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GO AHEAD. GUYS. Admit it. You've thought how cool it would ђе 
to work at MTV, hanging out with rock stars, wearing funky 
clothes, checking out free concerts—kind of like a nine-to-five 
party with after-hours perks. Wrong! Thanks to а new fiscal 
sensitivity and a lot of disenfranchised youth, the cable chan- 
nel is taking its rock and roll very seriously these days. Doug 
Hill explains in Inside MTV (illustrated by Don Baum). 

As МТУ plots the future, many Americans still cope with 
the past. One of them is Ron Ridenhour, the Vietnam veteran 
whose persistence prompted an Army investigation of the My ч 
Lai massacre. Now, 25 years after that terrible morning in RIDENHOUR 
Vietnam, Ridenhour remembers a few who risked death and 
said no in Heroes at the Massacre. 

Heroism is also the subject of Liberté, Égalité, Sexualité!, an 
excerpt from Erica Jong's latest nonfiction book, The Devil at 
Large (Turtle Bay Books). In this case, the man of honor is 
novelist Henry Miller, whose lessons in love and lust, Jong 
writes, are as meaningful today as they were five decades ago. 

Sex and the supernatural are two of author Anne Rice's fa- 
vorite subjects. Her best-selling novels, including Tale of the 
Body Thief (excerpted in our October 1992 issue), feature ele- 
ments of both. But in a fascinating Playboy Interview, our book 
columnist, Digby Diehl, learns about her lesser-known works— 
novels that she calls “pornography” and staunchly defends. 

Books by Jong, Miller and Rice are probably all on the hit 
list of the Christian Coalition, a right-wing political group 
founded by televangelist Pot Robertson. In With God as Their Co- 
pilot, Joe Conason warns us of the organization's puritanical 
platform, and of its growing influence among conservative 
voters. Puritans take note: The impact of religion—and poli- 
tics—on sex is the focus of our advance look at The Janus GROSSBERGER. 
Report un Sexual Behavior (Jolin Wiley & Sons). The excerpt in 
The Playboy Forum may surprise you. 

On a lighter note, in The Biodome Chronicles (illustrated by 
Georganne Deen), Lewis Grossberger peeks at life inside a great 
hothouse experiment where there’s nothing but bubble trou- 
ble: The biofood stinks, the biobeach smells like cat litter and 
there's а serious shortage of biobabes. 

Mimi Rogers, the star of The Rapture and an cx-Mrs. Tom 
Cruise, is making a big splash—make that waves—in Нойу- 
wood. Find out why in Michael Angelis report. Or just enjoy ANGELI SE 
the rapturous lenswork of Michel Comte. Then join Contribut- 
ing Editor D. Keith Mano (author of Topless) in uncovering А 
Club of Опеу Own. With help from Contributing Photograph- 
er Byron Newman, Mano exposes the nation's classiest strip 
joints—where go-go is respectable and, yes, they accept Visa 
and Master Card. 

Did wc forget Laura Dern? How could anyone forget the 
sultry star of Smooth Talk, Wild at Heart and Rambling Rose? In 
this month's 20 Questions, Margy Rochlin gets Dern fessing up 
about her sexier moments on film as well as the advantages of 
G-strings, mooning and meditation. 

Ard lest you think our March issue is going out like a lamb, 
Bob Schapiro tracks down Fifties pinup Betty Page in our Update, 
Joe Haldeman offers a shocking piece of fiction called Feedback 
(illustrated by Philip Castle), Peggy Knickerbocker talks to red-hot 
celebrities about red meat in Men and Their Meat, Fashion Di- 
Tector Hollis Wayne enlists actor John Turturro to showcase the 
latest Italian menswear, Playmate Kimberly Donley talks about a 
few of her favorite things and we show you more of ours in 
The Playboy Collection. Roar! 



Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), March 1998, volume 40, number 3. Published monthly by Playboy in national and regional editions, Playboy, 
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices. 
Canada Post Canadian Publications Май Sales Product Agreement No. 56162. Subscriptions: in the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster: 
Send address change to Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, lowa 51537-4007. 5 



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PLAYBILL .. eigene AI US 26232 5 
DEAR PLAYBOY. . Я Ёс 222 65 11 
PLAYBOY AFTER НОЏКЅ............................ ا‎ ај 15 
UPDATE: BETTY PAGE............ 3 Sela ..BOBSCHAPIRO 32 
МЕМ: л, APE RUT ble Pe EN пика T. . ASA BABER 34 
THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR ........... nob ено esc РАВНО tico do 39 
THE PLAYBOY FORUM ....... оо 5 Duende shes 41 
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: ANNE RICE—candid conversation 53 
FEEDBACK—fiction 45 шүт JOE HALDEMAN ев 
LIBERTE, EGALITE, SEXUALITE!—orticle ......................... ERICA JONG 78 
ТНАТ”5 ITALIAN!—fashion .............. EE HOLLIS WAYNE 82 
HEROES AT THE MASSACRE—arlicle ....................... RON RIDENHOUR вв 
WITH GOD AS THEIR CO-PILOT—article ............... JOECONASON si 
INSIDE МТУ--аг ен уун нуун see ee eee see sss sss an,  DOUGHILL 82 
EN GARDE!—playboy’s playmate of the month s 
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor . |... 108 
THE BIODOME CHRONICLES—satire ................... LEWIS GROSSBERGER 110 
PLAYBOY COLLECTION—modern living 114 
А CLUB OF ONE'S OWN—pictorial .................... text by D. KEITH MANO 121 


Mimi Rogers is cruising on her own in search of her next rapture. Writer 
Michael Angeli dispels some gossip about this classy Hollywood beauty. 
Kudos to Stephen Earabino of Visages Style, L.A., for our cover, shot by Michel 
Comte. Thanks to Сета! and Joanne Gair of Cloutier for styling Mimi's hair 
and makeup, respectively. The gloves are by Adrienne Landau, corset by 
Anna Sui and skirt by Van Buren. Is that a feather in our Rabbit’s cap? 



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Box 809, Dept. 39510, Itasca, Illinois 60143-0809. 

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ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director 
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor 
TOM STAEBLER art director 
GARY COLE photography director 
KEVIN BUCKLEY execulive editor 


senior editor, FICTION: ALICE К. TURNER editor; 
FORUM: JAMES R. PETERSEN senior staff uriler; 
MATTHEW CHILDS associate edilor; MODERN LIV- 
ING: DAVID STEVENS senior editor: ED WALKER 050: 
ciate editor; BETH TOMKIW assistant editor; WEST 
KLUGER, BARBARA NELLIS associate editors; CHRIS. 
traffic coordinalor, DOROTHY ATCHESON publish- 
ing liaison; FASHION: HOLLIS WAYNE disector; 
VIVIAN COLON assistant editor; CARTOON: 
editor; ARLAN BUSHMAN assistant edilor; MARY ZION 
lead ‘researcher; CAROLYN BROWNE Senior re- 

Pore managing direclor; BRUCE HANSEN, 
KORIENEK associate director; KELLY O'BRIEN assis- 
tant director; ANN seii. supervisor, keyline/ 
ап assistants 


managing editor; LINDA KENNEY, ИМ LARSON 
DET assistant editor/entertainment; STEVE CONWAY 
associate photographer; DAVID CHAN, RICHARD ЕЕС 
contributing photographers; SHELLEE WELLS stylist; 
TIM HAWKINS librarian; ROBERT CAIRNS managen, 
studio/lab; Lorrie FLORES business manager, 
studio west 

JAMES SPANFELLER associate publisher 

MARIA MANDIS director; RITA JOHNSON manager; 
HOCKNEY, TOM SIMONEK associate managers 

BARBARA GUTMAN subscription circulation director; 
LARRY А. DJERE newsstand sales director; CINDY 
RAKOWITZ communications director 

PAUL TURCOTTE national sales director; SALES 
midwest, JAY BECKLEY, SEAN FLANAGAN пеш york, 
SON southwest 


ERIC SHROPSHIRE computer graphics systems direc- 
tor; EILEEN KENT editorial services manager; MAR 
CIA TERRONES rights & permissions administrator. 

cuustie HEFNER chairman, chief executive officer 


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Use your VISA, MasterCard, Optima, American Express or 
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Playboy, P.O. Box 809, Dept. 39515, Назса, Illinois 60143-0809. 

There is a $3.00 shipping and handling charge per total order. 
Illinois residents add 6.75% sales tax. 


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Contributing Editor David Sheff’s 

Playboy Interview with actress Sharon 
Stone (December) is a league above any 
other interview with her I've read, Stone 
is smart, witty and purely amazing. Her 
comment about the ways in which we 
bury things about ourselves out of po- 
liteness or fear of facing who we might 
actually be (which she discovered while 
doing Basic Instinct) is wise and true. 1 
propose that Stone become a spokesper- 
son for blondes. She's the living antithe- 
sis to dumb-blonde jokes. 

Michael McCarthy 

Dracut, Massachusetts 

Sharon Stone not only shows us just 
how intellectual the “ice-pick princess” 
really is but also contributes a powerful 
voice for a nonbitter, pacifist feminism. 
Stone never comes across as a vindictive 
or unhappy person, yet she has a clear 
and unromanticized perspective on the 
problems of being a woman in the film 

Brandon Radisic 
Mount Airy, North Carolina 

Um from Meadville, Pennsylvania, 
Sharon Stone's hometown. Sharon's 
done great things with her life, and I'm 
proud that she grew up in this area 
(home of Dad's Dog Food and the Zip- 
per). I only wish she weren't so negative 
about us. She should be proud that she 
came from a «тай town and has risen so 
far in the world. I admire her. 

Kim Lesher 
Meadville, Pennsylvania 


Thank you for your Generation X pack- 
age in the December issue, fcaturing 
Generation X, by Dean Kuipers, and Love 
Among the Xers, by Anita Sarko. 

People my age (34) often feel lost in all 
the media attention directed toward 
baby boomers. A few more articles for 
Xers, including some by music and 

movie critics with our taste, and you will 
have a most excellent magazine. 

Tom Arnold 

St. Paul, Minnescta 

Im writing to tell you how much I 
love the articles on Xers. I love Robert 
Tilton. 1 love Tribbles. I hate boomers 
and their fucking baldness and pathetic 
auempts to glamourize their youth. 1 
Harly refuse to sell out to anyone or апу- 
thing. The only thing 1 think Kuipers 
and Sarko missed (at least in my case) is 
our stunted attention span and our fasci- 
nation with young pale English bands (I 
love P. J. Harvey and Revolver). 

“Joshua D. Saitz 
San Francisco, California 

What a surprise when I pulled me De- 
cember PLAYBOY out of my mailbox. 
"There I find a sliver of my own psyche 
mirrored in your feature on Generation 
X. There is my Ouija, my formidable 
Charlie's Angels, Brady Bunch and 
Bionic Woman 

ОР course there is more, much more 
To the baby boomer, we're wily, we're 
arch, we're detail oriented—all that is 
correct. Our true nature and potential 
have only barely begun to show, though 
our majestic and growing power was felt. 
in the recent voter turnout. And мић the 
election of Bill Clinton, it's now our dad 
in the White House. Watch us grow as 
we heal the extended dysfunctional fam- 
ily called the U.S. of A. 

Tracy LeGrand 
"Tulsa, Oklahoma 

1 found your section on the X Genera- 
tion to be one-sided and biased. A more 
appropriate term would be the Whiner 
Generation. There are many of us from 
the post-boomer generation who are sick 
and tired of our whining contempo- 
raries blaming their miserable lives on 
the baby boomers and Reagan and 
Bush. We detest having multiculturalism 
shoved down our throats. We don't eat 








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tofu for breakfast, and we're tired of be- 
ing called out of touch if we believe in 
traditional family values. We believe that 
we control our own destinies, and we 
refuse to blame anyone except ourselves. 
It's time these whining Xers took control 
of their lives instead of sitting around 
waiting for someone to do it for them. 
Dominick J. Swinhart 
Raymond, Washington 



If ever a PLAYBOY article corresponded 
with the circumstances of my life, it is 
Robert Scheer's Reporter's Notebook in the 
December issue, “I Never Paid What 
Bill?” Like Scheer, just as 1 was about to 
make a major purchase in my life, I dis- 
covered that my credit record was “bad.” 
11 was filled with inaccuracies, false in- 
formation, the history of someone whose 
name is the same as mine who once lived 
in this city and several debts that should 
have been removed years ago. 

Like Scheer, I went to work with all 
the energy of righteous indignation to 
clear up my record. My sympathies to 
Scheer, as well as my heartfelt congratu- 
lations for an article that everyone who 
has ever been in undeserved credit hell 
and battled it out will appreciate. 

Robert Johnson 
Scranton, Pennsylvania 

Robert Scheer was right on. I followed 
his advice and cleared an inaccurate 
credit report Thank you. 

John Fall 
San Diego, California 

Thank you, rLAYBoY and Buck Henry, 
for The Betty Boom in the December issue. 
When I was growing up in the mid- 
Fifties, one couldn't open a “girlie” mag- 
azine without finding a photo of Betty. 
For a while she was the Fifties’ Cindy 
Crawford, Cher and the Snap-On Tool 
girl allin one. Your nude photos showed 
a side of her career that this (at the time) 
youngster never knew existed. 
Charles Р Hall 
Chicago, Illinois 

When 1 was 14, Betty Page got my 
hormones racing. I wondered if anyone 
could actually be that beautiful. Even 
now, her slightly naughty image and pure 
sexual ooze give Madonna competition. 

Floyd W. Brown 
Belmont, Massachusetts 

A thousand thanks to PLaYBoY and 
Buck Henry for the pictorial article on 
Betty Page. However, as to Henry's ob- 
servation that Betty's hips are beyond 
the current criteria of acceptable beauty, 
that is so for only those men who have 

no imagination and taste. 
Betty is nota hard-rock-video star. She 
is, instead. autumn leaves, rolling coun- 
12 tryside, a brownstone building where 

friends sit and talk together. She is a 
Mozart concerto. She has lefi, at least for 
me, the legacy of a woman you want to 
know and whose opinions you value: the 
smile of friendliness, the love of goofi- 
ness, the sense of human vulnerability 
that eludes us today. This is Betty to me. 
David |. Van Meer 
Mount Vernon, Washington 
Betty to us, Dave, is alive and well in south- 
em California. To find out how we found her, 
check our "Update" feature on page 32. 


Thanks for yet another great Play- 
mate, Miss December, Barbara Moore 
(The Moore, the Merrier). She fits naturally 

into the Fifties backdrop. This beauty 
from the Volunteer State is one for 
whom I would volunteer to go back to 
the Fifties or any other time. 
Robert Smitherman, Jr. 
Norway, South Carolina 

Barbara Moore’s radiant beauty is 
matched only by her brilliant outlook on 
life. Many thanks to Contributing Pho- 
tographer Stephen Wayda and everyone 
at PLAYBOY for delivering my Christmas 
present early this year. 

Eric |. Keller 

Seaule, Washington 

I just had the opportunity to meet 
Barbara Moore at a local autograph ses- 
sion. Wow! Not only is she completely 
gorgeous, she has a personality that 
matches her sweet smile. Barbara is easi- 
ly the brightest Nashvillian Ive seen 
since moving here. She gets my vote for 
Playmate of the Year. 

J. В Weir 
Nashville, Tennessee 


When photographer Helmut Newton 
(20 Questions, PLAYBOY, December) says 
he's looking for a smart secretary, what 

exactly does he mean? I'm а secretary 
and have been one for 12 years. My cdu- 
cation is in secretarial sciences. Every 
boss 1 have ever had has said, “You аге 
the most valuable person on ту май,” 
and yet I am always the lowest paid. 
Maybe I'm not so smart, because I 
continue to stay in a profession that gives 
me about as much respect as a prosti- 
tute. And even though Га like to feel 
that this is a somevhat worthwhile pro- 
fession, so long as people like Helmut 
Ncwton continue to imply that secre- 
taries aren't smart, 1 will continue to be 
confused as to whether I should be 
proud or ashamed of what I do. 
Mona Lee Soderberg 
Leo, Indiana 

Someone should tell Helmut Newton, 
with his fascination for Amazons, that 
Amazons display one breast because they 
have only one breast. The other, accord- 
ing to myth, is removed (burned off with 
a hot iron, if I remember correctly) so it 
won't interfere with their bowstrings 
when they hunt or fight. 

Paul A. Alter 
Hyattsville, Maryland 

"Thanks to Contributing Photogra- 
phers Stephen Wayda and Richard Feg- 
ley. Your December photo essay on Jessi- 
ca Hahn (My Fifteen Minutes of Fame Are 
Up. Not!) is fabulous. Hahn should be 
striving toward the future instead of 
clinging to the demons of her past (Jim 
Bakker, among them). Ironically, in the 
same issue you recount Betty Page’s 
rags-to-almost-riches-to-rags dream. 1 
hope that in Hahn's case, history doesn't 
repeat itself. 
Donald Dreh 
Browerville, Minnesota 

Аз someone who was impressed with 
her first visit to your pages, I must agree 
that Jessica Hahn looks better each time 
she appears. Her photos reveal a woman 
who has become comfortable with her- 
self and the direction her life has taken. 
I wish her the best of luck as she contin- 
ues her career. 

William E. Ferguson 
Overgaard, Arizona 

Bob Garfield’s observation on auto- 
motive journalism (Media, PLAYBOY, De- 
cember) is naive. Car and Driver isn't any 
more in bed with GM or Nissan than 
Stereo Review is with Bose. Car and Driver 
has been one of the Big Three's harshest 
critics, urging them to downsize and pre- 
pare for the Japanese onslaught since 
the mid-Sixties. Detroit ignored its 
warning, and the rest is history. 
Vic Oberhaus 
Liberty Center, Ohio 

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Buster Simpson has cultivated a name 
for himself in the art world for his sculp- 
installations and earthworks. Back 
he was part ofa team that creat- 
ed an environmental sculpture in the 
town of Woodstock, New York. Almost 
immediately after the piece was in- 
stalled, it was taken apart and used for 
fuel and shelter by the 400,000 partygo- 
ers who converged on the town during 
that summer. Since then Simpson has 
remained busy. His oeuvre includes a 
wind-powered sculpture that smashes 
bottles for recycling, dinner plates cast 
at a Wisconsin toilet factory that are 
steeped in sewage (which forms a color- 
ful glaze when kiln-hired) and River Ro- 
laids—43-pound limestone antacid pills 
he places in rivers. The stones slowly dis- 
solve, helping to neutralize acidified wa- 
ter supplies. His latest project involves 
placing a commode over a pit and, when 
it is full, planting a tree in the enriched 
urban soil. The work gives the homeless 
а place to find relief and provides a sym- 
Бој of a society suffocating in its own 

We see London, we see France. Karl 
Lagerfeld has designed white cotton un- 
derpants for Chanel—which look very 
much like the Carter spankies we all 
have admired in the past. His version, 
however, costs $165. And that's not for a 


In the midst of fierce competition 
among New York hotels, down means 
up at the Mayfair Regent. As part of a re- 
cent renovation there, general manager 
Dario Mariotti instituted the hotel's pil- 
low bank—a collection of extra pillows 
available from room service. The bank 
lends down facial pillows with smooth 
cotton centers, down-and-feather head 
cradles and substantial body pillows 
Eighty percent of the guests order spe- 
cial pillows, with men preferring king- 
sized foam ones or back bracers. But the 

one most requested by women, not sur- 
prisingly is the snore stopper. 


Artwear Collection, an apparel com- 
pany, has come out with a line of T-shirts 
with artwork by William Wegman, Keith 
Haring, John Lennon, Herb Ritts and 
Albert Watson, with proceeds going to 
the American Foundation for Aids Re- 
search. We're pretty blasé about T-shirts, 
but these are well-made (of thick, beefy 
cotton), sufficiently oversized so that 
your girlfriend can swim in them and 
the images are funny (Wegman), sweet 
(Lennon) or both (Haring). They're 
available at aware shops around the 


А new business venture in Russia 
catering to the vodka-for-breakfast 
bunch now offers business cards that 
ING ADDRESS. The cards cost about two 
cents each and sales have taken off like, 
well, a shot. 



Japan's Yokohoma Rubber Company 
pulled hundreds of off-road tires from 
the market in Brunei after complaints 
from the Muslim community. It seems 
that the tread leaves a design that resem- 
bles a verse in the Koran. 


Another salty taste of pork in the mil 
tary budget: On a list of recently ap- 
proved projects at the Naval Hespital in 
San Diego was a study titled "Manage- 
ment of the Human Bite to the Penis.” 


When the De Paul University business 
school throws a costume party, its mar- 
keting department asserts itself. Last 
year it encouraged guests to dress up as 
trademark and product characters. This 
was the brainchild of marketing profes- 
sor Robert Pitts—who dressed as the po- 
litically incorrect Frito Bandito, while his 
wife came as a Hostess cupcake. Other 
participants donned the finery of the 
Jolly Green Giant and Litle Green 
Sprout. Brett Boyle, done up like a Кес- 
bler elf, couldn't name any of the elves— 
not even the head elf, Ernie—provoking 
comments that he should work more on 
his brand character identification. David 
Klenosky and his wife, citing leaner 
times, dressed as generic products, not- 
ing, “We'll have the basic black and white 
and we'll be priced lower than the com- 
petition, but we should be the same high 
quality.” Joel Whalen had to change his 
original idea of going shirtless and 
greased, as the Butterball turkey. He 
opted instead to go as the Ty-D-Bol 
man—which reinforces the notion that 
marketing and academe can coexist in a 
taste-free environment. 


Andrew Meredith, a third-grader 
from Council Blufis, Iowa, took first 
place in a national inventor's contest 
with Toilet Targets—litle floating giz- 
mos designed to improve boys’ aim. He 





According to a 
survey in the Annals 
of Internal Medicine, 
62 percent of the 
pharmaceutical ads 
in medical journals 
aimed at doctors 
were grossly mis- 
leading or down- 
right inaccurate. 


“Strutting, preen- 
ing, flirting, court- 
ing, dazzling, then 
capturing one ап- 
other. Then nesting. Then breeding. 
Then philandering. Then abandon- 
ing the fold. Soon drunk on hope, we 
of Love 

Percentage of Americans who com- 
muted to work on mass transit in 
1980: 6.4; in 1990: 5.3. Percentage of 
Americans who drove to work alone 
in 1980: 64.4; in 1990: 73.2. 

Average cost of a gallon of regular 
unleaded gas in 1980: $1.24; in 1990: 

Number of people killed in traffic 
accidents in New York City in 1990: 
643; percentage who were pedestri- 
ans: 52.4. 

Nationally, percentage of pedestri- 
ans in traffic accidents in 1990 who 
were under the influence of alco- 
hol: 72. 

According to U.S. intelligence 
sources, of all the U.S. spies stationed 
in East Berlin since World War Two, 
number who were not double agents 
for East Germany: 0. 


Percentage in- 
crease of the median 

mortgage payment 
in the U.S. during 
the Eighties: 26.9; 

percentage increase 
in median monthly 
rental payment: 16.1; 
percentage drop in 
median household 
income: 18.5. 

Among Americans 
earning $1 million ог 
more a year, percent- 
age of income they donated to charity 
in 1981: 10; in 1990: 4. 


Amount that American Cyanamid 
charges for a year’s supply of the 
drug Levamisole for treating worms 
in sheep: $14.95; amount that John- 
son & Johnson charges for a year's 
supply of Levamisole for treating 
colon cancer in humans: $1495. 

Number of prescription drugs on 
the market in the U.S.: 25,000; num- 
ber of prescriptions written by Amer- 
ican doctors each year: 1.7 billion. 

Total cost of prescription drugs in 
the U.S. in 1991: $67.3 billion. 


According to The Government Racket, 
by Martin L. Gross, the number of 
Americans employed in manufactur- 
ing jobs: 18.1 million; the number of 
Americans employed by government: 
18.7 million. 


At the turn of the century, number 
of farms in the U.S.: 5 million; num- 
ber of employees in the Department 
of Agriculture: 3000. Number of 
farms today: 2.1 million; number of 
Department of Agriculture employ- 
ees: 60,000. — PAUL ENGLEMAN 

said he got the idea when he noticed the 
boys’ room at school “smelled bad.” 


High finance in the airline industry: 
Delta says it will save $1.4 million in food 
and labor costs by eliminating the deco- 
rative piece of lettuce served under the 
vegetables on in-flight meals. 

The Simon Wiesenthal Center point- 
ed out that Iran's philatelic contribution 
to 1991's International Day of the Child 
commission was a stamp picturing a 
young boy throwing a rock through a 
window bearing the Star of David. 


Any time now, Willie Nelson's Hemp 
Clothes Collection should be hitting the 
stores. A line of backpacks, shirts and 
caps, the collection is woven from 
hemp—the plant from which marijuana 
flowers. The shirts have the feel of soft 
burlap, and this high-fashion statement 
vill cost about $75—or about the price 
ofa quarter ounce of Oaxaca ditch weed. 


After 12 years of Republicanism, it 
seems logical that 46-year-old psychedel- 
ic guru Terence McKenna. author of the 
autobiographical True Hallucinations, is 
enjoying success in the real world after 
years of underground culthood. At the 
core of McKenna's theories—he sees 
Adam and Eve's fall from grace as the 
first drug bust—is the concept that 
ancient humans ingested regular doses 
of psylocybin mushrooms that caused 
monogamy, among other things, to take 
a backseat to a more orgiastic social 
order. These early acid trips by our hom- 
inid ancestors sparked moral conscious- 
ness and created language, religion, phi- 
losophy, art and just about everything 
else that distinguishes us from apes. The 
bad news, according to McKenna, came 
with the climatic changes 12,000 years 
ago that made magic mushrooms scarce. 
Mankind's chemically induced enlight- 
enment gave way to the cold reality of 
the war-mongering, possession-based 
world we've erroneously dubbed civiliza- 
tion. Thankfully, though, sex is what 
provides the real underpinnings to soci- 
ety. Unlike other animals, "we bring our 
past experiences and expectations to 
each of our sexual encounters," says 
McKenna. Man also spices up his sex life 
with fetishes, rituals and costumes—as 
well as the obligatory dinner and movie. 
And that leads to McKenna's truly work- 
able definition of perversion: “Someone 
doing something you wouldn't do." 


ASLUCK would have it, 1 first heard Ice 
Cube's The Predator (Priority) right after 
listening to a speech, The Last Message, 
on The Malcolm X Story LP (Sugar Hill). 
Malcolm delivered it the night after his 
home was firebombed, only weeks be- 
fore his assassination. He worried that 
his life was in jeopardy, partly because 
his split with the Nation of Islam had 
been misunderstood by almost every- 
body. Yet his oratory was at its height. Ice 
Cube raps a year after the fire storm 
caused by 19915 Death Certificate, and 
only a few weeks before his second fea- 
ture film was released. He is undisguis- 
edly fearful that his carcer is in jeopardy, 
partly because his on-and-off association 
with the Nation of Islam has been mis- 
understood by almost everybody. Yet the 
music ranks with his most powerful. 

Ice Cube boasts that Death Certificate 
prophesied the L.A. riots (and damns 
Rodney King for trying to stop the ac- 
tion); motherfucks Billboard and its edi- 
tor (a music industry first) for condemn- 
ing his album; defends the beating of 
Reginald Denny; proclaims he'd like to 
pop a cop; and asserts his right to use 
“the | word" to describe his ex-manager 
Jerry Heller (a Jew). 

My problem is that irs ай so defen- 
sive. Unlike Malcolm, who unyieldingly 
pressed a proactive agenda, Ice Cube 
spends his whole album licking old 
wounds and, no matter how 4еШу he 
interweaves huge rumbling beats and 
smart samples, that's oppressive. The 
Predator suggests that the person most 
injured by the censoring of Death 
Certificate was not Cube's targets but the 
artist. Here's hoping that The Predator 
liberates him to move forward again. 

FAST CUTS: Bushwick Bill, The Little Big 
Mon (Rap-A-Lot): The most terrifying 
humanist on the planet effectively dra- 
matizes the gunpoint demise of his own 
eyeball. An ardent buttman, bitter ene- 
my of racism and, possibly, the most un- 
derestimated artist of his generation. 

Willie D, Goin’ Out Lika Soldier (Rap-A- 
Lot): Not since the Beatles has a group 
produced three solo artists as strong as 
Geto Boys Willie D, Bushwick Bill and 
Scarface. Willie's the toughest and fun- 
niest of the bunch—the one who raps 
Fuck Rodney King. Not recommended for 
fainthearted liberals. 


Morris Day is a victim of his carlicr 
successes. In the Eighties he was a funny, 
double entendre-spouting front man for 
the Time, the last great self-contained 

Ice Cube's powerful Predator. 

Oppressive rap, an 
impressive debut and 
some Irish Therapy? 

progressive R&B band. Immortalized in 
Purple Rain and as thc kad voice on a 
slew of signature hits (777-9311, Cool, 
Jungle Love), Day is as associated 
those exciting first years of the Min- 
neapolis Sound as Prince himself. 

Fast-forward a decade and listen to 
Guaranteed (Reprise), a ten-song collec- 
tion on which the singer struggles and 
fails to lose the ghost of his past. On 
material like Gimme Whatcha Gol, Day es- 
says thc tonguc-in-chcck approach of his 
glory days. Droll and self-consciously 
chauvinistic, Day always sounds more 
like he's doing stand-up comedy than 
singing. That's not a put-down—it's part 
of his appeal. But despite the best efforts 
of producers such as Bernard Bell, Guar- 
anteed plays more like a mediocre sitcom 
than a hit album. 

In contrast to Day, Sade has worked 
with the same band for cight ycars and 
four albums; cach has differed slightly in 
arrangement and subject matter, but all 
are unified in their sophistication and 
mellow intensity. Her albums seem more 
like chapters in a novel than separate 
Stories, Love Defuxe (Epic) is another sup- 
ple balance of funk-jazz grooves and 
Sade's sexy vibratoless vocals. Feel No 
Pain and Bullet Proof Soul are two stand- 
outsina beautifully consistent ninc-song 

rast CUTS: Booming funk grooves and 
hard rhyming attitude mark Redman's 
impressive debut, Whut? Thee Album 

(RAL/Chaos). Produced by the crew bc- 
hind EPMD, Redman's first release has a 
tough New York edge that's both old 
and new school. 


Hailing from Belfast, Therapy? has re- 
leased Nurse, its third album (its first on 
A&M), to a lot of hype that suggests the 
band's going to bc the Irish Nirvana. 
Which isn't all that far off as a comp: 
son. A power trio, they sound like civil 
war, they howl about alienation and they 
have good riffs. Especially recommend- 
ed here is Neck Freak, built on a pound- 
ing octave riff that will inspire all hu- 
mans under the age of 80 to pound their 
heads on the nearest sharp object. Also 
nearly as cool are Nausea, Teethgrinder 
and Perversonality, plus thc tosscd-in oc- 
самопа! dialog from grade B horror 
movies. If you see “em live, prepare 
yourself for an evening in the slam pit. 
Five-Eight, 1 Learned Shut Up (Sky), is 
another power trio, but nonmetal hard 
rock, equidistant between Neil Young 
and Hiisker Du. Songs amount to short 
stories in free verse, and the short stories 
are good, mostly about acid casualties 
(God Damn It Paul), falling in love with a 
suipper (Shes Dropping the Bomb) and 
reconciling the spiritual with the physi- 
cal (The Ape). Not recommended for 
sing-alongs, but it does have hooks. 

FAST CUTS: Joanna Connor, Fight (Blind 
ig): The obvious comparison is Bonnie 
„ since she's female and plays blues 
guitar. I say Connor's a soprano Johnny 
Winter. The thunderous distortion bar- 
rage that opens Robert Johnson's Walkin’ 
Blues should dispel all doubt that women. 
can’t play as hard as men. Most blues 
records miss the passion that made the 
original stuff so compelling. This one re- 
claims it all. 


Nirvana's Nevermind revitalized and 
transformed rock as dramatically as did 
the Sex Pistols, or even the Beatles. After 
a decade of droning alternative thrash 
and moan, Kurt Cobain reminded us 
that cathartic intensity and irresistible 
melodies could be allies instead of ene- 
mies, while chronicling the fractured in- 
ner lives of his generation as tellingly as 
rap reveals the anguish of the inner city. 
Incesticide (DGC), Nirvana's second ma- 
jor-label release, is more prequel than 
sequel to Nevermind’s teen spirituals. 
‘These B-sides, live obscurities and carly 
demos are a fascinating glimpse of a 
great band's growing pains. They grind, 




Ice Cube 
The Predator 6 

Whut? Thee Album. 

Redman 6 

Christgau | Gorbarini 
8 8 8 6 
5 6 8 6 
8 7 5 8 
6 8 6 6 
7f 7 5 7 

ment: According to a 120-page report 
recently made public through the 
Freedom of Information Act, the FBI 
tried in vain during the Sixties to 
figure out the lyrics to Louie Louie. 
The feds apparently played the Kings- 
men's hit record both backward and 
forward, using filters, computers and 
cryptographers, to no avail. They 
should have saved their money for 
PLAYBOY music critic and author Deve 
Marsh's upcoming tome, which traces 
the song’s long and colorful history— 
and provides the lyrics. We'd print 
the words, but we'd rather you went 
out and bought Dave's book. 

ments are filming a sequel that will be 
set in New York. Expect another 
sound track LP. Documentary 
filmmaker Robert Mugge (who made 
Deep Blues with Dave Stewart and Robert 
Palmer) has another movie currently 
making the film-festival rounds: Pride 
and Јоу: The Story of Alligator Records, 
featuring Elvin Bishop, Koko Taylor, Lon- 
nie Brooks and Katie Webster, among 
others. . . . Look for country заг К.Т. 
Oslin to havea starring role in the new 
Peter Bogdanovich movie, A Thing 
Called Love. . . . House of Pain's Erik 
Shrody will play a bad guy in Judgment 
Night, starring Emilio Estevez. 
Madonne's company is making Snake 
Eyes, fcaturing the Material Girl and 
Harvey Keitel. The low-budget movie is 
about the movie biz. 

NEWBREAKS: Blues lovers alert: The 
Grove Press Guide to the Blues on CD, by 
Frank-John Hadley, is out. . . . Paul Me- 
Cariney is finishing up his new LB and 
he had so much fun touring the last 
time, he plans to do it again. . . . Pro- 
ducer Phil Ramone is working with 
Bloodline, a blues-based rock band fea- 

turing the sons of famous musicians, 
including Waylon Krieger (son of the 
Doors' Robbie), Aaron Davis (son of 
Miles) and Berry Oakley, Jr. (son of the 
Allman Brothers’ bassist). . . . Nirvana's 
LP of new songs will be recorded in 
Seattle for release this spring or sum- 
mer. . . . Neil Young and John Mellen- 
camp have set the date for Farm Aid 
1993: April 24th, in Ames, Iowa. . . . 
Аз we've already told you, Pete Town- 
shend's Tommy will hit the Big Apple in 
April. The Broadway run will be fol- 
lowed by a national tour. . . . Look for 
a 25th-anniversary CD boxed set and 
tour by Jethro Топ... . A new World Par- 
ty LP and a solo outing by Paul Wester- 
berg are also on the way. . . . Phil Collins 
will host the 1992 Billboard Music 
Awards and Genesis will perform. . 

"Ihe U2 Zoo ТУ tour may provide the 
basis for a CD-I scheduled for the fall. 
The band got together with Philips 
Interactive Media of America to de- 
velop a version of interactive рго- 
gramming fans can play at home. If 
all goes well, it will cost less than $40 
for do-it-yourself interviews, a music 
video, animation and "bogus TV" 
from the show. The classical LP 
The Juliet Letters, recorded by Elvis 
Costello and London's Brodsky Quartet, 
precedes an American tour. Don't 
worry too much about this new wrin- 
kle. One of the new classical numbers 
is titled Dear Sweet Filthy World. . . . Fi- 
nally, Yuri Komilov, general director of 
the official Russian Music Archives, 
says there is more than dassical music 
in the archives, and he plans to check 
it out. The general director is cur- 
renily searching for an exclusive Roy 
Orbison concert tape from Bulgaria 
made in 1984. The new Russia knows 
its Wilburys. — BARBARA NELLIS 

howl and thrash around as flashes of 
brilliance pop out: the melody line in 
Slain, some meaty bass meshing with 
shifting rhythms on Turnaround and the 
fully enlightened Been a Son. Those 
sweet crunching chords, pungent har- 
monies and poignant vocals sound like 
nothing you've ever heard before and 
everything you've ever loved. OK, Son 
may be the only masterwork here. But 
watching them slouching a bit more 
toward Nirvana on each tune is worth 
the trip. 

FAST CUTS: Stevie Ray Vaughan and 
Double Trouble, In the Beginning (Epic): 
Posthumous primal blues-rock from a 
master in the making. 

The Allman Brothers Band, The Fill- 
more Concerts (Polydor Chronicles): Pol- 
ished primal blues-rock from masters in 
their prime. 


Madonna's Sex is sexier than the re- 
viewers clim. Both the pictures and 
writing are smart and well-observed 
enough to prove, yet again, that when 
critics say porn is boring, they're proba- 
bly lying, blocking or both. Madonna's 
Erotica (Maverick/Sire), on the other 
hand, is less sexy than the artiste pre- 
tends. Only the title tune, the rap boast 
Did You Do It? and Where Life Begins, an 
invitation to eat her pussy, are as risqué 
as run-of-the-mill steam-bath disco. But 
again, you can ignore all reports of how 
tedious it is. 

The latest line on Madonna makes her 
a full-time celebrity whose musical inter- 
ests are now the sideline they deserve to 
be. You know how it goes: She can't sing, 
isn't much of a dancer and plays fewer 
instruments than the Monkees. Some- 
how, the scheming bitch revitalized 
dance music and got her name on a 
string of dynamite singles before turning 
album artist in the Nineties. Her сх- 
ploitation of prerock pop on I’m Breath- 
less was a playful tour de force. And on 
Erotica, the sexier beats establish a quiet 
vocal attack that undercuts her tendency 
to overemote on the AIDS ballad In This 
Life and the brother-and-sisterhood an- 
them Why's It So Hard. Combining the 
understated disco sawy of her ground- 
breaking early music with the pop ambi- 
tion that followed, Frotica packs unprec- 
edented strength and staying power. 
Boring, my foot. 

rast cuts: Ya Niesa Dalienst & Le 
Maquisard, вео (Sango Music): Fran- 
co-Zairean soukous at its most sinuous. 

Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mo- 
cambique, Independence (Piranha): Dance 
music from Mozambique, and every- 
where. (Both available from Stern's 
USA, 598 Broadway, New York, New 
York 10012.) 

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STRETCHING his talent in fascinating new 
directions, Michael Douglas plays a Los 
Angeles man on the slope of civilization 
in Falling Down (Warner). Divorced, out 
of work and generally feeling screwed 
over, he abandons his car, his scruples 
and his fragile sanity to go on a ram- 
page. Detective Robert Duvall, about to 
enter early retirement, takes it upon 
himself to track Douglas down. They 
don't meet face-to-face until the stirring 
climax of director Joel Schumacher's 
taut, штеју drama about a modern 
world in decline. Complementing them 
are a trio of scene-stealers: Tuesday 
Weld as Duvall's neurotic, housebound 
wife, Rachel Ticotin as his policewoman 
pal and Barbara Hershey as Douglas’ 
overwrought ex-wife. Falling Down finds 
a subversive streak of humor in its un- 
heroic Everyman who challenges a pair 
of muggers, holds up а fast-food joint 
that offers indifferent service and begins 
to flail away at the status quo. He is fear- 
some but hard to hate. ¥¥¥/2 

Four young businessmen sharing a 
pad in Chicago are addicted to practical 
jokes in Watch 1t (Skouras). The tide of 
this lightweight comedy is also the victo- 
ry cry shouted each ште a guy succeeds 
in putting one over on an unsuspecting 
chum. They're pretty juvenile for their 
age, which appears to be 30, but that is 
more or less the point. Jon Tenney, John 
C. McGinley and Тот Sizemore are the 
original threesome, with Peter Gallagher 
аза cousin who joins the fun and games. 
Finally cuz wakes up to the fact that 
there may be more to life than jumping 
out of a refrigerator to say boo or con- 
vincing a habitual womanizer that his 
latest conquest is pregnant. Adroitly 
playing the young women whose pa- 
tience is tested while the guys grow up 
are Cynthia Stevenson (as a forthright 
teacher), Suzy Amis (as a veterinarian) 
and Lili Taylor (as her tart receptionist) 
Writer-director Tom Flynn builds to a 
satisfying comic payoff. зүүг 

Like Water for Chocolate (Miramax) 
comes from Mexico with love, subütles 
and even a few tantalizing recipes. Based 
on a novel and screenplay by Laura Es- 
quivel, producer-director Alfonso Arau’s 
offbeat romantic fable has a heroine 
named Tita (Lumi Cavazos) whose cook- 
ing has aphrodisiac properties. Her be- 
loved Pedro (Marco Leonardi) is forced 
by family tradition to marry her elder 
sister. A year later, Tita whips up a dish 

22 of quail with rose-petal sauce and has all 

Duvail keeps from falling down. 

Angst and ardor from 
all over, plus some 
last-minute Oscar bids. 

the guests in heat. Another sister is so ЄХ- 
cited she strips off her clothes and rides 
away on the back of a wild rebel’s horse. 
Decades pass before Tita and Pedro 
manage to get together. All in all, the 
years go quickly in an сгойс, bookish 
and delectable vintage tale of unrequited 
love—Mexico's choice for Academy 
Award consideration. ¥¥¥ 

"There's so much good work in Chaplin 
(TriStar), particularly by Robert Dow- 
ney, Jr—taking giant steps in the title 
role—that you keep wishing the movie 
would soar. Unfortunately, the miracle 
never happens. Director Richard Atten- 
borough's conventional star-studded 
tribute to the great Charlie Chaplin has 
Кемп Kline as Douglas Fairbanks Sr., 
Diane Lane as Paulette Goddard and 
Geraldine Chaplin as Hannah Chaplin 
(her own grandmother). But excerpts 
from Chaplin classics upstage everyone 
and everything, including Downey's deft 
imitation of the legendary clown off- 
screen, young and old. Despite Atten- 
borough's earnest effort, Charlie just 
can't be successfully recycled or cut 
down to size. УУ 

A ditzy peroxide beautician from Dal- 
las also happens to be an ardent fan of 
the Kennedys. On the day of JFK's 1963 
assassination, she dons а pillbox hat, 

defies her couch-potato husband (Brian 
Kerwin) and drives off to see the pre 
dent and first lady. Thus begins Love 
Field (Orion), acted by Michelle Pfeiffer 
as the impulsive Lurene with a down- 
home drawl to complement her blonde 
roots. Don Roos’ unabashedly sentimen- 
tal screenplay, subtly directed by Jon- 
athan Kaplan, evolves into a road movie 
named for the Dallas airport, but with 
double meanings galore. Aboard a Grey- 
hound bus bound for Washington to 
attend Kennedy’s funeral, Lurene meets 
a black man (Dennis Haysbert making 
waves in a role Denzel Washington de- 
cided against) and his little girl (Steph- 
anie McFadden). Wrongly suspecting 
that she has come upon an abducted, 
abused child, she phones the FBI and 
the movie gains momentum as a cross- 
country odyssey about cops, the color 
barrier, stifled lives and a nation in crisis. 
Briefly premiered last year on both 
coasts to qualify for Oscar consideration, 
Love Field stretches logic here and there 
but gives Pfeiffer front-runner status in a 
year with a short list of winning roles 
for women, ¥¥¥ 

A surprisingly subdued Madonna, of- 
ten more believable than beautiful in 
Body of Evidence (MGM), ccrtainly knows 
her business. Her business here is a pure 
pulp melodrama. Director Uli Edel 
takes the girl out of Sex and puts her in- 
to a negligible screenplay about a slow- 
burning bombshell charged with mur- 
der. Looks bad when her lover, a wealthy 
older man, leaves her $8 ion after 
dying flagrante delicto and in handcuffs 
Madonna woos her defending attorney 
(Willem Dafoe) in tiüllating interludes 
of bondage, sodomy and cool wine over 
hot wax on a nude torso. Their law- 
yer-client relationship moves from stair- 
way-groping to floor to bed to a car roof 
covered with broken glass. As the prose- 
cutor, Joe Mantegna grills top actors 
such ás Frank Langella and Jurgen 
Prochnow, who testify to the lady's sexu- 
al proclivities. Body qualifies as quintes- 
sential Madonna: flashy in-your-face en- 
tertainment that pushes the envelope of 
mainstream amorality, ¥¥¥ 


Crippled by а New York taxi accident, 
а soap-opera star (Mary McDonnell) re- 
tires to her old home in Louisiana's Ca- 
jun country. Angry and self-pitying, she 
behaves like a bitch and can't keep the 
help she requires because her bad tem- 
per drives them away. Finally, a young. 
black woman (Alfre Woodard) with а 
questionable past shows up. This has to 
be the beginning of a beautiful friend. 
ship, and Pession Fish (Miramax), written 

e | 
бето ol cherry Compery. ver Islend. Lousiana 70513 Зи a 

га | 

Yimou: the envelope, please. 


Winning a third successive Os- 
car nomination this year for The 
Story of Qiu Ju seems a safe bet for 
Zhang Yimou (pronounced јомс ee- 
mo) The 42-ycar-old Chinese 
filmmaker's eligible new comedy is 
likely to be an Academy entry on 
the heels of his erotic ји Dou and 
Raise the Red Lantern, the first С 
nese Oscar candidates ever. Both 
were, until recently, banned in 
their horneland. “Sex is still a very 
taboo subject,” says Zhang, who 
feels his previous nominations 
helped break the ice. 

In New York, wearing casual 
threads like any hot director, 
Zhang doesn't dream of big finan- 
cial rewards. "In China, if you 
drive a car or become wealthy, 
people look funny at you. Making 
а lot of money abroad doesn’t 
mean anything. What would I do 
with it?" Austerity suitsa man who 
normally resides in studio-owned 
houses costing "three to five dol- 
lars monthly from a salary of about 
forty dollars a month.” Major 
perks such as free cars are re- 
served “for Olympic athletes— 

Zhang's main Western-style in- 
dulgence is a relationship with 
Gong Li, the traffic-stopping star 
of all his films. “We are going 
out but don't live together” 
says Zhang, who's divorced. "Of 
course, any relationship between 
unmarried people is against the 
law. But people do it.” He's now 
producing a movie in Paris, with 
Gong Li “as a Chinese artist who 
painted many nudes.” Meanwhile, 
he is cheered by reaction to her 
atypical role as Qiu Ju, a pregnant 
peasant fighting the bureaucracy: 
"It's the first time I've heard peo- 
ple laugh during my films. Qiu Ju 
concerns the difficulty of getting 
an apology. This is very Chinese.” 

and directed by John Sayles, lifts its 
soap-opera plot out of mediocrity with 
an intelligent screenplay and superior 
performances by McDonnell and Wood- 
ard. Their testy encounters keep things 
humming, with David Strathairn add- 
ing helpful earth tones as an unhappily 
married handyman who has hankered 
for McDonnell since he knew her in high 
school. The odd title is a reference to 
marine life in the bayou, but Passion Fish 
may hook you before you wipe the suds 
out of your eyes. ¥¥¥ 

A critical hit down under, The Last Days 
of Chez Nous (Fine Line) seems to pick up 
where director Gillian Armstrong left off 
with My Brilliant Career, which won her a 
carload of awards—including Australia’s 
Best Film—in 1979. The budding ca- 
rccrist then was a bright young woman 
who aspired to be a writer. Chez Nous 
original screenplay (by a different au- 
thor) concerns a successful novelist (Lisa 
Harrow) living in a ramshackle house in 
Sydney with her teenaged daughter, a 
boarder, her Furopean second husband 
(Bruno Ganz) and a flaky prodigal sister 
(Kerry Fox) back from her rambles 
abroad. While the writer is away on a 
sentimental journey, trying to get closer 
to her father, her husband and sister get 
closer than anticipated. “If I had anoth- 
er wife, I could love you better" is her es- 
tranged husband's flimsy rationale for 
infidelity. While the writer lets go of 
everything but her self-esteem, Harrow 
makes losing look like a learning experi- 
ence almost worth the pain. ¥¥¥ 

Hot-wired, if a mite monotonous, in 
Hoffa (Fox), Jack Nicholson plays the 
"Ieamster boss through the years as а 
bombastic but steadfast friend of the 
working man. Period. His nemesis, At- 
torney General Robert Kennedy (Kevin 
Anderson), is depicted as a headline- 
hunting pip-squeak who railroads Jim- 
my into prison. Danny DeVito, promi- 
nently cast as a Hoffa aide, also directed 
the idolatrous biography by playwright 
David Mamet—though only a screen 
credit and a stream of four-letter words 
suggest the Mamet touch. Hoffa's al- 
leged Mafia connections shrugged off, 
the labor leader seen here has no private 
life—just a loving grandchild waving 
goodbye and a generally silent wife who. 
appears beside him at public functions. 
And get set for yet another assassination 
theory about Hoffa’s mysterious 1975 
disappearance. At the strained climax— 
music up and slow motion as Jimmy is 
shot dead with a flourish—you can al 
most feel Hoffa ascending to that big 
truck stop in the sky. Honk if you believe 
in Hoffa. ¥¥ 


capsule close-ups of current films 
by bruce williamson 

Bad Lieutenant (Reviewed 12/92) This 
urban outlaw is Harvey Keitel. ¥¥¥ 
Body of Evidence (See review) Love 
kills, and exhibit A is Madonna. ¥¥¥ 
Chaplin (See review) So-so bio, with 
Downey, Jr., superb as Charlie. УУ 
The Crying Game (1/93) Irish acts of ter- 
ror sabotaged by love. win 
Damage (1/95) Jeremy Irons in the 
fire with his son's fair lady. Wy 
Ethan Frome (12/92) Infidelity on its fa- 
mous collision course. Wr) 
Falling Down (See review) Bad vibes 
bring on a breakdown in L.A. УУУ/: 
A Few Good Men (2/95) Courtroom dra- 
ma with plenty of dazzle. Wy 
Forever Young (2/93) They thaw Mel 

Gibson but can't save the plot. УУ 
Hoffa (See review) The glorified rise 
and fall ofa labor czar. P 

Intervista (12/92) The great Fellini re- 
calls how movies used to be. wy 
Into the West (Listed only) Dublin lads 
on the lam with a horse. yy 
Just Another Girl on the LR.T. (Listed on- 
ly) Subwayward teenager. зу 
The Last Days of Chez Nous (Sce review) 
Domestic stress down under. wy 
Leop of Faith (Listed only) As a con 
man of God, Steve Martin has pizzazz 
in a not-quite-credible tale. Wh 
Like Water for Chocolate (See review) 
Fantasizing south of the border. ЗУУ 
Lorenzo’s Oil (Listed only) Medical 
miracles, with Susan Sarandon and 
Nick Nolte as heroic parents. wy 
Love Field (See review) Romance in the 

wake of disaster in Dallas. wy 
Mac (2/93) Family affairs recalled and 
directed by John Turturro. vvv 

Malcolm X (2/93) Denzel Washington. 
at his best in a monumental bio. ¥¥¥ 
Passion Fish (See review) Two women 

bonding against all odds. wy 
Peter’s Friends (1/93) Brits let it all 
hang out on New Year's Eve. УУУ 

Rain Without Thunder (2/93) Pro and 
con оп criminalizing abortion. УУУ; 
Riff-Ratf (Listed only) The lowdown 
blueprint on a London high rise. ¥¥/2 
Scent of a Woman (Listed only) As a 
blind, suicidal Army veteran on the 
town, Al Pacino hams ad nauseam. ¥ 
Strictly Ballroom (2/93) Corny drama 
but spectacular body English. УУ 
Used People (2/93) Several New York 
women get second chances—mainly 
Shirley MacLaine. Wh 
Watch It (See review) Another comic 
reminder that boys will be boys. ¥¥/2 

YY Worth a look 
У Forget it 

УУУУ Don't miss 
УУУ Good show 


| edo ino 



UNE ^ WERL 522202 ee S MIR 


Next full, the Marlboro Adventure Team will take on the American West. 
Not everyone can make it—but you can still be part of the action. 
Collect Adventure Team Miles on specially marked packs of Marlboro 
to get Official Team Gear—the gear designed to survive 600 miles of 
the toughest terrain on earth—Hell Canyon, Outlaw Gap, Lizard Rock. 
So go the distance. Getthe miles and деНће gear made for adventure. 

| <> AR и B А ~ === 

ит Pre  — n 
> “Ч 4 Ti 
» А 



3 Th 
$. , 


The Anorak. Tough enough to handle 

anything you can throw at it. 4-season 

nylon, mesh lined for ventilation. 

Rolltop hood converts into collar. 

Y-joint sleeves for full range of motion. 

Storm flapped zippers. 2 chest pockets, > 

zip pocket hand warmers & inside ч 
storage pocket. Red. 1, XL. 900 Miles. 



16 mg "таг. 1.2 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method 


Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 

Out here is no place for 


anything wimpy. Carabiner 
коти black anodized 
aluminum & steel. 5пар 
clasp holds tight around 
belt loops. Webbed nylon 
strip with ring for keys. 

55 Miles. 

This lighter cuts it where 
wet matches & cheap 
lighters can't. 

the Lees flame. 
Black h jh imp plastic. 
Quick release to 
Refillable with Көш. 
150 Miles. 

The Original Swiss Army Brand Watch customized for 
the Marlboro Adventure Team (M.A.T.), so you know 
it's precise 8. rock solid. Glow-in-the-dark numbers 
2 face. Stainless steel case with M.A.T. seal 
engraved on back. Sweep second hand. Quartz 
movement. Water resistant to 100 meters. Р 
3 year warranty. 1,200 Miles. 4 



РА ch 
as 41 
Р4 + 14 1,%.3 
A 44131531 
per уа У $ $i 
k * VEA 
5 66551 ғ 
î cigarette by FTC method. + $ 
4 à A 3*3 1» V 4$ Y 

Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 


Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 





The gear bag is a full 24 inches of 840 Denier 
nylon for good looks & toughness. Resists 
water, mud, trail dust & snakes. Comes 

with a plastic water bottle, shoulder strap, 
1.0. tag & a pocket for wet gear. Ё 
Red. 400 Miles. 


The waist pak is a duffle for your waist. 

1 full-length zip pocket & two smaller ones. 
Ergonomic shaped water bottle. Adjustable 
waist strap. Red. 170 Miles. 

16 mg "tar; 1.2 тў nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method 


Mariboro Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 

MUS SUE Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 


This is the «oolest sleeping bag 

around & will keep you warm even 

if the temperature drops to 0: 

100% DuPont Certified Quallofil™ 
Fiber is the reason. Sculpted hood with 
drawtight strings. Anti-snag quick 
release zippers. Water-resistant nylon © 
shell. Comes with its own stuffsack. ON 
Red. 1,350 Miles. = 

MOU BulADS 11045 OS 

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41504 WV3L ЭН та! 

хов таран аи ТА э > "xa 

202 > 

= dcn i A EL 

16 mg "tar; 1.2 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method 

Maribo Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 


If you're rafting down Satan's Gut, you better come 
prepared. The river shorts are quad nylon with 

a liner brief. VELCRO” close side & rear pockets have 
drain holes. Elastic waist with web belt. Black with 
red belt. M, L, XL. 200 Miles. 

*VELCRO is a registered trademark for fasteners of the Velcro companies. 


his rain gear is water-proof, 

Y “of course. onan eae 
zi er opening with a t-in > 
hood. 3 zip pod 


Soft & comfortable as a second skin. 
You won't want to take it off, ever. 
The Adventure Team pullover is ultra 
warm 100% poly fleece. Snap close 
neck. Lined side pockets. Elastic cuffs 
& waist to keep out the elements. 
Quick dr ing. ed with black & yellow 
trim. L, XL. 550 Miles. 

16 mg таг; 1.2 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. 


Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 


Big enough to carry everything on a 
Бан trek. Plus а detachable pack for 
m. и . Water-resistant nylon, wi 


shoulder & waist. 2 lo 
2 top pockets-1 inside, Tout. Inter 
frame can be contoured to fit you. 

Red. 1,000 Miles. 

16 mg "tar; 1.2 mg nicotine аугрег cigarette by FTC method 

Ub Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 

PRESENT EDRO Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 


These T-shirts are pure adrenaline. Each is 
sceened with a different Adventure Team 
attitude. 1. Dirt Bike; 2. Rafting; 3. 4x4. 
Cigarette pocket on front. 100% hefty cotton. 
Short sleeve. XL. 120 Miles each. 

Don't go a mile without the 
Official Team ащ Fast dry 
nylon with an x-long bill. 

In Sewn in sweat ba 

„ Adjustable. В Red. 85 Miles. 



~ 1 
Ceuta The Marlboro Adve tirt “2 
illtake on the Americo а: as 

Not everyone can make it 
but you can still be part of the 

Hell Canyon, Ovtldw бар, ны Rock. 
So go the distance. Get the miles | 

and get the v made for 17 4 4 

q 1аг Үд та nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. 1 1 
"= 1 / - 


Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, PRESENTED BY 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. RLBORO 


If the Official Gear Catalog is missing, write to: 
Marlboro Adventure Team, Р.0. Box 664 Whippany, NJ 07981. 
Requests must be received by May 31, 1993. 
Participation limited to smokers 21 years of age or older. 


Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, 
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 

18 mg "tar; 12 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by FTE method. apni Mars ine 1992, 


d н the ойша! me Catalog m to: Marlboro Adventure Team, P.0. Box 664 Whippany, NJ 0798]: 
i.c c. Réfverti mustbereceivedhy May 31, 1993. Participation limited to smokers 21 years of age or older. 



love film—any 

film,” says TV's Bob 

Saget. “When my 

wife and | were dat- 

ing, we once saw 

three movies in one 

night—ending with 

Behind the Green 

Door the Sequel. 
That's how desperate we were to see a 
movie in Philly." Luckily. Saget's taste has 
improved. These days the ster of Full 
House and wisecracking host of America's 
Funniest Home Videos (which means he 
should know a thing or two about the VCR) 
likes to rewind surefire hits such as It's a 
Wonderful Life, A Passage to India and 
Raging Bull. “| can always watch Kuro- 
sawa,” he adds, “like The Seven Samurai 
and Ran." He's also a pushover for Mel 
Brooks (The Producers, Young Franken- 
stein) and Woody Allen (Annie Hall, Star- 
dust Memories). "Oh, and Naked Lunch. | 
love to turn the volume all the way up on 
thet one and listen to the sounds of 
crunching cockroach flesh." So much for 
improved taste. — SUSAN KARUN 


With winter waning, ski disciples can 
keep the snow on the ground—or at 
least on the VCR—with five action vids 
by Greg Stump, the Bo of the slopes: 
Blizzard of Aahhhs: "Extreme" heroes take 
a magic white carpet ride. МТУ meets 
Snowbird, Telluride and Chamonix Val- 
ley in this downhill rockumentary. 

How to Thrill: Fast and furious how-to on. 
back scratchers, hip thrusts, moguls, 
splitsters and twisters. Blink and your 
body's married to a tree. 

Gonzo'd to Extremes: Clips and bloopers 
from Stump's past ski movies. Send this 
one on a chair lift and cut the cable. 
Steep Techniq: acer Scot Schmidt does 
it standing up: skis down the face of a 
cliff and defies gravity. Says you can, too. 
License to Thrill: Schmidt and fellow pros 
throw a speeding frat party on skis. Li- 
cense suspended. —JULIE BESONEN 
(АП tapes available from A-Vision Entertain- 
ment, 212-275-2910.) 


Spike & Mike's Festival of Animation doesn't 
play every town, so Mellow Manor 
brings you the fest's best in four vids. 
Top rewind: Aardman Animations, featur 

ing the Oscar-winning Claymation riot 
Creature Comforts. Call 619-459-8707. . . . 
Golf lovers who can't make it to the 
country club can still get their links fix 
with Sure Swing, an in-home training tape 

that teaches the ren positions of thc 
modern golf swing. Package includes ће 
SureLite training stick—a club-sized, 
glowing wand designed to help maintain 
а grip on your swing (800-554-sURE). 


Dracula lives—as do the Wolf Man, 
Frankenstein and the Mummy. Finally 
on tape, MCA/Universal's Classic Mon- 
sters Collection digs up creepy creature 
features from horror's golden age. 

The Spanish Version of Dracula (1931): Саг- 
los Villarias is Conde Dracula in this re- 
discovered treasure, filmed simultane- 
ously with the Bela Lugosi classic, using 
the same sets and script. 

Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932): Lugosi is 
crazy Dr. Mirakle, who combs 1845 Paris 
for a bride for his latest creation, Erik 
the Ape Man. As warped as it sounds. 
Werewolf of London (1935): Before things 
got hairy for Lon Chaney, Jr, Henry 
Hull starred as the original Wolf Man, 
who terrorizes London with his Eddie 
Munster haircut. 

Dracula's Daughter (1936): The all-in-the- 
family sequel to the Lugosi version. Glo- 
ria Holden is the she-vamp with base in- 
stincts and a taste for female victims 
Tower of London (1989): Hunchbacked 
Basil Rathbonc is sixth line to the 
throne. Boris Karloff is Mord, the Tow- 
ег5 executioner who clears his friend’s 
path. A blue-blooded blood curdler. 

The Invisible Man Retums (1940): The Price 
is right—Vincent, that is—as the Invisi- 

ble Man's brother, who also goes trans- 
parent to track his sib's killer. 

The Mummy's Hand (1940): Tom Tyler stars 
as Kharis, the vengeful 3000-year-old 
mummy who becomes unwrapped at the 
sight of Peggy Moran. 

House of Fronkenstein (1944): Following in 
Dr F's footsteps, Karloff revives the 
monster—as well as Dracula (John Саг- 
radine). Even Wolf Man Chaney drops 
in for a bite. —DONALD LIEBENSON 


The updated edition of Douglas Pratt's 
Leser Video Disc Compenion (New York 
Zoctrope; $24.95) includes more than 
5000 disc listings (4000-plus reviewed) 
as well as “One Hundred Great Discs," а 
beginner's guide to starting a core collec- 
tion. . . . From Voyager comes a baby 
boomers' treasure chest. Television Toys 
replays more than 100 toy commercials 
from the Fifties and Sixties—from Chat- 
ty Cathy to G.L Joe to Rock "Em Sock 
"Em Robots. . . . Lumivision's classical 
music releases pack an extra visual wal- 
lop. Austrian countrysides are a back- 
drop for a pair of Schubert piano pieces; 
Chopin preludes highlight a museum 
tour in Italy; and Handel's Messiah cho- 
ruses accompany a trip to Benedictine 
Abbey Church in Bavaria. .. . Pioneer 
Spetial Editions is pressing part of the 
NC-17 version of Basic Instinct in the CAV 
mode. That means frame-by-frame ac- 
cess to the film's steamy climax. 

Boomerang (Eddie Murphy's near-miss os Cary Grant, but 
Holle Berry's the real charmer); Crazy in Love (photo dude 
Julian Sands puts the flash back in put-upan Puget Saund 
housewife Hally Hunter); Man Trouble [Nicholson unseitles 
Barkin; just for hard-care Jack fans). 




Like the idea of a tattoo but reluctant to make a lifetime com- Despite the influx of acreage-hungry celebrities, Montana 
mitment? Then check out the new tattoocd fashions. One remains one of the nation's best-kept secrets. We recommend 
company, Hard Tail, has imprinted classic tattoo designs (e.g, a trip to the North- E 

hearts, crosses and daggers) on a line of T-shirts, tank tops west town of White- 
and baseball caps ($16 to $32). The tattoo images on Disor- fish for great scen- 
ders line of denim jackets, ery, skiing and 
‘Tshirts and baseball caps ($19 Western-style shop- 
to $70) reflect “peace, love, ping. Artistic Touch 
honor and faith,” according to (209 Central Ave.): 
a company spokesman. And a Fashion, jewelry 
designer with Terrapin Cloth- and more by local 
ing said he actually inter- artists. e 3 Bar 2 
viewed "biker and deadhead Western Outfitters 
types” to come up with the (221 Central Ave.) 
beaded and embroidered tai- Everything from 
toos on its chambray shirts, | blanket coats and 
vests and T-shirts ($36 to $70). cowboy boots to 
There's also Nicole Miller's saddles and tack 
colorful tattoo collage, now ө Montana Territo- 
included in her funky collec- ry (239 Central 
tion of neckwear, camp shirts, — Ave): The place for 
boxer shorts and vests ($60 upscale fashions, 
to $165), as well as Chrome leather goods and 
Hearts’ tattoo-style gothic home furnishings 
cross, which appears in ster- ө Montana Coffee 
ling silver on the back of an Traders (5810 Hwy. 
ultra-cool leather vest ($2200). 93 South): More 
Finally, for something completely extravagant, check out the than 100 coffees 
leather jacket by Jeff Hamilton shown here, which features 28 roasted daily, plus 
lcather-appliqué tattoos positioned on the front, both homemade huckle- 
slceves and the back. The price: $4000. Ouch! berry ice cream. 
* Northwind T-shirt Co. (215 Central Ave.): Fun and 
funky T-shirts, including the local favorite, "Citizens 

NET PROFIT for a Poodle-free Montana.” e The Palace Bar (125 
“The latest way to show off the results of those long Eh LIE Mie те 
hours at the gym is with а loose-knit ог fishnet- every Sat uray get 
type sweater, Great for throwing over beach- \ 

type drawstring linen pants ог a favorite pair of 
jeans, these revealing knits look best in natural 
tones, such as oatmeal or olive. When it comes to 
fit, bigger is better, but be forewarned—they do 
stretch. The khaki-colored shoestring crewneck 
from DKNY Men ($205), for example, is already 
stretched out, so try it on before you buy. Marcos Er- 
gas buutonless fishnet vest features a Sixties-inspired 
macramé stitch ($167). There are also tighter 
weaves for the less demonstrative, including KM by 
Krizia's minicrochet rollneck sweater ($80), the 
“fisherman netting” cotton/linen style by Lance 
Karesh for Basco ($150) and Joseph Abboud’s 
Aran cable knit in beefy cotton ($840). Too modest 
for fishnet with nothing else? No sweat. Just wear 

а muscle T-shirt underneath. 


Our environmental vice president, Al Gore, 
should be pleased with the new ecologically cor- 
rect clothing that's hitting the stores this spring 
Vestimenta's Ecowear collection, for example, 
includes suits and separates made from natural 
fibers treated with natural dyes ($225 to $1900). 
Colorfast dyes used in Higgins Natural's line ог 
striped T-shirts (532) contribute to cleaner ground. 
water. The O Wear fashion label includes oversized 
hooded tunics made from organically grown cotton 
($60). And the southern California-based Fred Segal 
for a Better Ecology offers only earth-friendly fash- 
ions, including an exclusive line of full-cut, undyed 
denim jeans by Quicksilver (560). 


Comfortably fitted rear; legs subily tapered 
1o about 19” at the ankle 

Tight waist, ballooned at the hips; 
dramatically tapered or pegged legs 

Flat front; moderate pleats; uncreased; un- 
cuffed; five-pocket-jeans look; classic calors 

le or quadruple pleats; unnecessary 
s; preppy colors such as red or green 

Cotton (twill, brushed or sandwashed); 
linen; leather and suede 


pleated; all plaids 

Where & How to Buy on роде 163. 


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SOMETHING EXCITING is going on in con- 
temporary crime fiction. Tough ques- 
tions about urban ills are asked and an- 
swered in novels, not in government 
studies or crime statistics. Crab a good 
reading light and get a scat on the front 

Robert Ferrigno, whose first novel, 
The Horse Latitudes, established him as a 
worthy heir to James Cain and Cornell 
Woolrich, is back with Cheshire Moon 
(Morrow). This mystery begins when the 
brutal murder of a TV talk-show pro- 
ducer is discovered by a young electron- 
ics hustler installing a discount satellite 
dish. He quickly turns up a suspicious 
suicide. So his friend, an investigative re- 
porter, teams up with an aggressive 24- 
year-old woman photographer to ex- 
pose the subterranean world of Sissy 
Mizell, host of Straight Talk with Sissy— 
“Dolly Parton with an attitude”—and 
her Ronald Reagan-like husband, а cow- 
boy actor who is making his move into 
politics. Still there? Even the gunman is 
intriguing—a huge red-haired brute 
whose promising pro-football career was 
snuffed out by one tackle in the first 
game. He's a killing machine who takes 
world lit courses. 

Then there are the deliciously ironic 
Musclemen for Jesus, a sort of sanctimo- 
nious Hell's Angels trio who perform 
feats of strength for a leather-jacketed 
crowd of kids in a fictional version of the 
Crystal Cathedral. Hanging over the en- 
tire novel is the dangerous, evil grin of 
the Cheshire moon, which the author 
turns into an effective symbol of fear. 
Ferrigno is an original. His noir style 
lends an eerie day-for-night illumination 
to the contemporary scene. 

Child psychologist-turned-novelist 
Jonathan Kellerman has staked out the 
territory of crimes involving children in 
his Alex Delaware novels, and this sev- 
enth case, Devil's Waltz (Ва m), is spell- 
binding. A pediatric specialist calls Alex 
in for psychological consultation on a ba- 
by who appears to be the victim of the 
"Münchhausen by proxy” syndrome: 
“Parents—mothers, invariably—faking 
illness in their own offspring. Using their 
children—especially daughters—as cru- 
cibles for a hideous concoction of lies 
and disease.” The suspense builds as 
Kellerman draws us into this world of 
imagined ailments. 

Four other exceptional crime novels 
are on the bookstore shelves this month: 
32 Cadillacs (Mysterious Press), by Joe 
Gores, Mitigating Circumstances (Dutton), 
by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg, Hard Evi- 
dence (Donald 1. Fine), by John Les- 

30 croart, and Primal Fear (Villard), by Wil- 

The Cheshire Moon purrs in the night sky. 

Six new killer crime novels; 
more adventures from Tim 
Cahill; and rap lyrics revealed. 

liam Diehl. Gores’ ninth novel is a fast 
and funny romp that features а band of 
car-stealing Gypsies. Rosenberg's debut 
is the tough emotional story of a woman 
district attorney who bypasses the law to 
get the man who raped her teenaged 
daughter In Lescroart's tense court- 
room sequel to Dead Irish and The Vig, 
prosecuting attorney Dismas Hardy just. 
happens to be there when a human 
hand is found in the belly of a dead 
shark. Diehl (no relation) continues his 
successful series of fast-paced thrillers 
with the strange story that unravels in 
the wake of a Chicago bishop's murder 
in his own cathedral. 

And for readers unfamiliar with mod- 
em crime fiction, The New Mystery (Dut- 
ton), edited by Jerome Charyn, is a first- 
rate anthology that includes stories by 
France's Didier Daeninckx and Mexico's 
Paco Taibo, as well as better-known Brit- 
ish and American writers. 

In 1992, Nintendo—which has al- 
ready supplanted Toyota as Japan's most 
successful company—netted as much as 
all the American movie companies com- 
bined, with a profit of over half a billion. 
dollars. Game Over: How Nintendo Has En- 
slaved Your Children, Captured Your Dollars, 
and Zapped an American Industry (Random 
House), by PLAYBOY Contributing Editor 
David Sheff, argues that this Japanese 
juggernaut is not only rolling over us 
economically, but culturally. The saga of 
its climb from an obscure card manufac- 

turer to business superstar is told with 
energy and imagination. Even Super 
Mario and Game Boy may be small pota- 
toes compared with the Family Comput- 
er Communications Network Sysem 
now being tested in Japan. Sheff says the 
company does it with style, hard work. 
and—no surprise business hardball. 

An array of biographies this month is 
topped by William Shawcross's Murdoch 
(Simon & Schuster), which—despite the 
prepublication hype—is а drab, shallow 
study of media mogul Rupert Murdoch. 
Another newspaperman does brilliantly 
with his posthumous autobiography: H 
L. Mencken's My Life as Author and Editor 
(Knopf) Edited by Jonathan Yardley, 
it is a dazzling piece of opinionated 
personal history. Jazz singer Sarah 
Vaughan, who died in 1990, is fortunate 
to have a musically knowledgeable biog- 
rapher such as Leslie Gourse. who 
brings alive the Divine One with percep- 
tive appraisals of her performances in 
Sassy (Scribner's). 

Finally, two new armchair travel books 
offer first-class literary transport. Caustic 
travel writer John (Music in Every Room: 
Around the World in a Bad Mood) Krich has 
fallen in love with the samba music of 
Brazil, and he conjures up both the 
sounds and the sccnery with lilting, 
light-hearted prose in Why Is This Country 
Dencing? (Simon & Schuster). Novelist 
Diane Johnson gives us a stunning col- 
lection of vignettes and stories that hap- 
pen to take place in many different 
countries in Natural Opium (Knopf). Her 
stories are about transforming experi- 
ences, human moments—not places. 


Pecked то Death by Ducks (Random 
House), by Tim Cahill: More vicarious 
thrills from the master of living danger- 
ously as he naps in close range of a griz- 
zly, explores the world's deepest cave 
and discovers "the throne of terror" in 
Guatemala. Don't bother searching, 
there are no ducks. 

Buppies, B-Boys, Baps and Bohos (Harper- 
Collins, by Nelson George: An astute 
collection of essays on postsoul black cul- 
ture from PLAYBOY Music Critic Nelson 
George's notes and experiences hanging 
out with rappers, filmmakers, crack 
dealers and other fascinating characters. 

Rap: The Lyrics (Penguin Books), edited 
by Lawrence A. Stanley: If you're look- 
ing for a politically correct vision of rap, 
forget it. If you want to know what rap- 
pers are really saying, check out NWA's 
“They have the authority 
Fuck that shit ‘cause I 
ain'tthe one.” Tough and timely. 





In the December талувоу we ran a pictori- 
al, "The Betty Boom," about the cult that has 
sprung up around Belt Page, the elusive 
Fiflies figure model. Lo and behold, one week 
afler our issue hit the stands, "Lifestyles of the 
Rich and Famous" aired а segment. on. the. 
same subject but with a surprise: The show 
had found and interviewed Page. We asked. 
Bob Schapiro, who tracked her down for 
“Lifestyles,” to tell us about her. 

She can make men grovel, but she still 
can't get them to spell her name right. 
Bettie Page—it was never "Betty"—was 
amused after reading The Betty Boom in 
the December PLAYBOY. The dark angel 
who vanished at the height of her fame 
in 1957 has no idea why she’s once again 
the best-selling pinup in the world. But 
she's tickled by the rumors now swirling 
among her fans 

No, she's not the wife of a sheikh, the 
mother superior ofa convent or running 
from gangsters in Europe. She's living in 
southern California, actually. Is her life, 
well, boring? “Heavens, no,” she says. 
“On Sunday, I'm going to Disneyland.” 

She is an unusual woman. In the same 
breath she'll discuss Jesus Christ and 
Madonna—the Nineties Madonna, 
whose photos Веше admires: "She 
knows how to present the right angles to 
the camera. It’s all in the angles.” Where 
others see sexy come-ons and daring se- 
duction, Bettie sees hard work. She 
should know. 

It was not really difficult to find Веше 
Раре, which leads me to believe that the 
legions who claimed to have searched 
were not trying very hard. Maybe they 
had good reasons not to find her. Perhaps 
it's more exciting to retain the mystery. 

As a mystery, Betty Page was every 
man's fantasy. The resurgence began in 
adult comic books, where Betty Page was 
drawn as the bustling girlfriend of The 
Rocketeer. The character was renamed in 
the movie, and Disney studios avoided 
association with the woman once consid- 
ered the world’s top dominatrix. But the 
Betty cult grew, as her likeness was used 
for character after fictional character. 

Betty products—statues, trading 
cards, illustrations and hardcover books 
with $50 price tags—now fly off the 
shelves. (The January 1955 PLAYBOY with 
her centerfold is worth nearly $500.) 
"There are two feature films on the story- 
boards. At the Dragon Con, a big comics 
and pop-culture convention in Atlanta, 
the Betty Page look-alike contest drew 
dozens of women dressed as baby-doll 
Bettys, leather-and-lace Bettys, kitten- 
with-a-whip Beuys, even an old-fash- 
ioned sweater girl. Many of those riding 

gg the Betty wave say they're looking for 

Queen of the pictorial jungle. 

Betty Page, the 
vanished pinup 
legend, surfaces. 

her. But, of course, if they found her, 
they'd owe her a good deal of money 
And what if the reality of her life did 
not measure up to fantasy? Well, rest 
easy. Bettie's true story has fiction beat 
by a mile. 

It took just one B, in a high school art 
class, to transform this straight-A student 
council leader into the most famous 
B-girl of all time. Had Bettie not cut a 
few classes to rehearse for her lead role 
in the school play, she would have been 
valedictorian, not salutatorian. In the 
early Forties, at Hume-Fogg High 
School in Nashville, Tennessee, the vale- 
dictorian got a full scholarship to Van- 
derbilt University. 

That one B sent her down a different 
road. And around the bend came two 
boys in a Ford coupe, one of them shout- 
ing, “Hey, beautiful, any more at home 
like you?" Straight arrow Bettie, who 
had always obeyed her mother's wishes 
and never dated a boy, now decided to 
give Billy her phone number. 

"I don't think I ever really loved him,” 
she says, "but he taught me how to 
dance, and he taught me everything I 
know about sex." Bettie dated Billy 
while earning her B.A. at Peabody Col- 
lege. "I admired Billy's family. There 
were no divorces in his family. His moth- 
er would make a delicious roast beef din- 
ner every Sunday. It was so nice, they 
had such love.” 

Bettie's parents had been divorced 
when she was ten years old, sending her 

and two of her sisters to an orphanage 
for a time while her mother struggled to 
scrape by in the Depression. At a young 
age, Bettie began dancing for approval, 
her interpretation of the hula delighting 
the other girls. 

But Billy was not the answer to 
Bettie's prayers, even after they were 
married. "He was extremely jealous. I 
couldn't walk down the street without 
another boy looking at me, and that 
would send Billy into a rage." The cou- 
ple were divorced in the mid-Forties, 
and Bettie went to California, trying to 
make her face her fortune. 

It all might have happened if Holly- 
wood had left her face alone. “They 
tried to make me look like Joan Craw- 
ford,” she says of her screen test at Twen- 
tieth Century Fox. "Those big lips. I 
looked ridiculous." The screen test, op- 
posite actor John Russell, has been lost 
to history, and Bettie's story moves from 
Hollywood to Haiti. She was to work for 
the U.S. ambassador, but anti-American 
rioting erupted. She made the last plane 
out. It took her to New York City. 

This is the part of her life most famil- 
iar to her fans. She was wandering the 
beach on Coney Island when she found. 
herself staring at a black bodybuilder. 
He was Jerry Tibbs, a Brooklyn police- 
man. Tibbs’ hobby was photography, 
and he took Bettie back to his studio, 
where he suggested that she minimize 
her high forehead by wearing bangs. 
"The rest, as they say, is history. 

Bettie posed for camera clubs. She has 
graced more magazine covers than 
Madonna or Cindy Crawford. Described 
as “the naughty girl next door,” she 
posed in sweaters, stockings, leather 
and baby-doll pajamas. And Bettie Page 
posed nude. But, she maintains, she 
never did pornography. 

“Pornography,” she demurs, “is open 
poses. Legs open. I worked for Irving 
Klaw, and he never allowed that. But if 
you worked for Irving Klaw, you had to 
do bondage. We just laughed at the 
bondage scenes when we were doing 
them,” she recalls. “I mean, certainly no 
one actually wants to be whipped or 
spanked, right?” Bettie, after all these 
years, is still charmingly naive. 

Bettie never dated the photographers, 
turning away suggestive offers from 
them as well as a blatant come-on from 
Howard Hughes. Bettie's real boy- 
friends didn’t ask her to dress up in 
lingerie, they asked her to dance. “If I 
ever really loved a man, I think it was 
Carlos. Every night we would go danc- 
ing, the rumba. And we started mak- 
ing love." The mysterious Carlos, who 
got his mail at the Peruvian consu- 
late, showed Bettie his billfold with the 
picture of а (concluded on page 159) 

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hances are that you have had a 

decent education in all but the 
most important areas of your life. For 
most men, no one really tells it like it is. 

No one sits us down and says, "OK, 
you are about to go out into the world 
and carn your way. Here are some of the 
standards by which you will be judged. 
Amateur hour is over. You are supposed 
to be a pro now." 

Question: How does a man learn what 
it means to be a true professional? 

Answer: Most men never have that 
conversation with anyone in their lives. 
They learn by improvisation, by chance 
and-— if they are lucky—by example. 

I want to share what I think the world 
of business (you know: the 21st century 
world, the interconnected and interde- 
pendent global economy) is looking for 
in its future hires. 1 want to describe 
what I see as the fundamental element of 
the professional mind. 

One word of warning: Lam a self-edu- 
cated man when it comes to questions of 
conduct. I am not slick, I am not rich 
and Tam not temperamentally suited for 
the corporate state. 

Тата self-employed free-lance writer 
who left horne at the age of 14 and never 
looked back. But 1 have, by hook and by 
crook, taught myself some professional 
survival skills. Most guys don’t get this 
kind of advice. I certainly didn't. So here 
you are. Some keys to the kingdom of 
professional conduct: 

Life in most business organizations is like 
life in а submarine. For those of you who 
find yourselves in an office environment, 
understand that it is, by definition, a 
closed environment. Take note of how 
you conduct yourself. Do you talk too 
loudly? Are you argumentative to a 
fault? Do you wear well as an office com- 
panion? Do you think of the needs of 
others? Do you check your own boorish 
behavior at the door? The office place is 
an exotic place, an inbred and some- 
times incestuous place. Be aware of that. 

Life in most business organizations is like 
life in a Medici court. The spirit of Niccolò 
Machiavelli lives in every business cul- 
wre. There are political alliances and 
power shifis. There are assassinations 
and misdemeanors. There are those who 
are in and those who are out. It is life on 
the refined edge of risk and reward. So 
play your cards like a careful courtier. 

34 Especially when you are beginning your 


career. Whom can you trust? Who wants 
10 help you and who wants to impede 
your progress? Better bide your time 
and keep your own counsel. And finally, 
don't шу to be too special or too unique 
order to get noticed. Remember the 
advice of good old Niccolò: “There is 
nothing more difficult to take in hand, 
more perilous to conduct, or more un- 
certain in its success, than to take the 
lead in the introduction of a new order 
of things.” 

Thinking like a professional means sticking 
to the basics, The basics are founded on 
common sense, and they include: being 
on time, never missing a deadline, 
speaking when spoken to, shutting up 
when not spoken to, being honest about 
expenses and other funds, giving your 
time and energy to the job without reser- 
vation while you are on the job, showing 
consideration for your colleagues, sec! 
ing solutions, not perpetual confli 
and last but not least, being willing to go 
out on a limb and push for an idea you 
truly believe in. There are some ideas 
worth fighting for, and if you become a 
completely frightened and servile em- 
ployee, a safe player at all times, you will 
become bored with yourself and ineffec- 
tive as a professional. 

See the terrain from the point of view of 
your boss. This is both an opportunistic 

and a humane approach to the work- 
place. Your boss, no matter his or her 
deficiencies, is not your enemy. Your 
boss has to get a job done. So before you 
decide that your boss has no grasp of the 
territory, you should at least know how 
that. territory looks from the executive 
suite. You might be surprised. If you put 
yourself in the shoes of your superiors, 
you vill learn a lot about their expecta- 
tions of you. And if you know what they 
expect of you, you can get the job done. 

The Chinese can teach you things about the 
professional mind-set. For my money, Lao- 
tzu gives outstanding advice from his 
perspective of 2600 years ago. Try this: 
“He who knows others is wise; he who 
knows himself is enlightened.” Or this: 
“To know that you do not know is the 
best. "Io pretend to know when you do 
not know isa disease.” Or this: “The way 
of the sage is to act but not to compete.” 
And finally, my favorite quote from Lao- 
tzu: “When armies are mobilized and is 
sues arc joined, the man who is sorry 
over the fact will wii 

Time is worth much more than money, so 
don't waste it —your own or anybody else's. 
The awful secret of our lives today is that. 
we live in a workaholic culture. Most of 
us have too many commitments, too 
much to do and precious little time in 
which to do it. So the true professional 
guards bis time. More important, he 
docs not stcal time from others. His writ- 
ten memos are brief and to the point, his 
phone conversations are пей 
nor windy, his statements in meetings 
are сошраа and organized. Few things 
can get you fired faster than a selfish use 
of someone else's time. 

The professional mind-set is built on com- 
mon sense, rationality, cold logic and a 
shrewd understanding of Ihe business process. 
On the battlefield and in the market- 
place, our emotions are perpetually at- 
tacked, manipulated, courted and torn. 
But the real professional is the person 
who can overcome all of the glitter and 
distraction, all of the melodrama and 
posturing. The true pro stays within 
himself, analyzes the chessboard, thinks 
ahead, stays cool and keeps this constant 
goal in mind: Just gel the job done. 

That is the professional's eternal bot- 
tom line. And there is often virtue in it. 
So good luck. And get to work. 

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H erewith, the condensed diary of a 
single mother: 

1970: 1 don't think 1 can make it. The 
Lamaze breathing is useless. I'm push- 
ing, I'm screaming. “Just once more!” 
the doctor prompts. 1 give a mammoth 
push. It’s a boy! A perfect boy! Too many 
babies are born at once, so there are not 
enough recovery rooms. My baby and 1 
are pushed into a hallway where I nurse 
him for two hours. The hospital has for- 
gotten us, we are in our own little world. 

1971: My baby walks and talks and 
laughs. My husband doesn't. He's de- 
pressed, I'm depressed. Mounds of dish- 
сз arc in the sink. Yesterday I found an 
ancient half-caten sandwich under the 
bed. My baby speaks in clear sentences, 
my husband and I speak in baby talk. Му. 
life has been one long preparation to be 
a wife and mother, and now I am. But I 
can't get out of bed. This is all wrong. 

1972: My parents hate me, ту in-laws 
hate me, my husband is catatonic, but 
too bad. I took the baby and left, and now 
I live with another mother in another 
town. Eve has two girls. I'm working and 
give Eve half my salary to care for the 
kids and run the house. She is, in effect, 
my wife (without sex). And I've joined a 
consciousness-raising group to find out 
about this newfangled women’s lib. It 
seems I've been oppressed and thus de- 
pressed. But now 1 love working and 
coming home to a happy, fed toddler 1 
love living the man's role. I love this feel- 
ing I have that anything is possible. 

1973: Spring. Eve has left me for some 
guy. I'm working two jobs, one to make a. 
living, the other to pay for the baby-sit- 
ter. 1 come home from my day job, sleep 
for a couple hours, then cook at a gam- 
bling club all night. I'm so tired I cry ай 
the time. My mother wants me to go 
home, live with her. Never. 

1973: Autumn. Living with my moth- 
er makes me feel dull and colorless. She 
wants to shoehorn me into the life I left, 
wants me to find a man to take care of 
me. I'm working as a temporary secre- 
tary. 1 meet a man, a freckle-faced med 
student who asks me out. My mother is 
ecstatic. When I tell him about my child, 
he stares out a window. My kid is anx- 
ious and unhappy. He wears his радћег 
on a string around his neck. My mother 
wants me to take it away from him. 

1973: Winter. New York! I'm 

ng in 

зв a loft with my married friends Sam and 



Ellen and their baby. We're sleeping on 
mattresses on the floor and making art 
and working at home for an ad agency. 
The babies wear goofy, colorful clothes 
and we take movies of everything they 
do. My son paints giant picturesand pre- 
tends heis a train and sings to me all day. 

1974: January. I've been standing in 
the welfare line for three hours. My son 
is in the “nursery,” 20 children trying to 
play with one truck. 1 have to pee but 
hate using the toilets—they are filthy 
and have no seats. The welfare clerks аге 
trained to treat welfare mothers like 
scum. I'm cringing with fear and shame 
when 1 getto the front of the line, which 
is just as well, because they will send you 
away unless you have a full-blown sob- 
bing fit. They haven't sent my check in a 
month, some problem with the terms of 
the lease on my dingy slum apartment. 
It's arbitrary, just to get me to give up. 1 
would go away, but we need toeat, so I cry 
for ten minutes and finally get a check 
and some food stamps. I wish I could find 
a day-care center without a huge waiting 
list. I wish Sam and Ellen hadn't broken 
up and the ad agency hadn't gone out of 
business. I really wish I didn't believe the 
welfare workers are right when they 
treat me like scum. 

1974: February. My son cut his leg and 
within hours blood poisoning has set in. 

We're in the emergency room. He's 
frightened, so I'm telling him а story 
about the two of us being alone in a boat 
trying to reach a magical island. 

1974: ^ugust. We're walking down the 
street, my son to day care, me to work. 
He loves his day-care tcacher, a gay man 
with long hair and many plaid shirts. 1 
love my secretarial job; now 1 can afford 
a telephone and self-respect. 

1975: My son's in kindergarten, so 1 
take him to school in the morning, leave 
work at three, run with him over to the 
day-care center, run back to work, run to 
the day-care center at five-thirty. I don't 
have a love life, but we have a TV. 

1977: Atone of those alternative news- 
papers, the boss took a look at all the sin- 
gle parents, realized how much time was 
spent running to and from child-care fa- 
cilities and hired a teacher. The teacher 
picks up the kids after school and brings 
them to work: There's a big room with 
toys and books. I love being lost in my 
work and then seeing my son’s little 
round face appear over my shoulder. 

1979: My son gocs to visit my ex-hus- 
band's parents for a summer of Little 
League and catching fireflies. I'm left on 
my own in New York to run amok. The 
first month he's gone, I catch myself 
every ten minutes thinking, Where is 
he? Don't I have to get home? Then I re- 
member he's gone. 

1984: I am a successful writer! We 
move from our tiny hovel to a huge 

1985: My son gets into the High 
School of Music and Art, the Fame 
school. His friends are funny and sanc; 
all come from single-parent families. 

1988: He goes away to college. I'm 

1989: | get a dog. 

1992: 1 go on The Tonight Show. "1 was 
a welfare mother," 1 tell Jay Leno. He's 
uncomfortable and quickly changes the 
subject before 1 can add, “And yet my kid 
just graduated from college magna cum 
laude and Phi Beta Kappa. Welfare 
mothers are persecuted and reviled for 
not working, even though only the rich 
can aflord day сагс. Our country just 
loves punishing its victims." 

1993: My son cant find a job and has 
moved back home. We're getting along. 
great, though the little bastard could do 
a dish once ın a while. 


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Ї recently met а rather kinky and in- 
triguing 28-year-old professional guy 
who lives in the condo next to mine. 1 
am 96 and quite sexual. I ind my neigh- 
bor interesting and challenging. We 
haven't had intercourse. yet because I 
don't want to rush things, but we have 
had intense oral and phone sex on sev- 
eral occasions. In one particular instance 
his best friend called while we were fool- 
ing around on the sofa. My neighbor 
handed me the phone. His friend pro- 
ceeded to ask me to take off my clothes, 
touch myself in various spots and de- 
scribe the outrageous oral sex that my 
neighbor was suddenly performing on 
me. I agreed to all of this and climaxed 
while on the phone, which obviously 
turned the friend on immensely. Now 
the two of them want to have a three- 
some, saying that they have done this 
twice in the past with significant others. 
My problem: Am I being manipulated, 
or is this just a 9% Weeks variation on po- 
tentially good sex that I should consider 
an experiment?—J. D., Newark, New 

We've seen this scenario in quite a few 
X-rated flicks (“The Seduction of Mar 
"Cat and Mouse,” “Firestorm”). Maybe Ma 
Bell has a new campaign: Reach out and ask 
someone 10 touch herself. Before you try the 
real thing, perhaps you ought to have an ob- 
scene conference call to work out the details. 
(Condoms? Spermicidal foam? Safe sex?) 
For now, this telephonic turn-on seems 
harmless and horny. On the other hand, 
none of their significant others are still 

You've had some letters about vasec- 
tomies over the years. but one question 
remains unanswered. What kind of sex 
do people have after the man has a va- 
sectomy? Does a vasectomy change se- 
men in any way detectable to the part 
ner—taste, texture or quantity? Can a 
woman tell Га man has had a vasecto- 
my2—R. W., Springfield, Massachusetts. 

A woman cannot tell whether or not a 
man has had a vasectomy, There is no sig- 
nificant change in the volume, color or odor 
of the ejaculate. The kindest cut simply elim- 
inates sperm (about two percent of the nor- 
mal come shot). 

Do 1 need fat speaker wire? My audio- 
phile friends tell me I should use special 
wire as thick as а boa constrictor. Will 1 
hear a difference?—F. K., New York, 
New York. 

AL least а dozen companies profit from 
selling expensive, often exotic speaker cables 
that provide, at best, minimal sonic improve- 
ment. There's plenty of good-quality, reason- 
ably priced wire on the market to serve as a 

superb pathway from amplifier or receiver to 
speakers. Choose wire in the range of 12 
to 14 gauge, about the circumference of a 
garter snake. Many reputable companies sell 
this cable for $1 to $2 a foot. Its worth the 
extra cost over the 50-cents-a-foot lamp cord 
from the hardware store. 

Ac different times I've read about erot- 
ic swings—devices that you hang from 
ceiling hooks for gravity-free sex. Can 
you tell me where to find such items?— 
J. P. Chicago, Ши 
We've seen ads for the Love Hammock (or 
Honeymoon. Cradle)—a modified hammock 
available from the Xandria Collection 
ШУ 95; сай 800-242-2823). The Good 
Vibrations catalog (1210 Valencia Si 
San Francisco, California 94110, 41 
7399) offers a well-thought-out hanging 
chair called the Pleasure Swing for $235. 
The ad copy suggests the reason these things 
are so popular: “As any hammock fan can 
testify, there's nothing like being suspended 
in midair lo create a relaxed, receptive stale 
of mind and body.” You can enter your parl- 
ner and let the swing do the work. The 
swings also work for oral sex—the rush of 
blood to the head can make for dizzying de- 
bauchery. We've also seen some intriguing 
variations on this theme: A dance troupe in 
San Francisco uses rock-climbers’ harnesses 
for aerial ballet. Imagine Wendy and Peter 
Pan doing it and you'll see the possibilities, 
We know one woman who suspended an en- 
tire platform bed from the rafters—the earth 
didn't move, the bed did. These devices run 
about the cost of a night in а hotel, and they 
are worth it. (Of course, you could just use. 
the swings at the local park and let your tas 
dollars work for you.) Be sure to mount the 
device you choose to rafters or studs. Can you 



see the guys on “This Old House” being 
asked to locale studs for a love swing? 

Docs it make sense to pay more for a 
new-model car so you can have the first 
one in your area, as in the case of a car 
such as the Dodge Viper R1/10? Will the 
first-year models be worth more in the 
long run?—R. K., Shreveport, Louisiana. 

When a new car is hot, some auto dealers 
are able to charge well over sticker price. 
People who want the cars first ante up and 
pay the premium. Some collectors and specu- 
lators still believe that carly models of a par- 
ticularly exciting car may be worth more in 
the long run. But that’s not always true. 
Buyers who paid over sticker for Mazda M 
atas and ZR-1 Corvettes have found, to their 
chagrin, that after supply caught up with de- 
mand, these cars were simply not worth the 
extra money they paid. And although several 
speculators have paid double for early Dodge 
Vipers at vinlage-car auctions, it’s likely that 
as soon as Chrysler can supply their brawny 
roadsters at а rate of 3000 per year, there'll 
be plenty of Vipers at sticker or below. Our 
advice: If there's а hot new car in your 
plans, wait until supply has caught up with 
demand, then make your best deal. On most 
cars, you'll have lo endure several decades 
before making a profil. Frankly. there are 
faster ways to make a killing than speculat- 
ing on new-car futures 

1 say I had an orgasm. My girlfriend 
says she orgasmed. Is orgasm а verb?— 
W. S., Portland, Oregon. 

It is if you do it right. Our trusty “Web- 
ster's” claims orgasm is a noun. The dictio- 
nary also says it's derived from the Greek 
word organ—to grow ripe, be lustful—and 
that it is akin to a Sanskrit word, Ti 
meaning to sap strength. Turning it into a 
verb may reflect the way we view sex—that 
orgasm is something we do, not something 
we obtain. 

Im tall and angry. Airplane seats get 
closer together every ште I fly Where 
are the best seats on a plane and how do 
1 get one?—R. W., Herndon, Virginia. 
First class, of course. And it takes a lot of 
money to gel one unless you know how to 
play the game. Frequent fliers know the joys 
of free and low-cost upgrades to first class. 
Always join an airline's frequent flier pro- 
gram. You stand a much better chance of an 
upgrade or choice of seat in coach. If you're 
stuck in back, beg for an emergency-exit row. 
On narrow-body planes you get a few extra 
inches, while on jumbo jels you stretch out in 
yards of legroom. Some airline reservations 
‘agents and well-versed travel agents know 
which rows these are on each plane. You 
can keep a step ahead by subscribing to 
the “Airline Seating Guide” from Carlson 



Publishing Company of Los Alamitos, Cali- 
fornia. Carlson publishes both domestic and 
overseas editions four times a year showing 
the exact layout of every plane on every air- 
line. Scat width varies little from airline to 
airline, airplane to airplane. Coach seats 
are a fairly standard 17-18 inches wide 
What airlines sell is space between seat rows, 
called pitch. The current standard is 31-32 
inches between rows in coach, while mini- 
mum in first class is 38 inches. Some MD- 
11s and 747SPs on American and 767-2005 
and 747-200s on United have 34-inch pitch 
in coach. Once you pick your seat, ask the 
reservations agent to take pity on you. If that. 
doesn’t work, check in early and be very nice 
to the gale agent. Many airlines save the 
exit-row seals till boarding. 

ЮУ, girlfriend and I both had several 
lovers during the year before we met, so 
in addition to her taking the pill, we 
agreed to use condoms in case either of 
us had picked up a sexually transmitted 
disease. Now we've been monogamous 
for four months. We've both tested neg- 
ative for HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis and 
chlamydia. And neither of us has ever 
had herpes or genital warts. Can we stop 
using condoms now?—E H., College 
Park, Maryland. 

What is this? Did you meet in line at an 
STD clinic? Either you are politically correct 
(excruciatingly so) or paranoid, But since 
you've played so close to the vest so far, you 
may as well know how to go all the way. 
Here's everything you still need to know: 
Testing negative for gonorrhea, syphilis and 
chlamydia means you probably don't have to 
worry. You're also probably—but not posi- 
tively —HIV.negative. Just about everyone 
with HIV turns the test positive within three 
months, but a fraction take up to six months. 
If you want to be sure, wail another two 
months. Finally, having по history of herpes 
orwarts probably means that you're both free 
of these sexually transmitted diseases, but 
you can’t be absolutely certain. The viruses 
that cause herpes and warts typically cause 
the sores that enable them to be diagnosed 
within a few months, but in rare cases the 
viruses can hide in the body for up to several 
years before causing symptoms. 

WI, testicles seem to disappear shortly 
before 1 come and don't reappear for 
several minutes aflerw: Should 1 
see a doctor?—E. K., Hanover, New 

No need. Each testicle is attached to a 
muscle, the cremaster, that controls its hang. 
When the cremasters relax, the testicles hang. 
low in the scrotum. When they contract, they 
pull up the testicles close to the body—and 
sometimes into the inguinal area of the low- 
er abdomen. Fear, cold and ejaculation tri 

40 ger the cremaster reflex, which pulls up the 

testicles. After ejaculation the cremasters re- 
lax and the testicles descend. 

Tin travcling to Europe this summer, 
and rather than buy travelers checks, 
I'm hoping to use my bank card at auto- 
mated teller machines over there. How 
easy are foreign ATMs to use and is there 
any special protocol involved?—A. K., 
Skokie, Illinois. 

Using ATMs abroad makes a lot of sense. 
First, you save money. You avoid the one- to 
two-percent fee charged by travelers check 
vendors, and you avoid bank fees or commis- 
sions when converting the checks overseas. 
Additionally, ATM transactions are carried 
out at the wholesale exchange rate, which is 
usually reserved for transactions of $1 mil- 
lion or mare. (This is true almost everywhere 
except Japan, where the government sets the 
exchange rate for all transactions.) Before 
you go, make sure your bank card is affiliat- 
ed with either the Cirrus or Plus systems. 
Cirrus has 30,000 ATMs on line overseas 
and Plus has 24,000. Neither charges for 
ATM transactions, but some banks charge 
up to $2 for each use. Your bank should have 
a directory with locations of overseas ATMs 
linked to your network. Also, make sure your 
personal identification number will work 
abroad. Some domestic banks employ up to 
eight numbers or a combination of letters 
and numbers; foreign banks accept only 
four number PINs. Double-check with your 
bank. Cirrus and Plus ATMs offer bilingual 
instructions on-screen or have English in- 
structions posted elsewhere on the machine. 
Some overseas ATMs are not accessible 24 
hours а day and withdrawals are generally 
available only from checking accounts, so 
you should park your cash in that account 
before leaving. You'll find that, just as in the 
United States, cash machines are popular 
meeting places—and you may see many of 
your fellow countrymen standing in line. 

Nos that many police departments 
use instant-on radar, should I leave my 
radar detector at home? Are there ways 
to beat the cop who's using instant-on? 
M. L., Toledo, Ohio. 

There ave ways around. everything. In- 
stant-on radar differs from conventional 
radar in that the patrol officer using it need 
only snap a switch to get an immediate speed 
reading. The instant-on feature gives a 
radar detector user almost no warning if he 
or she is driving the only car in sight of the 
police. If you are listening carefully lo your 
radar detector, you may hear a faint sig- 
nal—that's the policeman sampling traffic 
ahead of you—and that may be all the warn- 
ing you'll get. Here's а tip: If you do hear 
faint signals, or even see the officer far 
ahead, pump your brakes as you slow down. 
That action may contribute to an erratic 
reading, though it may also telegraph that 

you have a detector. Better still, if you know 
or suspect there's instant-on in use, stay with 
packs of cars and trucks for cover. Listen 
carefully and be prepared to act on any sig- 
nal, no matter how faint. Know your own 
ата well. Most policemen find a spot that 
works, and then use it again and again. Al- 
so watch ahead for flashing light signals 
from oncoming motorists—those lights or a 
CB warning may be a good line of defense. 
The only guaranteed defense, of course, is to 
stay within the speed limit. 

Since my girlfriend and 1 have been 
g sex positions—doggie style and 
woman on top—that leave my hands 
free to caress her clitoris while Pin inside 
her, we have simultaneous orgasm quite 
often. But 1 find 1 don't enjoy that as 
much as taking turns. I thought coming 
together was the brass ring of fucking 
But now that we've grabbed it, 1 find 1 
don't want it. What gives?—B. V., Fram- 
inghara, Massachusetts. 

Simultaneous orgasm is overraled. Sure, 
it can be fun, but the intimate sharing in- 
volved in taking turns reaching climax is of- 
ten more enjoyable. Men who strive for the 
Holy Grail of simultaneous orgasm often 
wind up sacrificing their own pleasure for 
the sake of timing their orgasms to match 
those of their lovers. Masters and Johnson 
advised that sex works best as a “my шт, 
your turn" proposition, not to mention vico 
versa. The old folks were right again. We 
think you'll turn your love-light back on 
when you help your partner to her orgasm 
and then indulge yourself in your own. 

IM, new girlfriend douches. I thought 
I read somewhere that it’s dangerous. 15 
it?—M. G., Austin, Texas. 

Quite possibly. A study at the University of 
Washington in Seattle has linked douching 
three or more times a month with significant- 
ly increased risk of pelvic inflammatory dis- 
ease, a potentially life-threatening infection 
of women's reproductive organs and a lead- 
ing cause of female infertility. Other studies 
have linked frequent douching to an in- 
creased risk of cervical cancer and ectopic 
pregnancy, another potentially fatal medical 
emergency. Douching is medically unneces- 
sary, and the vagina is а self-cleansing or- 
gan. Ask your girlfriend not to douche. 

AU reasonable questions—from fashion, 
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dat- 
ing problems, taste and etiquette—will be 
personally answered if the writer includes a 
stamped, self-addressed envelope. Send all 
letters to The Playboy Advisor, PLAYBOY, 680 
North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 
60611. The most provocative. pertinent 
queries will be presented on these pages 
each month, 




society—not biology—defines adolescence 

Forget what you've been told. Ado- 
lescence doesn't exist. Or at least it 
didn't until society had the bright 
idea that a gap should exist between 
puberty and adulthood. 

Before the 18005, families lived and 
worked together. But industrializa- 
tion, and the labor force needed to 
fuel it, changed the family structure. 
Women stayed at home and children 
were at school while the head of the 
houschold left the family to go to 
work. With this change came а new 
attitude toward sex. To keep 
the family intact—and to keep 
their husbands from visiting 
young prostitutes—these idled 
women created such organiza- 
tions as the Women’s Christian 
Temperance Union to promote 
the ideal of a pure and virginal 
natural state that could be 
defiled by men. 

By the late 19th century, the 
women's social-purity move- 
ment had begun asking law- 
makers to raise the age of con- 
sent to protect the innocence of 
young girls from the corrupt- 
ing power of men. "Between 
1886 and 1895," according to 
John D'Emilio and Estelle 
Freedman, authors of Intimate 
Matters: A History of Sexuality in 
America, "the social-purity cam- 
paign succeeded in raising the 
age of consent from as low as 
ten years in some states to be- 
tween 14 and 18 years in 29 

The consent laws signaled a 
separation of sexuality from 
human behavior. Sex became 
something men did to women. “Fe- 
male chastity,” says Linda Gordon 
in her book Woman's Body, Woman's 
Right, “was a woman's destiny, as a 
naturally asexual being." 

By the turn of the century asexual- 
ity had attached itself to adolescence 
in general The biology of puberty 
and procreation be damned: neither 
young women nor young men were 
deemed adult enough to handle sex. 

Not until the Sixties would society 
acknowledge that adolescents had 
sex. By then, these supposedly asexu- 


al creatures were having babies and 
illegal abortions at rates that couldn't 
be ignored—and catching venereal 
diseases in epidemic proportions. 
Common sense dictated that they 
have access to the same sexual health 
care as adults. 

A report by the Alan Guttmacher 
Institute tracks the result: "A growing 
trend has emerged over the last 90 to 
30 years [giving] teenagers wider au- 
thority to make decisions for them- 
selves. . . . The trend toward giving 

minors greater freedom to make their 
own decisions about health care has 
generated little controversy and has 
aroused little organized opposition.” 
There was one notable exception. 

The AGI study looked at sexual 
and health issues across the nation. It 
analyzed minors' autonomy by activi- 
ties that did not require parental con- 
sent and found that in the majority of 

Minors can buy condoms, birth- 
control pills and most other types of 
contraceptives as needed. 

They can go for diagnosis and 
treatment of sexually transmitted dis- 
eases and HIV infection with only a 
few restrictions. 

Minors can ask for and receive 
treatment and counseling for drug 
abuse, alcohol abuse or emotional 

They can authorize general med- 
ical and surgical care in nonemer- 
gency situations. 

А pregnant unmarried minor can 
even choose prenatal care, deliver 

her child and, if she chooses, 
place it for adoption. 

“The one exception the study 
found to adolescent autonomy? 
Abortion. Yes, a pregnant un- 
married minor can decide to 
have a child, but she can't decide 
not to have a child. Roughly two 
thirds of the states insist that a 
parent or a judge authorizc an 
abortion. And in June 1992, the 
United States Supreme Court 
affirmed a Pennsylvania law en- 
forcing this hypocritical stance. 

As the AGI study makes clear, 
the Court's ruling is logically in- 
consistent with abortion viewed 
either as a medical procedure or 
as an issue of sexual autonomy. 
“The Court can't be concerned 
with teenagers' health care. ei- 
ther: Experience shows that mi- 
nors receive better health care 
results when they don't have to 
let their parents know about 
their private lives. Another study 
shows that morc than 45 percent 
of teenagers choose to include a 
parent in the abortion decision, 
anyway. As for morality, the АСТ 

study puts it succinctly: "If abortion is 
immoral, it is no less so if a parent or 
a judge sanctions the decision." 

The Court's sole interest is a соп- 
servative agenda. In order to pro- 
mote family values, the Court has 
chosen to perpetuate an unrealistic 
notion of adolescence—and a Victori- 
an concept of the parent-child rela- 
tionship. Yes, families do help devel- 
ор emotional maturity. But laws don’t 
create families or relationships —peo- 
ple do. The Court bas become the 
ncw social-purity league. 



Е R 

R E 

1 agree with Hugh Hefner's 
artide “Just Say No" (The 
Playboy Forum, November). I be- 
lieve the government has been 
picking on the wrong people 
for the past two decades. The 
Republican administrations 
made criminals of individuals 
who support sexual expression. 
It is great to hear from Нер 
again. The current generation 
of readers should seek out back 
issues of PLAYBOY from the Six- 
ties and read The Playboy Philos- 
ophy. Hef's ruminations will 
give many a better understand- 
ing of sexual expression. 

R. Hanrahan 
Wilmington, Massachusetts 

Hugh Hefner is absolutely 
right: Our government has put. 
many hones, hard-working, 
otherwise law-abiding citizens 
in jail. These citizens have lost 
homes, families, jobs and more 
simply because they smoke pot. 
You know pot—the plant шаг 
can be used for food, clothes, 
paper, gasoline, building mate- 
rials, etc. I believe that the pun- 
ishment should fit the crime, 
and in this case the punishment 
for this crime does a lot more 
harm than the drug ever vill. 
Thank you for saying what 
many people believe but don't 
dare risk speaking about. 

Peoria, Illinois 

Hefner fancies that many 
people serving time "for sex 
and drug crimes are actually 
political prisoners.” No, they 
are "actually" nothing of the kind, cer- 
tainly not Бу Amnesty International's 
test. А teenager picked up for marijua- 
na possession should not be puffed up 
to the level of China's real political 
prisoners. After all, the American kid 
doesn't regard himself as political. 

Р Javier 
West Vancouver, British Columbia 

According to Amnesty International, po- 
litical prisoners are persons "imprisoned for 
their beliefs." People convicted for using 
drugs are political prisoners. They believe 
drug use is harmless, a private act. The gov- 
ernment does not believe that. Through in- 
creasingly draconian laws it has managed to 

positive, as a person. 



In Muses from Chaos and Ash: AIDS, Artists and 
Art (Grove Press), novelist Edmund White con- 
tributes this take on American society 
pressure it puts on people with AIDS to dis- 
avow sex: 

“I think one of the biggest struggles if you're 
and as an artist, is to keep 
sex in your work. Everybody wants you to get 
rid of it. They all think there's something un- 
seemly and horrible and nasty about it. Basical- 
ly the idea is, "You got yourself into all this rrou- 
ble in the first place because you were so 
promiscuous, plus you infected other innocent 
. Can't you please just stop all that nasty 
behavior? Haven't you learned your lesson yet?’ 
1 remain sexual in my work and it gets me in 
trouble with everybody, but I'm going to keep 
on doing it. People бол t want to hear about it 
and they don't like it. [But] it's the life energy.” 

imprison thousands of dissidents, The exer- 
cise of political will has done nothing to curb 
drug use and much to cripple the country. 
Maybe President Clinton will consider am- 

nesty for users. 


Popular health-care policy is against 
the research and development of sper- 
micides as a defense against HIV. Some 
argue that advocating the use of sper- 
micides will irresponsibly discourage 
women from using condoms. The irre- 
sponsibility lies in ignoring current test 
results, which find that spermicides kill 
the virus 50 percent of the time, or in 

and the 

not paying attention to the 
studies that show condoms are 
used consistently in only about 
20 percent of cases—probably 
less in poorer communities, 
where partners are more likely 
10 resist using them. No pre- 
ventive method is 100 per- 
cent effective. When it comes 
to a life-preserving choice, 50 
percent is beuer than nothing 
at all. 

Jean Marshall 

Washington, D.C. 

The U.S. Supreme Court re- 
cently voided the conviction of 
a man prosecuted under a Min- 
nesota hate-crimes ordinance, 
forcing prosecutors to bring 
charges against the man under 
federal laws. If prosecutors 
have to jump through Юор- 
holes to get a conviction, what's 
the point of having these ordi- 
nances on the books in the first 
place? Hate-crime convictions 
will continue to be thrown out 
until the conflicting interests 
behind hate-speech ordinances 
and free speech come to an 
Ross Phillips 
Detroit, Michigan 
 Hate-crime ordinances are large- 
ly the result of the efforts of well- 
intentioned liberals. By their na- 
ture, such ordinances threaten the 
constitutional right to free speech. 
Existing laws addressing trespass- 
ing, assault, etc., are sufficient for 

James R. Petersen's article on 
sex abuse among priests (“When the 
Church Sins,” The Playboy Forum, De- 
cember) was right-on about the cover- 
up and stonewalling within the Cath- 
ойс Church. Father James Porter's 
1973 letter to Pope Paul VI asking for 
release from the priesthood before he 
committed more sexual offenses is 
dear evidence of the deception behind 
the Roman collar. Rather than admit to 
an aberration within its ranks, the 
church shuffled Porter from parish to 
parish, effectively playing Rus 
roulette with the lives of the children 
he came into contact with. After more 
than ten years of sexual offenses 

Е Е S 

covering five states and scores of chil- 
dren, the church finally released 
Porter from his vows. Is this what they 
mean by sacrificial lambs? 

Marti Woods 

Las Vegas, Nevada 

Many Americans seem to think that 

the Constitution is an à la carte menu 
from which the tyrannical majority 
chooses which amendments to keep 
and which to repeal. One can vehe- 
mently defend the rights of the press 
and of speech but deride the Second 
Amendment right of Americans to de- 
fend themselves with firearms. Gun 
ownership ultimately puts the teeth in 
our liberty. 

Scott A. Wimmer 

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 


I read with dismay the article “The 
Myth of Church and State,” by Bob 
Howells (The Playboy Forum, October). 
It does much to further the ignorance 
alrcady surrounding the provisions of 
the First Amendment and does noth- 
ing (0 promote any brand of democra- 
cy. How is Pat Robertson so different 
from the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who 
more publicly wields his religious title 
and has done much the same as 
Robertson in mobilizing a voting force 
that agrees with his agenda? The beau- 
ty of a federal system is that it allows 
communities to decide what is best for 
their particular region. People must be 
encouraged to know the candidates 
and their positions and to elect people 
who share their beliefs. The impor- 
tance of religion in political office must 
ultimately be left to voters to decide. A 
paternalistic national government hid- 
ing behind a twisted Constitution can- 
not and should not take on the burden 
of deciding how much religion is too 
much religion. 

Frank Conley 
Gainesville, Florida 

When I was young, it was net unusu- 
al to hear proposals to make the Ten 
Commandments part of the Constitu- 
tion. I thought this idea died a natural 
death until I read “The Myth of 
Church and State.” A surprising num- 
ber of people seem to react favorably to 
this concept. I cannot believe that very 
many of them have actually read and 


thought about what those command- 
ments say or what they would do to our 
society. For example: “Thou shalt not 
make unto thee any likeness.” There 
goes nearly all art or religious statuary. 
What about photographs? Movies? 
Anatomical text illustrations? Or how 
about “Remember the Sabbath Day, to 
keep it holy.” Blue laws, anyone? A 
criminal code based on theology? No. 
thank you. 

Clyde Wilkes 
Bisbee, Arizona 


Drug testing is a big issue in the 
workplace, and promotions may be lost 
and job offers withdrawn on the basis 
of a test result. I haven't seen a single 
article on the accuracy of such testing, 
which I assume means that they havea 
large margin of er- 
ror. My company in- 
stituted a testing pol- 
icy last year. So far, so 
good. But too many 
of my co-workers 
were given pink slips 
rather than the bene- 
fit of the doubt, and 
I do not want to 
be next. Until total 
accuracy has been 
achieved, employee 
drug testing should 
be suspended. 
Roy Gray 
Memphis, Tennessee 


The editors of The Playboy Forum 
should watch their backs: RAPID is 
on the move! Billing itself as a new di- 
rect-action group, the Revolutionaries 
Against Рогпоргарћу 5 Inhumane De- 
struction recently stormed the ACLU's 
headquarters and staged a bit of guer- 
rilla theater in response to the Union's 
1992 Arts Censors of the Year awards. 
RAPID, it seems, was offended by in- 
clusion of hyperfeminists Andrea 
Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon 
among the awardees. To symbolize the 
silencing of women, two RAPID partic- 
ipants mouths were duct-taped shut 
and the group recited a litany of “lies 
used by pornographers and the ACLU 
to distort the reality of pornography: 
Pornography is art! Women are never 
raped in pornography! Women always 
choose to be in pornography! Women 
enjoy seeing their bodies dissected and 

Маг Е 

on display! There is no connection 
between pornography and violence 
against women! The ACLU is doing the 
right thing by trying to destroy Andrea 
Dworkin!” And so on. With enemies 
like these, there's no need to rely on 
friends. Insanity will ultimately burn it- 
self out. 

Harry Rodgers 

New Haven. Connecticut. 

Welcome to the fanatic fringe. RAPID is 
approximately 12 refugees from Women 
Against Porn and Men Against Porn. Trou 
bled with the lack of direct action by these 
groups, RAPID “courageously” attacks neu- 
tral defenders of the First Amendment, their 
wake littered with irrational propaganda. 

In what proved to be a bizarre polit- 
ical year, the most ridiculous statement 

made by anyone during the entire 
campaign surely had to be Barbara 
Bush's assertion to Larry King that 
“sex is death.” She might like it to be 
death, especially for people who don't 
share her "family values," but the ob- 
vious fact is that sex is life, and always 
has been. To say, with apparent sincer- 
ity, such a preposterous and transpar- 
ent untruth underscores the moral 
bankruptcy of the Bush administra- 
tion and, indeed, of the Republican 
Party. Good riddance to this sanctimo- 
nious old bat. 

Robert Borden 

Jemez Springs, New Mexico 

I would like to personally thank 
George Bush for being pro-life. If he 
had been pro-choice, he might have 
had a chance of winning. 

Terry Moore 
Hollywood, California 


a survey of sexuality in america today 
by Dr. Samuel Janus and Dr. Cynthia Janus 

This nationwide study reported on the 
views of almost 3000 people to deter- 
mine the sexual attitudes and behaviors 
of several sociological and ideological 
groups. The investigation, from 1983 to хэлт 
1992, looks at the country after the dis- - 
covery of AIDS. Dr. Samuel Janus is an | согоо ne 
associate professor of psychiatry al New 

York University Medical College, and | 
Dr. Cynthia Janus is a former associate ultra- 
professor of obstetrics, gynecology and 
radiology at the University of Virginia. 
From their book “The Janus Report 
on Sexual Behavior” (John Wiley 
& Sons), PLAYBOY excerpts the find- 
ings of two chapters, “Religion and 
Sex” and “Politics and Sex.” 

Both the questionnaire 
responses and our in- 
depth interviews con- 
firmed that different 
political associations do 
authentically represent 
varying frames of mind 
and different attitudes, and 
that these attitudes are sig- 
nificantly contrasting across 
the political spectrum. Howev- 
er, values and attitudes cannot 
be assumed automatically to 
give insights into behavior. 
What people say is not always 
what they do, and we wanted 
to explore possible differences 
in behavior. One social issue as- 
sociated with conservative political 
agendas has involved limiting the 
casy availability of contraceptives 
and opposing the teaching of con- 
traception in school. The conserva- 
tive reasoning is that easy contra- 
ception leads to ease of and 
implied approval of sexual rela- 
tions outside of marriage, and such 
ease is strongly condemned as anti- 
thetical to family values. One 
should see a rejection of the use 
of contraceptives for themselves. 
However . . . the facts [66 percent 
of ultraconservatives, as opposed to 
55 percent of ultraliberals, use con- 
traception] suggest otherwise. 

To successfully 
function sexually, 
I fantasize: 

a lot 

ultraconservalive ultraliberal 

16% 33% 

Have you had full 
sexual relations? 
If yes, by age: 



Should sex 
education be 
taught in 

men women 




Compared with three years ago, my 
sexual activity is: 

| ulfraconservative | ultralibera! | ultraconservative | ultraliberal 


men women 


“I love doing conven- 
tions, particularly the 
Republicans’. . . . Not 
only Republicans, al- 
most any very conser- 
valive group, for ex- 

ample, _ religious or 
economic, at business 
shows. Many come to 

these functions without 
their wives, but even if 
they have their wives, 
they sneak around 
and they serve up 
sex action like you 
wouldn't believe. They 
are intense about sex. 
Somehow, being for- 


we ha MEC bidden makes it more 
24% 52% 28% —A 31-YEAR-OLD 




31% 48% 






ultraconservotive independent ultraliberal 
men | women men | women men women 


strongly ogree ond agree 

disagree ond strongly disogree 40% | 32% 

34% 46% 










has the state approached the tradi- 
tional role of religion in legalizing 
marriages, registering babies and 
legislating whether certain contra- 
ceptive practices, abortion or 
heretofore unnatural sex acts are 
permissible. However, although 
the state has indeed assumed some 
of the prerogatives of religion, the 
church and the state often coexist 
as social regulators. . . . A major im- 
pact of religion on social behavior 
15 effected through the mechanism 
of guilt; that is, when placed in a 
possibly compromising sexual situ- 
ation, one is able to retain self- 

Pain and pleasure 
go together in sex: 

егу 20% 


religious 15% 73% 

rigs 13% | 76% 

religious 10% 81% 

control by somehow feeling 
the sexual act is wrong. Inter- 
estingly, many of the individ- 
uals that we interviewed felt 
that, without at least a bit of 
guilt, sex loses some of its ap- 
peal; for some, the defiance of 
authority was a turn-on. With 
the sexual revolution has 
come personal sexual choice, 
a concept that is anathema to 

“Thirty-two per- 
сет of the very reli- 

gious and thirty- 
five percent of 
the religious be- 
lieved that women 

“I have a girlfriend now. . . . We both feel it is a beau- 
üful thing for a girl to be a virgin until she is mar- 
ried. . .. When we are going to have intercourse, 1 al- 
ways use a condom, and 1 enter her, but 1 withdraw be- 
fore 1 ejaculate, . . . Most important of all, she is still a 
virgin, because 1 havent come inside her, and therefore 

experience before extramarit 

marriage.” у 

: nol 
“While primarily equally active i 72 Are 
on a broad range of sex practices, = 
religious people have some diffi- 
culty enjoying their sex lives. Compared with three years ago, my 
There is a need to manifest a well- sexual activity is: 
defined set of values for the public very 

В B, Р religious 
and for raising children, but 
many religious people live by 225 IO EEE >= 
another set of values privalely.” 24% 25% 

Slightly по! 

oca religious religious 

30% 33% 

| А large variety of 

sex techniques 
isa must for 
regius 40% 46% yes 
ae am very religious | 3 61% 
religious 44% 39% religious 66% 
religious 49% ВАЛЕ Es 
not religious 66% 

Sensually, I feel 
that sex is: 

very sensuous 

slightly religious 

noi religious 


very religious 

religious slightly religious not religious 

men | women men | women men | women men | women 
| | 
strongly agree and agree 59% | 64% 41% | 41% 23% | 24% 15% | 9% 
| | 
disagree and strongly disagree 25% | 26% 398 |41% 566 |59% 73% |82% 
| | 



no answer 



N E W 


O N T 

what's happening in the sexual and social arenas 


SEATTLE—Rock concert promoters dis- 
covered that instead of engaging in rowdy 
behavior, fans were amusing themselves 

between performances by showing off for 
closed-circuit video cameras. According to 
the promoters, images of the bare breasts of 
exuberant female concertgoers appeared to 
soothe the rowdy crowds. Orders issued to 
police at a recent concert advised the cops 
10 expect “females will be boosted orto the 
shoulders of companions, where they will 
expose their breasts to a camera that pro- 
jects the image on the big screen. This form 
of entertainment has served lo keep the 
crowd in check.” Long live rock and roll. 


government has prohibited persons with 
AIDS from swimming in that country's 
coastal waters for fear the sharks might eat 
them. Shark fishing is important 10 the na- 
tional economy, and the fear isn't for the 
swimmers but for the sharks. Some fisher- 
men worry that if a shark ate an AIDS vic- 
tim, the disease could destroy the entire 
shark population. 


ORLANDO, FLORIDA—The prosecution 
tried to portray the defendant as a drug 
dealer pushing morphine and codeine, 
but the jurors felt differently. The circuit 

court jury acquitted an AIDS activist of il- 
legally supplying AIDS patients with the 
drugs for use as painkillers. The defen- 
dant said he had learned one lesson from 
the experience: In the future he would hire 
а doctor to make sure that he was helping 
legitimate AIDS patients and not under- 
cover cops. 

с  Н = 

WASHINGTON, D.C—Tiny transdermal 
patches are big business. They've been used 
to release nicotine for smokers trying to 
quil and scopolamine for seasickness suf- 
ferers. Their latest application is in in- 
‘creasing men's testosterone levels. Testos- 
terone is the male hormone associated with 
energy level, competitive instincts and sex- 
ual activity. Two patches are on the way. 
One has to be worn on the scrotum; the oth- 
er can be worn in а less sensitive place. 

AV DIP ar 
товокто—Тће Federal Court of 

Canada overruled a military policy that 
barred recruiting gays or promoting those 
already in servite. Following the decision, 
General John de Chastelain promised full 
compliance and the elimination of all re- 
strictions aimed at gays. 

ОТТАМА—А human rights tribunal 
ordered the Ontario government to extend 
survivor-pension benefits to spouses of its 
homosexual employees. The ruling opens 
the way for challenges to the discriminato- 
ту pension policies of all businesses. 


younger lover tried to end their relation- 
ship because of their ten-year age gap, the 
35-year-old woman offered him one last 
romp as а goodbye gesture. He lived 
through the experience. Doctors, however, 
were unable to reattach his penis and testi- 
cles that the girlfriend chopped off to re- 
member him by. After finding nothing in 
Russian law books that specifically ad- 
dressed such a crime, police charged the 
woman with “organ sabotage.” 


MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY—A slate circuit 
court judge here ruled that it's a motorist’s 
constitutional right to give the finger to a 

Kentucky law enforcement officer. Even an 
obscene gesture may be a form of free 
speech, according to the judge. Common 
sense, however, suggests not exercising 
‘your right on a lonely road. 


BALTIMORE—Safe-sex education isn't 
getting the message out to everyone, ас- 
cording lo a Johns Hopkins University 
School of Medicine study. In Baltimore's 
STD clinics, patients who believed their 
sexual behavior could have put them at 
risk and were worried enough to get tested 
do not always change their high-risk sexu- 
al practices. The study found that within a 
six- to 23-month period, about nine per- 
cent of both the HIV-negative and HIV- 
positive groups were back with at least one 
new sexually transmitted disease that re- 
sulted from unsafe sex. The repor/'s con- 
clusion: Onetime counseling isn’t effective. 


TORONTO—Without affirming the me- 
dicinal benefits of masturbation, an On- 
tario court cleared a Toronto doctor who 
had used masturbation and sexual holding 
to treat patients. Three judges restored the 

therapist's license after studying a lengthy 
brief on his theories and practices and not- 
ing the many patients who came to his de- 
_fense. The court slapped the doctor's wrists 
‘and made him promise he would keep his 
hands to himself in the future. 


Сур fantasies LI СУ 

This sensational sequel 

in Playboy's Erotic Fan- 
tasies series brings you 
to a new level of eroti- 
cism. Let your imagina: 
tion soar with a “heal- 
ing" hospital yignette, а 
steamy basketball match, 

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Reporter's Notebook 

Where is the women's movement go- 
ing? This column may appear a strange 

venue for raising the question, though 1 
am reliably told that 2 million women 
read this magazine. Men, in any case, 

need to know about this. I he starting 
demonstration of women power in the 
last election, in which the gender gap 
provided Clinton with his margin of vic- 
tory, means women have a lot to do with 
setting the national agenda. So men, too, 
had better wonder again: What do 
women want? For example, living in Cal- 
ifornia, as I do, both of my senators аг 
now women, and all I know about them 
for sure is that they are pro-choice. 

Up to now, that's been a pretty clear 
litmus test. For the past decade, being 
pro-choice was like having a beard back 
in the s: It said quite a bit about 
where someone was coming from, c 
turally as well as politically. 

Ву that measure, the yahoos were on 
the other side. Pro-choice people tended 
to be more tolerant, gene: 
other ways oppo: sive forces, 
be they pro-military or pro-censorship 
Of course, that oversimplified matters 
There were pro-choice people who 
wanted to preserve their tax breaks and 
screw the poor. And yes, 1 know about 
the neofeminist fringe that equates all 
heterosexual sex with rape. 

People such as me tended to vote for 
pro-choice women not only because it 
was obvious that individuals should con- 
trol their bodies but also because such 
people tended to be more enlightened. 
But the choice battle is over. It was set- 
tled with the results of the last election. 

The Republicans now know that the 
cost of rousing the primitives among the 
It worked 
only so long as no one was looking. 

The abortion issue was invented by 
political operatives in the Republican 

Party to split poorer voters, many of 

them working-class Catholic and South- 
ern evangelicals, from their natural alle- 
giance to the Democratic Party. 1 had 
many conversations over the years with 
such GOP operatives as Lee Atwater and 
Stu Spencer, and they all said the same 
thing: The abortion issue works for us so 
long as we don't win, What they meant 
was that you could pick up the pro-life 
votes without losing the pro-choice votes 


abortion was the litmus test of moral rectitude. with the day won, 
the women’s movement must focus on more basic needs 


because the latter didn't think you were 
serious, For example, where I spent this 
past decade, in solidly Republican Or- 
ange County, California, we consistently 
sent a rabidly pro-life delegation to Con- 
gress even though well over 60 percent 
of the voters always polled as pro-choice. 
Until recently, the pro-lifer stuff was 
just political noise, Women thought the 
laws would never be changed. The gov- 
ernment might deny abortion in some 
ghetto clinics, but no one was going to 
tell women in the suburbs what to do. 
Then the Clarence Thomas hearings 
highlighted the packing of the Supreme 
Court. The mad rhetoric of the two Pats, 
Robertson and Buchanan, frightened 
millions of moderates into get 
ous about the threat from the ве 
right. Suddenly, being pro-life became a 
big loser for politicians of either party: 
"The women's movement will no doubt. 
have a major impact on the personnel 
and policies of this administration. Rest 
assured that the Democrats, who didn't 
even allow the pro-life governor of 
Pennsylvania to speak at their conven- 
tion, will finally settle the issue with new 
presidential directives, laws and the ap- 
pointment of some 100 federal judges. 
But that is no longer enough. What else 
will those judges believe in? Will they fa- 
vor civil liberties and oppose censorship, 
or will they cater to the puritanical wing 
of the women's movement represented 
by Tipper Gore and her record-labeling 
crusade? Where will they stand on so- 
called hate or harassing speech? Any 
nominec for the Supreme Court vill be 
for reproductive choice, but where will 
she or he stand on our right to listen to 
rap music or to bu 
ton already has in 
nees will have to pass muster on abortio 
What other litmus tests will be applied? 
Just being correct on abortion is un- 
likely to suflice as a clue to safeguarding 
other key rights, particularly if choice 
moves off the front burner as an issue. 
True, nota single woman friend believes 
that the choice debate is over, but it's al- 
ways hard to declare victory. The prob- 
lem is, what do you do next? How do 
you keep a single-issue coalition togeth- 
er when you no longer have the iss 
What are women's issues and wh 
the consensus? 

As I discovered one day last year ага 
Sunday brunch at Betty Friedan's house, 
these are not easy questions to answer. 1 
thought | was going to a party, but my 
feminist host had something else in 
mind. She was pushing a candidate for 
Congress, the well-c 1 and superrich 
Jane Harman. This woman, who had 
lived for most of the past 20 years in 
Washington, D.C., had suddenly re- 
turned to southern С: rnia to run as 
a pro-choice candidate. Innocently, 1 
asked her about a vicious welfarc-reform 
bill the state's Republican governor had 
put on the ballot. It would have taken 
away one out of four dollars going to 
poor women. I assumed she would be 
against these attacks on. poor women. 
But no, this rich matron was suddenly 
telling me that poor women would 
have to become more "responsible" and 
would have to "get jobs." 

The voters understood that the jobs 
didn't exist and defeated the initiative. 
But Harman won. She took full ad- 
vantage of the Year of the Woman and 
her own considerable bankroll. (She 
dropped nearly three quarters of a mil- 
lion of her own money.) I asked Friedan, 
whom 1 much respect, how she could 
possibly support someone so mean 
ited about poor women? Bless her heart, 
Friedan seemed troubled and ned 
the assemblage that the "welfare mother 
is becoming this year's Willie Horton." 

become less 
lowed us to ignore the fact that. 
fessional women may not face the same 
problems as poor out-of-work women. 
Take the dirt-poor region of eastern 
Arkansas, where I happened to be 
watching television one day when Hil- 
lary Clinton came on, sj 
Children's Defense Fund benefit dinner. 
1 couldn't help noticing that she was 
wearing a split-scam skirt that opened 
smartly as she mounted the stage. Very 
ndy No dowdy Barbara Bush hı 

role model for every 

ng the Eco ie enin 

The other aspect that struck me is 
that she didn't say anything. She's 
getting pretty good at politicobabble 
with all those (concluded on page 163) 



a candid conversation with the author of "the vampire chronicles" about sex 
and violence, gays and bloodsuckers, and her helpful fans from the sm scene 

In 1976 Anne Rice came upon the liter- 
ary scene with an extraordinarily innovative 
novel called “Interview with the Vampire.” 
Critics were not sure what to make of her 
richly imagined, deadly serious portrait of 
Теча! de Lioncourt—an 18th century vam- 
pire who poured out his tale of centuries on 
the run, of the eternal struggle between good 
and evil and of the meanings of death and 
immortality. But readers had no trouble see- 
ing this vampire as an ultimate outsider—a 
symbolic figure for teens, gays and lonely ur- 
ban apartment dwellers. It became an in- 
stant cult classic and the basis for a series of 
novels, “The Vampire Chronicles”—includ- 
ing “The Vampire Lestat,” “The Queen of 
the Damned” and, most recently, "The Tale 
of the Body Thief” —which have sold nearly 
5 million copies. 

The handful of critics who condemned 
“Interview with the Vampire” as a clever lit- 
erary stunt could not have guessed how pro- 
foundly Rice identified with her fictional 
character's emotions. For two years, she had 
watched helplessly as her only daughter, 
Michele, batlled leukemia, dying before her 
sixth birthday. In her grief and frustration, 
she turned to alcohol and to marathon 
binges at the typewriter. The novel—which 

“I do love violence. I absolutely love it. If we 
cleanse all the violence out of our work, we 
will have the “Saturday Evening Post” short 
story triumphant. That will be our art. We've 
nearly done that, and it's preity dismal stuff." 

features a six-year-old vampire—emerged as 
а sort of catharsis, Prior to this crossroad in 
her life, Rice had been a "perpetual student” 
and aspiring writer who lived in the heart of 
San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district 
during the rock-and-roll revolution of the 

Born on October 4, 1941, at Mercy Hos- 
pital in New Orleans, Anne was given 
the unusual name Howard Allen Frances 
O'Brien, incorporating her father’s first 
name and her mother’s maiden name. When 
she entered first grade in the Redemptorist 
Catholic School, she promptly announced 
that she would be known as Anne. Ghost sto- 
ries and twilight walks through the cemeter- 
ies of New Orleans with her father made 
strong impressions on her as a child. So did 
the 1936 movie “Dracula’s Daughter,” 
which she recalls as the most vivid vampire 
imagery from her youth. She met her future 
husband, poet and artist Stan Rice, while 
both were working on a high school newspa- 
per. After a Long courtship, they married and 
went [0 San Francisco to attend college. 

Her second published novel, “The Feast of 
All Saints,” explored the New Orleans set- 
tings of her youth. Focusing on the relatively 
litlle-knoum experiences of the gens de 

“I really see vampires as transcending gender. 
If you make them absolutely straight or ab- 
solutely gay, you limit the material. They can 
be either one. They havea polymorphous sexu- 
ality. They see everything as beautiful.” 

couleur libre—the 18,000 blacks who lived 
as free men and women prior to the Civil 
War—Rice wove a mesmerizing tale of love 
affairs and family intrigues into the histori- 
cal setting of the 1840s. "Feast" incorporat- 
ed her penchant for psychologically complex 
characters and used her intimate knowledge 
of Louisiana lore 

If the literary world had been stunned by 
Rice’s philosophical meditations on vam- 
pires, it was flabbergasted by her third novel, 
“Cry to Heaven” (1982). Set in 18th centu- 
ry Venice, it is a dreamlike tale of love and 
treachery among the castrati, the boys who 
were castrated to preserve the purity of their 
soprano voices. The bizarre settings, androg- 
ynous characters and explicit scenes of di- 
verse sexual activities shocked many read- 
ers—but only presaged what would be an 
even more amazing turn in. Rice's literary 

In a move that might have appeared sui- 
cidal for а successfully published literary au- 
thor, Касе decided to write a serus of explic- 
Шу erotic books —what she straight{orwardly 
calls her “pornography.” In the first work of 
this trilogy, “The Claiming of Sleeping 
Beauty,” the Prince awakens Beauty both 
literally and sexually in a sadomasochistic 

“Now my pornographic books are in the sub- 
urts. Theyre everywhere, and women come up 
with babies in strollers and say, ‘We love your 
dirty books.’ They put it right in the stroller 
with the kid. I think that's great.” 


fantasy version of the fairy tale. Her editor 
at Knopf refused to publish the books, and 
they were sold to another house, E. P. Dutton, 
where they appeared under the pseudonym of 
A. N. Roquelaure. (A roquelaure is a type of 
French cloak worn in the 18th century.) De- 
spite the pseudonym, Rice has always happi- 
ly admitted that she is the author of ihe 
Beauty books. In fact, in their paperback 
editions, her real name is the largest type on 
the cover. 

In addition to the two other books in the 
Beauty trilogy—“Beauty’s Punishment” and 
“Beauty's Release"—Rice wrote another 
pornographic novel with a contemporary 
setting. “Exit lo Eden,” published under the 
pseudonym Anne Rampling, concerns the 
love affair that develops between a man and 
а woman at an unusual sex club on a 
Caribbean island. 

Almost a decade after “Interview with the 
Vampire,” Rice returned to the character of 
Lestat. In “The Vampire Lestat,” he is awak- 
ened in 1985 by a rock band and becomes a 
singer. Rice had based part of Lestat’s style 
and voice on the Doors’ Jim Morrison. The 
concepl of ihe vampire as a contemporary 
rock star and the fascinating story of Lestat’s 
early life made it an immediate best-seller. 

Rice then went back to an erotic theme she 
had toyed with for years. In “Belinda,” she 
wrote her oum version of "Lolita." The nov- 
el was largely ignored in hardcover and was 
packaged in a romance format in paper- 
back under the Rampling name, but it re- 
mains Rice's best written and least appre- 
ciated book. 

Another vampire book, “The Queen of the 
Damned, " the third in the series, further en- 
hanced Rice's reputation as a brilliant liter- 
ary stylist. In it, borrowing freely from Chris- 
tian, Greek and Egyptian. mythology, she 
develops a tapestry of vampire mythology 
that reaches back 6000 years to explain Le- 
stat’s origins. What readers can hardly help 
noticing in the third vampire volume is the 
marked increase in sensuality and violence 
from her previous books. It is almost as if 
Rice had moved to a new level of intensity in 
“The Queen of the Damned." As the charac- 
ters whirl around the world in an apocalyp- 
tic frenzy of mass killings, the intimate 
encounters among vampires—and between 
vampires and kumans—become more sensu- 
al. The giving of the dark gift of immortality 
is as erotically riveting as any scene in Rice's 
pornography. The brutality of the embrace, 
the penetration of vampire teeth, the sucking 
of hot blood, the passionate moment of trans- 
formation—this is sexy stuff, indeed. 

Rice made some important changes in her 
personal life, too. After spending some time 
in her second home in the city, Rice and her 
family moved back permanently to New Or- 
leans in 1988 and took up residence in a 
large historic mansion (reputed to be haunt- 
ed) in the Garden District. Her husband, 
Stan, retired as chairman of the creative 
writing program at San Francisco State and 
devoted his time to painting and writing po- 
etry. Their son, Christopher, 15, altends the 

54 nearby private school. Anne Rice is cochair 

of the New Orleans Preservation Society 
aud has recently purchased an 1880 тап- 
sion (also supposedly haunted) on St. Charles 
Sirect for renovation. The annual Coven 
Party of the Vampire Lestat Fan Club was 
held there last year. 

‘The move altered neither Rice’s productiv- 
ity nor her penchant for variety. In “The 
Mummy, or Ramses the Damned,” Rice 
switched to а playful, campy tone. And “The 
Witching Hour” is a more subdued, intellec- 
tual exploration of the supernatural set in 
Rice’s house in New Orleans. 

“The Tale of the Body Thief," the fourth 
and latest volume of "The Vampire Chroni- 
cles” (and her lucky 13th novel), takes place 
in contemporary seltings such as Miami, 
Georgetown and aboard the Queen Elizabeth 
11. In this story, Lestat is given the opportu- 
nity to give up his immortality and return to 
a human form. Naturally, he chooses to re- 
main a vampire. We wouldn't want it any 
other way. How else could we continue to 
read about his adventures in volume five, 
which Rice promises to provide shortly? 

To learn more about Anne Rice and her 
world of ghosts and vampires, we dispatched 
PLAYBOY'S book columnist, Digby Diehl, to 

“Tam not a 
dominatrix. I have 
almost no interest in 
acting it out. That 
was never what 
mattered to me.” 

New Orleans, where by day he visited with 
Rice in her home and by night searched for 
Lestat on Bourbon Street. Diehl's report: 

“When I spoke with Anne on tho telephone 
prior to our meetings, she was terse and 
businesslike, There were no restrictions on 
what we would talk about. But she made 
clear that she would only be available for 
four hours each afternoon for four consecu- 
tive days. No lunch, no cocktails, no socializ- 
ing. As she promised, our talks were inter- 
rupted only for periodic refillings of diet 
Coke and the afternoon arrivals of her son 
from school. 

“What surprised me a bit more each day 
was not only Anne's energy but her subtle 
chameleon ability to shift intonation and de- 
livery as the conversation changed. Anec- 
dotes about her youth were told with a 
charming sparkle. Ghost tales were offered. 
in а spooky, slightly lowered voice, and de- 
nuncialions of censorship came booming out 

“In the end, I realized that her initial for- 
mality was a way of protecting herself from 
her own warm nature. There is an openness, 
а generosity of spirit about her that would 
make il easy for a visitor to impose upon. It 

is better she should set limits and save the 
time to spend at her word processor.” 

PLAYBOY: You аге a fer and yet you 
have written explicit sexual fantasies. 
How do you reconcile those two things? 
RICE: 1 believe absolutely in the right of 
women to fantasize what they want to 
fantasize, to read what they want to read. 
I would go to the Supreme Court to 
fight for the right of a little woman in a 
trailer park to read pornography—or 
write it, if she wants to. I think one of the 
worst turns feminism took was its puri- 
tanical turn, where it tried to tell women 
what was politically correct sexually, 1 
mean, we had that for thousands of 
years. I got that from the nuns at school: 
what you were supposed to feel as a tem- 
ple of the Holy Ghost, what you were 
supposed to allow. And to hear the femi- 
nists then telling me that having maso- 
chistic fantasies or rape fantasies just 
isn't politically correct, 1 just thought, 
Oh, bullshit. You're not going to come in 
and ге my imagination. 

PLAYBOY: Not all feminists agree with 
you. The Los Angeles chapter of the Na- 
tional Organization for Women called 
for a boycott of most Random House 
books because it published Bret Easton 
Ellis’ American Psycho, which featured the 
murder and mutilation of men and 

RICE: | was outraged by the boycott. If 
Random House doesn't have the right to 
publish a disgusting book, then young 
editors all over New York will never get 
radical books through their publishing 
houses. Those women are treating Ran- 
dom House as if it were a great big, 
monolithic publishing house. It's not. 
Publishing has always been made up of 
courageous individual editors fighting 
for individual books. 1 5 furious. 1 
hate censorship. I hate it in any form 
Can't those people see that if they could 
win that battle and force the book not 
to be published, other interest. groups 
could then force all kinds of other books 
not to be published? I was just horrified. 
I would have defended Random House 
with a wooden sword in front of the 

PLAYBOY: Have you had problems with 
censorship of your own books? 

RICE: Not really very much. Knopf didn't 
want to publish my pornography, but 
that was the ividual decision of my 
editor, Vicky Wilson. She read the first 
book and said, “1 can't publish this." 
But she recommended Bill Whitehead at 
Dutton, who published it. So I stayed at 
Knopf as Anne Rice and went off to Dut- 
ton and wrote the A. N, Roquelaure 
books. Vicky really is a dedicated editor, 
but she can't publish something she 
doesn't understand. She really just 
didn't get it. It is pornography. She said, 
“If I were to publish this, all the sex 
slaves would have to fight to be free and 
to escape." I just said, “Oh, Vicky, I don't 

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want to do that. This is a sex fantasy 
about being a slave. They доп want to 
get away." 

PLAYBOY: Why did you decide to write 
explicit erotic fiction? 

RICE: First of all, I think the masochistic 
fantasies explored in my pornography, 
and rape fantasies in general, are fasci- 
nating things. They have to do with our 
deep psyche and they transcend gender. 
Both men and women have these fan- 
tasies, And to pretend that they don't ex- 
ist is ridiculous. I don't believe the old 
argument that people read pornogra- 
phy and go out and commit crimes. The 
vast majority of crimes are committed by 
people who aren't reading anything. 
They don't need Beatty's Punishment to 
go attack some old woman in Oakland, 
steal her welfare check and rape her. It 
doesn't work like that. I'm fascinated by 
sadomasochism. I’m fascinated by the 
way that the fantasies recu over, in all 
kinds of people from all kinds of lives. 
I'm not particularly interested in the 
people who act them out. I have noth- 
ing against them, and I've found them 
interesting when I've run into them. 
They come to my book signings some- 
times and say, "Do you want to come to 
our demonstration of how to tie all 
the knots?" 

PLAYBOY; They invite you to bondage 

RICE: Yes. There are groups in northern 
California that believe in healthy, safe- 
sex S&M. They'll give a lecture on how 
to tie up your lover but make the knots 
so that you can get them undone quick- 
ly. Or if уоште going to use locks and 
chains on your lover, to be sure that all 
the locks use the same key, so that you 
can unlock them quickly. Ап organiza- 
tion up there invited me to their demon- 
strations. One night they had а dungeon 
tour: They were going to visit this one's 
dungeon and that one's dungeon, this 
one's torture chamber and that one's 
тоот. The organization was mainly 
made up, as I recall, of people who just 
liked to practice S&M. There were mar- 
ried couples in it, there were a lot of 
lesbians in it and there were a lot of pro- 
fessional women. Тће women did this 
professionally, largely for male cus- 
tomers. They were very hygienic. 
PLAYBOY: What do you mean by 

RICE: They charge money. Dominatrixes. 
What fascinated me about them was that 
there were no males who did it to 
women for money. If you wanted to go 
10 San Francisco and say, "I would like to. 
be dominated by a pirate for sixty min- 
utes in a completely safe atmosphere, 
where he'll just take over but never get. 
really rough," you can't do it. But men 
do it all the time. They go in and get 
dominated for an hour in a safe context. 
It’s amazing to me, So my books are for 
the women wbo can't get that. 

RICE: No, I didn't go. I'm shy. I did go to 
the house of one of the people, and I did 
see all of the whips and the chains that 
she had. The little phalluses and every- 
thing. She was dedicated. This was a gay 
activist who wrote all the time for gay 
publications. She's very much an S&M 
dyke, I believe she would call herself. 
She showed me all of these beautiful 
leather handcuffs and stuff that she had 
made, this entire lovely armoire filled 
with them, And a drawer filled with all 
these little dildos and things. I was fasci- 
nated, but that was enough. I mean, I 
really am a retiring person. I don't show 
up dressed in black leather as Madame 
Roquelaure. I'm not a dominatrix. I 
have almost no interest in acting it out. 
That was never what mattered to me. It 
was the fantasy, and I have discovered 
how many of us share that fantasy. Over 
the years, because of those books, I’ve 
Tun into thousands of people. Now those 
books are in the suburbs. They're every- 
where, and women come up with babies 
in strollers and say, “We love your dirty 
books. Are you going to write some more 
Roquelaure?” They put it right in the 
stroller with the kid, at the bookstore. I 
think that’s great. 

PLAYBOY: What is the answer to their 
stion? Will you write any more ex- 
Чу erotic books? 

lo, I don't think I vill. I wanted to 
write some top-netch pornography in 
the genre, material that was just pornog- 
raphy. Where every page was а kick. I 
think I did it, and it would just be repe- 
titious to write more. Also, I have to con- 
fess, since Гуе grown older and I've lost. 
more friends from AIDS, and just expe- 
rienced more of life, my vision has dark- 
ened a bit. I'm not sure I could put my- 
self in the happy-go-lucky frame of mind 
I was in when I wrote the Beauty books. 
But I'm glad I wrote them. Рта proud. 
PLAYBOY: You're clearly not in sympathy 
with Catharine MacKinnon or Andrea 
Dworkin, who have proposed recent an- 
tipornography legislation. 

RICE: I think they're absolute fools. If two 
Baptist ministers from Oklahoma came 
up with their arguments, they would 
have been immediately laughed out of 
the public arena. They got away with 
their nonsensical arguments because 
they were feminists, and because they 
confused well-meaning liberals every- 
where. But the idea that you can blame a 
piece of writing or a picture or a film or 
a magazine for inciting you to rape a 
woman is absolutely absurd. If you give 
the woman the right to sue and say that 
a magazine was the cause of the rape, 
there's only one step from that for the 
man to say, “Yes, it was the magazinc that 
made mc do it, and it was also the way 
she was dresscd." Why can't he sue her? 
PLAYBOY: And her dress designer. 

Rice: Good point. Her dress designer 

: Did you go on the dungeon 

and the guy who ran the bar That 
MacKinnon and Dworkin don’t see this 
drives me crazy. I think that is the most 
evil piece of legislation I have ever heard 
of. We've spent ай this time trying to get 
men to take responsibility for rape. 
When I was a kid in the Fifties, we knew 
that half of the time the police blamed 
the victim. Women didn’t want to report 
it. OK, we've reached a time when we're 
urging women to report the crime. The 
man is responsible if he does it. He can't 
blame it on the woman, he can't say she 
asked for it, he can't say she shouldn't 
have been in that bar, or that she 
shouldn't have gone to his apartment. 
And those two, MacKinnon and Dwor- 
kin, in their madness, want to take that 
responsibility off the man again and put 
it on PLAYBOY, or whatever he was read- 
ing. That's bullshit! 105 not true. We 
know statistically that pornography does. 
not incite people to commit crimes. 
PLAYBOY: Don't women need special pro- 
tection in some cases? 

RICE: Two things have gone side by side 
throughout the feminist movement: a 
protectionist idea that women are vic- 
tims ага have to be protected, and the 
belief that women are equal and have to 
have equal rights and equal access to 
everything. The two really clash on this 
issue, I don't believe women are victims 
who have to be protected from every- 
thing. I believe when someone is a victim 
ofa crime, that person is entitled to pro- 
tection of the law and the courts. But I 
don't think that women per se are so 
gullible or foolish that they have to be 
protected by legislation like that. These 
people think that if a woman can be 
made to have sex with a donkey, like for 
an erotic film, she can be made to sign 
a contract. The fact that she signed а 
contract doesn't necessarily mean that 
she wasnt a victim. That's absurd. If 
they can't be trusted to sign a valid 
contract because theyre women, then 
women shouldr't drive, they shouldn't 
vote, they shouldn't hold jobs. 

PLAYBOY: Rape is another issue, isn't it? 
RICE: I think this is a crisis time with re- 
gard to rape. I don't think there's ever 
been a time when women have been so 
vulnerable to rape and there's been such 
an outcry against it. As a student of West- 
ern civilization and law, I'm fascinated 
by what's going to happen with the no- 
tion that when she says no—no matter 
when it is—it’s over. I think it’s impor- 
tant to women's freedom, and important 
to our dignity and our rights as human 
beings, that rape be a crime, that nobody 
has a right to force himself on you, what- 
ever you are. 

PLAYBOY: Have you been following some 
of the public rape trials? 

RICE: I didn’t think there was sufficient 
proof in the m Kennedy Smith 
case to bring an indictment. I thought a 
real injustice was done to that woman 

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when she wz 
PLAYBOY: What is your reaction to the 
Mike Tyson rape case? 

RICE: Again, you have to extend the pro- 
tection of the law even to a girl who's stu- 
pid enough to go to Mike Tyson's bed- 
room at two o'clock in the morning. She 
has the full protection of the law. She 
may be an idiot, and she may be doing 
something that none of us would have 
done when we were her age—we w 
have had more brains! If Mike Ty: 
had said, “Come up to my hotel room” 
to me, I would have said no. 

PLAYBOY: Do you think you would have 
known what to expect? 

RICE: From what I could tell, what hap- 
pened in that case was that she did 
expect something to happen, but she 
expected it to be romantic and she ex- 
pected it to be nice. And what she got 
was unpleasant and nasty. And she was 
entitled to the protection of the law 
against that. You cannot invite someone 
to your house for a party and then beat 
them up and say, “Well, you accepted my 
invitation, and that was the nature of the 
party: It was a beating-up party.” That's 
what I suspect happened, but I really 
don't know. I think she was prepared for 
sex and consummation, but wasn't pre- 
pared to be mauled ог bullied or hurt. 1 
think she felt outraged afterward, and 
she had the courage to say that shouldn't 
happen to someone. That is really what 
rape is. 

PLAYBOY: Are we always stuck with the 
he-said-she-said problem? 

RICE: I think we have to fight each one 
out. We have to guarantee women this 
protection. You cannot tell women that 
the price of equality is that they might. 
get raped. I think that as a culture we're 
desensitized to how awful rape is. We see 
it played with so much, and we see it on 
television in so many forms all the time, 
thar it is hard for us to imagine what an 
outrage it is when someone has to force 
himself on a person that way. I think the 
movie that brought it home to me most 
honestly was Thelma & Louise. 1 would 
have shot the guy immediately. If he had 
done that to шу friend, I would have 
blown his head off. That was so ошга- 
geous a violation of that woman's privacy 
and dignity that I didn't see why Louise 
waited. 1 praise that movie because 1 
think it showed how awful rape is. And 
it’s hard to show it without its being sexy 
because it is sexy. And rape fantasies are 
part of our brain. They're part of our 
genetic heritage, and that's not going to. 
go away if you ban pornography. 105 an 
archetypal fantasy. 

PLAYBOY: What about the argument that 
sexual images in movies and TV affect 
public consciousness? 

Rice: When you're talking about the 
content of programs, I'm leery of any- 
body trying to turn the media into 

taken that far by (ће legal 

propaganda. 1 feel that we need a cre- 
ative jungle out there, that we have to 
put up with some people who use the 
First Amendment and use free speech in 
a way we find repulsive. And it's worth it 
for the price of free speech. Also, I feel 
that there are certain people whose 
function is to outrage us. Madonna, to 
me, is wonderful. She would be the one 
person to whom 1 would sell video or 
film rights to the Beauty books. ОР 
course, she has not knocked on my door 
asking for them, but I would not consid- 
er anyone else. 1 think what she's done 
so courageous, the way 
she's played with those fantasies and 
those images. The idea that somebody 
tried to censor her or keep one of those 
things off MTV is outrageous. We ought 
to know that those people are going to 
stretch the limits and are going to say 
outrageous things. 
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the ex- 
treme case of child pornography? 
RICE: I think the crime there is the mak- 
ing of the pornography, the using of a 
child to commit a crime. And if what 
you're watching is a record of the crime, 
an act that's involved with the commis- 
sion of that crime, I can scc laws against 
ild has certain protections until 
eighteen. But you prosecute 
people for exploiting children. You 
don't prosecute on the content. of the 
film. I am really pro-freedom. Freedom 
means that somebody is going to abuse it 
or use it in a way you don't like. It's not 
freedom if they don't do that. 
PLAYBOY: Do you think pornography has 
any effect? 
RICE: It's almost a superstitious reaction 
to think that people are going to act out 
pornography. We know, for example, 
that thousands of people read Agatha 
Christie mysteries. They don't try to be- 
come Miss Marple. They read Mickey 
Spillane and they don't shoot one anoth- 
er. The readers of Louis LAmour do not 
carry six-guns and tobacco pouches еу- 
erywhere they go. So to think that for 
some reason the readers of erotic fiction 
are going to be different, that they're go- 
ing to jump right up and act out every- 
thing in the book, is absurd. It doesn't 
work that way. They're taking a mental 
trip with that book, just like the readers 
of Agatha Christie. And good pornogra- 
phy does what good mystery fiction does 
or good Western fiction or good science 
fiction: It takes you to another place. It 
allows you to enjoy that place for a little 
while, and then you come back. I 
really good. you know something you 
didn't know before you went. 
PLAYBOY: On what kind of mental trip 
are you taking the readers of The Vampire 
RICE: What interests me about vampires. 
are their mythic qué They're char- 
acters in our literature, and theyre 
great. But I have never met anyone who 

was a real vampire. I do believe in a lot 
of the rest of the occult. I think that 
there probably are ghosts. There's an 
abundant amount of proof that there are 
some sorts of apparitions and spirits and 
gs like that. But a vampire, I think, is 
strictly a mythic character, almost out of 
ancient religion. It’s like writing about 
angels or devils. There's a great deal of 
meaning there. Whether you believe 
people have ever really seen an angel or 
а devil isn't the point. What 1 have done 
is to take a B-movie image and say that it 
is as significant as a magical char: 
acter in the Renaissance and treat i 
that way. Because the book is a special 
world—with language, thoughts, ideas, 
concepts and characters you are drawn 
into—you forgive the fact that it's basi- 
cally absurd. 

PLAYBOY: Speaking of the B-movie im- 
age, will we ever see The Vampire Chroni- 
cles on the screen? 

RICE: Interview was sold to Paramount in 
1976. Richard Sylbert, who was the head 
of the studio at the time, really wanted to 
make it. Before the contract was even 

"It's almost superstitious to 
think that people are going 
to act out pornography. 
Thousands of people read 
Agatha Christie and don't 
try to become Miss Marple.” 

signed, he lefi Paramount. Michael Eis- 
ner and Barry Diller came in. Then 
John Travolta came in and made some 
sort of deal with Paramount. His man- 
agers were interested in his doing Inter- 
view with the Vampire. They took it as part 
of a package with Paramount, and they 
took control of that property for a long 
time. The truth was, Travolta didn't 
want to do it, so it never got made. Years 
passed, and more and more was charged 
to the picture—scripts and so forth—un- 
til finally, I think, it had a debt against it 
of six or seven hundred thousand dol- 
lars. They dumped it on the television 
division about 1984. A television produc- 
er then began to develop a script foi 
In the meantime, Га written The Vampire 
Lestal. Because of the sequel rights in my 
original contract, 1 had the right to sell 
the movie rights to Lestat if Para- 
mount didn't want them. They didn't. So 
other people became very interested 
in developing The Vampire Lestat. Julia 
Phillips, he producer, was particularly 

[hus you came to play a role in 

her book, You'll Never Eat Lunch in This 
"Town Again. 

RICE: Isn't that wild? Julia and I are very 
different. I wish she had not hurt so 
many people's feelings. But I do think 
she's a talented writer. Anyway, she did 
come into my life being interested in The 
Vampire Lestat because she couldn't get 
Interview away from Paramount She 
pitched it to the studios and really start- 
ed it off on a life of its own. Meanwhile, 
Interview reverted back to me. Julia and 1 
tried to get the properties united with 
one company. For a while, Julia had a 
brilliant idea to develop The Vampire Le- 
stat as a movie while she did Interview on 
Broadway as an opera or a musical. At 
that point she began to talk to David 
Geffen about it. David was kind enough 
to give me a shot at writing the script, 
and I submitted a revised version to him. 
But who knows? Right now, Interview is 
still in development. 

PLAYBOY: So The Witching Hour will prob- 
ably be the first of your books to make it 
to the screen? 

RICE: It’s supposed to start shooting 
soon. But The Witching Hour is easy com- 
pared to The Vampire Chronicles, It’s most- 
ly humans. 

PLAYBOY: And they're going to shoot it in 
New Orleans? 

Rice: They have told the mayor's office 
that they want to shoot some of the 
movie in New Orleans. It's exciting. It's 
never been this close before, it's always 
been just at the script stage. 

PLAYBOY: Do you like dealing with 

RICE: [ went there a lot at Julia Phillips" 
bchest. Julia dragged me down there 
enough times that I lost my fear of those 
people. I sat at so many dinners at Mor- 
ton's with Julia, meeting Adrian Lyne 
and Mel Gibson and blah-blah-blah that 
she really defused that world for me. I 
realized that these were, in fact, often 
limited people who had jobs only for 
short periods of tim. 
PLAYBOY: What insight did you gain 
about how to deal with Hollywood? 
RICE: My primary insight is don't eat 
lunch in that town, except with David 
Geffen. He can make your project a real- 
ity. Just den't eat your heart out for 
somebody who comes back and whines, 
“I couldn't get them to read it.” 
PLAYBOY: In your life as a novelist —— 
RICE: My теа life! 

PLAYBOY: You've written a breakthrough 
book. In The Таје of the Body Thief, the. 
vampire Lestat finally has the opportu- 
nity to be human again. 

RICE: A good opportunity. A good shot 

PLAYBOY: But ће chooscs to remain a 

RICE: I always thought that's exactly what 
would happen, but I was ready to let the 
book go in whichever direction it wanted 
to go. | felt he had to confront the fact 



that ће гсайу loved being what he was. 
The fourth volume in The Vampire Chron- 
icles is really about the ruthlessness, the 
in us all. You and 1 are sitting here, 
and we know right now people are dying 
horribly in Iraq or in Ethiopia. But we 
choose to sit here. We've made that 
choice. We're not going to spend our 
lives trying to save one village in Indi 
That's what that book is about. Lestat 
chooses to remain a powerful, immortal 
being. And I think most people would 
make that choice. 

PLAYBOY: The minute Lestat gets out of 
his vampire self and into a human body 
in The Tale of the Body Thief, he has ex- 
clusively heterosexual encounters—and 
unhappy ones at that. Some readers 
identify vampires with gay sexuality. 
Isn't this going to fuel that stereotype? 
Rice: Well, probably. I really sce the vam- 
pires as transcending gender. If you 
make them absolutely straight or gay, 
you limit the material. They can be ei- 
ther one. They have a polymorphous 
sexuality. They see everything as beau- 
üful. To them, it no longer matters 
whether the victim is a woman or a man. 
And 1 do see Lestat as a real 18th centu- 
ту bisexual. Either the village girls or 
the village boys, depending on who's 
around. It was really а middle-class idea 
that came in with the revolution that ho- 
mosexuality was a perversion. 

PLAYBOY: How do women readers react 
to The Vampire Chronicles’ androgyny? 
RICE: I would say that there is certainly a 
kind of woman who finds two men to- 
gether very attractive, and I have a lot of 
those readers. But, by and large, most of 
the women Гуе known are afraid of ho- 
moscxual men. We have deep-rooted 
fears when we see people of the same sex 
kissing and embracing, no mauer how 
sophisticated we are. There can be a ge- 
netic rush of fear. The species is threat- 
ened. I have to remind myself of what 
that's about, because I don't feel it. I've 
always rather romanticized gay people 
as outsiders bravely fighting for sexual 
freedom and being willing to take the 
slings and arrows from the middle class. 
Certainly Lestat is an outsider, an im- 
mortal who is offered the choice and 
chooses to remain a vampire. 

PLAYBOY: Critics have pointed out that 
The Body Thief is a real departure from 
the other Vampire books. 

RICE: 10 me, The Body Thief was the first 
modern Chronicle in that the exploration 
was inner, psychological. All the other 
Chronicles were really devoted to going 
back and finding the answers in the 
past—reading history, finding secrets, 
crashing into sanctums and discovering 
truths, and encountering over and over 
again the statement: “History doesn’t re- 
ally help.” You always wind up back 
where you started, I like it very much, 
going in this other way, the psychological 

во way. If I hadn't been pleased with this 

book, I would have thrown it away 
PLAYBOY: Have you thrown away books 

RICE: Just before taking up The Body 
Thief, 1 wanted to do this book, In the 
Frankenstein Tradition, about an artificial 
man. For some reason, that has just not 
come together. I don't know why. I went 
back and read Mary Shelley's Franken- 
stein, and I was terribly excited about it. 
What an incredible book, What a brain 
she had at nineteen! I just loved it. I re- 
ally wanted to do something with those 
concepts, and 1 began to see that 1 
couldn't do what I wanted to do. 
PLAYBOY: Like Mary Shelley, you've ab- 
sorbed a lot of things that are out 
there—ideas, things that people are 
thinking about and feeling. They're not 
necessarily expressed in a direct way, but 
they're addressed by your characters 
and their concerns. 

RICE: 1 always felt that any book that's go- 
ing to be really good is about everything 
you know or everything that's on your 
mind. At least for me that’s the way it al- 
ways works. In the beginning, when I 
first started having books published, one 
of the distressing things was to watch 
critics view them as orical novels and 
not sec that they had to do with the pres- 
ent moment. But American fiction is so 
influenced. by the idea that to be pro- 
found a book has to be about the middle 
class and about some specific domestic 
problem of the middle class, that it’s 
hard to make your own path. You're re- 
ally working against that. Unless you're a 
South American surrealist, you have a 
hard time. 

PLAYBOY: Why do you write serious 
books about such strange stuff? 

RICE: 1 came ol age in the Sixties in Cali- 
fornia, and the prejudice was that a real- 
ly profound book dealt with one's own 
recent experience hitchhiking in Big 
Sur. Somebody writing books like 1 
wrote was writing trash, basically, ac- 
cording to the conventional wisdom. 1 
sort of had to fight against that because I 
didn't know any other way to write. I re- 
cently have been reading books about 
what art was like before the Reforma- 
tion. And what became very clear to me 
was that the novel today— John Updike, 
Anne Tyler, Alice Adams—is really the 
triumph of Protestantism. It’s a Protes- 
tant novel. It's about real people. People 
who work, usually, and who have small 
roblems. It's about their interior 
changes and their moments of illumina- 
tion. And that is the essence of what 
Protestantism came to be in America. 
Out with the stained-glass windows, out 
with the saints, out with the chants and 
the Latin and the incense. Out with 
Faust and the Devil. It's you, your Bible 
and God. Thosc novels are personal. 
They affirm the Protestant vision that 
everything is sort of an interior decision 
to make—as you make a good living and 

as you fit into the community in which 
you live. 

PLAYBOY; Were you aware of feeling sep- 
arate from the cultural mainstream early 
in your career? 

Rice: Having grown up in New Or- 
leans—the only Catholic city in Ameri- 
ca—amid all this decadence, I grew up 
with a completely different feeling. I was 
nourished on those stories of the saint 

and miracles and so forth. I really 
thought it was fine to write a book in 
which everybody was a vampire and they 
all talked about good and evil. The in- 
dustrial revolution and Protestantism 
came together in America in a it 
didn't in any other country in the world, 
with such force and power. To see our lit- 
erature finally dominated by things that 
used to be Saturday Evening Post short 
stories is really the final triumph of the 
Protestant vision in art. It's basically a vi- 
sion that says if it's about God and the 
Devil, it has to be junk. It's science 
fiction; it's dismissible. 

PLAYBOY; Do you mean all fantasy is 

RICE: If you think back to before Martin 
Luther about what literature was, the 

couraged you to use your imagination. 
You'd sit there and close your eyes and 
think about what Christ felt like as they 
drove the nails through his hands. See, 1 
grew up on that. We did those exercises. 
That was an approach to imagination 

that м rely natural to me, All diat 
сате to an end h Protestantism. 
Protestantism put its faith in the less 
magical, more practical, more down-to- 
earth апд— this country, ultimately— 
the more sterile. But 1 see that now. 1 
love living here, and this really is 
Catholic city in the sense that it doesn't 
fix its potholes. 

PLAYBOY: Are potholes Catholic, too? 
Rice: They're Catholic because people 
really don’t care that much about 
progress or cleaning up. Think about it 
Go to Venice or go to Mexico. Think 
of the countries that are Catholic. Think 
of the people who came to America 
who have been gangsters. They've al- 
most all been Catholics—Italians, Irish. 
You dont hear a lot about Ger- 
man gangsters or Swiss gangsters or 
Dutch gangsters—except for Dutch 
Schultz, Catholics still live in a world 
that’s filled with dash and flair and 
color and drama and terrible injustice. 
There's a sort of acceptance of things. 
This city moves at its own pace. People 
here are natural storytellers. They really 
are spiritual, in a Catholic sense. They 
really do care more about a good cup of 
coffee than mowing the grass. In a city 
like Dallas it's much more important to 
mow your grass. The cup of coffee comes 
next. In San Francisco it's more impor- 
tant х go to work, get a job, sweep the 
pavement And that’s wonderful Lm 
glad we live in a Protestant country. I'm 

talking about this strictly in terms of cul- 
tural movements. 

PLAYBOY: Do people in New Orleans 
have a different vision of reality? 

RICE: 1 have met countless people in New 
Orleans who have told me their person- 
al experiences of seeing ghosts. I never 
met these people in California. Not in 
thirty years have 1 ever met anyone in 
New York or California who claimed to 
have seen a ghost. And since I've been 
here, people look me right in the eye 
and describe the ghosts clothes and 
what it did as it came up the stairs. They 
tell me absolutely I should come to thei 
house and see this ghost, that it really is 
there. I'm azed! 

PLAYBOY: When did you break away from 
the church? 

RICE: 1 didn't know anything about the 
modern world when I lived in New Or- 
leans. I never read а line of Hemingway 
until I was twenty. I didn't even know 
such people existed. 1 grew up in such а 
closed, Catholic environment that when 
I moved to Texas and went to college 
and discovered things like existential- 
ism, it was like emerging into the mod- 
ern world. I thought, I have to know 
what's out there. I have to read Walter 
Kaufmann's books on existentialism. 1 
have to see who Jean Paul Sartre is. But 
I wasn't supposed to read all this. It was 
a mortal sin if 1 read it. That's when I 
broke with the church. It was astonish- 
ing. Гап thinking about this a lor late 
guess now that Гуе come home, thirty | Whats your ine ot work? Wie us and tel us арал it 

years later, I see а lot of it in perspective , "ED 
1 didn't before, 1 was sort of batting ПЕ THERE'S ONE THING Jack Daniel's 
these voices and demons and different 

Tcu vr 
things, tying to figure out things. Why | doesn't mix wich, it’s fire. 

did everything work for me when 1 in- : BR: 

troduced a character who is a vampire? | We'd never want a blaze to get going in one of 
Why did 1 suddenly start to be able to 5 ў f "ug 
эээ Ee ГУНЕ I felt when, foe our aging houses. (Wich all that whiskey inside, 
eis Bea, Ihe aparte teo ам || > е | 
dorre know, but I see i now, ана T do | ¡Ud go up like a Tennessee Fourth of July!) T hat's 
think it’s this battle of the Protestant and 

the Catholic. why these whiskeymen do double 
PLAYBOY: Where would a writer such as duty as members of our Volunteer 

Stephen King fit into your cultural divi- 

sion of Catholic and Protestant vision? | Fire Department. We don't know 
Rice: I read ай of Stephen Kings early Р . 

books. I have not caught up with his out | {| mee al у 
КЕ ХЕТТ la clowsreaden! Buel if every distillery is this prepared to 

think Stephen King isa very fine writen | keep their product from going up 
and I learned a lot from Salem's Lot and | „ . 

from Расман He's те master of talk- | in smoke. But after a sip of Jack 
ing about ordinary people in ordinary 

RH ^ o 
situations and then confronting them | Daniel's, we believe, you'll agree 

with the supernatural or the horrible. 

re Веи о semet] | XS protection 15 worth any cost. 
horror and putitin that context. He did 

a kind of genius thing. He created a pro- SMOOTH SIPPIN” 
letarian horror genre. He departed 

meniaga E E NN ESSEE WISE 

houses and doomed aristocrats, and he 
created this wonderful world of horror Tennessee Whiskey • 40-43% alcohol by volume (80-86 proof) « Distilled and Bottled by 
in middle-class America. Ivs brilliant! Jack Daniel Distillery, Lem Motlow, Proprietor, Route 1, Lynchburg (Pop 361), Tennessee 37352 

PLAYBOY: We've never heard anyone Placedinthe National Registerof Historic Placesbythe United States Government. 



describe Stephen King quite that way. 
RICE: Пе is absolutely a brilliant, Protes- 
tant, middle-class American writer. He's 
really great at that. But there was one 
point when 1 was reading the reissue of 
The Stand—l was into it and I loved the 
ing—and I thought, No one has sur- 
vived this flu who is really an interesting 
person. Theyre all these wonderful 
Stephen King people, but I would really 
like some truly heroic person. Heroism 
to me is real. People can be heroic. And 
what interests me in fiction is creating 
those exceptional people—Lestat, Ram- 
ses— people, as Гуе said, who are bigger 
than the book. King doesn't do that. 
PLAYBOY: In Stephen King's books and 
in your own books there is a lot of vio- 
lence. How do you 
feel about that? 

RICE: I love it. It's ob- 
vious, isn't it? 
PLAYBOY: Many peo- 
ple would find your 
reaction troubling. 
RICE: 1 don't think we 
can have great art in 
our society without 
violence. Everything 
is how you do it: the 
context. Prime-time 
TV really hurts kids 
because again and 
again it presents 

For the first time ever, our entire line of 

Americans out there who really never 
watch anything with violence in it. But 
sk them if they ve watched Gone with ће 
Wind. Everything depends on context. 
To me, the context has to be really 
strong. The moral tone of a work is im- 
portant, the depth of the psychology is 
important, the lessons, the feeling аћег- 
ward of moral exhilaration as well as of 
having been entertained. All that is very 
important about a work of art. But 1 
would be lying if 1 said I didn't enjoy vi- 
olence in a strong context, because the 
best of our art contains violence. Me 

Dick is violent, don't you think? If we 
cleanse all the violence out of our work, 
we will really have the Saturday Evening. 
Post short story triumphant. That will be 

When you 

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sponsored by the police were really а 
trip. ГИ never forget how sensuous the 
Oakland Auditorium was. The auditori- 
um is vast, much larger than the crowd. 
We would get in that audience sur- 
rounding the ring, down in the middle 
of the auditorium. Those two beautiful 
spotlights would hit it, and out would 
come these gorgeous bodies and they 
would start hitting each other. 1 thought 
it was terrific. I really developed a love 
for boxing then that I've never lost. 
PLAYBOY: Didn't Salas get you to put on 
the gloves once? 

RICE: Floyd was always helping the box- 
ing team at Cal. and one time I got in the 
ring with him. I found it a bit too rough. 
1 mean, one blow to the head, even with 
that mask, is enough. 
It wasa bit too rough, 
but it was fun. I don't 
have—well, I do have 
а killer instinct, 1 
guess. No, I really 
don't. | think that 
it was great fun to 
pretend, unül some- 
body—me—got hurt 
for a second 

PLAYBOY: Fighters get 
hurt all the time. 
RICE: I remember one 
awful moment at the 
Golden Gloves. The 
place was packed and 

1 was just coming 

tic people 
one another. It's hor- 
rible, Crimes com- 
mitted by sneering, 
tough-job, nasty, 
snarling criminals. 
We don't know where 
they came from or 
why they're the way 
they are. Prime time 
presents them in all 
these cop shows as 
the reality of the 
streets. J think that's 
been terrible for o 
morale. But I think 

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back into the audito- 
rium with a hot dog 
or something. Two 
guys were in the ring, 
one of whom was a 
medical student. Just 
as Lentered the audi- 
torium, the medical 
student had been al- 
most knocked out, 
and he had dropped 
to his knees. He was 
clearly dazed—he 
didn't know what he 
was doing. At that 
moment, the whole 

when you take а 
movie like Scarface, 
wriuen by Oliver Stone and directed by 
Brian De Palma, you have a symphony 
of violence that's a real masterpiece. 1t 
has a beginning, ап end, а middle and а 
moral: the rise and fall of Tony Montana, 
the cocaine dealer. I love that movie and 
I watch it over and over again. 1 wanted 
to dedicate The Воду Thief to Tony Mon- 
tana, but I didn't have the guts. And, by 
the way, I once had an opportunity to 
meet Oliver Stone, and I said just what I 
said to you, that I love violence, and ће 
said, “So do L" We laughed. I think ће 
was being honest. 

PLAYBOY: Arc thc people who oppose vi- 
olence less than honest? 

RICE: We Americans are such hypocrites 
about violence. Maybe there are a few 

our art. We've gone through phases 
where we've nearly done that, and it's 
pretty dismal stuff. 

But 1 do love violence, 1 absolutely 
love it. I loved The Godfather. 1 remem- 
ber people coming home and saying it 
was too violent, the horse's head, oh my 
God, I thought it was great. I thought it 
was a masterful use of violence. That's 
my field and 1 love it. 

PLAYBOY: You're also a big boxing fan, 
aren't you? 

RICE: Yeah. We had a writer friend, Floyd. 
Salas, who introduced Stan and me to 
boxing. We got into it and would go with 
him to the Golden Gloves in San Francis- 
со every year. but the amateur matches 
in Oakland and Richmond with kids 

The Innovative Edge" 

crowd stood and ђе- 
gan to roar. There 
was something horrible about that mo- 
ment of seeing that kid. There he was, 
obviously badly hurt, and that whole 
crowd was roaring because this is exactly 
what they had come to see. 1 realized 
that we were screaming as much to see 
these guys go down as to go up. I hadn't. 
quite thought about it that way. 1 had 
thought of it as screaming more for the 
guy who scored a punch, for his triumph. 
over something. Yet here's this med stu 
dent who really should be protecting hi 
brain, and he's on his knees, dazed, in 
front of all these people who are scream- 
ing as if they were in a Roman arena. 
PLAYBOY: Now that you have moved back 
to New Orleans, do you see yourself 
more as a Southern writer? 

RICE: I was always a Southern writer, It 
was good to come home and acknowl- 
edge that. Books that I have cherished 
and loved are books like Faulkner's The 
Sound and the Fury. Reading over and 
over again the language in that book and 
loving it. Eudora Welty's short stories, 1 
just pick them up and read words. 1 
don't even have to know what the plot of 
the story is—if she happens to have one. 
Sometimes she doesn't. She has a great 
story about two people who meetin New 
Orleans and drive south along the river, 
down the road. I believe that's all шаг 
happens in the story. They drive and be- 
come almost narcotized by the land- 
scape. Then they go back to New Or- 
leans and they part. I love that story. 1 
feel like my writing has always been very 
much influenced by these lush Southern 

PLAYBOY: There is something about a lot 
of your material—dealing with the su- 
pernatural and time travel—that’s fun- 
damentally anti-intellectual. But you'r 
an intellectual. Isn't that a contradiction? 
RICE: Well, it's that. Protestant-Catholic 
thing again. I'm a serious intellectual, 
and 1 certainly was a serious spiritual 
person who wanted to be a great writer, 
I had Carson McCullers and Heming- 
way and Dickens and Stendahl stacked 
on my desk, but I couldn't find my way 
in contemporary literature until I hit the 

supernatural and its advantages. And 
then I took everything 1 had to give and 
put it in there. That's always been the 
contradiction of my work. 

PLAYBOY: What did you read as a child? 
RICE: The Lives of the Saints, that's what 1 
read as a kid. Soap operas, yes, they 
made a big difference. And radio made a 
big difference. I’m increasingly realizing 
how much radio was an influence Lux 
Radio Theater, Suspense, Lamont Стап- 
ston. I had forgotten. But playing tapes 
of old radio shows, I'm really beginning 
to realize how much my work sounds 
like a radio show. It really does, to а large 

PLAYBOY: How did you come up with the 
idea of doing Interview with the Vampire? 
RICE: It was haphazard. I was sitting at 
the typewriter and I thought, What 
would it be like to interview a vampire? 
And 1 started writing. 1 was very much 
a think-at-the-typewriter writer then, 
more so than now. I would start with a 
blank page and have no idea what I was 
going to do that night, except that I was 
going to write for several hours. And 1 

just started the idea of this boy having a 

vampire in the room, and the vampire 
wanting to tell the truth about what it 
was all about. The vampire explained all 
about drinking blood and absorbing the 
life of the victim, that it was sort of a 
sacramental thing. He talked about be- 
ing immortal and so forth and so on. 1 

took that story out several times over the 
years and rewrote it. It was at one of 
those points when 1 was rewriting it, to 
include in some short stories that I 
hoped to enter into a contest at lowa, 
that it took off and became the noyel. 
And, of course, I had encouragement 
from friends. Friends had said, “I think 
you really have something with that sto- 
ту; that story is so unusual.” I really be- 
gan to let it go, and something like five 
weeks later, the novel was finished. 1 had 
forgotten the contest. 1 never finished 
the short stories. They all went back in 
the drawer. 

PLAYBOY: You really wrote most of that 
novel in five weeks? 

Rice: Yes, but that was the period when 
my daughter bad just died, and I wasn’t 
doing anything except drinking and 
writing—often ай night long. 

PLAYBOY: That must have been a terrible 

RICE: I was just a drunk, hysterical per- 
son with no job, no identity, no nothing. 
There was а two-year period after her 
death when 1 just drank a lot and wrote 
a lot, like crazy. Then I sort of came out 
of it and wrote Interview with the Vampire. 
My husband had told me, “I really be- 
lieve in your writing.” He was working at 
San Francisco State. He wasn’t chairman 
yet, but he was a creative writing profes- 
sor with tenure there. He was the bread- 
winner. I went out and got a job for a 



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while and was miserable. He said, “Quit 
the job. I believe in you and I believe in 
your writing. We have my pay, so just 
write.” I've always felt that that was one 
of the greatest things he ever did for me, 
other than being his wonderful self. 
PLAYBOY: Do you think that in some ways 
the shock of your daughter's death 
shaped your literary vision? 

rice; No doubt about it. It had a devas- 
tating effect. There's a period after a 
death like that when you don't think the 
lights will ever go back on. 1 mean, you 
don't like doing anything—vacuuming 
the floor or cooking a meal or walking 
out of the house. I remember even in the 
immediate weeks after her death it was 
hard for me to swallow food. 1 felt a 
disgust for everything phy 

even though I don't believe she's in that 
body, I couldn't get it off my mind. That 
went on for a long time, as a matter of. 
fact. Particularly late at night. Until very 
recently, Pve had thoughts about the 
fear of death and thoughts of her. In 
fact, only on the return to New Orleans 
would 1 say I let go of that. I felt that 1 
could perhaps have her in another way. 
It doesn't have to be such a painful thing 
every night. I think we cling to these 
things because we don't want to lose the 
person. It's a form of fidelity to keep 
grieving like that. 

PLAYBOY: Was the writing of Interview with 
the Vampire a conscious effort to subli- 
mate your grief? 

RICE: An interesting thing to me about 
Interview, in retrospect, is that 1 never re 
ally connected her with it. I remember 
the night I told Stan the whole story of 
Interview. We went over to the Cheshire 
Cat in Berkeley and we were having 
some beer. 1 had been writing the book 
and I said there was this little girl vam- 
pire in it and she's four years old, and 
Stan said, “Oh, no, no, no, not a four- 
year-old vampire. You can't have a vam- 
pire that young.” I said, “All right, all 
right, a six-year-old vampire!" But nei- 
ther of us said, "Michele?" If I had done 
that I would have been blocked. The 
character, Claudia, was a little fiend. 
When I look back on it I think, How in 
the world could [ have been so de- 
tached? But 1 really didn't think of that 
as being about my life. I just thought, 
I'm writing this thing, and for some rea- 
son when I work with these comic-book 
vampire characters, these fantasy char- 
acters, I can see reality. I can touch re 
ity. This is a context. My books before 
that had been uncasy mixtures of con- 
temporary California and the French 
Quarter and Garden District in New Or- 
leans. People thought I was making up 
all this stuff about the South. They 
thought I was getting it out of Dickens or 
something, Miss Havisham and her big 
house. So it never worked. But anyway, 
that is what strikes me 0 strange, in 

rewospect, that I didn't completely con- 
nect it. It’s like I had a dream. The novel 
was a dream of everything that had gone 
on, but I didn't make the connection. 
PLAYBOY: And it really was connected 
with the deeper reali 
Yeah, I think it's a novel all about 
nd about loss of faith and about 
Бале shattered—yet wanting to live, be- 
ing sensual and wanting to live. And the 
sensuality of drinking is certainly in 
there. 1 don't like to talk about it because 
1 think it's a trivial aspect of the book, 
but ir's about alcoholism. It's about being 
drunk. The whole experience of the 
dark gift is like a drunken swoon. It's al- 
most a drug experience. les like the 
golden moment of drinking, when 
everything makes sense. It was a lot of 
talking about the craving for booze, the 
need to drink. That wonderful feeling of 
transcending and everything meaning 
something when you are drunk, and yet 
it was crumbling away. 

PLAYBOY: You say that it came from your 
own drinking experiences, but there are 
people who connected it with drugs. 

RICE: Marijuana. I had powerful experi- 
ences on marijuana that were so intense 
that I quit smoking. And I never 
touched it again. But 1 had what other 
people might refer to as psychedelic 
experiences just smoking grass and 
d I was describing that in 
Interview. 1 was describing that entire 
knowledge, you might say, of listening to 
Bach when very stoned, so that the mu- 
sic is just lapping and lapping. I had al 
solutcly ghastly experiences of perc 
ing that we were going to die and that 
there was no explanation, that we might 
die without ever knowing what this was 
all about. And I never recovered. 1 de- 
scribed it in The Vampire Lestat. He saw 
death in the golden moment, and that 
has exactly happened to me. 

PLAYBOY: Is the issue of immortality what 
The Vampire Chronicles are essentially 

RICE: The Chronicles are about how all of. 
us feel about being outsiders. How we 
feel that we're really outsiders in a world 
where everybody else understands 
something that we don't. It’s about our 
horror of death. It's about how most of 
us would probably take that blood and 
be immortal, even if we had to kill. It's 
about being trapped in the flesh when 
you have a mind that can soar. It's the 
human dilemma. What does Yeats say in 
the poem? “Consume my heart away; 
sick with desire/And fastened to a dying 
animal." That's what I feel it’s really true 
to. People are shaken by those things 
PLAYBOY: For your fans, I understand 
that there's a lighter side to the vampire 
fantasy, 100. 

RICE: Yeah. 1 have some readers who go 
to the dentist and they get these little 
fangs made that fit on their teeth. They 
get them fitted by the dentist and made 

the same color as the rest of their teeth. 
In fact, I heard that 1 have a whole gang 
of fans in Los Angeles who do that. They 
put on their teeth and go out at night 
and sit in cafés, show their fangs. 
They've come to my door, the people 
with the fangs. They come to the coven 
party. They call me on the telephone. 
Let me emphasize again: All of these 
people know this is fiction. We're talking 
about people in their thirties and forties. 
This is fun to them. This is almost a hob- 
by to be part of the fan club, to dress 
like a vampire and to love vampire 
movies. They're vampire groupies. It 
represents the romance in their lives. 
They're wonderful people. 1 have never 
met a single one who's been a sinister Sa- 
tan-worshiping person or anything li 
that. They just exude goodwill and 
cheerfulness and laughter. Lots of laugh- 
ter. It's all fun. Even when they won't 
step out of their vampire persona, 
they're just pretending to be vampires 
and they won't answer questions as any- 
thing but a vampire, they're laughing. 
It's all a gag. 

PLAYBOY: You said people call. How do 
they get your number? 

RICE: It’s listed, with the address, in the 
phone book. 

PLAYBOY: You're sure you want to say 
that in print? 

RICE: Yes, that's fine. It is listed, Биг only 
a certain type of person takes the trouble 
to find your number and call you, so it 
tends to be very similar people who call. 
They're usually young, they're usually 
college students and high school stu- 
dents. They're enthusiastic about the 
books and they're nice. They just want to. 
talk for a minute. They just want to say 
how they enjoyed the books, or they just 
want to know if there's another one com- 
ing out 

PLAYBOY: What books can we expect after 
The Body Thief? 

Rice: I've completed a sequel to The 
Witching Hour enutled Lasher, which 
plunges again into the Mayfair family. 
I've kind of resigned myself to the fact 
that it'sa hybrid science-haunting novel, 
because Lasher is here with us on this 
side. I'm fascinated by genetics and sci- 
ence and DNA and evolution, so I get in- 
то questions of a mutation. And then I 
want to get back to Lestat. Then there 
are all kinds of other books I want to do. 
Also, I still don't believe I've really done 
a great haunting novel. That was my 
goal with The Witching Hour, but it be- 
came a witchcraft novel. I'd like to do 
one really about just pure haunting, like 
The Turn of the Screw. Just have ghosts. ГА 
love to do that, and I'd love to go back to 
Egypt. So I have all these stories in my 
head. I just have to find enough time to 
spend at the keyboard to write them. 


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“THIS GAME was easier before I was famous, or infamous, 
and before the damned process was so efficient. When I 
could still prctend it was my own art, or at lcast about 
my art. Nowadays, once you're doped up and squeezed 
into the skinsuit, it's hard to tell whose eye is measuring 
the model. Whose hand is holding the brush. 

TIl work in any painting or drawing medium the cus- 
tomer wants, within reason. Through most of my career 
people naturally chose my own specialty, transparent 
watercolor, but since I became famous with the Man- 
hattan Monster thing, a lot of them want me to trowel 
on thick acrylics in primary colors. Boring. But they 
take the painting home and hang it up and ask their 
friends, Isn't that just as scary as shit? That's the stylistic 
association with the Monster, usually, not the subject 
matter. Most people's nightmares stay safely hidden 
when they pick up a brush. Good thing, too. If the cus- 
tomer is a nut case, the collaboration can be truly dis- 
turbing—and perhaps revealing. A lot of us find em- 
ployment in mental institutions. Some of us find 
residence in them. Occupational hazard. 

At least I make enough per assignment now, thanks to 
the notoriety of the Monster case, so that I can take off 
half the year to travel and paint for myself. This year, 1 
was leaving the first of February to start off the vacation 
sailing in the Caribbean. With one week to go, I could 
already feel the sun, taste the rum. I'd sublet the apart- 
ment and studio and alrcady had all my clothes and 



gear packed into two small bags. Wa- 
tercolors don't take up much space, 
and you don't need a lot of clothes 
where I was headed. 

I was even tempted to forsake my 
schedule and go to the islands early. It 
would have cost extra and confused my 
friends, who know me to be methodical 
and punctual. But I should havc donc 
it. God, I should have done it. 

We had one of those fast, hard snows 
that make Manhattan beautiful for a 
whilc. I walked to and from lunch thc 
long way, through Central Park, willing 
to trade the slight extra danger for the 
beauty. Besides, my walking stick sup- 
posedly holds an electric charge strong 
enough to stun a horse. 

"The man waiting for me in the lobby 
didn't look like trouble, though you 
never know. Short, balding, old-fash- 
ioned John Lennon-style spectacles. 

He introduced himself while I fum- 
bled with overcoat and boots. Juan 
Carlos Segura, investment counselor. 

“Have you ever painted before?" 1 
asked him. "Drawn or sculpted or any- 
thing?" Some of the most interesting 
work I produce in collaboration comes 
from the inexperienced, their unfamil- 
iarity with the tools and techniques re- 
sulting in happy accidents, spontaneity. 

“No. My talents lic elsewhere.” I 
think I was supposed to be able to tell 
how wealthy he was by upper-class 
lodge signals—the cut of his conserva- 
tive blue pinstripe, the gold mechanical 
watch—but my talents lie elsewhere. So 
I asked him directly, “You understand 
how expensive my services are?” 

“Exactly. One hundred thousand 
dollars a day.” 

“And you know you must accept the 
work as produced? No money-back 

“I understand.” 

“We're in business, then." I buzzed 
my assistant, Allison, to start tea while 
we waited for the ancient elevator. 

People who aren't impressed by my 
studio, with its original Picasso, Monet, 
Dali and "Turner, are often fascinated 
by Allison. She is beautiful but very 
large, 63" but perfectly proportioned, 
as if some magic device had enlarged 
her by 20 percent. Segura didn't notice 
the paintings on the walls and didn't 
blink at her, either. Maybe that should. 
have told me something. He accepted 
his tea and thanked her politely. 

I blew on ту tea and studied him 
over the cup. He looked scrious, stu- 
dious, calm. So had the Manhattan 

“There's half a page of facilitators in. 
the phone book," 1 said. “Every single 
one of them charges less than 1 do." I 

believe in the direct approach. It some- 
times costs me a commission, 

He nodded, studying me back. 

"Some people want me just because I 
am the most expensive. A few want me 
because they know my work, my own 
work, and it's very good. Most want a 
painting by the man who released the 
Monster from Claude Avery." 

“15 it important for you to know why 
Ichose you?" 

“The more I know about you, the 
better picture you'll get." 

He nodded and paused. "Then ac- 
cept this. Maybe fifty percent of my 
motivation is because you are the most. 
costly. That is sometimes an index of 
value. Of your artistic abilitics, or any- 
body else's, Lam totally ignorant.” 

“Бо fifty percent is the Monster?" 

“Not exactly. In the first place, 1 
don't care to pay that much for some- 
thing that so many other people have. 
And I don't like the style. Two of my ac- 
quaintances own paintings they did 
with you in that disturbing mode. But, 
looking at their paintings, it occurred 
to me that something more subtle was 
possible. You. Your anger at being used 
in this way.” 

“I have expressed that in my own 

“I am sure that you have. What I 
want, I suppose, is to express my own 
anger At my customers." 

That was a new wrinkle. "You're an- 
gry at your customers?" 

“Not all of them. Most. Pcople give 
me large amounts of moncy to invest 
for them. Once each quarter, I extract 
a percentage of the profit.” He set 
down the cup and put his hands on his 
knees. "But most of them want some 
input. It is their money, after all." 

"And you would prefer to follow a 
single strategy," I said, "to use all their 
money the same way. The more capital 
you have behind your investment pat- 
tern, the less actual risk—since I as- 
sume that you don’t have to pay back a 
percentage—if an investment fails.” 

“For an artist, you know a lot about 

I smiled. “I'm a rich artist.” 

“People are emotionally connected 
to their money, and they want to do 
things with it, other than make more 
money. They want to change the 

“Interesting. 1 see the connection 
with my work. My clients.” 

“I saw it when I read the profile in 
Forbes а couple years ago.” 

“And you waited for my price to 
come down?” 

“Your price actually has come down 
nine percent, because of inflation, since 
the article, You'll be raising it soon.” 

“Good timing. 1 like round numbers, 

so I'm going up to one-twenty when I 
return from vacation in August.” I 
picked up a stylus and touchpad and 
began drawing close parallel lines. It 
helps me think. “The connection, the 
analogy, is good. I know that many of 
my clients must be dissatisfied with ab- 
stract smearings that cost them six 
figures. But they get exactly what they 
pay for. 1 explain it to them before- 
hand, and if they choose not to hear 
me, that’s their problem.” 

“You said as much in the article. But 
1 don't want abstract smearings. I want 
your customary medium, when you 
are working seriously. The old-fash- 
ioned hyperrealism." 

“Do you want a Boston School 

“Exactly. 1 know the subject, the set- 

“That’s three weeks’ work, mini- 
mum. More than two million dollars.” 

“I can afford it.” 

“Can you afford to leave your own 
work for three weeks?” I was drawing 
lines very fast. This would really screw 
up my vacation schedule. But it would 
be halfa year’s income in three weeks. 

"I'm not only going to leave for three 
wecks, Pm going exactly where you 
are. The Cayman Islands. George 

1 just looked at him. 

“They say the beach is wonderful.” 

1 never asked him how he'd found 
out about my vacation plans. Through 
my credit-card company, 1 supposed. 
"That he would take the trouble before 
our initial interview was revealing. Не 
was a man who left nothing to chance. 

He wanted a photo-realist painting 
of a nude woman sitting in a confer- 
ence room, alone, studying papers. 
Horn-rimmed glasses. The conference 
room elegant. 

The room would be no problem, giv- 
еп money, since George "Town has as 
many banks and insurance buildings as 
bikinis. The model was another matter. 
Most of the models in George "Iown 
would be black, which would compli- 
cate the text of the painting, or would 
be gorgeous beach bums with tan lines 
and silicone breasts. I told him that 
I thought we wanted an ordinary 
woman, trim but severe-looking, some- 
one whose posture would radiate dig- 
nity without clothing. (1 showed him 
Olynpia and Maja Desnuda and some 
Delacroix, and a few of Wycth's Helgas 
that had that quality.) She also would 
have to be a damned good model to do 
three weeks ofsittings in the same posi- 
tion. I suggested we hire someone in 

(continued on page 118) 




RITERS must be villing to go anywhere and do anything 

to get a story. Where I am, at the moment, is under a 

table in a Los Angeles sushi bar, surveying Mimi 
Rogers lower half. Wouldn't you, if you had the chance? 
"What are you looking for, a potbelly?" Mimi's voice comes 
from up above, a retrograde drawl, slinky and unflexed, 
like a hand dangled in the water beside a rowboat. We've 
been swapping life stories. Hers is the more interesting of 
the two, composed of some great movie work (The Rapture, 
notably), hilarious turns on TV (her flirtatious guest shot on 
HBO's The Larry Sanders Show) and a tumble through the 
gossip mags as Mrs. Tom Cruise. Anyway, there I am with 
my head under the table. (1 am a gentleman and wouldn't 
have done it had she not been wearing jeans.) 1 had gone 
below, I suppose, because I sensed the presence of a secret. 
weapon—face it, she has an arsenal. Although I didn't 

really expect to find the weapon under the table, there's no 
harm in looking. When I am topside again, Mimi has me in 
her cross hairs. "How much do you really know about me?" 
she asks with a smile that could draw rivets from the Gold- 
en Gate Bridge. “Let's talk honestly about preconceptions. 
Tell me what you expected." All right. The Mimi I envi- 
sioned was the one who shared a bed with Tom Berenger 
in the 1987 suspense thriller Someone to Watch Over Me. In 
that film, she is a static beauty, cool and detached, icy and 
mannered, elegant and stoic. Her emotional access is me- 
tered, her sophistication imposing, having been cured by 
the lazy smoke of privilege, liberated from the heartbreak- 
ing associations the rest of us have to make. While she 
shares the same startling eyes, pupils suspended in pearly 
angel's plasma, the Mimi presently dangling tempura over 
her mouth is none of the above. “After that film, there was a 

Mimi and Garry Shandling (battom left) did some serious flirting—on and off the talk-shaw couch—in a memorable episode of HBO's 
The Larry Sanders Shaw. Mimi can do hedonism as well, os she praved in a big way in the 1991 cult hit The Rapture, with David Duchovny 
and Stephanie Menuez (center). In an upcoming NBC mystery томе, A Kiss to Die For, Ragers pairs up with Tim Matheson (bottom right). 


widespread idea that that was who I was," Mimi says. “And other movie roles would come up and direc- 
tors would pass over me as being too aloof, too patrician. It was terribly frustrating, because I was acting, 
for God's sake.” She changes gears. “But you never answered me. Come on, how much do you know 
about me? Tell me some stories about me.” The fact is, my misconceptions of Mimi are anemic next to the 

Rogers folklore coursing through the 
Hollywood circulatory system. When she 
laments that she was acting, for God's 
sake, there are those who would say, Ex- 
actly: Mimi is not what she appears to be. 
Along those lines, there 15 the "Mimi 
Rogers, militant scientologist” rumor. 
Rogers calmly addresses this aspect of her 
past: "This is the philosophy 1 grew up 
with. My parents were scientologists. It 
was a religious philosophy that I was 
shaped and formed by, part of my edu- 
cation. So, in that sense, it will always 
be there." For those fixated on the image 
of Rogers as a Бгеач-Беайпр Dianetics 
thumper, 1 suggest a screening of Michael 
Tolkin's brilliant 1991 film, The Rapture. In 

a rendering remarkable by anyone's stan- 

dards, Mimi plays а hedonist prowling 
for group sex who becomes disenchanted 
and begins (text continued on page 161) 





MOST PEOPLE are not free. Freedom frightens them. They follow 
patterns set by their parents, enforced by society and by a constant 
inner dialog that weighs duty against desire and pronounces duty 
the winner. "Lives of quiet desperation," Thoreau called such 
existence, though today's version is noisy desperation. 

Occasionally, a visionary comes along who seems to have con- 
quered the fears in himself, living with bravado and courage. 
People are at once terrified of such a creature—and admiring. 
They are also envious. 

Someone who has conquered human fears is recognized as a 
hero or heroine. We are provoked by the example, but we are al- 
so inclined to blame ourselves for living too timidly. So the hero 
or heroine is often attacked—even killed—because of the envy of 
ordinary mortals. If we could see the hero as embodying our own 
aspirations, we would not need to destroy him or her, but could 
rather emulate and learn. 

Henry Miller was such a hero. Не did not start out fearless, but 
he learned to overcome his fears. He wrote a book, Tropic of Can- 
cer, that breathed fresh air into American—and world—litera- 
ture. The freedom, to those who would take it in, was like pure 
oxygen. For the others—the fearful, the envious, those who re- 
fused to breathe—Miller had to be discredited as a pervert or sex 
maniac because his message was too terrifying. Life is here for the 
taking, he says. And those who refused to live fully had to blame 
him for their own failure. 

Like Byron, Pushkin, George Sand and Colette, Miller became 
more than a writer. He became a protagonist and a prophet, the 
prophet of a new consciousness. His writings and his life mingled 
to create a larger myth, a myth that embodied the human attrac- 
tion toward—and fear of—freedom. 

Miller's writing, without a doubt, is full of imperfection, bom- 
bast and humbug. Sometimes its slovenliness makes it hard to de- 
fend. But the purity of his example, his heart, his openness, sets 
him apart from most American writers. 

At present, Miller's reputation still hangs in the balance. Even 
those who have defended him remain uncomfortable with him. 

Miller remains among the most misunderstood of writers, seen 




either as a pornographer or a guru, a 
sexual enslaver or sexual liberator, a 
prophet or pervert. All the questions 
his life and oeuvre raise about the role 
ofawriter in society, the impact ofbooks 
оп sexual politics, the impact of sexual 
politics on books, the threat of censor- 
ship to free speech and written expres- 
sion, unfortunately, are as fresh today 
as they ever were. 

In his decision to be explicit whatev- 
er the price, Miller stands in a tiny 
crowd: James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence 
and William Burroughs. What did sex 
mean to Henry Miller and why was he 
willing to risk everything to describe it 
in his books? 

He answers the question clearly in 
the first edition of The World of Sex: 

Sometimes in the recording ofa 
bald sexual incident great signifi- 
cance adheres. Sometimes the sex- 
ual becomes a writhing, pulsating 
facade such as we see on Indian 
temples, Sometimes it is a fresco 
hidden in a sacred cave where one 
may sit and contemplate things of 
the spirit. There is nothing I can 
possibly prohibit myself from do- 
ing in the realm of sex. It is a 
world unto itself. . . . It is a cold 
fire which burns in us like а sun. It 
is never dead, even though the 
sun may become a moon. There 
are no dead things in the uni- 
verse—it is only our way of think- 
ing which makes death. 

For Miller, this cold fire of sexuality 
is equivalent to the life force. That is 
what Miller had in common with 
Lawrence and why he labored so long 
(nearly five decades) and so madden- 
ingly over his book about Lawrence. 
He shares with Lawrence the pagan 
sense of sex—sex as primal flux, sex as 
the code of existence, the matrix of all 
creativity. Miller uses the word sex in a 
cosmic sense, not a genital sense. And 
he is almost surprised to discover that 
the whole world did not see it that 
way as well. 

He did not start at this point, of 
course. He started in Brooklyn, suffer- 
ing from the same sexual neuroses and 
inhibitions that bedeviled many of his 
contemporaries. Perhaps he even suf- 
fered more than his contemporaries, 
which was why he was so keen to free 
himself. Only the most enslaved of us 
longs with such intensity to be free. 
Working his way through letters and 
vignettes, through Clipped Wings, Mo- 
loch and Crazy Cock and on to the new 
life of Tiopic of Cancer, he liberated him- 
self to partake of the cosmic sexual 
dance and thereby to understand that 
only by such participation in the dance 
of life could freedom be won. 

Henry could only write, finally, by 
listening to the dictation of the Voice. 
He had to write what the Voice dictated 
or write nothing at all. He did not 
choose his subject matter; it chose him. 
He discovered he was nothing but a 
medium, a channel, and he let Јап- 
guage flow through him. 

To Miller, sex is the seeming chaos 
out of which ай life springs. If he sup- 
pressed it, he would suppress all ех- 
pression. He had no choice but to write 
about sex. 

Miller’s book The World of Lawrence, 
written and rewritten in the early Thir- 
ties, abandoned sometime after the 
publication of the Tiopic of Cancer and 
finally published as his last book 
(rather than his first, as it was meant to 
be) in 1980, gives us many clues to his 
understanding of sex and ив role in his 

Is Lady Chatterleys Lover obscene? ТЕ 
50, how is obscenity justified? No justi- 
fication is necessary, Miller concludes: 

Life is obscene and miraculous, 
and neither is there any justifi- 
cation for life. Obscenity is a divine 
prerogative of man and is always 
to be used carelessly, heedlessly, 
without scruple ог qualms, with- 
out religious or aesthetic defense. 
When the body becomes sacred, 
obscenity comes into its own. Puri- 
ty of speech is as much bosh as pu- 
гну of action—there is no such 
thing. Obscenity is stomped down 
when the body is degraded, when 
the soul is made to usurp the 
body's proper function. 

In discussing Lawrence, Miller sur- 
veys the history of civilization and its 
varying attitudes toward sexuality. He 
notes how sex went from openness 
to hiddenness as Christianity overtook 
the pagan world. He blames Christian- 
ity and its dualism for our culture's re- 
jection of the body and all its wants. 

“Obscenity,” he notes, “figures large 
and heavily, magnificently and аме- 
somely, in all primitive peoples." Miller 
observes that in so-called primitive cul- 
tures, religion and ritual always have a 
strong sexual element, as well as a 
strong element of death. Why? Be- 
cause sex and death evoke our deepest 
pleasures and our deepest fears. 

Why is sex important? The answer is 
so obvious that it needs immense obfus- 
cation and denial to be ignored. Sex is 
important because it is the root of life. 

"The savage is not a sick man 
Miller writes. "The savage retzins his 
sense of awe, mystery, his love of ac- 
tion, his right to behave like the ani- 
mal he is.” 

And the animal puts no veil between 
itself and sex, between itself and death. 

Sex just is, namelessly. And therefore, 
so is death. "Sex is the great Janus- 
faced symbol of life and death," accord- 
ing to Miller. "It is never one or the 
other; it is always both. The great lie of 
life here comes to the surface; the con- 
tradiction refuses to be resolved." 

Fear of sex is also fear of death, be- 
cause when we embrace sex, we sym- 
Бойсайу embrace our own mortality. 
For many men, the fear of woman is 
equivalent to the fear of mortality. It is 
woman's fecundity that reminds men 
of the everlasting dance of birth and 

"These ideas have been reinforced in 
our time by the plague of sexually 
transmitted diseases that announced 
itself after the so-called sexual revolu- 
tion was touted. A causal connection 
was made between sexual freedom and 
disease, a connection few ever stopped 
to question. The sexual revolution was 
blamed for the AIDS epidemic because 
such causation fits perfectly with our 
puritanical notions of retribution for 
pleasure. Sex has again become the root 
ofall evil—and with и comes a ferocious 
backlash against women, gays, blacks 
and Hispanics, against all those who do 
not conform to a white male ideal of 
sexless and bloodless spirituality. 

Miller understood that the fear of 
sex projected onto women was one of 
the major ills of society. Both sexes, 
Miller felt, were equally to blame for 
the sexual degradation of modern life. 
He partook of this fear himself, but 
then he transcended it. He is really 
speaking of himself when he says of 
two of his predecessors: 

[August] Strindberg remained 
a misogynist, whereas Lawrence 
(perhaps because of his latent fem- 
ininity) arrived at a higher or 
decper understanding. His abuse 
goes out equally to man and to 
woman; he stresses continually 
the need for each to accentuate 
their sex, to insist upon polarity, 
50 as to strengthen the sexual con- 
necüon which can renew and re- 
vive all the other forces, the major 
forces that are necessary for the 
development of the whole being. 
to stay the waste of contemporary 

То Miller, both sexes were equally to 
blame for the sexual degradation of 
modern life: ^The real cause lies deep- 
er than this surface war between the 
sexes," Miller writes. “It issues from the 
evil seed of the Christian ideal." 

In this apercu, Miller prefigured 
such feminists as Mary Daley (in Be- 
yond God, the Father and other books), 
who analyze the whore-Madonna split 

(continued on page 86) 

“Hey, Toulouse, is that а brush in your pocket от 
are you just glad to see me?" 


john turturro models 
and mugs in 
the latest 

european looks 

fashion by 

Since one of Turturro's lotest films, 
Mac, marks his directorio debut, 
we chose severol looks befitting a 
Hollywood heavy hitter. The one 
ot left includes a khoki silk/linen/ 
wool blend seersucker three-but- 
ton single-breasted sports jocket 
with notched lapels, about $750, 
ton silk/wool inverted box double- 
pleated trousers, obout $300, о 
ton, lavender ond peach crepe/ 
linen striped buttondown shirt, 
$225, ond a silk rep tie, about 
$80, oll by Vestimenta. At right, 
he’s wearing а khaki linen three- 
button single-breosted sports jock- 
et with notched lopels, $583, 
brown linen pull-on pants, about 
$190, ond о white linen peosont 
shirt, obout $200, all by Industrio. 

NLIKE the intense 

characters he has 

portrayed in such 

acclaimed films as 

Barton Fink, Mil- 
ler's Crossing and Do the Right 
Thing, actor John Turturro is 
a laidback guy who prefers 
clothing thats comfortable. 
Lucky for him, we've chosen 
a relaxed lineup of Italian 
menswear as the subject of this 
month's fashion feature. As you 
can see, jackets are soft and 
lean and are designed to be lay- 
ered over vests, banded-collar 
shirts and even drawstring 
pull-on pants. The look of the 
moment is the three-button sin. 
gle-breasted style in natural 
fabrics such as linen, cotton and 
lightweight wool blends. Sur- 
face texture is important, too. 
А seersucker jacket, for exam- 
ple, is meant to appear puck- 
ered, and a linen one should 
look slightly wrinkled. That 
means no over-ironing. Capisce? 


A vest looks smart under a three- 
button jacket—especiolly if the for- 
mer hos a high neckline, ot least 
five buttons ond с reloxed, com- 
fortable fit. Here, Turturro wears a 
tan linen six-button vest, $270, 
with а mustard linen three-button 
single-breosted suit with double- 
pleated trousers, about $1160, 
and о tan linen straight-point- 
callar shirt, $330, all by Byblos; 
plus a silk tie, by Vestimenta, $75. 

There ore severol ways to wear а 
three-button single-breosted jack- 
et: open, as John does here, or 
dased, with either the tap buttan 
apen (best for short ar heavyset 
men), or the Банот one open. His 
outfit includes а chorcaal linen/ 
crepe three-button single-breast- 
ed suit, $1278, and а black-ond- 
white-checked linen banded- 
callar shirt, abaut $270. Both ore 
by Giorgia Armani le Collezioni. 

Where & Haw to 
Buy on page 163. 




SEXUALITÉ! слон page 80) 

“What is it about sex that is so freeing? It is an 
affirmation of I am; an affirmation of life.” 

that has fed the fires of the sex war be- 
tween woman and man. This divisive 
way of thinking has led our culture to a 
puritanical rejection of both sexuality 
and woman as merely screens for 

А new paradigm is in order, one that 
sees women and men holistically rather 
than as bauling armies. Such para- 
digms exist, but they have been buried 
for centuries, buried by Judeo-Christ- 
ian brainwashing—and now by Mos- 
lem brainwashing, too. 

No one is really looking at the prob- 
lem in terms of root causes. Our world- 
view must change before we can 
change the world. This is why I fear 
that the reductive antisexual view of 
Miller's work—whether by male chau- 
vinis prudes or feminist prudes—is 
merely another symptom of the dis- 
torted worldview he was seeking, above 
all, to change. 

Miller offers his own definition of sex 
by revealing Lawrence's definition of 
sex: "A sensuality rooted in a primitive 
appıchension of one's relation with 
universe, with woman, with man. Sen- 
suality is the animal instincts, which he 
wanted to bring out again; sexuality, 
the false cultural attitude which he 
wanted to overthrow.” 

Perhaps we should call that primal 
force Sex (with a capital S) to differen- 
tiate it from the smarmy world of porno 
parlors and stroke books with which, in 
our puritanical, sexomaniacal culture, 
it is nearly always confused. It was the 
chiefirony of Miller's life that he sought 
to change this debased sort of sexuality 
and bring it into cosmic perspective. 
Instead, it was his fate to be confused 
with this debased sexuality, as if there 
were no difference at all between his 
revolutionary writing and the frivolous 
titillations of sex for sale. Writers are 
often accused of doing exactly what 
they are attempting to change. 

Miller's cosmic view of sex has never 
been more needed. We have gone 
through a decade of backlash against 
the sexual revolution, against gay 
rights, against women's rights. During 
this decade we have also experienced 
population boom and a widespread at- 
tack on reproductive freedom. 

The tide has begun to turn. This 
decade already looks like a decade of 
social ferment, change and feminism. 
Let us not make the mistakes we made 
in the last decade of social ferment— 

the Sixties. Let us not equate sexuality 
with a narrow promiscuity. Rather let 
us learn to see it in a cosmic Millerian 
sense as the very dance of life. It is crit- 
ical that we expand rather than narrow 
‘our notions of sexuality. And Miller can 
guide us. Sexuality need not only de- 
pend on an exchange of bodily fluids. 
Itcan be an attitude of openness to the 
world and to the cosmos beyond. 

What shall we do with our sexopho- 
bia? It manifests itself on both sides of 
the political spectrum—from Women 
Against Pornography to the funda- 
mentalist right. Our sexophobia im- 
pedes medical research for contracep- 
tion, impedes needed reforms of 
women's hcalth care, cven impedes our 
ability to prepare teenagers to enjoy 
their sexuality safely in an overpopu- 
lated world. 

When I was 14, kids were terrified of 
sex because one could die of a back- 
street abortion. Now my 13-year-old 
daughter and her friends are terrified 
of sex because of AIDS. Plus ca change, 
plus c'est la même chose. Must we con- 
clude that we have made a society in 
which teenagers are compelled to hate 
their most powerful urges, their own 
bodies, their own drives? Must we con- 
clude that the excuses vary but the sex- 
ophobia remains constant? Must we 
conclude that on some deep level we 
indeed want such a world? 

Sexophobia is with us, ever present, 
stronger every day. We are creating a 
sexually tormented generation just as 
our grandparents and great-grandpar- 
ents did, We no longer say that mastur- 
bation causes blindness. We merely say 
that sex causes death. 

Miller saw this sexophobia as early as 
the Twenties and related it, even then, 
to money, consumerism and war. As we 
all know, money drives out sex. The 
anxiety about getting and spending is 
an antiaphrodisiac. The more we focus 
on money, the less free we are, the less 
lusty and the less revolutionary. As 
Miller himself said regarding Tropic of 
Cancer, “The problem of the author 
was never one of sex, nor even of rcli- 
gion, but of self-liberation.” 

Miller's self-liberation is sexual in the 
cosmic—not the genital—sense. Yes, 
Miller wrote of genital sexuality in 
Tropic, in Black Spring, in The Rosy Cru- 
Gfixion. But as he explains in The World 
of Sex, the sexual is the first step toward 
the spiritual: 

In that first year or so in Paris, I 
literally died, was literally annihi- 
lated and resurrected as a new 
man. The Topic of Cancer is a sort 
of human document written in 
blood, recording the struggle in 
the womb of death. The strong 
sexual odor is, if anything, the aro- 
ma of birth, disagreeable, repul- 
sive even when dissociated from its 
significance. The Tropic of Cancer 
represents. another death and 
birth, the transition, if I may say, 
from the conscious artist to the 
budding spiritual being which is 
the last phase of evolution. 

Miller was wise enough to know that 
the sexual and the spiritual were as 
close as twins. He was wise enough to. 
know that by flinging ourselves with 
utter abandon into the sexual, we find 
the spiritual beckoning. “The road of 
excess leads to the palace of wisdom," 
as Blake said. Or, as Miller said on a 
similar theme, "Like every man, 1 am 
my own worst enemy, but unlike most 
men, I know too that 1 am my own 

What does sex have in common with 
salvation for Miller? Both partake of 
liberation. Miller often said that his on- 
ly subject was scl£liberation. Не was 
right. The sexuality of his books points 
the way to sel£liberation. So does the 

What is it about sex that is so free- 
ing? It is an affirmation of I am; an 
affirmation of life, and at once an 
affirmation of flux. Miller writes: 

We go along thinking the world 
to be thus and so. We are not 
thinking, of course, or the picture 
would be different every moment. 
When we go along thus we are 
merely preserving a dead image of 
a live moment in the past. How- 
ever, let us say we meet a woman. 
We enter into her. Everything is 
changed. What has changed? We 
do not know precisely. It seems as 
if everything has changed. It 
might be that we never sce the 
woman again, or it might be that 
we never separate. She may lead 
us to hell or she may open the 
doors of the world for us. 

It is this transforming power of sex 
that led Miller to focus on it in his 
books. Transformation interests him, 
and, above all, transformation is what 
the world of sex offers. 

Sex galvanizes the individual 
spheres of being that clash and conflict. 
It makes the external world shed its 
deathlike folds. It affords us glimpses 
of that stark, durable reality that is nei- 
ther beneficent nor cruel. 

(concluded on page 143) 

“Just one minute! That's not us up there!" 

— MÀ 




twenty-five years later, the soldier who blew the whistle on my lai remembers a few good men 

CURIOUS, isn't it, how the first thing you recall about 
someone you haven't seen in a long time is often the 
last thing you'd expect to remember? 

"Thats how it was that night at Duc Pho in April 
1968, when I ran into Butch Gruver, the only man I 
ever saw strain rubbing alcohol through a loaf of 
bread and drink it. 

Gruver's bread-to-booze trick, performed during a 
break in jungle-warfare training in Hawaii, pretty 
much convinced the rest of us that he wasn't like the 
rest of us. There was something about him—a lazy, 
ratlike intensity—that made you pay attention to this 
hard little man. He said he'd done time in an Arkansas 
prison, and no one doubted it. 

I believed him six months later, too, when we 
crossed trails on the edge of the road at Duc Pho, out- 
side 11th Brigade Headquarters in Vietnam. 

"That was when I first heard about what happened ас 
Pinkville, a place the world came to know as My Lai. 

Gruver was in full Long-Range Reconnaissance Pa- 
trol regalia that evening—tiger stripes, web belt and 
suspenders loaded with ammunition. a bulging, bat- 
tle-ready rucksack with everything taped down for 
silent movement in the jungle. He was with four other 
guys, also LRRPs—lurps, as we called them. Lurps 
worked in small teams that got choppered into places 
where they'd hide out for a few days and watch the en- 
сту. Gruver and his bunch were duc to be dropped 
into the mountains west of us the next morning. 

"That night, after eating, Butch and I found an emp- 
ty tent arid sat down at a packing-crate table, hot beers 
in hand. By and by he said, “Hey, man, did you hear 
what we did at Pinkville?” 

I'd heard the name. A month earlier I had been in a 
firefight as a helicopter door gunner near Pinkville, a 
collection of several hamlets about 20 miles north of 
Duc Pho. Pinkville got its name from the color used on 
Army maps to indicate population density. It was said 
to be the stomping grounds of a particularly fierce 
Viet Cong battalion. 

"No, man," I said. “What did you do at Pinkville?” 

His answer made me remember the question. One 
month earlier, Gruver said, he and the rest of Charlie 
Company went through Pinkville and killed every- 
body they saw—hundreds of men, women, children, 
babies. Slaughtered them with machine guns, rifles, 
pistols, grenades, bayonets. Raped the women, 
burned the houses. Killed the livestock. 

One man who took part in the operation, a lieu- 

tenant described by Gruver as “that dickhead Calley,” 
seemed to have a special enthusiasm for the killing. 
He lined up villagers in groups for execution. 
Screamed at GIs and threatened to shoot anyone who 
refused to fire. 

"Yeah," Gruver said as we sat in the tent. "А lot of 
people went pretty crazy that day." 

Ithink I must have gone a little crazy myself that 
night, listening to his story. 1 knew it was true even as 
the words came out of Gruver's mouth, one ugly detail 
after another, and I knew it wasn't some kind of ran- 
dom, accidental act. Whatever happened at My Lai 
had to have been the direct result of official military 
policy. There was no doubt in my mind about that. 
Shit may have rolled downhill in Vietnam, but blood 
flowed up the chain of command. 

I promised myself that I would pursue the story 
in the eight months I had left of my tour. The facts 
would be easy enough to check. Several buddies from 
jungle training in Hawaii had ended up serving with 
Gruver in Charlie Company. They wouldn't be hard to 
track down. 

I hoped my friends weren't part of the killing. But if 
they were, well, they were. Whatever was true, was 
true. Nobody could change that. And I vowed to my- 
sclf that I would not kecp this secret. 

We were supposed to be soldiers in the United 
States Army, not butchers of women and babies. We 
were not perfect, God knows, but, even lefi to our own. 
vices—and we had our share—most of us were better 
than that. Indeed, some of the men who had been at 
Му Lai that day, as 1 would discover, truly had been 


Му friend Billy, I was sad to learn, was not one 
of them 

We trained together in Hawaii, Billy and I. A few 
weeks after Gruver told me about My Lai, we all end- 
ed up in the same lurp unit, living in a camp on the 
beach at Chu Lai. 

Just about everybody was smoking dope by then, 
but Billy, like a handful of guys in our unit, was into 
harder stuff. He was one of the few who knew of an 
opium den in the ville, a Vietnamese camptown, 
whose cardboard and flauened—beer can shanties be- 
gan near the main gate on Highway One. I'm not sure 
when Billy started going there or how he found out 
about it, only that after a while I came to know that the 





ville was where he always went. 

At first he was getting a pass. But 
pretty soon the captain got wise that 
something weird was going on, and 
that was the end of Billy's passes. Fuck 
"em, he told me the next day, and that 
night he was gone. Over the wire. 

From then on Billy didn't need a 
pass. He just left when ће felt like it 
and came back when he was ready. 

Sometimes when he got back, he'd 
come and find me, usually in the unit's 
small, ammo-crate club. I'd be knock- 
ing down 3.2 beer and getting sick—it 
didn't take much of the half-formalde- 
hyde swill to do it. Come on, man, Bil- 
ly would say. Let's go sit on the beach 
and smoke a joint. 

The beach at Chu Lai was mag- 
nificent then: a clean, white half-moon 
whose gentle crescent formed a broad, 
starlit arc on the edge of the South Chi- 
na Sea. Sitting there, facing the hori- 
zon, staring out into the eastern dis- 
tance, dreaming of what we called “the 
world" that lay beyond it, we passed a 
smoke back and forth and watched the 
waves wash in. We'd talk about this and 
that. The war. Home. Our girlfriends. 
How the Army sucked. How Vietnam 
sucked. After a while, though, our con- 
versation would always come back to 
the same subject Suddenly it would 

just be there, the nightmare, Pinkville. 

Billy had been at My Lai that day, 
along with Gruver and the rest of 
Charlie Company. For him, though, 
the dead from Pinkville had become 
his lifelong companions. On those 
evenings when we sat out there on the 
beach at Chu Lai, their ghosts always 
drifted in for a visit. 

Billy used to look out across the wa- 
ter, hugging his knees. “All them peo- 
ple we killed, man," he would begin to 
say after a while, singing out to them 
over and over again, rocking back and 
forth to the rhythm of the waves. “АЛ 
them people we killed." 

Sometimes it takes forever for the 
perfectly obvious to crystallize in your 
mind. Slaughter was the name of our 
game in Vietnam. Even though I saw it 
happening all around me from the be- 
ginning, it took My Lai to make me un- 
derstand what I was seeing 

By the time 1 got to Vietnam just be- 
fore Christmas 1967, everybody was 
talking about killing gooks. Gooks this, 
gooks that. The gooks, the gooks, the 
gooks. At first there was some confu- 
sion. How did you tell gooks from the 
good Vietnamese, for instance? After a 
while it became clear. You didn’t have 
to. Thats what everybody said. 
“They're all VC when they're dead." 

They were all gooks. 

1 had once overheard two sergeants 
talking about another massacre a few 
months before I learned about 

“Jesus,” one of them said after hear- 
ing the details from his friend, “how 
did you shoot women and kids?" 

“Just closed my eyes and squeezed 
the trigger," said the other man. 

I'd been seeing the little massacres 
right along, the murders of one, two, 
maybe three or four people at a time, 
ever since I'd gotten to Vietnam and 
started flying light air cover for grunt 
companies. Somctimes, standing on a 
chopper skid, fliuing along 50 feet 
above a bunch of Gls, you'd see some 
grunt simply blow a peasant away. Blip- 
blip-blip. Like that. Nothing to it. One 
VC KIA, you'd hear the report come 
over the radio. Got us a gook, captain. 

In five separate instances Ї saw with 
my own eyes, the offense of the newly 
dead was that the man happened to be 
home when the grunts arrived. Wasn't 
much more to it than that. He was Viet- 
namese. He was male. He was home. 
He was adios. Other times, we'd fly 
over moments after a U.S. Infantry 
company or Vietnamese patrol had 
blown holes in a bunch of civilians for 
no apparent reason. They'd be lying 
there, three, four, maybe as many ава. 
half dozen, blecding and dying, some 
piece or another of them flopping 
around in the road. If they had 
weapons, I never saw them. Travel was 
hazardous for civilians. Being alive was 

What was happening all around us 
in Vietnam was nota strategy that went 
awry, or one that had unforeseen and 
regrettable consequences for a few un- 
fortunate civilians. It was one in which 
the deliberate military aim was to lay 
waste to the countryside. 

Yes. КШ them all. Let God sort "em 
out. The brass knew what they were 
doing. They knew what we were doing. 
We were doing what they wanted us to 
do. We were killing people, and, as we 
soon discovered, the brass didn't care 
who we killed, so long as there were a 
lot of them. 


Every fifth round in my M-60 ma- 
chine gun was a red-tipped tracer. 
When I pulled the trigger, it was like 
drawing a flaming orange line through 
the air, marking the hot, bucking edge 
of a jagged scalpel. Thats what we 
used them for, to slice people into mul- 
tiple parts. It's not like cutting up a 
chicken, of course. People come 
unglued from the business end of a 
gun in tiny little bits that splatter ай 
over everything. Very messy. 

Although I eventually transferred to 
the Americal Division LRRPs, 1 spent 
the first four months of my tour in 
Vietnam as a door gunner, standing on 
the skid of a helicopter as it whipped 
and twisted and turned just above the 
treetops and rice paddies, zooming 
over a hedgerow or tree line into a sur- 
prised village or placid paddy, scarch- 
ing for armed Vietnamese men to slice 
into bloody little guerrilla specks. 

The ships we used in Primo, my 
chopper outfit, were those small police- 
like jobs with the Plexiglas bubbles and 
barely enough room for three people. 
In ours the pilot sat in the middle and 
the door gunners stood on either side, 
balancing M-60 machine guns and 200 
rounds of ammunition, which were 
suspended from the top of the door 
frame with elastic bungee cords. 
Dressed in large armored ceramic bul- 
letproof vests, flak jackets, fully hooded 
helmets, high boots and gloves, we 
must have appeared to the Vietnamese 
like men from Mars, descending from 
the sky in our clattering machines, 
noisy ray guns spitting red death. 

We called ourselves hunter-killer 
teams, a term later softened to aero- 
scouts. We traveled in pairs, usually at 
first light or last light—sunup or sun- 
down—looking for guerrillas on the 
move. Two choppers right on the deck. 
One ship always flew low, no more than 
50 feet off the ground and usually low- 
er, hopping hedges, offering itself as a 
target while the other ship flew above 
and a litle behind the first, circling, 
keeping the lower bird covered. It may 
sound as if we had a lot of moxie to 
stand out there, swooping around, 
waiting to be shot at. But the truth was 
that any peasant revolutionaries who 
challenged us in small numbers were 
inviting death. 

They did not call us hunter-killers 
for nothing. It was our game, even if it 
was their country. 

When it happened, it happened 
quickly, in the blink of an eye. We 
would be zooming along, bobbing and 
weaving above the rice paddies, pop- 
ping up suddenly over the tree line or 
a hedgerow, and there they were. Iwo, 
three, four—sometimes more—small 
men trapped in the open, with rifles in 

One morning. 1 remember, things 
did not go according to script. That 
day—it could have been the same 
morning that Charlie Company started 
work at My Lai—we found a lone guer- 
rilla. Or perhaps 1 should say he found 
us. He was a small man, well hidden 
and dressed only in purple shorts and 
flip-flops, armed with an M-2 carbine 
and a handful of rounds. We had not 

(continued on page 144) 


under cover of a devastating republican defeat, 


robertson's operatives hope to bijack the ship of state 

article by Joe Conason 

A WIDE RANGE of Americans celebrated 
lustily the night the Republicars lost the 
White House. Breaking out the cham- 
pagne after 12 years of GOP rule were 
the old left, the new Democrats, the pro- 
choicers, the environmentalists, women, 
minorities and gays. But those corks may have been 
popped in vain, or at least prematurely The defeat of 
George Bush may mark only the true takeoff point for the 
increasingly powerful religious right, a movement far more 
ominous than any represented by Bush or Ronald Reagan. 
It is a movement whose intolerance and fanaticism have 
been festering for years. but which America has glimpsed 
only in recent months. 

Two weeks after Election Day, it reared into view at, of all 
places, a Republican governors' meeting in Wisconsin. Hav- 
ing gathered to nurse their wounds, the governors held a 
brief press conference at the end of their two-day confab. It 
should have been a dull affair. Mississippi Governor Kirk 
Fordice unexpectedly livened it up when he took the micro- 
phone and declared that America is “a Christian nation." 

Such sentiments are anathema to most Republican politi- 
cians, including Carroll Campbell, the conservative gover- 
nor of South Carolina, who is one of former Republican 
National Committee chairman Lee Atwater's great success 
stories. Governor Campbell leapt to the microphone to ex- 
plain that of course the nation's values come from our 
“Judeo-Christian heritage. I just wanted to add the Judeo 
part." Fordice glared at his Dixie colleague and retorted 
sharply, “If I wanted to do that, I would have done it.” 

The following day, as people lined up to denounce his ex- 
clusionary rhetoric, the Mississippi governor's statement 
blew up in his face. He swiftly apologized. But it seems rea- 
sonable to note—as he himself did at first blush—that Kirk 
Fordice meant what he said the first timc. After all, he was a 
political novice when he was elected in 1991, and he gained 
his high office with the help of the nation's wealthiest, 
fastest-growing, most powerful and best organized grass- 
roots political movement: the resurgent Christian right. No 
group is more important to that movement than the little- 
known 300,000-member Christian Coalition, which is led 
by televangelist Pat Robertson. 

It was one more example of why moderates and even 
many conservatives in the Republican Party are гип- 
ning scared. A few of them, including former Senator 
Warren Rudman and former Representative Tom 
Campbell, are now organizing to keep their party 
from being taken over by Robertson forces. But so 

far their Republican Majority Coali- 

tion, founded last December, is little 

more than a fund-raising letterhead, 
and they are scared because they know it 
may already be too late. 

Although most Americans first noticed 
that a strangely authoritarian tone had 
reentered the nation’s politics during the Republican 
convention in Houston last August, local Republican 
politicos in certain key states began to realize that their 
party was being taken over as early as the spring of 1992, 

For example, when the upright Republicans of subur- 
ban San Antonio, Texas got together to choose the dele- 
gates they would send to the 1992 Republican National 
Convention, they probably expected the usual staid and 
utterly predictable proceedings. They had gone to sleep 
that beautiful spring night of the Texas presidential pri- 
mary confident that all was well in their neat little world. 

And why not? Their president, the quintessential coun- 
try-club Republican George Bush, had whupped Pat 
Buchanan badly and that was the end, wasn't 

Well, not quite. At the delegate selection meetings, the 
party regulars began to notice a lot of unfamiliar faces. 
After that, it took only a few hours for the new activists 
of the Christian right to blow away the country-club 
GOP in that part of Texas. With laser-beam precision, 
they elected new chairmen and passed resolutions 
against abortion, sex education, AIDS education and 
gay rights, and for the abolition of the National Endow- 
ment for the Arts. 

The rich Republicans of San Antonio's Bexar County 
consider themselves very conservative. And they are. 
But the politics of this new crowd gave them a bad scare. 
Not long after the Christian rightists staged their coup, 
the president of the Alamo City Republican Women's 
dub just gave up and quit. 

“The so-called Christian activists have finally gained 
control,” she explained in her resignation letter, “and 
the Grand Old Party is more religious cult than political 

OF course, that was Texas, a traditional hotbed of 
Birchers and Bible jocks, Couldn't happen anywhere 
else, could it? 

Next came the Pennsylvania primary, where moder- 
ate Republicans slept soundly after cheering the defeat 

of an ultraconservative challenger to their incumbent 

senator, Arlen Specter. For them the shock came the 
next day, when the votes for obscure Republican state 

committee positions were (continued on page 156) 




room at the Daytona Beach Marriott, 
hanging out with her equally gorgeous 
new friend, Whitfield Crane, lead 
singer from Ugly Kid Joe. She's fresh 
from a string of photo shoots for fashion 
magazines. His first record is zooming up the 
charts. They're in Florida for MTV's coverage of 
Daytona's Spring Break festivities, ће to perform, 
she to host. A little celebration seems in order. 

Duff, 30, calls room service and orders cham- 
pagne and a giant batch of pancakes—50, at least. 
No butter, no syrup, just pancakes. The waiter 
rolls in this humongous cart. The scene is like a. 
Three Stooges movie. Duff and Crane open the 
window and look down to the hotel's sprawling 
patio, the beach and the MTV stage beyond. The 
V] and the rock star sail pancakes one by one out 
onto the teeming masses of horny college stu- 
dents far below. 


Poor Duff doesn't realize it, but rock-and-roll 
excess has become politically incorrect at MTV. 
The channel is in the process of redefining itself 
for the Nineties, and a downshift to humility, and 
relevancy, is in progress. 

MIV recently completed a major research 
study that revealed, as have other studies, a deep- 
seated malaise among young people between 14 
and 24 years old. “The baby-bust generation is 
not held in very high regard by the baby 
boom-controlled media,” says MTV Networks 
chairman Tom Freston. “People think they watch 
too much MTV, they don't read, they don't write, 
they don't give a shit. It's very far from the truth.” 

He's asked if it isn't true that 18-to- 
24-year-olds have the lowest voter 
turnout of any age group. “Yeah, 
well, nobody's talking to them,” Fres- 
ton quickly answers. “And they're 
inheriting a world that is, by and 
large, fucked. They can't have a lot 

of sex, they can't drink and drive, the 
environment's totally fucked up, every- 
bodys getting cancer The economy 
sucks. There's a lot of despair out 

This discovery that America's youth is 
on a serious downer happened to come at a time 
when MTV found itself in a bit of a funk. Judy 
McGrath is MTV's creative director, a job that 
makes her, as a corporate bio puts it, "essentially 
ihe creative guardian of MTV's image." She's 
fulfilled that responsibility over the past seven 
years with considerable wit, intelligence and taste. 
The fact that MTV's channel IDs, promos and 
"art breaks" are usually far more interesting than 
its music videos attests to that. A 40-year-old 
woman who manages to be funky and elegant at 
the same time (her office furniture includes hand- 
made maple chairs by Dialogica and a ceramic 
table lamp in the shape of Michael Jackson's 
head), McGrath recalls that sometime in 1991 an 
uneasy notion sct in that MTV had gone awry. 

“We were ай saying, ‘How come we don't like 
the IDs anymore” and “How come I'm tired of 
the promos?” Pondering the situation with 
МТҮ 5 marketing consultant Fred Seibert, it was 
decided that the problem was a sort of ground- 
lessness that had allowed MTV to drift into inner 
space. “1 think we were starting to get into art for 
arts sake," McGrath says. “In the Eighties we 
were definitely into totally produced, totally slick, 
total wizardry, We were almost to the point of be- 
ing for our own entertainment instead of for the 
audience's. It lacked some sense of purpose.” 

Searching for a reason for MTV's being, Ме 
Grath and Seibert came back to the despair iden- 
tified in the research. They real- 
ized that they were dealing with 
nothing less than a disenfranchised 
generation. No one, including 
MTV, was taking a stand for today's 
youth. In a world filled with dis- 
dain, no (continued on page 138) 


A RY ли ESA YE ow 

2) a 0 E лт ibo 422 dus 




miss march, kimberly donley, makes her point perfectly 

BEAUTIFUL WOMAN is hard to resist. She will pitch your boat, make your compass needle go 
haywire, have you begging your friends to tie you to the mast. But a beautiful woman with 
a gift for laughter will put you on the rocks as sure as a Londonderry fog. Here, then, is 
Kimberly Donley, faithfully demonstrating the fencer's classic stance, balancing her weight 

Kim takes a few pointers an thrust, parry and defense from an L.A. fencing master. "Some people have the 
nation that fencing is far sissies,” she says, “but it’s really very competitive—all balance end positioning.” 



“One thing about me that almost bothers me is that | ат so sensitive to 
people. Once I walk into a room, | can feel if people like me or not. What 
do you coll that?” she osks. We сай it somebody with o roomful of friends. 

on the сой of her long legs. "I can 
do the moves, but I don't know their 
names yet. It's all in the wrist," she 
divulges with a whisper and a 
bounce, then cracks up completely. 
Her laughter is a joyous reflex, hint- 
ing at capitulation with the right 
joke. Prepare to abandon ship. “1 
laugh alot," the 27-year-old Aurora, 
Illinois native concedes. "Maybe I 
should take life more seriously." 
Certainly, adult life for Donley start- 
ed out in a more somber direction. 
After completing instruction in 
computer science, Kim sought high 
fame in the insurance industry. 
“Some time ago, I went to a product 
liability seminar, and that’s when I 
said to myself, "What am 1 doing? 
This is not me. I'm going to die of 
boredom in the insurance world.'” 
Swapping her low deductible for a 
chance to break into modeling and 
acting, Kim now divides her time 
between Arizona's painted deserts 
(she leases a condo in Phoenix) and 
the shrink-to-fit hysteria of Los An- 
geles, where her boyfriend has a lo- 
cal following as a guitarist and song- 
writer. “I come to L.A. to relax, can 
you believe it?” she asks, laughing 
again. “All my friends are back in 
Phoenix and the phone's constantly 
ringing. Something's always hap- 
pening. I come here, kick back in 
Benedict Canyon to visit my boy- 
friend and watch the crabgrass 
grow.” Perhaps more stunning than 
her classic Gaelic features is the fact 
that until her foray with PLAYBOY, 
Kim had no modeling or acting ex- 
perience. “I don't sce myself as the 
voluptuous Playmate type,” says our 
duelist with а modest shrug. “And 
I'm probably too short to be а mod- 
el. I think I have a lot of beauty 
within me. I did go to charm 
school—learned how to eat, how to 
sit, how to answer the phone. All of 
it has really paid off, can't you tell?" 
And theres that surrender-your- 
vessel laugh again. But let's not dis- 
miss this woman's charm. After all, 
her ex-boyfriend remains devoted 
enough to feed her cats when she's 
away from home. Just another will- 
ing victim of Kim Donley's siren 
call—her infectious laughter. Hear 
it once and you're stuck for life. 

“My boyfriend was incredibly supportive during the photo shoot,” notes Kim. "If 1 felt 1 hadn't done 
my best, he'd advise me to ‘do better tomorrow—knock yourself out.” Consider it a TKO, champ. 


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Ап investigation into the fire that had de- 
stroyed Brown's warehouse took almost a year, 
so when he received word that the case had 
finally been settled, Brown immediately head- 
ed to his lawyer's office to collect the insurance 
money. Once there, he was shocked to learn 
just how large a percentage the lawyer was re- 
taining to cover his services. 
Face it, Mr. Brown," the attorney crowed, 
“I've earned it, haven't 12" 

“Jesus,” Brown muttered under his breath, 
“you'd think you started the fire.” 

Two Irishmen were digging a ditch directly 
across from a brothel. Suddenly, they saw a 
rabbi walk up to the front door, glance around 
and duck inside. 

“Ah, will you look at that?" one ditchdigger 
said. “What's ow 
the cloth are visitin’ such places?” 

A short time later, a Protestant minister 
walked up to the door and quietly slipped in- 
side. “Do you believe that?” the workman ex- 
claimed. “Why, 'ús no wonder the young peo- 
ple of today are so confused, what with the 
example clergymen set for them.” 

‘After an hour went by, the men watched as a 
Catholic priest quickly entered the whore- 
house. “Ah, what a pity,” the digger said, lean- 
ing on his shovel. “One of the poor lasses must 
be dyin’.” 

Times must be worse than we thought. A 
friend overheard two Wall Street types dis- 
cussing the economy. One summed up his feel- 
ings this way: “Charlie, there ain't no free 

A multimillionaire was so pleased with his 
broker's expertise that he asked him what he'd 
like as a token of appreciation. The broker said 
a set of golf clubs 

"Great," the millionaire said. "I'll get them. 
By the way, how many clubs are in a set?" 

"Oh, eight or ten," the broker replied. 

Months went by and the broker was sorry he 
hadn't asked for a watch. Then he got a сай 
from the millionaire. "Sorry to take so long 
with those clubs. T've managed to get eight so 
far" he said, “but only six have swimming 

orld comin’ to when men of 

Whats the first thing a Hollywood mogul 
docs аћег rear-ending someone? Hangs ир 
the phone. 

After taking his date to a movie and a nice 
dinner, the smitten young man drove to a qui- 
et spot and parked "The couple began to neck, 
and when things got steamy, the fellow asked, 
"How about getting in the back seat?” 

“No,” she said 

He began to kiss her again and started run- 
ning his hand up and down her body. "Now 
will you get in the back seat?" he asked. 

“No,” she said more firmly. 

He went back to kissing and rubbing and 
finally, between clenched teeth, pleaded, “For 
God's sake, get in the back seat, will you?” 

“Well, why the hell not?” 
“Because,” she replied sweetly, “I want to 
stay up here with you.” 

How do you define a real music lover? That's 
Y п 

а guy who hears а soprano in the shower and 

puts his ear to the keyhole. 

An unsuccessful furniture salesman finally 
gave up and joined thc police force. A few 
weeks after pinning on his star, he met a friend 
for a drink. "So, how's the new job?" the friend 

“Oh, just great. What I like best about it,” 
the cop said, “is that the customer is always 

What did the postcard from the blonde say? 
“Having a great time, Where am 12" 

An old man woke up in the middle of the 
night and found, to his utter astonishment, 
that his pecker was as hard as a rock for the 
first time in two years. He shook his wife by the 
shoulder until she woke up and showed her 
his enormous erection. “You see that thing, 

med. “What do you 

Heard a funny опе lately? Send it on a post- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 
60611. $100 will be paid to ihe contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 

IET 2 




“The one to the far right happens to be my awn personal flag.” 



NOUGH WITH chicken and fish, already. Red meat is 

back—in leaner cuts, were happy to announce. In 

fact, the average American consumes about 65 
pounds of beef each year. Some guys broil their steaks, 
some barbecue them and rravBov Contributing Editor 
Denis Boyles even cooks them with two blowtorches. It 
takes him 20 minutes to get the meat just the way he likes 
it—a thin, crisp sear on the outside and a blood-red center. 
But that’s not the strangest cooking technique we've dis- 
covered. In their humorous book Manifold Destiny, authors 
Chris Maynard and Bill Scheller use a car engine for cook- 
ing. Dwight David Eisenhower Pepper Steak, for example, 
calls for four tablespoons of peppercorns per half pound of 
strip steak, crushed using a tire iron and pressed into the 
meat. The meat is then wrapped in foil and taken for a 
half-hour ride (per side) atop the engine. 

Danny Glover has been known to improvise for meat's 
sake. A few years ago, while he was filming To Sleep with 
Anger in South Central Los Angeles, the crew and cast were 
hassled by neighborhood gangs. Glover tried to make 
peace by cooking everybody a hearty gumbo. Between 
scenes, he would adjourn to a tiny kitchen to stir the pot 
filled with thick chunks of sausage, crab, chicken and spicy 
rice mixed with peppers and onions. The filming went on 
without a hitch. 

Menno Meyjes, Academy Award nominee for the screen- 
play adaptation of The Color Purple, likes his meat thin, as 
he had it growing up in Holland. "Americans eat steak too 
damn thick," Meyjes says. He pounds his with the side of a 
hammer to quarter-inch height before searing it in butter 

or barbecuing it with red torpedo onions that are sprinkled 

a searing look at 
how danny glover, 
francis ford coppola 
and lots of other 
famous folks are once 
again seeing red 



ally loses more liquid than meat heated ata steady temper- 

with salt and pepper and 
then twisted in alu- 
minum foil and thrown. 
onto the coals for about 
an hour. 

Harold McGee, author 
of The Curious Cook, dis- 
agrees with the idea that 
searing meat over high 
heat seals in the juices. 
“The analogy is cauteriz- 
ing a wound,” he says, 
“but it’s just not the same 

thing. Seared flesh actu- 

ature—the rarer, the juicier.” The debate is still cooking. 
If you really want rare, talk to Football Hall of Famer 
Bob St. Clair, formerly of the San Francisco 49ers. St. Clair 
acquired a taste for uncooked meat as a boy when his 
grandmother threw him scraps while she was cooking. “In 
training camp we used to play a little trick on the rookies,” 
St. Clair says. "I'd take my plate of raw meat, covered with 
a napkin, to their table. They'd be flabbergasted that the 
captain of the team was sitting with them. Then I'd remove 
the napkin and start eating. The table cleared out fast.” 
Morgan Entrekin, Tennessee native and publisher of At- 
lantic Monthly Press, prefers his meat cooked but insists 
that barbecue is a noun and grill is a verb. (Webster's Ninth 
New Collegiate Dictionary says barbecue is both.) “Barbecue 
is what comes off a pig or a cow that has been cooked for 
hours in a pit. If you want to find 

(continued on page 160) 





wherein our econaut 
goes econuts 

From: Biodome I, Hopewell, New Mexico 
Ecoday 2 

Dear roomie: 

How they hanging, Pincus, you old dorkface? 

Inside the Biodome at last! 1 still can't believe it. Out of 32,917 ap- 
plicants, they pick Hairy Larry Sherbrook of U. of South Idaho for 
the crew of the high-tech, self-sustaining ecosystem of the future, as 
Dr. Riger calls it. (He's our co-captain, our analytical systems officer 
and the oldest bionaut—by about a century and a half. Hope the 
guy loosens up or it could be a long two years.) 

You still pissed at me? I can't really blame you, Pinc. Hey, you're 
the genius biochem major and I'm the jock, and you know I applied 
only because you did. I’m sure there had to be some kind of com- 
puter glitch. But whatever it was, I forgive you for calling me a lousy 
brain-dead backstabbing creep and heaving my boom box through 
the window. You just got slightly deranged, so no hard feelings. 
Could happen to anybody. 

Anyway, yesterday we marched inside to John Denver tapes 
(ewww), all ten of us looking good in our dress jumpsuits, and there 
was more cheering than at the Utah Tech game. Everything feels 
moist and green in here, even the air. We each have our own Bio- 
capsule in the Human Habitat and mine's really great, except for 
the Visitor Interactivity Notch (that’s biobabble for window), where 
tourists videotape me picking my позе. But I guess I can stand it if 
they can. 

One of the six biomes—the artificial environments we work in?— 
is a little ocean. That's right, 25 feet deep, with real fish, mechan- 

ically driven waves, plus—get ready to retch from jealousy—a 

satire by Lewis Grossberger 



beach! Better believe ГЇЇ be catching 
many rays. It’s only ten minutes from 
my hab—in fact, everything is. Dome 
sweet dome! 

Also better believe I'm checking out 
the biobabe population. None of the 
five's exactly Kim Basinger, but Li 
Yiu—she's our wetlands expert from 
Taiwan—is semicute. After we ай 
passed through the air lock and they 
officially sealed us in, I go, "Don't wor- 
ry, babe, I smuggled in a six-pack in my 
shorts." She gives me this icy look and 
says, “You're а rare specimen." Girl's 
playing hard to get, Pinc, but I can tell 
she's hot for the Sherbster. I give her 
a week. 

Hey, buddy, modem me a fax or 
something. I may be locked in a glass 
bubble, but we got communication giz- 
mos up the wazoo! Old E. P. Bozell, our 
weird biozillionaire founder, went deep 
pocket on his little ecotoy here. Like 
$165 million worth. 

Interactivity & Kisses, 

Ecoday 94 
Dear roomie: 

Is it three months already? Man, the 
time is roaring by. You see, 1 have been 
engaging in many stimulating ecosyn- 
ergistic activities. Yeah, right. Actually, 
what I'm doing is working my butt off. 

Every morning at 6:30, right after 
Biocouncil, we head for the agri biome. 
Course, you know that everything we 
eat in the Biodome we grow ourselves, 
right? Well, when they told us in orien- 
tation about “maintaining a totally self- 
contained life-support biosystem,” it 
sounded super space-age. Know what 
it really meant? Slaving in the fields! 

Problem is, my nine little biopals are 
all specialists. So we're like weeding the 
squash? And Carl Radley says, “Oh, 1 
goua go see if my fruit bats are breed- 
ing.” And Mona Kefauver goes, “Gee, ї 
gota check on whether my ocotillo 
shrubs are aggressing into an alien bi- 
ome." Pretty soon, I'm the only one 
singing ee-i-ee-i-oh. 

"What am I, ecoserf?" I scream. 

So Riger pats me on the back and 
says, "Nutrient support is our most vi- 
tal mission, Larry." Then he says he's 
gotta make his daily co-captain inspec- 
tion round and he's gone. Mostly he 
scems to inspect the marsh biome 
(your basic swamp), where Li Yiu 
works. This keeps up, Pinc, my ecofist 
may need to interface with his biomouth. 

All this toil has really cut into my 
beach time, but that's OK because late- 
ly the water smells kind of like cat litter. 
I mentioned it to Todd Glaberson, Mr. 
Ocean, but he copped an attitude and 
said it was just a simple matter of algae 

adjustment and none of my concern. 
Dude's a little intense, if you ask me. 
Yesterday he gets in Carol Parr's face 
and says, “Hey, your damn lemurs are 
throwing guava rinds into my lagoon 
and threatening the integrity of my 
fragile coral reef." So she yells, "Are 
not!” Pretty soon it’s Ваше of the 
Nerds and [ gotta jump between them 
to avert bloodshed. I mean, total grade 
So how's things at oldUSI? You been 
expelled or what? C’mon, drop a line. 
Your pal, 
Larry, Man of Science 

Ecoday 156 
Dear roomie: 

Whoooo! Slap me five! Eeehooooo! 
Finally, some bionookie for ecoserf! 
And I didn’t even have to play my 
Megadeth tapes. No, not Li Yiu. 
Swamp Gal is practically married to 
that geek Riger, though they're trying 
to hide it for some reason. Maybe the 
85-year age difference. 

No, I was in the medical hab, 
stripped down for my monthly physical 
(face it, Sherbrook, you're a lab rat), 
and Marcy G. Fenton, our mediconaut, 
tells me, “Look, keep this confidential, 
but we need to measure stress levels 
during copulative spasm.” I'm like, 
What? But she starts pasting sensors all 
over me and next thing I know we're 
thrashing around on the treatment 
table like we're starring in Basic Instinct. 

It was unbelievable, Pinc. Two min- 
utes later it's all over and Fenton's back 
in her whites, jotting down readings off 
instruments and telling me to suit up, 
like all I got was my blood pressure 
checked. “Hey,” I say, “how'd I register 
on the dickometer?" She says, "Oh, 
grow up, Sherbrook. It's just research.” 

God, I love research. 


PS. My job situation's much better. 1 
made a big stink in Biocouncil about 
being stuck in the fields, so we took a 
vote and I won. Now I get to recycle 
human and animal waste. 

Ecoday 224 
Dear roomie: 

Hope everything's OK with you, Pin- 
cus, and I wish you'd get off your high 
horse and answer my faxes. For a 
bright guy, you always were a self- 
righteous stiff. 

Biodome-wise, we're having our sec- 
ond HSM—high stress month—in a 
row. Lotta conflict-resolution sessions 
going on. 

Everybody's lost 20 ог 30 pounds. 
Seems we had a mite infestation (we 
bionauts don’t believe in bug spray—in 

fact, that’s our religion) and the bean 
and peanut crops crashed, so rations 
are low. Our diet is more nutrient rich 
and low cal than ever, which is great if 
you happen to like sorghum and pa- 
paya sandwiches 

The hummingbirds have gone de- 
ranged. They fly up too high, slam into 
the glass and—splat! 

Marcy С. Fenton hasn't even looked 
at me since we had research. I men- 
tioned it to Carl Radley and he goes, 
“Yeah, this month | was the research 

Had our first emergency. Li Yiu left 
the Biodome for a week. Mission Con- 
trol's telling the media it was a gas- 
trointestinal problem, but between you 
and me, Pinco, Riger's not as old as he 
looks. And word is, on her way back Li 
smuggled in a duffelful of Mars bars. 

Glaberson’s weirder than ever. His 
poor ocean looks like the world’s 
biggest dish of rancid lime jello, and 
the more he putters, the gloppier it 
gets. The gunk has seeped into Li Yiu's 
marsh system and now her catfish are 
glowing. Everyone was bitching at 
Glaberson in Biocouncil. Suddenly, he 
starts screaming, “Do not trifle with Po- 
seidon's domain!" and stomps out of 
the room, and nobody sees him for 
three days. 

"Then yesterday Carol Parr's study- 
ing carpenter bee pollination patterns 
when—boo!—Glaberson jumps ош 
from behind a bush, naked and howl- 
ing. Today I found five pygmy goat 
heads arranged on the beach in a semi- 
circle. Now Riger's in a big powwow 
with Mission Control about what to do. 
(This stuffis totally hush-hush, so keep 
alid on, huh? The media would love to 
crucify us.) 

Not much action on the babe front. I 
got Pam Bowles—she's quiet and most- 
ly keeps to her Antarctic biome—to go 
on a moonlight stroll on the glacier. 
Just when I shoo the goddamn pen- 
guins away and make my move, she lets 
outa yell. Some tourists were camcord- 
ing us through a viewing notch and 
Pam spooked and took off. Well, I gave 
the goofballs the show they wanted—a 
full moon in extreme closeup. Bad PR, 
great cinema. 

Be good, 


I am biofaced, Pincus, you asshole, 
totally, synergistically polluted. 

Ya ha! 

Brewed me up a vat of papaya wine 
in the lab today, got megawrecked and 
decided it was ште for the Senior Eco- 
prom. I got Prince pumping across 

(concluded on page 150) 

"I don't ski. I screw.” 




things you can live without, but who wants to? 

Garth Brooks, Clint Black and Alan Jackson, eat your hearts out! Pictured here are a pair of hand- 
made calfskin-and-kidskin cowboy boots with an Indian design, by Rocket Buster U.S.A., $550; and 
a New Mexico-made all-wool cowboy hat with ersatz stains, by Grey Mouse Medicine Hat, $190. 


This checkbook-sized 
Rolodex Personal Planner 
combines a paper ap- 
pointment calendar with 
an electronic organizer (ог. 
storing notes, business 
contacts, etc., about $130. 

The stainless-steel CoPilot 
knife with a 1.75" blade is 
legal to carry aboard most 
airplanes, plus it doubles 
оз a money holder, by 
Spyderco, $52, with a 
plain or serrated edge. 

Softride's chrome-alloy 
21-speed Powercurve 
mountain bike incorpo- 
rates a unique design that 
offers three inches of front 
and five inches of rear 
suspension travel, $1400. 

These Carl Zeiss-Jena EDF 
7x40 binoculars are the 
same as those once used 
by East German border 
guards; features include a 
range finder, ап illumi- 
nator and more, $500. 

SkyTel’s credit-card-style 
pager, the Message Card, 
has a built-in memory, an 
LCD readout and a clock 
that doubles as an alarm, 
about $75 per month, 
including 200 messages. 

At ease, Colonel. Pictured 
here is а teak-and-cane 
Planter's Moongazer Chair 
featuring swing-out arms 
on which you rest your 
boots, from ihe John 
Rogers Collection, $570. 

Where & How to Buy on page 163. 

Get а whiff of these scents 
for men: Cartier's Pasha 
Eau de Toilette, $180; 
Cacharel Pour l'Homme, 
$40; Relph Lauren's Sa- 
fari, $49; and Calvin 
Klein's Obsession, $39. 



F E E D B A с К (continued from page 68) 

“Т disliked Rhonda on sight for the way she looked. 
at me—her expression a prim gash of disapproval.” 

New York and fly her down with us. He 

‘Allison had been watching through 
the ceiling bug, part of her job. She 
came in when he left and poured her- 
self a cup of tea. “Nut case,” she said. 

“Interesting nut case, though. Rich.” 

“If you ever took on a charity nut 
case, 1 wasn't watching.” She stirred a 
spoonful of marmalade into her tea. 
Russian style. She does that only to 
watch me cringe. “So I should get tick- 
ets to the Caymans for meand M&M?” 

“Yeah, Friday.” 
st class?" 

‘What's it worth to you?” 

“I don't know. You want a cup of tea 
in your Гар?” 

“First class.” 

Finding the right model was dif- 
ficult. I knew two or three women who 
would fill the bill in terms of physical 
appearance and sitting ability, but they 
were friends. That would interfere 
with the client's wishes, since he obyi- 
ously wanted а cold, clinical approach. 
Allison and I spent an afternoon going 
through agency files, and another af- 
ternoon interviewing people, until we 
found the right one. Rhonda Speck, 
30, slender enough to show ribs. I dis- 
liked her on sight, and liked her even 
less when she took off her clothes, for 
the way she looked at me—her expres- 
sion a prim gash of disapproval. Even if 
I were heterosexual, I wouldn't be 
ogling her unprofessionally. That edge 
of resentment might help the painting, 
I thought. I didnt know the half of it. 

I told Rhonda the job involved a free 
wip to the Cayman Islands and she 
showed as much enthusiasm as if I had 
said Long Island. She did brighten a 
little when I described the setting. She 
was working on her law degree and 
could study while she sat. That also 
helped to distance me from her, since 
1 am not a great admirer of the 

I called my banker in George Town 
and described the office that I needed. 
She knew of a small lav firm that was 
closing for a February vacation, and 
would inquire. 

It had been a few years since I'd 
painted nudes, and I'd done only two 
photo-realist studies ever. I didn't want 
to work with Rhonda any more than 1 
had to, or pay her any more than I had 

to, 50 I had a friend with a figure simi- 
lar to Rhonda's come over and sit. For 
two days 1 did sketches and рћо- 
tographs, experimenting with postures 
and lightings. I took them to Segura 
and we agreed on the pose—the 
woman looking up coldly from her pa- 
pers, as if interrupted, strong light 
from the desk lamp putting half of her 
face in shadow. Making the desk lamp 
the only source of light also isolated the 
hgure from the details of the office, 
which would be rendered in photo- 
realist detail, but darkly, making for a 
sinister background. 

Then I spent three days doing a 
careful portrait of the model, head and 
upper body, solving some technical 
problems about rendering the glossy 
hair and the small breasts. 1 wanted 
them to look hard, unfeminine, yet 

I took the portrait up to Segura's 
office and he approved. His only reser- 
vations were about himself. "You're 
sure I'll be able to produce something 
with this kind of control? I literally 
can't draw a face that looks like a face.” 

^No problem. Your hands will be suff 
from using undeveloped muscles, Биг 
while you're in the skinsuit your move- 
ments will be precisely the same as 
mine. Have I told you about the time I 
hired a facilitator myself?" He shook 
his head. "I was curious about how it 
felt on the other end. I hired a gui- 
t-composer, and we spent two days 
g a short fugue in the style of 
Bach. We started with the four letters 
of my last name—which, coincidental- 
ly, form an A-minor-seventh chord— 
and made up a marvelously complicat- 
ed little piece that was unequivocally 
mine. Even though I can't play it 

"You could play it in the skinsuit, 

“Beautifully. I have a tape of it, the 
facilitator sitting beside me playing a 
silent solid-body guitar while I roam 
around їе frets with brilliant sensitivi- 
ty.” I laughed. “Ar the end of each day 
my hands were so weak I couldn't pick 
up a fork, let alone a brush. My fingers 
were stiff for a week." I wriggled them. 
“Your experience will be less extreme. 
Using a brush doesn't involve the un- 
natural stretching that playing a guitar 

Segura was willing to part with an 
extra hundred grand for a one-day 
demonstration. A predictable course, 

given hindsight, knowing him to be a 
man boxed in by distrust and driven, 
or at least directed, by what I would 
call paranoia. 

He suggested a self-portrait. I told 
him it would have to be done from 
photographs, since the skinsuit distorts 
your face almost as much as a bank- 
robber’s pantyhose disguise. That i 
terested him. He was going to spend 
three weeks in the skinsuit; why not 
have a record of what it was like? J pre- 
tended that nobody had come up with 
the idea before and said sure, sounds 

In fact, l'd done it twice, but both 
times the collaborators produced im- 
pasto abstractions that didn’t resemble 
anything. Segura would be different. 

By law, a doctor has to be present 
when you begin the facilitation. Alter it 
gets under way, any kind of nurse or 
medic is adequate for standing guard. 
A few collaborators have had blood- 
pressure spikes or panic attacks. The 
nurse can terminate the process in- 
stantly if the biosensors show some- 
thing happening. He pushes a button 
that releases a trank into my blood- 
stream, which breaks the connection. It 
also puts me into a Valium haze the rest 
of the day. A good reason to have peo- 
ple pay in advance. 

There's a doctor in my building 
who's always ү to pop up and 
earn a hundred dollars for five min- 
utes’ work. I always use the same 
nurse, too, a careful and alert man with 
the unlikely name of Marion Marion. 
He calls himself M&M. since he's 
brown and round. 

I soaked and taped down four half- 
sheets of heavy D'Arches cold-press, al- 
lowing for three disasters, and pre- 
pared my standard portrait palette. 1 
set up the session to begin at 9:30 
sharp. M&M came over carly, as usual, 
to have tea and joke around with Alli- 
son and me. He's a natural comic and 
I think also a natural psychologist. 
Whatever, he puts me at ease before 
facing what can be a rather trying 

(1 should point out here that it’s not 
always bad. If the collaborator has tal- 
ent and training and a pleasant disposi- 
tion, it can be as refreshing as dancing 
with a skilled partner.) 

The others showed up on time and 
we got dovn to business. An anteroom 
off my studio has two parallel examin- 
ing tables. Segura and I stripped and 
lay down and were injected with six 
hours' worth of buffer. M&M glued the 
induction electrodes to the proper 
places on our shaven heads. The doc- 
tor looked at them, signed a piece oF 
paper and left. Then M&M, with Alli. 
son's assistance, rolled the loose skii 
suits over us, sealed them and pumped 




the air out. 

Seguraand 1 woke up at the same in- 
stant M&M turned on the microcur- 
rent that initiated the process. It's like 
being puppet and puppeteer simulta- 
neously. 1 saw through Segura's eyes. 
His body sat me up, slid me to the floor 
and walked me into the studio. He 
perched me on a stool in front of the 
nearly horizontal easel and the mirror. 
"Then I took over. 

1 you were watching us work, you 
would see two men sitting side by side, 
engaged in what looks like a painstak- 
ingly overpracticed mime routine. If 
one of us scratches his ear, the other 
one does. But from the inside it is more 
complicated: We exchange control sec- 
ond by second. This is why not every 
good artist can Бе a good facilitator. 
You have to have an instinct for when. 
to assert your judgment, your skills, 
and let the client be in control other- 
wise. It is literally a thousand decisions 
per hour for six hours. It's exhausting. 
I earn my fee. 

My initial idea was, in compositional 
terms, similar to what our nude would 
be— realistic face in harsh light glow- 
ing in front of an indistinct back- 
ground. There wouldn't be time to 
paint in background details, of course. 

I made a light drawing of the head 
and shoulders, taking most of an hour. 
Then I took а chisel brush and careful- 
ly painted in the outlines of the draw- 
ing with frisket, a compound like rub- 
ber cement. You can paint over it and, 
when the paint dries, rub it off with an 
eraser or your fingertip, exposing the 
paper and the drawing underneath. 

When the frisket was dry, 1 mopped 
the entire painting with clear water 
and then made an inky wash out of 
burnt umber and French ultramarine. 
l worked the wash over the whole 
painting and, while it was still damp, 
floated in diffuse shapes of umber and 
ultramarine that would hint at shad- 
owy background. Then 1 buzzed Alli- 
son in to dry it while I/we walked 
around, loosening up. She came in 
with a hair drier and worked over the 
wet paper carefully, uniformly, while I 
didn't watch. Sometimes а dramatic 
background wash just doesn’t work 
when it dries—looks obvious or cheesy 
or dull—and there is never any way to 
fix it. (Maybe you could soak the paper 
overnight, removing most of the pig- 
ment. Better to just start over, though.) 

I walked Segura across to the bay 
window and looked out over the city. 
The snow that remained on the shaded 
part of rooftops was gray or black. 
‘Traffic crawled in the thin bright light. 
Pedestrians hurried through the wind 
and slush. 

Segura's body wanted a cigarette 
and I allowed him to walk me over to 

his clothes and light one up. The nar- 
cotic rush was disorienting. I had to 
lean us against a wall to keep from stag- 
gering. It was not unpleasant, though, 
once I surrendered control to him. No 
need for me to dominate motor re- 
sponses until we had brush in hand. 

Allison said the wash was ready and 
looked good. It did—vague, gloomy 
shapes suggesting а prison or asylum 
cell. I rolled up a kneaded eraser and 
carefully rubbed away the frisket. The 
light pencil drawing floated over the 
darkness like a disembodied thought. 

1 had to apply frisket again, this time 
in a halo around the drawing, and 
there was a minor setback: I'd neglect- 
ed to put the frisket brush into solvent, 
and the bristles had dried into a solid, 
useless block. I surprised myself by 
throwing it across the room. That was 
Segura acting. 

I found another square brush and 
carefully worked a thin frisket mask 
around the head and shoulders, to 
keep the dark background from bleed- 
ing in, but had to stop several times 
and lift up the brush because my hand 
was trembling with Segura’s sup- 
pressed anger at the mistake. Relax, it 
was a cheap brush. You must be hell on 
wheels to work for. 

First a dilute yellow wash, new gam- 
boge, over the entire face. I picked up 
the hair drier and used it for six or sev- 
en minutes, making sure the wash was 
bone-dry meanwhile planning the 
next couple of stages. 

This technique—glazing—consists of 
building up a picture with layer upon 
layer of dilute paint. It takes patience 
and precision and judgment: Some- 
times you want the previous layer to be 
completely dry, and sometimes you 
want it damp, to diffuse the lines be- 
tween the two colors. If it's too damp, 
you risk muddying the colors, which 
can be irreversible and fatal. But that's 
one thing that attracts me to the tech- 
nique—the challenge of gambling 
everything on the timing of one stroke 
ofthe brush. 

Segura obviously felt otherwise. Odd 
for a man who essentially gambled for 
a living, albeit with other people's 
money He wanted each layer safely 
dry before proceeding with the next, 
once he understood what I was doing. 
That's a technique, but it's not my tech- 
nique, which is what he was paying for. 
It would also turn this portrait, distort- 
ed as it was, into a clown's mask. 

So I pushed back a little, establishing 
my authority, so to speak. I didn't want 
this to become a contest of wills. I just 
wanted control over the hair drier, ac- 
tually, not over Juan Carlos Segura. 

There was a slight battle, lasting only 
seconds. It's hard to describe the sensa- 
tion to someone who hasn't used a fa- 

cilitator. It's something like being an- 
noyed at yourself for not being able to 
make up your mind, but rather inten- 
sified—"being of two minds," literally. 

Of course, I won the contest, having 
about ten thousand times more experi- 
ence at it than Segura. I set down the 
hair dricr, and the next layer, defining 
the hollows of the face visible through 
the skinsuit, went on with soft edges. I 
checked the mirror and automatically 
noted the places I would come back to 
later when the paper was dry, to make 
actual lines, defining the bottom of the 
goggle ridges, the top of the lip, the 
forward part of the ear mass. 

The portrait was finished in two 
hours, but the background still needed 
something. Pursuing a vague memory 
from a week before, I flipped through 
abook of Matthew Brady photographs, 
visions of the Civil War's hell. Our face 
in the skinsuit resembled those of some 
corpses, open-mouthed, staring. 1 
found the background I wanted, а ru- 
ined tumble of brick wall, and took the 
book back to the easel. 1 worked an in- 
timation of the wall into the back- 
ground, dry-brushing umber and ul- 
tramarine with speckles and threads of 
clotted blood color, alizarin muted with 
raw umber. Then I dropped the brush- 
cs inw water aud looked away, buzzing 
M&M. 1 didn't want to see the painting 
again until I saw it with my own eyes. 

Coming out of the facilitation state 
takes longer than going in, especially if 
you dor't go the full six hours. The re- 
maining buffer has to be neutralized 
with а series of timed shots. Otherwise, 
Segura and I would hardly have been 
able to walk, expecting the collabora- 
tion of another brain that was no 
longer there. 

1 was up and around a few minutes 
before Segura. Allison had set out some 
cheese and fruit and an ice bucket with 
a boule of white burgundy. 1 was hun- 
gry, as always, but only nibbled a bit, 
waiting for lunch. 

Segura attacked the [ood like a 
starved animal. "What do you think?" 
he said between bites. "Is it any good?" 

"Always hard to tell while you're 
working. Let's take a look." I buzzed 
Allison and she brought the painting 
in. She'd done a good jcb, as usual, the 
painting set off in a double mat of brick 
red and forest green inside a black 
metal frame. 

“It does look good,” he said, as if 

I nodded and sipped wine, study- 
ing it. The painting was technically 
good, but it would probably hang in 
a gallery for years, gathering nervous 

(continued on page 150) 

A Club. of One's Own 

in the contest to coddle the american man, upscale topless 
clubs are outstripping the competition 

article by D. KEITH MANO Topless has gone Vegas. It's a Bugsy Siegel vision of its former self. 
What was once just déclassé raunch began to step up in style around 1988. Today the average upscale 
topless outlet will feature 20 to 30 women you wouldn't mind splicing genes with. And it comes with 
valet parking, with sound systems so thunderous and sophisticated they would reach the cheap seats in 
the Sky Dome, with three-star food and with someone you gotta tip in the john. As the clubs go for the 
top of the market—Miami, Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, New York—they're becoming investment-grade 
businesses. Even in the recession, topless is a go-go stock—more than just respectable, expensive (Visa 
and Master Card accepted) I predicted this makeover by the way, while doing research for 
my novel Topless. Since 1982 I’ve interviewed about 400 of the roughly (text concluded on page 130) 

H's becoming the nightlife phenomenon of the Nineties: the men's club, where you'll find gourmet 
food, expensive decor and female entertainment (in accelerating states of undress). г.дувоу looks at six 
of the hottest clubs, including Solid Gold (top) in Minneapolis and the Men's Club (above) in Houston. 


Chanel, Leslie Delahoussaye, Jeanne Landacre, Danica Lynn and J.J. (left to 
right) re-create the flapper era at the Men's Club in Houston. And what do 
these ladies do for kicks? Weight lifting, jet skiing, traveling and modeling. 

Six bucks will get you into the Men's Club, where Tamara Louise Reed (opposite page) is one of 125 topless dancers. What 
do your dollars buy once you're in? The club boasts six stages, а swimming pool, a boardroom and a restaurant that serves 
everything from atomic shrimp (four giant ones) to a 14-ounce kick-ass filet mignon. For dessert, try Sex in the Sack. And 
for an extra $25, you'll get entertainment that's up close and personal—that is, a table dance by J.J. (above) or her friends. 




The Cabarét Royale in Dallas (below and right) opened in 
1988, thereby becoming the granddaddy of the new breed 
of topless clubs. A cabaret-style throwback to the Folies- 
Bergére, the club encourages its 385 dancers—including 
Sharon (left) and Suzanne Moline (above)—to choreograph 
elaborate stage productions in eye-popping costumes. 

One уеаг ago Stringfellow's in New York decided that dis- 
со was dead and reinvented itself as a topless club. Busi- —n 
ness has never been better. Melissa Williamson (below 

and for right) and Већ Ann Marrero (right and opposite 4 Каин 
page) are two of ће club's 150 dancers, who can average 77 

5300 to $1500 а night in tips. Uncover charge: 510 to $20. 

B % Da. 


utdoorsmen will feel right s pane st the Colorado E Bar 
= Grill (above) in Houston, 
life trophies- from zebras (а the b p en below) ю 
leopards, lions and bears—adorn the hunting-lodge set- 
ting. Answering the call of the wild is Melinda Sanchez 
(left) and а flowery and fragrant Rebecca André (right). 

Situated in a 100-year-old building with marble walls and а 40-foot domed ceil- 
ing, Minneapolis’ Solid Gold club has six stages, a restaurant, 50 dancers and a 
good heating system. Sparks fly when Haley (above) does her electrifying act. 


Mary Ann Hillhouse (above and орро- 
site page) and Cassandra Gori (below) 
are two of 100 all-nude dancers at 
Atlanta's Cheetah club. We would like 
to let Mary Ann know that she can 
take the bar stool next to ours any day. 

-- D 

NG | d | 
27771 2228 



68,000 topless dancers in this country. 
I have been to topless what Toulouse- 
Lautrec was to cancan (only I'm a little 
shorter), so listen up out there. 

Stringfellow's in New York is a good 
example of what I'm talking about. 
"The club, which was formerly a snob- 
zoned downtown disco, is now ил 
cabaret de la femme. (It's done over in 
a style known as Euro-Vegas, which 
sounds like something you might take 
penicillin for.) Nowhere in its print ad- 
vertising is the blue-collar word topless 
mentioned. Women at Stringfellow's 
are, you understand, "partially nude"— 
and beautiful enough to short your 
pacemaker. They remind me of Keats’ 
poem, Ode on a Couple of Grecian Urns. 

In December 1991 Peter Stringfel- 
low licensed the Pure Platinum topless 
format from Michael J. Peter, the Ray 
Kroc of go-go. Peter owns or operates 
30 top-seeded breast emporiums from 
Florida to Minneapolis to Honolulu. 
Recently, he took over the El Morocco 
in New York. His employees cross-pol- 
linate: A dancer at Stringfellow's might 
work at the El Morocco location. Next 
month she could be escaping her cos- 
tume in Myrtle Beach. 

As one would expect, your less well- 
endowed topless establishments have 
to compete against Peter with feature 
acts: Heidi Hooters, Bobbie Balloons, 
Candy Cantalopes and, my favorite, 
Letha Weapons—all 100DDD cup size 
or bigger. Since mid-1990 or so, New 
York has been, as they say, pushing the 


Topless chic began with Cabarét 
Royale in Dallas—an $8 million estab- 
lishment that could remind you of the 
British Museum done over to look like 
Darth Vader's harem. Upscale go-go 
had existed before—particularly at the 
stunning (and all nude) Cheetah Club 
in Atlanta. But with Cabarét Royale 
and, later, the Men's Club of Houston 
(now also of Dallas), you get something 
only America could whip together: à 
topless shopping mall. 

At one joint or the other, or both, 
you'd find: an aerobic gym, a swim- 
ming pool, a fashion boutique. a unisex 
hair salon, a tanning bed, massage 
therapy, terrific dining, a conference 
room, a fax machine, a photocopier— 
also а seamstress, a laundry, a makeup 
person and pedicurist for those 90 to 
100 women who dance each night. 

You may sniff at the topless game, 
but it is probably funding welfare for 
a medium-sized town somewhere in 
Texas. Between them, these two com- 
panies sold nearly $12 million in liquor 
alone last year. Аз Teri Jo Nicholson, 
persuasive marketing director for the 
Men's Club, told me. "We ofer а 

unique concept, a resort-style club. You 
just can't spend the night.” 

АЙ that feels a long way from what 1 
once knew as go-go, Not just in rich ap- 
pointment and fine amenity. Take a 
look outside the Men's Club door, for 
instance. Instead of a 400-pound sumo 
reject wearing his best Chris Mullin 
gym rat Fshirt and some sociopathic 
attitudes, you'll find a polite, trim host 
in black tie. 

From the host on up, the topless 
playbook has been rewritten. Dancer- 
owner and dancer-client relationships 
are in flux. In classic topless, two or 
three women perform a set onstage— 
most often one half hour—for G-string 
tip money. When offstage, the dancer 
must be fully (if provocatively) clothed. 
Management will encourage her to so- 
cialize with clientele between onstage 
sets—no groping allowed. And, except 
for tourist traps (where battery-water 
“champagne” can cost $125), Pandora 
or Gretchen or Xema will spend the 
entire down set with you for the price 
of a $5 tip and one three-buck Bud. In 
classic topless, many women are local— 
students, actresses, moonlighting office 
personnel—with B-plus bodies and 
youth to squander. Most important: 
Each dancer is a temp employee, re- 
ceiving some kind of guaranteed nut 
($8 to $10 per set) from management, 
whether or not you stuff green in her 

With the current incarnation of top- 
less, by contrast, stage time (one song, 
maybe two) merely constitutes the teas- 
er. Serious business will be taken care 
of down below. The new topless has re- 
furbished and made acceptable the 
“table” dance—once confined largely 
to Canada. For $20 (more if уоште 
feeling generous), that redhead you 
just saw on stage—she who could fill a 
car bra—will bathe you in long orange 
hair, then dance so close you might eas- 
ily drink shooters from her navel, A re- 
al vasoconstrictor, that. 

Of course, go-go protocol changes at 
the state line. Chicago, for instance, is 
toplessless, In Detroit, though, one 
gorgeous pop tart began to climb me 
like her kitchen stepladder. Then she 
took both church kneeler-size breasts 
and, using them as a cymbal set, made 
my ears go boinnng! In some sleazy sub- 
basement? No, at В.Т, after I had eat- 
en filet mignon off china and linen. 
This variation is called "lap" ог “couch” 
dancing. Lap women are referred to 
affectionately as "zipper polishers." 

Club topless is, moreover, a free- 
market enterprise. Your redheaded 
friend will receive по minimum take- 
home pay from management. Hell, 
most likely she laid out $30 or even $50 
for the privilege of stripping off cheek 
to cheek for 19 salivating customers 

per night. She must maximize volume 
and turnover in her table-dance trade. 
So must her competition. One result is 
positive: Only women radiant enough 
to distract a heat-seeking missile will 
survive and prosper. 

The down side is, well, Robochick. At 
first leer, disco topless would seem to 
be much more intimate than classic 
topless. After all—look—this spectacu- 
lar hardbody is grinding away so close 
to my chair I wanna put on a lobster 
bib. Yet look again. That dance will 
most probably be an effective but me- 
chanical event: the generic brand of 
sex. And small talk means downtime, 
lost profits, an opening for competition. 

In the old days, women were con- 
stantly admonished to be sociable. 
Management was well aware of the 
builtin tension between good finance 
and friendliness. But Robochick signed 
up as a mercenary. Often, she's on tour, 
under contract to some topless chain, 
just passing through. She's not that kid 
from SUNY-New Paltz who will dance 
for textbook money and knew your old 
neighborhood. As a male-female expe- 
rience, New Age topless is, given the 
tab, somewhat less engaging. 

Then again, maybe men prefer it 
that way. I suspect that this latest top- 
less craze is, in part, an oblique re- 
sponse to the radical feminist agenda. 
Women have liberated virtually all sig- 
nificant male sanctums. But they can- 
not liberate Cabarét Royale because it 
is already full of entrepreneurial 
women. ГА reckon that men have 
come to cherish a venue where the 
rules are understood up front. Where 
they can exert control: For $20 I can 
make any woman in this room take off 
her dothing. That's good to know. And 
if 1 admire her body, in look or in lan- 
guage, she will accept my male re- 
sponse and won't call a lawyer. 

Classic topless couldn't serve this 
purpose because it was always outside 
the culture: underground, proscribed 
by social convention, not respectable. 
Men who went there were rogue males, 
unfit for breeding. Yet I confess nostal- 
gia for the uncouth. And I rather re- 
sent having respectable sexual habits. 
The charm of classic topless lay in its 
social, not its sensual, intimacy. Where 
some young woman with maybe cel- 
lulite, maybe an asymmetrical bust, 
would update me on her life. And treat 
me, in passing, as more than just the 
gross extension of my wallet. 

But let not my yearning for tradi- 
tional values spoil your fun. We live in 
la belle époque of topless. Investigate it, 
and bring along your wife or girl- 
friend. You won't want to miss the 
great American bust boom. 

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| n Laura Dern's cinematic universe, as in 
real life, saintly schoolgirls ave capable 
of conducting secrel lives and chain-smoh- 
ing tarts can also be pure hearts. In her ear- 
liest work—‘Alice Doesn't Live Here Any- 
more” and "Foxes"—Dern is just the 
daughter of actors Diane Ladd and Bruce 
Dern, elbowing her way anto a movie set. By 
1985 she begins lo exhibit her peculiar 
touch, in “Smooth Talk,” as a sullang teen- 
ager who disposes of her virginity with equal 
ports zeal and trepidation. Dern's bits were 
flawless in two David Lynch films. In “Blue 
Velvet,” clothed and chaste, she showed a 
remarkable tolerance for weirdness. Un- 
zipped, in “Wild ai Heart,” she displayed 
enough confidence to surprise her fans. In 
“Rambling Rose,” which won Golden Globe 
and Academy Award nominations for both 
her and her mother, she made unchecked 
horniness seem beguilingly innocent. 

Her showbiz reputation has become that 
of the self-created siren. It is as if she willed 
herself, and moviegoers, into believing in 
her sexiness. Right after Dern finished 
Steven Spielberg’s upcoming “Jurassic 
Park,” Margy Rochlin spoke with her about 
her new profile in Hollywood, “Laura ap- 
preciates the conversational detour,” says 
Rochlin. “Her responses may contain an 
observation about sex, love, global politics or 
human behavior. In fact, her only self-con- 
scious moment occurred after a rambling 
discourse about her fascination with world 
religion. ‘Um, I hope I'm not coming off like 
a cliché spiritual woo-woo person,’ Dern 
said. ‘Because I’m nat, really. . 


PLAYBOY: Аг some point, you made ће 
change from playing the girl next 
door in a sun- 

1 Y dress 
cueman RID S 
Which 2 ? 
freshest аон 
Siren tells us girland the inno- 
cent virgin are in 
when it’s ok ^ allofus.I'm most 
proud of Ram- 
bling Rose becaus 
to gawk and fig no beane 
to moon and types of girls are 
in that character. 
shares her Tha по me is 
remedy for a i 

PLAYBOY: In femi- 
nist cirdes much 
has been made of 
the male gaze. 

broken heart 


0 ü 

When is it all right for men to look? 
DERN: When I was shooting a film in 
the Mojave desert, we went to a Тех- 
Mex club. I was wearing this little red- 
velvet top and tight jeans and cowboy 
boots and 1 gor in the middle of the 
floor and went insane! The music was 
great and 1 was surrounded by cow- 
boys. If it had been me alone at a 
dub—forger about it. There were guys 
leering at me, but somehow it was ab- 
stract. I felt completely free, really safe. 
And I enjoyed that everybody was just 
looking at me. But yesterday I was 
wearing a pair of tight workout shorts 
and a leotard. And I came out of a 
parking lot and these valet parkers 
went “Wooooo!” and were just staring 
at my ass. 1 wanted to kill. That really 
pissed me off. As opposed to, “God, 
she's pretty,” there was a sense of dis- 
gust in the air, like, “Look at that fuck- 
ing slut.” It was gross. You know, some- 
times it’s really fun to act like a bimbo. 
But it’s fun to act like a bimbo only 
when people know that you really 
aren't one. 


PLAYBOY: You were raised by your 
mother and your grandmother, both of 
whom are from the South. What are 
the privileges of being a Southern 

DERN: Southern women have grace. 
They're great listeners, which makes 
them gracious hosts. My grandmother 
loves to listen to everybody's storics. 
She taught me that there's always a di- 
chotomy in people. There's always re- 
pression and sexuality, kindness and 
calcularion—there's no person whos 
just one thing. She's a Catholic woman. 
Doesn't like cuss words. Very proper. 
Bur at the same time, anybody who 
meets her—and she's seventy-four 
years old—says, "Boy, she's so much 
like Marilyn Monroe." She's a doll. She. 
loves to flirt with men and she wraps 
them around her finger. She's a little 
sexpot and she makes wild comments 
every once in a while. I took her to sec 
Mambo Kings onc weekend. Forget 
about it. Every time Armand Assante 
appeared on the screen, she was, like, 
“Wooooo!” Yet she goes to church 
every Sunday and is very straight. I 
love that about her. 


PLAYBOY: We understand that you med- 
itate. What's the hardest thing to get 



out of your mind when you sit down 
to meditate? 

Dern: Everything. I am not gifted at sit- 
ting down twice a day and giving my- 
self thirty to forty minutes just to sit. 
One week I’m completely dedicated to 
it and the next week I'm crazed. The 
hardest thing for me to get out of my 
mind is what I've forgotten to do. Un- 
less Рта going through a major crisis, it 
doesn’t even get into emotional pain. 
It's just the real piddly stuff. Ultimate- 
ly, it floats away and you can focus on 


PLAYBOY: In preparation for your role 
as a blind teenager in Mask, you spent 
some time discovering the world with 
your eyes closed. How have you ap- 
plied what you learned in Mask to your 
own life? 

DERN: lt was definitely true that 1 was 
nicer and people were nicer to me. It 
was because I had to be more in touch 
with what I was feeling. When you're 
standing there with your eyes closed 
and you have to feel if something is in 
front of you, then you're going to . 
be obviously much more in tune with 
your and other people’s emotions. If 
Thad my eyes closed and I heard you 
say, “I'm really sad right now,” well, all 
I have to focus on is what I'm hearing 
you say. Whercas, when my eyes are 
open and you say to me, "I'm really sad 
right now," it's, like, “Oh, God, I'm re- 
ally sorry, but there's the telephone 
and it reminds me of someone I forgot 
to call." Or Im thinking that I'm really 
thirsty or hungry. There's so much else 
that I’m taking in. There's much more 
darity with your eyes dosed. Also, you 
just have to trust that people will pro- 
tect you. Once, we were going up in the 
mountains on horseback and I was on 
cliffs and the guy who was working 
with me said, “Just remember, the 
horse is not going to take you any- 
where he doesn't want to go.” I had to 
trust that the horse would lead me 
carefully through these mountains. It 
was scary, but it was also an incredible 
experience. It made me think about 
what an amazing exercise it would be 
to blindfold yourself for twenty-four 
hours and trust your lover or mate to 
take care of you. I wonder how much it 
would alter the relationship. I'm sure it 
would. But that’s a whole other story. 


Un а low, suggestive voice] “Blindfold 
me, baby.” 


PLAYBOY: What do you and your cat have 
in common? 

DERN: Every time my ex-boyfriend calls 
my house, my cat gets sick. I get a blad- 
der infection, my cat gets a bladder in- 
fection. He can pick up the energy from 
how I react to things. 


PLAYBOY: In Rambling Rose both you and 
your mother make out with Robert Du- 
vall. Did you and she compare notes 

DERN: Whoa! I don't think we ever com- 
pared notes, because 1 never really 
thought about it until this second. We 
never even talked about it. But Mom 
and I have always been ргецу open 
about sex. Before I ever had sex, she'd 
answer any question 1 had, and that's re- 
ally cool. And once I started having sex, 
I didn't want to talk to anybody about it. 
Or at least not to any parent. 


гїлүвдү: Mooning has a proud tradition. 
Butitis not often a female extravagance. 
We understand that you participated in 
the multiple celebrity mooning of direc- 
tor James L. Brooks at a restaurant. 
What premoon thoughts went through 
your head before you did it? 

DERN: It was one of those things where 
everyone agreed, “When Jim gets back 
from the bathroom, let's all moon him as 
а joke" So Jim came back and 1 saw 
everybody stand up and I thought, Oh, 
my God, we're really going to do this 

You don't have ume to think in that situ- 
ation. We were ага restaurant in this pri- 
vate room upstairs and we all did it real- 
ly fast so nobody in the restaurant could 
see. And Jim goes, "Man, I've never seen 
such a group of great asses in my life. 1 
didn't know which one to look at first." 
So then Glenn [Close] and Woody [Har- 
relson] mooned the entire restaurant. 
And the restaurant loved it. Then 
Woody got Jim to play this game. Woody 
seid, "If you lose, you have to moon the 
restaurant." And Jim said, "Oh, c'mon, 
you can't do this to me." And I remem- 
ber Glenn going, "C'mon, Jim, you have 
to do it. If we did it, you have to do it." 
And Jim says, "That's easy for yov to say, 
you don't have an L. Ron Hubbard tat- 
too on your ass!" Which 1 thought was 
pretty funny. So Jim walked up to the 
balcony and he screamed out to the 
restaurant customers, who at this point 
were all looking up, waiting, and he said, 
“I refuse to moon you!” And everybody 
started applauding. Everybody there 
had such a good time. In fact, one group 
of people, a table of six, came up to 
us afterward and said, “Thanks for a 
great night” 


PLAYBOY: As a follower of politics, tell us: 
Just bow honest do you want a world 
leader to be? What's the difference be- 
tween honesty and full disclosure? 

DERN: À politician has to be careful about 
where he places his honesty. And to be 
discreet about it. It’s like being in a rela- 
tionship: You want honesty with discre- 
tion. I always thought people should be 
honest, no matter what. But I’ve 
learned, being the victim of honesty in a 

relationship, that sometimes it's less 
hurtful not to know everything. 


PLAYBOY: Some women make good deci- 
sions about men and some make bad 
ones. Which of those are you? 

DERN: I'm starting to learn that there's 
no good or bad. My decisions are based 
on my personal struggles and my issues 
about relationships. I pull in men that 
teach me about what I need to learn to 
get me to another level as a person. 1 
mean, you can't hate a man for being in- 
capable of monogamy and then move on 
to another guy who cheats on you also. 
It's not that all men are that way. There 
is something affected by that in you. 
What is it that, if a man is unfaithful, 
makes me say, "Oh, my God. He wants 
everybody else, he doesn't want me"? 
And "I'm nothing, I'm shit." What is itin 
me that makes me feel so attached to the 
need of that man to tell me what my val- 
ue is? If he wants other people, then he 
clearly doesn't want me. And 1 deserve 
to be with somebody who wants me. 
“That's the healthy, wonderful way Га 
like to look at things 


PLAYBOY: You've been romantically 
linked with actors Kyle MacLachlan and 
Vincent Spano and producer Renny 
Harlin. Would you like to talk about the 
specialness of dating someone outside of 
the business? Someone who doesn't have. 
anything in development? 

DERN: I can't answer that question. I've 
always dated people who, on some level, 
were in the arts or in film. I would like to 
be able to answer that question, so I did 
know the difference. But I can't. 


PLAYBOY: How do you mend а broken 

DERN: Time. Pampering yourself. Don't 
get into that “What did I do wrong? I 
must be unworthy” thing. That gets bor- 
ing really quickly. Drink lots of water. 
Meditate. Do lots of yoga and don't eat 
sugar. It all depends on what makes you 
feel good. Once, I stayed at Isabella 
Rossellini’s for a couple of weeks and we 
listened to tons of Billie Holiday. That 
totally put me in great spirits. 


PLAYBOY: What areas of expertise do peo- 
ple think you have that you really don’t 
have at all? 

DERN: A lot of people think I speak many 
languages, and I don't. They start speak- 
ing to me in Spanish, Italian, sometimes 
even Japanese. 1 speak some French, but 
I'm not fluent. People also think I wear 
contact lenses—which I consider an area 
of expertise, one that I have not ac- 
quired at this point in my life. And 

people don't know that I до wear glass- 
es—I'm Miss Coke Bottles. 


PLAYBOY: What Hollywood affectation 
are you most horrified to discover your- 
self doing? 

DERN: Being in a situation where I have 
to find something nice to say to some- 
body. You go toa premiere ofa film, and 
on the way out the producer or the di- 
rector asks you, "What did you think?" 
What I try to do is not lie but find the 
thing that I feel is good about it. Great. 
performances! That was something, 
wasn't it? Nobody really wants to hear 
the truth. So much effort goes into mak- 
ing movies that nobody really wants to 
hear that their movie is bad. If I'm at 
your premiere, I'm not going to go, 
“That was a stinker. And you sucked in 
it.” I have to find something to say. And 
there are always positive things, like, 
“You looked great,” or “It was a chal- 
lenging role,” or "You guys really went 
for it.” Every movie has talent in it. Even 
if it's the gaffer. 


PLAYBOY: Most children fantasize about 
changing their name. What did you 
want to rechristen yourself as? 

DERN: I've always loved my name. When 
I was in the fifth grade, some boys in my 
class, whom I really loved, kept calling 
me nerd. They'd say, “Dern spelled 
backward is nerd, and that's what you 
are." And I'd cry. Then, in the sixth 
grade, I was making a painting and one 
of the boys called that out to те and I 
wrote it down. It wasn't until that mo- 
ment that I realized that my name spelled 
backward was not nerd, but nred. It took 
mean entire year to figure this out. 


PLAYBOY: As a serious collector, describe 
the utility and allure of the G-string. 

DERN: [ hate panties. G-strings are so 
much more comfortable. 1 think they 
used to be a toy thing, like playing dress- 
up or something. But now they re com- 
mon. 1 mean, Calvin Klein makes them. 


PLAYBOY: Some writers wear hats so their 
ideas don't fly off. Is that why actresses 
who play sex kittens hold their heads? 
DERN: In Wild at Heart it was a character 
choice. It’s slightly Marilyn Monroe. 
Marilyn would put her hand on top of 
her head, but in a slightly different way. 
1 think that Lula liked feeling her hair. 
She liked to pose. 


PLAYBOY: Shelley Winters is your god- 
mother. Godparents are responsible for 
a child's spiritual education. Did she take 
this responsibility to heart? 

DERN: She's very supportive. I lived with 
her in New York for about a month and 

she let me be an observer at the Actors 
Studio when she was moderating there. 
That was great. I got to watch a lot and 
talk to her about what I loved about act- 
ing. She was a great influence. 


PLAYBOY: In Steven Spielberg's Jurassic 
Park you play a paleobotanist involved in 
a cloning experiment that goes awry. 
What inspired you to make your action- 
adventure film debut? Did the promise 
of working with special-effects dinosaurs 
play a large part in that decision? 

DERN: It was like some weird dream, be- 
ing in this action-packed Steven Spicl- 
berg adventure movie. It's pretty wild: 
Sam Neill, me, Jeff Goldblum and 
Richard Attenborough. In a dinosaur 
movie? Hilarious. When I was mulling it 
over, Nick Cage said, “I hear they want 
you for a dinosaur movie. How can you 
not do a dinosaur movie?” The way he 
said it made me realize that it was some- 
thing 1 just had to do. 


PLAYBOY: You were on Kauai when Hur- 
ricane Iniki hit. What were you thinking. 
when all the weather in the world was 
outside your window? 

DERN: About nine A.M., 1 walked out to 
the beach with Sam Neill, who plays my. 
boyfriend in Jurassic Park. The hurricane 
wasn't supposed to hit until three P.M., 
but it was getting windy and the waves 
were getting strong. But it still looked 
somewhat normal. We were walking on 
the beach, and 1 said to Sam, “Do you 
think this is going to blow over?" And he 
said, "No, I think this is going to be a 
horrible catastrophe. Take a picture. Be- 
cause it may be the last picture of the ho- 
tel ever looking like this." And I said, 
"Boy, are you Mr. Doom and Gloom," 
not realizing how terrifying the situation 
was. As we turned around to take a pic- 
ture of the hotel, a wave came out of 
nowhere and washed over us, and, sud- 
denly, we were soaked. 

Wike бомыг 

"Dear diary: Another day in paradise. Took a walk 
on the beach, basked in the sunlit canopy of a tropical 
rain forest, crapped on a couple from. Forest Hills." 



one was saying, "We take you seriously, 
we believe in you, we know that in ways 
unwritten, you will change the world." 

MTV's mission, it was decided, was to. 
become the voice of the kids. 

У| Steve Isaacs has heard the voice of 
the kids, and he doesn't like it. He's host- 
ing one of MTV's Spring Break concerts 
in Daytona Beach, and the mood is get- 
ting ugly The concert bill features a 
range of musical styles—Primus, Ugly 
Kid Joe, Salt-N-Pepa, Mr. Big—and the 
crowd is a weird mix of visiting college 
jocks and working-stiff locals. Almost all 
of them are drunk; many, for no dis- 
cernible reason, are hostile. Scary con- 
vulsions of pushing surge through the 
crowd, smashing people against the bar- 
riers in front of the stage. Every so often, 
security guards lift a hysterical girl up 
over their heads and pass her to safety. A 
mosh pit opens up for Ugly Kid Joc, but 
the slam dancing is angry, nor fun. Sud- 
denly, people on the edge of the pit are 
slugging the moshers in the face, and 
some of the moshers are sluggmg back. 
It's mostly whites against blacks. The 
crowd close by lurches away, the crowd 
behind presses forward. 

Isaacs senses what he calls "that riot 
vibe"—he is almost sick with fear. Every 
time he takes his position on the stage, 
the crowd starts chanting at him. “Steve 
Isaacs sucks!” hundreds of voices 
scream. “Steve Isaacs sucks!” 

Finding a way to bring MTV into its 
second decade isn’t easy, considering 
that it was one of the defining popular 
cultural phenomena of the Eighties and 
that the resources available for reinvent- 
ing anything in the Nineties are a trifle 

One disadvantage Freston faces is that. 
MTV still labors to a large degree under 
the very Eighties vision of its cofounder, 
Bob Pittman. In 1981, Pittman, a 27- 
year-old former radio programmer (and 
sociology student), helped persuade 
Warner-Amex to sink $30 million into a 
rock-and-roll radio station with pictures. 
Four years later, Warner-Amex sold 
MTV to Viacom for $550 million. Pitt- 
man estimates it's probably worth close 
to $2 billion today. 

Pittman left MTV in 1986. He now 
occupies a 27th-floor office in the execu- 
tive suite at Time Warner, having re- 
turned to the inner circle of his benefac- 

188 tor, Steve Ross. On one of Pituman's 

INSIDE MTV сајта) 

"They exude an odor of triumph. They are special. 
They are inside. They belong at MTV.” 

windowsills there's an elegant globe, an 
appropriate decoration for a man who 
views the world from a certain conceptu- 
al distance. 

It was Pittman who conceived the idea 
that МТУ would subsist not just on the 
music of rock and roll but also on its atti- 
tude. Identifying with the kids was part 
of the channel's profile from the begin- 
ning—Freston says that “my” was always 
the most important word in “I want my 
MTV.” But only up to a point. Pittman's 
vision had more to do with cool than 
with connection. The idea was to make 
МТУ the epitome of hip; if the kids 
watched, the cool would rub off. And 
what better product to have if you're 
selling to kids than the promise of hip? 

"The irony is that the kids, who in real 
life tend to be gawky, unattractive and 
insecure, had no place in a video land- 
scape where sophistication, attractive- 
ness and self-confidence counted for 
everything. Indeed, for years it’s been 
unofficial policy at MTV News not to let 
anyone under college age—the bulk of 
its audience—appear on camera. So 
strongly did Pittman resist breaking 
what he calls "the spell" of MTV that he 
refused to license its logo to merchandis- 
ers. “You don't want to see MTV T-shirts 
on fat, pimply-faced teenaged girls,” he 
once said. “That's the danger." 

With their voice-of-the-kids campaign, 
Freston and McGrath propose not only 
to invite the fat, pimply-faced girls inside 
MTV but to hand them a microphone 
and ask them what they think about the 

You want attitude? Stand by the eleva- 
tors some morning in the lobby of the 
Viacom Building, just off Times Square 
in New York » and watch the MTV 
people coming to work. 

It’s not hard to tell them apart from 
the rest of Viacorn’s employees—they’re 
not the ones wearing suits and ties or 
silk blouses and pearls. More like black 
leather and Ray Bans, tights and com- 
bat boots, skull-patterned doo-rags and 
Pearl Jam T-shirts, ear studs and jeans. 

The first thing you see when you get 
off the elevator on the 24th floor isa neat. 
line of tree trunks stretching from the 
floor through the ceiling—no roots, no 
leaves, just trunks. The front desk is a 
huge plaster rock, so big you can barely 
see the receptionist seated behind ir. 
Over her shoulder is a bank of five tele- 
vision monitors with JBL speakers (play- 
ing, of course, MTV at all times), plus a 
bubbling aquarium in the shape of the 

МТУ logo. The rest of the reception 
area is done up in neo-tacky purple and 
yellow; the pipes and wiring in the ceil- 
ing are exposed. 

Walking down the halls, you can hear 
Springsteen or Prince blasting from var- 
ious offices. Notes announcing concerts 
are taped to bathroom doors. Few peo- 
ple seem to be as old as 30; interns who 
can't be much past 18 abound. As they 
walk brusquely past the job applicants 
who invariably wait by the tree trunks in 
reception, they exude an odor of tri- 
umph. They are special. They are inside. 
They belong at MTV. 

For the past several years, the princi- 
pal goal of everyone who works at MTV, 
whether they know it or not, has been 
paying off the debt of a 69-year-old bil- 
lionaire from Boston named Sumner 
Redstone. Redstone owns 83 percent of 
Viacom International Inc., a media соп- 
glomerate that owns five television sta- 
tions, 14 radio stations, several major ca- 
ble systems, four cable networks besides 
МТУ, portions of three more cable net- 
works, a pay-per-view company, a movie 
production company and syndication 
rights to hundreds of TV programs 
from The Cosby Show to Roseanne to The 
Twilight Zone to The Honeymooners. 

Not many at МТУ ever see Redstone, 
which is probably just as well, since he's 
known to hate rock and roll. He loves 
МТУ, though. Redstone took on a 
mountain of debt to buy Viacom—$2.7 
billion—and MTV has been a geyser of 
cash wearing away at that mountain ever 
since. Media research firm Paul Kagan 
Associates estimates that MTV produced 
some $94 million in operating revenues 
in 1992. 

Redstone's debt is by far the most 
pressing legacy the Fighties left in Fres- 
ton's lap. Freston doesn't complain—in 
fact, he talks about how supportive and 
unobtrusive Redstone is—but the strain 
shows. A former party animal himself 
(MTV's Spring Break coverage was his 
idea), Freston's style is laid-back, uncon- 
cerned, ironic. But, at the age of 47, his 
boyish good looks are more drawn than 
they used to be, his grin a little less 
cheerfully wry. Redstone is famous for 
running tight ship—"He can watch the 
dime," Freston agrees—and he sets 
“preuy aggressive" goals for profit in- 
creases every year. Freston has deliv- 
ered, but not much has been left to plow 
back into MTV. What investment there 
has been has gone largely to MTV Eu- 
rope and to other parts ofthe MTV Net- 
works division, which includes Nick- 
elodeon and VH-1. McGrath рога slight 
increase in her production budget last 
year and expects another small bump 
this year, bur the staff will tell you they're 
still running thin. 

Its unstated policy at MTV that the 

"I never knew, Heer Rembrandl, that passport pictures 
were done in such detail.” 



looseness of the atmosphere and the ca- 
chet of working there compensate for 
conditions that in other respects are, as 
Freston puts it, “a couple of cuts above 
the industrial revolution.” The low pay 
is legendary. Steve Isaacs might be a TV 
star, but there are months when he's not 
sure he can cover his rent. Long hours 
are another fact of life. Old-timers laugh 
about all the interns who arrive thinking 
they're going to be partying with rock 
stars, only to find that they're stuck in 
the office late into the night, every night 
Duff says there was a sign in the studio 
for a while that read, wORKING AT MTV IS 

The drive for profits creates some ten- 
sion between MTV's need to be hip and 
its need to be popular. For the sake of 
image (and for the satisfaction of the 
music lovers who work there), the chan- 
nel loves to be thought of as the place 
where the coolest new acts get discov- 
ered. For the sake of ratings, MTV wants 
to be the place where the biggest stars 
can always be seen 

It’s nearly impossible to maintain that 
balance. The fragmentation in the music 
business in recent years hasn't made it 
any easier. People today tend to listen to 
one favorite kind of music—anything 
else is anathema. In response to that, 
MTV now programs itself much as a po- 
litical party constructs a platform, laying 
in pl to attract various constituen- 
cies: a little metal, a little pop. a little al- 

1ernative, a little rap, a little R&B. Put it 
all together and you have a playlist that 
is more diverse than it used to be and 
more adventuresome than many radio 
stations ever get. But it's still heavily 
ted toward the mainstream—de- 

27, is the white kid who cocreated Yo! 
MTV Raps in 1989. (He's also the 
nephew of director Jonathan Demme.) 
Yo! was a major success, and overnight 
it put to rest longstanding charges that 
MTV would not play black music, None- 
theless, the afternoon weekday version 
of Yo! was cut back from an hour to half 
an hour, then it was moved to midnight. 
Yo! now appears only on Saturdays from 
10 to 11 P.N. Demme says he never got 
an explanation for the changes; the rat- 
ings, he says, were fine. But others say 
the show was turning too many white 
kids away from the channel, 

True or not, the ghettoizing of what 
Demme and others at MTV consider the 
truest alternative music being made to- 
day is proof that MTV talks a hipper 
game than it walks. “MTV is a big mon 
су machine now,” Demme says, “and the 
reality is that we have to be ratings-con- 
scious because we have to pull in the 
bucks. What's frustrating for us is being 
told by our bosses to continually do a 
ternative programming and not main- 
stream TV. and then hearing the upper 
management people go: ‘Your ratings 

are down! You must do something to in- 
crease your ratings!’ And the next thing 
you know, you see Michael Jackson on 
every half hour.” 

Freston makes no apologies for keep- 
ing MTV focused on the hits. It's easy, 
he says, to get too hip for the room. 
“When I hear a lot of people at МТУ say, 
“Man, the network's really looking good 
now,’ I start to worry.” 

It was hard to believe that anyone 
would go that far to promote a record, 
but there it was. MTV staff members 
gathered by their office windows on the 
24th floor and looked across the street at 
the Marriott Marquis Hotel, directly into 
а room where a naked man was standing 
at the window of his room, facing out- 
ward, obviously involved in a spirited 
round of masturbation, No way could it 
bea coincidence that this was happening 
at the very moment when the Divinyls 
were pushing their latest single, / Touch 

Turned out it was a coincidence, 
though. The guy in the hotcl, who was 
sull at it hours later, was arrested. Too 
bad, some thought: It was one of the 
most clever record promotions they'd 
ever seen. 


As always, music videos remain the 
heart and soul of MTV, but there, too, a 









downshift to humility is in progress. 

Аћег a decade of music videos, not 
many people in the business question 
MTV's ability to move product. any- 
morc. “I believe if you push anything on 
MTV it will work,” says Linda Fe: 
senior director of national musi 
promotion for Atlantic Records. "You 
could take a potted plant and run it in 
heavy rotation and it will be a major star 
fora while." 

Overstated, but only slightly. Hence 
the development of a new art form: get- 
ting the ear of MTV's music and talent- 
relations department. Stars such as 
Hammcr and Fresh Prince can, and do, 
drop by to screen their latest videos for 
the staff. For lesser-known artists, get- 
ting in the door isn't that simple. Each 
Monday, MTV's 16-person music com- 
mittee screens new videos. Between 50 
and 75 come in each weck, to compete 
for 95 openings on the schedule. The 
record companies know it pays to have 
an ally within the company who vill help 
geta buzz going at the Monday meeting, 
which is why anyone who works at MTV, 
from Freston to production assistants, is 
a target for major schmoozing. Amy 
Finnerty, a 25-year-old music scheduler, 
carried the video for a little-known alter- 
native band from office to office and in- 
sisted that people see it. The band's 
name was Nirvana. 

There are other ways to attract atten- 
tion. Bands such as Live and Poi Dog 
Pondering have played in the МТУ lob- 
by, and record-company executives have 
been known to stand by the elevators 
handing out compact discs. When for- 
mer Kiss bassist Gene Simmons started 
his own record label, he had himself car- 
ried by two beautiful women into MTV's 
offices on a stretcher. Once there, he got 
down on his hands and knees (he was 
wearing his Kiss knee pads) and crawled 
around the floor, arms wide in supplica- 
tion. The point of the joke was pretty 
clear: Who do I have to blow to get my 
records played? 

‘The man in charge of MIV's talent- 
relations department is John Cannelli; 
second in command is Rick Krim. Both 
insist that stunts aimed at getting their 
attention are, if anything, counterpro- 
ductive. Cannelli and Krim, in the no- 
nonsense spirit of the Nineties, prefer to 
keep their relationships with the record 
labels as professional as possible. Break- 
ing in new bands, taking established 
bands to a higher level or helping a su- 
perstar stay on top is something in which 
they take great pride. To make it work, 
they say, takes cooperation and careful 
planning; they call it a proactive ap- 
proach. Rather than sit around waiting 
for the videos to come in, the idea is to 
hold early meetings with a band's label 
or management—often months before a 
record is finished—to chart just how 
MTV fits into an act's overall markeung 

Suddenly, real kids are showing up 
all over MTV. Sometimes you wish 
they hadn't. Here's the lowdown on 
the voice of the kids: 

ә Choose or Lose: MTV News cov- 
старе of last year's presidential cam- 
paign was by far its most successful 
exercise in teen populism. Beginning 
with the primaries, correspondent 
Tabitha Soren was on the bus inter- 
viewing and profiling the candidates, 
then covering the conventions and the 
election itself. Her "choose or lose" re- 
ports were produced in MTV's trade- 
mark style, with a blizzard of quick 
cuts, lots of ashy graphics and plenty 
of rock and roll in the background. 
The high point, as far as proving 
MTV's clout, was a 90-minute forum. 
with Bill Clinton in June, which proved 
to be one of the campaign's more in- 
formative sessions with a candidate. 
Clinton stood in a Los Angeles studio 
and submitted to a sometimes rude, 
often incisive grilling from a couple 
hundred young people. Dozens of re- 
ports in the mainstream media took 
bemused note: Not only did the pup- 
py talk, it asked provocative questions. 

© Tolerance: Looking for a suitable 
relevant follow-up subject after the 
election, MTV News chose a good 
one: tolerance. The campaign (un- 
named at presstime) was to start with a 
special in January on growing up in 
South Central Los Angeles, to be fol- 
lowed by a series of biweekly news re- 
ports on various aspects of tolerance 
from MTV affiliates around the world. 

ә The Real World: A big hit last year, 
this series represented a perfect com- 
promise for MTV: halfway between 
real life and a music video. Seven 
good-looking young adults lived to- 
gether for three months in a spectacu- 
lar Soho loft while cameras recorded 
their every move. It wasn't real, exact- 
ly, but it was brilliant television. MI V 
is now in production on a second in- 
stallment, this one based in Los Ange- 
les. The producers are no doubt hop- 
ing that their West Coast subjects will 
be hornier than the New York group 
turned out to be. We'll find out in 

» Make Your Mark: A series of 15- 
second channel IDs, cach urging 
young viewers to go out and make a 
difference. As usual with MTV's pro- 
mos, the visuals are impressive. The 
messages are esteem-builders: One 
points out that Einstein was 26 years 
old when he came up with his theory 
of relativity. 


© Like We Care: A daily news maga- 
zine for teenagers dealing with issues 
from hickeys and pimples to curfews 
and racism. In-studio interviews with. 
kids who were dim-witted enough to 
make you glad most of them dont 
vote. Thankfully, Like We Care was can- 
celed after only a month on the air 

© Hangin’ with MTV: Another flop. 
This three-hour afternoon block 
brought kids into the studio to watch 
and occasionally participate in a free- 
wheeling amalgam of star interviews, 
appearances by various MTV person- 
alities and whatever else could be 
thrown into the mix—one producer 
described it as “The Today Show on 
acid.” Every so often the concept 
worked, such as the day after the Rod- 
ney King riots started in Los Angeles, 
when the producers turned the entire 
show over to rappers and kids from 
the streets. Unfortunately, that was the 
exception, and Hangin’ gradually де- 
generated into a shapeless mess. Now 
it's back to basics as a Top 10 video 
countdown show. 

• You Wrote It, You Watch It: A new 
show takes real expcrienees from 
viewers lives and recnacts them in 
short films. Among possible subjects: 
dating horrors, weird relatives and 
first hearings of Stairway to Heaven. 

• Lip Service: Flop number three. A 
weekly lip-sync show designed to give 
kids the opportunity to pretend 
they're rock stars. What it really gave 
them was a chance to make fools of 
themselves on national television. It's 

= The Regular Guy Quartet: MTV's 
getting a lot of mileage these days out 
of four comic characters who serve as 
onscreen surrogates for all the angry, 
hapless, coarse and ugly schmucks in 
its audience. Speed-talker Denis Leary 
is the most cerebral; space-cadet Pauly 
Shore is probably the most popular. 
The newest additions to this motley 
crew are cartoons, literally: Beavis and 
Butthead, two cretins. Starting this 
spring they get to introduce videos on 
their own show. These guys are such 
lowlifes they make Wayne and Garth 
look like Nick and Nora Charles. 

e What's Your Problem? A new call- 
in show in which viewers get advice 
on love, sex and life. The two ргегед- 
uisites for any modern discussion of 
these topics—a doctor and visiting 
celebrities—will both be in the studio. 


mix. Depending on how big an ас 
they're talking to, Cannelli and Krim 
offer a broad menu of promotional tie- 
ins available on МТУ, everything from 
terviews on The Week in Rock to guest 
appearances on other shows 10 tour 
sponsorship to contests. Never, Cannelli 
and Krim stress, does MTV imperiously 
tell the labels what to do. “We don't ever 
want to take the position, ‘Fuck them, 
they need us more than we need them," 
says Krim. “That's not our style at all. It's 
а partnership with these people. Their 
success is our success. We would be 
nowhere without their stars." 

Cannelli and Krim's emphasis on co- 
operation with record labels may well be 
their way of distancing themselves from 
the legacy of their former boss, Abbey 
Konowitch. Konowitch had been MTV's 
point man with the record industry since 
1988. In 1991 Konowitch, pleading a 
need for change, stepped aside, ostensi- 
bly shifting his attention to MTV's spe- 
cial events. In July 1992 he joined 
Madonna's new record label, Maverick. 

According to sources both outside and 
inside MTV, exercising the daily power 
to make or break careers ultimately went 
to Konowitch's head. One industry exec- 
utive called him “an egomaniac” who 
managed to offend even those whose 
videos he did play, as well as those he 
didn't. *No one could rein him in," the 
|. “He was incredibly abu- 

sive." A criticism commonly heard about 
Konowitch is that he became more en- 
amored with the music business than 

ith the music itself. One source said he 
was the type of executive who would 
spend his time at a concert hanging out. 
backstage with a manager instead of sit- 
ting out front listening to the band. But 
it was Konowitch’s arrogance that ulti- 
mately brought him down. Asked who 
specifically in the record industry Kono- 
witch might have offended, one source 
laughed and said, “It would be quicker 
to tell you who he didn't offend.” 

Konowitch also offended many of his 
MTV colleagues. Too often in interviews 
he seemed to take sole credit for choos- 
ing which acts MTV played. The final 
straw came when allegauons of verbal 
sexual harassment at his previous job 
surfaced. After he departed, two of his 
former colleagues laughingly called it 
poetic justice that he'll now be "fetching 
coffee” for Madonna and her ball-busting 
publicist, Liz Rosenberg. 

Cannelli and Krim аге said to be mu- 
sic guys, as opposed. 10 business guys, 
who can mend МТУ 5 fences h the la- 
bels. How they'll handle all the power- 
houses at the labels who want to push 
them around remains to be seen. It's a 
thin line between being partners with 
the record companies and being in their 
pockets. If King's X gets more attention 

142 on MTV than a band of its stature usual- 


ly warrants, who's to say the fact that 
their manager also happens to manage 
Madonna doesn't have something to do 
with it? If MTV runs with a video by 
Roxette that is (in the words of one 
staffer) "a stiff,” who's to say someone 
didn't feel they owed the president of 
Roxette's label a favor? Freston concedes 
such favors are a part of doing busines 

and that the pleading from record com- 
panies has increased dramatically be- 
cause there have been literally dozens of 
new labels launched in the past few 
years. MTV bends over backward to 
help them when it can, Freston says, be- 
cause they invest so much money in thc. 
videos MTV plays. But he also concedes 
that favors sometimes hurt his busi- 
ness—the kid with а remote control 
doesn't care if the video he's about to zap 
belongs to some big shot who muscled 
it onto the channel 

There's more to Duff, of course, than 
pancake flinging. When she isn't busy 
with her VJ gig, she works as a volunteer 
ata nursing home in her neighborhood. 
"Jf I left entertainment," she says, “I 
would be just as happy calling bingo 
next door." 

Sometimes Duff brings her friends аг 
the hospital freebies she gets al work: 
Aerosmith tour jackets, Run-DMC hats, 
even (get hold of yourself, Bob Риппап) 
MTV Tshirts, On warm days you can 
see them sitting outside on the sidewalk, 
lined up in their wheelchairs, sunning 
themselves in their rock-and-roll pa 
phernalia, watching the world go by. 

As hard as people work at MTV, and 
for as little money, most vill tell you that. 
they do get a chance to develop their tal- 
ent. Some of the channel's top produc- 
ers, including Ted Demme, are former 
interns. There's an exception to that 
rule, though. It involves MTV's most 
visible employees, its VJs. The VJs are 
supposed to be the kids' surrogates, 
flesh-and-blood connection to 
Yet the VJs get almost as little re- 
spect inside МТУ as they get from critics 
outside it. "Absolutely true,” says former 
VJ Adam Curry. “VJs are seen as being 
on the absolute lowest rung on the pro- 
gramming ladder." 

Part of the reason for that was a man- 
agement decision carly on that the VJs 
should not be allowed to get bigger than 
the channel. Mark Goodman, one of the 
original VJs, says that Pittman told them 
right at the start, “MTV is the star. You 
are not the star." Goodman says the ra- 
tionale for that atti 
agement point of view, perfectly logical: 
“He wanted to keep us under control. 
He didn't want these huge egos on his 
hands." As a result, the VJs have alway 

been kept on a short contractual leash. 
MTV controls all outside appearances; 
moonlighting is not allowed. The VJs 
who became perhaps the biggest celebri- 
ties, Adam Curry and Downtown Julie 
Brown, were able to negotiate more flex- 
ible terms when their initial three-year 
contracts expired. But both say MTV 
didn’t let go without a fight. 

It's likely as well that some of MTV’s 
discomfort with its VJs stems from the 
inconvenient fact that they're human 
and therefore tend to grow old. While 
plenty of people will tell you that VJs 
aren't required to be under 30—Martha 
Quinn's comeback at 29 is the proof ol- 
fered—the likelihood of sticking around 
that long is pretty remote. When Julie 
Brown left in 1991, Club MTV, the dance 
show she hosted, had been on for four 
and a half years. She had hoped to ma- 
ture the program a little, to make it a lit- 
Че raunchier, to go for a more sophisti- 
cated audience. She'd noticed that while 
the kids gyrating under the disco lights 
on Club MTV were, at most, 20, more of 
the fans who greeted her on the street 
were older. “I went, ‘Wow! I'm getting 
older!" Brown says. "I didn't want to be 
the kind of girl who was sitting up there 
with packs of makeup on, dancing 
around like a sixteen-year-old. I just de- 
cided my tits couldn't take it.” 

Looking back, Brown acknowledges 
she probably should have realized that 
MTV wasn't going to be interested in 
maturing any show, including hers. 
“MTV works in dog years," she says, 
laughing. "Every so often it has to clean 
пр, as it were, and head to the target au- 
dience." Meaning that anybody much 
older than the target audience can kiss 
the channel goodbye. 

The current V [s have learned this |, 
son well. They've seen some of their pre- 
decessors disappear from view (Isaacs 
says former VJs go to “the white noise 
on the TV channel"), and they're deter- 
mined it won't happen to them. Isaacs 
wants to use MTV as a springboard to a 
career as a songwriter and a musician. 
Duff plans to write, produce and direct 
feature films. “Oh, yeah, I don't want to 
do this forever,” she says, chowing down 
a cheeseburger in a nwich Village 
café. “Pm going to get bored with it 
and people are going to get bored with 
me. | don't want to have a long tenure. 
I want to do it and do it well, and mas- 
ter it and. have a great time, and then 
move on." 

That's the spirit of the Nineties talk- 
ing pragmatic, maybe even a little cyn- 
ical, determined to survive. VJs come, 
VJs go. Expendability is a fact of life. 

MTY, on the other hand, will remain. 
Eternally youthful, eternally cool. 

MTV i5 immortal. You're not. 

SEXUALITE! (continued from page 86) 

“A real sexual revolution would recognize liberation 
as the most important role of sex in our lives." 

In The World of Sex, Miller wr 

If men would stop to think about 
this great activity which animates 
the carth and all the heavens, would 
they give themselves to thoughts of 
death? Would a man withhold him- 
self in any way if he realized that 
dead or alive this frenzied activity 
goes on ceaselessly and remorseless- 
ly? If death is nothing, what fear 
then should we have of sex? The 
gods came down from 
nicate with humankind and with an. 
imals and trees, with the earth itself. 
Why are we so particular? Why can 
we not love—and do all the other 
things which give us pleasure, too? 
Why can we not give ourselves in all 
directions at once? What is it we 
fear? We fear to lose ourselves. And 
yet. until we lose ourselves. there 
can be no hope of finding ourselves. 


This is a message not so different from 
Dante's, who also found himself lost in 
a dark wood in the middle of his life 
and who also emerged to see the sta 
having discovered 
moves them. 
Miller is more mystic than porno- 
graphic. He uses the obscene to shock 
and to awaken, but once we are awake, 
he wants to take us to the st: 
“I did a service to people 

that love is what 

" he said to 
[hat was 

not mean linguistic barriers 
or publishing barriers; he meant barri- 
ers to self-liberation. A real sexual revo- 
lution—as opposed to the bogus sexual 
revolution we had in the Sixties—would 
recognize this liberation as the most im- 
portant role of sex in our lives. It would 
accept it as one of our great revolution- 
ary forces, a force that has the power to 
open eyes and souls 

Is there a place for such sex in the 
so-called age of AIDS? Of course there 
is. But not if we see sex only as a sort 
© acting-out, as an accum- 
tion of meaningless experiences and 
deadly viruses. If we are open to our 
own sexuality in the cosmic sense, we 

ill also be open to our crea our 
religious sense and our sense of sell- 

Back in the days when fear of Flying 
was the new sensation, I used to argue in 
vain that I was not advocating promiscu- 
ity but rather an openness to erotic fan- 
тазу. The novel itself concentrated more 
on the heroine's erotic daydreams than 
on her escapades, which often proved 

hopelessly disappointing because her 
swains proved impotent or clumsy or 
mechanical. But the idea of an erotically 
motivated, actively fantasizing woman 
was, in itself, so shocking that my 
protests fell on deaf: . My denigrator 
were sexophobic and attacked me for 
persisting in my belief that sex is a force 
for life. 

How may we be sexual in the age of 
AIDS? Let me count the ways. We live in 
a time when telephone and computer 
sex, costumes, role playing and mutual 
masturbation are proliferating—along 
with (good grief!) monogamy. 

HOT MONOGAMY screams the recent cov- 
er line on a woman's magazine. Appar- 
ently, you can get off even with your own 
spouse if you have a vivid enough imag- 
ination, Human sexuality is dazzling in 
its variety. 1 know a dominatrix who ad- 

vertises and sells safe sex—with no ex- 
change of bodily fuids—because the 
clients can only look and sniff and whip 
or be whipped. The Sixties cquation of 
sexual revolution with quantitative 
promiscuity was too innocent. If we are 
open to the world of fantasy, we can lib- 
erate ourselves with one partner or no 
partner at all. Nicholson Baker's recent 
novel Vox describes a man and a woman 
who have telephone sex that is, if any- 
thing, hotter than sex in the flesh be- 
cause there is no reality to block the 

Eventually we will have virtual reality, 
which will enable us to simulate sex with 
any famous lover of the past. Women will 
be able to choose anyone from Mark 
Antony to Shakespeare to Casanova to 
Byron, and men, like Dr. Faustus, will 
have their Hclens of Tro: his the 
Ё ched a thousand ships?” 
they'll ask their computer screens. 

The mind has an infinite capacity for 
self-liberation and is, after all. our main 
erogenous zone. Miller himself would 
have agreed. 

“I know he's through for the night when he 
lets the air out of his shoes.” 



H E R (0) ES (continued from page 90) 

“I do not remember his face, except that it was gaunt, 
white as a ghost and belonged, I knew, to a hero.” 

seen him and there was no reason for 
him to think we had. Suddenly, though, 
there he was, rising from his hiding 
place, aimin 1 

off rounds as if he thought himself to be 

He had no chance, of course. I turned 
а hose of fire on him and in a split sec- 
ond the little man was awash in a hot 
metal wake of M-60 tracer rounds that 
ripped him open, his blood and his life 
rushing into the ground. 

When we landed moments later and I 
scrambled out to snatch up his weapon, 
the second bird twirling in tight, clatter- 
ing circles above us, he was already 
dead, little pieces of him splattered all 
over the carbine. Besides his shorts, the 
flip-flops and the weapon, he wore only 
а web belt and a two-day ration of псе 
wrapped in a scrap of plastic. I do not re- 
member his face, except that it was 
gaunt, white as a ghost and belonged, I 
knew, to a hero. He had died taking а 
risk that seemed unnecessary for a cause 
I did not understand. 

That was the day I began to realize we 
were in a war we could not win. Уієшаш 
was full of these men—and they were al- 
most all on the other side, 

A few miles past where the first fingers 
of the mountains stretched east, our 
ships turned away from the valley floor, 
popped over a ridge and dropped into a 
small rice paddy nestled in a cup 200 
feet below the hill's crest. We were out of 
the chopper in fewer than five seconds. 
Six figures in camouflage, boonie hats, 
grenade-laden web belts and full field 
packs, pounding heavily through thigh- 
high grass, lumbering vith desperate ur- 
gency toward the relative safety of the 
jungle at the edge of the paddy. Both 
"sharks" —gunships—and trail ship cir- 
cled once, and then the insertion bird 
lifted up to join them and all four peeled. 
out back toward the sea. This was my 
first lurp patrol. 

We set up an observation post maybe а 
mile away from the landing zone. Our 
job was to sit there for four days, maybe 
five, watch the trail, count the North 
Vietnamese soldiers who came down it 
and call in some artillery on them if we 
had the chance. 

We rotated three two-man teams: one 
team watching the trail, one watching 
our back and one off duty. © 
the rule, especially at night. 
day, though, everybody had something 

144 to read during breaks. I shared а book 

called The Passover Plot with my buddy 
Mike, taking it in turns to read a chapter. 

Mike was an intensely religious Mor- 
mon. He had been the state high school 
wrestling champ in his weight class and 
had gone on to a full college scholarship. 
Like me, he got drafted when his class 
load fell short of the minimum required 
to maintain a student deferment. 

Mike was about 20, and 1 thought ће 
was the closest thing to a morally pure 
human being 1 had ever known. Не 
didn't cuss, lie, cheat, steal or speak bad- 
ly of anyone. He was enough to make 
most people sick. He did, too—and he 
wasn't even that sanctimonious about it. 
Just sort of determinedly innocent. And 
Mormon. It eventually infuriated almost 
everyone. They hated him for his puri- 
ty—that and the fact that he seemed de- 
termined to convert every soul he met to 
the buoyant, white optimism of the 
Church of Latter-day Saints. 

So Mike the Mormon and I, the ag- 
nostic, spent all our off time that mission 
arguing in whispers about a book that 
cast Christ as a not-all-that-religious po- 
litical revolutionary and the impact of 
that possibility on the faithful. I haven't 
the faintest recollection what either of us 
thought about any of it then, only that 
we sat in the scrub brush on the side of a 
hill in Vietnam for five days together, 
reading the book and occasionally argu- 
ing quietly about it. 

What did it all mean, anyway? 

Damned if I knew. I did know one 
thing, though: When we got off that hill, 
I was going to ask Mike about Pinkville. 
нед been there that day with Calley 
and the rest of them. 

Extraction choppers scooped us up 
with the last breath of daylight on the 
fifth day and took us to the nearest fire- 
base, a primitive forward camp called LZ 
Ross that had been gonged into the 
mouth of the valley: 

When we got there, two companies of 

grunts, filthy from battle and greasy with 
Sweat and fear, were standing around in 
clumps, eating from field-kitchen trays, 
talking wearily. The NVA were dug in at 
the base of the mountains to the south. 
One company had walked into an am- 
bush there. We shot the bull with the 
grunts, grabbed some chow from a field 
kitchen and decided to turn in. 

All the inside space was taken, so Mike 
and I walked to the outer ring of 
bunkers near the perimeter, chose one 
that looked like it had a soft top, climbed 
up, spread our ponchos and poncho lin- 
ers and lay down. 

Off in the distance we could hear the 

rumble of battle. Not far away a battery 
of 155s was belching artillery rounds 
to the night. But on top of that bunker it 
was cool, clear, relatively safe and you 
could see every star in the sky. 

It was there that Mike told me what he 
and Billy did that day after they ate their 
lunch at My Lai. 

Most of the killing was over at 
Pinkville when Mike and Billy stopped 
for lunch at the infamous ditch. This was 
where Calley supervised the machine- 
gunning of dozens of civilians. 

Eating at that particular spot could 
not have been easy. The dead were 
everywhere. А relentless, sometimes 
piercing din arose from the ditch: It was 
the wailing and thrashing of the wound- 
ed and dying. Earlier, sometime between 
9:00 and 9:30, after Charlie Company's 

them to the bank of the 
dozens of people—some say ás many as 
200, nearly all of them women, children 
and old men—were herded into the 
ditch, Calley ordered his men to open 
fire. A few soldiers resisted the order, but 
there were plenty who did not. 

It took Calley and two dozen grunts 
15 minutes or so to gun down all the 
people assembled there. With that many 
people crowded together, however, it 
was difficult to be thorough. By the time 
Mike and Billy hunkered down an hour 
or so later with their C rations, the lieu- 
tenant and his triggermen had moved 
on. The undead in the ditch began to cry 
out, however, the limbs of many banging 
about spasmodically, the way those of the 
seriously wounded sometimes do. It 
would have been a terrible sound, all 
that flopping and slapping of flesh, the 
crying, all that agony out there in the 
morning sunshine. 

Ata certain point, after the pork and 
beans but before the peaches, Mike and 
Billy checked their M-16s and walked 
down the ditch, dividing up the sur- 
vivors and finishing them off. Just the 
two of them, pacing deliberately along 
the death pit, There's one moving. Pow! 
There’s another one. Pow! You take that 
one. Pow! They walked the ditch hank 
once, back and forth, and no one moved 

Mike's story matched Billy's detail for 
detail, but hearing him tell it was differ- 
ent from hearing it from Billy. 

Mike had been my closest friend in the 
service. We were drafied on the same 
day. Our backgrounds were similar, both 
working class, both athletes, both from 
the West. For whatever reason, we 
latched on to each other in basic training 
at Fort Bliss, Texas and stayed together 
all the way through advanced infantry 
training at Fort Ord and jump school at 
Fort Benning to jungle-varfare training. 

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at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. We'd 
been apart only during the four months. 
Mike spent in Lieutenant Calley's pla- 
toon in Charlie Company while I was a 
door gunner with Primo. When I trans- 
ferred into the Americal Division’s LRRP 
company in late April 1968, Mike had al- 
ready been there several weeks, having 
transferred from Charlie Company а 
few days after My Lai. 

Now, as we lay out under the stars at 
LZ Ross, there was a distance between us 
that hadn't been there before. Mike, 
Mike, I wanted to say, tell me it ain't so. 
t was. Yes, yes, yes, he said on every 
detail. It was all true. Yes, he said, that's 
what we did, that's what happened. 

"It was a Nazi kind of thing," he said. 

We had been on the bunker for nearly 
an hour by then, face to face across a few 
feet of sandbags. We were both tired. It 
had been a long, nerve-racking five days 
on patrol and we had not gotten much 
sleep. A long silence hung between us af- 
ter he finished telling his story. 

"I dunno, man,” he said final 
just one of those thing: 

He rolled over and a few minutes later 
I could hear the rise and fall of his 
breath. He was asleep. 


Tt was 

Second Surge sat atop a black granite 
crag overlooking the sea on the Chu Lai 
coastline like a monstrous crab. A huge 
Red Cross splashed over its roofs iden- 
tified it as a hospital. The South China 
Sea was not far below, less than 200 feet, 
but the fall was almost straight down. A 
smooth rock shelf, 40 feet wide at low 
tide, lay at the bottom, making an invit- 
ing diving platform for those ignorant of 
the danger. A vicious riptide circled 
there, sometimes carrying away unwary 
enlisted men who sought to prove that 
they could swim against it. 

The Americal Division Officers’ Club 
shared the hospital's perch, lying oppo- 
site Second Surge across a wide, deep 
ravine that isolated it from the rest of the 
base camp. You could see the club mem- 
bers sitting up there on the veranda on 
late afternoons, sipping drink 
ing back in their bamboo ch; 
the palm thatch. 

It was rumored that some officers 
used to lay bets on how many enlisted. 
men would make it back to shore. 

Nobody much liked officers in those 
days. There were exceptions, but most of 
us had personal lists of officers we would 
just as soon see killed. Better them, we 
thought. than the random Vietnamese 
who fell into our sights. Some people, es- 
pecially those who were not there, may 
find that hard to understand, but it is 
true. The shorter you got, in fact, the 
more certain you were to have such a 
nd the longer it was likely to be. 
el Bernhardt had a long list by 
146 the time 1 found him in the waning days 

of 1968. It started with Calley and ran all 
the way up the chain of command to Ma 
jor General Samuel Koster, the two- 
commander of the Americal Division, 

But then Bernie, like many of us, had 
been through a lot of changes. Along 
with Billy, Mike and Gruver, he ended 
up in Charlie Company, in СаПеу 5 pla- 
toon. Unlike them, however, Bernie had 
flat out refused to take part in any killing 
at Pinkville. His reward, he later real- 
ized, was that Charlie Company's offi- 
cers intended to keep him in the field 
until he was killed. 

Ud been hearing the scuttlebutt for 
months that Bernie had been a refuser 
at Pinkville and Га been looking for him 
ever since. But he was hard to find be- 
cause he was alway: the field. I knew 
by then that the story of the massacre 
was true. The problem was proving it. 

I was sure that the Army would try to 
cover up any investigation. Would the 
men who told me what they saw and 
say the same things to an official ques- 
tioner? That was what I needed, some- 
one to stand up and tell the truth. Maybe 
Bernhardt was my man. 

I found Bernie at Second Surge two 
weeks before 1 was scheduled to go 
home. He was in bed, lying barechested 
in wrinkled blue hospital pajamas, both 
legs bandaged to the thigh, гесоуег- 
ing from an extreme case of jungle rot. 
He was lucky to be there, he said, espe- 
ly since jungle rot was not his only 

Bernie had been a known troublemak- 
er in Charlie Company even before the 
massacre. Twice before Pinkville he had 
written to his congressman, complaining 
about the actions of the company's 
officers. In each case, word of the com- 
plaint—and who filed it—came down 
the chain of command. 

Then, a few days after Pinkville, the 
officers started making Bernhardt walk 
point all the time. When S-2—intelli- 
gence—warned Captain Ernest Medina 
(the company commander) to watch out 
for an ambush, Bernhardt was made to 
walk on the ambush side of the forma- 
tion. Then, when he started getting jun- 
gle rot with just four months to go on his 
tour, the officers wouldn't let him leave 
the field for treatment. 

As time went by, the rots bleeding 
open sores, giant strawberries that 
erupted spontaneously on the skin from 
the combination of dampness and the 
accumulation of filth and bacteria, start- 
ed to work up his legs. He started to 
king. Still, the comman- 
mpany refused to send 
Bernhardt to the infirmary. 

In the end, Bernie took care of the 
problem in his own way. Timing his es- 
cape during evening chow, just as the 
evening resupply chopper was cranking 
up to lift off, he dropped his rucksack 
and his weapon and threw himself 
aboard, leaping into its empty bay just as 

the bird reached that instant when it 
hovers briefly, then lifts suddenly sk 
ward, turns and sweeps off in a clattering 

When Bernhardt limped into the 11th 
Brigade infirmary 20 minutes later, the 
doctors were astonished at his condition. 
This should have been treated months 
ago, they said. What the hell was wrong 
with those officers in Charlie Company? 
Were they trying to get him killed? 

Bernhardt knew something special 
was planned for Pinkville. Captain Me- 
dina made that clear the night before the 
operation. The village they were going. 
into the next morning, Medina said, was 
base camp of a Viet Cong battalion. No 
one there would be an innocent civilian. 
Medina told his men that he wanted 
nothing lefi “standing, living or grow- 
ing, not even a blade of grass." It would 
be their chance, the captain said, to 
avenge fallen comrades. 

When the choppers began dumping 
Charlie Company on the outskirts of the 
1 rning, Bernhardt. knelt 
d there, pretending 
g trouble with his boots, pass- 
ne until Medina arrived with 
the second wave. When Medina's bird 
landed, Bernhardt stalled a little longer 
and then trailed the company com- 
mander and his party throughout the 
village all morning long. 

Whatever Medina had in mind that 
morning, Bernhardt intended to wit- 
ness. What he saw was enough to con- 
vince him that the CO was almost literal- 
ly up to his neck in blood in the 
massacre. As he later told investigators, 
at one point he saw Medina shoot a 
young girl and, turning to Bernie, "gave 
me a look, a dumb shit-eating gri 

"That evening, Bernhardt was dig; 
a foxhole when the captain stormed up. 
10 deliver a message. It would be a mis- 
take, Medina warned him, to write his 
out what he had seen 

Yeah, Bernhardt replied, he read the 
captain loud and clear. 

And he didn't write his congressman 
about Pinkville, either. If he got ош of 
Vietnam alive, though, Michael Bern- 
hardt intended to deal with Medina and 
the other officers responsible for Pink- 
ville in his own wa 

“Гуе got a plan,” he told me finally, 
ter we had fenced for some time. “I'm 
gonna kill them all. ГЇЇ find out where 
they are after I'm out. I'm going to get a 
real good rifle. One with a scope. I'm go- 
ing to hunt them down and kill them." 

I asked him to wait, though I sure 
he was only s. Let me try my 
plan first, I said. We'll string them up. I 
promised, with the system's own rope. 
Blow the whistle on them and get them 
tried as war criminals. 

Bernie was skeptical. Ном? he asked. 1 
didn't know. I only knew that before 1 
could prod official investigators into ac- 
tion І needed someone who was there 
who could be counted on to tell the 

Would Bernie back me up? 

You can count on it, he said. If I told 
the truth, so would he. 

And when the time eventually сате 
he did, as did Mike and Billy and many 

Twenty years passed before 1 met 
Hugh Thompson and Harry Stanle) 
two of the best-known heroes of My La 
It was the fall of 1988, and People mag; 
zine had asked me to track them down 
for an interview to mark the anniversary 
of the 1969 investigation. 

1 found Harry Stanley in the back acre 
of a giant wholesale lumberyard on the 
outskirts of Biloxi, Mississippi, about an 
hour and a half east of New Orleans. 1 
had called ahead to the yard, which was 
the only telephone number for Stanley 1 
could get—it was in fact the only number 
he let anyone have. Like many Vietnam 
vets, Harry Stanley had no wish to share 
his private life with the outside world. 

A yard worker led me through a maze 
of lumber sheds, dodging mud puddles 
and machinery until we emerged in an 
open lot where a crew of seven or eight 
bundled-up, tattered black men labored 
in the cold hard wind, methodically 
restacking lumber. One of them, a stocky 
man with a scarf around his neck and no 
front teeth, turned and looked. Harry 
Stanley. He said something to the men 
he was with and ambled toward us. 

We wandered over to a scattered stack 
of lumber, found a perch with our backs 
to the chilling gusts and Harry began to 
talk about that morning at My Lai when 
the wind was hot and the world and 
cverybody and everything in it seemed 
to be completely insane. 

Calley’s platoon, which included Stan- 
ley as well as Gruver, Billy and Mike, had 
scurried off the first wave of assault 
choppers. They formed a skirmish line 
and started to move toward the hamlets 
at roughly 7:30. No gunfire came from 
huts on the hamlet edge as they 

"Everybody there was supposed to 
have been some kind of Viet Cong," 
Stanley said. Captain Medina had told 
them the village was the headquarters 
for the 48th Viet Cong Main Force Bat- 
talion, the VC's most battle-hardened 
unit in that part of Vietnam. “He said 
we were supposed to wipe out the whole 

When the platoon reached the village, 
however, "all we saw was people run- 
ning. All old women, children, old men. 
No weapons, nobody shooting at us and 
stuff, It’s obvious that what Medina was 
saying was not it It's not happening 

here. But it was just like nobody cared. 
“They were still doing what they'd been 
ordered to do in the beginning." 

Тће first person the platoon сате to, a 
wispy-bearded old man in white, was 
shot by one of Stanley's buddies, who 
then slit the man's throat, dumped his 
body down a well and pitched а hand 
grenade in after it. 

From that moment forward the men 
of Charlie Company began to "shoot 
everything that moved. Реорје running. 
Cows. Everything." Stanley, who was car- 
rying an M-60 machine gun, followed 
ing to fire, stunned at 
g around him. 

“I wasnt firing because 1 was wai 
for some resistance," he remembered 
“There was no resistance. There was no 
reason for me to shoot. It was just a 
bunch of bulls! craziness to me. I 
wasn't a murderer 

Calley’s men reached the far side of 
the village around 9:00, leaving a trail of 
death in their wake. Before long the sec- 
ond and third platoons also reached the 
far side. Soon thereafter, according to 
Stanley and many others who later told 
their stories to Army investigators, Cal- 
ley ordered the men of all three platoons 
to round up and bring all the surviving 
villagers to the ditch. Amazingly, accord- 
ing to Stanley and other witnesses, some 
200 people had survived Charlie Com 
pany’s initial sweep. They were marched 
over to the ditch in small groups withi 
the next 30 to 45 minutes. 

Then, Stanley said, Calley “turned 10 
me and he wants me to sel up my ma- 
chine gun and shoot these people. 1 told 
him, “Мак, I can’t do that.’ He said, Tm 
ordering you to do that.’ I said, ‘You 
can't order me to do that.” 

Calley repeated his command, this 
time screaming in Stanley's face, “I'm or- 
dering you to do it!" and threatening 
him with a court-martial if he refused. 

Stanley stood his ground. “I told him 
if he can do that and get away with it, 
that's fine with me." 

Furious, Calley whirled, grabbed Pri- 
vate Paul Meadlo's M-16, stepped. up 
nose to nose with Stanley and shoved the 
fle into the machine gunner's stomach. 
anley, just as quickly, whipped out his 
5-caliber pistol, cocked it and pushed 
into Calley's guts. 

Stanley’s buddies, meanwhile, stood 
and watched the exchange, goggle-eyed. 

“I guess they thought I'd gone crazy,” 
he told me. “But I was dead serious 
about what 1 was saying and what it 
meant to me. 

“My general thoughts about it were, 
I'm in Vietnam already and I'm gonna 
die here anyway. So. hey. if you're talk- 
g about shooting me, we might just as 
well shoot each other—know what 1 
mean? As far as doing what you're talk- 
ing about doing, I'm not going to do that 
because that’s wrong to me. If we had 
been fired at by one person, anything, or 
if we had a sniper pinned down, maybe 
it would have been a whole lot dillerent 

“Henry! What have you done with my tits?” 


in my mind. But as far as I could see, 
what they said was supposed to be hap- 
pening there wasn't happening there.” 
That was Vie 
Harry Stanle; 
a perfect metaphor for the w: 

т. In fact, 
his definition may be the only one with 
which all Vietnam veterans might agree. 
However you saw it, what the brass апа 
the politicians said was supposed to be 
happening in Vietnam was indeed not 
happening there. 


s elsewhere, unfortu- 
s of principle as Harry 
le impact on the out- 
come. His defiance of Calley's orders 
aroused no mass resistance among his 
fellow GIs. 

When he saw that Stanley wasn't 
bluffing, Calley, however, backed down. 
Returning Meadlo's M-16, the sputter- 
ing lieutenant ordered each squad 
leader in the company to choose "some 
shooters." Тће record shows that some- 
where between 20 and 30 Gls, led by 
Calley, began pouring rifle and machine- 
gun fire into the ditch. where the sur- 
vivors of the initial sweep had been 

Hugh Thompson, another man who 
knew right from wrong at My Lai, still 
flew helicopters until a year ago. Instead 
of hunter-killer missions on the coastal 
plains of south central Vietnam, how- 
ever, he ran oil-company choppers be- 
tween Lafayette, Louisiana and oil rigs 
in the Gulf of Mexico. 

In 1968 he was a 25-year-old heli- 
copter pilot at the Americal Division 
headquarters at Chu Lai. On March 16, 
"Thompson, with his aeroscout team, 
flew to My Lai to provide air cover for 
what he expected to be a "standard in- 
sertion" of an infantry company. 

What Thompson saw as he cirded 
above the developing carnage that 
morning, however, “confused, bewil- 
dered, shocked and infuriated” him, he 
told me. 

In the most famous of his several at- 
tempts to stop the slaughter, Thompson 
landed his helicopter between a bunker 
filled with cowering Vietnamese women 
and children and an advancing line of 

dering his door gunner to take aim at 
the American ground troops and to 
shoot them if they opened fire on the 
people in the bunker, Thompson hur- 
ried over to the officer, who may have 
been Lieutenant Calley. 

“Any way you can get those civilians 
out of the bunker?” Thompson asked 
the officer. 

"Yeah," the officer told Thompson, 
“with a hand grenade.” Angrily telling 
the officer to leave it to him, Thompson 

148 ran back to his helicopter and called in 

one of his gunships to ferry the people to 
safety, a task that required two trips. 

Would his door gunner actually have 
shot the other American soldie: 

“I don't know,” Thompson said, 
I'm so glad I didn't have to find out.” 

Even before the confrontation at the 
bunker, he and his crew had spotted a 
wounded young woman writhing in the 
grass. Marking the spot with a yellow 
smoke grenade, Thompson radioed for 
someone on the ground to help her. 

Moments later, he saw Captain Medi- 
na walk over to the young woman and 
nudge her with his boot. Then he took a 
step backward and coolly squeezed off a 
burst of M-16 fire, killing her instantly 

Some time that morning Thompson 
saw the results of Lieutenant Calley's 
work in the ditch, where, he estimat- 
ed, there were 200 or more dead and 
wounded Vietnamese. 

“It had a lot of bodies in it,” Thomp- 
son . "There was a black NCO and a 
lieutenant standing there. I set down, 
called the lieutenant over and said, 'Hey, 
there's some wounded people in this 
ditch. Can you help them out? The 
statement was made, "The only way 1 can 
help them out is out of their misery.’ I 
said, ‘Aw, come on, man. These people 
are hurting. They need our help.’ I took 
that he was joking, As I lifted off and 
started to turn I heard an M-60. My 
crew chief said, ‘My God! He's firing in- 
то the ditch?” 

When Thompson was able to return to 
the site a short while later, one of his 
crewmen waded in among the dead and 

“A few minutes later,” Thompson said, 
“he comes up. He has a little baby in his 
hands, blood all over it, but we couldn't 
see any wounds. No open flesh wounds 
or anything." 

"Thompson flew the infant to a nearby 
civilian hospital. 

Later that day he met with his platoon 
leader to talk over the day's events. 
Backed by other pilots in his outfit, 
Thompson worked his way up the chain 
of command with a personal demand for 
a formal investigation. Unfortunately, he 
filed his complaint with Colonel Oran K. 

T hat: was the last the. 

ilot heard about. 
nterviewed by 
vestigators in the fall of 1969. 
stimony against Captain Medina, 
along with Michael Bernhardt's, was the 
basis for the prosecution of Medina for 
the murder of the young woman 
"Thompson marked with the smoke 

Unlike Harry Stanley and the few oth- 
ers like him, Hugh Thompson's heroism 
at My Lai received official r 
few months afier 
awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross 
for his rescue of the women and children 
in the bunker at My Lai. It marked a sig- 

nificant event in military history: A mem- 
ber of the U.S. Army had been decorat- 
ed for battlefield bravery for facing 
down American soldiers. 

Only after the investigators came to 
question him, however, did Thompson 
learn that his complaints to Colonel 
Henderson had gone nowhere. Hender- 
son—commander of the 11th Infantry 
Brigade—had covered up what hap- 
pened at My Lai, an act for which he was 
eventually court-martialed. 

Hugh Thompson and 1 spent almost 
two days talking about My Lai and Viet- 
nam. He made no bones about his view 
of events at Pinkville—that barbaric, 
horrifying slaughter, as he described it. 
But he refused to believe that other mas- 
sacres happened elsewhere in Vietnam 

“That's not the American way and 
that’s not the way things are supposed to 
be,” he said. "That's what the Nazis did 
in World War Two. We're the guys in the 
white hats. We're supposed to be the 
good guys.” 

There was a reason Hugh Thomp- 
son’s complaints to Colonel Henderson 
went nowhere. What happened at My 
Lai that day happened not because Cap- 
tain Medina, Lieutenant Calley and the 
rest of the men in Charlie Company 
went crazy. Henderson, Medina and Сај- 
ley were all following orders, executing a 
general policy designed at the divisional 
level. My Lai was one of many such mas- 
sacres. That was the way we fought the 
war in Vietnam 

Thompson, in fact, had no need to tell 
Henderson of the massacre, the Army's 
official investigation later revealed, be- 
cause the colonel already knew about it. 
Henderson circled over the village in his 
own helicopter much of the morning 
and saw the slaughter with his own eyes. 

And Henderson was not alone. Sam- 
uel Koster, ће commanding general of 
the Americal Divi had likewise cir- 
cled over the dying village that morning 
with several members of Koster's execu- 
tive staff. And they had done nothing. 
None of them—not Koster, not Hender- 
son, not one senior officer—issued a sin- 
gle order to the men on the ground to 
stop murdering civilians. 

I knew the moment I heard about My 
Lai that the blood on the hands of my 
friends was already dripping onto mine. 
A melodramatic reaction, maybe, but it 
was the way I felt—as if I had been con- 
taminated by something of which I could 
never really be cleansed 

1 felt obligated—people who knew me 
then would have said it was an obses- 
sion—to discover if Gruver's story was 
true and, ifit was, to expose it and let the 
chips fall where they would. To my great 
sadness they fell all over Mike and Billy, 
as they fell on others. 

In the end, in March 1969, 


months after my being separated from 
the Army, I wrote a letter to the presi- 
dent, Congress and the Army. The letter 
explained what I knew about the mas- 
sacre and how I came to know и. What 1 
hoped for was a complete and thorough 
congressional investigation. 

By and by, I returned to Southeast 
Asia and began my career as a journalist. 
I was there, in fact, covering the invasion 
of Laos for Time on the day in carly 1971 
when Lieutenant Calley was convicted 
role at My Lai. During the year 
following Calley’s conviction, Captain 
Medina and then Colonel Henderson 
were tried for their roles at My Lai. 

Both men were acquitted. 

None of the other soldiers—ollicers or 
enlisted men—implicated in the case 
were found guilty. 

Lieutenant Calley was the only Ameri- 
can soldier convicted for crimes commit- 
ted at My Lai. He was sentenced to life 
imprisonment at hard labor. Appeal fol- 
lowed appeal until the sentence was cut 
то ten years. Less than four years after 
the original sentence, Calley, a convicted 
mass murderer, was a free man. 

Hugh Thompson was right. We were 
supposed to be the good guys. Almost 
everyone who went to the war wanted to 
believe that. Maybe we dreamed we 
ald even come home heroes. Some 
did: Thompson, Harry Stanley, Michael 
Bernhardt. They were heroes, though it 
is unlikely they became heroic ш the way 
they would have wished or may have en- 
visioned in their daydreams, 

In the Vietnam some people remem- 
ber—Ollie North, Ronald Reagan and 
George Bush come to mind—Americans 
were heroes in chains, men who could 
have won the war given the chance and а 
free hand. 

In the Vietnam that | knew, we did 
have a free hand and we used it with lit- 
tle mercy. To me, the heroes were almost 
all on the other side—and we were 
killing them. 

Despite the valor of many, therefore, it 
seems to me that few Americans emerged 
from Vietnam as heroes. Instead, ham- 
strung by the memories of what they did 
and saw, many thousands of combat vet- 
erans, even those who were physically 
whole, came home emotionally and spir- 
ivually crippled. 

Now, 25 years later, especially when 
the war drums begin to beat, I think of 
my friend Billy and all the Vietnam vets 
like him. How many thousands, | won- 
der, still hug their knees on the hidden 
beaches of their dreams, as they 
themselves: “All them people w 
man. All them people we Killed." 

4993, FiayooY 



Biodome Chronicles 
(continued from page 112) 

four or five biomes and soon half the 
nauts аге partying down at the beach. 
Some dickhead announced he could 
walk on the ocean—oh, yeah, it was 
me—but about ten yards out I sank slow- 
ly into the slimy sludge (say that three 
times fast) and it took four nauts to pull 
me clear. 

"Then I hear a gasp and turn around 
to see Glaberson—buck naked and cov- 
ered with war paint—carrying off Li Yiu. 
We chased him but the loon disappeared 
into the rain forest yelling, “Poseidon’s 
revenge!” and “Death to mortals!” 

Hey, I'm no sec 
think we have a 
lem on our hand 

OK, so then John Wayne Riger 
rounds up а posse (everybody), arms us 
with hoes and scythes and leads us into 
the boonies. Very confident, very deter- 
mined. Ten minutes later, we're tear-ass- 
ing back to the hab in blind panic, and 
Riger's got a homemade arrow sticking 
out of his butt. 

Ме, I was making good time till an 
acacia tree impacted negatively on my 
face. I'm on my back, stunned, when 1 
hear a noise and look up in the branches 
and here's this big-eyed mama lemur 
with a baby on its back staring down at 
me. Jeez—a sign of hope! An affirmation. 
of life! "Hey, everybody,” I yell, "the pri- 
mates are reproducing! Biodome works!” 

This may sound corny, Pinc, but as 1 
got up and staggered back to the hab, 
bleeding, weeping and hurling, I felt this 

weird surge of optimism. I felt that, de- 
ie ай our problems, maybe Biodome 1 
points toward a bright new future for 
our beleaguered species on this bruised 
old planet hurtling through the black 
vastness of interstellar space, 

Or maybe it’s that I’m just as drunk as 
a boiled owl 

ropping fast, a vomitous 
is coming out of the 
sprinklers all over the Biodome and 
smoke is rising in the rain forest. We're 
worried Glaberson may have sabotaged 
the main computer. But he won't be bug- 
ging us much longer A state police 
SWAT team showed up and their guys 
are posted at all the Visitor Interat 
Noches. (They can't come inside or 
validates the whole experiment.) 

Soon as one gets a clear shot, or so the 
buzz goes, Glaberson will be composted 
and recycled into the ecosystem—like all 
nic material in the Biodome. 

You know, Pink Ass, this sulk-a-thon of 
yours is so juvenile. A guy less easygoing 
than me might take it personally. OK, so 
I put my name on your application. Hey, 
I'm sorry, all right? I was a little faced, 
that's all. Can't you take a joke? 

Gotta run, Pinc. Marcy С. Fenton 
asked me to bring some papaya punch 
over to Medical—strictly for lab analysis, 
of course. Damn, now I'll probably ђе up. 
all night doing research. 

C mon, you pinhead, lighten up! 

Your bosom bud, 

green ooze 

“We were there in December and loved it.” 


(continued from page 120) 
compliments, before anybody bought и. 
It was profoundly ugly, a portrait of bru- 
tality. The skinsuit seemed to be strain- 
ing to contain a mask of rage. Something 
truly sick burned behind the eyes. 

He propped it up on the couch and 
walked back and forth, admiring it from 
various angles. For a moment I hoped 
he would say, “This will do fine; forget 
about the nude." I didn't look for 
three weeks of his intimate company. 

“It captures something,” he said. 
ning. “I could use it to intimidate 

Phe style suits you?” 

“Yes. Yes, indeed." He looked at me 
with a sort of sq vaguely remem- 
ber fighting over some aspect of it." 

"Technical mauer | prevailed, of 
course—that's what you pay me for. 

He nodded slowly. “Well. ГИ see you 
in George Town, then." He offered his 
hand, dry and hot. 

"Friday morni I'I beat the Hilton." 
Allison put the painting into a leather 
portfolio and ushered him out 

She came back in with a color photo- 
copy of it. “Sick puppy." 

I examined the picture, nodding. 
"There's some talent here, though. A lot 
of artists are sick puppies. 

“Present company excluded. Lunch?” 

"Not today. Got a date." 


"He's out of town. Guy I met at the 

She arched an eyebrow at me. "Young 
and cute." 

“Younger than you,” | said. “Big nose, 

“Yeah, nose.” She poured herself a 
glass and refilled mine. “So you won't be 
back after lunch 


“Well, ГП be back around two, if you 
need anything.” She headed for her 
office. “Happy hose. 

"Nose, damn it" She laughed and 
whispered the door shut behind hei 

Icarried my wine over to the window. 
The icy wind was audible through the 
double-pane glass. The people on the 
sidewalk hurried, hunched over against 
the gale. Tomorrow Га be lying on 
snow-white sand, swimming in blood- 
warm water. A few days of sunshine be- 
fore Segura showed up. I drank the wine 
and shivered, 

ury, George Ш was 
bean when a sudden 
storm, probably a hurricane, smashed 
his ship to pieces. Fishermen from one 
of the Caymans braved the storm to 
go out and pick up survivor 
from what he'd thought would 
tain death, King George expressed his 
royal gr by declaring that no 

resident of the islands would ever ћаус 
to pay taxes to the British crown for the 
rest of eternity. 

So where other Caribbean islands 
have craft shops and laid-back bars, 
George Town has high-rise banks and 
surance buildings. A lot of expatriate 
Brits and Americans live and work there, 
doing business by satellite bounce. 

I have a bank account in George Town 
myself, and may retire there someday. 
For this time of my life, it’s too peaceful, 
except for the odd hurricane. I need 
Manhattan's garish excitement, the con- 
stant input, the dangerous edge 

But it's good to get away. The beach is 
an ideal place for quick figure sketches, 
so I loosened up for the commission by 
filling a notebook with pictures of 
women as they walked by or played in 
the sand and water. Drawing forces уо! 
to sec, so for the first time I was aware 
that the beauty of the native black 
women was fundamentally different 
from that of the tourists, white or black. 
lt was mainly a matter of posture and 
expression, dignified and detached. The 
tourist women were always to some ех- 
tent posing, even at their most casual. 
Which I think was the nature of the 
place, rather than some characteristic fe- 
male vanity. I normally pay much closer 
attention to men, and believe me, we 
corner the market on that small vice. 

My staff came down on Thursday 
M&M tore off into town to find out 
whether either of his girlfriends had. 
learned about the other. Allison joined 
me on the beach. 

Impressive as she is in office clothes, 
Allison is spectacular out of them. She 
has never tanned; her skin is like ivory. 
Thousands of hours in the gym have giv- 
en her the sharply defined musculature 
of a classical statue. She wore a black 
leather string bikini that revealed every- 
thing not absolutely necessary for repro- 
duction or lactation. But I don't think 
most straight men would characterize 
her as sexy. She was too formidable. 
That was all right with Allison, since she 
almost never was physically attracted to 
any man shorter or less well built than. 
she. That dismissed all but a tenth of one 
percent of the male race. She had yet to 
find an Einstein, or even a Schwarzeneg- 
ger, among the qualifiers. They usually 
turned out to be gentle but selfab- 
sorbed, predictably, and sometimes 
more interested in me than her The 
message light was on when we got back 
to the hotel; both Rhonda Speck and Se- 
gura had arrived. It "t quite ten, but 
we agreed it was too late to return their 
calls, and retired. 

1 set up the pose and lighting before 
we went under, explaining to Rhonda. 
exacily what we were after. Segura was 
silent, watching. 1 took longer than nec- 
essary, messing with the blinds and the 

rheostats Td put on the two light 
sources. I wanted Segura to get used to 
Rhonda's nudity. He was obviously as 
straight as a plank, and we didn't want 
the painting to reveal any sexual curiosi- 
ty or desire. Rhonda was only slightly 
more sexy than a mackerel, but you 
could never 

For the same reason, I didn't want to 
start the actual painting the first day. 
We'd start with a series of charcoal 
roughs. | explained to Segura about 
negative spaces and how important it 
was to establish balance between the 
light and dark. That was something Га 
already worked ош, of course. I just 
wanted him to stare at Rhonda long 
enough to become bored with the idea. 

It didn't quite work out that way. 

We didn't need a doctor's certification 
in George Town, so the setting up took a 
little less time. Artist and client lock- 
stepped into the office where Rhonda 
waited, studying the pages of notes 
stacked neatly on her desk. 

Тћете were two piano stools with 
identical newsprint pads and boxes of 
charcoal sticks. The idea was to sketch 
her from eight or ten slightly different 
angles, Segura moving around her in a 

all arc while I worked just behind 
1, looking over his shoulder. Theoret- 
ically, 1 could be anywhere, even in an- 
other room, since I was sceing her 
through his eyes. But it seems to work 
better this way, especially with a model 

1 he sketches had a lot of energy—so 
much energy that Segura actually tore 
through the paper a few times, bl. 
out the darkness around the seated 
figure. I got excited myself, and not just 
by feedback from Segura. The negative- 
space exercise is just that, an art school 
formalism, but Segura didn't know that. 
The result came close to being actual art 

I showed him that after we came out 
of the buffer. The sketches were good, 
strong abstractions. You could turn them 
upside down or sideways, retaining sym- 
metry while obliterating text, and they 
sull worked well. 

I had а nascent artist on my hands. Se- 
gura had real native talent. That didn't 
often come my way. The combination 
could produce a painting of some value, 
one that I wouldn't have been able to do 
by myself. If things worked out. 

Allison and 1 took the boat out after 
lunch—or rather, Allison took the boat. 
out with me as ballast, baking inerily un- 
der a heavy coat of total sun block. (She 
and I are almost equally pale, and that's 
not all we have in common; Um also 
nearly as well-muscled. We met at the 
weight machines in a Broadway gym.) 
She sailed and 1 watched bi 
clouds form abstract patterns in the im- 
possible cobalt sky. The soothing sounds 
of the boat lulled me to sleep—the keel 
slipping through warm water, the lines 
creaking, the ruffle of the sail: 

She woke me to help her bring it back 

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in. There was a соо! mist of rain that be- 
came intermittently heavy. A couple of 
miles from shore we started to see light- 
g, SO we struck зай and revved up the 
little motor and drove straight in, pru- 
dence conquering seamanship. 

We dried off at the marina bar and 
drank hot chocolate laced with rum, 
watching a squall linc roll across land 
and water, feeling lucky to be inside. 

"Photography tomorrow?" she asked. 

"Yeah. And then drawing, drawing, 

“The part you like best." 

“Oh, yes." Actually, 1 halfway do like i 
the way an athlete can enjoy warming 
up, in expectation of the actual event. 

The next morning I set up the cam- 
eras before we went into the skinsuits. 
The main one was a fairly complex and 
delicate piece of equipment, an antiqu 
8х10 view camera that took hair 
accurate black-and-white negatives. 1 
could have accomplished the same thing 
with a modern large-format camera, but 
I liked the smooth working of the gears, 
the smell of the oak and leather, the 
sense of contact with an earlier, less hur- 
ried age. The paradox of combining the 
technology of that age with ou 

The other camera was a medium-for- 
mat Polaroid. Buffered and suited, I led 
Segura through the arcane art and sci 
ence of tweaking lights, model, Fstop 
and exposure to produce a subtle spec- 

arum of prints: a sequence of 98 slightly 
different, and profoundly different, pic- 
tures of one woman. We studied the pic- 
tures and her and finally decided on the 
right combination. I set up the antique 
8x10 and reproduced the lighting. We 
focused it with his somewhat younger 
eyes and took three slightly different 

"Then we took the film into the dark- 
room that M&M had improvised in the 
firm's executive washroom. We devel- 
oped each sheet in Rodinal, fixed and 
washed them and hung them up weight- 
ed to dry. 

We left the darkroom and spent a few 
minutes smoking, studying Rhonda as 
she studied her law. I told her she was 
free for three days and that she should 
show up Thursday morning. She nod- 
ded curtly and left, resentful. 

Her annoyance was understandable. 
She'd been sitting there naked for all 
that time we were playing in the dark- 
room. I should have dismissed her when 
we finished shooting. 

We lit up another cigarette and I real- 
ized that it wasn't I who had kept her 
waiting. It was Segura. I'd started to tell 
her to go and then he manufactured a 
little crisis that led straight to the dark- 
room. From then on 1 hadn't thought of 
the woman except as а reversed ghost 
appearing in the developer tray. 

Under the ci mstances, it wasn't a 
bad thing to haye her hostile toward us, 
if we could capture the host 
paper. But it goes against my gr 

mistreat an employce, even à tempo- 
rary one 

We examined each of the negatives on 
a lightbox with a loupe, then took the 
best one back into the darkroom for 
printing. Plain contact prints on finest- 

л paper. The third one was perfect: 
rich and stark, almost scary in its knife- 
edge sharpness, You could sce onc 
bleached hair standing out from her left 

‘That was enough work for the day; in 
fact, we'd gone slightly over the six-hour 
limit, and both of us were starting to get 
headaches and cramps. Another half- 
hour and it would be double vision 
tremors. More than that—though Га 
never experienced it—you 
mentally confused, the two minds still 
linked electrically but no longer cooper- 
ating. Some poor guinea pigs took it as 
far as convulsions or catatonia, back 
when the buffer drug was first being 

МЕМ eased us out of it and helped us 
down to a taxi. It was only five blocks to 
the hotel, but neither of us was feeling 
particularly athletic. For some reason 
the buffer hangover hits people like те, 
in very good shape, particularly hard. 
Segura was flabby, but he had less trou- 
ble getting out of the car. 

Back in the room, I pulled the black- 
out blinds over the windows and col- 
lapsed, desperately hungry but too tired 
to do anything about it except dream 
of food. 

Allison had set up the paper, one large 
sheet of handmade hot-pressed 400- 
pound rag, soaking it overnight and 
then taping it down, giving it plenty of 
time to dry completely. That sheet of pa- 
per, the one Segura would be drawing 
on, cost more than some gallery paint- 
ings. The sheet I'd be working on was 
just paper, with a similar tooth. 

We had set up two drawing tables 
their boards at identical a 
lile high 
An opaque projector mounted above Se- 
gura shot a duplicate of yesterday's pho- 
to onto the ex] Job for 
the next three days was to execute an a 
curate but ghostlight tracing of the pi 
ture, which would be gently erased after 
the painting was done. 

Some so-called photo-realists bypass 
this step with a combination of photog- 
raphy and xerography—make a high- 
contrast print and then impress a light 
photocopy of it onto watercolor paper. 
That makes their job a high-salaried 
kind of paint-by-numbers. Doing the ac- 
tual underdrawing puts you well “into” 
the painting before the first brush is wet. 

We both sat down and went to wor! 
starung with the uniformly bound law 
books on the shelves behind Rhonda. It 
was an unchallenging, repetitive subject 
to occupy us while we got used to doing 

this kind of labor together. 

For a few minutes we worked on a 
scrap piece of paper, until I was ab- 
solutely confident of his eye and hand. 
Then we started on the real thing. 

After five grueling hours we had com- 
pleted about a third of the background, 
an area half the size of a newspaper 
page. | was pleased with that 
progress; working by myself I would 
have done little more. 

Segura was not so happy. In the taxi, 
he cradled his right hand and stared at 
it, the wrist quivering, the thumb frankly 
twitching. "How can I possibly keep this 
up?” he said. “I won't even be able to 
pick up a pencil tomorrow." 

I held out my own hand and wrist, 
steady, muscular. “But I will. That's all 
that counts 

“I could permanently damage my 

"Never happened." Of course, 14 
never worked with anyone for three 
weeks. "Go to that masseur, the man 
whose card I gave you. He'll make your 
hand as good as new. Do you still have 
the car 

“Oh, yeah.” He shifted uncomfortably 
“I don't mean to be personal, or offen- 
sive. But is this man gay? 1 would have 
trouble with that.” 

“I wouldn't know. We don't have little 
badges or a secret handshake" He 
didn't laugh, but he looked less grim. 
*My relationship with him is professi 
al. I wouldn't know whether or not he is 
gay." Actually, since our professional re- 
lationship included orgasm, if he wasn't 
gay, he was quite a Method actor. But I 
assumed he would divine Segura's oi 
entation as quickly as I had. А masseur 
ought to have a feel for his clients. 

The next day went a lot better. Like 
myself, Segura was heartened by the 
sight of the previous day's careful work 
outline. We worked faster and with equal 
care, finishing all of the drawing except 
for the woman and the things on the 
desk in front of her. 

It was on the third day that I had the 
first inkling of trouble. Working on the 
image of Rhonda, Segura wanted to beat 
down too hard. That could be disas- 
trous; if the pencil point actually broke 
the fibers of paper along a line, it could 
never be completely erased. You can't 
have outlines in this kind of pai Es 
just sharply defined masses perfectly 
joining other sharply defined masses. A 
репа line might as well be an inkblot 

I thought the pressure was because of 
simple muscular fatigue. Segura was not 
in good physical shape. His normal 
workday comprised six hours in confer- 
ence and six hours talking on the phone 
or dictating correspondence. He took а 
perverse pride in not even being able to. 
keyboard. He never lifted anything 
heavier than a cigarette. 

People who think art isn’t physically 


demanding ought to uy to sit in one po- 
sition for six hours, brush or pencil in 
hand, staring at something or someone 
and trying to transfer its essence to a 
piece of paper or canvas, Even an athlet- 
ic person leaves that arena with aches 
and twinges. A couch potato like Segura 
can't even walk away without help. 

He never complained, though, other 
than expressing concern that his fatigue 
might interfere with the project. I reas- 
sured him. In fact, I had once completed 
а successful piece with a quadriplegic so 
frail he couldn't sign his name the same 
way twice. We taught ourselves how to 
hold the brush in our teeth 

It was a breathtaking moment when 
we turned off the overhead projector for 
the last time. The finished drawing float- 
са on the paper, an exquisite ghost of 
what the painting would become. 
Through Segura's eyes I stared at it 
hungrily for 15 or 20 minutes, mapping 
out strategies of frisket and mask, in my 
mind's eye seeing the paper glow 
through layer after careful layer of glaze. 
It would be perfect. 


Rhonda wasn't in a great mood, com- 
ing back to sit afier three days on her 
own, but even she seemed to share our 
excitement when she saw the under- 
drawing. It made the project real 

The first step was to paint a careful 
frisket over her figure, as well as the 
chair, the lamp and the table with их 
clutter. That took an hour, since the 
figure was more than a foot high on the 
paper. I also masked out reflections on a 
vase and the glass front of a bookcase. 

I realized it would be good to start the 
curtains with a thin wash of Payne's gray, 
which is not a color I normally keep on 
my palette, so I gave Rhonda а five- 
minute break while 1 rummaged for it. 
She put on a robe and walked over to the 
painting and gasped. We heard her 
across the room. 

I looked over and saw what had dis 
tressed her. The beautifully detailed pic 
ture of her body had been blotted out 
with gray frisket 1 it did look weird. 
She was a nonbeing, a featureless nega- 
tive space hovering in the middle of an 
almost photographic depiction of a 
room. All three of us laughed at her re- 
action. I started to explain, but she knew 
about frisketing; it had just taken her by 

Even the best facilitators have mo- 
ments of confusion, when their client's 
emotional reaction to a situation is total. 
ly at odds with their own. This was one 
of those times: My reaction to Rhonda's 
startled response was a kind of ironic 
empathy, but Segura's reaction was mali- 
cious glee. 

I could see that he disliked Rhonda at 
a very deep level. What I didn't see (al- 
though Allison had known from the first. 

SA | 


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day) was that it wasn’t just Rhonda. It 
was women in general. 

I've always liked women myself, even 
though I've known since 13 or 14 that I 
would never desire them. It's pernicious 
to generalize, but 1 think that my friend- 
ships with women have usually been 
deeper and more honest than they 
would have been had 1 been straight. А 
straight man can simply like a woman 
and desire her friendship, but there's al- 
ways à molecule or two of testosterone 
buzzing between them, if they are both 
of an age and social situation where sex 
might be a possibility, however remote. 1 
have to handle that complication with 
some men whom I know or suspect are 
gay even when I feel no particular ас 
traction toward them. 

The drawing had gone approximately 
from upper left to lower right, then back 
to the middle for the figure, but the 
painting would have to proceed in a less 
straightforward way. You work ай over 
the painting at once: a layer of rose mad- 
der on the spines of one set of books and 
on the shady side of the vase and on two 
of the flowers. You need a complete 
mental picture of the finished painting 
so you can predict the sequence of 
glares, sometimes covering up areas with 
frisket or, when there were straight lines, 
with drafting tape. The paper was dry, 
though, so it was usually just a matter of 
careful brushwork—pathologically сагс- 
ful: You can't erase paint. 

Of course, Khonda had to sit even 
though for the first week her image 
would be hidden behind frisket. Her 
skin tones affected the colors of every- 
thing else. Her emotional presence af- 
fected the background. And Segura 
fecling toward her "colored" the paint- 
ing, literally. 

"The work went smoothly. It was a 
good thing Segura had suggested the 
al painting; we'd been able to talk over 
the necessity for occasional boldness and 
spontaneity, to keep the painting from 
becoming an exercise in careful drafts- 
manship. Especially with this dark, sinis- 
ter background, we often had to work 
glazes wet-into-wet. Making details soft 
and diffuse at the periphery of a paint- 
ing can render it more realistic rather 
than less. Our own eyes see the world 
with precision only in a surprisingly 
small area around the thing that has our 
ention. The rest is blur, more or less 
ignored. (The part of the mind that is 
not ignoring the background is the ani- 
s for a sudden move- 
a painting can derive ten- 
sion from that.) 

Segura and I worked so well together 
that it was going to cost me money; the 
painting would be complete in closer to 
two weeks than three. When I men- 
tioned this he said not to worry; if the 
painting was good, he'd pay the second 
million regardless of the amount of time 

154 (he'd paid a million down before we left 

New York), and he was sure the painting 
would be good. 

OF course, there was arithmetic in- 
volved there, as well as art. Fortune listed 
his income last year as $98 million. He 
probably wanted to get back to his quar- 
ter-million-a-day telephone. 

So the total time from photography to 
finished background was only 11 days, 
and I was sure we could do the figure 
and face in a day, We still had a couple of 
hours’ buffer lefi when we removed the 
frisket, but 1 decided to stop at that 
point. We studied her for ап hour or so, 

‘The sketches were accurate, but in a 
way they were almost caricatures, angu- 
lar, hostile. As art, they were not bad, 
though like Segura's initial self- portrait, 
they were fundamentally, intentionally 
Үй ils se гаас 
and sardonic eye ћете: How са 
shaped breast or the lush curve o! 
be both beautiful and ugly? Cover the 
dark, dagger-staring face of Olympia and 
drink in the lovely body. Then uncover 
the face. 

That quality would be submerged in 
the final painting. It would be a beautiful 
picture, dramatic but exquisitely bal- 
anced, The hatred of women there but 
concealed, like an underpainting. 

It was a great physical relief to be 
nearing the end. I'd never facilitated for 
more than five days in a row, and the 
skinsuit was becoming repulsive to me. I 
was earning my long vacation. 

That night I watched bad movies and 
drank too much. The morning vas bril- 
liant, but I was not. M&M injected me 
with a cocktail of vitamins and speed that 
burned away the hangover. 1 knew I'd 
come down hard by nightfall, but the 
painting would be done long before then. 

Segura was jittery, snappish, as we 
prepared for the last day. Maybe M&M 
gave him a little something along with 
the buffer, to calm him down. Maybe it 
wasn't a good idea. 

Rhonda was weird that morning, 100, 
with good reason. She was finally the fo- 
cus of our attention and she played her 
part well. Her concentration on us was 
ferocious, her contempt palpable. 

I dabbed frisket on a few highlights— 
collarbone, breast, eye and that glossy 
hair—and then put in a pale flesh-col- 
ored wash over everything, cadmium- 
yellow light with a speck of rose. While it 
dried, we smoked a cigarette and stared 
at her. Rhonda had made it clear that 
she didn't like smoke, and we normally 
went into another гоош or at least моод 
by an open window. Not today, though. 

had a little difficulty controlling Se- 
gura: He was mesmerized by her face 
and kept wanting to go back to it. But it 
doesn't work that way; the glazes go on 
in a particular order, one color at various 

places on the body ай at once. If you 
finished the face and then worked your 
way down, the skin tones wouldn't quite 
match. And there was actual loathing be- 
hind his obsession with her face, some- 
thing close to nausea. 

That feeling fed his natural amateur- 
ish desire to speed up, just to find out 
what the picture was going to look like. 
In retrospect, I wonder whether there 
might have been something sin 
about that, as well. 

It was obvious that the face and figure 
would take longer than I had planned, 
maybe half again as long, with so much 
of my attention going into hauling in on 
the reins. His impatience would cost us 
ап extra day in the skinsuits, which an- 
noyed me and further slowed us down. 

Here I have to admit to a lack of em- 
pathy, which for a facilitator is tanta- 
mount to a truck driver admitting to 
falling asleep at the wheel. My own re- 
vulsion at having to spend another day 
confined in plastic masked what Segura 
was feeling about his own confinement. I 
was not alert. 1 had lost some of my pro- 
fessional control. I didn't see where his 
disgust was lcading him, Icading us. 

This is hindsight again: One of the 
ents that Segura translated into millions 
of dollars was an ability to hide his emo- 
tions, to make pcople misread him. This 
was not something he had to project; he 
did it automatically, the way a pathologi- 
са! liar will he even when there is noth- 
ing at stake. The misogyny that seemed 
10 flood his attitude toward the paint- 
nd Rhonda—was only a small 
n of what he must have actually 
felt, emotions amplified by the buffer 
drug and empath circuitry. Some wom- 
an must have hurt him profoundly, 
peatedly, when he was а child. Ма 
that’s just amateur psychology. I don't 
think so. If it had a sexual component, it 
would have felt q dillerent, and 1 
would have instantly picked up on it. His 
hate was more primitive, inchoate 

I knew already that Segura was the 
kind of person who tightens up during 
facilitation, which was a rclicf; they're 
easier to work with. Doubly a relief with 
Segura, since from the beginning I felt 1 
didn’t want to know him all that well. 

I might have prevented it by quitting 
early. But 1 wanted to do all the light 
passages and then start the next day 
with a fresh palette, loaded with dark. 
Perhaps I also wanted to punish Segura, 
or push him. 

‘The actions were simple, if the motiva- 
tions were not. We had gone 20 minutes 
past the six-hour mark and had perhaps 
another half hour to go. I had an annoy- 
ing headache, not bad enough to make 
me quit. I assumed Segura felt the same. 
ery now and then we approached 
Rhonda to adjust her pose. Only a man- 
nequin could retain exactly the same 
posture all day. Her chin had fallen 

slightly. Segura got up and walked to- 
ward her. 

1 don't remember feeling his hand slip 
ош and pick up the large wash brush, 
one that we hadn't used since the first 
day. Its handle is a stick of hardwood 
that is almost an inch in diameter, end- 
ing in a sharp bevel. I never thought of it 
as a weapon. 

He touched her chin with his left 
forefinger and she tilted her head up, 
closing her eyes. Then with all his 
strength he drove the sharp stick into 
her chest. 

The blast of rage hit me without warn- 
ing. I fell backward off the stool and 
struck my head. It didn’t knock me out, 
but I was stunned, disoriented. I heard 
Rhonda's scream, which became а horri- 
ble series of liquid coughs, and heard the 
paper and desk accessories scattering as 
(we later reconstructed) she lurched for- 
ward and Segura pushed her face down 
onto the desk. Then there were three 
meaty sounds as he punched her repeat- 
edly in the back with the handle of the 

About this time M&M and Allison 
came rushing through the door. 1 don't 
know what Allison did, other than not 
scream. M&M pulled Segura off Rhon- 
da's body, a powerful forearm scissored 
across his throat, cutting off his wind. 

1 couldn't breathe either, of course. I 
started flopping around, gagging, and 
M&M yelled for Allison to unhook me. 
She turned me over and ripped off the 
top part of the skinsuit and jerked the 
electrodes free. 

Then I could breathe, but little else. 1 
heard the quiet struggle between M&M 
and Segura, the one-sided execution. 

Allison carried me into the prep room 
and completed the procedure that M&M 
normally did, stripping off the skinsuit 
and giving me the shot. In about ten 
minutes I was able to dress myself and 
go back into the office. 

M&M had laid out Rhonda's body on 
a printers dropsheet, facedown in a 
shockingly large pool of blood. He had 
cleaned the blood off the desk and was 
waxing it. The lemon varnish smell 
didn't mask the smell of freshly 
butchered meat. 

Segura lay where he had been 
dropped, his limbs at odd angles, his 
face bluish behind the skinsuit mask. 
lison sat on the couch, motionless, 
prim, impossibly pale. “What now?” she 
said softly. M&M looked up and raised 
his eyebrows. 

I thought. “One thing we ћаус to 
agree on before we leave this room,” 1 
said, “is whether we go to the police 
or... take care of it ourselves." 

“The publicity would be terrible,” АЈ 
son said. 

“They also might hang us,” M&M 
said, “if they do that here.” 

“Let's not find out,” I said, and out- 
lined my plan to them. 

It took a certain amount of money. It 
wasa good thing I had the million in ad- 
vance. We staged a tragic accident, trans- 
ferring both of their bodies to a small 
boat whose inboard motor leaked gaso- 
line. They were less than a mile from 
shore when thousands saw the huge 
blossom of flame light up the night, and 
before rescuers could reach the hulk, the 
fire had consumed it nearly to the water- 
line. Burned almost beyond recognition, 
the "artist" and bis model lay in a final 

1 finished the face of the picture my- 
self. A look of pleasant surprise, mischie- 
vousness. The posture that was to have 
communicated hardness was trans- 
formed into that of a woman galvanized 
by surprise, perhaps expectation. 

We gave it to Segura's family, along 
with the story we'd given to the press: 
Crusty financier falls in love with young 
law student/model. It was an unlikely 
story to anyone who knew Segura well, 

but the people who knew him well жеге 
busy scrambling after his fortune. His 
sister put the picture up for auction in 
two weeks, and since its notoriety hadn't 
faded, it brought her $2.2 million. 

There's nothing like a good love story 
that ends in tragedy. 

Back in New York, I looked at my situ- 
ation and decided I could afford to quit. 
1 gave Allison and M&M generous sever- 
ance pay, and what I got for the studio 
paid for even nicer places in Maine and 
Key West. 

1 sold the facilitating equipment and 
have since devoted myself to pure water- 
colors and photography. People under- 
stood. This latest tragedy on top of the 
grotesque experience with the Monster. 

But 1 downplayed that angle. 1 want- 
ed to do my own work. I was tired of col- 
laboration, and especially tired of the 
skinsuit. The thousand decisions every 
hour, in and out of control. 

You never know whose hand is pick- 
ing up the brush. 

"Whaddya expect, baby? I'm a stand-up comedian." 



CO-PILOT (uii 

“The СОР in the most populous state is within a few 
voles of being controlled by the Christian right." 

tallied. From nowhere, conservative 
Christians had grabbed dozens of seats. 
“The militant newcomers are now close 
to controlling the Republican Party in 
Pennsylvania, too. 

In June, in the San Diego County 
towns of Lemon Grove and Fl Cajon. a 
slate of “pro-family” Christian right ac- 

s financed by a group of conserva- 
tive businessmen swept the Republican 
primary for all of the open council seats, 
along with a slew of state assembly seats. 
On the same day, several hundred miles 
to the north in Santa Clara County, an- 
other slate of "biblically oriented" candi- 
dates—committed to the death penalty 
for such sins as homosexuality and abor- 
tion—captured 14 of 20 seats on the Re- 
publican county central committee. 
The GOP apparatus in the nation's most 
populous state is within a few votes of 
being absolutely controlled by the 
Christian right. 

These not-so-isolated incidents fore- 
shadow a change taking place in Ameri- 
can politics—a shift that has nothing to 
do with bounced checks, smoking bim- 
bos. talk shows. dirty tricks or any other 
floating ephemera of campaign 1992 
Across the nation, in primary after pri- 
mary, stunned Republican leaders 
echoed the lament of one longtime party 
activist in Texas, a personal friend of 
Barbara Bush, who suddenly found 
herself ousted by the fundamentalists. 
"They organized and we didn't,” she 
said. "I didn't think it was going to be 
this bad.” 

A leading Christian right organizer in 
southern California put it much more 
cheerfully when he said, “How do you 
eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” 

The elephant being eyed so hungrily 
by the Christian right seems to be in no 
position to defend itself. If the Republi- 
cans were vulnerable to a takeover by 
Robertson's forces before November's 
debacle, they are even more so now. 

On Election Day, as the Bush-Quayle 

ticket sank, taking many Republican 
candidates down with it, the Christian 
Coalition claimed several key victories, 
particularly the defeat of Terry Sanford. 
(the liberal Democratic senator from 
North Carolina) and the passage of an 
antigay referendum in Colorado. A few 
weeks later, when a special runoff elec- 
tion was held to choose a senator in 
Georgia, the religious right muscled in- 
cumbent Democrat Wyche Fowler, Jr, 
out of his seat in favor of Republican 
Paul Coverdell. Bill Clinton had taken 
time from his transition chores to cam- 
paign for Fowler, and the senator’s loss 
marked the first political setback for the 

Like the hapless Republican moder- 
ates, you probably thought you no 
longer had to worry about the likes of 
Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry 
Falwell. It's true that those three divines 
are gone, but the vacuum they left has 
been more than filled by Pat Robertson 
and a host of lesser inquisitors, And the 
smiling host of The 700 Club—an ex- 
tremely wealthy businessman, whose fa- 
ther vas a Democratic U.S. senator and 
who controls a worldwide communica- 
tions network—is smarter, tougher and 
far more committed than his brethren 
who fell by the wayside. Thanks to his 
1988 presidential candidacy, moreover, 
Robertson is now the acknowledged, 
preeminent political leader of right-wing 
evangelicals in America. He has no rivals 
of any significance. 

Even now, only a few Americans are 
aware of the resurrection of the Chris- 
tian right, a political movement pro- 
nounced dead at the end of the Eighties, 
because it has occurred in places largely 
unnoticed by Beltway pundits. Report- 
ers and commentators, fascinated by the. 
fleeting phenomena of Ross Perot and 
Jerry Brown, ignored Robertson and his 
troops for most of the election year, just 

as they have since the televangelist's own 
1988 campaign ended in failure. 

Since the shock of the Republican con- 
vention, there has been a smattering of 
press attention, chiefly in the major na- 
tional dailies. Reporters occasionally 
turn to Ralph Reed, Jr, the baby-faced 
but aggressive young executive director 
of Christian Coalition, for comment. But 
most political analysts still have only the 
vaguest idea of what Robertson has been 
up to the past few years. He and his allies 
have been funneling millions of dollars 
into the Christian Coalition, which now 
has more than 550 chapters and hun- 
dreds of thousands of members in all 50 
states. Last year the coalition spent about 
$8 million, tax-exempt, on “voter educa- 
tion” efforts. 

Back when Robertson was running for 
president, he often complained about 
the national media’s scornful attitude to- 
ward his conversations with God and his 
claims of working miracles. But these 
days the skept 
just fine. Much as Robertson still loves 
the sound of his own voice, the preacher 
has called no press conferences to boast 
about the quiet victories his candidates 
have scored. Н ill rarely mentions 
Christian Coalition in the secular media. 

Last May, for instance, when he was 
trying to buy United Press International, 
Robertson appeared on CNN's Larry 
King Live and talked about politics, but 
not Christian politics. He understands 
that political guerrilla warfare is most ef- 
fective when nobody's looking. “I paint 
my face and travel at night" is how Ralph 
Reed describes Christian Coalition's 
stealthy campaign methods. “ 

You don't 
know it's over until you're in a body bag. 
You don't know until election night." 

As Pat Robertson's. organizers fan 
out across the countryside. registering 
churchgoers, canvassing "pro-family" 
voters, preparing campaign literature, 
training predinct captains and keeping а 
low profile, he seeks nothing less than 
control of the Republican Party by the 
christian right. While it may sound am- 
bitious, seizing the GOP is only the first 
step in a plan that begins at the bottom 
of the political system and extends far 
beyond the current electoral horizon 

“Our next goal is to elect conservative 
pro-family majorities in the legislatures 
of at least thirty-five states. Then, when 
we get that, we'll go on to fifty,” Robert- 
son told an audience of 800 Christian ас 
tivists during a closed meeting at his 
ginia headquarters in November 1991. 
“We want to see a working majority of 
the Republican Party in the hands of 
pro-family Christians by 1996 or sooner. 
Of course, we want to see the White 
House in pro-family Christian hands, at 
least by the year 2000 or sooner, if the 
Lord permits. 

This patient approach has in no way 
tempered the fanatic ideology of Robert- 
son's theocracy. As always, he ended his 

speech with а prayer while his listeners 
stood, dosed their eyes and held hands. 
“That we will see the standard of biblical 
values raised over this land." he intoned, 
"and that those who have mocked You 
and cursed You and cast out Your people 
as evil will be put down, and that Your 
people will be lifted up. Now, God, we 
pray that You will use us." 

After spending more than $25 million 
and a vast reservoir of his followers" 
emotional energy on his 1988 campaign, 
Robertson went to the Republican con- 
vention with only 120 delegates. When 
Bush had defeated him on Super Tues- 
day throughout his native South, Rob- 
ertson's career in politics, despite a few 
promising moments during the primary 
contests in Iowa and Michigan, seemed 
wasted. Even worse, Robertson's grass- 
roots lobbying and political action 
group, the Freedom Council, was dis- 
solved in the st of an Internal Rev- 
enue Service investigation into its al- 
leged use of tax-exempt status to boost 
Robertson's political aspirations. 

So, as Bush was inaugurated, it ap- 
peared that the Virginia evangelists 
rantings would thereafter be confined to 
his growing television empire. But in the 
summer of 1989, as Robertson likes to 
tell it, he received а call from a Louisiana 

man named Billy McCormack, who had 
served as that state’s coordinator of his 
presidential effort. 

“Pat,” said McCormack, “you ran for 
president and you spent a great deal 
of money and a great deal of time and 
personal suffering. If you do not get 
back into this situation, all your effort 
will have been for naught. There are 
people by the hundreds of thousands 
around this country waiting to rally to 

Robertson says he prayed for political 
guidance and discovered that Ме 
Cormack was right: God did want him to 
get back into the political arena. That 
September the televangelist called a 
meeting in Atlanta of about two dozen 
key supporters of his 1988 race to forma 
new organization. And the name? They 
considered titles such as Society of Tradi- 
tional Values or the Pro-Family Agenda 
League, but Robertson thundered, “Мо! 
1 am a Christian. I am not ashamed of 
Jesus. And we will call this the Christian 
Coalition. If other people don't like it, 
that’s just tough luck." 

The way Robertson talks about the 
naming of his new organization offers in- 
sight into the mentality behind the 
Christian right's revival. As with many 
other groups in America, evangelicals 
are nowadays inclined to think of them- 
selves as victims—an oppressed minority 
within a secular humanist society that 

doesn't understand them. This culture 
of victimization has been a staple of 
Robertson's preaching for years, and it 
forms an important part of Christian 
Coalition ideology. 

But the victims of secular humanism 
are special, as Robertson always notes, 
because they have been chosen by God 
to rule. "We're going to sec a society,” he 
promises, "where the people of God 
once again are where God intended 
them to be. We will be the head and not 
the tail 

Of course, right now the grass-roots 
members of the Christian Coalition are 
deeply concerned over the prospect of 
an immoral Clinton presidency. As pres- 
ident-elect, the Arkansan immediately 
defied the Christian right by repeating 
his campaign promises to protect abor- 
tion rights and to permit homosexuals 
to join or remain in the military. While 
Clinton may be less liberal on certain 
issues than the rest of his party, he is 
quite plainly а product of the sexual 

Clearly, the utopia Robertson has 
promised his followers will have to wait 
until Clinton has vacated the White 
House. In the Christian America to 
come, says Robertson, "those who read 
these filthy books and engage in these 
filthy practices and who are out drunk 
and taking drugs, those people are go- 
ing to be the ones who are ashamed of 


How to order them 
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their conduct." 

In Robertson's America, pornography 
(very loosely defined) would be out- 
lawed, along with abortion, homosexual- 
ity and extramarital sex. There would be 
far more stringent restrictions on di- 
vorce and the sale of alcohol. The gov- 
ernment would no longer provide pub- 
lic education or social welfare, both of 
which would be in the hands of the 
churches. Robertson has said that he 
looks forward to a time when not only 
"the men in the Senate and the House 
are spirit-filled and worship Jesus 
Christ" but the judges in every court- 
house are speaking in tongues. Robert- 
son's cohort includes a faction to the 
right of Pat himself. The Christian re- 
constructionists cite the Old Testament 
to urge the death penalty for gays and 
for doctors who perform abortions. 

Such medieval legislation isn't exactly 
imminent. But in the meantime, Chris- 
tian rightists are applying their princi- 
ples at the local level—particularly on 
school boards, where the Christian 
Coalition has achieved notable success in 
recent elections. On that level, the Chris- 
tian right has undertaken campaigns to 
censor such sinister humanist texts as 
Little Red Ridinghood (in which Grand- 
ma drinks a glass of wine) and to abolish 
school breakfast programs as a threat to 
family values. 

Despite the bizarre theocratic notions 
espoused by the Christian Coalition's 
leaders, the group's meetings seem 
more like seminars than revival meet- 
ings. There are prayers and usually 
some discussion of the enemy: feminists, 
gays. the media, Democrats and demon- 
ic Republican moderates. There's always 
at least one speech denouncing abortion. 

Lee Atwater, who died in 1991, was 
the acknowledged master of the dirty 
campaign, and his spirit survives in 
Christian Coalition politics. Atwater is 
the man cited most often as a political 
authority by Robertson, Ralph Reed and 
other coalition leaders. 

Beginning in the fall of 1991 and con- 
tinuing for 12 months thereafter, Chris- 
tian Coalition organizers distributed 
costly “precinct action kits” to their local 
operatives, helping them identify “pro- 
family” voters to be turned out on 
tion Day. For more than a year, coal 
members were on the phones, night aí- 
ter night, dialing their neighbors to com- 
pile computerized lists showing who 15 
registered, who is a Republican, who op- 
poses abortion and who vored in 1988 
for George Bush. Those people received 
the voter guides to help them decide 
which candidates were morally fit for 
public office, from president on down to 

The president lost, but the dogcatch- 
ers won. And for the Christian Coalition, 
that is the place to start building real 
power. Both the coalition and groups 
158 opposing it, such as People for the Amer- 


ican Way, estimate that Christian right 
candidates won as many as 500 seats in 
various legislative and local government 
races across the country in November. 
Those are impressive results for a group. 
that essentially didn't exist as a national 
entity a year earlier. 

Nothing displayed Robertson's new 
pragmatism morc clearly than his cm- 
brace of Bush, a man he surely despised. 
He endorsed the president more than a 
year before the 1992 election, and the 
Christian Coalition worked hard for his 
doomed campaign. This was despite the 
fact that many of the coalition's top ac- 
tivists preferred Patrick Buchanan (as 
did, according to Robertson's own 
phone polls, the vast majority of his 700 
Club viewers). 

Actually, the hapless Bush represented 
the forces in the Republican Party that 
Robertson would like to drive out. 1n his 
1988 autobiography, Bush boasted of his 
confrontations in Houston during the 
early Sixues with right-wing nut cakes 
on the fringes of the GOP—members of 
the John Birch Society who suspected 
that Bush might be a one-world tool of 
the communist Wall Street international- 
ist conspiracy. 

Robertson did not like Bush's new 
world order, vicwing it as the latest vari- 
ant of that same old communistic Wall 
Street plot. Except that, having appro- 
priated all the musty Bircher mumbo 
jumbo, the reverend has upped the ante 
just a bit. According to him, the entire 
conspiracy has been personally orches- 
trated by the Devil himself. 

"Indeed," warns Robertson, “it may 
well be that men of goodwill such as 
Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter and 
George Bush, who sincerely wanted a 
larger community of nations living at 
peace in our world, arc in reality un- 
knowingly and unwittingly carrying out 
the mission and mouthing the phrases of 
a tighdy knit cabal whose goal is nothing 
less than a new order for the human race 
under the domination of Lucifer and his 

Duped by a Satanic conspiracy? That's 
worse than anything Bill Clinton ever 
said about Bush, It must have been even 
harder for Robertson to support Bush 
than it was for most other Republican: 
But with Bush out of the way, the que: 
tion of whom to support in 1996 is a 
daunting one. Dan Quayle was a favorite 
of the Christian Coalition, but he's taint- 
ed, too. Buchanan is well-liked, but 
there's a slightly embarrassing problem 

n, they aren't religiously 
“saved.” William Bennett, the former 
drug czar who is mulling a presidential 
run, is also Catholic. 

Jack Kemp, currently the most popu- 
lar Republican, was raised as a Christian 
Scienust. As far as the evangelical right is 
concerned, that’s close to Satan worship. 

Kemp is also something of a bleeding- 
heart conservative, especially in his atti- 
tudes toward government action to revi- 
talize urban ghettos. Worst of all, ће 
doesn't have the family-values luster the 
coalition prefers. 

All of which leaves Robertson himself. 
Does that sound more ludicrous than 
ominous? Maybe, but in 1988 the Vir- 
ginia preacher didn't do much worse 
than Kemp, who is considered the Re- 
publican front-runner right now. If Pres- 
ident Clinton fails, if the nation suffers 
further economic decline or moral 
doubt, an electorate that is simultane- 
ously angry and inattentive may be capa- 
ble of actions that are awesomely self-de- 
structive. In 1992 we had a closc call 
with Ross Perot. 

There may not be much chance that 
a majority of Americans would willingly 
vote to overturn the Constitution and to 
surrender their freedom to a band of re- 
ligious zealots. But the long-term plan of 
the Christian right no longer relies on the 
so-called moral majority. Its new strategy 
depends on a tiny but disciplined minor- 
ity that can exploit voter apathy and ig- 
norance to gain power incrementally— 
first on school boards, then in state 
legislatures and finally in Washington. 

Should the Christian right succeed in 
taking over the Republican Party, it will 
inherit an extremely powerful appara- 
tus. Such a party, running against the 
usually fractious and disorganized Пет- 
ocrats, is a chi 

The irony is that if it does come to 
pass, it will happen because the ordinary 
couch potatocs did what they usually do: 
nothing. Most of them won't know 
what's happened until their favorite TV 
shows are censored. 

Read what Guy Rodgers, the director 
of organizing for the Christian Coalition, 
has said to audiences around the coun- 
try for the past year: “In a presidential 
election, when more voters turn out 
than in any other election, only fifteen 
percent of eligible voters actually deter- 
mine the outcome. How can that be? 
Well, of all the adults eighteen and over 
eligible to vote, only about sixty percent 
are registered to vote. It's less than that 
in many states. Of those registered to 
vote, in a good turnout, only half go to 
the polls. That means thirty percent of 
those eligible are actually voting. So 
fifteen percent determines the outcome 
in a high-turnout election, In low- 
turnout elections—city council, county 
commission, state legislature—the per- 
centage that determines who wins can be 
as low as six or seven percent. 

“Is this sinking in? We don't have to 
worry about persuading a majority of 
Americans to agree with us. Most of 
them are staying home and watching 
Falcon Crest. Do you understand?” 

Well, do you? 


(continued from page 32) 
woman and a young child. “My brother's 
family,” he told her. 

Bettie and Carlos were on his bed 
when they heard а pounding on the 
door. It was his wife, of course, in a fury. 
Carlos advised Bettie to hide in the clos- 
et, Three seconds later, Carlos” wife 
swung the closet door wide open, calling. 
Bettie a home wrecker. “She was obvi- 
ously very much in love with Carlos. 1 
left there feeling lower than a snake.” 
Carlos phoncd Bettie every day for 
months, but tlie magic was gone: 

It was on a Florida vacation with fel- 
low model Bunny Yeager, an accom- 
plished photographer in her own right, 
that Bunny took the famous leopard- 
skin photographs now prized by Beuie's 
fans. Back in New York, she faced a dif- 
rent kind of publicity. Senator Estes 
Kefauver, from Bettic’s home state of 
Tennessee, subpoenaed her and Irving 
Klaw to testify in a 1955 obscenity in- 
quiry. Klaw destroyed hundreds of pre- 
cious Betty negatives before angrily tak- 
g the Fifth Amendment. Bettie waited 
36 des outside the committee's cham- 
bers and was never called. 

Bettie disappeared at the end of 1957. 

figured everyone had enough of me. I 
was thirty-four years old and beginning 
to decline as a model.” That was onl 
Bettie's opinion. She was still very mucl 
in demand. But with an estimated half 
million photos now on file, she felt the 
public had enough 

I found Bettie the old-fashioned way. 
1 tracked down leads, waited on 
doorsteps, connected one piece of infor- 
mation to another. She still has her 
trademark bangs and her warm South- 
ern accent. She gladly filled me in on the 
second half of her life. 

In 1957, she went back to Florida. She 
was teaching fifth grade when she mar- 
ried a man 12 years younger. “He had 
very few interests. Sex. And movies. And 
hamburgers. He let me cook nothing but 
hamburgers for ten months before we 
were divorced,” 

Afier her broken marriage, she found 
jesus. The precise moment was New 
Years Eve, 1959. She was mesmerized 
bya huge neon cross and the sermon she 
heard inside the church. She wanted to 
learn more. 

Bettie went to Bible school, “the three 
happiest years of my life.” By the early 
xties she had lost touch with her New 
York friends. Many assumed she was 
now ashamed of her past life. But Веше 
is an unconventional Cl n. “I would 
at any time, declare pinups a sin. 

y re beautiful to look at. And if I ever 
did cross any line, I know that Jesus 
very forgiving.” 

What caused Bettie to completely 

troubled reuni 
with her first husband, Billy “1 met 
him again in 1963. 1 was in Nashville 
taking care of my father, who'd just lost 
both legs to diabetes. 1 led Billy to the 
Lord, and my professors at Bible school 
id that 1 must remarry bim. It was a 

Bettie seemed destined to relive other 
parts of her early life. She went back to 
Peabody College in 1964 to earn her 
masters degree in English. But again 

wouldn't accept the credits.” She never 
got her degree. 

There followed another failed mar- 
riage, then divorce and a nervous break- 
down. When she left the hospital, she re- 
turned to her third husband's home, this 
time not as his wife but as his house- 
keeper and gardener. In the late Seven- 
ties she moved to California, a dark peri- 
od that she is happily out of now. She's 
proud of her life these days, satisfied 
with its balance. She's nearing 70 and 
living with other people her age. She 
takes day trips or goes window-shopping 
nearly every day. 

Bettie Page has not profited from the 
Betty boom. She wasn't even aware of its 
scope when I contacted her. Only now 
has she set up a post-office box where 
people can mail her share of the royal- 
ues. Ihus far, only two checks have 
arrived, from Lifestyles of the Rich and 
Famous and from the artist Greg Theak- 
ston, publisher of The Betty Pages maga- 
zine. [For a sample copy of the magazine 
send $6 to Pure Imagination, 88 Lexing- 
ton Avenue, Suite 2E, New York, МУ. 
10016. A signed and numbered print of 
the poster that appeared on page 123 of 
the December rLaysoy costs $40. For 
$150 you can have a print signed by Bet- 
i n. A share 
heakston, will 

of the profits, promises 
go to Bettie.—Ed.] 
Bettie is far from rich, living almost 
entirely on Social Security, and though 
she doesn’t complain she does think of 
what might have been. She remembers 
her acting cla New York with 

ses in 

never made 
She never а 
ly screen test 
dictorian, for soi 
ever Ме gave m 

Bettie has no plans to meet her fans, 
preferring to guard her privacy. In the 
December млувоу, writer Buck Henry 
ity tale with 
Bettie is hard- 
"I was 
never ambitious. And 1 was never 
ashamed. And 1 was never the girl next 


ed after that one саг- 
‘Afier losing out as vale- 
reason, I took what- 

no discernible moral." 
pressed to supply one herself 

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“Taxpayers paid for J. Edgar Hoover's regular ship- 
ment of steaks that were flown in from Texas.” 

out about grilling, you should read A. 
Cort Sinnes’ book The Grilling Encyclope- 
dia. He's the grilling maestro." 

Writer Armistead Maupin says that 
how you cook a steak isn't as important 
as where you get it. In his opinion, that 
place should be New Zealand, where he 
lives for half the year. Kiwi lamb or beef 
on the barbie, marinated with spring 
onions and local wine and seared on 
both sides, he says, is worth a visit down 

Maupin is not the only one willing to 
go the distance for his favorite meats. 
Some beefy facts about the onetime head 
of the FBI were uncovered by Curt Gen- 
try while he researched his book J. Edgar 
Hoover. The Man and the Secrets. Appar- 
ently, taxpayers paid for Hoover's regu- 
lar shipment of steaks that were flown 
into Washington from Texas. He also 

had a special agent fly from Beverly Hills 
to deliver Chasen's famous cl The 
"top secret" recipe for the chili hasn't 
changed in 60 years, and Chasen's boasts 
that almost every president has had it 
sent to the White House. Here are the 
ingredients, as published by The Los An- 
geles Times in 1989: 

% pound dry pinto beans 

5 cups chopped tomatoes 

1 pound chopped green peppers 

1% tablespoons oil 

1% pounds chopped onions 

2 cloves garlic, minced 

Y cup chopped parsley 

% cup butter or margarine 

2% pounds ground beef, preferably 

1 pound lean ground pork 

% cup chili powder 

2 tablespoons salt. 

“Taunt him! Give him some shit! Impugn his personhood!” 

1% teaspoons black pepper 
1% teaspoons cumin seeds 

Soak beans in water overnight. Drain, 
cover with cold water and simmer for 
about an hour, or until beans are tender. 
Add tomatoes, simmer five minutes 
longer and then set aside. 

Next, sauté green peppers in hot oil 
until tender. Add onions and cook until 
soft, stirring frequently. Add garlic and 

In another skillet melt butter and add 
beef and pork. Cook, stirring for 15 min- 
utes, or until browned and crumbly. Add 
meat to onion mixture and stir in chili 
powder. Cook ten minutes. Add meat 
mixture to beans along with salt, pepper 
and cumin seeds. Simmer, covered, for 
one hour. Remove cover and simmer 30 
minutes longer Skim fat from top. 
(Yields eight to ten servings.) 

Another equally mouth-watering dish 
is carne adovada, a pork stew that Martin 
Cruz Smith, author of Gorky Park and 
Red Square, had in Santa Fe. "It's so hot," 
he says, "you really want to eat it while 
straddling a keg of cold beer.” 

“To make the stew, cook three pounds 
of boned pork chops (trimmed of fat, cut 
into cubes) smothered in a New Mexican 
red or chimayo chili sauce in oven for 
about 3% hours at 350 degrees. To make 
the sauce, roast eight ounces of chilies in 
an oven for five minutes and remove the 
seeds and stems. In a food processor 
blend the chilies with four cups of water. 
Mix in one tablespoon of chopped white 
onion, four chopped cloves of garlic and 
а half teaspoon each of Worcestershire 
sauce, oregano, salt and white pepper. 
Arrange the meat in a shallow baking 
dish. Cover it with the sauce and bake as 
described above. The dish is traditional- 
ly accompanied by chopped tomatoes, 
cilantro, lettuce and fresh handmade 

Howard Hesseman (Johnny Fever on 
WKRP in Cincinnati) says he doesn't cook 
but has eaten in steak houses and rib 
shacks nationwide. His favorites are Eli's 
in Chicago, Leonard's Hickory Pit in San 
Francisco, Hot Sauce Williams’ Bar- 
beque in Cleveland and Johnson's Bar- 
B-Q in Norfolk, Virginia. "If you like 
spicy ribs, any of these will leave you 
talking in tongues of fire." 

When Hesseman's in Paris, where he 
lives part of the year, he eats regularly at 
Le Coup de Fourchette because he loves 
the steak, potatoes and onions that are 
cooked in one skillet. The proprietor is 
so dedicated to her viande that Н 
man has heard her discourage potential 
patrons by announcing that vegetarian 
friends of Brigitte Bardot are not al- 
lowed in her bistro. 

Bardot would probably cringe if she 
heard this favorite meat-eating memory 
of New Yorker cartoonist and playwright 
William Hamilton. “I once owned a cow 
named Madame Vache, who had been 

alone all her life with only deer as com- 
panions. She had no reference to what 
she was. When we took walks in the 
woods, she would self-consciously try to 
hide behind a tree, and she foraged in 
the wild just like а deer One day 
Madame was shot, so we made the mur- 
derer give us the meat. She was the most. 
tender and delicious steak 1 can remem- 
ber,” he says. "If our roles were changed, 
I would hope that she'd enjoy me as 
much as I enjoyed her." 

Cable TV mogul Ted Turner, an avid 
bird hunter, may like beef but refuses 
to raise cattle, because his father did. 
“They trampled down all the grass and 
wrecked the bird habitat," he says. ОР 
course, that hasn't stopped him from 
raising buffalo on his 130,000-acre 
spread outside of Bozeman. Montana 
Perhaps Jane Fonda, his weight-con- 
scious wife, had some influence in the 
matter, as buffalo meat has significantly 
less fat and cholesterol than beef. 

On a less palatable note, when musi- 
cian Todd Rundgren isnt touring, he 
cranks up the grill and cooks 
and-apple sausages and the 
burger and dog. "But as a ki 
“J was much more excited by my moth- 
er's meat of choice, Spam." 
uch enthusiasm would dwindle 
quickly if Rundgren had read Paul 
Theroux's new travel book, The Happy 
Isles of Oceania. In it, Theroux theorizes 
“that former cannibals of Oceania feast- 
ed on Spam because Spam came the 
nearest to approximating the porky taste 
of human flesh. It was a fact that the 
people-eaters of the Pacific had ай 
evolved, or perhaps degenerated, into 
Spam-eaters. And in the absence of 
Spam they settled for corned beef, which 
also had a corpsy flavor." 

In a more abstemious part of the 
book, Theroux describes eating Капі 
roo meat in Australia. He was given “a 
brown strip of meat that had the look of 
leather, exactly the shape and size of the 
tongue of an old shoe." It was two-year- 
old roo meat, wonderful in soups— 
“lovely stuff." 

Francis Ford Coppola's meat follies 
are not for the weak of stomach. For his 
annual Easter party in the Кара Valley, 
he orders four dozen goats’ heads (with 
eyes), 80 lambs’ tongues, 100 pounds of 
pork liver wrapped in pork fat with fen- 
nel seed, and a few dozen calves’ brains. 
ап cheese is sprinkled on 
the heads hit the barbe- 
cue and, once at the table, the men are 
quickly separated from the boys. 

Finally, when asked about his best 
piece of meat, lawyer Melvin Belli, the 
king of torts, said, “I bit an insurance ad- 
juster on the ass and collected a million- 
dollar judgment from him, too. Talk 
about an expensive piece of meat.” 


(continued from page 75) 
experiencing religious premonitions. 
Her subsequent conversion to evangel 
cal Christianity is complete, to the point. 
where she redeems a former lover. The 
two marry, have a daughter and live qui- 
et, pious lives until the murder of her 
husband by a disgruntled former em- 
ployee triggers a series of catastrophic 
events. Certainly an individual con- 
sumed by religious fervor would find it 
difficult to embrace such a role. 

To Mimi, it was “my best work, the 
greatest challenge 1 have had profes- 
sionally. Making The Rapture was a re- 
markable culmination of timing, events 

and material, as well as the connection 
that Michael Tolkin and 1 had estab- 
lished. It was possibly а once-in-a-life- 
time experience." 

Hollywood rumor number two comes 
in two versions. According to the first, 
being defined as Mrs. Tom Cruise has- 
tened the end of Rogers three-year mar- 
riage to Cruise, who saw his star appeal 
take on corporate dimensions. The sec- 
ond scenario has Rogers stricken by 
glamour ennui. Cruise, who, by his own 
admission, is retiring and steadfastly pri- 
vate, allegedly proved less than stimulat- 
ing to Rogers, who was known 10 roam 
the clubs in West Hollywood with a pack 
of like-minded party animals. 

“Is that the story?” Mimi questions, 

“Of course I have an erection. When 

you're trapped in a bottle for 

you can thi 

four thousand years, all 
ud 15 sex.” 




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squinting into the legend. “That I was 
bored with that child and threw him 
over, chewed him up and spit him out? 
Shall we let that be the story? Because 
here's the real story: Tom was seriously 
thinking of becoming a monk. At least 
for that period of time, it looked as 
though marriage wouldn't fit into his 
overall spiritual need. And he thought 
he bad to be celibate to maintain the pu- 
rity of his instrument. Therefore, и be- 
came obvious that we had to split. 

"What about your instrument?” 

"Oh, my instrument needed tuning." 

But if Rogers can make light of it no 
there are still hints at her consequential 
emotional loss. 

"Finances aside, divorce just sucks,” 
she avers, then rallies, recalling the 
tabloid play-by-play of her breakup with 
Cruise. “I thought as part of our settle- 
ment I would get my age back. Sce, 
when Tom and I got together, we didn't 
have a big enough age gap for the 
tional Enquirer. So every six months we 
were together, they would add on a year. 
According to the Enquirer, 1 think I'm 
forty now.” 

Ah. yes, the tabloids. They do have fun 
with ‚ Some time ago a Star head- 
Which leads us to rumor number thre 

tie and I used to hang out quite a 
lot together,” says Mimi. “We were the 
wild and crazy single girls. But it was all 
talk and no action. Both of us would get. 
completely smashed on one drink. And 
we would flirt outrageously and we 
would holl hands and make people 
think we were lesbians, or dykes, or bi- 
sexual, or whatever, and give this wild 
appearance that was completely bogus. 

“But let's get serious,” she continues. 
“These rumors circulate because it's 
every male’s fantasy. Look up ‘sexual 
clichés—male' in the encyclopedia and 
you find two beautiful babes doing it. So 
if you have attractive actresses and men 
fantasize about them, then part of the 
fantasy is that they do other chicks, and 
maybe, if the guy's real lucky, they will 
do other chicks with the guy.” 

The waiter has arrived with more 
food. Inspired, perhaps, by the spectacle 
of our eel sushi, we have ventured into 
the realm of on-screen male nudity. 

“Let's face it,” Mimi says. “Unless the 
actor's showing his dick, nobody really 
cares. Male nudity? What, we see his 
buns?” Mimi scoffs, pinching her се! 
with splayed chopsticks. “So unless we 
see a dick, there's nothing to get into a 
lather about. And in a sexual context, ii 
really silly to see a dick on-screen be- 
cause the dick is never doing the right 
thing. It's limp. The great thing about 
being a woman is we can hide it when 
we're aroused, or when we're not." 

As she shakes some life into her hair, 
there's something about Mimi's face that 

catches my eye. Is this the secret weapon 
that stops the otherwise cold of heart 
dead in their tracks? Here is a face that, 
seen from one angle, is dark and sensu- 
al: seen from another perspective, she 
couldn't pass for her own sister. She is 
full and fair, DAR material, a kind of 
surfer That Girl. 

^1 have a completely irregular fac 
says Mimi between sips of Japanese beer. 

“My mother was a totally gorgeous 
blonde Southern babe from North Car- 
olina, and my father was a Jew from De- 
troit. My features are completely out of 
whack. I need a front-end alignment.” 

Perhaps, but until then, she’s still get- 
ting plenty of work. and no one's asking 
her to wear a mask. Recent cable TV ap- 
pearances include Tales from the Crypt, 
Dream On and The Larry Sanders Show. 
Shooting is about to begin for The Ninja 
Murders, an NBC miniseries based on the 
account of two brothers who had their 
wealthy parents murdered in order to 
gain control of the family estate, 

“It has eighty-two costume changes,” 
says Mimi, speaking of her role as the 
wife of one of the brothers. “So I'll dress 
really well. And we keep whatever we 
can. Most of my wardrobe is made up 
from the movies Гуе done. One of the 
bonuses of being an actress is it cuts 
down on your shopping.” 

In Hollywood, most acıresses would 
ide a closetful of Isaac Mizrahi cre- 
ations for a big-screen role of some sub- 
stance. No one knows that better than 
Rogers, who's still looking for her next 

“Well, Гт not on the A-list as ап ac- 
tress,” she says. “I'm not one of the five 
or six: Meryl Demi, Annette, Kim, 
Michelle. I get a lot of offers, but I'd say 
eighty percent of them I can't do be- 
cause they're so bad. Of the twenty per- 
cent I can do, half are the audition-bust- 
your-ass offers. The problem these days 
isa lot of projects have become cast-con- 
tingent. They'll offer the lead role to 
four actresses, for example, and if none 
of them take it, they'll just scrap the 

As we meander to the street, caramel- 
coated by the kind of L.A. sunset that 
makes the specter of earthquakes seem a 
little more remote, Mimi scoops up my 
hand and places it against her cheek, 
which is as hot as a Sinatra retrospective: 

Feel how warm my face is from half a 
beer,” she murmurs, the lilt of her voice 
evoking the languid undertow of Satur- 
day-afiernoon wedding receptions. 

She can be disingenuous, revelatory, 
teasing and truchearted. While she’s 
speaking her mind, she won't bother try- 
ing to read yours. This, indeed, is her se- 
стег weapon. Her happiness appears to 
be free from dependent clauses, 

^ Mimi winks, “I'm just trying 
my hardest to be a groovy and happen- 
ing chick.” 


(continued from page 51) 
references to caring and responsibility. 
Now, the CDF, which helps poor kids, is 
а hell of an organization, and Hillary in 
her past life was a chairperson of its 
board. She knows it's going to take more 
than sweet talk about adult responsibility 
10 solve America's most intractable prob- 
lem—that one out of four children lives 
below the poverty line, that they go to 
Jousy schools and that they don't always 
have food in their bellies. She must know 
this, being from Arkansas and knowing 
about eastern Arkansas, a poor region of 
the Mississippi delta. Her husband ran 
the state for 12 years, and during the 
campaign we heard a great deal about 
what they did for the poor. Her husband 
was chairman of the Delta Commission 
that was supposed to improve things. It 
didn't. People there are more disadvan- 
taged than they were a decade ago. Un- 
employment and illiteracy rates in some 
counties are higher than 20 percent, and 
most people are dependent on miserable 
welfare handouts. 

T'm not blaming Hillary Clinton or the 
women's movement for any of this. What 
I am saying is that the agenda has to 
change. The right to an abortion is not 
an all-encompassing program to deal 
with the millions of poor women and 
their children who represent this na- 
tion's most profound social crisis. І hope 
the grand plan of the women's move- 
ment is not the ugly one of aborting the 
children of the poor. That would be gen- 
саде and, if that's the goal, the right-to- 
lifers would be proved right, after all. 

Yes, birth control of all kinds, freely 
chosen and the less invasive the better, 
would help. But in places such as eastern 
Arkansas, we are talking about female- 
headed households that have been left 
ош of the main economic loop. Murphy 
Brown is not the typical head of a single- 
mother household, and Designing Women 
does not evoke the anxiety of millions oF 
mothers and their kids who can't make it 
even with food stamps. A women's move- 
ment worth its name must focus on edu- 
cational, social and economic needs be- 
fore it deals with anything else. 

Maybe all of this is obvious to the first 
lady and to everyone else who is now 
2 role model for that amorphous but 
powerful women's movement. 1 find it 
strange that Hillary Clinton has been cel- 
ebrated by women for some of her char- 
ity, while no one looked closely at her 
main line of work on behalf of corpora- 
tions and banks. Last spring she told The 
New York Times, "For goodness’ sake, you 
can't be a lawyer if you don’t represent 
banks.” Oh? Tell that to the thousands of 
legal-service lawyers and public defend- 
ers who spend their lives helping poor 
women hold those banks at bay. 

aT eae 
Т Fi 


PLAYBOY expands your pur- 
chasing power by providing a 
list of retailers and manu- 
facturers you can contact for 
information on where to find 
this month's merchandise. To 
buy the apparel and equipment | 
shown on pages 26, 82-85, 

114-117 and 165, check the 
listings below to find the stores 
nearest you. 


Page 26: “Slip Into a Tattoo": Tank tops, 
shirts and baseball caps by Hard Tail, at 
Charivari Sport, 201 W. 79th St, N.YC., 
212-799-8650, for information, 310-472- 
5800. Jacket, T-shirts and baseball caps by 
Disorder, at Chess King stores nationwide. 
Shirts, vests and T-shirts by Terrapin, at 
H.D-'s Clothing Co., 3018 Greenville Ave., 
Dallas, 214-821-5255. Neckwear, shirts, 
boxer shorts and vests by Nicole Miller, at 
Nicole Miller, 780 Madison Ave., N.Y.C., 
212-288-9779, and 50 Post St, Crocker 
Galleria, San Francisco, 415-398-1111. Vest 
by Chrome Hearts, at Riccardi, 128 Newbury 
St., Boston, 617-265-3158; Max Field, 8825 
Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, 310-274-8800. 
Jacket by Jeff Hamilton, at Merry-Go-Round 
and Boogie's Diner stores nationwide, for 
information, 800-888-4422. “Net Profi": 
Sweater by DKNY, at Charivari Workshop, 
441 Columbus Ave., N.Y.C., 212-496-8700. 
Vest by Marcos Ergas, at Meticr, 50 Maiden 
Ln. San Francisco, 415-989-5395; Big 
Drop, 174 Spring St, М.ҮС,, 212-966- 
1299. Sweaters: By KM Ki „ at Silhou- 
ette/Hugo Boss, 1517 Wisconsin Ave. NW, 
Washington, D.C., 202-338-0120; Gentle- 
men’s Quarter, 2690 Via de la Valle, Del 
Mar, СА, 619-481-7124. By Lance Karesh for 
Basco, at Barneys New York, Chicago, 
N.YC. and Seattle, By Joseph Abboud, at 
Joseph Abboud, 37 Newbury St., Boston, 
617-266-4200, and 325 Greenwich Ave., 
Greenwich, СТ, 203-869-2212. “Hot Shop- 
ping: Whitefish, Montana”: Artistic Touch, 
406-869-4813; 3 Bar 2 Western Outfitter, 
800-776-2421; Montana Territory, 406- 
869-6900; Montana Coffee Traders, 800- 
862-Java; Northwind T-shirt Co., 406-862- 
3175; The Palace Bar, 406-862-2428. 
“Clothes Line”: Shoes by Dr. Martens-Na 
Na, to order, 800-347-4728. “Eco Fashion": 
Suits and separates by Ecowear by Vesti- 
menta, at James Clothiers, 1767M Inter- 
national Бг, McLean, VA, 707-883-1444; 
Saks Fifth Avenue, N.Y.C. and San Francis- 
co. Tshirt by Higgins Natural, for infor- 
mation, 800-FIGLEAF. Shirt by O Wear, at 
select Dayton's stores. Jeans by Quicksilver, 
at Fred Segal For a Better Ecology. 420 

Broadway, Santa Monica, 

CA, 310-394-8319. 


Page 82: Sports coat by Ves- 

timenta, at Louis, Boston, 

234 Berkeley St., Boston, 

800-225-5135. Trousers by 

Vestimenta, at Lawrence Co- 

vell, 225 Steele St,, Denver, 
| 303-320-1023. Shirt by Vesti- 
menta, at Martin Freedman, 
1972 Broadway, N.Y.C., 
212-921-1030. Tie by Vesti- 
тета, at David Stephen, 117 Post St., San 
Francisco, 415-391-7710. Page 83: Sports 
coat, shirt and pants by Industria, at Chari- 
vari Madison, 1001 Madison Ave., N.Y.C., 
212-650-0078: Ultimo. 114 E. Oak St, 
Chicago, 312-787-0906. Page 84: Suit by 
Byblos, at Charivari 72, 257 Columbus Ave., 
N.Y.C., 212-787-7272. Shirt by Byblos, at 
Charivari 57, 18 W. 57th St, N.Y.C,, 212- 
333-4040. Tie by Vestimenta, at David 
Stephen, 117 Post St, San Francisco, 415- 
391-7710. Page 85: Suitand shirt by Giorgio 
Armani le Collezioni, at David Stephen, 117 
Post St., San Francisco, 415-391-7710. 
Page 114: Boots and hat by Mongerson Wun- 
derlich, to order, 800-275-1292. Page 115: 
Personal planner by Rolodex, for store псаг- 
est you, 800-727-7656. CoPilot knife by 
Spyderco, Inc., for dealer nearest you, 800- 
525-7770. Mountain bike by Softride, Ine., 
for dealer nearest you, 800-426-4303. Page 
116: Military binoculars by Sunset Merchan- 
dising Corp., to order, 800-225-9407. Mes- 
sage card pager by Sky Tel, to order. 800- 
456-3333. Chair by John Rogers, at Terra 
Сома, 2 Main Southampton, NY, 516- 
283-7209. Page 117: Pasha Eau de Toileue 
by Cartier, to order, 800-CARTIER. Cacharel 
Pour | Homme by Cosmir, at Marshall 
Field's and Dayton's and Hudson's stores 
nationwide. Safari for Men by Ralph Lau- 
ren, at Polo Ralph Lauren shops and fine 
department and specialty stores nation- 
wide. Obsession for Men by Calvin Klein, at 
fine department stores nationwide. 
Page 165: "High on Kites": Revolution П 
by Revolution Enterprises, Inc., for informa- 
tion, 800-382-5192. Magnum Opus by 
Mackinaw Kites, 10 order, 800-622-4655. 
Spyro-Jet Tandem Бу Into the Wind, for in- 
formation, 800-541-0314. Flexfoil by Wind- 
borne Kites, to order, 800-234-1033. 

For free information on advertised | 
fashions only, call Playboy's Fashion 
Line at 800-254-4502. 


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Ја ЕР ON К Еа 

he stunt is called manlifting and the idea is to stack as 
many kites as it takes to raise yourself off the ground while 
flying them. Sound crazy? You bet, but it's one of several 
spectacular tricks that you can perform with a high-tech 
stunt kite. Forget those Ма icem ics you flew as a kid. In 
addition to incorporating sturdy graphite composite frames and 

durable rip-stop nylon, these dazzlers feature multiple lines, and 
some have heavy-duty stainless-steel handles for greater control 
and maneuvering. Some are so aerodynamic, the merest breeze 
will send them soaring. And all are fast. In fact, the Flexifoil (a stack 
of three is shown here flying above the earth) has been clocked at 
more than 100 mph. So what are you waiting for? Go fly a kite. 

Top left: The 5.5-ounce Revolution И quad-line stunt kite features a six-foot sail, а carbon-graphite frame and stainless-steel handles, $160 in- 

duding an instructional video. Top right: Built for smooth, ballet 
wingspan and а carbon-graphite frame, $300. Bottom right 
regulators that maximize speed and handling, $325. Center: 

е performance, the 14.5-ounce dual 
he 12.06-ounce Spyro-Jet Tandem compet 
he six-foot Flexifoi 

ine Magnum Opus kite features a ten-foot 

n kite is a dual-wing design with airflow 
e can be flown individually or stacked as shown, $139 each. 


A Bouquet 
for Izzy— 
But Hold 
the Roses 
can tell us: There 
is life after Guns 
n' Roses. Listen to 
his solo LP Izzy 
Stradlin and the 
ји ји Hounds ог 
catch him on tour 
and then ask your- 
self who's hitting. 
the mark. 

The Tush of the Town 

Yes, it's the Divine BETTE MIDLER showing off her 
fabulous gams at a benefit. Look for her face this | 
summer in Hocus Pocus with Sarah Jessica Parker 
and Kathy Najimy. They play witches. We're al- 
ready under Bette's spell. 

A Light Shower 
for This German Номег 

Model ELKE JEINSEN has graced the pages and cover of 
Playboy Germany, won a beauty contest, made a movie and appeared on 
an Italian game show. Now she's ready to tackle Tinseltown. 

The Q&A on 
Julie Ann 
Who edits the questions 
and answers for Jeop- 
ardy? Who showed up 
in California Hot Wax 
and Bachelor Party? And 
who walked through 
TV's Ceneral Hospital 
and Superior Courtt 
The answer: actress 


Marching to the Beat 
of His Own Drum 
No, this isn't some 
Sixties hippie es- 
сарее. It's KEITH 
ening up during 
the X-Pensive 
Winos tour in 
support of Main 
Offender. After 
recorking the 
Winos, Keith and 
Mick start work- 
Й ing on Stones 

music again. 

Alana's Next Fifteen Minutes 
If Andy Warhol was right and we all have our 15 minutes of fame 
A coming to us, ALANA STEWART, celeb about town and former wife of 
Ww George Hamilton and Rod Stewart, is dressed for success. 

Hot Shot 

Actress JENNIFER BARLOW plays Flame, an exotic dancer on 
Fox TV's new series Key West. She also had a starring role in 
Garth Brooks’ video Thunder Rolls. Now she dances with us. 


Back in March 1992, we ran an item about a 
Mickey Mouse talking wristwatch in Potpourri. 
Now, Sounds Fun, Inc. of Westlake, Cali 

has created a follow-up, the Goofy Talking 
Watch, just in time for the character's 60th 
birthday. Squeeze the Goof’s hands together 
and he moves his mouth while audibly telling 
you the time 16 different ways, including 
"Gawrsh! I don't know!” The price: $29.95. 
Call 818-865-0800 for the nearest retailer. 



‘To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 
Chevrolet Corvette, two former Vette design- 
ers, Zora Arkus-Duntov and Larry Shinoda, 
have created a limited-edition Duntov-Shinoda 
leather bomber jacket that's available from Mid 
America Designs, Inc. for $415, postpaid. Fea- 
tures include a removable fur collar, an em- 
bossed emblem on the chest and the Corvette 
name embossed on the back. Men's sizes range 
from small to extra extra large. (The jackets 
look great on women, too.) Call 800-637-5533. 



Ifyou think all those limoed rock stars and executives are moan- 
ing about being stuck in traffic, think again. Striptease to Go at 
212-459-4140 in Manhattan books 40-minute “nude tease shows" 
starring a gorgeous exotic dancer for $275 an hour—or double 
your pleasure with two lovely ladies for $560 an hour. Sorry, 
guys, there's no touching (the driver doubles as а chaperon), but 
the good, clean entertainment is delightfully erotic and a great 
way to entertain friends and clients. Or have Striptease to Go 
meet you at the airport, and arrive home smiling. 


Eyer since the film Midnight Express debuted in 1978, Turkey has 
seemed about as popular a tourist destination as Siberia. But 
don't believe everything you see in movies. Hanns Ebensten 
Travel, 513 Fleming Street, Key West, Florida 33040, is offering a 
14-day Turkish Delight tour that includes four fascinating days in 
Istanbul and a one-week cruise along the Turquoise Coast aboard 
the 76-foot Rönesans H—a twin-masted type of craft known as a 
gulet, which has sailed these warm southern Mediterranean ма- 
ters for centuries. Plus, there will be additional day sails to the 
Kizil Islands and along the Bosporus. The price: $4585 per per- 
son, not including airfare. Shove off. 


Јоду Maroni's sausages have been an in- 
stitution in Venice, California for 13 
years; Lakers and Kings fans indulge at 
The Great Western Forum. Now Ma- 
roni's has gone national, and you can or- 
der 23 varieties of poultry, lamb and pork 
shipped frozen by next-day air. Prices 
begin at $65 for hve pounds. A call to. 
1-800-HAUTDOG will get you all the details, 
induding a brochure. 


Les Vins de France, "Ihe Game of 
French Wine 8: Food,” has two levels of 
play. If your knowledge of Gallic vins and 
viands is "white with fish, red with meat," 
you know the rules. But if you're a seri- 
ous Francophile, the 143 wine cards you 
must match with exotic menu items will 
prove a perplexing challenge. Les Vins is 
available from the Wine Enthusiast at. 
800-822-8846 for $42, postpaid. 


As comic-book fans know, 
Will Eisner's The Spirit was a. 
friendly outlaw tolerated by 
the police and feared by the 
underworld. His nemesis was 
P'Gell, a femme fatale with 
whom ће had a love-hate гс- 
lationship. If you haven't. 
been able to forget P'Gell 
either, Kitchen Sink Press, 
No. 2 Swamp Road, Prince- 
ton, Wisconsin 54968, is sell- 
ing limited-edition signed- 
and-numbered 28"х40" 
12-color serigraphs of a 
1947 Spirit page featuring 
her for $260, postpaid. Re- 
productions of early Spirit 
comics are available, too. 


Want to own the bra Marilyn Monroe wore in Some Like It Hot? 
Norma's Jeans, а mail-order catalog of celebrity memorabilia, is 
peddling it for $14,000. And a witch's guard Winkie costume 
from The Wizard of Oz (above) can be yours for $34,000. There 
are plenty of inexpensive items, too, such as the shirt worn 

by Demi Moore in the 1986 film Wisdom for a mere $150. 
Norma's Jeans’ catalog costs $3 sent to 4400 East West Highway, 
#314, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. 


Have a hankering for the 
haute cuisine hit from me- 
dieval Europe—spit-roasted 
meat with egerdouce sauce? 
Pick up a copy of Abbeville 
Press' The British Museum 
Cookbook, “4000 Years of In- 
ternational Cuisine," by 
Michelle Berriedale-Johnson. 
Recipes for such antique 
noshes as prunes stuffed with 
walnuts (ancient Persia) and 
quick-fried shredded marrow 
(imperial China) are includ- 
ed, along with the best from 
ancient Egypt, Renaissance 
Italy and more. Price: $16.95. 














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