Full text of "PLAYBOY"
91902 Carter-Wallace, Inc.
In Regular, Fresh and Spice Scents
NEED A LAUCH to kick start your summer? We have more than a
few. Contributing Editor David Rensin chased down Tom and
Roseanne Arnold at their farm in Iowa and, while their famous
meatloaf was baking, got them to open up in this month's
Playboy Interview on the condition that we not censor them.
Like we actually would. Read about the chaotic, cutthroat
world of showbiz and how you can be screwed up, rich and
powerful and still have a really good time. Lewis Grossberger's
satire Cash and Commies (illustrated by Arnold Roth) imagines
the humorous possibilities when Peace Corps volunteers hit
the Russian steppes to teach our former enemies the high-
finance maneuvers that made guys such as Mike Milken fa-
mous. Speaking of old enemies, Bruce M«Coll's Golf Carts of the
Third Reich takes you back to the 1938 Albert Speer Pro-Am
Invitational, when World War Two interrupted the Führer's
best plans.
Enough of the fun, on to the games. Who has his finger on
the pulse of America's free time? Hiroshi Yamauchi. He's the
head of Nintendo and the man who hooked us all on Game
Boy. Contributing Editor David Sheff profiles this enigmatic
and incredibly successful executive (his company has earned
more than $1 billion in profits) in Game Master. For more, get
Sheff's book on Nintendo, Game Over (Random House).
Grunge is now mainstream enough to make the fashion
pages and the evening news, but the Seattle-based correspon-
dent for The New York. Times, Timothy Egan, tells us in The Flan-
nel Revolution that long before Nirvana and Northern Exposure,
the Pacific Northwest was home to esoteric coffee worship,
salmon and enough eccentrics to fill the Space Needle.
One of the hot political issues of the year has been whether
gays should serve in the military. Combat vet, author of the ac-
claimed Brothers in Arms and the man who brought us the TV
show China Beach, William Broyles, Jr., recons this thorny issue in
Of Lust and Arms (illustrated by David Wilcox). To see how all this
might play out in fiction, Dan Simmons’ Death in Bangkok should
give you a shudder. It follows two American soldiers lured by
the live sex shows who go to Bangkok for R&R.
In 20 Questions, Rebecca De Momay muses on love, relation-
ships and the way a man's pants fit. If you're musing on your
own relationship during this most matrimonial of months.
you may want to consider Contributing Editor Denis Boyles’
The Thinking Man's Guide to Marriage, illustrated by Polish
artist Wiktor Sadowski, For the skinny, get Boyles’ collection of
PLAYBOY pieces, The Modern Man's Guide to Modern Women,
from HarperCollins. If you do get married in June, you had
better look at Hot Stuff, our summer sportswear feature. for
fashion tips.
We have a big finale. You'll want to clean your glasses and
adjust the reading light. It's Playmate of the Year time, and
Anno Nicole Smith (formerly known to you as Vickie) walks away
with the prizes and accolades in Guess Who?—produced by
West Coast Editor Marilyn Grobowski and shot by Contributing
Photographer Stephen Wayda. The lovely Ms. Smith, the Guess
Jeans girl, was photographed on Bimini and at the old Jayne
Mansfield mansion in Hollywood. If that isn't enough,
Playboy TV's 30-minute drama, Eden, will begin in syndica-
tion this month on the USA Cable Network. It’s a slightly
tamer version than what you'll see in our pictorial, All About
“Eden.” Do we have more? The June Playmate of the Month,
Alesha Marie Oreskovich, is sure to be a strong contender for
next year's Playmate of the Year. Matter of fact, all our Play-
mates in 1993 are strong contenders.
Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478). June 1993, volume 40, number 6. Published monthly by Playboy in national and regional editions. Playboy.
680 North Lake Shore Drive. Chicago, Illinois 60611. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices
Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 56162. Subscriptions: in the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster:
Send address change to Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, lowa 51537-4007. Printed in U.S.A.
ALL ABOUT EDEN—pictorial............... 80 TENES
HOT STUFF—fashion ? 2) HOLLIS WAYNE 88
STRAIGHT-A STUNNER—ployboy's ploymate of the month 98
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor ..... 110
THE FLANNEL REVOLUTION—article ........................ TIMOTHY EGAN 112 TERRE
GOLF CARTS OF THE THIRD REICH—humor .................. BRUCE MCCALL 117
20 QUESTIONS: REBECCA DE МОВМАҮ......................... 120
CASH AND COMMIES—satire.......................... LEWIS GROSSBERGER 122
THE GAME MASTER—profile ... к ПАЛО ЕНЕГЕ 526)
GUESS WHO?—playboy's playmote of the year „text by REG POTTERTON 130
You sow her on our March 1992 cover and found her on the centerfold two
months loter. Guess who's back? ғілүвоү/5 1993 Playmate of the Year Anna
Nicole Smith, enjoying sweet success. Our cover was produced by Paul Mar-
ciono of Guess Jeans, siyled by Raymond Lee and photographed by Daniela
Federici. Laurent for Jose Eber styled Anna's hoir опа Daniel Blanco for
Cloutier did her mokeup. Our Rabbit sets his sights on a beautiful subject.
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor
TOM STAEBLER art director
GARY COLE photography director
KEVIN BUCKLEY executive editor
JOHN Rezek editor; PETER MOORE
The Total Package no EA A
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Thanks to rıayBoy and interviewer
Digby Dichl for giving us insight into
Anne Rice (Playboy Interview, March), a
remarkable writer. Her work is akin to
J-R.R. Tolkien's. Both writers lead us on
a journey through the labyrinth of our
inner selves, where the conscious and
subconscious merge, where light a
shadow are one. Reading this inte:
Т realize that the author is as fascinating
as her work.
Floyd E. Jack
Miami, Oklahoma
While I adored Interview with the Vam-
pure as well as her other novels, I take is-
sue with Anne Rice on her love of vio-
Тепсе as an art form. Rice says that
violence used in the correct context can
be great art, unlike the violence por-
trayed on television. Well, if The Queen of
the Damned is an example of what she’s
talking about, I must say it’s the one
work of hers I didn’t like. The body
count was so high I thought the book
should have been titled 50 Ways to Eat
Your Lover. In the end the enormous vio-
lence trivialized the story.
Teri Barber
Crownsville, Maryland
I've been reading rLavnoy for five
ycars and find your interview with Anne
Rice to be the best ever. After you ac-
quainted me with her, I bought Interview
with the Vampire, а great work in its crotic,
violent magnificence.
Grant Miller
Birmingham, Alabama
I am one of those women who have
masochistic rape fantasies and I am
proud to say that Anne Rice's Beauty
books helped me realize there is nothing
wrong with me. 1 deeply admire and ар-
preciate Rice for having the courage to
write them. Her views on feminism and
censorship reflect my own. I'm tired of
feeling condemned and oppressed by
women who presume to dictate how I
should feel, what I should wear and
what I should or should not fantasize
about. Radical feminists such as Cath-
arinc MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin
only further subjugate the women they
claim to be liberating.
‘Thank you for a wonderful Playboy Im-
terview. тїлүвоу doesn't exploit women.
On the contrary, it liberates those of us
to whom free expression is sacred,
Аргу! Gill
Pasadena, Texas
I find Anne Rice's comments on the
Mike Tyson rape case intriguing. She be-
lieves Desiree Washington went to hi
room expecting something “romantic”
and “nice” to happen, “and what she got
was unpleasant and nasty.” Poor Miki
He's serving years in jail because his
partner didn't like his technique.
Ronald J. Rizzo
Ellenton, Florida
I want to thank you for the March is-
sue's pictorial on actress Mimi Rogers
(Screaming Mimi!). For years Гуе been
saying that she is an underrated and u
derappreciated actress—and one grea
looking woman. I rcad recently that she
is 37. She looks great. Ninctcen-ycar-old
Playmates arc fine, but it's good to scc a
real woman on the pages of PLayboY.
Marc Ryan
Point Marion, Pennsylvania
There is a new definition of the term
woman of the Nineties, and her name is
Mimi Rogers. Bright, attractive, selfa
sured and not afraid to use the word
penis. Thank you for this pictorial of a
very interesting person.
John Davidson
Dallas, Texas
Thanks for the profile and pictorial of
Mimi Rogers. It was worth the wait. Гуе
always considered Rogers one of the
m [ER
2 [9
most talented actresses in Hollywood
and the most beautiful woman Гуе ever
seen. Writer Michael Angeli shows her
to be intelligent, witty, classy, uninhibited
and unafraid to speak her mind. Con-
gratulations to photographer Michel
Comte. The photos were masterpieces.
Don White
Clifton, New Jersey
One cannot blame Michael Angeli for
being dazzled by Mimi Rogers, but his
analysis of her role in The Rapture defies
reason. After saying that Mimi's charac-
ter undergoes a “conversion to evangeli-
cal Christianity" Angeli concludes that
“an individual consumed by religious
fervor would find it difficult to embrace
such a role." Why would it be difficult for
а religious nut to play a character who
leaves her profligate ways behind, joins a
cultlike movement that foresees dooms-
day and, after losing her husband, kills
her young daughter in the conviction
that the family will soon be reunited in
The Rapture approvingly presents its
bizarre view of religious belief. Because
such an outlook is contrary both to en-
lightened modes of belief and pLsvaov's
opposition to religious fundamentalism,
I am startled to read such an uncritical
reaction to the film by one of your writ-
ers. Furthermore, Angeli misses an op-
portunity to let readers know just what
Rogers would have said if questioned
more scarchingly about her thoughts on
her role and the film's implications
James D. Marsden
Providence, Rhode Island
Joe Conason's article on Pat Robert-
son and his Christian Coalition (With God
as Their Co-pilot, pLavBoy, March) is very
insightful. The thought of Robertson
and his ilk running the country should
send chills up the back of any fair-mind-
ed, tolerant person. Robertson's Ameri-
са bearsa strong resemblance to the aya-
tollah's Iran. If Robertson had his way,
PLAYBOY would be extinct. Perish the
Mark Naeser
Jamestown, New York
Conason's article should be required
reading for all citizens of the United
States who believe in the First and
Fourth Amendment and their frcedom
in general. It is frightening to know that
a minority is taking over a major political
party and from there plans to reshape
the Constitution and the nation to mir-
ror its own warped beliefs.
Donald C. McMurry
Edgewood, New Mexico
Bravo and thank you to Joe Conason
for With God as Their Co-pilol. As a person
whose family is not Christian, the shrink-
10 ing gap between church and state ap-
palls me and leaves me wondering about
the future. Will our children have the
al to make informed religious choic-
es? Articles such as this will help wake up
Americans to the reality that our founda-
tion of religious freedom is in jeopardy.
When one faction gains enough power,
woe to those who are "different."
When will religion take down the bar-
riers between people instead of building
them? When will we learn that the doc-
trines of one group of people cannot
be the laws for a widely diverse country
if that country is to remain democratic?
Patricia Telesco
Buffalo, New York
The "duel" is over. Playmate of the
Year 1993 should go to Miss March,
Kimberly Donley. The photographs of
her fencing in her pictorial (En Garde!)
prove that she can handle herself during
any tense moment. I'm glad to see there
are still Playmates who were born in the
Sixties. Eighteen- апа 19-year-olds are
sweet, but 27- and 28-year-olds are di-
vine. Since Kimberly was born in Auro-
ra, Illinois, I think she should have been
the dream girl for Garth іп Wayne's
World. Um sure she is now the dream girl
for every reader. She is for this one.
Dave Sato
‘Torrance, California
Erica Jong's article Liberté, Égalité, Sex-
ualité (PLAYBOY, March) lucidly shows
that sex and sexually oriented expres-
sion, far from being the source of
women's oppression, may well promote
and reflect women's freedom. As a cen-
tral expression of human individuality
and liberty, sexual expression tends to
be most restricted in those societies least
protective of human rights in general,
including women’s rights. Conversely,
sexual liberation is an essential aspect
not only of what has been called wom-
en's liberation but also of human liberty.
Nadine Strossen
President, ACLU
New York, New York
In writing about Henry Miller, Erica
Jong makes several good points but
then caves in to a defense of monogamy.
Monogamy is not the type of relation-
ship in which love can exist, unless your
definition of love includes ownership. It
is ridiculous to argue for the liberation
of the individual and the individual’s
divine sexuality and then argue that
monogamy is part of that liberation.
Jong has simply tried to construct a new
rationale for the same old repression.
Michael Ашух
Tucson, Arizona
I highly commend Erica Jong for writ-
ing (and rLaysoy for publishing) Liberté,
Égalité, Sexualité. Гуе not read а more in-
sightful article about the American
writer Henry Miller. Those who know
Miller only as the author of the Tropic
books miss the essence and scope of his
work; they miss writing that becomes
more alive and more true as time passes.
Steven DaGama
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Asa regular customer of topless clubs,
I find A Club of Ones Own (PLAYBOY,
March), with text by D. Keith Mano, de-
lightful. Those knockout ladies pictured
at the Men's Club in Houston (Chanel,
Leslie Delahoussaye, Jeanne Landacre,
Danica Lynn and |.) look like the
Swedish Bikini Team with their blonde
wigs off—or brunette wigs on.
George Hammons
Manteca, California
Cassandra Gori from Atlanta's Chee-
tah Club is one gorgeous lady. What
would it take for you to persuade her
to appear in PLAYBOY in what Archie
Bunker used to call “noodle frontity"?
Here's hoping!
Brian Daltowski
North Bergen, New Jersey
Thank you for Ron Ridenhour's arti-
cle Heroes at the Massacre (PLAYBOY,
March). It is great to read the truth. 1
was in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969 and
saw a lot of innocent village people killed
and designated as Viet Cong. But what
happened over there wasn’t our (the
Gls’) fault. 1 think things just got out of
hand and fear took over. My thanks to
Ridenhour for the true story.
Eugene A, Teen
Des Moines, Iowa
Thank Dad for being more proud than angry.
Ultimately theres Black.
Send a gift of Johnnie Walker? Black Label” any where in the U.S.A. Call 1-800-238-4373. Void where prohibited.
Katana 750 fo
When audio consultant Lewis Lipnick
advises his clients to spend $100,000 or
more on a new stereo, they don't neces-
sarily give him an earful. Lipnick, a prin-
cipal contrabassoonist for the National
Symphony Orchestra, musician-in-resi-
dence for Stereophile magazine and a for-
mer sound engineer, owns a firm, Your
Silent Partner (based in Silver Spring,
Maryland), that designs stereo systems
capable of reproducing the acoustic
properties of any concert hall in the
world. Do you have a soft spot for the
Concertgebouw in Amsterdam? Want to
relive that unforgettable evening at
Musikverein in Vienna? They re yours—
for a price. But systems designed by
Your Silent Partner aren't just for cla:
cal music snobs. One fourth of Lipnick's
customers request systems that mimic
such halls as Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry
and Preservation Hall in New Orleans.
Some cost as little as $3500, bur he cau-
tions, "You don't get champagne for a
beer price." For rock connoisseurs, Lip-
nick can design the ultimate ear-bleed
special, "though if you listen only to
rock," he says, "spending thirty or forty
grand is probably a waste of money"
Which means that if your dream system
is one that replicates the Fillmore West
circa 1969, you're better off investing in
а hit of mescaline, a bag of weed and a
bottle of Boone's Farm
Olga Frankevich of Vishneve, Ukraine
proves there might be a commic under
the bed—just as the Red Scare of the
Fifties led us to believe. In 1947 Franke-
vich hid under her bed after losing her
father to a Stalinist purge and stayed
there until late last year. All this led one
observer to suggest that Frankevich may
have emerged to find living conditions
worse than they were 46 years ago.
Not everyone brakes for animals. Last
December, New Hampshire hosted an
annual Roadkill Auction where some
200 cager Northeasterners bid on bears,
coyotes, wild turkeys, porcupines, foxes,
opossums, deer, raccoons, bobcats, a
bunch of birds and a lone mole. Here,
apparently, was meat no one tires of.
After eating 260 water-soaked prunes
in 45 minutes to establish a new world
record, Michael McCasland of Califor-
nia—who trained by downing three and
a half quarts of prune juice and 125
prunes a day—quietly understated, “I'm
just a regular guy.”
John Hoffman has a college degree, a
good job, a loving wife and a penchant
for shopping in Dumpsters. He has
trash-picked "TVs, couches, rLAYBOYs—
even a diamond wedding ring, which he
gave to his wife. It's all in his new book,
The Art & Science of Dumpster Diving
(Loompanics Unlimited). Hoffman con-
tends that Dumpster diving is a pro-
active form of frugality. His breed does
not extend to foraging among kitchen
scraps, though; Hoffman says the people
who dine on half-caten chicken legs need
professional help. “Your modern Dump-
ster diver may be a full-time student or
a young, educated professional,” says
the 27-ycar-old Hoffman. “By Dumpster
diving, I virtually double my incom
He sells lots of what he finds and never
buys retail clothes or furniture. “The
United States is full of idiots discarding
perfectly good material wealth,” he says.
"Its a diver's market. Don't ask why, just
dive, baby, dive.”
Pogo, a female gorilla in the San Fran-
cisco Zoo, may never fulfill her destiny as
a swinger. Pogo's privates are so petite
that. according to zoo veterinarians.
mating would probably be prohibitively
painful for her. Rather than deny Pogo
the joys of motherhood, the zoo is now
attempting to inseminate her artificially.
We understand that the male gorillas
who are sweet on Pogo have reacted to
this news by beating their chests.
They're not as dangerous as the dis-
carded hypodermic needles that scared
beachcombers in recent summers, but
plastic tampon applicators have washed
up on the Jerscy shore by the thousands
in the past few years. Now, Clean Ocean
Action, a New Jersey environmental
group, is gathering the applicators—
nicknamed beach whistles—then paint
ing them different colors, adding hooks
and selling them to fishing groups as
lures. They're called tampoons.
France has gone to great lengths to
control the proliferation of zany names
among its citizens. However, the high
court in La Rochelle overturned a lower
court ruling and allowed the parents of
Marie Marie Marie to keep their daugh-
ter's name intact. The court was swayed
by the following evidence offered by her
father: The child weighed 3.3 kilos at
birth, her head and chest measured 3
centimeters and she was 51 centimeters
Tabasco” brings out the unexpected in food.
1993. INBASCO в o ragislerecrocermcrk of Metheny Company. Avery islonc, Louisiana 705
long—a multiple of three. Also, she was
plump—or gironde in French—when she
was born, and the license plate prefix for
cars registered in the Gironde region is,
mon Diew, 33. Case fermé.
Do you bite in the nude? We've
learned to cover our arms and legs dur-
ing the summer—lest we attract the at-
tention of deer ticks and contract Lyme
disease. However, some contrarian ad-
vice is suggested by the research of Dr.
Henry Feder, |r, of the University of
Connecticut Health Center. While visit-
ing a local nudist colony, he found only
one case of Lyme infection despite the
appetizing collection of more than 300
campers who presumably would make
easy pickings for the hungry ticks. His
conclusion? “One explanation is that al-
though deer are present, deer ticks are
not yet established. A second explana-
tion is that deer ticks do not like nudist
as ticks prefer to do their biting under-
cover." Our conclusion? It's time to wor-
ry about something new this summer.
‘The Richard Nixon Library gift shop
in Yorba Linda, California sells HILLARY
VALUES buttons for $2.50 each. DEMO
CRATS FOR NIXON buttons, however, will
set you back $5.50.
Eyen if we don't know why we like to
pop bubble wrap, psychologist Kathleen
Dillon does. Dr. Dillon conducted re-
search into the therapeutic benefits of
bubble wrap and came up with this sci-
entific explanation: Bubble bursters ex-
perience a significant increase in ener-
gy and they instantly become calmer.
We, however, immediately become tense
again when we wonder if tax dollars
went into this research.
Researchers at Auburn University and
Wayne State University conducted a sur-
vey on the prevalence of country music
оп radio stations in 49 metropolitan ar-
eas and concluded that the more coun-
try was played, the higher the suicide
rate was in that market.
Katie Couric poked some fun at politi-
cal talk show host John McLaughlin and
his new girlfriend, Kmart domestic tech-
nician Martha Stewart, at a congression-
al dinner in Washington. Couric's fa-
vorite image? McLaughlin announcing
to his group: "Issue six: herbs in the gar-
den." Overheard was a voice saying,
“Better her than me.” It was Eleanor
Clift, one of McLaughlin's regular group
A new-model New
York City subway саг
holds 74 people sit-
ting and an ad
tional 186 standing.
“We need energies
and synergies to
develop agendas." —
Amount of the average fine levied
by the Environment Protection
Agency for hazardous-waste viola-
tions white neighborhoods:
$335,566; in minority areas: $55,318.
According to an American Bar As-
sociation report, the percentage in-
crease in arrests for drug offenses
from 1985 to 1991: 24. Percentage of
population that used drugs in 1985:
12; in 1991: 6.
Percentage increase in number of
adults in prison for drug offenses
from 1986 to 1991: 327; percentage
increase in number of adults in
prison for violent crimes during same
period: 41.
From 1986 to 1991, the percentage
increase in arrests of minority youth
for drug offenses: 78; percentage de-
crease in drug-related arrests of non-
minority youth during the same
period: 34.
According to Gordon Hempton, a
professional recorder of wilderness
sounds, number of miles that the
hum of power lines can travel and still
be audible: 2; miles a chain saw's
noise carries: 5; miles
road noise travels:
10; length, in miles,
of an airport's noise
shadow: 50.
Percentage of baby
boomers who admit
they aren't where
they thought they
would be in their ca-
reers: 61; percentage
who regret having
4 spent too much time
i at the office and too
7 little at home: 50.
Percentage increase in the sales of
saxophones reported by Boosey &
Hawks, a major sax manufacturer,
since Bill Clinton's initial TV appear-
ance with his horn: 15 to 20.
According to the General Ассо;
ing Office, amount that the military
spent on recruitment and training in
1990 to replace homosexual men and
women: $27 million. Number of gays
and lesbians who were kicked out of
the military: 1000.
According to a London Times Mir-
ror survey of 1200 Americans, per-
centage who watched one of three
TV movies made about Amy Fisher:
41; percentage who watched at least |
two: 18.
Percentage of Americans who
didn't know Serbs were the group.
that attacked Bosnia: 79; who didn't
know reasons for the fighting: 68:
who didn't know the meaning of eth-
nic cleansing: 66.
Percentage who knew nothing of
the Bosnian conflict who also watched
ап Amy Fisher movie: 50.
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A LESBIAN-MEETS-BOY angle gives a bold
Contemporary twist to Three of Hearts
(New Linc), slickly directed by Yurek
(Anna) Bogayevicz from a screenplay by
Adam Greenman and Mitch Glazer.
Time—and audience reaction—will tell
whether gays view this provocative ro-
mantic comedy as a step forward or a
step back, Kelly Lynch plays the “out”
lesbian who employs an amoral stud
from a male-escort service to convince
her former live-in lover (Sherilyn Fenn,
as a bisexual still not sure which way she
wants to swing) that all men are rotten
bastards. Is it giving too much away to
disclose that Fenn's character falls for the
lug who's supposed to dump her? Three of
Hearts is definitely a star turn for William
Baldwin, another hot-blooded Baldwin
brother leaving burn marks in his wake
as the cocky lady-killer. His co-stars look
damned good as well, in a somewhat ob-
vious but teasing sexual triangle that
takes on a naughty topic once consid-
ered untouchable in a major movie. YYY
‘Jamaica in the 1840s provides the per-
fect backdrop of heady tropical heat and
sweltering passion for Wide Sargasso Sea
(Fine Line). Kated NC-17, the movie was
adapted (with two collaborators) by Aus-
tralian director John Duigan from Jean
Rhys’ famed 1966 novel. Her book, in-
spired by Charlotte Bronté’s Jane Eyre,
spells out that novel's untold story of
Rochester’s mad wife, who burns to
death in an attic.
In Wide Sargasso Sea, the wife is shown
many years earlier as luscious young An-
toineue, heiress to a Jamaican plantation
(Rachel Ward and Michael York play her
erratic parents, driven away by a slave
rebellion). Movie newcomer Karina
Lombard all but simmers with willing-
ness as Antoinette, whose wild but be-
guiling native ways unsettle young
Rochester (Nathaniel Parker) on his ar-
rival from England to marry her. Their
relationship turns into a hard-breathing
tug-of-war between unabashed basic in-
stincts and British reserve. Rochester
can't quite surrender to his wife's island
world, though he often succumbs ar-
dently to her attractions in bed. Despite
the support of a black family retainer
(Claudia Robinson) who may be into sor-
cery, Antoinette is the ultimate loser.
Less cerebral on film than in print, Wide
Sargasso Sea wages the battle of the sexes
with flesh-and-blood fervor, ¥¥¥
A serious author who has been writing
potboilers for big bucks under a nom de
Baldwin, Lynch swapping Hearts.
Gay lovers call it quits, and
a solid Brit from Jane Eyre's
England goes awry in the tropics.
plume decides to kill off his alter ego and
stick to literature. But the son of a bitch
won't die. Worse yet, he assumes a life of
his own and starts killing people who get
in his way. That's a concept, all right,
and The Dark Half (Orion) pursues it as a
spooky tale of twinship—with Timothy
Hutton holding forth handsomely in his
dual role. Hutton is both the scholarly
Thad Beaumont and his maniacal sub-
conscious creation, George Stark. Amy
Madigan plays Thad's threatened wife,
with Michael Rooker as a friendly detec-
tive who tries to make sense of some fair-
ly farfetched happenings. The gory cli-
max raises many questions, yet Dark Half
works wickedly much of the time. While
Hutton helps with strikingly dramatic
switches from Thad to George, this
adaptation of a Stephen King best-seller
thrives. Adapter and director George A.
Romero (Night of the Living Dead was his
magnum opus) proves shock by shock
that he and King's purple prose were
made for each other. ¥¥/2
Being а martial-arts buff may height-
en enjoyment Of Dragon: The Bruce Lee
Story (Universal). ‘Thanks to a striking
performance in the title role by Jason
Scott Lee (no relation, see Off Camera)
and to director Rob Cohen, the movie
scores as more than a standard star-
struck bio. Although it’s based on a book
by Linda Lee Cadwell, the remarried
widow of the high-kicking hero, Dragon
is a mixture of mysticism, romance and
rags-to-riches moral that enhances Lee’s
legend without sentimentalizing it. Not
everyone knows that he was born in San
Francisco, married a blonde American
(Lauren Holly plays Linda) and turned
from teaching his version of kung fu—a
method called Jeet Kune Do—to playing
a sidekick named Kato in TV's The Green
Hornet. Disillusioned when David Carra-
dine got the role he wanted in the Kung
Fu television series, Lee learned that his
Kato was already a household word
among Asian audiences. He became a
superhero there. But he had just one
major American-backed film under his
belt (Enter the Dragon) when he died at
the age of 32 of a cerebral hemorrhage
only weeks before that movie's 1973 pre-
miere. In this movie, a predestined sense
of doom about his short, happy life is
embodied in a haunting phantom figure
that materializes at intervals, while Jason
Scott Lee gives Bruce a buoyant person-
ality that never seems merely imitative.
Add a series of spectacular fight scenes
to a unique success story, and Dragon
definitely delivers. ¥¥¥
Ardent moviegoers have an entranc-
ing treat as well as an education in store
in Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography
(Kino International). Three directors
are behind this compilation of on-cam-
era interviews with most of moviedom's
top lensmen, who show and tell exactly
what it is they do. More than a score of
camera wizards—from Nestor Almen-
dros and Conrad Hall to Sven Nykvist
and Vittorio Storaro—illustrate their
own work and the work of others, living
and dead. Illuminating film clips cover
Birth of a Nation, Citizen Kane, Hud, Apoc-
alypse Now and many more. All in all, Vi-
sions is a short history of moviemaking,
illustrated with inside views from the
men and women who were able to suc-
cessfully argue that а single film frame
can often be more eloquent than pages
of dialogue. Y
Film has usually treated Shakespeare's
tragedies better than it has his comedies.
With Much Ado About Nothing (Goldwyn),
producer-director Kenneth Branagh
may break that tradition. His breezy
adaptation makes this exuberant sex
comedy as accessible as any romp by
Woody Allen or Neil Simon. Shake-
speare's dialogue has been abridged but
not blunted, and Much Ado plays like a
wild country weekend of royal wooing,
wickedness and wedlock. As the noble
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Lee gives а lift to Dragon.
His background could be that of
a Hawaiian surfer. But, at 26, Jason
Scott Lee is catching major waves as
a movie star. He has the leading
role opposite Anne (La Femme Niki-
1a) Parillaud in the new Map of the
Human Heart. He is also breathing.
fire into Dragon: The Bruce Lee
Story (see review). portraying the
great martial-arts hero (to whom
he is emphatically not related).
“My dad took us to Bruce Lee
films a lot when I was six or sev-
en,” says Lee, “and [ wore a T-shirt
with one of those iron-on Bruce
Lee decals.” Born in Los Angeles
but raised in Hawaii by Chi-
nese-Hawaiian parents, Jason was
extremely athletic through his col-
lege years. That allowed him to do
most of his own stunt work in
Dragon. "When we previewed the
movie in New Jersey, the audience
reaction was amazing. They were
cheering and applauding, dancing
in the aisles after every fight."
A casting director sent him to
Dragon director Rob Cohen after.
Lee was turned down for The Last
of the Mohicans. "He didn't look In-
dian enough,” says Cohen, who
quickly signed Lee as Lee. “Jason
is handsomer, sexier than Bruce
Lee. I wanted a real actor, a charis-
matic icon, not a look-alike.” Actor
Brandon Lee, Bruce's son, didn't
look Chinese enough and had oth-
er qualms. Jason's star quality has
impressed everyone, including
Kevin Costner, who is producing a
second epic, Rapa Nui. About to
leave for that film's Easter Island
location, Lee notes, "It's an epic
adventure about the decimation of
a native culture, setin the 1600s. 1
play Oroinia, the chief's grand-
son, a sort of warrior prince. My
leading lady is Sandrine Holt. We
haven't met, but she has a great
figure.” Lee sounds like an up-
and-comer with more on his mind
than chopsocky.
Benedick, who vows eternal bachelor-
hood, Branagh trades barbs with tart-
tongued Beatrice, played by his gifted
wife, Emma Thompson, whose natural
‚vivacity all but jumps off the screen.
While that famous couple joust and
think they're in love. handsome Claudio
(Robert Sean Leonard) and Beatrice's
fair cousin Hero (Kate Beckinsale) are
betrothed—though Claudio humiliates
his intended at the altar, having been
duped into thinking she's a tramp.
Moral considerations are shrugged off
with a wink by a stellar cast that includes
Denzel Washington as princely Don
Pedro, Keanu Reeves as his treacherous
bastard halfbrother Don John and
Michael Keaton, who mangles the King's
English and steals the show as the ad-
dled Constable Dogberry. Filmed on lo-
cation in Italy, where everyone appears
to thrive under the sun, Much Ado is a joy
for actors and audience alike. УУУУ
Fourteen-year-old movie newcomer
Robert J. Steinmiller, Jr., hits the emo-
tional jackpot in the title role of Jack the
Bear (Fox). Equally winning is his little
brother, Dylan (Miko Hughes), who is
kidnapped by a deranged neighbor
(Gary Sinise). Both kids are the progeny
of Danny DeVito, a widowed dad whose
deceased wife (Andrea Marcovicci) occa-
sionally appears in flashbacks. DeVito is
known locally as the monster-host who
introduces horror movies on TV. It’s
hard not to like him as a guy fighting to
keep his sons and his sanity. Jack the Bear
wallows in thick sentiment. Warm and
cuddlesome as can be, would it be split-
ting hairs to add that the movie is also a
bit frayed and fuzzy? ¥¥
Stunning cinematography by James
Bagdonas keeps American Heart (Triton)
from being wholly depressing. Inspired
by his Streetwise, а grim Eighties docu-
mentary about desperate, depraved ado-
lescents at large in Seattle, Martin Bell
directs this woeful tale, written by Peter
Silverman, Jeff Bridges tops his own
high standards as Jack, a newly released
jailbird who can't help boasting about his
larcenous past yet wants a better life for
his 15-year-old son, Nick. The boy—
vividly played by Edward Furlong—ex-
udes the innocent air ofan abused angel.
Of course, the street life beckons Jack
and he becomes preoccupied with a
woman (Lucinda Jenney) who wrote to
him in prison through the letters col-
umn of a magazine called, yes, American
Heart. The movie is grungy but beautiful
and is brilliantly acted. Whether you like
it ог not, you have to admire Bell's
wrenching, compassionate view of these
born losers. УУЖ
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
American Friends (Reviewed 5/93)
Michael Palin in love at Oxford. ¥¥¥
American Heart (See review) Under-
dogs on the seamy side of Seattle. ¥¥¥
Benny & Joon (5/93) They're troubled
siblings saved by Johnny Depp. УМУ
Bodies, Rest & Motion (5/93) Young sin-
gles provoking long yawns. yy
The Dork Half (See review) Both halves
in conflict are Tim Hutton. Wh
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (See review)
Lee as Lee is A-OK. yyy
El Mariachi (5/93) Damned good Mexi-
can standoff, on a shoestring. УУУ
Equinox (5/93) Twins in the Twin Cities
with Matthew Modine. yy
Falling Down (3/93) As Everyman
pushed over the edge, Michael Doug-
las meets Robert Duvall. WI)
House of Cards (5/93) Kathleen Turner
stars, with a shaky premise. А
Jack the Bear (See review) Danny De-
Vito at home with two kids. yy
Joey Breaker (4/93) All about a sleazy
showbiz agent and how he grew. ¥¥'/2
The Last Butterfly (Listed only) A mime
tangles with some nasty Nazis. — V/z
The Long Day Closes (5/03) British lad
loves vintage tunes and movies. УУУ:
Mad Dog & Glory (5/93) De Niro and
Murray vic for Uma Thurman. УУУ
Map of the Human Heart (4/93) Love
that's out of sync but lasting. WAY
Much Ado About Nothing (Scc review)
Shakespearean snap, crackle and pop
from Branagh. ww
Olivier Olivier (4/93) A missing gargon
reappears in a French family that has
some doubts about him. yyy
The Pickle (5/93) A sour little comedy
from dircctor Paul Mazursky. Y
Riff-Raff (4/93) At a London building
site, the lowlifes raise hell. LUZ
Romper Stomper (5/93) Australian skin-
heads on a collision course. УУУ
Sofie (Listed only) Liv Ullmann has
her say about a woman's lot. УУУУ;
Stolen Children (4/93) From Italy, an
eloquent drama about two waifs and a
sympathetic cop. EA
The Story of Qiu Ju (5/93) Beautiful
Gong Li as a peasant wife on the go
against rigid Chinese customs. УУУУ
This Boy's Ше (4/93) De Niro in high
gear as the wicked stepdad. — УИ
Three of Hearts (Scc review) Boy gets
girlafter girlfriend loses her YYY
Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography
(See review) Eyc-filling. А
Wide Sargasso Sea (Scc rcvicw) Lust in
the sun—long before Jane Eyre. ¥¥¥
YY Worth a look
Y Forget it
УУУУ Don't miss
¥¥¥ Good show
tee) ni/ MO Army vpn жила ун у TS Y еде; змы
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Then, beginning Мау 8th, come іп and see the
world start to change shape. FOR THE WORLD AHEAD,
b ol Catia, B xn
long before there
was 90210, there
were Hillbillies—
Beverly, that is. But
Clampett family patri-
arch Buddy Ebsen's
enthusiasms are
hardly inbred, "JFK is
Ы а provocative, grip-
ping film," says Ebsen ofa favorite on tape,
"and | liked LA. Story—anything with
Steve Martin. Bogart's up there, too, with
Casablanca and The Maltese Falcon." Of
his own films, Ebsen top-ranks Breakfast
at Tiffany's ("Working with Audrey Hep-
burn was like putting on a finely crafted
sports jacket") and Broadway Melody of
1938 ("My dance with Judy Garland is still
fun to watch"). And whet about his Hillbil-
lies work? “I watch them when I'm feeling
low; Ebsen says. "We made 274 epi-
sodes, but to tell the truth, I don't remem-
ber some of them.” —EUIABETH O'KEEFE
our movie critic goes to the tape
‘The man’s world of moviedom was hard-
pressed to find five female Oscar nomi-
nees for 1992. It wasn't always so.
Witness the actresses below in their
definitive, image-fixing roles:
BETTE DAVIS: She won Oscars for Danger-
ous (1985) and Jezebel (1938) but lost out
when she really hit her stride as an aging
star in 1950's All About Eve.
KATHARINE HEPBURN: She redefined the
leading lady as a politico in Woman of the
Year (1942), then scored again in 1951's
The African Queen. Both were Oscar-
nominated, no-win landmarks.
GRACE KELLY: Playing Jimmy Stewart's
sexy inamorata in Rear Window (1954)
put the princess on the map—the same
year she won her statuette for suffering
as The Country Girl.
VIVIEN LEIGH: Taking top honor for Gone
with the Wind (1939) made everything she
did later an event—including her 1951
Oscar for A Streetcar Named Desire.
ELIZABETH TAYLOR: The Academy award-
ed her for her volatile turn їп 1966's
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and lesser
stint in the 1960 Butterfield 8. Both were
probably consolation prizes for not re-
varding her much finer work in Cat опа
Hot Tin Roof (1958). —BRUCE WILLIAMSON
ith Moscow's Gosfilmo-
In cooperation
fond film arci
Institute, Milestone Film & Video has
released its ten-tape Eorly Russian Cinema
24 anthology, a bounty of 28 recently un-
covered silent films from Russia's proud
age of moviemaking (1908-1918). The
works—meticulously transferred. onto
tape, scored and subtided—capture the
era with often controversial themes
(from social commentary to erotic come-
dies) as interpreted by the бау leading
artists. Most notable: the first screen
adaptation of Chekhov's Romance with a
Double Bass and four by Evgenii Bauer—
Russia's D. W. Grifhth—who churned
out nearly 80 pictures in just four years.
MGM/UA's The Golden Age of Looney Tunes
is a smart collection of benchmark ani-
mation from Warner's wartime cartoon
explosion. The top funnies:
Firsts: Bugs, Daily, Porky, Tweety, Syl-
vester and Foghorn Leghorn in the car-
toons that made them famous. Most cu-
rious: Odor-able Kitty, in which amorous
skunk Pepe LePew dogs a male cat.
Bugs Bunny by Each Director (or Six Men in
Search of a Wabbit): Warner's legendary
drawing team illustrates the importance
ofbeing Bugs. Includes the politically in-
correct World War Two cartoon Bugs
Bunny Nips the Nips.
Hooray for Hollywood: Will Bugs get the
Oscar? Will Bogart get his order of fried
rabbit? Will Daffy get Ann Sheridan? A
trunkload of Tinseltoons.
1930s Musi A program of primitive
gems, including Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (a
ditty later heard in Who Framed Roger
Rabbit) and Tex Avery's sublime, art de-
co-decked minimusical, Miss Glory.
Individual odes to the animators in-
clude Friz Freleng (the standout: Syl-
vester's feline tour de force, Back Alley
Oproar) and Bob Clampett (highlighted by
his dead-on Fantasia parody, А Corny
Good news for big-band buffs. On the
heels of Fox's landmark laser release of
Glenn Miller's Orchestra Wives and Sun
Valley Serenade comes a sweet music sam-
pling from BMG. Glenn Miller: America's
Musical Hero—Special Edition pays homage
to the swing giant with an hour-long
documentary on side one, a 16-song au-
dio program on side two—and magic
memories all around. . .. The Voyager
Company is fast becoming popular for
its soundtracks featuring commentary
by top filmmakers. Directorial chat grac-
ing upcoming Criterion Collection discs:
Nicolas Roeg (rhe Man Who Fell to Earth)
and Francis Coppola (Bram Stoker's Drocu-
fa)... . Blackhawk Films and Image En-
tertainment have turned out an impres-
sive restoration of Nosferatu (1922), F. W.
Murnau's silent vampire classic. Not an
easy task: Most of the film's prints were
destroyed in the wake of a Twenties
copyright war. . . With its three-platter
Work in Progress: Beauty and the Beast, Dis-
ney traces B&B from penciled story-
boards to final flick. Still the best sing-
along: Be Our Guest. . . . In а recent
consumer poll, The Laser Disc Neusletter
asked readers to name one disc most in
need of remastering. Top choice: The
Sound of Music, followed by Once Upon а
Time in the West and Dune. You've been
Glengarry Glen Ross (Mamet's talky poean to real-estate
sales scum; Lemman is high-strung, Pacino is low-key—
both are superb), A River Runs Through И (families, fly-fishing
and angst—lush stuff from director Redford).
Night and the City (two versions of scam ramonce: 1950—
Widmork and Tierney, 1992—De Niro ond Longe; toke
the oldie), Candyman (caed summons titular hoak-handed
wraith; grisly but OK), Ges Food Lodging (Mom deals with
teen daughters’ lust in New Mexico dust; a find).
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waxing cars.
Surprise colors, unusual collars and big sizes give a striking
new look to rugby shirts. Among our favorites are styles from
Tango by Max Raab featuring bold dots, funky paisleys and
chambray collars ($45, shown here). Cross Colours' shirts take
on a hip-hop flavor, some with color blocking and soft
brushed-cotion collars ($64, also shown here)
and others with vivid vertical stripes
and sporty lace-up fronts ($64).
Zip-front shirts by Yes Men
come in more than 20
bright color com-
($40). For a
jazzy, youth-
look, try
rugby shirts
that feature hip
cartoon charac-
ters; a Donald
one is dis-
played on
Tag Бар
striped ver-
sion ($34). If you're not quite ready to wear the bold and the
bright, Bosa Le Collezioni offers rugby shirts in washed neu-
tral and pastel colors ($34).
Blue-collar work wear and mainstream men's sportswear
have formed a union this season, which means that even
if you're not up for an afternoon of hard labor, your
dothing will be. One company, Carhartt, offers
black or brown stonewashed three-quarter-
length work jackets that have extra room in the
back for better movement ($55). H. W. Carter.
& Son's vintage line features a similarly styled
carpenter's jacket with railroad ticking
stripes, sturdy metal buttons and large patch
pockets ($100), plus fitted work shirts and
pants in colored twills and denim (both about
$55) and a jazzy two-toned blue-checked cham-
bray work shirt ($52). In general, work wear
looks best when mixed with classic sportswear. A
ticking-striped work shirt from Smith Apparel
($60) goes great with a pair of flat-front khakis, as
does a banded-collar shirt with shadow-striped cov-
eralls by Dickie's Workwear ($30) or denim overalls
by Big Smith ($36). Smith Apparel also makes a rub-
berized, water-resistant windbreaker ($100).
In anything-goes Amsterdam, sex and some drugs may be le-
gally for sale, but neither travels well, so we recommend buying
less risky souvenirs
at these hot shops. х
г Klompenhuisje
(Nieuwe Hoogstraat
9a): In the land of
clogs, this place is
said to have the best
and brightest selec-
tion. e 1001 Bieren
(Huidenstraat 21):
Yes, 1001 different
beers from around
the world are sold
here. e Nieuws In-
noventions (Prinsen-
gracht 297): Eu-
rotech accessories
that you can't find
back home. e Sissy
Boy (Van Baer-
lestraat 12): Despite
the name, there's
nothing sissy about
this store’s mens-
wear, which includes
everything from
tweeds to sweat-
ers. When you've
had your fill of
shops, head to
Waterlooplein central square Monday through Saturday
for the huge open-air flea market.
Back in the Sixties, the Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia
wouldr't have been caught dead in a tie. Now he's
selling them. Garcia claims he gets his inspiration
from personal scuba-diving adventures, which ex-
plains why the ties are named Fish, Frog and Un-
dertow ($29 to $33). Psychedelic rock posters from
the Fillmore East and West are also being made in-
to ties. Some of the bands represented include the
Doors, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and the Who
($38). Sketches made by John Lennon—including
his famous self-portrait—also pop up in neckwear
($35 to $50). Last, there's the Beatles Collection—
ties inspired by such hits as Can't Buy Me Love, А
Hard Day's Night and Paperback Writer ($28.50).
Long (iust above the knee] walking shorts;
baggy fits; worn with untucked shirts
Cotton twill, denim and linen in solid notural
tones such as ivory, khaki, blue and olive
Second-skin cycle shorts; string-waisted,
swim-trunk-length shorts
Nylon and Lycro; stretch cotton; acid brights;
color-blocking, island prints
Flat fronts with belt loops, zippers; belted
paper-bag waists; five-pocket styles
Elastic waists; cuffs; giant designer or
sports-team logos
Where & How to Buy on poge 178.
The IndiGlo night-light illuminates with a push of a button. And at $47.95, this Ironman’ [NDIG LO”
Triathlon” watch is so handsome, you'll enjoy staring at it. For retailers, call 1-800-367-8463. BY TIMEX
EACH TIME I think Гуе heard everything
that can possibly be done with the blues,
somebody comes along and makes me
feel really, really foolish. John Campbell
the latest somebody, and he has really
shaken my self-esteem with his second
album, Howlin Mercy (Elektra). The blues
moribund? Not while this guy's alive. А.
classically ravaged voice of experience,
Campbell sings about halfway between
Howlin' Wolf and Leonard Cohen (and
even that doesn't do justice to his
defiant, raw masculinity). His band, a
simple four-piece with Campbell on
slide, is defiantly uncooked as well—di-
rect from the swamp at midnight, which
makes sense, since Campbell comes from
isiana. Although the original song-
writing here is first-rate, the high-water
mark is the cover of Led Zeppelin's When
the Levee Breaks, which 1 had always con-
sidered to be uncoverable. In Camp-
bell's treatment, Robert Plant's original
moan of despair gradually transmog-
rifies into a snarl of rage, accompanied
by Campbell's outrageously percussive
slide. Somehow, you can see the levee
breaking, with Campbell standing be-
fore the onrushing wall of water, saying
“Fuck you, flood.” So I say this guy has
more testosterone than the entire Unit-
ed States Marine Corps, and if you dis-
agree, fuck you, too.
FAST CUTS: Miranda Sex Garden, Sus-
piro (Mute): Their first album featured
straight a cappella renditions of me-
dieval folk songs sung as if the group
were a classically trained version of the
Shangri-Las. Here, they come off like
the Shangri-Las meet King С
ploring the terrifying, awe-
mos side of psychedelia. If they ever get
together with John Campbell, they'll
have incredibly interesting children. In
the meantime, don't miss Willie Biddle in
His Watery Grave.
Crossfire Choir, Jesus (CBGB): One of
the best bands to come out of punk's
birthplace, CBGB, in a long time tries to
attract major-label interest here with a
three- ЕР Buy it now so you сап tell
nds you heard them first.
ing guitar riffs, particularly on
Who's Goose-stepping Now?
How can PM. Dawn get away with
making a second album that practically
clones its first? Mainly because The Bliss
Album (Vibrations of Love and Anger and the
Ponderance of Life ond Existence) (Gee
Street/[sland) repeats a mood that re-
28 mains unusual even among today's most
John Campbell's raw Howlin Mercy.
Blues direct from the midnight
swamp; tripping through
the Sixties with PM, Dawn,
psychedelicized hip-hoppers and rock-
ers. PM. Dawn uses. for example. the
Beatles’ Norwegian Wood to create atmos-
pheres and soundscapes that rank with
such gently trippy Sixties archetypes as
Love's Forever Changes and, indeed, Rub-
ber Soul. Like gangsta Ice Cube, these
black New Jersey Anglophiles make mu-
sic that redefines the boundaries of con-
temporary pop. And when necessary, as
on Plastic, they can set a groove that
rocks the house.
FAST CUTS: Аз someone who once wrote
a book that purported to enumerate the
1001 greatest singles ever made, I say all
rock histories are incomplete. So you can
imagine how mind-boggling Time-Life
Music's The Rock ‘п’ Roll Era is to me: À 50-
volume CD en that features 1100
tracks and still takes the story up to only
1963. Nobody's ever tried anything this
comprehensive, especially with such high
quality in pressing, annotation and pack-
aging. The pre-Beatles basics are all
here, induding single-artist compila-
tions for Elvis, the Supremes and the
Beach Boys, among others, that rank
with the best available in stores. Because
the series ranges as far back as 1945 (on
Volume 30, Roots of Rock '45—'55у and
does not stint on genres like doo-wop,
the effect is like bumping into Alistair
Cooke and discovering he wears a duck-
tail. So far, Time-Life will sell you the
damn things only by subscription, one
disc a month. That means it takes more
than four years to acquire all of them.
But its no exaggeration to say that it
takes at least ten times that long to ab-
sorb it all. Despite what your teacher
told you, nota second will be wasted.
You first heard Bruce Hornsby's key-
board genius on his poignant 1986 work
with the Range, The Way It Is. Live,
Hornsby has played with everyone from
Branford Marsalis to the Grateful Dead.
On Herbor Lights (RCA), his first solo ef-
fort, he finally shows his stuff on record,
* and the results are startling. Hornsby
i has enhanced his songwriting skills,
adding a sophisticated musical edge with
the aid of Marsalis, Pat Metheny and Jer-
ry Garcia. They all play with an intensity
that will amaze their fans. What makes
this one of the most exhilaratingly cre-
ative leaps by a major artist in years is
Hornsby's skill at threading a folk-based
melody through knotty rhythms, his rip-
pling solo lines on folk-funk-jazz work-
outs like Rainbow Cadillac and the strong
lyrics on Talk of the Town.
FAST CUTS: Mick Jagger. Wondering Spir-
и (Atlantic): Maybe you can't teach an old
dog new tricks, but producer Rick Rubin
proves you can get ‘em to relearn earlier
ones. By sticking with raw, gospel-in-
flected R&B, Rubin updates the Let It
Bleed-era Stones, providing Jagger with
the context so conspicuously absent on
his first two efforts.
Van Halen, Right Here, Right Now
(Warner): What were once innovations
are now near hés. This live outing
finds our most original guitarist treading
water. Maybe it’s time for a Band of Gyp-
мез project.
Freedy Johnston is a little over 30.
Thelonious Monster's Bob Forrest is a
Іше under. Сап You Fly (Bar/None, Box
1704, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030) is
Johnston's second album; Beautiful Mess
(Capitol) is Forrest’s fourth. Johnston
sold the family farm for ten grand to
finish his record; Forrest blew a big ad-
vance making his. Both guys feel a little
like failures, and if you can’t get behind
that, you probably can't hear what they
have to say. Too bad for you
Occasionally an old-timer gets lucky,
but Can You Fly is the work of genius—
the strongest album by a new male
singer-songwriter in at least a decade.
Johnston's accounts of selling “the dirt
to feed the band,” the post-ozone rock
Guess which two are new.
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Trust, a nonprofit humane society,
gave its Doris Day Award to Megadeth.
The animal rights organization hon-
ored the metal band for naming its
LP Countdown to Extinction.
Sister Dee Snider is being tapped for a
horror film. . . . Bette Midler is going to
do her first TV movie, Gypsy, on CBS
in the fall. . . . Yes, that was John Oates’
music you heard on the HBO special
about the making of the annual Sports
Illustrated swimsuit issue.
NEWSBREAKS: Bell Biv DeVoe's sopho-
more LP just came out, and they have
a line of hip-hop fashion called Flip-
side available nationwide in Foot
Locker and Athlete's Foot stores,
among others. . . . Janet Jackson’s LP
will be in stores any day now and
she’s auditioning dancers for a world
tour. . . . It's not over until it’s over:
Another Stevie Ray Vaughan LP could
be out by the end of the year. Perfor-
mances from 1978 have recently been
discovered. . . - Perspective is every-
thing: Meat Loaf's 1977 release, Bal
Out % Hell, currently outsells 1992
releases from Prince, INXS and Bon
Jovi. . . . David Byrne is gearing up for
another solo outing. . After 7 will
tour with Gladys Knight. Shanice ех-
pects to have a new album in the
stores in July. .. . Prince has been film-
ing celebrities at his new L.A. club,
Glam Slam, including Spike Lee, Jade,
Keith Washington and Tevin Campbell,
for a video of Blue Light. The clip may
come out only on a video compilation
of the album. Prince plans to make а
video of each song from the LP. . .
Lita Ford made her acting debut on
Fox TV's Herman's Head... .Ace-t plans
to tell all when Penguin publishes The
Ice Opinion. . . . And Boy George has
penned his autobiography, Take It Like
@ Man, which should make it to the
States this year. .. . In addition to Cen-
ter Stage being produced by PBS in
Chicago, In the Spotlight, originating at
the New York PBS studios, premiered
in March and will continue through-
out 1993, featuring Billy Joel, Joe Cock-
er and the music of the Beatles, among.
others. . . . Dwight Yoakam teamed up
with actor Peter Fonda to produce a
play in L.A. called Southern Rapture...
You might be surprised: Garth Brooks
and Madonna were the only music
stars to make the top-ten list of the
most fan mail received in 1992. . . .
The digital compact cassette is here to
stay. All major labels now either haye
manufacturing plants already operat-
ing or they're building them—even
Sony, in spite of the minidisc, . . . Pearl
Jam is in the studio in Seattle record-
ing the follow-up to Ten and trying to
stay true to its roots, even after a qua-
druple-platinum debut. Frontman Ed-
die Vedder told a crowd last winter, “I
want to give Marky Mark the fucking
finger. Anyone can drop their pants
and get attention. Are you a fucking
singer? Let's see some talent." Mean-
time, Marky is still dropping his pants
onstage and in print. id n' Play is
developing a TV series and working
on House Party Ш. . . . Look for an
Elvis documentary on ТУ in the fall.
Elvis in Hollywood will cover his first
screen tes! 1956 through his Army
induction. . . . Gang Starr's Guru has a
rap-jazz LP out that includes jazzmen
Roy Ayers, Courtney Pine and Branford
Marsalis with hip-hoppers N'Dea Dav-
enport and Carlene Anderson. . . . Eddie
Murphy plans to hit the road this sum-
mer doing both comedy and mu-
ЖЕЛДЕР ¡ally, Motley Crüe's Nikki Sixx
has described the band's new LP, "Til
Death Do Us Part, as “diverse and ma-
ture." With song titles like Hooligan's
Holiday and Hammered, how can we
doubt him? — BARBARA NELLIS
concert, the extended metaphor about
the labor of ending a marriage—every
one of his oblique but decipherable tales
of not quite getting it together could be
summed up by the title of the first track:
Trying to Tell You I Don't Know. Yet John-
ston's reedy Midwestern twang, the
open-ended detail of the lyrics and the
lithe, sly music add up to a study in
bringing confusion under control—and
in loving your life as a beautiful mess.
Speaking of which, Beautiful Mess lives
up to its title—it’s punkier, more naked.
In songs like / Live in a Nice House (соп-
ceived just afier he signed his deal, 1
guess) and Blood Is Thicker than Water
(ahh, dysfunction). Forrest harbors no
hope of transcending his confusion. He
just wants to make music out of it. And
he gets close enough for rock and roll.
FAST CUTS: On The Way of the Vaselines: A
Complete History (Sub Pop), young Scots
Eugene Kelly and Frances McKee poke
fun at sex roles and much more in a
completely amateurish, completely capti-
vating hodgepodge of silly songs. On.
Eugenius’ Oomalama (Atlantic), Kelly has
broken up with McKee. He rocks more,
but you know what? He's less interesting.
Hip-hop aesthetics are in a constant
flux, Afrocentric agitators, gangstas and
dance hall smoothies are among the
many subsets that have characterized
rap in recent years. One of the more vi-
tal strains of rap has been the п:
tongues, a style originally associated
New York-based acts such as A Tribe
Called Quest, Jungle Brothers and De
La Soul. The native tongues popularized
jazz samples, obscure arty references, a
non-hard-core attitude and a sly, irrev-
erent humor. The latest native-tongues
rap group to emerge is the Pharcyde.
This quartet of rappers and producers
taps into a deep catalog of jazz-funk
grooves to create a slinky, soulful collec-
tion. On Bizarre Ride ı (Delicious Vinyl/
Atla the rhyming is flowing and
fresh, marked by a conversational d
ery that sounds as comfortable mentio
ing black ex-porno starlet Heather
Hunter as jazz giant Thelonious Monk
Listen to 4 Better or 4 Worse, as well as to
Soul Flower, On the DL (for you поп-
urban dwellers, DL is slang for "down
low") and Passing Me By. The Pharcyde's
musical consistency makes this one of
the best rap debuts of the year.
FAST CUTS: Just Another Girl on the IRT is
a film, but it could easily have been a
new 12-inch disc by Queen Latifah or
Monie Love. Written and directed by a
black woman, Leslie Harris, this drama
looks at the life of Chantel, a bright,
loud-mouthed New York teenager—
someone we rarely see on-screen.
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Calvin Klein
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For decades we've been hearing that di-
rect broadcast satellites are just around
the corner. Now we're telling you they
really are. Starting in 1994. DirecTv,
a subsidiary of Hughes Communi
tions, will be filling your TV
screen with your
gramming and more movies more often.
"To receive the signals, you'll first need to
spend about $700 on a party-pizza-sized
satellite dish made by Thomson Con-
sumer Electronics. Take it from us, it will
be worth it. Not only will you receive
near-laser-disc-quality picture and digi-
tal sound, you'll also get at least 50 chan-
nels of pay-per-view entertainment, in-
cluding hot new films that run every half
hour. (Rumor has it that feature films
will be available through DBS before
they hit video stores.) In any case, rates
should be cable-competitive and billable
directly to your credit card.
Television wants to get interactive with
the help of the compact disc. No longer
merely a music medium, the CD now
carries computer codes for storing mul-
timedia home entertainment. Video-
game companies such as Sega and
Nintendo are battling for a portion of
this hot new market along with such
electronics manufacturers as Philips,
Pioneer, Commodore and 3DO. In a
nutshell, multimedia CD lets you manip-
ulate full-motion video and surround-
sound audio by means of specially de-
signed hardware. Although the CDs
we've seen resemble enhanced 16-bit
video games, the format's potential is im-
pressive: You'll be able to alter the plots
Where & How to Buy on page 178.
of movies as you watch them and edit
your own music videos. We've even
heard that virtual reality games are in
the works. Current CDs sell for about
$60, with players priced from $300 to
$700. Surprise, surprise—most of the in-
teractive systems are incompatible.
to similarly formatted stations as you
reach other cities. It will also sound an
alert or turn your radio on for weather
We've reported on smart phones, TVs
and houses. Now there are smart radios.
The intelligence comes from a new
computer transmission technology
called. Radio Broadcast Data Sys-
tems, which 500-plus radio stations
nationwide are expected to offer
by year's end. With RDS, you'll no
longer have to rely on disc jockeys
to reveal song tiles and artists"
names. That information and
more will now appear in the form
of messages on your dial. Strictly a
mie d
or traffic warnings and offer alternative
routes to freeway jams. Not bad for
rock-and-roll fan? Circuits will something that adds only about $100 to
scan the airwaves, stopping only the cost of a radio. To see this system in
at programming you choose. action, check out Philips $850 DC964
When you're traveling, RDS will
automatically tune your car stereo
car stereo or models from Blaupunkt,
Denon and Kenwood.
Sony's 100-disc CDP-CX100 CD chonger (shown below) will orgonize your
compact disc collection once and for oll. Aside from providing direct access to individ-
ual CD tracks, the CX100 lets you categorize discs by format, such as rock, dassicol
or country. You con also program the CX100 to play about 75 hours of uninterrupt-
ed music. Look for it in stores in September, priced at about $1200. e Not to be
outdone, Pioneer recently announced the CAC-V3000, a 300-disc CD changer that
con play music for up to nine days straight. The price: $6000. e On the home-theater
front, JVC has unveiled с video recording system for high-definition television called
W.VHS. In oddition to creating topes with ће same top-quality picture as HDTV, W-VHS
allows you to record two programs simultoneously. HDTV ond W-VHS are already
available in Japan, with the W-VHS ployer-recorder selling for the equivalent of $4800.
They're expected to arrive here loter this decode. Also new from JVC is a 4.7-inch
movie disc that offers a picture with the high resolution of current 12-inch laser discs.
It will be at least another year before the new minimovies are ploying in a home
near you, so the
costs of both
hardware and
software re-
moin unde-
Band B Liqueur 40% Alc /Vol. Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc. Farmington Hills, MI © 1992
he office of the Joint Net-
announced that for the
foreseeable future all vacant hours on
TV must be filled with some sort of 60
Minutes knockoff. Of course, there's a
down side to having a dozen news-
ven a TV viewer with no outside
at all may have trouble keeping
straight 20 different on-camera hosts
and dozens of reporters and correspon-
dents, especially with new shows pop-
ping up monthly. Luckily, there's help
Thanks to the following guide, you too
can join in office conversations and ap-
pear knowledgeable about TV news-
magazines you didn’t have time to watch.
Why is TV in love with newsmagazines?
"Think green. Not ecologically but fi-
nancially. TV news shows are cheap to
produce. And more important, they're
zapper-friendly. As Andrew Heyward,
former executive producer of CBS's 48
Hours, says, “Unlike a drama show, you
don't have to watch the whole hour to
get something out of it."
Pm loyal to my demographic group. What's
the right TV newsmagazine for me?
We have bad news. Television news-
magazines are designed to be inter-
changeable. Any могу on 20/20 could
casily appear (and sometimes does) on
Dateline NBC. All the shows—induding
syndicated tabloid shows such as Hard
Copy and Inside Edition—belong to a se-
cret club where cach weck's story ideas
are put into a hat and pulled ош at ran-
dom. If everyone would cooperate, we
could have one 15-hour newsmagazine
show per week and be done with it.
But don't the hosts give each show its per-
sonality? My favorite show, for instance, fea-
tures two anchors—a man and а woman—
who engage in awkward banter and make
small talk with the correspondents
While not all TV newsmagazines use
stilted coed anchor teams, it’s clearly the
preferred trend. 20/20's Hugh Downs
and Barbara Walters started it, but the
quintessential team is Sam Donaldson
and Diane Sawyer of Prime Time Live
Their antichemistry is so apparent tha
they can't even sit together on the same
set without alienating sensitive viewers.
ABC takes no chances and now insists
that each anchor be in a different city
during the broadcast
Why do anchors chat with reporters afier
each story?
Never forget the most important rule
of TV journalism: The correspondent
must never outshine the anchor. Having
the host ask a pre-scripted, s
trating question shows Ате!
charge. Besides, it forces the r
show up for work at least once a week.
е shows on the air in any given!
20/20 vision: ratings versus journalism.
Understanding the
TV newsmagazine—
without a TV set.
Don't newsmagazine shows attract Ihe best
and the brightest journalists?
Absolutely. 20/20 recently stole Cath-
erine Grier away from CNN. The former
judge told reporters she was joining the
show because she wants “to learn how to
report.” As far as we can tell, she’s the
best-paid trainee at AB
Why does Steve Kroft ask such easy ques-
lions when he's interviewing hig neusmakers
such as Bill and Hillary or Woody Allen?
Major figures in crisis have enough
problems without facing a rude reporter.
Anyway, NBC is paying Kroft under the
table to make Jay Leno look like a savvy
Who's TV's hardest-working journalist?
We vote for Hugh Downs. He lives in
Arizona, flies to New York where ABC
maint an apartment for him, reads a
few intros, talks to Barbara, cashes his
check and flies home.
What does the "20/20" sign-ofj — We're in
touch, so you be in touch”—mean? What are
they in touch with, exactly?
Hugh is in touch with his agent for
citing him such a cushy gig. Barbara is
touch with every major Hollywood
publicist, trying to figure out why Oprah
got Michael Jackson and she didn't
With so many neusmagazines now on TV,
are we in danger of running out of stories?
Not so long as producers can turn to
the movie listings for inspiration. Do the
real-life parents behind Lorenzo's Oil look
anything like Susan Sarandon or Nick
Nolte? Disc inating viewers need to
know. Did some psycho parents leave
their kids unattended for a week? That's
a good story, too, but don't forget to in-
dude a scene from Home Alone 2, Reality
is much more appealing when Macaulay
Culkin makes a guest shot.
What's each show's major contribution to
That's easy. 60 Minutes created the
idea of journalist as hero, doing battle
with evil big business and nefarious
politicians. Prime Time Live pioneered
the hidden camera, so we could watch
rotting meat being repackaged as fresh.
A Current Affair cornered the market ear-
ly on clever re-creations of actual events.
And Dateline NBC found an inyentive use
for leftover Fourth of July fireworks.
Are we getting good journalism from TV
newsmagazine shows?
Sometimes, but it’s often hidden. On
Street Stories, correspondent Deborah
Norville did a half hour report on the
frightening stuff—perfeci for TV 一 and
Street Stories made it seem a:
everywhere, like country music and Gap
T-shirts. Only 20 seconds of the report
discussed the main reason for the in-
crease in TB: the large number of AIDS
patients who contract the disease. And
much of that information was buried in
idle chitchat with host Ed Bradley.
But what about the experts? These shows
interview bona fide experts, right?
If you needed a bona fide expert on
apples treated with chemicals, wouldn't
you turn to Meryl Streep? 60 Minutes
did. OF course, it once passed off a Los
Angeles-based party columnist as an ex-
pert on real estate. It’s important to be
Do TV newsmags have any real power?
Ask the people at Audi. They never
fully recovered from a 60 Minutes hit job
in 1986, even though they were later
vindicated by government safety agen-
cies in the U.S., Canada and Japan. Or
ask the folks who make three-wheeled
all-terrain vehicles, cellular phones, the
Suzuki Samurai and GM trucks.
How do TV neusmags stack up?
The best: 48 Hours. The worst: a tie
between the dreaded Current Affair and
Dateline NBC.
1% nol fair to lump trashy tabloid shows
such as "Current Affair” and “Hard Copy"
with respectable network broadcasts such as
“20/20” and “Prime Time Live,” is it?
Put it this way: Which show featured
an exorcism? (It was 20/20.) And which
one claimed that the hottest new wend
in psychiatry was treating victims of sa-
tanic abuse? (Prime Time Live, of course.)
Isn't there any important difference between
“Hard Copy” and "20/20"?
Sure. One is 30 minutes longer than
the other.
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IMCA) 11827
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Ави) йв 09
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Rock Rol Sundie
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Ecc: m
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The Doors: LA. Woman
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Minds: Git
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ZZ Тор: Greetest His
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Larace) 5016)
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een or
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Mam a on
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HYPERBOLE Has so overloaded book re-
viewing that when an exceptional book
shows up, there are no adjectives left for
a reviewer to use. Admittedly, we're bi-
ased: PLAYBOY has been a fan of Bob Sha-
cochis writing since 1982, when we pub-
pud his short story Lord Short Shoe
Wants the Monkey. lt was his first national
exposure. Now comes his novel Swim-
ming in the Volcano (Scribner's), one of the
finest we have read in years. This book
takes a serious look at contemporary life
by way of fictional characters in а Ca-
ribbean setting. Shacochis uses his su-
perb command of language to explore
the ethical and emotional complexities
beneath the surface of everyday events.
Most significant, he embraces big themes
with energy and confidence
In a prologue that s this novel its
title, American economist Mitchell Wil-
son accompanies a local forest ranger,
Godfred Ballantyne, on a climb to the
top of an active volcano, Mount
Soufriere, on the Caribbean island of St.
Catherine. Although the volcano has not
erupted since 1902, recent activity has
prompted scientists to install monitoring
equipment along the rim. Inside the
crater, a lake of warm rainwater has
formed and. in order to test the temper-
ature and measure the water level, Wil-
son and Ballantyne swim out to an island
of hot magma in the center. Wilson's
swim in the deceptive warmth of this po-
tentially explosive volcano is a symbolic
foreshadowing of the rest of the story.
Sure enough, Wilson’s lethargic island
life is soon shattered when his ex-girl-
friend sends a telegram announcing her
imminent arrival after an absence of five
years. Johanna Woods brings with her a
lot of emotional baggage and $20,000
worth of her not-quite-ex-husband's
drug money. Within days, her spirited,
reckless, often Seel, enhanced pres-
ence wrenches Wilson out of his torpor
and into the maelstrom of island pol-
itics. Then this novel, which is often
filled with wit and hilarity, turns dark
and violent.
What is so mesmerizing about Swim-
ming in the Volcano is not just the
Caribbean Casablanca romance, or the
convoluted maneuvers of various island
powers, or even the enchanting scenes of
St. Catherine life told in native patois.
What draws the reader in is the range
and flexibility of Shacochis' prose, which
captures the languid images of island
life. St. Catherine becomes to Shacochis
what Dublin was for Joyce. You may
think such a comparison grandiose, but
there are echoes in this book of Graham
Greene and Hemingway, too. As Sha-
38 Cochis whirls through “the global pil-
Swimming in the Volcano.
Explosive stuff trom Bob
Shacochis, Robert Parker
and P D. James.
lage" of the Caribbean, he confronts
ра уелер drugs, multicultural collisions,
hird World politics and the anguish of
a moral man trying to be heard in the
roar of an amoral universe. Whether
you believe fiction should speak to larger
truths or you simply take joy in the
music of extraordinary writing, you will
want to read this book.
Last fall, when A. N. Wilson's biogra-
phy, Jesus: ALife (Norton), was published,
we missed reviewing it. It me your at-
tention. Ostensibly, this book is an at-
tempt to separate the mythological Jesus
of Christian faiths from "the Jesus of his-
tory" But Wilson quickly admits that
what little we know about Jesus from
non-Christian sources "could be written
on the back of a postcard and does not
prove that he actually existed."
Wilson examines each biblical story
about Jesus lile in light of the chaotic re-
ligious and political situation during the
Roman occupation of the Holy Land. By
hunting down the meaning of each clue
in the text, he gives us a deeper under-
standing of the intentions different con-
tributors to the New Testament had in
skewing the mythology of Jesus. The pic-
ture of Jesus emerging from his analy:
is that of "a recognizable Jew of the first.
century . . . a Galilean hasid or holy
man." Although it may alarm some to
learn that elements of Christian ritual
have no basis in either the New Testa-
ment or history, Wilson's book is impor-
tant because it provides new insight into
the philosophical and religious back-
grounds of Jesus’ teachings.
Some lighter fiction reading this
month includes Robert B. Parker's Poper
Doll (Putnam), Jazz Funeral (Fawcett), by
Julie Smith, and Trey Ellis’ Home Repairs
(Simon & Schuster). Parker follows
Spenser through a murder investigation
that finds the alleged victim still alive.
Smith, one of the most talented of the
new crop of mystery writers, shows us a
dark side of the New Orleans Jazz Fes-
tival. Ellis is a witty African-American
writer who lets us read the hilarious sex
diary of Austin McMillan, certainly the
horniest young man since Alex Portnoy,
The Children of Men (Knopf), by Р D.
James: Set in the year 2021, James! un-
expected and inspired departure from
detective stories to science fiction tackles
the end of the human race.
Love Is Strange: Stories of Postmodern Ro-
mence (Norton), edited by Joel Rose and
Catherine Texier: Sixteen writers pre-
sent love stories ranging from tender to
outrageous, proving that in the age of
safe sex, romance is alive.
Ranters 8 Crowd Pleasers: Punk in Pop Mu-
sic, 1977-92 (Doubleday), by Greil Mar-
cus: Rocks most imaginative theorist
traces the legacy of the Sex Pistols.
Bluesman (Faber and Faber), by Andre
Dubus ІП: His much anticipated first
novel about coming of age in the Sixties
lives up to Dubus' impressive reputation
as a short-story writer.
Black Studies, Rap and the Academy (U. of
Chicago), by Houston A. Baker, Jr.: The
former president of the Modern Lan-
guage Association and a leading black
intellectual offers a thought-provoking
and eloquent defense of rap.
Bernard of Hollywood's Marilyn (St. Mar-
tin's), by Susan Bernard: Our December
1966 Playmate has compiled a mar-
velously nostalgic photo album of her fa-
ther's loving photographs of MM
Winter Prey (Putnam), by John Sand-
ford: The fifth Lucas Davenport mys-
tery, set in the dark Wisconsin wood:
an intense thriller with an unlikely killer.
Operation Shylock: A Confession (Simon &
Schuster), by Philip Roth: In this spy
thriller, Philip Roth himself discovers
he's being impersonated by a stranger
who could be his twin. Another inventive
t from the author of the Zuckerman
trilogy and Portnoy's Complaint.
The Shark-Infested Custard (Underwood-
Miller), by Charles Willeford: This hilar-
ious crime story takes place in Miami in
the Seventies. Four single guys who are
tying to get laid find a murder instead.
4992 LA Goa;
M ost of the women I know can
vividly remember moments when
they felt picked on or threatened by
anonymous men in public places. And
that aspect of female life makes existence
more difficult for all of us today, male
and female.
The tales these women tell are not
vague or feeble fiction: They can give
you the exact times, dates and locations
of various incidents, as well as complete
descriptions of what happened to them,
what was said, what they did.
As you listen to them talk, you can feel
their anger and their fear, and you have
to recognize the gravity of their charges.
You know that in certain respects, these
women have been unnerved, and that
their fears will not disappear simply be-
cause you wish they would.
Tam not saying that all female fears of
men are justified, or that men are dan-
gerous by definition. Nor am 1 claiming
that men run no risks of their own on
the street. But I take seriously the stories
of intimidation and anxiety that I hear
from women. And I am convinced that
there are things we can do as men to be-
come more helpful and protective of the
women in our lives.
It's undeniable that a small minority
of violent and uncontrolled men have
engaged in despicable conduct toward
some of the women they encounter, and
that such conduct has scarred those
women and darkened the image of all
men in this culture. Our image, of
course, has not been helped by the inces-
sant media focus on violent men; biased
and loaded media coverage increases
women's fear of men.
Whether valid or not, whether fair
Or not, there are umes when a man's
mere presence can cause a woman con-
sternation. Allow me to ask you two basic
(1) Have you done your job as a man
by changing your public behavior so that
women feel less threatened by you?
(2) Have you been mentally lazy when
it comes to this subject, and have you
simply forgotten to look at life from the
female side of the street?
Ло be male is a different experience
from being female. No matter how we
might try to argue about it, our experi-
ence walking down a street is not the
equivalent of the female experience.
So what I want to share with you here
is my code of conduct in this arena. 1 ask
you to think about it. Because I know
that men can do better than we have
been doing. We can be less careless and
more supportive of women in general as
they function in public, as they join the
American work force in increasing num-
bers апа as they commute to and from
their homes and their jobs.
Here are some of my rules:
There 15 safety in space, so on the street,
give women space. 1f 1 am walking behind
a woman on a lightly populated street, 1
will either pass by her quickly or stay a
decent interval behind her. If the street
is empty, I will often cross to the other
side to give her a stronger sense of space
and safety. Even in crowds, 1 avoid walk-
ing closely beside a woman for long. And
in what may seem like an exaggerated
sense of concern to some of you, 1 admit
that I give women space in elevators,
з, subway stops, hotel lobbies,
restaurants and office buildings.
On some occasions, there is safety in close-
ness. Yes, 1 know I am contradicting the
first rule in my code of conduct. But this
is the real world, where nothing is sim-
ple. There are umes when, if it looks like
someone is about to hassle a woman in a
public place, your presence can make a
difference—and you don't necessarily
have to say a thing. By standing closer to
her than you normally would, you are
indicating that she is not alone and that
you might defend her, which can defuse
a situation before it gets out of hand. It is
a courteous, chivalric thing to do.
See yourself through her ejes. What do
you look like to her? For cxample, to see
myself through a woman's eyes, I first
have to remind myself that I rarely ap-
pear as a well-dressed and affluent man.
It is not my style. And for better or
worse, most women in a big-city environ-
ment tend to trust the well-dressed man
more than the unconventionally attired
one. So when | wear casual clothes, the
price I pay for that on Chicago's Michi-
gan Avenue is that I look different from
the average executive, and looking dif-
ferent can threaten some people. My ap-
pearance may not seem to be that of a
safe or predictable man. So that is even
more reason for me to be careful and to
make no false assumptions about how I
might be perceived.
Unless a woman gives you a clear signal
that she wants to talk to you, the street is not
the place to introduce yourself. Nothing irri.
tates me more than to see some suppos-
edly slick-talking guy trying to hustle a
woman who does not want to be hustled.
These days, the goal of most women on
the street is to get from one place to an-
other with safety and efficiency. They are
not cruising for dates or asking for at-
tention or оп the street to flirt. So unless
I've been spoken to first in a public
venue, 1 do not talk to women I have
never met. Sure, [ am attracted to many
women and sometimes have the illusion
that I could be a friendly guy with an
ability to break the ice. But so what?
L know that those passing moments of
sel£inflation are precisely the moments
when I have forgotten my job as a man
on the street today.
My job and your job, 1 should say.
Which is to wish all women the ultimate
in health and safety, and to do what we
can to help them lead productive and
unmolested lives.
It is not too much to ask of ourselves.
And if we take this code of conduct seri-
ously, as we should, it will be well worth
all our effort. Because it will help us
build a much-needed bridge across that
sometimes forbidding canyon we call the
gender gap.
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I was doing squat-thrusts at the gym
and was working ир а nice sweat
“Oh, my God!” she yelled. “Му father
sexually abused me. 1 can't believe it!"
"Neither can 1,” I gasped as I dropped
the barbell on my foot. "How do you
know this? Did you dredge up buried
memories? Did he confess?”
“] took a quiz іп a magazine. 1 scored
ninety-one out of a hundred and have
the dassic symptoms. I'm plagued by
feelings of intense shame. 1 feel guilty
about everything, especially sex. I have
low self-esteem and always feel I'm
wrong. I am incapable of sustaining а
constructive relationship with a man. I
have chronic nightmares. My childhood
memories range from fuzzy to nonexis-
tent. I suffer from frequent bouts of se-
vere depression. There's no doubt about
it, I was an abused child."
“Come on, Cleo, I have exactly the
same symptoms ”
“Unbelievable! You were abused, too.
No wonder we're friends."
So then I told her she was basically de-
scribing every woman I know. She said 1
should stop being in denial. I said ГИ bet
you a hundred dollars that every woman
in the gym right now has exactly the
same symptoms. She took me up on it. 1
lost. The woman who ran the juice bar
she remembered her childhood
nd that her husband was the
ig that ever happened to her
Cleo demanded I pay up. So I browbeat
the juice-bar woman until she admitted
that she thought her husband might be
having an affair and that her memories
of sixth grade were nonexistent
“There, you see? It's all a crock,” 1
“АПТ see,
abuse thing is more widespread than we
ever imagined. What the hell is wrong
with fathers, or uncles, or whoever the
hell destroys the lives of innocent girls?”
"It's a crock,” I reiterated. “It’s the dis-
ease of the month. The authors of these
articles and books make the symptoms
sufficiently vague so that they fit almost
everyone, which means almost everyone
will run to the bookstore and gobble up
these books and the authors can buy as
many Benzes as they want. A crock”
"If you say crock again ГИ shoot you,”
said Cleo.
“Sure it's a crock,” said Rita at dinner
that night, “unless all women in the
United States are victims of child abuse,
which can't be true. Can it?”
“In a way I'm relieved,” said Cleo.
“Гуе always liked my father.”
“But something's wrong somewhere,"
said Rita. “If we weren't all abused, how
come we're plagued by shame, guilt,
depression, low self-esteem and bad
We sat for a while in silent melancholy.
We asked our waitress if she had any
ideas. Her idea was that we should drink
some margaritas and forget about it.
"This seemed sensible
“Bur there is one thing I’ve been won-
dering," said our waitress as she brought
our drinks. “1 read in the paper that un-
til they're nine years old. girls are just as
happy and self-confident as boys. But
then, when they hit that magic age, the
long downhill slide begins. They start
doing lousy in math, they go spastic in
gym class, they generally fall apart. How
“Simple,” said Cleo. “That's when they
get abused.”
“If you say abused again ГИ shoot
you,” said Rita.
“Shut up a second,” I said. An idea
was fighting through the margarita haze.
“OK, I've just figured it out. You know
how we all come from dysfunctional
families, but some families are really dys-
functional, so that Dad gets to do what-
ever he wants even if it's really disgust-
ing and everybody shuts up and
pretends everything is fine? Well, isn’t it
the same for society in general? Doesn't
our society systematically abuse its w
en and we pretend everything is fin
“Boy, you are really drunk,” said Cleo.
“So you're saying our entire society is
dysfunctional?” asked Rita.
"Well, isn't it? Little girls are taught to
be passive. We're given dolls and stupid
tea sets and we aren't allowed to yell ог
get dirty or fight. Nobody cares what we
do so long as we look cute doing it, so we
become obsessed with appearance over
performance. Sugar and spice and
everything nice.
"Whereas little boys are active. They
get to play in Little League and build
forts. They get filthy, scream like ban-
shees and beat the shit out of one anoth-
ек And Mom and Dad just smile and
"Boys will be boys." Snips and sn:
puppy dogs' tails.
“Well, so big deal,” said Cleo.
"Of course it's a big deal," I yelled at
her. "It's abuse. If you grow up with all
your natural aggressive instincts beaten
out of you, if you're not allowed to be
competitive or active or express your
anger, what do you think happens? You
feel helpless and out of control. Which
makes you depressed and full of self-
loathing, you moron!"
*Looks like you dor't have much of a
“But what about that nine-year-old
thing?" asked our hovering waitress.
“Isn't nine when we become those ob-
noxious creatures who giggle and whis-
per and pass notes in class and never do
their homework>” asked Cleo.
"Nine is when our hormones start act-
ing up, when we start getting those litle
mounds on our chests," said Rita.
"Nine is when we become obsessed
with boys," I said. “Nothing matters any-
more but what they think of us."
"And we want them to like us so much
that we start acting the way they want
us to, the way we've been propagan-
dized,” said our waitress. "Stupid, pas-
sive, nonthreatening."
“I told you that we were all abused,"
said Cleo.
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AX fier sex I like to lounge around nude.
My new girlfriend feels fine about re-
maining topless, but she's quick to pull
on her panties. She says she “just feels
more comfortable that way.” But I love
gazing at every part of her body. I've
asked her to stay naked, but she’s not in-
to it. What gives?—I. P, Forest Hills,
New York.
Chances are she doesn't consider her pri-
vates to be as attractive as you do. We're told
that men are uncomfortable about nudity be-
cause of their concern with penis size. We al-
ways thought it was central air conditioning.
It turas out that women ате more anxious
about genitals than men are. At least that’s
what University of Kansas researchers
Rhonda Reinholiz and Charlene Muchlen-
hard discovered in a recent study of 320
college students, half men, half women.
Compared with the men, the women felt si,
nificantly less comfortable with their geni-
tals, and with their lovers’. But there's hope
‘for men like you who enjoy seeing their lovers
au naturel. The study also showed that the
women who felt most comfortable with their
nudity were also the most sexually experi-
enced. In other words, the more often she re-
moves her undies for sex, the more likely she
is to leave them off
Vue never scen anyone use a condom in
an X-rated video, Aren't the actors afraid
of AIDS?—K, I., Tempe, Arizona.
Condoms are not entirely absent from sex
videos, but they're rare. Porn performers are
indeed concerned about AIDS and other sex-
ually transmitted infections. Some have ar-
rived at a creative solution to the occupa-
tional hazard they face: an expanded form of
sexual exclusivity. There aren't many profes-
sionals in porn, and those who make a living
at it generally know one another and work
together regularly. Several performers of our
acquaintance work only with a select group
of actors who they know have tested disease
free. If no one has sex outside the group, then
no one catches anything. Of course, this re-
quires more trust than а monogamous rela-
tionship, where you have to worry about
only one lover stepping out. This type of ar-
rangement is not unique to the porn indus-
try. We heard about а university marching
band whose members took a similar pledge
and reportedly made beautiful music togeth-
ек The tuba player was supposedly a legend
in his own clef. If you like this combination of
variety and exclusivity, you might raise the
idea at your office, healih club or condo as-
sociation. Let us know how things work out.
Some audio dealers insist the only way
10 audi
with a single pair of speakers at a time
Most audio shops display dozens of
speakers in each listening room. What's
the best way to choose speakers?—E. T.,
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
The best auditioning facility is the room in
your home where you'll be listening to music.
Any store worth its woofers will let you take
опе or two pairs of speakers home for a trial
marriage. No matter how many speakers fill
the room, а store is a dismal place for listen-
ing, It's true that a demo room with a single
pair of speakers permits proper positioning
for listening. However, it’s difficult to com-
pare different speakers. Acoustic memory is
brief. In multiple-speaker rooms, you can do
instant comparisons of poorly positioned
speakers. Ultimately, listening in the store
provides only a rough clue to speaker sound.
Among comparable speakers, room acoustics
affect speaker sound more than any other
Whether for business or pleasure, my
trips overseas get off to a rough start be-
cause of jet lag. I've read about dozens
of cures. Do any of them work?—S. D.,
New York, New York.
Your body uses several systems to reset your
internal clock. Some travelers swear by the
famed jet-lag diet described in Dr. Charles
Ehret and Lynne Waller Scanlen's “Over-
coming Jet Lag.” More recent research con-
tends that controlling the light reaching your
eyes winds your clock. Wear eyeshades or
dark welder's glasses while traveling if you'll
arrive at your destination at night. Try to be
in as much light as possible while traveling if
the sun will be up when you get to where
you're going. Once there, spend an hour in
the afternoon sun when possible, or under
very bright fluorescent lights. One airline is
pushing aroma therapy. It hands out small
vials of different scents to be sniffed at
appropriate times during your journey. An
overlooked contribution to jet lag is noise.
Buy noise-canceling headphones (about
$1000 a pair) or use tightly fitting earplugs.
These reduce stress and help you arrive
refreshed. Finally, some experts recommend
making love your first night back home.
We're not making this up. They claim sex is
an excellent way of telling your body every-
thing’s back to normal.
Do sex surrogates sull e:
they therapists or prostitutes?
St, Paul, Minnesota.
Surrogates are still with us, primarily on
the West Coast—especially in Los Angeles,
San Diego and the San Francisco Bay area.
“They are also in а few other places across
the country,” according to Adele Kennedy, a
longtime Los Angeles surrogate and surro-
gate trainer. Some women who сай them-
selves surrogates are real therapists. Others
are prostitutes. The way to tell the difference,
Kennedy says, is that surrogate therapists
never advertise. They accept only referrals
from psychologists or sex therapists and are
an integral part of the treatment team of
Iherapisi, patient and surrogate. In addi-
lion, they never jump right into bed with
clients. “Our emphasis is on sensuality, not
sexuality,” Kennedy says. “I often sec a client
regularly for months before we have inter-
course, if that becomes appropriate.”
In the February Playboy Advisor you de-
dare that a stereo television set пог
equipped with a dbx chip is a fraud or
lemon. I believe that the magazine is
misinformed. Thomson Consumer Elec-
tronics [the maker of RCA, Proscan and
GE TVs] manufactures and markets
stereo TVs with and without dbx noise-
reduction circuitry. Some of our stereo
models include advanced technology
such as Dolby ProLogic Surround and
Hughes SRS Sound Retrieval systems.
We also developed the patented XS
Stereo technology—a circuit that de-
codes and sepa
same time as it reduces noise. The XS
system does not use dbx noise reduction,
с stereo sound from
n, closely spaced
speakers. Furthermore, XS Stereo pro-
vides directional realism, the phenome-
non of sound appearing to move from
one area to another. While some peo-
ple have the impression that there are
mandated technologies for reproducing
stereo in TVs, there is no such legal
requirement.—James Harper, Thomson
Consumer Electronics, Indianapolis,
We stand corrected. If a person plans on
hooking a TV into a home entertainment s
tem with separate speakers, he should look
for a dbx system. But someone looking for
interesting sound in a one-piece unit should
keep his ears open to alternate, innovative
technologies. XS Stereo does create what one
reviewer called a sound stage—an aural pres-
ence wider than the spacing between speakers.
Check it out.
МІ new girlfriend is terrific, except
that she keeps talking about her ex-hus-
band of eight years. They were high
school sweethearts, and she hasn't been
in any other serious relationships, so this
guy represents most of what she knows
about men, love and sex. But after sever-
al months, her “ex” rap is getting old
and I'm getting impatient. My buddies
tell me to hang in there, but chilling out.
is leaving me cold. What do you say?—
R. O., Dubuque, lowa.
Many people carry baggage from past re-
lationships. The trick is learning to leave it.
Here's our rule: Women are free to talk
about ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands for one
or two dates (though why they should want
to is beyond us). If they aren't talking about
us by the third, the relationship is destined
to go nowhere. If you want to be this wom-
an’s therapist, go ahead. But with the ghost
of her ex haunting your new romance, you're
in danger of winding up as a transitional
fing on her way to some future relationship.
Tin recently divorced and I've started
answering personal ads, They should
call those things impersonals. On three
occasions I've arranged. what I Шоир
would be dates, but afier five-minute
look-overs, all three women said it
wouldn't work and brushed me off.
They weren't beauties and I'm no beast.
Are vidco personals better2—B. B., West-
port, Connecticut.
We doubt il. We've never liked personals
in print, video, skywriting or graffiti. The
ads are like résumés—if not outright lies,
they're often tortured interpretations of the
truth. And the initial mectings are like cast-
ing calls (Number 21? Ah, thank you. Num-
ber 22?). Most people we know turn to the
personals when they get frustrated with the
bar scene. Our advice: Write your résumé,
then live it. If you say you like to hang out at
the climbing wall at the local sports club, go
climb. If you meet a woman hanging out at
the same wall, star! a conversation. You al-
ready have something in common.
Au the advice columns say talking
leads to intimacy, which leads to better
sex. But often, when I want to talk about
something important, my girlfriend
reaches for my zipper and we just have
sex. It's as if she uses sex to avoid con-
versation. Most of the time I think I'm a
lucky guy, but sometimes I wonder.—
A. W., Morristown, New Jersey.
Except for "Excuse me, the house is on
Fre,” what conversation can't wait till after
sex? Too often, proximity is wasted on con-
uersation. If you want to talk with her, call
46 her on the phone, or talk after sex. When a
woman reaches for our zipper, we don't
mince words. There are better uses for the
mouth than talking.
Eve read about several new car models
with five-speed automatic transmissions
and six-speed manual gearboxes. Why
have manufacturers provided these ex-
tra gears? Do they change the way the
car should be driven?—K. G., New Or-
leans, Louisiana.
Six-speed manual transmissions are avail-
able in new Corvetie models, in the BMW
850Ci, the Dodge Viper, the 1993 Acura
Legend coupe and the 1993 Camaros and
Firebirds. The extra gear provides fuel
efficiency al cruising speeds. Heres how:
With most new six-speed transmissions,
third, fourth and fifth speeds are lower
geared in order to improve acceleration. At
the same time, a tall, overdrive sixth-gear та-
tio helps improve fuel efficiency at cruising
speeds. No special driving techniques are
called for—although, in the case of a six-
Speed manual, you don’t want to shift into
sixth gear too soon, as acceleration and pass-
ing ability are much better in fourth and fifth
gears. The principle is the same for five-
Speed automatics. At present, Mercedes-Benz
and BMW offer them in a few models. Re-
portedly, more are on the way.
МІ, vie rarely goes to bed later than
11 рм. I rarely retire before 12:30. We
usually make love in the late afternoon,
sv ош different beduines don't affect our
sex life. But she doesn't like to go to bed
by herself, and I'm a night owl. Do you
have any suggestions?—M. G., Bala Cyn-
wyd, Pennsylvania.
Don't turn bedtime into battle time. Early
birds rarely become night owls and vice ver-
sa. You have the flip side of the more familiar
problem—one likes to jump out of bed at the
crack of dawn, while the other loves to sleep
in and have breakfast in bed. In the past,
we've urged early risers to drop by the
boudoir and share a cup of coffee with a
lover breakfasting in bed. In your case, we
suggest that as your wife prepares to retire,
you accompany her into the bedroom, kiss
her, tuck her in and then depart.
Youve written about storing records,
CDs and tapes. I just had a 1925 Model
L Steinway piano restored. Now I want
to protect my investment. What advice
do you have for the real thing?—]. R.,
Chicago, Illinois
You're right to be concerned about your in-
strument's care. A restored Steinway of that
vintage can be worth $30,000. Here are
some guidelines for preserving wooden in-
struments: Maintain a consistent relative
humidity (the optimum range is 45—50 per-
cent), That may not be realistic in all envi-
ronments—some walls “weep” at 50 per-
cent—but at least avoid wild swings in
humidity between winter and summer
months, The variation should not exceed ten
percent. Get a hygrometer to monitor the
room's humidity, but understand that the
margin of error of such a device can be as
high as eight percent. Do not put the instru-
ment in direct sunlight, near an uninsulated
шай, adjacent to a heat source or air condi-
tioner or near a drafty window. Some people
protect their pianos with a fleece-lined cov-
er—uinyl or something nonporous is prefer-
able to а quilted material, which will act as а
sponge and retain moisture directly on the
The movies that are shown on airplanes
are all dogs, or about dogs. Can I use my
portable VCR to watch my own flicks
while flying? While you're at it, how
come 1 still have to pay the four dollars
for a movie in coach when 1 use my own
headphones?—P. J., Washington, D.C.
The most portable of VCR-TV combina-
tions are 8mm models ihat include TV
tuners. TV tuners emit radio waves that the-
oretically can interfere with aircraft systems.
Exen if you insist the tuner is off, the airlines
take no chances, A few manufacturers make
lunch-pail-size VHS VCR-TVs without tun-
ers. Technically, these are perfectly safe to
operate on board. As far as the four-dollar
headphone rentals ате concerned, something
has to compensate for those low fares. The
airlines pay a small percentage to the movie
studio and a small amount goes to amortize
the aircraft audio-video system. The rest of
your four dollars is pure profit in the air-
line's pocket.
Recently, my doctor prescribed Prozac
for premature ejaculation. It worked,
but now I can hardly ejaculate at all and
my orgasms haven't been much fun. 1
thought it might be the Prozac, but my
doctor said no way. Have you ever heard
of this?—P Р, Pacific Grove, California.
Unfortunately, we have. Your doctor
should have as well. “Recently, many doctors
have returned to ‘treating’ premature ejacu-
lation with drugs,” says sex therapist Joseph
LoPiccolo of the University of Missouri in
Columbia. “That's a big mistake.” Lo Piccolo
says many physicians are unaware that
Prozac interferes with ejaculation in 30 to
50 percent of the men who take it. Mean-
while, brief sex therapy cures this problem in
most cases wilh no drugs and no side effects.
You don't even need a sex therapist. You can
cure yourself using the programs described
in “The New Male Sexuality," by Bernie Zil-
bergeld (Bantam), or "Sexual Solutions," by
Michael Castleman (Touchstone).
All reasonable questions—from fashion,
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dat-
ing problems, taste and etiquette—will be
personally answered if the writer includes a
slamped, self-addressed envelope. Send all
letters to The Playboy Advisor, PLAYBOY, 680
North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois
60611. The most provocative, pertinent
queries will be presented on these pages
each month.
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Best reason for a military coup
Section 925, article 125 of the Uni-
form Code of Military Justice: “Any
person . .. who engages in unnatural
carnal copulation with another person
of the same or opposite sex . . . is
guilty of sodomy” The code defines
Unnatural copulation as either anal or
oral sex, punishable by dishonorable
discharge and five to 20 years in mili-
tary jail.
Where were you in high school?
“How would you feel about being in
a shower with a homosexual?"—akmy
The weak link in America’s defense?
“The stereotypical female homosex-
ual [is] hardworking,
career-oriented, will-
ing to put in long
hours on the job and
among the com
mand's top profes-
sionals."—vICE ADMI-
IN 1990
Best one-liner
“Heterosexual теп
have an annoying
habit of overestimat-
ing their own attrac-
tiveness.” ОЗЕРЫ
Bashing for bucks
“Lifting the ban is just the
tip of the iceberg of the
homosexual agenda. We are in the re-
search stage on how to proceed, to
find out what people are thinking, to
find out what will fly.”—THE REVEREND
"Our new president needs to hear
from thousands of Americans like you
immediately. . . 1 want you to join me
in telling him why we so strongly op-
pose allowing homosexuals in our
United States Armed Forces. . . .
Please help me protect the security of
America. Return your personal mes-
a scrapbook of who said what
sage to President Clinton along with
your gift of $22 to Liberty Alliance to-
Most relevant statistics
During the Gulf war deployment of
195,000 Army personnel, there were
four prosecutions for homosexual
sodomy, six courts-martial for hetero-
sexual rape and at least 16 heterosex-
ual sex-harassment complaints filed
by military women.
Royko on gays
“Since we're talking about sex—more
specifically a form of sex that the ma-
jority of Americans consider unnatur-
al—anybody who says that it won't
affect morale and discipline in the mil-
itary has never been in a barracks
or on a crowded troop ship.”—MIKE
AIDS in the military
“The reason we have done what we
have done [segregated HIV-positive
soldiers in a barracks known as the
“HIV Hotel’ or the ‘leper colony] is
that we think it’s good medicine. And
it's medicine that might work in the
civilian sector as welL"—MAJOR ROBERT
Famous gay soldier outed
General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben,
the Revolutionary War soldier who,
along with George Washington, was
among the most important figures in
the formation of the United States.
Public vs. private
“As far as I'm concerned, it's fine—as
long as they keep in the closet." —Ax
"There's a difference between a ho-
mosexual saying, on the one hand,
‘My sexual orientation and behavior
are none of your business,’ and, on
the other, ‘I demand that you ac-
knowledge my sexual choices as the
exact equivalent of yours.’ The former
is a matter of privacy,
the latter, of culture."—
Cut to the chase
“This is, perhaps,
the cruelest irony of
the ban—that it has
singled out those gay
Americans who are
among the most pa-
triotic, the most
committed to living
lives that, in other
people, would be at
the heart of the no-
tion of civic virtue.”
“The issue is whether
men and women who can and have
served with distinction should be ex-
cluded from military service solely on
the basis of their status, and I believe
they should not."— PRESIDENT BILL
“As my father told me, it doesn't mat-
ter what color they are, what sex they
are or what their sexual preference is.
The only thing that counts is whether
or not they can soldie: LUCIAN K.
A heartfelt thanks for the arti-
cle by Carl T: Rowan ("The Last
Good Man," The Playboy Forum,
February. We were all sad-
dened by the death of former
Supreme Court Justice Thur-
good Marshall. He was the ulti-
mate crusader for the civil
rights of both blacks and whites.
Throughout the race riots and
demonstrations of the Sixties,
Justice Marshall was there. Now
PLAYBOY and Rowan have given
him a place in our hearts and in
the history books. Long live
Thurgood Marshall's work.
R. Hanrahan
Wilmington, Massachusetts
I am amused by columnist
Carl T. Rowan's hand-wringing
over the loss of a liberal Su-
preme Court. The Supreme
Court's initial purpose was to
interpret the Constitution—not
to rewrite the laws to suit its
own political agenda. For years,
the Democrat-controlled Con-
gress allowed the Supreme
Court to legislate what Con-
gress would not dare pass itself.
However, just hours before his
retirement, Marshall expressed
his dismay at a Court decision
that he felt signaled a shift to
the right. It would appear from
his statement that he felt it was
permissible for liberal justices to
rewrite the Constitution, but
not OK for conservatives. When
President Clinton makes an ap-
pointment to the Court, I won-
der what litmus test his ap-
pointee will undergo to make
sure he or she has the "correct"
interpretations of the law.
Mark S. Lindsey
Richmond, Virginia
The author of the artide "Is Sex an
Assumed-Risk Sport?" (The Playboy Fo-
rum, February) obviously paid scant at-
tention to my lawsuit against the Rock
Hudson estate. I began my sexual rela-
tionship with Hudson in 1983, when
AIDS was a disease relegated to
promiscuous gay men who inhaled too
many vials of amyl nitrite. Half the
people in the gay community didnt
fully accept that AIDS was sexually
] Be
“Finally, we would move toward a more gen-
erous definition of sex, one that does not try to
categorize people as being by nature sexy or
sensuous, victim or victimizer, chaste or lusty.
Instead of uying to find the universal essences
of human sexuality, we would do well to frame
the issues in more constructive ways. The ques-
Чоп is not whether women are more or less sex-
ual than men. (The answer to that is yes, no,
both and sometimes.) The questions are: What
arc the conditions that allow women and men to
enjoy sex in safety, with self-confidence and in a
spirit of delight? And how do we get there?
* "The most positive thing we women have re-
trieved from the 19th century is that sex is about
enjoying ourselves,’ said the English writer Wen-
dy Faulkner. Let us get on with it.”
一 FROM The Mismeasure of Woman.
transmitted, and some gay activists
railed against safe-sex measures as het-
erosexual-inspired homophobia and
homosexual self-hatred. In June 1984
Rock learned he had AIDS. He didn’t
tell me then or ever, and he instructed
his secretary to lie to me, deny he had
AIDS and say that he was anorexic.
When I saw him deteriorating, I asked
him on more than one occasion if he
had been tested for HIV, and I was told
he had “been tested for everything” in-
cluding the plague (his name for AIDS)
and didn’t have it. This behavior goes
beyond not informing me; he
actively conspired to conceal
his disease from me in order to
continue our sexual relation-
ship. Rock Hudson was the first
person 1 knew who had AIDS. I
had no other reference. But the
int is, if someone has a dis-
ease like AIDS and is aware of.
the malady, it is his or her duty
to inform his or her sexual
partners. When two or more
people engage in sex, it is the
duty of all to protect them-
selves. If someone deliberately
lies about AIDS, herpes, etc., in.
order to have sex, it is criminal.
After Hudson's death, I merely
asked the estate for a guarantee.
that I would have enough mon-
еу to pay for my medical care
should 1 be diagnosed with
AIDS within five years (after
which time, the money, to be
held in trust, would be re-
turned to the estate). The estate
lawyers responded with indif-
ference, a smear campaign and
a bogus countersuit. The jury
awarded me a reduced settle-
ment of $5.5 million. I took it.
Last year, a California appellate
court upheld the judgment in
my case three to zero. As for the
"houseboy" remark, this cut me
to the quick! I can live with
"street hustler,” “opportunist”
or “catamite,” but houseboy?
Rock already had one. He was
English and 54 years old.
Marc Christian
Los Angeles, California
Your Letter simply underscores the
point of our editorial. In 1983 the
рау community was very much
aware of AIDS and had тоте than
an inkling of what put its members
at risk. Scientists had started to fo-
cus on the exchange of bodily fluids and had
warned against unprotected sexual contact.
There were even hysterical headlines claim-
ing that the disease could be transmitted
through casual contact. Within the year, the
virus was isolated and an antibody test was
developed that could identify HIV-infected
people who had not yet shown signs of
AIDS, It is not clear whether Rock Hudson
ever had a conj diagnosis. Hudson
died in October 1985, the victim of a variety
of disorders ranging from Kaposi's sarcoma
to lymphoma, all of which are sympto-
malic of AIDS infection and none of which
are communicable. More than 6000 Ameri-
cans had died of the disease by the end of
1985. As you point out, the gay community
was divided on the mechanics of the disease.
Did you or Hudson belong to the half that
avoided safe sex, that denied the existence of
sexually transmitted. diseases in general?
Your lawsuit claimed that because of Hud-
son's actions, you had to live in a state of
fear. Was your fear worth more in court than
that of any other sexually active male in a
lime of uncertainty? After the trial, a copy-
cat victim alleged that six weeks after Hud-
son's death, you assured him you were not
infectious and had sex with him. Whether or
not this allegation was true, we hope the ex-
perience with Hudson was cause enough to
change your behavior The AIDS virus is
one of the many risks that accompany sex to-
day. There are others. See the next letter.
As lawsuits charging the transmission
of sexual diseases between former
lovers multiply, who's to blame be-
comes the issue. As far as I'm con-
cerned, trying to place blame misses
the point. I don't believe it adds much
to public health when two people at-
tack, threaten and further stigmatize
each other over the details of a love af-
fair gone wrong. In addition, I resent
taxes being spent in this way when they
could be much better spent preventing
further transmission of a host of dis-
eases. But mostly, I don't think a court-
room is an appropriate place to talk
about sexually transmitted diseases.
Communication is certainly called for,
but it needs to take place long before
two people find themselves on opposite
sides of a lawsuit. Approximately 40
million Americans are infected with an
STD; there are 12 million new infec-
tions each year. Some STDs are treat-
able, others curable. All STDs are pre-
ventable. Prevention depends on latex
condoms and honest communication.
Responsible, caring people know their
health status and discuss with their
partners possible risks, including her-
pes, HIV, gonorrhea and risk of con-
ception. That way, everyone can make
informed decisions. If that isn't possi-
ble, it should tell you something about
your potential partner. After all, why
would you want to have sex with some-
one you can't even talk to?
Peggy Clarke
Executive Director
American Social Health Association
Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina
For the past two years on October 31st, at precisely
noon, Edward Grothus of Los Alamos, New Mexico has
nailed a parchment scroll to the door of St. Francis Ca-
thedral in Santa Fe. He has also mailed а copy to the
Pope. The scroll reads:
“Credo: wat tor сепил» considerctien of human
sexuality has not been a matter of open. easy discussion.
d “Creda wat ere needs to be a new, honest and
enlightened sexual moral code proclaimed by the Church,
a new sexual code for the 21s! century.
Credo that human sexual education should be
a must in all schools so that every new individual has a
reasonable chance to live a full and productive life. This
is pro-life.
Credo ta persons should be tought that the in-
tended conception of а new individual is one of the noblest
things that a man and a woman can do. This is pro-life.
Cr edo that persone should be taught that con
ception occurs по! as a gift of God but os a consequence
of a sexual act between a man and a woman.
‘Creda. matitis зои, immoral, unethical and un-
thoughttul to beget an unwanted child. This is pro-life.
‘Creda ma acial contraception is neither evil
nor sinful and that it is wrong that the Church makes even
JA a maried couple feel guilty if hey use any form of artifi-
cial birth control.
Credo wa itis not sintuitor coupes wanting a
child fo conceive in vitro if this is Ihe only way for concep-
À tion to occur. This is pro-life.
‘Creda ma awomon в denied the pleasure ot
A her own sexuality И for most of her life she lives in a constant
fear of becoming pregnant, and that the Church causes un-
told suffering,anxiety and hardship by insisting that every
conception must be carried 10 term.
Cr LAO wot в intu and immoral or the Church
to avoid addressing the problem of world overpopulation.
This is pro-life.
“Creda that persons should be laugh! that casu-
al, unthinking, unprotected sexual activity is lethal, This is
“Credo. that homosexuality is a God-given
exercise of free will and that homosexuals should not be
“Credo that adoption of this creed will great-
ly reduce the number of traumatic abortions. This is
v > =
анны аа СЫЗ
135 ети keating used millions in in taxpayers’
money to fund his crusade for decency
If you want to find Charles Keating
these days, he's hanging out at the Cal-
ifornia Men's Colony at San Luis Obis-
po, doing ten years for swindling some
23,000 citizens out of their life savings.
Moreover, this past January, a Los An-
geles federal jury convicted the ex-
tycoon of 73 felonies connected to the
Lincoln Savings & Loan scandal. Po-
tential penalty: more than 500 years in
the federal pen.
But long before Keating became syn-
onymous with fraud, he was a famous
crusader against sexual literature.
From his base in Phoenix, Charles
Keating directed and financed his own
foundation, Citizens for Decency
Through Law, which waged a jihad
against erotica. “I thank God for how
far CDL has come since I founded it in
1957,” Charlie Keating wrote in one
fund-raising letter. “Back then Hef-
net's PLAYBOY magazine was among the
worst. ... Now, 12-year-old kids pick
up the family phone and listen to lurid
descriptions of incest, child sexual bru-
tality—even kids having sex with their
family pet.”
To save us all from such depravity,
Keating kept С ‘known through-
out Arizona as "Charlie's charity"—
well funded. He funneled hundreds of
thousands of dollars from Lincoln Sav-
ings & Loan and its holding company,
American Continental Corporation, in-
to the CDL coffers.
In 1984 Lincoln Savings & Loan
contributed $350,000, and American
Continental $105,000, to Keating's
crusade. The following year, Citizens
for Decency Through Law took in
$225,000 from Lincoln and $50,000
from ACC. In 1986 CDL received
$100,000 in Lincoln money and anoth-
er $10,000 from ACC through a Keat-
ing-sponsored fund-raising party.
The taxpayers later picked up much
of the tab for this generosity. Michael
Manning, a Phoenix attorney repre-
senting the Resolution Trust Corpora-
tion (the scmiautonomous agency es-
tablished to clean up the S&L mess),
explains: “During most of that period,
federally insured deposits were used
for cash flow at ACC, and ACC was the
greatest source of money for the Keat-
ing family. Typically, Keating moved
money from Lincoln to ACC through
sham transactions.”
By 1989 Keating had dipped into
Lincoln's treasury to such an extent
that the bank was broke. On April 14,
1989, federal regulators seized Lin-
coln. ACC, whose main asset was Lin-
coln Savings’ federally insured de-
posits, had declared bankruptcy a day
earlier. Ultimately, the federal govern-
ment would have to come up
some $2.6 billion to bail out Lin-
coln's depositors and creditors.
Charlie had been big with other
people's money. In addition to
CDL, religious organizations
that might ordinarily have
been barred from federal
funding got hefty grants from
their Lincoln Savings and ACC
sources. In 1985, for instance,
Lincoln Savings contributed
$250,000 to the Archdiocese of
Phoenix, $10,000 to Arizona Right to
Life and $5000 to Colorado Right to
Life. Over a four-year period, Lincoln
granted Mother Teresa $900,000—
plus personal use of Charlies heli-
copter during her travels to Arizona.
Another recipient of Keating's
largess was Father Bruce Ritter,
founder of Covenant House, a shelter
for runaway children in New York
City. Ritter’s enterprise would
receive at least $400,000 in
Lincoln and ACC contribu-
tions and another estimated
$33.75 million in questionable |
Lincoln loans. Ironically, Ritter once
a key member of the 1985 Meese Com-
mission on Pornography—fell from
grace in a sex-and-moncy scandal in-
volving homeless boys.
As recently as January 1993, The
Washington Post was saying that the S&L
scandal and the antiporn crusade were
unrelated. Not in Charlie's mind.
When Keating wasn't outright giving
Lincoln and ACC bucks to his anti
pornography obsession, he and
family were nudging the Arizona bu:
ness community into funding CDL. In
Arizona during the mid and late Eight-
ies, the conventional wisdom went: If
you wanted to do business with Charlie
Keating, you'd do well to buy tickets
for the Children’s Ball, an annual fete
that raised vast sums for CDL.
Heres how Keating described the
ball and the
ballroom in a 1988 fund-raising letter:
“At this crucial juncture I'm pulling out
the stops. And God help me, this year's
Children’s Ball is going to raise $2 mil-
lion in funds for CDL—more than has
ever been raised for the cause of de-
cency in America. [This is] to make
sure that our potent legal weapons—
Ben Bull, Bruce Taylor, Alan Sears and
the others—stay deployed.
“The 1988 Children's Ball will bring
you a wealth of updated information
on the underworld of child porn and
the phone-sex industry. Plus, you will
get an evening of exquisite entertain-
ment and cuisine at my new $300 mil-
lion hotel and development, the Phoc-
nician Resort. To accommodate the
Children’s Ball, I made the Phoeni-
cian’s ballroom big. So big, in fact, that
this year we're making room for 1500
guests, nearly as many as have attend-
ed in the past three years combined:
Children's Ball 1985. ѕо1р ovr. 670
guests, $1 million. Children's Ball
1986. soLD ovr. 670 guests, $1.25 mil-
lion. Children's Ball 1987. sor our.
440 guests, $1.75 million.
Children's Ball 1988. coat:
1500 guests, $2 million."
According to Dennis Wagner of The
Phoenix Gazette, the 1988 Children's
Ball (chaired by Keating's daughter,
Flaine Boland) raised $1.5 million,
most of which went to CDL to deploy
those “potent legal weapons” in the
cause of censoring erotica.
Gene Whitson, an executive with an
Arizona contracting firm that had done
work on Keating's Phoenician Resort,
told Wagner: “They demanded money.
Not little bits of money. They put the
heat on you. I think the first year it was
a couple of thousand dollars [per
table]. The next year it was ten thou-
sand dollars. And the third year it was
twenty thousand dollars.”
Carolyn Warner, an Arizona political
figure, attended one Children’s Ball—a
friend had bought a table and had a
spare seat. “The sad stories about de-
pravity against children that were told
were almost lurid, as if there were a se-
cret pleasure derived from this,” she
reports. Adds Resolution Trust Corp.
outside counsel Michael Manning, “I've
talked to people who attended and
they said it was a Keating family love-
fest. They said various Keatings would
give one another expensive crystal
awards for their vigilant fights against
pornography. They said it wasn't an
event that people who attended once
wanted to go to again, though I'm told
by many who went that Charlie could
induce their attendance.”
And what did all this frantic fund-
raising buy? A legal foundation that
gave Charlie a national platform and
that provided lucrative employment
for various right-wing legal beagles
and Keating relations, and that made
periodic lunges at the First Amend-
ment. During its Eighties heyday, the
CDL got Congress to pass anti-phone-
sex legislation, printed a guide for
prosecutors on “The Preparation and
Trial of an Obscenity Case” and provid-
ed a kind of brain trust for the Justice
Department's war on what the CDL
defined as obscenity.
“Although there was no formal rela-
tionship between the government and
the now-defunct CDL,” noted a recent
Washington Post article, “the organiza-
tion from the early Eighties played a
major role in conceptualizing the
antipornography campaign, and
some of its lawyers later helped
carry it out as Justice Department
officials. The group's causes and tar-
gets,” the Post reported, “became virtu-
ally indistinguishable from those of the
Justice Department.”
Documents obtained by Puavaoy
through the Freedom of Information
Act illuminate the link. In 1984, for
instance, when the Reagan adminis-
tration was planning a national com-
mission on pornography CDL gen-
eral counsel Bruce Taylor sent a long,
chatty letter to then-Attorney General
William French Smith that was filled
with suggestions for the panel: "It will
need a narrow and specific mandate
and a strong chairman to stick to your
mandate . . . someone, like Mr. Keat-
ing, who can handle the pressure and
the press and be true to your direc-
tions. . . . Another important consider-
ation is preventing a renegade or hos-
tile minority from disrupting the work
of the panel. Even one appointment of
an ACLU lawyer or consenting-adults
advocate will allow the industry to fun-
nel money, counterresearch and di:
senting reports into the proceedings.
Hostile media reporters will use that
member for comments and updates,
thereby suppressing the main work
and findings and creating controversy.
The commission should be a true team
to assist you in studying the situation,
not a purely political or an across-the-
board representation. Accuracy in the
findings is all-important, fairness in the
membership is not."
Critics of the commission called it
a stacked deck. Now it's clear why. Tay-
lor practically dictated the list of au-
thorities—all of whom would guaran-
tee an antiporn slant.
Although French Smith ended up
appointing many of Charlie's suggest-
са “true team” to the Meese commis-
sion, he did not give Charlie Keating
the top porn-buster job. Copies of Tay-
lor's letter were sent to Senators Strom
Thurmond, Dennis DeConcini, Orrin
Hatch, Jesse Helms, Jeremiah Denton,
Charles Grassley and Representative
John McCain (R-Ariz.). DeConcini and
McCain must have been particularly
sympathetic. Several years down the
line, DeConcini (who got $81,000 in
campaign money from Keating) and
McCain (who received $112,000) were
pushing to new limits the definition of
constituent service as part of the Keat-
ing Five.
Long before the S&L scandal broke,
McCain was enough of a Keating gofer
that he wrote Edwin Meese an effu-
sive letter inviting him to the 1985
Children's Ball for the purpose of sec-
ing their friend Father Bruce Ritter re-
ceive an award. In his letter McCain
extolled the CDL: “As you know, this
group of attorneys attempts to com-
bat pornography through the judicial
Ed knew. Keating and the CDL were
соту with the Meese-era Justice De-
partment. At the conclusion of the
Meese Commission sideshow, Alan
Sears joined the CDL staff. The start-
ing pay was $125,000.
Scars apparently carned his six fig-
ures advising prosecutors on obsceni-
ty law and firing off letters on CDL
stationery, such as this one to his ex-
boss, Meese: "This is a matter of some
importance, which I felt compelled to
bring to your personal attention. . . .
Last July, you hosted a luncheon for
me and some of the persons who
served as volunteers . . . members of
the Attorney General's Commission
on Pornography During that lun-
cheon session . . . you promised that
each attcndcc and the other commis-
sioners not present would be present-
ed appropriate certificates of appreci-
ation in the very near future... .
More than a year has come and gone
and I continue to receive phone calls
from persons wondering why the
promised certificates have not ar-
rived. . . . 1 would greatly appreciate
it if the preparation and issuance of
such certificates could be expedited.
A number of the former commission-
ers have been subjected to tremen-
dous amounts of personal abuse by
the media, professional associates and
others, but they continue to stand
strong and to defend not only the
work of the commission but you and
the entire administration.”
The commissioners got their cer-
tificates—while some of the crusaders
got federal jobs. Former CDL lawyer
Paul McCommon joined the newly
created National Obscenity Enforce-
ment Unit. (See “Project Postporn,”
The Playboy Forum, September 1990).
He was joined by one of Charlie's
prime angels, CDL veteran Bruce
Taylor. "There appears to have been
a kind of revolving door between the
CDL and the Justice Department
during the Reagan years," suggests
Marjorie Heins, director of the
ACLU's Arts Censorship Project
“Justice was using materials prepared
by CDL in its training and making ex-
tensive use of CDL people as speak-
ers. The two groups appcar to have
shared the identical religious-right
antisex agenda. This relationship fos-
tered a hysteria about freedom of ex-
pression on sexual topics.”
Porn-killing was lucrative, too. At
CDL, for instance, the foundation's
1987 IRS filing showed that William
Swindell, the national director,
earned $175,000; Bruce Taylor, gen-
eral counsel, made the same; and
Benjamin Bull, legal counsel, carned
Bui the good times were not to last.
On May 31, 1989, a month after ACC's
bankruptcy and Lincoln Savings"
seizure by the federal government,
The Phoenix Gazette reported that “а
tax-exempt organization founded by
A baby truss шз поп io drop him or her.
A toddlrtrusisus to prevent a damaging ll.
“A childtruss usto teach right from wrong
A youth truss usto educate and prepare
А young man or womantrusts us to bequeath
dean socieey
Rich oc poor, зе must do our best to honor ll
Mr and Mrs Charles H Keating Jr.
Charles Keating, Jr., to fight pornog-
raphy . . . might be headed for hard
times, a victim of Keating's crumbling
empire." In the wake of the scandal,
Alan Sears—of Meese commission
fame—took over as CDL president
andexecutive director, trimming bud-
gets, changing the group's name to
the Children's Legal Foundation Inc.
and, above all, trying to shake the
groups image as a Keating-family
This was not an easy task. In July
1992, Jerry Kammer revealed in The
Arizona Republic that the reborn CLF
had been serving as a job corps for
two Keating sons-in-law: “Robert J.
Hubbard, Jr., and Bradley J. Boland
were hired as successive presidents of
the Children’s Legal Foundation by a
board of directors headed by Dr.
Gary Hall, a third Keating son-in-law.
Other family members sat on the
board.” The same article had Hub-
bard acknowledging that “during his
tenure at the foundation, staff mem-
bers were asked to help Keating's le-
gal-defense efforts by answering a
phone that had been installed in the
foundation's office.”
This was all tremendously interest-
ing to the FBI, which began investi-
gating. Federal law-enforcement offi-
cials have retained a curiosity about
what became oftens of millions of un-
accounted-for Keating dollars.
The revelation of continuing Keat-
ing-family involvement with CLF
seems to have been the final blow.
By New Year's 1993, The Washington
Post described the foundation as “de-
funct.” The Phoenix organization's
telephones were found to be dis-
connected, and there was no listing
with directory assistance for either
Meanwhile, Charlie's “potent legal
weapons” are singing their old songs
in some of the more contentious cor-
ners of the religious right. William
Swindell has occupied a series of jobs
and titles with the Reverend Donald
Wildmon's American Family Associa-
tion in Tupelo, Mississippi. His salary,
according to а 1990 AFA tax filing in
which he’s listed as “Associate Direc-
tor,” is a mere $41,200, plus $4200 in
Benjamin Bull, once CDLs legal
counsel and later a $175,000 in-house
counsel to ACC in the midst of its
bankruptcy, has gone on to head
Wildmon's AFA law center. There, ac-
cording to their 1990 tax report, he
got a modest $56,662. Bull now
spends his time busily filing suit
against school districts for using the
“Impressions” reading series, among
other infractions.
At least there’s one good thing
about the employment of Keating's
consiglieri at the AFA: This time the
organization’s $6 million-plus budget
comes voluntarily from like-minded
Across the land, 300,000-plus mem-
bers of Pat Robertson's Christian
Coalition continue to wage a religious
and cultural war. According to the
coalition, only by purging the “satanic
forces” contending for the country's
soul can America return to righteous-
ness and its citizens lead their lives as
God intended.
As outlined in Robertson's writing
and in his folksy sermons on The 700
Club, the country bears little resem-
blance to any America that has ever
existed. Take a look at what the once
and possibly future Republican presi-
dential candidate envisions.
On government:
“Perfect government comes from
God and is conuolled by God.
Short of that, the next best govern-
ment is a limited democracy in
which the people acknowledge rights
given by God.”
On а state religion:
“The First Amendment ауз...
Congress can't set up a national reli-
gion. End of story. There is never in
the Constitution, at any point, any-
thing that applies that to the states.
None at all.”
On state-sanctioned genocide:
“You've got a country full of homo-
sexuals, people who are living togeth-
er outside of wedlock, who are en-
gaged in drunkenness, fornication,
drug addiction, crime and violence.
Now what are you going to do with
those people? Are you going to kill
them all? . . . Playtime is over.”
On who сап run for office:
“Individual Christians are the only
ones really, and Jewish people .
anyone whose mind and heart is not
controlled by God Almighty is not
On religiously inspired criminals:
"We should have a judicial branch
of the church . - . to judge these mat-
ters and handle them ourselves. . . . It
shouldn't be the province of the states
to put people in jail for exercising.
what they feel is their religious belief.
On a spiritual police force:
“Why not have God give us wisdom
in such areas as crime control? He
gives us wisdom in everything else.”
On animal rights activists and reli-
gious Jews:
“[Jews] go to Heaven if they keep
all the command-
ments of the Jewish
law, and if you go back to the Old
‘Testament, you see that it was neces-
sary . . to have animal sacrifice."
On a woman's place:
“The husband is to be the high
priest of the family. . . . [God] is the
head of the man and the man is to be
the head of the woman. . . . A woman
has voluntarily surrendered a portion
of her autonomy to her husband
when she marries.”
On genocide as an act of Christian
“God told the Israelites to kill them
all [the Midianites], men, women and
children, to destroy them, and that
seems a terrible thing to do. Is it?
Well, that would be 10,000 people
who probably would have gone to
if they stayed and repro-
. „then there would be 1 mil-
lion people who would have to spend
eternity in hell. . . . So God in love,
and that was a loving thing, took away
a small number so that he might not
have to take away a large number.”
On femi
i . + . encourages women
to leave their husbands, kill their chil-
dren, practice witchcraft, desi
italism and become lesbians.”
On freedom of the press:
“I think its outrageous to intrude
into a man's family in the guise of
On health care:
“I have come across instances where
people were not near a television set
when The 700 Club was used by God to
heal them. One man went to bed
blind, buta prayer request came in to
our television program for him and
when he woke up, he could see.”
On sex:
"Christians can have much more
stimulating sex lives than non-
Christians. Non-Christians can-
not join together in the
spirit. They lack that extra
% On meteorology:
"Word reached us
that a great killer hurricane with
winds exceeding one hundred fifty
miles per hour was heading directly
into our area. . . . 1 commanded
that storm, in the name of Jesus, to
stop its forward movement and to
head back where it had come
from. . . . It was almost as though
a giant hand had come down out
of the sky, blocked that storm and
gestured, 'Stop." This hurricane
followed orders."
HONOLULU—Thinking of writing a
singles ad? Some truth in advertising may
hay off, according to what sociobiologists
have discovered. Apparently, neither men
mor women want a partner who wants
a large family. Also unwanted: partners
who are dominant, agnostic, night owls or
early risers. Men want women who are
good-looking, younger than themselves
and reproductively fit. Women are more
concerned with finding professional men
who have ambition, status and good in-
come and who can offer security. Per-
haps most interesting: Two University of
Hawaii researchers found that men think
love is an essential part of marriage;
women, on the other hand, deem it a much
cHicaco—Sisters of lesbians are at
least four times more likely to be homosexu-
al than sisters of heterosexual women,
according io research published in the
“American Journal of Psychiatry.” The
study was conducted by Northwestern Uni-
versity psychology professor J. Michael
Bailey, who previously found that male
homosexuality is genetically determined. A
study of lesbian twins, soon to be published
in the ‘Archives of General Psychiatry,”
will further corroborate the importance of
genetics in determining homosexuality.
what's happening in the sexual and social arenas
perior court has ruled in favor of land-
lords who want none of their tenants liv-
ing in sin. Judge George Keady decided
that “the state's interests in protecting un-
married cohabiting couples from discrimi-
mation is not such a paramount and com-
pelling state interest as to outweigh the
individual's right to the free exercise of re-
ligion." The chairman. of the Commission
Against Discrimination said that unless
the decision is overturned, he could imag-
ine a rental application with a line that
reads: “Chech the following boxes if you
have had an abortion, if you have engaged
in premarital sex, if you are gay, if you are
not a Christian.”
NEW YORK crrv—Mayor David Dink-
ins signed an executive order that allows
unmarried couples, including homosexu-
als, to register with the city clerk as domes-
tic partners.
MANILA—The Philippines’ first Protes-
tant president is supporting the distribu-
tion of condoms despite strong opposition
from the Catholic Church. Even though
most citizens are Catholic and the Church
is politically powerful, President Fidel
Ramas defended his health secretary's con-
dom program as а means of slowing the
spread of AIDS.
ATLANTA—Federal health officials said
that the number of American AIDS deaths
will increase from a total of 160,000 to at
least 333,000 by 1995, but that the spread
of the disease among homosexuals and
bisexuals is beginning to slow. The AIDS
surveillance division of the Centers for
Disease Control said that the greatest im-
provement was homosexual males,
perhaps indicating that prevention efforts
are beginning to pay off.
however, the World Health Organization
reported that the number of AIDS cases
officially rose to more than 600,000 last
‚year, with the likelihood that the real num-
ber of cases is about four times that many.
WASHINGTON, D.C—The U.S. State De-
partment announced that at least 44 coun-
tries now require HIV testing of foreigners
ом eb
before they can enter their country. While
most accept U.S. test results, some, includ-
ing Cuba, Greece and Kuwait, do not.
619 has fut Lancaster on the map, or at
least in the tabloids, as the town that makes
sex a crime. Strictly interpreted, the ordi-
nance prohibits all sex outside of marriage.
This means no cohabitation, sex shops,
condoms, marital aids, sexy lingerie, girlie
magazines, sexual videos or clothing that
exposes more than 25 percent of the breast
or buttocks. The Law was supported by the
aptly titled vice mayor, Reverend Henry
Hearns, and pushed through the city
council by а local constituent who claimed
his smut habit once caused him nearly to
rape a woman in a parking lot.
southern California health clinics has a
new rule for employees: If you have a visi-
ble hickey, you're suspended without pay.
П seems that too many patients and col-
leagues complained about a few workers
branded with the signs of passionate kiss-
ing. Personnel manager Diana Tamez
explained, "When they come in and
don't meet certain standards of profes-
sionalism, then i's something we have
to deal with.” Guess the standards depend
on the profession.
Reporter's Notebook
the agency created lo fix the sel mess is embroiled in
mischief that makes the greedy thrift barons look. like pikers
I recently found myself in a coffee
shop interviewing a nervous woman who
works for the Resolution Trust Corpora-
tion. She was afraid we might be spotted
and knew she would be fired if her name
were used in my story. She talked of a
witch-hunt in the agency and suggested
a plot to defraud taxpayers. This was not
some crank or screwball 1 had been
given her name by a respected busi-
ness professor who had vouched for her
Alter a long career in commercial real
estate, this woman had gone to work for
the government agency that was set ир
by Congress in 1989 to help straighten
out the S&L mess. What she found was
that the КТС, afier spending $85 billion
and asking for $45 billion more, repre-
sents a scandal even greater than the
original caper. The conspiracy she hint-
ed at involves an attempt by Wall Street
and the government to defraud taxpay-
ers. It doesn't matter that Democrats
now control the White House, since the
key players in this scandal, which has
been bipartisan from the beginning, re-
main in place,
‘The history of the RTC is one of in-
competence further tainted by avarice.
Even in its better moments, this agency
has managed to bungle the smallest de-
tails of the operation, including the
mundane tasks of office work. Perhaps
you recall the story a few months ago of
how the accounting firm of Price Water-
house charged the КТС 67 cents a page
for photocopying millions of pages of
records. It was only after a congressional
committee expressed outrage that the
accounting firm returned $4 million of
the $17 million it had been paid.
But that was a minor misdeed. The
real problems with the RTC have to do
with the waste of billions of dollars, not.
ions, through the rushed sale of
seized assets at well below market value.
And we are talking many billions. The
cost of the S&L bailout is now at $200
billion—a conservative estimate—paid
by interest-bearing 40-year government
bonds. Servicing that debt will cost as
much as $500 billion over the next
Neither President Bush nor President
Clinton was willing to make an issue of
the S&L or КТС scandals during the
campaign. Bush's reasons were clear:
The debacle occurred on his watch and
his own son was implicated as a director
of the failed Silverado S&L of Denver.
Then, too, during the Bush years,
wealthy Republican contributors had a
field day picking the assets seized by the
RTC from failed S&Ls. The Robert Bass
Group, for example, which was a finan-
cial backer of Bush campaigns, joined
with General Electric Capital Corp. in
1991 to buy $1 billion in bad real estate
loans at the bargain-basement price of
$527 million. No wonder the RI C-asset
auction list at one point cost $50,000.
Under Bush the КТС forced out or
demoted lawyers who dared to suggest
that the agency was making sweetheart
deals in settling cases of fraud. A policy
was set in motion to ignore smaller inde-
pendent investors while favoring the
largest Wall Street brokers at a consider-
able loss to the taxpayers.
This should have been a hot issue for
the Democrats, but the Clinton cam-
paign pointedly ignored it. "The Demo-
crauc party as a whole has seemed in-
clined to help Bush try to bury the
mess," The Los Angeles Times reported in
the last month oí the presidential cam-
paign. "Some outside analysts believe
that questions about the involvement of
Clinton and his wife with a failed
Arkansas thrift, an issue that surfaced
early in the presidential campaign, may
have stified his criticism of Bush on the
Now we have Clinton's trusted child-
hood friend, chief of staff Thomas
McLarty, whose company was a defen-
dant in a $535 million lawsuit brought
by the RTC. The federal agency alleges
that McLarty's firm, Arkla Inc., is re-
sponsible for “misdeeds and negligence"
in the operation of University Savings of
Houston, a failed thrift seized by federal
regulators in 1989. It is estimated by the
ЕТС that the failure of University Sav-
ings will cost taxpayers $2 billion.
McLarty, who was chairman and chief
executive officer of Arkla, says his hold-
ing company is not responsible for the
irresponsibility of the thrift. In 1988
Arkla bought a naturalgas company
called Entex, which owned University
Savings. Entex had owned the thrift for
the previous ten years.
Presumably, Arkla had looked into the
operations of the subsidiary and should
not have been shocked when it went bust
in 1989. But McLarty insists his compa-
ny bears no responsibility for the loss to
savers at the thrift. His reasoning typifies
the flimflam world of financiers in the
Eighties. The poor suckers who got
burned by the S&L may react viscerally,
but to McLarty, University Savings was
evidently just another property pushed
around the board of high finance.
Pushing around paper profits was
what mangled the U.S. economy during
the Eighties, but, unfortunately, Clinton
has turned over the day-to-day opera-
tion of economic planning to two old
pros. Robert Rubin, recently cochairman
of Goldman, Sachs & Co., the Wall Street
investment firm, is coordinator of eco-
namic policy in his jah as chairman of
the new National Economic Council
Roger Altman, a close friend of Clinton's
since their college days at Georgetown, is
deputy secretary at the Treasury Depart-
ment. He was vice chairman of the
Blackstone Group, а New York invest-
ment bank.
Altman's boss is Treasury Secretary
Lloyd Bentsen, known as "Loophole
Lloyd" to his colleagues in the Senate.
Bentsen also has a potential conflict of
interest on S&L matters His son Lan
Bentsen is being investigated by the
ЕТС for a possible violation of contract-
ing rules concerning a $54 million de-
fault to the RTC by a company in which
Lan was a principal. In a separate case,
the RTC has already concluded that one
of young Bentsen's firms, Lan Bentsen
Interests of Houston, had what The
Washington Post reported in March as “le-
gal and ethical conflicts that should have
barred it from doing work for the RTC.”
No wonder Senator Bentsen didn't
raise any questions about Altman's possi-
ble conflict of interest when his name
came up as the deputy overseeing RTC
activity. Bentsen also supported the se-
lection of Rubin as economic czar. Rubin
once managed a portion of the super-
rich Texas senator's personal investment
Nor did President Clinton look
askance at the fact that his two top eco-
nomic advisors (continued on page 174)
a Robert Evans production
Tom Berenger SLIVER Martin Landau
se Vilmos Zsigmond, asc
‚Ira Levin
A Paramount С
William J. Macdona
Koch, Jt. and Joe Eszterhas
Robert Evans Phillip Noyce
а candid conversation with TV's battling blue-collar heroes about holly-
wood rats, media madness and their unusual rules for a happy marriage
Roseanne Arnold is dressed entirely in
black, from her blouse to her cowbay boats.
Her mood is dark, too.
“My lines are mean,” she complains to one
of the writers of her top-rated TV show,
“Roseanne.” “Make them funnier.”
“Perhaps you could point out a few of the
ones you're talking about,” suggests the
“No,” says Roseanne. “You figure it ош.”
Then, ever the helpful star, she points to her
script. “This line is nol funny,” she says. She
points to another. "This line isn't funny, ei-
ther.” Her voice becomes more agitated as
she finds more offenders
“Not funny,” she says, pointing. And then
she continues:
“Not funny.
^s" interrupts Tom Arnold, at-
tempting to bail out the beleaguered writer
before Roseanne can dismiss every line in the
script. Tom has many roles in Roseanne’s life
and career—husband, executive producer of
“Roseanne,” star of “The Jackie Thomas
Show” —bue none is mure impurtunt thun his
role as peacekeeper. Ніз mere presence brings
the exchange with the writer to an end. But
not before Roseanne gets in the last word.
“Well, it’s not funny,” she says firmly and
walks off
ROSEANNE: “J tell him he's a bori
Once you get past the veneer, he’s
ing hushand who wants to watch sports all
the lime. And Pm a regular bilchy wife who
Just wants to go out and do something.”
Life backstage at “Roseanne” is not al-
ways so tense. Although it was once consid-
ered the stormiest set in Hollywood, with
Roseanne and Tom firing producers and
writers with а Sleimbrenneresque fervor
(Roseanne even fired Tom twice), success has
apparently mellowed the controversial cou-
ple. “Roseanne,” their flagship show, domi-
nates the ratings week afier week, and the
newer “Jackie Thomas Show” managed to
pull off something of a minor miracle: It
made Tom—ofien derided as Roseanne’s
Yoko Ono—respectable.
Seldom have two performers traveled far-
ther to get to the top. And perhaps never has
such а journey been so well publicized and
endlessly analyzed.
The Arnolds met in Minneapolis in 1983,
when they were neophyte stand-up comics.
He opened her show. They were both over-
weight, overindulgent products of overcom-
plicated lives. He had а reputation as an ir-
responsible wild man with a taste for drugs
and alcohol. Roseanne Bars, as she was
known then, was a foulmouthed and abra-
sive comic whose whining housewife humor
struck а nerve among dissatisfied women
and sympathetic men
The two quickly became best friends and
together they took refuge on the road from
their tawdry home lives, Tom had just es-
caped three years as an Iowa meat-packer;
TOM: "I wouldn't care if it was the Pope, gay
guys, anybody. Doesn't matter. It's inapp:
priate. Гт not going to let any man, even my
rabbi, who's asked, have lunch with my wij
I don't believe in it.”
Roseanne doubled as a house-trailer Frau
with three kids and a husband who worked
for the post office.
“Tom was like the guy me,” Roseanne ex-
plains. So they dressed alike, heckled each
other from offstage, got high together, spent
sexless nights in the same hotel room and had
more fun than two lower-middle-class couch
potatoes thought they should ever be allowed.
And that’s before either one of them be-
came famous.
Roseanne hit it big first. After four years
of perfecting the wisecracking, gum-chewing
Domestic Goddess, she arrived in Los Ange-
les in 1985 and landed at the Comedy Store.
Within weeks, she had been discovered by
“The Tonight Show” and signed to an HBO
deal. Then, in 1988, the producing team be-
hind “The Cosby Show” made her the star of
her own series. It was an immediate ratings
Why? Barbara Ehrenreich, writing in
“The New Republic,” called her “the ne-
glected underside of the Eighties. The over-
side is handled well enough by Candice
Bergen and Madonna, who exist to remind
us thut talented women who work ош we
bound to become fabulously successful. Rose-
anne works a whole different beat, portray-
ing the hopeless underclass of the female
sex: polyester-clad, overweight occupants of
the slow track, fast-food waitresses, factory
ROSEANNE: "Im not Cinderella and Pm not
a fucking princess. Гт me and I have a big
mouth. I am never going to shut up. I could
cause all kinds of trouble every fucking day
if I wanted to.”
workers, housewives. But Barr—and this
may be her most appealing feature—is never
a victim."
Her book, “Roseanne: My Life as a
Woman,” became a best-seller. And Rose-
anne has increasingly become one of the most
powerful women in television, prompting
“TV Guide” to call her this generation's Lu-
cille Ball.
Tom's career took a bumpier path. After
winning a Twin Cities Laugh Competition,
he arrived in Los Angeles from Minneapolis
in 1988, trying to build a career in come-
dy—and to forget such instances as a three-
day stay in jail for urinating outside a
restaurant, His old road buddy Roseanne
took him in, despite the fact that she was still
married to (but separated from) her former
husband, Bill Pentland.
By then, Roseanne’s public troubles had
begun. The media took her to task for staff
upheavals on “Roseanne.” There was a pal-
imony suit by her ex-husband and weird, ex-
hibitionist behavior as Roseanne and Tom
greeted the world as a couple: They showed
Off their tattoos in public and mooned peo-
ple. She fired two managers and filed a law-
suit—since settled—against her former
agency, Triad, for mishandling her career.
And let's not forget her rendition of the na-
tional anthem, which earned her the enmity
of President George Bush. She also came ош
as an incest survivor, causing her parents
and siblings to denounce her publicly and
leaving some in the media lo wonder if
Roseanne was telling the truth.
There's more: a flurry of harassment by
the tabloids, including stolen love letters and
claims of house-trashing; the rediscovery, via
tabloid, of the daughter Roseanne gave up
for adoption at 18; fisifights with photogra-
phers who annoyed them; caustic letters sent
to journalists who criticized them; continu-
ing battles with weight and other compul-
sions; an operation to untie her Fallopian
tubes; breast reduction and other plastic
surgeries; construction of a 26,000-square-
foot house in lowa—the largest in the
slate—as their primary residence because, as
they like to say, “We hate Hollywood.”
But the biggest source of controversy was
the relationship between Tom and Roseanne.
Tom was well known as a guy whose cocaine
binges were so bad he sometimes hallucinat-
ed thal there were cameras in the walls mak-
ing a drug-abuse documentary—with him as
the star. Her family and soon-to-be-ex-hus-
band called him a homewrecker, Some in
Hollywood thought he was a talentless hang-
er-on, riding on Roseanne’s skirttail, Others
saw him as a Svengali who took over
Roseanne’s life and manipulated her into
naming him executive producer of her show.
These events and others were fully docu-
mented in the tabloids, on talk shows and in
the gossip columns. Yet despite the extensive
media exposure, the Araolds still confuse
and fascinate people. To find out why, we
sent Contributing Editor Dovid Rensin to get
the untold story. He met with the couple on
and off for nine months at their Brentwood,
ғо California home, on the “Roseanne” set and
at their temporary trailer in Iowa, next to
the site of their as yet unfinished mansion.
Rensin’s report:
“The Tom and Roseanne I met were not
the Tom and Roseanne the media led me to
expect. For all the attention they've received,
it scems that everyone wants either to sani-
tize the Arnolds or to sensationalize triv-
ial aspects of their lives. Roseanne often
complains that the press leaves out great
chunks of what she says in its reports. One
reason they agreed to talk to me at such
length was that, for once, they could hold
forth uncensored.
“The two seem like a perfect couple. Dur-
ing our sessions, their love was evident and
their friendship even more so. Roseanne ra-
diates both vulnerability and self-confidence,
while Tom is a mountain of support and pa-
tience, even if he can’t sit still for more than
five seconds.
"The Arnolds are everywhere. Their
names are thrust into our collective con-
sciousness constantly, We began by asking
them why they get so much attention.”
PLAYBOY: There's hardly a day when
your name isn't in a magazine, a news-
Roseanne: "I still have se-
crets I haven't told anyone.”
Tom: “No, you don't. You
used them up on ‘Donahue’
and ‘Sally Jessy Raphaël.”
paper or mentioned on TV. How do
you explain America's fascination with
ROSEANNE: It's because I'm so goddamn
PLAYBOY: What's so cool about you?
ROSEANNE: I'd rather be sorry than safe.
I'm interesting because I'm not afraid to
think, to make mistakes, to disagree, to
stand alone. I’m not going to tell some-
onc I like them if I don't. I can't work
with people I don't respect. I'm not
afraid to fight.
PLAYBOY: Clearly. You always scem to be
involved in a controversy.
ROSEANNE: Some of my controversies
Ive chosen, a lot I haven't—they' rc
thrust upon me just because I'm me.
PLAYBOY: What do you mean?
ROSEANNE: | made up my mind when I
got into show business that I was always
going to be honest and wouldn't try to
hide anything.
PLAYBOY: That’s certainly not standard
operating procedure in Hollywood.
ROSEANNE: That's why I like it. Look,
I'm a comic. I'm not the fucking presi-
dent. Everything comics do is to ex-
pose hypocrisy and dishonesty, so why
wouldn't I be honest, for Christ's sake?
Besides, I'm not ashamed of anything
I've done or lived through.
PLAYBOY: But don't you sometimes reveal
100 much?
ROSEANNE: I still have secrets I haven't
told anyone.
TOM: No, you don't. You used them up
on Donahue and Sally Jessy Raphael.
ROSEANNE: I've never just gone out and
flapped my mouth. I dont talk about
anything that I'm not comfortable with
or haven't decided beforehand to talk
about. I make those choices after a lot of
thought. I don't talk about my sexual
fantasies like Madonna does. 1 didn’t
pose for a book and call it Sex. I'm
not self-promoting to make money. 1
say what I say because my fans want to
hear it.
PLAYBOY: Hear what?
ROSEANNE: Stuff about child abuse, for
instance. It’s never brought up, so I'm
going to do it. It's the stuff that’s sup-
posed to be silent, and I'm prepared to
break all kinds of silences.
PLAYBOY: We'll come to that topi
while, but—
TOM: If Madonna were in recovery and
got to the point where she could talk
about that kind of stuff, it would help a
lot of people, too. For recovering alco-
holics and recovering sex-abuse victims,
part of recovery is talking about it.
PLAYBOY: What do you mean "if Madon
na were in recovery"? Are you saying she
may have incest or abuse issues herself?
TOM: I assume that she's in such a vacu-
um, as was Elvis Presley with his drug
problem. Who's going to get to her to
help her?
ROSEANNE: Her whole attitude about sex
is that of a sex addict. Sex addicts are to-
tally devoid of any spirituality, any con-
nection to the rest of their lives. That's
what she’s touting as liberation, but it's
not. It’s the opposite of liberation.
PLAYBOY: Have you spoken with her
about this?
ROSEANNE: No. As if she'd fucking listen
to me. Га like to talk to her about it be-
cause I think she’s talented and I think
it’s sad. She's very vulnerable. Also very
intelligent. I don't know if Madonna's
problem is incest, but being obsessed
with your sexuality is a sign that you've
been sexually abused.
PLAYBOY: Really?
ROSEANNE: Ycah. It's not normal to be
only about sex. Anybody who has it as
number one is fucked up. You can quote
me on that. Her entire art is about that.
Maybe when you're an adolescent, sex is
really number one. But not when you're
an adult, or a parent. Sex isn't gross or
dirty or anything like that. I just don't
like it when people shove it down our
throats like it's supposed to make up for
all the other stuff that's been taken away.
Madonna talks about how people have
Bacardi.rum. Made in Puerto Rico. sica! AND THE BAT DEVICE ARE REGISTERED
sexual hang-ups that she's trying to
loosen them from. People are too loose
about sex. They fecl there's nothing con-
nected to our bodies, our spirits, our
minds, our lives about sex. Meanwhile,
there's tons of abuse going on. Hardly
anything is being done about child sexu-
al abuse and the way it's handled in the
courts, in the media, everywhere. That's
what I feel I was put on the earth for,
and I'm going to do it. And I have been
doing it.
PLAYBOY: So it's blowtorch time for child
ROSEANNE: A-bomb time.
TOM: We believe that a lot of judges are
ROSEANNE: And that a lot of lawmakers
are, too.
tom: That's the only way you can cx-
plain it.
PLAYBOY: Explain what?
ROSEANNE: Powerful businessmen, peo-
ple with power and money. They all pro-
tect one another. But we also have pow-
er and we're going to do something
about it, even if it is just to talk.
PLAYBOY: Let's get back to you. As well-
intentioned as you are, wont this subject.
create. more of the controversy some
people—including your sister Steph-
anie—suggest you need?
ROSEANNE: I'm not addicted to contro-
versy To hear that pisses me off. I don't
like controversy. I didn't think going
public about incest and child abuse
would be offensive. 1 thought it would be
important, I do it because I have the
public's саг. And because people need
to listen.
PLAYBOY: But abuse issues arc only a frac-
tion of what has kept your name in the
ROSEANNE: Well, 1 didn't think showing
my tattoo would be so incredibly shock-
ing, but it turned out to be. And if 1
knew how people were going to freak
when I sang the national anthem, 1
wouldn't have done it.
PLAYBOY: The latest uproar is over your
faxing caustic notes to TV critics who
lambasted The Jackie Thomas Show.
ROSEANNE: 1 will fax people for the rest
of my fucking career and my life. So be
Tom: Madonna started faxing after Rosie
did. People want her to fax. They'll write
bad reviews now and go, “Please fax
me.” And she doesn't just send one, she
sends twenty.
ROSEANNE: It’s so that one fucker can't
get no money о! It's just a copy
an original. Otherwise they'd give it to
their grandkids and try to make money
off it.
PLAYBOY: Of the three critics you've
faxed, your missive to USA Today's Matt
Roush was the most controversial be-
62 cause of references to his sexuality. You
say the fax was private, but he made it
ROSEANNE: He once revicwed Tom's ca-
ble special and said it was the worst thing
on TV and that he hated Tom, and that
if Tom gets a show he's never going to
watch it and that he never w;
show when Toms on. That i
that's a personal attack. I personally at-
tacked him so he would know what it felt
like. I wrote, “You're in no position to
judge anything about heterosexuals.”
ROSEANNE: He absolutely is gay. 1 could
tell by the way he wrote the review. It
was heterophobic. It was full of fear and
loathing for a heterosexual male. You
can read homophobia, you can also read
heterophobia. If you're a student of the
media, you can tell everything about
people—their race, culture, ete —by the
way they write. Writers are so fucking
smug they think they're above all the
things that make them up, but they're
not. They're not godlike, they're human
beings, and I get tired of their smugness.
PLAYBOY: Until this latest flurry of media
activity, your camp had been calm for
about six months. And all of a sudden,
just when people were starting 10
ROSEANNE: I am never going to be that
calm or whatever they think I'm going to
turn into. Гт not. If they don't get it by
now, it's time to wake up. I'm not Cin-
derella and I'm not a fucking princess.
I'm me and I have a big mouth. I am
never going to shut up.
Tom: And it's not like we needed the
publicity. At the time, Roseanne was num-
ber two for the week and The Jackie
Thomas Show had just premiered.
PLAYBOY: So we can always count on your
taking offense at something?
ROSEANNE: Of course. Now you get it. 1
could cause all kinds of trouble every
fucking day if 1 wanted to. But I don't
want to because I want to live my life.
PLAYBOY: You're slowing down?
ROSEANNE: Yeah. I'm not quite as angry
as I was in the past. I'm healthier. But
things still tick me off. And pompous ass-
holes tick me off—not that I'm not a
pompous asshole in my own right.
PLAYBOY: Don't you ever worry about
ROSEANNE: It’s funny, but the more | do,
the more people ask me to do. I'm not
just a one-note sitcom actor. I'm a per-
former, a writer, a producer, an actress,
a personality, a stand-up comic and a
spokeswoman. And I don't mind if peo-
ple think of me as a fat, jolly hou
either That's also part of me. Everything
I do has several levels to it because 1
want as many people as possible to get
my work
TOM: In Hollywood stardom is like gold.
1f you hide out, people are supposed to
want you more and your market goes
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up. It’s different with Rosie. Her per-
sona is so accessible that people need to
see her. Everything she does is the high-
est-rated. The Saturday Night Live we did
was the highest-rated one in ten years.
And during sweeps week, every top
show wants her. Her fans can't get
PLAYBOY: You realize that some people
find you offensive.
TOM: People who get offended by us of-
fend me.
ROSEANNE: There are reasons why peo-
ple are oflended, and those reasons are
hideously offensive. Fuck 'em, I don't
give a shit. I hope they are offended. But
1 don't go out there to offend, I just go
out there to be me. The fact that I'm a
Jewish woman offends a lot of fucking
people. That I'm breathing and that Im
a Jew is very offensive to a lot of people,
to really get down to it. I don't care
about them. I hope they are offended
Not even hope they are—I don't give
a shit.
PLAYBOY: What guides you?
ROSEANNE: My whole career is guided by
God, so that's why I don’t have to answer
to any earthly shit.
PLAYBOY: That explains everything.
ROSEANNE: I take ultimate responsibility
for everything I do. But if 1 feel that God
wants me to do something, I'll do it even
if I don't want to.
PLAYBOY: What has God told you to do?
ROSEANNE: To come out as an incest sur-
vivor. I didn't want to do that. It was very
painful for me. But I felt God wanted me
to blow the lid off it, to make it come in-
to the light because it could save a lot of
PLAYBOY: Anything career-wise?
ROSEANNE: Yeah, all my career is God
stuff, too.
PLAYBOY: Let's be crystal clear here, so
this doesn't end up on the cover of some
TOM: He's right, honey. You have to be
very clear on this.
ROSEANNE: I ат being clear. It's a deeply
spiritual feeling. 175 within me. It's not
a disembodied voice ing from within
a plant. I feel something within that 1
know is God-consciousness. It leads me
to do certain things. I think God talks to
everybody. He or She doesn’t talk to just
me. If we're really going to get down to
it, I'm here for godly purpose.
PLAYBOY: Are the two of you believers in
ROSEANNE: ] believe in every religious
tenetand more.
TOM: What does “tenet” mean?
PLAYBOY: Principle.
TOM: What about the one that says the
more Jews you kill, the more whores you
get in heaven?
ROSEANNE: A whore in heaven? I hadn't
ва heard of that one. I was talking more
about God and consciousness and belief
rather than how we degrade ourselves
and one another, I don't believe in that
iritual but I don't believe in
ion. “Roseanne, do you hear
Just ask me that.
PLAYBOY: Roseanne, do you hear voices?
ROSEANNE: [Chuckles] Yeah. “Roscanne,
do you think you're Joan of Arc?” Go
ahead. Ask me.
PLAYBOY: Roseanne, do you think you're
Joan of Arc?
Tom: Do you really?
ROSEANNE: Somewhat like that.
TOM: But you don't think you're that
Joan of Arc. C'mon. I'm going to call Ar-
lene. Stay with me here.
ROSEANNE: He's gonna call my therapist.
PLAYBOY: Perhaps you're speaking met-
aphorically—a feeling of having been
figuratively burned at the stake.
ROSEANNE: Yes, absolutely.
TOM: Joan of Arc died. Only a few
have risen above that and become
muli ionaires.
ROSEANNE: He's very pragmati
PLAYBOY: And on that note, isn't it true
shit. I'm
Roseanne: "My whole
career is guided by God,
so that's why I don't
have to answer to any
earthly shit."
that statements such as these bring prob-
lems on yourself?
ROSEANNE: That just excuses all the ass-
holes from being assholes, all the sexists
from being sexists. I don't like being
torn apart in public for no damn good
reason when I’m just being myself. My
plan has always been to stay two years
ahead of the media because that’s where
the rest of the country is. That way, they
can't figure me out, try to squash me and
dispose of me. Get it? The media are so
unhip they're two years behind. Fortu-
nately, staying two years ahead ain't hard
because the media, for the most part, are
a bunch of lunkheads.
PLAYBOY: Didn't the media attacks really
start when you wanted more control of
ROSEANNE: Yeah. But it's directly related
to the power—their word—that 1 as-
sumed by firing a male producer. But
any thinking person is potentially a
threat to the ruling class.
TOM; І thought it was weird when every-
body was up in arms all over the country
about the trouble she bad on the show.
Its not like she was kicking ass at the
Vatican, clearing people out of there.
She was doing a TV show, Think about
it: It’s a stupid TV show.
PLAYBOY: On one hand the media want
your drawing power, and on the other
they're saying, "Dor't you know that you
being you is offensive?"
ROSEANNE: We are not Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Stack, nor will we ever be.
TOM: Unless they take an ugly turn.
ROSEANNE: To whitewash us means to
take the working class out of us. But we
have no interest їп moving up to the
PLAYBOY: Nonetheless, you're making
good use of your success and money. А
fancy house. A Bentley in the drivew:
The huge spread in Iowa. Jewelry. Your
new diner in Eldon, Iowa.
ROSEANNE: Well, 1 can buy a whole
bunch of shit. It's cool. But our values
and political ideals aren't any different.
We're sull pro-union all the way. Tom
used to work in a meat-packing plant.
Money and success didn't change noth-
ing except that now we can get in really
good restaurants. We don't have to wait
in line.
PLAYBOY: Tom, you once said that you
1wo are "America's worst nightmare—
white trash with money."
TOM: That really scares people. What are
they going to do about us? We're fa-
mous, we have a lot of moncy, what the
fuck are they going to do? People can
still be rude, but we can do whatever
we want. And that’s great. Fortunately,
we're nice and we don’t abuse people.
ROSEANNE: We're not sleazy.
TOM: We can be a little naive, but we've
learned a lot. [Belches loudly)
ROSEANNE: Like not belching or eating
during interviews
TOM: No, never learned that.
PLAYBOY: Do you like television?
ROSEANNE: I am the hugest couch pota-
to. I love TV, watch it all the time. I hate
anybody who says “I never watch TV” or
“I only watch PBS.” That person is а
fucking idiot and should be slapped se-
verely because TV is totally where it’s a
On the other hand, most people who c
tique TV, who write about TV, don't like
TV—and that's the other fucking funny
thing about it. That I, one of the world’s
biggest couch potatoes, am on TV repre-
sents a victory for all couch potatoes, for
all people on the other side of the tube. 1
got through. I made it. My show is ex-
actly the show I wanted to see on TV.
The medium is absolutely the fucking
message. Fuck film. That’s for preten-
tious, egotistical, elitist assholes.
PLAYBOY: Probal no television series
did more to depict the bleakness of the
recession. How do you take to the idea
that Roseanne played a great part in get-
ting George Bush kicked out of office?
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ROSEANNE: Thanks. I өсі out to do
just that
TOM: Two years ago. We never wanted to
mention it, but we wanted to show
ROSEANNE: We wanted to show what was
going on.
TOM: What the American
going through politically.
been offended by all
this talk of the great
upward mobility in
America. 1 wanted
to say, Hey that
isn't whats fucking
happening, not in
my world and not
in the majority of
people's worlds
And it ain't right.
Jobs got sent over-
seas. Who got rich?
Those fuckers and
their buddies.
TOM: And then they
blame the Japanese.
1 love how they al-
у manage to
blame the Japanese
ROSEANNE: They al-
ways blame another
you two feel about
George Bush now?
TOM: Let me tell
you a story. We had
family was
Loreua Lynn on
the show earlier this
friends with Bush.
She says that she
came unglued ай
over him for what
he said about me.
She had fucked up
the national an-
them, too.
том: ГИ tell it so it
doesnt sound like
you're telling it
for it.
TOM: So Loretta
said that Bush took
her aside and said,
“You know what? I
screwed up. 1 was
too hard on Rose-
anne. I know she
was doing her best.
The pres put a
microphone in my
face and 1 said she was disgraceful. 1
screwed up and 1 always felt bad about
that." That was pretty cool of him.
PLAYBOY: How's the show going to
change now that Clinton's in?
TOM: The Conners will win the lottery.
ROSEANNE: We have no idea if Clinton i:
66 going to be any better or any worse. The
only thing we liked about him was that
he ignited a little bit of hope in people
And we're always for hope.
TOM: And civil rights and women's
rights. If he sucks by those things, then
he's our man
ROSEANNE: And if he doesn't do what
he said he was going to do, well be
Contoured pouch for comfort and support.
on his shit, 100.
PLAYBOY: You went to the inaugur
TOM: Yeah, we liked it,
PLAYBOY: Have any private moments
with the president?
ROSEANNE: We met him once.
TOM: I blew him
том: Yeah, we think he and Hillary are
real nice. We especially like him because
he also survived the media. They're sur-
vivors within their marriage. Thats a
great example for a lot of people.
PLAYBOY; What were you thinking when,
as a housewife with three kids, you start-
ed out to make it as a comic?
the Eighúes started,
I thought it was
time that a woman
spoke as а wom-
an about being a
woman. My back-
ground was ten
years of feminist
politics. Reagan was
in, I was working
in a feminist book-
store in Denver
Budgets were being
slashed for women
and children. 1 re-
member panicking
because we knew
one homeless per-
son. And things
were getting worse.
So I decided t0 get
vocal, to go out and
start yelling because
nothing else had
worked. Гуе always
taken up causes.
Гуе always had
something to say. 1
suppose because of
my fucking weird
life, my family
problems and being
raised as a Jew in
Utah, Гуе always
been very interest-
ed in exposing the
rotting core of
everything. I got
disgusted and went
through a march-
phase. Then I got
amused. Then I be-
came a comic.
recall the transi-
tion that took you
from disgusted to
amused to the com-
edy stage?
ROSEANNE: Just be-
fore I was to give a
speech at the Uni-
versity of Colorado
at Boulder about
feminist ethics, using these four-dollar
academentia words, 1 suddenly realized
that there was no such thing as feminist
ethics because there was no such thing as
feminism anywhere in the world.
PLAYBOY: That would probably surprise a
lot of feminists.
ROSEANNE: ICs not allowed to exist. It
threatens the status quo power struc-
ture, It rises up and is squashed, over
and over.
PLAYBOY: By status quo, do you mean
male status quo?
ROSEANNE: It’s way beyond that because
women have bought into it, too, and
they profit from it. 1 don't buy this men
against women stuff. The status quo
starts with hierarchical thinking. That's
the core of everything that’s wrong. It
comes from the idea that man is above
пац Then its man above woman—
one half of the race serving the other,
ad infinitum, in endless subdivisions.
That's an ecofeminist viewpoint.
PLAYBOY: Critics have said that you are
ROSEANNE: | dont blame men. That
makes me gag. We all
TOM: [Nudges Roseanne] You hate men.
You know, men.
ROSEANNE: І have never said I hate men
You're full of shit, 1 have not said that.
TOM: You used to say it.
ROSEANNE: But did І say that today? |70
interviewer] No, because Tom has totally
mellowed me.
And tell him what changed you, the
ne that —
ROSEANNE: Oh, please.
TOM: You said it befo
ROSEANNE: I'm not going to say it in this
TOM: Oh, ОК.
ROSEANNE: Shall I tell him that line?
TOM: Yes, dear
ROSEANNE: 115 gonna piss everybody off.
[Pauses] I used to be a feminist, until the
first time Tom grabbed me by the hair,
threw me up against the wall and fucked
me in the as:
TOM: What’
that's nice.
ROSEANNE: Yeah, that is nice. That's
every guys fantasy—that his wiener
saved your life.
TOM: Funny you'd use the term wiener
after saying "fucked in the ass."
ROSEANNE: [hat's one of the things that
makes me so charming. [70 Tóm] Maybe
you should leave. I have to go on about
my feminist ethics.
TOM: Hey, l'd like to hear them, too.
Honey, will you make me dinner?
ROSEANNE: Fuck off.
PLAYBOY: So, you had a revelation?
ROSEANNE: | decided to talk about how
things are, not how they should be; to stop
dealing with theoretical shit and start
telling the truth—a revolutionary act.
PLAYBOY: Why haven't you talked to the
media about your feminist background
or beliefs before
ROSEANNE: I've talked about this stuff to
the media for years, but it never gets
printed, The media only want to hear
about how much 1 eat because it's threat-
ening to read about a woman who has vi-
sion and a fucking brain. That there's a
wrong with that? 1 think
woman as pissed off as I am should be
everywhere, not only in Ms. It’s simple.
I'm just sick of the shit like, “The fat, jol-
ly Roseanne loves to eat her brownies.
would like it for once to be about me as
an artist rather than only the sensational
aspects of my personal life—which, of
1 don't mind talking about, ei-
d like it to be about my body of
work, not just my body. ГЇЇ be watching
to see how this one comes out.
What if, when people read this,
they think, This woman is just blowing
smoke through her ass. She should go
back to being funny,
ROSEANNE: That's funny. They probably
will think that.
PLAYBOY: You once said, “Stand.
victory over my whole life.” Why?
ROSEANNI medy is the only chance I
have to speak about what its like being
a woman in this culture. 1 knew at first
you be-
lieve the things she says?" One joke was:
"Men are here for one reason only: to
serve me, to bring back food and build a
comfortable hive for me and my larvae,
to willingly move on when it's time for a
younger drone with more stamina. Oh,
call me old-fashioned." Thars pretty
radical to say your second time on The
Tonight Show. Frightening. Threatening.
PLAYBOY: Obviously not that threatening.
ROSEANNE: | used to be the most foul-
mouthed comic. But I figured out how
that everyone would go
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to take a radical thought and make it
mainstream through wording and pack-
aging. Instead of espousing political the-
ory, I changed it into women's point-
of-view jokes. But it wasn't just role re-
versal. I didn’t want to have a husband
named Fang, because that had already
been done—and very well. Men became
the butt of my jokes, only I tried not
to be mean-spirited. I joked about how
we women thought instead of how we
looked. About our hypocrisy. As for
packaging, I used the cover of being
everyone's fat mother, fat neighbor. I
used a funny voice
PLAYBOY: A thin, shapely woman couldn't
say those things?
TOM: If an insecure man looks at
Roseanne, instead of having to deal with
who she is, he says, "She's crazy and
she's fat.” That way he doesn't have to
deal with the fact that she's powertul, in-
telligent and brilliant. Oprah is another
great example. Men think, Oh, she's fat.
That way it’s OK for them to be average.
That's how men get by with their pride.
PLAYBOY: Weight has been a constant bat-
tle for each of you, but you've both
slimmed down.
TOM: We just don't want to get huge.
ROSEANNE: We wouldn't be able to have
sex if we weighed five hundred pounds.
Well, we'd probably figure out a way.
PLAYBOY: Can America accept a thin
ROSEANNE: Who gives a shit?
PLAYBOY: OK, we'll move on. From the
first season of Roseanne there have been
problems with producers and writers. Is
the turnover on your show any more un-
usual than the turnover on other shows?
ROSEANNE: No. We have a different rule
from other shows. We turn over our
writers every two years, for the sake of
TOM: At least. Bob Meyers, the guy who
people say we most recently fired, is
writing our movie for Jon Peters, He was
up with us to win the Golden Globe.
He's a great guy. We gave him a Rolex. 1
recruit writers knowing that every two
years ГИ turn them over.
PLAYBOY: Do you tell them this?
TOM: Do they know it? Hey, I hire them
for one season at a time, then ГИ renew
them for another season. You know
where they go when they move on from
our show? They move up a notch and
run other shows.
ROSEANNE: They don't disappear and
start selling shoes. They get multimil-
lion-dollar deals at Disney.
PLAYBOY: Are you angry you've never
won an Emmy?
ROSEANNE: If and when I get one, I al-
ready have my speech.
PLAYBOY: What is it?
ROSEANNE: "Now what the hell am 1
gonna bitch about?" And then I'm gone.
That's all I'm going to say.
PLAYBOY: You once took out an ad in a
Hollywood trade paper that read: “Hol-
Iywood isa back-stabbing, scum-sucking,
small-minded town. But thanks for the
money." Do you really believe that?
ROSEANNE: Yeah, There are plenty of
small-minded, judgmental people. And
there are great people out here, too.
PLAYBOY: Your opinions on this matter
are quite judgmental.
ROSEANNE: Let's just say there's a limit to
my bullshit.
TOM: When | first came to town, I
thought it was about quality, but it's
about politics. On our show we spend so
much time on the quality, we don't have
time for the poliucs. We only have a cer-
хат amount of time. True?
ROSEANNE: Yeah, really. Not enough
time to kiss ass. Hey, I finally figured out
what my problem is: I just don't know
how to kiss ass. Now, it's not like I can't
get along with nobody, because I will
suck the dick. But I'd rather suck di
than kiss ass, because sucking the dick is
a decent business proposition. You get
your twenty bucks up front. I don't
know how much it’s going for now, but
in my day it was twenty. You make the
deal, you do the thing. It’sa finite thing,
if you know how to do it right. But kiss-
ing ass just goes on and on in the hope
that people someday will appreciate it.
They never do because they just want
you to kiss their ass more. They're like,
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“Hey, Roscanne, could you kiss my
friend's ass, too? And bring him a cup of
coffee on your way back.” I tell you what:
I'll take a cocksucker over an ass-kisser
any day. That's the American way.
TOM: What's bad is when you spend
years and years kissing the wrong ass.
PLAYBOY: Didn't you once say that you
expected the writers and producers of
Козеаппе to kiss your ass?
ROSEANNE: 1 said, "Let me just under-
stand something. How come you all are
not kissing my ass, since I let you work
on my fucking show?" They were really
shocked. They thought that I should
be kissing their asses because they had
given me a television show.
PLAYBOY: Aren't you
somewhat grateful?
supposed to just
show up and do it
and be grateful—
like Tim Allen,
whose Home Im-
provement show is а
total rip-off of my
PLAYBOY: Matt Wil-
liams, the first Rose-
anne producer you
fired, is running
that show.
ROSEANNE: | wish
Matt Williams the
very best. We had
our big fight over
the “Created By"
credit, and when he
got it, in my mind,
he was gone. But
just about every-
thing I blamed him
for I have since
found out was not
his fault He was a
victim like me.
PLAYBOY: A victim of
mer agents. They
sold me down the
river. They were
supposed to get me
my "Created By"
credit. Instead, they were so concerned
about their packaging deal that they sold
me out for shit, which put me head-to-
head with Matt in the first place. So he
did some desperate things like humili-
ate me in front of the cast. I don't like
him for that, but it don't mean nothing
PLAYBOY: Have you told Tim Allen any
of this?
ROSEANNE: I told him, “Matt's going to
try to get your “Created Ву credit, and
ils your act. So you make sure you get
the credit.” Well, Matt got it and then
Tim was all pissed. He got the “Creati
Consultant" shit that Matt gave me, too.
But Tim said, "I'm not going to fight it
bccause I'm just lucky to be on TV and
have my own show." Which is exactly
how I didn't think. When I was in Tim's
position, Г told them I couldn't under-
stand how they were so out of it and ar-
тоқаш. I wasn't going to be grateful
when I was doing all the fucking work.
TOM: Here's the system: You come into
town, you get fucked over. Then you get
fucked over again, and then you get
fucked over again. Then you а;
it, I'm going to get what's mine.
the only way to get what's yours
you've already lost, is to fuck over other
people. And that continues the cycle.
PLAYBOY: You forced out another pro-
ducer, Jeff Harris. Then he took out a
ASPEN: A mans cologne
trade ad that said he was taking a vaca-
tion in the relative peace and quiet of
Bei t
ROSEANNE: And I answered back, “They
wont think you're funny in Beirut,
either." He tried to fire Tom all the time.
His whole life became about firing Tom.
"Then Tom choked him. It was fun.
PLAYBOY: Did you physically choke him?
TOM: He walked into my office and tried
to fire me. Sat down with his big cigar
and said, “Well, it's not working out.” I
go, "Yep, it's not." And then he goes, “So
1 want you to move on." I go, “What?
What are you saying?
"I want you to clean out your office
I go, “What?”
“Cease and desist.”
Then I lost it on him. “Get the fuck
out of here. You're fired, man. I'm going
to have your office.”
ROSEANNE: And he does have his office.
PLAYBOY: Were you married at the time?
ROSEANNE: We were living together
Thats how people are here: Their arro-
gance blinds them.
TOM: Do you think they'd fire Cosby's
wife? Hell, no. What kind of balls would
you have to have to do something that
stupid? Of course, at first, he told you he
wanted to fire me and you said to me,
“Sorry, honey.” I said, “What do you
mean he's going to fire me? It’s your
show." You go, “Oh, yeah!”
ized, fuck, it is my
show. I realized that
after you choked
him. Tom comes
down and goes, “I'll
fire his ass! He's not
going to fucking
fire те!”
TOM: “He's going to
have to fucking car-
ry me out of here.”
I have been fired
three times on the
ROSEANNE: Tell him
about when I fired
you, honey.
TOM: | was fired
from the first show.
I was the warm-up
guy. I was so bad, I
deserved it. Then
Rosie fired me my
first day as a writer
because we had an
argument. І got
hired back the sec-
опа day. She had
called to apologize
that evening, won-
dering if we could
still talk on the
phone as friends. I
said, "What the
fuck? Fuck you!"
hung up on me
TOM: I was so pissed. Then I went back
to work the next day.
PLAYBOY: Now you work together and
you go home together.
TOM: We like that a lot.
ROSEANNE: It's not like we're constantly
hugging, kissing and chatting. Most of
the day we ignore each other.
TOM: Although, you would like that if we
hugged and chatted all day.
ROSEANNE: 1 would like that if we did,
but he ignores me
Tom: I got a lot to do, man. Just like
you do.
ROSEANNE: I tell him he's really kind of a
boring guy. Once you get past the ve-
neer, he's just a regular boring husband
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who just wants to watch sports all the
fucking time. And I'm a regular bitchy
wife who just wants to go out and do
TOM: Yet, when we do go out and do
something, she doesn't like it because
she realizes her true love is bitching
about never doing anything. And once
you start taking her out, you take that
away from her.
PLAYBOY: ABC has given you a two-year
renewal for $2 million per show. Where
does the money go?
TOM: The show's license fee was report-
ed at $2 million.
ROSEANNE: It's incorrect.
TOM: It’s far off. They don't know.
ROSEANNE: Nobody knows.
TOM: If they knew the figu
scare everybody.
ROSEANNE: Honey, tell him
in his ear]
TOM: OK. I can tell you that Ros
highest paid entertainer e
should be. She has a bigger deal than
PLAYBOY: You're well paid. Are you also a
good actres:
ROSEANNE: I'm а great actress.
PLAYBOY: How proud are you of your
movie debut in She-Devil?
ROSEANNE: What a fucking piece of shit,
huh? It wasa terrible disappointment to
me. Imagine, my first movie, with Meryl
Streep. Sylvia Miles апа Linda Hunt
How much more incredible can you get?
I was honored and in awe. But the direc-
tion stank. Susan Seidelman [the direc-
tor] fucked up my movie career.
PLAYBOY: Did you talk to her about this?
ROSEANNE: No. She asked me what I was
going to do to promote the movie and I
said, "I don't know, what are you going
to do about my fucking career, which
you ruined?" I'm only getting movie of-
fers again now, after two years.
PLAYBOY: What do you think about
Howard Stern, who's been making lots
of fat jokes at your expense. such as:
“Imagine Roseanne naked"
TOM: Imagine him naked!
ROSEANNE: We hear about it. He's pissed.
because we won't come on his show. But
if someone is a jack-off like Howard
Stern and everyone knows it, Pm not go-
ing to get angry at that. Besides, next to
Joey Ramone, no one is uglier than
Howard Stern.
TOM: But Joey's talented. Joey's a leg
end. Howard thinks that when he goes
home to his wife that OK, because
‚ it would
as she
he's just offensive for a living, But that's
bullshit. It has repercussions. He's of-
fending survivors of incest, women. He’s
racist as hell, Listening to him makes you
hate Jews, because he's Jewish.
PLAYBOY: Let's get back to an carlier sub-
ject: incest and child abuse. Some people
don't believe your story and think it’s an-
other publicity ploy or the work of an
unstable mind. Even People ran an article
exploring the veracity of your claim.
ROSEANNE; Like I couldn't think of any-
thing beuer than to say Im a survivor of
incest. Like I couldn't come up with a
better media event than that. Like 1
dont е enough money or my show
isnt number two. What the fuck did 1
have to gain from that—except for judg-
mental people going, “Oh, it's another
Roseanne thing”? Well, they weren't
there. Fuck them. Just fuck them. They
really piss me off. People say this stuff
about any survivor who comes forward.
They try to discredit you. And that's part
of the reason why it continues, why
it’s accepted. To question any victim is
hideously immoral
PLAYBOY: What can be done to improve
ROSEANNE: People are going to have to
redefine the term child abuse. People
say, “Well, we only spanked her, it wasn't
abusive.” Well, fuck, that is abusive,
PLAYBOY: Is it truc that your child abuse
never involved actual sex?
ROSEANNE: Actual sex? You mean pene-
tration? Well, there’s way more to “actu-
al sex” than penetration. Besides, we
not talking about the orifice that w
raped, we're talking about the child.
PLAYBOY: In your case, your mom al-
legedly put soap in your vagina. Your fa-
ther allegedly fondled his penis, made
Peeping Tom photos, chased you with
dirty underwear.
ROSEANNE: The things that my parents
did to me are innumerable. What you
ad is only what I talk about. I'm not
going to give child molesters anything to
jack off about.
PLAYBOY: There's more?
ROSEANNE: I'm not going to say anything
titillating for anybody. I know how peo-
ple think. Let me sum up my childhood:
When I was two or three years old, I
started to walk in front of moving cars. Ї
did that until I was sixteen and got hit by
а car. People are going to have to figure
out why by themselves.
PLAYBOY: In an issue of TV Guide, your
sister Stephanie contended that your
sex-abuse charges come from an “over-
heated imagination.”
ROSEANNE: I'm staggered
that she, of anyone in the world, would
say that
ROSEANNE: I know that it happened to
Stephanie, too. My parents gave me cus
tody of her when she was seventeen
years old. I got her out of their house
when she phoned me from her bedroom
and told me that Dad had molested her.
Isaid, "You get your ass on a plane.” She
came to live with me and my three kids.
I went into bankruptcy because of that.
And my other sister, Geraldine, came out
and lived in our basement, too. For five
years no one spoke to my parents about
nd speechless
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it. But my sisters and I talked about it
every day for hours and hours.
PLAYBOY: Both Stephanie and Geraldine
strongly deny everything you say. In
fact, Geraldine has said, "[For Roseanne]
10 say [she's] an incest victim absolves all
[her] acts of the past." What acts?
ROSEANNE: She means my firing her as
my manager. I thought she was there for
me because she was my sister. But I think
now she was there for a payoff, and obvi-
ously that's true. My sister and 1 were
very close, as close as two sisters can be. I
supported her for ten years. It's over
now. She has to get a job, do some work.
PLAYBOY: Were you an enabler?
ROSEANNE: Absolutely. We'd sit there to-
gether and smoke five packs of cigarettes
each. We mostly talked about our child-
hood and tried to make some sense of
it. But both of us had extremely blank
memories. And now she talks about me
like 1 was her girlfriend who dumped
her. 1 read one of her quotes that said,
“Roseanne made a decision to become
Mrs. Tom Arnold, and I was no longer
necessary.” That sounds like a spurned
lover. It's always been a very sick family.
It was a sick, sick family from the day I
was born. And it stil
PLAYBOY: How long has it been since
you've spoken to them?
ROSEANNE: Three years.
PLAYBOY: In denying these charges, your
family pretty much blames Tom for your
tom: Hey, I tried with them. I was so
nice to her parents, her sisters and her
brother. I went way out on a limb, trying
to develop relationships with them. I
said they were great. But they kept do-
ing things that were unforgivable.
PLAYBOY: Did you push them apart?
TOM: It had to be Rosie's decision, partic-
ularly to end the business relationship
with her sister Geraldine. 1 was in favor
of it, but [ never pressured either way.
It was Rosie's decision for me to be her
manager and the executive producer
of Roseanne.
PLAYBOY: Some people claim you took an
enfeebled star and brainwashed her.
TOM: I didn't brainwash her. I put ablan-
ket of protection around her that she
had never had before. I was totally de-
voted and still am. That's the way mar-
riages are in Iowa: It's you and your wife
and your family, and that’s it. I insisted
she get in recovery and remain in recov-
ery, do the work, not waiver and not
backslide. I was on her ass. As she was on
mine to get sober.
ROSEANNE: When I first started to have
therapy and recall my memorics, I really
couldn't handle anything. It came so fast
and so furious. 1 couldn't even walk.
TOM: When I was on drugs, Га still get
up at six to get the kids up for school,
make sure they had breakfast, get them
72 going. I knew I had to do it.
ROSEANNE: He always came home су-
ery ni
TOM: I never went to bars.
ROSEANNE: He sat in his bathroom and
closet and snorted cocaine.
том: Yeah, and in my car on the way
PLAYBOY: Why did you trust him?
ROSEANNE: At that point, 1 didn't have a
choice. But if he hadn't been there 1
would be dead, because I couldn't func-
tion in апу fucking way at all. Also, he
was right often enough for me to go,
"Fuck, he knows what he is talking
about." We both have alcoholic personal-
ities, and neither of us trusts anybody.
PLAYBOY: Roseanne, were you ever
ROSEANNE: Me? Yeah, like every second.
I felt really bad. I had to go on antide-
pressants. That's when I started to get
back to being OK. It really did save my
life. I’m one of those success stories with
Prozac. It just made everything bottom
out and I could focus. I suppose it was a
breakdown. I couldn't remember what
day it was or where I was.
TOM: I said, "You're not leaving me here
Tom: "When I was on
drugs, I'd still get up
at six to get the kids up
for school. I knew I
had to do it."
with these fucking kids. There's no way."
This is when the kids were battling. Her
life was a shit pile waiting to burst. And
when it burst, it was the toughest time
for me. People had no clue what was go-
ing on inside our house. No clue of how
devastating it was for her. 1 was imple-
menting structure in the kids’ lives
where they'd never had it before, and
there was so much resentment against
me—which is only natural. And then to
deal with my own shit. That's what 1 was
supposed to handle. It was a lot for a
newly sober guy.
PLAYBOY: Did the money and opportuni-
ty make it easier for you to marry into
this mess?
TOM: Hey, there isn't enough money for
a single guy on drugs to say, "Guess
what? I'm going to get sober and Im go-
ing to get all this shit.” 1 got into this be-
cause I was loved and I loved her, and I
wanted a family. Га take any family, but
hers is a great one. And it’s turned out to
be really rewarding that it was so hard.
PLAYBOY: Rewarding in many ways: your
new sitcom, The Jackie Thomas Show, the
job producing Roseanne. You don't deny
that there is a professional advantage to
being with Roseanne?
Tom: Of course. As far as her opening all
the doors in my career is concerned, hell
yes. 1 can do anything I want. Any time
1 come into a professional arrangement,
1 carry her weight with me. Everybody
knows that.
PLAYBOY: They also think that you've
eved what you have only because
you're Roseanne's husband.
том: It’s true. If I didn't know her I
wouldn't be on the show. So? What can I
say? It’s great to work with your family.
ROSEANNE: That's not what we live for.
We don't plan our lives around our ca-
reers, we plan our careers around our
PLAYBOY: At one time, Tom didn't get
much respect. Now it seems that he's the
hip one.
ROSEANNE: He'd gotten respect for a
long time within our community, even
though the public wasn’t aware of it. The
professionals knew he did the work of
ten people. Everybody thought I was
crazy for dragging my boyfriend every-
place, until they saw his talent.
TOM: I like to be known as Rosie's hus-
band. That's what Lam. But I know peo-
ple will still resent me. That only makes
me quicker and sharper. Having worked
in a meat-packing plant, I now feel like
I'm doing this for every fucker who used
to work with me. I'm going to enjoy it
all. I'm not going to feel bad about it.
PLAYBOY: Would The Jackie Thomas Show
work if somebody else played Jackie
ROSEANNE: No. He's the only one who
can act that big and that dumb.
PLAYBOY: Ever since The Jackie Thomas
Show debuted, and despite the big rat-
ings, there’s been speculation that it
would be canceled, Why?
Tom: The show is in no jeopardy о being
canceled. We got picked up for more.
They aren't going to cancel my show. 1
mean, then what? I'm going to take it 10
CBS or NBC. They can't beat my show.
The network has assured me the show
will be on next season. We're fine.
PLAYBOY: Let's focus on your relation-
ship. Why is it wor
TOM: Because we ROS atit real hard. We
don't take it for granted.
ROSEANNE: We were so wild and crazy in
our younger years. To be actually
mate and honest with another person is
really intense for both of us. Neither of
us ever had that with a sexual partner.
PLAYBOY: Did you really break the furni-
turc the first time you made love?
ROSEANNE: We were so scared.
TOM: But we just went for it. That was
опе time we just cleared out our heads,
Eight years of “We can't go over that
line." We had to propel ourselves
lendy over that line.
PLAYBOY: What if the sex had been bad?
ROSEANNE: It wouldn't have mattered.
TOM; I lcarned about the mechanics of
sex from Rosie. When I grew up, I didn’t
know that women enjoyed sex. I didn’t
know what it meant for a woman to
come until I was about twenty-five.
Somebody got real pissed off at me and
said, “What the fuck?” There's so much
more going on than just sticking your
dick in somebody and humping away. 1
learned that from Rosie because 1 took
time to relax. There's spiritual stuff in-
volved. And I’m still learning. I have a
Jot to learn.
PLAYBOY: Is there a dark side to all this?
ROSEANNE: We used to really Sid and
Nancy out.
tom: I threw her around a few times.
She'd be screaming at me and Га throw
her on the floor.
ROSEANNE: One time he was in bed
watching TV and I got this big baseball
and threw it at his head.
TOM: It wasn’t just a baseball. It was en-
cased in this acrylic stuff. There used to
be nights of terror when she had PMS.
She'd be raging. She'd say, “Fuck, that's
id” Then she'd go out in her car. Shed
call and hang up on me. There was all
this insanity. I'd have to go looking for
her. Finally, my therapist said to me,
“Don’t chase her anymore.” So I quit
and then she quit doing it. She didn’t
like it anymore.
PLAYBOY: Was it love at first sight?
Tom: Yeah, when I look back.
PLAYBOY: What's the first thing you no-
ticed about her?
Tom: She was hilarious. She was tough.
We met at a comedy dub. I went on first.
When she came out, the whole room was
mesmerized. Га never seen anything
like it. And offstage she was fun. I could
tell that she was sensitive. But what 1
have always loved about her the most is
that I think she always loved me.
PLAYBOY: Is that true?
TOM: And that made me feel great.
Roseanne believed in me. She opened all
the doors and created all the opportuni-
ties for what's happening in my career
now—stuff I never knew I had the abili-
ty to do. All the years she said, “Tom,
you're great,” I felt like, Oh, man, she's
dreaming. This includes being a good
parent and hushand, too.
PLAYBOY: How did you feel about this
outpouring of love?
ROSEANNE: At first I couldn't handle it.
I'd been sexual with a lot of people, but
not actually intimate. He'd say things
and I wouldn't talk to him for six
months. I'd just lose it and go, Whoa,
take a break. Scared the hell out of me.
Tom: Once in a while we'd get fucked up
together and she'd say, “You know, I do
have a crush on you and I think you
have a crush on me.”
ROSEANNE: The first time that happened
was during my first HBO special. Your
girlfriend said we had a crush on each
other. I got really scared.
tom: And then you said, “What are we
going to do about it?" And I said, “I'll tell
you what we're going to do about it: The
first time we have this conversation
when we're sober, that’s when we'll do
something about it.” I was scared that
you were just saying it. I was in love,
sober or fucked up. I wanted to know
you felt that way, too.
ROSEANNE: Га sober up and then I
wouldn't talk to him.
PLAYBOY: And you were married, too.
Tom: But this went on even after we were
married. I was nice to her and she
couldn't handle it. It's because of this in-
cest stuff. But I didn’t know that at first.
She wondered, “Why are you on my
side? Why would you be on my side?”
ROSEANNE: It didn’t make sense. I'd go,
"What is he after?” Intimacy means pain
and betrayal and getting fucked over.
TOM: To me, that meant she didn't love
me. Now I know she loves me, but I used
to take it personally. Like, “What do I
have to do to prove I love you?” I'd run
Roseanne: "I had my
girlfriends pin him
in a chair, pull up their
shirts and rub their
boobs all over him.”
down the list every time: “Look how
good I am with the kids. I worship the
ground you walk on.”
PLAYBOY: Did Roseanne have the same
suspicions about you that others had?
Tom: Right. And it took me back to my
using and drinking times. I did some
things that were not honest.
ROSEANNE; I wanted to feel love for Tom
because to me love meant taking care of
someone and lying to them. I'd take care
of him but I'd keep him away from the
real me, and I'd lie to him. That way I
could stay in my sick shit but I could still
have somebody to love. But him loving
me, that was something I never had. I
thought he wanted something. I would
even lic to him about money.
Tom: She wouldn't pay me. I wrote com-
edy for a living and she'd say, “I'll pay
you in a month.” Even when she got out
here and had moncy she'd say, “Here
are two checks for four hundred fifty
dollars. Cash this one in two weeks, cash
the other one in a month.” They were
supposed to be for fificen hundred dol-
lars, but she would talk me down. She
thought paying me would be crossing
the line, that we couldn't be friends. Our
working together kept us together. We'd
tell her husband and my girlfriends we
were going on the road together. They'd
go, “Oh, that's cool." That way Rosie got.
ош апа we got to scc cach other.
PLAYBOY: Did anyone suspect?
ROSEANNE: We never had sex or
Tom: We'd just go on the road, drink,
sleep in the same bed. We could do that
because we were writing and performing
ROSEANNE: We were just the best
PLAYBOY: And now you sound like old
TOM: We're basically old-fashioned.
PLAYBOY: Are you jealous?
ROSEANNE: Yeah. Well, I'm protective.
TOM: I don't vant to give her any reason
to be jealous, either, because that puts
her in a scary place. However, we have
certain friends—her girlfriends—who
she's not jealous of.
ROSEANNE: My girlfriends all gave Tom
pictures of them naked from the waist
up for Christmas. I framed them for
him. I think they're funny.
TOM: She took the pictures.
ROSEANNE: He always talks about wom-
en's boobs. So I had my girlfriends pin
him in a chair, pull up their shirts and.
rub their boobs all over him.
TOM: Апа you haven't heard me talk
about them since, have you? No.
ROSEANNE: Other women better not try
anything with you because ГИ mess
them up really bad. I'm a working-class
woman. I'm not one of those dainty
types who doesn’t know how to fight.
Tom: She's not a very good fighter,
though. She's tough. She has hit me.
When she’s mad she’s a killer, but I don’t
want her out there fighting. I don't let
men talk to her on the phone. I don't
give a shit that they're her old comedy
friends. I couldn't care less. ГЇЇ talk to
them first and then we'll talk to them to-
gether at a club.
ROSEANNE: He doesn't let me call up any
of my guy friends I used to party with.
TOM: Absolutely not. You can see them at
a club or invite them over to dinner. I'd
love to have them over.
PLAYBOY: You can't sce them alone?
ROSEANNE: We met Jesse Jackson at
Farm Aid. He said he would really love
to sit down and talk over lunch. I was re-
ally excited. Tom said I couldn't have
lunch with him unless I brought him to
our house, I said, “You're being ridicu-
lous.” Tom said, “If you do, I'll show up.
and kick his black ass.”
TOM: I meantit.
PLAYBOY: Care to explain?
TOM: I don’t allow my woman to go to
lunch with other men.
ROSEANNE: Tom doesn't allow his wife to
do any of that.
TOM: With any man. I wouldn't care if
it was the Pope, gay guys, anybody.
Doesn't matter. It’s inappropriate. I
don't know Jesse Jackson. I like him as a
man, I like his politics. But Ри not going
to let any man, even my rabbi, who's
asked, have lunch with my wife. I don’t
believe in it.
PLAYBOY: Don't you trust Roseanne?
TOM: I know nothing would happen, but
you don’t put yourself in slippery situa-
tions where something could happen,
even if it's not going to happen. If he's
gay, 1 figure she could change him. If
he’s a rabbi, well, rabbis date. Jesse Jack-
son, he’s aman. I don’t approve of it.
PLAYBOY: You're serious?
TOM: I'm a hundred percent serious.
PLAYBOY: Why do you say “black” ass?
TOM: I don't mean to sound racist. I'm
not. Td kick his Jewish ass or his fat ass
or whatever kind of ass he has. I would
kick it. I just wanted her to know what
would happen ifshe had lunch with him.
PLAYBOY: Cood thing she's not having
lunch with Sammy Davis Jr.
TOM: I'd kick his dead, black, Jewish ass.
Look, in Iowa married women just don’t
have lunch with men.
PLAYBOY: You're not in Iowa anymore.
Tom: I know. ГЇЇ get better.
PLAYBOY: Roseanne, isn't your acquies-
сепсе to Tom on this subject contrary to
your strong-woman image?
ROSEANNE: І think about that a lot.
Everything I say must be bullshit if he
doesn't let me out the door.
TOM: She's told me she's glad I'm like
that. I'm very passionate about it, even
though when I hear myself saying it I go,
Boy, that sounds sort of old-fashioned.
ROSEANNE: In other words, we're so tra-
ditional that it's radical. Our primary
commitment is to each other and to our
marriage. I guess you can still be a femi-
nist and do that.
PLAYBOY: Are you trying to build trust or
is this rampant insecurity speaking?
TOM: Probably both.
ROSEANNE: See, we know each other.
том: This has been the first relationship
in which we've been honest, and I want
it to continue. I feel she needs to be tak-
en care of sometimes. Maybe she won't
in а year.
PLAYBOY: How about something more
pleasant? What sexual fantasy is still
ROSEANNE: Mine is that Tom cooks pork
and doesn't burn it. [Tò Tom] Do you have
2 weird sexual fantasy?
TOM: Well, I feel I'm not very free at
home. I know the kids and the nanny
are there. I think I could act out more if
we went away and were by ourselves in a
safe place. Then we could be naked,
which I like. My fantasy revolves around
Rosie performing different sex acts on
me—blow jobs, ctc 一 withouc me having
to do anything. But in the end you like
to reciprocate.
PLAYBOY: These days you're referred to
as one entity: Tom and Roseanne. Any
desire to have separate identities again?
TOM: We love doing what we do and we'll
always be together.
PLAYBOY: You reportedly bristle when
someone calls you Roseanne Barr. What
does that make you want to do?
ROSEANNE: Beat the holy fucking shit out
of "егп, kick 'em in the nuts or cunt, гір
their fucking hair out, throw ‘em down a
flight of stairs, jump up and down on
"em, Че а rope around their neck and
drag ‘em down the street, set'em on fire,
throw 'em through a plate-glass window,
hit 'em in the fucking head vith an ax.
TOM: And force them to marry her
PLAYBOY: At first, your marriage was the
butt of jokes. When do you think that
perception changed?
ROSEANNE: As soon as my ex-husband
and sister stopped talking to the press.
When we had the gag order.
TOM: It also helped when people saw me
perform. When I started doing HBO
specials and Roseanne started getting bet-
тег as І was producing it, and I got my
Roseanne: "I still feel
like a geek from
vuler space. To every-
one and everything."
Tom: “You are!”
own show and some movies. Seeing my
work added credibility to Rosie's always
saying that I was very talented.
ROSEANNE: I think it's when them two
shut up.
PLAYBOY: What if everything in your life
and work were calm?
ROSEANNE: І wouldn't do confrontational
comedy, I'd do something different. But
Га always be creative.
TOM: But the world would have to be
ROSEANNE: Га probably write children's
books or some shit.
TOM: Children's books?
ROSEANNE: Shut up. I am kind of a cru-
sader. I’m sort of a crazy Don Quixote
type. [Tom looks askance.] 1 am.
TOM: Nobody's arguing with you.
ROSEANNE: Maybe this is also born of
controversy, and I'm going to do it any-
way: I would work on issues of child
abuse and legislation. That's what we
want to do with the rest of our lives. 1
will always be a confrontational person.
This is so fucking clichéd, but what
burns inside me more than anything is
that I have something to say.
PLAYBOY: You two are trying to have
kids, right?
BOTH; [Smiling] Yeah.
PLAYBOY: How many kids do you want?
TOM: I would like to have four or five,
but she says one. And maybe we'll adopt
one, too. The biological part is not my
main thing. I’m happy being a steppar-
ent, but I would like to be the main guy
one way or another. Гуе never seen men
change so much as they do when they
become fathers.
PLAYBOY: Any plans for the future?
TOM: We want to be movie stars.
ROSEANNE: ГА like to win an Oscar.
PLAYBOY: Despite your successes, do you
still feel like outsiders?
ROSEANNE: Well, I still feel like a geek
from outer space. To everyone and
TOM: You are!
ROSEANNE: That's what I said. Why are
you arguing with me?
Tom: I'm not arguing about that.
TOM: I'm not arguing that you're not
a geck.
ROSEANNE: I fecl like a geek from outer
Tom: Then you're in touch. Enjoy it.
PLAYBOY: Roseanne, you said that you
have been on Prozac, the antidepressant
drug, for more than a year. Is it still
ROSEANNE: I’m more satisfied with the
world since Гуе been on antidepres-
sants. I think that everything you do
in—and the way you look at—the world
comes from how you feel about yourself.
I still have the old fire. I just don't have
the horrible lows. Well, I kind of have
the horrible lows, but not as frequently.
Now I freak out only every other day.
I'm able to run my personal life a lot bet-
ter. І could always work but I didn't have
a happy personal life and didn't know
how to get it. Once, 1 didn't even know
how to live in the world. Now I'm doing
pretty good.
PLAYBOY: Are the two of you doing
Prozac together?
ROSEANNE: He should be. But it won't
work for him.
TOM: Somebody has to drive the car.
ROSEANNE: That's what Timothy Leary
told him. He totally understands what
Tom's trip is: He's driving the car. Driv-
ing me around in the car. Go away.
You're ruining the interview. I would an-
swer differently if you weren't here with
your goofy fucking head and your goofy
fucking face. Zit face.
TOM: Look at you. [ Pinches her]
TOM: Owww!
TOM: Ahhhhh! [They stop]
ROSEANNE: Damn it.
вотн: [Laugh]
мн лат ДАРА КЕС ES A плс Ул ЕГУ ла
a MIE ҚҰР "у Б) = ы
& Sons inc
once in ten thousand incarnations
a woman like this appears—
to bestow the ultimate pleasure
FLY BACK to Asia in the late spring
of 1992, leaving one City of An-
gels, which had just exorcised its
evil spirits in an orgy of looting
and flame, and arriving in anoth-
ет, where the blood demons are
gathering оп the horizon like
monsoon clouds. My home city
of Los Angeles had gone up in flames
and insane looting the month before;
Bangkok—known locally as Krung
Thep, the City of Angels—is preparing
to slaughter its children on the streets
near the Democracy Monument.
All of this is irrelevant to me. 1 have
my own blood score to settle.
‘The minute I step outside the air-
conditioned vaults of Bangkok’s Don
Muang International Airport, it all
comes back to me: the heat, over 105*F,
humidity as close to liquid air as atmo-
sphere can get, the stink of carbon
monoxide and industrial pollution and
the open sewage of 10 million people
turning the air into a cocktail thick
enough to drink. The heat and the hu-
midity and the intense tropical sunlight
combine to make breathing a physical
effort, like trying to inhale oxygen
through a blanket moistened with
kerosene. And the airport is 25 klicks
from the center of town.
1 feel myself stir and harden just to
be there.
“Dr. Merrick?” says a Thai in chau
feur’s livery.
I nod. A yellow Mercedes from the
Oriental Hotel is waiting for me. There
is no scenic way into Bangkok today
unless one were to ride a sampan up-
river into the heart of the city. The
commute into the old section of
Bangkok now is pure capitalist mad-
ness: traffic jams, Asian palaces that are
really shopping malls, industrial clut-
ter, new elevated expressways, ferro-
concrete apartment towers, billboards
hawking Japanese electronics, the roar
of motorcycles and the constant arc-
flash and jackhammer-thud of new
construction. As is the case with all of
Asia's new megalopolises, Bangkok is
tearing itself down and rebuilding itself
daily in a frenzy that makes Western
cities such as New York look as perma-
nent as the pyramids.
l catch a glimpse of Silom Road,
jammed with people but looking emp-
ty and lethargic compared with its usu-
al crush of manic crowds. 1 glance at
my watch. It is eight р.м. on a Friday
night Los Angeles time; 11 o'clock Sat-
urday morning here in Bangkok.
Silom Road is resting, waiting for the
evening excitement that emanates
from the Patpong entertainment dis-
trict like the scent ofa bitch in heat—an
urgent scent like a subtle blend of exot-
ic perfume and the Clorox tang of se-
men and the coppery taste of blood.
1 hurry through the courteous greet-
ings and the bowed wais and the gra-
cious registerings of the Oriental Ho-
tel, perhaps the world’s finest hotel,
wanting only to get to my suite and
shower and feign sleep, to lic there and
stare at the teak-and-plaster ceiling un-
til the sunlight fades and the night be-
gins. Darkness will bring this particular
City of Angels alive, or at least stir the
corpse of it into slow, erotic motion.
When it is well and truly dark, I rise,
dress in my Bangkok street clothes and
go out into the night.
The first time I saw Bangkok had
been 22 years earlier, in May 1970.
Ties and I had chosen Bangkok as our
destination for the seven days of out-
of-country R&R we had coming to us.
Actually, I don’t know many grunts
who called it R&R back then. Many
called it 18:1: intercourse and intoxica-
tion. Married officers used their leave
to meet wives in Hawaii, but for the
rest of us the Army offered a smorgas-
bord of destinations ranging from To-
kyo to Sydney. A lot of us chose Bang-
kok for four reasons: (1) it was easy to
get to and didn’t use up a lot of our
time in travel, (2) the cheap sex, (3) the
cheap sex and (4) the cheap sex.
To tell the truth, Tres had chosen
Bangkok for other reasons, and 1 fol-
lowed along trusting in his judgment,
much the way I did when we were out
оп а long-range reconnaissance patrol.
Tres—Robert William Tindale II 一
was only about a year older than I was,
but he was taller, stronger, smarter and
infinitely beter educated. I'd dropped
out of my Midwestern college in my
junior year and rattled around until
the draft sucked me in. Tres had grad-
uated from Kenyon College with hon-
ors and then enlisted in the infantry
rather than go on to graduate school.
His nickname came from the Spanish
word for three and was pronounced
tray. Most of us had been given nick-
names in the platoon—mine was Prick
because of the heavy PRC-25 radio
Id carried around during my short
stint as a radiotelephone operator—
but Tres came to us with his nickname
in place.
‘Tres had a deep interest in Asian cul-
tures and was good at languages. He
was the only grunt in the company who
could speak any real Vietnamese. Most
of us thought that beaucoup was Viet-
namese and felt clever to know di di
mau and half a dozen other corrupted
local phrases. Tres spoke Vietnamese,
though he kept that fact from reaching
any officer other than our own LTC. “I
wouldn't let them make me a typist or
officer,” he used to say to me. "I'll be
goddamned if I'll let them turn me in-
to some pissant interrogator.”
Tres had never studied the Thai lan-
guage but he learned quickly.
“Just tell me what the Thai word is
for blow job." I'd said to him during
the MAC flight from Saigon to
"T don't know,” said Tres “Rut the
phrase for hand job is shak wao.”
“No shit,” I'd said.
“No shit,” said Tres. He was reading
a book and didn’t look up. “It means
‘pulling on the kite string."
I thought about that image for a
minute. The transport was losing alti-
tude, jouncing through clouds toward
Bangkok. “I think I'll hold out for a
blow job,” I said. I was not quite 20
years old and had experienced oral sex
only once, with a college girlfriend who
had obviously never tried it before, ei-
ther. But I was full of hormones and
macho posturing I'd picked up from
the platoon, not to mention the sheer
adrenaline rush of being alive afier six
months in the boonies. “Definitely a
blow job,” I said.
"Ires had grunted and kept reading.
It wasa dusty book about Thai customs
or mythology or religion or something.
I realize now that if I'd known what
he was reading about and why he һай
chosen Bangkok, I probably wouldn't
have stepped off the plane.
The floor valet, elevator doorman,
concierge and main doormen of the
Oriental do not raise eyebrows at my
wrinkled chinos and stained photogra-
pher’s vest. At 350 American dollars a
night, their guests can wear whatever
they want. The concierge does, howev-
єт, step out to talk to me before I leave
the air-conditioned sanity of the hotel.
“Dr. Merrick,” he says softly, “you
are aware of the ... ah. . . tensions that
exist in Bangkok at the current time?”
I nod. “The student riots? The mili-
tary crackdown?”
The concierge smiles and bows
slightly, obviously grateful for not hav-
ing to educate the farang in what seems
an embarrassing topic to him. “Yes, sir.
I mention it only because, while the
problems have been concentrated near
the university and the Grand Palace,
there have been, ah, disturbances on
Silom Road.”
I nod again. “But there's no curfew
yet,” I say. “Patpong is still open.”
The concierge smiles with no hint of
a leer. “Oh, yes, sir. Patpong and the
nightclubs are open for business. The
city is very much open.”
Itis not hard to recognize when I get
there. The narrow streets connecting
Silom and Suriwong roads are awash
with cheap neon signs: MARVELOUS MAS-
score of others. The lanes of Patpong
are narrow enough to be pedestrian-
only, but the roar of the three-wheeled
tuk-tuks in the boulevards beyond pro-
vides a constant background to the
rock-and-roll music that is blaring
from speakers and open doors.
Young men or women—sometimes it
is hard to tell in androgynous Thai-
land—begin plucking at my sleeve and
gesturing toward doorways the mo-
ment I turn onto the lane called Pat-
pong One.
“Mister, best live sex shows, best
pussy shows.”
“Hey, Mister, this way prettiest girls,
best prices.”
“Want to see nicest shave pussy?
Meet nice girl?”
“You want girls? No? You want
1 stroll on, ignoring the gentle tugs
at my sleeve. The last query had come
as I entered the lane called Patpong
‘Two. The night zone is divided into
three areas: Patpong One serves
straights, Patpong Two offers delights
to both straights and gays and Patpong
Three is all gay. The majority of the ac-
tion here on Patpong Two is still for
heterosexuals, though most of the bars
have smiling boys as well as girls.
I pause in front ofa bar called Pussy
Delite. A little man with one arm and
a face turned blue by the flickering
neon steps forward and hands me a
long plastic card. "Pussy menu?" he
says, his voice the epitome of an up-
scale maitre d's.
I take the grubby plastic card and
Nodding, I start into the busy night-
club. The one-armed maitre d' hurries
forward and retrieves his card.
The club is small and smoky, with
four bars set in a square around a
crude stage. The girl on the stage—she
looks no more than 16 or 17—15 arched
backward so that the top of her head
almost touches the rough wood of the
stage, her legs and arms supporting
her in a crablike backbend. She is
naked; her crotch has been shaved.
Colored lights shaft down through the
smoke and fall on her like soft lasers.
The center of the stage is a turntable,
and the girl holds the arched position
while her body rotates so that everyone
can see her exposed genitals. A lighted
cigarette has been set between her
labia. As the stage revolves toward each
section of the bar, smoke puffs from
her vulva as if she is exhaling. Occa-
sionally, one of the drunker patrons
Most of the men in the bar are Thai,
but there are plenty of farang scattered
around: arrogant Germans in khaki
with their hair slicked back, beaky Brits
paying more attention to their drinks
than to the girl on the stage, an occa-
sional frowning Chinese from Hong
Kong squinting through glasses and a
few fat Americans with untouched
drinks and protruding eyes.
I move up to the big bar and take an
empty stool. The girl's upside-down
face revolves past three feet from me.
Her eyes are open but unfocused. Her
small breasts seem little more than
swellings. I can count her ribs.
A young Thai woman slides close,
her left breast touching my bare fore-
arm through her thin cotton tank top.
Although she is no older than the girl
whose genitals rotate our way, she
looks older because of the heavy make-
up that glows a necrotic color in the
shifting blue light. “My name Nok,”
she shouts over the rock and roll.
“What your name?”
She 1s so close that I can smell her
sweet talcum-and-perspiration scent
through the cigarette smoke. Thai are
among the cleanest people in the
world, bathing several times a day. Ig-
noring her question, I say, "Nok means
bird. Are you a bird, Nok?"
Her eyes widen. "Do you speak
Thai?” she asks in Thai.
I show no comprehension. "Are you
a bird, Nok?” 1 ask again.
She sighs and says in English, "Yes, 1
a thirsty bird. Buy me drink?"
I nod and the bartender is there a
fraction of a second later, pouring her
the most expensive "whiskey" in the
place. It is 98 percent tea, of course.
(continued on page 152)
‘Tm afraid madam is down for the Count.”
AU About “Eden”
meet the stars of cable's daring drama, produced—you guessed it—by playboy
N THE beginning,
there was network
TV. Father knew
best, sitcom moms
always wore a smile and no-
body ever talked dirty. Televi-
sion sex was taboo in the years
B.C. (before cable). What's sur-
prising, though, is that on-air
sex is still a touchy topic. The
networks routinely accompany
referencesto their favorite sub-
ject with nervous giggles on
the laugh track. Men are near-
ly always impotent or incompe-
tent, and women are always left
But change is underway On
Eden, Playboy TV's new landmark evening drama, fantasy
finally meets reality. American cable audiences will have a re-
al alternative to buttoned-up prime-time fare. And while the
central plot of Eden is presented from a woman's point of
view, this series set in paradise
is great television for two. The
original version is currently
airing on Playboy TV, and USA
Network will kick off its version
with a prime-time two-hour
movie airing June 27.
Eden tracks the blossoming
of gorgeous widow Eve Sin-
clair, portrayed by the soulful
Barbara Alyn Woods, as she
takes over the daily operation
of her dead husband's tropical
resort, Eden. Eve's quest for
healing grief and emotional
serenity is disrupted by Randi
Banks (the drama's quintessen-
tial bad girl, played by sultry ac-
tress Darcy DeMoss). How devilish is Randi? How pure is
Eve? Is Eden the start of a new era of sexy TV program-
ming? Viewers can judge for themselves. In the meantime,
discriminating readers can appreciate the duo's charms here.
Barbara Alyn Woods (Eve, below) can boas! big-screen credits in The Waterdance and the upcoming Flesh and Bone starring Dennis
Quaid. “In 1993, women want it all and they're succeeding,” says the busy Waods. “Eve is a perfect blend of femininity and strength.”
The first lady of Eden luxuriates in the sun
on locotion in Monzonillo, Mexico (right).
"Mony people think that if you take off your
clothes in front of the camera, you can't
oct,” she soys with o shrug, Then smiling: “I
intend to be the exception to the rule.” One
of the entanglements in Eden involves
deod hubby's brother Josh Sinclair (played
by Steve Chase, shown above in the arms
of actress Britney Powell). Eve also finds
time to enjoy calmer moments, like о sun-
set in the garden of eorthly delights (top).
At left and right, the dark and alluring Dar-
cy DeMoss shows why the temptations of
Eden's bad apple, Randi, are so hord to re-
sist. "I wouldn't turn my back on Randi,”
she soys of her alter ego. "She uses vulner-
ability to get what she wants.” Eden, cen-
ter, is every lover's playground. For the
time being, Eve—pictured below in a fanta-
sy segment with the ghost of husband
Grant Sinclair (Jeff Griggs) and ot bottom
with his brother Josh—appeors to have
it all. But when Darcy is asked who is
stronger, Eve or Randi, she replies, "Randi,
definitely, though 1 bet Barbara would say
Eve. We'll just have to see.” Stay tuned
before. Yo lie the knot, learn the ropes
EVERY NOW and then, love gets
so crazy that it has to be institu-
tionalized. Marriage—that nutty
dream of every mad lover from
John Alden to John Hinckley—is
the Swiss army knife of social
conventions, one shiny package
jammed full of useful features. It
has, for instance, always been the
therapeutic tool we use to calm
one of our most irrational pas-
sions: If nothing else, marriage
gets the mad dog of lust off the
streets for a time and makes the
world a little safer for our daugh-
ters. It provides respectability to
many who could never hope to
be respectable in any other pur-
suit, and it creates jobs for coun-
selors and others who would oth-
erwise never find employment.
For many, marriage provides a
swell sort of emotional Barca-
lounger, something remarkably
comfortable, if somewhat unfash-
ionable, to fall back on. For all of
us, it's the next thing you do af
ter your last date.
The essential benefits of mar-
riage, especially monogamous
marriage, are twofold. First, it
keeps us from confusing sex-
without-guilt with sex-without-
responsibility. Second, it protects
children and women—a notion
that appeals to men's better
selves. So marriage, for most of.
us, is a good idea.
When it's not a good idea, you
find out right away.
There is a profound distinc-
tion between getting married
and getting to a wedding. If you
сап read a map, you can get to a
wedding. It's how you ended up
married that's hard to figure.
Causality confuses us. From
adolescence we have practiced
the liturgy of lust, from a kiss to a
feel to a touchdown. But we nev-
er quite saw where all that was
leading until we found ourselves
standing there promising away
all of our life and half of our
worldly goods.
Usually, it works like this: A.
man meets a woman and, based
almost solely on her appearance
(augmented sometimes by a de-
cent personality or other margin-
al factors such as intelligence), he
pursues her. His objective is of-
ten quite limited. Maybe he just
wants to know if she's a pleasant
dinner companion, or maybe
he's after uncomplicated sex. In
any case, he doesn't see where a
simple introduction might lead
until the moment arrives when
he realizes he can do nothing
other than marry her.
A typical woman sees things
much more clearly than does a
typical man. Rather than looking.
at a relationship as a series of
dates, she sees it as an elaborate
syllogism in which certain hy-
potheses are proved by what has
preceded them. A courtship pro-
ceeds down a figurative aisle,
and each one of these encounters will
lead to another, more complex en-
counter, until you are finally brought
to the last date
In handyman's terms: She asks you
to make a series of objects—a book-
shelf, a planter shaped like a goose, a
table. Then one day she tells you that
you have built a house and asks you
to please shut the door because there's
a draft.
Marriage is to women what work is
to men. For men, work—a job, a career,
a paycheck—is an elaborate construc.
tion designed to minimize meaning-
lessness in life and maximize rewards.
Women see marriage (and a conse-
quent family) the same way. The differ-
ence: Work really is meaningless.
Fifty years ago, if you became con-
versationally loose with a woman, she'd
tell you about all the terrific suitors she
had had and how she had dismissed
them all with broken hearts. Today the
granddaughter of that same woman is
likely to tell you about the many, many
suitors she's had who were not so ter-
rific. Virtually every unmarried wom-
an over the age of, say, 25 or 30 has
a jam-packed gallery of rogues who
trampled on her hopes and dreams
шеп who were married, men who
drank, men who were closet hermits,
men who killed her cats, men who
wore her skirts. Unsuitable men. "Men
are such jerks,” she'll say at some point.
But that's her problem. Most women
crave justification for ill-advised behav-
ior, and those who choose a long se-
quence of lunatics and philanderers
are on the run from responsibility and
just don't want to feel bad about it. If
you're a lunatic or a philanderer, you
may wish to help them. If not, remem-
ber: Most women spend at least part of
their postadolescence in this state, and
if you happen along during this stage
of her life and look for any reasonable
long-term relationship, she'll boot you
out of there, pronto. If a committed
relationship is what she wanted, she
would have one.
Most women decide on a mature
marriage at a certain point—often in
their late 20s or early 30s—and, armed
with a crisp new realism, they marry
the first eligible chap to come along af-
ter that decision has been made. Usual-
ly, the decision is made with what to us
must seem an almost coldhearted de-
liberation. Smart women—the sort of
women you want to marry—simply
and wisely wish to be convinced of the
aptness of their men. They make their
choice almost without regard to what-
ever transpired in their premarital life.
Suddenly, those nights with motorcycle
gangs and guys with red rubber noses
and water balloons are things of the
past. For women, there's a big differ-
ence between getting down and getting
down to business.
As H. L. Mencken pointed out in In
Defense of Women, you may think you're
a prize, but to your wife, you're sec-
ond-rate at best.
According to Mencken, a woman
makes her first choice in a man while
she's still quite young, and the object of
her heart may not even be a real per-
son: He may (odo mami
or book. Or he might be a very distant
ideal, maybe a singer ora TV personal-
ity. He's probably not a politician.
From that point onward, its one
compromise after another until she set-
Чез for you—perhaps her 50th choice.
But she never forgets one through
49. In fact, mo one is more aware of a
man’s shortcomings than his wife. Not
only is he a disappointment in compar-
ison with all those idealized men who
for years paraded through her imagi-
nation—or, maybe, her bedroom—but
he reinforces her notions of his own
dorkishness by gaining in incompe-
tence what he loses in independence.
Süll, you must have had something go-
ing for you once—even if only momen-
tarily and when very drunk. When she
finally settled for you, she formulated a
number of reasonable considerations:
ә Security. When women get serious
about marriage, they get serious men,
since most women prefer not to help
men find themselves, and most women
prefer men who are able to do a man's
work—namely, to support themselves
and their families. This is true even if
she has a career; in fact, a woman who
already deals with workaday responsi-
bilities is even more clear in her expec-
tations, and she will have а well-i
formed appreciation of what it will take
to get by if she decides to opt for full-
time motherhood.
* Dad. According to a legion of
shrinks, women marry as part of a re-
action against their fathers. This is psy-
chology, so it may be more a feeling
than a truth,
Mom. Same source: Some women
get married in order to become their
mothers. Some men love to be moth-
ered. These two types get together and
they're stuck for life.
© Respect. Never underestimate the
importance of a woman's self-esteem—
and the esteem of her friends and fam-
ily—in making her choice. The best
women marry men whose qualities
match their own healthy self-esteem
On the other hand, insecure men fre-
quently marry trophy wives—especial-
ly if their insecurity is caused by ad-
vancing age. So do women wed trophy
husbands, but women are considerably
more adroit in concealing their motives
for marriage.
* Children. Most women earnestly
desire to have children and, in cooper-
ation with a responsible, sensible father
(and, really, many desperate women
even skip the sensible part), to be good
mothers to the children they have.
Men (and women, for that matter)
spend most of their first two or three
decades like teens in a premarital mall,
hanging out, window-shopping, occa-
sionally slipping something on but not
really buying.
If you were one of the ones who left
the mall married, then you know that
what happened was psychedelic, man.
Suddenly you started hallucinating
signs that read FINAL DAYs! CLEARANCE
SALE and you grabbed something—
anything—on the way out.
When you get ready to close that
deal, there are only a half dozen things
you should consider. Six. That’s not
many. But skip just one, and you'll be
doomed to repeat the other five—with
a new woman.
(1) Marry the most beautiful woman
you can find. Every woman has one
good picture. one angle rhar makes her
look just wonderful. It's the shot you
see when you first fall in love with a
woman. From that moment on, it's the
only picture of her thar exists for you.
Women are far more realistic in these
matters, and once they leave adoles-
cence, they look for qualities in а man
that often have little to do with his ap-
pearance, thank God. But men are
browsers, so packaging makes the sale.
If a woman has а dazzling personality
or a spirituality that blinds you to her
appearance, don't worry: You'll patch
something together in your imagina-
tion that will keep her looking beauti-
ful forever.
On the other hand, attractive women
who use their looks as a replacement
part for other important character
qualities, such as wit or kindness or
competence, make expensive but con-
venient Bic wives. They're disposable,
but аг least they know it. Like ball play-
ers, they have to get it while they can,
because when the fat lady sings, it's
over, especially if they've become the
far lady.
(2) Marry for laughs. Dull and stupid
women, self-serious women, boring
women all have no sense of humor, the
one unfailing measure of intelligence.
Find somebody who knows a joke
when she tells it.
(continued on page 140)
foshion by HOLLIS WAYNE
light, loose and
loyered—it's the
woy to go
HINK SUITS are getting more
I comfortable? Wait until you
see what menswear designers
have done to summer sportswear.
Shirts and shorts are made of nat-
ural, ultra-lightweight fabrics that
keep their cool when things get
hot. Most come prewashed or
“laundered.” so they're soft and
rarely need ironing. Colors arc
subtle (earthy beige, muted green
and pale coral are a few of our fa-
vorites) and prints are equally low-
key (check out the batik vest on
page 93). Add up these features
and you get clothing so relaxed
that you'll have no choice but to
play hooky from office homework,
kick back and enjoy the weekend.
Forget the sproy storch—rumpled is
the right look this season. At left, our
guy is wearing a washed-cotton twill
hooded zip-front jacket, from Colours
by Alexander Julian, $125; with o
striped cotton T-shirt, by Edwin Jeans,
about $40; and washed-cotton twill
fatigue shorts, by DKNY, about $60;
plus clip-on sunglasses, by Colvin
Klein Eyeweor, $75. The outfit at right
includes a washed-nylon fishing vest
with a mesh lining, by DKNY, $155; o
striped cotton short-sleeved knit polo
shirt, by Reunion Mensweor, $45; and
washed-linen five-pocket jean shorts,
by Calvin Klein Jeons, about $80.
! а.
Natural fobrics such as cotton and
linen con toke the hect ond look
great when layered. The oarsman
at left has poired а washed-cotian
chambray sport shirt, about $70,
with a striped washed-cotton mesh
polo shirt, $70, and linen shorts
with side flop pockets, $95, all
from Palo by Ralph Louren. Our
mate at right combines а hood-
ed linen vest with four button-
through pockets, by Calvin Klein
Jeans, $130; with a washed-rayon
and poly-crepe spart shirt, for Bas-
co by Lance Karesh, about $90;
end cotton stone-woshed jean
shorts, by Guess Men, about $50.
Yes, it is fashionable to skip the
shoelaces. The fellow at left wears
nubuck sneokers, by G. Н. Bass,
$50; with a linen fishing vest, by
Нисо Boss, $380; а sport shirt,
from Calours by Alexander Julian,
$55; and cotton twill sharts, by
Scout America Denim, $35; plus
| sunglasses, by Oliver Peoples,
$260; and c watch, by TAG-
Heuer, abaut $600. Everything at
right is up for grobs, including his
cottan pullover, by Sassofros and
Chino, $35; a batik vest, by Island
Trading Company, $76; woshed-
linen shorts, from LO.E. by Joseph
HE DEBATE about gays in the military is really about
sex in the military, and it has two fundamental flaws:
It’s dumb when it talks about sex and it's dumb
when it talks about the military. The debate ignores
the complexity of human sexual behavior and insists
on classifying people as either hetero- or homosexu-
al. Even more important, it fails to understand the
sexually repressed, homoerotic nature of the bond
that in combat prevents soldiers from fleeing and al-
lows them to fight—the bond, in other words, that
keeps them alive.
War without sex is like war without death. It took
about five minutes into the first morning I spent in
the Marine Corps for sex to as-
sume the central place it would occupy
for the rest of my training and, in fact,
my three years on duty. It was still dark
outside when we lined up in what
passed for order. Our drill instructors
paced up and down, staring at each re-
cruit a few inches from his face. Then
one of the recruits, a slightly effemi-
nate Marine I'll call Brown, made a big
mistake: He looked back.
“Why are you looking at me, mag-
t?” the drill instructor screamed.
“He's queer, I knew it. Queer,” the
other drill instructor piped up from
the end of the line.
“You a peter puffer, Brown? Is that
why you were looking at me?”
“J wasn’t- ” Brown began.
“Eye? Are you a private eye?” the
drill instructor screamed. “Are you some sort of special indi-
vidual? There are no individuals in my Marine Corps. You
will refer to yourself as ‘the private.”
“Sir, the private wasn't looking at you,” the hapless Brown
“Ewe? Am I a female sheep? Do you fuck sheep?” The
drill sergeant was enraged.
“He does, I can tell,” the other drill instructor chimed in
helpfully. “Fucks cows, too. He's got that cow-fucking look.”
“So that must mean you want to fuck me?”
“Sir, no sir.”
“Pm not good enough, is that it? Not as good as those
cows and sheep you usually fuck.”
“Sir, nosir. I mean, sir, yes sir”
“Which is it, maggot?"
Brown looked very pale.
"You'd rather fuck my wife, is that it?”
“Sir, no sir.”
“What's wrong with my wife, then?”
At this point someone else began to laugh—perhaps it was
even me—and the focus of this torture switched away from
poor Brown. His reprieve was only temporary. Every squad
has someone whois the butt of harassment, and Brown filled
that role for us. Eventually even some of his fellow recruits
joined in, particularly a tough, squared-away Marine I'll call
Stanley, who rode Brown mercilessly.
Harassment is part of training. New
recruits get their heads shaved for a
reason. Combat units arc the opposite
of democracies. The individual no
longer matters. The group is every-
thing. Recruits are referred to only in
the third person. “I” and “me” disap-
pear from their vocabulary. Harass-
ment is brutal and universal. Every re-
cruit is under intense pressure at all
times. Any personal detail is cruelly ex-
ploited. Heaven help the poor recruit
who is overweight, stutters, wets his
bed, can’t tell right from left or has a lit-
tle dick
Is this stupid, sexist and degrading?
Yes, but so is war, which is what we were
being trained for. And so is being cap-
tured. We were being trained to kill
and to avoid being killed, to be over-
whelmed by horror and blood and terrible chaos and not let
our buddies down. War is at bottom a horrible profession,
glossed over with spit-shined shoes and gleaming buttons
But its reality is primitive and repugnant.
Gay activists like to quote what Viemam hero Leonard
Matlovich had inscribed on his gravestone. “They gave me a
medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one.”
Allan Berube writes in Coming Oul Under Fire: “It is one of
the many tragic ironies of the war that gay soldiers and
officers had to kill, risk their lives and see their buddies die
in order to gain some respect and a sense of belonging as
men among men.”
Both these attitudes are fundamentally at odds with what
war is about. It is about killing people,
which is precisely why you get medals
for doing it. And the tragic irony
Berube writes about is no less tragic or
ironic if you eliminate the word gay
from his sentence. The rite of passage
for soldiers of any race, age and sexual
background has always been perfor-
mance under fire, which means perfor-
mance in the face of death.
General Colin Powell argues that in-
tegrating acknowledged homosexuals
is different from integrating blacks.
Race, Powell claims, is a "benign" condi-
tion while homosexuality is defined by
behzvior. Not so, claim gay advocates.
"Gay sexual orientation," say the edi-
tors of The New Republic, "like straight
sexual orientation is constitutive of
someone's deepest personal identity
and in the opinion of the vast majority
of psychologists and even of the Ro-
man Catholic Church essentially unal-
terable.” Being gay is a matter of biolo-
Бу and deepest psychology. It just is.
But as a basic human function, sexu-
ality is not always discerning. Some
people, homosexual to their essence,
have heterosexual sex; some hetero-
sexuals have homosexual sex. “There
is probably no sensitive heterosexual
alive," writes Norman Mailer, "who is
not preoccupied with his latent homo-
sexuality" When someone is hungry
enough he or she will eat almost any-
thing. T. E. Lawrence wrote about how.
the men of his Arab legion would slake
their desires in one another’s bodies
and then depart the wars to become
family men and raise children. The tra-
ditions of the Royal Navy, Winston
Churchill said, were “rum, sodomy and
the lash.” Otherwise heterosexual sail-
ors, like inmates in prison, make do
with whatis at hand—and are not much
more particular when they hit land.
People exist along the entire spec-
trum of behavior, from absolute hetero
through bisexual to absolute homo. At
some point what you are is less impor-
tant than what you do, when you do it
and with whom. Essence doesn't always
predict behavior; behavior is mot al-
ways a clue to essence.
One argument against gays in the
military is that men would be subject-
ed to unwanted advances—in other
words, that they would be subjected to
the same harassment that women in
the military are, from the rowdy
gantlets of Tailhook to the mundane
lechery of daily duty. Men would, in
short, risk being treated like women.
And that, particularly in combat units,
is not a fear taken lightly.
To introduce acknowledged homo-
sexuals into combat units 1s in some
respects different from introducing
women, but not in one important way:
It brings in the possibility of consensu-
al sex. In every other area of a demo-
cratic society based on individual free-
dom this is good. But for a communal
organization, sex presents different
challenges than it does for a democracy
made up of individuals. Almost every
communal experiment has stumbled
over the issue of sexuality; How does
everyone love the group when some
within the group love one another? In
other words, if you fuck your buddy,
do you fuck your buddies?
The New Republic's editors argue that
the military disavows homosexuality
because the military has a secret: It
doesn't want to admit that the bond
that holds military men together is ho-
moerotic. When I wasin the Marines, I
bonded with a group of men I would
never have met otherwise. We trained
together, ate together, slept together,
fought together We shit, bathed,
and—off duty—fucked in front of one
another. We loved each other with a
deep, undying love. Supporters of al-
lowing homosexuals to be open with
their sexuality insist that this close
bonding, this communal identity or
love, would thrive if it included open
homosexuals. They may be right, but
it's a long way from a sure thing. And
that’s important for one reason: The
other thing we did together was die.
The military is not just an organization.
It goes to war. In combat, soldiers must
bond together. 1 heir lives depend on it.
Anna Simons, an anthropologist at
UCLA, spent more than a year study-
ing a 70-man special-forces unit. Her
conclusions are an academic validation
of what every combat soldier knows. Si-
mons concludes that allowing gays to
serve openly would destroy “small-unit
cohesion." Simons suggests the debate
is backward: It starts from acknowledg-
ing gays and then adjusting to combat
conditions, when in fact "you need to
understand what being in combat is all
about and then work backward before
you begin your social engineering."
"The bond that holds men together in
combat is most like the love between
parents and their children—an un-
selfish, undemanding love more pow-
erful than life itself. I would give my
life for my children and for my buddy,
and for no one else. The paradigmatic
act for winning the Medal of Honor is
giving your life to save your buddies.
There are taboos against injecting sex
into the love between parent and child.
The taboos against injecting it into
combat units spring from the same
Homosexuality and homoeroticism
are incompatible precisely because
they are so closely linked. In The Sym-
posium, Plato has Phaedrus argue that
homosexual lovers make the best sol-
diers because they fight more bravely
for fear of disgracing themselves in
front of their beloved. No one since has
described the combat bond any better.
But homosexual love can't hold togeth-
era unit of more than two men, unless
everyone fucks everyone else. Not even
the most outspoken gay activist has
suggested that.
The essence of combat training is to
expand the power of that homosexual
love to the entire unit. Everyone be-
comes lovers, but without sex. That is
precisely why all soldiers fight in com-
bat: It takes more courage to run, the
natural response, than to fight because
to run would be to betray your bud-
dies. That bond is homoerotic, not ho-
mosexual. Homoeroticism is the more
fragile. It survives only if the homosex-
vality that lies deeper beneath it is sup-
pressed. It strengthens men in combat
only if they can love their fellow sol-
diers without fear of undermining
their own sexuality. It is an exuberant,
powerful, raunchy, vicious, deadly but
ultimately innocent love. The moment
the men who share it begin to ask
themselves, “What did he mean by
that?”—the moment they have to inter-
pretactions and not simply live them—
the power of homoeroticism slips away.
Without that power, soldiers can’t fight
as cficctively.
America Online, a computer bulletin
board, has been lighting up on this top-
ic for months. I quote two of many ob-
servations from combat veterans. From
MtCowboy: "In many ways combat is
more intimate than living with your
spouse. People who haven't served
haven't a clue what the life is like." And
from JohnS426: “A sex act between any
two consenting adults in a combat unit
is like the mess sergeant feeding only
two of the troops.”
With civil rights we gave up trying to
change people's hearts and decided
what mattered was to change behavior.
lt didn't matter whether you loved
blacks, just so long as уси would serve
them a meal or rent them a room. Bur
in a combat unit behavior isn't enough.
You have to love your buddies. Sure,
you can hate them, too, and know in
your heart that away from the unit you
wouldr't even like them. But combat
bonding is like sorcery. The ingredi-
ents have to be right, you have to say
the right words and your heart has to
be pure.
І come from a time when straights
pretended to be gay in order to get out
ofthe military. Now gays pretend to be
straight in order to get in. During Viet-
nam it was hard to imagine which re-
quired more courage: to deny your
(continued on page 172)
“Let's eat, dear. Pue been dieiing for years.”
everything but her name, alesha marie oreskovich,
is all-american. miss june’s grades aren't bad, either
LOTHES are а pain,”
says 21-year-old Play-
mate Alesha Marie
Oreskovich, who graces
this month's centerfold.
"They're a constricting, un-
comfortable nuisance, which
is why I always wear as little as
possible.” Even as a child, as
soon as her parents would
turn their backs, Alesha
would strip to her underwear
and bicycle around the neigh-
borhood. “Ar Grandma’s
house it was like a nudist
colony," she remembers. "Be-
fore Га even say hi, it was
off with the clothes. That end-
ed at childhood, but I wish I
could get away with it now."
Thankfully she can't, or her
classmates in southern Flori-
da might have a hard time
keeping their eyes on the
chalkboard. Alesha is serious
about her education, just your
typical overachiever on two academic scholarships who has her sights set on a doc-
torate in English. “I want that higher degree,” she says with determination, “because
someday I plan to teach college.”
Alesha's ideal man can't be a slouch, either. Intelligence, ambition, sensitivity, hon-
esty and a quick wit are all prerequisites. “I wouldn't mind if he looked like Tom
Cruise,” she adds, only half-joking. “I'm a romantic. My idea of a perfect evening is
2 quiet, one-on-one dinner with my boyfriend. I've always been in long-term rela-
tionships and have never been courageous enough to go on a blind date.”
It was a long-term friendship that serendipitously led to Alesha's becoming a Play-
mate. She was at а casting session a few years ago when fashion photographer and
PLAYBOY scout Michael Moffitt recognized her unusual last name and discovered that
she was Ше daughter of acquaintances he hadn't seen іп ten years. Moffitt had
known Alesha as a baby and had also photographed her mother when she modeled
in the Seventies. At Alesha’s urging and with her parents’ support—"My dad has
“Меп and women are more clike than they оге different,” says Alesha, who studied psycholagy in college. "1 think
a male with feminine qualities, and vice versa, is attractive. With an andragynaus persanality, you have the best of
both worlds. Althaugh 1 strongly believe in equality between the sexes, men hove some attributes wamen don't."
subscribed to PLAYBOY for years
and has issues older than me"—
Moffitt submitted some test shots
of Alesha. Once again, she made
straight A's.
"When I really want some-
thing, I buckle down and strive
for it with all my heart. 1 take
everything to an extreme, and
if it doesn't go the way I’ve
planned, it's a major cris
"That's the down side of being a
Alesha demands a lot from
herself. Every weekday morning,
she works out for an hour and a
half, doing aerobics and weight
training. “I go to an all-women’s
health club because 1 don't want
to put on makeup just to do the
Stair Master.” Weekends are de-
voted to jogging, which obvious-
ly keeps Alesha in top form.
“Americans have to get over
their hang-ups with the nude hu-
man body,” she says. “I wish we
had a Scandinavian openness
about sexuality here, or at least a
European mind-set, where it's
nothing to see women topless at
the beach. After all, we were born
naked and the human body is a
beautiful thing.”
Alesha, who lives with her par-
ents and 13-year-old brother, has
never had to brave life far from
her family. “I'm lost when I'm
away from them,” she explains.
She also shamelessly admits to
“1 love fattening foods like cookies, cake and ice cream,” claims a guill-ridden Alesha, showing no evi
dence of a sweet tooth. "Luckily, I'm port Holion, sa | exercise the foad aff by talking with my hands.
getting homesick easily, even if she's just away modeling for a few weeks.
At the age of 15, when Alesha went to New York to audition for modeling
jobs, her mother and grandmother went along. She spent much of the next sum-
mer alone, modeling in Paris, where she developed a deep love for impressionism
at the Louvre. Alesha was unimpressed, however, by the French and couldn't wait
to return to Florida. “The snotty stereotype is true. And when 1 tried to speak
French, they laughed in my face because I wasn't speaking it properly.”
Alesha is part French. She's also part Swedish, German, Yugoslavian, Italian
and living proof that the whole can definitely be greater than the sum of its inter-
national parts. Although people are sometimes intimidated by her beauty, Alesha
confesses to being self-conscious and shy, especially among peers. "In high school,
cheerleading was the only thing that kept me in touch with the other students. 1
just wasn't happy around people my own age. Even now, I relate better to my pro-
fessors than to students. Pm emotionally mature, which is why 1 get along so well
with people older than myself, like my parents’ friends.” —row WOTHERSPOON
“I'd love to live on the beach to hear the waves breaking, but | couldn't just lie around
sunning myself all doy. Plus, аз a model, it's best not to have a partial tan. And to get a
totally even tan, you can't wear a suit.” Well, we don't hear any neighbors objecting.
ми Dlesha. M. Oreskovich _
вот {рб D warst: OD ues: So.
HEIGHT: : EIR wrr: — 1555
BIRTH DATE: RE T2 втктнрглсЕ:
AMBITIONS: TO See the world. To bea
2) АР 5
fideli ДЫ E И 3^
SO SUE ME: те = te — put mustard on mu baked
Potato 6 L drive li Pr EN
would real
CHAMPAGNE de cvm ME: Reveal m M CUTE
secrets (No, T’m not drilling chapopoore. nau
"Tie mie Meinten ин Specs
The young man stopped his car on a lonely
country road, reached for the girl and made the
usual advances. Pushing him away, she said, “1
hate to tell you this, but I'm really a hooker.
The price for my services is twenty dollars.”
The fellow reluctantly paid her and they
had sex. Afterward, he sar тшу behind the
wheel, making no effort to drive away.
"Why aren't we going?" she asked.
“I hate to tell you thi he said, “but I'm
really a cabbie and the fare back to town is
twenty-five bucks."
А couple of mangy small-town dogs wandered
into the big city for the first time. As they
roamed the streets, they came across a parking
meter. "Look at that," one said to the other, "a
pay toilet!"
Two recently retired CEOs had lunch at a fa-
mous restaurant, then walked over to a nearby
Rolls-Royce showroom. One of them bent to
look at the sticker on the window of a new
“Seventy grand,” he said. “It’s a handsome
car. Hell, Í think I'm gonna buy it.”
Аз he reached for his wallet, his companion
put a hand on his arm. “No,” he insisted, “let
me get this one. You paid for lunch.”
When the golfer shanked his first tee shot in-
to the woods, his partner muttered, "That's a
lost ball."
"No way" responded the errant shooter.
“That's a special ball you can't lose. First it
makes a becping sound, and if you still can't
find it, it emits puffs of smoke. If it lands in wa-
ter,” he continued, “it sends out a stream of
bubbles, but if it's too deep to reach, a flotation
device brings it to the surface. It's impossible
to lose,”
"That's amazing," his partner said. "Where
can 1 get one?"
“I don't really know.”
Puzzled, his friend asked, “Well, where did
you get yours?"
“I found it.”
А husband was distraught when he caught his
wife in bed with another man. In desperation,
he sought advice from his rabbi, who coun-
seled forgiveness. “After all,” the deric said, “а
man cannot be held responsible for his actions
below the waist."
At that, the furious man kicked the rabbi in
the shin.
Two men on death row were scheduled for
back-to-back executions. On the appointed
day, the warden asked each if he had a last
“Yes, sir,” the first said. "I'd really like to
hear Achy Breaky Heart one last time.”
“And you?” the warden asked the other.
“Please,” the second condemned man plead-
ed, “kill me first.”
Have you seen the new blonde invention? It's
a solar-powered flashlight.
Акнет a long dry spell without work, an actor
answered a help-wanted ad at the zoo. Much to
his dismay, he found that the position required
im to don a gorilla suit End jump around a
cage in imitation of its former occupant.
Within a few days, however, the actor began
to enjoy the attention he received from visitors
ashe pounded his chest and swung from bar to
bar. One day, in a moment of exuberance, he
swung out through the top of his cage and in-
to the lion's quarters next to his. The crowd
gasped. The actor, frozen with fear, watched as
the beast moved toward him. He began to
scream for help.
“Shhh. Be quiet," the lion whispered, "or
we'll all lose our fucking jobs!”
Dr. Hobson, you have to come over right
away,” the frantic woman said to the psychia-
trist. "My husband's in real bad shape. Please
The doctor arrived quickly. “Oh, Doc, thank
goodness you're here,” the woman sobbed.
“Just go down the hall. He's in the last room on
the left.”
The psychiatrist went down the hall, looked
into the room and saw the woman's husband
sitting on the toilet, dangling a fishing line in-
to the bathtub. “Mrs. Chambers, you're right,”
the medic told the woman. “He's in very bad
shape. Why in the world didn't you call me
“I would have,” she replied, "but I've been
cleaning fish all week."
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a post-
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY,
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois
60611. $100 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
Y) Jl.
"Gee, I can even remember back to when you could eat them.”
MY PARENTS built a small retirement house last year out on the
Olympic Peninsula, the most northwesterly place you can go
in the contiguous United States without falling into the
Pacific Ocean. It's a lovely shank of land, mossy and ever-
green, an area where trees tickle the feet of the gods and the
very mist seems impregnated with Miracle-Gro. But like oth-
er pockets of paradise in the Pacific Northwest, there's a dark
humor, bordering on outright lunacy, entangled in the fog.
Long ago, British mariners claimed that the Olympic
Peninsula was full of cannibals, a perception born in the ex-
perience of some sailors from the Royal Navy who washed
ashore and ended up as jerky, passed around between cours-
es by coastal Indians. The regional diet is more traditional
now, butthat's about all that is. А carpenter's level applied to
the psychic foundation of the Northwest would still find the
place to be more or less off-kilter.
The new family house in Sequim (pronounced skwım) was
built in farm country between Kitchen-Dick Lane and
Schmuck Road. When I asked my mother about this, she
said the roads had been there forever, named for a pair of pi-
oneers, Dick and Schmuck. And Kitchen-Dick? Oh . . . well,
that's to distinguish him from the other Dicks around town,
my mother told me. Of course. Why set off a subdivision
with something banal like Easy Vista Heights when a practi-
cal joke of the potato-in-the-tail-pipe variety can be had?
The Pacific Northwest has never tried to hide its true self.
Like an island cut off from the main currents of evolution,
this far corner of the United States is something of a freak of
nature that has developed a culture to match its surround-
ings. And now that much of the world is being exposed to
this peculiar strain of the American character, some inter-
pretation is in order. My family has lived in the Northwest
for nearly a hundred years, so I will assume—with apologies
to all who disagree—the role of regional anthropologist.
For the first time in its history, the Northwest is enjoying a
major influence on popular culture, fashion and attitude.
Perry and other trendmeisters have adopted for their
high-end line this year the thrift-shop uniform that my little
brother has been buying at Value Village in Spokane for ten
years. Chris, the soft-voiced radio philosopher on Northern
MOU OGRE Du mme gov Gagan ti
Exposure—which is filmed in the Seattle area and the Cas-
cade Mountain town of Roslyn—has become an archetypal
man of the Nineties. In ripped logger's shirt and greasy hair,
Chris answers to a voice that seems to ride with the vind. A.
fresh-steamed jolt of latté, far better than the acidic imitation
of ship-canal bilge that used to pass for morning coffee here,
is available at any convenience store from the Idaho border
to the Pacific Coast. Starbucks coffee, born in Portland, is
drawing converts
across the land.
As the gospel
of plaid, grunge
and latté-sipping
with the dark ele-
ments of neo-
Nazi survivalism
and New Age re-
card—a basic
question arises:
Are Northwest-
erners naturally
weird, possessing
an indigenous
streak of wacko?
Or does this part
of the world just
attract people
who are already
on the edge—
Northwesterners ыр
naturally weird, possessing. потреса Е
an indigenous streak en
of wacko?” et physical
isolation of being
walled in by mountains to the east and the ocean to the west
has led to а psychological detachment. Seattle is 2841 miles
from New York. But distance alone doesn't explain a name
like Schmuck Road. It's something more, something that
‚comes from the sky and sea: In the Northwest, more than in
any other place in the country, the elements—earth and air,
wind and fire—shape character.
The Northwest was born with geologic birth defects, an
unfinished land sculpted by earthquakes, mud slides and
volcanoes that still haunt and refine the area. Between mood
swings, nature has a sense of humor, and from it the resi-
dents have taken their cue. How else to explain the official
mascot of Evergreen State College in Olympia—the Puget
Sound geoduck (pronounced gooey duck), a clam with a
neck the size, shape and texture of a five-foot-long penis? Or
the psychotropic mushrooms that sprout in cow pastures af-
ter autumn rainstorms? Or Bigfoot? You may not believe in
the foul-smelling, eight-foot-tall hominid of the old-growth
woods, but the people here do. In Skamania County, on the
Washington side of the Columbia River, it's against the law to
hunt the phantom of the forest.
Sitting in, say, Titonka, Iowa, it may seem that the North-
west has become a sanctuary for pond scum and religious
experimenters with large bank accounts. But the neon flash-
ing QuikY in the left-hand corner of the map is generated,
in many respects, by all Americans. And therein lies the sec-
ond half of the explanation for this region's personality. A
hundred years after historian Frederick Jackson Turner
pronounced the American frontier closed, we still cannot
shake restlessness from our souls. In the mid-19th century,
upstate New York was where the frec-love advocates, Utopi-
an communitarians and promiscuous Mormons planted
their stakes. Later, it was California.
When the Northwest was settled by whites, it attracted a
certain type of character. A story about the Oregon Trail,
which opened 150 years ago, helps to explain why. As Amer-
icans pushed toward the Pacific in wagon trains, they came
to a big Y in the rutted road just west of the Continental Di-
vide. Those who chose the southern route headed for Cali-
fornia and the promise of sunshine and gold-rush good
times. Those who chose the northern route were on a course
for rain country and winter days when the sun sets shortly
after four p.m. Early on, the settlers in the Northwest devel-
oped a reputation for tolerance, and a certain edge. The
Cascade Range and the Olympic Mountains walled them in;
the jagged coast kept out interlopers. The feeling was, and
still is: You could be left alone at the edge of the continent.
New arrivals have no past; nosiness is a low crime.
Today two types of people are still drawn to the North-
west: those seeking liberation in the scenery—the poets and
idealists, the artists and tree-huggers with modems back at
the cabin—and those who come here to hide and who view
the mountains and raging surf as protection from a world
they can no longer control. Thus, Eugene, Oregon is the
center of alternative lifestyles, with a vaguely Sixties, Grate-
ful Dead-loving tinge to it. But Springheld, its neighboring
city across the Willamette River, is a hotbed of skinheads,
mad-at-the-world loggers and religious fundamentalists who
whipped the populace into such a frenzy against homosexu-
als that they passed a law prohibiting protection for gays six
months before Colorado gave itself the same distinction.
Sandpoint, Idaho, at the base of the Selkirk Mountains on
the shore of Lake Pend Oreille, can look like Sun Valley
without the celebrities, or Lake Tahoe a hundred years ago.
The city has well-stocked bookstores and cappuccino bars
with National Public Radio playing in the background. But
the woods around Sandpoint are full of folks who think а
public-school levy is part ofan international conspiracy, and
these people have loaded semiautomatic weapons to back up
their notions.
Free from the restraints of tradition and inspired by the
extremes of landscape, Northwesterners have gone their
own ways—sometimes to great disaster and embarrassment,
other times to triumph. Consider Dr. John Kitzhaber, an
emergency-room physician who until last year was president
of the Oregon Senate, one of the most powerful political po-
sitions in the state. Well before national health insurance be-
came a presidental concern, Dr. Kitzhaber fashioned a plan
to give every person in his state guaranteed health care, a
law that is being phased in through the Nineties.
But he is better known to some Oregonians as the author
ofa song about stupid salmon, the kind raised in fish hatch-
eries instead of the wild. Now, try to imagine a bunch of
Chicago aldermen getting together in the proverbial smoke-
filled room to pen an ode to kielbasa, and you have an idea
why things are different in the Northwest.
Politics, particularly in Oregon, has long been practiced
like an extended comedy skit.
Bud Clark, a bartender with a paintbrush beard, ran for
mayor of Portland in the mid-Eighties. His experience? He
had posed as a flasher in the famous poster with the inscrip-
tion EXPOSE YOURSELF TO ART. He was elected to two terms as
leader of Oregon's largest city. When he left office іп De-
cember 1992, he rode off into a snowstorm on his bicycle.
Last year, Absolutely Nobody, age 35, was a candidate for
lieutenant governor in Washington state. A onetime manag-
er at Winchell's Donuts, the candidate had his name legally
changed from David Powers. He ran on a campaign promise
to abolish the office and got 148,021 votes. He finished third.
More traditional politicians also provide much humor, but
ү ж
“Good afternoon, and welcome to the newest entry in
America's talk-show derby.”
the punch line is usually delayed. The
most recent examples are a couple of
United States senators, Brock Adams
of Washington and Bob Packwood of
Oregon—both accused of sexual har-
rassment. Packwood did wonders for
the Oregon retail economy by inspir-
ing T-shirts such as the one with a pair
of handprints over the front, reading,
Adams was accused by a former aide of
trying to seduce her with a pink drug-
laced drink (a charge he denied), bar-
tenders in Seattle began serving a
strawberry-colored Brock cocktail.
“Tom Foley, the Speaker of the House,
hails from the farm country of eastern
Washington and seldom passes over a
federal handout relating to agricul-
ture. Thus, Washington State Universi-
ty, in Pullman, received a government.
grant to study bovine belching.
In matters of the spirit, Oregonians
are justifiably proud of the 24-hour
Church of Elvis in Portland (one of the
better shrines to the King), but other
religious oddities have been deliberate-
ly kept off the tourist map. Remember
Rajneeshpuram, named for Baghwan
Shree Rajneesh, an Indian guru who
owned 85 Rolls-Royces? The Baghwan
turned the Oregon desert town of An-
telope into a community of exiled yup-
pies dressed in sunset red and chanting
at his feet. Within four years of found-
ing Rajneeshpuram, the holy one was
piloting his fleet of English perfor-
mance automobiles off to a grand jury,
criminal charges and eventual deporta-
tion. Now, he is but an asterisk from
the Eighties. His 64,000-acre ranch
went into foreclosure and became a
ghost town.
In the shadow of Mount Rainier, a
former Tacoma housewife summons
the whiskey-voiced spirit of a 35,000-
year-old warrior named Ramtha—for
a considerable fee, of course. Many
people have left their jobs and homes
and moved to the town of Yelm, where
Ramtha hangs. On warm-weather
weekends, they crawl through a vast
maze inside a walled compound, hop-
ing to find their inner selves while try-
ing to avoid head injuries. They call
themselves Ramsters, as in hamsters;
most of them have advanced degrees.
Rainier, which the Indians believed
jas inhabited by noxious, gabby spirits
inside its crater cauldron, has always
had a psychic effect on people. It looks
like an exclamation point on the sky-
line, a 14,411-foot cone covered with
ice from centuries of storms. People see
things near the mountain that are not
apparent at sea level. The term flying
saucer came into the language in 1947,
when Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot
from Meridian, Idaho, flew near the
mountain and reported seeing a fleet
of fast-moving objects about 25 miles
from his plane. They weren't Boeing
test planes zipping around the big vol-
cano, Arnold said.
Another kind of religion, the wor-
ship of the atom, flourishes in the
desert where the Snake River joins the
Columbia, around Hanford. Sections
of three towns built virtually overnight
during World War Two, in the rush to
manufacture an atomic bomb, look like
an aging set from a Fifties science-
fiction movie. Richland High School is
home of the Bombers—yes, named for
the Big One—and their official logo,
plastered around the school and on
football helmets, isa mushroom doud.
Even with the nucleophiles of Han-
ford, the Northwest is often referred to
as Ecotopia, from the Ernest Callen-
bach novel of the same name. There is
a great deal of truth in the stereotype,
from which flows many of the Birken-
stock-clad characters who people the
land. Seattle may have 2 million people
in its metro area, but these urbanites
want to feel connected to the natural
world. Within a two-hour drive south
of the city, you can howl at the moon
with a pack of four-legged carnivores
at Wolf Haven, an orphanage for what
used to be the most feared animal in
Out of respect for the scenery, recy-
cling is done with maniacal devotion.
Portland was so concerned about viola-
tions of a regulation against packaging
food in polystyrene that the city hired a
man known as the Styro-Cop to hang
around fast-food restaurants looking
for violators. Hey, drop that french-fry
During a water shortage in Seattle
last summer, homeowners were told
to conserve. They did. Toilet-flushing
dropped by nearly two thirds. It got so
bad that the Water Department had to
raise the rates to make up for the fact.
that people were using so much less ОЁ
its product.
‘The most famous residents of all that
clean water, the salmon, are worshiped.
‘The Indians treated them as gods, edi-
ble icons, and current residents exhibit
no less passion. The University of
Washington is the only college in the
nation to have its own salmon run; the
big chinook return to the doorstep of
the school every fall. At the Pike Place
Market, Seattle’s most popular attrac-
tion, the fish literally fly as vendors toss
them to the fillet men, who swiftly dis-
embowel and behead them. Spike Lee
used this scene as the visual center-
piece for a Levi's commercial.
And a few hours before child-killer
Westley Allan Dodd was hanged at the
Washington State Penitentiary in Walla
Walla, he ate as his last meal—what
else?—fresh salmon.
Much was made of the way film di-
rector David Lynch wrapped the body
of Laura Palmer in plastic for the open-
ing sequence of his ill-fated and ulti-
mately incomprehensible television
show ли Peaks. But Lynch, a former
Boy Scout from Missoula and Spokane
who helped to define Northwest noir
style, was only holding up a mirror, as
they say. Granted, the Log Lady, his
timber-petting creation, was a bit of a
stretch. But Lynch was onto something
with his theme of darkness lurking
amid the towering Douglas firs. For
every glowing innovation there is a
counter impulse. The worst crimes are
not the property heists or S&L failures
that drain an entire region, but inex-
plicable, self-hating acts of violence.
Perhaps the most prolific serial mur-
derer in American history was the one
who killed nearly 50 women in the
Northwest during the mid-Eighties.
He was known as the Green River
Killer, named after the meandering
stretch of water south of Seattle where
many of the bodies were dumped. He
was never found, and police have no
idea why the killings started or why
they stopped. Nearly a decade earlier,
Ted Bundy was a law student at the
University of Washington, a young Re-
publican invariably described as clean-
scrubbed and nice. One of his routines
was to show up at the beach with his
arm ina sling. He would then ask some
woman to help him load his boat onto
his car. Who could refuse him? He
looked like a Northwest guy with a
windsurfing injury. Bundy was electro-
cuted in Florida in 1989 after confess-
ing to the murders of more than 30
young women.
A few weeks before Christmas last
year, a logger in northern Idaho came
upon the frozen body of Johnny Ray
Sharbnow, a skinhead. It turned out he
had been killed by two other skin-
heads, according to the Bonner Coun-
ty prosecutor. They suspected he was
less than loyal to the cause. The neo-
Nazis came to Idaho more than a
decade ago, looking for a place to es-
tablish a "homeland" for white people
with character defects. They chose the
Northwest, and more particularly
northern Idaho, because it was a place
without color or accent. Every ycar ог
so, a nco-Nazi makes national news
when һе holes up in a cabin and starts
shooting while shouting about Zionist
With all the attention these loners re-
ceive, people begin to wonder if the
(concluded on page 144)
ISTORIANS cite the 1938 Al-
bert Speer Pro-Am Invita-
Чопа as the moment when
golf in the Third Reich began its long.
and eventful flirtation with mechaniza-
tion, spearheaded by the rapid adop-
tion and even swifter technological de-
velopment of the self-propelled cart.
Played on Nurembergs monster
270-hole Burning Foot course, with its
vast concrete fairways and an average
distance of 12.3 kilometers from pin to
pin, the Speer Pro-Am venue gaudily
expressed the Reich ideal of the iron-
legged, long-ball-hitting German Su-
per Golfer. But not for the first or last
time, self-glorifying Party propaganda
backfired. Imagine the Führer's rage
when no one in his 26-man team could
stagger through 21 days of rain and
fog to make the final cut, forcing him
to award Germany's most prestigious
golfing trophy to an unknown Balt am-
ateur. A quick response was expected
from the Reichsgolfinstitut.
That response, of course, was the
20-1, little more than a motorized col-
lapsible bath chair, but the world's first
mechanized golf cart, nonetheless.
The September 1939 outbreak of
World War Two canceled that year's
playing of the Speer Pro-Am. And by
early 1940, Burning Foot had been
converted into a tank-testing ground.
But work on the ZD-1 and other cart
types continued apace at the Reichs-
golfinstitut's Augsburg “skunk works.”
It is also known that a slew of proto-
types were demonstrated on May 9,
1941, to a wowed crowd that included
Rudolf Hess. What made Hess, the
next day, pack up one prototype and
fly off to Scotland? To realize his dream
of playing Troon? To peddle the golf
cart concept to the British, as Goebbels’
Propaganda Ministry alleged?
We will never know for certain. Be-
yond question is that the sudden van-
ishing of Hess and the prototype cart
spurred a furious new burst of German
golf cart technology—not only at the
Reichsgolfinstitut but also in the mili-
tary services, by personal order of the
Fuhrer. Now that the British had the
secret, Germany must build an insu-
perable lead by working fast to outdis-
tance thern with new golf cart designs.
The rest is golf cart history, forged
over the next few years in the larger
story some call World War Two. The
golf carts documented in this study are
the heretofore unknown, unsung, un-
seen golf carts of the Third Reich,
trundled out into the sunlight from
halfa century or more of hiding in the
metaphoric musty shed behind Nazi-
ZG-12, 1943
dom's shuttered pro shop.
Ladies and gentlemen, meine Damen
und Herren—to the carts?
The ZG-2.5 Grassblaster, 1940: The
technological crudity of early Nazi golf
cart design was epitomized by the tank-
like ZG-2.5 that danked into service
during the 1940 Blitzkrieg on the West-
ern front. “A golf cart to be feared,”
brayed the narrator of a Berlin propa-
ganda film, "attacking sand traps and
fording water hazards with merciless
efficiency in the lightning conquest of
golfing challenges from Belgium to the
Swiss frontier" The 7С-2.5 even pos-
sessed an eerie siren to scatter enemy
foursomes in its path. But this mean
Nazi golfing machine actually proved a
godsend to Allied forces. The violent
shuddering of its diesel engine, am-
plified via that corrugated-tin body
structure, left its riders numb, dazed
and wandering—easy prey for snipers
hiding in the rough. Its diesel noise
and stench betrayed the ZG-2.5's posi-
tion even during the torchlit tourna-
ments that marked Third Reich golf
mania. Rejected as a gift by Hungary's
Admiral Horthy, Albania's King Zog
and even Norway's Quisling, the com-
plete 12-platoon complement of ZG-
2.5s found its way to Vichy France.
Rare footage from a 1944 propaganda
film shows them doing yeoman’s work
during haying maneuvers.
The Greenskeeper's Nightmare—The ZG-
12, 1943: Legend has it that the gawky
and cumbersome ZG-12 was devel-
‘oped by the Wehrmacht itself as a last
resort after the Reichsgolfinstitut's de-
sign bureau had failed to produce a
cart capable of carrying eight officers
and their clubs over the notoriously
steep and rocky courses of the Balkans.
‘The truth is less savory—if more hu-
man. Enraged at being denied a Mulli-
gan at every hole by his Reichsgolfinsti-
tut partner during the 1942 Wolf’s
Lair Open, the Führer ordered the
ZG-12 contract yanked from the Insti-
tute out of sheer choler. In any event,
the Wehrmachrs novel wagon-and-
trailer concept proved a bust from the
moment it debuted in the Balkans in
1943. Partisans in the hedgerows were
adept at chopping the chain that con-
nected wagon to cart as the ZG-12 rat-
ded past, leaving сіріп horrified
golfers to watch helplessly as the trailer
and their clubs rolled away. But the
ZG-12 hardly needed partisans. It was
its own worst enemy. Deployed on mid-
dle Europe's chronically soggy courses,
the ungainly machine, with its giant
tractor-type rear wheels, earned the
lasting nickname of the Greenskeeper’s
Nightmare. “If the course is not mud-
dy and ruined to begin with,” wrote
one embittered Undermower 2nd
Class to his mother from Ruthenia in
1943, “it sure is after a ZG-12 or two
has done eighteen holes.” Scenes such
as the one shown on the opposite
page—a ZG-12 abandoned by the
roadside like an empty beer bottle—
were all too common by 1944 as the re-
treating Nazis left scores of wagon-and-
trailer units behind for the advancing
Russians. Touchingly, in the only such
G-101 OZYMANDIAS, 1945
squeak through to a tournament win.
Geared more for traction than for
speed, the Landcrab was snail-slow: An
estimated half of all units deployed
were captured when golf-course traffic
became so congested that there was no
choice but to allow the advancing
British to play through. Its lightness
backfired in every sudden sandstorm;
the other half of the Landcrabs lost in
gesture ever recorded in World War
“Two, the Russians gave them back.
The Landcrab—Afrika Golfkorps Cant,
1942: Lightweight, agile, powered by a
heat-proof, air-cooled engine, the af-
fectionately nicknamed Landcrab was
originally hailed as an ideal golf cart
for the predominantly sandy courses of
North Africa. Field experience re-
versed that positive initial response. Its
designers were threatened with courts-
martial after the Landcrab's rackety
engine noise was blamed for so abrad-
ing the nerves of Field Marshall Rom-
mel during the prestigious El Alamein
Open that he blew a gimme putt on the
final hole of the tic-breaking round,
allowing Italy's Marshal Badoglio to
North Africa were classified as “Gone
with the Wind.” Within six months of
its advent, the Landcrab was replaced
in the Afrika Golfkorps by sturdily earth-
bound Bedouin caddies. All remaining
units were returned to the fatherland
and assigned to the Strength Through
Joy movement to be used as motorized
shopping carts.
The Limousine of the Links—Giring's
Personal Golf Cart, 1942: Fat Hermann
had already cracked the chassis of the
first four prototypes he sat in. Panicked
that the Reich's number-one duffer
was about to literally if inadvertently
crush the golf cart program, Reichs-
golfinstitut engincers decided that the
best defense was a preemptive strike.
They hurriedly fashioned this special
cart around the Reichsmarschall's
unique dimensions and presented it to
him as a birthday gift, seven months
early. Góring was delighted—and pre-
dictably enough, since der grosse Luxus-
kart radiated his baroque tastes and
love of comfort in every detail. It was
constructed on a sturdy railway hand-
car platform and fitted with dual rear
wheels to support the combined heft of
Góring and such on-board appurte-
nances as a hot-chocolate tank, a duck
press, a boot-shining machine and an
inlaid mother-of-pearl tee caddy. Alas
for Fat Hermann. the Luxuskart's first
and sole appearance was at his home
course in the 1942 Carinhall Open.
One glimpse and der Führer, tears
welling, congratulated Góring for de-
veloping the one-man tank that Wehr-
macht designers had failed to give him.
He ordered it stripped of its luxuries
and sent for tesung to the Russian
front. The fickle Reichsmarschall's
sporting interests soon drified to polo
and the luge. Aside from an alleged
sighting in Paraguay in 1948, later dis-
counted, der grosse Luxuskart was never
seen again.
Zenith and Nadir in One—The G-101
Ozymandias, 1945: “Well, we had all
these parts left over and nothing much
to do.” That was the Reichsgolfinsti-
tut technical director's simple expla-
(concluded on page 171)
nation for the
ebecca De Mornay likes going in unex-
pected directions. Films as diverse as
“Risky Business,” “Runaway Train,” "Trip
“And God Created Woman,”
з,” “Backdraft” and “The Hand
That Rocks the Cradle” underscore the
point. The 30-year-old actress’ latest film is
"Beyond Innocence,” with Don Johnson, in
which she plays a lawyer. According to Con-
tributing Editor David Rensin, who met
with De Mornay on а rainy day al a Sunset
Strip hotel and who has seen “Risky Busi-
ness” about 30 times, the woman defies
whatever a priori notions you may have of
her. Says Rensin, “Rebecca requested a table
by a picture window in the empty restau-
rant—to watch the rain. Suddenly, she fixed
her baby blues on me and said, 1 don't know
if Tm in the mood for this.” But for a mo-
ment 1 could have sworn she'd said, Are you
ready for me?” It was just my imagination.
But either way, the challenge was inviting."
rLAYBOY: In the surprise hit The Hand
That Rocks the Cradle, you play Peyton,
a seriously disturbed individual. How
much did playing her affect you?
DE MORNAY: A lot. It was schizophrenic.
She was very freaky and disturbed in a
way that was almost unpleasant to
watch. I guess that means I succeeded
in the character. What was surprising
was how much the audience
about Peyton's predicament ini
and then how much it loved to hate
her. In Japan, she actually turned out
to be the heroine. The Japanese are in
love with their children and feel they
have to be protected at all costs. They
recognized how much Peyton loved the
kids. One male
america s N 5 2
s th: -
rockaby baby үүт
explains why rmm
love boils “Yeah, well, it's a
movie.” He said,
E “Why didn't she
wote Re
giveness and ly?" That was
d funny.
why marriage &
is a risky sLAYBOY: How
5 did you play
business someone so. con-
nected to chil-
a] dren without
having had the
experience of raising children of your
DE MORNAY: As an actress you know that
the primal emotions you'll be dealing
with on-screen are ones you have expe-
rienced by the time you're five years
old. You've tapped into all the major
feelings: love, hatred, rage, envy, mur-
derous passion. You know them as a
child. And then you learn to repress
them, slowly but surely, as you grow
up. You bury them. The horrible thing
about burying feelings is you never
bury them dead, you bury them alive.
As for not having had my own children
yet, Im glad. I'm still very selfab-
sorbed, and the biggest gift you can
give to kids is to be ready to have them.
PLAYBOY: As one who's seen both sides,
describe the common ground between
extreme success and extreme failure.
DE MORNAY: 1 spoke at length to a Zen
monk about this question. What he
said came at the time I needed to hear
it. He said that the notion of success
and failure is a game society educates
us in. The game is dangerous because
thestakes are incredibly high. Few peo-
ple win. You pay the price of worthless-
ness if you lose. Success is played out
on the backs of others who are called
failures. Winners are only winners in
comparison with the losers When
you're really involved in the game
without realizing it’s a game, and you
lose, you get the worthlessness. If you
can realize that it’s a game, it can be
fun. That's how it is for me today. I was
blessed because my first two movies
demonstrated the game profoundly.
Risky Business was a huge success.
That's very rare. My next one was a
huge flop. At the time, the flop felt aw-
ful, but nothing happens to me that
isn't illuminating. It took a while to
figure out. Now, I'm no longer emo-
tionally attached to the results of the
game I play because I understand it
has nothing to do with me personally.
TLAYBOY: How tough is it to convince
yourself of that?
DE MORNAY: The results of a movie have
to do with my financial future, period.
When The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
became a success, did 1 suddenly be-
come a better actress at that moment?
After the success of Risky Business 1 was
given a career that lasted nine years
until my next hit. That’s very nice—a
nine-year ride on one movie. 1 did a lot
of other interesting things, too. But 1
was moving on that movie because it
was a hit. I'm grateful. Our financial
livelihood is a matter of serious con-
cern. Had it not worked out so quickly,
I probably would have gone into some-
thing else. As it is, even if The Hand
That Rocks the Cradle hadn't been a hit,
it didn't matter since I've worked con-
tinuously since Risky Business. And with
very good salaries.
PLAYBOY: Oscar Wilde said “One's real
life is often the life that one does not
live.” What's your real life like?
DE MORNAY: I'm living a life very differ-
ent from my real one. I suspect most
people are. I would be a nun. [Smiles]
Really The concerns that are deep
in my heart are addressed in the mon-
astery. Running around to see how we
can help or what difference we can
make is mindless activity. You radiate
your position. Every person has tre-
mendous influence on everyone else,
even by just being in the same room.
So it becomes very important to do
something for yourself. As Krishna-
murti said, "Don't just do something,
sit there." And if you really sit there,
then you start to breathe. You start to
feel your own breath. And when you
start to feel your own breath, you start.
to feel connected to your environment.
And when you start to feel connected
to your environment, you start to feel
less frantic and lonely. And when you
start to fecl less frantic and lonely, you
start to feel kinder. And when you start.
to feel kinder, you start to feel happier.
And when you start to feel happier, you
begin to make a difference.
rLAYBOY: When God created women,
what did He get right and get wrong?
DE MORNAY: À woman is a wonderful
creature. The dynamic of men and
women, the beauty and the sadness of
what men and women get right and get.
wrong and the misunderstandings that
happen can often be illuminated di-
rectiy in sexual intercourse. The man
has to become hard, the woman has to
become soft. The man has to push in
and withdraw and push in and with-
draw, the woman closes around him
and embraces him. The woman fears
abandonment (continued on page 146)
the rubles fly
when a
junk-bond jailbird
joims the peace
corps to teach capitalism to
the russians
“WASHINGTON. D.C—The Peace Corps is sending its first vol-
unteers to Russia this week. The volunteers, on two-year as-
signments, were invited by the Russian government to teach
Russian entrepreneurs.”
—The New York Times, Nov, 20, 1992
From: Peabody Phelps, Associate Administrator,
Project Golden Bear
To: В. Staunton Tibbett, Jr., PC Assistant Deputy
Director, Washington
21 November 92
Dear Roger:
Arrived in Kashlak yesterday amid highest excitement.
The volunteers and I know the challenge is great, but we
feel our mission—to teach the fledgling Russian entrepre-
neur how to survive and prosper in the free marketplace of
capitalism—is achievable. Moreover, it puts us on the cutting
edge of history.
We were officially welcomed at the airport by Minister for
Humanitarian Aid Dmitri Gouzenko, a fellow I would char-
acterize as a bit on the pessimistic side. “In the course of
your stay here,” he told us, “you may face insurmountable
difficulties, but 1 call upon you to bravely resist suicidal
After the repair of our bus, which broke down even before
it had cleared the airport, we were delivered straight to our
offices—situated in a small but handsome building (I am
satire by
> yb ЧТ.
told it once housed the Renowned Pio-
neers of ‘Tractor Repair Hall of
Fame)—where we happily threw our-
selves into our labors. Incredible as it
may seem, in just one week we hope to
commence Capitalism for Beginners,
offering the following classes:
* Money: What Is It? How Do You
Get Some?
e Transforming the Lazy, Depressed
and Alcoholic Drone into the Diligent,
Extraordinarily Motivated Yet Compli-
ant Worker
© Legitimate Profit and Armed Rob-
bery: How to Tell the Difference
* Elementary Smile Workshop for
the Novice Salesperson
Not to boast, but we've really hit the
ground running. Enthusiasm is the
highest I've seen in a group of volun-
teers since our award-winning mop-up
after the Southern Dahomey Rottin;
Mackerel Tsunami of 1977. 1 feel like a
schoolboy who has just heard the call to
arms from JFK. Onward and upward.
Roger, I don't think Bobby Green-
way is going to be a problem after all. I
resented just as much as you did the
high-level string-pulling that brought
him aboard before the election. But we
had a long chat on the plane and I
came away convinced that Greenway
really turned over a new leaf in prison.
“All I give a damn about now,” he said,
“js helping people. I used to be a mon-
ey person. Now I'm a people person.”
Darn it, Roger, the man actually had
tears running down his cheeks. So far,
Bobby has pitched in as avidly as the
other volunteers and is very person-
able besides. (The story he tells about
how he introduced Milken to Boesky
and how they immediately attempted
to sell each other Pan Am stock is very
amusing.) I believe he could be a real
asset to the program. Of course, ГЇЇ be
monitoring him closely.
January 26, 1993
Dear Pam:
Hope this finds you, Doug and the
kids well. This time your dear old ab-
sentee dad is riding herd on 24 volun-
teers in Kashlak (an industrial city of
1.7 million souls on the Dnieper) and is
in excellent health—except that his
fanny is frozen solid most of the time.
"Тһе heat never seems to work at our
training center or in the small apart-
ment I share with the Kalishnikovs, a
typical Russian family. (She’s a brain
surgeon, he's a college professor. They
earn 2000 rubles a month; a carrot
costs 3500) We wouldn't have any
lights or phones at work, either, if not
Юг one of our more resourceful volun-
teers, Bobby. Greenway. In case the
name sounds familiar, Greenway was
one of those Wall Street-scandal types
who was tossed in the hoosegow (and
fined $4 billion) for trading bankrupt
S&Ls to BCCI for worthless junk
bonds that he sent to Iran for Israeli
arms that he illegally leased to Nica-
тарпа. I don’t understand how, but he
made a fortune on the deal.
Anyway, he was paroled after volun-
teering for the Peace Corps, and here
he is. Charming fellow, Bobby. When
yours truly went to city hall to beg a
local apparatchik, a hardliner named
V. E. Vyadeslav, for help in the spirit of
the new free-market Russia, the old
walrus kept me waiting three hours.
When I was leaving, he dumped a pail
of rotten cabbages on my head from his
window and shouted, “Со back home,
son of bastard CIA spy!" But then Bob-
by paid a visit to him and—presto!—
everything was straightened out.
Our dasses are filled with eager-
beaver students, and many of us serve
as advisors to the growing ranks of biz-
nesmieny, as they're called. I am men-
toring Konstantin P. Kevrensky, man-
ager ofa refinery that used to produce
tank fuel and is now struggling to con-
vert to the peacetime economy. Bobby
Greenway already has had great suc-
cess with a 17-year-old named Arkady
Zipkov, whom he found hawking state
secrets in the streets. After a few weeks
under Bobby's tutelage, Arkady seems
to have put together his own little em-
pire of kiosks selling everything from
chewing gum to VCRs. He drives
around in a BMW. Bobby jokes that it's
too bad we're not allowed to engage in
business or he himself would be the
Donald Trump of Kashlak by now.
І can't tell you how gratifying it is to
be part of such progress. Working side
by side with the Russian people, 1 feel
proud to be contributing to their fu-
ture society and, perhaps more impor-
tant, helping to cement the growing
friendship between once bitter Cold
War rivals who now live in peace.
From: Peabody Phelps,
Associate Administrator,
Project Golden Bear
To: К. Staunton Tibbett, Jr.,
PC Assistant Deputy Director,
12 March 93
Just a brief note to update you after
our little health emergency. I'm back
at my desk, though still feeling slightly
woozy Had Bobby Greenway not
rescued me from Kashlak Hospital—
where the inebriated doctors weren't
sure what was wrong but wanted to re-
move several major organs in the hope
of finding out—and had me flown by
Russian Air Force personnel to a pri-
vate clinic in Finland (the man has an
amazing knack for making friends),
heaven knows what would have be-
come of me.
Anyhow, when I finally got back to
work, I found that some unusual prob-
lems had cropped up. First, there was a
virtual sea of attractive young women
besieging the building, all waving pho-
tographs of themselves. It seems that
Bobby's young protégé Arkady has be-
gun publishing a mail-order catalog
that supplies Russian wives to foreign-
ers. I tried to explain that this was пог
a proper program for us to be involved
in, but Bobby contended that it was
good old basic capitalism and that the
women "had merely found a market
for their natural resources."
I thought I was making some head-
way against this argument when, un-
fortunately, our discussion was inter-
rupted by a burst of gunfire from
outside. Several large-caliber bullets
struck my office wall, ruining a valu-
able framed photograph (the one of
me shaking hands with Vice President
Rockefeller at the dedication of the
Paraguayan Zombie Rehab Station in
1974) and barely missing Svetlana Ta-
tiana, a rather striking blonde who de-
scribes herself as an actress-stenogra-
pher-entrepreneur and seems to be
some sort of assistant to Bobby. Appar-
ently, we were under attack by one of
the local mafijas, violent criminals who
demand protection money from hon-
est biznesmieny. Having quickly гесоу-
ered from the twin embarrassments of
swooning and soiling myself, I noticed
a large, sinister-looking individual with
an eye patch who was plucking hand
grenades from a briefcase and pitching.
them down at the fleeing perpetrators
(putting even more potholes in the
street, I'm afraid). Bobby introduced
him as Nikolai Rogov, chief of our “se-
curity team."
Well, this certainly ought to teach me
not to get sick. As you can imagine, I'm
utterly swamped with work and will be
filing a more detailed report as soon as
Icatch up.
From: Peabody Phelps
To: Robert Greenway
2 May 93
Dear Bobby:
As you have been absent from the
training center and unreachable via
telephone for several weeks, I'm faxing
(continued on page 150)
"I would never have called you out, kid, if Га known you were busy."
OT EVERYONE hates a loser. In
N Seatle in 1991, the city sat by
mournfully as the owner of the
Mariners—the only major-league base-
ball team in the Pacific Northwest—an-
nounced he was selling the team and
that the most likely buyer planned to
uproot the club to Florida.
It didn't much matter that the
Mariners had been perpetual cellar-
dwellers with one of the worst records
in the majors. Residents of Seatde—in-
deed, the entire region—didn't care
that their team lost, they just didn't
want to lose their team. Slade Gorton, a
senator from Washington, organized а
group of politicians and businessmen
to help keep the Mariners. They ap-
proached everyone they could think
of 一 from Microsoft's Bill Gates to the
executives at Boeing Aircraft—trying
to find a financial angel.
One of their stops was Nintendo, the
Japanese video-game company, which
has its American subsidiary based in
Redmond, just outside Seattle. Ninten-
do's U.S. president, Minoru Arakawa,
wanted to help. Arakawa called his fa-
ther-in-law, Nintendo's chairman, Hi-
roshi Yamauchi, the secretive and pow-
erful commander of the world's $10
billion video-game industry. Yamauchi
had never played baseball nor ever
watched a game, but he saw something
valuable in the Mariners Saving the
team would be great public relations
for Nintendo—as well as a way for
Yamauchi to return something to the
country that had made him one of the
richest men in the world. Since 1985,
Americans had spent about $17 billion
оп Nintendo video-game systems and
cartridges, so the $100 million need-
ed to save the Mariners was pocket
change. Yamauchi instructed his son-
in-law to make a deal
Senator Gorton and his group were
elated. With Yamauchi's $75 million,
they were able to put together a con-
sortium of local investors that would
enable the team to stay in Seattle. Ya-
mauchi was happy, too. He got to look
likea hero. Only one hurdle remained:
baseball commissioner Fay Vincent.
Vincent promptly turned Yamau-
chi's PR coup into a media nightmare.
No deal, said Vincent. Baseball is ап
American game and baseball cannot
allow foreign ownership. When it was
pointed out that Canadians owned
teams, Vincent modified his objection:
There could be no non-North Ameri-
can ownership. It didn't even matter
that Yamauchi readily agreed to give
irrevocable proxy of his voti
to Arakawa, who was а 15-year resident
of the Seattle area.
Yamauchi's bid came at a bad time.
"The American economy was reeling in
нате master
a worsening recession, and the Japan-
ese were viewed as the monsters who
had lost the war but won the peace.
Wittingly or not, the baseball commis-
sioner placed Yamauchi's offer smack
in the center of the trade issue, making
Nintendo a lightning rod for America's
hostility toward Japan. In Japan, ban-
ner headlines portrayed Nintendo as a
victim of the latest round of Japan
bashing, and in the United States, Nin-
tendo supporters called Vincents rul-
ing racist.
Sitting in his corporate headquarters
in Kyoto, Japan, Yamauchi was sur-
prised by the uproar. He didn't care
about the team one way or the other,
but he was concerned about controver-
sy. One of his many successes was keep-
ing a low profile. In fact, he had done it
so well that few people, inside or out-
side Japan, knew much about him.
Now his name was on the front page
of ‘the New York Times, and reporters
across the United States were probing
into his life.
In America, baseball's ownership
committee met in secret throughout
mid-1992. Popular local support for
Yamauchi's offer seemed to influence
the baseball owners, and it looked like-
ly that the Nintendo chairman would
get his team. But just to be sure, Sen-
ator Gorton played a little hardball:
He intimated that baseball's antitrust
exemptions might be reviewed by
Congress if the commiuee blocked
Yamauchi's purchase.
Finally, on June 11, 1992, the club
owners formally approved the deal. In
Seattle, Yamauchi was viewed as a sav-
ior—and got the PR boost he desired.
Elsewhere, he was merely another
predator from Japan making off with
American treasures. Even Yamauchi's
own countrymen viewed him with
hiroshi yamauchi helped
nintendo devour the video-game
industry. now he's hungry for more
wariness. “We know better,” said a busi-
nessman in Japan. “Do not become
involved in dealings with Yamauchi.
Cross him and he'll squash you. Amer-
icans will pay if they are fooled."
In fact, we already have.
In 1983 American companies domi-
nated the home video-game industry,
which was then worth about $2 billion
a year. While the industry has tripled in
size, today virtually none of it belongs
to Americans. Ot the almost $6 billion a
year now at stake, almost all of it heads
Overseas to Japan, and much of that
flows into the bank accounts of Hiroshi
Yamauchi and his companies.
Just how rich is Yamauchi? For the
past three years, Nintendo Company
Ltd. of Kyoto has consistently earned
pretax profits of more than $1 billion a
year, and its total U.S. sales were equiv-
alent to more than ten percent of
f 1,
E ў <
m _—=————
America's trade deficit with Japan. In
1991 Nintendo supplanted Toyota as
Japan's most successful enterprise,
based on profitability, penetration of
foreign and domestic markets and
stock performance. Recently, report af-
ter report chronicling the unhealthy
Japanese electronics industry has cited
one major exception: Nintendo, a com-
pany that was virtually unknown a
decade ago.
Building Nintendo into a $4.2 billion
giant took a kind of finesse and ruth-
lessness that is rarely seen in any indus-
try. Yamauchi uses, as an associate says,
"whatever is required—threats, intimi-
dation, coercion" and he has styrnied
most atternpts to stop him.
Despite all this controversy, Ya-
mauchi remains a mystery man who
doesn't even play his own video games.
("I have better things to do,” he says.) A
colleague once persuaded him to sit
down in front ofa television set hooked
up toa system. Yamauchi took the con-
troller in his hands and tried to follow
the instructions, but he quickly became
frustrated and quit, refusing to try
Hiroshi Yamauchi prefers to play a
much bigger game. And he always
seems to win.
Nintendo was founded more than
100 years ago by Fusapro Yamauchi,
Hiroshis great-grandfather, to make
playing cards. Nintendo means “work
hard, but in the end, it is in heaven's
hands.” Hiroshi Yamauchi explains:
“As much as we try, we cannot control
every factor. Luck has to be with us.”
At first it seemed as if luck was not
with young Hiroshi. His father desert-
ed the family when Hiroshi was still a
boy, and his mother, unable to care for
him, followed her husband out the
door. Hiroshi went to live with his
grandparents, who were restrictive and
overpowering but exposed him early
to the family business that he would
Jater run.
As a young man, Yamauchi was bale-
fully handsome and debonair. He car-
ried himself with conceited sturdiness,
dressed in expensive, well-tailored
clothes and kept his fingernails long,
manicured and polished. His child-
hood made him sullen and bitter,
though he was able to disguise his
moods with levity and a dust-dry wit.
Anger dominates much of Ya-
mauchi’s life. Even when his father
returned, aged, ailing and anxious
to make amends to his only son, Ya-
mauchi refused to speak with him. The
man had brought shame and dishonor
to the family and was to be avoided. It
was a decision that even the hardened
Yamauchi was to regret. Years later,
when Yamauchi was in his late 20s, he
heard from a half sister he didn’t know
he had: Their father had died of a
stroke. She said Hiroshi should honor
his father's memory by attending the
Yamauchi sat alone for a full day be-
fore deciding he would go.
At the funeral, Hiroshi met his four
halfsisters, his father's second wife and
an aunt he had never known. He was
overwhelmed when his aunt told him
he looked exactly like his father. He
wondered what else he might have in-
herited from the man. And he began to
worry that he might pay a psychologi-
cal price for refusing to reconcile with
and forgive his father.
Such emotional turmoil was com-
monplace in Yamauchi's life. Not long
after he had enrolled in Waseda Uni-
versity, his grandfather, Sekiryo, sent
for him. The elderly man, propped up
with pillows on his bed, spoke soberly.
Ш health was forcing Sekiryo to step
down, and Hiroshi was to assume the
position that was supposed to have
been his father's. He would have to
leave school and immediately come to
work at Nintendo as president.
Hiroshi, responding without emo-
tion, said he would take over the corn-
pany, but he insisted on several condi-
tions. The most important: He must be
the only family member at Nintendo.
"This meant that a cousin had to be
fired,” a Nintendo director remem-
bers. "Yamauchi wanted there never to
be a question that he was in charge."
Weak and saddened, Sekiryo had the
cousin fired, and, in 1949, Hiroshi Ya-
mauchi, then only 21 years old, was ap-
pointed the third president of Ninten-
do. The old man died soon thereafter,
never sure whether or not his family
and the business would survive. Since
his grandfather never saw the success
Hiroshi eventually had with Nintendo,
Hiroshi was left with one overriding
fear: that his grandfather died think-
ing his grandson was an ill-mannered,
disrespectful and spoiled child. Hiro-
shi's daughter Yoko Arakawa says, "My
father felt that he disappointed his
father and grandfather and he never
forgot it."
Young President Yamauchi was not
welcomed by Nintendo's employees.
They resented his youth and inexperi-
ence and were worried that Yamauchi
planned a clean sweep of longtime em-
ployces. Their fears proved to be well-
founded. He fired every manager left
over from his grandfather's reign, in
spite of their years of service. He want-
ed none of the old guard who might
question his authority.
Although Nintendo was successful,
selling 600,000 packs of playing cards
a year, Yamauchi was restless. He
planned to branch into new businesses.
To finance them, he took Nintendo
public and became chairman. "Ninten-
do was a small company without re-
sources, and we had to use caution as
we grew," Yamauchi says. "It took some
time before I found a direction.” He
transformed Nintendo first into a com-
pany with disparate businesses—a line
of instant rice, a taxi service and a hotel
where rooms for sex encounters were
rented by the hour—and then into
toys. One was called Love Tester. A boy
and girl held the handles of the Tester,
then joined their free hands. A meter
read the current passing through them
and determined, with mock scientific
accuracy, how much love they had be-
tween them. The device was a big suc-
cess. Public hand-holding in Japan was
still considered risqué, and the Love
Tester gave young couples the excuse
they needed to touch.
By then, American companies, par-
ticularly Atari, had created 2 multi-
billion-dollar industry selling video
games that were played in arcades, piz-
za parlors and pool halls. Intrigued,
Yamauchi launched an arcade-game
division of his own. At first, Nintendo's
games were unremarkable and busi-
ness was precarious. Yamauchi turned
to a young apprentice who had im-
pressed him and asked him to try his
hand at game design. The result threw
Nintendo's American sales force into a
panic. One salesman hated the product
so much that he began looking for a
new job. In an era when the big-selling
games included words such as “muti-
late” “annihilate” and "destroy" in
their titles, this one had a ridiculous
name: Donkey Kong.
Many employees, induding Minoru
Arakawa in America, implored Ya-
mauchi to change the name, but he
refused. “It is a good game,” he said
firmly. Yamauchi may not play video
games, but no one questions his genius
when it comes to choosing them, “It’s
like a sense for the fashion business,
knowing what will become hot and
popular next season. He can read a few
years in advance,” says one Nintendo
executive. “He is so certain that he is
right that he listens to no one.”
Yamauchi was, as it turned out, ei-
ther remarkably intuitive or very lucky.
Donkey Kong was an international
smash, generating hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars.
If Donkey Kong could make that
much from quarters, Yamauchi was
sure that he could rake in more dough
if he conquered the home video-game
(continued on page 176)
блекер WILLIE
My last boy Friend
Res good-looking...
but ( hated
bus Hhadhners.
anna nicole smith, the miss may
who knocks us out in those sexy jeans ads,
takes another trophy
Paymaie ofthe Sea
орук seen the Guess Jeans ads. The ultimate blonde, fighting her
way out of tight dresses, straps falling off her shoulders, eyes smol-
dering into the camera. She reminded me of someone—several
someones—when I first saw the pictures.
A hint of Marilyn Monroe and the great Dane, Anita Ekberg, yes, but some-
one else, too, a blonde version of Jane Russell, perhaps.
She has that attitude: Don't mess with me, mister, not if you know what's good
for you. The challenge when she leans against a sun-bleached pole, cigarette coolly
poised between long fingers. That look on her face: Does it say drop dead? Get over
here, big boy? Or both?
There was no clue to the answers when I called this familiar stranger to set up
an interview. She was staying at an old-fashioned five-star hotel on Chicago's Gold
Coast. That’s all 1 knew—that, and the fact that my call woke her up.
“What time is it?” Her voice was soft, small, sleepy.
“Just after noon.
“Call me at two, please.”
By four in the afternoon I was knocking on the door of room 444, counting the
plates piled outside on а гоот-
service tray Seven, all empty.
This was a hungry woman. And
there she was, on the threshold
of a darkened room, blinds
drawn, one shaded lamp on a
table, TV blurting and squelch-
ing in the background. Happy
Days. The Fonz and the gang, in
that diner where they hang out
She was maybe an inch under
six feet. Hair pulled back in a
ponytail. Baggy top. Tight jeans.
Cute socks, flat shoes. The voice
was still soft. “Please don't look at
y hair. It's got plastic in it. Plas-
tic snow. For the movie. They
haven't let me wash it for the past
three days."
That was my first glimpse of
Anna Nicole Smith, the Guess
Jeans girl, pLavnoy’s Playmate of
the Year.
I knew PLAYBOY put her on the.
cover in March 1992 and then
chose her for Playmate two
months later, when she went by
her original name, Vickie Smith.
But the rest was unknown terri-
tory. Who was she? Where did
she come from? How did she get
here from there? When did it
all start?
She sat on the side of the table
with the lamp, I sat on the other,
taking notes. Four o'clock in the
afternoon and the bed wasn't
made. It looked as though wild
animals had been mangling the
sheets and blankets, What kind
of hotel was this?
“Lousy,” said Anna. "I've spo
ken to everyone from the maid
up to the manager, trying to get
the TV fixed. My bodyguard
next door gets full cable service,
I get the networks. I've given up
asking. They don't listen."
What's the point of having a
bodyguard, I thought, if you
can't use him to brutalize hotel
people who fall down on the job?
But I said nothing. Anna did all
the talking. Never raised her
voice, never displayed outrage or
anger, none of that “don't they
know who I am” business. While
she talked, she chewed vitamin C
Ot. many pairs of jeans can fit in a closet?
Anna doesn't care anymore. She used her first
Guess paycheck for a wild shopping spree, then
had to build a new closet to hold all the goodies.
134 At this rate, she'll have to build a new house.
4 uccessis sweet for Anna, even though her hectic schedule
doesn't allow her much time to enjoy it. She takes a moment to wax
philosophic on the subject of exes: "When | think about all those boy-
friends who cheated on me, | smile. I'm happy." Guess who's sorry now?
tablets, kept an ear and some-
times an eye on Happy Days,
laughing at the jokes, and called
me sir.
"There wasn't a lot of Texas left
in her accent, but you could tell it
was there, hiding, perhaps, until
she was back with friends and
"Texas is where she was born 25
years ago and lived most of her
life, some of it in and around
Houston, much of it in a small
town about 70 miles south of Dal-
las. From the age of 15 to 19 she
was breakfast cook at the Chick-
en House. "Its real name was
Jim's Krispy Fried Chicken," she
said, “but we all called it plain old
Chicken House. I did eggs. I was
real good with eggs. And okra.
Mashed potatoes. Home-fried
chicken. All that good stuff you
can't get in these fancy hotels.”
“What was that,” I asked, “a
five-day week?”
“Mostly seven,” she said.
Anna worked with a girlfriend.
They gave themselves nick-
names. Anna was Cricket. “I was
always jumping around.” The
two girls married two brothers,
one of whom, Anna’s husband,
worked at the Chicken House.
He'd been her boyfriend in high
school. She was 17 when they
married, he was 16. Both girls
had babies a month apart, both
got divorced.
Anna took her son, Daniel,
to (lexi concluded on page 170)
(continued from page 86)
“You cam, of course, marry for her money, but trust us
on this one: You'll earn every penny.”
(3) Marry a grown-up woman. While
it’s true that many men die of old age
while in the throes of a mid-adolescent
crisis, lots of girls will be girls until they
finally decide to be postmenopausal
women. For some girls postcollegiate life
in the big city is just paid graduate work
Their lives take on the familiar simplicity
of campus dwellers:
© The serious ones join the urban-
professional equivalent of a sorority.
They run the school newspaper and
work on the campus radio station. They
organize pep rallies and marches. They
form odd cliques, travel in groups, go
nuts for fads and play follow-the-leader.
* The not-so-serious ones cultivate
their social standing in the cafeteria, go
to lots of dances and still see drugs as a
metaphor for the smartness of youth.
Both types mistake this extended ado-
lescence for adulthood. Alas, they are
often unhappy. Their unhappiness ul-
timately becomes an issue they explore
in focus groups and seminar-type set-
tings, until they have an epiphany: They
decide the problem is the men in
their life.
Unless you are also involved in
putting together a back-to-school life-
style, marrying an adolescent woman is a
sure disaster, since she'll never grow up
enough to have real-life competence.
(4) Marry for sex. Married life is
rough; sex is the lubricant and leveler.
(5) Marry for money. No, not her
money, knucklehead. Yours. A chap
knows he’s made a good marriage when
he sees how much better he’s doing as
а consequence of marrying a smart
woman than he was as a wasted bachelor.
In their spare time, and without break-
ing a sweat, good wives help build great
careers for their husbands. Women are
practical and, as is well-noted, they are
especially practical about husbands.
You can, of course, marry for her
money, but trust us on this one: You'll
earn every penny. Plus, you'll have lousy
job security
(6) Marry for kids. This is short, so
read it twice: There are many women
who do not wish to be involved mothers,
who feel life without kids is plenty inter-
esting enough and who find such satis-
faction in other endeavors that they
don’t need whatever it is motherhood
has to offer. These women make great
dates, but you don't have to marry any of
them, especially if at some time in your
life you want to be somebody's dad. A
good father will only marry a woman
140 who wants to be a good mother,
While some women don't care to be
discussed in other than literal terms,
men live in a parallel universe filled with
analogies that rattle around like loose
lug nuts in a hubcap. So let's see what
sort of mileage we can get out of a
women-as-cars metaphor.
If you want a wife who's fully loaded,
look for these little extras:
© In terms of design, get one that
is functional, but avoid wagons and
ә You'll eventually outgrow а convert-
ible. Besides, it provides almost no crea-
ture comforts, and you can’t drive it in
bad weather.
© A coupe is a good bet, since a lithe,
sleek look always suggests a sporty atti-
tude, especially if you avoid the current
affection for puffy, rounded edges. And
while it isn’t spacious, a coupe is usually
sufficient to accommodate two small
backseat passengers.
© Upholstery can be seductive. Rich,
Plush appointments often seem like a
good idea, but you really should forget
the velour and go for vinyl. Vinyl never
ages. Look at Cher.
* А/С, P/S, Р/В, A/T, cruise. Tempera-
ture control is good, of course. The oth-
er amenities make life on the road safer,
less tiresome, easier to handle. But com-
Plicated options can mean high mainte-
nance costs when the warranty runs out.
Maybe you should plunk down for the
extended-service plan.
* Get something with power. Occa-
sionally, you just want to get out on the
four-lane, blow out the carbon and re-
member what it was like the first time
you did
e Visit the factory: Check ош Mom
and Dad. Any important body parts
missing—such as brains or hearts, for in-
stance? Her parents’ home will haunt
her forever, so give it а close once-over,
since you'll soon be living in the figura-
tive attic.
Varieties of religious experience:
There are two fundamentally different
ways to look at a wedding. To some it's a
church thing. To others it's a state affair.
So choosc. A religious ceremony or a
civil one? It's a mistake to confusc these
two types of weddings, by the way. If you
have even the slightest doubt that your
marriage will survive every single onc of
life's obstacles, then don't take marriage
vows in a church or synagoguc, despite
the fact that these buildings provide a
nice, traditional backdrop. Cet married
at city hall or in front of a clerk at Sea
World. Because on the off chance that
there's something to this whole God
question—and on the even more remote
possibility that churches have something
to do with it—it’s a smarter gambit to lie
to a burcaucrat than to a clergyman.
Discussing marriage ceremonies in
conceptual terms is one thing, but once
you decide to get married, it's all out of
your hands anyway. While your bride
and her family will be doing the impor-
tant work of the ceremony and recep-
tion—hiring the caterer, finding a band,
refinancing their house—you have to re-
member only three relatively minor
© Show up.
* Don't get in the way.
ә Don't fall over.
Some things you car't help but notice:
* Marriage makes you stupid. Under
the constant scrutiny of our wives, who
are always wondering why they made
the choices they did, men begin to glow
with perspiration, because the inevitable
result of this surveillance is an acute sen-
sitivity to our inadequacies. Worried
about meeting not only our responsibili-
ties but also our wives’ expectations, and
aware of every minor failure, we begin to
fear we are slowly becoming the idiots
our wives already suspected we were.
* Your wife will pick a fight with you
when you look your stupidest—e.g.,
half-shaved, in boxers or while flossing.
* Your vife will launch into a lengthy
discourse at the exact moment you seek
to excuse yourself to visit the toilet.
e During the evening newscast, your
wife will remain silent during commer-
cials and talk through the news.
© The longer you wait to catch a base-
ball score, the more likely it is that your
wife will ask you an idle question the mo-
ment the score is reported.
* Your wife will break wind within
five seconds of your decision to initiate
* The later it is, the more tired you
are, the more important the breakfast
meeting the next morning, the more
likely your wife is to attempt to se-
duce you.
© A marriage that lasts eight years will
last a lifetime.
(It should be noted that this hope-
ful marital lzw is widely reported using
different numbers, ranging from three
to 15.)
* You meet more attractive, available
women during the first year of your
marriage than you did in all the years
preceding your marriage.
You meet a woman and fall in love and
she's not safe with you in the same room.
You can't keep your hands off her, you
1 mg. “tar”, 01 mg. nicotine av per cigarette by FTE method. © 1993 R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CD.
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devise new sexual positions and play out
fantasies with her like the despicable
pervert you have become. You rut and
when she's not around, you're a one-
armed fool with nothing but her on your
mind. You're a monogamous sex fiend.
"Then you get married and you start to
lose things. Like your sex drive. Where
the hell did that thing go? you wonder. It
was here a second ago.
* Don't look for what isn't missing.
Don't mistake passion's pubescent fervor
for sex. Sex is like soybeans. It's the mir-
acle filler found in almost every aspect of
married life. You can hide it under a lay-
er of affectionate sentimentality or serve
it up naked as passion.
© Passion isn’t the normal symptom of
sex. The sexual marathon that often
precedes infatuation's grand finale is not
a static condition of life with women. If it
were, nobody would be able to work. Or
walk. So long as there is a sexual context
to your marriage—that is, so long as you
see your marital partner as a sexual be-
ing at least part of the time—then pas-
sion will take care of itself. Remember
how, in the throes of lust, it seemed as
if your dick lived a secret life all its own?
So does passion. Passion keeps its own
calendar and comes out to celebrate its
own private holidays. You'll be the first
to know.
e Make room for sex. Nothing fills up
а house like a marriage. Two people can
live together in relative sexual bliss for
years. You add a marriage contract and
suddenly there's no room for anything.
The place is packed; you can't turn
By the way, if you think it's crowded
with two married people in one house,
remember this: Children are on constant
guard against sex. If the border patrol
did for borders what kids do for sex,
the only illegal aliens in America would
"Lennie's so much more fun since he read Camille Paglia."
be those from Mars.
* Think dirty thoughts. Don'tlet your
love object cease to be a sex object. Ex-
periment. Watch an crotic film, invite
the Sharon Stone of your mind to join
you for a threesome, sit around naked
with anders on your head, or talk cheap,
carny trash го each other, Among mar-
tied people, anything goes that works.
e Remain on intimate terms. The rela-
tionship that you enjoy with your wife
should always be intimate. The best way
to do this is to allow her some privacy,
maintain your own and foster a sense of
Another surefire way to keep a certain
level of intimacy: Protect the secrets you
share with your wife. Never let your sex
life become the common currency of
your conversation.
* Miss her. The only suggestion that
Mencken had for achieving this was to
take separate vacations. If you were mar-
ried to Mencken, of course, that would
be perfect, but for most people it isn’t a
practical solution, or even a helpful one.
The abstract idea is good, though: Too
much oneness can make coupling a little
® Don't panic. Sometimes sex takes а
separate vacation and leaves one or both
of you behind. If your wife suddenly
seems preoccupied or otherwise distract-
ed from sex, don’t make a fuss. Marriage
requires infinite flexibility. Before insist-
ing that she always operate at your level
of sexual activity, try to understand her
need for a little physical withdrawal
from time to time. Of course, some guys
use this situation as an opportunity to
grab a ukulele, slip into a polyester
Hawaiian something, douse themselves
with English Leather and sing My Baby
Don’t Give Me Good Lovin’ at the top of
their lungs beneath some sympathetic
single woman's window. The potted
plant that inevitably clocks them on the
head comes courtesy of their wives’
е Don't take your sexual relationship
for granted. As in other aspects of life
with women, you just have to pay atten-
tion sometimes.
Look, no hard feelings here, but the
best women aren't terribly sentimental
about this marriage business. When a
woman decides to marry, either she's
been removed to a state of irrationality
and will therefore marry the wrong man
and so be made to suffer much distress,
or she has already lived through the
crazy parts of a love life and now brows-
es for a husband with all the wild aban-
don of a spinster buying sensible shoes.
1f you want a good wife, be a wing tip,
not a loafer.
Remember that, lads: A wing tip. Not
a loafer.
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А Revolution (continued from page 116)
"Rock musicians—Nirvana, Pearl Jam—have sworn
off the term grunge, fearing it like a K-Tel cliché.
woods are crawling with them. In truth,
there are probably more FBI informants
than card-carrying Hitlerites in the pan-
handle of Idaho. But it does raise the
question of why they keep coming to the
The answer is the scenery. When a
high peak snags a cloud at sunset, it
brings to most people a sense of awe, or
gratitude for the artistry of nature. But
survivalists sec a barbed-wire gate clos-
ing with that same sunset. To them, the
mountains are a fence. Isolation fosters a
distinctive brand of ignorance.
By the same token, the sense of re-
moval from the mainstream, the rhythm
that comes from being in the arms of the
land, has produced much that is origi-
nal, life-enhancing and wonderfully
weird. Jimi Hendrix was born and
buried in Seattle. The Far Side, which rev-
olutionized American cartooning, is the
product of Gary Larson, a Northwest na-
tive. Katherine Dunn, the Portland au-
thor of a novel about circus dwarfs called
Geek Love (nominated for the National
Book Award), said that freaks are al-
lowed to flourish under the gray skies of
“So this 15 the famous Lotus position.”
the Northwest. Here is the best kind of
elbowroom, she said: room to fail
The most stunning art was done by
people who have lived here for nearly
10,000 years, the Salish-speaking natives
who carved figures into cedar totem
poles that rival Picasso's cubist efforts.
And today, the best art is work that tries
not to mimic something elsewhere but
reflects oddball Northwest sensibilities.
The Seattle Art Museum hired Phil-
adelphia architect Robert Venturi, a dar-
ling of critics, to design the city’s new
$60 million house of art. After Venturi
had collected a geoduck-shellful of fa-
vorable press dippings—and the Seattle
art foo-foos had all agreed his creation
was "stunning" and "divine"—there rose
in front of the museum last year a
strange image in iron. Weighing more
than 20,000 pounds and standing 48
feet tall, Hammering Man—as it
called—looks like a working guy in si
houette, complete with an arm holding a
hammer that rotates up and down, pow-
ered by a huge motor. It is so out of place
for a city's namesake museum, but so in
keeping with the region's contrarian im-
pulses, that it fits. Hammering Man will
live with the Jetson-age Space Needle as
an ageless gag on the city's skyline.
When its 15 minutes are up, the hope
among many people here is that the
Northwest will hold to its basic rhythms
of life, or at least not become self-con-
scious about its personality quirks. What
happens to American originals is a short
road from character to caricature. The
rock musicians who made such a splash
with the Seattle sound—Nirvana, Pearl
Jam, Alice in Chains—already have
sworn off the term grunge, fearing it like
the K-Tel cliché it will one day be. In an
age when the homogenizing reach of
ia is undeterred by distance or
Salem, Oregon could easily
become indistinguishable from Salem,
Massachusetts. With each neighborhood
notion that gocs national, the local сс-
centrics lose something.
What may keep the basic Northwest-
erner one bottle short of a six-pack
what has always nurtured the offbeat
the Far Corner: the moods of sky, sea
and quivering earth. Behind the fortress
walls of the Cascades are cities of light in
the alpenglow of ten r.m. summer sun-
sets, and cities of gloom in the mid-win-
ter mildew. The volcanoes are alive,
though dormant. Light and darkness,
fire and ice—the elements are not mere
abstractions. And the people who live in-
side the postcard remain as much a part
of the scenery as those doomed flying
fish at the Pike Place Market. That West-
ern historian, Frederick Jackson Turner,
had it wrong. The frontier is not dead.
It’s just harder to find.
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REBECCA DE MORNAY (continued from page 121)
"What turns me on is if I can sense that someone is in-
to life, is into sex, is into compassion.”
and aggression, the man fears suffoca-
tion, Neither comes to anything without
the other. And when they respect each
other, they dissolve and become one.
The mystery of men and women is beau-
il he war created by misunderstand-
ing is sad. Even if you don't understand
these things, you're illuminated instantly
in the act of sex.
PLAYBOY: And what do you know for cer-
tain about love?
DE мовмлу: That's the only question that
really interests me. I know three thin,
The first one I realized when I was si
teen. There had been a bombing in
Beirut, and I saw a photograph in a
newspaper of a woman stretched out
across the rubble of this bombing site,
with her face contorted in a grimace of
misery because her husband was under-
neath the rubble. I stared at her face and
asked myself: Is there anyone that I
know or have ever known that 1 would
feel that way about? At that point, I
couldn't answer yes. The second thing
I also learned when I was a teenager. I
had many boyfriends and I was in love a
lot, supposedly. I didn't want to make
love because I had a certain idea about.
the first time. But I was involved in some
serious embraces. [Smiles] Finally, 1 went
to this girl who I knew had slept with
somebody and I said that during these
embraces I had felt such and such. I
asked, “Did [ have an orgasm?" She said,
“If you have to ask, then you didn't have
one.” The third thing 1 know is that
there's only one kind of love that every-
one's really turned on by. It has to do
with forgiveness.
There are so many feelings that fall
under the blanket of loving someone.
Yet we have only one word to describe
them all. There are so many different
ways to love, different gradations. Like a
haiku. Yet, whether it's sharing silence
“What's wrong, Ahab? Is there someone else?”
or wild sex, the element of forgiveness is
what we're all looking for.
т.лүвоу: Describe Leonard Cohen and
then describe yourself when you are
with him.
DE NORNAY: ГИ compromise with you, be-
cause I'm reluctant to talk about my per-
sonal life. Someone asked me, "What's
your favorite color?" and I had to give
four adjectives. Then I was asked,
"What's your favorite animal?” and 1
had to give four attributes. Later, 1 was
told that the four adjectives for color
were how I saw myself, and the four at-
tributes of the animal were what I was
looking for in the opposite sex. So, my
favorite color is black. I said it is mysteri-
ous, strong, feminine, unknowable. My
favorite animal is a wolf: magnificent,
lethal, misunderstood and mates for life.
rLAYBOY: What do older men know that
younger men don't?
DE MORNAY: They may not have the sta-
mina, but they usually get it right the
first time
FLAYBOY: We suspect that most beautiful
women can sense when a man wants
them—because most men probably do.
Who's more intriguing: a man who's ob-
viously desirous, or a man who is but
hides itz
DE MORNAY: I dont like a lot of hiding.
You can hide yourself completely. Hid-
ing is for advanced people. What turns
me on, besides this thing called chem-
which is completely undefin-
is if I can sense that someone is in-
хо life, is into sex, is into compassion, is
into justice, is into being alive. Гш not
puuing down attention to form, but
there's something to the idea of breaking
form. How many rules have you broken
lately? You can read it in somebody's
eyes. 1 want that person who can balance
true integrity with abandon, with cour-
age. I'm not interested in somebody who
just, yeah, loves to fuck, loves to enjoy
life. You really examine the thing on a
deeper level and it comes out. Every-
thing that you are, you scc right away
when you mect somconc. You can't hide
too much unless you're an advanced
game player.
ruavnov: How do you reward a guy
who's interested in your mind?
DE Mornay: I give him something to
think about.
PLAYBOY: Writers tend to gush when
describing you. They use “dark allure,”
“face like a saucer of cream," "sympa-
thetic but repugnant,” "she can shoot
that look across the room that says ‘I
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want you now.” What does your face say
when you're not trying to make it say
anything at all?
DE NORNAY: I just got a video camera. I've
been shooting myself, setting it up facing
a mirror, looking into the mirror. I was
surprised because it was one of the
few times I've seen myself on camera
without makeup, with no pressure to
perform. And I talked. I invented a
monolog that was close to my heart at
that moment. What I saw was this girl, a
woman, whose face scemed extremely
tender, sad and compassionate. That's
probably not what would normally be
associated with me.
ылувоу: What does the car you drive say
about you?
DE MORNAY: [Laughs] Its a black 1992
Accord. Camel interior. Automatic. Or-
пагу. Nondescript. It’s terrific. Com-
pletely dependable. I don't want any-
thing else from my life. I thought for two
years about what kind of car I wanted. I
don't think for two years what kind of
guy I want. I just find myself involved. I
used to drive a 1965 Mustang. I loved it.
It was an outlaw thing. But 1 got tired of
it, especially when it was raining and
the windshield wipers did not work
well. I realized the outlaw thing had
lost its charm. I craved dependability,
nonpompousness, non-self-promotion,
non-razzle-dazzle. I wanted а car that
delivered out a Jot of fanfare, that
wouldn't let me down. You tell me what
that says about me.
ылувоу: ЕШ in the blank: I’m still look-
ing for someone to — with.
DE NORNAY: To take off with. People as-
sume I have a lot of freedom, that 1 can
just pack up and split. When I started as
an actress, working as an apprentice on
Coppola's One from ihe Heart, Y
ding by the commissary table.
munching candy, and Francis came up
to me and said, "Would you get on
a plane this afternoon and go to
Bangkok?" And I said, "Yeah." He said,
“But would you really? Would you really
be able to leave everything behind?"
This is what I ask myself and anybody I
meet. Most people, when it comes right
down to it, cannot leave the scene
they've structured for themselves—a
scene they often complain about. I think
that I can. And I think that I will.
PLAYBOY: You were married for ten
months to screenwriter and novelist
Bruce Wagner. We've read that he pur-
sued you relentlessly and that you mar-
ried him because it was the only way you
could figure him out. What did that ex-
сгсїзс tell you about yourself? And what
part of marriage doesn't stop when the
marriage is over?
DE MORNAY: I have been afraid of mar-
riage for most of my life. 1 wondered
what it was supposed to give me. Bruce
and I didn't join ourselves forever, ritu-
ally, in the eyes of God. We ran off to Las
Vegas and neglected the spiritual side of
it. Now I realize that that’s what interests
me about marriage: the courage to make
that pledge before God. I'm not speak-
ing out of turn when I say that Bruce
and I were not supposed to be married.
We were just trying to figure out some-
thing about ourselves. But now I would
like to make that pledge with the right
What hasn't stopped is the exquisite
her hearts
Lhe side entrance ,
memory that you and this other person,
with tremendous courage and in spite of
tremendous fear, dove offa cliff together.
Especially if you're a person like me
who's afraid of commitment and intima-
cy. You don't tend to take too many leaps
off cliffs. It's a little dangerous. I'm hap-
py both of us weren't wrecked.
rLaYbOv: About which do you feel most
insecure: career or relationship?
DE MORNAY: It used to manifest itself
more in my career. Now it’s in my per-
sonal life. Honestly, an acting career de-
mands the least amount of commitment.
You have to commit to three months of a
job. After that, you can quit being an ac-
tress. It's kind of ideal. [Pauses] I know
I'm not in it for just a three-month fling.
I keep coming back. I have to earn a liv
ing. But it's like you sometimes play little
games with yourself when you're in a se-
rious personal relationship. You say, “ГИ
give it two more months and if it doesn't
work out, it’s over.”
млуноу: What would you never say over
the phone?
DE MORNAY: “Let's get a divorce.”
млувоу: What part of a man's wardrobe
should he always pay morc attention to?
DE Moxnay. Tis pants. There's the yup-
suit trend, with these baggy pants.
It's not bad, but you want to see a little
more than what the suit pants show. The
tight-jeans look is also gauche. The idea
is to find the pants that hang so that you
can see but not see, that fit but don't fit.
riaveov: We always hear that there are
no good scripts, especially for women.
What are the writers getting wrong—or
does the fault lie higher up?
DE MORNAY: Depends on your expecta-
tions. Mine are very low. I don't consider
Hollywood the piace where the new
Shakespeare is going to be found. It’s
not like, “Oh, Гуе read ten bad scripts,
but here’s one that rivals Chekhov.”
They just don't. Film is a populist art
form. Yes, occasionally there’s an offbeat
film that is thought provoking. Film is
the dream. The dreams being written
are the dreams of our people. How bad
are our dreams? The American dream is
bad right now. It's the American night-
mare. lm hopeful it will turn around
PLAYBOY: A year ago you described your-
self as “a beautiful mess." Do you still feel
that way?
DE MORNAY: [Laughs] Now I'm poetry іп
esses wr cc
Kings, 16 mg. “tar”, 1.1 mg. nicotine
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By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal
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(continued from page 124)
“You were the inspiration for Bobbi Beer, the noxious,
oily beverage brewed at the former tank-fuel refinery.”
this letter in the hope of contacting you
at your dacha or in your Mercedes,
which I am told serves as your office
these days for security reasons.
It is urgent that you address—and
pel—some rumors about your activities,
which, if true, would be in violation of
Peace Corps protocol and international
law. Specifically:
(1) That the troubled youth Arkady
Zipkov is merely a front for your busi-
ness dealings, which are described as on
ascale that would make Ross Perot weep
with envy.
(2) That V. E. Vyadeslav's sudden co-
operation in supplying our lights, tele-
phones and other amenities resulted not
from “sucking up to the fat little creep,”
as you memorably described it, but from
bribes of cash, vodka and women.
(3) That you not only reneged on our
agreement to cease the placement of
Russian females with foreigners seeking
wives, but proceeded to arrange for the
unfortunate young ladies to be delivered
round the clock to the doorsteps of
clients who dial a telephone number you
have plastered on every latrine wall and
telephone pole in Kashlak.
(4) That you are employing Russian
military trucks and in some cases heli-
copters for the above purpose, a benefit
of your alleged business partnership
with Major General Vasily M. Sputnicy,
commander of the Kashlak Regional De-
fense Forces.
(5) That you were the inspiration—
and the distributor—for Bobbi Beer and
Bobbi Lite, the noxious, oily beverages
brewed at Konstantin P. Kevrensky's for-
“Td be on acoustic and
electric guitar, Homer on percussion, Dutch on
amplified accordion, Bo on congas, you and Lonnie would
sing. We'd take six cows with us—wear ripped
black bib overalls and tour both
coasts and Japan.”
mer tank-fuel refinery, which are cur-
rently reported to be responsible for 74
percent of the daily admissions to Kash-
lak Hospital.
(6) That you are the shadowy figure
behind the Viva Volgograd Lottery as
well as the awful TV series its commer-
cials appear on, Heroes of the KGB. (1
cannot tell you how appalling I found
the episode glorifying the alleged at-
tempt of your repugnant associate Rogov
to assassinate Margaret Thatcher with a
poisoned umbrella in 1984.)
Bobby, it is difficult for me to convey
the extent of my disappointment, espe
dally after our many inspiring chats in
which you passionately expressed the
desire to “beat out Mother Teresa in the
sainthood game.” I can only hope that
you have some plausible explanation for
these charges. 1 await your response.
Peabody Phelps
June 15, 1993
From: Peabody Phelps
‘To: President Boris Yeltsin,
The Kremlin, Moscow
Dear Mr. President:
Please accept my heartfelt condo-
lences over the unexpected power out-
age in Kashlak. I assure you, however,
that despite your vigorous protestations,
neither I nor any other official of the
government bears any cul-
unfortunate incident.
Until receiving your rather forceful
telephone call earlier today—which, as
you may recall, afforded me scant op-
portunity to interject a response—I was
unaware that the Shepalov Nuclear Pow-
er Plant had been dismantled “in the
dark of night” and its reactor compo-
nents shipped to Libya. 1 must add, how-
ever, that it fails to surprise me as, these
days, nearly everything in the country
seems to be for sale.
In regard to your inquiries concern-
ing Robert Greenway, this individual is
no longer connected to the Peace Corps
in any capacity, and thus I have no con-
trol over his activities. Because of the
confused climate that prevails here
at present, I am hard-pressed to think
of anyone in either of our countries
who might.
While I regret that 1 cannot be of
more help in this matter, I should like to
take this opportunity to extend to you
my invitation to visit Our training center
to see for yourself the great progress the
Реасе Corps is making in helping the
new Russian entrepreneur stride for-
ward to a better tomorrow.
Peabody Phelps
From: Peabody Phelps, Associate Admin-
istrator, Project Golden Bear
Чо: Wendell L. Kirk, PC Assistant
Deputy Director, Washington
3 August 93
Dear Mr. Kirk:
Perhaps you are correct in your blunt
assessment that we temporarily went
“fucking nuts” here. Nonctheless, the
abrupt reassignment of your predeces-
sor, R. Staunton Tibbett, Jr, to Green-
land and the decision to force me into
carly retirement seem so harsh as to bor-
hile it is undeniable that our gov-
ernment has been embarrassed, the
oblem originated in the actions of one
individual who is no longer with us. Fur-
thermore, it is difficult to convey ade-
quately to outsiders the chaotic Wild
West environment of today’s Russia. In-
deed, that allusion is overly tame; a
more apt comparison would be to Wall
Street in the Eighties. In this context,
Bobby Greenway could be said to have
carried creative entrepreneurship to its
logical culmination. Moreover, despite
some bending of rules, his Greenway In-
dustries Ltd. is providing employment
for thousands of Russian citizens.
‘Thanks to an unexpected visit from
Greenway yesterday, I am able to com-
ply—despite my imminent departure
from this great but troubled nation—
with your request for an update on his
activities. In fact, Bobby took me for a
tour of what you characterize as his “ош-
law empire,” and frankly, despite my
considerable reservations as to his un-
conventional methods, I could not help
but be impressed.
Setting out in his specially equipped
stretch Mercedes (for security reasons,
Bobby travels with 75 bodyguards in a
15-vehicle convoy escorted by a heli-
copter gunship), we passed scores of his
casinos, nightclubs, hotels, Cadillac deal-
erships, Bobbi G's Fried Chicken & Ви
Shack franchises (under the now-famil-
iar giant golden samovar) and the luxu-
rious new Parvenu Millionaire’s Club he
has established for the more prosperous
biznesmieny in the former Kashlak Com-
munist Party headquarters. We also visit-
ed the offices of Private Eye on High,
which uses satellites leased from Glav-
kosmos, the Russian space agency, to
take photos for clients who suspect their
spouses of adultery. (A set of six costs
$3000, but the quality is superb.)
The highlight of the tour, however,
was Bobby’s proudest new domain, War
Situated on the site of what was once a
vast army base just north of the city, this
project represents, according to Bobby,
“a new concept in theme-park entertain-
ment: interactive military sports.” For-
get Euro Disncy. Enthusiastic crowds
swarmed to such concessions as Ride a
Wild Missile Downrange, Paratrooper
Bungee Jump and the Afghan Armor
‘Trail, where patrons drive real tanks
through Mujahedeen ambushes. (“Hell,
it can't hurt anyone,” Bobby explained
to me when I expressed concern about
safety standards. “That old primo Soviet
armor stops a fifty-caliber bullet cold.") I
did tell Bobby in the strongest terms that
Katya the KGB Dominatrix and Her
Dungeon of 100 Sublime Torments had
no place in a family-park atmosphere.
Much to his credit, he is considering
moving it to the Parvenu Club. 2
I'm afraid that this brief recap of my
tour will have to suffice as I must begin
packing now. In closing, 1 can only hope
that my successor receives the support
from his or her superiors that I, regret-
tably, found lacking,
Pcabody Phelps
September 9, 1993
Dear Pam:
Momentous doings afoot. Perhaps
you've heard from your mother (yes, we
still communicate now and then) of my
last-minute decision to stay on here. My
motives were complex, but the catalyst
was undoubtedly a surprising offer from
Robert Greenway (see the current issue
of Time: "Russia's First Rockefeller Is a
Yankee-Doodle Jailbird") to head up the
press-communications office in his cam-
paign for mayor of Kashlak.
Though there is some opposition, un-
derstandably, to a non-Russian-speak-
ing. Johnny-come-lately ex-convict with
no political experience, polls show 63
percent of the electorate behind him.
Apparently, the voters are charmed by
Bobby's embrace of Russian citizenship
(he's the only Westerner to defect here
in 14 years) and his refreshing Ameri-
can-style campaign tactics. Taking а lcaf
from Perot, who asked citizens for small
contributions, Bobby is giving 200 rubles
to cach supporter, proclaiming: “I'm the
only politician who keeps his promises—
before the election,” Every night at cight
o'clock, he turns up unannounced at the
door of a randomly chosen family, ac-
companied by a TV crew. After toasting
the surprised hosts with vodka and
showering them with lavish gifts, he
stays to field questions about his plat-
form. The ratings for this exercise in
electronic-era democracy are phenome-
ral, and Bobby's slogan— Enough sac-
rifice already!"—has gripped the popu-
lar imagination. He is flattered by the
response, but with characteristic candor
he told me he views the mayoral job
merely as a stepping stone to what he
calls, vaguely, “higher office.”
What I have come to realize in my
brief association with this remarkable
human being is that he is tragically mis-
understood. A long time ago, 1 joined
the Peace Corps hoping to effect change.
Well, Bobby Greenway changes things
faster than anyone Гуе ever encoun-
tered. Just yesterday he said to me,
“Hey, Marx and Lenin thought they
were revolutionaries? Just keep an eye
оп me, pal.”
These, my dear Pam, were words spo-
ken by a true visionary and, I'm proud
to say, a true friend.
“Thank you, but I'm already in a very safe, monogamous
relationship. I masturbate."
(continued from page 78)
"Between feeding из bites and. sips, they cooed and
ran long-nailed fingers up the insides of our thighs."
"You from States?" she asks, a bit of
animation coming into her dark eyes. “1
like States very much."
I brush her long hair out of her eyes
and sip my beer. "If you're a bird," I say,
“are you a khai long?" The phrase means
"little lost chicken” but is often applied to
street girls in Bangkok.
Nok pulls her head back and folds her
arms as if I have slapped her. She starts
to turn away but I grip her thin arm and
pull her back against me. “Finish your
whiskey," I say.
Nok pouts but sips the tea. We watch
her friend on the stage as the girl's hair-
less vulva rotates our way again. The cig-
arette has burned down to the exposed
labia. Sipping my beer, I marvel not for
the first time—at how human beings can
turn the most intimate sights into the
most grotesque. At the last second before
the cigarette would burn her, the girl
reaches down, retrieves it, takes a drag
it with the appropriate lips, tosse:
between the stage and the bar and wrig-
gles out of her yoga backbend. Only one
or two of the men along the bar applaud.
The girl bounces offstage and an older
"Thai woman, also naked, steps onto the
revolving platform, squats and fans four
double-edged razor blades for the audi-
ence's approval.
I turn back to Nok. "I'm sorry I hurt
your feelings,” I say. "You are a very
preuy bird. Would you like to help me
have fun tonight?"
Nok forces a smile. “I love to make
you fun tonight” She pretends to frown
as if she had just thought of something.
“But Mr. Diang”—she nods toward a
thin Thai man with dyed red hair who
stands in the shadows—“he be very mad
at Nok if Nok not work all shift. Him I
must pay if I go to make fun.”
I nod and take out the thick roll of
baht I had changed dollars for at the air-
port. "I understand,” I say, peeling off
four 500 baht bills—almost $80. Even
the highest-class bar whores in Bangkok
used to charge only 200 or 300 baht, but.
the government ruined that a few years
ago by bringing out a 500-baht note. It
seemed cheap to ask for change, so now
most girls charge 500 for the act, with
another 500 to pay their Mr. Diangs.
She glances toward the old man with
red hair and he nods ever so slightly.
Nok smiles at me. "Yes, I have place for
much fun."
I pull the money back. “I thought we
might try to find someone to have fun
with,” I say over the blasting rock and
roll. In the corner of my vision I can see
the woman onstage inserting the blades.
Nok makes a face. Sharing the eve-
ning with other girls will cut down on
her profit. “Sakha bue din,” she says soft-
ly. I smile quizzically and ask, “What
does that mean?”
“It means you have enough fun just
with Nok, who love you very much,” she
says, smiling again.
‘Actually, the phrase is short for a
northern village saying that goes “Your
cock is on the ground, I tread on it like a
snake.” I smile my appreciation at her
“This money would be just for you, of
course,” 1 say, setting the 2000 baht clos-
er to her hand. “There would be more if
we find exactly the right girl.”
Smiling more broadly now, Nok
squints at me. “You have girl in mind?
Someone you know or someone I find?
Good friend who also love you much?”
“Someone I know of,” 1 say, taking a
breath, “Have you heard of a woman
named Mara? Or perhaps her daughter,
Nok freezes and for an instant she is a
bird—a frightened, captured bird. She
tries to pull away but I still hold her arm.
“Na!” she cries in a little girl's voice.
“Na, na—"
"There's more moncy,” | begin, slid-
ing the baht toward her.
“Na!” cries Nok, tears in her eyes.
Mr. Diang takes a quick step forward
and nods to two huge Thai near the
door. The men cut through the crowd
toward us like sharks through shallow
1 let go of Nok's arm and she slips
away through the crowd. I hold both
hands up, palms out, and the bouncers
stop five paces from me. The old man
with the red hair tilts his head toward
the door and I nod my willingness to go.
There are other places on my list
Someone's love of money will be greater
than their fear of Mara. Perhaps.
‘Twenty-two years earlier, Patpong had
existed but American grunts could not
afford it. The Thai government and the
U.S. Army had cobbled together a
red-light district of cheap bars, chcap-
er hotels and massage parlors on New
Petchburi Road, miles from the more
businesslike Patpong.
During the first day and night in
Bangkok with Tres, I discovered what a
no-hands bar was. The food was lousy
and the booze was overpriced, but the
novelty of having the girls feed us and
lift the glasses to our lips was memo-
rable. Between feeding us bites and sips,
they cooed and winked and ran long-
nailed fingers up the insides of our
thighs. It was hard to reconcile all of this
with the fact that 24 hours earlier we had
been humping our rucks up the гед-Чау
jungle hillsides of the A Shau Valley.
Atany rate, we drank and whored our
way through the red-light district for 48
hours. Tres and I had taken separate
rooms so that we could bring back girls,
and this we did. The cost then for an
evening of sexual favors was less than
what I would have paid for a case of cold
beer from the fire-base PX—and that
wasn't much, A Tshirt or a pair of jeans
given to our little girls would pay for a
week's worth of mia chaos, or "hired
wives" They'd not only screw or give
head on command but also wash our
clothes and tidy up the hotel rooms
while we were out looking for other girls.
You have to remember that this was in
1970. AIDS wasn't even dreamed of
then. Oh, the Army had made us take
rubbers along and watch half a dozen
films warning us about venereal dis-
cases, but the biggest threat to our
health was Saigon Rose, a tough strain of
syphilis brought into the country by GIs.
Still and alll, our girls were so young and
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stupid, 1 realize now, that they didn't
even ask us to wear rubbers, Perhaps
they thought that having a child by a
farang was good luck or would somehow
miraculously get them to the States, I
don't know. I didn't ask.
But four days into our seven days of
R&R, cven the attraction of cheap Thai
marijuana and cheaper sex was paling a
bit. | was doing it because Tres was doing
in, following his lead had become a form
of survival for me in the boonies.
But Tres wanted something else. And
I followed.
“Гуе found out about something
cool," he said early on the evening of our
fourth night in the city. "Really cool.”
1 nodded. Tang, my little mia chao, had
been pouting that she wanted to go out
to dinner, but Fd ignored her and gone
down to meet Tres in the bar when he
"It's going to take some money,” said
Tres. “How much do you have’
I fumbled in my wallet. Tang and 1
had been smoking some Thai sticks in
the room, and things were a bit lumines-
cent and off-center for me. “Couple
hundred baht,” I said.
Tres shook his head. “This is going to
take dollars,” he said. “Maybe four or
five hundred.”
І goggled at him. We hadn't spent a
fraction of that during our entire R&R
so far. Nothing in Bangkok cost more
than a couple of bucks.
“This is special,” he said. “Really spe-
cial. Didn't you tell me that you were
bringing along the three hundred bucks
your uncle sent you?”
I nodded dumbly The money was
stuffed in a sneaker in the bottom of my
duffel upstairs. “I wanted to buy my ma
something special,” | said. К or a ki-
mono or something 1 trailed off
lamely. Tres smiled. "You'll like this bet-
ter than a kimono for your mom. Get the
money. Hurry."
I hurried. When I got downs
there was a young Thai man waiting at
the door with Tres. “Johnny,” Tres said,
“this is Maladung. Maladung, this is
Johnny Merrick. We call him the Prick in
the platoon.”
Maladung smirked ar me.
Before I could explain that a PRC
radio was called a prick-25 and that I'd
humped it around for a month and a
half before they found a bigger RTO,
Maladung had nodded at us and led the
way out into the night. We took a tuk-tuk
down to the river, Technically, the broad
er that flowed all the way from the
Himalayas to bisect the heart of old
Bangkok was called the Chao Phraya,
butall I ever heard the locals call it was
Mae Nam, or “the River.”
THE CATALOG FOR MEN AND THE WOMEN THEY Lc Á We stepped out onto the darkencd
pier, and Maladung snapped some
words al a man who stood on a long,
narrow boat that was a mere shadow
beneath the pier. The man answered
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something and Tres said, “Give me a
hundred-baht note, Johnny.”
Tres paid Maladung, who waved us in.
to the bow of the narrow boat. I know
now that these small boats are called
“long-tailed taxis" and are for hire by the
hundreds. They get their name from the
long propeller shaft that has a full-sized
automobile engine mounted on it. I no-
ticed that night that the shaft was so well
counterbalanced that our driver could
lift the prop out of the water with one
hand, the heavy engine seemingly
weightless in the center,
Bangkok is a city of small canals, or
Klongs. We headed downriver past the
lights of the Oriental Hotel, a place Tres
and 1 had heard of but could never
dream of affording, and passed under a
busy highway bridge. Our long-tailed
taxi darted in front of a huge ferry with
a roar of its V6 engine, crossed toward
the west bank and then turned into а
klong no wider than one of the narrow
seis in the Patpong district. The Іше
canal was pitch dark except for the weak
glow of lantern light from the tied-up
sampans and the overhanging shacks
Our driver had lighted his own red
lantern and hung it from a stanchion
near the stern, but 1 had no idea how
other boats avoided colliding with us as
we roared around blind turns and under
low bridges. Sometimes I was sure that
the canvas roof of our taxi was going to
hit the underside of the sagging bridges,
but even as Tres and I ducked we
cleared the rotting ümbers with inches
to spare. The few other water taxis
roared past us like noisy wraiths, their
wakes slapping across our bow and
splashing our knees. I looked at Ires as
we passed a dimly lighted sampan, and
his eyes were wild. He was grinning
For half an hour or more we twisted
our way through these narrow one-way
klongs. The stink of sewage was so strong
that my eyes watered. Several times 1
heard voices coming from the lightless
and listing sampans that lined the canal
like so many waterlogged wrecks.
“People live in those," I whispered to
Tres as we passed a blackened mass
where tumbledown shacks and half-
sunken sampans had narrowed the klong
to the point that our suicidal driver had
bcen forced to slow the boat to a crawl.
Tres did not answer.
Just when I was sure that the driver
had become lost in the maze of canals,
we came into an open area of water
bounded by abandoned warehouses on
stilts and the backs of burned-out shacks.
The effect was of a large floating court-
yard hidden from the city’s streets and
public cai Several barges and black
sampans were tied up in the center of
this watery square, and I could see the
dim running lanterns of several other
long-tailed taxis that were tied up to the
nearest sampan
The driver cut the engine and we glid-
ed to the makeshift dock in a silence so
sudden that it made my ears ache
I had just realized that the dock was
only a float made of oil drums and
planks lashed to the sampan when two
men stepped out through a ragged hole
in the canvas side of the boat and stood
balancing on the planks, watching us
bump toa stop. Even in the dark I could
tell that they were built like wrestlers or
bouncers. The closer of the two barked
something at us in Thai.
Maladung answered and one of them
took our bowline while the other stood
aside to let us climb onto the small space.
1 stepped off the taxi first, saw a faint
glow of lantern light through the ragged
opening and was about to step through
when one of the men touched my chest
with three fingers that seemed stronger
than my entire arm.
Must pay first,” hissed Maladung
from his place on the taxi
Pay for what? 1 wanted to ask, but Tres
leaned close and whispered, “Give me
your three hundred bucks, Johnny.”
My uncle had sent me the money in
crisp fifties. I gave them to Tres, who
handed two bills to Maladung and the
other four to the closest man on the
The men stepped aside and gestured
me toward the opening. I had just bent
to fit through the low doorway when 1
was startled by the sound of our boat's
engine roaring to life. I straightened up
in time to see the red lantern disappear-
ing down a narrow klong.
“Shit,” I said. “Now how do we get
Tres's voice was tight with something
greater than tension. "We'll worry about
that later,” he said. “Go on.”
I looked at the ragged doorway that
seemed to open to a corridor connecting
the series of sampans and barges. Strong
smells came from it and there was a mut-
ed sound like a large animal breathing
somewhere at the end of that tunnel.
“Do we really want to do this?" I whis-
pered to Tres. The two Thai men on the.
dock were as inanimate as those statues
of Chinese lion-dogs that guard the en-
trances to important buildings through-
out Asia. “Tres?” I said.
“Yes,” he said. “Come on." He pushed
past me and squeezed through the open-
ing. Used to following his lead on patrol
and night ambush and LRRB I lowered.
my head and followed.
Iam watching a live sex show at Pussy
ai men surround
me. The sex show is typical for Bangkok:
Davidsons hanging from wircs above the
central stage. The two have been en-
gaged in intercourse for more than ten
minutes. Their [aces show no feigned
Galore when four 7
»ung couple screwing on twin Harley-
We didn't
invent the lime.
1 “шон но,
We just
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passion, but their bodies are expert at
revealing their coupling to every corner
of the bar. The audience seems to find
the primary tension not in the fucking
but in the chance that the two might fall
off the suspended motorcycles.
I am ignoring the show, interrogating
a bar girl named Lah, when the Thai
shove in around me. Lah fades into the
crowd. It is dark in the bar, but the four
men wear sunglasses. I take a sip of flat
beerand say nothing as they press closer.
“You are named Merrick?” asks the
shortest. His face is ax-blade thin and
is pockmarked with acne or small-
Pox scars.
I nod.
The pockmarked man takes а step
closer. “You have been asking about а
woman named Mara?"
“Come,” he says. 1 make no resistance
and the five of us move out of the bar
a flying wedge. Outside, a gap opens a
bit between the burly men on my lefi,
and 1 can make a run for it if I choose. I
do not so choose, A dark limousine is
parked at the head of the lane, and the
man on my right opens the rear door. As
he does, I see the pearl-handled grip of
a revolver tucked into his waistband.
I get in the backseat. The two tallest
men sit on either side of me. 1 watch as
the pockmarked man moves to the front
passenger seat and the man with the re-
volver settles himself behind the wheel.
The limo moves off through side streets.
І know that it is sometime after three
A.M., but the sois are still strangely empty
this close to Patpong. At first I can tell we
are moving north, parallel to the river,
but then I lose all sense of direction in
the maze of narrow side streets. Only the
darkened signs in Chinese let me know
that we're in the area north of Patpong
known as Chinatown.
‘Avoid Sanam Luang and Ratcha-
damnoen Klang," the pockmarked man
Says to the driver in Thai. “The army is
shooting protesters tonight.”
L glance to my right and see the or-
ange glow of flames above rooftops. The
distant, almost soft raule and pop of
small-arms fire can be heard over the
hiss of the car's air conditioner.
We stop in an area of abandoned
buildings. There are no streetlights here
and only the orange glow of flames
reflected from low clouds allows me to
see where the street ends in vacant lots
and half-demolished warehouses. I can
smell the river somewhere out there in
the darkness.
The pockmarked man turns and nods.
The Thai on my right opens the door
and pulls me out by my vest. The driver
stays in the car while the other three
drag me deep into the shadows near
the river.
1 start to speak just as the man behind
me laces his fingers through my hair and
pulls my head sharply back. The third
man grabs my arms as the man holding
my hair lifis a stiletto blade to my throat.
The pockmarked face suddenly looms so
dose that I can smell fish and beer on
the man's breath
“Why do you ask about a woman
named Mara with a daughter named
Tanha?” he asks in Thai.
1 blink my incomprehension, The
blade draws blood just below my Adam's
apple. My head is pulled so far back tl
1 find it almost impossible to breathe.
"Why do you ask about a woman
named Mara with a daughter named
Tanha?” he asks again in English.
My words are little more than a rasp:
ing gargle. “I have something for them.
I try to free my right hand but the third
man restrains my wrist.
"Inside left pocket," I manage.
The pockmarked man hesitates only a
second before tearing open my vest and
feeling for the hidden pocket there. He
brings out 20 bills.
I can smell his breath on my face again
as he laughs sofily. “Twenty thousand
dollars? Mara does not need twenty
thousand dollars. There is no Mara,” he
concludes in English. In Thai, he says to
the тап with the knife, ll him.”
They have done this before. The first
man bends my head farther back, the
other man pulls my arms down sharply
while the pockmarked man steps back,
fastidiously getting out of the way of the
terial spray that is coming. In that sec-
ond before the knife slashes my throat, I
gasp out two words. “Look again.
I feel the tension increase in the knife
wielder's hand and arm as the blade cuts
deeper, but the pockmarked man holds
up one hand in command. The blade
has drawn enough blood to soak the col-
lar of my shirt and vest, but it goes no
deeper. The short man holds a bill high.
squints at it in the dim light and then
flicks a cigarette lighter into flame. He
mutters under his breath
What?" says the third man in Thai.
The pockmarked man answers in
the same language. “It is a ten-thou-
sand-dollar bearer's bond. They are all
ten-thousand-dollar bonds. Twenty of
The other two hiss their breath
“There is more,” I say in Thai.
more, But I must see Mara.”
We stand there motionless for at least
a full minute before the pockmarked
man grunts something, the blade is low-
егей, my hair is released and we walk
back to the waiting limousine.
1 followed Tres through the tunnel
carved through the arched canvas roofs
of sampans.
Several Thai men glanced at us as we
stepped into the covered barge, and
then they looked again, obviously sur-
prised that farang were allowed there.
But then their attention was drawn back
to the makeshift stage in the center of
the barge. I stood there blinking, peer-
ing through the heavy cloud of cigarette
and marijuana smoke. The stage was no
more than 6x4, illuminated only by two
hissing lanterns hanging from overhead
trusses, It was empty except for two
women performing cunnilingus on each
other. Crude benches ran four deep
around the stage and the 20 or so Thai
men there were little more than dark
shapes in the haze of smoke,
"What—— I began, but Tres hushed
me and led the way to an empty bench to
our left. The women on the stage were
joined by two thin Thai men, boys, actu-
ally, who ignored the females as they ca-
ressed each other into an excited state.
1 was ured of being hushed. I leaned
closer to Ires and said, "Why the hell did
we have to pay 300 American dollars for
this when we can watch it fora couple of
bucks in any bar on New Petchburi
Tres just shook his head. “This is just
the preliminary stuff, Johnny,” he whis-
pered. “Warm-up acts. We paid for the
main event.”
A couple of men in front of us had
turned and frowned, as if we were mak-
ing too much noise in a movie theater.
On the stage, the two boys had finished
their preparations and had become in-
volved with the young women as well as
with each other. The combinations were
I sat and crossed my legs. We didn't
wear underwear in Nam because it
caused crotch rot, and like a lot of grunts
Га gotten out of the habit of wearing it
even while in civilian clothes on R&R. I
wished I'd pulled on some shorts under
my light couon slacks that night. It
seemed bad form to have a visible hard-
on around all these other men.
The four young people on the stage
explored combinations for another ten
minutes or so. When they came—almost
atonce—the women might have faked it,
but there was no doubt that the men's
orgasms were sincere. One of the Th:
girls caught some semen on her brea:
while the other girl spread the second
boy’s jism on the buttocks of the first boy
The bisexual stuff disturbed me and e:
cited me at the same time. | didn't un-
derstand myself well then.
Finished, the four young people sim-
stood and exited through a tunnel
n the far wall. The patrons did not
applaud. The stage was empty for seve
al minutes, but then a short Thai man
dressed in a black silk shirt and trousers
stepped onto the stage and said some-
thing in low, serious tones. I caught the
word Mara twice. There was a sudden
tension in the room
“What did he —" I began.
“Shhh,” said Tres, his eyes riveted on
the stage
“Fuck that,”
I said, Га paid for this
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crap, I deserved to know what I was get-
ting for my money. "What's a Mara?"
Tres sighed. "Mara is phanyaa mahn,
Johnny. The prince of demons. He sent
his three daughters—Aradi, discontent;
Tanha, desire; and Raka, love—to tempt
the Buddha. But the Buddha won."
I squinted through smoke at the emp-
ty stage and slowly swinging lantern. "So
Mara's a man?"
"Ires shook his head. "Not when the
spirit of the phanyaa тайт combines with
the naga in a demon-human incarna-
tion," he said.
I stared at "res. We'd each smoked
some good shit since we arrived in
Bangkok—the Thai stick was almost free
here—but Tres had obviously been do-
ing more than was good for him. He
noticed my stare and smiled slightly.
“Mara's the part of the world that dies,
Johnny . . . the death principle. The
thing we fear more than Charlie when
we're out on night patrol, Naga is sort of
asnake god that's associated with water.
The river. It can take or give life. When
the spirit of the naga is given to someone
possessed by the power of the phanyaa
mahn—Mara—the demon thing can be
male or female. But what we paid to see
was a female Mara that’s supposed to be
фһалуаа mahn naga kio. That doesn't hap-
pen once in ten thousand incarnations.”
"What's a kio?” I whispered. I had the
sinking feeling that I'd blown 300 bucks
on nothing.
“Akio isa. . . shhh,” hissed Tres, point-
ing to the stage.
A woman came out onto the stage. She
was dressed in traditional Thai silk and
was carrying a baby. Her face was sharp,
almost masculine, and her hair was a
nimbus of tangled black. She was older
than the sex performers we had seen
earlier but still not much more than 20.
The baby mewled and tugged at the silk
over the woman's small breasts. 1 real-
ized that the Thai men in the room were
bowing slightly from where they sat.
Some were making the traditional
palms-together wai of obeisance. It
seemed an odd thing to be doing toward
a sex performer. I frowned at Tres but
he was шайпр, too. I shook my head and
looked back at the stage. Most of the
men had put out their cigarettes, but
there was so much smoke in the barge
that it was like peering through a fog.
The woman had gone to her knees on
the stage. The baby hung limp in her
arms. The man in black silk came onto
the stage and said something in low, flat
There was a long silence. Finally, a fat
"Thai in the front row stood, turned to
look once at the crowd and then stepped
onto the stage. There was a gencral ex-
pulsion of breath, and I could fecl the
tension in the room shift focus, if not ac-
tually lessen.
“What?” I whispered.
‘Tres shook his head and pointed. The
fat man was handing over a thick roll of
baht to the man in black silk.
As if on cue, the two young women
we'd seen earlier came back out. They
were dressed in some sort of ceremonial
garb that I associated with a formal Thai
dance I'd seen photos of. Each wore a
tall, peaked hat, weird shoulders and a
blouse and pants of gold silk. I began to
wonder if I'd paid $300 to see four peo-
ple have sex with their clothes on.
The two boys came onto the stage
wearing costumes of their own and car-
rying an ornate chair. 1 was afraid we
were going to get into more of the gay
and lesbian stuff, but the boys merely set
the chair down and disappeared. The
two girls began to undress the fat man
while the woman named Mara stared
out at nothing, paying no attention to
the man, his attendants or the crowd.
Having undressed the patron in an al-
most ritualistic manner and folded his
dothes away, the girls pushed him back
into the chair. I could see sweat beading
the man’s upper lip and chest. His legs
appeared to be shaking slightly. If he
had paid for some sort of erotic service,
he certainly didn’t seem to be in the
mood for it. The guy's cock was shriv-
eled to almost nothing and his scrotum
looked like it had shrunk to walnut size.
The girls bent over and began to work
on him with their hands and mouths. It
took a while, but they were very good
and within a few minutes the fat man's
cock was hard and lifted high enough
that the glans almost touched his belly.
Meanwhile, Mara was still staring out at
nothing, the baby wiggling slightly in
her arms. The woman seemed disinter-
ested to the point of catatonia.
My heart began to pound. I was afraid
that they were going to do something to
the baby, and the thought made me
physically sick. If Tres had known that
there would be an infant involved-
I glanced at him but he was looking at
Mara with an expression of what might
have been a mixture of fear and scholar-
ly interest. I shook my head. This was
weird shit.
The two girls left. The stage was emp-
ty except for the seated fat man with his
modest erection and the woman with
her child. Slowly Mara turned toward
him and a wick of the lantern light made
her eyes gleam almost yellow. It sudden-
ly seemed too quiet in the barge, as if
everyone had stopped breathing.
Mara stood, took three steps toward
the man and then went to her knees
again. She was far enough away that she
had to bend forward just to set her hand
on his thigh. I noticed that her finger-
nails were very red and very long. The
fat man's erection began to visibly Вар at
that point and I could see his balls rising
again as if they wanted to hide in the
protection of his body
Mara seemed to smile at the sight. She
leaned forward, still cradling the infant,
and opened her mouth.
I expected oral sex then, but her head
never came closer than 18 inches to the
man's genitals. Instead, her tongue slid
out from between sharp and perfectly
white tecth until it arched to a point
where it could touch her own chin. The
fat man's eyes were very wide now, and I
could see his arms and belly quaking
slightly. His erection had returned.
Mara shifted her head, shook it as if
loosening her neck, and her tongue con-
tinued to glide out, Six inches of it. Then
cight. A foot of fleshy tongue sliding out
of her open mouth like a pink adder un-
coiling from its dark nest.
When 18 or 20 inches of thick tongue
had slid into sight, draped across the fat
man’s thigh, and begun to wrap itself
around his cock, I tied to swallow and
found I could not. I tried to close my
eyes and found that my eyelids refused
to dose. Mouth open, breathing harshly,
1 just watched.
Mara’s tongue slid around the head of
the man’s uncircumcised cock, pulling
down the foreskin as it went. The
lantern light reflected off the pink moist-
hess of that tongue and glistened where
it had lubricated the man’s erection.
More tongue uncailed, the tip of it spi-
raling down and around like the prob-
ing head of a wide-bodied serpent, The
fat man closed his eyes just as the long
tongue completely encircled his shaft,
the narrow tip of that fleshy ribbon
swaying and bobbing toward his tight-
ened testicles. Mara’s lashes were also
lowered, but I could sce the mer of.
white and yellow under the heavy сус-
lids as the man's hips began to move.
The sight of that moist tongue in the
yellow lantern light was terrible—nause-
ating—but it was not the worst. The
worst was the glimpse 1 had caught of
the lesions on that tongue: openings, ob-
long slits, in the fleshy inner part of the
tongue as if someone had taken a very
sharp scalpel and made a series of blood-
less, centimeter-long incisions.
But these were not incisions. Even in
the weak light I could sec the fleshy
openings pulse open and close of their
own volition, like the feeding mouths of
some hungry anemone surging in a soft
tidal current. Then the tongue wrapped
more tightly around the man's straining
penis, and I could see the almost peri-
staltic contractions as the ribbon of pink-
ish Hesh pulled and tightened, tightened
and pulled. Mara closed her lips, pulled
her head back like a fisherman with a
hook deeply embedded, and the fat man
moaned in ecstasy. He gripped the arms
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of the chair and pumped his hips more
wildly, eyes half open but obviously sec-
ing nothing but the red surge of his own
Mara's tongue wrapped in tighter
coils and continued to tug and flex. The
fat man's face grew redder as he con
ued to pump his hips. His eyes were still
open, but only the whites showed now.
The head of his cock, just visible in the
lantern light, seemed engorged to the
point of bursting. A thick coil of tongue
slid across it and around it
The man went into what 1 now know
are the final stages of ejaculatory re-
sponse: muscle spasms, loss of voluntary
control of facial muscles, respiratory
rates exceeding 40 breaths per minute,
massive body flush and а frenzied
pumping of hips. If someone had taken
his pulse, they would have found his
heart rate climbing to somewhere be-
tween 100 and 175 beats per minute. His
systolic pressure would be shooting ир
by close to 80mm Hg while his diastolic
had to be elevated by around 40mm Hg
or higher. In those days 1 just thought
of it as coming.
Mara's head lowered as if she were
reeling in her extended tongue. Her
eyes were open now and very yellow.
Eight or more inches of tongue were still
wrapped around the man's thrusting
cock as Mara lowered her red-lipped
mouth to his groin.
The Thai man continued to writhe in
the throes of orgasm. There was not a
sound from the 20 or so men in the
smoke-filled room. The man's groans
were the only noise. His orgasm went on
and on, far beyond the time it takes for
any male to ejaculate. Mara's distended
face rose and fell, and each time it rose
we could see the tongue wrapped tightly
around the man's still-rigid member.
” I whispered.
i know now that resolution-phase pe-
nile detumescence is rapid and involun-
tary. Within seconds of expelling semi-
nal fluid, the penis begins a two-stage
involution that begins with loss of about
50 percent of the erection in the first 30
seconds. Even when some vasoconges-
Чоп remains—"keeping a hard-on,” I
would have called it in my Nam days—it
is not, cannot be, a full pre-ejaculatory
This Thai still had a full hard-on. We
could see it every time Mara's mouth lift-
ed above her coiled tongue. The Thai
seemed to have succumbed to an epilep-
uc fit: His legs and arms thrashed wildly,
his eyes had rolled back in his head, his
mouth was open and drool ran down his
chin and jowls. He kept coming and
coming. Minutes passed—five, ten. 1
rubbed a hand across my face and my
palm came away greasy with sweat. Tres
was breathing through his mouth and
staring with an expression suggesting
Finally, Mara pulled her mouth away.
Her tongue unvrapped itself from the
Thai's cock and slid back between her
lips as if it were on a tension reel. The
Thai let out a final groan and slid out of
the chair; his erect penis was still thrust-
ing into empty air.
“Christ Almighty,” I whispered to my-
self, relieved that it was over.
It was not over.
Mara's lips looked swollen, her cheeks
as puffed out as they had been a second
before. I had a momentary image of her
mouth and cheeks filled with the huge,
coiled tongue and 1 almost lost my lunch
right there in the smoke-filled darkness.
Mara pulled her head back farther
and I noticed that her rouged lips
seemed to be growing redder, as
had somehow managed to apply a
layer of glossy lipstick while performing
oral sex. Then her mouth opened a bit
more and the red slid down off her lips,
dribbled across her chin and spilled onto
her gold silk blouse.
Blood. 1 realized that her cheeks and
mouth were filled with blood; her ob-
scene tongue was gorged with blood. She
choked it back and something like a
smile filled her sharp features.
1 fought back the nausea, lowered my
head and thought: H's over now. It’s over.
It was not over.
"The baby had been cradled in her left
arm during the endless fellatio, hidden
from sight by Mara's head and the fat
man’s thigh. But now the infant was visi-
ble as its small arms clawed at Mara's
blood-spattered blouse. Even as the
woman arched her head farther back, as
if sloshing the blood around in her
mouth like a fine wine, the baby began
pulling itself up her chest with its tiny
fists sunken in gold silk, йз mewling
mouth pursing and opening.
I locked at Tres, found myself unable
10 speak and looked back at the stage.
‘The Thai boys had carried the still-un-
conscious fat man off the stage and only
Mara and her infant remained in the
lantern light. The baby continued climb-
ing until its cheek touched its mother's. I
thought of a film I had seen of a tiny
kangaroo baby, half-formed and almost
embryonic, pulling itself through its
mother's fur in the live-or-die trek from
the birth canal to the pouch.
The baby began licking its mother's
cheek and mouth. I saw how long the ba-
by's tongue was, how it slid like some
pink worm across Mara's chin and lips,
and I tried to close my eyes or look away.
1 could not.
Mara seemed to come out of her
trance, lifted the baby closer to her face
and lowered her mouth to the infant's. 1
could see the baby girl open her mouth
wide, then wider, and I thought of baby
birds demanding to be fed.
Mara vomited blood into the baby's
open mouth. 1 could see the infants
cheeks fill and its throat work as it tried
to swallow the sudden onslaught of thick
liquid. The process was amazingly neat;
very little oFthe heavy blood spilled onto
the baby's gold robes or Mara's silk
Spots danced in my vision and I low-
ered my head to my hands. The room
was suddenly very hot and my vision
tunneled to a narrow range. The skin of
my forehead felt clammy. Next to me,
Tres made a noise but did not look away
from the stage.
When I looked up, the baby was al-
most finished feeding. I could see its
long tongue licking at Mara's lips and
cheeks for any residue of the regurgitat-
ed meal.
Years later I stumbled across a Scien-
fic American article titled "Food Sharing
in Vampire Bats” dealing with reciprocal
altruism in donor bats’ regurgitation of
blood for roostmates. Vampire bats, it
seems, starve to death if they do not get
a meal consisting of 20 to 30 milliliters of
blood every 60 hours. It turns out that
after the proper stimulus—the roost-
mates’ licking under the donor bat's
wings and on its lips—the donor regur-
gitates blood only for those roostmates
who would die within 24 hours without a
blood meal. This reciprocal-exchange
system is survival beneficent, said the ar-
ticle’s author, because it allows the recip-
ient bat another night to search for
blood, while drawing only 12 hours
worth of blood from the donor bats
But ir was that Scientific American draw-
ing of the smaller Багз licking its donor's
lips, leathery wings entwined, slash-
lipped mouths moving toward each oth-
er in the blood-vomit kiss, that made me
vomit into my office wastebasket 20 years
after that night in Bangkok.
1 remember dragging Tres from that
place and have vague memories of press-
ing a roll of baht into the hands of the
driver of a long-tailed taxi on the pier
outside. I remember going alone to my
room and locking the door. Tang, my
mia chao, had disappeared, and for that
I was grateful. I remember staring at
the slowly turning fan in the hour be-
fore sunrise and giggling as I worked
out a simple translation. Unlike Tres, 1
had never been good at languages, but
this translation was suddenly obyious.
Phanyaa mahn naga kio. 16 phanyaa mahn
was Mara, the prince of demons, and if
naga was the serpent-demon, then kio
could mean only one thing: vampire.
I giggled and waited for the sun to rise
so I could sleep.
The city is still burning, and I can hear
isolated automatic-weapons fire from
the government troops killing students
as the four men take me to Mara. The
limousine crosses the river, moves south
along the bank opposite the Oriental
Hotel and stops at ап unfinished high
rise near a highway bridge. The pock-
marked man leads us to an outside
construction elevator, throws a switch
and we rumble up into the nightair. The
elevator has no sides, and 1 see the river
and the city across the river with dream-
like clarity as we rise 30 stories and more
into the thick night air. The river is as
empty of trafficas I have ever seen it; on-
ly a few ferries fight the dark current
downriver. Upriver, toward the Grand
Palace and the university, flames light up
the night.
We reach one of the top levels and the
crude elevator squeals to a stop. A gate
slides up and the pockmarked man
beckons me out. Somewhere above us a
welding torch flashes, strobes and drips
sparks. Construction does not stop for
sleep in modern Bangkok. The building
has no sides, only clear plastic draped
from open beams to separate sections of
the cement expanse from onc another, A
hot wind rustles the plastic with a sound
not unlike the stirring of leathery wings.
Trouble lights hang from girders and
more lights are visible through walls of
plastic to our left. The five of us walk to-
ward the light and sound. At the en-
trance—a sort of tunnel made from
rustling plastic sheets—the three body-
guards stay behind while the pock-
marked man lifts the plastic, beckons me
forward and follows me in.
A dozen or so folding chairs are set up
around an open area where an expen-
sive Persian rug has been laid on the
dusty cement floor. The lamp overhead
15 shielded so that the space is more in
shadow than direct light. Six men, all
Thai and all in sleek tuxedos, sit on the
folding chairs, but I have eyes only for
the two women sitting across the open
space in heavy rattan chairs. The older
woman might be my age or a little older;
she has aged well. Her hair is still black,
but now swept up in a fashionable arc.
Her Asian features are unlined, her
cheeks and chin still strong, and only a
certain corded look in her neck and
hands suggests that she isin her 40s. She
wears an obviously expensive gown of
black and red silk; a gold-and-diamond
pendant hangs across her red vest and
stands out against the black silk blouse.
The younger woman next to her is
infinitely more beautiful. Olive-skinned,
dark-eyed, with lustrous hair that has
been cut short in the newest Western
style, gifted with a long neck and hands
that exude grace even in repose, this
young woman is beautiful in a way that
no actress or model could ever achieve.
It is obvious that she is simultaneous-
ly aware of and oblivious to her own
I know that I am looking at Mara and
her daughter, Tanha.
The pockmarked man steps closer to
them, gocs to his knees in the way that
the Thai do to show deference to royalty,
performs an elaborate wai and then of-
fers Mara my roll of 20 bonds without
lifting his bowed head. She speaks softly
and he answers respectfully.
Mara sets the money aside and looks
at me. Her eyes catch the yellow gleam
of the shielded lamp above.
The pockmarked man looks up, nods
me forward and reaches to pull me to
my knees. I genuflect of my own accord
before he can grasp my sleeve. I lower
my head and keep my eyes on Mara's
slippered feet.
In elegant Thai, she says, “You know
what you are asking for?”
“Yes,” I answer in Thai. My voice is
Mara purses her lips. “If you know
about me,” she says very sofily, “then
you must know that I no longer perform
this service.”
“Yes,” I say, head bowed in deference.
She waits in a silence that I realize isa
command to speak. “The Reverend Tan-
ha,” I say at last.
“Raise your head,” Mara says to me.
To her daughter she murmurs that I
have jai ron—the hot heart.
“Jat bau dee," says Tanha with a soft
"Gee, and it looked like so much fun in the movie.”
smile, suggesting that the farang's mind
is not good.
“It would cost three hundred thou-
sand to know my daughter," says Mara.
There is no hint of negotiation in her
voice; the price is final
I nod respectfully, reach into the hid-
den pocket at the back of my vest and
remove $100,000 in cash and bear-
er's bonds.
One of the bodyguards takes the mon-
cy and Mara nods slightly. “When do
you wish this to happen?" she says in liq-
uid tones. Her eyes show neither bore-
dom nor interest.
“Now,” I say. “Tonight”
The older woman looks at her daugh-
ter. Tanha's nod is almost imperceptible,
but there is something in those lustrous
brown eyes: hunger, perhaps.
The six men in tuxedos lean forward
with bright eyes.
Tres and I met for breakfast in a cheap
place near the river the next morning.
Our tones were low, embarrassed, al-
most like when someone from the pla-
toon got blown away and no one wanted
to say his name for a while unless it was
in the form of a joke. We didn't joke
about this.
“Did you sce that guy's cock . .. after?”
Tres whispered. "It had these . . lesions.
Like marks 1 saw once when I was a life-
guard on the Capc and this guy swam in-
to a jellyfish.”
I sipped cold coffee and concentrated
on not shuddering.
Tres took off his glasses and rubbed
his eyes. It looked like he hadn't slept,
either. “Johnny, you wanted to be a
medic. How much blood does the hu-
man body have in it?”
“I dunno,” I said.
He sct his wire-rimmed glasses back in
place. “I think its about five or six
liters," he said, “depending upon some-
one's size."
1 nodded, not able to picture a liter.
Years later when they began selling soft
drinks in liter bottles, I always imagined
five or six of them filled with blood
equaling what we carry around in our
veins every day.
“Imagine an orgasm where уоште
ejaculating blood,” whispered Tres.
1 closed my eyes.
Tres touched my wrist. "No, think
about it, Johnny. That guy was still alive
when they took him out. These guys
wouldn't pay big bucks for it ifthey knew
itd kill them."
Wouldn't they? I thought. It was the
first time that I realized that someone
might fuck even if it meant certain
death. In a way, that revelation in 1970
prepared me for life in the Ninetics.
“How much blood could someone lose
and still stay alive without a transfu-
sion?” whispered Tres. 1 knew from his
tone that he wasn’t expecting an answer
from те, just thinking aloud the way he
always did when we were planning an
ambush site.
I did not know the answer then, but
Гуе had the opportunity to learn it
many times since, especially during my
residency as ап ER. intern. A wounded
person can lose about a liter of blood vol-
ume and recover to make it up them-
selves. With more than about a sixth of
blood volume gone, so is the victim.
With transfusions, someone can lose up
to 40 percent of his blood volume and
hope to recover.
1 didn't know any of this then, and 1
wasn't curious. 1 was busy trying to
imagine ejaculating blood in an orgasm
that went on for minutes rather than
seconds. This time I did shudder.
Tres waved the waiter over and paid
the check. "I've got to get going. I need
to get a cab over to Western Union.”
“Why?” I said. I was so sleepy that the
hot, thick air seemed to slur my words.
“I'm getting some money wired from
the States,” said Tres.
1 sat straight up, no longer sleepy.
Tres took off his glasses again to polish
them. His pale eyes looked myopic and
lost. “I'm going back tonight, Johnny. 1
don't expect you to come along, but I'm
going back.”
The women have finished undressing
me and the creature named Tanha has
come closer to caress me when suddenly
everything stops. Mara has given a
“We have forgotten something,” Mara
says. It is the first time she has spoken
English. She makes a graceful but ironic
gesture. “The times now demand extra
caution, I am sorry we did not ask for it
earlier.” She glances at her daughter and
1 can see the mocking half-smile on both
of their faces. “I am afraid that we must
wait until tomorrow night so that the
proper testing can be done,” sighs Mara,
switching back to Thai. I can tell that the
two have played this scene many times
before. I can only guess that the real rea-
son is to inflame desire through delay,
thus driving up the price
1 also smile. “For the health identity
card?" J say. “For one of the clinics to
certify that I am free of HIV?”
Tanha is sitting gracefully on the Per-
sian rug near me. Now she shifts in my
direction, smiles mockingly and makes a
small moue. "It is regrettable,” she says,
her voice as delicate as a crystal wind
chime, "but necessary in these terrible
I nod. I have seen the statistics. The
AIDS epidemic started late in Thailand,
but in 1997—less than five years from
now—150,000 Thai will have died from
the disease. Three years later, in the year
2000, 5 million ош of the 56 million
Thai will be carrying the disease and at
E 1955.
" 1959.
Ф >» 1978:
.. 1980.
You always come back to the basics:
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least a million will be dead. After that,
the logarithmic progression is relentless.
Thailand —with its lethal combination of
ubiquitous prostitutes, promiscuous sex-
ual partners and resistance to con-
doms—will rival Uganda as a retroviral
killing ground.
"You'll send meto one of the local clin-
ics that do a thousand slapdash HIV
tests a week," I say calmly, as ГЇ am used
to sitting naked between two beautiful,
fully dressed women and an audience of
strangers in tuxedos.
Mara opens her slender fingers so that
the long red nails catch the light. "There
are few alternatives," she whispers.
“Perhaps I can provide one," I say and
reach for my vest where it has been fold-
ed carefully atop my other clothes. 1 pull
out three documents and hand them to
Tanha. The girl frowns prcttily at them
and gives them to her mother. My guess
is that the younger woman cannot read
English, perhaps not even Thai.
Mara does look over the documents.
"They are certificates from two major Los
Angeles hospitals and a university med-
ical clinic attesting to the fact that my
blood has been repeatedly tested and
found free of HIV contamination, Each
document is signed by several physicians
and carries the seal of the institution.
The papers on which they are typed are
thick, creamy and expensive. Fach docu-
ment is dated within the past week
Mara looks at me with narrowed eyes.
Her smile shows her small, sharp teeth
and only the faintest hint of tongue.
“How do we know these are valid?”
Ishrug. “I am a doctor. I wish to live.
It would be easier to bribe a Thai clini-
cian for a health identity card if 1 wished
to deceive. I have no reason to deceive.”
Mara glances back at the papers,
smiles and hands them to me. “1 will
think about this,” she says.
1 lean forward in my chair. "I am also
at risk," I say.
Mara arches an elegant eyebrow. “Oh,
how can this be?”
"Gingival blood,” 1 say in English.
"Bleeding gums. Any open sore in her
Mara reacts with a small, mocking
smile, as if I have made a tiny joke. Tan-
ha turns her exquisite face toward her
mother. "What did he say?" she de-
mands in Thai. “This farang makes no
Mara ignores her. "You have nothing
to worry about,” she says to me. She
nods to her daughter.
Tanha begins caressing me again.
It was against regulations to take a
weapon with us on R&R, but there were
no meral detectors in those days, no air-
port security to speak of. Quite a few of
us took knives or handguns with us
164 when we traveled out of country. Га
brought a long-barreled .38 that I had
won in a poker game from a black kid
named Newport Johnson three days be-
fore he stepped on a Bouncing Betty.
When Tres left that second night, 1 got
the 38 out of the bottom of my duffel,
checked to make sure it was loaded and
sat in my locked room wearing nothing
but fatigue pants, drinking scotch and
listening to the street noises, watching
the slow turning of the fan blades above
my head.
"Ires returned about four Ам. I lis-
tened through the wall to his banging
and crashing around in his bathroom for
a few minutes and then I went back to
my bed and closed my eyes. Perhaps now
I could sleep. His scream brought me up
and out of bed, the .38 in my hand. T
tore down the hall in bare feet, banged
once on his door, pushed it open and
stepped into the room.
Only the bathroom light was on and it
cast a thin strip of fluorescent light
across the bare floor and tousled bed.
"There was blood on the floor and a trail
of torn linen that was also soaked in
blood. It looked as if Tres had tricd to
tear up sheets to make bandages. I took
a step toward the bathroom, heard а
moan on thc darkness of the bed and.
swiveled, still holding the .38 at my side.
“Johnny?” His voice was dry, cracked
and listless. I stepped closer and turned
on a small lamp near his bed.
Tres was naked except for his under-
shirt, He was sprawled on а blood-
soaked mattress, surrounded by blood-
soaked strips of dirty linen, His pants lay
on the floor nearby, They were black
with dried blood. Tres’ hands were coy-
ering his crotch. His fingernails were
rimmed with blood.
“Johnny?” he whispered. "It wont
There’s a leech that breeds in the
slow-moving waters of Vietnam which
specializes in boring up the urcthras of
men wading in the water. Once firmly
lodged in the penis, the leech begins
feeding from the inside until it swells to
half the size of a man's fist. We'd all
heard about the goddamn thing. We all
thought about it every time we waded a
stream or rice paddy, which was about a
dozen times a day.
"Ires's cock looked like the leech had
been at it. No, it was worse. Besides be-
ing swollen and raw-looking, his penis
had a series of small lesions spiraling
around it as if someone had taken a
sewing machine vith a large needle and
stitched a row of stigmata down his pri-
vates. The lesions were bleeding freely.
"I can't get it to stop,” whispered Tres.
His face was pale and clammy with
sweat. l'd seen this look on the faces of.
wounded guys just before they floated
away on the tide of shock
"Come on," I said, getting an arm
around him, "we're going to a hospital"
"Ires pulled away and fell back on the
pillows. “No, no, no. Just get the bleed-
ing to stop." He pulled something from
under a pillow and 1 realized that ће was
holding the black-bladed KA-bar knife
he used on night patrols. I lifted my 38
and for a second there was silence bro-
ken only by the rustle of the fan blades.
Finally, I giggled. This was nuts. Here
we were hundreds of miles from Viet-
nam and the war, me with my sidearm
and Tres with his commando knife,
ready to do each other in. This was fuck-
ing nuts.
I put down the pistol. “I brought some
first-aid shit,” I said. “ГИ get it.”
Tres was sitting up now with the
bloodied sheet over him. [ handed him
the bandages and wiped the sweat off his
face. “I wonder why it won't stop bleed-
ing,” he said.
I shook my head. I didn't know then. 1
know now.
Vampire bats and some leeches exude
coagulant: hirudin. The
n their saliva; the leeches
manufacture it in their guts and smear it
on the surface of the wound. It keeps the
wound from closing and keeps the blood
flowing freely as long as the bloodsucker
wants to feed. Vampire bats will “nurse”
from the neck of а horse or cow for
hours, often returning with other bats to
continue the meal.
‘Tres went to sleep after a while and I
sat in the sprung chair near the window,
watching the door and holding the .38
in my lap. I had thoughts of forcing
Maladung to take me to Mara again, and
then shooting him and the woman. And
the baby, Y mentally added.
I fell asleep mulling options. When 1
awoke the room was dark. The fan was
still turning in its desultory fashion but
the sounds outside the window had shift-
ed to their nighttime volume. The bed-
sheets were soaked with fresh blood,
there was blood on the floor, the bath-
room was littered with bloody towels,
but Tres was gone
I ran into the hallway and pounded
down the steps to the lobby before real-
izing what a sight 1 must be: wild-eyed,
barefoot and bare-chested, my rumpled
fatigue pants smeared with blood, the
long-barreled .38 in my hand. The Thai
whores and their pimps in the lobby
barely looked my way.
I almost caught up to Tres. 1 saw him
on the same dock we'd departed from
two nights earlier. The shadowy figure
with him had to be Maladung. They had
just stepped down into the long tailed
taxi as 1 ran onto the dock. The boat
pulled away with a roar.
‘Tres saw me. He stood up and almost
pitched out of the accelerating boat. He
raised his arm in my direction, fingers
splayed, as if reaching for me across 50
feet of open water. 1 heard him shout at
the driver “Yout! Phuen young mai ma!
You" which I did not understand then
but now translate as “Stop! My friend
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hasn't come yet! Stop!"
Tsaw Maladung pull him back into the
boat. I held the useless pistol as the taxi
bounced across the river, disappeared
behind a barge going upriver and then
reappeared only as a distant lantern be-
fore disappearing down a klong on the
opposite side of the Chao Phraya.
I knew that I would never see Tres
alive again
Mara lowers her gaze as Tanha brings
her mouth to my groin. There is no ca-
ress of tongue. Not yet. The younger
woman uses her mouth to bring me to
full erection.
As much as men talk and write about
the joys of oral sex, there is always a
slight ambiguity in the male response to
the act of fellatio. For some, a mouth is
too non-gender-specific to allow the sub-
conscious to relax and enjoy the act. For
others, it is the uncontrolled intensity of
sensation that causes a flutter of alarm
amid the cascade of pleasure. For many,
it is just the unbidden thought of sharp
teeth. Luckily, the male organ is as sim-
ple a stimulus-response mechanism as
nature allows. Tanha’s mouth is soft and
well-educated; my excitement follows its
inevitable arc of engorgement
I close my eyes and try not to think
about not thinking about the men in
tuxedos behind me. Someone has
dimmed the overhead light so that only
the fash of sparks dribbling from the
welder two floors above lights the scene
and the interior of my eyclids with mag-
nesium strobes. Mara whispers some-
thing and I feel sudden cold as Tanha’s
warm mouth pulls away. The shock of
cooler air is on me for only a second be-
fore a different moisture returns.
I open my eyes just enough to see
Tanha’s tongue sliding from her mouth,
curling around me. The flash from the
welding sparks makes the mottled flesh
of her tongue look more purple than
pink. I catch a glimpse of pulsating slits
amid the coated texture there, like tiny
feeding orifices. I shut off my thoughts
before the grasping mouth-guts of leech-
es and lampreys come to mind. For years
1 have trained myself to be equal to this
The sensation is more like a small elec-
tric shock than the sting of a jellyfish. 1
gasp and open my eyes. Tanha is watch-
ing me through the curtain of her lashes.
The shock comes again, riding down the
exquisite penile nerve system straight to
the base of my spine and then to the
pleasure center of my brain. I close my
eyes again and groan. My scrotum con-
tracts with pleasure. The spiral of gentle
shocks soars through my body and re-
turns to my penis like a gently moving
hand gloved in velvet. My hips begin to
move without volition
My heart is pounding so wildly that
the pressure from it seems to replace
sound as the only noise in the universe.
My skull echoes to the rhythm of my own
pulse. The separate, tiny shocks along
my groin have grown together to forma
perfect spiral of pleasurable sensation. It
is as if I am fucking the sun. Even as my
hips begin to thrust in earnest and my
hands grope for Tanha's head to move
that warmth closer, a distant part of my
mind observes the classic symptoms of
the onset of orgasm and wonders about
the rate of tachycardia, myotonia and
A second later any remaining clinical
awareness is washed away in a new and
stronger surge of pure pleasure. Tanha's
tongue is contracting, tugging from the
base of my scrotum to the glans of my
penis, tightening as it contracts and re-
laxes, contracts and relaxes. The shocks
have become a single closed circuit of
nearly unbearable sensation.
I ejaculate almost without noticing it,
so great is the pressure now. From be-
neath my fluttering eyelids I can see se-
men dropping like a band of white petals
on the hair and shoulders of Tanha. Her
tongue does not desist for an instant.
Her eyes are as yellow as her mother's
now. The orgasm passes without release
from the building pressure. My heart
strains to pump more blood into my dis-
tended organ.
Yes! I will it even as my head arches
back, my neck strains and my face dis-
torts, 125! I choose the thing in which I
now have no choice.
A second later 1 come. Blood ejacu-
lates from the tip of my penis and bathes
Tanha's face and breasts. Greedily, she
lowers her mouth again, unwilling to
spill any of it. My hips pound as I con-
tinue to pulse. The moment goes on
and on.
Mara leans closer.
It was the Thai police who came for
me just after sunrise that next morning
92 years ago. I thought 1 would be ar-
rested for wandering the hotel halls un-
til the early hours, shouting at no one
and brandishing a cocked .38. Instead of
arresting me, they brought me to Tres.
The Bangkok morgue was small and
insufficiently cooled. The smell remind-
ed me of an orchard where too much
fallen fruit had gone bad in the sun.
There were no metal cabinets or sliding
stretchers as in the American movies.
Tres was on a steel slab just like the oth-
er corpses in the small room. They had
not covered his face. He looked vulnera-
ble without his glasses.
“He's so... white,” | said to the only
policeman who spoke English.
“He was found in the river,” said the
man in the white jacket and the Sam
Browne belt
“He didn't drown,” I said. It was not
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а question.
“The policeman shook his head. “Your
friend lost much blood.” He tugged his
white glove higher, touched Tres's chin
and swiveled the corpse's head so that 1
could see the Knife wound that ran from
under his left car to his Adam's apple.
I let out a breath and steadied myself
against the steel platform.
“The knife wound did not kill him,”
said the inspector, tugging off the sheet.
Tres's sex organs had been crudely but
completely removed. ‘The effect was
rather like a Ken doll that someone had
spilled fingernail polish on.
The inspector came closer and seized
my forearm, whether to steady me or to
restrain me from running I do not know.
“We think that is—how you say it—a
queer thing. A fight between faggots. We
have seen this type of injury before. Al-
ways it isa type of queer thing. Jealousy.”
“A queer thing," I repeated.
The inspector released my arm. “We
know that you were not there at the time
he was murdered, Private Merrick. The
boatmaster at Phulong dock saw you
shouting at the boat that carried Gorpo-
ral Tindale away. The manager at the
hotel will testify that you returned only a
few minutes later, became drunk and re-
mained visible and audible throughout
the night. You could not have been pres-
ent when the corporal was murdered,
but do you have any idea who did this?
Your military will demand to know.”
I lifted the sheet, diaped it auos
Tres's corpse and then stepped away
from the men. “No,” I said. “I have no
idea whatsoever,”
Mara licks the lips of her daughter.
“Their arms are pulled in to their sides,
their hands curled as if palsied. I imag-
ine vampire bats hanging from the cold
ceiling of a cave, wings tucked tight, on-
ly their lips and their tongues active and
Tanha arches her head and the heavy
red liquid is propelled from her distend-
ed lips to the waiting cavity of her moth-
er's mouth. I hear the lapping, gurgling
sounds clearly. Tanha’s tongue has not
relinquished its grip, and I still spasm in
her grasp. My heart is straining with the
effort. My vision blackens and I can no
longer see their feeding and sharing, on-
ly hear the thick liquid sounds of it.
My facial muscles are still locked in the
myotonic spasm of an involuntary gri-
mace. I would smile if I could.
I found Maladung in the autumn of
1975, not long after I graduated from
medical school. The little pimp had re-
tired rich and returned to his northern
city of Chiang Mai. I paid off the Thai
detective whom I'd hired with the first
installment of my inheritance money
168 and spent two days watching Maladung
before picking him up. He was married
and had two grown sons and a ten-year-
old daughter.
He was walking to the small store he
ran in the old section of town when 1
pulled up alongside him in a jeep,
showed him the 9mm automatic and
told him to get in. I took him into the
countryside, to the small house I had
rented. I promised him that he would
live if he told me everything he knew.
I think he did tell me everything he
knew. Mara and her girl child had
dropped out of sight and were perform-
ing only for the very rich now. Tres had
been killed as a simple precaution: He
and I had been the first Americans al-
lowed in Мага presence, and they
feared the consequences if word of the
performance got back to the platoon.
They had planned to murder me that
night, but the two men sent to commit
the act had sccn me drunk and shout-
ing in the upstairs hallway, noted the
gun and decided otherwise. By the time
others were sent, I had been shipped
back to Saigon.
Maladung swore that he had not
known about Tres's murder until after it
was carried out. He swore it. Maladung
had never dreamed that the phanyaa
mahn naga kio had meant to harm the
farang beyond the services rendered. 1
placed the Browning against his fore-
head and told him to tell me upon pain
of death what usually happens to those
who received Mara’s services,
Maladung was shaking like an old
man, “They die,” he said in Thai and re-
peated in English. “First they lose their
soul"—kthwan hai was the phrase he used,
"their butterfly spirit flies away"—"and
then their weyan, life spirit, leaks out.
They return and return until they die,”
he said, voice quavering. “But this they
I lowered the gun and said, “I believe
you, Maladung. You didn’t know that
they'd murder Tres.” Then I quickly lift-
ed the Browning and shot him twice in
the head.
That same autumn I began the search
for Mara.
I open my eyes and the men in tuxe-
dos are gone, Tanha is sitting above me
on the chair next to her mother and the
two young women are finishing their
chore of cleaning and dressing me. I can
feel the bandages under the trousers. It
feels as if І am wearing diapers. My
groin is moist with blood, but I hardly
notice the discomfort because of the lin-
gering pulse of pleasure that fills me like
the echo of beautiful music.
“Mr. Noi informs me that you said you
have more money,” Mara says softly.
I nod, too weak to speak. Any thought
of attacking the woman is impossible to
me now, even if I did not know that her
men were waiting just beyond the wind-
fluttered plastic. Mara and Tanha are
sources of infinite pleasure. I could nev-
er think of hurting them now, of inter-
rupting what is to transpire in the com-
ing nights.
“The limousine will pick you up at
midnight tomorrow at your hotel,” says
Mara. Her fingers move and the four
men come in to remove me. Lam mildly
surprised to find that I cannot walk with-
out assistance.
The strects are empty and tomb-silent.
Even the shooting has ended. Orange
flames still burn to the north. I close my
yes and savor the fading ecstasy as they
drive me back to the Oriental.
I don't think that I knew in Vietnam
that I was gay. I disguised the love I felt
for Tres as other things: loyalty to а bud-
dy, admiration, even the masculine love
that grunts are supposed to feel for one
another in combat. But it was love.
1 never came out of the doset. Not
publicly. While in medical school 1
learned how to troll the most discreet
bars, meet the most discreet men and
make the most discrect arrangements
for temporary liaisons. Later, as my
practice and public persona grew, 1
learned how to keep my prowlings re-
stricted to rare nights in cities far away
from my home in LA. And 1 dated
women. Those who wondered why 1
never married had only to look at my
busy practice to see that 1 had no time
for a domestic life.
And 1 continued to hunt Mara and
"Tanha. Twice a year I flew to Thailand,
learning the language and the cities, and
twice a ycar 1 was told by my paid oper-
atives there that the women had disap-
peared. Only two years ago, in 1990, did
they surface again, driven into accepting
expensive performances as their need
for money was renewed.
"There was nothing I could do then.
The more I learned of Mara and Tanha
and thcir habits, the more I was certain 1
could never get close to them with a
weapon. Then, only six months ago, cer-
tain results were returned and, after а
few hours of almost hysterical anger, 1
saw that the means had been put into
my hands.
I began to make my plans.
“Good morning, Dr. Merrick,” says
the young Thai valetin the lobby. He po-
litely ignores my bloody collar and di-
sheveled appearance.
I smile and wait for the elevator doors
to dose before grasping the brass rail
and struggling to hold myself upright. Т
can feel the bandages leaking through
my trousers. Only the long photograph-
er’s vest hides the blood there.
In my room I bathe, treat the lesions
with a special salve I have brought, inject
myself with a coagulant, bathe again and
pull on fresh pajamas before crawling in-
to bed. It will be light in a few minutes.
In 14 hours, darkness will fall again and
1 will return to Mara and her daughter.
In Chiang Mai, where the whores are
cheap and the young men celebrate en-
try into manhood by buying a fuck, 72
percent of the city's poorest pr tes
tested positive for HIV in 1989.
In the bars and sex clubs along Pat-
pong, condoms are handed out free by a
man in a red, blue and gold superhero
suit. His name is Captain Condom and
he is employed by the Population and
Community Development Association
The PDA is the brainchild of Senator
Mechai Viravaidaya, an economist and
member of the WHO Global Commis-
sion оп AIDS. Mechai has spent so much
of his own time, energy and money pro-
moting condom use that rubbers are
called mechais by everyone in Bangkok.
Almost no one uses them. The men
refuse to and the women do not force
the issue.
One out of every 50 people in Thai-
land makes his or her living selling sex.
I think that the computer projections
for the year 2000 are wrong. I think that
far more than 5 million Thai will be in-
fected and many more than 1 million
will have died. 1 think that the corpses
will fill the klongs and lie along the gut-
ters of the sois. I think that only the rich
and the very, very careful will avoid this
Mara and Tanha were, until recently,
very rich. And they have been very care-
ful. Only their need to be very rich again
has led them to be careless.
My HIV-negative documents are, of
course, falsified. It was not difficult. The
lab reports are real; only the dates and
name were changed prior to my photo-
copying them onto official stationery
and adding the seals. I serve on the fac-
ulty of all three of the institutions whose
seals and forms I borrowed.
In the six months since I tested HIV-
positive, the plan grew from a scheme to
an inevitability.
They are monsters, Mara and her
child, but even monsters grow careless.
Eyen monsters can be killed.
There is no fan on the ceiling of my
expensive air-conditioned suite at the
Oriental Hotel. As the first pale gleam-
ings of the dawn creep across the teak-
and-plaster ceiling of my room, I con-
tent myself with imagining a fan slowly
turning and lull myself to sleep with the
I smile when L imagine the coming
night's activity and the night that will fol-
low this one. I can see the older woman
licking the younger woman's lips, and
then opening wide her maw for the cas-
cade of blood. My blood. Death's blood.
Before dropping offto sleep, lulled by
the medication I have taken and by the
final turn of things, I remember the sto-
ту Tres told me so many years ago about
the temptation of the Buddha by Mara's
three daughters: Aradi, discontent; Tan-
ha, desire; and Raka, love. And I know
now that in my life 1 have surrendered
to all three of these all-too-human
demons, but that the only one worthy of
our surrender is Raka. Love.
Trying to sleep now, I summon the im-
age that has sustained me through all
these years and through these final
1 imagine Tres removing his glasses
and squinting at me, his face as vulnera-
ble as a boy's, his cheek as soft as only a
lover's cheek can be. And he says to me,
"I'm going back, Johnny. I'm going back
And I take his hand in mine. And I say,
with the absolute certainty of conviction,
“I'm going, too.”
Smiling now, having found the place I
have sought so long to return to, I re-
lease myself to sleep and forgiveness.
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GUESS WHO? „ставе 136)
“Tm young and I'm blonde and Pin Texan,’ she said,
‘but I'm a serious person. I take work seriously.
Houston and moved in with her mother,
a police officer. They didn't get along, so
Anna and Daniel found a place of their
own, a tiny studio apartment in Hous-
ton. She took two jobs, waiting tables at a
Red Lobster and working as a Wal-Mart
“I knew that something would happen
one day. I just had to keep trying."
She went for an interview at one of
Houston's biggest modeling agencies
"They asked me for money, told me to
darken my hair, lose weight, change the
way I looked and go to modeling school.
1 dyed my hair. Then I cried for two
weeks, and they told me to forget it. You
just don't have it, that's what they said.”
A local photographer took a few pic-
tures. He sent them to PLAYBOY's Los An-
geles studio. ргАҮВОҮ flew Anna to the
West Coast for tests. Impressed by the
results, the magazine signed her up for
the cover and as a Playmate.
"She has that look," said Gary Cole,
PLAYBOV'S Photography Director. “You
can be sitting next to her and you think,
Well, she's OK, she's not bad. But then
you put her in front of a camera and,
damn, it's another woman—not just an-
other great blonde but someone ex-
traordinary. That's what we saw."
Paul Marciano, the man who invented
Guess Jeans, saw the same thing when
he picked up the March and May 1992
issues of PLAYBOY.
“I was totally mesmerized by that
March cover," he said. "Her face drove
me crazy." He looked inside the issue for
more pictures but found none. When
Anna's Playmate pictorial came out
in May he called Marilyn Grabowsl
PLAYBOY'S West Coast Photography Es
tor. He had two questions: Who was she?
Where could he find her?
“I met Paul in Houston,” Anna said.
“He was shooting a new series of Guess
ads in San Antonio and he invited me
down to watch them work. No promises,
he said, and that was the deal. After Га
been in San Antonio for a couple of
hours he told them to put some makeup
on me, just for a little test. Then they
looked at the pictures and kept shooting
me for the next two days. That's how
1 got to sign up with Guess Jeans for
three years.”
Paul Marciano, who called me after I'd
seen Anna, confirmed the essentials.
“We went to San Antonio to shoot a cata-
log of clothing for babies and kids,” he
said. “When ] met her, I wasn't sure how
170 it would turn out. She didn't valk like a
model, she didn't look like a model. But
in front of a camera she was magic. It
was absolutely astounding, just seeing it
happen. And it wasn't easy work, either.
We were shooting in temperatures of a
hundred and six. After ten minutes her
makeup melted. She carried on as if
she'd been doing it all her life."
Back at the hotel in Chicago, the Fonz
was doing his Happy Days shtick. Anna
“Here’s a copy of the script,” she said.
Script? Right, almost forgot, the movie
she had come to Chicago to make, 1
looked at the cover. The Hudsucker Proxy.
An industrial fantasy, it said on the bot-
tom. A film by Joel and Ethan Coen. The
Coen brothers! The guys who made
Blood Simple. Raising Arizona. Barton Fink.
Miller’s Crossing. Cinematic milestones, in
my humble view.
"It's got Paul Newman and Tim Rob-
bins in it,” said Anna. "I play the part of
Tim's girlfriend, then I dump him for an
elevator man. It's going to be one funny
movie. I was laughing so hard watching
"Tim the other day, they had to take my
mike off."
I was thinking: From Red Lobster and
Wal-Mart to the Coen boys, Newman
and Robbins. I thought life didn’t write
that kind of story anymore.
“What's next, Anna?”
“Tm just waiting for things to slow
down," she said. "It's all gone so fast.
We've been shooting from six at night
until four in the morning. Same again
Ah, that explains lier reaction to шу
wake-up call at noon. Sorry, Anna.
“га give a lot for a little more sleep.
Next week we move to North Carolina
and start shooting again."
She has three months of solid book-
ings after she finishes Hudsucker. Model-
ing jobs, guest appearances, making
movies. In between, she flies home to be
with seven-year-old Daniel, or takes him
with her when she's working close to
home. She'll be in Cannes for the 1993
International Film Festival. Later she
wants to rent an apartment in New York
City for a year and get serious about act-
ing lessons.
"I'm young and I'm blonde and I'm
Texan,” she said, “but I'm a serious per-
son. I take work seriously and 1 take
Daniel seriously, even though he drives
me nuts when he beats me at Nintendo.
Which he does all the time. He just
laughs—he's too quick for me."
She admits it, she doesn't take kindly
to losing. "Watch out if you play Monop-
oly with me. You send me to jail and
I will kick that whole game over.” She
could do it, too. The woman has some
powerful legs. They come from years of
hard work.
She's reading more scripts and has
found at least one she likes. Her ambi-
tion is to be an actress in the Monroe tra-
dition: sexy, cool and funny. “1 can't ex-
plain it because 1 don't understand it,
but I've always felt this strong connec-
tion to Marilyn Monroe, always. She's
who I turn to when I get upset. I play
her songs, look at her pictures, watch
her movies. Гуе got them all except Riv-
er of No Return. Y sure wish I could find
that one."
As for actors, the one she said had the
most lethal cffect on her was Brad Pitt in
Thelma & Louise. "The strange thing is,
he's not even my type, but when I saw
him in that sex scene in the motel with
Geena Davis, 1 couldn't take my eyes off
him. I just could not sit still. He drove
me totally nuts. It was all 1 could do to
make it through the movie.”
I swear she squirmed, ever so gently,
at the memory.
“I don't know about that kind of stuff.
Beiron, the guy I work with in the Guess
ads—he's the young one with the dark
hair hanging over his face? He's so cute.
When they told me to kiss him I couldn't
stop laughing, hc lookcd so good. Those
big lips of his."
That Beiron guy, I was thinking, is
one lucky stiff, I bet Anna doesn't call
him sir. The only people she calls sir, 1
bet, are the ones who remind her of cus-
tomers lining up at Wal-Mart for their
hearing-aid batteries.
Г asked her if she ever feels like calling
up the Houston modeling agency and
saying, “Yoo-hoo, just thought I'd say hi.
"Thanks for the career advice."
She has no such need. "I don't have to
be mean to anyone now. I just smile and
keep right on going."
She recently bought a 15-acre ranch
not far from Houston. Anna and Daniel
share it with 30 guinea fowl, three
turkeys, three pigs, three horses, 90
cows, a breeding bull, two parrots, a
tame squirrel and six dogs.
"I'm looking for a couple of zebras
and a chimp,” she said. “I want one of
those chimps that shake hands and like
to be hugged.”
Those are not the only items on her
live shopping list.
“Well, I've got the ranch,” she mur-
mured in that soft voice—and she had a
wicked smile as she said this—“Now all I
need is a cowboy.”
Bet your boots on it, she won't be call-
ing him sir.
GOLF CARTS: («continue fron page 119)
“Little more could be expected in realizing the Führer's
mad dream of a sub-20-minute round.”
purpose of the G-101 Ozymandias, as of-
fered to a skeptical 1946 Allied panel
charged with tracking down last-ditch
Nazi secret weapons.
The pachydermatous 12-wheeled pro-
totype—three stories high, 45 feet
long—had been spotted early in March
1945 by an Allied photoreconnaissance
plane on a sweep over the Gunder und
Vunk locomotive works near Peene-
múnde, and was classified by baffled in-
telligence analysts as a new Nazi terror
machine, mission unknown. In fact, the
Ozymandias represented not deadly ter-
ror but simple hubris. With its internal
driving range, on-board pro shop and
locker room, VIP spectating veranda,
dubhouse bar with seating for 500 and
five satellite minicarts, this behemoth of
the links was late Nazi golf cart technolo-
gy gone to such extremes that it could al-
most be said to have run amok.
Yet the Ozymandias oozed more
pathos than grandeur. With every en-
gine in the Reich spoken for by the mili-
tary, it depended for power on the 168
pumping legs of 84 pedalers of the Iron
Tendon Brigade, sweating away deep
within its papier-máché fuselage. (That
rear-mounted propeller, which was also
pedal-powered, served as their cooling
fan.) During its brief trial runs, the un-
wieldy beast routinely steamrollered
every bench, every caddy shack and су-
ery clubhouse in its path.
In the waning hours of the war, in a
sour paroxysm of the poor sportsman-
ship that had so often marred the affairs
of the Third Reich, the only G-101 ever
completed was slung under an Me 323
Gigant transport plane and dropped on
Scotland's historic Saint Andrews.
A Chip Shot Across the Channel—The
75-2 Sea Weasel Amphibian, 1940: Opera-
tion Sea Lion was the code name for
Hitler's planned invasion of England in
the fall of 1940. Operation Sea Weasel
was the code name for a parallel plot to
plant Germany's golf cleats on Great
Britain's throat. Simultaneous with the
start of Operation Sea Lion, the diabolic
plan was to launch hundreds of am-
phibious Sea Weasel carts from the
shores of northern France under a bom-
bardment of thousands of golf balls
lofted across the English Channel by
huge hydraulically actuated drivers—
the Obergolfkommando's dreaded “15.5-
Woods"—to terrorize and confuse the
golfing populace on every course in the
home counties. By the time the balls
stopped bouncing, the Sea Weasels and
their three-man crews would have land-
ed and raced to their individual desig-
nated courses. “Every nineteenth hole in
the kingdom will be crawling with Nazis
by nightfall,” Goebbels chortled in his
But it was not to be. Operation Sea Li-
оп was abandoned (not enough golf balls
could be commandeered) and Opera-
tion Sea Weasel sank in its wake. The
amphibious golf cart—like the heavy-wa-
ter ball washer, the underground driving
range, the combination sand and tank
trap and so many other ambitious
schemes of the Nazi golf machine—was a
dead duck.
“Time the Fastest Caddy іп the Reich, Then
Make Me a Cart Tuenty Times Faster" —The
2-262 Rocket Cart, 1945: Hitler's Edict
Number 654 of February 1945 was in-
sanc, but it was also law, With Allicd
armies crashing across the frontiers of
the Reich on all sides, the Führer said,
“Time is of the essence.” The 1945 sum-
mer golf season would be advanced to
carly spring and played at a pace never
before imagined, much less attempted:
A foursome must be able to finish 18
holes—even at challenging Berchtes-
gaden Hills—in 15 minutes flat.
At its temporary headquarters under a
miniature golf course near Stuttgart, the
Reichsgolfinstitut swung into frantic ac-
tion. Begging and borrowing inspiration
and materials from a clutch of golf nuts
employed by the Air Ministry, Institut
engineers worked around the clock to
create the 2-262 in little more than a
month. With its 3000-horsepower rocket
engine, it was and remains to this day
the fastest-moving golf cart ever devised,
and by a comfy 350-miles-per-hour mar-
gin. With its radar-operated ball finder,
it could home in on an errant Führer-
Flite 20 feet deep in a water hazard or
100 yards back in a pine-forest rough.
A built-in fan could blow sand traps
smooth in seconds.
Little more could be reasonably ex-
pected of golf cart technology in realiz-
ing the Führer's mad dream of a sub-
20-minute round. But time was even
more pressing than Hitler had reck-
oned. Before the Z-262 could be made
operational, golf was canceled. The
Third Reich was canceled. Hitler was
canceled. And with him any conceivable
need for a 376-mph golf cart.
DE LUST AND ARMS ont rom page 96)
“We joined to defend our country, but we had hopes of
getting laid in ways we had not even dreamed of.”
publicly in order not to fight. There is,
however, something to be said for the
old way—for hypocrisy. As the old joke
used to go in the Soviet Union, we pre-
tend to work and they pretend to pay us.
In the military, the hypocrisy has been
that gays pretend to be straight and
straights pretend to believe them.
As for hypocrisy, it is, like sex, central
to war. We dressed in uniforms and ate
polite dinners, followed by toasts where
we swore undying loyalty to the task
of protecting our wives, mothers and
daughters. Then we went to places
where we could get drunk while getting
blow jobs from women under the table.
And we saw absolutely no contradiction
in any of this.
We joined to defend our country, but
we also had high hopes of getting laid in
ways we had not even dreamed of as we
grew up. The military is often composed
of young men and women who are away
from home for the first time. Sexual ad-
venture is part of the ticket. Mademoi-
selle d'Armentieres, of doughboy fame,
lured many a GI to France. According to
the Brits, the Americans in England in
World War Two were “overpaid, over-
sexed and over here.” The tens of thou-
sands of Amerasian children from Viet-
nam are living testimony to the sexual
sideline of war, as is the Gulf war's fa-
“Rodney, watch your language. Someone might overhear.”
mous Love Boat, a supply ship on which
97 sailors became pregnant. Sex is going
to happen.
The brutal expression of sexuality
during war is part of the dehuman-
izing process. How else could knights
schooled in chivalry rape and mutilate so
many women and children in Jerusalem
that the streets ran with blood? How else
could Serbs, who are no more evil than
anyone else, use rape as a tool of nation-
al humiliation? How else to explain My
Lai? The rape of Belgium? Of Nanking?
Even the word is perfect, for rape is the
use of power to humiliate and destroy. It
is taking the most sacred act, the act of
making life, and turning it into some-
thing brutal, degrading and murderous.
The dark fact is that soldicrs are
trained to kill as a group, and the darker
secret is that sexual cnergy is deeply re-
lated to killing. The aggressiveness of
combat comes from adrenaline, self
preservation, love and sexual tension,
The combat unit shoots off at its enemies
and not into each other. The sexual im-
agery is precise and learned in basic
training. “This is my rifle,” the drill in-
structor said, holding his M-16. “This is
my gun,” he continued, holding his dick,
“this is for fighting, this is for fun.”
The truth about combat is that it is on-
ly possible if the mind is prepared, if oth-
er human beings are transformed into
enemies—into things. That is the crucial
step in combat training. What makes a
man a soldier is not simply that he knows
how to use a rifle and a bayonet, a rock-
et or a torpedo, but that he can. His
mind is his most powerful weapon. That
word, enemy, is what fuels it. It's what
lets otherwise decent men pull triggers,
drop bombs and pull down their pants
to rape children. In war that power, once
unleashed, has to be rigidly controlled
or atrocities happen. The wildness that
made Tailhook such a blight comes from
the same sexual repression in which
combat behavior is isolated. We want
those pilots to fight with utter aggres-
siveness, to kill without mercy, but all
within certain rules.
What to do? My feeling is to keep com-
bat units as they are, but that won't hap-
pen. The force of law and politics is 100
strong. We do owe it to the men and wom-
en who will have to live with these changes
to think hard about what they mean, and
not to talk in slogans or to parade sensi-
tive knowledge about sexuality that has
lite to do with the reality of combat.
The Dutch and other small military
organizations have had few problems
with acknowledged homosexuals in their
ranks, but few armics that actually have
to fight admit them into combat units.
Gay activists often cite the Isracli army as
an example of homosexual acceptance,
but in fact, acknowledged homosexuals
are subjected to psychological tests and
extra security checks and arc often ex-
cluded from frontline combat units.
Sexual preference, of course, has
nothing to do with combat performance
Gays, like straights, can be heroes or
cowards, I found that out in the
Marines. There was absolutely no way to
predict who would do well in combat.
Some of the most all-American, squared-
away marines fell apart under fire, while
some of the worst shitbirds were incredi-
bly brave. You learn quickly who can be
counted on and who can't. At that level
no one cares whether the grenadier is
male, female, gay, straight or Tasma-
nian; you care about only whether he ог
she can lay a round in front of enemy
soldiers trying to kill you and if he or
she will stand fast and carry you out of
harm's way if you
are wounded
Some actions
could be taken im-
mediately. Military
snoops, particular-
ly the infamous
Naval Criminal In-
vestigative Service,
should stop prying
into the private
lives of Armed
Forces personnel
off base. The sod-
omy statute in
the Uniform Code
of Military Justice
needs to be abol-
ished: Itis an insult
to the commonly
accepted sexual
practices of adults
of every sexual
persuasion, Rules
regarding sexual
harassment should
be tightened dra-
matically, with
careful attention to
defining harass-
ment in ways that
leave open sexual
give and take. Ac-
knowledged ho-
mosexuals, like
women, should be
allowed in the Air
Force, most areas
of the Navy and much of the Army
and Marines: To deny them would be
like denying them the right to serve in
the Postal Service. It's the combat units
that remain the problem.
In those units, we should settle only
for combat arms staffed with soldiers
picked solely on performance: the best
people available—men or women,
straight or gay, black, brown, yellow,
white. Anyone who can cut it stays in,
anyone who can't gets booted out. If
women or gays can shoot straighter, run
faster, carry more and kill with less hesi-
tation than straight men, sign them up.
As former Mayor Ed Koch once said, he
didn't care whether a firefighter was
male or female so long as he or she could
carry a 200-pound mayor from a burn-
ing building,
Let's get the best. But that doesn't just
mean the best at physical tests. The best
soldiers are the ones who fit in with the
unit, who submerge their identities into
the group, who embody its code of
courage and selflessness. The best sol-
diers meet high standards of behavior
under stressful conditions, including
high standards of sexual behavior.
We are asking a lot of 19-year-olds
when we turn them into soldiers, which
means, plainly put, when we turn them
into killers: Сап they come to accept ho-
mosexuals and/or women in their units
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and still function? The power of combat
training can overcome a lot. It obliter-
ates race, class, region and religion, Can
it obliterate sexuality, too? You don't cre-
ate a unit by emphasizing individual
rights. You do it by destroying them. To
announce that you are homosexual
would have to be no different than an-
nouncing you are black or Catholic or
left-handed. The only correct response
is “What the fuck difference does it
make? Give me twenty!”
The chant of the drill instructor is
“There are no blacks or whites in my
Marine Corps, no Jews or Catholics, no
rich or poor people, only Marines.” Сап
he say, “No straights or gays, no men or
women?” Would they believe it? Would
the power of sexual repression—the
power that unites soldiers and gives
them the strength to fight—bleed away
in the many sexual possibilities with ho-
mosexuals and women around, no mat-
ter what the rules say?
To exert the power that will be needed
to obliterate sexuality in a combat unit
will require tough authority and merci-
less training—the kind usually opposed
by the advocates of integrating gays and
women into the military. We'd better be
ready for that. 1 am not saying it can’t be
done. I am glad I will not have to try to
make it work when my own life depends
on it. That is, bottom line, what we
are talking about.
On the one hand,
highly qualified
homosexuals and/
or women could
bring skills and tal-
ents to keep their
buddies alive. On
the other hand,
they could inject
the serpent of sex
into the dark gar-
den where courage
As for poor
Brown, years later
I learned that he
was, in fact, straight
and that his tor-
mentor, Stanley,
was gay. Both went
on to Vietnam and
served, so far as 1
know, with distinc-
tion. But the story
reminds me of
how sexuality goes
deeper than any of
us knows, and how
the ultimate truths
about people are
usually buried
deep in the reaches
of the human
The principle to
be upheld right
now is that individ-
ual sexual freedom, like all our civilized
freedoms, must be protected until it
conflicts with the needs of the military
unit. Combat units in particular are not
democracies. The individual counts for
nothing. The group is everything. The
bonds that hold soldiers together in
combat are homoerotic. The power to
fight comes from sexual repression. The
only way to allow women and acknowl-
edged homosexuals into such conditions
is to recognize the absolute necessity of a
taboo against sexual contact. It is no less
important than the taboo against incest.
Lives absolutely depend on it.
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(continued from page 57)
had been involved in some of the more
questionable transactions of the agencies
they will now supervise. He has shown
no concern that BRW Inc., a
ture of the Blackstone Group, Goldman,
Sachs and J. E. Robert Co., has been one
of the main beneficiaries of the fire sales
of failed S&L assets.
Astudy by the Southern Finance Proj-
ect, a highly regarded nonprofit research
center, shows that BRW paid the RTC
only $39.8 million for $65 million worth
of property, indicating a bargain rate of
61 cents on the dollar. This was duringa
period when the RTC was turning down
smaller would-be investors who were of-
fering close to full price for properties.
How did the RTC make such bizarre
policy decisions? Among other things,
it turned to Blackstone and Goldman,
Sachs, paying them handsome fees for
advising the agency on policy,
though they were also customers. “
is an incestuous environment,” Tom
Schlesinger, director of the Southern Fi-
nance Project, told the L.A. Times. “The
companies that make up BRW are si-
multaneously playing different sides of
the S&L bailout.” Goldman, Sachs, for
instance, profited perhaps more than
any other firm from the RTC fir sales,
In one case involving City Sa
failed New Jersey thrift, Goldman Sachs
ended up with the rightto buy $3 billion
of RTC mortgages, which the RTC
didn’t have in its inventory at that bank.
Instead of just paying off Goldman,
Sachs, the RTC granted it the right to
pluck $3 billion of the lower-quality
loans from the RTC inventory. The L.A.
Times reported that “critics within the
RIC said the deal amounted to a w
fall for the firm that could add $150 m
lion to the bailout bill.”
The cozy relationship between Wall
Sweet firms and the RTC should get co-
zier now that the top executives of the
firms have been brought in as the foxes
protecting the government's henhouse.
Rubin is likely to oversee the S&L
bailout in his job as coordinator of eco-
nomic policy. Altman will head the RTC
oversight committee at the Treasury
Contributing to the losses at the RTC
is the failure to value accurately the as-
sets being sold. Despite a $52 million
computer system built to RTC specifica-
tions by IBM, the RTC never got a clear
idea of its own inventory. The General
Accounting Office found the slow and
erratic system useless and concluded
that 80 percent of these all-important
records are missing crucial pieces of in-
formation. As the L-A. Times reported af-
ter its own investigation: “The system is
riddled with data errors. A modest home
in Phoenix with an appraised value of
$73,000 is listed by the computer system
at $79 million." An IBM spokesman de-
fends the company by asserting, "The
system is doing exactly what the RTC
asked it to do.
Critics within the agency charge that
the RTC used its incompetence as an ex-
сизе for abandoning the sale of proper-
ties to smaller individual buyers. Inst
of methodically selling properties to the
highest bidder, the agency threw up its
hands and invited top Wall Street firms
to package pools of resources to sell back
to the very firms that were doing the
packaging. Ordinary buyers, lacking the
huge cash reserves needed to bid at auc-
tion on such expensive bundles of prop-
erty, were simply out of luck
“Then the RTC hit on the idea of secu-
ritization, selling shares backed by large
groupings of sound mortgage loans
through Wall Street. This decision,
made at a time when the Wall Street in-
vestment houses were advising the RTC,
also benefited those houses because they
had the means to buy and sell large
property blocks and securities
As The Washington Post noted last De-
cember, “Goldman, Sachs already has
been one of the biggest players in the
three-year-old S&L cleanup and hopes
to play an even larger role as the govern-
ment relies more heavily on Wall Street
to sell its thrift industry” A Goldman,
Sachs spokesman told the Post that “Ru-
bin is taking steps to ensure that his
holdings at Goldman, Sachs don't com-
pel him to step aside from government
decisions affecting S&Ls and other fi-
nancial institutions.”
Big deal. His holdings will be put in a
blind trust. Does anyone think for a se
ond that Rubin and Altman will sudden-
ly start thinking of the interests of the
taxpayer rather than of the Wall Street
giants that spawned them?
I'm not much of a fan of Albert Casey,
the former head of American Airlines
who has been running the RTC this past
year, but it worries me that even he is
alarmed. “What are we going to do now,
when we do all this business with the
Blackstone Group and Goldman, Sachs
and Clinton brings all those people in?”
asey asked іп an interview reported in
The Wall Street Journal. In the case of
Goldman, Sachs, I this business”
meant the purchase of $890 million in
assets from the RTC and in underwrit-
ing securities based on $15.2 billion in
mortgages from defunct thrifis—plus
the purchase of almost $: ion in junk
bonds at much-reduced rates.
While all of that was going on, Rubin
managed to gain а net worth of between
$50 million and $100 million in Gold-
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man, Sachs. And Dee Dee Myers, Clin-
ton's press secretary, tells us, “We're go-
ing to work very hard to remove the ap-
pearance of a conflict."
Soon alter Myers made her statement,
The New York Times published parts of a
letter from Rubin to Goldman, Sachs’
clients telling them they would be well
served by the firm while he is in the
White House. He ended his statement
by saying, "I look forward to continuing
to work with you in my new capacity.”
I bet he does, and Goldman, Sachs will
make out as well as it always does. But
what about the rest of us? Doesn't Con-
gress have an obligation to say enough is
enough? The taxpayers have paid dear-
ly for this S&L mess. In return for the 54
billion handed the RTC, Gongress
should insist on playing with a clean
deck. At the very least, a full-blown con-
gressional investigation of the manner in
which Failed thrift assets have been sold
is in order. And in the spirit of free en-
terprise, let's allow ordinary investors a
fair shot at these properties.
Justice is not likely. At the same mo-
ment in March that Loophole Lloyd
asked Congress for the new handout, he
appointed Altman acting chairman of
the RTC. These people have no shame.
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the game master
(continued from page 128)
market, which was just beginning to take
shape in Japan. All he needed to do was
develop a good system for the home—
and then create a pipeline with an end-
less supply of games. “We had a head
start because of our distribution net-
g playing card: toy and
department stores," Yamauchi explains.
“It was a logical decision.”
coming up with the perfect home-
video system was not especially
since the industry was young and Ya-
mauchi had no special knack for com-
puters. “He had no concept that he was
building a computer," admits Masayuki
Uemura, one of Nintendo's engineer:
"But he had his first glimpse of the in-
credible potential of a home-computer
system disguised as a toy. He saw far
more than he let on to us."
'amauchi pushed and bullied his en-
gineers to develop new games by pitting
them against one another. He divided
them into groups and said that he would
produce the work of only one group—
the one that outdid the others. “Months
of work were disposed of with a scowl,”
one top designer complained. If the
chairman was displeased, the project was
dead, instantly. His victims suggested
that Yamauchi's judgment was some-
times capricious and that his callousness
caused a great deal of frustration and
anger Engineers occasionally lef, and
others, exhausted and disappointed,
were sent on sabbatical. They were told,
“The company is making money. Don't
work. Spend the time, relax. Come back
fresh.” Designers whose work was reject-
ed would redouble their efforts, deter-
mined to have their game chosen the
next time.
“It’s true that people complain,” Ya-
mauchi admit ut this method works.
I have found ıhat competition among
workers and high expectations are great
motivators. As а result, 1 get the kind of
work that is expected. Of course, some
people do not like it, but they are the
same people who have not succeeded."
In 1983 Yamauchi began selling the
system his men had created. Since it was,
he claimed, Japan's first Family Comput-
er, he dubbed it the Famicom. Con-
sumers were dazzled less by the Fami-
com itself than they were by the
games—such as Super Mario Brothers
and the Legend of Zelda—created by
Nintendo's competing research and de-
velopment groups. These games were,
simply put, some of the best ever invent-
ed. Millions of Famicoms flew olf the
"We sold the hardware as cheaply as
possible,” Yamauchi says. “Of course, the
idea was to then be able to sell software.
When the customers had the Nintendo
machine, they needed Nintendo soft-
ware.” Once millions of people had a
Famicom, Nintendo was selling all the
games it could manufacture. Outside
software companies were signed up as li
сепзеев to create Famicom games—and
they paid Nintendo a handsome fee for
the privilege. Nintendo earned “obscene
profits,” as one of the company’s vice
presidents phrased it
New games were anticipated with a
fervor that shocked store owners, dis
tributors and parents. Kids camped out
in front of department stores and toy
shops. Nintendomania was well unde
way in Japan when the machine
named the Nintendo Entertainment Sy
tem, was released in America in 19
More than 35 million systems were sold
in America by 1992, as well as more than
17 million in Japan and more than 5 mil-
lion in Europe, Atari, the company that
started it all, had virtually no share of
the industry that, in 1992, brought in 56
billion in the U.S.
In Japan, the Nintendo chairman is
driven each morning through winding
Kyoto streets from the home that be-
longed to the doctor of the emperor in
the 15th century. Behind an immense
tangled garden is the residence, a tradi-
tional home built in the style of a Japan-
ese temple. In past generations, wealth
was measured by the number of tatami
rectangular sec-
tions of sweet-smelling, woven straw—in
a family’s home. The average home has
eight or ten tatami; the Yamauchi home
has 152.
A day maid and a cook arrive cach
morning and leave after supper. Anoth-
er maid cleans a few times a week. Ya-
mauchi's wife, Michiko, runs the home
informally. There is modern furniture in
the ancient, traditional structure, and a
teahouse is used as a storage doset
Michiko enjoys entertaining. There аге
parties and visits from friends and rela-
tives. But one thing is missing. “Dad
stays away,” says his daughter Yoko
According to his daughter, Yamauchi
has rarely had much interest in his
family. His parenting style apparently
mirrors his management techniques.
His children say he exercised control at
home by terrorizing them—issuing
edicts and enforcing curfews. In turn,
his three children hated Nintendo be-
cause it consumed their father,
But Yamauchi was distracted by more
than work. He was оп! his late 30s.
fabulously wealthy and roguishly attrac-
tive, a cigarette always dangling from the
corner of his mouth. Even after he sold
his hotel, he was a familiar face among
the Kyoto ck nonde. His wife said
nothing, but his children resented him
In 1970, on Yoko's 20th birthday,
Yamauchi shocked her when he an-
nounced he was taking her out on the
town. She dressed up and accompanied
him to a cabaret, a sikikake, where five
geisha attended them, serving drinks.
The women obviously knew Hiroshi
very well He toasted his daughter's
coming-of-age, but when it got late, he
sent her home іп а taxi. He didn't go
home until dawn.
Now 71 years old, Yamauchi no longer.
carouses at the Gion. His only relaxation
comes from a tumbler of scotch and an
occasional game of go. His true love is
Nintendo, and his obsession has paid off.
Yet Yamauchi observes year after year of
record-breaking sales and profits with-
out celebration. “It is meaningless,” he
says. His family realizes that Yamauchi's
success means nothing to him, “He is of-
ten alone,” Yoko says. “I don't think he
thinks about being happy.”
There is speculation about Yamauchi's
retirement: Yoko's husband, Minoru
Arakawa, will probably take over at Nin-
tendo, but there is no reason to believe
that he will do so before the late
Nineties. Yamauchi isn't ready to give up
control to anyone.
All successful men have enemies and
Yamauchi has more than most. His dom-
inance of the industry has been so un-
questioned that he’s been able to exer-
ase his power without much subtlety.
Some toy stores depended on Nintendo
for up to 20 percent of their sales, which
allowed Nintendo to engage in question-
able tactics. “You did what they
says an executive of a chain of stores.
“They told you not to carry the competi-
tion, you didn’t carry the competition.
They told you not to discount, you didn’t
discount.” The head of one software
firm told The American Lawyer that he
had been “at numerous meetings of con-
spirators” who wanted to fight Ninten-
do, but they all “chickened out.”
As a result, Nintendo has been able
to sell more than 50 million systems
throughout the world. There is one sold
for every third American home. Around
the world, families with Nintendo sys-
tems have bought an average of 6 to 12
games, about 600 million of them. For
each of the last three fiscal years, Nin-
tendo made more than a billion dollars a
year in before-tax profits.
The list of Yamauchi's enemies grew
long, and inevitably some began to strike
back. Nintendo was unsuccessfully sued
for monopolizing the market. In con-
gressional hearings, Nintendo was ac-
cused of price-fixing. The Justice De-
partment began ап investigation, as
did the Federal Trade Commission.
Yamauchi succeeded, charged one com-
petitor suing Nintendo, “through a de-
liberate campaign of distortion, intimi-
dation and coercion.”
In collaboration with the attorneys
general of several states, the FTC began
its investigation into the price-fixing
charges and the implications of Ninten-
do's strong-arm tactics, particularly
control over those companies allowed to
create games for the Nintendo Enter-
tainment System. The high-stakes inves-
tigations and lawsuits—in one suit, more
than half a billion dollars was on the
line—dragged on for more than a year.
In Redmond, Washington, executives
of Nintendo’s American subsidiary were
worried. If Nintendo lost the lawsuits,
the company’s continued dominance in
the U.S. was questionable, Back in
Japan, however, Yamauchi remained
calm. For him, the FTC, the antitrust
laws and the lawsuits were "an inconve-
nience" that went vith the territory. Y:
mauchi didn't ignore the potential
aster. It prompted him to look hard
at markets that could replace America
if the worst happened. Nintendo had al-
ready planned to intensify its push into
Europe, but the trouble in the U.S
caused Yamauchi to expedite а Euro-
pean invasion. Nintendo would be pre-
pared if any portion of the American
gold mine were to be denied. "We do not
see borders in this business," Yamauchi
says. "Some countries may be too poor
or have heavy tariffs on imports, but with
those exceptions we will go anywhere in
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PLAYBOY expands your pur
list of retailers and manu-
facturers you can contact for
information on where lo find
this months merchandise. To
buy the apparel and equipment
shown on pages 26, 33, 88-93
and 181, check the listings
below to find the stores near-
est you,
chasing power by providing a \
for information, 800-524-
6638. By Denon, for in-
formation, 201-757-7810.
“Wild Things": CD chang-
, er: By Sony for infor-
mation, 800-942-5721. By
Pioneer, for information,
Page 88: Jacket from Colours
by Alexander Julian, at fine
Page 26: "Rugbys New Kick": Shirts:
From Tango by Мах Raab, at fine depart-
ment stores. By Cross Colours, at Macy's,
151 W. 34th St, N.Y.C.; Merry-Go-Round
stores. By Yes Men, at fine department and
specialty stores. By Tag Rag, at A.M. & A's,
for store locations, 800-649-4022; Know
Style, 44 W. Eighth St, N.Y.C., 212-529-
7658. By Bosa Le Collezioni, at Aldo's, 96
Broadway, Bayonne, NJ, 201-823-2007.
“Working Class": Jacket by Салат, at
Dave's Army & Navy, 779 Sixth Ave,
N.Y.C., 212-989-6444. Jacket, pants and
work shirts: By H.W Carter & Sons Vintage
Line, at Bloomingdale's. Work shirt by
Smith Apparel Corp., at Fred Segal Melrose,
8100 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, 213-651-
4129. Coveralls by Dickie's Workwear, 800-
DICKIES. Overalls by Big Smith, for store lo-
cations, 800-641-4684. Windbreaker by
Smith Apparel Corp., at Fred Segal Melrose,
8100 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, 21
651-4129. “Hot Shopping: Amsterdam”:
t Klompenhuisje (31 20 622 81 00). 1001
Bieren (31 20 623 77 11). Nieuws Innoven-
tions (31 20 627 95 40). Sissy Boy (31 20 671
51 74). “Clothes Line its: By Valentino,
at fine department and specialty stores. By
Hugo Boss, at Barneys New York, Seventh
Ave. at 17th St, 212-929-9000. “Tie One
On—Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”: Ties: By J. Garcia
for Stonehenge Lid., at Bloomingdale's and
Macy's stores. By Fillmore East for Mulberry
Neckwear, at Macy's stores. By John Lennon
for Burma Bibbas, at Saks Fifth Avenue, 611
Fifth Ave., N. , 212-753-4000; Macy's
stores. By Beatles for Manhattan Menswear
Group, at Macy's stores.
Page 33:" The Interactive Action": Interac-
tive multimedia systems: By Sega, for in-
formation or a dealer near you, 800-Usa-
SEGA. By Nintendo, for information or a
dealer near you, 800-633-3236. By Philips,
for information, 800-523-6363. By Pioneer,
for information, 800-421-1404. “Radios
Wise Up”: RDS car stereos: By Blaupunkt,
for information, 800-955-2528. By Philips,
department stores. Shirt by
Edwin Jeans, at Sweatique, Broadway Mall,
Hicksville, NY, 516-932-8984. Shorts by
DKNY, at Macy's and Bullock's. Eyewear by
Calvin Klein, for information, 800-544-
1336. Page 89: Vest by DKNY, at Liberty
House, Ala Moana Shopping Center, Hon-
olulu, HI, 808-945-5735. Shirt by Reunion
Menswear, at fine department stores. Shorts
by Calvin Klein, at fine department stores.
Page 90: Sport shirt and shirt from Polo
by Ralph Lauren, at Polo Ralph Lauren,
867 Madison Ave., N.Y.C., 212-606-2100.
Shorts from Folo by Ralph Lauren, at Polo
Ralph Lauren, 444 N. Rodeo Dr, Beverly
Hills, 310-281-7200. Page 91: Vest by Calvin
Klein Jeans, at fine department stores. Shirt
From Basco by Lance Karesh, at Barneys New
York, Seventh Ave. at 17th St., N.Y.C., 212-
929-9000. Shorts by Guess Men, at Straw-
bridge & Clothiers, Market East at 8th,
Philadelphia, PA, 215-629-6000. Page 92:
Sneakers by G.H. Bass, at fine department
stores. Vest by Hugo Boss, at Silhouette,
1201 Connecticut Ave., Washington, DC,
202-887-5081. Sport shirt from Colours by
Alexander Julian, at fine department stores.
Shorts by Scout America Denim, at fine de-
partment stores. Sunglasses by Oliver Peo-
ples, at Morgenthal-Fredrics, 685 Madison
Ave., N.Y.C., 212-838-3090. Watch by TAG-
Heuer, for information, 800-321-4832. Page
93: Shirt by Sassafras and Chino, at fine spe-
cialty stores. Vest by Island Trading Co., at 15-
land Trading Co., 15 E. 45th St, N.Y.C.,
212-353-0297. Shorts by J.O.E., at the
Joseph Abboud Store, 37 Newberry St,
Boston, 617-266-3933. Sandals by Birken-
stock, for information, 800-1Ts-BIRK.
Page 181: Remote controls: VCR Voice by
Voice Powered Technology, for information,
BOO-vcR-rALK. Palm-Mate by Go-Video, to
order or for mformation, 800-279-1600.
One for All Big Easy by Universal Eleciron-
ics, for information, 800-394-3000. PRM-1
PenRemote by Mitsubishi, for information,
714-220-2500. Fox 800 by Fox Electronics,
for information, 800-229-7892.
the world. There are no borders.”
Yamauchi has remained consistently
and entirely unrepentant, even when
Nintendo of America entered into a set-
tlement with the FTC on the price-fixing
charges. No guilt was admiued, of
course—Yamauchi continued to deny
any wrongdoing and never backed down
on his most-restrictive controls. Ya-
mauchi also tenaciously fought the law-
suits with the biggest hired guns he
could find. In 1991 Nintendo of Ameri-
ca spent $20 million on lawyers. (Al-
though many of the lawsuits remain un-
resolved, in December 1992, the FTC
dropped its investigation into Ninten-
do's possibly monopolistic business prac-
tices without taking action.)
Sull, Nintendo was vulnerable, and its
weakness appeared in the most unlikely
arena—the marketplace.
Sega never was a threat as far as Ya-
mauchi was concerned. The $700 mil-
lion Japanese company—founded, iron-
ically, by an American—had a reasonably
successful history in the video-arcade
business in Japan and in the U.S. But it
seemed too small and too specialized to
make inroads into Nintendo's vast con-
sumer business. Sega had released the
Master System as а competitor to the
Famicom and the Nintendo Entertain-
ment System, but it never gained more
than five percent of the market. Like
many other companies, it failed to break
Nintendo's lock on the industry.
Tn a rare lapse of judgment, Yamauchi
continued to underestimate Sega. When
Sega launched a more powerful game
system, Genesis, in 1989, Nintendo was
caught flat-footed. Genesis had the ca-
pacity to generate great graphics, anima-
tion and near-CD-quality sound, and the
company had a proven software catalog
of Sega's arcade hits. The company at-
tacked Nintendo head-on. sEGA GENESIS
DOES WHAT NINTENDONT, its slogan read.
Genesis was a bestseller, and Sega
dramatically cut into Yamauchi's market.
share. An angry Yamauchi fought back
in 1991 with the Super Nintendo Enter-
tainment System, а machine as powerful
as Genesis.
A mammoth marketing campaign
launched the SNES, and while the new
system began to recapture some of the
video-game market lost to Sega, the
damage had been done. Yamauchi had
made а major blunder by not coming
out with a more powerful machine in
tme to stunt Sega's growth. Nintendo
now has to coexist with a viable com-
peutor in the marketplace, a company
that will get a fair share of the $10
billion-plus that consumers will spend
on video games in 1993 and the esca-
lating amounts predicted for the follow-
ing years.
Sega was only the first of Yamauchi's
worries. The video-game industry is
changing quickly, and Nintendo's fate
rests less on its past and more on how
Yamauchi adjusts to the future.
New technology will bring together
such media as television, video games,
stereo and the VCR in combination with
a CD-ROM and a central processor. Oth-
er components can be added, such as a
digital photograph reader or printer. A
cable-television receiver—one that can
manage and search through thousands
of cable stations —will also be incorporat-
ed. Key to these innovations, however,
will be the TV screen and the computer,
the clearinghouse of the huge amouni
of audio and video information that wil
allow people to interact with it all
"The Super Nintendo Entertainment
System was designed to power such a
multimedia system. If all goes according
to plan, Yamauchi's video-game system
could transform into a multiuse, multi-
purpose home computer, the first truly
pervasive home computer for the mass
market. The potential market for such
systems is enormous. There arc 300 mil-
lion television sets in
Yamauchi has his way, there could be
several hundred million Nintendo ma-
chines in homes throughout the world,
all running Nintendo-made or -con-
trolled software.
Alhough companies such as Apple,
IBM, Sony, Matsushita, Philips, Fujitsu
and Microsoft are also scheming to get
shares of this market, Hiroshi Yamauchi
daringly announced early on that Nin-
tendo would define the home-entertain-
ment-system industry of the future. The
move, he said, was the company's “bold-
est departure yet from the antiquated
perception of video-game technology.
Companies such as IBM, Apple, Mat-
sushita and Sony are cach struggling to
become the company of the future, the
kind Nintendo already is: both a hard-
ware and software company.” Indeed,
when Apple president Michael Spindler
was asked in March 1991 which comput-
er company Apple feared most, he
quickly answered, “Nintendo.”
Yamauchi kicked the pace into over-
drive by mid-1992 by revving up the
push to sell the SNES. He also directed a
heightened drive to do what Nintendo
had done better than anyone else in the
past—create games that would keep its
fans, and new generations of fans, in-
trigued. To that end, Yamauchi in-
creased the research budget to explore
the future of video games and multime-
dia. He also entered into secret alliances
with technology companies and negoti-
ated with entertainment companies for
licenses based on Nintendo characters
and stories. “The geniuses in our com-
pany can create software that children
will love. That is how we will succeed.
‘That is why people will buy the system
Once they have it, they will want new
kinds of software. We will provide it or
license it,” says Yamauchi proudly. “It
the world. If
will mean that Nintendo will remain at
the center of the home-entertainment
industry as it transforms."
He readied a CD-ROM attachment to
the SNES (he tentatively plans a 1993
launch). He also worked with Philips
and Sony, two of the largest consumer-
electronics companies in the world, to
create a format that could become the
standard for the industry. Nintendo, in a
hard-fought battle with these two com-
panies, gained the right to control the
licensing of game software. which could
y be worth hundreds of billions
of dollars.
Once again, Nintendo's immediate
competition comes from Sega. Its CD-
ROM player is already on the market.
‘The initial price tag of $300 kept most
consumers away, but Sega again beat
Nintendo to the punch. Other CD-
ROMs came out that played both com-
pact discs and cartridge-based game:
and there were stand-alone machines on
the market by Commodore (CDTV) and
Philips (CD-1).
The Nintendo machine, being created
in partnership with Sony, will be more
powerful than most systems in the con-
sumer market, built around a 32-bit
processor (which has twice the power of
most competitors’). V that and the
company's marketing strength, Ninten-
do might well be the one to create the
standard—a standard that Yamauchi will
control. Imagine if one company earned
money not only on every VCR sold but
on all the videotapes sold or rented
as well.
Last year was the video-game indus-
try's biggest yet, with Nintendo hol
on to its considerable share of the overall
market and pulling ahead of Sega Gene-
sis with the SNES. It is now ready to йо
battle for the multimedia market. Re-
markably, the most significant attempts
to stop Yamauchi have thus far failed.
The threats to his dominance in the
American market are evaporating one
by one, and the European invasion has
begun. “No one can stop us,” he says.
“Many companies would like to surpass
us. If they are at war with Nintendo, we
are ready, They will not damage us. It is
inevitable in our position that people try
to harm us and exceed us, but the at-
tempts will fail. Nintendo will continue
to become strong
Expanding beyond traditional video
games is essential, Yamauchi insists. "We
learned our lesson from Atari, once the
leader in the world," he says. “We are
able to understand very clearly why
4. No toy company ever be:
truly big and great company by
ng a toy company We have
much more ambition than that. As the
lines that limited video-game companies
in the past disappear, Nintendo will play
a larger role in the world."
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ook alive, couch potatoes. Easy-to-use remote controls for
your home entertainment center are sprouting up every-
where and, no, the instruction manuals that come with
them aren't the size of the Manhattan telephone directory.
Some remotes, such as Universal Electronics” Big Easy, consolidate
all your video controls into one no-brainer unit with oversized but
tons. Others are more sophisticated. The Fox 800, for example,
has only ten buttons and a touch-screen display, yet it will operate
up to eight audio and video components. Go-Video's Palm-Mate
literally fits in your palm. And the VCR Voice is a universal re-
mote that responds to voice commands from several people. Sor-
гу, guys, it doesn't open the fridge door when you want a beer.
Below, left to right: Control your TV, VCR and cable box audibly with VCR Voice, a remote that can program up to 15 separate events, by Voice
Powered Technology, $170. The palm-sized Palm-Male has a multidirectional beam for slapshot aiming, by Go-Video, $60. Big buttons are on
Universal Electronics’ One For АЙ Big Easy remote, $30. Mitsubi:
i's pen-sized PRM-1 PenRemoti
designed to be a backup to a full-featured
one, $50. The Fox 8007$ touch-screen window provides access to more than 200 remote-control functions, by Fox Electronics, $100.
— —M— --
Where & How to Buy on page 178.
Cindy and Claudia Do Lingerie З
What do two of the most beautiful supermodels in the world do for fun? They don
Karl Lagerfeld corsets and bras and take a walk down the runway exposing their
considerable charms. CINDY CRAWFORD (below) is the hostess of MTV's House of
Style and is working on a series of celebrity interviews for Fox TV. CLAUDIA
SCHIFFER (right) has been hanging out with Prince Albert of Monaco, but that
hasn't stopped her from making a new calendar for us commoners. These beau-
ties are more than skin deep, and smart right to the bone.
The Jones Boys
Remember when John Lennon said the Beatles were
more popular than Jesus? Check the charts—it’s not true
anymore. The hot techno-punk band JESUS JONES is on tour
now and will be again in the fall. Catch them live, then listen
182 to Perverse, a worthy successor to Doubt. No doubt.
Sheer Gear
Actress and model DEBORAH STEVENS pused fora
book of photos by director David Lynch. You've seen
her on Baywatch and the Playboy Channel. Stay tuned.
Out oí Control
Ш Sides to Every Story is EXTREME's most re-
cent gold LP. Perhaps you caught them on
their recent world tour, If not, don't despair.
Crank up the music and go to extremes.
has plenty to
smile about,
from feature
films Ruby, Bad
Influence and
Heat to TV roles
in Coach, Red
Shoe Diaries
and Doogie
Howser, M.D.
(doing stunts,
no less). The
teddy doesn’t
hurt, either.
Can the Blues
Save the Greens?
Just what the doctor ordered: RY COODER,
to right) were singing the blues about the
environment to raise money for science
scholarships at the University of California.
They know about the birds and the bees.
1f you and your sexy girl-
friend are itching to get into
the swing of things and play
Tarzan and Jane, but neither
of you has a thing to wear,
we have just the outfits.
"They're a nonallergenic
faux snow leopard men's
pouch (it resembles a fuzzy
jockstrap) and matching
G-string and bra bikini (pic-
tured here) that are avail-
able in one-size-fits-all. (Re-
lax, ecologists, nothing died
зо that these garments
could cover your and your
Jane's hides.) Everything is
lined in satin and washable.
То order, call the Playboy
Catalog at 800-423-9494
and ask for item number
QC 4225. (Sorry, the outfits
come only as a set and can't
be separated.) The price:
$45, postpaid. And for an-
other $14, you can really
bring out the animal in you
both with item number QC
4226, a fake leopard-skin
massage mitt. Yes, the claws
have been removed.
Anyone can track who's doing what in the Show. But how about Ray
McDavid, a Padres wanna-be, or Cliff Floyd, a Montreal Expos hope-
ful? Turns out they're hot, which you'd know if you read The Prospects
Report. It's an eight- to 12-page quarterly newsletter that includes stats
on top rookie batting prospects and pitching up-and-comers, along
with interviews, scouting reports, hot rumors and other information
that will appeal to both hard-core hardball junkies and dedicated
armchair athletes. Thom Henninger, Prospects editor, also points out
that the publication improves the odds for fantasy-league-baseball play-
ers as well as card collectors looking for a hot rookie whose first-year
baseball card might someday be worth megabucks. The Prospects Report
184 costs $15 a year sent to PO. Box 6193, Evanston, Illinois 60204.
Looking for personal instruction by Fred
Couples on tempo, Chi Chi Rodriguez on
short game or Tom Kite on wedge play?
Check out Golflix, a battery-powered
8mm movie viewer housing a 30-second
continuous film loop showing six swings
by these and other famous golfers. Fur-
thermore, the loop can
be played in real time ji,
or frame-by-frame. The (
price: $19.95 for the
viewer and the Fred
Couples loop; $7.95 for
each additional loop. Call 718-258-
7033 for more information.
We've all had nights that went into the
dumper, but for $49.95 you can now
have an intimate evening in a can. That's
the price that Creative Gift Baskets
charges for its sealed three-pound Inti-
mate Evening can filled with such sexy
goodies as body oil, bubble bath, an adult
card game, chocolate cookies and love
potions. To order: 800-678-6218.
Campari, the Italian aperitif
company, has been commis-
sioning artists to create Cam-
pari-inspired works of art for
almost a century. Now it's of-
fering four 39" x 27” герго-
ductions of some of the most
popular posters for only
$15.95 each, postpaid. (Pic-
tured here is Spiritello by
Leonetto Cappiello. Others
include The Blue Skeptic, The
Kiss and Men in the Café.)
Checks should be sent to
Campari USA, Inc., 55 East
59th Street, New York 10022
Not a bitter idea.
Looking for a polite yet foolproof way to get oH the phone fast
the next time your mother, boss or ex-wife calls when you have
more important things on your mind? Order Gotta Go, a small
battery-powered gizmo that hooks right onto your phone and
simulates the clicking sound of someone on call waiting. Eclipse
Products at 13 Grove Street, Darien, Connecticut 06820, sells
Gotta Go for only $18.45, postpaid.
Discovery Records, a music
company in Santa Monica,
has just released Body Heat, а
romantic CD containing re-
recorded and rearranged
sensual jazz themes from 11
classic films. Body Heat, of
course, is represented, as are
Black Orpheus, Taxi Driver,
Blade Runner and others. Fea-
tured musicians include Jack
Sheldon (trumpet) and Ernie
Watts (tenor sax). Bill Cun-
Jiffe (piano) is part of the
band. The price: $17, post-
paid, from Discovery at 800-
377-9620. A catalog will set
you back a buck.
‘The Golden Door and La Costa, of course, are
where the rich and famous go when they want
to be pampered and pummeled. But now
there's a new log-and-rock redwood forest re-
treat, Skylonda, that's establishing its own style
of sweat equity. Much of Skylonda's weeklong
program of mental and physical renewal is cen-
tered on hiking the nature trails which abound
nearby. Indoor spa activities, such as a jacuzzi,
aerobics and body wraps, are included in the
$2520 a week double-occupancy price. Call
800-851-2222 for reservations.
According to Random House, The Elegant Man
by Riccardo Villarosa and Giuliano Angeli is a
192-page "illustrated guide that presents every-
thing a man needs to know to dress with time-
less style and distinction." Chapters cover fab-
rics, cut and tailoring, maintenance and care,
special occasions and much more. Illustrations
show garment by garment how to put together
a great look that's uniquely you. The price: $35
at your neighborhood bookstore.
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