Full text of "PLAYBOY"
Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.
@Philip Morns loc 1994,
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© The Paddington Corporation 1994. Swiss Tip #9: Be on time
YOU CAN BE obnoxious and arrogant, rebellious and weird, or — Te
just plain cool. But in today's world, pal, you have to have at-
titude. Even veteran Contributing Editor Lawrence Grobel was
impressed by his discussions with actor Christian Slater for the
Playboy Interview. Slater has been in rehab and has appeared in
19 movies. Не has dropped ecstasy—and dropped out of
school. He's had run-ins with the law and with beautiful co-
stars. The worst part: He's only 25. But that doesn't stop him
from trashing directors or boasting about his next flick, Inter-
view With the Vampire. Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino knows about
violence, whether he's directing his new smash, Pulp Fiction,
or witnessing a transvestite connect with the wrong end of a
bat. Read the 20 Questions conducted by West Coast scribe Mar-
gy Rochlin. Musicians Liz Phair and Courtney Love are raunchy,
outspoken performers reshaping rock and roll's macho image
with acidic lyrics and ironic innuendo. As Associate Editor
Christopher Napolitano relates in Rock Girls, they're part of a new
di: invasion that takes a spiked heel to your eardrum. Does GROBEL
Phair's real-life behavior support her artistic licentiousness?
Read If You Like Liz Phair, by Shane DuBow. Du Bow is a former
PLAYBOY intern—but that wasn't his first stint as an apprentice.
He was also once Phair's college squeeze.
Yes, you can be married and hip. In fact, Paul Reiser says his
union to a former waitress is a romantic legend that will help
future stand-up comics get laid. Reading like an episode from
his hit TV show, Mad About You, our Playboy Profile of Reiser by
Steve Pond (David Levine did the portrait) is the private side of a
newlywed who still thinks like a bachelor.
Now for a really bad attitude: There's a lunatic on the loose.
The FBI calls him the Unabomber; we call him The Scariest
Criminal in America. The article is by reporter Michael Reynolds,
who met with the FBI to profile the psycho who's been plant-
ing bombs in devious packages for more than a decade, with
lethal results. Curiously, he has recently targeted academics —
and has given new meaning to the term dead-letter box. Mar-
shall Arisman conjured up the artwork.
We've also included some lighter mood-enhancers this
month. As debate crackles over whether the Internet will be
censored, cartoonist Keith Robinson imagines the worst in an il-
lustrated feature, On the Net, and anticipates a new demon: cy-
bersex harassment. The threat of a conventional sex harass-
ment charge makes flirting more delicious for Yossarian, hero
of Joseph Heller's masterpiece Catch-22, who has returned for a
long-awaited encore. In an excerpt from Closing Time (Simon
& Schuster), Yossarian, bedridden once again, contemplates
old age, sickness, death and the ever-near ass of a beautiful
nurse (illustration by Lorry Rivers).
Speaking of front-row seats, movie critic Bruce Williamson re-
turns with the seasonal feature Sex in Cinema. One develop-
ment that pricked Williamson's interest: male actors flapping ROBINSON HELLER
the dragon on-screen. Thankfully, the ladies—notably Elle ИР”, |
Macpherson—are not to be outdone. You'll notice our fashion К
layout New York Snow Job (photographed by chuck Baker) also
makes good use of freeze-frames. It's a rundown of winter's
most electric and toasty activewear. A more sedate alterna-
tive—dressy cold-weather protection—can be found in Over
the Top Coats. 1n our pictorials, we introduce a new Playmate,
Donna Perry, and welcome back another, Pamela Anderson from
Baywatch, While Miss November is just breaking into acting,
Pamela Anderson (photography by Stephen Wayda) is smoking
through Baywatch and bevond with a rep as a modern, Amer-
ican Bardot. She remembers where it all started—and we're
glad to have her home for the holidays.
È |
Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), November 1994, volume 41, number 11. Published monthly by Playboy in national and regional editions, Playboy,
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices.
Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 56162. Subscriptions: in the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster:
Send address change to Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, Iowa 51537-4007. E-mail: edit@playboy.com. 3
JAZZ a xi e жүзө 22.22. NEIL ТЕЗЕК
MEN. à s 3 + г ASA BABER
CLOSING TIME—fiction nta € жжтеу ке >= JOSEPH) HELLER:
PAMWATCH—pictorial O
MAD ADOUT PAUL—playboy profile. sss . .... STEVE POND
ROCK GIRLS—article ............. 242404. CHRISTOPHER NAPOLITANO
DRIVING MISS PERRY—playboy's playmate of the month
SOVIET CHIC—modern living
WILD IN THE STREETS—automotive report ..- KEN GROSS
SEX IN CINEMA 1994—pictorial да ‚ Лей by BRUCE WILLIAMSON
ОМ THE NET—humor ez . ... .. KEITH ROBINSON
PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE... E пита EGRE S, Wild Streets
We knew Pamela Anderson was special when we spotted her in Lobatt’s beer
ads. Miss February 1990 credits her Home Improvement and Baywatch success
to her ruvsov appearances. And now the most famous lifeguard in the world is
seen in 140 nations weekly by 20 percent of the earth’s population. Our cover
was styled by Fanny Freemon ond shat by Contributing Photographer Stephen
Woyda. Thanks to Alexis Vogel far styling Pam's untamed hore and makeup
these sexy тебет yy Queens:
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ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor
TOM STAEBLER art director
GARY COLE photography director
KEVIN BUCKLEY executive editor
JOHN REZEK assistant managing editor
JAMES R. PETERSEN senior staff writer; MODERN
lo; DOROTHY ATCHESON publishing liaison:
editor; ARLAN BUSHMAN assistant editor; ANNE
SHERMAN copy associale; CAROLYN BROWNE senior
researchers; CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: asa
KERIG POPE managing director; BRUCE HANSEN
KORJENEK associate director; KELLY RORJENER assis
tant director; ANN SEUA. supervisor, keyline/
MARILYN GRABOWSKI west coast editor: им LARSON,
associate editor; DAVID CHAN, RICHARD FEGLEY
ing photographers; SHELLEE WELLS stylist; там
Hawkins photo librarian
MARIA manpis director; RITA JOHNSON manager:
associate managers
BARBARA GUTMAN subscription circulation director;
LARRY A. DJERE newsstand sales direclor; CINDY
какомата communications director
IRWIN KORNFELD associate publisher: ERNIE REN.
тица advertising director; Jay BECKLEY national
projects director; SMES DIRECTORS: KIM L PINTO
eastern region; от 1. GOSHCARIAN midwestern re-
gion; VALERIE CLIFFORD western region; MARKET-
ING SERVICES: IRV RORNBLAU marketing director;
LISA NATALE research director
EILEEN KENT new media director; MARCIA VER
rones rights & permissions administrator
CHRISTIE HEFNER chairman, chief execulive officer
Color fluo-
shoes yon the member
GET HIGH TECHNOLOGY THAT'S USER- and location of loaded.
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Thad no idea who Deion Sanders was
when I flipped to the Playboy Interview
(August). But now I'm glad I do. He has
accomplished a lot and he says no to
drugs. I cheer his origina
Amy McCarthy
Highland Village, Texas
As a faithful Braves fan, 1 am dis-
turbed by Sanders’ waste of talent. Un-
fortunately, his ego overshadows his val-
ue as a team player.
Herschel Harrison
Blairsville, Georgia
Sanders’ mother needs to have a talk
with him. If 1 went into a restaurant in
baggy pants and tennis shoes, with my
hat on backward, and was treated like
dirt, I'd deserve it.
Wallis Parnelle
Austin, Texas
Contributing Editor David Rensin's 20
Questions with Dana Delany (August) was
oh-so-tasty. Isn't there some way to per-
suade Delany to do a pictorial?
Sean Hayes
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
I've always liked Dana. She has that
girl-next-door look and a delightfully
sexy outlook. Ask her again to pose.
Mike Bucy
Valparaiso, Indiana
No one should be able to stop a com-
petent adult from giving back the gift of
life. Dr. Jack Kevorkian (Getting to Know
Dr. Death, August) has learned something
the rest of the medical establishment
hasn't. Doctors ought to be servants of
their patients, not judges of them.
Michael McGarr
Palmdale, California
1 used to count on PLAYBOY to be оп
the sane side of an is I think Dr
Kevorkian is absolutely right. Modera-
tion never changes anything.
Karlene Morris
Ogden, Utah
1 don't believe that Dr. Kevorkian left
the standard medical profession just to
get his name in print. 1 think his motiva-
tion was honest. There should be death
with dignity. Kevorkian has а sensi-
tivity that is missing from both church
and state.
Brian Hofer
Elk Grove, California
1 admit I had never heard of Kurt
Cobain at the time of his suicide, so I ea-
gerly read Mark Ehrman's Media col-
umn (August) in hopes of gaining some
insight. So what did I learn? That Gen-
eration X is angry and likes to whine
about it.
Linda Common
Walden, New York
1 commend Mark Ehrman on his col-
umn. The aging people who run the me-
dia are out of touch. Ehrman noticed
and responded.
Eric Vette
Detroit, Michigan
Mark Ehrman's column on Kurt
Cobain's suicide was one of the better
ones, probably because it wasn't written
in the midst of the media frenzy. Cobain.
was a talented musician, but his personal
life was a mess. Baby-boomer idols died
accidentally or after they peaked. Ours
betrayed us.
Kris Gallimore
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Brava, Colombia. You have produced
a small masterpiece in Playmate Maria
Winter Ski Fest
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Checa (Roll Om, Colombia,
¡Muchas gracias!
Paul Pierce
Davisville, West Virginia
Could this be the most beautiful
woman in the world? Contributing Pho-
tographer Richard Fegley did a really
great job.
Holly West
Cleveland, Tennessee
It was obvious from The Great 40th An-
niversary Playmate Search pictorial (Janu-
ary) that Maria was Playmate material.
Robert Urdinola
Laurel, Maryland
iQue linda! Now, here's a Colombian
export worth treasuring. More Maria.
Daniel A. Monjar
Raleigh, North Carolina
As a connoisseur of petite women, I
was awestruck by Maria Checa—an ex-
ample of the perfect woman.
Brian Christensen
Sioux City, lowa
Julie Rigby's A Man's Guide to TV Talk
Shows (August) said more in four pages
than all the hosts of daytime talk shows
combined. These shows accept personal
opinion as fact. Rigby's chart ought to
help make us more discerning in our
viewing choices.
Vance Krites
Wooster, Ohio
I'll be honest with you. Often, I don't
read the fiction in млувоу. But I read
"Terry Bisson's The Joe Show (August) with
interest. It was funny, though the ending
bothered me. Could you ask him to write
a sequel?
"Thomas Ceckitti
Columbus, Ohio
Robert Scheer is right on the mark
with his August Reporter's Notebook, “Butt
Out.” We've had enough of this puri-
tanical nanny-state intolerance that per-
mits a self-appointed group of experts
to tell us that everything pleasurable is
no good.
Charles Dyer Jr.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
In his August column, Robert Scheer
is misinformed about statistical matters.
An established technique called meta-
analysis, common in social science re-
search, uses existing studies because da-
ta are expensive to collect. This is not
“cooked data.” Scheer notes that a
“mere” 3000 people die from the effects
of secondhand smoke each year. That in-
10 dicates that the effect is small in absolute
terms, not that it is statistically irrele-
vant. It would certainly not seem to be
unimportant either to the victims or to
their families.
Mark Walker
Memphis, Tennessee
What a stunning pictorial of Carol
Shaya (New York's Finest, August), a wom-
an with brains, poise, determination and
James Best
Hopewell, Virginia
We've got a lot of crime down here in
Birmingham. Think y'all could send us a
couple of law enforcers on the order of
Carol Shaya?
Sam Langhorne
Birmingham, Alabama
As an avid female fan of PLAYBOY and a
police officer, I was thrilled to see Carol
Shaya on your August cover. So many
people believe the old stereotype of a fe-
male police officer: big, burly, probably
homosexual and suffering from penis
envy. Carol helps show that under the
blue polyester and badge is first and
foremost a woman. We can be both beau-
tiful and brave.
Kim Bowerman
Tallahassce, Florida
Looks like 1 might have to do some
jaywalking in the Bronx. Way to go.
Brian Ferguson
Diamond Bar, California
Who said women in law enforcement
can't be beautiful in and out of uniform?
1 hope Carol Shaya doesn't get any grief
for posing. It should be her decision.
B. Thomas Diener
Albuquerque, New Mexico
1 don't even need to open the issue.
Carol Shaya is the most spectacular wom-
an I've ever seen. Best cover ever.
Noel Mlynsky
Las Vegas, Nevada
Applause to Asa Baber for having the
imagination to use The Godfather as a
parenting tool (Men, August). If more
parents were interested in using modern
media properly, there wouldn't be such
an outcry about media violence.
Timothy Chapman
Lindenwold, New Jersey
If we do not try to teach our children
that the world can improve, it won't.
Don Corleone was ruthless and uncar-
ing outside his own family. There is on-
ly one family—humanity—and we're all
Chris Tuslow
San Diego, California
It is refreshing to see at least one na-
tional publication treat the citizens of
Pensacola as the innocent bystanders
that they are in this terrible ongoing
saga between the abortion clinics and the
pro-life fringe. Now another abortion
provider and his escort have been
gunned down. Craig Vetter's Death at
the Clinic Door (July) uncovered those fa-
naücs, including tlic terrorist Paul Hill,
who has been charged with this latest
brutal crime, It is my deepest hope that
the country will see these people for
what they really are, and that PLAYBOY
will continue to treat Pensacola with
Joel N. Cotton
Pensacola, Florida
I was surprised to discover e-mail ad-
dresses in Dear Playboy. Publishing some-
one's e-mail address is no different from
publishing a phone number or address
It leaves the person vulnerable to unso-
licited and unwanted e-mail.
John Thoo
Davis, California
We've quite sensitive to issues of privacy. If
you don't want us to publish your e-mail ad-
dress, let us know when you write.
1 just got the Playboy Interview CD-
ROM, and it seems to me that this is
what the technology was invented for. It
doesn't matter how whizzy the interface
is or how much pseudo interactivity is
thrown in. What counts is what's on the
disc. 1 had five three-ring notebooks full
of photocopies of Playboy Interviews. 1
finally got to clear the shelf.
Andrew Bonime
New York, New York
It Tastes Good. It Costs Less.
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
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5 Philip Morris Inc. 094
Kings. 16 mg “tar,” 1.1 mg micotine—av. per cigarette by FTC method
Hoboken, New Jersey's booming tav-
ern trade is accompanied, unfortunately,
by a trickle-down menace: public urina-
tion. The 30 to 40 arrests per week for
lack of continence are threatening to
cause the municipal court to overflow
Offenders’ excuses tend toward the elab-
orate, with 2 preponderance including
heartfelt notes from doctors attesting to
the poor bladder control of the defen-
dant. However, as the judge pointed out
to one lawbreaker, a bladder problem
doesn't explain why he was urinating on
a mailbox. This yellow peril is equal op-
portunity: urprising number of of
fenders are women. Regardless of gen-
der, those found guilty are given a $250
fine. Given the volume of business,
Hoboken might want to invest in а fleet
of portable johns so that its fair streets
may be once again unpuddled.
Two former Benedictine monks who
served as directors of the choir of the
Santo Domingo de Silos Abbey are ask-
ing the record company for $5 million in
royalties earned by the smash-hit Chant
The monks contend they arranged the
scores that were sung and have regis-
tered those arrangements with the prop-
er authorities in Spain—and that it was
because of their efforts, rather than
through divine intervention, that the
CDs took off. Juan Mestres, an attorney
Tor EMI-Odeon, which issued the CDs
remarked, “My opinion is that claiming
to have arranged this 1000-year-old mu-
sic is not realistic.”
It’s going to be harder to get ahead in
the exciting and glamourous world of
sumo wrestling. Aspiring sumo competi-
tors have ied everything to get around
the 58" height requirement. Some even
have been Known to pound themselves
on the head to produce height-enhanc-
ing bumps. But Koji Harada, 16,
thought to go that extra step and had six
inches of silicone implanted on top of his
head—which gave him a sort of Cone-
head quality. The Japan Sumo Associa-
tion ruled that Harada will be the last
wrestler allowed to use implants since it
fears others may be inspired to try some-
thing really stupid to make the grade
Gee, Bub, then no one will want it: A
pickup truck in Sheboygan, Wisconsin—
driven by a guy whose mother obviously
never told him about sharing—was spot-
ted with a bumper sticker that reads
It could have been a flack's worst
nightmare. OJ. Simpson attended а
board meeting as a director of the
Forschner Group—a Connecticut-based
company that markets Swiss Army and
Sabatier knives—three days before the
murder of his ex-wife. Don Dwight. a
spokesman for the firm, told The Wash-
ington Post, “We are obviously retracing
his visit carefully in light of what's hap-
pened. No one recalls him leaving with
[a gift box of] knives. Directors were giv-
ena choice of Forschner products, and
OJJ. selected a watch.”
How do pets handle the dog days
of summer? Not well, especially if they
suffer from what New York City veteri
narians call High-Rise Cat Syndrome.
The disorder occurs when peis—for no
known reason—jump or fall out of mul-
tistory dwellings. Apparently, cats are
the most common victims; one New York
vet sees 150 to 200 survivors a summer.
Other afflicted animals include high-rise
dogs, ferrets and the occasional turtle or
iguana, Theories abound regarding the
syndrome: The pets chase intruders or
real or imagined animals, they lose their
balance or just have poor depth percep-
tion. A research paper concluded that
the worst injuries occur in cats that fall
five to nine stories. It seems that the
flying felines achieve a “terminal veloci-
ty” of 60 miles per hour after five stories;
beyond that, their speed remains rough-
ly the same. However, cats that fall far-
ther often escape serious injury. After
nine stories, they are able to wiggle them-
selves into a soft-landing position that
seems to protect them, In June, for ex-
ample, a cat fell 46 stories into a planter
and emerged virtually unscathed.
Religious freedom may be on the rise
in Russia, but the quality of church spir-
its still has a long way to go. Apparently,
the sacramental wine used liberally in
Russian Orthodox services is almost un-
drinkable. When Alexi II, patriarch of
Moscow, declared that the wine was unfit
to embody the blood of Christ, several
Christian winemakers from California's
pa and Sonoma counties heard the
call and launched a mission of mercy to
help church leaders start their own
wineries. The dearth of good wine af
fects more than just religion: Another
American vintner who recently visited
Russia was asked about the effective-
ness of his wine in staving off radiation
According to Beat-
ing Murphy's Law, by
Bob Berger, the
odds of a first-time
screenwriter selling
one of the 30,000
screenplays regis-
tered with the
Writer’s Guild each
year are 140,000 to 1.
"Let's get this
mother out of
here."—THE LAST
In a University of California-San
Francisco study of 62 feature hlms
made between 1960 and 1990, the
number of times that tobacco was
used: 611. Percentage of on-screen
smokers who were major characters
in the Sixties films: 38; in the Seven-
ties: 29; in the Eighties: 26.
Approximate percentage of female
subscribers to the Echo (East Coast
Hang Ош) computer service net-
work: 40; percentage of women on
Prodigy: 40; on America Online: 30;
; on Delphi Internet Ser-
vices: 15; on Compuserve: 10.
Amount of phony U.S. currency
produced by counterfeiters overseas
(mostly terrorist organizations in the
Middle East) in 1993: $120 million;
amount counterfeited in the U.S:
$24 million.
In a recent survey, percentage of
Californians who have admitted to
drinking milk directly out of the car-
ton: 59; percentage who said that
they put the carton back in the refrig-
erator even after emptying its con-
tents: 31; percentage who said they
have blown milk out of their noses:
39; percentage who said that they
have made milk a
part of their sex
lives: 14.
Number of quarts
a physically active
person can sweat per
day: 5 to 10; number
of quarts a sedentary
person sweats: 0 to 2.
Amount of the
$120 million mission
j by Luna Corp, Inc.,
a private company,
to send to the moon
in 1997 a remote-controlled vehicle
that vill be devoted to scientific pur-
suits: $30 million; amount devoted to
an amusement park’s virtual reality
CREE planned for the paying.
public: $90 million.
Number of routes on which airlines.
during the past five years replaced
jets with smaller propeller planes:
375. Percentage reduction in operat-
ing costs achieved by using propeller
equipment: 30.
Dedine in ad dollars spent last year
for such products as diet soda, sugar
substitutes and margarine: $309 mil-
lion; increase for such products as ice
cream, butter, fast food: $1.6 billion.
Percentage of Americans who said
they were committed to maintaining
a fit lifestyle in 1988: 42; percentage
in 1993: 30.
For the years 1987 to 1992, average
annual number of attempted carjack-
ings in the U.S.: 35,500; number per
ycar that were successful: 18,600.
Number of types of promotional
products given away each year:
15,000. Yearly cost to corporations or
groups for free-to-the-public promo-
tional products emblazoned with
their logos: $5.2 billion.
sickness. “It’s common knowledge there
that the rehabilitation of soldiers who
went to Chernobyl was vastly helped by
red wine," says Patrick Campbell of the
Laurel Glen winery. “They believe in it
like they believe in the Virgin Mary.
For the first time, everything you ev-
er wanted to know about sin but were
afraid to ask has been put between two
covers. The tome, Catechism of the Catholic
Church, recently became England's most
unlikely best-seller. Perhaps finding it an
excellent and exacting guide to guilty
pleasures, book buyers in the country
that started a religion around the right
to divorce drove the catechism as high
as number 12 on best-seller lists, sand-
wiched between the cartoon-inspired 7
Was a Teenage Worrier and Fever Pitch, a
fan's look at a London soccer team.
First they brought us Upstairs, Doun-
stairs; now it's just downstairs. The BBC
filmed a British couple making love
three times for three weeks—from
the inside feat was accomplished
with what David Letterman might call a
vagicam—a stainless мес! camera the
size of a ballpoint pen (wince)—which
was inserted into the woman, Another
minicam was strapped to her husband's
Гоу unclear what special effects ca-
pabilities these cameras possess, but we
suspect zoom and wide-angle might
cause too much wow and flutter on the
other end,
Attention, IRS agents: George Puzak,
a Minneapolis parks-and-recreation
board member, requested reimburse-
ment for official travel at the rate of 29
cents per mile—even though he travels
those miles by bicycle. Minnesota state
representative Phyllis Kahn apparently
also bills the state for official travel by bi-
cycle, but at a lower rate. She figures the
rate covers the bananas and yogurt she
consumes as fuel. plus a penny per mile
in bicycle depreciation
You probably read about the teacup-
size tempest caused when 63-year-old
Brazilian president Itamar Franco was
зсеп holding hands with and kissing 27-
year-old Lilian Ramos in the presiden-
tial box during the annual carnival cele-
bration in February. Photos taken at the
event show Ramos waving to the crowd,
a gesture that hiked up her dress and re-
vealed that she was not wearing under-
wear. Franco defily responded to the en-
suing criticism of his taste and judgment
by saying, “How am I supposed to know
if people are wearing underwear?”
2 • в а o
ANY ROMANTIC comedy that moves from
Pittsburgh to Venice, Rome and the
Amalfi coast gets a plus for all that up-
scale scenery—cspecially when shot by
master cinematographer Sven Nykvist
Only You (TriStar) is a pleasant, light trav-
clog starring Marisa Tomei as Faith, а
young teacher about to get married but
dogged by doubt. Faith just can’t forget
that the man of her dreams is supposed
to be named Damon Bradley—accord-
ing toa Gypsy fortune-teller and a Ouija
board that spelled it out for her when
she was 11. When Damon's name pops
up during a phone call, she pursues the
elusive dreamboat to Italy, taking along
her wisecracking sister-in-law (Bonnie
Hunt). She's too fixed on Damon to set-
Ue for a Boston shoe salesman abroad
(Robert Downey Jr.), though he is clear-
ly Mr. Right. Far superior vintage come-
dies, including Roman Holiday and Sum-
mertime, are the role models for Only You.
But Tomei and Downey add flip contem-
porary flavor to make this every bit as
young at heart and wholesome as its
forebears. ¥¥'/2
Meryl Бисер in an action movie? Well,
hang on tight for The River wird (Univ
sal). That 5 Streep running the rapids
as a former white-water guide on a raft
with her husband (David Strathairn) and
her young son (Joseph Mazzello). They
are à Boston couple undergoing marital
problems, which are nothing compared
with the problems that develop with a
pair of traveling river rats (Kevin Bacon
and John C. Reilly) they encounter en
route. Bacon oozes menace and sexual
innuendo as a fugitive who steals, flirts
and kills with relish after t в Ше
family hostage. Director Curtis Hanson
wrings suspense from Denis O'Neill's
screenplay, but Streep cranks up what
might have been a formula thriller to
new heights, as a woman with brains
more than equal to her brawn. УУУУ
After wowing audiences at Cannes,
writer-director Darnell Martin's 1 Like It
Like That (Columbia) ought to repeat its
success Stateside. The work of an Afri-
can American woman with major-movie
backing, / Like It looks small but stands
tall as a lively, sassy, urban love story
about a married couple in the South
Bronx. Lauren Vélez and Jon Seda co-
star as Lisette and Chino, who have
three kids and plenty of trouble. She's
black, he’s a Hispanic whose mother (Ri-
ta Moreno) encourages his relationship
with a scheming vamp named Magdale-
16 па (Lisa Vidal). While Chino serves time
Downey and Tomei an Only duo.
Marisa seeks Mr. Right,
Meryl gets her feet wet,
city and country folk raise hell.
in jail for looting, Lisette gets a job with a
Latino record company operated by a
guy (Griffin Dunne) who is more than
willing to help her have a go at infidelity.
Family values are defended by Lisette's
transvestite brother, Alexis (Jesse Bor-
rego), who provides much of the comic
relief. To keep Martin's ethnically orient-
ed marriage-go-round in motion, Vélez
and Seda project the kind of gutlevel
sexual chemistry that some overpaid
movie stars seldom achieve. ¥¥¥
А culture in crisis is the subject of S.£W.
(Gramercy Pictures), which stands for So
Fucking What, a phrase repeated often
during this corrosive, dark comedy.
Based on Andrew Wellman's novel (de-
veloped from a short story that won
nLAYBOYs College Fiction Contest in
1989), the movie, written and directed
by Jefery Levy, has the jumpy rhythm of
a music video. It is essentially a sharp
take on the media exploitation of fame
for any reason—and $.EW. studies the
obsession with a feisty kid
Spab. Vividly played by
Stephen Dorff, Spab earns instant ce-
lebrity during 36 days of headlines and
television news coverage as one of five
hostages held by masked gunmen at a
convenience store. Spab becomes the
publics favorite as a white suburban
smartass who utters remarks such as,
“My hobbies include can collecting and
dry-fucking cheerleaders.” The terror-
ists, who wield a video camera as well as
deadly en re not identified, and
they don't really matter. SEW flashes
forward and bado йош the bloody
hostage equally chilling after-
math. Here's a disturbing vision of our
time, when fame is flecting and “bored
shitless" young people believe that noth-
ing really matters. УУУ
Director J. Michael McClary presents
adark picture of the American dream as
a disaster in Curse of the Starving Class (Tri-
mark), based on Sam Shepard's play.
James Woods plays Weston Tate, a loser
beset by gambling debts and drunken-
ness. Weston's wife, Ella (Kathy Bates),
plans to sell their ranch and escape to
France. Both are bamboozled out of the
property by a shyster lawyer (Randy
Quaid). while their teenage children
(Kristin Fiorella and Henry Thomas)
scrap on the sidelines of this nonstop
family feud. Unremittingly downbeat,
Starving Class will probably be best re-
membered for Woods nude scene. Out-
raged at having lost everything else, he
strips off his clothes to face a cruel world
as naked as the day he entered it. УМ?
As the small-town lover-boy Linda
Fiorentino calls “my designated fuck,”
Peter Berg hesitates when she tries to
lure him into a life of crime. “I'm sorry
the law doesn't make it easier for you to
steal and deal drugs,” her lawyer com-
miserates. There's much more to come
in The Last Seduction (October Films), di-
rector John Dahl's street-savvy film noir
{already shown on HBO prior to its au-
tumn theatrical opening, a pattern es-
tablished by Dahl's previous Red Rock
West). Fiorentino brings heat to her role
as а two-timing dame named Bridget,
who leaves her husband (Bill Pullman)
holding еле ig while she runs off with
the proceeds from a huge drug sale. Un-
der an assumed name, she settles down
to hatch new schemes involving sex,
blackmail and murder. Berg and Pull-
man are perfect foils for Fiorentino, who
scratches out her niche as one of those
movie bad girls you can't forget. v
Never mind that Woody Allen, as
writer and director of Bullets Over Broad-
way (Miramax), casts Rob Reiner as a bo-
hemian playwright who insists that * “the
artist пее, his own moral univers:
al life. But e impishly uses the
justify a bundle of big, broad, hilarious
showbiz gags about the bad old days
The National Wildlife Federation” presents The
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wildlife sculptor's first work in porcelain and erys-
tal. Capturing the vanishing majesty of the power-
ful but endangered tiger of the snows.
Crouched upon a crystal precipice,
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5 СОЙ Siberian Tiger roars its defiance—
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‘The Siberian is the largest, most powerful tiger on
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Englund: There'll always be a Freddy.
We caught up with ferocious
Freddy as Wes Craven's New Nighi-
mare opened nationwide, marking
the tenth anniversary of the now-
classic horror series. How does the
classically trained Robert Englund
feel about being the top ghoul for
an entire generation? At 45, he de-
clares: “I'm honored to be com-
pared with such people as Boris
Karloff, Lon Chaney and Vincent
Price. Since Nightmare, my fans
have changed—now punk-rock
and heavy-metal people want my
autograph. Some guys even ask
me to sign their girlfriends’ cleav-
age, which 1 do.” What's more, he
gets to travel a lot to science fiction
and horror film festivals, where
Freddy is a big draw. "In Europe,”
says Englund, “I wind up on pan-
els with Stanley Kubrick.”
As for the have-sex-and-die
theme running through every
Nightmare, Englund laughs it off.
“Wes stuffs his movies with these
cautionary tales of adolescent
fear—the idea, as you're growing
up, that sex is bad. That's Craven's
mythology, and we have a lot of
fun with it.” His seventh Nightmare
in the can, Englund sees the series
as “a sort of testing ground for
new talent. People like Johnny
Depp and Patricia Arquette have
been notable among my teen vic-
tims—notches on my gun.”
Before he found fame as Fred-
dy, Englund was a TV star (in V)
and had supporting roles in films
with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jeff
Bridges and Susan Sarandon. “1
was America's favorite white trash,
always running around with a
switchblade and stocking cap.”
The newest movie, Nighimare, is
a movie within a movie in which
he sometimes plays himself. “He's
sick and tired of showing up on
bubble-gum cards. There may not
be another Elm Street, but |
wouldn't be surprised if we see
Freddy again.”
when gangsters mingled with actors on
the Great White Way. Set during Prohi-
bition, Bullets concerns a budding play-
wright (John Cusack) whose financial
backer is a Mob boss named Nick (Joe
Viterelli). Nick wheels and deals to get
his dopey, well-kept chorus girl (Jen-
nifer Tilly) a big part in the play, and
he's the kind of entrepreneur who inter-
rupts a business meeting to bellow over
the telephone: “I'll pull his guts out
through his windpipe. I want it to look
like arson!” The fun has barely begun as
Allen weaves a collection of clichés into a
flashy showpiece for Cusack, Tilly, Jack
Warden, Tracey Ullman, Mary-Louise
Parker and Chazz Palminteri. As the
chorine's ever-present bodyguard, Pal-
minteri steals scene after scene as a thug
who turns out to be a writer who repairs
plays—a hit man in more ways than one.
‘Topping them all is Dianne Wiest, dyna-
mite as the nominal star who calls herself
“some fading Broadway legend” and
hams through the proceedings with un-
buttoned brio. The material is thin, and
Allen doesn't quite know how to wrap up
the loose ends, But you will probably be
laughing too hard to quibble. ¥¥¥
In another first-rate movie from Chi-
na, director Zhang Yimou's To Live
(Samuel Goldwyn) brings back Gong Li,
the gorgeous and gifted superstar of
four саћа works by Zhang. This time,
Gong Li ages gracefully as the long-suf-
fering wife of a puppeteer and gambler
(Ge You) through decades of tumul-
tuous political history. Periods of civil
war plus an uneasy peace under the
watch of fanatic young Red Guards
make Tò Live a fascinating lesson in how
one couple learns to suffer, survive and
endure. The movie demands patience,
but viewers won't go away empty. ¥¥¥
Adapted by writer-director Frank Dara-
bont from a Stephen King novella, rhe
Shawshank Redemption (Columbia) has
more humanity than shock value. But it
is still a brutal, two-fisted prison movie
that rivets attention. Tim Robbins plays
a young banker wrongly convicted of
killing his wife and her lover. and Mor-
gan Freeman is a lifer who teaches hi
new friend how to survive jailhouse an-
archy. There are pungent, dramatic
high points throughout—rape, getting
even with a guard (Clancy Brown), the
murder ofa young inmate (Gil Bellows)
who has evidence that the authorities
want to suppress. Yes, it has all been
done before, back in the heyday of Bo-
gart and Cagney behind bars. Yet Shaw-
shank Redemption, named for the hellhole
state prison, pays off as a vivid, surpris-
ingly upbeat, brilliantly played drama
that rejuvenates an old form. УУУУ»
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the
Desert (Reviewed 9/94) Drag bus trip
through Australia’s outback. wm
Barcelona (9/94) Two Americans take
Spanish belles by storm. Wh
Blue Sky (10/94) Army angst, but
Lange and Jones lighten it up. УУ
Bullets Over Broadway (See review)
Woody puts on a glitzy show. yyy
Café au Lait (10/94) A pregnant Parisi-
enne and her two loves. wa
Curse of the Starving Class (See review)
James Woods loses it. Wh
Fat Drink Man Woman (9/94) Widower
cooks things up for daughters. УУУ
Forrest Gump (9/94) Hanks hits again as
a sweet, dim-witted winner. УУУУ
fresh (9/94) Street kid beating the
odds against rival drug lords. yyy
A Good Mon in Africa (10/94) Connery
at large in an emerging nation. ¥¥¥
1 Don't Want to Tolk About It (10/94) The
man who marries beneath him, so to
speak, is Marcello Mastroianni. ¥¥¥
I Like It Like That (See review) True ro-
mance blooms in the Bronx. УУУ
Killing Zoe (10/94) Bloody hell. Wh
The Last Seduction (See review) Her
body heat leaves scorch marks, УУУ
Only You (See review) Dewy-eyed girl
in pursuit of her dreamboat. ¥¥/
Princess Coraboo (10/94) She's either a
royal fugitive or a fake. Wh
Pulp Fiction (9/94) Star-studded gang-
land epic from Tarantino. УУУУ
Quiz Show (10/04) TV corruption
vividly recapped by Redford. Уууу
Rapa Nui (Listed only) Spectacular
Easter Island history lays an egg de-
spite Jason Scott Lee's best efforts. YY
The River Wild (See review) Streep runs
the rapids with style. КУД
See review) The media blitz sat-
to hell and gone. УУУ
The Shawshank Redemption (See review)
New jailhouse epic with а jolt. УУУУ»
Sleep With Me (Listed only) Newlyweds
messing with infidelity in L.A. yy
Spanking the Monkey (8/94) A college
boy scores with his sultry mom. ¥¥¥
Time Cop (Listed only) Jean-Claude
Van Damme turns back the clock. YY
To Live (See review) Through the years
with a Chinese couple. wy
Trial by Jury (Listed only) William
Hurt, Armand Assante and Joanne
Whalley-Kilmer can't save a melodra-
ma about courtroom corruption. ¥
True Lies (Listed only) Arnold tangos
through the carnage. УУУУ
What Happened Was (10/94) A tentative
first date goes horribly wrong. УУУ»
YY YY Don't miss
¥¥¥ Good show
¥¥ Worth a look
Y Forget it
© 1994 COSMAIR, INC.
у "
Guy Laroche
aris Ра
Back їп 1966, lusty
lingo such as “screw
you” and “hump the
hostess" in Who's
Afraid of Virginia
Woolf? didn't fall on
deaf ears. Liz and
Dick's on-screen
squabbling inspired
the Motion Picture Association of America
to create a brand-new alphabet—Tranging
from G to X—and the film industry has
been letter-ridden ever since. At home,
MPAA president Jack Valenti shelves the
rating game for good old-fashioned view-
ing on the ten-foot screen in his den. “A
Man for All Seasons is my all-time ta-
vorite,” he says, reciting а list that in-
cludes Shane, Paths of Glory, Patton and,
surprisingly, the perennially profane
Richard Pryor. “Pryor is a genius, beyond
raves the codemaster gen-
. "He's un-Xeroxable!" Speaking of
which, does any X-rated fare earn Valenti's
seal of approval? “Midnight Cowboy is a
great film," he says. You were expecting
Debbie Does Dallas? — DAMO STINE
Justin case you missed them on TV, Live
Home Video has unleashed Nightmare
Bay and The River of No Return, two 90-
minute episodes ($14.98 each) that
helped launch the jiggly series Baywatch.
The double bill stars regulars David
Hasselhoff and млувоув own Erika
Eleniak as two of L.A.'s most rad life-
guards. . . . Did you know that the New
York subway system was actually com-
pleted on time and within budget?
These and other factoids highlight
Subway: The Empire Beneath New York's
Streets, АКЕ history of the Big Apple's
underground—from original one-track
charmer to today's 238-mile hellhole
($19.95). . . . Also from A&E comes a spe-
cial addition to the Biography series.
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Changing the Rules
follows you-know-who's rise to the you-
know what House, despite continuing
eruptions from God-knows-which bim-
bo. Features interviews with firs-lady-
faithful Betsey Wright and actress-
turned-£o.b. Mary Steenburgen.
It's been a while since Sly resurrected
Rocky. For home viewing with a punch,
here's indown from the ring:
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956): What
doesn't Stallone’s epic owe to this biopic
20 Of legend Rocky Graziano? Paul New-
man sealed his carcer playing the good-
natured palooka who soared to mid-
dleweight fame. Co-stars Sal Mineo and
newcomer Steve McQueen.
Requiem for a Heavyweight (1956): Live TV
version of Rod Serling's moving tale of a
washed-up boxer. Jack Palance scores as
the gentle giant who Keeps his pride
even as he goes down for the count.
Raging Bull (1980): Scorsese-De Niro col-
laboration turns the tawdry tale of
prizefighter Jake La Motta into a work of
art. Filmed in gritty black and white,
with Bob putting on formidable pounds
as the later La Motta.
Chompion (1949): Kirk Douglas stars in
this complex tale of a hotheaded fighter
who messes with the Mob. Best for its
fabulous Forties clichés—dry martini:
cigarette smoke and lots of bleached-
blonde dames sitting ringside.
Body and Soul (1947): John Garfield plays
the good-hearted but driven Charlie, a
boxer in danger of losing his soul to the
almighty dollar. Another postwar classic.
The Great White Hope (1970): James Earl
Jones plays turn-ofthe-century boxing
great Jack Johnson, who comes to blows
with bigotry on and off the canvas. From
the Broadway play, it features Jane
Alexander's screen debut.
The Champ (1979): Jon Voight stars in
this remake of the 1931 Wallace Beery
classic about a boy who still believes in
his has-been dad. A sobfest, with first-
timer Ricky Schroder leading the tears
Talk about behind-
the-scenes peeks
The newest install-
ment of pLaveov's Wet
8 Wild series gives
you an exclusive
look into The Locker
Room, where ten
Playmates prove that
hitting the showers can indeed be a beau-
tiful thing. To order, call 800-423-9494.
The latest modern classic to hit disc: Rob
Reiner's hilarious 1984 mockumentary,
This Is Spinal Tap, has arrived in stores in a
fancy Criterion Collection package from
Voyager. Michael McKean, Christopher
Guest and Harry Shearer join Reiner on
the commentary tracks, and extras in-
clude Tap music videos and production
stills. . . . Also from Voyager: The World's
Greatest Animation, a two-disc CAV set
including the ten Academy Award-
winning animated shorts from the past
decade—plus five more nominees. In-
dudes the Claymation "documentary"
Creature Comforts, wherein zoo inhabi-
tants muse on their lives. It’s a hoot. Or
a roar. Or a—oh, never mind. You prob-
ably blew that one in the Oscar pool,
Sirens (uptight clergymon Hugh Grant ond wife go down un.
der to tame racy ortist; nude poser Elle Mocpherson deli
ciously distracts), Blue [young French widow Juliette Binoche
dogged by memories; sensuous, sad, subtitled).
Mother’s Boys (prodigal mom Jamie Lee Curtis returns to
make life rotten for ex-fomily; seriously dysfunctional stuff),
The Wicker Man (cop Edward Woodward uncovers
in Scotland; super 1973 sleeper repriced for sale).
Four Weddings and a Funeral (Grant ogain, here os Brit smit-
ten with Yank Andie MocDowell during matrimony season;
enchanting), Serial Mom (she cooks, she cleans, she kills—
she’s Kathleen Turner, via tackmeister John Waters).
11 mg. "tar", 0.8 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method.
A Im] (г? Brought to you by Camel Lights
Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.
Last winter was brutal for many of us, so menswear designers
have prepared for the elements this season with a lineup of
fuzzy, oversize overcoats that are equally sharp on the streets
and at the m. This new extra-warm outerwear has a
bonus: It feels great, which means your dates will appreciate it
as much as you do. Alpaca, a soft,
fine wool from an animal related
to the llama, is one of the more
luxurious ways to go. With its
simple lines and natural shoul-
ders, Vestimenta's short alpaca
topcoat ($800, shown here) is a
versatile option, as is Salvatore
Ferragamo's full-length double-
breasted chocolate-brown al-
paca version ($1055). For a tai-
lored look, Joseph Abboud has
updated the classic belted polo
coat using a combination of
wool, alpaca and mohair ($795).
This animal attraction comes in
other fibers and textures as well.
Emporio Armani's camel-col-
ored jacket is made of faux
shearling ($575). And there's al-
so a tan stadium coat in fuzzy
wool with brown leather toggles,
from Ermenegildo Zegna's EZ
Collection ($695).
Wearing a cool shirt isn't the only way to rev up a ba-
sic tuxedo—great shoes go a long way, too. In-
stead of the classic patent-leather look, for ex- q
ample, consider Kenneth Cole's Lean ‘Iwo,
a sleek, polished oxford with two eyelets
($139). Salvatore Ferragamo's Academy, a
black suede oxford with two gold equestri-
an-rivet eyeholes ($285), is another clean,
sharp shoe; the sophisticated silk lace-up
and slip-on styles from To Boot by Adam
Derrick ($225 and $195) are other stylish
ways to go. For guys such as the hopeless-
ly tardy Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and
a Funeral who don't have time for laces,
there are Susan Bennis Warren Edwards’
silk faille loafers immed in patent leather
($495), sofi chenille slip-ons by Philippe
practical types, Cole-Haan offers the Etude ($198),
an all-patentleather loafer that also goes well with
jeans, chinos and other casual pants
The hip street scene of the East Village (a-k.a. Alphabet City)
includes pockets of cutting-edge fashion for those in the know.
Check out these
underground stops:
X-Large Store (151
Ave. A: Co-owned Currently in favor with a new gener-
by Beastie Boy Mike ation of fans, Tony Bennett has had
D, this store's hap- 45 years to perfect his classic style
pening streetwear in- of singing and dress-
cludes oversize work ing. In fact, Bennett is
pants and beefy wool so cool that during last
jackets. ® Alphabets winter’s early-morning,
(115 Ave. А): Cool, earthquake in Los An-
geles, he joined robe-
clad guests in his hotel
lobby while wearing a
Brioni suit. The croon-
er recently added fin-
ishing touches to his
custom Brioni tux. He
describes it as “sub-
liminal and different,”
because it has no satin
lapels or stripes. Other Bennett fa-
vorites; a navy Aquascutum of Lon
don overcoat, Bally shoes and Yohji
Yamamoto ties. "I don't make а
move unless the tie is just right.”
ks, French
pocketknives and
brightly printed silk
ties and boxers by
Gene Myer. ® Style
Swami (70 E. Ist
Street): Designer Al-
pana Bawa artfully
spins rich-hued Indi-
an textiles into bold
vests and embroi-
dered reversible
shirts. e Swish
(115 St. Marks
Place): Ameri-
сап-тайс skatcboard-
Аиспеса strectwcar, plus re-
mixed DJ tapesand
leos. * Jules (65 St. Marks Place):
4 A French bistro with live jazz on Fridays and Saturdays.
‘To keep your kisses moist this winter, keep lip balm
handy. Among our favorites are the original Chap
Stick—which was introduced in the 1880s—and
the updated versions in cherry, orange, straw-
berry and mint flavors (around $1). Blistex’
sweet-smelling Daily Conditioning Treatment
ith aloe vera and cocoa butter comes in a
; if you prefer a stick, Blistex offers Ultra
Protection lip balm with SPF 30 (both about
$2). The new Medicated Vaseline Lip Therapy
($1.60) contains a number of medicinal in-
gredients, sunflower-seed oil and vitamins to
help soothe already-chapped lips. Kiehl's Lip
Balm, which comes їп a tiny jar, is the favorite ,
among fashion models (about $3). And Ralp!
еп even offers a designer SPF 15 Пр balm
Sports watches worn casually or with suits;
Silver metols; uncluttered cream or
blue faces; chronographs
evening looks worn by doy;
faux antiques; clunky computer watches
See-through or moon foces; digitol
displays; clip-on colendars
Metal link; rubber; sharkskin or
water-resistont leather
Fake, embossed skins; surfer neons;
loud printed fabrics or plastics
Where & How fo Buy on poge 156.
The Swiss Army? Brand \\
Chronograph, ali-steel
Officers" and Officers"
‘Two-Tone share the same
heritage, and it shows. They
look distinguished, but they're
tough as nails.
Water-resistant to 330 feet,
they perform their tasks with
split-second Swiss quartz
precision accuracy. With
tritium hands and markers
for night. Bold easy-to-read
numerals for day. And hard-
ened mineral crystals to
resist hard knocks.
These watches are built to
capture time. With a history
that reaches back 100 years,
they're tooled to last.
we KNEW Bill Wyman wouldn't be on
board for the Rolling Stones’ first album
on their new label, but where is Keith
Richards? On Voodoo Lounge (Virgin), his
churning guitar, and with it, the elastic
groove that has been the Stones’ heart-
beat, have been tidied up and shoved in
the background by co-producer Don
Was. Nobody expected anything com-
pelling at this late date, but it don't mean
t ain't got that swing. And the
Stones know it. In recent interviews,
Keith questioned the need for a produc-
er, while Mick even referred to the a
bum's lack of groove. Trust your in-
stincts, guys. When they do, as when
Keith, Charlie and new bassist Darryl
Jones get loose on the magnificent / Go
Wild or the rumbling You Got Me Rocking,
the result is the best music the Stones
have made since Start Me Up, more than
a decade ago. Elsewhere, ballads like Out
of Tears show Jagger awkwardly attempt-
ing to transcend 30 years of pouting and
leering. For filty-somethings, the Stones
prove they can get it up. Now they just
have to remember what to do with it.
rast curs: Virgin has also released
eight Stones albums from the Seventi
nicely remastered by Don Was, Feeling,
rootsy? Try the somewhat overrated Exile
оп Main Street, whose rawness anticipated
punk. Or try Some Girls’ postpunk sim-
plicity. You want compelling? Go directly
to the vibrant Sticky Fingers. Feeling fru-
gal? Wait for the inevitable boxed set.
Hipsters ridicule the Spin Doctors be-
cause the band's members consider
themselves to be hippies. But having the
gall to sell 6 п copies of their debut
album cant have helped. Despite the
carping, their music is rarely annoying
and often fun. Figure them as white bo-
hemians doing for funk syncopation
what the original hippies did for blues
shuffle. On Turn It Upside Down (Epic),
homely ditties such as Larabys Gang
(about their diehard fans), Cleopatra's
Cat (metaphysical pussy) and Hungry
Hameds (breakfast) make up for the
loose talk about large funky booties.
Groove bands get а lot shallower than
this one.
Groove bands get a lot shallower than
the funklite of El DeBarge, too. A
decade ago, DeBarge was the smart
choice for black pop's next great love-
song man. lt didn't work out that way,
but the likes of Babyface and Jermaine
Dupri help his unreal tenor reclaim
24 genius on Heart Mind 8 Soul (Reprise).
Voodoo Lounge: The Stones roll again.
Can the Stones still
get it up? Motown remasters
Marvin Gaye's greatest album.
Read the lyric sheet and you'll suspect
he’s a refugee from a grecting-card fac-
tory. Listen to him sing those same
words and you could find yourself
falling in love and digging a groove.
FAST CUTS: Recorded in the Forties and
Fifties, Slim Gaillard's Laughing in Rhythm:
The Best of the Verve Years (Verve) is the
hep, hilarious testament of jazz’ greatest
comedian. If the words Flat Foot Floogie
mean nothing, you're missing out.
Etta James’ Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie
Holiday (Private Music) is torch music
that does more for Billie's reputation
than it does for that of Ема, her often
misguided devotee.
If you don't follow underground mu-
sic, you may remember Killing Joke only
from the chant-rock gem Eighties, which
was a minor hit and by far the hardest
sound on MTV in its softer, formative
years. That was as close as Joke came to
success in the States, but in its 15-year
history, the band has created a consider-
able body of raging punk and industrial
rock that has been pillaged for riffs by
more commercially successful bands,
such as Ministry and Nirvana. On its
tenth album, Pandemonium (Zoo), Killing
Joke combines the relentless drum-ma-
chine thunder of Ministry with the
moaning trance of Led Zeppelin circa
When the Levee Breaks. Bass play
producer Youth has spent a lot of time
producing dance music suitable for
raves (the Orb, Brilliant), and he sets up
a groove here that nails you for more
than an hour. Guitarist Geordie Walker
packs so much crunch into his licks that
Kellogg's should spray him on corn-
flakes. Singer Jaz Coleman does the
punk catharsis thing as well as anyone
now howling, though his lyrics offer a
good deal more hope than, say, Nine
Inch Nails’. And all of them have an ap-
preciation for Middle Eastern scales that
gives the whole project a wonderfully
eerie quality. Better than coffee when
you want to wake up.
Fast CUTS: Bebe Buell, Retrosexual (Sky-
* dog): With the possible exception of
Marilyn Monroe, Buell gets my vote for
coolest Playmate, here creating an early
punk sound as brutal and raw as any-
thing by her famous ex-boyfriends
Steven Tyler and Stiv Bators. Buell growls
and screams with authentic intimidation
as she looks back in anger (and hilarity)
ata very full rock-and-roll life. Little Bit o”
Whore rates as one of the great anthems
of relationships under capitalism.
The newly remastered version of Mar-
vin Gaye's What’s Going On (Motown) is
really the greatest album ever made.
Quite simply, this record not only re-
mains unsurpassed but also contains sev-
eral elements against which today's post-
soul music can still be measured: The
nonpareil lightness of Marvin's soulful
voice, Dave Van dePitte's sumptuous yet
understated arrangements, the brilliant
way in which the tracks have been inter-
woven and the stark and cogent use of
social issues as metaphors.
What's Going On re-cmerges accompa-
nied by Саусз other Seventics albums
on the four-disc box Marvin Gaye Classics
Collection. Remastering even redeems his
postmarital epic, Here My Dear. The sct
includes the great coitus opera Let's Get
It On, the definitive soundtrack Trouble
Man, the edge-of-coherent 1 Want Юи,
and an album of rarities, Love-Starved
Heart. Because it's new, Love-Starved
Heart may make the deepest impres-
sion—though nothing, not even What's
Going On, cuts a sensually deeper groove
than Let's Get It On. Love-Starved Heart re-
minds us that, when What's Going On
came out, Gaye probably ranked as the
most underrated soul man of the Sixties.
These outtakes and throwaways suggest
how great Gaye had already become be-
fore he made his masterpieces. Working
within the restrictions of Motown, he
found his greatness harnessed. But
while he became even better once he'd
spit the bit, Marvin Gaye's magic shone
even under Berry Gordy Jr. As much as
anyone this side of James Brown, he
sowed the seeds that gave us Seal, Ter-
ence Trent D'Arby and even Prince and
Snoop Doggy Dogg—an entire future,
marked by his tragic absence.
FAST CUTS: Keb’ Mo” (Okeh): A real find.
A neo-country bluesman who possesses
the energy, sass and invention of early
Taj Mahal.
Heart and Soul: The Hank Crawford Anthol-
egy (Rhino/Atlantic): An aptly titled as-
semblage of the greatest tracks by the
most sonorous soul-jazz sax player of
them all. Perfect grooves with the blues
at their heart.
War, Peace Sign (Rhino/Avenue): The
world remains a ghetto and War remains
one of its truest and loveliest voices,
from the dense, angry groove of the title
track to the doo-wop of East Los Angeles.
House of Pain has returned with a
flavorful second album titled Same As it
Ever Was (Tommy Boy). There isn'tan ob-
vious hit like Jump Around in this collec-
tion, but its 15 tracks are rock soli
Chief rapper Everlast is in fine, furious
form with a roaring delivery that chews
up lyrics with gusto. Typical of the al-
bum's aggressive stance are Over There
Shit and Runnin’ Up on Ya, on which
Everlast impressively rips through his
rhymes. Underground rapper and pro-
ducer Diamond D flows beautifully with
Everlast on Word Is Bond. Most of these
rough and rugged tracks were created
by Lethal, with some additional produc-
tion work by Cypress Hills’ D.J. Muggs.
Allin all, Same As It Ever Was is one of the
year’s best, rap or otherwise.
rast cuts: The promising folksinger
Jeffrey Gaines has an innocent tenor
voice and a heartfelt, though occasional-
ly overwrought, way with metaphors.
Somewhat Slightly Dazed (Chrysalis/EMI)
suggests the tone of his bemused writing
style. Live, Gaines usually accompanies
himself on guitar, so the full band
arrangements on some of these songs
scem to confine him. Still, Safety in Self,
Talent for Surrender and Elliot reveal
Gaines' continuing growth as an artist.
Des'ree is a silky voiced, socially con-
scious О.К. songstress who checks in
with a competent second album, 1 Aint
). The arrangements may
seem a little too pop for the mainstream
adult soul audience that she's after, but
Des'ree's strong performances of Crazy
Maze, Feel So Good (a cover of a Perri Sis-
ters song) and the title track should help
her find US. fans.
thought only the monks were making
a mint chanting? Did you get Rhino
Records’ Chantmania? Recorded by
the Benzedrine Monks, its an EP of
chanted versions of R.E.M/s Losing My
Religion as well as Do Ya Think Гт Sexy,
(Theme from) The Monkees and Smells
Like Teen Spirit. Smells a lot like Weird
Alto us.
portedly working on an unauthorized
film bio of Madonne's early years, from
her arrival in New York in 1978 up to
the success of Like a Virgin. . . . Speak-
ing of Madonna, she has expressed
interest in the starring role in Mob
Girl, the autobiography of Arlyne Brick-
men, who first hung with the Mafia,
then turned states' evidence. Rumor
has it Marisa Tomei and Demi Moore also
are interested in the part. . . . A Stones
concert film with a story line is being
worked out with director Ben Stiller,
Stiller and Brad Pin would appear in
the film as two fans following the
band, hoping to get backstage.
Look for Marianne Faithfull on film in
Moondance, playing an anthropologist.
Her autobiography is due any day
and a new album will be in the stores
in January. . . . Billy Idol's slated to play
the villain in The Hostage City.
NEWSBREAKS: Chicago's Tony award-
winning Steppenwolf Theater Co. has
opened its season with a musical
adaptation of A Clockwork Orange. Mu-
sic director and percussionist William
Schworz will present the Third Coast
String Quartet, along with Jeff Bek on oil
drums, saw blades, water jugs and
hidden synthesizers. If youre in
Chicago before October 30, check it
out. . .. A U.S. college tour featuring
several of the artists on Rock the
Vote's CD Propaganda: The New Voice
in Alternative Music will have a nation-
al act headlining. . . . Look for Carleen
Anderson’s debut album, True Spirit.
Why? She's the goddaughter of the
Godfather of Soul, James Brown. . . . Ru-
Paul is recording a new album and will
do some ballads this time. . . . Robbie
Robertson is working on the sound-
track fora documentary on American
Indians and writing songs with Eric
Clapton. He'll be producing Clapton's
next album, due out next year. . . .
Cracker has recorded When the Levee
Breaks for the forthcoming Led Zep
tribute album. . . . Mary J. Blige's зес-
ond album is expected before the
year ends. . . . Shado Art Productions,
currently out of Columbus, Ohio, is
bringing large, stylized arena shows
back down to reasonable size. It calls
its productions performance rock.
The current work-in-progress, Evolu-
tion, will premiere in Cleveland next
spring and then tour the New York
club scene. If the show catches on,
you may sce it in a club near you. .
For a piece of Michael Jackson’s past,
keep on the lookout for Big Boy, the
first record he ever made. It has been
rereleased in a limited edition, and for
$30 you'll get a CD, a cassette and a
song history. . . . Babyface, Jimmy Jam and
Terry Lewis are all working on the next
Boyz Il Men album, which is due this
fall . Another fall release, a two-
disc, 40-plus song compilation of Steve
Goodman's music, is being readied. It
will include live tracks, demos and
other rarities. . . . Ann and Nancy Wil-
son, who used to cover Led Zeppelin
songs in the early days of Heart, are
now working with John Paul Jones on
recording a live acoustic album. .
Digable Planets’ sophomore album is
due any day. . . . Finally, Ted Nugent
was named to Michigan's Internation-
al Year of the Family Council by Gov-
ernor John Engler. Says Nugent, “Now
there’s an F-word we can all be proud
of.” Please, Ted. —ВАКВАКА NELLIS
How refreshingly distinctive.
“Mr. Jenkins finds the nightclub a welcome
change from the country club. And when shaking
his groove thing, he sips refreshing T&Ts."
LIKE MOST young musicians, trumpeter
Wallace Roney and saxophonist Joshua
Redman—two of the hottest players in
jazz today—have to fight the inevitable
comparisons to their mentors. Take
Roney, told by no less than Miles Davis,
“You play all my stuff perfectly.” In fact,
Roney has re-created
the Davis sound for
various projects. His
new Mistérios quite
consciously updates
Miles’ Brazilian-fla-
vored Quiet Nights of
three decades ago.
Roney thinks he
has found the bal-
ance. "I'm grateful to
Miles. He's the rea-
son I'm playing, the reason jazz is where
it’s at. But I don't like it when critics turn
that into a negative. I try to be a for-
ward-thinking player. That's what I
loved about Miles.”
Tenor sax man
Joshua Redman isn't
one for comparisons,
either. “The last thing
14 want is to be
known as “the next
whoever,” he says. “I
could never live up to
that. I do think I have
my own voice.”
Some of the scru-
tiny regarding Joshua stems from his fa-
thers fame. Tenorist Dewey Redman
starred with both Ornette Coleman and
Keith Jarrett. “I never lived with Dewey,
so his music influenced me from afar.
But I would still be a fan of his work,
even had I been Joshua Jones,” says
Redman fis—who in 1991 graduated
Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude
from Harvard.
Are there extramusical benefits of
sudden fame? Redman admits а “pletho-
ra ol opportunities has changed, if not
improved” his sex life. Says Roney,
steeped in his musical mission: "I can't
even think about that.”
‘The lush backgrounds and hothouse
melodies of Wallace Roney's Mistérios
(Warner) embrace his most romantic
trumpetingto date. The strong Brazilian
influence helps restrain the rarefied
melodies. Mostly it works—to the extent
that Roney can stick to the spirit of Miles
Davis without mimicking Davis’ style.
Labelmate Joshua Redman is more his
own man on Mood Swing. Last year he
led an all-star group featuring Pat
Metheny. This disc finds his new quartet
working out on tunes that range from
bluesy bop to free jazz. It also boasts his
most impassioned solos yet.
Another great young player, saxo-
phonist David Sanchez, a 26-year-old
native of Puerto Rico, takes an impres-
sive bow with The Departure (Columbia).
The album makes good use of the Pana-
manian pianist Danilo Perez, whose own
new album—the splendidly conceived
and deeply fathomed Journey (Novus)—
returns the favor by placing Sanchez in
the spotlight. Both players worked in
Dizzy Gillespie's last band, and they rep-
resent a new breed of Latin-jazz musi-
cians who are equally at home in their
unadulterated native music and in the
postbop mainstream
In his own way, pianist Eddie Palmieri
helped pave the way for such artists. In-
spired by Bud Powell and McCoy Tyner,
Palmieri had convincingly grafted jazz
onto his innovative Cuba-Rican key-
board style by the mid-Sixties. But Pal-
mas (Elektra/Nonesuch) takes the full
plunge, with a quartet of percussionists
and athree-horn line patterned after Art
Blakey's Jazz Messengers. The format,
reduced from Palmieri's salsa big band,
makes his own message all the clearer.
Maybe you think
it’s too early to think
obout the holiday
season. But the record companies
don't—they're marketing multidisc
boxed sets now. We've done some ad-
vonce perusing for you, and the follow-
ing three sets stand out:
The Complete Bud Powell on Verve re-
opens the window on
1he principol architect
of bebop piano—and
one of the most trou-
bled artists of the cen-
tury. Just 16 when he
arrived on the jaz
scene, Powell quickly
odapted the new
sounds of Charlie
Porker and Dizzy Gil-
lespie to the key-
board. But his power-
ful attock ond complex
logic forged с style
all his own, which to-
doy stonds equol to
those of both Gillespie ond Porker.
Powell suffered from a degenerative
psychiatric condition, ond mony of the
later trocks here lack the -hot in-
tensity of his debut. But this five-CD set
still contains plenty of miracles, ond the
innovative liner notes offer unexpected
Another Latin-jazz grad, Chick Corea,
wenton to master a bewildering array of
styles and idioms. On Expressions (GRP)
he returns to the solo piano format for
the first time in 23 years, with spectacu-
lar results. On a dozen standards, Corea
leads with his left: The bass lines drive as
never before, and his playful improvisa-
tions now have jaw-dropping heft. More
solo piano wizardry distinguishes Sir Ro-
land Hanna, volume 32 in Concord Rec-
ords' Maybeck Recital series. No pianist
has a surer grasp of the solo idiom, or of
the keyboard as a little orchestra.
On The Underground Roilroad to My Heart
(Soul Note), baritone saxist Fred Ho digs
deeper in his quest to unite jazz with his
Asian roots. He finds pay dirt. You can
also choose between two strong albums
by the World Saxophone Quartet: Breath
of Life (Elekıra/Nonesuch), which adds
vocals and organ to explore reggae and
blues, and Moving Right Along (Black
Saint), which jumps with naked power.
Finally, Mose Allison returns on The
Earth Wants You (Blue Note). His drawling
vocals and hyperkinetic piano solos
sound like they did in the Fifties. But his
recent advance into senior citizenry now
spurs his sardonic commentary and
makes the title song a lot darker than it
first appears.
insights. (As the set's
title suggests, you'll
find every false start
and busted take Powell did for Verve, so
keep your CD remote control handy.)
Another five-CD box gothers The Com-
plete Solid State Recordings of the Thad
Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra, which 25
yeors ago won kudos for the originolity
of Jones’ опопде-
ments. If today the
songs sound at ай
dated, blame the
many subsequent big-
band writers who
hove borrowed so ex-
tensively from them.
These dates form the
heart of the band's
legocy. Their reissue
reflects the usual high
standards of Mosaic
Records (35 Melrose
Ploce, Stamford, Con-
necticut 06902).
When Joe Hender-
son storted winning Grommys, fans ar-
gued thot the awards were long over-
due. The Milestone Years (Milestone)
confirms this. The year’s second big
Henderson reissue, its eight CDs troce
the tenorist's explorotion of rock and
world-music elements in the Seventies.
Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.
‘Techno junkies eager to get their hands
on gadgetry of the future will want to
check out Innoventions, the newest at-
traction at Epcot in Lake Buena Vista,
Florida. Officially open to the public this
past September, the 100,000-square-foot.
venture offers visitors the opportunity to
experience the latest in computer, televi-
sion, virtual reality, home automation
and automotive technology. Many of the
items on display are prototypes of prod-
ucts that will be available in two to three
years. You can test a Dick Tracy-type
wrist phone by AT&T, for example, as
well as computer systems by Apple and
IBM and current and future video
games by Sega. Other initial participants
in the venture include General Electric,
General Motors and Oracle (a software
company that will give novices an intro-
duction to the information superhigh-
way). Products and exhibits are expect-
ed to change every six months to reflect
the latest advancements. That includes
Disney's own Innoventions attraction—a
virtual reality ride aboard Aladdin's
magic carpet.
It may sound too good to be true, but
you'll soon be able to talk with friends,
family or colleagues anywhere in the
world by simply calling them on your
pocket phone. Iridium, пс. a compa-
ny backed by 14 major investment
groups—including Motorola, Sprint and
Bell Canada—plans to launch 66 satel-
lites that will link a worldwide network
of portable phones, computers, fax ma-
chines and pagers as well as—get this—
solar-powered telephone booths. The
$3.4 billion wireless communications sys-
tem, which is expected to begin com-
mercial services in 1998, “will move the
world into the 21st century,” according
to Inidium’s John Windolph. In addition
to allowing for communications Бе-
tween future wireless devices and exist-
ing cellular and standard phones, Iridi-
um's low earth orbit (or Big Leo) satel-
lites will have the power to interface with
one another, handing off conversations
when they drift out of a caller's range.
For those of you already packing a
portable, that means no more roaming
codes—a convenience that won't come
cheap. The first-generation of Iridium
phones will be priced near $2500, with
calls costing as much as $3 per minute.
Since it exploded onto
the computer scene a
year ago, Doom has be-
come the most popular
PC game in the coun-
try. Robin Williams and
Steven Spielberg are
rumored to be Doom
enthusiasts. Some cor-
porations have had to
crack down on em-
ployees who tie up
company computers
with their Doomfests
There's even talk ofa movie. So what is
Doom? It's an ultraviolent, demons-ver-
sus-good-guys game with some amazing
graphics. Whereas computer
once were limited to jerky, two-dimen-
sional, comic-book imagery, Doom's
programmers developed animation
techniques that put players in smoothly
Peoples Telephone Co., Ployboy Phone
Cords ore available in volues of $10, $20
and $35. To use one, dial on 800 access
number from any touch-tone phone, en-
ler your personal ID code ond then
place your local, domestic or interna-
tional call. € American Power Con-
version has come up with a cool way
to stash the unsightly cords from
your computer, printer, modem,
CD-ROM drive, etc. Colled the
Power Manager, it's a $120 desk-
top accessory that looks like an
oversize portable CD player—
complete with o flip-up lid. On
the front of the lid are
buttons that power all of
your equipment; beneath it
is enough storoge space to
hold cords from up to five com-
puter peripherals. The Power Monag-
er also offers surge protection and
comes with a lifetime guarantee.
flowing virtual worlds with depth and
perspective (as well as death and de-
struction). In an equally smooth market
ing play, the first module of the game
was offered as shareware (free software)
over the Internet, giving it extensive
distribution estimated to be in the mil-
lions. (You can still pick up Doom in
/pub/msdos/games/id at fip.uwp.edu on
the Internet, or in the Gamers Forum on
Compuserve.) “With Doom we were just
cutting our teeth,” says Jay Wilbur, busi-
ness manager of Id, Doom's developer.
Id will release Doom Пап retail stores in
October, with an impressive 500,000-
unit preorder, Id promises more realis-
tic, bloody action as it continues to hone
computer graphics. In fact, you'll find its
next shareware offering, Quake, on the
Net next year.
онно ———
Because prepaid phone cards ore becoming a hot collectible, we've introduced our
own slick versions featuring imoges such as the Playmates-in-the-phone-booth photo
that appeared on the cover of our October
1993 issue. Developed in conjunction with
ааа, |
E Vf fe
А; > 2
Nonstop music for the better part of a week may be a little extreme, we admit. But its entirely possible with Pioneer's new
100 Disc CD Player. The changer that stores all of your CDs in a regular rack space and gives you instant access to any song on
any disc. In fact, all you'll ever need to touch is the remote. It lets you cue up individual tracks, and even create customized banks of
songs or disce, So до be getting to more of your music than ever before. Just don't blow off eating, sleeping and bathing regularly
е Art of Entertainment
зам OBRIEN із one of our most eloquent
chroniclers of Vietnam. In his novel Go-
ing After Cacciato, which won a National
Book Award, and in books such as /f 1
Die in a Combat Zone and The Things They
Carried, he has conjured up war imagery
that burns. His powerful novel In the Lake
of the Woods (Houghton Mifflin/Seymour
Lawrence) follows the war home.
O'Brien's protagonist, John Wade,
returns from the war with symptoms
of posttraumatic stress disorder: night
sweats, flashbacks, nightmares, emotion-
al outbursts and alcoholism. But he mar-
ries his college sweetheart, gocs through
law school and establishes himself in
Minnesota politics. He does not talk
about the war. When he's 43, the polls
show him to be close to winning election
to the U.S. Senate. Then his darkest se-
cret—one he has managed to hide from
his wife and even the Army—makes the
headlines: Wade was one of 105 men un-
der the command of Lieutenant William
Calley in the Vietnamese village of My
Lai on March 16, 1968,
After a humiliating defeat in the elec-
tion shatters his career, Wade retreats
with his wife to a cottage on the edge of
Lake of the Woods in northern Minneso-
та Twa days later, «Ве disappears De-
spite a search effort that lasts for weeks,
no trace of her can be found, and sus;
cion turns to Wade. As he sorts through
the alcoholic blur of the night before his
wife's disappearance, he is not certain of
his innocence. He can't remember.
What he does remember in horrifying
detail are the screams of women and
children as they were pushed into ditch-
es and shot at My Lai.
Although much of In the Lake of the
Woods takes place in the tormented mind
of John Wade. the action of the novel is
periodically interrupted by chapters of
“Evidence,” as if to separate reality from
nightmare. These chapters consist of
brief quotations from the My Lai court-
martial, fictional statements from Wade's
mother, portions of the police record
and relevant citations from literature. De-
spite what Wade did, he is portrayed as a
tortured human being, not a monster.
The mountain of books written about
Elvis Presley since his death 17 years ago
would seem to preclude anything of sub-
stance being added to his story. There
certainly are no startling revelations in
Joe Esposito's Good Rockin’ Tonight—Twenty
Years on the Road and on the Town With El-
vis (Simon & Schuster), but Presley's for-
mer road manager (along with Elena
Oumano) offers a straightforward, inti-
mate portrait that rings truer than any-
thing we have read yet. Elvis is here with
32 all his infidelities, appetites, generosity,
O'Brien's In the Lake of the Woods.
Vietnam's legacy in fiction, wild
nights with the Memphis Mafia and
the spy who came in from the cold.
talent and capriciousness; he is a man
filled with contradictions
Highlights of this memoir include
tales of wild nights with the Memphis
Mafia, Elvis’ courtship of Priscilla, his ex-
perimentation with LSD and his bizarre
trip to meet with President Richard
Nixon in the White House. But Esposi-
to's unvarnished, detailed description of
Elvis death provides a sobering end to
ide with the King. He sums up his
friend as a good man who was “caught
up in a world that few of us could navi-
gate successfully.”
Two new reports from the Cold War
shed light on some shadowy areas. Ben
Rich, former head of the secret technol-
ogy team that developed the U-2 spy
plane and the F-117A Stealth bomber,
tells amazing stories in Skunk Works: A Per-
sonal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed (Little,
Brown) with the help of Leo Janos.
As the CIAs unofficial “toymakers.”
Rich and about 150 designers and tech-
nicians provided technomarvels that
have helped maintain American military
dominance to this day. For example,
Rich notes in a surprising postscript that
although the public thought the U-2
program died when Gary Powers was
shot down, there has not been a day
since 1956 that the U.S. has not had U-2
surveillance flights somewhere.
David Corn has done an impressive
job of penetrating the intelligence com-
munity for Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and
the CIA's Crusades (Simon & Schuster).
Shackley's almost 30-year career as a spy
spanned most of the Cold War, and he
was in the thick of covert action around
the globe. He recruited spies in Ger-
many in the Fifties, waged a secret war
against Cuba for the Kennedy brothe
supported U.S. military and political ef-
forts in Laos and Vietnam and helped
topple Allende in Chile. This is an entic-
ing tale of one man’s cloak-and-dagger
life, which Corn suggests is symbolic of
the АВ pervasive influence.
North of Montana (Knopf), by April
Smith: A highly touted novel—with good
reason—about a female FBI agent in Los
Angeles. Ana Grey solves a high-profile
drug case while battling the male bu-
reaucracy in this witty, well-written debut
1000 Great Guitarists (GPI Books), by
Hugh Gregory: A comprehensive guide
to the world’s finest guitar players, in-
duding memorabilia, discographies and
biographies of artists Ry Cooder, B.B.
King, Jimi Hendrix and 997 others
Soldier of the Year: The Story of a Gay Amer-
ican Patriot (Pocket Books), by José Zuni-
ga: A sergeant chronicles his experiences
in the Army—and the hypocrisy and ho-
mophobia that drove him out
How Computers Work (70 Press), by Ron
White: How Microprocessors Wark (71)
Press), by Gregg Wyant and Tucker
Hammerstrom: The hows and whys of
computers and microprocessors are
dearly explained for the average con-
sumer and for the avid techie.
Job Shift: How to Prosper in a Workplace
Without Jobs (Addison-Wesley), by Wil-
liam Bridges: The guidebook for work
in the 21% century when jobs—as we
know them—will no longer exist and
when the only route to success will be to
make our careers self-manageable.
Beyond Uhura: Star Trek and Other Mem-
ories (Putnam's), by Nichelle Nichols:
Lieutenant Uhura of the Starship Enter-
prise jumps on the tell-all Trekkie book
bandwagon that William Shatner start-
ed with his behind-the-scenes memoir.
Nichols says the media hyped her off
screen relationship with Star Tiek creator
Gene Roddenberry.
The Complete Book of Beer Drinking Games,
Revised & Expanded (Mustang), by Andy
Griscom, Ben Rand and Scott Johnston:
This classic is your guide to raucous fun.
Fear of Fifty (HarperCollins), by Erica
Jong: A fearless and witty autobiograph-
ical memoir that is also a philosophical
guide to women in the Nineties
The Graham Greene Film Reader: Reviews,
Essays, Scripts & Letters (Applause), edited
by David Parkinson: No novelist under-
stands movies better, as one can guess
from his screenplay for The Third Man
The Richness of Red. Magnified.
D о you worry about your weight?
Most people do. In our culture,
flab isn't just considered ugly, it's widely
believed to be a sign of some shameful
character flaw. Doctors, though they
mean well, contribute to fat anxiety by
bombarding us with grim warnings that
obesity leads to heart disease, cancer and
early death. The upshot is that dieting is
big business. Americans spend an esti-
mated $40 billion every year on weight-
loss books, products and services.
In the opinion of a small but growing
number of medical authorities, most of
that money is wasted. For the majority of
people, diets don't work. In fact, dieting
usually does more harm than good.
We've ай seen the trimmed-down Oprah
Winfrey, Tommy Lasorda and Kathleen
Sullivan on television, offering their
newly reduced selves as proof that
shucking unwanted pounds is simply a
matter of coming up with the cash for
the latest miracle diet. But what wonder-
diet promoters don't tell us—what until
recently nobody had told us—is that
within three years, 70 percent of dieters
gain back every pound they had man-
aged to lose. Within ten years that num-
ber jumps to 95 percent. “If you consid-
er only the short-term data,” says Dr.
Michael Schwartz, an endocrinologist at
the Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical Cen-
ter, “the success rate of weight-loss ther-
apy doesn't look so bad. But long-term
studies clearly show that the weight in-
evitably comes back.”
And the fault, dear Brutus, is not in
our stars, but in our cells. Like height or
skin pigment or eye color, adiposity (sci-
entific lingo for fatness) is genetically
determined. Whenever you attempt to
weigh less—or, for that matter, more—
than your chromosomes have decreed
you should weigh, your body takes steps
to restore the natural order. As soon as a
dieter's weight drops by more than four
or five percent (seven to nine pounds for
a 180-pound person), the brain detects a
subtle change in blood chemistry and
prompts the central nervous system to
alter the metabolism: Fewer calories are
burned, the body starts building stores
of fat and the dieter develops an over-
whelming craving for french fries and
hot fudge sundaes.
Karl Kaiyala, a researcher who studies
adiposity with Dr. Schwartz, explains
that when it comes to weight, “The
body's regulatory system is incredibly ro-
bust. As soon as you start consuming
fewer calories, your body compensates
by slowing its metabolic rate, conserving
fat and nagging you to put food in your
stomach. The brain works hard to de-
fend a characteristic level of body fat; it is
extremely difficult to fight it. That's why
dieters dream about food, why they can't
stop thinking about itand why many of
them eventually succumb to binge-cat-
ing patterns.”
It’s important to note that, though the
body goes to great lengths to maintain a
target weight range, that target isn't con-
stant: Between the ages of 20 and 50, the
average person's natural weight will
crease by ten to 20 pounds. The body is
so determined to maintain its target
weight that not even radical measures
such as liposuction or the surgical reduc-
tion of the stomach are apt to diminish
avoirdupois over the long haul. “Most
people don't realize it,” Kaiyala points
out, “but when fat is suctioned out surgi-
cally, sooner or later it will come back. It
won't necessarily return to the same
place, but the total level of body fat will
eventually be restored.”
Schwartz is troubled by the fact that
too many physicians, failing to acknowl-
edge the futility of weight-reduction
programs, hector obese patients to “get
their acts together” and embark on am-
bitious diets. “For 40 years studies have
shown that adiposity is biologically regu-
lated and thus largely beyond an indi-
vidual's control,” he says. “The evidence
is irrefutable, but many doctors ignore
it. They continue to recommend unreal-
istic weight-loss therapy, which makes
patients feel ashamed and guilty when
the weight comes back. And in the
process these doctors are enriching an
enormous industry that capitalizes on
the obese. It's time for us, the medical
community, to get our act together.”
Failed diets do more than erode self-
esteem. A number of recent cpidemi
logical studies suggest that men who en-
gage in yo-yo dicting—losing weight
only to gain it back—have significantly
higher rates of heart disease, high blood
pressure and diabetes than nondieters
who maintain a steady, if hefty, weight.
Such studies, says Schwartz, “have dem-
onstrated that marked weight loss and
weight cycling are associated with a 40 to
60 percent increase in mortality.”
Staying fat, in other words, may be
healthier than trying—and very often
failing—to trim down. This is especially
true if you tend to carry your excess
flesh in your hips, butt and thighs rather
than around your midriff. Overweight
people with bottom-heavy, pear-shaped
bodies have been shown to suffer fewer
obesity-related health problems than
overweight people who carry their bulk
higher, around the belly.
If you are overweight, Schwartz em-
phasizes that "you shouldn't simply
throw up your hands and say, ‘What the
hell. There’s nothing I can do to control
my weight, so I might as well eat whatev-
er I want.’ That's not the answer.”
What is the answer? “Eat as much as
your hunger dictates,” suggests Kaiyala,
“but make an attempt to consume fewer
high-fat foods. Start a sustainable exer-
cise program that meshes realistically
with your lifestyle—one that you'll actu-
ally stick to. And pay no attention to the
bathroom scale: Your weight will stabi-
lize wherever it wants to. By cutting
some of the fat from your diet and exer-
cising regularly, you'll feel better and
you'll probably live longer. You might
even lose six or eight pounds. Just don't
expect to lose much more than that”
© 1994 Richard Barri Fragran
f you ranked the secret fears of men,
you would find common anxieties
among us. We arc not fond of dying pre-
maturely, for example. Or of losing cus-
tody of our children in divorce court.
Or of being rejected sexually by our sig-
nificant others.
But at the top of my list of manly trep-
idations are two items that can move my
lecherous litle heart into genuine ar-
rhythmia. First, I never want to get a
woman pregnant unless we both agree
to it. Second, I do not want to die of
AIDS. (It's common knowledge that
AIDS is also a problem in the heterosex-
ual community.) Those are probably my
two biggest fears, and I have had fright-
ening and enlightening experiences
with both of them.
Here are a couple of true war stories
that may help you remember to wear a
condom every time you have sex. I
maintain that the man who fucks with-
out a condom Ка fucking fool And Tean
prove it.
A few years back, | found myself
squinting at everything I tried to read,
so I decided to get checked out by an
ophthalmologist. 1 found a doctor with
an office near my home and made an ap-
pointment. We met, shook hands, made
some small talk, he put drops in my eyes
and the tests began.
“You have a tear in your right retina,”
he said. “Have you been hit hard on the
head or something?”
I laughed. “Well, 1 boxed for a lot of
years. And I got bounced around in the
Marine Corps, So, yes, I have been hit
hard on the head. A few hundred times,
It was not significant to me until later,
but he looked up and seemed to stiffen,
and I thought he did not care for my an-
swer. “You have another problem,” he
said a few minutes later. “Did you know
that you have AIDS?”
1 felt my hands and scalp tingle. 1 felt
my mouth go dry. "No," I said
“Yes. It shows up in the eyes first
You'd better get tested.”
“You're sure I have AIDS?” I asked.
“Absolutely.” he said. "No question
about it.” And he went on with the exam
asif nothing had happened
1 wish E could tell you that I went from
his office to my physician's office and got
tested that afternoon. But I did not. My
fear was so great, my shame so pro-
found, that I fell into a depression as se-
vere as any I have ever experienced. Af-
ter all, I was potentially vulnerable to the
disease. Г had been sexually active, and
in spite of my good intentions, I had not
always used condoms.
Believe it or not, one of my first con-
cerns was for the readers of my Men col-
umn. What an irony: Ace the Base, Mr.
Macho, the guy who had always urged
people to use condoms, had been caught
going without. Not only that: I might be
seen by some readers as a hypocrite.
I refrained from all sexual activity,
spent many sleepless nights and finally
went to get tested. When I was told I was
HIV-negative, 1 felt like crying. I have
dodged lots of bullets, but this was one of
the biggest.
It was not until a year or so later that T
realized what had been done to me. As 1
picked up an extra pair of glasses at a
shop downtown, the clerk looked at the
prescription form and said, “Too bad
about him. Did you hear? He just died
of AIDS.”
In a flash I understood. A dying doc-
tor had decided to rattle my cage. He
wanted me to feel what he had felt when
he was told he had AIDS. I did, and in
spite of his cruelty, Lam grateful to him
- 1 recommitted myself to safe sex,
and I better understood the feelings of
the doomed victims of that awful plague.
My other major-league fear—an un-
wanted pregnancy that was my responsi-
bility—became a reality for me some
years ago. This time there was no physi-
cian's gamesmanship. The facts were
simple: A woman Г had slept with was
pregnant, and the tests proved it. We
had not always used condoms, and in
spite of my vision of myself as a knowl-
edgeable lover, 1 had been cavalier on
more than one occasion. 1 was in the
midst of a messy divorce, I had no desire
to remarry and 1 felt like the biggest jerk
in the world—which I definitely was. In
addition, 1 was already the father of two
fine sons, and I had no desire to add
even more children to the world's bur-
gconing population. My life with my
boys was as good as life can get, and that
was enough for me
The burden of my responsibility be-
gan to work on both my body and my
mind. I had migraine headaches for the
first and only time in my life, and I lived
in dread for several weeks. (We really
did not know what to do. 1 was ready to
get married if I had to, but 1 knew that
it would be a disastrous choice for all
of us.)
Here, too, I dodged a bullet, but I also
learned something about safe sex. On a
rural highway one summer's evening,
with neither one of us drunk or disor-
derly. the car I was driving was blind-
sided by a truck. The car flew into the
air, crashed down an embankment,
rolled over twice and came to rest at the.
bottom of a ditch. At that moment, in
shock, my companion miscarried. It was
a bloody, difficult process, and we both
lamented that premature loss of life. But
we were relieved by the miscarriage, too
We knew we were too independent to be
good partners or good parents.
When you think about it, the latex
condom is a marvelous invention. But
most of us often fail to use it. We assume
the interruption is not worth it. But I
have learned, in two terrifying incidents,
that the few seconds it takes to fit Mr
Happy with good protection can make
all the difference in the world between
responsibility and foolishness, So let this
be your first commandment for the rest
of your sexual life, amigos: Hallowed be
thy condom.
It’s the only way to live.
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© 1994 Playboy
here is a disquieting trend under-
way in our society. It started in
the Seventies and culminated yesterday
when 1 received in the mail three unso-
liited books оп men—each bashing,
each belittling, each full of smirking and
Book one is called How to Make Your
Man Behave in 21 Days or Less, Using the
Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers, by
Karen Salmansohn. In this tiny tome we
are told that all men are dogs and that
“it's pointless to compete for attention
with a dog caught up ina ball game. He
is a mindless, obsessed animal.”
Book two is Eves Revenge, by the in-
dustrious Tama Starr. One can peruse
quotes from such famous male-bashers
as Catharine MacKinnon (“Whatever
sexually arouses a man is sex. If there is
no inequality, no violation, no domi-
nance, no force, there is mo sexual
arousal”), misogynistic antiquities from
Euripides ("Surely, of all creatures that
have life and will, women are the most
wretched") or even odd, hate-filled jokes
(‘Mommy, Mommy, why is Daddy so
pale?" “Shut up and keep digging").
Book three is Undressing the American
Male. It's one of those hellish volumes
about how to keep your man happy,
even if he likes to tie you up or has an
aversion to your vagina.
But two out of three isn’t bad. Male-
bashing is everywhere. TV sitcoms exist
only to make men look ridiculous. In
comedy clubs, women get big laughs
tearing men to shreds. Talk radio is ei-
ther filled with Rush Limbaugh and his
hideous clones or female supremacists
exhorting their listeners to rise up and
quash those pesky Y chromosomes.
Phone lines all over America are
dogged with vitriol. Guys, you don't
want to know. Women want you extinct.
Some of them think you are extinct but
just haven't noticed. They're complain-
ing about your arrogance, your sloppi-
ness, your infidelity, your stupidity, your
sex drive, your aggression, your empty
pride, your cruelty, your taste in shirts.
"This, understandably, makes the aver-
age man feel defensive. Pissed off. Mis-
understood. Frustrated. Confused by
this constant barrage of hatred. Mainly,
with all kinds of nice, sensi › nonrap-
ing, nonaggressive, self-effacing and nat-
ty men around, it seems unfair.
I would like to offer my advice: Get
over it. You want to talk fair? OK, let's.
It's not fair that this country is governed
by men. It’s not fair that an uncon-
scionable amount of violence is perpe-
trated against women every day. It's not
fair that women are the victims of virtu-
ally all domestic crimes. It’s not fair that
most blockbuster movies star guys with
guns and that their co-stars are just wet
dreams. It’s mot fair that the female
semiclad body is used to sell beer, cars
and sandwiches. It's not fair that middle-
aged men are sexy and powerful while
middle-aged women are invisible. It's
not fair that men have all the money—
except for Oprah and Roseanne. It's not
fair that women are battered and belit-
Чед and brainwashed every day in every
way to think they're inferior to men.
And it's really not fair that a billion books
a year are published about how fucked
up a woman is if she can't get a husband.
What's a couple of demcaning por-
trayals on sitcoms? Face it, men, when it
comes to being treated unfairly, we blow
you right out of the water. (And please
don't start rattling on about unfair al-
imony and child custody. Study the
figures and you'll find that for every
man who is saddled with unfair alimony
payments or screwed out of custody of
his children, a hundred women are
abandoned with no money and sole care
ofthe children, with no day care in sight.
So there.)
But so what? Everything we learned in
kindergarten is wrong. Unfairness is be-
side the point. Life is unfair. People are
unfair. And God, should she happen to
exist, is the most unfair of all, letting
children starve and animals be heedless-
ly massacred. Fairness is a nonissue.
This is why “masculinists” like Warren
Farrell, Ph.D., make me crazy. This guy
is like a kindergartner whose crayons
have been stolen, so he's holding his
breath and turning blue. He writes petu-
lantly and self-righteously about how
mistreated his sex is. Which prompts
women to tell him and his sidekicks
even more self-righteously how mistreat-
ed we are. Then he counterattacks, then
we counterattack. Defensiveness reigns.
This is masochism. Even if one sex
should finally and fully win the martyr-
dom sweepstakes, nobody wins a thing.
Malc-bashing and femalc-bashing arc
destructive. Both exacerbate the “gen-
der wars” that the media are having such
a barking frenzy over. These trumped-
up gender wars could replace Tonya
Harding, Lorena Bobbitt and O.J. Simp-
son in the hearts and souls of tabloid-
reading America. We'll be hearing about
them for a long time because they make
such a lovely smoke screen. We're being
divided and conquered and distracted
from the real issue, which is that neo-
Nazi, white-supremacist, non-ozone-hole-
believing, religious fanatics are banding
together to take over the universe.
That's the downside.
The upside is that both sexes get to
let off steam. Wouldn't you prefer that
women comedians go insane with hatred
and that audiences have a good, cathar-
tic laugh than that we all go out and
wreak havoc? The oppressed, to stay
healthy and retain a modicum of self-es-
teem, have to mock the oppressor.
Which is why I miss Richard Pryor
and appreciate Spike Lee. They make
fun of white people so brilliantly that we
honkies don't even mind being called
honkies. We don't get defensive and take
it personally. Their jibes are taken with
good humor and generosity. We know
they're right.
So guys, stop being so prickly. Show
some humor. You never know, maybe we
will too.
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| enjoy fellatio as much as the next guy.
Luckily, my girlfriend is very good at it
and enjoys it also. The hitch is that I'm
able to climax only through intercourse
I have never come from fellatio. If it feels
so good, why can't 1 finish?—C. J.. Tus-
caloosa. Alabama.
Trust us: You are not enjoying fellatio as
much as the next guy. To paraphrase what a
therapist once said about intercourse: Oral
sex is perfectly natural, bul it’s almost never
naturally perfect. You may have a hang-up
about coming in your girlfriend's mouth.
You may need more friction (add а hand—
yours or hers). You may need a better vie
so that you can see, and therefore believe,
that it is actually happening to you. Do it in
front uf a mirror or in better light or stand-
ing so that you can look down on the action.
Or perhaps you need to be more active (dur-
ing intercourse most guys get carried away
by the thrusting action—it could be that
you are simply doing it with an unfamil-
iar rhythm). Finally, try switching the or-
der—intercourse as foreplay, then come in
hey mouth.
When до you use an ice bucket? A
friend says that it should be used to chill
a bottle of white, rosé or even red wine. 1
thought it was simply to keep a bottle
from warming to room temperature
during a meal.—J. R., Chicago, Illinois.
Chill ved wine? Shoot the barbarian. Most
wines are meant to be savored al room tem-
perature—if Ihe room is the chilly 55° of a
French wine cellar. Don't go overboard.
Many people keep whites and rosés in the re-
frigerator for days. But too much cold can
mask flavor. Here's our advice: If you don't
have a cellar and someone just brought over
a bottle of white or rosé, an ice bucket filled
with a mixture of ice and water will chill the
bottle to 55 degrees in about eight minutes.
(Simply putting it in the fridge can take up
to an hour. Who has that kind of time?) Al-
ways serve champagne in an ice bucket. Il
can stand the cold.
Му girlfriend has taken a six-month
job overseas. | am committed to being
faithful to her while she is gone, but late
ly masturbation hasn't been enough for
me. Can you suggest a way for me to
stifle my hormones or perhaps to get
more sati n out of masturbation? —
G. R., Sa
Where overseas? Antarctica? Pick up the
phone. Call her and talk about what you
would do if you were there with her. (You
know the motlo—Reach out and ask some-
one to touch themselves.) Do it with e-mail or
the old-fashioned way—with a passionate.
sexually explicit letter. Write a detailed ac-
count of the last time you made love, or the
first time. Ask her to do the same. And for a
grand gesture, ask her to meet you for a long
weekend somewhere in between your current
Qu car is parked outside for most of
the winter. How can we reduce the ef-
fects of four to five months ol
and road salt?—G. K., Detroit, Michigan.
Before winter begins, thoroughly clean
your car Wax the body and the painted
bumpers. (Don't wax chrome; the plating
needs oxygen lo keep its appearance. Wox
can trap moisture, which causes pitting.)
Reapply the wax at least twice before sprin;
Protect rubber and vinyl trim with a quali
protectant—nol a silicone spray. Wash your
car more often during the winter. Sand and
salt are abrasive to a cars finish and they
can do immense damage underneath a car.
Many car washes offer an undercarriage
spray for a nominal charge. Pay particular
attention to wheels and wheel wells (rinse
them as thoroughly as possible). If you clean
your car yourself, add three tablespoons of
baking soda to the water to neutralize the
salt acids. Make sure your windshield wash-
er is directed al your windshield, since
antifreeze alcohol in the wash solution will
ruin wax if it oversprays. Dilute the solution
as much as possible.
WI, lover asked me to ejaculate on her
breasts, which 1 readily agreed to. Айег-
d, 1 re-inserted my penis in her vagi-
na and came again in less than 45 sec-
onds. The second orgasm was very
intense. Since that time, I have repeated
this fairly often. Is this common?—P W.,
Iowa City, lowa.
Same men are capable of repeat orgasms
та short time. Most need а few minutes to
several hours—the time required often in-
creases with age. What you are experiencing
may simply be the same orgasm finished off to
the last drop. Ejaculation and orgasm are
not the same. Some men can prolong a cli-
max long after the semen мору coming out.
т “Tricks,” author Jay Wiseman relates:
“When a man comes, the sensations of or-
gasm mix with the sensations of semen pass-
ing through his penis. Interestingly, his or-
gasm usually doesn't pump all the semen ош
of his penis. During masturbation or fella-
үнс е ойлук give him a tiny
extra orgasm by pinching his cock lightly but
firmly to complete emptying.” You can obtain
a copy of "Tricks" from Romantasy Bou-
lique, 199 Moulton Street, San Francisco,
California 94123, or call 415-673-3137.
What is the proper amount to give a
maitre d' 10 assure a good table?—V. S.,
New York, New York.
Sirio Maccioni, the owner of New York's
Le Cirque, once said: “Accepting a tip for a
good’ table is unethical. The restaurant is
not a theater where you pay for a ticket, and
а mailre d' is nol an usher. He is the т
of the dining room, there to serve you.”
you are dissalisfied with the location of a
table, simply indicate the table you would
prefer: If the maitre d' can't oblige, then it is
unlikely the rest of the service will vise to the
occasion. Tip at the end of the meal in ap-
preciation of the total effort.
In a recent Advisor you talked briefly
about the Digital Satellite System. Could
you tell me more about the program-
ming options? What are the advantages
of satellite over cable?—B. Г, Denver,
We are high on DSS. This type of direct
broadcast satellite system delivers the same
superior digital audio and video that for-
тетђу was available only on laser disc. The
18-inch receivers sell for $700 10 8850 at
Sears and Circuit City. In addition la en-
hanced picture and sound quality, you get
expanded programming options. Two com-
panies, DirecTV and United States Satellite
Broadcasting System, are promising up to
150 channels, including frequently aired
pay-per-view movies and special events, as
well as such cable fare as HBO. Showtime,
CNN, MTV and Playboy TV. Prices for basic
and premium packages are comparable to
cable. If you're not satisfied with your cur-
rent service, DSS is a good way to buck the
system. Note that DSS does not yet offer local
broadcast stations, so you'll need an antenna
hookup—at least until the program pro-
viders are able to offer network TI, too.
| can't ask my buddies this question—
they'd never let me forget it. And I'm too
embarrassed to ask my girlfriend. So Im
asking you: How can I tell if a woman
has had an orgasm?—G. M., Madison,
Women's orgasms are fairly similar to
men's, except that most women don't ejacu-
late. In both sexes, orgasm is the result of a
quick series of wavelike muscle contractions
in the pelvic area. The muscles, similar in
men and women, run from the anus to the
genitals and contract for a total of a few sec-
onds. To tell if a woman has come, simply
look for the signs you experience: а quicken-
ing of excitement followed by involuntary
pelvic, hip or leg movements and then a re-
lease of breath and tension as the orgasm
subsides. However, orgasms vary from per-
son to person and often in the same individ-
ual, depending on the circumstanc
people moan, scream or thrash; others are
fairly quiet. Many women never come from
intercourse alone. They need direct clitoral
stimulation. If you feel too embarrassed to
ash your girlfriend if she came, simply ask,
s there anything else I can do for you?" If
she says yes, provide gentle clitoral caresses
with your fingers, tongue or a sex toy. Con-
tinue until she asks you to stop. Surprising-
5, many women wonder how they can tell if
а man has come. One very intimate way lo
resolve your question (and maybe your girl-
friend's) is to masturbate to orgasm for each
other. That way, you and your lover see not
only how you both come, but also the kinds of
caresses that get you off.
ve heard you can retrofit a driver's-
side air bag in many late-model cars, 15
this true, and can I do it myself?—K. С.,
Herndon, Virginia.
I's true now. Since our previous answer
on this subject was published. at least one af-
termarket company began offering retrofit
airbag kits. Breed Technologies of Lake-
laud, Florida, makers of air-bag sensors (the
devices that signal the air bag to inflate), has
developed a complete driver's-side air-bag
system that can be installed in certain used
cars. The Breed SRS-40 retrofit air-bag kits
are identical to the factory-installed air bags
offered by Jaguar and Fiat. Only a Breed-
certified auto mechanic can install one.
Units are offered for 42 popular domestic
and imported vehicles built from 1987 to
1994. All kits include a replacement steer-
ing wheel. They retail for $695, installation
included. For more information, call 800-
White 1 was in my teens and early 205,
I had some interesting sexual exper
ences with threesomes. The relation-
ships weren't serious, so the fun never
interfered with feelings. Now Гт 28 and
am involved with someone who is 22.
She has the same wild outlook 1 had at
that age, but has never been in a multi-
ple-pariner situation. On a recent date
she had a friend join us for drinks and
dancing. At the end of the evening, she
told me that they had discussed an en-
counter. I thought it was a joke, but on
the way home they started talking about
going to a hotel. My girlfriend then
stripped in the car and began perform-
ing oral sex on me. I was driving, but I
reached into the backseat to use my
fingers on her friend, who was getting
very hot. We didn't ре! а room, because I
didn't want my girlfriend to take that
nd of step while intoxicated. But we
still talk about a threesome. I know how
hot it is, but I've never attempted it with
someone I really cared for. She has some
of the same doubts about how it will af-
fect our feelings. We are both preoccu-
pied with the fantasy, and it gets us very
excited. Should we act on it, or leave it in
fantasyland?—H. C., Newark, New Jersey.
There's nothing like a touch of seriousness
to quell lust and spontaneity. If you want to
keep this girl, you have to treat her as an
equal, not as а student. You don't "give" a
partner a threesome—it is something that
happens to both of you. She has the same
wild outlook you once had—and that seems
to scare you now. Try to imagine a relation-
ship that allows that wildness to flourish.
Boredom is not the key to fidelity.
М boyfriend and 1 always use con-
doms, mainly for birth control purposes,
when we have sex. But when things are
hot and heavy, it disrupts the mood if he
has to fumble with a rubber. Is there any
way to incorporate this activity into love-
making?—S. A., New York, New York.
Sure. You can simultaneously increase his
arousal while relieving him of responsibility
for suiting up. Open the package, remove the
condom and slick your tongue into the tip to
remove any ай: Using your lips and tongue
(no teeth, please), carefully unroll the con-
dom to the base of his penis. To ensure a
smooth fit, help it along with your hands. We
think you'll both be pleased with the results.
| bicycle everywhere I go, and suffer
from occasional numbness of the penis—
and pain on the top of my penis. I would
not be caught dead in spandex tights,
but I'm concerned enough to consider
them, Are padded bike shorts the an-
swer?—D. N., Tacoma, Washington.
Penile numbness is a fairly common сот-
plaint among cyclists. According to John
Forester's book “Effective Cycling," saddle
pain or numbuess can result fiom restricted
blood flow along the upper surface of the ре-
nis as it lifts against the pubic bone. Padding
the seat doesn't work—it only presses the pe-
nis more tightly against the bone. Forester
recommends a modern saddle with silicone-
gel pads where your bones press against it.
Compare the match between your shape and
the shape of your bike saddle. You might get
some relief from a different-width saddle.
Also try periodically lifting out of the seat
while you are pedaling.
White my girlfriend was giving me a
foot massage, she touched a point just
behind the ball of my foot. 1 noticed an
erotic sensation, mostly through my
foot, but nonetheless very sexual. Rub-
bing this spot triggers sensual feelings in
me, but she doesn't seem to have a cor-
responding spot. Any hints on where to
find her erogenous zones?—S. W., Hack-
ensack, New Jersey.
Some individuals are more sensitive to
a particular stimulation than others. Spots
that are usually sensitive for both sexes in-
elude the earlobes, neck, lips, nipples, inner
thighs, lower back (just above the buttocks)
and backs of the knees. But here's a neat ex-
ercise. Creale a pleasure map to learn what
spots are sensitive for your partner. Explore
her body using a scale ranging from negative
lo neutral to wow. See if changing the inten-
sity of the touch changes the rating. Leave
Post-it stickers on all points of interest. Then
go over your notes.
А. a dinner party recently, 1 tasted a
fine cognac that my friend had been
given for college graduation—almost a
decade ago. She had never had the осса-
sion, she said, to celebrate. The evening
was exceptional, and I wonder—Did
the ten years in the bottle improve the
cognac?—J. T., Schenectady, New York.
The cognac was exceptional when it went
into the bottle. The flavor is the result of
years of aging in oak barrels. The process
gives fine spirits their color and smoky flavor.
Aging stops once the liquor is bottled. That
means you can repeat the celebration with
more recent acquisitions.
What are my rights as a traveler when
an airline bumps me from an aver-
booked flight? This has happened a cou-
ple of times in the past year—and would
have happened more if other passengers
hadn't traded seats for later flights and
vouchers or cash.—P T, Los Angeles,
To avoid the hassle, arrive varly with a
reservation and boarding pass. Look at your
ticket jacket for the cutoff time (between ten
and 30 minutes, depending on the airline).
That's the point at which your reservation
evaporates and you become just another
standby passenger. If the flight is overbooked
(major carriers routinely overbonk by 20 per-
cent on popular flights), you'll get between
$200 and $400 for your seat (you can some-
times bargain for more). We know some trav-
elers who hope for overbooked flights—for
every passenger turned away, some 13 give
up their seats for vouchers or cash. What's
your time worth?
АЙ reasonable questions—from fashion,
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dat-
ing problems, taste and ctiquette—will be
personally answered if the writer includes a
stamped, self-addressed envelope. Send all
letters to The Playboy Advisor, PLAYBOY. 650
North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, тов
60611. The most provocative, pertinent
queries will be presented in these pages
each month,
a startling perspective on domestic violence
Once again, the myth of the
evil male perpetrator and the
innocent female victim in do-
mestic violence is being broadcast and
written about as gospel. The discus-
sion is national; the rage and sorrow
are palpable. Only when we come to
terms with the fact that ending do-
mestic violence should be the respon-
sibility of both men and women, how-
ever, will we put a stop to this
Domestic violence is not an either-
or phenomenon. It is not either the
man's fault or the woman's. It is a
both-and problem. Both the male
and the female are bound in their
dance of mutual destructiveness and
in their incapacity
for intimacy and ap-
preciation of differ-
ences. They need
each other to per-
petuate personal
and collective dra-
mas of victimization
and lovelessness,
and so, regrettably,
neither can leave.
This is an untidy
idea for people who
have grown up be-
lieving that the good
guy triumphs over
the bad guy and res-
cues the damsel in
distress. But to tack-
le the problem of
domestic violence,
we must alter our perspective. Facts:
* Half cf spousal murders are com-
mitted by wives, a statistic that has
been stable over time. [A recent Jus-
tice Department study found the ra-
tio almost equal among blacks, and
approximately 60 percent/40 percent
overall. However, the FBI says that in
1992, 1432 women were killed by
their intimate male partners, while
623 men were killed by their female
partners. Newsweek conduded that
the “image of hordes of women wield-
ing guns, knives or brass knuckles is
likely a fantasy.” How then did 623
men die?]
* The findings of the 1985 National
Family Violence Survey, funded by
the National Institute of Mental
Health and supported by many other
surveys, revealed that women and
men physically abuse each other in
roughly equal numbers. Wives re-
ported that they were more often the
aggressors, using weapons to make
up for physical disadvantage. They
were not just fighting back. In 1984
a researcher looked into 6200 domes-
tic assault cases. The study found that
25 percent of the men used weap-
ons, compared with 82 percent of
the women.
* While 1.8 million women annually
suffered one or more assaults from a
husband or boyfriend, slightly more
than 2 million men were assaulted by
a wife or girlfriend, according to a
1985 study on U.S. family violence
published in the Journal of Marriage
and the Family. That study also found
that 54 percent of all violence termed
“severe” was perpetrated by women.
© Social Work: Journal of the National
Association of Social Workers found in
1986 that among teenagers who date,
girls were violent more frequently
than boys.
е Mothers abuse their children at a
rate approaching twice that of fa-
thers, according to state child-protec-
tive service agencies surveyed by the
Children’s Rights Coalition.
е Because men are ridiculed when
they reveal that they have been
battered by women, women are
nine times more likely to re-
port their abusers to the authorities.
Why are we, as a culture, loath to
expose the responsibility of women in
domestic abuse? If we are sincere
about change, we must acknowledge
the truth: Women are part and parcel
of domestic violence.
Why does our culture refuse to
hold women accountable for their
participation in domestic violence?
Their behavior is understood and
passed off as the by-product of social-
ization or poor economic status. On
the other hand, men are held fully ac-
countable for all of their behavior—
despite the tough-
guy stereotype all
boys are encour-
aged to embody and
despite the abuse
many bear as a "пог-
mal and loving” part
of their upbringing.
None of this is in-
tended to exonerate
OJ. Simpson. If he
is guilty of the mur
ders with which he
has been charged,
he must answer for
his actions. The
point is that, in the
reaction to this sen-
sational case, we do
ourselves a grave
disservice to slip in-
to a gender-biased
frenzy, vilifying and accusing only
men as abusers.
If women are not expected to think
and act for themselves, if their self-
esteem is in shambles and their de-
pendency is characterized as femi-
nine, the fault cannot be laid at the
feet of men.
The women's movement claims
that its goal is equal rights for women.
Women, therefore, should share re-
sponsibility for their behavior and
their contribution to domestic vio-
lence. Only the truth will stop the epi-
demic of violence that is destroying
our families and our nation.
A version ef this commentary ran in the
“Los Angeles Times” on June 21, 1994.
forget warronts—police can stop and search almost anyone
Jill Darby, a flight attendant on a
personal trip, was standing in Denver's
Stapleton International Airport when a
man approached and asked if he could
search her purse and luggage. She re-
fused because she did not believe the
man was a law enforcement officer.
He shoved her against a wall. Two
other men approached, showed badges
and searched her forcibly. At some
point in the search, Darby's finger was
broken. She has filed a lawsuit.
Willie Jones of Nashville was flying
to Houston to buy plants
for his landscaping
business. He paid cash
for his plane ticket
Drug Enforcement
Administration agents
buttonholed Jones,
checked his ID and
asked permission to
search him. Jones re-
fused, but the officers
searched him anyway.
They found $9000 in
cash and announced
they were “detaining
the money.” Jones
asked for a receipt.
The agents handed
him a slip of paper
noting the seizure of
“an undetermined
amount of U.S. cur-
rency.” Jones objected
and asked the officers to
count the money. The officers refused,
claiming that such an action would vio-
late DEA policy. Jones filed a lawsuit.
‘Two years later, a judge ordered the
money returned.
Joe Morgan, a Hall of Fame baseball
player, was making a phone call in Los
Angeles International Airport. An
LAPD detective approached him, de-
manded to see identification and then,
according to Morgan, grabbed him
from behind, shoved him to the floor
and handcuffed him. The officer told
Morgan that the officer was an “au-
thority figure” and that he would teach
Morgan “what authority is all about.”
Aided by a DEA agent, he dragged
Morgan to a nearby room for interro-
gation. Later, realizing their mistake,
the narcs released him. Morgan filed a
lawsuit, which was settled for more
than $750,000.
What do these people have in com-
mon? Each was stopped simply because
he or she fit a drug-courier profile.
Each is black.
The Fourth Amendment states:
“The right of the people to be secure in
their persons, houses, papers, and ef-
"Some profiles pinpoint the
first person off the plane as a
likely drug suspect. Others tar-
get the last person off.”
fects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated, and
no warrants shall issue, but upon prob-
able cause, supported by oath or
affirmation, and particularly describ-
ing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.” The
purpose of the Fourth Amendment is
to prevent government officials from
having “dictatorial power over the
streets.” The Fourth Amendment is a
thing of the past.
Drug-courier profiles—offcial lists
of characteristics or traits of people
who supposedly carry drugs—now al-
low police to search almost anyone they
please. Random shakedowns of travel-
ers—because they are black, or His-
panic, or scruffy, say, and white—occur
now more than eyer before.
Federal prosecutors argue that the
traits in the drug-courier profile auto-
matically create a suspi-
cion of criminal con-
duct—and thus a
justification to accost
private citizens. Asked
to describe the spe-
cifics of such a profile,
Donna De La Torre,
a Customs Service
spokeswoman, stone-
walled. “I can't tell
you exactly what it
says. It changes con-
stantly and it’s not for
public knowledge.”
If you study indi-
vidual cases, the ca-
pricious nature of
the profiles emerges.
Agents have shown
remarkable creativity
in devising drug-
courier profiles for air-
line passengers. Some
profiles pinpoint the first person off
the plane as a likely drug suspect, oth-
ers target the last person off and some
assert that people who try to blend into
the middle are the ones to detain.
Government agents have used drug-
courier profiles to search passengers
таи nonstop flights—and those
who changed planes; people traveling
alone—and people traveling with a
companion; people who appeared ner-
vous—and people who appeared too
calm. Among the telltale characteristics
in one widely used DEA courier profile
are “the almost exclusive use of pub-
lic transportation, particularly taxicabs,
in departing from the airport” and
“immediately making a phone call af-
ter deplaning.” These two provisions
alone should provide enough suspects
to keep DEA agents happily burrowing
through other people's belongings un-
til at least the turn of the century.
Police routinely stop passengers if
they are flying to or from places that
are considered to be narcotics source
cities, such as Detroit or Miami. During
a 1991 federal court trial, prosecutors
went even further, claiming that a
“source city" for drug traffic is “virtual-
ly any city with a major airport.” (The
judge noted in his decision that this as-
sertion provoked an eruption of laugh-
ter in the courtroom.)
Federal agents sometimes claim that
their profiles are nearly infallible—
which is news to the tens of thousands
of people who have been wrongfully
searched by government officials, In
one court case, federal prosecutors
sought to justify a drug- courier profile
by claiming that “the combination of
facts in this case will rarely, if ever,
describe an innocent
traveler” One DEA .
spokesman declared
that government
agents "can spot a
drug dealer the way a
woman can spot a deal
at the supermarket."
But at the Buffalo air-
port in 1989, federal
agents detained 600
individuals as suspect-
ed drug couriers. On-
ly ten were subse-
quently arrested.
Such statistics may
justify fear of flying,
but ground travel is
no safer. Drug-courier
profiles in many states
target drivers who ex-
ceed the speed limit,
even though a 1991
Federal Highway Admin-
istration survey found that more than
half of drivers exceed speed limits.
And for those cars that don't speed,
New Mexico state police invented a
drug courier profile to justify stopping
drivers who showed “scrupulous obe-
dience to traffic laws." A Georgia state
police profile instructed troopers to be
wary of "cars carrying a box of tissues,
which signals cocaine use, and cars car-
rying empty McDonald's cartons or pil-
lows and blankets in the backseat area,
which may signal drug runners in a
hurry,” as one law journal article not-
ed. A Florida trial judge commented
on the courier profile used by Florida
police: “When you boil the profile
down to its essentials, it covers just
about every rental automobile or pri-
vate automobile with out-of-state li-
cense plates traveling north on the
turnpike or 1-95.”
The police defend profiles as a “tool
that works.” Here, exactly, is how the
tool works. Between 1989 and 1992,
the Tinicum, Pennsylvania police de-
partment routinely stopped blacks and
Hispanics who were driving through
or near the town, on the pretext of a
motor vehicle code provision that pro-
hibits cars from having rabbits’ Beet
dice or air fresheners hanging from he
rearview mirror. Tinted windows could
also get motorists pulled over. Police
then searched the automobiles for
drugs and contraband. Four black
women returning from a church ser-
vice asserted that the police officer who
performed the search said he stopped
them because they were young, black
and driving “a nice car.”
Ina six-month period, 96 percent of
the cars stopped by one Tinicum police
“An LAPD detective
grabbed him from behind,
shoved him to the floor
and handcuffed him.”
officer were driven by blacks. The
Delaware County, Pennsylvania district
attorney justified the racial targeting:
“Everybody knows that the drug trade
in Chester and Philadelphia and in
Wilmington, Delaware is controlled by
blacks. It’s a truism.”
Or is the truism that drug enforce-
ment in some cities is controlled by
| — — г о A о м
racists? A Biloxi, Mississippi newspaper
examined police files and found that of
57 cars stopped and searched on a local
interstate, 55 were driven by blacks or
Hispanics. A Rutgers University study
found that though only 4.7 percent of
the traffic on the New Jersey turnpike
involved “late-model cars with out-of-
state plates driven by black males,” 80
percent of arrests fit that description.
As with the airport profiles, profiles
for drivers are also being profitably
combined with asset-forfeiture laws.
The Volusia County, Florida sheriff's
department set up a “forfeiture trap”
run by a Selective Enforcement Team
and seized an unbelievable average of
$5000 a day from unlucky motorists
traveling Interstate 95 between 1989
and 1992—more than $8 million total.
In three quarters of the seizures, no
criminal charges were filed. A Pulitzer
Prize-winning investigation by The Or-
lando Sentinel revealed that 90 percent
of seizure victims were
black or Hispanic.
People whose cash
was seized by the
deputies received
scant due process of
law. As the Sentinel
noted, one deputy
told two blacks from
whom he had just
confiscated $19,000:
“You have the right to
follow us back to the
station and get a re-
ceipt.” Even citizens
who provided proof
that their money was
honestly acquired (in-
cluding a lottery win-
пеге receipts) were
treated like drug
dealers. Volusia Coun-
ty officials often of
fered “settlements” to
drivers whose cash they seized, vowing
to return a percentage of the seized
cash if the drivers would promise not
to suc.
The ACLU and the NAACP are su-
ing Volusia County for racial bias in its
drug-ourier profiles. In court pro-
ceedings carlier this year, two members
of the Selective Enforcement Team
swore that the program head specifi-
cally instructed them to stop black and
Hispanic drivers to search for drugs
and cash. The officers also said they
had seen copies ofa courier profile that
included as a target characteristic “eth-
nic groups associated with the drug
trade." One deputy stated that a car-
icature of a drug courier posted on a
department bulletin board showed a
black man wearing a large gold
medallion and cowboy boots.
During the Fifties, citizens who in-
voked their constitutional rights and
refused to testify about their politics
were sometimes known as Fifth
Amendment communists. The mod-
ern equivalent is Fourth Amendment
drug couriers. When a police officer
asks a citizen to submit voluntarily to
a search, the officer is essentially ask-
Ing the citizen to waive his or her con-
stitutional right to privacy. Even if a
citizen refuses to be searched, police
often forcibly search the person and
then deny that the citizen refused
permission. Police also sometimes ar-
gue in court that a citizen's unwilling-
ness to be searched is itself sufficient
evidence that he or she has broken
the law. Although such arguments
should be beyond contempt, many
judges, anxious to give the police as
much discretionary power as possi-
ble, accept them with a straight face.
It is only a question of time until
the oppressive tactics that the govern-
ment now uses against drug suspects
will be used against clean-living, God-
fearing, Volvo-driving Americans.
Bovard is the author of “Lost Rights:
The Destruction of American Liberty.”
Since 1990, ar-
rests for posse:
of LSD have tripled
nationwide. Most of
those busted have
been Deadheads, ag-
ing hippies and col-
lege kids who follow
the Grateful Dead
from concert to con-
cert in Volkswagen
buses. Roughly 500
Grateful Dead fans
are serving terms for
LSD violations in
federal prisons, and
up to 2000 more are
serving terms in
state prisons. One
University of New
Hampshire police officer
created his own drug-courier profile:
He targeted and stopped cars with
Grateful Dead bumper stickers
Stewart, director of Families
Against Mandatory Minimums, an or-
ganization that is opposed to harsh
penalties for drug violations, ob-
served, “In the last round of Grateful
Dead concerts on the East Coast,
there was a trail of people left in jail
afterward.” When the Dead played in
Louisville, Kentucky in June 1993,
police arrested 272 fans within two
Са In Phoenix in March 1994, po-
lice arrested 173 people at two Dead
The attitude of the DEA and local
police toward Deadheads is difficult
to comprehend. When the Dead
played in Adanta in March 1993, po-
lice sergeant Leroy Williams told a lo-
cal paper, “For the most part, the
crowd is peaceful. No violence, no
fights." Yet Williams also told the pa-
per that the Atlanta police were "lock-
ing up [Deadheads] by the busload"
own drug-couner profile—he
stopped cars with Grateful
Dead bumper stickers.”
on drug charges.
Many busts occur when undercover
drug agents aggressively encourage
Deadheads to sell them illicit drugs.
Last March in Rosemont, Illinois, po-
lice entrapped a 20-year-old Dead-
head by offering him two concert tick-
ets in exchange for 18 doses of LSD.
(Charges were dismissed after labora-
tory tests revealed that the Deadhead
gave narcs bogus goods containing
no LSD.)
Gene Haislip, the DEXs chief of
LSD enforcement, told USA Today:
“We've opened a vein here. We're go-
ing to mine it until this whole thing
turns around.”
The police ven-
detta against Dead-
heads is large-
ly the result of a
quirk in federal
drug sentencing
laws. These laws,
known as manda-
tory minimums,
dictate that a per-
son's prison sen-
tence is deter-
mined by the
weight of drugs
that he or she sells.
LSD is usually sold
in sugar cubes or
on blotter paper.
Federal prosecu-
tors count the weight of
the sugar or paper as if it were pure
LSD. Stanley Marshall of El Paso,
Texas was arrested in 1988 for pos-
sessing less than a gram of LSD, but
because the drug was on 113 grams of
paper, Marshall got a 20-year federal
prison sentence.
Because of this quirk in the law,
Deadheads face longer mandatory
sentences for selling a handful of
acid-laced sugar cubes than Congress
mandates for kidnapping, embezzle-
ment or manslaughter.
Some critics believe that the crack-
down on Deadheads is simply an easy
way for federal drug agents to rack up
enforcement and conviction num-
bers—which arc impressive when it
comes time for Congress to determine
DEA budgets. Dennis McNally, publi-
cist for the Grateful Dead, declared,
"It's much easier to arrest some hip-
pie kid than it is to walk into a crack
den in the inner city, where some-
body might open the door holding
a semiautomatic.”
|F O R U м
what's happening in the sexual and social arenas
ly pious member of St. Paul's Catholic
Church is threatening to appeal to the Pope
if a statue of the Virgin Mary is not те-
moved from the congregant's place of wor-
ship. The woman claims that the nipples
are clearly visible through the clothing of
the life-size statue and that they incite car-
nal thoughts in male churchgoers.
ALEXANDRIA—Virginia courts will have
to decide if a man was interfering with law
enforcement or exercising his right of free
speech. After passing a highway sobriety
checkpoint, the defendant pulled off the
road and crafted a handmade sign to warn
oncoming motorists of the police roadblock.
CLEVELAND—At last, we've discovered
a mutual fund for the politically incorrect.
Morgan Funshares Inc., which is de-
scribed as "socially unconscious," special-
izes in companies offering liquor, tobacco,
cosmetics, gambling and disposable paper
products. The 77-year-old creator of the
fund, who doesn't smoke or drink, found
that consumers cling to their habits in good
and bad times. Thus, investing in these
types of companies would make the fund
essentially recession-proof. Founded in
1989, Funshares has averaged a return of
nearly 12 percent, which is better than
youll get with Standard e Prudes-type
mutual funds
liberties lawyers will decide whether to
defend а man charged with stalking a
woman by e-mail. The two met through a
video dating service, and an initial айтас-
tion led to phone calls and computer corre-
spondence. When the woman tried to end
the exchanges, he left a message on her an-
swermg machine saying he had secretly
watched her leave work. After she filed a
police report and he threatened to mail
their story to her family and friends, the
man was arrested and charged. Present
antistalking laws do not include e-mail
закагу Cmmeil passed a proposal. recom-
mending that the curriculum for eighth
graders include—or perhaps invent—the
concept of “secondary virginity.” The idea
is that even if students are having inter-
course, they can consider themselves vir-
gins if they stop doing it.
TRAVERSE CITY—The Michigan De-
partment of Transportation has banned a
newspaper, the “Dick E. Bird News,” from
its state highway welcome centers. The ban
was prompted when the eight-year-old son
of a highway official told his mom that
"Dick E. Bird” sounded like slang for pe-
nis. The free 24-page monthly is the hobby
of Dick E. Mallery. The publication con-
tains humorous commentary, poetry, envi-
ronmental notes, letters from readers and
“the best darned bird stories ever told.”
Stating that the journal had existed for
eight years without complaint, Mallery ex-
pressed worry about the “sanity of state
RICHMOND—The Virginia Court of
Appeals has ruled unanimously that a per-
son's homosexuality is not grounds for be-
ing declared an unfit parent, even if
statutes still prohibit sodomy, The ruling
overturned a lower court’s decision that
had awarded custody of a child to a grand-
parent because the mother is a lesbian. Al-
though conservative groups protested the
ruling, an attorney for the ACLU said the
language of the court emphasized that par-
enting ability should be the deciding factor
in custody cases.
PHILADELPHIA—A collection agency
that tracks down phone-sex debtors has
been accused of using extortion tactics.
Federal prosecutors say that Standup Com-
munications and Productions squeezed
more than $2 million cut of individuals by
Ihreatening to inform spouses or employers
of calls made to the lines, sometimes even
after the money had been collected. A few
victims maintained that they made no such
calls, but paid anyway to avoid hassles.
CAMBRINGE—The Cryobank in Masa-
chuselts, which also has locations near
UCLA and Stanford in California, is ac-
tively recruiting sperm donors from Ivy
League and other highly ranked schools to
meet an increasing demand for the acade-
mically fit. “If our customers wanted high
school dropouts, that's who we would
seek," a spokesperson said. For now, Cry-
obank will not accept sperm from men who
are not attending, or have not graduated
from, a four-year college.
In “Lawyers: A Modest Pro-
posal” (The Playboy Forum, July),
Geoffrey Norman committed
an error in terminology when
he said "law schools are still
packed with people whose goal
is to make a lot of money.”
Lawyers do not “make” money,
they “get” money. Every penny
paid to a shyster is made by
someone else—an inventor,
farmer, manufacturer, bricklay-
er, secretary, janitor or other
working chump. Lawyers ad-
minister a system of lawyer-
written rules, allowing them to
skim from and not contribute to
the pot.
James Reynolds 111
Houston, Texas
I support Geoffrey Norman's
proposal to cap lawyers in-
Comes. Let's start a grass roots
organization to legislate and im-
plement this idea immediately.
A. Bristow
New York, New York
Geoffrey Norman's modest
proposal to cap lawyers in-
comes is a blatant, vicious attack
on freedom. He prefers to turn
lawyers into serfs along with
doctors. Which profession will
be next? Law is a crucial, legiti-
mate practice in any civilized
society. If there are too many
lawyers today, it is because their
services are in demand. The an-
Swer is not. as Norman propos-
es, to wipe out the remaining
vestiges of freedom but rather
to eliminate government in-
fringements on freedom.
Bennett Karp
Aberdeen, New Jersey
Norman's proposal to impose in-
come caps on lawyers has tremendous
appeal. No good is coming from the
current orgy of avarice. The legal pro-
fession is out of control, and contrary
to their own proclamations, bar associ-
ations appear to be unwilling or unable
to enforce meaningful standards of
conduct. It is obvious that lawyers are
not going to protect the public they
purport to serve.
Claude D'Unger
Corpus Christi, Texas
“These days, there's nothing bold or innova-
tive about saying you sleep around. What takes
a lotof guts is to say you're a virgin. Virginity has
become the new sexuality.”
“We used to learn about sex in whispers and
back alleys, and sometimes in books, but only by
suggestion or insinuation. Now we can go to
movies and see graphic sex. Now virgins can be
worldly-wise and even knowledgeable about
A Natural History of Love
“Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.
(You can go farther when you don't go all the
"It gives other youths a place to look to and
say, ‘We're not so odd. There are 100,000 other
people who are not having sex.
Why mot cap everyone's salary?
"There is no reason why the president
of any company should make more
than the president of the United States.
No physician should make more than
the surgeon general. No prosecutor
should make more than the attorney
general. No businessman should make
more than the secretary of the treasury.
This lawyer is more than willing to cap
his salary at the level of a Supreme
Court justice, as long as everyone else's
is capped, too.
Richard Healy
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Geoffrey Norman claims that
an income cap will lead to
shorter trials and lower contin-
gency fees. Does he know that
trial lengths depend on the
complexity of the issue and the
amount of evidence? Does he
know that contingency fees al-
low access to the courts by peo-
ple who cannot afford hourly
or fixed fees? The American
system currently allows an in-
nocent person to be executed if
that person received procedur-
al due process. Yet, Norman
blames lawyers for high insu
ance rates, the high price of sl
lift tickets and the lack of div-
ing boards at some municipal
swimming pools. How do you
draw the line between the peo-
ple who hire lawyers and the
lawyers themselves?
Steven Langer
Norman, Oklahoma
The letter from G.C.S. of
New Hampshire ("Reader Re-
sponse,” The Playboy Forum, Au-
gust) states: “What frightens
me more than anything is the
thought that any religion could
have the power to shape our
laws.” Has he or she heard of
the Ten Commandments? Are
the laws in America that make
murder and robbery illegal in
valid because of their religious
roots? Is the 13th Amendment
invalid because many abolition-
ists opposed slavery on reli-
gious grounds? Of course not.
The drive to remove religion
from all aspects of American
public life has coincided with
the country becoming more
violent and lawless.
Mike Holly
Salina, Kansas
As a doctoral student working in the
area of sexual orientation, | commend
PLAYBOY for presenting a reasoned po-
sition on this subject in Pepper
Schwartz’ article "The Politics of De-
sire: Part Two" (The Playboy Forum, Ju-
ly). The strength of Schwartz article is
that it advocates the examination of
both social and biological variables sur-
rounding sexuality. Society influences
R E 5
who we desire and how we express
those feelings. However, our bodies are
biological and explanations of our de-
sires must be sought within the flesh.
Christopher Daskalos
Tempe, Arizona
1 am impressed and also disillu-
sioned by the article “Twenty Facts
About Privacy” (The Playboy Forum,
April). 1 can't believe there are no laws
protecting medical, telephone, em-
ployment, insurance, credit card or
bank records. What is the scope of the
Privacy Act?
Joel A. Davis
Phoenix, Arizona
The original Privacy Ad of 1974 sought
to protect personal information. It allowed
one to challenge the accuracy of data held in
a file and to demand redress when the data
were used for unintended purposes. The act
also provided for a permanent Privacy
Board to investigate the privacy practices of
federal, state and local government agen-
cies. President Gerald Ford killed that provi-
sion, making the U.S. the only industrial
democracy without such a watchdog. The act
now bans most electronic eavesdropping
over phone and data lines (with the excep-
tion of federal agencies and employers). Bul
for the most рат, privacy is an illusion. Ex-
isting laws protecting medical records and
bank statements function like a see-through
One of the computer magazines—as an
experiment—found that personal and legal
or financial data of high-profile people, such
as movie producer George Lucas and “San
Francisco Examiner” publisher William К
Hearst III, were accessible. The magazine
was able to find the subjects’ birth date, home
address, Social Security number, neighbors'
addresses and phone numbers, driving tec-
ord, marriage record, biography, tax liens,
real estate owned, commercial loans and
debts, civil court filings and corporate ties.
Feel any better?
Privacy, barely a right, isn’t even а habit
for most people. If you don’t want data to ex-
ist for strangers, don't give it in the first
place. This may be harder than you expect,
but it is well worth the effort. Next time
someone asks for your telephone number, say
it's unlisted, or give 555-1212
The Playboy Forum has always had a
sane perspective on sex abuse. Never
has mass hysteria over claims of child
molestation been more ludicrous than
N, S E
in the case of Chicago substitute
teacher Albert Thompson. Thomp-
son's unpopular strictness in the class-
room prompted a group of fourth
graders to fabricate a story accusing
him of molestation. One student of-
fered nine girls and one boy $1 each to
report that the teacher had fondled
them. The student eventually admitted
that the stories were a hoax and that
Thompson had not molested anyone.
An investigation by the Mass Molesta-
tion Task Force, the Chicago police de-
partment and the Department of Child
and Family Services concluded that
Thompson had hit one or more stu-
dents with a ruler to break up a fight
that day and that security guards were
called in twice to restore order, but that
accusations of child molestation were
groundless. Nevertheless, mothers of
four of the girls who accused Thomp-
son are threatening to file charges,
claiming that their children are not ly-
ing. Believe the children—even when
they are twisted little extortionists?
J. Brooks
Chicago, Ulinois
The child abuse hysteria—and the blind
trust of parents who are told to believe the
children—has created as many victims as it
Sought to protect. One has to wonder at a so-
ciety whose children play with the loaded
gun of a false accusation, and destroy ca-
твет5. Did they learn the power of the accu-
sation from Stranger Danger classes, messy
divorces and child custody hearings? From
Oprah? From made-for-TV movies? This
case shows the care that must be taken to pro-
tect all parties in an investigation.
We would like to hear your point of
view. Send questions, information, opinions
and quirky stuff to: The Playboy Forum
Reader Response, PLAYBOY, 680 North
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
Fax number: 312-951-2939. E-mail:
forum @playboy.com.
1 year
3 months
iweek 1 evening
Time Known
“Willingness to hove sexuol intercourse (meosured on o scole from 3, definitely
yes, to -3, definitely no) differs for men ond women with respect to the length of
time they have been acquointed with their prospective mote. Although men and
women ore equally likely to engage in sexuol intercourse ofter knowing o mate
for five years (both responding with o score of about 2, probably yes), women are
significontly less inclined to hove sex with a prospective mate for all shorter
lengths of time. The dotc are based on a somple of 148 college students in the
Midwestern United Stotes. The results support the hypothesis thot short-term
moting is more importont for men thon for women." So whot else is new?
T will the first amendment fall prey to a monopoly?
Ninety minutes into the congres-
sional hearing about how Ticketmas-
ter had been able to keep America's
most popular rock band off the road
last summer, and nothing had been
resolved. Pearl Jam bassist Jeff Ament
seized the mike. “They told us we
were going to be here, like, an hour,”
he said, annoyed at the hostile ques-
tions from a Republican congress-
man. “Actually, I have to go to the
bathroom. ГИ be right back.” With-
out waiting for permission, he rose
from the witness table and head-
ed out to seek relief.
It was a rock-star moment
and the most sensible act of the
day. I know, because I'd been sit-
ting there crossing and uncross-
ing my legs, waiting my turn asa
witness. During recess I ran into
guitarist Stone Gossard in the
hearing room chambers and Са
couldn't help asking, "Isn't
this exactly like being called in
to talk with the principal?"
Last May, Pearl
Jam complained
to the Justice Depart-
ments antitrust division.
The band members charged
that Ticketmaster (which sells
tickets for most of the country's
arenas at increasingly higher
prices) had prevented them
from touring last summer by
refusing to meet the band's
ceiling price for tickets at $18, with a
service charge of $1.80.
Their complaint centered on both
a major business matter—the rising
cost of concert tickets—and impor-
tant First Amendment issues. From
an artistic point of view, if there are
no alternate venues or competing
tour sites, there is no free expression.
Whoever owns the stage calls the
shots. Ticketmaster has an ironclad
cartel. “This is not like selling pop-
corn or peanuts or hot dogs at Madi-
son Square Garden," said Robert
Sacks, counsel for Pearl Jam. "People
have a choice to buy or not to buy
peanuts or popcorn. You cannot
come to see Pearl Jam or any other
band if you do not buy a ticket, and if
Ticketmaster is the only place you can
get those tickets, then they have a
lock on the market."
Frank Barron of Cravath, Swaine &
Moore, counsel for Ticketmaster, ar-
gued that Ticketmaster doesn't set
ticket prices. "It doesn't even have the
power to set its own service charges.
They are determined by way of nego-
tiations with Ticketmaster's clients.”
We, as consumers, also have a stake
“This is not
like selling popcorn
or peanuts or hot
dogs at Madison
Square Garden.
People have a choice
to buy or not to buy
peanuts or popcorn.”
in this confrontation. Even if you at-
tend only one or two concerts a year,
you know what it's all about. In the
past four years, surcharges, which not
long ago averaged about one dollar a
ticket, rose as much as 25 percent.
“Ticketmaster slapped on service fees
up to $10 per ticket (not per order)
for last summer's Eagles tour. Added
fees (such as parking, priced by the
ticket rather than by the carload)
mean that some shows carry service
charges as high as 55 percent. Pro-
moters and venues love this new
profit center, particularly since artists
rarely get a cut of it. Ticketron, which
was Ticketmaster's only meaningful
competitor, has been out of busi-
ness since 1991. With the ap-
proval of the Bush Justice De-
partment, Ticketmaster bought
"Ticketron's assets.
I attended the hearing to rep-
resent ticket buyers. The other
witnesses were mainly band man-
agers, led by Tim Collins of Aero-
smith, who was able to insert a
quote from Steven Tyler for the
record ("Mussolini may have
made the trains run on time, but
not everyone could get a seat on
that train"). All of them, along with
Ticketmaster and the congress-
men, Republicans and Democrats
alike, wanted to reduce the issue
to a business dispute.
Getting tickets to the public at a
fair price isn't just a business issue.
Pop music is entertainment, but it's
also culture. For a lot of us it's the
most important culture, the only
kind that speaks both to us and for
us. By running up service charges,
Ticketmaster, along with the venues
and promoters that are its partners,
are restricting access to this culture to
those who can pay high premiums.
Ticketmaster, which is owned by the
same people who have a stake in
America Online, would eventually
like to sell tickets in cyberspace, which
would make it a lot harder for most
people to see the Grateful Dead, or
R.E.M., or the Rolling Stones, ог,
well, Pearl Jam. The result would
make a joke of rock and roll, but
more important, it would make a joke
of the First Amendment.
PLAYBOY music спас Dave Marsh tes-
tified on. Ticketmaster service charges be-
fore a congressional subcommittee in June.
Canadian Club, Blended Canadian Whisky, 40% alc./vol., Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc., Farmington Hills, MI
Reporter's Notebook
white fans watch black stars on teams coached,
run and managed by whites. this is a model for society?
Has America developed a gladiator
class of black athletes who are superbly
suited for sports but not much else?
Have these muscular men been culled
from a subject class in the manner ofan-
cient Rome, to be handsomely rewarded
while those who cannot make the grade
are kept in misery? Are these men good
for nothing but their short span of mock
war called sport?
Such thoughts came to me recently
while I sat on a panel at a convention
of sports writers. Something about the
gathering seemed out of joint, but I
couldn't place it at first. Then it hit me:
The audience was, with very few excep-
tions, white, Yet the athletes they write
about are, for the most part, black.
Last year 77 percent of the players in
the NBA were black. In the NFL it was
68 percent. Blacks represent 16 percent
of major-league baxcball players, with
Latinos providing an equal number.
Unquestionably, this represents prog-
ress from the days when bascball was
segregated and other pro sports were
similar, if less rigid, in their discrimina-
tion. The problem is that blacks control
sports only on the field, not in the media
and the front office.
How absurd that a nation that finds so
little room for blacks in the mainstream
of its social and commercial life gawks at
and applauds every jump, thrust and
blow of those it otherwise shuns.
I have lived in southern California for
years and have witnessed the casual rac-
ism of some USC alums in every moment
other than those Saturdays when what
counts is the strength of black youth
The fate of OJ. Simpson, the greatest
Trojan of them all, is reality's revenge.
Professional sports best reveal the
wasted splendor of athleticism. It is
where some people demonstrate incred-
ible discipline and talent, but we refuse
to connect this awesome display of pur-
pose with the waste of those who fall so
far behind. Excellence is expected of
blacks on the field but not off.
At the college level, white students
cheer for black athletes, many of whom
have learned little from their education
other than how to qualify for the NFL or
the NBA. The few who make it are idol-
ized, those who don't are forgotten.
In a society where nearly one in four
black males between the ages of 20 and
29 has been in jail, where more than half
of inner-city black youths are unem-
ployed and where simply being born
black and male means that on average
you will live seven years less than a white
male, thanks to violence and poverty, the
allure of sports exploits the thin hopes of
the young. As reported by the Center for
the Study of Sport in Society at North-
eastern University in Boston:
“Sports become the cruel illusion for
too many blacks who see the stars and
the money. Forty-three percent of black
high school athletes believe they can
reach the promised land of the NBA, the
NFL or major-league baseball. In reality,
only one in 10,000 will. In pursuing the
dream, 25 percent leave high school
functionally illiterate.”
Not only will they not play in the NBA,
they will not even get to attend a game.
Basketball is fast becoming the national
pastime, but costly scason tickets are
making it the spectator sport of the rich.
The low earning power of blacks is
predicted by the failure of inner-city
schools to provide students with a mini-
mal education. Despite the low standard
required for NCAA recruiters—a grade-
point average of 2.0 and a combined
SAT score of 700—67 percent of blacks
who graduate from high school do not
qualify for an athletic scholarship. Of
those who make it as fodder for Divi-
sion I sports machines, less than half will
graduate within six years.
Nor do the big-time sports programs
provide much of a model for black ath-
letes in terms of careers outside of
sports. Eighteen major college football
powers (where approximately 80 per-
cent of the starters are black) do not
have a single black doctor or announcer
connected with their sports programs,
according to a recent study compiled by
the Reverend Jesse Jackson's Rainbow
Coalition for Fairness in Athletics. Even
coaching positions are largely off-limits
to blacks. For example, 65 percent of the
football team at Florida State University
is black, including Heisman Trophy-
winning quarterback Charlie Ward, but
only four people on the coaching and
support staff—six percent—are black.
The prospects for nonplaying jobs for
blacks are not much better in the profes-
sional sports industry, which has had a
systematic, long-standing bias against al-
lowing blacks to be anything other than
gladiators. The situation has slowly im-
proved in recent years, most notably in
the hiring of minority coaches and man-
agers, but the stats remain depressing,
particularly for baseball.
According to the Center for the Study
of Sport, there are still 19 teams in
major-league baseball that are without
a minority person in top management.
‘There are no minority team presidents.
Discrimination extends to the periph-
eral but lucrative jobs tied to pro sports.
For example, the Northeastern study
found that while 12 percent of NBA
broadcasters are black, only five percent
of radio and TV announcers in major-
league baseball are black. The combined
83 teams in the major sports boast only
one minority senior club physician and
two minority attorneys who are em-
ployed as general counsel to a team.
This past June the NAACP filed
charges of “blatant” bias against the Dal-
las Cowboys. Never mind that almost
three fourths of the players who twice
won the Super Bowl for Dallas are black
and that all of the team’s 11 front-office
positions are held by white males. The
NAACP charges that there aren't even
any minority vendors at Texas Stadium.
The NAACP summed up its charges
against the Cowboys in terms that define
the racial contradiction of American
sports: “We have all these Super Bowl
parties, but look at what we party for. We
have one black on the switchboard, one
in the mail room and one security
The Cowboys organization stated that
in the past year it has shown improve-
ment in filling vacancies with minorit
Thanks to the NAACP and the Rain-
bow Coalition, which has been picketing
major-league parks, the pressure is on
the owners. If the sports industry, where
minorities can make such a visible con-
tribution, can't do better, who can? ‘The
current situation is an abomination. It's
high time that the business of sports
serve as a model for recruiting and train-
ing blacks in roles other than that of
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a candid conversation with generation x's best actor about sex on the set,
his least favorite directors and his battles with
mom, dad and the cops
Christian Slater is breathing hard. It's 90
degrees on a smog-alert afternoon at the
Racquet Center in Studio City, where Slater
is playing paddle tennis for the very first
time. After two games he's winded and hangs
his head between his knees. Slater is only 25
years old, but he's learning that youth
doesn't necessarily conquer everything—at
least not when air pollution, nicotine, caf-
feine and lack of exercise are involved.
Slater can be forgiven a certain amount of
hubris. He has beaten challenges consider-
ably tougher than paddle tennis—including
those of a dysfunctional family, alcoholism,
jail time—and still emerged as an actor
whom many consider to be Generalion X's
James Dean.
He catches his breath, typically unwilling
to quil. “Let's go," he says, as he grips the
wooden paddle tightly. And for the next hour
he hustles mightily, not about to give in. He
completes two sets and though he will ache
all night he conceals the pain. Из his own
Tittle “fuck you" to those who prophesy doom
lo the few remaining Angelenos who don't
hold their bodies to be shrines.
There has always been something of a
rebel about Slater. At 10 he went on the road
singing “Gary, Indiana” in “The Music
Man,” starring Dick Van Dyke, and by the
time he returned home he was drinking hard
liquor. He started smoking at 14, tried coke
and other mind-altering substances and
dropped out of high school before graduat-
ing. He and his mother moved to Los Ange-
les, where he lived with a girlfriend at 17
and had two run-ins with the law (the sec-
ond one landed him in jail and rehab). He is
a recovering alcoholic who, since 1985, has
managed to appear in 19 films and have af-
fairs with a number of his leading ladies.
His name has been above the title in a half
dozen movies, and his two current films—
“Interview With the Vampire” and “Murder
in the First” —will undoubtedly ge! him in-
creased notice.
Slater's role as the interviewer of vampires
came about when River Phoenix, who origi-
nally had the part, died of a drug overdose
just as filming began. Slater agreed to fill in
only after deciding to donate his fee to char-
ity. His other film, “Murder in the First,” is
а true story about a young law (Slater)
who defends a prisoner, played by Kevin Ba-
cou, who murdered the man who put him in-
to solitary confinement for three years in AL
calraz. It’s a new, mature direction for the
actor, who has already shown а chameleon-
like ability to perform
Often, Slaler's offscreen antics overshad-
ow his work. In “The Legend of Billie Jean”
he fell in love with his co-star, Helen Slater,
who spurned the advances of the 15-year-
old. By 16 he was making love to his 22-
year-old Chilean co-star Valentina Vargas
both on camera (simulated) and off (for real)
while in Italy shooting “The Name of the
Rose” with Sean Connery. His fast track to
success speeded up when Francis Coppola
cast him in “Tucker: The Man and His
Dream,” starring Jeff Bridges. He became a
cult figure when he followed “Tucker” with
“Heathers,” where he played a murderous
leen rebel disdainful of high school snobs
and athletic heroes. Winona Ryder played
his love interest and the two of them had a
brief, widely reported fling during filming.
Another teen rebel film, the critically ac-
claimed “Pump Up the Volume,” solidified
his cult following.
He played a cowboy in “Young Guns I1,"
Robin Hood's long-lost brother in “Robin
Hood: Prince of Thieves” with Kevin Cost-
ner, Lucky Luciano in “Mobsters” and a San
Francisco cop in “Kuffs,” where the device of
talking directly into the camera was given a
thumbs-down by most who saw it. But Slater
bounced back, playing a shy and sensitive
character who believes he has а baboow's
heart in director Tony Bill's “Untamed
Heart.” He followed that with “True Ro-
mance,” а quirky, violent romp with extraor-
dinary performances by Dennis Hopper,
Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken and Pa-
tricia Arqueite, with whom Slater had anoth-
er of his quick attachments. He also had a
“1 told the director, T'm not River Phoenix.
I'm going lo approach this in a totally differ-
ent way. If you really hate it, then we'll deal
with that.’ After 1 told him, he just stayed out
of my way.”
“I thought that if 1 were famous I would fit
in. When that started happening, people
weren't dealing with me anymore, they were
dealing with somebody famous. That's when
the drinking started to run the show.”
“Tom Cruise is incredibly professional. Peo-
ble work when he's around; no time is wast-
ed. That's pretty amazing. He's also incredi-
bly gorgeous, a really good-looking guy. 1
guess this is my love letter to Tom
brief fling wilh supermodel Christy Turling-
ton (with whom he appeared on the cover of
"Harper's Bazaar,” becoming the first male
to be featured on the cover since Steve Mc-
Queen in 1968)
Slater was born in Manhattan on August
18, 1969. His parents” rocky marriage end-
ed when he was just five. His father, an actor
who now goes by the name Michael Gaius-
borough, was the original Ryan in the TV
soap opera “Ryan's Hope” and has ap-
peared on the stage and in other television
shows, but never with the kind of success his
son has had. Slater's mother, Mary Jo Slater,
is a casting agent (she currently works at
MGM). Christian grew up surrounded by
actors and the theater, When his mother ap-
peared as a guest on “The Joe Franklin
Show,” Christian, then nine, was spolted in
the wings and called out onstage. Director
Michael Kidd saw him and asked him to au-
dition for “The Music Man.”
Like many actors, Slater never felt secure
about himself, and his offbeat family life on-
ly heightened his insecurities. “I saw a lot
of insanity when I was growing up,” he
Slater has also appeared on TV; spending
six months on “Ryan's Hope” and doing
some after-school aud ИВО specials. He ap-
peared onstage in "Oliver!" and, in 1982,
with Nicol Williamson in “Macbeth.” A chil-
dren’s play he directed, “The Laughter Epi-
demic.” raised more than $200,000 for the
Pediatric ALDS Foundation,
Enamored by the legends of Hollywood
past, Slater believed it was an actor's lot to
be as wild and rebellious as one could, to live
like Errol Flynn or Jack Nicholson, to expe-
rience the all-night parties, the drugs, booze
and women that came with the territory, and
nol worry about tomorrow. [t was something
he was good at—at least he was until De-
cember 29, 1989, when he and a friend were
speeding down Santa Monica Boulevard, ig-
noring the police siren behind them. The
chase eventually ended in an alley, when
Slater jumped out of his Saab Turbo 900
and tried lo scale a fence, kicking the cop
who was trying to stop him. He was fined
$1400, had his driver's license suspended
for 18 months and spent ten days in jail. A
rehab program came next.
Slater says his wild years are now behind
him. He just wants to concentrate on his ca-
reer, his private life and his antique toy col-
lection, The woman in Slater's life now is
Nina Pelerson Huang, an actress and writer
who lives with him in a secluded house in the
Hollywood Hills. To find out how successful
his new life is, PLAYBOY sent Contributing
Editor Lawrence Grobel (who last interviewed
Anthony Hopkins) to spend some time and
play some ball with the star: Grobel's report:
“How can you not like a guy who comes
out in his white terryeloth robe, his hair un-
combed, looking sleepy in the middle of the
afternoon, lighting up a cigarette, gulping
coffee, and saying, behind cheap purple-lens
sunglasses, "I bet Marlon Brando never did
his interview in his bathrobe’?
“We talked outside by the pool for hours.
Then he showed me his toy callection—
dozens of model spaceships hanging from the
ceiling, hundreds of "Star Wars’ and “Star
Trek’ figures on shelves, framed posters of
William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, and
old ‘Life’ covers of Spencer Tracy, Errol
Flynn and Montgomery Clift. He was hav-
ing a sound system installed so he could
watch his favorite videos and feel every clase
encounter of the outer-space kind.
“Christian's an enormously likable char-
acter, willing to try something new, like pad-
dle tennis, even if it puls him at a disadvan-
tage. He was also, as I found out, fearless
and uncensored, willing to discuss the ups
and downs of his life with unusual candor.”
PLAYBOY: Just as you're turning from
teen to adult star, the press has deemed
that there is a new Christian who is
markedly different from the old Chi
tian. Richard Nixon was well into his
presidency before the labels old and new
appeared, and you're only 25.
SLATER: It is kind of silly, isn’t it? But I
never came out saying, “This is the
new me.”
PLAYBOY: 15 there а new you?
“T always wanted to be
the guy who would rush
into the burning building
and save the babe. Being
a hero would be the
coolest thing.”
SLATER: Yeah, I feel separated from what
1 was, more settled down, more comfort-
able in my own skin. I'm able to focus
more, but I’m at a strange point in my
carcer. It's like I'm too old or too young
for certain things, and these other guys
are in their 30s, so I've been lying about
my age. I tell people I'm 28 just to put
them at ease. Most older people have the
hardest time dealing with somebody
who's 25,
PLAYBOY. Are you talking about your
SLATER: The only ones I really think
about now are Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise
and Keanu Reeves. It's my competitive
side, which 1 will have to deal with at
some point.
PLAYBOY: You worked with both Pitt and
Cruise in Interview With the Vampire.
Whose career would you most like to
SLATER: Tom Cruise's career is just so or-
ganized and so clean. He's a real busi-
ness guy, and that is a direction I'd
my career to move in. Whatever he does
works. I've never been on a more orga-
nized set. He comes out, he shoots for a
set amount of time, and then he's out
incredibly professio People
work when he's around; no time is wast-
ed. That's pretty amazing. He's also in-
credibly gorgeous, a really good-looking
guy. 1 guess this is my love letter to Tom
PLAYBOY: How well did you get to know
him during the shooting of Interview?
SLATER: We spent six hours together in a
car the day we closed down the Golden
Gate Bridge for a scene. He offered to fly
me back to L.A. in his jet. He's really
down-to-earth, but he's also very pri-
vate, so there's a certain mystery about
him. He's been lucky getting first look
and first chance at projects that have
built-in audiences, like The Firm and A
Few Good Men, and now this one, which
should be huge.
PLAYBOY: What do you think of the con-
troversy over Cruise being cast as the
vampire? We know that the author,
Anne Rice, was dead set against him.
SLATER: Tom Cruise will most likely have
the last laugh. My prediction is that it
will have a $40 million opening. It's go-
ing to have such publicity behind it, it'll
be amazing.
PLAYBOY: How much are you in the film?
SLATER: 1 worked a total of about a week.
I appear sporadically throughout the
film. The majority of my dialogue is be-
iween me and Brad, and the rest ap-
pears at the end with Tom.
PLAYBOY: How did you feel taking over
the role of the interviewer after River
Phoenix’ death?
SLATER: I felt really uncomfortable about
it. I had met Neil Jordan six months be-
fore they started shooting because I was
interested another role, that of Ar-
mand. I really hated Jordan, to be hon-
est with you, because he spent most of
the interview on the phone. 1 was of-
fended by that. I've since found out that
he’s very shy and has a difficult time
communicating. When Г heard that they
wanted me for River Phoenix’ role, 1
wanted no part of it. Then my agent sug-
gested 1 donate the money to his chari-
ties and ones that I'm involved with.
PLAYBOY: Did you know Phoenix or share
the same friends?
SLATER: River and I didn't share any close
friends other than Martha Plimpton. 1
went to school with her, but I haven't
spoken to her in four years. I don't real-
ly go to the clubs and 1 don’t know any
body he knew.
PLAYBOY: How did his death affect you?
SLATER: It provided a reminder of what
my life could have been. Г was definitely
heading in the same direction he was.
After alcohol it could have been acid for
me and then maybe try some heroin,
which I think issome of the stuff that was
found in his system.
PLAYBOY: We'll get to your life shortly, but
let's stay with River's death. It seemed to
have shocked so many people.
SLATER: There was a massive case of
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denial going on there. If he had been
open enough to step inside an AA meet-
ing, he'd still be here. Members of his
family are strong believers in spirituality,
and in order to deal with the pain they
believe that River is in the air and in the
water and all around.
PLAYBOY: When you came on the set as
his replacement, did you have any prob-
lems with anyone?
SLATER: The director had a clear vision of
what he wanted River to look like and he
started taking my hair and pushing it to
the side, really manhandling me. I just
hate to be handled. You get in my space,
it drives me nuts. I told him, “Neil, I'm
not River Phoenix. I’m going to ap-
proach this in a totally different way. I'm
in this movie with Tom Cruise and Brad
Pitt and I'd like to do the best job I pos-
sibly can and ГА like you to allow me to
do that. Let me do my look. If you really
hate it, then we'll deal with that.” After I
told him he just stayed out of my way
and that made my job easier.
PLAYBOY: You have another film coming
ош, Murder in the First, in which you play
the lead.
SLATER; Right. It’s more of an adult-type
film for me. I play this guy just out oflaw
school who works at this law firm that his
brother runs. He gets this open-and-
shut case, his first, but things begin to
happen. It's about the atrocities per-
formed at Alcatraz and how that place
was shut down. It's maybe а miniversion
of Judgment at Nuremberg.
PLAYBOY: Sounds like this might be your
A Few Good Men.
SLATER: I'm sure there will be compar-
isons, but they're not the same. Cruise's
character was a hotshot, cocky guy. I'ma
nervous guy who's trying on this new
pair of shoes as he walks into the killer's
cell. It's about the relationship between
me and this convict who's been so brutal-
ized by the system.
PLAYBOY: How did you get along with
Kevin Bacon, who plays a convict placed
in solitary for three years who then kills
the man who put him there?
SLATER: He's going to surprise a lot of
people. He's a genius in this. I was being
considered for that part but I really
didn’t want to play it. The reason I took
Murder in the First was that I felt the char-
acter I play gave me the opportunity to
show a different side. I hope it's a much
more intelligent, mature side.
PLAYBOY: You're no stranger to odd
behavior. Did you have any blowups on
the set?
SLATER: We shot at Alcatraz for three
weeks. What a nightmare that was. You
had to take a ferry to get there. They
couldn't bring trailers out, so they set up
cells for each of the actors to stay in. 1
had a cell for three weeks and spent a lot
of time sitting around waiting because of
these elaborate camera shots. That was
frustrating. I'd already done my jail time
co five years ago. I didn’t need to do апу
more. I made the mistake of not bring-
ing enough cigarettes and I asked my
friend to get me another pack. He came
back and said there weren't any more
and that the line producer said 1 made
enough money to buy my own. Here I
am on this island —there's no cigarette
store there. There's no way for me to get.
a smoke. And if I'm going to sit in this
goddamn cell, I'm going to smoke! I was
blown away by the incredible stupidity
of that comment. So I got out of the
wardrobe I'd been in for nine hours and
said, “Fuck these guys. I'm going to the
fucking mainland, buy my cigarettes and
I might come back." 1 figured 1 would
teach them a little lesson, because it was
so rude. So I took the ferry and got my
cigarettes and came back. The director,
Marc Rocco, gave me this incredible atti-
tude. He thought I was trying to screw
his movie.
PLAYBOY: What happened then?
SLATER: We had to reshoot a scene for the
television version, without the curses.
We didn't have to do another setup, just
put the camera in the same place. But
for some reason it took a long time and
we wound up sitting there again. I lost it.
I started screaming and yelling, “What
the fuck is the holdup here?” Because we
had all been on this island for three
weeks and we just wanted to get off the
goddamn island. Marc said, "Tm not
ready to shoot yet.” And I said, “You
have to be ready, you have to say,
"Holling!" And he did, quietly, say,
‘Rolling.’ We had the weekend to think
about all this and when we got back we
straightened everything out.
PLAYBOY: Prison life can do that to you.
SLATER: Oh, another charming thing
about our stay: There were no toilets,
just one Porta-Potti for all of us. So we
were all peeing in Evian bottles. Kevin
Bacon came up with that idea. You drink
the Evian and then you fill it up again.
PLAYBOY: Did you cut the tops to make it
SLATER: No, we peed in the little hole. It
was very tricky.
PLAYBOY: Weren't you also filming in Syl-
mar, near Northridge, when the earth-
quake struck?
SLATER: We were near the epicenter. It
was horrifying. I was walking back to my
trailer when the whole place started
shaking. Gary Oldman came running off
the set with a cut on his face. His manag-
er broke his arm. That thing was insane.
I saw 400 extras piling out of this door-
way; women were crying, screaming, I
was hugging a couple of them. The carth
shook for 20 minutes afterward and I
said to my friend, "Let's get the hell out
of here.”
PLAYBOY: Who was the first person you
SLATER: My girlfriend, Nina. We were
working things out and that carthquake
was perfect for me, because I was able to
get in my Bronco and rescue her and
her friends. We drove up to this ranch in
the middle of nowhere, just to get out of
L.A. I was a hero for about a week.
PLAYBOY: A hero is the part you've fanta-
sized all your life, isn't it?
SLATER: Yeah, I always wanted to be the
guy who would rush into the burning
building and save the babe. 1 thought to
be a hero would be the coolest thing. A
few years ago on Halloween my friends
and I went to this club, Roxbury, and I
was wearing my Batman outfit. We left
and I saw a guy beating up on this chick.
I took my mask off and yelled, "Stop!" I
looked like a ninja. I ran across the
street, jumped on a car and came down
on this guy. The wig fell off the woman
he was beating up and it turned out to be
a man, who took off his high heels and
started whaling on this other guy. I
didn't know what was going on, so I just
let them beat the shit out of each other.
PLAYBOY: So being a hero wasn't all you
thought it would be?
SLATER: When I was growing up I
thought I was the bionic man. I'd say,
“I'm going to chop off my legs and get
bionic legs so I can really run fast.” My
father would say, "Take it easy. That's
TY, that's not real life, man. Keep it in
perspective." TV can be very misleading
toa kid.
PLAYBOY: Especially when your father is
on it.
SLATER: When I was about three, I was
sitting on his lap watching him on this
soap opera, Love ls a Many Splendored
Thing. | see that he gets his head stuck in
a fireplace or an oven and he's writhing
in pain and I don't know what the hell is
going on. I screamed. He just said, "It's
all acing." He explained it to me. Man,
it was freaky.
PLAYBOY: But it didn't stop you from.
wanting to be a superhero, did it?
SLATER: I once got locked on the roof
when I was five. My father would sun-
bathe on the roof in New York, 86th and
West End. 1 would go up there in my
Batman cape and try to scare him. One
time I hid too long and he went down-
stairs and locked the door. I was on the
roof for a good three hours, 1 couldn't
get down, and so I took this daring leap
to the other building. 1 found a door
that was open to an elevator shaft and
yelled down and somebody heard me.
PLAYBOY: What did your parents do when
they found out you had jumped to the
other roof?
SLATER: My mother had already called
the police and was really freaked. My fa-
ther was just happy that I had survived.
They were having their own difficulties
at the time and that was onc of the things
that. really widened the gulf between
them. She felt he was irresponsible.
PLAYBOY: Soon айсг that they divorced.
Did you feel you had to take sides be-
tween them?
SLATER: I tried to be the therapist some-
times, sitting between them so they
could talk it out. I remember some
volatile moments with hands going
through lamps, smashing everywhere.
But it always seemed so beyond real that
it had to be acting. There was so much
drama going on and there were so many
buttons pushed and so many manipula-
tions, it had to be a soap opera. But
there was no reason for a five-year-old to
be in the middle of some fucking devas-
tating situation. All a kid needs to know
is, "Its nothing to do with you." After
their divorce I was insecure everywhere
I went.
PLAYBOY. Did your mother ever talk to
you about acting?
SLATER: Just her telling me how hideous a
profession it was, how difficult it can be,
and using my father as an example of
the struggle.
PLAYBOY: Even though you started acting
when you were nine, your mother didn't
push you?
SLATER: If a parent pushes a kid into this
business, the kid resents it. If I said my
mother pushed me, people would take
pity on me. She didn't push me, it was
my choice completely. Now she fecls that
not cnough credit is being given to her
at this point.
PLAYBOY: Your father fecls the same way.
He claims full credit for your success, ас-
cording to a leiter he sent to Premiere
magazine. He wrote that he's your
superego and he made you a star, and
that when he’s dead maybe you'll give
him the credit he deserves.
SLATER: I spoke to him about it. He said
he had sent them a 12-page leuer and
they cut it down. My father's way of com-
municating is to write letters.
PLAYBOY: That seems like a strange leuer
for him to write.
SLATER: I think that's part of the reason I
have trouble drawing the line between
my private and professional life. Those
boundaries have not been clearly estab-
lished for me. I have to start drawing
some boundaries.
PLAYBOY: Would you include your par-
ents among the people you trust and feel
closest to?
SLATER: Not at this point.
PLAYBOY: When was the last time you
were with your father?
SLATER: We talk all the time. I took him to
the Barbra Streisand concert. He pulled
out a toothbrush and started brushing
his teeth in the auditorium in front of
everybody. Who knows, I may steal that
one day and do it in a film. When it's
one-on-one I can deal with him. But as
soon as a woman comes around, my fa-
ther gets competitive with me. We were
sitting at the concert and I was eating ice
cream and he vas talking with this girl,
ignoring me. Then he turned around
and, loud enough for several people to
hear, he said, “If you finish that I'm go-
ing to Kill you!" Fuck, man, take it easy.
It made me horribly uncomfortable
PLAYBOY: That's understandable.
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SLATER: 1 remember he always used to al-
low me to win at chess. | never realized
that, I always thought I was good. Then
one time he had this girlfriend in Chica-
go and I said, "Let's play chess," and he
beat the shit out of me right in front of
her. Man, it was humiliating. After years
of losing, all ofa sudden he pulls out the
stops and destroys me. I was upset. I felt
like an asshole
PLAYBOY: So what word would you use to
describe him?
SLATER: Colorful. He's in his late 50s, and
he's a fantastic actor. He does a lot of
small theater around Los Angeles. He's
entertaining and full of life.
PLAYBOY: Was your mother right to as-
sume that as your career grew, she
would manage you?
SLATER: My mother's favorite movie is
Gypsy. That was her dream. Her plans
were to manage my carcer and run the
show, to tell me what types of projects to
do, basically run my life and produce the
films that I do and have this incredible
family partnership. One of the things
that didn't factor into her equation is
that eventually I would require some in-
dependence for myself. It never oc-
curred to her. She couldn't believe, and
still doesn’t believe, that I don't need
anything from her. Whereas 1 feel that
she has raised somebody who is capable
of taking care of himself, rather than
having to go back to Mom and say,
“Please bail me out of this situation.” If 1
were that type of person Ud still be
drinking and getting arrested
PLAYBOY: What is it that you would like
from her?
SLATER: Ideally, I would like for her to be
proud of me. It hasn't all gone her way.
A part of me feels guilty about that, like
maybe 1 do owe her everything.
PLAYBOY: Did you used to sit in during
auditions and watch as your mother cast
SLATER; Yeah, I would watch the actors
and see what it was like after they left the
room. That was pretty heavy, listening to
those people be talked about after they
were gone. Which is why I hate to take
meetings, because nobody is really hon-
est. Everybody is going to go off and talk
about you behind your back.
PLAYBOY: Did she prepare you to deal
with the dark side of Hollywood?
SLATER: 1 don’t know if she really wanted
to prepare me fully, because that would
have given her no power over me.
PLAYBOY. What was the subtext to her
telling Rolling Stone that girls are your
major hobby?
SLATER: Isn't that unreal? Maybe she was
right. I had such a lack of respect for
women that I just treated them as a hob
by, trying to live up to the supposed im-
age of Jack Nicholson and all those guys
who were womanizers. Because if I have
women as a hobby, my mother will al-
ways be number one, you know? If I
take another woman seriously and have
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— — Stile,
respect for her, my mother would be
forced to let go. So that's a statement of
a woman completely unwilling to sepa-
rate. “Let's keep lots of women around
so things stay as distracted as possible
and I can pull the strings.”
PLAYBOY: Has any woman you've been
with met with her approval?
SLATER: I guess a princess is what she sees
for me. Of course, I feel like 1 am with a
princess now because a princess is a per-
son who is honest and straight up and
can be trusted beyond belief. But to her
a princess may be Madonna, somebody
famous, somebody in my profession, at
least as wealthy.
PLAYBOY: Madonna? What kind of moth-
er would wish a woman like Madonna on
her son? Is she trying to kill you?
SLATER: My mother is
envious of the rela-
tionship Elvis Presley
had with his mother,
and the relationship
River Phoenix had
with his mother. OK?
They're both dead! 1
told her I'd much
rather have the rela-
tionship we have to-
day than the ones
they did.
PLAYBOY: What about
the men in your
mother's life after her
first divorce? How'd
you deal with Ша?
SLATER: With a lot of
the guys my mother
dated, ГА come home
and they would be si
ting in the closet cut-
ting up the clothes. 1
mean, manic, crazy
shit. This was the stuff
I was seeing. There
were certainly а cou-
ple of guys who were
just blatant assholes.
But it was difficult for
the men, because my
mother put so much
attention on me and
treated me like the golden boy. She
spoiled me rotten. | never had any disci-
pline growing up and 1 had Mom
wrapped around my finger Naturally
guys would get jealous and fight for at-
tention. A lot of them were hideously im-
mature. So Гуе had to do a lot to get that
stuff out of my system.
PLAYBOY: Did any of her boyfriends ever
provoke you into violence?
SLATER: I slugged one of them once when
I was 14. It was another of those guys
who was trying to discipline me and get
me to behave a certain way. I had no re-
spect for this guy. We'd make fun of each
other all the time, brutalize each other.
He had this dart and had unscrewed the
sharp point, but 1 didn't know that. He
fucking chucked it at me and I thought
he was trying to kill me. | think a part of
him really wanted to. So I just whaled
him right in the kidneys. I'm lucky I'm
still here to talk about it because he was a
big guy.
PLAYBOY: Your mother remarried twice
after your father. How did you feel at the
time of each marriage?
J was a mess, re-
ally drunk, flirting with the bridesmaids
She wanted to marry to give my brother
a legitimate name, which is Wilson. And
now his last name is Slater, you know? So
1 don't know what the hell the marriage
was for, really. The third one was right
before 1 went off to do Robin Hood, so
I was at a sober stage of my life. I like
this guy.
PLAYBOY. Didn't your brother Ryan re-
-Тт Allen
So What Do You Put It On?
cently get cast in his first feature film?
SLATER: Yeah, he's 11. It's a Warner Bros.
movie called Little Panda and he's the
lead. He went to the Himalayas for
about three months. My mother's han-
dling his career, so I guess she's doing a
little transference deal. It's bizarre. My
brother said to me, “You'd better watch
out because I'm coming up." I just said,
“I couldn't be more proud of you than I
am. I wish you all the best. I just hope
you don't get competitive with me now. I
wouldn't want it to ruin the relationship
that we have developed over the years."
The fact that my brother is coming up is
really helping me to realize that you
have to make space for everybody, you
can't be competitive and insane about it
PLAYBOY: When you say your mother's
doing a transference deal, do you mean
she is picking up with him where she left
off with you?
Slater: Right. The night before ће got
the movie she asked me to go to therapy
with her. Then after Ryan got the movie
I didn't hear from her. Either I'm Elvis
Presley or River Phoenix or I'm 14 years
old. And if I can't be 14, Ryan will be.
PLAYBOY: It sounds like there's a lot of
residual anger that has built up since
your parents divorced. Did you take out
that anger on them as you were grow-
ing up?
SLATER: How was 1 going to direct my
anger at my mother or my father when
maybe I already lost one of them and I
may lose the other one? It was a tricky
situation. A lot of my anger got mis-
placed and was direct-
ed at kids in school
and at teachers, when
I would say, “Excuse
me, I'm talking, don't
interrupt me!”
PLAYBOY: Is it true that
you used to sob and
cry because you had
to go to school?
SLATER: When 1 was
younger. I used to
latch on to my moth-
ers leg because |
didn’t want to be put
оп the school bus.
PLAYBOY: Why did you
hate school so much?
SLATER: It didn't work
for me. 1 wasn't very
good at it. It wasn't
fun. It was a source of
PLAYBOY: What about
SLATER: I had one
friend who stabbed
me in the arm with a
pencil because I was
flirting with a girl and
he was jcalous. 1 still
have the mark. And
I had one strong
^" friendship with this
other guy. He was Han Solo and I was
Luke Skywalker, or I was Flash Gordon
and he was the Baron. We were always
playing action heroes. Then I went off to
do The Legend of Billie Jean and when 1
came back my attitude had changed dra-
matically. 1 was wearing a snakeskin jack-
et and sunglasses. My hair was all spiked
and dyed, and I was working on being
an unbelievable punk, rebelling against
school completely. trying to be a badass.
I'd light up cigarettes in class and get
thrown out. I got suspended for three
days. I just didn't care.
PLAYBOY: Did you ever get into fights?
SLATER: Not really, though I had a roving
eye and I got popped for it once, a good
belt to the head. I learned a pretty good
lesson: Guys have to stick together—we
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can't be fucking one another over. I was
definitely acting out of blatant selfish-
ness and immaturity and I paid a little
price for it. The guy was a boxer and 1
came at him with my head as my fist, my
позе leading the way. I have a deviated
septum to this day.
PLAYBOY. Did your teachers suspect you
of dealing drugs?
SLATER: At one point they really did be-
lieve I was doing that.
PLAYEOY: Were you?
SLATER: | tried. I tried to be cool and fit in
at one point, but it wasn't really for me. 1
was walking around with the tinfoil, the
whole thing.
PLAYBOY: What was in the foil?
PLAYBOY: How did you get it?
SLATER: It was always there and always
PLAYBOY When did you drop out of
SLATER: At 17. My father called and said,
“J don't want you ever to regret that you
didn't graduate.” That calmed me down
right away.
PLAYBOY: What about sex? When did you
lose your virginity?
SLATER: Now wait, this is my love life
here. Let’s talk about your virginity, not
about mine.
PLAYBOY: Let's stay with yours.
SLATER: No, I don't want to.
PLAYBOY: Some of it's public knowledge:
You were 14, on a film, it was in a col-
lege dorm —
SLATER: Exactly, so what more can I say?
PLAYBOY: Well, you never went to college.
SLATER: That's right.
PLAYBOY: What film was it?
SLATER: God, I don't remember.
PLAYBOY: What city was it?
SLATER: 1 don't remember.
PLAYBOY: Sure you do.
SLATER: No, I swear to you. None of that
stuff was the highlight of it.
PLaYBOY: Did your personality change
SLATER: I was thrilled, no question.
PLAYEOY: Were you able to talk about it
with anyone?
SLATER: | called my friend who had
stabbed me with the pencil. He wasn't
that impressed. I guess he had already
done it.
PLAYBOY: Was the girl also a virgin? And
did you see her again?
SLATER: She was slightly experienced,
she'd done it. I saw her again, it wasn't a
one-night thing.
PLAYBOY: Was it something you had had
оп your mind for years?
SLATER: Yeah, definitely. Ever since I was
five or six and modeled clothes for
Pierre Cardin. I remember being back-
stage, spying on the girls changing, and
1 could see everything. They would have
on these stockings with no underwear—
you could see right through the stock-
ings. It was great. I was exposed to a
great deal there. After that it was
definitely important, obsessive. But I
wish I could have held out longer, be-
cause once you do it, it's over, it’s done,
that's it.
PLAYBOY: There can never again be a first
time, but surely one can be adventurous
when it comes to sex.
SLATER: I've had phases of things that I've
gone through, and 1 have a good time. I
have the greatest sex in the world now.
When you're with somebody and you re-
ally know the person and you're com-
fortable, nothing beats it. Still, I'm real
nervous about sex—it could just be the
disease thing, because you never know,
something could be incubating. AIDS
changed my whole perspective. It forced
me to deal with issues that 1 probably
wouldn't have had to deal with until I
was 35 or 40, like settling down. It's a
PLAYEOY: Do you practice sale sex?
SLATER: I have, yeah. And I've been fool-
ish too, thinking that I'm invincible.
Did you feel you were born to
Were you trying to live up to the
SLATER: | was trying to live up to the leg-
ends of James Dean, Roman Polanski,
you know, that you have to live fast, die
young and leave a good-looking corpse.
That was something 1 believed in strong-
ly. But since then my opinions about it
have changed dramatically. It's imma-
ture and silly to behave recklessly, with
out any regard for anybody else's feel-
ings. It leads to misery. You either die
like River Phoenix or you do your best to
get through it as smoothly as possible
and keep chugging till you get to 30.
Fortunately Гуе had some people
around me that helped me keep my
head on straight. I haven't always been
great at doing that.
PLAYBOY: Were you prepared for all the
fame at so young an age?
SLATER: Well, certainly а lot of my dreams
came t but fame didn't really fix me.
I was always insecure. I thought that if I
were famous 1 would fit in and people
would treat me differently. Then when
that started happening. people weren't
really dealing with me anymore. They
were dealing with somebody famous, so
that never real to me. That's when
the drinking started to run the show
PLAYBOY: Is that when you were 16 and
went to Italy to film The Name of the Rose?
SLATER: I'd been drinking for a little
while before then. I had my taste of it
with the opening of The Music Man. Dick
Van Dyke was a partyer; he liked to
drink a bit. And I snuck some punch at
my mother’s parties where there were so
many people she couldn't keep an eye
on me. So I'd been having my fair share
of alcohol. And then with Name of the
Rose 1 made a fatal error with Е Murray
Abraham one night. He had already won
the Academy Award for Amadeus and was
the head honcho. 1 noticed he was con-
suming a great deal of alcohol and I was
trying to connect with somebody, so 1
leaned over to him at this restaurant and
said, “Murray, you've been drinking a
lot. You'd better slow down a bit, buddy.”
I was a cocky kid and he just started
shoving me, “Get the fuck away
from me, you little shit.” And his teeth
were grinding and I was horrified. So 1
went back to the hotel and wrote him a
note apologizing profusely. Just, “God,
I'm sorry man, I can't believe what an
asshole [ am.” And as | was dropping it
off he got out of this car with Ron Perl-
man [who starred in the TV show Beauly
and the Beast]. Murray was a goner and
was at the stage where there were по
boundaries. It’s a free rein to kick some-
body's ass. So there's going to be a fight
between F Murray Abraham and me!
And Ron Perlman is going to be the
fucking referee. We're right along the
river and Murray comes over and says,
You know what this fucking kid said to
me? I'll kick your ass. ГИ throw you into
the river, you little shit. Think you're a
fucking actor? Well, fuck you!” Jesus
t, it was horrifying. And I don't
know if he remembers the incident be-
cause we've never spoken of it since. But
right after that I just went crazy. Scotch
and soda was my thing,
PLAYBOY: You apparently had a better re-
lationship with the 22-year-old Chilean
actress Valentina Vargas, with whom you
had to do a nude love scene. How dif-
ficult was that?
SLATER: She did what was appropriate to
guide me through this terrifying experi-
ence. It took three days. I think they
were waiting for me to get it up, they
wanted to see the consummation, but
there was no way. It was not where [
wanted to be. I couldn't perform while
the camera was rolling. Today it's a dif-
ferent story: Put a video camera on me
now, I'm gone. I'm loving it!
PLAYBOY: But offscreen, didn’t you and
Valentina get to do what you couldn't do
when the cameras were rolling?
SLATER: I'd rather not say.
PLAYBOY: With that smile on your face
you don't have to.
SLATER: There you go.
PLAYBOY: Айег you got back from Italy,
didn't you and your mother move to Los
SLATER: Yeah, we took off, found a house,
split the down payment.
PLAYBOY: And the next thing you knew,
you were working with Francis Coppola
and Jeff Bridges in Tucker: The Man and
His Dream.
‘SLATER: I was still a kid then and was in-
timidated by everybody. Especially Fran-
cis. And to top it off, George Lucas, who
produced every movie I have ever loved,
“Its a drag to have to stop
to put one on.’
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was walking around the set, too. I never
really knew what I was doing. The one
real scene 1 had in the movie was very
important to Fran:
me to talk about it. I w
ment with my girlfriend on the other
line, so I said I would call him back. To
Francis Coppola! Unreal. I put him on
hold for ten minutes. When I came back
to work the next day he was pissed.
PLAYBOY: Was that the only time you
pissed him off?
SLATER: | screwed up pretty big another
day. I was supposed to finish this episode
of LA. Law and go to а wardrobe fitting
for Heathers. And I was supposed to do
looping for Francis. And 1 missed it all. I
slept through the whole thing because 1
had been up all night drinking. Oh, they
were pissed.
PLAYBOY: So around this time your drink-
ing had become a problem
SLATER: That was the first time 1 heard
the word alcoholic, while on Tucker. 1
overheard another actor refer to himself
as an alcoholic. | had no understanding
of what it meant.
PLAYBOY: You weren't 18 yet, but this was
also a crossroads with your mother,
: My girlfriend and I were living
with my mother and Га been up all
ht drinking and partying and going
crazy. The next day my mother wanted
me to get out of bed and face the day
and 1 wasn't in any mood to do it. We got
really ugly altercation. Then I
I'm out of here.” She said, “Good,
get out.” And I left. Then I kept getting
calls on the set of Tucker from my mother,
which wasn't healthy because it was dis-
tracting me from work. Very bizarre.
PLAYBOY: Was it mainly booze you used
during these all-night binges?
SLATER: I dabbled in quite a bit. Alcohol
and coke were really perfection for me—
that was a good litte chemistry set 1 had
going. There's some Hollywood Babylon
stuff about me. Things I don't even re-
member. Passing out in my food in
restaurants, vomiting on myself, falling
apart. I’m sure I turned over several cof-
fee tables in my day.
PLAYBOY: Did you ever take acid?
SLATER: No. 1 took ecstasy I went
through the bowel system of a club
called Rubber. I came in through the
door, which was the mouth, and I ma-
neuvered my way around through the
intestines. When I came out the back
coming right out the ass-
ing place. It lasted about
eight hours and when I woke up the
next morning my pants were around my
ankles, 1 was lying on top of the sheets
naked to the world. I said, “What the
fuck happened here?" To this day I have
no idea. But 1 loved ecstasy. Mushrooms
were a nightmare. Coming down from
mushrooms I felt like 1 had all these tiny
n my mouth scraping my tongue,
my lips were dry. I spent one night talk-
ing to a tractor in Tahoe. Drugs can fuck
your life.
PLAYBOY: Was your second run-in with
the police the incident that actually
saved you?
SLAYER: It headed me in a more positive
PLAYBOY: That happened when you were
20, right after Pump Up the Volume. Is it
enough in your past for you to reflect
upon it?
SLATER: I'd rather reflect upon how it's
affected me since.
PLAYBOY: It's too major an incident in
your life for us to gloss over. After all,
you were speeding down Santa Monica
Boulevard with the cops behind you.
You drove into an alley, tried to run and
kicked a cop. Can you give your side
of thi
SLATER: [Uncomforiable] Maybe we should
do the 20 questions thing. Ask me where
did the injury to the cop take place.
PLAYBOY: All right, where was the cop
PLAYBOY: You kicked him in the head?
PLAYBOY: Did you know what you were
PLAYBOY: Why did you decide to run?
SLATER: | thought I was a superhero, The
Batman theme was playing in my car—
that’s where I was at. I was in Ше Bat-
mobile, 1 was Batman, my friend was
Robin and it was fun.
PLAYBOY: Were you doing 50 in a 35
miles-per-hour zone?
SLATER: Eighty.
PLAYBOY: After you kicked the cop, did
you apologize?
PLAYBOY: Did they handcuff you?
PLAYBOY: Did they know who you were?
SLATER: Not until the next day, because
1 was lying about my identity They
thought I was River Phoenix. Strange,
huh? I was mistaken for him all the time.
PLAYBOY: Then what?
SLATER: Mom was called, the lawyer was
called, Papa was called
PLAYBOY: And what did your mother say?
: Stuff like, “This is just like your
father." That I was a fuckup. I just didn't
want to hear any ofthat shit
PLAYBOY: Was she right?
SLATER: Yeah, I definitely fucked up.
PLAYBOY: If you had escaped from the
cops, would you still have felt that way?
SLATER: Then I would have been a suc-
cess. But 1 would have kept drinking
and then died. So, fortunately for me, I
didn't getaway with it. | remember wak-
ing up the next day looking at my face
with cuts all over. My body was ripped
up from trying to climb that fence.
PLAYBOY: And then you went to court. Do
you feel you got off easy?
SLATER: No. At the courthouse I told my
mother 1 didn't want her to manage my
aptala Mor
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career anymore. That was a turning
point, just as it was to check myself into
rehab. I had to go to 90 AA meetings
in 90 days. That was major for me. 1
thought they would all be a bunch of
freaks and I would have nothing in com-
mon with any of them, but the truth is I
do. When you sit there you realize we're
all living on borrowed time.
PLAYBOY: And what about the jail time?
PLAYBOY: When did you start smoki
SLATER: I was 14. lt became this litle
game, to see how long a cigarette would
last, how many blocks I could walk in
New York with one cigarette
PLAYBOY: An antismoking organization
put an open letter to you in the Holly-
wood trades asking you to stop glamour-
izing smoking. They said your movies
make smoking seem sexy and cool and
that you are the tobacco company's best
tool. How did you react to that?
SLATER: After I read that I did actually
quit for seven weeks.
PLAYBOY: So what made you start again?
was sitting with a friend and he
said, "You're cither going to be a smoker
or you're not.” And I said, “Okay, I'll be
a fucking smoker.”
PLAYBOY: How did you meet your girl-
friend Nina?
SLATER: Through friends. 1 saw her
across a room and I just went, "ОК шу
God. She is the most beautiful human
being Гус ever seen.” She is so cool, too.
She had this bandage around her leg
from a motorcycle accident. We ended
up going out with a group of people and
we weren't ready to say goodnight. My
license had been re
stantly in need of a
drive me home. We spent the night talk-
ing and Г went back to her place and
slept in the guest room. It turned out we
were both huge fans of Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles, so the next morning we
went and saw that together. I told her I
eventually wanted to get a house in
Montana and she was into the same
thing and it was like, “Wow, this is in-
credible. This is really deep here.” It was
something of much more substantial val-
ue than I had ever experienced before.
PLAYBOY: And yet you put her through
some pretty hard times with your rov-
ing eye.
SLATER: I spent the first part of our rela-
tionship confused and scared of commit-
ment and did everything I could to
avoid it. I'd never had an example in my
life of a serious relationship where two
people communicated and worked out
their problems. Fortunately, she stuck by
my side.
PLAYBOY. Even during True Romance,
when you were romancing your co-star,
Patricia Arquette, and model Christy
SLATER: | don't like to talk about it at all. 1
was totally self-destructive. You can write
that I'm cringing. I behaved very selfish-
ly during the course of that film. Having
a personal life outside of this business is
important to me. When I do a character
like that and it starts to interfere with my
personal life, it really fucks with me.
PLAYBOY: The actor's angst.
SLATER: Maybe. 1 mean, acting provides
you with a great excuse for behaving like
a total asshole.
в Is there nothing you can say
about going off to fashion shows with
Christy Turlington?
SLATER: | was just a crazy kid trying to fit
in where I didn’t belong. It couldn't
have been more of a mistake. lt was a
brutal time in my life. It makes me break
out in a cold sweat. So uncool, Jesus
Christ, so uncool. Things that were at
one point in my life so fucking important
are just so unbelievably uncool today.
PLAYBOY: Though it didn't do as well as
critics projected, Tue Romance was an
important film for you, wasn't it?
SLATER: It's hard to comment. I don't
mean any offense to the director, but it is
just one of those movies that are too
lent. I'm glad it’s in my past. I'm glad it’s
something I never have to go through
again. Oooh, God! Some of the shit 1 put
Nina through, it’s brutal. I've definitely
not been a saint.
PLAYBOY: What's the worst time of the
day for you?
SLATER: The wee hours of ihe morning
are the worst. When it's quiet and peace-
ful, that's when I feel like the world is
crumbling around me. That's when 1
nudge Nina at four am. and say, “You
awake?" Then we sit and discuss my life
or how I should have said a particular
line in a movie I did four years ago.
That's when things start haunting me.
It's a nightmare, for her, anyway.
PLAYBOY: Do you ever discuss marriage
or having children?
SLATER: Marriage is pretty confusing. I'm
not a huge supporter because I have
seen so many examples of negative mar-
riages. It scares me. And divorce is
frightening to me. I definitely love kids,
but I need some years before I decide to
childproof my house.
PLAYBOY How would you evaluate your
career? Where would you like it to go?
SLATER: I'd like to have a career that has
some longevity. In order to do that 1
have to take my time and do as much
reading as possible. That's a whole new
character trait for me. It used to be that
I wouldn't read anything. Now, if there's
a script about Chuck Yeager ГЇ buy his
autobiography. l'm trying to be as in-
formed as I possibly can, which is some-
thing that I never paid much attention
to. l've hired a management team that
will fight for everything as much as pos-
sible. They seem to be levelheaded. 1
don't want to be handled by people who
are more neurotic than I am.
PLAYBOY: You have already mentioned
ise as an example for you. Who else
among your generation seems to have
gotten it together?
SLATER: Winona Ryder is really an exam-
ple for me. She took some time off. hid
out for as long as she could and used her
time wisely. She read through a lot of
projects. She didn't throw herself into
everything. She has handled herself re-
markably well in this busi
really has it by the balls r
has blown my mind in the way she's
dealt with things. Me, on the other hand,
1 just went balls out and did everything
that was offered me. We were heading in
similar directions at one point, and then
1 took this other road
PLAYBOY. You worked with Ryder in
Heathers. How did that film affect your
SLATER: Heathers was the one that people
started to see. That and Pump Up the Vol-
ume, 1 really felt great about. I knew they
were going to be interesting films
PLAYBOY: You started Heathers seeing one
of the actresses, Kim Walker, and wound
up with Winona—
SLATER: That's love-life stuff we're getting
into here.
PLAYBOY: And that's stuff you would
rather not talk about?
SLATER: Maybe without the tape recorder
PLAYBOY: Well, without too much discom-
fort, what can you tell us about your re-
lationship with Kim Walker?
SLATER: We lived together for a while in
my mother's house. Then we got our
own little apartment in Hollywood. And
then it came to a crashing end.
PLAYBOY: How old were you then?
SLATER: I was 17, 18.
PLAYBOY: And then you fell for Winona.
She told the press that you dated for two
weeks and you broke her heart. Then
you said you had fallen in love with
her, and there was talk of your think-
ing of marriage. Was it all a game be-
tween you?
SLATER: A lot of it was a game, definitely.
We did a press thing once and we told
everybody in the room that we were
married. We were trying to imitate Bo-
gartand Bacall, Tracy and Hepburn.
PLAYBOY: She said you once scared her so
much on the set that she locked herself
in her trailer. What happene:
SLATER: She may have been paying me a
huge compliment. I remember a few of
our scenes together where I am sup
posed to be this scary guy attacking her,
and she shoots my finger off. That may
be where all of that transpired, because
that was a pretty dark day. We were beat-
ing the shit out of each other in those
scenes, we were really into it. That was
fun, I had a great time on that movie. Al
though I hated the director. Hated him.
Michael Lehmann. We just didn't get
along. I didn’t want to listen to
Of course he ended up doing a great job.
PLAYBOY: Your next big film, Pump Up the
Volume, gave you a chance to play Dr
Jekylland Mr. Hyde, or Clark Kent and
‘SLATER: Exactly. It was my opportunity to
be two different types of personalities,
which was fun. It had been difficult for
me to communicate with other actors.
With this I got to perform and do my
thing. Nobody got in my way, nobody
was trying to upstage me. There were no
egos involved other than mine.
PLAYBOY: What was the message of that
SLATER: Not to be afraid to speak out.
Certainly a lot of people could relate to
feeling repressed in school and having
teachers who are overpowering and
overbearing. All the colorful people in
that film were ousted, including my
PLAYBOY: Were you pleased with the
SLATER: | got stellar reviews for that
movie, it was like, “Academy Awards, this
kid is unreal.” I stopped reading reviews
after that because I figured they couldn't
get any better than thar
PLAYBOY: What's the worst thing anyone
ever wrote about you?
SLATER: Some guy compared me to Don
Johnson. It made me uncomfortable, it
wasn't the direction I was trying to go. It
upset me.
PLAYBOY: Didn't it also upset you to take
on the quiet, shy character in Untamed
starter: Yeah, I had just finished Ки/в,
where my character was kooky, wild,
carefree and funny. 1 had some fear
about playing somebody that simple
minded and humble, so I wanted to stay
away from it. I felt as if I had closed
those doors in my world of vulnerability
and innocence and I didn't want to feel
that way again. I just didn't relate to it.
рїдүвоү: The director, Tony Bill, said it
would change your career. Was he right?
SLATER: И affected how I perceive acting.
You don't have to always do 150 percent
and be completely outrageous. Part of
my thing was that in order to do a per-
formance you had to really be hyper. I
learned that isn't always the case. You
can be simple and still be fascinating. It
turned out to be one of the best experi-
ences Гуе ever had on a film.
PLAYBOY: Let's talk about some of the
films where you weren't that happy with
how you came across, or with what went
on during the shooting. Starting way
back with your unrequited crush on Hel-
en Slater in The Legend of Billie Jean nine
years ago.
SLATER: I was head over heels in love with
Helen Slater. I thought the fact that she
and I had the same last name signified
we were meant to be together. She was
21 and 1 was 15, but I was real clear
about it. One day we were on the lunch
line and I went to sit at her table. As I
put my tray down she said, “Would you
mind not sitting here? | need to be
The Hennessy Martini
Combine 202 of Hennessy
V.S and a squeeze offlemon
over ive, Sur genily, dont
shake Strain into a martini
glass, Or ask your bartender
alone." Fuck, that was vicious! In front of
the whole goddamn crew. 1 just slowly
picked up my tray and moved away.
PLAYBOY: How did you get through that
y doing as much blow as Г pos-
sibly could.
PLAYBOY: You also weren't satisfied with
how Kevin Reynolds directed you in
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
SLATER: He and | didn't communicate.
He really had that hands-on thing with
me which is so uncomfortable. He want-
ed me to play my character as more inse-
cure. That wasn't at all what I had pre-
pared. Here I am with Kevin Costner
and Morgan Freeman and I would like
to look good and do the best job 1 can.
1 felt obstacles in every direction. 1
couldn't figure out what the hell was go-
ing on.
PLAYBOY: Did you ever feel competitive
В Costner?
felt а good competitiveness be-
tween our two characters. 1 got pretty
good at knife-tossing. One day Kevin
was there and I threw my knife right in-
to this dummy. We shot bows, too.
PLAYBOY: Who usually won?
SLATER: Me. All the time. But I don't
think he's losing any sleep over me.
PLAYBOY: Do you understand Costner's
SLATER: He's one of the most laid-back ac-
tors Гуе ever seen. His two lively perfor-
mances were in Silverado and Fandango.
He was perfect. Then he did The Un
touchables and he was so one-note. He
was charming in Dances With Wolves, but
still the same type of thing, extremely
underplayed. He's capable of so much
more. It has worked beautifully for him,
but I would like to see him do a perfor-
mance where he excels in life again. He
needs to find that role that really gets his
fire going again.
PLAYBOY: One film that wentawry for you
is Jimmy Hollywood with Joe Pesci. Why
did you do that one?
SLATER: Because I wanted to work with
Barry Levinson, who is a great director.
When I read the script I didn't see an
role for me. My role demanded ab-
solutely nothing. I was supposed to be
playing this spaced-out, brain-dead guy
and 1 spent the whole film nodding at
everything Joe said, just sort of being
there. I was like Peter Sellers in Being
There, just completely devoid of any
emotion. It was a mistake for me. Гт
lucky it hasn't hurt me, but it did noth-
ing for me. It came and went as quickly
as possible. Nobody liked anything
about it.
PLAYBOY: Didn't Harrison Ford make a
cameo appearance in that film?
SLATER: Yeah. I'll tell you a story about
that, because Harrison Ford is the
coolest guy on the face of the planet, no
question about it. 1 would love to do
an Indiana Jones-type action film. He
did one day on Jimmy Hollywood and Y
had just hosted the MTV Video Music
Awards, where ] made a comment about
Milton Berle being the coolest guy on
the face of the planet because of the way
he handled that freak-of-nature trans-
vestite RuPaul he was on the stage with.
Of course 1 won't have any transvestite
fans now and they're taking over the
world, so I'm screwed. Harrison Ford
came up to me on the day he was shoot-
and said, "Let me ask you, who is the
coolest guy on the face of the planet?"
Апат Vell, Lam.” But then I told
him that I didn’t have any action figures
of Milton Berle at home.
PLAYBOY: Han Solo, of course, is part of
your complete Siar Wars collection. How
many pieces do you have?
SLATER: Maybe 200.
PLAYBOY: What do you think it’s worth?
SLATER: 1 don't know. Fifty, sixty grand.
My video collection is also up there. My
new obsession is getting all the episodes
of Star Trek: The Next Generation
PLAYBOY: You had a walk-on in Star Tick
VI and got paid $750. Did you frame or
cash the check?
SLATER: Framed it.
PLAYBOY. You're obviously a fan of
Patrick Stewart's, but what about Cap-
tain Kirk? As a child, didn't you meet
William Shatner?
SLATER: The genius of geniuses, the
greatest of all time. | met him when 1
was My mother had dressed me in
this Star Trek outfit and we went to see A
Chorus Linc. Then wc went back to the
house and William Shatner was there
and I hid under a table for a long timc.
Hours later I took him into my room
and showed him the little statue I had of
him and this big life-size poster of Spock.
He said, “What the hell is this? Where is
my life-size poster?” I met him again
when I was doing Saturday Night Live and
he was appearing on Conan O'Brien. 1
was told to wait in his dressing room to
say hello. He came in and then the
phone rang. As he talked away about
some deal I got up to turn the TV down
4 he said, “Christian, would you mind
waiting outside for five minutes?” 1 felt
very uncomfortable. I'm not that die-
hard of a fan to sit out there and wait for
the fucking guy. Forget it
PLAYBOY: How often does something like
that happen to you?
SLATER: When I feel like Charles Gro
who wrote that book /t Would Be So Nice
If You Weren't Here. Thats sometimes
how I feel. Like when I went to the Ac
emy Awards and all the big stars we
there, Tom Cruise and everybody, and 1
felt и would be nicer if 1 weren't there. I
had to walk out and present with Nicole
Kidman, who's about nine feet tall; 1
looked like Herve Villechaize, just ludi-
crous next to her. And afterward I re-
ceived comments about it. Jesus Christ,
I'm doing the Academy Awards, give me
a break. I don't want to hear how short I
looked! The second I got off the stage 1
©1994 FILA US ку:
was drenched in sweat and Nicole Kid-
man was looking at me like, What the
hell is wrong with this guy? I felt like
a loser,
PLAYBOY: Didn't you also make а humili-
ating phone call to one of your heroes,
Jack Nicholson?
‘SLATER: | was partying with the daughter
of somebody famous and she gave me
his number, so I called him at three A.M.
and said, “I'm a huge fan of yours. I just.
did this movie Heathers and it's sort of a
tribute to you." I just went on and оп.
Then | heard the phone click and 1
thought the guy had hung up. I was em-
barrassed so 1 just kept going on about.
how we were going to play tennis togeth-
er. I took a breath after ten minutes of
nonstop speaking and he went, "Uhhh?"
And then I just hung up. I was com-
pletely at a loss.
PLAYBOY: If you were to interview Nichol-
son and Harrison Ford, what would you
ask them?
SLATER: "What do you think of me?"
[Laughs] I'd ask Jack what it was like do-
ing Easy Rider. How difficult is it being a
star? I'd like to know his theories on
women and if he's a lonely guy or if he's
happy about being alone. They are two
sides of the coin. They're both hugely
successful, but Jack has dealt with it by
staying in the limelight and being this
wild, crazy cat with a golf club. Harrison
has stayed quiet and humble and totally
removed from Hollywood. Га like to
know who has morc hcart, morc sub-
stance, more depth.
PLAYBOY: And if you could choose a path
to follow?
SLATER: I would pick the Ford path,
definitely. I need stability. I hate to
be alone.
PLAYBOY: So Ford's the more solid path,
even though you seem to have aligned
yourself more with Nicholson's lifestyle.
SLATER: During Young Guns П Kiefer
Sutherland told me I chose the wrong
role model in Nicholson. He told me
who his was.
PLAYBOY: Who was his?
SLATI ene Hackman.
PLAYBOY. Let's talk about some of your
peers. We'll name an actor, you tell us
the first thing that comes into your
mind. Start with Keanu Reeves.
SLATER: Extraordinarily good-looking.
He needs to distance himself from that
Bill and Ted image, and with each project
he's trying that
PLAYBOY: Brad Pitt.
SLATER: Great hair. Pisses me off. It's
indhearted, gentle. He's going
through a stage that may come with be-
ing English, where they have pubs on
every corner. Drinking is socially accept-
able in that place
PLAYEOY: Sean Penn.
SLATER: An angry young man. I'm a big
76 fan. Great-looking. Cool.
PLAYBOY: Johnny Depp.
SLATER: 1 don't think about him that
PLAYBOY: John Cusack.
SLATER: Incredible talent.
PLAYBOY: Hugh Grant.
SLATER: Charming guy.
PLAYBOY: Charlie Sheen.
SLATER: He had the opportunity to be
Tom Cruise, but he made some bizarre
choices, like with Hot Shots. Some major
risks, but he's carved out a nice little
niche for himself in comedy.
[A neighbor's dog starts barking.]
"That's Paul Reiser's dog. Frankie. He's
the biggest nightmare dog. He'll bark
forever. It's endless. I climbed the hill
once with a steak in my hand, to be
friendly. Threw the steak over, but he
still barked.
PLAYBOY: Did you talk to Reiser about it?
SLATER: I've written some notes. He's a
funny guy, one of the notes he wrote
back was: “Hi, this is Frankie, I'm in love
with your dog and I'm just trying to get
his attention.” But enough's enough. My
father and I are very similar in this way.
Noise really bothers him, too. There was
a dog where he was living that would
constantly bark and he wrote the owners
a letter with every curse word he could
think of and said, “Every time your dog
barks, this is what it sounds like to me. So
1 am going to send you these letters
every day until you kill him.” He has a
sick, demented sense of humor, but after
they took it to small claims court he won.
One for dear old dad.
PLAYBOY: Why docs it seem that rage is an
casier emotion for you than happiness?
SLATER: Anger is a much casier emotion
to tap into. It's easier to get angry than it
is to smile. I don't know why.
PLAYBOY: Do you cry often?
SLATER: No, I don't cry that easily.
PLAYBOY: There have been rumors that
you are gay. With all the women in your
life and your current love life, your sex-
uality seems straightforward. But was
there ever a time in your past when you
leaned the other way?
SLATER: No, I never did, I had a teacher
when I was 12 who became a male role
model for me. He turned out to be gay
and that really fucked with me for a
while. I trusted him completely. We used
to wrestle all the time. I would sleep over
at his house, it was like my freedom away
from Mom. He was intelligent and
down-to-earth. He talked to me like I
was an adult. Then I turned 16 and the
feelings started to change. One time we
went to visit friends of his and we slept in
the same bed. I woke up in the morning
and he had his arms wrapped around
me and he was hugging me tight. It
was like, Get me the fuck out of here! I
don't hold any resentment toward him.
Everybody has their own lives to deal
with. But that experience confirmed for
me the direction I was going in. Being
gay isn't for me.
PLAYBOY: How did you feel when you got
to be MTV's Most Desirable Male?
SLATER: It meant absolutely nothing.
PLAYBOY: What about when you hosted
the MTV Awards?
SLATER: It was a nightmare, just pointless.
I don't know why I did it. I had wanted
to sing Luck Be a Lady Tonight on the
show, but I had no support whatsoever.
They heard me but the sense in the
room was, “You're an idiot, don't do this
or you will destroy yourself.” I wouldn't
host it again. That's never thc direction
my career was meant to go.
PLAYBOY: Speaking of direction, who are
the directors you'd like to work with?
SLATER: Scorsee, Spielee, Georgie. . . .
PLAYBOY: Are those familiars for Scorsese,
Spielberg and George Lucas?
SLATER: Right. Who else? Andy Davis,
who directed The Fugitive. Alex Proyas,
the director of The Crow—1 really en-
joyed that film.
PLAYBOY: Are there any singers who
speak to your generation the way Bob
Dylan did to kids in the Sixties?
SLATER: No. Sinatra's That's Life speaks to
me. That song really saved my life.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever met him?
SLATER: Yeah. He had no idea who I was.
I mean the guy just doesn't care who he
offends. "I'm Frank Sinatra, I'm the
PLAYBOY: Do you have a favorite book?
SLATER: Way of the Peaceful Warrior, by Dan
PLAYBOY: Favorite film?
SLATER: It's a Wonderful Life.
PLAYBOY: Do you work out?
SLATER: I think about my body and how I
look sometimes. I may work out for
three months before a film, but keeping
a constant regimen going isn't my thing.
PLAYBOY: Didn't Michael Ovitz suggest
you find a hobby?
SLATER: Yeah. I've tried to learn how to
Ву helicopters and started painting little
models. 1 keep trying to find a hobby
that fascinates me. Right now it’s picking
up dog poop in my backyard.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever thought about
winning an Oscar?
SLATER: Yeah. 1 was looking at Tom
Hanks Academy Award and he said,
“You'll have one of these too someday."
That was really sweet.
PLAYBOY: Are you satisfied with where
you are now?
SLATER: I've had a fucking magical life.
It's unreal. I'm one of the luckiest men
on the face of the planet. Who knows, 1
may be heading for some huge crash.
But at this point I'm enjoying the hell
out of
PLAYBOY: What would make your life
even more magical?
SLATER: If George Lucas read this and
considered me for a role in the next Star
Wars film.
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the sequel
by joseph heller
by yossarian's second week in the hospital,
the floor nurse had allowed him to caress
the lacy border of her slip with his fingertips
N THE MIDDLE of his second week
in the hospital, Yossarian
dreamed of his mother, and he
knew again that he was going
to die. [he doctors were upset
when he gave them the news.
"We can't find anything
wrong,” they told him.
“Keep looking,” he instructed.
“You're in perfect health.”
ee wait,” he advised.
ssarian was back once more in the
кош for observation, having ге-
treated there beneath a neurotic bar-
rage of confusing physical symptoms to
which he had become increasingly sus-
ceptible since finding himself dwelling
alone for just the second time in his
life, and which seemed, one by one, to
dissipate like vapor as soon as he de-
scribed or was tested for each. Just a
few months before, he had cured him-
self of an incurable case of sciatica
merely by telephoning one of his ph
cians to complain of his incurable case
of sciatica. He could not learn to live
alone. He could not make a bed. He
sooner starve than cook.
"his time he had gone bolting in, so
to speak, with a morbid vision of a dif-
ferent morbid n shortly after hear-
ing that the president, whom he did
not like, was going to resign, and that
the vice president, whom he did not
like even more, would certainly suc-
ceed him, and shortly after finding out,
inadvertently, that Milo Minderbinder,
with whom he now had been unavoid-
ably and inescapably linked for some-
thing like 25 years, was expanding be-
yond surplus stale commodities like old
chocolate and vintage Egyptian cotton
into military equipment with plans for
a warplane of his own that he intended
to sell to the government. To any gov-
ernment, of course, that could afford
to buy.
There were countries in Europe that
could afford to buy, and in Asia and the
Mideast too. He had no doubt he had
much to worry about.
A prick in the White House? It
would not be the first time. Another oil
tanker had broken up. There was radi-
ation. Garbage. Pesticides, toxic waste
and free enterprise. There were ene-
mies of abortion who wished to inflict
the death penalty on everyone who
was not pro-life. There was mediocrity
in government, and self-interest too.
There was trouble in Israel. These
were not mere delusions. He was not
making them up. Soon they would be
cloning human embryos for sale, fun
and replacement parts. Men earned
millions producing nething more sub-
stantial than changes in ownership.
The Cold War was over and there
was still no peace on carth. Nothing
made sense and neither did everything
else. People did things without know-
ing why and then to find out
When bored in his hospital room,
Yossarian played with such high-mind-
ed thoughts like a daydreaming youth
with his genitals.
At least once each weekday morning
they came barging in around him, his
doctor, Leon Shumacher, and Dr. Shu-
macher's brisk and serious entourage
of burgeoning young physicians, ac-
companied by the lively floor nurse
with the pretty face and the mag-
nificent ass, who was openly drawn
to Yossarian, despite his years, and
whom he was slyly enticing to develop
a benign crush on him, despite her
youthfulness. She was a tall woman
with impressive hips who remembered
Pearl Bailey but not Pearl Harbor
which put her age somewhere betwee
35 and 60, the very best stage, Yossar
an believed, for a woman, provided, of
course, she still had her health. Yossar-
ian possessed but a hazy idea of what
she really was like, yet he unscrupu-
lously exploited every chance to help
pass the time enjoyably with her for the
several peaceful weeks he was resolved
to remain in the hospital to rest up and
put his oudook together while the
great nations of the world restabilized
themselves into another new world or-
der for good and forever once more.
He'd brought his radio and almost
always had some Bach or good cham-
ber, piano or other choral music on one
FM station or another. There were too
many disruptions for abiding attention
to opera, especially Wagner. It was a
good room this time, he was pleased to
conclude, with unobjectionable neigh-
bors who were not offensively ill, and it
was the attractive floor nurs
sponse to his baiting, modestly laugh-
ing and with a flounce and a flush of
hauteur, who made the defiant boast
that the ass she had was magnificent.
Yossarian could see no reason 10
By the middle of the first week he
was flirting with her with all his might.
Dr. Leon Shumacher did not always
look kindly upon this salacious frivolity.
“Its bad enough I let you in here.
I suppose we both ought to feel
ashamed, you in this room when you
aren't sick-
“Who says I'm по?”
"And so many people outside on the
you let one in here if 1 agree to
you pay the bills:
Yossarian preferred not to.
A great man with angiograms had
confirmed to him soberly that he did
not need one; a neurologist reported
with equal gloom that there was noth-
ing the matter with his brain.
Leon Shumacher again was display-
ing him pridefully as a rare specimen
his pupils would not have the opportu-
nity to come upon often in their med-
ical practice, а man of 68 without
symptoms of any disease, not even
Late afternoons or sometimes early
in the evening, Leon would drop by
just to chat awhile in singsong sorrow
about his long hours, ghoulish working
conditions and unjustly low carnings—
in tactless, egocentric fashion to a man
they both knew was soon going to
Leon was not considerate.
The name of this nurse was Melissa
MacIntosh, and, like all good women
to a sophisticated man with a predilec-
tion to romanticize, she seemed too
good to be uue.
By the beginning of his second week
she was allowing him to caress with his
fingertips the border of lace on the
skirt of her slip when she stood or sat
beside his bed or chair while she hung
around and talked and flirted back by
allowing him to advance in his flirting.
Pink with discomfort and enlivened by
mischief, she neither consented nor
prohibited when he toyed with the
hem of this filmy undergarment, but
she was not at ease. She was terrified
that someone would surprise them in
this impermissible intimacy. He was
praying somebody would. He con-
cealed trom nurse Macintosh all the
subtle signals of his budding erections.
He did not want her to get the idea that
his intentions were serious. She was
lucky to have him; she agreed when
he said so. He was less trouble than the
other men and women in the private
and semiprivate rooms on the same
floor. And he was more intriguing to
her, he saw—and therefore more se-
ductive, he understood, and maybe she
did not—than all of the few men she
was seeing outside the hospital and
even the one or two men she had been
seeing exclusively, almost exclusively,
for a number of years. She had never
been married, not even once or twice.
Yossarian was so little trouble that he
was no trouble at all, and she and the
other floor nurses had little more to do
for him than look into his room each
shift just to make certain he wasn't
dead yet and needed nothing done to
keep him а
“Is everything all right?” cach one
would inquire.
Everything but my health,” he
sighed in response.
“You're in perfect health.”
That was the trouble, he took the
trouble to explain. It meant that he
had to get worse.
“It’s no joke,” he joked when they
She wore a black slip one day when
he begged her to switch, affecting es-
thetic longing. Often when he wanted
her there he found himself in dire
need of something to need. When he
pressed his call signal, another nurse
ї respond.
“Send in my Melissa,” he would com-
mand. The others would cooperate.
He suffered no nursing shortage. He
was in good health, the doctors restat-
са daily, and this time, he was conclud-
ing in morose disappointment, with
the sense he was being cheated, they
appeared to be right.
His appetite and digestion were
good. His auditory and spinal appara-
tuses had been CAT-scanned. His si-
nuses were clear and there
dence anywhere of arthri
angina or neuritis. He was even w
out a postnasal drip. His blood pres-
sure was the envy of every doctor who
saw him. He gave urine and they took
it. His cholesterol was low, his hemo-
globin was high, his sedimentation rate
was a thing of beauty and his blood ni-
trogen was ideal. They pronounced
him a perfect human being. He
thought his first wife and his second,
from whom he had now been separat-
ed about a year, might have some
‘There was a champion cardiologist
who found no fault with him, a pathol-
ogist for his pathos who found no cause
Jor concern either, an enterprising gas-
troenterologist who ran back to the
room for a second opinion from Yos-
sarian on some creative investment
strategies he was considering in Ari-
zona real estate, and a psychologist for
his psyche, in whom Yossarian was left
in the last resort to confide.
“and what about these periodic peri-
ods of anomie and fatigue and disinter-
est and depression?” Yossarian rushed
on in a whirlwind of whispers. “I find
myself detached from listening to
things that other people take seriously.
I'm tired of information 1 can't use.
ish the daily newspapers were small-
er and came out weekly. I'm not inter-
ested anymore in all thats going on in
the world. Comedians don't make me
laugh and long stories drive me wild. Is
it me or old age? Oris the planet really
turning irrelevant? TV news is degen-
crate, Everyone everywhere is glib. My
enthusiasms are exhausted. Do I really
feel this healthy now or am I just imag-
ining I do? I even have this full head of
hair. Doc, I must have the truth. Is my
depression mental?”
"It isn't depression and you arc not
In due course, the psychologist con-
ferred with the chief of psychiatry, who
consulted with all the other medical
men. They concluded with one voice
(continued on page 156)
“Wait a minute, Carlos. I don't think you understand
what Nafta is all about.”
a trip to st.-tropez with pamela anderson, the most famous lifeguard in the world
Working on Home Improvement or Baywatch (above) or vacationing in St.-
Tropez, Pamela draws attention. The tabloids covered her romance with Bay-
watch co-star David Charvet and a broken engagement to sitcom hero Scott
Baio. Now the only hairy creature in Pamela's life is her golden retriever, Star.
ELCOME to St-Tropez,
where the days can be
hot but the nights are
cooled by Mediterra-
nean breezes that help make this
French town one of the most ro-
mantic spots on earth. It just got
hotter, cooler and even more ro-
mantic, thanks to a visit from
Pamela Anderson, a friend of ours
who steamed up the lenses of pho-
tographer Stephen Wayda more
than the weather ever could. Pam-
ela, млувоуъ Miss February 1990,
told us then that “this 15 the start
of something big.” All she has done
since is appear as Lisa the Tool
Time Girl on Home Improvement,
America's number one TV show,
and co-star as C.J. Parker on Bay-
watch, the TV show with more than
a billion viewers worldwide each
week. There's also a Mike Hammer
movie-of-the-week on CBS (Pamela
plays Hammer's sexy assistant). Not
bad for the daughter of a furnace
repairman and a waitress from tiny
Comox, British Columbia. But even
while she juggled movie offers,
Pamela couldn't resist a trip to
St.-Tropez—our fifth get-together
with her. “I've never had a bad ex.
perience with Lavsoy,” she says.
Posing nude is like modeling swim-
suits, she adds, except that you
don't have to worry how the suit
looks. In St.-Tropez, she had noth-
ing at all to worry about. We made
the arrangements; all Pamela had to
do was show up, show off and enjoy
herself. Now she says, “It's my fa-
vorite place in the world. I want to
move there.”
Fantasies do come wue. For
proof, check Pamela's life story. In
1989 some neighbors invited her to
a Canadian Football League game
Vancouver. A cameraman put her on the stadium's screen TV. The
crowd went wild. Pamela happened to be wearing a Labatt's T-shirt that
day; the company, noting that its logo had never before looked so good, signed
her as a spokesmodel. That's when we spotted the girl in the Labatt's beer ads.
Her тлувоу appearances led to Home Improvement and Baywatch. The world
went wild. Playing one of the TV lifeguards People magazine called a “super-
sexy amalgam of hormones and Coppertone” on the syndicated surf opera
Baywatch, Pamela is seen weekly in 140 nations by nearly 20 percent of the
carth's population, and the show has made her an international star. She's
so popular in Europe that she can't make a move on the Continent without be-
ing mobbed. With the CBS movie and two feature films on the horizon,
Pamela is now approximately as hot as the St.-Tropez sand at midday. “It’s
all pretty hard to believe,” she says in her soft, little-girl voice, “but then I
Ж i
"| should be more realistic,” acknowl-
edges Pamela, "but I’m more into fan-
tasy than reality, even when it comes
to men." Sex, she says, is spirituality
made real. It's a force that con cloud
men's minds. Ask any male Baywatch
fan whot Pamela wears on the show.
He would probably say a bikini. In
fact, she wears a plain, regulation
one-piece maillot; the rest is acting.
What's the secret of her success? Be-
neath Pamelo's obvious ossets bects
a very strong heart. David Hasselhoff
says he is amazed by his co-stor's en-
ergy, a force thot has made C.J. Par-
ker vital to Baywatch. Who else but
Pamela would practice martial arts af-
ter an 18-hour workday? But that's
not the only way she gets her kicks.
She also enjoys inventing exotic (but
as yet unpublished) works of fiction.
Meditation, crystals and oth-
er New Age fancies are the
real thing for Pamela. She
has believed in her own
brand of mysticism since her
grandfather, an emigrant
from Finland, first suggested
that her dreams might con-
tain hidden meanings. “I
keep a written account of my
dreams, just like my grandfa-
ther did,” she says. The con-
tents of Pamela's “dream di-
ary” will have to remain her
secret. But iF our favorite sen-
sualist's St.-Tropez fantasies
are any indication, some of
that nocturnal diary's pages
might prove to be incendiary.
have always believed in fantasies.”
Being young and beautiful and
blonde is a good way to be mistaken
for a mannequin. Pamela told People
magazine, "I love the dumb-blonde
image. I have nothing to live up to.
I can only surprise people.” So she
doesn't bother reminding people
that her Baywatch character has got-
ten deeper as the writers make СЈ
more like Pamela, whose idea of
bedtime reading is Bulfinch's Mythol-
ogy. Even her PLwBOY portfolio
reflects a philosophy, that “sexuality
is an expression of spirituality.”
Pamela certainly didn’t need to ex-
plain herself in St-Tropez, where
body language is a native tongue.
Mad About Paul
it's been decades since tv made marriage look so smart and delightful.
no wonder paul reiser is this year's most lovable neurotic
‘THING is wrong here.
Look straight ahead: There
is the Pacific Ocean, pale gray
and restless under an overcast
California spring sky. Dol-
phins cavort as small waves break on
the white-sand beach that Steven Spiel-
berg and Johnny Carson and lots of
other famous people greet every morn-
ing. Turn around and you'll see a typ-
ical house in the Malibu Colony, as
exclusive a patch of real estate as
can be found along this coastline. In
side are white walls, pale wood floors,
overstuffed off-white furniture, pastel
paintings and vases of fresh flower:
And right here, standing in jeans
and a flannel shirt, is Paul Reiser. He's
Sure, he's the star.
reator, producer and sometimes
writer of a hit television show, Mad
About You, which means he can live just
about anywhere he wants. But to those
of us who feel as if we know Reiser—
and that pretty much includes every-
body who watches the show—it seems
that he really ought to be in, say, a New
York delicatessen. Or a nice apartment
in Lower Manhattan, like the one in
Mad About You. Uf he has to live in Los
Angeles, you figure it would be in
the hills somewhere, not the Malibu
But it's every bit as odd that Rei
has become our new favorite funny,
smart, neurotic, likable leading man,
hero for people who prefer their televi-
ion shows to be a little s ст, more
By Steve Pond
stylish and more sophisticated than
Family Matters or even Home Improve-
ment. Alter all, this is the man who
spent three seasons mouthing hoary
sitcom clichés in My Two Dads, co-star-
ring with that guy from B.J. and the
Bear. He's spent much of his film ca-
reer being mistaken for Peter Riegert
while acting in movies as woeful as The
Marrying Man, Cross My Heart, Crazy
People and Sunset. Limousine. And his
observational and proudly neurotic
stand-up comedy once seemed to make
him little more than a backup Jerry
Seinfeld or Richard Lewis.
Suddenly, he's one of the coolest and
sharpest guys on television, Mad About
You walked away with seven Emmy
nominations, You have to wonder: Has
Reiser always been hipper than the
room? Was he this smart all along and
we just didn't know it? Does he really
belong in the Malibu Colon
1 find the answer to the last of those
questions when I poke around his
house and ask him about one of the
paintings. “1 dont know anythi
about it,” he says, shrugging. “Wer
just renting. My wife and 1 have a
house in the hills, but we got tired of
finding all the hotels booked when we
would decide to go away on Friday
afternoon. So we rented this hous
for a month, and then another month
It’s a good place to bring journalists
because it's all beige and none of its
This, by the way, is not exactly true:
The upright piano belongs to Reiser.
It's the only black thing in the house, as
far as I can tell. It doesn't match the
decor. Draw from this whatever conclu-
sion you will.
Let's pause for a love story. Reiser
doesn't usually like to get personal, but
he doesn't mind if you hear this partic-
ular one.
Paul's wife's name is Paula. Yes, they
know the song Hey Paula, by Paul &
Paula. A florist once thought it was so
cute that he puta copy of the record in
a bouquet Paula sent to Paul
They met when Paul was playing a
comedy club in Pittsburgh and Paula
was working her way through college.
“There's this really cute waitress you
should meet,” said the club's owner,
though he'd never met Paul and barely
knew Paula. They met and Paul w
speechless, “I thought she was beauti-
fal and absolutely spunky and sm
and funny and wonderful.” They start-
ed a long-distance relationship. Come-
dian friends of Paul's would play the
club, and she'd introduce herself as
Paul's girlfriend. “The other comics
would go, "Yeah, sweetheart, sure you
are,” says Paul. "Because they knew
the kind of dogs they were, and they
were thinking. Isn't that pathetic? This
cocktail waitress spent some time with a
comic and now she thi
out with him.”
Alter six years, they were married
(In the meantime she finished school,
moved to Los Angeles, got her Ph.D. at
s she's going
USC and started practicing psycholo-
EY) And besides Paul and Paula's six
years of marriage, there is another
happy result of this love story. "As one
of our friends told me,” says Paul, “the
fact that we got married will keep
comics getting laid on the road for 50
He shrugs magnanimously. "You do
what you can to help those who come
after you."
Mad About You is a love story, too,
about a 30ish, recently wed couple
named Paul and Jamie Buchman. Paul
has a good, creative job, they have
an implausibly large apartment, a ter-
rific dog named Murray and brains
that lead them into spirited, witty con-
versations. Exploring the interactions,
negotiations and accommodations that
invariably take place with a young mar-
ried couple, Mad About You is now in its
third season.
And while it may have had lackluster
ratings when it debuted following Sein-
feld, the show survived a first-season
exile to Saturday night, then unexpect-
edly flourished after a subsequent
move to Thursday at eight p.m. In the
process, it helped NBC regain its hold
on that night, which had slipped when
Cosby and Cheers checked out and The
Simpsons got hot on Fox, Now it’s en-
irenched in the old Cosby spot, lead-
ing off the network's signature night
with style.
“Thirtysomething, but shorter and fun-
nier” is how Reiser and co-creator and
executive producer Danny Jacobson
pitched the show to NBC. But lots of
other comparisons have been made.
“When the history of classic TV mar-
riages is written,” wrote Manuel Men-
doza in the Dallas Morning News, “the
Buchmans will be right up there with
the Ricardos, the Kramdens and the
Petries. And although Mad About You
has yet to embed itself in the collective
memory like its Golden Age predeces-
sors, it's been decades since a sitcom
captured marriage as accurately—and
as humorously.”
Most often, though, Mad About You
has been compared not to other shows
about marriage but to another situa-
tion comedy starring another neurotic
stand-up comedian: Seinfeld. Reiser
isn't offended by the comparison. After
all, he and Jerry Seinfeld are longtime
friends who, together with comics Lar-
ty Miller and Mark Schiff, have had
lunch together every New Year's Day
for more than 15 years. Their immow-
able feast has become enough of a leg-
end that they have turned down the
chance to make a television movie
about it.
But the comparisons are irksome,
too, because Mad About You traffics
in an area Seinfeld steadfastly avoids:
the emotional pitfalls, trapdoors and
bonuses of a committed relationship.
You might think that this is because
Seinfeld has been unmarried and unat-
tached for most of his career, while
Reiser has been married for six years to
the woman he had been dating for the
six years before thar. But to make a
connection this schematic would imply
that Paul Reiser is Paul Buchman, an
implication Reiser resists
Sure, they look alike. They dress
alike, in jeans, T-shirts, flannel shirts
and the occasional blazer. They talk
alike. They obsess about trifles and
make various wry observations about
things that annoy or amuse them.
They have friendly brown dogs. They
play the piano, though not often in
public. They have talented, intelligent
and sexy wives.
But Paul Buchman’s wife, played by
the talented, intelligent and sexy Hel-
en Hunt, has blonde hair; Reiser's wife
is a brunette more on the order of Teri
Hatcher, who was in the running for
the role. And there are other things
that make Reiser different from Buch-
man. He loves to take a good line, or
even a mediocre line, and repeat it
endlessly: After he spotted Jerry Vale
in the lobby of his accountant's office,
he said, "Put it on Jerry Vale's account"
so often that one uncomprehending as-
sistant finally took him aside and sai
“This isn't the first time you've used
that line, you know.
He briefly considered making his liv-
ing writing commercial jingles. He has
the unerring ability to focus on the bad
parts in any review of his work. In an
episode titled “Paul Is Dead,” in which
his character is mistakenly declared
dead, he did a scene without shoes as a
reference to Paul McCartney’s attire on
the cover of the Beatles album Abbey
Road. He sends notes to people whose
work he enjoys. When his jokes bomb,
one of his favorite responses is, “See, I
find that funny, and you, less so.”
And while he admits to strip-mining
his personal life for material, he has his
limits. “The truth is," he says, "if it's
something really personal, 1 wouldnt
tell anybody where it came from. It's
hard for me to feel that lm a stickler
about privacy when so much of my life
ends up in the show. But at the same
time, it's the difference between admit-
ting I'ma person who goes to the bath-
room, which is fine, and having people
walk in the door and hear flushing and
see me drying my hands on my pants.
Then they know that I just came from
the bathroom. I'm not pretending that
І don't go, but that's just, like, too
“Look,” says Reiser, happily. “Jon
Lovitz is giving me the finger.”
We've just walked into Granita, a
Wolfgang Puck restaurant in Malibu.
The place is trendy but the food is
good, says Reiser, who somehow looks
as if he belongs in this artsy room
where everybody recognizes him and
the most famous guy in the place
salutes him with an obscene but good-
natured gesture.
“I used to be a great orderer in
restaurants,” he says after greeting
Lovitz and sliding into a booth. “In
fact, this is going back a while, but it's
probably the only area in my life in
which Seinfeld would surrender to me.
He would put his menu away and say,
“Pm not even going to bother. ГП
have whatever you're getting.” 1 was
very proud of that, and then I hit a
slump. For many years I would just or-
der bad. And now I'm slowly getting
it back.”
He lowers his voice. “Here's a per-
sonal thing,” he says. “The right food
can make me happy in a way that is al-
most embarrassing. I suddenly go,
“Ooh, life is good." Why? Because the
soup is really nice.”
And does the wrong food make him
"I don't quite notice it," he says. "Ac-
tually, I noticed the other day that I
was eating cereal that wasn’t good. It
was hard and all stuck together, and I
thought, How good should cereal be?
But then my wife said, "There's a fresh
box.’ And I opened the fresh box and
went, ‘Wow, that's really good.’ I didn't
even notice until it was pointed out to
me. And that's actually a consistent
theme with me: 1 don't notice when
something is wrong, or I don't have the
energy to fix и. 1 may be sitting on
the remote control, but 1 either don't
notice it or don't care until my wife
says, ‘Get up.”
This is a typical Reiser monolog.
He's a charming conversationalist who
rambles and gives small glimpses into
his life but always returns to his TV
show, which he champions to the point
of what could be construed as arro-
gance, except for his light and self-dep-
recating touch. Then Вей stop, frown
and say, “Am I the most boring person
in the world?”
He isn't, of course. If he were, Ban-
tam Books would not have asked to
(continued on page 98)
“Hey, gee, like, wow! You folks don't know what
you're missing—you know that?”
toned-up doormen who works in
midtown, catches big oir of left in
ап Огох three-quorter-length zip-
front shell jocket with o drawstring
woist ond fleece-lined pockets and
collar, by Blockspoon, $219; o cot-
ton velour crewneck pullover by
Burton Snowboards, obout $50;
4 ‘and nylon shell fly-front pants with
` a drowstring waist and contrast welt
stitching. $89. plus cocoles. $49.
both by Black Flys. He also weors с
boseboll cap (turned backward, of
course) with railrood-ticking stripes,
by Bonfire, $19; Cordura Outback
gloves, $84, and nubuck-trimmed
Drive snowboord boots, obout
$170, both by Morrow.
VICTOR OUISPE, who hos spent
the past two years flying down the
streets of New York City in his Yel-
low Cab, is airborne on the oppo-
site poge in a nylon three-quarter-
length pullover jacket with attached
fingerless gloves, $350, ond two-
tone nylon ponts with potched rein-
forced knees ond bockside, $230,
both by Degre 7. He’s also sporting
a cotton hooded shirt by DKNY
Mens, about $60; с fleece-
brimmed hot by 90 Clothing, $36;
ond oiled-leather Extreme snow-
board boots with onkle supports, by
Airwolk, $252. The HC 142 freerid-
ing snowboard and the freeride
4x4 bindings, $420, ore
by K2 Snowboards.
four regular guys from
the big apple get rad in
snowboard threads for the
slopes and the streets
fashion by HOLLIS WAYNE
HE BEST PART of learning to snowboard is that you don’t have to pull blindside 3605 or catch big-ass rail to look cool
That's because cool, in this sport, starts with the clothing. To prove it, we recruited four members of Manhattan's
work force—a doorman, a cabbie, a bicycle messenger and a street vendor—to model some of this season's hottest styles.
None of these guys has ever been close to the slopes (their idea of a winter sport is tuning in to the Knicks with a brew and
some pretzels), but dressed in the essential gear, they look as though they could shred with the best of them. Designed with
the same oversize, hip-hop look as skateboard clothing, these snowboard jackets, pullovers and pants are built for comfort,
with plenty of reinforcement in the elbows, knees and backsides. To get street mileage out of your snowboard clothes, go
with blue-collar-workwear jackets and shirts, and outerwear made of Polarfleece. Five-pocket jeans-style pants and overalls
made of synthetic fabrics such as Cordura nylon will keep you warm and dry on the bottom. Hats are a must on top. And
for the latest in hardware, check out the boards shown here and in Artists on Board, this month's On the Scene on page 177. 95
the 28-yeor-cld Bronx resident pic-
tured opposite, may sell baked
potataes with all the toppings from
his cort on 54th Street, but he's по
spud on o snowboard. He has com-
bined а wool-blend work jacket
with controst welt seams, $105,
and nylon overalls sporting contrast
welt seams, $220, both by Bonfire;
with a hooded cotton flannel shirt
that hos o quilted lining, from DS
by OP Tech, $100; sunglasses from
Killer Loop by Bausch & Lomb, $90;
froeriding boots by Kemper Snow-
boards, $189; and the Shaun Pal-
mer Signoture 148 snowboard with
rocket-ship grophics and Lo 5s bind-
ings, $575, by Sims Snowboards.
plenty of miles on his rood bike
over the past decade as a messen-
ger. At left, he hos traded his
wheels for the new Andy Hetzel Pro
Signoture snowboard with bindings
by Kemper, $598; and is weoring a
ploid Polorfleece jocket by Eiko-
wada, about $200; o cotton velour
hooded pullover by Burton Snow-
boards, about $60; and Cordura
nylon five-pocket jeans-style ponts
by Ton A Wowo, $98; plus a velvet
appliquéd top hat with a three-cor-
nered brim, by Elope, about $50;
ond handerofted 7360 Hit Boots
with woterproof leather uppers and
shock-absorbing foot beds, by Sims
Snowboards, $200.
ORK am
ISET (continued from page 92)
“Are there similarities between our shows? Sure.
But to say that we copy Seinfeld is so offensive.
publish his musings, Couplehood. Or
maybe it would have, simply because
it'd already made so much money from
Jerry Seinfeld's musings. “That had an
enormous amount to do with it,” Rei-
ser quickly concedes. “It's the same
publisher, the same literary agent and
the same editor. I suppose that’s why I
resisted it at first. Every blurb about
the book is ‘Seinfeld did a book, now
Reiser's doing a book.’ But they asked
me. And also, if Tm not mistaken, Jer-
ту wasn't the first person to write a
book. I believe James Joyce did one. I
know for a fact Mark Twain wrote a
“I think that my book is distinctive
from Jerry's book,” he continues,
the same way that our shows are dis-
tinctive. It's couple-oriented and not
as jokey.”
He frowns. “And jokey wasn't a slight
of Jerry's show, by the way. I'm contin-
ually astounded by how great his show
is. I watched it last night and thought,
Jesus, they're great, just brilliantly cre-
ative and ambitious. My wife and 1
were at the beach this morning, lost in
thought, and I said, "Where are you?
She said, ‘Just thinking about my
office. I don't like where the chair is.
Where are you?’ I said, ‘I was count-
ing how many sets Seinfeld used last
And has he seen the episode of the
animated television series The Critic in
which the main character, voiced by
Lovitz, walks past a movie marquee
“No, did it say that?” he says. “Real-
ly? I didn't know that.” He looks puz-
zled. “Is that good or bad? Is that a
swipe? Is that neutral?"
Well, he could take it as neutral, or
he could take it to mean that they con-
sider him a second-:
"I'm not comfortable
kinds of things," he says. "I assume
there's something bad to it. And that
angers me. I've been friends with Jerry
for 15 years, and we have a similar
sense of humor. In fact, there are a lot
of things that his show broke ground
doing that I wouldn't have had the
courage or the conviction to execute.
Are there similarities between my sen-
lities and. Jerry's? Sure. Are there
similarities between our shows? Sure.
But to say that we copy Seinfeld is so of-
fensive, because we try hard to shy
away from that. Ours is an emotional
show, which is something that Jerry
proudly avoids. So any kind of com-
ment like that just belittles all the fuck-
ing hours and heart and emotion that
go into making the show as good as it
can be.”
He stops, takes a deep breath and
grins. "So fuck Jon Lovitz."
He could have been a mogul. He
should have been a mogul, if you asked
Sam Reiser.
Paul's father was a mogul. Нед got-
ten into health food wholesaling in his
20s—“not because he was particularly
health-conscious,” says Paul, “but be-
cause it was a business that somebody
thought would work.” It did: In the
mid- to late Sixties, when Paul was en-
tering his teens, Sam Reiser's business
boomed, branched out, bought other
companies and became a successful na-
tional enterprise.
All along, Paul was Sam's designated
successor. But as a kid in New York
City, Paul was drawn to comedy: Frank
Gorshin on The Ed Sullivan Show, Mel
Brooks and Car! Reiner's 2000-Year-Old
Man records, David Steinberg, Robert
Klein and George Carlin. But even af-
ter he had started performing, Paul
worked for his dad. “He said, “Take a
year and get the comedy out of your
system,'” says Paul. “But even then he
said, ‘But as long as your afternoons
are free, you might as well come in and
learn something."
After a year of comedy, Sam Reiser
intervened, “He said, ‘It’s time to let it
ро,” says Paul. “And he sent me to
Oklahoma to learn the business from
the ground up. It was the first time 1
was ever really alone, and 1 couldn't
get enough of it. I was able to hear my
own voice, and 1 found myself not
homesick for friends or girlfriends but
homesick for comedy. I actually re-
member thinking, If in ten or 15 years
my friend Jerry Seinfeld has some big
show, 1 don't want to be a potbellied
guy sitting behind a desk telling my
kids, "You see him? 1 knew him when
we were kids."
Paul worked in Oklahoma long
enough to see that he could succeed in
his father's business. "When 1 finally
got to where I could say, ‘Hey, I can do
this and it could even be fun, " he says,
“then I was able to say, ‘Given that
you could succeed at it, is it what
you choose to succeed at? And for the
first time 1 said, ‘As a matter of fact,
no." He remembers the day: Febru-
ary 26, 1979.
He returned to New York and re-
hearsed his resignation speech in front
of two of his three sisters before he had
the nerve to run it past his father. “He
was very emotional, and it was a huge
break because I was not fulfilling this
unspoken expectation of 22 years that
1 would take over his company. 1 had
to sell it to him in his terms. | said, ‘It’s
an investment, like when you started
your business. You had some start-up
money, and you didn't really turn a
profit for years and years. I'm not do-
ing this foolishly, and I'm not expect-
ing to be a star tomorrow or even in
five years."
Before Sam died in 1989, says Paul,
he admitted that his son had made the
right decision. “The big thing for him,”
he says, “was when I was on The Tonight
Show for the first time. The coinage for
him was always when somebody he re-
spected liked me, and after that he
could say, "Well, Johnny liked you.’
And ultimately, he said, ‘Yeah, you did
the right thing.”
Almost from the start, Paul got
enough work in comedy clubs to pay
the bills. In less than two years Le got
his big break. This is the classic story
from his early days, and again he
Knows the da ebruary 12, 1981. He
went to Macy's to buy socks with a
friend, who insisted they stop at a cast-
ing office where the friend had to drop
offa photo. Reiser began kibitzing with
the casting directors secretary. She
found her boss, who talked with Rei-
ser and then asked him to come back
with a photo. He came back, met di-
rector Barry Levinson and got a part
in Diner.
Later, he figured he owed his career
to the casting agent's secretary, whose
name he didn't even know. His friends,
meanwhile, never let him forget how
he broke into movies. "It became a
running joke," says his friend Larry
Miller. “People used to say, ‘Paul, 1
need some underwear at Gimbels.'”
Let's back up for a minute, to Rei-
ser's first brush with greatness.
It was 1972. Reiser was in his teens.
He came home one morning and his
dad smirked and said, “You're not go-
ing to believe who's in the house.” It
turns out Paul's sister was interviewing
George Carlin for her college news-
paper. After the interview, at Sam's
(continued on page 172)
“Nurse, you know this patient is to have nothing by mouth.”
today’s female musicians are the daughters of punk and they know what boys like
Rock Gi
article by Christopher
Liz PHAIR HITS the stage at 0:45 and strides
toward the mike with a world-weary grin
born of months of fawning reviews and
crowds of drooling PIB (people in black)
Her debut CD, Exile in Guyville, made many
critics’ lists of 1993's best albums and this
live toun, she says, is to prove she's not just
a studio wonder. She wears a clingy white
turtleneck and a pleated short 5
legs are bare. She
looks like a good
girl and sings like a
bad one, the phys-
ical incarnation of
а voice that has
seduced thousands
with lyrical threats
10 take die listener
doggy style. Even at
her most macho,
she is no inflated,
braggart like Mick
Jagger or Madon-
na. She's more like
a graduate student
moonlighting as a
phone sex opera-
tor. The roles that
she plays—the jilted
lover, the tempt-
ress, the scornful
ex—never slip into
parody. It’s as if she
were speaking aloud
the thoughts of
someone you might
find at three in the morning down at the end of the
bar—admittedly a safe bar, on a campus.
"There's a good case to be made that today's most in-
teresting music is coming from women. À new gener-
ation of no-nonsense, mostly boy-fucking female mu-
sicians is singing frankly—and graphically—about two.
important subjects: sex and gender
They don't want to be called girl bands. They are
not the Bangles. Nor are they the first—Mo Tucker,
Joni Mitchell, Marianne Faithfull, Tina Turner, Bon-
She can't get no sotisfoction: Despite her sultry posturing, Liz Phoir
(above) is no boy toy. Even her come-ons have an i
her mother cried the first time that she heard her songs—not from
shock but because of the depth of emotion her daughter had revealed.
nie Raitt, Patti Smith, Debbie
Harry, Tina Weymouth, Ex-
ene Cervenka and Kim Gor-
don were in front, laying
down important tracks. They
don't even want to be grouped
together; they're musicians
who happen to be women.
Their styles include the arty
minimalism of Phair, PJ. Har-
vey and the Spinanes, the
hard-driving pop of the Breeders and Belly, the hard-
core thrash and grunge of Hole, L7, Babes in Toy-
land, Bikini Kill and 7 Year Bitch, and the rap of Salt-
N-Pepa and Hoez With Auitude. They can be grungier
than a pair of Anthony Kiedis’ underwear or nastier
than Luther Campbell. But as women—writing songs
as women, playing loud and clectric as women—they
are subverting a male-dominated business. Obviously,
they're not stereotypical rock stars with cucumbers
stuffed in their
pants. They can do
and say things guys
can't do and things
that older women
never had the
chance го.
Because hard-
rocking, tough, ag-
gressive women are
new to the biz, they
are, for the most
part, able to make
their own rules
They are not gov-
erned by MTV—
they challenge the
narrow sexpot and
baby-doll video
roles that prevail
on the music chan-
nel. They cultivat-
ed followings, then
dressed up their
tamer stuff for the
world of maximum
telev: We know
that Liz Phair wants
to be a blow-job queen and that she thinks men fuck
and run. She told us so without video. Just as PJ. Har-
vey can sing about a Celtic goddess with splayed labia.
Or Hole can put out a single called Dicknail. Or Hoez
With Attitude can give Az Much Ass Azz U Want. Or
seminal riot grrrls Bikini Kill can call their latest re-
lease Pussy Whipped and be labeled revolutionary for
doing it. Or hard-core Seattleites 7 Year Bitch can cry
Dead Men Don't Rape without sparking Senate hear
What these women share is anger—and ange
we all know, is nine tenths of the energy in rock and
roll. They also are crossover (continued on page 161)
с edge. She says
“Motherhood means mental freeze”— The Breeders, “No Aloha” © “She lost all her innocenee/Gave it to
nok ов sdy оцу dn иәйсууз
Girls, girls, girls. Clockwise from top
right: Salt-N-Pepa shimmy and shake to
spice up their live oct; Kim Deol of the
Breeders sonk her teeth into Lollapolooza;
Liz Phair, “Dance of the Seven Veils” 9 "I'm almost
clways out front, Kot Bjelland is already feo-
tured in a book, Babes in Toyland by Neal Korlen; en-
joying her reign os guitor queen, Polly Jean Harvey
soys she'll dump her bond; Courtney Love on Van Halen:
"Why can these assholes fill up the Coliseum and girls can't?”
È the hour”
эш ures исэ под /Surids uy qun» year v ш. y osneaoq цее Дио |, © „рі 5597 MBL IPD, “VAH у
Whos Who:
Women.to .Wateh
[AR THE GO-GOS were gone pretty quickly. Will
0 this crop of female talent be around to
AN shape the sound of tomorrow? Here's a list
% of women whose music may endure long
% enough for them to be Grammy grannies:
Ton Amos: Amos
was a child prodigy and a de-
vout Christian who decided
to be a bad girl. She took the
traditional feminine role of
piano player and infused it
with sexual rebellion. She
is passionate during perfor-
mances, complete with sexual
bumping and grinding on
her stool. She has to move an
awful lot to be interesting,
though; her sugary, commer-
cial tunes are affected affairs
reminiscent of the worst of
Laura Nyro and Kate Bush.
But on the much-hyped CD
Under the Pink her lyrics can
be seductive—/cicle concerns
а woman masturbating in her
room as her family reads the
Bible downstairs—as can her
image. Past incarnations in-
cluded a lounge act that she
quit in disgust (“What's the
difference between that and
giving a blow jab to the head
of Merrill Lynch?") and a
stint fronting a soft-metal
band that produced the awful
disc Y Kant Tori Read.
Babes in Toyland: When the
band came out of Minneapo-
lis and was signed by War-
ners in 1992, it became a
symbol that record execs
were serious about marketing women who played
abrasive, in-your-face punk rock. Even though the
group's mainstream debut Fonianelle contains screechy
lyrics chat seem to attack men, their masculine fans
can take heart, because the band insists most songs
aren't about guys but are about dishonest people. The
Babes hate being labeled women who play like men:
“What's the difference between females playing and
males playing?" asked drummer Lori Barbero in Spin.
"That we don't have dicks?" In a word, yes.
Belly: Tanya Donelly, singer, guitarist and Rhode Is-
land-based founder of Belly, is the space oddity of
her generation. Her songs on S/ar, Belly's recent and
When Tori Amos steps out (above), she certoinly
looks good, but she sounds even better. Considerher
take on self-expression: “If you wont to walk around
with o pin in your dick, then pierce it all, baby.”
much-acclaimed release, are full of fairy tale allegories
imbued with images of witches, dogs and moons
Somewhat inexplicably, she claims that Someone to Die
For is about a serial killer and Dusted describes a rape
victim hooked on smack. It’s a stretch—and the effer-
vescent pop sound obscures the lyrics. Donelly was
previously in the seminal alternative band Throwing
Muses. A gorgeous blonde in oversize combat boots
and quirky getups, she has a gender agenda in break-
ing stereotypes: She scouted for a female bassist, Gail
Greenwood, to match the two men in Belly.
Bikini Kill: Ooo, riot grrris. There's a lot about the
movement that sends bad vibes to men: the infantilism
and schoolgirl lunch boxes, the words RAPE and SLUT
lipsticked on bare тігі and the drive to force men
from the mosh pit. On the
other hand, these four from
Olympia, Washington are
not poseurs. Singer Kathleen
Hanna is prone to jump into
the audience to swap child-
abuse stories. And the band
does have a guy, guitarist Bil-
ly Karren. Pussy Whipped, the
band’s first full-length effort,
isa truly inspired CD: Hanna
explores her sexuality, in-
cluding struggles with old
boyfriends and, in the kick-
ing anthem Rebel Girl, feel-
ings of envy and lust. They re
not beyond a bit of fun. ei-
ther; at early shows Hanna
peeled her top in mockery
of shirtless rock stars of
the past. Although Courtney
Love disses riot grrrls and
Olympia in her new tune
Rock Star, she had better be
careful. With a proper studio
at their disposal and Joan
Jett as producer, Bikini Kill
recently issued a three-song
recording that makes Love's
Hole sound empty.
The Breeders: Kim Deal is
playful about sex, promising
ТИ be your whatever you
want” to an unnamed “little
libertine” on the hit single
Cannonball. Kim Gordon of
Sonic Youth, alternative rock's mother superior, di-
rected the video for Cannonball, which promptly got
elevated to MTV’s Buzz Bin; soon thereafter the al-
bum Last Splash passed the 800,000-sales mark. Front-
ed by the Deal sisters—Ohio natives, former life-
guards, cheerleaders, gymnasts and self-described
"riot hags"—the Breeders features Josephine Wiggs
on bass and Jim Macpherson on drums. Kim started
the band with sister Kelley and Belly's Tanya Donelly
(who left after the 1992 Safari EP) during a break
from the Pixies. The Breeders’ breezy grooves, exper-
imental edge and ironic, spacey lyrics propel a form of
power pop that makes much — (concluded on page 104)
iness”—SaltN-Pepa, “None of ¥
s to/ в none of your bus;
nto/ Who I'm
Four ef a kind: L7 (top left) jumped on the Lollapalooza
194 bus in support of their new disc, Hungry for Stink. Al-
though her occosionolly neurotic lyrics deal with shyness
and self-loathing, Juliona Hatfield (top right) still gets с kick
from performing live. Ex-Throwing Muse Tonya Donelly
(above) has a lot to smile about: Her full-fledged songwriting efforts
on Star made her new band, Belly, a success. In the Eighties, Kim Gordon (left) of
Sonic Youth wos the only role model for feedback feminists who play loud, cbrasive
music, Now she has started X-Girl Fashions so more women con buy into her look.
Pa PURE at apnj поло оду /2urus DU ap AAA ues оу 90] PAY /PLUES aU $ әцоХләлә UA
wap oy ur dn puo sou
pecie В
ido UL, ө „ppowsodng, ‘aaay |
of grunge-and-grimace rock seem
PJ. Harvey: Polly Jean Harvey (BJ.
Harvey is the name of her band) left
her home of Yeovil, a town of 600 in
England, after she released two singles,
Sheela-na-gig and Dress, at the age of 22.
Harvey's earthy tunes employ ambigu-
ous imagery and chainsaw guitar work
to flesh out a world of sweat and tears,
particularly on her second disc, Rid of
Me (produced by Steve Albini of Nir-
vana fame). She refuses to deconstruct
her lyrics, whether or not she's knock-
ing the joys of menstruation in Happy
and Bleeding, the proper stroke in Rub
Til It Bleeds or feminism in Man-Size. “1
don't spend time thinking about femi-
nism as an issue,” she says. “То me,
that's backtracking. You can talk about
things too much and nothing will be
done.” She, like Phair, also poses top-
less or in undies for pinup-style jacket
photos. So far she's done things her
way: She turned down a prime spot in
Lollapalooza and gigs opening for Neil
Young and the Cure but agreed to
open a U2 show at Wembley Stadium.
Juliana Hatfield: By the time she was
96, Hatfield had already slogged her
way through six CDs (two solo, includ-
ing last year’s Become What You Are, and
four with the Blake Babies). Lately,
she's become more commercial, play-
ing the MTV-style helpless woman.
Hatfield complains about being sav-
aged by the press, but struggling artists
wish they had her PR person, because
Hatfield is everywhere. Hailing from a
wealthy suburb of Boston, she's noted
for Hey Babe, a CD that dwells on her
erotic obsessions (some say with Lem-
onhead Evan Dando). She's also made
some Curious statements. In 1992 she
told a reporter that she was a virgin.
She also claims she has yet to see a fe-
male guitarist other than Bonnie Raitt
who can play. Guess she hasn't caught
Polly Jean Harvey or the Spinanes’ Re-
becca Gates.
Hoez With Altitude: Sex and dicks and
stuff dripping down legs. Welcome to
hoe house music. Despite some decent
production by Eazy-E of N.W.A., it’s
hard to take the Hoez seriously on
their second CD, Az Much Ass Azz U
Want. The obscenity of the lyrics,
though, can send listeners scanning for
tawdry moments. For sheer eroticism,
no sex vid beats the power of the title
track. When the Hoez were accused of
demeaning black women—particular-
ly by Senator Carol Moseley-Braun
(D.-Ill.)—they proved adept at justify-
ing their steamy lyrics (and pointed out
that they worked on Moseley-Braun's
campaign). Kim Kenner, aka. Baby
Girl, claims they have appropriated the
word hoez—much as riot grrris use
"slut"—and redefined it in their own
image: Strong, sexy, successful women
who just happen to make appearances
at strip joints and pose naked inside
their CD booklet.
Hole: Even before she got hit with
that Yoko Ono rap, Courtney Love was
the bad sister of indie rock. The peri-
patetic punkstress left quite а tra
Born in San Francisco to bohemian
parents (her dad wrote a book on the
Grateful Dead), she grew up in Ore-
gon, hit Minneapolis for an early line-
up of Babes in Toyland, bummed
around with Faith No More, landed a
prescient part in Sid and Nancy, formed
Hole in Los Angeles with gu
Erlandson and then married Kurt
Cobain and became famous. Becoming
famous may have pissed off her hard-
core competitors more than did the re-
lease of Hole's first CD, the copycat,
screechy-scrawly Preity on the Inside (co-
produced by Kim Gordon). Then came
the fight with Axl Rose backstage at the
1992 MTV Awards, the Vanity Fair arti-
de that said she used heroin while
pregnant and her quote in Out: “Гуе
slept with about 15 women.” Live
Through This is an excellent disc that
shows her mainstream roots—an ap-
preciation for Chrissie Hynde and Ste-
vie Nicks. Until the suicide of her hus-
band and the drug death of Hole’s
bassist, Kristen Pfaff, Love's visibility
fueled interest in other female rockers.
What happens when she comes out of
mourning is anybody's guess.
Liz Phair: Her current success has
left Oberlin College grads scratching
their heads in attempts to picture their
former classmate. Ага time when most
musicians play as much for the scene as
they do for the music, Phair is unique.
She never played live until she finished
her album; at home in Chicago she
recorded some songs, passed cassettes
around and was signed by Matador. Ex-
ile in Guyville was taped, but the order
of the songs was changed after she
heard the Stones’ Exile on Main Street
for the first time. The title is also a
dig at the testosterone-charged, small-
venue proving grounds of macho rock-
ers. In her songs, Phair grapples with
problems of womanhood and the rot-
ten side of love and romance. Her tor-
tured-sexpot image—from the flash of
nipple she shows on her CD cover to
the pinup-style inside shots of a model
who could be her twin—is even more
of a clever ruse. “Men are a lot more
freaked out by my work than women
are,” she says. “Men are not aware that
these graphic takes on sex are u
that nice women from good fa
17: “We're taking our music to the
people and if we get to do some shop-
ping along the way, that's really cool,”
175 singer Suzi Gardner explained
two years ago. “If we get laid, that's the
cherry on the whipped cream.” Babes
in Toyland, 7 Year Bitch and L7 were
the first successful all-girl bands in the
early Nineties to develop a monster
metal sound, They actually scored a
mainstream hit in Pretend We're Dead
and were applauded for their involve-
ment in the Rock for Choice concerts.
Their live act can get raunchy: At
1992's Reading Festival in England,
guitarist Donita Sparks responded to
heckling by spinning a small missile on
a string and tossing it at the audience.
“Eat my used tampon,” she cried.
Salt-N-Fepa: As Salt-N-Pepa, Cheryl
James and Sandra Denton are the
biggest-selling female rappers—bigger
than Yo-Yo and Queen Latifah. Eight
years ago, they scored a hit with the
single Push It, which was nominated for
aGrammy. In videos, they offer plenty
of cleavage and wriggling behinds
while their lyrics point to female em-
powerment and poke fun at the car-
toonish posing of male rappers. (Salt-
N-Pepa are PG-13 compared with the
X-rated Hoez.) Their earlier hit Let's
Talk About Sex established them as social
critics. On their latest CD, Very Neces-
sary, they follow through with a mes-
sage about AIDS. Their best mark of
independence may be the success of
their single Shoop, which they released
over the objections of longtime pro-
ducer Hurby “Luv Bug” Azor (whom
they met in Queens when they worked
at Sears with another future star, come-
dian Martin Lawrence).
7 Year Bitch: Four Gothic vampires
from Seattle who rode grunge’s flannel
shirttails to prominence and haven't
done much since. Shortly before the
release of their CD Sick ‘em, guitarist
Stefanie Sargent died of a heroin over-
dose. They're anything but polished
and that's OK with them. “Women are
doing their own thing,” says singer Se-
lene Vigil, “and don't feel they have to
be Barbie dolls or have a rock-slut im-
age.” Because the band is mediocre at
best, many in the industry point to it as
evidence that women don't have to be
exceptional to get a recording contract.
The Spinanes: This duo of guitarist
Rebecca Gates and drummer Scott
Plouf sports the buttondown, thrift-
shop intellectual look—it's a facade
that sets up the sucker punch of Gates?
furious strumming. Their clean-cut
demeanor and big, noisy sound has
earned them the tag of nice-core. It's
punk with a diploma. Earlier this year
they shot to number one on the college
charts with their first full disc for the
Sub Pop label, Manos. At one show
Gates warned, "Here comes the world,
so fucking understand and suck it."
“And someday, when you're a little further up the corporate ladder, maybe
we'll let you meet J.R. himself!” 105
on freeway and fairway, miss november shows her form
Although it was her first time on o genuine golf course, Donno Perry enjoyed
hitting the foirways and trops for her photo shoot. A noturol othlete—whose
5°11” frome ond spiking skills attracted USC's volleyboll recruiters—Donno is
now o convert to legitimote links. “They soy the sond trop is the hordest shot,”
she boosts obout her predicoment ot right. “But 1 got the ball out every time.”
HATE Los Angeles,” growls 23-
year-old Donna Perry, who at
this moment seems less like a
mild-mannered Miss November
than a blonde, supercharged
Mario Andretti as she careens
among the freeway lanes in her
sporty red Mitsubishi 3000GT.
Leaving the city behind, she is
headed home to the San Fernan-
do Valley for a golfing expedi-
tion—miniature golf, that is. We
head for the Arroyo Seco course
fora friendly round and a nostal-
gicreturn to her roots. "I loved it
here,” she recalls as we whisk
past her childhood home and
three of her former schools. “It
is more family oriented—like
where I live now. 1 love families.”
Sure enough, a clan of her own is
on the horizon. “People say I got
marricd too young," Donna says
of her merger a year and a half
ago with Mike, a guitarist in a
band called Bad Seed. “But I
want to have kids before I'm
26. My folks are senior citizens. You get along better with your kids if you're young-
er when you have them.” We arrive at the course and Donna strides toward the
first hole, her hair tied into a swinging ponytail. Dressed in a gray T-shirt and jeans
shorts, she guides me from green to green, revealing the secrets and difficulties of each
“Here's the wishing well,” she whispers, as if this one has special meaning. She
lines up the ball carefully, gives it a good whack and then—wait a minute—the ball rolls
through the well and past the hole and comes right back to her. “That's strange,” Don-
says, tapping the ball, and this time coming closer to her mark. “The next hole is the
"| went to a PGA match here in
LA." says Donna, pasing above
with, from left, Payne Stewort, Jack
Nicklaus and Ben Crenshaw. “Jack
was my favorite. A fon saw him giv-
ing me an autograph and said, "You
didn’t give me one.’ Nicklaus said,
“That's because уси ain't pretty.”
"This pictorial is about me saying
I'm proud of myself,” asserts
Donna, who, by remarkable co-
incidence, is the second Miss
November in her family. Her
grandmother by marriage was
PLAYBOY's The Shapely Miss Staley
in our November 1958 issue. "At
the time, it was not considered
the thing lo do. But taday I can
say: Here 1 am. I'm nat asham-
ed. | look goad and I'm praud.”
Donno's first childhood memory was seeing the Disney movie Old Yeller. "1 kept saying ‘big yellow dog.’ Those were my first words.”
ney films still have а speciol ploce in Donno's heart. She hos seen Aladdin ten times. "I wish | could have met Walt Disney. When 1 watch
Fontosio, | think thet man must hove been оп 009. No one in his right mind would think of those things. | meon, elephonts that fly?”
anthill. It's a hard one." She's not kidding; it takes her
ten tries to complete the hole.
In the years since she moved from this suburb, Donna has
enjoyed a successful career in front of the camera. “People
have always told me I should be a model, but at first I didn't
succeed. Agencies kept saying I was too tall or too commer-
cial. So 1 tried and tried again.” Eventually, she landed her
current agent and now has loads of work, including walk-on
parts on Baywatch, in Wayne's World and on 90210 (“But I got
cut out of that one"). Despite her success, Donna is eager to
dispel the myth that modeling is all fun and glitz. “It’s so
nonglamourous,” she insists. “It's the hardest thing. Being a
secretary is probably much easier. As a model, you have to
be perfect all the time. It's really hard on your ego and your
We arrive at the castle, the second-to-last stop on the
course. She aims, putts and—yikes—it happens again: The
ball shoots past the hole and inevitably finds its way back to
Donna's feet. Can you blame it? She laughs as she lines up
the shot again, and this time sinks the ball for a birdie. “I did
it!" she cries. “Just call it luck." We prefer to think of it as
natural talent, Donna. —D.B. ATCHESON
ет: DC wasr: 25 _urps:_ 3S
uem. 2" WEIGHT: 195
BIRTH рате: 03-02-]| BIRTHPLACE: \
amsırions: Tn pe Suceessyu) m Ще nat necessarily
rich bi happy.
TURN-ONS: Реди! ves , topical islands , reses And my
Rottweilers, people. He Хо. themselves ~
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Having my bikini Ino undone. by
A guy Sriend on the beach.
му DREAM сак: (here A@ So man y. 14 хеб my pla mate.
1 a Е HO.
he uns insemre and naive. but
| aways wanked + be Don! laugh. | ned Modeling in Maris
a Cowboy. my hair, 00-LA-LA!
Scott showed little aptitude for the law and
even less for public speaking, but neither
handicap prevented him from pursuing a ca-
reer as a defense attorney. Finally, the day
came for him to argue his first capital murder
case and he asked a colleague in his firm to at-
tend the trial.
Halfway through his closing argument, Scott
sent a note to the other attorney: “What are
the chances of my client being acquitted?”
“Keep talking,” the response read. “The
longer you talk, the longer he lives.”
AssoLureLy rie LAST воввитт jore: What's the
difference between John and Lorena Bobbiu?
She's crazy and he's just nuts.
Cindy Crawford and a guy were stranded on a
deserted island. After several weeks without
rescue, nature took it: inevitable course and
the two began to make love. Months later, they
were still marooned and they were still mak-
ing love
One day, Cindy asked her companion if
there was anything special she could do
for him. “Well, yes, as a matter of fact,” he said
“Would you mind putting on my trousers and
“No, that's OK, I guess,” she replied, step-
ping into his pants.
“And my jacket and tie?”
“Well, all right,” she agreed.
“And ‘could you pull your hair under this
baseball cap?”
“Sure,” she replied, getting into the game.
"OK, do you teel like a guy now?” he asked.
“A regular guy?”
“Yeah, yeah. Now what can I do for you?”
she asked impatiently.
He tapped her shoulder, leaned toward her
ear and whispered, “Just between you and me,
dude, I'm fucking Cindy Crawford.”
What do you call a gay lumberjack? Spruce.
The night before an clection, two Chicago
campaign workers were in a cemetery copying
names from headstones into the voter registry.
They stopped when they came to the name
Wladyslaw Wladjlevsky Zhivkvicz. "I ain't
gonna write that,” one said. “We have enough
names anyway.”
“Copy it, Sam," insisted the other. “This is
America and that guy's got as much right to
vote as anyone else in this graveyard.”
While auditioning for a job, a pianist played
one of his own compositions. "That's beau-
tiful,” the lounge owner enthused. "What do
you call it?”
“Rip Off Her Clothes and Screw Her Бору
Style,” the pianist replied, The owner told the
musician to play another piece, which was
equally beautiful. When asked the title, the pi-
anist replied, “Shove Your Dick in Her Mouth
and Whistle a Happy Melody.”
“Look, I love your music,” the owner said,
“but I'll hire you only if you keep your song
tides to yourself”
The pianist agreed and began work that
night. After his first set, he got up to go to the
men's room. On his way Sack a customer
stopped him. “Excuse me, do you know your
fly's unzipped and your cock is hanging out?"
“Know it?” the pianist exclaimed. “I wrote
it, man!”
What does Bill Clinton tell Hillary after sex?
“Honey, I'll be home in 20 minutes."
А rabbi and a priest were enjoying a stroll to-
gether when suddenly a sea lion shuffled past
them, followed by a young woman clad only in
earmuffs. A moment later, a rhino thundered
by, hotly pursued by two cops pushing a wheel-
barrow full of mice. Before the clergymen
could react, six Hare Krishnas ran by, each bal-
ancing five pepperoni pizzas on his head.
When the dust had settled, the priest turned
to the rabbi and opened his mouth to speak.
The rabbi stopped him with an upraised
hand. “I think,” he said, “that I've already
heard this one.”
Rumor is you went home with a great-looking
guy last night,” Carol said.
"Yeah," Pam said, nodding. “For a guy on a
road-repair crew, he was pretty hot.”
“He was a road builder?”
“Well, he must have been,” Pam said with a
shrug. “He wore an orange vest and I had to
do all the work.”
do men and linoleum have in common? If
they're laid properly the first time, you can
walk all over them for 20 years.
Heard a funny one lately? Send й on a post-
card, please, to Party jokes Editor, viavmoy,
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois
60611. $100 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“Hell, Гт turning off Main Street, getting ready
to go through the park, and, wham, it hits me—how come Гт the only guy in
this city who still has a milkman?”
T IS FIVE minutes before noon
on December 11, 1985. Hugh
Scruton, 38 years old and sin-
' gle, opens the back door of
his computer rental store in
Sacramento and steps out into
a bright day, where his death
vaits just a few feet away in a
crumpled paper bag. Sunlight
glints off the chrome of cars
and pickups parked in the big
asphalt lot that opens to the
west, A 15-mile-per-hour wind blows south off the
eastern hip of California’s Coastal Range and rat-
tles the bag. Scruton steps past it, then turns.
There are two Dumpsters right by the door, he
thinks. Why do people do this? Jesus, just drop
the damn thing in.
Scruton bends down and reaches for the bag
with his right hand. There is no time to consider
what happens next. There is a flash, a huge or-
ange and white blast. The world is on fire. Scrut-
ton is deafened by the explosion. He looks to his
right hand. It is a mangled knot of tissue and
bone dangling by a tether of skin and fat.
He reels on legs shaking in a pool of the blood
that streams from his chest. He faces
two of his employees now standing in
the open doorway.
“Oh, my God! Help me.”
Scrutton takes two faltering steps be-
fore his left foot slides in the blood and
he topples backward to the asphalt
‘The detonation has rocketed a piece of
metal pipe straight up into Scrutton's
chest. The shrapnel now resting on his
liver is the size of a credit card. There is
a scorched hole just above his right
nipple big enough to
put your hand into.
Hugh Scruiton bleeds
out his life with his
eyes wide to the high
blue sky.
Sacramento County
homicide detective
Bob Bell got the call
from his supervisor,
Lieutenant Ray Bion-
di, shortly after noon.
They met in the
parking lot behind
Scrutton's store, which
was marked by a sign
reading RENTECH CON-
rear entrances to oth-
er businesses in the L-
shaped mall also had
IMS/HASLER—and met-
al doors with cement
stoops that went down
to ground level. There
were a handful of ve-
hicles parked behind
RenTech, including
Scrutton's yellow Kar-
mann-Ghia, Bell had
another homicide in-
vestigator take down
all the license num-
bers, then turned back
to the scene.
"Two large, congeal-
ing puddles pooled
around Scrutton's
body. Bell let his eyes
travel outward from
the blast point. Wood
splinters, battery com-
ponents, wire and
metal fragments littered the area. The
gray metal door of RenTech and a blue
BFI Dumpster were splattered with
blood. On a nearby drainpipe, the
spatters extended to a height of ten
feet. The door and walls were gouged
by debris from the explosion. Á piece
of shrapnel had torn a large hole
through the wall to the right of
the door.
“We were figuring that Scrutton had
something in his past," Bell recalls al-
most nine years later. “This guy had an
er ot ninis sa
Алкап Ааа, Fight asa, (12 Injured]
enemy somewhere. With a bombing it
is usually one of three things: politics,
money or passion. It is unusual to have
a bombing murder. It got even more
unusual when these dark blue suits
showed up at the crime scene. All of a
sudden, better-dressed law enforce-
ment was there. The feds. FBI.
“They didn't inform us of what we
were dealing with. We found out the
next day. Our arson-and-bomb guy,
Sergeant Ron Howell, was examining
$1,000,000 REWARD
UNABOM Task Force
devices have been einer placed at or mailed to Be above locations Та,
‘refuted one Gean and 13 iuris. Tre last со Devices were mated i June ot 1793 from
‘The UNABOM Task force wal pay а reward of up to $1,000.000 for information leading to the identification,
менп and conviction of the partons) retponubie tor placing
Do you know the ЏМАВОМВЕГТ
Please contact the UNABON Task Force at 1-00-701-BOMD/1-800-701-2662.
To catch a bomber: The extroordinary million-dollar reward was offered
in October 1993 by a consortium of law enforcement agencies and pri-
vate groups. Sa far, 4000 calls have been received by the task force. The
only known sighting occurred in Salt Loke City in 1987. The bomber was
described os a white male with a ruddy complexion and blondish hair.
all the bits and pieces, laying them all
out, photographing and tagging the
evidence. He called his FBI counter-
partin San Francisco, who asked Ron:
"Does this have any initials on it?’ And
Ron said, ‘Yep. FC." That's when we
learned this was Unabom.”
Unabom is an acronym, the kind
federal law enforcement is so fond of
attaching to its major cases. It stands
for University Airline Bombings. FC is
the signature the bomber (or bombers)
engraves, punches or cuts into the
© maling esplotiva devices at the above
metal pieces of his devices. It's hard
to figure out what it means. It could
be Fuck Computers, Fear Computers,
Fight Control, Free Condoms. Pick a
card, any card.
Unabom is an exclusive club wi
expanding membership. The victims
number 24, including Hugh Scruton.
Hundreds of law enforcement agents
at local, state and federal levels have
worked the case. As Unabom enters its
17th year it remains а huge, terrifying
and costly mystery,
ranking alongside such
grisly unsolved cases as
the Green River killings
and the Zodiac mur-
ders. It's not likely that
the killing and maiming
will stop until FC is
caught or dies.
A $1 million reward
was offered by the FB1,
the Bureau of Alcohol,
“Tobacco & Firearms,
the Postal Service and
anonymous private
sources. The only
equivalent or larger
awards were for Pana-
ma's Manuel Noriega
(President Bush offered
$] million) and the
World Trade Center
and Pam Am flight 103
bombers ($2 million).
Despite the temptation
of this cash haul, de-
spite hundreds of thou-
sands of investigative
hours, despite the fed-
eral government's re-
sources, 5000 leads, 200
suspects and two eye-
witnesses, the case has
not been solved. The
Unabom investigators
are no closer to this
phantom bomber than
they were when he be-
gan his bombings.
Headquarters of the
Unabom task force are
on the 12th floor of the
Federal Building in San
Francisco. A display in
the reception area re-
counts another unsolved FBI case—the
only escape from Alcatraz, made by
three patient, imaginative and daring
inmates in the late Forties.
‘This multiagency team is composed
of personnel from ATF and Postal, as
well as the bureau, which heads the
task force of 30 full-time investigators
who work in small offices at the south-
west corner of the floor.
Postal Inspector Tony Muljat has
been on the Unabom case nine years,
longer than (continued on page 128)
е ^r =
= PR с
“We have heard disturbing rumors that you have been using our people in some of
your scientific experiments.”
ALK ABOUT ironic. As
Russia struggles to
jump-start its econo-
my, some of the first
products the country
is exporting to the
US. are items that
were designed during
the Cold War to bomb
us into oblivion. Think of it as their capitalist
wake-up call. The same Soviet defense contrac-
tors who were living high on the politburo pay-
roll now sell armaments piecemeal in an effort
to stay in business. And, of course, Americans
are snapping up the stuff faster than you can
say perestroika. Tank, submarine and MiG
clocks with 14- to 25-jewel movements and Lu-
cite bases have become popular desk acces-
sories. There are also vases sculpted from the
lenses of spy satellites. Urban voyeurs can pick
up a pair of superstrength binoculars originally
designed for Russian border guards (they
weigh about 40 pounds and come with miscella-
neous lenses and a steel shipping box). But the
ultimate in Soviet chic has to be the MiG ejec-
tor-seat chair pictured on page 126. Ideal for
corporate commandos with big budgets, the
200-pound, $5000 chair comes equipped with
seat belts—always useful during downsizing.
Above: Yes, it’s a genuine Soviet
doomsday clock that can survive 10gs
of gravitational force and
ranging from minus 76 to plus 140 de-
~ duding a lifetime warranty. Below: Built
to Soviet “mil spec," the MIG 29 cockpit
clock features two inset faces. The up-
per foce is a flight-time indicator; the
bottom face is a stopwatch. And if your
office le as cold as the Baltic in January,
a heating mechanism will keep the
clock ticking, $250.
Above: These 15 x 110 Sibe-
rian-made Russian border
guard binoculars were de-
signed for viewing “air and
ground targets from stationary
and emergency observation
posts In the day and at night
in a searching light.” If their
superwide six-degree field of
view and 4S resolution don't
bring into focus whatever
yov're checking out, nothing
will. The $2500 price includes
a collapsible tripod and more.
а =
Left: Who would have thought
five years ago that today anyone
with $5000 could start his day in
a MiG ejector-seat desk chair?
According to the importer, the IBD
Group, “only the cushioned seat-
ing surface, the leather armrests
and the chair stand have been
modified for additional comfort.
Everything else remains un-
touched, as you would have found
it in the aircraft.” (Not to worry,
comrade, the ejector portion of
the seat has, of course, been de-
activated.) Overall dimensions
are 57" x 28" x 36". Н you have
а butt that’s tougher than the
Kremlin, you can buy the ejector
seat without the modifications for
$3850. Shipping is additional.
That's capitalism.
heart out. This Typhoon-class sub-
marine clock is similar to the MIG
29 model and includes a water-
50702 Ihe housing, 229. (Ihe above T-72
clocks come with Lucite bases.)
SCARIEST CRIMINAL „алон page 122)
“He put the novel on his desk and flipped open the
cover. The main force of the blast went straight up.”
anyone else on the task force. Muljat is
the physical embodiment of the classic
detective: a middle-aged guy with thick
white hair, an engaging manner and
eyes that look as if they've seen it all.
He wears polished, tasseled loafers, a
blue blazer and gray
"The clearance of cases in mail
bombings is easily 90 percent,” Mul-
jat says. "But in this case we don't
know the reason or the motive. It's all
speculative. The possible motives have
Muljat begins ticking suspects off on
his large fingers, one by one
“Is it a professor from a college or
university? Is i a graduate student who
applied for ition with the universi-
ty and never received it? Did he have a
problem with an airline company?
"Right now I think he's trying to play
a game with law enforcement. He's cer-
tainly been fortunate not to have been
found out. I don't think he's sharing
with anybody. If he were I think the
million-dollar reward would spark
some interest. And obviously that’s not
the case.”
Muljat fips his hands open as if he
were tossing confetti. “Hell, he's calling
all the shots. He knows it, and that
makes it that much more difficult. He's
improved with age. I've never heard of
somebody like this before.”
The Unabom case is unique in U.S.
criminal history. No serial bomber has
operated for so long without an appar-
ent motive. The only comparable case
is that of George Metesky, а 54-year-old
New Yorker who terrorized that city
during the Fifties. Metesky's bombs ex-
ploded in Grand Central Station, Ra-
dio City Music Hall, Macy's and a few
other places. But no one was killed by
the mild-mannered Metesky, a bache-
lor who lived with his elder sister
Metesky explained his reasons for the
bombings in a letter; He blamed a util-
ity company for causing his tuberculo.
5. Police checked employment rec-
ords at Consolidated Edison and
discovered that Metesky had bee
knocked down by an escape of hot g:
in 1931 and had been denied a di:
ity claim. Eventually he was
and contessed to the crimes.
FC is much more mysterious, inge-
nd deadly than George Metesky.
According to serial murder experts, he
is one of a Kind.
It began on Мау 25, 1978, when
University of [llinois campus ре
man found a parcel in the Engineering
Department's parking lot on the Chi-
cago Cirde campus. The package,
wrapped in brown paper, was ad-
dressed to E.J. Smith, an electrical en-
gineering professor at Rensselaer Poly-
technic Institute in ‘Troy, New York.
The cop noted the sender's name and
address—Buckley Cri 'orthwestern
University Technological Institute—
and forwarded the package to North-
western Liniversity in Evanston, a sub-
urb of Chicago. Upon receiving it,
Crisp was baffled. He gave the parcel
to Northwestern's police department,
where an officer attempted to open the
package. It went off. The cop suffered
minor injuries.
Chicago police later discovered the
bomb to be a crude device that used
match heads as an explosive. They di
missed it as a nasty prank by a student.
A year later there were two more
bombings. On May 9, 1979 an eng
neering student at Northwestern Uni-
versity's Technological Institute no-
ticed what appeared to be some kind of
testing device leaning against a wall
outside a classroom. When he picked it
t exploded. The student escaped
with slight injuries.
On November 15 American Airlines
flight 444, en route from Chicago to
Washington, D.C., made an emergency
landing after a device went off in the
cargo compartment that contained the
mail. Instead of exploding, it merely
burned. Twelve passengers were treat-
ed for smoke inhalation. The device
carried a Chicago postmark. Evidence
from the ATF and FBI labs indicated
that both bombs were made by the per-
son who constructed the 1978 bomb.
п the materials used in their cor
iction—odds and ends of pipe, met-
al and wood—ATF dubbed из perpe-
trator the Junkyard Bomber.
Seven months passed. On a hot sum-
afternoon in Lake Forest, Illinois,
Percy Wood, president of United Air-
. went to collect his mail from the
box at the end of the drive. Among the
letters was a small package with a
Chicago postmark.
Inside the package was a typed letter
atop a new novel. Its blue cover was il
ed with a trawler passing in front
of an iceberg. Once inside his house,
Wood, who had just celebrated his 60th
birthday, glanced at the lener. "I am
sending you this book. I think you will
find it of great social significance
He put the novel on his desk and
flipped open the cover. The main force
of the blast went straight up, ripping
apart Wood's left hand. The bomb had
been placed in a hollowed-out rectan-
gle cut into the pages of the book.
While bagging the evidence from the
crime scene, federal agents found the
end cap to the pipe itself. On it, two let-
ters were Clearly etched:
The Wood incident was a display
of the bomber's cunning. The method
of delivery—a polite leiter enjoining
Wood to read the enclosed book—
demonstrated a chilling sense of hu-
mor, a penchant for mystery. It also
showed the lengths to which FC would
go to ensure that his bombs would
be triggered. And it made it dear
that FC's targets were people. But
why Wood?
Alter investigators had eliminated
those who had personal or business re-
lations with Wood, suspicion fell on dis-
gruntled former employees, angered
passengers or anyone who had a gripe
with United Airlines—or with any oth-
er airline.
But other possibilities would later
emerge. Aside from the obvious con-
nection between the bomb on Ameri-
can Airlines flight 444 and his position
with United, Wood's background sug-
gested links to other FC bombings.
Wood was an engineer аз was the tar-
get of the first bomb. He attended
Stanford and received an engineering
degree from the Boeing School of
Aeronautics. FC would later mail one
of his devices to a division of Boeing.
More than a year passed before FC
was heard from again. This time he
had relocated to Salt Lake City. On Oc-
tober 8, 1981 a maintenance man spot
ted a strange box in the hallway of the
University of Utah's business admin-
istration building, Because a rash of
bombings had recently occurred in the
Salt Lake City area, the worker notified
police. Upon rendering the bomb safe
investigators discovered the initials F
The next device was mailed from
Provo, Utah. It arrived in the of
Patrick Fischer, a computer science
professor at Vanderbilt University in
Nashville. The package had been for-
warded from Pennsylvania State Uni-
versity, where Fischer had taught two
у Fischer's secretary, Janet
Smith, unwrapped the paper to lind a
wooden box. When she opened it, she
was thrown back from her desk by the
explosion. Among the blast debris: the
initials ЕС.
On July 2, 1982 Dr. Diogenes An-
gelakos, ап engineering professor at
the Un ity of
appeared to be a student project—a
(continued on puge 146)
california, saw what
Pue got the curse.”
“Not today, Professor Michaels—
When picking a coat,
check for military details
such as double-breasted
closures, metal buttons
and elegant longer
lengths. Far left: A wool
six-button double-breast-
sweater, $220, and cadet-
striped trousers, $230, all
by John Bartlett; plus
boots by Kenneth Cole,
$149. Left: A wocl-and-
cashmere three-button
singlo-breasted topcoat,
„ teams well with a
К.-с» suit, $995, а
dress shirt, $155, and
а plaid tie, $85, all by
T Calvin Klein; plus shoes
from To Boot by Adam
h пари Derrick, $160.
Classic colors such сз
camel, navy and gray
look equally sharp
dressed up or down.
Above: A wool six-button
double-breasted military-
style coat with metal but-
tons, $2700, wom over a
funnel-neck sweater,
$275, both by Gianni
Versace; and trousers by
Byblos, $215. Right: A
wool, angora and cash-
mere double-breasted
topcoat with peaked
lapels and besom pock-
ets, $1000, and a cotton
dress shirt, $195, both by
Donna Karan; paired with
a wool double-breasted
suit by Hugo Boss, $885;
and a plaid silk tie by
Joseph Abboud, $80.
Where & How to Buy on page 156,
A s we learned from his impressive 1992
directorial debut, “Reservoir Dogs,”
Quentin Tarantino has a gift for creating
human-scale thugs. What's spellbinding
about his gun-waving sharpies is that their
conversations have an everyday ring, as do
their frequent screwups. The fun couple in
“True Romance,” which was directed by
Tony Scott from a script by Tarantino, seem
to make nothing but wrong moves. Taranli-
no's latest movie, the award-winning “Pulp
Fiction” —which he wrote, directed and act-
ed in—is a quirky, blood-spattered ensemble
film populated by earnest-talking sociopaths.
As it happens, 31-year-old Tarantino is
the regular guy his fans would want him to
be. He loves Big Gulfs, wears stretched-out
T-shirts and seems uninterested in the show-
biz gewgaws ће can now afford. The dank,
toy-packed bachelor cave that is Tarantino's
one-bedroom Hollywocd apartment contains
no chirping fax machine. When he wants to
read “Variety,” he swipes his neighbor's.
We sent writer Margy Rocklin to speak
with Tarantino. She reports: “Quentin is
friendly, quick-witted and unlikely to censor
himself. We met at Barney's Beanery, where,
over cheeseburgers and bees, he lived up to
his reputation as sweet-natured and long-
winded. Al no point did he sing—or even
huem— Stuck in the middle with you.'"
гълувоу: You make quintessential guy
movies. Do you have any secret nonguy
more a matter of
the darling of
uy things that 1
postmodern su ниво that 1
i i hang around
film noir pool falls, 1 don't
i lay poker. And 1
explains the praa =
a с
lence, how would be watch-
Д ing sports on
madonna set television. 1f 1 go
to Dodger Sta-
dium, that's OK,
because the game
is secondary to
the beer and the
him straight
and why his
ride of choice environment.
н One thing 1 don't
is a geo understand is
that average
metro American томе-
goers cannot
watch a movie for
three hours, yet
they'll watch a stupid, boring, horrific
football game for four hours. Now, that
is boredom at its most colossal. I have a
lot of litle theories, and one of them is
that nobody really likes sports. But
men feel they should like sports, so
they act as if they do. I also feel that
way about the Who. I don't think any-
body really likes that band. Everyone
thinks they're supposed to like the
Who, so they just pretend. They're
afraid to say that the emperor has no
PLAYBOY: What's the difference between
Los Angeles Italians and New York
TARANTINO: There really is no such
thing as a Los Angeles Italian. In New
York there are Italian neighborhoods.
In Los Angeles there aren't. There's no
ethnicity here. You just are who you
are. Of course, most of that Italian stuff
is learned from movies like Mean Streets
anyway. It's that whole attitude, that
"Hey! Yo, yo, yo, mah friend. I'm feel-
im fine.” You know, that classic Italian
car-coat-cigarette-Bogarting thing. But
can 1 tell the genuine-article Italian
from the poseur Italian? No. [Laughs]
To me they all seem like poseurs.
PLAYBOY: There are people who derive
their identity mainly from their auto-
mobiles. Just how hip does a man's car
make him?
TARANTINO: Well, I'm not into cars. A
car is something that simply takes
you from one place to another. The
red Chevy Malibu that John Travolta
drives in Pulp Fiction is mine. 1 could
give a shit about it. It's actually a big
pain in the ass. 1 keep it in storage so I
don't have to deal with it. I was trying
to sell it on the set. It’s in mint condi-
tion and everyone was always creaming
over it. But they sort of assumed that
something must be horribly wrong
with the car because I cared so liule
about it. And I was like, “No! I just
don't want it. 1 hate it, actually. Pay me
what I paid for it and it's yours.” I'd
much rather drive around in my lice
Geo Metro.
тлувоу: Here's a list of modern conve-
niences, Please identify them as guy or
nouguy Microwaves. Fax machines.
Stair Masters. Bike shorts.
TARANTINO: Microwaves are definitely
guy. Bachelors don't want to spend
their time cooking because for some
reason you don't enjoy the taste of your
own food. So to spend an hour doing it
just doesn't seem right. I mean, you're
probably going to end up eating while
standing in the kitchen anyway.
Fax machines aren't something I
would break down as a guy or nonguy
thing. They're more about class lines:
over minimum wage or under mini-
mum wage.
Stair Masters are definitely nonguy;
Lifecycles are closer to a guy thing
Mostly, guys want to pump iron.
If you want to talk real guy-guy, 1
would say that bike shorts are nonguy.
1 mean, a lot of guys in Los Angeles
wear them, but how many wear them
in Detroit? I don't think too many.
[Thoughiful pause] Can 1 tell you anoth-
er definitely nonguy thing? When
you're dancing and you put your
hands way above your head—that's
very nonguy. There's a kind of homo-
sexual line that exists right above your
shoulders. You can dance like this
[waves his fists at rib-cage level] all day.
But the minute you start going like this
[waves his hands above his head), that's
very nonguy.
тглувоу: Reservoir Dogs opens with a
hoodlum postulating about Madonna's
Like a Virgin, which, to him, is about
“this cooze who's a regular fuck та-
chine. Um talking morning, day, night,
afternoon . . . dick, dick, dick, dick.”
What was the pop star's assessment of
your take on her lyrics?
TARANTINO: After she saw the movie,
she wanted to meet me. So I met her at
Maverick, her film company. She told
me that that wasn't where she was com-
ing from. [Laughs] But I think she real-
ly got a kick about the fact that |
thought that, because she signed my
Erotica album, "To Quentin—It’s about
love, not dick. Madonna.”
плувох: Certain scenes in your films
are not for the squeamish. When
you're watching a movie, what makes
you cringe?
TARANTINO: Actually, a lot of things.
1 mean, somebody's head could be
blown off with a shotgun and that
would not affect me. A decapitation can
be enjoyed as (continued on page 166)
bmw is battling lexus, and neon is running rings around saturn.
here's an inside look at which wheels will be hot in 1995
If you thought the Dodge Viper roadster was the ultimate in wild wheels, check out the GTS version pictured here—and keep your
wallet handy or marry rich quick. Sometime in 1996, Dodge will release this snake—a 400-hp V10 coupe inspired by the famous
1966 Pete Brock-designed Shelby Cobra Daytona coupe. (И even sports the same blue-and-white Le Mans-siriped exterior.) The price
hasn't been announced, but if Dodge con sell the GTS for under $75,000, Ferrari, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz won't be happy.
tomakers have lost their spirit, offer this photo of the
pis is с 100 ipa pe Eb.
izes the excitement
currently driving Dee
1994 is the payoff year for a do-
mestic revival that has been in the
works since 1989. Today's car
T HE NEXT TIME someone tells you that domestic au-
fully integrated, so new models
are designed better, built better and ready for market
faster. The value of the yen has risen steadily compared
with the dollar, forcing price increases that protect
profitability but chip away at Japan's market share. As
new-car prices rise, the nature of ownership is changing.
Leasing is more common. A Lexus LS 400
sedan that cost $35,000 in 1989, for example, now retails
for $51,200. But despite the price
increase, a new LS 400 can be
leased for less today than it could
in 1989. Not surprisingly, more
than half of all luxury cars are
leased, thanks to low interest rates.
There's a lot more happening for
model year 1995, and we've been
on the road noting trends, pre-
viewing new wheels and talking with industry executives.
Here's what we've learned. General Motors’ product pro-
gram is finally firing on all cylinders. Improved Chevrolet
Lumina sedans will challenge Ford Tauruses. Chevy has
also launched a new Monte Carlo
coupe with an aerodynamic shape de-
signed specifically for NASCAR racing.
Although a dramatic-looking Pontiac
Sunfire convertible prototype toured
the auto-show circuit earlier this year,
insiders admit the production version,
due this fall, won't be nearly as impres-
sive. Buick's Riviera coupe and Olds-
mobile's Aurora sedan share the same
modern platform with a unit body
that’s as rigid as the one on an E-class
Mercedes-Benz. The result: new levels
of silence and smoothness. The Riviera
(which, to our taste, has too soft a sus-
pension) comes in a choice of two V6s,
including a 225-hp supercharged ver-
sion. The more stiffly suspended front-
wheel-drive Aurora sport sedan retails
for only $31,370. That's about $18,000
cheaper than a comparable Japanese
model, even if you buy the Aurora with
a four-liter, 250-hp Northstar V8 en-
gine and luxury options such as a cus-
tom-designed Bose sound system.
Cadillac has restyled the De Ville in-
to a rounder four-door that packs a
270-hp Northstar V8 if you opt for the
Concours version. The company also
plans to import an Opel-based 24-valve
V6 luxury entry, the 210-hp Cadillac
LSE, for sale in early 1996.
Saturn may be running out of gas.
While sales continue at reasonable lev-
els, no step-up program has been ap-
proved, so there won't be a bigger
model to which Saturn owners can
aspire. Plans for a convertible were
dropped. Adding to the marques
woes, the Plymouth-Dodge Neon is a
hot seller. At midyear, production still
couldn't meet demand.
Chrysler hopes to keep its string of
hits intact with two all-new midsize
sedans, the Dodge Stratus and the
Chrysler Cirrus. Chrysler president
Bob Lutz instructed his designers and
engineers to produce "a BMW at half
the price." By all accounts, they've
done it. Spacious interiors, state-of-the-
art suspension and dramatic styling
lead the list of features. Stratus and
Cirrus replace the K-car trio of Ply-
mouth Acclaim, Dodge Spirit and
Chrysler LeBaron. (Choose the option-
al 2.5-liter Уб by Mitsubishi over the
standard overhead-cam four-cylinder
engine.) While there's no Eagle ver-
i Plymouth-badged variant is in
the works. Just launched: the Dodge
Avenger, a sports coupe that replaces
the Daytona. Look for a Chrysler ver-
sion, the Sebring, at year's end.
At Ford, the aging Tempo and Mer-
cury Topaz have just been replaced by
an all-new Ford Contour and the Mer-
cury Mystique. Don't be deceived by
their bland exteriors; these cars are se-
rious contenders for best-in-class hon-
ors. Co-developed by Ford USA and its
overseas affiliates, the two are billed as
Ford's first successful “world cars." Two
distinctively different engines are avail-
able: a basic twin-cam, 125-hp four,
and a high-revving, 170-hp four-cam
Уб, as well as new five-speed manual
and four-speed automatic transmis-
sions. The handling on both is impres-
sive. They'll be up against tough com-
petition (Chrysler's Stratus and Cirrus
and Chevy's new Cavalier), but if Ford
gets its pricing right, we predict that it
will have two big hits. Looking ahead:
Ford plans a major 1996 redesign for
the Taurus and the Mercury Sable.
While Lincoln has previewed a sleek
Continental show car with doors that
open electronically without external
handles, don’t expect that feature to be
on the model being introduced next
spring. Do look for a new four-cam VB.
German car manufacturers have
been bolstered by increased sales
here. Porsche is enjoying an upswing,
thanks to its sexy new 270-hp 911 Car-
rera ($60,000). Volkswagen’s re-
designed Passat sedan hit the streets
this summer, along with a 172-hp V6-
powered GTI. Watch out, Ford Probe.
VW offers plenty of affordable punch
in its lineup. The 2.8-liter V6 Jetta re-
mains a well-kept secret. At $21,000,
this pocket rocket can out-accelerate
cars costing $10,000 more.
BMW has moved ahead of Mercedes
and is neck and neck with Lexus
thanks to an impressive run of well-po-
sitioned models. The Bavarians began
with a $68,100, 840Ci V8 coupe and
followed with a great-handling six-
cylinder МЗ sports two-door for
$35,800. BMW has just introduced an
all-new, top-of-the-line 7-series sedan
featuring a sealed-for-life, five-speed
automatic transmission that senses the
drivers patterns and adjusts shift
points accordingly. And їп 1995,
BMW's Compact hatchback—a trun-
cated, rear-wheel-drive car that's nine
inches shorter than a 3-series coupe—
will arrive in the States. Price: about
Mercedes-Benz’ small C-class sedans
have been a a Penske-Mercedes
race car won the Indy 500. Mercedes
may import a small car designed with
input from Swatch, the Swiss watch-
15 funky styles, M-B's
ed, attractively repriced big
S-class sedans are here just in time to
battle BMW’s new 7-series and the
freshly restyled XJG sedan from
Jaguar. Despite Ford's help, Jag re-
mains several years away from a totally
revised product line. In 1998 all-new
Jags will include an aerodynamic, full-
size sedan, an F-type sports car and a
compact four-door reminiscent of its
Sixties classic 3.8 Mark 11.
The only German automaker that
hasn't made a comeback in the States is
Audi, which explains why it has just
launched a major repositioning cam-
paign. In addition to planning a re-
styled model 100 called the AG, Audi
will import из all-aluminum A8 sedan
(formerly the V8 Quattro) in 1996.
The price will be around $50,000.
Sweden's carmakers are quietly
building market share again. Saab's
new 900 Turbo ($28,990) proves to be
an agile, fully equipped sports coupe.
Volvo's 850 front-wheel-drive wagon
continues to sell well. Look for a great-
ly improved 960 sedan and station
wagon—both with independent rear
suspension—from Volvo. Safety pio-
neer Volvo recently previewed air bags
that protect passengers from side im-
pacts. They will be available in the 850
series starting in 1995.
Most Japanese automakers are still
hard-hit by the strong yen and by
America’s return to domestic marques
such as Pontiac, which was selling more
cars than both Toyota and Honda at
midyear. Of course, there are excep-
tions. Toyota's Camry is doing well, but
the future of its big, bland, Camry-
based Avalon sedan remains uncertain.
Nissan's conservatively restyled, 190-
hp Maxima sedan handles extremely
well thanks to its new twist-beam rear
axle. Nissan's 2405X coupe is a capable
car, but more horsepower would be
welcomed. Honda’s Accord has slipped
behind the Ford Taurus in the race for
top-selling sedan. Its sales should im-
prove with a V6 engine that is due in
Mazda's Millenia four-door was to
have been the entry-level car in an all-
new luxury division named Amati. Fac-
ing tough competition from Lexus and
Infiniti, Mazda shelved the division but
went ahead with this particular model.
The Millenia S boasts a powerful 2.3-
liter, Miller-cycle V6 that develops
210 hp with the help of a superchar-
ger called a Lysholm compressor. Mit-
subishi's turbocharged Eclipse GSX isa
street sleeper. With 210 hp from two
liters, all-wheel drive, a sexy shape and
a great stereo, the Eclipse sets the new
standard for small street coupes. (This
same car is sold by Jeep-Eagle dealers
as the Eagle Talon—usually for less.
Eagle is still struggling to convince peo-
ple that it sells cars, too.) To fight
falling sales, Acura plans a model be-
tween its Integra and Vigor. The new
sedan will be the first Acura designed,
developed and built in the United
States. A subtly redesigned Lexus LS
400 bows later this month—just in time
(continued on page 164)
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Put 1994 down on the books as the year that the sexes finally achieved
equality on-screen: Men and women now share the right to let it all hang out. Moviegoers have become ac-
customed to the sight of unclad female bodies, but only a few audacious filmmakers have ventured to debrief
their male stars. Oh, there were earlier hints of a change—last year Harvey Keitel, Jaye Davidson and
Sylvester Stallone (in The Piano, The Crying Game and Demolition Man, respectively) bared what were once
known as their privates. But in 1994 full exposure for actors as well as actresses became a genuine trend.
Bruce Willis” frontal nudity in Color of Night was the talk of the Cannes Film Festival (as were his underwa-
ter exploits with an equally nude Jane March). One might expect a flash of flesh in a film called Naked in New
York, and Eric Stoltz, featured in its dream sequence, obliges. So does James Woods, playing a drunken ranch-
er who strips to the buff in Curse of the Starving Class. The same may be said (text concluded on page 146)
COMING CLEAN How’s this for a water sport? Bruce Willis and
Jone March heat up a pool, a shower and (above) a bathtub—
not to mention a bed and a dinner table—in Color of Night,
released, surprisingly enough, by Disney's Hollywood Pictures.
THE WAYS OF ALL FLESH Unorthodox sexuality marks Exit to
Eden, from Anne Rice's tale of an S&M resort where dominatrix
Dana Delany hos Paul Mercurio in a lather (top right); Roman
Polanski's Bitter Moon, in which kinky duo Emmanuelle Seigner
and Peter Coyote (center right) set up some proper Brits; and
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (at right, Kenneth Branagh, as Dr.
Frankenstein, nuzzles his betrothed, Helena Bonham Carter).
at convention, film-
makers who were still
shy about frontal male
nudity applied head-
gear to Norbert Weiss-
er (with Camryn Man-
heim and Bridget Fonda,
above) in The Road to
Wellville; Woody Har-
relson in The Cowboy
Woy (left); end (below)
Mark Christopher Law-
rence, Rusty Cundieff
and Larry B. Scott in a
promotional shot for
Feur of u Bluck Ни, а
spoof of a fictional gang-
sto rap group called
Niggaz With Hats.
AWESOME AUSSIES The eye-popping Sirens,
which showcases PLaveoY cover girl Elle Macpherson
(seen at left ond obove with Рота de Rossi and
Kate Fischer), is bosed on actual characters. Neo-
phyte clergyman Anthony Campion (Hugh Grant,
top) and his wife are sent to reason with artist Nor-
man Lindsay (Som Neill), whose nude paintings
outrage Australian church authorities. Exposure to
Lindsay and his models (among them a supposedly
blind Mark Gerber, above center) proves liberating
for the daring actors in Sirens and Desper-
ate Remedies, erotic features from Aus-
tralia and New Zealand. As usual, the
Motion Picture Association of America's
ratings mavens fell off the bandwagon.
Although they tolerated the scene from
Six Degrees of Separation in which a male
hustler cavorts in the nude, the MPAA
raters balked at a shot from the movie's
trailer: Michelangelo's naked Adam on
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. By the
time an embarrassed MPAA backed off
from its attempt to censor one of the
world’s artistic treasures, the trailer had
already been re-edited.
Bare-and-equal sexual liberation does
not stop with dropping trou. In the
movies, the man of the Nineties sheds
his inhibitions in more ways than one,
making cross-dressing and gay themes
appear not only accessible but down-
right popular. The Adventures of Priscilla,
Queen of the Desert showcases England's
handsome veteran Terence Stamp as a
transsexual performer who journeys
across Australia’s outback with a pair of
drag queens. Similarly, Hollywood's own
Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes and John
Leguizamo hit the road in drag as beau-
ty contestants in the upcoming To Wong
Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Neumar.
Johnny Depp portrays the title role in
“Tim Burton's Ed Wood, a biography of
the cross-dressing director whose bad
movies (including Glen or Glenda?, the
sappy tale of a transvestite's trauma)
are bottom-of-the-barrel classics. Also
among the guys dressed as dolls: Adrian
Pasdar in Just Like a Woman, Jorge Sanz
in Spain's Oscar-winning Belle Epoque
and Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubifire.
Homosexuality—a theme in Belle
Epoque, Naked in New York, the overtly les-
bian Go Fish and France's Savage Night:—
will also be dealt with in upcoming film
versions of several plays: Paul Rudnick’s
Jeffrey, Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart
(Barbra Streisand directing) and the
Pulitzer Prize-winning Angels in America,
slated for Robert Altman.
Altman will be making additional con-
tributions to screen sex. His Prét-d-Porler,
a multistar vehicle about the Paris fash-
ion world, reportedly climaxes with a
startling shot of naked models parading
down the runway to vociferous cheers.
Also bucking the early-1994 trend to-
ward family-style fare are such fall and
winter releases as The Specialist, teaming
Sharon Stone and Sly Stallone in a
steamy shower scene, and the movie ver-
sion of Michael Crichton's novel Disclo-
sure, with Michael Douglas leveling sexu-
al harassment charges against Demi
Moore. There is skin to spare in Exit lo
Eden, the Garry Marshall comedy about
an island catering to its clients’ sado-
masochistic fantasies. Alan Parker's The
Road to Welluille, with Anthony Hopkins
as Dr. John Kellogg, the breakfast-food
visionary who ran a health spa in Michi-
gan decades ago, spoofs the American
preoccupation with fitness and sexual
As the sexual agenda advanced, there
were a couple of welcome blasts from the
past. Newly packaged versions of Mid-
night Cowboy and A Streetcar Named Desire,
complete with footage that had been
scissored from their original releases,
updated those classics. It just goes to
show: It's never too late for progress.
“And best of all, I can arouse all of your
erogenous zones at once!”
(continued from page 128)
metal cylinder studded with gauges and
dials—resting against the wall of the cof-
fec-brcak room in Cory Hall. Dr. Ange-
lakos lifted the apparatus and it tore
apart his hand and arm. When he was
finally released from the hospital he was
no longer able to perform simple func-
tions—cooking, cleaning, changing the
bed linen for his dying wife. FC, mean-
while, had left a tantalizing clue,
a scorched scrap of paper that
read: "Wu—lt works! I told you it
would. R.V.”
On May 16, 1985 a wooden box ar-
rived at the Boeing plant in Auburn,
Washington. It was addressed to the
Fabrication Division. Postmark: May 8,
Oakland, California. It was shunted
around the plant for several weeks be-
fore it finally came to rest on a shelf. It
remained there until a workman took it
down and tried to open it. The workman
pried open one corner and didn't like
what he saw inside. The bomb squad ar-
rived, rendered the device safe and
found the initials. The batteries in the
bomb had weakened during the month
it had sat on the shelf. FC had been
thwarted by industrial inefficiency. It
was only the second time one of his
bombs had failed to explode.
Patrick Webb, a 20-year-veteran FBI
bomb specialist, heads the Bureau's
Counterterrorism Squad in San Francis-
co, where he has been based since 1974.
He has investigated more than 100
bombing crime scenes and staged anoth-
er 200 at training schools over the past
two decades.
“You have to be careful with FC's de-
vices,” Webb says. “The mail bombs are
pretty secure. But with the placed de-
vices, he has to arm them and make
them live. So there's some risk in carry-
ing these things and placing them so that
they will function. You have to be para-
noid and cautious to do this. I wouldn't
want to carry them around with the bat-
teries hooked up. You would have a
hard time making it up those st
Berkeley with a live bomb. Your balls
would have to be big. It's a dangerous
Webb believes the bomber has experi-
mented over the ycars, perhaps reading
publications rhat cater to survivalists,
neofascists and assorted Weather Un-
derground wanna-bes. His reading list
might have included The Poor Man's
James Bond (volumes I-II), The Anarchist
Cookbook and Improvised Munitions Black
“He may select features out of these
publications. He takes a little from menu
A and a little from menu B. He puts
them together and has his device.
“But the creative part was making it
look so innocent. I'm thinking here of
Hauser. The notebook... . .”
May 15, 1985. Seven days after the
Boeing device was mailed from Oak-
land, John Hauser, a graduate student at
UC-Berkeley, walked into Cory Hall. Ar
that time, Hauser was a captain in the
Air Force and had been invited to apply
for a slot as a NASA astronaut. He de-
scribes what it's like to open a bomb:
"I was working in a research lab on
the second floor of Cory Hall," recalls
Hauser from his home in Boulder,
where he is an engineering professor at
the University of Colorado. “The room
was maybe ten feet across, 20 feet long.
There were a few tables with computers
on them.
“A friend of mine came in and we were
talking. It was around lunchtime. After
he left 1 saw a little plastic box on the
table behind me. There was a three-ring
notebook sitting on top of it.”
The research laboratory was reserved
for graduate students. No more than ten
students would normally have access to
the room.
“So 1 thought, Is this Joe's or is it
Mike’s?” Hauser continues. “I lifted the
notebook and noticed that it had a rub-
ber band around it, attaching it to the
handle of this plastic box. I noticed the
paper looked for the most part blank
and that the latch on the box was sort of
Hauser is remarkably composed as he
recalls the moment that shattered his
life. “I went to open the box with my
right hand. At that point something det-
опагей the bomb.
“The explosion threw my arm back 90
degrees,” says Hauser. “My first thought
was: Why did they do that? It was such
“Mother, how many times have I asked you not to
call me on this phone?”
a shock. I grabbed my arm. Locking
around, I could see some of the batteries
on the floor. Things were really torn up.
I stayed up on my feet. The blast made
the heavy steel table look like a wash-
Hauser recalls the sensations that
passed through him at that moment. “It
felt like all the nerves in my right arm
were on fire. You know how your arm
feels when you bang your elbow on
something? Take that and put it in every
nerve of your arm.”
Today Hauser's fingers, what's left of
them, are almost totally absent sensa-
tion. The thumb is useless. A three-by-
two-inch portion of his right arm is miss-
ing. “They removed one piece of metal
that was two inches long and a quarter of
an inch wide, a piece ofthe pipe that had
drilled its way down to my elbow.
"I wore my Air Force Academy ring on
my right hand." Hauser holds up his
partial digit. "The bomb shot that plus
my finger into a plaster wall with such.
force that it made an imprint. On the
wall you could see the curvature of the
stonc and actually discern the word
There was nothing personal to this
one. It was a site-specific bomb that was
left for whoever became too curious.
Hauser was just unlucky. But FC knew it
had to be somebody in the graduate
school of engineering. Seven of his
bombs were mailed to specific persons
and seven were left at specific sites. He
didn't pick these individuals and places
out of a hat. One fact is clear: FC does
not care if his victims are maimed, blind-
ed or killed.
Dr. James McConnell should know.
McConnell was the author of a standard
college psychology text, a specialist in
biochemistry and behavior modification
and a professor at the University of
Michigan. On November 15, 1985, six
months to the day after Hauser was
ripped apart, Dr. McConnell was at his
home in Ann Arbor with a graduate
assistant. The two men were going
through the day's mail. One large mani-
la envelope with a Salt Lake City post-
mark came with a cover letter requesting
that McConnell please review “this the-
sis, which should be of interest.” After
reading the letter, McConnell’s assistant
opened the envelope. The blast injured
both his arms and his abdomen. Mc-
Connell was not injured.
Twenty-six days later, Hugh Scrutton
stepped out of his store in Sacramento
and picked up the fatal paper bag.
FC was quiet for a year after Scrutton's
murder. He appeared in Salt Lake City
in February 1987 at the rear of Caams,
Inc., another computer store in yet an-
other strip mall.
He apparently walked up to the back
entrance of Caams, Inc. holding the
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оох атотт-ез0201 р
device—two two-by-fours glued together
and studded with bent nails. It looked
like a piece of construction trash. FC set
it down carefully in the parking space
right behind the Caams door. When he
suaightened he was looking right into
the eyes of a woman on the other side of
a window. She sat at her desk and stared
at him. FC then turned and walked away
without the slightest trace of nervous-
ness. The woman didn't think about the
encounter until the bomb went off 45
minutes later when the owner of Caams
kicked the armed debris out of his
parking spot. The blast injured his foot
and calf
After learning of the incident, federal
investigators arrived and interviewed
the woman. She described a white male,
25 to 30 years old, nearly six feet tall
with blond or sun-bleached hair and a
ruddy complexion. He had a thin mus-
tache and wore a hooded jacket and tint-
ed glasses. He appeared calm, even after
she made eye contact with him.
Almost immediately after the explo-
sion and interview, a sketch of FC was
broadcast. Car rental oudets and motels
throughout the Salt Lake area were
checked, and police were placed on
alert. But no one turned up anything. It
was as if FC had disappeared.
Six years went by with no word or
bomb from FC. A few agents believed it
was only a matter of time before he
resurfaced; most speculated that their
bomber was either dead, out of the
country, in prison on an unrelated
charge or in a mental institution
For the FBI and the ATF 1993 was a
hellish year. It began with the Branch
Davidian siege in February and moved
on to the World ‘Trade Center bombing.
Unabom was a low priority—until June.
“Sorry to bust in like this, шл, but commercial fishing
is prohibited by t
e Department of Parks.”
On Tuesday, June 22, 1993, Dr.
Charles Epstein, a world-renowned ge-
neticist and professor at the University
of California-San Francisco, pulled the
strip tab on a padded mailer while he
was seated at his kitchen table. It was a
violent explosion. Neighbors heard it.
Epstein recalls a flash and a bang. The
blast threw him back three feet against
the wall. Several of the fingers of his
right hand were torn off, and his right
arm was broken.
FBI Special Agent Webb was crossing
the Golden Gate Bridge on his way to his
daughter's recital when he got the call.
“1 got to Epstein's probably a half hour
after it went off. Five in the afternoon. It
had blown out the windows in the
kitchen and tipped over a table that was
six feet across and three inches thick.
Just rolled it right over. Blood all over
the place. Epstein was able to get out to
the street, where a carpet cleaning crew
was packing to go. They wrapped his
wounds in towels and then called the
“He also suffered penetration through
his abdomen and a loss of hearing. He
used to play the cello very well, 1 was
told. That's over."
On Thursday, June 24, Dr. David Gel-
ernter, a computer scientist at Yale and
the author of a computer language
called LINDA, opened a similar package
in his New Haven office. After it explod-
cd Dr. Gelernter stumbled from his
office, down the stairs and into the
street. He staggered to the university
clinic a block away, blood gushing from
his chest and right arm.
That same day The New York Times re-
ceived a letter that read, in part: "We are
an anarchist group calling ourselves FC.
A newsworthy cvent will happen about
the time you receive this letter. Ask the
FBI about FC. They have heard of us.
We will give information about our goals
с time."
igit number was on the letter
to “ensure the authenticity of any future
communications from us."
The number turned out to be a Social
Security ID issued to a man who had re-
cently been paroled from a California
prison and who was residing in the
northern part of the state. Unabom in-
vestigators were unable to make a direct
connection between the former inmate
and the bombs. It seemed to be another
dead end. “Although more than one in-
dividual could be involved,” says Terry
Turchie, current head of the Unabom
task force, “all indications are that it is a
single person.”
The best—and only—evidence comes
from FC's bombs. He avoids sophisticat-
ed technology and fashions his bombs
without electronic switches, heat sensors
or motion detectors. He doesn't use
“As for triggering," Webb explains,
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Like a mousetrap snapping shut. Two
wires suddenly come together, which ig-
nites the nitro stew in the pipe.
“Nitro-based explosives will break up
” says Webb. “Smokeless pow-
der will just rip it along the seam and
flatten it. Black powder will blow out the
end caps. Potassium chlorate and sugar
will never cause И to break up. C,? You
end up barely finding the pieces. These
are high-intensity explosions at 21,000
feet per second. When molten metal
cools it gets real sharp on the edges. His
bombs are somewhere in the middle.”
FC crafis his weapons with care and
patience. Evidence shows that he spends
considerable time taking them apart and
putting them back together. Over and
over again. They must seem almost alive
in his hands as he slides the wood, metal
and springs between his fingers, sharp-
ens and polishes slivers of steel, cases his
pipes with handwrought aluminum. He
ensures that they be opened or
touched in just the right way and dis-
guises them so that they will fit into their
environment easily. All this time and at-
tention and skill is devoted to one goal:
to kill and maim.
Mary Ellen O'Toole is a profiler
the FBI's National Center for the Analy-
sis of Violent Crime. An agent for 13
years, she currently works the task
force, updating the profile she helped
develop last fall with fellow profilers Jim
Wright and Joe Chisholm.
“The motivation for the bombings
when he started may not be what's moti-
vating him now." Agent O'Toole speaks
with a soft, deliberate cadence. “As time
goes on with any series of violent crimes,
the person gets better at what he does.
“1 think we all agree this guy has some
unique characteristics. When he's finally
identified, one of the most compelling
features will likely be his apparent nor-
malcy to those who thought that they
knew him.
“He is patient, very much in control
and deliberate in his planning. Control
is important to this person. You see,
those who know him would probably de-
scribe him in the same way.
“This is not somebody who would seek
to call attention to himself. He would in-
ternalize rather than externalize his
emotions. But there would be someone
close to him who either suspects or is ac-
tually aware of his activities. It’s that per-
son who we hope comes forward.”
“I think initially he had a cause for do-
ing it,” says Tony Muljat pensively. “But
right now? I think из him against the
world, the world being law enforcement.
He's going to see who can outdo whom.
He works sporadically. Between 1982
and 1985, nothing. In 1986, nothing.
Between 1987 and 1993, nothing.
He lets his wide shoulders fall against
the back of his chair. “I can see him mov-
ing away from academic targets. 1 think
he will broaden his horizons and go into
a lot of different areas.
“We've had 4000 to 5000 leads and
we've followed them all. We've devel-
oped possible suspects and they've all
washed out. Nobody's talking because
nobody knows. He fits the environment
wherever he may be. He doesn't stick
out. But if | ever come across this per-
son, I'll know it. I feel that inside.”
Back in Sacramento, Bob Bell also ob-
sesses on FC. The fact remains that of all
the bomber’s victims, Bell's case was the
homicide. He takes it personally. It’s not
the feds’ victim, it’s Bell's. The case
works hi keenly as it did when he
stood over Hugh Scrution’s body nine
years ago.
“We've looked at the calendar a thou-
sand times. We've looked at academic
calendars. We've looked at moon charts.
‘There are hundreds of theories. We
have no idea what triggers him. If we
understood his motive we would under-
stand his trigger mechanism. The profile
is just obvious stuff. You don't need a
profile to know two motives are power
and control. He's been playing with us
for all these years, specifically with the
FBI. He's been having a ball.”
Bell slows down to reflect. "I'm a
homicide detective. When we have possi
ble suspects, we talk with them one-on
one. That's the way you find things out.
But the FBI likes to put suspects under
surveillance. They will watch somebody
for six months without talking to them
We don't work like that, and they don't
do homicides. 1 always wondered, had
the initials been released and a lot of the
details, what would've been his activity?
Maybe he would be getting his message
out sooner. And maybe we would've got-
ten to him.
“I've seen all the devices,” Bell ex-
plains, “the Serutton device and all the
others since 1980, He constructs devices
that enhance the power of the bomb and
of metal. There are several layers of met-
al on the pipe. According to the bomb
experts, the explosive material he uses
is nitro-based, very powerful. These
bombs are designed to kill. 10: luck
that a fragment hasn't killed somebody
besides Scrutton.
Bell then offers a metaphor. “He did
undergraduate work until RenTech.
Then he graduated with the death of
Hugh Scrution. Now he's doing post-
graduate work,
"But," Bell says, “the fact of the matter
is, he will continue to place devices. He is
going to kill again. There's no doubt
about it. We don't know when, but it will
happen. He's not going to stop now.
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PLAYBOY expands jour pur-
chasing power by providing a
lisi of retailers and manufac-
turers you can contact for in-
formation on where to find this
month's merchandise. To buy
the apparel and equipment
shown on pages 22, 30,
124-127, 130-131 and 177,
check the listings below to find
the stores nearest you.
Page 30: “Doom's Day”:
Computer games by Id Soft-
ware, for information, 800-
ID-GAMES. "Wild Things":
Computer peripheral by
APC, available where com-
puters are sold. For infor-
mation, 800-800-4272.
Fages 124-127: Clocks and
Page 22: “Bully Woollies": Topcoat by Ves-
timento, at Ultimo, 114 E. Oak St., Chica-
go. 312-787-0906. Coat by Salvatore Fer-
ragamo, at Salvatore Ferragamo, 725 Fifth
Ave., NYC, 212-759-7990. Polo coat by
Joseph Abboud, at Saks Fifth Avenue stores.
‘Jacket by Emporio Armani, at Emporio Ar-
mani stores, Stadium coat by EZ by
Ermenegildo Zegna, at Ermenegildo Zegna,
743 Fifth Ave., NYC, 219-421-4488. “Fan-
cy Footwear": Oxfords: By Kenneth Cole,
for locations, 800-487-4389. By Salvatore
Ferragamo, at Saks Fifth Avenue stores.
Lace-ups and slip-ons by To Boot by Adam
Derrick, at Bergdorf Goodman Men, 745
Fifth Ave., NYC, 212-753-7300. Loafers
by Susan Bennis Warren Edwards, at Susan
Bennis Warren Edwards, 22 W. 57th St.,
NYC, 212-582-0680. Slip-ons: By Philippe
Model, at Bergdorf Goodman Men, 745
Fifth Ave., NYC, 212-753-7300. By Bally,
at all Bally stores, 800-825-5030. Loafers
by Cole-Haan, at all Cole-Haan stores.
“Hot Shopping: New York's East Village":
X-Large Store, 212-477-0012. Alphabets,
212-475-7250. Style Swami, 212-254-
1249. Swish, 212-673-8629. Jules, 212-
477-5560. "Clothes Line": Suits by Brioni,
at Bergdorf Goodman Men, 745 Fifth
Ave., NYC, 212-753-7300 and Brioni Bou-
tique, 55 E. 52nd St., NYC, 212-355-1940.
Shoes by Bally, for information, 800-825-
5030. Overcoat by Aquascutum, 680 Fifth
Ave., NYC, 212-975-0520. Ties by Yohji
Yamamoto, 103 Grand Ave., NYC, 800-803-
4443 (in NY, 212-966-9066). “Lip Ser-
vice": Lip balm: By Chap Stick, Blistex and
Vaseline, at drugstores, supermarkets and
mass merchandisers. By Kiehl's, for loca-
tions, 800-KIEHLSL. By Polo Sport Skin Care
Collection, at Polo Sport, 888 Madison
Ave., NYC, 212-434-8000.
binoculars are distributed
by Sunset Cliff Merchandising Corp., 800-
225-9407. MiG ejector chair from the
IBD Group, 313-741-4248.
Page 130: Longshoreman coat by John
Bartlett, at Bergdorf Goodman Men, 745
Fifth Ave, NYC, 212-753-7300. Turtle-
neck by John Bartlett, at Charivari 57. 18
W. 57th St, NYC, 212-333-4040 and I.
Magnin, 135 Stockton St., San Francisco,
415-362-2100. Trousers by John Bartlett, at
Saks Fifth Avenue. Boots by Kenneth Cole,
at Bloomingdale's. Topcoat, suit, shirt
and tie by Calvin Klein, at Calvin Klein,
199 Boyleton St., Chestnut Hill, MA, 617-
527-8975 and South Coast Plaza, Costa
Mesa, CA, 714-557-3100. Shoes by 7o Boot
by Adam Derrick, at Bergdorf Goodman
Men, 745 Fifth Ave., NYC, 212-753-7300.
Page 131: Military-style coat and sweater
by Gianni Versace, at Gianni Versace, 816
Madison Ave, NYC, 219-744-5572
Trousers by Byblos, at Ron Herman/Fred
Segal Melrose, 8100 Melrose Ave., Los
Angeles, 213-651-3342 and Allure, 1509
Walnut St, Philadelphia, 215-561-4242_
Topcoat by Donna Karan, at select Barneys
New York stores. Suit by Hugo Boss, at
Hugo Boss Shop, 1201 Connecticut Ave.
NW, Washington, DC, 202-887-5081.
Shirt by Donna Karan, at Saks Fifth Av-
enue, 611 Fifth Ave., NYC, 212-753-4000.
Tie by Joseph Abboud, at Joseph Abboud,
37 Newbury St, Boston, 617-266-4200.
Page 177: Snowboards: By Pyramid Snow-
boards, 206-633-3331. By Division 23,
at Eastern Board, 508-348-1119, Pacific
Drive, 619-270-336] and B.C. Sun and
Surf, 303-972-1300. By Black Flys,
(continued from page 80)
that there was nothing psychosomatic
about the excellent health Yossarian was
enjoying, and that the hair on his head
was genuine too.
“Although,” added the chief psychia-
trist, clearing his throat, "I am honor-
bound to flag you as a very good candi-
date for late-life depression.”
“Late-life depression?” Yossarian
savored the term, “About when would
that be?”
“About now. What do you do that you
really enjoy?”
“Not much, I'm afraid. 1 run after
women, but not too hard. I make more
money than I need.”
“Do you enjoy that?”
“No. Гуе got no ambition and there's
not much left I want to get done.”
“No golf, bridge, tennis? Art or an-
tique collecting?”
“That's all out of the question."
“The prognosis is not good.”
“Tve always known that.”
“The way it looks to us now, Mr. Yos-
sarian,” said the chief medical director,
speaking for the whole institution, with
Leon Shumacher's head, three-quarters
bald, hanging over his shoulder, “you
might live forever.”
He had nothing to worry about, it
seemed, but inflation and deflation,
higher interest rates and lower interest
rates, the budget deficit, the threat of
war and the dangers of peace, the unfa-
vorable balance of trade and a favorable
balance of trade, the new president and
the old chaplain, and a stronger dollar
and a weaker dollar, along with friction,
entropy, radiation and gravity.
But he worried too about his new pal
nurse Melissa MacIntosh because she
had no money saved. Her parents had
none either, and if she lived long
enough, she would have to live on only
her Social Security benefits and a ри-
tance of a retirement pension from the
hospital, provided she continued work-
ing there for the next 20 or 30 years,
which seemed out of the question, unless
she met and married before then some
fine gentleman of means who was as ap-
pealing to her then as Yossarian was to
her now, which seemed to him entirely
out of the question also. Few men could
talk dirty to her so charmingly. More
than once he contemplated her with a
pang: She was too innocent to abandon
to the heartless dynamics of financial cir-
cumstance, too sweet, unsuspecting and
“What you absolutely must do,” he
said one day after she had begged him to
advise whether she and her roommate
should open individual retirement ac-
counts—Yossarian advised that he could
not see what fucking practical use an in-
dividual retirement account was going to
be in the long run to anybody but the
banks soliciting them—"is marry some-
one like me now, a man with some mon-
ey saved who knows something about in-
surance policies and legacies and has
been married only one time before.”
“Would you be too old for me?” she
asked in a fright
“You would be too young for me. Do it
soon, do it today. Even a doctor might
work. Before you know it you'll be as old
as Lam and you won't have a thing.”
He worried too about the reckless sen-
timentality of extending concern to a
person who needed it.
"That was not the American way.
‘The last thing he needed was anoth-
er dependent. Or two, for she spoke
with pride of an
and black stockings with climbing ser-
pentine patterns had no rich parents or
money saved either, and Yossarian won-
dered to himself:
What was wrong with this lousy earth,
It seemed to him reasonable that
everyone toward whom he bore no
grudge should have enough money as-
sured to face a future without fear, and
he hung his head in his noble reverie of
compassion and wanted to take this out-
standing, full-bosomed waif of a room-
mate into his arms to dry her tears and
assuage all her anxieties and unzip her
dress as he stroked her backside.
He began to grow so troubled about
patients do you think he sees in a week
to whom he can bring good news? That
guys disasters are among the few
around me I might be able to avert.”
“They aren't mine,” said the joyless
oncologist, upon whose small features a
foreboding aspect seemed to have set-
tled as naturally as the blackness of night
and the gray skies of winter. “You'd be
surprised, though, how many people
come to believe they really are my fault.
Even colleagues don't like me. Not many
people want to talk to me. It may be the
could not see that he had much. “Does
it buck you up to
eye-catching, fun-
loving roommate
in her cramped
apartment, a wom-
an named Angela
Moore who was
taller than she and
freer, a natural
blonde Australian
with her brighter-
blonde hair and a
larger bosom, who
wore stiletto heels
and used white lip-
stick and white eye
makeup and who
worked as sales rep-
resentative for a
novelty manufac-
turer to which she
submitted ribald
ideas for new prod-
ucts that rendered
tongue-tied and in-
credulous the two
elderly Jewish fami-
ly men who owned
the company as
partners, and made
them blush. She
liked the effect she
knew she made in
the costly midtown
bars to which she
Whatever you do,
dont shake the magazine.
know that sooner
or later you are
likely to play an
important role in
my life?”
“Only a little.”
Remy Martin Fine Champagne cognac. Exclusively
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His name was Den-
nis Теетег “And
where would you
want me to begin?"
"Wherever you
want to that is with-
out pain or discom-
fort,” Yossarian an-
swered cheerily
“You don't have a
symptom anywhere
that might suggest
a closer investiga-
“Why wait for
symptoms?” que-
ried Yossarian, talk-
ing down to e-
cialist “Is it not
conceivable that
since we conclud-
ed our last explo-
rations something
may have originat-
ed that is blooming
as the two of us sit
here procrastinat-
ing complacently?”
often went after
work to meet the
convivial business executives to go danc-
ing with after dinner and then ard
without pity at the downstairs doorway
of the apartment house when her eve-
ning ended. She hardly ever met any she
liked enough to want to stay longer with
because she hardly ever let herself drink
enough to get drunk, The private phone
number she gave out was of the city
morgue, a fact Melissa MacIntosh relat-
ed to him in such joyful praise of her
confident and exuberant conduct that
Yossarian knew he would fall in love with
this woman at first sight provided that
he never laid eyes on her, and would re-
main deeply in love until he saw her the
second time. But the tall blonde some-
where near 40 with the white makeup
‘Sole USA Dao пет Arne taue. Hes WY, NI OD Pook 40% Ak Nl. ©1991
Melissa MacIntosh's good heart and pre-
carious economic future that he began to
worry about his own future as well and
decided to demand the oncologist back
for some tip-top guarantees about a ma-
jor killer and to hear him discourse fur-
ther perhaps on the supremacy of biol-
ogy in human activities and the tyranny
of the genes in regulating societies and
“You're crazy," said Leon.
“Then get me the psychiatrist too."
“You don't have cancer. Why do you
want him.
“To do him a good deed, dope. Don't
you believe in good deeds? The poor lit-
Пе fuck is just about the gloomiest bas-
tard I've ever laid eyes on. How many
Dennis Teemer
went along with a
shimmer of animation. "1 guess 1 have
more fun with you than I do with most
of my other patients, don't 1?”
“1 told Leon that.”
"But that may be because you're not
really my patient,” said Dr. Teemer.
“What you conjecture is conceivable, of
course. Butit is no more likely to be hap-
pening to you than to anybody else."
"And what difference does that make
to me?" countered Yossarian. “It is not
much solace to know we all are suscepti-
ble. Leon thinks ГЇЇ feel better knowing
I'm no worse off than he is. Let's get
"Suppose we begin with another chest
X ray?”
“God, no!" cried Yossarian in mock 157
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alarm. “That might just get one started!
You know how I feel about X rays and
“And tobacco too. Should I give you
a statistic 1 think you'll relish? Did
you know that more Americans die each
year of diseases related to smoking than
were killed in all of the years of World
War Two?”
“Then I suppose we might as well go
ahead. Should 1 hammer your knee to
test your reflexes?”
т what?"
“For free.”
"Can't we at least do a biopsy?”
"Of what?"
"Of anything that is accessible and
“Ifyou will find that reassuring.”
“I will sleep easier.”
“We can scrape another mole or an-
other one of your liver spots. Or should
we test the prostate again? The prostate
is not uncommon.”
“Mine is unique,” Yossarian disagreed.
“It’s the only one that's mine. Let's do
the mole. Shumacher has a prostate my
age. Let me know when you find some-
thing wrong with hi
“1 can tell you now,” said Yossarian's
favorite oncologist, “that it will give me
great pleasure to inform you that the re-
sults are negative.”
“1 can tell you now,” said Yossarian,
“that I will be happy го hear it.
Yossarian yearned to go deeper with
this depressed man into the depressing
nature of the pathologies in the depress-
ing world of his work and the depressing
nature of the universe in which they had
each been successful in surviving thus
far and which was growing more unre-
able daily—there were holes in the
ozone, they were running out of room
for the disposal of garbage, burning the
garbage contaminates the air, they were
running out of air—but Yossarian was
afraid he would find that conversation
All of this cost money, of course.
“Of course,” said Yossarian.
“Where is it coming from?” Leon Shu-
macher wondered out loud, with a pal-
pable snarl of envy.
“I'm old enough for Medicare now.”
“Medicare won't cover a fraction of
“And the rest is coming from a terrific
plan I have.”
“I wish I had a plan like that,”
said, sulking.
Itcame, explained Yossarian, from the
company for which he worked, where he
was on the books in a semiexecutive ca-
pacity as a semiretired semiconsultant
and could remain for a lifetime provided
he never tried to get much done.
“I wish I had a job like that. What the
hell does it mean?" Leon mimicked in
sneering derision. “Yossarian, John. Oc-
cupation: semiretired semiconsultant.
What the hell are our epidemiologists
supposed to make of that one:
“It's been another one of my careers. 1
work part of the time for all of my fee
and no one listens to more than half the
things I say. I would call that a semire-
tired semiconsultant, wouldn't you? We
are M&M Enterprises and Associates. |
am опс of the associates. The other peo-
ple are enterprising. I associate, they
“What do they really do?”
“Whatever makes money and isn't dis-
honestly criminal, 1 suppose,” Yossarian
“Is one word of this true?”
“I have no way of knowing. They can
lie to me as well as to everyone else. We
keep secrets from one another. I'm not
making it up. You can check. Tie me
back up to that heart machine and see if
it skips a beat when I tell a lie.”
“Will it do that?" Leon asked with
"1 don't see why it wouldn't.”
“What do you do there?"
“I object.”
“Don't get so touchy.”
“I'm answering your question,” Yos-
sarian informed him pleasantly. "1 object
to matters that are not up to my ethical
standards, Sometimes I work very hard
at objecting. Then they go ahead or
don't. Lam the conscience ot the compa-
ny, a moral presence, and that's another
one of the things I've been doing since 1
dropped by there more than 20 years
ago for illegal help in keeping my chil-
dren out of the Vietnam war. How'd you
keep yours out?”
“Medical school. Of course, they both
switched to business administration a
soon as the danger was past. By the way,
my grapevine tells me you still seem to
be having a pretty hot time with one of
our favorite Hoor nurse:
“Better than Um having with you and
your associates,”
“She's a very nice girl and a very good
“1 think I've noticed.”
“Attractive, too.”
Гуе seen that also
“We have a number of fine specialists
here who tell me frankly they'd like to
get into her pants.
“That's crude, Leon, really crude, and
you ought to be ashamed,” Yossarian ге.
n with disgust. “It’s a most
of saying you'd alll like to
fuck her.”
Toward the end of Yossarian's second
week in the hospital they hatched the
plot that drove him out.
They drove him out with the man
from Belgium in the room adjacent to
his. The man from Belgium was a finan-
cial wise man with the European Union.
He was a very sick financial wise man
who spoke little English, which did not
matter much because he had just had
part of his throat removed and could not
speak at all. He understood hardly any
either, which mattered greatly to the
nurses and several doctors, who were
unable to address him in ways that had’
meaning. All day and much of the night
he had at his bedside his waxen and
diminutive Belgian wife in unpressed
fashionable clothes, who smoked ciga-
reues continually and understood по
English either and jabbered away at the
nurses ceaselessly and hysterically, flying
into alarms of shrieking terror each time
he groaned or choked or slept or awoke.
He had come to this country to be made
well, and the doctors had taken out his
larynx because he certainly would have
died had they left it in. Now it was not so
certain he would live. Christ, thought
Yossarian, how can he stand it?
Christ, thought Yossarian, how can 12
Yossarian was symptomesuggestible
and knew it. Within a day his voice
turned husky.
"What's the matter with you?" nurse
Macintosh snapped with concern the
next morning after she had reported for
work, put on her makeup, straightened
the seams of her scamless stockings and
then come into the room looking her
niftiest to make sure he was all right.
“You don’t sound the same. Why aren't
you eating?”
“I know. I'm hoarse. I'm not hungry
right now. I don't know why Im so
He had по fever or physical discom-
fort and there was no visible evidence of
inflammation anywhere in his ears, nose
or throat, the ear, nose and throat
man who was summoned.
‘The next day his throat was sore. He
felt a lump there too and had difficulty
swallowing his food, though there was
still no sign of infection or obstruction,
and he knew as surely as he knew any-
thing else that he too would soon lose his
larynx to a malignancy if he did not get
the hell away from that hospital fast.
Nurse Melissa Macintosh looked
heartbroken. It was nothing personal,
he assured her. He promised gallantly to
take her out soon to dinner at a good
restaurant, and to Paris and Florence,
and Munich too, perhaps, and window-
shop for lacy lingerie with her, if they
found they hit it off. She said she would
miss him. He replied with perfection
that he would not give her the chance,
wondering, even as he gazed sincerely
into her earnest blue eyes and warmly
pressed her hand goodbye, whether he
would ever even remember to want to
see her again.
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ROCK 61115 continued from page 100)
“Courtney and Kat worked as strippers. Both under-
stand the dynamic with the horny guys in the audience.”
queens: Some of their most rabid fans
are men. And that’s what separates them
from Joni Mitchell or Joan Armatrad
ing. Joan Armatrading shows attract
some beautiful women, but the few
clever guys there are superfluous. Many
women simply make out with each other.
But, hey, when Babes in Toyland played
Lollapalooza, there were provocatively
pierced teenage love thangs aplenty,
looking around for like-minded guys.
And the most compelling figure was
their idol, Kat Bjelland of Babes. (Babes
as in "in the woods,” not as in “chicks,” as
she loves to point out; get it wrong and
she will call you a prick.) Garbed in an
undersized kinderwhore dress—the de-
mentcd-litte-girl look she and on-again-
off-again friend Courtney Love each ac-
сизе the other of stealing—guitarist and
lead singer Kat introduced the band in a
sweet voice and then ripped into a shriek
to start Bruise Violet. Like a gorgeous
cracked-out cheerleader, Kat played
hard and hard to get. The sightly and
sonic combination of the flashes of Kat's
panties and Lori Barbero's tribal drum-
ming inspired some macho moshing. As
Butt-head said of the song's video,
“Whoa! These chicks rock!”
Courtney and Kat worked as strippers
when they were younger, less famous
and in need of cash. Whether or not they
admit it, both women seem to under-
stand the physical dynamic between a
woman on a stage and the anonymous,
horny guys in the audience. And they
use itto their advantage, just as Liz Phair
manipulates the contradictions between
her collegiate look and candid lyrics. Or
take the electric guitar, the traditional
phallic prop of male rockers. In the
hands of virtuoso Polly Jean Harvey, the
guitar remains a symbol; as she warps,
twists and wrings sound from her Strat,
you can’t help but admire the strength
and facility of her hands. It adds to her
sex appeal, even when she’s singing
about a dry vagina.
The ironic love songs of today's super-
charged chanteuses entice the male lis-
tener. There's just the slightest hint of
romance—it's like electric pillow talk or
a lovers’ quarrel turned up to 11 on the
volume knob. It starts cach guy in the
crowd to thinking, Sure she's mad at
men—but she aint pissed at me. It's
those other bums who fucked her over.
Even when Courtney Love—in all her
low-rent, tousled beauty—complains of
adolescent rejection in Teenage Whore,
she arouses the pride and desire of each
guy in the audience: ГЇЇ make her happy.
I bet I can give her what she needs. Salt-
N-Pepa seduce in a more overt way, by
describing what they're capable of as
lovers and what you're missing. When
Salt brags, "You have no beef/Cause
when the bugle is blown/lt's all tongue
and no teeth,” she has every guy reach-
ing for his instrument. The thing is, all
she wants us to do is reach for our wal-
lets and buy CDs.
Its as if for years we've listened in
mono and then, suddenly, a few women
turned up the speakers on the left. Even
at the local club level, female musicians
are taking to the stage. Many of the new
bands, such as New York favorites Bar-
bie Complex and Die Monster Die, are
sexually integrated—it's shrewd market-
ing to enhance the gate. Those bands
that make it big are equipped with
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ter Shana Du Baw worked [аа an intera
Chicago office. It wasn't the first time he had toile
of greatness. Turns out he used to date
а our
the presence
iz Phair. When her first
CD came out and we really listened to the words, the idea of a re-
ot grrrls and all the power femi-
nism. Behind the success of every
tock babe there's a guy, and the guy
behind Liz Phair was me. I was the
one who loaned her the crucial—
dare 1 say indispensable?—piece of
stereo equipment she used to dub
the demos she sent to the radio sta-
tions that gave her the airplay that
led to the record deal and the re-
lease Of her debut album, Exile in
Guyville, which then brought her а
fuckload of cash—no, make that two
fuckloads—and the praise of rock
critics from New York to Seattle.
Note, however, where it all started:
my tape deck.
My mother tells me there was a
time when rock babes wrote love
songs to their boyfriends ће Carly
Simon-Joni Mitchell routine. You
can even imagine those boyfriends
bragging about it at the bar. Of
course, if you've listened to Liz’ de
but, you know this is no longer the
case. Actually, you'd think she had
never met anyone who's kind or sen-
sitive or humble. Someone like me.
Well, for the record, none of
those unnamed Guyuille Romeos re-
sembles yours truly. I am not the
lame-o who fucked and ran in Fuck
and Run, nor the Neanderthal who
bullied the stereo in Help Me, Mary
Fact is, I gave Liz my stereo. We
Guyville guys just ain't that bad.
I, for one, taught Ms. “T take full
advantage of every guy I meet” such
survival skills as how to play Let's
Get Lost. We were in college. Pd
pick her up. We'd drop the top, red-
` line the tach and bomb through the
night. The game was to ignore all
signs, take turns choosing direc-
tions, lose our minds and our way
amid the Ohio farmland and then
pull over. The way I remember it,
everything was goofy and late-
night. Liz never mentioned any-
thing about being my—or anyone
else's—"blow job queen," never re-
ferred to my lips as "perfect suck-
me size.” I only heard that stuff on
the album. Just my luck—she saves
the fun stuff for the paying public.
All I know is that after graduation
| t was my tape deck. Forget the ri-
ЯЬ Mol e сие
swered. So we tracked Du Bow down and
ons than the songs
‚ade him give us the scoop.
we stayed in touch. She came to my
mom's second wedding. She named
her own folder on my hard drive.
When an early Spin review called
her a prodigy of privilege, she had
me ghostwrite a saucy retort. And
guess which dizzy music rag, after
receiving said correspondence,
named Exile its album of the year?
Sure, Liz seems self-sufficient
that’s the Nineties rock-babe shtick.
But take her lyrics, best known per-
haps for their profanity. Where the
fuck do you think she got that fuck-
ing stuff? Or take her second al-
bum, Whip-Smart. The fifth song on
it, | happened to notice last trip to
the CD store, is called Shane, whi
I happened to notice last
signed something, is also my name.
Now, everyone knows it's the title of
the fifth song on the second album
that makes or breaks a rock star's ca-
reer. If Liz rode my coattails any
harder, she'd be a water skier
All this neediness, it gets to be a
drag. This Shane song, it's about a
night we spent together in Chicago.
She was an unemployed slacker. I
was a way-cool writer with an in-
credibly important assignment to
report on the club scene. Out of
pity, I invited Liz to tag along.
When I wrote “we watched," I was
referring to Liz and me. I gave her
that, the plural pronoun, her first
fame. Now she's exploited it, that
night, my name, to catapult herself.
to the top of the rock heap. Ingrate.
Sure, she leaves backstage passes
for me. Sure, she asked me to help
a spot on MTV. But did she in-
уйе me to read my fiction as an en-
core? Did she ever show her grati-
tude through her wallet?
Note to all men: If ever your girl-
friend grabs a guitar and a four-
track, copyright your name and lock
up your diary. It's too late for me.
That's why Гуе now retaliated and
written my own little ditty, a glossy
commercial kind of thing. Real
catchy number called If You Like Liz
Phair, You'll Just Love Shane Du Bow.
Any day now I'm going to be huge.
heavy-metal howls, salacious raps and
enough feedback to power a small town
They wear their parental advisory
stickers with pride
When Nirvana came to New York for
the last time a few months before Kurt
Cobair's suicide, Kim Deal's crackling
and lighthearted band, the Breed
opened for them. It symbolized, in re
rospect, the passing of the ax from
Cobain to the Deal sisters. Nirvana was
on automatic: Tight and loud, it put out
a trademark heavy sound with bron-
tosaurus beats. Cobain seemed de-
tached, unemotional and uninspired; he
sat on a stool for much of the show,
hunched over his mike with his hair ob-
scuring his face. Fans moshed be
they were supposed to. The gig lacked
the joyful energy that had driven the
Breeders an hour earlier. The closest to
female angst singer Kim Deal got was on
Divine Hammer—a quest for satisfaction
that she describes as "just like a big
fuck." When she finds that sacred tool
(after all, her body is a temple), she's go-
ing to bang it all day.
Although Phair's band hits chest
squeezing decibels only three or four
times, the Phairophiles are psyched. It’s
a glasses-friendly environment, there's
no real mosh pit. In fact, if you tossed
your specs 50 feet away, you could re-
trieve them from the floor unbroken. It's
а crowd of serious New York scenesters
who have a few years on Phair. They're
the kind of music nuts who used to hang
out in Hoboken listening to unassuming
minimalist stuff by such now-defunct
bands as the Feelies or the dBs (who ac-
tually reached back to the clangy garage
sound of the early Rolling Stones and
Velvet Underground). Phair is a part of
this unassuming branch of side-street
rock. Musically, she's derivative, but
she's polished enough to refute last
year's word-of-mouth rep for being stiff
and dull in concert. It's her lyrics that
count and the guys in the audience
know them all.
There's a yabbo up front who can't
quite control himself, In between songs
he’s whooping and wailing like Phair
holds his heart in a box. Phair is not
amused. In fact, she appears to be a bit
repulsed by such slobbering adulation.
In a pique of girlish disdain that con-
trasts nicely with her milk-and-honey
looks, she glares down and says, “I don't
think you should be yelling like that!”
‘Then she kicks into the next song—just
her voice, her electric guitar and her
drummer. The two other guys in the
band flank ће: the shadows, rattling
tambourines. It’s a q
for the Nineties: Female rockers have
taken center маре.
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(continued from page 136)
to boost falling sales
Subaru has restyled and enlarged its
popular Legacy sedans and wagons.
Choose front-wheel drive (and an op-
tional traction-control system) or full-
time all-wheel drive. Its slick-handling
SVX sports coupe in a new front-wheel
drive version is offered for 1995 for less
than $24,000
convertibles are back in a big way
Joining Chevy's 228 Camaro (PLAYBOY'S
1994 Car of the Year), Ford’s Mustang
and Pontiac's Firebird Formula is Saab's
totally redesigned 900 and Audi's new
100 Cabriolet. What's more, BMW offers
a four-cylinder S-scries ragtop priced
under $30,000 and a six-cylinder model
for $38,800. A convertible version of the
M3, currently on sale in Europe, is ru-
mored to be headed to the States.
At $19,975, Volkswagen's smartly re-
styled Golf Cabriolet is the best drop-top
yet in its long series of affordable open-
air 2+2's. Mitsubishi's 3000 GT features
a limited-production folding hardtop,
and a convertible Eclipse is on the draw-
ing board. Also, there's a roadster revival
coming from Germany. Mercedes-Benz
has displayed its sleek SLK, a C-class-
based two-seater that will debut in 1996.
Porsche plans to introduce its Boxster
sports roadster at the same time. The
price: less than $40,000. Not to be out-
done, BMW will build a roadster in
South Carolina in mid-1996.
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of
the MX-5 Miata, Mazda has introduced
an M edition priced at $21,250 that is
available only in Montego Blue with a
tan vinyl top and a tan leather interi-
or. But our preference is for the equal-
ly new R Package model that comes
equipped with sport suspension, front
and rear spoilers and a rear skirt. Under
the hood of both the M and the R mod-
els is a new 128-hp, L8 liter dual-over-
head-cam engine that gives the car по
power, especially in passing situations.
The R Package model is $1500 more
than the Miata's base price of $16,650.
Sports utility vehicles are hotter than
ever, with sales of more than 1.3 million
predicted in 1994. Chevy's new 510
Blazcr and GMC's new Jimmy have just
been launched; new and bigger Tahoe
and Yukon SUVs from the same manu-
facturers will follow next spring.
Ford is building special editions to
widen the Explorer's already broad ap-
peal. Unfortunately, a V8 version is still
years away. The Jecp Cherokce and
nd Cherokee continue to set sales
records. West Coasters will see the Kore-
an-built Kia Sportage—another clever-
ly packaged, well-equipped, small-size
SUV—late this year
uxury-car makers are betting on up-
ale SUVs, too. BMW has acquired
Britain's Rover, setting itself up for the
possibility of a sports utility with a BMW
badge. Land Rover North America tri
pled its sales after introducing the Dis-
covery, a $99,000 SUV targeted at
young, active families and at singles who
want to traverse the urban jungle in
style. Also, a new Range Rover will bow
this fall. Even Lexus is considering a
sports utility. Recently seen at European
auto shows, Toyota's compact RAV4
i sports utility could challenge Suzu-
ki's Samurai in the $12,000 to $14,000
range, opening a whole new market for
Generation Xers; as yet, there has been
no decision on whether it will be market-
ed here. And by 1997, Mercedes-Benz
will offer a circa-$35,000 SUV to be built
ata new plantin Alabama.
It's been ten years since Chrysler in-
troduced the minivan. Today, it’s the
company's principal source of income—
generating an average of $6100 profit
per vehicle on sales of about 570.000 last
year. So far, Japan's efforts to unseat
Chrysler have failed. The jointly devel-
oped Nissan Quest and Mercury Vil-
lager are hits, though volume is limited
by plant capacity. Honda plans to intro-
duce a minivan next January, but it will
be built in Japan, where assembly line
width limitations may curtail its popular-
ity here. GM's doorstop-shaped mini-
vans flopped. A recent face-lift hasn't
helped much.
Ford's long-wheelbased, front-wheel-
drive 1995 Windstar is the first minivan
to contest Chrysler's hammerlock on the
category. Chrysler's 1996 minivan will be
launched in January 1995 at the Detroit
Auto Show. We've learned that it has
sliding doors on both sides and that Ford
was too far along in production to match
this feature. The Windstar will give
Chrysler's minivans a battle, but we pr
dict Lee lacocca's best legacy will reta
its leadership role
Makers of exotic cars have been busy.
Ferrari launched its $225,000-plus, 187
mph 456 GT 2+2, and the 380-hp, 40-
valve F 355 GT earlier this fall. Italian
carmaker Bugatti (a revival of the his
toric name) will soon launch i
two-seater. Its price: $335,000 (
of taxes), which buys you a six-speed su-
percar that will hit 60 mph in 3.4 scc-
onds and top out at more than 200 mph.
All that power comes from a 12-cylinder,
60-valve, quad-turbo engine nestled into
the midsection of a carbon-fiber compos-
ite chassis. The interior is just as exotic,
with handcrafted leather seats and doors
that open vertically. Bugatti also pur-
chased Britain's Lotus from General
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Motors late last year. The 1997 model
Lotus Esprit 2+2 will be УВ powered
There are no plans to revive the short-
lived Elan roadster, but Lotus is report-
edly developing a lightweight two-seater
to compete with upcoming cars from
Porsche, Mercedes-Benz and BMW.
Lamborghini celebrated its 30th an-
niversary just as Chrysler sold its stake in
the company to Megatech, an Indone-
sian consortium. It's the same group that
bought another exotic-car manufactur-
ing company, Vector, in 1993. The
$198,000 1995 Vector Avtech SC may
have a Lamborghini V12 engine. Bol-
stered with new financing, Lamborghini
USA is adding dealers and planning an
ambitious new product program that
will include the world's fastest off-road
vehicle. The company will also supple-
ment its $239,000 all-wheel-drive Diablo
VT with a limited-edition (25) 492-hp
Diablo SE. If you have to ask the price,
you can't afford it. So, we'll tell you: It's
The advent of sophisticated comput-
ers has opened up a wealth of technolo-
gy designed to increase driving pleasure,
safety and longevity. Antilock brakes are
almost universally available now. Elec-
tronic traction control systems enable
rear- and front-wheel-drive cars to
match the performance of four-wheel-
drive models on wet or snowy roads
Robert Bosch has announced an intu-
itive steering system that will appear on
top-line German makes. Using steering
and wheel sensors, the system senses
where the driver wants to go
gressively applies brakes in indi
wheels to ensure that the correct direc-
tion is maintained. Look for it by 1996.
On-board navigation systems are al-
ready being used in Germany. Oldsmo-
bile is testing a system here that could be
an option in 1995. Today's best and most
sophisticated sound installations are de-
signed by the leading audio companies
in conjunction with car manufacturers.
This way, the audio systems are designed
from the vehicle's inception—something
even the best car-stereo installers can't
match. And chlorofluorocarbon-free,
environmentally safe air-conditioning
systems, water-based paint processes
and recyclability of most parts prove that
the auto industry is taking its environ-
mental responsibility seriously.
As 1995 and even a few 1996 models
appear in showrooms, one thing is cer-
tain: These cars are better built, more re-
liable and more fun to drive than ever
(continued from page 133)
just а cool special effect or for how it
works in the piece. What affects me are
real-life human things. If somcone gets
a paper cut on а movie set, I'm like
[shivers], because 1 can relate to that. Be-
ing shot with an Uzi—that's harder to
relate to.
PLAYBOY: You once appeared as an Elvis
impersonator on The Golden Girls. Do
you consider that a high point or the
nadir of your acting career?
TARANTINO: Well, it was kind of a high
point because it was one of the few times
that I actually got hired for a job. I was
one of 12 Elvis impersonators, really just
a glorified extra. For some reason they
had us sing Don Ho's Hawaiian Love
Chant. All the other Elvis impersonators
wore Vegas-style jumpsuits. But I wore
my own clothes, because I was, like, the
Sun Records Elvis. I was the hillbilly cat
Elvis, I was the real Elvis: everyone else
was Elvis after he sold out
PLAYBOY: Describe the dramatic richness
of the Mexican standoff.
TARANTINO: In movies, Г never saw the
Mexican standoff taken to what I consid-
er to be the logical conclusion, which is
when everyone fucking shoots сусгу-
body else because there is nowhere else
to go. In most movies, they always have
their guns on everybody and they go,
“The cops are outside,” and then it's de-
fused in some way. Or somebody drops
their gun or whatever. This doesn’t seem
to be the case in real life. What's cool
about the Mexican standoff is that it's the
end of the line. And what's really excit-
ing to me, for the kind of crime story I
like to do, is using that one second be-
fore the explosion as the point where
there’s a little bit of discussion. It has a
reality to it. It takes the rubber band and
stretches it as far as it can go.
PLavnoy: Describe, if you can, the purest
example of the tension between men
and women.
TARANTINO: Walking down the street,
women experience tension all the time.
They're walking down the street and
some guy is walking behind them and all
of 4 sudden there's this tens Is this
guy going to do something? Whats go-
ing on here? They re feeling it. And guys
feel it too. 1 feel it. And Го like, Hey, m
just walking down the street. I just hap-
pen to be going the same way. I'm walk-
ing behind this woman, and she's think-
ing I'm a rapist. And now I'm feeling
guilty for being a rapist when I haven't
fucking donc anything. So now I'm feel
ing guilty and fecling a litle angry
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because I'm minding my own business.
Like, I'm sorry I'm walking behind you.
And she's thinking, Why the fuck can't I
just walk down the street? All of a sud-
den there's this tension and anger about
pLavnow: If the offices of Hollywood are
filled with yuppie wusses, does having
the reputation of a tough guy give you
an edge?
TARANTINO: From time to time people as-
sume that I'm this hard-core New York
case, which I'm not. I will say that 1
probably have different rules about life.
I'll be hanging around executives, film-
makers, agents, whatever. They'll start
talking really catuly about other artists,
and they'll do it in front of me. And I al-
ways think, Do they think I'm fucking
stupid? In other words, they might not
talk about me that way at that moment—
but tomorrow is another day. They'll just
as easily rip on me as somebody else.
"That horrible attitude is the single worst
thing about this business. People are
so negative about everything. They're
lucky to be in this business, which is
one of the greatest. Especially because
they're really not contributing anything.
Enough good movies come out by the
end of the year to justify their jobs. I
mean, if at the end of the year you can
say that you saw ten perfectly no-excuses
good movies, well, thats a pretty god-
damn good percentage.
PLAYBOY: The women who are cool in
your films like hamburgers, Sonny Chi-
ba movies, Elvis Presley and Janis Jop-
lin. What other things do cool women
TARANTINO: If a girl likes to sit in the
third row at the movies, that's great. I
could be serious about that girl; it could
be something that could last for a long
time. Also, she shouldn't be a stickler
when it comes to my personal hygiene.
She has to cut me a little bit of slack. I'm
not speaking about B.O. But people
“I want it to say, Tm unattached and not easily impressed,
but worth the effort.”
have a natural smell, and she has to like
my smell. If she has a big problem with
it, that's sort of the beginning of the end
A girlfriend, the one who was the love of
my life, once told me, “I like your smell."
To me, that was the most romantic thing.
PLAYBOY: What do men learn about
women from listening to girl groups?
TARANTINO: I love girl groups. [Laughs]
But in the Sixties, pretty much all they
ever sang about was their boyfriends:
"He's so cool/he's so tough/I’m not too
young to get married." The Go-Go's
were terrific, and their songs seemed
poignant and real. But even they were
basically singing about their boyfriends,
too. So I don't know if you actually get
insight from girl groups. If you want to
learn about how a woman feels, you
might want to listen to someone like
Suzanne Vega.
PLAYBOY: Movies have the potential to in-
struct. Do you recoil from that opportu-
nity or embrace it?
TARANTINO: Any time you try to get
across a big idea, you're shooting your-
self in the foot. First, you need to make
a good movie. And in the process, if
there's something in it that comes across,
that’s great. And it shouldn't be this big
idea. It should be a small idea, from
which everyone can get something dif-
ferent. | mean, if you're making a movie
and your big idea is that war is bad, why
do you even need to make a movie? If
that's all you're trying to say, just say it.
It's only two words: war 15 BAD. Wait,
wait. That's three words. Two words
would be even better: war BAD. In some
ways, that has even more power.
PLAYBOY: Does Ше government have the
right to tell citizens whether they can
own guns?
TARANTINO: I don't own a gun. But if gun
control were to happen in America, 1
would have no problem with it whatso-
ever. Gun control would probably do
wonders here. The street violence in
America is horrific. When you go to Eu-
rope, you actually feel like you take а va-
cation from the threat of violence. Not
that people don't get killed and raped in
Europe. But it seems like they don't in
comparison with here. But I also feel
there's a slight hypocrisy about gun con-
trol, America was founded on people
grabbing guns and just taking it. We are
basically a nation of warriors. We're very
easily pumped up. For good reasons,
PLAYBOY: Whats the best thing about
breakfast cereal?
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TARANTINO: Breakfast cereal is one of my
favorite foods because it’s so easy to fix
and it tastes so incredibly great. Cap'n
Crunch is, of course, the créme de la
créme. Most cereals, unfortunately, do
not have a long life; they're around for
about a year and then they go. But the
best of the newfangled cereals, far and
away, was Bill and Ted's Excellent Cere-
al. It was fantastic. It was like a particu-
larly terrific Lucky Charms.
PLAYBOY: Skinny ties, white shirts, black
suits and sunglasses. How do you feel
about the appropriation of the Reservoir
Dogs look?
TARANTINO: I think it's great. If an action
movie is doing its job, you should want
to dress like the hero. After I saw Chow
Yun-Fat in John Woo's A Better Tomorrow,
Part Il, 1 immediately bought a long coat
and glasses and walked around with a
toothpick in my mouth. Any time а char-
acter is really cool in a movie, you should
want to dress like him or drink the beer
he drinks. I thought Kevin Costner was
so fucking cool in Bull Durham that I
drank Miller High Life for a while.
PLAYBOY: Where does real-life violence
come from?
TARANTINO: It comes out of nowhere. You
can be sitting there laughing, and all of a
sudden you're in reverse. A girl takes off
her high heel, docks а guy vu the head
and splits his skull open
Once, I was waiting for a bus at mid-
night on Western and Santa Monica,
where a lot of hookers hang out. So
a black transvestite hooker is standing
next to me and suddenly this van pulls
up and a Mexican kid jumps out with a
baseball bat and comes up behind her. It
was surreal. I couldn't even say any-
thing. So the transvestite senscd somc-
thing, turned around and saw that the
kid was ready to hit her. She said [menac-
ingly], "Don't do it, I'm vice,” which was
a terrific response. 1 was awed by that re-
sponse. Meanwhile, the Mexican kid has
the bat over his head and he's thinking
about it. And she's saying, “Don't fuck-
ing do it" And then—boom- he hits
her anyway. The hooker starts fighting
back a little, and all of a sudden six other
guys come out of the van. At that. point
I took off and she took off. Now that's
real-life violence.
PLAYBOY: After Reservoir Dogs failed to win
anything at the 1992 Sundance Film Fes-
tival, you swore you would never again
attend an awards ceremony unless you
knew you would win. Was it not winning,
or what it felt like to lose in public, that
prompted ı юм?
TARANTINO: Ultimately, Г don't care. I
mean, if 1 read it in the newspaper and
I don't see my name, my response is,
“Damn.” But when you put on a tuxedo
and endure the evening and you don't
get called, it hurts your feelings. By
showing up with that tuxedo on, Im say-
ing, “Your decision means something to
me,” when it really doesn't. When I went
to the Sundance ceremony and didnt
win anything for a movie I was really
happy with, it made me feel bad. At that
point, I decided that I was never going
to give anybody permission to hurt my
feelings that way again.
PLAYBOY: You were hired to do a rewrite
of Пу Pat. As one now familiar with
the perspiring androgyne from Saturday
Night Live, is Pat a he or a she?
TARANTINO: The androgyny aspect is on-
ly a part of Pat's appeal. What I love
about the character is that Pat is so fuck-
ing obnoxious. То tell the truth, I don't
know what Pat is. But I know what I
want Pat to be: I want Pat to be a girl.
There was only one sketch that Julia
[Sweeney, the actress who plays Pat] did
on Saturday Night Live that gave a due to
what Pat is. It was the sketch that Pat did
with Harvey Keitel. They're stranded on
a deserted island and they have sex—
and Harvey still doesn't know what Pat
is. And the thing is, they kissed in it. At
one point they were thinking of taking
the kiss out of the sketch. But Harvey,
being Harvey, demanded they keep it in,
that there'd be no integrity without the
kiss. So that was the first time we'd seen
Pat in an intimate situation—a smooch.
There is a certain way that you hold your
head, the way you come in for a kiss.
And sitting there, watching it, I thought
that Pat didn't kiss like a guy. Pat kissed
like a girl.
PLAYBOY: Give us an example of when
self-confidence has served you better
than modesty would have.
TARANTINO: I was a film geek. Film geeks
don't have a whole lot of tangible things
to show for their passion and commit-
ment to film. They just watch movies all
the time. What they do have to show is
a high regard for their own opinion
They've learned to break down a movie.
They understand what they like and
don't like about a film. And they feel thal
they're right. It’s not open to discussion
When I got involved in the movie indus.
try I was shocked at how little faith or
trust people have in their own opinions
They read a script and they like it—then
they hand it to three of their friends to
sec what they think about it. I couldn't
believe it. There's an old expression that
goes something like, He with the most
point of view wins. [Laughs] When I walk
into a room, I always have the most
point of view.
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Pau 1 Po €LSÉT (continua from page 98)
“In this business, you get used to a level of rejection
that to somebody outside would be staggering.”
urging, Carlin stuck around and they
fed him lox and whitefish.
“I gotta get going," Carlin said after
eating. "I gotta go uptown."
“Where ya going?” said Sam.
“Well,” stammered Carlin, “I gotta go
uptown. To buy a camera.”
This was all the opening Sam needed.
“Don't go uptown,” he insisted. “I'll take
you downtown to my guy.” They piled
into the car and drove downtown, where
Sam marched into a camera shop and
announced, “Take care of this guy. He’s
abig star.”
im there buying cameras,”
months later, my sister
you remember, but we did an interview
again and said, 1 don't know if
and then you went downtown’
"And he goes, "Yeah, man, that was the
weirdest interview. All 1 remember is
that I was on my way uptown to score
some coke, and the next thing I know 1
get lassoed into buying a camera.”
When Paul tells this story, it sounds as
if he's still in awe of his dad's salesman-
ship. “My father,” he says, "made George
Carlin buy a camera.”
Reiser’s movie career may have been
almost accidental, but the films kept
coming. Martin Brest saw Diner and cast
Reiser in Beverly Hills Cop. Jim Cameron
saw that movie and cast him in Aliens.
“That’s what makes you such a legend in the theater,
darling—your impeccable sense of timing.”
But Reiser still thought of stand-up as
his priority and didn't have a с;
plan—“you make the best of what's av
able"—so he also fell into substandard
Take Sunset Limousine. a ТУ movie
dumb enough to make My Жоо Dads look
like a logical career move. "1 didn't par-
ticularly want to do it,” he says. “I
thought it would be fun to work with
John Ritter, but it wasn't a great part or a
great movie. So I said no. And they came.
back with more money, and I said, ‘No,
I'm not trying to raise the price. 1 just
don't want to do it.’ And three or four
times they came back with more money,
until I went, ‘Oh, look at this: I'm nego-
tating.” And I thought, Wow, that's pret-
ty powerful. When you truly are willing
to say no, look what can happen. And
they ended up coming back with so
much money that I went, ‘Gee, OK.
Fuck yeah.”
Later, he won his first lead, in Bachelor
Party. The rest of the film was cast
around him. He'd go to the Twentieth
Century Fox lot, run through love
scenes with hopeful starlets such as
Tawny Kitaen, then go home and mi
ter, “Another tough day at the studio.”
But one week into production, the top
brass watched the dailies and decided
to fire Reiser. In his place, they cast a
young actor named Tom Hanks.
Reiser likes to shrug off such things:
“In diis business,” he says, “you get used
to a level of rejection that to somebody
ouside would be staggering.” But even
then, his friends insist, he wasn't devas-
tated. “I had lunch with Paul the day he
got back to town, and I was expecting
him to be a puddle,” says Larry Miller.
“But he was very centered, he knew it
was the kind of thing that happens, and
he was great. 1 thought that showed ex-
traordinarily clear thinking and real
Meanwhile, between the movies and
stand-up gigs, Reiser developed a pilot
with Gary David Goldberg, who'd been a
fan of Reiser's. “He's a keen observer of
ordinary people," says Goldberg. "The
laughs in his act and on his show are
laughs of recognition. They are deep
and long-lasting." They developed a pi-
lot that hit close to home: It was about a
young man from New York who takes
over his father’s business. But it didn't
sell. “I liked the script a lot,” remembers
Goldberg. “I guess I liked it more than
NBC did. But everybody liked Paul, so
they went ahead and put him in that oth-
er show."
"That other show was My Two Dads,
bore little resemblance to the kind
imor Reiser had been doing on-
stage, or the quick wit that had led his
comedian friends to dub him “the fastest
gun on the East Side.” Reluctantly, he
says, he discarded his own show. “It was
a new comedy from the director of
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a very painful process,” he says, “because
I sort of bet against myself. And I never
quite shook that during the whole My
Two Dads experience. 1 thought, Maybe
had I not done this, 1 could have been
doing my show.”
He talks cautiously, afraid to be too
critical of the show but unable to be too
laudatory. “1 always liken it to manufac-
turing a product that you don't use
yourself,” he says. “It’s like I make gar-
den hoses but don't have a garden. All
right, that’s not bad. I’m not manufac-
turing napalm.”
After that show's three-season run, he
was determined not to do a series unless
it reflected his interests and passions.
While he put together a new stand-up
act and a cable TV special, he began
thinking about examining the early
years of a marriage. It’s what he and
Paula were going through, and it was the
mest successful part of his act.
“The only time I ever felt close to say-
ing ‘Fuck this whole thing’ was right
around then,” he says. “We had written
the pilot for Mad About You and it was
terrific, and at the time the network
had these phony reasons for stalling.
"Change page seven. “Wait a second.
You like the show? Change page seven
later.” They were just buying time to see
what else they had. 1 knew, sight unseen,
that it was better than the 20 things they
might be thinking about. And I remem-
ber thinking, I don’t have a better idea
than this. I’m not the kind of guy who
goes, ‘I got a million of ’em.’ 1 have one
every once in a while.”
Finally, NBC agreed to buy the show
provided Reiser came up with an accept-
able co-star. In early 1992 he brought
them Helen Hunt. “We got to this office
where we had to read for the network,”
he recalls. “If it went well, they were go-
ing to pick up the show. And while we
were waiting, just out of nervous energy,
1 started walking around, kibitzing with
this person and that person. I stuck my
head into this woman's office and started
playing with something on her desk, and
she laughed and said, ‘We've done this
before, you know.’ 1 said, ‘When?’ She
said, ‘I was the secretary to the casting
director of Diner."”
He walked out of the office with his
green light from NBC. “I owe her some-
thing,” he says of the woman who has
been his good-luck charm twice. “I don't
know what, but I owe her something.”
The furniture is beige, and this time
Reiser can't disown it. He's sitting in his
office on the Culver Studios lot, where
the mantel holds photos of his wife
and of one of his heroes, John Lennon.
Atop a television set in the corner are
stacks of videotapes, many of them
labeled SEINFELD.
The TV season has ended. In the next
few weeks Reiser will finish his book and
begin work on Bye Bye Love, a movie
comedy about divorced men on which
he'll team up again with writer-producer
Goldberg. Then it's back to work on Mad
About You.
“My fecling about Paul,” says Danny
Jacobson, “is always that I would like to
see him go a little deeper, bleed a litle.
Even though he's a good actor, he comes
from comedy, and when you come from
that you never want to do anything
to jeopardize it. Still, as he gets to be
more comfortable, you'll start to see
more things than you've seen from him
Contractually, everyone's committed
for five seasons. “I don't know how
much more than five years we can do,"
says Reiser. "In one way, I would love to
end the fifth year with the birth of a ba-
by, and then go away." NBC, he adds.
wanted a baby after the first season.
"We're talking about it,” he says, a bit re-
luctantly. "And it's funny, because I've
generally found that the show follows
my life by three to five years. The stuff
that Paul and Jamie go through, the dis-
cussions they have, are things my wife
and I went through five years ago. But
having kids is something we've been dis-
cussing lately, so if Paul and Jamie de-
cide to have kids they won't be following
us al all.”
Suddenly Reiser stops and chuckles.
“I just noticed the tapes on top of the
TV," he says. “You're going to look at
those and think I sit around here all day
watching Seinfeld.”
Then he gets back to the matter at
hand. “I've found,” he says, “that any
advance | make in life is reflected in my
work, and vice versa. When I made that
personal break and moved into the city,
when I went into therapy, when I started
growing in those areas, I found that my
work blossomed, When I started going
to acting class, my stand-up benefited.
When I was doing better stand-up, my
acting benefited. And to me it's all about,
on one hand, expanding and moving
forward and creating new things, but it's
much more about stripping away and re-
moving the obstacles. Г always maintain
that this show is not autobiographical,
and it's not. But the closer 1 make it and
the greater those frequencies line up,
the more the better stuff gets freed.”
Then Reiser sits back, stretches and
looks around the small office. It's Friday
afternoon. His work here is done for the
year, his book is almost finished and Bye
Bye Lowe won't start shooting for a couple
of weeks. There's nothing to do but go
home, grab Paula and head for Malibu.
Say what you will, he feels right at home
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uys want their boards to look as cool as they ride,” says board (below) after he spotted the artist's work in a gallery. Some
Gregg Ойео of Division 23. For that reason, several companies feature cartoon characters such as Fat Albert on their
snowboard companies are turning to the art world in boards. And others pay big bucks for images by well-known illus-
search of graphic images that reflect the sports coun- — trators—including H.R. Giger, whose work has appeared on the
terculture style. DiLeo, for example, commissioned Jeff Tremaine big screen (he designed the creature in Alien) and is now on
to complete the funky man-and-fishbowl painting on the 156 — the slopes in the form of Pyramid's 163 C series freeride board
as what to ride. This season's killer boards include Pyramid's 163 С series freeride model (front left) with illustration by H.R. Gi
156 freeride board (front right) with artwork by Jefi Tremaine, $430, and the 146 model (rear left) with graphics by DC Comics illustrator Gavin
Wilson, $425, both by Division 23; plus Black Flys’ Dana Nicholson 163 pro board (rear right) with artwork by Marcus Huebner, $425. 177
Where & How to Buy on page 156.
Lauren's Grace
Under Lace
Actress LAUREN HAYES has
been on screen in America's
Furmiest People, Erotic Land-
scapes and, her latest, The
Great Bikini Off-Road Ad-
venture. Expect a sequel.
No Crumbs on
This Cracker
When we last checked on Crack-
er and lead singer DAVID LOW-
ERY, we were only making pre-
dictions. Now we're feeling smug:
Kerosene Hat has gone gold and the
band recently toured with Spin Doc-
tors. These rednecks are for real.
Easy Rider
LAUNA MOROSAN may be doing her mo-
torcycle mama bit here, but you've seen
her on Married With Children, Quantum
Leap and Cheers. She's been Miss Coors
and has done numerous calendars and
posters. Launa makes this chrome shine.
Street Songs
TED HAWKINS was once famous only for singing in Venice
Beach, California. He sang in the streets. Now he sings at fes-
tivals, on concert stages and on a major label album, The Next
Hundred Years. Think of a voice that echoes both Sam Cooke
and Otis Redding—then turn up the volume.
The Great
After a four-year lay-
off, the Pretenders
are back with a new
album and a tour—
and frontwoman
singing about moth-
erhood. “Child-rear-
ing has its moments,”
she says, “but there’s
nothing like living
out of a suitcase.”
Punk mommy.
. , Оп the
Right Tracks
Maybe sitting on the railroad tracks isn't wise, but these are
the CRASH TEST DUMMIES. God Shuffled His Feet has gone
platinum, and the Dummies have headed off to tour in Eu-
rope until early December, They can come home again.
Cristin Holds Her Cover
Model CRISTIN FITZPATRICK has done a commercial for Miller Lite
and appeared in Muscle & Fitness magazine, but our readers will
recognize her from Playboy's Book of Lingerie. Look for more
of Cristin in Playboy's Nudes.
We know how to
pick 'em.
In November 1993 we published A Passion for
Paris, a collection of LeRoy Neiman paintings
that beautifully capture his 50-year love affair
with the City of Light. These and dozens of
other Neiman works are included in LeRoy
Neiman: An American in Paris, Harry N. Abrams”
handsome new coffee-table book. Along with
text that was written by Neiman, the book con-
39 illustrations, including black-and-
rs and a magnificent col-
or spread depicting an imaginary gastronomic
gathering at Le Grand Véfour that includes
Honoré de Balzac. The price: $49.50.
“The effect of the Quattro is similar to that of a professional rub-
down,” claims Ed Buchner, president of Vimed, Inc, And having
experienced the Quattro Massager ourselves, we can attest that
its four individually powered vibrating heads simulate a shiatsu
massage when applied to the upper and lower back, thighs,
calves, arms, neck and shoulders. (The Quattro has an adjustable
speed control that allows for variable pummeling.) And if your
tired tootsies need some tender loving care, the unit's flat design
allows you to massage pressure points on the bottoms of your
feet. The price: $129.95. Call 704-334-0000 for retail information.
It may not have occurred to you that the diam-
eter of a dive watch and a condom are almost
identical, but that fact wasn't lost on the Adam
& Eve company. So it has created the Protech
П, a quartz scuba-style calendar watch with a
secret compartment that houses a Gold Circle
Coin condom. Think of it as both a watch and a
lifesaver. The price: $39.95, postpaid, including
three condoms, a one-year warranty and a gift
box. Call 800-765-2326 to order.
You can spend $4000 for a three-hour, one-way Bs
flight from New York to London or $24, pos А
tape How They Fly the Concorde and save $3976. Film:
747 captain Paul Havis has captured never-before-seen footage of
the plane in flight, not only from the cockpit but also from the
vantage of another Concorde. And while the plane is traveling at
twice the speed of sound, 60,000 feet above the earth, you'll also
be treated to a peek at what's being served from the five-star
menu and wine list. Call 800-993-0333 to order.
Now that New York has opened wine
auctions to the public, Manhattan's finest
liquor merchants are putting some ex-
ceptional vintages on the block. A mag-
num of 1945 Chateau Petrus, for exam-
ple, be offered by Morrell & Co.
auction on November 19 at the Union
League Club, 38 East 37th Street. Es
mated value: $4000 to $6000. There
also be great buys in lesse
vintages. Call 800-
96-wINES to or-
dera $15 cat-
alog with all
the details.
Image Ad Graphics in Virginia Beach,
Virginia has a hot idea: 30" x 24" posters
that are illustrated with matchbooks from
the most exciting restaurants and night
spots of cities here and abroad. Chicago
is among the national destinations avail-
able, as are Berlin and other foreign
cities. The price is $19.50 each, postpaid.
Call 800-365-5200 to order—and ask
about T-shirts and sweatshirts, too.
e ES
Those two bosomy beauties, the
Barbi twins, have just returned
to the newsstands in Prelude to a
Mission, a James Bond comic-
book parody. Yes, there's plenty
of global intrigue—and not just
in Shane and Si
embark on a spy
with a bagful of сохт
thong bikinis. Prelude's 32 fu
color pages are tastefully 5
no "adults only" label required.
The price: $2.95 on newsstands
in early January or $5, postpaid,
if you order it from Topps
Comics, c/o Barbi Twins Comic
Offer, PO. Box 155, Avoca,
Pennsylvania 18641
"George Petty was to the Ameri-
can woman what Norman Rock-
well was to the family" is how
21st Century Archives describes
the popular pinup ar
celebrate his talent, 2
ated a set of 50 collectible trad-
ing cards that reproduce some
of Petty's most famous works of
art. (We will soon showcase Pet-
ty's work in a PLAYBOY portfolio.)
Ло get the set—including the
balloon dancer pictured here,
which dates from the 1930s and
the days of exotic dancer Sally
Rand—send a check for $16.50,
postpaid, to 21st Century
Archives, PO. Box 1927,
Royal Oak, Michigan 48068.
As we all know, teddy bears
aren't just for children. Don-
ald Campbell took along his
favorite bear, Mr. Whoppit,
when he set a water speed
record in 1958. And Alfonzo,
a bear once owned by
Princes епа! of Rus
auction in London in ‚ 1080
It's all in Teddy Bear Stories for
Стит-ирх, a softcover book
[| 2
piled by Catherine Taylor.
The tales range from mystery
to humor to romance and
“pay tribute to the special re-
um Publishing at
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for $17.95, postpaid
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