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ASIDE FROM NEW YEARS DAY, we think September is the best time 
rt afresh. Summer's over, the beach is less appealing, 
nd politics heat up as the weather cools down. АЙ of 
want to know what's going on in the world 
issue of Playboy will help jump-start your b 
guarantee it. Writer Pamela Marin took to the roads of Indiana 
and Arizona to piece together a picture of Vice-President рап 
Quayle's past—and maybe his future—digging into the history 
of his family's powerful chain of newspapers in Who Made Dan- 
ny Run? Ihe gets kicked out of Washington, Quayle can always 
write about it. Ted Kennedy may have the same option if he 
doesn't clean up his act, writes Robert Scheer in Reporters Note- 
book. Right-thinking liberals with the power to lead, 
Scheer, have the responsibility of keeping an eye on their pr 
vate lives, too. We've considered the right and the left, so who's 
in the middle? Virginia governor Douglas Wilder, in our Playboy 
Interview, conducted by Peter Ross Range. A very viable Demo- 
cratic candidate for higher office and arguably the most 
prominent black poli in the country, Wilder tries, uns: 
cessfully, to side-step Range's persistent questions. 
Moving from politics to sex is traditional, but our story with 
ctures of Tula Cossey, written by Senior Editor Gretchen Edgren, 
s anvthing but journalism as usual. Why? Because this beauty 
used to be Barry Cossey, a man. Edgren looks into the puzzle of 
transsexualism and lets Tula tell her own story, The Transforma- 
tion of Tila. И beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you'll need 
to read David Huddle's piece Here's Looking at You (illustrated by 
Olivia De Berordinis), а tribute to the art of ogling women. Hud- 
"s part of a book he's writing exploring gender. 
nd sex, what other topics excite our readers? 
n? How about football, personal computers and action 
films? Can we help? Vou bet! Gary Cole'e annual Pro Football 
Forecast (illustrated by Chuck Walker) promises more uncanny 
predictions than ever (no, the Giants won't repeat). When you 
down at your personal computer to calculate the odds 
N.EL. teams, do you ever wonder what makes the 
lamn thing run? Read Contributing Editor David RensirYs 
profile of Bill Gates, the man behind Microsoft, described as the 
most powerful nerd in America in Bill Gates, Soft Icon. Rensin 
co-authored The Bob Book with Bill Zehme, which got a lot of me- 
dia attention, which worried us. Fearing he had too much [ree 
time, we also sent him to check in with actor Denny Glover f 
this month's 20 Questions. Glover is smart and funny and wait- 
ing for à romantic lead part. 

When was the last time you said to yourself, “Га like to real 
ly travel, go somewhere completely different, meet unusual 
people in out-of-the-way places"? Before you pack, read our 
chilling fiction selection, The Safari, written by Malcolm Bosse. 
and illustrated by Braldt Bralds. It's about a New York couple 
determined to see the Ecuadorian rain forest like natives. For 
more Bosse, get his recent novel of survival, Mister Touch, from 
licknor & Field: 

Don't bother to do a double take. You saw our wonderful 
cover? Well, feast your eyes on the Barbi twins’ pictorial, Sering 
Double, photographed by Ket Yee. Landm lendars has al 
dy sold moi 5 






e than $500,000 worth of Barbi-twin calend: 
Here, wrapped into the rest of this t you also get 
ten entire pages devoted to the twins, Shane and Sia. What else 
is available at this bargain rate? The Fall and Winter Fashion 
Forecast, photographed by Jay Zukerkorn, а pictorial ode to Not 
Your Average Working Girls and our best girl, Playmate Samantha 
Dorman. Playboy is where all the action eptember—and 
every other month. Touchdown! 



Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), September 1991, volume 38, number 9, Published monthly by Playboy in id regional editions, Playboy, 
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Hlinois 60611. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Ilinois, and at additional mailing offices. 
Subscriptions: in the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster: Send address change to Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, lowa 31537-4007. 5 

Welcome to the Arctic Circle at Finnish Lapland. If you ever 
make it here, you will find yourself far from the comforts of 
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DEAR PLAYBOY : " 7 15 


МЕМ ue ` 2 3 T * ASA BABER 41 


THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR 201 45 Borbi Dolls 



PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: L. DOUGLAS WILDER—condid conversotion 61 

WHO MADE DANNY RUN?—ariicle. . . 3 ... PAMELA MARIN 82 


THE SAFARI— fiction m Lo... MALCOLM BOSSE — 82 SR solar 
PLAYBOY COLLECTION—modern living “ * + " 96 



SAY IT AGAIN, SAM—ployboy's playmate of the month А T 110 

PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor . 122 Sweet Samanta 


BILL GATES, SOFT ICON—ployboy profile зав 4 DAVIDRENSIN 134 

SEEING DOUBLE—pictorial 8 a * 136 


PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE 181 Fall Fashion 

In 1989, Hollywood met the high-voltoge Borbi twins with the living-doll look 
on—of oll ploces—a billboord. Here's your chonce to discover L.A.'s god- 
dess-sized beouties—Shone (lefi) ond Sio (right). Our cover wos produced Бу 
Associate Photo Editor Jim Lorson and shot by photographer KAL. Thonks to 
Johnny Wolker of L.A.'s Visoges Style for the twins’ hair and to Gary Berkowitz 
of Cloutier lor their moke-up. Hair's to seeing double, quips our Rabbit 



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Talk live with o different Playmate every 

Monday-Friday night, 9 p.m. to Midnight 
(EDT), 6-9 p.m.(PDT) 

© 1991 Ployboy Enterprises. Inc 
A product of PLAYBOY. 680 North Loke Shore Drive. Chicago. Ш. 60611 




ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director 
JONATHAN BLACK managing edilor 
TOM STAEBLER a divertor 
GARY COLE photography director 


senior editor; FICTION: ALICE. K TURNER editor; 
ED WALKER associate editor; WEYN гомкте assistant 
editor; FORUM: MATTHEW em ps assistant edito 
senior staff writer; BRUCK KLUGER, BARBARA NELLIS 
associate editors; CHRISTOFIEK NAPOLITANO азе 
ant editor; yon 10058 bufie coordinator; FASH- 
ION: nouas WAYNE director; VIVIAN COLON 
assistant editor; CARTOONS: MICHELLE URRY edi- 
assistant editor; MARY £N senior researcher: 144 
sur researchers; CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: 
WILLIAMSON (movies) 


конс Pomi managing director; BRUCE HANSEN 
CHEDSUSKL LEN WILLIS. senior directors; ERIC 
SUKOMIMKE associate director; KRISTIN KORIENEN. 
JOSEP PACER assistant directors; KELLY (Y BEN 
junior director; ANN senn. senior heyline and 
paste-up artist; ти. BENWAY, PAUL CHAN art 

MARYS GkKABOWSKI west corsi editors JEFF cont 
managing editor: UNDA KENNEN ИМ LARSON 
MICHAEL ANN SULLIVAN associate editors; ТАГУ 
BEAUDET assistant edilor/entertainment; STEVE CON. 
way associate photographer: DAVID CHAN, RICHARD 
contributing photographers; sueter weiss shlist 

SPANFELLER associate publisher 


Jons sro. director; MAA маманы manager: 

BARBARA GUIMAN subscription circulation director; 
ROBERT O'DONNELL general manager; «амам 
RRONTIZ communications director 

¡rene p. voran national sales director: sutis mt 

LANDA ком. MIKE OSTROWSKI correspondents 

enses KENI editorial services manager; MARCA 
TERKONES rights ë permissions administrator 

сини menta chairman, chief executive officer 



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E would like to react to a comment 
made by Robin MacNeil in the Мас 
Neil/Lehrer Playboy Interview (June) 
MacNeil says, “Not long ago, the presi- 
dent of NBC News g 
speech and commented that те 
lot of very intense and very expensive 
competition among the networks that 
the viewers aren't the least bit aware 
of... There's an awful lot of money be- 
ing spent on useless forms of contrived 
competition." Wrong! For all of their 
faults, I believe most Americans would 
agree that the American media are 
among the best, if not ¿he best, in the 
world. Why? In large part because ol the 
very intense and very expensive compe- 
tition” that MacNeil bemoans. Why is 
CNN quickly becoming the favorite tele- 
vision news network in other countries? 
What favors CNN over а news source 
from another country? The fact that the 
media in other countries do not face 
competition as intense as the American 
media do. This is the case in any industry 
throughout the world: The greater the 
competition in an industry, the better 
those firms can compete globally 
John J. Dunn 
Scouscale, Arizor 

ve a very sensible 

"s a 


Steven Wilmsen’s article about Neil 
Bush (The Corruption ој Neil Bush, Playboy, 
June) does not contam any information 
about the other members of the board of 
directors of Silverado. How many were 
there? How did they vote? Would the 
questionable loans have heen approved 
without Neil Bush's vote? In other words, 
did it matter how he voted? 

Wilmsen fails to point out that the 
board of directors of most financial in- 
stitutions rubber-stamps the decisions 
made by the operating management of 
the company. This is especially true of 
companies with a strong, centralized and 
authoritative management team. 

Nor does Wilmsen mention that the 

financial crisis involves 500 billion dol- 
lars and that Silverado's portion of that 
mess is less than one percent of the total. 

The impression with which I was left 
alter reading this article was that Neil 
Bush was involved in the 

management of 
Silverado and personally made thc deci 
sions to approve the questionable loans 
Could it be that this article is à cheap 
political shot at George Bush? 
Jerold Werner 
Fullerton, California 
Your implication that Neil Bush u 
nocent and ignorant member of the Silverado 
board doesn't hold up under scrutiny: His bla- 
lant conflicts of interest, meluding approving 
huge loans to men who were rescuing Ins fail- 
ing businesses with large transfusions ој cash, 
put him well beyond the range ој blameless 
rubber-stamp directors. 

as an in- 


Kudos to Playboy for Operation Play- 
mate (June). 

My nephew served as a tank sergeant 
in the Persian Gulf. I won't give his name 
or unit. because I don’t want him to get 
into trouble ex post facto. But while he 
was over there, 1 sent him many let- 
ters and packages. In one of the early 
packages, | enclosed the December and 
January issues of Playboy. 1 did that inno- 
cently; they were lying around the house 
and it occurred to me that the guys 
would really appreciate them. | even de- 
clared them on the Customs form that is 
stuck to the outside of the package. Only 
later did I learn that that was a politically 
and culturally insensitive thing to do. 

Somehow, the magazines did get 
ihrough—1 presume because the pack- 
age arrived during the Christmas 
crunch. I continued to send the maga- 
zines but no longer declared them 

Га like to share some of my nephew's 

comments to me: 

e Lener dated December 18, 1990 
“On behalf of the entire platoon, thank 
yon. It was so nice to see beautiful, naked 
women again. God bless you. Mrs. Ohio, 


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Miss | 
le booster." 

e Lener dated January 12, 
“Thank you so much for the Playboy. God 
bless you. My whole crew is incredibly 
grateful for the Playboys. You can't 
ше. We even read the articles over here.” 

е Letter dated February 10, 1991: 
"Say, that March issue of Playboy ought to 
be out real soon, eh?” 
troops in the 
served lov 


Persian Gulf de- 

¡y mates. 
Leslie B. Crellin 

Having just completed Cherokee Paul 

McDonald's riveting memoir, Blue Truth 
(Playboy, June), 1 must compliment you 
for publishing phic account of 
street life for a police patrolman—a 
courageous decision in view of the fac 
t it is now in vogue to bash the bl 

McDonald has my respect and admira 
tion [or baring his heart and soul i 
that allows his readers to experience the 
shredding of his psyche. 

His ending soliloquy is pure poetry 
and power in motion. It should be re- 
quired r all citizens who forget 
that the police forces of America deserve 
Teast as much recognition and ap- 
plause as the Desert Storm soldiers 


Every city cop in the country can iden- 
fy with Cherokee Paul McDonald's Blue 
Truth. W is clearly written by someone 
who has been there. As a retired cop, I 
recall the dirt and the grime of the 
streets of our cities and the unbelievable 
violence that takes place there daily 
Cops know the feeling. They share the 
ustrations. And, after а time, it all be- 
comes Вишото! It is also unfortunate 
that those who are so eager to criticize 
the actions of police cannot experience 
what it’s like. B is unlike any other job 
there is, an impossible job. But cops do 
every day—and all over again the next 
Jerry Fusani 
Depew, New York 

Ollicer McDonald's shrink 
in his assessment: McDor 
writer than a policem; 

Don Valenziano 
Bellmore, New York 

Id is a beue 

nding, in-yo 
face assault on the values we all hold— 
and on the bottom line. What would I do 
icone stole ту child and raped my 

nd | caught him? You couldn't 
Then the hyperinflated interpre 
ionis of law in the Nincties would hang 

nd call it justice. 1 applaud the con- 
y drives a policeman to truly 

"serve and protect" the public. If he 
subsequently viewed as brutal, then it is 
probably by the A.C.L.U. and its flaccid 
licensed liars who have gone corporate 
in touch with what 

buttal shows me 
pose and commit 

man of strength, pur- 

John Snyder 
Merced, Califor 


I just received my June Playboy and wa 
overwhelmingly pleased (o see Lisa 
Matthews as the Playmate of the Yea 
This decade has gotten off to a tremen- 
dous start! 

Gary Haynes 

den Grove, California 

bet it's the former), but your spread on 
е of the Year Lisa Matthews is a 
solutely incredible. [literally cannot ta 
my eyes off her. Congratulations to Con- 
buting Photographer Stephen Way 
the lucky stifi—and to Lisa's parents, for 
creating the most gorgeous won 
the planet today. Thank you, Playboy 

thank you, Li for re-creating the 
American Dream. 
Ray George 
Santa Cruz, Californi: 
1 hope you realize from the mountain- 
mail you're surely receiving about 
a Matthews’ Playmate of the Year lay- 

out that that’s the way to do them. 
Playboy os are always fantastic, bu 
many of us would like to see more picto- 
vials with th ple, unfer 
beauty: nearly unnoticeable make-up. 
few props, simple clothing th 


sort ol si 

nature's loveliest form. 

More of this, please 

distract from 
Greg Webber 
Columbia, Missouri 


I loved Contributing Editor David. 
Rensin and Bill Zehme’s Noles from the 
Bob Book (Playboy, June). One needs to be 
reminded that to get to a brief, easygoi 
ne like Bob means that you I 
I off a lot of extra letters from the old 
h certificate. But that's the beauty of 
ing a Bob. No delusions of grandeur 
nsion. We start simply and for 
d in our own fields of dreams. 

€ to 

How could David Rensin and Bill 
Zehme attempt ап explanation ol Bob- 
ism without any reference to |. R. "Bol 
Dobbs? That is incomprehensible 

George Davis 
Coos Bay, Oregon 

Notes from the Bob Book is very amusing 
but lacks one ial Bob. Т speak of 
none other than the Saint of Sales, the 
Slackmaster, the High Epopt of the 
Church of the SubGenius—J. R. “Bob” 
Dobbs. Dobbs turned а ве h-quick 
scheme into ап abnormality-worshipin , 
fun-havin’, anticonspiracy "religion." 

1 mention the oversight only because 
I paid-up SubGenii were “passin’ stones 
the size of Venus” when they noticed 


their Bob wasn't mentioned. 
Saint George Wilson 
Boston, Massachusetts 

longtime subscriber to Playboy а 
father of ghters, Í w 
hed by Asa Babers Men column, 
ys Dad." in the June is 
suc. It brought back many fond memo- 
ıd also some laughs. Baber must 
lived through. some of those mo- 
ments in his own personal way. 
1 intend to send copies of the col 
to my daughters. Thanks for 

two da 


propriate message for all of us fathers 
Robert C. Wolf 
Fort Myers, Florida 
Eureka! Just when I was going to write 

to ask you whatever became of Septem- 
ber 1978 Playmate Rosanne Katon, vou 
feature her in the Funny Girls pictor 
(Playboy, June). How can I thank you? 
Obviously, this talented young beauty is 
doing just fine and looking better than 
ever! Thanks a zillion! 

rry Spring 
nsville. Indian: 

That Old Black Magic. 


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Ever wonder what your girlfriend talks 
about at slumber parties? Correct an- 
men—other men. But here's the re- 
Now your 
conspiring with her sisters on the fax cir- 


ally bad news: lover may be 

cuit. Take a look at this chain-letter fax, 

which w 

zapped to us by a spy from the 
other side: 

“Just send a copy of this letter to five of 
your friends who are equally tired and 
band or boyfriend and send him to the 
woman whose name appears at the top of 

Then bundle up your hus- 

the list. When your name comes to the 
top of the list, you will receive 16,377 
men. A fr d of mine had already re- 
ceived 184 men by the time they buried 
It took three undertakers 
36 hours to get the smile off her face and 
two days to get her legs together so that 
they could close the coffin.” 

her yesterday 


Writers Мак Mowrey and Tim Redmond. 
thought they had scammed the ultimate joy 
ride. Orion Pictures had hired them lo drive 
the Robocruiser (the one used by RoboCop in 
his hit flicks) from L.A. to the set of “RoboCop 
3” in Atlanta. In their newly acquired 
studmobile, the boys hit the open road. Their 

“Day one: The Robocruiser sits in an 
L.A. parking lot. 175 filthy, The studio li- 
aison says it's ‘road dirt’ [rom scenes in 
RC 2, but the lot attendant says it was de- 
livered- spotless—the caked-on brown 
small fell from the sky. We do a slow pass 
down the Strip. but the Jaguar in front 
of us gets more attention than Robo's 
proud chariot. Forget L.A. We head east 
Our prime directive: babes. 

“Day two: Ита Las Vegas! After a 
crummy (and expensive!) car wash, the 
tube-topped cashier lends us a rag to 
wipe the crud turned mud off the wind- 
shield. We tell her she's lookin’ at the 
RoboCop car (wink, wink). ‘Where are the 
red lights on the roof?’ she asks. We ex- 
plain that lights are used only during 
filming. "Huh? she says, and walks off. 

“On the way out of town, the front 

bumper falls off. We buy red wire and 
duct tape and lash it back together. 

“Day three: We stop in Santa Fe at a 
bar with a Spanish name that serves 
pricey Italian food on tiny plates. Our 
waitress is beautiful, kinda likes us, so we 
swagger outside to show off the “cruiser. 
‘That's just an old Ford Taurus, she says. 
"And it’s really dirty.” 

“Day five: As we descend a mountain 
pass, the brakes catch fire. We stop and 
wait for the smoke to blow off. 

“Day six: Right outside Fort Worth, 
the radiator burps up three quarts of 
coolant. It's four РМ. on a Friday and the 
gas station we've rolled into looks mighty 
busy. Finally, à mechanic comes running 
over. ‘Is that there the car from . . . Robo- 
Cop? Why, yes, and it has a teeny prob- 
lem. “Га be proud to fix it, he says, 
could tell my grandchildren about it." 
ght: Atlanta at last. We try to 
chat up the accountant from Orion. He 
demands we give him the keys. Sure, no 
problem. ‘Yes, it is; he says over his 
shoulder. ‘I've been waiting for weeks. 
Му golf clubs are in the trunk." 



Has Al Goldstein wrested control. of 
The New York Times from publisher 
Arthur Sulzberger? At the peak of a 
much-touted campaign publicizing its re- 
vamped, livelier sports section, the Times” 
ink took a decidedly hue. This 
morsel comes from an article about a 
basketball clinic: “Some 9000 boys 
dribbled and passed and shot their wads 
Hard little 
bodies whizzed in liquid motion toward 
the baskets, before the watchful eves of 
the founder and his staff.” 


for a piece of the action 


An inspired friend has invented the 
following guidelines for a new game he 
calls Bedroom Golf 

Rule number one: Players provide 
their own equipment—the rounder the 
club, the better. Course owners are al- 
lowed to check shaft stiffness belore play 

Rule number two: The object of the 
game is to take as many strokes as neces- 
sary until course owner is satished the 
game is complete. Failure to do so may 
result in being denied permission to play 
the course again. 

Rule number three: It’s a sign of ama- 
teurism to begin playing the hole at the 
start of the game. Players should admire 
well-formed bunkers, avoid the rough 
and start stroking on the smooth fairway 

Rule number four: Players are advised 
not to mention other courses they 
played to the course owner. Disgruntled 
owners have been known to damage 
equipment they know has been used else- 

Rule number five: Players must ask 
owner's permission to play the back nine 

Rule number six: Slow play is en- 
couraged, but course owners will expect 
different and faster strokes at their com- 

Rule number seven: Its a sign of an 
outstanding golfer to play the same hole 
several times in one match 

Rule number eight 


The course owner 


“It's the only way 
1 can decrease my 
libido. Otherwise, I 
would be sexually in- 


According to a 
survey by American 
Sports Data, Inc., the 
number of Ате! 

cans who 
out on stai 
machines increased 
by 74 percent fiom 
1989 to 1990. In- 
creases in the same 
period on cross-coun- 
try-ski machines, 28, 
treadmills, 24; s 
tionary bicycles, 19. 

outlet пе: 

Percentage of in- 
crease from 1989 to 1990 in the пит. 
ber of Americans who roller-blade, 
10; mountain-bike, 28; snow-board, 
16; play beach volleyball, 19; golf, 10; 
train with free weights, 8; exercise by 
walking, 8. 

Number of Americans who exer- 
ise with free weights (the only activi- 


Ina recent survey by The Kinsey In- 
stitute for Research in Sex, Gender 
and Reproduction, the percentage of 
men who believe that 30 to 60 percent 
of married men have cheated on thi 
wives, 58.4: percentage of women who 
believe this, 50.1. 

Percentage of ти say that 
more than 70 pe 1 n 
have cheated, percentage of 
women who say this, 24.8. 


Price paid for а 1968 Fender Str 
caster used at Woodstock by Jimi Hen- 



A week alter President Bush 
announced that troops would | 
п from the Gulf. sales at 
rederick’s of Hollywood 

drix, $334,000; price 
paid by actor Gary 
Busey for а 1945 
Gibson J-45 acoustic 

once owned by Bud- 
dy Holly, $242,000; 
prie paid by un- 

identified. bu 
a piece of a gui 
smashed by Pete 
Townshend, $1300. 


Number of lipo- 
suction surgeries per- 
formed on women in 
1988 by members of 
the American Society 
of Plastic and Recon- 
structive Surgeons, 
87,160; breast en 
ements, 71,720; 
суса tucks, 60,510; 
face 1 12,610. 

st Fort Campbell, д 
. Kentucky, shot up 300 percent. 

Number of nose 
jobs performed on 
men in 1088 by members of 
S.PR.S, 90720, eyclid tucks, 
17.950; liposuction surgeries, 13,530; 
face lifts, 5870. 


Number of manufacturers of luxury 
са ailable to Ате ns in 1980, 
16; in 1990, 99. 

umber of households in 1980 with 
an income of $75,000 or more (the 
typical range for luxury-car buyers), 
1,000,000; in 1990, 8,000,000. 


According to a new book of surveys 
and stats, The Day America Told the 
Truth, percentage of Ате 
confessed that they lie regula 
their parents, 86; to friends, 
siblings, 73; to spouses, 69. 


In the same survey, percentas 
Americans who said they lie about 
their feelings, 81; their income, 43: 

ans who 

sex, 40. 

e's outcome. 

he sole jud, 

Rule number 
any given course is serious business. Play- 
ers should choose carefully. М; Expe- 
rienced players prefer 10 pay day rates at 
several co 

ull membership at 



Manhattan fun couple Laurens. and 
Barbara Schwartz have not been sittir 
idly in the apartment they continue 10 
share while their divorce is pending 
Laurens is suing his wife for wearing 
Royal Secret bath perfume, to which he 
. “Frivolous 

says he is severely allergi 
and absurd," counte 
“She's been wearing the perfume for 
nine years. Now he says it made him 
cough so much he threw his neck out." 
Apparently, the judge sees some merit in 
the husband's claim and has issued an or- 
der of protection barring Mrs. Schwartz 
from wearing perfume in the home. 

Barbara's lawyer. 


This summer's most lurid reading isn't 
a Stephen King novel but a n 
book catalog. The Amok Fourth Dispatch: 
Sourcebook of the Extremes of Information in 
Print bears а blurb from John Waters on 
the back flap that nicely sums up the con- 
tents: “A reading list from hell that 
а must for any serious oddball biblio- 
phile.” Inside are illustrations—For 
pmups, medieval woodcuts, gruesome 
forensic pics—from a variety of the 4000 
titles offered. And what titles! Our faves 
include Secrets of Voodoo, Foreskin Resiora- 
tion (Uncircumcision), ABC ој Anarchism, 
The Lesbian S/M Safety Manual, Anxious 
Pleasures—The Sexual Lives of an Amazoni- 
an People, Physical Interrogation Techniques, 
Absolutely Mad Inventions, The Betty Page 
3-D Picture Book, We Never Went lo the 
Moon, Girls Who Do Мар Movies, Wiretap- 
ping and Electronic Surveillance and The 
Marxist Minstrels—A Communist Subversion 
ој Music (“The Beatles and their demonic 
druid beat. Were they the pied pipers of 
Red sex/drug youth subversionz"), 

Brian King and Stuart Swezey, who 
publish the catalog, say Amok outsells 
hooks listed within it by а ratio of ten 
to one. (It's available for $8.95, from 
PO. Box 861867, Terminal Annex, Los 
Angeles 00086-1867.) Among the better- 
known author s are men- 
tioned are linguist Noam Chomsky, 
explorer Sir Richard Burton, diabolist 
Aleister Crowley, acid guru Timothy 
Leary, poet Ezra Pound, pulp writer Jim 
Thompson and |. С. (Empire of the Sun) 

Not all controversial lito makes the 
grade. According 10 Swezey, “American 
Psycho has all the possible makings of an 
Amok book, right? But it 
because we think Bret Easton Ellis is a 
bad writer. So forget it.” 


whose w 

offensive to us 

-17 “Flying Fortress.” It was the very 
ne of the Allied aerial offensive 
rld War П. Now, to commemorate 

ersary of World War Il, the 
Air Force Museum Foundation authorizes 
the authentic re-creation of a rare surviving 

Shoo Shoo Baby, now on permanent display 
at the U.S. Air Force Museum. - 

Here is a remarkable die-cast model of 
the original, precision engineered of 111 
components with 2 vast array of operating 
features. The propellers actually spin. The 
landing gear is retractable. The bomb bay 
doors open and close. 

Shoo Shoo Baby also has astonishing 
detail. With a removable canopy that 
reveals the interior of the plane. Even 
the nose art re-creates the original's. 

The price, just $195. A custom- 
designed display stand is included at no 
additional charge. Available only from 
Franklin Mint Precision Models. 

‘This aircraft was designed andengineered from the actual B-I7G 
“Flying Fortress” nicknamed Shov Shoo Baby. It has not been 
authorized or endorsed hy any branch of the United States 
Military or its manufacturer. 


On the 50th Anniversary 
of World War II, 

B-I7G that actually saw combat. It's called the Air Force Museum Foundation | 

Presents Its First Official 
Die-Cast Re-creation of 
the B-17G “Flying Fortress” 


уш wish toreturn any Franklin Mint Precision Models purchase, 

yeu may do so within 10 days of your гесе of that purchase for 
replacement, credit or refund 

Even the nose art captures the auth 
of the original. 

Franklin Mint Precision Models 
Franklin Center, Pennsylvania 19091 
Yes! 1 want to order the authorized die-cast 
reproduction of w Baby, a rare sur 
viving B-17G that actu combat during 
WW IL My imported model will arrive with its 
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when my model is ready to 
, after shipment, for the bal 

be sent to me а 




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Franklin Mint Precision Models: Simply Miles Ahead. 



old man since his first album 

looking back at his 

even recording with a genuine Ethiopi: 
band in Babylon Central, а. Ка. New York 
City. His latest album with the Melody 


Makers, Johmekya (Virgin), is a Jamaic 
affair, cut in Kingston with a band fe 
ing two ex-Wailers and increased inp 
from his numerous siblings. But never 
before has Ziggy—or many other | 
maicans, including Dad, who tried— 
been such a convincing rhythmic citizen 
of the world. Because Ziggy's politics sul- 
ler from the idealism of hghting poverty 
at a distance, his lyrics will never equal 
Bob's, but the beat that powers them, a 
funkovggae hybrid with Babylonian 
horns, is his own. 

Lyrics have never been Linton Kwesi 
1 s problem—this Brixton. poet 
activist-professor is as learned as pop 
musicians get. His Tings an Times 
(Shanachie) is а меагу, witty meditation 
on political endurance, and il you take 
the trouble to penetrate his patois, vou ll 
be glad vou did. Over the years, L.K.] 
and his bandleader, Dennis Bovell, have 
learned to embody black-power hum 
ism in jazzy skank, and here the violin 
and the squeeze box make clear that 
theres more го world beat th ше 
Alrican Diaspora 


Nat King Cole was one of the most 
beloved singers of the Fifties. His velvet 
tone and supple phrasing drew upon his 
background as a jazz pianist while 
charming a generation of listeners with a 
romanticism matched only by Frank 
Sinatra. His embrace of middle-of-the- 
road material, along with the rise of soul 
music in the Sixties, alienated him from 
the cutting edge of African-American 
music and has, over time, obscured his 
greamess. A CD collection of his best 
work on Capitol last year generated none 
of the critical attention of this years 
James Brown and Stax packages. 

So one hopes that Natalie Cole's Unfor- 
gemoble (Elektra), a 22-song tribute. to 
her father, will help rekindle interest in 
Nat Cole. Natalie has always been a ver 
зае vocalist, so it’s no surprise that she 
possesses the intelligence and the chops 
10 perform this material convincingly. In 
the manner of Linda Ronstadt and Har 
ry Connick, Jr, Cole has gone back to 
musical basics, using real strings, horns 
and human rhythm sections to interpret 
such standards as Mona Lisa. Paper Moon, 
Nature Boy and Straighten Up and Fly 
Right. Shrewdly, she doesnt attempt to 
mimic her namesake, yet manages to ap- 

Funk-reggae from Ziggy. 

Ziggy's Jamaican affair, 
Huey's antidote to angst 
and Bonnie's Luck of the Draw. 

proximate his smooth emotionality; а 
duet of Unforgetable that. features Nat 
Cole’s original vocal blended with a new 
one by his daughter is both fascinating 
and a little disorienting. This is a long 
overdue and lovingly executed project. 


Huey Lewis and the News have created 
some of the finest pop-rock of the past 
ten years. Filled with monster hooks and 
gently humorous lyrics that were just 
clever enough to engage, their hits were 
the precise prescription when you need- 
ed a dash of fun with no bitter subtext as 
an antidote to late 20th Century angst. 
Remember / Want a New Drug? Well, 1 
did want a new drug, After a layoff of 
three years, Lewis has returned with Hard 
at Play (EMI), which includes some of his 
catchiest work since his breakthrough al- 
bums Picture This and Sports. V like the 
News best when they're playing rock and 
roll informed by pop, rather than the 
other way around. So I have unalloyed 
love for the two hardest-rocking songs, 
Build Me Up and AUT Need Is a Couple 
Days Of, and the rest 1 take in the affable 
spirit that Lewis offers them. 

The eponymously titled Tribe After Tribe 
(Megaforce/Atlantic) knocks me out. 
Somehow managing to sound nothing 
like Led Zeppelin while reminding me of 
all ther 1 loved Led Zeppelin, this 
power trio plays monster rilis lou 

soft, fast and slow, all in the service of at- 
mospherics that will make your stereo a 
pagan ritual. I don't know any other 
hard-rock bands that hook you with Zulu 
chants. My only complaint 
minutes of music is that “Nifimani belun- 
gu Banixolile should have been 

n nearly 56 



Paul McCartney hasn't made a really 
good record in years. But Unplugged: The 
Official Bootleg (Capitol) is ten times bet- 
ter than the perfunctory live album from 
his last tour. It exploits both his backlog 


Wayne Toups’s two nicknames, “the 
Bayou Bruce Springsteen” and “Le 
Boss," say а lot about his power as a 
performer, With his band, Zydecajun, 
Toups steam-cooks a mix of Cajun, zy 

deco, Southern rock and barroom 
REB. And his most recent LE "Fish 
Out of Water,” runs aboul as raw as a 
studio recording can get. Toups loves 
rawness in almost any band. His cur- 
rent favorite is the self-titled album by 
the new quartet Blues Traveler. 

“My band and 1 got Blues Travel- 
er by accident and we've been play- 
ing it on the tour bus nonstop. In 
fact, 1 keep it in my CD player and 
play it for everyone I run into. 
Blues Traveler plays a kind of 
Southern funk sound blended with 
R&B and even a few zydeco licks. 
Its a breathing, swe: 
if you want your p 
this is the CD you should ger. Each 
Blues Traveler member is a terrific 
musician, especially John Popper, 
the harmonica player and lead 
singer. Unbelievable wind. As for 
specific cuts, check out But Anyway. 
It shows you the joy that flows 
through the whole album. You 
know the old saying about every- 
thing old's becoming new again? 
ГИ bet that real music played by 
real players is coming back again. 
And that's damn а v 
Blues Traveler. 

ews for 

of original (mainly Beatles) material and 
his extensive, loving knowledge of rock 
ad R&B hits. McCartney sings well and 
chats affably. What more could you ask? 

Well, some depth. Crowded House 
leader Neil Finn, one of McCariney's 
most adept pupils, aims to dive deep 
throughout Woodface (Capitol). But be- 
sc he is at least as lyrically obtuse as 
McCartney, what results (for all its lush 
melodicism) is ambitious mood mu: 
Finn's songs lack nothing in cleverness, 
xd the performances, especially the vo- 
cals, are first rate. Uf Elvis Costello were 
the singer he imagines himself to be, 
he'd only just catch up to Finn.) But 
there's no weight to апу of Finn's songs. 
He's so busy avoiding the obvious that h 
leaves us with no reason to suspect that 
пу of his new songs will resonate for 
couple of decades, like McCartney's We 
Can Work It Out or, for (hat matter, his 
rendition of Hi-Heel Sneaker —not to 
mention Don't Dream It’s Over, the great 
hit with which Crowded House kicked off 
When he's done being cleve 
will apply himself 
something that cuit 
rowded House remains a cult 
ste, which is less than its fans I 
ht to expect. 


strated Bunnie Raitt, the long- 
overdue recognition conferred Бу 1989s 
quadruple Grammy whammy came, as 
the album tile suggested, just in the nick 
of time. ішек of the Draw (Capitol), her 
long-awaited follow-up, proves that suc- 
"t gone to her head—only deep- 
ed her understanding of the mysteries 
of the human heart. In both a musical 
La lyrical sense, this album is an even 
subdued and intimate series of 
reflections than Nick of Time. “Gon 
into it, baby, down where it’s tangled and 
dark,” she sings. "No use in runnin’, it's 
always the same.” And Raitt proceeds to 
untangle the ancient knots of her 
ps with grace, wit and wisdom. 
ne Raitt fans should be warned 
more musi- 

cess ha 

that Luck of Ihe Draw is eve 
cally subdued than her last effort. Sparse 

d understated vocals 
rely gets out of second or 
» on mid-tempo funk like 
Something to Talk About. There 
Kickers like Thing Called Love, and none 
of her usually scorching slide work. Bu 
jump on in, anyway. Repeated listenings 
keep u g more emotional 
ness and melodic grace, particularly on 
One Part Be My Lover, co-written with her 

ew husband, Michael O'Keefe, and the 
astonishing ЛИ at Once, where the genily 
swelling chorus movingly lifts her up. For 
Bonnie Raiu, a мис luck doesn't hurt, 
but character and talent have always 
been her best cards. 


6 5 6 7 7. 
4 5 5 3 
i rl 

Lo 8 6 & | % 

Bonnie Кай! 

Luck of the Drow 9 8 Y 8 Ji 

ord mogul David бейеп calls public- 
y an unpleasant aspect of fame. He 
says, “They'd really be happy if 1 
weighed four hundred pounds and 
had a one-ineh dick. Then they could 
say, "He's very successful. but he 
weighs four hundred pounds and has 
one-inch dick. But they can't say 
that about me, so I have to live with all 
this other shit. 

role in Ricochet, |ң Denzel Wash- 
ington. . . . Whitney Houston will р 
a high-profile singer/actress being 
stalked by an obsessive fan in The 
Bodyguard, starri 
Herbie Hancock is composing 
forming the score for the то 
Large. . .. Ни Men, the tough exposé 
of the music industry, is headed for 
the big screen. Its author, Fredric Don- 
nen, is about to choose between two 
ollers for a film adaptation. . . . David 
репти, producer of The Marrying 
Man, has a movie bio of Janis Joplin in 
the works. . . . Madonna will first ap- 
pear as a circus performer in the next 
Woody Allen movie and will then star 
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. . . . Acta 
John Ritter has optioned a book about 
early Fifties rocker ВИ Heley foi 
other film bio. 

newspreans: The Recording Industry 
Sourcebook is available in book foi 
(ог on floppy disk). The book, whi 
retails for $49.95, tells you everyt 
you ever wanted to know about music- 
industry contacts in New York, L.A 

nd Nashville. For more inte 
call 800-472-7479... . The New Or- 
leans Jazz and Heritage Festival will 

finally be available 
cial and a video 

both a TV spe 
those of us who 

include Les Lobos, Robert Cray, NRBQ, 

B. B. King, Ше Neville Brothers and Miles 
Davi: Tom Petty has formed his own 
cord label, Gone Gator. and the first 
two releases will be old Tom Petty and 
the Heortbreckers. albums from the 
mid-Seventies. - . . We heard that M. с. 
Hammer called the States every day 
from his European tour stops to check 
on how the Oakland As were do- 
ing... . Huey Lewis says that his new 
ingle All I Need Is a Couple Days Off is 
not about White House Chief of Stall 
John Sununu, but he's pretty amused 
that people think it is. . . . James Brown. 
update: a solo album thar will ger 
back to the basics and a Gospel album. 
ith controversial Reverend Al Shorp- 
Ton. . . . € + C Music Factory is now 
cutting up the dance floor for Coca- 
Cola . . . Keith Richards went from 
working on John Lee Hooker's next al- 
bum to working on new songs lor his 
next solo outing with Tom Waits. 
Prince plans to release Diamands and 
Pearls any minute and then take to the 
road, where you, too, may see him... - 
Rhino Home Video has а new collec- 
tion culled m the old Shindig TV 
shows. Look for everything from Frat 
Party (with the Sir Douglas Quintet, the 
Kingsmen and the McCoys) to Jackie Wil- 
n (a collection that includes a duet 
with Jerry Lee Lewis). . . . Finally, Janer 
Jackson's lawyer Donald Passmen Пах 
just published A You Need to Know 
About the Music Business. Passman says 
he wrote the book for young musi- 
Gans to “protect them [rom being tak 
en advantage оГ... by sleazeballs who 
¢ naive young people and 
them to long-term agreements where 
they are guaranteed virtually noth- 
ing” SI 

ness? We never knew.—BARBARA NELLIS 

zeballs in (he music busi- 



килу it happened this way: Sometime 
during his youth, Lou Cannon made 
pact with the Devil, “1 want to be a great 
journalist,” he begged. “I want to be 
esent when history is made. 1 want to 
n it all into a major book. about a 
esident—my President, one ГИ know 
better than any other reporte 
"No problem,” said Satan, chuck- 
ling. "Of course, there ll be a catch. . . 7 
Cannon was unfazed. "lake your best 
shot," he replied. 
As it turned out, Satan had a couple ol 
catches in mind. Cannon did, indeed, be- 
come the reigning expert on a President; 
unfortunately, the President was Ronald. 
Reagan. Instead. of devoting his life to 
a great statesman, Cannon spent 25 
years—from Reagan's early days in Са! 
fornia politics through his Presidency— 
g to Walter Pidgeon anecdotes. 
. a President is a President, and 
an moved back to Californi 
10 rake ig bucks, Cannon x 
down to write his big book. That's when 
the Devil took his second shot: He ur 
leashed the tawdry, gossipy Kitty Kelley. 
Within journalism circles. Cannon 
quickly became known as Kelley's other 
victim. His highly regarded book, Pres 
dent Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime, was re- 
leased at the same time as Kelley's Nancy 
Reagan. Guess which one was greeted 
w front-page story in The New York 
Times. Made the cover of Time and 
Newsweek. Debuted as number one on the 
Lou had done what the rest of 
us are doing: he entered the Kitty Kelley 
zone, the media's version of the twilight 
zone, where bad journalism inexplicably 
shoves good j lism into the back- 
ground, where otherwise upstanding 
newspapers and news shows suddenly de- 
velop yellow-jou fever, where pri- 
lives are no longer private and 
no longer enough. 
ally Kitty Kelley's 
the beneficiary of 




public lives 

То be fair, it’s not 
fault. Shes merely 
some bold tabloid types who blazed the 
trail before her. People magazine was the 
pioncer in taking tabloid journalism out 
ler parks 

Proplelike ste 
erywhere. The next big step came with 
the rebirth of Vanity Fur as the National 
Enquirer for people who use cloth nap- 

imbue every political 
yand profile with just 
gossip to make Maury 
nd promptly became the 
ked-about magaz 

ticle, murd, 
п salacious 


How bad reporting steam-rolls good. 

Has the press 
caught yellow- 
journalism fever? 

windows in earnest. Leading the charge 
was a series of tabloid TV shows—4 Cur- 
rent Affair, Hard Copy, Inside Edition, 
among others—that transferred the sen- 
sationalism of print tabloids to the small 
g minor celebrity scan- 

а details in even the 


ns, tabloid journalism is OK—in 
its proper place. But it oozed out of the 
Enquirer and Hard Сору and started show- 
ng up in the most unlikely places, such 
s The New York Times. Not only did the 
Times reveal the name of the woman in 
the William Kennedy Si pe case but 
a reporter ghoulishly peeped through 
the windows of her two-ye: 
ters bedroom—"There, on a shell, are 
children’s books, inclu a copy ol 
Вараг Anniversary Album and Feo Minute 
Bible Stories" —and dı Ше wild 
streak” the woman had had 14 ycars ago 
n high school, which included, and 
scems limited to, driving fast cars, going 
10 parties and skipping classes. 

JBC is doing it, too. Ask Chai 
Robb, the Senator from Vir Accord- 


ing to NBC's news 
Robb had 
for i 

a /USA and was pres- 
1 at parties where cocaine was used. In 

inia, these charges were very old 
news—they had been reported years 
ҳои host Tom Brokaw bea 
had the scoop of the decade. 
casy being a public fi 

It isn't 
re these days," he 

lectured at the beginning of the pro- 
gram. “The line between public and pri- 

is blurred more th: By 
s end, that line was nonexistent 
The New York 1 NBC—it seems 

that everyone is do СО and Playboy 
published pictures of Ted Kennedy ap- 
parently having sex on а һом. (A 
ng sex? That is news) 
ABC's 20/20 grabbed some ratings with a 
televised exorcism. The book that Kelley 
displaced at the top of the charts was 
You'll Never Eat Lunch in This N 
has-been producer Julia Phillips venge 
ful atack on her former best friends 
Goldie Hawn (for her lax personal hy- 
giene) and Steven Spielberg (for general 
а and overachievement). She 
dishes dirt on virtually everyone she ever 
met, making her one of the few people to 
step on as many people on her way down 
as she did on her way up. The most—and 

ps only—talked-about story Pre- 
miere magazine has ever published was a 
vivid account of Kim B: and Alec 
Baldwin's misbehavior, sexual and other- 
wisc, on the set of The Marrying Man, a 
movie so bad it jumped from theaters to 
video stores before most patrons had 
finished their popcorn. 

Rampant Kitty Kelleyism isn't merely 
bad news for Lou Cannon; it's bad news, 
period. Certainly the next woman who 
has the misfortune to Бе raped by a 
celebrity will think twice before she re- 
ports it to the police. Whatever Charles 
Robb did—or didn't do—cight years ago 
по only came back to haunt him on NBC 
but, thanks to the broadcast, may Бе 
come the subject of a police 
well. Apparently, ота 
more interested in miscond 
sce it on TY than they are when the n 
conduct supposedly takes place. 

The victims of tabloid journalism 
aren't the only ones who hate it. Disgrun- 
ted New York Times stallers nearly n 
tinied over the Kennedy-rape article and 
other Times t 
shoveled scorn on NBC's. Expose, hamp- 
ing it with A Current Affair and the oth 
tabloid shows—hardly a good career 


And Cannon is fighting back: He h 
lawyer to make sure his publisher, Si 
& Schuster—which also published Kel 
ley's book—promotes his book as v 
ously as it did Nancy Reagan. 

Of course, once re 
edy poised for ollshore 
drilling, they tend to get spoiled. Per- 
haps smarter, cooler heads w 
and slow the tabloid tide 
do, it’s undoubtedly 
ground already lost 

We have seen the journalism of the fu 
ture. While it may not be bright yellow. 
it’s a hearty shade of French vanilla 



Hortiord, CT--Made ln USA. 




The look may be borrowed from the Sixties, but the Nineties 
version is a cleaned-up, hip mix of fabric, pattern, texture and 
color. As one of the fall's hottest trends, patchwork is available 
in shirts, vests and even ties. International News and Tom Tai- 
lor Sportswear patch together a group of flannel shirts 
(between $40 and $70) that would 
Enock the socks off any lum- 
berjack. B. Free by M. Julian 
sews together shirts with 
viscose, flannel and velvet 
panels ($85). Vests, such 
as the one by Roger 
Forsythe for Perry Ellis 
Signature shown here 
($430), can liven up a 
pair of jeans or any solid- 
color sports coat; while 
Smith's burlap vest ($115) 
has that vintage used-and- 
repaired look. If you prefer 
to keep your patchwork to a min- 
imum, go with subtle madras ties 
Steve Scheiner (about $25). Or, if 
you're not quite ready to go public with 
this new trend, grab a pair of patched flannel 

boxer shorts from Tango by Max Raab ($15). 


Cuff links too staid? Take another look. These days, 
they're less formal, more fun and even downright ec- 
сеп For example, L'Aiglon offers enamel watermel- 
ons and apples complete with worms that give 
your shirt sleeves fruit for thought ($50 each). 
Literary types will appreciate typewriter-key 
cuff links (about $115) from Paul Smith in 
New York and Ralph Davies in San Fran- 
cisco, while philatelists may take a licking 
to links created from vintage postage 
) by RHC for mails. Charivari, 
satisfies art lovers’ cravings with. 
ight enamels ($225) and also offers 
tiny Stetson hats ($110) for urban cowboys. Oth- 
er off-the-cuff sports: Cuffton’s card links deal a 
winning hand (about $30), while Gieves & 
Hawkes makes its pitch with sterling-silver 
croquet mallets and cricket bats (about 
$135). And if you're interested in mal 
truly swinging statement, Abba's п 
golf balls and tees (about $110) may just be the 
ultimate links for the links. 





Loose fit, shorier lengths, soft shoulders 
and rounded collars; balmacaons, trench 
coats and belted double-breasteds 

Microfibers, quilted linings, oilcloth, 
brushed-cotton sateen ond wax or зуп- 
thetic finishes 

Khaki, mustard, slate, olive or deep navy 


The land of the Pilgrims’ pride has an international flair of 
late, particularly on the Back Bay's chic shopping strip. 
Joseph Abboud (37 

Newbury Street): In 
his first U.S. store, 
Abboud bringsa Mil- 
anese flair to both 
his clothes and the 
decor. e Adesso (200 
Boylston Street): 
"Irend-setting home 
styles for the Jetson 
set. e Riccardi (128 


New York Mets' star pitcher Ron 
Darling may wear a uniform to 
work, but off the mound, he's a ma- 
jor-league fashion player. “I like 
jackets by Boss, Mat- 
suda, Montana, Byb- 
los and Kaiserman,” 

Newbury Street): says Darling, who adds 
Euro clothing from that his favorite outfit 
of | for an evening on the 

ant-garde. ө town is "a blue Gaul- 

Louis, Boston (234 tier suit I've owned for 
Berkeley Street): five years.” Darling, 
The first local admits that he prefers 

suits in conservative 
colors, but he puts his 
own spin on the look 
by pairing them with 
sandals and wild ties. 
On a more casual note, he favors 
"faded jeans and white T-shirts. And 
I don't go anywhere without my M. 
Julian vintage black-leather jacket." 

shop to offer Ital- 
ian-style tailoring, 
this longtime fash- 
ion leader has start- 
ed looking veddy 
British. e Freedberg 
of Boston (112 
Shawmut Av- 
enue): This 
shop offers 
classic Amer- 
ап men’s suits at bargain priccs— but only on Satur 
days from eight aM. to noon. 


Ihe water shortage in the Western states 
may have clean-shaven residents in a lath- 
er, but it has been great for the electric- 
shaver business. Here's a sampling of 
some of the newest models: Remington's 
$70 Micro Screen Elite works with or 
without a cord and features two ultrathin 
screens for a smooth and comfortable 
shave. . .. Sanyo's 8110 SVM641 promises 
high-speed action and a 30-minute quick 
recharge. . . . Braun's $30 PSB-DT Deluxe 
Traveler battery-powered shaver is no larg- 
er than a wallet. . .. And Porsche Design's 
$275 silver-coated shaver will impress 
even the most jaded Hollywood agent. 

Rigid or tight-fitting designs, stiff collars, 
neckband latches, shoulder pads ond 
excessive detailing 

Cheap plastic or vinyl, rubberized fob- 
rics and printed or embossed finishes 

White, red, yellow or light blue 




YOUTH, MUSIC and the extraordinar 
influence of one on the other in recent 
generations give an enormous charge of 
energy to The Commitments (Fox). Director 
Alan Parker, who made the musical Fame 

another winner in 
tion ol the novel by Roddy Doyle—all 
about some Irish slum kids forming a 
band in Dublin. Thick brogues 
the dialog rough going Ѓог 
American cars, but everything else about 
the movie is ringingly clear. Among the 
young performers, unknown over here, 
who sing and play their guts out from be 
ginning to end is an amazingly ma 
16-year-old, Andrew Strong, phenome- 
nal as the lead singer. Beautiful Angeline 
Ball heads a bawdy trio of backup girls. 
Soul music, says ger Jimmy 
Rabbitte (played in overdrive by Robert 
Arkins), is “about sex and str 
a soul projects 
tongues—the works." 
white to do so 

Maybe they're too 
|, опе band member mu: 
The Irish are the blacks 

as the Commitments, but 
^s movie 15 not about success. As 
d, is about musics power "to raise 
the expectations" of kids from Dublin to 
Dubuque. This tuneful slice of life bels 
out that message with gusto. ¥¥¥¥ 

Logic flew out the window when De- 
fenseless (New Visions) was written. Fortu 
ed perfor 
with such zing that you 
belief when attorney Barbara Н 
discovers that her client and lover is mar- 
d to a former college chum (M: 
Beth Hurt). In fact, the busy fellow 
(played Бу J. T. Walsh, a popular actor 
with a corner on. projecting sleaze) has 
many dark secrets and gets murdered be 
cause of them, but that's c; 
doesn't give too much away. Н 
Hurt have some mci ble head-on col- 
lisions over their involvement in th 
‚with Sam Shepard appearing reg- 

as а suspicious investigator from 
The evolving mysteries сог 
incest and pornography as well as 
infidelity, but director Martin Campbell 
stretch the la 
wht up to the snapping 
point—just where they should be in a 
e pop thriller. УУУ 



A sensation at the C 

cs Film Festival 
п May, Spike Lee’s Jungle Fever (Univer- 
sal) is à magnetic and haunting hit from 
man with ideas to burn and the skill и 
nake them sizzle. His catalyst here is 
an extramarital alfa n Wesley 


Arkins commits to soul in Dublin. 

Soul in Dublin’s slums, 
guns in L.A.'s 
and Fever in Harlem. 

es, playing a happily « 
rchitect on the rise in an all-white 
and Annabella Sc 
sent to be his temp secretary. Their rel 
tionship raises hell on both sides, from 
Harlem to her home in Benson 

T's meaningful that Lee dedicates Jun- 
gle Fever to Yusef Hawkins, the black 
youth murdered a couple of years ago for 
daring to venture into Bensonhurst, but 
he has more on his mind than paying 
homage to one victim. All the characters 
ћете Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, the 
straying architects. par Samuel L 
Jackson as their other son, а hopeless 
crack addict; John Turturro as an appeal- 
ing nerd who worships Sciorra's Angie; 
nd Lee himself as the hero's best 
friend—are victims of a society con- 

Lonette Mckee 
Bloomingdale's buyer who sets the tone 

of the entire movie in a vibr 

nt, corrosive 
encounter with a support group of young 
black women. In their view, a black 
male's proof that he has made it is to 
"have a white woman on his ar 

The somc 
pays off in scene alter scene, with a reso- 
nant sound track that makes Lec seem as 
much an urba Woody Aller 
though far angrier. While his grim pas- 
tiche of love in the city crumbles, Lee 
pipes in original tunes by Stevie W 
or Frank Si doing Hello, Young 


Lovers and 11 Was a Very Good Year. The 
irony is compelling. So is the movie. УУУУ 

He doesn’t have the command of the 
medium or the gift for nuance that make 
Spike Lee movies so entertaining. but 
ld writer-director John Single- 
es as another black cineast with 
1 Boyz n the Hood (Columbia). 
The Hood of the title is south. central 
L.A., where three African-American boys 
(Cuba Gooding, Jr., Morris Chestnut and 

ap singer Ice Cube) grow up as best they 
Fuck this shit," ims a voice- 
over as the picture begins, describing a 
world where teenagers take sex, drugs 
nd drive-by shootings for granted— 
while the incessant drone of police heli- 
copters overhead reminds them tha 
they're living in a war zone. ¥¥/2 

More than two dozen characters show 
up in The Story of Boys end Girls (Aries), 
er-director Pupi Avati's ribald come- 
bout an engagement party in prewar 
fascist Italy. The families of a boy named 
Angelo, a well-bred nobody from Bo- 
logna, and his betrothed, a country girl 
named Silvia, meet in a hillside farm- 
house where (he girls relatives have 
planned a gigantic 20-course festa. Be- 
fore it ends, simmering feuds boil ove: 
housemaid is raped, the bride-to-be's f 
ther gets tearful over his faithless mis- 
tress, his wife is nicked by a stray bullet 
nd everyone sex drive appe 
to the occasion. Avati brings everything 
to life so vividly that all the characters be 
come familiar, somewhat comic and full 
of human frailty. Seeing this movie is like 
being ushered through a side door into a 
big Italian celebration where you can't 


s 10 rise 

help enjoying yourself. лија 
One of the 11 oddballs portraved by 
іп Sex, Drugs, 

monologuist Егіс Bogosiar 

Rock & Roll (Avenuc) is brags: 
who boasts of his prowess with wome 
1 hi 
Some other speci 
sion of Bogos 

e show include ected 
rock star, a drugged subway | 
ind an obnoxious business tycoon. With 
minimal sets and no special make-up, the 
ctor wings through a rogues’ gallery of 
impressions, some fins id 
from Ernest Dicke (Spike Lec's cine- 
matographer) and director John Mc 
Naughton, best known for his chill 
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Ме 
Naughton heats things up again with Bo- 
gosian, who's a killer in the best sei 
the word. УУУУ 

а sexua 

зе ol 

of daytime television 
is played for laughs—and keeps the 
com much of the time—in Socpdish 

The sudsy mili 


*Dream On" 

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Lee: chip off the old board breake! 


About to charge out of his fa- 
mous father's footsteps into a 
niche of his own, Brandon Lee is 
poised for a debut in his first 
American-made movie, Showdown 
in Little Tokyo. “Nobody here saw 
my first film, Legacy of Rage, be- 
cause it’s in Cantonese, which is 
actually my cradle language.” says 
Lee. “In Showdown, Dolph Lund- 
gren and I play cops in L.A., trying 
то stop the Yakuza from bringing 
in drugs.” The 26-year-old son of 
the martial-arts superhero 
Bruce Lee will star in Moving Tar- 
‚get, which began shooting in June. 
"Um playing a young Е 
American who's in Tiananmen 
Square, th gets involved 
testifying against a Mafia don in 
ndon was born in Oakland 


n later 

but raised in Hong Kong. At the 
age ht, after his father's 
death, he returned to the U.S. with 

of Swed- 

his mother, an America 
sh descent, "When my 
ive, we used to go on t 
in Hong Kong and b 
nly about six at 


| problem after my 
h. So I didn't work out, and 
about five years off.” Nowa- 
days, he regularly with Dan- 
ny Inosant 

as well as another 
with Carolco Films. 
Lee has 

The younge: 
sh hopes of doing more 
who died 
2. “T like action-ad- 
h produces roller- 
ter rides you i 
hit about. But I'd like 
to do more serious things, 
her might have done. 
branch out into 



tal every day with three stitches in 

my head." 

(Paramount). Try to resist Sally Field as a 
bitchy, insecure soap-opera star of a show 
called The Sun Also Sels. Asked to go оп 
the air wearing a turban, Field rages, “I 
look like Gloria fucking Swanson!” Sally 
needed this change of pace from sweet- 
ness to chic savagery, In another sharp 
comic turn, Cathy Moriarty plays a rival 
who calls Field 

tries to bribe TV exec Robert Downey. 
Jr. with sexual favors: “Get на of her. 
and Mr. Fuzzy is yours.” Whoopi Gold- 
berg, as the show's head writer, maintains 

the pace—with Kevin Kline, Teri Hatch- 
er and Flisabeth Shue helping prove life 
madder than fiction. УУУ 
Canadian-made A Paper Wedding 
inment) has roughly the 
same plot as Green Card but is handled 
with much more credible seriousness. 
Being an honest and not at all imitative 
effort by director Michel Brault does not, 
somehow, the movie's fa- 
vor. Genevieve Bujold very effectively 
5 a single teacher, having grave 
doubts about her life with an 
man when her sister talks her into а tem- 
marriage of convenience with a 
Chilean polit cal refugee named Pablo 
(Manuel Aranguiz). His visa expired, 
Pablo faces deportation unless he quickly 
acquires a Canadian wife and a work per- 
mit. Forced to move in together, the odd 
couple faces an investigation of the rela- 
tionship. It’s all predictable, convincing- 
al, done with impeccable good taste 
су. Still, Green Card's duo 
(Andie MacDowell and Gérard Depar- 
dieu) do seem to have a lot more fun. ¥¥ 
One wonders, occasionally, whether 
some film makers should be allowed at 
large with such а potent weapon as a 
movie camera. Richard Linklater wrote, 
produced and directed Slacker (Orion 
Classics). He also plays a small role in it 
as one of many characters—few of them 
played by real actors—at very loose ends 
speak for a neo-beatnik breed of Ame 
1 ]-Е.К. assassination bull, 
an antisocial activist hawking T’shi 
woman-hater, a mu ad а young 
zany peddling a vial she believes cc s 
Mados Pap smear. There's nothing 
around like Slacker, but should there Бе? 
Well. yes. If only to see what, if anything, 
Linklater does for an encore. YY 

(Capitol Enterta 

of an Irish sc; 
(Miramax). Ceni 
Neil Jordan's story is a 
actress (Beverly D'Angelo) whos per- 
forming nearby in an awful musical рг 
duction of Destry Rides Again. To amuse 
themselves, two local youngsters (Donal 
MeCann and Lorraine Pilkington) start 
making up stories about her, with sıı 
prising results. yy 


capsule close-ups ој current films 
by bruce williamson. 

Backdraft (Reviewed 891) Fire-fight- 

ng siblings at risk in Chicago. ¥¥¥ 
Boyz n the Hood (See review) Coming of 
age on the wrong side of L.A. ¥¥/2 

City Slickers (8/01) Billy Crystal and ur 
ban misfit pals go West. Van 
The Commitments (Sce veview) Making 

soul music in Dublin. УУУУ 
Defenseless (See review) Ex-chums 

eet on а messy murder case. ЊЕ 
Delusion (3/91) Hitting the road witha 

hit man and sexy Jennifer Rubin ¥¥/2 
Eating (8/91) Director Henry Jaglom’s 
essay on women, love and food. YY/2 
Hangin’ with the Homeboys (6/91) Four 
bruisers cruising the Bronx wy 
Hudson Hawk (Listed only) Wrong 

bird. This one's a turkey. Y 
Jungle Fever (See review) Spike Lee's 
hot new take on relationships. УУУУ 

The Miracle (чес review) Another trip 
to Ireland. yy 
Му Fether*s Glory (8/01) Warm тето. 
ries of a boyhood in Provence. WM 
My Mother's Castle (8/91) Morc ol the 
same reminiscences from Pagnol. ¥¥¥ 
А Paper Wedding (Scc review) Another 
marriage of convenience. w 
Poison (3/91) Based on stories by Jean 
Genet, and causing quite a st Ww 
Prisoners of the Sun (Reviewed 7/91 as 
Blood Oath) Japanese war crimes aired 
by Bryan Brown ww 
The Reflecting Skin (Listed only) Who 
done it? Who cares? 

Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll (Sec review) 
Bogosian does it all. УУУУ 
Slacker (See review) lalking to wild 
things deep in the he 
Soapdish (чес review) Here`s suds in 
your eye, courtesy of Sally Field. ¥¥¥ 
The Story of Boys and Girls (See review) 
Droll party in Italy. УД 
Straight Out of Brooklyn (7/91) Вай news 
from another "hood. vx 
Strongers in Good Company (6/91) Seven 
marooned elderly women reminisce. 
Marvelous—and upgraded. УУУУ 
A Tale of Springtime (5/01) In his very 
French m: Eric Rohmer checks 
a matchmaking daughter. ¥¥/s 
Thelma E Louise (5/91) Susan S: 
and Geen 

Davis on 


ay jc 

ney of women's liberation ww 
Trust (8/01) Boy with hand grenade 

meets preg ager 
Truth or Dare (7/91) Now you know 
what Blond / УУУ]; 

УУУУ Don't miss look 

¥¥¥ Good show 

yv Worth 

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“I'd never tell anybody 
this,” says the inim- 
itable Garry Shan- 
dling, "but | have 
Woodstock on tape— 
just for the clichéed 
language. Like Aro 
ie saying, “Сап 
it, man? It's a 
riot.” Shandling's home-vid tastes are pre- 
dictably waggish: He owns the complete 
Woody Allen (“I love Manhattan, especial- 
ly"), and although he says it's "painful" 
watching himself on tape, he owns other 
stand-ups’ stand-up, including Eddie Mur- 
phy Raw and Richard Pryor Live on the 
Sunset Strip ("the best performance ev- 
er"). Shandling can also be sentimental; he 
savors Hoosiers’ “small-town feel,” cried 
after watching Ghost and is hooked on Al- 
bert Brooks's Modem Romance. What 
won't the lonely guy watch on video? 
“Porno. | can't even walk into the porn sec- 
tion of a video store without blushing. ГИ 
stay there for hours, but 111 be blushing.” 


our movie critic goes to the tape 

g subtitles on TV may be a chore, 
but it would be a shame to skip foreign 
movies altogether—particularly those 

brimful of erotica. Here's a hot list for 
twosome viewing: 
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands: The 1978 

that exposed 5 

rquez, with Claudia Ohana as the pas- 
sionate beauty who pays for breaking her 
t vows. 
Rouge Baiser (Red Kiss): Sexual politics 

beguile a French teenager (Charlone 
Valandrey) who's hooked on a hot 

36 Fillerte: Another teenaged French tease 
(Delphine Zentout) at large on the Riv- 
iera, where she infla а 40ish business- 
man and makes the screen sizzle. 

Two Women: Vivid 1961 Halian classic 
about a wartime mother and daughter 
who are raped. Sophia Loren won an Os- 
car playing the mom. —BRUCE WILLIAMSON 

From cannon balls to grenades to Patri 
ots, every var is different, every wa 
same. And they all make for ri 
VCR viewing. 

The Civil War: ken Burns's 

ries is a peerless model of how to n 
still photos spring to Ше. Best bits: the 
psychological profiles of key players (Mc- 
Clellan was a wimp) and diary excerpts 

The Great War: 1918: 
"war to end all war 


Ihe final act of the 
is told through the 

letters and di 

es of the doughboys 
cluding Sergeant York, 
ershing and Captain Harry S. 
man (PBS). 

The World at War: Laurence Olivier n 
rates this intelligent, сотре! 
ume classic on World War ‘Two ( 
HBO Video). 

Victory at Sea: More W 
perbly scored b 
mayhem never sounded better (Nelson). 
Korea: The Forgotten War: No M Ші 
rehash, but 92 minutes of rare archival 
footage, the final word on Asia's shat- 
tered Seoul. Narrated by Robert Stack 
(Media Home Entertainment). 

Vietnam: A Television History: This seven- 


tape set (all 13 segments from the 
brutal and ex- 
-ompiled, with an ambivalence 

that walks the brink of despair (Sony 
Schwarzkopf: How the War Was Won: | 
postgame D that kicked 
n Norm; anonizati 
between Bill Moyers and John Со 
man. the general divulges Operation 
Desert Storm's top top secrets. Tape has 
already gone platinum (MPI). 

Most tapes are available fiom Time/Life 
Video, 800-621-7026. —DAVID LEFROWITZ 


minute vid homage to the 
“mug shots," commen- 
п and music (The Waltz 
of the Dicks) by ex-Velvet Undergrounder 
John Cale. Destined for cult greatness 
(Bananas Video, 800-866-7806). 

John Bradshaw on "Surviving Divorce”: With 
the aid of a live audience and a captivat- 
ing delivery, therapisutheologian/feel- 
beuer guru Bradshaw takes on the 
passion and the pain of divorce—and 
wins. Outstanding (Sagebrush Produc- 
ns, 800-441- 

ght-and-sound “odys- 
me” blending specu 
пршег animators 

and track (Mir- 

sey through 
agery by leading со 

music s 

h an origina 


Hannibal Lecter Video of the Month: De- 
grassi Junior High: Food for Thought; 
Kinkiest Scunding Video: The Fconomics 
of Vertical Restraints; Best John Gotti 

Dream Tape: How to Pick a Jury; Most 
Ambitious Video Matchmaker: Should 
Oceans Meet?: Best Audience-Participa- 
tion Video: Меп on Women. Women on 
Men; Best Thrill-a-Minute Video: Soil: Ап 
Introduction; Best It's-a-Living Video: 
Judging Market Swine. 



том CLANCY touched all the right nerves 
his earlier works such as The Hunt for 
Red October, Red Storm Rising and Clear 
and Present Danger. The master of ıhe 
techno-thriller gave us detailed. inside 
information about real American mili- 
tary gadgetry such as nuclear subma- 
rines, radarproof airplanes (the Stealth 
bomber was still а classified military se- 
cret when he wrote about it) and the 
5.0.1. “Star Wars" system. He wrapped 
his books in the flag and created. Jack 
ап, a hero whose courage and intelli- 
gence are exceeded only by his patriot- 
ism. His books made us feel like the 
unambiguous "good guys" in an ambigu- 
ous world of post-Vietnam realitic 

The Sum of All Fears (Pu m), Clancy's 
sixth novel, arrives in the afterglow of a 
war that made many of his fictions real 
ty. We are in a mood to celebrate our mil- 
itary technology. More important, we 
feel more confidence in America’s role as 
peace keeper for a free world. Hence, 
more than 1,000,000 copies of this new 
novel аге being shipped in the anticipa 
tion that Clancy's themes will strike an 
especially timely chord. 

Clancy delivers with deadly accuracy 
and power. This new book opens some- 
time in the near future аз Kyan—now 
deputy director of the CLA—envisions a 
bold initiative to establish peace in the 
Middle East. Almost simultaneously, the 
FBI Hostage Rescue Team takes out a 
member of the radical Native American 
group called the Warrior Society; an Ore- 
gon logger chops down a tree destined to 
replace the beams in a 1200-ycar-old 
Japanese temple; an Israeli police cap- 
tain shoots а defenseless Arab protester 
at the Temple Mount; a former unit l 
er of the Baader-Meinhof Gan 
in Bulgaria, plots revenge 
unified Germany; the President's. N 
tional Security Advisor dies at his desk of 
а massive heart attack; а Palestii 
rorist in Beirut discovers he is dying of 
cancer; a new skipper is assigned to the 
Ohio-class missile submarine Maine; 
aD armer finds an old bomb Би 
in his garden. Six chapters 
Pope in the Vatican and the President 
the United Nations are both espousing 
Ryan's Middle East peace ideas to almost 
unanimous international and 
the other disp mes 
story are begi 

The Sum of All 
than Clancy's previous books Би 
a spectacularly violent climax that bri 
the world to the brink of nuclea 
The initial slower pace derives fron 
thoughtful probing into the polities 
personalities of contemporary world 
power ba afier the breakup of the 


e threads of СІ 


Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears. 

This techno-thriller brings 
the world to the 
brink of nuclear war. 

s though Clancy 

n Bloc. B is 
cds to remi 
rs) that Ryan is playing a new game that 
has more dangers from within than from 
without. Until he gets moving into the 
plot, you could mistake this thriller for а 
political novel. But in the спа. Clancy 
fulfills his implicit promises of suspense, 
intrigue and violent action. Perhaps it is 
futing that, at the end of this book, Jack 
Rya wes his retirement 
Government service 


annou from 
Another sort of warfare is described in 
Léon Bing's Do or Die (Harper-Collins). 
This shocking nonfiction study of the 
Crips and the Bloods in south central 
Los Angeles is the most vivid and 
sightful investigation any reporter has 
made into gang lile. Bing talked with 
these kids on the streets, in the prol 
camps and in Soledad Prison. 1 
human face behind tragic headlines, 
sad, honestly reported story of kids at 
war with themselves. 
Somewhere in that big liter 


y acreage 
gway and 
er Thompson is a chunk of space 
for Jim Harrison. And his chunk is grow 
ing langer every year. His collection of 
nonfiction, Just Before Dark (Clark City), 
m as large a piece as some ol 
such as 4 Good Day to Die, 

his novels 
Sundog or The Woman Lit by Fireflies 

his But these es 
about ice fishing, driving through the 
Midwest, bird hunting in Michigan's Up 

per Peninsula, fishing in the Florida Keys 

uous poetry. 

and “eating vividly” are evocative, ехи- 
berant spiritual journeys that explore life 
close to the land. And his fractured 
comic conversation with novelist. Tom 
McGuane is itself worth the price 

Finally, four new mystery/detective 
novels stand out in a crowded field: Pas- 
time (Putnam), by Robert B. Parker. takes 
Spenser down memory lane to confront 
his own youth as he helps a young man in 

а moving, nostalgic sequel to Early An- 
шти. Another master of the detective 
form, Leonard, finds more mate 

rial among the colorful low-lile charac 
Beach County for Maximum 
Bob (Delacorte), a droll story about the 
long list of suspects who may be trying to 
kill a redneck judge. In D. Keith Mano's 
weird and wildly funny novel Topless 
(Random House), Episcopal priest Fa- 
ther Michael Wilson tries to manage hi 
brothers topless bar in Queens with 
amusing results until one of the semi- 
naked ladies ends up dead and the game 
turns nasty. Wayne Warga takes us on a 
st-moving romp through the black 
markets of Singapore in search of a mur- 
derer who likes antique jade in Singapore 
Transfer (Viking). 


1 Shudder at Your Touch (ROC/Penguin), 
edited by Michele Slung: A home-alone, 
lock-the-doors, turn-on-all-the-lights col- 
lection of 99 deliciously perverse tales 
that combine sex and horror by Stephen 
King, Clive Barker and others. 

Sacrifice (Knopf), bv Andrew Vachss: In 
the sixth novel of this extraordinary se- 
ries, PL Burke returns to New York to 
follow а child-abuse case into the dark 
world of Satanic ritual. 

The Great American Gripe Book (Inlorma- 
tion USA), by Matthew Lesko: Hi arc 
more than 1000 Government offices vou 
can contact to settle a complaint; your 
passport to a consumer's paradise. 

HI Stop НИ Die: The Comedy and Tragedy of 
Richard Pryor (Uhunder's Mouth), by John 
A. and Dennis А. Williams: The brilliant 
but troubled life and career of the outra 
geous comic whose humor has marked. 
him as a major performer of our times. 

A Whole Different Ball Game: The Sport and 
Business of Baseball (Carol), by Marvin 
Miller: The first director of the Major 
League Baseball Players Association 
takes us into the conference room where 
headline-making deals were hammered 
out and multimillion-dollar contracts 
ushered in. 

То Serve and Collect (Praeger). by 
Richard C. Lindberg: A grimly amusing 
case history of big-city police and politi- 
cal corruption, which has achieved its 
purest form in Chicago 


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his column is dedicated to William 
I Kennedy Smith, whatever happens 
to his indictment for rape in Palm Beach, 
lorida. It is early June, and the safe 
thing would Бе for me to wait until all 
the facts are in before 1 write about Sena- 
tor Ted Kennedy's nephew. But ! believe 
we should talk about this predicament 
ght now. 
As I see it, Smith is already as much a 
victim in this case as his accuser claims to 
be. What has happened so far to Smith is 
nothing short of a cultural lynching. In 
the media, in the gossip of the day, in the 
public statements of people who claim to 
be experts, Smith has been named, 
cused, pictured (and what a photograph 
at first), analyzed, charged, convicted, 
jailed—and hanged by a lynch mob from 
the highest tree. 

Smith's guilt has been assumed 
most of the talk so far. Rarely has he been 
referred to as an alleged rapist; he is sim- 
ply the rapist. And now there is some: 
thing worse: NBC's Hard Copy has done a 
show that, while consistently referring to 
the alleged rape, gave me the impression 
that Connecticut police are interested in 
evidence gathered at the Palm Beach 
scene in regard to the sex murder of a 
15-year-old girl in 1975. That half hou 
ol air time has silenced all but the hardi- 
est of his defenders. 

The treatment that Smith has received 
by the public should be chilling to us all. 
What has happened to him from the be- 
ginning of the investigation has ver 
nous implications for every man in 
merica. Whatever the technical charge, 
1 sce this as an instance of possible date 
ape, and it therefore touches us all. 
Think about it for a minute: И could hap- 
pen lo you. 

Remember thi: 


. the male so a 

d guilty in the court of 

on. At that moment, 
any indictment, before 
sonable investigation or u 
ation is shattered and his [ше 5 

Once accused, the male in America be- 
comes fair game for all those people who 
think deeply about the rights of women 
but who couldn't с less about the. 
rights of men. (Indeed, in many circles, а 
mention of “the rights of men” invokes a 
cynical chuckle.) 



What is even more threatening to men 
today is this: Project a trend line of pop- 
ular attitudes about men accused of date 

ape into the 21st Ce and it ap- 
pears that every American male who 
nts to have a social life will live 
possibility of sexual blackmail 

Here is the scenario: Whimsically 
grily, unjustifiably or not, any anon 
mous woman can destroy a man's good 
standing in his community by pointi 
her finger and naming him as a date 


rapist. In. Smith's case, his accuser re- 
mained anonymous to the American 
public for two weeks and no purpose 

would be served by naming her here. 
When she was finally named, long after 
Smith's face and name had been 
eared across the newspapers and TV 
sereens and ines of this country, 
there were great debates about her rights 
to privacy. There were few, if any, about 
Smith's rights to privacy: Indeed, the cu 
tural assumption is that a man accused of 
date rape has no rights to privacy. 
this complicated arena of 
sexual politics is definitely against и 
gentlemen. A lynch mob could be just 
Че your door. In William Kennedy 
Smith's case, a lynch mob has already 
placed the rope around his neck. 

Lets face the facts: As men, we are a 

political and demographic minority 
and not a very popular or respected one 
in certain sec culture. The im- 

е of the male as inherently evil has 
been pounded into the American psyche 
for decades. Hannibal Lecter lives. So we 
had better take note of this cultural dy- 
namic and do something about it. А few 

1. The stigma attached to a male who 
is accused of date rape is just as severe as 
the stigma attached to the accuser who 
has charged the man with sexual as 
sault—if not more so. It is extremely 
harmful to be called an oppressor and an 
auacker and а rapist. Could we have 
recognition of that fact in the mediaz 

2. Neither the name of the accuser nor 
the name of the accused should be pub- 
shed when the accusation is made. If an 
indictment is handed down, then both 
names can be made public. 

_ 3. The charge of date rape is, by defin 
n. more complex than that of brutal 
rape Бу an unknown assailant. Until ai 
made, and unti 
both the accused and the accuser have 
ad a chance to face each other in court, 
date rape should be the phrase used in 
describing the accusation 

4. More than ever before, men need to 

educate themselves about the law and its 
ons to their issues. More than 
the only thing that stands 
and a lynch mob in this 
ky area of date rape is the law itself. 
not count on the media and the 
public to treat us fairly if we are accused 
of date rape. 
s risky as it may seem to you, and as 
unpopular as it may make you in certain 
les, it is your job to argue the case for 
rights in the date-rape debate. 
Don't sit silently by when people suggest 
that only the accuser feels waumarized, 
only the accuser has rights. Once ав; 
someday il could happen to you? 

6. Finally, we live in an environment of 
antimale sexism and prejudice. You'd do 
well to remember that 
careful out there. 

William Kenne dy 
of law find you gu pe, then ye 
deserve appropriate legal punishment. 
Rape is a terrible crime. But let it also be 
ted on the d that you wer 
Iynched ll, before 
you had 

ge of us and be 

the courts 





г writing this in the middle of a 
book tour, which means I'm on lots of 
adio programs where people call in and 
sk me questions. Here's the question 
that leaves all others in the dust: 

"You women say you wi 
tive man who unde 
caller A. 

“But Ive noticed that what really 
seems to get ladies’ juices flowing is men 
who are mean to them,” says caller B. 

“L have a bunch of friends who treat 
women like shit. These guys are swarming 
with women! Tm a nice guy; why can't I 
get a date?” says caller C. 

So either this is а syndrome experi- 
enced only by male radio-station callers 
to female writers or it's an epidem 

I think it’s more than an epidemic; I 
think it’s the biggest tragedy of the hu- 
man heart. Women will follow abusive 
guys until they fall off the earth 

The same way men will follow abusive 
women. Its true. In fact, there are plenty 
ol misguided self-help books out there 
that guarantee a woman a husband in a 
month if she will only follow this sc 
tional three-step progran 

1. Be a bitch. 2. Be a bitch 

These books probably work! The mean 
women 1 know have hundreds of men 
clinging to their ankles. But guess 
¡at—these women are not happy until 
they're clinging to the ankles of some 
disaster in a pony tail who would rather 
be fondling his Porsche! 

“Well, yeah,” says my friend Loma, 

“though guys also like really neurotic 
women with a lot of problems who need 
to be saved.” 

“So if we want to get laid, we have to 
choose one of those personas? 

“Lers uy being mean,” she decided. 
Il be more fun. 

Used to be | was one of those women 
who made a habit of getting involved 
with real bastards and then moaned 
about being mistreated. But for four 
years, no guy had been abusive—unt 
last month. It was fascinating to watch 
myself turn into a mound of jelly. 

At first, when he was being nice, I felt 
ophobic; I felt frightened because 
he was coming on so strong. But because 
I'm not quite as mentally ill as I used to 
be, I relaxed and started to enjoy the 
idea that I might have a nice boyfriend. 

That was the moment he chose to 
break a date. Then he became unav: 

3. Bea real 



"3" US 

ble for the most sperious of reasons. 71 
һу want to see you,” he'd say, "but 1 
ave to work on my taxes." 

I fell to pieces. | cried, 1 grew obses- 
sive, 1 hid under the covers. I thought 
bout him all the time, different sce 
nning through my br 
why he had disappeared. Fried to r: 
alize his behavior, tried to convince my- 
self he really liked me, he was just a 
scared, he'd be back soon. 1 fell 
bout him. 1 woke up thi 
bout him. It was intensely painful 
And ly inappr 
Even in my insanity, I couldn't help but 
notice that 1 didn't know this guy well 
enough for his loss to devastate me this 
жау. So I tried to think 

1 was walking on the b 
gorgeous day of the yea 
ng really r 
tihed how | was feel 
that because this guy didn 
cause he rejected me, I was notl 
da. Zip 

ag it out on 
ndorphin high, "this is a guy 
seemed. nice but not particularly 
not madly c t a regular guy. 
How come his opinion means the world 
Is this pain really about something else? 
Yes! As the endorphins kicked 


was tot: 

ach on the most 


sell while sweat 

1, hoping fo 


І ге- 

ized it was abou 
how | felt as a 
turned her back and 
me, when my father, my beloved father, 
shook his head and said, “Alter all we've 
done for you.” This is how I felt when I 
turning myself inside out trying to 
get my parents to love me, something 
they couldn't quite manage. This guy 
w guy, he was a button pusher. 

I have two dogs, Sally and Newton 
ally has always been treated well. New 
ton was abused before I got him, Il you 
accidentally step on Sally, she velps, 
glares reproachfully and stalks off. И you 
accidentally hurt Newton, he hangs his 
head, he wags his tail pleadingly, he 
thinks he's been bad. Then he spends all 
his time trying to get you to like him 
again. Newton and 1, two sick puppies 

Sigmund Freud, Groucho Marx and 
Woody Allen all said something ЖЕ) 
would never belong to а club that would 
have someone like me as a member.” 
When this guy dropped me, I felt that he 
saw some hideous truth about me and it 
made him run , and 
that's when 1 became despe: i 
his club. 

Abuse makes me and millions of other 
like me wag our tails and beg for for 
ness. Abuse taps into our deepest fears 
nd needs. Abuse makes us feel like we 
deserve everything bad we get. Abuse 
makes us want to crouch at the feet of the 
abuser and lick his toes until he likes us. 

We're not talking one or two deviant 
maniacs. We're talking a significant por 
tion of humanity. Many of us, maybe 
even most of us, need serious rewiring. 
And 1 think its because what is perceived 

s normal—the way parents were taught 
to treat children, the way our education- 
al systems operate—breaks a child's s| 
it and makes E maged adult. 

We must learn to Бе better, we must 
learn to treat our children with respect 
We must learn to imbue them with in- 
alienable feelings ol self-w 

Meanwhile, Im trying to pull mysell 
up by шу bootstraps. Here's what Tve 
done: Instead of slinking away and lick- 
ing my wounds the way I used to, I called 
guy and demanded he tell me why Ве 
appeared. He told me he was sorry, he 
really liked me, but there was this teenag- 
er he'd fallen for. | got really mad for an 
hour or two. Then I fell much better. 


something else. This 




[ | 


[ Ultra Lights 



Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. 

Right Guard'Sport Sticks. 
| Beytingiese monid be uncivilized, 


When my girlfriend and I make love, 
my thoughts often drilt to other women 
Гуе bedded over the years, especially а 
girl with whom I had a brief but very tor- 
vid summer romance when we were both 
camp counselors in college ten years ago. 
Т love my girliriend—at least I think 1 
do— these intense flashbacks are get- 
ting out of hand and are starting to in- 
terfere with sex. Am I messed up or 
what?—J. R., Reston, Virginia 

Not al all. Recently, researchers at the Uni- 
versity of Vermont surveyed 178 sexually ac- 
tive adults on the subject of erotic fantasies. 
Eighty-four percent said they fantasized about 
sex with people other than their partner. And 
in their fantasies, they ofen imagined engag- 
ing in sexual practices much hinkier than any 
thing they actually did. Meanwhile, like you, 
more than one quarter of the frequent fanta 
sizeis fell guilty about their erotic daydreams. 
Many worried that their fantasies might harm 
their relationships. The researchers concluded 
that their study corroborated what many other 
sexuality authorities have said: Sexual. fan- 
tasies are perfectly normal. Dou t worry about 
their content. In fantasy, coerylhing is permit- 
ted and nothing is wrong. 

Bin in the market for a new television set 
and someone recently recommended a 
model equipped with SRS. 1 pretended 
to know what he was talking about, but, 
really, E don't have you 
help?—E. W., Atlanta, С 

Isn't й amazing how intelligent the boob 
tube has become? SRS (Sound Retrieval S 
lem), one ој TV's latest smart functions, was 
originally developed by Hughes Aircraft to im- 
prove the acoustics in its airplanes. In short, it 
reprocesses the television’s audio signal to 
mimic the ways in which the human ear hears 
sound. Instead of the typically flat sounds 
generated by standard television sels, SRS 
offers more spatial dimension—greater depth, 
width, clarity and imaging— regardless of 
how the program was broadcast or recorded. 
Furthermore, sounds that may have been hid- 
den by the recording process ave revealed. And 
yon don't have lo stake ош a seat right m front 
of the speakers to enjoy the benefits of SRS; it 
sends balanced sound thoughout the room. So 
Jai, few companies offer SRS-equipped TVs. 
Sony was the first to incorporate the soplasti- 
cated technology in its high-end XBR sels in 
1989. Earlier this year, Toshiba announced 
plans to offer ils own SRS models. Bul, like 
any other technology, if it sells, you can bet 
there will be more of it m the future. 

Ever since my wife we 
got a diaphragm, the 
hurts when we have sex. I feel like m 
banging into the damn thing. She sa 
she doesn’t feel any discomfort, but this 
roblem has taken the pleasure out of 

off the pill and 
of my penis 

the deep thrusting Гуе always enjoyed. 1 
don't think anything is wrong with my 
penis, but should I see a urologist? Or 
could her diaphragm be the problemz— 

N., Buffalo, New York. 

1 doctors consultation might be а good 
place to start. if only to rule out a medical 
problem. А prostate infection or some other 
genitourinary condition could conceivably 
cause рат at the lip of your penis. Bul, 
frankly, we doubt it. We suspect it’s your wife's 
diaphragm, especially since you say the prob- 
lem began when she switched to it [rom the 
pill. Here are a few suggestions: Your wife 
should visit her physician or Jamily-planning 
clinic and check to see that her diaphragm is 
the right size. She should also make sure she's 
inserting il cori If AS the wrong size, or if 
she's not placing й properly, you may be bang- 
ing into the vim and feeling discomfort. But if 
all's well with her diaphragm, you may simply 
have an ultrasensitive glans. In that case, you 
have three choices: As much as you dislike the 
idea, you could thrust less deeply. You could 
add extra. lubvication—spermadal jelly or 
cream, KY jelly or your wife's saliva —to the 
head of your penis. Or you and your wife 
could reconsider your contraception. Condoms 
ше a possibility. So is the contraceptive 
sponge, which is quile soft and unlikely lo ir- 
rilate even the most sensitive penis. 

Prease explain the difference between 
espresso, café au lait and cappuccino.— 
D. B., Los Angeles, California. 

Here's the scoop: Espresso is made by using 
а strong, espresso blend of coffee, preferably 
freshly roasted and ground. Espresso coffee is 
approximately three limes stronger than regu- 
lar, or American, coffee, though И contains less 
caffeine. M is often served with а thin slice of 
lemon. Café au lait is made with regular 


coffee, lo which an equal amount of warm milk 
is added before serumg. Cappuccino is made 
with espresso, to which steamed milk 15 
added—and perhaps а sprinkling ој cinna- 
mon—before serving. 

rs alter my wile died in an 
at, Гуе fallen in love again. 
xd sexually super- 
had any sexu- 
but she was 
and except for 

al com 
rather demur 
heavy br 

athing, our lovemal 

My new love is 
ict, she's downright boisterous, 
1 find her erotic noise- 
id since I met her a 
ve enjoyed some ec- 
с, high-volume sex. But my son is 
coming home from college soon and, 
frankly, Газ feeling a little concerned. I 
don't want to ask my lover to pipe down 
during his visit—perish the thought. And. 
I don't саге that he knows we're mı 
love. At 20, he's sexually active, a 
already told him about my new love, E 
one thing to bid my son good ni 
and repair to а quiet horizontal inter- 
lude, and quite another 10 have my 
lover's shrieks reverberating throughout 
the house. What should 1 doz—G. D., 
Sunnyvale, Calilomia, 

Weil advise adding а stereo to your bed- 
room мї and cranking that sucker up high to 
counter your lovers shrieks. Try some Van 
Halen от John Philip Sousa. You might also 
subtly suggest to her that a little more breath- 
ing and a little less shricking would be a recipe 
Jor a mellower holiday. 

ng was 

er nois) ach more 

vocal; in 

go, w 


d like to buy an older sports cai 
you provide some tips and guide 
Where do I look? How do I know if the 
asking price is fair? What about service 
and parts?—G. M., Montpelier, Vermont. 
A vintage sports car can provide exciting 
transportation at less than the cost of a new 
car The rules are similar to those for any 
used-car purchase. Look for a clean, low- 
mileage car with а good service history. Good 
sports cars can be found in your local “pen- 
nysaver” and newspaper, as well as in the Av 
toWeek classifieds, in Hemmings Motor 
News (802-442-3101), а publication that 
lists thousands of cars and parts for sale each 
month (it also lists suppliers, restorers and 
parts sources for every make), and in The Du 
Pont Registry, a guide lo high-end col- 
lectibles. Compare several asking prices for the 
same model to determine a fair average, or 
check the listings in "CPI: The Value Guide to 
Cars of Particular Interest” (301-779-8488). 
Another helpful source is individual-make 
"Buyer's. Guides,” published by Motorbooks 
International (800-826-6600). If you are 
lucky enough to find а car that you want, 



remember that service may бе а problem. Con- 
sult enthusiastic car-cwning friends, your lo- 
cal sports-car club and the Yellow Pages far a 
local garage that knows your make. Best of 
all, besides their head-wruing value, older 
sports cars ave cheaper to insure than current. 
counterparts. Happy hunting? 

My new 

of birth control. She says it’s ell 
because it washes the sperm out of h 
vagina. Tve never really heard of this 
method. Should 1 be worried?—T. 1 
Denver, Colorado. 

Put it this way: By the time she gets to the 
washroom to douche, your determined sperm 
may have already reached their target. If they 
haven't, Ihe jet from the douche will certainly 
help them along. In other words, douching 
has one of the highest failure rates ој any con- 
traceplive technique. Unless youre eager to 
hear the pitter-palter of little feet, tell your 
girlfriend it’s time lo try something reliable. 

friend douches as a m 

Thre mim julep is the official drink of 
the Kentucky Derby. Is there a special 
h the Ps 
Triple Crown event?— 
son, Arizona. 

Not lo be outdone, the Preakness: has an 
oficial drink, too—the Black-Eyed Susan: To 
the juice of 2 lemons and 1 orange, add Y 
blespoon sugar and ¥ oz. bourbon. Shake, then 
pour over crushed ice. Yare off and running 

Let them fall into 
make an Italian beg for 

Avery Island’s 

Since my husband has n 
i getting him to acco 
visits used to be hell. 1 never 
blamed him. My parents are a drag, but 
they are my parents. Fortunately, my hus- 
band’s in-law aversion recently changed 
to enthusiasm. 1 anne d that if he 
stopped hveiching and behaved himself at 

y parents”, P d give him a magnificent 
blow job on the drive home. Nothing like 
a positive-ince program to make ev- 
eryone happy. He is now a dear with my 
folks, and we both e the drive home. 
As soon as we hit the freeway, I start 
stroking the already-large bulge in his 
pants. Then [unzip him, and his 
tion pops ош. Т suck him into my mouth 
d my head bobs up 1 down in his 
lap. Meanwhile, he pulls off my top and 
unhooks my bra so that my bi : 
free. 1 love the way he gently fondles 
them as I continue to give him loving lip 
auto-erotieism lasts about 20 
until we approach our 

ed my 

y me on 



he comes, and I enjoy a nice warm “cock- 

Then | zip him back up again, 
ch is why I'm writing. worry that his 
Zipper might pinch his tender flesh. Не 
could zip himself up. but he really loves 
this little finishing touch, and Г enjoy do- 
it for him. But I don't want to hurt 
him, especially there. Any suggestions? — 
Mrs. C. H., Bowling Green, Ohio. 

Your incentive program has certainly struck 
а major blow for family harmony. As for your 
problem, we suggest you christen one pair of 
your husband's slacks his “in-law pants” and 
replace its zipper with Velero. Easy open and 
easy close, with no risk of pinching. In addi- 
tion, if at your parents’ house you hear the tell- 
tale sound of Velero coming undone, you'll 
know ИУ time to stop admiring your man’s 
new blender and hit the road. 

sports ја 
spend son 
Че оп color 
ting discou 
Chicago, Illinois. 

You might consider taking a significant oth- 
er along lo give you an opinion that’s nol your 
own or a salespersons. The most important 
thing is to find a style that fus. Then worry 
about Ihose other questions: color, weight, ma 
terial and the rest of your outfit. But here's a 
tip: Designers have distinct cuts to their 
clothes. Go to a department store and try on at 
least one jacket from every designer who inler- 
ests you. If you find a coat by Joseph Abboud 
that fis, chances are all Abbouds will fit. Some 
men have Armani bodies, others have Bill 
Blass builds. Knowing which designers’ prod- 
нек have fit in the past will greatly reduce the 
time spent on your clothes hunt. 

e been searching for a hip designer 
et for which Im willing to 
: cash. Problem is, 1 ка 
designer or loo 
. Any pointers? 

Letthe drops fall where they may. 

е spaghetti sauce. And create а sauce that would 
more. Let them fall into the oil to spice up a big 
bowl of popcorn for the late-night movie. Or into macaroni and cheese, on hamburgers, 
fish sticks, baked potatoes, even in mayonnaise. But wherever the dropsof ® 

magical Tabasco” brand pepper sauce fall, they won't fall 

unappreciated. And evenif you happen to spill a drop or two along the way, not 
to worry. There’s plenty w more where they came from. 

The lively taste of Tabasco" sauce. 

Don tkeepit bottled up. 

©1991. TABASCO is a registered trademark of McIlhenny Company. 
For the recipes of Walter McIlhenny in "А Gentleman's Guide to Memorable Hospitality," send $3.25to МсПһеппу Co., Dept. GG, Avery Island, Louisiana 70513. 

How winne 

hold up under temperature c 
E. E, Dallas. Texas. 

According to the experts, it's never a great 
idea to store compact discs in your car But we 
were surprised to learn that low temperatures 
are actually worse for compact dises than high 
ones. Apparently, CDs have been known to 
snap or crack when Кері in cold weather for 
loo long. Heat, on the other hand, does not 
seem lo affect them in the shart term; however, 
the jury is МШ out on long-term damage, Our 
adince: Gel yourself a handy carrying case 
and cart the CDs with you. AS inconvenient as 
it may seem, H's worth the effort if it will pro- 
long the life of your collection. 

My husband and 1 ly ready to 
start a family. but I'm afraid I'm not go- 
ing to be able то get preg 
time we have sex, he саа 
me. but when he pulls out. Im unable to 
hold the semen. Is the ything we can 
do to prevent this from. happening?— 
Mrs. D. E, Detroit, Michigan 

Relax. If your husband has a normal sperm 
count, he'll release between 200.000.000 and 
300,000,000 sperm т a single ejaculation. 
And while not all of them will reach the final 
destination, those little suckers are swift The 
six-inch Dip throngh the vagina. cervix. 
uterus and Fallopian lubes to the unfertilized 
egg lakes as little as five minutes. The actual 
fertilization takes longer. but once the sperm 
are there, Шеу can survive for about eight 
swith some inler- 
course positions thal have proved more suc- 
cessful in placing the sperm near the сетих 
and keeping them there. The best, according to 
some physicians, are rear-enlry positions (both 
parte th the man facing the 
woman's back, or both lying on their side, with 
the man curled around the woman's back). To 
help retain yonr husband's sperm, haze him 
remove his penis immediately ajter ejaculation. 
while it's still erect. Then lie on your hack with 
your hips on a pillow for about 20 minutes 
Timing is everything, though. so try to figure. 
out when you're mast fertile, And must of all, 
enjoy yourselves. Sex is never good when it be- 
comes too clinical. 

days. You also can experiment 

Sex with my new boyfriend is fantastic, 
but Im paranoid about AIDS and other 
sexually transmitted diseases. | dont 
nk he has anythi he has slept 
with lots of wom mil we've been 
together longer, l'd like to have 
Trouble is, he use condoms. 
He says he mig 
1. but Fm on th 

fe sex. 

сло en- 
Help! шоп, Ohio. 
Help is on the way. Gel hold of the terrific 
60-minute cassette "How to Talk with a Part- 
ner About Smari Sex." Produced and narrat- 
ed by noted sex experts Bernie Zilbergeld, 
PhD, and Lonnie Burbach, Ph.D. this 
frank, practical tape contains dozens of 
gnelles in which velvet-voiced actors play out 

the little disagreements that sometimes cause 
problems for couples today. In some vignettes, 
the man objects to using condoms; in others, 
is the woman. The tape has a profound effect. 
You quickly realize that discussions about safe 
sex need. not feel Ihreatenmg, Although the 
seripls focus on AIDS prevention, they apply 
to other diseases and contraceptive couflicts. 
How to Talk with a Partner About Smart 
Sex” is available for 513, postpaid, from Fo- 
cus International. 14 Oregon Drive, Hunting- 
ton Station, New York 11746, 800-843-0305. 

АП reasonable questions—fiom fashion, 
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dating 

problems, taste and etiquette—will be person- 
ally answered if the writer meludes a stamped, 
self-addressed envelope. Send all letters. to 
The Playboy Advisor, Playboy, 680 North 
Lake Shove Drive, Chicago. Шток 60611 
The most provocative, 
will be presented on these pages each month. 

pertinent queries 

Dial The Playboy Hotline today: get closer 
to the Playmates as they reveal secrels about 
dating and women! Call 1-900-740-3311; 
only three dollars per minute 


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looking for vital signs in the bill of rights 

When the framers of the Constitu- 
Чоп finally approved that unprece- 
dented document in 1787, they 
thought their labors were done. But 
there followed fierce resistance in the 

ion. Some argued against its 

because they were op- 

posed to a strong Federal Govern- 

ment with a broad power to tax. But 
the majority of those reluc- 
tant to approve the Constitu- 
tion demanded that it also 
contain a Bill of Rights to 
protect individual liberties 
against Government incursion. 

James Madison, a principal 
designer of the Constitution, 
promised a powerful, unam- 
biguous Bill of Rights that 
“could satisly the public mind 
that their liberties will be per- 
petual.” And in 1789, during 
the First Congress, he intro- 
duced the boldest guaran- 
tee of fundamental personal 
rights yet known. 

‘There would be free 
speech, free press, free exer- 
cise of religion, heavy restric- 
tions on the power of the 
police to search homes and 
individuals, the right not to 
be forced to tesufy against 
oneself, no punishments with- 
out due process of law, the 
right to confront hostile wit- 
nesses at a trial, the right to a 
lawyer in a criminal prosecu- 
tion and the outlawing of cruel and 
unusual punishment. 

Ratified by a sufficient number of 
states on December 15, 1791. the ВИ 
of Rights was incorporated into the 
Constitution as the first ten amend- 
ments. This bicentennial year of the 
birth of what Madison called "the 
great r 
hailed with considerably less celebra- 
tion than the festivities of 1987—the 
200th anniversary of the C 
itself. Then there were resounding 
parades, stately processions of tall 
ships in New York and other harbors 
and exhortations to the children of 
the land to drink deeply of the wis- 


dom of what was now the oldest Соп- 
stitution in the entire world. 

In 1991, however, while there have 
been some wordy ceremonies in hon- 
or of the Great Rights, as the first ten 
amendments are sometimes known, 
most of the populace is hardly aware 
of this remarkable anniversary. But 
then, it is doubtful whether most 

Americans know what's in the Bill of 

Rights, so swift and shallow are the 
ways in which it is discussed in the na- 
tion's schools. And that's why parts 
of it are so frequently threatened by 
the President, the Congress and state 
legislatures: The Bill of Rights does 
not have an informed constituency 
among the very people it was de- 
signed to protect. 
Consider. the t 
which Supreme Justice William 
O. Douglas described as “a new and 
bold experiment. It staked everyt 
on unlimited public discussion. . . . 
[It] set a new standard, and exalted 
freedom of expression.” 


Yet during the Gulf war, when the 
Government shackled the press's free- 
dom to describe and discuss what was 
going on, no objections were raised by 
the majority of the public. Indeed, it 
seemed relieved to get its information 
in the form of sugar-coated nuggets 
from Government "briefers" rather 
than having to sift through and mull 

over information provided 
by an independent press. 
Michael Deaver who had 
been President Reagan's 
highly proficient press ma- 
nipulator, said of the Gov- 
ernment control of the press 
during the Gulf war, “If you 
were going to hire a public- 
relations firm to do the 
media relauons for an inter- 
national event, it couldn't be 
done any better than this is 
being done." 

Reporters in the field 
could operate only in pools, 
and if any of their dispatches 
offended a high-ranking offi- 
cial they were summarily 
banished. During interviews 
with the press, Servicemen 
were carefully watched and 
listened to by Pentagon pub- 
lic-relations officers—hardly 
encouragement of sponta- 
neous, honest response. And 
Dover Air Force Base in 
Delaware, the country's larg- 
est mortuary for Servicemen 

killed overseas, was closed to those 
members of the press reporting on 
the return of the war dead. Such 
reporting had been permiued in 
previous years, yet this time, the Gov- 
ernment felt that it could get away 
with presenting the Gulf war as appar- 
ently bloodless by keeping the return- 
ing coffins out of the press's and, thus, 
the public's eye. With this successful 
precedent set for the Government's 
undercutting of the First Amend- 
ment, during the next armed conflict, 
the independent press may become 
even more superfluous. 

So much for the “bold experi 

Since writers are so const 

оит Government, it should come аз no 
surprise that, in this bicentennial year 
of the Bill of Rights, readers are fet- 
tered as well. The First Amendment 
dealt directly with the expectations and 
priorities of the framers in relation to 
the individuals right to read or see 
whatever he or she wanted to. It is im- 
portant to note that at the time of the 
American Revolution, only one of the 
13 colonies had а law punishing ob- 
scenity. (Massachusetts had a statute 
against blasphemy—sacrilegious, not 

secular, speech.) In 1791. freedom to 
read was as 

reedom to 

mportant as 
any of the fram. 

ition had in 
their libraries such decid- 
edly erotic volumes as 

John Cleland's Memoirs of a 
Woman. of Pleasure, Ovid's 
Art of Love and works by 

And as revered a figure 
in American history as 
Benjamin Franklin wrote 
some essays that, under 
present obscenity laws, 
could have had him busted 
and jailed. Among those 
"obscene" works is "Advice 
to а Young Man on the 
Choice of a Mistress," in 
which he observes that, 
after putting a basket over 
any woman's head, the 
lower parts will be so 
plump and inviting that "it 
is impossible of two wom- 
en to know an old one 
from a young one." 

So, as Justice Douglas 
said, "The First Amend- 
ment was the product of a 
robust, not prudish, age." 

Yet 200 years after the 
ratification of the First 
Amendment, some of oui 
contemporary lawmakers 
and enforcers—Federal, state and lo- 
cal—have become so prudish ıhat not 
only books but movies and recordings 
and even exhibits at art museums ai 
being censored under obscenity laws 
There have been acquittals—2 Live 
Crew and the museum director who ex- 
hibited Robert Mapplethorpe photos 
among them—but obscenity prosecu- 
ins continue. Defense costs have be- 
come so expensive that the news of a 
prosecution in one place often leads to 
self-censorship among institutions else- 

"The late Federal judge Jerome Frank 
was one of the few members of the 
Judicial branch alert to the dangers in- 

herent in weakening the First Amend- 
ment. He used to warn, "Some few men 
stubbornly fight for the right to write or 
publish or distribute books which the 
great majority at the time consider 
loathsome. If we jail those few, the com- 
munity may appear to have suffered 
nothing. The appearance is deceptive. 
For the conviction and punishment of 
these few writers [or film makers or mu- 
sicians or singers or museum directors] 
will terrify writers who are .. . less eager 
for a fight. What, as a result, they do not 
write might have been major literary 
contributions. cele НИ 
said, *i 


E ——— —— 

Write You Were AWAY 

school boards are instructing children 
on the majesty of the First Amendment 
while succumbing to pressure to ban 
"unfit" books from school libraries and 
curriculums. A frequent target contin- 
ues to be J. D. Salinger's Catcher in the 
Rye. In Boron, California, the book was 
attacked on the basis of its blasphe- 
mous, not obscene, language: "It uses 
the Lord's name in vain 200 times. 
They say it describes reality. Let's go 
backward. Let's go back to when we 
didn't have an immoral society." 

The thinkers and politicians of 1791, 
whether more or less moral than today, 
did feel that the privacy of the individ 
al had to be protected 
against the whims of pop- 
ular morality. 

Benjamin Franklin and. 
the other framers of the 
Constitution were so con- 
cerned with the individu- 
al's right to privacy that 
they tied to ensure that 
both contemporary and 
future generations w 

B eem 

be free from arbitrary 
and humiliating searches. 
This concern gave rise to 
the Fourth Amendment— 
now the most endangered 


too small to harbor men of | 
How unfortunate it is to contempl 
that now one of the busiest di 
the Department of Ju the Child 
Exploitation and Obscenity Sect 
formerly the National Obscenity En- 
forcement Unit that was founded in 
1986 by then-Attorney General Edwin 
Meese. This crew of imperial censors 
keeps a stern watch on the morals of the 
citizens and their elected officials in all 
50 states. Their imperative: to protect 
the citizenry from “lewd” books and 
acts, as well as to proscribe the purvey- 
ors of such turpitude whether or not we 
the people want that protection. 
In this atmosphere, schools 


part of the generally en- 
dangered Bill of Rights. 

Before the Revolution, 
British troops, under 
the authority of general 
search warrants, could 
invade any dwelling. In 
1772, the Massachusetts 
Committee of Corre- 
the independence of the 
colonies—described Ше 
without pi 
our houses and even our 
bedchambers аге ех- 
posed to be ransacked 
Our boxes, chests and 
trunks broke open, ravaged and plun- 
dered by wretches, whom no prudent 
man would venture to employ even as 
menial servants. ... By this we are cut 
off from that domestic security which 
renders the lives of the most unhappy 
1 some measure agreeable.” Those 
wretches” were British soldiers, who 
were allowed under a general search 
warrant to enter homes with the merest 
suspicion of wrongdoing. 

This history of unwarranted intru- 
sion is why the Fourth Amendment is 
the most precisely detailed and is con- 
sidered by some the most important 
part of the Bill of Rights. Listen to how 
assuredly it begins: "The right of the 

people to be secure in their persons, 
houses, papers and effects, against 
reasonable searches and seizures, shall 
not be violated." 

But what is ıhe definition of an 
unreasonable search? First, says the 
Fourth Amendment, a 
warrant is 
and “no War 
issue, but upon proba 
Dle cause [that cri 
vis taking place], 
ported by Oath or 
n. and parti 
ularly describing the 
place to be searched, 
and the persons or 
things to be seized." 
The Americans who 
wrote the amendment 
never wanted to occu 
ру again the decidedly 
inferior position. that 
they had held as impo- 
tent colonists. Quite 
mply the Fourth 
Amendment is in the Bill of Rights 
specifically to prevent this country from 
becoming a police state. 

As law professor Anthony Amster- 
dam says, “1 can think of few consti- 
tutional issues more important than 
defin the reach of the Fourth 
Amendment—the extent to which 
controls the array of activities of the 

A crucial weakening of this essential 
protection of individual liberty and pri- 
vacy took place in the first Supreme 
Court case to deal with wire tapping 
and the Fourth Amendment, Olmstead 
vs. United States (1928). In a 5-4 de- 
cision, the Court ruled that wire tap- 
ping itutional, because the 
police had made no physical entry in- 
to the home of the bootlegger whose 
phone had been tapped. In dissent 
Justice Louis Brandeis emphasized that 
the principle of the Fourth Amendment 
applies to any Government violation 

individual privacy—no maner by 

warned Justice 
"If the Government becomes 
ker, it breeds contempt for 

Brandeis was worried that the de- 
cision would allow swiltly advancing 

technologies—such as wire tapping— 
to eflectively eviscerate the Fourth 
Amendment in more than just spirit. 
“The progress of science in furnishing, 
the ( 1 with means of espi- 
onage,” he said, “is not likely to stop 
with wire tapping. Ways may someday 
be developed by which the Govern- 


ment, without removing papers from 
secret drawers, can reproduce them in 
court, and by which itwill be enabled to 
expose to a jury the most intimate 
occurrences of the home.” 

And while technology hasn't pro- 
gressed quite that far, 
consider the implica- 
tons of the .devices 
called pen registers, 
now available, which 
allow police to find 
out immediately what 
phone numbers a pri- 
vate citizen has 
aled—a process that 
has been declared con- 
stitutional. Had this 
been available to the 
ЕВЕ at the time of 
the Watergate break-in, 
what chance would 
Woodward and Bern- 
stein have had of pro- 
tecting their sources 
and exposing the cor- 
ruption in both the White House and 
the Justice Department? 

Bur the most devastating blows dealt 
the Fourth Amendment have been 
thrown in the name of the war on 
drugs. which has mrned ont to Бе. for 
all intents and purposes, the war on the 
Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court has 
upheld random searches of employ- 
ees—without a warrant and without 
probable cause—to discover use of 
drugs. In frustration and indignation, 
Fourth Amendment expert and Uni 
versity of Michigan professor of law 
Yale Kan 
^How can the Court 
uphold searches where 
no warrant is required, 
no probable cause re- 
quired—not even any 
level of suspicion is 

The answer го how 
this happens is rwo- 

fold: First, the Consti- 

¡ution's meaning is 
what the Supreme 
Court interprets it to 

be, and since we have 
a conservative. Court, 
the Bill of Rights 
receives little respect. 
Second and perhaps 
more frightening is 
that most Americans have been c 
vinced by successive conservative 
Administrations that the 
Amendment must be sacrificed in order 
to win the war on drugs. 
has noted in The New York Times that 

Washington Pos/ABC News poll 
showed that 52 percent of responder 
were willing to have their houses 
searched and 67 percent to have their 
cars stopped and searched by police 
without a warrant, 

As Judge Learned Hand once said, 
“Liberty lies in the hearts of men and 
women; when it dies there, no Constitu- 
tion, no law, no cour n save it. 

The great sadness is that we are in 
danger of creating a nation of children 
who may not realize the rights they 
have lost, who may believe they have no 
ght to privacy from the police, In 
Tazewell County, Ilinois, last yi all 
eight high schools were subject to a 
sudden mass drug raid one morning. 
Teams of state police. sherill's dep- 
uties, local police and drug-snifling 
dogs blocked entrances 10 the schools 
so that no one could enter or leave. The 
students were held in classrooms, some 
for as long as two hours. There had 
been no prior indication of widespread. 
drug dealing or drug possession in any 
of the high schools. 

One of the few people i 
to express outrage 
tempt for Fourth. Amendment 
was Dave Simpson, publisher of the lo- 
cal paper the Pekin Daily Times. But he 

was just as disturbed by the lack of pub- 
lic outrage. The Times reported. that 
there was litle anger from the students 
and that some even suggested to the 
cops that a sweep of the lower schools 

n the county 

could be productive. 

Hardly an auspicious prelude to a bi- 
centennial celebrauon of the Bill ol 
Rights. Because today, 
as was the case 200 
years ago, the liberties 

endure only as long as 
the people know what 
they are and have the 
courage to remem- 
ber what Madison said 
go: “The cen- 
sorial power is in the 
people over ihe Gos 
ernment, and not 
the Government over 
the people.” 
At the 

nd of the 
tion, Benjamin Frank- 
lin was asked what had 
come of the assembly. He replied. 
А republic, if you can keep it." We've 
shown we can keep the form of. 
democratic republic, but its soul. 
mee of personal 
c danger. 



I's good to sec that the aca- 
demic commui 
ing some attention to Satanism. 
It's turning out to be a figment 
of the overheated fundamental- 
ination, promoted in- 
ional peril by a few 
crazies who have discovered 
that they can make big bucks 
writing and r g against it. 
The American Sociological As- 
sociation was treated to an in- 
teresting paper by an Indiana 
sociologist, Professor Anson 
Shupe, who studies religious 
sects. He investigated the nu- 
merous reported cases that 
were creating a state-wide Sa- 
tanism scare and found them all 
based on bullshit. A newspaper 
article quotes him as finding 
that “the state of Indiana has 
never witnessed a single, pro- 
fessionally documented case of 
Satanic abuse, or а Satanic 
crime successfully prosecuted in 
a courtroom, or such a case ever 
put on a court docket,” presum- 
ably for lack of any real evi- 
dence. One could conclude that 
a few mental defectives have spiced up 
their lives with the ultimate bogey- 
man, until one remembers the destruc- 
tion such people can wreak on the lives 
of others, including their own children, 
as in the case of the McMartin Pre- 
School in California. The only differ- 
ence between the Salem witch-hunters 
of the 17th Century and today’s anti- 
Satanists is 300 years. 
John Richardson 
San Francisco, California 
Don't expect the light of reason to dispel 
the hysteria. As long as the Justice Depart- 
ment continues to hold seminars on Satanic 
спте, the gullible populace will continue 
with witch trials. In a newsletter from Cali- 
formans Against Censorship Together, editor 
Bobby Lilly took on the annual pep rally 
cosponsored by the Bay Area Citizens 
Against Pornography and the U.S. Depart- 
ment of Justice. The conference, called. 
"Protecting Children from Molesters, 
Pornographers, Ritual Abuse and Cults,” 
was сам like an Oprah Winfrey show from 
hell. Alan Sears (of the Meese commission) 
and Dr. Victor Cline (psychologist and self- 
appointed porn expert) offered seemingly 
credible stories of abuse 
Lilly wrote, “Somehow, | do not believe 
that a balanced point of view will be present- 



“The reason so many women fake orgasms is 
that so many men fake foreplay.” 


ed. . ... But the conference, with its stamp of 
authority from the Justice Department, will 
legitimate the unfounded charges that these 
practices ате endemic, а serious threat to so- 
ciety, and must be stopped at all costs to “pro- 

teci the children.” Lilly suggested writing to 
your Senator and Representative to ask how 
the Government can waste money on such 
Маат propaganda. 


The University of Virginia drug bust 
earlier this year presented several situa- 
ions bordering on criminal insanity. 
The raid on and subsequent seizure of 
the three fraternity houses under inves- 
tigation made the Feds and local au- 
thorities look like bullies. As more 
heinous acts were being carried out on 
the streets, these tough guys went after 
local frat boys on charges of drug 
trafficking. The crime is that their real 
motivation was not the level of illegal 
activity so much as the lucrative booty 
they stood to gain in seizing the 
$1,000,000 worth of real estate. 

What this asset-scizure approach rep- 
resents is a misuse of the RICO statute, 
designed to cripple the activities of or- 
ganized crime, including major drug 
cartels. Maybe the parameters are di 

inia, but a few 
лапа do not à 

ferent in V 
ounces of ma 
cartel make. 
What smacks of foul play in 
this whole thing is the seizure of 
property belonging to an ab- 
sentee landlord—the alumni 
associ n. That real estate was 
not the property of the young 
men occupying the buildings. 
For the authorities (o seize 
property belonging to the inno- 
cent and the distant is un- 
American and turns police into 
bounty hunters. А danger exists 
in the "welfare effect” this kind 
of action has on law-enforce- 
ment agencies. As the coffers of 
the FBI, the DEA and related 
offices are fattened from pr 
erty seizures, these agencies will 
find themselves increasingly 
more dependent on the illeg: 
activities they want to elimi 
nate. Busts will be made based 
оп what the authorities stand to 
gain. This kind of remunerative 
law and order blurs the distine- 
tion between the good guys and 
the bogeymen, with justice go- 
ing to the highest bidder- 
Sean Finister 
Chicago, Illinois 


I think that Jeffrey М. Leving 
("Reader Response." The Playboy Forum, 
June) is hinting at the larger men’s- 
rights issue, rather than focusing on 
abortion. Your editorial comment is 
certainly true: Abortion. must be the 
choice of the woman alone. She's preg- 
nant, he's not. 

However it isn't true that sex 
something that men do to women after 
chasing them down. Pregnancy hap- 
pens as a result of an act that men and 
women do for the pleasure that they 
both receive. Men don't get women 
pregnant; men and women together 
create a pregnancy, so their commi 
s should be concurrent. И an ir 
jous tryst binds a man to the 
obligation of pat then it ought to 
bind women to maternity simultane- 
ly. It shouldn't be а matter of one 
partner holding the bailout option ex- 
clusive of the other. Where abortion is 
legal, paternity suits are unjust. 

David W. Sims 
Stevenson, Alabama 



The recent controversy sp: 
Brown University's expulsion of an in- 
ebriated student for shouting 
antihomosexual epithets has elicited 
some pecu nd dangerously mis- 

In the words of opponents, university 
president Vartan Gregorian's decision 
"violates both the letter and the spir 
of the First Amendment” and “runs 
counter to the purpose of the Bill of 
Rights: to protect individual freedom.” 

But does Brown's action really violate 
the Constitution? Clearly, the found- 
ing fathers intended to prohi 
of censorship by the Government 
Brown is a private institution. As such, 
št has the right to set its own rules and 
standards for voluntary association; the 
Constitution is simply not relevant 
to the debate 

The thinking expressed by these 
opponents parallels the fallacious but 
familiar cries that anyone denied a plat- 
form by a newspaper, magazine, televi- 
sion program or theater is a victim of 
censorship whose Gonstitutional rights 
have been violated. 

I we are truly in favor of free speech, 
les not blur the distinction between 
Government and private action, or fog 
our understanding of what the Consti- 
tution means. 

t acts 

Don Hauptman 
New York, New York 
The Bill of Rights protects the right of the 
individual from Government abuse. It as- 
sumes that the people know, respect and 
practice these rights in every other sector of 
their lives. If schools disdain free expression, 
it is only а matter of time before a nation of 
graduates does the same 


1 can't speak for the rightwing cra- 
zies, but as a woman, I am offended by 
the one-sidedness of the nudity in erot- 
ica and mainstream movies (“Sex Is 
€ — That's Why Censors Can't Stand 
The Playboy Forum, May). The gratu- 
itous nudity, and the often degrading 
positions the fen s find 
themselves in, makes for a very male 
oriented viewing experience. “Erot 
invites the viewer to get in touch with 
his far id desires,” says Klein 
His fantasies, exactly. None of this stuff 
is meant for те. So, maybe if film mak- 
ers would lighten up on the exclusively 
female nudity, we women would lighten 




of the presbyterian church (1991) 

“Our search . . . is to put sex in 
proper perspective, so that we not 
make too little or too much of it. 
We seek to give sexuality its due, as 
q good gift from a gracious God, 
and to welcome this aspect of our 
humanity with joy, reverence, in- 
sight and responsibility." 


“A Christian ethic of sexuality is 
needed that honors but does not 
restrict sexual activity to marriage 
alone, nor blesses all sexual ac- 
tivity within marriage as morally 
acceptable. (Sexual violence and 
coercion, within or outside mar- 
riage, are wrong.) God's intention 
for us as sexual persons lies not on- 
ly in procreation but, even more 
fundamentally, in loving compan- 
ionship. . . . 

“It no longer makes sense to 
grant uncritical religious and moral 
legitimation to heterosexuality and 
heterosexual relations simply be- 
cause they are heterosexual. Simi- 
larly, it is wrong to condemn 
nonmorital sexual activity as unac- 
ceptable simply because it falls out- 
side a . . . formal, institutional 

“Condor requires us to admit, 
among other things, that many of 
our conventional categaries far 
naming normal from abnormal 
sex, as well as right fram wrong re- 
lation, are no langer helpful. These 
labels too often distort rather than 
disclose what is most important 
ond valuable about sexuality. For 
example, what matters ethically is 
not the sameness (or the differ- 
ence) of the gender of persons in 
relotion but, rather, the 
quality and character of 
their relationship. Not 

who we are but how we are with 
each other is ethically significant.” 

"In order to reclaim moral credi- 
bility, the church must reverse the 
pervasive fear of sex and passion 
so noticeable among ‘respectable’ 
church people. This feor gnaws at 
our communal psyches and souls 
and has come perilously close to 
Killing off both love of life and pas- 
sion for justice. On the one hand, 
the church must stop discouraging 
sensuous touch and respectful sex- 
val expression between genvinely 
consenting adults. On the other 
hand, the church should start en- 
couraging responsible, loving and 
justice-bearing sexual relations 
wherever they occur. 

“Rather than inquiring whether 
sexual activity is premarital, mari- 
tal or postmarital, we should be 
asking whether the relation is re- 
sponsible, the dynamics genvinely 
mutual and the loving full of joyful 
caring... . 

“Single persons, whether single 
by choice or by circumstance, fully 
possess the right to be sexual. Per- 
sons are sexual, interested in and 
fully capable of intimacy and right 
relatedness whether they are en- 
gaging in genital sex or not. More- 
aver, all persons have a right to 
caring, respectful tauch if they so 
choose. The church can help us ex- 
plore the meaning of that right, as 
well as advocate the importance of 
self-lave and self-care, along with 
care of others.” 


The repart, after selling more 
than 25,000 copies, 
wos shouted down by a 
534-31 vote. 


up, too. Men aren't the only ones who 
want to see a little Гапа A. 

Rena Hecht 

New York, New York 


Tighter gun-control legislation has 
been making headlines in the past six 
months. These measures are not only 
an infringement on the rights of taw- 
abiding citizens but a complete waste 
of taxpayers’ money and Congress’ 
time. Consider the following: 

It's already illegal for felons to own 
firearms. How redundant must the 
law be? There are thousands of 
firearm laws on the books now. Many 

е a new market and, of course, а 
new agency—the GEA. 

New York and Los Angeles both 
have extremely tough handgun re- 
strictions, yet they continue to lead 
the nation in violent crimes, especial- 
ly murder. 

End plea bargaining, which is a bar- 
gain only for the accused. The answer 
isn't more laws but, rather, enforce- 
ment of those we have. 

David Kveragas 
€ s Summit, Pennsylvania 

It is irresponsible journalism 10 
publish the name of a rape suspect 

A Breast. By Анү Orurn МАМЕ. 

Milsou, one of Conado's top female singers, mode а hot music video feoluring 
glimpses of female breosts ond mole butiocks. The response? Dis-Moi, Dis-Moi (Tell 
Me, Tell Me) wos bonned from Quebec's English-longuage MuchMusic video sto- 
lion. The video went stroight lo number one on the city's French-lenguage stotion, 
MusiquePlus. The irony: The same compony owns both stations. The morol: И you 
think hot thoughts in English, it’s o sin. If you think hot thoughts in French, it’s ort. 

are either unenforced or open to а de- 
fendant’s plea of a lesser charge, usu- 
ally пог а felony. And what about the 
potential psychopath with a clean rec- 
ord—the “nice neighbor” scenario? 
Even if denied a weapon through 
legal means, a determined person can 
easily obtain one on the street. No pa- 
perwork, no questions and a discount 
price, too. I the Government is un- 
able to slow, let alone halt, the influx 
of illegal drugs, what's to stop illegal 
weapons on a massive scale? Sounds 

while withholding the name of the al- 
leged victim. In the United States, you 
are innocent until proven guilty, Rape 
has become, however, the one crime 
in which an accusation is sufficient 
cause to wantonly label the accused 
for life. This is the case whether he is 

judged guilty or proven innocent. 

The argument some feminists use is 
that disclosing the name of an alleged 
rape victim will humiliate her or 
brand her with an unwelcome stigma. 

Why is there no reciprocal concem for 
the accused in this regard? This sexist 
double standard is appalling. Society 
has unfortunately developed а witch- 
hunt/Red-hunt mentality toward rape 
accusations. Such knee-jerk prevarica- 
tions have promoted behavior that is 
hateful and vindictive without cause 
It is apparent that the media are not 
interested in exercising their free- 
speech privileges on a level field. An 
extremely frightening precedent, if 
you stop to think about it 
Robert J. Correia 
Braintree, Massachusetts 
We have stopped to think about it and 
we agree; The accused are left standing on 
very shaky ground т an unjust and mtol- 
erant climate (see Asa Baber's "Men" col- 
итп in this issue). 

In the June issue, The Playboy Forum 
features a set of activist postcards that 
can be mailed to protest censorship. 
Where can a set of those cards be pur- 
Dean Watson 
Huntington Beach, California 
The Postcard Activists “Ban Censor- 
ship” series is available for $4.95 from 
People for the American Way, 2000 M 
Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 
These and series for abortion rights and 
handgun control are also available in most 
bookstores. If your bookseller doesn't carry 
the postcards, insist that they be added to 
the inventory. Bul why wait? Sit down and 
write a letter on your own letterhead. 

Your article on sexual harassment 
("The War on Nudity, Part One," The 
Playboy Forum, July) pinpoints the 
frustration felt by many men who now 
have to contend with yet another 
source of stress and ambivalence in 
an Ala- 
gs when 
claim on the grounds that the plaintiff 
5 not pretty enough to be sexually 
harassed. The judge further allowed 
the attractive appearance of the de- 
fendant’s wife to be entered as evi- 
dence against the claim. It would 
seem that the over-all climate toward 
suits claiming sexual harassment is an 
inhospitable one. Maybe those femi- 
nine sensibilities won't be so sensitive 
after all. 
Owen Robert 
Memphis, Tennessee 

М E W 

S F R 

O N T 

what's happening in the sexual and social arenas 


SYRACUSE, NEW YORK—4 doctor con- 
vinced a 21-year-old Fordham University 
coed that she had contracted herpes but 
that it could be treated with a secret vac- 

сте. He claimed that the vaccine, effective 
only if administered under rigid clinical 
conditions, called for injection through а 
penis—preferably his own. When the stu- 
dent reported the incident, the doctor lost 
his license and settled out of court. 

TORONTO—A doctor was cleared of sex- 
ual impropriety for using an innovative 
“pelvic bonding" technique to treat а wom- 
anis insomnia and emotional problems that 
he attributed to childhood traumas. The 
patient claims that the doctor dropped his 
trousers and told her to press her face into 
has groin area, like a child does afier run- 
ming to a parent. The physician was 
cleared of the charges because the woman 
was inconsistent on dates and details and 
had returned for further treatment. 


Anti-abortionasts are gradually succeed- 
ing in their campaign to make motherhood 
mandatory. The Alan Guttmacher Insti- 
tute and the National Abortion Federation 
report that abortion services are increas- 
ingly hard to obtain, especially іп rural 
areas, and are not available at ail in the 
83 percent of the nation’s counties that in- 
dude nearly one third of childbearing 
women. According to the institute, the 

number of hospitals and clinics permitting 
abortions declined 11 percent between 
1982 and 1988 to 2582, the over-all 
abortion rate dropped six percent to 29 per 
1000 women and fewer physicians are per- 
forming abortions due to fear of harass- 
ment, social pressure and lack of training. 


DAYTONA BEACH—A Florida appellate 
court decided two to one to uphold the na- 
tion's first conviction of a woman charged 
with delivering cocaine to her newborn 
baby while the umbilical cord was still at- 
tached, The ruling approved the prosecu- 
tion’s strategy of charging mothers under 
state laws orginally designed to punish the 
transmission of drugs to minors. The dis- 
senting judge argued that the intent of the 
legislature was to treat addiction in preg- 
nant women as а health problem rather 
than as a criminal offense. 


CANBERRA—The Australian govern- 
ment riled the Catholic Church by propos- 
ing that residents of nursing homes be 
accorded the same basic human rights they 
would enjoy at home, including the right to 
nonmarial sex. One Roman Catholic or- 
der threatened lo close six nursing facilities 
if “sexual revolutionaries” in the Health 
Services Ministry gave elderly Australians 
“the ‘right’ to indulge in adultery, fornica- 
tion or sodomy in our homes.” 


A 25-year-old California man who had 
sex afler testing positive for HIV has been 
jailed on four counts of assault with a 
deadly weapon. Police claim that the sus- 
pect, while previously in jail on a burglary 
conviction, threatened to “take all the 
women with him that he can." They arrest- 
ed him on a tip that he was in a motel room 
with a woman who said she had had inter- 
course with hım four times. 

Authorities say he may be charged with a 
fifth count for allegedly throwing blood 
‘from a self-inflicted wound at a cellmate. 

In Што, a 21-year-old pregnant 
prostitute who knew she had AIDS has 
been charged with attempted transmission 
of the HIV virus to an undercover police 
officer and is being quarantined at à pub- 
йс health facility. 

In Toronto, а 33-year-old Canadian di- 
agnosed with the HIV virus is appealing а 
temporary judicial order barring him from 
having sex. 


SAN DIEGO—A California appellate 
court ruled that parents are not responsible 
for civil damages arising from the consen- 
sual sexual acts of their children. Dedin- 
ing to equate intercourse with juvenile 
delinquency, vandalism and malicious 
mischief, for which California parents can 
be held liable, the three-judge panel said it 
was “not melined to dwell on the outdated. 
legal fictions concerning the ability of un- 
derage females to consent to sex.” 

AnaNTA—Under a city ordinance 
passed in 1990, Atlanta parents face up to 
60 days in jail and $1000 in fines if their 
children repeatedly violate the city's curfew 
Enforcement has been limited and the law 
is being challenged by civil-liberties 
groups, but officials in other Southern 
cities like the idea and have been calling 
the Atlanta city council for details. 


ISTANBUL—A Turkish health authority 
is warning citizens of the latest identified 
sex risk. Housetop lovemaking during the 

summer months kills nearly a dozen people 
a year and injures many more when par- 
ticipants fall asleep afterward and roll off 
the roof 


Шашын ARE YOU A mmm 


the war against nudity comes home 

Can the ЕВ1 raid your home on ac- 
count of те books you own? Can the 
police shut down a library or museum 
or research institute because it con- 
tains publications the state rules im- 

As of November 29, 1990, when 
George Bush signed the Comprehen- 
sive Crime Act, the answer to those 
questions is yes. Buried in that legisla- 
tion is a clause making it a felony to 
knowingly possess three or more 
books, magazines, videos or other 
matters that visually 
depict persons young- 
er than 18 
in sexually explicit 
conduct . . . real 
or simulat- 
ed.” The 
mum sen- 
tence for 

© years in 
prison and a 
$250,000 fine. 

On the face of it, 
the bill seems a us 
ful weapon in the cru- 
sade against the sexual 
abuse of children. The 
logic behind the law is 

nple: If you can't stop 
the creation of the image 
(the actual abuse), penal- 


ages that no one could possibly view 
as harmful to society or to children. 
Тһе new law broadens the definition 
of sexually explicit conduct to include 
“lascivious exhibitions of the genitals 
or pubic areas." In other words, it now 

s that simple child nudity may be 
illegal. It allows for no distinction be- 
tween the sweaty collection of а per- 
vert or pederast and the coffee-table 
art of a responsible parent. If your 
family album contains pictures of your 
newborn having his or her diaper 

‘The law tries to establish malicious 
intent where none may exist. If the lo- 
cal Fotomat turns over your family 
photos to the FBI, and upon search- 
ing your house, agents uncover a 
bootleg video of Bernardo Bertoluc- 
сто 1900 (which includes a scene of a 
boy masturbating), your interest 
Marxist cinema puts you in jeopardy 
If further searching uncovers a collec- 
tion of old Penthouse magazines, in- 
cluding the September 1984 issu 
with then-underage model Traci 
Lords posing naked, 
you could go to jail. 
Under the law, your 

family photos, 1900 
and an issue of. 
the three 
items for 
crusaders in 
and out of the 
avow zero toler- 
ance of child nudity. 

(It is noteworthy that 
the Justice Depar 
ment tried to make pos- 
session of a single 
image a felony) Last 
year, Dennis Barrie, the 

ze the demand (the ma 
ket for images of the 
abuse) But since the 
Government began a concerted cam- 
paign in 1977, the already-limited 
market for child pornography has vi 
tually dried up: About the only people 
still selling pictures of children and 
adolescents having sex are Federal 
law-enforcement agents conducting 
sting operations. In some cases, the 
agents succeeded in finding evidence 
of ongoing sexual abuse—trophy 
shots of victims—and under the new 
law, possession of those photographs 
is as serious a crime as actual abuse. 
But in their zeal to discover new 
child pornographers, the Feds have 
now also criminalized a range of im- 

changed, taking his or her first bath 
or lying nude on a bearskin rug, you 
can be sent to jail. 

The determination of lascivious 
conduct, the courts have ruled, de- 
pends on such subjective subtleties as 
the camera angle (does it showcase 
the genitals?), the position of the legs 
(are they parted?), the expression on 
the face (is there a seductive glint 
the eye?) the style of attire (is it 
provocative?) or even the setting (is it 
а bedroom?). With such vague crite- 
ria, prosecutors can—and do—make 
the case that practically any photo of a 
naked minor is pornographic 

director of the Cinc 
nati Contemporary Arts 
Center, was prosecuted 
for showing Robert Mapplethorpe's 

а nudes, among other works. And 
in April 1990, internationally known 
photographer Јоск Sturges, who took 
pictures of families at nude beaches, 
ictimized by a raid in San 

cisco. In both cases, the models с 
forward and said that the photos de- 
picted innocent. behavior. Evident 
artistic value or moral innocence of- 
fers no insurance against hysteria. 

Bill Andriette is features editor of The 
Guide, a Boston-based gay magazine. 





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Reporter's Notebook 


or give up the throne. a moral leader can't 

hustle at singles joints or close bar: 

nedy got into 
Last time. | called up one of his occa 
sional ladyfriends to ask how he and ih 
younger heirs to the throne could have 
been so dumb as to put themselves into 
such а sappy setup. “It's mot just that 
they think with their cocks and drink 
much 100 much," she said. “They believe 
they're royalty. and c 

You cannot spend five minutes around 
the Kennedys, almost any of them, male 
g or old, without sensing 
they were raised as royalty. But it is also 
that sustained exposure reveals 
uncertain and twisted lineage. This is 
post-Prohibition, rum-running: nonvean 
royally that assumes the perks. expects 
the deference and relies c 
ly endless ret 
ers to cover the gaffes. What we have her 
is not spin control but noblesse oblige; the 
toom image of red-faced. pully shanty- 
inks allowed to think they can 
pop more than a few and if shit happens, 
someone else will clean up the mess. 

How else to 
gone on belore and with so much ol 
what's left of decent social pol 
on his shoulders—Ted Kennedy's Бе 
in that club at that hour? Nephew or no 
nephew, mnocent as the Senator may be, 
and even if one accepts the New York 
Times character assassination of the key 
female witness, he should have learned 
by now not to close any bars. 

1 have watched this guy in the we 
daylight for years, and he c 
During long hours of tough interviewing, 
he knows what he is talking about, cares 
about the victims of social inequity and is 
s in doing something about 
‚I had only he: 
ton in the nonworking 
night, People close to him whom I re- 
ch as former speechwriters 
Schrum and Frank Mankiewicz— 
either didnt know or chose to dismiss all 
the stories I had heard 

“IF vou work for a living, if you're 
black, if you care about women's rights, if 
you care about whether the plant closes 
down without notice.” Mankiewicz said, 
“Kennedy is your guy by a wide margin 

а hard-working, socially со 
scious guy like that is entitled to blow off 
a little steam once in a while. 

» getaway with 

or female, хо 




T want to believe that and, 
believed it through 30 у 
Kennedy watching. During th 
Ted has been the most product 
progressive of the brothers, w 
harder and more effectively 
John or Bobby did on the bu 
Government. In the last Congress alone, 
54 of the bills that he pushed through 
bor and Human R 
which he 
tive ace 


the powerful L. 

sources Ci 
beeame law, H 


support, civil ri 
capped and 

As the Democ 
ity on the Judiciary Committee, he ha 
than anyone else to slow 
-Bush deci 

done mor: 

tion of jud 

E s not just that tl 
his brothers, has a superb stall 
of the best and the br 
bask in the glow of a Kennedy. He may 
have lousy grammar and fumble like 
mad in impromptu television appeal 

Kennedy, like 

htest, са 

aces, but I know wing 
grilled him for dozens of hours on a 
range of issues over the years, that the 

nd he's smart 

guy does his ho 
He's a lot more зе 
when he's sober and working. than was 
Bobby Kennedy, who is now red 
Twas the last journalist to inter- 
view Bobby, and the n who lelt his 
room that night at the Ambassador Hotel 
in Los Angeles, saying he would be right 
back after he thanked the crowd for his 
primary victory, had grown enormously, 
but he was still intellectually skittish and 
given to faddish causes. Yes, he was great 
at the end, battling Lyndon Johnson on 
Vietnam and championing Latinos and 
farm workers. But Bobby, who started his 
al life working for the infamous 
Joe McCarthy and presided over 
some nasty smear investigations of his 
own, never did understand civil liberties, 
Not so Teddy, who may be the Senate's 
strongest defender of the First Amend- 
ment. He also has spent 28 years in the 
Senate mastering the most intricate, dull 
details of legislation on health, educati 
and social justice. 

Nor is he wilder 1 
spectable siblings wer 

n icon 

an his more 
Hell, his older 

brothers hung around with unsavory 
ch ters and more than a few wom- 
en angry at them. They got away with it 
least in their lifetime. because the me- 
back then were more tolerant. Or 
maybe his brothers could just hold their 
liquor bett 

But that's the point. Kennedy's sloppy 
drinking has made a mockery of his 
ided com ment. The man of 
the night has done in the knight of the 
d in the process, he has grafted а 
spect onto all the good works and 
causes. A moral slob c. 
of a progressive franc 
compassion for the vulnerable 
cially handicapped. 

Enough already. T 
probably the best Senator we have had in 
the past 20 years, should publicly join 
AA. as his ex-wite has done, or get out 
of politics, precisely because the image 
he projects subverts the programs for 
which he has worked. How can he claim 
to be so concerned about the well-being 
of the litle people and wander into so 
y situations where little people get 
taken advantage of? 

Don't give me the excuse that Willi 
Safire shamefully offered in The New York 
Times: that a 30-something girl in a bar 
like that who goes home with a man is 
trouble. A US. Senator wh 
8 been in this kind of situation too 
ny times has a responsibility to illus- 
палео himself and to bis son, to his 
nephew and t0 the woman in question— 
what's decent as opposed to whats ugly. 

Appearances are important il you pre- 
sent yourself as a leader of а virtuous 
cause. Pushing 60. Kennedy is just too 
old to be hustling at singles bars, and 
maybe he should just ask his ex-wife 10 
take him back, even if is a marriage of 
convenience. Forget bimbos: Joan 
Kennedy is an earnest, interesting and 
mature woman, and Teddy should get 
down on his knees and beg for another 
chance. And he should keep a Breath: 
lyzer in his briefcase ar all times. Like 
Joan, he may fall off the wagon occasio 
ally, but hell be admi g he's a com- 
moner and is trying. Thats not too much 
ко expect from a liberal role model. 



u daims 
nd so- 

ddy Kennedy, 

© 1991 WamerlambertCo. 



Tracer is the first razor with a blade that flexes. It traces every curve 
on your face, to put more blade edge against your skin. 


a candid conversation with Ihe nation's fi 

irst elected black 

governor about politics, race, crime and his bid for the presidency 

Hes handsome, gregarious, тий and. 
charming—the perfect. Southern gentleman. 
He's also а natty dresser, a skilled decorator 
fond of antique furnishings, а man of impec- 
cable laste with a bachelor's eve for beautiful 
women. Yet for all his courtliness, he’s known 
as a tightwad governor, a shrewd tactician 
and a ruthless political mfightez, and he has 
been accused of being secretive, vindictive and 
given to troubling lapses in judgment. As the 
Just elected black governor in American histo- 
ту, Democrat Lawrence Douglas Wilder ој 
Virginia is, finally, a risk taker: Having 
served less than two years in his state's highest 
office, he is already eying the United States 

Ii a year af Democratic hesitation and de- 
Jeatism, Wilder, 60, is an improbable candi- 
date. Last spring, when most Democratic 
heavyweights were conspicuously avoiding the 
1992 race, Wilder was stumping the country 
with his message of fiscal restraint and budget 
slashing. Hardly known outside Virginia 
when he was elected governor іп 1989, 
Wilder waited only a few weeks before thrust- 
ing himself onto the national stage by taking 
on some ој his рапух 900-pound gorillus— 
especially the presumptive front runner, New 
York governor Maria Cuomo. 

One of the most startling aspects of Wilder's 
candidacy is that he is trying to run more as a 
conservative than as a liberal. On economic 

“If you really want to take on the Republicans, 
take on the issue of waste in Government. Is 
anybody talking about how much money 
they've spending? No. Why? Because Wash- 
ington is nol going to criticize Washington.” 

and budgetary issues, he is defying all con 
tion by galloping to the right of President 
Bush. [tis a stunning strategy, but one with 
precedent: John E. Kennedy's 1960 Presiden- 
tial campuign spollighted Republican softness 
on defense by inventing a so-called missile 
gap. Wilder is also taking а lea] from the cam- 
pugn books of Jimmy Carter and Ronald 
Reagan: He's runnmg against Washington, 
сотратте that America has a new tiwo 
party system—one pariy inside the nation’s 
capital and another outside. 

Wilder started reshaping his formerly liber- 
al image m the early Eighties while contem- 
plating his history-making race to become the 
Just black lieutenant. governor of Virginia. 
Following the country’s conservative drift, he 
began defying the stereotype of a liberal mi- 
norily-group member always pleading Jor 
more government programs and special Ireat- 
ment. He then warmed conservative hearts by 
changmg his position on the death penalty 
and by opposing numerous taxes. While he 
broke with the right by supporting the enroll- 
ment of women at Virginia Miliary Institute, 
he outraged civil libertarians by speaking out 
in Javor of drug testing on college campuses 

Wilder likes to offset his fiscal conservatism 
with what he calls “social compassion.” He 
has excoriated President Bush's opposition to 
the recent civil rights acts, which the President 
labeled “quota bills” but which Wilder, aloug 

“эри have D winstill family values. Look at 

the sports programs on tel 
ple saying, “Hi, Mom! They've not saying illo 
their Jathers. Many of them don't know their 
fathers, There's no excuse for it” 

sion. You see peo- 

with other Democrats, calls тете affirmative 
action. He has warned both Republicans and 
Democrats against backsliding on civil rights 
during what he calls “very, very tense times.” 

Wilder has also upset the racial apple cart. 
Less а black politician than a politician who 
happens to be black, Wilder is nonetheless seen 
by many Democrats as the heaven-sent solu- 
tion to the partys “Jesse Jackson problem"— 
an unthicatening figure who implicitly plays 
“the good black” to Jackson's unsettling fire 
breather. Increasingly frustrated by ther im- 
ability to assemble a workable Presidential 
voting coaliion, and keenly aware that race is 
the great dividing force in. American polities 
today, Democrats hope that Wilder—a mild- 
mannered, fairskinned African American 
with relentlessly middle-class valu 
help bridge the chasm. 

The differences between Wilder and Jackson 
are stark. While Jackson continues to be the 
presumplive heir to the political legacy of Dr. 
Martin Luther King, Jr, Wilder has resisted 
the preach-and-march approach. Only а 
fringe activist in the civil rights movement, 
Wilder spent the Sixties building his career as 
а lawyer. While Jackson was leading demon. 
strations, Wilder was promoting equality by 
forcing his way into the exclusive, all-white 
club of top trial lawyers im Richmond. 

After entering polities in 1969 as Virginia 
first black state senator, Wilder became the 


“Not since the day breath was breathed into my 
boy have | been afraid to stand up to people 
But whenever I speak up, people say, You's 
had it now, boy. That's. your end. Yor 
finished. You've burned your bridges now. 




ultimate inside-the-system politician, rising 
steadily through the Virginia legislature and 
Lieutenant governorship to his elif hanger 
election (he won by a margin of less than one 
half of one percent) as governor in 1989. In 
his campaigns, he showed extraordinary polit- 
ical acumen by neutralizing the issues of race 
and liberalism. When he van for lieutenant 
governor, he accused his opponent of using the 
word liberal as a code for black, thereby boxing 
his opponent in as а racist if he tried lo at- 
tack Wilder's progressive legislative record. In 
1989, while running for governor, Wilder 
defied conventional wisdom by speaking ош in 
favor of fice choice on abortion, keeping his 
adamantly pro-life Republican opponent des- 
perately on the defensive. The ploy paid off: 
Wilder won his election by garnering 53 per- 
cent of the female vote, capturing only 47 per- 
сеш of the male vote. While Wilder's deft 
political sleight of hand has often overshad- 
owed his performance in the offices he has 
sought, many believe his run for the Presi- 
dency will require his most adroit political 

L. Douglas Wilder was born in 1931 in the 
poor, black Church Hill section of Rich- 
mond—a neighborhood only three miles from 
the governors current office atop lush, leafy 
Capitol Hill. One of eight children of a stern, 
churchgoing insurance-company employee 
Wilder grew up in what his family later de- 
scribed as the "gentle poverty" of the segregal- 
ed South, Bul his strict family lived by clear 
rules and expectations—hence, his emphasis 
today on traditional values. 

Wilder was not a great student, bul he was 
bright: His classmates were impressed by his 
uncanny ability lo memorize passages fiom po- 
etry and plays—a talent he still possesses lo- 
day. (In this interview, Wilder casually recites 
а passage [vom Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar” 
almost verbatim.) Ош of school, Wilder was 
just as crafty. Не painted signs and washed 
windows to earn money, sometimes using am- 
monia. on business windows because it would 
remove the leltering fiom the glass, thereby en- 
suring а new sign-painting assignment. He 
also sold a local black newspaper and was so 
successful that he won a coveted trip to Wash- 
ington, D.C. 

As a student at Virginia Стон Universi- 
ty—the local black college Wilder's career 
was more distinguished by partying than by 
studying. In 1952, he joined the Army to meet 
his military obligation, was sent lo Korea and 
returned home an unsung war hero with a 
Bronze Star. After a shaky мап al Howard 
University Law School. Wilder discovered. 
good work habits aud went on to become one of 
Richmond's most successful—and. sometimes 
mast sensational—trial lawyers. By the time 
he gave up practicing law for full-time politics 
in 1984, he owned more than $1,000,000 
worth of personal and investment property in 
Richmond, a commodious house in a mostly 
white neighborhood and two Mercedes-Benz 
cars. Td say that 1 could afford the basics of 
lije without а great deal of difficulty," he admits. 

Yet Wilder's storybook rise [vom poverty and 
social exclusion to wealth and high office was 
marred by some episodes he would rather for 

gel. Asa lawyer, he gained a vepulation for not 
only challenging the rules ој discrimination 
hut also orcasionally neglecting Ihe standards 
ој legal practice. He was twice sued for mal- 
practice and, in 1978, was dealt a vare rep- 
rimand by the Virginia. supreme court for 
“unprofessional conduet” because of "unex- 
cused, unreasonable and inordinate procrasli~ 
nation” in a 1966 automobile-accident case 
In the early Eighties, Wilder was involved in 
а battle with Church Hill residents who ac- 
cused him of failing to properly maintain a 
boarded-up row house he had bought as an 
investment. property—even as he was cam- 
poigniug [or better housing and stricter land- 
lord tenant laws. 

But perhaps Ihe most serious charge against. 
Wilder is the suggestion of violence in his te- 
lationship with his former wife, Eunice, who 
divorced him in 1978. Her divorce petition 
alleged "cruelty and reasonable apprehension 
of bodily harm,” but the divorce records have 
been sealed and Wilder will not discuss them 
in detail. A newsman at a Richmond radio 
майт, WEVA, once reported inewing the 
documents before they were sealed and findin 
allegations of spouse abuse. The Mvo-Amer- 
ican, Richmond's leading black newspaper 

"When I ran for 
lieutenant governor, 
people said, ‘Oh, he 
Just wants to gel his 

name out there.” 

also reported in 1976 that court papers al- 
leged that Wilder had physically abused his 
wife. Today, Eunice Wilder declines to diseuss 
the allegations. 

Wilder is also uncomfortable about dis 
cussing his social life ах Virginia's most 
eligible bachelor, especially his reported rela- 
tionship with Patricia Kluge, the recently di 
orted wife of billionaire John. Kluge. The 
Virginia press has accused Wilder of using 
state aircraft to socialize with Patricia, which 
he denies, even though he reimbursed the state 
$6300 for “personal travel.” Finally, Wilder 
continues to perk media interest with his on- 
going explosive relationship with Virginia 
Senator Charles Robb, another Democratic 
Presidential hopeful who has been damaged by 
allegations of personal peccadilloes while he 
served as governor of Virginia. Last June, the 
Wilder Robb feud burst onto the ont pages 
when Robb admitted to having possessed for 
two and a half years —a surrepittiousy taped 
telephone conversation in which Wilder told a 
financial backer, “Robb is finished.” As 
Playboy wend lo press, the discord between the 
deo men, despite a scheduled peace poasea 
showed little sign of abating. 

Ta talk with the sometimes vague, often con- 

Iroversial, always intriguing governor of Vir- 
gina, Playboy sent Washington journalist 
Peter Ross Range, whose previous “Playboy 
Interview” subjects have included. former 
United Nations ambassador. Andrew Young 
and Chrysler boss Lee lacacea. Here is his re- 

A medium-sized man with a mane of snowy 
hair and а mellifluous baritone voice, Wilder 
moves around the hushed governor's suite as 
though he has always worked there, With its 
silk-covered chairs, gonging old clocks and 
prominent paintings of Jefferson and Wash- 
ington, the place gives off an aura of tradition 
reaching back to the origins of the republic 
Wilder fus himself easily into that atmosphere 
by declaring, Lam a son of Virginia.” 

“The governor is a genial host and a forth 

coming interview subject. He is at his best as a 
raconteur, remembering events [rom his youth 
as a segregated black or his soldiering days in 
Korea. He ако speaks convincingly on civil 
rights issues and the racial tensions in the 
conntry. He is less coherent when it comes 
1 outlining policies or a fundamental politi- 
cal visim. Here his conversation slides into 
easy clichés, or what is known locally as 
“Wilderese, a stream of grammatical inver 
sions that can leave his interlocutor seralching 
lus head. 
Even as Wilder was devoting more energy 
to his Presidential bid—and denying doing 
any such thing—we talked often aud. al 
length. We flew together in the state jet to AL 
bany, New York, where he shmoosed briefly 
with archrival Mario Cuomo, then we contin 
ued our conversation on Ihe midnight flighl 
back to Richmond. We met in the elegant gu 
ernors mansion, where the filness-couscious 
Wilder has installed weight-lifting equipment 
only а few yards from his antique four-poster 
bed. We traveled around Richmond and 
Washington in his new stretch limo and twice 
shared the 33-minute vide in his official Bell 
helicopter between the Боо cities, 

"But most of the lime, we met in the gover- 
nors small corner office, where Wilder keeps 
portraits of Patrick Henry and the antislavery 
Jounding father. George Mason, on the walls 
That's where 1 first asked him about his Presi- 
dential ambitions.” 

PLAYBOY: You have a record of defyir 
the odds, of taking the long shot. You did 
пот 1985 and 1989, when many believed 
Virginia was not ready for а black man in 
its highest office, Now you seem to be try- 
ing to do it again. [s the country ready 
Tor a black President. or are you just try- 
ing to get one losing campaign out of the 
way so you can run again in 19967 

WILDER: Running to lose is contr 
anything Гуе ever known, so I dont buy 
that. People thought that’s what L was go- 
ing to do when Eran for lic i gov- 
ernor. They said, "Oh, he just wants to 
get his name out th 
PLAYBOY: А lot ol people think v 
strategy isto get the Democra 
for Vice Last w 




President. iter, ve 





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made a speech in Albany. New York, with 
Governor Mario Cuomo in the audience, 
You pointed out that between 1800 and 
1824, three Presidents— |ellerson. Madi- 
son and Monroe—came from. Virginia 
and their Vice-Presidents were all from 
New York State. Ye “Some have 
suggested that perhaps its time to return 
the favor." Does that mean you'd like ro 
be the Vice-Presidential candidate on a 
ticket with Cuomo? 
WILDER: I was once asked if 1 thought I 
1 the qualities to be sidem. I said 
To answer otherwise would be the 
nost negative assessment E could give ol 
myself. But if someone asks, “Does that 
nean you'd serve as Vice-President?” | 
ау, ^ "t deal with the hypotheu- 
"I refer you to the George Bush sce 
io. In 1980, three weeks prior to 
being asked to run for Vice-President by 
Ronald Reagan, Bush said, in ellcct, “1 
would not serve as Vice-President; I have 
no intention of serving as Vice-President 
Three weeks later, he said, “Thank you so 
ch, Mr. President, Lam so proud to be 
ус e-President. 
PLAYBOY; You still haven't answered our 
question. Would you like to be Vice- 



ou € 

WILDER: TÍ someone would think enough 
of me to ask, I would obviously have to 
give it more than casual consideration. 
PLAYBOY: Do vou think you and Mario 
Cuomo would add up to à winning ticket? 
WILDER: I can see Cuomo with somebody 
on the ucket who would reach into cer- 
tain geographic and demographic areas. 
1 would bring geography and some 
demographics, but I would have to be 
better known. Exery time you go some- 
where—every time you speak and get 
some national e helps. 
PLAYBOY: There has been a lot of specu- 
kaion that President Bush might pick 
General Colin. Powell as his 1992 Vice 
Presidential running mate. Would that 
put pressure on the Democrats to put a 
black person on their tickei—and would 
that be your dream scenario? 
WILDER: That will never happen, so it's 
ist a hypothetical question. But Powell 
nd I are friends. He doesn't consider 
himself that political. 
PLAYBOY: Still, the Presidents irre: 
and thyroid condition 
raised serious questions about his cl 
of Dan Quayle as a running mate. 
Doesn't that change the equ 
WILDER: ft doesnt change anything— 
Quayle will be on the ticket, But there's 
no question that the Quayle factor is 
. Selecting Quayle has brought into 
question the Presidents jud 
п. The American 

ment in 

people will have to consider his judg- 
ment and then call into question his 
judgment on other things. I think the ju- 
ry's still out on this. 

PLAYBOY: Getting back to a possible Cuo- 
mo-Wilder ticket, how would the public 
respond to such a pairing? 

WILDER: It wouldn't be the most impracti- 
cal ticket around. But vou ve got to look 
at perceptions. 1 could easily be per 
ceived asa liberal—and they already per- 
ceive Cuomo as a liberal. 
PLAYBOY: You're not a liberal? 
WILDER: | don't think so. Um a progres- 
sive And practi 
PLAYBOY: But because you re black. 
WILDER: À black Democrat. 
PLAYBOY: You think people take it for 
granted that you're a liberal? 
WILDER: Yes. But I don't really think 
bels mean anything. Wha 
What is a conservative? 
PLAYBOY: What is а progressive? 
WILDER: А person who is not hidebound 
he past, someone who is interested 
moving ahead and not afraid то chal 
lenge new thinking and new ideas, 
PLAYBOY: That's a fairly stock 
What is the actual percept 
want people to have of you? 
WILDER; That Г moved my state ahead 
tight and | red us to 
benefit fro ad in the ec 
m That 1 
showed compassion and fiscal responsi- 
PLAYBOY: Your call for fiscal responsibi 
ty seems aimed at destroying your liberal 
image. You паз bı 
and ‘resisting ases, despit 
e's bwo-point-two-billion-dollar short- 
all. You've also been mocking Bush for 
backing off his “No new taxes” pledge. 
WILDER: Bush didn't mean it—and he had 
no record showing that he knew how to 
cut spending. Well, we mean it. We've 
streamlined and cut. programs and 
fused to raise taxes. And I didn't even 
y. "Read my lips. 
PLAYBOY: Still, during your twenty-one- 
year career, you've gone from being the 
firebrand state. senator who supported 
liberal causes to Ше new darling of the 
conservatives, Are you rewriting your 
WILDER: | don't go out to set my record 
straight in that regard. E just go out to 
speak on issues. T want to be a player on 
the national scene, participate in the 
tional debate. Yet a lot of people would 
love for me to have a liberal in 
black banker I know of said, "I dont 
know about Wilder, 1 dont know that 
he's doi at he can to help black 
bankers." Some people say, "Because he's 
black, there are certain things he should 
just automatically do." 
© drawn a lot of attention 
Al political circles 
a public letters—ino to 
one to your own party 
chief, Democratic National Committee 
chairman. Ron. Brown. What 
beef with Brown? 
WILDER: Ron Brown said that the Demo- 
cratic Party should endorse the budget 
compromise that came our of the White 
House last fall. My question to him was 
merely, "Who gave you the right 10 put 

is a liberal? 

times and struct 

эң w 

with outspokt 
Bush and a er 

was your 

the Democratic Party on record in favor 
of а back-room tax de We were on 
record saying we would not support any 
cuts in the capital-gains taxes. 

PLAYBOY: 51111. taking on your own party 
chairman like that —— 

WILDER: | wasn’t taking on my own party 
ch in. | was merely asserting a role of 
leadership as a Democ 
PLAYBOY: But you seem to be dissociating 
yourself from the rest of the Democ 


ven ¡e people 

"look less 


black." You're cle: 
up to the party leaders! 
breathed into my body h; 
1O stand up to people. But whenever 1 
speak up, people say, "You've had it now, 
boy. 4 end. You re finished. [t's 
over ned your bridges now.” 
PLAYBOY: Haye you? Are you intentional- 
ly distancing yourself. from liberals— 
even blacks- at 
WILDER: П has nothing th a meta- 
morphosis. Listen, if | can't say these 
things at this stage of my development. 
when can I? Is important for us to let 
the leadership know that the ра 
Washington doesn't run everythin 
that the party outside Washington Das 
got to be consulted, too. 

PLAYBOY: When you refer to the party 
side Washington, do you mean the entire 
political establishment? 

WILDER: I'm nor talking about Republi- 
cans and. Democrats. Fm talking about 
that party that has conducted business as 
usual for so long and doesnt care what 
the people outside Wash 
PLAYBOY: So you're rumi 
Washington. Thar has a familiar ring— 
something like Jimmy Carters 1976 
Presidential campaign. 

WILDER: I just know the people think they 
аге not being consulted. Гуе always be- 
lieved the people were far ahead of the 

that you 
rly not afraid to stand 

Not since the day breath was 

e [been afraid. 

аз part of your conse 

id what about your letters to 

Bush? The first one criticized the Gov- 
nments handling of the savings-and- 
loan crisis—a fair but casy target. In the 

second one, you passionately denounced 
Bush's veto of the Civil Rights Act of 
1990, which he said dated r hir- 
quotas. You faulted him for lack ol 
oral leadership. 

WILDER: I'm convinced that the President 
knows that the Civil Rights Acı was not a 
quota bill; he could ha guage 

ve put la 

into it that would discount referring to 
quotas and called it an alfirmative-action 
bill, That bill is twenty: years old now. You 
had almost two thirds of the Congress 

saying. “We want this.” The override of 
the veto failed by only one vote 

Moral leadership mi 
tized to the fact that wha 
country is good for all se 

ns being sensi 
s good for th 
sments of the 

: E 
5 > 
* ° 
: E 
3 o 
T - 
| - 
| P 


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people. In the absence of that, we're ii 
very, very tense times. Our tolerance 
threshold is very low. People have lost 
hope. For instance, for the White House 
to ask leaders of the Business Roundtable 
not to meet with civil rights advocates 
маза cruel hoax. 

will use the 
they used Willie Hi 

wiper: No—it goes deeper than thy 
tom was a ploy to win in 1988 
ore pernicious and treacher- 
s. When you stop business | 
from negotiating [with civil rights a 
cates], it's callous and cruel. 
PLAYBOY: How do you distinguish be- 
tween affirmative action and quotas? 
WILDER: Quotas mean that you are imer- 
ested in X number of persons” be 
en an opportunity to perform at pl 
Affirmative action means anybody has 
opportunity to apply for work at place A 
and be employed notwithstanding what 
they look like. Affirmative action doesn’t 
say, "Look, we want to hold this door 
for N ber to come in.” No, 
ald that door open for anyone w 
15 tO come through. And until this 
is opened up. Bush has an obliga- 
io show leadership—to show that we 
ne people with diverse backgrounds. 
PLAYBOY: Ai what point should people's 
merits and. qualifications be considered 

think the Republicans 
a issue in 1999 the same 
өп in the 1988 


for their employment? 
WILDER: Without merit, they shouldn't be 
employed. Ви you've got to take 

chance with someone. The people [of 
Virginia] took a chance with me and that 
showed what could be done. 
PLAYBOY: In onc of your leners 10 Bush. 
you also took hi 
10 what you called the 
tics” of Хо Carolina. Sen 
Helms in his 1990 re-election c 
Du that campaign. Helms’ TV ads 
accused his opponent, Harvey Ga 
black Democrat, of g 
quotas and the state GOP sent ou 
that were denounced 
intimidatc black voters. 
WILDER: What rcally bothered me was the 
Presidents refusal to condemn the ac- 
tions of his party in sending out those i 
timidation letters. When he was asked if 
he the 1 he'd 
have to think about it. But this is a simple 
q Mas it right or wrong: 
no place for neutr 
l question. 
There needs to be moral leadership. 
When Harry Ir т was President, he 
took his sword and cut the Gordian knot 
of the [segregated] military. Не 
ed the Armed Forces just like that, wi 
Executive order. Wha 
Nothing. Dwight Eisenhower said, 
Um sending in the Federal troops [to 
Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957] and these 
kids are going to school.” Leadership 
came from the top. 


scare tactic to 

ht it was wrong, he sa 


lity when faced with a 


was the r 



If vou were to run for 
. whom would you conside 
toughest Democratic competition? 
WILDER: Cuomo has to be considered the 
front runner. He's got a four-million-dol- 
lar fund. That already puts him way 
ahead of everybody else. 

PLAYBOY: What ab 
candidates? Let's h 

other. potential 

Bentsen is running. He's been sort of laid 
k and hasn't been in it too much. But 
ran a good campaign for Vie 
in 1988, didn’t make too many peo- 
ple mad. think he could be a contende 

L think Tennessee Senator / 
House Majority Leader Dick Geph 
e running, [Senate Majority Leader 
George Mitchell made a good speech in 
response to the President's State of the 
Union address; I could support him, too. 
And Nebr 
has popular appcal—he's young. good- 

looking. a Vietnam veteran. Here's a 
man who gave up a leg in Vietnam, yet he 
voted against the Gulf war. He wouldn't 

ave his war credentials attacked at all. 
He's a patriot. 

PLAYBOY: So whom do you like? 

WILDER: Well, Gephardt’s been around 
rack one time and that makes a great 
of dillerence. From what I'm told, 
for President is altogether dif- 
ferent from anything else you've done. 
So he's got that going for him. He's also 
got high visibility in his leadership posi- 
tion in Congress. 

PLAYBOY: What do you think of him as a 
WILDER: Sometimes his true message 
doesn't get out; then, when he furthe 
explains it, it makes more sense. ГИ give 
you an illustration. He was interested in 
seeing some balance in wade with the 

PLAYBOY: Proicctionism. 

WILDER: Well. he didn't call it that, so it 
came out as Japan bashing. Bur if you lis- 
tened to him—listened to what he really 
meant—it wasn't Japan bashing at all 
PLAYBOY: 15 hc the man to beat Bush 
WILDER: He's got the instincts to do it. He 
goes for the jugular. And he's got i 

PLAYBOY; What about Al Gore? 

WILDER: I think 92 would perhaps be bet- 
ter for him than 96, because he's going 
to be running for the Senate in "96. And 
ht years after that—well, he 

| hc waits cig 
won't be young fc 

est entrant. into the 
race was Paul Tsongas, the 
former U.S. Senator [rom Massachusetts. 
Tsongas is a lot li mer liber- 
ing himsell as a probusiness 
1 the Democratic 
What do you 

you—a fc 

think of him? 

WILDER: Ler's not beat around the bush: 
y from Massachusetts and being de- 
seribed as a liberal De is some 
thing that he has to overcome. He's been 


away from the political scene lor a while, 
and that hurts. 
PLAYBOY: What about Bill Clinton. the 
governor of Arkansas 
WILDER: Clinton's а bright voung man 
who could easily be considered. I could 
support him, too. But he's chairman of 
the [conservative] Democratic Leader- 
ship Council, and they have to be careful 
how they are perceived by minorities. 
women and African. Americans. B is a 

very, very touchy situation. Bill once said 
something like. I want to get these peo- 
ple off the streets and into jobs 

My response was, "God. man. vou 

. In Arkansas, 
ate of unemployment? Are 

ought nor ever say th: 
whars the 
ing everybody there who's noi 
ne'er-dowell? No. 
Then who are vou 


working is a bum, 
you don't mean that. 
talking about 
If you really want to & 
publicans, take on the 
Government, Is anybody out th 
ing about that. about how much money 
they're spending in Washington? Хо 
Why? Because Washingte m 

ke on the Re 
sue of waste in 

v talk- 


is nd 

to criticize Washington. 
PLAYBOY: Of course, the larger question 
is, Can any Democrat beat George Bush? 

The President hit a peak ninen-or 
cent approval rating with his handli 
Saddam and the Persian Gulf war. 
WILDER: He's not invincible. 1 remind 
people of Winston Churchill in 1945. He 
won the war and lost the election, Bush is 
popular now, but 1 say the record is still 
out on him. 

PLAYBOY: How so? 

WILDER: He's vulnerable on domestic 
programs—we have no domes nda 
There's no health plan. There's no com- 
mitment to reduce waste in spending. 
The President has no approach to fighi 
ing crime and drugs. There's nothing at 
all relating to our infrasiructural needs. 
Homelessness is an increasing problem. 
We need to fight AIDS. a growing epi- 
demic. There's no domestic policy rela- 
tive to education, We 
energy policy; if we did, we obviously 
be as concerned as we are about 
some of the things in the Middle East 
PLAYBOY: That's the full list of Democrat 
ic complaints about the Bush Ac 
tration. Still, that doesn't seem 
voters who arc giving Bush great ratings. 
WILDER: The American people arent 
quite as dumb as а lor of people think 
they they know that their standard of 
living hasn't improved. Se Danicl 
Patrick Moynihan recently said that in- 
come is less today than it was in 1973. 
We're raping the Soc 
We need to put as much concentration 

с per- 

dont have an 


l Security system. 

on the quality of life of Americans as we 
do for other people. It doesn't make 
sense arc nation. 

military people coming home are going 
to want to know why they can't get jobs. 
Why isn't that a priority? 
PLAYBOY: What can the 


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about thatz 
WILDER: Reorder our. priorities. Do not 
spend money that we don't have. И we 
could do it in Virginia, we can do it na- 
tionally. The Wall Street Journal said that if 
ample were followed at the 
national level, it would save the Federal 
Government seventy-two billion dollars. 
PLAYBOY: There vou go again—a seli- 
vowed progressive taking comfort from 
the editorial page of the conservative 
Wall Street Journal. When you say you 
wouldn't spend money you didn't have, 
does that mean you want a balanced- 
budget amendment to the Constitution? 
WILDER: There's already a law on the 
books that says you have to b; 
budget, but nobody any at 
to it. Bush hasn't sent down a b: 
budget since he's been President. We 
out of control fiscally. 

PLAYBOY: Let's get back to your political 
identity. Although vo the highest 
ranking black elected official in the coun- 
try, Jesse Jackson is better known. How 
do you distinguish yoursell from him? 
WILDER: The big ad 
m not a political activist. Jesse is per 

ince the 



est difference is t 

haps the foremost political activist of our 

time. I've been office holder for twen- 
ty-one years, and in that regard, I am 
called upon to make compromises—to 

take the half loaf when T сите get the 
whole one 
PLAYBOY: Political pundits say that you're 
a godsend to the Democrats, because you 
solve their “Jesse Jackson problem.” How 
do you feel about that? 
WILDER: | don't know what that means. 
Does it mean that we are to be at 
cach other's throats? No. Does it mean 
that they'd prefer to support me over 
Jackson for President? We don't know 
that, either: 

Jackson and 1 have talked about this a 
couple of nd he feels that i 
this is an attempt to have us go at 
other: The bottom line is that there wont 
be this run on the Democratic bank, 
whether Pm on the ticket or not. Jackson 
supported the candidates in 1988 only 
was questioned whether his s 
was timid or w That's 
I answered. your questions as 
andidares E could sup- 
If they were the nominees of the 
party, Td support them all. 


m or real. 

Did Jackson give you any hint 
bout whether or not he might run for 
WILDER: No. He merely indicated that we 

ought to get together and chat, and I told 
nd chat." 
l. itated a lot 
of people and scared some voters—par- 
ticularly Jews—with his reference to Jews 
as Hymies and New York as Hymietown. 
By doing that, did he hurt the image of 
black people in ıhis countryz 
WILDER: 1 don think it hurt black peo 
L think it hurt Jesse in terms of his 
sition to lead people, [think 

he has apologized for that statement 
over and over and over. 

PLAYBOY: Even more offensive to some 
people was his reluctance to distance 
himself trom Louis Farrakhan, the lead- 
er of the Nation of Islam who once called 
Judaism a "dirty religion" and reported- 
ly said Hitler was a great man. 

WILDER: But Farrakhan has distanced 
himself from Jackson in certain regards. 
PLAYBOY: What about you? Have you dis- 
tanced yourself from Farrakhan? 

WILDER: Oh, I don't distance myself fron 
anybody. Hs just that I don't embrace 
peoples philosophies simply because 
they say th 
PLAYBOY: But do you or don't you dis- 
tance yourself from Farr 
Semitic and antiwhite commenis? 
ever I say positive 
speaks for itself. Those who speak ant 
thetically to that would be distancing 
themselves from my comments. So it’s 
nota question of my going out of my way 
10 say 

Look, if E believe in pluralism, if 1 Бе 
lieve in the. dignity of individuals not- 
withstanding race or color, if I have 
political life of not dwelling on race, and 
sceking to unite and bring people to- 
gether. . 

People who think otherwise and speak 
otherwise and do otherwise are distanc- 
y themselves from that philosophy. So 
Snot a question of dealing with person 
ities. I don't speak to person. 
speak to issues. 

PLAYBOY: Why not, if the personality is 
outrageous enough? 

WILDER: Doesn't matter; Гус already ма 
ed my position 
PLAYBOY: Do you realize that part of thi 
answer was a classic Wilder dod 
WILDER: Not really 

PLAYBOY: If wc were to stop the tape 

by my own comm 

y in and of itself 

recorder and play it back to you, we 
would hear what we've heard throughout 
this interview 

WILDER: Good Lord. 

PLAYBOY: Wed hear whole paragraphs 
that come out not meaning anything— 


don't mean good, йог n bad, doi 
mean anything 

WILDER: |Laughs] Wilderese! 

PLAYBOY: They don't add up to complete 
sentences. You said something about an- 
tithetical to tha rary to this, but 
there wasn't a single clear thought about 
F ıkhan. 
WILDER: Well, let n 

and cc 

tell you how Tusual- 

ly answer that. I was in Los Angeles 
speaking to group, and they asked me 

Farrakhan. Í said, "H 
position on housing?” They said no. 1 
said, “Transportation?” They said no. 1 
“The environment?” They said no. 
Finally, I said, “What, then?” id, 
Just him as a person.” n 
PLAYBOY: But we asked you about his po. 
sition on whites and Jews—r 

what I felt about F 

They 5 

1 said, 

cism and 


WILDER: All right. I told you that | believe 
in the worth of the individual. 
history of not being anti-Semitic. Гус 
taken that view, and if s e else takes 
iew opposing it, l'm not dist 
myself from him. Гус stated my position 
I have not dodged the question at all. 
an issue 

хе stated your position on 
But you 
know that politics is made up of me 
than issues; it’s made up of personalities 
WILDER: Right 

PLAYBOY: And il someone takes positions 
that seriously rile a certain portion of the 

such as unti-Semitisn 

clectorate, people will want io know 
where you stand on hi 
WILDER: My views would diler. And Гус 

stated the points of difference 
PLAYBOY: Is there anybody you've de- 
nounced for politically outrageous posi- 

Duke, the former Ru Klux Klan leader 
running for governor of Louisiana? 
WILDER: Phe same way. Duke has said he’s 
а reformed man. Не said certain things 
when he was a Klansman: now he's saying 
other things. He's changed his views 
And my point is, What dillerence does it 
make? If he is going to be representative 
view that’s antithetical to mine, then 
I will continue to push for what E believe 
in. He can do what he will. Arguing with 
him doesn't make a point 
PLAYBOY: But in your earlic 
you showed that you do have a threshold 
of tolerance—with Senator Jesse Не 
WILDER: What have I ever said about him? 
PLAYBOY: You said that he did things thar 
the President should have condemned 
WILDER: That's exactly right 

PLAYBOY: So you do condemn what he 
did during his camps 
PLAYBOY: OK. Then do you condemn 
what David Duke has 
Louis Farrakl 
PLAYBOY: Now we're getting somewhere 
WILDER: But 1 have already done that by 
stating the positive aspects of it 
PLAYBOY: How do vou feel about the 
nenclature of race? Is the expression 
African American important to you? 
WILDER: No; when I describe myself, it is 
only as an American, I 1 got up in the 
g Û was a particular kind 
of Americana different American 1 
couldn't make As a matter of fact, it 
took me some time to get accustomed to 

PLAYBOY: As opposed to whi 
WILDER: Negro. 

PLAYBOY: That term didn't bother you? 
WILDER: No, it did't. I think the biggest 
thing that bothered people about that 
term was the failure of people to say 


do vou condemn. what 

in has said? 

You always come back to the basics: 


Negro and, instead, go off and say nig- 

PLAYBOY: Were you often 
told, “Get out of the way. 
things like that? 

WILDER: | rarely encountered that kind of 
raw racism. 

PLAYBOY: Then what kind did y: 

WILDER: The kind that I call the gentility of 
racism—the invisible ma 
saw you. It wasn't a que 
of the way.” because that meant they ha 
to acknowledge that you existed. They'd 
walk right 
“Oops, what was th: 
waiter at the John Marsha 
sc. they'd tell jokes a 
the room. 
Did being fair-skinned help 
ou win the governorship in а state that 
is more than eighty percent white 
WILDER: I don't think it was a factor, and I 
really don't think it's tor with black 
people in America today. 11 grow- 
ing black middle class th: based on 
what it rcally should be based оп: wca 

alled th 
nigger” or 


When I was a 
1 Hotel during 
ad stories as if T 

1 the former cap 
prove that race is no long 

WILDER: It proves that it can be overcome. 
And the be: 10 overcome it is to ig- 
nore it, 
PLAYBOY: What about the state of race re- 
у > With the 
Bensonhurst killing, the Central Park 
jogger assault-and-rape case and the 
Rodney King beating by Los Angeles po- 
lice, аге relations between blacks and 
whites worse today than they were in the 
days of leg; tion? 

WILDER: Oh, no. I don't think they're 
worse. Lots of the legal barriers have 
been broken down. Look at the number 
of opportunities we have now. You can 
find any number of young blacks and 

young whites who get along well, who 
have the opportunity to hz - 
chang, g black and white profes- 

sionals are cooperating at levels that I 
never knew, My son, for instance, 
volved in groups and with people with 
whom I would've loved to be involved. 
PLAYBOY: But what about thc problems of 
the so-called underclass? More than sixty 
percent of black children are now being 
а to unwed mothers; entire commu- 
nities аге being decimated by drugs; 
young people are randomly killing one 

WILDER: Young black n 
crisis proportions; we've had a total 
breakdown in values. But that didn't 
is à result of race. Black men must 
ss responsibil their 
progeny. How do you get them to do it? 
irst of all, by encouraging black women 
not to become involved with people who 
dont think enough of them to care for 
them or their progeny. »still values, 
you teach values. You do it through the 


ales risk in 



y for 

me moi 

home, the church, community groups. 
You do it through Big Brothers, Big Sis- 
ters. You do it however you can. 
PLAYBOY: We could close our eyes right 
now, and il you didn't have a Tidewater 
accent, we would hear Ronald Re; 
talking about restoring family values. 
WILDER: The dillerence between Ronald 
Reagan and me on this subject is that he 
says he never even knew racism existed 
when he was coming up. But I say you 
can't use racism as а cruteh—th: 
excuse to abrogate your responsibility 
You have to reinstill family values. Look 
the sports progr levision. You 
see people saying, “H 
not saying it to their 
them don't know their fathers—their 
thers have not been there. Thi 
сизе for it, 

But you can't blame all of this on 
1 can see the difference in the eyes of n 
nority youngsters who come into this 
office, when they are told, “Listen, you 
can be whatever you want.” They say, “1 
want to be governor." Well, why not? 
Some of them even say, "I want to be 
President." Why not? 
PLAYBOY: But how do you convince the 
cighteen-year-old kid on the gh 
Street corncr—who can make morc mon- 
ey in a month of dealing drugs than in a 
year of bricklaying—that he ought to 
give you his gum and go get a job? 
у ло that eighteen-year- 
We have opportunities for you to be 
ined, for you to get a job. If you want 
to be trained, fine. But if you don't, we're 
not going to spend all of our time wailing 
not going to let you poison 
ation of youngsters com 

ing up." 

PLAYBOY: Guns have prolife 
ghettos to alarming proportions. Do you 
favor handgun-control legislation? 
WILDER: My view of gun control is that 
you should do whatever you can to keep 
weapons out of the hands of people wht 
shouldn't have them. But you've got to be 
very careful not to contravene what so 
consider their constitutional right to bear 
arms. You shouldn't render people de 
lenseless. When you consider il 
mal today, especially in inner 
things have to be balanced. 
PLAYBOY: But thc evidence shows that the 
mere presence of handguns, even in the 
hands of good people, actually causes 
morc trouble than it prevents. 
WILDER: As I said, it's à thin line to walk. 
PLAYBOY: Do you think that by owning a 
pistol. people are safe [rom criminals? 
WILDER: No, but many people feel that 
they are—merchants in stores, for in- 
nce. People also feel that if they have 
gun in their home and someone comes 
in, they won't h 
ГИ give you 
mine once said he didn't believe i 
ing weapons. I had seve 
told him. е, Грам 
that.” But then, опе da 


al weapons, bu 
no problem with 
y, he called me 

and said someone had been scratching at 
his lock the night before. He wanted to 
borrow one of my weapons. I said, "No, | 
can't let you have one.” He got mad. He's 
a very good friend, but I still didn't lend 
t to him. 

PLAYBOY: How many weapons did you 

WILDER: І had about three. 

PLAYBOY: Do you have weapons in your 
house right now? 


PLAYBOY: At your private home or in the 
governor's mansion? 

PLAYBOY: What do you have: 
WILDER: I think I have а nine- 
Luger type at the mansion. 
PLAYBOY: Why do you have it there? 
WILDER: [ts à good weapon. 

PLAYBOY: Do you keep it beside your bed? 
WILDER: No, Í keep it in the little office 
next to the bedroom. | have security 
sonnel] at the ma 


you've wound up 

all, didn't you once say were so 

turned oll by political speeches that 

you'd neve 10 politics? 
WILDER: Yeah. That was when I was a w 
er at the Јона Marshall Hotel. During 
the speeches, the waiters didn't have to 
stay in the room. But I was a college sur 
dent, so I would always listen to the 
speeches from the balcony. I learned that 
people will say one thing pc 
then do another thing. Thars when 1 
said to myself, Don't be а politician, Бе 
cause you'd have to lie. lt convinced те 
that I would never go into politics. 
PLAYBOY: But you're a politician 
You've crossed ov 
WILDER: Not really. You don't have to 
be duplicitous and humiliate yourself for 
every voie. When you're elected, you 
should do what you were elected for, and 
not worry about re-election. 

PLAYBOY; That doesn't sound like а шап 
who has come so lar in politics. 

WILDER: On the contrary. H you. look 
back, everything you've read about me 
will show Гус eschewed the so-called со 
ventional wisdom. 
PLAYBOY; Wc haven't r 
you didn’t at least thi 
WILDER: My look what hap- 
pened while Í was licutenant governor! 1 
was apostate as lar as my own administra- 
Чоп was concerned, 1 apposed the sales 
tax and dared to criticize the governor's 
ion plan as not being p 


d anywhere il 
bout the ne 


ly funded. 1 opposed contact visits for 
prisoners on death row. 1 said these 
gs publicly. | w team playe 

PLAYBOY: Still, thi 
among Virginia politic 

is а perception 
s and reporters 

that you think of nothing else but your 
political future 
wiper: Thats because people 1 

charted my course for me rather ı 
listened ко me. Because I spoke out as 

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lieutenant. governor, thi 
that a certain small but very influent 
group of persons might find it difficult to 
na ad support me politically] 
the future. 

PLAYBOY: You're referring to your long- 
standing feud with U.S. Senator Charles 
Robb, the former Virginia governor who 
has been your chief political rival since 
the Eighties. It has recently been discov- 
ered that for rwo and a half years, he pos- 
sessed a tape recording of a telephone 
conversation that took place between you 
nd а supporter in 1988. On the tape, 
you said, "Robb is finished" 
been reduced to nothing"— 
newspaper reports 
nd an extramaı 
was governor. 

WILDER: The tape, quite frankly, was 
speaking toward what w red and 
printed all over Virginia me. It 



would have said. 
PLAYBOY: How did you feel when you 
learned your phone call had been taped? 

WILDER: Shocked and in disbelief. 1 felt 
like a victim of a crime. 

PLAYBOY: Are you saying that Senator 
Robb committed a crime? 

WILDER: | don't know who was involved. 
PLAYBOY: Senator Robb apparently had 
nothing to do with the tapping of your 
phone; he reportedly received the tape 
from an anonymous source. Yet the Rich- 
mond Times-Dispatch calls this. madent 
“Robb's Watergate.” Do you agree? 
WILDER: I wouldn't want to assess it. ГИ 
leave it to those who determine the facts. 
PLAYBOY: Your comments on the tape 
suggest that there is no love lost between 
you and Robb. How would you feel if this 
incident led to his political demise? 

I don't choose to comment on 

PLAYBOY: This feud wei 

public back in 

1986, when Robb released to the press 

two leuers he had writen to you. In 
them, he accused you of dastardly polit 
cal deeds, including disloyalty and “lack 
of veracity.” Whats the Robb-Wilder 
feud all about? 

WILDER: There is no feud. What have Lev- 
er done? Гус never said one word about 
Robb. 1 even offered to support him for 
President in 1988, but he wasn’t interest 
ed. So here's a man who writes letters 
about me—and Гус never written any 
letters about him. So there isn't any feud. 
The Hathelds and the McCoys shot at 
each other. I've not shot at Robb. 

PLAYBOY: Then why thesc scorching let- 
Robb openly upbraids you for being 
in phone conversations 


nd for 
" Не 
ked you for picking fights with 
him and making "allegations" that "sim- 
ply aren't true.” This is incendiary stuff. 
WILDER: [Holds up letter] Look at that— 
one letter is six pages, another one is 
three pages! [Reads aloud] “Lam not talk- 

а lack of. 

ing about disagreements on policy mat- 
ters or on individual issues where honest 
differences ought to be raised and dis- 
cussed. . . . What I am talking about are 
deliberate distortions and untruths, and 
the blind-siding of allies, withou 
ing to resolve differences first. 
PLAYBOY: He's calling you a li 
WILDER: Precisely. 

PLAYBOY: How do you feel about tha 
WILDER: Whenever you defend a nega- 
ive, you give hostages to your enemy. 
PLAYBOY: Hostages? 

WILDER: Yeah. How can you prove a neg- 
ative? What I did with that was ignore it. 
PLAYBOY: In one letter, written on his 
governor’s stationery, Robb suggested 
that some “mutual friends" might with- 
hold future political support from you. 
WILDER: Yeah. You sec the language 
there? A “small but influential group” 
may not come back to help me again. 1 
never responded. However, [it suggests 
that if] I change my ways, I might get 
some of them back. Who knows? 
PLAYBOY: How did you feel about that? 
WILDER: | felt it was as patronizing as 
could be—politically. But it did not sur 

"There's no such thing as 
hardball in politics. IUs 
Just like the American and 
Nalional leagues in 

baseball—all of it’s hard.” 

prise me at all. I'd never Над any such 
letter written to me by anybody. I would 
think that if Robb had to do it again, he 
would never have written those lette 
But they didn't hurt me. They thought 
my camp .. That's what 
they thought in 1989, too. But we won 
both times. 

PLAYBOY: It would be 

ser y showed ibat you NA e 
the man who first had it in mind to run 
for President. 

WILDER: It might reflect that, but it 
might reflect that people of Virgi 
didn’t agree [with Robb]. They felt that I 
should be their governor. That's the bit- 
tersweet irony. 

PLAYBOY: We would think it was sweet 
ithout any bitterness. 

WILDER: Well, it depends on who's 
the gold. 

PLAYBOY: Is that a pleasant feeling for 
ou? After all, Robb has been touted as a 
national figure, yet you're already more 
Clive and more talked about nationally 
than he is. 

WILDER: You're right. That's 


n accurate 

PLAYBOY: Clearly. during your c 
you've learned to play a 


ball in politics. The whole game is ha 
ball. Irs just like the American 
National leagues in baseball—all of it's 

to have tough 
skin. It's no place to cry, it's no place to 
deal in emotion. You have to be practical; 
you speak when it's ry. And you 
never threaten anyone in politics. They 
ay you should never pull out a pistol un- 
til you want to use it—and the same ap 
plies to politics. Why pull it out unles: 
you're going to pull the trigger? Most 
people don't have the nerve to pull the 
PLAYBOY: So you're 
WILDER: Get smart first 
doesn't benefit you 
PLAYBOY: Well, what is your philosophy of 
how to play the political game? What is 
WILDER: Somebody once said polities is 
money. | thought about it and he's right 
It's money. In just about everyd 
relative to politics, money i involved. 
Health, education, environment, penal 
institutions, quality of life. 
PLAYBOY: But that’s the definition of 
government policy. What about politics 
in and of itself? 
WILDER: It's the art of the possible. 
PLAYBOY: Still. what's possible these days 
is severely limited by your state's budget 
crisis and the national recession. With 
these economic conditions, isn't it a hor- 
rible time to be governor? 
WILDER: No, I love it! It's the perfect time 
10 be governor. You can take the scalpel 
ош and cut where you need to сш. Ig- 
ore the pain. People will grumble and 
gripe, but they know it has to be done. So 
then, when the economy turns around, 
that unneeded fat is gone forever. You 
don't hire those people back—you put 
[the money] into needed services. That's 
my priority. 
PLAYBOY: That sounds he; 
off people during a recessic 
WILDER: My God, no. That's the time to 
do и. If you don't need them, why keep 
them on a public dole? Government 
shouldn' be the employer of last resort. 
When things start getting better, you'd 
better not try to cut personnel. If you've 
got the money and you're firing this guy, 
people want to know why. But when you 
don't have the money. no one's going to 
be mad at you. 
PLAYBOY: 5o your visi 
WILDER: My vision is of a government that 
priovitizing the spending of the 
payers’ money. We should spend for 
needed services, not for nonsense. 
PLAYBOY: With all duc respect, a good ac- 
countant could have that same vision 

a believer in the 
з approach, 

Getting even 


n is of a wasteless 


re aÈ) 
, А МАМ. 




js BRUT 

1991 Faberge fl 



aply by managing the piggy bank well. 
WILDER: Does a really good nant 
have the experience of showing that it 
ап be done? I doubt it. Im пог an ac- 
countant, but I've shown that it can be 

have not I 15. We've not 
had borrow lebtedness or deficit 

financing. Nor have we had any increase 
п taxes. 

PLAYBOY: What do you consider "needed 
WILDER: Expanded health care for those 
who need it. We spend as much money 
for health as any other nation in the 
world, but we're not getting the. best 
bang for our buck 

PLAYBOY: What about the thirty to forty 
ion people in this country without 
health ince? Wouldn't it та ike sense 
to have a national health pl 
WILDER: Why Ша Govern: 
that? The private sector could 
own people through employment. Look, 
you've got a situation in Canada where 
they don't spend as much as we spend on 
health care, yet they have а system that 
many feel is better. Some argue that it 
doesn't cover every category of health. 
Well, maybe we cover loo many categories. 
Maybe we should look again at some of 
the entitlements. When you look 
Medicare, и indexed for Social Secur 
ind Social Sec 
So we аге pay 
really need it. 
PLAYBOY: Another about 
you're adamant is the death pei 
used to be opposcd to it; yet, 
ran for licutenant governor, you 
have become more conservative. As gov- 


rity is not means-tested. 
ng for people who dont 

alty. You 
ce you 


emor, you've allowed execution 
and commuted one death sentence, 
What changed your mindz 

WILDER: The circumstances changed. 1 

was opposed to the d y when I 
thought it was unl meted ош to 
blacks. Since 1908, two hundred forty 
yht people had been put to death 
Virginia; all except thirty seven w 
black. And of the thirty-seven nonblacks, 
all were convicted of first-degree murder 

mber of blacks had been put 

tional, Thi 

US. Supreme Cou 
found it was unconstitutional. But that 
has since been rectified. 

PLAYBOY: On another domestic issuc— 
abortion—you have not rolled with the 
conservative tide. In fact, you stunned 
the political world in 1980 by taking a 
pro-choice stand. It became one of the 
cornerstones of your gube 
paign, at a t 
reversal of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade deci- 
sion. Every analysis of your election at- 
tributes your tiny margin of victory—less 
than one half of a percentage point—to 
votes from women. 
WILDER: | came out 
of individuals. 125 

n favor of the rights 
civil rights issue. 1 

said it was Jeffersonian. The Government 

shouldn't inte: with basic human 

PLAYBOY: Fine. Politically, will it be pos: 
ble to run а pro-choice campaign on a 
national level? 

WILDER: No, a campaign isn't run on 
abortion—that can cut both ways, believe 

me—ir's run on not turning the clock 
back. The question is whether you want 
to turn the clock back before 1973. And 1 
think the vast majority of people in this 
country don't want to turn the clock back 
on whatever social reforms w е. 
PLAYBOY: Let's go to another critical is- 
sue: education. What's right and wh; 
wrong with our educational system? 
tion than any other nation in the world. 
But isit r ely functional in terms of what 

ing the ne гу at everyone. 
should receive the same degree of educ 
tion up to tenth g 
they'll have the choice to dec у 
want to pursue vocational skills or pra 
ceed academically. If the choice is voca- 
tional, we want to suggest that they go 

"Other countries have an. 
advantage over us. They've 
been to our schools. They 
hnow what sells and what 

doesn't sell—and we don't." 

into the private sector and. get tr 
on the job. 

We're also not teaching our youngsters 
enough about foreign languages and for- 
cign cultures. And God knows we haven't 
taught them enough about English—to 
be able to speak it and write it. Other 
countries have an advantage over us. Not 
only do they speak our language, they ve 
been to our and schools. 
They know what sells and what doesn't 
sell—and we don't. There are certain 
things we do culturally that are not going 
to fly in other countries, That's why I tell 
our young people today that they're not 
leaders of tomorrow, they're leaders of. 
rude rei 


The Ре alf war was a 
ler of our continuing depend- 
ency on oil, on foreign oil, in particular 
You said that the Bush Administration 
has no energy policy. Whar's yours? 
WILDER: One that would not be depend- 
ent on foreign oil 

PLAYBOY: Everybody says that, bit how 
do you make that happen? 

WILDER: Ву devising other measures by 
which we could depend on energy. Coal 

PLAYBOY: Anything else? Such as three- 
dol gallon gasoline? 

WILDER: Encou g ollshore drilling 
where we can di out damage to our 
environment and our ecology. And actu- 
ally, by dealing with some of the attitudes 
п our country toward consumption. We 
have to encourage people to be more en- 
ergy conscious in terms of conserva- 
tion—not just in times of crisis but at all 
times. Cut the lights off when you leave 
the room. Teach that to youngsters now. 
PLAYBOY: But automobile-fuel consump- 
tion is the lion's share of this problem. 

акей about th 
people to drive less. 

Vith a p gn? 
letting people 
know that the gridlock going 

to get any better. When you build а read, 
before you can get it completed, it’s grid- 
locked. There should be more high-occ 
ation of vans. 
ion of rail travel— 
privatization of rail. This would not be 
done by force; there would be es 
for it. We could use the air space over the 
median strips of highways. The biggest 
cost of е acquisition, but its a 
able on every super highway 
We could also look into the magne 
on trains. Japan and Ge 
ady doing it. 
PLAYBOY: What about mandating 
ives to. driving by implementing а 
asoline tax? We have the chi 
gas in the developed world; in Italy, gaso- 
line costs nearly five dollars per gall 
WILDER: Arc you going to tax people just 
to punish them? Гус not seen one i 
stance in which applying taxes has forced 
people not to do something. They 
the liquor tax and that doesn't 
people from drinking. They 
cigarette tax and that doesn't stop people 
Trom smoking. Why would raising the tax 
on gasoline be any different? 
PLAYBOY: It would certainly stimulate the 
search for alternative fuels as well as gen- 
erate both the funds and the stimulus to 
develop public transportation. That's an 
energy policy. 
WILDER: No, that's not an energy policy. 
regressive tax, 
* Much of this discussion stems 
from the current problems in the Middle 
ам. Should we continue to give so much 
foreign aid to Israel and Egypi 
WILDER: Israel was our friend when we 
had none—we can't forget that. That li 
tle country serves as а place where reli- 
gious freed tolerated. This is no 
D le back on Israel 
came on board with the Camp 
accords and lessened the hostility 
in that part of the world. So we can't 
our back on them, either We've got to be 
careful about where the hegemony lies 
PLAYBO! rea in which no 








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Democratic challenger can really com- 
pete with Bush. Despite your Korean War 
record—which well get to—you dont 
have any foreign-affairs experience 
WILDER: | have the same amount that 
Jimmy Carter had, (he same amount 
that Ronald Reagan had, the same 
amount that Gerald Ford had, the same 
amount that Harry Truman had and the 
same amount that Lyndon [ohnson had. 
PLAYBOY: Dut it doesn't stack up very well 
against Bush's record as the man who 
threw Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait 
And until the air war in Iraq began, you 
supported economic sanctions rather 
than the use of force. You said, “Restor- 
ing the emir of Kuwait to his throne is 
not worth a single American life." 
WILDER: ] was asked my opinion, and 1 
gave my opinion. But 1 never opposed 
war options; 1 just wanted to see sanc- 
tions have more time to work. I never ral- 
lied support one way or another. So 1 
don't think that issue would affect me. 
And I don't think everyone who voted for 
the war is automatically assured of any- 
thing. either. I was a very strong support- 
er of the cause after the President made 
his decision. 1 felt great sympathy with 
the families of the troops, and felt that 
once the decision was made, we ought to 
be united and strong. The worst thing we 
could've done to the troops was show 
th a dispirited effort and lack of unity. 
And I thought a lot about the casualties. 1 
knew that the lucky ones come home and 
the others don't. It could have happened 
to me. 

PLAYBOY: You're talking about your serv- 
ice as a soldier in Korea in 1952 and 
19532 Tell us about that. 

WILDER: Well, just like the way people 
were wondering why we should be fight- 
ing in the Persian 
Arabian citizens were not called upon to 
fight, 1 felt very much the same way when 
I was in Korea. 1 said, "It looks like they 
should have used all of their people first 
before they had to use те. Why те? Why 
not them first?” 

PLAYBOY: Was this especially intense for 
you because you were a black American? 
WILDER: Not really. First of all, it affected 
more white Americans than black. I was 
in an integrated unit—the 17th Infantry 
Regiment of the Seventh Division. lt was 
supposed to be a United Nations effort, 
too. Ме had Ethiopians, Greeks, Turks— 
all very good fighting groups. The Eng- 
lish and the adians were ther 
too—also good fighting groups. Then we 
had the Colombians, who would just as 
soon bug out on you in a minute. If they 
were alongside your unit, supposedly do- 
ing cover, you were in trouble. But most 
of the casualties were American. 
PLAYBOY: You saw lots of casualtie: 
WILDER: Oh, yeah, all around me. One 
time, four of us were sitting around when 
a montar fell right in the middle of us— 
blew us in all different directions. I only 
had scratches, but one guy was killed— 

ulf when so many 

he died of internal injuries from the con- 
cussion; another guy lost a leg; and one 
guy was in shock—had his arm blown off. 
The most serious wound T got was from 
barbed wire. I scratched my leg 

PLAYBOY: What was your job? 

WILDER: We were in trenches and bunkers 
on hills along the MLR—the Main Line 
of Resistance. Our job was to hold it. The 
Chinese—thar's. mostly who we faced— 
attacked at night. They would hit us with 
artillery and mortars, then dig tunnels 
id show up in our trenches with their 
burp guns. You'd hear а briyp!—that’s 
how you knew they were there. I ran out 
of my hooch one time when a guy named 
lenti had run into a guy with a 

gun. But the trench 
was so narrow, Valenti 
couldnt get his M-I 
ound. So he took 
his helmet and 
ted beating the 
guy to death with it 
He hit him and hit 
him and hit him. The 
Chinese wore these 
soft caps. Valenti liter 
айу had to be 
dragged off the guy; 
he was smashing h 
head back into the 
ground. Killed him. 
PLAYBOY: How is it 
possible to get a jump. 
оп à guy with a burp 
WILDER: The Chinese 
would take dope be- 
fore an auack—they'd 
smoke opium, listen 
to and мий. 
Opium puts you ü 
real light mood, Г 
told. So опе úme, a 
guy popped up in a 
trench in front of me 
nd he just starred 
laughing. Не didn't 
fire, but it still frigh 
ened me to death. 1 
nocked him down 
and ran right over 
him. We often had to 
retreat oll the hill. 
PLAYBOY: Did you ever shoot anyone? 
WILDER: Oh, yeah. You'd be out on your 
post and you'd see a figure crawling up 
the hill. First, you'd check to see if any of 
your people were out there. Your mind 
started playing tricks оп you; you'd shoot 
at shadows. 

But I shot him. He stopped. I thought 
he was just playing dead, so I shot him 
again. Í could see a flinch, so 1 knew he 
really wasn't dead the first time. So 1 shot 
a ıd again, and the bullets were just 
hitting like this [claps hands], until 1 knew 
the body was cold. Then I threw a gre- 
nade at him to make sure he was dead. 
PLAYBOY: What was it like being under 


WILDER: We were и mortar and a 
tillery all the time. Y r the moi 
only just before it hits—oooo00-rum! Tt 
took me years to get over it. The Chinese. 
invented mortar, so they're masters at it. 
Even now, I can't stand a loud noise—it 
still makes me jump. Its embarrassing 
around people, und little kids, be- 
cause it doesn’t bother them. Like a 
twenty-one gun salute. But I was all right 
at my inaugural, because I knew it was 
coming and I could see the guns. 
PLAYBOY: You were decorated with a 
Bronze Star for heroism. 

WILDER: Well, I didn't talk about that for 
y y didn't even know | had 
it. I really feel that a lot of people who 

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deserved awards never got them—a lot 
of people are dead. And some people 
who got the stars didn't deserve them. 
PLAYBOY: Whar about yours? 
WILDER: We were trying to recapture Pork 
Chop hill, which the Chinese had taken 
from us. I was a corporal and a squad 
leader by that time. It was a very we 
tified hill, with lots of bunkers and logs 
and sandbags. As we went up, 1 was un- 
der the impression that the hill had al- 
ready been retaken, Suddenly, I heard а 
few burps, and one of our guys got 
knocked off right there. We carried him 
into a little side bunker and I was ama 
at how many of à 
ready in th 
So now the 


wounded were al- 


е of us. We 

were only th 

Innovation that's clearly ahead. 

roamed around until we figured out that 
fire was coming from a certain bunker. 1 
told one guy to go around behind the 
bunker and stick a thermite grenade 
through the sandbags. Its a heat gre- 
nade, and when it goes off—whoosh!—i I 
cause you to come out. 

PLAYBOY: Did it work? 

WILDER: Yeah, they started coming out of 
the bunker. We knew enough Chinese 
to Surrender, throw down your 
weapons!" If they had known there were 
only three of us, they could have taken 
us. I didn't know how many people were 
in that bunker—there turned out to be 
twenty of them. We lined them all up. 
They were scared to death. 

Then we had to get 
them down the hill, 
and I had (o walk 
backward the whole 
мау. E couldn't turn 
my back on them and 
we couldnt search 
them for grenades— 
not with just three of 
5. And it was dar 
put one of our gu 
the back of the 

When we got down 
to the bouom and 
counted them again, 
there were only nine- 
teen. I had counted 
twenty before and the 

olficer wanted to 
know where the last 
one was. | said, 
"Maybe 1 

wrong" But on the 
way down, I thought 
Га heard a shot. You 
know, the soldier 1 
had positioned at the 
back of the line had 
been real mad for а 
long period. 

PLAYBOY: 5o you think 
maybe he- 
WILDER: Yeah. War just. 
does things to people. 
T know how I reacied 
to prisoners. 1 got to 
be real mean to them. 
For rest, we were sent back to the rear to 
d prisoners. There would be one 
nd of them, lined up in rows of 
one hundred. Our job was to go in and 
search them. I was real gung-ho. 1 got to 
kicking them in the ribs sometimes when 
they weren't answering questions. With 
combat boots on, you don't have to dra 
back far to hurt somebody. Sometimes 

step on their toes. But I finally qui 
ecring for tha 

WILDER: One day, а prisoner spoke to me 
perfect English. He said, "Why are you 
kicking me? I was a clerk in a store in 
Pyongyang. I didn't volunteer for this. 1 
had no intention of coming here." And 



then he reminded me all about Jefferson 
and Lincoln and the words of the great 
patriots. He was shaming me, really. He. 
said, "They spoke of the rights of man, 

nd you are here to fight me? What have 
1 done to you? You don't have rights in 
'our country." 

I think I slapped him and said, “You 

don't have anything to do with that.” But 
it turned me around in terms of be- 
lieving that I had any right to mistreat 
them—even though I knew there were 
some who, if you turned your back on 
them for a second, would do you in. Still, 
that’s the kind of savagery that comes 
over you. 

PLAYBOY: Did the My Lai 
Vietnam remind you of that? 

Yeah, it did. 1 thought, My God, 
that could have happened and it would 
have been with me for life. АП it takes is a 
little bit to set these things іп motion, 
and then it becomes the accepted norm. 
It's like so many of the things that have 
gone on in this country—lynchings, mob 
violence, shooting people. 

PLAYBOY: How did the experience of 
being a soldier—seeing death, causing 
death—affect your lif 
WILDER: It made те appreciate the op- 
portunity to have what I call a second life. 
When I came back to the States, I knew 
that I had a chance to improve on what I 
had been and done. I knew that I hadn't. 
been the best student in college, that I 
hadn't applied myself to the extent that I 
should have. And I had seen so many 
better soldiers—men who were orderly 
and conducted themselves with great di: 
patch—get killed through по fault. of 
their own. They weren't coming home. 
PLAYBOY: Why didn't you tell your family 
you had gotten the Bronze Star? 

WILDER: Because T didn't really think it 
meant all that much. And because when 
we finally got down the hill, an officer put 
me in for the Bronze Star and then put 
himself in for the Silver Star. Yet he had 
never set foot on that hill. It went on all 
the time. And it’s not a question of mod- 
esty with me. Pve talked more with you 
about this than I have ever talked with 
anybody else. 

PLAYBOY: Let's move hack to the present 
How do you feel about the fact that three 
books have been written about you? 
WILDER: It's а little... different. They're 
fair, and I'm glad there has been an а 
rate portrayal of some of the things we've 
talked about 

PLAYBOY: Yet the books bring up a few in- 
cidents that don't paint an entirely flat- 
tering portrait of you. 

WILDER: То say the least. 

PLAYBOY: Even though you've responded 
to some of these issues in your guberna- 
torial campaigns, you're going to have to 
address them again now that you've er 
tered the national political arena. 
have to ask you about some of them 
WILDER: Just as well. Everyone else does. 

nassacre in 


judge, "We find 

PLAYBOY: The most serious incident, pe 
haps, was when the Virginia supreme 
court reprimanded you in 1978 for “un- 
professional conduct" as a lawyer. The 
charge was that you hadn't adequately 
and promptly represented a family who 
had retained you in 1966 after а car acc 
dent. The family filed malpractice suits 
against you. Why hadn't you dealt with 
their case sooner? 

WILDER: Га done all E could do on и. I was 
asked to accept а reprimand and I said, 
“No, I'm right on the merits." But the 
court said that I was wrong. So I said, 
“That being the case, as far as I'm con- 
cerned, it's over, And I regret it. And it 
won't happen again. It was a mistake and 
I won't repeat the mistake.” And ше 
judge, I think to his credit, made a state- 
ment in the hearing that nothing in the 
proceeding was intended to reflect on 
Mr. Wilder's integrity or honesty. 
PLAYBOY: What about the row-house inci- 
dent? A grand jury was impaneled to in- 
€ the alleged neglect of a row 
house you owned at a time when you 
were campaigning on housing issues and 
demanding improved conditions. Why 
did you ignore the feelings of a group of 
neighbors about the row house, which 
they considered ап eyesore? 

WILDER: The majority of the neighbor- 
hood felt that there was nothing wrong. 
They passed a petition to say that. No 
one ever lived in there—never, ever. The 
house was under rep їһеге was a 
sign. Then a contractor who had been 
hired to do the work left and had anoth- 
er contractor do the work. Then a fire oc- 
curred. That led 10 leaking from the roof 
d damages to neighboring. property. 
All of which was taken care of. 

PLAYBOY: The books say that the fire was 
caused in part by neglect, and they also 
suggest that the building was occasional- 
ly occupied by vagrants 

WILDER: | don't know how the fire started, 
and I don't think anyone else really 
knows. We have to attribute it to someone 
being in there to warm up or something 
But no court ever found anything wrong. 
PLAYBOY: Is it noi 
WILDER: Wait a minute, let me finish. No 
court ever found anything! Case dis- 
missed. The circuit-court judge even had 
a grand jury impaneled to investigate the 
house. They came back and told the 
othing wrong." 

And let me tell you, Гуе finished ап- 
swering questions. Read the books, go 
and check everything out. Pm not going 
to talk about it. P've just gone over it so 
much. Гуе said all I have to say about it. 
You can print that. 

If you want to talk about something 
substantive, ГИ talk with you. But what is 
essentially nonsense Гуе already de. 
bed as nonsense in the '89 election, 
PLAYBOY: Shortly after your 1985 election 
as lieutenant governor, you said you sold 
the house to HLS Associates Trust, which 

was owned by a friend and business part- 
ner of yours. In 1989, it came out that the 
sole beneficiary of HLS Trust was Doug- 
las W was called а cover-up. 
Now, if you sold the house—— 
WILDER: | never said I sold it. 
PLAYBOY: Then what did you say? 
said that it wasn't in my name 
any longer, and that I had no more con- 
trol over it. Which is true. 
PLAYBOY: lt sounds like h; 
me the worst that you w 
at that. 
PLAYBOY: We do not assume anythi 
want to find out. You're а public official 
You once said іп a speech, “In the new 
pitted to car 
avior in every 

sue was 

to assume. Pr 

mainstream, wc arc coi 
dor. nd to ethical bel 
aspect of onc's life." 
WILDER: I went to court. This case went to 
court. There was a grand jury on it. You 
don't know anything about it at all. 7 
know why the story was raised. I know it 
was political. I have not ducked the issue. 
PLAYBOY: What do you mcan, it was 

WILDER: Take my word. 

PLAYBOY: You mean somebody else plant- 
ed the story? An enemy, perhaps? 
WILDER: My point is, whatever you write 
about the house, I don't care. That's what 
I'm trying to tell you. 
PLAYBOY: We're not writing about the 
house. We're only interested in what you 
have to say about it. 

WILDER: Well, I've said all I intend to say 

thing more p 
Virginia's most eli 
cent months, you've been romantically 
linked to Patr Kluge, the wealthy ex- 
wife of John Kluge, who has been ranked 
as America's richest man. He was your 
west supporter, giving. two hundred 
thousand dollars to your gubernatorial 
campaign and raising another. six hi 
dred thousand dollars. You escorted Mrs. 
Kluge to several social events and ap- 
pointed. her to the board of the Un 
versity of Virginia. Are the two of you 
romantically involved? 

WILDER: lÍ so, the press would ha 
ed it by now, wouldn't the; 
PLAYBOY: We're asking you 

е print- 

PLAYBOY: So? Maybe? Maybe not? 

WILDER: No, I won't say anything. Just 
that she's a friend and a fine lady. 
PLAYBOY: There was a Пар a few months 
ago about your having used the state jet 
for a social trip with Mrs. Kluge to N. 
tucket. After the press revealed the story, 
you reimbursed the state several tho 
sand dollars. What was the problem? 
WILDER: They thought I was using the 
helicopter to visit Mrs. Kluge in Char- 
lottesville. They thought it would be 
something to write about. 

PLAYBOY: Was it true or not? 

WILDER: No, it wasn't true. 
PLAYBOY; So you have not used 1 
copter to visit her 
WILDER: No, 11 t 
PLAYBOY: In that case, why «ігі you just 
show them the helicopter records? Do 
you have something to hide? 

WILDER: No. Its like when they asked те 
why 1 dont show them the telephone 
calls that I've made. I dont have any- 
thing to hide when I go into the bath- 
room, but T usually shut the door. 
PLAYBOY: Still, all of these stories rais 
question about judgment. 
WILDER: So whats vour 
anything you wa 
PLAYBOY: АП right. The main thing that's 
left on the list is your divorce. Why was 
the record sealed on the divorce? 
WILDER: lm not going to go into it 
PLAYBOY: The record is that your ex-wife 
made allegations. 

PLAYBOY: We knew yc 
like this part of the 
WILDER: | don’t mind i 
PLAYBOY: From the book Wilder: Hold Fast 
to Divams, by Donald P, Baker, a Washing- 
ton Post reporter: “July twenty-fifth, 1975, 
Eunice Wilder filed for divorce, charging. 
her husband of nearly seventeen у 
with ‘cruelty and reasonable apprehen- 
sion of bodily harm. " That's a quote 
WILDER: That comes from some bill of 
complaint, I would imagine, doesnt it? 
PLAYBOY: Those are the original charges. 
What is this allegation of "reasonable ap- 
prehension of bodily harm all about? 
WILDER: I've said all I intend to about it. 
PLAYBOY: But you haven't said a thing. 
WILDER: And that's exactly all I intend to 
say about it 

PLAYBOY: This wall of silence is uncharac- 
teristic ol you. 
WILDER: ГИ say one thing, then ГИ be 
finished with it: 1 did not request that the 
divorce record be sealed. And for me to 
tell you that I've said all 1 intend to say 
bout it—and then to continue to talk 
with vou—means that Um а 1 fool, 
and I don't think Pm ени а 
finished with why and when it was sealed. 
Do you want to talk y else 
pertaining to the di 
PLAYBOY: A divorce in and ol itself is of 
no particular interest, but this allegation 
of bodily harm is another m 
WILDER: So write about it. Can't you un- 
derstand what Fm saying? Did you hea 
me? lı hasn nazing 
how people Dh, this is it. This is it 
PLAYBOY: This is what 
WILDER: This is the smoking gun. 
the hand grenade. This O 
run through (hat the better part of my 
life. That's why it doesn't bother me. 
PLAYBOY: Why should th 
ng guns out there at al 
tery out of it 





have (he 



t going to 

bothered me. It's 

This is 

< be any smok- 
Take the mys- 


As long as Pm breathing air. 
will a 
That's fatal 
l, Ibeliev 
Are you 
WILDER: Yeah. 
PLAYBOY: 15 there 
to talk about? 

WILDER: No, I'm here to 

questions, remember? 

PLAYBOY: We're opening the field. We 
may not have touched on some areas that 
you want to touch оп. 
WILDER: God only knows w 
PLAYBOY: Would you ente 
question on the divorce? 
WILDER: Ask ii 
PLAYBOY: Why was there an allegation of 
bodily harm? 

WILDER: You would have to ask my ex- 
wile, wouldn't you? I didn't make any al- 

PLAYBOY: No, but she was refe 
you, so unless it’s fabr 
WILDER: I've drawn any number of bills of 
complaints myself, as а lawyer. You can 
get a divorce only under the violation of 

anything else you'd like 

wer your 

that is. 
іп one more 



"If the files haven't 
been opened in fifteen 
years, what force, what 
impetus would there be for 

те to change that now?" 

certain things. 
PLAYBOY: We know it drives vou а 
be asked about this smufi —— 
WILDER: It doesn't drive me crazy, and 
you don't understand. The point is that 
in each of the cases that you refer to, as 
much as people would like there to be in- 
cendiary details, they just aren't theri 
PLAYBOY: Maybe the only way to convince. 
people of that is to let them have access 
to information. 

WILDER: The only way to convince people 
of it, as I'm concerned, is to let 
them write and think what they 
PLAYBOY: Yes, but there's nothing like а 
little secrecy to keep everybody excited 
and intrigued. 

WILDER: Well, that may Бе. 1 can under- 
stand that. I can appreciate how people 
could be titillated by something. 
PLAYBOY: But that’s not fair. That's like 
saying people are titillated by good looks 
and nice s 
we've wasted lots of t 

azy to 

s fa 

This is politics. Governor, 
me on a topic that 
could be cleared up in a second. 

WILDER: How can you ele: 
me what I could have said. 

You tell 

PLAYBOY: You and your ex-wife could de- 
cide vo talk publicly about the divorce. 
WILDER: Suppose she doesn't want to. 
PLAYBOY: That hasn't been tried yet, has 
i? You have persuasive powers. 

WILDER: How would that help her? 
PLAYBOY: lı would lay this thing to rest. 
WILDER: For who 
PLAYBOY: For you 
тезі ol yov 
WILDER: | dont care. It doesn't bother 

PLAYBOY: Wc think this conversation does 
bother you a little bit. It bothers us, too. 
We'd just as soon not be having it 
WILDER: Í feel vou need not worry about 
nitpicking and ultimate nonsense. 
PLAYBOY: Do you call these issues nitpick- 
in ind nonsense? 

WILDER: About the house, yes; that's nit- 
picking. The reprimand is legitimate, I 
think, as a lawyer accused of professional 
procrastination. The divorce i 
mate inquiry, but I think that there's a 
point where you have to leave it alone. 
Assume that you had a divorce and the 
exavile said, “Look, I don't want to go in- 
10 this anymore, and I don't want to di 
cuss it. We have children." I would hope 
thar whatever had been said was past and. 
forgotten. I would want the record 

As а man—and I'm a man first—I do 
certain things in my judgment. А man 
isn't an adjective: I would never be anv- 
thing but a man. So I couldn't care less 
how [things are] interpreted. But I can't 
live any other way than as that man. And 
as а man, or as a human, or as a person, 
there are some things that you are pre- 
pared to live with. H the files haven't 
opened in fifteen years, what force, 
what impetus would there be for me to 
change that now? 

There's a quote in Julius Caesar when 
Caesar is asked to lilt the banishment of 
Publius Cimber, prior to Brutus and oth- 
crs’ coming upon him to kill him. And 
Caesar says, “If I could, if I were as you, 
then I could be moved. And if I could 
pray to move, then prayers would move 
me. But Lam as constant as the northern 
star, whose true fixed and resting quality 
there is no fellow in the firmament.” 
PLAYBOY: You make it sound as if vou 
lence on the subject is noble. 
WILDER: Гт not trying to make it noble, 
Listen, are you riding back to Washing- 
ton with me? 


[An hour later, Wilder and Range board 
the governors Bell helicopter for the 55- 
minute flight lo Washington, where the gover- 
nor is Ihe featured guest at a journalists’ 
dinner sponsored by the conservative monthly 
American Spectator. | 


nd for her—for the 



you going the 
you can ride with me if you 



eugene pulliam ran towns, 
bullied politidans and created a newspaper 
empire—some would say he created the career of 
grandson dan quayle 


ERMAN had predicted rain, but dawn broke 
pale and clear on Saturday, March 23. A stiff wind 
snapped the tails of yellow ribbons belted to trees. 

Flags unfurled from porches like crisp salutes. At 
n family con- 
verged at a nursing home in Franklin, Indiana, a tiny 
burg 20 miles south of Indianapolis. The clan was 
e the 100th birthday of Martha 
Ou Pulliam, widow of newspaper baron Eugene 
dress, the matriarch 
sat in a wheelchair surrounded by her progeny, includ- 
ing one grandson who stole the spotlight: James Danforth 

It was Dan, not Martha, who cut the ceremonial first slice of 
white-frosted birthday cake. It was Dan, not one of his elders, 
who raised Old Glory up the t 
was for a glimpse of the Vice-President more than a quote from 

noon, four generations of the Pu 

gathered to celeb 

Collins Pulliam. In her lace-coll 

»story flagpole outside. And it 

the local c 

menarian that kept reporters and photographers 
iting outside, held at bay by Secret Service men with auto- 
matic weapons tucked under their jackets. 

Quayle made по speeches, but he ütillated the journalists 
nonetheless. According to Rebecca Sun, a stringer for the 
"ranklin Daily Journal and student at the Pulliam School of Jour- 

nalism at Franklin College, Dan told his grandmother, “Gee, 
' think you d last this long." Sun heard the quote 
frais bel T ака hiat a led ado Ше banquet 
hall for a sound bite. 

The man who endowed this Hoosier dynasty did not, as the 

Vice-President might put it, last long enough to attend the par- 
ty. Eugene C. Pulliam, Quayle's grandfather, was 16 years in his 
grave when his second wife ate a piece of her 100th-birthday 

article By PAMELA MARIN 



cake. Still, his presence could be felt, 
as if he were one of those meddling 
gods from ai 
ing down from the parted clouds. 

In the years roughly bracketed 
by the two World Wars, Eugene С 

ient mythology look- 

n built a print empire now 

worth about a billion dollars. Сеп- 
wal Newspapers, Inc., the seven-pa- 
per chain he consolidated in the 
Forties and bequeathed to his heirs 

Indianapolis and Mune 
and the Vincennes, Indi; 
Commercial, whose publi 

a, Sun- 
her is the 

Vice-President's brother. Although 
the combined circulations of the sev- 
en papers is less than 1,000,000, the 
companv's influence in the markets 
it rules is immense. The morning edi- 
tions in Phoenix and Indianapolis, 

A ringleader of the right, Pulliam wrote 
encouragingly to candidate Nixon in 
1960, “I om for you 100 percent.” 

Pulliam liked Ike, and vice versa. At 
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, the 
publisher greeted the First Couple. 

Pulliam and Nina, the former secretary who became his third wife, traveled the globe 
incessantly. After his death, she took over as publisher of The Arizana Republic. Her brief, 

tumultuous tenure there began with an editar's suicide and ended with a labor dispute. 

= E 

If the Veep is 
dumped, this is 
where he might 

end up... back at 

his family's chain 
of powerful 




9, Ra. 

Employees of Central Newspapers, Inc. 
Pulliam/s seven-paper chain, pass the 
founder's bronzed words each day in the 
lobbies of Central's offices in Arizona and 
Indiana. In addition to patriotism, his pa- 
pers feature a daily chuckle and a prayer. 

Department-store heir Barry Goldwater 
got his first shot ot politics when Pulliam 
hoisted him into the Phaenix city coun- 
cil in 1949. With citizen Pulliam's help, 
the conservative gunslinger nailed 
down a U.S. Senator's seat by 1952, 
and was running for President by 1964. 

Quayle sat in the general manager's 
chair at Indiana's Huntington Herald- 
Press but gave it up far Washington. 

-— —] 

Confusion reigns 
in the house 
of Pulliam. 
There's no one 

like the old 

man to take 


Politicolly, he slices to the right, but col- 
lege student Dan Quayle hit them 
streight down the fairway at Windy Hill 
Country Club, DePouw's home course. 

As the medio would loter discover, 
Quayle wos no scholor ot DePouw, 
where his grandpo cofounded the 
nolior's first journolism froternity. 

state capitals, are the de facto news- 
papers of record in their states. In 
words and pictures, they define local 
issues and influence votes. For four 
decades, they have reflected. the 
right-wing sensibility of their patri- 
arch. Like William Randolph Hearst 
a generation before him, Pulliam 
was obsessed with politics. He used 
his newspapers to launch crusades 
and settle vendettas. He bellowed at 
his readers in front-page editorials 
and wrangled for power in back- 
room deals. Shamelessly slanting 
news stories long after the style was 
obsolete, Pulliam passed to his heirs 

a legacy of journalistic infamy as well 
as a cushion of dynastic wealth. 
When President Bush's heart flut- 
tered, it fanned "Dump Quayle" 
brush fires. The future of the golfing 

Huntington Herald-Press editor Mike Per- 
kins boosts the hometown boy on the 
day he wos nominoted os Vice-President. 

Dan Quoyle ond 
Marilyn Tucker met 
os low students in 
1972 (left). He was 
о stor on the golf 
team; she wos a 
classroom stand- 
ош. After a court- 
ship of ten weeks, 
they were morried, 
ond 16 yeors later 
they heoded to 
Woshington, D.C., 
| es the notion's 
second family. 

In this modest Huntington, Indiono, 
house (above), lames ond Corinne 
Quoyle raised three kids. Two now 
run newspopers; Don did even better. 

At his grandma's 
porty (right) last 
Morch in Franklin, 
Indiono, Dan over- 
shodowed guest of 
honor Martho ОН 
Pulliam, second 
wife of newspaper 
boron Eugene C. 
Pulliom, while his 
mother, Corinne 
Pulliam Quayle, 
kept an eye on 
things. Said the МР, 
"Gee, Nona, we 
didn't think you'd 
lost this long.” 


Veep—code-named “Scorecard” by the 
Secret Service—was scrutinized, edito- 
rialized, polled. Time and Newsweek 
weighed in with cover stories. Among 
their revelations was a nonpartisan re- 
search group's finding that “Quayle 
finally lost his standing as the most 
mocked figure on late-night television. 
He was replaced by Saddam Hussein.” 
"The polls showed that a majority want- 
ed Bush to drop his embarrassing side- 
kick in 1992. The Indianapolis Star, 
however, saw press “sharks” on a “feed- 
ing frenzy.” 

“All Vice-Presidents have come under 
similar scrutiny in such circumstances,” 
the touchy Star opined. “Yet some re- 
porters seemed more interested in 
hammering Quayle than in the Presi- 
dent's state of health.” 

In Indianapolis, Quayle rumors have 
been fiying fast and loose for years 
One had Danny coming home to be 
publisher of Central Newspapers—tip- 
toeing in on cleated feet and hanging 
his golf cap in the corner office. 

Like all good gossip, the rumor had 
its own logic. Old Man Pulliam's high- 
profile grandson had played his college 
golf at DePauw University in nearby 
Greencastle and sneaked through law 
school in Indianapolis. His wife, Mari- 
lyn, a native Hoosier, was a law schoo! 
classmate. She went home often for 
fand raisers and family gatherings: the 
day of Martha Pulliam's 100th-birthday 
party, the Quayle motorcade stopped at 
the home of Dr. Warren Tucker, Mari- 
lyn's dad, in the little town of Peoga. 
Even as a discarded Vice-President, 
Dan would be a celebrity publisher in 
the heartland. And what would the job 
demand? Lunch with local merchants. 
Black-tie appearances at charity bene- 
fits. A TV interview or two. Golf. Dan 
could handle that. And the men who 
run the newspapers could keep the 
presses rolling. 

Just how they would view their new 
boss is open to question. Last year, Star 
staffers held a retirement party at the 
Press Club for managing editor Bo 
Conner. Members of Dan's extended 
family, some of whom are top editors 
and writers at the Indianapolis papers, 
mingled with the crowd. "The Vice- 
President of the United States couldn't 
make it," the emcee announced. Then, 
handing a small package to Conner, he 
added, "So he sent his balls." Conner 
blushed as he took the proffered box of 
golf balls, and laughter filled the room. 

Danny isn't going home. Or maybe 
he is. One rumor has Quayle going 
back to run for governor in 1992, chal- 
lenging Democratic incumbent Evan 
Bayh, son of Birch Bayh—the man Dan 
unseated to get into the Senate in 1980. 
Lately, the boyish Bayh has looked vul- 
nerable, due to a huge shortfall in the 

state's projected income. "Every time I 
hear the rumor, it's cast in a positive 
way," says a local political writer. "You 
know, 'Dan has го go home and save the 
troubled Republican Party in Indiana." 
This would be promoted as an henor- 
able way to get him off the ticket." 

"The Dan-Quayle-as-publisher rumor 
made the best water-cooler gossip. 
Imagine the quotes. A man with foot- 
in-mouth disease leading a brigade of 
writers! But it was probably just a sign 
of the confusion in the house of Pul- 

When Eugene C. Pulliam was alive, 
everyone knew who was boss. Figuring 
out what Old Man Pulliam wanted was 
"the ultimate second guess," says Paul 
Dean, a Los Angeles Times columnist who 
worked for The Arizona Republic in the 
Sixties and Seventies. "You wrote as if 
he were looking over your shoulder." 
Now the bean counters rule. Their 
leader is the founder's only son, Eu- 
gene S. Pulliam, who settled into his 
father's sheltering shadow in Indi- 
anapolis just one year after graduating 
from DePauw, his father's alma mater. 
He became assistant publisher of the 
Indy papers in the Sixties and inherited 
the title of publisher when Daddy died. 
Those who knew his father still refer to 
him as Young Gene and even Sonny. 
"This year, he celebrates his 77th birth- 

Reporters in Indianapolis, some of 
whom have worked in the same build- 
ing with Young Gene for decades, say 
they do not know how the publisher fills 
his days. He isa pleasant man, they say, 
kindly and soft-spoken. But what does 
he do? "My primary interest and my 
abilities, if there are any, are in the 
business side," he says. "I approve all 
pay increases and all out-of-state trav- 
el. . . .” He sits in a paneled corner 
office surrounded by family photos. 
One shows his father shaking hands 
with a very young and tan and blond 
Dan Quayle. It was taken on the day 
Danny joined the frat the Old Man had 
belonged to at DePauw. Nearby are 
Young Gene’s golf trophies and me- 
mentos from his years as publisher. He 
calls them “do-dah awards.” 

“Young Gene is neither loved nor 
hated, respected nor disrespected,” 
says a local writer who worked at the pa- 
pers under both Gene Pulliams. "He's a 
neuter. He's just there.” 

Also working at the family shop in In- 
dianapolis is Young Gene's son Russell, 
a Bible-thumping editorial writer for 
the Neus, and his feisty sister Myrta, as- 
sistant managing editor for news at the 
Star. Myrta and Russell have an es- 
tranged younger sister named Debbie, 
who lives in Maine and once edited an 
alternative newspaper there; one writer 
who has worked for the chain for more 

than 90 years has never even heard of 
Debbie Pulliam. 

Of the third generation of the Pul- 
liam clan working in the empire, 
including Vincennes Sun-Commercial pub- 
lisher Michael Quayle, Dan's younger 
brother, Myrta is thought to have the 
best shot at the corner office. Yet for all 
their years of service to Central News- 
papers, none of the inheritors repre- 
sents the founder's vill to power as well 
as the one who left the business for 
Washington, D.C. 


If Eugene C. Pulliam hadn't made a 
fortune wielding newspapers like blunt 
instruments, Dan Quayle would nor 
be Vice-President. Quayle probably 
wouldn't be in politics at all. The only 
reason he came to the attention of 
G.O.P. functionaries in Allen County, 
Indiana, in 1976 was that his daddy 
owned a paper there and was, by mar- 
riage and temperament, part of Pul- 
liam's conservative print army. James 
Quayle had married Old Man Pulliam's 
daughter Corinne and bought the 
Huntington Herald-Press from his father- 
in-law in 1964. Twelve years later, it oc- 
curred to Orvas Beers, the Republican 
Party chairman in Allen County, to run 
James Quayle's son for a Congressional 
scat. Dan was 99 years old, living near 
a golf course in Huntington. Between 
rounds, he worked in the dingy pub- 
lisher's office at the Herald-Press, a 
room now occupied by his sister, a 
tained nurse who came to publishing 
in the same way Quayle went to Wash- 
ington—with a slim résumé and a po- 
tent surname. 

Beers thought Dan Quayle had a shot. 
at Congress in part because of his “ 
tractive features and his friendliness.” 
What else was there to go on? While 
those qualities might not have im- 
pressed Dan's grandfather, promoting 
a political novice was a gambit he un- 
derstood. Three decades earlier, Pul- 
liam and some pals had retooled 
Phoenix city government into an en- 
gine of their will. Self-appointed civic 
dons, they drew up slates of councilmen 
and mayoral candidates and publicized 
them in Pulliam’s papers. On the ca- 
bal's first roster was a department 
store heir who just three years 
later—boosted by Pulliam puffery and 
editorial endorsements—defeated Sen- 
ate Majority Leader Ernest MacFar- 
land. Soon after, Senator Barry 
Goldwater boldly ran for President. 

A joke that made the rounds in 
Phoenix in the Fifties had Pulliam de- 
manding of his top editor, “What did 
Goldwater say today?” 

“Nothing,” said the editor. 

“Fine!” responded the publisher 

(continued on page 154) 

“Tonight's dinner is very important for my choice of careers, 
because if is а success, 1 won't need to make one.” 




three reasons to whistle while you work 


| TUSED TO BE there were some exclusive male bastions, with no gals to distract from the business at hand— 

places such as the boxing ring, the insulation-and-heating trade, the aircraft hangar. Not anymore—or 
have you been working too hard to notice? Well, put down your tools and take a break along with Leslie 
Glass, Cathy Dzik and Kelly Shepherd, the women whom we discovered laboring in precisely those loca- 
tions. We introduce them here as part of our continuing tribute to the great working women of America. 


"I've lived in New York and | travel 
all over for my jobs," soys Leslie, 
"but | lave Baltimore. It hos a bit of 
everything—access ta the beach, 
the mountains, whatever you want.” 
In her home, Leslie has a bit of ev- 
erything for campony, taa: Her pets 
include four cats, two Dobermans, o 
potbellied pig and a ferret. It's also 
the bose for a career that includes 
acting, modeling and working the 
ring as o round-cord gir. In two 
yeors, she hos emerged os the star 
of her trade; thot wos Leslie in Tyson 
vs. Williams, Pazienza vs. Camacho 
and Holyfield vs. Foreman. “Usually, 
promolers hire cocktail waitresses,” 
says Leslie, “but | put something ex- 
tra into my walk and my outfits. Pea- 
ple don't realize it, but my costumes 
cost between eight hundred спа two 
thousand dollars. We're provid- 
ing the real glamour of boxing.” 


“None of the guys at work will be- 
lieve it," says Соћу of her appeor- 
once in Playboy. "When they see 
me, I'm for from glamaurous. I'm 
usuolly hot and ilchy." Her ca-work- 
ers are the men at a Heat and Frost 
Insulators Union lacal in western Illi- 
nois, where she is the sole woman 
member. Hot and itchy sounded 
good ta us until Cathy exploined 
thot her work entailed wrapping 
steam pipes ond air-conditioning 
conduits with batts of fiberglass in- 
sulotion. When she isn't working, 
she ond her husband, Mike, lift 
weights and jog together. Ideally, 
Cathy says, she'd like to devote her- 
self full time to the health-and- 
mufrifion-counseling business they 
started os a side line three years 
cgo. "It's a natural for us,” she says. 
"We thought it would be o good 
way to shore our healthy lifestyles." 


Mention a beautiful матап and оп 
airplane in the same breath, and o 
flight attendant comes to mind, 
right? Think again. Kelly works on, 
not in, jumbo jets. As a toal-and- 
parts dispatcher for the largest man- 
ufacturer cf circraft in Americo, she 
hos helped out on the construction 
of everything from 747s to the B-2 
bomber. "Being oround planes 
really natural for me,” she says. 
mean, my idea of o grect evening is 
а dinner of crab salad, an older mon 
for compony, and then a balloon 
ride into the sunset." Kelly divides 
her cff-work hours among painting 
water colors, craftwark ond roller- 
bloding, which she does to stay in 
shope. Right now, she lives in Wosh- 
inglon Stote, but her dreams are 
down the coast in Hollywood. “I'd 
really like ta be а character оп All 
му Children. It’s my ma's favorite.” 

natural for me; | don't necessarily think of it as 
sexual,” says Leslie Gloss (below). "But my posing nud 
does meon that | can't go out with anybody passessive. 

“1 was very excited obout posing," soys Kelly Shepherd, ot left. “It’s not only o great opportunity ta change the direction of ту life 
in o positive fashion but 1 think it's also going to be o greot woy to meet new people.” Cothy Dzik (below) says, "То me, Ployboy rep- 
resents the ultimate in beauty and sexuality. There's really no greater compliment than being asked to appear in the magazine.” 

“i've made a general plan," sheldon said proudly, 
“but i've deliberately left room for the unexpected" 


HELDON WHITE had planned 
his safari for two years. 
He had taken a refresher 
course in Spanish. He had 
worked out at the gym to 
get in shape. He arranged 
for emergencies in his law 
practice to be handled by 
his partner. He supplied 
his wife, Paula, and himself 
with money belts, neck 
pouches. elastic support 
bandages above the elbow 
to hide their papers. They 
took shots, including hu- 

man diploid vaccine, for prevention against disease from bites of rabid 
bats. They had chloroquine for malaria prophylaxis, Lomotil for diar- 
rhea, Sterotabs for sterilizing water, two antibiotics: tetracycline and 
streptotriad. They took along DEET insect repellent and Cetrimide BP 
for infected bites. Toilet paper. A complete first-aid kit. Five pounds of 
chocolate energy bars. Sheldon would make sure their guide stocked 
enough butane fuel for the stove, kettles and cooking utensils for three 
people and sufficient canned food for the expedition. 

When friends and family had said to him before he left New York, 
"Shelly, you've thought of everything," he denied it proudly. 

“That's just what I don't want to do. I've made a general plan, but I've 
deliberately left room for the unexpected." 

They flew to Quito, where Paula experienced altitude sickness, then 
hired a chauffeured car and headed for Oriente, a remote area of vast 
rain forests. When they reached their destination, a dirty river town 
called Misahualli, their driver José unloaded their bags in front of a ce- 
ment-block building with HOTEL in faded blue printed over its doorless 
entrance. He offered to arrange for a guide and supplies. 

"No," said Sheldon, “that's my job." 

"Be careful" warned José. "Many of these people are thieves and 

"What do you mean, worse?" 

José shrugged. "Anything you can imagine." 

From his travel agent, who knew Ecuador, Sheldon had heard of these 
Misahualli guides; they were an independent lot, a complicated mix of 
pride and envy and десен. But the travel agent also said that Ecuadori- 
ans like to exaggerate. 

"Thanks for the warning," Sheldon said. "I'll hire my own guide." 

With another shrug, José got into the car and headed back to Quito. 

That night, Sheldon and Paula slept in cots in a cement cubicle with 
some hooks for their clothes, one tiny window above eye level and a 
rackety overhead fan. They had a short but spirited parley. Paula felt 





that they should have kept José over- 
night and let him negotiate for a guide 
in the morning. 

Sheldon argued that they mustn't de- 
pend on other people. This was their 
safari; they had to arrange it them- 
selves. They had to be in charge. Other- 
wise, it wasn't a real adventure. 

"Do you know why I'm here?" he 
asked suddenly. 

“I think so. To prove you can do 

"You think you know why, but no опе 
knows why someone else does some- 
thing. Anyway, I appreciate your going 
along with it." 

"I'm here because I love you, Shelly." 

This simple declaration rendered 
him speechless. Reaching over to her 
cot, Sheldon groped for her hand and 
when he found it, he held her fingers 
the way he might have held a butterfly. 


After a breakfast of weak coffee and 
soggy tamales, they walked out into 
blinding sunlight to face a dusty street 
lined by shanties with roofs of corrugat- 
ed tin. Men in Tshirts, torn cotton 
pants, old tennis shoes and billed caps 
stood in the shade, as drowsy as cows, 
squinting morosely at anything that 
moved through the hot little square. 

Many of the huts advertised guides in 
Spanish and English and the crude 
signs made extravagant claims of their 
boat trips and jungle excursions. Shel- 
don studied each one and met with his 
Own stare those of men seated deep 
within the shadowy interiors. 

The Whites amped past a weedy lot 
filled with automotive parts and a gut- 
ted truck, then a cantina from which 
the Andrews Sisters’ Boogie Woogie Bugle 
Bey was blaring out of a tinny radio. 
Then came a shack with the following 
sign nailed next to the door: 


“This looks terrible,” Paula said with 
a grimace. 

“Tt looks kind of good to me.” 

Sheldon tried to peer inside through 
a hole in the screen. He knocked twice, 
then again, and was almost ready to 
turn and leave when a voice called out, 
"Come een, meester! “ЕШ, my frin'!” 

Opening the door, which he discov- 
ered was held only by the top hinge, 
Sheldon walked into the shack. It was 
nearly empty: a hammock, two chairs, a 
dog lying in a corner, a garish poster of 
an old man with white whiskers in a 
black suit and stiff collar. 

Ramon Torres was lying in the ham- 
mock, wearing a Batman T-shirt, smok- 
ing a cigarette. 

Sheldon began smiling. He prided 
himself on being a first-class negotiator. 
An hour later, seated opposite each oth- 
er in the two chairs (Paula stood), the 
two men came to an agreement on the 
duration of the expedition, the nature 
and number of supplies. 

“I give you a down payment on sup- 
plies,” Sheldon said. “I pay in full after 
checking your itemized list.” 

“No. Not that way.” Ramon objected 
in Spanish, because they communicat- 
ed better in that language. 

"Its the only way I go." 

“I figure the cost and you pay me,” 
Ramon insisted. “If it comes to less, I 
give you back the difference.” 

“My way is the only way I go.” 

Reluctantly, the guide nodded. 

“Now, about your fee.” 

“You already know my fee 

With a laugh, Sheldon said, “I know a 
joke when I hear one. Let's talk serious- 
ly.” He made Ramon an offer, then 
spread both hands wide. “Take it or 
leave it.” 

“I won't take it.” 

“Fine. How many guides are there on 
this street? Ten? Twenty?” 

“Not like me,” Ramon declared. 
“With me, you get what you pay for.” 

“I don't see people beating a path to 
your door,” Sheldon said coldly. “Take 
it or leave it.” 

“I take it,” che guide mumbled grim- 
ly. He had accepted half of the sum 
asked for. He signed a paper to that ef- 
fect. Finally, Ramon promised not to 
feed his clients monkey and cayman 
meat to save on food expenses and 
pocket the difference. According to 
Sheldon’s travel agent, it was the sort of 
thing these Misahualli guides did. 

At last, Sheldon demanded that the 
guide stay completely sober on the trip. 
Someone in Quito had told him the 
Ecuadorians love to drink. 

Ramon began smiling. “Don't worry, 
man,” he said, “I don't drink. Iam hon- 
est. I need your passports.” 

Sheldon glanced at Paula. 
understand,” he said to Ramon. 

“Before leaving Misahualli, | register 
you with the capitan. The authorities 
must know who is in the jungle,” Ra- 
mon explained. “Otherwise, you could 
go in there and never come out and no- 
body would know. Give me the pass- 
ports and ГИ take care of it. Give me a 
little gift for the capitan, too. So there 
won't be a delay.” 

Sheldon gave him their passports 
and some money. “Is that enough?” 


Frowning, he handed over a couple 
more bills. 

They agreed to meet late in the day, 
after Ramon had arranged for the sup- 
plies. As they drank Cokes in a cantina, 

T don't 

Paula said to her husband, “I wonder 
why you chose Ramon.” 

“His shack was the poorest of the 
bunch. I told myself, Here is a man I 
can deal with.” 

“Maybe you should have asked some- 
опе about him.” 

Sheldon laughed disdainfully. "Do 
you think these people would tell me 
the truth? I took him because he has a 
need. It's that simple.” 

“I don't know if you should have bar- 
gained so hard, Shelly.” 

“Why not? [ won.” 

“That's the point. You could have let 
him do a little better.” 

“Why in hell should I do that? I make 
my living not letting people do better.” 

"[ think he's sore you beat him down 
that way.” She added, after a pause, “In 
front of me." 

"Well, I made one concession. He 
gets paid in full once we reach the jun- 
gle. I let him have that one, because 
why по” 

Paula shook her head. "When you 
told him, ‘I don't see people beating a 
path to your door,’ the man visibly 
flinched, You hurt him." 

“I was stating my case, so what's 
wrong in that? I'm not paying more 
than I have to.” 

“Then you made him promise not to 
feed us monkey and alligator. You in- 
sulted him, Shelly.” 

"I let him know who's in charge, 
that’s all.” 

Paula was silenced, but later, after 
they had gone back to check up on Ra- 
mon's progress in outfitting the expe- 
dition, she said to her husband, “I saw 
the look he gave you, Shelly. I didn't 
like it.” 

But Sheldon was too busy checking 
the supply list to respond. 


Shortly after dawn, they met Ramon 
Torres in front of a motorized canoe at 
the riverbank. Sheldon wore a felt sa- 
fari har, a khaki shirt with epaulets and 
billowy cotton pants with the bottoms 
stuffed inside hiking boots. Paula was 
dressed the same way, except that her 
hat had a veil of mosquito netting. 

Ramon, a short and muscular man, 
had on his Batman Tshirt, torn fa- 
tigues, a baseball cap and sandals. He 
sucked on a blackened corncob pipe 
while thoughtfully appraising his cli- 
ents. When they reached him, he gave 
the passports back to Sheldon. 

"You've loaded everything," Sheldon 
said, pointing to the supplies already 
stowed in the aft of the dugout. “I 
thought I said 1 wanted to be present 
when you did the loading." 

Ramon smiled. "We can take every- 
thing out and you can inspect it, and 

(continued on page 100) 

"Come here often?” 

P L A Y B O Y 


things you can live without, but who wants to? 

Just aim and press the trigger button. The tournament-approved Power-Q pool cue with maple 

front ond leather tip features o built-in coil-spring mechonism ond 20 adjustable power positions 

that let you set the force of each shot mechonicolly, by Quick Q Industry, obout $250. 


This leother Profile Desk 
Group with brushed-alu- 
minum trim features a 
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er, $120, and a memo 
holder, about $80, all by 
Mark Weisbeck Design. 

Atlantic Design’s versatile 
waterproof Cordura-ny- 
lon Sports Car Luggage 
mounts on the trunk or 
roof of your cor and dou- 
bles as а duffel bag, obout 
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Yamaha's portable, bat- 
tery-powered QY10 Music 
Sequencer, $400, lets you 
create and store your own 
hit songs using more than 
50'sompled sounds ond 
76 preset musical styles. 

Less than six inches toll, 
AT&T's Digital Answering 
System 1337 offers about 
seven minutes of recard- 
ing time and includes 
playback, repeat and skip 
functions, about $140. 

Cannendale's lightweight 
aluminum E.S.T. Mountain 
Bike is built with a shock- 
absorbency system that's 
borrowed from the motor- 
cycle, from Cycle Smithy, 
Chicago, about $1850. 

Aside from lending its 
name to o line of gour- 
met mustards ond coffee 
beans, Jack Daniel's now 
offers chocolates spiked 
with its Old No. 7 whiskey, 
from about $3 to $15. 

Where & How to Buy on роде 178. 


Sonus Faber's powerful 
200-watt Electa Amator 
compact stereo speakers 
are made of hond-tooled 
leather and rich Italian 
walnut, about $4500 o pair, 
plus $950 for the stands. 



THE 6114101 

(continued from page 94) 

“Sheldon smiled fraternally. What the hell; they 
had both been with women last night.” 

then we can put everything back in 
again, but that takes time and it means 
we'll be on the river after sunset, and 
that can be dangerous because of float- 
ing logs. Last year, a canoc hit onc after 
dark and everyone drowned.” 

Paula touched Sheldon’s arm. “Hon- 
ey, lets get going.” 

Не sighed and helped her into the 
narrow boat. 

The guide's Іше victory was soon 
forgotten when they found themselves 
chugging along the broad, muddy 
Napo River with nipa and banana 
palms lining the shore. 

“It’s like the movies," Paula, who sat 
behind her husband, whispered. 

Indeed, it was, and Sheldon experi- 
enced moments of pure joy as the ca- 
noe moved alongside sand bars where 
bleached logs lay half submerged like 
dinosaur bones. He marveled at the 
currents of the river, a bewildering 
skein of contradictory forces. So much 
water rippling along at different 
speeds, displaying a glittering richness 
of surface texture, gave the Napo a 
dangerous, puzzling, vibrant look. 

He was so busy looking that he 
scarcely heard the guide, who was ex- 
plaining why women and children were 
lining the riverbank. They were pan- 
ning for gold. Quijos Indians of 
Chibcha stock had once fought the 
Spanish with great courage, he 
claimed. Now they sent their women- 
folk out with sieves and bowls to work 
long hours in the sand, hoping to sift 
outa few specks of gold. 

ignoring the implication of cultural 
shame, Sheldon glanced over his shoul- 
der at Paula, whose long brown hair was 
blowing back in the river breeze. "Hav- 
inga good time?" he asked with a smile. 



The hotel sat on a bluff and com- 
manded a good view of the river up- 
stream. The canoe arrived there after 
sunset without meeting, Sheldon noted, 
a single floating log. He and Paula hud- 
dled under plastic raingear, shivering 
beneath a moon whose light cut a 
metallic path across the windswept 

There were only two other hotel 
guests, a pair of young Italian wornen 
who had been backpacking across 
South America. A dinner table was set 
in the dimly lit main building. The 
menu was explained by the owner, a 
skinny man who smelled of chicha, a 

potent drink distilled from the yucca 
plant (Ramon explained this to Shel- 
don and challenged him to try some). 
They could order chicken or roast cuj. 

“That's guinea pig,” Sheldon told his 

Paula made a face. "I had guinca pigs 
for pets. I couldr't put their meat in my 
mouth." She took the chicken. 

“ТИ have cuy,” Sheldon said. “And а 
glass of chicha.” Later, he praised the 
guinea pig and called the chicha a 
“weak brandy.” 

After dinner, the owner and a couple 
of Indians who had been sitting quietly 
at another table began to sing. They 
played a guitar, a bamboo flute and two 
forks struck together. Apparently, this 
was a nightly get-together. They had a 
bottle of chicha and were passing it 
around. Sheldon noted with satisfaction 
that Ramon refused it. The Whites went 
outside for a look at the moonlit river. 
When they returned, the radio station 
from Quito was playing a rumba, and 
one of the Italian girls was dancing with 
Ramon. Then she sat down and the 
other danced with him. 

Sheldon and Paula, with music at 
their back, left the main building for 
their cabin. They undressed without a 
word, hearing the distant sound of folk 
songs. Getting into bed, hovering 
above her, Sheldon muttered tensely, “I 
feel wild.” 

“So do I.” 

Taking her brutally, he was surprised 
by Paula's eager response. Her love- 
making was usually gentle, pleasant, 
never blatantly wanton as it was 
tonight. She thrilled him into imagin- 
ing that he had picked up a strange ex- 
ойс woman who asked nothing of him 
but randy sex. 

Afterward, as they lay side by side, 
they heard laughter and loud music in 
the distance. 

“He'll sleep with one of the Italians,” 
Paula said 

“Ramon? Which one?” 

“The taller one.” 

“How do you know?” 

“She was nervous. The other was just 
enjoying herself.” 

“Its the trip,” Sheldon declared. “It’s 
doing something to us. You were never 
like that before.” 

“Neither were you. The trip's making 
us feel . .. something” 

“We're бес. We're like Ramon,” he 
murmured against her check and felt 
himself wanting her again. 

Next morning, while she slept, he 
took a shower and dressed, hearing 
roosters crowing and some kind of ani- 
mal rooting around in the brush. He 
decided to take a little walk. Just as 
he left his cabin, the door of the next 
one opened and the taller Italian girl 
came out. Their eyes met, she frowned 
and strode rapidly down the walkway of 
wooden slats. In her haste, she had left 
the door ajar, and as Sheldon passed by 
the cabin, he saw Ramon sitting naked 
on the bed. Sheldon smiled fraternally. 
What the hell; they were both men who 
had been with women last night. But 
Ramon did not return the smile. He 
stared so coldly that Sheldon looked 
away and continued down the walk. 

By midmorning, the dugout was 
loaded, a boatman hired from the hotel 
started up the engine and the Whites 
and their guide chugged up the Маро. 

By midafternoon, the boatman head- 
ed the canoe to shore. Sheldon and Ra- 
mon hauled the gear out, the boatman 
waved, and soon the three on the river- 
bank were watching the long, slim boat 
glide across the water, heading away, 
and then they were alone. 

Surveying the backpacks lined up 
like bodies along the shore, Ramon 
said, “Now we begin.” 

Sheldon gave a little chuckle of antic- 

Paula stared thoughtfully at the re- 
ceding boat. 

And so it did begin. They struck out 

across the jungle in an easterly direc- 

tion that would eventually—perhaps in 

three weeks—take them to the town of 

Nuevo Rocafuerte. There they could 

arrange for a plane to fly them back to 

The first few days were slow going. 
No amount of exercise could have pre- 
pared them for the hardships they 
faced within minutes of entering the 
rain forest: mud, stinging leaves, a 
moving veil of flies, suffocating heat, 
the tangled root systems of intricate 
trees. Ramon would go forward 
through the bush, halt and wait for his 
clients, his shirt dry, only a little mud 
clinging to his boots. He would tell 
them about the jungle while they stood 
panting on a barely distinguishable 
trail, trying to anchor themselves with- 
in a sea of rank vegetation and whirling 
insects. Ramon's serene mastery of this 
boggy world annoyed Sheldon, whose 
sweaty shirt was plastered to his back. 

Ramon pointed out cream-colored 
bechives clinging to tree trunks; they 
were the hives of the warlike abispa that 
attack anything going ncar their home 
He bent down and with a stick agitated 
а huge ant, called the conga, whose 

(continued on page 160) 

“And the pack is still bunched up behind number 407!” 


Barry Cossey was ten yeors old when the family snapshot above was token during a holiday with his mother, father and younger sister, 
Pam, оп the beach ct Great Yarmouth. Unbeknownst to his parents, Barry was already troubled about his sexual identity and spent much 
of his time with Pam, playing with dolls and dressing up in women's clothes. By the time he wos 17 (above right), he had left home and 
moved to London, where he was passing os a female working as a showgirl ot the Latin Quarter night club under the name of Caro- 
line Cossey—and saving part of his £30-0-week salary for the sex-change operation he was convinced was the way to save his sanity. 


After gender-reassignment surgery at Lon- : | Above, the jacket of Tula's new 
don's Charing Cross Hospital in 1974, Caro- x ^ " book, recently published іп Eng- 
line went to work os a photographer's W Кр > land. It's her second autobiagra- 
model, adapting the name Tula ta avoid | U 5 phy; she used a copy of the first, 

confusion with another model named Cara- z Ç Tulo: 1 Am o Womon, to breok the 
line. She found herself much in demand os ор š news of her sex change to wealthy 
a cover girl and ad-campaign spokes- : Jewish businessman Elias Fottol, 
woman; few if опу of her associates were ` = whom she married in a high-saci- 
aware of the secret that made the hecd- IEN me ety ceremony in 1989 (below). The 
line of the Smirnoff vadka ad ot right ironic. хе = marriage, however, soon failed. 

the perfect shape foroffthe 
shoulder fashion. 



personality By GREICHEN EDGREN 

HEY wav have always been with us, these individuals who feel 
at odds with the bodies in which they were born. Outwardly, 
they appear to be male; inwardly, they are convinced that 
they're female. (In rarer cases, the mismatch is reversed.) 
Historians speak of such persons as being more or less ac- 
cepted members of society in ancient Anatolia, Scythia, 
Alexandria and elsewhere. Not umtil the latter half of this 
century, however, was a name—transsexualism—given the 
condition, and surgical means devised to reshape the shell of 
the body to conform to the patient's inner perception. The drive that 
compels the true transsexual to take such a drastic step is one of the 
diagnostic clues that separate him/her from the transvestite, uho 
identifies himself as male—and wants to remain one—but gets a sex- 
ual frisson from dressing in women's clothing. 

In 1953, an American ex-GI named George Jorgensen, Jr, un- 
derwent the first highly publicized sex-change surgery, emerging 
from a Copenhagen hospital as Christine Jorgensen. Thousands 
have followed, among the better known being tennis star Renée 
Richards, born Richard Raskind; British travel writer Jan Morris, 
who as neuspaperman James Morris accompanied the 1953 expedi- 
tion that conquered Mount Everest; and composer Walter Carlos, 
who pioneered music for the synthesizer before becoming Wendy Car- 
los—and coming out of the transsexual closet in a trail-blazing May 
1979 "Playboy Interview.” 

No longer taboo, the topic of transsexualism today turns up every- 
where, from am episode of 
"LA. Law" to “Donahue,” 
from а public-television docu- 
mentary to a nationwide con- 
test for an Oprah Winfrey 
look-alike, whose sponsors red- 
facedly discovered that the 
winner was а male in the proc- 
ess of gender reassignment. 

Although scientists now rec- 
ognize the existence of the phe- 
nomenon of transsexualism, 
they aren't in agreement about 
its causes. In yet another replay 
of the nature-us.-nurture de- 
bate, some authorities cite psy- 
chological influences exerted by 
parents, while others are com- 

malities are sometimes found. Other studies have revealed that, in the 
normal course of events, a male fetus is exposed to massive doses of 
male hormone at the time his brain is taking shape. If something, 
possibly stress or medication taken by the mother—hormonal therapy 
and barbiturates have been implicated—interferes with that process, 
the baby can be born with outwardly masculine sexual characteristics 
but a feminine brain. Helshe is a transsexual—a human being who 
feels trapped in the wrong body. 

This is the story of such a person and of her metamorphosis from 
man lo woman. 


Barry Cosscy hated school in Brooke, the little village in 
England's county of Norfolk where he was born. He didn't 
enjoy the rough-and-tumble of the other boys games; the 
bigger ones bullied him and called him sissy. His closest 
companion was his sister, Pam, with whom he played dolls 
and dressed up in their тит” clothes. As he grew into ado- 
lescence and began to experience the budding of sexual 
feelings, he feared that he might be homosexual. 

It turned out to be much more complicated than that. 

Today, the former Barry Cossey is Caroline Cossey—or, to 
her friends in the modeling field, Tula —and a crusader for 
the rights of her fellow transsexuals. 

ТЕТ hadn't been aware of Tula's history before we met over 
lunch in a trendy restaurant in London's Holland Park dis- 
trict, it never would have 
occurred to me that she 
was anything other than 
100 percent female. She's 
tall (six feet), graceful, well 
proportioned (37-25-37) 
and drop-dead gorgeous; 
her voice has just a trace of 
huskiness and her ges- 
tures, even her choice of 
conversational topics, are 
completely feminine. Ob- 
viously, this woman thinks 
like a woman. 

The fact that some see 
her as a freak, a victim of 
mutilation, a seeker of 

publicity still takes her by 

ing to the conclusion that 
transsexuals are born, mot 
made. Chromosomal abnor- 

Shortly after Tule (at left, above) appeared аз one of the Bond Girls 
with Roger Moore cs 007 in the 1981 spy thriller For Your Eyes Only, 
a British tabloid revealed her secret; “JAMES BOND GIRL WAS A BOY.” 

surprise. “I can't under- 
stand why people don’t re- 
alize that my predicament 


had nothing to do with choice," she 
says. “I never шаз a man. I always felt I 
was a woman. I just needed my body 
changed to fit my self-image. I had to 
do what I did. I know that I would 
have finished up with my life if I hadn't 
got medical help. But I never meant to 
go public with my story My secret 
would have gone to the grave with me 
if the tabloids hadn't come out with it. I 
spoke up to set the record straight, and 
now Im speaking out for the rights of 
transsexuals everywhere." 

Tula's transformation didn't happen 
overnight. She started taking female 
hormones in her late teens, while 
working as a dancer; next came breast- 
augmentation surgery, “which helped 
me earn more money, because 1 could 
dance topless.” Her career as a show- 
girl took her to many parts of the 
world, but all the time, she lived with 
the fear that someone would discover 
the truth behind her masquerade. As 
camouflage, she made herself a special 
G string “with the strongest elastic 1 
could find. It was painful, but I got 
used to it.” Particularly awkward was 
the time in Paris when she had to wash 
off body make-up in communal facili- 
ties backstage: “1 would shower in my 
G string. and the other dancers put my 
apparent shyness down to the fact that 
I was English.” Finally, after years of 
hormone treatments and psychological 
counseling, Tula was ready for the ir- 
revocable step: sex-change surgery, or, 
to use the current euphemism, gender 
reassignment. Before she could be ac- 
cepted as a suitable candidate, doctors 
administered various tests, including 
one that revealed that she had been 
born with a chromosomal abnormality. 
Tula has three X and one Y chromo- 
somes, instead of the normal patterns: 
XY for males, XX for females. 

“So I could never have been a nor- 
mal man. I could never have fathered a 
child, for instance. Chromosornally, my 
body seemed to be at war with itself.” 

“The operation took place in Lon- 
don's Charing Cross Hospital on New 
Year's Eve, 1974, and Tula went back to 
Norfolk to convalesce at the home of 
her parents—who, after their initial 
shock at learning their son wanted to 
become their (continued on page 158) 

Tula hos never regretted the course of 
treatment thot has changed her body into 
one in which she feels ot home: thot of o 
beautiful woman. She sees this feature os 
vindication of that status: “It’s оп honor 
to appear in Playboy. I'm very proud of it.” 



it may be slightly outré, it may not be 

politically correct, but not to ogle is not to live 

9 “YOU'RE trying to look up her 
“What did you say?” 

“I said, you're trying to 

| look up Susan's skirt." 
"I am not! I most certainly 
am not!" 

This exchange took place 

when I was in first grade. As 
| Y [ 1 remember it, we were 
putting up Halloween deco- 

rations. with Susan Sharp 
standing on a chair and Betty Umberger and me handing crepe paper 
and rhumbracks up to her, when Betty made the accusation. I was 
acutely embarrassed. I was outraged by the injustice of Betty's remark; 
I didn't think I had been trying to look up Susan's skirt. My memory 
is still so bruised by the event that it insists I wanted to say something 
like, "Don't you know I'm a nice boy, and I haven't even begun think- 
ing thoughts like that?” 

Forty years later, I have to confess that I possess this distinct memo- 
ry of Susan Sharp’s legs in a plaid dress that I liked a lot. And as I re- 
call Betty Umberger, she was a sensible and amiable girl, not a 
finger-pointing sort of person. It now seems likely that I was guilty as 
charged. The accuracy of the accusation was probably what made it 
sting so much 

That episode marks the beginning of my awareness of an inclination 
to look at women “that way.” It doesn’t have to be looking up skirts or 
looking down blouses to be looking with an erotic content, to be, in 
short, ogling. 

But the past few years, I've had some disturbing insights into my 
ogling inclination. It suddenly came to me one day that if a young 
woman smiled at me, it did not necessarily mean she might be willing 
to go to bed with me. I don’t even remember the occasion of that light- 
ning bolt, but when it struck, it was a disillusionment of a high order. 
And with that flash of truth came the understanding that for years 1 
had assumed that if a woman presented me with a pleasant expres- 
sion, it meant that sexual negotiation with her was possible. So at least 
some of what was involved in my ogling was a shopping process, a sort- 
ing out of the ones who would from the ones who wouldn't. This had 
Іше to do with anybody's actually going to bed with anybody else; 
gathering the data was usually rewarding for its own sake—that one 
wouldn't, that one would, that one wouldn't and, ah, yes, that one 
would. But that I held such an assumption and behaved in such a way, 
even if in the privacy of my own brain, seems to me both comical and 
shameful; it also seems to me simply a characteristic of the species; 
male and female Homo sapiens are constructed to begin exploring 
mating suitability through eye contact and facial expression. So al- 
though I may disapprove of my ogling inclination and term it primi- 
tive, its origins are the ordinary working out of biological destiny. 

Another insight that came to me along this line of inquiry was that 

article By DAVID HUU B B EE 



my recognizing beauty in a woman 
drew me toward wanting to possess 
her—and by that I mean possess. The 
impulse seems connected to my earliest 
sexual fantasies, which had to do with 
having individual females the way I had 
my toys—holding them exclusively for 
myself, playing with them, controlling 
their every action and doing with them 
as I pleased. 

Sull more disturbing was my realiza- 
tion that merely witnessing a woman's 
beauty made me feel that I had some 
actual claim to possessing her. Just to 
see а pretty woman was, to some extent, 
to feel that she belonged to me. Yes, I 
know that versions of this feeling can 
lead to kidnaping, murderous jealousy, 
obsession, fixation. But my guess is that 
at least the shadow of that impulse is 
present in the psyches of most hetero- 
sexual males. It is the license claimed 
by those men who pinch a girl's ass оп 
the street or who lean out of a car win- 
dow to shout at her, “Hey, baby, want to 
fuck?" How else can we account for 
such overwhelmingly negative sexual 
suategies? If a man, even a crude man, 
really meant to initiate a sexual rela- 
tionship, would he do it with a pinch or 
ashout from a car window? So why does 
he act that way? He acts out of the pow- 
erful illusion of possession; he behaves 
that way because a circuit of his brain 
tells him he has a right to do it. And in- 
terestingly enough, he acts that way be- 
cause he knows it won't work, because 
he can be sexually aggressive without 
having to risk sexual performance. 

A final late-arriving insight about my 
ogling is that when I see a woman's 
breast or see up her skirt, I am pulled 
toward an even deeper and more irra- 
tional illusion, the fancy that something 
intimate has been exchanged, that car- 
nal knowledge bas passed between the 
woman and me. Maybe an exchange 
has taken place if the woman has will- 
ingly offered the view, but it’s more of- 
ten the case that I've stolen the sight. I 
can't really say that I know what to 
make of this phenomenon, except that 
it has immense potential for misunder- 
standing between the scer and the 
seen. Such a misunderstanding might 
provoke a violent response from some 
men, though in my ovn case, I must say 
that I find the experience oddly pacify- 
ing: IFI see a woman's breast, I'm likely 
to feel tender toward her, possessively 
tender, yes, but at least not violently in- 
clined toward her. 

‘Once, coming up a set of subway 
steps in midtown Manhattan, I looked 
up to see a woman standing with her 
back to the staircase railing, a woman a 
couple of yards from me wearing a 
miniskirt and no underpants. I didn't 
stop in my tracks to continue looking, 
but I did slow my pace considerably, 

and when I got to the street, I exam- 
ined the woman with some care, a bot- 
Че blonde, around 30, with a hard, 
heavily made-up face. Her buttocks had 
expressed a greater innocence and 
deeper humanity than her face. For al- 
most 20 years, I've remembered her as 
a stranger toward whose backside I felt 
a baffling surge of tenderness. 

Ina published essay, I once confessed 
the following: 

Walking on 56th Street one aft- 
ernoon, I noticed that the young 
woman beside me, а stranger 
whom 1 perceived to be dressed in 
high fashion, wore her blouse un- 
buttoned in such a way that one of 
her breasts was wholly visible to 
me. I walked beside her long 
enough to decide she wasn't a 
Prostitute; finally, I couldn’t stop 
myself from asking her, “Excuse 
me, but why is your blouse unbut- 
toned like that?” and she delivered 
me a look like a hard right to the 
solar plexus. In such moments, I 
am so baffled by women that my 
teeth ache. 

Several female friends of mine found 
my behavior and my writing about it of- 
fensive. They took pains to share their 
thoughts with me, but the most reward- 
ing response to my confession came in 
a letter from a gentleman from Stony 
Brook, New York: 

Your last paragraph begs belief: 
You were baffled by her response? 
You “walked beside her long 
enough to decide she wasn't a 
prostitute” (doubtless peering fer- 
vently at her exposed breast)? 
What alternative reasons did you 
conjecture to explain her unbut- 
toned blouse so that you had to ask 
which was correct? And did it real- 
ly not occur to you that, in asking, 
you were being an offensive ass? 

"This was a chastising that I found so 
deeply satisfying that I almost wrote to 
the gentleman to thank him for it. But I 
also felt oddly righteous. 

Mike, a character suffering no ogling 
confusion in Irwin Shaw's The Girls in 
Their Summer Dresses, makes a case for 
looking at women as a healthy-minded 

I look at everything. God gave 
me eyes and I look at women and 
men in subway excavations and 
moving pictures and the little 
flowers of the field. I casually in- 
spect the universe. . . . I look at 
women . . . correct. I don't say it’s 
wrong or right. . . . I love the way 
women look. One of the things 1 
like best about New York is the bat- 
talions of women. When I first 

came to New York from Ohio, that 
was the first thing 1 noticed, the 
million wonderful women all over 
the city. I walked around with my 
heart in my throat. . . . I still love to 
walk along Fifth Avenue at three 
o'clock on the east side of the street 
between Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh 
streets. They're all out then, shop- 
ping in their furs and their crazy 
hats, everything all concentrated 
from all over the world into seven 
blocks—the best furs, the best 
clothes, the handsomest women, 
out to spend money and feeling 
good about it. . . . I like the girls in 
the offices. Neat, with their суе- 
glasses, smart, chipper, knowing 
what everything is about. I like 
the girls оп Forty-fourth Street 
at lunchtime, the actresses, all 
dressed up on nothing a week. I 
like the salesgirls in the stores, рау- 
ing attention to you first because 
you're a man, leaving lady cus- 
tomers waiting. . . . I feel as though 
I'm at a picnic in this city. I like to 
sit near the women in the theaters, 
the famous beauties who've taken 
six hours to get ready and look it. 
And the young girls at football 
games, with the red cheeks, and 
when the warm weather comes, the 
girls in their summer dresses. . . . 
That's the story. 

I want to identify with Mike. I want to 
look at women, and 1 want women to 
take my looking as a sign that I appre- 
ciate them more decply than the men 
who don't. But I lack Mike's clear feel- 
ings on the matter. 

Of course, much of what I'm talking 
about is manners. When you're about to 
go out to dinner to celebrate your wed- 
ding anniversary and your wife comes 
downstairs in her pretty new dress and 
you give her а whistle and a look and 
tell her, "Lady, 1 can hardly wait to help. 
you take that dress off" who can say 
you're not the admirable diplomat of 
that occasion? And if you notice, as she 
comes into your office to discuss the 
grant proposal she's writing with you, 
that your female co-worker has just 
gotten her hair done, is it not appropri- 
ate to remark, “Hey, Genevieve, you 
look terrific today”? The social code en- 
courages such acceptable looking. But 
if your female co-worker comes into 
your office in her pretty new dress and 
you give her a whistle and tell her, 
“Genevieve, I can hardly wait to help 
you take that dress ов," nowadays, 
you're likely to find yourself quoting 
Shaw at a sexual-harassment hearing. 

As the father of a teenaged daughter, 
T've come to understand that the matter 
(continued on page 169) 

“Maybe I can chip out of this stuff, and then get home with а 
three iron . . . but even if I carry the water hazard and 
the sand traps, Гт still staring at double bogey. Wanna fuck?" 



miss septernber has а message: 
there's more to life than just being pretty 

TTENTION, REGULAR GLYS: Samantha Dorman, our Miss September, 

would rather hang out with you than with the jet setters she met 

in the modeling world. Especially if you're interested in saving 
the environment. It's not that she regrets her seven years of modeling: 
“It taught me what my values really are. Now I realize that Га rather 
spend a year saving birds from an oil slick than posing for a camera. 
My taste in men has also changed. When I was younger, I admired 
flashy guys in expensive cars, but along the way, I found out that most 
men like that are jerks. Now I'd much rather be with an ordinary guy 
who has a good sense of humor.” Sam, as she prefers to be called, was 
a 16-year-old student at Keswick Christian High School in her home 



town of St. Petersburg, Florida, when a rep from а 
Tampa modeling agency discovered her in the pop- 
corn line at a local movie theater. Soon she was work- 
ing regularly, modeling everything from skis to mink 
coats. "The mink assignment was in the summer, in 
very hot weather, so I didn't wear anything under the 
coat except a bra and panties. I felt kind of silly wear- 
ing a fur coat and underwear," she recalls. Having 
risen through the modeling ranks to the glitzy Wil- 
helmina Agency in New York (you've seen her in diet 
Coke and facial-scrub T V commercials), Sam had but. 
one unfulfilled professional goal: posing for Playboy. 
So on a visit to Chicago to see her then boyfriend, a 
professional football player, she contacted Associate 

Photography Editor Michael Ann Sullivan. No fool she, Michael Ann immediately dispatched ше 5'10" Sam to our photo stu- 
dio to pose for the cover of our July issue, which features The Height Report, a pictorial on tall women. Her dream fulfilled, 
Sam plans to enter college and major in marine biology—with a minor in communications. Her interest in working with 
wildlife stems from her childhood: “As long as I can remember, my mother and my older sister have been rescuing and adopt- 
ing lost and injured animals—cats, dogs, whatever. When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian.” While waiting to enter 
school, Sam has been busy working for her father, a Christmas-tree farmer and restaurateur, at his new barbecue eatery in 
North Carolina. “It has the best barbecued-pork sandwich in the world,” she claims. Just what we ordinary guys ordered 


"When I was c little girl,“ says Som, “I used ta sneok peeks ot ту dad's copies of Playboy. Those women 
laoked so perfect to me, olmost like goddesses. The idea of ever becoming a Playmate seemed impossible. 
How do I feel now that “т a Playmate? I wort believe it until 1 actually see the magazine.” Sam, who ployed 
three sports in high school, gets up at five daily ta run. "I'm pretty fast,” she admits. "Long legs help." 


ware: Samantha bea Dorman 2 
BUST: Dio — WAIST:. al5 — HIPS: Ale — 
BIRTH DATE; 2-21-Ш4 BIRTHPLACE: —Lokelund/ Eh ~ 
вивиттозв: To Continue modeling, баса my degree — 
зе Marine Biology Tp stay happy and Always healthy. 
TURN-ONS: _ аме lino. Pink Roses Animals, Sunsets Good _ 
e i n № К ienis. 
TURN-OFFS: Environmental Abuse Ionorance People who ea 
le trusted. 
PEOPLE 1 ADMIRE: My Mother and Father, Tacques Cousteau 
Jane Goodall. 


Р AS E қ 
FAVORITE actors: N\ecyl Streep Sean Connery, 

Shirley Machaine, Robect De Niro- 

FAVORITE MUSICIANS: L YW lite bit of evergihi д. guess it just deocols 

On mu mood. 

1 m ALAS T ouo 

Сесе е in “Же Форт Whe being 
Sixth Grade. a damsel in distress. 


Sor th 
High S or е. 

choa Dance. 


Harlen, I want you to buy me a d 
Texan boomed to his attorney. “That wife of 
mine ain't behavin' right. She's ту woman and 
she's supposed to do what I say. 
“Well, R.J., a wife isn't exactly property. you 
know.” rhe lawyer said. "You don't own her the 
y you own an oil well." 
Maybe not" R.J. conceded, “but 1 d. 
well oughta have exclusive drilling rights. 


Sign allegedly spotted on the edge of the 
Florida Kennedy compound: TRESPASSERS wits. ВЕ 

sion ste, 
` Ñ 

An animal lover was browsing in a pet store 
when he noticed а beautiful тупа bird. in 
age. "Hello, pretty bird," he chirped 

crew you, buddy,” squawked the bird 
The manager went over to apologize. ex- 
plaining that the bird was hopelessly foul- 

Let me take him home for a week,” the cus- 
tomer said, "and 1 promise he'll be trained and 
polite when he returns 

A week later, the customer took the myna 
back and assured the manager that һе had 
trained the bird with the help of suings tied to 
cach of its legs. “Try pulling the suing on the 
right leg," he suggested 

The manager tugged at the string and the 
bird said, “Good morning, sir” He gave a little 
jerk to the other string and the bird said, 
"Lovely day, sir." 

“That's amazing, just amazing!” the man: 
er exclaimed. “What would happen if 1 pulled 
both strings?” 

“rd fall on my fuckin’ ass, vou stupid 
schmuck!” the bird screeched. 

How is a football game like oral sex? Whoever 
wins the toss usually elects to receive. 
Two retirees sat down for breakfast. “How you 
Sam?" one asked. 
m exhausted,” way the reply 
muscle in the bathroom this mor 
"That shouldn't make you so tired.” 

“It would if you pulled it a hundred fifty 

“I pulled a 

How many pro-lifers does it take to screw in a 
light bulb? Six: one to screw in the bulb and 
five to testify that it was lit as soon as the screw- 
ing started, 

Good evening, ladies.” Sherlock Holmes said 
as he passed three women eating bananas on a 
park bench. 
“Did vou know them?” Dr. Watson asked. 
"No," Holmes replied, “Гуе never met the 
nun, the prostitute or the bride we just passed." 
"Good Lord, Holmes, how in the world did 
you know all that?” 

Elementary, my dear Watson. The nun ate 
the banana by holding it in one hand and using 
the fingers of the other to properly break the 
fruit into small pieces. The prostitute,” he con- 
tinued, “grabbed it with both hands and 
crammed the whole thing into her mouth.” 

Amazing!” Watson exclaimed, “But how did 
you know the third was a newlywed?” 

“Because she held it in one hand and pushed 
her head toward it with the other” 

Whats the definition of Iraqi air space? The 
а between Saddam Hussein's ears. 

The 72 ld. mohel was horrified to find 
his hands beginning to shake. a serious liability 
in the circumcision business. He decided to see 
if he could get an insurance policy 

А week later, his agent called him. “Moishe,” 
he said. “I've got some good news and some 
bad news.” 

“Lets have it,” the nervous тоне! replied. 

“Тһе good news is, I can get you a million- 
dollar policy for one hundred doll 
Sighing with relief, the mohel asked, “5 
whats the bad news?” 

There's a two-inch deductible." 

Heard а funny one lately? Send it on а post- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, Playboy. 
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 
60611. $100 will be paid lo the contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned, 

“All right, so it didn't work out so well in Hollywood—you're 
still the best damn cop on the force!" 

еда‏ ر 




classic looks аге 
heating up in these 
cool economic times 

fashion By HOLLIS WAYNE 

WITH PRICES of men's clothes still on the 
rise and the economy sluggish, now's 
the time to opt for the classics—quality 
styles that stand the test of time. Here's 
the rundown on what's making head- 
lines. Suits, sports coats and outerwear: 
Traditional colors, such as blue and 
gray, are back and hot; so are the olive 
hues and forest greens. The silhouette 

Head-to-toe blue is the cool look for fall. 
The autfit at left features a woal-and-vis- 
cose twa-ta-buttan double-breasted suit 
(anather style that's making a comeback), 
$850, and a cattan-broaddath dress shirt, 
$95, bath by Hugo Bass; plus а silk packet 
square, by Salvatore Ferragama, $60; a 
silk twill topestry-print fie, by Joseph Ab- 
boud, about $70; and nubuck lace-up 
shoes, by Charles Jourdan, $170. Can't 
get enaugh of the new blues? Check aut 
the accessories pictured at right. Clockwise 
from for right: Patchwark silk scarf with cir- 
cle-and-holf-moan pattern, by Dolce 8. 
Gabbana, $275. Silk deca-print Не, by 
Vestimenta, $68. Silk Jacquard star-print 
tie, by Hugo 8ass, $65. Chranametric wotch 
with leather band, by Breitling, $2300. 
Sterling-silver cuff links with fired-enamel 
center, by Kerry MocBride, $140. Leather 
agenda, by Louis Vuitton, $272. Nubuck 
shoes, by To Boot, $225. Tortoise eyeglass 
frames, by Eagle Eyewear, about $120. 

for tailored jackets is soft and slouchy, 
with sloping shoulders. Double-breast- 
ed models now feature a higher button 
stance and a fit that's close yet comfort- 
able. (The single-breasted three-button 
jacket is also making a comeback.) For 
something different, check out the 
overjacker—an unconstructed, оуег- 
sized coat that's roomy enough го wear 
Over a sweater or a sports jacket. Earth- 
toned nubuck or suede car-coat-length 
Outerwear is also a wise buy, as it can be 
worn with a suit or with jeans. Shiris and 

For thot first chill, before yau break out 
your winter cat, try layering to keep you 
worm and looking sharp. At left: A lamb's- 
waol single-breasted three-button over- 
jacket, $490, with a nylon four-button 
houndstooth sports coat, $750, a cash- 
mere-and-Angora geometric-patterned 
cardigan vest, $400, a rayon butiondown 
sport shirt, $120, wide-wale-corduroy 
pleated and cuffed trousers, $185, and silk 
knit tie, $62, all by Joseph Abboud; plus a 
nubuck Western-style beit, by Jandreani 
Americana, $36; and nubuck shaes, by 
Giargia Armani, $390. Move on ta greener 
accessory pastures with same of the oc- 
couterments on the following page. Clock- 
wise from top right: Calfskin Twenties retro 
shoeshine kit with brass closures, by Gold- 
pfeil, from the Tradition Callection, $995. 
Fringed cashmere scarf with diamand 
print, by Loro Piana, $250. Sunglasses, by 
Oliver Peoples, $215. Suede cashmere- 
lined gloves, by Loro Piana, $395. Foun- 
tain pen with high-gloss finish and gold 
trim, by Waterman Pen, $290. Calfskin ad- 
dress book, by Goldpfeil, from the Tradi- 
tion Collection, about $70. Suede face-up 
ankle boots, by Andrea Getty for Jon- 
dreoni, 5220. Swiss-cattan packet square, 
Persian-rug pattern, by Ferrell Reed, $30. 

Where & 
How to Buy оп роде 17B. 

sweaters: Look for Nineties versions of 
the Sixties patchwork sport shirt (see 
Style on page 28). And for dress shirts, 
consider soft-collared models in solid 
blue or white and at least one with 
French cuffs, because cuff links are 
once again an important accessory. 
Layering is one of the sharpest styles 
this season, but don't run out and buy a 
new wardrobe just to achieve the look. 
Instead, mix what you already have—a 
sports jacket and a chambray shirt, for 
example—with a new sweater vest. For 
a no-fail combo, team a textured and 
patterned cardigan or pullover sweater 
with melange-tweeded trousers. Shoes 
and accessories: Pick patterned ties in 
shades of blue, a pair of green-sucde 
boots and some classic blue-suede dress 
shoes that Elis would have envied. 

Left: Nothing's sharper than this lambskin- 
suede two-color cor coat with notch collar, 
potch pockets and quilted lining, about 
$1150, melange-twill wool/rayon pleated 
trousers with side-buckled Hollywood 
waistband, about $200, ond melange 
bouclé-knit rayon/wool crew-neck sweater, 
$110, ой by Bill Robinson; plus suede loce- 
up desert boots with leather lining and 
leather soles, by Cole-Hacn, about $245. 
Outdoor clothes ore looking better and 
better: At right, a nubuck woterproof hunt- 
ing coat with cotton corduroy collar and 
alpaca-and-cotion-twill lining, $775, wool 
herringbone double-pleoted trousers, 
$150, both by Timberland; а multicolored 
cotton buttondown potchwork sport shirt, 
by Dolce В Gabbona, $350; and a sod- 
die-leather belt with double loops ond 
о pewter buckle, by Halcyon, about $75. 

sports By GARY COLE 

BEFORE WE BEGIN, we want to make some 
promises: We promise not to refer to 
any football game as "the mother of" 
anything. We promise not to compare 
ineptly thrown footballs to Scud mis- 
siles and we will studiously avoid 
any discussion of General Norman 
Schwarzkopf's potential as a coach. 
Further, you won't find a single Zeke 
Mowatt Patriot missile joke. And we'll 
resist any diatribe about N.EL. com- 
missioner Paul Tagliabue's boo-boo 
over the Phoenix/Super Bowl site/ 
Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday brou- 
haha. We also promise not to bore 
you with the final standings of last 
spring's first World League of America 
Football season. 

As long as we're at it, let's skip the 


the winners and losers in 
this season's n.f.l. wars 

howling over how overpaid some foot- 
ball players are and how, off the field, 
not all would qualify for Mister Rogers' 
neighborhood. Some players are mod- 
els of comportment, some are jerks. We 
shouldn't expect them to be saints un- 
less they play in New Orleans. 

OK, you're asking, if I'm not going to 
read about that stuff, what else is there? 
How about some rule changes enacted 
by N.FL. owners in the off season? The 
Ickey Shuffle, invented by Cincinnati 
fullback Ickey Woods to toast his occa- 
sional successes on the field, was ruled a 
no-no. However, the rule doesn't affect 
the Benson Boogie, that celebratory 
dance invented by choreographer and 
Saints owner Tom Benson. 

And, oh, yeah, no talkin’ after the 

game. Participants, who include play- 
ers, coaches, trainers, doctors and ball 
boys, and who may or may not include 
the guys who hold the sticks along the 
side lines, shall not fraternize іп the 
middle of the field when the game is 
over. Offenders will be fined. According 
to New Orleans Saints general manager 
Jim Finks, chairman of the competition 
committee, the rule enforcement was 
needed то eliminate postgame "con- 
ventions,” where information—about 
the best restaurants in town—was un- 
doubtedly being exchanged. Finks said 
that sincerely emotional reunions, such 
as those between players and/or coach- 
es now on opposing teams, can still be 
held off the field, outside the dressing 
rooms—presumably because N.EL. 
dressing rooms are so full of female re- 
porters. He said nothing about where 
insincere reunions could be held. 

The in-the-grasp rule was also 
amended. Instead of whistling a play 
dead as soon as a quarterback is clearly 
in the grasp and control of a tackler, 
officials can now wait to stop play until 
the safety of the quarterback is in jeop- 
ardy—either from an approaching sec- 
ond tackler or from someone strolling 
onto the field with a firearm. 

Then there's the Mark Carrier rule, 
drawn up after the Bears scored a draft- 
day coup last season by negotiating 
with three prospective picks and con- 
cluding a dea! with one, defensive back 
Carrier—before he was selected. The 
coup looked even sweeter when Carrier 
went on to become N.F.C. Defensive 
Rookie of the Year. The new rule pro- 
hibits teams from negotiating with po- 
tential draft picks before actually 
selecting them—unless a team owns the 
first over-all pick, or is moments from 
selecting a player on draft day, or finds 
a way to sneak around the rule when 
nobody's looking. 

Now, with the new rules straight, 
what else is there? Well, we could always 
take a look at this season's likely win- 
ners and losers. And, remember, we 
didn't promise not to make fun of Bud- 
dy Ryan. 

It has been seven long years since an 
A.EC. team won the Super Bowl. After 
years of Broncos futility, itwas the Bills" 
turn in Super Bowl XXV. They lost, but 
it was no blowout. Now the big guys 
from the N.F.C. are growing wary. "The 
Bills play D like an N.EC. club," a few 
have remarked. A few other А.ЕС. 
teams—the Chiefs, the Dolphins, the 
Raiders—aren't far behind. It won't be 
long before the Lombardi Trophy, 

With only seconds left in Super Bowl XXV, Buffalo Bills kicker Scott Norwood 
pushes what would have been the winning field goal wide right. The Giants won 
that game 20-19, but the Bills are our favorites to win this season's Super Bowl. 





Eastern Division. 

Central Division 

Western Divisio: 

Wild Cards . ...Miami Dolphins 

Houston Oilers 

Los Angeles Raiders 

A.F.C. Champion... sassssnsnsc escis Buffalo Bills 

Eastern Division „Washington Redskins 

Central Division ..Chicago Bears 

Western Divi San Francisco 49ег< 

Wild Cards . New York Giants 

nesota Vikings 

Philadelphia Eagles 

N.F.C. Champion.............-.....-Washington Redskins 

SUPER BOWL CHAMPION......................8uffalo Bills 


Joe Montana, San Francisco. 
Barry Sanders, Detroit .. 
Neal Anderson, Chicago 
Jerry Rice, San Francisco 
Andre Rison, Atlanta......... 
Keith Jackson, Philadelphia 
Randall McDaniel, Minnesota 
Bruce Matthews, Houston 
Jim Lachey, Washington 
Paul Gruber, Tampa Bay. 
Kent Hull, Buffalo .... 

.Running Back 
.Running Back 
Wide Receiver 

Reggie White, Philadelphia .. 
Bruce Smith, Buffalo .. 
Ray Childress, Houston.. 
Derrick Thomas, Kansas City 
Charles Haley, San Francisco 
Vaughan Johnson, New Orleans 
David Little, Pittsburgh... 
Darrell Green, Washingtor 
Rod Woodson, Pittsburgh. 
Joey Browner, Minnesota. 
Mark Carrier, Chicago... 

шісіде Linebacker 
Outside Linebacker 

Nick Lowery, Kansas City 
Sean Landeta, New York Giants 
David Meggett, New York Giants 
Clarence Verdin, Indianapolis 
Reyna Thompson, New York Giants 

Kick Returner 
-Punt Returner 
-Special Teams 

symbol of pro-football dominance, sits 
on the mantel of an A.F.C. franchise. 


New England Patriots... 

For the Buffalo Bills, last season was 
nearly perfect—15 wins in 19 regular- 
and post-season games, dream seasons 
for quarterback Jim Kelly and running 
back Thurman Thomas. But two little 
words have echoed in the ears of Bills 
coach Marv Levy since the clock 
showed 0:01, with the is down 20-19 
to the Giants last January 27: wide 
right. That's where Scott Norwood 
kicked the ball as the season ended. 
Still, Norwood isn't to blame for Buffa- 
lo's Super Bowl defeat. The Giants 
found the perfect way to defend the 
Bills' explosive offense: They didn't let 
it on the field, holding the ball for more 
than 40 minutes. 

Going into this season, the Bills arc 
full of talent and hope. Kelly, who threw 
24 touchdown passes and just nine in- 
terceptions, is backed up by the capable 
Frank Reich. Thomas, who finished just 
seven yards behind league leader Barry 
Sanders, can be spelled by underrated 
Kenneth Davis. Wide receiver Andre 
Reed is young and swift; [ames Lofton, 
old and swift. The offensive line, an- 
chored by center Kent Hull, allowed 
only 27 sacks last season. 

On defense, Bruce Smith is really as 
good as he says he is. Cornelius Bennett 
should have a super year at linebacker. 
The Bills drafted Henry Jones from 
Illinois to beef up the defensive 

The Bills must maintain their one- 
happy-family aumosphere—a welcome 
relief last season after previous club- 
house bickering. The defensive line 
must get stronger up the middle so it 
can stop the power-possession style of 
attack the Giants threw at the Bills. All 
the pieces are there—all Buffalo has to 
do is do it. 

The Miami Dolphins made the play- 
offs last season for the first time since 
1985, squelching rumors that coaching 
legend Don Shula was looking for a re- 
tirement condo next door to Tom 
Landry. Shula seems to have patched 
things up with Dan Marino, the quar- 
terback with the perfect-fiting gloves. 
Marino, who in recent years expressed 
a desire to be traded to a Super Bowl 
contender, has evidently decided the 
Dolphins may now be one. And he may 
well be the reason. Marino led his team 
to a respectable 12-4 season and a 

(continued on page 170) 


MARTINI (LƏW3eR, 1991) 

Lite BeeR (NURSe, 1985) 
LUDeS (SINGER, 1981) 


| | (investment FUND 

MANAGER, 1990) 

CRePorTeR, 1988) 

Hawaiian SHIRT 

Teacher, 1988) 
ARTIST, 1982. 

WINGTIPS (авситест, 
ReeBokS ( PUBLICIST, 1987) 

SaNbaLS (PHoTo= 
GREPHER, 1982) a 

OBSessioN (ар EXEC, 1989) 
DRAKKƏR NOIR (MobeL, 1988) 
LecTRic SHave (PHYSICIST, 1982.) 

Cactus (REPORTER, 1989) 

Jazz (EDIToR, 1988) 

New age ( Poer/ 
А] besrət HYGIENIST, 
7 1986) 

(2стезѕ 1983) 

E) ratero Dean 

(штеннкер,191) Се 


a microsoft's boy billio: 

NOT LONG AGO, on one of his infrequent vacations, William H. 
Gates III lay soaking up sun on an exotic Brazilian beach, 
surrounded by a sea of distractions, including Brazil's fabled 
women. Normally, it would be an idyllic setting for an eligible 
bachelor, particularly one who is America's youngest self- 
made multibillionaire. A chance to swim and party with some 
of the locals—but most of all, a chance to relax and let his 
mind go blank. 

Unless you're Bill Gates. 

For the 35-year-old chairman of Microsoft, the world's 
largest computer-software company, vacations are a prob- 
lem. Once, he considered them a sign of weakness, occasions 
to miss out on irretrievable opportunities for Microsoft to 
outdo the competition. Now he'll grudgingly take pleasure 
trips, but only after assigning them motifs. 

“Оле of our trips had a physics theme," remembers Ann 
Winblad, a former girlfriend. "We collected tapes of guys like 
Richard Feynman and read all 
sorts of books." In Brazil, while the 
sun shone and beautiful women ca- 
vorted around him, Gates buried 
his nose in Molecular Biology of the 
Gene, by James D. Watson. 

The single-mindedness that 
drives Gates to turn a vacation into 
study Hall lias also made Шіш--а 
his company—the most powerful 
force in the world of computer 
software. Microsoft will probably 
generate sales of 1.6 billion dollars 
this year, more than its top 
four competitors combined. “He's 
the single most influential figure 
in the computer industry" said 
The Wall Street Journal. 

"Gates reminds me of the 19th Century industrial barons 
who, by force of vill and business genius, built the oil, steel 
and banking monopolies," vrote analyst Stewart Alsop. 

The computer industry is also full of people who think that 
Gates has те too successful for his own good—and 
theirs. Apple Computer is suing Microsoft, claiming its best- 
selling Windows 3.0 program violates Apple's copyright. 
Cates's lengthy alliance with IBM, which served as the 
bedrock for Microsoft's success, has been severed, and IBM 
has switched from patron to competitor. But those are minor 
inconveniences compared with the biggest problem Cates 
faces. The Federal Trade Commission has launched an inves- 
tigation into Microsoft's alleged monopolistic and unfair 
business practices. 

While the FTC won't comment and Microsoft claims the 
probe is limited to one development arrangement it had with 
IBM that has since been disbanded, other software publish- 
ers claim to have been interviewed by the FTC. They say the 
investigation is much broader and a few even predict that 
omnipotent Microsoft may ultimately be split into two weak- 
er companies. That prospect, while grim to Gates, has left 
some competitors smiling. 

"Bill Gates is a megalomaniac,” one software manufactur- 

ге is being forced to grow up the hard way 

er told the Los Angeles Times when the FTC probe was 
announced. "[He] wants to win at everything he does." 

"Bill wants to have as much of the software industry as he 
can swallow,” said another. “And he's gota very big appetite.” 

“Microsoft throws its weight around in unpleasant ways 
sometimes,” added an industry analyst. “But just being suc- 
cessful isn't illegal.” 

From the outcry against him, you'd think Gates was the 
robber baron of the information age. But not everyone 
agrees with that assessment. 

“He's one part Albert Einstein, one part John McEnroe 
and one part General Patton,” says Heidi Roizen, a friend 
and competitor. 

Gates pauses for a moment when told that description. 
“That's very complimentary,” he says with a smile. “Must be 
somebody who likes me.” 


Со ahead, call Bill Саїез а пета. 
The Wall Street Journal did. “Twice. 
On its front page. 

Gates wears thick, boxy glasses; 
his characteristically uncombed 
sandy brown hair shrouds his fore- 
head and obscures his eyebrows. 
His face has lost some of its boyish- 
ness fiom years of obsessive over 
work. His chin doubles and he 
could use some color to offset the 
gray indoor pallor. It's not likely 
he'd be noticed across a crowded 

“His mom used to color-coordi- 
nate his clothes, like Garanimals- 
type things, pin them together," 
recalls Winblad fondly. “So he'll be 
beige one day, green the next. Sometimes his clothes are 
even the wrong size.” Once, Gates arrived at Winblad's North 
Carolina beach house for a vacation—without a suitcase. She 
took him shopping at the Ben Franklin store in Kitty Hawk, 
purchasing four pairs of four-dollar shorts. "He wore those 
shorts for two years,” she says. 

Not surprisingly, most meals are consumed at Gates’s desk. 
At home, he gravitates toward take-out pizza and Spaghet- 
tiOs, and when he does go out for dinner, he doesn't travel 
far, usually hitting a Thai restaurant near the Microsoft head- 
quarters in Redmond, Washington. He hasn't eaten meat for 
four years—one of his self-imposed tests of discipline, like 
not watching TV. Over the years, as befits a billionaire, he has 
developed at least one sophisticated habit: drinking Dom. 
Pérignon. He keeps half a dozen bottles in à 
all times. But if you spill some around him, don't be sur- 
prised if he quickly estimates the dollar value of your waste. 
(The average faux pas is approximately seven dollars.) 

Actually, Gates is more prototype than stereotype; he's the 
nerd fully matriculated. He isn't uncoordinated, bereft of 
social graces or shy with women. But he is eccentric. Steve 
Ballmer, a senior Microsoft executive and close friend, 
remembers when he and Gates (continued on page 146) 

By David Rensin 




Ottywoop began seeing double late in 1989. That's 

when a hugely voluptuous billboard went up on 

Sunset Boulevard—a goddess-sized pair of blonde, 
nearly nude beauties over two mysterious words: BARBI 
Twins. Who were they? No one seemed to know, but their im- 
pact was instant. Dazzled motorists turned Sunset into а 
small-scale demolition derby. The 
billboard, stage one of the twins’ 
plan to become world-wide 
celebrities, had done its work: 
‘They were the buzz of a town that 
buzzes for a living. Now televi- 
sion calls them a "marketing mir- 
ade.” To the Star tabloid, they аге 
the “high-voltage Barbis with 
the living-doll looks.” Prospective 
agents and managers look at 
them and see gold doubloons. 
To their fans, the Barbis are 
a double fantasy come to life. 
And to you, the reader, Shane 
and Sia Barbi are the latest in 
a procession of future stars you 

met right here in Playboy. Who 

are they? Identical twins from 

San Diego, 28 years old. 
minutes older," says Shane, the athletic twin. "I'm the young 
One,” says Sia. Both twins call Sia "the sensualist.” Physically, 
they are so similar that their parents can't tell them apart. 
Mentally, they are as sharp as tacks—which shocks stereo- 
typists who expect buxom blondes to say little more than 

"duh"—and funny, too. Looking at their photos, Sia says, 

"Sometimes we can't tell ourselves apart, but if one of us 
looks a little chubby, that's Shane." Delightful to interview, 
lovely to view, they're a new binary star over the Hollywood 
hills. Like most twins, they share a kind of ESP. "We like to 
finish each other's——” Shane says. “Sentences,” says Sia. In 
1989 sc. (before celebrity), they were belly dancers, rotating 
their hips for $20 tips at Middle 
East festivals from San Francisco 
тю Washington, D.C. Few Califor- 
nia girls belly-dance, but the sul- 
try discipline suited them. "It's 
hypnotic,” says Shane. She сап 
still do a back bend called the 
Turkish drop and place a half- 
dozen quarters in a circle around 
her navel and Rip them using 
nothing but her stomach mus- 
cles. Sia isn't quite so adept. "I 
can do only four quarters," she 
says, "but ГИ let you keep the 
change." In 1989, they quit per- 
forming for small change. The 
billboard was followed by a poster 
and а torrid Barbi Twins cal. 
endar—too sexy for some stores, 
says Sia—that outsold 336 of 
Landmark Calendars 342 offerings. Soon, Shane and 
Sia were awash in business—and personal—proposi- 
tions from agents, producers and at least опе amorous 
rock star They havent signed away their futures yet. 
They're in no hurry; and with their fast start, quick wit 

and Olympian looks, the world may beat a path to their door. 

(top left, focing page) ond Shane Barbi ore sudden celebs. They'd love ta be camic-baok heroines; tabloid gossip has them 

joining Schwarzenegger and Stallone іп on upcoming film. They live in Malibu, where they sun-bathe nude on the beach. That scene 
wasn't hot enough for photographer Ко! Yee, who jetted Shane and Sio to Maui for their Playboy debut and caught them ot their borest. 



There are advantages to being a twin: “We dated the 
same man and never told him we were two people," says 
Sia. The man, a noted pro athlete based in L.A., thought 
his lover was inexhaustible. “Shane's athletic and I'm 
very sensuous. We took turns." There are drawbacks to 
twindom as well: "We started wondering which of us 
would go to the wedding, and which would get the hon- 
eymoon," Shane says. That affair ended before the jock 
became an unsuspecting bigamist. Says Shane, “We had 

to stop being codependent!" She and Sia (seen here and 

on the next seven pages—that's Shane on the left, or is 

it the right?) seldom agree about men. "I go for intelli- 
gence," says Shane. "Right," Sia says. "She likes nerds. 
1 like bad boys" Eggheads and hunks agree: There's 
something for every man in this dynamic duo. Just 
don't be hypnotized by appearances. The Barbi twins 

are more than Barbi dolls. Shane and Sia are savvy. 



fill GATES (continued from page 134) 

‘As one Los Angeles software retailer put it, ‘Gates 
is the ultimate propeller head.” 

were at Harvard. “He never put sheets 
on his bed. He went home for Christ- 
mas vacation with the door to his room 
open, the lights on, money on the desk, 
the windows open.” 

Or, as one Los Angeles software re- 
tailer put it, “Gates is the ultimate pro- 
peller head. 

You wouldn’t know that Gates is 
America’s ninth richest person by visit- 
ing his home. At the moment, he dwells 
austerely in a modest house in Seattle. 
He still leaves his bed unmade. When 
he's home—after а 12-to-15-hour 
workday—he reads. He can recite 
pages from Catcher in the Rye and The 
Great Gatsby. When an author engages 
him, Gates will consume the entire оғи- 
vre. When he turns on the tube, it's not 
to watch TV but to check out his mas- 
sive film collection on video. He started 
by buying every Best Picture Oscar win- 
ner. He used to spend Saturday nights 
watching video tapes of university 
physics lectures. 

“I have nothing against TV,” he 
explains, “Its purely a time-allocation 


Much of Gates's impact, at least at 
the outset, had a lot to do with his ap- 
pearance. For years, executives were 
shocked to walk into a meeting chaired 
by someone who looked like a teenager. 
But Gates quickly demonstrated 10 ev- 
eryone who met him—from the blue 
suits at IBM to the computer guerril- 
las—that, juvenile looks notwithstand- 
ing, he vas consumed with winning, he 
hated to be wrong, he thrived under 
pressure. This was a predatory capital- 
ist brainiac who saw business strategy in 
terms of global corporate geopolitics. 
He was commiued to the long term and 
loved to play corporate chess. He was а 
master at forming alliances between 
Microsoft and rival business factions, 
leveraging one against ihe other. 

“Bill is simply a lot smarter than апу- 
опе else,” says Paul Maritz, onc of the 
company's handful of top-level pro- 
grammers, called architects, who, like 
scientific cabinet ministers, advise 
Gates оп how to fulfill Microsoft's 
grand corporate mission: to write the 
software that puts a computer on every desk 
in every home. “We're not talking about 
ordinary mortals. We're talking genius 
level. He's able to process tremendous 
amounts of information and talk to you 
intelligently on almost any topic." 

Although beset by massive responsi- 

bilities as C.E.O., Gates relishes noth- 
ing as much as disassembling the bits 
and bytes of computer code with his 
programmers. He easily holds his own 
їп the technological trenches. "He 
won't get any respect because he's Bill 
Gates," says Maritz. "He gets respect 
because he can take those guys to the 

And yet, according to Bill Machrone, 
editor and publisher of PC Magazine, 
the most widespread conception of 
Gates remains that he's 19 years old. 
Even as he edges toward middle age, he 
is still called the boy billionaire. Of the 
two words, Gates clearly favors the for- 
mer. “I like to think of myself as youth- 
ful and willing to challenge the way 
things have been done," he says. The 
latter is unsextling. “Billionaire is, uh, 
mathematically accurate, but it has а 
tendency to imply that the reason I like 
my job has something to do with the 
economic value it's created, which 
would be completely off the mark." 

So whar's in it for Gates? "The whole 
notion that you can create a company 
and have a lot of impact is fun," he says. 


The episode that made Gates a com- 
puting cynosure is already part of in- 
dustry mythology. In 1980, Microsoft 
сш a deal to provide IBM with the bas- 
ic operating software (MS-DOS—Mi- 
crosoft Disk Operating System) for all 
its personal computers. If you own or 
use an IBM or IBM-compatible PC, you 
can't live without Gates. And neither 
сап your computer. 

Ai the time, Microsoft was a 38-per- 
son company and the leader in pro- 
viding programming languages for 
personal computers, which it supplied 
то IBM. It could not, however, supply 
Ше basic operating system, so Gates 
sent IBM to a competitor, Digital Re- 
search, Inc. DRI was already well estab- 
lished with CP/M, the operating system 
that ran many carly cightbit desktop 
computers. IBM was also planning to 
base its PC on an eight-bit CPU (central 
processing unit, the chip at the comput- 
er's heart). Gates, in a secondary strate- 
gy move, persuaded IBM to use the 
more powerful 16-bit chip, the Intel 
8088, in its new PC. 

Next, his partner, Microsoft co- 
founder Paul Allen (currently owner of 
the Portland Trailblazers), found some 
operating-system software that had 
been recently developed by a small 
firm, Seattle Computer Products. Mi- 

crosoft bought it for $50,000 and hired 
the creator. Gates told his mother she 
wouldn't see him for six months be- 
cause he was going to work 24 hours a 
day to get the IBM business. When IBM 
was ready to negotiate the operating- 
system deal—luckily for Gates, DRI's 
top man was unreachable in Europe on 
vacation the nod went to Gates. This 
time, Microsoft—and its operating sys- 
tem—was ready. 

In 1981, IBM designated MS-DOS 
(renamed PC-DOS 1.0) as the soul of its 
new machine. Microsoft would collect a 
royalty on each copy sold, as well as on 
the MS-BASIC programming language 
it provided. And both were included 
with every personal computer. Today, 
MS-DOS runs on 60,000,000-plus ma- 
chines world-wide, and the royalties are 
estimated at $200,000,000 per year. 

But Gates didn't want to be depend- 
ent only on IBM's annuity. In a bold 
move, he asked if he could license MS- 
DOS to other PC manufacturers. IBM 
allowed it, hoping the spread of its op- 
erating system would help deflect Ap- 
ple Computer's inroads into the PC 
market. But Gates did more than lobby 
other manufacturers to buy MS-DOS. 
He eventually persuaded some, such as 
Compaq Computer—the most success- 
ful computer start-up company of the 
Fighties—to make their machines truly 
IBM compatible, so that any software 
written for the IBM could run on all 
such machines. The PC clone market 
was born, and MS-DOS sold like crazy. 

That steady revenue enabled Gates 
to take the next step, a slow and steady 
expansion into the software market. 

Today, Microsoft makes more than 
40 products for the IBM-compatible 
PC and the Macintosh, including word 
processors, programming languages, 
MS-DOS, integrated business packages, 
data bases, spread sheets, presentation 
graphics and networking solutions. 

It is Microsoft's latest triumph—Win- 
dows 3.0, the graphical environment 
that makes computers "friendlier" — 
that, ironically, is causing much of its 
current grief. Its the source of the 
copyrightinfringement case filed by 
Apple and it hasn't made IBM very 
happy, either. Until recently, IBM and 
Microsoft were working together to cre- 
ate a version of OS/2, the new-genera- 
tion operating system for PCs that, like 
Windows 3.0, was more user-friendly. 
But when Windows 3.0 took off and 
sold more than 3,000,000 unit: 
year while 06/9 languished, selling on- 
ly 300,000 units since its inception in 
1987, the deal fell through. IBM didn't 
like the fact that Microsoft had moved 
most of its programming muscle to 
Windows 3.0. Now IBM is developing 

(continued оп page 166) 


“My wife, my best friend, my condoms!" 



р: Glover wants people to notice 

D; We noticed him in movies such as 
"The Color Purple," "Places in the Heart," 
"Silverado," "Predator II,” "Lethal Weap- 
on" and "Lethal Weapon II,” the miniseries 
"Lonesome Dove” and HBO's "Mandela." 
We also noticed his passion when discussing 
issues of color. Glover is a winner of the 
NAACP Image Award and a member of the 
Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame. He's also а 
community activist who lakes one month а 
ear to speak to children and young adults 
about education, drug abuse and other is- 
sues. Contributing Editor David Rensin met 
with Glover in Los Angeles during the film- 
ing of Lawrence Kasdan's “Grand Canyon,” 
due later this year. Says Rensin, “Glover had 
just waked up after a tough night shoot. He 
sprawled in а comfortable sofa chair, wear- 
ing jeans, a hotel bathrobe and a greenish 
herbal face mask that covered his cheeks, 
chin and neck. It didn't seem to inhibit his 

PLAYBOY: Some white people seem to 
like you because they consider you the 
pre-eminent "safe" black actor. Do you 
resent that? 

CLOVER: [Chuckles] No, because black 
people also like 
me. It's great that 
white people like 


sturdiest | e. 
black star sented myself be- 
Cause they like 
reveals how me. Just because 
И Asians or Mexi- 

like me, th: 
mel gibson дос те ны 
5 ber М) 

saya no, wi Wes me 
lists the [ащ] Tras 
the most impor- 

women who tant thing. ES 
Besides, 1 don't 
should say know if rm safe, 
yes and tells koow whats dan 
us why we Robeson danger. 

тау not Want what he repre 
. sented—a very 
him to come powerful black 
" man with an in- 
to dinner credible pres- 

ence? Or was he 
dangerous be- 
cause of his politi- 


cal convictions? If anything, that label 
started with hiring people who were 
safe because they made the funniest 
faces, as opposed to men who would 
stand up and tell you that they were a 
man on the screen, just by looking at 
you, without saying à word. Paul Robe- 
son was one of those, but Stepin Fetchit 
wasn't. Is that how we define safe? Sid- 
ney Poitier’s considered safe, but when 
he said, “They call me Mr. Tibbs” in In 
the Heat of the Night, man, he made a 
whole bunch of people sit up straight. 


PLAYBOY: Since you mentioned Poitier— 
is there anything we don't know about 
you that would keep us from inviting 
you to dinner? 

Lover: I have a tendency to pick off ev- 
erybody's plate. The mothers of my 
girlfriends used to love me, because I'd 
go right into the house, go into the 
Kitchen, open up the icebox and look 
for something to eat. I'd go in and lift 
the tops off pots. 


PLAYBOY: In Lethal Weapon И. you cap- 
tured the record for the most on-screen 
time spent on the toilet. Describe the 

GLOVER: First, my ass was sore! [Laughs] 
I wanted to experience the actual feeling 
of sitting there and not being able to 
move. Í tried to achieve that physical fa- 
tigue. Sometimes I stayed on for almost 
two hours straight. I didn't let my 
stand-in do it. My ass hurt, my legs 
hurt. I tried to keep from moving а 
muscle. 1 read the magazine on my lap 
over and over. 

The fear that accompanied the fa- 
tigue came from a recurring nightmare 
I have. I dream I can’t move my body. I 
start sweating. The more 1 try to move, 
the more impossible it becomes. The 
only way out is to holler—and on 
the toilet, I held that in. When I have 
the nightmare, ГИ flail around in bed 
and my wife will be going, "Danny! 
Danny! Danny! Danny" I think the 
whole thing comes, to some extent, 
from having had epileptic seizures 
from the time I was fifteen until I was 
about thirty. 


PLAYBOY: Can you take us inside а 
GLOvER: What happened progressively 

with my epileptic seizures is that 1 
would begin to remember more and 
more of them. At first, it was like some- 
body just knocked me out. As I got old- 
er they became controllable to some 
extent. I was able to remember what 
was happening. Iwas able to remember 
every element of what happened—the 
uncontrollable shaking. То be con- 
scious in the middle of one is hell. Ға 
get to a point where I'd tell someone to 
grab me, to hold me, so I wouldn't in- 
jure myself. I'd tell them there was a 
point where I was going to lose control. 


PLAYBOY: What's more embarrassing to 
an actor—doing a scene on the toilet ог 
doing a nude love scene? 

GLOVER: For me, the toilet scene. Like I 
say, you pull inspiration from your life. 
1 remember the first time I ever had to 
sit on a toilet in public was when I went. 
to jail. I was probably about twenty-six. 
Га get four hundred dollars’ worth of 
parking tickets, wait for the warrants to 
come out and I'd go turn myself in. I'd 
spend the weekend in the San Francisco 
jail and they'd be cleared up. Now I pay 
them—it's safer. At the time, the people 
I'd have to spend the weekend with 
weren't crack addicts, just alcoholics 
and others busted for petty stuff. The 
cell would have maybe fourteen people, 
five, six beds on one side and one toilet. 
So you had to sit right in the middle of 
everybody and shit. The worst was 
when everyone was cating and you had 
to shit. Everybody around the table 
would groan. And the shit don't come 
out! [Ртизез] It blew my mind when I 
saw that scene in the script! 


rLavsor: What do you know about Mel 
Gibson that no woman ever could? 

GLOVER: It’s not like I know that he 
sucks his thumb when he's asleep or 
anything. The moments we have— 
when I'm holding him in my lap at the 
end of Lethal Weapon II—we're able to 
create because we let go of some part of 
ourselves on screen. [Pauses] I remem- 
ber doing a play called Wolves. At the 
end of it, I kiss this man. The play is re- 
ally about a transference of power—I'm 
transferring the power that I've main- 
tained through a kiss. We kissed every 
night for, like, ten, twelve weeks. And 
we were able to get to a point where 
we didn’t feel embarrassed. Now, 

somebody might think, Uh-oh, Danny's 
going in a different direction. But we were 
just able to commit to the moment and 
not carry the baggage off stage. It's 


PLAYBOY: Which of Mel’s love secrets did 
he pass on to you? 

Lover: [Big laugh] Can we say this? How 
to walk away from pussy. He's happily 
married, with a bunch of kids, but he gets 
pussy thrown at him all the time. I have 
watched him walk away from it. If Mel 
can walk away from it, then so can I. 


PLAYBOY: But how does Mel say по? 
GLOVER: Mel has a way. His method, I 
think, is really his shyness. He can divert 
the conversation; without minimizing 
you, he can neuualize the effect you 
could possibly have on him or his desires. 

I learned to say no by stringing the 
mental part out a long time after the first 
flash to the point where I didn't want to 
do it. Of course, if you discover the ener- 
gy is reciprocal, that’s when you start 
talking about the wife and kids. [Laughs] 
There have been times in my relation- 
ship with my wife when we've had long 
discussions about me translating the 
mental phenomenon into a physical one. 
I guess being older, among other rea- 
sons, changes things. You just get tired. 
It's a lot of work, and you just don't have 
the energy. Г don't have the energy апу- 
more. | find out how much energy | have 
every time I get on that stationary bicycle 
every morning. [Sighs] 


PLAYBOY: What's the first thing you hope 
people notice about you? 

GLOVER: Hmmm. Really? I want them to 
notice I'm impressive. In the way that I 
carry myself, in the way that I walk. Phys- 
ically. “Boy, that’s an impressive-looking 

man.” It’s interesting: I've wanted that 
since I was a kid and it hasn't really 
changed. I want people to like me. I 
figure if they respond to me physically, 
then they'll respond to me in other 
ways—to my intelligence. “Well, I think 
he ain't that dumb. He’s got a somewhat 
clear picture about what he is and what 
he thinks he is.” 


PLAYBOY: Imagine that a Martian came to 
earth and wanted to know what the black 
experience was. What cultural thing 
might you show to explain it? 
GLOVER: I'd go to a black church. Some- 
thing happens there that transcends 
place and time. There are other places, 
too. Before I had any kind of visibility, 
walking on 125th Street in Harlem was 
magical. Just taking in life there. In some 
communities, the church and 125th 
Street coexist. These are two obvious cul- 
tural metaphors. Another is less obvious: 
watching a black man work. The dignity 
of it intrigues me. Our work contains 
part of our humanity. I've worked at hos- 
pitals, as a longshoreman. It’s something 
about the way in which we use our hands. 
Of course, what comes to mind is the 
misconception that black men don't want 
to work. We lack opportunities—and so, 
maybe when they come about, the work 
takes on a whole other meaning and 
beauty. Perhaps I'm partial to this be- 
cause I watched my mother and dad 
work. There was something about my 
mother—when she worked, you always 
wanted to join in. You could not stand 
apart. I think I'm endowed with that kind 
of spirit in terms of my work. 


PLAYBOY: Can you recall the last time you 
were brought uncomfortably face to face 
with your skin color? 

GLOVER: I had an experience recently and 
it made me realize, clearly, that skin col- 

"Right now, all the guys in here 

are trying to 

те out how to get in our pants... . 

Comforting thought, isn't it?" 

oris what makes the difference. I was get- 
ting off the plane in Oakland and а 
young girl who'd been on the plane with 
me walked alongside me. We started talk- 
ing, and pretty quickly, she got around to 
saying, "If you walk next to me and it 
locks like we know each other, people 
will say, ‘Boy, she knows Danny Glover. 
God dang." So we were walking off the 
plane, talking, and to make it a little bit 
real, I put my arm around her as we went 
down the hall. We were having an ani- 
mated conversation. At the gate, her 
mother came up and didn't even ac- 
knowledge me. Didn't even acknowledge 
me. She looked the other way, as if her 
daughter were not talking to this black 
man. The girl says, “Mom, I want you to 
meet Danny.” But her mom rushed off 
with her. I walked the other way, think- 
ing, Boy, this is deep. Apparently, the girl 
said, “Well, that was Danny Glover, the 
movie star,” or something like that, be- 
cause her mother turned around and 
was, like, “Oh, wait!” I kept walking the 
other way. Bye! But, hey, that's some 
deep shit. It was a reminder. 


PLAYBOY: You played Nelson Mandela in 
1987, on HBO. Three years later, he was 
free and visiting the United States. For 
the sake of those who just thought he was 
an old black man on tour, give us the 
short course on Mandela’s contribution 
and most important qualities. What's his 

GLOVER: Nelson empowered people. 
There are certain people who know that 
they have power, like the Kennedys or 
President Bush. But unlike their power, 
Nelson's is based solely on principle. 
Nothing tangible. He took the intangible 
and made it tangible. He uplifted us, just 
on principle. Great men do that. 


PLAYBOY: After you made The Color Purple, 
in which you play a black man who beats 
his wife, you were subject to a lot of criti- 
cism for your portrayal—by blacks. How 
did you handle the Вак from your own 

GLOVER: I didn't lose no sleep over it. 
[Laughs] I fucking would have been upset 
if there hadn't been any criticism. This is 
a volatile subject and a very sensitive in- 
dustry. Black people are very sensitive to 
their image and to the way they've been 
portrayed, and continue to be portrayed. 
The role of Mister was essential to the 
story, and what mattered was how we ele- 
vated people through the story. Mister's 
survival depended upon his villingness 
and his ability to change. Yet Гус had 
people say, "Man, you like playing them 
negative roles. You played a negative role 
in To Sleep with Anger." What can you say, 
man? I mean, I'm telling a story about 
human beings changing, growing. That's 
what this job is about. However, my pur- 
pose is not to hold a mirror up to the 

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black community. That's not my respon- 
sibility. Im just helping tell a story, а 
fiction, through which people can see 
themselves. [Smiles] So I guess the mirror 
thing does happen, anyway. 

PLAYBOY: То Sleep with Anger is really a jew- 
el of a movie. It flies in the face of Holly- 
wood's idea of the black experience. 
What did you do to achieve that? How do 
you produce truth in Hollywood? 
GLOVER: There's no formula in that film. 
Most of the pictures I do, there's some 
formula, though I can't deny that they 
unravel some level of truth. Charles Bur- 
nett [the director] wanted to carry us 
along on this journey in spite of the for- 
mat in which you do it. He paid attention 
to that journey more than anything else. 


PLAYBOY: Dennis Miller recently told a 
joke on Saturday Night Live. He said 
whites are now a minority in New York 
City. Then he said, tongue in check, 
"And we're getting tired of geuing heat 
from the Man!" Given national рорша- 
tion patterns, in certain areas, whites ате 
in the minority Do you think those 
whites should be given preferential treat- 

GLOVER: [Big laugh] God, they already get 
preferential treatment. You're a minority 
in the world, and you get preferential 
treatment, anyway. Shit! 


PLAYBOY: Did you do Predator И simply for 
the money or as a career move? 

GLOVER: Well, there are movies that you 
make. . . . My agent comes to me and 
says, "OK, let's look at this deal. What 
we want to do is be in a position to get 
the roles we want to get and do the things 

we want to do. Now, in order to do that, 
we have to be considered a player on 
some level. Someone's got to be able to 
say, 'Oh, that's Danny. À film he stars in 
did a hundred million dollars. Granted, 
it’s a sequel, but it did that kind of busi- 
ness. He has that kind of visibility. It did 
wonders overseas.’ Then we go to Warner 
Bros. and say, “We want to do this with 
Danny, a script that he has. Would you be 
willing to put up the seven million and 
we'll go get the other seven million over- 
seas because he's a player?” So you do a 
film and you say, “This is a career move.” 
Besides, when's the last time you saw a 
black man fighting a supernatural being? 


sLAYBOY: As a forty-something, latter-day 
action hero who does a lot of his own 
running and jumping on screen, de- 
scribe your relationship with your knees. 
GLOVER: My knees don't react the same 
way they used to, but I'm still relatively 
physical. I think the coup d'état came on 
Predator И. Y was hanging off buildings 
and shit like that. But it's cool. I mean, 
Tm forty-four and you don't have a seat 
for me over at the rest home yet, so I'm 
all right. Besides, I've run since I was 
twenty. But 1 only run on beaches, no 
more concrete. I like the action stuff. I 
like movement. I wish I could have been 
a dancer, if there'sa kind of dancer a big, 
tall, clumsy kid can be. 


PLAYBOY: What's the role that you've nev- 
ег been offered and are dying to do? 
GLOVER: Гуе done one of the two people I 
think warrant getting their life done— 
Mandela. The other is Paul Robeson. I 
doubt if ГЇЇ] ever get to do him. Га be 
petrified if I were offered Robeson. I just 
think too much of him. 

"Look, Baskin . . . you're starting to get on my nerves!" 

Also, I haven't done a romantic lead. 
When Iwas doing Lethal Weapon, I played 
а good guy, with a family. I applaud that. 
But at the same time, he don't get no 
pussy. What's happening? Is it because 
he's older? Mel gets the pussy. [Smiles] 
But it'll happen where I get the girl. ГИ 
do all right on that. [Laughs] 


PLAYBOY: Imagine this: You're cast as the 
romantic lead; there are several love 
scenes. You pull the director aside and 
tell him who you want to be your leading 
lady—black or white. What's her name? 
GLOVER: First choice is Alfre Woodard. 
She stops my breath. J also like Whoopi 
Goldberg. She's really beautiful. I like to 
look at her. This is fun! Two white women 
occur to me: Amy Madigan, the long- 
haired version. She's hot. She's raw. I like 
raw women. And Anjelica Huston. But I 
already told Anjelica I love her. An-jel-i- 
ca! Jesus Christ, yeah! She's beautiful, 
and ] like her mouth. She’d be a fun kiss- 
ет. Now, if you want to go back to the clas- 
sics, somebody I've always wanted to 
make love to—always, hope to die—is 
Sophia Loren. And then, when I saw her 
at the Academy Awards show, I thought, 
God, this ain't diminished! 

You may have noticed that 1 pick wom- 
en around my age, too. I don't really get 
turned on by real young women, except 
to look at them. I want to think that I'm 
going to learn something from this. I talk 
abour this with a couple of my buddies all 
the time. I have a friend—women love 
him—he's a model. He's real cool. But 
he likes them between twenty and thirty. 
That's like baby-sitting, man. I went 
through that. He has a kind of teacher 
thing about him. [Laughs] Of course, I 
like Julia Roberts, too. 


PLAYBOY: What do you suspect would be 
the most interesting thing about being a 
woman? If you woke up as a woman to- 
morrow, what's the first thing you'd do? 

Gover: I'm so shaped by the women in 
my life. 1 always feel like I'm being nur- 
tured by women. I think that they know 
so much more than I do. If] were a wom- 
an, I think I would know so much more. 
That's their most endearing element to 
me. One of the incredible things about 
women is that they have the capacity to 
experience and to feel so much more. 
And in that, they are just so magnificent. 
I tell people all the ume that my wife is 
the D in Danny. I'm a joke compared 
with her. But it’s all right. It’s all right. 
1 mean, I get a little heady sometimes 
and think that I make the ball roll, but, 
shit .. . I could never be that magnificent. 
My life is a reflection of women of mag- 
nitude, all the way down to my daughter. 

? KOEI! 


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Who Made DANNY RUN? (continued from page 86) 

“He was the last of a breed: ‘Gene knew what he liked, 
and if he didn’t like you, you knew that, too.” 

“Put it on page one, but keep it down to 
two columns.” 

High оп a hill in Paradise Valley, а 
wealthy suburb north of Phoenix, Barry 
Morris Goldwater, 82, sits in his home 
office studying the urban sprawl framed 
by his picture window. In the distance, 
jagged hills poke through the smog like 
sharks’ teeth. The former Senator wears 
Bermuda shorts and a golf shirt. His 
hands are as gnarled as the limbs of a 
‘Joshua tree; the fight is gone from them. 

These days, Goldwater recalls his 
friend Gene Pulliam grandly. He was the 
last of a breed, the elder statesman says. 
“Gene knew what he liked, and if he 
didn't like you, you knew that, too. What- 
ever he thought, he sat dov with his lit- 
tle white hands and punched it out on his 
typewriter. You could read about it on the 
front page." 

Although Pulliam's Arizona papers en- 
dorsed Goldwater's bid for the White 
House in 1964, Gene abandoned his 
buddy during the campaign. He plotted 
strategy with Lyndon Johnson and made 
public statements in support of the in- 
cumbent. Even the newspapers' editorial 
endorsement was backhanded, inform- 
ing readers that "Lyndon Johnson has 
been a good President" and "Barry 
Goldwater is not a political freak." 

Goldwater waves those untidy memo- 
ries away. “] think I'm the only one who 
knows this story," he says. "For some rea- 
son, Gene wanted to own a share of the 
New York Central Railroad. I never 
asked him why, I just knew he did. John- 
son promised he would help Gene get 
the New York Central deal if he vas elect- 
ed, so that was business, not politics. It 
was nothing personal. I don't think we 
ever had an argument about politics." 

Savvy as he is about the business of 
politics, Goldwater takes his time pon- 
dering Dan Quayle's astonishing career. 
What would Gene Pulliam have thought 
of his famous grandson's success? 

"That's a hard question," Goldwater 
says. His gaze wanders from the streets of 
Phoenix to the Native American art that 
covers his office walls, then back to the 
window. "I know Quayle about as well as 
anybody. He went to school with my chil- 
dren. | knew his mother and daddy. Не 
served on the Armed Services Commit- 
tee when I was chairman." 

The old conservative gunslinger 
thinks for a moment. “I have a very 
strong hunch," he finally answers. "Gene 
would have called Bush and told him, 
"No. That's not the man to pick for Vice- 

154 The careers of Barry Goldwater and 

Dan Quayle were midwifed by Pulliam 
and his newspapers. But long before he 
was trumpeting political pets and proj- 
ects, Eugene C. Pulliam had to create 

Picture a boy on the wind-swept plains 
of western Kansas as the 19th Century 
draws to a close. He wears coarse clothes 
sewn by his mother from his father's 
castofis. He trades pennies for kernels of 
corn, sells the popped corn to railway 
passengers, then reinvests his copper 
profits. Hand to mouth, he learns his 
first lesson in commerce. 

His father is a fundamentalist mission- 
ary who tucks a Bible into his saddlebags 
and rides to nearby towns. At each dusty 
stop, he spills from his heart tales of hell- 
fire, damnation and Jesus’ eternal love. 
He is paid with butter, potatoes, bacon, 
beef, wrinkled dollar bills. Every few 
years, the Pulliams pack their meager be- 
longings and move to a new home, and 
at each home, they welcome to their table 
those with even fewer comforts, a grimy 
congregation of tramps and beggars with 
their eyes askance and their palms out. 
The father bends his head in prayer. The 
boy looks for a way out. 

Teddy Roosevelt was in the White 
House when Gene left Kansas to attend 
DePauw, his mother's alma mater. Unlike 
his famous grandson, whose academic 
indolence would become a subject of 
public fascination, Pulliam left his mark. 
He helped start a college newspaper, 
helped organize a press club and co- 
founded the country’s first journalism 
fraternity. He became a stringer for The 
Indianapolis Star, a paper he would one 
day own. Still, schoolboy life chafed like 
church clothes. After his junior year, 
he dropped out and hustled back to the 
West, taking a job as a reporter first at the 
Atchison, Kansas, Champion and then at 
The Kansas City Star. 

On the police beat in Kansas City, he 
observed a raid on an opium den. His 
nostrils fared at the “pungent, stifling 
odor.” He saw “buckets on the stove . 
bubbling hard with the concoction.” In- 
side the buckets was a witch's brew—“the 
drug that makes beasts of men and wom- 
en.” Hell-fire! Damnation! With his note- 
book and pen, the fledgling scribe 
prowled the land his father had can- 
vassed with a Bible. He learned to like 
the sound of his printed voice and he 
learned a new lesson; The man who 
owns the paper calls the shots. From 
the reportorial trenches, he looked for 
away up. 

Gene got his first crack at publishing 
in 1912, when he married a girl he'd met 

at DePauw and, with the help of his Mid- 
western in-laws, bought the Atchison 
Champion. He made a mess in Atchison, 
sinking the little paper in two years, but 
his youthful mistakes presaged his later 
style. The Champion's new publisher, 23, 
came out swinging. He fought a tawdry 
print battle with his competitor, the Atchi- 
son Globe, beginning with a story that 
hinted the wife of the Glole's publisher 
was drunk at a party—the ethical equiva- 
lent of a sucker punch. He leaped into lo- 
cal politics with windy exhortations to 
restructure government. He focused his 
parochial hatred of the East Coast on 
John D. Rockefeller, Sr, cofounder of 
Standard Oil, crudely dubbing him “the 
Pharisee." Throughout, the mudslinger 
heralded his own honor. “The policy of 
the Champion,” Pulliam wrote, was “in ac- 
cord with enlightened journalism." 

After the Champion debacle, Pulliam 
retumed to Indiana to start over. His 
weak eyes kept him out of World War 
One, so he put his powerful lungs to 
work, stumping the Hoosier State selling 
war bonds. Widowed and remarried, 
Gene used the few thousand dollars he'd 
salvaged from Atchison to buy a share of 
the Franklin Evening Star. It was the first 
bite of a purchasing binge that lasted 
three decades. He traveled the country 
by train and car, studying Commerce De- 
partment reports to locate towns grow- 
ing faster than their newspapers, then 
swooped in for the main chance. He bor- 
rowed money from friends, leveraged his 
investments with debt, traded up. B.S.C. 
Pulliam, they called him. Buy, Sell, Con- 

Between 1917 and 1922, he became 
sole owner of the Evening Star. He 
bought a daily in Lebanon, Indiana, two 
papers in Daytona Beach, Florida, and 
one in North Carolina. Cashing in a por- 
tion of his holdings in 1929, he went to 
Oklahoma and snatched up 11 papers in 
six months. When the stock market 
crashed, he found his fiscal savior in 
Oklahoma City oilman Frank Buttram, 
who bought $150,000 worth of Pulliam's 
stock and promptly decided to run for 
governor. Buttram got a share of flatter- 
ing coverage for his money, and his op- 
ponent took some editorial flak. The 
oilman lost at the polls, but not before 
the Clinton Daily News staked a hollow 
claim for its part owner. “We are for But- 
tram solely because we think he is the 
better of the two men—the man with the 
most qualifications.” So much for en- 
lightened journalism. 

Pulliam moved on with a new partner, 
Texas tycoon Charles Marsh. In 1930, 
they claimed ten papers; in the next 
three years, they collected 16 more. By 
1934, Gene was ready to fly solo. Taking 
a handful of dailies, he left Marsh and 
formed Central Newspapers, Inc., and 
within five years, the boy who'd learned 
to turn a profit selling popcorn was atop 
a print empire of his own. 

ved his second wife, the c 
ha Оц Pulliam—who would 
celebrate her 100th birthday with grand- 
son Dan Quayle at her side—and wed his 
secretary, Nina, a regablookimg blonde 
18 years his junior, Between 1944 and 
1945. he bagged the influential morning 
dailics in Indianapolis and Phoenix and 
matched them with a pair of afternoon 
papers that solidified his power base 
those cities. He traveled the world wi 
+ in the chilly dawn of the 
Cold War. He changed his papers п 
from “Fair and first” to "Where the sp 
of the Lord is. there is liberty.” That New 
Testament phrase—still printed daily on 
Pulliam’s front pages—expressed “the 
whole spirit of Christian living,” he told 
readers, “the whole reason for the esist- 
Picture à man ar the height of his pow- 
er; deep-chested, thickened with age, as 
prickly and stubborn as а sagu 
measures six feet from his soles to his sil- 
ver ereweut bı His head is 
massive, roughly chiseled, the weak eyes 
magnified by black-Iramed glasses. Am- 
bition has stiffened his posture, success 
sullused his fury with divine right 
juts from his hand. Comn 
ble from his lips. He is the maje 

He div 
during Ма: 

ence of man on e 

seems tall 

ob on 
Pulliam lived his last years in a whi 

washed adobe home in Paradise Valley, 
near Goldwater's hilltop compound. He 
and Nina looked out on eight pri 
acres landscaped. with desert grasses. 
palms and cacti, citrus and eucalyptus 
trees. Some days, Nina wrote the prayer 

the wo largest-circulation newspapers in 
their states. At banquets, she bowed her 
head. before ambassadors and business- 
invocation. The Old 
Man, as his employees called him, 
poured drinks with a heavy hand. He 
rode to work in the : 

Cadillac. He ate lunch at his desk, Soup 

and crackers, fruit and cheese: The mis- 
sionary's son was no sensualist, no con- 
noisseur Sunday he was 

ferried three m 

то the Paradise Valley Country Club fora 

pund of golf. He played well and scored 
event routinely giving himself long 
puts а up balls on the fair- 
way—working the angles at his hobby 
s he did in business. Sometimes һе 
was joined. on the course by his y 
son, a promising young golfer. named 

Employees felt fortunate to work f 
him. He paid a decent wage. Не bı 
recreation areas lor staffers in Indi 
anapolis and Phoenix and hosted annual 
pienics there. Among those who served 
him in his heyday, Pulliam s acts of gen- 
erosity are le bonuses written on his 

1 checks, hospital bills summarily 
ed. children’s educ underwrit- 
. The Old Man also dipped deep in 
his pockets to upgrade his newspape 
expanding editorial stalls and moder 
ing pressrooms. He sent correspond 
to Vietnam, the Soviet Union, Europe, 
Canada, Mexico. For an ambitious r 
ter, Central Newspapers was a place 

But Poppa also liked to preach. As 
much as he liked reporters and respected 
ng journalism, Pulliam would 
both to Haunt his most prized 
ical power In Indi- 
d a fight with Demo- 
Henry Shricker “The 
hell of a vendetta going 


s, he pick 

with Shri 
rooms for 30 years. “H Pull 
, you were blacklisted from the pape 
and that’s what happened with Shricke 
n you imagine trying то cove 
politics without ever mentioning the gov- 

s name? It got to the point where il 
they had a picture they wanted to и 
he was in it, they'd white him out. I 
mber one where someone had his arm 
id empty space, Just hanging there 
the gove ling before 
they zapped him. 
‚ Gene wanted two state- 


“He called nto his office and told те 
who he wanted (o bi 
Robert Early, n ing editor of the Re- 
publie at the time. “He said, ‘Twa 
ry in the paper every day, either on ihe 
front page or on the front of the metro 
pages. This was three months before the 
election!” Early produced stories for 90 
days. Gene s favored judges won. 
Although he toed no party line, Pul- 
liam was а conservative by instinci. He 
despised the Fast Coast establishment, 
resented old money and fe sympathy 
for the urban underclass. In his cowboy 
credo, America was a ladder every man 
could climb. No one deserved а boost. 
Active and generous with the college 
he'd dropped out of, Pulliam quit De- 
auw's board of trustees in the St 
when the president. decided to accept 
Federal financial aid. 
m the € 
y the first shot of heroin.” he 
alumnus. Bernard. Kilgore, 


a sto- 

told fellow 
chairman of The Wall Street Journal. 

Pulliam’s favorite whipping post was 
the Federal bureaucracy. Не capped 
years of columnizing with an editoriz 

1971 that filled the front pages of his sev- 
en newspapers. "Most democracies h 
been destroyed by centralized bureaucra- 
cies—or at least by the rule of organized 
minorities,” the publisher fumed. Work- 
ing himself into а frenzy, he attacked. 

"I know you are young and inexperienced, bui you can trust 
me lo be sensitive and understanding. Tequila?" 




vernment agencies rangi 
Equal Emplo 
mission and the Burcau 
to the FCC, the FDA and 
ment parasite 
was a “national scandal." 
vocate Ralph Nader was the new Lenin. 
“His goal,” wrote Pulliam, quoting an- 
other Nader hater, “is a top-to-bottom 
take-over of industry by the Govern- 
ment, with Mr. Nader himself, I would 
guess, in charge. . . 27 Not satisfied to 
preach only to his own readers, Pulliam 
paid to have his sereed reprinted іп The 
Washington Post. 

While veering in print from the center 
10 the hard right, the Old Man privately 
curried favor with any big-time pol whi 
have him. “Lam for you 100 percent," 
wrote to candidate Nixon in 1960. Four 
vears later, Pulliam was advising Lyndon. 
Johnson. “1 wouldn't discuss a 
about civil rights,” he wa 
the Democrat headed for Indi 
been passed. 
1 to justify it would only hu 
He lambasted Jack Kennedy in countless 
speeches and editorials—Kennedy had 
dictator complex,” had bought the 
Democratic nomination, had made “a 
martyr of himself on the Catholic issue in 
order to get sympathy and to glamourize 
himself.” But when Kennedy won, Pul- 
li; touted oll to the White House for 
lunch at the new Presidents side 

Before long, another Kennedy hit the 

ng from the 

nent Opportunity Com- 
f Indian Affairs 


w Any е 


il, and Pulliam was back to 

old tricks. 

In the spring of 1968, Attorney Gener- 
Robert Kennedy went to Indianapoli 
for Indiana's Democratic primary. As it 
happened, RER. arrived just as news 
was breaking of Martin Luther King, 
Jrs, assa When his planc 
Touched down, Kennedy was told that 
King had been shot. Stunned and griev- 
ing, Kennedy began an impassioned, ex- 
temporaneous speech on the virtues of 
King's nonviolent crusade. What Ameri- 
са needed. hc said, was “not division, not 
violence or ed but love, wisdom and 
compassio! Parts of the speech are en- 
graved on Kennedy's monument in Ar- 
lington Natio metery. 

Pulliam was not impressed. The Star 
buried Kennedy’s speech deep in a story 
about a youth group supporting Indiana 
governor Roger Вг: ‚ who was also 

in the Democratic primary. Journalism 
students—including many of the re- 
porters who now work for Central New 

papers—study that days Star as 
textbook case of news manipulatic 
vestige of highhanded tactics that hav 
mostly gone the way of the Model T. 

A former editor of The Arizona Republic 
remembers April 4, 1968, for another 
son. Shortly after he learned King was 
dead, J. Edward Murray picked up the 
phone in his Phoenix office and heard 
Pulliam’s familiar growl 

“No picture of Martin Luther King оп 

the front page,” the boss or 

Beloved by his ambitious young stall 
for his dedication to fair reporting, Mur- 
ray was as much a fighter as the Old Man. 
Аз stallers gathered outside the glass wall 
that enclosed his corner of 
room, he battled Pulliam on the ph 

the news- 

“I won," Mu remembers, 
never said anything about it agai 

the editors luck didn't 
Whe y the rebellious 
Sixties to the pages of Ar mi 
nam newspaper, Murray added the syi 
toon Doonesbury. Pulliam let a 
y Trude: 
canceled the strip witho 
g his editor. Murray also hired 
young columnist named Daniel Be 
Horin to present his generation's ре 
of view. In one early column, Ben-Horin 
reported on Arizona State frat boys’ sere 
nading sorority women, who responded 
by showering their suitors with panties 
and bras. The publisher's pious wife wa 
outraged. Ben-Horin and Murray were 

Back home in Indiana, the Sixties 
passed quietly. Pulliam’s dutiful son 
Gene, assistant publisher of the Mar and 
the News, didn't blow his nose withou 
hist checking with Dad. To this day, he 
rt remember а time when he made ап 
editorial decision against his father's 
mumbles the inheritor 
You didn't do that.” You 
did help your own, though—as when 
Wendell Phillippi, a reti ЫА E 
general and senior editor of the New 
made the recommendation that got Dan 
Quayle into the Indiana National Guard. 
Like his grandlather, the hawkish scion 
never went to wai 

Sunshine and golf had called the Old 
Man to Phoenix in the Forties. but и was 
politics and power that preoccupied him 
there. From his white casa, he. exerted 
control over almost every aspect of civic 
life. The city limits were expanded. be- 
cause Gene Pulliam wanted и done. 
Huge tacts were zoned to promote busi- 
ness because Gene Pulliam wanted it 

hold for 

he decided to br 
as de 

pers with antifreeway stories, photos of 
smog in other cities and front-page сі 
toons mocking Papago харро By 
grown more than four times as large 
since Gene hit town. He had courted and 
won Presidents, Congressmen and 
ernors and launched the caree 
Goldwater. the voice of Ame 

On the moming of June 23, 197: 
е Pulliam, 86, dictated a memo on 
one of his editors 

сап cor 

his ред Goldwater." Soon after 
fered а massive stroke and died 
the preacher's kid made опе last trip 
East. Eulogized in Phocni 
buried in Lebanon 


Pulliam was 
litle town 


in the cornfields north of Indianapolis. 
His plot is marked with a small granite 
stone engraved with only one word other 
than his name: son 

When Pulliam died, control of Cent 
Newspapers passed 10 а trust manag 
by his son € his third wife, Nin, 
a corporate executive named W 
Dver. The со ys board or directors. 
includes the Vice-P 
James Quayle, who at 69 is nearly two 
decades younger than the oldest of the 
directors, 88-year-old: Dyer. Som 
room grunts refer to them as “the 
petrified forest.” 
lwo years ago, Central's cutives 
took the chain public so that the third 
generation of Pulliams and other stock- 
holders could get their money out of the 
company. Franklin College, in the In 
town where Martha Ott Pulliam: 
turned 100, sold 1 ).000 shares at the 
first public oflering. Dan Quayle hung on 
10 his cut of Сети | stock and made 
$13,944 in dividends and interest on it 
last year. Management now feels the heat 
10 turn a profit, and Young Gene is re- 
duced to perusing expense reports, run- 
ning the empire with Wall Street analysts 
looking over his shoulder. 

Upstairs Irom the paneled room where 
his dad sits with his do-dah awards, Rus- 
sell Pulliam, 41, taps out his editorials for 
The Indianapolis News. Pleasant in the 
noncommittal way of his father, Russell 
docs not travel I conversation or in 
print, before marking his path with a 
crumb from Scripture, None who know 
him think he has a shot at the corner 
offic tone,” says a 
former Star writer. 

"The only way he could run things is if 
they turned it into a Christian newspaper 
in.” says another Indy wag. 
just want то do what needs to be 
7 Russell humbly asserts. "There's a 
е in the Scripture—i s not to 

my family name 
His sister. My 
just might. 
nix, 5 
skirts, he 
politics, he 
Man's piss and vinega 
The Arizona Republic. 
hei has worked her way around the 
newsroom Bike someone with an eye on 
the top job. Like her granddaddy, Myrta 
started on the police beat and was boost- 
ed through the ranks au The Indianapolis 

nd lord it over ате 
on the other hand, 
¡polis and Phoe- 
got the Old 
says an editor at 
The 44-year-old 

Star sistant managing editor for 
news, her c оп was 
created f When 

»unced, she was 
had gone o 
safari in Кену ten it up ina 
splashy two-part feature published with 
her own photos in the Star on consecu 
tive The stories defi some 

rolling their eyes. * 
d work 

she got through h: 
” said one, with a 
fore Kenya, Мула had organized а jaunt 
for journalists and friends to the Soviet 
“How m 
10, Муг 
recently, “ 

ad indus- 

пу wecks of vacation you up 
а sportswriter needled her 

g dabbling at Daddy's 
papers, Myrta waits for the trees to fall in 
the peuified forest. “I think she's been 
offered the job of publish 
friend, “but I think she's delay 
long as possible, because she'd have to 
seule down." 

While the Indianapolis papers are 
guided by the timid hand of the p; 
arch’s son, Phoenix erupts with one c 
mother. The first publisher on the 
fter th n died was 
Her brief, tumultuous, 
tenure an editors suicide and а 
labor dispute in which the papers sued 
own employees. Publisher Duke 
who a year later took the reins from 
Nina. boasted of having flown combat 
missions in Korea and Vietnam, wore 
chestful of medals and made speech 
full milita alia: he locked horns wi 
some digging 
ud. Tully, it turned out, had never 
sined the Air Force. He quit in d 
grace and checked into а psychi 

In 1976 
porters was murdered. 


one of the Republic's re 

Don Bolles, an 
nive reporter, 
had written about corruption in state 
government and the Mafia's entrance in- 
to Arizona. One summer day, he got a 
call from a mi infor- 

nvolving local 

bigwigs ment represent 
atives, After the meeting, Bolles climbed 
into his white Datsun and was blown to 

bits by six sticks of dynamite attached to 
the belly of his 

Months of 
and the cops prodi 
newsprint and а round of trials, А lc 
маса of the a 
freed when anoth 

ns by reporters 

court overturned the 
no one knows who 
was behind it,” Paul Dean, 
who headed the Republic's team investi- 
gating the murder. Some who knew the 
ed reporter, though, look back at 
sad chapter in the Phoenix р 

a of changing 

says writer 

» tell you, if the Old Man 
Bolles would not have 
says Don Dedera, a Re- 
n the Fifties and < 
would have dared. С 

wouldn't have slept a night until they 
were found, and when he got ‘em, they'd 



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have been nailed up on the side of a b 

like a bearskin.” 


In Old Man Pulliam s di 
awed and crowed and pulled out their 
chest feathers like fighting cocks; they 
had a taste for blood. Now their black- 
and-white world view has blurred to gray. 
The newspapers have become bland and, 
predictably profes- 
the Yup- 
ic C. 
Still, the 

; his papers 

pie Vice- 
Pulliam, Ше firebrand founde 
presses roll. 

In April of this year, The Indianapolis 

Prize for a series ol 
s on the state's med- 
ical-malpractice-insurance laws, A few 
months earlier; the paper had published 
a syndicated column. that blew verbal 
kisses at the Vice-President. “Dan Quayle 
has done more than survive,” the colum- 
nist opined. “He has prevailed.” The pa- 
pers front page still carries а daily 
“Prayer” and ^Chuckle"—quaint. rem- 

Star won a Pulitz 
investigative sto 

nants of Old Gene's homespun style. On 

January 16, the day the Gulf 
solemn. nore. below. the. praye 

“The Chuckle will return tomorrow." 

In Phoenix, an Arizona Republic spe- 
l-projects team known as the SWAT 
team broke the story of a wide 
police sting that netied indicuments of 18 
people—including seven state legisla- 
tors—on charges ranging from cane 
paugn-law violation to bribery 

Shortly alter the series began last E 
ry. an editor strolled through the lob- 
by of the Republic and Gazette building. 
He paused to read a bronze plaque. On it 
neath was the craggy signature GENE PUL 
editor smiled. He knew the 
з. "If vou forget everything else 
„7 he roared, mimi his for- 

Quick—throw it the sandwiches.” 

Sit | 
(continued from page 105) 

daughter, had been warmly supportive 
During the next few years, Tul 

reer—by then as a model and 
s did I 



life. "Now that E could enjoy sex as а 
woman, Um afraid I went a title wild.” 
she says. imately, that was all before 

In answer to the obvious question, yes, 

That’s morc easily un- 

Tula is orgas 
derstood when one realizes that some of 
the sensitive tissues of her original sexu- 
al apparatus were retained in the sugi- 
cal reconstruction. 

"IL suppose my sex life now is like any 
other woman's,” she says. “Sometimes 
you can't relax and reach a climax; oth 
times you do.” 

Modeling job followed modeling job. 
leading to what looked to be a big break: 
‘Tula was offered a role as one of the 
Bond Girls in the 1981 James Bond film 
For Your Eyes Only. The part led to à nude 
photo in a June 1981 Playboy pictorial 
bout the movie (she fooled us)—and, 
eventually, to exposure of а different 
sort. One Sunday in 1982, а headline in 
the tabloid News of the World blared, 

^| was devastated,” Tula recalls. 
"There, I thought, went all my hopes ol 
leading а normal life. I was hounded by 
journalists everywhere I went, and their 
Lick of understanding—the kinds of ig- 
norant. questions they asked—made 
determined to tell my side of the story.” 

The result was her first book, the 
paperback Tila: 1 Am a Woman. Alter the 
attendant hoopla died down, а psycho- 
logically wearied Tula decided to accept 
only low-key modeling assignments. On 
one such, а skiwear shoot in Taly, she 
metan Malian advertising executive who 
was knowledgeable about transsexual- 
ism. “His name was Count Glauco 
Lasinio, and he was Ше first man Га 
been out with who knew from the E 
ning all about my past. Eventually, we 
fell in love, and to my surprise, he asked 
me to marry him. 

H was the count who urged Tula to 
m British law regarding 
transsexua w that is full of inconsist- 
encies. Although Tula's British passport 
says sh female, her birth certificate 
says she’s male. Britain's National Health 
program pays for sex-chang 
but the government refuses to teat the 
y patient as female if she wants 
гу To complicate matters further, 
Tula contributes to her health insurance 
at the rate charged a woman, but she 
won't be able to collect a pension until 
t 60). HE she 
a crime, she'd be sen 
a men's prison, with all the images of as- 
sault that that entails. 

So, with encouragement from her Ial- 
1 hance, Tula began the seven-year 


process that would take her petition, 
challenging the British government's re- 
fusal to treat her as а woman, to the 
European Court of Human Rights at 
Strasbourg. The case was to outlast һе 
engagement to Glauco, which she broke 
off over an episode of infidelity, and 
would even outlive her marriage to a 
wealthy Jewish businessman, Fattal, 
whom she still calls the love of her Ше. 

Elias and Tula met in 1985, Secking a 
career change, she had studied acupres- 
sure at the Oriental School of Medicine 
London and was accepting priv 
clients. Elias was looking for relief f 
а painful condition called polymyalgia 
айса. Eventually, they 

nd, on Valentine's Day, 198: 

This left Tala with a problem. Al- 
though she had told F medical 
problems made her unable to bear chil- 
dren, she had not actually told. him 
about her sex change. Terrified of his 
possible reaction. she gave him a copy of 
her book and asked him to go away and 
read it. He refused, sat down and read i 
in her presenc 

"When he got to the last page, he 
squeezed my hand and said. "Well, 
"ve certainly got balls, pet" " 

Nor апупи inymore. 

ala says. And she did, enrolling 
nine-month course in Jewish histo 
tion and the elements of the He- 

way toward mollif 
Elias’ parents, well-to-do orthodo 

dic Jews who had come to England 
m Iraq and were none too pleased 
that their son was courting a gentile. 

“That was bad enough, so | felt it 
wouldn't be wise to tell them I was a 
transsexual right away.” Tula. explains. 
“We had planned to tell them eventually, 
of course, after they had a chance to get 
10 know те. We had even planned to 
ive them grandchildren. Both my sister 
ıd a girlfriend had expressed willing- 
ness to become surrogate mothers and 
bear Elias’ child." 

Alter an initial coolness—Mrs. Fattal 
refused for three months to meet her 
son's fiancée—the senior Fattals seemed 
to accept th in- 
aking over the wed- 
ding plans. had wanted a quiet 
ceremony for family and friends, bu 
Mrs. Fatal insisted on a lavish reception 
at London's Savoy Hotel. 

The first hurdle, getting a mai 
cense, was surmounted when nobody 
asked Tula to produce a birth certificate. 
Meanwhile, a decision in х 

aded down in Tula s favor, ten votes to 
х, on May 9, 1989 (though the British 
ınment appealed), and оп Мау 91, 
a were married at a liberal 
‚Johns Wood, London. 

The couple set out on a three-week 
honeymoon. apulco and Jamaica, 
which Tula still recalls with fondness. 

We were like a couple of teenagers, At 
Las Brisas, we had a private pool and we 
just wandered around naked and made 
love morning, noon and night. It was 
lovely. But on our return, my mother 
and sister were there at the airport to 
greet us [her father had died a year and 

егі, and they looked upset. I 
"What on earth is i Have you 
eed my car? And my sister said, 
"No, and my mum started to cry, and 
then she showed me the paper. The Neus 
of the World һай done it again. There it 
was on the front page: ‘SEX CHANGE РАСЕ 

"So Elias called his mother, hoping she 
hadn't seen the papers. But she had. And 
he asked me to go with him to speak with 
his family, but I felt I couldn't face them 
just then—if they said the wrong thing, 
Га just feel so hurt and rejected. In ret- 
that was my biggest mistak 
go to his family alone—because 
from that point on. he was gone. 

In the end, I guess he just couldn't 
stand up to his family 
think Ве does love me. You 
stop lovi à 


was а 

telephoned de 
tempt to sabotage the bra 
cedes. “But after I reported that to the 
police, the threats stopped.” As therapy, 
she began to write another book—just 
published in Britain under the tide My 
Story, by Caroline Cossey—and went 
back to modeling. “Elias hadn't wanted 
me to work, so my career had been pr 
ty much on hold for four ye 
One of the things her agent, Yvonne 
Paul, suggested was posing for Playboy. 
5 I said to Mr. Hefner when I finally 
met him, 1 want to do Playboy because it 

I would like readers to look at те as a 
woman, to see that wanssexuals can be 
ve, that we can look sexy 
don't have hairy chests and all the things 
that one conjures up about tr 
als—confusing them with u 
who are so dillerent In othe 
wanted to make a statement.” 

Playboy was interested. As one editor 
put it, “IF Playboy can't provide a tasteful 
forum in which a person can express his 
or her own sexuality, who сап?” We com- 
missioned Contributing Photographer 
Byron Newman to create the pictures 
you see here. 

While waiting for her story to be pub- 
lished, Tula threw herself into the ap- 
peals process at Strasbourg. She у 
the States, appearing on Donahue and 
s hopeful she'd 

But on September 27, 1990, the court 

nnounced its decision: ten votes to 
eight against her right to change her 
birth certificate, 14 votes to four against 
her right to marry, leaving her and oth- 
er British transsexuals in а no man's—ot 
no woman s—land. 

“Т can only believe that when we join 
the European Community next year, 
that’s going to raise some questions,” Tu- 
la told me this past April, when we had 
lunch and talked in London. "Because 
other European countries, transsexu- 
s are entitled to rights, and we're sup- 
posed to be part of a common Europe. 
So ГИ have another stab at changing the 
law then." 

As she toyed with her cheese omelet, a 
young Asian man approached. Obviously 
cognizing Tula, he asked shyly whether 
or not she'd won her case in Strasbourg. 

“No? You lost it? That's a shame." 

“Well. ГЇЇ have another go next vear. 

“Good luck,” said the man. “I wish you 
the best.” 

So do we, 

would help change peoples attitudes. Ej 
moe Fe es 
= re == 




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THE 411111 
(continued from page 100) 

bite, even with medication, throbs exeru 
ciatingly for an entire day 
caterpillars that dropped from trees and 
made the skin itch for hours. He showed 
them plants to avoid, such аъ the ruin, 
whose innocent-looking stalks can slice 
through flesh like а razor. As bad was tl 
hortigha, a broad-leaved spiny plant that 
causes a debilitating rash. 

But he also described the medicinal 
wonders of tropical plants, such as 
yuquilla for snakebite and ayahuasaca for 
almost anything. 

“So the jungle,” said Paula, her face 
pasty and wet, “is a living pharmacy. 

Ramon gave her a smile of approval 

nen he reached into the brush and 
yanked out a large furry pod. Breaking it 
open, he smeared some of its red juice on 
his forefinger, reached out and traced it 
carefully on Paula's lower lip. then her 
upper. Too surprised to move, she stood 
there and let him apply the jungle lip- 
stick. “Well?” she asked Sheldon with a 
smile. "Does achiote suit me 

He laughed and admitted it was а bet- 
ter shade than the lipsticks she bought at 
Bloomingdale's. But as they continued 
ong the trail, Sheldon studied the 
le, who had taken such a liberty with 
Ramon seemed unaware that his 
plication ol lipstick had been an 
act both intimate and impudent. He һай 
sred a dragon's-blood tree and 
with his machete was cutting into its slim 
ink. He drew out a blood- 
that he claimed would cur 
throats and pimples. 

He explained which plants could be 

“How cam you tell 
something's poisonou 

There were 

his wife. 

Paula asked, "if 

Look for signs that animals and birds 
have eaten а plant. What they can eat, 
you can eat 
think getting along in the jungle.” 
said Paula, "is compli 
Putting his hands judgment 
hips. Ramon said, "This is true 
siders think /a selva is only trees a 
sects and anyone who lives here must be 
“1 dei 

think that,” Sheldon put in. 
ng him, Ramon continued. “Ey 
> you look, there is meaning.” 
He walked up to a tree with whitish ba 

“This is the testigo. See those slashe 

messages left. by Indi 
ng out, he took Paula's arm and 
led her off the path to 
“Look at tha 

Sheldon joined them and they stared 
the end. 


поет tree 

at a tiny arrow, about as long as 

“Primitive nomads, They used to be d. 

Ramon laughed. 

“Are they di 

tsiders. Nea 
temporary villages, they cut bamboo 
slant about six inches from the ground 
These stakes keep intruders away. Reach- 
ing out again. Ramon touched. Paula's 

gly. "Don't worry, though. 

st have been left here long 

ago. The Auca are far back over there 

these days.” He pointed vaguely east- 

That ad the campfire, in 

front of their two tents, they ate rice and 

corned beef that Ramon had cooked with 

casual skill luminum pot 

“Let me tell you about the Auca 

mon said abruptly, turning to 
ast y 

with the 

a mission 
He was warned, but 

meant nothing to him, so people said, 

"Well, let hi 

go look if he wants. He'll 
never find the Auca, But the Auca found. 
him." Ramon waited for a respon 

“What happened?” Sheldon asked с 

Ramon turned toward him. "For onc 
thing, they dug his fingernails out with a 

“His fingernails?” 

"All of them. Then they took his teeth. 
Every one. Carefully. 


"I don't know. But all his teeth were 

“Sheldon,” said Paula. 

“Then what?" Sheldon asked, ignoring 
her. He felt himself in the grip of some- 
thing too horrible to resist. 

"They tied him to a tree,” Ramon said. 
“Hands and feet. То а ceibo macho. 

“You mean, they took his nails 
teeth before tying him down?” 

Ramon shrugged. “Before, after, 1 
don't know when they tied him. He was 
found spread- " , his 
arms pulled back around it.” 


“Sheldon,” said Pau 
hear any more.” 

"Со on,” Sheldon dem 

Ramon pointed to his abdomen just 
below his diaphragm. “Cut here down to 
here.” He indicated a spot a few inches 
below the navel. “They inserted a stick 
bent like а fishhook and"—he made а 
soft pulling motion like hauling а rope— 
hooked and drew the coils out. 

Sheldon gave a low whistle. 
About а meter,” explained Ramon, 
“so the guts hung down to his feet.” 

Раша got up and crawled inside thi 
tent; when she was gone, Sheldon turned 
10 Ramon again. "Go on. 

Then the Auca killed him. 

“You mean, he wasn’t already dead?” 

"That's one thing Um sure of. The Au- 
са know how to make it last. They can 


keep а man or animal at rhe edge as lor 
as they wish. Is the way they are. How a 
thing dies is important to them.” 

“Go on.” 

“Finally, they cracked his hi 
with an ax and let his spirit out 

“Why did they take his fingernails and 

Ramon shook his he: t know.” 
He seemed abruptly embarrassed by the 
account he had given. 

Sheldon breathed deeply, as if he had 
just run а race. "We won't sce any of the 
Auca, will we?” 

Ramon laughed. "No. mw friend. 
Thar's impossible. Unless the Auca w 
us to see them. But tha is impossible." 


“The Auca don't want people to see 
them. They're shy like the = 
“The missionary saw them. 
That was dilerem. He must 
long just at the right time.” 

“What does that mean? 

Once again, Ramon shrugged. "Who 
knows when the right time is lor the Au- 
са? They're not predictable. When they 
want to celebrate something or need to 
please their god or try to change their 
luck. Then they might let someone see 
them before they Kill him." 

They sat a while longer in silence. 
Then Sheldon got up and went inside his 
tent, Не and Раша said nothing unti 
they heard Ramon get up with à sigh and 
ко around the fire 10 his own tent 

“That was horrible story.” Pau 
whispered. “Why must you listen 10 
something so horrible? 

“I couldn't help it 
ng. lers not talk about it any- 
more.” Paula said, snuggling close. kiss- 
ing him, reaching for him 


Ramon seemed to know ev 
lived in the jungle. He squatted in the 
shade of houses built on stilts and talked 
quietly in Quechua with banana-planta- 
tion men, coffee growers, Indian laborers 
with eyes med from drinking 
chicha. Once, dur visit, he went up 
the ladder into a dark hut and 
with a blowgun. It was eight feet lor 
made of two parts of wood wrapped in 
hana. Ramon's checks expanded when 
he blew into its bone mouthp 
sent one of those little Auca arrows into a 

ad open 


one who 




ce and 

1 awa 
Did you notice his chang 
ked h 
hualli, he wore the Batman sl 

Then, when we first got to the jungle, 
he had on that Galápagos Islands shirt.” 

ауа 20 fe 

"In Misa 

Sheldon thought about it, then In 

“Now | on a pli 

“What are you getting ші?” 

Paula stared thoughtfully at the guide. 
"The deeper Ramon gets into the jur 





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162 hol hovered above the campfi 

the more himself he becomes.” 

Sheldon scoffed at the idea. But he did 
envy Ramon his ease in such a hostile 
environment. And Ramon was а born 
teacher, He taught Sheldon 10 crumble 
up termite nests al the four corners of 
a tent at night. because their material 
epelled sn insects. Sheldon 
» induce immediate sleep in an in- 
ic. Sheldon was learning to hold 
his own out here. He felt the дау would 
come when he didn’t need a guide in the 
rain for 


They went deeper into the massed 
grecnery until they no longer came upon 
hats or little settlements. Often, when 

they halted for the day, Sheldon took 
solitary walks and imagined himself 
alone out here, а jungle expert. Retu 

ing to camp one afternoon from such 
walk, he found а pot boiling on the bu- 

пе stove but no one in sight. He called 
out and Paula answered from their tent. 
"There was a water bottle near the fire, so 
Sheldon picked it up and uns 
lid to have а drink. Just as he got a whill 
alcohol, he saw Ramon 
sing the 


rewed the 

emerge f 

Sheldon said 

Ramon, smiling, approached. "Thats 
medicine. Good in the jungle. 

Sheldon inhaled decply over the open 
bottle, grimacing. "This is chicha!” 
Ramon continued to smile. “Ош here, 
is medicine." 

“You're drin 

ш!" Sheldon yelled. 
ged from their tent. 
“You said you didn' drink! You lied!” 
“Please, señor, do nor accuse me of ly- 
ng,” Ri g out, he took 
the boule from s hand and 
turned to his own tent with it. 
y nothing,” Paula told her husband, 
gripping his ar 
“But he said- 
у nothing!” his wife commanded so 
ply that Sheldon pulled his a 
y, went into the tent and brooded. 
as they ate lentils and rice, wh 
monkeys kicked up a racket in 
trees beyond the firelight, Ramon told 
them chilling stories about snakes. There 
were the fer-d ‚ terciopelo, urutu, 
cascabel, jararaca—all lethal. The bush- 
master grew to 11 feet, had fangs like 
road spikes, and its poison prevented 
the blood from cloning. “Tve seen a bit- 
л man's gums bleed and he had blood 
1 his urine and there were purple patch- 
es on his skin.” Ramon reached down for 
frequent pulls at his өше of chicha. 
y" he told. Paula with a 
sually keep to them- 

sually?” she said. 
The raw metallic stench of cheap alco- 
Hh was 

still lingering about the campsite the 
next morning, 

Sheldon couldn't. remember if they 
had been in the jungle 15 or 16 da 
didn't want to admit that to his wife and 
surely not to Ramon. 

Every night now, their guide drank 
chicha at the campfire. 

One evening, as they strolled ош of 
carshot of camp, Sheldon told his wile, 

We're letting him bully us. 
Ne mustn't get him angry.” 
Are you serious? 

"He's got the advantage out here, 
Shelly. Don't you see?” 

Of course he did. Clasping her hand, 
Sheldon promised to do nothing that 
would get them in trouble. “I've never 
loved you more than I do now," he said. 

ack in camp, Ramon had their din- 
ner ready. There was a bottle of chicha be- 
side him, and with a smile, he greeted 
them cheerily. “Hello, big man from the 
city of New York! Hello, pretty 

Sheldon down and cle 
throat for emphasis befor 
told Ramon of his respect for 
knew the jungle so well. On th 
hand, he was paying for this sa nd 
must insist that Ramon keep his part of 
the bargain. That is, not dr 

Ramon immediately poured the chicha 
into the fire; it hissed like a snake and 
sent up а punge 
night. “1 told you 
what you pay for. 

“Thank you 


smoke into the humid 
Ramon s 

id. ^ 

fou get 

k you know 

“I know sometl bout it because оГ 
you,” Sheldon answered politely. 

“Have you seen the signs?” 

Whar signs?” 

“Then you know nothing.” Ramon sat 
back, hands on his knees. and looked 
mphantly fiom Sheldon to Paula. 
еу are there to be read and unde 

“What signs?” asked Paula 

“Don't be afraid, pretty lady. m no 
animal. I am nothing to fear. There is 
plenty in this jungle to fear, but not me.” 
He cackled loudly. 

Then he dished out boiled yuce 
onions, chilies, tinned sausages and fresh 

The Whites, fcc 

and fell asleep. 
And they slept deeply until a сасорһ- 
опу of morning sounds nudged them 
awake. Rubbing his eyes, his head 
aching, Sheldon crawled from the tent 
and looked around. 

He let out a cry that brought Paula to 
the entrance, too. Ramon's tent was 
gone; so was the butane stove and a back- 
pack of tinned food. 

Drugged us,” Sheldon declared, He 
made a quick assessment of what was left: 
опе knapsack witha half-dozen tins of tu- 
na and one of Spam, three cans of pinto 

g drowsy, turned in 

beans, their own tent and sleeping bags. 
a flashlight. That was it. They had no 

cooking utensils, not even a machete 

“He won't get far with all that stull, 

grumbled Sheldon 
‘Oh, yes, he will,” Paula said. 
She was right, of course. Thickset, jun- 
mon Torres was able to carry 
1 that would exhaust three Sheldon 
Whites. And there was no sense in trying 
to follow him. It was drizzling, and even 
if they could locate his trail, they would 
lose it again within 100 vards. 

Huddled together in their tent, the 
Whites tried to analyze their situation. As 
they talked, Sheldon discovered in him- 
self a new excitement, as if all along he 
had hoped for something this challeng- 
ing to happen. He thrust his head out of 
the tent and studied the cloud 
sky. “We'll get our bearings when it clears 
up." Having spoken confidently, Sheldon 
was surprised at his wife's reaction 

“Fm scared to death,” she admitted. 

Alter а long silence, she said. "Well, 

"sa bright side. At least we're alive 
7You don't seriously think he would kill 
„Чо you?" 
“I think he must have considered it. 
He's a proud, vindictive man. Shelly, did 
you pay hin 
M course I did. By contact. That 
morning we left the hotel.” As soon as he 
spoke, Sheldon felt like a fool. 

“E don't think he registered us with the 

“Sure, he did. Why wouldn't he?” Then 
Sheldon answered his own question. 
“well, if anything happened to us, he'd 
be off the hook.” He avoided saying the 
obvious: They didn't officially exist 

“He felt you cheated him on the fec. 
Shelly.” After а pause, she added with a 
sigh, “And then there was me.” 

“What are you talking about?” 

“That night you yelled him about 
the chicha? You took a walk, Before you 
came back. I was standing outside the 
tent and he ked up behind me and 
grabbed my breasts and 1 slapped him.” 

"You slapped him? What happened 

He ju 

“And then 

‘That's all. Bu 

Sheldon leaned forward, clenchin: 
fists. “Why did you keep it from те 

“Why do you think? 

He knew, of course. Ramon might 
have welcomed an excuse to deal with an 
outraged husband who didwt stand а 
chance against him. 

Sheldon stared at the empty campsite 
“He got back at me for being cheap and 
at vou for holding ош. | wouldn't have 
believed this could happe 

“Ir мош have, except out here.” 

А glance at his wife told Sheldon 
she assessing him. He sat up 


а laughed. 1 went insic 

E could hear him still 





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straight. “We can't go back the way we 
he declared briskly: “We have to 
ind қо upstream to Nuc- 

reach the river 
vo Rocaluerte 

“He mentioned signs. Shelly, 
mean the Айса?” 

He just wanted to scare us.” 
“Then he succeeded.” 
“Darling, if you've ever had faith in 

me. have it now.” 
Paula scuttled ove 

tent and put her ar 

love you, Shelly.” 

did he 

in the hot, cramped 
ns around him. “I 

Ihe next few days had а dreamlike 
quality. There were fierce thunderstorms 
followed by sofi evenings filled with 
clouds transformed by final sunlight into 
pink castles, lavender ships, crimson 
birds, while fog rolled in off the blue 
mountains into the jungle valleys. 

As they went forward through the 
dense rain forest, Sheldon tried to re- 
member specific plants and what they 
were good for: chonta. cana agria, cham- 
bera, bigao. Which were ediblez How 
could he really tell if animals ate themz 
Which were poisonous? The names got 
mixed up in his mind, just as his percep- 
tions of the trail beca 
ture of tree bush vine tangles of brown 
tendrils stems a hot caldron ol green ш 
ng plants. 

1 cach. 
day—tour now—with his wife, Paula 

ne a chaotic m 


ometries a watery stew of rot 
Even so, he was going forwa 

nd tough and uncom- 

splendid wo 

in, someone to be prou 
of. courageous 
Ar high noon, they were trudging 
along when Paula's feet shot out from un- 
der her. This son of accident often hap- 
pened in the slippery rain I 
them оп occasion Над laughed at Red 
Skelon-and- Chevy Chase pratfalls, with 
legs scooting out, arms flailing. This 
p. twisted around and 
sgling, Sheldon bent over his wife, 
who was sprawled face down on the mud 
dy ground, and said, “Let me help." 
“Wait,” she gasped. “Be careful.” 
ins he looked at her [ace 
aw to his dismay Paula's mouth 
ing soundlessly, her skin ashen, her 
eyes wide and st What 
“Газ hurt, [fell on something 
When gently he began lifting her at 
the armpits, Paula sereamed, the 1 
issuing so loud and kı like through the 
trees that a host of unseen parakeets flut- 
tered out from the branches like conferti. 
Startled, Sheldon let go of he l she 
screamed again. Scooting around Paula's 
body, examining her, he saw a pool of 
blood under her left h 

est. Each of 


а hell 

ied her high, stra 
that she had been 
paled on a jointed stem of bamboo, 
maybe three or four inches long. When 

up, and could se 

she slid free of the stake and he rolled 
her onto the muddy jungle floor, a gush 
of blood spread over her trousers, Shel- 
don quickly undid them. He stared a mo- 
ment at the bubbling hole in her side, 
then stanched the How with the shirttail 
of her blouse. Paula's blue eyes had the 
glazed look of someone in shock. 

The Auca рш it there,” Sheldon mur 

tered as he worked ıo hold back the red 
tide of Paula life. 
Somehow, in his fear and anguish, 

Sheldon White managed to haul his 
stricken. мие down to a meandering 
stream and bathe the wound with soaks 
made of their clothes, Ramon had stolen 
their first-aid kit, a theft for which Shel- 
don would have asked the death s 
tence. Paula lay on the bank naked from 
the waist down. Sheldon spent much of 
his time frantically waving off flies that lit 
on the wound or her pubic hair, great 
waves of wings and curious litle legs, 
striding on, probing her flesh. While he 
held one of his shirts against the large 
puncture, Sheldon had the compelling 
but horrible sense of being watched. If 
the Auca were out there and appeared, 
he'd tell them they weren't to blame. 
They just wanted to protect their territo- 
ту. He had no argument with them. Te 
was Ramon Torres’ fault. He 
somehow get this across to them if they 
appeared. He leaned close 
| whispered, “We're going to be all 
ghi.” He repeated this encouragement 
a few more times before acknowledging 
10 himself that his wife was unconscious. 

Night fell; by then, he had managed to 
stop the flow of blood. Clumsily, he made 
a bandage from a pair of cotton. pants 
found in the knapsack. The flying insects 
» longer had access to her Hesh. He sat 
beside the riverbank, cradling her head 
n his arms, listening to her labored 
breathing, te 
ments she made. 

It rained, һе hovered over Paula, cov 
ering as much of her as he could from 
pelting drops that hit the overhead palm 
leaves like pebbles. Once, she awakened 
nd cried out and brought sobs of hc 
from Sheldon, who kept tell 
loved her loved her loved her. What hap- 
pened during the rest of that night he 
would not remember, but he awoke 
inst hers, 
nd at the instant of waking, he knew 
skin that. 


о Раша“ ea 

fied by convulsive move 

shortly after dawn, his [ace aj 

from the cold texture of her 

Paula was dead. 

ex, as he staggered through а 
drizzle, Sheldon gripped Paula's neck 
pouch, which contained her. wedding 
ing, her passport, her driver's license 
and a few other documents. It was all he 
had left of Paula Levine White 

her Тау beneath a cover of leaves beside а 

the rest ol 

“I didn't say goodbye.” he declared out 
loud. The sound of his own woice, 

mulled in the hi led him. 71 
didnt tell her Fd get the son of a bitch: 
Turning, he tried to retrace his steps, but 
after a time of stumbling 
growth, Sheldon realized he would never 
find her again. 

He headed in what might be an caste: 
ly direction and set out at a steady pace 
If only he could see the sun or the stars, 
he could fix his course, but the weather 
conspired against him. In his mind, Shel- 
don forgot about the jungle and imag- 
ined himself back in Quito, filing charges 
unsuccesslully against an Ecuadorian na- 
tional, and back in the States, making 
enough money to return to this country, 
where he would bribe judges and politi- 
cians, persist maybe for ycars until he got 
the better of a corrupt legal system and. 
finally brought Ramon Torres to justice. 
Or, il that failed, there were other meas- 
urcs.... He would buy a gun. He would 
creep up to that battered little house, 
swing the screen door open and shoot 
Ramon ‘Torres, lying in the hammock, 
right between the eyes 


“We're going to make it.” 

That's what Sheldon said aloud as he 
trudged steadily on through the jungle. 
He felt stronger as the hard-earned miles 
fell behind him. He had mild diarrhea, 
perhaps from lickin ops oll 
broad-leaved plants (long ago, his can- 
teen had gone dry and һе had по 

ough under 


abs with I 
aybe the wi 

s he had eaten 
were responsible. He had only a single 
tin of tuna left and meant to husband it 
judiciously. The sun hadn't come out, not 
since belore Paula's death, and that had 
happened three or four days ago. Or was 
it five? If only he would come upon a lit- 
Че settlement or even an isolated hut in a 
clearing, he might discov 
taining himself. He wouldn't ask f 
thing save the answer to one que 
What could he eat 
mustn't impose on people who likely 
nor would be hostile to a lost gringo 
himself. But he never met anyone. 

Stopping once ata pool, he sta 
his image in the water and noticed lı 
round. splotches on his face. Touchi 
them, he realized that the suppurati 
sores, doubtlessly when h 
ached some insect bites, were much 
larger than he had supposed. Gnat sized 
Mies had done it to him. Ramon had said 
ol these Mies, “They will bite you and bite 
you and you'll never see them do it.” But 
Sheldon + minded the 
They lived on him as famil 
seen them live on naked children playing 
in the mud of a jungle compound. 

"We can do u, Paula,” he declared, 
aware but ni raid ol speaki aloud to 
his dead wile. He had been talking to her 
fora few days now. It began during a stop 
when he lay back against a large boulder 
What do I tell them?” he asked 

а way of sus- 

ed ar 




rly as he had 

to res 

her. “E mean, your brother I can handle. 
He'll understand what happened, how 
ме couldn't help it. We couldn't, could 
we? But your father—what can 1 tell him? 

Thats а man who won't even try 10 un- 
derstand what the jungle is^ Alter а 
pause, he added . “Forgive me, 


darling, I was а fool.” Не felt bette 
saying these words. 

And so, by holding conversations with 
Paula, he was not losing his mind but 
gaining it. All he needed was a blue sky to 
give him direction 

Finally, the sun came out, though а 
dense webbing of ceibo and eucalyptus 
leaves obscured most of it. Climbing а 
hillock to reach a commanding view ol 
the countryside, he saw a brilliant bowl ol 
blue sky arching over the rain forest right 
down to а green horizon, lt was shortly 
afier dawn, so from the sun's position he 
could orient himself reasonably well for 
the first time in days 

While descending into the deep jungle 
led another of Ramon's 
thing in the jungle 
d again like a wheel: You'll 

find that out. 

And he did. Almost every tree and vine 
and leaf had à familiar look. Although 
the sun had given him be 
he could travel more generally in a 
straight line, Sheldon felt he had been 
everywhere before. Perhaps he had cir 
cled round and was retracing his steps in 
the The 


pursuit of a 
there—that specific ecibo the 
seen before. 1 
bit of ground, that trumpet. vine, this 
cluster of orchids—all seen before. Yet 
it wasn't tue. It couldn't be, because 
whichever direction he took, each object 
along the way was the same as those just 
passed. By nightfall, when he sat cx- 
hausted against the hard wank of a 
chimbra (did he remember this пес?), 

Sheldon appreciated a new subtlety of 

the jungle: Wherever you went w 
remained the same, like water 

hin it, 
segment identical to the next. Не mi 
tered something like that to Paula before 
Sheldon awakened slowly, com 

ng into drcamless sleep. 

ng into 
a conscious state of controlled alarm. His 
entire body understood that something 
ng was happening 

was wrong, someth 
moved, though a moving 
weight made a path perhaps the width of 
two fin 

He never 

rs across the calves of both legs. 
Te was just after dawn; by lowering his 
chin slowly, he could sec in the misty 
light a final Few inches of snake undulat- 
ing beyond his legs into the bush. What 
ha A fer-de-lance? A јаки 
d,” he told his wile. Geni 
to his feet, ignoring the hunger pangs 
thar camped his stomach, Sheldon 
lunged into the rain forest, pushing on 
toward Nuevo Rocafuerte. He kept 
"We're going to make it.” 

noon, when he stopped to 

Lit beer -de 


Never 1 

а and 

open the out two fingerfuls 
Tor his lunch, Sheldon had the strangest 
fecling—the jungle had grown silent, 
ишу without sound. There had always 
been some kind of sound cven within 
silence: a tapir grunting through the u 
dergrowth, а white-noise constancy ol 
buzzing insects, the whistling or caw ol a 
bird overhead. Something. But suddenly, 
it seemed as though the jungle bad in- 
haled and was holding its breath. Noth- 
ing moved. A silence as deep as an ocean 
swept in and remained there, hovering 
around Sheldon White until he found 
himself holding his own breath. И lasted 
perhaps nute, 
poured in again as into a bowl, and he 
himself breathed. 

then the sounds 


"Were going to make it,” he heard 
himself saying aloud just as the under- 
growth ahead opened into a small clear- 
ing, and Sheldon stepped forward to face 
а group of men, maybe a score of them, 
all naked except for а few who wore vests 
of jaguar skin adorned with bird beaks, 
feathers, bits of glittery things 

He knew instantly who they were. 

Not one of the Auca was more than five 
feet tall. A few held thongvrapped axes, 
but all had blowguns with bamboo quiv- 
ers slung over their shoulders. Their 
faces were brightly smeared in intricate 
designs with the red exudate of achiote 

They ме 

stony expressions that Shel- 
Чоп couldn't interpret. 
He wanted to say that Ramon Torres 
sponsible for his wife's death. It 
fault; he didn't blame them. 
But having эсеп them, he knew they 
wouldn't nd a word. There was 
not 1 
passed and the score of men stood in 
front of him, motionless. 

At last, one of the Auca, who wore a 
feathered headdress, came forward to 
stand within touching + of Shel- 
don, who looked down at him and smiled 

Reaching out and taking one of the 
white hands into his own, the tribesman 
in a stubby thumb across the smooth 
surface of each fingernail. Dropping the 
hand then, he took a step closer and 
pried open Sheldon's mouth. He ¢ 
the same callused thumb across each of 
the upper front teeth. 

Sheldon let out such a vowl of horror 
that the surprised Auca took а lew steps 

Startled birds in a neighboring tree— 
acaws and kites and owls—llapped 
apidly into the bright sky. 

Clutching their blowguns, the Auca 
stood there in the dappled sunlight, per 
haps wondering if the white man's spiri 
ving his body before they 1 
a to kill him 



ssed and 

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“Mitch is obviously down on me,’ says Gates. ‘I mean, 

"Kingdom of the Dead"? Where do I go from there? 

опе version of OS/2, Microsoft another, 
Through ir all, Microsoft has had the 
luxury ol being able to keep tinkering 
with products that were not always b 
dree or fully realized when released. U 
like most software companies, which 
operate on shoestring budgets, Microsoft 
was never forced to live or die by initial 
market response. The result is a hef 
piece of the software i 
grown to a 100-billion 
ness world-wide. And although much of 
the hardware and chip manulaciuring 
has moved to Japan and elsewhere, А 
Tune magazine pointed out that “the role 
of DOS as a unifying component of most 
PCs has helped entrench the US. as the 

epicenter of world software." 
Gates says plainly: "Microsoft changed 
the computer world in a big 
He's the biggest. he’s the baddest, he's 

the ultimate power in software. But to 
hear Bill Gates tell it, neither he nor Mi- 
crosoli is a danger to anyone, especially 

other software companies. 
“Ask the guys at WorelPerfec if the 
think competition is at an © 

est combined provider 

Gates, and he has a pi 
«толой is the L 
of major. applic 

spread sheets, word processors and data 

п soltware such as 


s products in cach category run a 
distant second. Lotus 1-2-3 outsells Mi- 
спой Excel. WordPerlect towers over 

Microsoft. Word. And Ashton Tite's 
dBase is more popular than Microsoft's 

Business Month n ic. wrote that 
Microsoli’s success was mostly du 

luck and Gates ability to “recover the 
fumbles” of his even more inept rivals 
and peers. The mi 
quotes an unnamed software exccutive 
who claimed, “Gi 
technical. But Microsoft's secret is that it 
is not маши: Bill is just а sys 
guy who's been able to fund a wide 
ol "me. 100° applications on the b 
өне extremely lucrative product praet 
cally handed to him ien years ago by 
IBM. All he's done since is hang in." 
Gates will admit, when pressed. that 
serendipity certainly played a part in his 
success. But he will never agree that he 
just got lucky. “I they are saying that 
they were just as likely to have ended up 
ü he says matte 
“then they ning other s 

"dustry azine 

es is supposed to be so 

y situation, 

elements, like my being into со 
my intensity, my energy. 
“This backlash is а natural result. of 



he claims, citing his foresight i 

re for the Macintosh 
success ol Microsott’s 
Flight Simulator program, the impact of 
the Excel spread sheet (for both the Ma 
and PCs) and the buy spree lor Win- 
dows 3.0. “I feel responsible lor main- 
taining шие of innovation. / do. 
Thats what makes it lun for me.” 

Gates estimates that DOS accounts for 
as much as 25 percent of Microsoft's 



profits. “But believe me, those profits go 
to the bottom line. If we weren't very 
profitable, you could say we were using 

DOS to fund the other stull. The fact is. 
everything here is very profitable—except 
media and networking, which are 
n an invesinn 1 guarantee 
that il we start writing crummy products, 
the bottom will drop out. 

However Gates's success is figured, he 
ppointed” by the resentment and 

is “dis 

hurt expressed in some of the « 
ments. “Negative guys say [cheated my 
way here,” he complains. “Positive guys 

say 1 must have overwhelmed ever 
with my LQ, Both are gross overs 
plifications of what have been i 

The hurt is worse, of course, when old 
friends, such as Lotus founder and for- 
mer C.E.O. Mitch Kapor, seem to tum on 
him. “The revolution is over,” said К 
por. “Bill Gates has won. [Today's sol 
ware industry is] the "Kingdom of the 

“Mitch is obviously down on me,” says 
Gates, sigh 1 "Kingdom of the 
Dead’? Where do Ego from there?” 


ics was bom into а well-to-do 
у. His father, William. H. 
is an His mother, 
Mary—the smart one, they all say—sits 
on the University ol Washington Board 
of Regents and is a director of First In- 
terstate Bank, Gates re ns close to his. 
folks and doesn't 1 ate to consult them 
Tor business advice. 

As a teenager, he aucnded. Lakeside 
School, an academically rigorous private 
school. and it was there that he met Paul 
Allen, who shared his interest in science 
fiction, € 
whiz (he would kuer score 500 on hi 


Bill € 
Seaule f 
Gates И. attorney 

] >, Бурам h-grade 
y classes because he'd already read 

h school texts, He took his mah 

quie personally: "The thing 1 liked 
about math was il vou were either 

y who no- 
ı some math 
1 you had to хау, “Hey, this guy 

right or wrong; so even some 
body liked could come up wi 

When the Lakeside Mothers € 
icd the proceeds ol a r 
1 a loci 
members of the Lake- 
ogramnming Group. Their activi 
cluded skipping gym classes 
мо the computer center at 
rummaging through trash 

ub do- 
image sale to 

time u 


Progr mmes were boong for 
money: They computerized the school's 
payroll system ind counted holes 
punched in cards by machines that mon 
өгей highway trafic. The rechanneled 
profits went into more computer time 
Two vears later, the group formed a com- 
pany, Tral-O-Data, with Gates as presi 
dent. to sell the tralfie-counting system to 
local communities 

Gates missed much of his senior year 
because he was by then working full time 
аг TRW as a 520.000-а-усағ pre 
mer When he went to Harvard in 1973. 
Allen transferred East from the Universi- 
ty of Washi Their first winter. t 
picked up an issue of Popular Electronics 
and read an article about the Айай: a kit 
сопу er based on ihe new SOSO micr 
processor [rom Intel. It had а AK memo- 
ry and the wer. MITS, said it 
needed a computer Lingua 
the could be 
Gates and Allen were shocked. 
been predicting this 1 
have somebody doing it; here it was аре 
pening without us. So | called the 
the dorm room and said, “Hey, we have 
а [condensed version of the language] 
BASIC that will work on your machine 
Do vou want it?” MTTS said ves. 

Now all c nd Allen had to do was 
ашау write it. 

Thice weeks 



written so 
“We had 
ag and then to 




they flew to Albu- 
querque, checking the program simul 
tion one last time on the plane, Had they 
read the a | incorrectly, nothing 
would have functioned. But it worked. 
"For the first time.” says Gates, “they 
their computer actually do something 
In Ju ‚ Gates dropped out of 
He and Allen moved to New 



Mexico to work with MITS and stried 
Microsol nally. Allen wanted. 

move dware, bur Gates was 
adamant that sotiware would drive the 
industry and persuaded Allen 10 sec 

thin his wav, MITS eventually folded. 
but Microsoft had acquired other clients 
and in 1979, the company moved near 
Seate. In 1950, IBM came calling and 
the modern PC era began 

From а май ol eight people in 1975, 
Microsoft has grown to more than 2200 
employees. Yet, because Gates likes to 
think of Microsoft as a collection of sepa- 
тше enterprises under one umbrella, the 
business retains а small-company feel 
Headquariery are а pastoral, campuslike 
setting of low-rise buildings near Seattle 
A small pond on the grounds has been 

dubbed Lake Gates. In the cafeterias, all 
beverages are free. And employees са 

buy the latest reflections of corporate cul- 
ture: Microsoft Tshirts, jogging shons, 
knapsacks. Workers even get a free mem- 
bership at à local health ШІ Althou 
Microsolt workers are generally paid less 
than they could make elsewhere Gates 
те receives only a 5 190,000 salary — 
d toil longer than standard hours, they 
remain loyal to the company for many 
reasons, which include a generous dis- 
counestock-purchase plan and the 
chance to be part of Gates's goal of glob- 
al software domination. 

For lun, there are picnics and partie 
An annual bash, called Microgames, is 
sometimes held at Gates's home or at the 
fav d that he bought lor his 
folks. Last years theme was Africa. Ev- 
ervone did the limbo, shot blow darts, 
tried to fill in the names of Alrican coun- 
n map (Gates had a map ol 
ye wall for months in 

Миса on his 
advance, to prepare), raced canoes and 

played Jungle Je intosh 
computers in the rain. 

Employee turnover is extremely low at 
Microsoft and both morale and profits 
are high. Microsoft was the first software 
manufacturer to gross more than one bil- 
lion dollars in a уса. 


Today is a beige day. Gates wears light- 
brown loafers, beige slacks, a predomi- 
nantly beige madr ıd a be 
сазһтеге sweater ge hair is a 

Night has fallen and Gates picks at the 
remains of take-out Thai food from white 
cartons and aluminum dishes set on the 
. "One thing l'm not good at is keep 
my office clean,” һе says, embar- 
“Seriously, HI had a subordinate 

dy on M 

s shit 
His be 

whose ollice looked like this, 1 would re- 
ally wonder what was going on. 

He's surrounded by his notion of cor- 
porate decor: а Microsoft product poster 
бот Germany, another touting DOS 

4.01 in Russian, a Teddy bear а beer 
ste a Casio mimi V left by some 
Japanese visitors, a globe and а collee 

table covered with yellow legal tablets. a 
yellow Koosh ball, a cassette of Chicago IX 
and other paraphernalia, Near his desk 
is an award ог winning the 1990 Com- 
puter Bowl—a brisk competition among 
prominent techies 

There also some more revealing 
mementos—an. assortment of. personal 
photographs. One shows Gates sleeping 
on a park bench with a Scientific American 
on the ground, just beyond his our 
stretched finger tips. Another is of Win- 
blad, A third Features Gates and Allen, 
1953, back at Lake They'd built a 
13 lor the school 
iot the. Alummis of the Year 
ıl photograph is the “Pie 
ol Eight? a Seveuties portrait. of 
gly counterculuie types—the ori, 
ıl Microsoft 

mp—who look as if 

nmune. Gates, 

they're suaight off the c 
looking about 13 years old, anchors the 
lower lelt corne 

Gates is asked what he thinks when he 
looks back a “1 hope I look 
the same,” akly, obviously 
uncomfortable with much perso 
flection. OR, then, what 
semiment “There 
when we first moved onto this campus or 

those days. 

he says bl 
al re 

does arouse 

c milestones, li 

started buyin ore land. Or at + 

year anniversary, we looked back a little 
bit. On our ten-year а 

adds, “we looked back." Let's tey this: 

Does he wander the deserted halls а 
night? 71 kind of walk around sometimes 
and see what things they've got posted 
on the walls. Maybe run into somebody 
who's got something running on a n 
chine." So. no sitting in his office, in tl 
dark, contemplating what he has 
wrought? “Nah,” says Gates, "I don't turn 
the lights off much. The cleaning people 
might start coming in and vacuuming. 
Gates is so indisunguishable from Мі 
crosofi—in his mind, at least—thi 
plans to marry and begin a family аге 
жауу on hold. Gates faces a quand. 
miliar to any voung lion: Can he handle 
Iwo wives when one is the company? 
“Sure | can.” assures Gates. “But its not 
something you can schedule.” Even so, 
the clock ticks and the gossip flies. Com- 
petitors wish he'd get started, because it 
might give them a chance to catch up. 
Gates insists he has no shortage ol 
"dance partners.” So think ol him as Bill. 
Gates, rock star, says a Паепа. “Think of 
anybody in a position of power. Gates is 
rich. He gets letters [rom women all over 
the U.S. and the world. Once you ve got 
the rep. it's easy.” A woman from Mensa 
once wrote to Gates, asking him for sofi- 
ware lor her Mac. He delivered, then met 
her in Atlanta later 
Gates is nor always so charming. His 
conlrontational style at work has been 
called management by abuse. When any- 
one presents programming codes or 
ideas that he feels are the result of hap- 
hazard and sloppy thinking, he won't 
hesitate to say, “How can you be зо 
stupid?” Another favorite reproach: 
“That's totally random.” If you listen 
carefully, youll hear these Gatesisms, 
and others, echoing campus-wic 
Microsoft's most senior programmers 
claim they've learned посто take the in- 
sults personally. “Bill hay toughened 
up.” says Jel Harbers. “He used to just 
beat us up, and we went away feeling bad. 
You have to be able to take this abuse and 
fight back. H you back down, he loses rc- 
spec. Is part of the game 
But Harbers claims that since return- 

ing Irom his recent vacation in Thailand. 
Gates has mellowed out. “Oh, that’s 
the most bullshit Гус ever heard.” says 

Gates. “I have always been as friendly or 
as unfriendly ay Lam now. Maybe Tve 
Title over the past ten ye 

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And apparently, he is willing 
to take what he dishes out. “I believe in 
feedback. 1 encourage people I respect, 
my parents and my business associates or 
my fiends, to tell me when Em a little 
out of control, If 1 haven't combed my 
hair for two weeks, they might say. He 
a lile more ойе 
А per project these days is Gates's 
$10,000,000, 37,000. quar foot new 
home now under construction on id 
shores of Lake Washington, in suburban 
Seattle. I will include à swimming pool, 
mpoline, a game room, a movie th 
a beach, underground. parking for 
000-book library and a din- 
ing pavilion that will seat 100. He'll also 
install high-definition-T V monitors. in 
most rooms to constantly display images 
from a massive collection stored on com- 


es of most of the 

puter. "We'll have imag 
Gates told one reporter 
sculpture. IF someone says to you, `Rus- 
you can sav, Edo think 
and type in RUSSIA and take a look. 

His other indulgence is fast cars. One, 
а 5300.000 Porsche 959 (new worth 
$1,000,000), sits on a dock in Oakland, 
California. The Government wont let 
through Customs without a crash-test 
safety certification. But the 
expensive for Porsche ко sacrifice the 
four models required. for testing. Gates 
and Allen each. own one, and they've 
of simul, 
crash on a computer in order to satisfy 
tlie safety requirements 

Both the house and (he car an 

ps. boats.” 

ws art, cars, plans, ma 
f you type in 
youll see French 

sia's so bleak, 

cars are too 

been concocting a wa 

"Well, well! The Incredible Shrinking Man!” 

within Gates's budget. When he took Mi- 
crosolt. public in 1086, holding 
ol its stock, Gates became worth in 
excess ol 8300,000,000. Today, (har 
eds near four billion dollars. 

" Gates confesses, "I have a bunch 
icy and the freedom to do whater- 

10 per- 


then, to note wha 

Gates chooses nof to do. On his Irequer 
business trips, he won't charter a private 
plane or even buy а first-class ticket—un- 
less circumstances absolutely demand it- 
He is happy Hying coach. olten covering 
his head with a blanket or a coat and 
catching а си nap. (He's an instant 
neous sleeper.) He also likes to arrive lor 
[lights just seconds before Ше 
shut in lus face. 

There are no limos or chauffeurs in his 
Ше. Gates drives himself everywhere. in 
а Lexus. For years, until the company im- 
sisted, he didn't even want his own park- 
ing space at work. Unfortunately, without 
an assigned spot, he sometimes had to 
park four blocks from his office on days 
when the lots were filled. Once, he was 
harassed after hours by a disgruntled se- 
curity guard. He has since relented and 
accepted not one but two slots under the 
main building. "So I got one for my со 
pany president. too,” he says. Gates 
parks his Lexus next to Microsoft presi- 
dent Mike Hallman's big Mercedes. 

Why resist so many of the perks ol 
power? “He's worried what people will 
think,” says Harbers, "H he's not a regu 
lar gay. he thinks people will not respect 
him as much. 

Ga grees, insisting that the notion 
of specialness is dangerous and wouldn't 
enhance whatever contribution he's ca- 
pable of making. “I's screwed up. It sets 
a bad example. 1 think eventually vou get 
used to those things. then you're just ab- 
normal. Um afraid Га get used to it.” 

But Gates is clearly not a regular guy— 
no matter how many all-night poker fests 
he anends. or coach airline tickets he 
buys. or bachelor parties he throws. or 
ї wear. And sometimes. he 
has to be reminded of that fact 

Not so long ago. Gates and some 
friends were drinking Dom Pérignon 
and partying late. They decided they 
were starving and wanted pizza. Gates 
made the phone call but was told there 
were no deliveries after one Ам. “He 
looked up at us.” remembers a friend, 
“and said, “They don't deliver this late. 
We said. “Bill, you're Bill Gates, one of the 
richest men in America. Do something 
about it. How much is it worth to you to 
have that pizza?’ And he thought for a 
minute and said, “Iwo hundred forty-two 
dollars.’ So he got back on the phone and 
said. “This is Bill Gates and it's worth wo 
hundred forty-two dollars for me to have 
that pizza 

"We got the pizza." 


le doors 


suits he w 


(continued from page 108) 

of a young girl's getting dressed to leave 
the house is enormously complex. Her 
choice of what to wear is her choice of 
what signals she means 10 convey to the 
people who will see her. As she prep. 
to go out, she has a look for herself in 
mind. The range of possibili 
to her is stage If she chooses I 
baggy Army pants and her father's old 
streiched-out. Irish fisherman's sweater 
10 wear downtown, she’s going to be al- 
most invisible. But if she chooses her 
pink miniskirt with her white tank top. 
she's going to get a lot of attention. with 
only а small portion of it coming from 
the people from whom she'd like to 
ceive it, or being the kind of attention 
she'd like to get from them. 

These are matters in which very early 
in her life, with a collection of 19 Barbies 
and one Ken, my daughter began carry- 
ing out an apprenticeship. lo choose 
what to wear is to exercise a power, the 
technology of which women master by 
the time they are in their midteen 

In warm weather. young women and 
men gather outside my ollice building at 
the University of Vermont. and the level 
of hormonal energy often runs so high 
out there that it renders invisible a pro- 
fessorial type like me. This is the ideal 
anthropological circumstance for observ- 

ag the preliminary mating rituals of Sh 
dentus americanus wniversitatus. Spoken 
language may be essential for the male of 
the tribe, but in this setting, the fe 
can get along very well on body lang 
and wardrobe signals alone 
enough, the ones who merit real serutiny 
e the dropouts, the young women who 
for one reason or another have said 
goodbye to all that and have chosen to 
dress plainly. While their. fashionably 
dressed sisters are standing, siting or 
strolling in conversation. with young 
men, the dropouts in their drab, loose- 
fitting clothes move through the crowd. 
alone and apparently purposeful. They 

re literally out of it, the "и" being the 
sexual fray. 

Since they are so much in the minori- 
ty—say, one for every 30 or 40 consciou 
ly adorned coeds—one can hardly help 
wondering why they've made such a 
choice. Do they hate their bodies? Arc 
they lesbians? Religious fanatics? Victims 
ape or child molestation? The fact is 

they may simply пог want to be 
looked at “that way.” And it is remarkably 
easy for them to choose not to be 

But is this what I really want—women 
10 мор constructing their appearances so 
that I will stop ogling them? In spite of 
my admiration for the ones who eschew it 
all, che truth is that Pd hate it if women 
stopped putting on their "summer dress- 
es.” H seems comlortingly evident that 
we two genders are collaborators in this 
ogling business and that we'll all feel a lor 

s available 

better about it if we understand both the 
fact and the nature of our collaboration. 

Maybe we all do understand it; maybe 
I'm just one of a lew men who don't ka 
how to swim with the flow of co 
тагу sexual politics. Standing in a gro- 
сегу-моге check-out line, I cant help 
remarking on a women's-magazine cover 
with a provocatively dressed young wom- 
an and the caption, sw YES TO SEXY 
Checking out other magazine covers, I 
am intensely reminded of how ^ 
way of life in a culture whose dominant 
force is advertising. Sexy is m. 
American ideology. But 1 
noticing, too, that not person 
around me has “said yes to sexy,” that the 
40 or 50 of us there in the check-out area 
are vour basic, drably dressed mid-Satur- 
y grocery shoppers. 


If I follow a young woman who has 
id yes to sexy" all over town, it may be 
t Ive simply received some positive 
signals that weren't intended for me. Or 
else Ive chosen to ignore any negative 
als she has transmitted and allowed 
actions to be determined by testos- 
terone alone. In either case, faulty tech- 
nology is the issue, and the result won't 
be fun for anybody. 

On the other hand, if in walking be- 
hind her toward the English depart- 
ments main осе. I take note ol my 
colleague Professor Anm Fisher's pretty 
legs. am I not simply registering once 
again the refreshing fact that Lam a hv- 
ing creature? Ош ol my usual guilt, 1 
may lightly slap my cheek and swear not 
to be allected by Professor Fisher's high 
heels, subtly shaded hose and smoothly 
shaved legs. (E still have that instinct to 
whine about what a nice boy I an 


1 think now of Ellen Bryant Voigt's po- 
m The Wide and Varied World, which en- 
tertains the question. of its. epigraph, 
“Women, women, what do they want?” 
and ends with this dark answer: "We want 
what you want, only/we have to want it 

Perhaps included in this "i" is our 
mutual desire for more freedom from 
sexual oppression. I find it painfully hu 
miliating to be inappropriately provoked 
to desire a woman, With me, as with ev 
eryone else, it goes back a long way: 1 re 
member attending а high school dance 
around the age of 14 and walking across 
about 40 acres of open floor to ask Tere 
sa Robinson to dance, only to have her 
glance up briefly and say, “No, thanks.” 
Am I talking about mere social с 
rassment? Obviously, that's | 
about self-worth, about 
tished in value that you 
want to shrivel ир and dic. Manners n 
be on the surface of this topic, but at its 
center are crucial issues of dignity and 
debasement. I know it's reasonable for a 
woman to want tc red by invita- 
tion only. I also think it’s reasonable ol a 




t help 



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man to want the invitation to desire to be 
as precisely transmitted as possibl 

Nobody's talking about putting 
ng. Гус had occasion to r 
thy a pleasure looki 
Professor Fisher and I 

to ogl 
myself of how h 

at women can be 
are longtime friends, cach of us married 
for the long haul. But, by God, 1 like the 
sight of that woman, and if her face and 
manners are any sign at all, she doesn't 
half mind the sight of me. Professor Fish 
cr and Ihave an ongoing regard for cach 
other. Professor Fisher wears dresses | 
like, maybe a little old fashioned in style 
and conservative in cut, but they give her 
а cheerful, dressed-up look. She keeps 
her hair a decently generous length. In 
my professional opinion, she has a smile 
that would make an angel gain altitude. 

But this is easy, right? Looking at an 
old pal isn't ogling, except maybe by 
Moslem standards. Lets try something 
tough—a healthy case of ogling а 
stranger. OK: I am about to pull out of 
the grocery-store parking lot when a car 
pulls over beside me, and before I even 
look, I know the driver is a woman. You 
know how when your car is sitting beside 
another car, you cat help but let your 
eyes shift over that way, but you dont 
want to do it when the other person is 
looking at you? Well, this time when it 
happens, she and I lock eyeballs before 
we know what we're doing. It’s warm 
weather; we have our windows rolled 
down: my radio is playing some aching, 
midafternoon hillbilly ballad; and all of a 
sudden, this woman and 1 are looki 
deeply into cach other's eyes. Nothing 
for it but to smile а bit and look back 
straight ahead: we both do that, But like 
what ve seen. This is a lady of my own 
generation, and her face is both lively 
and showing some wear. The history ol 

her love life is more than one chapte 
g, Pd bet on that. 1 like he 
which has a rueful disci] 

turn at the corners of her mouth, [ust as 
the light cha and I turn back to 
ward cach other and exchange another 
glance, and this is the old heart squeeze, 
the look that says, Stranger, you've got 
your Ше and Tve ког mine, and we're 
never going to sce cach other again, but 
given a chance, we'd know how to spend 
some hours together, now, wouldirt wez 
She pulls out, 1 follow, and a block later. I 
turn right to go to the gym, and she 
keeps going. Um still feeling the buzz 
from exchanging that last look with her. 
so when I turn oll, ТЇШ а hand to wave to 
her, | don't expect her even to see it, 
though she could if she glanced in her 
rearview mirror, Sure enough, she does, 
she lifts a hand and waves back. 1 drive 
on to the gym, squinting little tears out of 
the comers of my eves. 

МЇ right, so maybe within speaking 
three sentences aloud, the woman and 1 
would have hated each other. Maybe if 
we'd gotten out of our cars, we'd have 



c to it, a wry 

es, зім 

been horrified at seeing what the rest of 
us looked like, That's at least part of the 
point: The lady and I didit se 
lot—and maybe that’s the essence of 
looking, that you never get to see it all 
but we liked what we saw. I like 
bering the sight of her so much that in 
racquetball, 1 went to the big 
the men's lockei 
self ou ous act for a man my 
age and my weight. But I wanted to sce 
what that lady might have seen in me 
that carned me a smile like hers. And you 
know, 1 didwtthink [looked so bad 


a whole 


gym, before E cha 

ged clothes for 

iro in 
room and checked my- 

a d 

“Yes, Hal, I sent for your course and listened 
to all the tapes, and even though I had poor credit and 
no cash, the very next day, I went out and bought 
all the sex I needed with no money! 


(continned [vom page 132) 

hiefs; and his stats 
than 3500 
ly II inter 

off win over the С 
ү: bad. 
rds, 21 touchdowns and ¢ 






In last year's di 
sive 1 пеп Richmond Webb 
Sims 10 protect M 
stant sensations, and Webb went 10 the 
Pro Bowl as a rookie, In the 1991 dealt, 
the Dolphins chose Randal Hill. a speedy 
wide receiver out of the University of Mi- 
ami, to give Marino iet to hit deep. 
Mark Duper and Mark Clayton, both 30- 
something d for one morc 
good season. 

The rap on the Dolphins the past few 
years has been weak delense. Detensive 
end Jell Cross (114 sacks) and under- 
sized linebacker John Oflerdahl are 
prime players, but Cross needs help on 
the line and те Dolphins need some new 
bodies to All in for linebackers CHI 
Odom, questionable because of injury, 
and Hugh Green, a ripe 32 years old. 

The New York Jets still aren't a very 
good football team, but at least they play 
harder than the crashing bores who have 
recently embarrassed the Big Apple 
Credit coach Bruce Coslet and general 
manager Dick Steinberg, the new kids on 
the block, who demand more sweat Irom 
the Jets and get it. Jets sweat resulted in 
two extra wins in 1990-1901, 22 fewer 
sacks allowed and ten more made and 
the fomth-best rushing average (1329 
yards per game) in the N.El 

Retooling the anemic Jets, however, 
is a formidable job. Quarterback Кеп 
O'Brien is simply hlling in until either 
Iroy Taylor or number-one draft pick 
Browning Nagle хеше in as the new 
number one. Blair. Thomas could be а 
great running back if the ollensive line 
could open a few holes 

The detensive line has tackle Dennis 
Byrd (15 sacks) and not much ење. The 
Jets linebacki is unremarkable, and 
only Erik McMillan is impressive in the 
defensive backfield. Overall detensively, 
the Jets finished 23rd 

Looking at the numbers, its hard to 
understand how the Indianapolis Colts 
won seven games. They had the second- 
worst overall offense in football, the 
third-worst defense. The Colis. landed 
hometown hero Је George, the quarter- 
back of the future; but mortgaged their 
future by giving up Pro Bowl lineman 
Chris Hinton, wide receiver Andre Rison 
and this year's number-one dralt pick 

pretty good rookie season—16 touch 

alt, Shula added ollen- 
| Keith 
no. They were in- 

must tebou 

age had, under the conditie 

downs and. 13 interceptions. The condi 
tions were lousy pass protectio 
weak rushing game, He sh 
granulated for showing up every neck 
Running back Eric Dickerson is not the 
superstar he was, due partly Lo age, part 
ly to a lack of blocking, However, Jessie 

ald be e 

Hester (17.1-yard 
a welcome surprise 

The guys who were supposed 10 be 1 
ауз studs on defense didn't play like it. 
End Jon Hand was a major disappoint- 
meni (only three and a half sacks) after a 
contrac holdout, a acker Fredd 
Young—obtained from Seattle a couple 
of years ago for two number-one picks— 

we per catch) was 
t receiver 

has retired. 

Why guy like Dick 
MacPherson leave a cushy job at Syra- 
cuse where he had built the Orange 
men into a top-20 team—for a foxhole 
Why would Sam Jankovich 
© sun and sand and status of his 
athletic director of. perennially 
top-ranked Miami to run a team whose 
prospects look dimmer than its 1-15 
record? Evidently, New England Pati 
ots owner Victor Кі, found time Бе- 
tween bad jokes to swect-talk both men 
into taking on (he biggest rebuilding 
challenge in pro football. 

The Patriots make good tabloid copy, 
but they are awful at football st, they 
have по quarterback. Rookie Tommy 
Hodson survived six starts last season: 
the Pats have added Hugh Millen, who 
wasnt very good with Atlanta, The offen- 
sive line was inellective, giving up 
sacks, and so was the running game (New 
England finished 25th in the league). 

On defense, first-round draft. choice 
Chris Singleton. didnt contribute at 
linebacker alter а lengthy contract hold- 
ош. An uninspired Andre Tippett under- 
performed, recording just three and a 
hall sacks. Ihe defensive backheld got 
bear often and deep. 

Short of hoping for the Second Com- 
ing, the Patriots should concentrate on 
developing young talent. Get rid of Ir- 
ving Fryar, who has always been more 
trouble than he is worth, Give Hodson 
and dralt pick Scott Zolak long looks at 

would a nice 

trade i 
post a 


Cincinnati Bengals 
Houston Oilers 
Pittsburgh Steelers 
Cleveland Browns 

Cincinnati т 
Central (10 
nents the past two seasons). bu 
Bengals maul anyone else (7-13 ou 
the division)? Houston wins most s 
on offense bur 
s. The Stcelers are the 
best team in football when opponents 
throw the ball (Pittsburgh led the N.EL. 
in pass defense) but can't pass the 
selves. And in опе se (Cleveland 
went [rom perennial contender to eve 
body's favorite punchi 
Coach Sam Мусе thinks this could be 
the year for his Cincinnati Bengals. 
“Boomer Esiason, running back James 

versus. division 

Brooks and receivers Eddie Brown and 
Tim McGee are all in their prime,” says 
Wyche, who somehow found time to talk 
between his running battles with football 
commissioner Paul Tagliabue. Мусе is 
right. This is ihe year of the tiger in the 
Central Division. 

Esiason, despite 22 interceptions 
(many of them on tips and deflections), 
threw for 24 touchdowns last year. He 
se ortable than ever as the 
man in Brooks had another 
1000-yard season and is a superbly con- 
d ed athlete, despite the fact that he's 
32 years old. Fullback Ickey Woods, fully 
ішу, should be 
back to his Super Bowl XXII form. 
McGee and Brown are gifted receivers 
who didn't see enough of the ball—Esii 
son's pass protection seldom held up 
long enough lor them to get downfield. 

Line play was the team’s bugaboo last 
son. The Bengals gol bur лед by the 

s more coi 


IS Malaya Anthony Muñoz: sul 
rn rotator сий. Guard Bruce Reimers 
¿ke his foot. On defense, the Bengals 
ked presence up front. Their entire 
defensive line combined for just 11 sacks 
and allowed opponents a hefty 4.7 yards 
per rush. 

Muñoz is an absolute 
sive line is to get b 
The domi 

ecessity il the 
k to champi- 

onship form. 
lin n the Be 
able in the draft. 

Is needed wasn’t avail- 

so they settled for 
linchacker Alfred Williams. He will im- 
prove the pass rush. Finally, Wyche must 
avoid butting heads with Tagliabue and 
the media if his team is to boom this year. 

If you think the forward pass is the 
path to glory in the ? you have to 
love coach Jack Pardec's run-and-shoot 
offense. The Houston Oilers’ nu 
are mind-bo; 
yards passing (that's almost tl 
37 touchdowns via airmail, 
pletion percentage of more than 60 per- 
cent. The top gun of this aerial attack is, 
of course, Pro Bowl Q.B. Warren Moon 
Only dislocated thumb in a 
against Cincinnati in week 15 kept Moon 
from toppling Dan Marino’s records for 
passes attempted and completed and 
yardage gained. 

If you're a wide receiver who likes to 

keep busy, Houston is the place. The 
Oilers. "Fab. Four”—Haywood |ellires, 
Drew Hill, Ernest Givins and Curtis Dun 
can—split 286 receptions almost evenly 
g them. 
s more to the Oilers, however, 
than ollensive explosiveness. The de- 
fense, headed by tackle Ray Childress, 
Î in the league—eighth 
sh, Last year's first-round 
choice, linebacker Lamar Lathon, should 
make Houston even better this year 

So if everything's so rosy, how come 


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the Oilers won only nine games? Why 
just a second-place finish this year? Be- 
se they are consistently inconsistent. 
son, Houston crushed the Ben- 

and struggling Rams two and three 
weeks later. When crunch time came in 
alts, the Oilers turned their ear- 
inst Cincii i into 

Moon at the helm for all 16 games 
would be helpful, though backup Cody 
Carlson isn’t bad. Houston must learn to 
win on the road—and іп bad weather—i 
Moon and company hope to shoot (ог 
the big prize. 

A couple of years ago, the Pittsburgh 
Steelers” Chuck Noll was just another 
old-guard coach and a likely prospect lor 
Sun City retirement-condo salesmen. 
Then Pittsburgh got Steely again. H 
wasn't exactly а return to the days of Ter- 
ry Bradshaw and the Steel Curtain, but 
Noll's club. fought its way back to re- 
spectability. The rebuilding job may not 
be done, but Noll is busy hammering 

Quarterback Bubby Brister should 
shine in the second year of offensive co- 
ordinator Joe Walton's complex system. 
Eric Green, the huge tight end drafted 
out of Liberty University last year, hit it 
big, with 34 receptions for an H.-4-yard 
average. But the Steelers are weak at 
wide receiver, where Louis Lipps, 
quick as he once was, is the only prov 


Noll is unhappy with running back 
Tim Worley, who had two disappointing 
years since being drafted. number one. 
Merril Hoge, who has carried ıhe mail 
reliably from the fullback slot, may shift 
to halfback, giving Barry Foster more 
playing time. 

Unless you live in Pittsburgh, you 
probably haven't heard of most of the 
Steclers! defensive. players—nose tackle 
Gerald Williams, linebackers David Lie 
Bryan Hinkle and Hardy Nickersc 
They're not famous, but they are fierce. 
The Steelers were the number 
fense in football last year, holding oppo- 
nents t0 a mere rds-per-game 
average. Their one marquee player, cor- 
nerback Rod Woodson, is as good as his 
reputation —and he's a top kick returner, 

Noll needs consistency. from his ol- 
fense. Worley must get serious and play 
like a number-one pick. The ret ў 
defensive end Aaron Jones, who m 
nine games last year with а broken foot, 
will make the defense even better. 

Owner Art. Modell and his Cleveland 
Browns would like to fo 
The once-proud Browns set club records 
for losses (13), points allowed (462) and 
fewest points scored (228). Coach Bud 
са зей alter Buffalo 
creamed the Browns at home 49-0 in 
we Ollensive coordinator Jim 
Shofner took over and the Browns re- 
sponded by fi pro 
Carson wasn’t the only problem 

Cleveland's headaches began before 


one de- 

зет last season. 

son was c 








training camp. Some players held өш: 
some reported late. Others, uninspired 
by the Browns’ prospects, retired. Cleve- 
land went into the season unprepared 
and unhappy. 

Quarterback Bernie Kosar, never 
known for his mobility, 100k a season- 
long beating behind an undermanned 

ng more intercep 

ollensive line. He failed physically 
psychologically, throw 
tions than touchdowns lor the first time 
in his career. The defense joined the re 
treat and the scason was lost 

Owner Art Modell started to look sus- 
piciously like George Steinbrer 
he hired his fourth head coach 
years, former Giants defensive coordin 
tor Bill Belichick, Belichick, who says he 
enjoys challenges, should have a ball with 
the Browns, 

The bright spots are Kosar, still only 
„who reads defenses as well as any oth- 
er quarterback in football: receivers Web- 
ster Slaughter and Reggie Langhorne 
and running back Kevin Mack. a quick 
30-pound truck. The defense bas nose 
tackle Michael Dean Perry—all the talent 
Fridge" without the 
ads of opportunities for new- 



If the Browns show up with a decent at- 
titude, they will win more than the three 
os they w The ollen- 
sive line must protect Kosar. Delichick's 
power-running scheme could help take 
the pressure off Kosar’s leaden legs. The 
Browns also need a capable place kicker 
and punter 

n last se 



Kansas City Chiels 11-5 
Los Angeles Raiders 
San Diego Chargers 
Seattle Seahawks 
Denver Broncos. 

Was it only 
ALEC. West was pro football's we: 
vision? This season, it could 
strongest. The Chiel, | Raiders 
gers all have defenses as h 
nails. The Seahawks finished last se 
above .500 and Dan Reeves is too god 
1 John Elway too good a quar 
ick—for the stay down 
for lon: 

The Kansas City Chiefs (11-5) posted 
their best record since 1969, thanks to a 
strong rushing game, а gutsy perform 
ance by quarterback Steve DeBerg and a 
ferocious pass rush (60 sacks led the 
N.EL.). Coach Marty Schortenheim 
isni satished: “We're not anywhere near 
where we'd like to бе. There's no satisfac 
tion at this point.” A date in Minneapolis 
in January will be the only cure for Schot- 
tenheimer's malaise. 

Defensive end Neil Smith is a kev to 
the Се future success. A number-one 

Кем di- 
be те 




dralt pick in 1988, Smith may finally be 
ready to spread his wings (he has an arm 
span of 7112). Playing next to Smith is 
nose tackle Dan Saleaumma—perhaps 
the best Plan B acquisition ever 

Ihe linebacking, with Derrick Thom- 
as. Chris Martin and Percy Snow, can 
only ger bener. The secondary stars Ар 
bert Lewis, who blocked four punts last 
season on special teams, and the aging 
but still elective Deron Cherry 

Mier 14 years as the consummate jour- 
neyman quarterback, DeBerg demon- 
strated both his skill and his courage last 
season, He finished as the league's third- 
anked passer, attempting 444 passes 
a 958, with only four inter- 
ceptions. He fractured a finger on his left 

ıd completin 

hand in û g 

game against Houstor 

са na- 
hı by a trainer on 

tional television audience cringed a 

digit was yanked str 

the side line. DeBerg, who afterward re- 
ferred to himself as Freddie Kruger 
inder of the season with 

The Chiels need to score more touch- 

played the rem 

a cast on his hai 

downs instead of settling for field goals 

inside opponents 20-yard lines, and thi 
defense must stop the opposition when 
the chips are on the table. Kansas City 
blew leads in the final five minutes of 
four of its five regular-season losses last 
year. Will Schoitenheimer—frustrated so 
many times in his years at Cleveland 
finally get over the hump at Kansas City? 
Don't bet against it 

Alter four seasons of staying home for 

the play-offs, a 13-5 record and a trip to 
the A.EC. title game should have tasted 
sweet to the Los Angeles Raiders. In- 
stead, the final course was bitter—L..A. 
was annihilated by Bulalo in what 
Raiders delensive tackle Bob Golic accu- 
rately called a debacle. The Raiders have 
spent the olf season biding their time 
and licking their wounds 

Coach Art Shell will a: 
ver-and-Black legacy of toughness to in- 
spire his team. Psychologist Shell turned 
quarterback Jay Schroeder around, when 
only a ycar ago, he appeared ready for 
early retirement. Schroeder threw for 19 
LDs with only nine interceptions, end- 
ing LAs quarterback louery of recent 

in usc the Sil- 

OF course, only Bo Jackson and his 
doctors know whether Bo will run again 
Marcus Allen and lormer 49er. Roger 
Craig will get more time if he doesnt 
The Raiders’ offensive line— particularly 
Steve Wisniewski, Don Mosebar and Max 
Montoya—can open holes for whoever 
happens to be carrying the ball 

Оп defense, Greg Townsend and 
healthy Howie Long give the Raiders the 
authority up front they ve lacked the past 
few seasons 

Owner Al Davis did some gambling on 
draft day—using his fomth-round pick 
om Raghib Ismail just in case the Rocket 
gets ured of playing second fiddle to a 

hockey stick in Canada and comes home 
to the NEL 

1с5 impossible to forget Dan Fouts, 
“Air” Coryell and the glory days of the 
San Diego Chargers. Ihose Chargers 
were all pass offense and no defense. the 
Chargers of today are one of the most 
hard-nosed defensive teams in football. 
The passing game? Well, it has room for 

Pass rushing is a Chargers defensive 
forie. Defensive end Leslie O'Neal had 
13% sacks, while Lee Williams and Burt 
Grossman were busy occupying offensive 
linemen. Second-year player Junior Seau 
is a Pro Bowl linebacker in ihe making 
Overall, the Chargers! defense finished 
fifth in the league. Its only problem was 
an offense that gave away field position 
because of frequent mistakes 

The man in the hot seat is Billy Jo 
Tolliver, who has yet to show the consist- 
ency needed from a starting N.EL. quar- 
terback. And so lar, general manager 
Bobby Beathard has 
perienced backup. 

failed to find an ex- 

The Chargers running game is in 
good shape, thanks ro runaway train 
Marion Butts, who finished as the second 
leading rusher (1225 yards) in the А 
San Diego needs another wide receiver 
to take some pressure olf Anthony Miller 
Nose tackle Joe Phillips, injured in an 
off-the-field assault last season, bolsters 
the middle of an already stubborn 
Chargers defense. 

The Seattle Seahawks, racked by in- 
juries and short on talent, still finished 
9-7, thanks to superb coaching by the 
fashionably svelte Chuck Knox and de- 
fensive coordinator Tom Catlin. 

Seven linebackers went down; still, 
Catlin patched together a defense that 
finished ninth overall in the league. The 
key to his success was switching to a lour- 
three scheme that helped aging Jacob 
Green have one of his best years ever 
(12% sacks). Another inspiration was 
Catlins switching outside linebacker 
Tony Woods to delensive end. Now, with 
linebackers David Wyman and Terry 
Wooden recovered from injuries, he has 

Scoring points will be Seattle’s biggest 
challenge. Dave Krieg, who had 20 inter- 
ceptions and 16 fumbles, is still the num- 
ber-one quarterback. Seattle took 67“ 
О.В. Dan McGwire with its first pick in 
the draft this year, but he's a long-term 
project. Running backs John L. Williams 
and Derrick Fenner make а happy tan 
dem (1573 yards combined), but the Sea- 
hawks’ offensive line, except for tackle 
Andy Heck, is going geriatric. And Knox 
has to be careful not to put that weight 
back on 

Which was worse for the Denver Bron- 
cos—geiting the stuffing knocked out of 
them by the 49ers two years in a row in 
the Super Bow! or finishing at the bot- 
tom of the division (5-11)? Head coach 

more options. 

Without Black, 
it would all be flat. 

Ultimately theres Black. 

е көп оттим SOMERSET CO. Nr NY OHNE WALKER и лекува 
мр SCOTCH ини (OR EV (60) 



Dan Reeves would pick the former, but 
back 10 the Super Bowl will be a 

Quarterback John Elway is coming oll 
а mediocre season: 14 interceptic 
only 15 touchdowns, nor bad fo 

guys but nothing special for a superstar. 

was sacked a conference-leading 
43 times, partly because of his willing: 
to scramble, partly because his offensive 
line left him no choice. With tackle Ger- 
ald Perry traded to the Rams, that line 
looks even shakier 

Ihe Denver defense was anything but 

imidating after injuries revealed its 
lack of depth. Cornerback ‘Tyrone Brax- 
ton returns at foll strength, but defensive 
end Alphonso. Carreke 
after back surgery. The Broncos jumped 
au the chance to draft linebacker Mil 
Croel out of Nebraska as the fourth se- 
lection in the draft's first round. Safe 
Steve Atwater and Dennis Smith 
hitters but some 

Reeves has to refocus his tea 
Broncos, accustomed 10 winning, 
not happy campers last season. Perry 
must be replaced on the offensive linc 
Rookie Croel should step into a star 
role immediately 

is questionable 

mes get burned in deep 

. The 


Washington Redskins 12-4 
New York бїапїз..... 212-4 
Philadelphia Eagles aos SET 
Dallas Cowboys 8-8 
Phoenix Cardinals 4-12 

It was no sur 
per Bowl winne 
East—the toughest and most entei 
ing division in football. Not only did the 
Giants win the gold, they won our un- 
official best-perfor -the 
adversity award, having lost sev 
players—including star quarterback Phil 
Simms—hefore the play-offs. The Eagles 
were the clear winners in the soap-opera 
category, for the Buddy Ryan story. The 
Redskins simply got no respect, while the 
Cowboys switched from being the joke of 
the division t0 its most promising up- 
and-comer. And the Cardinals? Well, 
they're secretly plotting a realignment of 
the conferences so that they don't have to 
play the other teams in the Fastern Divi- 
sion twice every season. 

The Washington Redskins will go го 
Minneapolis for Super Bowl XXVI if 
quarterback. Mark Rypien stays healthy 
for an entire season. He was 134 in his 


Chief Howling Owl and his accountant on the warpath. 

past 17 starts. Last year, despite missing 
six games, he still passed for 2070 vards 
and 16 touchdowns. 

The Posse—Art Monk, Gary Clark and 
Ricky Sanders—totaled an astounding 
199 receptions for more than 2600 yards 
Redskins fans don't call the ollensive line 
The Hogs anymore; they just call it good. 
Earnest Byner and Gerald. Riggs are a 
formidable one-two punch ar running 
back, and the Redskins added USC's 
Ricky Ervins with their second pick in the 

On defense, Washington, who tradi- 
tionally deals high draft picks for veter- 
ans, used a rare first-round choice to nab 
Michigan State defensive lineman Bobby 
Wilson. The of the defense is a 
g blend of youth and experience, 

Matt. Millen at linebacker and Terry 
Hoage at safety—both added through 
Plan B—have to play well. The Redskins 
have settled on Kelly Goodburn as 
punter to replace Ralf Mojsiejenko, who 
was waived last season. 

Was Bill Parcells’ sudden resi 
as coach of the New York Giants a sy 
tom of mid-life crisis or simply brilli 
marketing strategy? No chump, Parcells 
peered into his crystal ball and saw a 
Scott Norwood kick go through the up- 
rights—and the Giants and himself turn 
to clay. Remember that the Giants fol- 
lowed their last Super Bowl win with a 
last-place finish in the division. Why take 
а chance on failure when by steppmg 
down, Parcells automatically enshrines 

himself in the John Madden-Bill Walsh 
I V-commentator club, wherein you get 
paid amounts of money for reflect- 

ing on your past successes? 

Parcells leaves successor Handley 
a team perfectly suited to Handley's con- 
servative football philosophy. A former 
Parcells assistant, Handley likes to con- 
trol the game and the Giants arc a ball- 
control team, a fact they de ued m 
the first nme minutes and 29 seconds of 
the second hall of Super Bowl XXV with 
а grinding drive that ended in the go- 
head touchdown that shattered. the 
Bills! confidence. 

Handleys biggest decision. will be 
whether to play veteran. Phil Simms or 
emerging star Jel Hostetler. Simms has 
recovered from the foot injury that side- 
ed him in мсек 14 and Hostetler is 
ready to prove that his day in the Super 
Bowl sun was no fluke 

The Giants have a massive offensive 
line to protect either quarterback. In 
ict, tackles Jumbo Elliott. and Doug 
Riesenberg, guards William Roberts and 
Eric Moore and c Barı Oates were 
the unsung heroes of Super Bowl XXV. 
bling the Giants to hog the ball and 
win the gani 

However, it’s sull the Giants’ defense, 
second-best overall in the N.FL 
the strength of the team. And 
linebacking corps—Lawrence Taylor, Carl 

Banks and Pepper Johnson—is the heart 
of that strength 

The biggest problem the Giants face is 
¡US tough to repeat as Super 
Bowl champ. Three and three in the last 
could drop them to third or lower fast 


six games of the regular season 
As P 

bles or missed 

never blew opponents away 

knew well, a few f 

Ryan went on an Ultra Slim. 
1 lost 40 pounds. Philadel- 
Eagles owner Norm Braman went 

Fast diet 

on his own dict alter 

his tei 

n again 

dropped its first-round. play-off game 
and lost Buddy Ryan. Actually, Braman 
was contemplating Ryan's demise after 
the Eagles stumbled to а 1-3 start. Then 
the team got back on its feet and into the 
play-offs by riding the arms and legs of 
quarterback. Randall Cunningham, who 
threw for 3466 yards, 30 touchdowns and 
only 13 interceptions. In his spare tim 
Cunningham rushed for 942 yards and 
five touchdowns 

The Eagles’ lackluster showing against 
the Redskins in the play-ofls—during 
which Ryan benched Cunningham for a 
rusty Jim MeMahon—was the final straw 
for Braman, who didn't much care for 
Ryan's style, anyway. He first installed of- 
fensive coordinator Rich Коше as head 
ach, then hired Cleveland 
coach Bud Carson to run the defens 

Carson inhe 



tsa defense that includes 

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Reggie White, the finest defensive end in 
football, plus hard-hitting linebacker 
Seth Joyner and stellar corner man Eric 

Offensively, the Eagles’ world revolves 
around Cunningham. Keith Byars rums, 
blocks, catches and even passes (four 
times last season for four touchdowns) 
Other than All-Pro tight end Keith Jack 
son, though, the receivers are ave 

Since there is no viable backup at quar- 
terback, the Eagles need Cunningham 
healthy and available for 16-plus games 
The defense, а bunch of renegades un- 
der Ryan, will have to play with more dis- 
cipline under the stodgier Carson. Philly 
fans can only hope that Ryan wasn't as 
good a coach as he said he was. 


If the front runners in the East hear 
footsteps behind them, it’s the sound of 
cowboy boots. The Dallas Cowboys, only 
two years ago the league's door mat and 
laughingstock, won seven games last sca- 
son and nearly made the play-offs. No 
joke, they're even better now. 

Hatred of the Cowboys has always 
been tough to fathom. Sure, their Amer- 
ica's Team moniker was obnoxious, but 
lots of fans hated them simply for being 
good. When the Cowboys stopped win- 
ning, their fans hated them for being 
bad. They wanted Landry fired for losing 
nd when new owner Jerry Jones obliged 

them, they decided they loved Landry 

However you feel about Jones and 
head. coach. Jimmy Johnson, there's no 
disputing they came to play. Among their 
many personnel moves: trading Her- 
schel Walker for a bunch of players and 
draft picks; drafting quarterback Troy 
Aikman; picking quarterback Steve 
Walsh in the supplemental draft: trading 
Walsh for more draft picks; signing 16 
players under Plan В in 1990, seven of 
whom made the team; wading up for 
over-all number-one pick Russell Mary- 
land and down for a slew of lower-round 
choices. And in next year's draft, the 
Cowboys have more 
choices and seven picks in the first three 

There's a lesson in all this for the cur- 

two number-one 

rent door mats of pro football: It's still 
possible to wheel and deal your team in 
to contention 

Aikman had shoulder surgery in the 
olf season. Fully recovered, he is a bud- 
ding superstar. Running back Emmitt 
Smith gained 937 yards last year despite 
a pre-season contract holdout, while the 
Cowboys added rookie Alvin Harper 
10 an already speedy corps of wide re- 

The Cowboys are probably a year away 
from making a run at the East title. but 


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they can bushwhack the division if 2 
man's wing is completely healed, if the 
offensive line comes together and if 
Maryland plays up to his number-one 

When you finish last in a tough d 
sion and the team 
you is the rapidly improving Cowboys, 
you have to roll the dice. That's exactly 
what the Phoenix Cardinals did when 
they chose defensive lineman Ел 
with the sixth pick in the first round of 
the draft. Swann didn't play a down in 
college, because he failed to score 700 on 
his S.A. E. (which doesn't say much for the 
S.A.T., since Swann is both intelligent 
and articulate). He's also 64" and fright- 
eningly fast for a man who weighs 310 
pounds. Perhaps the Cards felt lucky 
after last year's draft, when they stole 
running back Johnny Johnson, who гап 
for 996 yards and made the Pro Bowl. 

"There are other bright spots on the 
Redbird horizon. Quarterback Timm 
Rosenbach showed signs of shaking the 
new-kid jitters last winter, passing for 682 
yards and six touchdowns in the last two 
regular-season games. Running back An- 
thony Thompson proved himself after 

mediately ahead of 

Johnson was hurt. Strong safety Tim Mc- 

Donald, the team's leading tackler and 
interceptor, is one of the league's best. 
Coach Joe Bugel kept team spirits high 
despite only five wins and has the 
confidence of owner Bill Bidwill. 

Swann. the long shot, has to 
prove a winner. Dexter Manley, once а 
premiere pass rusher, has to show he has 
something left. The defensive line must 

once a strength, m 
Phoenix is to rise from th 

Chicago Bears. .... 10-5 
Minnesota Vikings. 10-5 
Detroit Lions ....... 6-10 
Green Bay Packers 4-12 
Tampa Bay Buccaneers . 4-12 

Let's face it. Pro football's legenda 
black-and-blue division is now mos 
mediocre. The gs, Lions, Bucs and 
s all finished 6-10 last season. And 
s, who beat only one opponent 
who ended the season over „500, weren't 
nearly as good as their 11-5 record. 
The be р arc the Chicago 
Bears, duc in no small part to coach 
Mike Ditka, who, when he maintains his 
cool, is one of the best motivators in foot- 
ball. The Bears started fast a year ago 
(nine wins in their first ten games) and 
appeared ready to challenge the 46 
and the Giants until quarte 
Harbaugh a 
shoulder injury. Harbaugh, who h: 
reer completion percentage of 
back. Soldier Field boo-bird favorite 
Mike "omczak is not. He went to Green 
Bay under Plan B, leaving the man with 
two first names, Peter Tom Willis, as Har- 
baugh's backup. 
Running back Neal Anderson (1078 
yards rushing, 484 receiving) is CI 
go's bread-and-butter man, but fullback 
Brad Muster, with 47 receptions and 664 

of the gre 

"If I were your age, honey, my ass would be 

green with grass stains 

by now.” 

ushing, is an emerging star. And 
e's Ditka on the Bears’ offensive lin 
the five who started the 1985 
Bears Super Bowl victory: “Old men with 
beards— love ‘em all.” 

On defense, the always-bruising Bears 
finished a respectable sixth in the N.F.L. 
Defensive back Mark Carrier set à team. 
record with ten interceptions and won 
the М.КС. Defensive Rookie of the Year 
award. While William Perry showed that 
he could close the refrigerator door on 
opposing rushers, cighttime Pro Bowler 
Mike Singletary began to look human, 
particularly in pass coverage. Younger 
linebackers Ron Cox and John Roper 
will see lots of playing time this year. 

Quarterback Harbaugh must get off to 
a strong start so that Ditka doesn't waffle 
to P T Willis. Anderson has to stay 
healthy, since the Bears have little depth 
behind him. Defensive end Richard 
Dent. one of the premiere pass rushe 
in football, must play with intensity every 
week. Ditka has to keep his composure. 

The Minnesota Vikings are pro foot- 
ball's classic underachievers. And yet, to 
the amazement of many, head coach Je 
ry Burns keeps his job. 

The key to a Vikings resurgence won't 
be coaching but the return of a healthy 
Keith Millard. He missed the fi п 
on with a bum knes 

games of last s 

Without Millard in the middle, the ou 
side capabilities of sackmaster Chris 
Dolemai severely curtailed. 

Ray B. sp the retired Scott 
Studwell in the middle. Mike Merri- 
weather the only other sure starter at 
linebacker: Strong safety Joey Browner 

dominates the defensive backfield and 
cornerback Reggie Rutland is one of the 
league's best cover men. 

On offense, Burns gave runni 
Herschel Walker a vote of 
fidence—pulling him from the game 
most every ште he fumbled. Walker 
ved more yards reining kickolls 
y he did rushing. Quarterback Wade 
Wilson, games with 
thumb and shoulder troubles, was un- 
spectacularly replaced by Rich Ganno 
The Vikings’ receiving corps of Carter 
squared, Anthony and Cris, plus Hassan 
Jones, is one of the league's best 
s must ignite a winning attitude in 
the Vikes or seek work as a double for 
Burgess Meredith. Wilson must show he's 
the man at quarterback who can make 
things happen. And Walker has to let ev- 
erything hang out—Minnesota needs 
nance and less potential. 
siest schedule in the N.F.L 

ng back 
io com 

who missed ten 

The Detroit Lions are sticking with 
their Silver Sucich offense, à version of 
the run-and-shoot. Too often last season, 

consisted of three quick downs and a 
to the side That left a you 
id promising defensive team on the 
field too often and too long. The Lions 

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ington, D.C, Maryland, 

Page 128: Coat, trousers and sweater by 
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By Anselmo Dionisio, 

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finished dead last in N.EL. defense 
certain path to destruction 

Injuries to linebacker Chris Spielman 
and defensive back Bennie Blades, two of 
the Lions top cats, exacerbated the 
team’s defensive woes. Spielman and 
Blades are back, s morose nose tackle 
Jerry Ball, who asked to be traded but 
w Mike Cofer is on his way to be- 
coming one of the N.EL.'s dominant 

On offense, the Lions are blessed with 

Barry Sanders, the leading rusher in the 
N.EL. last season and one of the most 
exciting runners ever to це on a pair of 
cleats. With Rodney Peete and Andre 
Ware at quarterback, Detroit is rich on 
youth and potential. Ware, a number-one 
draft pick last year, missed camp because 
of a contract holdout and saw little ас- 
tion, Peete played well s but was 
often hurt. 
The Lions need ollensive 
apons, if only to keep opposing teams 
m ganging up on Sanders. Peete and 
Ware have to learn to read defenses апа 
the Lions’ m y defense must avoid the 
injuries that crippled it last season. 

Ihe most important new wrinkle for 
the Green Bay Packers in the oll season 
may have been the shifting of contract- 
negotiating duties from player personnel 
director Tom Braatz io C.F.O. Mike Rein- 
feldt. The Packers have been plagued by 
an inability to get players signed and in- 
10 training camp on time. Reinfeldt faces 
a tough job with quarterback Don. Maj- 
kowski, linebacker lim Harris, kicker 
Chris Jacke and backup Q.B. Anthony 
Dilweg, unsigned as we go to press. 

With the Pack out of sync early and a 
rotator-cull injury to Majkowski th; 
him out for the final six games (the 
hnished 1-5), coach “Lindy Infante 
couldn't halt the downfall of a 
had been 10-6 in 1989. 
games away but plays away fron 
successful," says a hopelul Infante. 

Running back Darrell Thompson. 
Packers first-round pick 1 has 
failed to live up to expectations. Some of 
problems can be attributed to Green 
Bay's miserable ollensive line, which at 
least was consistent, failing run-blocking 
and pass-protection assignments with 
equal abandon 

You've probably never heard of the 
Pack's defensive linemen, and with good 
эп. Last year, the Pack was 27th in 
sacks and nd in overall defense. 
Linebacker Harris, а big talent with a 
bigger mouth, fell from 19% sacks in 
1989 to seven last scason—nothing to 
Бош. The Green Bay secondary is 
fast nor young, and the punting 
) is weak 
y is more important to Infante, 
more unlikely, than the return of quar- 
back Majkowski to his 1989 form 
Whoever plays Q.B. will need time to put 
the ball in the hands of All-Pro receiver 
Sterling Sharpe and the holdouts must 




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all sign before the leaves turn cole 

Young, inexperienced but always 
promi the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 
finished 6-10 last season, th best 
d since 1984. The Bucs jumped out 
omising fashion (4-2) before revert- 
ing to form and dropping six ina row— 
losses that cost coach Ray Perkins his job. 
Owner Hugh Culverhouse decided to 
мау in house, promoting assistant 
d Williamson first to interim and 
then to permanent head coach. When 
asked why he anointed Williamson, Cul- 
verhouse responded, “I'm not sure Ihave 
a good answer." 

The Bucs aren't sure that Vinny Tes- 
taverde, the quarterback who was sup- 
posed to save the franchise, can make 
them а winner. After four seasons in the 
pros, Testaverde still has a fondness for 
throwing the ball to the wrong team—he 
had 18 interceptions last year compared 
with 17 touchdown passes. Chris Chan- 
dler, who cost the Bucs a number-one 
draft choice іп 1992, is ready И Tes- 
taverde runs more cold than hot. 

Mark Carrier, the Bucs’ best receiver, 
had a subpar season: His contract hold- 
ош was followed by a season of double 
coverage and pass protection that didn't 
hold up long enough for him to go deep 

Tampa Bay's paper-towel defensive 
line got no quick pickup from the draft: 
there was little line talent available. Flovd 
Pet lormerly the Vikings” defensive 
coordinator, would like to shift the Bucs 
loa four-three, but he may not have the 
bodies 10 do it. Linebackers Keith Mc- 
Cants and Broderick Thomas аге his on- 
ly stars, 

It's time for Testaverde to prove he's 
not a head case. Williamson says. “We 
want football to be fun." The Bucs will 
find that it’s more fun winning now than 
thinking about it later. 


San Francisco 49ers. 12-4 
Atlanta Falcons 8-8 
New Orleans Saints. 7-9 
Los Angeles Rams 6-10 

The San Francisco 49ers continued to 
dominate the N.EC. West—and most of 
the rest ol pro football, as ме! 1 s€ 
son. reeling oll ten straight wins to start 
the year а 2 regular-sea- 
son record. But their three-peat dream 
fizzled. Now а few cracks have appeared 
in the castle walls, and soon the rest of 
the West may storm the ramparts. 

Cracks or not, the 49ers are still à very 
good football team. They will be until 
quarterback Joe Montana stops throwing 
passes and heads for the Hall of Fame. 
And then there's the incomparable Jerry 
Rice, who had 100 catches for 1502 yards 
and 13 T.D.s. But when Roger Craig hurt 
his knee, opposing defenses began to ig- 
nore the run, forcing Montana into a ca- 
reer-high 16 interceptions. The 49ers 

had to press, coming from behind nine 
times. The defense played brilliantly, 
with linebacker Charles Haley providing 
the perspiration and safety Ronnie Lott 
the inspiration, But the days of ‘Niner 
dominance were numbered, even before 
Craig fumbled against the Giants in the 
МЕС. championship game and San 
ncisco lost its chance to make history. 

Now coach George Seifert, who 1 
lost only four -season games in 
two years, seems to have more questions 
than answers. Who will replace. Craig. 
Lott and Matt Millen, lost to Plan Bz Can 
offensive tackle Bubba Paris and nose 
tackle Michael Carter, both well over 300 
pounds last year, win the battle of the 
bulge? Will one of the best quarterbacks 
in football, Steve Young, be content to 
watch from the side lines for vet another 
Season: Even owner Eddie DeBartolo, 
Ju. can't buy enough answers. 

H quarterback Chris Miller stays: 
healthy, this may be the year the Atlanta 
Falcons win more often than they lose— 
something that hasn't happened since 
the strike-shortened 1982 season (54). 
Miller was one of the top Q.B.s in the 
league last season (2735 yards and 17 
TDs) before breaking his collarbone. 
Now he's back, with a steel plate and sev- 
en screws, and coach Jerry Glanville's go- 
for-broke mentality will stoke the offense 
and the defense 

Glanville has installed June Jones, one 
of the original run-and-shoot innovators, 
as his offensive coordinator. In Atlanta, 
Ws called the Red Gun. Simply put, it 
means spreading the field with four wide 
receivers. The Falcons have а super of 
fensive line to protect Miller and his 
ded by six-time Pro Bowler 
mer Mike Kenn and 

The defense last season was strong 
against the run. (3.3 vards per carry. 
which was best in the league) and awful 
against the pass. Fhe Falcons added Tim 
Mckyer, obtained from Miami, who will 
team with Deion Sanders in the defensive 

H Miller doesmt hold up this year, can- 
cel all bets. Draft pick Brett Favre is t 
ented but hardly ready. À happy and 
productive Tony Casillas at nose tackle 
would be а welcome change of pace. 
Glanville must сипай his tendency to 
force the Falcons to overplay. 

Ihe New Orleans Saints made the 
-offs last season. That's a pretty good 
argument against the three-wild-card- 
team system introduced last year by the 
N.EL. The Saints couldn't or didn't want 
to sign starting quarterback Bobby 
Hebert, which forced them to play not- 
ready-for-prime-time Steve Walsh. They 
premiere running back Dalton 
d in game six to a knee injury. T 
Saints had the third-worst 1 over ratio 
inthe NEL. C12), commited 108 penal- 
ties on offense and wound up 23rd in 10- 
tal offense and 15th in defense. They 


In today's N.F 

season, the bulk of last year’s rushi 
went to the hulking Craig Heywa 
at 260 pounds gained less than three 
yards per pound for the year. 

Renaldo Turnbull and Wavne Martin 
are the future of the Saints’ defensive 
line. Ihe stars of today are at lineback- 
er—all four have been to the Pro Bowl at 
one tme or another. Ihe secondary 
misses veteran Dave Waymer, who left for 
the 49ers under Plan В before last sea- 
son. Kicker Morten Andersen is one of 
the best in the business. 

Now that Hebert has been signed, 
Walsh will have а chance to mature some- 
where other than in the middle of the 
held. A healthy Hilliard and а slimmer 
Heyward would bolster the offense. 
Someone besides Eric Martin (63 catch- 
es) must step forward from the receiving 
corps. And the Saints must hope their 
stellar linebacking corps has another 
good season or two left 

Last season, the Los Angeles Rams 
proved the corollary of the proposition 
“You win with defense." They didn't have 
much and won only five times. It was on- 
ly the second time the Rams have missed 
the play-offs since 1983. Coach John 
wed the gallows but had. 
ice much of his defensive coach- 
ing staff to owner Georgia Frontiere. Jeff 
Fisher is Robinson's new defe 
dinator. He learned his defense аз а Bear 
under Buddy Ryan and will shift the 
Rams from a three-four to an aggres- 
sive four-three. Fisher's problem is that 
the Rams don't really have much defens- 
ive talent beyond cornerback Jerry Gray 
ied five defensive players under 

nson was sp: 


but the here and now is dreary 

On ollense, quarterback Jim Everett 
shows a disturbing tendency to fold un- 
der the slightest hint of defensive pi 

sure. Still, his pals Henry Ellard 
Willie Anderson both totaled more th: 
1000 yards receiving. Running | 


nd Gary fumbled 12 times 
B signee Curt Warner was а bust. 
offensive is still а R. 
gth, though Pro Bowlers Jackie 


Slater and Doug Smith are 36 and 33, re- 
spectively. Kicker Mike Lansford was cut 
loose after а down year and former 

Tony Zende] 
e worth living in 

Houston Oiler 

Life will se 
lishes a more stubbe 
the pass A t 
© Rams c 
Here's hopi 

s signed 


ly when the defense estab- 
п attitude against 
gh schedule will nor help 

m oi 

se this s 

n wins. 

қ your t 



OWN- TE: 25 C ЕМЕ 


lobal warming has given certain fashion accessories ап Washed or brushed silk with a twill or Jacquard weave is the fabric 
entirely new sense of purpose. With winter less daunt- 10 choose, because it looks sharp and feels great against your skin. 
ing, scarves are coming in from the cold and are now We also like scarves that are about 54 inches long. Why? Because 
being tied or tucked into the collar of a sports jacket. too short a length doesn't give you the option of jauntily flinging, 
Rich solid-colored scarves and scarves with bright abstract prints опе end over your shoulder, as Bob Cratchit does in A Christmas 
bring а visual punch to subtle earth tones, slate grays and blues. — Caro/—in case old man winter decides to return with a vengeance. 


ind-nut pattern that reverses to black, by Bubb, aboi 
ilh boxing-ticket print, by Nicole Miller, about $80. Hand-painted geometric-patterned silk crepe scarf with rayon ft 

, $160. Wool challis and silk scarf with hand-painted Aztec pattern, by Marienbad, $110. Jacquard silk hand-sewn scarf wi 
ilk scarf with floral/paisley print, by Anselmo Dionisio, about $130. 

Where & How to Buy on page 178. 


Unstrapped INL 
How come we never saw a bathing suit like this at - 
the beach? Model/starlet JAY K. LEE struts her stuff 
in her new movie called, appropriately enough, 
Body Parts and was rewarded for undressing as 
1990's Miss Nude Alberta. We'll be happy to start 
the round of applause. 

A Uptown Cirls 
x$ We bet some serious dishing went on at (his table full of tal- 

“ж to right) traded notes on Liza's recent Radio City Music Hall 
show, Stepping Out, Eartha's recent gig at the Cafe Carlyle 
in New York and Joan's new book, Love & Desire & Hate. 
Eartha passed the breast test. 

Hitting the 
High Notes 
been singing forever, 
but when she toured 
with Tears for Fears, 
she stepped into the 
limelight. Circle of 
One, her gold debut 
LP, gave her name 
recognition. Now you 
can hear her soar. 


Ё N 7 

š x = 

š * ^ XN Delicious and 

š E pw Deee-Lite-ful 
ж If you've wondered what happened to hu- 

T mor іп pop music, check out DEEE-LITE and 
gold album World Clique. The music samples the Si 
Чез, Seventies and future decades. Put on your dancing shoes. 

Hidden Assets 

Actress TERRI BIVALACQUA has been 
all over your TV set, from Tales from 
the Crypt to Who's the Boss? to Robert 
Townshend's НВО Comedy Hour. Now 
that Grapevine has her, we expect Ter- 
ri to jump-start your fantasy life. 

Benched but 
Still Playing 

DENISE AMES hangs out on a park bench, taking 
a break between shooting The Last Boy Scout, starring Bruce 
Willis, and her video Dangerzone III. Denise does cute extremely well. 

Youth Wasn't 

on Young 

NEIL YOUNG is still 
here, he's still mak- 
ing good music and 
he's still following his 
conscience. Young re- 
cently came off a long 
tour with the band 
Crazy Horse in sup- 
port of its LP Ragged 
Glory. He períormed 
a little Hendrix, a lit- 
tle Dylan and a whole 
lot of Neil Young. 





“Sky Warriors Aerial Laser Combat is the only 
place in the world where nonmilitary people 
can learn dogfight maneuvers from former mili- 
tary fighter pilots,” says Jay Newell of Sky War- 
riors in Atlanta. And, no, you don't have to have 
а pilor’s license to make like à top gun in a 

1-34, because there'll be a skilled. pilot sitting 
right behind vou. The cost is 5490 а phase, 
which includes a briehing, flight, debriefing, vid- 
eo tape and beers, For more information, call 
Sky Warriors at 404-699-7000. Way to 1 


I being banned in South Africa 
buying the board game Suipthrees, then think of it as a conversa 
Чоп starter on such topics as AIDS and morality. As many as six 
players move about the board, picking up Strip Cards depicting 
various articles of clothing. When a player has a set of three Strip 
Cards of any one type, he can ask any other player to remove that 
article of clothing. And just to spice things up. there's а nasty Dev- 
il Card that entitles the lucky holder to ask anyone playing to do 
whatever he or she desires. Stripihrees costs $29.95. postpaid. 
sent to Tridiscard International, Citicorp Center. One Sansome 
Street. Suite 2100. San Francisco 94104. Or call 800-4 

sit а good enough reason for 


Looking to bone up on curling, falconry or 

sumo wrestling? Check out SportsBooks, a new 

bookshop at 8761 Beverly Boulevard, West 

w з а 90048 : Š 

Hollywood, California 90048, which houses _ m < GO JUMP! 

the world’s largest selection of sports books. > — 

Mong with new hardcover and soficover titles With bur 
jumping attracting 

thrill seekers from Van- 
couver to New Zealand. 


rare, out- 

{-print and signed books are avail- 

able, as well as unusual sports memorabilia 

A catalog costs one dollar, and il you're more an to take a leap into the 
armchair detective than а jock, there's always wild blue yonder. it 
The Mysterious Bookshop next door 4 ЖІ == figures that a newsletter 
7 on the subject isn't far 
A ` behind. À vear's sub. 

scription to Bungee 
Cords, published by the 
International Associat- 
tion of Bungee Enthusi- 
ам», costs $24 sent to 
LA.B.E., c/o Nancy 
Frase, 11593 North 
Shore Drive, Suite 12C, 
Reston, Virginia 22090. 
Recent issues have cov- 
ered the ups and downs 
of jumping from а hot- 
air balloon, with em- 
phasis on a subject n 
and dear to all bunge 
jumpers' pounding 
hearts—salety. Call 703 
435-0800 if you have 
any other questions. 


Has the Aberlour Di 
Scotland got a deal 
dollar equi 
tillery toda 
cases) of Aberlour's ten-ye 
malt Scotch will be del 
ry. the price doesn't include taxes and 

shipping.) Since the Decem- 
ber 31, we suggest that you contact Lan 

Mitchell at 212-725-9144 immediately. 

lery Company of 

Мег expir 


To commemorate its 25th y 1 Las Ve- 
gas, Caesars Palace is issuing 50,000 5: 
anniversary chips through April 30, 1992. 


Authentic Impressions Com- 
pany has kicked off the foot- 
ball season with a handsome 
limited-edition lithograph of 
Joe Montana. But what m: 
this 24"x 30" litho so 
ing is the three-dim 
impression in the right-hand 
comer of the cleat worn by 
Montana while leading the 
49ers to victory in Super Bowl 
XXIV. Each print is num 
bered and hand-signed by the 
artist, Francis Livingston, and 
by Montana. A litho can be 
ordered for $200 by calling 
Authentic Impressions at 500- 
EMBOSS-1. Touchdown! 

i Ev t 

Бек е 

A X 

мој a 


Вујоап Bannan 

Although any anniversary chips in use or 
in storage at Caesars will be destroyed aft- 
er that date, chips in the possession of 

s will be redeemable at 


Based on interviews with more than 300 men, Joan Bannan's Per 
fect Gifts Jor (Nearly) Perfect Men is a soficover look at “how t 
choose gifts lor men according to personality temperament”—Mr, 
Gregarious, Mr. Intense, Mr. Deep and Mr. Patient. There are also 
chapters on "What Everybody Likes and Nobody Likes.” “Nearly 
Perfect Colors for Gift: nd “Mr. Famous.” The last includes an 
erview with David Faustino (Bud Bundy of Married with Chil- 
dren). Price: $15.95, postpaid. To order, call 800-544-8174 

be worth much more as a collector's item, 
d mail a stack home—be- 
fore you hit the tables, of course. 

so stock up 


Want to know the phone 
number of Atchafalaya Delta 
Tourist Commission m Patter- 
son, Low „or the North- سا‎ 
ern Rodeo Association in TRAVEL 
Billings, Montana? Pick up a 
copy of The USA Travel Phone 
k-Help Guide 10 
Addresses and Tele- 

ation Travelers,” 
Persson. More th; 
1700 cities and 1600 attrac- 
tions are featured and there's 
even a list of area codes for 
states and major cities. Tt just 
may be the smartest 58.92 
you'll spend all year. 

















Also available. 
4n Box and 
100$ Soft Pack. 


Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Box. 11 mg. “tar” 0.9 mg. nicotine: Kings ard 1005, 
12 mg. “tar”, 0.9 mg-micatine-av. per cigarette by FTC method. 
