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The most remarkable people in this world don't appear on movie screens 
or in sports arenas or on television tubes. They drive cabs and work in 
offices and operate machinery. They’re just ordinary people like us who 

happened to have experienced something extraordinary. And survived. 

Pilot Hank 
Dempsey fell out of an 
airplane at 2,500 feet when 
a rattling door he was checking 
suddenly opened. He hung onto 
stairs outside the plane and was 
inches from the runway when his co- 
pilot landed twenty minutes later. 
Hank is wearing our flight watch, 
the Timex Zulu Time: It has 
three time zones, and 
costs about $60. 


990 Tne Co orth el rawr a 2038-8403. 

William Lamm 
was scuba diving when he 
was sucked into an offshore 
water intake pipe for a nuclear 
power plant. He travelled 1,650 feet at 
50 miles per hour before he was spat 
into a canal at the power station. Bill 
is wearing a water-resistant Timex 
men’s watch. Appropriately, its 
hands glow in the dark. It 
costs about $45. 

gin Шк 
as Rodney Fox & 
was attacked Буа 1,200- у 
^, pound Great White Shark. He 
4s. fought off the shark by gouging © 
its eyes, but not before it tore open ^ 
Z his entire upper torso, requiring 500 © 
m stitches. He still has a scar the shape X 
of the shark's jaws. Rodney is wear- ^ 
7. ing the water-resistant Timex < 
© Ironman" Triathlon’ watch. © 
It costs about $45. ш 

Tax © 


o uw Tre cor To era o me ea ae 


Keith Morton and two of his greatest pleasures in life. 

The water ski he’s basically lived on since he was 15. And comfortable jeans. 


LAYBOY OrENS the holiday season with a look at what we some- 
nes forget is the impetus behind all the baubles and lights in 
mber. Garry Wills, our keenest student of Presidential elec 
minds us in Under God (also the title of his new book 
h this article was adapted) that religion is not only alive 
d well but growing in America—and remains a potent force in 
s out that in ten Americans have never 
doubted the existence of God. Eight in ten believe in a Judgment 
Day Seven in ten believe in life after death. This article (illustra 
ed by Roger Brown) underscores a notion we don't always recog- 
nize: Religion does not waver, only the attention of the observer 
does. Or put it another way: As you sit down to watch the Super 
Bowl next month, remember that more people go to church on 
1 attend all professional sports events combined. 

y cheer, we sent Diek Lochte to intervi 
Jay leno, a тап who spends more than half his nights“on the 
road, making people laugh. ing is just part of the job.” 

a but I don't think people want to hear some comedian 
ning about how bad lile is. “Hey, you're at the Marriott! You're 
getting paid a lot of dough! Shut up, please" " He deserves every 


penny. As we were going to press, Jay was planning to do USO. 
concerts in the Persian Gulf. Can you imagine Leno of Arabia on 
the back of a Vincent Black Shadow, riding across the desert 

sands? And you thought Vegas was tough? 

E. Jean Carroll's last piece for Playboy was titled In Search of 
Primitive Man, about her venture into the jungles ol New 
Guinea. She has continued the trek from Stone Age village 10 
electronic village with her revealing profile of Peter Jennings in 
The Kiss of the Anchor Man. That's righi—we said kiss. Because 
behind that trusty, lantern-jawed, silver-voiced 
heart of a sexy guy: Just ask the women in his life; our wr 
nd came up with some lip-smacking insights. The art 
sed un research for a book of imerviews on TV news to be pub- 
lished next year. We wonder what the women in Brokaws and 
Rather's lives have to say, 

The holidays are also an occasion for a triple-bill fiction y 
aye. Consider them the ghosts of Christmas past, Christa 
present and Christmas future. Stanley Elkin brings us Christe 
past with The MacGuffin, an excerpt from his new novel pub- 
lished by Simon & Schuster. The story looks at the coming 
groanings of courtship inthe Fifties and the h ro expla 
he ended up marrying his college sweetheart: “Because he loved 
her, because no one could hold his tongue in som 
100 nights without developing a ce 
id as a whole, the neck and everythi 
people look back at the Fifties as a time of 
n. Elkins wry story will remind you of 
ES best known as th 
es us а blackly humor 
ion of the present. Gibberich fecu dig ihe col 
Ken Phipps. who wakes up to find that he cant understand a 
word any nd that the people around him misun- 

me else's 

vouth for 80 out of the pi 
п fondness for the he: 

rested on. 

od old davs. Thomas 

come from the Grimm imagi 
Maybe Phipps should 
lips” line. Fora 

ty tales, provides the 
sident Bush's “Read my 
spirit, we give voi 

ply Orsinian Tales. She uses the lens of fiction to respond to the 
events that have swept Europe in the past year. Freedom is 
the ultimate Christmas. present. Her mythical Orsini, long 
repressed, opens up; its citizens, apprehensive and hopeful. 
react, The last scene, of crowds gathered in the square. 





Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), December 1990, volume 37 nu 
680 North Lake Shor 

Subscriptions: in the U.S., $26 for 

12 issues. Postma 

до, Hlinois 60611. Second-class postage paid 
ter: Send address cha 

ational and regional editions, Playboy, 
chicago, Ilinois, and at additional mailing offices. 
gc to Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, lowa 51537-4007. 









keys to create a silvery hymn to freedom, isa vision you will carry 
into the future. Mel Odom supplied the visuals. 

In Hooked on the Andaman Sea, Al Goldstein, the notorious jour 
+ hedonist, boulevardier and weightloss victim, heads off to 
Thailand in search of the perfect trophy sailfish. What he catch- 
es and what he learns while chasing the big one should inspire 
the sportsman in all of us. Now we hear Goldsteins running lor 
sherifi—of Втома lorida—on a First Amendment 
ticker. You nemh mendment: Is the one that lets 
you get Playboy. say what you please and meet with whomever 
you like. Robert Scheers Reporters Notebook looks at a potential 
ia of the new conservat 
al liberty has a blind spot 
сез, urging state intrusion into 
oncerned that with the defrost 
ing of the Cold War, the se for new enemies and new war: 
will turn inward. Will gay-bashing replace Red-baiting? Maybe 
we should all make a holiday resolution: Until sexual freedom. 
ranteed for all, it exists for none. 
nough seriousness. Next thing you know, well be asking vou 
to give your Christmas bonus to charity. Actually, we talked with 
only one—the folks at NASA. If our space cadets had the budget 
of. say the SEL bail-out, what would they spend it on? Our spy in 
the sky gives us stocking stullers for the high-tech ser. What 
about gifts in the less-than-12-figure category? Contributing Edi- 
tor Kevin Cook, golf nut. Rotisserie League ut © guy as 
sembled a list of the Best Gifts Ever Given. Articles Editor John 
Rezek put together a travel feature lor people who are Not Home 
for the Holidays, about where to get away from the madding 
crowds. Free-lance writer, home owner and stand-up comedian 
Robert S. Wieder contributes a nifty feature: Celebrity Christmas 
Cards, with holiday wishes from ıl ch and famous. Since 
Wieder is neither rich nor famous but would like to be both, he 
asked us to tell the world that he is performing comedy at the 
Holy City Zoo in San № isco on December 14 and 15, and that 
he could use a plug, (Gee, that was easy. Maybe we should audi- 
tion lor Jay Leno’ job.) According to Wieder, ihe Chrisumas-card 
gig worked out so well he is creating a light opera based on the 
suicide notes of historical figures. 

Forget what other people want for Christmas. We know what 
stocking stuffers we like: Most of them are celebrated in Jim Har- 
woods annual Sex Stars feature, for which Assistant Photo Editor 
Potty Beaudet collected the pictures. Since you've been very good 
this year, we added a 20 Questions with Elizabeth Perkins (Tom 
Hanks’s sexy co-star in Big) and a pictorial on Sherilyn Fenn, 
Peaks and knotted cherry stems. Barry Hollywood snapped the 
shutter gathered the inside information for 
Fenn-tastic! Rounding out the visual treats—A Field Guide to the 
Birds of Britain, shot by photographer Byron Newman, and a 
smashing Playmate, Morgen Fox. Christmas is the time of year 
when we yield to the most craven materialistic fantasies. Doing 
our part to fuel capitalism and show the spoils of the Cold War 
we present our annual Christmas Gift Guide (photographed by 
Don Azuma) and something that will really ignite stuff lust, a look 
through Contributing Photographer Richard fzui's lens at Million 
Dollar Babies. Remember when you had wet dreams over the 
1962 F 250 GTO Berlinetta, which at $19,5 
a whole years salary? One just sold for almost $11,000,000, Our 
поточе expert Ken Gross discusses the phenomenon and 
points outa few collectibles worth acquiring now. Face it, the cost 
of adrenaline has spiraled over the years. Now a pair of high per 
form id for your first car 
But they are worth Fashion Editor Hellis Wayne's 
Powder Play (a dow nd-ge 
perience a white Christmas in style) 

Tired of Christmas carolers? Turn to the Playboy Jazz and Rock 
Poll, ill it out and put it in the m; Enter the Hall of Fame 
sweepstakes for the chance to win a Volkswagen Corrado, Want 
lay spirit? Study Glas Act, John Oldcostle's sampling of premi- 
um vodkas, pour one, pull up a chair and settle down for 3. B. 
Handelsmon’s "lias the Night Before Christmas. We've tried to 
make this a holiday issue you'll never forget 


of Tuin 

r collection to let you ex- 



Р... introduces the 
Single Hand Movie” Palmcorder” 
and its revolutionary new 
digital image stabilizer. 

Ironically, as camcorders get 
smaller and easier to carry, they're 
becoming harder to hold steady. 
The slightest shake in your hand 
shows up in your home videos. 
The new Single Hand Movie 
Palmcorder, PV-40, 



all that. Its 


ary new 

Digital EIS 


can hold 

the picture 

steady even 

if your hand 

shakes. Yet 

despite its 

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technology, it's small enough to fit 
in the palm of your hand. 

And with the Palmcorder there's 
no need to make special connec- 
tions to watch your home videos. 
You just slip the 90-minute cas- 
sette in the PlayPack adapter, 
which then slides into your VHS 
recorder. And you can show your 
home videos on any of the 60 
million VHS recorders out there. 

The new Panasonic Palmcorder. 
Its size is unbelievable. Its tape is 
VHS compatible. Its new image 
stabilizer can steady shakes that 
were once unavoidable. So getting 

VHS anything else would 
be unthinkable. BI 

BUS. 380 


st slightly ahead of our time! 






MEN... - ASA BABER 34 

THE PLAYBOY FORUM. ee m Brit Birds 
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: JAY LENO—condid conversation . 57 

„text by GLENN O'BRIEN 82 

UNDER GOD—article 
FENN-TASTICI— pictorial 

NOT HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS—travel......................... JOHN REZEK 104 

Gorbled Gab 

MILLION-DOLLAR BABIES—modern living . P " -.KEN GROSS 110 

2151 CENTURY FOX—playboy’s playmate of the кой. m 122 
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor ................... H EXIT 
WHAT NASA WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS .................. iene 1156 
POWDER PLAY fashion. 3 уе... HOLLIS WAYNE 162 
SEX STARS OF 1990— pictorial... .. -............. text by JIM HARWOOD 170 
PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE ...................... 245 


Meet Sherilyn Fenn, the femme fatale of Twin Peaks wha used her magic 
tongue and a cherry stem to create ane of TV's sexiest moments. Our caver 
was produced by West Caast Photo Editor Marilyn Grabowski, styled by L.A. 
Reps Denise Steiner and shot by Barry Hollywood. Thanks to Profiles Paul 
Starr far Sherilyn's make-up, L.A. Reps Angelo Di Biose for her hair and Butler 
8 Wilson, L.A., for her elegant jewelry. Our Robbit adds splash to the sash. 


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ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director 
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor 
TOM STAEBLER art direclor 
GARY COLE photography director 


senior editor; FICTION: ALICE K TURNER editor 
MODERN LIVING: bwin STEVENS senior edi 
lor; Ер WALKER associate editor: BETH TOMRIW as 
sistant edito, TERESA GROSCH associate 
PETERSEN senior staf] writer: BRUCE KLUGER, BAR 
BARA NELLIS KATE NOLAN associate editors: Юну 
LUSK traffic coordinator; FASHION: HOLLIS WAYNE 
editor: WENIN GRAY assistant editor; CARTOONS: 
editor; LAURIE ROGERS assistant editor: MARY ZION 
senior researcher; LEE BRAUER, CAROLYN BROWNE 

KERIG POPE managing director: CHET SUSKL LEN 
WILLIS senior directors: BRUCE HANSEN. ERIC SNOP: 
sure associate directors; KRISTIN KORJENEK. JOSEP! 
PACZEK assistant directors; KELAY CURIE junior di 
recov; ANN МЕШИ. senior keyline and paste-up 
artist; BILL. BENWAY, PAUL CHAN ar assistants 

managing editor: LINDA KENNEY. JAMES LARSON 
MICHAEL ANN SULLIVAN associate editors; PATTY 
BEAUDEL asustan? editor; POMPEO POSAR senior 
staff photographer, STEVE CONWAY assistant photog- 
NEWMAN. STEPHEN WAYDA contributing photogra- 
phers; SHELAE WELLS stylist: STEVE LEVITT color 
lab supervisor: JONS coss. business manage 

JOHN. MASTRO director; MARIA MANDIS manager; 
RITA JOHNSON assistant managers JODY JURGELO, 

BARBARA CUTAN subscription circulation diec 
Jor; ROMERT ODONNELL retail marketing and sales 
director: STEVE M COMEN communications director 

JEFFREY D MORGAN associate ad director; SALES 
MEISNER midwest, PAUL VURCOVI E. nean york 

MIKE OSTROWSKI correspondents 


EILEEN KENT editorial services manager; MARGIN 
TERRONES rights G permissions. administrator 



executive officer 



by Dauid Cornell 

THE UNICORN. Fabulous creature of 
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And whose eternal spirit is now 
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Created by an acclaimed British 
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Available now — exclusively 
from The Franklin Mint. $120. 


Please mail by December 31, 1990. 
Limit: One sculpture per order 

The Franklin Mint + Franklin Center, Pennsylvania 19091 

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m arproximately actual size of C" in height se 


Tiny Tim Holiday Songs 

You always come back to the basics. 

í m 



Until I read Lawrence Linderman's 

Playboy Interview with Rickey Henderson 
in the September issue, 1 had always 
thought of Henderson as nothing more 
than a talented hot dog without a func- 
tional brain cell. I was truly startled to 
scover how bright this guy is and how 
articulate he can be. His description of a 
good lead-off batter's job—trying to get 
the opposing pitcher to show every pitch 
he has so that he can tell his teammates 
what to look for—is classic. I coach a 
pony-league baseball team every sum- 
mer and from now on, I'm going to give 
every kid who leads off for me a copy of 
Henderson's description of his job. 

Lee Thomas 

Los Angeles, California 

1 was amazed and touched that a man 
with such a gargantuan ego as Rickey 
Henderson's could actually break down 
in tears when discussing the death of 
Billy Martin. However, I wonder if, were 
the situation reversed, Martin would 
have cried over the loss of Henderson. 
Frank Allen 
Washington, D.C. 


In his article "Keeping the Sin Out 
in the August Forum, 
Stephen Chapman states, "This pol 
[prosecuting purveyors of ‘objection- 
able’ material] gets noticed in the rest of 
the country only in exceptionally absurd 

Long before the Robert Mapple- 
thorpe exhibition, local “authorities” 
were abridging the rights of artists to ex- 
press and create. In 1970, I (then a high 
school art teacher in Fulton, New York, 
working on my master's at SUNY, Os- 
wego) was instructed by a school admin- 
istrator to forbid my students to work 
with the colors red, white and blue, be- 
cause those were the colors of our coun- 
try. I was also told to keep a "suspects 
list” and that [ must report all student 
confidences to him. I was warned that if 

1 didn't do those things, he would see 
that I never worked again. 

The place to look for tyrants in Amer- 
ica is not in Washington but in the small 
towns across the nation, where “the pol- 
icy gets noticed only in exceptionally ab- 
surd cases.” 

Many good people are silenced and 
relegated to obscurity, their credibility 
destroyed by the lies and innuendoes of 
petty tyrants armed with the authority of 
school principal, school superintendent, 
county sheriff, town supervisor, highway 
superintendent or, perhaps, arts-council 
president. Alexis de Tocqueville warned 
more than 100 years ago that Amer- 
ica might become a nation of petty 
tyrants. Forums such as yours provide a 
valuable—indeed, precious—vehicle in 
which to fight such abuses. 

Archie Q. White, President 
and Executive Director 

County Arts Council 

Hebron, New York 


The article Captive Honor, by Geoffrey 
Norman, in the September issue tells an 
incredible story. Unfortunately, the story 
continues. On the day that our POWs 
were released, the Vietnamese checked 
off their names as they went to the table 
and the Americans did the same, How 
ever, the American team had the names 
of more than 70 additional men (the 
so-called discrepancy cases) who were 
thought to be alive and in the prison sys- 
tem. Not one of them has been returned 

Nearly 600 men disappeared in Laos. 
The Laotians claimed on many occa- 
sions to have American prisoners. To 
this day, not one has come home. 

A $2,400,000 reward, pledged by 21 
Congressmen and a few businessmen, 
has been offered to any Asian who re- 
turns an American POW. 

On October 3, 1988, a reporter and I 
were captured in Laos passing out mon- 
ey with the reward message stamped on 
it. We were held for 41 days and then 

гувох SEN 0033-1476, DECEMBER 1000. VOLUME T 
ONG оет BURSCNITONS: $78 ron M eves US CAMADA, 338 FOR 13 ЕБ 

pr dap e IR 






On Mercury $ 

Compoct Disc, Cassette 

end LP. 


Free “Man in the Chair” poster. 
To get a free “Man in the Chair” poster, look for the coupon in specially- 
marked Maxell XLII 2-pack polybags at participating dealers. 



The Tape That Delivers 
90 Higher Performance. 


expelled from the country. 

I am enclosing a copy of a Defense 
Intelligence Agency cable dated Novem- 
ber 1988, the time of my release. It de- 
scribes how a Laotian went to the Joint 
Casualty Resolution Center in the U.S. 
embassy in Bangkok, told them he had 
260 Americans in his camp, provided 
photographs of nine of them and asked 
how to get the reward. He was told not 
to be too quick believe every rumor 
one hears. 

When 1 asked the agency's Colonel 
Joseph Schlauer about the cable, he 
claimed that the DIA had never received 
any photos and that the information w: 
unverifiable. He explained away ev 
thing except why an agency of our G 
ernment was discouraging the return of 
American Servicemen who had been 
abandoned long ago by implying to pco- 
ple in Asia that the reward was just a 

The final chapter has yet to be writ 

Jim Copp 
Hampstead, North Carolina 

Your article on the POWs is incom- 
plete in that it makes no mention of the 
POWs who are sull held captive in 
Southeast Asia. 

In my work as a POW activist, 1 have 
met many returned POWs and have 
scen a common bond among all of them: 
their overpowering concern for their 
countrymen who have not yet returned. 
Many, such as Red McDai 
Senator Jeremiah Denton, have devoted 
their lives to the frustrating task of ob- 
taining the release of our POWs. 

Perhaps their plight is a subject for a 
other article, but at least they should be 
given honorable mention. 

Gloria Pollard, Colorado Coordinator 

The Release Foundation 

Meeker, Colorado 


We are sure everyone in the U.S. is 
aware of the current Persian Gulf crisis 
and the American troops in the Middle 
East. We, the pilots of the 33rd Tactical 
Fighter Squadron, are among those over 
here to defend and execute U.S. inter- 
ests and policies. 

We are not wri „ though, to talk 
about the political situation but to thank 
Playboy and Miss December 1989, Petra 
Verkaik, for helping us make the longest 
(16% hours) nonstop flight in history in 
single-engine, single-seat fighter 
craft. Very few people understand what 
it takes to complete a flight like that. 
One thing that all pilots are familiar 
with is check lists. Well, intermixed 
throughout our deployment check lists 
that detail air routes, in-flight refueling 
points, emergency divert bases and navi- 
gation points were pictures of Miss De- 
cember. As some of us were about to fall 

asleep before our 12th air-to-air refuel- 
ing, a glance at the well-proportioned 
Playmate gave us the energy and moti- 
vation to stay alert! Across the Atlantic, 
over the Strait of Gibraltar, over Sar- 
dinia, Italy, Greece, Egypt, the Red Sea 
and on to our final destination, Petra 
traveled with us in the most combat- 
capable, sophisticated fighter in the 
world—the F- 16. 

33rd Tactical Fighter Squadron 

APO New York, New York 

Always glad to do our part for our men 

overseas, guys. 

Shortly after 1 received my September 
issue of Playboy, I read about the death 
of B. Kliban, the cat creator and fre- 
quent contributor to Playboy. Kliban al- 
ways made me laugh. I'm sure I echo 
the sentiments of many other readers 
who enjoyed his cartoons in saying that 
Kliban will be missed. 
John Shellenberg 
Offutt AFB, Nebraska 
We, too, regret the loss of such a talented 
cartoonist. However, you and other fans 
should know that we're planning a Кап 
retrospective for our January issue, including 


corer SP vast 
Siria MEA 

some of his funniest cartoons published 
m Playboy over the past two decades. You 
can also be heartened by the knowledge that 
Playboy owns a sizable collection of his un- 
published cartoons, so we'll be able to keep his 

wonderfully mordant vision alive for many is- 
sues lo come. 


While Gary Cole is proudly cari 
the flame lit by the late Anson Mount, 
needs to pay a little more attention to 
this year's N.EL. play-off changes in for- 
mat (Playboy's Pro Football Forecast, 
September). Three teams, not two, from 
each conference are being included as 
wild cards in this season's play-offs. Ac- 
cording to Cole, the Redskins, the Lions 
and the Packers are slated to go 9-7 in 
the N.EC., and the A.EC. has the Bron- 
cos and the Oilers 9-7. Who else gets in, 

Craig A. Gummer 
San Francisco, California 
Cole's reply: Oops! Of course you're right. 
We discussed the change in the wild-card for- 
mat in our article but then neglected to in- 

clude the additional teams in our winners’ 

Something in our nature must have re- 
belled at the thought of the N.E.L.'s making its 
play-off system similar to the N-H.L.'s, a for- 
mat that renders the regular season almost 

The omitted wild-card picks: Houston in 
the A.EC., Washington in the N.EC. 


Laurence Gonzales’ profile of Char- 
lie Sheen (Charlie Sheen Goes to War, 
Playboy, September) reveals once again 
that actors by and large are empty ves- 
sels into which someone pours an idea. 
Unfortunately, being surrounded by a 
coterie of slobbering sycophants and be- 
ing paid amounts of money dispropor- 
tionate to their value to society, they 
develop an unrealistic sense of their own 

While showing these generalities to be 
only too true for Charlie Sheen, Gonza- 
les gives us insight into not only the son 
but his father, Martin Sheen, as well. 
With all the senior Sheen's professed 
concerns about injustices, he has been 
able to do no better than to raise a sadis- 
tic monster whose first reaction to the 
sight of a microwave oven is, “Lets get a 
hamster and a video camera.” 

Roger Brincker 
. Fort MacLeod, Alberta 

1 just finished reading Craig Vetter's 
article Rubber Jump (Playboy, September) 
and am disappointed that there is no in- 
formation about how to contact Bungee 
Adventures. I've been interested in 
bungee jumping for some time but have 
no idea how to go about it. I would 
greatly appreciate any information you 
can give me. 
Gregory P. Amer 
Fort Richardson, Alaska. 
Write to Bungee Adventures, 2218 Old 
Middlefield Way, Suite G, Mountain View, 
California 94043. 


In the Sixties, you published a recipe 
for steak Diane to be prepared entirely 
at the table, using a chafing dish. 

I have attempted but have been un- 
able to locate the issue that contains this 
recipe. Any help you can give me would 
be greatly appreciated. 

Earl S. Tate 
Longview, Texas 

Glad to help, Earl. That recipe has proba- 
bly been used by more bachelors than any oth- 
er for a romantic dinner for two. “Table 
Steaks” ran in the September 1969 issue of 




Discs themselves. 

So why play aroünd with anyone else? 

You don't have to be a digital audio expert to step of the way home. So to recapture that same energy and 
right CD changer. You just have to know о щы listen to the Sony CDP-C705 Carousel Changer. 
Sony. In the studio, Sony digi- “r= Marvel at its 5-disc conven- 
tal recorders capture all jence. Thrill to its sound. 
the energy and emotion of And discover you get 
the music. Then Sony = ____= "X more outof the music 
professional expertise  SON¥ ~~" de g — __ | from the people who 
takes the music every = — > =s — = = | put more into it. 



Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. 



Ulltimately theres Black. 




The black swing bands of the Thirties 
were the ultimate in rhythm machines, 
and now a group of New Yorkers has found 
a way to put them into a time machine 
Once a week, The New York Swing Dance 
Society turns The Cat Club into the Savoy 
Ballroom—Harlems Home for Happy 
Feet—with a live band and a dance floor 
full of lindy hoppers. The scene swings 
around Frankie Manning, a member of 
the original Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers, who 
performed at the Savoy, and winner of a 
Tony for his choreography of Black and 
Blue on Broadway. Todays bands include 
musicians who actually performed at the 
Savoy, such as guitarist Al Casey, whose 
recording career started with Fats Waller. 
But most players, such as the members of 
30-year-old saxist and Goodman scholar 
Loren Schoenberg's 18-piece band, hadn't 
even been born when the Savoy closed 

The inspiration for the society came 
from Mannings annual monthlong trips 
to Scandinavia to teach the jitterbug 
hose Swedes are just crazy for black 
terbugging,” explains Rebecca Reitz, one 
of the society's board members. “Our goal 
is to keep the music and the dancing sus- 
taining cach other. This isnt nostalgia 
night for people to sit around and listen to 
medleys of big-band themes.” 

Dancers young enough to be his g 
children flock to the lessons that Manning 
gives. And this time, the time warp has a 
real Nineties benefit: For keeping in shape, 
it’s a lot more sociable than jogging in the 



With the possible exception of San Fran. 
ciscans, nobody's more conscious of earth- 
quakes than residents of Tokyo. Which 
plains why hyperkinetic rock-concert 
fans are worrying the Japanese construc 
tion ministry Seems they've taken to 
jumping up and down to express their en- 
thusiasm, resulting in one case, on the sec- 
ond floor of the 10,000-scat Budokan 

arena, of a jolt recorded as equivalent to a 
four on the Richter scale, At a private club 
in a Tokyo suburb, the practice has created 
large cracks in the floor. Ministry officials 
are urging music lovers to do a little less 


In the land that gave the world Perry 
Mason and Judge Wapner, its casy to as 
sume that America holds permanent title to 
the cup in the arena of litigational oddities 
But we take some comfort in noting that 
aren't without our competitors abroad 

Take the lawsuit filed by an Italian man 
and woman over an “accidental” pregnan- 
су that occurred at a popular parco di 
amore in Naples, While they were engaged 
in traditional amorous activities in a Fiat 
Panda (now, that we'd like to see), the car 
was rear-ended by another—inevitably 
larger—vehicle. The impact caused a mo- 
mentary loss of control, which in turn re- 
sulted in unplanned parenthood. The 
couple is seeking damages from the in- 
surance company to cover the cost of auto 
repairs and an unanticipated wedding. 

Near Marseilles, another loss of control 



led to a $1,000,000 suit filed by a French 
teenager, but in this case, the wedding is 
off. An 18-year-old woman is seeking emo- 
tional damages inflicted at a swimming 
party. Rather than seek out the WC., she 
found relief in the pool. Unfortunately, 
four smares had thoughtfully laced the 
pool with a chemical th: 

turns water red 

in the presence of urine. The woman 
claims the incident caused her fiancé to 
break off their engagement and necessit 
ed eight months of psychiatric counseling 


The wild West is alive and well, albeit 
semimechanized, in Montana 

Near the town of Ronan, a 40-year-old 
lonesome cowboy donned a full suit of 
Western gear, including chaps, mounted 
his horse and took off in the direction of 
his ex-girlfriend's place. There he discov- 
ered a Harley-Davidson parked outside 
her mobile home. 

According to police reports, the cow- 
poke allegedly roped the cycle, dragged it 
out onto the lawn, shot it in the cylinder 
head with a rifle, remounted his horse and 
rode off into the sunrise. He was subse- 
quently apprehended and charged with 
felony assault and criminal mischief 


According to the Center for Science in 
the Public Interest, the regular ‘Taco Bell 
taco contains 183 calories; the Taco Light 
has 410. At presstime, Taco Bell had just 
announced it had phased out the 


The rabbit may be the last creature you 
expected to see on the Federal endan- 
gered-species list, but S; 
hefneri, which got its unique name because 
the Playboy Foundation funded the work 
that led to its scientific description as а 
new subspecies about ten years ago, has 
made it. The dark-brown bunny. which 
now numbers only about 200, resides ex- 
dlusively in the marshes of the Florida 
Keys. Maybe there were too many bache- 
lors among them. 

йаки palustris 




Nothing is older 
than old slang. 

sroowy? And nothing 

newer or more Cul 
ting-edge than teen 
ge slang But who 
over the age of 21 can 
speak it? With that 
thought in mind, 
we've put торе 
this glossary of what's 
on the úp of tee 
tongues today, li 
ically speaking. 
Our thanks to Paul 
Dickson's Slang! The 
Topic-by-Topic Diction- 
ary of Contemporary 
American Lingoes. 


* Seven Amcrican communi- 


fresh: fine; very 
full hank: nerd. 
gank: irt 
` not cool; total. 
ly stupid 
geed: looking good. 
gel: to relax. 
gel naked: not what 
it seems, but rather a 
way lo say “get going." 
“Get up!": “Good 
goob/gooker: nerd; 
loser. But “to gooker” 
is to spit through one’s 
two front teeth. 
"Good — answer!" 

Family Feud television 

agro: mad; pissed ies have actually banned show i 
off. "repetitive driving,” known to — 80005: girlfriend. 
ass out: in trouble. fers CE nU ER E 
. Phoenix, Arizona, plans to lim- ° ; 
bake: to smoke mar- it its cruisers to a “jam zon hein: person who is 


bald: bad; terrible. 

beat: terrible. 

betty: a hot girl. 

biftad: a preppie (as in “Say, Biff!” 
“Yes, Tad?" according to the San Fran- 
cisco Chronicle). 

biscuit: easy. 

buff: muscular; tough. 

burly: a hard thing to accomplish. 

burn: (1) to be put down; (2) a pue 
down (as in “What a burn, Dad”). 

buzza: Whats up? 


chuborian: fatty. 

cob: not cool; dopey 

costing: expensive (as in shoes (hat 
look costing). 

cozy: dull or lacking in inter 

crushin: looking good, especially 

cujine: cousin; 
in an Italian ne 
version: cujetle 

me as homeboy, 

pensive car that. has 
ung driver by his or 

daddylac: an 
been given to à 
her parents. 
def: outstanding; terrific. 
disldiss: to show disrespect; to harass. 
dual: good. 
duker: massive bowel movement. 

fat: nice; good. 

ugly and/or possessed 
of a rotten personality 
hittin’: good-tasting. 
homeboy: a neighborhood fr 
hubba: stupid. 

jank: all-purpose noun. 

insulting publicly (as in 
г me about my car"). 

lampin’: hanging out, as one does 
when standing by a lamppost. 
load: c 
loaf: a far person 

money: frie 
“My bad”: 


queef: f: 

rack up: kick someone in the re; 

Shot who? : Wh Pardon me 
stale: to punch out; to “stole him" isto. 

hit him with a knockout punch 

wocbetide: bad news 
woof: to brag. 

zoiks: what to say when there is 
ing else 10 say It ha 


For years, tourists on the island of 
Molokai, Hawaii, have visited 
hoa, which “the 

hos.” Locals 
"the phallic roc 
Nanahoa as a 
led his penis for someone else 
nese tourists have 

legend reveres 
not to 

ymbol of sexuality: 

Now ar 

AR hei 
Rock, Cafe logo. The inscription’ res 

This may be hard to believe, but Uncle 
Ruck in the new 
TV series (“Nowhere is the talk more 
toned-down version of Meaney's st 
comedy persona, a guy who likes 10 ser 
d the rules 
ade spent developing his own 
brand of comedic madness, Kevin was no- 
ticed by CBS producers who caught his 

< Kevin Meaney plays hi 

observes Newsweek), is ac 

off of la m 
an avuncular baby sitter. 

E don't think they looked at anyone 
else." Me v says modestly, "and if they 
did, heads will roll. 

How closely does life imitate art? "My 
sisters won't let me baby-sit their children; 
says the 34-year-old bachelor. “But Гуе al- 
ways been good with kids, except when 1 
was one myself. Then I'd get everybody in- 
to trouble doing things like climbing the 
water tower, The police and fire engine 
- At least we didnt sign our names ii 
nt. We used black masking tape, 
which would be a good idea for kids today." 

Outside of prime time and club gigs, 
Meaney maintains a presence on The 
comedy Channel, HBO's 24-hour la 
network. “I'm the Charles Kuralt of The 
Comedy Channel," he says. “I travel with a 
camera crew and talk with people on the 
streets of America. They have noidea who 

Now they do, Kevi 
call you Buck. 

But they'll probably 

The coins in this collection 

will bear the Royal coinage 
portrait of Queen Elizabeth Il. 
Shown actual size. Diameter: 

A. extraordinary series 

of official legal tender coins— 
the first of its kind ever issued 
by any government... 

A collection of 25 sterling silver Proof co: 

issued by the government of the British Virgin Islands, 

portraying the most important sunken treasures of the Caribbean— 

recovered and unrecovered. 

Acailable by subscription only. 

Face value: $20 U.S. 

Price for Collectors Proofs: $29 U.S. 
Price guaranteed for subscriptions 
entered by December 31, 1990. 

THE CARIBBEAN. Once the crossroads of 
empire and wealth...where, today, ad- 
venturers explore for treasure ships that 
went to the depths laden with riches be- 
yond measure 

And now, you can acquire a e 
ial coinage that embodies the seafaring 
lage of the € 
sterling silver cc 
legendary treasures of the Spani 

These large ill be struck. 
only in solid s 1 even finer 
grade of silver than most of the original 
pieces of eight. 

The treasure portrayed on each coin has 
been selected through a major initiative 
involving marine archaeologists, treasure- 


h Main. 

divers, the British Museum, Lloyds of 
id the Archivo General de las 
leading authority on Spanish 
colonial shipping. 

There will be coins showing exquisite 
works of silver and gold. Others will de- 
pict signifi chaeological finds. And 
perhaps most intriguing of all will be the 
silver coins portraying treasures still un- 
discovered —but whose existence is 
kı E n through drawings, ships’ manifests, 

This isa collection unsurpas 
by the coinage of 


din scope 
ny nation in our time 
ent of the British » Is 
ls has authorized its official minter. 
he Franklin Mint, to accept and fulfill 
valid applications. Subscriptions entered 
by December 31, 1990, llle accepted at 
the guaranteed price of $29 for each ster- 
ling silver Proof. 

Each Proof coin will be accompanied by 
fi location map. A 
special presentation case for the collection 
will be provided at no extra cost 

To be sure of the guaranteed price. re- 
turn your application by December 31st. 

Please mail by 
December 31, 1990. 

The Franklin Mint 

Franklin Center, Pennsylvania 19091 
Please enter my subseription for one 
Pr Í “The Treasure Coins of the 
Caribbean,” consisting of jus of 
the British Virgin Islands with the 
Tace value of S20. U.S. each. minted in 
Sterling silver und sent to me one per 

us my state sales tax 
and S153 for shipping and handling. 


A مھ ا کا‎ ые en 




Thin is in for flannel, lighter-weight fabric thars comfortable 
enough to wear around the house but tailored enough to wear 
with a tie to the office. Boston Trader 
and pleated back to its tr al lumberj 
colors with teal, berry and gold. These brushed-cotto 
shirts have the look and feel of an old favorite the first time 
arms into the sleeves 
Grethel offers cot 
nel plaids (shown 
inspired colors such 
as vineyard grape 
and olive ($46) 
great with 
ӘЗ wool 

rugged plaids 
d colors 
be d 
with bright, but not busy, 
If you'd prefer to leave the ties on the rack, check out Time 
berland's full-cut, foulard-print flannel with leather accents ($80) 
or try a lavender, moss and beige plaid shirt from Byblos ($185). 
Both of these styles look best on their own. (Where & How to Buy 
information on page 240) 


If holiday m. 

your way to 
e ng gifts: Environ- 
list will love to preserve an acre of a tropi- 
For $100. The Childre nforest 
(207-784-1069) will do just that and тһе id your 
pal a note of thanks. . . . Give the gift of music, 
with albums that benefit. causes. ranging 
from Romanian orphans to the Special 
Olympics. Check out two of the newest, 
Knebworth: The Album and Nobodys 
Child. . . . Adopt a finback whale for a sea- 
faring friend, For only $30, the College of 
the Atlantic (207-288-5644) will provide 
nd histo- 
п pa- 
pers and a biannu: For arts 
enthusiasts, there's a hundred LEGENDS 
($100), a portfolio of art, poetry and other 
ed by people with AIDS. LEG- 
3 created by DIFFA, th 
tries Foundation for ALDS (212 
AIDS organiz: 



Why spoil your Chri: 
when some of the best st 
call a 


in a battle with frer 
‘sin catalogs and ju 

ied shoppers, 
toll-free phone 

es (800-421-0911): 
book for 
connoisseurs of fine 7 
* Tweeds (800- 
7): Every- 
thing you need for 
а laid-hack weekend 
look. + J. Crew (800- 
B) ^ Sporty 
hing for the 

preppics. = 
"s Secret (800- 
888-8200): The sc 
est collection of mei 


ike wearing eight-hole Doc 
Martin boots with orange stitching 
and big, black, baggy 
knee-length shorts,” 
says actor Dana Ash- 
brook, who currently 
plays bad boy Bobby 
Briggs on the quirky 
TV series Twin Peaks. 
When it comes to 
clothing, Ashbrook 
says the bigger the 
better. “I love this 
double-breasted bag- 
gy suit 1 bought in 
Paris last year. It’s 
huge and very comfortable. Who 
knows? In five years, I may be into 
the upwardly mobile look.” 

344-4444): The lead- 

er in 
gadgetry and 


tics’ Choice 
Video (800-367-7765): 2200 video titles and 48-hour turnaround. 


For a holiday steeped in t on, there's no better 
place than London. . . . Take a nighttime str 
Oxford and Regent streets for the spectacular light dis- 

pla: Stop hy Trafalgar 5 id see the 

World on December 18 at Royal Albert Hall, where 
a cast of 700 performers and celebrities tell the sto- 
ry of Christmas. You may even catch a glimpse 
of royalty in the audience, as this is the season's 
biggest and best benefit conc Get to 
Hyde Park by nine aon Christmas morn- 

к for the Peter Pan Cup Swimming Race, 
п annual holiday rite in the park's chilly 
Serpentine Lake. Spend Boxing Day. 
the day after nas, at the Lygon 
llage of Broadway and 
€ off on the traditional 
fox huni. .. . On New Years Day, catch the 
Lord Mayor of Westminster's holiday parade, 
which travels from Piccadilly to Hyde Pai 4 
And dont miss Harrods famous after-Christ- 
ch kicks off on January second. 



Drawstring-waist anorak, hooded parka 
and three-quarter-length car coat 

SURFACE TREATMENT Nubuck, quilted-pattern suede, sueded, 
worn-looking or matte finishes 

All shades of spice tones 

end multicolored baseball jackets 

Shiny, polished or distressed finishes, 
nailhead decoration 

Any ultrabright color 



CYRANO DE BERGERAC (Orion Classics) boasts 
one of the meatiest parts ever written for 
anactor. No fewer than four previous cine- 
matic Cyranos have been made of the ham- 
my hyperbolic hero, not including Steve 
Marüns modernized tour de lorce in 
the 1987 Roxanne. José won an 
Academy Award Гог mediocre 
American version. Thi rd De- 
pardieu was deservedly named Best Actor 
at Cannes for his very French and feeling 
performance as Edmond — Rostand's 
flamboyant, big-nosed duelist. Enamored 
of his beautiful cousin Roxane (played 
here with wilting airiness by Anne Bro- 
chet, making the most of a part usually lost 
in the male stars shadow), Cyrano wastes 
his life ghostwriting love letters for Chris- 
tian (Vincent Perez), the handsome soldier 
she thinks she loves for his poetic soul. It's 
a frustrating story, with one of the longest 
death scenes on record. In Jean-Paul Rap- 
peneaus scenic, shrewdly subtitled (by 
author Anthony Burgess), richly atmos- 
pheric Cyrano, Depardieu wins by more 
than a nose. vvyy 



Rebecca Jenkins charm 
unaflected perlormance in Bye Bye Blues 
(Circle Releasing) won her a Genie awari 
the Canadian equivalent of an Oscar, 
as this years Best Actress. ШЧ 
through an identity crisis or simply singing 
her heart out, Jenkins is marvelous. She 
plays Daisy, a World War ‘Iwo wife and 
mother whose husband (Michael Ontkean) 
is captured by the Japanese soon alter she 
leaves him in India. During the long years 
of not knowing whether he's alive or dead, 
Daisy goes home to the bleak countryside 
of Alberta, hauling along kids and piano, 
nd starts getting local gigs as а so-so pi 
st and occasional singer. In the band, 
she meets a nice guy named Max (Luke 
Reilly) and learns tolerance from her row- 
in-law (Robyn Stevan, anothe 
Genie winner as Best Supporting Actress), 
who gets pregnant while her spouse is far 
away in unite Sensitively written and 
directed by Anne Wheeler against a t 
kling medley of old-fashioned tunes, Blues 
prods its audience to wonder whether a 
woman is better off as a whole person or as 
a perfect wife. ¥¥¥ 

ingly honest, 

© Of Avalon (Tri-Star) is a w 
an-Jewish immigrant who say 

“I came to America 


а рар n Baltimore, Germa 
born Armin Mueller-Stahl fills the sere 
He's the grandfather of Michael, the boy 
epresenting writer-director Barry Levin 
son (played in childhood by young 
Wood). The Oscar-winning Best Director 

Depardieu, Brochet in Cyrano. 

A sampling of period 
pieces, new takes on 
crime and punishment. 

of Rain Man, Levinson also made the 
pointedly autobiographical Diner and Tin 
Men, and now adds Avalon as another lov- 
ing valentine to his Baltimore roots. Sp: 
ning several generations of the Krich 

family, the movie is overlong. crowded 

with detail and drenched in nos 
also à rewarding American sa 
but universal as a panorama depicting how 
Old World ties are loosened by prosperity, 
me. the advent of television and the ii 
able move to suburbia. Aidan Quinn 
plays Sams son, Jules, 
evocative perform: discount-sales 
merchant who goes broke, Equally strong 
emotional anchors are provided by Joan 
Plowright Mrs. Sam Krichinsky and by 
Elizabeth Perkins as Jules’ wife, whose im- 
patience with the clan is understandable 
when her mother-in-law refuses to ride ina 
car with a woman at the wheel. Squabbles, 
heartbreaks and humor abound in Avalon, 
ighborhood that obvious 
inson, His trenchant 
the American 

in a marvelously 

псе as 

on Le 
comedy leaves 

dream looking wistful if not altogether 
wasted away yvy 

ickey Row chillingly persuasive 
as a raging homicidal psychopath, the best 
part he has had in rs Desperate Hours 
(MGM/UA). Otherwise, there's no good 
reason for director Micha 
make of the thriller, ori 
the Broadway stage (with Paul Newman 
Rourke's role) and in William Wylers 

Cimino's re- 

nally a wow on 

expert 1955 movie version si ng 
Humphrey Bogart. Cimino has added 
some trashy sex appeal (Kelly Lynch plays 
Mickeys lawyer/accomplice), and Mimi 
Rogers and Amhony Hopkins turn in nice 
work as heads of the broken family Rourke 
is holding hostage. Sill, why did he both- 
er? Presumably, to please those moviego- 
ing masses who are enthralled by blood. 
guts and gunfire. ¥¥ 
rime is definitely on the rise in recent 
ream movies. the latest of which is 
The Grifters (Miramax), directed with 
shrewd film noir detachment by Stephen 
Frears (who did Dangerous Liaisons) from 
а down-and-diriy novel by the late Jim 
Thompson. Author Donald E. Westlake 
wrote the tough-minded adaptation, and 
Frears delivers the goods about some L.A. 
grifters who include Anjelica Huston, John 
Cusack and Annette Bening. All peroxid. 
ed hair and short, tight skirts, Huston is 
dynamite as Lilly, a professional grifter 
working a race-track scam and double. 
crossing her boss (Pat Hingle). Cusack 
plays her estranged son, who may have a 
thing for his mother but pretends to detest 
her, while Mom vents her animosity on his 
girlfriend, a trollop named Myra (played 
with cuddly lethal zing by Bening). 
They're an amoral lot, not a scruple among 
them, but you can't tear your eyes away 
from the gleaming evil of The Grifters. 
This is adult meanness—greed, incest and 
skulduggery presented by Frears in an icy 
style that makes director David Lı 
ebrated movie miscreants look like mere 
juvenile offenders. ¥¥¥ 

The saga of Claus von Bulow, the Fu- 
ropean aristocrat charged with putting his 
wife, Sunny, into a drug-induced com: 
might have made a passable TV docudra- 
ma, ripped from yesterday's headlines. Re- 
versal of Fortune (Warner) treats it as 
major feature film, with Jeremy Irons— 
looking disconcertingly like a youngish 
Boris Karlof —heavily made up as Claus 
opposite Glenn Close as the sometimes co- 
matose Sunny. possibly the only brain- 
dead narrator in cinema history. Ron 
Silver plays feisty attorney Alan Dershow- 
itz, whose book about his work on the Von 
Bulow case inspired the movie. Performed 
with zest by stellar talents, director Barbet 
Schroeder's Reversal nevertheless comes 
up elegant and empty, dwelling on cold, 
attractive rich people whose guilt or in- 
nocence seems less important than the 
decor of their Newport “cottage.” vv 

ach's cel 


England old-boy network of privileged 
aristocracy is the real subject of Dark Obses- 
sion (Circle), all about a titled landowner 
(Gabriel Byrne) who has two pressing 
proble s pathologi 

Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. 




We dug out some of 
the best fromourfies Д 

Joes Smooth Philosophy, 
“Travelling first class}’ and other pearls of 
wisdom straight from the camel’s mouth. 
IN 7 

E h 


Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. 


“The early bird sills fils 

er gu the party starts” м“ z 
Bw 79.2 € OD ONEY: 

“A penny saved is another one you 
cant get rid of that hangs around in 
‘your pocket gathering lint and eventually - 

makes a hole; so. you lose it anyway” 
pa ae E 
‘When at all possible, travel first = L 
| on LAFE: - 

class: If no:camels are available, 
however, other forms of ` = NPS) on ask for whom... 
transportation may be used. 5o MET ANS) the bell tolls-let the < 

D a butler. get it” 
on TING: 7% w > 
“When all else fails, n ues on а ду 

i k C “The only difference between: 
pi ^" E^. of =" in-laws and outlaws is that `. 

- outlaws are wanted,” 


First of the illustrious 
Camel line. “N. C” was 
big on the club scene 
as the first big rock 
promoter. Granite, quartz, 
basalt—he worked with 
them all. Archaeologists 
also believe he invented 
© the first wheel, and 15 
minutes later, got the 
first speeding ticket. 


Every citizen from 
Carthage to Gaul was 
familiar with Crazy 

j Camelius's Used Chariot 

Dealership and their 
motto, “I came, | saw, 
I got the best deal in 
town” He posed in front 
of the pyramids for the 
famous Camel Filters 
pack while on a date 
with Cleopatra. 

The fiercest camel ever 
to wear a weird pointy 
hat. In 1258, Ghenghis 
Khamel set out from 
Mongolia with one 
purpose in mind—to 
get out of Mongolia. 
For the heck of it, he 
ended up conquering 
Europe instead. 

There wasn't enough 
room for him to sit at 
King Arthur’s Round 
Table, so Sir Joseph had 
to sit at a card table in 
the basement. However, 
Sir Joseph was renowned 
for his bravery, having 
once turned a fire- 
breathing dragon 
into the first 

disposable lighter. 

Owner of Leonardo's 
1-Hour Portraits, he 
became the subject of 
scandal when it was 
revealed that his 
masterpiece, the “Mona 
Lisa,’ was crafted from a 
paint-by-numbers kit. In 
his own defense he sai 
“Hey, at least | stayer 

within the lines!” 

The top of his class at 
West Point, Stonewall 
cut a dashing and 
unusual figure as a 
camel riding a horse. 
Not wishing to offend 
either the North or the 
South during the Civil 
War, he decided to 
fight for the West. 
He never lost a battle. 

at the Oasis e Odsis 

When Joe throws a party Joe throws a party 
at his favorite watering hole, 
only smooth characters 
need apply. 

Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. 



Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. 


A smoking camel?!! Who ever heard of that?!! That's ridiculous!! 

Mr. Ed Palomino 
Burbank, CA 

Remember that old Camel motto, “I'd walk a mile for a Camel"? Well, 1 walked a mile 
from my house, and all I found was an empty lot. There was a dog there, but there 

wasn't any Camel. What's going on? Juacane L. Reynolds 

Baton Rouge, LA 

Juacane—You walked in the wrong direction. Try going out of your house, making a 
right onto Maple Avenue, and walking a mile to the Baton Rouge Convenience 
Mart. Walk up to the counter and look to your left—there's a Camel display. Glad 

we could help. SMOOTH 
It’s interesting that on your planet, yon have advertising that features a camel smoking 

a cigarette, because on my planet, we have advertising that features a Zwork imploding 
a Q-Multiplier. Small universe, eh? BD4+5 

Neptune City, Neptune 
Yesterday, a certain suavely attired character. calling himself the “Ambassador of 
Smooth,” dented the fender on my car and claimed diplomatic immunity. Do you 
know where I can contact him? 

Diana C. Hirsch 
St. Louis, MO 
Diana- We don't know anything about it. Besides, you didn't signal when you were 
makinga4hat left turn onto Pennsylvania Avenue. SMOOTH 

I suspected someone was stealing my Camels because every day, when I came home 
from work, a few more cigarettes would be missing from the carton I keep on my 
dresser, Well, yesterday I came home early and discovered our pet German shepherd, 
Walter, smoking my Carnels in the garage while wearing my bathrobe and slippers. 
Boy, was I relieved! 1 thought things had gotten weird or something. 

Craig S. O'Keefe 
Trumbull, CT 


I feel it is my civic duty to inform you of a rumor about your mascot that has been 
circulating throughout my community. Apparently, when you turn a picture of Smooth 
Character upside-down, his face looks just like ап upside-down camel who's smoking 
a cigarette. I know this sounds incredible, but I thought you should know. That is all 

Pamela A. Hunt 
New York, NY 

his working wife (Amanda Donohoe) 
he has recently killed a woman in 
and-run accident while driving d 
Director Nick Broomfield's movie, rated X 
bythe М.РА А. will open without a ra 
Actually, the X might have added pulling 
power to this rather 
scious statement, mos 

Epper: Stunt woman extraordinaire. 


When Kathleen ‘Turner tumbled 
down a muddy diff in Romancing 
the Stone, the double taking the fall 
was Jeannie Epper. lt was also Epper 
as Linda Ev in the famous sw 
ming-pool scrap with Joan Collins 
on TV's Dynasty. She took falls for 
Lynda Carters Wonder Woman and 
endured Shirley MacLaine's wild car 
ride in Terms of. Endearment. At 49 
one of movieland's leading stunt 
women, Epper is passing on a family 
dition: Dad, on horseback, dou- 
bled for such movie stalwarts as 
Cooper and Ronald Reagan. 
ays Epper: "My parents’ six chil- 
dren were all stunt people. So are 

s, and my only grand- 
hristopher, who's now six, did 
Ais first movie stunt when he was 

king risks runs in the 1 
s Epper. “Th 
Iywood that every Epper kid is boi 
with elbow and knee patches.” She 
recalls the days when her dad ran a 
local riding stable. “We were just 
wild kids. We'd jump off our horses 
onto a moving train, or ride `e 
der a tree and swing onto one of the 
low branches. Of course, our parents 
didn't know.” еа bro- 
ken a bone but incurs plenty of 
bruises on the job. She keeps in 
shape with gym woi s lo cam a 
stunt Ys pay, which starts at 
more than $400 daily. Much higher 
rates are negotiable, depending. “A 
smart stunt person doesnt lock up 
the price,” says Jeannie. “But what 
we do is fun, Waaay back, I realized 
it was dangerous, but I couldn't be- 
lieve they'd pay me for this.” 

explicit but not entirely rel nt sex scenes 
between Byrne and Donohoe. vv 
ics are more fun to watch 
Memphis Belle 
the B-17 

The aeroba 
than the dramaties in 
(Warner) a movie n: 
bomber wh w was made 
after flying 25 successful mi 
France and Gi ny back in 19: 
pilot Mauhew Modine, with Eı 
his radio operator, most of th 
scarcely look old enough to sha 
that’s the way it was during World War 
lwo. The movie con: mainly of he 
alofi—with irrelevant bits of poetry and 
fatalism thrown in—during that f 
cial bombing run to Bremen, Germany. 
Meanwhile, an obnoxious public ons 
expert (John Lithgow) waits back in Eng- 
land for the chosen crew to land safely, 
scoot home and boost flagging US. 
morale. There are moments of excitement 
as flak hits the fuselage or the fuel runs 
IL this Belle doesn't quite ring 

ned for 


ions over 
3. Under 

low, but over 
true WW 


The impressive credentials of Tune In 
Tomorrow (Cinecom) promise considerabl 
more than they deliver. Formerly tit 
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, the mo 
based on a novel by famed Peruvian au 
thor-pol п Mario Vargas Llosa, adapt- 
ed by British novelist William Boyd and 
directed by Jon Amiel, no less, who did 
the same for TV's fabled series The 
Singing Detective. The assembled hot com- 
pany of performers, unfortunately strug- 
gles through a comedy that provokes 
mostly strained . Barbara Hershey 
nd Keanu Reeves play the dis 
and a much younger man whose budding 
omance scandalizes their fa jes. Peter 
k, meanwhile, keeps popping in as an 
ntric radio writer who pens a soap op- 
le with incest and shocking sexuality 
id period 
s in 1951) Worse yet, the 
are played on mikes by one set of 
racters and simultaneously dramatized 
in a lush period style by other good actors 
such as Peter Gallagher, beth MeGov- 
ern, Buck Henry and John Larroquette. If 
Tune In were a TV comedy, you'd abruptly 
tune out. Y 


quite out of sync with the place à 

(New Orl 


Banned in Poland in , writer-direc- 
tor Richard. Bugajskis harrowing Interro- 
gation (Circle) won a best-actress prize for 
Krystyna Janda at this years Cannes festi- 
val. Janda plays a neurotic blonde in transi- 
tion to adult aware unexpectedly 
discovering her own strength. As a cabaret 
singer railroaded into a jail cell during the 
Stalin era, she is tortured, stripped, de- 
nounced by her husband, all but drowned 
and even impregnated by one troubled 
inquisitor before her release. Janda is a 
revelation in an angry, unremitting psy 
chodrama not intended to show its auc 
ence a good time. ¥¥¥ 


capsule close-ups of current films 
by bruce williamson 

Avalon (See review) Back to Baltimore 
with director Barry Levinson, 

Book of Love (Listed only) leen dr 
some wry, soft-centered [lashbacks. vv 

war widow beats the 
Cyrano de Bergerac (Scc 
dieu in top form. 

Darkman (Listed 11/90) 
Neeson as a Phantomlike avenger. viz 
Dark Obsession (See review) Sex and 
subterfuge in jolly old England w 
Desperate Hours (See review) Rourke 
dandy in a dubious remake. эз 
Fools of Fortune (Listed only) Juli 

ands Liam 

storm. yy 
ndo, Broderick 

act up 
The Freshmen (9/90) Br 
and some extracurricular fun. 
Ghost (10/90) Demi Moore's love brings 
Patrick Swayze back to life. wy 
Goodfellas (11/90) Scorsese's sharp take 
on being married to the Mob. uw 
The Grifters (See review) А bountiful 
harvest of bad apples from Frears. ¥¥¥¥ 

Interrogation — (5i review) Sheer. 
hell. wy 
King of New York (Listed only) This time, 
it's Walken as the gang leader. ГЫ 
The Krays (11/90) More crooks—real, 
brutal and veddy, veddy British. ¥¥y¥ 

Memphis Belle (Sec review) High-flying 
US. heroes in wartime Europe. эт 
Miller's Crossing (10/90) Vintage gang 
war according to the Coens. wy 
Mo’ Better Blues (Listed 11/90) Denzel 
Washington stars in Spike Lees fairly 
conventional musical drama, ww 
Narrow Margin (11/90) Suspense on a 
train, with Hackman and Archer. yvy 
The Nasty Girl (Listed only) Subtitled, 
German and abitdistubing. ww 
Postcards from the Edge (11/90) Seep 
and MacLaine will send you. wy 
Presumed Innocent (10/90) With Har- 
son Ford, fro wu. 
Pump Up the Volume (10/90) As a radio 
pirate, Christian Slater soars. wy 
Reversal of Fortune (Scc review) A major 
movie retread of rich bitchery. vv 
State of Grace (Listed only) New York, 
New York, and the Irish Mafia. wy 
Texasville (Listed only) Muddled, boring 
sequel to The Last Picture 
Tune in Tomorrow (See review) Š 
comedy. Try another station. 
Vincent & Theo (11/90) The 
brothers in Altma 


Van Gogh 

Is skewed view. УУУ 

White Hunter, Black Heart (11/90) Clint 
1wood sort of like John Huston, ¥¥¥ 

Heart David. 

(11/90) From 
ne moviema 

Jess than meets the eye. 

WIV Ous. 
Yvyy Dont miss 
¥¥¥ Good show 

уз Worth a look 
¥ Forget il 


good movies that crept out of town 

Heart like a Wheel: Before she got really hot 
in Presumed Innocent and Die Hard 2, Bon- 
nie Bedelia smash as trail-blazing 
driver Shirley Muldowney, 
The Last American Here: r racing 3 
this time the real-life tale of Junior Jack- 
son— played by Jef Bridges—in Lame 
Johnson's cynical, tough drama about the 
Cost of winning. 

The Mighty Quinn: Local color plus a gr 
reggae score back up Denzel W: 
clearly bound for stardom 
police chief on a murder case. 

The Ruling Class: Peter O'Toole domina 
literate, ingenious comedy about 
lish carl who's convinced he's Jesus Chi 
The Scalphunters: Droll cowboys-and-Indi 
is spoof about a runaway 
Davis), a trapper (Burt Li 
uollop (Shelley Winters). Circle the wag- 
ons and smile. BRUCE WILLIAMSON 



With Broadway ticket prices at $60, check 
out the Great White Way from a good, 
cheap scat: the one in front of your VC 
Death of a Salesman: Dustin Hoflman rates 
astanding O in Arthur Miller's classic por- 
trait of a man tormented by his unfulfilled 

dreams. Taped for TV in 1986, after its 

Successful Broadway revival (Warner 

Home Video). 

Sunday in the Park with George: Mandy 
akin is Impressionist Georges Seurat 

in Stephen. Sondh Pulitzer Prize— 

winning musical. Despite a beautiful set 
and a passionate score, the plot gets as 

messy as а painter's palette (Warner Home 


The Best of Broadway: The Philadelphia Story: 
à 1958, this 

ino ié comedy ie half aseo ala 
good; flubbed lines and mi 
abound. lapes saving grace 

mercials featuring Betty Furness hawking 
С.Е.5 1958 Chris e (Video Yes 

her hit 

Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Musi 
Gershwin to The Wiz, Lena sings 


Fishiest Dance Video: Beluga Ballet. Best Oh- 
Shut-Up-and-Pass-the-Butter Video: Lady Fish- 
boumes Complete Guide to Better Table 
Manners; Best Video Paradox: Brains by Rev- 
Jon, Most Confused Vid Superhero: Ossian: 
American Boy/Tibetan Monk; Wighest-Anxiety 
Video: Conflicts! Conflicts!, Most-Pleased-to- 
Meet-You Video: / Am Joes Kidney; Best Its-a- 
Living Video: Sanitary Landlill—Youre the 

songs and 
as a be 

Oh! Calcutta!: One of Broadway's longe 
running mu loaded with skits on 
spouse swapping, bawdy songs and nude 
dance numbers. You'll recognize Bill Ma- 
суз face (from TV's Maude), but the rest of 
him may come as a surprise—not necessar- 
ily a big one (Vid America). —DICK SCANLAN 

ks about weathering storms 
ишш black ın Hollywood. Great 
at lady (Turner Home Entertain- 



The Better Sex Video Series: Vhrce-vid 
tour of everyones favorite subject, pro- 
duced especially for couples. Hot footage 
is maddeningly cooled by sugary commen- 
—but th what the re buttons for 
(Learning Corp., 800-866-1000). 

Lost Man's River: An Everglades Adven- 
ture with Peter Matthiessen: A Huck 
Finn-style journey through the beauty of 
the ‘Ten Thousand Islands with the award- 
ng author, who waxes poetic about 
'erglades and explains how they in- 
spired his novel Killing Mister Watson 
(Mystic Fire Video). 

The World’s Greatest Stunts! A Tribute to 
Hollywood Stuntmen: Car c s, fist fights 
ad more in this homage to Hollywood's 
atest death defers. Includes behind- 
the scenes peeks at 40 action films; hosted 
by Christopher Reeve (MPI), 



Color Us Blue: And now, every man a Ted 
Turner. The rer from Videon- 


“Can America stand 

more Morton Downey, 

Jk?" wonders the big- 

mouth of the small 

screen, regarding his 

latest projects: a TV 

special with Mary Tyler 

Moore, Predator II and 

Down and Dirty, a film 

Mort predicts "will go to video six minutes after 

it opens.” Ah, video. When he and his companion 

curl up at home, they usually watch a movie of 

her choice—such as The Unbearable Lightness 

of Being or Betty Blue. “But my favorite movie 

of all time,” he says, “is Weekend at Bernie’. 

Hilarious.” On the other hand, he notes, 

“Violence is my life! Give me Rambo or give 

me Death Wish.” Then there's his copy of High 
on . . . subtitled in French? “Yup. Gary Cooper 

says, ‘Howdy, Sheriff,’ and the subtitle reads, 

“Bonjour, Monsieur le constable.” | got it for 

laughs, you know?" Mais oui, Mort. 


ies lets you do your own home colorization. 
Your reds will turn grecn with envy 

Shake It Up, Baby: Hitachi now offers a 
tw d-shoot VHS-C camcorder with a 
turning hand grip that activates the cam- 
era and opens the lens. It’s called The 
Thin Man, weighs just over two pounds 
and will fit into your briefcase. 




The M 



Pretty Woman (corporote raider Richard Gere makes call- 
girl Julio Roberts his guinea Pygmalion, delightful); Bird 
оп a Wire (Mel Gibson bounds back into Goldie Howns 
life amid wocky gunfire); Stanley 8 Iris (Fondo's a widow, 

Back to the Future Part Ш (Michael Fox and Christopher 
Lloyd align history again; Mary Steenburgen makes it 
palatable); Mountains of the Moon (bad title, good film: Ex- 
plorers hunt for 

Shock to the Sys. 
up and turns to murder; actually a comedy); Heaven Can 
Wait (Rams Q.B. checks out in cor wreck, gets second 
chance, scores; vintage Beatty); Celebrity Guide to Wine 
(down-to-earth cork sniffing with the stars; best oeno- 
philes: Whoopi Goldberg and Dudley Moore). 

Help Save Planet Earth (celebs offer ways 10 protect our 
oceans, animals and ozone; Ted Danson hosts); Common 
Threads: Stories from the Quilt (moving portraits af five 
AIDS victims; 19B9 Oscar winner); Baka: People of the 
Forest (lush footage of African rain forest and inhabitants; 
from National Geographic) 

(weary od exec Michael Caine gets fed 

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MEET SQUIRMY, the worlds most famous 
gerbil. As you may have noticed, gerbils 
keep a low profile. There are no ‘leenage 
Mutant Ninja Gerbils on TV toy stores 
dont carry cute stuffed gerbils for kids to 
play with and there are no known songs— 
not even country-and-western songs— 
about рег gerbils. And thal makes 
Squirmy's notoriety even more impressive. 

What did Squirmy do to warrant this 
fame? Perhaps you've heard this story: 

A friend of mine knows a nurse at Cedars- 
Sinai Hospital m Los Angeles. She told him 
that [insert name of a handsome male actor 
here] visited the emergency room the other 
night. The actor confessed that he had been 
engaged in a kinky gay sexual game thal in- 
volves sticking a live gerbil up your rectum 
Only this time, the gerbil got stuck. The nurse 
actually saw the X ray. Ix absolutely true. 

That gerbil was our friend Squirmy, of 
course. In the story, Squirmy di hot 
up there and the airs none too good, so we 
can assume he expi 

ways about the same actor and always at- 
tributing it to someone who worked at the 
ital. Someone made a mock movie 
e-off on the actors current 
hit flm, giving Squirmy his name and 
making him the films co-star, replacing a 
less furry but more attractive actress. That 
poster wound up being faxed hundreds, 
even thousands of times. With amazing 
speed and efficiency, the saga crisscrossed. 
the country, until it became a story that was 
pointless to tell—everyone, it seemed, had 
already heard it 

‘There wasone problem. The story wa 

In fact, the real story isn't about 
all but about our eagerness to 
spread ieve weird misinformation 

Atleast one person was not surprised by 
how widespread the story became. “I no 
longer think it's ri able.” says Jan 
Harold Brunvand. ^I see so much of it. 
Some people collect baseball cards; Brun- 
vand, a professor at the Uni ‘ity of Utah, 
collects urban legends, those fables that 
travel the country mostly by word of 
mouth and get taken as fact by large, 
gullible segments of the population. Brun- 
vand has amassed enough urban legends 
to fill four books, and many of the tales he 
repeats sound familiar: You may remem- 
ber the one about the married convention- 
eer who meets a woman in Las Vegas, takes 
her to his room, has sex with her and 
awakes to find her gone the next morning. 
She has left behind a message, written in 
lipstick on the bathroom mirror: “Wel- 
come to the AIDS club” Sure enough, 
medical tests show that the man has been 
infected with AIDS. 

That story's not true, either, Brunvand 

Squirmy: A star is born. 

The gerbil, the 
actor and other 
urban legends. 

has learned to tell the fictional tale from 
the errant news story With k (yes, 
they travel that quickly), he'll hear reports 
of the same incident—such as the AIDS 
story—from all over the country, with cach 
area claiming it as its own. And most 
mportant of all, none of these myths can 
be verified—there are never police, medi- 
cal or newspaper reports to back them up. 

l's no surprise to Brunvand that 
Squirmy is currently a star. Urban legends 
area form of cheap therapy for the masses, 
allowing people to vent their fears and 
concerns. Right now, when AIDS has 
frightened some people into a frenzied 
state of homophobia -bashing 
crimes are on the upswing, stories like 
Squirmys and the conventioneers are 
commonplace. H n the insecure feel 
f they can convince themselves that 
are somehow peculiar, not like the 
rest of us, That's not unusual. In the For- 
ties, anti! tic tales accusing Jews of 
bizarre rituals were popular; a few years 
ago, when every milk carton carried the 
picture of a missing child, an myths 
reflected the feeling of panic. This story 
vas typical: This family was visiting an 
amusement park with their small daughter. 
The parents lost sight of her for a second and 
she was gone. They couldn't find her any- 
where, Later, security guards noticed a suspi- 

a wı 

cious couple carrying a sleeping boy out of 

the park. They investigated and discovered 
that the sleeping boy was actually the missing 
girl. The couple had dragged her into a vest 
room, drugged her, cul off her hair and put 

her in boys’ clothing. 

Not all urban legends are so grim and 
Gothic. When microwave ovens were still 
a novelty, the big story on the folklore 
grapevine was about a woman who shan 
poos her cat (or poodle) and then sticks it 
into the microwave to dry, causing the ani- 
mal to explode. Other times, they're just 
funny, like the one about the man who is 
driving down a street. A woman passing in 
the other direction rolls down her window 
and yells “Pig!” at him. 

“You're not so hot yourself.” he hollers 
back, as he turns the corner and promptly 
uns over a pig. 

Of course, the more revealing stories be- 
tray a darker side. A large percentage of 
legends, for instance, blatantly 
sexist—it's women who do evil or stupid 

things, such as dry the pet in the m 
crowave or infect innocent men with 
AIDS. Brunvand first started hearing 

about the Squirmys of the world in 1984, 
nd in his third book, The Mexican Pet, he 
gave them their own section, called “The 
Colo-Recto Mouse,” about people who had 
supposedly rushed to emergency rooms 
with this embarrassing symptom. It’s a 
persistent story, often aimed at local TV 
newsmen who are uncomfortably hand- 
some, and Brunvands file of examples 
continues to grow 
se most urban myths, the one about 
Squirmy made its way across the country 
without benefit of media assistance. Occa- 
nally, professional hysterics such as Ann 
Landers and Dear Abby will retell a moral- 
ity tale, usually to scare teenagers into 
avoiding sex, but most legends don't get 
published in the mainstream press. When 
they do, they're usually debunked as the 
ions they are. But it hardly matters 
“Truth never stands in the way of a good 
story,” says Brunvand. “1 have four hun- 
dred and fifty legends in my files, and only 
a minuscule percentage have any factual 
basis. Yet people still believe them." 
Squirmy was no erent. Journalist 
Catherine Seipp dissected the Squirmy 
saga for the gay newsweekly The Advocate 
She made an impressive case for the un- 
likelihood of the story and revealed an 
overlooked fact that made the rumor eve 
harder to believe: Gerbils are illegal in the 
state of California. The actor would hay 
had т time buying an assault rifle. 
What did he do? Steal Squirmy from a 
тоо? Was Squirmy smuggled in from out 
of state? Is there a gerbil underground? 
Recently, Seipp was having lunch with 
her editor, who introduced her to three 
friends. “Two of them told me how much 
they liked my article,” she reported. But 
the third friend was not impressed. “I hap- 
n to know that the story about the gerbil 
true,” the woman insisted defiantly. “In 
fact, I have a friend who knows someone at 


EIL Y The cologne classic 7 
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over THE mst two decades, as his predic- 
tions in Future Shock (1970) and The Third 
Wave (1980) have been fulfilled, Alvin 
Toffler has come to be regarded as one of 
the worlds most important 
thinkers. This last book in his u 
studies of global change, Powershift: Knowl- 
edge, Wealth and Violence at the Edge of the 
21st Century (Bantam), is so thoroughly re- 
searched, so brilliantly reasoned and so lu- 
idly presented that soon Toffler may be 
hailed as a prophet. 

‘There are three basic components of 
power in any relationship, according to 
“Toffler: muscle, money and know-how. 
From the earliest primitive societies right 
up through the mid—19th Century, the | 
mary mode of power was force (or vio- 
lence). During the Industrial Age, it 
turned out that money was an even better 
motivator for those in power or those who 
wanted power. Today we are witnessing the 
beginnings of a shift toward power as in- 
formation, as knowledge. 

Knowledge is becoming more powerful 
than an AK-47 or a stack of thousand-dol- 
lar bills, says Toffler, who argues that pol 
cal strength in the world now relates to 
technological dominance: the ability to 
control and utilize knowledge. He means 
that the most successful corporations are 
becoming those with the best research, in- 
formation and innovative ideas. He means 
that the best-informed individuals will be 
the most powerful and that unemployment 
is related to lack of education. 

This shift of power as we move from 
a smokestack economy to a computer econ- 
omy will also transform the two other 
components of power—money and vio- 
lence—into forms of knowledge. Already 
we have seen money turned into blips on a 
computer screen, as sales and banking op- 
erations have abandoned cash for electron- 
ic data. ‘Toffler argues that force is being 
placed by the threat of force in the 
codified form of law. The contemporary 
robber baron doesn't use an army; he 
sends in his battalion of lawyers. 

nthesis of 
ics and sociology) t kes a breath- 
taking, encyclopedic look at the future. 
‘Toffler teaches us to rethink the present 
and to join him in considering a 21st Cen- 
tury in which new power struggles will 
take place on high-tech battlegrounds. 
This is exciting reading—and vitally im. 

An aspect of the literary future we are 
all going to enjoy is women as hard-boiled 
detectives. One of my favorites is Carlotta 
Iyle. the 6'1", 30ish redhead who drives 
a taxicab through the nights of Boston 
listening to Bonnie Raitt tapes when she 

Powershift: Muscle, money and know-how. 

Toffler on info technology; 
topflight nonfiction and the 
best films you've never seen. 

isn't busy solving crimes, In Coyote (De 
corte), by Linda Barnes, Carlota plunge: 
Hispanic subculiure of sweat- 
shops, dark-windowed neighborhoods and 
frightened immigrants. She has a sweet 
sensitivity to people and an uncanny knack 
for finding connections that make her an 
especially fascinating private eye. Aided 
by her pal, Lieutenant Joseph Mooney of 
the Boston Police Department, she fast- 
talked and shot her way out of some tight 
spots in two previous books—The Snake 
Tattoo and A Trouble of Fools. In Coyote, 
Carlotta hits her stride as one of the most 
engaging, eccentric heroines who ever 
prowled the mean streets. 

Three disparate of 
nonfiction writing stand out this season: 
The Best of Plimpton (Atlantic Monthly), The 
Harlan Ellison Hornbook (Penzler) and Hard 
to Get (Random House), by Nancy Collins; 
portions of the Elli nd Collins works 
appeared previously in Playboy. George 
Plimpton has cultivated debonair 
reputation as The Great Amateur (Ernest 
Hemingway referred to his taste for 
these exploits as “the dark side of 
the moon of Walter Mity 
ously that we tend to forget wh: 
ad versatile professional writer he is 
These 35 profiles, essays, articles and 
speeches remind us that Plimpton has 
earned his place at the front tables in New 
Yorl ering holes. Includ- 
ed are his report on going three rounds 
with boxer Archie Moore, lirie es- 
say on golf caddies, a ion on 


s best-known 

fireworks and his well-known hilarious 
parody of Truman Capote writing in the 
style of. Hemingway. Throughout, Plimp- 
tons writing is witty, elegant and enor- 
mously entertaining. 

At first glance, reading 391 pages of 
columns that Harlan Ellison wrote for the 
Los Angeles Free Press and the Los Angeles 
Weekly News in the carly Seventies might 
seem like an exercise in literary history. 
But such a quick assessment fails to reckon 
with the passion and immediacy of El- 
lisons prose—whenever 
This intensely personal. jou 
months in the life of a writer has a whitc- 
heat urgency about it, a stream-of-con- 
sciousness honesty that is hypnotic, He 
explodes in print about a rip-ofl-artist girl- 
friend, about being a hired gun at the age 
bout Quentin's death 
pout his mother’s funeral, about col- 
moncy from A&P heir Huntington 
ford, about writing movies and about 
the various times he died. He even 
includes a notorious column about how 
much he bates С nas, which ends with 
y Tim!" This Hornbook 
id piece of Ellison's 

is an exiraoi 
dazzling and multifaceted mind. 

Nancy Collins’ tale ing people to 
talk, and in Hard to Get, she demonstrates 
her seductive magic with some amazing 
folks. Many of them are, indeed, the “hard 
10 get” interviews that journalists lust 
after: people such as Elizabeth Taylor, 
Sylvester Stallone, Francis Ford Coppola 
and Ted Koppel. But the best section of 
the book is her behind-the-scenes story 
of how she got a prepublication copy of 
H. R. Haldeman's The Ends of Power and 
scooped Newsweek (they paid $125,000 for 
first-serial rights) in The Washington Post 
She's a smart, tenacious reporter with the 
guts to ask tough questic id the 
charm to get answers. 


Produced and Abandoned: The Best Films 
You've Never Seen (Mercury Housc), cdited 
by Michael Sragow: The National Society 
of Film Critics’ out-on-a-limb video guide 
to Westerns, musicals, horror films and 
other would-be blockbusters that never 
took olf 

Magnetic North: A Trek Across Canado (Sier- 
ra Club), by David Halsey and Diana 
Landau: A gripping account of the first 
journey across northern Canada in mod- 
ern times by foot, canoe and dog sled. 

Iriel by Fire: A Woman Correspondents Jour- 
ney to the Frontline (Thunder's Mouth), by 
Kathleen Barnes: Originally a small-town 
newspaper Barnes embar 
courageous fa 
her from the violent streets of Belfast to 
the Philippines in the midst of a revolu- 
tion, Because of her success, she's now a 
network correspondent. 


LOOKING FoR the ultimate holiday gifi 
that'll delight nostalgic baby boomers and 
terminally hip postpunksters alike? Tr 

set, on whi 
that ground-breaking labels early hits. 
The Sixties/Nineties crossbreeding yields 
some exotically beautiful fruit. The Cure 
sets the pace by drop-kicking the Doors; 
rinky-dink Hello 1 Love You back 10 its raw] 
rist Bill Frisell 
and the Pixies lend a corrosive eloquence 
to Dylan and Paul Butterfield, respectively. 
asy Kings seduce Hotel California 
ng flamenco frenzy, while guitar 
sensation Danny Gatton goes ballistic on 
the hippie fave Apricot Brandy. Veterans 
Phoebe Snow and Jackson Browne offer 
their most personal work in years, espe 
cially on the latter's deeply moving cover of 
First Girl I Love, while 10,000 Mai sre 
turn the favor with a dreamy rendition of 
Jacksons These Days. And Kronos 
Quartets eerily gorgeous strings on the 
electrifying Marquee Moon may even get a 
rise out of Dad. Another sure bet is The 
Bonnie Raitt Collection (Warner Bros.), 20 
bluesy, rollicking and compelling classics 
m one of rocks living treasures that 
prove just how overdue those Grammies 

really were. 



sh, which 
arhill Records 

oldest living rappers are the guys in 
Run-DMC, which surfaced in 1984, took a 
powder after its fourth album a 
ly is working in hiding on 
only isn't rap kind to dinosaurs, it b 
recognizes the species. 

But that doesn't stop a lot of 
something hot flashes from m. 
reer out of the latest youth fad—and the 
dopest subgenre since punk. Checking in 
h albums number three are the clipped, 
quick Eric B. & Rakim with Let the Rhythm 
Hit ‘Em (MCA) and the poppisb girl group 
-N-Pepa with Blacks’ Magic (Next 
Plateau). The former relies too predictably 
on the James Brown beats that got the duo 
its major-label advance; the latter aug- 
ments spunky girl talk with the Afrocen 
tric seriousness now demanded by rap fans 
of all races. -N-Pepa deserves better 
(check Negro Wit’ an Ego, Independent, 
Lets Talk About Sex), but the hard fact is 
that neither album has the commercial legs 
of a career move. So lets hope neither act 
goes into hiding. 

“Don't call it a comeback! I been here for 
years!" s LL Cool J on the title track. 

Christmastime at Elektra: 

Gifts of the 
Magi: Bonnie, 
Prince and Iggy. 

of his fourth album, Mama Said Knock You 
Out (Del Jam). Upset because 19895 Ма 
ing with a Panther never cracked double 
he has enlisted demon sam- 
aster Melle Mel in wha 
to stand as the most powerful and unre- 
constructed rap of 1990. Cool J sticks his 
car stereo in your car and drinks a 40 
while he's at it; he fucks a woman whose la 
thers voice sounds like Mike ‘Tyson's; he 
leis KRS-One stop the violence. | dont 
know whether hell return to his multiplat- 
inum ways, but this is ap dinosaur 
who deserves major respect 

Us sure 


Prince was easily the most important 
ппотацуе pop musician of the Eight 
ies. Well, at least two thirds ol the Eightie: 
After the sprawling masterpiece of Sign o 
the Times—which, aside from Purple Rain, 
may be his most brilliant recording: 
Prince had three basically worthless ef- 
forts, Lovesexy, the bootleg Black Album 
and the overhyped, underdeveloped Bat- 
man sound track. 

So it is with great joy and satisfaction 
that one savors Graffiti Bridge (Paisley 
Park/Warner Bros.), an album that opens 
Princes second decade of record making 
ir. This sound track to a new 
heavily on song forms and 
he has explored before, but 
it puts forth new energy and a keen focus. 
Instead of messing around with funk, as 

he has done recently, Prince dives in feet 
first. The anthem New Power Generation 
has a new jack-swing pulse that pleases, 
while Shake! is his darkest straight funk 
groove since Housequake. Melody Cool, fea- 
turing the Gospel fire of Mavis Staples, is a 
tasty blend of Minneapolis and Stax 
sounds that could be a pop hit. In fact, 
Graffiti Bridge has the passionate precision 
of an album that will sound better with 
time. Hope the movie's as good. 


motivated male 
humor and or gion since the 
beginning of time. What distinguishes 
2 Live Crew, the notorious Florida rap 
group led by Luther Campbell, from all 
other men who have ever lived is their ful- 
somely scatological approach and their in- 
sistence on taking very public a theme that 


VIXEN ds the first all-female hard-rock 
band to surface in a long time. And 
this group can actually play ils in 
struments. Bassistisougwriterlvocalist 
Share Pedersen even studied jazz 
at Boston Berklee College of Music. 
For review, she chose Cheap Tricks 

heap Trick has a sound that’s 
solely its own; on Busted, the band is 
at its best when its members are be- 
ing themselves, taking standard riffs 
from rocks catalog and putting а 
truly new twist on them. And they 
couldn't do that unless they were ace 
musicians, which they arc. Here, the 
rip-it-up rockers fare the best—/ 
Can't Understand It, Busted, the title 
cut, You Drive, РИ Steer, Had to Make 
You Mine and Rock ‘n’ Roll Tonight. 
For me, the optional cut is Wherever 
Would 1 Be. a ballad by Diane War- 
ren. It seems like you're not an 
American rock band right now un- 
less you've got a Warren song on 
your album. Even we had to includ 
one on Rev H Up. Not that Diane's 
song here is a bad piece of writ 

but Cheap Trick and Busted didn't 
need her to make this record a hit. I 
say buy it, warn your neighbors and 

reat party. Everybody's dancing. But So,the music goes on and on. And this 
does everything stop when the CD ends? Not if s the best out of your CDs, thanks 
the Magnavox Carousel CD Changer. to a 4x oversampling digital filter and dual 

This innovative CD player plays up to 5 
different compact discs. You can even pre- 

ram up to 50 songs in any order you want. of CD technology. 

you can change up to 4 discs while the Magnavox was always a smart player in the 

fifth one is playing. CD world. But making it non-stop is even smarter. 


1990 Philips Consumer Electronics ү. A Division of North American Philips Corporation. 


0 € K 


l Free [Бю 

Ш Cool J | | | 
Momo Said Knock 

You Out 9 5 9 7: 8 
gQ |. 2 Е. r r 
Graffiti Bridge | 8 | 9. | 8 | 8 | 9 
Bonnie Raitt | | | | | 
The Bonnie Raitt 

Collection 8 9 Т 6 9 
2 Live Crew 
Bonned in the U.S.A. | 4 | ó | 3 | 5 | 10 

Anyone who missed the debut of 2 Live 
Jews' As Kosher As They Wanna Be also 
missed the explanation by m.c. Moisha: 
“We were rapping when rapping - 
was just kibitzing with rhymes." Is 2 Live 
Crew's Luther Campbell laughing? 

maker Bruce MeDonold is using Bob Dy- 
lon Highway 61 Revisited album as in- 
spiration for a movie about a couple 
transporting the corpse of an aspiring 
rock star down Highway 61 to New Or- 
leans. . . . Rosanna Arquette and Marlee 
Motlin will appear with Dovid Bowie in 
his next film, The Linguine Incident, a 

comedy. . Mariel Hemingway and 
Cloude Akins have joined John Cougar 
Mellencamp in the movie Souvenirs. 

Robert Altman is working on a script 
called L.A. Shortculs, a series of v 
gnettes similar in style to his Nashville 
He hopes to cast Носу Lewis as one of the 

NEWSBREAKS: T'he Grateful Dead have 
given permission for an album of cover 

versions of their songs to be recorded 
Costelle, Dr. John, 
nd REM... 

by the likes of Elvi 
Bruce Hornsby, Los Lobos 
The publishers of a loc 

ig to erect historical m. 
ers at some of the sites, such as the 
ice Station in East London, 
where the Stones were once arrested for 
vall. It “would di 
wonders for business,” says the petrol- 
stations manager. . . . Look for a Dire 
Straits reunion album next spring and 
a summer 1991 tour. . . . Mortika's new 
album will be out next month 
tion to her ongoing role in Weseguy, in 
which she plays a Cuban-Ame 
singer. . . . Five years later: The second 
Rock in Rio concert will take place next 
month with an expected audience of 

1,000,000 over an eight-day period. 

George Michoel has written his autobiog- 
raphy, called Bare. . . . When all the 
money is coumed, Roger Waters’ staging 
of Pink Floyd's The Wall at the Wall may 
turn out to be the largest-grossing sin- 
Ele concert in history, if you count tick- 
ets sold, merchandising, the album and. 
the American telecast. . .. Big Bang, an 
annual CD compilation featuring some 
of Ame best unsigned bands, is 
being put together by the Recording 
Industry Sourcebook, 8800 Venice 
Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 
90034. If your band has no record con- 
tract, you can submit tapes. . . . Debbie 
Allen is working on a midscason re- 
placement comedy series for ABC st 
ring the Motown group the Boys, who 
will have two musical numbers in each 
show. .. . Lers try to wrap up the Stones 
Steel Wheels tour stats: Six milli 
have seen the 
cluding thos 

lium, London, were filmed for the- 
atrical release in 1991. . . . Did you know 
that music. videos are increasingly be- 
ing closed-captioned for the deaf? New 
York producer Ed Stasium got the idea 
from his teenaged daughter, who is 
deaf; she was attracted to the rapid im- 
ages and exciting live performances on 
video, even though she was unaware of 
the words. Some videos by Living Colour, 
Prince, Michoel Jackson and the Stones, 
among others, are now captioned. Neat 
idea... . Finally, for those of you who 
don't listen to metal, you'll have missed 
Worrant's Ode to Tipper Gore on its re 
cent album Cherry Pie. Ws a one-minute 
adio montage of four-letter outtakes 
from the band’s 1989 tour. Says Joni 
Lone, “IF I, as an artist, feel that to get 
my point across | have to use the word 
fuck, then I'm gonna use it” Thats 

has only gradually been leaking out of the 
You want me to put my dick 
* Intelligent but no psychologist, 
mpbell hasnt thought through what 

lurking in the male unconscious. Не 
porting what's there because he has discox- 
ered a market lor it. Campbell should be 
on the cover of Fortune; instead, our rulers 
want to destroy him. Why? Because with 
the collapse of communism, politicians 
ced a new whipping boy. Government 
persecution seems, nonetheless, not such a 
bad thing for an artist creatively. Campbell 
esponded to his obscenity bust in Hol- 
ооа, Florida, with Banned in the U.S.A. 
e Records/Auantic), the best rap al- 
bum of the year and maybe of all time. In- 
terspersing newscast samples with wholly 
unrepentant, obscene defiance, Banned 
opens with an inspirational defense of the 
First Amendment and then demonstrates 
what it's for by chaning 
a reference to the governor of Florida 
has tried to use the Crew to scare up votes. 
Unlike Public Enemy, the Crew doesn't 
sleaze around im anti-Semitism 

ч endorse sneak- 
ers. It chants, “Face down, ass up, / That's 
the way we like to fuck.” And that’s what 
we should all say out loud until the govern- 
finds a new scapegoat. 

M. €. Hammer, it does 


Iggy Pop is one of the most influential 
rock-and-rollers of the past 20 years. Even 
so, he hasn't made a really great record 
nce Iggy and the Stooges Raw Power, 
which, in 1973, was ahead of i 
somewhere betw 

Brick by Brick (Virgin) breaks the pattern. 
Producer Don Was (whos becoming the 
Jimmy Jam and ‘Terry Lewis of white rock, 
reviving all sorts of unlikely careers) set 
Pop up with thc best band he has ever 
Aronoff gives him his best 
straight-ahcad rock-and-roll drumming 

nce the original Stooges. Waddy Wachtel 

guitar grunge and David Lindley deliv 
surprisingly eflective mandolin and bou- 
zouki parts. 

The records real grea 
comes from the song: 

engaged and engaging Pop 

s. The targets, from ho 
edia manipulation, are obvious. But the 
angle of Pops attack ismi—and thats 
where the furious excellence of the music 
counts most. 

Long before rock 

ts and complacent mainstreamers, 
had fused them all into a bizarre but 
enduring persona: the heartland punker, 
the small-town weirdo-on-the-street. Brick 
y Brick brings that guy back, in all his guts 
and glory, and nota moment too soon 

‘There you are at the library. Or on a “no-radio” 
beach. You could slip away for a quick music 
break. Or, simply slip a CD into this Magnavox 
Personal Portable CD Player. 

It’s just a little larger than the compact discs it 
plays. So lightweight, it's hard to believe the big 
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of CD technology. And wait'll you hear what else 

tuning with memory 
ity, remote control, 
Dynamic Bass Boost and much more. 
And when you want to share the sound, simply 
plug it into your car stereo* or home equipment. 
For Magnavox, making the move into CD 
technology was smart. Making CD sound really move 

is very smart. "With adaptor kit 

Smart Very smart? 

©1990 Philips Consumer Electronics Company. A Division of North American Philips Corporation. 



y | \ his is a true story about gambling 
а ting at cards. This is also 

pont my grandmother Daisy. 1 
guess you could say in addition that it is 
a story about female role models and 
what we can learn from them. As voung 
boys, we watch the women in ou 
very carefully. They teach us things. 
Did 1 really have a grandmother 
named Daisy? I surely did, She was born 
Daisy Lycan and raised in Paris, Iinoi 
where she lived lor more than 80 у 



with h a city boy 
nd fascinated by 

summer vacation: 

y rural Americ: 

d had almost no formal edu- 
cation. She talked like a character from 
The Beverly Hillbillies. Her grammar was 
ofien atrociou 
guage was exquisite, filled with country 
ings and country 

Daisy made a good marriage, 
seemed at ıl 
Fred Baber, in y her and the son 
ol Asa J. Baber, my great-grandéather 
(and the. president of the local bank) 
Daisy and Fred had one child, a son 
named Jim (the man who became my fie 
ther). Fred, it turned out, liked lique 
lor and work norat all. He died at a rela- 
tively young 

„and yet her use of lan- 

up with 

ge, leaving Daisy a widow 

with some fam land and. other. hold- 
ings. She never remarried. 
Daisy could swear like a trooper, drink 

like a trucker and gamble like a pro. She 
aught me about the potential richness 
and humor of earthy, bawdy women. 

rliest years, Daisy and I 
She nomin 
1 crime. 

эт my e 

had a secret life togethe 
nd T bet on the horse 

ed me as he For ex- 
every day. I knew how to read a racin 
form by 
“Well, Ace, what do you thi 


. she 

the time 1 was six years old 
kê” Da 
sk me along about noontime as 
we studied the racing sheet in the apart- 
ment she kept in a downtown hotel. 

“I think Portly Prince the third 
Aqueduct,” Га say. That was just before 
the bookie came up to collect her bets 
Daisy would kid him and we would all 
Laugh, and I would think that lile was 
OK il at least some people had this 
much sass and wit 

Daisy sun-bathed in the nude on the 
hotel roof. This was not a fancy hotel 
you understand. There was nothing on 
the roof except gravel. Bur we would 
sneak up there every afternoon during 




my summer visits, and Daisy would strip 
and bask in the Hlinois heat. Fam pro: 
to say that my grandmother was att 
tive, even in her li years, and she 
rly that there is no re 
son to be ashamed of the human body 
Mier we had sun-bathed fora while, 1 
would ask her to sing to me. She usually 
sang Danny Boy in a liling and gentle 
voice that E can still hear today, When 
Daisy sang, she looked like a litle girl, 
When Vwas about eight years old, we 
er of our traditions. We 
to Terre Haute, Im 
ana, eyery Saturday to see à movie and 
then go to The Apple Club. What The 
Apple Club had to offer was food—and 
poker and slot machines and а bar 
What Daisy had to offer was ра 
tience and generosity as she fed me 
nickels and steak and gambling advice. 
1 learned the basic rules of many a 
card game there by the Мара 
| mes, as we 


taught me e 


sh, seated 

s on dirt roads 
in the moonlight, the Plymouth would 
skid slightly out of control on a curve 
‚ er, Newt. she's h 
Daisy would yell 
t was very funny. 

Daisy showed me a lot of qualities that 
I admired. My own home in Chicago 
was impoverished and chaotic: hers w 
always clean and orderly, Му mothe 

ded for the 

We thou 

was v 
numbers. My neighborhood on 
Sure t 
trol, but life in a small town such as Paris 
had a certain peace and safety, a human 
scope and sensible limitai 

To top it all off, Daisy 
and joke and laugh and swear and trade 
verbal punches with anybody who want- 
ed to take her on. She was a live wire. 

possessive and sentimental: 

haninded. as а com- 
s trader and just as fast with 
nd out of con- 

was as тоц 


t was often violer 

crafty fox of a lady who understood the 
give-and-take of life, a maverick who 
rely went to church in a community 

that usually insisted on it. 

She was also a hell of a card player 
She had to be to survive the killer poker 
games that sprang up in Paris and often 
went on for days, like the one when 1 
was about nine years old. Being a 
le punk, I followed the games closely, 
even though the players paid по anen- 
tion to me. What could a nine-year-old 
know about poker, anyw 

What 1 knew at one very strategic mo- 
lar game was that 
Daisy was playing against a che 
man who slid an extra card out of his 
vest pocket and into his hand when I 
happened to be watching him. The pot 
was worth several hundred dollars 

Daisy had а full house. Humming 
Danny Boy to myself, 1 wandered behind 
the man and glanced at his hand. He 


had four of a kind. Sull humming, 1 
went back and sat by my grandmother 
“He's got you beat,” I hummed softly 
with a sweet smile. voked at me 

sharply. She was a very ethical gambler 
We had never teamed up ı 
fore, She did not like what 1 was doing 
“He's pulling cards,” 1 bummed. 

Daisy got it. “Say there, mister, what in 
the goddamn hell are you doing with 
those extra cards?” she said sharply to 
the man as she slammed her cards face 
down on the table. 

is way be- 

Daisy won the pot. She gave me half 
The other thing she gave me was the 

understanding that there are special 

women in the world who can be as salty 

and funny and lively and wild as men 
Now, that’s an education. 



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А football coach сап be re- 
vered, beloved, respected. an educa- 
tor, a father figure, the kind of man you 
would want your son to play for, a credit to 
the university, a pillar of the community, a 
gentleman who always plays by the rules 
and an all-round good old boy, but if he 
doesn't win a national championship some- 
time during his career, he will never be re- 
membered as a great coach—great as in 
Bear Bryant or Knute Rockne—and ac- 
cording to the alumni, hanging would be 
too good for him. 

"The press only helped make this world. 
It was largely the work of old grads, boost- 
ers, boards of regents and chancellors. 

The subject arises because another col- 
lege football season is well under way and 
the hear is on a certain group of head men 
to produce момвек охе bumper stickers or 
go looking for an assistant's job in Utah, or 
Transylvania, or at the local Jiffy Lube. 

Of course, it should be pointed out that 
the majority of schools that play college 
football these days have long since given 
up on ever having a number-one team. 
They have settled into that rut of plugging 
along cheerfully as second-class. citizens 
nd hoping to make it to the Peach Bowl 
every ten or 12 years. 

They are content to get by with what 
they consider a “competitive program 
which, as it happens, is only competitive 
they have Kansas State on the schedule. 

But life is easier for coaches at these 
schools, generally. They know how to tell 
jokes, go to church regularly and blame 
their defeats on the big-school “cheaters.” 
They also know they have a good chance to 
outlast their angriest alums, because the 
st alums will eventually go broke 
iness or get indicted for fraud. 
nous Southern coach once de- 
scribed the perfect season for the man who 
wanted to keep the alumni reasonably hap- 
py without raising anybody's expectations 
160 high for the following year 

“Go 8-3 and turn down the Bluebonnet 
Bowl,” he said, grinning slyly 

It is only at those universities that hı 
been spoiled by success, lavished with w 
ning teams and occasional nation 
pions throughout their modern histories. 
that (he pressure weighs heavily on the 
current head coaches 

1 speak of a group 1 

As the 1990 season began, they were 
named David. McWilliams (Texas). 1 
Smith (USC), Gary Gibbs (Oklahoma), 

I the Jilly Lube 



John Cooper (Ohio State), Ray Goff (Geor- 
gia) and Gene Stallings (Alabama). 

Woe is them. The odds on their схе 
turning out a number-one team and stay- 
g employed are so low they may as well 
try to win the Florida lottery. 

Roughly 2060 men haye coached major 
college teams since 1889, the year that the 
mythical national championship was 
vented by а sportswriter named Caspar 
Whimey, and only 84 coaches—less than 
five percent—have presided over a num- 
ber-one team in any type of poll that sensi- 
ble people would care to fondle. Moreover, 
only 33 men have won two or more nation- 
titles, and only a precious 18 men have 
won three or more. 

You may wonder, then, why the Jiffy 
Lube Six would take these jobs, Do they 
have suicidal tendencies? Have they alway: 
longed to move their families to Transylva- 
nia or work at a Jilly Lube? 

о, they did it for two reasons. One, 
money. Two, ego. 

Some of the Jilly Lube Six have a better 
chance than others of succeeding. Its be- 
cause of an old saying in college football: 
at coaches don't follow great coaches. 

Let me explain. Only 12 times since the 
days of Walter Camp—more than 100 
years ago—has a school that enjoved a 
number-one season under one coach cele- 
brated another under the man who imme- 
diately followed him. 

Benjamin Dibblee followed W. Cameron 
Forbes at Harvard, William Roper fol- 
lowed A.R Т. Hillebrand at Princeton, Jock 
Sutherland followed Pop Warner at Pitt, 
Bill Alexander followed John Heisman at 
Georgia Tech, Frank Thomas followed 
Wallace Wade at Alabama, Duffy Daugher- 
ty followed Biggie Munn at Michigan 
State, John Robinson followed John Mc- 
Kay at USC and Dan Devine followed Ara 
Parseghian at Notre Dame. 

That makes eight. Then there are the 
two schools where historic triples have 
been performed. Harry Kipke gota n 
ber one for Michigan in 1933, Fritz Crisler 
got a number one for Michigan in 1947 
and Bennie Oosterbaan got a number one 
for Michigan in 1948. And surely you are 
aware of what has been going on lately 
with Miami, the team of the Eighties 
Howard Schnellenberger produced a na- 
tional champion in 1983, Jimmy Johnson 
did it again in 1987 and Dennis Erickson 
did it again last year. 

Usually, there is a period of misery be- 
tween the departed immortal and the fu- 
ture savior. Take Notre Dame, for 
example. Between Knute Rockne and 
Frank Leahy, the Irish suffered under 
Hunk Anderson and Elmer Layden. Be- 
tween Leahy and the Parseghian-Devine 
eva, the Irish had to put up with Terry 
Brennan, Joe Kuharich and Hugh Devore. 
And between Devine and Lou Holtz, they 
had to endure Gerry Faust. 

What does all this mean? It means it 
ves a shred of hope to McWilliams at 
Texas, who is following Fred Akers and not 
Darrell Royal; to Smith at USC, who is fol- 
lowing Ted Tollner and not John Rol 
son; to Cooper at Ohio State, who is 
following Earle Bruce and not Woody 
Hayes; and to Stallings at Alabama, whe 
following Ray Perkins and Bill Curry and 
not Bear Bryant. 

It also means there is litle or no hope 
for Oklahoma's Gary Gibbs, who is trying 
10 follow Barry Switzer, or for Ray Goff at 
Georgia, trying to follow Vince Dooley. 

1 give Larry Smith at USC the best shot 
at the moment—the Trojans always have 
talen nd destiny seems to like USC al- 
most as much as it likes Notre Dame—but 
we'll probably sce all of these guys ata Jiffy 
Lube someday. 


At Braun, we regard 
shaving as something you do 
for your face, rather than to it. 

It is this attitude that 
inspired the design of the 
Braun three positon switch. 
Position One activates the 
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foil and cutterblock system, 

a combination that assures 
perfect smoothness, even in 
close contact with sensitive 
skin. Anything less compro- 
mises comfort 

Position Two couples this 
cutting action with the trirn- 
mer feature for grooming 
longer, awkward hairs on the 

neck. And Position Three 
extends the trimmer head 
for precise visual control 
when trimming sideburns 
‘or mustache. Anything less 
compromises closeness. 
Braun has become the 
number one selling foil 
shaver in the world because 

every design element has 
‘only one purpose: to give 
you the excellent shave your 
face deserves, 

Anything less is a com: 
promise, in every respect. 

Designed to perform better 



үү: ага poetry reading, Duane 
nd 1, and this wispy, ethereal 
girl comes up to us. "Can I sit here?” she 

“Sure,” we say, and move over. So she 
sits and kind of spreads herself out in a 
way that makes my intuition prickle. 1 
watch her and wait. 

“How much does beer cost?” she asks 
us. We dont know, exactly. She rum- 
mages in her bag and pulls out a bottle 
and crouches. “I brought my own. Hide 
me, OK? Don t let them see me.” Duane, 
1 notice, is becoming awash with protec- 
tive feeling. I'm not. 

Did we know where a phone was? Did 
we know of any apariments she could 
rent? Could we save her seat? So we save 
her seat three times, or at least Duane 
does. I'm re 


“We can't go, 
watch that gi 

“Did she ask us to watch her purse’ 

“Well, she left it there." He stares fret- 
fully at the large tapestry bag. its con- 
tents half-spilling onto the floor. 

“I hate that girl,” | say: 

“Why are you being such a bitch 

“How dare she sashay in here and ex 
pect us to take care of her?" 

“Oh, come on, is it gon» 
be nice?” 

“Yes, fuck you, it is.” 

© ‚ why аге you 
ng-room table?” 
*Sshh, Mommy, I'm 

he says. “We've got to 
purse until she comes 

hurt us to 

1 say 

ng on the 

now White and 

“Why, Clarissa? 

“So that Prince Charming 
on his white horse and wake me with a 
1 have to keep very 
sa, dear, I don't th 
Charming's going to ride his horse into 
our dining room. 

He might; you never know. 

"How about if I wake you with a ki: 

"Don't be silly, Mommy, you're not a 
You can't rescue me. 


“OK, honey, but try not to scratch the 
Sometimes when I go to the deli 
there is a won ged. in 

front of me, giving the deli guy holy hell. 
First she has to taste the corned beef, 
She doesn't like it and makes him open a 
fresh one, but that one’s too fatty, she 



asked for lean, didn’t she? And what 

OK, yes, that's it, no, maybe she 
needs some aspirin. And maybe some 
corn flakes. And didn't she say half a 
pound of Swiss? The deli guy looks be- 
wildered as he does her bidding, while 
the customers behind her tap their feet 
and mutter He asks himself what is 
wrong with this woman. What does she 
expect from him? 

We Jews would call her a kvetch. 
me, she seems deeply, profoundly di 
appointed, soured, as though she never 
got what she wanted. 


¿very weekday alter five and before 
six est, certain car owners on the block 
move their cars from one side of the 
street to the other. Then they wait nea 
their cars until it is legal to leave them. 
So I'm standing there with a couple of 
women, I think lesbians, talking weath- 
erand dogs. A guy pulls into the last va- 
cant space, A woman in a straw hat with 
à ribbon dangling down ck runs 
up to him, 

“That's my space! Honestly, 1 was just 
about to pull my car in there! 1 always 
have that space! You have to let me!" 
"Now, that is unmitigated, fucking 
ll." 1 say. 

“Ten to one he goes for it,” Free уу. 
“Come on, nobody's that much of a 
uz," says Joan. 

The guy shrugs and grins sheepishly. 
into gear and pulls out 

puts his c 
Straw hat grins and rushes triumpha 
to her car. 

She'll never get it in there; her 
twice the size of his!" I say: 

“She'll beg prettily and get everyone 
else to move their cars; you just watch,” 
said Freda. 

And that's exactly what she did. 

“Wow!” said Joan. “If they bad ma- 
nipulation Olympics, she'd definitely 


“But why can't 1 do it my 

“Because, dear, it’s not ladylike. If he 
does it again, you call your father or 
your brother. They can take care of that 

“But, Mom, it was my bike. It should 
be me who punches him in the nose.” 

Baby, would Cinderella punch a boy 
in the nose?” 

elf, Mom- 

“I just can't cope!” was crying. 
"Look, Sara,” said Jill, “you left Mark 

because you wanted to be independent. 

1 don't mind you sleeping on my couch 

for five months. But you have to pay 

your own goddamned phone bill.” 

But 1 had that big dermatologist's 
bill. And then I ruined my only decent 
pair of shoes and had to buy another 
pai » 

“Look, Sara, 1 just can't keep picking 
up your slack. Why should I? l've got 
enough problems." 

“But don't you see? I just сап 

“I know, cope, Maybe you'd better go 
back to Mark." 

"Well. | still think you're mean,” 
“You don't u 


ler 1” | whined. 

“Women like that give wom bad 
you guys, you're so stupid, 
a big way, 

poor, soft, take-care-of-me type, and 
then, when she takes you for everything 
you're worth, you're shocked, you're 
horrified, you blame our entire ses.” 

“You're just jealous,” said Duane. 


From the Chantilly fragrance collection, 


The Technics SA-GX700 A/V 
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And if you don't feel like choosing 
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The Technics SA-GX700 also has 
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brands of equip- 
ment and can 
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Our receiver can be the heart of 
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way, you can be the soul. 

The science of sound 

memory | preset 


Fe you ever encountered the se 
phrase boxing the compass? What does it 
mean? L.. Detroit, Michigan 

There is a scene in a Walter Matthau 
movie in which he spends the day in bed with 
а woman, boxing the compass. He tries to 
find a sexual position for each axis of the bed. 
H applies to other pieces of furniture as well. 
The next time you enter a new selling with a 
lover, try to imagine an erotic use for every 
йет in view Make а pact nol to leave until 
you've done it in the shower, on the dressing 
table, in the chair, on the coffee table, hanging 
from the chandelier, on the stairs, in the clos- 
el, under the bed, in the garage, in the foyer: 
You don't have to have an orgasm m each po- 
sition or place, just some form of sexual con- 
tact. You can do this to tired old settings to 
ex life. When you're done, ev- 
erything you see will remind you of sex. That 
will lead to even more sex. Its a vicious circle. 

This may not qualify as a reasonable 
question, but here goes: How does the 
Playboy Advisor remove price tags from 
gifts?—E K., Sacramento, California. 

You assume that we buy gifts. Over the 
wars, we've developed The Curmudgeon’ 
Guide to Christmas. Around Thanksgwing, 
we alienate all our friends, thus avoiding the 
obligation to give gifts. Then, around Feb- 
ruary, we make amends, just in time for 
our birthday. As for removing stickers, there 
are some handy tips: Don't ever scrape or 
scratch—cven a fingernail can damage some 
surfaces. Lay a strip of cellophane tape on the 
label and give a quick tug. That will get most 
stickers, The next line of offense is warm wa- 
ter (either soak or dab with a wet doth to dis- 
solve the adhesive) or hol air (a blow drier 
may soften adhesive). Still no luck? Graduate 
to prewash laundry sprays, oils or adhesive 
remover. Or you can simply be а boor and 
leave the price tag on to show her what a gen 
erous guy you are. 

М, sinn 
that she once 
gram that suggested sexual 
You would answer a questio 
computer would come up with an appro- 
" fantasy {rom a pamphlet 
filled wi arios. For example, the guy 
anted to watch, so the prog; 
ed several voyeuristic episodes 
ever d of such a 
Boston, Massachusetts. 
We have the pamphlet for a program called 
Interlude (from Syntonic Software Corpora- 
tion, 10428 Westpark, Houston, Tèxas 
77042). We never bothered running the pro- 
gram—uwe liked all of the scenarios. For ex- 
ample, interlude number 57 was called “Just 
Watching Her": “Your man would like to 
watch you masturbate, so make it extra erotic 
Jor him. Put on a loose. silky robe and get the 
sexiest books you have ("Delta of Venus,’ for 

md, a computer freak, says 
fed a guy who had 

example). Sit in a soft armchair opposite him. 
Read aloud the erotic passages from the book. 
As you read, part your robe to reveal your legs 
and pubic area. Throw one leg across the arm 
of the chair and touch yourself as the words of 
the book arouse you. Pretend that you are 
alone or that a stranger is watching you from 
across the way. Set your own pace, but let the 
words arouse your excitement, Remember 
that your voice and your actions ave equally 
exciting to him. When you are sufficiently 
aroused, give yourself aver’ completely to or- 
gasm.” If you wanted lo reverse roles, you 
could sit at the breakfast table, read “The Na- 
tional" and recite Rotisserie League statistics 
as you aroused yourself The point of the pro- 
gram is to vary your sexual routine. You can 
do the same thing mechanically. Buy a large 
glass fish bowl. Have your girlfriend write 
out ten or 20 scenarios. Write some yourself. 
Tass them into the boul. You can describe 
scenes from X-rated flicks, from soap operas, 
from fiction, from your own past, Then play 
lotto with your love life, pulling out a scene 
and acting it out. 

W would like to bu 
fortunately, either | have obscure taste or 
the local stores have no taste at all. Is there 
a central clearinghouse for video titles? — 
J. P, Evanston, Шпої 
‘heck out the C vice Video Search 
Line (900-370-6500). Cost of a call is o 
dollar for the first minute and 50 cents for 
each additional minute. There are more than 
35.000 titles available on video cassette. 1f 
the title you are looking for is one of them, 
VS.L. can tell you where to order and, in 
most cases, will place the order for you. Crit- 
ies’ Choice handles more than 2200 titles it- 
self and can fill most orders within 48 hours. 
The tough ones take а little longer The 


search line gets 200 calls a day, many from 
people looking for classics: "It was thirty-five 
years ago, on our honeymoon. My wife and | 
watched a movie with Jimmy Stewart in front 
of a fireplace. Can you find it?” We called 
and asked for three obscure titles ("Walka- 
bout.” "More" and “Leo the Last). The first 
was available as a rental, the two others had 
never been licensed for wideo release. This 
was actually good news: Our name went into 
the data base. When those films become avail- 
able, we'll be notified. 

ІН... come gu 

lont appreciate the sub- 
tle effect a bedroom has on lovemaking? 
You could do your readers a service by 
running some hints on improving the 
erotic. environment.—Miss T K., New 
York, New York. 

We just read an interesting book tilled “In- 
ner Sex in 30 Days: The Erotic Fulfillment 
Program,” by Keith Harary and Pamela 
Weintraub, who suggest turning a room of 
your house into an erotic refuge. Start by sit- 
ting in the middle of your bedroom and tak- 
ing a look: “Is your bedroom a sensual 
environment especially conducive to the ex- 
pression of your inner sexuality? Do the col- 
ars and textures work to enhance your 
sexuality or to repress u? [s your bedroom a 
soft, inviting refuge from the world at large? 
Or does the outside world intrude itself into 
this private realm in subtle or not so subtle 
ways? . . . Your erotic refuge should be a room 
in which you can emotionally leave the out- 
side world outside.” The authors make some 
concrete suggestions: “Begin by clearing the 
room of any objects that make it seem cluttered 
or that distract you from feeling fully focused 
an your sexual partner. Make sure the room is 
strictly a bedroom—clear it of any objects that 
make the room seem partly living room, say, 
or partly bathroom or office or closet. Sel up a 
corner chair where you can neatly hang your 
clothes after taking them off . . . If your quar- 
ters are cramped and you must use your bed. 
room for more than one purpose—for 
instance, if you must equip it with а desk and 
a computer —try to use screens, colorful cloth 
hangings ov curtains to divide the distracting 
area.” The authors suggest removing any ob- 
ject that reminds you of former lovers and 
cleaning the room thoroughly, “so that you 
feel completely comfortable touching any sur- 
Jace—including the floor—with your totally 
naked body" Choose art that is sensuous, if 
not explicit. Install a full-length mirror some- 
where in the room. Place a comfortable throw 
rug, big enough for you and your lover to 
stretch out on, on the floor Use red or pink 
light bulbs to create an ethereal, almost other- 
worldly appearance. Don't just think clean 
sheets—think of the texture next to naked 
skin. Toss an assortment of different-sized pil- 
lows on the bed. If there is a telephone, un- 
plug it. If there is a television set, cover it or 
leave it in the corner. Have a source that can 



provide music for an hour and a half without 
interruption, Keep an erotic wardrobe— 
doosc-fitting kimonos, robes or pajama tops— 
that you can change into. The authors also 
suggest making the bathroom part of your 
erotic refuge: “The state of your bathroom 
environment is an intimate expression of how 
you feel about your body. It is the room in 
which you clean your body in preparation for 
a sexual encounter, and it is often the room 
in which you will find yourself—for one rea- 
son or another—either during a sexual 
experience or shortly afler a sexual encounter 
is completed. Ut should therefore be kept 
scrupulously clean and inviting, using the 
same sorts of general techniques you used in 
preparing your erotic bedroom environment. 
Place a clean and cozy rug on the bathroom 
floor and make sure there are plenty of 
clean, large, thick and absorbent cotton tow 
els available at all times. It is often not the 
most exotic sex aids that make the differ- 
ence in our enjoyment of a given sexual 
encounter but, rather, the simple niceties of 
life." Good advice. 

WM iai is the proper amount to tip help 
at Christmas?— ]. R., Chicago. Illinois. 

The Curmudgeons Guide to Christmas 
suggests never lipping during the holidays. It 
also suggests moving once a year. Too much 
hassle? Then heres a pocket guide: For door- 
men and building superintendents, from $20 
to $70; for handymen, porters and elevator 
operators, $10 to $20 (yan should be tipping 
these guys on a per job basis). Cleaning wom- 
en deserve one weeks pay at Christmas (more 
than we get); your day-care provider deserves 
one weeks salary. The final category concerns 
deliverymen: Mailmen and deliverymen may 
warrant from $10 to $30. Now, if you have 
anything lefi, think about tipping your local 
advice giver. 

s... l years ago, while out of town on 
business, I became involved with a man 
who turned me on to a level higher than I 
could ever remember experiencing, We 

forced ourselves to limit our intense se: 

to everything except intei 
- Somehow, this has eliminated the 
guilt of straying from our re 
spouses. Time has passed and our ph 
distance has turned the affair into o 
ducted over the phone and through the 
mail. Part of the excitement is the fact tha 
it is illicit —we are even employed by the 

ame company, so this is a hot secret! We 
haven't seen each other in two years, but 
that hasn't stopped our communication. 
When we can schedule the time, we ha 
the most outrageous phone sex our 
offices. Through erotic words and our 
hands, we are able to take each other to in 
credible orgasmic states. At the end of se 
eral of these phone calls, Гус wound up. 
partially dressed on my olfice floor with 

bal turn-on, only to have to hang up due to 
nal workday imerruptions. We both 

sion will supersede our 
nd well fuck like crazy. Lam 
adering if after all of this fantasy build- 

up, the relationship will change once we do 
ger together. PF 
gone, the excitement will dimi 
on the chemistry that connected us before 
sex for both of us was incredible), 
re sure we wont be disappointed.— 
Mrs, D. W. Foster City, Califo 

Is this what they mean by safe sex? What 
you have is creative, clandestine and guilt- 
free. Why jeopardize a (relatively) good thing 
by consummating this affair? Is this cheal- 
ing? Yes. (Have you tried phoning home?) 
Are you going to have sex when you see this 
man? Probably, (If you don't want that to 
happen, stop the phone calls. Or make it clear 
that they aren't leading to something as mun- 
dane as an extramarital affair) Apply this 
energy to your marriage. 

In planning to install a stereo system in 
convertible. Some ol my friends tell me 
in for a very expensive ordeal— 
convertibles sound system needs more 
power than а hardtop. Whats the 
scoop?—W. O., Kansas City, Kansas. 

The wind in your hair blows past your 
ears, too, creating an ambient noise that can 
be as loud as 80 or 90 decibels. That wind 
robs a bass of any power and makes serious 
demands on midrange and high frequencies. 
Most shops insist on installing a subwoofer— 
under the rear seat, beneath the ragtop stor 
age compartment or in the side panels in 
back—with a beefed-up amplifier (at least 
100 watts) and a separate power source 
(there gues the trunk), Component speakers 
with separately mounted midrange and high 
frequency tweeters will take care of the rest of 
the sound. Experts advise placing them as 
high in the car—upper door or dashboard— 
as possible. The latest rage is a Uard-channel 
dash-mounted center speaker. Now, if you fol- 
low this advice, will you promise not to drive 
through our neighborhood? 

Roni ried seeing a lady who's 3 
and a knockout from head to toe. 
I am 21 and somewhat educated 9 
different aspects of sexual pleasure—ex- 
cept one. We've been together for about 
four months; one night, she came home 
from work in desperate need of a foot m; 
sage after being on her feet all day. She lay 
on the floor while I Nie P her fee ب‎ 
st 10 be different, E started licking the 
bottoms of her feet. She loved i 
ed sucking on her toes. I couldnt belie ver 
was doing that, but I loved having her toes 
my mouth. We were lying in opposite di- 
rections, so she pulled down my shorts and 
started to masturbate me while I sucked 
on her toes and licked her leet. We were 
going crazy and I had the most intense or- 

bated. She loved 
anted to do that to her again, I should go 
for it. So here's my question: Is there such a 
foot sex? Have other people con- 
icted you on this topic? We both fo 
not weird « 
ted to try 
1 guess this qualifics, What do 
think?—M. J. K., Newark, New Jersey 
Yowve gut to take your Air Jordans off 
sumetime—this is as good a reason as any. 

E2,wvescropping on a couple of guy 
drinking at a bar, 1 was perplexed to hear 
calls for a Т couldnt make out 
what the drink м ind | can't hind a rel 
nce to it in any manual. You're my last re- 
sort.—G. E., Memphis, Tennessee. 

spacer is a nonalcoholic sip sandwiched 
between standard alcoholic drinks. Is a way 
of lightening up during a session of serious 
swilling, without skipping a round. Almost 
any nonalcoholic beverage can act as a spac- 
er—ginger ale, seltzer, nonalcoholic beer, 
ace—you name и. 

ІМ, girlfriend claims that we never 
nough time for sex. She likes long, lazy 
ssions and feels cheated by anything less. 
Indeed, she now fails to reach orgasm 
without a full production. 1 feel under 
pressure to set aside huge chunks of time, 
when I could be off playing golf. Is there a 
solutionz—M. K., Casper, Wyoming. 

Sex, like work, expands to fill the time 
allotted. Your girlfriend may have set up a 
self fulfilling prophecy (or is that self defeat 
ing?). Hf she thinks she needs three hours, then 
that will become the standard. Show her that 
sex can be just as exciting in small burs 
Sometime soon, ask her to time herself —to see 
how quickly she can reach orgasm. A sprint 
can gel your heart racing just as effectively as 
a marathon. When she gels it down to less 
than two minutes, you can start doing il in 
closets at parties, in telephone booths at the 
airport, in hotels after you've called room 
service or between the time you hear the 
buzzer and your guests climb three flights to 
your apartment, Then, when she has learned 
to come in a fiw minutes, see how many 
orgasms you can fit into three hours, or how 
long you can make one session last. As good 
as golf gets, it will never be better than sex 


All reasonable questions—from fashion, 
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dating 
problems, taste and etiquette—uwill be person- 
ally answered if the wriley includes a stamped, 
self-addressed envelope. Send all letters to The 
Playboy Advisor, Playboy, 680 North Lake 
Shore Drive, Chicago, Illmois 60611. 
The most provocative, pertinent queries 
will be presented on these pages each month. 

Dial The Playboy Advisor ou the Air and 
hear Playmates answer questions, Or record 
your own question! Call 1-900740-3311; 
only two dollars per minute, 


Full rich flavor, 

not full price. 
By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Mir. suggested retail price 
Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. Kings Lights: 11 mg "tar: 0.] mg nicotine —Kings: 14 mg 

"tar; ' 1.0 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method 


Beer drinkers are thirsty So much so, that Sharps 
for the veal beer taste of has established itself as 
Maller Sharps. the best selling" non-alcoholic 

mo brew in America just a few 
months after its introduction 
in January. 

The Sharp’ taste break- 
through lies m Millers unique 
brewing discovery, Ever-Cool" 

During brewing, tem- 
peratures remain lowex pro- 
ducing the smooth, refreshing 
taste of real beer in a non- 
alcoholic brew. 

So be on the lookout for 
number one. Try Miller Sharps. 
The breakthrough taste that 
lets you keep your edge“ 




The day Supreme Court Justice 
iam J. Brennan resigned, Bruce 
Fein—an astute, conservative analyst of 
the Court— predicted gleefully that the 
Court would now be transformed into 
"a conservative juggernaut.” 

Fein based his optimism on the clear 
fact that Brennan in recent years had 
been able to partially hold back the 
evisceration of the Bill of Rights by be- 
g the deciding vote in a number of 
five—four decisions. 

In the Court's—and Brennan’s—last 
term, for example, he prevailed in the 
flag-burning case, in an affirmative-ac- 
tion judgment and in a remarkable de- 
cision that allowed a 
Federal judge to 
compel a school dis- 
trict (O raise taxes 
ıo pay for ways 
to desegregate the 
schools. And Bren- 
nan saved the 
increasingly jeopar- 
dized exclusionary 
rule (which states 
that evidence illegal- 
ly obtained by police 
cannot be used in 
court) by persuad- 
ing Byron White to 
join him in a 
five four ruling. 
Brennan was the 
1051 effective coali- 
tion builder in the 
Court's history As 
Thurgood Marshall recently said, 
"There's nobody here that can per- 
le the way Brennan can persuade." 

In the Rehnquist years, Brennan lost. 
more than he won, but he won enough 
10 keep much of the Bill of Rights alive. 
vith him gone—and with David 
a narrow and passionless jurist. 


nph over individual 
rights and liberties in the great majori- 
ty of cases to come. 

In the current 1990-1991 term, for 
example, the Court decide whether 
the Reagan Administration violated the 
First Amendment by forbidding the 

how to para the bill of ri 

Mig aga 

. ee 





hts from bush's supreme couri 

By Nat Hentoff 

3000 Federally funded family-plan- 
ning dinics from even mentioning 
abortion to their low-income dients. 
There are also crucial school-desegre- 
gation, womenis-rights and conditions- 
on-death-row cases. Brennan will not 
be there to persuade his colleagues on 
the right to sec the individual human 
beings at the core of these confronta- 

Yet there are ways to preserve the 
essence of the Bill of Rights by bypass- 
ing this Supreme Court. It was Bren- 
nan who showed how it can be done in 
an influential 1977 Harvard Law Re- 
view article. He reminded lawyers that 



state constitutions’ protection of indi- 
vidual liberties often extend beyond 
those “required by the Supreme Courts 
'erpretation of Federal law” 

A state constitution or legislature 
cannot provide less protection than the 
Federal Constitution. (A state, for in- 
stance, cannot deny the public and 
press access to criminal trials or close 
down a newspaper whose editorial has 
offended the governor.) But the indi- 
vidual states can give its citizens more 
as long as no Federally pro- 
ht is contravened, than the 
United States Constitution. 

Following Brennan's lead, an increas- 

wea DIES 



l Ë 


ing number of state-court decisions in 
Tecent years have ignored the crabbed 
interpretations of individual liberties 
by the Warren Burger and William 
Rehnquist Courts. And in the years 
ahead—with only three liberals (Thur- 
good Marshall, Harry Blackmun and 
John Paul Stevens) left on the Supreme 
Court, two of them over 80—state 
courts are the basic shields against 
the preference the Rehnquist Court 
gives to prosecutors, police and other 
agents of the state. 

Not all states have relatively liber- 
tarian constitutions and courts. But 
many—New York, Oregon, Florida, 
Texas, — Massachu- 
setts, New Jersey 
and sometimes Cali- 
fornia, among oth- 

‘Two years ago, for 
instance, the Su- 
preme Court, by a 
six-two majority— 
with Brennan in 
vehement dissent— 
declared that we 
have no expectation 
of privacy in our 
garbage once we put 
it outside our home. 
Accordingly, said 
the Court, it was 
constitutional for 
the police to search 
through а mans 
garbage in Cali- 
fornia in order to find some reason that 
would allow them to obtain the re- 
quired warrant to search his house 

Brennan objected that garbage con- 
tains evidence of the “intimate acti 
associated with the sanctity of a man’s 
home and the privacies of life which the 
Fourth Amendment is designed to pro- 
tect.” Of course, he „there is an ex- 
pectation of privacy in ones own 

‘Two years later, in a similar case in 
New Jersey, that state's highest court— 
relying entirely on the constitution of 
New Jersey—differed with the majority 
of the United States Supreme Court: 




Sounding like William Brennan, the 
majority decision emphasized that 
“clues to people's most private traits 
and affairs can be found in their 
garbage. . - . There is a difference be- 
tween a homeless person scavenging for 
food and clothes and an officer of the 
state scrutinizing the contents of a gar- 
bage bag for incriminating materials." 

A state-court decision that particu- 
larly pleased Brennan was a landmark 
event in the history of free expression. 
In January 1987, the Oregon supreme 
court said that what the United States 
Supreme Court or anybody else charac- 
terizes as "obscenity" would henceforth 

be protected under the Oregon consti- 
tution. Article I, Section Fight of that 
constitution states plainly, "No law shall 
be passed restraining the free expres- 
sion of opinion. or restricting the right 
to speak, write or print freely on any 
subject whatever." 

After all, said the Oregon supreme 
court, when the state constitution was 
adopted in 1857, most of the members 
of the Constitutional Convention “were 
rugged and robust individuals dedicat- 
ed to founding a free society unfet- 
tered by the governmental imposition 
of some peoples views of morality on 
the free expression of others." 

Brennan's delight in Oregon's proof 
of his belief that state courts can some- 
times provide more freedom than the 
Supreme Court was heightened by his 
own experience with judging obscenity 
cases. After 16 years of being the 
Supreme Court's principal writer of de- 
cisions on obscenity, he gave up in 1973 
because he found it impossible to find 
the line that separates speech protected 
by the First Amendment and unpro- 
tected obscenity. He doubts strongly 

that there is such a line, 

Indicative of the range and depth of 
state courts’ dissents from certain ma- 
jority Supreme Court opinions are 
these cases: 

In 1989, the United States Supreme 
Court ruled that executing someone 
who is mentally retarded is not “cruel 
and unusual punishment” under the 
Eighth Amendment of the Constitu- 
tion. But later in 1989, the Georgia 
supreme court boldly held that “al- 
though the rest of the nation may not 
agree, under the Georgia constitution, 
the execution of the mentally retarded 
[does constitute] cruel and unusual 




punishment” in violation of the Geor- 
gia state constitution, which prohibits 
such punishment. 

The Fourth Amendment (whìch says 
that searches must be conducted with a 
warrant and with probable cause) was 
clearly and precisely written without ex- 

However, in 1984, the Supreme 
Court allowed for a damaging excep- 
tion. In the Leon case, the Court ruled 
that even if a judge's search warrant 
were defective, the evidence seized by 
the police would still be admitted at tri- 
al if the police had a “good faith" belief 
that the warrant was OK. 

In 1988, the North Carolina supreme 
court swept aside the United States 
Supreme Courts weakening of the 
Fourth Amendment, stating that the 
North Carolina constitution adheres 
strictly to its state search-and-seizure 
guarantees and allows for no excep- 
tions that allow the admission of evi- 
dence illegally obtained by the police. 

The Sup: irt has ruled in a 
number of cases—including two dur- 
ing the last term—that laws requiring 

parental consent before an unmarried 
teenager can have an abortion are con- 
stitutional. But in 1989, the Florida 
supreme court said that such require- 
ments are a violation of the right to p: 
vacy guaranteed by Article I, Section 
23 of the Florida constitution. 

Also, with regard to abortion, al- 
though the United States Supreme 
Court has decided that the Federal 
Constitution does not require the 
spending of public funds for abortions 
for women who cannot afford them, the 
California, Massachusetts and New 
Jersey courts have ruled that their con- 
stitutions do require that women who 
Ibortions on their own be 
state funds. 

Then there is the question of 
whether or not the police can set up 
roadblocks and randomly test the sobri- 
ety of motorists without any particular- 
ized suspicion that any one of them 
might be under the influence. In its last 
term, the Supreme Court said that such 
random searches were not in violation 
of the Fourth Amendment. 

But the state supreme court of Rhode 
Island has held that this sort of 
search goes against the state constitu- 
tion's guarantee against unreasonable 
searches and seizure 

Ronald K. L. Col ing associ- 
ate professor of law at Catholic Univer- 
sity of America and an expert on state 
courts, reports that there have now 
been more than 600 significant state- 
court decisions since 1970 that have 
given greater protections in civil liber- 
ties and civil rights cases than the 
Supreme Court 

One of the many he cites is a Califor- 
nia court of appeals ruling that upheld 
a jury award of $485.042 to Barbara 
Luck. a computer programmer, fired 
for refusing to submit a urine sample in 
an unannounced drug test by her rail- 
road employer. Although the Supreme 
Court has approved random. unan- 
nounced drug tests for certain kinds of. 
railroad employees, in this instance, the 
California court rejected the railroad 
companys argument that the right 
10 privacy under the California consti- 
tution. should be narrowly construed 
and should not be applicable against 

A particularly dramatic illustration of 
a state judge— relying on a state consti- 
tution—going much further than the 
Supreme Court was the decision this 
year of a Michigan jurist to overturn 
the states antisodomy law and three 
statutes governing gross indecency. The 
Jaw had prohibited oral and anal inter- 
course between homosexuals and all 
other adults. (concluded on page 52) 


N E 

W S F R O N T 

what's happening in the sexual and social arenas 


“Even the most overworked corporate 
accountant would balk at an expense- 
dam voucher that read ‘Blondes, 
Blondes, Blondes! or ‘Midnight Dreams; " 

says an IRS official, “and no one, but no 
one, would dare put il on an income-tax 
Jorm as a deductible expense.” As a result, 
sex services that advertise as accepting 
“all major credit cards” bill under bogus 
names, which allows their customers to ex- 
pense sex as anything from “conference 
catering” to “office supplies.” A recent 
sting operation by the Government in- 
volved 19 cities in 12 states and netted 
more than 25,000 phony credit-card 
slips—and the IRS claims that thats the 
Lip of the iceberg. 


rexinc—In its continuing efforts to 
stamp out “bourgeois liberalization,” the 
Peoples Republic of China has decreed 
that possessors of porn get life in prison— 
if they're lucky. If they're not, they gel a 
bullet in the back of the neck. Pornogra- 
phy includes sex cartoons, photos of nudes 
and obscene photos or films. In cases where 
the offender is executed, the family is billed 
Jor the bullet. 


SAN FRANCISCO—Citing the First 
Amendment, public television station 
KQED-TV is suing in Federal court for 

permission to record and broadcast a gas- 
chamber execution at San Quentin Pris- 
on. “Whats interesting,” says the stations 
current-affairs director, “is that peoples 
positions on our lawsuit don't seem to 
have very much to do with their support of 
or opposition to the death penalty People 
on both sides take both sides.” Some aduo- 
cates of capital punishment think televis- 
ing it would undermine their position by 
grossing out wiewers— which is just what 
opponents of the death penalty want. Oth- 
ers believe that it would give execution the 
proper deterrent effect. The station assures 
the public that if it does broadcast the 
killing, the event will be preceded by a 
viewer-discretion warning. 


TOPEKA, KANSAS—Fed up with having 
loonies link its logo with diabolism, Proc- 
ter & Gamble has brought suit against 
two Amway distributors who advocated 
boycotting PEG. for supporting the 
Church of Satan. The suit asks a modest 
$50,000 in damages in addition to a 
court order restraining the distributors 
from further spreading the old rumor, 
whose origin is unknown, thal the compa- 
nys familiar moon-and-stars trademark is 
а satanic symbol. 


According to a study in the New Eng- 
land Journal of Medicine, male sperm 
counts go up in the winter and down in 
the summer, which may explain why birth 
rates peak in the fall and drop in the 
spring. The researchers whó reported the 
finding said that the fluctuation actually 
seems to be unrelated to temperature and 
they speculated that it might be a result of 
an internal biological clock. 


be a legal first, the Nebraska supreme 
court has upheld an award of $25,350 in 
damages to a 30-year-old salesman falsely 
rumored to be infected with AIDS. The 
court agreed that the woman who started 
and spread the gossip is guilty of slander 
and owes the man damages. The rumor 
resulted in financial loss (the man was 
forced to quit his job), injury to his reputa- 
tion and mental suffering. 


JERUSALEM—A young bachelor rabbi, 
chosen to be the spiritual leader of a small 
Jarming town, has been declared un- 
‘qualified for lack of sexual experience. Is- 
raels chief Sephardic rabbi noted that one 
of a rabbi's duties is to give married cou- 
ples sexual advice and "to do this, he has 
to know these matters from up close" As 
the chief rabbi explained, “A doctor who 
hasn't done an internship would never be 
allowed to teat any patients.” The young 
rabbi has agreed to “wait patiently until 
my match comes from heaven.” 


A study published in the Journal of Sex 
Research by Dr. Larry Baron of UCLA 
refutes the claim by antiporn feminists 
that erotic publications promote gender 
inequality. Dr. Baron reports that a 
higher “sex magazine” circulation in a 
state only reflects greater political toler- 
ance and a cultural environment that is 
more, not less, committed to equal rights. 


WIESBADEN, GERMANY—Stale food in- 
spectors visited a local porno emporium 
and declared its edible panties to be unfit 
for human consumption. Despite the man- 

ufacturers claim that they were 100 per- 
cent safe and wholesome, the officials 
Sound the shop's cherry-flavored bikini un- 
derwear to contain illegal ingredients. 



кл калк 

ы эл 




They must think that God reads law- 
books and that women dont. 

Following the Supreme Court de 
on abortion in 1989—a ruling that un- 
dermined a woman's right to a safe, med- 
ical abortion—Right-to-Lifers around 
the country fell over themselves in a rush 
to win the anti-abortion sweepstakes. 
Who could be the cleverest and cruelest? 
Who could draft a law that would go all 
the way to the Supreme Court, where it 
would force the final undoing of Roe vs. 
Wade? By one count, 40 states considered. 
350 abortion-relat- 
ed bills in the 
space of a year. 
Each of the follow- 
ing was—for a 
week or two—the 
“toughest or most 
restrictive abor- 
tion bill in the na- 

The state legisla- 
tors approved a 
bill that would re- 
quire women to 
notify their hus- 
bands if they 
planned to get an 
abortion, establish 
a mandatory 24-hour waiting period, 
prohibit abortion because of the fetus’ 
sex and outlaw abortions after the 24th 
week except in cases where the mother 
faced irreversible harm or death. Doc- 
tors would have to inform women of the 
age of the fetus before performing an 
abortion and would have to discuss alter- 
natives and risks with them. 

Outcome: A Federal judge struck 
down several restrictions. 
A state-senate committee 
ion drafted by the Nation- 
al Right to Life Committee that would 
allow abortions only in these cases: “rape 
reported to the police within 48 hours of 
the attack; incest reported to the author- 
ities before the abortion; pregnancy that 
threatens the woman's life or endangers 
her health; and pregnancy that would re- 




sult in a child born with profound and 
irremediable physical or mental disabili- 
ties incompatible with sustained sur- 

Outcome: The bill was rejected. 

олно: The Idaho house approved a 
bill that would outlaw abortion as a 
method of birth control, allowing it only 
in cases of rape, mcest, profound and 
irremediable fetal disabilities or to save 
the life of or to prevent severe and long- 
lasting physical health damage to the 

Outcome: The bill was vetoed by the 

Guam: The outside contender for the 
most restrictive legislation, the tiny is- 
land of Guam, a US. territory, passed a 
measure that outlawed most abortions, 
including cases involving rape, incest or 
fetal abnormality, and made performing 
an abortion a felony for doctors, a misde- 
meanor for women. It allowed abortion 
only if the pregnancy endangered the 
life of the mother or gravely impaired 
her health. 

Outcome: The governor accepted the 
bill; it was overturned by a Federal judge. 

LOUISIANA: The legislature passed a bill 
that banned abortion even in the case of. 
rape or incest (one lawmaker said that 
"inbreeding is how we get our champi- 

onship horses”). The measure was vetoed 
by the governor. The lawmakers came 
back with a number of amendments 
tacked to a flag-burning bill: Abortion 
would be prohibited except when neces- 
sary to save the life of the mother or in 
cases of aggravated rape or incest report- 
ed to police and a physician no more 
than a week alter it took place. The bill 
prohibited abortions for victims of sim- 
ple rape (defined as when a woman is in- 
capable of resisting, such as when she is 
drunk, unconscious or afraid of the 

Outcome: The 
governor vetoed 
the second bill 

The range of 
legislation was im- 
pressive: Some 
States tried to dust 
off 19th Century 
laws that sen- 
tenced anyone who 
performed an 
abortion to ten 
years of hard 
labor. Others tried 
to penalize abor- 
tion used as birth 
control or for sex 

Although the litany of repressive legis- 
ation has a grim ring, there are some 
mphs: When Florida governor Bob 
Martinez called a special session to intro- 
duce a package of abortion restrictions, 
lawmakers just said no. Governors i 
Michigan, Mississippi and Idaho vetoed 
bills limiting abortion. 

Connecticut passed a broad abortion- 
rights bill; Ohio tried, introducing a bill 
that would forbid any restrictions on 
abortion and would require the state to 
pay for abortions for poor women, The 
town of Ann Arbor, Michigan, declared 
itself a “free reproductive zone." Locals 
passed a bill—in the event that the state 
or country ever passed a law prohibiting 
abortion—making women who had an 
abortion subject to a five-dollar fine. 



Sinon par 

If you cant pick on someone your own 
Size, pick on someone hall your age. 

The Supreme Court reviewed a Min- 
nesota state law that requires an unwed 
teenager to notify both parents before 
obtaining an abortion—even if the girl 
livesina single-parent household and has 
not had contact with the other parent for 
years. If a teenager is afraid or unable to 
consult both parents, she has to persuade 
a judge to grant an exemption. A lower 
court found the law to be unconstitution- 
al, saying that notifying two parents 
could produce harmful effects on both 
the minor and the custodial parent when 
the parents were divorced or separated. 
As for forcing a teenage girl to face a 
Judge: “The court experience produced 
fear, tension, anxiety and shame among 
minors, causing some who were mature 
and some whose best interests would 

p mam 

“FO. E305 

have been served by an abortion to forgo 
the bypass option and either notily their 
parents or carry to term.” 

The Supreme Court reversed the low- 
er-court ruling by a five-four vote in a 
bizarre two-wrongs-make-a-right form of 
reasoning, ‘The Supreme Court held that 
as long as the state offered the teenager 
the choice of either of these two evils, the 
law could stand. 

An ABC News/Washington Post poll 
found that while a majority of Americans 
support a woman right to have an abor- 
tion for any reason, 79 percent of those 
polled said minors should be required by 
law to notify a parent before undergoing 

n abortion. 

That sounds good in principle; but if 
years of parenting haven't established. 
trust, no law will. And who can say that a 


judge will act in the best interests of the 
minor? One judge in Michigan delayed a 
consent hearing, forcing an I1-year-old 
girl (made pregnant by her mothers 
boyfriend) to carry the pregnancy to 
term. The next year, he stripped her of 
custody of the child, claiming she was 
glectful and too immature to care for 

Bill and Karen Bell from Indiana, a 
state with parental-consent laws, have 
toured the country talking with state leg- 
islators intent on passing similar laws. 
‘Their daughter Becky became pregnant. 
Afraid to tell her parents and afraid to 
go to a judge for an exemption, she 
sought an illegal abortion, She contract- 
ed an infection and died. 

A Massachusetts judge who has had to 
deal with parental consent for nine years 
said, “All the law does is harass kids. 

Sometimes it kills them. 


As a member of and principal 
songwriter for the now-defunct 
trio Uncle Bonsai, 1 enjoyed the 
"Boom-Box Diplomacy" (The 
Playboy Forum, May) rock-and- 
roll lists that include our song 
Penis Envy under antiporn zealot 
Andrea Dworkir's name. In fact, 
years after Penis Envy was re- 
leased, we performed a song, 
Women with a “Y” (Womyn), writ- 
ten with Dworkin in mind. 
Andrew Ratshin 

Uncle Bonsai tackled such topics 
as Madison Avenue, liposuction, 
surrogate mothers, shopping malls, 
Disney World and antisex zealots. 
Trony you can dance to. 

An excerpt of the lyrics from 
“Women with a Y” (Womyn)": 

“Adam was an asshole 

Adam must have been an asshole 
"Cause he couldn't satisfy 

The only woman in the place 
Eve was certainly devoted 

As he plundered and persisted 
Never thought if she resisted 
She could save the women's face 

And as Adam demonstrated 

As he blindly penetrated 

Eve would simply have to take it 
bing down 

She just couldn't see the trap- 

That the men had under wrap- 

Still they blamed her dnd they 
ran her out of town 

Get the man out of the woman 

Get the man out of mankind 

Take the man down from the 

Leave the manful talk behind 

While the men are on maneuvers 

Let the mantras full the sky 

Make the world a place for 

Women with a 'Y'" 

Uncle Bonsais recordings are 
available from Ebb Productions, 


ROOM Reet 

The American Fibn and Video Association recently 
issued the following statement on censorship: 

“The freedom to view, along with the freedom to 
speak, to hear and to read, is protected by the First 
Amendment to the Constitution of the United 
States. In a free society, there is no place for cen- 
sorship of any medium of expression. Therefore, 
these principles are affirmed: 

1. To provide the broadest possible access to film, 
video and other audio-visual materials, because 
they are a means for the communication of ideas, 
Liberty of circulation is essential to ensure the con- 
stitutional guarantee of freedom of expression. 

2. Т protect the confidentiality of all individuals 
and institutions using film, video and other audio- 
visual materials. 

3. То provide film, video and other audio-visual 
materials that represent a diversity of views and 
expression. Selection of a work does not consti- 
tute or imply agreement with or approval of the 

4. To provide a diversity of viewpoints without 
the constraint of labeling or prejudging film, video 
and other audio-visual materials on the basis of 
the moral, religious or political beliefs of the pro- 
ducer or film maker or on the basis of contro- 
versial content. 

5. To contest vigorously, by all lawful means, 
every encroachment upon the publics free- 
dom to view. 

taxes, would be able to use the 
medicinal properties of marijua- 
na appropriately and would be 
able to keep it from children. 

One hundred years ago, farm- 
ers in the U.S. produced all of the 
fiber, medicine and food that 
Americans consumed. Farming 
was their heritage and was the 
backbone of our economy, as well 
as the basis of our morality and 
the foundation of our expecta- 
tions. Instead, we increasingly 
rely on synthetic products—even 
in our food—that create toxic 

The evolution from natural 
products to synthetic ones was 
planned and implemented by 
several corporations, including 
Hearst Paper Manufacturing, 
Kimberly-Clark and DuPont. 
“Those three companies, among 
others, stood to lose billions of 
dollars if the hemp from mari- 
juana could successfully be made 
into paper products. In the Thir- 
ties, when machinery to make 
the conversion was refined, the 
companies maneuvered to make 
marijuana illegal. William R; 
dolph Hearst used his consid- 
erable newspaper power to 
sensationalize the evils of mari- 
juana. In 1937, their efforts paid 
off with the prohibition of mari- 
Juana through taxation law. 

Had marijuana been kept le- 
gal, the use of the sulphuric-acid 
process for wood-pulp paper 
that DuPont had patented would 
have all but disappeared—thus 
eliminating most of the pollution 
in the rivers of our Northwest 
and Southeast. 

It is time for the marijuana 
activist to merge with environ- 
mental groups, individual-rights 
groups and fair-minded indi- 
viduals of all races, creeds, colors 
and political affiliations, to de- 
mand a right to make individual 
choices about marijuana. Manu- 
facturers of synthetic products 
resist that concept. They do not 
want farmers to compete with 

9102 17th Avenue NE, Seattle, Washington 

In my campaign for the Democratic 
nomination for governor, I have been ad- 
vocating taxing and regulating of mari- 

juana as a cash crop in order to allow 

farmers to gross the hundreds of m 
lions of dollars currently sent to the inter- 
national crime syndicates in South 
America and Mexico. In addition to the 
benefit to farmers, the United States 
would garner billions of dollars in new 

them in the multibillion-dollar markets 
of fiber and medicine. 
Gatewood Galbraith 
Lexington, Kentucky 
Galbraith is a candidate for the Demo- 
cratic nomination for governor of Ken- 
tucky. The primary will be in May 1991. 


Ina leuer to The Playboy Forum (Au- 
gust), Douglas F. Mould, Ph.D., refers to 
Wichita's domestic violence policy and 
implies that it benefits abused women but 
not abused men. I am a veteran officer of 
the police department and would like to 
clarify Mould's statements. 

Domestic violence is defined as any 
threat, intimidation or overt act of vi 
lence by one person against another with 
whom he has or has had an intimate re- 
lationship. The relationship can be be- 
tween spouses, siblings or lovers. 

The officers of the Wichita Police De- 
partment have a responsibility to enforce 
the law and to keep peace, which means 
that we must sometimes intervene in the 
violence that affects so many families. 
Contrary to Mould's belief, many females 
have spent a night in the county jail as 
the result of an officer's intervening in a 
domestic fight. 

William A. Riddle 

Patrol East Bureau 

Wichita Police Department 
Wichita, Kansas 

In “The Great Rock Labeling War” 
(The Playboy Forum, August), you report 
on Jean Dixon, the Missouri state repre- 
sentative, who introduced legislation 
“making labeling mandatory for records 
that contain ‘unsuitable’ lyrics.” A point 
of interest is that Dixon admitted during 
a radio interview that neither she nor her 
children listen to rock music. When 
queried about several songs and groups, 
she said that she knew nothing about 
them. She was able to quote rap lyrics on- 
ly because she read them from a lyric 
sheet—and she probably got that from the 
Parents’ Music Resource Center. 
Jean Dixon doesnt speak for all Mis- 
Anthony Capuano, Jr. 
Overland, Missouri 

Apparently, the definition of censor- 
ship is to make a mountain out of a mole- 
hill. Donald J. Kainrad makes me proud 
to be an atheist (The Playboy Forum, Sep- 

Steve Lederman 
Princeton, New Jersey 

In the spring of 1989, a vocal minority 
in the Farmington, New Mexico, area 
resurrected a 1976 city ordinance regu- 
lating dissemination of pornography. 

They pressured the city council into ex- 
panding the law to include video tapes. 
The city government asked arca resi- 
dents to rent or buy tapes they found ob- 
jectionable and then file a complaint with 
the city The cases were brought before 
Judge Johnnie Byrd, who is strongly an- 
üpornography Not surprisingly, there 
were a number of convictions. 

Т have conversed with the leaders of 
the antipornography movement and it is 
clear that their goal is not just to control 
hard-core pornography but to ban all 
materials and activities that they consider 

John Duelge, M.D. 
Farmington, New Mexico 

I am a churchgoing Methodist, but it 
irks me when I find a Bible in a hotel 

“Enough searching 
for intelligent 
life in space. 

Let’s find some 
on this planet.” 

room (The Playboy Forum, September). 1 
resent paying for my lodging and then 
getting a dose of religion. 1 recommend 
doing one of the following: Throw the 
book out the door, throw it into the 
wastebasket or throw it at the manager. 
Walt Windsor 
Baltimore, Maryland 

Regarding Playboy and others suit 
against the American Family Association 
chapter in Florida: Go for it! 
Dan McGraw 
Rochester, New York 


You know the joke about "military i 
telligence" being a contradiction in 
terms? Here's proof that it is: Six U.S sol- 
diers deserted their Army Intelligence 
duties in Germany and headed for a cer- 
tain beach in Florida to meet an alien 
spacecraft heralding the Rapture, which 

supposedly precedes the Second Coming 
of Christ. Enough searching for intelli- 
gent life in space. Lets find some on 
this planet. 
T. Martin 
Miami, Florida 


Historian Daniel Bell called crime the 
“queer ladder of social mobility” because 
it gives the uneducated and the impover- 
ished the means of escaping the slum. He 
was referring to crimes such as bootleg- 
ging that afforded some of the brighter 
street-gang members a route to promi- 
nence and prosperity during Prohibition. 
However, the phrase can easily apply to- 
day. A Washington, D.C., study found 
thata large number of drug pushers hold 
regular jobs and deal drugs to supple- 
ment their legitimate income. Although 
about three quarters of the 24,000 deal- 
ers use drugs themselves and sell them 
partly to support their own habits, maybe 
the rest will build up job skills from their 
work experience and savings accounts 
from the drug profits, invest wisely and 
end up prominent and prosperous—not 
unlike Joseph P Kennedy did during 

R. Field 
Chicago, Illinois 


A former North Carolina County dis- 
trict attorney was convicted of receiving 
child pornography through the mail. He 
had ordered video tapes through an ad 
in AGB Video magazine. Unbeknown to 
the man, postal inspector Perry LePere 
had placed the ad as bait in a postal sting. 
Ever since reading “The Child-Pornog- 
raphy Myth” (The Playboy Forum, Sep- 
tember 1988), I've been alert to the 
number of times the Postal Service sets 
up people to entice them to order videos 
that are, in many cases, ambiguously de- 
scribed; there is plenty of room for the 
defendant to believe that he is ordering 
legal tapes. It is outrageous that not only 
is the Postal Service spending money and 
time to entrap people, it is also virtually 
the only peddler of child pornography 
in this country. 

(Name and address 
withheld by request) 

According to the Bureau of Labor 
Statistics, Americans pay child-care 
workers $183 per week and parking-lot 
attendants $240 per week. Obviously, we 




The United States Supreme Court, in 
the 1986 Bowers us. Hardwick case, had 
declared that consensual sodomy in- 
volving homosexuals isa crime. 

However, Judge John Murphy ruled 
that the state constitution “embodies a 
proi that a certain private sphere of 
individual liberty will be kept largely 
beyond the reach of government. 
This is not a case involving sexual 
activity with children or persons 
who are coerced." 

Until this decision, conviction on 
a first offense of the sodomy and 
gross-indecency laws in Michigan 
could result in, respectively, up to 
15 years and five years in prison. 

Justice Brennan, in urging more 
action by state courts based on 
state constitutions, makes a point 
of warning state judges and 
lawyers that if they're not careful, 
state constitutional rulings can be 
overturned by the Supreme Court. 

In decisions reached by state 
judges, it must always be made 
clear that the ruling is based en- 
tirely on state constitutional law. 

It's wise to leave out any reference 
to Federal law or the Federal Con- 

Chief Justice William Rehn- 
quist, in particular, has a sharp eye 
for state decisions that make the 
Supreme Court look miserly; and 
if he finds references to Federal 
law intertwined with references to 

te constitutional law in a deci- 
sion, he may try to persuade a ma- 
jority of his colleagues to first 
review and then reverse many of. 
those decisions affirming rights. 
if they come up for review (that is, 
if a state prosecutor. angered at a 
liberal expansion of the Fourth 
Amendment by a state court, asks 
the High Court to review it). 

However, as William Brennan 
says, "If a state court plainly states 
that its judgment rests on its analy- 
sis of state law, the United States 
Supreme Court will honor that 
statement and will not review the 
state-court decision." 

Thomas Jefferson would have 
agreed with Brennan on the need 
to safeguard individual liberties by 
not leaving their care to a single 
body. In an 1816 letter, Jefferson 
wrote: "No, my friend, the way 
to have a good and safe govern- 
ment is not to trust it all to one, but 
to divide it among the many. . . . 
What has destroyed liberty and 

the rights of man in every government 
which has ever existed under the sun? 
The generalizing and concentrating 
[of] all cares and powers into one body” 
Now, with the prospect of a Bush 
Supreme Court extending its bleak 
influence well into the 21st Century, it 

will be the state courts and consti 
tions that preserve at least some of the 
ge of Jefferson, James Madison, 
William O. Douglas, 

Earl Warren and William Brennan. 

IO L: 

‘Ode to 

By = 
ÉL Jerome Stern STENENE 

Please, oh, please, oh, censor me, 
Please, someone, outlaw my poetry. 
I tried lyricism and profundity, 

But I got ignored complete-elly. 

Ineed а Senotor, | need a judge, 
ll take a governor. 1 don't need much. 

I just need someone to make me famous 

By arresting me and calling me nomous. 

I need o minister to write a big sermon 
Saying I'm Satan, worse than vermin. 
Inced politicians to make their spec‘ 
Saying I'll corrupt their Georgia peaches, 

To claim I'm a threat to civilizotion 

A malignant blemish on our fair nation. 

Teli the world, oh, tell it, please, 

That my kind of art'll bring the notion to 
its knees. 

Hospitals will close, children will wail, 
Bridges will collapse, banks will fail. 
Sodom, Gomorrah and even worse, 

That's what'll happen if you read my verse. 

Oh, please, oh, media, attack my squ 

The righteous love outrage, ond they like 
to holler, 

He's awful, he's sinful, his mind's in the 

Slice him to pieces, fry him in butter. 

Churches'll get filled, candidotes get votes, 

Artists can make statements, critics give 

Records'll sell more, art prices rise, 

The courts will be busy, the lawyers thrive. 

Censorship's good for all concerned, ~ 
ts only a few who really get burned. 

So please, oh, someone, censor my rhyme 
And we both con be on the cover of Time. 

тет‏ ا چا 

Jerome Stern is a professor of English at 
Florida Stote University in Tallahassee. This 
originally aired as a monolog on National 
Public Radio's “All Things Considered.” 


consider cars more important than 
children. Ivs no surprise, then, that we 
are willing to jail mothers who have 
taken crack (The Playboy Forum, May) 
rather than give them proper prenatal 
care and drug treatment. We dont real- 
ly care about the health of the baby, we 
care about the punishment of a drug 
taker. Lets get our priorities 
E Gilbert 
San Francisco, California 


At what point is a gay individ- 
ual's right of privacy superceded 
by long-term social and political 
objectives that will benefit the 
gay community as a whole? This 
is the question raised by the prac- 
tice of "outing"—revealing some- 
ones homosexuality against his 
wishes. I can see reason and justice 
in outing public figures such as the 
late Roy Cohn, who hypocritically 
allied himself with politicians who 
condemned and persecuted homo- 
Sexi But | have friends who 
privately acknowledge their homo- 
sexuality without practicing it and 
without considering themselves 
part of any homosexual “commu- 
nity” In fact, one, a conscientious, 
practicing Catholic, forgoes homo- 
sexual activity for the same reli- 
gious reasons that his Catholic 
heterosexual counterpart would 
(or should) forgo intercourse out- 
side marriage. Here the question is 
whether a person should be forced 
ош of a larger community that is 
heterosexual but does not make 
sex a qualification for member- 
ship. If I were a member of a 
heterosexual minority in a pre- 
dominantly homosexual culture, I 
would certainly resent being la- 
beled and treated as an outsider 
when I would consider my sexual 
n to be nobody else's 

(Name and address 
withheld by request) 

Sixteen years of harassment, ar- 
rests and the crosion of civil rights 
have not solved the so-called drug 
problem. In those years, we've seen 
constitutio rights stomped to 
dust. Maybe it's time to stop. 
Dana A. Netz 
Jemez Springs, New Mexico 


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3 Lights 100's: 9 mg. “tar,” 0.7 mg. nicotine; 
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Menthol 1005: 11 mg. “tar,” 0.9 mg. nicotine; 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. Ultra Lights 100's: 8 mg. “tar”, 0.5 mg 

nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method, 

Reporter’s Notebook 


conservative homosexuals find themselves in a double bind: other gays 
reluctantly embrace them, bul their right-wing allies wish they'd just go away 

Marvin Liebman is worried, and when 
he's worried, you should be. 

Who is Marvin Liebman? He is one of 
the major architects of the conservati 
revolution that has dominated the 
American agenda for the past decade 
Liebman, 67, helped found the Ameri- 
can Conservative Union back in the Six- 
s and pushed Ronald Reagan for 
President as early as the 1968 Miami 
convention. He was the toughest of Cold 
Warriors, fighting to save China, Katan- 
ga and Vietnam from the Communist 
enemy. But now that the Cold War is 
over and conservative wrath has 
switched from Red baiting to gay bi 
ing, he has a problem, He is the enemy 
Liebman, who had been one of a consid- 
erable number of Washington-based 
dosergay conservatives, decided то 
come out” because of his horror over 
the runaway bigotry in conservative 

As he recently told readers of the Na- 
tional Review, the conservative bible, “1 
worry that the right wing, having won 
the Cold War and, for all intents and 
purposes, the batile over economic pol 
cy will return to the fever swamps. Í sce 
evidence of this. It disturbs me greatly.” 
He sounded this alarm in an open letter 

to “my best friend" of almost ? 

5 years, 

Buckley, Jr, 
all the time I labored in 
ive vineyard, 1 was gay.” 
gest shocker, perhaps, but 
remember, this guy cofounded, with 
Buckley, the Young Americans for Er 
dom, whose current chant, according to 
Liebman, is “No rights for sodomites. 

As to why he 
ment to go pub t part of my 
life that had been so private for all these 
years,” Licbman wrote to Buckley that it 
was "because I fear that our cause might 
sink back into the ooze in which so much 
of it rested in pre-N.R. days. In that 
dark age. the American right was heavi- 
ly, perhaps dominantly, made up of 
bigots: anti-Semites, anti-Catholies, the 
K.K.K., rednecks, Know-Nothi 
sorry lot of public hucksters 

s medicine men.” 
canse to be concerned 
Gay bashing, long an American blood 
sport, has now become the mainstay of 

Not the 


right wing. fund ra 
generated hysteria, The bullying appro- 
priation of у values,” while о 
focusing on women’s rights to abor 
and other manifestations of sex outside 
of procreation, is never quite satiated 
until a homosexual connection is estab- 
lished, Witness Senator Jesse Helms's 
obsession with the 
Robert Mapplethorpe, which led to the 
exclusion of homoerotic art from NEA 

Homophobia has clearly emenged as 
the last refuge of American scoundrels 
And wha is involved here is nothing less 
than a fundamental split in conservative 
ideology that was papered over during 
the Cold War years but can no longer be 
concealed. There are wo kinds of con- 
servatives and they cannot sleep com- 
fortably in the same bed. 

Some conservatives аге liberi ns 
who simply want to cut back on Govern- 
mental intrusion into our economic and 
social lives, Theoretically, they should be 
strong supporters of civil liberties, in- 
cluding those of gays. As Liebman puts 
it, “The conservative view, based as it is 
on the inherent rights of the individual 
over the state, is the logical political 
home of gay men and women.” 

But the other kind of conservative de- 
sires precisely the opposite. In the name 
of “traditional values,” this group seeks 
a great deal of Government intrusion in- 
to private lives and would trample on 
the nally ed sep 
tion of church and s well as on 
freedom of specch. Freedom is to be 
permitted in the arts and in the market 
place only as long as minority taste does 
not offend the sacred mores of the ma 
jority. As Buckley put it, i sponse 
to Liebman, “But you, too, must realize 
what are the implications of what you 
ask. Namely, that the Judaeo Christian 
tradition, which is allied with, no less, 
. become indifferent to an- 
other way of life.” 

Buckley is being slippery here, for the 
issue is not that of homosexuality, or 
pro-choice birth control or the right of 
artists to tender their own moral values. 
Let Buckley believe as fervently as he 
might in his and his Church's notion of 
heaven and hell and let him espouse 
such notions vigorously; they should, 

ing and publicly 

photographs of 

however, not be backed by Govern 

It was one thing for Buckley to call 
Gore Vidal a "queer" on national tele: 
sion, as he did once when he found him- 
self on the losing side of a debate. Vidal 
had called Buckley a Nazi and Buckley 
responded with the epithet, implying 
that one who practices homosexuality is 
on a moral plane with the murderers of 
tens of millions. No matter: Buckley's 
bigotry should be constitutionally pro- 
tected as long as it is an idea and doesn't 
have the power of a mob or the law 
backing it up. But to call, as Buckley did 
subsequently, for all HIV-positive males 
to have their status tattooed on their 
buttocks—a suggestion for public poli- 
cy—is to cross the line from individual 
bigotry into, yes, statist fascism. 

Buckley must decide, as a point of log- 
ic that he so ardently espouses, whether 
he is in the camp of the libertarians or of 
the Helmses. The attempt to find a mid- 
dle ground involves one inescapably in 

hopeless contradiction. For libertar- 
jan conservatives—and as a matter of 
self-preservation, that category should 
include the large number of gay 
conservatives in the higher reaches of 
Washington power—the continued ac 
commodation of the traditionalists is a 
death knell. They will rdate 
their own demise. 

Recall the sad case of former Con- 
gressman Robert E. Bauman, who pre- 
ceded Liebman out of the closet. With 
Liebman, he founded the American 
Conservative Union and at the time the 
FBI charged him with soliciting for sex 
in a gay bar was its national chairman. 

Congressman Bauman had survived 
as a conservative leader by endorsing 
without embarrassment all kinds ol gay. 
bashing positions while he remained in 
the closet. He began public service as a 
Maryland legislator who picked up 
sailors on the qu but nonetheless 
worked to kill legislation preventing dis- 
crimination against homosexuals in 
housing. In 1977, Bauma 
tinuing a 17-year pai 
his wife in random homosexual encoun- 
ters, cosponsored the Family Protection 
Act. He would later admi that he had 
not bothered to read the fine print on 
this radical (concluded on page 192) 


n, while con- 

ern of cheatin: 




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a candid conversation with america's hardest-working comic about 

tough audience: 

, andrew dice clay and who's going to follow johnny 

hottest stand-up comedian in America" once 
described himself in a high school classmates 
yearbook as a “future retired millionaire.” Jay 
Leno was half right about his prospects. Al the 
age of 40, the “Bruce Springsteen of comedy” 
is earning upwasds—and some would suggest 
far upward—of 53,000,000 a yeas. What he 
was wrong abont was the retirement. 

Leno may newer retire. In a world secnm, 
ly obsessed with the pursuit of leisure time, he 
shies [rom il as if il were death itself. He tite 
ally loves to wark. During the next year, he 
will sit in for Johnny Carson as guest host of 
“The Tonight Show" on roughly 77 nights. 
He will perform at Harrah's in Lake Tahoe, 
at The Sands т Atlantic City and at Caesars 
Palace in Las Vegas, He will hopscotch across 
the conntry from state fairs lo college concerts 
to conventions to clubs for more than 240 
nightly stands. Somehow. he will squeeze in 
the filming of a commercial or ta an behalf 
of Doritos corn chips. And, just to insure 
against the odd empty evening, there ave fre 
quent visits to The Comedy & Magic Club in 
Hermosa Beach, California, where Leno laps 
aff his set hy testing jokes for his “Tonight 

Show” monologs. 

The man Time magazine has calle 

Ws the ideal situation, Lena lives to enter- 

tain and audiences can't get enough. Like an 

“Comedy is like lifting weights: If you don't do 

il every day, everything begins to atrophy and 
you sind np a bie fat pug. 1 can Мау home 
and watch Jake and the Fatman, or 1 can 
make twenty-five thousand dollars” 

Everyman turned cantankerous by the insani- 
ty of contemporary life, he тарх out an almost 
poetically humorous repart on his generation's 
life and times. His “Tonight Shaw" openers 
are peppered with wisecracks so memorable 
that he is rapidly becoming the most widely 
quoted comic since Will Rogers. 

“Sa this is National Condom Week," he ob- 
served. “Boy, there's a parade you don't want 
to miss.” Or; “Well, Nancy Reagan just won a 
humanitarian award. Em so glad she beat out 
that scheming lille Mother Teresa. ver 
look at the expiration date on a bag of Won- 
der Bread? It says right there m tiny letters, 

When MTV bestowed a “lifetime-achieve- 
ment" trophy on Madonna, he opined, “That 
should give Ella Fitzgerald and Lena Horne 
something to shool for.” He once summed up 
the basic difference between the sexes ах, АШ 
men laugh at the Thiee Stooges and all wom- 
en think they're shitheads.” And, lest we for- 
gel, it was Leno who delivered one of the more 
memorable quips on Quayle: "He's making: his 
oum Vietnam movie, "Full Dinner Jacket. 

He cuts claser lo his own sensibilities in his 
discussion of European cuisine. “I hate it. 
They nse all the parts of the animal we throw 
away. They're saving the lungs and pancreas 
to make some kind of colon tartare, Ги hope 

“(Sam Kunson] puts his material together the 
way а comedian does. There's a joke there. 
People way go, “That's awful. But, you know, 
i is funy.” With Andrew Dice Clay, 1 cant 
find the joke. 1 can't find the yoke!” 

lesly American. If it doesn't come in a Styro- 
foam box with a lid on it, 1 don't enjoy it.” 

The “hopelessly American” comedian, born 
James Douglas Muir Leno in New Rochelle, 
New York, spent most of his formative years in 
the pleasant town of Andover. Massachusetts, 
where his father Angelo, was an insurance 
executive. Jay, or “Jamie,” as his Scots-horn 
mother, Catherine, still calls him, was the sec- 
оп of two sons, an outgoing boy who liked to 
make people laugh. But his family life, and 
the town, were entirely loo conventional for 
him to have dreamed he'd grow up to be a 
stand-up comic. 

Still, from classmates lo teachers, he always 
left them laughing. And while earning а de- 
gree in communications at Emerson College 
in Boston. he decided to moonlight as a 
monologist. A cycle and car buff since child- 
hood. he'd managed to talk himself into an 
ideal day job, ckaning and prepping luxury 
cars at a local. Rolls-Royce/Mercedes dealer- 
ship. He filled his nights with his other avoca- 
tion, comedy 

H wasn't easy. He worked strip joinis, jazz 
clubs, carnival midways and even retirement 
homes. He was heckled. cursed aud punched. 
Sometimes, he was paid; other times, he lost 
money on the deal. Oddly enough, he thrived 
and began to realize that a stand-up life was 

“I taught Arsenio la ride а moloyeycle. We 
used lo hang out every might. We were both 
sort of misfits at that point. There were only 
сенат opportunities available to a black co- 
median. 1 was sort of—whal am 1, Haban?” 




precisely what he wanted, To that end. he 
started commuting to New York, where he 
spent hours auditioning for the chance to ap- 
pear without pay at comedy clubs. 

At 25, after watching a singularly unim- 
pressive young comic guest оп Ihe Los 
Angeles-based "Tonight Show,” he decided to 
go West. He flew to Southern California, 
varying a few dollars, а small suitcase and 
an act forged by hard-earned experience. 

Humor enclaves such as The Comedy Store 
and the LA. branch of The Improv were 
starting to expand into the showbiz main- 
stream, and Leno, а ‚berforme 
among fresh-ont-of-college comedy hapefuls, 
гама his way into the prime slots on their 
schedules. But while contemporaries such as 
Jimmie Walker and Freddie Prinze used 
stand-up to leap to Tlsitcom fame, Leno 
didn't seem to fit the weekly series mold. An 
1BC-TV executive. once explained to him, 
“We feel your face will frighten little chil- 
dren,” Another suggested that he treat his hair 
lo a blond tint. МШ another gave him the 
name of a doctor who might straighten his 
Jaw, a process that would have rendered hin 
speechless for “about а year or so." 

Instead. Leno continued to tour the coun- 
try—Councail Bluffs, lowa: Hanover, New 
Hampshire; Utica, New York; Grand Forks, 
North Dakota. He was earning the sobriquet 
“the hardest-working comedian in show busi- 
ness,” and flourishing in the process. As the 
number of one-nighlers iucieased. so did 
Lenos talk-show guest spots wih Merv 
Griffin and Mike Douglas. He opened in Las 
Vegas for such disparate performers as Perry 
Como and Tom Jones, bul his act was so nni- 
versal that it worked with any audience, 

In 1977, he appeared with Johnny Carson 
on “The Tonight Show,” the venue that, since 
1987, when he became ils exclusive guest 
hast, has brought him his widest fami 

These days, Leno and has writer wife, 
Maris, share a two-story, 12-room home in 
Beverly Hills that has been described as half 
library (her books) and hal] garage this dlas- 
мс cars and motorcycles). 

Recently, during one of the comedian s pro- 
tracted periods as "Tonight Show™ guest host, 
we dispatched journalist Dick Lochte to 
МВСУ Burbank Studios to find out what 
makes Leno tick. Lochte, who had met and in- 
terviewed Leno in the mid-Seventies, reports: 

The first day, 1 arrived to find a glistening 
black Bentley Turbo R parked m the space 
nearest the sound-stage door. 1 would discover. 
every day thereafter, a different dieam car 
resting there. A Jaguar NK-L20. Any af sew- 
eral Lamborghinis. Leno isn't sure how many 
ears he has, but there are probably enough to 
carry him through a te pest-host tin. 
If not, he can always motor in ou ane of hix 
cyeles—the Harley, maybe, or oue of the Vin- 
cent Black Shadows. The last time we'd 
talked, he'd been driving a 1955 Bruck Road- 
master that he'd also slept m [vom time to time. 

“Inside the haugastike building, in a dress- 
ing room that, even with a TV monitor hooked 
to the wall, would qualify as Spartan, Lene 
told me that he still had the Burch. Lounging 
on a couch, dressed in workaday denim, he 


didn't seem to have undergone much physical 
change since we'd last met 15 years earlier. At 
180 pounds spread mow or less evenly aver a 
six-fool frame, he is slightly stockien, perhaps. 
His hair is shorter, with move than a touch of 
gray. But the famous jaw is as firm as always, 
housing the same infections crooked grin. 
“Md he seemed to be as calm a performer 
as ever Then he could break off a sentence to 
hop onto the stage, do à quick set and return, 
picking up the conversation where he'd ended 
it. Now dies relaxation seemed la increase as 
showtime approached. "Yon. have to under- 
he said, Mus is the easiest thing ГИ do 


“Throughout our. several meetings, every 
hour or so, the executive producer of “The 
Tonight Show. Fred de Cordova, would enter 
with notes for Leno to stud —information 
about the show's guests, questions suggested by 
the staff and ideas for various comedy bits. AL 
though the two men seemed to have a mutual 
respect, they would engage in a continuing 
game of playful banter, much of it based on 
Leno's rather wlaxed approach to his guest- 
hosting chos. “These should. be interesting 
even do a jaded character such as you, 
De Cordova would say, handing the notes to 

People don't want 
lo hear some comedian 
whining about how bad 
life is. “Hey, you're 
gelling paid a lol of 
dough! Shut up, please!” 

Leno, who would reply. with mock earnest- 
ness, TH give then my immediate attention.” 

“De Cordova seemed amused that [ay was 
going lo be the subject of a Playboy Inter- 
vies." "Do you know thal Lonce directed Hugh 
Hefner in an episode of "Burke's Law"? 
mentioned. But as the days 
perplexed. “Still here, eh? What are we € 
ing today?” 
eno replied quickly, seas discussing the 
finest producer in the history of television. 

“De Cordova chuckled. "This might be in- 
teresting after all. 

“On the last day, he asked, “My God! Are 
you still here? This interview should be long 
mongh to fill an entire issue of Playboy." 

“He may eventually gel a book ош of ite 1 
told him. 
‘he producer, who not long ago published 
his autobiography, ‘Johnny Came Lately. 
raised an eyebrow and asked. A book 

“Yeah, we're calling it "Johnny, We Hard- 
dy Knew de, Leno said. “What was the name 
of yous?” 

“De Cordova smiled, 

Jays проме was immediate. T 

“Fuck you! hr said 

didu't ask 

what it should haw been called.” 

“The producer paused. Then, in spite of 
himself, he laughed. He'd been in show busi- 
ness long enough to realize thal you сан? ex- 
реа to ontheckle a сопіс who spends upwards 
af 240 nights a year on the топа, 

PLAYBOY: Ye ich, youre successful. 
Why do vou keep working so hard? 

LENO: Well, vou take one dav oll and 
you're thinking. Boy this is y Then 
you take two days off, and then three, To 
me. comedy is like weights: Once 
you start. if vou don’t doit every day, ev- 
ervthing begins te atrophy and vou 
wind up a big fat pig. And it's not exact 
ly unr g work, You say to your- 
sell. 71 can stay home and watch Jake and 
the Fatman make twenty 
thousand d 
PLAYBOY: llow 

road e, 



or l ca ive 

any days are vou on the 

h month 
LENO: Twenty, twenty-two. Pin in every 
Tuesday, when I do The Tonight Show. A 
lor of es, ТИ go ош and come back 
the same day. 

PLAYBOY: How can you stay happily mar- 
ried when you're constantly awa 
LENO: It’s no different than if vou 
salesman or in the Service. A 
friend of пе. who's nor married any- 
more, used to complain that his wile 
didni understand his getting drunk and 

getting laid when he was on the road. 1 
told him. “Gee, she's so demanding. Be- 
sides the fact that she could die hom 

whatever disea: 
the road 
wile from the 

* vou pick up." I go on 
nd 1 come home. I call my 
port before | leave and 
we talk that night belore we go to bed. 
And if Fm heading anyplace the least bit 
interesting, she goes with m 

PLAYBOY: Wouldnt you 
more normal schedule 
LENO: First. I love the work. I just show 
up and tell my jokes. Irs very relaxing, 
Second, when Um traveling, 1 get the 
chance to read. A week on the road and 

ather have a 

Газ up to date on every world event. m 
home for a week and suddenly irs, 
happened in Lithuania? When 

Third. whats 

and mumbling. “Geez, il the boss doesnt 
like repo ease have any of 
those problems. great peace of 
»wn boss. 

" the job. 
nes it gets kind of strange bei 
oad, but people don't w 

"Hey, vow re at the Marriott? 
paid a lot of dough! Shut 

up, please 
PLAYBOY: Was bein 

vour own boss onc 

LENO: Nor consciously. | was never 
porate kind of person, But 1 was 
counterculture type. either, L find it 
1 my fiends who once were blow 
of America are worki 




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there now. And I have all the freedom 
that they thought they were gonna get. 1 
come and go as | please. I don't take jobs 
that I don't want. I have friends who 
work for a chemical company and irs, “I 
didn't poison those kids in Africa. Um 
justin sales." They wake up with chills. I 
don't have any of that. The worst that 
happens in my line of work is you dort 
augh. You don't get cancer of the 
n ten years. 

PLAYBOY: What made you think you 
could earn a living this way 
LENO: | didn't think I could. I just liked 

was great starting out, 1 
worked at a Rolls-Royce dealership in 
Boston and I used to bank the money 1 

made there and spend my comedy mon- 
ey, which was, like, frez. lly, one 
ed to overtake the other TI 
figured 1 would more or less ride this 
y train until it crashed. Today, I live 
money I make at comedy clubs 
ything else goes in the bank 
PLAYBOY: Literally in the b 
stocks, no bonds, no income 
n the bank. | don't want to invest 
k bonds or be a landlord. My 
htmare is that 1 buy rental property 
and suddenly, the morning paper ar- 
rives with the headline “every woman 

cles. I can afford to buy my dad а Lin- 
coln Continental for Father's Day. But 
still tively simple life. 
Beverly Hills? 
LENO: You make it simple. Shortly after 
we moved in, we went next door to drop 
olla bottle of champagne and introduce 
ourselves to our neighbor 
The d tells us. “Mr and Mrs. 
So aren't in right now.” So I hand her 
the champagne and she asks, “Are you 
keeping a full stall or a Г stall?” 1 
didn’t know what she m My wile 
ids, butlers 
don't know. 
“re gonna have a staff. 
Iways have such good 

luck with т 
LENO: Alwi so stupid when we 
moved into our first house, Back East, 
people would show up at your house. So 
I went out and bought a cake. And we 
walked over 
мете you 

The g 
‚ We've got 
you.” I must have looked like 
guys closing 
ms like he doesn't 
on. l'm thinking 1 

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ngary by Kajar Imports, Lid. 

white and there are thousand-watt klieg 

lights and two women on the floc 

guess you're just moving in, too?” 
Who is this guy 
man in bikini briefs 

in the robe says, 

the two girls go, 
Then 1 see another 

Uh, great.” Out- 
side, after he shut the door, you could 
I Some jerk who 

"Think he knew what 
7 “Naw, he looked too 

bought a hou 
was going or 
PLAYBOY: OK, so you have weird n 
bors and no maids or butlers. What 
about life on the Do you travel 
with an entourage, like Eddie Murphy? 
LENO: No entourage. I c 
р I don't like E 
[Affected voice] "Would you get 
please, like a good 
PLAYBOY: No little luxuries—expensive 
meals at fancy restaurants, for instance 
LENO: 1 usually pick ts not for 
the food but because I can keep an eye 
on my car and make sure the valet stays 
away from it. But not long ago, in At- 
lantic City, my wife 
ever go out?” So we wind up at tl 
in one of the hotels. Its a fancy 
place, but it's staffed by guys from Je 
sey, you know, “Bone-joor, Meester Leenos." 
So Um sitting there and about six feet 
away isa guy doing a thing with a flanbe 
He looks at me and he yells, “Hey! 
You're da fuckin’ guy, right?” Now ev- 
erybody turns. Thats what I like. Fm ın 
an expensive French restaurant with my 
wile. It's two hu red bucks for this 
Hey! You're 
“ve got the 
slicked down, oves, but sudde: 
ly, Гап in the middle of My Fair Lady. 
PLAYBOY: Maybe you're “da fuckin’ guy” 
in New Jersey, but Vanity Fair calls you 
“the Mr. Clean of contemporary come- 
dy.” Whats wrong with blue humor? 
LENO: Гуе never been offended when 
arlin or [Richard] Pryor uses 
a ^ word. It's not that. But I was 
watching some comic on one of the cable 
shows and he said something like, “If 
you're ош with u rl and the date’s 
not going well, just reach over and rip 
her left üt off." That was the punch lir 
Where's the joke? Let's beat up а wom- 
? These days. you сап make jokes 
about our role in Central America, for- 
cign policy, how we treat blacks and 
Indians and the CIA, and you're consi 
cred a plain old mainstream comedian. 
But if you go out and say “Women are 
bitches” and “Lets Kill gay people, 
you're considered controversial, on the 
edge. I don't hear those comics really 
being on the edge about anything. All 
they're doing is saying something to a 
group of people who agree with them. 
It's just baiting a crowd. 

PLAYBOY: Yi alking about Andrew 
Dice € 

iet Andrew a few times. I 

don’t know whether he's a good guy or a 
bad guy, but 1 don't buy his defense that 
he's just playing a characte about 
[former Ku Klux Klan leader turned 
state legislator] Dav id Duke? Was he just 

s another person 
ize black people were get- 
1 don't buy it. This is the 
lives now, isn't it? Mayor 
didn't do coke, his sich 
ybody has an excuse. 
But either you're responsible for your 
tions or you're not 
lay seems to be softening his 

the way you become legiti 
3 ng drugs and 
then, when you get enough money, you 

buy an honest bu: 

ness and eventually 
people say, “He's OK: he did that other 
stuff years ago.” Or you get famous by 
making fun of women or blacks or 
s. You just pound on them, Then 
you say, “I've made my money. I'm co 
fortable. I'm not doing that anymore. 
ison seems to pound 

lay. Do you find 

him offensive, too? 
LENO: Whether you Sam Kinison or 
not, he puts his material together the 

a comedian does. There's a joke 
. 1 thi 
ch Sam 



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comedian. Irs like you're a doctor and 
you see another doctor who's screwing 
off and killing patients. “Do something 
else, will ya? Become an actor.” 

PLAYBOY: What about good old-fash- 
ioned sex jokes? 
LENO: There's nothing wr with a se 

joke, as long as it’s about sex—and it's 
fu I'm not starting Comedians for 
Deceney or anything like that 
PLAYBOY: Do you ever use blue material? 
LENO: I used to work a little looser than 1 
. But I believe in my thirt ne- 
When you're a twent 
five-year-old guy and you're weari 
leather pants and a silk shirt and you 
p there doing comedy and you're talk 
ing about having sex, girls in the audi 
ence giggle. They go, “Í can't believe he 
1 that." Then, you hit about thirty- 
nine and a half, and you're balding and 
you've got a paunch. The silk shirt with 
the big collar from ten years ago is kind 
of silly-looking and the pants have a lit- 
ile too much flare. If you're doing the 
same act with the sex jokes, those same 
“Ooh, that old guy, he’s 

do no 
and-a-hal rule. 

girls are going, 
50 gross Talking al about sex. He's proba- 
bly never had sex. 

1 like an act you can grow into. T 

older I get, the more appropriate my 
aterial seems to be. I find it more in- 
teresting and more challenging to try to 
write something that’s clean and funny 
and appeals to everybod 
PLAYBOY: Do celebrities complain about 
being picked on 
LENO: I ran into Roseanne Barr one day 
‘ov and she said, “Why ya al- 
ways makin’ fun o me for? You're always 
callin’ me fat on the show.” And 1 told 
HBO special, she said 
“We fat people have to stick 
together.” She said, “Well, Um married 
w.” So I told her I wouldn't do any 
more of those jokes. And I haven't. I like 

А similar thing happened when I wa 
on The Barbara Walters Special. Ther 
showed a Tonight Show clip, a bit called 
“Pin the Tail on the Oprah.” There are a 
buneh of pictur she 

things like, 

loses weight, the game gets harder to 

play because her ass gets smaller. 
original sketch included the 
Home Game,” with a six-foot cutout of 
Geraldo that you wy to hit in the face 
with chair, and a “Phil Donahue 
‘Transvestite Game” that had to do with 
wearing dresses. All the Walters show 
picked up was the Oprah section. I was 
told she saw it and was very upset. I 
d to call her and apologize, but 1 
couldn't get through. It wasn't meant to 
single her out. I was trying to insult all 
the talk-show hosts equally. 1 thought it 
was fairly good-natured. 

PLAYBOY: What rules do you pla 
when you're kidding with the audier 
LENO: If a guy is a doctor or a lawyer, 1 
knock him down a few pegs. If he's a 
I tell him, “Here's somebody 

who works for a living, We can see the 
fruits of your labor, whereas with this 
lawyer...” W the guy is fat, you pick on 
his tie. If he's bald, you make fun of his 
shoes. Hf the girl's got big boobs, you 
make fun of her husband 

PLAYBOY: You do a lot of gags about 

drunken pilots, Yugos, oil spills. Any 
other pet topics? 
LENO: I usually just go with what's in the 

paper. But you don't want to get 
of the audience. A while joke 
bout John Poindex „"Record- 
ing star James Brown served only six 
months of hi sentence, and 
now I understand John Poindexter is 
taking singing and dancing lessons. 
And T looked in their eyes and it was I 
ng into the eyes of a chicken. They 

didn't know Poindexter was or 
what 1 was talking about. Maybe they 
didn't know who James Brown was. You 

have to find subjects that people know 
and also subjects where the good guys 
ıd the bad guys are evident. Drunken 
pilots are ideal. You won't hear from 
Mothers for Misunderstood Drunken 
Pilots. Or the Friends of the Oil Spill 
bu can talk about the Yugo be 
cheap. Thar’s its whole claim to fame. 
McDonald's is a good subject. It’s some- 
thing that everyone knows. They always 
get mad, but I never denigrate the food 
The jokes are usually about inexperi 
enced kids at work there or the fact that 
the company i to buy the world 
or something. And finally, if all else fails, 
you do a condom joke. 

Do you write the monolog? 
I usually start fooling with the 
jokes and putting them together. I try to 
have fifty by midnight. Then a bunch of 
guys get together at my house. Jimmy 
. Ron Richards. Jim Edwards 
s Jerry Seinfeld. Any com 
around might stop by. We eat hamburg- 
ers or chicken or something, sit till five 
or five-fifieen and just keep narrowing 
the jokes down to about twenty-six. 

The monolog generally runs seven or 
eight minutes. I like to compare ii to the 
way you go through a newspaper. You 
open with the big joke of the day, the big 
story. and then you work your way 
through, ending with jokes about ent 
tainment or com; 

Show writers? 

LENO: They're Johnny's. If 1 were a writ 
er on the show, I wouldn't want to be in 
the position of writing for Jay on Tues- 
day and for Johnny on Wednesday. Who 
would get which joke? Plus, | like bring- 
g my own thing into it. 

PLAYBOY: Does it bother you that the 
monolog material is so dated you can't 
use it again? 

some people probably get their news 
from the Tonight Show monolog. 

PLAYBOY: You seem to enjoy being the 
show's temporary host. Would you want 

But nobody's said any- 
ng to me about that. Um signed to be 
the substitute host for the next (wo 
years. with an option. That's about it 

PLAYBOY: Your pal David Letterman 
keeps telling interviewers that he'd like 
the Carson steps down, Has 
this put a strain on your friendship: 
LENO: I don't think so. I hope not. I wa 

how whe 

watching the Tyson-Tillman fight the 
other nighe and Tyson said, ^| love 
Henry Tillman; he’s a good friend of 

mine. We went out, we had dinner, we 
do this. Fm sorry I knocked him out, 
but that’s the fight 
myself the Tyson in this situation, but 
the attitude is the same. Whatever hap- 
pens happens. If Dave were to get the 
job, 1 wouldn't stop talking to hi 
PLAYBOY: Sull, you haven't been on Lel- 
terman lately, 

LENO: No. Only because I'm here every 
week. I just dom get to New York. And 
Letterman takes a different sort of prepa 
ration than The Tonight Show. When I do 
the monolog, | have to make the audi- 
ence laugh. When I sit down, I've got to 
make Dave laugh. Instead of joke, joke, 
joke, 1 tell Dave stories. Its fu 
he will not carr! j 
you see th 
say, “No, 

I don't consider 

g last might 
1 didn't.” Hell deny every- 
thing. “Dave, have you ever eaten at this 
place?” “No, Eve never been to McDon- 
ald's and Гуе never heard of it.” Which 
makes everything funnier, Still. you have 
10 prepare for it, put the stories togeth- 
er, get them to work. I don't want to be 
the kind of comic who sits down and 
talks about his trip to Ri and how 
the people there are just like us, and if 
we all learn to live together, the world 
will be a beuer place. You want to have 
something really funny to say 

PLAYBOY: So you wouldn't be disappoint- 
ed if Letterman got The Tonight Sha 
LENO: People probably aren't going to 
believe me if I say that it wouldn't be 
problem. But 1 approach this as а bus 
ness. | go on the road 
money; thats the principal. The Tonight 
Show is all interest. I've got enough mon- 
ey in the bank so that I don’t have to 
y about this sort of thing, | do TV 
ke it, but sometimes it gets 
too complicated. Once a network that 
wanted to put me under contract told 
me, “OF course, you can't ride 
cles." 1 explained, “1 always ride my mo- 
torcycles. I work them. This is what 1 
do.” gn the contract. E lost 
g that was all 
al I could always go to Des 
nd try to make it up there. 
PLAYBOY: What if another. network of 
fered you your own talk show? 


because I 



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LENO: They have! But 1 wouldn't do that. “Whatever you 
want,” they say. “Ten times the dough,” Not interested. 
PLAYBOY: Why not? 
LENO: I've been very fortunate, I stepped into this job with no 
hype. I felt sorry for Pat Sajak. He's a nice guy and generally 
funny, but I remember that first week of publicity last 
чагу. “It’s the funniest hour and a half... * "Its ninety min- 
utes of rollicking fun. . . .” And then you're thrown 
Johnny Carson, who's been doing it for twenty-eight ye: 
and you get slaughtered 
You don't see any ads in the paper when I host, I just come 
in and I do it. Audiences make their own decision. They still 
treat me like the underdog. “Hey, you're doing a good job 
and you're gonna make it.” 1 like that 
PLAYBOY: Arsenio Hall seems to have lived up to his hype. Any 
thoughts on the competition? 
LENO: | genuinely like Arsenio. He and I started together. 1 
taught him to ride a motorcycle. We used to hang out every 
night. We were both sort of misfits at that point. There were 
only certain opportunities available to a black comedian back 
then, And I was not bad-looking enough to be bad-looking, 
nor good-looking enough to be good-looking. 1 was sort of 
what am I, Italian? Something there in the middle? Anyway, 
we'd write bits together and come up with things. And he is a 
funny guy, I'm very happy he’s done so well. People think of 
us as being in competition. I suppose, to a certain extent, we 
are, but the shows are so different. He doesn't do a lot of po- 
litical things, and 1 don't get in there and mix it up with the 
PLAYBOY: Would you consider guesting on his show 
LENO: My NBC contract wouldn't let me, but it would be too 
weird, anyway. People would wonder, "What's this all about?” 
1 don't think it would work. I wouldn't go on Nightline, either 
PLAYBOY: Do you think your comedy has changed much over 
the years? 
LENO: The big change took place about 1976 or 1977. A 
bunch of us used to hang our at a deli. There'd be me and oc- 
casionally Letterman, Johnny Dark, Tom Dreeson, Elayne 
Boosler, Richard Lewis, Everybody would tell stories—about 
working a read gig, hotel problems, whatever. We all had 
these stories. Funny stories. l'd leave there and go on stage 
and do my act, which consisted of a lot of unrelated jokes. 
Then, one night at The Improv, I suddenly decided to tell a 
story that I'd just told at the deli about staying at an old old- 
men's hotel in Cincinnati. "I woke up in the middle of the 
night and somebody was peeing on my door. I , ‘Hey, 
what are you doing? Don't pee on my door! The guy said. 
"But | always pee on this door! I looked down and the door 
was all rotted. So he was right: lt was his door." People 
laughed and I thought, Gee, this is much better than telling 
PLAYBOY: What kind of jokes had you been telling? 
LENO: Like: “I went to the 7-Eleven. I bought a Celeste pizza. 
Т don't know how long it had been sitting there, but in the 
picture on the box, Mama Celeste was eighteen.” Rat-a-tat-tat 
Jokety-jokes. But no stories. Nothing that anybody might 
think of as "a Jay Leno story." So I got pretty excited abo 
this and I started thinking of stories that I could tell. And 
's where all my material about my parents and growing 
me from 
+ You talk about your parents a lot in your act. What 
kind of family lile did vou have? 
LENO: Fairly typical, I guess. 1 had a real nice childhood. I 
never saw my parents fight or argue. A lot of comics talk 
about drunken parents, the father hiting the mother. Mine 
were nothing like that. They were older than my friends par- 

ents; my mom was forty when I was born. That's probably 

why my point of view sometimes tends to be that of someone 
a little older 

PLAYBOY: How big was the generation gap in the Leno hou 

LENO: Other people would use terms such as hippies or 

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long-hairs. My dad would say, "You 
know these bomb throwers you see on 
IV Bomb throwers! My cheap 
stereo was a new Victrola. The food was 
kept refrigerated in the icebox. Every- 
thing was from the previous generation. 
It was so different at my friends! house 
Their parents would try to integ 
themselves into the conversation and 
say. "Hey, I saw that Mick Jagger last 
night. He was something.” It made me 
very uncomfortable. Or Vd be at a 
friend's house and his mom would be in 
the pool and—whoa'—vou're looking 
somebody's mom in a bikini! "What is 
s get out of here 
PLAYBOY: Did you leam abo 
life from your dad? 

LENO: When 1 was eleven, my father se 
my mother out of the house. He said, 
Sit down, son. Do you know about the 
birds and the bees?” I said, 71 guess I 
tiule bit about it, Dad.” “Good. 
ad. Now, how do the Yankees look 
this year? Think they're 
that pennant?” Th 
Teven used to do a joke al 
the classic dirty book in-the-schooly 
find-out-Irei friends, — learn-the 
wrong-thing sex educati 

now that you're ai 
LENO: Not really. I was watching TV the 
other day with my dad. Some game or 

the facts of 



com improved 

something. I went, “Oh, Jesus Christ. 
look at this.” Suddenly, I hear him in th 
whground. "Watch your mouth while 

youre in the house.” I thoy 
g 10 hit me on the head with a pan 
or something. Or I'll say, “Mom, did you 
d Dad. ever do anything before you 
were married?” “Oh, stop. Where c 
you hear that kind of senses” 
they told me the truth, Ud run «¢ 
leave my wile because of it 
PLAYBOY: How well did the Scot 
Tali ily get along? 
They got along, but they were as 
we'd go to a wedding, for exam- 
ple, Italian side would always be 
singing and dancing and eating. And the 
Scouish side would say [Seolfisl accent], 
“Oh, look at them, Jamie. the way they 
carry on.” And when Pd visit the Scot- 
lish side Геша accent): “Would ya 
warm Coca-Cola, Jamie?” PO aly 
azed me that they would keep Coke 
d soli drinks in the cuphoard. 

The Scottish side was so stoic, the Liab 
ian so outgoing. It Iways funny 
around the house 
PLAYBOY: Were your par 
tive? Would you hug one her? 
LENO: No, we were never one of those 
kinds of families. But we were close. Ir 
member when I was sixteen, I had 
Ford truck. E had just had the uphol- 
stery all done and 1 slammed the door 
one day and broke the window. Didi 
have any money to get the window 
fixed. | drove the truck to school one 

ult he was 


sides of your I; 

s vou could possibly imagine. 



Awas a 

s demons 

day and it was sitting out in the parking 
lot when it started to rain. I figured my 
new upholstery was going to ved. 
Bur Pm looking out the window and I 
sce my mom and dad pull up. and my 
dad's got a big sheet of plastic and my 
mom's putting it over the truck. I start- 
ed to ery. My dad lelt the office becau: 

he knew how much the truck meant to 
me. We were always close that way. 
PLAYBOY: Did vou know early on that 

you wanted to be a comic? 

LENO: No. Where I grew up in New Eng- 
and was as far phically and in ev- 
ry other possible way as you could be 
from show business. 1 always assumed 1 

5 i 79) 

would Бе a salesman, like my dad 
PLAYBOY: When did that change 
LENO: А! Emerson College, when 1 starı- 
ed writing sketches with my roomm 
Gene Braunstein—he's now an execu- 
live script consultant on Who the Bass? 
We'd perform the ses in 



Boston where the entertainment was 
usually ninetcen-year-old kids from 
Island singing “1 hate my par- 

is^ We thou arious, but 
in retrospect, we were just horrible, One 

Se icd lor an 

ght we were hi 

With his blessin g l 
oup. We worked a bunch of 
Playboy Clubs. One guy wanted 10 re- 
hearse. One guy didnt. One guy 
thought fart jokes were funny. f liked 
the Bob and Ray kind of thing. which 
they thought was too subtle. We dis- 
banded alter six month: 
PLAYBOY: And you decided to go sole 
LENO: Yeah. Ud drive to New York and 
try to get on stage. One d 
The Biter End said 1 could co 
on Tuesday and work for free. Naturally, 
I told my parents. Now, The Bitter End 
at that time was like herbal tea, guys 
with long hair, people smoking je 
There wouldn't be any more than twelve 
customers in the audience. So right be- 
lore I go on, I hear this loud voice: “Hey! 
Jay Leno here tonight, hey?" My uncle Lou 
e with the big hat, my gr 
uminum walker. She's about 
ninety, clapping and shou 



all my uncles and aunts arrive 
Lou is yelling for beer in a place that 
serves only herbal tea. acts 
singing songs like, “Nixon's a j 

ay family is shouting. “That's a ter 
to say about our President 
Tn thinking, Gee, this is u 
i wand irs, Y 


э: So I hem. 
afew minutes. And Um off 
e the bes “Hey. he was the 
best опе... 1 And they all leave. maybe 
seven minutes after getting there, emp- 
tying the place lor the next act 

PLAYBOY: Who wes 

s you 

mired back thanz 
LENO: George Carlin was a big influence, 
ol course, and Robert Klein. because he 
was the guy most like me, I thought 
white, middle-class, college student, sort 
of the same interests in terms of the 
things we liked to talk about. At tha 
time, most comedians were men ove 
forty, very Jewish, very East Side of New 
York—"We were poor but we didnt 
know we were poor,” that sort of thing. 1 
don't come from any of that, s 
related to any of those guys. Kle 
did that kind of comedy. He'd be talki 

I neve 

about some obscure cut on a Beatles 
bum. suddenly ma fun ol rock 
groups from within rather than from 

above And he w ta clown. I always 
hated that kind of dopey, clown-falling: 
down type of humo 
PLAYBOY: What about Lenny Bruce: 
LENO: I admired him, nly, but 
never had his kind of anger: I never felt 
the need to confront an audience that 
> On the other hand, Mort Sahl, an- 
big influence, would guest on The 
Ed Sullivan Show and talk about Joe Me- 
thy or Eisenhower or Kennedy and 
suddenly, here'sa guy making fun of the 
status quo fo the status quo, not pre 
ing to the conve: 
ver than be ` 
a jazz joint, filled with people who al- 
rcady agreed with what you were saying. 
That's not to put down Lenny. 1 liked 
him, I thought he was funny; but he was 
never as close 10 me as, say, Bob and 
PLAYBOY: You played a few of those d 
ly lit jazz joints yourself, didn't you? 
LENO; One day in 1970, 1 went to a place 
called Lennic's on the Turnpike. Lennie 
Sogoloff—we're still good friends—used 
to br 
a comedi 
tened to my stuff and made me house 
comic. It was the first place I ever went 
on stage where the audience quicted 
down to listen to you. If 1 
thing funny, it would get a gre 
And I got to know all these jazz people 
and tour with them—Stan Getz, Mose 
Allison, Ahmad Jamal, Buddy Rich. 
I did а bunch of dates with Rah: 


x in all the big names. I said I was 

an and he sat down and 

Rokind Kirk, a blind musician, a very 
funny. nice man. He would play through 
his nose and all that kind of stall. And 
he used to do this black-nationalist rap 
all the time. Once, at the Main Point 
in Philadelphia, he started in on, "The 
white devils and the white oppres 
sor And there were these Muslim- 
looking guys in shades saying. “Right 

y “Then Ra 
"Right now, Um going to 

.yess Lo. 

on. right on 
1 says. 

bring out a brother who's gonna tell vou 
all about it! Come on out .. - brother Jay 
Leno!” And Pd walk out to—silence! 

crowd over 

PLAYBOY: How do yc 


vent no- 
H was so 

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disarming that even the angriest black 
man wound up laughing. 

PLAYBOY: Are most audiences that easy to 
win over? 

LENO: No. | remember a night at the 
Cellar Door in Washington. I was ready 
to go on with Muddy Waters. Im not on 
stage a minute when, from the corner of 

my eye, I see a guy behind me with a cat- 
sup bottle. Bop! He hits me on the head 
and knocks me out cold. 1 needed nine 
stitches. And I was docked a day's pay, 
because as a professional, I should have 
seen this thing coming. 

There are some awful stories 


1 got 
punched once working with Buddy 
Rich. At another place, this guy said to 
me [lough-guy voice], "Look, if you're 
gonna work here, don't wear nice 
clothes.” 1 asked him why and he said, 
“Just don't" So you'd be on stage and 
you'd see these wise guys who smoke 
their cigareues down to their fingers 
and they'd flick them at you. Just awful 
stuff like that 

PLAYBOY: How about younger audi- 
ences? Were they nicer? 
LENO: Not much. I opened for R. 

Earth, remember them? I drove all the 
way down to George Washington Uni- 
versity from Boston, about cight hours, 
and I get there and there're no chairs 
The stage is in the gym. The audience is 
mostly teenage boys, standing. The mu- 
sicians tell me, “We've got lots of expen- 

sive equipment, buddy. You can't use 
our stage. You're gonna have to stand 
on the floor.” So I wind up facing the au- 
dience eye to eye. I'm handed a mike 
and I see that the wire on it is going 
along the floor into the crowd. 1 say. 
“Anybody here from Boston?” And 
someone jerks the wire and the mike 
flies away. Now I'm bent over, chasing 
the mike through their legs, and I hear 
stuff coming over the speakers like, 
“Hey, Billy, you suck.” Somebody's got 
the mike and he's screaming obscenities. 
Finally, I find the wire and I follow it to 
the end and, of course, the mike is gone 
Now there's no show. I'm informed, 
“The mike is your responsibility.” Not 
only was 1 not paid, 1 had to pay them 
seventy-five bucks. 

PLAYBOY: You may be the only comic 
who has opened for Muddy Waters, 
Rare Earth and Perry Como. Isa Como 
audience a bit square by comparison? 
LENO: Well, I tried not to be a snob. I re- 
member when I went out with Como for 
the first year, people said, “It’s going to 
be awful. Don't take that gig. It's going 
to be old people.” But Comos audience 
was fine. He was always a good singer 
and a stylist, so his fans were people who 
enjoyed good music who just happened 
to be older, They got all the political 
stuff. They were fine. 
PLAYBOY: When did you begi 
at the comedy clubs? 

to wy out 

LENO: That was back when 1 was still liv- 
ing in Boston. I'd “borrow” a Rolls from 
the dealership where 1 worked and 
drive to New York after school, four and 
a half hours each way. I was at The Im- 
prov so often that Budd Friedman, the 
owner, assumed I lived in New York 
PLAYBOY: Did you hang out with other 
young comics? 

LENO: Since I was the only comic who 
lived in Boston, everybody who came 
through would stay at my place. Billy 
Crystal, Freddie Prinze, Richard Lewis 
Jimmie Walker—everybody. One day, 
Freddie bought a gun and shot about 
three hundred rounds of ammunition in 
my living room. Sat there and fired 
shots to blow a hole between the living 
room and the bedroom. 

PLAYBOY: So you gave up the apartment? 
LENO: Yeah, but not because of that. One 
night, I was watching The Tonight Show 
which had moved to L.A. by then. I saw 
this comic who was not very good and 
he'd made the show, so I decided on the 
spot to go out there. 1 did it right away. I 
walked out of the apartment and went to 
the airport. 1 left everything behind, the 
furniture, belongings. I didn't take any- 
thing except cash and a small 
PLAYBOY: Why so drastic a break? 

LENO: 1 have always painted myself into 
а corner so I could never, ever make a 
living doing anything else. 1 never let 
myself take a regular job. I wanted to be 



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in а position where I would have to do 
anything to get on stage. Beg, if that was 
what it took. Comedy was the only op- 
tion. Strip joints. Places where you 
worked for à sandwich. Pd go to audi- 
tions where you'd line up at two in the 
afternoon and stay in line until nine 
o'clock at night. People in front of me 
would grumble and leave. And 1 would 
move up and feel great. It never oc 
curred to me to quit or be depressed 
This was the only job I ever really liked 
PLAYBOY: What was it about being a co- 
median that was so important? 

LENO: The work—coming up with jokes 
and telling them, Гуе always liked that 
more than 1 liked any of the trappings. 1 
liked it more than | liked the girls who 
came around. I liked it more than 1 
liked meeting celebrities. I still do. 
PLAYBOY: What about the girls who come 
around? What sort of groupies do come- 
dians attract? 

LENO: We don't usually get the rock-and- 
roll Daryl Hannah type. More often, it’s 
the sort of fatherless. 
paired type. It's strange. Comics are odd 

emotionally im- 

with women. Very rarely are they the 
and wom 
ad decide whether 
they like your face, whether 

pursuers. You stand on sta 
en can look at you 
you have 
eyes or a nice ass—whatever 
that they want. [fthey like wh 
when you go off stage, they'll approach 
you. And you play the sort of hurt-fawn- 

it is 
they see 

lost-in-the-forest act 

PLAYBOY: Mosi male comics range from 
being chauvinistic to being flagrantly an- 
tileminist. You're not. Why? 

LENO: Well, first off, I like women. My 
mom, my aunts were all nice people. 
sponsible people. My wife and I get 
along fine. She's very sensible and 
smart. Гуе never had a big problem with 
personal relationships. 1 still see almost 
every woman | ever went out with. 
We're friends. Some are married, some 
аге not. I don't think there are any who 
hate me. I don't hate any of them. 
PLAYBOY: Where did you and your wife, 
Mavis, meet? 

LENO: At The Comedy Store. She was in 
the audience. 1 thought she was attrac- 
tive. 1 didn't wait for her to come to me. 
We met halfway. We got along right 
from the start 

PLAYBOY: Do you remember the moment 
when you decided to get married? 
LENO: We'd been living together for a 
while. She didn't particularly want to get 
married. Then, one day, I realized that I 
had a bunch of insurance policies that 
covered me for everything, but unless 
Mavis were my wife—if she got sick or 
was in an automobile accident—she 
wouldn't be covered. So 1 told her I 
thought we should get married. And she 
а. When my mother heard about 
ance, she thought it was the 

the insu 
funniest thing in the world. She still 

talks about it 
cause he had some policy. Mr. Skinflint 
Mr. Cheap Skate.” She goes on and on. 
PLAYBOY: What were some of the com- 
promises you had to make when you 
and Mavis moved in together? 

LEN didn't make any. None. When 1 
was dating, a lot of women got annoyed 
with the fact that comedy came first. So 
many comics get married “and their 
wives ask them to work less, My wile 
knows not to ask that. I'm not talking 
about emergencies. When her father was 
ill and in the hospital, 1 didn’t work. We 
spent every day taking care of him—and 
that went on for a year. But it's like— 
Mavis reads voraciously, sometimes 
fifteen books a week. 1 wouldn't think of 
asking her. “Honey, could you just stop 
reading so much?” 1 don't understand 
people who try to change their spouse 
once they're married. 

PLAYBOY: Arc your tastes similar? 

LENO: Opposite, But I like opposite. 1 
learn things. Mavis collects Dickens and 
all sorts of literature and my world is 
limited. to 
mans. Being with her forces me to see 
things and talk about things and 
places I would nor normally go. I've 
about twelve cars, classics. She has this 
Japanese thi She 
a be a little grouchier than I am. Im 
pretty even-tempered She 
bothered by people who ask me for an 

Oh, they got married be- 

cars, motorcycles and hu- 

a Honda Prelude. 

gets more 


autograph. If she were the one who w 
famous, I think she would avoid it much 
more than I do. 

PLAYBOY: Everyone in show business has 
a strange story about someone seeking 
an autograph. What's yours? 

LENO: | have a great one. A while ago, | 
was riding my motorcycle with a friend 
high up im the Hollywood Hills. We 
stopped to look down across the city and 
Vm thinking, This is beautiful. And all of 
а sudden: "click-click." This guy puts a 
thirty-eight against the side of my head 
and cocks it. "Where's my мш?” he 
shouts. “You're the bikers who broke in- 
to my house and stole all of my stuff 
His wile, waiting in the car, says, "Hon- 
ey, maybe these aren't the guys.” “No, I 
know they're the guys!” V show him my wal- 
let: “I'm no robber. My names Jay 
Leno; Um a comedian. I've been on 
TV.” He asks, “What are you doing 
here?” “Riding our bikes.” He gives me 
back the wallet, uncocks the gun and 
“Get out of here and don't come 

So a few years lat 

; Im in a conven- 
the same area. 1 go 
around the corner and this guy says, 
“Jay?” I look at him. “Remember me? I 
was the guy who pulled the gun on you 
that time, Geez, we're so proud of you.” 
The wife comes up and says, "Oh. we tell 
everyone that story, Would you give us 
an autograph for our daughter?” That 

ience моге near 

was one of the stupidest and strangest 
things that has happened to me 
PLAYBOY: Back before anybody wanted 
your autograph, did it discourage you 
when contemporaries such as Jimmie 
Walker and Freddie Prinze clicked on 
TV quickly, while you didn't? 

LENO: A lot of people passed me like a 
shot. Jimmie, Freddie, Robin Williams, 
Letterman, Elayne Boosler. I was the last 
one to do The Tonight Show. But it never 
bothered me. I was never, ever jealous of 
anybody I thought was good. I was mi 
ing a living and that was fine with me. 
PLAYBOY: Did any established comics 
help you? 

LENO: A lot of them. You tend to get 
more work from other comics than you 
will ever get from any agent. 1 had al- 
ready auditioned for Johnny, and he 
hadn't liked it. He thought 1 had too 
much attitude and not enough material. 
And he was right. But Steve Martin saw 
me a few times at The Improv and he 
kept telling the Tonight Show people they 
should bring me on. I'm very grateful to 
him. I appeared on the show thanks to 
him, and he didn’t know me from a hole 
in the wall 

PLAYBOY: Do you help the new comics? 
LENO: | do whatever I can. When I first 
saw Dennis Miller on Saturday Night Live, 
I thought he was great. And I spread his 
name around wherever I could. There's 
Kevin Rooney, a very funny comedian, 

who coproduced a special I did a few 
years back. Another comedian, Jimmy 
Brogan. Very funny guy, Carol Leifer 
You take care of one another 

PLAYBOY: Do they ask for career advice? 
LENO: 105 not some sort of council of eld- 
ers. It's more like, "You've been there, 
what do I have to do?" I probably give 
more advice than is necessary [laughs]. 
But I like talking with new comics. 
PLAYBOY: Do you ever worry that your 
style of humor might go out of vogue? 
LENO: It’s like being an athlete. For five 
or ten years, you hit home runs, and 
then you spend the rest of your life 
shagging balls. When I first gained a lit- 
de popularity, Id play one-hundred. 
fifty-seat night clubs, and they would be 
filled. Then I moved to a thirty-five- 
hundred-seat place—and that's full. 
Now I don't care what size the room is, 
as long as it’s full. Every weekend, I go 
хо The Comedy & Magic Club in Her- 
mosa Beach. It seats only two hundred 
twenty, but I walk in and it’s full, and it’s 
the same feeling that 1 would get 

Carnegie Hall—probably better, because 
it's more intimate. 
PLAYBOY: What's the story on your going 

into a trance while you perform 
LENO: I probably should never have 
mentioned it, because it sounds like psy- 
cho comic or something. But when I do 
two two-hour shows, which is fairly of- 
ten, I get into the rhythm of the thing 




and I fall asleep on stage, 1 just plain go 
out for about forty minutes and then 
come back in again and drift m and out. 
My wile knows when Em asleep. But 1 
don't think anybody else does. 

PLAYBOY: Have you ever had any rude 

LENO: Occasionally. there's a heckler or à 

fight breaks out 
and | wake up. On- 
ly once or twice 
have 1 come back 
and not known 
where 1 was. I 
stumbled a Tile 
and sot it back 
Once, | repeated a 
joke. God, 1 was 

out like a light that 
time. H sounds re- 
ally stupid, but oth- 
er comics know 
what m talking 
about. You get on a 
roll with an audi- 
ence. A friend of 
mine put one of 
those pulse things 
on me and. boy, my 
pulse drops wann 
down when Fm on 
stage. I's the easi- 
est part of the day 

for me. 
were your carly 

forays into TV like? 
LENO: Well. the first 
ones were around 
New York, Boston. 
all the 4. M. shows 
Just alter my 
Tonight Show debut 
I was back in New 
York. in Bulkalo 
1.M. Buffalo. Vm in 

ıhe greenroom. 
and I'm siting 
there with seven 
authentic Pygmy ¿ 
dancers, Just me 
and е Pygmy 
dancers. They've 
got the bones in 
the nese and the 
spears and he 
grass skirts. They 
don't speak Eng- 
lish. They're all 

grunting and 
they're about three 

feet tall And the 
talent coordinator 
walks in. looks 
around and calls out, "Mr Leionoo? 
Which one іх Me Lencovo?” And Vin 

thinking, Oh, arent I Kumous now! 
PLAYBOY: Tell us about that first Tonight 
Show appearance 

LENO: March the second, 1977. Is 
something you remember, Is like your 
first girl. I's not very 

vod, Is over real 

quick. But you remember it the rest of 
your life. Actually, it went pretty well. 
Not long alter that, I was listening to my 
mom talking to my a 
was on the Johnny Carson program. He 
has a litte skit that he does. He goes to a 
town and they have а show and he does 
his skit.” “Ma, it’s not a skit.” “Well, it’s 

Mast Flared, 
Wath k 



like a skit and your aunt Nettie doesn’t 
know what it is.” Back to the phone: 
“And he tells litle stories. They're 
jokes, Ma. They're not little stories.” 
PLAYBOY: And you continued to do your 
lile skit on The Tonight Show? 

LENO: I did the show probably seven or 
ight times and cach time was less good 

Gots ) 

than the fist time. Until they decided 
they'd had enough. And I didn't do it 
again for eight years 

PLAYBOY: Fight year 
blow to your career? 

LENO: | do sort of have my own lule 
world here. I went back on the road. I 
never really got in anyplace through the 
front door. any- 
way, Freddie Prinze 
would walk out on 
stage and say, “It's 
not my yob,” And 
the minute he said 
was on his way. He 

Wasn't that a killer 

had instant 


the audience. I was 

different. After peo- 

ple saw me seven 
m" E or eight times, they 

said, "He's not 

bad. 1 kind of like 
him." I built slowly: 
PLAYBOY: How did 
you go from being 
out as a Tonight 
guest to being in as 
a guest host? 

LENO: 11 was that 
ne sort of build. 
They saw me a 
bunch of times on 
Letlerman, where 1 
was getting good 
rea and 
asked if Vd be in- 
d in guest 
hosting the show 
worked out 
prisingly well. 
so T continued to 
do it. Finally. there 
was a point when 
they decided (har 
Garry Shandling. 
who had also been 
hosting fairly of 
ten, and I should 
split the job. Garry 
quit to do his s 
nd here Lam. 
PLAYBOY: Why did 
you do so much 
better on Lellerman 
than in your early 
appearances with 

LENO: It was kids 
talking with kids. 
When you're on 
with Johnny, he's 
Johnny Carson 
and you're a new kid. I had never even 
been able 10 bring myself to call him 
Johnny. 1 would say, “Oh, thank you, 
Mr. Carson,” like some little weenie guy, 
but 1 didn't want to say “Johnny.” I just 
felt awkward. But Dave and I knew each 
other, and I could walk out eating a piz- 
za and make a mess of his desk. Dave 






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would get all flustered. 

PLAYBOY: How did yon meet Letterman 
LENO: At an audition mght at Ihe Com- 
edy Store. Auditions are usually guys 
doing mate “Habib at the 
7-Eleven... or “My marriage is...” 
or “My girlfriend is. ` Over and over. 
And suddenly, here's this guy doi 
and Fin not sure this is the exact line, 
but it was an edi thi 
thing like (his—“We are diametric 
opposed to the use of orphans as 
vardage markers on driving ranges." 
Dave's stuff was so much cleverer than 
the usual. And he had great phrasing. 1 
went up and introduced myself and we 
became friend: 
PLAYBOY: Considering the lun you've 
had on the Letterman show, would you 
preter it if The Tonight Show were wilder? 
LENO: The difference doesnt have that 
much to do with the show itself. It has to 
do with what my position is on the show. 
When Um on with Dave for ten minutes, 
he is more or less the calming 
He's on for an hour. I come out with ten 

minutes of “Nice tie, Dave.” bing, bing. 
bing, bit hard. eat sandwiches, stull your 

face. make а mess, knock something 
over, tell a joke, screw around—boom!— 
and leave. You come out like a toi 
wreck everything and leave. You cant 
wreck everything five days a week for an 
hour: it just gets frantic. This is the m 
take networks make when they hire dee- 
jays as hosts. “Irs gonna be the wackiest 
hour!” Alter about twenty 
this frantic energy, you've had it. So 
when you host The Tonight Show, you do 
your monolog—boom!—slow the whole 
thing vight down, let the guests be lun- 
ny, let them be ent ng. back off. 
PLAYBOY: Are you and Ca friendly? 
LENO: It's not a case of, “Hey, Johnny, 
what we doing today?” Í mean, 
al and economic barrier 
п age dillerence. But 
we've had dinner together, my wile and 
Гапа Johnny and his wife Unlike a lot 
of famous. comedians who've 
wound awhile. he really seems like a 
porary. 1 hate to sound like a 
sort of guy. but I enjoy his com- 
sional fri ang out with 
him. He's not a car guy: he's 
player. Our interests are not all that sim- 
ilar. If he were into cars, Pd be over 
there every day. 

PLAYBOY: What started you colles 
cars and motorcycles? 

LENO: Гуе always loved them, I'm not 
really a collector. I drive what 1 like. 
Most of the stuff I bought when it was 
veal cheap and nobody else wanted it. 
Now, within the past ten years, its got- 
ten really expensive. But l'm not a col- 
lector. I don’t register them as antiques, 
just as cars. 1 drive them and when they 
blow up. I fix them. | dont baby them, 
but I don't beat them, either. 

PLAYBOY: What do you get out of work- 






ing on engines and tinkering with ears? 
LENO: lo me, it's the only real work, 
making things with your hands, fixing 
things, My dad was always good with his 
hands He was going to be a mechanic. 
but instead, he went to work for the 
nce company. 1 grew up in a neigh- 
borhood where you did things and fixed 
things. [U's so different in Hollywood. A 
while ago, I told a neighbor that 1 was 
going to go mow the lawn, And he said, 
“You know how to mow the lawn?” As il 
it were some sort of great skill. 

PLAYBOY: A lot of your contemporaries 
have gone on to be major film stars. 
What happened to your movie carce! 
LENO: | never had one. I made a few 
movies that didn’t do very well. The last 
one was for Dino de Laure and he 
went bankrupt. 

PLAYBOY: Your films American Hol Wax 
and Silver Bears got good reviews. 

LENO: Good reviews її enough. Fi- 
ther a movie makes money or it does: 
It's like a joke. Fither it's funny or irs 
not. If people like it, it's a good movie. If 
they don't like it. then you get into that 
gray area. They didn’t understand 
Yeah, fine, Comedy clubs are filled with 
comics who are misunderstood. 

PLAYBOY: So movies are not an option? 
LENO: 1 don't know. If Sidney Lumet or 
one of those terrific directors said, “Gee, 
1 think you'd be good lor this,” I guess I 
would do it. Its not like people are of- 
fering me Godfather HT. What they come 
to me with is more like Hamburger the 
Movie, Pan H. 

PLAYBOY: Getting back to Tonight, you're 
looking considerably more d: 
in years gone by. What h 
LENO: So many people wrote in, “Get rid 
“You look stupid in that 
suit.” Never mind the jokes. Never mind 
the monolog, Is the clothes that count 
So now it’s Perry Ellis stulf. When vow 
g every day, I think people like to 
certain middle-of-the-road quality 
* Would you rather be wearing 

of that de.” 


er. lo me, clothes 
ic necessity. You really shouldn't 
show your genitals in public Arsenio 
knows all about the clothes thing. E look 
suit on the dummy and I say. “Well, 
s what it looks like on the dum- 
my. it will look exactly the same on me.” 
And, of course. it never does. 

PLAYBOY: What about physical fitness 
Do you do anything to keep in shape? 
LENO: No. I come from the school that 
says if you have time to exercise 
end of the day, you re not worki 

PLAYBOY: Let's talk about your vices. 
you smoke or drinkz 

LENO: | smoke a pipe once in a while, but 
I never drink. In high school. I remen 
ber taking a couple of sips. | never liked 
the taste of it. Plus, I was always desig- 
nated driver. And being into cars and 
motorcycles, I never wanted to lose my 


idiotic as drinking. I never quite 
stood the premise that if 1 grabbed а 
s ass when I was drunk, E could be 
If I want to grab her ass. FII 
just grab her “Jay was a little over 
the top, Betty, sorry.” Oh, please! 
PLAYBOY: What about re 
LENO: Never discuss it. No manae 
you say, someone will want to kill va 
t, so I don't even discuss it or ge 
PLAYBOY: Politics? 
LENO: No ай 1 used to enjoy 
Dick Cavett’s talk show until he began to 
make his political bent pretty obvious. H 
you do that, hall the audience loves you 
and half hates you. My job is not to pro- 
mote one cause or the other but to hu- 
miliate i Il politicians. Iry 
to keep it fairly light. Tiene joke about 
Bush going to a baseball game, then go. 
ing to Bermuda to fly a kite, then say- 
ing he won't eat broccoli, Hey, maybe 
Quayle can handle the job alter all. 
amoy: Why do you suppose the Frito- 
Lay people thought you could handle 
the job of selling Doritos? 

LENO: | don't know. I started out as sort 
of a bit player in those commercials and 
w from there. 


cd cle 

PLAYBOY: Any other products in the 
LENO: Not at present. | have no interest 

in selling products that aren't American- 
made. Г don't perform in other coun- 
ties, why should I sell their products? I 
to be very nationalistic when it 
s to industrial America. Actually, 
os are about the only thing 
manulachne in this country any more. 
And ir's a harmless product. 1 mean, ob- 
viou s not an apple. But, like I a 
ways say, you don't see dead teenagers 
on the highway with bags of Doritos all 
around them 



Рідүвоү: Much of your popularity 
comes from your being a man of the 
people. Is this likely to change when 

your audi is thinki 
LENO: | don't think so. I was driving 
Lamborghini a couple of mo 
This guy i “Hey, go get 
“em, Jay, hey. glad to see you're doing 

ving me a hig 

псе s 

g ol you asa 

hs agp. 

a truck shouts, 

and way 

to mc. 

1 work hard for my money I don't 
take money from ather than 
my telling the jokes. I à it known 

that Pm not out there doing commer- 
cials for every product that comes alo 
Im not chasing the buck. 1 try to keep 

my ticket price on the low side. 1 don't 
try to pretend Im anything but what 1 
1 gh. Ws a 

at life. ICS a lot like winning the lot- 
‚1 don't think people resent it. But if 
do, there's nothing I can do about 
m not going to give it back. 


awanted man. 

1990 Schiellelin 8 Somerset Со. NY. NY. Cognac Hennessy 40% Alc Vol (80°) 


The Worlds Most Civilized Spirit. 

article By GARRY WILLS 

THE LEARNED have their superstitions, prominent 
among them a belief that superstition is evaporating. 
Since science has explained the world in secular 
terms, there is no more need for religion, which will 
wither away. Granted, it has been slow to die in Amer- 
ica. Even Marx noticed that, in the 1850s. But he ex- 
plamed it by the raw state of this country: “The 
feverish, youthful movement of material production, 
which has to make a new world its own, has left nei- 
ther time nor opportunity for abolishing the old spirit 
world.” The funeral, he was sure, had been delayed, 
not canceled. Yet when Communist regimes were giv- 
en their own sudden funeral in 1989, an American 
preacher (Andrew Young) remarked, “When they 
come out from behind the iron curtain, they are 
singing We Shall Overcome, a Georgia Baptist hymn.” 
And he did not mean the Soviet Georgia 

In a time of reviving fundamentalisms around the 
world, some Americans have rediscovered our native 
fundamentalists (a recurring, rather than cumulative, 
experience for the learned). It seems careless for 
scholars to keep misplacing such a large body of peo- 
ple. Nonetheless, every time religiosity catches the at- 
tention of intellectuals, it is as if a shooting star 
appears in the sky. One could hardly guess that noth- 
ing has been more stable in our history, nothing less 
budgeable, than religious belief and practice. Religion 
does not shift or waver; the attention of its observers 
does. Public notice, like a restless spotlight, returns at 
intervals to believers’ goings on, finds them still going 
on and, with expressions of 
astonishment or dread, de- 
clares that religion is under- AMERICA TAKES 
going a boom or revival, But 
as Seymour Martin Lipset ob- 

served, available statistics tell Н RELIGION 
the et. ^ 

story a continuous 

‘boom’ in American religious 
o cec: 

vivalism does not need to be 

Waco das e ИШҮ 





life. Apparent fluctuations in the 19th 
Century had more to do with inchoate 
reporting methods than with oscilla- 
tions in things reported on. 

Technology, urbanization, social mo- 
bility, universal education, high living 

ndards—all were supposed to cat 
away at religion, in a wash of overlap- 
ping acids. But each has crested over 
America, prov self a solvent or a 
catalyst in other areas but showing li 
tle power to diminish. religion. The 
figures are staggering. Survey alter 
survey confirms them, including the 
following results of a Gallup Poll: 

* Nine Americans in ten say they 
have never doubted the existence of 

+ Eight Americans inten 
lieve they will be called before God on 
Judgment Day to answer for thei 

* Fight Americans in ten believe 
sod sull works mi 

* Seven Ameri 
life after death. 
When Cardi 
ew York me 
diocese, he w 

ns in ten believe in 

1 John O'Connor of 
ned exorcisms in his 
widely ridiculed in the 
ent of Americans be- 


in angels—as opposed to the 15 pe 
cent who believe in astrology. Cardi 

O'Connor is joined in his views by well 
s that join Nan- 
ulting astral charts 


over twice the numbe: 
cy Re 

About 40 percent of the American 
population attends church in a typ 
week (as opposed to 14 percent 
| Great Britain and 12 percent in 
More people go to church, 
y week, than to all professional 
sports events combined. More than 90 
percent of Americans say they pray. 1 
ternationally, “Americans rank at the 
top in rating the importance of God 
their lives. On a seale of one to ten, 
with ten the highest, Americans aver- 
aged a rating of 8.21, behind only tiny 
ta (0.58). 
One would expect that something so 
port Americans would affect 
their behavior as voters. And, as 
ter of fact, no ne 
been elected Pre 
States. No non-Protest 
until 1960, when some took the accept- 
ance of John E Kennedy to mean that 
religion would thenceforth matter less 
s. But if t s true, why did a 
ity of Ame s say in 1987 that 
they would not vote for an atheist as 
President? Some may have ехарр 
ed their own tolerance when a majority 
said they would vote for a Jew; but ed- 
ucated people probably underreported 
their resistance to an atheist. What 
emerges from this and similar ques- 
tions is that the clectorate wants a Pres- 
ident who observes his (or, evei 

Yin cor 

s to 


nt to 

of the United 
was elected 

her) religion. President Dwight Eisen- 

hower was, as usual, close to his con- 
stituents’ instinct when he said that 
people should pract their faith, 

"and I don't care what it i 

Candidates have intuited enough of 
these truths to put in church time dur- 
ing their campaigns; even the secular 
Michael Dukakis resumed his exiguous 
ties to the Greek Orthodox cl h. Yet 
his coolness in this area was in striking 
to the easy religiosity of 
Ronald Reagan—a contrast that no 
doubt had something to do with their 
differing successes at election time. 
People seem to trust the person who 
In fact, Paul 
ed study of 
jous styles 

polling data, found rel 
more indicative of voting p 
the por a than wer 
data studied (e ass, regional, 
etc) George Gallup, Jr, and Jim 
Castelli claim that thé same thing 
would prove true today if analysts 
framed the right hypotheses: "Reli- 
gious affiliation remains one of the 
most accurate, and least appreciated, 
political indicators available.” 

But political comment 
show acute discomfort when faced with 
the expression of religious values in 
the polit s demon- 
strated when G vs. adultery 
became an issue during the 1988 cam- 
paign. It > that religio 
influences one's view of adultery—77 
percent of Protestants th xtra 
marital sex is always wrong,” as op- 
posed to 71 percent of Catholics and 
46 percent of Jews. But when there 
was a reaction against Hart, 
had to legitimate this hostility 
thing but the obvious grou 
New Republic editorialist put it, 
revelation of salaciou ls [was] 
justified on the basis of news value or 
competitive pressures [among net 
d publications] or insight into 
—in short, on any remotely 
cept «карр 
adultery itself (which viola 
social taboo against mor 
e now allowed to like à 
didate for the way he looks or for hi 
television skills but not for his 
tion of the dominant mc 

terns in 
he normal 

onomic, el 


s obvio 



agan was 
communicator with- 
g enough emphasis to what he 
was communicating. He communicated 

from church on Sunday); he communi- 
cated appreciation of the conventional 

family (despite his own family’s messy 
interrelationships). He would pr 
the drop of a hat—as when he pi 
for a soap-opera characters del 
ance from the indignities imposed on 

her by the show's wri 

‘The right wing regularly deplores 
liberal bias in the media, trying to 
count how many Democrats there are 
in the working press as opposed to the 
percentage in the electorate at kage. 
They could make a more interesting 
case on the ratio of churchgoers in the 
national press compared with those in 
the general public or on the uneasy 
way journalists talk about religion 
opposed to the frequency of reference 
among ordinary people. Some of the 
glibbest persons in the nation are odd- 
ly tongue-tied when the Bible is 
brought up. And editors seem to pr 
fer inarticulacy on the subject. Major 
papers and networks encourage re- 
porters to acquire expertise in the law 
or economics, but I have not heard of 
an editor asking reporters to br 
on their theology. Religious wr 
most papers ате kept in their Satur- 
day-edition ghettos. 1 do not v 
ber seeing a single religious writer on 
any campaign plane of the six Pres 
dential campaigns I have covered—not 
even on Pat Robertson's in 1988, and 
certainly not on Jesse Jackson's in 1984 
or 1988. ( James M Wall, the editor of 
The Christan Century, was on Jimmy 

1976, but 
е, nor 


asses the commenta- 
It is out of bounds. An cditor of 

the old Life magazine once assigned 

me a book on rel h the remark 
that I was the only ^ 
term for a believe 
regular reviewers. At 
Rescue rally. а jo 

group of other ers with the 
breathless announcement. that anti 
abortionist Randall Terry was telling 
bloodthirsty stories about murder and 
dismemberment to avenge a rape. She 
did not know, though Terry had 
med the passage (Judges 19), that he 
wg a Bible story—the tale of 
le's concubin 

stable of 
з Operation 
nalist joined a 


litical coverage of rel 
that this will somehow breach the w 
of separation between church 
Since the Constitution m: 
division, jour nd 
nk voters should. 
their own hermetic seal betwee: 
gion and polities—and if they do not, it 
is better not t0 know about something 
so shameful. Because schools are not 
lowed to sponsor prayers, it is some- 
how an enlightened act to turn the oth- 
er way when candidates pray aloud (as 
they always do). 

If religion intrudes too obviously, as 
in the case of Robertson's campaign, it 
is treated as an anomaly. It is given 

(continued on page 198) 

seem to t 

эту азы RR 

`= эрес ярь 

F nas 

“I believe in Christmas. I believe in peace on earth so much 1 can taste it.” 


s Audrey Horne, 
precocious teen- 
aged troublemak- 

er on Twin Feoks, Sherilyn 
Fenn exudes an overpow- 
ering sexuolity. The twist 
her tongue put into a 
cherry stem won her o job 
in a brothel—and an en- 
during place in TY lore. 


meet twin peaks’ mysterious siren sherilyn fenn 


` ر‎ A 

text by GLENN O'BRIEN — cravskveveo, porcelain-skinned, svelte 
Sherilyn Fenn is a true beauty. She has the mark of beauty right there 
on her face, like a point of exclamation under her boomerang brow. 
Her voice has a kind of Zen drawl to it. You know right off she's 
from the southern part of wherever it is she comes from. Petite, 
sweet, stunning Sherilyn (rhymes with Marilyn) Fenn is, among 
other things, Audrey Horne, the coy, kookie, existential teen 
coquette of David Lynch's wacky meta-soap opera Twin Peaks. 
Together, they form the best reason to stay home on Saturday night. 


addle-shod, ^ bobby-soxed, white- 

bloused, cardigan-sweatered, pleat- 

skirted, with a face that could launch a 

thousand limos, Audrey Horne is the 

definitive high school femme fatale. 

She's a sort of combination of Dobie 
Gillis’ Thalia Menninger and Ava Gardner in Pandora 
and the Flying Dutchman, maybe a little Morticia Ad- 
dams, too. 

Deluxe, deliberate, delovely Audrey Horne moves 
like cool jazz. When she appears on the screen, there's 
that Audrey theme again, lounge bop with 2 swivel in 
its hips. She's a daddy's girl, but only when she wants 
something, and anyway, all her daddy really has is 
power, So sinuous, sweet and sour, Audrey Horne is 
an interesting role model for today's upwardly mobile 
power teens. She wafis through Twin Peaks saying 
things like, “In real life, there is no algebra.” 

Power could have something to do with her charac- 
ter's motivating desire for FBI special agent Cooper, 
who has recently arrived in Twin Peaks to investigate 
the interstate demise of her high school classmate 
Laura Palmer. To please the handsome agent, she has 
forsaken her life of sassy leisure for the dangerous and 
complex task of aiding him in his investigations. 

When we left Audrey Horne cliff-hanging last sca- 
son, she had infiltrated a lavish bordello to acquire ev- 
idence. When her interview for a tart position turned 
sour, Audrey popped a maraschino-cherry stem into 
her mouth; and aftcr looking, perhaps, like a cat dis- 

| creetly swallowing a canary, she placed the stem tied 
| ina knot on a napkin. Blackie, the madam, had to 
hire her on the spot. And as the last episode of the sea- 
son reached its very brink, as fate would have it, Au- 
drey was about to accidentally receive Daddy as her 
first John. The “Will they or won't they?" is the post- 
modern “Who shot J.R.?" 

There is plenty of Audrey in Sherilyn Fenn. She 
identifies with her character extensively. In fact, being 
Audrey has brought out the best in Sherilyn. Audrey 
uses her charms to manipulate men, to get what she 
wants. And she has taught Sherilyn that it’s a power 
that women have and that they don't have to be 
ashamed of it. 

Mysterious, evocative, evanescent Sherilyn Fenn 
wears Chanel No. 5. Archetypal, hip and universal 
Sherilyn Fenn thinks Audrey wears Chanel No. 5, too. 

Demure, reserved, tantalizing Sherilyn Fenn says 
she is a shy person. Too shy to try out for cheerleader 
in high school. Funny, considering the fact that her 
mom, Arlene Quatro, was keyboard player in the Suzi 
Quatro band, back in the (text continued on page 213) 

seems to be hatching yet another scheme to dis- 
comfit the home folks. Director David Lynch, who 
brought the skewed sensibilities of his films Blue Velvet and 
Wild at Heart to Twin Peaks, describes Sherilyn, his choice 
for the coveted role, as "five feet of heaven in a ponytail.” 

| | er mind obvicusly not оп her studies, Audrey (left) 


lives? For the past eight years, making movies—not c few of which have never been released 
theatrically. Those days, we predict, are gone forever. Besides her continuing role on Twin 
Peaks, she's already working on Hit Man, a film in which she co-stars with Morgen (Driving Miss 
Daisy) Freeman and Valerie Perrine—herself the subject of three memorable Playboy pictorials. 

S о where has Sherilyn Fenn, this oh-so-Nineties reincarnation of Аус Gardner, been all our 

š PE 


¿MSC 9169 (73) (ED) (é 


article By AL GOLDSTEIN 

THE ANDAMAN SEA Shines as blue and clear 
as the eyeball of the Buddha, east of 
the wider face of the Bay of Bengal. It 
is a rare hybrid of open ocean and vast 
circumscribed loch, stippled on its 
western extreme by a fringe of epony- 
mous islands and blocked to the east by 
the long, bony sweep of the Malay 

The Andaman Islanders speak a lan- 
guage proved unrelated to any other 
on the globe, as if they were bent on 
keeping a tribal secret. Among other 
things, they hold sacred the sailfish. 

They have kept their secret well, be- 
cause until recently, few in the West 
and not many in the East knew thatthe 
Andaman Sea gives up some of the best 
sport fishing in the world. 

Up north, near what we used to call 
Burma but now have been sweetly 
redirected to call Myanmar, the 

mouths of the Irrawaddy muddy up EN 15) 
the eyeball a bit, but here in the pupil, NIC: ЖМ) OS 

it is blue, blue as an egg, blue as a E š 
Buick, and in the dog days of August, — ES i š E hecer esteit 

at the edge of the monsoon, її becomes 
g2 mirror flat. 1 (continued on page 205) 


А2454 obio 

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G U 


I D 

exceptional goodies that make giving and getting a yule delight 


Top left: Canon’s Photuro fully automotic 35mm camera feotures a built-in outomotic zoom flosh and a power-zoom lens that ex- 
tends the focal length from 35 to 105mm, $500. Center: If they were good enough for Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder, they're 
good enough for us. Hand-tooled leother belt, $110, and custom-mode deerskin El Maido cowboy boots with sterling-silver wing 
tips, $1400, both from Falconhead Boots, Belts, Buckles, Los Angeles, Colifornia. Bottom right: Only a diamond can scratch this 
space-age Swiss quortz wotch made of fine ceramics and sapphire crystal, by Rado Watch Company, New York, $1000. 

Top left: Perfect for the art 
collectors on your list, this 
81/0 х 81/4" sterling-silver puz- 
де, $1500, was created спа 
signed by renowned sculptor 
Richard Hunt, whose work is 
exhibited in major museums 
throughout the world. The 
puzzle, titled Landscape Vari- 
ations, sits on a walnut base 
and also comes in bronze, 
$150, silver-plated bronze, 
$250, and 24-k1.-gold-plated 
bronze, $350. It's available 
with a certificate of authentic- 
ity exclusively from SEL/Hunt. 
To order, call 800-345-6066, 
left: This Damascus-steel 
knife with mother-of-pearl 
handle has a lock-back fold- 
er, push-button release and 
measures abaut 6'/2 inches 
open, from Borreti-Smythe, 
Ltd, New York, $1400. 

Above: These new Studio 01 rhodium-ond-gold sun- 
glasses feature unique adjustable spring-loaded nase 
bridges covered in soft European leather, by Carrera 
for Parsche Design, Costa Mesa, California, about $350. 

Above: Honda calls its new Cub aff-road cycle fun. We agree. With the 
simple push of a button ond twist of a throttle, the variable-ratio auto- 
matic transmission sends this racy machine up the hills ond through 
the straightaways at up to 40 mph, from Chicago Honda, about $1500. 

Left: Pro-tour veteran Roy- 
mond Floyd sweors by his 
new J's Professional Driv- 
ers, and the media have 
hailed the clubs as “mysti- 
cal, magical high-tech 
weapons.” Designed by 
Bridgestone engineers and 
Japan's leading golfer, 
Jumbo Ozaki, J's опе, 
three and five woods com- 
bine standard stainless- 
steel club heads, mid- and 
low-flex graphite-fiber 
shafts and unique design 
and weighting characteris- 
tics that'll allegedly add 
distance to your drive, by 
Bridgestone Sports U.S.A., 
about $400 per club. 

Above: Stargazers will love 
the Meade  bross-plated 
telescope, Model 2045, with 
оп oak-veneer optical tube. 
This sophisticated instru- 
ment features 4" aperture, 
1000mm focal length, dual 
fork-tine mount, buil 
pulse motor, automatic 
tracking device cnd legs 
that adjust in the center. 
Sold with battery pack, dust 
covers, case end limited 
lifetime warranty, $2500. 

Left: Rosewood side panels on the Elite 
10-52 LaserDise player give it a rich ap- 
pearance and its fully digital processing 
system delivers 425 lines of resolution, 
eliminates distortion and produces a 
crisp video signal-to-noise ratio of 52 
decibels, by Pioneer Electronics, $3500. 

Where & How to Buy on page 240. 




fiction By URSULA K. LEGUIN 

stand in the lightly falling 
snow. Something is shining, 
trembling, making a silvery 
sound. Eyes are shining. 
Voices sing. People laugh 

and weep, clasp one another's hands, 

embrace. Something shines and trem- 
bles. They live happily ever after. The 
snow falls on the roofs and blows across 
the parks, the squares, the river. 


This is history. Once upon a time, 
a good king lived in his palace in a 
kingdom far away. But an evil en- 
chantment fell upon that land. The 
wheat withered in the ear, the 
leaves dropped from the trees of the 
forest and nothing thrived. 


This is a stone. Its a paving stone of 
a square that slants downhill in front of 
an old, reddish, almost windowless 
fortress called the Roukh Palace. The 
square was paved nearly 300 years ago, 
so a lot of feet have walked on this 
stone, bare feet and shod, children's 
little pads, horses’ iron shoes, soldiers’ 
boots; and wheels have gone over and 
over it, cart wheels, carriage wheels, 
car tires, tank treads. Dogs’ paws every 
now and then, There has been dogshit 
on it, there has been blood, both soon 
washed away by water sloshed from 
buckets or run from hoses or dropped 
from the clouds. 

You can't get blood from a stone, 
they say, nor can you give it to a stone; 
it takes no stain. Some of the pave- 
ment, down near that street that leads 

out of Roukh Square through the old 
Jewish quarter to the river, got dug up, 
once or twice, and piled into a barn- 
cade, and some of the stones even 
found themselves flying through the 
air, but not for long. They were soon 
put back in their place, or replaced by 
others. It made no difference to them. 
The man hit by the flying stone 
dropped down like a stone beside the 
stone that had killed him. The man 
shot through the brain fell down and 
his blood ran out on this stone, or an- 
other one maybe; it makes no differ- 
ence to them. The soldiers washed his 
blood away with water sloshed from 
buckets, the buckets their horses drank 
from. The rain fell after a while. The 
snow fell. Bells rang the hours, the 
Christmases, the New Years. A tank 
stopped with its treads on this stone. 
You'd think that that would leave a 
mark, a huge heavy thing like a tank, 
but the stone shows not Only all 
the feet bare and shod over the cen- 
turies have worn a quality into it, not 
a smoothness, exactly, but a kind of 
softness, like leather or like skin. Un- 
stained, unmarked, indifferent, it does 
have that quality of having been worn 
for a long time by life. So it is a stone of 
power, and who sets foot on it may be 

This is a story. She let herself in with 
her key and called, "Mama? Its me, 
And her mother, in the kitchen of 
the apartment, called, "Im in here,” 


this is history. 
soldiers stond 
in a row before 
the palace, 
their muskets 
ready. stefana 

is ready, too 

and they met and hugged in the door- 
way of the kitchen. 

“Come on, come on!” 

“Come where?” 

“It's Thursday, Mama!" 

“Oh,” said Bruna Fabbre, retreating 
toward the stove, making vague pro- 
tective gestures at the saucepans, the 
dishcloths, the spoons. 

“You said.” 

“But it's nearly four alread: 

“We can be back by six-thi 

“1 have all the papers to read for the 
advancement tests.” 

“You have to come, Mama. You do. 
You'll see!” 

A heart of stone might resist the 
shining eyes, the coaxing, the bossi- 
ness. “Come on!” she said, and the 
mother came. 

But grumbling. “This is for you,” she 
said on the stairs. 

On the bus, she said it again. “This is 
for you. Not me.” 

“What makes you think that?” 

Bruna did not reply for a while, 
looking out the bus window at the gray 
city lurching by, the dead November 
sky behind the roofs, 

“Well, you see,” she said, “before 
Kasi, my brother Kasimir, before he 
was killed, that was the time that would 
have been for me. But I was too young. 
Too stupid. And then they killed Kasi 

“By mistake.” 

"It wasn't a mistake. They were 
hunting for a man who'd been getting 
people out across the border, and 
they'd missed him. So it was to... ." 

“To have something to report to the 



Central Office.” 

Bruna nodded. “He was about the 
age you are now,” she said. The bus 
stopped, people climbed on, crowding 
the aisle. “Since then, twenty-seven 
years, always since then, it's been too 
late. For me. First too stupid, then too 
late. This time is for you. I missed 

“You'll see,” Stefana said. “There’s 
enough time to go round.” 


This is history. Soldiers stand in a 
row before the reddish, almost win- 
dowless palace; their muskets are at 
the ready. Young men walk across the 
stones toward them, singing, “Beyond 
this darkness is the light, O Liberty, of 
thine eternal day!” 

The soldiers fire their guns. The 
young men live happily ever after. 


This is biology. 

"Where the hell is everybody?" 

“It’s Thursday,” Stefan Fabbre said, 
adding, “Damn!” as the figures on the 
computer screen jumped and flick- 
cred. He was wearing his topcoat over 
sweater and scarf, since the biology lab- 
oratory was heated only by a space 
heater that shorted out the computer 
circuit if they were on at the same time. 
“There are programs that could do 
this in two seconds,” he said, jabbing 
morosely at the keyboard. 

Avelin came up and glanced at the 
screen. “What is it?” 

“The RNA comparison count. I 
could do it faster on my fingers.” 

Avelin, a bald, spruce, pale, dark- 
eyed man of 40, roamed the laborato- 
ry, looked restlessly through a folder of 
reports. “Can't run a university with 
this going on,” he said. “I'd have 
thought you'd be down there.” 

Fabbre entered a new set of figures 
and said, “Why?” 

“You're an idealist.” 

“Am I?" Fabbre leaned back, rolled 
his head to get the cricks out. “I try 
hard not to be,” he said. 

“Realists are born, not made.” The 
younger man sat down on a lab stool 
and stared at the scarred, stained 
counter. “It's coming apart,” he said. 

“You think so? Seriously?” 

Avelin nodded. “You heard that re- 
port from Prague.” 

Fabbre nodded. 

“Last week . . . this week... next 
year—yes. An earthquake. The stones 
соте apart—it falls apart—there was a 
building, now there's not. History is 
made. So I don't understand why 
you're here, not there.” 

“Seriously, you don't understand?” 

Avelin smiled and said, “Seriously. 

“All right.” Fabbre stood up ande 
gan walking up and down the long 
room as he spoke. He was a slight gray- 

haired man with youthfully intense, 
controlled movements. "Science or po- 
litical activity, either/or: Choose. Right? 
Choice is responsibility, right? So I 
chose my responsibility responsibly. I 
chose science and abjured all action 
but the acts of science. The acts of a re- 
sponsible science. Out there, they can 
change the rules; in here, they cant 
change the rules; when they try to, I 
resist. This is my resistance.” He 
slapped the laboratory bench as he 
turned round. "I'm lecturing. I walk 
up and down like this when I lecture. 
So. Background of the choice. I'm 
from the northeast. Fifty-six, in the 
northeast, do you remember? My 
grandfather, my father—reprisals. So, 
in Sixty, I come here, to the university. 
Sixty-two, my best friend, my wife's 
brother. We were walking through a 
village market, talking, then he 
stopped, he stopped talking, they had 
shot him. A kind of mistake. Right? He 
was a musician. A realist. I felt that [ 
owed it to him, that I owed it to them, 
you see, to live carefully, with responsi- 
bility, to do the best I could do. The 
best I could do was this,” and he ges- 
tured around the laboratory. “I'm 
good at it. So I go on trying to be a re- 
alist. As far as possible, under the cir- 
cumstances, which have less and less to 
do with reality. But they are only cir- 
cumstances. Circumstances in which I 
do my work as carefully as 1 can.” 

Avelin sat on the lab stool, his head 
bowed. When Fabbre was done, he 
nodded. After a while, he said, “But I 
have to ask you if it's realistic to sepa- 
rate the circumstances, as you put it, 
from the work.” 

“About as realistic as separating the 
body from the mind,” Fabbre said. He 
stretched again and rescated himself at 
the computer. “I want to get this series 
in,” he said, and his hands went to the 
keyboard and his gaze to the notes he 
was copying. After five or six minutes, 
he started the printer and spoke with- 
out turning. “You're serious, Givan? 
You think it's coming apart?" 

“Yes. I think the experimentis over.” 

‘The printer scraped and screeched, 
and they raised their voices to be heard. 

“Here, you mean.” 

“Here and everywhere. They know 
it, down at Roukh Square. Go down 
there. You'll see. There could be such 
jubilation only at the death of a tyrant 
or the failure of a great hope.” 

“Or both.” 

“Or both,” Avelin agreed. 

The paper jammed in the printer, 
and Fabbre opened the machine to 
free it. His hand was shaking. Avelin, 
spruce and cool, hands behind his 
back, strolled over, looked, reached in, 
disengaged the corner that was jam- 
ming the feed. 

“Soon,” he said, "we'll have an IBM. 
A Mactoshin. Our hearts’ desire.” 

“Macintosh,” Fabbre said. 

“Everything can be done in two sec- 

Fabbre restarted the printer and 
looked around. "Listen, the princi- 

Avelin's eyes shone strangely, as if 
full of tears; he shook his head. “So 
much depends on the circumstances,” 
he said. 


This is a key. It locks and unlocks a 
door, the door to apartment 2-1 of the 
building at 43 Pradinestrade in the 
Old North Quarter of the city of Kras- 
noy. The apartment is enviable, having 
a kitchen with saucepans, dishcloths, 
spoons and all that is necessary, and 
two bedrooms, one of which is now 
used as a sitting room, with chairs, 
books, papers and all that is necessary, 
as well as a view from the window 
between other buildings of a short sec- 
tion of the Molsen River. The river 
at this moment is lead-colored and the 
trees above it are bare and black. The 
apartment is unlighted and empty. 
When they left, Bruna Fabbre locked 
the door and dropped the key, which is 
on a steel ring along with the key to 
her desk at the lyceum and the key to 
her sister Bendika’s apartment in the 
Trasfiuve, into her small imitation- 
leather handbag, which is getting shab- 
by at the corners, and snapped the 
handbag shut. Bruna's daughter Ste- 
fana has a copy of the key in her jeans 
pocket, tied on a bit of braided cord 
along with the key to the closet in her 
room in dormitory G of the University 
of Krasnoy, where she is a graduate 
student in the department of Orsinian 
and Slavic Literature, working for a 
degree in the field of early romantic 
poetry. She never locks the closet. The 
two women walk down Pradinestrade 
three blocks and wait a few minutes at 
the corner for the number 18 bus, 
which runs on Bulvard Settentre from 
North Krasnoy to the center of the city. 

Pressed in the crowded interior of 
the handbag and the tight warmth of 
the jeans pocket, the key and its copy 
are inert, silent, forgotten. All a key 
can do is lock and unlock its door; 
that's all the function it has, all the 
meaning; it has a responsibility but no 
rights. It can lock or unlock. It can be 
found or thrown away. 


This is history Once upon a time, 
in 1830, in 1848, in 1866, in 1918, in 
1947, in 1956, stones flew. Stones flew 
through the air like pigeons, and 
hearts, too; hearts had wings. Those 
were the years when the stones flew, 
the hearts took wing, the young voices 

(continued on page 203) 

“Just what I wanted—a "laptop." 



travel By JOHN REZEK 

New Year's—have traditionally been a time of spiky emotional 
behavior, high cash outlays and siege-mentality gift-giving and 
partygoing. Instead of summoning our charity and doling it out in an 
orderly fashion throughout the year, we are asked to give, receive, pow- 
er-eat, power-drink and—as if that weren't enough—send a gazillion 
Christmas cards and thank-you notes. Which SOMETIMES IT’S BEST ТО 

does not mean, of course, that the season— 

or, rather, how you choose to endure the sea- GET OUT OF TOWN TO HAVE 
son—should be devoid of tradition. I make a 
point of watching Brian De Palma’s Scarface YOURSELF A MERRY 

every December 25th, and that leaves me 

with a very warm feeling inside. What I'm MUHUP CTA NS) 
suggesting is that there are holiday traditions of which you may not be 

aware, that are not your own and that may help ease you through this 

difficult period. It is also possible to escape Christmas entirely, to simply 

flee. Here are some suggestions as to where to go, singularly or in tan- 

dem, to make the most of what is sometimes a bad situation. 

T HE HOLIDAYS—roughly that period between Thanksgiving and 

The Caribbean remains the epitome of everyone's getaway destina- 

tion. And when it comes to the Antilles, lesser is more. On Anguilla, the 
northernmost dot of the British Lesser Antilles, is a cluster of five villas 

ES with 30 rooms called Cap Juluca. Owners Sue and Robin Ricketts have 

= created a Moroccanlike resort on one of the most subdued and remote 
\ = of the islands There are no TVs, radios or clocks. Newspapers ате avail- 
Ñ able by special arrangement only. Yow're there to cool out in sumptuous 

comfort in a surrounding you've had tucked away on a mental postcard. 

The most rigorous activity you'll endure is rising late, having break- 
fast on the terrace, then wandering off to the beach. Guests congregate 
at the restaurant for lunch and dinner. Those who dive, snorkel, fish or 
windsail do so without making a big deal of it. First-time visitors take lots 
of luggage. Second-time visitors take only carry-on bags. Although the 
resort has first-class facilities and a top-rate restaurant, the guests mean- 
der about in shorts, T-shirts and sarongs. (continued on page 168) 


ALERIE GODSOE was a deb. Нег 

mother was president of the 

Junior League in Toronto. Her 

father was a Canadian oil man. 

"Valerie was a top athlete and 
had a well-put-together little body, 
dark hair and large green eyes. She 
looked a bit like Natalie Wood. Right 
out of college in the early Sixties, Val- 
erie got a super job researching and 
booking talent on Close-Up, a docu- 
mentary television show for the Cana- 
dian Broadcasting Corporation. She 
even tried out to be the hostess of a talk 
show and almost got it. One day, a pro- 
ducer showed Valerie a picture of a 
blond Dr. Kildare type in a suit, with a 
pipe and posing by a ladder. He asked 
her, “What do you think of this guy?” 
Valerie realized it was a friend of her 
brother's. She had never met the boy, 
but their families knew each other. His 
father was Charles Jennings, The Voice 
of Canada, a vice-president of the 
CBC. Everyone loved his father. He was 
a country gentleman, warm, hand- 
some, a big Teddy bear of a man, 
tweed jackets, lots of dogs, beautiful so- 
cialite wife, money. Peter Jennings was 
his mother's darling. His father called 
him Golden Boy. Peter even had his 
own radio show—Peter's Place—when 
he was nine years old. He wrote it with 
the family maid and played theme mu- 
sic from Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf 
and talked with kids. Then he was dee- 
jay PJ. with a hit teen-dance-party pro- 
gram on TV. So the first thing Peter 
did when they were introduced was to 
take Valerie down and show her his 
Mercedes convertible. 


When Kati Marton met Peter Jen- 
nings 13 years ago, she thought it was 
funny: They were both ABC bureau 
chiefs (he was London, she was Bonn), 
they were both children of journalists 
(her mother was О.РІ., her father was 
AP), they were both born outside 
America (he in Canada, she in Bu- 
dapest), they both had had earlier 
marriages, they had the same aspira- 
tions and values and they had similar 
father fixations. 

Peter was 40 when they married. 
Miss Marton was 30. Success came very 
early to Peter. Much, much too early to 
Peter, and Miss Marton and the chil- 
dren came very late. She does not 
think Peter was anchored in his per- 
sonal life until he was 40. He was mar- 
ried twice before and, you know, lots of 
relationships. Some he can't even re- 
member, there were so many. 

They remember. The ladies remem- 


Valerie was amazed at how proud 
Peter was of that Mercedes convertible. 
Peter always had to have the biggest 

peter jennings had the voice. the frame. the ladies. 
and my, how those ladies remember 




toys. And he went after only the top 
girls. And Peter wooed Valerie. Wooed 
her royally. Called her princess, sent 
her love letters, phoned all the time. 
Valerie had waited a long time and had 
never fallen in love before. But when 
she met Peter, she fell out of the tree on 
her head. Boom! 

Then Peter was hired to be half of 
the new anchor team of Canadian tele- 
vision. He was 23 years old! Co-anchor 
of a national network newscast! When 
he and Valerie got engaged, the paper 


Of course, Peter gets short-tem- 
pered. So does Miss Marton. They 
fight like mad. But God! Miss Marton 
finds Peter irresistible! She thinks he is 
immensely grateful that he has this 
family life. Now Peter's very responsi- 
ble in his private life. Very settled. And 
Miss Marton thinks that she and the 
children, Elizabeth and Christopher, as 
a unit, make the rest of his life possible. 
And they have a good time. And, 
frankly, Miss Marton feels she is up to 
the task! Peter can't mess around too 
much with Miss Marton! He and Miss 
Marton started out as equals, though he 
had ten years on her. So it has always 
been—intellectually and emotionally— 
a totally equal relationship. Miss Mar- 
ton thinks Peter was ready for it, but 
not a minute before he met her. He 
was not ready for a relationship with a 
strong, willful woman. Nor was he 
ready to be a father. So he got rid of a 

lot of bad stuff by the time Miss Marton 
and the children came along. 


Valerie did not have a great honey- 
moon. It was only two days, because 
Peter begged to be sent away on an as- 
signment. They moved to Ottawa and 
mostly saw his parents. That year was 
nice. They had a boat and a summer 
cottage. In the winter, they'd ski. Of 
course, Peter was vain. He would 
preen. He was a bit of a peacock. He 
was a show-off. He was a Leo! He was 
the king of the jungle. But it was fun. 
Peter even was part of the Miss Canada 
Pageant. He was the Bert Parks of the 
Far North. He even sang. Deep down 
inside Peter, there is a showbiz soul. He 
came home with 200 matchboxes with 
a beauty queen's photograph on them. 
They were everywhere: in his car, in 
his drawers... 


‘To Miss Marton, Peter is a person of 
tremendous ego. He has the world at his 
feet. Literally. The world. But he 
doesn’t want Miss Marton at his feet. 
He wants somebody who is going to 
give it to him straight and tell him 
when his head gets too big, as Miss 
Marton does, and keep him honest. 
Somebody who essentially has his very 
best interests at heart, as Miss Marton 
does, and who does not just want to 
flatter him, as Miss Marton doesn't. Be- 
cause, God, Peter’s flattered! He has so 
much flattery! 


Valerie thinks Peter was quite 

confident in those days, except with his 




father. It always ran through Valerie's 
head that Peter was still trying to prove 
himself to his father. Honest to God. 
Charles Jennings was loving, but he 
treated Peter kind of lightly. Today, if 
Charles Jennings were alive, he would 
be so bloody proud of Peter. But he 
wouldn't let him know it. That's the 
way Canadians are. Peters father 
would no! give him a compliment. It 
really is the crux of Peter. 


In Miss Marton's opinion, the key to 
Peter's life is that he dropped out of 
high school, and he has spent the rest 
of his life compensating for it. 

Instead of skiing with Valerie or 
driving up to their little cottage, Peter 
always wanted to be away on assign- 
ment. Going here. Going there. Beg- 
ging for assignments on the weekends. 
And then he got the offer to go to ABC 
in New York. ABC put them in a seedy 
little hotel room and Valerie's whole 
trousseau was stolen. Peter said to Val- 
erie, “Find an apartment! Don't go on 
the West Side!” and disappeared. So 
Valerie rushed out to look for an apart- 
ment and was alone for a week in tears. 
She knew New York was going to be 
awful. But Peter was so excited, be- 
cause they were going to send him all 
across the country! 


Miss Marton thinks that if she were 
to go to the telephone right this 
minute and say, “Darling, enough! Do 
something else. Anchoring World News 
Tonight is not good for me, not good for 
the kids,” Peter wouldn't for a second 
deny her that request. But Peter would 
be too intelligent to ask Miss Marton 
not to write her books. He'd be bored 
with her. He'd hate it if she just looked 
after the house and the kids, He loves 
hearing about her research. He loves to 
hear about the people she has met. He 
loves to see her get excited. And that 
excitement is a vital part of them. Be- 
cause Peter is easily bored. On the other 
hand, he has this incredible capacity to 
block out everything but the subject in 
front of him and just zero in. He loves 
meeting new people. Loves to learn 
from people. He's an extremely extro- 
verted human being. He and Miss 
Marton don't walk down the street 
without Peter's talking to four or five 
people. He's terrifically open to peo- 
ple. He has not an ounce of snobbism. 


Valerie thinks part of the problem 
might have been that Peter realized he 
was too young to be married. He al- 
ways wanted to be away. He was very 
ambitious and he wanted to prove 
himself. When he went to ABC, the 
other reporters thought he was a pret- 
ty boy. So one of the first things he 

went after was Vietnam. Valerie re- 
members seeing a picture in a maga- 
zine of him bending over a body. 

Miss Marton's idea of a blissful 
evening is to read a good book with 
Mozart playing in the background. Pe- 
ter likes to watch hockey, baseball, foot- 
ball. Occasionally, he will pick up a 

Have you seen Miss Marton’s latest 
book, darling? Miss Marton can give 
you a copy. 


Valerie and Peter would be intro- 
duced at parties, and that's when she 
first thought, Uh-oh! She would just go 
to the other side of the room and 
wouldn't watch. Because American 
women! She couldn't believe it! Cana- 
dian women weren't aggressive. But 
here! The women took one look at Pe- 
ter and that was it! Peter had the 
frame. He had the whatever it was. 
They gobbled it up. Older women! 
Mothers! Bananas for him. Grand- 
mothers! Wives! Daughters! He had a 
secretary who'd do his shirts. Iron his 
shirts! Valerie was flabbergasted. Flab- 
bergasted! At the nerve. Barracudas. 
Unbelievable! Wife or not, it didn't 
matter. “Here's my phone number!” 
Ah. And Peter loved it, of course. 
That's when he really began to look in 
the mirror. And then, of course, she 
would read in the paper that Peter was 
having a romantic rendezvous with 
some blonde TV newswoman. And a 
blonde movie star would call: “Is Peter 
there?” Wheeeew. And then Valerie 
would read that Peter Jennings, the hand- 
some ABC correspondent, was a bachelor. 
That is when the marriage started to 
get a little shaky. 


When he's on a case, like the house 
Miss Marton and he were building in 
Bridgehampton, Long Island, he was 
on the phone to Miss Marton every 
hour. Peter is not the kind of man who 
says, “Darling, surprise mel” When 
Miss Marton pops into his ABC office 
unannounced and he's up to his eye- 
balls, he jumps up from his computer, 
gives her a big hug, says he’s gotta go 
to make-up, and while he’s in the ch: 
they fight happily about whether it's 
going to be brick or blue stone around 
the pool. He was involved in every 
bathroom tile. They fight about every- 
thing. The chintz. They fight about the 
chintz. He is deeply absorbed in the 
kids’ schools. He is on every commit- 
tee. He is the auctioneer for the school 
benefits. Peter has enough energy, in 
Miss Marton's opinion, to kill them all. 
On vacations, he wants to sail, hike, ski, 
scale mountains, and he never sleeps. 
At home, the kids like to get into their 
bed; they almost always wake up with 

four of them in bed. 

Not even the first year was up and 
ABC made him anchor man. It was 
1965. He was 26 years old. It was just 
after Christmas. He and Valerie dis- 
cussed it. He was a bit distraught. He 
said, “I'm not ready! It’s ridiculous! 1 
want to prove myself first. I don’t want 
to just go on the air!” He wasn't pre- 
pared. He was insecure. There was 
agony. But anyway, he had no choice. 
He knew the snide remarks. Cronkite 
made a joke about Peter's putting dark 
circles under his eyes. And Frank 
Reynolds was quite angry about this 
hid. And there was all the publicity. He 
became an 8"x10" Hollywood glossy. 
But he did very well, considering! 


Miss Marton must say that she is 
much thinner now than she was be- 
fore. She had always considered her- 
self a rather zaftig person. She's 57" 
and used to weigh 195 pounds, and if 
now she registers 110, that's heavy. She 
doesn't want the children to suffer 
from having a larger-than-life father, 
so she makes a point of keeping her 
idenüty very much alive. She wants 
them to know that Mom and Dad both 
work equally hard and that part of. 
Daddy's job is being well known. She 
gets a little impatient with the amount 
of time that is expended getting atten- 
tion. That is not Miss Marton's favorite 
thing about this life. The attention! 
The sort of artificial attention. 


Yes, Valerie thinks Peter carried it off 
very well. But she was always solidly be- 
hind him. They had sort of a buddy 
marriage, until she started to get a lit- 
de jealous and insecure. 

Valerie would just have Peter back 
from a trip and all to herself and then a 
woman would call in the middle of the 
night. “Is Peter there?” Oh, please! So 
the marriage had to be uncomfortable 
for him. And he'd withdraw into a 
mood. So she couldn't communicate. 
He was very private. Wouldn't talk 
about his emotions. Wouldn't show 
them. She threw an ashtray at him 
once. Thar's about it, really. 


Miss Marton was very ambitious in 
her 90s. She had one broken marriage 
as a result. She had been married to 
a perfectly nice Philadelphian with 
whom she had gone to graduate 
school, and he became an international 
banker and she became a hot-shot TV 
reporter. and he was the casualty. She 
didn’t want that to happen with Peter. 

Valerie has heard people say that 
Kati doesn't give Peter permission to 
walk around the block. He seems a bit 
(continued on page 114) 

“This year 1 became a ueggie.” 





forget about 
fabergé eggs, renaissance 
furniture and fine art—big- 
buck wheels are the 
way to roll 

LAST SPRING, at a preview of a Christie's 
auction held at New York City’s 
Guggenheim Museum, the elegant 
crowd of collectors sipped cham- 
pagne and buzzed excitedly about 
the 1957 Ferrari 315S, showcased like 
a prized metal sculpture. A few weeks 
later, the gleaming roadster attracted 
a bid, which was rejected, of 
$8,400,000, at an auction in Monaco. 
At a Sotheby's sale held there the 
same week, another Ferrari, a 1962 
250 GTO Berlinetta, brought in al- 
most $11,000,000, including commis- 
sion—setting a record price for any 
automobile to hit the auction block. 
And you thought diamonds were a 
good investment. 

Valuable cars are hardly a new 
phenomenon. From the Twenties on- 
ward, wealthy patrons waved blank 

modern living 

Mercedes-Benz's clossic 
540K Cabriolet A is pow 
ered by a siroight-eight 
engine. With the aid of a 
superchorger that blows 
through twin corburetors, 
this bold machine devel- 
ops 180 b.h.p. and, un- 
der full occeleration, 
emits o piercing bon- 
sheelike woil thot quickly 
dears the highwoy of 
timid drivers. Depending 
оп coachbuilder, a Cab- 
riolet is worth as much as 
$2,500,000; the 540K 
Speciol Roadster version 
is worth twice that. Own- 
er: Thomos W. Barrett Ill, 
Barreit-lackson Auction, 
Scottsdale, Arizona 

A sexy roadster closely 
based on Jaguar's le 
Mons-winning D-Type 
rocers, the 1956 250- 
bh. XK-SS was the 
hottest street Jaguar of its 
time. A trogic fire in 
1957 at the Coventry 
plont in Englond de- 
strayed most af the early 
production and tooling, 
so only 16 cors were re- 
leased. Each sold for 
cbaut $10,000. (The 
lote ocior Steve Mc- 
Queen was on owner) If 
you con find on XK-SS, 
ifll set you back about 
$2,000,000. Owner: 
Richard Freshmon of 
Chatsworth,  Colifarnia. 



checks at an elite cadre ofauto makers who de- 
lightedly catered to their whims. The prospec- 
tive owner would meet with a coachbuilder, 
select a semicustom body from a catalog or 
specify a completely original creation, which 
was then built to order. Like the lavish estates 
and fine jewelry of the art-deco era, flamboy- 
ant cars were another way to show off enor- 
mous wealth. And, oh, those names; how they 
rolled off the tongue, imports such as Rolls- 
Royce, Mercedes-Benz, Hispano-Suiza, Alfa 
Romeo, Isotta Fraschini, Delahaye and Bugat- 
ti. Almost as enthralling were top-of-the-line 
domestic models by Packard, Peerless and 
Pierce-Arrow, along with the Cords, Marmons, 
select Cadillacs, Lincolns and legendary Due- 
senbergs. During the Thirties and Forties, 
prices of these cars declined. 

Until the Fifties, the best cars were usually 
traded privately. Prices escalated, but specula- 
tion hadn't begun. Buyers were still car collec- 
tors, albeit savvy, wealthy ones. Nevada casino 
owner Bill Harrah employed agents to bid on 
his behalf so car owners would not flagrantly 
raise prices. Even when France’s eccentric 
Schlumpf brothers came here in 1962 to buy 
John Shakespeare's Bugatti collection, which 
included a super-rare Type 41 La Royale (one 
of six built), prices remained reasonable. 

Today, private deals continue to flourish, 
but most top sales take place at increasingly 
glitzy auctions, where wealthy collectors such 
as Domino's Pizza magnate Tom Monaghan 
have often bid astronomical sums to the cheers 
of astonished onlookers. Overseas, British 
firms Christie's, Sotheby's, Coy's, newcomer 
Robert Brooks and Geneva's Eric Traber com- 
pete fiercely for top cars and the biggest audi- 
ences, seeking ever more spectacular venues 
and erecting giant TV screens so crowds can 
follow the action. 

Stateside, one of the biggest names in the 
auction scene is the Kruse family of Auburn, 
Indiana, whose circuslike tent shows first held 
in the early Seventies featured black-tie bark- 
ers and pitmen. Like other auctioneers, the 
Kruses liked to showcase the classics, but they 
also anticipated the demand for Detroit iron of 
the Fifties and Sixties. Although not worth mil- 
lions, these cars promise tidy sums to be made 
from resale, as baby boomers try to recapture 
their youth with the wheels from their high 
school and college days. The market attracted 
its own celebrities, such as Los Angeles Times 
owner Otis Chandler, who switched his spe- 
cialty to limited-production American muscle 
cars, such as the ground-pounding Plymouth 
Hemi 'Cudas, (continued on page 210) 

Built in а limited edition 
for Group B racing and 
named after Ferrari's 
fomed 250 GTO racer of 
the Sixties, Ferrori's 28B 
GTO features a 400- 
bh.p., twin-turbo VB en- 
gine. Only 272 of the 
original 288 GTOs were 
created for street use. 
The original sticker price 
in 1984 was $83,400, 
plus $1800 for air ond 
a radio. When Ferrari 
stopped the limited pro- 
осоп of the GTO 
models, prices skyrocket- 
ed. Taday, they trade for 
as much as $1,000,000. 
Owner: Cris Vandagriff, 
Hollywoad Sports Cors, 
Hollywood, — Califarnio. 

Ford adapted a mid-en- 
gined chassis design 
from Britain’s Lolo to cre- 
сіе the oll-conquering 
GT-40 sports coupe. GT- 
40s soon beat Ferroris 
regularly in roces around 
the warld. The high paint 
was the GTO-40's 1967 
Le Mans win, a feat re- 
peated in 1968 and 
1969. A street GT-40 
went for $16,500 new. 
This GT-40 team racing 
cor is one cf three 
made. Another recently 
sold privately for about 
$10,000,000. Owners: 
Marin Yacaobian ond 
Martin Yocoobion, Jr., 
Los Angeles, California. 



THE ANCHOR MAN (continued from page 108) 

“Valerie has gone out with tons of men, but nobody 
was like Peter. Women threw themselves at him.” 

terrified of her. It's amazing! It's unbe- 
lievable! Valerie has never heard any- 
thing like it! But what's good for the 
goose is the gander—maybe Kati went 
ош on Peter first (that's what some peo- 
ple say) and had the affair with the 
Washington Post writer Richard Cohen. 
Have you seen that guy? Short and ug- 
ly. And it got in all the papers. Then 
Peter and Kati had the big separation. 
And that got in all the papers. Then 
they had the big reconciliation. Well, 
maybe they boh had affairs, who 
knows? Anyway, they are back togeth- 
er, and in Valerie's opinion, Peter 
seems to have a pretty great marriage. 
Anyhoo, Kati's intelligent. Kept her 
maiden name. The whole bit. And she 
has his kids, and that is what Peter real- 
ly wanted. He was very careful not to 
have kids with the first two wives. 
That's all Valerie is going to say. (Peter 
met Annie, the second wife, the pho- 
tographer, the brunette, Lebanese, in 
the Middle East. No one knows much 
about her.) Peter has affairs with 
blondes but marries brunettes. But 
Kati’s tough. Peter respects her. Kati 
has written a couple of books. She was 
ABC's Bonn bureau chief. And she's 
dynamite-looking! Young! She certainly 
is doing a lot more than Valerie. Val- 
erie is only writing her little newspaper 
column now, but she used to book tal- 
ent for Skitch Henderson, then be- 
came a producer at Metromedia, then 
did publicity at Revlon, so she isr't to- 
tally chopped liver. But how can Peter 
be so afraid of Kati that he won't have 
even one drink with his old friend? 


Peter will often shour at Miss Marton 
across a dinner party, “Darling!"—you 
know, sort of showing off—“who com- 
posed opus blah blah blah?” And Miss 
Marton will shout back, “Blah blah 
blah.” Peter likes to parade Miss Mar- 
ton's intelligence and worldliness. All 
of that is very important to him. He 
loves the fact that Miss Marton is an 


Valerie broke up with Peter while 
she was in love with him. Peter knows 
that. Anyway, they separated. Valerie 
paid half the bills and got the apart- 
ment and the sandbox cofice table. Pe- 
ter wanted the sandbox coffee table. 
Valerie said, “I did the PR for it! I got it 
on Carson! It’s mine! It’s mine!” Then 
Peter wanted the apartment. Valerie 
said, “I found it, I decorated it, I 

knocked the walls down, I paid the 
rent; two days later, you went off for 
three weeks!” 

Since then, Valerie has gone out with 
tons of Hollywood actors and lots of 
handsome men, but really, nobody ev- 
er was like Peter. Nobody. Women just 
came up and threw themselves at him. 
He didn't even have to make love to 
them. He just sort of teased them into 
falling in love with him. And once he 
got a little acclaim and with his voice 
being so magical, he didn’t have to do 
anything. Just walk into a room. just 
walk into a room! 

He used to pull his ear for Valerie 
when he was on the air live. He'd send 
her a love message. But then he started 
going on trips, and when he'd come 
back from a trip and pull his ear, Val- 
erie knew it was for somebody in At- 
lanta or Indianapolis or wherever he'd 
just been. Valerie thought, This ear 
thing is getting to be a bit of a fetish! 


But Peter is by no means perfect in 
Miss Marton's eyes. He's on overload 
all the time. He can be very absent- 
minded. Miss Marton gets annoyed 
with him for that. Yes, of course, Pe- 
ter's a vain person. Yes, and, well, Miss 
Marton is vain, too! She doesn't trust 
anybody who's not vain. And Peter has 
Plenty to be vain about. He's a very 
good-looking man, with a very healthy 
appetite for life. And he's giving this 
job everything he has. But there's a 
whole other life seething beneath the 
surface. And Miss Marton hopes he 
gets on with that life, too. Naturally, he 
is vain about his professional abilities. 
He should be. Proud is what Miss Mar- 
ton means. He can go on the air with 
five seconds’ notice and make sense 
out of nonsense. He doesn't speak 
down and he doesn’t put on airs. He 
was young enough at 25 10 start from 
scratch when he quit as anchor the first 
time. And he was old enough to realize 
that he didn’t want to make it on his 
pretty face, like all those blow-dried 
jobs—and maybe this comes from his 
father, or maybe it just comes from 
him, Miss Marton doesn't know—he 
wanted to make it as a really good re- 
porter. His career was made in Saudi 
Arabia and Jerusalem. That's what he 
wants to be known as: a reporter. He 
never identifies himself as an anchor 
man. The bottom line on Peter, in Miss 
Marton's opinion, is that he is a very 
decent man. He has a very nice attitude 

about his fellow man. He has a great 
sense of public service, which he got 
from his mother. He comes from a very 
old, solid, affluent family. He believes 
that if you are lucky, you make sure 
you give part of it back. Miss Marton 
thinks Peter is one of the great men. He 
is one of the most uncynical persons 
Miss Marton has ever met. Alan Paku- 
la, the director, calls Peter an “inno- 

Anyhoo, Valeric wants to get mar- 
ried again. Oh, well, she hopes! If any 
woman is created to live with a man, it's 
Valerie Jennings! She's made the old- 
fashioned way. She loves cooking. She 
loves to look after a man and pack his 
clothes. And she's more secure now. 

Valerie doesn’t think Kati knows 
this, but after Peter and Kati had their 
first baby, Elizabeth, Peter took her 
over. In the pram! To show her to Val- 
erie! And Elizabeth was so beautiful! 
But Valerie had mixed feelings. Peter 
cared enough to show Elizabeth to her, 
yet it broke her heart, of course. 


It's odd, but to Valerie, Peter wasn't 
sexy. See, to Valerie, Peter wasn't 
earthy. Peter was pristine. Really. Pris- 
tine. Shy. Very virginal. Peter was a 
more pristine kisser than anybody else 
Valerie has ever been out with. He was 
kind of old fashioned. He was a bit 
pristine back then. She means kissing. 
He didn't kiss Valerie with the earthy 
lust that everyone else did. 


Once upon a time, Peter Jennings 
was wealthy, handsome and raking like 
the blazes. 

“I was born,” says Jennings, “and 
raised in sort of a partly urban but also 
semirural Canada, where the Scots- 
Irish work ethic was very strong. І am 
the son of a very accomplished broad- 
casting father, whom I admired im- 
mensely and probably to this day think I 
haven't passed, though in some ways, 
Гуе clearly passed. That is not an ad- 
mission I am quite comfortable in mak- 
ing to myself. . . . My mother is a 
woman of immense charm and from a 
much better family, socially, than my fa- 
ther was. Scottish. But she felt much 
more comfortable in my father's milieu 
than she did in her father's milieu. I in- 
herited from her a tiny measure of so- 
cial grace that 1 might not have got 
otherwise. .. . I have a very limited edu- 
cation, so at the age of, I don't know, 
nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, some- 
where in there, 1 decided, Holy Jesus! 1 
better get going here, or Im going to 
be digging ditches. When I was grow- 
ing up, digging ditches was regarded 
as the worst possible thing you could 
do. It’s interesting that Dan Rather's 

(continued on page 226) 


“Соте јот Christmas brunch, Uncle Scrooge! Нош does а glass 
of bubbly and a flaming raspberry tart sound?” 



in the spirit 
of glasnost, 
raise a toast 
to premium 



IMPROVED RELATIONS between the Soviets 
and the Americans give George Bush 
and Mikhail Gorbachev ample reason 
to toast peace and good will this holi- 
day season. And what better spirit for 
such a toast than vodka? Its origin is in 
eastern Europe, but its popularity is 
now global. In fact, the thirst for and 
production of vodka have become so 
widespread that many world leaders 
can salute their counterparts with vod- 
kas made in their own countries. Pre- 
mium imported and domestic vodkas 
are more varied in their types, styles 
and tastes than ever before and have 
replaced vodka's image as merely the 
alcohol in a screwdriver or a bloody 

Packaged in stunning molded-glass 
bottles and backed by advertising cam- 
paigns that emphasize the glorious tra- 
ditions of fine vodka making, these top 
vodkas (some of which didn't even 

exist until the (continued on page 220) 


RUFF HAD BEEN married to 

Rose Helen 36 years. What 

was he, 22 when he mar- 

ried her? Just a kid. And 
Rose Helen, 60 now—60, Jesus!—had 
been 24. Jesus! too, as far as that was 
concerned. Because hadn't a deep part 
of her attraction been, as, God help 
him, it was something of an aversion 
now, those two extra years she had on 
him, as if she lived in a distant, telling 
time zone, coming to him, it could be, 
from alien geography, bringing alien 
geography, the covered flesh she'd not 
permitted him to see 
until their wedding 
night and teased him 
with—only it was noth- 
ing nearly so playful as 
teasing—denying him 
its light even then, 
granting him access to 
her only beneath the sheet and thin 
cover in the darkened room. The mys- 
terious functions of her moving parts 
as much mysterious. Allowed to bring 
away with his eyes, like some impinged 
victor of guarded rewards, only what 
he could make out in that hobbled, 
weiglued light. Only what lie felt on his 
lips, the moistened tips of her pow- 
dered, perfumed nipples in licked con- 
junction with his moving, frantic 
tongue, a thick, yielded chemistry of a 
clayey, bridal milk. The source of her 
sweet and sour odors protected as the 
upper reaches of some under Nile. 
And what Druff was able to take away 
with him on his fingers, lifted like 
fingerprints from that dark and 
solemn scene. 

he cajoled, wheedled, 
fawned and flattered, 
argued, pleaded and 

begged. but rose 
helen always said no 

Things were different then. At least 
for Druff. Well, give him credit, for 
others, too. This was the early Fifties. 
A time of girdled sexuality. If you 
knocked someone up, you married her 
as much to make an honest man of 
yourself as an honest woman of the 
girl. Guil was champ. He hadn't 
thought the belt would ever change 
hands, though now he knew it had all 
been so much magic, the superstitious 
flimflam of conspired fears; he'd been 
squeezed through the cracks by his 
times, assigned, like others of his gen- 
eration, high-flown at- 
tributes to what was 
mere rumor, the prose 
of innocence, the hype 
of “upbringing.” 

And now recalled 
how he'd met her, 
how it had been on 
just such an almanac occasion as those 
he'd lived by for years. On a pseudo 
holiday, Sadic Hawkins Day, named 
from a comic strip, a day of suspended 
decorums, when the girls “chased” the 
boys, were permitted to ask them on 
dates, make first moves. Only even that 
didn't happen, or happened timidly, 
some mistletoe indulgence that would 
never stand up in court, all of them 
playing a Mardi Gras in the head. 

In some gymnasium now forgotten. 
But, though this may only have been 
his politicals speaking, instincts of the 
retrograde enhanced, he seemed to re- 
member bunting. (Perhaps it was a 
function where Republicans asked 
Democrats to dance.) Well, it was gone. 
But in a gym (continued on page 160) 





c А ROD S 

THE GRIEVOUS Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, 
Jack Frost ripping off your nose. 
Although we could die any time, шапу ways, 
By ROBERT S. WIEDER Merry Chris—— What's that noise? 

Openly displaying the 
To strangers in ret 
ing in a stable with E 
Sounds perverted to me 

But t rd wa 

I guess we've got to go 





OR ANY OTHER HOLIDAYS THAT INVOLVE influenced by Mr. Keating’s card.) 


That goes for me, too. 

(Though I was in no way 


In the spirit of these cherished holidays, 
It’s my wish that the coming year brings you love 
(Until your wife finds out about your girlfriend), 
And joy 
(Until the media turn on you), 
And prosperity 
(Until the banks break your balls). 
Season’s greetings to you and yours 
(I lost most of mine). 

Ws time for some greetings, 
So Jef’s get busy. 

May your holidays all 

Be bright and fizzy. 

May they not go flat 

Like the haircuts I wear 

Or like some of the interviews 
1 do on the air. 

May they bring you much joy, 
May they bring you the best. 
May your happiness grow 
Like La Toya’s chest. 

May your Christmas get ratings 
That go through the roof. 

And as for your New Year's: 
Woof! Woof! Woof! 


We could make a Christmas album, 
But it wouldn't sound right 

When we work two “motherfuckers” 
Into O Holy Night. 

Still, we got some Christmas thoughts 
We'd like to lay upside your head, 
Like “Jesus was a righteous act, 

But, shit, the dude be dead.” 

Yeah, we got some Christmas thoughts, 
And home boy, they ain’t frail. 

But the Man says we'll get busted 

If we send them through the mail. 








morgan has the body beautiful 
for the nineties and beyond 

N THE not-so-distant future, when genetic 

engineers begin designing a human chassis, 

Morgan Fox may find work as the blueprint. 

Miss December's nearly six-foot frame is cra- 
dled by toned muscle groups she tends daily 
in the British Columbia gym where she works 
as a personal trainer. When this energetic 
sportswoman says, “I love cardio,” she’s not 
talking of some lost Italian love but of her pas- 
sion for cardiovascular exercise. She also skis 
(‘I taught myself,” she says of her latest kick, 
slalom racing. “It’s pretty easy”). As a youngster 
in Kamloops, B.C., she was a rodeo contestant 
(steer roping, barrel racing) and she still rides 
Scooter, a quarter horse/Thoroughbred cross- 
breed, regularly. And every day, without fail, 
she goes through her paces at the gym: warm- 
up stretches, stationary biking, weight training, 
making the machine circuit, sit-ups, leg 
lifts—you name it. “I like to push myself to the 
limit,” she says, “just to see what I can do.” 

At 18, Morgan ware the crown of Miss World Canada and traveled to London and Spain ta represent her homeland. She took her beau- 
ty queendom lightly—it hadn't been a lifelang goal—and enjoyed her royal romp. "I was lying on a beach in Malaga with eighty-seven 
gorgeous women from around ће world,” she says. “It was wonderful. | learned o lot just by talking with them about their countries.” 125 



“Physical fitness and exercise have been 
my life since | was a little girl,” says Mor- 
gon. "I can't imagine nat caring about my 
body and net caring for my body. If 1 don't 
exercise, | find | get totally stressed." 

“When I was fifteen, all my little girlfriends were like, "Oh, Morgan! You're still a virgin! You can't be like this!’ All thot tee-heeing and 
carrying on seemed so silly to me. | thought, Forget it. I'm waiting for somebody speciol.” Her king-sized prince—a former Mr. Canodo 
bodybuilder—hos orrived at last and duly swept her off her feet (one-honded, no doubt). They plon to wed on Volentine's Doy 1991 

1838W3930 SSIW 


BUST: © msr: OU ums: 34. 

ercer: S Ц“ roer 0236 00 

BIRTE DATE: ru 2€, 1970 smrt TACE: PENCE _ GEORGE, Bl. _ 

AMBITIONS: 15 become a successful artvess and 




ia | U Shine hoc 
sur mer beat pul a | 

NIGHT MOVES: = Ì — (б\г 
OL a гуроо enouejo 10 ena e ono io epu: 

Я Loos i and. finas obt 
MR. RIGHT ¡nto ray, = = n : | 

NA З pss i 

E: - 1 y 
ne Struttin'mys ft 


After having a few too many and staying out a 
little too late, the man headed home, trying des- 
perately to come up with a plausible to tell 

he had not recently used. 

Still groping for an explanation as he ap- 
proached his house, the fellow hoped that his 
wife was asleep, Just as he turned the doorknob, 
however, she yanked the door open, causing him 
to fall at her feet. "What do you have to say for 
yourself?" she bellowed. 

At this point,” he said, “I would like to 
pense with my previously prepared ksa 
simply addr 

vigorous bout of lovemaking, 

“Well, ahem, I'm not sur 
emotional commitment—thou 
noting her d 
the greatest seven seconds of my life. 

Im ready for an 
he continued, 


We hear that when you buy a toaster 
in Texas, you get a free savings and loan. 

While leading a flock of his parishioners on a 
trip to Hawaii, a minister began to irritate some 
of the travelers with his overbearing and patron- 
izing manner. In the midst of his hundredth lec- 
ture on the flora and fauna of the Big Island, one 
vacationer finally interrupted him. “Pastor,” he 
said, “you keep referring to the island as Ha- 
wai. Isn't the correct pronunciation Ha-vai-i?" 

The minister insisted his pronunciation w 
correct and the argument went back and forth 
for an hour. Finally, the group stopped for lunch. 

Dur waitress is a native.” the minister said 
mugly “Lets ask Aer" In his usual deliberate 
manner and in exaggerated clarity, he asked the 
waitress to slowly pronounce the name of wh 
they wer 

Very slowly and equally distinctly, she 
swered, “Tac-oh-bell.* 

n walked up to the counter of an auto-parts 
сизе me,” he said, “Td like to get a n 

r my Yugo.” 

the clerk replied 

sounds like a f 

Classified ad spotted in a local newspaper: "For 
sale; Complete set of Encyclopaedia. Britannica. 
Never been used. Wife knows everything." 

White applying her make-up at a vanity table 
woman caught the reflection of her husband in 
bed with an enormous erection. Quickly throw- 
ing off her robe, she jumped into bed and nuz- 
Шей up. 
1 thought you were going to church," he said. 
“The Catholic Church will be there forev 
she purred, "but you can never tell about a 
Protestant prick.” 

Oh, now we get it. George Bush was saying, 

Read my lips: Know new taxes!" 

The town curmudgeon was bitten by a dog and 
consulted his attorney. “Harvey, the dog's a stray, 
so we dont have a lawsuit,” the lawyer said. "But 
in case of rabies, I would suggest that you make 
outa will. 

The crusty old man took pen and paper and 
scratched away for hours. Finally, the atiorne 
commented, “Thats an awfully long will for 
man of few assets.” 

“Damn, | havent even started the will yet, 
Harvey snorted. “This is a list of the people 1 
plan to bite 

hand-polished glass and 
erything looks fuzzy 

served in 
finished, ev 

The bell sounded at the end of the fourth round 
and the fighter returned to his corner dazed and 
weary. "He's barely laid a glove on you!” his man- 
ager hollered 

“Yeah? Well, you better watch the ref, then,” 
the boxer replied, “cause somebody's beating 
the hell out of me.” 

Thirty seconds into the next round, the out- 
classed fellow was knocked down. "Dont get up 
till eight!" his corner man yelled. 

The boxer slowly lifted his head off the canvas. 
"OK," he said. “What time is it now? 

Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a post- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, Playboy, 
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Што 
60611. $100 will be paid to the contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 

“1 heard the whole Christmas concept was put together years 
ago in somebody’s garage in Bethlehem.” 



got the 

shopping jitters? 

here are some great ideas 
from the folks who 
wouldnt have 

Leen caught dead giving a 
tie and sweater 



H WAD SOME POWER the giftie gie 

us,” Robert Burns wrote two 

centuries ago, “to see oursels as 

others see us!” More important 
in these fey Nineties is making others 
see us the way we fancy ourselves. 
Damn the self-scrutiny; we want shiny 
stuff—Maserati, Tiffany, Rolex and 
Ping. But Burns, who in 1792 gave his 
wife a poem, knew something we've 
forgotten. The best gifts are personal— 
they assert the uniqueness of giftie and 
giftee alike. See for yourself. 


To: Adam 

From: God 

Date: January 8, 1,000,000 в.с. 
Value: Infinite 

After He made the heavens, earth, 
whales and creeping things, God made 
little green apples and—in His own im- 
age—man. Then, thinking that unless 
His image were woolly, He didn’t want 
man lying down with any lambs, He 
slipped Adam a mickey. The Lord God 
caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam . 
took one of his ribs... made He a woman 
and brought her unto the man. This was 
His best creation. Still, although the 
match was made in heaven, there was 
friction from day one. On Monday 
nights, Adam wanted to sit around the 
garden drinking beer, watching the fal- 
cons and the bears. Eve wanted to try a 
new place to eat. She won. A & E's taste 
test got them kicked out of Eden, but 
the Lord went down in prehistory as 
the first great gift giver. 


To: Abraham 
From: Sarah 
Date: 1913 вс. 
Value: Мапу goats 

Childless at 85, Abram was starting 
to wonder about God's promise to 
make his heirs as numerous as the 
stars. His wife, Sarah, assuming in 
those days before sperm counts that 
the fault was hers, offered her hand- 
maid Hagar, a ripe young Egyptian. 
“Go in unto my maid. Go on. Am I 
stopping you?" said Sarah. Hagar's not 
horrible, thought Abram as her pyra- 
mids beckoned. And Sarah gave her to 
her husband, Abram, to be his wife. And he 
went in unto Hagar, and she conceived. 
Hagar's child Ishmael would go on to 
star in Moby Dick. As for Abram, his 
seed populated the world and eventu- 
ally produced Sandy Koufax. Hagar 
made a run to the border of Canaan, 
but the one-night stand was so good 
for Abram that he got an extra “ha” in 
his name. 



To: Amytis 

From: Nebuchadnezzar 
Date: 600 вс. 

Value: Slaves’ lives 

Nebuchadnezzar was supposedly 
nuttier than date cake, as you might be 
if your name meant "Oh, Nabu, pro- 
tect my boundary stone," but the war- 
rior king of Babylon outsmarted the 
Egyptians, the Elamites and the steel- 
belted Tyres in battle, and he knew 
how to treat a lady. Queen Amytis 
came from the rival kingdom of Media. 
Pining for her homeland's green hills, 
she drove Nebuchadnezzar crazy 
(“That's no drive, it's a putt,” Babylo- 
nian wags said) until he built her a vast. 
network of terraced gardens. The 
queen's memento verde, irrigated by wa- 
ter pumped from the Euphrates 
through stone pipes, became one of 
the Seven Wonders of the World. If 
1000 slaves died building it, there were 
always more. There were only seven 
wonders, and Amytis’ gardens put 
Egypt's dumb Sphinx to shame. The 
Babylonian royal couple's back yard 
would not be topped until French 
show-off Louis XIV built Versailles 22 
centuries later. 


To: Ferdinand and Isabella 
From: Columbus 

Date: April 1493 

Value: 1,500,000 maravedis 

King Ferdinand was busy creating 
modern Spain. Queen Isabella, who 
bore an uncanny resemblance to Al- 
fred Hitchcock, needed her beauty 
sleep. So when ex-pirate Christopher 
Columbus presented his plan to con- 
vert and subdue distant lands, they 
kicked him out on his tricorn hat 
“Then they changed their minds. Co- 
lumbus got his maravedis—copper 
coins similar to pennies but with Ferd 
as the head—and sailed the ocean 
blue. Two months later, he claimed the 
New World for Spain's first family. He 
totaled the Santa Maria off Haiti but on 
April 4, 1493, made it back to Barce- 
lona for a hero's welcome. Columbus’ 
later expeditions were pocked by dis- 
ease, mutinies and lost chances. Oth- 
er explorers would plant the Spanish 
flag on the American mainland. “All 
made fun of my plan then,” Columbus 
grumbled in his old age. “Now even 
tailors wish to discover.” 

(continued on page 224) 


lizabeth Perkins is all mouth and mis- 

chief. For fun, she scares the hell out of 
her cats and records the terror on home 
videos. When David Letterman caught her 
wiping her nose on camera, she beamed and 
suppressed the urge to transfer the bounty of 
her sinuses onto his sleeve. “It would have 
been a riot,” she says. She has even suggest- 
ed on network interviews that the Bible may 
haue been writen by early derelicts with 
drool problems. Playfulness suits her. As a 
film actress, she is equally a caution: Her 
looks smolde her sensibility froths. In 
“Big,” as a corporate harpy with soul, she 
bounced on Tom Hanks's trampoline and 
later sweetly corrupted his virginity. Besides 
Hanks, she has played the girl to other over- 
grown boys, such as Jeff (“Sweethearts 
Dance”) Daniels and Judge (the upcoming 
“Enid Is Sleeping”) Reinhold. She is gal to 
the galoots, which should encourage much 
of mankind. Currently, she appears in Bar- 
ту Levinson's “Avalon” as a first-generation 
American Jew, even though she is Greek. 
She recalls, "I said to Barry, ‘Why didn't 
ou cast a Jew?" He said, ‘Because you look 
like a Jew. I said, ОК" 

Her house looks like her: bright, elegant, 
saucy (on display are many antique toys, in- 
cluding her prized set of vintage Old Maid 
playing cards). We visited the Perkins domicile, 
fucked into the leafy Los Angeles neighborhood 
of Hancock Park, where we discovered her 
amid two cats; her boyfriend, Maurice 
Phillips, who wrote and directed “Enid Is 
Sleeping”; pols of coffee; and the haze of her 
cigarette smoke, which envelops her always, as 

though she were a 

7, Forties 
hollywood's а which so could 
newest steam- — Jew been and Des 
stress explains Grauer she says, 

nakî сој a bit. “Not a 
her fascination EU e у, 
with psycho 1 ar = ы 
reach for a light, No- 
murderers, Why огу could touch her 
women look for “2° 
the soft spot in ES А 
тлүвсү: Your fam- 
hard men, and iy name is actually 
Pisperikos. What 
shares her braga eier ithe 
stupid human — Greek in you? _ 
PERKINS: [Smiles] 



Sex. When I think 
Greek, 1 think of 
passion and tem- 
per. I'm not quick 

toanger. I'ma builder. But when I final- 
ly cross over that line, um, I yell at my 
boyfriend. I throw and break things. I've 
picked up a forty-five-pound chair and 
hurled it across the room. If there’s one 
thing human beings are put on this earth 
to do, it's to have their egos defiated. And 
throw chairs. 


pLavsow: You grew up on a farm in Ver- 
mont. Can girls enjoy milking cows as 
much as men? Give us the udder truth. 
rerxins: Well, an udder is just a large 
breast. Our farm didn't have milk cows. 
But I worked on a dairy farm and milked 
a cow there. I found it to be extremely 
wonderful and therapeutic. There's this 
symbiosis between the milker and the 
milkee: Cows have to be milked. And 
they know that. You're not going against 
their will—you're helping them. So they 
see you coming. When the milking's over, 
they're very happy, because they are un- 
comfortable when they need to be 
milked. It’s comical, because people in 
America don’t know how to deal with a 
tit. Atıt's kind of like a big thing in Amer- 
ica. A cow teat is just a little bigger. 


PLAYBOY: What do your cats know about 
you that no one else knows? 

PERKINS: What I’m like when I cry. My cat 
Ann responds quicker to my crying than 
anybody. Cats are people in little fur 
suits. Ann is sort of confident and sleek 
and well traveled. Nothing bothers her 
and she’s there for people. Olive is a bit 
sickly, strikes out when she’s mad, kind of 
aloof and not particularly affectionate. 
She doesn't do anything well. Sometimes 
I feel like Ann's my up days and Olive's 
my down days. Most impressive of all, 
whenever I start whisding the theme to 
The Andy Griffith Show, Ann'll come over. 
[Whistles slowly; Ann slinks over, mewing and 
nipping at her owner’s ankles.) It only works 
with Mayberry. Sec, I get these little sali- 
va bites, I think she was Goober in anoth- 
er life. 

PtAYsov: With which of Mayberry's citi- 
zenry do you most closcly identify, and 

perkins: Opie. Because it wasn't Opie's 
fault that he was in Mayberry. Everybody 
else chose to be there, but Opie's fate was 
predestined. And Opie always kind of 
had a wide-eyed vision of life and his in- 
посепсе was always under siege. Aunt 

Bee could have left if she wanted. So 
could Goober. So could Andy Only 
Gomer and Barney ever got out. 


рілувоу: You were once expelled from 
boarding school. What were your great 
moments in teen insubordination? 

PERKINS: It’s not hard to get expelled 
from most Eastern boarding schools, es- 
pecially if you're born an artist. 1 was a 
rebel. I did not attend class regularly. 
‘Teachers would ask me questions and I 
would say, "I'm sorry, I don't want to an- 
swer” They'd say, “Do you know the an- 
swer?” and I'd say, "Yes, but I don't fecl 
like sharing.” I would do anything for at- 
tention, because 1 was born an actress. I 
used to hop trains, smoke marijuana in 
the bathroom, steal English muffins from 
the dining hall—for which I was sus- 
pended. The Northfield Mount Hermon 
School was a six-thousand-dollar-a-year 
prep school and they suspended me for 
stealing English muffins! The only rea- 
son I was stealing them was that I wanted 
to have food in my room so I could study 
for an exam. Even though I was kicked 
out, I am now one of the distinguished 
alumnae. But the big clincher—and my 
reason for getting kicked out—was a 
phone call three other girls and I made 
tothe infirmary. We were in the third day 
of final exams and strung out on coffee 
and cigarettes. We hated the nurse at the 
infirmary, because she was this big fat 
woman, with a Lina Wertmüller look on 
her face. And she hated all of us. You'd 
go in with bad period cramps and she'd 
say [nastilj], "Go to gym anyway.” So we 
called her at three in the morning and I 
said, “I took this great peyote. The colors 
are brilliant. I'm so high right now I can't. 
even see straight. And I love ya! I'd love 
to look at your fat, smug face.” So we 
hang up. This woman calls the president 
of the school at three o'clock in the morn- 
ing and says, “I think you should have an 
all-school search. There's a kid tripping 
ош on drugs and we've got to find her." 
So everybody's room is scarched—vhich 
resulted in about four or five people be- 
ing busted for having sex, smoking 
cigarettes, drinking beer. The next day, 
one of the girls in our foursome felt so 
guilty that she turned me in. She didn't 
turn herself in; she turned me in. And I 
got blamed for the whole thing. Then I 
sealed my fate when I was called in to 
face a dean who had the worst body 
odor of any man I've ever smelled in 
my life. He (continued on page 193) 




NLESS HE SPENT the night with a 
woman and thus was obliged to 
make small talk in the morning, 
Ken Phipps's breakfast companion 
was the radio, tuned to an all-news 
station, but it was routine for him 
(unless some major catastrophe 
was being reported for the first time) to 
ignore the meaning of what was said while 
taking comfort from the sound of the hu- 
man voice. He had usually caught the 11- 
o'clock TV news the night before. It was 
rare that anything happened overnight. 

This phase of his existence had contin- 
ued to be orderly even when others went 
awry. Recently, he had been having trou- 
ble with the super of his apartment; he 
had had a falling out with his only broth- 
er, had broken up with still another girl- 
friend. But the breakfast-time ritual of 
playing the radio while not listening to it 

ad been reassuringly maintained .. . un- 
ul the morning at hand, when for what 
seemed no reason at all, Phipps suddenly 
took interest, or tried to, in a news report 
about an occurrence in—that was just the 
problem. He could make no sense of it. 

“Tenig pobed decisionally volatilitude, 
dowd happnil, be sprang. Than Merton- 
why Funchin, Rupeeble Don Grodwin.” 

The last few sounds were given the tone 
and rhythm of a geographical name— 
perhaps. Beyond that suggestion Phipps 
could not go. He thumped his temple 
with the heel of his hand. Maybe water 
from the shower was still in his ear. 

He twisted the dial to another station 
and there found an improvement that, ac- 
cording to the angle of interpretation, 
could be either significant or slight. He 
could at least assume that a sportscaster 
was reporting the results of the baseball 
games of the day before. A desultory fan 
except when his favorite team was in a 
pennant race, Phipps usually heard the 





scores in a distracted state that permit- 
ted him only occasionally to note a 
strenuous effort to avoid repeating the 
obvious verbs. Thus if the Yankees beat 
the Red Sox, and the Mets lost to the 
Cards, the Cubs must win over the 
Reds, while the Twins bested the A's. Be- 
yond that point, the terms grew more 
rarefied. One team might, were the 
score sufficiently unbalanced, devastate 
or hand a shellacking to another. When 
one team had chalked up no runs what- 
ever, never having even gotten on the 
board, it could be said to have been 
skunked, with a score of zip. 

But what he was hearing at this mo- 
ment were the results of games be- 
tween teams the names of which were 
unprecedented as designations for ma- 
jorleague clubs. The “Spawn” had 
“emballoted” the "Hings." The “Jillies” 
were “oxwalled” by the “Bidwangers.” 
Who had won in a contest between the 
“Dunktoms” and the “Kalikinlogs” he 
had no means of knowing, not being 
able to identify the verb, in pronounc- 
ing which the commentator had used 
guttural effects forcign to English. 

Had the material world not been al- 
together in order, Phipps might have 
been in panic at this point But the 
toast, made from a high-nutrient 
mulügrained loaf, was nevertheless 
delicious for a change; the honey 
exquisite, though coming not from the 
thyme-soued bees of Provence or an= 
other exotic meadow but being, rather, 
the familiar old supermarket brand; 
the mocha-Java a first-rate brew as al- 
ways; and suddenly, even the sun did 
the cheery thing and broke through 
the overcast. 

The obvious solution to the problem 
of the radio was to switch it off. Phipps 
had long since learned that there were 
only the tiniest handful of true emer- 
gencies about which something must 
promptly be done: fire, choking, gush- 
ing blood and a few others. Beyond 
those obvious and, if allowed to persist, 
irreversible situations were the partial 
or limited crises, those inflated by per- 
sons with axes to grind, or the down- 
right pseudo problems so convenient 
for the use of TV newscasters: the 
probability of flooding if enough rain 
fell, the alarming rise in the price of 
prunes and, of course, the wind-chill 

On the bus ride to work, Phipps typ- 
ically exchanged conversation with no 
one. A mutually maintained silence 
was nowadays the most civilized ar- 
rangement one could expect in public. 
In the same spirit, he usually managed 
even to avoid overhearing the conver- 
sations of other passengers, if such 
there were in his vicinity. But on the 
morning at hand, he was not so fortu- 
nate—or deft. The two persons in the 

seat just ahead of him were arguing. 

He could hear them very clearly, yet 
what they said had no meaning for 
him. If they were speaking in a foreign 
language, he could not identify it even 
by family: Latin, Slavic, Oriental. . . . 

“Bet hunan vilmin hupergong bub- 
file,” said the woman, whose hair was 
short and cut smartly above small but 
assertive earrings. 

“Bay” answered the man, “dinsel 
topjaw pinjatorial, humper, pinjam 
pinjallow, kipness." He had projecting 
ears. He seemed to have the calmer 
side of the dispute, but perhaps Phipps 
made that assumption only because 
this male voice was richer and much 
deeper than that of this woman—not 
always necessarily the case: His own 
had a nasal quality (starding to himself 
when he heard it on tape). 

He decided that for his peace of 
mind, he would not listen to anything 
anyone said on the elevator ride to his 
office, and this proved more or less 
possible, except for the times he was 
asked to give way to permit the exit of 
certain fellow passengers deboarding 
on lower floors. Undoubtedly, the 
terms they used were those routine to 
civilized social intercourse— "please," 
"excuse me" and the like—but the 
words he actually heard were unfamil- 
iar: "binkho," for example, "ranchly" 
and "veemhard." 

Therefore, he felt fortunate that the 
young woman at the reception desk of 
the firm for which he worked was dis- 
tracted by a phone call just as he ap- 
peared, and he gained entrance to the 
office with no more than an exchange 
of loose-wristed waves. 

He was less lucky in the case of his 
colleague Burt Wyman, just back from 
a midseason vacation, sporting high fa- 
cial color, a belt that had gained a 
notch and a pair of shoes made from a 
hide of unusual grain, perhaps reptil- 
ian, but if so, from a serpent unfamiliar 
to Phipps, and given the incomprehen- 
sible identification made by Wyman, he 
might never know the name, unless 
there were a lizard called “feemjohn.” 

But that was only one of the words 
employed by Wyman, who spoke in the 
rapid rhythm of high spirits, and 
Phipps, understanding none, found 
that it was, however, not unbearable to 
listen to an account he knew by prece- 
dent would have bored him terribly 
had he been able to understand the 
language in which it was spoken, 
Wyman being notorious for telling, 
with great energy, stories that had no 
point unless one was a member of his 
family: Kids lost expensive sunglasses, 
picnics on the edge of disaster were 
saved when a nearby group had mayo 
to lend, distant acquaintances were en- 

countered by chance in souvenir shops 
far from home. 

Having only just reached his cubicle 
and hung the jacket of his suit on the 
coat-tree, Phipps heard a sharp rap on 
the clear glass wall to his left. It was his 
immediate superior, Mel Fallon, in a 
suit that, as usual, fit much better than 
sandy toupee. Fallon was giving 
him the thumb and wore an expres- 
sion from which it could be inferred 
that an unpleasant interview was immi- 
nent, one that might well be nightmar- 
ish if Fallon's side of it was couched in 
more of the gibberish Phipps had 
heard since breakfast. 

Although having summoned him 
not 20 seconds earlier, Fallon, now be- 
hind his desk, first pretended he had 
not noticed Phipps's arrival. Then, 
when eventually he lifted his head 
from the papers before him, he began 
what Phipps, not able to understand a 
word of it, could only assume was a fu- 
rious complaint, punctuated occasion- 
ally by violent stabs with a rigid 
forefinger into the air between them. 

Phipps could not imagine what he 
had done or failed to do that called for 
such an outburst. His own anger began 
to grow. He was not a criminal. And 
Fallon was not judge or jury, nor, for 
that matter, was he in a position of 
supreme power. In their division alone 
were several men and one woman who 
outranked him. Furthermore, he was 
not that good at his job, his successful 
ideas generally having been provided 
by Phipps (without credit), whereas 
those exclusively his own were wont to 
fail. Actually, the guy was a jerk, a fake, 
a clown, and though he might have the 
power to arrange for Phipps's dis- 
charge, it would provide great satisfac- 
tion to return his attack. 

“All right, that's enough! Now it's my 
turn, you bastard.” This was what 
Phipps intended to say. What emerged, 
however, was something else, a series 
of words quite as incomprehensible as 
those that had been addressed to him. 

But Fallon suddenly stopped scowl- 
ing, looked pensive for a moment, nar- 
rowing his eyes and holding his head 
at the angle of a curious dog. then 
cleared his throat and said something a 
good deal more gentle than his previ- 
Ous rant. 

For his own part, having got the 
feeling toward Fallon off his chest and 
survived, Phipps became more diplo- 
matic. He was trying to craft a state- 
ment that would combine a kind of 
apology with a sort of sense of pride 
when Fallon rose, came around the 
desk and indicated that Phipps should 
follow him. 

Down the hall they went and turned 

(continued on page 154) 

2] A SIR 
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Z^ f! 
SS < fe 
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f LE p ES 2202222 

“We've never regretted relocating to California!” 



celebrating the 

who make the 
sceptered isle 



HE BRITISH are known for 
many things: their rainy climate, 
their excellent butlers, their be- 
sieged but enduring monarchy, 
the quirky personal habits their 
gentlemen acquire at those so- 
called public schools, the bland- 
ness of their cuisine and the 
warmth of their beer. What they 
have not previously been known 
for in the Colonies is the beauty 
of their women. Face it; while 
Prime Minister Thatcher is an 
able statesperson, she could walk 
down the street without causing 
the casual passer-by to suffer 
whiplash. But Byron Newman, 
noted London photographer 
and bird watcher extraordinaire, 
Knows where to find beauty in 
Britain. Here he has assembled 
examples of pulchritudinous 
plumage in their natural habitat: 
at work and play, going about 
their business. You will see the 
fruits of a proud history of em- 
pire. Here are women with 
whom we, as Americans, share 
common goals, if not always a 
common language. Our fathers 
and grandfathers fought side by 
side so that we might have the 
freedom to get to know one an- 
other. Let's not disappoint them. 

Patriotism comes in many forms and 
is expressed both solemnly and with 
exuberance. Here, the Union Jack, 
that curiously pleasing geometry of 
right angles split in twa, is being 
hoisted ta catch the stiff and salty 
breeze of North Atlontic freedoms. 


One of the most closely guarded se- 
crets of the British Empire is that no 
one, in fact, knows how to play 
cricket. Batsmen merely acknowl- 
edge thot it is an activity during 
which one’s wicket becomes sticky 
{far left). Sheepherding (near left) 
has olways been an important activ- 
ity in Britain. From those lambs are 
woven those intricately distracting 
sweaters. And everybody knows 
croquet (belaw) is the entire point of 
ever bothering to mow your lawn. 

The British go bonkers over horse 
rocing (overleaf)—for no logicol 
reason. On Derby day, they dress up 
in their Wednesday best, get 
swacked on premium champagne, 
drive their fonciest cars, pork on the 
sod, pop open the trunk—sorry, 
boot—munch on those teensy little 
sandwiches with the crusts cut off 
and watch very carefully where they 
place their well-polished shoes. It's 
a question of breeding, of form over 
function, Plus, there's that betting. 


Winston Churchill ushered the Em- 
pire through some of its darkest 
hours while providing some of the 
best catch phrases and even fully 
formed sentences in the language. 
One can still soak in his aura amid 
the fumes of expensive Cuban 
cigars (left). At right, when the rest 
of the world believed that plaid 
didn’t really go well with anything, 
the British made the discovery that 
it goes quite nicely with some- 
thing shining and neutral: armor. 

London is especiolly known for the conviviolity of its pubs. There (ot top), the British con forget about their closs differences and get into 
their cups while talking about something really importont, like soccer. London taxis (above) ore still the most d in the world. At 
right, the anglais version of the Arch of Triumph: One fine example of British birdhood lets her knickers but not her guardsman down. 



GIBBERISH шты from page 142) 

“She rose from her desk and, right there in the mid- 
dle of the office, kissed him warmly.” 

the corner into the west wing, lair of 
the big boss, John C. Nebling, an exec- 
utive whose ascetic appearance was at 
odds with his reputation for debauch- 
ery, though it was always possible that 
the latter was a fiction, for nobody 
Phipps knew had ever seen Nebling in 
a moment of hanky-panky; and Bar- 
bara Clark-Johansen, his assistant, held 
him in the highest regard and was hu- 
morlessly indignant as to the rumors of 
his sexual depravity, which, to be sure, 
some thought had been cut from the 
whole cloth by Nebling himself to give 
color to his image. 

Phipps was always embarrassed 
nowadays when crossing paths with 
Barbara, which, fortunately, he was not 
often obliged to do, for they used dif- 
ferent banks of elevators and he had 
no regular business in the west wing. 
He and Barbara had had a little thing 
together, not really long enough to be 
called an affair, not sufficiently passion- 
ate to have been a romance: On the 
other hand, it was more than a series of 
one-night stands. Neither really knew 
what it had been, but both agreed, 
about the same time, that it was over. 
For no discernible reason, it had not 
been replaced, as it should properly 
have been, by friendship. This was cs- 
pecially true on Barbara's side. Al- 
though their parting had been 
amicable, she had on chance encoun- 
ters since been barely civil to him. He 
could not decide whether this coldness 
was typical of her attitude to any man 
for whom she no longer had personal 
use or was reserved for himself 
after second thoughts had brought by- 
gone injustices to mind. The fact was, 
despite having spent a half-dozen 
nights in her close company, he knew 
very little about Barbara’s approach to 
much other than sex, medium-priced 
wine and Thai food—and her reten- 
tion of the “Johansen,” though the hus- 
band who went with it was no longer in 

On seeing her now in the office that 
was an anteroom to Nebling's, Phipps 
let Fallon, whose idea this was, do the 
talking. Although he had got away with 
the earlier nonsense, he did not wish to 
try it on Barbara, whose opinion of 
hím was low enough as it vas. 

But after speaking a few incompre- 
hensible words to her, Fallon treacher- 
ously abandoned him. 

As expected, Barbara was very chilly 
in her introductory and, of course, 

meaningless remarks. But because 
they had once been intimate, and since 
he had begun to worry that his failure 
to make any sense of spoken language, 
including his own, might have brought 
him to the threshold of insanity, 
Phipps threw himself on her mercy. 

His intention was to say, “Look, Bar- 
bara, I wish we could be friends at least 
and talk to each other as friends do. 
I've got a problem at the moment: Ev- 
erything 1 hear people say sounds non- 
sensical to me, and the same thing is 
true even when I say something my- 
self. Frankly, I’m on the edge of panic.” 
He paused a moment, then asked, “Do 
you understand anything I'm saying?” 

Barbara's reactions were not really 
appropriate to what he had tried to 
Say, but they were very pleasant to ex- 
perience, nonetheless. Her brown eyes 
suddenly became again as they were 
when he and she had been on intimate 
terms. She rose from her desk and, 
right there in the middle of the office, 
with the door open, kissed him warm- 
ly. He was much moved by this and 
oddly reassured, though it had noth- 
ing to do with his basic predicament 
except, perhaps, in the sense that it is 
generally better to attract kisses than 

Before he had an opportunity to 
show a visible reaction, however, Bar- 
bara ushered him into the presence of 
John C. Nebling, who for a few mo- 
ments was invisible behind the back of 
his chair, which was turned so that its 
occupant could contemplate a view of 
the glassy facades of other buildings 
similar to the one in which he found 

But eventually, the executive re- 
volved slowly to face Phipps. Today, 
Nebling looked even more desiccated 
than usual. Every time he saw the man, 
Phipps decided anew that the rumors 
of satyriasis must be the fictions of ma- 
licious wits. It was hard to believe that 
Nebling had ever felt a sexual urge 
and impossible to think any woman 
would have been willing to gratify it. 

Nebling now extended the sharp 
points of his nose and chin toward 
Phipps, as if to impale him. Evidently 
he, like Fallon, had a complaint to 
bring, but Nebling did not raise his 
voice or show anger. His style was sub- 
dued in volume but penetrating in ef- 
fect. Even though Phipps could not 
understand what the man was saying, 
he could detect, with his nerves, as it 

were, the corrosive sarcasm that char- 
acterized every element of the state- 
ment, and he could only assume that 
what Fallon had started Nebling would 
accomplish: namely, his firing. 

And once again, he could not sup- 
press his anger. “You should talk! Ev- 
erybody thinks you're a joke. No 
wonder our competitors are walking 
all over us. You are as stupid as you are 

ugly. Keep the job, you ridiculous old 

But before Phipps could turn and 
make an indignant exit, Nebling put 
out a hand and said something in a 
speculative tone. This could hardly be 
a response to what Phipps had just 

Nebling next picked up a fat file of 
documents and presumably began to 
speak about them. Eventually, he low- 
ered the file, turned it to face Phipps 
and pushed it across the desk. 

Phipps put on his glasses and began 
quickly to examine the papers. Until 
this moment, he had assumed that he 
retained the power to understand writ- 
ten language. But apparently, such was 
not the case: He could not make out 
more than a word here and there—a 
"so" or an "as" or a "than"—but sus- 
pected some of what he thought to be 
vaguely familiar were perhaps only 
cases of coincidental resemblance: e.g., 
"beyonding," "distribukor" and "crip- 
ple flypass." 

He could easily have surrendered to 
panic at this point but by now was 
something of a veteran at gibberish, 
having survived the earlier experi- 
ences. So he nodded and plunged in. 

“What we have here is a bold and in- 
ventive plan that if instituted is guar- 
anteed to smoke our competition in 
the Southwest, and not only that. As 
you have better reason than most to 
know, in recent years, we have more or 
less slunk out of New England with our 
tail between our legs. 1 anki, believe 
this state of affairs could be altered to 
our advantage as soon as the first quar- 
ter of next year. But don't take my 
word for it. Look at the graphs!” He 
turned the file toward Nebling and 
pushed it back. 

Even had his speech been compre- 
hensible—which it had certainly not 
been to his own ear—the content of it 
was spur-ofthe-moment invention. 
The company was already in the proc- 
ess of closing the Northeastern divi- 
sion: No “new plan,” even if potentially 
wonder-working, could be put into ef- 
fect quickly enough to change that sit- 
uation. Not to mention that he knew 
nothing of such a plan. He had no idea 
of what was really in these papers. 

But Nebling received the bogus in- 
formation soberly. He studied the first 

(continued on page 218) 


just what the rest 
of us want: a lot of money 
and a little luck 


we're kind of worried about 

NASA. You remember NASA: 

big agency, lots of gizmos, 
nifty logo, rocket jockeys with names 
like Deke and Gus and Gordo who 
wore silver suits and said “A-OK” and 
“Can do.” Today's team is full of folks 
named Frederick and Brewster who 
dress up in powder-blue jump suits 
and click off terms such as “nominal” 
and “on-line.” The old NASA had 
ships dubbed Eagle and Saturn that 
carried men to the moon; this NASA 
used something called STS-41C to 
haul tomato seeds into orbit. 

Most important, the old NASA built 
things that actually worked. When it 
put together a spaceship that was sup- 
posed to go to Mars, by golly, it went to 
Mars. Today's NASA finally got the 
Hubble Space Telescope into orbit, on- 
ly to discover that the damned thing 
was too myopic to read the top line of 
the eye chart. Then the space shuttles 
started leaking hydrogen, and engi- 
neers predicted that the front end of 
the planned space station would fall off 
before the far end was even built. 

But, hey, it’s Christmas, and even a 
Federal agency can dream. If the brass 
at NASA could sit on the lap of the 
great celestial Santa for five minutes, 
here’s what they'd ask for. Let's hope 
they've been good little boys and girls. 

NASA wants 30 billion-plus dollars to b 

Freedom, o 508-foot space station that 
could serve as a pit stop for interplanetary 
crafts. Engineers condemn the orbiting be- 
hemoth as too big and too expensive. So 
NASA's back at the drawing boards. 



OK, here's the plan: We send a seven-legged robot to Mars to walk all over the Slated for launch in late 1990, Ulysses will 
planet, collect rocks and load them into a mother ship. After a few months, Momma orbit the sun in 1994, studying its winds and 
blasts off and flies back to earth. Price tag: about ten billion dollars. Launch date: corona. If the date is missed, the $169,200,000 
21st Century—if NASA can convince budget makers it's not a horebrained ideo. ship will get moth-balled for twa years. 

Think it's tough for one space agency to get things straight? How 
about two? NASA and its European counterpart, ESA, hope to send 
the Cassini probe to Saturn in 1996—if they raise 1.6 billion dollars. 

After floating free of the shuttle's cargo bay, Galileo, NASA's 
1.14-billion-dollar slow boat to Jupiter, began the risky six-year 
journey. For frequent fliers, the trip counts far 872,000,000 miles. 

Washington has coughed up two billion dollars-plus for a 

space jet to go from runway to orbit without boosters. So far, 
NASA has turned out nado and Congress smells an Edsel. 

Coy Venus hides her face behind a thick atmosphere, but 
the $750,000,000 Magellan is lifting the veil. Radio contact 
with the ship has been spotty and NASA's holding its breath. 

For real anglers: a 
$150,000,000 гой 
and reel with a line 
up to 78 miles long 
to be used to troll a 
satellite through the 
upper atmosphere. 
The first flight is set 
for 1991; if the cable 
becomes unstable, 
it cauld be the last. 

Here's Galileo again, sofe at Jupiter after a perilous trip through the heavy traffic of the asteroid belt. The plucky ship's first job will be 
to fire on atmospheric sensor into Jupiter's cloudtops. Clipping along at more than 100,000 miles per hour, the little suicide probe will 
open its parachutes, slow to a crow and begin to sink lazily through the peo-soup air. For an hour or so, it will radio back information 
on whotever goses it sniffs; then the pressure of the atmosphere will pulverize it. Back in space, the Galileo mother ship—which got 
the sweeter deol—will settle in for two years of orbiting the grand planet and taking its picture. NASA's keeping its fingers crossed. 





(continued from page 118) 


To hear my mother tell it, you'd. think clear skin 
was a secondary sex characteristic. 


at the state university. Апа Rose Helen, 
already 22, already at her roots’ roots 
the melanin fading, a chromosome 
snapping in her aging hair. The only 
Sadie Hawkins part to it—for them, 
he meant; it really had been Sadie 
Hawkins Day—was that both of them 
had agreed to be there. A friend of his 
from her graduating class in high 
school had given him her name, had 
given her his, who'd never mentioned 
either to the other before, was not 
fixing them up but only supplying on 
some mutual demand (though he 
couldn't, in truth, conceive of Rose 
Helen's ever having asked for it) this 
unwritten letter of introduction, the 
names like a sort of reference—"To 
whom it may concern,” say. 

His friend had told him Rose Helen 
was a cripple. 

“She's crippled?” 

“What are you, Druff, planning to 
enter her in a foot race? She has this 
minor deformity. Some hip thing you 
can't even notice. It's no big deal, don't 
be so narrow. She's very insecure. 1 
think she has an inferiority complex. 
My mother plays cards with her moth- 
er. She's very self-conscious; that's why 
she started college late. Га call her, 
Druff. It's the crippled-up girls with 
the inferiority complexes who are hot 
to trot.” 

"How come you never took her out?" 

“Hey, don't you listen? Our mothers 
are friends. Though, personally, my 
mom would love it. She keeps giving 
me this shit about her beautiful skin. 
Druff, I don’t know how we ever got 
born. To hear my mother tell it, you'd 
think clear skin was a secondary sex 

And, really, you didn’t notice it and, 
after he met her, the notion of her in- 
visible physical deformity was vaguely 
exciting. It was a mild scoliosis, the 
slight curvature of her spine lifting her 
left hip and thrusting it faintly for- 
ward, providing a small shelf where 
she characteristically rested the palm 
of her hand and lending her the some- 
what hard look of a dance-hall girl in 

But on the Sadie Hawkins Day in 
question, they almost missed each oth- 
er. He looked for a girl with a deformi- 
ty. He looked for a girl with clear skin. 
And, although he found no cripples, 
two or three clear-skinned girls agreed 
to dance with him when he went up to 
them. He said his name, they told him 

theirs. Then he bowed out. 

And found her, of course, where he 
should have looked first, along that 
wall of wallflowers, which isn't always a 
wall, or even a partially occupied row 
of chairs, but often as not just an area, 
some dead space in the room that, oc- 
cupied or not, is something set off, a 
kind of sanctuary, as necessary to the 
practice of civilized life as flatware or 
toilets. Asking as soon as he saw her, 
“Are you Rose Helen Magnesson?" 

"Yes, I am. Are you Robert Druff?” 

"Yes. Happy Sadie Hawkins Day. 
Would you care to dance?" 

Dancing wasn't his specialty, even a 
simple box step, though now he 
thought that if it had only been a few 
years later, when people first began to 
dance to rhythm-and-blues, it might 
have been a different story. He could 
have handled the fast stuff, accommo- 
dated to the large motor movements of 
funk. It was going in close that clum- 
sied him, moved him, that is, toward 
unearned intimacy, pulled him, he 
meant, toward love. Dancing with Rose 
Helen that evening, moving his hand 
tO rest casually on her left hip when 
she suddenly started, bolted, pushed it 
away, as if he'd grabbed her haunch. 
(Druff assuming he'd found her invisi- 
ble deformity, believing in some com- 
pensating synergistic justice, the up 
side of eye-for-eye that, wounding her 
in one place fixed her someplace else, 
cleared her skin, say, which was beauti- 
ful, radiant in fact, incandescent, burn- 
ing with the pearly collagens and 
organic steams, all the natural cosmet- 
ics of, at once, a shining virginity and a 
devastating pregnancy.) 

Druff blurting, “Did I hurt you?” 

“No,” she said, “I'm not a 
dance partner. I think Га like to sit 
down now.” 

“Oh, sure,” he said, “but I'm the 
lousy dancer. I'm sorry I hurt you." 

"You didn't hurt me," Rose Helen 
said, "I'm not hurt. My dancing's OK, 
I'm nota good partner." 


They were having coffee in the 
Union. Rose Helen guessed that their 
friend had told Druff all about her. “All 
there is to tell,” she said. “I'm not a 
good partner, because, well, 1 don't like 
it when a boy touches me there.” 

“I wasn't trying anything. I mean, all 
he said was it was some hip thing, thar 
it isn't even noticeable. It really isn't.” 

“A full skirt covers a multitude of 


He thought it a wonderful sentence. 
He believed she was clever. The syner- 
gistics again, the very thing that had 
driven her underground and caused 
her shyness had given her wit. 

“Look, I'm sorry if 1 loused up your 
Sadie Hawkins, OK?" Then she 


“Well, look at me. Sadie Hawkins! 1 
mean, did you pick the right girl, or 
what? I guess I'm just not the type.” 

“Why do you say that?” 

“Well, I'm too nervous to dance, 
aren't I?" She looked at him. "I'm two 
years older than you.” Sure, he 
thought, his deformity. Their friend 
was a good reporter. He'd spilled the 
beans about both their deformities. 

They discussed their majors. Rose 
Helen said she enjoyed being around 
kids and thought she would become a 
teacher, possibly declare a minor in 
English, since, counting this semester, 
she would already have six hours of 
credit in that subject. Druff confessed 
he was still undecided, that he hadn't 
realized how important it was to have a 
plan since you'd probably be stuck for 
life with whatever you chose, adding 
that it wasn't quite fair to expect some- 
one only 19 or 20—not, he amended in 
deference to that two-year difference 
in their ages, that being 19 or 20 was 
anything of a handicap (that was the 
word he used, handicap)—to lock in 
on what he wanted to be doing 15 or so 
years later. It was a serious business, 
and sad, really, when you thought 
about it, that you had to start your life 
off on the right foot, or otherwise, you 
could wake up when you were 35 and 
find out that you weren't where you 
thought you belonged. Because how 
many times were you alive? Once, 
right? He thought that to waste your 
life was the worst thing you could do 
with it. It was like self-murder, suicide. 

“This is very depressing,” Rose Hel- 
en said. 

“Well, itis,” Druff said. “That's why I 
don't think that just because someone 
has six hours of credit in a subject 
that’s a good enough reason to say, 
"Yes, 1 have six hours of credit in this 
subject, I might as well make it my mi- 
nor.’ You have to be interested for its 
own sake.” 

“Yes, but did it ever occur to you that 
the reason a party already has six 
hours in a particular subject just might 
be that the person is already interested 
in it?" 

Then she said she thought he was 
being pretty sarcastic for someone who 
didn't seem to know what he vas going 
to do with his life and talked about self- 
murdera fev years down the line. And 

(continued cn page 230) 

“T think we'll ship Beirut next year, Petal.” 



high-tech skiwear 
that won't leave you 
out in the cold 



ROM THE black diamonds 
in Colorado to the bun- 
ny hills of the Midwest, 
this season’s hottest ski- 

wear is as practical as it is 
sharp. Look for longer jack- 
ets, pullovers and one-piece 
suits in dark, rich colors. 
Muted neon accents, bright 
slashes of color and metallic 
trim give outfits a high-tech 
look to match the latest skis 
and boots. And revolutionary 
fabrics such as waterproof 
leather and Thinsulate ce- 
ramic will keep you as warm 

Above: Chinella/nylon pullover, $268, acrylic 
zip turtleneck, about $36, stretch ponts with 
padded knees, $234, and headband, $21, all 
by Obermeyer; gloves, by Descente, $69; 
boot gaiters, by SCI, $17; sunglasses, by 
Oakley, $110; Incline Series 3 poles, by 
Scott, $48; Free Flex FX-Two skis, by Volant, 

and dry on the slopes as you 
are by the fireside sipping a 

mug of steaming cider—or SW $460; Racing Free Flex bindings, by Tyrolia, 
12 Д perhaps something stronger. WDR? $265; and Flexon Pro boots, by Raichle, $300. 

This skier hits the slopes in a polyamide jacket 
with zip/snap front and drawstring waistband, 
$658, nylon pants, $244, both by Bogner; cot- 
ton turtleneck, by Skyr, $22.50; wool knit ski 
cap, by Descente, $25; sunglasses, by Cébe, 
$100; goggles, by Bolle, $80; waterproof 
leather gloves, by Gordini, $87; Pro Scott 
poles, by Scott, $48; Megacomp SLX skis, by 
Tyrolia, $460; and R 900 ST boots, by Ros- 
signol, $410. (Her suit and gloves, by Ober- 
meyer; turtleneck, by Skyr; goggles, by 
Carrero; headband, by Smiley; World Cup 
Racer poles, by Scott; TNS boots, by Tecnica.) 



Below: Snow-boording is the lotest craze among doredevil skiers. This one's hotdoggin' it in Cartouche Leather Skiwear's woter-resist- 
ont pullover jacket with drawstring waist, from Howord Imports, $875; acrylic turtleneck, about $21, nylon pants with elastic waist, 
obout $80, ond nylon gloves with Velcro wristband, $65, all by Obermeyer; sport-style sunglasses with impoct-resistant lenses, by Uvex, 
$50; TX Snowboard, about $300, and Gyrator bindings, from MC Mages, $149, both by K2; plus Snowboard boots, by Raichle, $350. 
Opposite page: Looking for new skis? Hot ones to consider include, left to right: 45 Kevlar racing skis, by Rossignol, $445; 59000 Equipe 
25 racing skis, by Salomon, $595; M-500 performance skis, by Tyrolio, $500; Synergy S classic giant-slalom skis, by Kástle, $395; 
V20 Absorber R40 all-mountain extreme skis, by Blizzard, $475; Gyrotor skis, by K2, $375; M5 slalom skis, by PRE, $475; Super Soft 
powder skis, by Miller, $440; VR 17 Kevlar recreationol sport skis, by Dynamic, $360; GS Super racing skis, by Fischer, $485; Course 
Equipe Notionale SL rocing giant-slalom skis, by Dynastar, $450; Zero Gravity competition mogul skis, by Olin, $385; TRB classic 
giant-slolom skis, by Head, $550; MBX 16 all-mountoin skis, by Elan, $550; and ARC Tricomp 533 CE performance skis, by Atomic, $400. 



Nylon one-piece suit with belted waist, zip/snap 
front cnd elastic bottoms, $390, and solar alpha 
gloves, $60, both by Descente; acrylic/wool neck 
goiter, by Skyr, $18; ski goggles with iridium lenses, 
by Ookley, $90; 982 boots, by Nordica, about $300; 
and Pro Scott poles, by Scott, about $50. (Her one- 
piece suit, mitlens and neck gaiter, by Obermeyer; 
sunglasses, by R&vo; Nordica №607 boots, from 
MC Moges; and Incline Series 3 poles, by Scott.) 

Nylon/spandex Entrant jacket with zip/snop front 
and drawstring waist, $339, nylon Entrant pants, 
$199, both by Spyder; cotton turtleneck, by Bogner, 
$45; ski gloves, by Solomon, $30; ski goggles, by 
Smith Sport Optics, $30; Pro Scott poles, by Scott, 
$48; ond 470 boots, by Roichle, $275. (Her jocket 
ond stretch ponts, by Bogner; turtleneck, by Skyr; 
gloves, by Obermeyer; sunglosses, by Uvex; In- 
dine Series 3 poles, by Scott; TXI boots, by Lange.) 

Where & How to Buy on page 240. 167 



THE HOLIDAYS (continued from page 105) 

“The English didn’t invent Christmas, but they cer- 
tainly put a spit shine on it.” 

Cap Juluca does not fuss over its luxu- 
ry. People go there because they want 
to escape the lives they live the rest of 
the time. The only task one sets for 
oneself is to notice how, in the presence 
of the warm ocean and the flawless 
skies, the world reachieves an unequiv- 
ocal balance. 


Mexico to most of us means beaches, 
ocean sports, very hot sun and concern 
about drinking the water. In its resort 
communities, Mexico has decided to 
go the route of expansive, inclusive re- 
sort-style hotels that have a homogene- 
ity that is, on one hand, reassuringly 
familiar and, on the other, inconsistent 
with the character of the country in 
which they find themselves. 

Oaxaca City is a place where a num- 
ber of cultures butt heads, brush them- 
selves off and decide to have a beer 
together. It is a 17th Century colonial 
town that has retained its strong Za- 
potec, Mixtec and Spanish Catholic 
character. It is a gourmet's field trip: 
Sample each of the seven molés— 
though you may want to forgo the 
shredded-grasshopper appetizer. It is 
the region that invented that most sav- 
age of beverages: mescal. The worm at 
the bottom of the botde shouldn't 
frighten you. In fact, it improves the 

The Stouffer El Presidente hotel is a 
converted convent with a series of 
courtyards and fountains and is one of 
those environments that are stunning 
in their historicity. It is located in the 
center of town, making it a good place 
from which to begin your sight-seeing. 
Nico Gormsen, a local translator, can 
take you around to the local sites and 
explain as much as is explainable. 
Mexican Catholicism—unashamed of 
its fascination with death, oppression, 
pain and the simple necessities—is on 
view in several churches. You'll want to 
visit Mitla and Monte Alban, two beau- 
tifully complex ruins. You'll also want 
to visit Teotitlán del Valle, a town that 
has given birth to hundreds of 
weavers. The Zapotec patterns loomed 
there are made vibrantly red by their 
harvest of the increasingly rare 
cochineal bug that infests the cactus. 
When squished, it yields a magnificent 
range of reds and purples. 

Two days before Christmas, Oaxaca 
hosts a celebration known as Radish 

Night. The local vendors dangle giant 
radishes sculpted into animal and hu- 
man shapes to lure you into their stalls. 
It all adds to the ambient surreality of 
the place. 


Between 1870 and 1930, a group of 
industrialists, financiers and railroad 
magnates invaded the Adirondack 
Mountains in northern New York State 
to build vacation retreats for their fam- 
ilies. The resultant “camps” and their 
rustic furnishings, made from logs and 
native stone to blend with the natural 
beauty of the locale, became extremely 
fashionable—and the size of the build- 
ings, if not their style, rivaled the re- 
treats the rich had built for themselves 
in Newport and Saratoga Springs. The 
Whitneys, Vanderbilts and Rocke- 
fellers, among others, soon had grand 
estates collectively called the Great 

One of those, Camp Wonundra, was 
built by William Avery Rockefeller in 
the early Thirties and is now open to 
the public as an 11-guest-room resort 
called The Point. Picture a Ralph Lau- 
ren sportswear ad—only with people 
who aren't into vogueing. It runs year- 
round, but the winter—and particular- 
ly around the holidays—is a terrific 
time to visit. There is cross-country ski- 
ing, snowshoeing and snow barbecues 
accompanied by a bonfire. Lake Placid, 
site of the 1980 winter Olympics, is 
nearby for adventurous souls who 
want to watch some ski jumping or try 
the luge. 

Indoors, you lounge on one of the 
many oversized couches in the 30'x50' 
Great Hall and become gently toasted 
by a fire roaring in one of the enor- 
mous stone fireplaces. You mix your 
own drinks, as you might at a friend's 
house. You dress for dinner (Wednes- 
days and Saturdays are optionally for- 
mal). The Points dining room is 
supervised by Bill McNamee, a Miche- 
lin-approved three-star chef. 

The spirit at Christmas is that of a 
genial house party; there is a common 
tree under which guests are encour- 
aged to place their presents. The ele- 
gant, baronial coziness of the place, 
plus the attentiveness of McNamee and 
his wife, Claudia, who manage the 
property, ensure that even if you 
choose to go alone, you will be well 
looked after. 


The English didn’t invent Christ- 
mas, but they certainly put a spit shine 
on it. And as much as London still can 
have a Dickensian glint to it (see 
“Style” on page 22), the countryside is 
where you'll most likely find those 
mythically familiar rituals of Christmas 
past. Six miles northeast of Bath, in 
Wiltshire, is Lucknam Park—a mag- 
nificent Georgian manor house built in 
1720 that has been converted into 39 
rooms and suites. It is nestled on 270 
acres of parkland. The approach to the 
house is a magnificent mile-long allée— 
a grassy pathway for horsemen with 
double stands of vaulting 100-year-old 
beech trees. 

Inside, there is a series of public 
rooms, including a library and a huge 
living room where, each afternoon, 
aperitifs and tea are served. Behind 
the manor house—in a walled garden 
that was once the stable—is a spa with a 
pool, a gym, a whirlpool bath, a steam 
room, a sauna, massage showers and a 
solarium. There is also a full-size 
snooker table. For the woman who 
may accompany you, there is also a 
beauty salon with a full array of treat- 
ments whose effects you will appreciate 
but the details of which you really 
don't want to know. 

She, and you, may also want to visit 
nearby Bath. The city is still a favorite 
for the shopping sprees of the contem- 
porary royals—whose family homes 
dot, rather grandly, the surrounding 
shires. Antiquarian bookshops, antique 
stores, jewelers and silversmiths, coun- 
try-sport shops and gunsmiths shoe- 
horn themselves into this most 
comprehensive and beautiful of cities. 

Lucknam Park plans a four-night 
Christmas program that includes car- 
oling, midnight services at the village 
church in Colerne, followed by mince 
pies and hot toddies by the library's 
fireplace. On Christmas Day, you can 
watch other people’s children greet Fa- 
ther Christmas, who shows up in a car- 
riage, then watch them run around the 
estate hunting for treasure. Boxing 
Day, the day after Christmas, is tradi- 
tionally the time to visit friends, and 
Lucknam Park organizes a trip to the 
National Trust village of Lacock to see 
the Avon Vale Hunt. That evening, the 
hotel hosts a gala dinner and dance. 
Frivolity aside, it is the ideal refuge for 
the holidays, a place to relax and soak 
up an atmosphere that has been percó- 
lating for centuries. 


There's a saying that Santa Fe is the 
only place where you can leave the 
(concluded on bage 216) 


ctm ақ: 


f f‏ 
“Its funny, but when I was a little girl, I thought you ш man."‏ 

Legendary dick 

She leaves us Breathless 


Spaced in 

Race warrior 

AL While Hollywood he-men 
racked up a their female ers displeyed abundant assets. Mel Gib- 
son, who hit a cinematic double with Bird on a Wire and Air Americe, is due next 
in the title role of Shakespeere's Hamlet. Sharon Stone is an interplenetary 
knockout in Total Recell and in a Playboy pictorial. People dubbed Tom Cruise, a 
race-car driver in Days of Thurider, its "Sexiest Man Alive" for 1990. Television's 
Teri Copley, We Got It Made's maid, and Erika Eleniak, the Playmate who made 
Baywatch watchable, also graced our pages during the year. Patrick Swayze is a 
sexy spirit in Ghost, his most successful cinematic outing since Dirty Dancing; 
and Kim Basinger, christened by Venity Feir the “Blonde of Blondes,” tore herself 
away from the Georgia town she bought last year long enough to film The Marry- 
ing Man, with up-and-coming Alec Baldwin, powerful as a psychopath in 
Miemi Blues and as a hero in The Hunt for Red October, as her love interest. 

өм, N 
( E 1 D. 
Maid in America Sexiest spook Salt-water sweetheart | 



Media royalty and 
| renegades abound this year, with print and elec- 
j tronic outlets vying for celebrity coverage. Rob 
w" Lowe survived the inevitable comparisons of his 
М role in Bad Influence to his 1989 misadventures 

on video tape. Foulmouthed comic Andrew Dice 

Clay, a hit on records and in personal appear- 

{ ances, bombed in The Adventures of Ford Feir- 

a = lane and became a feminist target for his 
misogynistic patter. Sandra Bemhard's one-wom- 

an show Without You l'm Nothing made it to the 

screen, but not without rating-board difficulties 

and rumors about wild premiere parties. Denzel 

4 Washington, idolized as Best Supporting Actor 

Oscar winner for last year's Glory, plays a sexier 
role {lip-syncing convincingly to Branford 
Marsalis’ trumpet) in Spike Lee's Mo’ Better 
Blues. Paula Abdul is everywhere, having won 
Rock Female Vocalist honors in the Playboy Mu- 
sic Poll, an Emmy for choreography, a Grammy 
nomination and other honors; now she has two 
hot commercials, a pair of top-selling albums and 
a sizzling video, Knocked Out. Papa's grandkid 
Margaux Hemingway's once-faltering career got 
a boost from a Playboy pictorial and memoir, 
which drew widespread acclaim for its candor. 

№ n 

Gross prophet Star of stage and scream и 

Knocked Out knockout 

Hottest hornblower 

| Blue-blooded genes 


Buess?'s who 


Here they are, the 
supermodels. “Everyone wants to eye 
Claudia,” said Rolling Stone of Miss Schiffer, 
the Guess? jeans gir. Revion's Cindy 
Crawford has a reserved seat on hunky actor 
Richard Gere's motorcycle, while File 
Macpherson, long a favorite in Sports 
Illustrated's annual swimsuit issues, is now 
on screen in Woody Allen's new movie, Alice. 

А t 
` М "n i 
S | | 
m Best suited High Gere . 
за i f 
ف‎ ; 

Lusty lady 

There's e whiff of something wild 
about these women's screen personae. Laura San Giacomo, now appear- 
ing with Tom Selleck in Quigley Down Under, is memorable as a hooker in 
Pretty Woman. Sea of Love's Ellen Barkin, dubbed “Hollywood's sultriest 
blonde” by Vanity Fair, is the reincarnation of Perry King in the upcoming 
Switch. Pom queen Tori Welles has erotic dreame in the prize-winning ELLEN BARKIN 
‚Night Trips. Traci Lords, jailbait no more, stars in Cry-Baby and in her own Sulti 5 

calendar, and Delia Sheppard, leading lady of Witchereft Il: The Temptress, ultriest siren 
was hailed by Variety as “the Nineties’ answer to Mamie Van Doren.” 

Date bait 


Wet-dream girl ` | DELIA SHEPPARD 
dream gi 


ii^. Pers 

a Nu 

Cherry with a twist | 

3 2 



Love on the lam 

He-man Û man 

All four performers on the left are becoming inextricably 
linked with maverick director David Lynch. Sherilyn Fenn, seen to greater advantage 
elsewhere in this issue, works wonders with a maraschino-cherry stem in Lynch's TV 
sensation Twin Peeks; Laura Dem and Nicolas Cage get it on in the offbeat road movie 
Wild at Heart, top prize winner at the Cannes Intemational Film Festival; and Kyle 
MacLachlan is magnetic as a pie-and-coffee-loving Federal agent investigating a murder 
in the fictional Washington State town of Twin Peaks, brought to life in the TV series. 
Both Dem and MacLachlan are also in Lynch's unsettling 1986 shocker, Blue Velvet. 

Prettiest Woman 

Julia (Pretty Women) Roberts, Eric's prettier 
sister, was hailed as one of today's ten most beautiful women by Harper's Bazaer and 
has been romantically linked to Flatliners co-star Kiefer Sutherland. Michelle Pfeiffer, “the 
movies’ prettiest face,” per Premiere, will brighten screens soon in The Russia House. 
Daryl Hannah, a mental patient in Crazy People, will appear next as a missionary wife in 
At Pley in the Fields of the Lord. Botticelli beauty Uma Thurman, among 15 gorgeous 
women celebrated by Italian Vogue, is currently on view as Henry Miller's spouse in Hen- 
ту and June; and Jennifer Jason Leigh, terrific as play-for-pay blondes in both Miemi 
Blues and Last Exit to Brooklyn, has no fewer than three films in the works. 


Classiest classic = 

Crazy woman 

aS Hardest-working girl The Miller's wife Ё 



would like to be reincarnated as War- 
ren Beatty’s finger tips, he never ex- 
pected that line to be quoted as much 
as it was to promote Dick Tracy. Writers 
were reduced to citing Woody because 
Warren said little of interest after 
agreeing to come out of his lair to pub- 
licize the picture, likening interviews to 
prostate examinations. Everybody, of 
course, wanted to know about his affair 
with his leading lady, Madonne. But he 
would only say she's *more fun than a 
barrel of monkeys." That could be a 
cliché or, given Beatty's extensive ro- 
mantic résumé, a genuine revelation 
about Madonna and/or monkeys and 
barrels. We can orly guess. 

She, at least, was more candid, con- 
fessing to Vanity Fair that she was some- 
times intimidated by the possibility 
that 75 percent of the country wants 
Beatty's approval and 75 percent have 
had his body. "Sometimes I think, He's 
been with the world's most beautiful, 
most glamourous, talented women. I 
go, ‘Oh, my God!" That's one part of 
me. I mean, how can I ever be as fabu- 
lous as Brigitte Bardot when she was 
twenty-five? Or Natalie Wood? Or any 
of those people? Then there is the oth- 
er side of me that says I'm better than 
all of them." 

Away from Warren, Madonna 
donned an armored brassiere and 
thrust her hand between her legs for 
her controversial Blond Ambition con- 
cert tour When Toronto police 
protested that she was "lewd and ob- 
scene, Madonna insisted, "I ain't 
changing my fucking act" and her 
manager told the cops they would face 
30,000 angry fans if they canceled her 
show. So they didn't. 

Such attention. was no surprise to 
Madonna's pal Sandra Bernhard after 
their mock-lesbian antics became 
tabloid fodder. "It was just the press 
picking up on something, because ev- 
ery time Madonna farts, they pick up 
on it. They want to see how it smells. I 
hate to break the news, but it smells 
like everybody else's farts. It’s all so 
geeky, it's embarrassing. She likes it be- 
cause she loves to cause controversy.” 

Under a test-case auack in Federal 
court for raunchy rap lyrics, 2 Live 
Grew was greeted on the road by 
teenage concert fans chanting, “We 
want some pussy! We want some 
pussy!” a wish the all-male group was 
presumably unable to fulfill. But 2, too, 
confounded censorious forces by paus- 
ing in its raps to allow the audience to 
supply the dirty words, daring watch- 
ing gendarmes to jail the entire crowd. 

Not every celebrity rates instant 
recognition from the cops. After giving 
a speeding ticket to gorgeous Michelle 
Pfeiffer, a North Carolina highway-pa- 
trol trooper said he'd never seen The 

Fabulous Baker Boys or any of her other 
films that would inspire most males to 
rush forward with her $100 bail in 
hand. “We come into contact with all 
types of people,” the officer explained. 
Mao West would have sighed that any 
bulge in his pants was most likely a 

Actually, were Mae alive today, she 
might have been more graphic. 
Celebrities are getting so matter-of-fact 
about their genitalia that they're in 
danger of losing their mystery, not to 
mention their fun, Discussing her 
AIDS-education efforts, the oft-quoted 
Madonna casually remarked to her 
Vanity Fair interviewer, "I have a pussy 
and I'm dealing with my sexuality and 
you can deal with yours if you want. 
I'm encouraging that. But I'm not say- 
ing go out and fuck randomly. You can 
have sex, but you have to practice safe 
sex. ... Use your imagination. Be cre- 

Less nobly, feisty Susan Tyrrell put 
forth her privates as analogy for her 
one-woman show, My Rotten Life: A Bit- 
ter Operetta. “If I'm gonna throw my 
legs open to the public, I want them to 
be so in love with what they see. I do 
have the pussy of a ten-year-old—so 
I'm not too worried.” 

With some justification, women in- 
sist such candor only claims a right 
long enjoyed by men. Speaking of the 
graphic temale views of sex in her new 
novel, Surrender the Pink, Corrie Fisher 
protested, “Why is it men can write 
that they drag their cock out of their 
pants and they jack off and it hits the 
ceiling?” Because men lie, Carrie, be- 
cause they lie. 

But maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger, 
now the head of the Presidents Coun- 
cil on Physical Fitness and Sports, told 
the truth when he explained (also to 
Vanity Fair) why he took up bodybuild- 
ing. “] was always interested in propor- 
tion and perfection. When 1 was 
fifteen, I took off my clothes and 
looked in the mirror. When 1 stared at 
myself naked, I realized that to be per- 
fecly proportioned, I would need 
bwenty-three-inch arms to match the 
rest of me.” 

It all comes down to that “dick 
thing” Denzel Woshington and Spike 
Lee kept talking about in Mo’ Better 
Blues. Or, as Richard Gere put it, "It's 
basically a psychoanalytical problem 
that America has. America's got this 
dick problem.” His career healthy again 
with the success of Internal Affairs and 
Pretty Woman—and another very pretty 
woman, Revlon model Cindy Crawford, 
on his arm. 

Given all the gutter talk, it was re- 
freshing to see Sharon Stone (it's al- 
ways refreshing to see Sharon) fall back 
on an old-fashioned word for the male 

member in the July Playboy. “I like a 
man whose brain is more expansive 
than his penis,” she avowed. “Lips real- 
ly do it for me: big, full lips. When I 
was fourteen, this boy told me he'd 
teach me how to kiss, how to feel it, how 
to give someone room to kiss you 
back. . . . I was always a great student.” 

Sharon obviously should get togeth- 
er with Tom Cruise, who told Playboy in 
January how, in third grade, he was 
trained to kiss by his sister’s pals. “I 
would literally sprint home, because 
her friends were just starting to go out 
with boys and they would practice on 
me—put me on top of the sink and, 
you know, teach me how to kiss. And 
we'd spend hours after school. I knew 
when the girls were going to come by 
and I'd sprint home.” 

Critics have accused her of chewing 
the lips off her leading men, but beau- 
úful Ellen Barkin likes the sexually ag- 
gressive women she plays in such films 
as Sea of Love. “It's kind of a nice thing 
for women to see a movie where the 
woman just likes to fuck and she’s nota 
bad girl.” 

Some parents obviously believe it 
would be better if their celebrity off- 
spring kept their lips zipped. After 
reading Kim Basinger's revelations 
about how she learned about oral sex, 
her father sent her a tennis ball and a 
roll of adhesive tape, suggesting, 
“When you give an interview and the 
feeling of being outrageous is present, 
please place this ball in your mouth 
and then tape your mouth shut. If you 
are still able to say ‘oral sex’ after doing 
this, then you are hopeless.” Or much 
in demand. 

Auditioning for a job in a brothel, 
Sherilyn Fenn opened her lips on TV's 
Twin Peaks and out popped a knotted 
cherry stem. She was instantly hired 
and women went into tongue training 
all over the country. The scene elevat- 
ed Sherilyn to stardom in director 
David Lynch's well-attended, offbeat 
TV series. Happily, however, we can 
lay claim to having spotted Fenn's fine 
features two years ago, when she bare- 
backed through several scorching 
scenes in Two Moon Junction, though a 
lot of people still haven't made the con- 
nection between the ravishing blonde 
in that picture and the ravishing 
brunette in Twin Peaks. (For more of 
Sherilyn, see Fenn-tastic! elsewhere in 
this issue.) 

Another veteran of Lynch's films, 
Kyle MacLachlan, also hit it big on 
Peaks, playing a very odd FBI agent 
who's supposedly about as strange as 
the actor is off stage (“dedicated and 
dirty-minded," American Film declared 
in an unusually lusty judgment). 
Meanwhile, Lynch continued to push 

(continued on page 197) 


humor by ym» 

when all through the dwelling, 
The adults were unconscious, 
the brats had stopped yelling; 
The stockings were hung 
with a je ne sais quoi 
In hopes we'd get presents (especially moi) 

he kids had exhausted themselves 
with their play, 
Had wrecked the house 
and were through for the day; 
And my lady and 1, having earned our repose, 
Were contentedly snoring (or so I suppose), 

is eyes—how they twinkled! 
His nose—how it glowed! 
His teeth were enormous, 
and all of them showed! 
He carried no bundle, 
a briefcase was all; 
The stockings hung empty, forlorn on the wall. 

nd where were the reindeer? 
Had all of them died? 
There was only a limousine 
waiting outside 
I reproached him: “Kris Kringle, 
you've grown very lax!" 
“I don't know any Kringle: I've come for your tax” 

I crept to the scene and discovered my error. 

or this was no burglar I'd entered to watch: 
It was only Saint Nicholas 
drinking my Scotch. 
“Help yourself, Father Christmas!” 
and “Welcome!” I cried; 
"So I have, and ‘tis very good stuff,” he replied. 

hen soon from the living room, somebody gurgled, 
And I quaked with alarm, 

for I thought we'd been burgled; 
And armed with a baseball bat, 

heart filled with terror, 

new law,” he explained with a comical dance, 
"Says you've got to pay next April's 
sum in advance.” 
“But this,” 1 exclaimed, 
“is the worst of all рур!” 
And he chuckled and winked 
and rejoined, "Read my lips." 

hen you've come,” I inquired, 
“from the dread IRS?” 
"In a word," answered he 
with a pirouette, "yes." 
And ere felled by my bat, 
he appended (quite loud), 
"And Christmas and New Year's are now disallowed." 

нє вк music story in 1990 was freedom of speech. Record labeling, Govem- 

ment meddling and a slow response from the music industry made 2 Live 

. Crew the primary target, while all rap music took the rap. If censorship 
was a low point, Bonnie Raitt's recognition by her peers and fans was a 

high, proving that hanging tough works. The big guns hit the road—Paul 

А. McCartney, Billy Joel, Janet Jackson and David Bowie—and Madonna 
blitzed the world, on film and on tour. Sinéad O'Connor, last year's weird chick 
with no hair, is this year's top pop singer. It was a good year for crossing over— 
making it big on both the black and the pop charts— just ask Lisa Stansfield, New 
Kids on the Block, Technotronic, Mariah Carey and M. C. Harnmer. So-called fringe 
acts such as Depeche Mode and the B-52's went mainstream, Harry Connick, Jr., 
had three jazz albums on the charts at once, country singer Clint Black wowed 

women of all musical persuasions and world music intemationalized our taste. 

From TV to advertising to movies, music was the back beat to our daily lives. 


Sharpen your pencils—it's time to fill aut the 1991 Playboy Music Ballot. Check 
off the box next to your favorite performer or alburn in each category (or use the 
write-in line if you have a better idea). This year, there is a bonus, The Volkswagen 
25th Anniversary Hall of Fame Sweepstakes. You could win a new car! Tear off the 
ballot and use the attached envelope (don't forget to add your sweepstakes 
entry). Send in your vate no later than midnight, December 15, 1990. Don't forget 
to put a stamp on it. We can't count it if the Postal Service doesn't deliver it. 

Male Vocalist Female Vocalist 
— Michael Bolton — Mariah Carey 
2 David Bowie J Cher 
J Phil Collins — Taylor Dayne 
— Don Henley J Gloria Estefan 
2 Billy Idol J Janet Jackson 
H — Paul McCartney — Madonna 
i 2 Michael Penn Y Alannah Myles 
г J Iggy Pop J Sinéad O'Connor 
Y Prince - Bonnie Raitt 
| A J Linda Ronstadt 
! 4 
I Instrumentalist Group 
Y Eric Clapton J Aerosmith f ч 
i J lita Bal 118-575 Ма!е Vocalist Female Vocalist 
J Jeff Healey — Depeche Mode Ра - Š 
J John Hiatt Fleetwood Mac = Tony Bennett - Patti Austin 
El Ere isk Y George Benson О Basia 
кү pns Char Regina Bell 
I Elton John 3 Bruce Homsby & the Range Q Ray Charles. Regina Belle 
C] Harry Connick, Jr. Q Betty Carter 
J Joe Satnanı Midnight Oil = 
Y Chris T ” А Michael Franks Q Randy Crawford 
ris Thomas Red Hot Chili Peppers 
3 St h О Al Jarreau Gloria Lynne 
eve Vai 3 Wilson Phillips 
I Buckwheat Zydeco 3 World Party мааи ET Cermen Miena 
& a J Frank Sinatra Û Dianne Reeves 
о Mel Tormé l Dionne Warwick 
Q Joe Williams a 
Album a 
Y Alannah Myles— " 
Alannah Myles Instrumentalist Group 
' Blue Sky Mining— 
Е Midnight q a? U Stanley Clarke О Art Blakey and the Jazz 
U Goodbye Jumbo— Û Miles Oavis Messengers 
Q Elaine Elias Q Billy Childs 
World Party = 
7 Do Not Want О Kenny б Q Dirty Dozen Brass Band 
^ Branford Marsalis Q John McLaughlin Trio 
What | Haven't Got— 
ad 0" C] Wynton Marsalis D Pat Metheny 
Sinéad O'Connor 
e û Frank Morgan J Modern Jazz Quartet 
J l'm Breathless—Madonna > + 
Y Ma J Najee С Rippingtons featuring Russ 
lanic Nirvana— 
(7) Marcus Roberts Freeman 
Robert Plant ribose perc UNS " 
J А Night on the Town— Bruce n ane Schuur a sad уга featuring Jay 
Hornsby & the Range — dl en Ы 
2 Step by Step—New Kids ~ 
on the Block Dr Tuck & Patti 
Y Violator—Depeche Mode Album 
C1 Wilson Phillips — Wilson Phillips 
س ل‎ 0 Deep in the Shed— 
Marcus Roberts 
Û Fast Forward— 
Spyro Gyra featuring Jay 
О Lady with a Song— 
Nancy Wilson 
О Live—Kenny б 
О London Warsaw 
New York—Basia 
Û Love Is Gonna Getcha— 
Patti Austin 
О Question and Answer— 
Pat Metheny 
U Standard Time Vol. 3— 
The Resolution of Romance— 

Wynton Marsalis 

J Tokyo Blue—Najee 
Ц We Are in Love— 
Harry Conrick, Jr. 

detach here 

О James Brown 
ЇЗ Sammy Davis Jr. 
J Aretha Franklin 
Q Jerry Garcia 

Q Dizzy Gillespie 
3 Quincy Jones 

Q B. E. King 

Y Bob Marley 

C Buck Owens 

Q Charlie Parker 
Ч Prince 

U Keith Richards 
J Smokey Robinson 

8 O Hank Williams. Jr. 

Š U Frank Zappa 

3 а 



e See page 187 for 
Sweepstakes details. 


————Ó—————————Á—Á———— —————Ó—ÉÉPI EE EET 

Male Vocalist Female Vocalist Male Vocalist Female Vocalist 
о Babyface О Paula Abdul Q Clint Black A Carlene Carter 
О Bobby Brown I Anita Baker I Garth Brooks I Lacy J, Dalton 
T Luther Campbell 2 Ruth Brown Vince Gill О Holly Dunn 
Û Johnny Gill T Whitney Houston Lyle Lovett Gk. d lang 
О M. C. Hammer I Miki Howard О Eddie Rabbitt Patty Loveless 
2 Howard Hewett T Michelle О Randy Travis U Kathy Mattea 
О Keith Sweat Y Lisa Stansfield О Ricky Van Shelton iJ Reba McEntire 
I Luther Vandross Y Caron Wheeler О Hank Williams, Jr. DK. T. Oslin 
О Barry White J Angela Winbush Q Dwight Yoakam Q Dolly Parton 
د‎ ü a U Tanya Tucker 
Grou Albu ri 
р т бгоир Album 
Bell Biv Devoe Q Affection—Lisa Stansfield Û Alabama 
ÛJ Digital Underground T Back on the Block Û Baillie & the Boys У Lacy J—Laey J. Dalton 
T En Vogue Quincy Jones [J Desert Rose Band 3 livin’ Up—George Strait 
О Eric B. & Rakim Cl Born to Sing —En Vogue О Foster and Lloyd 3 Lone Well — 
T Public Enemy 1 Fear of a Black Planet — О Judds Hank Williams, Jr. 
Y Salt-n-Pepa Public Enemy Û Kentucky Headhunters © On Down the Line— 
T Soul II Soul J Pandemonium—Time О Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Patty Loveless 
Q Technotronic J Please Hammer Dont Hurt J Restless Heart Û Pass It on Down— 
О Time Em—M. C. Hammer Shenandoah Alabama 
I Was (Not Was) J Po'son—Bell Biv Devoe О Southem Pacific Pickin’ on Nashville— 
a — Pump Up the Jam—The a Kentucky Headhunters 
Album—Technotronic Q RVS MI 
ü Ricky Van Shelton 
QI Version of the Truth — 
Foster and Lloyd 
T When | Cell Your Name— 

Vince Gill 

T Willie, Waylon, Johnny & 
Kris—Highwayman 2 

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2 Julie Brown U Black Velvet —Alannah Myles 
2 Adam Curry О Blaze of Glory—Jon Bon Jovi 
Û Daisy Fuentes О Cradle of Love—Billy Idol 

ÛJ Alvin Jones C1 Janie's Got a Gun—Aerosmith 
U Shelley Mangrum (No Myth—Michael Penn 

lJ Cathy Martindale J Nothing Compares 2 U— 

— Martha Quinn Sinéad O'Connor 

J Pauly Shore 0 On the Greener Side— 

Y Donnie Simpson Michelle Shocked 

Y Al Wyntor J Opposites Atiract —Paula Abdul 
پا‎ Û U Can't Touch This— 

M. C. Hammer 
Û Vogue —Madonna 

Ц Aerosmith 

0 David Bowie 

Q Depeche Mode 

C1 Janet Jackson 

О Rickie Lee Jones/Lyle Lovett 

1 Madonna 

C) Paul McCartney 

Bonnie Raitt 

U Тот Tom Club/Ramones/ 
Debbie Harry 

2 UB40 


detach here 

Y Adventures of Ford Fairlane 
Days of Thunder 

Dick Тасу 

I Graffiti Bridge 

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J Mo’ Better Blues 

J Pretty Woman 

The Return of Superfly 

I Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
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detach here 


P.O. BOX 11233 

CHICAGO, IL 60611 





B.. orex the champagne, light the 
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Fame. To get you into the mood, Volkswagen is sponsoring a sweepstakes with 
an enticing prize—a new Volkswagen Corrado. And if you'd like to participate in 
the Hall of Fame “Dream Album” Contest, look for details in the box on page 
189. A Playboy toast to artist Jack Gregory for his clay sculptures that have im- 
mortalized all our previous winners, such as music legend John Lennon (below). 














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1990. No responsibilty is assumed for 
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‘ed retol price, 517,900) will be oword. 
ed. The winner will be selected in o 
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loter thon Morch 15, 1991, Irom 
omong all eligible entries received. 
Winner selecion is under the superi- 
sion of the D. L. Bloir Corporation, an 
independent judging orgonizalion, 
whose decisions on oll matters reloted 
do this sweepsiokes ore linol. No substi- 
{ution will be mode for the prize, Taxes, 
licensing ond registration fees ore the 
sole responsibilty of the winner 
Chonces of winning cre dependent up. 
on the number of eligible entries те. 
ceived. Winner wil be notified by mail 
ond wil be obligated lo sgn ond return 
оп Affdovit of Eligibiity ond Releose of 
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In the event of roncomplionce within 
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lo on olternole winner. By accaplarce 
of he prize, winner consents to fhe use 
of his name, pholograph or other like- 
ness for the purposes of advertising, 
trode ond promotion on behalf ol Ploy- 
boy Enterprises, Ine, without further 
Compensoion Sweepsickes open lo 
тездет ol Ihe United Sloles (except 
Puerto Rico) who ore licensed drivers, 
oged 1B or over as of December 15, 
1990, excep! employees of Ployboy En- 
terprises, Inc., D. L. Bloit Corporation 
‘ond members of heir immediate fomi- 
lies. Offer void wherever prohibied by 
lov. All Federol, stole and locol laws, 
regulolions ond restrctions opply. For 
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er April 1, 1991), send o seporcie 
stomped, selfoddressed envelope to 
Volkswogen’s 25th Anniversory Holl of 
Fame Sweepsiokes Winner, P.O. Box 
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2547. Anniversary 

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pick your favorite cuts from among the Hall of Fame win- 
ners and make up your own compilation album. It can be 
heavy on Mick and light on Ella, or the other way around. 
You're in the sweepstakes, even without picking the cuts. 



ese | 



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See the Moy 1991 Playboy issue for the winner of the Corrado and for the Readers’ Choice 
"Dream Album.” Sweepstakes entries must be received no lotor thon December 15, 1990, Мой 
your entry in the Playboy Music Poll Ballot envelope or in any envelope no lorger than с number 
ten to: Playboy, PO. Box 11233, Chicago, IL 60611. No purchase necessory lo anter. 


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jobs by other 


(eontiuned from page 55) 


commanding officer read a letter he had written 

home and thundered, Are you a Jew faggot?” 

which he now concedes 

allowed overt discrimi 

ys and lesbians based on 

лу pe 

would have 
against ys 
sexuality, ж: 
ment-protected exclusion ol 
from employment, housing and other 
areas.” Although he has since modified 
his position and favors a broad view of 
civil liberties, while in the closet. he was, 
ng, a self-h cen- 
wrote to one constituent, “1 


certainly share your support for civil 


2s AL the same time, 1 cannot 
ion that would gu 
who were denied these 
citizens believing that 

support legisl; 
jobs to citizer 


homosexuality is à perversion of nature. 
I subscribe to this view. I would not want 
my children taught or influenced by gay 
people il this could be avoided. 

Two months belore FBI agents visited 
his Capitol Hill office to inform him that 
they suspected him of committing 
felonies by transporting men within the 

District of Columbia for. homosex 

sex, Bauman had nominated no less i 
homophobe than Jesse Helms to be 
e-President of the United States. 

Yet in his book, The Gentleman from 
Maryland, subtitled “The Conscience 
Gay Conservative,” Bauman, like 
he had no choi 
coming a homosexual and does not 
suggest that any other homosexu 
teacher or casual acquaintance, ever 

1 into this practice 

Indeed, the cases of Bauman and 
Liebman, along with those of thousands 
of other conservative gays in the Feder 
Govern gest th i 
o indicator of perlo 
the Government goes poking 
where it has no bu: Bau- 
man was considered one of the hardes 
working, brightest and most. effective 
conservative Congressmen until caught 
in that sleazy Washington bar. Liebman 
was serving faithfully in the U.S. Army 

til his con ling officer read a let- 
ter he had written home that included 



an, argues th 


sexual is nce H 

is m 




ampy relerences and th 

Are vou a Jew faggot?” Liebman said. “I 
guess Гапу and received a general dis- 

Ba an and. Liebman were 


ays advancing a conservative move- 
ment that seemed 10 delight in maki: 
life miserable for homosexuals. In his 
book, Bauman states, “The closets of 
Washington I of gay Republicans 
and gay conservatives. Many of then 
serve in high Reagan Adm 
n the White House ` 
agress and populare the 
circles of power that exist in 
public-relations firms, lobbying groups. 
political-action. comminees, even con- 
servative organizations and the Republi- 
can Party structure as well.” 

One such powerful. conservative was 
Terry Dolan, the colounder of NCPAC, 
the leading conservative fund-raising oi 
ganizatio o died of AIDS in 195 
While known to many of his 
be gay, he never publicly acknowledged 
this. Upon his death, his brother Antho- 
ny, Reagan's chief speechwriter, wrote a 
tortured two-page ad that he placed in 
^ Washington Times, insisting that Ter- 
s personal life be deemed private and 
left alone by the media. A fine position. 
except that what makes the plight of 
conservative gays so awful is that their 
brook leaving the 
private lives alone. 

In an imerview with the 
The Advocate, Liebman exhoris other 
s to join him in the tand of the con- 
servatives: “Give the Republican Party a 
chance. Move in on them. Shake them 
up. If they won't be shaken, leave them. 
But don't leave the field to the enemy. 
With the De ic Party the liberals, 
you've [already] got a home. You should 

are lu 

posts. some 

serve in the Cc 

iw firms, 



isociates to 

inant conservative gy will not 

yone else's— 

ty magazine 

go where they dont want you.” 
Not ble call to arma. 
Where is it written thar only liberal 

Democrats can champion civil liberty? I 
there is any validity lel to the conserva 
tive claim of championing the sanctity of 
individual, it will mean that civilized 

conservatives—led by none other than 
William Buckley—need to break with 
the zea 

on the right, Re 
challenging the 
uve m Ca 

famous Briggs 

amia, whieh would 

ichers from the sel 
steney's sake, now is the 
«men t0 come to il 
of their party and shape the consery 
tive bent as pro-choice—or give up the 
ghost of being the defenders of individ- 

ual liberty. 




(continued from page 139) 

“Well, you 
ls so bad 

was yelling at me and 1 s 
know what? 
from your body odor 1 сап even sit in 
here, 1 don't think you should ler me 
stay in this school. 1 think you should 
boot me out on my ass, Û think we ought 
to just call it a day” It wasnt until I be- 

This ollicc 

came successful in acting that my Father 
forgave me for that 

Та Reinhold, Jel Daniels. Al 
attracted to awkwardness in mei 
gooly be sexy? 
poro: 1 don't know if 1 would call them 
gooly. Most of the men I've worked with 
are vulnerable, They've childlike, awk- 
ward, human. They are not tough guys. 
They're not slick like, say, Alec Baldwin 
Not that Alec doesn't have vulnerability. 
but he projects something a hule 
more macho. And 1 tend to ly an- 
tacted to el edge 
but underneath, there's a real runny 

Awkwardness is attractive to any wom- 
an. Women's biggest problem is they 
desperately try to find the vulnerable 
side of hard men. 

A woman finally gets to an age where 


ters who 

she s screw that, [i to 
spend the rest of my I 
something out ol a tough 
there or it's not. They bec 
ogisis. Klutziness is much more endear 


ing. And more real. 


erayson: Who's your dream lead 

ion. He once 
hy is it when 
vou fall in love. vou lose your sense of 
humor?” PH always remember that as 
Fhe Thing Albert Said. I understood it 
without his having to explain it to me 
Like Shakespeare, Albert has the ability 
te turn the corner when you don't think 

further when you doni think 
em possibly keep tiking 
yet he does, with such 
alism. He doesn't let si He 
wants to explore then to the utmost 
He's sexy because noihi 

ations dic. 

on the sur- 
sd to the 
h the blood 

face to 

stream, I 

completely intravenous 
round ihe bush in 

1 look Tike 

There's no be 
his style. He de 


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er. but that’s why I worship him 

ner-up: Cha 1 love 

wet that the stonishes 
artes. He's a complete victim all the 
time. Everything's going on all around 

him and he astonishing 

through the paces of everything thats 
being asked of hi 



rismen: You drew attention by turn 
down the role Made played on 
Broadway in David Mamet's Specd-the- 
Plow, What offended you about it that 
didn't offend N 
resins: Pt didit offe 
bout it is | got an 
of publicity for not doi 
because Madonna did 


do me. Whats fun- 
ig the role—oi 
. Pm not a rav- 
of David Mamet, simply because 
he doesn't write roles for women. The 
role in question—that of trust 
secretary to а sleazy Hollywood produc- 
er—was underwritten, The producer 
characters abused and tricked her and 
made fun of her desire to find truth in 
the movie industry and to get back 10 
the basics in film. maki It was ex- 
tremely cynical. didn’t want to put my- 
self in that position. Ironically, h 
character is supposedly the symbolism ot 
purity of the art of moviemaking. The 
men are symbols of commercial shallow- 
ness. So for the casting to include, as the 
two Hollywood producers, two of Amer- 
ica's foremost stage actors, who are ded- 
icated to their craft, and then Madonna 
as the symbol of purity was for me a typ- 
ical David Mamet move, Darkly, darkly 
cynical, So sue me 


mayo: AS one so accused, explode the 
myth of the difficult actress. once and 
for all 

perkins: Oh, please. ls amazing to me 
that each actress Гуе ever heard was 
difficult is one ef my idols. Like Debra 
Winger. She's called dificult. Bette 
Davis was called dificult. The problem 

is that women are labeled “difficult” for 
the same n are called 
knowing "d can guar- 

antee you that if De Niro walks onto the 
set and takes charge of certain things, he 
is heralded for it. He is a man who 
knows what he's talking about, because 
he's been around lor twenty years: he 
knows what works, and we should re- 
spect his opinion. But I think a lot of di- 
rectors are threaicned by a woman who 
has an opinion. Unfortunately, a lot of 
crresses. push their weight around in 
terms of "My tr eno 
nid that gives everybody a bad name. 


morros: Name your favorite um 
yaris Oh, God. 1 have a hundred. 1 
don’t want to sound like have a favorite. 
But I will say the murderer Ed Ge 
cinates me the most. TI 


Moreover. all ol 

| wore h 

people alive 
re was made from. human 
an skin. He had hule 
drawers of body parts. He had hun 

his fur 

des, se: 

covers, piano benches. 
had completely lost touch with 

ng like that. Vm fascinated with peo 
ple who kill. What pushes them to that 
point te 

ke somebody else's life? To be 

so out of touch with reality that that hor- 
ror becomes your reality? I don't believe 
that it has anything to do with sociology 

or upbringing or child abuse, because 
there are many people who are abused 
who don't turn around and make lamp 
shades out of other people 


mayso: Is there a 
would have loved to attend 
verkans: Ted Bundy’s. One, because, un 
til the very end, he relused to admit he 
killed anybody. Tivo, because he was 
law student and through much ol his 
early trials insisted. on defending him- 
sell Three, because he described the 
murders in precise detail as if he were 
the killer—hike, “If 1 were the killer, 
would have stabbed her in the uppe 
right forearm and left a two-inch inci- 
sion’—never admitting that he killed 
anyone. He's also a man who, during 
one of his trials, jumped out of a third- 
story window and escaped. How a hu- 
man being could commit murders like 
that, deny it. go so far as to describe the 
murders and then defend himself in 
court is absolutely fascinating. Where 
does that power come from? How do 
they view the world? When they ar 
„ What do they 
What do they leel 

murder trial you 

walking down the stree 

see that we dont see 
that we don't feel? 

тлум: Whats the most fu 
h cemetery? 
Well, I can't really 
growing up 
there were not a lot of places where you 
could be alone with a boy Neck in a 
graveyard? Hs great! There's something 
Sexy about being there, Most people are 
afraid of a vevard ar night. But it's 
very peaceful and quiet. Nobody's goin 
10 bug you. Actually, on my honevmoor 
1 took. my then-husband on a picnic i 
my favorite cemetery in Vermont, He 
thought it was really weird 

you can 


луму: Where would 

ї you be caught 

Block con- 


1 исе nevers in Holly- 

rivo: Li 

ачыкы: That's a h: 
so many 

rd request. There 

Never become involved with an 

tor. [Laughs] And I have to say that 1 
divorced one [Terry Kinney}, Never say 
aybody that you would 

in print. Never insult your 

¿Never go to the 7-Eleven without 
lipstick somebody will recognize. vou. 
then say, “I saw her: And she didn't look 

ood. She was 

so y 1t the 7-Eleve: 
a pack of cigarettes at three in the morn- 

Looked had.” The d about 



ir i Hollywood 

the apers. Never 
screen your movie before it's linished 
Never assume that people have taste. 

Never spend all of your time with pe 
ple in the movie industry. That will 
screw you up more than anything. And 
never let the fuckers bring vou down 

ad of yours. 
m during his 

rasos: Rob Lowe is a fri 
What advice did vou give hi 
girl trouble? 

PERKINS: People always go [socked |, "Rob 
Lowe is a friend of yours?” You mean 
the video problem? I offered no advice. 
I don't base my friendships on moral 
judgments. Fm not saying that my 
Iriends are allowed to do whatever they 
want, but 1 dont think that what he did 
was so god-awful that he can no longer 
be my friend. What happened 10 him 
was unfortunate. But what he did, mil- 
lions of people do: he just got caught 
and he's a celebrity, ГА like to know how 
the tape got out in the first. place. lı 
seems to me that somebody was count- 
ing on an enormous amount of money 
and publicity. Whoever it was should be 
slapped on the hand for allowing the 
tape to be circulated to even one news 
That is a bigger crime th. 
what Rob did, not that what he did was 


riñon: You played a private dick on the 
trail of indiscretion in the Alan Rudolph 
movie Live al Large. Have you ever par- 
ticipated in love espionage as а civilian? 
rennin: Oh, sure. Lets lace it, everybody 
has spied lor love at one time or another. 
Nobody just falls into relationships. No- 
body ever just lets things happen in love. 
Theres always a certam amount of ma- 
nipulation and searching and waiting. 
You could call it espionage. There's call- 
and hanging up when they answer 
the phone to sce if they're there, There's 
driving by their house il you have 
heard from them. There’s se 

to see if they respond. Even Hirtim 
manipulation. There's a certain атой 
of underhandedness that goes with the 
establishment ol any love, And that’s not 
meant ive connotation at all. 
les just a love dance. 

men: What would be your tips for the 
Under-Fhiny Divorce Survival Guide 

ding cards 

presen: Гуе been divorced about a year 
and a half and single for three years. It’s 
not easy. 1 didn't date for the first full 
year of separation. And he did. within 
the first month. So it's just the way two 
people react. I spent an enormous 
amount of time alone. Moved up to 
house in the hills and never went out or 
accepted a dinner invitation with any- 
one, Couldn't handle it 

The best thing you can do for yourself 
if you are going through a divorce is to 
always remember that you loved tha 
person. If you deny that you ever loved 
the person you are divorcing, vou will 
send yourself into a frenzy and hurt 
yourself more. Irs almost like saying it 
never happened, and that’s bad. You 
ied to that person for a r 
u loved him n time 

were ma 
son, Y 

cept that you loved him and that you 



probably < It doesn't mean that 
you can talk on the phone. It doesn't 
mean you can have dinner with him 
Something dies and you go through a 
mourning. Except the weird thing is 
that he's still alive, and thats what 
you've got to accept. He's still alive, he's 
ill part of your life, and you will alwa 
have that. You can't deny that it was 
there. Thars dangerous. It's unfair to 
xh of you 



maysoy: Lets reflect on the classic scene 

in Rig where Tom Hanks, ax a trans- 
formed adolescent, feels up your breast 
for the first time. OF camera, who took 
hold of the situation, as it were 

PERKINS: Tom, the director, Penny Mar- 
shall. and I spent the afternoon on that 
one. 1 don't think there are 100 many 
other directors who would have handled 
it as wonderfully as Penny did. 

The first thing we decided on was that 
you would not see the breast. because 
then people would have been looking 
only at the breast, not at the scene. Sec- 
ond, she decided to play it as a wide two- 
shot instead of focusing on Tom or on 
me—or focusing on the breast with a 
close-up shot of his hand in actic 
Tom—and I have to hand it to hin 
made the decision not to play it lasc 
ously. He sat down and sud. “OK, how 
does my hand actually touch the breast? 
Does it bang it back and forth?” And we 
all decided that he would display almost 
an extreme admiration and awe for her 
body, versus а wourer! kind of respons 
which would involve exaggerated 
squeezing and bobbing, And he kept the 
light on. That's what made ñ work as 
tastefully and as poignantly as it did. 
And then hi ide the choice to kiss me, 
instead of feeling my buttocks or some- 
thing stupid. 

manov: You've been making a movie 
called He Said, She Said, which deals with 

the disparate ways men and women view 
the world. So tell us: What do wome 
see in everyday life that men de 
merkis: Women are quick to notice 
smaller things, whereas men focus on 
the bigger picture. You don't see a lot of 
men who sit around and do jigsaw puz- 
zles. Men will look a puzzle when 
it's finished and paint the back and ha 
it. But women will be the ones who sit at 
the table and put it together. In il 
movie, scenes are told from the two 
points of view. And sometimes, the 
scenes are completely different, which is 
so true. Same place, same time, same 
clothing—totally different scenes where 
ch of us hears completely different di- 
alog. It's like going back and rehashing a 
fight with a friend: “But you said you 
never wanted to see me ар 
didn't.” M 


“We're decorating . . 

and women can, blow by blow. Men see 
the over-all picture. Women can remem- 
ber every safety pin that was on their 
skirt hem. 


Asoy: What can you do well that few 
people suspect you can do at all? 
PERKINS: I can move my right pinkie toe 
independently—to the side, forward 
nd back—without moving any of my 
other toes. It doesn't come in handy, but 
very few people actually know this about 
me. It’s very hard to do. Also, I can play 
the piano without reading music. Pretty 
well, if I may add. Never had a lesson in 
my life. Pm id to have п. Fm 
icd EIE lose whatever talent I have. 
Oh, and 1 can blow smoke rings out 
my ass. Just kidding. 


-aah . . . the tree.” 


The beer for those 
‚7 who drink to the beat 
“ of a different drummer. 

RETTET ua u A taste of another culture. 


for new heights of the sexually bizarre 
with his Wild at Heart, siarring Laura 
Dern and Nicolas Cage, who sizzle on 
the big screen while Lynch's TV cre- 
ations can only simmer. Gage, who has 
his own reputation. for weirdness— 
“Normalcy, to me, is a fantasy” he 
likens women to old car 
There are a lot of problematic 7075 out 
there. . .. They're beautiful to look at 
but not meant to be driven. You drive 
them once and they break down. Then 
you have to strip the car down. sell it or 
plant a Molotov cocktail in the gas pipe 
and see what happens. Otherwise, you 
have alot ol car payments, and you even 
have a total overhaul, which could in- 
volve a lobotomy.” 

Dern, Cage's co-star, found some Wild 
scene: the one in which she gets 
г knees to lick the crotch of 
pants, “emt: sing." But, in a 
way, the sexpot she plays is completely 
in control .. . Not only do I get sexually 
satisfied but I never give myself away. 

There are all kinds of control. Pretty 
Virginia Madsen, in Hol Spot, warns her 
partner, “I'm fucking you to death." 
That gives us pause. Virginia, could we 
just do it till we get sick? 

Jennifer Jason Leigh, who plays pre 
titutes in Miami Blues and Last Exit to 
Brooklyn, says she found her characters” 
feelings “complicated. You're getting 
paid to be humiliated, so you feel this 
amazing power that you have, but at the 
same ume, you know you're the one 
crawling on your hands and knees, be- 
ing fucked up the ass.” 

Hookers are definitely hot in Holly- 
wood this year. Take Pretty Woman, which 
features Julia Roberts as the titular call- 

Belore shooting started, Julia as- 
d her mom that the film was a 
“Disney movie"—overlooking the fact 
that Pretly Woman was being made for 
Touchstone, Disneys adult division, 
Playing her best friend in the busines: 
Laura San Giacomo, whose perform- 
ance in last year's sex, lies, and videotape 
inspired People’s Ralph Novak to observe 
that “her sweaty grapplings with Peter 
Gallagher are enough to give meaning- 
less lust back its good name.” 

Speaking of lust, an on-set spy reports 
in the June Playboy that Mickey Rourke 
and Carré Otis kept at each other long 
after the cameras ran out of film w 
shooting the climactic love scene of Wild 
Orchid. What were they really up to? The 
question remains unanswered, except 
for the smile on Carré's face. 

Cindy Crawford, incidentally, was set 
for the Otis part but withdrew because 
she was shy about the amount of nudity 
required. Seems to be an issue with se 
cral actors these days. Daryl Hannah 
says there are few films in which nudity 
important. “I mean, I don't make 

(continued from page 180) 

ropean films with atmosphere.” Well, 
not since her bow in 1982's Summer 
Lovers, filmed lording 
generous helpings of Hannah. 

After appearing naked in The Hunt for 
Red October, Alec Baldwin protested to 
Premiere, “It: ble for me. 
Women think that guys are like, Here, 
babe. Get à naked girl on top of me and 
have some fun. It's not. It’s very uncom- 
fortable. There's always people around.” 

Family man Mel Gibson has shown his 
rear in three of his past four films, but 
that’s as far as hell go. Steamy love 
scenes, he says, “are a lot of times unnec- 
essary. Bird on a Wire originally had one 
of those scenes, but it wasn't really need- 
ed, so I didn't do it.” 

Fortunately for us, Margaux Heming- 
way opted to put some fire under her 
career with a pictorial in the May 
Playboy, though 71 never thought of my- 
self as the Playboy type—long, skinny 
legs, big boobs, perfect ass.” She needn't 
have worried and we're happy she ulti- 
mately concluded, “I can't tell you how 
good it feels to want to show off a little 

Two porn superstars who have gone 
into mainstream films, on the other 
hand, have found themselves blushing. 
Of trying to play a brazen m ger in 
Cry-Baby, Traci Lords said, Was so 
embarrassing doing that—s icing my 
boobs out, licking my lips." Ginger Lynn 
Allen interrupted shooting on Hollywood 
Boulevard Part П to wonder, "Why 
my nipples hard in the jungle?” Ginger 
co-star Ken Wright expressed to Premiere 
a cautious reason for keeping his clothes 
on in her presence. “I had it written into 
my contract that I never take my pants 
off,” Wright explained, outlining his 
of catching something. “I almost 
didn’t do this hlm.” Somehow seems less 
than gallant, when you think about it. 

Kevin Costner wanted to change pants 
for his role as Robin Hood in Prince of 
Thieves. “IF I end up in tights, you'll 
know there was one hell of a battle,” he 
announced prior to production. “I'm 
only trying them on in the security of my 
own home, so I can be the judge. 

Rob Lowe raised eyebrows again this 
year with his role in Bad Influence, in 
which he video-tapes people having se 
His character has Mephistophelean 
overtones, as sweet Lisa Zane observes 
when she “Sleep with the Devil and 
sooner or later, you have to fuck.” These 
1 seen jogging around 
UCLA, in a brazen wardrobe consisting 
of a pair of bright-pink running shorts 
and a shirt decorated with suggestively 
undraped women. Whether because of 
the outfit or because of his reputation, 
Lowe attracts a lot of attention from fc 
male admirers. But, he avowed to Inter- 
he never takes advantage 
of them, “In no way would I ever as- 
sume when I meet some girl that sl 
wants to sleep with me; that doesn't 

n Greece and 

view magarin 







my mind. 1 think somebody who 

did assume that would be such i 
ferably arrogant person that 
couldn't be around him.” 

Andrew Dice Clay does assume that 
nts him, at least in Hol- 
Iywood. “I come out to L.A. and it's, like, 
any girl y 
why don't you come ov 
h “1 just couldn't beli 
wer than the guys. 
guns pulled on me by chicks— woke up 
another time handcuffed to my window. 
And she's laughi 
Does this make € an insuflerably ar- 
rogam person whom others do 
Well, several 

"he told Ln. 
ve it. They 
Td have 

abandoned plans 

Speaking of arrowance—insullei 
to some, admirable to others--Donold 
Trump took an imperial pose as his wile. 
Ivana, lought for possession with model 
Marla Maples. Ihe light, which hit the 
headlines alter a scrap in Aspen, contin- 
ued in court, where Ivana is seeking to 
undo a prenuptial agreement. Trump 
characteristically looked upon both of 
his blondes m planetary fashion—with. 
himself as the sun, of course. “Гуе made 
a lot of satellites,” The Donald boasted, 
“Hey, whether it's Marla or Ivan, 
can do any movie she wants to now. 

а do WIE she want 

rs she will new 
How" as а 
may not 

not money.” Marla sw 
have to worry. As the fi 
of his empire p was 
showing no rush to fill Maples’ No Ex- 
cuses jeans with wedded assets. 

When his own short mar 
Sarah Owen ended. James Woods pro- 
claimed lasting gratitude to his lawyer 
for a prenuptial agreement with the 
Mrs., noting, “My lile would have been a 
without it” A 
gazine piece on prenups quoted the 
ing his attorney had warned 
age wouldn't dust six 
ad, sure enough. trouble start- 
Ming coordinator intro- 
duced aher n 

A ten-ye rder on the divorce of 
David and Angela Bowie ran out this 
year, freeing her to go on IV to claim 
she'd once caught her husband in bed 
with Mick Jagger. “ls no bis deal.” she 
id. “I didnt say 1 saw them on the 
job.” Jagger called the alleg: com- 
plete rubbish” and David responded via 

something so 

al agreeme 


sheer and utter di 


ed alter 


the w 
li to. 
r gag 

gela has to say. 

Lighten up. L 
saying thi 
about you, you woi 

vid. When people stop 
ridiculous or oth 
tbe a Sex Star any- 


his next song, ladies and gentlemen, is 
dedicated to all of Y you oul there who are in loi 
who were in love... or 

wailing lo be in love. . . . 


who are 

(coutinned [rom page SO) 

^s easiest re- 

al coverage by an outsider. 
Marty” is the edite 
course lor the special case. (Where nar- 
тому Catholic or Jewish views are 
he call o Marty may be alteri 
h cally 10 Richard McBrie 
Arthur Hertzberg.) 

ed w 

‘The severest test 10 this хе restraint 
in the coverage of religion at camp 
time was Jimmy Carter s candidacy. He 

was the nominee of 
in 1976, the wi 
disconceried m 
"backward" ku 

ender. Yet he 
ls by 


ns are, in 

Some sense, 

be born of water and 
of the Spirit. he c 1 enter into 
kingdom of God. . .. Marvel not 
(E said unto thee. Ye must be 
эпи ag; 

HN is true that evangelicals stress the 
concept of rebirth, using it to describe 
the psychological experience of being 
saved—and that, 160. was considered an 
oddity in Cart gelicals 
ake up the largest number ol Chris- 
tians in America, and 40 percent of the 
population called itself born again in re- 
sponse to a 1989 survey, 

How did such a sizable part of the 
population escape for so long the notice 
of journalists and political analysts? P: 
ly. this was the result of elitism. Eva 
gelical believers ave less 
educated and allluent than members 
of the signiheantly named “mainlin 
churches. Many people accepted ma 

line as а term indicating the predomi- 
nant, if nor quie (he mainstream. 
churches. But the word was appropri- 

ately borrowed Irom Philadelphia s term 
for the artery extending into the city’s 
established suburbs, The mainstream of 
American religion has always been evan- 
gelical. George Marsden, the best siu- 
dent of the subject. says that evangelical 
Protestantism was “the dominant force 
in American life” during the 19th С 
tury, when it made up the "unofficial re- 
sus establishment” of our politics. 
Nathan O. Hatch has traced the role 
experiential m played in the de- 
mocratization of America. The revival 
has been the distinctively American re 
Lo the extent that oth- 
er religions take on an American 
character. they tend toward. revivalist 
That explains why a Онам ily such 
as the Nix uld attend one of the 
st Paul Rad als, where 

gious experience 




of Billy Graham than of George Fox. 
Ihe Catholic scholar Jay P Dolan. has 
ticed the way his Church acquired re- 
alistic touches in the Pre ng ol 
parish “missions.” leading up by way of 
hell-live sermons (often delivered hy the 
Passionist Fathers, a r tic reli 
order) to long lines at the confessionals. 
replicating the files of sinners making 
their “deci is” at the end of 
a Billy G 

The evangelical Graham has been, 
over the years. the и admired man in 
America. He is always high on the list of 
people that title in surveys, and h 
stays there as other leaders come and 
0. He has been in the top ten unimer- 
iptedly for 35 years. During the Eight 
+ he averaged third on the list, flanked 
by Pope John Paul [Land Jesse Jackson. 
sus leaders made up a ma- 
y of the top ten, since the two Amer 
Presidents named (Reagan and 
Carter) were known for their religiosity. 
as was the Catholic leader in Poland. 
Lech Walesa 

Although Graham represents the. 
broad stream of religious experience in 
America—something politicians have 
recognized and tried to use over the 

ham rally. 

years—commentators continue to neg- 
lector dismiss the elements of that expe- 
rience: revivalism, Biblical literalism, 

millennial hope (ior the Second Coming 
of Christ). Yet these have profoundly 
fluenced our polities, right down to 
shape given to political rallies and 
ional conventions. Whe 

з always 


ıl sects proclaim 

end of near, these 

* not 

ilestations ol à cen- 
the apocalyp- 
n settlers to 

seen as the latest m 
tral theme in our histoi 

rit that drove 2 

pple w Is instrument in 
the wilderness. The religious rhetoric of 
the miller was more useful to ora- 

tors of the American Revolution than 
were maxims of the Enlightenment. The 
millennium proved just as services 
the Civil War. whether to fill with apoc 
Iyptic smoke Julia Ward Howe's The Bat- 
He Hymn of the Republic ov to steer war 
toward a “peaceable kingdom” in Abra- 
ham Lincoln's writings. So, when the 
followers of Elizabeth Clare Prophet 
gathered in 1990 10 go underground 
the world's rending, they were as Amer: 
ican as apple pie—or violence. 

Yet there is a reluctance 10 
America that can produce 
Prophet as frequently as a Dr. 
member when, in the Sixties, Jou 
were trying to report on black milita 
In attempts to understand the move 
ment from the inside, works supposed 
to be revelatory were studied with imen- 
siiy—Prantz Fanons Black Skin, White 
Masks өг The Autobiography of Malcolm N. 
With Fanon, people were willing to lol 
low recondite musings on negritude, 
and with Malcolm, 10 juggle complex 
Arican and lies. But it 

plor t the 

seems too much to ask journalists 10 
read the Bible (of all things) in order to 
understand a Pat Robertson or a Jesse 
ackson—or ever Dr. King. I know 
from experience that it is considered a 
Title kookie for a journalist to know 
w premillennial dispensationalism 
is—though that is the most important 
concept in fundamentalism. 
Fundamentalists are not so numerous as 
evangelicals, but they ar 
of the larger evangelical md have 
папу ties to other members of that Eum 
ily. And no group making up a fifth of 
the population can safely be ignored by 
anyone trying to understand America. 

People who knew nothing of the int 
gelical eschatology were 
reporting, in the Sisties, on the 
ot God” 
schools. That notion acuually led some to 
think there was a falling off f 
gion in the Sixtics, though religious pro- 
ion and observance generally held 
steady. There has been a decline in 
religions over the past three 
decades or so—but that affected the less 
populous denominations (e.g., Episco- 
рабап», who make up only two percent 
of the nation, or Presbyterians. three 
percent), The big evangelical churches 
s the Baptists, 20 percent of the 

An evaporation of belief toward the 
lop of the socioeconomic scale occurs 
regularly in America. Doctrine thins out 
the: mong Un s early in the 
19th Century or theological liberals ear 
ly in the 20th, This is seen as a betrayal 
of belief by those lower in the seale, who 
often compensate with a renewal of their 
own fervor—as the fundamentalists did 
in responding to theological liberals. 
Part of the evangelical “resurgence” of 
the Seventies was a matter ol new voices 
being heard as the elite denominations 
fell silent on religion, learning to speak 
in more secular terms. The religious 
vote has been, increasingly, an evangeli 
cal vote, which helps c 
that recent Pre: 
Reagan, Bush 
selves born 

The need to know something about 
American religion—if only 10 under- 
stand one’s enemies—will be especially 
pressing as the 20th Century comes to 
an end. The num of such a hinge in 
the world’s history always prompts 
alyptic dreams of fiery conclusion 
rosc-tinted beginnings. The end of the 
millennium reminds millennialists of 
what their own name me 

Cults of all sorts will make this a time 
ol ecumenical forebodings; the deepest 
musings will be Ch л. since the end 
of time is a concept so deep and om- 
nipresent in Christian theology, Just as 
orthodox s consider them- 
selves born again. so all believers profess 
to be living, in some measure, through 

cacies ol evi 

n reli- 


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the “end time.” At a minimu the 
Christian Scriptures say that Jesus 
brought the final dispensation to history. 
There will come no later prophet or law- 
giver to establish a different relationship 
between God and man. The final 
covenant was sealed in Christ's blood. 
Religious history has, in that sense, 
nowhere to go beyond the New Testa- 
ment. As far as Christians are con- 
cerned, Cardinal Newman described the 
orthodox view: 

But when once the Christ had 
come, as the son over his own 
house, and with his perfect Gospel, 
nothing remained but to gather in 
his saints. No higher priest could 
come, no truer doctrine. The light 
and life of men had appeared, and 
had suffered, and risen again: and 
nothing more was left to do. Earth 
had had its most solemn event, 
and scen its most august sight; and 
therefore it was the last time. And 
hence, though time intervene be- 
tween Christs first and Second 
Coming, it is nor recognized (as one 
may say) in the Gospel scheme, but 
$, as it were, an accident. For so it 
was, that up to Christ's coming in 
the flesh, the course of things 

ght toward that end, nearing it 
by every step; but now, under the 
Gospel, that course has (if I may so 
speak) altered its direction, as re- 
gards his Second Coming, and 
runs, not toward the end, but along 
it, and on the brink of it; and is at all 
times equally near that great event, 
which, did it run toward, it would at 


once run into. Christ, the 
at our doors; as near 1800 ye 
as now, and not neare 
then; and not nearer 
comes than now. When he sa 
he will come soon, "soon" 
word of time, but of natural order 
This present. state of things, "the 
present distress" as Saint Paul calls 
it, is ever close upon the next world, 
and resolves itself into it. As when a 
man is given over, he may die any 
moment, yet lingers, as an imple- 
ment of war may any moment ex- 

now than 
when he 

plode, and must at some time: as we 
listen for a clock to strike, and at 
length it surprises us; as a crum 
bling arch hangs, we know not how, 

and is not safe to pass under, so 
creeps on this feeble weary world, 
and one day, before we know where 
we are, it will end. 

All Christian theology has been p 
meated by this theological version of 
“the end of history.” The Lord's Prayer 
is an eschatological prayer. Early Chr 
tians thought not only that they were liv- 
ing in the last age but that this age would 
end soon. Much of the fear and exalta- 
tion of the earliest Christian letters cen 
tered on this expecta 

wrote about it in a kind of frantic code; 
from that language, some of the most 
bizarre aspects of American religion 

have taken their rise. It is a forbidding 
subject in a secular age; yet no one can 
understand evangelicals’ emotional tem- 
perature without addressing it. When 
the Quayle family's interest in a funda- 
mentalist preacher (Colonel Robert 

“Гое got the toys—Donner's got all the batteries 
and instructions for assembly!" 

Thieme) came into the news during the 
1988 campaign, odds and ends of his 
preaching were printed, with no real at- 
tempt to see how they were structured 
or how closely they were related to the 
whole fundamentalist endea 

The hope of new life i 
will almost certainly stimulate mystical 
pirations of the sort now fostered by 
New Age mov Some evangelic 
see in this “false religion" itself a sign ol 
the apocalypse. History will culminate in 
the forging of a “world rule” under a di- 
abolic “angel of light.” In any chain 
bookstore, one can find dozens of titles 
in the New Age section—and, sure 
enough, there are three dozen or so ti 
iles to be found now in evan 
stores exposing the dangers of New Age 
igion. Even the threat of peace break- 
ing out after the Cold War tends to 
frighten millennialists, who denounce 
one-worldism, whether it is represented 
by the “godless” UN or the “apostate” 
World Council of Churches. A European 
community ining ex-Soviet ele- 
ments is the kind of “false peace” against 
which the religious right is always well 
armed. Indeed, New Age eschatology 
unit number of the fundamentalists 
old villains—evolution, through the al- 
leged influence of Teilhard de Chardi 
New Age thought: the “mind control 
ry and “Deweyite” education; 
| Rome, through the ecumeni- 
cal work of Catholics with Easternes 

But the century's end may be more 
marked by domestic than by intern 
t t. The makings of a cultural 
war are present in religious attacks on 
pornography, homosexuality, abortion 
and the eroticism of rock music and tele- 
again the myth that the 
Empire was sluiced to its ruin 
a slither of lubricity—as opposed 10 the 
economic conditions mode: 
ship finds underlying ú 

The dying of an era promotes an ob- 
session with decadence—with ideas of 
decline, decay and the feeble stylish 
called dandyism. When these are not de: 
nounced, they are celebrated, as in 
mille Paglia's giant new celebration of 
the decadent, Sexual Personae. The mil- 
lennial malaise of the 1890s/1980s, the 
fin-de-sieele failure of nerve, will intensify 

new century 


lical book- 


п scholar- 
Roman de- 


own ends—end of 
‚end of the Cold 
nsi the rec 
expectation of the world’s end. 
The Bible will not be at the center of all 
these developments, it will be of 
more importance th: n Fano 
wor to the modern role of blacks. 
We neglect it at our own peril. 


on about ou 




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UNLOCKING TELE ALR continued from page 102) 

“It has been authoritatively demonstrated that there 
are not enough people to stop a tank.” 

sang. The soldiers raised their muskets 
to the ready, the soldiers aimed their 
Iles, the soldiers poised their machine 
s They were young, the soldie 
hey fired. The stones lay down, the pi 
geons fell. There's a kind of red stone 
called pigeon blood, a ruby The red 
stones of Roukh Square were nev 
bies; slosh a bucket of water over them 
or let the rain fall and they're gray 
again, lead-gray, common stones, Only 
now and then, in certain years, they 
have flown, and turned to rubies. 

This is a bus. Nothing to do with fairy 
tales and not romantic; certainly realis- 
though, in a way, in principle, in fact, 
is highly idealistic. A city bus, crowded 
with people, in a city street in central 
Europe on a November afternoon and 
it's stalled. What else? Oh, dear Oh, 
damn. But no, it hasn't stalled; the en- 
е, for a wonder, hasn't broken down; 
it's just that it can't go any farther. Why 
not? Because there's a bus stopped in 
‘ont of it, and another one stopped in 
front of that one at the cross street, and 
it looks like everything has stopped. No- 
body on this bu as heard the word 
gridlock, the name of an exotic disease 
of the mysterious West. There arent 
enough private cars in Krasnoy to bring 
about a gridlock even if they knew what 
it was. There are cars, and a lot of 
wheezing, idealistic buses, but all there is 
enough of to stop the Row of traffic in 
Crasnoy is people. It is a kind of equa- 
proved by experiments conducted 
over many years, perhaps not in a whol- 
ly scientific or objective spirit but 
nonetheless presenting a well-docu- 
mented result confirmed by repetition 
There are not enough people in this city 
to stop a tank. Even in much larger 
cities, it has been authoritatively demon- 
strated as recently as last spring that 
there are not enough people to stop a 
tank. But there are enough people in 
this city to stop a bus, and they are doing 
so. Not by throwing themselves in front 
of it, waving banners or singing songs 
about Liberty's eternal day, but merely 
by being in the street, getting in the way 
of the bus, on the supposition that the 
bus driver has not been trained in either 
homicide or suicide, and on the same 
supposition ich all cities stand 
or fall—that they are also getting in the 
way of all the other buses and all the car 
and in one another's way, too, so U 
nobody is going much of anywhere, in a 
physical sense. 

“We're going to have to walk from 
here,” Stefana said, and her mother 

clutched her imitation-leather handbag. 

‘Oh, but we сапт, Капа. Look at that 
crowd! What are they Are the 3i 

It's Thursday, ma'am,” said a large, 
red-faced, smiling man just behind them 
in the aisle. Everybody was getting off 
the bus, pushing and talki 

Yesterday, I got four blocks closer 
than this,” a woman said crossly. 

And the red-faced man said, “Ah, but 
is Thursd: 
Fifieen thousand 

And somebody else said, 
thousand today!” 

“We can never get near the Square. 1 
don't think we should try,” Bruna told 
her daughter as they squeezed into the 
crowd outside the bus door. 

“You stay with me, don't let go and 
don't worry.” said the student of Early 
Romantic Poetry, a tall, resolute young 
woman, and she took her mother's hand 
in а firm grasp. “It doesn't really matter 
where we get, but it would be fan if you 
could see the Square. Let's try Let's go 
round behind the post office.” 
verybody was trying to go in the 
same direction. Stefana and Bruna got 
across one street by dodging and stop- 
ping and pushing gently, then turning 
inst the flow, they troued down a 
nearly empty alley, cut across the cob- 
bled court in back of the Central Post 
Office and rejoined an even thicker 
crowd moving slowly down a wide street 
and out from between the buildings 
“There, there's the palace, see!" said Ste- 
fana, who could see it, being taller. “This 
is as far as we'll get except by osmosis. 
They practiced osmosis, which necessi- 
tated letting go of each other's hands 
and made Bruna unhappy. 

This is far enough, this is fine here.” 
Bruna kept saying. “I can see every 
thing. There's the roof of the palace. 
Nothing's going to happen, is i? | 
mean, will anybody speak?” It was not 
what she meant, but she did not want to 
shame her daughter with her fear, her 
daughter who had not been alive when 
the stones turned to rubies. And she 
spoke quietly because although there 
were so many people pressed and press- 
ш into Roukh Square, they were not 
noisy. They talked to one another in or 
dinary, quiet voices. Only now and then, 
somebody down nearer the palace 
shouted out a name, and then many oth- 
er voices would repeat it with a roll and 
crash like a wave breaking. Then they 
would be quiet again, murmuring vastly, 
like the sea between big waves. 

The streetlights had come on. Roukh 

ам time," said 

"ty, fifty 

Square was sparsely li 
cast-iron standards with double 
that shed a soft light high in the air. 
Through that serene light, which 
seemed to darken the sky, came drift 
small, dry flecks of snow. 

The flecks meled to droplets. on 
Stelana's dark short hair and on the 
scarf Bruna had tied over her fair short 
hair to keep her ears warm 

When Stefana stopped at last, Brana 
stood up as tall as she could, and be: 
cause they were standing on the 
edge of the Sq . in [ront of the old 
dispensary, by craning, she could see the 
great crowd, the faces like snowflakes, 
countless. She saw the evening darken- 
ing, the snow falling, and no way out, 
and no way home. She was lost in the 
forest. The palace, whose few lighted 
windows shone dully above the crowd, 
was silent. No one came out, no one 
went in. It was the seat of government; it 
held the power. It was the powerhouse, 
the powder magazine, the bomb. Power 
had been compre: ammed into 
those old reddish walls, packed and 
forced into them over years. over cen- 
turies, till if it exploded, it would burst 
with horrible violence, hurling pointed 
shards of stone. And out here in the twi- 
light, in the open. there was nothing but 
soft faces with shining eyes, solt little 
breasts and stomachs and thighs protect- 
ed only by bits of cloth. 

She looked down at her feet on the 
pavement. They were cold, She would 
have worn her boots if she had thought 
it was going to snow, if Fana hadn't hur- 
ried her so. She felt cold, lost, lonely to 
the point of tears. She set her jaw and set 
her lips and stood firm on her cold feet 
on the cold stone. 

There was a sound, sparse, sparkling, 
faint, like the snow crystals. Ehe crowd 
had gone quite silent, swept by low 
laughing murmurs, and through the si- 
lence ran that small, discontinuous sil- 
very sound. 

What is that?” asked Bruna, begin- 
ning to smile. “Why are they doing 



This is a committee meeting. Surely 
you don't want me to describe a commit- 
tee meeting? It meets as usual on Friday 
at II in the morning in the basement of 
the Economics Building. At 11 on Friday 
sht, however, it is still meeting, and 
there are a good many onlookers, sever- 
al million, in fact, thanks to the foreign- 
er with the camera, a television camera 
with a long snout, a one-eyed snout that 
peers and sucks up what it sees The 
cameraman focuses for a long time on 
the tall dark-haired girl who speaks so 
eloquently in favor of a certain decision 
concerning bringing a certain man back 
to the capital. But the millions of on- 
lookers will not understand her argu- 

ment, which is spoken in her obscure 203 



age and is not translated for them. 
All they will know is how the eye snout of 
the camera lingered on her young face, 
sucking il. 


This is a love story. Two hours later 
the cameraman was long gone, but the 
committee was still meeting, 

No, listen." she said, "sei 
the moment when the betrayal is always 
made, Free elections, yes; but if we don't 
look past that now, when will we? And 
who'll do it? Are we a country or a client 
state changing patrons?” 

“You have lo go one step at a time, 

When the da 

usly, thus is 

n breaks? You have to 

shoot the rapids! All at once!” 
ls a matter of choosing direc- 
поп: Б 

“Exactly, direction. Not being carried 
senselessly by events.” 
“But all the events are sweeping in 
one direction.” 
They always do. Back! You'll see 
“Sweeping to what, to dependence on 
the West instead of the East, like Fima 
“Dependence is inevitable—realign- 
ment. but not occupation 
“The hell it won't be occupation! Oc- 
cupation by money, materialism, thi 
markets, their values. You dont think 
we can hold nsi them, do yo 
What's social justice to a color-TV se 
That battle’s lost belore irs fought. 

ere do we stane 

"Where we always stood. In an abso- 
lately untenable position.” 

He's right. Seriously, we are exactly 
where we always we body else is. 
They have caught up with us. 
ment, for this moment. and so 
mienable position is the 
center of power. Now. We can act now. 

lo prevent сою ГА zation? How? 
The dam's broken! The goodies come 
flooding in. And we drown in them." 

Not if we establish the direction, the 
true direction, right now y 
ge listen 10 us? Why are 
we turning back when we should be go- 
forward? I wes 
We have to establish: 

“No! We have to act! Freedom can be 
established only in the moment of fi 

They were all shouting at once in their 
hoarse, worn-out voices. They had all 
been talking and listening and drinking 
bad coffee and living for days. for weeks, 
on love. Yes, on love; these are lovers? 
quarrels. I is for love that he pleads, it is 
for love that she rages, It was always for 
love. That's why the camera snout came 
poking and sucking into this dirty base 
ment room where the lovers meet. It 
craves love, the sight of love; for il you 
can't have the real thing, you can watch 
it on TV, and soon you don't know the 
real thing from the images on the little 
sercen where everything, as he said, can 

we can act The 


be done in two seconds, But the lovers 
know the difference, 

літу tale, and you know that 
y tale, alter it says that they 
lived happily ever after. there is no alter 
The evil enchantment was broken: the 
good servant received hall the kingdom 
as his reward; the king ruled long and 
well. Remember the moment when the 
betrayal is made, and ask no questions 
Do not ask if the poisoned fields grew 
white again with grain. Do not ask if the 
leaves of the forests grew green dha 
spring. Do not ask what the maiden 
ceived as her reward. Remember 
le of Koshchey the Deathles 

This i 
in the 

life was in a needle, and the needle was 

in an egg, and the egg was in a swan, 
nd the swan was in an eagle, and the 

eagle was in a woll, and the wolf was in 
the palace whose walls were built of the 
stones of power, Enchantment within 
enchantment! We are a long way from 
the egg that holds the needle thar must 
be broken so Koshchey the Deathless 
1 die. And so the tale ends. Thousands 
nd thousands of people stood on the 
slanting pavement before the palace 
Snow sparkled in the ait, and the people 
sang. You know the song. that old song 
with words like land, love. free, in the l; 
ge you have known the longest. His 
words make stone part from stone, ils 
words prevent tanks. its words trans- 
form the world. when it is sung at the 
right time by the righi people afi 
nough people have died tor singing it 

A thousand doors opened in the walls 
of the palace. The soldiers ud down 
their arms a hant- 
ment was broken. The good king 
turned to his kingdom. and the people 
danced for joy on the stones of the city 

id sang. The evil c 


And we do not ask what happened aft- 
ex But we can tell the story over, we can 
tell the story till we get it right 

“My daughter's on the Committee of 
the Student Action Council,” said Stefan 
Fabbre to his neighbor Florens Aske 
they stood in a line outside the bakery 
on Pradinestrade. His tone of voice was 

"I know. Erreskar saw her on the tele- 
vision,” Aske said. 

“She says they've decided that bring- 
ing Rege here is the only way to provide 

n immediate, credible transition, They 
think the army will accept him. 

They shullled forward a step. 

Aske, an old man with a hard brown 
face and narrow eyes, stuck his lips out, 
thinking it over. 

“You were in the Rege g 
Fabbre said. 

Aske nodded. Minister of education 
for a week," he said, and gave a bark like 
a sea lion —owp!—a cough or a laugh. 

“Do you think he can pull it off? 

Aske pulled his grubby muffler closer 


round his neck and said, “Well, Rege is 
nor stupid. But he's old. What about that 
scientist, that physicist fellow? 

Rochoy. She says their idea is that 
Rege’s brought in first, for the transi- 
tion. Jor the symbolism, the link 10 Filo 
six. And il he survives, Rochoy would be 
the one they d vun in an election 

“The dream of the election, 

They shullled forward again. They 
were now in Irom ol the bakery window 
only eight or ten people from the door 

“Why do they put up the old man? 
asked the old man. “These boys and 
girls, these young people, What the dev- 
il do they want us for again? 

“L don't know,” Fabbre said. ^I keep 
thinking they know what they're doing 
She had me down there, you. know 
made me come to one of their meetings. 
She ci to the lab—Come on, leave 
that, follow me! T did. No questions 
She's in charge All of them, twenty-two, 
twenty-three, they're in ch In paw- 
er. Seeking structure, order, but very 
definite: Violence is deleat, to them, vio- 
lence is the loss of opt 
lutely certain 

ons. They're abse 
ind completely ignorant 
Like spring—like the lambs in spring 
They have never done anything. and 
they know exactly what to do.” 

had been standing at his elbow f 

said his wile, Bruna, who 

al sentences, “you're lecturing. Hello, 
dear. Hello, Florens, I just saw Margarita 

at the market, we were queuing for cab- 

n my way downtown, ейп, 

FW be back, 1 doni know, sometime 
alter seven, maybe.” 
he said 
And Aske said. “Downtown? 
“IS Thursday,” Bruna sud. and 
ing up the keys from her handbag 

the two apartment keys and the desk 
key, she shook them in the air before the 
men’s faces, making а silvery jingle: and 
she smiled. 

“Pl come,” said Stefan Fabbre 

Owp! Owp!” went Aske. “Oh, hell 
UI come, too. Does man live by bread 

WII Margarita worry where you 
Bruna asked as they left the bak- 
ery line and set off toward the bus stop. 

“Thats the problem with the women 
you said the old man. “They worry 
that shell worry. Yes. She will. And you 
worry about your daughter. ch? 

“Yes.” Stefan said, “I do. 

“No.” Bruna said, ^1 dont, I fear he 
1 fear for her. E honor her. She gave m 
the keys.” She clutched her imitation 
leather handbag tight between her arm 


This is the truth, They stood on the 
stones in the lightly falling: snow and lis- 
tened to the silvery, trembling sound of 
thousands of keys being shaken, unlock- 
ing the air, once upon a timc. 


(continued from page 92) 

“I watched a sailfish tail-walk across the surface and 
concluded I didn't have to die to go to heaven.” 

watched a 120-pound sailfish tail-walk 
100 meters across the surface. of that 
mirror. and the fisherman ins ë 
concluded that he didn’t have to die to 
go to heaven. 

OL course. il the hsh had been on the 
other end of my line instead of my 
wifes, I probably would have tried « 
death after all, just from the pure jolt of 
adrenali I have felt the surge and 
buck ofan ra moment) the 
lilt and pull ofa s nd the two are 
about even in my book. Be, and the 
beast. I know they both have their cham- 
pions, but the Andaman Sea made a 
sailfish believer of me, because it is the 
most beautiful fish running. Blue. green 
and silver blend furiously in the web- 
work of its sail 

Now. watching it on the end of Pays 
line. 400 meters away, I realized this was 
what I had come lor. 1 needed that real- 
ization, had been a long 
strange trip to the Andaman Sea. The 

because it 

ods ol the islanders cons] 
me. World politics threw its wrench 
100. But Т was on a charter boat named 

Ocean Bird out of Phuket (the resort 
town on the southwest coast ol. Thai- 
land). snug in the piscatorial arena of 
what I was already beginning to think ol 
as “my lake.” Paradise is always a pain in 

ass Lo get u 
sir. we don't do those kinds ol 
id the inst travel agent Г called. 
1 called him because his name was Ken 
Fish and he was listed 
firm nia 

1 had in mind. But with the first words 
out of his mouth, 1 hit a brick wall. OR. 
so my reputation as a—how can 1 put 
this gracelully?—a boulecardier had pre- 
ceded me. 1 was a married man now 
and of my three obsessions—sex. food 
and fishing—only the last was left 
“Those kinds of tours” were, obvious- 
ly enough, sex tours, hedonistic excur- 
sions into the Beshpots of Patpong Road, 
the Cowboy District, Bangkok, Thai 
and. The Thai sex indusiry got its kick. 
t from the U.S. military 
g the Viemam war (al 
nents ol imperialism). 



jor source of foreis 

towism—apparently abeued Dv the 
popularity of the sex sallies—is the m; 
exchange for the 

Thai economy, ahead of vice 

So 1 had a tile trouble convincing 
Fish about the purity of my motives. He 
actually was one of the lew State- 
side travel agents who had caught on to 
the real draw of the Andaman Sea. As 
the Caribbean gets too familiar and even 
Australia gets crowded. Thailand looks 
more and morc tive to the loose 
coterie ol. fishing tourists. trophymen 
and Hemingway clones who travel the 
international game circuit. Five or even 
three years ago, Phuket simply did not 
have the facilities to support serious 
game fishing. Bur just recently, the char- 
ter business has boomed, and fairly well- 
equipped boats can be had for about SSO 
per person or $480 а day. 

The Andaman Sea trip was to be my 
dry run. my first tourist excursion 10 
Thailand since my marriage. Fish, the 
man, set me up to go alter fish, the ani 
mal. A man, a plan, a fish—Andaman 
He chartered me on the Ocean Bird out 
of Chalong Bay. Phuket, for a day excur- 
sion to Chicken Island for sailfish, stop- 

overnight stay on Phi Phi 
all through the next day 
y to Chalong the next 

lso booked me on a shark 
fishing trip alon; 

the coastal shelf of 
go. but Û told him thar 

with a Tall One! 

Tt may seem very 
adventurous to 
enjoy the premium 
VSOP Napoleon. 
French Brandy in 

any way other than 
in a snifter . . . but 
RAYNAL devotees 
in 129 countries 

nt be wrong 
mixing it in almost 
as many ways! 

Aged & bottled 
in France. 




ted with a one-day excursion 
are precincis of Burma—ex- 

1 was disappointed. 
since shark fishing has the faint tang of 
danger to it: IS done at night, with the 
great white as its ultimate prev. 

Like all lucky fishing trips, this one 
ted out badly. We few into Bangkok 
from Hong Kong, had time for an idle 
tour of a few nearby wats, then tried to 
check into the Grace, The Grace Hotel is 
a little downscale for most people's 
tastes, but I remembered it fondly—too 
fondly. “Ah, Mr, Goldstein,” the pleas- 
antly happy-faced manager greeted me, 
ind before 1 could warn him off, he 
went on: “You want two-girl suite? Air 
mattress lotsa soap suds,” laughing like a 
maniac. We stayed at the Hilton. 

The community of sport fishermen 
forms a loose-knit private cabal, like that 
of golf, say, or surfing, though its mem- 
bers would shudder at the comparison. 
Its top echelon are the trophy hunters, 
the men who enter tournaments and 
hire themselves out as guides, | was a 
parvenu compared with some of those 
pros, and even the avidity of some ama- 
teurs made me look like a mere worm 
fisher. Melanoma candidates all, par- 
broiled and wizened as old men, they 
haunt the shores of Bimi nd Perth, 
making side trips to the Baja, maybe, or 

I traveled to Th 
Penn International reels couched in a 
traveling case lined with black velvet, 
and a smaller case with two lighter SI 
manos. The Penns are the Rolls-Royce 
of salt-fishing reels (a bad metaphor, 
since I once owned a Rolls, and it caused 
me more grief than pleasure). They are 
beautiful objects, for starters, and re 
semble nothing in their smooth ellicie: 
су more than Swiss-clock escapements. 1 
listed sex, food and fishing as my three 
obsessions, but I actually have another 
one, which also survived the matrimon 
al cut: gadgets. H is wrong to love ob- 
jects, the philosophers will tell you, but 
then, no philosopher has ever reeled in 
i trophy-sized marlin for me. 

The Ocean Bird, a rather dump 
looking — white-and-blue — 50-footer, 
chugged out of Chalong Вау, on the 
stern side of the finger of land occu- 
pied by the paradise known as Phuke 
Island. Unfortunately, we weren't on 
H chugged back in, picked us up and 
chugged out again. By nine o'clock, 
Thai time, we were trolling for tuna, 
Kingfish and sailfish, on our way to 
Chicken Island, Jonas, our Thai captain 
and guide, assured me that Chicken Is- 
land was the finest sailfish ground in 
Asia, 1 had my Penns rigged to 80- 
pound rods and my Shimanos to 50- 
pound, and | was all set. Jonas used Jet 
Plug lures for tuna and knifelike Rapa 
for the larger fish, baited with live sar. 
dines from the bait tank on board. 

On the way out, I began to taste wh 

wip conlli 
into the 
сизе me, Myanm 

land with a set of two 

an amazing fish tank the Andaman is. 1 
was fooling with a smaller rod when Par- 
ty pulled in the fattest skipjack tu 1 
had ever seen. It was barrel-chested, if 
fish do, indeed, have chests (this one 
did), and it reminded me of those little 
сй dogs elderly people are prone 
to herd along the sidewalks of New 
York. Fat tuna meant a happy. healthy 
tood chain: If they were this big this far 
down in the pecking order, 1 salivated 
about what the really big fish were like. 

I found my answer when what turned 
out to be a [our-foot. wahoo suddenly 
slammed my line. The Shimano whined 
like a denuüst's drill. Thinking I had a 
trophy-sized sailfish, 1 immediately 
asked for the fighting chair when it hit, 
but the crew just laughed and fitted me 
with a stand-up harness. Sailfish or no, 
making ragged plunges against the arc 
ol the line, working itself back and forth, 
testing the limits of its doom. It was fine, 
high action, and when they galled him, I 
felt a bit of the same thrill I had when I 
nabbed my first bluefish off the coast of 
Long Island, lo, these many years ago. 

The wahoo's colors fade upon cap- 
ture, like a street gang member's colors. 
d he becomes indistinguishable from 
his less feisty cousin, the king mackerel 
If you can't tell from the fight, you can 
see what you have as they bring it along- 
side: The wahoo, what the locals call Pla 
Insi, has distinetive vertical stripes on a 

wahoo fought like a divorce lawyer, 

silvery body, while the dorsal of the 
mackerel is the emerald of a dragonfly 
But they both turn gray and flat in the 
ir, and Patty and I couldn't tell which 
was which after she pulled in a ma 1 
and it was stored next to my wahoo. 

But fish 1 was after I had 
never caught a big one, a keeper, a den 
ornament. My father had one on the 
wall of our apartment when | was grow- 
ing up. and I remember fetishizing it, 
both as evidence of my father’s prowess 
(t meant, to my young mind, that he 
would always be there to bring home the 
kill) and as a harbinger of the wider 
world of nature, miraculously present in 
the claustrophobic confines of Brooklyn 
The sail fascinated me, even garishly 
painted as it was. The sail looked unreal. 
alien, female, I used to pet the fish ar 
pretend to be swimming alongside it. 
Among the inevitable blows of adoles- 
cence was the realization that my father 
had not, alter all, caught the damn thing 
but had it palmed off on him by the dis- 
gusted wile of a divorced. fisherman 
(sooner or later, all fishermen divorce). 
Later, | accidentally punched a hole in it 
with a baseball bat, but of course Freud 
will tell us that there are no accidents. 

Now I was in the home court of the 
sailfish, ready to play H-O-R-S-E for 
keeps. 1 fought and caught à wonderful 
black marlin on the way to Chicken Is- 
land, but it was on the small side, even 
though it took me 30 minutes to land. I 



was going from one exhilaration to the 
next, but always in the back of my mind, 
1 thought of the sailfish. I barely glanced 
at the marlin, thou 
it and it had snapped back my wrists un- 
ul they ached. E broke open а beer and 
looked out over the turquoise Andaman 
where, | was convinced, lay my greater 
wiumphs. We had a lunch ol fresh- 
broiled wahoo drenched in lime: Food. 
fishing and gadgetry had combined in a 
vortex. of bliss. To paraphrase Dorothy 
Parker, what fresh heaven is this? 

In the afternoon, the clouds broke 
open and the sun dazzled us. beating 
down on my skull, enervating me, 1 
tried to stay up for the strike I knew was 
to come, but I confess I dozed a bit in 
the full lull of the water. Patty and I were 
both on the big rods with live bait, and 
when the strike came, they hit both of 
our rods at once—the worst possible sit- 
uation, since the lines can slice each oth- 
er off. We immediately did as we were 
trained and set our reels in free position, 
with just enough drag to prevent back- 
lash. Patty's fish was off port and mine 
was running away from the stern. 

"Steady." said Jonas, unexpectedly 
close to my ear. My universe had closed 
down into a tiny window at the end of 
0-pound 1 nd his voice made 
me jump. “Get ready . - set 'em—now 
nd E both bucked back 10 set our 
hooks, and I had the most n 
feeling in the world as 
the water. He was be: 

meless trophy 

ger than my father's sh 
He slapped the Water 
back up: 

nd then went 
Newton was wrong, he said 
the bunk 
still not 
Patty and I were both shout 
ing, acting like kids, as we were getting 
settled into the fighting chairs. The two 
fish came perilously close to tingling 
once or twice, while the mate dug the 
motors into the foam and tied to get 
ahead of them. Finally, both fish were 
going in the same direction. For the 

of the woods 

1g. scream- 

next 40 minutes, time and space tele- 

scoped down to me and the fish and the 
thin filament connecting us. I felt like a 
kid with a play phone: 1 had a can with a 
string, the sailfish had a can with a string 
and we were holding a dialog. Mostly. 
what it said was, “Not today. AL” Ds air 
borne flashes never ceased to surprise 
5 the line would slack mot 
alter the fish had alrea 
She is a beauty.” Jonas said, coaching 
“Maybe one fifty, one sev- 
Get her close so we can see 
her" Him, her, it. The saillish had em- 
braced all permutations of gender: 

«айу brought up be- 
hind the transom, a very respectable 
fish. As Пе mate grabbed the leader, she 
said something that clutched al my 
throat, “Let it go,” she told the mare. 
Its too beautiful to Kill." Jonas said kat- 
that it was a 120-pounder, easy, "a 

17 mg. "tar", 11 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by ETC method. 

Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 




keeper.” In a way, the release of Patty's 

fish made my battle more desper 
worked my fish back to gain some line. 
Ten minutes later, he cleared again, 
and the whole crew ooh'd and арта, 1 
could hear the camera shutters going oll 
as though I were at a film opening. | be- 
gan to get cocky. The fish made a bi 
jd came to the surface, 1 
his dorsal fin raked back, pur- 
blazing sunlight. Then he 

ple i 
heaved himself up and rolled onto | 

the hook out of his 



back through the air like a 
1 was crushed. Zen Buddhism, 1 
thought. Maybe PI take up Zen Bud- 
dhism. The agony of the loss upset me 
all the more because Pany had given her 
fish back to the sea, Had 1 been too 
greedy? H I had offered to cut mine 
loose, would it have offered to come will- 
ingly into the boat? A pall settled over 
the whole afternoon. | was baiting hooks 
und sending out lines, but I was just go- 
g through the motions. We gave up 
arly and headed back to Phi Phi Island. 
where we were to stay for the night. I re- 
solved to get off the boat and stay off it, 
finished with fishing for the trip. 
Phi Phi is almost pornograpl 
beautiful, huge chil fo 
humpbacked hills rising d 
the sea. below 
beaches off a tremendous lagoon, there 
e a few bu 

mations and 
tly from 

which, on su 

lows, E saw none of this, 
still stewing in my funk. 
nd headed for the crude bar 

of course. | wa 

I left Patty 
soon as we docked. 

Al, old buddy!” an ugly 

greeted me. A 

in, he said. I was in no 

mood. but | got into a conversation, any- 

way. “No girls here” was his opening 

gambit, “so what 

I came here to fish,” I said. 

Sure. sure.” he said. and winked. He 
wouldn't believe me. wanted to know if 1 
had discovered some sort. of ultimate 
whorehouse tu 

© you doing here?” 

ked away in the forest 

“Fishing is lousy.” I told him. "I'm go- 
ing to Burma 
“Burma? 1 wouldn't go there.” he re- 

itical situation w 

sponded. The | 
dicier by the day. И was getting so 
bad that pretty soon, P. J. O'Rourke was 
going to show up. "I wouldn't go there 
he repeated, trying to sound like an old 
hand. I had a beer and formulated а 
rule of thumb for international travel 
Never schedule a visit t0 a country that 
has recently undergone a name change 
And an addendum: Never enter a coun- 

try whose government is promising free 
elections sometime soon. 
Patty came and soothed me. Cancel- 

ing the Burmese trip would mean we 
could stay and go shark fishing the next 
night. The word fishing still grated a bit, 
but I could feel my resistance lessening. 
So it was that I found myself leavin: 
tong Beach in the late afternoon, а, 
aboard the Ocean Bird. whieh this t 
out was a little smellier. I found out why 
later. when an hour past dark, we ar- 
ion: a reef that held 
Japanese war boat. We 
ed toward it and the mate tossed 
out buckets of 
the water l us to 
that would attract the sha 
anchored above the wreck. 

Watch this,” Jonas said, hooking i 
buoy with his gaffe. He connected a line 
to the boat and (кеда switch. Nin 
fect below, klieg lights went on and lit up 

rived at our destin: 
the wreck of a 

nk smelling chum into 
¡tract the fish 
ks. Then we 



| jure 

the shell of a sunken torpedo boat. lt 
was ghostly, chilling, utterly beautiful. 1 
fell T was looking down into someone's 
secrets, Fish attracted by the light came 
in whole schools. It was touristy, but it 


Kennedy sank this boat 
PT 109,” Jonas told me with a straight 
face. Uh-huh, I thought. Wasn a bit 
to the east during the big one? I imag- 
ined hulk айс 
Pacific, each € 


hulk scattered across the 
ned to be a Kenncdy 
kill, like relies of the cross. We un- 
plugged our lile Disney World and 
cruised back in a wide circle, picking up 
the wake where we had dropped the 
chum, You could still see the dim trail of 
phosphorus in the water. Now and then, 
Ú swirled as it was cut with a dorsal fin 

Secing a lot of sharks in one place has 
the same effect as seeing a lot of death- 
row murderers gathered together, or 
politicians or airline ticket agents—it 
raises the hackles on the back of your 
neck. E had a strike as soon as my line 
went out, before I even decided whether 
I wanted a strike or not. If having a 
sailfish on you like going to a bal- 
let, hooking a shark is like a heavy-metal 
concert. You can feel the steady power as 
the fish churns remorselessly 
No real thrash in the fight, just a drain 
ing pull. 

“1 go. Big AL" Jonas said. We 
had pulled out of the chum linc and he 
had rained his lights on my prey, an 
cvillooking, blank-eyed thug. "She is 
100 small. 

“No! I said. “No more giving | 
wanted this sea, so rich in everything, to 
give me something from its treasure 
chest, even if the jewel were cursed. The 
shark was half dead when we pulled it 
alongside and all dead when the mate 
put a bullet into it with his 38 

“Congratulations,” Jonas told me. 
"You just caught а great white.” Thal was 
a great white Jesus, I thought, Spiel- 
berg must really be a genius if he can 
make something so small look so big. “A 
baby one,” Jonas added, and I under- 
stood, T had caught one of the smallest 
great whites Phuket had ever n. OF, 
rather, had ever not seen, since I slipped 
it into the harbor without fanfare, | 
didit care if I had to hide it. 1 felt pro- 
prietary toward it by then. He may be a 
bastard, I paraphrased Nixon voters, 
but he’s my bastard. 

A cobbler in Hong Kong has the 
of him ı d 1 hope he is in the 
process of turning it into a pair of size 
115 for me. 5 nations more 
miraculous than that have been known 
to occur: The shark's grin is replacing a 
woman's smile as the symbol of Thailand 
for me, and the flash of sail fin is holding 
more attraction than a whole street ol 
night clubs. 




ck.” 1 

Available at chain storcs cverywherc. 



Il contin pron page 112) 

“Ferrari price advances have been phenomenal. A 
1967 275 GTB/4 is now more than $1,000,000.” 

and baseballs Re 

amassed several 
maros, LS6 Chevel 
Prices, not surprisingly, soared 


Over the years, the values of Ferraris 
have skyrocketed, taking over as the 

ie Jackson, who 
of old ZL-1 Ca 
nd carly ‘Vettes. 

make most coveted by collectors, The 
tributed то de- 

keep a low profile, he used Ferrari ex- 
pert Stan Nowak to make his purchases 
Ferrari price advances have been phe- 

nomenal. А 1967 model 275 GEBA that 
cost $14,000 new climbed to 545.000 
in 1986, $75,000 in 1985 and then—fu 
eled by a speculative frenzy—shot up to 
more than $1,000,000 by mid-1080. 
Other Ferrari models followed suit pro- 
portonally. With the dollars plunge 
against the yen and the Deutsche mark, 
Asian and European speculators drove 
prices even higher. 

For a while, it seemed as though there 
were nol As Ferraris established a 
steadily incre bench m Iset 

the pace for wire collector-ca 
ket—lrenzied collectors began snapping 

up Shelby Cobras, C- and D-Type 

ene $4500* | $10,000 | $75,000 | $350,000 | $2,800,000 |$4,500,000** 
man $14,000 | $75,000 | $400,000 | $1,000,000 | $2,000,000 |$3,500,000 
1937 MERCEDES BENZ | $0500" | $45,000 | $75,000 | $450,000 [54,500,000 [56,500,000 
1955 AMEI $6200 | $10,000 | $35,000 | $75,000 [$375,000 500,000 
Konq r E $5000 | $45,000 | $200,000 |$500,000 [$1,000,000 
prend $19,500* | $15,000 | $150,000 | $650,000  |$10,800,000 $90,000,000 
a $7000 $19,000 | $35,000 $75,000 | $300,000 [500,000 
per $16,500 | $15,000 | $40,000 | %400,000 |$1,500,000 [$2,500,000 
TU ORA IRA ail $49,500 $190,000 | $145,000 $900,000  [$1,500,000 

“Estimated original cost. 
**Estimated prices for the year 2000 are based on projected trends and the current value of the dollar. (The other prices are repre- 
sentative of approximate market values and moy vary according to condition of car.) 



Maybe with 

a favorite 

м я 




Jaguars (and the extremely rare | 

XK-SS), Aston Martins, early 
borghinis, Maseratis and Mercedes-Benz 
3008L Gullwings. 


Recognizing a limit to the number of 
older classic cars on the market, manu- 
facturers found ways to create new col 
lectibles. Porsche took the first 
when it built a few hundred copies of its 
all-wheel-d super-high-tech 959 
in 1986. The 959 was built for European 
Group B racing, but when the formula 
was canceled, the auto maker was stuck 
with a group of unraccable supercars— 
that is, until someone in Stuttgart decid- 
ed to build them for the street. For 
Porsche president 
Peter Schutz wasn't 
expecting to sell the 
companys 200 or 
so supply of (he 
$250.000 cars, but 
collectors and spec- 
ulators soon 


proved him wrong 



soon soared past 


This encour- 
aged Ferrari m: 
agement to build a 
second limited-edi- 

tion model, the 
F40, which cur- 
rently lists about 

$400,000. It is trad- 
ing for twice that 
sum and should 
top the $1,500,000 

mark within five 


years. Deli 
Alfa Romeo and 
Aston Martin also 

built their own lim- 
ited editions. 
of England found a 
way 10 move mo 

of its obsolete (but 
still wickedly quick) 5200 all-wheel- 
drive rally cars. And the parade of in- 
stant collectibles is expected to continue 
Jaguar racer Tom Walkinshaw plans to 
release a limited series of 40 thinly dis- 
guised Jaguar VI2-powered race cars 
for the street. Jaguar s twin-turbo V6 su- 
percar, now the XJ220, is already sold 
out. Mercedes-Benz is toying with a lim- 
ited-edition street version of its Group € 
endurance racers, And in Italy, 
planned with the revered Bugatti name 


For those of us who will never own a 
million-dollar car, much less a collection, 

there are at least places to see them. Top 
museums such as The National Automo- 
bile Museum in Reno, the Henry Ford 
Muscum in Dearborn, Michigan, and 
the Behring Museum outside San Fran- 
cisco are three of the best. Car shows are 
held from coast to coast, including the 
giant Antique Automobile Club of Amer- 
ica fall meet in Hershey, Pennsylvania; 
Rochester, Michigan's, elegant Meadow- 
brook Concours d'Elegance; and Mon- 
terey, California's, Pebble Beach 
ext za 



In addition to blue-chip classics of the 
Twenties and Thirties, pre- and postwar 

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s, stress reduction 

racing cars as well as several limited-edi- 
tion modi s remain high on top 
collectors’ acquisition lists. Savvy in- 
vestors might also think about salting a 
newer car ¢ 

n «а 

two away. Limited-produc- 
tion models such as today's Porsche 911 

Elan are all candidates for fu 

Speedster, Corvette 1 the Lotus 

ure fame 
That old Corvette bought 30 years ago is 
than ten times its origi 
nal price. The same thing may be true 
someday for your Mazda Mia 

When asked to pick the cars most lil 

now worth mo 

over the. ne 
peer Rick € 

ly to increase in value 

decade, Califor 


who specializes in contemporary sports 
cars, put Japan's first supercar, the To- 
yota 2000GT, on the top of his “Plat 
inum List.” “They're approaching one 
hundred thousand dollars now,” he says. 
"and are likely to double in price in t 
ars.” Cole also believes that buyers 
who ante up $500,000 for 1954-1957 
Mercedes 300 SL Gullwings today will 
soon see a 50 percent increase in their 

Cole's eclectic tastes also run from 
early-Vhirties Packard roadsters and 
phaetons to Porsche speedsters of the 
Fift He's bullish on obsolete 
particularly Can-Am, Formula 5000 and 
Indy cars, as well as BMW's limited- 
edition MI sports 
coupes, the big, 
brutal 427 Shelby 
Cobras of 1906- 
1967 and the Fer- 
i F40. 

If you're interest- 
ed in checking out 
models currently 
on the market, pick 
up a copy of the du 
Pont Registry. Thi 
glossy monthly 
magazine offers the 
most comprehen- 
sive photographic 
listing of classic, 
luxury and exotic 
wheels for sale. 


Regardless of 
which car you 
choose, wy to buy 
what you like and 
be prepared to 
keep it for a while 
Convertibles (with 
30051. Gullwings an 
exception) are usu- 
Шу worth more 
than closed models 
of the same type. 
Clean, low-mileage 

unrestored cars are 
more desirable than 

nileage restored models. 

Pedigree also counts, as does competi- 
tion record. Finally, a famous-owner or 
one-owner history is a plus. But be care- 
ful. If every Caddy convertible allegedly 
owned by Elvis really did belong to the 
King. he'd have had more cars than 

Guidelines for collecting classic and 
exotic automobiles are the same as those 
used by connoisseurs of fine art, rare 
books, coins or other objects of great v 
ue, The difference? 
you can drive your investment home 
carefully. Happy bunting 


As а car collector 

(continued from page 84) 

days of gliuer rock. Sherilyn wasn't ex- 
actly born in a trunk, Maybe a Marshall 
amp case 

Her mother’s sisters, one of whom was 
Suzi Quatro, had an all-girl band. At one 
point, they lost their keyboard player 
and Sherilyn's mom joined up. Sheri- 
lyn's father managed the band. Mom 
served a two-year hitch until Suzi moved 
to England. 

Sherilyn never considered following 
in her mother's platformed footsteps: 
“My mother was a product of the time 
she grew up in. You were supposed to 
get married, have children and that was 
it. She married right out of high school 
She was a virgin and so was my father 
They had three kids by the time they 
were twenty-three and twenty-five. They 
had no idea who they were; consequent 
ly, they spent the rest of their lives trying 
to find themselves.” 

Along that road, Mom and company 
moved to Beverly Hills when Sherilyn 
was 17. She said she wanted to be an ac- 
tress, so instead of attending Beverly 
Hills High School, she enrolled at Lee 
berg's Actor's Studio, then prompt 
ropped out. She has since worked 
but back 
then, she says, “I didn't have any disci 
pline. I didn't want to have to hold a cof 
fee cup that wasn't there for half an 
hour. I wanted to go out to clubs. I want- 

with other respected coaches 

ed to be seventeen in Beverly Hills. 

“I met an agent and he was a jerk. 
Then I met another agent, Cynthia 
Campos-Greenberg, who is still my 
agent, and she really inspired me. She 
taught me things. She lita fire in me that 
I didn't know existed. I started to want 
to act for reasons other than wanting to 
be a movie star, 1 realized that being 
emotional is great; it doesn't mean 
something is wrong with you. I realized 
that you could grow from acting." 

Lucid, sculptural, unpresumptuous 
Sherilyn Fenn made her movie debut 
at 17. In Yugoslavia. Playing a shy rich 
girl in a sort of Yugoslavian coed Lord of 
the Flies. “1 remember blowing my first 
scene. I said, "Cut" I didn't know the di- 
rector was supposed to say that." 

The film was not a hit. Nor were the 
13 or so other films she was in over the 
nest seven years. Some weren't released. 
Some went straight to video. But she got 
a lot of on-the-set experience in teen-ex- 
ploitation movies playing "the pretty 
one who likes the guy" or "the cute and 
spunky one,” but her repertoire grew up 
fast with Neo Moon Junction, a sort of 
combination Gone with the Wind and Em- 
manuelle directed by Zalman King, the 
screenwriter and producer of 9/2 Weeks 

Sherilyn got the starring role shortly 
after dyeing her beautiful long brown 
hair platinum blonde. "I was searching 
for things and 1 wasn't looking within 

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myself; I was looking on the outside, as 
we maybe do at twenty years old. Two 
days somebody called me a dumb 

blonde when I made a turn without sig- 
naling. It really stunned. me. Then it 
ank in. Oh, yeah, Tm a blonde.” 

Thats nor why she went back to 
brown. But n 
away from th; 

ybe she wanted to get 
Two Moon Junction look, 
ws tended to concentrate on 
sexual aspects of her performance. 
“The nudity in Zo Moon Junction was 
really scary, but that’s one of the reasons 
I did it. I didnt want to make choices 
that would always put me in a place that 
was comfortable and secure. I had never 
done nudity. I'm not the kind of person 
who runs down the beach in a G string, 
so I thought, God, how would I respond 
1 thought interesting 
things would happen and I would grow. 
Interesting things did happen. I cried at 
d ofall my love scenes. 
When David Lynch and his collaborat- 
ing writer-producer Mark Frost called, 
Sherilyn went to see them, even though 
she didn't have much interest in TV and 
wasn't crazy about the script lor the Fein 
Peaks Y V-movie pilot. She had seen Blue 
Velvet ued. Lynch doesn't 
have actors read, he just meets with 
them: and during the course of She 
Iyn’s meeting with him, she let it out that 

sinee revi 

in these situatio 

nd was int 

dirt like the script very much. “Ev- 
erybody’s sleeping with everybody. Why 
don't they solve the murder? Why drag 
this murder out over seven episodes? 1 
dont think they liked me very much at 
first, but somehow, I was in the running 
I did a reading lor the network and be 
fore E knew 

But once candid, able and collected 
Sherilyn E the re epi- 
sode, she realized that she was part of 
something important, that she was do- 
ing the first work that she really hked in 
her whole life, And it wasn't hard, Sheri- 
lyn says, “Sometimes alter an episode, 
David will call and say, ‘Sixty million 
people just watched you. Sixty million.” 

we were doing the show." 

nn saw 


Mer. unblinking, pacific Sherilyn, for 
her part, now loves Fein Peaks and its 

Horne, She's 

as brought out 


pretty y Audrey 
been great for me. She 
aside of me that’s more mischievous and 
fun that I had suppressed, trying t0 be 
an adult. She has made it OK to use the 
power one has as à woman to be manip- 
ulative at mes, to be precocious, She 
goes after what she wants vehemently 
and she takes it. I think that’s really ad- 
mirable. E love that about her” 

Do you think she'll end up with agent 

“Hell, y 
ing on it 

ah. She'd better, Pm com 

“This is the first job youve had in 
six months! I want a divorce!" 

Maybe she will, if she gets her diplo- 
ma. Does she find her director a strange 
bird. a “Jimmy Stewart from Mans.” as 
Mel Brooks has described him? Not at 
L He's a hard-working. caring director 
A pal 

“David asked me if Thad seen Eraser 
head. V vold him 1 hadn't. He said. ‘Sher 
ilyn Fenn, do you want children? 1 said 
yes. He said, "Then you have t0 sec 
‘raserhead. You have to watch it at eleven 
o'clock at night in a darkened room on a 
IV set with good volume. But if he in- 
tended to discourage me from wanting 
10 have children, it didnt work. 

Tranquil, fluid, wavy Sherilyn is an 

Aquarius. She has psychic abilities: she 
can tell when people are lying. She 
doesn't like parties, she doesnt like 

clubs, she likes restaurants, especially 
ones with great Italian food and good 
chianti. She is part Nalian (Qu 
short for Quatrocchio) pan 
Fenn), part Hungarian (rebel) а 

ch (Chanel). She hast had a tan in 
years and. on reflection. never. really 
liked having one. She likes cold, rainy 

One of young, crystalline. modulated 
Sherilyn's ambitions is to be cast in the 
title role in The Clara Bow Story. a project 
thar’s ongoing in Hollywood. She was 
turned c 
id Prince, 

The Clava Bow Story as told by Sherilyn 
Fenn: "She grew up in 
ued to be a movie star when she was 
sixteen and she had ideas about living а 
wild, exciting. crazy life and meeting all 
these people and having people putting 
on her make-up and touching her up all 
the time. So she moved to Hollywood 
and did it, but by the time she was twen- 
lysis, she had completely outgrown 
Hollywood. She retired. she gor married 
and lived out on a ranch. People said she 
had quit because she couldn't make it in 
talkies. so she went back to Hollywood 
lor a year and made it successfully in 
talkies. Then she went back to the ranch 
She had outgrown the lifestyle 

“Dean relate to that Pm twenty-five 
I don't think Pil w 
year, but the a lot of things I want 
to do in my life besides a 
the world. I wa 
dren. Pd like to write. 
tiable town 


tro is 
1 pant 

1 to the silent- 

en star by her 

w Jersey. She 

now ito retire ina 

1 want to see 
nt chil- 
This is an insa- 

ly Iw 

nest. bloom- 
ing Sherilyn Fenn does not appear in- 
satiable, Her appetites seem quite 
reasonable, her desires on the moderate 
side. Some good challenging roles. A 
od man. Some kids, Maybe an early 
retirement. A ranch. Maybe а brief 
comeback. Nothing outlandish. Just the 
stuff of which normal legends are made. 



It bad been 115° since 9a.m. 
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Perhaps a moment like this 
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Imagine a bright subject 
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The SF10 is geared to those 
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And for more information, see 
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THE HOLIDAYS | (continued fron page 168) 

“Santa Fe is good news for the world-weary holiday 

escapee who's looking for a forgiving, healing sky 
> © © x 

country without leaving the United 
States. It's true that the city of Santa Fe 
and the state of New Mexico have had 
settlers for as long as any 
But that doesn’t stop 

where they can change dollars for pesos 
nor asking their travel agen 
they need a passport to travel there. 

All this is good news for the world- 
y holiday escapee who is looking for 
a forgiving, healing sky. Santa Fe was 
founded by Franciscan Fathers in the 
early 1600s as a writers’ and artists’ cen- 
ter. The setting couldn't have been bet 
ter, situated as it is on a 7000-foot-high 
plateau in the middle of the sagebrush- 
strewn Southwestern desert. To the east 
are twin-peaked mountains that some 
Indians believed were the breasts of the 
god from whose white-capped peaks 
we wed. The Spanish would 
have none of that and renamed them for 
the blood of Christ, or Sangre de Cristo. 
To the west, the Jemez Mountains swell 
up like a geological crescendo. The sky i 
the color of polished turquoise and the 
air is dry and clear. For some reason, the 
high desert terrain seems to put nature 
on alert and makes it stand at attention 
In the Twenties, D. H. Lawrence and 
Georgia O Keefe were lured to the Santa 
Fe area. Nowadays, Gene Hackman, 
Robert Redford and James Taylor are 


were cr 

some of the people who may be buying 
their newspaper next to you in town. 
Santa Fe is still known for its arts com- 
munity. It has the highest per-capita 
percentage of galleries and artists in the 
world. You can stay in town at La Posada 
de Santa Fe, a 108-year-old Victorian 
mansion with both guest rooms and с 
sitas with fireplaces arranged on a six- 
nd-a-hall-acre site. Fight miles north of 
town, in Tesuque, is the Rancho Encan- 
tado—a resort nestled in the hills whose 
adobe buildings oller some of the most 
gracious accommodations in the area 
Either way, you will want to rummage 

around, as Santa Fe has a wide variety of 
contempor a in 
which n art: jewelry, pottery, 

weavings, paintings, kachina dolls and 

During the holidays, Santa Fe puts on 
its Christmas costume. That includ 
farolitos—candles anchored with sand in 
paper sacks—which outline houses and 
businesses. During the nine nights be- 
fore Christmas, special bonfires called 
luminarias blaze for Las Posadas 
pageants, which are re-enactments of 
Joseph and Mar ch for shelter 


there are parishes in Santa Fe, 
s infused with Spanish and 

but each 
folkloric touches. The atmosphere that 
seems to walt from this simple pageantry 
can pierce the most cynical of spirits. 

"They're for all my old girlfriends. I like to think of 
myself as the Ghost of Christmas Past." 


If you're in the mood for total seclu- 
sion during the holidays, there's a resort 
high in the Colorado mountains—inac- 

cessible and the only privately owned 
land in the San Juan Forest. During 
most seasons, Tall Timber accepts 
guests, as well as provisions and sup- 

plies, via the famous 100-year-old nar- 
row-gauge Silverton train that meanders 
through canyons and rocky cliffs for two 
hours from Durango. 

In winter, however, the only way to get 
there is by helicopter. There are no 
phones, just a two-way radio linkup with 
the с de world. The resort is de- 
signed not to distract you from the spec- 
acular scenery. And at Christmas, Tall 
Timber makes special use of its remote- 
ness. All of its buildings are outlined in 
lights. There are ten two-story chalets, 
each outfitted with a fireplace, several 
bedrooms and its own Christmas tree. 
Santa shows up on Christmas Eve and 
distributes gifis to the guests. And when 
you're not being pampered with sensa- 
tional food, you can cross-country ski or 
relax in outdoor hot tubs surrounded by 
helicoptered to 
nearby slopes. imber, a snowy 
silence takes over and you won't hi 
peep—or a beeper—from the world 
from which you came. 



Although the best strategy for endu 
ing the holidays may be to hide out, 
"s no reason to skimp on accommo- 
ns. Los Angeles’ Hotel Bel-Air is on 
just about everyone's best-hotels list as a 
refuge of an extremely high order; and 
it has undergone a renovation that rated 
a ten-page Architectural Digest salute. 

This is a hotel without lobbies, eleva 
tors or hallways. Its 11 and a half flow- 
ered acres are home to 92 rooms and 
suites, each individually designed and 
outfitted to meet the standards of a 
clientele among the most powerful in 
the world. It’s an environment in wh 
guests know they will not be disturbed— 
by paparazzi, by a mediocre meal or by a 
room appointment out of place. 

A Los Angeles Christmas can seem al- 
most a contradiction in cultural terms, 
but that will fade with pampering of the 
kind the Bel-Air routinely offers. 

We've grown up with the idea that the 
holidays are a special time—overflowing 
with good cheer and love for our 
man. Nothing's worse, however, than 
finding ourselves in an environment 
whose psychological ecosystem presents 
us with expectations we're not ready to 
fulfill. The good news is that we can just 
say no. And then go off and have our 
selves a merry litle Christmas of our 

own design. 


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few pages in the sheal, nodding delib 
ately, and then picked up the pace with 
his sharp chin. Finally, he shut the fold- 
er, raised it and, walking around the 
desk, presented it to Phipps with a crisp 
and positive gesture, like a drill sergeant 
returning a rifle to a recruit alter find- 
ing it suitably clean. He clapped Phipps 
on the shoulder and uttered what, by its 
tone, could only be an affirmative senti- 

(continued [rom page 154) 


Folder under his arm, Phipps left. He 
now felt so confident that he was able to 
pass Barbara with a smile and a wink. As 
to Fallon, however, he could not be so 
easygoing. Now was the time if there ev- 
er was one when, backed up by his new 
support trom Nebling. he could try to 
even the score with his superior 

Fallon was on the telephone when he 
1 but soon hung up and. babbling 
Му. indicated that Phipps should 
take one of the chairs that faced him. 

Phipps, however, thrust the folder 
across the desk. “You fool,” he tried to 
say. “John Nebling and I agree that this 
plan of yours is disastrous. John was so 
furious about it that he even began to 
consider whether you might be an agent 
proswcateay planted on us by one of our 

competitors. But 1 saved your job. I as- 
sured him you were too dumb to play 
such a role" With a cruel grin, he 
dropped the folder 
blotter in its rosewood fr; 

AIL of what Phipps had wanted to say 
in the now-usual nonsense 
sounds, and he could not imagine wh 
interpretation Fallon could 
make of it, but the man was smiling as he 
opened the folder and be 
ine its contents, 

Mier a moment, Phipps sat down. He 
experienced some failure of nerve. B 
was all very well to pretend to be h 
fun, making the best of a bad job, but if 
looked at clearly, his predicament was 
disastrous. Thus far today. he had 
proved absolutely incapable of commu- 
nicating with his fellow human bei 
How could any good come of tha 

Fallon looked up from the papers. 
smiling more broadly th tapped 
them with his forefinger and said some- 
thing obviously approving. Then he put 
his hands behind his head and leaned 
back. He gave every appearance of be- 
ing expansive, gestured benevolently 
and spoke at length, with genial simpers 
here and there and even, in conclusion, 
a wink. Finally, he stood up and put his 
outstretched hand across the desk. 

Phipps really had no option but to ac- 
cept ñ and. return the warmth of the 
grasp. He was willing to consider that he 

id misjudged Fallon in the past: Alier 
all, the man was always under unbear- 
able pressure from his own superiors. 
Although Nebling had been a nice guy 

on the royal blue 



an 10 exam- 

today, it was unrealistic to assume he 
had gor where he was by kindness. Sure 
ly, he had been at least as rough on Fal 
lon as the latter had been on Phipps 
Maybe Fallon was a better fellow than 
could be expected. Phipps found that 
his own apparent success, in a situation 
[ could have been calamitous, made 
him more generous to his Iellow man. 

He returned to his own desk, where a 
stulled ix basket awaited him. One by 
one, he found the documents therein to 
be as undecipherable as the oral lan 
guage that he had been hearing all day 
and saw that he had no choice but to dis- 
pose of them in the same cavalier fash 
ion as he had dealt with the spoken 
word. Some papers he initialed forth- 
with and tossed into the огт basket, Oth- 
ers that bore densely printed texts he 
simply slipped into the waste can, but 
anything showing a graph was first de- 
faced with a felt-tipped pen. 

Occasionally, such work was inter- 
rupted by the buzzing of the telephone 
As he had no idea of what the caller said. 
Phipps showed ever less patience with 
cach. until finally, his response was sim- 
ply to lift the receiver, say, “You re talk- 
ing absolute crap.” and hang up. 

The strain of so perlorming, however. 
had begun to tell on him by lunchtime, 
and although John C. Nebling had sent 
for him to eat in the corporate dining 
room—an invitation he understood only 
after Barbara had Jed him there—he 
had no ai 

ipatory appe 

His mood changed when he rece 
nized other guests who had a 
rived belore him: à them, the 
governor of the state, the mayor of the 
city and a number of the best-known lo- 
cal businessmen. including several who 
had attained celebrity across the nation, 
if not the world. Phipps was no longer 
depressed. He was now terrihed 

But the governor, a kage silver 
maned man with an outsized ser ol 
sparkling teeth. seized. Phippss hand 
with his own and pumped it. then acted 
as his ambassador to the others. each of 
whom naturally addressed him in gib- 
berish, but it was obviously benign. 
he dining room, which he had never 
seen before except in photographs, was 
quite a splendid, chandeliered place and 
large enough to seat several hundred 
people. He found himself at the long 
head table, on a dais at a right angle to 
the tables of the other guests. He was 
flanked by the governor and the mayor. 
Across the wall behind hi was 
stretched a huge white banner display- 
ing a legend in blue letters. He could 
make no sense of the words thereby 
formed, but in a moment, he had re- 
membered seeing a recent report on TV 
s 10 the effect that as one phase of 
enuous effort currently. being 
made to dissuade businesses from leav- 
ing city and state, an Outstanding Exec- 
utive of the Month would be chosen 

from among the local firms for public 
commendation. The reporter did not 
fail wryly to note that the meal served at 
ies would be paid for by 
company receiving the reflected 
d not the taxpayer 
Phipps's inclusion in the event was 
nexpected benefit of the new esteem 
which he was held by John C. Nebling, 
who until a few hours before would 
barely have recognized his name. It was 
fying to be in the company of 
ind power were 

such ceremo 




very sat 

those to whom succe: 
routine, even if nothing 
them was comprehensible to him. Hi 
began lo ebb. He chuckled ai 
what were surely supposed to be the w 
licisms of the mayor, who was noted for 
his puckish humor, and murmured in 
response to the paternal-sounding re- 
marks made to him by the governor. He 
even swallowed a few bites of his chick- 
en, which turned out to be better than 
he expected, having heard such fodde 
routinely disparaged by those who ate it 
regularly. By the end of the meal, he felt 
so at ease, in fact, that he was about to 
try a little joke of his own on the mayor 
when John C. Nebling stood up behind 
the lectern at the middle of the table. 

Phipps, of course, understood. noth- 
ing of what the big boss was saying, but 
he nodded here and there as it he did 
and joined heartily in the applause that 
came when Nebling finished. But then, 
in horror, he saw Nebling beckoning to 
him. By the ume he had at last struggled 
to his feet, hindered rather than aided 
by the governors powerful pats on the 
back, Phipps was so desperate he might 
have bolted from the room had Nebling, 
blocking the route of escape, not thrust 
a varnished plaque into his hands. 

He could not read the words that 
were incised into the bronze tablet 
affixed to its face but eventually realized 
that he had been chosen as the Out 
standing Executive of the Month—and 
obviously was obliged to say a few audi- 
ble words of thanks, . . 


1 that he could 

1 now 
sufficient precedent to suppose 
ed by the 
audience as at least meaningful enough 

But when a simple “I had not expect- 
ed this, b 
followed by deafening applause, and a 
reference to Nebling's leadership as hav- 
ing been “an inspiration to himself and 
all his colleagues” evoked an explosion 
of laughter, he grew bold. “And, hey, you 
understand lm speaking not of business 

that his words would be rece 



Em pleased to recei 

but of sex!” He looked at the boss and 
said, “You randy old bastard, you." To 
his cars, this was gibberish, and it could 

hardly have been unde 
to whom it was addressed, fo 
self was still smiling benevol 

Feeling his oats 
to the mayor. “You 

stood by those 


Honor—I use the t 

aid by any of 

tle loosely, for you've proved in the past 
three years that whatever you hav 
certainly not honor!" The mayor partici 
pated energetically in the general roar 
of laughter. Phipps went on, “But you're 
not quite the number-one erook in thi: 
state. That designation has to go to this 
big smiling fraud on my right, our saint- 
ed governor, who spends more on hair 
spray than on our schools.” 

Phipps gestured at the official so 
named and got a standing ovation. Then 
he proceeded to deride those who were 
celebrating him. “As for you idiots, you 
haven't the dimmest underst 
wh ? 
that the same 
only can't 1 « 

thing is true of me: N 
prehend anything 
by you, but 1 can't make sense of a word 
I myself unter aloud, thou 
thoughts are as evel 
explain this bizarre state of affair: 
1 have been much 
c successful at work than I ever was 
before, and 1 suspect the same will be 
true of my love life, which hitherto has 
n lackluster at best; at worst, hum 
ing. 1 don't mind boasting that since I 
accepted a world in which words 
make no sense, 1 have prospered, and 
sure that if 1 go beyond that and em- 
brace it, I shall be invincible!” 
Again the audience rose to its feet, 
and now it remained so, the applause re 
verberating from floor to chandelier 
‘The mayor put Phipps in a bear 
and the governor placed a hand on e 
of his shoulders and, looking down, irra- 
diated him with the grandest smile of all. 
After each of the officials had said a few 
(incomprehensible) words from the 
lectern, gesturing lavishly at Phipps, 
they took their leave, followed by TV 
cameramen, and Nebling linked arms 
with Phipps and led him back ıo the west 
wing, trailed at a respeciful distance by 
a group of obsequious subordinates, 
png whom were Fallon and the oth- 
ers who had once lorded it over him. 
Nebling spoke in a tone of lively allec- 
tion, and Phipps was sure he was being 
promoted, with a substantial raise in 
pay. By now, he could feel such messages 
and with a certainty he had never been 
able to associate with words, which by 
their nature were so ambiguous—think, 
for example, of all the possible connota- 
prestige,” or, for 

since it's come about, 

h his new-found sense of power, 
Phipps decided, after leaving Nebling in 
the latter's office—and speaking some 
rubbish to Barbara that obviously left 

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her eating her heart out for him—to go 
home. Anything further would have 
heen by way of anticlimax. He would 
ne back on the following morning 
prepared to begin a campaign, the aim 
of which could not be other than eventu 
John C. Nebling himself. 
on to set any limit 
whatever on the reach of nonsense. He 

аз reported on CNN. Shell leve eacı 
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could say anything at all to other people, 
and they would inevitably interpret it to 
his advantage. He might well go on to 
become mayor or governor, and more. 
At his current elevation, he did not be- 
long on a bus. He therefore walked 
around the corner to the one-way cross 
street that went in the direction of his 
apartment and looked for a taxi. A 
young man in business attire, including 
a gray felt hat, approached him, smiling. 
When he was near Phipps, he opened 
his soft-sided briefcase and displayed the 
revolver within. "Look at thi: 
"and give me your money." 
can understand you!" Phipps shouted. 
“You're the first person I can under- 
stand since I got up this morning!” The 
man scowled and reached into the brief- 
case. "God!" Phipps cried. "What a re- 
lief! I thought I was crazy. 
"Stop that noise," said the man. 
“Only.” Phipps said, the implication 
having struck him now. “what's that go- 
ing to mean to my career, my life? How 
can I return to being what I was?” 
“You're one of those jerks who read 
that if you and babble ay 
you'll scare a robber off,” the man said 

7 he said, 

t craz 

scornfully. “I'm telling you for the la 
time to knock off that gibberish and give 
me your money, or I'll kill you.” 

“You dont understand,” Phipps 
shouted. Desperate to get his meaning 
across, he clutched at the man’s lapels. 
“Suddenly, I had it all because of this 
weird thing that came over me—oddly 
enough, not the magical power to do 
something but rather the lack of d 

The holdup man twisted away, took 
the gun from the bricfcase and shot him 
and, as Phipps was falling, said with con- 
tempt, “Either you don't speak English 
or you want to be a hero. So where did it 
get you?” 

Lying on his side on the pavemer 
Phipps watched the man walk rapidly 
away and be replaced by a crowd of oth- 
er people, some of whom knelt near him 
and asked questions that he was in no 
condition to answer, for now he could 
not speak at all. But there would have 
been little point in trying to inform them 
he was dying: That was surely self-e 
dent and, like all the essential matters, 
beyond words 



(continued fiom page 116) 

American market opened up) have 
made enormous headway in the United 
States. Although over-all liquor sales 
here have declined about 24 percent 
since 1979, sales of imported vodkas 
have shot up significantly. 

The origin of vodka is still a matter of 
ispute between Russians and Poles, 
gued heatedly for centuries 
which of their countries deserves 

The word itself comes from a 
n diminutive for voda, which 
means water. But voda has been applied 
to a whole range of spirits, including 
those made from wine grapes, since the 
14th Century. 
| the word woda first ap 
peared in print in the 16th Century, but 
many believe it originated much сані 
What Americans know as vodka is what 
the Poles call “clear vodka which 
makes up 40 percent of that country’s 
production, Clear vodka seems to have 
been derived from experiments con- 
ducted in 1810 by a St Petersburg 
chemist named Andrey Albanov, who 
discovered that charcoal absorbs impu 
ties. Pétr Smirnoff applied Albano 
technique to vodka making some ci 
years later, and ultimately. the Smirnoll 
formula was brought to this country in 

Today, only the nest vodkas from 
around the world are exported to the 
United States. The variety, however, can 
be staggering. The Russian Tea Room in 
New York City stocks more than 30 im- 
ported vodkas to go with its eastern Eu- 
ropean Cuisine. With perestroika a fact of 
economic life, an even greater number 
of interesting vodkas should be arriving 
from Eastern Bloc countries 

Just what is it that makes one premi- 
um yodka different from another? To 
begin with, vodka is made from a wide 
ariety of distillates, including potatoes, 
wheat, corn, rye and other grains. Like 
any oth pirit, vodka is made from a 
fermented mash that is distilled into al- 
cohol. To drive out most of the impu 
ties (and much of the flavor), it is 
distilled at a very high proof and is 
further purified by filtration, usually 
through charcoal. The result is a color- 
less spirit that’s 80 to 100 proof 

Like gin, which gets its name and dis- 
tinct flavor from juniper berries, vodka 
can be flavored by the addition of aro- 
matics such as citrus peels, peppercorns 
and sweeteners. While inexpensive vod- 
kas taste bland, premium. brands have 
velvety textures that send bursts of glow- 
ing heat down the throat. Some are cle- 
gant and quite subtle; others have power 
and a range of flavors. 

Other elements that distinguish one 
vodka from another include the quality 
of the ingredients used, the purity of the 


Pendleton Sportswear. From a collection of American BRA 



water and the distinctive properties ol 
the rocks used in the filiration process 

Whatever the production method, pre- 
mium vodkas have three important 
things in common—they are pure, crisp 

and consiste 

In 1972, PepsiCo opened the market 
lor imported premium vodkas by strik- 
ing a trade agreement with the Soviet 
Union to exchange Pepsi lor the excl 
sive rights to import and distribute Rus- 
sian vodka in the U.S. Consequently, the 
only spirits exported from Russia per 
mitted 10 carry the vodka label are 
lichnaya and Риме. 

“Soli” is made from wheat and the 
unpolluted glacial waters of Lake La 
doga, Alter distillation, filtered 
through quartz and activated charcoal 


giving it a classic vodka taste. Stolich 
naya's premium brand. Cristall, is made 
from an even higher grade of wheat and 
is produced via a more complicated 
process. As a result, it is available only 
limited quantities in the U.S. 
Stolichnaya also makes several Па 
vored vodkas. Pertsovka. flavored. with 
chili peppers. goes nicely with a bowl of 
borscht. The lemon-flavored Limonnay 
is delicious with delicate dishes such 
And Okhotnichya, 
in grass and wild- 
her honey, is excellent as an alter- 
ver drink. 
Priviet, the t premium 
п Russia, currently is sold 
US. markets. Made from wine 



flavored with moi 




and purified glacial waters, WS a great 
ixer and is tasty straight up. 
Another sting oflerin 

Russia, Tarkh y only be labeled 
a grain spirit in America because of Pep- 
siCo's agreement with (he Russians. 
This premium brand is Navored with 

turkhuna grass, which gives the spirit 
a slightly grassy flavor and a brilliant 
emerald color 

Poland recently opened its famous 
Wyborowa (Vee-ba-ro-va) distilleries to 
the public. There. an extraordinary 
ange of spi all Labeled vodka, а 
made Irom a variety of distillates, includ- 
ing potatoes . rye, pes and 

lis Wybo 
“the choicest, 
select rye gra 


iva brand. which means 
is made from 100 percent 
and water from artesian 

wells and is triple-distilled to remove all 
ities. It has a warm, exquisite and 

ed flavor that. ripples across 

ıhe pa id down the throat. a true 
connoisseur's vodka. 
Another Eastern Bloc entry in the 

premium-vodka market is Hungaria Di- 
mond. Made [rom the “centuries-old 
nily recipe” of the Kajari family o 
Lake Balaton. this new brand is tripl 
filtered through diamonds, which 
said to give ving purity 

The vodka that has to be credited with 
Kicking off the thirst for imported pr 
ШШ а is Sweden's Absolut 


sin Amer 

Through a series of clever advertise 

ments including an Absolut Playboy 

“I think we're on to something. 

centerfold complete with Data Sheet), 
Absolut established itself as the vodka of 
choice for tendies and traditionalists 
alike. Sold in both S0- and 100-prool va: 
rieties, Absolut is a mellow vodka with 
an enticing aroma. Is perfect in a dry 
martini or served ice cold. (Delicious, 
lemon-flavored Absolut Citron vodka 
and spicy. pepper-Havored Absolut Pep- 
par are also available.) 

Iceland's Elduris, meaning “fire and 
Absolut. in its lush. 
nd Нако it a superb match 
€ r on butt Another 
indic vodka, ICY, owes ity purity to 
crystal-clear glacial warers of Reyk- 
javik, reputed to be among the cleanest 
inthe world 

his triangular bottle makes Denaka, 
from Denmark. easy to spot. Aside from 
having a clean taste, Denaka leaves a 
lovely balance of heat and sweet linger- 

vr on vour palate 

No one need re Finlandia 
hails from. but this is a distinctive, beau- 
tifully balanced vodka. p: 
suited to s 

ice,” is similar to 


ed toast. 

ress whi 

icularly well 

afood and caviar, with its 

acute dryness and lier 

ng. linge 
taste reminiscent of the ЇЇ, 

Other non- Nordic Slavic nations 
have hopped aboard the vodka band 
wagon with some excellent new brands. 
Possibly the finest of them is Tanqueray 
Sterling fom Great Britain. This grain 
vodka is distilled twice over granite 
chips. Alter the second distillation, it is 
filtered on a third bed of granite chips 
before artesian well water is added. 

The American-made Smirnoff Silver 
Private Reserve also is a good choice. H 
is Smirnofl’s top-of-the-line vodk: 
made according to the company’s or 
nal formula. 

Even the Japanese аге wi 
share of the 
beth 80- 
smooth, clean and re 
ina di 
ssardless of brand. any vodka of this 

or of ani 

g fora 
arket. Suntory produces 
id 100-proof vodkas that are 
А packaged 

med ar 

ctive square bottle. 

iber is best appreciated in its most 
pristine form. Trac olds that it be 
chilled and served neat in smal 
that resemble shooters. 

Another way to serve vodka is to place 
а boule or decanter of the spirit in a 
bucket of water and then [reeze the wa- 
ter around it. Remove the bucket from 
the freezer and warm the sides to release 
the ice-bound decanter. Then pour with 
flaiv into chilled vodka glasses 

In eastern Europe, vodka is tradition- 
ally downed in a single gulp: but here in 
the United States, premium vodka has 
become a drink to savor and sip by the 
fireplace over verses by Pushkin: “How 
hotly burnsa kiss in frosty weather! How 
fresh a Russian girl is in the powder of 
the snow!” Read on! Drink up! 


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(continued from page 136) 


Tù: Anna Magdalena Bach 
From: Johann Sebastian Bach 
Date: 1725 

Value: Domestic harmony 

Powdered wig or nor. Bach was no 
lop. In 1705, he hiked 200 miles to hear 
his hero Dietrich “Kapitin Fantastic" 
Buxtehude, the Elton John of the [Sth 
Century. Upon his return to Arnstadt, 
he insulted a hack bassoonist, who 
fought Bach. Soon. they were duking it 
out: legend has i that the composer of 
The Brandenburg Concertos and The Well- 
Tempered Clavier punched the 
lights out with a contrapuntal combi 
tion. A notorious skinflint, Bach penned 


wedding and funeral tunes to 

ends meet and griped, “There 
enough funerals.” In 1721, the 36-year 
old Bach wed Anna Magdalena Wilcken, 
20, Four years kuer, he gave her his 
Notenbuch var Anna Magdalena Bachin, 
1 and clavier compos 
gift would prove priceless, 

notebook of voc 
but at the time, it was а fiscal master 
stroke—easier on the ear than a goose, 
and cheaper. Two hundred fifty. years 
later, the hack band Toro followed 
Bach's lead, naming a song for fan 
Rosanna Arquette. Rosanna went. plat- 
inum and made more money uan Bach 
had ever seen, as the cheap-skate genit 
did 45 rpm in his tomb, 


Ya: Boston and Philadelphia 
From: Benjamin Franklin 
Date: April 17. 1790 

Value: E£2000 


Belore he wrote Poor Richards AL 
manat, served as governor of Pennsylva- 
nia and ambassador to France, founded 
the American Philosophical Society, in- 
vented the lightning rod, bifocals and 
daylight-saving time and caught light 
ning in a boule at the end of a kite, 
Franklin was а primers apprentice in 
Boston. Al 17. he moved to Philadelphia 
to help invent the US. Sixty-seven years 
Later, the man who wrote “A penny saved 
is а penny earned” remembered 
vouth. His real desire, he once said, was 
to be pickled in a keg of his favorite wine 
for a century or two, then released to see 
how the U.S, was doing. He settled for 
the nextbest thing: at his death, 
Franklin proved he had à ton of love for 
his two home towns by leaving £2000 
sterlin; ту he'd tied to refuse 
when nsylvania's governe 
to be equally divided among Boston, 
Philadelphia and their respective states 
There were kite strings attached: The 


the sal 

e was Pe 

principal was to be invested and not 
touched for 200 years; some could be 
used for loans to apprentices, but the 
rest could not be spent until 1990. "Con- 
sidering the accidents to which all hu- 
man Projects are subject in such a length 
of Time,” he wrote in his will, 71 have 
perhaps too much flattered myself with 
а vain Fancy that these Dispositions will 
be continued.” In that, at least, rhe great 
gimp was wrong. His bequest has tund- 
ed hundreds ol loans for young trades- 
men and is still worth $6,500,000. 

: Mice Liddell 
Fran: Charles Dod, 
Date: November 26, 1864 
Value: Sentimental 

Dodgson was an Oxford don. A math 
ph pher 
a writer, he was 
also a confirmed bachelor. who 
ferred the company of. prepubescent 
girls to that of adults. He took nude 
photos of his young girlfriends: one Alice 
expert has written duu Dod 
normal devotion to litle girls? may have 
made Victorians “shudder as they read. 
In any case, Dodgson was 30 and Alice 
his boss's daughter, was ten when he 
took her boating on the Thames in the 
summer of 1562. On that “golden after- 
noon,” he spun the tale of an Alice who 
chased a white rabbit down a hole. That 
story became one of the most popular 
books ever: two years later, Dodgson 
dumped Alice, then 12. in favor of a 
younger girl. 


To: America 

From: France 

Date: October 28, 1886 
Kalne: $250,000 



ad—as Lewis Carroll 

son's "ab- 

To mark America’s centennial and cel- 
ebrate their love lor all Americans ex- 
cept those who wanted prompt service 

y restaurants. the French people passed 
the hat. They collected 5250.000 and in 
1875 hired Frédéric Bartholdi to sculpt 
а vast monument symbolizing what 
America meant to the world. Today. the 
icon might be а quarter-ton-pounder 
with cheese or a colossal handgun: in 
those days. she was Liberty. Bartholdi 
built a copper-and-steel lady who stood 
151 feet tall. tipped the scales at 450,000 
pounds and held the torch of frcedom. 
Shipped in crates to New Yoik harbor 
she was formally accepted by President 
Grover Cleveland and took her place on 
Bedloe Island, wh her torch was the 
first glimpse ol America seen by thou- 
sands) of immigrants, The Emma 
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shore /Send these, the homeless, tem- 
sin these days of immi- 
quotas and border patrols 
Eugely ironic. But in 1886, the. divin 
Miss L. ennobled two countries. 


To: Humankind 

From: Alfred Nobel 

Date: December 10, 1896 
Value: 59,000,000 

When he was 31, chemist Alfred No- 
bel literally launched. a nit 
factory—the place exploded. killi 
brother Emil. The Swedish 
told Nobel to find a calmer line of work 
tead, he invented dynamite. Busi 
ned. A pacifist who just happened to 
love demolition, Nobel worried. about 


the arms and legs his creation soon blew 
from pillar to post. When he died, he 
idowed а fund 10 reward humanitari- 

ans. The recipients of his largess have 
been generally well chosen by the secre- 
tive Nobel committees, except for peace 
prizes w war lovers Teddy Roosevelt 
and Henry Kissinger. Nobel laureates 
include Martin Luther King, Jr.. Mother 
Amnesty International and the 
Lama lor peace; T. S. Eliot, 


; Ма 

Albert Einstei 

Richard Feynman tor science. 
ner now gets 519 
hteous bucks 

but not 

ıd change— 
enough 10 


To: Elizabeth Taylor 

From: hard Burton 
Date: 1964 
Value: 51.500.000 

We loved h 
en larynx. She w 
woman on earth; he was the sexiest man 
alive. They were the wonders of the Six- 
ties world. They collided in Cleopatra 
and threw sparks th 
couple look like Ma and Pa Кеше. Liz 
and Dick were magic: their ch 
was so potent they could be typecast as 
Renaissance sex warriors in The Taming 
of the Shrew and as spent symbols of 
Western torpor in Who's Afraid of Vir- 
ginia Woolf? Liz was late to their wed- 
ding in 1964, the story goes (they would 
divorce in 1974, remarry in 1975 and 
redivorce in 1976). Dick, the Mod Pe 
chio, checked his watch and grumbled 
А lew days later, he sprang a surprise—a 
pear-shaped) 6942-carat sparkler that 
outweighed the Hope diamond by 25 
carats. More romantic than this it 
doesn’t get: Dick had bid against Cartier 
for the gem but dropped out of the bid- 
ding when the price hit $1,000,000. The 
next day, he thought better of his parsi- 
mony, bought it from 
500.000 and gave it to Liz on thei 
an honeymoon. In 1979, citing the 
g ir. sh 
ned 40 pounds 


rocks diseances 

she had insuri 

“We figure the public is ready for an updating of 

“Miracle on 34th Street.’ 


Continued from page 114) 

father dug ditches. And Dan lies ex- 
tolling those virtues now. [Smiling] 1 
think there is по virtue whatsoever in 
digging ditches. Whatsoever, Not to 
ме his or anybody else's father who 
digs ditches. But it is not a life ambition 

10 dig ditche 

ngs’ conversation sounds 
ith Wharton novel when the 
scene shifts 10 the country house and 
there is some snooty chap at the card 
table, but he is really an extremely 
handsome and gregarious fellow. in 
pink-and-white tattersall. like a bunch of 
mixed chrysanthemums, with his sleeves 
rolled up and the top bution undor 
a reddish-pink paisley tie. and the 
trousers of a dark-blue suit and black 
loafers. He is siting in a tweed easy 
rin his office just off the ABC news- 
room. Anyone else with his looks we 
- high-tailed it to 
mly resolved never to work agi 
Not Jennings 
He strove 
his face. Ob, not completels—he w 
clever for that. A smart man in television 
news can go further on his looks than he 
can on anything else. 

“1 meet a lot of young people who are 
boring." says Jennings, leaning over and 
up his socks. the right, the left, 

a the right, leaving the lefi but going 
ck to it alter a moment, then drawing 
leg. His office is a pe 
rectangle of Eskimo prints, Eskimo 
eskimo statues and a Persian car 
pet. Everything cozy. Tom, the male sec 
mio what extent 
victory lor Miss Marton every wife must 
decide for herself 

Now, Id 
Jennings. “but some 
somehow, apparently, Pm told, go 
through this... this ching by which they 
ally date rwenty-one-year-old 
Г just can't im 
twenty-one-year-old gir 
one who's interesting in 


nd. sweated to overcome 

down his irous 



he signals a 

brings collec on a 

t face this prospect.” says 
men who turn fifty 

gine dating а 

ld you say to one 
He draws back his head and shuts his 
eves. “Owwweeee 
He opens them. 
1 don't know.” he says. “I don’t think 


he says. 

women begin (o get ting till 
they're thirty. My wile is forty and 1 
k she's really interesting! 
Then, in a sort of tender. reverie, 

scratching his elbow. he bethinks himsell 
of Miss Marton. It is impossible to know 
what he thinks exactly, but the day I met 
Miss Marton, she was haberdashed in a 
still straw hat with a low crown and had 
pink polish on her toes and was sitting 
by the pool in the sun in her garden in 
Bridgehampton. Her glistening blue- 
and-white bathing suit was cut upon her 
shapely figure with such candor that she 

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may as well have been stark naked. In 
short, one could see they have а mar- 
riage of the purest possible kind 


Yes, women are fond of Jennings. He 
has one of the great reputations in world 
journalism. Jennings reconnoiterings 
are so celebrated that he has begun, in 
his monogamous state, to be venerated. 
His opportunities alone would have 
driven a man of more ellrontery to the 
atthe latest 
was eleven” savs 
Jennings. “Her 1 dra Du- 
She lived in Ihe first 
woman | wits really in love with lived 
little town. Her 
ter. Her name was Jeannette Staples. 1 
remember competing with a va! num- 
ber of people for her favors and loving. 1 
harbored for many 
years. I have not seen her since. h would 
probably not be ood thing for cithe: 
one of us. Were probably a bit long in 
the tooth.” 

He shakes his head fondly 

"I mean, I havent seen her in Murty 
warst In fact.” says Jennings. "I haven't 
seen her in more than thirty years. T un- 
derstand she has four children. The last 
time d checked. she was living in 
Kingston. Ontario. 1 have no idea il she 
knows what Edo. She may think I run a 
hardware store. I have no idea 

But what's going on now is a good 
deal more interesting than what was go- 
ing on then. | would be nervous to go to 
my high school reunion. Eu most of 
us wouldnt recognize one another 1 
would forget people's names or some- 
thing and they wonld be offended. and 
then | would really be ups 

In fact, all my life, part of me wished 
to be excruciatingly norm And. obvi- 
ol me wanted to be different 
led up somewhat 
ı normal. Or more 
ge. I guess. And that 
Sits pluses and is minuses. 1 e 
ple who grew up in my he 
ight friends 

grave by 1076, or 197 
1 started when 1 
ne was S; 

biner. loronto. 

father was а schoolmas- 

ibiions for 1 

ously, par 
And T supl 
more dierent h: 
different than aver 
and kept their same set of 

we Гуе 




пу years. They are very 
limited in some ways, but in other ways. 
they are very secure and tied to the 
ground and have something that is es- 
sential to them. They've never had w go 
off exploring Saudi Arabia or Java.” 


Jennings appears thinner, darker. 
more expensively dressed and thicker- 
haired on television. H is no accident 
tha nd Rather and Brokaw 
are me as William Hurt, the 
actor who plaved an anchor man in the 
And Jennings is better than any- 
body at anchoring. because he is the cas- 
iest 10 watch, which is what yeu are 
supposed to do with television. He turns 
slightly and, hing thoughtfully, 
looks at his right loafer, a very 
tasseled affair with sides rising up like 
nnels and the shine of à Nau- 
gahyde dashboard. 

Exploration!” he says cheerlully 
“Thats the Every time 1 tum 
around, the best thing that can happen 
to me is to explore. When I come in 
here in the morning lull of piss and 
Vinegar because Eve been out and met 
somebody interesting or seen something 
interesting, And 

for lo these v 




I come in off the Moor. 
the people with whom I work that I re- 
sent most are the ones who don't come 
in having explored something the night 
before. T mean. they've all got access. 
they've all got derivative power here. 
And they should be on! using that power 
nd exploring! Everything! Art. boxing. 
veterinary medicine, bowlin 1 
mean, you choose 

“TI even stand 

ay vile calls me a 
street-corner talker. 1 will talk and want 
10 talk 10 anybody at great length, go to 
the movies and miss the movie because 
Vm talking to some homeless guy on the 
and she doesn't appr 
I do it. | worry about the 
Think mi me 
neless than about ar 

ve of it to 

the degre 
hi e worried 
bout the | thing 
else, And 1 am quite engaged with the 
homeless. Yes. Um a Christian. Yeah. Im 
Saim Ann's in Bridge- 

less a lot 

ALI ще © P 
SEX = 

hampton. Anglican. as T call it.” 
Jennings says he likes compet 
but he doesn't think he’s particularly ag- 
gressive. He doesn't think he has 
“clubbed his way to the top.” and his de. 
sire lor fame is getting "smaller all the 
time. . . . When people used 10 write, 
some years ago, if people wrote some- 
thing horrible about me. Pd really get 
desperately upset. Desperately upset! Be 
cause one does nor think of oneself as 
being bad. Bad! And, therefore, should 
nol be torn apart. Now if they do ü— 
and. fortunately, they don't do it тоо of- 
Well. OK. You can't. have 
everybody love you. But I don have a 
particularly thick skin. But I dont want 
10 be loved by everybody. No. No. That 
would be bland, 1 (hink (har 
would presume I was rather bland.” he 
says, smiling. He has the kind of vanity 
that is like a boutonniere in the lapel. He 
is really such a lovely, graceful flower of 
а fellow. The perfect combination of 
on pictures, Edward R. Murrow and 
teatime at the Stanhope. And switching 
legs. dropping one to the floor and pick- 
ing up the other, plucking at his trousers 
and dropping and pulling in his chin, he 
sighs happily 
But 1 lie in bed and worry,” says Jen 
nings. “Why I didi do a better job yes- 
terday. How Ell do a better job today. Is 
always been v useful to me to think 
that Ewas going to be fired tomorrow. It 
made me work harder. One of my bosses 
once said to me, "Why do you hate man 
Z And 1 said. “It keeps me 

len—l say 


agement so? 
sharp" Му wife says Fm not happy il 
she’s not criticizing something. I call her 
up and ask her every day. “How was the 
program? When she says, ‘Fine. 1 say 
“What do you mean, it was fine? Wasn't thal 
terrible? Wasn't this awful? 

“Novel things! I like novel things. I 
like novel ideas. When I watch our own 
broadcast every day. 1 squirm when it's 
been predictable, 1 don't watch inel]. 
watch the pieces in the broadcast. And 
when we've done something thats un 
predictable or novel, whether it’s light 
or soli or intense, Pm very pleased.” 


Around lunchtime in the fall of the 
year, Jennings is spotted on a side street. 
about five blocks from the office, in the 
embrace of a small dark-haired young 
lady. She must have just fallen on the 
rb and Jennings is brushing her off 
Later, he is seen t cab with a 
blonde. Observed from the back. the 
woman looks old enough 10 be and 
probably is his mother: In the winter, he 
is observed on West $ Tst, across from the 

Museum of Natural History, very early 
in the morning, walking down the 
street, laughing and hugging a thin 

dark-haired young lady. They look very 
happy. This, however, turns out to be his 


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THE MAC GUFFIN uns jon page 160) 


remembered what an attractive, tragic, brood- 
ing figure she had made him feel at the time.” 

now Drufl remembered exactly what an 
attractive, tragic. brooding figure she 
had made him leet at the time, recalling 
who hadn't forgotten so much afier all, 
though they were seated inside the Stu 
dent Union—L Mer was playing on the 
jukebox—how he had had this vagrant 
image of himsell, how he must 
looked in her this. wind-blown. 
tempesttossed guy, colku turned up 
against the elements, cigarette smoke 
rolling like fog up the side—it wasn't 
that many years since the war had end- 
ed—ol his doomed Resistance fighters 
sharp le 

"Um imerested— he said 
tent thar Pm interested in anything 



to the ex- 

polities.” To fulfill his social-science 
quirement. he was taking a course in 
civis. Monday there might be a snap 

quiz on the bicameral legislature 
Really? In polities 

Vm like you.” the future city coi 


sioner of streets confided off 
1 want to help make sure that future 

ions of children will have, well 

They met for collec, they went to the 
ain of 

movies, they went to concerts 
their professors and from time to time 
were the only couple they knew who did 
this on a date. Though they really didn't 
know all that many couples. Rose Helen 
was а sorority girl. (Yes. it surprised 
Drulf, too.) There was this rule that 
sorority girls сошкі date independ- 
ems. Well. it wasan unwritten rule, actu- 
ally. enlorceable only while the girls 
were still pledging. Though even after 
they were initiated, it was strongly dis- 
wed. “They wouldnt want to be 
hypocrites.” Rose Helen told him 
“That's what they say. that they wouldn't 
want to be hypocrites. the hypocrites 
That it would ser a bad example for the 
pledges, thar what would ive think il we 
were still pledging and found out one of 

become about cer 

would sit in on cach other's classes. 


our sisters was dating someone who 
wasn't a Greek?” 
That's why they didn't know too many 

couples. That's why they met for colfec 

in va 

ous calés on campus, that’s why 
they met in front of certain movie the 
aters, and managed to be in line when 
the tickets to particular concerts--Odet 
ta, Pete Seeger, Theodore Bikel—went 
on sale. That's why they sat in on each 
other's classes. 

Because the pressure was on her noi 
to date an independent, because she 
couldn't bring him to her sorority house 
(and because the kindlady in Drull’s 
boardinghouse was as strict about men 
socializing with women in their rooms as 
the sisters were about fraternizing with 
independents), couldn't and wouldirt 
she said. even if she could. Because she 
didit want any brooding, tempest 
tossed. La Mer-whistlin agic and sar 
castic Friend of hers subjected to the silly 
remarks of a bunch of spoiled, mali 
cious, superficial girls. Though Drull 
felt he could have held his own with the 
best of them and wouldn't have minded 
He told Rose Helen as much 

No." she saîd “Why stoop to their 
Well, why did you?” he asked in nim 
Which was just exactly the wrong 
question. Drull^s litle poster girl dis 

solved in tears, and nor because she 
couldn't answer his oblique reference to 
her hypocrisy but because she could. Ве 
cause she knew hersell that well 

Vm two years behind my year” she 

sobbed. “I should be aduatir 

June, Instead. I'm only this sophomore 
Don't you know anything? Because why 
did they rush me if it wasn’t to show oll 
how liberal they were? Not only a erip 
ple but a relatively presentable cripple 
and not only a relatively presentable 
cripple with this almost sanitary deform- 
someone than they. and 
arent they sisters, and don’t sisters have 
dig sisters So what does that make me il 
hot ап inter somewhere be- 
tween an older and theit 
mother? Someone who not only can do 
for them—make adjust- 
ments on their ha then 
lists of French and Spanish vocabulary 
with them. help with their mending. 
ve them a hip to cry on—but who 
looks good on their record, too. Dont 
you know anything? I wasn't here three 
days before they spotted me and rushed 
me. They didn’t even give me a hard 
time. I wasn’t even hazed.” 

She telling him—though, of 
course is for all this hadn't been 
was their first 
tive action, token project 

He persisted. "You didit answer my 
question. Why? Well, why did you? 

You don't 

пу but older 


sister house: 


go over 

the te 

invented yer—that she 

Don't you know anythir 
know anything, do you? E told you, they 
MIL E ever had to do 
was taken. 1 

made it casy for me. 

was pose with them in dhe row 

when the group picture 

wasn't even hazed.” 

I she was their first affirmative action, 
Drull was their second 

Rose Helen said she'd told them about 
him and that they couldit wait to meet 
He was invited to come to dinner 

Tuesday night 

“Well, yes,” he said. “Um an ‘inde- 
pendent.” This was in the living room 
(He supposed ú was a living room, 

though it might. have been a drawing 
па library, 
knew, the board room ol 

тоот or EVE 

room or a music 
even. for all he 
some fabulous, oak-paneled. corporate 
headquarters. He'd never seen anything 
like it. It could have been à manor house 
in the family for generations.) 

Rosie tells us that you intend to be a 
politician,” said one of his hostesses 

Well,” he said. “Um not running for 
anything, if that’s what you mean. My 
eye isn't our for any particular “office 
That's how he spoke to them all 
evening, in the living. room—il that's 
what it was—and, later, at the head table 
at dinner, shooting. for aphorisms by 
stressing individual 
them off in what he hoped would be un- 
derstood as quotation marks, sometimes 
punching up everything. addressing 
them in a Kind of oral Braille. When 
they were informed that they would be 
taking their coffee and dessert by the pi- 
гий wiped at 
ner of his lips with his napkin and 

words or 


ano that evening rose 


thanked the president of the sorority for 
having him over for dinner. “Really,” he 
said, “though Fm this, quote, bred in 
the bone, unquote, quote, independent 
unquote, E have to admit that the dinner 
was excellent. and the evening was fase; 
naling. and | underscore lascinating 
You're very kind, all of you. As à would 
be, quote, public man, unquote, 1 have 
to confess to a certain. quote, interest 
unquote, in the dynamics of your organ 
ization. 1 find it’s all rather like some loy 
al politician's allegi party 
Quote, party, unquote, underscored 


we to 
In that living room again, Rose Helen 
and he were directed to se 
the leather solas and offered collec and 
cake by a waiter. (Drull recognized him 
They lived in the same boardinghouse.) 
There was some general conversation 
Then the waiter went around the room 
taking up their cups and saucers, their 
cake plates, their forks and spoons and 
paper napkins. One of the sorority sis- 
ters walked over to the piano and sat 
down on the pimo bench. She 
joined by the rest of the girls, who 
ranked themselves about her in what 
cven Drull recognized as a formation, a 
kind of musical battle stations. 

ts on one ol 


Оһ, no," Rose Helen groaned. 


Oh, no. 

Some of the waiters had come in from 
the dining room and were leanin 


— + PORTED у MONSÉUR FENG WINES, TD; WHITE PLANS, NY 10004 © 1970 аз „шшс. 



against a wall in the entrance hall 

"he president of the sorority was 
speaking dir d Rose Hel- 
en on the sola. “Robert.” s “ihe 
women of Chi Phi Kappa are proud of 
all their Rose Helen, however. 
whose maturity and unselfish generosity 


have been an inspiration 10 all of us, 
holds a special place in our hearts, and 
we do not wonder that she should have 

s. Now, Rose 
п honor of you 
new friend, the ladies of Chi Phi Kapp: 
pleased to honor you t 
evening with a serenade, one of the most 
cherished of our traditions. 

“Your sisters smile on you tonight, 
Rose, and wish you all the happiness you 
could wish for yoursell. We delight in 
your delight. We support you, we love 
you, we bless you 

They sang the Chi Phi 
They sang the school fi 
sang love songs. They sa 
My Posy. They sang La Mer 

OF course they w 
course they were 
tion, it was like hi ion of a 
firing squad, a line like taking, at close 
nge and at full force, a blast from a fire 
hose. OF course he felt patronized, of 
course he did. Nevertheless, he felt he 
had made a good impression. 


He had. Rose Helen told him, he'd 
confirmed all their misgivings, was е 
erything they thought an mdepende 
would be 

“Didn't you feel it?” she said. “Didn't 
you feel any of it? Didn't you? Dort you 
know what that was?” They were in one 
of the small study rooms—two small typ- 
ing tables, a comple of desk lamps, two 
ow cot—at the back of the 
sorority house. The door to the study 
room was open. Rose Helen was stand- 
ing with her hand on the little shelf 
above her damaged left hip, the akin 
bod arm and forward thrust of her 
body giving her her familiar, faintly bold 
air, and a suggestion about her mouth 
(though if this was there at all, it was 
something Druff had penciled in him- 
self) of the pout of some saloon cupid. 
you are my розу" Drull said, 
for her hand and lifting it from 
her hip to pull her gently toward the cot 
he held her ground. 
they'll come running. 

“Why would you scream 

have to be on 

Why would you scream? 

“We came in here to study. We 
posed to be studying 

Isn't this the passion pit? Isn't that 
what they call it? 

He stood up and kissed he 

“The dows open.” 

ГИ close it.” 

Is supposed 10 be open. Yo! 


in your 


house a 

Kappa sc 
hi song. They 
y Rosie, You Ave 


“HL seres 

ten, its almost ten-thirty. Males 

є sup- 

© not 
allowed to close it.” 

is closed 

“The door across the 
ver there is.” 

That one 

"she said. Then she went 

to the door and dosed it herself 

ove т 
Druff stood waiting 10 embrace her 
They are.” she said, “but even if they're 

not. even if they're in there with boys, 
even if they're slow dancing with the 
each others behinds, 
even if they're French kissi Even if 
they're, quote, doing it. unquote, I 
wouldn't let you touch me, 1 wouldn't 
even let you hold my hand.” 

“Why? My God, Rose Hele 
They're your sisters. They sere 
Isn't that like piping us abe 
they just, like, marry us at sea 

“Don't you know what that was? Dor 
They as good as made you il 
mascot, They brought the waiters up 
from downstairs as witnesses. 

"Come on,” Drull sai 
about them.” 

She was crying again, and Druif sud- 
denly understood that that was why 
she'd closed the door, because she knew 
they were going to have this conversa- 
tion. And why she'd extended their invi- 
tation in the first place, because it w 
exactly the conversation she'd wanted to 
have with him from the beginning. L 
derstood she was permitting him some- 
thing far more intimate than just the 
groping he had anticipated, showing 
Tim a glimpse ol her turt, an unrestrici- 
ed view ol her cards on the table. 

He tried to comfort her. “Oh, Rose 
Helen. Rose Helen, oh.” 

“Don't you 
Dont I what?” 

That was it. That's what they were 
saving. That's what they were waiting 
for all along, 

“What are you talking about, 
What were they waiting for, wh 
they saving: 
That was my hazing 

“No,” he said, “youve got it wrong. 
Rose. Theyre your sisters. they're. on 
our side, Really. AU the happiness we 
could. wish for ourselves, remember? 
(Druff taki his arms—maybe he 
way political, maybe he wes—and work- 
wondering, mar- 

hands all over 


wi care 


Doi know? Don't they 
know its alla line? Dont they scc how it 
is with us? Don't they know what we 

want to do to them, what we want th 

to us? Are they fools, or what?) 

And astonished to be stroking her 

breasts beneath her swe: › slip his 
hand up beneath her skirt, 10 nc 

the rind of st ad feel the di 

silk of he 

They were seated о 
He tried to di 
get her to lie beside hi 
ed. She struggled to a sitting position 
d started to rise, “ML right.” 1 

cot now. to 

п she resist- 

“all right” and she sat back down a 
(OF conse, political. Polit inlv 
Bargaining actual territory. dividing 
physical spoils, making these Val 
rangemel (hat it was son 
agreed without one word passin 
tween them that he could do this bur not 
that, that but not this. Although he was 
not. for example. permitted to blow in 
her ear. he was allowed to lick her nip 
ples. Alt would never hold his 
erection shit touch a 



IS. so 


here and there through his trousers.) 
Dralf, astonished led. amazed 
now by her bizarre terms, terms, he real 

ized. roughly equivalent to the restric: 
tions imposed by the Hays Office in 
-gard to the 
(One foot had to be on the floor 
times. They c 
open. bar only one of 
could be moving, and if ñ was his, he 
could touch her breasts but was not per- 
mined to go under her dress.) D was to 

sexual conduct in. films. 
t all 

ld Kiss with iheir nu 

become the source of what weren't so 
much arguments as vaguely legalistic 

quickly abandoned disagreements, like 
appealed line calls in tennis, say. or 
batter's brief, abrupt flash of tempera: 
ment about an umpires questionable 
called strike. 

And touching her hip. of course, was 
out of the question. 

As out of the question as the flesh and 
hair beneath that chartered, licensed. 
two-or-three-inch strip of damp silk or 
cotton underwear, the tolerated. noil ob- 
stat clastic piping that edged her draw- 
ers and that he worried with his finger 
like a lock of hair. 

So maybe she was political, tao. A 
born legislator, some negotiator of the 
physical being, Because she was right, it 
was almost 10:30, almost t for him to 
leave, gratefully disappear with the oth- 
er males—she was right about that, too: 
his presence in that house of females 
had altered him; he was “male” now, his 
sex у some new state of chemical ex- 
citation. d d. changed, 
like the cooked properties of solids me 
ing to vape wd she'd somehow man- 
aged to arrange all this in the las" 
quarter hour of that first night 

(But why was he grateful: He w 
grateful for the same reasons hed been 
relieved. the shit-scared avoider, 10 learn 
that the dear-skinned beauties of the 
Sadie Hawkins Day Dance had been the 
wrong clear-skinned bea He was 
pped in a cocoon of stupidity, inno- 

inexperience. Not virtue, but its 
simulacrum, what virtue did while it bid- 
ic, until it sloughed fear and 
п the cosmetic f 
- He was grateful because he was а 
virgen and he didn't have to fuck her aud get 
it all uws whey!) 


Now at least they had a place to go. 

Though they still dich that 
many couples, didit double-date, were 









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there—at least. her legacy. Druff 
was—on sullerance. like guests of an as- 
sociate member of a country club, say 
And if, collectively, they were novelties 
to the girls of Chi Phi Kappa. the girls of 
Chi Phi Kappa were even greater novel- 
s 10 Drull Rose Helen was a novelty 
Druff. Indeed, Draff was a novelty to 
ги. (It was st е и simmering 
maleness, his ballsy, new- d exhibi- 
»nisUs swagger, his vai ard, his 
simmering chemical privilege and lib 
ties— hut these days, he went about feel- 
ing as if he had on br 
On weekdays, he went there to si 
with Rose Helen 
сирей, they would go into one of 
the tiny study rooms. (Since the night of 
the serenade, when she had gone to the 
door and closed it herself and then ne 
gotiated with him the ünspoken rules of 
their relationship, the study was never 
closed when they were in it) At 10:30, 
however, he was the first n [the 
house. Even on weeke: the 
curlew was extended un ight, he 
was always the first to 1 
Tt was as il he understood their suffer- 
ance (he did), their combined weight on 
the thin social ice that supported them 
And it he was political, he thought, it was 
a strange way to practice his politics, ly- 
ing low, muting, as it were, his own 
horn, making himself scarce on the very 
dot of the curfew hour like Cinderella 
He could not keep his hands off he 
them almost surgical, circumscripted 
реши as complicated as the careful, 
delicately drawn lines of a contended ge- 
ography, treatied borders; obsessed (not 
just Отит, Rose Helen, too) with the 
endless diversity, variations, interpre 
ions and line distinctions available to 
them within compliance. So that he be- 
came, fey became, respective Casano- 
vas. very Venuses, geniuses of loreplay 
He was tidious, meticulous with 
their curfews, and lived like some fabu- 
lous criminal, by the lener of the Гал, as 
sought to keep his nose clean by 
xes, or cach day dropping 
by the library to show the libr 1 the 
due date on his stillanot-overduc book: 
Yet it was no game he was playi 
neither with Rose Helen nor with her 
sisters. He was not seeking to test the 
limits of their patience. He kuew ti La 
Hs of their patience 
their c 

ad-new clothes.) 

ad if they were unoc 

ale out 

He didnt observe 
ews out of any of the old olly- 
but bec 

pulses of his childhood, 
: he was quite te 
d of havi 

ified of 


se privileges were large, 

new, rare, immense. It wasn’t just wha 
happened between the two of them i 
the study (and much, despite the unim- 
peded view they allorded anyone who 
happened 10 be passing that open door 
of the 

strange love gymnastics, the 
Olympic figures they cut. 
did happen) but the incredible fee 

he somchow fed by the curfew he was 
forced to observe, by his knowledge that 
the door was op 
dangerous gyrations were almost adul- 
terous, anyway, risky 
On weekends, they 
close to one of those studies. (It was un- 
derstood that o 
were reserved f 

never even gi 

weekends, these rooms 
pperelassmen and 
their dates.) Then they went out inte the 
enm-library, w 
chitectural equivalent was for that com- 

big living 


room. ever the ar 

the house's 
al passion pi. he supposed. And 
in that crowded spac 
t be upwards of 100 people in it, 
eturned with their 
campus beer 
[rom parties, 
strange thing happened. He melded in 
with them, felt that he had somehow be 
come invisible, though the others were 
plainly visible to him, what they did—he 
heard swe up over соп 

modious, luxurious cent 


girls dates Пош 

he brandished his 
own, less self-conscious. finally, than he 
might have been in a communal shower, 
a public bath. All about him, he 
hear girls groaning, boys co 
comings and groanings,” 

flesh, erections 

he joked to 
Rose Helen.) Not a voyeur. In the scene 

Of it. Could feel, hear, see, taste the mass 
dishevelment. some sense of the undone 
and awry, of smeared lipstick and 
smudged face powder, of colognes gone 
off and all the fired chemistry of naked 
pheromones. À passion pit, indeed, a 

steamy, cumulative sense of the ми 
growing, of love cells dividing, multiply- 
ing, building in the room like weather, 

ram cloud, say, eleciric storm, thunder 
clap. passionate waves sweeping over 
them, a kind of heavy sexual traflic, his 
hip at their haunches on the long. 
crowded window seats, so that what he 
fel was not just his own passion but his 
passion added to the passion of every- 
one cle, passion compounding, 
carning interest on the passion of both 
sexes. A great joy in this, like the joy 
marvelous parade 

He was in his element. He loved Friday 
and Saturday nights, he loved e pluribus 
unum and would willingly have ı 
four weeknights alone with Rose Helen 
in a study room for just one additional 
half hour of extended curfew on the 
cushioned window seats, long leather 
chairs, or 



s upholstered wing 
stretched. out with her in the 
traffic on the fine Oriental ru 
ad-floor room 


just where Mrs. Post, the 


the big 

Which i 
night out of the 80 or so 

found them on the one 
nce Drull had 
been going to the Chi Phi Kappa house, 

on the single occasion when he was not 

e first one out the door. A fixture, in- 

deed. And not only a fixture but some- 
one whose habits were so well known by 
now i was sad that you could ser your 
watch by him. He had simply lost track 
of the time. Or no, that wasn't quite 
true, As a matter of fact, it was time he 
was thinking of at the time, how this was 
only a Friday, how they still had all Sat- 
urday together. (Because he loved her 
now, had discovered in just the past 
month, the past few weeks, that the 
was something there beyond the simple 
fact of her availability, the damaged- 
goods advantage he thought he had 
over her because of her two-year senior- 
ity and scarcely legible limp, which, if it 
was nor completely put on, she had at 
least to take the trouble to memorize, 
little studied, like a dance step or a 
swimmer's kick turn. Because he loved 
her. because no one could. hold his 
tongue in someone else's mouth for 80 
out ol the past 100 nights without devel- 
oping a certain fondness for the head as 
a whole, the neck and everything it rest- 
ed on. Because he loved her. because he 
had come to appreciate her savage т 
sentiment, enjoy her outcast representa- 
tions of herself, his own acereditation in 
the drama, appreci Helen's 
marvelous mimicry of the sisters and frat 
boys, even of the waiter from. Drudf s 
boardinghouse She had qualities. Also. 
Friday, there's 

c Rose 

n put his tongue i 

Thinking. ‘This is only 
still Saturday 
“Wh: Draf said, started, “What 
Mrs. Post laid one finger across the 
face of her wrist watch 

“Ts it curfew? Газ sorry, 1 wa 
ing attention. [s it curfew already? 

Mthough here and there, there were 
people about, the room had begun to 
thin out. The bays and window seats 
were cleared. the piano bench. No one 
cuddled in the wing ch 
were all but vacant 

Rose Helen sat up 
grin, immediately be 

"How daw you?” she de 
not the only one lefi.” Poi 
med names, not only indica 
few ol her sorority sisters still lingerie 
with their dates but ticketing indiscr 
tions, citing violations of dress codes, di- 
shevelment of human decency 

"Em sorry Drull mumbled, * 
1 must have lost track of the time. 

Rose Helen interrupted him. “You've 
nothing 10 apologize for, why are you 
apologizing? Is not your job to be sor- 
гу. US not your job to listen for the bell 
It isn’t your job to have people set the 
watches by you.” She was [urious with 
them both, Rose Helen. And although it 
was Rose Helen who did the shouting, it 
was Drull and Mrs. Post who got all the 
attention. The girls, their dates, looked 
from one to the other of them following 
their Mabbergast silence. Druff felt an 
odd connivance with and sympathy for 

s. the sofas 

nd. to Олай s cha- 
n to lay into her 



лку. almost powerful hair, its 
immaculate sheen, so at odds with her 
wan, brittle features, must have been a 
wig. "Well, c 
“lets just see wl 
study rooms! 

“Most оГ those people are pinned,” 
Mrs. Post. defended. “Many are er 
So,” said Rose Helen. 
there. They havent lefi! 
there, all right. 
se,” Drull said. 

“No,” snapped Rose Helen. but not at 
Drull. at Mrs. Post, at her sorority sis- 
at the fraternity boys, “1 wont 
ease. Rules are rules. Pm going to 
empty out those study halls for you! 
And then began exaggeratedly to | 
about the now silent, curiously 
less passion pit, circling the bi 
and gathering, it seemed. a sort 
mentum, and went out into the hall, go- 
ing past the big staircase and continuing 
on toward th at the back of the 
sorority house. 

He heard her roughly openi 
heard her shout “Curfew, curfew 
hysterical town crier 

“I'm going.” Drull c 
now, Rose Helen” 

“Curfew in there! Curfew 

“PU phone you tomorrow,” he called. 
“Would you tell her UH call her tomor 
ppealed to Mrs. Post 
he called him. It 

They're in 

of mo- 

g doors, 


lled. “Em leaving 

row?” he 


in the mor 
from Drull’s boarding! 
to fetch him to the phone 

r shrugged. “They ask for 
catsup when it’s right out there on the 
table in front of them.” 

“I hope nothing's wre 

18," he told the 


“Some if it's chicken cacciatore, 
or meat in a heavy y. they ask us 1o 
cut it up far them in the kitchen so they 
don't dirty their hands or get grease on 
their clot 

“Rose Helen? Are yo 
Helen?” He expected he 
She wasn't. though he could tell she 
seemed excited. even pleased Sh 
dicht scold him. didnt mention that 
he'd lefi without saving good night 

"1 threatened to resign.” she said. He 
didit understand. “From the sorority. I 
threatened to resign from the sorority.” 

“But why?” Drull said. 

"Mrs. Post was there when 1 told 
them. Though you know,” she said. “I 
don't blame Mrs. Post. She doesn't make 
policy. she takes her signals from the 
girls.” Drafl was uncomfortable. I any 
of this was on his behalf... 

“Eve only just left them,” Rose Helen 
went on. “H could have been, E dont 
know, à beauty parlor in there. You 
should have seen them. All those girls in 


all right, Rose 
to be crying 

m f 

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and face goo. . He 
thought ol her own soft, beautiful skin, 
oddly back-lighted, pearly from suffer- 
ing, maybe from grudge. “Except for the 
few of us who were still in our clothes, it 
could have been a giant slumber party 

| those girls in their shorty paj 
some still clutching their Teddies, the 
goofy, outsize turtles, froggies 
stuffed kitty-cats they take to bed wi 
them. It was really rather touching.” 

“You woke them? Got them out of 

I called a special meeting,” Rose Hel- 
en said. “1 had charges, I had witnesses. 

You can call a special meeting when you 
have charges and witnesses. 
ges against who? Mrs. Post 
t make policy. She takes her sig- 

js from the girls, you said.” 
1. I told them, ‘your room 
s up. You've lost Jan and 
Eileen this semester. Rachel's on aca- 
demic probation and may flunk out. ^ 
Drull thought of the furniture, of the 

and board ga 

no, the Oriental 
couldn't imagine that whi 
lars Rose Helens leaving might cost 
them could make a difference. He 
thought them rich enough to take up 
the slack by themselves. He didn’t want 
her to resign. He'd grown too accus- 
tomed to the furniture: 

“Charges?” Druff sai 
this anything to do w 

grand p rugs. He 

ever few dol- 

h me? Am Lat. 


fault here?” 
“Why, again 

st the girls in the stud 
And my witnesses against them 
those boys I rousted, 
Now she was more interesting than 

She was political, certainly. It was 
those two years of seniority she had on 
him, had on most of them, plus all those 
other years of pure physical outrage 
years she'd worn successively la 
braces to correct her spine, plus thi 
he could only have a guesswork knowl- 
edge of—prosthetic bathing suits, per- 
haps, prosthetic evening gow 

“Rap carols! Is nothing sacred?!” 

There were more meetings. Nothing, 
of course, was done to the girls Rose 
Helen had brought her charges against. 
She was political; perhaps she didn't in- 
tend any more to come of them than the 
apologies—which she got—and pleas to 
stay with the sorority, which she got. 

In the end, however, she determi 
10 resign from the sorority. 
She told him she didn't even want to 
ve in a dorm, the women's residence 
hall the university had put up, that she'd 
prefer a room in a boardinghouse. 

^ boardinghouse,” Druf said. 
at about a boarding- 
boardinghousc, you 
ave a landlady. I've told you what mine 
‚ Rose Helen. They're all like that. 

It just seems,” she said. 71 dont 
know. romantic. You know what I really 
think? I think they won't be around 
much longer. Those big old wood hous- 
es. They're a piece of Americana. All 
those old landladi nd landlords will 
die out one day. Their kids won't take 
them over. One by one, theyll burn 
down, or the university will buy them 
nd turn them into queer little depart 
menis—meteorology, Asian studies. Or 
raze them altogether and put up big 
new buildi a lucky. Ye 
one. You know what 1 
to live somewhere where they put 
pur supper down on the table in big 
serving dishes and you have to a 

hed pot 




someone 10 pass the ma 
pass the st 
the rolls and bread. Irs like missing out 
on vaudeville. Al Jolso ппу Brice, 
Burns and Allen. All those people I 
know ing to on the radio 
who rdinghouses and used 
to be on the "circu she said. 
“when I resign from Chi Um 
definitely going into one.” 

Because she was delu 
esting than Druff, falling for her now at 
second-per-second rates, as stones fall 
But who tried still to talk her out of the 
boardinghouse. Uncertain whether he'd 
be welcome once she moved. Knowing 
there'd be no more study rooms, no p: 
sion pit worthy of the name (not, as it 
were, alter you'd seen Paree), forced 
in to think of those long lines at the 

g beans, the water pitcher, 

itely more inter- 

movies, big public rooms in the Student 

ms and lec- 
at the early 

Union, even of the c 
ture halls where they'd sp 
weeks of their courtship. 

Meanwhile, she denied him access to 
the sorority house, insisting it would be 
too humiliating for them (who, for his 
part, was hard to humiliate, who was 
perfectly content to accept serenades at 
face value, to have watches set by him, to 
be the first out the door, content to eat 
shit, to be seen there together). 

He asked the waiter from his board- 
inghouse to keep his eyes open, to tell 

him if anything was going on. 
“You want me to spy on her? 

Toy wonder Francis Goldwyn 
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“No, of course not. Look, Edward.” he 
said. and took the waiter imo his 
contidence, told him the story till now. 
m nor asking you to spy. Fm not ask- 
ing vou to do anything you're not al- 
ready doing. Just keep an eye out." He 
revealed intimate details of the compli- 
cated, astonishing. foreplay they prac- 
ticed. He made mention of her hip 

Drul didit regard any ol this as pav- 
ment lor information, or even as brag- 
ging. but as simple, heartlelt confidence, 
one heartfelt gay in a boardinghouse to 
another. All that detsil—are you kid- 
ding?—il anything, il was as if he were 
the waiters spy and not the other way 


Rose Helen called on him at the 
house, She was standing outside. Ht was 
Edward who came to his room 10 tell 

him she was there. (If we ever get mar 
ied. Pm going ro have to ask him to be 
my best man, Druff thought) 
Rose Helen was wailing for 
the ramp that, in lieu of steps, led up to 
the porch. Druff looked at his escort and 
opened the door I1 hadn't closed be- 
hind him before Rose Helen spoke 
“What's different about me? Can you 

him on 

say. can you tell? No. don't look at my 
baix, it isn't my hair. Why do boys always 
look at your hair when a girl asks that 

question? Come on, ГИ give you a hint 
ICs something vou wear but it isn't 
clothes." He ex: 
“Oh, Robert, 

your sorority pin 

“Who's tha 

ined her serupulously. 

she said, “you're so dense! 

You're not 
dward said. 

«dward? Good for you. 

your pir wear 


Edward. You've absolutely ri; She 
suddenly sounded to Druff like the 
schoolteacher she would one day be. 

“Well, Pye done it,” she saiel 

“They make you turn these things 
back in il you resign?” Edward asked 
Drull said, “we're having a 
private conversation. 


“Sorry” the waiter said, injured, 
"sometimes it’s hard to know what's pri- 
vate and what isn” Drull remembered 

he'd once tried to describe to Edward 

the taste of her breasts, the smell ol her 
damp pants on his fingers. the odd lecl 
of a particular soliness here, the com- 
pensatory muscularity somewhere else 
from the exercises she pertormed for 
her hip. her spine, stretching and bend- 
ing hersell, he supposed. like one doing 
farm work, forking hay, maybe. 

“So.” she said, “Eve voluntarily decon- 
secraied. mysel. Гуе lel the Chi Plis. 
Vm an independent now, too.” 

Now they were sunk. he thought. She 

didit sound sunk, but now they were 
sunk. He wouldn't taste those breasts 
again until they were married, 
She started to come the rest of the way 
up the ramp. but Drull went to meet 
her. He began to walk with her toward 
the Student Union. “Here,” she said, 
when they had gone about a block, “you 
wear this.” She took her sorority pin 
from her purse and pinned it to his 

“So.” Drulf said. “they dont 
give them back 

"Nope. that one’s bought and paid lor 
Its free and dear I burned the mori- 
ic on that when [quit the Chi Phis.” 
ally.” Drull said, “when pins are 
exchanged. it ly" 

“It means you're engaged to be mar- 
aid. "Ir means you have chil- 
aber B means forsaking all 
ans till death us do part." 

ny pin." he said 

il. “youre this quote, 
You've prob: 
got your own weird customs.” He ¢ 
her the waiter, he gave her Edward, as 
he'd given parts of Rose Helen to the 
waiter. They still didn’t kı пу other 
couples, they still didn't double-date, but 
they had a side-kick now. a retainer. this 
best-man-in-waiting, this М 
witness, their sworn fifth wheel and ir 

ke you 

ys you're goi 

n tog 
others. It r 
Т doit have 

dependent, unquote 

terested second party, someone to le 

mate their dove, make it interesting 
enough, dramatic enough 

She'd taken a room off campus. in 
in enemy territory. behind the 

“Down the hall.” 

lines. near the railroad station, not far 
from that diner where they'd gone the 
time Rose Helen had sobbed to him, 
conlessing her suspicion that shed 
made Chi Phi Kappa because of what 
she called her “sanitary deformity.” 
Strictly speaking, H was an 
unauthorized, nonuniversity 
housing. nor the apartment that under- 
graduate girls werent permitted to 
Tease, and not the boarding- 
house—no meals were served—about 
which she entertained so many fancy, го: 
mantic notions, but a furnished room in 
what wasit even a rooming house for 
female clientele. The 
re Rose Helen stayed had as 



an exclusively 
house wh 

many n 

T employe 
drivers. switchmen and gandy ¢ 

students at 

conductors and engine 

in the house were n 


1 local college for be 

dans; some were wives [rom the nearby 

air base whose enlisted-men husbands, 
could leave 


I receiving their trainin 
zed from. the 

food handlers, 
think?” Rose 

Iwo or three 

the base only on we 
Drull reco; 
asked him 
How did you y 
not allowed to live here 
withhold your credits.” 

“L never gave the university a change 
ol address. 

"Suppose they have to get in touch 
with you?” 

“Why would they have to get in touch 
with me? I lived at the Chi Phi Kap] 
house almost two years: they never had 
10 get in touch with me.” 

“What about m: 
Edward's there for 

do vo Helen 

1 this place? Youre 
They could 

lunch, he 

bring it to me.” 

“Is beautiful” Drull said. “Re: 

H really was, His standard was the 
rooms at Mrs. Reese's, his own. Ed- 

ward's, the three or four others he'd vis- 
ited since coming to the university, His 
standard was the small study rooms with 
their typing tables and desk lamps. their 
wooden chairs and narrow cots 

There was a double bed with a pale 
flowered spread ac ill sofa, 
ladder-back rocker. a stripped dresser 
with a pitcher and washbowl on it. 
There was a closet. Phere was a paint- 
s. а pleasant landscapee not a repro- 
duction but an actual oil. There were 
lamps. plants, hooked rugs. lace curtains 
on Rose Helens two big, southern- 
posed windows. 

He heard someone on the stairs, 

“Am 1 supposed to be in here?” 

I's Edward,” Edward called. “with 
the rest of your things. 

“The landlady never said anvthing 
about visitors" Rose Helen told him 
“MI she ever said was that the railroad 
workers come in at all hours. that they 

vss H. 



By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal 
Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. 



Page 22: Jacket, shirt and tie 
shown by Henry Grethel, 212- 
237-1555. A&S, NY.C.; Day- 
ton Hudson, Midwest; The 
Harris Co. San Bernardino. 
Christmas Gift Guide 
Pages 94-95: Camera by 
Canon, 800-892-0020. A 
able at authorized Canon 
dealers near you, Belt and 

specialty ski shops nationwide. 

Page 164: Jacket by Cartouche 
Leather Skiwear from Howard 
D Imports, 708-965-3500, x41. 

Northern Lights Leather, 
Provincetown; Frivolous Sal's, 
Vail, Co. Turtleneck, pants 
and gloves by Obermeyer, 800- 
222-3031. Sunglasses by Uvex, 
800-343-3411, x215. Big 5 
Sporting Goods, nationwide. 

boots by Falconhead, 213-471- 
7075. Falconhead, L.A. Watch by Rado, 800- 
283-RADO. Available ar fine jewelry stores 
and select department stores nationwide. 

Page 96: Puzzle from SEL/Hunt, call 800- 
345-6006 to order. Knife by Barrett-Smythe, 
Lid., 212-249-5500. Barret-Smythe, Lu 

Sunglasses by Porsche Design, 714- 
Motorcycle by Honda. Available at 
authorized Honda dealers near you. 

Pages 98-99; J's Professional Driver from 
Bridgestone Sports, 800-358-6319. Call for 
dealer locations near you. LaserDisc player by 
Pioneer Electronics, 800-421-1404. Call for the 
Elite dealer near you. Telescope by Mende 
Instruments, 714-556-2291. Shutan Camera & 
Video, Chicago; National Camera Exchange, 
Inc, Golden Valley, Minn.; Oceanside Photo 
& Telescope, Oceanside, Cal. 

Powder Play 

Page 162: Pullover, turtleneck, pants and 
headband by Obermeyer, 800-222-3031. 
Gloves by Descente, 800-999-0475. Ski Cha- 
let, Arlington, Va; Cole Sport, Park City, 
Utah. Boot gaiters by S.C.1., 800-666-6 
Breeze Ski & Sport, Tahoe City, Cal, Sun- 
glasses by Oakley, 714-951-0991. Poles by 
Scott. Skis by Volant, 303-443-3378. Bi 
by Troha. Bootsby Raichle. Equipment avai 
able at leading ski shops nationwide. 

Page 163: Jacket and pants by Bogner, 212- 
752-2282. Bogner, NX.C., Boston, Chicago 
and San Francisco. Turtleneck by Sy, 800- 
225-1906. Ski Market, Boston; 
Shop, Chicago; Breckenridge Nordic, 
Breckenridge, Co. Ski cap by Descente, 800- 
999-0475. Ski Chalet, Arlington, Va.: Cole 
Sport, Park City, Utah. Sunglasses by Севе. 
208-263-7113. Scandinavian Ski & Sport 
Shop, NY.C. Goggles by Bolle. Ski Market, 
New England and New York; Gart Bros. 
Sports Castle, Denver; Big 5 Stores, West 
Coast. Gloves by Gordini, 802-655-1189. 
Available at fine specialty ski shops. Skis and 
bindings by Tyrolia. Ski boots by Rossignol. 
Poles by Scott. Her suit and gloves by Ober- 
meyer, 800-222-3031. Her turtleneck by Skyr- 
Her goggles by Carrera, 800-631-1580. Her 
headband by Smiley Hat Co. 702-358-6235. 
Her poles by Scoti. Her boots by Técnica, 
800-258-3897. Equipment available at 

Snowboard and bindings by 
206-463-3631. Boots by Raichle. Equip- 
lable at leading specialty ski shops 

654-6185 by K2, "200. 403- 3631; by Pre 
801-225-1100, by Dynamic, 603-298- 
6845; by Fischer, fax 800-343-6550; by Dynas- 
tar, 802-655-2400; by Olin, 800-955-SKIS; 
by Head, 800-874-HEAD, x745; by Ela 
by Atomic. All skis available at factory- 
authorized ski shops nationwide. 

Page 166: Ski suit and gloves by Descente, 
800-999-0473. i Chalet, Arlington, 
Cole Sport, Park City, Uta 

951-0991. Ski boots by Nordica. Poles by Scott. 
Her suit, mittens and neck gaiter by Ober- 
meyer, 800-222-3031. Her goggles by Revo, 

800-843 in California, 800-367-7386. 
Her boots by Nordica. Her poles by Scott. 
Equipment ах: y ski shops 

Page 167: Jacket 
333-0302. Scandinavian Ski & Sport Shop, 
NXC.; Christy Sports, Vail, Co.; (Pants only) 
Sport Chalet, La Canada, Cal. Turtleneck by 
Bogner, 212-752-2282. Bogner, NY.C., Bos- 
ton, Chicago and San Francisco. SI 
by Salomon, 508-352-7600. Goggles by Smith 
Sport Optics, 208-726-4477, Scandinavian Ski 
& Sport Shop, NY.C.; Sports Stalker, at 
major resorts in Colorado and Utah; Breeze 
Ski & Sport, Tahoe City, Cal. Poles by Scott. 
Boots by Raichle Her jacket and pants by 
Bogner. Her turtleneck by Sky». Her gloves 
by Obermeyer, 800-292-3051. Her sunglasses 
by Uvex, 401 y Scott. 
Her boots by Lange, Equipment ay 
specialty ski shops nationwide. 

On the Scene 
Page 245: Christmas pipe by Asc 

9440. Nightcap pipe from Dunhill, 213- 
274-5351. Dunhill, N.Y.G., Chicago, 
Beverly Hills, All other pipes and accesso- 
ries from Davidoff s International, 800-548- 
4623. Davidoff's of Geneva, New York and 
Beverly Hills (opening soon); Iwan Ries, 
cago; Up Down Tobacco Shop, 


sleep when they can. All she said was 
ihat 1 have to be considerate of my 
neighbors, to play my radio low even 
during the day. 

ly was. 
he felt a thousand miles from a 
iano, big stately furniture, Ori- 

The room was beautiful, it re: 

It was like being married. It was and it 
wasn't. They studied there, necked 

there, did all their heavy petting there. 
Because despite the sofa (to say nothing 
of the double bed), they still played for 
the same relatively low table stakes that 
they had played for in the study rooms 
and in the big, crowded, lı jous cen- 
tral passion pit at the sorority house on 
those Friday 

told e: was a game, or a sort 
of game, but something loftier, higher, 
more important. Maybe they weren't yet 
ng to become the re- 
ad Venus of fore- 
ation savants. Maybe 

foreplay was their e 
consummated courtship. Because these 
were the days of magnificent Foreplay, the 
student prince, his educatie 
sort. He could remember p: 
balls like kidney stones. Other 
Rose Helen, who often se 
before it r 

ed his pain 

She brought hi 
off. But alw 

off, he brought her 
in the dark because 
few, 100; Rose 

to sit 
for the last light to quit the two big win- 
dows with their southern exposure— 

and always between the 
prophylactic cloth of each oth 
ing—beneath coats, towels, laundry, 

bbed out of the closet, on the 
ade double bed. 

They grew closer Not just he 
Rose Helen but he and Rose Helen 
Edward, as Who br 
bread with il 

things gr 



their d ecu suppers, 
and whom, and not as founder of the 
feast, they regarded as their invited 
guest, despite the fact that he was the 

one who always served them whatever 
happened to be reheating itself inside 
whichever pot or pan he had placed 
there for them on the hot plate. Not just 
med-over supper together 
¢ shared sense, too, of roughing 

remark after Edw: ‘ed away 
their dishes, “how's your life?” This was 
the signal for him to start his strange 
y, as if it were nol enough 
that he had just brought them their sup- 
per and prepared and even served it but 


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SR о 

must now sing lor it, too. (And now it 
was exaclly as Il (hey were outdoors. m 
dark woods, say, beneath the stars like 
tramps im hobo camps alongside rail- 
road tracks, Edward's voice Ballina. his 
gossip like some post-prandial accompa- 
10 their digestion.) 
rt know how any of them ex- 
pects 10 make it in the real world,” he 
might begin, “Do you know what Anita 
Carlin had the nerve to ask me to do for 
her tonight? Her soup was too hot. In- 
stead of waiting for it to cool, she told 
me to take it back to the kitchen and 
bring it to her again when it was sale 
enough for her to eat without scalding 
herself. [ust who does she think she is, 
Goldilocks? When I asked how I was 
supposed to know when it was the right 
temperature, you. know what she said? 
‘Edward, do I have to do your thinking 
for you? Just pour oll a little in a cup 
and sip it” Now, how will someone with 
attitude like that ever raise children? 
Or Jean Allmann whi. she com- 
plained that the milk was sour. H came 
from the same pitcher everyone else's 
came from it her table. No on 
thought it was sour. but she made me 
back and open up a bottle just for her 
use. “Where's the catsup, where's. the 
he grumbled. "Is there ercam on 
the table? When it’s right there in front 
ol them. “Edward, my napkins disap- 
peared. Would you be a darling and get 
me another one? "Edward, there are too 
many bones in my fish, See 
find a piece thar doesn't have so n 
1 me ye Chi 
Phi expects there's always going to be 
und to wan on her hand 
up her meat for her, blow 
on her soup. recommend her dessert 
Which is better. tonight, Edward, the 
German black forest or 
me ‘Then li; 
il we were waiters in some 
Star restaurant instead of just students 
trying to ger an education like anyone 
else. How will they? E mean. really. how 
will they? Make it in lile; in the world? 
"Oh. he said. "and Rachel?” 
She never studies.” Rose Hel 
“The one who may funk out” 

Well траг the thing.” the waiter 

said. “But yon know, the last few weeks, 
she’s been eating like a horse, She asks 
for second helpings. Seconds on soup. 
the main course, seconds on salad.” 
Rachel doesnt even like salad.” 
Helen said. 
She never particularly liked soup. 
She never particularly liked. anything. 
Now she cats—pardon my French—like 
she's got wo behinds.” 


1 can 

it, the aver 



d foot, cu 

the chocol 

isse » her cigarette as 

теу four- 


s she liz" 
She's pregnant. 

She isn’t” Rose Helen said 

She is.” the waiter said. "she's preg- 

nant, all right. She's had the tests.” 
АШ Drul could. think was, Wher 

How? She was an underclassman her 
sell. On weekend nights. she hadit any 
more access to those study rooms than 
they had—he, Rose Helen. She 
pregnant? She'd done it? She wasn't a 
virgin? And if she weren't a virgin, he 
wondered, then whe was the guy? Not 
the mouse. the little Gamma Beta Si 
shrimp she dated, it couldnt be him, 
And if it were him, then how many times 
did the runt get to poke her belore he 
knocked her np? And who. finally, were 
Miss and Mr. Foreplay on this campus. 
anyway, and what was the point of hav- 
ing a girlliend with her own private 
room in her own unauthorized, nonuni- 
versity housing with a landlady who ap- 
parently not only lived and ler live but 
was this high-rolling high liver hersell, if 
all he ever got to show for it was—pin- 
don my French—the goddamn blue 
balls he went around with all bent over 
so he was never any higher than the lit- 
de runt Gamma. Beta Sigma son of a 
bitch himself: 



The curfew, because of what the wait- 
er had told them, had suddenly h 
a question between them 
though it was true. it no long 
to him that she was the mo 
He had begun to discount her seniority 
the damaged her recov- 
етей cripple’s way ol walking. her 
and resentmen and pride, 

goods. [ac 


even the outlaw housing, where. ta the 

dark, in the nest there on the double 
bed. be 

hall the queer hodgepodge 
nid laundry. all 
motley « m 
use painter's 

ol their coats and towels 

the odd. invisible wh 
жаган and тели 
just as well have been a la 
dropcloth even n 
than he was. He had even begun to dis- 
count the fact that he loved her. Because 
лихе not only 

poor, pr 

and style 

she wa pre inv 


he was jealous now 
was he jealous now, he w 

Furious Gand not just о 
nant Rachels behalf. eher). and 
just al the mouse. the little runt shrimp 
Gamma Bera Sigma son ol a bitch, but at 
all single men and women everywhere, 
particularly at every unmarried under 
aduate or graduate student, coed or 
otherwise, who was getting it, regularly 
or otherwise. anywhere in the jivi 
shucking, civilized world. 

And not only Furious. either. Regreilul 
as well. For all his bent-over trials by 
erection, his exeruciting stalled blood 
and siopped-up sperm 

They quarreled. Or Drull did. Rose 
Helen just said no, He quarreled. Or ca- 
joled and wheedled, rather: Bawned and 
llanered. sofi-soaped and begged 

He argued. 

"There аге less attractive guys than 
me, The Gamma Beta. 

She didit want to know 

And now they really q 
went at it, 

We never do this, he told her. we nev- 




er do that, naming acts for her, citing 
specifically denied sexual frictions, in- 
g the five-or-so months they had 
n each other now, almost, as 
Lawyers do, fixing dollar amounts to his 
pain and suflering (so much for each 
blue ball, so much for going around all 
bent over) and assessing his mental an- 
guish (so much for f эп, so much 
for the personal humiliation he felt 
when he'd learned that even a little 
runty Gamma Beta Sigma mouse had 
knocked someone up). 

“Don't I let you touch me down 
there?" Rose Helen said. She might have 
been close to tears. It sounded that way, 
but he couldn't tell. They were on Rose 
Helen's made bed. It was too dark to 
see. “Don't I?" she repeated. “Let you 
touch me down there? 

Sure, through layers of underwear." 
Haven't you kissed my nipples?" 
"Oh, come on, Rose Helen, you prac- 
tically make me brush my teeth first," h 
said irritably. “And when did you let me 
even touch them with your brassiere of 

“Don't you get to hold my behind?’ 

"With. gloves on, mittens, through 
goddamn snowsuits.” 

"Don't you go under my dres: 

"I have to get past all the dry cleaning 
first, all the clothes and shower curtains 
on the damn bed, I have to prick my 
fingers on the pins in your Ship `n Shore 
blouses. It's a regular obstacle course! 

“All right,” she said, “haven't I ki 
you down ther 

“Through my trousers!” Druff yelled. 

“Don't raise your voice to me!” she said, 
raising her voice to him. “Aud if this bed's 
such an obstacle course, why don't 1 just get 
out of it and remove one of the obstacles?” 
She got out of bed, smoothed down 
г clothing, turned on the light 
"Fine," Druff shouted in the now 
bright room, “and why don't f just re- 
move the rest of them!" He ripped the 
bedspread off the bed, scattering it 
across the floor along with all his and 
Rose Helen's intervening protections, 
the various towels, washcloths, throw 
ags and cloth 

Pick all that up!" Rose Helen 
"I won't do it,” Druff said 
That was when Edward came up with 
their dinni 
y" the waiter said, “w 
on here? It looks like a cyclone hit the 
What happene 
“A cyclone hit the place,” Druf said. 

Ч d said, “let me help you 
uff up," and started to 



get some of this 
bend down. 

“Leave il alone!" Rose Helen shouted. 
“Don't touch a thing!" 

Which was when Mrs. Green, startling 
them all, came into the room. 

What's this shouung?” she demand- 
ed. “Didn't I tell you about the railroad 
workers,” she said, “the irregular hou 
they keep? How are they supposed to 
get the rest they need if you people are 

so inconsiderate?” 

She looked from one to the other, tak- 
ing in the mess on the floor, taking in 
Rose Helen's Butler's Principles of Basic 
Education, Foerster's American Poetry and 
Prose, Druff’s Civics, taking in the big 
cellophane-wrapped dinner plate with 
Rose Helen's supper on it. 

“You kids aren't students, are you? 
That one, he isn't a waiter sneaking food 
i sorority he just stole it 
from where he sets table and serves the 
sisters their lunches and dinners, is he? 
Because I run a respectable house with 
beauticians, cashiers, 
Air Force wives and food handlers. This 
n't any authorized university housing I 
do here to baby-sit a bunch of all-grown- 
up kids on the excuse that they're here 
for an education, while the wuth is that 
the male grown-up kid is mostly just in- 
terested in finding some agrecable fe- 
male grown-up kid who's willing to take 
his pecker and hold it inside her for a 

“I don't steal it," Edward said. 

"What's that?" Mrs. Green said 

“The food," he said. “1 don't steal it. 

“Well, all right," Mrs. Green said, “so 
you don't steal it, That's still no call to go 
shouting at each other at all hours of the 
day and night and make the kind of 
mess I sec here on the A" 

“They give it to me themselves. Im no 
thiet. I don't steal it. They make up the 
plates themselves. For her Rose Hcl 

they tell m "re friends 
m, you know where she’s living, 
why don't you go on and take these 
scraps to her? We won't miss them, we'd 
only have to throw them out. Why 
should they go to waste? This way, we'll 
know that at least she's eating well. She 
was one of us, after all. We took her in 
once and made her feel welcome. What 
difference does it make that just because 
she thinks she had a falling out with us 
that she should go hungry? She's had a 
hard enough life as it is.' So I didn't steal 
it. The Chi Phi Kappas give it to me for 
her themselve: 

"The hypocrites," Rose Helen shouted, 
"the hypocrites!" She started to cry. 

Druff wouldn't leave, Rose Helen said 
no, he had to. She said that once he'd 
picked everything up he'd tossed on the 
floor, he could stay but that she expected 
him to observe the usual curfew. 

That night she tried to kill herself 
Mrs. Green and one of the railroad 
workers saved her life. They called the 
authori d, afterward, Mrs. Green 
had the decency to call Drulf at Mrs. 
Reese's to tell him what had happened. 
She was still being held for observa- 
tion when he proposed. Both of them 
understood that his proposal of mar- 
riage and her acceptance had nothing at 
all to do with forgiveness, or mercy, or 
either of their sorrows. 

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ing Crosby had it all together in the movie Holiday Inn. 
There he was with luscious Marjorie Reynolds, a roar- 
ing fireplace and his trademark pipe. What better way 
to enjoy Christmas than with a blonde, a blazing hearth 
anda briar? No wonder more pipes are sold during the month 
of December than at any other time of the year. Forget the 

snowstorm outside; the warmth of a pipe helps keep spirits 
bright. And as Hef discovered, a pipe definitely adds to your 
image. For relaxing after all the gifts have been opened or for 
a late-night smoke with that special someone while waiting 
for the jolly old fat man to appear, here are six great pipes— 
and some nifty accessories—perfect for yuletide puffing. 

Below: Antique brass pipe rack, from Kentshire Galleries, New York, $900. Pipes on the rack, left to right: Walnut-finished Charatan Peri 

$270. Ferndown Canadian with a silver band, $215. Comoy Bulldog with a silver band, $125. Аѕсогі 

500, $125. In front of the rack, left to right: Titanium-and-gold pipe companion, from Davidoff, New York, $80. Nightcap pipe, from Dunhill, 
Beverly Hills, $1050. Nording straight-grain Aristocrat, $165. Napa-leather tobacco pouch spring-seal closure, $190, leather matchbox 
sleeve and smoker's matches, $90, and Oriental tobacco, $9, all from Davidoff. (For information on Where & How to Buy, see page 240.) 


No Lure in Fur 
Singers BJORK of the Sugarcubes (left) and 
NATALIE MERCHANT of 10,000 Maniacs aren't 
usually so closemouthed about their opposition 
to wearing fur. At Rock Against Fur, they mimed 
the antifur poster for the camera. 


IGGY POP”s pants maybe fall- 
ing, but his careeris looking 
up. An acting debut 

Baby, a new LP, 
Brick, and college lec- 
ture dates all add up 
toa postpunk life. 
But not a 
dull one. 

Actress BECKY MUL 
LEN can be seen in a 
variety of places, from 
cable's Gorgeous La- 
dies of Wrestling to 
music videos to com- 
merdals to TV's We 
Got It Made. Becky's 
up for a spot on Star 
Search, but our search 
already is over! 


Fringe Benefit 

DEBBIE HARRY has been on the Ë 
road for months, first with Tears for 
Fears, more recently with the Tom 
Tom Club and the Ramones. She Û f 

sang her Blondie chestnuts, re- £ 

galed the crowd with cheese- 
cake and had a few laughs. 




LIN is, as the song says, built sweet. A 

former Page 3 Girl in London, Sallie graced the movie 

The Princess Bride and raised the hormone level in а Guns n* 

Roses video. Our hormone level shot up after Sallie started basic 
bike maintenance. 

No Burn Marks 

BILLY JOEL may be looking skeptical, but his wife, CHRISTIE 
BRINKLEY, knows better. By midyear, Billy's concert tour was break- 
ing North American box-office records and his album Storm Front 
had gone triple platinum. Christie's chart-topping herself. Looks like 
he did start the fire. 

Rule, Brittania 

The citizens of Alberta weren't whistling O Canada when 
they voted BRITTANIA 1990’s Best Chest. We second that 
emotion. For more, look for a poster and see her in the 
movie The Hitcher. We wouldn't tell her to take a hike. 




There's nothing like a bearskin rug to bring out the animal in a guy And 
now you dont have to go hunting to adorn the hearth with a fuzzy trophy 
agAI's Inc., at 4821 Burris Drive, Louisville. Kentucky 40291, manufac 
tures synthetic grizzly and polar bears that are about as close as you can get 
to the real McCoy. Two sizes are available: a six-foot rug for $399 and an 
eight-foot model for $449. Wag АТУ offers more than 100 border colors to 
choose from. Delivery time is about six to eight weeks. That should give 
you enough time to clean out the library and order more firewood. 


San Francisco is the third-largest Scotch market in the United States, its 
consumption being nearly 9,000,000 bottles a year, To make it even easier 
to find your favorite blend or single malt. The Scotch Whisky Information 
Center, 1675 Broadway, New York 10019, is offering an oversized San Fran- 
cisco Scotch Whisky Trail map that includes a guide to the city’s 100 best 
bars and restaurants for sipping the nectar of the clans, (Of course, Edin- 
burgh Castle restaurant is on the map.) There's plenty of lore on San Fra 
cisco’s Scottish sites and history 100 (the San Andr Fault was discovered 
by a Scot). The cost of the map is only two dollars—half of which will go 
toward the preservation of Muir Woods, the redwood forest that is a 
national monument just north of San Francisco, We'll drink to that 



If your morning-after mouth sends your 

significant other running for cover, maybe 

it’s time you tried IntiMint, new sugar 
free mints that adhere to your gums and 
freshen your breath for about two hours. 
A boule of 200 IntiMints costs $34.95 
provides some 400 hours of refreshing 

protection— provided. of course, you 
not one of those nervous gnawers. To 
order, phone 800-695-MINT. But no 
heavy breathing, ple 


Hankering to tour the Arizona desert 
near Scousdale with such legendary local 
guides as Maddog and Sex Machine? 
Then give Cowboy Desert Tours. at 

a call. They offer a four- 
hour scenic tour in an open or enclosed 
jeep for $55 per person. including six-gun 
shooting, a great nature walk and sodas 
And if there are ten or more in your par 
ty, they throw in a water-balloon ambush 
Don't say we didn't warn you. 



If you're as tired as Santa is of 
bauling old man winters icy 
breath, check out Harley- 
Davidsons newest line of wind- 
cutting outerwear. No, it 
doesnt just include variations 
of the classic Hells-Angels: 
bent-for-leather jacket 

Leather, ves; but the designs 
are contemporary and func- 
tional, with deep pockets and 
reinforced nylon thread. One 
style we particularly like is the 
black Harley trench coat for 
about $500, featuring a short 
stand-up collar and a full lin- 
ing. The line also includes 

hats, boots and medium and 
short jackets. All are available 
at Harley-Davidson stores. 


That “squeezing, grasping, 
covetous old sinner” Ebenezer 
Scrooge is back in a new hard- 
cover edition of A Christmas 
Carol, published by Stewart, 
labori & Chang. The text, of 
course, is the same classic holi- 
day tale that Charles Dickens 
wrote 147 years But the il- 
is are by Roberto 
Innocenti. a self-taught 
illustrator from Florence, Healy, 
who does 

wonderful job of 

capturing the haunting details 

of the world’s most famous 

ghost story in 24 full-color 

justrations. The price: just 
Even poor old Bob Cratchit 
could afford that. 


his is a collector's item, not 

a toy for children,” reads the 

box in which Mdvanii (pro- 
nounced med-vah-nee) is pack 
ed. Mdvanii is the love child 
of BillyBoy. the owner of Sur 
real Productions in Paris. She's 
a Mall doll that collectors 

the world over are clamoring 
to own. Why? Under her de- 
signer dresses. Mdvanii is 

anatomically correct. and her 
make-up is by artist Mel Odom 
a Playboy regular. Mdvamii 
costs $195 sent to Collector's 
United. PO. Box 1160. 

Chatsworth, Georgia 30705 

The late, great Patrick Nagel has left a legacy ol 
terrific art. And now his widow, Jenmler Dumas, 
is making one of his images available as a 94 
limited-edition brooch, handmade in cloisonné 
(shown here). One thousand editions are being 
sold by Acme Studios, at 800-447-ACME, for 

$95.35 apiece, postpaid, Each. packaged in a vel- 
vet pouch, comes with a numbered certificate: 

- y 


lay time of the year. before vou dole 

At this hol 
out your hard-earned shekels 10 the nest extend. 
ed palm, take a look at The Givers Guide. by 
Philip English Mackey Irs a resource book on the 
s that will help you evaluate ory 

world of char 

izations (including information on top executives 

stand the ways to give and the 
ving. No. The € 

price of 814.05 isn't tax deductible: 

«Пее of vour vy Guides 




ШЕР. = 








JAB Berded Scotch Vray, 43% Ak by V. ined by The Poddegon Сорос, H lee. NJ O 198. 

ingle ells, 
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To send a gift of J&B anywhere in the U.S., call 1-800-528-6148. Void where prohibited. 


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