
edness. A tighter ring will increase the
degree of curvature of the cornea to
correct farsightedness. And any ring at
all will round out the shape of the eye to
correct astigmatism.
According to Thomas M. Loarie of
KeraVision, the company developing it,
the device is placed in the cornea much
as braces are placed on teeth. The rings
can be removed at any time, they will
cause no interference with normal сус
function and they can stay in
indefinitely. That means no lost lenses,
no cleansers, no discomfort.
The rings will be surgically implant-
ed by a physician on an outpatient basis.
The procedure will cost $2000, which.
compared with a lifetime's contact lens-
es or glasses, may be a bargain.
The rings are being tested success-
fully on animals and human testing
could begin by late 1989.
ODDS: 80 percent
ETA: 1992
PRICE: As much as $3600
Whats beyond toilets that sterilize
themselves? Bottoms that wipe them-
Well, not exactly, but several compa-
nies in the Orient are marketing a ver-
sion of a toilet thai cleans you up
automatically without toilet paper.
Besides the now-ordinary functions
of sterilizing and preheating, these pa-
perless toilets have a mechanical arm
that appears underncath you after you
have completed your business. The arm
shoots up a stream of warm water and
follows it with a blast of dry air that can
gust for 60 seconds at a time. The full
treatment is complete with a perfumed
misting of your underparts. Some of
these automated geniuses even play
gentle music!
One advertisement in Japan claims
that it takes one half the amount of
electricity needed to run the refrigera-
tor to clean the bottoms of a family of
Who could ask for anything more?
ODDS: 100 percent
ETA. 1991
PRICE: $2000
For the American in Paris—or any-
where, for that matter—the language
barrier is abont 10 come down with this
portable translator.
Voice—thats what it’s called—is a
hand-held computer with software that
can recognize more than 35,000 sen-
tences. You simply speak to it in English
and it will speak the words in French (or
German, Spanish or Italian). You will
see what you said in both languages on
an LCD screen to make sure that Voice
got it right. And when you say “Re-
peat,” Voice will repeat the phrase in
the foreign language, so you can be
sure you heard it right.
“Voice makes a laptop computer with
a keyboard look like a dinosaur.” says
Steve Rondel, president of Advanced
Products and Technologies, the Red-
mond, Washington, company that
makes Voice. “It fits in the palm of your
hand and listens to and acts on your
command.” The translator weighs
three pounds and is the size of two
stacked VHS cassettes.
Voice is speaker-dependent. That
means it has to be trained and that
it will respond only to your voice.
It willlead you through an interview in
which it memorizes the way you talk.
Others can use it by training their own
Rondel sees Voice's first applications
in the business community and the
tourist industry. (Imagine Voice in ev-
ery taxi, helping drivers and foreigners
comprendre.) And despite its high cost.
Americans abroad will probably be car-
rying Voice, along with guidebooks and
cameras, by the early Nineties.
ODDS. 100 percent
ЕТА: 1992
Cupcake lovers will read this and say
that cupcakes are perfect just the way
they are. But we're telling vou that cup-
cakes will stay perfect and be good
for vou. Yes. your favorite high-calorie,
low-nutrition hunk of heavenly junk
will actually be just what the doctor ог-
dered. Years ago, we learned that cer-
tain forms of cancer may be prevented
with fiber. Americans then averaged
only 13 grams of fiber in their normal
daily diet, while researchers told us we
needed 30. About the time this re-
scarch was reported in the press, Mike
Gould and his team of U.S. Department
of Agriculture biochemists had come
up with a way to soften the nondi-
gestible (fiber) portion of cell walls in
farm products. Their mission was to
find new uses for basic farm products
such as oats, wheat and corn, and it oc-
curred tothem, "Hmmm. These grains
also contain cellulose, and that's fiber!"
Indeed, it's 100 percent fiber. Experi-
ments started immediately to replace
some of the flour content in baked
goods with their softened cellulose
"The researchers knew that nobody
was going то start eating twice as much
fiber because it might help prevent can-
cer. So Gould et al. tried to put fiber
into foods that people already liked.
The trick was to do it without being
And they succeeded! The cellulose
fiber can replace as much as two thirds
of the flour used in baked goods, de-
pending on the product. "We made
hundreds of cakes, brownies, dough-
nuts, pancakes and breads,” says Gould.
A cake was developed that substituted
the cellulose for 40 percent of the four
normally used in the recipe. A profes-
sional taste panel couldn't differentiate
the cellulose cake from one made with
the regular amount of flour. It com-
pared taste, texture, mouth feel and
seven other criteria. “There was as
much fiber in one slice of that cake asin
a half head of lettuce,” Gould says.
‘That was seven and a half grams, or
one fourth of the minimum daily
amount of fiber suggested by cancer re-
The cellulose can go into gravy,
sauces, ice cream and any other prod-
ucts that require a bulking agent or a
thickener, and it has no calories. Not
one. It passes right through the body.
Mind you, it has no nutritional value,
either. But if you like cupcakes, vou
won't care.
ODDS: 100 percent
ETA.: 1990
PRICE: $1275
This is a toy that is definitely not for
everyone. But if you're a surfer or a
hang glider—or preferably both—this
contraption is a dream come true.
Its called the Wind Weapon and it's
the brain child of windsurfer Тот Ma-
gruder and hang-gliding expert Robert
‘The Wind Weapon is a sailboard rig
with a sophisticated aluminum-and-
Mylar pivoting wing that enables the
board and the rider to leap as high as
40 feet above the water's surface.
It is not a sport for novices. First, says
Magruder, you should have wind-
surfing experience. Then expect to ex-
periment for a good week before you
get the hang of it.
These modern-day Wright brothers
say that once you get good, you can stay
in flight for as long as ten seconds.
The Wind Weapon is available at a
few windsurfing shops or from Wind
Weapon International, PO. Box 89,
Hood River, Oregon 97031.
ODDS: 100 percent.
ETA. 1990
PRICE: $5850
Picture three giant concentric Hula-
Hoops standing on end. Now imagine
yourself strapped into the innermost
hoop. Move a muscle and the three con-
nected rings start to sway. Strain a little
harder and you begin to spin. Nod your
head and vou somersault.
This is an exercise machine for peo-
ple bored by exercise machines. The
design is based on the gyroscope, a
device that has been around since the
Gyro stands nine feet high and
is nine feet wide. The three rings—
one green, one red, one yellow—are
made of tubular steel and rotate
around one another, each on its own
axis. The rider is fastened into the i
nermost ring with a foot-binding sys-
tem and a padded waist device that
allows for minimal movement. There
are handle bars overhead that help
stretch and support the body.
Once you're in place, the slightest
body movement will get the eni
tem turning. Through subtle shifts in
weight and isometric muscle contrac-
tions, the rider can create and control
the action, the speed and the duration
of the exercise. The rings move in ev-
ery direction—the outer ones keeping
the entire apparatus in balance. It's pos-
sible to do forward dives, back flips, lat-
eral rotations, cart wheels and more, all
with the weightlessness of an astronaut
in space.
“It's an exciting and exhilarating
workout," says Julie Larsen, the public-
relations director for Gyro North
America. “Everybody who gets on this
machine grins from ear to ear. They re-
allv enjoy every movement."
It's also safe, she reports, and no one
gets sick. You can slow it down or stop it
and return to an upright position sim-
ply by bending your knees. However,
Larsen docs suggest that a monitor Ье
ncarby for beginners.
The benefits? Stress on the joints is
minimal. The three-ring ride is great
for toning the body and provides a
whopping aerobic workout, ora moder-
ate one, whichever is preferred.
It'seven beautiful to look at.
ODDS: 100 percent
ETA. 1990
PRICE. $1300
How many times have you skied
down a challenging slope, only to real-
ize that the bigger challenge was get-
ting back up to the top for another run?
John Stanford and Phil Huff decided to
use their parachuting and skiing expe-
rience to design a product that would
solve that problem. The result is
a lightweight parachute powerful
enough to propel skiers up steep slopes
yet small enough to be casily packed
away for the trip back down.
Coming up with a prototype was fair-
ly simple—since Stanford company
manufactures parachutes—but testing
it was downright thrilling. “We realized
that skiing uphill was more fun than
skiing downhill,” says Stanford. So
once they received a patent, the sport of.
“upskiing” was born.
"The parachute can be used on snow-
covered lakes or steep mountain slopes,
in winds as low as seven or eight mph.
Friends of Stanford and Huff have up-
skied in 50-mph winds but describe the
experience as “terrifying” and "dan-
gerous” and strongly advise against it.
Like sailing, upskimg is a wind sport.
After putting on your skis and strap-
ping yourself into the harness, lift part
of the canopy (with the help of control
lines) so it fills with wind, lean back and
А control center attached to the har-
ness allows you to increase or decrease
your specd and, in the case of an emer-
gency, release yourself from the equip-
ment. The parachute itself is 28 feet in
diameter, and the entire system weighs
a mere 13 pounds and folds up to the
size of a backpack
The product can be purchased from
UpSki, Іпс. PO. Box 1269, Frisco, Col-
orado 80443. Customers are required
to participate in a short demonstration
of how the system and its emergency
features work.
ODDS: 50 percent
ETA. 1991
PRICE: One dollar
A lover of hot summer days, beaut-
ful beaches and frosty brews, Saul
Freedman is the creator of the frozen
beverage mug—an alkice container
that keeps the drink cold until the mug
Freedman, a Vineland. New Jersey.
inventor, intends 10 mass-produce his
mugs and market them as "perfect for
the beach." His brain storm— putting
liquid into ice rather than ice into liq-
uid—was born out of frustration. He
was tired of drinking warm beer and
cola at the Jersey shore and of paper
cups and cans littering the sand.
The frozen mug melts from the out-
side in. Except for the wooden stick that
serves as its handle. it disappears with-
ош a trace—on a hot day at the beach.
the mug is good for about 45 minutes.
“Its а trash-free, self-disposing
drinking container, and with the envi-
ronmental problems we have today. the
mug will help decrease the litter,”
Freedman says. Some seaside towns ban.
the sale of drink containers at the
beach, but he thinks the ісе mug can
swim around this rule.
Alhough the frozen mug will stay
solid for as long as two hours indoors,
Freedman sees as his greatest potential
market people who want fast refresh-
ment in the hot sun. And he doesnt
view the summer melt-down time of 45
minutes as a negative. "With ice cream,
if you don't eat it in буе minutes, it will
be all over your lap. Besides, how long
do you hold a paper cup thats filled
with soda?”
The ice mug is produced through a
patented process that first takes the im-
purities out of water (making it freeze
quickly and melt slowly) and then chills
the molds.
Assuming that he finds investors
who share his belief that ice is nice,
Freedman will manufacture his mugs
in New Jersey. near his potential cus-
tomers. Franchising is a possibility, too.
ODDS: 100 percent
ETA. 1991
PRICE: Less than $100
Bathing suits may be more revealing
than ever in the Nineties if Donald
Spector invention becomes the rage.
His swimming togs will do more than
reveal parts of the body: they will re-
veal the temperature of some of the
parts the suits are concealing.
Spector, a New York inventor who
gave the world hydraulically operated
exercise equipment. has developed
thermally sensitive fabric that changes
color in concert with the wearer's tem-
perature. So if something embarrasses
you, your suit may blush even if you
As Spector explains it, the suits will
turn dark blue or even black around an
area that is heating up or where the
blood is collecting. As the suit goes
from hot to cold, it will pass through
versions of black, blue, yellow and
green before cooling off at moderate
Expect to see only parts—that is, up-
per parts—of the suits made from the
special cloth.
Thus far. Spector is working on mar-
keting the Mood Suit to women only A
tank-style one-piece is already devel-
oped, but different styles are on the
drawing board.
ere is Jeff Daniels, Michigan. home boy,
reluctant. Hollywood actorguy, grin-
ning his sly, smirky grin. Barefoot and just
slightly beered up, he paddles and putters
his pontoon boat around the small lake on
whose shores he makes his home. Daniels
lives in the rural southeastern. Michigan
town where he grew up, a town whose name
he prefers no one knew, because it is here
that he likes to pretend that he is not a big-
deal movie star. To the locals, he is just plain
Jeff, tavern squatter, softball zealot. To the
contrary, he is the fine laconic leading man
whose quirky charms have enlivened such
films as “Terms of Endearment,” “The Pur-
ple Rose of Cairo,” “Something Wild,”
“Sweethearts Dance” and “Checking Out.”
Due next is “Love Hurts,” a tale of divorce
and hope. Contributing Editor Bill Zehme
spent one long afternoon. on the pontoon
and reminisces thusly: “We circled the lake
roughly eight thousand times and drank
many cold ones. Once, we went ashore to see
the large house Jeff was building for his two
small sons and wife, Kathleen. We watched
workmen work. I asked him if he'd seen any
signs of Elvis, who is rumored to be residing
in the state. Daniels blanched and said that
Elvis had recently stopped by, scrounging
for money ‘He looked pale, he reported,
“very pale. I told him to get lost.”
тлувоу: By living here in Michigan, you
disprove the maxim that you can't go
horne again. Just how wrong was Thomas
DANIELS: It's not the same as when 1 was
growing up here. I mean, this lake was
the whole world. Now it's just a three-
mile body of water in one of fifty states,
But it’s a very grounded existence. You
get a cleaner outlook, which is better for
the kids. The people are nine-to-fivers,
very realistic and have a different sense
of humor. I told
K th inth -
hollywood's peu T5
jl ji that PI "s 20
likable laconic a! Dots 20
ing. He just stared
at me blankly 1
said, “1 knew that
would impress
lunk on
you" The real
small towns E E ED
and when love are the guys who
read the news in
Detroit. For me,
living here һе
tween movies is
much healthier
hurts the best
than sitting around a pool in Los Angeles
or being cramped up in a New York
apartment, waiting for the next job. 1
can't rest in those two towns. There I'm
an unemployed actor; here I'm on vaca-
tion. I also happen to live here.
PLAYBOY: Tivelve years ago, you left Michi-
gan for New York. Take us on a tour of
the hellish depravity only a Midwesterner
sees upon moving there.
DANIELS: One of my favorite memories
was the big blackout in 77. 1 lived in this
not-so-safe building at Seventh Avenue
and Twenty-third. To get to my apart-
ment, I had to walk up ten flights of stairs
in the pitch black. 1 kept thinking, God,
what's up this next flight? Is it my death?
In the same apartment, there was a hole
in the door where a lock was supposed to
be. One day, I looked up from the couch
and saw an eye peering through the hole.
Then—whoosh/—the eye was gone. I re-
member walking down the street and
seeing some guy just explode, vomiting
something like green radiator fluid. I re-
member sitting on a bench in a subway
station next to two people. Suddenly, a
screaming woman ran up, grabbed a
hunk of hair from both of them and ran
down the platform. Tore out a handful
and just disappeared,
But New York's supposed to be a chal-
lenge. You're not supposed to be cornfort-
able there. You're in the way And they
don't care whether you live or die. They
don't care because they're in New York!
PLAYBOY: You played a homosexual in
Lanford Wilson's play The Fifth of July
and shared a stage kiss, in successive pro-
ductions, with William Hurt and
Christopher Reeve. What did the folks at
home think? And, more important, who
was the better kisser?
DANIELS: Oh, man. I had been living in
New York for two years when my mother
came to see it. She was very quiet after the
play. 1 said, "Well, you know, Mom, it's a
love story” She said, “It's not a love story,
it's perverted!" And all there was on stage
was a brief kiss in the first act. I mean, it's
cither kiss the guy or get fired from the
job. In her defense, though, 1 hadn't dat-
ed anyone in a couple of years and I was
living down in the Village. So there was
some concern, yes. But Mom had no prob-
lems with it when the play later opened
on Broadway [laughs]. By then, 1 was
married, and although 1 was still kissing
s EI а $
in {һе first act, that was considered, you
know, fun.
As for who's the better kisser, both of
the guys have tremendous pucker quality.
It reminds me of the Hoover vacuum
cleaners of the Fifties. Just fantastic. I
mean, that's why they're where they are
PLAYBOY: Tell us about your dramatic tele-
vision debut on Нашай Five-O. Any theo-
ries as to why Jack Lord's hair never
DANIELS: 1 was guest criminal—one of
three college-guy jewel thieves—in the
penultimate episode. We were standing
опа windy cliff, shooting the “Book 'em"
scene, as it was called. My hair is doing а
dance. Everybody's hair is flying. Then
you look at Jack's—boom!—it's as rigid as
Mount Rushmore. lt was amazing, a
freak of nature, a genuine phenomenon.
I remember Jack liked to use a lot of
cue cards because, you know, Brando
did, too. But he was the king of Hawaii, a
god, and he commanded total autonomy
on that show. For this particular scene, he
was ready to deliver his big speech. My
line to him was, "What now, Mr. McGar-
ret?" And he says, “Ill tell you what
now! Prison for you punks!” But this was
the sixth day of shooting and things were
getting a little relaxed. At this point, the
director didn't care at all. And somehow,
l accidentally read my line as, "What
пою, Mr. Garrett?" Jack shouts, “Cut it"
gives me a very angry look and says,
“Thais Muhh-Garrett!” He then turns
and walks away. The other actors are
doubled over, stifling their laughter. 1
figured, Fire me, man. Гуе already got
my Hawaiian vacation,
PLAYBOY: Any lingering scars from play-
ing the lecherous weasel Flap Horton in
Terms of Endearment? Do you think wom-
enstill hold you in contempt?
DANIELS: Well, the worm is turning: A lot
of people have been coming up to me,
saying, “You know, 1 don't know how you
put up with those two women for as long
as you did." I think, Yeah, yeah! Because
for a while there, it was tough to go out-
side. There was a driver who took me to
the Todoy show and told me, in passing,
“When I saw you in Term: of Endearment,
1 just wanted to beat the hell out of you.”
How does one respond to that? Say thank
you? I went to see the movie in Times
Square and (continued on page 146)
tales of the outdoors
jump into the teeth of the wind and you might get bitten
HERES NOTHING LIKE the promise of solo flight to get you watching natural
Tz socks: treetops, tall grass, steam plumes, flags, birds. Especially the
birds if it’s a paraglider you'll be strapped to—a piece of cloth without frame ог
motor that you'll pilot through whatever gust and thermal carth and sun hap-
pen to cook up while you hang between them, a wind sock yourself.
1 watched the hawks and the turkey vultures оп my way up the northeastern
edge of the San Francisco Bay toward the hills of Vallejo. It was the middle of
April, an overcast morning, and it seemed to me the big soaring meat eaters
were working a little harder than usual—tipping, stalling, Happing—to keep
from being blown off the ridge lines they were hunting,
Then again, 1 suppose any wind at all would have had my worried attention
that morning. The birdman fever that overtakes some people bad just never
infected me. In fact, I'd always thought that Icarus was a snotty kid who pretty
much got what he deserved.
My instructor, Mark Chirico, assured me that under the right conditions,
paragliding was very safe and very easy. He had а 400-foot hillside picked out
for us, and he thought that, working one on one, I'd probably be flying from the
тор by the end of the first day. In a normal class (continued on page 154)
Ode lo Morganna
a words-and-pictures tribute to baseball's kissing bandit
OK. LETS GET IT Over with: Ladies and gentlemen, here they аге. . . Morganna. Yes, they are
real. That's right, John Candelaria, “The Candy Man,” they're all her. АП, indescribably deli-
cious, her own Mounds. No, she doesnt have to saw twin cavernous holes in the mattress to
sleep at night. Yes, she eats gobs of junk food and then
works it off on the rowing machine. No, she has never
had her rib cage removed. Maybe they are the advertised,
incredible 60 inches—thar's six-oh, my goodness—all the
way around. Most definitely, if not the eighth Wonder of
the World, they have to be way way ош there with any-
thing else you might nominate.
Want to get personal? The lady herself refers to the
brassieres that cover the things as "my pup tents.” Want
an autograph? BREAST WISHES, MORGANNA, she'll write. Or
THANKS FOR THE MAMMARIES. Of course, long ago, she start-
ed spelling her name with two Ns to, she submits, “get
more ink and fill up the marquees.” But the more re-
markable aspect of her signature is the capital M, the top
of which she curls into two round mounds, just like the
Golden Arches themselves, and then finishes with two
dots at the twin peaks, so that the result resembles the
view of her magnificent chest from the Goodyear blimp.
“Just think,” says Morganna, “if 1 ever get old and
droopy, 1 can change my name to Wanda.”
When the last great scorer comes to write against the
game, when the time capsule is finally sealed up for base-
ball in our lifetime, lets be sure not to omit the true arti-
facts of the sport: Lite beer, arbitration, pine tar, tobacco,
the split-finger fast ball, cocaine, maybe some tail feath-
ers from the Chicken and a little piece, uh, a sigh and
whisper of Morganna as well. Even as hard as they may
be to come by, she'd undoubtedly offer up one of those
pup tents—a tight fit, to be sure—but let's get it done any-
way. For, as a distinguished participant in the national
pastime once said—maybe it was one of the Parkers, Wes
or Dave, or somebody else she has targeted on her
splendiferously crowd-enthralling, rear-end-hauling,
Outtakes from Morganna's greatest hits: At a November 1988 Utah Jazz game, she
sprints (top) toward Jazz coach Frank Layden. In the bottom photo, she gets her
prey. Afterward, Layden fell to the floor. “I don't think he was faking it,’ she says. “I
think he really passed out. He probably had double vision.” She met Seattle Mariner
Steve Yeager (center) on opening day іп 1986. “That's his intellectual look,” she says.
glamorous kissing forays—"Morganna
great for baseball? Morganna is base-
Truth be told, Morganna has lip-
sticked types of all stripes— football
coaches, basketball people, a jockey, the
Chicken himself, Tom Selleck, even a
minor-league hockey coach, for God's
sake. Not to mention a bedraggled cor-
nucopia of your basic sleazeball kiss-
and-tell journalists. She kisses, they tell.
But her stock in trade remains the men
and boys of summer: Pete Rose, Fred
Lynn, Lance Parrish, George Brett
(twice), Steve Garvey, Don Mattingly,
John Candelaria, Nolan Ryan and Otto
Velez, who, not long after the magic
moment—he must have read Paradise
Lost—upped and retired from his game. Then there's Mike
Schmidt, who to this day insists hc got smooched by a Mor-
ganna impostor. ("Mike probably wants seconds," says Mor-
All have felt the lollipop lips of Morganna brush their
cheeks and then . . . alas. and then move on to other cheeks,
When Morganna met Kareem
(above) she
worried that "they could have.
injured him. 1 also tried to
tell him that my kiss wouldn't
grow hair оп a bald head!"
other parks. Having attempted a sneak
attack last August on the Cubs’ Ryne
Sandberg—she was intercepted on the
pitcher’s mound during the first inning
of the first night game at Wrigley Field,
hauled off to the slammer, booked and
fingerprinted before being released
amid the shutter-popping dazzle of po-
lice-force Polaroids—Morganna has ex-
panded her puckered-and-delivered
roster to players from more than 20
teams. A picture of her reaching high
on her tiptoes to kiss Frank Howard
of the Washington Senators actually
hangs in the Hall of Fame in Coopers-
town. The Washington Senators are no
longer with us; Morganna—please
keep your gasping to a low wail as
you peruse some of the portraits here—obviously, still very
much is.
But let's not make molehills out of mountains. Morganna's
self-description: “The chest of Dolly Parton, the face of Loni
Anderson, the legs of Colonel Sanders." Miss Parton? C'mon.
The score is 9-5 before the national anthem starts. All
ТӨР 1 /
seriousness aside, folks, if Dolly is, say a
D cup. Morganna whups her in the tale
of the tape by six sizes. We're talking I
here. Oh-me-oh-m
Everything's relative, of course. Mor-
ganna says that if nudity were wrong,
wed all have been born in trench coats.
She savs no religious group or women's
lib organization has ever protested
against her—whats the big deal? She
couldn't burn her bra, anyway, or half the
major leagues would go up in smoke.
Naturally, she must have those undergar-
ments specially made—by the same guy
"who builds domed stadiums," according
to Morganna, who calls her show clothes
"skimpy attire." She calls her show not
exotic dancing. not stripping but "a cele-
bration of bobbing."
Morganna and her husband, Bill Cot-
trell, as plain, uncomplicated and down
to earth a couple as any dastardly duo in
the eye of a maelstrom has ever been, аге
rabid TV watchers, especially of TV
comedy They are constantly trying to
one-up each other in dialog borrowed
from Saturday Night Live's inveterate
fibber, Jon Lo ‘Yeah, that's it,” Mor-
ganna says in wide-eyed imitation of
Lovitz. “That's the ticket. I'm Morganna,
the baseball showgirl, and 1 kissed Babe
Ruth апа Ty Cobb . . . yeah, sure... and
then I, uh, 1 married George М. Cohan
and went to live in, let's say Oahu, yeah,
Oahu, and then I invented the mi-
crowave oven. Yeah, and these aren't real-
ly breasts, they're, uh, wings . . . yeah,
wings . - . filled with helium . . . yeah,
that's it. Thats the ticket."
Dallas Times Herald, August 3, 1984.
“Metro Roundup.” "MORGANNA BUSTED”:
Morganna Roberts, known as
“Morganna, the Kissing Bandit,”
was arrested Thursday night at a
Dallas night club on a public-lewd-
ness complaint. Police said Ms.
Roberts, 33, of Columbus, Ohio, was
arrested after allegedly beating a
customer over the head with her
breasts during a striptease perform-
ance at about 11:30 рм. at 105 for
Gentlemenat 9410 Marsh Lane. The
customer, identified as Kenneth
Crowder, was arrested on the same
complaint for allegedly cooperating
with the stunt, police said.
Talkin’ baseball, dum-de-dum.
Well, you can imagine how Bowie
Kuhn might have reviewed this perform-
ance over his morning croissants, remem-
bering how he once rode in a convertible
with this same Morganna Roberts at a lit-
tle-league parade. Or how Peter Ueber-
roth might have felt out there at the old
Olympic games as he contemplated the
changes inherent in a major lifestyle.
switch from Joan Benoit lap times to
Morganna Roberts' lap. Not to mention
what those coconuts would do to his
chances of getting elected President of
the United States. Might Morganna even
have the chakskas to kiss a commission-
er? A President? A. Bartlett Giamatti?
George Bush? Who might be next? God
and Presidents . . . and Morganna . . . at
You can imagine, too, how Joe Bob
Briggs, Big D's notoriously sensitive
drive-in critic, was rankled by that 1984
affair, which he claimed to be witness
to. He variously described Мограппаз
two enormous talents as "nuclear garban-
тоу... мете talking deadly weapons
those bazookas . . . those hooters.” Joe
Bob said he didn't think they were even
legal unless "you mount yellow warning
flags on both sides for oncoming traffic."
Also, he pictured Morganna's anatomy
as “unlicensed atomic duffel bags un-
leashed on an unsuspecting public." Un-
suspecting? Under what rock has Joe
Bob been living? "Not many people know.
it, but more Americans die every year
from breast attacks than get killed in
their bathtubs. 1/5 one of those facts we
don't like to think about. I'm sorry,” the
critic concluded, “but Morganna has got
to learn to either find a leash big enough
for those B-59s or else get a safe-deposit
box at Fort Knox and keep 'em under
armed guard at all times We don't want
another Three Mile Island. . . . If Mor-
ganna turns sideways, the world disap-
Of course, Morganna was found inno-
cent, cleared and freed of all charges by
Judge John Orvis, known ironically by lo-
cals as “the hanging judge.” Moreover,
no sooner did she get off than she merri-
ly stepped out of the courtroom and in-
vited the public to “come and see exhibits
А and B." The bad publicity—well, bad
in some precincts—was the thing. Mor-
ganna considered all that ink negative
when it got back to her adopted home
town of Columbus, where the wire re-
ports zeroed in on the "public lewdness.”
Thenagain, when she opened the follow-
ing baseball season, both barrels firing,
by brashly announcing she would crash
the Houston Astrodome to kiss Nolan
Ryan, more than 40,000 spectators
showed up. On opening day a year later,
sans Мограппа% dual promotions, the
"Stros drew 23,000.
One mercy victim, Seaule Mariners
catcher Steve Yeager, had always polled
high in Morgannas consumer research
when he was with the Dodgers and, sure
enough, our heroine finally nabbed him
on opening day in 1986. When the TV.
screens relayed the kiss to thunderous
ovations, ` Morganna thought she'd
slugged a grand slam; Yeager was ecstat-
ic. "It was entertaining and 1 enjoyed it,"
he said. “I'm glad it happened to me in
my career."
Yeager had been with the opposition
Dodgers in Houston on opening day in
1985, when Morganna created her first
and only twin killing by kissing the As-
tros Ryan and Dickie Thon, so he knows
what it feels like to be left out. So does the
Angels poor Bobby Grich, who once was
quoted as saying his most embarrassing
moment as a ballplaver came the night he
waited for the onrushing Morganna with
bated cheek, only to watch her pass him
by and kiss teammate Fred Lynn. That
was in 1983. Lynn struck out on three
pitches and proceeded to bat three for
40. But later that season, he hit the only
grand-slam home run in All-Star-game
history. It took Lynn a while to get his eye
back. “After seeing Morganna,” he said,
“the ball looked like a pencil dot.”
“Listen, I don't try to offend or humili-
ate anybody” says Morganna. “I had
Dale Murphy on my list until I found out
he would be sincerely embarrassed by а
kiss. I read where Dale doesn't even pose
for pictures with girls.
“I try to stay on the good side of the
wives, too.” Morganna says. “Fred Lynn's
wife had a T-shirt made commemorating
his kiss. Nolan Ryan . . . you may remem-
ber that Nolies wife publicly thanked
me. I understand Don Mattinglys wife
was furious, but Don's family is from
Evansville. I know his dad, Bill, and he
loved the idea. He says if I don’t get Don,
he'll volunteer his own face. So I may
come up with something special for the
For all of Могваппаз warmth, joyful-
ness, cheery disposition and indomitable
munificence—she has appeared а
benefits and does more charity work than
you can bump а grind at—Mrs. Marting-
ly, Mr. Gibson or anyone else who may
dare to cross her should realize he will be
dealing with one rough. street-tough
momma, a survivalist supreme who
knows how to dish it out, probably be-
cause she had to take it for so long.
Not long after she was born, Morgan-
na’s father, Dean Rose, separated from
her mother and eventually became a key
grip in Hollywood at the Hal Roach Stu-
dios. Her mother quickly abandoned the
child, so other relatives had to pass her
around like an old umbrella.
Itkept on raining. Born with a bad kid-
ney, Morganna had to have it removed at
the age of five and almost died. Item for
Ripley's: Throughout her grade school
years at Mount Mercy, a boarding school
for girls in Peewee Valley, Kentucky. to
which her grandmother, Virginia Black-
erby, had shipped her, Morganna was un-
derdeveloped. Everywhere but between
her neck and navel.
Morganna was already half-stacked at
(continued on page 152)
"I got an A-plus in ту sex-education class, Dad."
LOVE AND SEX can be magically sim-
ple or maddeningly complex. We але
always encouraged lo talk things
over with our partners. Sometimes,
however, we ask the wrong questions
of them and of ourselves. Gregory
Stock, whose best-selling “The Book
of Questions” helped sharpen our
skills at asking just the right ques-
tions, has turned his attention to im-
ponderables that are close to our
hearts. This is not a quiz; there are
no right answers. Your answers may
tell you something new about your-
self And that will give you some-
thing new to share.
*How much of your enjoy-
ment of sex is involved with giv-
ing pleasure to your partner?
Could you enjoy yourself if you
knew your partner took little
pleasure in the experience?
«When was the last time you
had so much fun while making
love that vou actually laughed?
If you had to make your love-
making more playful or more
serious, which would you want?
*Would vou rather have an
attractive spouse who was dis-
appointing in bed or a plain-
looking one fantastic in bed?
«If, during the next month,
you could have the power to
hear your partners every
thought when you made love,
would you want to? Why?
Would it upset you to have your
partner hear your thoughts?
*Have you remained close
friends with any former lovers?
Jf not, would you like to have
done so?
“Looking back on past ro-
mances, have you ever won-
dered what you saw in an
ex-lover? If so, in what ways was
it because you had changed,
and in what ways was it because
you had grown to see the per-
son more clearly?
«When you dont feel particu-
larly amorous, will you still have
sex with your partner? If so,
does this now occur more or less
frequently than it used to?
‘If a perfect contraceptive
were developed and all venere-
al diseases disappeared, how
would you change your sexual
«What do you think makes a
great lover? How much of your
attention in lovemaking is di-
rected toward pleasing your
partner and how much toward
pleasing yourself?
*Would you like to see inu-
mate journals and letters your
lover had written during a ro-
mance that had taken place long
before you knew each other? If
so, why? What sorts of things
could you imagine learning
about such a relationship that
would undermine the love you
now feel?
‘If your lover lost interest in
sex, how long would it take to
cause difficulties in your rela
tionship? Assume that the
change results from something
unrelated to your feelings for
each other; for example, wor-
ries about financial problems.
*How promiscuous would
you be if you knew your mate
would give you—without re-
sentment—any sexual freedom
you asked for and still be as
faithful as you wished?
*]f every day next year you
had an extra hour, would you
rather spend it with your part-
ner or Бү yourself? Assume that
it must be one or the other.
*Have you ever been in love
with someone you knew you
could not trust? If you found
yourself in such an involvement,
do you think you would try to
leave and have enough self-con-
trol to do so?
*Men: Have you ever had a
traumatic experience as the
result of being unable to get an
erection? If so. what was your
biggest concern at the time?
How would you like to have
a parmer behave in such a sit-
uation? Women: What goes
through your mind when you
suspect that your partner is not
going to get an erection? Have
vou ever had an unpleasant
lovemaking experience because
this happened? If so, what was
worst about the experience?
«In the early phases of а ro-
mance, how much are you
influenced by your friends’ and
family’s opinions of your part-
ner? Do you seek more or less
advice about your relationships
than about other things? In af-
fairs of the heart, is outside
opinion less valuable because
your feelings are individual in
nature or more valuable be-
cause it's hard to be objective?
‘If your spouse were having
an affair and broke it off as soon
as you found out, would it de-
stroy your relations] If not,
how do you think it might
change things?
"If you had to choose some-
thing new for your partner to
do when making love to you,
what would it be? What does
your lover think excites you
more than it actually does?
* When did you find out the
most about what pleases you
sexually and what did you
learn? Have you discovered
more through long-standing re-
lationships or through shorter
periods of intimacy with differ-
ent lovers?
* If you became attracted to а
close friend and neither of you
were involved with anyone else,
do you think sex would jeop-
ardize your friendship?
* What is the most unpleasant
(concluded on page 169)
P ай
ayor's extraordinary ех
ESPITE THE FACT that Reno, Nevada,
ranks internationally as a mecca for gamblers, matrimony remains its most popular
spectator sport. First it was quickie divorces for out-of-towners; now that divorce laws
in other states have caught up to Nevada's liberal standard, the city of 126,000 has
turned the tables and issues
about 35000 marriage
licenses every year—95
percent of them to out-
of-staters. A lot of people
just like to get married in
this capital of glitz. Like
the mayor. He liked it so
much, he did it three
times—twice to the same
lady. Indeed, nothing has
excited Вепоѕ matrimoni-
al fever more than the
stormy union of its twice-
married, — twice-divorced
first couple, Mayor Pete
Sferrazza and—as the lo-
cal newspapers put it—his
leggy blonde wife, Leslie,
the sizzling subject of the 4 м
photographs on the next Matrimony isn't Reno's only game; 50 percent of Reno's taxes
few pages. At the time of flow from the casino industry. At left, with the city's slogan over
her head, the former first lody visits downtown Reno. Rov-
Leslie and Pete's first mar- lette grabs her attention at the Peppermill Hotel Casino, above.
riage in 1986, each had
been married once before. Like other good Reno tales—why does The Misfits come to
mind?— theirs starts in divorce court. Leslie's friend Mayor Sferrazza, a working at-
torney whose mayoral job is only a part-time one, was handling her case against a
scion of the Cord auto family. One thing led to another, and as soon as Leslie was sin-
gle again, she married Pete. All Reno was agog: Its mayor, 41, had teamed up with a
first lady who, at 22, was close to half his age. “Mayor Pete Sferrazza and his new bride
will honeymoon at Disneyland,” teased one media gossip. The newlyweds had actually
gone off to Mexico, which was deemed less than enchanting copy. News stories perked
up even more after the publication of wedding pictures revealed that the bride wore
MR. AND MRS. MAYOR: Reno Mayor Pete Sierrazza and the former.
у Sunday at the Wingfield House in
both bride and groom.
First lady of
arescit am tope ш рле ді
[Er vu эши ue
Reno mayor, Mrs.
fix error of divorce
Nevadans on
willowy blond com]
Puzzled and goaded by my friends,
who told me, “Melton, you're
Sferrazzas granted
second divorce
? Reno Mayor Pete Sferrazza, 43,
and wife Leslie, 24, were granted
à divorce Wednesday in Washoe
District Court.
' Judge Peter Breen granted the
tlivorce after a five-hour hearing
that was closed to the public upon
the request by the mayor's
attorney, John Ohlson.
1 This is the second time the
couple has divorced. Their first
marriage lasted 14 months.
| After the first divorce, Mrs.
Sferrazza married a Reno
eno Gazette-Journal
| Sferrazzas' relationship erupts again
ETE. |
vies porary retaining a Ni
ee id
E кетері 91 ма nev fanr Homes,
Еч mero Ree
erreurs ar s marear ie
Bern re Сыл
ca تالت 5
braces. Love—who сап ех-
plain it? As first lady, Leslie
inherited ап exhausting
tour of duties: nonstop vol-
unteering for community
work, journeying around
the country with Pete for
his work on the advisory
board for the U.S. Confer-
ence of Mayors and cam-
paigning all over the
state—Pete was running
for Congress "It meant
traveling through cow
towns for days," she says
with a groan. "Once, we
had seven campaign din-
ners in one night. One was
country-and-western, the
next was ultraformal, and
so forth. | had to change
my clothes in the car and
in closets. It was not exact-
ly the giddy, glamorous life
опе may imagine. You have
to knock on doors from
nine in the morning until
eight at night. And you
travel everywhere” There
was the night, for example,
that the campaign went to
Lovelock during Frontier
Days and every hotel was
full. The Sferrazzas holed
up in a dirt-floored shack,
with garbage bags for a
mattress. Not surprisingly,
At left, a brief history of the Sfer-
rorzas’ matrimonial capers, 05
told by the local newspapers, be-
ginning with their marriage in
October 1986 [note Leslie's or-
thodontio) and concluding with
their second divorce. At right,
leslie escapes from all that to
relax at scenic Lake Tahoe, which
is а half hour's drive from Reno.
the Sferrazzas’ marriage eventually hit rough ground. In early 1988, to the delight of
Renos headline writers, it ended—fór a while at least—in divorce court. But some
habits are hard to break. Within a few months, Leslie married Dr. William Ford, a
Reno surgeon. The marriage, Leslie's third, lasted 45 days. That's when she divorced
Dr. Ford and remarried Pete—all within six hours. Got all that? Good. There's more.
Six months later, the first couple was back in court. The mayor filed for divorce and
Leslie discovered another liability of being married to a politician—not one Reno at-
torney would take her case. So she represented herselí—and won what she considers a
satisfactory settlement. While а divorce decree has been handed down on grounds of
incompatibility, the couple has refrained from having it filed. At technically three
divorces and counting, Leslie now has some decisions to make, but she admits to hav-
ing no regrets. "I have absolutely nothing to hide,” she says boldly. Hence, our lovely
pictorial. "I am honored to be doing Playboy. This could be very good for our city"
says Leslie, adding one last thought: “In the future, 1 hope the voters of Reno are smart
enough to vote on Peters political, not his personal, life. He's been a fine politician."
Would she vote for him? “Yes.” Somehow, we suspect this isn't the end of the story.
"уе been dumped on in Reno because of my age and because m blonde,” says Leslie Slerrazzn of her
troubles as first lady. "My husbands have been the only men in my life. I've never slept with anyone
else. Most twenty-live-yonr-old women nowadays have had c hell of c lot more men than three"
“Lets face it. The Patriots have had a complex ever
since the Bears blew them out in Super Bowl ХХ.”
too, and thats where Kelly and wide re-
ceivers Andre Reed and Trumaine John-
son fit in. The Bills also got a break when
they picked up running back Kenneth
Davis from Green Bay during the free-
agency madness
Keys to winning: Kelly doesn't have to
be the world's greatest quarterback, only
one who makes few mistakes and doesnt
get hurt. Sull and Smerlas need to wring
another season out of their aging bodies.
Bruce Smith has to stay clear of the sub-
stance-abuse problem that resulted їп
a fourgame suspensic nally, coach
Mary Levy must resist the temptation to
rely on the run instead of the pass. Good
g and a great defense spell Super
If the Indianapolis Colts hadn't stum-
bled coming out of the blocks last season
(1-5), they would most certainly have
made the play-offs. In fact, they finished as
strong as any team in the N.EL., with wins
in cight of their last ten games
In the off season, coach Ron Meyer
hired six new assistant coaches, dropped
the Colts. pursue-and-contain defense in
favor of a more aggressive multiple-front
philosophy and allowed Gary nata
Hogeboom will be re-
placed by the winner of the training-camp
competition between Jack ‘Trudeau and
last season's rookie success Chris Chandler.
he Colts look mean on both sides of the
line with All Pros Chris Hinton and Ray
Donaldson on the offensive side, Jon Hand
and Donnell Thompson on the defensive
front, The linebackers, led by Duane Bick-
eu and Fredd Young, should assert them-
selves more in the new defensive scheme.
And, of course, the Colts have Fric.
Dickerson won his fourth rushing title last
year and in 1989 will likely become the
first running back in N.EL. history to have
seven consecutive 1000-yard seasons.
Keys to winning: Integrate speedy wide
receiver Andre Rison, the Colts’ number-
one draft pick, into the offense. Do a better
job of protecting the quarterback to keep
the Q.Bs happy, healthy and productive.
Get a quick магі so they don't have to play
catch-up, as they did last year. And keep
opening those holes up front for Eric.
Let's face it. The New England Patriots
have had a complex ever since the Bears
blew them out in Super Bow! XX. The Pa-
triots, quite simply, were outmuscled. So
coach Raymond Berry set the goal: “We
want to be as physical as the most physical
[read the Bears] N.EC. t On October
30, 1988, Berry got his wish. The Patriots
trounced the Bears 30-7, a loss that some
belicve contributed to Mike Ditka's heart
A good part of the Patriots’ success in
that game and last season was rookie run-
ing back John Stephens. Stephens, who
n't break into the starting line-up until
game three, placed second in the A.EC. in
rushing, with 1168 yards. His success was
aided by offensive linemen Sean Farrell,
Bruce Armstrong and Ron Wooten.
If the Patriots were so physical and
Stephens ran so well, how come they won
only nine games? Blame a passing attack
that was next to last in the N.EL. Quarter-
back Tony Eason, still troubled by a scpa-
rated shoulder suffered in 1987, started
only two games. Doug Flutie did well
enough to lead the Pats to victory against.
the Bears (and five other opponents), but
Berry didn't trust him to throw more than
the occasional pass.
Keys to winning: A healthy Tony Eason
would help tremendously The Patriots
need good rookie years from wide receiver
Hart Lee Dykes and tight end Marv Cook.
Aging receiver Stanley Morgan and cor-
nerback Raymond Clayborn have to come
up with onc more good year each.
ryone knows that the Miami Dol-
us uced defense, Yer when their first
pick in the draft came around, coach Don
hula and staff opted for running back
nmie Smith. It looked like a bad move
until the Bears inexplicably traded their
number-one pick to Miami for the Dol-
phins second- and third-round picks
Result: The Dolphins got the of
the draft, defensive back Lo Oliver,
a man with a safetys speed and а line-
backer’s body,
The Dolphins had already bolstered
their linebacking corps with the addition
of E. J. Junior from Phoenix. With All Pro
linebacker John Offerdahl back and free
safety Jarvis Williams, Shula rounded out
his plan of restor 10 Miami's
tarnished defen
On offense, Miami continues to rely on
quarterback Dan Marino and the Mark
brothers, Duper and Clayton. And why
not, since this trio led Miami to another
season as the top passing team in the
N.EL. (4557 yards)?
Shula, however, hasn't solved all his
problems. The Dolphins are still looking
for a pass rush, particularly since defensive
end John Bosa’s knee injury. And the run-
ning game has to be brought into balance
with the pas
Keys to wi must
find a way to shore up the defensive line
Sammie Smith has to live up to his first-
round billing and stay healthy. The offen-
sive line, great at pass protection, must fire
out on the rushing plays. And Miami's
place kicker, Faud Reveiz, must become
more consistent,
When it comes to pure entertainment,
the New York Jets are tough to beat. Unfor-
tunately, the entertainment often takes
place somewhere other than on the foot-
ball ficld. Take, for example, the Jets’ of-
ive defensive end Mark Gastin He
s wife and impregnated actress
Brigitte Nielsen, not necessarily in that
order. In October, he quit the team to
take care of Nielsen, who reportedly had
cancer. She didnt, and then they split.
"They have since reconciled, but Gastineau
and the Jets have not. The Jets won't play
Gastineau, and other teams wont trade for
him because of his high salary and ques-
tionable dedication to the game.
Then there was the case of the mysteri-
ous first draft choice. The Jets, to the
amusement of everyone at the draft but
their fans, took lincbacker Jeff Lageman
with the Mth pick in the first round—
while players such as Louis Oliver and Bill
Hawkins were still on the board. Lage-
тап, who may turn out to be a decent play-
er, would almost certainly still have been
available in round two. Oh, well, that’s en-
On the field, the Jets continue to be nei-
ther good nor bad, ‘Typically, they start fast
(16-8 for the first four games of the season
since 1983) and then fade. Last year, they
won three of their first four and finished
strong with victories over Indianapolis and
the Giants. Butin the middle of the season,
they lost five of seven.
‘The problem for the Jets lies more with
the defense than with the offense. You
can't play any better than .500 with a de-
fense that was 23rd out of 28 teams.
There's some hope with young players
such as linebacker Alex Gordon and 1988
Defensive Rookie of the Year Erik McMil-
lan at free safety. But Marty Lyons is get-
ting long in the tooth at right end and Paul
Frase, who replaced Gastineau, plays the
run beuer than the p:
The Jets are solid at quarterback with
Ken O'Brien and Pat Ryan. They have
three quality running bac Freeman
McNeil, Johnny Hector and Roger Vick.
And, of course, Al Toon and Wesley Walk-
er are great downfield threats.
Keys to winning: The Jets must hope
they really knew something no one else did
about Lageman. They must find a pass
rusher for the defensive line. Does anyone
know what Brigitte is up to these days?
Cleveland Browns.
Houston Oilers.
Cincinnati Bengals
Pittsburgh Steelers . .
Last year was supposed to be the Cleve-
land Browns year to take
talented and tough bunch of hungry veter-
ans, the right coach in Marty Schouen-
heimer, and they had Bernic Kosar. But а
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funny thing happened on the way to the
Super Bowl. Kosar hurt his elbow in week
one. Replacement Gary Danielson broke
his ankle. His replacement, Mike Pagel,
separated his shoulder. Kosar came back
only to go down in week 15 with a knee in-
jury. And, finally, Don Strock injured his
wrist in the Browns wild-card play-off
The disappointment was evidently too
much for owner Art Modell, who proceed-
ed to force out Schottenheimer, one of the
best coaches in the league, in a disagree-
ment over who should be the offensive co-
ordinator. He then hired former New York
Jets defer coordinator Bud Carson as
new head coach, and Carson has brought
in what may be called an aggressive sort of
attitude by calling on the players “to play
their asses off every game.”
"There werc lots of new faces in training
camp. The Browns lost 14 players and ac-
quired ten in Plan B. Veteran defensive
stalvart Bob Golic is gone, as well as punt-
er Max Runager The Rrowns traded
linebacker Mike Junkin, а number-one
pick a couple of years ago, to Kansas Cil
Also traded was running back Earnest
Byner, who couldn't live down "the fum-
ble" against Denver in the A.EC. cham-
pionship two years ago. Cleveland's chance
at the gold ring may have slipped by.
Keysto winning: The Browns have to do
a better job of protecting Kosar. Wide re-
ceiver Lawyer Tillman, a second
pick this year, will need to convert q
to tight end to back up the aging Ozzic
Newsome. Kevin Mack, a two-time Pro
Bowler, will have to stay healthy, since the
running-back corps is thin.
When Houston Oilers fans nicknamed
the Astrodome the House of Pain, they
weren't anticipating the groans that would
resound from the Oilers’ management
during the off season, when 15 unprotect-
ed players left for greener Astroturf. The
rule of Plan B is the more talent you have,
the more you stand to lose. Houston, one
of the N.EL’s most talented teams top to
bottom, was a big loser.
The Chicago Bears then tried to ade
sult to injury by offering a five-year,
$4,750,000 offer sheet to Oilers defensive
end Ray Childress, Houston's protected
but unsigned defensive end. New Houston
general manager Mike Holovak lost no
time in matching the offer and keeping
Childress at home.
The Oilers’ most colorful character is
coach Jerry Glanville, even though he
dresses only in black. Glanville regularly
leaves tickets at the Oilers’ box office for
Elvis, loves James Dean movies and teaches
his team to hustle, pursue and hit hard.
The Oilers have improved each year under
his direction, though they showed a dis-
turbing inconsistency last year, being
blown out by the Jets (45—3) and beaten at
home by Pittsburgh (37—54).
Keys to winning: Thereare holes to plug
at tight end and safety because of losses to
free agency. The Oilers have tremendous.
depth at running back with Mike Rozier,
Allen Pinkett, Lorenzo White and Alonzo
Highsmith, but, as with most contenders,
they can't afford an injury at the quarter-
back spot, where Warren Moon missed five
games last season because of a fractured
shoulder blade.
Could the Cincinnati Bengals have been
that bad in 1987, when they went 4—11, or
that good last year, when they murdered
the opposition for the first half of the sea-
son and then hung tough to get all the way
to Super Bowl XXIII? As coach Sam
Wyche said, "We had our backs against the
wall; much to prove, fans to regain, pride
to restore and jobs to save.” Boomer and
the boys proved they had the IN.EL.'s most
potent scoring machine (448 points, 6057
combined net yards gained) and the job
they saved was Sam's.
Now the problem will be to repeat last
year's performance. The Bengals still have
the biggest and most ferocious offensive
line in pro football, led by АЙ Pro veterans
Anthony Munoz and Max Montoya.
Boomer Esiason, the N.EL's M.VP in
1988, should be recovered from a shoulder
problem that limited his effectiveness dur-
ing the final games of last season. Ickey
Woods, the league's best dancer, is still try-
ing to shake off Ronnie Lott's first-quarter
Super Bowl hit that effectively took him
out of the game. In the meantime, James
Brooks remains the Bengals less mar-
ketable but more valuable back.
Keys to winning: Wyche will have to es-
chew the conservative ball-control tactics
he went to late last season and let quarter-
back Esiason and speed receivers Eddie
Brown and Tim McGee do their thing. On
defense, the Bengals hope nose guard Tim
Krumrie can return to form after break-
ing his leg and ruining everyone's Super
Bowl appetite.
You'd think that a 5—11 record such as
the one the Pittsburgh Steelers had last
season would draw a team an easy sched-
ule this season. But to coach Chuck Noll's
dismay, the Steelers, with memories of the
Bradshaw-—Mean Joe Greene days growing
dim, must face no fewer than eight oppo-
nents in 1989 who won ten or more games
last season.
And Noll, who is well aware that coach-
ing legends get fired just like everyone else
if they fail to win, doesn't have enough tal-
ent yet to turn things around. The offen-
sive line was thin even before center Mike
Webster signed with Kansas City. The de-
fensive line, which had only ten and a half
sacks all season in 1988, didn't get any help
in the draft. And linebacker Mike Merri-
weather was finally traded to Minnesota
after a contract holdout.
Noll does have a few bright spots. Bubby
Brister at quarterback, who had a decent
first season as a starter, will contribute
more as he matures. Number-one draft
choice Tim Worley, a running back out of
Georgia, will ramble. Wide receiver Louis
Lipps is onc of the lcague's best when he
isn't hurt.
Keys to winning: Considering the talent
and the schedule, it's unrealistic to expect
very many wins from this Steelers team.
Noll will have to find a way to bolster his
offensive and defensive lines before the
Steelers can again be competitive in the
A.EC. Central.
Los Angeles Raiders.
Denver Broncos.
Seattle Seahawks.
Kansas City Chiefs -
Sen Oiego Chargers... .. .
If the pieces fall together, the Los Ange-
les Raiders could be the surprise team of
1989. Second-year coach Mike Shanahan
should be over his rookie jitters. And own-
er Al Davis is finally out of the courts and
able to concentrate on football operations.
Atquarterback, Jay Schroeder and Steve
Beuerlein are blessed with plenty of receiv-
ers. Tim Brown, Willie Gault and James
Lofton, plus Marcus Allen and Bo Jackson
coming out of the backfield, give the
Raiders enough talent to hold their own
Super Stars competitior
The offensive line, in disarray much of
last year because of injuries, looks espe-
cially improved, with the addition of free
agent Dale Hellestrae.
On defense, Howie Long, hampered
most of last season with a calf injury, will
return, along with sack leader Greg
"Townsend (11).
The lincbackers, Matt Millen and Jerry
Robinson, arc both over 30. The Raiders
picked up former Bear Otis Wilson, who
can help tremendously if he has recovered
from last season's knee injury.
: Hope that the Kansas
City Royals don't make the play-offs so that
Bo Jackson shows up while a few leaves re-
main on the trees. Protect the quarterback
long enough to get Brown and Gault down
the field. Get another year out of 36-year-
old cornerback Mike Haynes.
As the Denver Broncos have learned,
even if you have a franchise quarterback
(John Elway) and a competent, highly
competitive head coach (Dan Reeves), you
don’t stay on top unless you draft well. The
Broncos, with back-to-back Super Bowl ap-
pearances in 1987 and 1988, fell into the
middle of the heap last season at 8-8
Drafts such as last year's number-one pick,
nose guard Ted Gregory, who reported to
training camp 20 pounds underweight
and with a limp because of an injured
knee, are the reason.
Reeves has restructured his coaching
staff, bringing in Wade Phillips to replace
Joe Collier as defensive coordinator. But
the Broncos have a talent problem on de-
fense that no coach can solve in one sea-
son. Pass rusher Rulon Jones is 31 and Karl
Mecklenburg, hurt much of last year, has
his best seasons behind him.
On offense, Elway is still a master,
Everything else is just a light.
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whether passing or scrambling. The re-
ceiving trio of Vance Johnson, Mark
son and Ricky Nattiel is one of the best
But Tony Dorsett, brought over from the
Cowboys to pump some excitement
the running game, doesnt fit in well with
the shotgun
Keys to winning: Hope that Meckl
nd « to stop
the run. Make defense a priority in nest
5 draft and hope that Phillips can re-
build a semblance of the old Orange Crush
before Elway gets bored.
Ken Behring, the second-year owner of
the Seattle Seahawks, spent most of his en-
ergy and money in the off season engine
ing front-office moves. He fired general
manager Mike McCormack and brought
minority stockholder and former sports
agent Mike Blatt with the idea of having
him run the team. When Blatt indicated
that he had priorities in life other than
football, Behring hired Tom Flores, the
former Los Angeles Raiders coach.
While all this was going on, Seattle lost
center Blair Bush, tight end Mike Tice
kick returner Bobby Joe Edmonds to free
agency It then failed to bolst
manned defensive line in the d
ing its first five picks for offense.
"The Seahawks have excellent depth at
quarterback, with Dave Krieg, fully re-
covered from last season's shoulder injury,
and Kelly Stouffer, who played well in
six games as Krieg’s replacement. Curt
Warner and John L. Williams are as good
as any running-back tandem in the league.
The question for the Seahawks and
coach Chuck Knox is how long they can
continue to play over .500 (0—7 last season)
while finishing 23rd in the league in of-
fense and 24th in defense.
Keys to winning: Get lucky with young
players replacing proven veterans at cen-
ter, tight end and kick returner. Seattle has
to hope ass rusher, Jacob Green,
ho has 94 career sacks, stays healthy, Un-
less Knox and Flores can perform mira-
cles, it may not be quite so noisy in the
Dome this year.
The Kansas City Chiefs, with only two
nning seasons and one play-off appea
ance in the past 13 years, have a new gener
al manager. Carl Peterson, and a new head
coach, Marty Schottenheimer, late of the
Cleveland Browns. Schouenheimer, bring-
ing in II new coaches with him, immedi-
ately called upon the Chiefs to "raise the
level of expectation of our football team.”
Schotienheimer will also have to stop
opponents from running the ball down his
team’s throat. The Chiefs were dead last in
the league in rushing defense. The return
of a healthy Bill Maas at nose tackle will
s only
help. And so will the first-round draft
choice of Derrick Thomas. the best
linebacker to come out of college since
Cornelius Bennett. Thomas, teamed with
Dino Hackeu, gives the Chiefs the begin-
nings of a good group of linebackers.
"The Chiefs still have the best defensive
backfield around. Free safety Deron Cher-
ry has been to six straight Pro Bowls, and
Albert Lewis and Lloyd Burruss are al-
most as good.
At quarterback, Steve DeBerg has obvi-
ously been brought in to work his special
agic. After all, he’s the guy who
s replaced by Montana at San Francisco,
Elway at Denver and Testaverde at Tampa
Bay. For this season, at least, DeBerg will
play without the sound of younger, more
talented footsteps in his car.
At running back, Christian Okoye is in-
timidating when healthy. Unfortunately,
that hasnt been very often. The wide-
receiver tandem of Carlos Carson and
Stephone Paige is fine, though Carson, at
30, may have lost a step.
Keys to winning: Schottenheimer has to
teach the Chiefs how to stop the run. He
maintains that run defense is more a ques-
tion of position than of talent. His theory
will be sorely tested. With a few more good
drafts and. Schottenheimer at the helm,
the Chiefs may yet find their way to being
The San Diego Chargers new head
coach, Dan Henning, knows the script. He
couldn't win without enough talent at At-
Janta; he won't be able to win for the same
reason in San Diego.
The problems start at quarterback. Phe
Chargers got Mark Malone in a trade from
Piusburgh. Malone wasn't great in Pitts-
burgh and he was no better in San Diego.
They wanted to make a trade with the
Bears for Jim McMahon, but the deal fell
through at the last minute when the Bears"
draft choice wasn't available.
The Chargers got some good news when
the Navy reassigned Napoleon McCallum
toa nine-to-five desk job in San Diego and
ruled that he could play football on week-
ends. McCallum, an outstanding running
back at the Naval Academy, went over from
the L.A. Raiders in a trade last fall. Hell
spell running back Gary Anderson, who
gained 1119 yards for the Chargers last
On defense, linebacker Billy Ray Smith
is Pro Bowl material, at least he would be
on a winning team. Defensive end Leslie
O'Neal, a great talent sidelined by a bad
knee injury two years ago, was activated
midway through son
The Chargers helped their kicking
game by picking up Chris Bahr from free
Keys to winning: Beg, borrow or steal a
quarterback from someone. Hope that the
team stays injury free. Look to the draft
next year and be patient.
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“In the Gracie family, Rorion says,
peacocks. The women are along for the ride.
to separate the cowboys from the Indians.
"There was always something cool
the family, always some action.
puts the photograph down and looks up,
smiling. “Do you know, my mom and dad
are still together. My dad spends four days
a week with her at the ranch and three
days with his other woman in Rio. It works
out fine."
Just then, Suzanne passes through the
den. She is wearing a baggy sweat shirt
that does not hide the fact that she is very
pregnant. She stops at the sliding glass
door that leads outside and looks at Rori-
on. He does not notice her. He goes on
talking about his fathers beliefs about
men and women and procreation.
"In the Gracie family” Rorion says, “the
men are peacocks. Women are along for
the ride. When my dad and mom went out
on their first date, my mom smoked a
cigarette. My dad said, ‘I never kiss a wom-
an who smokes’ My mom put out her
cigarette and said, `1 don't smoke.”
"Women become feminists because of
men's weakness,” says Rorion. “Every wom-
an wants her man to treat her like a wom-
an or he loses his position of strength with
her. Women are meant to be mothers, Hay-
g kids is the only thing a woman can do
that a man can't. Most Gracie men do not
believe in birth control, We believe sex is a
holy thing. For procreation of the species.
If Suzanne does not want to get pregnant,
we don't have sex. Before we got married, 1
told her that she was my vehicle for having
sons. As many as possible. She said, ‘Would
ten be enough? I want to have sons to keep
the Gracie myth alive,” says Rorion. “I
want to raise as many jujitsu champions as
1 can. We are like a family of Magic John-
sons. I told Suzanne that it is possible I may
want to start another family, like my fa-
ther. If I can find a woman with the right
karma. But that would be hard. The only
thing harder to find than a good woman is
a good man,” Rorion says, laughing.
“Rorion!” Suzanne's voice, like a rifle
shot, swivels his head toward the sliding
glass door. “You can't tell him that!”
Rorion smiles. “I have to tell him every-
Suzanne glares at her husband, “He
wrote it down!”
5 hard to keep his smile. He
We'll talk about it later, Su-
and looks away from her. She
glares at him, then opens the sliding glass
door, steps outside and slams the door so
that the glass rattles in its frame.
“Women,” Rorion says. “They don't un-
derstand.” He glances quickly toward the
door and then back again. He laughs.
Rorion Gracie first visited the United
‘the men are
States in 1969, when he was 17 He
bummed around New York, L.A. and
Hawaii for a year. He worked in a restau-
rant and on а construction site, where he
slept. “I was always the first one on the job
in the morning," he says. When his
finances got precarious, he panhandled on
the street. After years of being protected
in the Gracie bosom in Rio, he learned to
live on his own. “1 grew a lot," he says.
“Trouble only comes to test our reactions
When Rorion returned to Brazil at the
end of 1970, he went to college, got a law
degree, though he has never practiced law,
got married, had two children and then
got divorced. In 1979, he decided it was
time to cut the Gracie umbilical cord and
return to the States for good to establish
Gracie jujitsu in the States.
“I felt there were more opportunities in
America to spread the word of the Gracie
myth," he says. “I felt that in Brazil, the
Gracie family had reached the top and 1
didn't want to there and live off of my
father's fame.
The Gracie myth in Brazil began with
George Gracie, a blue-eyed Scottish sailor
who settled in Brazil in the early 1800s.
His descendants were bankers, diplomats,
rubber-plantation barons and confidanıs
of Brazilian emperors. А different kind of
fame commenced with Carlos and Helio,
whose fights were the stuff of legends. He-
lio was the first jujitsu master in the occi-
dental world to defeat a Japanese master,
Namiki, in 1932. He challenged any and all
comers to fight in the ring with him, with-
out rules, to the death. He fought a man to
the death, only to have him surrender aft-
er four minutes. A newspaper story the fol-
lowing day said that the man had chosen
ot to die and dubbed him “The Dead
hickcn." Helio fought Fred Ebert for 14
rounds of ten minutes each, until the po-
lice climbed into the ring to separate the
two combatants, who had broken позе,
lost teeth, welts over their eyes and blood
streaming down their faces. The fans riot-
ed at the halting of the fight. When Helio
challenged a famous Brazilian boxer
known as The Drop of Fire to a fight to the
death, more than 20,000 fans showed up at
the stadium. Only The Drop of Fire never
showed, and overnight, the press dubbed
n The Drop of Fear. Once, Helio dived
into the turbulent, shark-infested Atlantic
Ocean to save a man from drowning and
was given his nation's Medal of Honor for
his heroism.
Finally. in early 1951, Helio choked to
unconsciousne: рап number-two mas-
ter, Kato, in a fight in Brazil that earned
him a shot at Japan's premiere jujitsu
ter, the toughest man їп all the world,
Kimura. The fight took place in October
of 1951 before thousands of Brazilian fans.
. 80 pounds heavier than Helio,
agreed to the fight only if Helio, who had a
reputation for never surrendering, would
ise to tap the mat in surrender if his
mura was a
gentleman,” says Rorion, "and he didn't
like to go to slecp at night dreaming of the
sound of broken arms.” The fight lasted 13
minutes. Kimura got Helio ina choke hold
and noticed blood coming out of Hi
ear. “You all right?" Kimura said.
Helio said. "Good," Kimura said, and
grabbed Helio's head and began to crush it
like an overripe melon. Carlos threw in the
The next day Kimura appeared at the
Gracie academy to invite Helio to teach at
the Imperial Academy of Japan. Even
though Helio wasn't scheduled to fight,
Kimura could not guarantee his safety in
Japan, where the fans often threaten to kill
non-Japanese masters to maintain their
monopoly of that martial art. Helio re-
fused the offer None of the current
Japanese masters have dared venture to
Rickson's home turf of Rio.
"The Brazilian youth had no idols be-
fore my father" says Rorion. “They felt
there was nothing important known about
Brazil. My father gave them hope. Some-
thing to believe in."
Rorion was 27 when he decided to come
to the States to spread the word of the Gra-
cie myth. He felt that the sced of Gracie ju-
Jitsu would flourish in the fertile soil of
America, where men are bigger and
stronger than in Brazil. He felt that Amer-
ican men could become a kind of master
race of jujitsu warriors. Furthermore, he
felt that men, and their women, too, were
tired of their world image as the wimps of
feminism. As proof, he could point to the
popularity of such American movie actors
as Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzeneg-
ger and Chuck Norris, who personified in
their movies the kind of macho warrior
that bore a striking resemblance to the
role: Gracie men in real life in
Brazil. Only the Gracie men did not need
bazookas and machine guns.
Rorion moved to Southern California in
1979 and began to spread the word of Gra-
jitsu while trying to support himself
a strange country. He took a job clean-
ing houses, He met a woman whose hu
band was a n producer. “You should
be in movies,” she told Rorion. Her hus-
band took him to Central Casting and
soon he was appearing as an extra in such
TV series as Hart io Hart, Starsky and
Hutch and Hotel. Rorion left the house-
cleaning business and set up а jujitsu mat
in his garage, where he began to teach stu-
dents. The youngest was the four-year-old
son of a movie producer and the oldest, a
year-old retired Marine general. When
а movie producer saw his fight against
Ralph Alegria, the kick boxer, he hired
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him asa consultant for Lethal Weapon. Ro-
rion choreographed the final fight scene
between Mel Gibson and Gary Buscy їп
that movie. Then he met С
and began to teach him jujitsu for his
movie Hero and the Terror.
While he waited for Graci
catch on in the States, Rorion busied him-
self with his movies, his students, demon-
strations for law-enforcement agencies and
colleges and an occasional challenge from
ch bully. He issued а $100,000 cl
inner take all, to a fight to the
ally, а few months ago, a produc-
lenge, w
boxer in that movie, who claimed he
was “the baddest dude in the world,” had
put up $100,000, winner take all, to fight
anyone. Rorion accepted the challenge im-
mediately and then told the producer,
“First you better tell him who he's going to
Rorion laughs and says, “I sparred a few
nes with him before. I was very gentle
h him. I took him to the mat a few
nes, showed him some nice choke holds
and he tapped the mat. Heh-heh."
"The next day, the producer called back
aud said that the kick boxer would fight
Rorion only undcr the following rules: Ro-
rion had to put up the entire $100,000, the
fight would consist of ten rounds of five
minutes each and the two combatants
could not stay on the mat for more than а
minute at a time. Rorion laughed. “Bur
that is not a street fight,” he said. The pro-
ducer never called him back.
s in his tidy den in his little
house on a quiet street in Torrance, Cali-
fornia, and waits. Suzanne moves silently
and impassively through the house. She
washes the lunch dishes in the kitchen
nk. She says, "Rorion thin!
start another family." She goes silent.
In the den, Rorion passes his time
browsing through the many bool
azines with stories about
He holds up pictures of
his father fighting Kimura and studies
them. here,” he says, "the choke." He
memorizes that choke hold and the many
ts of ie history: the names of long-
dead ancestors; the dates of famous fights;
the nicknames of vanquished opponents:
Dudu, The Elephant, The Drop of Fire,
The Dead Chicken, Zulu. He glances at his
g on the
ig. They grapple, silently, trip onc anoth-
cr, tap the mat, stand, begin again. He
looks outside to the garage, where two men
in kimonos stand in front of the closed
door. One man opens it to reveal a spotless,
empty room with a gray mat on the floor.
There is a photograph of a gaunt, mean-
eyed old man, his arms folded across his
chest, underneath a seal that
ACADEMIA ЄК АСТЕ. The two men step
onto the mat, They are barefooted.
face each other, plant their legs wide, like
crabs, and begin to circle each other like
ancient warriors. They circle and circle,
looking for an opening on this peaceful
day on this quiet street in Tor
*No, Willard, jerking off three times a day does
not necessarily categorize you as
ually active. . . ."
(continued from page 119)
there was a girl from Queens sitting be-
hind me, delivering commentary. When 1
first appeared on screen, she says, “Он,
God, hes not cule.” Two thirds of the way
through, she begins repeating, “What а
jerk, what a jerk.” And she's loud. At the
end, she's one of the biggest criers.
the credits roll and, going up the ai
put my hand on her shoulder
“Hope you enjoyed the movie." Then I run
out. You just know shell never go to a
movie the same way again. She'll be in те-
vival houses, looking over her shoulder for
Steve McQueen.
PLAYBOY: After working in two of Woody
Allen's films, you must have noticed: What
makes him laugh?
paniers: In The Purple Rose of Cairo, Y
and I were dancing in what would be a lit-
tle montage sequence. We danced їп а cou-
ple of styles, then Woody said, “Lets do a
rumba,” And 1 said, “1 don't know how to
rumba." Mia said she didn't know, er.
Woody said, “I dont know how" So I
turned to the camera operator, who was
this big, very heavy-set guy and said,
"Dick, do you know how to rumba?” Dick
just says [very deep, nonchalant voice], "Um
nota rumba man." And Woody just turned
and lost it completely, laughing. ГЇЇ never
forget that. Watching Woody break up.
My other best memory of Woody also
happened during Purple Rose. The line
that I repeat over and over in the movie—
“Twenty-four hours ago, I was in an Egyp-
tian tomb, and here I'm now on the verge
ofa madcap Manhattan weekend"—wasn't
in the script. Early on, we were doing a
scene and Woody said, “Were missing
something here. Could you give me a
minute?" He goes off to the side and writ
the line on a scrap of paper, then brings
over to me. He said, "Could you memorize
this?” I've still got the piece of paper. I've
framed it for my new house.
PLAYBOY: Let's talk softball.
Since you're an
? And why exactly do
Sixteen or twelve inch? Fast or slow
Chicks or no chic
phenomenon. We use a twelve-inch Thun-
der, which makes heroes out of Kids. It's
e hitting a golf ball.
itch, so these balls are easy рісі
‚ fat ex-football players who 0
good game is thirty-six to thirty-four.
Good softball should be about defense and.
placing your hits. Scores of ten to eight.
In the vernacular, we're “no chicks.” Co-
ed is great nt to go to a picnic on
s for guys who still think
itle bit. Everybody is one
ап play a
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play away from blowing out a knee. Their
nds are eighteen and their knees are
As for the team name, my brother made
it up. All the other teams in the league are
named for hardware stores and factories.
But our theory was that if we ever got
lucky and won some games, the opposing
teams would have to say, “Yeah, we got beat
by the Glams.” Which would be doubly hu-
miliating. We just wanted to hear other
people say it, to watch their mouths form
the word dams. It's not pretty believe me.
PLAYBON: Is it true that you carry a Lou
Piniella baseball card in your wallet?
paniers: No, but until recently, I carried a
Yankees wallet that I'd gotten years ago at
a Father's Day game in New York. And 1
had Piniella sign the wallet at a Detroit
sports bar when the Yankees were in town.
But my most prized possessions are an au-
tographed Al Kaline-Norm Cash baseball
and a '68 Kaline trading card. I tracked
down Kaline recently at a baseball-card
show in a Detroit suburb. For me, it was.
kind of like meeung your Maker. I even
wore his number—six—on my Clams uni-
form. l'd never been to a baseball-card
show and learned you pay five bucks to get
in, which entitles you 10 one autograph. 1
had a ball, two cards and my mitt. But this
little snotty rich kid from this wealthy sub-
vrbis sitting there, like the autograph po-
lice. I had Kaline sign my mitt and, as he's
about to sign my two cards, the kid says,
“Just one autograph!" And Ki
shakes my hand, ready to dismiss me. I
freeze, fighting the urge to ask him
whether he'd seen Terms of Endearment.
But there's a line of thirty people behind
me, and the kid is now shouting, “Come on!
Come on! One autograph!” I'm being told
off by this nine-year-old putz and, worse,
I'm totally intimidated. So I leave, go out
and buy two more tickets for ten bucks,
come back and get in another forty-five-
minute line, waiting for Al. Worth it,
though. Very classy guy, Al.
pLaysor: Defend Tigers fans.
paniers: Tigers fans got a bad rap. Every-
body remembers that Detroit burned some
cars in the stadium parking lot during the
world series. But those were kids who
came in from the suburbs who didn't even
have tickets to the game. Thanks to them,
we're the car murderers. But, in reality, the
Tigers have very knowledgeable and civi-
lized fans. Yankees fans are the worst.
“You seem like the bikini-briefs type. Frankly, Гт
looking for boxer shorts.”
Don't even think of going to the upper
deck of Yankee Stadium without taking
boxing gloves. Jesus, they like to throw bat-
teries at Dwight Evans in right field. And
even though the Tigers had idiots in the
stands in 84, doing the wave, it wasn't
nearly as vomit provoking as the Minneso-
ta Twins fans of a couple years ago. I went
to one play-off game where the wives of the
‘Twins were huddled behind the dugout,
about twenty rows up, blowing their whi
tles and waving their hankies. It was, like,
time to get out the .22, you know?
pravnoy: Its rumored that when you're
alone, playing baseball board games, you
sing the national anthem beforehand.
DANIELS: [Sheepishly] Only for my world-se-
ries games at the end of the season. So as
not to cause commotion with the family, I
try to play The Star-Spangled Banner when
they're not avake—you know, six in the
morning or twelve midnight. I put on a
recording of Robert Merrill singing it, but
I don't sing along. I just solemnly place my
hat over my heart and imagine I'm stand-
ing on the dugout steps. It's important to
create a little atmosphere. It adds purpose
to the task at hand.
rLAYBOY: You grew up working in your fa-
ther's lumber business. Is there a secret for
the uninitiated on how not to look like an
ignoramus in a lumberyard?
paniers: No. It's like a pro golf shop. You go
into a pro golf shop and say, "Just looking
for some clubs,” and they immediately
know you're a hacker. Same thing if you go
to a lumberyard, approach the counter
and say, ^I need wood." Or, "I'd like to
build a basement. Any suggestions?" The
counter guy will just roll his eyes and mut-
ter things. But I contend that’s why there
are architects. As far as I'm concerned, I
don't want to know. I dont care about two-
way doors or thermal insulated windows—
just put ‘em in. | mean, I can tell a
two-by-four from a one-by-cight, but the
real talent is to glance at a piece of wood
and say, “That’s a fourteen-footer, but it's
cut a little short" Can't do that. Couldn't
care less.
PLAYBOY: When you were starting out, you
made a number of commercials. In what
kind of roles were you typec
DANIELS: Oh, dumb jock. | was the guy who
cooked the burgers in the McDonald's
commercials. I would assure viewers of the
great care taken in preparing meat patties.
I was into my Method acting phase then
and would invent real lives for these man-
nequins I played. I was way over the top,
imagining I wz school football star
named Jerry Smith, working my summer
job at McDonald's to support my hobby,
which was mounting butterflies or whatev-
ет, The agency guys would sigh and tell
me, "Just get it inside thirty seconds this
me, Jeff."
Then there was the Head & Shoulders
spotin the laundromat, where I'm this typ-
al guy who doesn't know anything about
laundry. 1 come in with messy hair, wea
g a sweat shirt, and see this attractive
girl. In a cartoon balloon over my head, I
think, Hey, she's kind of nice-looking. And
she looks at me and thinks, Oooh, bad hair.
‘And I scratch my head. I go shampoo and,
two weeks later, return to the laundromat,
dressed like a banker. My hair is perfectly
combed and moussed. This time, the girl
actually talks to me. And while the a
nouncer does his voice-over pitch, we're
supposed to ad-lib a conversation that no
onc hears. I decided to take some liberties.
What looked like me making pleasant
small talk went something like this: [Wend
sotto voce] “Uh, I've been watching vou. Im
the guy in the green Pontiac who sits out-
side your apartment. 115 been—what?—a
year and а half now. It’s nice to finally get
to talk to you. Heh-heh-heh.” She just
freaked. But she di e my hair.
When does it pay to be a former
boy scout? How many scouting tenets have
you retained?
paniers: [Recites] “Trustworthy, loyal, help-
ful, friendly courteou: ind, оһс‹
cheerful, thrifty, brave, dean and re
” And they all still apply, don't they?
Especially in show business. Actually,
ng on to any three of those in this
siness would be a worthy goal. Problem
with my troop was, yes, you learned how to
build fires and camp out, but you also
learned to drink Boone's Farm wine with-
ош throwing up and play a version of
mumblety-peg that involved knives being
flung at your feet. It was like delinquent
survival camp.
тлурсу: What are your hidden talents?
pantets: 1 moon-walk. I learned it for the
high school-reunion scene in Something
Wild. Unfortunately, there were about
three hundred extras standing around
watching me learn, and half of them were
black. They were not impressed at all. But
L eventually got it down and can now dd
without looking like too much of a white
guy And it docs get a lot of looks when Ido
it in local taverns.
PLAYBOY: As an inveterate songwriter, were
you tempted to show any of your work to
George Harrison, who produced Checking
pantras: No, but I had my Gibson guitar
with me, which Е use whenever traveling.
1f that guitar fell out of a plane, 1 wouldn't
be 100 upset—eacept thats no longer the
case. One day on the set, Lasked George to
sign it. He said, “Oh, ГЇЇ be happy to.” He
told me to get a permanent marker and
how to make the signature last. I took it
and led him into a back room, so an auto-
graphing line wouldn't form. He signed it
and added a little mystic symbol, then
started tuning it for me and began strum-
ming an A minor, a G, an F—he was play-
ing All Along the Watchtower. And singing
along! Forty-five minutes later, he had per-
formed Hoagy Carmichael songs, Buddy
Holly songs, a piece of Norwegian Wood,
lots of blues stuff. 1 mean, he just had a
ball. This was before the Wilburys, and he
was saying, “I havent played in so long? 1
couldnt get the smile off my face. It was
frozen there. So 1 never played or sang for
him. But he did say, “If you're ever in Eng-
land, stop by—vwell sit around and play
guitars.” And the guy is nice cnough that 1
think he meant it.
ы avrov: In Checking Out, you played a guy
coming to grips with the death of his best
friend. Did it trigger thoughts of your own
DANIELS: I never went through what this
guy did. Where, as a sympathetic response,
you actually feel like you're going to die,
too. It was described to me in detail by
those who've experienced it, though. Гуе
always been a runner and fairly healthy
Гуе never had anxiety attacks where Гус
been on my hands and knees in my under-
wear on the front lawn, gasping for air,
with my heart pounding. You get the sen-
sation that your heart is going to burst out
of your chest. Or you're convinced that
уоште down to five last heartbeats. You
think, Four-three-two-one and now it’s
stopped. . . . [Choking] And... now... 1
... cant... breathe, . . . [Exhales] 1 mean,
this character doesnt imagme himself
falling off buildings to his death. He just
figures the heart beats, beats, beats until
someday when it just stops.
I think of my mortality, sure, but much
less obsessively. That's one of the reasons I
write songs. They're like a diary and I al-
ways tape-record them. I figure that if 1 do
go ina car accident, my kids can turn on a
tape and hear me. Thats also what's nice
about films. They can put in a video cas-
sene and see what Dad did. In theater,
your work just vanishes into thin air.
Which is romantic and wonderful for peo-
ple who love to act in theaters. But I don't.
piavnoy: What resonant wisdom has Jack
Nicholson imparted to you?
тәнін: 1 remember 1 was the last guy on
the set of Terms to meet him. I'd kind of
held back because I was in such awe of
him. Finally, Winger drags me over and
says, “Jeff, Jack; Jack, Jeff." He says [domg
dead-on Nicholson], “How are ya?" 1 said,
Jack, its a thrill. You know, I grew up in
Michigan, kind of near where Magic
played ball in college" He said, "Oh,
you played with Magic?” I said, “No, I
didn't play with—— Оһ, never mind.” 1
was just fumbling for words. Then he said,
“So what have you donc?" I said, “Well, I've
donc Ragtime and mainly a lot of Broad-
” He looked at mc and said, “Well, this
ain't Broadway. This is thc pro game.” Y
as like a little gift he gave me. It kind of
stays with you.
perience you've had with а difficult lea
lady Names are optional
такті: The worst one: I had pr:
finished doing an entire film with this
woman, in the course of which she contin-
ually missed her mark by two feet, didn't
know her lines, couldn't ad-lib to save her
life, blew takes left and right. And now, it's
almost the end of the movie, and they're
lighting her, getting ready to shoot her in a
close-up. Meanwhile, she's standing there
reading Less than Zero—which іп itself is a
clue to something—and she's got one para-
graph to go to finish the chapter. The d
rector says, “We're ready!” Everybody—
mean, everybody—is in position. She says,
“I just want to finish this one paragraph.
[Pauses] Thirty seconds later, she closes the
book and says, “Jeff, you really ought to
read this book.” 1 couldn't believe it. I
nean, what gall.
pLavnoy: How do you know when you've
stolen a scene?
panters: When you look into the other ac
tors’ eyes and see confusion. You can see
them thinking, What's my next line? Be-
cause you're not just reading your lines—
youre doing things, tying different
behavioral nuances, keeping them off bal-
ance. And they cant keep up with you.
Sometimes you do it because you're pro-
voked. You go into a scene, knowing that
off camera the guy is being a jerk or the
girl is being, ah, difficult. Then you're just
trying to save your butt. So you turn it ара
little bit, basically saying, “Keep up with
this.” Sometimes it works to fire people up
and make a scene better. Other times, they
just say, “Cul!” because they cant remem-
ber their lines. Which is satis
PLAYBOY: Let's explore the title of your next
film, Love Hurts. When does love hurt the
worst? When does it hurt the best
DANIELS: Love hurts the best when she's
clinging to the headboard, her back is
arched to the ceiling, she’s coming like
she’s never come before and she looks into
your eyes and you're smiling and you both
know you have miles to go before you
sleep. Love hurts the worst when you're
spent, exhausted, your back is glistening
with sweat and not only was it great for
you—it was the best for you in God knows
how long. And you look at her and she
says, “Is that
“Гое got the feeling theres a pecker here with my name on it.”
Ode 10 MOPDANNA couine pon rae 120
“While negotiating a fence, she toppled onto her tops
and came up with a gravel sandwich.”
nc, but her grandmother still
the age of r
forbade her to wear a bra. “Tie ‘em up v
a tight Tshirt, nobody will notice,”
Mrs. Blackerby, Uh-huh. The older woman
regaled Morganna with stories of how she
was related to Robert E. Lee and other de-
ceased monster celebs. “The more grand-
mother hit the highballs, the more famous
we all got,” Morganna says.
She ran away from boarding school and
wound up in Baltimore's infamous Block,
sleeping in alleys and cating out of
garbage cans until she could afford a
flophouse. She broke into show business
nearby, ata seedy strip joint frequented by
tattooed merchant marines who greeted
her act with cries of e it off.” Morgan-
na was crushed; she thought the “it” was
her. From there, there was nowhere to go
but up.
Armed with ingcnuity, some funny little
puppets, a flair for comedy and promotion
and, of course, her deuce in the hole, Mor-
ganna and those phenomenal Himalayas
of hers became the most popular act in the
genre. She was “Morganna, the Wild One”
back then, resplendent in a long jet-black
fall and a variety of leathery, tiger-striped
jungle outfits, sometimes dripping fake
blood to whip up more audience frenzy.
Ford Frick would have agrecd that she was
totally awesome.
Well-publicized trials such as the one in
Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1971 didn't
“Now, be honest, Walter. Wouldn't you prefer that
something be left to the imagination?”
hurt the cause, either, especially when the
charge against Morganna of “performing
simulated sexualacts with an object resem-
bling a reptile’ was summarily struck
down. The reptile in question was “Her-
man,” a large sequined artificial snake. A
prosccuting attorney asked Morganna if
she had exposed her hypogastric region in
the act. “Hypogastric region?” Morganna
said. “I thought I had that removed.”
Nonetheless, a girl can't live on breasts
alone. Nor publicity, Boredom having set
in, Morganna took to the old ball yard. In
1970, answering a “double-dirty dare”
from some of her stripper friends, who
were sitting in a box and not being noticed
enough, at least not by the right fielder—
“He wasn't spitting tobacco our мау, so
we knew he didn't even see us," says Mor-
ganna—the then-ebony-haired ecdysiast
climbed over the railing at Riverfront Sta-
dium in Cincinnati to kiss the great Rose,
making Charlie Hustle a party to yet more
Several other attempts followed that sea-
son until, trying to get Johnny Bench at
аппа was stopped
dled by some rent-
It seems unfathomable to imagine that
baseball went seven years without Morgan-
na's smooches, but it wasn't until 1977 that
she felt secure enough to go over the rail-
ing once again—which is not always easy.
Ar the 1984 All-Star game in San F
cisco, Morganna set out to nab Ryne 5;
berg for the first time, but while
а g a wicked fence, she unceremo-
iously toppled onto her tops and came up
a gravel sandwich. Bleeding profuse-
ly, she was easy pickings in the relay race
with John Law and retired on cuts. “After
the kiss, they usually take me straight to
the security office,” Morganna says. “This
time, I went right to first aid,” Cottrell, her
partner in crime, didn't locate his wife for
an hour.
In Houston, in April 1985, however, ev-
eryone knew where to find her. Morganna
was back in the slan That was the
opening-day caper she had promoted
scemingly all over Texas; the one during
which the Today show strapped her with a
wircless microphone; thc onc for which the
authorities claimed they had "Morgan:
proofed” the Astrodome; the time Mor-
ganna pulled off her first double-header,
Ryan and Thon. (Lucky those dome fel-
lows weren't guarding the Treasury De-
partment when Willie Sutton was alive.)
After the embarrassed establishment
pressed charges—the cops pressed Mor-
ganna, the Astros charged her with tres-
passing—and kept her in jail for seven
hours, Morganna hired the famous crim-
inal trial lawyer Richard “Racehorse”
Haynes, who proceeded to take his clients
fee—you guessed it—up front and then to
make a mockery of the case.
“1 failed to see that gross a trespass on
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our great American game,” Racehorse
says. “Juries do the right thing and they
would obviously have seen there was noth-
ing artificial about Morganna. Nobody re-
ally ought to be against anything that
inspires the Astros. [Ryan had pitched
masterfully in the Houston victory] And
there must be a quarter of a million wom-
еп who would like to kiss Nolan Ryan. Гус
considered kissing him myself, and I'm a
confirmed heterosexual
As it was, Harris County prosecutors
dropped the case like lead balloons upon
discovering that Racehorse intended to
plead the dread gravity defense to explain
how his client had come to be on the field.
“We could ly have demonstrated that
the law of gravity will prevail any time
a onc-hundred-and-twenty-eight-pound
woman with fifteen-pound breasts" —Mor-
ganna once weighed them on the fruit
scales at an all-night grocery stor ans
over the rail," says Racehorse. "I had pro-
fessors of physics and engineering ready to
go. 1 was considering asking Morganna to
lean over the jury railing. 1 think we could
have made the case clea
Has Morganna lived happily ever after?
So far, so good. Cottrell, an accounting
major and numbers whiz, has managed
her finances into high cotton, not to men-
tion into her own Keogh plan. They spend
Christmases in Hawaii and take vacations
around the globe
Morganna also has a day job:
purchased a
Utica (New York) Blue Sox of the Class A
New York—Pennsylvania league. Yeah,
that’s right; she’s an owner. A couple of
sportswriters in Florida, the general part-
ners of the Utica partnership, having
wheued her interest, Morganna plunged
in, $5000 worth.
Regularly now, she takes а break from
stripping, teasing and thwacking cus-
tome the head with her breasts to jour-
ney to far-off, cold and windy Utica—a
living, heaving Daisy Mae come to baseball
“Morganna brings new dimensions to
Blue Sox baseball,” the honorable Sher-
wood L. "Sherry" Boehlert, U.S. Repn
sentative from the 25th district of New
York, wrote in a letter of greeting from his
officc in Washington. "How can anyone say
shes limited? With her help, we'll make a
frontal attack on past attendance records
We're going to rove the old theory that
the way to succeed is by putting your best
foot forward." Representative Boehlert is a
Blue Sox owner and also, obviously, a hu-
Here comes Morgana,” Vin Scully
‘once intoned over the airwaves, “preced-
ing herself by five minutes.”
And now there she goes . . . to untol
lands of possibility. Morgana, the Kis:
Bandit . . . no, baseball's showgirl . . . uh,
май... baseball's showgirl . . owner: Yeah,
that's the ticket. Uh, tickets.
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WIND DUMMY Continued from page 120)
“Mark faced downhill and pulled the lines. The chute
began bucking and torquing in the wind.”
of 12 people, he said, everybody would go
from the top by the end of the second day,
‘including the women and children.”
Child’s play. Sounded good. Except that
I've played the idiot beginner too many
times to believe the optimistic twaddle the
devotees spout as you stand there looking
up or looking down at whatever dicey busi
ness you're about to try for the first time.
These things each have a character all
their own, and when adrenaline's involved,
nothing's simple.
“Come on up," said Mark. “Its a little
breezy, but we can probably find a shel-
tered area behind some of the big hills."
A couple of hours later, I sat in a Vallejo
house with Mark, another instructor
named Andy Long and his wife, Jeannie.
We were watching a video that had been
made a couple of weeks earlier in Washing-
ton: Mark—solidly built, dark curly hair—
was coaching a prety blonde woman
named Penny LeGate, the star of Scattle's
Evening. She looked at the camera and
said, "I can't believe that yesterday Га nev-
er seen a paraglider, and now here Lam,
ready to fly" As for the r it was
“safer Шап riding a bicycle... and casier
to learn.
“Paragliding deserves respect,” said
Mark when they cut to him. "But it's really
simple.” Then, after clips of her training
exercises, LeGate ran from the top of a
gentle hill and flew: a smooth 30-second
flight toa nice easy landing.
“I recommend it for everybody,” she said
at the end of the segment. “Even people
who are afraid of heights, like me.”
A second video, in French, talked about
the popularity of the sport in Europe.
Mark translated: Fifty thousand
ropeans a year go paragliding, mostly in
the Alps. Mark said that he had run а
school in Annecy, France, for two years.
He'd also organized American hang-glid-
ing and paragliding tours of Europe and
has, he says, 1200 air hours in a hang
In fact, many paragliding instructors
and entrepreneurs come out of hang glid-
ing, It’s a natural transition: from a rela-
tively dangerous and unforgiving sport
that requires years to master to one that
can be learned in a matter of days by near-
ly anyone in reasonable
means the commercial possibi!
yond anything hang gliding could ever
have hoped for. After the Evening segment
was shown in Seattle, Marks company,
“Keep Bowman at il. According to our profiles, thal
jury can be swayed by a real hunk.”
Parapente USA, got 150 inqui 2
Red-winged blackbirds rocked back and
forth on high wild mustard in the 100-acre
meadow below the hillscape Mark had
ne and poppy scattered
amid the real and ancient owners of the
land, the grasses. On that morning, we
waded through w: h foxtail and wild
oats, each of us with a 15-pound backpack
that held our folded paragliders.
The hill itself was a pretty series of un-
even terraces, each steeper than the one
below it, that rose and narrowed into a
sharp ridge that had the contour of a great
green wave that scemed about to break
over the meadow below. Wind-sculpted
trees stood bent witness to the blow on top,
as did the ruckle and the wave of thc grass
up th.
It wasn't that calm even where wc were
оп the lower slopes; gusty, about 15 miles
an hour, I thought.
“Its a bit strong,” М. aid as we began
unpacking the chutes. “Its the top speed
of these sails that limits them. If you jump
into a wind that’s blowing faster than these
things can fly—about twenty-five miles an
hour—you're likely to get blown over the
back of the hill, and that’s not fun.”
He laid my chute on the grass and
stretched the sand the liar ness down
hill in front of it. Then he pointed to the
fluorescent pink, yellow Ыис and tur
quoise parts of the sail. Essentially, it’s a
high-tech rectangular parachute, about 30
feet from tip to tip, seven fect from front to
rear. Its made of tough, light material and
is divided into chambers that run front to
rear and are open along the leading edge,
so that the entire thing inflates when its
pulled up into the wind. The lines from
the front and rear edges cascade together
st above the harness to form two front
nd two ‘eparate lines,
with a hand loop, run to both the left and
the right rear corners of the wing and are
the brakes.
Mark buckled himself into the harness,
faced downhill and took the front risers
and the brakes into his hands.
“Im going to launch facing into the
wind—missionary style,” he said. He
arched his body, pulled the lines, took two
steps forward and the huge kite sprung up
head, where it began bucking and
ing in the big wind. He staggered,
pulled on the right brake, then the left, in
an attempt to stabilize the wing over his
head, and after about 30 seconds of strug-
gle, he pulled on the rear risers and the
chute collapsed like an obedient dog that
had been told to sit.
is sail is a station wagon, a battle-
ship,” he s big and slow and it
ar risers
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catches a lot more air than the high-per-
formance models, It's also a lot more stable
when you get it flying.”
He asked if I had any questions, then
buckled me into the harness and said,
“This is just ground handling. "There's
nothing to fear.”
I appreciated the reassurance, but 1
wasn't afraid of anything yet. I didn't know
enough to be afraid, and besides, I wasn't
going anywhere in this exercise. The ob-
Ject was to get the canopy up over my head
and just sort of steer it around in place.
On thecount of three, I lunged forward,
the sail filled, jumped into the wind I7 feet
up and then, in the middle of my first for-
ward step, ripped me backward, spun me
around and dragged me ten feet or so
across the hillside in a scene that must have
looked a lot like those moments in Western
movies where some poor bastard is lashed
to a buckboard and drug all the way ош of
town. T hat's the way it felt, anyway
Mark told me to try it again, to drive
harder with my legs, to let go of the for-
ward risers sooner. I did, and this time the
wind spun me off to the right, got me run.
ning as if I were late, then yanked me off
my feet and bounced me in the deep grass
Mark decided that maybe a reverse
inflation might be a better technique in a
wind as big as we had. He turned me in my
harness so I was facing uphill toward the
grounded chute, which would give me bet-
ter leverage as it flew. The wind calmed a
notch, and this time when I pulled, the
wing climbed over my head, hovered
there, and for a few seconds, everything
seemed possible. When I turned downhill
to start my run, however, a gust caught me
and turned the whole thing into another
Mark moved me up the hill to a steeper
section, on the thought that gravity might
help. It didn’t, and for the next couple of
hours, I worked like a Clydesdale that was
going to be cut from the team. I ran, |
pulled, I grunted and swore, I stumbled
over little granite uglies hidden in the
grass, I veered and skidded and was
dragged till the lupine lay in great ruined
swaths behind me.
Finally, Mark suggested we take the rest
of the afternoon off. The wind had risen
out of the beginners zone, and he thought
that maybe if we waited till sunset, condi-
tions would calm—“glass off," he called
it—and maybe then we could get a flight or
Around six that evening, the four of us
stood in a natural bowl of hills bchind
Blue Rock Springs Park, a couple of miles
from the hill we'd used that morning. The
poppies had rolled themselves into their
tight evening sheaths and the overcast had
burned away, but the glass-off we'd hoped
for hadn't happened. In fact, the wind had
come ир to something like 20 miles an
hour, more in its gustier moments. Andy
and Mark watched the natural wind indi-
cators and talked glider-pilot micromete-
orology with each other. They guessed the
speed of the upper winds by the thrashing
of the tops of the 100-foot eucalyptus trees.
They used the riffling of the oats downhill
from us to time the gust cycles. Where the
grass swirled like long hair in the front seat
of a convertible, they called it a thermal
As 1 listened, it reminded me of my days
in the surf, out there trying to read the
waves. Water and wind are a lot alike in the
way they move. The difference, of course,
is that you can look an ocean wave in the
face, judge its shape and speed, see the
backwash, the sidewash and the rip cur-
rent. The wind is a ghost that sweeps to-
ward you, leaving only rumors of its mood
in the treetops, on the grass. For the real
story, you have to get on it and ride.
“Мете on the edge here,” said Mark as.
he spread his chute, buckled his harness. A
moment later, he tugged on the risers, the
sail snapped into the air, then jumped him
around in place. He took two prancing
steps forward and he was up, straight up,
as if he'd pressed an elevator button. He
hovered, gained altitude, then moved
slowly forward against the he wind. Fif-
teen seconds later, 20 feet down the hill, he
pulled hard on the brakes and stepped to a
“That was frightening," he said as he
climbed back toward us with one of those
“Whoa, Momma" smiles on his face. “The
way I went up means the air is in excess of
twenty miles an hour, and as I got higher, I
had the brakes all the way off for maxi-
mum speed and I still wasn't really penc-
trating. Another five miles an hour, it
would have maybe taken me up five hun-
dred feet and then back over the top of the
I looked in the direction he was point-
ing. “Maybe into that power pole?” I said.
‘Who knows?" he said.
A half hour later, Mark was still holding
out for things’ settling into an evening
calm, and on that hope, the two of us pur
our packed chutes on our backs and hiked
a five-mile loop through the hills, The sun
set, the wind stayed up, and when it was
clear we weren't going to fly, Mark did his
best to ease my disappointment.
“This is what its really all about," he
said. “In a beautiful place—look at this
light—going out for a little hike and being
able to leave the earth. You'll see. Tomor-
row could be perfect."
And it was. Or at least it started ош that
By the time I joined them on the hill the
next morning, Mark had already flown
from the top and was rhapsodizing about
the conditions. “Light winds on the lower
miles an hour on top,” he
said, pointing to the 400-foot crest. “You'll
be flying from up there in a couple of
We slogged to a point about 100 feet
high through grass so thick it untied my
ll, got into the har-
ness, then listened to an admonition that
would have ncarly haunting significance
before the day was over.
"Remember," he said as he attached a га-
dio receiver to the shoulder strap of my
harness. "Once you're up there, vou are
the one with the ultimate perspective. You
must not fly behind the hill. You must not
fly into the hill. If we tell you to do some-
thing that is not in your best interest, don't
do it. You are the pilot. Im empowering
you now. You signed the liability waiver.”
And a hell of a waiver it was, too. In all
my trips to the edge—ice climbing, rock-
climbing, ski jumping, sky diving, wing
walking, learning to drive a top-fuel drag-
ster—I'd never seen anything as long or as
officious as that release. It was five pages
and it required my signature in two places
and my initials in nine others beneath
clauses that exempted Mark and every-
body even vaguely connected to him from
any lawsuit I might bring if the worst came
uue. The grisly document made it. plain
that no matter what the paragliding
aficionados tell you about how safe this
game is, their lawyers arent buying a word
of it
And you cant blame them, really
Paragliding is so new in the United States
that it wasn't until this past spring that it
was even possible to be certified to teach it.
The certification process, organized by the
newly formed American Paragliding Asso-
ciation, takes four days, costs about $300
and graduated its first class of ten in April
of 1989. Even so, no one is required to have
any training at all to teach the sport.
“Which means,” Mark said, “that anybody
with the equipment can get up there and
throw you off the mountain.”
Near the bottom of the last page of the
waiver, I was required to copy this state-
Before I signed it, I underlined the word
bear for dramatic flourish, but on the hill
that morning, before my first little fight, I
wasn't feeling any particular fear, just the
low buzz that comes with hard focus. The
wind was smooth, small and steady, and
the angle of the hill shallow enough that
even if the chute collapsed on me, I figured
I wouldn't be bounced much worse than I
had been the day before.
Mark stepped down the hill a ways and
made a radio check. I ran on the count of
three, the chute went up, dipped left
slightly, then stabilized as I got a little
speed, and two steps later—Kittyhawk—I
swung free of the hillside and was air-
borne. The kite gained altitude in the first
few seconds, became solid on the breeze,
and after that, it was just a matter of taking
the gentle ride 100 yards or so to a smooth
stand-up landing. Nothing to it; as casy as
they'd said. Once I was in the air, every
thing about the big sail felt trustworthy
and maneuverable, until finally, as I pulled
both brake toggles to my knees, it seemed a
shame to be landing
As I trudged back up the hill, Jeannie
took off from about the same spot I had.
She weighed only 110 pounds, and the
wind let her on even more easily than it
had me. I watched as she floated almost
motionless at times, glided slowly over her
shadow, then met up with it weightlessly on
1 took my second flight off steeper
ground from a point twice as high as my
first, and thi ne, I was in the air for
about 30 seconds. Mark talked me through:
a right turn after take-off, then a left back
into the wind, then down into another easy
landing. It was a great sensation to be
wheeling around a couple of hundred feet
up like that and, as we dimbed the long
steep toward the top of the hill, I changed
my mind about Icarus. Even after two
small flights, I wanted more, longer,
higher. I wasn't exactly looking for a fl
that would melt the feathers off my wings,
but the idea of a jump from 400 feet was
full of a lot more exhilaration than fright.
I think they called it hubris when Icarus
a boy.
"The wind grew stronger as we climbed,
1 by the time we reached the small slop-
ing meadow that was to be our launch
seemed to be blowing about
twice what it had been on the lower slopes.
The view was sensational: Vallejo, the
north end of the San ncisco Bay with its
bridges and ships. Just behind us, an old
barbed-wire fence bisected the flat crest of
the hilltop, which was covered by a
ground-hugging sweep of daisies.
Andy stood ready in the meadow below
to guide me toward a landing, and while
he and Mark discussed things over the ra-
dio, I decided to a little wind check of
my own: I pissed acros
force of the breeze didn’t bend or fray the
stream, I decided it wasn't as strong as |
was making it out to be.
“If your morning cup of coffee didnt
wake you up, this will,” said Mark, point
ing to the steep drop just in front of us.
Then, while he gave me last-minute in-
structions, 1 hung my tape recorder from
my harness and turned it on. If things
went well, the tape would amount to a hot
real-time notebook entry, I thought. If
things went badly __. well . . . I figured it
would be the equivalent of those little black
boxes they dig out of the wreckage of com-
mercial jets.
“If I say stop, you stop. but I don't expect.
that to happen,” said Mark. Then, while he
waited for the right wind cycle, І stood
ready, felt my juices rise, told myself there
couldn't be any hesitation.
“Advance,” yelled Mark, and 1 did, but
as the wing came up, it veered viciously to
the right, and the next thing I heard was
Stop. . . мор!” 1 pulled both brake lines
and the chute collapsed.
“What the hell happened?” I said. Ud
done everything I knew to do, and still the
“My father works in a bank."
wind had taken things out of my control. It
felt terrible.
You just got olf a little crooked; you
could have kept going, but lets make
things picture perfect
Again 1 waited, and this time, when
Mark shouted “Go,” I grunted, broke for-
ward as hard as I could and was off . . „and
then hooking right—horribly right—to-
ward a spine of rocks that was sticking out
of the hillside. At that point, the voice on
my tape is Marks, insistent and rising,
Brake left, brake left, brake left!" 1 heard
him, but it was all happening much too fast
and adrenaline was in the way of every-
thing, including whatever the hell “left”
meant, which didnt get through to
overloaded brain until I was a split second
from the sharp granite teeth. 1 pulled
hard on the left toggle, missed the rocks by
what seemed an inch, swept away from the
hill out onto the breeze, safe, free, 400 feet
For the next few moments on the tape,
there is nothing but my heavy breathing,
then Mark's voice over the radio: “Now to
Andy.” he said. Then he laughed a tight,
nervous laugh. 1 answered with an an-
guished laugh of my own, then hit a pocket.
of air that lifted me 20 feet or more, and
my worried s| with it. "That's a ther-
mal; you're OK," said Mark, but by then, 1
was much better than OK. I was flying. I
ne out of my left turn smoothly, got my-
self on a glide path toward Andy, saw the
ars on the road below pulling over to
watch, and then just sat there wishing I
didnt have to come down. I glided above
Andy at about 100 feet, and then, 70 sec-
nds from my ugly take-off, I stalled gently
toa very pretty landing.
I whooped, and as | turned to look back
atthe crest, I saw a golden eagle climb into
the thermal I had flown through, watched
it gyre casily 10 1000 feet, then strike off to
the west.
As Jeannie waited on top for a cycle light
enough to fly, Jim Leech and his ten-year
Tim ined Andy and me
the landing zone. Timmy was eager to get
into the air. Hed had six previous flights
from 500 feet, he said, and what he really
wanted was t0 make a flight without a ra-
dio. It was the kind of bravado you expect
from ten-year-olds, to whom adrenaline is
n almost unknown chemical. Still, it made
me feel old. His dad, a highly experienced
hang glider, was a little more skeptical
about paragliding and was playing a gentle
Daedalus to his son's Icarus: He just wasnt
sure those frail ships were up to the va-
garies of the wind. “My first two flights, I
didnt feel nervous about paragliders at
all," he said. “It was after I got some expe-
rience I started worrying about them."
Then he and Andy talked about a recent
fa y in Leavenworth, Washington. An
instructor named Jeff Splitgerber had sent
three students ahead of him off the top of
old son
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Photo: Jerry Friedman C1988. The M Counc
à mountain and then launched himself be-
low. The students landed safely; he didn
They found his body on the ground belor
Nobody saw what had happened
After two false starts, Jeannie launched
from the top, rose in the thermal, then
flew a long, slow course to her husband
Then Mark flew, made a 360-degree turn
in the thermal, got some lifi, then glided
in. “Nice flight,” he said as he got to me.
I'm glad you didn't turn out to be a pen.
cil-neck geek."
Mark and Jim talked about where on the
hillside would be safe for Timmy to fly. At
85 pounds, the boy was maybe just heavy
enough to fly this wind from halfway up
the hill if they put a packed chute on his
back for ballast.
“This is the
y id Mark.
out there to test thi
“A what?” I said.
Jim laughed. A little hang-gliding hu-
mor, he said. *But it's not the way Mark
made it sound. In hang gliding, you want
somebody to be a wind dummy if it's
most, but maybe not quite, soarable. If he
goes up, that's good. If he just glides down,
we wait for a wl
“Yeah, sure,” I said.
A few minutes later, Timmy stood in
harness and baby-blue helmet about the
200-foot level. Неа wanted to start from a
higher point, but Mark and his dad had
and when he took his first step, it
was clear they'd made the right decision.
The boy lifted immediately, hovered а
most motionless, then moved very slowly
lorward into the breeze, gained altitude
like a weather balloon, then moved ahead
again without seeming to drop at all. His
dad video-taped his long, slow glide to a
landing so gentle that it looked like he'd
been set down by a stork
Over the next half hour, the wind rose.
Andy was the last to go from the cop and
the updraft was enough to keep him soar-
ing back and forth across the face of the
hill for three and a half minutes. It w:
gorgeous sight. Two eagles joined him in
the thermals and played above him as he
laughed and shouted. “I was really skied
out,” he said when he landed. Then he
added, "Its nice but lifty" Mark took a
short ride from mid-point on the hill and
decided it was too blustery for апу more
flights from the crest that afternoon. He
predicted that it would glass off around
et and that if we went back then, 1
Andy had.
с you need a wind dum-
omebody you can throw
said no,
could probably soar the w
The sun was nearly down by the time
Mark and I began the long climb from the
lower meadow toward the top of the hill. It
just the two of us, and although the
wind at the bottom seemed light, the grass
and the trees up top looked to be taking
a whipping. The higher we climbed, the
heavier it blew, and when we finally stood
face into the wind on the crest, I didn't likc
it at all. It reminded me too much of the
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wind that had played me like a paper pup-
pet the day before. Only worse.
“How hard do you think its blowing?" 1
Mark smiled a gung-ho smile and said,
“I'd say this is the most glorious fifteen
miles an hour you'll ever know. Just be
“Feels over the edge to me,” I said. “But
then, this whole thing is over the edge, isn't
1 laid out my chute, which immediately
took a little skitter across the ground, back
toward the barbed-wire fence. I flattened
it, then climbed into the harness thinking
to myself, What the hell are you doing?
Mark checked my buckles, told me again.
that this was incredible air. I turned on my
tape recorder, but when I listened to it lat-
er, most of my words had been lost under
the roar of the wind.
“Talk about a wind dummy—this is
him," I told Mark.
“This perfect soaring wind," he said.
“Stand there for a ше, feel it, think
about it.”
I thought about it. Bad thoughts. It felt
like 20 or 25 miles an hour to me, and the
picture ] got as I tried to see myself
through the launch was me all hell out of
control as soon as I stepped off, and
then .. . who knows? After two or three
minutes, I still couldn't quite bring myself‘
to say that crucial little yes that gets said
somewhere inside you just before you actu-
ally do one of these damn things. But I
couldn't quite say no, either, didn't want to
say no; I stood there asking myself if ma
be I just werent crazy enough anymore, if
fear weren't maybe having a cheap little
victory over me, one that 1 would regret
when I was back at my typewriter. Or was
this just purely nuts? A lot smaller wind.
than the one I was standing in had almost
sailed me hip firstinto a nasty pile of gran-
ite just a few hours before.
About the time I moved into a fourth
round of yes-no-maybe with myself, Mark
stepped over and said, “I forgot the radios.
“That scrubs it. I wouldn't want you to fly
this wind without a receiver’
A huge, gentle wave of relief swept over
“Atleast you were all the way in the har-
ness," he said. “You were ready"
Ve decided I'd walk halfway down the
hill, maybe fly from a lower slope. But, as I
gathered my chute, Mark had second
thoughts. He stepped in front of me, put
his arms out and said, "This is a wonder
wind. Its under twenty miles an hour. You
can fly it. It's perfect. Your call.”
Oh, shit, I thought as everything in me
went stiff again. Another chance to back
out. Goddamn it... look him in the eye. . .
the coach . . . ask yourself if you can trust
his judgment . . . his 1200 hours in a hang
glider. - . . You have to trust a coach, don't
you? ... You were brought up to trust your
coaches. . .. I mean, they needle you, push
you, abuse you, and if you cant take it,
youre a wimp whos going to spend his
whole life stuck doing only those things
hes sure he can do. Ah, but finally—espe-
cially in risky gam experience or
his certificates dont matter and the word
wimp is just a cruel and empty piece of
schoolyard bullshit. It's your ass out there
and theres no excuse for spending it
you can doin a w
He smiled, s;
laid his chute out, I stepped aside to watch.
It was almost dark, The very last of the
sunset colors lay in faint layers above a fog
bank that was moving toward us from San
Francisco. The lights below us were com-
ing on. A steam plume 15 miles across the
bay lay perfectly parallel to the land. Mark
stood quietly in his harness for nearly five
minutes, Zenning himself up for the flight,
that was fine, and as he
“Her idea of oral sex is trying to talk me out of it.”
I thought. Now and then, he held a hand
up into the heavy wind.
He turned himself around for a reverse
flation, hesitated, then lifted his chute
ко the air and was yanked violently—as
if by wild horses—toward the barbed wire.
He ran to stay on his feet, then tried to dig
his heds in, skidded, fell, was slammed
with a horrible thump into the fence, then
was raked over it by the
which collapsed into the di
1 ran to the fence and started over it,
sure that Mark had been terribly mauled;
but he was up almost immediately, saying
he was all right, breathing hard, swearing
at himself, gathering his sail. When he was
back over the fence, we checked his in-
juries, which were amazingly light for the
way he'd gone into the wire. He had a
puncture on his ankle and some scratches
on the same leg. He told me not to worry,
that he'd just had a tetanus shot, that he
was fine. Then he said, “About time for me
to get back on the horse that threw me,”
laid his chute on the ground and stood in
the ready position.
This is crazy, | thought, but I didn’t have
а chance to say it, because Mark was into a
monolog, scolding himself about what had
“Hang glider, paraglider or anything ...
its a mind thing. . . . Sets you on edge be-
fore you ever get off . . . and you have to
have your shit together. .. . Sometimes you
have yonr shit together, sometimes you
don’t. . . . That wasnt a physical error, it
was a mental thing. ... . This is the time
when all the dark shadows come up—its
blowing, there aren't a bunch of other peo-
ple flying and you're all by yourself on the
mountain. And as much as you tell your-
self the air is fine, you are going up into it
in an air bag.
It was nearly pitch-dark, and as foolish
asit seemed for Mark to be attempting an-
other flight, it occurred to me that the
steep walk down was going to be treacher-
ous without light, and that maybe with his
leg the way it was, flying was his best
chance. I told him I was going to start
down, while I could still see a little. He said
fine, that he might even join me.
1 lost sight of the upper plateau as soon
as I started down the steep upper sections.
1 expected to sec Mark fly into view at
some point, and when he didn't, I wor
that maybe he'd crashed again or col-
lapsed from shock. In any case, I knew I
had to keep moving. Twenty minutes later,
І spotted Mark descending the upper
slopes, his bunched chute slung over his
shoulder like а huge flower.
We met at the car. "It's good to get your
ass kicked now and then,” he s
I nodded, said I knew what he meant,
and I did. But mostly, I was fccling good
that when it had been my turn up there in
the shadow of the wind, it had been my
fear I'd trusted.
(continued from page 88)
The Nigerian shook his head and
laughed. “No, no, my good man. Keep
your money. You will simply be throwing it
away if you keep betting against me. There
is no way you or anyone else can beat me at
a game of chance for the next twenty-four
hours. But I'm not а greedy man. I'm
satisfied with what I've won so far. I merely
wanted to teach you a lesson.”
"The thought of this arrogant small-time
potentate from some jungle telling Alfred
that he was being taught a lesson was more
than he could stomach.
“What lesson, Mr. Big Man? Tell me!” Al-
fred bellowed, barely able to restrain him-
self from punching the man’s confident
grin off his round shining face.
Ignoring his rage, the Nigerian looked
at the dealer, then back at Alfred and,
leaning over the table, whispered, “1 can
tell you something about luck if you will
come to my room with me. 1 cannot talk
about it here.”
Furious though Alfred was, he was also
intrigued, He followed the Nigerian out of
the casino, up to hisroom on the 15th floor
Once inside, the Nigerian
ind them, went to the
bar and mixed them each a drink, sat
down at the table in the center of the room
and motioned for Alfred to sit across from
him. Once Alfred was seated and nervous-
ng his Scotch and soda, the
n fingered the little bag around his
neck, loosened the drawstrings that tied it
shut and, between thumb and forefinger,
extracted and placed on the table three
small luminous beads, cach about the size
of a raindrop. Each shone from within as if
a minuscule light bulb had been inserted
in it. Yet, though they glowed, they were al-
so transparent, as Alfred could clearly see
the grain of the tabletop through them
“What the hell are these?” he asked.
“Luck, my friend,” said the Nigeria
picking one up gently between his finge
and handing it to him, “Here, hold it. Feel
it. Smell it.”
Alfred took the little sphere and rolled it
between his fingers. It was warm and he
detected a sweet odor coming from it that
he couldn't identify. He also noticed that
his fingers were tingling slightly, as though
they'd received a small electrical charge.
“Are you crazy? I dont know what this
damn thing is, but it sure isn’t luck. You
cant get luck in a pill, chief. That I know.”
Overlooking Alfred's calling him chief,
the African replied with complete serious-
ness. “But you don't know that. Here is the
proof. Each one of these little, ah, crystals,
if you will, contains a day's worth of lu
n, I took one just before
the double-or-nothing hand.
Yeah, I noti
him in disbelief.
“But still you think th
“All I сап say, chi
'd,” said Alfred,
ing at
not luck?
said Alfred, shak-
ing his head, “is that you're a lot more su-
perstitious than I gave you credit for, Who
told you these things gave you luck, your
witch doctor?
^] suggest that you refrain from mock-
ing that which you don't understand,” said
the Nigerian, glowering.
“Understanding voodoo bullshit isnt
high on my list of priorities,” said Alfred,
shoving his drink across the table, stand-
ing and heading for the door.
The Nigerian chuckled. “If you were
sure that these little crystals actually con-
tained kismet, you would pay almost any
price if I could supply you with your own
bagful, would you not?”
Alfred paused at the door.
“Well, then,” the black man continued,
“the resolution of your doubt can be easily
obtained by your having the opportunity
to put my little crystals, my ‘voodoo,’ as
you say, to the test. If you have tested them
to your satisfaction, then I'm sure you'll
not hesitate to part with your entire capital
worth for an ounce of them. Or at least
that is the only bargain that I would seri-
ously consider.”
The Nigerian smiled broadly, chuckled
asif at his own private joke and took a long
sip from his cold rosy glass of kir.
“You know.” said Alfred, “I dont know
what tribe you're the prince of, but they're
n deep trouble. You're completely out of
your mind.” So saying, he walked out,
slamming the door behind him.
‘Twelve hours later, Alfred knocked оп
the hotel-room door. It opened and the
Nigerian stood in front of him, with еуе-
brows raised.
“ГЇ give you three tests.” said Alfred,
“and if you and your little beads get
through them alive, ГЇЇ buy a bag of them.
But not for everything [ have. [ need
enough cash to keep living the way I want
to. Pl! give you the rest. What the fu
The Nigerian smiled and pursed his lips
thoughtfully. “What, by the way, do you
own?” he asked.
“A chain of four hundred and seventy
all-night’ convenience stores. They're
called Midnight Roundups. They're most-
ly in the Western states—Wyoming, Colo-
rado, Arizona, California. The rest is in
stocks, bonds and cash.
The Nigerian frowned. "I dont like that
business. Boring.”
“Well, it almost runs itself. I have good.
people running it for me. Fm sure you
won't find:
“I don't want it,” the black man inter-
rupted. “How much of what you own—
cash, bonds, stocks and so on—can you
convert to gold in two week:
“Gold? Thats not easy. Maybe a hun-
dred and thirty millio
“If you can convert about a hundred and
thi million into gold, deliver it to the
vault downstairs and sign this agree-
ment"—he held out a one-page contract—
"Il put the last three of my little crystals
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Тат an adult over 21 years of age:
(signature required)
zh any three tests you desire.”
Suppose my first test is for you to put a
fully loaded forty-five Magnum to your
head and pull the trigger
“Read the agreement," said the Nigeri-
an, walking over to the table where he was
eating a break fast of grapefruit, coffee and
yogurt, He poured a cup of coffee for Al-
fred as he stood in the middle of the room,
reading the contract.
“OK, I agree to the first stipulation
There has to be an clement of luck in-
volved. That makes sense.”
The Nigerian nodded, pulled a chair up
to the table and began sipping his coffee
and reading the newspaper.
“But, hey, what the hell does this second
paragraph mean? In return for the gold, 1
get the bag? 1 want the luck, not the bag,
chief. FII ТАН: the luck in aluminum foi
5 atl have coffee with me, good
friend,” said the Nigerian, extending his
hand to the chair on the other side of the
table. Alfred sat down and lighted a cigar,
inking that perhaps he was dealing with
a madman, in which case it's always best to
remain calm.
ou see,” said the Nigerian, disdainful-
ly remoying the maraschino cherry from
the center of the grapefruit, "the bag pro-
duces the beads of luck each time it has a
new owner. W forty-eight hours after.
you receive it, it will contain twenty-eight
crystals, cach weighing exactly one gram.
Exactly an ounce of luck, all told.”
“You expect me to believe that? Besides,
I thought the old saying was that an ounce
of luck is worth a pound of gold,” Alfred
said sarcastically.
“Ah, no, sir. Worth more than a pound of
gold. In your case, it's worth about nine
tons of gold. But, after all, it's a very old
saying. Inflation, you know" He smiled
broadly as he surred the strawberries up
from the bottom of his cup of yogurt.
“And why is this third stipulation so im-
portant?” Alfred asked, perusing the re-
mainder of the contract.
“Mmmm. The part about your having to
wear the little bay around your neck until
the luck is used up? Yes, that’s very neces-
sary. And so is the last stipulation, that you
use all of the luck within two years after
you receive it. Both of those things are
very important for the magic to work
Having finally come to the conclusion
that the Nigerian wasn't insane but merely
deeply superstitious and, therefore, deeply
|, Alfred smiled to himself. He was
going to have some fun with this pompous
man; so much fun that the Nigerian would
beg him to take back the half million he
had won from him, just to buy out of the
“Well, my good chief,” Alfred said jaun-
y sitting at the table once again and al-
lowing himself to take a big swallow of the
hot coftee, "I think we can work something
out. I can have the gold delivered here in
forty-eight hours. We can instruct the bank
that if you claim the gold in thirty days, it's
yours. After thirty days, only I can take it
out of the vault. We'll get two keys; one for
you and onc for me. If you live through my
tests, I take the bag and you come here and
take the gold. If you dont survive, I re-
claim the gold after a month has passed
Alfred took a pen from his vest pocket
and held it poised over the contract, wait-
“Tm tired of being all that I can be.”
ing for the Nigerian's assent, The Nigerian
reached into the pouch, took out the three
beads of luck and laid them on the table,
then rolled each one between his fingers
for a moment. At last, he looked up at Al-
fred with a smile of peaceful resignation
and nodded.
Alfred signed the contract, then pushed
t across the table. The Nigerian affixed his.
signature to the document, then produced
a duplicate contract, which they both
signed. The Nigcrian Кері onc copy and
Alfred folded his and slipped it into his.
suit jacket.
“ГІ see you in twenty-four hou
said, heading for the door.
“But. . . ” The Nigerian leaped to his
feet and followed Alfred out into the ball-
way. “But aren't you going to tell me the.
three tests
Alfred chuckled deep in his throat and
his eyes radiated sheer cruelty. He greatly
enjoyed watching furrows of anxiety ap-
pear on the Nigerian's forehead.
"Perhaps you're not as superstitious as 1
thought," he said with feigned admiration.
Two days later, the African received a
gold-embossed card that read:
I invite you to spend the weekend
with me at my summer home on San
Cristobal Island. A Learjet is waiting
for you at the airport on runway 24.
The jet is stocked with caviar, lobster,
shrimp and excellent wines. Гуе had а
selection of African music programed
into the sound system, though I dont
know if it’s to your taste. If you want
something else, just ask the stew-
ardess. She's entirely at your service.
Enjoy your flight.
Yours, Alfred.
frican frowned, crumpled the in-
vitation, threw it into the wastebasket and
began packing his bags.
Che first test,” Alfred, right after
he and the African had finished a dinner
of crab-and-kiwi salad, broiled shark and
baked rum custard, "comes now.
They were aboard Alfred's 300-foot
yacht, the Too Me, and it was midnight.
The lights flickered for a moment in the
dining cabin and Alfred ordered the wait-
er to inquire if there were a problem top-
side. Once they were alone, he continued,
“The lights always flicker on this damn
thing. Anyway, what youre going to do is
simple. Tonight, you're going to jump over-
board wearing а life preserver. Were
about a mile offshore, and from now until
dawn, the current vill be raking you to the
coast of the island. Can you swim?” The
African nodded
“Good, all you have to do is paddle to
shore between now and sunrise, at which
time the tide will begin to reverse its flow.
1f you make it to the shore, it’s a two-mile
walk to my estate. You should be able to.
make it there by noon tomorrow easily,
ita =
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c 1989 Miler Brewing Co, Maike: WI
PUL RY ee, Os;
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provided you can swim ashore. What do
you say?"
"Ah, as you say so quaintly, what's the
catch?” asked the African.
‘Sharks, jellyfish, coral reefs as sharp as
ves. In that order," said Alfred, with de
lighted amusement. “Have some more
wine or some custard before you go?" He
poised a bottle over the Africans glass but
wasn't surprised when he covered it with
Water is enough,” said the Nigerian,
reaching into the pouch around his neck,
extracting one of the small beads and slip-
ping it into his mouth.
Alfred handed him a glass of ice water
and watched him drink. Then, raising his
wineglass as a toast, he said with a mis-
chievous chuckle, "Good luck, chief."
"The African looked at him with imperi-
ous disinterest and said calmly, "Lead me
to the deck.”
Five minutes later, he was overboard.
Alfred knew the waters well. The mako
sharks were always hungry and there were
hundreds, maybe thousands of them cir-
ding in the cove every night, feeding on
the schools of pompano and mullet. When
the African began kicking his legs and try-
ing to swim, the sharks would surely get
him. But if he somehow managed to get
within 1000 yards offshore without being
eaten by the sharks, he would have to swim
through a virtual asteroid belt of jelly-
fish—so many that sometimes they gath-
ered in great clumps spanning 100 feet
across, each trailing dozens of 50-foot ten-
tacles containing one of the most potent
paralyzing agents known. If the African
touched but one of these tentacles, it would
be unlikely that he'd ever make it within.
100 yards of the shore. But if he did, he
would encounter jagged coral reefs. To cut
himself would be death, for his blood
would call the sharks. And even if he man-
aged to cross the reefs, his wounds would
make him too weak to have any hope of
walking two miles in the sun.
For all of these reasons, Alfred was as-
tonished when the African walked into hi:
sitting room the next day precisely at noon
and explained, as he bid one of Alfred's
butlers to bring him a glass of cold guava
juice, that shortly after Alfred had aban-
doned him in the water, the yacht of a
wealthy Saudi Arabian had foundered оп а
sand bar not 100 yards from him. He had
called out and they had taken him aboard,
given him dry clothes, a bowl of hot stew
and a bunk to sleep in until morning. Dur-
ing the night, the tide had risen and swept
the Saudi's yacht off the sand bar, and the
crew had pulled into port for repairs, let-
ting the Nigerian go ashore.
“And I suppose,” said Alfred after the
African had finished his account, “that
you attribute your extraordinary good
luck to your little beads?”
‘The African said nothing but merely
smiled and sipped his fruit j
“You may be convinced,”
sneered Al-
fred, “but I'm not. Not with a conviction
worth a hundred and thirty million dol-
zat, then meet me out-
night. We'll go
fora walk. Be sure to bring your little bag."
' said the African, feigning um-
brage, “I wouldnt travel without it. It's bet-
ter than American Express, you agree?"
“Smell something familiar?” Alfred
asked with a conspiratorial grin as he led
the Nigerian on a moonlit tour through his
private 200.
"Ahhh, yes,” replied the Nigerian,
pointedly sniffing in all directions, "the
aroma of evil.
"The aroma of day-old lion shit, to be
specific,” said Alfred, pausing to toss sev-
eral small sirloin steaks to a pair of large
and vicious-looking pit bulls that followed
him wherever he walked.
“Just over the next hill, I have my big
cats, | have Siberian tigers, black cheetahs
and snow leopards. Beautiful animals
don't y
"Quite beautiful,” the African agreed
solemnly, softly caressing the bag around
his neck with his left hand.
"But [ suppose you'd be more interested
in seeing my two pairs of African lions.
Oh, yes, and the baby. Cute little thing. Just
able to walk around the cage with the big
lions. Нег mother's quite protective of her,
As they approached the big-cat cages,
the animals began to growl and howl with
such ferocity that the African couldnt help
swallowing hard. Alfred noticed this and
smiled with delight. “They haven't been
fed since day before yesterday" he said,
looking about in search of something.
"Ah, yes, there it i
He was referring to a large wooden box
that had apparently been deposited there
by one of his servants. He opened it and in-
side were several pounds of steaks and
roasts packed on ice. These he began toss-
ing into the cages. He first fed the snow.
leopards, then the black cheetahs and
finally the tigers before announcing that,
by some mistake, the servants hadn't left
enough food for the lions.
"Which, it seems," he said, turning to
face the African, “brings us to your second
little test. There is a bolted door at either
end of the lion cage. What 1 want you to do
is simply open the door on the left, step in-
to the cage, walk to the other door, open it
and walk out. If you come out the other
door alive, ГЇ throw a free Rolls-Royce
to the deal.” With that, he lighted ас
and began to chuckle to himself. He then
went to the wooden box and opened a side
compartment that contained a 30-06 rifle.
He loaded it and held out three bullets in
the palm of his hand.
“If you get in trouble, and if youre lucky,
ГИ make four perfect shots through the
bars of that cage before they tear open
your main arteries. Fair enough?”
“You are generous,” said the African,
trying to swallow one of the luck beads
despite his dry mouth.
“Have some Perrier from my canteen,”
Alfred offered cheerfully. The African
gulped down the water, then looked for a
moment as though he might be overcome
with nausea.
“Don't think I ever saw a black man go
green before, chief.” Alfred said, taunting
the lions by dangling a hunk of meat just
outside the bars.
“Please stop that,” said the African. "I'm
going. Just be sure you keep the larger fe-
male in your sights. She looks to be the
most dangerous.”
“Well, you sure know your big cats,” said
Alfred admiringly training his rifle on the
cage as the African quietly pulled back the
bolton the door.
As he stepped inside, the lions stopped.
growling and looked at him with wary sur-
prise. The African stood paralyzed by the
30 on. chiet.” shouted Alfred. "Walk"
But the African couldnt move. Then,
with a terrifying hint of their impending
attack, the lions began to crouch and growl
deep in their throats. Sull, the African
couldnt move. He merely closed his eyes
and clasped his hands, as if in prayer.
“Well, if you can't walk across, then get
the hell out, man!" shouted Alfred.
But the African was trembling. His
knees were locked. He knew the lions
smelled his fear. He knew they would be
upon him before he could turn around
At that moment, there came а great
howling and barking as Alfred's pit bulls
hurtled down the hill in pursuit of a
zigzagging jack rabbit. The jack rabbit,
mindful only of the dogs behind it, mo-
mentarily ignored what lay in front of it
and mistakenly leaped into the cage. The
streak of movement unleashed the coiled
energy that the big animals were about to
vent upon the African, and all four adult
lions rushed to the far corner of the cage
to participate in the capture and dismem-
berment of the hapless hare. In that brief
moment, the African managed to break
his paralysis, rush to the other door and
slip out just before the lions realized that
there was hardly enough rabbit meat to go.
“Your performance last night in the lion
cage was amusing," Alfred said to the
African the next morning as they boarded
Alfred's personal aircraft.
“For a man with deep confidence in his
luck beads," he continued, “you seemed
quite terrified. But I suppose that was for
my benefit?"
"The hody has its own instinctive fears,
you know,” replied the African, taking a
seat at the back of the small aircraft and
carefully adjusting the round hat atop his
head, which had been nudged askew by
the winds gusting across the landing strip.
“But tell me now; why have you brought
me to this airplane?
“TIL tell you later" Alfred yelled back
from the cockpit, “so meanwhile, enjoy
yourself. There's a cooler back there
beer, wine, caviar and sandwiches.”
The Africans reply was drowned by the
engines as Alfred began his take-off. The
African stretched out and dozed off with
his right hand clasped around the small
leather bag.
“Wake up,” said Alfred, hours later.
“We've crossed the Coral Sea.”
“Which means?” asked the Nigerian, sit-
ting up straight and adjusting his hat.
“Which means that we're over the Aus-
tralian mainland. Queensland territory,
to be specific. About a half hour from
“Explain yourself, sir,” said the African
impatiently. And then he noticed that Al-
fred was holding a pistol.
ve me the little bag,” said Alfred.
. - I can hardly believe that youre
doing this,” said the African, obviously
shaken. “L thought you were an honorable
man. | thought we had an agreement. You
were to give me three tests. If I passed
them, I would willingly give you the bag
and you would willingly give me the gold.
Now you wish to steal it from me and kill
You misjudge me, chief," said Alfred,
laughing. "L am giving you three tests.
You're about to take your third, asa matter
of fact. I don't intend to kill you with this
gun. It’s merely insurance."
“Against what?”
“Against the possibility thar you might
trv to get out of your third test. Would you
like to know what itis?”
"The African nodded.
“Well, you're going to jump out of this
airplane with no parachute, from a height
of seven thousand feet."
"But, sir," protested the African, "there
is no chance of my surviving such a fall. No
man could fall from this height and live.
To ask me to do that is a breach of con-
"Oh, no, it isn't. Would you agree that if
such a thing had ever been done before, it
wouldnt be impossible? Of course you
would. Well, it just so happens that accord-
ing to Ripley's Beli
miliar with that book? Anyway,
it says a man once survived a seven-thou:
sand-foot fall from an airplane. It has been
done once. Therefore, there is a chance,
however remote, that it might
again. Do you agree?"
ed at Alfred for a long
quietly, “Do you know
that you're quite mad?”
Alfred cuffed the man with his open
hand, grabbed him by the neck of his robe
and yanked him to his feet.
Mad, am 17 You superstitious Hotten-
tot! Dont tell me l'm mad when I have a
hundred and thirty million dollars on the
line! Men have killed for far, far less. I'm
merely making sure that what I'm trading
my money for is worth the price. Now, head
for that door, take your luck pill and give
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me the goddamn bag!"
Alfred waved the gun toward the cabin.
door just behind the cockpit and the
African obeyed him. He reached into the
leather pouch, extracted the last bead and
swallowed it. He gently removed the pouch
from his neck and s d softly as he
handed it to Alfred. Without saying a
word, Alfred yanked open the hatch,
shoved the African through the portal and
quickly struggled to reseal it. Having done
so, he rushed to the cockpit to regain con-
trol of the craft.
His only regret was that he hadnt had
enough time to confess that the story about
Ripleys Believe It or Not was a lie. He would
have loved to see the expression on the.
Africans face.
Two days later, back in his office in
downtown Denver, Alfred told his secre-
tary to hold his calls, then opened his top.
desk drawer and took out the brown-
leather bag. He noticed that his pulse
quickened, just as it did before sex or wi
ning at poker, as he loosened the draw-
string. But something was wrong. As hard
as he pulled, the bag wouldn't open. Al-
though nothing visible kept the aperture
dosed, it remained tightly sealed, as if in-
visible fingers were pressing it shut.
"hen he remembered the stipulation in
the contract that the bag be hung around
his neck.
The moment he did so, the mouth of the
bag unfolded softly, not unlike a flower.
Looking down into it, he saw a cluster of
tiny glowing capsules.
Tenderly he slipped his fingers into the
bag and removed one of the glowing
beads, swallowed it, then picked up the
telephone and called his bookie.
“Hello, George? Alfred. 1 want to put
ten grand on every long shot you can find.
I want the worst horses in every race at ev-
ery race track. 1 want the Іше on every un-
derdog sporis team, every bum prize
fighter and every lottery in the world. Oh,
play any number you want. It doesnt mat-
know it could cost me a comple of
million. I can afford it. Just do it."
He hung up and had his secretary re-
serve a table at his favorite restaurant.
As he settled into the back seat of his
luxuriously appointed limousine and
poured himself a spot of cognac, he ab-
sent-mindedly watched the other car:
cruising beside him on the highway, think-
ing to himself that he would very soon be
the richest man in the world. Only when he
noticed that the limo was speeding toward
the median strip did he realize that some-
thing was wrong. He yanked back the cur-
tain between himself and his chauffeur
and found the man slumped over the
1901 1 o Ee AJOS
€ 5
SS ly
2 a
rated from the front scat by a bulletproof
glass, there was nothing Alfred could do
but stare in horror as thc limousine vault-
ed the median strip and slammed into the
side of an 18-wheeler.
Two weeks later, as he recovered in the
hospital after surgery, the nurses had to in-
ject him with a tranquilizer when he re-
ceived a postcard from the African that
Sorry to hear about your bad luck.
Mine is fine. | fell into a large haystack
behind the country home of a very
nice physician from Sydney He treat-
ed me immediately for shock, then
rushed me to the nearest hospital. I
suffered only a broken wrist and an-
kle. I have collected the gold. Also the
Rolls-Royce you promised when I es-
caped your lions. Thank you for the
good sport.
Once Alfred calmed down, he phoned
his personal attaché and ordered him to
find the African and bring him to the hos-
pital immediately.
When the African arrived, sed as
usual in his striped robe and flat white hat,
Alfred became nearly apoplectic with rage
and the nurses wanted the African to
leave, but Alfred overruled them.
"The African took a seat at his bedside,
Available in King Size and IOOs.Full Taste and Lights.
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nodded and smiled.
“It didn't work!” yelled Alfred.
“No?” asked the African.
“Bullshit! I lost two million in long-shot
bets in one day! And on the very same god-
damned day I very nearly lost my life! How
the hell can you say that was good luck? [ts
the worst luck Гус ever had!”
“Precisely,” said the African.
sce, you bought a bag of luck, my
end," said the African, with tones one
might use to speak to a child. “I never said
the beads were all good luck. Half of them
good and half of them are bad, as a
matter of fact. The only way you can tell
which one youre taking is to wait and see
what happens to you. But, by a careful
process of elimination, you can eventually
know how many of each kind you have left.
If youre lucky"—he chuckled at his own
joke—“if you're as lucky as was I, you'll use
all the bad luck carly.
“You see," he continued, “I had already
had fourteen days of the worst luck a n
could have when I met yo nd I'd had
only ten days of good luck. So I knew what
my last four beads were:
As the Africans words sank deep into
Alfred's se
right in the bed and violently
leather pouch, wanting to fling it away. But
the moment he touched it, the leather
string lightened around his neck and
continued to tighten until he thought
he would suffocate. Then, just before he
passed out, it loosened. As he heaved for
breath, the African shook his head.
“Tsk, tsk, you didn't believe the c
did you? I told you that
off until youd used all the beads. Now do
you understand?’
Alfred nodded. And then, for the first.
time since he was a boy, he began to cry
Great gulping sobs burst out of him and he
buried his face in a pillow.
“There, there,” said the African sympa-
їһєпсайу, “I know exactly how you feel.
Here. Let me show you what Гуе been
through. Perhaps you'll feel better. You see
that my little finger is missing on my left
nd? That happened with my first bad-
luck bead. | have a scar on my stomach
from the second one, scars from bullet
holes in my buttocks from the third, I have
grafted skin on my right leg from the
fourth, a bit of steel plating in back of my
skull from the fifth.
Alfred waved for the African to stop.
“1... I believe you,” he said, blowing his
nose and wiping his eyes, "but isn't there
Suppose I just don't swal-
low any of the beads?"
You can do that, but if vou do, at the
end of two years, the bag will strangle you
1o death."
“Well, what about taking a bad luck and
a good luck together? Maybe they'll cancel
each other out.
“How will you know which is wl 1
could never tell them apart myself. No, sir,
there is no way out of it, There are two
consolations, however. The first is that no
matter how badly you may be injured by
the bad-luck beads, they will never kill
you. You may lose a limb or two, but you'll
always survive. The second is that if you
play your odds right, you can make more
of vour good luck than your bad luck
nakes of you. Do you get my gist?"
Alfred nodded forlornly, sighed and
d at the ceiling. After a moment, he
motioned to the African to leave him
alone. At the door, the African turned,
pressed his palms together and bowed.
“Good luck, chief,” he said, and then de-
parted with a broad smile.
The Africans smile angered Alfred,
and his anger jolted him out of his de-
spondency He sat up, sipped water from а
glass at his bedside and tried to think. He
thought until his brain grew tired and he
dozed off. When he awoke the following
morning, he knew what he had to do.
“It was so simple all along.” he said,
chuckling, as he carefully poured all 97 of
the little beads out of the pouch into the
palm of his left hand. He then reached for
the glass, lifted it to toast the African and
said, "Here's to luck, chief," tossed the
beads into his mouth and swallowed them
in one gulp.
He had reasoned that if he'd. already
taken one bad-luck bead, there was now
one more good-luck bead than bad in the
bag, and if every good-luck bead canceled
out a bad-luck one, the effect would be one
day of good luck.
rowing that he had only 24 hours
which to take advantage of his guaranteed
good fortune, he went to work on recoup-
ing his losses. He dialed his bookie
“George? Alfred. I want to place anoth-
er couple of million on long-shot bets.”
“The last time you asked me to do that, 1
thought you were ci Al,” said George,
“but now I figure you know what you're do-
ing. You must be the luckiest son of a bitch
in the world."
"What are you talking about? 1 lost ev-
ery goddamned bct the last timc. You told
me yourself day before yesterday that all
my horses ran last, all my dogs ran last,
all my teams went belly-up and all my box-
ers got their asses kicked. Plus which I to-
taled my Rolls and damned ncar totaled
“Ain't you read the papers, Al? Didn't
nobody call you and tell you about the six-
ty million? Didnt nobody in your organi-
zation tell you about the guys in the truck
you hit?
“What sixty million?”
“Well, ГЇЇ be,” said George, chuckling.
“The man makes headlines in every paper
in America and nobody tells him about it.
You ought to fire somebody for not telling
you, Al. Course, maybe your doctors didn't
want you to get excited. Anyway, sure, you
lost all those bets I told you about, but since
you told me to buy you lottery tickets, 1
bought you a thousanı every state with a
louery and I bought you some numbers in
the Irish sweepstakes. The drawings were
yesterday and you hit the jackpot in New
Jersey and Illinois. You got mil from.
Jersey and four mil from Illinois. But the
ass kicker is that you won the Irish sweeps
for fifty. Fifty million big ones. baby!
"What?" said Alfred, stunned.
“Its in all the afternoon papers, Al. You
ought to be hearing from the newspaper
nd television people іп a couple of hours.
You're the first man in history to hit three
multimillion-dollar lotteries on the same
day. Not to mention your crimc-buster act
ie buster? What the hell are you
talking about, George?"
“Jeez, you really ought to fire somebody
for not kceping you informed, Al. The
truck you hit with your Rolls was filled
with stolen goods. You know where from?
From your Midnight Roundup warehous-
es, that's where. There was a gang of guys
who worked for you who'd been robbing
you blind for the past six months. The two
in the truck you slammed confessed and
the cops busted the whole bunch. They
could have ruined your business if they'd
kept it up for another year or so. But,
thanks to your fabulous luck, your acci-
dent is sending them all to the slammer.
‘That was in this mornings paper. You
didnt know about that either? You really
ought o”
But Alfred had already hung up. Не
stumbled out of bed and limped painfully
to the toilet vehere, shoving a finger down
his throat, he tried to vomit up the beads.
But, as he feared, it was too late. He
heard the whine of the hospital's smoke
alarms, then he smelled smoke and heard
people running through the corridors out-
side his room, shouting "Fire!" He tried to
open the bathroom door, but something
was blocking it. Frantic with fear, he
rammed his shoulder against the door,
beat his fists upon it and shricked for
someone to get him out until he collapsed
on the floor.
And there, as he laid his head on the
cool tiles, he realized why the door
wouldnt open.
The little brown pouch was crammed
under it, acting as a doorjamb
The firemen rescued him just in time to
save fe. He required plastic surgery.
and skin grafts for the third-degree burns
he had suffered, but he survived, just as
the African said he would.
And for the rest of his life, Alfred
‘Toomey Ш never gambled again. When
George asked him why he explained,
"George, there are two ways to make a lot
of money. One is to work hard and invest
what you and the other is to have a
lot of luck. I can afford to work hard, but I
can't afford luck, Its too expensive.”
George didn't understand, but Alfred
. He kept the little brown bag in a glass
case on his desk as a reminder.
(continued from page 129)
sexual experience you can recall? In what
ways do you think it has had a positive or a
negative influence on your life?
“When you are attracted to someone
and another person begins to show a lot of
interest in him or her, does it strengthen
your feelings? Has such a competitive urge
ever led you to believe you were more in
love with someone than you actually were?
«If a month before your wedding your
wealthy fiancé(e) suggested drawing up
a prenuptial agreement specifying the
financial terms of a divorce, how would
you react? What kind of terms would be
fair in such an agreement?
* If your sexual rapport with your part-
ner began to deteriorate, would you try to
find the underlying causes or deal directly
with the sexual problem?
*Arc you more attracted to people
whose personalities are similar to yours or
different? What differences attract you
and why?
- When was the last time you made love
so spontaneously you wouldn't have pre-
dicted it a half hour before? What atti-
tudes lead to such surprises? What ones
keep them from happening?
* How do you react when someone gives
you the eve in a public place? In what situa-
tions do you flirt, and why do you do it?
* If you could watch a video of yourself
making love, would you want to?
+ What in someone's life—for example,
religion, profession, ethnic background,
age. health problems, marital history—
would keep you from marrying a person
you had fallen in love with?
* When you have sex with someone for
the first time, do you feel you are making
an implicit commitment, even if nothing is
stated? H so, what is that commitment, and
how does it change if your intimacy contin-
ues for a number of weeks or months?
* If you were dating several people and
one of them sent you a love note and
flowers, would you hide them or display
them openly? If asked about them, would
you explain their origin to the others?
* Would you rather your lover become
loudly angry for a few hours or quietly an-
noyed for a few days? When your lover is
angry with you and won't admit it, how do
you know?
* At what periods in your life have you
been most vulnerable to the temptations of
an affair, and what were you sccking from
another person at those times? Haye you
ever seriously contemplated and then con-
sciously avoided an affair? If so, what
stopped you?
* How many times have you been with
someone you thought you would be with
forever? Can you remember the exact mo-
ment you realized that you and your part-
ner were right for each other?
* What is the difference between being
in love and being infatuated? Do you be-
lieve in love at first sight? Have you ever
fallen in love because you craved the intox-
icating feelings of being in love?
* What that your partner does makes you
feel most loved? Do you think your partner
is aware of this?
*Have you ever loved someone you
didn't respect? If so, did it make you re-
spect yourself le:
= What were the best lovemaking experi-
ences you remember? What made them so
special for you?
* Have you ever spent a lot of money on
an evening whose primary focus was to get
someone to have sex with you? If so, what
would you have done if you had known you
could be successful only by giving that per-
son the money directly? Have you ever had
sex with someone because the person was
very generous to you? If so,what if you had
instead been offered the money directly?
+ How does it make you feel when your
partner complains that you don't listen ог
express yourself enough?
«If you had been seeing someone for a
few weeks and you were attracted to each
other, do you think you would be more
likely to get married if you started sleeping
together or if you resisted doing so? If you
wanted to have sex and the other person
refused, how long would it take you to con-
sider ending the romance?
Hello my name Is Jetlery DeMarco, president and
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thesis concerned the cannabinoid prole сі mari
Juana Tre Wnowiesge gained thiough Ihis
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bibliography ever created. Then I went irto the
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federal license, and designed Ihe most
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inthe world called the PHDTOTRON and 1)
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Тһе Phototron is not presented to the public.
a piece of paraphernalia tended for the
unlawful production of manjuana, The system.
мәз designed 10 grow any plani. The pnvale
‘cultivation cl marijuana has been ilegal under
‘umverous state and federal laws since 1926 Mar
juana can only be grown legally with a federal
license 1 опу under sucha license al the time
techniques. as | did. a similarity soon becomes
apparent. Every system betore tne Protoon Nas
attempted to duplicate а tropical climate, such
as Hiwal's, in a confined мек 1 suggest thet
when you finaly achieve the re-creation of Hawaii,
you can бо ne batier than Hovali results
In Inet vou will grow the plant sis (6 to nine
(9) months with an average six (6j inch Intermodal
шең (he distance beeen Writing ses That
will produce a rating ratio at the tops ol ha plant
quei 10 only len percent OTs), Ninety percent
(90% cl the plant materials uusable and Me
lanis are куле оп aar harvest in preparation
for planting the next стор.
тәгеедей every forty ve
rature ot ih
zonally servi
routinely. Then, Н you have any questions, you
may сай те dieci Ask your question. Get your
You сап not fali with my Phototron. | бо net
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Only DeKuyper? has the flavors ittakes tolaunch such uncom-
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Mint-Tea-Go-Bay: 115 oz. DeKuyper Peppermint Schnapps; fill with fresh brewed tea; blend with ice: add a sprig of mint.
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hat's the most mundane accessory in the male
wardrobe? Probably the key chain. All too often,
it's just a ring that has as much personality as a
doorknob. So since you have to carry one, why
not flaunt it and go for some style? A good key chain should
feel right without overpowering your person. (Is that a key
chain in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?) It can
reflect your hobbies or sport the marque of your favorite
wheels or even designer initials. And if you really want to
make an impression that will open doors, have your spare
home key cut from a gold blank, such as the Tiffany one pic-
tured here. Whoever you give one to will be sure not to lose it.
Below, left to right: Miniature 18-kt.-gold golf cart with clubs that permanently stay in the golf bag, from Asprey, New York, $1270; and a gold
key blank, from Tiffany, Beverly Hills, $275. Silver-plated key ring with gold-plated accenting, from Cartier, Chicago, $280. Georg Jensen-de-
signed stainless-steel key ring, from Sointu, New York, $23. Sterling-silver-and-enamel Maserati key chain, from T. Anthony, New York, $130.
Brass-and-leather key fob, from Mark Cross, Inc., Chicago, $45. Sterling-silver Social Security key ring for engraving, from Tiffany, $65.
Suits Her to a T
Norwegian actress MARIANNA MOEN can
fill a T-shirt. She can also act. Marianna had
five successful movies under her belt when
she migrated to Hollywood. She managed to
parlay a European Love Boat episode into a
supporting role in the new film Fate. Mari-
anna's sold on America now and plans to
stay. We're sold on Marianna. See how well
things work out?
The responsi
BILLY IDOL into a bore. No, si
Lister's birthday bash, Billy sang and
checked out the dancers, This one
checked out fine.
Ain't Nothing
Like the Real Thing
are for real.
islen to their smash debut
album, Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars, or catch them
‘on tour with Don Henley. Says Edie, “1 don't consider myself
some ‘woman in rock,’ 1 consider myself a part of a good band.”
Delightful, Delicious, Delia
Actress DELIA SHEPPARD is a dish. She recently finished her
first starring role ina dark-comedy version of Body Heat called
Sexbomb, about (are you ready?) sex, werewolves and rock
androlL Delia also appears in the movies Born on the Fourth of
July and Young Rebels. We're ready for Delia!
Much More than a Pretty Face
Singer/choreographer PAULA ABDUL has talent and beauty.
Her album Forever Your Girl went double platinum. She
choreographed scenes in Coming to America and is now
working on the choreography for Meryl Streep's version of
Evita. A new album will be out next year. Paula's hot.
He Gives
Hip Lip
Admit it. Youve
been flipping your
TV dial late at night.
Ted talks too much,
Johnny's never
home, Pat's a little
goofy, Jay only visits,
and that leaves your.
most interesting
choice, ARSENIO
HALL. He's warm,
smart, funny and a
cool dude.
луамзлянун э
Joey Adams is the author of more than 50 books
on humor, and he has been a "court jester" to the
White House for four Administrations. If that.
isn't enough to make you laugh, Adams has just.
written Guaranteed to Make You Laugh, a "one-
volume library of all-ncw jokes, toasts, roasts and
one-liners,” published by Wynwood Press. The
subjects covered range from absent-minded peo-
ple (“I once suffered from senility—but I forgot
about it”) to worst jokes (“The penalty for bigamy
is two mothers-in-law"). The price: $16.95. Ha!
Looking for something offbeat to perk up your
coffee table? Try Body Packaging, by Julian
Robinson, a profusely illustrated hardcover histo-
ry of the evolution of sexual display in clothing
styles and popular adornment. The book begins
with the origins of clothes and continues covering
everything from codpieces to crinolines right up
to the final eye-popping prediction of what
women will be w Body Packaging costs
$28.95, postpaid, um Growth Press,
700 Robinson Road, Topanga, California 90290.
The late Alberto Vargas originally painted He Loves Me, pictured
above, back in the Thirtics. And Playboy later reproduced it in Jan-
чагу 1968 as part of The Vargas Girl, a homage to "four decades
of beauty by Playboys nonpareil portrayer of voluptuous feminine
pulchritude.” Now Playboy and Mirage Editions, Inc., 1658 Tenth
Street, Department 711, Santa Monica, California 90404, are offer-
ing prints of He Loves Me in a limited issue printed in a 19-
color lithographic process on 100 percent archival paper. Each
measures 29%" x 21%”, and no prints will be produced after Sep-
tember 30, 1989. The price is $75, postpaid (except for foreign
orders), For credit-card orders outside California, call 800-228-
5819; inside California, call 213-450-2240.
Stetson’s Indiana Jones hat has
been around since Raiders of
the Lost Ark came out some
years ago. But now, to coincide
with the opening of the third
film, Indiana Jones and the Last
Crusade, Stetson has begun
marketing it in a major way
The hat is a brown fedora with
a 2%" brim. The price: $75.
And since it has an official In-
diana Jones lining, you know
this Stetson is going to become
a collector's item; so try not to
sweat when you go searching
for fortune and glory.
The Performance Running audio cassette
is like having a full-time track coach jog-
ging at your elbow. Just pop it into your
personal stereo and take off with a synco-
pated musical running pace pulsating in
your head. Subliminal suggestions woven
into the sound track ак per-
formance. If you run a ten-minute mile,
order the Beginning Tape. An eight-
minute mile calls for the Intermediate
one, and if you can pound out a six-
minute mile, go for the Advanced num-
ber. All are $15.95 cach sent to Outerskin
Performance, PO. Bo:
California 9021975
7, Beverly Hills,
Cox & Kings, a British travel company
founded in 1758, has finally gotten
around to opening an office in the Big
Apple, at 511 Lexington Avenue,
York 10017 (it's in the Lexington Hotel).
And it's a jolly good thing for us that it
did, because Cox & Kings offers some ter-
trips. Its catalog of grand tours will
take you to imperial Morocco, Russia
for Easter or the desert castles of
Jordan—and you should,
you'll go in Injah,
If youre planning a trip to
Chicago and want to stay in a
Euro-style tech hotel as sleck
and slick as a Porsche on the
autobahn, try Hotel 21 East at
21 East Bellevue in the heart of
the Rush Street night-club dis-
trict. Rooms all feature a CD
player and a VCR (witha library
of dises apes avail-
style custom shower stall and
a steeping bath, plus a well-
stocked minibar. Rates begin at
$170. Suites are $235 to $255
and penthouses are $400 to
$500. For hotel reservations,
call 800-443-2100.
You say you have 100,000 miles
in United’ ;ePlus plan,
50,000 in American's AAdvan-
tage program and 10,000 in
Вгапі 5 Get-It-All account,
and vou don't know which way
10 fly first? Turn your troubl
over to Frequent Flyer Man-
agement Company, à new outfit
at PO. Box 4850, Louisville,
Kentucky 40204, that helps
viduals get
the maximum benefit from air-
line, hotel and other travel-
award programs. The annual
fee is $70, and a call to 800-
458-1828 will get you all the in-
formation to get you to your
destination. Up, up and away!
From the historic Cristall Dis-
Шегу in Moscow comes
Stolichnaya Cristall, a limited-
edition ultrapremium vodka
thats r than a capitalist іп
the Kremlin. Cristall is
tilled from winter wheat and
ade with glacial waters that
ге polished and filtered by
special processes the Ru:
are nyet likely to reveal, even in
the age of glasnost. A limited
amount of Cristall is being
ported into the U.S. by
lonsieur Henri Wines, and
vou spot a bottle, give it а
shot—preferably ice cold taken
straight or on the rocks. Since
Cristall is priced about $20 а
bottle, we won't be mixing it
with bouillon, comrade!
The Cold-Filtered
Fact Sheet.
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HOBBIES: 4 CTIA, hee Skating о.
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