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ке ,U RADIO 







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FOR YEARS, Berry Gordy kept us dancing in the streets of Mo- 
town. But while we knew his music, it seems we never knew 
the man. What we heard through the grapevine pegged the 
tycoon either as an icon or as an exploiter. Not until his recent 
best-selling book, 70 Be Loved, did Gordy tell his side of the 
story. Now Contributing Editor David Sheff gets an earful in an 
Interview about Gordy’s first time with Diana Ross, figuring 
out Michael Jackson and losing Marvin Gaye. 

Vladimir Nabokov was a prized contributor to PLAYBOY. This 
month we're proud to present the first English translation of 
La Veneziana, from The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (Alfred Knopf) 
as edited by р. Nabokov. Fittingly, it involves a newly dis- 
covered work of art, a beautiful temptress and a naive young 
man. Our painting of the painting is by Istvan Banyai, a guy fa- 
miliar with masterpieces; he has worked for Art and Antiques. 

As for art appreciation, now’s the time to celebrate the 
work of LeRoy Neiman—it's the 40th anniversary of Neiman’s 
Femlin. Here are а few Femlin facts: She's a female gremlin 
conceived by Hefand drawn by LeRoy for Party Jokes; she's ac- 
cident prone (pours a drink, then spills it) and vertically chal- 
lenged (in real life she’s 12 inches tall). 

From mischief to mayhem: As the Oklahoma City bombing 
made clear, chemical explosives give a few extremists the 
punch of an army. Reporter Michael Reynolds, who tracked the 
Unabomber for us, went undercover to monitor the new 
hate groups. His gutty account, Day of the Zealots, makes you 
realize that placing these paranoiacs on the far right is unfair; 
they belong on another planet. Back on earth, there is a war 
raging over real issues—and you can score one for the bald 
guys. High taxes have Gen Xers looking enviously at the way 
the denture crowd influences policy in D.C. Read Screw the 
Young by Mark Jannot. 

Hollywood's premiere moneymaker these days is Oscar- 
winning director Bob Zemeckis. Blockbuster Bob built an ac- 
tion-film fun house with Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Back to 
the Fidure, then turned out Forrest Gump. In Bob Z Can Read 
Your Mind, Joe Morgenstern examines Zemeckis’ winning for- 
mula. While we were canvassing Hollywood, we asked writer 
Robert Crane to check in with Dawn Steel, the first woman to 
head a major motion picture studio. In 20 Questions, Steel ex- 
plains why she's comfortable with balls, how she can't hide zits 
from her husband and why the Japanese should stay home. 

Now that we're talking 500 channels, it seems like half of 
them are devoted to Star Trek—ıhere are also more novels, 
movies and fans than we can keep Trek of. Writer Daniel 
Radosh brings us up to warp speed on Trek sex drive, Romu- 
lan drinks and pick-up lines for cute E.T.s in Keep Оп Фей". 
Аз а bonus, Wilson McLean did a rogues’ gallery of aliens. Tom- 
my Lee, the rogue drummer for Motley Crue, wooed Heather 
Locklear and married Pam Anderson. Seems that a sense of 
rhythm goes over big with the babes. Enjoy The Charmed Life of 
Tommy Lee by our own Christopher Napolitano and Stephen Randall. 

Аза Contributing Photographer, Richard Fegley knows lots of 
guys would like to follow him around on the job. We did just 
that for Fegley's shoot of Playmate Rachel Jean Marteen. Anoth- 
er Playmate, Traci Adell, had a chat with O.J. Simpson the day 
Nicole was killed. Oh, yes—she knows Kato, too. See her en- 
core pictorial, When O.J. Phoned Traci. For the hottest drive- 
time divas you've ever heard, tune into the Girls of Radio. But 
first, turn to our summer drink feature, The Caribbean Connec- 
tion, and Karen Borbour's intoxicating artwork. Read the rum- 
soaked recipes, add a tiny umbrella and you're ready to enjoy 
this issue in a high stylee, mon. 





Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), August 1995, volume 42, number 8. Published monthly by Playboy in national and regional editions, Playboy, 
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices. 

Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No, 56162. Subscri 

ions: in the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster: 

Send address change to Playboy, РО. Box 2007, Harlan, Iowa 51537-4007. E-mail: 

ену, enjoy it responsibly. 
а д 


DEAR PLAYBOY ...... 9 
МОЅІС .............. 16 
К 24 


MEN 20% ІХ un у, ..ASABABER 33 
THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR. . .................. tern rr «а 263 
THE PLAYBOY FORUM . d opcre 37 
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: BERRY GORDY- condid conversation. . 47 
WHEN O.J. PHONED TRACi—pictorial .......... Е ES НЕ 


SOLE SURVIVORS—fashion. .............................. HOLLIS WAYNE 74 
DIVER'S PLEASURES—wotches . . 9 Е 80 
ОМ CAMERA—playboy's playmate of the month ... 84 
PARTY JOKES—humor . . Mn 2 "cmo em 194 
UNGUARDED MOMENTS—nostalgia ED а. Ре 304 196 
GIRLS OF RADIO—pictorial ... ee 110 
WHERE & HOW TO BUY occ 155 

There's no sound so intoxicating as the sultry voice of a female DJ, and 
puysoy’s Girls of Radio proves that's not their only attractive asset. Our cov- 
er was styled by Lane Coyle-Dunn, produced by West Coast Photo Editor 
Marilyn Grabowski and shot by Contributing Photographer Arny Freytag. 
Thanks to cover girl Shelly Jones, and to Alexis Vogel for styling Shelly’s 
hair and makeup. Holy FM fatales, it looks like our Rabbit is wired p sound. 




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ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director 
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor 
TOM STAEBLER art director 
GARY COLE photography director 
KEVIN BUCKLEY executive editor 
JOHN REZEK assistant managing editor 


tors; FICTION: ALICE к. TURNER editor; FORUM: 
JAMES R. PETERSEN senior staff writer; CHIP ROWE 
assistant editor; MODERN LIVING: DAVID 
STEVENS editor; BETH TOMKIW associate editor; 
BARBARA NELLIS associate editors; FASHION: HOL- 
tant editor; CARTOONS: MICHELLE URRY editor; 
MAN assistant editor; ANNE SHERMAN copy associ- 
ale; CAROLYN BROWNE senior researcher; LEE 


KERIG POPE managing director; BRUCE HANSEN, 
KORJENEK associate director; ANN SEIDL supervisor, 
keyline/pasteup; PAUL CHAN. RICKIE THOMAS art 


BETH MULLINS assistant editors; DAVID CHAN. 
STEPHEN wavpa contributing photographers; 
SHELLEE WELLS stylist; тім HAWKINS manager, pho- 
to archive 


MARIA MANDIS director; RITA JOHNSON manager; 
QUARTAROLI. TOM SIMONEK associate managers 

LARRY A. DJERF newsstand sales director; үнүїллз 
ROTUNNO subscription circulation director; CANDY 
RAKOWTTZ communications director 

ERNIE RENZULLI advertising director; JUDY BERK- 
owırz national projects director; кімі. PINTO sales 
director, eastern region; ІКУ KORNBLAU marketing 
director; LISA NATALE research director 


EILEEN KENT пеш media director; MARCIA ТЕК- 
коме rights & permissions administrator 

CHRISTIE HEFNER chairman, chief executive officer 



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As a corrections official, Га like to 

comment on Dan Greenburg's article, 
The Warden Was a Killer (May). Did 1 
make a mistake attending Penn State in- 
stead of the state pen? By appointing 
Michael Marcum as warden, Sheriff 
Michael Hennessey has slapped the faces 
of the dedicated deputies in the San 
Francisco Sheriff's Department and 
those who put their lives on the line 
every day inside America's correctional 
facilities. Marcum should have been 
made a civilian advisor and never have 
been allowed to wear a badge. 

Lenny Ortiz 

Denver, Colorado 

I want to commend Kevin Cook for 
his outstanding article, Baseball Preview 
(May), on the state of the game. It's easy 
to see that most of the current labor 
problems stem from the owners' refus- 
al to appoint a baseball commissioner. 
Cook clarifies the history and addresses 
the passion and problems of our nation- 
al pastime. 
Brendan McClain 
Stockton, California 

Kevin Cook has it all wrong. Baseball 
is not a quest for perfection and the best 
players. Baseball's myths and history are 
the story of Everyman. If replacement 
players had been allowed to play, they 
would have become part of baseball folk- 
lore, just as Casey Stengel's Mets did. 
Their humanity and eagerness would 
have brought freshness to a sport grown 
tired with greed, drug use and other 

Neal Born 
Casselberry, Florida 


Ever since I first saw her coy pose in 
the 40th Anniversary issue (The Great 
40th Anniversary Playmate Search, January 
1994), I have been hoping that Cindy 

Brown would be selected as a Playmate. 
As summer came and baseball ended, I 
feared that she hadn't made the cut. But 
her Playmate appearance in May, just as 
spring and baseball return, prove that 
she’s a natural. 

Greg Recka 

Columbia, Maryland 

I work for the Environmental Protec- 
tion Agency. After reading that Miss May 
wants to work for the EPA, my co-work- 
ers and I want to make a pitch for our re- 
gional offices. We have some of the best 
jobs in the country, protecting the envi- 
ronment for future generations to enjoy. 
Our assignments sometimes take us to 
the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. We 
want Cindy Brown to know that even if 
she doesn't submit an application, we'd 
love to give her a tour of our offices next 
time she’s in New York. 

Rob Ferri and friends 
Environmental Protection Agency 
New York, New York 

Asa ВаБег May column, “Think Like 
a Girl,” states that men of the Nineties 
need to learn to cook. As a certified chef, 
I disagree. Too many women of the 
Nineties don’t know how to cook and 
don't want to learn. I'm all for equal 
rights, but let's spend equal time in the 
kitchen, too. 
Patrick Rae 
St. Louis, Missouri 

Compliments to Asa Baber, but let's be 
serious—there’s no way men can think 
like women. Even so, I enjoy Baber's ad- 
vice and have learned much from his 

Rob McCarry 
Hartford, Connecticut 

Hooray for Camille Paglia (Playboy In- 
lerview, May). Any woman who stays іп 

ЕЗ CENTEA. Sue thon НЕЕ RA аа аа таса сан тт созт аа 


an abusive relationship isn't а victim, 
she’s a loser. When someone tells me 
they were victimized, I point out that 
they could have made a choice that 
would have changed the outcome. 

Ed Begley 

Bellevue, Washington 

Camille Paglia doesn't understand the 
difference between men and boys. She 
seems to believe that an erection gives a 
man an excuse to attack a woman who 
says no. Unfortunately, Paglia is the 
Rush Limbaugh of the left, mixing just 
enough of what we want to hear with the 
fiction she creates. To all men who want 
to find out more about feminism, beware 
of loose cannons spouting warped ideas. 

Tor Christensen 
New York, New York 

Squeeze a bunch of grapes onto the 
ground and thank Aphrodite for giving 
us Camille Paglia. 
David Johansson 
Melbourne, Florida 

Camille Paglia's two most notable at- 
tributes are her insights into the male 
point of view and her comfort with her 
‘own sexuality. 

Anthony Centurione Jr. 
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 

Paglia has been described as an enfant. 
terrible, bellicose, swaggering, vain and 
а raving pornographic maniac. Well, 
that's what happens when you tell the 
truth in America. 

David Devore 
Austin, Texas 

1 was a bartender at a recent PLAYBOY 
party for Nancy Sinatra that Camille 
Paglia attended. When she walked up to 
the bar, I was so flustered with admira- 
tion that I poured her scotch with a 
heavy hand. 1 apologized and she 
replied, “It can never be too strong!” 
The subtext was clear to me. 115 been a 
long time since anyone has written with 
such heart, soul and courage. 

Alan James Edwards 
New York, New York 

Thanks for revealing the pompous, 
self-serving and venal side of Paglia. The 
bulk of the interview makes her out to be 
no more ofa social commentator than ci- 
ther Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh. 
Just like theirs, her criticism consists 

She Sansone BREET SUTE er sax TRANCO EA кта БЕТОН. 


more of hyperbole than of rational 
thought. Maybe she's auditioning for a 
talk show of her own. 

John Potter 

Huntington Beach, California 

The Camille Paglia interview sizzled. 
It ranked at the top with interviews of 
Joyce Carol Oates and David Geffen. 

William ReMine 
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 

Not since the Malcolm X Playboy Inter- 
view has there been such a revolutionary 
voice of wit and wisdom. 

Tim Rider 
Lancaster, Ohio 

Camille Paglia’s manic diatribes are 
hotter than any photographs PLAYBOY 
could offer. 

Renata Braganti 
New York, New York 

Kudos for the Nancy Sinatra picto- 
rial (These Boots Are Back, May). Гт a 
22-year-old college senior who once 
thought that women were sexy only be- 
tween the ages of 20 and 30. But Nancy 
proves me wrong. She is absolutely great 
at 54. By the way, I love the boots. 
Chris Chalberg 
Waco, Texas 

Asa teenager in 1968, 1 loved listening 
to Nancy Sinatra's music. I bought all of 
her albums and spent many a sleepless 
night trying to imagine what was be- 
neath her minidress. So you can certain- 

ly understand how seeing Nancy's picto- 
rial is a fantasy come true. She proves 
that a sexy girl of the Sixties can be a 
gorgeous woman of the Nineties. 

Jim DeRusso 

Boston, Massachusetts 

Nancy Sinatra is like fine wine. She 

just gets better with age. 

Rick Hurtle 
Mishawaka, Indiana 

What an inspiration to ladies over 50. 
Leave it to my favorite magazine to come 
up with the pictorial of the year. Let's see 
more mature women in the future. 

Rick Barnes 
Shawnee, Oklahoma 

I was eight years old when These Boots 
Are Made for Walkin’ hit number one, and 
Nancy Sinatra's thigh-high boots stirred 
emotions 1 shouldn't have had until I 
was in my teens. She proves that age 
doesn't define what's sexy. 

Olin Jenkins 
Columbia, South Carolina 

First February’s Women Over 40, then 
54-year-old Nancy Sinatra. You guys are 
killing me. I may never look at a 20-year- 
old Playmate again 

John Russo 
Farmingville, New York 

Older women are in and that's all 
there is to it. Please continue PLAYBOY'S 
classy look at them. 

Jeffrey Whitmore Bittner 
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 

When I was six, I thought Nancy Sina- 
tra was the sexiest woman alive. Thirty 
years later, I don’t see any reason to 
change my mind. I was thrilled to find 
out that I fall in the age range of her dat- 
ing requirements. 

Lance Bifoss 
Ketchikan, Alaska 

I believe Nancy Sinatra found the 
fountain of youth walking in those boots. 
Michael Kolodziejski 

Baltimore, Maryland 

It was both refreshing and long over- 
due to see Daisy Fuentes get some recog- 
nition for VJ of the Year (Playboy Music 
1995, May). She is one of the most tal- 
ented and beautiful women on TV. 
Edward Shad 
Baldwin, New York 

I usually enjoy Cynthia Heimel's col- 

umn for its feminist perspective, but 

*Falling for Four-Wheel Drive" (May) of- 

fended me. She made many sexist as- 

sumptions about women and their in- 

herent inability ro learn about cars. 
Alison Bateman 
Northampton, Massachusetts 

Anyone with the intelligence ofa пїпє- 
year-old can understand the workings of 

June 29 

Got up. 

Sat in the road cleaning fur. 

Heard a car coming. 

Great speakers. 

Bad brakes. 

an engine if she makes the effort. If Cyn- 
thia Heimel had trouble understanding 
the manual on basic auto mechanics, she 
should have enlisted the help of an ex- 
perienced person—man or woman. The 
inability to make an informed decision 
about a car's performance is the result of 
ignorance, not genetics. 

Kristen Cox 

Terre Haute, Indiana 

I was shocked by Robert Scheer's 

opinion of Speaker Newt Gingrich (“Get 
Rich With Newt,” May). Nobody thinks 
Gingrich is any different from Dan Ros- 
tenkowski, and nobody cares. Everyone 
knows that politicians aren't honest. Av- 
erage Americans didn't vote for the Con- 
tract With America. We voted against 
those maniacs in the White House. 

Bill Meyers 

San Jose, California 

The outcry against Newt Gingrich is 
another indication of the hypocritical at- 
titudes taken by all political advocates, 
whether liberal or conservative. As a lib- 
ertarian, I am less interested in the scan- 
dals Scheer presents in his column than 
in whether or not the programs that 
politicians support are worthwhile. 

Danny Gratrix 
Tonasket, Washington 

I enjoyed your profile of Elmore 

Leonard (Pulp Fiction, May), but I won- 
der why Lawrence Grobel didn't say 
anything about Leonard's publication 
credits in your magazine. I happened to 
be reading Glitz, which was described 
in the article as Leonard's first big best- 
seller, when the May issue arrived. Por- 
tions of the book had been excerpted in 
PLAYBOY, yet there was no mention of this 
in the profile. I guess it must be an ex- 
ample of your magazine's well-known 

Tom Jackson 

Lawton, Oklahoma 

Its great to see a fresh new face run- 
ning a successful organization. I hope to 
see more attractive career women like 
Jeanie Buss (Dreaming of Jeanie, May) in 
James Bowersox 
Beloit, Kansas 
Your May issue is a three-time winner, 
with Jeanie Buss, Playmate Cindy Brown 
and Nancy Sinatra all in one month. 
Now I wonder what PLaYBoY will do for 
an encore. 
Mel Perry 
Sandy Hook, New Jersey 

In noway does Pioneer advocate running over rood critters. Every ost one of us wouk swerve. 

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The Art of Entertainment 



Game of the month. It doesn't get any 
better than this—especially after a few 
drinks. The Feelings Co. explains its 
Fishing for Feelings game: “Share feel- 
ings while playing the card game of Fish. 
This is a wonderful way to help children 
learn, describe and share their feelings. 
Each card has an animated face to match 
the corresponding feeling. When a play- 
er collects all four cards with the same 
feeling, they [sic] must share a time 
when they [sic] felt that feeling to keep 
the cards. The player with the most feel- 
ings at the end wins. For ages 6 to 106." 
Let's see, that means it's probably a real- 
ly bad idea to get caught in a game with 
Sally Struthers. 

Space crunchy. A no-parking sign 
posted in a driveway on a congested San 
Francisco street: VISUALIZE BEING TOWED. 


Stretching a point: The Miami Herald 
recently ran an ad for the Lipton Tennis 
Tournament in Key Biscayne that read: 
“The Lipton is a lot like South Beach. 
Except love actually means something.” 


With Republicans firmly in control of 
the Senate and House of Representa- 
tives, more legislative authority is being 
returned to individual states. The con- 
sensus is that this will lead to more re- 
strictive social policies, so we were pleas- 
antly surprised by a progressive step 
taken by legislators in Mississippi: In a 
unanimous vote, the state house ratified 
the 13th Amendment. After 130 years, it 
finally voted to abolish slavery. 


Forget about cow belches or car ex- 
haust. Agronomist Corinne Rouland 
says global warming receives a big boost 
from termite farts. Apparently, every ter- 
mite in a tropical forest eats between 
three and four tons of organic matter 

per acre each year. Fermentation of cel- 
lulose in the pesky critters’ digestive 
tracts then leads to the release of large 
amounts of methane gas. 


For more than 30 years, cosmonauts at 
the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakh- 
stan (formerly part of the Soviet Union) 
have practiced a strange tradition un- 
known to the West. However, when 
American astronaut Dr. Norman Tha- 
gard joined the Russians for a trip to 
space station Mir, workers at the Rus- 
sian-rented center revealed that all space 
cowboys must make a special stop on 
their way to the launchpad. Apparent- 
ly, the custom was started in 1961 by 
Yury Gagarin, the first human in space. 
Gagarin stopped the truck taking him to 
the rocket and pissed on one of its tires. 
Since then, the firing hasn't stopped. 


To underscore his contention that 
Oklahoma legislators were “far too up- 
tight” about cutting the state budget, 
Governor Frank Keating sent the law- 


makers gift baskets of prunes. It’s a mat- 
ter of conjecture whether the dried fruit 
produced the necessary and redemptive 
flow of legislation. 


When Lodi, California put up signs to 
remind citizens of a ban on sidewalk 
skateboarding, the town made certain to 
display the admonition in terms defiant 
thrashers could understand: 
and a bandaged leg in a circle with a 
slash through it. Underneath the image 
is this warning: NO WAY, DUDE. 

а board 


A team of Yale neuroscientists has 
proved what everyone has known for 
centuries: Men and women don't think 
alike. When performing certain linguis- 
uc functions, men use an area in the left 
side of the brain and women use the 
same area in the left and right sides. The 
data was seized upon by both feminists 
and male chauvinists. Some women said 
it explains why so many men are half- 
wits, while certain men claimed that it 
provides a scientific basis for the fact that 
women can’t make up their minds. 


In movies it’s called continuity. In 
video stores it’s called a con. The X-rated 
video enthusiasts at Batteries Not Included, 
a monthly zine, point out that there's 
something fishy about the infamous 
Tonya Harding wedding-night video. 
Seems that hubby Jeff Gillooly has a 
mustache in an early bathtub sequence 
that vanishes during the sexual parts of 
the show yet reappears for the final 
goodnight kiss. While it's possible the 
mustache rubbed off during the oral sex 
scene, it's more likely that the sex on the 
video did not take place on Tonya and 
Jeff's wedding night. Which makes 
sense, because that wasn’t rice in her 
hand, either. 


Now tourists will get more than the 
cold shoulder in France. A refrigerated 




In 1982 the first 
ad with a scent strip 
appeared, in Chicago 
magazine; currently, 
according to the 
scent sampling com- 
pany Arcade Inc., 
500 million scent 
strips appear in 
magazines each year. 


“We ought to 
have an FCC rule 
that any time any- 
body is paid for an 
interview, the price should be super- 
imposed under their face on the tele- 
vision screen. If we were told what 
people had been paid for these sto- 
ries, we might be able to better judge 
their truth or falsity." —WALTER 


According to Kingsford Products 
Co., percentage of American house- 
holds with barbecue grills: 77. Num- 
ber of times the grill is used each 
year: 60. Percentage of grilling done 
by men: 62. Percentage of men who 
plan the menu: 25. 


Value of a collection of 1 million 
dead wasps, according to the man 
who donated it to the American Ento- 
mological Institute and then took a 
tax deduction: $413,000 (41.3 cents 
per dead bug). Value of the collection 
according to the Internal Revenue 
Service: $68,500 (about seven cents 
per wasp). 

Number of alligator hides harvest- 
ed annually by Louisiana and Florida 
trappers and farmers: 162,000. 
Largest consumer of finished alliga- 
tor products: Japan. 

Recommended daily dose of fat for 
an adult, in grams: 65. Grams of fat in 
a Reuben (corned beef, sauerkraut, 
Swisscheese, Russian dressing): 50; in 

a tuna sandwich: 43; 
in a veggie sandwich 
(avocado, cheese, may- 
onnaise): 40; in a 
BLT: 37; in a roast 
becf sandwich with 
mustard: 12; in a 
turkey sandwich with 
mustard: 6. 


According to a na- 
tional survey, per- 
centage of women 
; who talk to their 
| cars: 41; percentage 
i of men who talk to 

their cars: 30. Per- 
centage of women who give their cars 
names: 16; percentage of men: 10. 

Average number of new people 
hired each year by the federal gov- 
ernment during the past tvo Repub- 
lican administrations: 130,000. Annu- 
al number of new hires since Clinton 
was elected: 40,000. 


On freeways and rural highways, 
the accident rate for cars that go five 
to ten miles per hour over the speed 
limit: 24 accidents per 100,000 vehi- 
cle miles. The accident rate for cars 
that go ten to 15 mph over the speed 
limit: 51 per 100,000 vehicle miles. 
The rate for cars going ten to 15 mph 
under the limit: 449 per 100,000 
vehicle miles. 

Percentage of American men who 
have hunted, fished or camped dur- 
ing the past year: 46 (41 million). 


According to a survey of news sto- 
ries between 1986 and 1995 by the 
‘Times Mirror Center, percentage of 
Americans interested in the explosion 
of space shuttle Challenger: 80; per- 
centage interested in the San Francis- 
co earthquake: 73; in the Gulf war: 
67; the caning of a U.S. youth in Sin- 
gapore: 32; the O.J. Simpson case: 
30: the breakup of Woody Allen and 
Mia Farrow: 3. — BETTY SCHAAL 

bra has just been introduced to the 
national market. After the contraption is 
chilled in the fridge, next to the frogs’ 
legs, the material will hold the cold and 
give an uplifted, perky appearance. 


For more than ten years, Chicago taxi 
driver Ellis “Chubby” Miller has cultivat- 
ed a reputation as Cupid in a cab. Be- 
cause most of his fares are businesspeo- 
ple looking for a ride to the airport, he 
started compiling a book of photos and 
biographies of passengers willing to par- 
ticipate for just five dollars apiece. More 
than 500 members each have a file in the 
portfolio and are allowed to contact 
three people. So far, Chubby has 
matched a few couples who have gotten 
married. As a matter of fact, someone in 
our Chicago office—who is the first to 
admit she's а hard fix-up—gave it a shot. 
Much to everyone's shock, she got mar- 
ried. But not for long. Her reaction to 
the whole experience? Great—but next 
time she’s going to the airport in a limo. 


If the ОЈ, Simpson proceedings have 
undermined your faith in the judicial 
system, some recent incidents around 
the country will confirm that the courts 
are a circus. In Houston, Judge J.R. 
Musslewhite received a public repri- 
mand for fondling female prosecutors 
and drinking evidence in a drunk driv- 
ing case. In St. Johnsbury, Vermont, 
defendant Chinka Whitekiller Buck 
asked permission to conduct a tradition- 
al sage-burning to purify the courtroom 
before his trial—for arson. And in Nor- 
ristown, Pennsylvania, after convicted 
drug dealer Howard “Wing Ding” Jones 
was indicted again recently, his lawyer 
requested $1000 bail and promised 
Jones would not flee. According to a 
prosecutor, when the judge announced 
bail at $150,000, “Jones hit the court- 
room door like a fullback.” He was cap- 
tured quickly. 


After $2000 worth of training and a 
few weeks on the job, Louis Lee was 
fired from the drug unit in Freeport, Illi- 
nois. Lee slept through assignments, was 
too short to perform his duties and ex- 
hibited deplorable personal hygi 
Specifically, said Chief Don Parker, 
dumped in the squad car.” Lee, a Viet- 
namese potbellied pig hired to sniff out 
drugs, isn't expected to appeal his dis- 
charge. At least someone is cutting back 
оп law enforcement pork. 


While in Milan, a colleague was puz- 
zled by a store called Flopporia. It turns 
out it sells software, but it could as easily 
rent the video oeuvre of John Ritter. 

It Tastes Good. 
It Costs Less. 

Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. срна Moraine 1995 
Kings: 16 mg "tar." 1.1 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by ЕТС method. 


ік 1987 Introducing the Hardline According 
to Terence Trent D’Arby seemed to signal 
the debut of an international star. The 
Florida native, who had risen to promi- 
nence in London, was both progressive 
and retro. He had a strong, passionate 
voice that echoed Sam Cooke's. He had a 
lean, exotic look. He gave quirky, enter- 
taining and cgotistical interviews. D’Ar- 
by became more a cult figure than a star. 

Maybe that’s for the best. D'Arby's 
fourth recording, the modestly titled Ter- 
ence Trent D'Arby's Vibrator (Work/Sony), 
is another survey of idiosyncratic soul 
(Holding on to You, Surrender), odd rock 
excursions (Supermodel Sandwich) and 
show-off ballad performances (If You Go 
Before Me). Vibrator is not so compelling 
as its predecessors. Some of D'Arby's ob- 
sessions may have become too familiar. 
Still, when his sensibility is focused, he's 
as cheeky as he wants to be. 

Bad Brains, a pioneering hard-core 
band noted for its rapid transition from 
guitar-based thrashing to sultry reggae, 
have reassembled the band’s original 
four-man lineup for God of Love (Maver- 
ick). It's the fast, frenetic Justice Keepers 
and the searing title track that highlight 
this welcome return. — —NELSON GEORGE 

With Scarified (Zero Hour) the Dirt 
Merchants wrest remarkably dramatic 
songs from cacophony. Is this post- 
noise? Vocalist-guitarist Maria Christo- 
pher offers further proof that these days 
girls do this stuff better than boys. 


Some musicians do their best work in 
midlife. Neil Young, George Jones and 
Bonnie Raitt have proved that pop mu- 
sicians can bring a vibrancy to their 
mature work. Bob Dylan's work is less. 
certain. A Sixties supernova, he trans- 
formed folk and rock by wedding musi- 
cal tradition with modern lyrics. Some 
people claim that you can still hear bril- 
liance in every note he plays. Other peo- 
ple resent him for not being the tran- 
scendent figure he once was. If you're 
under 30, you may wonder what all the 
damn fuss is about. Dylan's risky, if i 
evitable, MTV Unplugged (Columbia), 
should give plenty of ammo to both 
sides. Classics such as Desolation Row lack 
the old fire or new revelations. But on 
new or obscure material (John Brown 
and Shooting Star, for example) he finds 
his voice. After a perfunctory Like a 
Rolling Stone, he ends with a beautiful. 
With God on Our Side. И surpasses any- 
thing he's done in years. --УІС GARBARINI 

The Brooklyn Side (East Side Digital, 530 
N. Third St, Minneapolis, MN 55401) 

16 by the Bottle Rockets 15 a fine heartland 

Terence Trent D'Arby's new image. 

D'Arby's Vibrator, 
James Carter's Quieistorm and 
Guy Clark's Dublin Blues. 

rock set that includes some of the best 
car songs of the decade (notably 1000 
Dollar Car) and an anti-Newt rant, Wel- 
fare Music, that demolishes Rush Lim- 
baugh in one line. — DAVE MARSH 


What keeps Clannad's Themes (Celtic 
Heartbeat/Atlantic), a collection of film 
and TV music, from being New Age 
fluff A haunting Gaelic earthiness. The 
theme Harry's Game, from the movie Pa- 
triot Games, is a minor masterpiece. Also 
stirring is Maire Brennan's duet with 
Bono on Ina Lifetime. --УІС GARBARINI 


James Carter's The Real Quietstorm (At- 
lantic Jazz) enters the fray over the 
meaning of traditional jazz. A 26-year- 
old veteran of both Wynton Marsalis’ 
and Julius Hemphill's bands, Carter 
turns in a set of standards, including 
Monks "Round Midnight and Jackie 
McLcan's A Ballad for a Doll. He plays 
these classics straight-up on a variety of 
instruments: baritone, tenor, alto and so- 
prano saxes, bass clarinet and bass 
flute. Carter conveys tremendous re- 
spect for these tunes. He never wigs out, 
Sixties-style, the way he did on his earli- 
er, almost-equally-wonderful Sony/DIW 
sets, Jurassic Classics and J.C. on the Set. 
Carter's attitude is swinging and free. 

Rather than honoring these numbers 
with a stiff neck, as other neoclassicists 
might do, Carter blows their guts out, 
turning jazz back to its roots. His band is 
showcased as a rhythmic ensemble. To 
clinch the point, he closes the album 
with Eventide from Bill Doggett, a 
rhythm-and-blues genius. Carter stays 
well within himself here, but he’s knock- 
ing down conceptual barriers. I haven't 
had this much fun with a jazz record in a 
long time. —DAVE MARSH 

‘The 75th birthday of trumpeter Clark 
‘Terry is marked by a slew of new releas- 
es and a nationally broadcast showcase 
from this month's Chicago Jazz Festival. 
Few artists deserve so much attention. In 
his native St. Louis, Terry's fluid tech- 
nique and sly tone left their mark on the 
young Miles Davis. Terry starred in both 
the Ellington and Basie bands, mixing 
explosive fast-tempo solos with the slow, 
teasing blues numbers that he still plays 
better than anyone else. Terry started ой 
this year with Remember the Time (Mons), 
which provides a good, if slightly coy, in- 
troduction to his work. But he plays with 
more spirit and abandon on the album 
Talkin’ Trash (DIW), led by his former pi- 
anist James Williams. Trash also features 
plenty of Mumbles, Terry's comical scat- 
singing alter ego. And on The Second Set 
(Chesky), Terry and saxist Jimmy Heath 
fire up a lighthearted performance at 
the Village Gate in New York, providing 
a perfect portrait of a true jazz original. 

In Britain, acid jazz deejays have 
placed such demand on Blue Note's funk- 
ihed late-Sixties recordings that the label 
has started. reissuing them under the 
rubric of Rare Grooves. The best of the 
first batch includes trumpeter Donald 
Byrd's African-inspired Kofi and organist 
John Patton's soul-snatching Boogaloo, 
featuring the wild flights of sax player 
Harold Alexander. — МЕН. TESSER 


Long before Soul Asylum, long before 
Prince, there was a thriving music scene 
in Minneapolis. Its foremost export was 
Bob Dylan, but he wasn't the only major 
talent. “Spider” John Koerner, Dave 
“Snaker” Ray and Tony “Little Sun” 
Glover performed in area coffeehouses, 
recorded in various combinations and 
made an important contribution to the 
folk revival of the early Sixties. Some 
three decades after it appeared, their 
first album, Blues, Rags & Hollers (Red 
House Records), has been reissued, and 
it sounds as good to me now as it did 
then. As a trio, Koerner, Ray and Glover 
brought a raucous, highly rhythmic 

A first from Paramount Pictures 



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TELEPHONE (———= а E e 



James Carter 
The Real Quietstorm 9 

Terence Trent 

Bob Dylan 
МТУ Unplugged 

Koerner, Ray and 
Blues, Rags & 
Hollers 6 

little Charlie and 
the Nighteats 
Straight Up 8 

Christgau | Garbarini | George 
9 9 9 2 
6 i 
i 8 
2 8 Z 9 
7 5 4 7 

Recordings claims that Danzig has 
more fans who are shoplifters than 
any other band. The record company 
says а normal rate of one percent pil- 
ferage is expected at retail. Danzig 4 
exceeded 15 percent. Only in rock 
and roll would something like this be 
reported with a measure of pride. 

REELING AND ROCKING: Madonna is ex- 
pected to film Evita, after all. . . . Joe 
Eszterhas is writing a film bio of Otis 
Redding. Eszterhas sees either Eddie 
Murphy or Wesley Snipes as Redding. 
We don't. .. . Brandy, fresh from tour- 
ing with Boyz И Men, shot a TV pilot 
for a half-hour sitcom called Moesha. 

NEWSBREAKS: Look for a new Fleet- 
wood Mac LP We don't know about 
you, but we are sick of Rumors. . . . 
New Yorkers can get subway passes 
decorated with artwork from anita 
Baker's Rhythm of Love album. She is 
the first artist to be honored with such 
а сага... . There won't be a Doors box 
set for at least a year. Robby Krieger 
says the delay is over packaging. “I 
want it to be a big box set with every 
album in its own jacket. They are talk- 
ing about three or four CDs with two 
albums per CD.” . . . Suzanne Vega's 
next album should be out in early 
1996. . . . Doing time the rock-and- 
roll way: Dr. Dre got out for a day to 
film the video for Keep Their Heads 
Ringin’. .. . Don Was plans to produce 
live albums for both the Stones and 
Bonnie Raitt. . . . If you like Boston, go 
see them this summer because there 
won'tbe a record. ... This month, ex- 
pect to see a three-CD box set of Alice 
Cooper material. About half the stuff 
has never been out on CD in the U.S. 
before. But there won't be an album 

of new releases until next year... . 
The Frank Zappa catalog, which has 
begun to appear in stores, is part of 
some 60 discs acquired by Rykodisc. 
The releases were prepared from new 
masters approved by Zappa and rep- 
resent the final versions of his work. 
All the artwork has been restored. . . . 
In other Zappa news, Ahmet and 
Dweezil have a second album, Music 
for Pets, coming out. Dweezil says, “We 
thought the pet market was as good a 
place as any to start trying to sell mu- 
sic.” The fruit falls close to the tree. . . . 
Get a copy of Ventilator Blues Zine (РО. 
Box 1045, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703) 
for a wonderful, rambling interview 
with Stanley Booth, who wrote a classic, 
The True Adventures of the Rolling 
Stones, and the more recent Keith (St. 
Martin's Press). In the interview, 
Booth regales the editor with anec- 
dotes about Mick, Charlie, Brian and 
Keith, whom he describes as “an old 
fart sitting around throwing ciga- 
rettes in the air and catching them 
in his mouth.” . . . There are more 
platinum albums this year than last. 
Van Halen's double-platinum Balance 
makes the band the only group to 
have all its titles—11—go multiplat- 
inum. .. . The Black Crowes like the 
way fans һауе responded to invita- 
tions to tape concerts. Drummer Steve 
Gorman said the first thing he sees 
when he comes onstage are mikes 
hanging from trees. “People bring 
some pretty sophisticated equip- 
ment," says Gorman, The band does 
have an occasional off night, he says. 
“But when you're a fan, you want to 
hear that stuff. Гуе never gotten a 
bootleg and said, ‘Oh man, that's 
really terrible.” — BARBARA NELLIS 

approach to the acoustic blues that effec- 
tively captured the essence of their for- 
bears. Ray, in particular, had a haunting 
voice and a mastery of the 12-string gui- 
tar that placed him in a direct line from 
Leadbelly and Blind Willie McTell. 
Gloyer was an ace with the blues harp, 
and Koerner brought a delightful sense 
of humor to his pounding rags. Buy it, 
then write letters to Red House (RO. 
Box 4044, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104) 
demanding they reissue everything else. 

Rare Performances 1960-1979 (Vestapol/ 
Rounder) is a videotape by Lightnin’ 
Hopkins. His droning, open-string bass 
lines and ingenious riffs in the upper 
register helped to define Texas blues. 
The humorous lyrics rate with Chuck 
Berry's and his stage presence with 
Louis Armstrong’s, but nobody else 
sounds like him. — CHARLES M. YOUNG 

The titular leader of Little Charlie and 
the Nightcats is guitarist Charlie Baty, 
whose light touch and licks owe as much 
to jazz and Western swing as they do to 
sweet home Chicago. The concept mas- 
ter is front man Rick Estrin, who sings, 
does saxophone impressions on har- 
monica, and writes songs with pizzazz. 
The Nightcats' sixth and strongest al- 
bum for Alligator, Straight Up, will startle 
cynics convinced the white blues circuit 
is a refuge for know-nothings. On wise- 
ass novelties such as You Gonna Lie and 
Me and My Big Mouth, Eswin recalls 
Willie Dixon and Leiber and Stoller. On 
sharp-swinging workouts like I Could Deal 
With It and the witty instrumental Geron- 
tology, this California boogie band rocks 
the house as if Louis Jordan were still on 
the hit parade. -—ROBERT CHRISTGAU 


On Dublin Blues (Asylum), Guy Clark’s 
grave whiskey-bred voice is somewhere 
between country and folk (that is, be- 
tween Waylon Jennings and Bob Dylan). 
His songs have narratives as compelling 
as their plain melodies. The doser, Ran- 
dall Knife, should grab those people who 
never met their fathers. —DAVE MARSH 


I'm not going to claim that Hi, the 
other great Memphis label, is the equal 
of Stax Volt. But ГЇЇ swear on a stack of 
ribs that Hi Times: Hi Records, The R&B Years 
will give you more bang per disc than 
any of Stax’ monster compendiums. 
‘True, many of the tracks on this set are 
by Al Green. But over producer Willie 
Mitchell’s sweet jazz inflections Ann Pee- 
bles, Syl Johnson, Otis Clay and O.V. 
Wright recorded music that deserved far 
better than the bottom of the black mu- 
sic charts. Now you can give them their 




Developed by Charles Doppelt around 1919, the Dopp kit 
($45, pictured top) is a leather toiletry case designed to stow a 
man's grooming essentials neatly. Today, the Massachu- 
setts-based Buxton Co. is the exclusive pro- 
ducer of the Dopp kit, though the term is 
often used generically for similarly 
styled cases. Donna Karan's contem- 
porary version (bottom, $165), for 
example, is made of black water- 
proof rubber with a zip top and 
an inside zippered compart- 
ment. Italian designer Naza- 
reno Gabrielli uses stain- and 
scratch-resistant olive canvas 
trimmed in leather to create a 
sleek kit ($138) with no pockets 
inside or out. Nautica went for 
color and durability: Its sporty 
navy and yellow kit (center, $34) is 
made of а special waterproof nylon 
and has two zippered outside pockets 
for extra storage. And for something 
that closely resembles the original 
Dopp, check out Eddie Bauer's full- 
grain, dark-brown leather kit ($60) with 
an easy-to-clean, water-resistant nylon lin- 
ing, or Ghurka's Hold All ($195), a supersoft 
chestnut leather case with a leakproof vinyl liner and an inside 
zippered compartment for stowing secret stashes. 


Although traditional woven boxer shorts will 
never be considered passé, knit looks (which 
hit about midthigh) have become quite the 
rage. Why? Because they're comfortable 
under suits yet beefy enough to be worn 
solo as gym shorts. A few cool looks to 
consider include Tommy Hilfiger's cot- 

ton knit boxers in heather gray and 
white with a signature flag on the waist- 
band. Emporio Armani offers two basic 
“midway” looks in black and white that are 
fitted and have waistbands that match the 
black or white color of the shorts. The 
ecofriendly knit boxers in the Guess Green 
line have a globe logo on the waistband 
and are colored with natural dyes. For 
those who favor patterns, Perry Ellis offers 
yarn-dyed knit boxers in gray with plum, navy 
or hunter green stripes. Stripes also show up 
on Polo by Ralph Lauren boxer briefs. And for 
below-the-belt humor, Joe Boxer offers styles 
featuring banana or hot dog prints. 


Redwood trails and cliffside beaches define the scenic appeal 
of Carmel-by-the-Sea, a small village where shopping is big 

business. If you are 

there August 18-20, 

catch the vintage car 

festival at nearby Off the set of ABCTV's Lois & Clark, 
leading man Dean Cain likes to 
dress quite casually. “Mostly, 1 wear 

Pebble Beach, which 
culminates with the 
exciting Concours 

d’Elegance. On the 
Beach (Ocean and 
Mission): А cutting- 
edge surf store fea- 
turing its own line of 
beachwear. 9 Pacific 
Canvas & Cargo (San 
Carlos between 5th 
and 6th): Distinctive 
handwoyen shirts, 
plus rugged, quality 
luggage. э Wings 

Nike sweatpants and 
Doc Martens," says 
the former all-Ameri- 
can football player, 
who also swears һу 
Zanella's slacks ("They 
are comfortable and 
cool") and says he's 

a "Calvin Klein T-shirt 
junkie.” Our Man of 
Steel admits he's really 
tough on his clothing. 
"| absolutely destroy 

America (Dolores 
and 7th): An avi 
specialty store with 
hand-carved model 
airplanes and great 
bomber jackets. e 
Khakis (3744 the 
Barnyard): Cool ca- 
sual clothes for men. 

r it." Although he's been 
ion linked to a bevy of 

Cain won't discuss the 
ladies in his life—except one. “I’m 
really proud that my mother graced 
the pages of р.лувоү in the late Six- 
ties.” We definitely agree that Su- 
perman has one super mom. 


Some women love a hint of scent on their 
men but don't want to be overpowered. 
For subtle appeal, consider a stick de- 
odorant or antiperspirant lightly scent- 
ed with a designer fragrance. Donna 
Karan's DK Men offers antiperspirant 
protection warmly scented with citrus, 
suede and tobacco. If you prefer a cooler 
scent, look for evergreen-inspired antiper- 
spirants such as Giorgio Beverly Hills’ Red 
for Men, and Égoiste Platinum by Chanel 
with essence of geranium and tree moss. A 
nondrying, alcohol-free deodorant stick is 
another option. We like the light soap-and- 
water fragrance of Guy Laroche's Horizon, 
Calvin Klein’s Escape for Men and new 
Nightfiight from Joop. And if you're a guy who 
likes power at his fingertips, check out Brut's Ac- 
tif Blue dear deodorants and antiperspirants іп į 
new click-control packages. Using one is like È 
working the TV remote—only it smells better. ; 



Webbed skateboorder styles; 1" to 1%" widths; 

Studded conch belts; straps trimmed in heavy 

square and rectangular shapes 

STYLES suede ond ungrained leathers metal hardware; 2" to 3° (and more) widths 
COLORS Brawn or black; tan luggage tones; Burgundy; white; fluorescents; moterials 
taupe or olive drab that scream “This is fake skin” 
n— Military styles; matte gold or silver; 

Large, averdone cowbay styles; 
goofy-lacking product logos 

Where & How to Buy on poge 155. 


victims of engagement ring anxiety? 

@ Relax. Guys simply are not supposed to 
know this stuff. Dads rarely say “Son, let’s talk 

Ө Bur it's still your call. So read on. 

© Spend wisely. It's tricky because no two 
diamonds are alike. Formed in the earth millions 
of years ago and found in the most remote 
corners of the world, rough diamonds are sorted 
by DeBeers’ experts into over 5,000 grades 
before they go on to be cut and polished. So be 
aware of what you are buying. Two diamonds of 
the same size may vary widely in quality. And if 
a price looks too good to be true, it probably is. 
@ Learn the jargon. Your guide to quality and 
value is a combination of four characteristics 
called The 46s. They are: Cus, not the same as 
shape, but refers to the way the facets or flat 
surfaces are angled. A better cut offers more 
brilliance; (0/27, actually, close to no color is 
rarest; Clarity, the fewer natural marks or 
“inclusions” the better; Carat weight, the 
larger the diamond, usually the more rare. 

Ө Determine your price range. What do you spend on the one woman in the world who is smart enough 
to marry you? Most people use the feo months’ salary guideline. Spend less and the relatives will talk. Spend 
more, and they'll rave. 

© Watch her as you browse. Go by how she reacts, not by what she says. She may be reluctant to tell 
you what she really wants. Then once you have an idea of her taste, don’t involve her in the actual 
purchase. You both will cherish the memory of your surprise. 

@ Find a reputable jeweler, someone you can trust to ensure you're getting a diamond you can be proud 
of. Ask questions. Ask friends who've gone through it. Ask the jeweler you choose why two diamonds that 
look the same are priced differently. Avoid Joe’s Mattress & Diamond Discounters. 

Ө Learn more. For the booklet, “How to buy diamonds you'll be proud to give’ call the American Gem Society, 
representing fine jewelers upholding gemological standards across the U.S., at 800-341-6214. 

© Finally, think romance. And don’t compromise. This is one of life’s most important occasions. You want 
a diamond as unique as your love. Besides, how else can two months’ salary last forever? 

Diamond Information Center 
Sponsored by De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., Est. 1888. 
A diamond is forever. De Beers 




If you are tired of being just another 
name and number in cyberspace, get 
ready to dial up the Interactive Worlds 
Fair. An online service scheduled to de- 
but this fall, the Fair lets you explore 
computer-rendered pavilions, exhibits, 
pubs and conference rooms in the form 
of animated characters. Instead of sign- 
ing on as Joe 75471, for example, you'll 
interact as a robot or a non-Barney 
tyrannosaur—and we're not talking sim- 

ple cartoons. Inspired by the environ- 
ments in games such as Doom and Myst, 
the Fair immerses you in a world of 
smoothly scrolling 3-D landscapes. ‘The 
video game-like interface (stored on 
CD-ROM) will feature a number of at- 
tractions, which you reach by way of a 
space shuttle, jet pack and other futuris- 
tic modes of transportation. Sites include 
a science pavilion, comedy and music 
clubs and a charming Parisian café. At 
the latter, you'll be able to admire the art 
on the walls or pick up a virtual java and 
join other subscribers at a table for some 
real-time chat. The Interactive Worlds 
Fair is a joint venture of California-based 
Landmark Entertainment Group and 
Worlds Inc., a software developer with 
several Hollywood investors, including 
Steven Spielberg. Costs are expected to 
be between $10 and $20 for the CD- 
ROM, with connection fees compara- 
ble to those of other commercial on- 
line services. 


AT&T is one of the first compa- 
nies to deliver on the promise of 
interactive television. Its $349 
Home Center System, an elec- 
tronic box that links the TV to 
phone lines, brings a host of 
smart new functions to the 
tube. At its most basic level, the 
Home Center is an on-screen 
digital telephone answering 
machine. You scroll through 
22 your list of messages with the 

supplied universal remote control, select 
опе and listen as it plays back through 
the built-in speaker. The device also al- 
lows you to pay bills and to receive cus- 
tom weather and traffic reports, 
sports scores, stock quotes, 
news—all for about $6 per 
month. Banking services similar 
to those offered at ATMs will be 
ülable for an additional fee, as 
the ability to send and re- 
ceive faxes and e-mail 


Life Fitness, the world’s largest 
manufacturer of computerized 
workout equipment, has devel- 
oped a multimedia kiosk with 
IBM that may give personal 
trainers a run for their muscles. 
The Lifecenter Interactive Train- 
ing System is debuting in health 
clubs nationwide this summer as 
a free member service. Using a touch- 
screen monitor with an easy-to-follow 
graphic interface, the Lifecenter allows 
you to view video demonstrations of 
proper exercise movements and to select 
body parts from an anatomical illustra- 
tion for a list of related exercises. But the 
most impressive feature is an electronic 
link that enables the kiosk to communi- 

conference calls, the 

А spoce-age device for corporate climbers, Polycom's Sound Station (pic- 
tured here) is a two-way speakerphone system with an integrated tele- 
phone keypod, three microphones and digitolly tuned speakers. For 

cate with the club’s Life Fitness circuit 
training and cardiovascular gear. After 
you logon with an ID card, the Lifecen- 
ter automatically sets the weight levels, 

repetitions and durations as you move 
from machine to machine. Details on 
complete sets and routines, including 
calories burned, are downloaded and 
stored in the kiosk. When you are 
finished with your workout, you can re- 
quest a printout of the day’s results or 
one that charts your progress over time. 
Read it and weep. 

$995 device provides 360 degrees of cover- 

оде, allowing several people to talk simultaneously without 
clipping off paris of the conversation. (Standard speaker- 
phones are capable of transmitting only one voice ot 
о time.) The Sound Stotion also features digital 

signol processing technology that re- 
duces echoes опа distortion опа 
has о mute button and an 
RCA jack for a 
= tope recorder. 
% For one- 
to-one tele- 
phone con- 
hertz Escort 9020 
is о wise choice. In ad- 
dition to offering eight times 
the range of a standard cordless 
telephone, the second-generation 
Escort has a variety of features that 
help protect privacy —nomely, 100 
chonnels, 100,000 digitol security 
codes ond Spread Spectrum, a tech- 
nology that eliminates annoying 
interference from other wireless devices. 
The price: obout $300. 


"Тһе baseball strike ended. So what? The 
baseball simulation Hardball 4 filled the 
gap nicely. With its realistic arcade 
graphics, commentary by Al Michaels 
and game updates that give the match- 
ups the feel of the broadcast booth, the 
game has enough bells and whistles to 
keep you occupied for hours. In addi- 
tion to handling the duties of batter, 
fielder, pitcher, base runner, statistician, 
trainer, manager and owner, you are 
faced with wind shifts, temperature 
changes, falling humidity and fatigued 
pitchers. You have the option of accept- 
ing a default team, assembling your own 
or installing a separate disc that includes. 


Intersection ‘95, a two-doy omal- 
‚m of electronic entertainment and 
live alternative music, is scheduled 
ta hit Chicago, New York, Philadel- 
phia and other major cities this fall 
caurtesy of the Lollapalooza arga- 
nizers. Attractions will include CD- 
ROM and video game play, virtual 
reality demos and online service 
previews. The ticket price: 515. 

When Microsaft's new 32-bit oper- 
ating system debuts later this 
month, you can be up and running 
by picking up a copy of CRT Multi- 
media's Easy Tutor Learn Windows 
'95. The $40 CD-ROM provides 
navigation infarmation and offers 
comparisons to Windaws 3.1—but 
it won't point out the bugs. 

the major leaguers’ data from last sea- 
son. Once your team is in place, you can 
play pickup games or commit to 13-, 81- 
or 162-game schedules. Hardball 4, like 
its predecessors, remains batter-friendly, 
with scores of 15-3 or 21-7 not uncom- 
mon. And the computer can be a quirky 
opponent, which is 
why we suggest you 
turn a second joy- 
stick over to a friend 
(the game supports 
modem play) and 
send the digital logic 
to the showers. (By 
Accolade, for DOS, 
$60. MLBPA Players 
Disk, about $25.) 
Simply put, De- 
scent kicks ass. It's 
the first among doz- 
ens of Doom clones to surpass the com- 
puter-game engineering standard estab- 
ed by Doom's creator, Id Sofiware. 
The key is the disc's amazing 3-D envi- 
ronment. Players pilot ships for the Post 

Play ball! 

Terrain Mineral Corp. through the 
mines of Lunar Base I, rescuing hos- 
tages and battling renegade robots, ver- 
tigo and one another. While Descent's 
realistic landscape takes some getting 
used to, it's easy to control your ship. 
(We customized our keyboard controls 
and were whipping through the mines 
in minutes.) When you get bored blast- 
ing robots, Descent takes head-to-head 
death-match play to а new level. As 
many аз 32 players can hunt one anoth- 
er, cooperate in cleaning out the mines 
or go to war in teams. Throw some spec- 
tacular graphics and a killer soundtrack 
into the mix and you get the standard by 
which other 3-D action games will be 
judged. (By Interplay for DOS, $40. Also 
available as shareware on the Interplay 
BBS at 714-252-2822 as well as on 
the Internet at Interplays Web site 
hup:// or ftp.cdrom. 

You're working and you need a break. 
Instead of destroying Doom demons 
again, feed your mind online. The Inter- 
net is filled with information covering a 
variety of topics. There are World Wide 
Web sites replete with graphics and in- 
teractive Opportunities, or, if your sys- 
tem isn't equipped with a browser, you 
can visit file transfer protocols. Here are 
some places to start. ® The Infinite 
Goof: The Tom Robbins Home Page: 
references every sacred word put to pa- 
per by Robbins, plus cool book-cover 
GIFs and access to related newsgroups 
and mailing lists (http://coos.dart 
html). е Hyperreal: This FTP centered 
on the rave scene lets you download arti- 
cles, images and games. It also includes 
discussions on the latest mind-altering 
substances and the cultivation of cyberia 
( ® Gizmos: If you love 
Mystery Science Theater 3000, this FTP is 
packed with facts (and gossip) on the 
popular show. (The site is cloverdeaf. 
com; the directory is pub/mstk3k/ 
gizmos.) ө A car-lovers’ 
directory with infor- 
mation on суегу- 
thing from auto re- 
pairs to safety advice 
pub/usenet/ e 
The Unit Circle: An 
eclectic foray into ex- 
perimental music, 
futuristic societies 
and the true mean- 
ing of humankind. 
All that and comic 
book reviews, too (hitp://www.etext. 
org/zines/Unit Circle). ® Factsheet Five, 
Electric (hutp:// Accessed 
via the Well home page, this is the defini- 
tive index to nearly every online zine 

available—complete with addresses, de- 
scriptions and reviews. ® Learning to 
navigate the thousands of networks and 
hundreds of thou- 

World Wide weirdness on the Net 

sands of computers that constitute the 
Internet is enough to make anyone pull 
the plug on the PC. Fortunately, we've 
found several books that simplify surfing. 
yet won't put you to sleep with a lot 
of technical language. Random House 
Electronic Publishing's Net books are 
among the best. Dubbed the “ТИ Guide 
to cyberspace,” this series of directories 
by Michael Wolff & Co. of New York in- 
cludes Net Guide (a look at 1500 Internet 
games, mailing lists and newsgroups), 
Net Chat (a list of places for practicing 
pickup lines), Net Trek (online attractions 
for Trekkers), Net Money (personal 
finance sites) and the forthcoming Net 
Sports and Net Music. Check out the in- 
formative and funny Internet Insider from 
Osborne/McGraw-Hill. This overview of 
the I-way presents information tabloid- 
style with great tacky photos and art. 
And finally, Best of the Net, from IDG 
Books, is the perfect compendium of hot 
spots and advice for newbies. Written in 
the same humorous tone as the publish- 
еге For Dummies book series. 


Flash Traffic: We like the plot: 
You're on FBI agent who has ta 
prevent a nuclear blast from flot- 
tening Los Angeles. But the 
scenery-chewing actors and chop- 
py audio/video reproduction on 
this CD-ROM are a bomb. 

Gone Fishin’; Take а pass ot 
catching digital bass—unless you 
don't mind paying abaut $50 for a 
CD-ROM simulation that’s even 
slower than the real thing. 

See what's happening on Ployboy's 

Нате Page at 23 





Squeezed by airline commission caps, travel agents are start- 
ing to charge for booking flights and organizing complicated 
travel plans. So computer-literate travelers are making their 
own reservations via easy-to-use online services. The Official 
Airline Guides, for example, let you scan schedules and fares 
on Motorola's Envoy, a small personal wireless communicator. 
All you do is key in search parameters—dates, departure city, 
destination, desired times, carrier, seating class, etc.—and 
OAG give you the best flights, lowest fares, seat availability and 
reservation numbers. Travelers can also access OAG on com- 
mercial online services such as Compuserve, Dialog, the Dow 
Jones News/Retrieval and Genie. As with the Envoy setup, 
you can check flights and fares for any airline, plug in your 
frequent-flier number, choose seats and indicate whether 
you want to pick up the tickets or have them sent to you 
(overnight if nec- 
essary). For real 
OAG junkies, 
there’s Flight Disk, 
a Windows soft- 
ware program that 
is updated month- 
ly with complete 
airline schedules. 
You can use it to 
hook directly to 
OAG's database for 
a list of current 
fares. The cost is 
$269 a year. EAAsy 
Sabre and Worldspan Travelshopper, two reservation services 
that allow you to make flight, hotel and rental car arrange- 
ments, are online. You can also check out Tourism Info Inter- 
net on the World Wide Web at 
tiie.html. You'll find direct links to international airlines, rail 
services and hotels as well as to the U.S. State Department 
Travel Advisories and the CIA World Factbook—to ensure safe 
round-trip flights, no doubt. 


Six years ago this November, the party geared up in Berlin as 
the Wall came down. But that hasn't altered the social life of 
Berliners, who have always treated every night as New Year's 
Eve. And East Berliners are now feverishly making up for lost 
time. The result: The party continues. Berlin has nearly 7000 
restaurants, bars and cafés and most stay open late. In fact, 
the locals live for Feierabend, or evening celebrations. There is 
little distinction between bars and cafés in Berlin and no strict 
hours. Begin with an early-evening drink at one of the out- 
door cafés such as the Aschinger, situated along the Kurfürst- 
endamm—which has miles of luxury hotels, cafés and night- 
clubs. Move on to Café Oren (on Oranienburgerstrasse). ‘The 
owner isa former Israeli paratrooper who insists on playing 
Hebrew folk music. Then check out Café Hegel (on the 
Savignyplatz), which is run by a Russian exile for Rus- 
sian exiles. The vodka flows freely here and it's а great 
pick-up spot. Clubs include the Bunker (24-25 Al- 
brechtstrasse), a former Nazi bunker that rocks un- 
ul dawn. The E-Work (43 Wilhelmstrasse) opens at 
11 р.м. on Fridays and midnight on Saturdays. It 
was a power station and is now a techno dance 
palace. Delicious Doughnuts Research at 9 Rosen- 
thalerstrasse (no, it doesn't serve doughnuts) opens 
Tuesday through Sunday at ten p.m. The music is 
great and so is the high-energy dance floor. 



Thirty miles south of Carmel in the heart of woodsy Big 
Sur is the Post Ranch Inn, a romantic 30-unit cliffside lux- 
ury resort. Open a bottle of local wine, settle back in your 
private stone-and-tile indoor whirlpool for two and drink 
in the view. If you opt for a Coast House you're treated to. 

a panoramic view of the coastline. Tree Houses are built 
on stilts that put you in the redwoods. Fach accommoda- 
tion has a wood-burning fireplace and huge bed with 
feather comforter for serious snuggling. No automobiles 
are allowed beyond the parking lot on the resort's 98 
acres, which also include a candlelit restaurant and bar, a 
spa and lap pool and lots of walking trails. Prices begin at 
$265 per night, and various room packages are available. 


Grundig's new digital world receiver, the easy-to-use YB-305 
(pictured here), is a pint-size shortwave radio with 30 memo- 
ry presets and direct key-in. Its weight (19 ounces) is as low as 
its $130 price. * Keep your valuables safe at the beach, the 
pool, the club or even in a hotel room. Sentry has just intro- 
duced the Portable Lock'R, a high-impact plastic combination 
safe that's not much bigger than a paperback. The Lock'R fea- 
turesa tough aircraft cable that can be attached to a stationary 
object, such as a fence. The $20 model will hold a wallet and 
keys. The $30 size is large enough for a cellular phone, etc. e 
Minolta has released the Freedom Zoom Explorer, the world's 
smallest 35mm lens shutter camera with a 

2.5x (28mm to 70 mm) lens. Price: 
about $300. 


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FILM STUDENTS should consider Living in 
Oblivion (Sony Classics) required view- 
ing. Writer-director Tom DiCillo’s inside 
view of a cinematic work-in-progress is 
simultaneously hair-raising and hilari- 
ous. No doubt inspired by DiCillo's own 
experiences in making a movie (Johnny 
Suede with Brad Pitt), Oblivion stars Steve 
Buscemi as Nick, the harried director 
whose woes on the set would drive a 
man to justifiable homicide. Nick’s hav- 
ing a fling with his neurotic leading lady 
(Catherine Keener), who casually tum- 
bles into bed with the egomaniacal lead- 
ing man, Chad Palomino (played with 
preening malice by James LeGros). Even 
the cameraman (Dermot Mulroney) is a 
stud with attitude. Every caterer, gaffer, 
assistant and bit player contributes to the 
bedlam. Nothing goes right that could 
possibly go awry. While Oblivion looks 
improvised, it isn’t. DiCillo has this com- 
edy of errors under control at all times, 
quite aware that the insane process of 
getting a movie in the can is probably a 
lot more fun than being a retail clerk or 
insurance adjuster. ¥¥¥ 

A leisurely air of self-indulgence per- 
vades Smoke (Miramax), written by nov- 
elist Paul Auster and directed by Wayne 
Wang (who made The Joy Luck Club). 
Some highly accomplished players head 
the cast. Harvey Keitel is Auggie, man- 
ager of a Brooklyn cigar store where the 
action begins—enter William Hurt as a 
widowed author with a writer's block, 
Stockard Channing as Auggie's old 
flame, newcomer Harold Perrineau as a 
teenager suffering an identity с! and 
Forest Whitaker as the teen's long-lost 
dad. Upstaging them all, Ashley Judd 
stops the show with her stint as Chan- 
ning's hostile runaway daughter. The 
performers beautifully light up what 
could have been just smoke. ¥¥'/z 

Two homicidal housemaids, siblings 
seething with sexual and social unrest, 
made big news in 1933 when they mur- 
dered their employer and her daughter 
ina French town. Director Nancy Meck- 
ler recaps that true tale in Sister My Sister 
(Seventh Art Releasing), adapted by 
Wendy Kesselman from her own stage 
play (Jean Сепег drama The Maids told 
the same story). Here, Jocly Richardson 
as Christine and Jodhi May as Lea por- 
tray the sisters who seem at first to be 
perfect servants. They scream and act 
deranged only in their attic room—until 
one wintry day when Madame Danzard 
(Julie Walters) and her ungainly daugh- 

May, Richardson: Scary Sister act 

Brothers break their vows, 
players have their day and 
killers take their toll. 

ter Isabelle (Sophie Thursfield) discover 
the truth about the girls upstairs. The 
Danzards die for it, bludgeoned to death 
in a chilling climax. The performances 
of all four are flawless, though Richard- 
son's tense instability and Walters’ stern 
superiority keep Sister My Sister bristling 
like a disaster just about to happen. This 
minor claustrophobic thriller delves 
into woman's work with a compulsive 
vengeance. ¥¥¥ 

The beautiful young special-effects 
makeup artist who sees a bloody murder 
being committed on a movie set in 
Moscow can hear but can't speak. What 
she sees in Mute Witness (Sony Classics) is 
a snuff film in progress, and a pair of evil 
Russian ruffians decide she must not live 
to tell about it. Marina Sudina, in her ti- 
tle role as Billy, gives a riveting perfor- 
mance. The silent innocent stalked by a 
Killer is a surefire formula, and writer- 
director Anthony Waller brings it off 
with breath-stopping skill. (At the dli- 
max, watch for a cameo by one of Eng- 
land's top-rung stars.) Visually inven- 
tive, made in Russia and often over the 
top, Mule Witness is short on logic but 
long on exotic local color. ¥¥¥ 

Winner of the 1995 Sundance Festi- 

val's top award, The Brothers McMullen (Fox 
Searchlight) is a bright seriocomic study 

of the mating game. Edward Burns—in 
an auspicious triple-threat feature de- 
but—writes, directs and plays a key role 
as middle brother Barry, one of three 
Irish Catholic lads from Long Island 
caught between carnal urges and church 
dogma. Barry is noncommittal, insisting 
“1 don't believe in true love" until he 
meets irresistible Audry (Maxine Bahns). 
The eldest, Jack (Jack Mulcahy), is mar- 
ried but fooling around, and kid broth- 
er Patrick (Mike McGlone) has been li 
ing with a Jewish girl, even though it’s 
against his religion. All the brotherly guy 
talk has a zing of conviction as well as 
an underlying romantic sweetness. Obvi- 
ously, Burns has been there and done 
that, and he gives the movie a bracing 
and authentic shot of rich Irish Ameri- 
can flavor. ¥¥¥'/2 

All the chemicals, fumes and additives 
that threaten human life are the fuel that 
propels Sefe (Sony Classics), writer-di- 
rector Todd Haynes’ austere follow-up 
to his first feature, Poison. This time 
Haynes examines the mysterious “envi- 
ronmental illness” of an affluent Los 
Angeles woman named Carol White 
(Julianne Moore), who suddenly seems 
allergic to her elegantly antiseptic home, 
her family and everything else about her 
tidy 20th century world. She ultimately 
winds up not cured but resigned, living 
in a plastic bubble at one of those costly 
New Age retreats where Californians go 
to get away from it all. Safe, in the end, 
gets nowhere, having tackled a problem 
without a solution. The movie's bleak 
modern look would soon become tire- 
some except for Moore, an actress so 
good she can make a terminally boring 
character quite bearable. She helps you 
forget that Carol, in a real world without 
movie-star gloss, is the kind of woman 
whose laundry list of baffling and bewil- 
dering symptoms might put her best 
friend to sleep. ¥¥ 

The title of Pushing Hands (CFP Distri- 
bution) is taken from а t'ai chi exercise— 
it represents a man pitting his own 
strength against fate. Hands is the first 
film in Chinese writer-director Ang 
Lee's trilogy, obviously released now be- 
cause both subsequent movies (The Wed- 
ding Banquet and Eat Drink Man Woman) 
were Oscar nominees. This more pre- 
dictable but promising practice run fea- 
tures Mr. Chu (Sihung Lung), a former 
tai chi master who moves from Beijing to 
New York to live with his son Alex (Bo 
7. Wang) and Alex’ all-American wife 
Martha (Deb Snyder). Plainly, the con- 
flict between old Chu and his daughter- 

ба; ) >. 
Pour: © 

Squeeze lime wedge o 

and drop into glass. 


ОШО ант ЕНЕ RUMP poe 


When Jeremy Piven, 29, shows up 
on a movie screen, things start 
popping. He was the dentist who 
seduced Sarah Jessica Parker's 
newlywed sister in Miami Rhapsody 
and is an unemployed stockbroker 
energized by “an excitement disor- 
der” in the TV sitcom Pride & Joy. 
He will soon be back on the big 
screen with Sean Young in a spoof 
titled Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde. “1 
play a pig who wants to have sex 
with her. She burns my face off 
and electrocutes me, but I won't 
die.” Piven jauntily describes it as 
“a lot of fun.” 

His parents still operate the Piv- 
en Theater Workshop in Evan- 
ston, Illinois, where Jeremy grew 
up onstage. By the age of nine, he 
was improvising with fellow little- 
league thespian John Cusack 
("We're close friends to this day”) 
and admiring Piven-trained teen- 
agers, including Rosanna Arquette 
and Aidan Quinn. He later de- 
parted Drake University to study 
acting in England and elsewhere. 

Nowadays he keeps apartments 
in New York and Los Angeles and 
takes time out for the New Crimi- 
nals, a Chicago theater group he 
runs with Cusack. At work in Man- 
hattan on a movie called Laying 
Low, he seems solidly booked. “АЁ 
ter this, Гуе got a job to do in Heat 
with De Niro and Pacino. Then ГИ 
start a comedy called Nickel and 
Dime with Bill Murray.” 

Of medium height and devilish- 
ly handsome, Piven j i 
receding hairline: "In my early 
20s, I decided it didn't matter that 
I wasn't a pretty boy" He has al- 
so claimed that all he needs to 
be content is a girl, a dog and a 
couple pairs of clean underwear. 
"Well, I have the underwear, even 
clean socks. But no dog, no girl. 
Don't have time. Women are like 
cactuses. You have to care for 
them to make them flower. I can't 
even keep a plant." 

in-law will be resolved in time by a lone- 
ly widow named Mrs. Chen (Lai Wang). 
"That the time passes pleasantly is a trib- 
ute to Ang Lee's talent for bridging the 
culture gap with good humor and cHort- 
less style. УУУ 


А compelling true story unfolds іп 
Bandit Queen (Arrow Releasing). Made іп 
India, director Shekhar Kapur’s film is 
the saga of a lawless national heroine 
named Phoolan Devi (vividly portrayed 
by Seema Biswas), who surrendered to 
the police in 1983 after an amazing ca- 
reer in crime. At the age of 11, as а hap- 
less low-caste child, Devi is married off to 
a brutish man and forced into sex and 
slavery before she escapes—only to be 
arrested, kidnapped and raped until she 
herself emerges as the leader of a ruth- 
less bandit gang. Robin Hood-style, De- 
vi plunders villages but forbids harming 
women and children. Her most celebrat- 
ed exploit is the systematic murder of 
the entire male population of one com- 
munity in revenge for harboring the 
rival thugs who murdered her lover, 
Vikram (Nirmal Pandey). More shock- 
ing than artful, a slice of life far fiercer 
than fiction, Bandit Queen is a grabber 
from beginning to end. УУУ 

Maybe one has to be a French-film 
buff to appreciate Grosse Fatigue (Mira- 
max). Actor Michel Blanc, a top Parisian 
celebrity, wrote and directed this movie 
in which he plays himself—and also por- 
trays his own double—in а comic rumi- 
nation on the price of fame. Inexplica- 
bly, Blanc's odd, seemingly improvised 
movie won an award for best screenplay 
at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival. Carole 
Bouquet, Philippe Noiret and other fa- 
miliar French performers appear as 
themselves. At one juncture, Noiret 
strolls with Blanc along the deserted 
Champs Elysées, bemoaning that the 
moviegoing public seems to prefer 
American-style hype and violence to typ- 
ical French fare. After seeing Grosse 
Fatigue (freely translated as “dead 
tired”), there's very little reason to won- 
der why. ¥¥ 


When it comes to high-tech adventure 
and excitement, it's hard to beat Crimson 
Tide (Buena Vista). Kicking off the sum- 
mertime spate of action attractions, 
director Tony Scott's underwater epic 
co-stars Gene Hackman and Denzel 
Washington, who go head-to-head over 
the command of a U.S. nuclear subma- 
rine that's armed to initiate World War 
Three with Russia. Is some of the plot 
predictable? Yes. But happily, nothing 
gets in the way of the nonstop testos- 
terone rush. ¥¥¥/2 


capsule close-ups of current films 
by bruce williamson 

Bendit Queen (See review) She's Indi- 
an, abused, ruthless and wanted. ҰҰҰ 
Braveheart (Reviewed 6/95) Swinging 
a sword and donning a kilt, Mel Gib- 
son strikes a blow for Scotland. ¥¥¥'/2 
The Brothers McMullen (See review) 
"Three Irish Catholic siblings strut 
their stuff and tell all. We 
Burnt by the Sun (6/95) Oscar's Best For- 
eign Film is a prime drama about a 
Russian family under Stalin. УУУУ 
Crimson Tide (See review) Hackman 
and Washington make waves in a 
submarine. wu 
Crumb (6/95) A fine artist’s hellish fam- 
ily fully documented. КУЛ 
Erotique (Listed only) Is this what 
women want? Two movies about hat- 
ing men. plus one (Wonton Soup) 
about a pair of hetero athletes. УУ 
Forget Paris (7/95) Crystal and Winger 
not happily-ever-after. yyy 
Grosse Fatigue (See review) Tired 
French look at French film folk. ¥¥ 
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls 
in Love (7/95) Uncloseted. yy 
Living in Oblivion (See review) All the 
fog generated on a movie set. | ¥¥¥ 
Love and Human Remains (7/95) An ur- 
ban jungle teeming with available 
singles. yyy 
Mute Witness (See review) She stumbles 
onto a murder and cannot tell. УУУ 
Panther (7/95) How those rebellious 
black cats were declawed. wu 
The Perez Family (7/95) Happy landing 
in Miami for Cuban boat people. ¥¥¥ 
Picture Bride (6/95) From mail-order 
marriage, a Hawaiian love song. ¥¥¥ 
The Postman (6/95) Touching Italian 
tale of a poet and a peasant. ¥¥¥//2 
Priest (5/95) A gay Catholic church- 
man uncovers some disturbing 
habits. УУУУ 
А риге Formality (7/95) Polanski vs. De- 
pardieu іп a Gallic duel of wits. УУ 
Pushing Hands (See review) А t'ai chi 
veteran learns the American way. ¥¥¥ 
Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker (6/95) 
Chinese lovers’ blowup. yyy 
Safe (See review) Wealthy wife has it 
all, but she’s allergic to it. YY 
Sister My Sister (See review) Grisly tale 
of two housemaids' revenge. wy 
Smoke (See review) Hurt and Keitel 
weave lazy circles in the plot ¥¥/2 
Wigstock: The Movie (7/95) Dolled-up 
drag queens in а big parade. ¥¥//2 
Wild Reeds (7/95) Back in the Sixties, 
French youth trying touchy-feely. ¥¥¥ 
Wings of Courage (7/95) A 3-D sam- 
pler—and as big as all outdoors. ¥¥'/z 

¥¥ Worth alook 
y Forget it 

УУҰУ Don't miss 
¥¥¥ Good show 



In front of the VCR, 
screen veteran Kirk 
Douglas confesses a 
short attention span: 
“If a movie doesn't 
grab mein the first 15 
minutes,” he admits, 
"it's back to the video 
store.” A recent rent- 
al that rated an overnight stay was the 
1992 Melanie Griffith thriller, A Stranger 
Among Us. "1 watched it twice,” he raves, 
“and had tears in my eyes both times. It's 
а gem." Of his own 82 films, Douglas rec- 
ommends Lonely Are the Brave ("an envi- 
ronmental classic”) as best of the lot, 
though he never watches himself on the 
screen. Instead, he prefers checking out 
the works of Pacino (Scent of a Woman), 
Chaplin (The Gold Rush), Brando (Last Tan- 
go in Paris) and, of course, son Michael. 
"1 consider Falling Down Michael's best 
work,” boasts Dad, “but | particularly like 
Disclosure. Mainly because it echoes the 
Biblical experience of Joseph and 
Potiphar's wife." Who knew? — — мио STINE 


Now in its third year, Fox Video's Studio 
Classics Collection mines Twentieth Cen- 
tury's film vaults for jewels (a consumer 
fan club helps choose the titles). While 
tried-and-true flicks have been picked in 
the past (Laura, How Green Was My Val- 
ley), this year’s winners are decidedly off- 
beat. They include: 

The Rozor's Edge (1946): In post-World 
War One Paris, idealist Tyrone Power 
chooses loafing over high society sweet- 
heart Gene Tierney. Anne Baxter won 
an Oscar as the hometown girl turned 
derelict widow. 

The Diary of Anne Frank (1959): Essential 
post-Schindler viewing, this is the original 
170-minute version of the Oscar-win- 
ning drama not seen since its premiere. 
Shelley Winters shines. 

Leave Her to Heaven (1945): The original 
fatal attraction, with head case Gene 
Tierney so possessive of hubby Cornel 
Wilde, she drowns his disabled half 
brother. Now, that’s a bitch. 

Titanic (1953): If you have that sinking 
feeling, it's because this Clifton Webb- 
Barbara Stanwyck effort doesn't come 
close to the British-made A Night to Re- 
member. Deep-six it. 

The House on 92nd Street (1945): The Nazis 
want our atomic secrets in this trend-set- 
ting spy thriller based on a true story. It 
was filmed at the actual New York loca- 
tion and features a Crying Game twist. 
Compulsion (1959): Orson Welles has a 

slick cameo as Clarence Darrow defend- 
ing thrill killers Leopold and Loeb 
(Dean Stockwell and Brad Dillman). To- 
day, he would be negotiating the TV 
movie rights. 

No Highway in the Sky (1951): Transatlantic 
air traveler James Stewart is a scientist 
convinced the plane’s wing is doomed 
from metal fatigue. Marlene Dietrich is 
first-class as a believing co-passenger. 
Anastasia (1956): Impostor or grand 
duchess? Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar 
for her big comeback after being ostra- 
cized by Hollywood for having Isabella 
Rossellini out of wedlock. One of home 
video's most wanted. 

How to Steal a Million (1966): Audrey Hep- 
burn enlists Peter O'Toole to pinch a bo- 
gus statue from a supposedly impreg- 
nable Paris museum. Not a work of art, 
but a lot of rowdy fun. 

Roxie Hart (1942): A roaring Twenties 
dancehall girl (Ginger Rogers) uses her 
gams not to dance but to wow a jury ina 
murder case she’s trumped up to boost 
her career. —DONALD LIEBENSON 


Of the four new titles released by Co- 
lumbia TriStar under the Best of the 
West sombrero, Bite the Bullet (1975) is the 
most welcome. Writer-director Richard 
Brooks concocted a brilliant scheme for 
a turn-of-the-century oater: Seven cow- 
boys—and one cowgirl (Candice Ber- 
gen)—compete іп a 700-mile horse race. 
The action, shot in Colorado, Nevada 
and New Mexico, remains gripping in 


He gave us killer pi- 
geons, voyeur sleuths, 
necktie murderers 
and a solid argument 
against showering 

alone. Now from 


comes the Alfred Hitchcock Collection, 
14 classics from Britain's inimitable master 
of suspense. Included in the perpetually 
rewindable batch are Vertigo, Psycho, Torn 
Curtain, The Birds, Frenzy, Rear Window, 
Topaz, The Man Who Knew Too Much and 
six others. All tapes repriced at $14.98 each. 

the widescreen format. And while the 
same technical excellence holds for the 
other three films іп the set—Alvarez Kelly 
(1966), MacKenna’s Gold (1969) and 
Мо) Dundee (1965)—none has Bile's 
bi . Gen X scenarists eager to cap- 
ture a taste of rock angst before Kurt 
Cobain and Courtney Love should 
check out Voyager's Criterion Collection 
edition of sid and Nancy (1986), the per- 
plexing love story of Sid Vicious and 
Nancy Spungen. Included among the 
wove of extras: interviews with stars 
Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb; Eng- 
land’s Glory, a 30-minute making-of doc- 
umentary; and Love Kill, an homage 
to the ill-fated couple by Clash legend 
Joe Strummer. —GREGORY P FAGAN 

Nobody's Fool (Newman saars as crusty small-town ne'er- 
do-well making amends with san, bass, World), Ready to Wear 
(Altman flushes out fashion biz phonies in all-star ramp 
ramp; no Player, but stylish skewering—and what а finale). 



Ок THE half dozen recent books about 
CIA traitor Aldrich Ames, the best docu- 
mented is Betrayal (Random House), by 
three New York Times reporters, Tim 
Weiner, David Johnston and Neil Lewis. 
Betrayal provides riveting details about 
how Ames passed CIA secrets to the 
KGB and how the FBI finally nailed 
him. The Times team presents its account 
amid questions about the effectiveness of 
the CIA's internal policing, squabbling 
between the FBI and the CIA, and the 
role of spying in the post-Cold War era. 

The case against Ames exploded in 
February 1994. Over a period of nine 
years, he had brazenly handed thou- 
sands of pages of CIA documents—usu- 
ally originals—to KGB agents. In return, 
he was paid more than $2 million. As a 
direct result of Aldrich Ames’ treason, at 
least a dozen Soviet and eastern Euro- 
pean agents—virtually the entire CIA 
counterspy network—were executed or 

Who was this master counterspy? He 
was a loser, an alcoholic incompetent, 
the sort of guy who would have been 
fired from any self-respecting corpora- 
tion. Year after year, his CIA superiors 
gave him poor performance ratings. 
Year after year, they promoted him into 
more sensitive positions. Ames may have 
been bright enough, but he was fre- 
quently blotto after lunch. He was repri- 
manded for walking out of his office and 
leaving his safe open. Early in his career, 
he left a briefcase of sensitive documents 
in a New York City subway car. He got so 
drunk at meetings with his KGB han- 
dlers that he couldn't remember the 
ume of their next meeting. Had he not 
been so dangerous, he would have been 
a comic figure. Weiner, Johnston and 
Lewis place most of the responsibility for 
the failure to spot Ames with the CIA's 
peculiar culture, which they describe as 
“a cross between Yale’s Skull and Bones 
society and the Post Office.” 

At the same time that Betrayal berates 
the CIA's laxity, it points out the value of 
the Agency's Cold War mission. With 
half the agents, the CIA has outwitted 
the KGB on almost every front since 
1947. The Ames case is a glaring excep- 
tion. This tough, fair-minded assessment 
is impressive—exceptional in the annals 
of spy literature for not citing a single 
anonymous source. 

Robert Ferrigno writes power-packed 
thrillers that exist on some plane of 
southern Californian hyperreality. The 
latest, Dead Man's Dance (Putnam), is 
filled with sharp-edged scenes of vio- 
lence, confrontation and sensuality. This 
time, Quinn, the hard-driving investiga- 
tive journalist familiar to Ferrigno's 

Betrayal: The story of Aldrich Ames. 

Cloak-and-dagger treason, 
Michael Jordan’s levitation 
and the Navy Seals at war. 

readers, searches for the killers of his 
stepfather. He must also come to terms 
with a separation from his wife and 
daughter. As Quinn closes in on the two 
psychopathic hired guns, they methodi- 
cally add to the body count. Ferrigno 
drives his narrative rapidly, pushing the 
level of excitement higher. 

Athletes rarely speak in terms of mys- 
ticism, but according to In the Zone: Tran- 
scendent Experience in Sports (Penguin) by 
Michael Murphy and Rhea White, on 
the field they often experience moments 
of ecstasy, altered perceptions, out-of- 
body sensations and extraordinary pow- 
ers of strength. It may sound wacky 
when the authors suggest that Michael 
Jordan practices levitation, On the other 
hand, anyone who has attempted to sink 
a long putt can understand that Arnold 
Palmer seems to use psychokinesis to will 
a ball into the hole. Who hasn't been 
amazed to watch a quarterback throw 
опе perfect pass after another? 

In this updated version of their 1978 
book, Murphy, co-founder of the Esalen 
Institute, and White connect these un- 
usual feats with Eastern mysticism. They 
suggest there may be something more at 
work than coincidence and hyperbole. 

The courage and daring of the U 
Navy Seal teams have made them mil 
tary legends. Created in 1962 as an ex- 
tension of the World War Two Underwa- 
ter Demolition Teams, these elite units 
specialize in antiguerrilla warfare. In 
Hunters and Shooters: An Oral History of the 

U.S. Navy Seals in Vietnam (Morrow), edit- 
ed by Bill Fawcett, 15 of the tough guys 
talk about combat. It includes some of 
the most chilling, vivid, ground-level de- 
scriptions of war ever written. 

These battle memoirs are sometimes 
raw and rambling, but their candor and 
remarkable level of detail give them 
power. With impressive precision, the 
soldiers recall specifics of weaponry, ter- 
rain, fighting action and friendship 
Frank Thornton, the most decorated 
Seal of the Vietnam war, remembers the 
unreality of being told while he was on a 
mud bank in Vietnam in the middle of a 
moonlit battle that Apollo 11 had just 

3 landed on the moon. Fawcett, a field cu- 

rator for the UDT/Seal Museum in Fort 
Pierce, Florida, allows the men to tell 
their own war stories, and they do so 
with an unvarnished directness. 

Robert Timberg's The Nightingale’s Song 
(Simon & Schuster) examines the inter- 
connected lives of five Vietnam-era 
Naval Academy graduates—John Mc- 
Cain, James Webb, John Poindexter, 
Robert “Bud” McFarlane and Oliver 
North. The war brought them into vari- 
ous political roles in Washington and 
three of them into the Iran-contra affair. 
McCain spent five and a half years in 
North Vietnamese prison camps and be- 
came а U.S. senator. Webb wrote several 
novels about his Vietnam experiences 
and served as Secretary of the Navy un- 
der Reagan. Poindexter, McFarlane and 
North—all with distinguished military 
service records became primary fig- 
ures in Iran-contra as members of the 
National Security Council. 

Timberg argues that by remaining 
supportive of Vietnam veterans and by 
defending the war, Reagan sang the 
nightingale's song that allowed these 
men to regain their pride and their voic- 
es. Part biography, part history, this is a 
provocative analysis of modern events. 


Being Frank: My Time With Frank Zappa 
(California Classics), by Nigey Lennon 
An intimate memoir of the remarkable 
musical iconoclast includes vintage pho- 
tos and a discography. 

Rage to Survive: The Etto James Story (Vil- 
lard), by Eta James and David Ritz: 
James celebrates her 40th year in show 
business with a new CD and this gutsy 
chronide of her struggles. 

The Burglar Who Thought Не Was Bogart 
(Dutton), by Lawrence Block: Burglar 
and antiquarian bookseller Bernie Rho- 
denbarr's latest caper involves a dead 
guy, a pretty woman and all of Bogie's 
movies. If there is a more perfect beach 
book, we haven't read it. 





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verybody knows that the road to a 

honed body and rosy health is paved 
with pasta. The message has been loud 
and clear for more than two decades: Eat 
less fat and more carbohydrates. A high- 
carb diet, say nutrition experts, is espe- 
cially important for athletes. Consume 
lots of whole grains, go easy on the pro- 
tein and banish fat from the training 
table. Fitness experts call it "carbo-load- 
ing” and explain convincingly how it 
gives us a competitive edge 

But according to Dr. Barry Sears in his 
provocative new book The Zone, the ex- 
рег are wrong. Want to shed flab? Live 
longer? Kick butt on the track or basket- 
ball court? Then avoid pasta, bread and 
so-called energy bars. “Carbo-loading,” 
Dr. Sears insists, “is ап athlete’s worst 
nightmare. If you want to perform bet- 
ter, eat more fat.” 

Sears’ advice flies in ıhe face of the 
conventional wisdom, but recent studies 
support his radical theories, and his cre- 
dentials are solid: Formerly a researcher 
at MIT, Sears holds 12 medical patents 
in the field of cancer therapy. His dietary 
advice has been credited with contribut- 
ing to eight gold-medal performances at 
the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona and 
with helping Stanford University's men's 
swim team win three consecutive nation- 
al championships. 

To appreciate Sears’ theories, it helps 
to understand a bit of physiology. When 
you eat spaghetti or a dinner roll or any 
other carbohydrate-rich food, your body 
converts it into sugar in the blood- 
stream. Your brain relies on this sugar as 
its primary energy source, and much of 
the rest is squirreled away in the liver 
and muscles for future use, in the form 
of glycogen. 

Your muscles burn these stores of car- 
bohydrate during exercise. They can 
burn fat instead, but fitness experts have 
long insisted that glycogen is the pre- 
ferred, high-octane fuel. 

Sears disagrees. Fat, he argues, is a far 
more efficient fuel than glycogen, mostly 
because there's a lot more оҒ оп hand. 
And carbo-loading is not just ineffective, 
it’s downright harmful. 

Sears points out that it is physiologi- 
cally impossible for your body to pack 
away much carbohydrate. No matter 
how vigorously you carbo-load, no more 
than about 2000 calories can be stored 
as glycogen. “When you are exercising 




hard,” he says, “you'll burn up your 
body's entire supply of stored carbohy- 
drate in about two or three hours. As 
you run out, the brain is forced to com- 
pete with the muscles for the remaining 
glycogen,” and when that's gone, every- 
thing grinds to a painful halt. 

Unlike glycogen, your body's supply 
of fat is almost inexhaustible. “Even a 
very skinny person carries about 50,000 
calories of stored body fat," says Sears. 
The only problem with burning fat in- 
stead of glycogen is that it has to get 
from your fatty tissues into the blood- 
stream for the muscles to be able to use 
it—a complicated process that’s easily 
short-circuited by eating carbohydrates. 

When you stuff your face with lin 
guine, say, or any other carbohydrate, it 
causes a rapid rise in blood sugar. In an 
effort to put a lid on this sugar rush, the 
pancreas secretes a flood of insulin into 
the bloodstream, producing a backlash 
effect. This is why you crash and feel like 
taking a nap after a big meal. More sig- 
nificantly, insulin is an extremely power- 
ful hormone that mobilizes the body to 
convert the new surplus of sugar into fat. 
“Even though carbohydrates are fat- 
free,” explains Sears, “excess carbohy- 
drates end up as excess fat.” 

Worse yet, all that insulin surging 
through your veins signals your body to 

put its fat stores under lock and Ке 
making it impossible to burn fat as fuel. 
175 a triple whammy: Eating too much 
carbohydrate generates new fat, makes it 

possible for your body to shed the fat 
it already has and robs your muscles of 
their main energy source. 

According to the highly respected 
Pritikin diet, 75 percent to 85 percent of 
your daily calories should come from 
carbohydrates, ten percent to 15 percent 
from protein and five percent to ten per- 
cent from fat. Sears believes that such a 
high concentration of carbohydrate will 
make your insulin soar and over the 
long run “may be dangerous to your 

Sears recommends a diet much higher 
n protein and somewhat higher in fat. 
“I know it’s shocking,” he acknowledges, 
“but you have to eat fat to lose fat. You 
have to stop thinking of food in terms of 
calories alone and start thinking of it as 
a mechanism for controlling the flow of 
powerful hormones.” Just as carbohy- 
drate triggers the release of insulin, pro- 
tein and fat trigger the release of other, 
opposing hormones that neutralize the 
effect of insulin. 

In the diet Sears promotes, each meal 
should have roughly equal proportions 
of protein and carbohydrate, plus a dol- 
lop of monounsaturated fat (this “good” 
fat is found in such foods as olive oil, 
peanuts and avocados. Bad fat comes 
from egg yolks, dairy foods and most 
deli meats). Equally important, no single 
meal should total more than 500 calo- 
ries. If you get hungry between meals, 
you should eat snacks that maintain the 
same strict protein-carb-fat ratio. 

Sears’ dict runs contrary to current 
nutritional dogma, but the latest re- 
search into the relationship between in- 
sulin and obesity reinforces Sears’ views. 
Although the jury's still out, he's starting 
to win converts. "| was skeptical at first,” 
concedes Skip Kenney, coach of Stan- 
ford’s national-champion swim team. 
“But we've had amazing results. I'm a 
believer now.” 

“There's nothing radical about my 
ideas,” insists Sears. “My diet is actually 
quite similar to one your grandmother 
might recommend.” It simply takes us 
back to the good old days, before carbo- 
mania swept the land. 


I twas evident before the Persian Gulf 

war that Saddam Hussein was willing 
to deploy the chemical weapons the U.S. 
had helped supply him during his long 
war with Iran and his fight with the 
Kurds. Not publicly known was the ex- 
tent of his resources in this area. 

In 1991, when United Nations inspec- 
tion teams investigated Iraq's stockpiles 
of chemical and biological weapons, here 
are a few of the things they found: 75 
tons of sarin (the deadly nerve agent 
used in March's Tokyo subway attack— 
half a milligram of sarin can kill a per- 
son), 60 to 70 tons of tabun (another 
nerve agent), 250 tons of mustard gas, 
28 Scud missiles carrying sarin, 370 acri- 
al bombs with mustard gas, 30 binary- 
chemical ballistic warheads containing 
nerve agents and 6000 empty nerve-gas 
containers (the type used to fill 122mm 
rocket warheads). 

It should be noted that in operations 
Desert Shield and Desert Storm, we 
didn't merely send our troops against 
Hussein's potentially annihilating chem- 
ical and biological weapons in the field. 
Against the adyice of many experts, we 
also bombed to smithereens the Iraqi 
warehouses and bunkers where those 
lethal materials were stored, throwing 
tons of noxious fumes into the atmo- 
sphere and exposing our own people to 
extended low-level doses of nerve gases 
and perhaps to biological weapons. And 
that scenario may have provided Hus- 
sein with the last laugh: It is possible that 
in bombing him, we poisoned ourselves. 

А recent Duke University study fund- 
ed by Ross Perot indicates that an inter- 
action between anti-insect compounds 
and anti-nerve gas pills may also have 
contributed to the cluster of ailments 
known as the Gulf war syndrome. 

Platoon commander Kimo Hollings- 
worth is positive he was poisoned. Hol- 
lingsworth was in great shape before he 
left for the Middle East. An active-duty 
artillery officer, he was deployed to the 
Persian Gulf with the 2nd Marine Divi- 
sion in December 1990. 

On the first day of the ground war, 70 
kilometers е Kuwait, an artillery 
round exploded over his position with a 
soft popping sound (possibly from a 
chemical or biological weapon). On the 
third day of the war, Hollingsworth and 
his men were ordered to wear their pro- 
tective clothing during a full biological 



and chemical alert. They observed dead 
animals on the battlefield—and the pres- 
ence of dead insects on the corpses of 
those animals (a sign that chemical or bi- 
ological agents might have been em- 
ployed). Throughout the war, the chem- 
ical sensors of American troops sounded 

“Numerous Persian Gulf war veterans 
witnessed an overhead fireball explosion 
in the vicinity of Al Jubayl, Saudi Ara- 
bia during the morning of January 20, 
1991,” reports Hollingsworth. “The De- 
partment of Defense first denied the in- 
cident happened. Then it explained that 
the explosion was a sonic boom. Finally, 
the DOD explained that what the veter- 
ans experienced was a cloud of ammonia 
from a nearby industrial facility.” 

In May 1991 Hollingsworth returned 
to the U.S. In September 1991 he went 
back to the Persian Gulf with another 
artillery battery. He returned home in 
March 1992 and was discharged in May 
1992. His final military physical exam 
declared him perfectly fit. 

But then his health—and the health of 
some of his peers—began to deteriorate. 
“Last August,” Hollingsworth reported 
in February 1994, “I talked with my first 
sergeant from the Persian Gulf war. He 
is now deathly ill and not expected to 
live much longer” In addition, Hol- 

lingsworth himself had serious health 

“Late in 1992,” Hollingsworth says, “I 
became Ш with a violent case of the flu. 
My symptoms included coughing up 
dark-green sputum, chest pains, aching 
joints, low-grade fever, headaches, blur- 
ту vision, cold sweats, frequent urination 
and chronic fatigue.” 

Hollingsworth's condition worsened, 
and in May 1993 he wentto the Veterans 
Affairs hospital in Washington, D.C. for a 
physical exam. A doctor there told Hol- 
lingsworth that coughing and chest 
pains are normal in some people. A so- 
cial worker suggested to Hollingsworth 
that his condition was mental, that he 
had post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Hollingsworth contacted his own spe- 
cialist, was hospitalized for 12 days and 
was given intravenous antibiotics. His 
condition slowly improved. Today, still 
on oral antibiotics. he estimates he has 
recovered 85 percent of his health. “Pm 
опе of the lucky ones,” he says. 

There are a number of “unlucky 
ones.” An estimated 50,000 Persian Gulf 
war yeterans are symptomatic today (in- 
cluding 10,000 men and women on ac- 
tive duty) and their numbers are increas- 
ing. Their families are affected, too, with 
numerous reports of illnesses, miscar- 
riages and birth defects. 

Uncle Sam, the ball is in your court. 
Your record in these sorts of situations 
has not been honorable. Remember how 
you exposed thousands of military men 
to nuclear explosions after World War 
‘Two to test the effects of radiation on un- 
protected troops (and then denied that 
there was any problem with those exper- 
iments)? Remember your slippery rhet- 
oric concerning Vietnam veterans and 
the disastrous medical effects of Agent 

There are two main reasons you are 
playing games with vets again, Uncle 
Sam. First, the prospect of having to pay 
for the continuing health costs of thou- 
sands of Persian Gulf war veterans is a 
major problem. Second, to admit that 
our forces were vulnerable in the Gulf 
war is to acknowledge that we are basi- 
cally unprepared for а 21st century war. 
That's why you are stonewalling the peo- 
ple who served you. 

Don't play it again, Sam 


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Shoot the co, (тюй 
Bite me lime, ® Be | 

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Whenever one of my former girl- 
friends wanted to have sex, she knew 
how to get me going. She would walk up 
to me, unbuckle my pants and pull them 
and my boxers down to my ankles. The 
rush of suddenly finding myself half 
naked always gave me an instant erec- 
tion. I had a bad experience with my 
new girlfriend, however, when we were 
in bed making out and I decided to pull 
off her panties. She got a little miffed at 
me, though she didn’t stay angry and we 
still made love. But I'm curious about 
why she didn't seem to feel the same ex- 
citement that I always have when some- 
one strips me down.—D.A., Rutherford, 
New Jersey. 

Many women enjoy the erotic rush of hav- 
ing their clothes hit the floor in a matter of 
seconds. It’s a safer bet, however, that your 
girlfriend enjoys the slow tease. What’s the 
hurry, after all? The next time you make 
love, dedicate yourself to gelting her panties 
їп a knot. First, run your index finger under 
the elastic at her hips and thighs, back and 
forth, up and down, just to give her the idea 
that—zip!—she might be naked in an in- 
stant. Lift the material away from her wet 
labia, finger her, then hiss her gently through 
the material. Move on to her inner thighs 
After a few minutes, begin to pull down her 
panties. But wait, you're getting ahead of 
yourself, Pull them back up and reassure her, 
“Not quite yet.” Continue teasing her: John 
Gray, author of “Mars and Venus in the 
Bedroom,” offers this advice on how to touch 
a woman: “God gave a woman a circular 
body to remind a man to move his hands and 
fingers in circles instead of getting right to 
the point” and “А man should remember that 
it is not what he does but how long he takes 
to do it that ensures a woman's fulfillment.” 
When she starts begging you to let her get 
naked, pull her panties into the crack of her 
ass, then touch and stroke her buttocks and 
thighs. Then, perhaps, just maybe, since 
she’s been good and you have a major hard- 
on, slide her panties off and use your tongue 
to explore her clitoris and labia. 

Ive had herpes for years but rarely read 
about the virus in the papers. Are scien- 
tists any closer to finding a cure or vac- 
cine?—D.G., Washington, D.C. 

A cure—no. A vaccine—possibly. 1f re- 
search continues to go well, scientists say 
there could be an FDA-approved vaccine on 
the market within a few years. Herpesvirus 
is a challenge because it travels via nerve 
cells, hides in the ganglia at the base of the 
spine and thrives on mucosal surfaces—two 
spots that provide natural buffers against 
antibodies. At least four companies are 
working on vaccines, and one has reached 
the final phase of testing, involving 1850 
noninfected volunteers who claim multiple 

sex partners and 400 couples in which one 
partner has herpes. The genetically engi- 
neered vaccine consists of fragments of the 
virus that fool the body into responding with 
antibodies, but can’t reproduce themselves to 
fight back. That probably won't keep the 
virus from entering an uninfected person, 
but it may strengthen the immune response 
enough to prevent outbreaks. In other words, 
a booster shot wouldn't keep you from getting 
herpes—but if you did, you would never ex- 
perience symptoms, That doesn’t exactly ease 
our minds, and the best bet for herpes suffer- 
ers is still to avoid sexual contact during out- 
breaks and to use condoms otherwise. For 
more information, phone the American So- 
cial Health Association’s Herpes Hotline, 

Ham 24 years old, just out of college and 
living at home. A few weeks ago I went 
out to dinner with my mother. During 
the meal I noticed that our very attrac- 
tive waitress kept looking at me. We e: 
changed glances through the evening, 
and it was quite obvious she was interest- 
ed. I have always been very shy, and al- 
though I have dated several women in 
the past, I still don't feel comfortable ap- 
proaching a woman I don’t know; I nev- 
er know what to do or say. Any advice? — 
E.V., Coatesville, Pennsylvania. 

There aren't many people who feel com- 
fortable approaching someone they don't 
know, even to ask the time. But you're not 
working from scratch: The waitress’ linger- 
ing eye contact is a classic sign of interest. 
(Its also a classic sign of disgust, but we're 
assuming you can tell the difference.) Many 
men have taken the leap of faith with far less 
evidence of any mutual curiosity; many men 
have also been shot down. If there were no 


mystery or daring in the process, there would 
be little excitement in hearing her say, “Pd 
love to.” Here's a plan: Lose the mom. Visit 
the restaurant again when it’s not bustling 
with other customers. Carefully select a seat 
(“You did a great job when I brought my 
mother for her birthday—will you wait on 
те again?") and strike up a conversation 
when your waitress-in-waiting takes your or- 
der: “Whet do you recommend? Do you like 
working here?” If she replies with grunts, 
back off. If she doesn't, keep talking when she 
brings your food and bill. Slight physical 
contact, smiles, probing questions or friendly 
conversation can indicate that a person feels 
comfortable with you. If you get those vibes, 
ash her out for coffee. If you've said more 
than two words to her by this point, it won't 
appear to come out of the blue. Finally, if she 
licks her lips slowly, drawing her tongue sen- 
sually back and forth while moaning softly 
and rubbing her thigh, order dessert. 

Has there ever been any research on 
why some people are considered beauti- 
ful and others are not? I've been attract- 
ed to many types of women—slim, tall, 
short, with long faces, round faces, etc — 
but find it curious that ncarly everyone 
agrees that supermodels such as Carol 
Alt or Cindy Crawford are gorgeous.— 
D.R., New Orleans, Louisiana. 

Well, if you want to get technical about it: 
Researchers have found that even across dif- 
ferent races and cultures, men generally pre- 
fer women with large pupils, widely spaced. 
eyes, high cheekbones, a small chin and up- 
per lip, a generous mouth and shiny, smooth 
skin, A psychologist at the University of 
Louisville took the measurements further af- 
ter asking 150 male students to rate 50 
women's faces. Among the faces deemed pret- 
ty, each eye was one fourteenth as high and 
three tenths as wide as the face, Ше позе took 
up no more than five percent of the face, the 
distance from the bottom lip to the chin was 
one fifth the facial height and the distance 
from the middle of the eye to the eyebrow was 
one tenth the facial height. Surprisingly, 
when the faces of models are superimposed 
on that image, they don't match up. Instead, 
the composite resembles someone’s mom. 
(You're drop-dead gorgeous, Cindy, but 
you're no madonna.) Women, meanwhile, 
consider a man's maturity and dominance 
with cues such as thick eyebrows, a strong 
jawline, prominent chin and cheekbones and 
a small nose. If your features don't match 
that scientific standard, don't despair: You 
probably have a great personality. 

А friend says that he warms up his 
stereo amplifier for about a half hour be- 
fore he uscs it. Supposedly, this makes 
his stereo perform better. It sounds like 
a bunch of hooey to me. What do you 


k?—PL., San Jose, California. 
‘Listener” magazine recently polled five 
home audio pros on that question, and most 
agreed that giving your amp a half hour to 
rub the sleep from its eyes is a sound idea. 
Several went a step further, suggesting that 
audiophiles keep their amps, preamps and 
compact disc players powered constantly to 
avoid the wear and tear of going from cold 
shutdowns to warm humming and back 
again. Leaving your system on has some 
drawbacks, such as unexpected electrical 
storms that could damage your components. 
And who knows what freak accident might 
occur? One pro recalled a customer whose 
amp unexpectedly dumped its entire output, 
causing a speaker to catch fire. If you plan to 
be gone Jor days at a limo, shut down and 
unplug everything. Finally, don't place too 
much faith in the cozy vibrations theory of 
music appreciation—your state of mind 
probably has as much to do with how your 
stereo sounds. As Victor Campos of the stereo 
component maker NAD explained in “Lis- 
tener”: “If you're well rested, you'll perceive 
sound in a сенат way. If you've had three 
martinis. you'll perceive sound differently. If 
someone says that the tree in your front yard 
has to be cut down, and it'll cost you $890 to 
do it, things will sound different.” In the last 
case, turn off your stereo before you sell it. 

Ibm planning a trip to Asia this fall. 
Since I am not a seasoned air traveler, 
do you have any suggestions to make my 
hours on the plane more comfortable2p— 
N.H., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

No matter what you take along to fill the 
time, you don't want to spend 18 hours 
wearing light jeans or bumming blankets, so 
choose loose-fitting clothes and take a 
sweater in case it gets chilly or you need a 
makeshift pillow. Add a pair of slippers with 
rubberized botioms and a change of socks 
and you'll be the envy of fellow travelers. 
Pack а few toiletries—toothpaste and tooth- 
brush, contact lens solution, a washcloth, a 
small bar of soap—to freshen up after din- 
ner. Drink liquids once an hour or so, but 
avoid caffeine and alcohol (they aggravate 
jet lag). We suggest an inflatable neck pil- 
low, a deck of cards and two or three dispos- 
able books, including a thriller and a guide 
to your destination. (Some friends have tak- 
еп their laptops and all the games they've 
never had time to master.) Finally, be sure to 
stretch occasionally and take a walk around 
the plane. It'll keep you [rom getting stiff— 
and you never know who you might meet. 

Two years ago 1 came home from work 
and began talking with our 18-year-old 
babysitter. Somehow we got onto the 
topic of hidden cameras. I joked that she 
should make a video for me and without 
a blink she disappeared into the spare 
bedroom, where we keep a video cam- 
era. She stayed there with the door shut 
for a few minutes and then announced 
she was done. I watched the tape that 

35 night and immediately felt guilty. She 

had stripped for the camera. My wife 
found the tape three months later in my 
sock drawer (1 hadn't watched it again). 
Naturally, I'm now in deep shit. How 
can I explain why I didn't stop our ba- 
bysitter from making the video?—O.E., 
Tacoma, Washington. 

Why didn't you? Our guess is thal you 
were titillated by the fact that a young 
woman would perform a private dance for 
you, and that you weren't likely to come 
across a tape that hot again. Tell your wife 
the first part; keep the second to yourself. 
Your wife feels betrayed because she real- 
izes—as you should —that you subtly solicit- 
ed the video and sat idly by when the babysit- 
ter closed the door to the bedroom. If it was 
just a weak moment, did you also have 90 
other weak moments when you opened your 
sock drawer every morning without throw- 
ing the cassette ош? Depending on how an- 
gry or upset your wife feels—and how reck- 
less you are—hint that it would really turn 
you on to have her tape over the video with 
ап erotic performance of her own. By the 
way, how much did that babysitter charge? 

In January, the Advisor responded to a 
question by saying, “Pumping up can 
blow you out, and we would never recom- 
mend vacuum tubes for any penile activ- 
ity.” But what about vacuum therapy for 
impotence? My doctor prescribed a vac- 
uum tube a few years ago that has really 
helped.—R-T., Los Angeles, California. 

Medical vacuum tubes prescribed to treat 
impotence are another matter, naturally (we 
were thinking of dubious novelty items that 
promise to expand your penis to the size of a 
tree branch). Vacuum therapy, which is pre- 
scribed for 100,000 men annually, involves 
slipping the penis into a plastic cylinder, 
where a pump creates a partial vacuum that 
aids blood flow into the penis and creates an 
erection. The erection can be maintained 
safely for up to 30 minutes with a tension 
ring. Among other methods used to treat 
erectile dysfunction, 40,000 lo 50,000 men 
annually choose injection therapy (the pa- 
tient injects his penis with a drug that in- 
duces erection) and another 20,000 have 
penile implants. If you're having trouble get- 
ting or maintaining an erection, the first 
step should be a visit to your doctor. Erectile 
dysfunction can indicate more serious med- 
ical problems. 

Еву rve noticed this message at the 
beginning of the VHS movies I've rent- 
ed: “This film has been modified from its 
original version. It has been formatted 
to fit this screen." The opening credits of 
these movies are shown in the letterbox 
format (with black bars at the top and 
bottom of the screen), however, which 
makes me wonder why they feel the 
need to alter the rest of the picture. — 
L.P, Nacogdoches, Texas. 

Many people don't like the black bars, 
which are the by-product of placing a rectan- 
gular theater format onto a square television 

screen by squeezing, stretching and trimming 
the edges of the film (if you watch closely, 
you'll notice that borders, people and objects 
often have been cut off during the pan-and- 
scan process that molds the film for the tube). 
The credits are spared this indignity because 
otherwise letters would be chopped off or dis- 
torted, and a film starring Arnold Schwar- 
zen might confuse people. 

White making love with my girlfriend, 
she inserted a finger into my rectum and 
rotated it. I had the most intense orgasm 
I've ever experienced. Is there a reason 
for this, or did the shock of feeling her 
finger in my asshole just catch me Бу sur- 
prise?—B.T, Leeds, England. 

It’s always refreshing to meet a woman 
who's anal inventive. Your lover has learned 
somewhere (probably from being on the re- 
ceiving end) that the anus is filled with nerve 
endings and becomes engorged and aroused 
during intercourse just as genitals do. We 
suggest using a waler-based lubricant if you 
plan to return the favor, and make sure to 
trim your fingernails, as the interior of the 
rectum is delicate. Cathy Winks and Anne 
Semans, authors of “The Good Vibrations 
Guide to Sex,” offer an excellent introduc- 
tion to using a light touch on the anus to 
send your partner over the edge. After apply- 
ing а lubricant, “circle your finger around 
the soft folds of anal tissue. Many people find 
that gentle stroking of the anal opening is all 
the anal stimulation they desire. If your 
partner becomes sufficiently relaxed, she or 
he may bear down and slide right onto your 
‚finger. Your fingertip should reach toward 
the front of the body rather than crook up to- 
ward the tailbone. The sphincter muscles 
may tense up automatically as soon as you 
enter, so hold your finger still at first until the 
anus relaxes around it. Then feel free to in- 
sert your finger deeper, exploring the outer 
rectum. You can circle your finger, tap and 
stroke the walls of the rectum or move your 
finger gently in and out.” If your partner 
has never experienced anal penetration, 
don't be surprised if she or he finds the sen- 
sation unsettling when you first slide in. By 
the way, Winks and Semans also advise that 
you “take the time to look at your partner's 
anus. You may be surprised at how sweet and 
innocent it looks—not like an "asshole" at 
all.” That changes everything: What are we 

supposed to yell at bad drivers? 

All reasonable questions—from fashion, 
food and drink, stereo and sports cars to dat- 
ing problems, taste and etiquette—will be 
personally answered if the writer includes a 
stamped, self-addressed envelope. The most 
provocative, pertinent queries will be pre- 
sented in these pages each month. Send all 
letters lo The Play duisor, PLAYBOY, 680 
North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 
60611 or by e-mail to 
Look for responses to our most frequently 
asked questions on the World Wide Web at 

The secret to having great sex 
75 gelling close enough fo ‚feel. wh 






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ee | 

why do female felons get off easy? 

It’s difficult to miss the pervasive 
discrimination against women and 
minorities in the workplace and al- 
most every other area of our society— 
with one notable exception. When we 
turn our attention to the criminal jus- 
tice system and its sentencing habits, 
an equally shocking bias against men 
is seen. 

American men commit the majori- 
ty of serious crimes, including mur- 
der, rape, robbery, assault and drug 
trafficking. It’s not surprising, then, 
that seven times more men are 
arrested on felony charges than 
women. What is surprising is 
that after conviction, 19 men 
are imprisoned for every 
woman. Some attribute this dif- 
ference to the fact that women 
commit less serious crimes. But 
statistics compiled by crime re- 
searchers and the U.S. Depart- 
ment of Justice over the past 
two decades indicate otherwise. 

For burglary, while nine men 

are arrested for every woman, 
30 men are imprisoned before 
one woman goes to jail. For ag- 
gravated assault, ten men are 
arrested for every woman, but 
79 times more men are incar- 
cerated. Even for white-collar 
felonies such as fraud—the only 
serious crime for which more 
women are arrested than 
men—nine men are jailed for 
every woman. 

There are other, more subtle 
biases. One government study 
found that after a woman is ar- 
rested, she is almost twice as 
likely to be released on her own 
recognizance (in layman's terms, the 
accused promises not to skip town). 
Women are also more likely to have 
bail set in amounts they can afford. 
According to the most recent Justice 


tice system is so high that it skews the 
figures. But when race is removed 
from the equation, gender bias is still 
prevalent. Five blacks are arrested for 
every white, but six blacks are impris- 
oned for every white. That's a differ- 
ence of 20 percent. Seven men are ar- 
rested for every woman, while 19 
men are imprisoned for every wom- 
an. That's a difference of 170 percent. 

According to the Justice Depart- 
ment, the situation gets no better 
once criminals reach prison. On aver- 

age, male felons receive prison sen- 
tences that are 47 percent longer 
than those of women convicted of the 
same crime (the greatest difference is 
for aggravated assault). One might 

Department figures, 81 percent of argue that longer prison terms for 

women accused of felonies were given 
pretrial releases, as compared with 59 
percent of men. 

Some claim that the problem is 
racism, that the percentage of African 
American men processed by the jus- 

men are the result of the severity of 
their crimes and more extensive 
criminal records. But studies that 
control for these factors tell a differ- 
ent story. Researchers Matthew Zin- 
graff and Randall Thomson report in 

the International Journal of the Sociology 
of Law that, with the exception of 
fraud, “women and men with compa- 
rable backgrounds do not receive 
comparable sentence lengths." Zin- 
graff and Thomson also found that 
gender contributed more to the de- 
termination of sentence than race, 
age or prior convictions. A Justice De- 
partment study later supported these 
findings when it calculated the aver- 
age sentences for Americans who re- 
ceived less than life terms or the 
death penalty for killing their 
spouses. Men who are convicted 
of killing their wives received an 
average sentence of 17.5 years. 
Women convicted of killing their 
husbands were given six years. 

Why do so many judges use a 
light touch when sentencing 
women? Gender-bias research- 
ers Jon Ryan and Ian Wilson 
suggest that the answer is based 
on three stereotypes. First, many 
judges see women as being less 
capable than men of commit- 
ting crimes. Second, women are 
viewed as more easily reformed, 
so less severe punishments are 
necessary to straighten them 
out. Third, women are thought 
to be less of a threat if released 
back into society. 

For more than 20 years, 
women have complained that 
similar stereotypes have kept 
them out of boardrooms, poli- 
tics and combat. They rightfully 
resent being treated like chil- 
dren who require big, strong 
men to protect them. Why then 
should society allow sexist 

judges to gallantly rescue damsels in 
distress? Such chivalry is nothing 
more than paternalism in disguise—a 
paternalism that demeans the people 
it tries to protect. In the case of our 
criminal justice system, it's time we 
started giving female felons the same 
sentences we hand out to their hus- 
bands, fathers, brothers and sons. 

Armin A. Втой is the author of “Тһе Ex- 
pectant Father.” 


R E 


In “Sex Crime & Punish- 
ment” (The Playboy Forum, May), 
Marty Klein provides an excel- 
lent overview of the issues and 
politics surrounding sex of- 
fenders. Fear and collective mis- 
information have led to a multi- 
tude of legal responses that are 
misguided and ineffective. 

‘Technology does exist to pro- 
vide a fairly accurate picture of 
the sex offender. Over the past 
decade assessment and diagno- 
sis of sex criminals have im- 
proved. Psychological testing, 
structured interviews and com- 
puterized penile plethysmo- 
graphs (which gauge the state 
of a man’s arousal) can give us a 
good read on personality, sexu- 
al arousal patterns and the 
client's psychological ability to 
manage his behavior. Unfortu- 
nately, these skills are seldom 
known to professionals in men- 
tal health and corrections. 

Computerized penile pleth- 
ysmography offers great poten- 
tial for the diagnosis and treat- 
ment of sex offenders. William 
Farrell has spent decades gath- 
cring data and perfecting this 
system. Last year state officials 
in Nebraska forced Farrell to 
destroy much of his work, be- 
cause it included explicit sexual 
pictures of children and adoles- 
cents. These photos are essen- 
tial in determining a man's 
arousal. The actions of Nebras- 
ka are akin to asking scientists 
to find an effective treatment 
for AIDS without being allowed 
to rescarch HIV. 

Most sex offenders are nev- 
er properly treated, and what 



“A very real gender and sexual revolution 
started in the Sixties and has built momentum 
with each decade. Every time sexual speech has 
emerged from persecution and hiding, every 
time sexuality has been considered in public 
policy and dignified debate, my life has im- 
proved in spades. For sexual discussion to move 
so quickly from the criminal and pathological to 
the realm of the creative and political is рһе- 
nomenal, a triumph of honesty and democracy 
over hypocrisy and elitism. Right now, funda- 
mentalists of all persuasions have only been titil- 
lated with a glimpse of the largely middle-class 
erotic renaissance. Yes, I know they're appalled, 
but they ain't seen nothin’ yet. Frankly, I'm sure 
my sex life could be better—so much better than 
I could possibly imagine—if their hands had 
never been around my throat.” 



E R 

tions, is an attempt to bring the 
issues presented by Klein into 
sharper focus. 
William Kelly 
Sex Abuse Certification Im- 
plementation Committee 
American Association of Sex 
Educators, Counselors 
and Therapists 
New York, New York 


Chip Rowe thinks masturba- 
tion should be taught ("Mastur- 
bation 101,” The Playboy Forum, 
May)? Guess again. Craig 
Rogers, a California State Uni- 
versity student, recently filed a 
$2.5 million sexual harassment 
claim against a female professor 
for teaching the joys of auto- 
eroticism to a psychology class. 
Guest lecturer Joanne Marrow, 
a former nun turned lesbian ac- 
tivist, showed the class slides of 
female genitalia and discussed 
dildos and vibrators. Rogers, 
who is a fundamentalist Chris- 
tian, thought that the lecture 
amounted to “crude, unadul- 
terated male-bashing” that left 
him feeling “raped and 
trapped." He says that, as a re- 
sult of the trauma, he suffered 
mental anguish and loss of con- 
centration prior to his final ex- 
ams and had to seek counsel- 
ing. Wouldn’t you call this 

hypersensitivity absurd? 

Miles Long 

New York, New York 
Welcome to the sensitivity sweep- 
stakes. Rogers filed his suit under a 
California law intended to protect 
female students from speech or be- 
havior by male teachers that could 

treatment there is, is in its infancy. 
Klein cites a number of reportedly suc- 
cessful treatments. The picture seems 
overly optimistic. Successful outcomes 
are contingent on personality, stability 
and type of arousal pattern. An exhibi- 
tionist with a history as a family man 
and a positive employment history is 
much more likely to respond positively 
to treatment than a sociopathic, fixated 

But, the larger problem stems from 
the fact that, with few exceptions, sex 
offenders are treated by paraprofes- 
sionals or by professionals who have re- 

ceived little training in human sexuali- 
ty. Those programs that do boast the 
participation of a Ph.D. or medical 
doctor limit those doctors’ roles to 

The American Association of Sex Ed- 
ucators, Counselors and Therapists 
looks to establish national standards in 
the certification of persons who work 
with sex offenders. These standards 
would cover both professionals super- 
vising sex offenders (such as probation 
and corrections officers) and those pro- 
viding treatment. This effort, in con- 
junction with other national organiza- 

lead to a hostile, offensive or otherwise ad- 
verse learning environment. We've written 
about abuse of sexual harassment laws in 
“Kangaroo Campus” (“The Playboy Fo- 
rum,” October 1994) and we have to ask: 
How much pain and suffering occurs when 
someone looks at slides of the opposite sex? 
We echo the sentiments of Professor Mar- 
тош attorney: “If every lecture has to be in- 
offensive to every student, then you may as 
well shut down the university.” 

Attitudes about children and sexual- 
ity are quite different in the U.S. from 

those in the Netherlands. Our schools 
give sexual education to children start- 
ing from the age of seven. Sexuality is 
not only an adult thing, but also some- 
thing that children experience in a 
spontaneous way. This spontaneity 
gradually disappears in different ways 
for boys and girls, because of the differ- 
ent ways we deal with them. Sensory 
experiences are important for the de- 
velopment of a child’s identity, self-es- 
teem and relational abilities. Many 
adults have trouble with their sexuality 
because they could not give their own 
shape to certain ideas and feelings in 
their childhood. The people who de- 
velop sex ed lessons in the Netherlands 
are of the opinion that with the sex 
roles as we know them, society main- 
tains an inequality, with men in domi- 
nant roles. Since these roles sneak into 
education at a young age, they want to 
put them into discussion. The lessons 
are rather detailed. Teachers tell about 
sex: What sex is, how your body 
changes, masturbation, what sperm is, 
alternatives to fucking, condom use, 
honesty, avoiding obligatory sex, vene- 
real diseases, AIDS and various ways to 
caress your partner sexually. So, while 
there are no demonstrations, sex is 
openly discussed in our classrooms. 

Jan Heemskerk 

Editor-in-Chief, Playboy Netherlands 

Amsterdam, Netherlands 


It was refreshing to read the re- 
sponse by David Kveragas (“Cru- 
saders,” Reader Response, The Playboy Fo- 
rum, April). I would like to comment 
further. Father Trosch believes a client 
of an abortion center could be carrying 
the next Christ. Zealots often claim that 
anything done for Christ is the righ- 
teous thing to do, no matter what it in- 
volves. This theme fueled the Cru- 
sades, the witch-burning rituals and, 
lately, the murders of doctors who per- 
form abortions. But if Christ is not at 
the core of the same acts, the acts 
quickly change to violence. Murder is a 
crime, no matter who does it. Murder- 
ing abortionists is no different than 
blowing up cars in Israel. I do not 
believe either Christ or Muhammad 
would have supported the radical posi- 
tions taken by some of their followers 
today. We should treat murderers 
equally in the eyes of the law. 
Ed Munir 
Eagan, Minnesota 

There аге a few inaccuracies in 
Bradley Miller's missive (“Nanny 
Boys,” Reader Response, The Playboy Fo- 
тит, January). We conservatives never 
run “stealth” campaigns. Miller claims 
that “when made aware of it, most reli- 

gious people reject the heart of the 
nanny-Right agenda." Oh, really? I 
have a hard time imagining religious 

Here we go again. 

Three days after Christmas 1994, 
county prosecutor Joseph Deters 
wrote to the manager of a Barnes & 
Noble bookstore in Cincinnati and 
accused him of displaying five mag- 
azines and a novel that Deters 
judged "harmful to juveniles." You 
may have heard of them: The book 
is alesbian erotic novel, Robbi Som- 
mers’ Kiss and Tell; the magazines 
are Nuthing Sacred, Your Flesh, Sub- 
liminal Tattoos, Heavy Metal and the 
January issue Of PLAYBOY. 

Deters cited an Ohio law that 
bans the "display, description or 
representation" of any material that 
contains sex, masturbation, sexual 
arousal, nudity, bestiality, “extreme 
or bizarre violence, cruelty or brutal- 
ity," “human bodily functions of 
elimination,” “repeated use of foul 
language,” “physical torture, dis- 
memberment, destruction or death 
of a human being" or “criminal activ- 
ity that tends to glorify or glamorize 
the activity” and “has a dominant 
tendency to corrupt.” 

Cincinnati has always been a curi- 
ous place—a major American city 
where uptight moral crusaders have 
all but stamped out sexual freedom 
and expression. During his years as 
county prosecutor, current sheriff Si- 
mon Leis drove owners of adult 
bookstores, adult theaters and strip 
clubs out of town, attempted to shut 
down a production of Oh! Calcutta! 
and а critically acclaimed exhibit of 
Robert Mapplethorpe photos, and 


people rejecting the Ten Command- 
ments or the idea that morality should 
not be a matter of individual choice. 
Individual liberty is a great idea, but 
not if it is to come at the expense of 
James Heckel 
Arlington, Virginia 
(continued on page 41) 

declined to prosecute a couple who 
kidnapped their daughter to “depro- 
gram” her because they believed 
she was a lesbian. As sheriff, he filed 
charges last year against a subur- 
ban Barnes & Noble for selling a 
copy of the literary sex journal Li- 
bido to an 11-year-old girl (Deters 
advised Leis against taking the case 
to court—the sheriff did and it was 
promptly thrown out). 

The crusading Leis has publicly 
feuded with his former protégé, De- 
ters, who has not prosecuted an ob- 
scenity case in four years on the job. 
Instead, Deters has developed a 
strategy of his own. By threatening 
costly legal action unless business- 
es allow him to define what is 
“harmful,” he avoids having to take 
on the Constitution directly or risk 
the sort of judicial rebutf that greet- 
ed the more brazen sheriff. Last 
year, for example, Deters dismissed 
criminal charges against two hotels 
after they agreed to remove adult 
videos from their rental machines. 
As part of the agreement, if adult 
movies are ever again stocked in 
the machines, the hotels must close 
their doors. 

With support from the American 
Booksellers Foundation for Free 
Expression and a number of pub- 
lishers and music and video distrib- 
utors, PLAYBoy filed suit against De- 
ters and Leis in March, questioning 
the constitutionality of the prosecu- 
tors action and the statute that 
prompted it. — CHIP ROWE 




editors drop fig leaves on the language 

Two years ago, Men's Health—a mag- 
azine read almost entirely by people 
with penises—asked Robin Williams 
how to save a stand-up routine. 
Williams’ reply: If all else fails, “go for 
the d—k joke.” 

That's how the word—a stand-in for 
"dick"—appeared іп the magazine. А 
copy editor explained that parent com- 
pany Rodale Press feared spelling it 
out might upset some anonymous 
reader who could pick up the maga- 
zine in a doctor's office or from a 
neighbor's coffee table. 

Every day, people 
say, sing and scrib- 
ble words such as 
dick, prick, fuck, 
shit, motherfuck- 
er, asshole, cunt 
and goddamn 
with great pas- 
sion, ignorance or 
conviction, and 
every day editors 
excise the guts of 
the language for 
fear that some- 
where, somehow, 
someone may pos- 
sibly be offended. 

Consider some 
of the more ri- 
diculous examples 
‘we've come across: 

© The Los Ange- 
les Times censored 
all of the cusswords 
in a story by media re- 
porter David Shaw that examined why 
newspapers censor cusswords. In an- 
other infamous incident, a Times editor 
changed “69-car pileup” to “70-car 
pileup” to avoid “titillating or offend- 
ing readers.” 

* The New York Times refused to print 
an ad with the headline LIES. DAMNED 
LIES. STATISTICS (based on a phrase pop- 
ularized by Mark Twain) until it was 

* When the rap group 2 Live Crew 
was hauled into a Florida court because 
its song lyrics were allegedly obscene— 
an important and newsworthy First 
Amendment case—no daily newspa- 


per found the courage to print the 
words. To this day, few Americans who 
don’t own the album have any idea 
what the group sang beyond reading 
that it was “crude and graphic.” 

If you ask the editor of a newspaper 
ог magazine why he or she censors cer- 
tain words, you'll likely be told that 
you're reading a “family” publication. 
“Editors regard themselves as the 
moral guardians of children, who 

aren't reading the newspaper anyway,” 
explains Shaw. Funny, that concern 
doesn't prevent them from printing 
photos of mutilated Rwandan war vic- 
tims, or from writing about a Supreme 
Court nominee accused of discussing a 
pubic hair on his Coke can, a boxer 
convicted of raping a teenage beauty 
contestant, or priests accused of child 
sexual abuse. If you were to protest the 
reporting of any of these subjects, the 
response would be much more high- 
minded: We cover the news. Don't 
shoot the messenger. 

Publications that decide honesty is 
the best policy and report the language 

as it is spoken— including The New York- 
er and other respected magazines—al- 
ways get heat from a small number 
of readers who object to seeing their 
worst linguistic nightmares in print. 
"They're missing the point: The censor- 
ship of language implies something far 
more insidious—namely, that editors 
believe that they have a duty to change 
reality, and with it, the news. 

The modern collision between reali- 
ty and propriety began in 1964, when 
Mario Savio helped launch the Free 
Speech Movement at Berkeley. The 

FSM demonstrat- 

ed that while so- 

ciety could quickly 
recognize and pun- 
ish language that 
it considered ob- 
scene, it had a tough 
time confronting 
hateful actions. 
Shaw notes an 
example. When de- 
tective Mark Fuhr- 
man was on the 
stand during the 
О.]. Simpson trial, 
he was under fire 
for supposedly us- 
ing the word nigger 
ten years earlier. 
The Los Angeles 
Times’ extensive cov- 
erage of the testi- 
mony avoided re- 
peating the slur. 
Shaw pointed this out 
to the editors, who explained that they 
didn't want to offend readers and that 
everyone knows the word anyway. 
“Everyone knows that O.J. Simpson is 
on trial for murder, but we don’t make 
it ‘the M-word," Shaw responded. 
“Nigger is the ugliest word in the lan- 
guage, but murder is more obscene.” 

Many editors believe that disguising 
controversial words with dashes or 
comments such as “expletive deleted” 
ог as “the N-word” constitutes a com- 
promise. But if “everyone knows the 
word,” as Shaw was told, why not spell 
it out? Why make a reader guess if 
s—tty represents shitty, smutty or slutty, 

as Entertainment Weekly did last аи- 
tumn? And if you are going to disguise 
words that might offend some readers, 
what about h—s—ual, ab—tion or 
even s-x? 

In any case of censorship, major or 
minor, larger issues surface. Time Inc., 
which publishes magazines such as En- 
tertainment Weekly, Life and Southern Liv- 
ing, has a policy that generally forbids 
obscenities in print. In Time, for in- 
stance, you'll sometimes get the non- 
word с- » which could be cock- 
sucker or cunt (you're left to decide). 
Or the editor will resort to eu- 
phemisms. At Sports Illustrated, a motor- 
cyclist’s appraisal of a ride, "It was this 
close to being better than sex," became 
“It was this close to being better than 
making love.” The perplexed writer 
responded, “How about ‘It was better 
than making love in the missionary po- 
sition for the sole purpose of procre- 
ation within marriage'?” Clearly, 
speech codes represent a class and race 
consciousness. The Time Inc. title Vibe, 
aimed at young urban blacks, contains 
“more curse words in one issue than in 
the entire history of Time Inc.,” one 
top editor boasted in a trade publica- 
tion. "We don't censor it. It's acceptable 
in that context.” In other words, be- 
cause young urban blacks aren't as civ- 
ilized as white folks, they won't be up- 
set by rough language. 

A similar problem surrounds the 
word bitch, which leaped into the news 
after Newt Gingrich's mom used it in 
reference to Hillary Clinton. All but the 
most prudent publications printed the 
word, though you'd be hard pressed to 
find any that would so easily put “ass- 
hole” or “prick” into type. One reader 
noted as much in a letter to the Chicago 
Tribune, writing that “similarly vulgar 
words hurled at men do not appear on 
commercial television or in newspaper 
articles.” Apparently men are more 
sensitive about name-calling. 

An effective way to battle censorship 
is to expose and ridicule it. The satirist 
Paul Krassner used a novel approach 
during the height of the Cold War by 
printing a poster that read FUCK сом- 
MUNISM. The verb was offensive, the 
sentiment was not, and moralists were 
stymied. We suggest an update: FUCK 
CENSORSHIP. Whenever a publication 
lets a prudish minority dictate what 
sort of language—and news—the rest 
of us can see, ask which letters or 
words, exactly, were deleted. If editors 
are willing to take liberties with lan- 
guage they deem offensive, what else 
are they keeping from you? 

(continued from page 39) 

In the April issue, Allen MacCan- 
nell described how men are being ha- 
rassed in the newsgroup alt.feminism 
(“Politics in Cyberspace,” Reader Re- 
sponse, The Playboy Forum). Irate 
flamers put male poster's names in 
message headers, saying that these 
men condone rape. There is a solu- 
tion to negative repercussions from 
non-PC postings: Anonymous remail- 
ers allow people to speak their minds 
without fear of reprisals. They can 
even be used for two-way dialogues 
with no danger of discovery. Right 
now these remailers provide protec- 
tion against the most rabid university 
thought police, and are rapidly evolv- 
ing to provide anonymity against 
government intrusion. As supporters 
of free speech, you should make your 
readers aware of this resource. 

Lance Cottrell 
San Diego, California 

The founding fathers wrote under pseu- 
donyms—it was the only way to debate 
without fear of reprisal—and the stakes 
were the future of the country. While we 
understand the principle behind anony- 
mous remailers, we don't endorse them. To- 
day, most unsigned opinion is graffiti. 


Your “Stupid Government Tricks” 
(The Playboy Forum, April) mentions 
the USDA spending $34.6 million 
for research into screwworms, even 
though the worm has been eliminat- 
ed from the 0.5. I have seen how 
devastating this pest can be on do- 
mestic and wild animals, as well as on 
humans, so to label the research as a 
waste is completely inaccurate. True, 
the screwworm has been eradicated 
from the U.S., Mexico and part of 
Central America. Those annual funds 
are being spent not for research but 
to extend elimination all the way to 
Panama, where a biological barrier 
will be more effective in stopping the 
pest's northward movement. Eradi- 
cation of a pest from an area does not 
ensure it won't be reintroduced. 
Texas A&M University researchers 
estimate that an outbreak in 1976 
cost consumers more than $200 mil- 
lion. The current USDA spending on 
this program will undoubtedly 
benefit the people of Mexico and 
Central America. But the main 
beneficiary of this program is the 
U.S. If this pest were to be reintro- 

duced here, we would not be 
equipped to cope with the labor-in- 
tensive affliction. 
Alberto Broce 
Department of Entomology 
Kansas State University 
Manhattan, Kansas 

John Kohut's “Stupid Government 
Tricks,” though amusing, was riddled 
with distortions regarding the Postal 
Service. First of all, the Postal Service 
did not, as stated, lay off 33,000 em- 
ployees. Those employees were bor- 
derline retirees who were offered in- 
centives to leave. The Postal Service 
is currently reducing its workforce 
through attrition. As for the priority 
envelope, it was never considered or 
labeled a guarantee. The two-day en- 
velopes were destroyed because of 
customer confusion and because of 
complaints regarding the differences 
between priority mail and overnight 
express, which is guaranteed. 

Joseph Warda 
Eureka, California 

Author Kohut responds: “Why stop with 
the screwworm in Panama? Let's use U.S. 
tax dollars to drive the varmints to Tierra 
del Fuego, or better yet, the sea. As for our 
esteemed Postal Service, early retirement is 
just Nineties biz-speak for layoff. I don't 
know of many private enterprises that reg- 
ularly reward executives for limiting an- 
nual losses to $1.3 billion. What happens 
after several more years of such perfor- 
mances? 1 know who will be left holding 
the bag.” 

If the deadpan humor of William 

Helmer (“Comics: Threat or Men- 
асе?” The Playboy Forum, April) is any 
indication of the long-term effects of 
trash comic book consumption, then 
the fanatical right has every reason to 
be worried. Free exchange of art, 
knowledge and ideas is the greatest 
antagonist to a totalitarian objective. 
Thank you for continuing to feed 
my mind, and for continuing to 
provide such thought-provoking 

Laura Garth 

Los Angeles, California 

We would like to hear your point of 
view. Send questions, information, opin- 
ions and quirky stuff to: The Playboy Fo- 
rum Reader Response, PLAYBOY, 680 
North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 
60611. Please include a daytime phone 
number. Fax number: 312-951-2939. 



The headline in the New Sci- 
entist caught our attention 
immediately. Why was an 

English science magazine covering the 

internal affairs of a police department? 

The story proved fascinating. The 
Chicago police department had “enlist- 
ed the help of artificial intelligence to 
pinpoint potential rotten apples on the 
force.” Something called a neural net- 
work system had “already identified 91 
officers whose behavior suggests that 
they may become a liability to the 

Now, we know that sometimes cops 
in Chicago, and elsewhere, go bad. 
They skip work, beat up innocent by- 
standers, steal, sell or take drugs and 
occasionally commit murder. The no- 
tion that a computer program could 
predict such behavior was intriguing. 
And, we suspected, dangerous. 

We decided to investigate. 

The Chicago police department had 
indeed done a computerized analysis 
of bad cops. It fed the software the 
records of 191 cops who had been fired 
and 382 cops with unblemished ca- 
reers. The computer looked at disci- 
plinary and attendance records, per- 
formance reviews and more. It chose 
what was important, delving into edu- 
cational, marriage, medical and driv- 
ing records; it also tallied the offending 
officers’ race, sex, Social Security num- 
bers and badge numbers. 

Next, atrial run by a university com- 
puter lab confirmed the patterns the 
police department had found. Internal 
affairs then went ahead with a full run 
on police in the department. The com- 
puter devoured the records of 12,500 
officers and pegged 91 “at risk.” The 
rank and file started screaming. The 
police officers’ union protested. While 
the system may have the ability to 
finger wrongdoers before they do 
wrong, it could also finger cops who 
would never sour—and that was un- 

Ме talked with people on both sides 
of the controversy. 

Robert Geinosky of the Chicago po- 
lice department's internal affairs divi- 
sion told us the neural network was 
simply an attempt to remove the hu- 

man element from the process that 
roots out bad cops. Geinosky works out 
of the CPD's antiquated headquarters 
downtown and has too small a staff to 
sort through all of the department's 
personnel records. The department is 
under pressure to modernize, and the 
neural network was seen as an exem- 
plary move forward. 
Geinosky, a former 
street cop, worked 
hard on the new sys- 
tem, developing most 
of the database him- 
self. Internal affairs 
can be a lonely post. 
Officers don't like be- 
ing policed. They 
work closely together 
and are loathe to 
squeal on one anoth- 
er. The idea that an 
impersonal computer 
could circumvent the 
cops' code was seduc- 
tive. Geinosky ex- 
plains, "There are 
cases where a supervi- 
sor doesn't want to 
[crack down on] an- 
other officer because 
he feels it may be 
detrimental to that 
person's career and 
there is friendship in- 
volved—and added 
work." The program, 
Geinosky claims, 
looks objectively at 
officers’ records. И 
more than 99 percent 
of the factors in the 
record of an active 
officer were to match 
those of the rogues, 
he or she would be 
called in for a consul- 
tation, encouraged to 
get counseling and put on a list of 
officers іп the Behavior Alert program. 
Тһе problem lies in what constitutes 
a match. If a bad cop were Irish or 
‚African American, then sizable chunks 
of the police force might be a match. 
William Nolan heads Chicago's Fra- 
ternal Order of Police, the officers’ 
union. He saw the potential for dis- 

crimination and responded, “On the 
police force, we're all blue.” 

Harold Kunz minds the legal affairs 
of the Fraternal Order. Kunz’ office is 
jammed with memorabilia from a long 
career: team trophies, certificates of 
commendation and lots of photos with 
other officers. A campaign poster for 

and a signed picture of Oliver North 
hang behind his chair. Kunz knows all 
cops aren't good. On his desk is a stack 
of business cards from a drug-treat- 
ment center for visiting officers to take. 

"Тһе police call the computer “the 
crystal ball.” Not surprisingly, Kunz 
thinks the crystal ball goes too far. The 
program “labels officers as behavior 

problems without looking closely at 
their behavior,” he says. “Getting la- 
beled as a potential problem means 
your bosses won't want you and future 
bosses won't want you. The label can be 
used against you if anything goes 
wrong in your life—like а divorce— 
and your records are opened in court.” 

Kunz says the program condones the 
kind of unfairness and prejudgment 
police are supposed to avoid in their 
own work. 

Chicago developed its crystal ball 
from a commercial software package 
called Brainmaker. It’s touted as simu- 
lated biological intelligence. Experts in 
artificial intelligence call it “Brain-in-a- 

Box.” The Brainmaker's neural net- 
works try to mimic the way neurons in 
the brain acquire and process data and 
learn from it, working around missing 
information to build an image of reali- 
ty. Perhaps it was the novelty of the 
software that seduced the Chicago po- 
lice. The world’s most powerful com- 
puters have nev- 
er approached the 
speed and precision 
of the human brain. 
Or even the brains of 
frogs and bunnies. 
Neural networks 
have helped with lim- 
ited tasks such as dis- 
cerning what kinds of 
people might have 
trouble meeting their 
mortgage obliga- 
tions, or helping con- 
tractors find flaws in 
concrete. Some 
ple have used them 
to predict stock 
prices and the out- 
comes of dog and 
horse racing. Nolan, 
who dismisses the 
software as “a toy,” 
points out the obvi- 
ous: If Brainmaker 
could crack the stock 
market or successful- 
ly predict the out- 
come of horse races, 
everyone who owns a 
copy would be rich. 
The department 
has set itself on a 
quest for the Holy 
Grail of artificial in- 
ing complex human 
behavior. No one has 
succeeded yet. Not 
the Department of 
Defense with its billions spent on bat- 
tlefield robots, not researchers at su- 
percomputing centers still struggling 
with much simpler problems, such as 
teaching machines to catch baseballs. 
Jim Jubak, author of In the Image of 
the Brain: Breaking the Barrier Between the 
Human Mind and Intelligent Machines, 
says, “Using neural networks to predict 

when people will go bad is absurd. Is 
taking a kickback on a parking ticket 
the same as shaking down drug deal- 
ers? Any time you're looking for more 
complex behavior, the network will spit 
out garbage.” 

Jubak also cites the obvious problem 
of ferreting out today’s wrongdoers 
based on the behavior of yesterday's. 
“The department assumes that people 
are dumb and machines are smart. But 
bad cops in 1995 know how bad cops in 
1985 got caught.” 

Of course, that leaves the computer’s 
net to snare good cops who aren't par- 
ticularly interested in how bad cops got 
caught. According to a spokesman for 
internal affairs, the crystal ball wasn't 
intended to identify cops actively in- 
volved in corruption. A cop could deal 
drugs on the front steps of the precinct 
house, but if he didn't match the 
profile, no one would notice. 

Raymond Risley, a superintendent аг 
internal affairs, told the New Scientist 
that the program would identify 
officers whose minor misbehavior 
could signal major trouble ahead. The 
police union stepped in to protect its 
membership from such speculative in- 
terference. No one will see the 91 
names that were generated in the test 
run. And that's as it should be—even 
cops are innocent until proven guilty. 

We wonder who else is asking a com- 
puter to play judge, jury and execu- 
tioner. The people at Brainmaker say 
their program is already used to classify 
psychiatric patients and to summon ju- 
Tors. Will the government or big busi- 
nesses start to make hiring decisions 
based on computer-generated profiles? 
Are they already? If your vital stats 
match those of a vice president who ab- 
sconded with company funds, will you 
be fired? If your EKG matches that of 
someone who had a heart attack, will 
you be denied insurance? 

We have no doubt that elsewhere in 
America, techies are finding new uses 
for programs like Brainmaker—taking 
the pain and gravity of human judg- 
ment out of the picture. The question 
is: Who will protect you? 


Е. ў 

ы Fy JR 


what's happening in the sexual and social arenas 


wanted to get tough on perverts who expose 
children to lewdness, but they ran into 
trouble. What would happen if Junior 

woke up, wanted a drink of water and dis- 
covered his parents making love? The ex- 
pression “knowing or reckless or intention- 
al” threatened parents with jail. After 
discussion, lawmakers agreed that failing 
to bolt the bedroom door may be careless but 
was not reckless, at least in the legal sense. 


INDIANAPOLIS—A lawmaker added a 
new wrinkle to a bill that would require 
Indiana women to receive counseling and 
wait 18 hours before undergoing elective 
abortions. State Senator Anita Bowser, de- 
elaring such a law one-sided and unfair, 
has offered an amendment that would re- 
quire the same counseling and waiting pe- 
riod for men seeking vasectomies. 


EDMONTON, ALBERTA—A bizarre case 
on trial in Canada gives new meaning to 
the phrase a woman scorned. A former 
model is accused of injecting her ex-lover, a 
prominent Canadian photographer with 
human. immunodeficiency virus during a 
round of sadomasochistic sex. Witnesses 
testified that the woman, in an act of те- 
venge after the breakup of their seven-year 

relationship, plotted to lure the victim into 
а kinky weekend for old times’ sake. The 
nostalgic rendezvous, which included nip- 
ple rings and blindfolds, allegedly includ- 
ed the woman drugging and whipping the 
complainant before injecting him with 
tainted blood. He has since tested positive 
for HIV. 

School District must pay $38,000 to the li- 
brary aide it fired for lending her personal 
books to two seventh-grade students doing 
research on witchcraft in the Middle Ages. 
The girls had no luck finding helpful titles 
in the library, so Debbie Denzer offered 
books from her home—two academically 
respected volumes on the occult and 
women. in history. After the girls’ parents 
complained, the school sacked the librarian 
for exposing the students to Satanism and 

AxLANTA—Should health officials be al- 
lowed to track down the sexual partners of 
people with HIV? The Centers for Disease 
Control offers compelling data in favor of 
contact tracing. А report linked a single 
HIV-infected person to 142 others through 
a chain of sexual encounters or shared 
needles. Òf those, 50 were found to be 

and local authorities have gone to war 
over televised nudity that tests the state 
liquor board's rules on tavern entertain- 
ment. The flap arose when an off-duty po- 
liceman observed patrons exhibiting more 
than a casual interest in the show on the 
tavern’s television set, a Cinemax broad- 
cast of “The Getaway.” When a nude 
woman appeared on the screen, the officer 
advised a change of channel, but the bar- 
tender refused. The state's liquor rules pro- 
hibit the showing of nude scenes by elec- 
tronic means, which, up to this point, has 
been interpreted to mean pornography 
shown via videocassette recorders. If held 
liable, the bar could be fined up to $300 
and have its license suspended. The tavern 
owner blamed the “mix-up” on Consolidat- 
ed Cablevision, claiming he did not sub- 

scribe to that particular station. Guess the 
Disney Channel doesn't draw them in like 
it used to. 

Dutch prostitutes now can take a course 
designed to teach them the world’s oldest 
profession. The year-old Prostitution Info 
Center, a cooperative formed by Amster- 
dam's hookers, offers а training program 
for women interested in the calling. The 
six-session course covers intricacies of the 
law, bookkeeping, how to build a regular 
clientele and expertise in the use of con- 
doms. After a series of classroom sessions, 
students apply the theories, visiting sex 
clubs and practicing their cum seduction 
skills. What is the most important aspect of 
the program? Dealing with the taxman. 
How else are you going to know that 
whips, leather and creams are deductible 
business expenses? 

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA—We have heard of 
unique forms of drug delivery: trailer 
truck, cigarette boat, balloons, spray cans, 
cakes and beehive hairstyles. Now comes 

one to rival the U.S. Open. The Reuters 
news agency reports that Australian pris- 
олет have come up with а new trick for 
getting narcotics. Friends on the outside 
qut the drugs in tennis balls and bat them 
over the walls. 

Reporter's Notebook 


conservatives have declared war on hollywood. 
maybe they forgot who invented family values 

Is Hollywood really run by a bunch of 
sex-crazed exploiters of violence deter- 
mined to destroy what remains of Amer- 
ican family values? That's what Pat 
Robertson and his Christian Coalition 
claim, and now Republican presidential 
candidates are trumpeting the same hys- 
terical message. 

As an encore to Dan Quayle’s attack 
on Murphy Brown in the last election, 
the usually sober Bob Dole promises that 
"If I'm the president of the United 
States, I'm going to urge consumers to 
turn off their TV sets and not patronize 
these movies." 

But the conservative crusade is bogus. 
Hollywood is driven by profit, not poli- 
tics. The stuff it turns out relies heavily 
on sex and violence because that's what 
sells. This was true in the past, when 
most movie moguls, from Jack and Har- 
ry Warner to Darryl Zanuck, were 
staunch Republicans, and it's true today 
now that a few are Democrats. These 
guys go for demographics, not political 
ideology. Anyone who believes that Re- 
publicans don't exploit sex and violence 
hasn't surfed the channels lately. 

Rupert Murdoch is an ardent conser- 
vative with a long record of financing 
right-wing politicians such as Margarct 
Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Yet his 
Fox network has given T and А a promi- 
nence impossible during the decades 
when the three networks had a monop- 
oly on taste. Not one of the older net- 
works would have permitted a single air- 
g of Studs, Melrose Place or that epitome 
of family values, Married With Children. 

So who's the enemy? Pat Buchanan 
launched his presidential bid with a 
pledge to chase Hollywood's “purveyors 
of sex and violence back bencath thc 
rocks from whence they came." I hope 
he's not going to go after Bruce Willis, 
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester 
Stallone—Republicans down to their 
larger-than-life bones. True, those guys 
make violent movies, but they're no dif- 
ferent from earlier Republicans John 
Wayne and Clint Eastwood—and no- 
body would call those two un-American. 

While we're discussing patriotism and 
Hollywood, let's remember that since 
World War Two, Americans have been 
led into war by actors. John Wayne nev- 
er experienced actual combat, but mil- 


lions inspired by his film heroics did. For 
all the talk about leftists in Hollywood, 
the movie industry during the Vietnam 
war was also a major recruiter for the 
military. Wayne's The Green Berets was a 
big-budget action movie. Jane Fonda's 
Coming Home, about the dismal reception 
for a paraplegic veteran, wasn't made 
until three years after the war. 

Nor is there any truth to the right- 
wing charge that Hollywood is out to un- 
dermine family values. That charge was 
leveled by Bob Dornan, another Repub- 
lican presidential candidate, who daims 
that “we have a debased culture in Hol- 
lywood that ridicules and assaults reli- 
gion and tears valor, hope and virtue ош 
of our country.” He must be talking 
about The Lion King, which gets a bit 
raunchy, and not Forrest Gump, which tra- 
ditional-values conservatives loved. The 
right-wing National Review gave Gump an 
award for conservative values even be- 
fore the film won any Academy Awards. 

The entertainment business profits by 
allowing us to escape to lives we don't 
have. That's why Hollywood can't be at 
war with traditional values. Images of 
the perfect family were invented by the 
entertainment industry and continue to 
have no other existence. As Ben Stcin, a 
screenwriter and former Nixon speech- 
writer, concedes, ТУ is “the primary 
teacher of family values in this country. 
Even the Bundys stay together. All the 
problems on TV are solved with human 
understanding and love. TV hasn't 
changed, really, since Ozzie and Harviet.” 

Hollywood would just as soon sell the 
Lord as the devil if it would win sweeps 
week or fill theaters. That's what George 
Vradenburg, a Fox executive vice presi- 
dent, tried telling a gathering of conscr- 
vatives summoned by the National Review 
to denounce Hollywood. “We produce 
what will attract audiences. R-rated mov- 
ies are significantly more profitable than 
G-rated movies. If movies are out of 
touch with America, why do Americans 
watch them? This business is driven by 
commercial considerations.” 

There was a time when politicians 
knew enough to look the other way 
when Hollywood gave Americans the 
movies they wanted. Back then, Republi- 
cans didn't worry about the Christian 
Coalition and didn't confuse Hollywood 

images with the real world. They took 
movieland celebrity for what it was: 
something to be exploited 

At the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, 
California, I picked up one of my most 
treasured mementos: a coffee mug em- 
blazoned with a picture of Richard 
Nixon and Elvis Presley shaking hands 
over the words THE PREZ AND THE PRINCE. 
Nixon liked that one so much that he 
had T-shirts made with the same image. 
"Тһе mug and T-shirts commemorate a 
terrific moment in political history, when 
Nixon appointed Elvis ап honorary 
drug enforcement officer. That's class. 
Hollywood stars are royalty, and the 
president should pay homage. After all, 
the prime minister of England nods to 
the Queen, but that doesn't mean the 
Queen runs the country. And neither 
does Barbra Streisand. 

Conservatives should follow the exam- 
ple of Ronald Reagan, who appcared in 
hisshare of T and A movies and had the 
good taste to invite Michael Jackson and 
his chimp Bubbles to the White House. 
Reagan also had a cozy relationship with 
MCA chief Lew Wasserman and made a 
video to honor him and his wife on their 
50th wedding anniversary. Reagan knew 
who made him, not just as a movie star 
but as president. Similarly, George Bush 
made a big deal out of attending the pre- 
miere of My Stepmother Is an Alien be- 
cause it was produced by his generous 
contributor and buddy Jerry Weintraub. 

This gets at the source of the problem 
between the GOP and Hollywood. Re- 
cently, the moguls and stars have given 
more money to the Democrats, so the 
Republicans’ gloves have come off. Peo- 
ple who grew up loving Beach Blanket 
Bingo are suddenly yammering about 
the good old days when Hollywood 
made movies of value. 

If the Republicans want to lecture 
Hollywood about values, maybe they 
should start with violence. Maybe Holly- 
wood could cut back on blowing up 
buildings for a while. Come to think of it, 
perhaps when Bruce Willis campaigns 
for Republican candidates he should 
caution his audience that the car bomb- 
ings featured in Die Hard With a Ven- 
geance are not intended to inspire the ul- 
traright ving. 

4 SSE 
ay, Ту. 
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a candid conversation with the maestro of motown about building an empire against 
all odds, clashing with michael jackson’s father—and why he left all of it behind 

On the jacket of Berry Gordy Jr-'s autobi- 
ography, “To Be Loved,” are testimonials by 
some of the people who have been affected by 
him: Smokey Robinson, Dick Clark, David 
Geffen, Lee lacocca, Barry Diller, Mike 
Ovitz, Sidney Poitier and Diana Ross. But 
Gordys influence was not felt only by his 
peers in the entertainment and business 
worlds. There is hardly ап adult anywhere in 
the world who doesn't recognize at least some 
of the music that came from Gordy's Motown 
Studios. As Clark says, “Berrys music, that 
Motown magic, provides the soundtrack of 
our lives.” 

A list of the artists who created that sound- 
track reminds everyone what a potent musi- 
cal force Motown was: the Four Tops, Mar- 
vin Gaye, the Jackson 5, the Marvelettes, 
Martha and the Vandellas, Lionel Richie, 
Smokey Robinson (һе Miracles, the 
Supremes, the Temptations, Mary Wells, 
Stevie Wonder. For five weeks in 1968 and 
1969 Motown artists held the top three spots 
on “Billboard’s” Hot 100 chart. It would be 
an amazing achievement for any record com- 
pany. But for Motown—whose acts were pri- 
marily African American and whose music 
captured America’s urban essence—such 
success made histary. 

Motown was Berry Gordy, the enigmatic, 

“We didn't dwell on black audiences or white 
audiences. The first song 1 tried to sell was a 
song I wrote for Doris Day, a white-sound- 
ing song for a white girl. So 1 sold out my 
white roots when I changed to black music.” 

tenacious, revered and occasionally reviled 
mogul who launched the record company in 
his hometown of Detroit. Gordy also wrote 
many of the company’s hits on his own or in 
collaboration with other Motown writers, 
discovered and nurtured the Motown acts, 
produced and arranged the records and was 
integral in the creation of the world-famous 
Motoum sound. In addition, he acted as the 
stars’ manager, agent and, often, surrogate 
father. He also oversaw Motown’s market- 
ing, manufacturing, sales, public relations, 
distribution, finances and whatever else 
came along. 

Gordy founded Motoum and other 
record label, Tamla, in the late Fifties. The 
first record he released was one of his songs, 
“Come to Me," recorded by Маго Johnson. 
The $800 it cost came from a loan Gordy 
took from his family. Other records followed, 
the company grew and by the mid-Sixties 
Motown was the hottest label in the world. 
The Beatles and Rolling Stones, among oth- 
covered Motown songs, and the original 
versions sold millions of copies. 

Motown enjoyed show business break- 
throughs—the Supremes at the Copacabana, 
the Jackson 5 on the “Ed Sullivan Show,” 
Marvin Gaye's unforgettable performance of 
“The Star-Spangled Banner” at the 1983 

“Stardom affects people in many different 
ways, and some can make it through the vi- 
cious circle. Others get caught in drugs some 
go mad with power, some forget who their 
friends are, some forget who they are.” 

NBA All-Star Game—as well as some less 
pleasant moments. The Motortown Revue 
was traveling through the South when the 
bus that carried the performers was fired up- 
on, At the same lime, critics accused Gordy of 
selling out by making music that crossed wer 
to whites. There were business setbacks, 100. 
Most notably, Motown was crippled by the 
defection of some of its key acts, including 
the Jackson 5 and in particular, Michael, 
who went solo and made the biggest-selling 
album in the history of the record business— 
for Epic Records, not Motown 

In the early Seventies Gordy moved his 
thriving company to Hollywood and into the 
movie business. Though the Motown film di- 
vision never took off, there were a couple of 
artistic and commercial successes: “Lady 
Sings the Blues,” starring Diana Ross as 
Billie Holiday, and “Mahogany,” starring 
Ross and directed by Gordy. But Gordy was 
distracted by moviemaking, and changes 
were sweeping the record business. Distribu- 
tion was being consolidated and costs were 
skyrocketing. Gordy got into financial trou- 
ble, particularly when other Motown acts— 
including Diana Ross and Marvin Gaye 
deserted the company. 

As his econamic woes mounted, Gordy 
almost sold Motown in 1986 and two years 

“Not all rap music is about ‘niggers, whores 
and bitches.’ Some of it is reflective of the 
rappers’ lifestyles and the frightening way in 
which they have to live. It's put on record 
now for everyone to hear.” 




later accepted a $61 million offer from 
МСА. Though Gordy was criticized for sell- 
ing—Jesse Jackson, for one, felt he was let- 
ting down the black community—he claims 
he had no choice. Gordy retained his music 
publishing company, Jobete, which earns an 
estimated $20 million a year. 

Money like that was unthinkable when 
Gordy was a child in Detroit. His parents 
were enterprising and hardworking, starting 
а number of businesses, including a grocery 
store, a plastering business, insurance sales 
and a Christmas tree lot. But making ends 
meet was hard, and at one point his father 
was forced to go on welfare. 

Young Gordy planned to follow in the foot- 
steps of his heroes, boxers Joe Louis and Sug- 
ar Ray Robinson. Gordy was a promising 
featherweight, but he also enjoyed writing 
songs—despite the fact that novice com- 
posers have trouble paying the bills. He 
opened а record store and worked on an as- 
sembly line at а Lincoln-Mercury plant until 
he decided, at last, to devote himself to song- 
writing full-time. When he wanted more con- 
trol over the production of his songs and re- 
alized he could make more money if he 
weren't paying so many middlemen, he de- 
cided to start his own record company. Mo- 
town was built in large part on Gordy's 
songs (including classics such as “You've 
Made Me So Very Happy” and “Money 
[That's What I Want] ”), which were record- 
ed by almost every one of the company’s 

Motown and Gordy had more than their 
share of detractors. Throughout the years, 
the company was haunted by allegations that 
Gordy had cheated and manipulated his 
artists and that he was backed by the Mafia. 
He was married and divorced three times, 
has eight children, lived for a number of 
years with ptaysoy Playmate Lee Ann 
Michelle and had a long romance with Di- 
ana Ross. One of his ex-wives, Raynoma, 
wrote a book in which she accused him of 
cutting her out of Motown's success. There 
were also lausuits by former colleagues, in- 
cluding songuriters and performers. 

Though these charges accumulated, Gordy 
refused 10 comment—he was 100 busy build- 
ing Motown to be distracted. He did not 
break his silence until he published “To Be 
Loved: The Music, the Magic, the Memories 
of Motown,” an entertaining memoir that 
made best-seller lists around the country. Be- 
cause Gordy was now talking openly, we sent 
Contributing Editor David Sheff to speak with 
the 65-year-old at his Bel Air mansion. 
Here's Sheff's report: 

“This was the first interview 1 have con- 
ducted with an audience, A cameraman 
filmed the entire event ("Мк Gordy records 
everything for the archives,’ I was told) while 
one, and occasionally two, secretaries sat in 
and took shorthand notes. 

“Gordy entered the first session at about 
ten in the morning wearing beige cashmere 
and soft moccasins. He squinted because of 
the intense lights set up for the filming and 
insisted that they be shut off (‘it’s much too 
early for that," he said). When the lights were 

doused, he stretched, shook out his hands 
and rotated his head—warm-ups left over 
from his days as a boxer 

“He spoke casually and confidently, clear- 
ly enjoying the opportunity to talk. When he 
reminisced, he often closed his eyes and ser- 
monized in a preacher-like voice. Occasion- 
ally he would ash one of his assistants to find 
a recording of a song he was talking about— 
an old blues record or a recording by Smokey 
Robinson. Gordy became lost in the music, 
but there were a few times—when he played 
а recording of the Temps singing а new ver- 
sion of the Contours’ hit ‘Do You Love Me’ 
for example—when 1 was the one who had 
to be reminded that it was time to get back 
to work.” 

PLAYBOY: After refusing to address the 
rumors about you and Motown for so 
many years, why did you finally decide 
to tell your story? 

GORDY: 1 wish Martin Luther King had 
written his own book, or JFK. I would 
have loved to hear their stories in their 
own words. Beyond that, though I don't 
like being public, I felt I had to set the 
record straight. As Motown was grow- 

I learned ages ago 
that money cannot 
make you happy. 
And I realized that unless 
you have money, you can’t 
make that statement. 

ing, I wanted to refute the misinforma- 
tion, rumors and gossip, but I chose not 
to. I had to live by the advice I gave to 
the artists on the label: Don't be distract- 
ed from your goals. I told the artists nev- 
ет to answer rumors, and I had to prac- 
tice what I preached. But I was torn. 1 
particularly wanted kids to understand 
that no company as beautiful as Motown 
could haye been built in the devious 
ways that were rumored. 

PLAYBOY: Let's tackle the rumors. Did 
you make deals with the Mafia? 

GORDY: No. That rumor grew from an 
artide that appeared in a small neigh- 
borhood news sheet. It said, based on 
nothing, that Motown was being taken 
over by the Mafia. When it came out, we 
laughed at it. But the item was picked up 
by larger papers. It may have been per- 
petuated by the fact that Barney Ales, an 
Italian, was running our powerful sales 

PLAYBOY: You were sued by artists and 
former employees who claimed you 
cheated them. 

GORDY: You don't stay in business for 35 
years by not paying people, and most of 

the people who worked for me over the 
years know what I stood for: fairness, 
honesty and integrity. Yet the stories, 
once they started, fed on themselves. 
PLAYBOY: Some of the bad feelings 
seemed to come from the way you con- 
trolled your artists’ lives. 

GORDY: Maybe so. I did try to control al- 
most everything. It was my ball game— 
my vision, my dream. Many of those 
artists became superstars, but when they 
first came to me they were just kids off 
the street who needed direction. Even 
some of the lesser Motown artists are still 
performing, making records, appearing 
on television, making money. What peo- 
ple don't know is that we carried many 
artists for years before they ever got a 
hit. Some never did. The artists received 
whatever they were due, and a whole lot 
more—care, personal attention, groom- 
ing, advice, direction. 

PLAYBOY: But that's the point of the criti- 
cism: You were paternalistic. You were 
able to exploit these artists because they 
relied on you for everything. 

GORDY: To exploit is not necessarily bad. 
To make use of someone's talent in a 
positive way benefits everyone. It was 
that “exploitation” that made many of 
them little stars, big stars and superstars. 
I wouldnt let anything go out that I 
didn't think was right. I knew that every 
Motown artist represented Motown and 
was a reflection of Motown. Also, I 
worked with other aspects of their lives, 
because raw talent wasn't enough. It had 
to be nurtured and developed. We had a 
charm school, chaperones. We made 
sure the artists paid their taxes. 

PLAYBOY: Was that in exchange for one- 
sided contracts? 

Gorpy: That's a bunch of bull. We used 
contracts that were standard in the busi- 
ness, but here’s what happens: Usually, 
when you sign an artist who's a nobody, 
whatever contract you give them is more 
than great. Six months later when they 
have a hit, the contract isn't good 
enough, at least according to the lawyers 
and managers who want to take over 
their careers. Everyone has heard that 
Elvis Presley paid 50 percent of every- 
thing to Colonel Parker. That was a lot, 
but it may have been worth it to Elvis. 
Elvis became a multimillionaire because 
of Parker, so maybe he made a reason- 
able deal. 

PLAYBOY: But, by that example, Parker 
may have exploited a naive kid desper- 
ate to make a record. 

GORDY: Maybe so, but wouldn't you have 
signed that contract if you had been 
Elvis and had a chance to become a star? 
PLAYBOY: Does that make it fair? 

GORDY: I’m not saying it makes it fair. But 
if 1 had been Elvis, I would have signed. 
I heard that Joe Dewey and Mike Intel 
refused to sign with Colonel Parker. 
PLAYBOY: We've never heard of them. 
GORDY: That's the point. 

PLAYBOY: Do you acknowledge that the 

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Colonel, and certainly Motown, was in a 
position to take advantage of young, in- 
experienced performers? 

GORDY: Absolutely, but so was every oth- 
er company. Listen, the real contract be- 
tween the artists and our company was 
that we would invest our money, creative 
forces and marketing skills on the gam- 
ble that the artist had a talent that would 
prove to be commercial when fully de- 
veloped and properly exploited. If we 
were wrong, we would eat the invest- 
ment and the artist owed us nothing. If 
we were right, we would recover our in- 
vestment and make a profit. The artist 
would get paid the royalty contracted 
for, become a professional performer 
and, we hoped, a star. If that happened 
they would certainly get а higher royalty 
rate when their present contract ran out, 
or, ifthey were hot enough, we would re- 
sign them before it ran out. That's the 
way I did business, and yes, it was fair. 
But the funny thing is that money has 
never been the big motivation for me. 
‘Throughout my years in this business, I 
have seen that money may not be the 
root of all evil, but it's certainly the root 
of lots of it. 

PLAYBOY: This from the man who wrote, 
“The best things in life are free, but you 
can give them to the birds and the bees. 
I need money, that’s what I want.” 
GORDY: [Laughs] Yeah, but I learned ages 
ago that money cannot make you happy. 

And J also realized that unless you have 
money, you can't make that statement. 
Yes, everybody wants money, and I view 
that as part of the game. The winners of 
the game make more money and they 
live better. But in the end, the things that 
sustain you, that make you proud, you 
can't buy with money. 
PLAYBOY: Have you ever felt guilty about 
all the money you've made? 
GORDY: Never. Smokey Robinson had 
been with me five or six years when he 
came to see me and said, “I think I'm go- 
* I asked him what was wrong. 
"тп so scared because I’m so 
happy. 1 just know something's going to 
happen.” I said, “You're talented, you 
have worked hard and you've earned it. 
You deserve what you have and you 
shouldn't feel guilty about it.” 1 learned 
this from my father. He had to go on 
welfare for a while—and he hated it— 
but he never felt guilty about taking 
money from the government because he 
had always worked and supported the 
government when he was able to. It’s the 
same with success: Nobody gives it to 
you. You have to earn it. 
PLAYBOY: You write a great deal about 
your father in your book. Was he your 
biggest influence? 
GORDY: І have admired а lot of people: 
Joe Louis, Thurgood Marshall, Jackie 
Robinson, Sugar Ray Robinson, Nat 
King Cole. But my father was my hero. 

It was the way he did things. He was the 
person I really wanted to prove some- 
thing to. 

PLAYBOY: What were your parents like 
when you were growing up? 

GORDY: They were hard workers. Pop al- 
ways believed that honest labor was the 
only way. He worked and sacrificed for 
us all his life. He was funny, too. A great 
storyteller, But he was tough. He would 
beat your ass when necessary. I got mine 
beat alot. My parents migrated from the 
South to Detroit in 1922. Mother had 
been a teacher in the South but couldn't. 
teach in the North with the credentials 
she had. She wentinto her own business, 
which was called Friendship Mutual In- 
surance Company, As a kid I was so em- 
barrassed when my friends would come 
over to play and my mother would ask 
them, “Is your mother protected?” 
“From what?” they'd ask. “If something 
should happen to your father,” she said. 
She was so sincere about people being 
protected she would sell insurance to 
anybody. My father, who had been on 
welfare during the Depression, rented a 
lot and sold just about everything—car 
parts, Christmas trees and watermelons. 
We all grew up working with him. He 
was a plasterer, too, and he and Mother 
opened a grocery store. 

PLAYBOY: Were you a good kid? 

GORDY: I was a little bit of a renegade, 
sort of the black sheep—but a black 


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sheep in a loving way. I got in trouble 
quite a lot, but everything my parents 
did was done out of love for me. I stole 
something once and was beaten; I never 
stole again. 

PLAYBOY: What was your Detroit neigh- 
borhood like? 

GORDY: At first we lived on the west side 
of town. My father thought that was the 
best place to raise his kids. When we 
lived there, I always heard about Has- 
tings Street, on the east side, where it 
was so violent you could be killed. Then 
we moved one block from Hastings. I 
was terrified, but I got there and loved 
it. Hastings Street was where the bars 
were, the pawnshops and clubs, blues 
coming out of the bars, women hanging 
around outside the bars with nothing 
to do. 

PLAYBOY: Did you become acquainted 
with those women? 

GORDY: Finally, yes. At first 1 didn’t know 
what they did for a living, but when I 
found out it was like, Wow! My first time 
with one of them was when I was 14. I 
was so excited that I thought that I 
would explode. I walked this two-block 

area where they were all standing. 1 had 
money in my hand, trying to be cool, 
but none of them said anything. I 
thought, Am I too young or just too 
ugly? Finally, one woman who 1 had 
thought was cute said, “Hey, you want to 
do some business?” I was so shocked I 
said, “Uh, like what?” She said, “Like 
fuck, that’s what.” 

I followed her through back alleys to 
this little room. I had already gotten my 
pants partway off when she said, "You 
gotta pay me first.” The room was dark 
and my pants were stuck on my foot and 
I was struggling to find my money. Fi- 
nally, I paid her. I remember it was like 
riding wild horses on a magic carpet. It 
was phenomenal, all two minutes of it. 
PLAYBOY: About that time you took up 
boxing. How good were you? 

GORDY: Good. Very good. 

PLAYBOY: So you could have gone on? 
GORDY: Yes. I used to think of myself as 
Killer Gordy. I was a disciple of Sugar 
Ray Robinson. I had a lot of heart and a 
lot of determination. 

PLAYBOY: So what happened to make you 
turn to songwriting? 

GORDY: One day I was 
training at the gym 
and sat down to rest. 
I looked up at two 
posters on the wall. 
One was for a battle 
of the bands between 

Stan Kenton and Duke Ellington. The 
other was for a match between two 
young fighters. I noticed that the 
fighters were about 23 and looked 50. 
And the bandleaders were 50 and 
looked 23. I had my answer. That's when 
I jumpe: 

nto songwriting. 
low do you write a song? 

(5 done in a hundred ways. 
Sometimes the words first. Sometimes 
the music first. Sometimes all together. 
Anything any way. Once 1 decided I was 
going to devote all my time to writing, I 
became a writing fool. Anything I saw 
could end up in a song—a license plate 
number, a paper clip, the way somebody 
sits. Wherever the idea would come 
from, I would try to figure out some- 
thing different about it, give it a twist— 
or something to make it unique. ‘Try to 
find a different way to say “I love you” or 
“you're special” or “I’m sad.” 

PLAYBOY: How did you go about trying to 
sell the songs? 

GORDY: The first song I tried to have 
recorded was You Are You. I wrote it with 
Doris Day in mind. She was the Ameri- 
can girl-next-door. I knew that she 
would record it if she heard it, so I sent it 
to her in Hollywood but never heard 
back from her, 

PLAYBOY: How were you making a living 
in those days? 

GORDY: I came back from the Army and 
opened a jazz record shop and tried to 

“It shows that they have 
confidence in the product, 
and believe in the quality.” 


educate people about jazz. But my cus- 
tomers in Detroit were automobile-facto- 
ry workers who wanted the blues. They 
wanted music that made them feel good. 
Blues made them feel good—or it made 
them feel good to feel bad. So I went out 
of business. 

PLAYBOY. What did you do then? 

GORDY: I went into selling cookware. 1 
heard that you could make a lot of mon- 
ey selling pots and pans door-to-door. 
PLAYBOY: Were you a good salesman? 
GORDY: Yes. People would invite their 
friends over and I would cook for 
them—as many as 20 people at a time— 
and sell these pans. I did very well until 
my father went out with me one day. AE 
ter I made a sale, I was so proud, trying 
to impress him, but he was upset. He 
said I was taking advantage of poor peo- 
ple who couldn't afford it. Somehow 
what he said made sense and I never 
ther pot after that. So I шісі 
g again, but I gor married and 
we had a baby and then another and an- 
other. My mother-in-law got me a job at 
a Ford foundry. 1 worked there for one 
day and hated it. Then she got me a job 
at an auto plant. After the foundry, the 
Lincoln-Mercury plant was fantastic. 
The place was clean and I liked the as- 
sembly line. 

PLAYBOY. What was your job? 

GORDY: Cars came down the line and I 
would jump inside and put on the 
trim—the chrome around the windows. 
I hooked it in place and screwed it in 
and the car would move on to the next 
person, who would jump into it. 

I was so good at it that I could go 
down the line and get ahead of myself by 
four or five cars. Then I'd come back 
and have time to wait for the next cars to 
come down. I spent the time singing and 
writing songs. I'd write them down on 
scraps of paper. 

PLAYBOY: What made you quit the 
GORDY: I was saving money, working 12 
hours a day sometimes and Saturdays 
and Sundays, lots of overtime. Still, I 
never thought about leaving until one 
lunchtime when I heard some guys talk- 
ing about how many more years they 
had until they could really start to live, 
meaning how many years they had until 
they would retire. One said he had five, 
another had seven. I realized I had, like, 
38. I thought, This is crazy. I'm not go- 
ing to wait till I'm 65 to live. I had saved 
enough money and all I would get was 
more money. It was time for me to do 
something that I really loved. So I quit. 
PLAYBOY: How did this go over at home? 
GORDY: With my wife and in-laws—not 
good. Even though I had saved money 
and bought a home, I was back to being 
a bum again. Then one day I learned 
that my wife was divorcing me. That's 
when I wrote the song Tò Be Loved. 
PLAYBOY. Of all Motown songs, why did 
you choose To Be Loved as the Ше of 

52 your autobiography? 

GORDY: It’s what I've always wanted and 
what I feel people want most in life. 1 
wrote that song at one of the lowest 
points of my life. I was very depressed 
about the divorce, because I was real 
close to my three kids. I wanted to lead 
them the right way, the way I had been 
led by my parents. It was important to 
me to have great communication with 
them, and I thought I had lost that. 1 
went to my sister Gwen's house and told 
her I was getting divorced and she took 
it lightly. Г said, “But my kids. . . .” She 
said, “The kids will always love you, the 
same as we do.” When she said that, I 
started crying. That night, I sat down at 
her little electric piano and wrote the 
song. I was sad and depressed about 
what had happened, but | felt loved. I 
started playing some chords, and the 
words came easily: “Someone to care, 
someone to share, lonely hours and mo- 
ments of despair, to be loved, to be 
loved. Oh, what a feeling to be loved.” 
That kind of emotion is something that 
we feel very few times in our lives. 
PLAYBOY: When did you finally sell a 

GORDY: My sister introduced me to Al 
Green, a dub owner who managed some 
acts, including Jackie Wilson. He also 
owned a music publishing company and 
was looking for writers. I started work- 
ing with him. I met a man named 
Roquel Billy Davis and agreed to write 
with him. The first song of ours to be 
recorded was Reet Petite. 1 did a little bit 
of writing on it, not much, just some of 
the verses—I was good on verses. Jackie 
Wilson recorded itand it was a big hit. 
PLAYBOY: How did the success of the 
record affect you? 

GORDY: I was thrilled. I thought my trou- 
bles were over forever and Га be rich 
and have all the girls I wanted. The cycle. 
of success that happens to everybody 
who gets famous began for me. 

PLAYBOY: Explain that cycle. 

GORDY: When anyone becomes а star, 
they go through changes brought on by 
fame and fortune. Few people can sur- 
vive it. People treat you differently. 
PLAYBOY: Do women? 

GORDY: Everybody does. I saw it all over 
the place. The first time I saw Jackie per- 
form was at the Armory in Flint, Mich- 
igan. It vas always a real treat. When 
he hit the stage it was unbelievable— 
women were throwing panties on the 
stage. Once, I was at one of Jackie's 
shows and the most beautiful girl I had 
ever seen was sitting there. We started 
talking and I wanted to get to know her 
better. She was the epitome of class and 
sweetness. She sort of ignored me at 
first, but when we began talking, I asked 
if I could call her sometime. It wasn't 
proper, she said. She said we might meet 
sometime in the future at one of these 
shows. I thought, Oh man, that means 
I'm going to have to come to every show 
to see her again. Afier a while we got 

friendly and we were laughing and stuff 

like that, and I thought maybe I'd try to 
kiss her—just on the cheek, a little kiss. 
“No no no no! I'm not that kind of girl!” 
We didn't know each other well enough 
and all that. I was thinking, This girl is 
too good to be true! She has such virtue, 
she is so good—who knows? This was fu- 
ture wife material. 

We finally agreed to meet at the same 
spot after the show, but when I came 
back she wasn't there. So I went back- 
stage, where Jackie was with a tremen- 
dous number of girls hanging around 
him, as always. There was Jackie, half 
clothed, locked into it with some girl, 
which he always was. Her dress was up, 
practically over her head. I got closer 
and realized it was my girl—with her 
tongue halfway down Jackie's throat. 
PLAYBOY: So much for your future wife. 
GORDY: Yes, unfortunately. But this 
taught me a Іше something about hu- 
man nature—about the power of a star. 
Jackie was a magnet. 

PLAYBOY: Were all your acts affected by 
the adulation they received? 
GORDY: How could you not be? It affects 
people in many different ways, and some 
can make it through the vicious circle. 
Others get caught in drugs, some go 
mad with power, some forget who their 
friends are, some forget who they are. 
PLAYBOY: Do most entertainers learn 
their lessons the hard way? 
GORDY: Many of them do. It is so easy to 
forget who you are. 
PLAYBOY: How bad did it get for you in 
your cycle of success? 
GORDY: I’m a quick learner. A while after 
my first big hit on United Artists, I put 
out a second record that didn't do too 
well. I went to New York and took some 
friends to United Artists. 1 wanted to 
show off. I got there and expected to be 
treated like the king ofall kings, but this 
time they didn’t seem to know who I 
was. I said, “I'm Berry Gordy,” but no 
one had any time for me. I realized how 
true it was that you're only as hot as your 
last hir. That was a big lesson for me. I 
thought, Fuck all this trying to be more 
important than I am. Let me get my ass 
back to Detroit and focus on what 1 
should be focusing on. Also, it helped 
that I was working with all these other 
people, trying to keep them in line. I 
never had time to get too far out of line 
PLAYBOY: Why did you decide to start 
your own record company? 
GORDY I wanted to produce my songs 
Ше way 1 wanted them produced. First I 
set up Jobete Music to handle the pub- 
lishing of my songs. Smokey was my first 
PLAYBOY: How did you meet him? 
GORDY When I was writing for Jackie, 
Smokey came in with his group to Jack- 
ie's manager's office to audition, but they 
were rejected. I felt real compassion for 
(continued on page 124) 


He’s а man who believes that life is fueled by passionate preoccupations, whether it’s a monthly 
sports Car rally or a Saturday afternoon spent polishing the Porsche. For him, cruise control is an oxy- 
moron. That's why he reads PLAYBOY every month. It’s the magazine that keeps him on track. One 
out of every five men who race cars reads PLAYBOY. Almost 2 million readers own a sports car. 
For peak performance, he reaches for PLAYBOY every time. (Source: Autumn 1994 MRI.) 


fiction by. 

"Vladimir Nabokov 

there's only one way 

lo experience a great 

painting — you must 
actually enter it, 

plunge into its depths 

© м FRONT or the red-hued castle, 
mid luxuriant elms, there was a 
L vividly green grass court. Early 
that morning the gardener had 
smoothed it with a stone roller, extir- 
pated a couple of daisics, redrawn the 
lines on the lawn with chalk and tightly 
strung a resilient new net between the 
posts. From a nearby village the butler 
had brought a carton within which re- 
posed a dozen balls, white as snow, 
fuzzy to the touch, still light, still virgi 
each wrapped like a precious fruit in 
own sheet of translucent paper. 

It was about five in the afternoon: 
The ripe sunshine dozed here and 
there on the grass and tree trunks, fil- 
tered through the leaves and placidly 
bathed the court, which had now come 
alive. There were four players: the Col- 
onel himself (the castle's proprieto 
Mrs. McGore, the host’s son Frank and 
Simpson, a college friend of his. 

А persons motions while playing, 
like his handwriting in quieter mo- 
ments, tell a good deal about him. 
Judging by the Colonel's blunt, stiff 
strokes; by the tense expression on his 
fleshy face, which looked as if it had 
just spat out the massive gray mustache 
towering above his lip; by the fact that, 
in spite of the heat, he did not unbut- 
ton his shirt collar; and by the way he 
served, legs planted firmly apart like 
two white poles, one might conclude, 
first, that he had never been a good 



player, and second, that he was a staid, 
old-fashioned, stubborn man subject to 
occasional outbursts of seething anger. 
In fact, having hit the ball into the 
thododendrons, he would exhale a 
terse oath through his teeth, or goggle 
his fishlike eyes at his racket as if he 
could not forgive it for such a humiliat- 
ing miss. Simpson, his partner by 
chance, a skinny blond youth with 
meek but mad eyes that fluttered and 
glinted behind his pince-nez like limp, 
light-blue butterflies, was trying to play 
as best he could, though the Colonel, of 
course, never expressed his vexation 
when the loss of a point was the other’s 
fault. But no matter how hard Simpson 
tried, no matter how he leaped about, 
none of his shots was successful. He felt 
as if he were coming apart at the seams, 
as if it were his timidity that kept him 
from hitting accurately and that, in- 
stead of an instrument of play meticu- 
lously and ingeniously assembled out 
of resonant, amber catgut strung on 
a superbly calculated frame, he was 
holding a clumsy dry log from which 
the ball would rebound with a painful 
crack, ending up in the net or in the 
bushes and even managing to knock 
the straw hat off the circular pate of Mr. 
McGore, who was standing beside the 
court and watching with no great inter- 
est as his young wife Maureen and the 
light-footed Frank defeated their per- 
spiring opponents. 

Frank had arrived that morning with 
his friend to vacation at his father's, 
and had found Mr. and Mrs. McGore, 
whom he already knew and who had 
been visiting at the castle for more than 
a month. The Colonel, inflamed by a 
noble passion for paintings, willingly 
forgave McGore his foreign origin, his 
unsociable nature and his lack of hu- 
mor in exchange for the assistance this 
famous art expert gave him and for the 
magnificent, priceless canvases he pro- 
cured. Especially magnificent was the 
Colonel’s most recent acquisition, the 
portrait of a woman by Luciani, sold 
to him by McGore for a most sump- 
tuous sum. 

Frank and Maureen, having won five 
straight games, were about to win the 
sixth. Frank, who was serving, tossed 
the ball high with his left hand, leaned 
far back as if he were about to fall over, 
then immediately lunged forward with 
a broad arching motion, his glossy 
racket giving a glancing blow to the 
ball, which shot across the net and 
bounced like white lightning past 
Simpson, who gave it a helpless side- 
wise look. 

“That's it,” said the Colonel. 

Simpson felt greatly relieved. He was 
too ashamed of his inept strokes to be 
capable of enthusiasm for the game, 
and this shame was intensified by the 

extraordinary attraction he felt for 
Maureen. The players bowed to one 
another as was the custom, and Mau- 
reen gave a sidelong smile as she ad- 
justed the strap on her bared shoulder. 
Her husband was applauding with an 
air of indifference. 

“We must have a game of singles,” 
remarked the Colonel, slapping his son 
on the back with gusto as the latter, 
baring his teeth, pulled on his white, 
crimson-striped club blazer with a vio- 
let emblem on one side. 

“Tea!” said Maureen. “I'm dying for 
some tea.” 

Everyone moved into the shadow of 
a giant elm, where the butler and the 
black-and-white maid had set up a 
portable table. There was tea dark as 
Munich beer, sandwiches consisting of 
cucumber slices on rectangles of crust- 
less bread, а swarthy cake pocked wit 
black raisins, and large strawberries 
with cream. There were also several 
earthenware bottles of ginger ale. 

“In my day,” began the Colonel, low- 
ering himself with ponderous relish in- 
to a canvas folding chair, “we preferred 
real, full-blooded English sports: rug- 
by, cricket, hunting. There is some- 
thing forcign about today's games, 
something skinny-legged. Гата 
staunch advocate of manly holds, juicy 
meat, an evening bottle of port—which 
does not prevent me,” concluded the 
Colonel as he smoothed his large mus- 
tache with a little brush, “from enjoy- 
ing robust old paintings that have the 
luster of that same hearty wine.” 

“By the way, Colonel, the Veneziana 
has been hung,” said McGore in his 
dreary voice, laying his hat on the lawn 
by his chair and rubbing the crown of 
his head, naked as a knee, around 
which still curled thick, dirty-gray 
locks. “I picked the best-lighted spot in 
the gallery. They have rigged a lamp 
over it. Га like you to have a look.” 

The Colonel fixed his eyes in turn on 
his son, on the embarrassed Simpson 
and on Maureen, who was laughing 
and grimacing from the hot tea. 

“My dear Simpson,” he exclaimed 
emphatically, pouncing on his chosen 
prey, “you haven't seen it yet! Pardon 
me for tearing you away from your 
sandwich, my friend, but 1 feel obligat- 
ed to show you my new painting. The 
connoisseurs are going crazy over it. 
Come on. Of course, I don’t dare ask 

Frank made a jovial bow. “You're 
right, Father. Paintings perturb me.” 

“We'll be right back, Mrs. McGore,” 
said the Colonel as he got up. “Careful, 
you're going to step on the bottle,” he 
addressed Simpson, who had also 
“Prepare to be showered with 

The three of them headed for the 

house across the softly sunlit lawn. 
Narrowing his eyes, Frank looked after 
them, looked down at McGore's hat 
abandoned on the grass by the chair (it 
exhibited to God, to the blue heavens, 
to the sun, its whitish underside with a 
dark greasy spot in the center, on the 
imprint of a Viennese hat shop), and 
then, turning toward Maureen, said a 
few words that will doubtless surprise 
the unperceptive reader. Maureen was 
sitting in a low armchair, covered with 
trembling ringlets of sunlight, pressing 
the gilt meshwork of the racket to her 
forehead. Her face immediately be- 
came older and more severe when 
Frank said, “Now then, Maureen. It's 
time for us to make a decision.” 

McGore and the Colonel, like two 
guards, led Simpson into a cool, spa- 
cious hall, where paintings glistened on 
the walls. There was no furniture other 
than an oval table of glossy black wood 
standing in the center, all four of its 
legs reflected in the mirrorlike walnut- 
yellow of the parquet. Having conduct- 
ed their prisoner to a large canvas in an 
opaque gilded frame, the Colonel and 
McGore stopped, the former with his 
hands in his pockets, the latter pensive- 
ly picking some dry gray pollenlike 
matter out of his nostril and scattering 
it with a light rolling rub of his fingers. 
The painting was very fine indeed. 
Luciani had portrayed the Venetian 
beauty in half-profile, standing against 
awarm, black background. Rose-tinted 
cloth revealed her prominent, dark- 
hued neck, with extraordinarily tender 
folds beneath the car. The gray lynx 
fur with which her cherry-red mantelet 
was trimmed was slipping off her left 
shoulder. With the elongated fingers of 
her right hand spread in pairs, she 
seemed to have been on the point of 
adjusting the falling fur but to have 
frozen motionless, her hazel, uniformly 
dark eyes gazing languidly from the 
canvas. Her left hand, with white rip- 
ples of cambric encircling the wrist, was 
holding a basket of yellow fruit; the 
narrow crown of her headdress glowed 
atop her dark-chestnut hair. On the left 
the black was interrupted by a large 
right-angled opening straight into the 
twilight air and the bluish green chasm 
of the cloudy evening. 

Yet it was not those details of stupen- 
dous umbral interplay, nor the dark 
warmth of the entire painting, that 
struck Simpson. It was something else. 
htly to one side and 
ing instantly, he said, 

"God, how she resembles——" 

"My wife, finished McGore in a 

bored voice, scattering his dry pollen. 
(continued on page 60) 

“Listen, Gaston. I think something’s coming over the grapevine.” 


education in how to swim with the sharks 
without being bitten. 115 not an experience 
she would care to repeat. 

"I was an innocent person," explains Traci. “I 
had just moved to Los Angeles from Memphis— 
І was so nai Then, all of a sudden, I was 
thrown into this huge media event and my life 
was chaotic for four or five months. Thank God 
I've learned a lot from it.” 

"That media event began when ‘Traci’s Play- 
mate layout appeared in the July 1994 issue. It 
was a splashy debut—readers loved her. One in 
particular, O.J. Simpson, was so taken with Traci 
that he called her in Maryland, where she was 
filming the movie Life 101. The day was Sunday, 
June 12, and the two talked on the phone for 35 
to 40 minutes. When Nicole Brown Simpson 
and Ron Goldman were found murdered later 
that night, Traci was sucked into the yortex of 
tabloid journalism. The phone call itself was 
hardly extraordinary. “He was just a guy trying 

Е TRACI ADELL, the past year has been an 



one fateful sunday last year, playmate traci айе! 
took a phone call that changed her life 


to get a date. I was picking his brain, trying to 
figure out how he turned his football career into 
a business. That's why I had moved to Los Ап 
geles in the first place—to learn how to get an 
idea off the ground and into the marketplace, 
whether it’s a movie I'm passionate about, or а 
story or a book. I want to know how to create it 
and get it into people's homes.” 

But the media were on a feeding frenzy. No 
story was too small or insignificant to escape full- 
scale investigation. At first, Traci told only her 
boyfriend—an O.J. Simpson fan—and a few 
friends about the call. Her best guess is that 
friends of friends leaked it to the tabloids, and 
she promptly found herself on the front page of 
the Globe. The next thing she knew, А Current Af- 
fair offered her what looked like a no-win prop- 
osition: “Either 1 could go on the air and tell the 
story of my talk with O.]., or they would do the 
story without me and make me look like a bim- 
bo. My acting career was going well, and I didn't 
want tobe portrayed (text concluded on page 146) 


La Veneziana@ minus from page 56) 

“ГЇ! be tormented to my dying day. I shall become 
like one of those wretches Fue run into in Chelsea.” 

“It's incredibly good,” whispered 
iling his head the other way, 

ebastiano Luciani," said the Col- 
onel, complacently narrowing his eyes, 
“was born at the end of the 15th centu- 
ry in Venice and died in the mid-16th 
in Rome. His teachers were Bellini and 
Giorgione and his rivals Michelangelo 
and Raflacllo. As you can sce, he syn- 
thesized in his work the power of the 
former and the tenderness of the latter. 
It's true he was not overly fond of San- 
ti, and here it was not just a matter of 
professional vanity—legend has it that 
our artist was taken with a Roman lady 
called Margherita, known subsequently 
as la Fornarina. Sixteen years before 
death he took monastic yows upon re- 
ceiving from Clement УП а simple and 
profitable appointment. Ever since 
then he has been known as Fra Sebas- 
tiano del Piombo. Piombo means lead, 
for his duties consisted of applying 
enormous lead seals to fiery papal 
bulls. A dissolute monk, he was fond of 
carousing and composed indifferent 
sonnets. But what a master. . 
The Colonel gave Simpson a glance, 
noting with satisfaction the impression 
the painting had made on his speech- 
less guest. It should again be empha- 
sized, however, that Simpson, unaccus- 
tomed as he was to the contemplation 
of artwork, could not fully appreciate 
the mastery of Sebastiano del Piombo, 
and the one thing that fascinated 
him—apart, of course, from the purely 
physiological effect of the splendid col- 
ors on his optic nerves—was the resem- 
blance he had immediately noticed, 
even though he was seeing Maureen 
for the first time. And the remarkable 
thing was that the Veneziana's face—the 
sleek forehead bathed, as it were, in the 
recondite gloss of some olivaster moon, 
the totally dark eyes, the placidly ex- 
pectant expression of her gently joined 
lips—clarified for him the real beauty 
of that other Maureen who kept laugh- 
ing, narrowing her eyes, shifting her 
pupils in a constant struggle with the 
sunlight whose bright maculae glided 
across her white frock as she separated 
the leaves with her racket in search ofa 
ball that had rolled into hiding. 
Taking advantage of the liberty that 
an English host allows his guests, Simp- 
son did not return to the tea table but 
set off across the garden, rounding the 
star-shaped flowerbeds and soon losing 

his way amid the checkerboard shad- 
‘ows of an avenue in the park, with its 
smell of ferns and decaying leaves. The 
trees were so old that their branches 
had had to be propped up by rusted 
braces, and they hunched over like di- 
lapidated giants on iron crutches. 

“God, what a stunning painting,” 
Simpson whispered again. He walked 
unhurriedly, waving his racket, 
stooped, his rubber soles lightly slap- 
ping. One must picture him clearly: 
gaunt, clad in rumpled white trousers 
anda baggy gray jacket with a half-belt; 
and also take careful note of the rimless 
pince-nez on his pockmarked, button- 
like nose, his weak, slightly mad eyes 
and the freckles on his convex fore- 
head, his cheekbones, and his neck, 
red from the summer sun. 

He was in his second year at univer- 
sity, lived modestly, and diligently at- 
tended lectures on theology. He and 
Frank became friends not only because 
fate had assigned them the same apart- 
ment (consisting of two bedrooms and 
a common parlor) but, above all, like 
most weak-willed, bashful, secretly rap- 
turous people, because he involuntari- 
ly dung to someone in whom every- 
thing was vivid and firm—teeth, 
muscles, the physical strength of the 
soul, which is willpower. For his part, 
Frank, the pride of his college, who 
rowed in a racing scull and flew across 
the field with a leather watermelon un- 
der his arm, who knew how to land a 
punch on the very tip of the chin where 
there is the same kind of funny bone as 
in the elbow, a punch that would put 
an adyersary to sleep—this extraordi- 
nary, universally liked Frank found 
something very flattering in his friend- 
ship with the weak, awkward Simpson. 
Simpson, incidentally, was privy to 
something odd that Frank concealed 
from his other chums, who knew him 
only as a fine athlete and an exuberant 
chap, paying no attention whatsoever 
to occasional rumors that Frank was 
exceptionally good at drawing but 
showed his drawings to no one. He 
never spoke about art, was ever ready 
to sing and swig and carouse, yet sud- 
denly a strange gloom would come 
over him and he would not leave his 
room or let anyone in, and only his 
roommate, lowly Simpson, would see 
what he was up to. What Frank created 
during these two or three days of ill- 
humored isolation he either hid or de- 

stroyed, and then, as if having paid an 
agonizing tribute to his vice, he would 
again become his merry, uncomplicat- 
ed self. Only once did he bring this up 
with Simpson. 

“You see,” he said, wrinkling his 
limpid forehead and forcefully knock- 
ing the ashes from his pipe, “I feel that 
there is something about art, and 
painting in particular, that is effemi- 
пас, morbid, unworthy of a strong 
man. | try to struggle with this demon 
because I know how it can ruin people 
If I yield to it completely, then, instead 
of a peaceful, ordered existence with 
finite distress and finite delights, with 
precise rules without which any game 
loses its appeal, I shall be doomed to 
constant chaos, tumult, God knows 
what. РИ be tormented to my dying 
day. I shall become like one of those 
wretches I've run into in Chelsea, those 
vain, longhaired fools in velvet jack- 
ets—harried, weak, enamored only 
with their sticky palettes. . . .” 

But the demon must have been po- 
tent. At the end of the winter semester, 
without a word to his father (thereby 
hurting him deeply), Frank went off in 
third class to Italy, to return a month 
later directly to the university, sun- 
tanned and joyous, as if he had rid 
himself once and for all of the murky 
fever of creation. 

Then, with the advent of summer va- 
cation, he invited Simpson for a stay at 
his father's, and Simpson accepted in a 
burst of gratitude, for he was thinking 
with horror of the usual return home 
to his peaceful northern town where 
some shocking crime occurred every 
month, and to his parson father, a gen- 
tle, harmless man who devoted more 
attention to his harp and his chamber 
metaphysics than to his flock. 

The contemplation of beauty, 
whether it be a uniquely tinted sunset, 
a radiant face or a work of art, makes 
us look back at our personal past and 
juxtapose ourselves and our inner be- 
ing with the utterly unattainable beau- 
ty revealed to us. That is why Simpson, 
in front of whom the long-dead Vene- 
tian girl had just risen in her cambric 
and velvet, now reminisced as he am- 
bled along the violet dirt of the lane, 
soundless at this evening hour; he rem- 
inisced about his friendship with 
Frank, about his father's harp, about 
his own cramped, cheerless youth. The 
resonant forest stillness was comple- 
mented now and then by the crackle of 
a branch touched one knew not by 
whom. A red squirrel scurried down a 
tree trunk, ran across to a neighboring 
trunk with its bushy tail erect and dart- 
ed up again. In the soft flow ofsunlight 
between two tongues of foliage, midges 

(continued on page 137) 

“Naturally, Im upset. I wasted the best tan of my life on him." 




WORLD Gone Tr 


THERE MAY have been a time į 
when you thought of the words Star Trek as : 
the punch line to a joke. Star Trek fans were pasty-faced | 

14-year-old boys. The object of their obsession was at 
most cult and probably not more than kitsch, Obviously, 
it wasn't anything important. 
Then you realized how wrong you were. Maybe 
it was back in 1976, when NASA named the 
space shuttle prototype the U.S.S. Enterprise, 
or six months ago, when Paramount chose a 
fourth Star Trek series as the flagship of its 
new television network. Or it could have 
been any number of landmarks in between: 
when Star Trek: The Next Generation became 
the highest-rated first-run syndicated show in 
history; when seven Star Trek feature films 
raked in more than $500 million; when more than 
100 Star Trek novels became best-sellers; when read- 
ers of TV Guide named The Next Generation’s Patrick 
Stewart—a bald guy—the sexiest man on TV. 
Fact is, it's impossible to be alive in this culture 
without significant Tick awareness. In the spir- 
itof intergalactic scholarship, we present the 
ultimate package of Star Trek lore. (For 
those of you who get lost, there's a glossary 
оп page 64.) Read on, and prosper. 


Even green women like to be romanced. 
Here are some pickup lines used by various 
Starfleet crew members. 
“Are you wearing some unusual kind о! 
perfume, or something radioactive, my 
“Commander, tell me about your sexual or- 
“I am programmed in multiple techniques. 
A broad variety of pleasuring.”—DATA TO 

“I can see you аге a woman not only of breeding but al- 
so of wit and sagacity." —PICARD TO A HOLODECK COUNTESS 
Bonus 1: А holodeck-date brush-off line. “It’s been a 
lovely program and you're a terrific guy, but I just 
don't feel that way about you."—CHRISTI НЕМ. 
Bonus 2: Why technogecks can't get laid in 
the 24th century, either. “I just don’t get it. 1 
can fieldstrip a fusion reactor. I can realign а 
power-transfer tunnel. Why can't I make 
anything work with a woman like Christi?”— 


Is something in need of repair, but you have 
trouble remembering the appropriate techno- 
babble? Use this clip-and-save troubleshooter. 

Symptom: Power fluctuation in the trans- 
porter's annular confinement beam. 

Possible cause: Field imbalance. 

Adjustment: Check the Heisenberg com- 
pensators and run a level-one diagnostic 
of the pattern buffers. 

Symptom: The power requirements of 
shuttle craft do not match those of your 

Possible cause: Incompatible polarity. 

Adjustment; Use a variable phase in- 
verter to align the ship's power with the 

ircuits of the shuttle craft. 

Symptom: Warp drive not supplying 
enough energy. 

Possible cause: Natural limitations of the 
matter-antimatter reaction chamber. 

Adjustment: Use multiple injector streams 
го hit more than one dilithium crystal facet. 

Stor Trek's greatest alien hits (opposite, clockwise from top right): а lounge-lizard lady; a mis- 
. chievous Toloxian named Neelix; Dotc's android offspring; Quark, the most famous Ferengi 
ever; your generic Cardessian warrior; a thirsty Kozon boss топ who lives on o desert planet. 


ЕН Ша 1 

Symptom: Someone is unconscious. 
Possible cause: Doesn't matter. 
Adjustment: Эсс Cordrazine. 25cc if Klingon. 


Chateau Picard: Fine wine from 
the Picard family vineyards of La 
_ Barre, Frani 

Finagle's Folly: Mixed drink invented 
by McCoy. Yes, he's a doctor, but damn 
he's a thirsty doctor. 

Prune juice: Earth beverage. An appreciative 
Worf declared it “a warrior's drink.” 

Raktajino: Klingon iced coffee popular at - 
Quark's bar. 

Romulan ale: Baby-blue grog powerful 
enough to be banned by the Federation. 

Samarian sunset: A delicate balance of liquors 
that appears clear until the rim of the glass is 
tapped, whereupon it develops a multicolored 
glow. A good drink when you have a little money 
left over in your special-effects slush fund. 

Saurian brandy: OK drink, classy bottle. 

Synthehol: Hangover-free alcohol substitute. 
Like a 24th century O'Doul's. 

Tzartak aperitif: Its vapor point is one-half de- 
gree below body temperature, so it evaporates 
upon contact with the tongue. 


‘Trekkers don't just sit around watching Star 
Trek all day. They sit around watching Star Trek 

and getting drunk. Here’s one version of the Star 
Tick: The Next Generation drinking game making the 
rounds on college campuses and the Internet. 
Prime directive: Have one sip of beer per suc- 
cessfully met condition. 

Anybody says 
= "Open hailing frequencies.” 
\  - “Medical emergency.” 

- “Belay that order.” 

- “Energize.” 

- "You have the bridge.” 

- "Hell," "damn" or any other profanity. 
(See Riker's special swearing rules that ap- 
pear later in this list.) 

Picard says: 

- "Make it so.” 



- "Come" (two sips if it is said in his personal 

- "Captain's log”; two sips if it's supplemental. 

Worf says: 

- “Impressive.” 

- "Admirable." 

Data says: 

- “Fascinating.” 

= “Interesting.” 

- "Accessing." 
- Swears (two sips if it's "hell," whole beer if 
he asks, "What the hell is going on?"). 
- Walks forward as if he were trying to knock 
down an imaginary door with his forehead. 
- Brags about his trombone. 
- Straightens his uniform. 
- Tries to speak French 

ж BORG—Half robot, 
half human, all evil. 
aliens with a fondness for torture. 
side of the galaxy. 
Beautiful female п who 
lives to serve men. No, really. 
UN, only not a laughingstock. 
Ж FERENGI—Short, moneygrub- 
bing aliens with big ears. 
ж HOLODECK—Produces holographic but 
extremely lifelike simulations of any envi- 
ronment. A playroom for restless (and 
occasionally horny) stars! 
ж HOLOSUITE—Holodeck in the back 
room of seedy bars. 
ж KLINGONS—A warrior race. Very spiritual, and they spit 
when they talk. 
Ж MUDD'S WOMEN—Artificial mail-order brides. 
Ж PON FARR—How Vulcans go into heat. 
Ж THE PRIME DIRECTIVE—“Thou shalt n. terfere in the 
normal development of any society.” It has lots of loopholes. 

ж Q—A guy with godlike powers, a warped sense of humor 

and a lot of time on his hands. 
Ж REPLICATORS—Extraordinarily convenient technology 
for making anything out of nothing. 
ж ROMULANS—Like the Klingons but with smoother fore- 
heads, and they never befriended humans. 
Ж STARFLEET—The navy of the United Fed- 
eration of Planets. 
Annapolis of Starficet. Established 
at the Presidio in 2161. 
brass. Meddling bureaucrats, but their 
HQ has a nice view of the Golden Gate Bridge. 
* TEN FORWARD—The forwardmost point of 
the Enterprise D’s Deck Ten. Also, the name of the 
lounge ther: 
Ж TRANSPORTER—How to get there from here. 

ж TRILL—Human on the outside, slug on the inside. By 
sheer luck, Deep Space Nine’s resident Trill, Dax, currently 
sports the body of a hot babe. 

Ж rURBOLIFT—Elevator. 

isual instrument and sensory organ replace- 
ment. For blind people. 
Ж VULCANS—Logical, emotionless aliens with pointy ears. 
ж WORMHOLE—Corridor through space. 


Where How to Buy on page 155. 


= Performs a self-diagnostic. 

- Reveals his innards. 

- Pets or holds Spot. 


- Sees something other people can't. 

- His visor is taken or is knocked off. 


- Can't figure out some 
bizarre medical problem. 


- Talks about chocolate; two 
sips if she eats something 

- Has an empathic insight 
about something that's really 


- Talks back to his mom. 


- Speaks 


- Drinks; four if it's Picard drinking Earl 
Grey tea. 

- Reads a book. 

- Is addressed by first name; two if | 

there's some kind of sexual tension go- 
ing on. 
- Appears in dress uniform (one sip 
per scene per officer). 

per scene per officer); two if it’s Bev- 
erly in a sweater or Picard in his 
chest-revealing bedwear. 
- Plays an instrument; two if it's 
- Preaches the Prime Di- 
rective; two if it's not Pi- 
- Preaches about “humanity's unique 
- Implies that Ten Forward is а happen- 
ing place. 
- Yellow alert: one sip. 
- Red alert: two sips. 
- Intruder alert: three sips. 
Any time: 
- There's an argument in a turbolift. 
- A shuttle craft seems like an unsafe 
place to be. 
- Something goes wrong with the 
- An “old earth saying” is brought up; 

two if Data has to have it explained = 

to him. 

- Klingon is spoken; two sips per scene £ 

in which Klingons are alone and have no 
obvious reason to speak English but do so 

- A female character has flawless make- 
up after she's been through the wringer. 

- There's a token alien in the back- 
ground with no lines; two if it’s a Vulcan. 

- A communicator isn't working or is 

- Appears in casual clothes (one sip | 

“DAMN IT, Jim! 



—“Bones” McCoy 












--Кінк то PICARD 



—MR. Spock 

- Somebody uses a communicator or in- 
tercom without going to a panel or touch- 
ing anything. 

- There’s a countdown. 

- The Enterprise does battle (shots must 
be fired): two sips per scene. 

- The living quarters of the Enterprise 
separate from the ship before bat- 
Че: the whole beer. 


The easy joke about Trekkies— 
sorry, Trekkers—is the one William 
Shatner made in that notorious 

Saturday Night Live skit: “Get a life.” 

There are indeed some enthusiasts 
who aren't content with the shows and 
movies—or even reality as the rest of us 
know it—and get a Trek life by living and 
writing it for themselves. 

Consider the space warior wanna-bes 
who practice their Klingon language skills 
by studying the official dictionary and au- 
diotape, or by taking a fan-sponsored cor- 
respondence course. Advanced linguists 
are translating Shakespeare's writings and 
the Bible into Klingon. 

Meanwhile, over at Pocket Books, the 
publishers of the Star Trek series dish out. 
a never-ending supply of fantasies to their 
obsessive audience. 

Since the mid-Eighties, Star Trek novels 
have become best-sellers. It's no surprise 
that Pocket Books, a di n of Para- 
mount's Simon & Schuster, decided to 
crank out two Trek books a month. 

"The downside of having such a devoted 
audience—especially when it's a devoted 
audience of Trekkers—is that they want to 
write Star Trek novels almost as much as 
they want to read them. John Ordover, 
a Trek editor, receives about a thousand 
unsolicited (text concluded on page 136) 





How do Star Trek (The Original Series, 
or TOS, in fan lingo), Star Trek: The Next 

Generation [TNG] and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (2591 stack up to one another? This chart compares key elements. 
Plus, some reasons to keep your eye on the new series, Star Trek: Voyager ISZVI. 



Swashbuckler moraliz- 
ing. Wreak a litle hav- 
ос, chase alien tail, zap 
guys in rubber monster 
suits, tack on a lesson at 
the end. 

Retrofuturistic, moder- 
ately campy and a touch 
psychedelic. Classic Trek 
brilliantly conjures up 
the 23rd century with 
colored lights, fog 
machines, shiny clothes 
and inventive music. 

‘The Secondary Direc- 
tive: Alien women from 
primitive societies will 
wear fur bikinis, alien 
women from advanced 
societies will dress 

like Sixties 

go-go dancers 

It takes guts to insist 
that a dust mop, a giant 
pancake ог а piece of 
fabric can be a viable 
alien lifeform. Too bad 
Klingons are basically 
big white guys wearing 
shoe polish and Fu 

Beneficent imperialism. 
Spread Federation 
throughout the galaxy. 
Holster those phasers— 
you have to think to 
solve problems. 

Gleamingly high-tech. 
А dazzling array of 
computer screens, holo- 
graphic projections and 
multihued spatial anom- 
alies—just the stuff to 
make you proud of what 
our descendants 

will accomplish. 

Grumpy. Bicker inces- 
santly with co-workers. 
Repair machinery. 


Stygian. Designed by 
nasty Cardassians, the 
DS9 space station is 

all dark battlements and 
clanging metal. The new 
tenants’ attempts to 
install a shopping mall 
only make the place 

Spunky. Tryto uphold 
the values of the Feder- 
ation, but don't be afraid 
to try 10 kick a little 
alien butt. 

sleekness makes room 
for incongruously primi- 
Чуе elements. The lost 
Voyager falls back on 
cooking to supplement 
its food replicators. 

Should bodacious Beta- 
zoid Deanna Troi, a 
practicing therapist, 
wear such low-cut 
outfits? Is it true what 
they say about 

Klingon men? 

For a woman who's part 
slug, Jadzia Dax is pretty 
hot. How far down do 
those spots go, anyway? 
Major Kira seems like 
she'd rather hold a whip 
than a phaser, And when 
are we going 10 see those 
holosuites in action? 

‘Tom Paris morphs Kirk's 
smooth moves. Half 
human, half Klingon 
B'Elanna Torres spent 
part of the Voyager. 
premiere popping out 
ofa bathrobe, which 
should tell you something. 

An endless procession of 
oddly shaped ears, noses 
and foreheads. The 

real creativity, though, 

is in the exploration 

of alien psychology. 


DeForest Kelley 

Marina Sirtis, 
Brent Spiner 



The way William 
Shatner chews scenery, 
it’s a wonder he 

never got Styrofoam 
poisoning. The rest of 
the cast isn't much 
better. There's so much 
ham it's no surprise 
that the Enterprise crew 
includes no Jews. 

The transporter. Origi- 
nally, a money-saving 
device to avoid haying to 
film a spaceship landing 
every episode. But 
imagine life without the 

Invariably referred to as 
a Shakespearean actor, 
Patrick Stewart earns his 
praise. He can even out- 
emote Shatner: Com- 
раге his “There are four 
lights!" with Shatner's “I 
am Kirok!” Data is su- 
perexpressive for an 
emotionless being. 

Obviously, all that make- 
up on Odo is meant to 
distract us from the fact 
that he's just Clayton 
from Benson. 

Nana Visitor, Armin 
Shimerman, Siddig El 
Fadil, Rene Auberjonois 
Cirroc Lofton 

Obviously, all that make- 
up on Neelix is meant to 
distract us from the fact 

that he is just Pete 

from Benson. 

Roxann Biggs-Dawson 

A very even cast. All 
capable, though no one 
stands out. 

The holodeck. Television 
you can le, and 
an irresistible plot de- 
vice. Fittingly, the holo- 
deck is based on trans- 
porter technology. Now 
if we could only kill 
Picard's alter ego, 

Dixon Hill. 

space-time continuum 
arc fine, but good old- 
fashioned cash lust is 
159% single best contri- 
bution to the Tick 

"The cast may be a 
trifle stiff, but Kate 
Mulgrew as the first 
female Trek captain 
and Tim Russ as her 
Vulcan sidekick are 

What did you 
say that new 
warp drive 
runs on? 

Mu = > P 


т but those preliminary tests indicate 

the advisability of a few preca 

“Please don't be alarmed, Mr. Parke 



article by 

oklahoma city 
wasn't the beginning, 
and it certainly 
isn't the end 

NA GRIM April morning I stood 

in a bathroom of a Branson, 

Missouri hotel, surrounded by 

a quartet of white supremacists, 
I shared the sink with a “Christian pa- 
triot” named Don. 

There was a picture of a blood- 
streaked baby in my mind as I wiped 
my hands with a paper towel. This 
particular snippet of CNN footage 
had been haunting me since I had 
seen it in the Atlanta airport 48 hours 
earlier. This was not the place to be 
having sympathetic thoughts about 
the Oklahoma City victims, I wadded 
up the spent towel and tossed it into 
the wastebasket and looked at Don. 

This broad-faced Oklahoma farmer 
took us all in with his dead blue eyes 
and said, "They've been taking this 
country from us, piece by piece, for 

A grin stripped Don's teeth as he 
peered malevolently at me over his 
Wal-Mart glasses. 

“But we got a piece of it back in 
Oklahoma City.” 

We all laughed. 

I was in a different country from the 
one I had left a few days before. 

Here in this country, in the Ozark 
hills, faithful white kinsmen, patriots 
of the New Jerusalem, had gathered 
for three days of paranoia, hate, fear 
and wrath. Here in the tawdry mecca 
of bad white culture, sandwiched be- 
tween the likes of Mickey Gilley and 
Roy Clark, some 600 adherents to the 
American jihad convened under an 
innocuous banner proclaiming the 
Second Annual Super Conference of 
the International Coalition of Cove- 
nant Congregations. 

Here, in this congregation of “Chris- 
tian" men, women and children, there 
were no tears for the mangled and 
dead of Oklahoma City, no prayers for 
lost babies and weeping mothers. No, 
we were here to renew our resolve to 



destroy the Antichrist, the Jew (the 
seed of Satan), to annihilate the homo- 
sexual, the abortionist, the race traitor, 
to drive the mongrels and mud people 
from the continent, to wipe out every 
trace of the tyrannical federal govern- 
ment and its FBI-BATF-IRS-EPA- 
FEMA police state that has conspired 
to bring us under the heel of the evil 
new world order. 

I had traveled to this paranoid 
netherworld on April 19 because of the 
significance of the date. It was the scc- 
ond anniversary of the Waco inferno. 
It was the execution date for Richard 
Wayne Snell, a member of Covenant, 
Sword and Arm of the Lord, a group 
that thrived 50 miles south of here dur- 
ing the early Eighties. 

Snell had murdered a Texarkana 
pawnbroker during a robbery intend- 
ed to raise попсу for a race war, shot 
the man in the head because Snell 
thought he was Jewish. After attempt- 
ing to blow up a natural gas pipeline, 
he went on the run and ended up 
killing a black Arkansas state trooper. 
The 64-year-old Oklahoman was exe- 
cuted 12 hours after the blast in Okla- 
homa City. Snell died unrepentant, 
with a promise that hell would follow in 
his wake. 

Both Waco and Snell, along with the 
Randy Weaver-FBI incident, had been 
behind batde cries on a number of 
right-wing faxes, fliers and Internet 
postings for more than a year. As April 
19 drew close, these warnings of righ- 
teous wrath reached a shrill note and 
then went quiet. A few of my tempo- 
rary colleagues and I knew it was a 
good bet that some kind of action 
would take place on the 19th, but none 
of us was prepared for the horror that 
erupted in my old hometown. 

I milled around the book tables at 
the back of Crystal Hall, a large audito- 
rium apparently named for the trio of 
acrylic chandeliers hanging from the 
drop ceiling. On the tables were books 
and pamphlets that ranged from de- 
molition manuals to organic diet 
guides. There were dominion theology 
volumes from Christian reconstruc- 
tionists that called for an America gov- 
erned by “God's law,” political tracts 
from the John Birch Society, the Pop- 
ulist Party, the Gun Owners of America 
and the National Association for the 
Advancement of White People, plus in- 
tricate maps of the new world order 
and its roots in the Sanhedrin, Illumi- 
nati, Vatican and Council on Foreign 

There were outraged testimonies to 
fallen martyrs: Gordon Kahl, the anti- 
Semitic member of Posse Comitatus (an 

extreme antitax group) who was killed 
in 1983 after murdering two federal 
agents; Vicki and Sam Weaver, the wife 
and son of white supremacist Randy 
Weaver, who were killed in 1992 dur- 
ing a shoot-out at their Idaho strong- 
hold; and, of course, David Koresh and 
the Waco Branch Davidians. 

Officially, this was a gathering of 
Christian Identity, a moyement that 
has its roots in a Victorian English 
curiosity called British Israclism, and 
there were hundreds of cassettes fea- 
turing Identity ministers, Identity mu- 
sic and Identity medical regimens. 

I took a seat among the congregation 
and looked carefully at the faithful 
gathered around me. They were most- 
ly men, but there were families with 
beautiful babies and children, and two 
or three long-haired back-to-nature 
guys with beatific smiles, their wives 
glowing with peppermint-soap com- 
plexions. Plenty of militia types. Hard- 
faced ex-cons and military vets. Out-of- 
the-hills farm women from Appalachia 
and shopping-mall wives. The pastors 
in JCPenney and Western-styled suits 
with crisp white shirts and out-of-date 
neckties. It was fundamental white 
America besieged. All drawn together 
in a warped faith based on race, fun- 
damentalism, conspiracy and heavy 

At the Southern Poverty Law Center 
in Montgomery, Alabama, where I 
work, the Klanwatch Militia Task Force 
monitors the activities of the racist 
right within the new militia movement. 
In October 1994 Law Center co- 
founder Morris Dees wrote a letter to 
Attorney General Janet Reno warning 
of the increased involvement of white 
supremacists in the militias. 

As far back as 1982 Klanwatch had 
obtained an injunction halting a Klan 
paramilitary force in Texas called the 
Texas Emergency Reserve, which had 
five compounds in that state. Headed 
by Louis Beam, then Grand Dragon 
of the Texas Ku Klux Klan, the outfit 
was training 2500 Klansmen and oth- 
ers in the arts of demolition, deploy- 
ment, weapons and full-scale military 

Four years later Klansmen Glenn 
Miller and Stephen Miller (not related) 
formed the White Patriot Party in 
North Carolina. They managed to field 
at least a thousand white racists armed 
with semiautomatic assault weapons. 
Members of the party were later in- 
volved in the machine-gunning of a 
gay bookstore that left two people 
dead. They also attempted to hijack a 
TOW missile from a military convoy 
and use it to blow up the Southern 

Poverty Law Center. Dees later joined 
with the U.S. Attorney General in 
North Carolina in bringing down the 
Millers’ terrorist army. 

Many of these self-proclaimed patri- 
ош were spewing the same old anti- 
Semitic, antigovernment paranoia that 
has been around since the late Sixties. 
Many of them also had strong links 
to some of the most dangerous ele- 
ments of the extremist right—the 
Klan, Aryan Nations, Posse Comitatus 
and, especially, Identity. 

Identity’s philosophy is based on sev- 
eral best-selling books ofthe mid-Victo- 
rian era, in which the densely woven 
theory of British Israelism contends 
that the true tribes of Israel are Anglo- 
Saxons, Anti-Semitism played no part 
in the theory's original manifestation. 
But in 1948 virulent racist Wesley Swift 
formed his Church of Jesus Christ 
Christian in southern California, 
where he was joined by two other ап 
Semites, Bertrand Comparet and Col- 
onel William Potter Gale. The trio 
joined the British Israel message with 
fundamentalist. Christianity to form 
Christian Identity or Christian Israel. 

According to Christian Identity's 
message, Adam was the first white 
man, the first true Israelite. Before 
Adam, God created. people of color, 
"mud people,” who were without souls. 
After Adam was given Eve, Eve cou- 
pled with Satan and delivered Cain— 
the seed of Satan— who іп turn mated 
with the pre-Adamic “beasts” to form a 
mongrel tribe called the Edomites, oth- 
erwise known аз Jews. The Edomites 
are the physical embodiment of evil in 
the world, and have been behind ev- 
егу catastrophe since they murdered 
Christ. They were behind the French 
Revolution, the Russian Revolution, 
World Wars One and Two, Korea, Viet- 
nam. Economic crises, income taxes, 
public schooling, the United Nations 
and the federal government all are 
part of a diabolical plan to enslave the 
world—the white Christian world. 

In the beginning there were just a 
few hundred Identity adherents. To- 
day there are tens of thousands, with 
many thousands more influenced by 
the group’s message. The Reverend 
Norman Olson, leader of a Baptist con- 
gregation and commander of Michigan 
Militia, the best-publicized and largest 
militia in the country, is reportedly an 
Identity minister. Olson's militia has 
been linked to accused Oklahoma City 
bomber Tim McVeigh. (The militia de- 
nies McVeigh was ever a member.) 
Michigan Militia chief of staff Ray 
Southwell is a deacon in Olson's 
church. Both men resigned from mili- 
tía positions on April 28, 1995, the day 

(continued on page 76) 


Hollywood started seeing double in 1989. That's when two tember 1991 and January 1993, and now they're stopping 
voluptuous Vikings had a giant billboard erected on Sunset traffic worldwide. Indeed, their noblest fan is Prince Wil- 
Boulevard that showed them accompanied by only two words: liam, heir to thc British throne, who decreed: “The Barbis are 
BARBI TWINS. PLAYBOY ran pictorials of Sia and Shane in Sep- the best pinups in the world.” We quite agree, your Highness. 71 








article by Christopher Napolitano & Stephen Randall 

nis ıs Tommy Lee. He doesn't seem so special, 
does һе? He's not that handsome and he's not 
doing tattoo parlors any favors with that ugly 
scrawl on his neck. His body has spent more 
time in rehab than in the gym. And we won't 

even mention the hair. 
So what does Tommy have that you don't? 
Well, for starters, he has a cool job—he's а rock- 
and-roll drummer—but it’s with Motley Crue, arguably the 
worst band ever to escape from a garage. Here's something 
else Tommy has that you don't: Pamela Anderson, a.k.a. 
Mrs. Tommy Lee. She replaces Tommy's previous wife, 
Heather Locklear. In between, he had a tempestuous affair 
with the equally desirable Bobbie Brown. Let's throw cau- 
tion to the wind and assume that there have been other 
women as well. Attractive ones. This leaves us with two ques- 
tions: What is Tommy Lee doing right? And what can we 
learn from it? Naturally, Tommy Lee is reluctant to share his 
secrets. Like most drummers, he’s not much of a talker, pre- 
ing to communicate by hitting things. But a look at the 
fe and times of Tommy Lee gives us a few clues about his 
phenomenal success with women. Read them and take heart 

Make her feel like she’s one in a million. When he first con- 
nected with Heather Locklear on the phone, he won her 
over by telling her he was watching her on TV at that very 
moment. Heather was no dummy. She realized she wasn't 
on TV that night; Tommy was watching The Fall Guy, not 
Dynasty. “I immediately knew he thought I was Heather 
Thomas,” remembers Locklear. Tommy had an explana- 

[һе first time I saw Heather I got so flipped out, I 

think I lost part of my mind.” As is so often the case with 
drummers, it was hard to tell. 

Make her feel like she's one of a million. During the era of 
Crue's control, Tommy “T-Bone” Lee admits he used to 
“fuck anything with a pulse.” These days, you can replace 
the word fuck with marry. 

Look for women who understand you. When tabloids reported 
that Lee had been caught socializing with a model in а hotel 
room, Heather Locklear immediately focused on the real 

problem. “Tommy was bummed that he wasn't matched up 
in the story with someone better looking,” she told People. 

Chicks like it when you keep your attic empty. “The first presi- 
dent of the United States really doesn't matter to me. I don't 
give a shit. I wasn't around then,” Lee says. “I don't need 
that upstairs.” 

Find interesting ways to say I love you. Anyone can send a 
card. Anyone can send flowers. But it was Tommy Lee, who, 
finding himself in a distant city far from true love Heather, 
struck just the right note when he called her and held the re- 
ceiver up to his left arm. Sitting at home in Los Angel 
Heather could hear а distinct humming sound. It was a tai 
too needle, carving out a black rose with Heather's name in 
"Tommy's flesh. A beautiful start to a thorny relationship. 

Share your natural gifts generously. For most of us, just being 
the Crue drummer would satisfy our artistic impulses. Not 
Tommy. He's the Crue drummer but he drums in a simple 
ensemble of suspenders and 
G-string. And sometimes less. 
When he was arrested in 
Cincinnati for exposing him- 
self, Heather was con- 
cerned. “Honey, I heard you 
were arrested for showing 
your thang,” she fretted over 
the phone. “Nah, gorgeous,” 
Tommy reassured her. "I just 
hung a BA." 

Be nice lo her parents. Right 
before he met Heather's dad, 
he frantically started. taking. 

On the town with Tommy Lee 
{clockwise from top left): Tom- 
my shows up at а party with 
Pom; with Heother in the 
glom-metol Eighties, before 
he chonged his spots; the big 
teose with Heather circa 
1988; the tongue thot licked 
the world, working over the 
tonsils of Bobbie Brown ot the 
Eddie Van Halen golf tourney; 
more Heather and loce; the 
green-condom-eyed monster 

out all his many earrings. Dad 
was unfazed by the obvious 
holes in Tommy's head 

Show your love for art. Tom- 
туз not a museum kind of 
guy. Instead of going to see 
art, he brings art with him 
wherever he goes. For in- 

stance, (concluded on page 134) 

on the prowl; he ond Pam 
shore a worm ond loving em- 
brace; celebroting the Grom- 
my with Pommy in 1995; do- 
ing the old “look into my 
eyes” routine with Pom; duck- 
ing info their wedding recep- 
tion. Center: His firm grip on 
slinky Heother soon slipped. 




SOME PEOPLE think men's shoe styles never change, 
but this photo will set them straight. The classic wing 
tip, for example, is now being offered as an ankle- 
hugging shoe boot that looks sharp while providing 
extra support and warmth. (Wear it with a dark busi- 
ness suit and save the suede desert boot in the mid- 
die row for chinos, cords or tweeds.) Wing tips are al- 
so available in casual suede (regular height, not a 
shoe boot), and oxfords have been toughened and 
textured with pebble-grain leather. For those who 
like the look of spectator shoes, there are styles that 
combine the latest fall colors (tan and olive) and dif- 
ferent textures (polished leather and suede). Slip- 
ons give a casual look that works best with a sports 
jacket and trousers or jeans, nota suit. Check out up- 
dated suede penny loafers such as the one by Salva- 
tore Ferragamo in the middle row, a buckled monk 
strap in suede or a high-vamped style with welt-tip 
stitching. In fact, all of the newest slip-ons have high 
vamps. So it's a dead giveaway that you're wearing 
last year’s loafers if you're showing too much sock. 

Bottom row, left to right: Colfskin wing tip by Kenneth 
Cole, $1B8. Calfskin oxford by Polo Ralph Lauren Foot- 
weor, 5225. Colfskin shoe boot by Moraolo, $325. Colf- 
skin-ond-suede wing tip from Cole-Haon’s Bragono Col- 
lection, $295. Middle row, left to right: Coshmere-suede 
penny loafer by Solvatore Ferragomo, $355. Suede wing 
tip from To Boot by Adam Derrick, $260. Pebble-grain 
feather oxford by Fratelli Rossetti, about $330. Nubuck 
desert boot by JM. Weston, $305. Colf-suede monk-strap 
slip-on by Bruno Mogli, $230. Top row, left to right; Suede 
oxford from To Boot by Adom Derrick, $195. Colfskin 
leother-ond-suede two-tones by Bruno Mogli, $260. 
Deerskin slip-on by Donno Karon, $325. Colfskin oxford 
with elastic vamp from CO2, by Comoedia, obout $200. 








ZEALOTS ты | from page 70) 

Larry Pratt’s prepared theme was that Christians 
were ordered by God to take up assault rifles. 

before their affiliations with the anti- 
Semitic religion were made public. For 
more than a year Olson and Southwell 
had loudly proclaimed that they had 
nothing to do with racists or white 

John Trochmann has been linked to 
the Aryan Nations and Identity move- 
ments. Along with his brother David 
and nephew Randy, Trochmann oper- 
ates the Militia of Montana, which 
works in tandem with the Michigan 
Militia and Mark Koernke, the high- 
profile paramilitary advocate who be- 
came quite well known after the Okla- 
homa City bombing. The influence of 
these two groups was enormous in 
the formation of hundreds of militias 
across the nation. These two militias 
were crucial in establishing a nation- 
wide network of like-minded, well- 
armed fanatics. 

I was sitting in the middle of some 
600 of them when Pete Peters came 
bounding onto the stage to deliver an 
unscheduled prayer. Peters is one of 
the most influential figures on the 
racist right, an Identity minister from 
Laporte, Colorado who has reached 
hundreds of thousands of listeners and 
viewers through his Scriptures for Ameri- 
ca broadcasts. He is a close friend to 
Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler 
and former Klan Grand Dragon Louis 
Beam. A little-known meeting nearly 
three years ago may have set the stage 
for a campaign of domestic terrorism 
the likes of which has not been seen 
since Reconstruction. In October 1992 
Pete Peters invited more than 160 
“white Christian men” to Estes Park, 
Colorado for a three-day strategy ses- 
sion. During that weekend in the Rock- 
ies a network of militant antigovern- 
ment zealots was created. Alliances 
were formed from diverse factions— 
Identity, Posse Comitatus, the Klan, 
Aryan Nations, reconstructionist and 
other fundamentalist Christians, neo- 
Nazis, tax resisters, Second Amend- 
ment advocates and anti-abortion 

Onstage now, Peters informed us 
that he had just gotten off the tele- 
phone with his folks in Colorado and 
that the federal government had 
linked the Oklahoma City bombing to 
white supremacists. 

“Join me,” Peters called in a nasal 
bray as he raised his arms to the ceil- 
ing. “Oh, Lord Yahweh, our creator, 
Yeshua, his son! Deliver us from the 
Antichrist enemies who plot against us! 
Strike them down! Thwart their satan- 
ic plots against your people! Smite 
them down, Lord. Keep us, your peo- 
ple Israel, safe from your enemy, the 
Antichrists who have done this thing 
and put it on us, your people! We pray, 
in Christ's name. Amen." 

"Amen!" we echoed. 

This frightening theme would be 
rapped out again and again as differ- 
ent “pastors” and “patriots” took the 
podium in the following sessions. 

The most intriguing of these was 
Larry Pratt, executive director of both 
Gun Owners of America and the Com- 
mittee to Protect the Family Founda- 
tion, an organization that raises funds 
for anti-abortion extremist Randall 
Terry. Pratt is a slight, bespectacled 
Presbyterian who travels between the 
Beltway and the extreme reaches of 
contemporary American fanaticism. 
The former Virginia legislator has 
been in constant contact with an array 
of extremist bodies for more than a 
decade, from racist meetings like the 
one in Branson to Peters’ Estes Park 
strategy sessions to visits with militia 
officers in the Philippines and mem- 
bers of Guatemalan death squads. 

“Maybe I should begin with a few re- 
marks on what has happened,” Pratt 
says. “I was in front of the FBI building 
in Washington just before noon. It was 
11 o'clock, I guess, out in Oklahoma. 
There were a number of us there at a 
rally to commemorate what was done 
to those people at Waco by the FBI. 
And the media were all trying to make 
this connection between the Davidians 
and what happened in Oklahoma City. 
So I told them, "Yeah, I do see a con- 
nection between what happened to the 
Davidians and what happened in Okla- 
homa City. And that was that whoever 
did that in Oklahoma City had sunk to 
the level of the FBI.’ The government 
behaves as a beast. It did in Waco and 
we have somebody, whoever it might 
have been, whatever group it might 
have been, assuming they can’t rely on 
the Lord to take vengeance.” 

Pratt's prepared theme was that 
Christians were ordered by God to take 
up assault гїйез. It wasn’t an issue of 
rights or governance. God simply sai 

“Get an assault rifle, or else.” 

“We have a lot of confusion in our 
land, and the bottom line is that it is a 
spiritual battle. This is not a political 
issue. This is something that comes 
first and foremost from the Scripture. 
What I see in scripture is not that we 
have a right to keep and bear arms, 
but that we have a responsibility to 
do so.” 

Fifteen years ago the Arkansas-based 
Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord, 
an Identity community of some 200 
members, put out a statement regard- 
ing their Endtime Overcomers Sur- 
vival School. “In this class we teach 
people the scriptural basis for war and 
a Christian army. Exodus 15:3 says ‘I, 
the Lord, am a man of war: the Lord 
is my name.’ God is a man of war, reap- 
ing vengeance on his enemies and the 
enemies of his elect. At CSA we try to 
teach that ‘beans and bullets’ are not 
enough—faith in Christ Jesus is man- 
datory in order to survive!” 

The CSA also reported on a sup- 
posed world government plan for for- 
eign troops to police the United States. 
Substitute “new world order” for 
“world government” and you have the 
same scenario that the militia move- 
ment has been promoting for the past 
two years. 

“Folks, this tragedy in Oklahoma 
tells us that unless we know the savior, 
without knowing him, we won't have 
peace. This is the kingdom message.” 

David Barley, of America’s Promise 
Ministry in Idaho, had the podium 
His voice began evenly but soon took 
on the timbre of an angry terrier. 
“They say we are a bunch of white sep- 
aratists. You bet we are!” 

We responded with quite enthusias- 
tic applause. 

“They are out to do the same thing 
to us that they did in Oklahoma City. 
They don’t talk about Waco.” 

Barley rolled his head around in 

“Well, who were the evil cowards in 
Waco? Didn't they hide?" 

Barley had us pitching anger back 
and forth. We bounced our butts on 
our chairs. 

“Johnnie Reno, uh, Janet Reno. 
She's putting out hints about white su- 
premacists and extremists and militia 
groups. "They're up to something,’ she 
says. You had better believe it! They 
are out to do the same thing. They first 
demonize you people, me, those peo- 
ple who love Jesus Christ, those people 

(continued on page 120) 

“Hi, could we come in and talk to you about hedonism?” 

how else can you 

explain why films 

directed by bob 

zemeckis have raked 

in more than $2 

billion in ten years? 






WE LIVE IN AN ЕВА of hero directors. It began in the Seventies, when movies such as 
Jaws, The Godfather and Star Wars established a category of entertainment called the 
blockbuster and catapulted the people who made them to positions of eminence that 
Frank Capra, John Ford or even Alfred Hitchcock could not have imagined. Now, 
ordinary moviegoers, along with card-carrying members of Hollywood's guilds, 
drop such names as Spielberg, Coppola, Lucas or Scorsese and other moviegoers 
nod sagely in response. 

All the more refreshing, then, when Robert Zemeckis stood up earlier this year 
at the Directors Guild of America’s annual awards ceremony and told an audience of 
his peers that producers, agents and studio executives “don't know exactly what it is 
that we do.” This got a big laugh, as did his assertion that actors think they know, 
while critics never know. Later in the evening, Zemeckis’ friend Steven Spielberg, 
who was once his mentor, presented him with this year’s top prize for directing For- 
rest Gump. Two weeks after that, Zemeckis copped the all but inevitable Oscar. 

His win was popular within the motion picture community. Most producers, 
agents and studio executives consider the boomingly genial Bob 7, as many call him, 
a perfect example of what directors ought to do: He makes movies that make moun- 
tains of money. In less than a decade, he has directed seven feature films—Romanc- 
ing the Stone, Back lo the Future and its two sequels, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Death Be- 
comes Her and Forrest Gump—that have had worldwide grosses in excess of $2 billion, 
a record exceeded only by the movies of Spielberg himself. Gump alone has passed 
the $600 million mark in earnings, which makes it the fourth most successful movie 
of all time, following such family fare as Jurassic Park, The Lion King and E.T. 

Oddly enough, given his Midas touch, the 44-year-old Zemeckis has come slow- 
ly to public prominence. Until recently, most moviegoers would have found it easier 
to recall Tom Hanks’ last two pictures than the name of the man who directed Forrest 
Gump. This has changed in the past several months, of course. Now his is a name 
heard in households far beyond Hollywood or Montecito, the elegant suburb of San- 
ta Barbara where Zemeckis lives with his wife, the actress Mary Ellen Trainor, and 
their nine-year-old son, Alex. Still, what he said at the Directors Guild remains true: 
Most people don't know what directors do, let alone what special qualities certain 
filmmakers bring to their films. 

Zemeckis’ specialty has long been technological razzle-dazzle. First came all that 
flux-capacitated time travel via Doc Brown's DeLorean in Back to the Future, then 
the strenuous interweavings of cartoons and live action in (continued on page 82) 









Diver's watches have emerged. Whether you opt for а 55000 
Rolex ога $100 Nautica, wrist assured that this is the hottest look 
in timepieces. Above, clockwise from 12: Promoster's Hyper 
Aqualand is the world's first professional diving watch with o 
depth display that can be transferred to a personal computer, 
5395. The titanium Ocean 2000 diver's watch, by Porsche IWC, 
is guaranteed water-resistant ta 2000 meters (6600 feet), $4495. 

Rolex’ Oyster Perpetual Date Submariner in steel and gold feo- 
tures а rotctable bezel for checking decompression time spans, 
$5500. Ebel's slick-looking Sportwave Diver watch with a solid- 
steel case and a time-elapsed bezel would look just as right worn 
with an Armani suit as with a wet suit, $1350. At only $120, this 
Nautica diver's watch is water-resistant ta a depth of 164 feet спа 
features eosy-to-read Indiglo lighting ond signal-flag markings. 


AE E Де 2 


Above, clockwise from 12: Named after the Air Force's aeriol fly- 
ing team, the Thunderbirds Chronomat Longitude with diols for 
two additional time zones hos о stoinless steel case thot's woter- 
resistont to 300 feel, by Breitling USA Inc., $3475. Chronosport's 
block steel UDT chronogroph is feotured in all the Rambo films 
ond in Under Siege; plus, its woter-resistont capability to 660 feet 
hos made it the chosen timepiece for mony SEAL ond Special 


о 60 

>= « m 

Forces teoms, $680. The Series 2000 diver's wotch is water-re- 
sistont to 660 feet and features с gold-ploted unidirectionol 
bezel, by TAG-Hever, $850. A simple ond sophisticoted Formula 
1 divers wotch with a stoinless steel band, by Boume & Mercier, 
$1195. The Seiko Depth Meter is the first diving wotch to graph- 
icolly display о dive profile ond indicote atmospheric pressure, 
plus it shows woter temperoture ond logs previous dives, $550. 



B | } 1 [ M f [ | | $ (continued from page 78) 

Нез plugged into an energy source no less potent 
than lightning, and a lot more marketable. 

‚Roger Rabbit, then the derangements of 
human anatomy in Death Becomes Her, 
including Meryl Streep's backward 
head and Goldie Hawn's napkin-ring 
body. Most recently were the remark- 
able trompe Poeils of Forrest Gump, 
which, in addition to placing Gump in 
the same frame with JFK or LBJ, used 
invisible digital stitchery to put him ina 
crowded football stadium and a Wash- 
ington mall overfiowing with antiwar 
protesters, to fill the air over Vietnam 
with helicopters and to relieve actor 
Gary Sinise of his legs. 

Yet Zemeckis’ success can't be as- 
cribed only to special effects. As direc- 
tor and co-writer, with Bob Gale, of 
Used Cars, a surreal piece of slapstick 
that came out in 1980, Zemeckis 
sought something sleazy in every char- 
acter and succeeded to a degree that 
evoked the misanthropy of W.C. Fields. 
For all the beeping, flashing, steaming 
gizmos of Back to the Future, which he 
also co-wrote with Gale, the film is a 
great screwball comedy, with unexpect- 
edly touching oedipal twists and an 
intricate plot—everything turns on a 
lightning bolt hitting that clock tower 
at the right time. Nor do tricks alone 
explain the appeal of Forrest Gump. 
When a movie opens spectacularly and 
keeps getting stronger—it took in its 
first $100 million in just 18 days—you 
know the guy running the show has 
plugged into an energy source no less 
potent than lightning, and a lot more 

On the morning I show up at Ze- 
meckis' house, he has just learned that 
Forrest Gump received 13 Oscar nomi- 
nations. Greeting me with a big “Hello, 
Jess,” he seems abstracted and keeps 
calling me John even after I tell him 
my name is Joe. I ask how this level of 
success feels, and he replies expansive- 
ly: “I must say, I'm starting to learn 
how to take yes for an answer. It feels 
good. It feels great to be recognized.” 

Stately on the outside and California 
casual on the inside, his huge house is 
perfect for a director who likes to mix 
things up and find new life in old for- 
mulas. “My wife and I like houses that 
already havea style on the exterior,” he 
tells me. “But then we do the interior 
just the way we want it. This place was 
built in 1928. On the outside it's like a 
classic mock "Tudor"—I laugh at the 
idea of a mock anything being classic, 
and after a beat he laughs with me— 
“but how would you describe the in- 

side? It's Mediterranean, almost.” 

The conversation turns, naturally, to 
Forrest Gump. Zemeckis notes that no 
one could have predicted the picture’s 
popularity. “At the outset we had only 
Tom Hanks. There were no exploit- 
ative elements in the script—no crea- 
tures, no action, no ticking clock, none 
of the stuff that ordinarily sells tickets. I 
mean, yes, we had those great images 
оп paper, and yes, I had a good record, 
but that’s an unrealistic way of think- 
ing. Just because my previous films 
made money didn't mean I could con- 
trol this one. But I never felt that it was 
a suicide mission. People thought we 
had a good chance to make our money 
back. Still, nobody knows in advance 
what the pop culture mentality is.” 

This is an apt reminder of how risky 
moviemaking can be, though I'm sur- 
prised to hear it from a man who 
stands, like a California-casual version 
of Sir Edmund Hillary, at the summit 
of his profession. “I've been fortunate 
that my movies have clicked,” the di- 
rector says matter-of-factly. “But I 
don't think that's anything a filmmaker 
can do by design. It's terrifying. There 
are two ways of looking at it: Are film- 
makers constant, and does the world 
catch up with them but then quickly 
pass them by? Or is the filmmaker able 
to continue to grow today, to stay in 
touch with himself and his audience?” 

Right now, Zemeckis is on a one-year 
sabbatical he decided to take last fall, 
when he was exhausted after shooting 
five $50 million movies in a row. Soon 
he'll have to commit to a new project, 
and Forrest Gump could impede, just as 
well as expedite, his artistic growth. 
"I'm afraid anything I do will have а 
Gump spin on it. Here’s how the next 
project will be announced in Variety: 
‘Coming on the heels of the tremen- 
dous success of Forrest Gump, Bob is go- 
ing to 40... ' followed by the title of 
the new project. You know, ‘Gump di- 
rector Zemeckis is signing on to do 
whatever; It's good to have a problem 
like that, right? But it’s a double-edged 

Zemeckis pronounces Jean-Luc Go- 
dard's last name with two hard “d's.” 
This is not offered as а comment on his 
Chicago accent nor on his ear for 
languages—who knows how Godard 

would pronounce Zemeckis—but as an 

index of his fix on film culture. “My 
love of movies started with spectacle,” 
he says. “Ном did they do that? I 
grew into an understanding of emotion 
and drama later on. When Bob Gale 
and I were in film school we were the 
guys who loved the James Bond 
movies, as opposed to the graduate stu- 
dents who were always talking about 
the latest Godard film, or Death in 
Venice. 1 remember thinking Death in 
Venice was one of the most boring 
movies ГА ever seen.” 

Gale recalls that the Bob Zemeckis of 
their film school days was always inter- 
ested in making Hollywood movies: 
“He's got an outrageous sense of hu- 
mor, a great sense of showmanship and 
a healthy cynicism about the world, 
which may be because he grew up in 
Mayor Daley's Chicago.” Zemeckis is 
also “someone whose artistic side is ac- 
companied by pragmatism,” says Gale, 
who recently directed Mr. Payback, the 
first interactive film for theatrical re- 
lease. “He's never gone out and spenta 
ton of money just for the hell of it. He 
knows we first off have to figure out 
how to get people to go to the movies, 
how to get the asses in the seats.” 

Growing up as the son of a construc- 
tion worker on Chicago’s South Side, 
Zemeckis fell heedlessly in love with 
lowbrow comedy. “1 was one of those 
kids who sat in front of a television set 
all the time. When Bob Gale and I 
would do interviews back in the Used 
Cars days, people would ask about our 
greatest influences and we'd say Jules 
White, who directed all that great stuff 
with the Three Stooges. I'd memorized 
every episode. The Three Stooges, 
Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costel- 
lo, I watched those constantly. Jerry 
Lewis movies. I watched all that stuff, 
never missed any of it.” (Film buffs 
might want to check the January 1995 
issue of Film Comment for a piece by Ze- 
meckis called “Guilty Pleasures,” in 
which he confesses his love of other 
low-rent movie landmarks, such as 
Macabre, House on Haunted Hill, You'll 
Like My Mother, Two on a Guillotine and 
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which he 
calls “one of the most brilliant and fun- 
ny movies I have ever seen—truly an 
American classic.”) 

His horizons broadened at the Uni- 
versity of Southern California. There, 
he and Gale, who came from St. Louis, 
discovered they had almost identical 
tastes and got to gorge on American 
classics. “You have to remember, when 
we were in film school there was no 
videotape, so we thought retrospec- 
tives were the greatest things in the 
world. We would sit and watch all of 
Frank Capra’s movies, like four on Sat- 
urday and four on Sunday, and then 

(continued on page 98) 

“The Captain has been detained. He asked me to give 
you his apologies.” 


A star is born: Small-tawn girl Rachel checks inta her hotel (top left}, then 
goes through the Playmate paces. (That's photographer Richard Fegley, 
cpposite, top and battom left.) Ever the hard warker, Miss August bought 
o stack af РЕАТВОТ back issues and "studied every centerfold. | practiced 
the poses in my bedroom.” As the phatas attest, practice makes perfect. 


On (айги 


T HINGS HAVE a way of happening to Rachel Jeán Marteen. Wonderful, 

lucky things, such as dining at one of Chicago's most expensive 
bistros and having the manager insist on picking up the tab. Or hav- 
ing a casual chat on a plane with a businessman who ends up giving her 
his fifth-row Bulls tickets—on the night Michael Jordan returns to action 
on the home court. Or try this scenario: An Atlanta photographer 
approaches млувоу about doing some work, and though he doesn't get 

In high school, Rachel recolls, “1 
wos ridiculed for being skinny. 
Then I started working out and 
soon 1 looked totally different.” 
Looking good is the best revenge. 

the job, staffers spot her picture in his portfolio. She is flown in for а test shoot and 
suddenly, she is Miss August. “It all happened so quickly!” Rachel says, smiling. 
“And it was just luck. But that sort of thing happens to me all the time.” Much of 
Rachel's good fortune can be attributed to her friendly disposition. This is a 
woman who's on а first-name basis with hotel doormen. She's the kind of per- 
son who interrupts an interview to say, “We keep talking about me. I want to 

г at you.” 

My parents taught me го be open and honest,” she explains. Rachel, the 
youngest of three girls, grew up on a farm outside Cartersville, Georgia in a 
family that made the Waltons look like a gang of hedonistic delinquents. Sundays 

were spent at the Baptist church. According to Rachel, Cartersville has “more churches 
than houses. It’s very conservative.” Rachel's folks also taught her the value of hard work. 
To pay for college she worked an eight-to-four job, then taught aerobics, all before spend- 
ing four hours in class. Weekends and vacations were reserved for modeling gigs. “I work 
hard to get where I want to go,” she says. And where might that be? “I really want to be a 

top model and then start a career in movies,” says Miss August. “I dream a lot about my fu- 
ture, and lately I've had dreams about being an actress and accepting an award.” The way 
things happen to Rachel Jean Marteen, don’t bet against it. — вов DAILY 

Miss August wos “very nervous” 
abaut posing nude. “Іп my house 
you didn't even soy the word 
sex," she says. “Posing for PLAYBOY 
has changed me. I’m not so em- 
barrassed anymore. | feel much 
more open. This experience has 
taught me to be praud of my body.” 


saw: Kathel San Marteen ___ 
m ZS op ЛГ a SE 

BIRTH DATE: Ol- S[- О BIRTHPLACE: Atlanta Goria _ 

амвтттомѕ: ГО 5 

TURN-ons: ПАМ 


who lack ambiti йшй. and Stereohjpes. 
nat a EL "hohnshbinn’atthe 1994 _ 
Minoli Jodan op VE Classic == fo 1 ME! 


OF 2 lurats E Call it Ane" Kick BL "wor 

scartest moment: МПСИ 2 was 12, one oEmy oyanddachys 

c Yt 

VIRTUES: Er ta rad | 



Gary matched Dan drink for drink, trying to 
get him to talk about what was troubling him. 
Gentle prodding was ignored until finally, af- 
ter downing the sixth, Dan blurted out, “OK, 
it’s your wife.” 

“My wife?" his friend demanded. “What 
about my wife?” 

“I think she's cheating on us." 

What's the definition of a loser? A guy who 
goes to family reunions to meet girls. 

Two mountain-bred Gls were wandering the 
streets of Calcutta when an old woman walked 
by. "Hey, Billy Joe,” one said, “I think that's 
Mother Teresa." 

“You're nuts." 

“Tm telling you." 

They approached the woman and one 
asked, "Are you Mother Teresa?" 

The old lady eyed them scornfully. “Fuck 
off, you goddamn perverts,” she hissed, strid- 
ing off. 

“Jeez,” Billy Joe said, watching her disap- 
pear into the crowd, “now we'll never know.” 

Why is marriage like a tornado? It starts with 
a lot of sucking and blowing, and when it’s 
over you've lost your house. 

Р лувоу сілѕыс: A guy walks into a tavern, or- 
ders a beer and sets a paper bag on the bar. 
Several beers later, the curious bartender 
asked what was in the bag. Without a word, the 
customer reached in and pulled out a minia- 
ture piano, then a small man, about a foot tall, 
who sat down at the piano and began to bang 
out rhythm and blues. 

“Wow, where'd you get that?" the barkeep 

“1 found a bottle,” the customer explained. 
“When 1 rubbed it, a genic popped out and 
granted me one wish. It’s right here,” he said, 
reaching into his coat, “if you want to give it 


The bartender gave the bottle a rub and, 
sure enough, out popped a genic, “I want a 
million bucks,” he said. Suddenly the bar was 
filled with ducks, a million of them. “Hey, 1 
said bucks, not ducks! Is this genie deaf or 

“Hey, friend, you don't think I actually 
asked for a 12-inch pianist, do you?" 

A couple veterans from the secretarial pool in- 
vited the newest member out to lunch. Both 
admired the fur coat she was wearing. 

“Isn't it gorgeous?" the wide-eyed blonde 
gushed. “I went out with Mr. Clark from legal 
last weekend, and when we went back to his 
place he had a closet full of them. Can you be- 
lieve he just gave me one?” 

“Oh really?” one drawled sarcastically, 
nudging her friend. “And what did you have 
to do?” 

“Just shorten the sleeves a little.” 

How do you fit 20 businessmen into a mini- 
van? Promote one and watch the other 19 
climb up his ass. 

A traveler in Mexico got lost in a remote area 
of the country and pulled up to a cantina to 
ask directions. A gringo cowboy stood out 
front, leaning against a magnificent white stal- 
lion. The traveler was so taken by the horse 
that he approached the wrangler and said, 
“That's a fine mount you have there. If you 
could rub out that brand, Га be willing to give 
you ten grand for him.” 

The cowboy slowly eyed the stranger, then 
put a leg up and slid into the saddle. “If I 
could rub out that brand,” he said, “I would be 
living in El Paso.” 

aging hooker volunteered to give the поуісе a 
few tips on the art of fellatio. Satisfied that she 
had perfected the basics, the old pro asked the 
beginner if she had any questions. 

“Well, yeah. I was wondering how long dicks 
should be sucked.” 

“The same as the short ones, honey.” 


Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” the 
'oung man confessed. “I work on a farm and 
ауе been having sexual relations with some of 

the animals.” 

“That is a crime against man and God,” the 
priest admonished. 

“I know,” the sinner replied, “and I've al- 
ready given the sheriff $500 to keep quiet. 

How much do you want for not telling God?” 

Heard a funny one lately? Send it on а post- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 
60611. $100 will be paid to the contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 



t me. I’m hei 

Dad en Sue 

“Oooh look, Adam, the snake's 
Adam. Oooh Adam, 


that was then, this is now 


OLLOW THE CAREERS of two actresses and you learn about the changing roles of sex and prudery in Hollywood. In 1941 
Carmen Miranda had just finished shooting Weekend in Havana when she did a publicity photo session with her co-star 
Cesar Romero. Аз a photographer clicked away, Romero hoisted his dance partner into the air and gave the camera ап 
unexpected peek into stardom. The widely circulated underground photo stirred up ascandal thet, according to Twen- 
tieth Century Fox mogul Darryl Е Zanuck, “was the finish of her.” In 1991 Sharon Stone was filming an interrogation scene 
for a thriller called Basic Instinct, when director Paul Verhoeven instructed her to uncross, then recross her legs. Moviegoers 
around the world saw Stone had nothing on beneath her tight white dress. Stone insists she had no idea her brief flash 
would even be noticed. She was wrong, and the notoriety propelled her to stardom. What a difference half a century makes. 



BOB LEMECKIS (continued fom page 82) 

“Bob's values are not unlike John Wayne's,” Spiel- 
berg says. “Yet Bob would have offended Wayne.” 

we'd watch all of John Ford's movies, 
or screwball comedies. This was in the 
early Seventies, when there was a big 
comedy resurgence and they brought 
back the Marx Brothers, and W.C. 
Fields was big, too. Remember how all 
the head shops would sell W.C. Fields 

The early Seventies was a great time 
for films, and for film school students. 
“We were in the right place at the right 
time,” Zemeckis says, "because the class 
before us was the George Lucas class. 
They had the same sensibilities as we 
did, and they were blazing a trail for 
us, so we fell right into that slipstream.” 
Fell, or jumped. Zemeckis’ first bid for 
glory was directing a 15-minute stu- 
dent film called The Field of Honor. Its 
hero, a whacked-out kid, shoots up 
a town as soon as he’s released from 
a mental institution. The protagonist's 
Strangelovian father, a World War Two 
vet, sits in his wheelchair by a window, 
waiting for the Commies to invade. 

This short film is a fascinating pre- 
view of Zemeckis’ subsequent work. 
Ambitious and startlingly accom- 
plished, it’s laced with black humor 
and bursting with the sort of random 
violence that Zemeckis had already 
seen and admired in Bonnie and Clyde 
and The Wild Bunch—and that anoth- 
er young filmmaker, Martin Scorsese, 
would explore several years later in 
Taxi Driver. The Field of Honor also 
served Zemeckis as a calling card, win- 
ning him an internship with Steven 
Spielberg. Soon Zemeckis and Gale 
were writing an anarchic comedy, 
1941, for Spielberg to direct. 

“Bob started about five years after 
me," Spielberg recalls. “I brought him 
along with me at first, but then he grew 
his own branch, and now he has his 
own trunk and roots. He makes Holly- 
wood movies, but Zemeckis Hollywood 
movies are distinctive in their social rel- 
evance and irreverence. Bob has al- 
ways been amused by American histo- 
ry. He doesn't take it that seriously, 
though he is reverential about the 
structure of society and what makes it 
function. Part of Bob's values are not 
unlike John Wayne's, yet most of Bob 
would have offended John Wayne, 
starting with 1941, which did offend 
him. I'd sent him the script and asked 
him to play General Stillwell, and when 
he called back he spent an hour trying 
to persuade me not to direct it.” 

As Spielberg protégés, the two Bobs 

then started making movies on their 
own. Zemeckis directed, and he and 
Gale wrote, their first feature, 7 Wanna 
Hold Your Hand, followed quickly by 
Used Cars. I Wanna Hold Your Hand is, 
to use one of the vilest epithets known 
to marketing executives, a sweet little 
film. It’s a comedy that deals with a 
bunch of New Jersey teenagers who 
want to meet the Beatles during the 
group's first visit to New York. (In its 
dever intercutting of dramatic and 
documentary footage, the film can be 
seen asa finger exercise for some of the 
techniques in Forrest Gump.) Used Cars, 
which stars Kurt Russell as an exuber- 
ant, ethics-free used-car salesman, is 
anything but sweet. Pauline Kael 
hailed its “wonderful, energetic heart- 
lessness" and called it ап "American 
tall-tale movie in a pop art form.” 

Both films, however, were box-office 
flops. Zemeckis and Gale bounced back 
enough to write Back to the Future, but 
they couldn’t get it produced. The 
script was widely perceived as being 
too innocent for an audience that, at 
the time, was lapping up the mindless 
raunch of such comedies as Animal 
House. (Actually, Spielberg had seen the 
script's potential from the start, but Ze- 
meckis felt he couldn't ask his mentor 
to produce another movie after the 
first two had failed, and after 1941 
turned out to be Spielberg's only box- 
office dud.) For the next three years 
Zemeckis and Gale were forced to 
scramble for decent work. 

This changed for Zemeckis only after 
he crossed paths with Michael Douglas. 
Douglas wanted to produce a movie 
called Romancing the Stone, but he 
couldn't get a director. The joke was 
that when he reached the bottom of the 
directors listings he called Bob Z. “The 
project was originally at Columbia,” 
says Douglas, who eventually made it 
for Twentieth Century Fox, “and Bob 
had an office near us on the lot, so we 
got together and talked. I'd seen Used 
Cars and loved it. I thought he had a 
wicked sense of humor and a wonder- 
ful gift for telling a story.” 

Both qualities stood Zemeckis in 
good stead on Romancing the Stone, a ki- 
netic comedy-adventure about the re- 
al-life perils оЁа writer, played by Kath- 
leen Turner, who churns out romantic 
best-sellers. It was а punishing shoot, 
what with breakneck chases across 
tropical landscapes, but the young di- 
rector's work was self-assured. “Even 

then,” Douglas says, “you saw how Bob 
could hang on to all the facets of his vi- 
sion, and you saw his stamina. He has 
such energy and humor, but he doesn’t 
dwell on shots or great moments. He 
makes it look easy.” 

Looking back to the early Eighties, 
it's hard to imagine that studio execu- 
tives failed to see Back to the Future as a 
winner, But fail they did, until Romanc- 
ing the Stone came out in 1984 and took 
off at the box office. Suddenly the stu- 
dios were competing for the privilege 
of financing Zemeckis’ next project, a 
situation that relieved him of any mis- 
givings about his friend Steven Spiel- 
berg producing it. So Spielberg pro- 
duced it through his Amblin Enter- 
tainment at Universal. 

Back to the Future is filled with deft 
touches. One of the best has to do with 
the resolution of the oedipal romance 
between the time-traveling Marty Mc- 
Fly and the oversexed teenager des- 
tined to become his mother, a relation- 
ship that could have turned smarmy, 
to say the least. “We had struggled for 
months with how to keep this from be- 
ing grotesque,” Zemeckis tells me. “All 
these events were coming together, but 
we didn’t know how to get out of them. 
We were locked in because we felt it 
was Marty who had to end the oedipal 
story, because he knew she was his 
mother. But he kept looking very per- 
verse. Then came the great inspira- 
tion—it was his mother who would end 
it. Some cosmic thing happens when 
she kisses her own son and it doesn’t 
feel right. That was the perfect solu- 
tion. I remember being so exhilarated 
when we came up with the idea that she 
doesn’t want to do it, and she says, 
"This is like kissing my brother.’ That's 
my favorite line in the movie." 

As a measure of the director's new 
artistic status, another recent issue oF 
Film Comment carries a glowing ap- 
praisal of his work by movie critic Dave 
Kehr, who describes the oedipal joke of 
Back to the Future as “Zemeckis’ most 
subversive moment, an attack on the 
American mommy fixation as repre- 
sented most vividly (and disturbingly) 
in the ravishing young moms who pop- 
ulate the films of Steven Spielberg.” 
Kehr also sees Marty as “a product of 
Eighties malaise, of an American 
dream gone mysteriously wrong.” 

People who remember Back to the Fu- 
ture as screwball science fiction may be 
astonished to hear it was actually a 
searching, even subversive, piece of so- 
cial commentary. Yet Kehr isn't making 
up his tribute from whole cloth. As he 
points out in intriguing detail, Zemeckis’ 

(continued on page 147) 


get your mojito. workin 

Drink by John Oldcastle the rhythm and spirit 

of Latin culture are what's happening in a lot of hot new 
restaurants. Pumped up to the music of Jon Secada and Glo- 
ria Estefan, establishments such as Patria in New York, Bossa 
Nova in Chicago, Coco Loco in Washington, D.C. and Café 
Marimba in San Francisco are making news with a glam- 
orous Caribbean style that features dazzling decor and col- 
orful cocktails. Americans who have never tried the potent 

Brazilian sugarcane liquor called cachaca, for example, are 
finding how tasty it is in a caipirinha cocktail (recipe follows). 
Cooling the fire of spicy foods is a terrific reason to try the 
array of fine rums and tequilas punched up by fresh tropical. 
fruits such as mango, guava and passion fruit. Of course, 
classic Caribbean cocktails such as the piña colada and the 
daiquiri are still being served. But thanks to the recent im- 
portation of new fruit juices, nectars, concentrates and 




liqueurs, these drinks now offer а 
wider range of flavors. Following are 
drinks from some of the hippest State- 
side tropical restaurants. 

250 Park Avenue South 
New York 

Patria is famous for such Cuban cre- 
ations as sugarcane tuna and cashew- 
crusted flan. Both are best with chef 
Douglas Rodriguez’ signature drink— 
the mojito (which means “a little wet” 


1 teaspoon sugar 

1% ounces light rum 

4 or 5 mint leaves 

Splash of Seven-Up 

Sugarcane stick or lime wedge 

Place sugar, rum and mint in a cock- 
tail shaker and shake or stir until sugar 
dissolves. Add Seven-Up. Pour over 
crushed ice in a tall glass and garnish 
with sugarcane or lime. 


% cup frozen passion-fruit 

И cup Coco Lopez 

И cup light rum 

1 ounce Captain Morgan Spiced Rum 

Shaved coconut 

Combine passion-fruit concentrate, 
Coco Lopez and light rum in a chilled 
blender container and blend until 
smooth. Pour into a hurricane glass 
and float Captain Morgan Spiced Rum 
on top. Garnish with shaved coconut. 

30 West 22nd Street 
New York 
Known for its spiced chicken and a 
great bar scene, Lola keeps the heat at 
bay with its frozen mango martini. 



2 ounces Smirnoff vodka 

1 ounce triple sec 

2 ounces mango juice 

Dash of lime juice 

Lime garnish 

Pour vodka, triple sec and juices into 
a blender with a scoop of crushed ice. 
Blend until slushy and serve in a 
chilled martini glass with lime. 

Coco Loco 
810 7th Street NW 
Washington, D.C. 
Coco Loco is the place to go for both 
Mexican food and succulent South 
American roasted meats. Many of the 
cocktails served—including the caipi- 
rinha—are made with cachaca, a Brazil- 
ian sugarcane liquor. 


Juice of one lime 

4 tablespoons sugar 

2 ounces cachaca 

Muddle lime juice and sugar to make 
a thin paste. Pour into a cocktail shaker 
with ice cubes and cachaca. Shake until 
cold. Serve in an old fashioned glass. 

Max's South Beach 
764 Washington Avenue 
Miami Beach, Florida 

Gloria Estefan, Jon Secada, Sylvester 
Stallone and Madonna have been spot- 
ted at this hip Miami Beach eatery. 
Sink your fangs into the atmosphere 
while sipping a vampire. 


1 ounce Finlandia vodka 

1 ounce Chambord 

1 ounce Rose’s lime juice 

1 ounce cranberry juice 

Combine ingredients in a cocktail 
shaker with ice cubes and shake until 
cold. Strain into a tall cocktail glass. 

Shabeen Cookshack 

1200 Collins Avenue 

Miami Beach, Florida 


As funky as a setting in an Elmore 
Leonard novel, this Jamaica-inspired 
establishment serves red-hot finger 
food and cocktails that go down easily. 


1 ounce light rum 

1 ounce dark rum 

И ounce grenadine 

1 ounce each of cranberry, orange, 

grapefruit and pineapple juices 

Maraschino cherry 

Combine rums, grenadine and juices 
with cracked ice in a cocktail shaker 
and shake until very cold. Strain into a 
collins glass with ice cubes. Garnish 
with a cherry. 

Mark's Las Olas 
1032 East Las Olas Boulevard 
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 

The tightest skirts in Florida crowd 
the bar at this new restaurant. Try a 
Brazilian daiquiri while waiting to sam- 
ple chef Mark Militello's new Carib- 
bean cooking. 


1 ounce Bacardi light rum 

1 ounce Bacardi dark rum 

1 ounce Myers dark rum 

1 teaspoon brown sugar 

И teaspoon vanilla extract 

2 pineapple slices 

Let all ingredients except pineapple 
slices steep in the refrigerator for 48 

hours. Buzz ingredients in a blender 
until smooth and pour into a tall glass. 
Garnish with pineapple slices. 

1800 Post Oak Boulevard 
Houston, Texas 
With its tropical decor, long-legged 
waitresses and Latin American delica- 
cies, Americas packs them in at the 
bar—a great spot to try one of chef 
Michael Cordua’s Caribbean cocktails. 


2 ounces mango nectar 

2 ounces lime juice 

1% ounces Jose Cuervo tequila 

Combine ingredients in а chilled 
blender container and blend at high 
speed just until smooth. Serve in a 
martini glass. 

Natura Cafe 
2909 McKinney Avenue 
Dallas, Texas 
Natura Cafe's commitment to all- 
natural ingredients extends to the 
purified water and the organic fruits 
used in its cocktails. 


1% ounces Malibu rum 

9 ounces orange juice 

2 ounces pineapple juice 

1 ounce cranberry juice 

Pineapple slice 

Combine rum and juices with ice in a 
cocktail shaker and shake until cold. 
Strain into a glass with ice cubes and 
garnish with pineapple 

534 St. Louis Street 
New Orleans 
Nowhere in New Orleans do they let 
the good times roll more than at Nola, 
where celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse 
creates terrific Caribbean-inspired cre- 
ole-cajun dishes. 


3 ounces Finlandia vodka 

% ounce Chambord 

Lemon twist 

Shake vodka with ice in a cocktail 
shaker until very cold. Pour Chambord 
into a martini glass and swirl to coat. 
Pour out excess. Strain vodka into the 
glass and garnish with lemon twist. 

Mike's on the Avenue 
628 St. Charles Avenue 
New Orleans 
Mike Fennelly is an arust first and a 
chef second, so expect the unexpected— 
(concluded on page 150) 













MISS AUGUST 1975. Norwegian knockout Lillian Müller turned-photographer Suze Randall, the sultry Lillian went 
made her memorable рглүвоү debut on the cover of an is- оп to appear on nine PLAYBOY covers and in more than two 
sue that offered fiction by John Updike and the confessions dozen pictorials. She was the obvious choice for Playmate 
of superspy Philip Agee. Discovered in London by model- of the Year in 1976, a year we still think of as Miller time. 

“In sports terms, Га be something like a free agent. 

Except, of course, I ain’t free.” 




1 AM 30 years old, well educated, launched іп my cho- 
sen profession, with everything to look forward to in 
life. So why do 1 feel as if I'm the latest downtrodden 
minority, somebody whose future was brokered away 
even before he was born? 

I know what you're thinking: Not another whiny 
Xer bleating his generational complaint. I'm neither 
bored nor purposeless nor unambitious; I'm no slack- 
er. And yet the more I look into it, the more I’m con- 
vinced that I'm being screwed by a big generational 
conspiracy. So hear me out, before I spill my story to 
Oliver Stone. 

My status crystallized for me one morning last fall. 
First, the newspaper reported that Social Security will 
be dead broke by the year 2029. By subtracting my 
birth year, 1965, from 2029, I realized that the year 
the geezer dole goes belly-up I'll be 64, ready to feed 
at the entitlement trough myself. 

This shouldn't have come as a big surprise. Accord- 
ing to a 1994 poll, nearly twice as many of my fellow 
Xers believe in UFOs as believe they'll ever get a dime 
from Social Security. But vague pessimism is one 
thing. It's overwhelming to have that pessimism con- 
firmed over your morning coffee, when the govern- 
ment itself announces that America’s retirement fund 
is scheduled to dry up on the eve of your golden years. 

I was soon stumbling upon evidence of intergenera- 
tional inequity all over the place. My favorite horrify- 
ing stat is that back when my grandpa started paying 
Social Security taxes, the most he could be forced to 
fork over each year was 60 bucks (335 in today’s dol- 
lars). A self-employed 25-year-old can pay $8500 a 
year. And the money doesn't always go to the needy. In 
1990, for instance, nearly $8 billion in Social Security 
benefits went to people earning more than $100,000 
annually. Meanwhile, the average 30-year-old man 
makes about a third less in real dollars today than his 
counterpart did before the oil shocks of 19° so his 
payroll deductions hurt that much more. 

Looking for someone to share my outrage, I came 
across mention of a defunct — (continued on page 150) 





М> film industry observers would ar- 
Mz that selling a motion picture to 

the public is as important as creating one. 
No one knows that better than studio execu- 
tive Іштей independent producer Dawn 
Steel. After marketing and merchandising 
novelty items through her own company, Oh 
Dawn, in the mid-Seventies, Steel came to 
Hollywood in 1978 and joined Paramount 
Pictures as director of merchandising. She 
created the first feature-filin commercial tie- 
in with Klingons eating McDonald's Big 
Macs to publicize the film “Star Trek.” By 
1980 Steel was supervising the development 
and production of such films as “Flash- 
dance,” “Top Gun,” “Beverly Hills Cop 2,” 
“The Accused” and “Fatal Attraction.” 
Helping to redefine and expand the role of 
women in Hollywood, in 1987 Steel became 
the first woman to head a major motion 
picture studio—Columbia Pictures. During 
her tenure, she was responsible for the pro- 
duction of “Ghostbusters 2,” “Karate Kid 3,” 
“When Harry Met Sally” and “Look Who's 
Talking,” among others. Having survived 
at Columbia for three years (twice as long as 
the average studio executive), Steel departed 
and independently produced the hit films 
“Sister Act 2” and “Cool Runnings,” the 
latter of which has 

hollywood’s eamed more than 

$150 million to 

ШАШ en 

wi he -sell- 

mogul on img book “They 

à Can Kill You, But 

howto win They Can't Еш 

You,” which chron- 

an argu- icles her journey 

through the Holly- 

ment, What осі maze. Recent- 

- ly, Steel formed At- 

the japa- las Entertainment 

р in alliance with 

nese don't Turner Pictures 

and is currently 1e- 

know about — 75775; first 
Я feature, Angus.” 

movies and Robert Grane 

caught up with the 

what to say diminutive Steel at 

her production of- 

when a fice in West Holly- 

wood. Crane re- 

woman poris: “Dawn Steel 

asks, “how ts small, pretty, sexy, 

funny—ond defi- 
nitely in charge. 
You wouldn't want 
her to be pissed off 
at you.” 

do i look?” 


PLAYBOY: Your et is called 
They Can Kill You, But They Can't Eat You. 
How did the title come to you? 

STEEL: I was in labor and 24 hours later 
gave birth to my daughter on March 
17, 1987. I had been having some 
difficult times at my job, and I was at 
odds with my boss. I knew he didn't 
like me, but I didn't know how much 
he didn't like me. In the hospital, my 
husband had gone down to the coffee 
shop to get a newspaper. He came back 
and I was feeding my child and blissed 
out. He looked at me with the newspa- 
per under his arm and said, “I don’t 
know how to tell you this, babe, but you 
got fired while you were in labor.” I re- 
member thinking, I will not cry, I will 
not let them make me cry. I have my 
daughter in my arms. I looked up at 
my husband and said, “You know 
what? They can kill you, but they can’t 
eat you." I had heard that years before. 
Someone smarter than me had said it. 
But at that moment I realized that’s 
how it felt. I'm still here. 


pavpoy: Remember the film The Play- 
er? Is the real story more complicated 
or less complicated than that? 

STEEL: I hate that movie because it 
makes all of us in the movie business 
look like schmucks, and we're not. We 
don't murder people. I can't name one 
studio executive who's killed anybody. 
That movie makes really intelligent 
people believe that we are all immoral, 
amoral—and jerks, which is worse. 

PLAYBOY: How do you get your way? 
Whom do you sweet-talk and whom do 
you bully? 
STEEL: I don't give up. I just annoy peo- 
ple until they give me what I want. I 
badger them. 

I hope I don't bully anybody. It's not 
something I would be proud of. I want 
what I want when I want it and I'm 
very straightforward about it. One of. 
my mentors used to call me "the tank." 
He said, "You put your head down and 
you just keep rolling forward until you 
get what you want." That's basically 
what I do. I just keep going forward. 
Jeffrey Katzenberg used to go to the 
front door. If they didn't let him in the 
front door, he'd go to the back door. If 
they didn't let him in the back door, 
he'd go to the side door. If they didn't 

let him in the side door, he'd go to the 
basement. You keep going in different 
orifices until you get where you want to 
go. You never give up. That's how I get 
what I want. 


тілүвоу: How do you know you've won 
ап argument? 

өткі: They hang up. They can't take it 
anymore. They want to go home and 
take a nap. 


rLAYBOY: How would you define the 
word bitch? Are there other things you 
can call a woman? 

STEEL: I won't define it. In fact, it’s a 
word I particularly loathe and don’t 
think we should use. There's по equiv- 
alent for men. ІҒІ cut somebody off, he 
calls me a bitch. If I offend someone, 
he calls me a bitch. I strap on my balls, 
he calls me a bitch. I find it offensive. I 
am not a female dog. I don’t under- 
stand how it came to mean what it 
means today. In my office, we don’t use 
the bitch word. The C word is unac- 
ceptable. If you absolutely need to call 
a woman a name, you can call her a 


PLAYBOY: Men are born with balls, but 
most don’t use them. Women acquire 
balls and use them. Give us rules for 
wielding balls in a postfeminist society. 
STEEL: Always do it with humor. Men 
don't like having balls wielded serious- 
ly. Men don't like having balls wielded 
by women, period. Girls, I suggest you 
always have a gleam in your eyes when 
you’re wearing your balls. 


PLAYBOY: What can a woman tell a man 
about balls? 

STEEL: I once heard a pop psychiatrist 
say, “Ladies, leave your balls at home,” 
which was weird because I would say 
wear your balls to the office and then 
take them off when you're going out. 


PLAYBOY: Do men take their balls for 

STEEL: Yes, completely. We're dealing 
with the image of balls as opposed to 
the psychological advantage of know- 
ing you were born with balls. But, in 
some way, 1 always knew I was born 
with balls. It’s much more comfortable 



for me than it is for you. Mine are 
figurative and yours are literal 


PLAYBOY: You make stars. Which star 
makes you weak in the knees? 

STEEL: Brad Pitt. I've had nothing to do 
with his career, though I hope to. I just 
want to be his friend. 


PLAYBOY: Have you ever used a casting 
couch to your advantage? 

STEEL: Before I was married, I thought 
it worked only for men. It took me a 
long time to figure out that I could use 
it. That's a really different thing be- 
tween men and women. I've heard 
specific references to it and, in fact, 
heard recently that a studio executive. 
was caught giving head to a writer she 
wanted for a particular project. What- 
ever it takes, honey. 


PLAYBOY: Please tell us three lies of 

STEEL: “I'll read the script tonight.” “ГЇЇ 
get back to you tomorrow.” “I loved 
your movie.” No one sets out to make a 
bad movie, but it happens. If you're in 
a position where you get to see a movie 
before it’s finished, you have an obliga- 
tion to be completely honest. But if you 
see a movie after it's finished, and it's 
somebody you care about, you're not 
going to walk up to them and say, “I 
hate it.” You're going to say, “Good for 
you. Congratulations. I really enjoyed 
it.” 1 don't want to be too tongue-in- 
cheek about that answer. 


PLAYBOY: Describe three danger signs of 
becoming “too Hollywood.” 

STEEL: Number one is when you begin 
to think that you're different and, of 
course, you’re not. Number two is 
when you get really angry if you (a) 
can't get a favorite table at a restaurant, 
(b) are made to wait in line at a movie 
theater rather than be rushed in ahead 
of the line, ог (с) have to Ну, God for- 
bid, commercial. There's the car thing, 
which is mainly a male issue, when the 
cars get fancier and fancier and you 
look around and wonder, Can't they 
think of something else to do with their 
money? Finally, you have, legitimately, 
people who lose their temper way too 
easily because the stress level is way too 
high. When you finally get to that 
place, and I've certainly been there, it's 
time to go. People who dor't know 
they're there don't know it’s time to go. 
But I promise you, it's time to go. 


PLAYBOY: What does Hollywood have 
too much and too little of? 

STEEL: It has 100 much money and too 
little integrity. In every business you 
find people who have honor and peo- 
ple who don't. There are only two 
kinds of people in the world, honest 
ones and dishonest ones. We have our 
share of dishonest people here. I think 
the problem is that we're all—and I 
mean all of us—paid way too much 
money, more money than we would be 
paid in any other business at our career 
levels. The union people who are just 
starting their careers are being paid so 
much more than minimum wage. So 
kids coming out of college are making 
$50,000 a year. That's a fortune. I'm 
not talking about the tens of millions of 
dollars that people like Tom Hanks or 
Bruce Willis make. I'm not talking 
about movie stars. I'm talking about 
regular people. Every day I thank the 
universe for putting all of this on my 
plate. The minefield for me is trying to 
avoid the people who are dishonest. 


PLAYBOY: What have the Japanese 
learned from their incursion into the 
U.S. film industry? Should they have 
stuck to Godzilla? 

STEEL: They've learned to stay home. I 
think the Japanese have been ill-ad- 
vised and they've made a mistake that 
is common in Hollywood, which is 
thinking that anyone can make an 
American movie. It’s not true. Only 
Americans can make American movies. 
It is the most exportable product we 
have. It is the thing we’re most noted 
for. An American movie is a calling card 
anywhere in the world. The Japanese 
can make Japanese movies, but they 
can’t make American movies. 


PLAYBOY: We never hear about your 
husband. How do you balance work 
and your relationship? 
STEEL: Chuck is incredibly solid and 
doesn’t really give a shit. Work doesn't 
come anywhere near the importance of 
my relationship with my husband and 
my daughter. It became clear when I 
was at Columbia Pictures that I needed 
to figure out a way to do everything. 
There was this myth about Super- 
woman. She doesn't exist. Some days I 
was a great mother and some days 1 
was a great studio executive or a great 
producer. But not every day. I can’t be 
great every day. There were times I 
didn’t get my legs waxed for months. 
It’s an awful image, I know. Something 
had to go and it was my legs. 

rrarsov: Who wears the pants in your 
втекі: We both wear pants. My eight- 
year-old daughter wears pants, too. 


PLAYBOY: Whatis the oddest file in your 

STEEL: My daughter's games. She's on 
my computer all the time and she’s re- 
ally annoying about it. We have all 
these games like Math Blaster and 
Spelling Buster and Shanghai Shuffle 
Puck. Do you know how annoying the 
sound is when the puck gets hit? I also 
have all sorts of bizarre letters because 
1 have figured out how to fax from my 
computer. I have all sorts of weird cor- 
respondence. I'm not going to tell you 
with whom. 


PLAYBOY: When а woman asks, "How 
do I look?” is it ап invitation to be 

STEEL: For me it is. Му husband doesn’t 
miss anything. On one hand, I want to 
say to him, “Could you put on a blind- 
fold?” He sees every zit оп my face. On 
the other hand, I absolutely want him 
to be truthful with me because I don't 
want him to let me go out if I look 
ridiculous. If there’s something I can 
do about it, then it's really helpful. But 
if he says, “Your nose is gigantic,” 
there's nothing I can do. So I don't 
want to be told that. I'm a finished 
product, basically, give or take a couple 
of pounds and wrinkles. I want to be 
told the truth except for the things I 
can't change. Only certain responses 
are permitted, on things 1 can change. 
If he doesn’t like my nose, what can 1 
do about it? 


PLAYBOY: What happened to tan lines? 

STEEL: The ozone layer. Gone. Skin 
cancer wiped out tan lines. Can we talk 
about sunspots? In the Sixties, I was 1у- 
ing out there on Jones Beach plastered 
with baby oil and iodine with a sun 
reflector surrounding me. I was really 
tan. Flash forward a couple of decades 
and now I һауе sunspots all over my 
legs from where I was sunburned. 
That's what happened to tan lines. No 
more sun. Sunspots and skin cancer— 
that’s what you get from tan lines. Pm 
very neurotic about my sunspots, too. 


PLAYBOY: With whom will you never 
have lunch again? 

STEEL: I recently read a book called The 
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. One of 
its great insights is that we should have 
compassion for every human being be- 
cause we're all dying. I have compas- 
sion for everyone because everyone's 
dying, and ГИ eat lunch with anybody 
because they're going to die. We're all 
going to die. 


HE RADIO revolution has 

shown that we are a nation of 

night owls, drive-time com- 

muters, air guitarists, chat- 
show hotheads and aural adven- 
turers. And often, the siren voices 
that lead us to the dial belong to 
female hosts. In the past, we could 
only imagine the women of the ra- 
dio: Disc jockeys rarely came out 
of their studios to flesh out our vi- 
sions of them. But when Rush 
Limbaugh was deemed camera- 
ready, the business changed. Now 
radio stars do promotional tours, 

the best-looking 

women you've never 
seen—until now 

Ellen K. (opposite) gives California drivers с 
fine blend of humor and energy оп КИЗ FM's 
morning show, having landed her dream job 
with DJ Rick Dees (receiving an award with 
Ellen, lefi). Now she dreams of just sleeping in. 
Jonet Loyne (cbove and right) spins discs for 
KGBX in Missouri. She soys weight training 
keeps her looking just as goad as she sounds. 

broadcasts and publicity posters, 
and the women have looks to 
match their pipes. As we scanned 
the airwaves for the hottest FM fa- 
tales and wake-up crew members, 
we learned that radio has recruit- 
ed sexy advertising executives and 
business managers, as well. There 
are also talk-show starlets— 
dancers, models and actresses— 
who boost their careers as on-air 
guests. With beauties in the sound 

booth and the front office, radi- 
oland is finally providing good vi- 
suals. Turn the pages and tune in. 



Guadalupe Divina (below, lefi) caught aur attention when she appeared in Playboy 
Mexico. When she’s nat working as а DJ at a station in Texas, she likes ta sing and 
play guitar and piana. As o nighttime DJ, Diane Ray (below, right) sends aut heat 
waves ta her sauth Florida listeners and jakes that what she really wants ta da is rule 
the warld. At 23, madel Shelly Jones (right and apposite) has appeared in the mavie 
Spring Break Sarority Girls and a Matley Crue video. She has alsa been the Intima lin- 
депе madel. But her stint as the Original Panty Fax Queen an “Ron and Ran,” а syn- 
dicated shaw, thrilled listeners in the Sautheast. They flaaded stations’ phone lines ta 
receive a fax af a picture taken af Shelly's posterior when she sat an a copy machine. 

Tracey Roy (left and above) hosts о rodio tolk show for WFTL 
in Florido, which allows her to head ta the aceon during her 
downtime for some bodysurfing or porosciling. Her dream 
is ta own o ronch ond roise endangered species. Lizz Cufori 
{right ond opposite) knows her woy oraund heat. Besides 
dreoming up hot promotions for WAGY in Springfield, 
Mossochusefis, Lizz is оба on expert ot repairing handguns. 

Fans know Vanessa Conner (opposite, top) as the V-Woman on 
WHHH іп Indionapolis. Her mother is a physician, and now Vonesso 
gives out health odvice, too—she's оп expert on exercise. Though 
Jenifer Masterman (opposite, bottom) is a full-time accountant, she 
сап expect more radio time on WUFX in Buffalo. The station recruit- 

ed her during а search among listeners for someone to pose for 
PLAYBOY. It worked beautifully. Soon after her Polaroids were selected, 
she heoded out to Los Angeles for a photo shoot of Playboy Studio 
West. It wos her first trip to Californio. As a 98 Rock Girl in Florida, 
Jessica Lee (right) works on promotions with Morgan Malice. As you 
con see below, she is also pretty successful ot promoting herself. 

de + d 
M А 1 
a ` 
ig a , 
« y y - 
má қ Я 

It's Joy Pons (left and above), airborne 
traffic reporter for Maryland's Metro Networks. Karen 
Nobis (bottom) is an account executive for K-LAW 
Broadcasting in Oklohoma, а job she loves to adver- 
tise (below). Tempest and Amy Lynn Baxter (left and 
right, opposite) are part of Howard Stem's on-oir 
harem. They were shot for the cover of Stern's book 
Private Parts, but the racy photo ended up inside. Amy 
is an actress and Tempest writes screenplays, when 
they're not giving aural jolts to the shock jock and 
his listeners. The Girls of Radio will be out on video- 
tape August В. Coll B00-423-9494 to reserve a copy. 



ZEALOTS (continued from page 76) 

After I drove out of town, there were 10,000 holes in 
the Ozarks where my body could be dumped. 

who love righteousness, those people 
who really care about this nation! 

“Those people,” says Barley, fiercely 
thrusting a finger eastward, “who want 
to violate God's law, do away with those 
biblical principles, they don’t love this 
nation! We had Waco. . . ." 

"The pastor lets that sink down on our 
shoulders like a heavy shadow of doom 
before continuing. 

"People don't talk about that tragedy. 
They don't talk about the little children 
they murdered. They show pictures of 
these precious little children—and they 
were precious little children—who died 
in this accident. I didn't see any pictures 
of what happened in Waco! 

“The media ask, Who are these evil 
cowards who were the perpetrators of 

this bomb? Who murdered these little 
children? Well, I have another question: 
Who are the evil cowards who hid them- 
selvesand murdered those little children 
in Waco, Texas? Didn't they hide them- 
selves? Didn't they wear ski masks?" 

Pastor Barley has a solution: We need 
a national old-covenant cleansing! We 
need а new heart! This is a time of refor- 
mation! What is the New Jerusalem? 
Who is the New Jerusalem? False teach- 
ing of the Scripture has put sin on this 
nation! And he commanded: and with a 
two-edged sword in their hand, render 
judgment on the heathen!” 

I threw my hands together with the 
covenant people in a wash of applause 
for this appalling little bigot. My brain 
was reeling from the exploitation of mu- 

“Never mind what your mother told you. What did 
your father tell you?” 

tilation, death and despair I had just 
participated in. The rest of the country 
was still in shock, still grieving, but we 
here, the chosen patriots of the New 
Jerusalem, had no such feelings. We 
were the real victims. Us. Not those 
mangled toddlers and unlucky Social Se- 
curity workers. No. They had it coming 
to them. 

On the next day the rain fell and with 
it paranoia sprouted like mushrooms 
among us. For the militiamen, “Chris- 
tian patriots” and Aryan Nations mem- 
bers, it was a well-justified fear that FBI 
agents might walk in at any time. For 
me, it was the fear I might be found out 
as the stranger among the Israelites, the 
traitor among patriots. 

1 knew I had nothing to fear so long as 
1 was here in Branson among the thou- 
sands of hard-permed and polyestered 
tourists. But after I drove out of town, 
there were 10,000 holes in the Ozarks 
where my body could be dumped for all 

We were treated to some Identity en- 
tertainment, which consisted of a hus- 
band and wife duo going at each other 
with electric piano and banjo, a gangly, 
crotch-pulling brother who wrenched 
through a few sacred tunes to Yahweh 
and finally a very strange ventriloquist 
act perpetrated by yet another member 
of the congregation. 

This dismal spirit-raising endeavor 
was abruptly wiped away by the appear- 
ance of Earl Jones of the Christian Cru- 
sade for Truth, out of New Mexico. A 
shaved-pated ex-Marine colonel and 
close confidant to Louis Beam, Jones 
had laid down Beam’s strategy for “lead- 
erless resistance.” Beam appropriated 
this guerrilla plan from a Cuban who 
had been involved in the Bay of Pigs 

Leaderless resistance, as Beam sees 
it, is a biblical system of warfare in 
which “freedom fighters” are trained, 
equipped, funded and then turned loose 
to do whatever may be necessary. It re- 
lieves the movement leadership from the 
actions of these cells, which are made up 
of from five to eight men. As Jones put it, 
it leaves the men “free to just do every- 
thing on their own, as just one man or 
several. They just do whatever comes on 
their hearts to do. It’s called leaderless 
resistance,” Jones continued. “But we 
know it as following the mandates given 
to us by our God.” 

It is the type of terrorism that we 
have seen in abortion clinic bombings, 
in assassinations of doctors and in the 
bombing of the federal building in Okla- 
homa City. 

During the weekend in Branson we 
heard many Old Testament examples of 

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this guerrilla tactic: References were re- 
peatedly made to the stories of Phine- 
has, Gideon and Ehud—vigilantes of the 
Lord God. 

“For our purposes,” Jones asserted, 
trolling us with a flinty gaze, “we have to 
have leaderless resistance within the 
confines of our directives given to us 
in the word of God.” In Identity that 
means death to the Jews, the sodomites, 
the baby killers, the race traitors, the so- 
cialists and any and all who would stand 
in the way of a white Christian republic. 
“Our backs are against the wall,” said 
Colonel Jones. 

Here in this upstairs room in Branson 
were just some of the thousands of white 
people who shared the same witness, 
and who were joined by the same bloody 
spirit. Some of them were not any more 
Identity than I was. It wasacknowledged 
by Everitt Ramsey, the Identity minister 
who called this gathering, that this was 
a Covenant Congregation. This meant 
that like-minded “Christian patriots” 
were now bound together, regardless of 

whether or not they had “the Israel 

Looking at Jones standing up there 
ramrod straight, fit and ready as a vin- 
tage combat pistol, I thought of Beam 
and his prophetic speech at Estes Park 
back in 1992. 

“For the first time in the 22 years that 
1 have been in the movement, we are all 
marching to the beat of the same drum,” 
the menacing Texan had begun. “We are 
viewed by the government as the same: 
enemies of the state. When they come 
for you the federal government will not 
ask if you are a constitutionalist, a Bap- 
tist, Church of Christ, Identity, Cove- 
nant, Klansman, Nazi or home schooler. 
You are enemies of the state! If you be- 
lieve in liberty, if you believe in justice, 
join with us. Pave the road to the new 
world order with the tyrants’ blood, 
tyrants’ bones. They shall know the bro- 
ken heart!” 

The engine that powered that yellow 
truck down Highway 77 into Oklahoma 
City was built by white supremacy. The 

“I suppose this can best be explained as a fear of real intimacy.” 

fuel that powered that engine was Iden- 
tity. No other group of Americans hates 
the federal government with as much 
purity, as much fervor and as much con- 
viction as do those who have the Israel 
Message. It may not be that the terrorists 
responsible for the bombing were bap- 
tized Identity Christians. But their para- 
noia and homicidal will to action issued 
from more than 40 years of that pecu- 
liarly American sect's teachings and from 
tactics supplied by its followers, such as 
Beam, Jones, Peters and others. 

1 drove out of Branson in a cold, dis- 
mal rain and snaked down into Ar- 
kansas. I wasn't followed and I wasn't far 
from a safer country. Inside my head the 
little broken body floated, red and pink 
and yellow, like a wound. I pushed the 
ы лу button on my minicasserte recorder 
to hear if my jerry-rigged “wire” system 
had worked during the conference. Out 
came the howling voice of W.N. Otwell, 
a pastor who runs a well-armed com- 
pound in the piney woods of east Texas. 

“We talk about Patrick Henry, John 
Paul Jones and all these patriots and we 
don't do one stinking thing! We talk 
about the Constitution that was given to 
us in blood! And not one preacher did I 
meet in Waco, Texas! I was down there 
in Waco on the 19th, and I didn’t know 
what was going to happen in Oklahoma 
City. But when it come time, the bottom 
fell out and it started raining. We had 
militia people there and we give a 21- 
gun salute. 1 had no idea they was going 
to blow up that building in Oklahoma 

The little body was now outside my 
head, rocking back and forth just in 
front of the hood in the gray rain. I 
thought of my 16-month-old son as 
Otwell's rant continued: 

“I just come back from there. Chief of 
police called me and said, `1 heard you 
were up in OKC: I guess he thought I 
had something to do with it. About nine 
or nine-thirty we found out they had 
bornbed that place. I saw all those ampu- 
tations and broken bodies, but I'm still 
angry with them. ГЇЇ tell you something. 
They say, “What about all those women 
and kids?’ And | say: ‘What about all 
those women and kids in Waco, Texas! 
You go look in the Old Testament. God 
did not mind killing a bunch of women 
and kids. God talks about slaughter! 
Don't leave one suckling! Don't leave no 
babies! Don't leave nothing! Kill them! 
Destroy them!” 

I hit the stor button with my thumb. 
It was a long drive back to the Little 
Rock airport and a long way from there 
to the country I left on April 19. I kept 
my eyes on the broken body out there 
in the rain and wondered what Jesus 

might say. 


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BERRY GORDY | «ua рот page 52) 

Smokey said, “You might as well start your own record 
label. You couldn’t do any worse than this.” 

them and chased them into the hallway 
and told them that I thought they were 
really good. We got to talking and 
Smokey told me he had a hundred 
songs. When 1 told him who I was, he 
was excited; he had seen my name on 
Jackie’s records. I listened to his songs 
апа rejected every one of them. He was 
so incredible because he never got disap- 
pointed, disgusted or bitter. I told him 
he was a great poet but not such a great 
songwriter, But he worked hard and 
learned and after many false starts came 
back with a song I liked, Got a Job. 1 pro- 
duced it later. I was with him one day, 
waiting for a producer's royalty check, 
thrilled that some money was coming in. 
I opened the envelope and in it was a 
check for $3.19. After everyone had tak- 
en their cuts, that's all that was left. 
Smokey said, “You might as well start 
your own record label. You couldn't do 
any worse than this.” I borrowed $800 
from my family and recorded a song I 
wrote called Come to Me, sung by Marv 
Johnson, a new kid I'd met. I first put it 
outon my own label, which I called Tam- 
la, after the number one song at that 
time, Tammy by Debbie Reynolds. But 
when I couldn't afford to distribute it na- 
tionally, I sold it to United Artists. Way 
Over There by the Miracles was the first 
record J went national with. 

PLAYBOY: By then you were managing, 
producing, promoting and writing the 
songs. Were you going in too many 

GORDY: No question about it. But every- 
thing I did was to protect my love, the 
love of songwriting. 1 wrote the songs 
and wanted to protect them and get my 
money, so I became the publisher. Then 
I became the manager of the artists who 
sang them and I worked with them so 
they would sing it right. 

PLAYBOY: And Motown came next? 
GORDY: That was the beginning of Mo- 
town, but I hadn't started calling it that 
yet. One day Smokey came in with this 
great new song, Bad Girl. It was truly 
brilliant and the recording we made was 
so great that I wanted to launch another 
label. Tamla was a gimmicky name. 1 
wanted the name of the corporation to 
be something that meant more to me, 
and since 1 had always known Detroit as 
the Motor City, I came up with the name 

PLAYBOY: You were remarried by then? 
GORDY: Not quite. 1 remarried a year or 
so later. 

PLAYBOY: What happened with that 

GORDY: My marriage to Raynoma ended 
because I was going with someone else 
and she was going with someone else. I 

“How long is the whistling moratorium supposed to last?” 

confessed mine, and she confessed hers. 
I believe she did it only after I was doing 
it, but I will never know that. 

PLAYBOY: Her book is extremely critical 
of you. She writes that you cheated her 
out of ownership of the company. 
Gorpy: Yeah, I know. When I read her 
book I was furious, 1 couldn't believe it. 
Ray was a good wife. She did a lot for me 
and Motown at a key point in the com- 
pany's history, and I will always care 
about her. 

PLAYBOY: She apparently didn't feel the 
same way. She felt you cut her out of Mo- 
town's success. 

GORDY: I didn't, but the other books 
about Motown did. I guess it was be- 
cause she left Motown around 1963, be- 
fore it exploded. We had our problems. 
But Ray was a fine person and she loved 
me to death. 

PLAYBOY: She certzinly had an odd way 
of showing it. 

GORDY: Obviously she was hurt We 
talked about it. I was furious and called 
her and said, "Why in the hell would you 
write some shit like that? I can't believe 
you did that!" She said, "I never got 
credit,” or whatever. "You never did 
enough for me." I said, "Yes, Биг here's 
what I did do." I listed some things— 
how I helped set her up in business, gave 
her more money than we agreed on and 
gave her jobs over and over again. She 
said, "Yes, but 1 don't have any money 
now," and I said, "Whose fault is that?" 
She then agreed with me and said she 
was sorry for what she һай done. 
PLAYBOY: Back at thc company, what kind 
of manager were you? 

GORDY: I made a point of never making 
people do things. Instead I made them 
want to do things. Because no one could 
ever make me do anything. Ifthey made 
me want to do it, that was a different 

PLAYBOY: Yet you have a reputation for 

GORDY: I was tough. When there was a 
hard decision to make, I made it. Some- 
times it’s impossible not to hurt some- 
body. If there’s something that you real- 
ly don’t think can work, you have to tell 
the person. 

PLAYBOY: You've said that you modeled 
Motown after the assembly line at Ford. 
How did it work? 

GORDY. At the plant, they started out with 
a frame and ended up with a brand new 
car. I wanted the same thing at Motown, 
only with artists, songs and records. The 
idea was that someone could walk in un- 
known off the street and walk out a star. 
We had writers, producers, arrangers, 
choreographers, chaperones, managers, 
acharm school. 

PLAYBOY: What was your first million-sell- 
ing record? 

GORDY: Shop Around by the Miracles. 
PLAYBOY. When did you meet Marvin 

GORDY: I met him at a Christmas party in 

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my studio. My sister Gwen pointed him 
out. She said he was with Harvey and the 
Moonglows but that he wanted to go so- 
lo. I heard him sing and loved и. He 
sang Mister Sandman. 1 heard his voice 
and felt his soul and knew I had to have 
this guy on my label. 

PLAYBOY: You once said that his music 
was a place for him to pour out his pain. 
Was he open about his struggles? 
GORDY: Absolutely. If you wanted to 
know what was happening in Marvin's 
life, all you had to do was listen to his 
music. There was one thing about Mar- 
vin: He could not keep a secret. And he 
was determined to do his own thing. 
Sometimes I would say, “Marvin, this 
doesn’t make sense,” and he would say, 


From 1961 to 1985, Motown topped 
the charts an amazing 75 times. Here 
are its number one singles: 

1961: The Miracles, Shop Around 

1961: Marvelettes, Please Mr: Postman 

1963: Stevie Wonder, Fingertips 

1964: Mary Wells, My Guy 

1964: The Supremes, Where Did 
Our Love Go? 

1964: The Supremes, Baby Love 

1964: The Supremes, Come See 
About Me 

1965: The Temptations, My Girl 

1965: The Supremes, Stop! In the 
Name of Love 

1965: The Supremes, Back in My 
Arms Again 

1965: The Four Tops, / Сап! Help 

1965: The Supremes, / Hear а 

1966: The Supremes, You Can't 
Hurry Love 

1966: The Four Tops, Reach Out, 
ГИ Be There 

1966: The Supremes, You Keep 
Me Hangin' On 

1967: Gladys Knight & the Pips, / 
Heard It Through the Grapevine 

1967: The Supremes, Love Is Here and 
Now You're Gone 

1967: The Supremes, The Happening 

1968: Diana Ross & the Supremes, 
Love Child 

1968: Stevie Wonder, For Once in 
My Life 

1968: Marvin Gaye, / Heard It Through 
the Grapevine 

1969: The Temptations, / Can't 
Get Next to You 

1969: Diana Ross & the Supremes, 

“I know, but that’s me.” 

He and my sister Anna got married 
and divorced and he wrote about it. He 
went through some bad times with drugs 
and he wrote about that. I think his life 
was on a collision course. We were al- 
ways good friends, We became even bet- 
ter friends when he left Motown. 
PLAYBOY: Was that sometimes the case? 
GORDY: Not always, but in his case it was. 
One day he called me and said he had 
this new record he was doing for CBS 
and asked me what I thought about the 
title. The title, he said, was Sanctified 
Pussy. I was so relieved that I didn’t have 
to deal with him on that one. I said, “I 
think you might havea little trouble with 
the name,” but he said, “No man, that's 

what I feel.” I said, “If you feel it, then 
go for it.” I was so glad it wasn't my com- 
pany. [Laughs] The song eventually came 
out as Sanctified Lady. 

PLAYBOY: Obviously, it was a terrible 
shock when Gaye was killed by his father. 
Did he ever discuss the problems be- 
tween them? 

GORDY He didn't talk about his father 
much with me. His death was the end of 
a troubled life. But he was an incred- 
ible genius—the truest artist I have ev- 
er known. 

PLAYBOY: Do you remember the first time 
you met the Supremes? 

GORDY: It was before they were the 
Supremes—they were the Primettes, the 
sister group to the Primes, who became 

Someday We'll Be Together 
1970: The Jackson 5, I Want You Back 
1970: The Jackson 5, ABC 
1970: The Temptations, Ball of 
The Jackson 5, The Love 
You Save 
Stevie Wonder, Signed, Sealed, 
Edwin Starr, War 
Diana Ross, Ain't No Mountain 
High Enough 
The Jackson 5, /'ll Be There 
Smokey Robinson & the 
Miracles, The Tears of a Clown 
The Jackson 5, Мата% Pearl 
Marvin Gaye, What's Going On 
The Temptations, Just My 





1971: The Jackson 5, Never Can 
Say Goodbye 
1971: Undisputed Truth, Smiling 
Faces Sometimes 
1971: R. Dean Taylor, Indiana 
Wants Me 
1971: Michael Jackson, Got to Be There 

: Michael Jackson, Rockin’ Robin 
: Michael Jackson, Ben 
: The Temptations, Papa Was 
а Rollin’ Stone 
1973: Stevie Wonder, Superstition 
1973: Gladys Knight & the Pips, 
Neither One of Us 
1973: Stevie Wonder, You Are the Sun- 
shine of My Life 
1973: Diana Ross, Touch Me in 
the Morning 
1973: Marvin Gaye, Let's Get It On 
1973: Stevie Wonder, Higher Ground 
1973: Eddie Kendricks, Keep on 


1974: Eddie Kendricks, Boogie Down 

1974: The Jackson 5, Dancing 

1974: Stevie Wonder, You Haven't 
Done Nothin’ 

1975: Stevie Wonder, Boogie on 
Reggae Woman | 

1976: Diana Ross, (Theme From “Ma- 
hogany”) Do You Know Where 
You're Going To 

1976: The Miracles, Love Machine 
(Part 1) 

1976: Diana Ross, Love Hangover 

1977: Stevie Wonder, / Wish | 

1977: Thelma Houston, Dont Leave 
Ме This Way 

1977: Stevie Wonder, Sir Duke 

1977: Marvin Gaye, Got to Give It Up 

1978: The Commodores, Three Times 
a Lady 

1979: The Commodores, Sail On 

1979: The Commodores, Still 

1980: Smokey Robinson, Cruisin’ 

1980: Diana Ross, Upside Doum 

1980: Stevie Wonder, Master Blaster 


Smokey Robinson, Being 

With You 

Diana Ross & Lionel Richie, 

Endless Love 

Stevie Wonder, That Girl 




Lionel Richie, Hello 

Stevie Wonder, / Just Called 

00 Say I Love You 

1985: Stevie Wonder, Part-Time Lover 
1985: Lionel Richie, Say You, Say Me 

Sources: Billboard and Cashbox. 

ЕН | 

"It's not that Pm against it. It's just that Pm a 
‘you are what you eat" guy.” 



the Temptations. They had come into 
Motown and were singing in the lobby 
when I walked by. Their singer, Diana 
Ross, had this whiny voice. They put so 
much into the song and were so young 
and cute that I asked ıhem to sing it 
again. They did, putting everything into 
it. I asked them if they were in school 
and they said they were seniors. I told 
them I wouldn't sign them until they 
finished school; I didn't want to be re- 
sponsible for anybody dropping out of 
school. They were disappointed, but 
they came back to the studio every day 
until they finished high school. 

PLAYBOY: Did they hit right away? 
GORDY: It took three years. Smokey and 1 
both wrote songs for them that were not 
hits. But when songwriters and produc- 
ers Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and 
Eddie Holland locked in on them, the 
hits came, and there were lots of them. I 
knew then that the Supremes could be 
something special, and they could help 
themselves and help Motown. They 
broke down doors for lots of our acts. 
PLAYBOY: So why did you fire Florence 

GORDY: Flo had a great attitude—a sar- 
castic, funny attitude. When she was in a 
good mood, everyone was in a good 
mood. When she wasn't, no one was. I 
didn’t know that she had a drinking 
problem for а long time—Mary and Di- 
ana hid it from me. When 1 heard about 
it I was furious, because by that time it 
was out of control. She was showing up 
drunk or at times not showing up at all. 
Ultimately, 1 had to make one of those 
hard decisions. 1 replaced her with Cin- 
dy Birdsong. 

рдүвоү. Was Mary Wilson correct when 
she complained in her book that you 
favored Diana Ross from the beginning 
and that the other singers were pushed 

GORDY: If she said I favored Diana she 
was right, but I don’t think anyone was 
pushed aside. There was never any 
question in my mind as to who the lead 
singer was. 

PLAYBOY: What do you remember about 
Stevie Wonder when he first came in? 
GORDY: I wasn't that thrilled with his 
voice, but I was thrilled with his har- 
monica playing. He also played the bon- 
gos and drums. His feeling and attitude 
were wonderful. 

PLAYBOY: Didn't you name him Stevie 

GORDY: That's what my sister Esther tells 
me. I don't remember. She says that I 
said, “What a wonder,” and the name 

PLAYBOY: Another carly act was Martha 
and the Vandellas. Martha Reeves also 
wrote a book that attacked you. She said 
your focus on the Supremes hurt the 
other groups. And she sued you for back 

GORDY: 1 did focus on the Supremes. But 

128 not at the expense of the other artists— 

rather, to their benefit. The Supremes 
opened at the Copacabana in New 
York—the first R&B act to play there— 
and sold out every night for two weeks, 
and during the off-season at that. Then 
we were able to book the Temptations, 
Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson and the 
Miracles and Martha and the Vandellas 
not only there but also at all the other 
posh nightclubs in the country, includ- 
ing Las Vegas. It’s true that Martha sued 
me many years after leaving the compa- 
ny. When my attorney told me the 
Martha Reeves trial was starting the next 
day in Detroit, I hit the ceiling. Martha 
and me fighting in court? Ridiculous. 1 
had my secretary get Martha on the 
phone and I asked her why in the world 
she hadn't called me personally if there 
was a problem. She said her people told. 
her it was the best way to go. I asked her 
what the complaint was, and she said she 
really didn't know but had been told 
there was a dispute and she probably 
had something coming. 1 asked her why 
they didn't do an audit of our books to 
find out. She didn't know. Once she and 
I talked about it, she understood she had 
been misled and I made a settlement 
with her. I did it because it was Martha 
Recves, and only because it was Martha 

PLAYBOY: Let's switch to the Jackson 5. 
Michael Jackson has said that he resent- 
ed never having a childhood because he 
became a star when he was so young. 
He was ten when the family signed with 

GORDY: I don't think Michael believes 
that. He had a childhood when he was 
with Motown. When I moved them to 
California we played baseball every 
week—the Jacksons versus the Gordys. 
The kids swam and played all the time 
when they weren't rehearsing. 

PLAYBOY: But he also worked extremely 
hard when he vas a child. 

GORDY: I don't know what happened at 
home before he got to Motown, but he 
hada childhood at Motown. 

PLAYBOY: His sister La Toya said that Joe 
Jackson, their father and manager, 
abused his children. Is that true? 

GORDY: I don't know. I never saw any 
signs of it. As far as I saw, they were 
bright and happy children. Joe Jackson 
has been depicted as a strong and hard 
person, maybe vicious at times. I have 
had many differences with him, especial- 
ly when he took over their careers, but. 
they were an impressive family. They 
were the easiest group to work with that 
I have ever known. They stayed focused. 
They listened to everything I said and 
they did it happily. I was impressed with 
whatever got them to that stage before I 
met them. Whether their mother de- 
serves the credit or their father deserves 
the credit, somebody does. 

PLAYBOY: What happened when Joe Jack- 
son took over as their manager and took 
them away from Motown to Epic? 

GORDY: I was furious. I sued both Epic 
and the Jacksons because it was a year 
before their contract was up. Their fa- 
ther, I was told, concocted a story that we 
stole $2 million from the boys. After a 
long legal battle and audits of our books, 
they ended up owing us $50,000 or 
something. But it was too late. The kids 
were long gonc from Motown. 

PLAYBOY: Jermaine, who had married 
your daughter Hazel, didn’t go to Epic 
Was it tough for him? 

GORDY: It was. I appreciated it so 
much—his courage in standing up to his 
father. One thing Jermaine said their fa- 
ther told them was that Motown was not 
able to promote their records anymore 
and we were going down the drain and 
so forth. 

PLAYBOY: Hazel and Jermaine got di- 
vorced. Was that a difficult time for you? 
GORDY: They were together for 14 years, 
and even though they're not together 
now, there is no woman he respects 
more. And she respects herself, which is 
even more important. She has a tremen- 
dous self-image and wonderful children. 
Their divorce was tough for me because 
Jermaine is a fine person. I like him 

PLAYBOY: Of all those who left Motown, 
Michael Jackson has sold the most 
records. Was it infuriating to watch him 
rack up all those million-sellers? 

GORDY: Michael was like my son, so I was 
thrilled for him. When I asked him to do 
Motown 25, he said he wished I were his 

PLAYBOY: What do you make of the 
charges of child molestation that were 
brought against him? 

GORDY: I don't believe them. I know him 
to be a strong, sensitive human being. 
He happens to love kids. I know that 
he's always talked about kids. He's al- 
ways spent money on kids. 

PLAYBOY: If not a child molester, is 
Michael as weird as many of us think? 
GORDY: I doubt it. He is very shy, 
though—oflstage. Once onstage he be- 
comes dominant. He's a fanatic like me, 
focusing on whatever creative project 
he's working on. He wants to be the best. 
PLAYBOY: But what about all the wild sto- 
ries—the amusement park at home and 
the Elephant Man bones, among others? 
сору: I don't know. They're probably 
just stories. Michael is a marketing ge- 
nius. He has studied everybody—me, 
Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, Jackie 
Wilson, Marcel Marceau, James Brown. 
He is an incredible sponge, and he is 
aware of how publicity can help your 
career no matter what it says—almost. 
Michael always wanted to be the greatest 
entertainer in the world and the most 
popular entertainer in the world. He 
worked at it. That's why he might have 
let a lot of those rumors go, or he might 
have even perpetuated them. 

PLAYBOY: What do you make of his mar- 
riage to Lisa Marie Presley? 

GORDY: I don’t know exactly what you 
mean by “make,” but I talked with hima 
couple of weeks ago, and he said they 
are very much in love. I hope they are 
happy. The king of pop and the ing 
of rock's daughter get together—great! I 
also understand that she’s almost as shy 
as he is. So, I think they need each other. 
PLAYBOY: You have said that Motown 
crossed racial barriers. Did you face 

GORDY: 1 was a kid the first time I heard 
the word nigger. Six years old. It didn't 
really come up with Motown until 1962, 
when the Motortown Revue—a tour of 
our acts, including the Marvelettes, 
Mary Wells, the Supremes, Martha and 
the Vandellas, Marvin Gaye, the Temps, 
Contours and Smokey Robinson and the 
Miracles—went through the South 
Word came back that the bus had been 
shot at—real guns, real bullets. That was 
a horrible feeling for me. I felt guilty and 
responsible. And real angry. I told them 
to cancel the tour because I just couldn't 
have it on my conscience ¡Fany of those 
kids got killed out there. They insisted it 
was an isolated incident and that they 
wanted to go on. So I said OK, but I was 
fearful and worried. 

PLAYBOY: Did you have all-black audi- 
ences at that point? 

GORDY: Yes. 

PLAYBOY: When did Motown begin to 
cross over into white America and main- 

stream pop music? 

GorDY: We got really big around 1964 
and even bigger when people found out 
how much we were respected in Europe. 
It helped when the Beatles recorded 
three of our songs on their second al- 
bum. A lot of the British groups had 
been studying the Motown artists and 
doing Motown songs. Once you're гс- 
spected elsewhere, you're respected 
more at home, even in a family. 

PLAYBOY: When you did cross over, you 
were accused of selling out your roots by 
catering to white audiences. What did 
you think when you heard that? 

GORDY: I thought it was ridiculous. We 
didn't dwell on black audiences or white 
audiences. We just focused on putting 
out great songs. Pop means popular. If it 
ѕе a million, it's pop. I didn't give а 
damn what else it was called. 

PLAYBOY: One criticism was that attempt- 
ing to cross over to a white audience 
meant that you had to diffuse the mu- 
sic—that it couldn't be “too black." Did 
you make concessions in crossing over? 
Did you sell out? 

GORDY: [Laughs] No, I didn't. Remember, 
the first song I tried to sell was a song I 
wrote for Doris Day, a white-sounding 
song for a white girl. So if that's the 
case, I sold out my white roots when I 
changed to black music. 

PLAYBOY: Why did you move Motown 
from Detroit to Los Angeles? 

GORDY: I wanted to be in the movies and 
television. I always wanted to grow. 
PLAYBOY: It has been said that the begin- 
ning of the end came when you decided 
to move West. 

GORDY: Yeah, I would say it was the be- 
ginning of the end. Not the end of Mo- 
town—Motown is forever—but it was 
perhaps the beginning of the end of 
the fun. 

PLAYBOY: What changed? 

GORDY: Everything. One of the main 
things was that when I moved to the 
West Coast, the writers, musicians, pro- 
ducers and arrangers that I had in De- 
troit had a lot of other places to go. 
Everybody wanted them. Naturally, they 
went where they could makc the most 
money, and the major labels could pay 
more. Also, trying to get into every- 
thing—into movies—meant that 1 was 
less able to focus on the artists, records 
and songwriting. 

PLAYBOY: Your first foray into moviemak- 
ing was Lady Sings the Blues in 1972. 
What inspired it? 

GoRDY: Lady Sings the Blues was the hard- 
est thing I'd ever done until the book. 
But making it was incredible fun. 1 had 
something very real with this movie, ac- 
complishing so many of my childhood 

PLAYBOY: Such as? 

GORDY: The dream of making black peo- 
ple look like I thought they should look. 


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PLAYBOY: How was that? 

GORDY: The way they had been por- 
trayed in movies when I was a kid tickled 
me, but still I was embarrassed. Actors 
like Stepin Fetchit, the laziest man in the 
world, Mantan Moreland, who played in 
the Charlie Chan movies, and all these 
guys with big bulging eyes who were 
scared of everything. Well, in Lady Sings 
the Blues, 1 was able to make black peo- 
ple look the way I saw them: beautiful, 
strong and funny like the people I saw 
hanging around at the clubs when I was 
growing up. Iremembered the beauty of 
Billie Holiday and 1 wanted to show that. 
PLAYBOY: Was it tough working with Di- 
ana Ross in that role? 

GORDY: It was probably tougher for her 
to work with me. When you're working 
with a possessed, focused fanatic like I 
am оп a subject 1 was so passionate 
about, it's not easy. If Diana hadn’t been 
the trouper she is and a perfectionist like 
me, it could never have worked. 
PLAYBOY: How did the movie affect her? 
GORDY: It gave her so much more self- 
confidence. It was a big turning point for 
all of us. 

PLAYBOY: But you weren't minding the 
store. What was happening at Motown? 
GORDY: Everything had dropped and I 
had to work hard to pull it back up. I 
worked for a couple of years to bring 
things back to normal, and then I was off 
to do another film, Mahogany. 

PLAYBOY: That was your directorial de- 
but. Did you enjoy it? 

GORDY: It was one of the great thrills of 
my life. We were in Chicago at night. 
Big, heavy lights lit up the streets. There 
were about a hundred crewpeople and 
extras filling the streets, When I said 

“Action” to begin the first scene I ever di- 
rected, everything and everybody start- 
ed moving. I loved the scene. When it 
was over I was busy complimenting the 
actors—hugging Billy Dee Williams and 
Diana—and Shelly Berger, my top assis- 
tant at the time, tapped me on the shoul- 
der and said, “You'd better say “Сш.” I 
had forgotten to do that, and everybody 
and everything was still moving. 

The cameraman was still shooting. I 
said, “Oh, cut.” Everything stopped. Га 
been chairman of the board but never 
had the feeling of such power. It was 

PLAYBOY: Diana Ross walked out on the 
last day ofshooting. 

GORDY: Well, she was exhausted, and by 
that time she was really fed up with me. 
Later I learned that her daughter was 
sick at home, too. 

PLAYBOY: You had an affair with Ross. 
How did you feel when she left Motown? 
Was that the hardest defection for you? 
GORDY: By far. It was such a shock. 
PLAYBOY: Did she tell you herself? 
GORDY: Not at first. А man came in and 
said, "I'm representing Diana Ross." She 
had been with me for 21 years. She had 
three seven-year contracts and her latest 
contract was up. I always thought she'd 
be with me forever, so I never even 
thought about re-signing her. When one 
of her records came out, the sales de- 
partment would say, “Oh no,” because 
they knew they were going to have trou- 
ble with me. I would be on them to make 
certain it became a hit. 

PLAYBOY: Was that your business sense 
talking or was it your affection for her? 
GORDY: 1 would do it to some extent with 
any record I believed in. But everybody 

"Where's the ping-pong table?" 

knew Diana was my baby. 
PLAYBOY: Then why did she leave? 
GORDY: She got a lot of money, but mon- 
еу wouldn't have mattered if things had 
been different between us. Throughout 
her life at Motown, she had heard that 
she was just a puppet for me. And then 
she married someone else. We all know 
what pillow talk can do. Also, I was de- 
manding of Diana because I loved her. 
Unfortunately, when you love people a 
lot you don't want them to make mis- 
takes, and you're a little more protective. 
and demanding. 

PLAYBOY: Did you push her harder? 
GORDY: Much harder. 

PLAYBOY: Were you jealous? 

GORDY: Maybe more than I admitted at 
the time. It came up when the Supremes 
and I were in London and Mary and Flo 
wanted to go out and party and I told 
them they couldn't. Mary said, “Don't 
make us suffer just because you're jeal- 
ous of Diana going out at night.” My 
point was that they should stay in be- 
cause they had all these one-nighters to 
do. They needed their rest. But when 
Mary hit me with that, I had to think 
twice. Was I really protecting them or 
was I jealous? 

PLAYBOY: What was your answer? 

GORDY: I don't know. I think a іше of 
both. I told Diana what Mary had said 
and she got a kick out of it, thinking I 
was a little jealous. Also, when she said 
she had to get her sleep and wasn't about. 
to go out—the relief I felt indicated that. 
jealousy was there somewhere. 

PLAYBOY: You and Ross have a daughter, 
Rhonda. Why did you keep it from her. 
that you are her father? 

GORDY: It was her mother's decision. She 
felt that the child should not know any- 
thing until she was able to handle it and 
understand it. She made a wise decision, 
because when she did tell her, Rhonda 
was able to handle it well. 

PLAYBOY: When Ross read your book, she 
said, "I also wish he had told me he 
loved me, as he says in the book. Maybe 
things would have been different—may- 
be not." How did you feel about that? 
GORDY: Great. She was so special to me 
and I always felt misunderstood by her. 
In fact, while writing the book, I heard 
she hated that I was going to write about. 
the first time we slept together. Diana al- 
ways hated any of her business being in 
the street. But when she read it and 
found out that I told the truth about my 
being so embarrassed, she got a big kick 
out of it. 

PLAYBOY: You admitted you couldn't get 
it up the first time you slept together. 
Did you have to think twice before in- 
duding that story? 

GORDY: At least twice. Many people said, 
“Boy, were you candid. Probably a little 
too candid.” But once I decided to write 
the book I had to tell the truth, especial- 
ly about me. I also wrote that I wet 
the bed when I was a kid. These things 

Һарреп. I figured, others must wet the 
bed and must not be able to get it up, so 
it shouldn't be that big a deal to say it. 
PLAYBOY: Ross, the Jackson 5, Michael 
‘Jackson, Marvin Gaye and other big acts 
left Motown. David Geffen told us how 
difficult it was when artists he had nur- 
tured left his company. Was it the same 
for you? 

GORDY: For many years Motown was un- 
touchable. Nobody would leave. People 
would try to get them to leave—Mary 
Wells was the first star who did, in 1964. 
PLAYBOY: What happened? 

GORDY: Mary had been with me for only 
four years and was very hot at the time— 
in fact, she had the number one record 
in the country, My Guy. When Mickey 
Stevenson, head of A & R, told me he 
was having trouble getting Mary to come 
to recording sessions, I called her and 
arranged a meeting at her house. When 
1 asked her what the problem was, she 
|, “You better talk with my lawyer.” I 
said OK and left with a smile on my face 
but a rock in my stomach. I met with her 
lawyer and showed him our assembly 
line and what we did for the artists. He 
was impressed and said he would per- 
suade her to stay with Motown. The next 
day he was fired. 

PLAYBOY: Why did she want to leave all 
that badly? 

GORDY: I don't know for sure, but Twen- 
tieth Century Fox Records probably 

paid her a lot of money. They even paid 
us a royalty to get her out of her con- 
tract. They wanted her that bad and she 
wanted to leave that bad. She went to 
five other record companies over the 
next 20 years and never had a hit. 
PLAYBOY: Why did so many artists leave? 
GORDY: That's a ridiculous question be- 
cause it leads to a wrong perception. You 
should have asked, “How did you keep 
so many so long?” That was the phe- 
nomenon. Of the artists you mentioned, 
only the Jackson 5 left before their con- 
tract ran out and Michael had no 
choice—he was a minor with a father de- 
termined to take his children from Mo- 
town. Diana stayed 21 years, Marvin 
stayed 18 years and many of the name 
artists, including the Marvelettes and 
Martha and the Vandellas, didn't leave 
us, we just didn't re-sign them after we 
moved to Los Angeles. For some of the 
others it was just human nature. Some- 
times the grass looks greener. The truth, 
however, is that never in the history of 
the record business have so many stars 
been on one label at one time for so long. 
PLAYBOY: A few artists never left— 
Smokey, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie. 
What caused them to stay? 

GORDY: Certain people were so loyal that 
money wasn't the issue. Stevie Wonder, 
Smokey Robinson and Lionel Richie you 
could not buy for money. 

changing at the time you moved to Los 
Angeles. How? 

GORDY: All the small companies were be- 
ing swallowed up by big ones. Soon 90 
percent of the records were distributed 
by six companies. 

PLAYBOY: What was the impact of that? 
GORDY: Control of the music. It’s harder 
for independents to get their records out 
there if you control distributors, record 
stores and radio and TV stations. It's 
much harder for a small company to 
break in. The cost had gone up so much. 
PLAYBOY: How much would it cost to 
market a record? 

Gorby: It would cost $100,000 just to 
promote one single. That's how expen- 
sive it had become. It cost even more 
when we had to start making videos be- 
cause MTV had become so strong. So 
we were losing money. I started think- 
ing about the Motown legacy. I never 
thought I would sell the business, but I 
began to realize it was the only way to 
ensure that Motown would survive. 
PLAYBOY: Yet you stopped an initial deal 
from going through. 

GORDY: I wasn't ready to let go, and I had 
gotten angry about the restraints they 
were putting on me. I couldn't use the 
Gordy name for five years, things like 
that. I just felt like fighting back so I said 
to hell with it. But after a year and a half 
1, had to let it go. 

PLAYBOY: How bad did it get? 


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GORDY: Real bad. | remembered a few 
years before, when I first realized how 
bad it was. My accountants told me I was 
in trouble, and I said, “What does that 
mean?” They said, “You're bankrupt.” I 
got crazy. “Why wasn't I told?” They 
said, “You were told.” They had sent 
memos saying the sales department was 
costing too much, the promotion depart- 
ment was costing too much, the market- 
ing department was costing too much 
and I was giving too much to the artists. 
See, I was an entrepreneur, and entre- 
preneurs are great at building things but 
Not so great at controlling the growth as 
it explodes. 

So I had to sell it, but this time without 
the restrictions and for a lot more mon- 
ey. It was a big poker game. It was the 
biggest poker hand of my life. If I had 
lost 1 would have lost everything. Final- 
ly, MCA beat the other offers and I got 
$61 million. 

PLAYBOY: Jesse Jackson accused you of 
selling out one of America’s strongest 
black companies. 

GORDY: Jesse, who had been a longtime 
friend, came to discuss it. I told him, “1 
have three choices: Sell out, bail out or 
fall out. Which do you suggest?" He sort 
of laughed and said, “OK, Brother 
Berry, do whatever you have to do.” 
PLAYBOY: Did you consider going with 
the company—staying on to run it? 
GORDY: You're kidding. 

PLAYBOY: Geflen continued to run Geflen 
Records after he sold it. 
GORDY: First ofall, David is a much better 
businessman than I am, one of the 
smartest cats I know. He's such a power- 
ful player it's hard to know who's work- 

ing for whom. The idea of working Юг 
somebody never even crossed my mind. 
PLAYBOY: What else could you imagine 
doing with your time? 

GORDY: First of all, I'm enjoying my free- 
dom so much it's incredible. Just know- 
ing that I will be blamed only for what I 
do and not for what the artist or any- 
body at Motown does is wonderful. The 
book took five years of my life. Now I 
have many options. I went up to Vegas 
the other night to see Smokey play at 
Caesars Palace. | sat in the audience with 
his producer, Michael Stokes, and—I 
hadn't done this for years—I turned to 
Michael and said, "Give me a piece of 
paper, quick!” Here | am watching the 
show and writing notes for Smokey, a 
guy who is a consummate professional. 
But I noticed little things. 

PLAYBOY: For example? 

GORDY: His voice is as great as ever, but I 
thought the overture could have been 
more dramatic. I had some ideas for new 
arrangements. He opened with a really 
nice ballad, but I wanted him to start 
out with something more up-tempo. So 
I ran backstage and worked my way 
through the crowd and Smokey hugged 
me and said, “How did you like the 
show?” I said, “It was great, it was won- 
derful, but, but Гуе got to talk to you. 
Look, I have a few notes. ...” He bust- 
ed out laughing. Anyway, I realized how 
much I love that part of the business. 
Who knows? Maybe I would manage 
someone again. I'm spending quite a bit 
of time restructuring Jobete, our pub- 
lishing company, to compete in the 21st 
century. Jobete owns most of the copy- 
rights to the Motown songs, and those 


Tou KNOW we Gers 2 

songs are all over the place right now— 
movies, television and so forth. Yet only 
five percent of the songs are being used, 
bringing in 95 percent of the income. 
There's a gold mine there. 

PLAYBOY: You've also been spending time 
in South Central, working with kids 
What can you tell them that's different 
from what they're hearing all the time? 
GORDY: First of all, these kids came up in 
the same environment as I did, and 
some are ex-gang members. I relate to 
the kids down there, and I want them to 
know that there's nothing they can't do if 
they deal with it in a positive way. № 
they're smart enough to keep these drug 
deals in their heads, keep track of the 
money keep ahead of the cops—all 
that—imagine what they could do in a 
legitimate business with a computer! So 
they have a chance to die, go to jail or be- 
come rich and famous using talents that 
they already have. I want them to know 
there's a price tag on everything—to 
know about the theory of no free lunch- 
es. They may be able to make $2000 a 
weck dealing drugs, but the price is 
much heavier than most of them realize. 
I tell them, "You have to worry about 
your mother, your father, your little 

brothers, who could be killed. You have 
to constantly look over your shoulder." 
Suddenly a job for $250 a week in which 
they learn computer skills sounds better. 
PLAYBOY: What is your take on гар mu- 
sic—somgs about niggers, whores and 

lumber one, not all rap music is 
about “niggers, whores and bitches.” 1 
have a problem with any song that advo- 
cates violence or racism or disrespect to 
women. Much of rap is about the condi- 
tions under which rappers live. It's a lan- 
guage they have developed to describe 
what they go through. They're putting it 
оп record for everyone to hear. I think 
some of it reflects their lifestyles and the 
frightening way that they have to live. A 
lot of people don't know what's going on 
in communities they don’t see, so maybe 
it's good to awaken our consciousness to 
some of it. 

At Motown, we always avoided records 
that I thought were bad for society. We 
decided оп a case-by-case basis. I didn't 
want to put out Norman Whitfield's 
Cloud Nine because 1 thought it advocat- 
ed drug use. We discussed it back and 
forth. He was determined, so I let him 
do it. But before I did, we voted on it at 
a company meeting. 1 voted against it, 
but the rest were for it. The song was a 
big hit and was our first Grammy. 

But I was always concerned. Artistic 
freedom is important, but if you think 
something is damaging to society, that's 
something else. We have a responsibility 
not to hurt people willfully. And we must 
remember that creative people are very 
powerful. People say it’s just music, but 
music is very powerful. 

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TOMMY LEE continua fom page 72) 

He tried a ruder, Crueder approach with Pamela—no 
ring, plenty of booze, no wedding dress. 

there's a phoenix over his entire right 
thigh and something sort of cute and 
rune-like on his belly. There are also 
memories of an encounter here or there: 
The black rose that won Heather's heart 
is outdated, so Tommy cleverly had the 
“H” covered up—the tat now reads 
"eather"—which fools countless models 
into thinking he was an anesthesiologist. 
Then he got the bright idea to put “Bob- 
bie” on his neck. But with each inamora- 
ta there seems to be diminishing returns. 
Pamela got only a delicate rendering of 
her name on his ring finger, as part of 
the traditional exchange of ring-finger 
tattoos at their wedding. 

Master the art of press relations. Аса char- 
ity golf tournament, he engaged Bobbie 
Brown in lengthy and repeated make- 
‘out sessions for the benefit of the media. 
As the display became increasingly te- 
dious, one photographer remarked, 
“Now I think she’s chewing on his nose 

Bleed for your fans. During the 1990 
tour, Lee sat in a cage that, according 
to Rolling Stone, was “equal parts drum 
kit, merry-go-round and monorail.” The 
crowd had to keep an eye on Lee as he 
zipped around above their heads, drum- 
ming along to taped recordings of Led 
Zeppelin and Edgar Winter. When the 
display ended, he'd slide to the ground 
on a rope and moon everybody. One 
night in New Haven, he fell off the scaf- 
folding and hit his head, suffering a mild 
concussion. Again, being a drummer, the 
difference was barely noticeable. 

Play the strong, silent type. “I never want- 

ed to be on a pedestal or to be any kind 
of a hero,” he says. “I speak through my 
music.” That's two beats for yes, one 
for no. 

Stay in fashion. In the Eighties, Tommy 
sported a huge, teased bouffant as if he 
had just licked a light socket. (Legend 
tells us that Crue once hired a musician 
simply because he used the same rinse— 
blue-black Nice & Easy—as the rest of 
the band.) But once grunge knocked 
Crue off MTV, Tommy got wise and 
started sporting a shorn head and a goa- 
tee. The band has yet to conquer the 
next phase of surviving on MTV: learn- 
ing to play their instruments. 

Be prepared. You never know when 
trouble will strike. Perhaps that’s why 
Tommy was arrested for trying to carry a 
loaded .40 caliber semiautomatic pistol 
through airport security at LAX, He's 
still no Harry Connick Jr. 

Learn how to party. 

‘Tommy Lee had a bit of trouble 

At L.A.’s House of Blues one night. 

Ycah, Tommy Lee got in some trouble 

At the House of Blues one night. 

He caused such a big brawl 

A dozen cops had to stop the fight. 

They called in a helicopter 

To help scare people away. 

They needed a big blue copter 

To send the mad crowd away. 

At last the punching stopped 

When Tommy got hit with pepper 


Keep belting out the hits. Most rational 
people would assume that when your 
live-in lover—in this case, Bobbie 

“She's young and beautiful and 
she does things for me that my wife would never do—like, 
she cooks with butter.” 

Brown—has you arrested for abuse and 
you pay $50,000 bail to get released, the 
relationship is over. In fact, most rational 
women—and men—steer clear of guys 
who swing their fists until they see them 
in court for a lawsuit. Not so with Bob- 
bie and Tommy. They lived happily ev- 
er after for a week or so—until Tommy 
swooned over Pam Anderson at a New 
Year's Eve party. 

Learn the proper way to propose. The tra- 
ditional approach doesn’t always guar- 
antee results. Consider Tommy's fairly 
unoriginal but thoughtful proposal to 
Heather. He stuck his head through the 
sunroof of his limo and asked his sweet- 
tempered girlfriend to do the same (now 
we know where she gets that hair from). 
When she did, he gave her a 2.3 carat di- 
amond ring and asked her to marry him 
“She said yes,” said Tommy. “Then she 
grabbed the ring, sat back down and 
screamed, ‘Now get down here!” So he 
tried a ruder, Crueder approach with 
Pamela—no ring, plenty of booze, no 
wedding dress. [t worked. They got 
married 12 hours after he proposed one 
day at four A.M. 

To Tommy Lee's credit, he had gone 
on a gallant quest to track Pam down. 
Finds out she is somewhere in Cancün, 
takes a plane trip to Mexico. Starts cruis- 
ing bars—you never know where televi- 
sion stars will turn up next. Tries a biki- 
ni contest—still no Pam. Finally, she 
gives the wandering minstrel some help. 
and calls him after hearing of his drunk- 
en escapades. At least someone was 
thinking—but not too much: One of 
Pamela's bridesmaids was a new friend 
of Tommy's. You know, the winner of the 
bikini contest. 

Wediquette. For his quasitraditional 
wedding to Heather, Lee wore a white 
leather tux and he chewed gum. For his 
beach wedding to Pamela, he donned a 
pair of big baggy shorts (she, of course, 
wore her work dothes—a white string 

Netiquette. He doesn't just cruise the 
beach, he also surfs the Net. As an avid 
habitué of the Rocknet Forum on Com- 
puserve, he was Motley Crue's ambas- 
sador of goodwill to the pocket-protec- 
tor set: Whenever someone criticized the 
Crue, he'd respond with a heartfelt 
“Fuck you!" 

Release those pheromones. At the opening 
of the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, by- 
standers complained that Tommy Lee 
wore a lethal case of B.O. (The leftover 
scent from some pepper spray facial, 

Think of your loved one's future. “1 think 
we'll be the coolest grandma and grand- 
pa in the world,” he said of his marriage 
to Heather. “We'll be like 85 or 90. ГИ 
still be a rock pig and Heather will still 
be gorgeous.” The only thing they won't 
be is married. 



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hem # 

TD fE IZ 72 М” 

(continued from page 65) 
manuscripts a year 

Virtually all of the hopeful Trek writers 
are women. Seventy percent of their 
manuscripts fall into one category, what 
Trek insiders call the Mary Sue. “The star 
is a beautiful young woman, often a 
teenager, often half human, half alien,” 
explains Ordover. “She's the smartest 
person to graduate from Starfleet Acad- 
emy. She’s smarter than Data, a better 
diplomat than Picard. She single-hand- 
edly saves the ship, and everybody falls 
in love with her.” And, he ad 
most always has the same initials as the 

Pocket Books does not publish Mary 

Аз for other things that Pocket Books 
won't publish, here are excerpts from its 
Star Trek submission guidelines, with an- 
notations by Ordover: 

*No offspring or close relations that 
have not already been established. (“I 
have seen approximately 200 books 
about Kirk's daughter. They're varia- 
tions on the Mary Sue.”) 

= No traveling in time to change histo- 
ty, learn something, rescue someone, 
buy groceries, etc. 

“Ко plots that mix the characters 
from one series with another. (“We even 
got one in which the Star Trek crew res- 
cues the people from Lost in Space. Dr. 
Smith turned out to be a godlike being 
who was testing the Robinsons to see 
how much they would take before they 
killed him.”) 

*No explanation of the Vulcan way 
beyond what has been done in the TV 
series or movies. 

*No Pon farr in Spock. 

*No plot that hinges on or describes 
sexual relations (normal, abnormal or 
otherwise). No books that suggest any- 
thing other than friendship. between 
Kirk and Spock or any other members of 
the crew. (“There's a lot of this, but we 
don't see most of it because fans write 
it only for themselves and one anoth- 
er." Indeed, the genre, originally known 
as K/S—for Kirk/Spock—but now just 
called "slash," has been wildly popular 
since the Seventies. It can be found in 
zines and on the Internet newsgroups and 
captains. Ordover jokes about the en- 
during popularity of W/W—Worf/Wes- 

among Next Generation fans. "You 
оте up to my cabin, boy, and 
ГИ show you what wormhole really 

In fact, Pocket Books editors will no 
longer even look at manuscripts that 
haven't been solicited from agents. Or- 
dover offers a more realistic submission 
guideline: “Don’t send us anything, 


he al- 

La Veneziana 

(continued from page 60) 
circled like golden dust, and a bumble- 
bee, entangled in the heavy lacework of 
a fern, already buzzed with a more re- 
served evening tone. 

Simpson sat down on a bench spat- 
tered with the white traces of dried bird 
droppings and hunched over, propping 
his elbows on his knees. He sensed the 
onset of an auditory hallucination that 
had afflicted him since childhood. When 
in a meadow, or, as now, in a quiet, al- 
ready duskening wood, he would invol- 
untarily begin to wonder if, through this 
silence, he might perhaps hear the en- 
tire enormous world traversing space 
with a melodious whistle, the bustle of 
distant cities, the pounding of sea waves, 
the singing of telegraph wires above the 
deserts. Gradually his hearing, guided 
by his thoughts, began to detect these 
sounds in earnest. He could hear the 
chugging of a train even though the 
tracks might be dozens of miles away, 
then the clanging and screeching of 
wheels and—as his recondite hearing 
grew ever more acute—the passengers’ 
voices, their coughs and laughter, the 
rustling of their newspapers, and finally, 
plunging totally into his acoustic mirage, 
he clearly distinguished their heartbeats. 
The rolling crescendo of that beat, that 
drone, that clangor, deafened Simpson. 
He opened his eyes with a shudder and 
realized the pounding was that of his 
own heart, 

“Lugano, Como, Venice,” he mur- 
mured as he sat on the bench under a 
soundless hazelnut tree. Right away he 
heard the subdued plashing of sunny 
towns, and then, closer, the tinkling of 
bells, the whistle of pigeon wings, a high- 
pitched laugh akin to the laugh of Mau- 
reen and the ceaseless shuffling of un- 
seen passersby. He wanted to halt his 
hearing there, but his hearing, like a tor- 
rent, rushed ever deeper. Another in- 
stant and he was hearing not only their 
footfalls but also their hearts. Millions of 
hearts were swelling and thundering, 
and Simpson, coming fully to his senses, 
realized that all those sounds, all those 
hearts, were concentrated in the fren- 
zied beat of his own. 

He raised his head. A light wind, like 
the motion of a silk cage, passed along 
the avenue. The sun's rays were a gentle 

He rose with a feeble smile and, for- 
getting his racket on the bench, went to- 
ward the house. It was time to dress for 

“105 hot with this fur on, though! No, 
Colonel, it's only cat. It's true my Vene- 
tian rival wore something more expen- 

sive. But the color is the same, isn't it? A 
perfect likeness, in short.” 

"If I dared, I would coat you with var- 
nish and send Luciani's canvas to the at- 
tic,” countered the Colonel, who, in spite 
of his strict principles, was not averse to 
challenging a lady as attractive as Mau- 
reen toa flirtatious verbal duel. 

“I would split with laughter,” Mau- 
reen parried. 

“I fear, Mrs. McGore, that we make a 
terribly poor background for you,” said 
Frank with a broad, boyish grin. “We are 
crude, complacent anachronisms. Now if 
your husband were to don a coat of 

“Fiddlesticks,” said McGore. “The im- 
pression of antiquity can be evoked аз 
easily as the impression of color by press- 
ing one's upper eyelid. On occasion I al- 
low myself the luxury of imagining to- 
day’s world, our machines, our fashions, 
as it will appear to our descendants 400 
or 500 years hence. I assure you that I 
feel as ancient as a Renaissance monk.” 

“Have some more wine, my dear 
Simpson,” offered the Colonel. 

Bashful, quiet Simpson, who was seat- 
ed between McGore and his wife, had 
prematurely put his large fork to work 
during the second course, when he 
should have used the small one, so that 
he had only the small fork and a large 
knife for the meat course, and now, as he 
manipulated them, one of his hands had 
a kind of limp. When the main course 
was brought around a second time, he 
helped himself out of nervousness, then 
noticed he was the only one eating and 
that everyone else was waiting impa- 
tiently for him to finish. He got so flus- 
tered that he pushed away his still-full 
plate, nearly knocked over his glass and 
began reddening. He had already come 
ablaze several times during dinner, not 
because he actually had something to be 
ashamed about but because he thought 
how he might blush for no reason, and 
then the pink blood colored his cheeks, 
his forehead, even his neck. It was no 
more possible to halt that blind, agoniz- 
ing, hot flush than to confine the merg- 
ing sun behind its cloud. At the first such 
onset he deliberately dropped his nap- 
kin, but when he raised his head, he was 
a fearful sight: At any moment his 
starched collar would catch fire too. An- 
other time he tried to suppress the 
onslaught of the hot, silent wave by 
addressing 2 question to Maureen— 
whether or not she liked playing lawn 
tennis—but Maureen, alas, did not hear 
him and asked him what he had said, 
whereupon, as he repeated his foolish 
phrase, Simpson instantly blushed to the 
point of tears and Maureen, out of char- 
ity, turned away and started on some 
other topic. 

The fact that he was sitting next to her, 


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sensing the warmth of her cheek and of 
her shoulder, from which, as in the 
painting, the gray fur was slipping, and 
that she seemed about to pull it up but 
stopped at Simpson's question, extend- 
ing and twinning her slender, elongated 
fingers, filled him with such languor that 
there was a moist sparkle in his eyes 
from the crystal blaze of the wineglasses. 
He kept imagining that the circular table 
was an illuminated island, slowly revolv- 
ing, floating somewhere, gently carrying 
off those seated around it. Through the 
open French windows one could see, in 
the distance, the skittle shapes of the ter- 
race balustrade, and the breath of the 
blue night air was stifling. Maureen's 
nostrils inhaled this air; her soft, totally 
dark eyes remained unsmiling as they 
glided from face to face, even when a 
smile would faintly raise a corner of her 
tender, unpsinted lips. Her face re- 
mained within a somewhat swarthy 
shadow, and only her forehead was 
bathed by the levigate light. She said 
fatuous, funny things. Everyone 
laughed, and the wine gave the Colonel 
a nice flush. McGore, who was peeling 
an apple, encircled it with his palm like a 
monkey, his small face with its halo of 
gray hair wrinkled from the effort, and 
the silver knife tightly clutched in his 
dark, hairy fist detached endless spirals 
of red-and-yellow peel. Frank's face was 
not visible to Simpson, since between 
them stood a bouquet of flaming, fleshy 
dahlias in a sparkling vase. 

After supper, which ended with port 
and coffee, the Colonel, Maureen and 
Frank sat down to play bridge, with a 
dummy since the other two did not play. 

The old restorer went out, bandy- 
legged, to the darkened balcony, and 
Simpson followed, feeling Maureen's 
warmth recede behind him. 

McGore eased himself with а grunt in- 
toa wicker chair near the balustrade and 
offered Simpson a cigar. Simpson 
perched sideways on the railing and lit 
up awkwardly, narrowing his eyes and 
inflating his cheeks. 

"I guess you like that old rake del Pi- 
ombo's Venetian lass,” said McGore, ге- 
leasing a rosy puff of smoke into the 

“Very much,” replied Simpson, 
adding, “of course, I don’t know any- 
thing about pictures——" 

“All the same, you liked it,” nodded 
McGore. “Splendid. That's the first step 
toward understanding. I, for one, have 
dedicated my whole life to this.” 

“She looks absolutely real,” Simpson 
said pensively. “It’s enough to make one 
believe mysterious tales about portraits 
coming to life. I read somewhere that 
some king descended from a canvas, and 
as soon as —" 

McGore dissolved іп a subdued, brittle 

140 laugh. “That's nonsense, of course. But 

another phenomenon does occur—the 
inverse, so to speak.” 

Simpson glanced at him. In the dark 
of the night his starched shirtfront 
bulged like a whitish hump, and the 
light of his cigar, like a ruby pinecone, il- 
lumined his small, wrinkled face from 
below. He had had a lot of wine and was 
apparendy in the mood to talk. 

“Here is what happens,” he continued 
unhurriedly. “Instead of inviting a paint- 
ed figure to step out of its frame, imag- 
ine someone managing to step into the 
picture himself. Makes you laugh, 
doesn't it? And yet I've done it many a 
time. 1 have had the good fortune of vis- 
iting all the art museums of Europe, 
from the Hague to Petersburg and from 
London to Madrid. When I found a 
painting I particularly liked, 1 would 
stand directly in front of it and concen- 
trate all my willpower on one thought: to 
enter it. It was an eerie sensation, of 
course. I felt like the Apostle about to 
step off his bark onto the water's surface. 
But what bliss ensued! Let us say I was 
facing a Flemish canvas, with the Holy 
Family in the foreground, against a 
smooth, limpid landscape. You know, 
with a road zigzagging like a white 
snake, and green hills. Then, finally, 1 
would take the plunge. I broke free from 
real life and entered the painting. A 
miraculous sensation! The coolness, the 
placid air permeated with wax and in- 
cense. I became a living part of the 
painting and everything around me 
came alive. The pilgrims’ silhouettes on 
the road began to move. The Virgin 
Mary was saying something in a Flemish 
patter. The wind rippled through the 
conventional flowers. The clouds were 
gliding. But the delight did not last long. 
I would get the feeling that I was softly 
congealing, cohering with the canvas, 
merging into a film of oil color. Then I 
would shut my eyes tight, yank with all 
my strength and leap out. There was a 
gentle pop, as when you pull your foot 
ош of the mud. I would open my eyes 
and find myself lying on the floor be- 
neath a splendid but lifeless painting.” 

Simpson listened with attention and 
embarrassment. When McGore paused, 
he gave a barely perceptible start and 
looked around. Everything was as be- 
fore. Below, the garden breathed the 
darkness; one could see the dimly lit din- 
ing room through the glass door and, in 
the distance, through another open 
doorway, a bright corner of the parlor 
with three figures playing cards. What 
strange things McGore was saying! 

“You understand, don't you,” he con- 
tinued, shaking off some scaly ash, “that 
in another instant the painting would 
have sucked me in forever. 1 would have 
vanished into its depths and lived on in 
its landscape, or else grown weak with 
terror, and lacking the strength either to 

return to the real world or to penetrate 
the new dimension, I would have jelled 
into a figure painted on the canvas, like 
the anachronism Frank was talking 
about. Yet, despite the danger, I have 
yielded to temptation time after time. . . . 
Oh, my friend, Гуе fallen in love with 
Madonnas! I remember my first infatua- 
tion—a Madonna with an azure corona, 
by the delicate Raffaello. Beyond her, at 
a distance, two men stood by a column, 
chatting calmly. 1 eavesdropped on their 
conversation—they were discussing the 
worth of some dagger. But the most en- 
chanting Madonna of all comes from the 
brush of Bernardino Luini. All his cre- 
ations contain the quiet delicacy of the 
lake on whose shore he was born, Lago 
Maggiore. The most delicate of masters. 
His name even yielded a new adjective, 
luinesco. His best Madonna has long, ca- 
ressingly lowered eyes, and her apparel 
has light-blue, rose-red, misty-orange 
tints. A gaseous, rippling haze encircles 
her brow and that of her reddish-haired 
infant. He raises а pale apple toward her, 
she looks at it, lowering her gentle, elon- 
gated eyes. . . . Luinesque eyes. God, 
how I kissed them.” 

McGore fell silent and a dreamy smile 
tinged his thin lips, lighted by the cigar's 
glow. Simpson held his breath, and, as 
before, felt he was slowly gliding off into 
the night. 

“Complications did occur,” McGore 
went on after clearing his throat. “I got 
an ache in my kidneys after a goblet of 
strong cider that a plump Rubens bac- 
chante once served me, and I caught 
such a chill on the foggy, yellow skating 
rink of one of the Dutchmen that I went 
on coughing and bringing up phlegm 
for a month. That's the kind of thing 
that can happen, Mr. Simpson.” 

Мсбоге 5 chair creaked as he rose and 
straightened his waistcoat. “Got carried 
away,” he remarked. “Time for bed. God 
knows how long they'll go on slapping 
their cards about. I'm off—goodnight.” 

He crossed the dining room and the 
parlor, nodding to the players as he 
went, and disappeared in the shadows 
beyond. Simpson was left alone on the 
balustrade. His ears rang with McGore's 
voice. The magnificent starry night 
reached to the very balcony, and the 
enormous velvety shapes of the black 
trees were motionless. Through the 
French window, beyond a band of dark- 
ness, he could see the pink-hued parlor 
lamp, the table, the players’ faces rouged 
by the light. He saw the Colonel rise. 
Frank followed suit. From afar, as if over 
the telephone, came the Colonel's voice. 
“I'm ап old man, I turn in early. Good- 
night, Mrs. McGore.” 

And Maureen's laughing voice: “I'll go 
in a minute, too, or else my husband will 
be cross with me.” 

Simpson heard the door dose behind 
the Colonel. Then an extraordinary 
thing happened. From his vantage point 

in the darkness he saw Maureen and 
Frank, now alone far off in that lacuna of 
mellow light, slip into each other's arms. 
He saw Maureen fling back her head 
and bend it back farther and farther be- 
neath Frank's violent and prolonged 
kiss. Then, catching up her fur and giv- 
ing Frank's hair a ruffle, she disap- 
peared into the distance with a muffled 
slam of the door. Frank smoothed his 
hair with а smile, thrust his hands in his 
pockets and, whistling softly, crossed the 
dining room on his way to the balcony. 
Simpson was so flabbergasted that he 
froze, his fingers clutching the railing, 
and gazed with horror as the starched 
shirtfront and the dark shoulder ap- 
proached through the glass. When he 
came out onto the balcony and saw his 
friend’s silhouette in the dark, Frank 
gave a slight shudder and bit his lip. 

Simpson awkwardly crawled off the 
railing. His legs were wembling. He 
made a heroic effori 

“Marvelous night. McGore and I have 
been chatting out here.” 

Frank said calmly, “He lies a lot, that 
McGore. On the other hand, when he 
gets going he’s worth a listen.” 

“Yes, it's very curious,” Simpson con- 
curred lamely. 

“The Big Dipper,” Frank said and 
yawned with his mouth closed. Then, in 
an even voice, he added, “Of course, I 
know that you are a perfect gentleman, 

Next morning a warm drizzle came 
pattering, shimmering, stretching in 
thin threads across the dark background 
of the forest's depths. Only three people 
came down for breakfast— the 
Colonel and listless, wan Simpson; then 
Frank, fresh, bathed, shaved to a high 
gloss, with an innocent smile on his over- 
ly thin lips. 

The Colonel was markedly out of spir- 
its. The night before, during the bridge 
game, he had noticed something. Bend- 
ing down hastily to retrieve a dropped 
card, he had seen Frank’s knee pressed 
against Maureen's. This must be stopped 
immediately. For some time already the 
Colonel had had an inkling that some- 
thing was not right. No wonder Frank 
had rushed off to Rome, where the 
McGores always went in the spring. His 
son was free to do as he liked, but to 
stand for something like this here, at 
home, in the ancestral castle—no, the 
most stringent measures must be taken 
immediately. The Colonel's displeasure 
had a disastrous effect on Simpson. He 
had the impression that his presence was 
a burden to his host and was at a loss for 
a subject of conversation. Frank was 
jovial as always and, his teeth asparkle, 
munched with gusto on hot toast spread 
with orange marmalade. 

When they had finished their coffee, 

the Colonel lit his pipe and rose. 

"Didn't you want to take a look at the 
new automobile, Frank? Let’s walk over 
to the garage. Nothing to do in this rain 

Then, sensing that poor Simpson had 
remained mentally suspended in mid- 
air, the Colonel added, “I’ve got a few 
good books here, my dear Simpson. 
Help yourself if you wish.” 

Simpson came to a start and 
pulled a bulky red volume down from 
the shelf. It turned out to be the Veteri- 
nary Herald from 1895. 

Simpson found it somehow terrifying 
that today, too, breakfast would be fol- 
lowed by lunch, tea by supper, with i 
olable regularity. He wanted to scream at 
the thought that things would continue 
like this. He wanted to struggle like 
someone who has awakened in his coffin. 
‘The drizzle was still shimmering outside 

the window, and having to stay indoors 
made his ears ring as they do when you 
have a fever. 

McGore spent the whole day in the 
workshop that had been set up for him 
іп one of the castle’s towers. He was busy 
restoring the varnish of a small, dark 
picture painted on wood. The workshop 
smelled of glue, turpentine and garlic, 
which is used for removing greasy spots 
from paintings. On a small carpenter's 
bench near the press sparkled retorts 
containing hydrochloric acid and alco- 
hol; scattered about were scraps of flan- 
nel, nostriled sponges, assorted scrapers. 
McGore was wearing an old dressing 
gown, glasses, a shirt with no staid collar 
and a stud nearly the size of a doorbell 
button protruding right under his 

“What are they doing now?” 




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Adam's apple; his neck was thin, gray 
and covered with senile excrescences, 
and a black skullcap covered his bald 
spot. With the delicate rotary rubbing of 
his fingers already familiar to the reader, 
he was sprinkling a pinch of ground tar, 
carefully rubbing it into the painting so 
that the old, yellowed varnish, abraded 
by the powdery particles, itself turned 
into dry dust. 

The castle’s other denizens sat in the 
parlor. The Colonel had angrily unfold- 
ed a giant newspaper and, as he gradu- 
ally cooled down, was reading aloud an 
emphatically conservative article. Then 
Maureen and Frank got involved in a 
game of Ping-Pong. The little celluloid 
ball, with its crackly, melancholy ring, 
flew back and forth across the green net 
intersecting the long table. ОЁ course 
Frank played masterfully, moving only 
his wrist as he nimbly flicked the thin 
wooden paddle left and right. 

Simpson traversed all the rooms, bit- 
ing his lips and adjusting his pince-nez. 
Eventually he reached the gallery. Pale 
as death, carefully closing behind him 
the heavy, silent door, he tiptoed up to 
Fra Bastiano del Piombo's Veneziana. She 
greeted him with her familiar opaque 
gaze, and her long fingers paused on 
their way to her fur wrap, to the slipping 
crimson folds. Caressed by а whiff of 
honeyed darkness, he glanced into the 
depths of the window that interrupted 
the black background. Sand-tinted 
clouds stretched across the greenish 
blue; toward them rose dark, fractured 
cliffs amid which wound a pale-hued 
trail, while, lower down, there were in- 
distinct wooden huts. In one of them, 
Simpson thought he saw a point of light 
flicker for an instant. As he peered 
through this ethereal window, he sensed 
that the Venetian lady was smiling, but 
his glance failed to catch that smile; only 
the shaded right comer of her gently 
joined lips was slightly raised. At that 
moment something within him deli- 
ciously gave way, and he yielded totally 
to the picture's warm enchantment. One 
must bear in mind that he was a man of 
morbidly rapturous temperament, that 
he had no idea of life’s realities and that, 
for him, impressionability took the place 
of intellect. A cold tremor, like a quick, 
dry hand, brushed his back, and he real- 
ized immediately what he must do. How- 
ever, when he looked around and saw 
the sheen of the parquet and the table, 
and the blind white gloss ofthe paintings 
where the drizzly light pouring through 
the window fell on them, he had a feel- 
ing of shame and fear. And, in spite of 
another momentary surge of the previ- 
ous enchantment, he already knew that 
he could hardly carry out what a minute 
ago he could have done unthinkingly. 

Fixing his eyes on the Veneziana's face, 
he backed away from her and suddenly 

flung apart his arms. His coccyx banged 
painfully on something. He looked 
around and saw the black table behind 
him. Trying to think about nothing, he 
climbed onto it, stood fully erect facing 
the Venetian lady and once again, with 
an upward sweep of his arms, prepared 
to fly to her. 

“Astonishing way to admire a painting. 
Invented it yourself, did you?” 

It was Frank. He was standing, legs 
apart, in the doorway and gazing at 
Simpson with icy derision. 

With a wild glint of pince-nez lenses in 
his direction, Simpson staggered awk- 
wardly, like an alarmed lunatic. Then he 
hunched over, flushed hotly and clam- 
bered to the floor. 

Frank’s face wrinkled with acute re- 
vulsion as he silently left the room. 
Simpson lunged after him. 

“Please, I beg you, don't tell anyone.” 
Without turning or stopping, Frank 
gave a squeamish shrug. 

Toward evening the rain unexpected- 
ly ceased. A humid orange sunset came 
aquiver amid the boughs, broadened, 
was reflected in all the puddles simulta- 
neously. Dour little McGore was dis- 
lodged from his tower by force. He 
smelled of turpentine and had burned 
his hand with a hot iron. He reluctantly 
pulled on his black coat, turned up the 
collar and went out with the others for a 
stroll. Only Simpson stayed home, on 
the pretext that he absolutely must an- 
swer a letter brought by the evening 
post. Actually, no answer was required, 
since it was from the university milkman 
and demanded immediate payment of a 
bill for two shillings ninepence. 

For a long time Simpson sat in the ad- 
vancing twilight, leaning back aimlessly 
in the leather armchair. Then, with a 
shudder, he realized that he was falling 
asleep and started thinking how he 
could get away from the castle as quickly 
as possible. The simplest way would be 
to say his father wa ike many bash- 
ful people, Simpson was capable of lying 
without batting an eyelash. Yet it was 
difficult for him to leave. Something 
dark and delicious held him back. How 
attractive the dark rocks looked in the 
chasm. What a joy it would be to em- 
brace her shoulder, to take from her left 
hand the basket with its yellow fruit, to 
walk off peacefully with her along that 
pale path into the penumbra of the 
Venetian evening. 

Once again he caught himself falling 
asleep. He got up and washed his hands. 
From downstairs sounded the spherical, 
dignified dinner gong. 

Dinner was followed by the invariable 
game of bridge, during which Frank and 
Maureen did not even glance at each 

other. МсСоге went off to work; Simp- 
son sat in a corner and opened a portfo- 
lio of prints, glancing only a few times 
from his corner at the players, having 
marveled in passing that Frank was so 
cold toward him, while Maureen seemed 
to have faded somehow, to have yielded 
her place to another. 

How insignificant these thoughts were 
compared to the sublime anticipation, 
the enormous excitement, that he now 
tried to outwit by examining indistinct 

When they were parting company and 
Maureen nodded to him with a good- 
night smile, he absendy, unabashedly, 
smiled back. 


Simpson awoke exactly at midnight. 
Не had just fallen asleep and, as some- 
times happens, the very act of falling 
asleep was what woke him. Propping 
himself on one arm, he looked into the 
darkness. His heart was thumping 
rapidly because he sensed that Maureen 
had entered his room. Just now, in his 
momentary dream, he had been talking 
to her, helping her climb the waxen path 
between black cliffs with their occasional 
glossy, oil-paint fissures. Now and then a 
dulcet breeze made the narrow white 
headdress quiver gently, like a sheet of 
thin paper, on her dark hair. 

With a stifled exclamation Simpson 
felt for the switch. The light came in a 
spurt. There was no one in the room. He 
felt an acute sting of disappointment and 
lapsed into thought, shaking his head 
like a drunk. Then, moving drowsily, he 
rose from the bed and started to dress, 
listlessly smacking his lips. He was guid- 
ed by a sensation that he must dress se- 
verely and smartly. So it was with a kind 
of somnolent meticulousness that he 
buttoned his low waistcoat on his belly, 
tied the black bow of his tie and for a 
long time pinched with two fingers at a 
nonexistent little worm on the satin lapel 
of his jacket. Vaguely recollecting that 
the simplest way into the gallery was 
from outdoors, he slipped out like a 
silent breeze through the French win- 
dow into the dark, humid garden. Look- 
ing as if they had been doused with mer- 
cury, black bushes glistened in the 
starlight. Somewhere an owl was hoot- 
ing. With a light, quick step Simpson 
walked across the lawn, amid the bushes, 
rounding the house. For a moment he 
was sobered by the night's freshness and 
the intensely shining stars. He stopped, 
bent over and then collapsed like an 
empty suit of clothes onto the grass in 
the narrow interstice between flower bed 
and castle wall. A wave of drowsiness 
came over him, and he tried to shake it 
off with a jerk of his shoulder. He had to 
hurry. She was waiting. He thought he 
heard her insistent whisper. . . . 

He was unaware of how he had gotten 

up, gone indoors and switched on the 
lights, bathing Luciani's canvas in a 
warm sheen. The Venetian girl stood 
half facing him, alive and three-dimen- 
sional. Her dark eyes gazed into his 
without the sparkle; the rosy fabric of 
her blouse set off with an unhabitual 
warmth the dark-hued beauty of her 
neck and the delicate creases under her 
car. A gently mocking smile was frozen 
at the right corner of her expectantly 
joined lips. Her long fingers, spread in 
twos, stretched toward her shoulder, 
from which the fur and velvet were 
about to fall. 

And Simpson, with a profound sigh, 
moved toward her and effortlessly en- 
tered the painting. A marvelous fresh- 
ness immediately made his head spin. 
There he was, standing in a bare black 
room of some kind, by a window that 
opened on evening, and at his very side 
stood a real Venetian Maureen—tall, 
gorgeous, all aglow from within. He real- 
ized that the miracle had happened and 
slowly moved toward her. With a side- 
wise smile La Veneziana gently adjusted 
her fur and, lowering her hand into her 
basket, handed him a small lemon. With- 
out taking his eyes off her now playfully 
mobile eyes, he accepted the yellow fruit 
from her hand, and as soon as he felt its 
firm, rough coolness and the dry 
warmth of her long fingers, an incredi- 
ble bliss came to a boil within him and 
began deliciously burbling. Then, with a 
start, he looked behind him toward the 
window. There, along a pale path amid 
some rocks, walked blue silhouettes with 
hoods and small lanterns. Simpson 
looked about the room in which he was 
standing, but without any awareness of a 
floor beneath his feet. In the distance, 
instead of a fourth wall, a far, familiar 
hall glimmered like water, with the black 
island of a table at its center. It was then 
that a sudden terror made him compress 
the cold little lemon. The enchantment 
had dissolved. He tried looking to his 
left at the girl but was unable to turn his 
neck. He was mired like a fly in honey— 
he gave a jerk and got stuck, feeling his 
blood and fiesh and clothing turning in- 
to paint, growing into the varnish, dry- 
ing on the canvas. He had become part. 
of the painting, depicted in a ridiculous 
pose next to the Veneziana, and, directly 
in front of him, even more distinct than 
before, stretched the hall, filled with live, 
terrestrial air that henceforth he would 
not breathe. 

Next morning McGore woke up earli- 
er than usual. With his bare, hairy fect, 
with toenails like black pearls, he groped 
for his slippers and softly padded along 
the corridor to the door of his wife's 
room. They had had no conjugal rela- 
tions for more than a year, but he never- 
theless visited her every morning and 


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watched with powerless excitement 
while she did her hair, jerking her head 
energetically as the comb chirruped 
through the chestnut wing of the taut 
tresses. Today, entering her room at this 
early hour, he found the bed made and a 
sheet of paper pinned to the headboard. 
McGore produced from the pocket of his 
dressing gown an enormous eyeglass 
case and, without putting on the glasses 
but simply holding them up to his eyes, 
leaned over the pillow and read the 
minute, familiar writing on the note. 
When he had finished he meticulously 
replaced his glasses in their case, un- 
pinned and folded the sheet, stood lost 
in thought for an instant and then 
shuffled resolutely out of the room. In 
the corridor he collided with the waiter, 
who glanced at him with alarm. 

“What, is the Colonel up already?” 
asked McGore. 

‘The waiter answered hurriedly, “Yes, 
sir. The Colonel is in the picture gallery. 
I'm afraid, sir, that he's very cross. I was 
sent to wake up the young gentleman.” 

Without waiting to hear him out, 
wrapping his mouse-colored robe 
around him as he went, McGore set off 
quickly for the gallery. Also in his dress- 
ing gown, from beneath which protrud- 
ed the folds of his striped pajama bot- 
toms, the Colonel was pacing along the 
wall. His mustache bristled and his crim- 
son-flushed countenance was terrifying 
to behold. Seeing McGore, he stopped, 
and after some preliminary lip-chewing, 
roared, “Неге, have a good look!” 

McGore, to whom the Colonel's ire 
mattered little, nevertheless inadvertent- 
ly looked where his hand was pointing 
and saw something truly incredible. On 
the Luciani canvas, next to the Venetian 
girl, an additional figure had appeared. 
It was an excellent, if hastily executed, 
portrait of Simpson. Gaunt, his black 
jacket strongly highlighted by the lighter 
background, his feet turned oddly out- 
ward, he extended his hands as if in sup- 
plication. His pallid face was distorted by 
a pitiful, frantic expression. 

“Like it?” the Colonel inquired furi- 
ously. "No worse than Bastiano himself, 
15 it? The vile brat! That's his revenge for 
my kindhearted advice, Just wait.” 

‘The waiter came in, distraught. 

“Mr. Frank is not in his room, sir. And 
his things are gone. Mr. Simpson has dis- 
appeared too, sir He must have gone 
out for a stroll, sir, seeing as how it’s such 
a fine morning. 

“To hell with the morning!” thun- 
dered the Colonel. "This very instant, I 

“May I be so bold as to inform you,” 
the waiter added meekly, “that the 
chauffeur was just here and said the new 
motorcar has disappeared from the 

“Colonel,” McGore said softly, “I think 
1 can explain what's happened.” 

He glanced at the waiter, who was tip- 

toeing out. 

“Now then,” McGore went on in a 
bored tone, “your supposition that it was 
indeed your son who painted in that 
figure is doubtless right. But, in addi- 
tion, I gather from a note that was left 
for me that he departed at daybreak 
with my wife.” 

The Colonel was a gentleman and an 
Englishman. He immediately felt that to 
vent one's anger in front of a man whose 
wife had just run off was improper. 
Therefore he went over to a window, 
swallowed half his anger and blew the 
other half outdoors, smoothed his mus- 
tache and, regaining his calm, addressed 

“Allow me, my dear friend,” he said 
courteously, “to assure you of my sincer- 
est, deepest sympathy, rather than dwell 
on the wrath I feel toward the perpetra- 
tor of your calamity. Nevertheless, while 
1 understand the state you are in, I 
must—I am obliged to, my friend—ask 
an immediate favor of you. Your art will 
rescue my honor. Today I am expecting 
young Lord Northwick from London, 
the owner, as you know, of another 
painting by the same del Piombo." 

McGore nodded. “I'll bring the neces- 
sary implements, Colonel.” 

He was back in a couple of minutes, 
still in his dressing gown, carrying a 
wooden case. He opened it immediately, 
produced a bottle of ammonia, a roll of 
cotton wool, rags and scrapers, and went 
to work. As he scraped and rubbed 
Simpson’s dark figure and white face 
from the varnish he did not give a 
thought to what he was doing. What he 
was thinking about should not arouse 
the curiosity of a reader respectful of an- 
other's grief. In half an hour Simpson's 
portrait was completely gone, and the 
slightly damp paints of which he had 
consisted remained on МсСоге rags. 

“Remarkable,” said the Colonel. “Re- 
markable. Poor Simpson has disap- 
peared without a trace.” 

How strange, McGore thought, how 
very strange. Is it possible that— He 
looked at the rags with the paint sticking 
to them and abruptly, with an odd 
frown, wadded them together and 
tossed them out the window by which he 
had been working. Then he ran his palm 
across his forehead with a frightened 
glance at the Colonel—who, interpret- 
ing his agitation differently, was trying 
not to look at him—and, with uncharac- 
teristic haste, went out of the hall 
straight into the garden. 

There, beneath the window, between 
the wall and the rhododendrons, the 
gardener stood scratching the top of his 
head оуег а man in black lying facedown 
on the lawn. McGore quickly approached. 

Moving his arm, the man turned over. 
Then, with a flustered smirk, he got up. 

“Simpson, for heaven's sake, what's 
happened?” asked McGore, peering into 
his pale countenance. 

Simpson gave a laugh 

“Tm awfully sorry. 105 so silly... . I 
went out for a stroll last night and fell 
asleep, right here on the grass. Ow, I'm 
all aches and pains. I had a monstrous 
dream. . . . What time is it?” 

Left alone, the gardener gave a disap- 
proving shake of his head as he looked at 
the matted lawn. Then he bent down 
and picked up a small dark lemon bear- 
ing the imprint of five fingers. He stuck 
the lemon in his pocket and went to 
fetch the stone roller he had left on the 
tennis court. 

Thus the dry, wrinkled fruit the gar- 
dener happened to find remains the on- 
ly riddle of this tale. The chauffeur, dis- 
patched to the station, returned with the 
black car and a note Frank had inserted 
into the leather pouch above the seat. 

The Colonel read it aloud to McGore: 

“Dear Father,” wrote Frank, “I have 
fulfilled two of your wishes. You did not 
want any romances going on in your 
house, so J am leaving and taking with 
me the woman without whom J cannot 
live. You also wanted to see a sample of 
my art. That is why 1 made you а por- 
trait of my former friend, whom you can 
tell for me, by the way, that informers 
only make me laugh. I painted him at 
night, from memory, so if the resem- 
blance is imperfect it is from lack of time, 
poor light and my understandable haste. 
Your new car runs fine. I am leaving it 
for you at the station garage." 

"Splendid," hissed the Colonel, “ех- 
cept I'd be very curious to know what 
money you're going to live on.” 

McGore, paling like a fetus in alcohol, 
cleared his throat and said, “There is no 
reason to conceal the truth from you, 
Colonel. Luciani never painted your 
Veneziana. It is nothing more than a mag- 
nificent imitation.” 

The Colonel slowly rose. 

“It was done by your son,” McGore 
went on, and suddenly the corners of his 
mouth began to tremble and drop. “In 
Rome. I procured the canvas and paints 
for him. He seduced me with his talent. 
Half the sum you paid went to him. Oh, 
dear God... .” 

The Colonel’s jaw muscles contracted 
as he looked at the dirty handkerchief 
with which McGore was wiping his eyes 
and realized that the poor fellow was not 

Then he turned and looked at La 
Veneziana. Her forehead glowed against 
the dark background, her long fingers 
glowed more gently, the lynx fur was 
slipping bewitchingly from her shoulder 
and there was a secretly mocking smile 
at the corner of her lips. 

“I'm proud of my son,” the Colonel 
said calmly. 

—Translated from the Russian by Dmitri 
Nabokov. ғ 

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TRACI АЕЦ, continue from page 59) 

“How dumb can you be if you’re that comical? Kato 
just can't manage to put а life together.” 

negatively. So I cooperated. I'm disap- 
pointed in myself. I should never have 
talked to them because it wasn’t impor- 
tant enough to talk about.” 

More stories followed, from respected 
publications—The New Yorker and Es- 
quire—and from the National Enquirer, 
which put Traci’s picture on the cover 
next to Nicole and OJ's girlfriend, 
Paula Barbieri, with the headline 0J-s 
women. It was a bit of a stretch, even for 
the Enquirer. “I never met O.J. in person 
and I never would have gone out with 
him,” explains Traci. “He had a reputa- 
tion as а womanizer, and that’s not what 
I'm interested in.” 

Even more absurd was the media’s in- 
sistence that she psychoanalyze O.J. on 
the basis of one phone call. “What 
freaked me out most,” says Traci, “was 
talking with someone who seemed like a 
normal guy and then realizing that, six 
hours later, he might have lost it com- 
pletely. Ivs incomprehensible to me. 
How could I have known? Its not like 
there’s a natural course of action for 
someone who's about to snap. If I had it 

to do over again, I wouldn't talk to the 
media at all. I just want to set the record 
straight and move on.” 

These days, Traci concentrates on her 
career. There are two new movies, Dead- 
ly Ties, in which she plays an FBI agent 
gone wrong, and Showdown at Sundown, 
which features her as a young Zsa Zsa 
Gabor type. She also writes: She's com- 
pleted two children’s books, titled Miss 
Daisy and Willie the Bug Catcher, and a 
love story, Mary and Ben. 

Of course, like everyone else, she pays 
close attention to the goings-on in Judge 
Lance Ito's courtroom. And it's not only 
Simpson she’s had contact with, In fact, 
O.J. got Traci's phone number from the 
trial's chief comic relief, Kato Kaelin. 

Traci had met Kato in January 1994. 
He was visiting the apartment complex 
where she lived and spotted her as she 
returned home one night. “A few min- 
utes later,” Traci recalls, “he was at my 
door asking, ‘Do you have any birthday 
candles? I'm ata party downstairs and I 
need birthday candles.’ I'm a private 
person and I don't like people stopping 



by my apartment, but he was likable and 
funny.” After that night, they spoke а few 
more times: Kato tried to introduce her 
to his friends and even set her up for an 
audition. She declined to enter his social 
circle, however, and didn't hear from 
him again until the day before the mur- 
ders, when he left her a message an- 
nouncing O.].'s impending call. 

Although she had only brief contact 
with Simpson, she got to know his for- 
mer houseguest a bit better. She notes 
that Kato was 35 years old and a father, 
but acted like a teenager. “His career 
wasn't really taking off, and he seemed 
to have decided to just have fun,” says 
Traci. She found him to be engaging and 
dever. “The world is saying that Kato 
can't be that bright because he hasn't 
done much with his life so far. But part 
of his brain is very quick—I don't know 
how dumb you can be if you're that com- 
ical. He just can't put a life together.” 

Kato was a court jester even before the 
trial. His role as buddy to the stars was 
puzzling to Traci, who puts her social life 
a distant second to her career. “This 
town is based on successful people hav- 
ing flunky friends,” she explains. “That 
pumps them up and makes them feel 
good. I'm not calling Kato a flunky, be- 
cause he is very likable. He adds energy 
to a room with his conversation. Many 
celebrities are lonely, and while there are 
plenty of fun people around, you better 
watch out, because they'll take advan- 
tage of you. With Kato, you knew he 
wasn't going to rip off your bank ac- 
count. He was harmless.” 

While Traci watched Kato pursue the 
good life, she became more determined 
to focus оп her career. “I didn't come to 
Los Angeles to goof off or party,” Traci 
says emphatically. “I came here for my 
dreams and my spirit.” 

Nor did Traci move to California to be 
part of an O.J. media circus. And while 
she sees that as a painful experience, at 
least it taught her something. “To come 
out here and meet con artists and all 
kinds of people really threw me,” she 
says. “But Гуе come to terms with 
things, especially in the past year. I'm 
more mature and not so afraid. Now 1 
know how to protect myself. You can't 
survive out here and be naive, and the 
past year has helped me get over my 

No matter how well she understands 
Los Angeles and the entertainment in- 
dustry, she’s still not sure she likes them. 
Away from her family and friends in 
Memphis, Traci suffers occasional bouts 
of homesickness and culture shock. 

“Los Angeles is so different from 
Memphis,” she notes. “This is such a 
transient city. I miss the real relation- 
ships. My life was so normal back home. 
You know, there are no Katos in Memphis.” 


(continued from page 98) 
movies are filled with dark, discordant 
themes. The most vivid presence in Back 
to the Future is the most troubling: 
Crispin Glover's portrayal of the teenage 
George McFly, Marty's wretched misfit 
of a father-to-be, who is endlessly terror- 
ized by Biff, the high school bully. 

In the nightmare world of Back to the 
Future Pari И, Biff temporarily hijacks 
the American dream. He has become a 
loathsome and humorless robber baron 
based in Las Vegas. In Roger Rabbit, the 
malevolent Judge Doom is an all-de- 
vouring developer whose freeway exten- 
sion will wipe out Toontown. In Death 
Becomes Her, immortality becomes а gris- 
ly joke. Unable to die, the two rival beau- 
ties simply rot out. 

The question posed by all this discor- 
dant stuff is the same one Zemeckis 
raised at the Directors Guild: What is it 
that directors do? Is Zemeckis as deeply 
thoughtful an artist as some would have 
us believe? Or is he a man with an abun- 
dant comic gift who, like most directors 
of comedy, including Jules White, simply 
rings in every wild plot twist and hateful 
villain he can think of? Until recently, 
such distinctions were debated mainly 
among film buffs and academic critics; 
ordinary people went to Zemeckis’ moy- 
ies to have fun, and they were rarely dis- 
appointed. Then came Forrest Gump, 
which, in the course of capturing a vast 
audience, also stirred lively debate. 

Many people have loved Gump. They 
have been moved by what they see as the 
sweet innocence of its hero, who lopes 
across а vast historical landscape he com- 
prehends only partially. Others have 
sought to turn Gump into an audiovisual 
book of virtues. Pat Buchanan hailed it 
as “a morality play where decency, hon- 
esty and fidelity triumph over the values 
of Hollywood” (as if Hollywood didnt 
understand what it had brought forth). 

Others have found Gump resistible or 
worse. Janet Maslin, writing in The New 
York Times, saw “the elements of an emo- 
tionally gripping story,” yet she conclud- 
ed that the movie “feels less like a ro- 
mance than like a coffee-table book 
celebrating the magic of special effects.” 
Jonathan Rosenbaum, in the Chicago 
Reader, called it “the most pernicious 
movie of the year,” one in which “oblivi- 
ousness parading as purity, stupidity 
parading as honesty and xenophobia 
and narcissism parading as patriotism 
triumph over gross misrepresentations 
of the countercultural values of the Six- 
ties and Seventies.” 

For Spielberg, it's a clear call: The 
movie is an admirable mirror of the man 
who made it. “The closest to who Bob re- 
ally is is Gump,” Spielberg says. “He takes 
advantage of how important certain mo- 
ments in American history have been 
in his life, including Vietnam—even 

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though he wasn't old enough to serve. 
"Тһе most serious parts ofthe movie аге 
about Vietnam, and I think they're every 
bit as good as Platoon. At the same time, 
a lot of the movie has that irascible social 
irreverence, especially when Gump be- 
comes an American icon as a long-dis- 
tance runner.” 

Bob Gale sees similar reflections of the 
same man. “I got a kick out of going to 
the first screening of Gump,” he tells me, 
"and hearing people say, “Му God, it's so. 
unlike Bob Zemeckis.’ I look at it and 
think, This is Bob Zemeckis. It's the per- 
fect expression of his sensibilities. When 
he was a kid he loved Kurt Vonnegut, 
and Forrest Gump is full of Vonnegut's 
cynical existentialism. That’s his sense of 
humor. I mean, come on, a movie that 
sees all the important events of an era 
through the eyes of a guy with an IQ of 
752 That's а cynical thing to say, it's fun- 
ny and outrageous.” 

Talking with Zemeckis himself, I look 
for manifestations of this social irrev- 
erence, this cynical existentialism, but 
they're hard to find. Like many direc- 
tors, he speaks freely about feelings— 
“One of my first reactions when I read 
the screenplay was that it was very emo- 
tional and compelling”—and about such 
familiar ingredients as suspense: “At first 
I was mystified by how compelling the 
story was, because it had none of the 
conyentions of a dramatic screenplay. I 
learned in the course of breaking it 
down that the true suspense comes from 
Jenny and Forrest—that's the dramatic 
glue that holds the movie together.” 

When we start to discuss the essence of 
the story, however, and the larger mean- 
ing of Forrest Gump's IQ, Zemeckis 
confines himself to the nuts and bolts of 
narrative technique. “1 always assumed 
that Forrest’s intellect being below aver- 
age was a device that enabled me to take 
this journey, because it freed me up. I 
don't have to worry what Forrest's agen- 
da is since he's an innocent. He's like a 

six-year-old. Who wants to see a story 
about a normal guy going through the 
Sixties and Seventies? You knew what he 
was going to say was the truth, and that 
allowed you to make these comments on 
historical events that I thought were 
ironic and dark and poignant.” 

I repeat the widely held concern that 
Gump flattened history by appropriating 
images of solemn events for the saga of a 
dim bulb. Zemeckis is courteous enough, 
calling it “an appropriate question,” and 
insists, in his pragmatic way, that the 
question hasn’t bothered him. 

“I did it all as a joke. You know, none 
of it was presented as reality. As a matter 
of fact, that Lyndon Johnson sequence 
was built from seven different pieces of 
LB] news film, so it’s not even one sin- 
gle piece of history. What fascinates me 
about Forrest Gump is that it’s the first 
time that the entire world shares these 
images of history. Because everything is 
recorded! Everybody knows what that 
shot of Kennedy riding in that limo 
means. Or, ГЇЇ use an image that isn’t in 
Gump: Everybody knows what that space 
shuttle looked like when it blew up. I'm 
talking about everybody in the world! 
Everybody knows what that white Ford 
Bronco on the freeway looked like. 
Everybody knows what Rodney Kings 
beating looked like. We share pop cul- 
ture and historical images. That's some- 
thing I love, and it allowed, certainly, 
one generation of people who saw the. 
movie to have a lot of fun with it." 

At first I wonder how literally to take 
this—did he really do the historical stuff 
asa joke and nothing more?—but then I 
realize that Zemeckis is telling me some- 
thing else about himself and his genera- 
tion, the post-Watergate cohort who be- 
came Forrest Gump’s core audience. For 
him, and for them, historical images are 
inseparable from the collective pop cul- 
ture. For him, and them, you can't really 
flatten historical events by folding them 
into an entertainment, because history— 

«еб, YeS, MR. WilLits! 


үүт I$ iT 42 

pictorial history, the tale told and end- 
lessly retold by T V—already seems flat, 
with not much moral dimension 

Like his core audience, with whom he 
has deep and instinctive connections 
(another way to describe a Midas touch), 
Bob Zemeckis grew up bathed in cath- 
ode rays, bombarded by moving pic- 
tures, steeped in sitcoms, bemused by 
corruption and disinclined, or unable, to 
find the solemnity that an earlier, picto- 
rially deprived generation found in such 
pre-Gump images as, say, the Stars and 
Stripes being raised on Iwo Jima. 

What his contemporaries see as cyni- 
cism would have been an earlier genera- 
tion's whimsy. He's not a social critic but 
a cheerful ironist, which is all to the good 
for commerce, because social criticism, 
like satire, is what closes on Saturday 
night. The tone he brings to a movie— 
and setting a tone may be the most im- 
portant thing a director does—is pre- 
dominantly light. But it's also marked by 
moments of darkness, irreverence and 
sweetness. This is not to say he's indis- 
criminate, only supremely pragmatic. 
Whatever works works, from the broad- 
est caricatures of Used Cars to the most. 
emotional passages of Forrest Gump. 

"When Bob was a kid," Tom Hanks 
tells me, “һе watched everything that 
was going on with the idea of, Isn't this a 
kick in the head? Just recognizing that 
what's going on is volatile and wild, nei- 
ther good nor bad. ‘Isn't that something? 
Isn't that wild?’ There was stuff on our 
movie that never failed to slay Bob, and 
oftentimes it was the most obvious, like 
the look of the bar scene with Forrest 
and Lieutenant Dan on New Year's Eve. 
I was at the bar, which was very high, 
and Lieutenant Dan was in his very low 
wheelchair. Well, as they were setting up 
the shot Bob was back by the monitor, 
and he was just dying with laughter at 
'One guy's up high, 

High and low explain a lot, so long as 
they're not equated with good and bad. 
Zemeckis treats lofty aesthetic or histor- 
ical considerations as no more worthy, 
or unworthy, than the slapstick humor 
he grew up on. In the body of his work 
it's all a swirl: The Three Stooges meet 
Abbott and Costello, Alfred Hitchcock, 
JEK, Walt Disney, Jerry Lewis, Godzil- 
la, The Great Chase, the Barrow Gang, 
Richard Nixon, Howard Hawks, Kurt 
Vonnegut, William Castle, Preston 
Sturges, Vincent Price and the first film 
he ever saw, The Blob. 

“Bob's main love,” says Steven Spiel- 
berg, “is to tell a really great, kicky story, 
with more twists and turns than the 
audience can ever imagine. When the 
lights go down I defy anyone to guess 
where he’s going. His strategy as a story- 
teller is to be unfathomable. You can 
never outguess Bob Zemeckis. 


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(continued from page 100) 
New Age cuisine and signature drinks 

served in a dining room decorated with 
his own paintings. 


1 scoop peach sorbet 
4% ounces Moét-Chandon Brut 

% ounce peach brandy 

Mango slice 

Combine all ingredients except man- 
go in a chilled blender container and 
blend at high speed until smooth. Pour 
into a large wine goblet and garnish with 
a slice of mango. 

Bossa Nova 
1960 North Clybourn Avenue 

Sexy and glamorous with a conga line 
likely to start at any minute, Bossa Nova 
serves exceptional Latin dishes accom- 
panied by great Caribbean drinks. 

1% ounces Bacardi Silver rum 
У ounce triple sec 

И ounce grenadine 
Orange juice 

Pineapple juice 

Orange slice 

Lime slice 

Maraschino cherry 

Pour rum, triple sec and grenadine 
over ice in a highball glass and stir. Top 
off with equal parts orange juice and 
pineapple juice. Garnish with an orange 
slice, a lime slice and a cherry. 

Café Marimba 
2317 Chestnut Street 
San Francisco 
This is a place for aficionados of re- 
gional Mexican food. Two dozen or so 
tequilas and unique cocktails based on 
tropical fruit juices (called batidas) make 
for a lively bar scene. 


1% ounces Bacardi dark rum 

1 cup fresh pineapple, chopped 

3 ounces sugar syrup 

2 ounces water 

2 slices fresh ginger, minced 

Pineapple slice 

Combine first five ingredients in a 
chilled blender container with 1% cups 
crushed ice. Blend until smooth. Serve 
in a tall glass and garnish with a pineap- 

ple slice. 

“Psst . . . fucking don't count. Pass it on." 

screw the young 

(continued from page 105) 
organization called Americans for Gen- 
erational Equity. I tracked down its for- 
mer director, Paul Hewitt, who now 
heads the National Taxpayers Union 
Foundation. Hewitt neatly put the 
figures into perspective: “Basically,” he 
said, “Social Security and Medicare have 
become regressive programs. We tax 
hamburger flippers to pay the greens 
fees of retired doctors.” (Speaking of 
Medicare: It's expected to run out of 
money in 2002.) 

Not surprisingly, the further I got into 
this stuff, the louder the drumbeats of 
generational war became—and they 
weren't just pounding between my own 
temples. They were mostly flying 
through my phone lines in the form of 
data bits and bytes. 

Being a member of my generation car- 
ries various responsibilities, computer 
literacy among them. No baby buster is 
complete without a modem and a con- 
nection to the Infobahn. That's why I 
was shocked to find the American Associ- 
ation of Retired Persons with its own 
nook on America Online. 

AARP as all our elected servants know, 
is the largest and most powerful political 
lobby in Washington. It claims to repre- 
sent the interests of more than 33 mil- 
lion Americans past the age of 50—a 
rather liberal definition of retired, Га 
say. This number terrifies Congress. Af- 
ter all, AARP members vote; my genera- 
tion doesn’t. Take the 1990 elections 
(please): 60.3 percent of eligible yoters 
65 years or older cast ballots, compared 
to 22 percent of those from 21 to 24. 

And it’s not justa matter of stuffed bal- 
lot boxes, there are all those stuffed bank 
accounts, too. In his 1990 book, Age 
Wave, Ken Dychtwald points out that 
“Americans over 50 now have a com- 
bined annual personal income of more 
than $800 billion and control 70 percent 
of the total net worth of U.S. house- 
holds—nearly $7 trillion in wealth.” 

As ifall that money and power weren't 
enough, here they are invading my gen- 
eration’s online preserve. Who are these 
sneaky AARP people targeting, anyway? 
Click on the AARP icon, and the first im- 
age that flashes on the screen is a red, 
white and blue logo and the slogan, 
“Bringing lifetimes of experiences and 
leadership to serve all generations.” 

Explore a bit more, though, and it be- 
comes clear that the younger genera- 
tions aren't buying AARP's brand of ser- 
vice. Subscribers can post notes to one 
another in the AARP message center, 
and there, inside a folder marked “20s, 
30s & 40s Generation,” are the opening 
volleys of an intergenerational skirmish. 

One blast reads, in part: “Well, AARP, 
you're big, you're powerful and now 
you're here in what I think you'll find to 
be quite a new experience. You see, in 

cyberspace, age doesn't matter. So 
speaking as a younger, поп-РАС affiliat- 
ed, well-educated man, one who doesn't 
see any governmental pacts in his future, 
1 welcome you to the future. Are you 
sure you're ready to hear from it?” 

The floodgates thus breached, a few 
impressively informed boomers and 
Xers then laid out the antigranny case: 
At our expense, current retirees are get- 
ting several times what they paid into So 
cial Security. At the same time, student 
grant and loan programs are being cut. 
Young people are subsidizing health 
care for the elderly, the job market is in 
the tank and who knows how many of us 
will ever be able to afford to buy a house. 
Meanwhile, those generous payments to 
old-timers are helping to fuel the nation- 
al debt ($5 trillion and counting), which 
will come out of our hides, one way or 
another. And the fear-mongering, 
vote-mongering, behemoth AARP is 
the evil agent of this inequity. “Young 
people beware,” one correspondent 
warned his peers. “This organization 
wants Congress to tax the hell out of 
you. Don't be fooled! It has only one 
agenda, and that's to rob from the young 
and give to the old.” 

To their credit, the oldsters weren't 
taking this back talk without issuing a 
few knuckle raps themselves. As one 
AARP member responded, “The ground 
you walk on and the air you breathe is 
because we old guys fought and died in 
wars to keep you in the freedom and $$$ 
that let you learn how to use that com- 
puter. You owe us. Be thankful that you 
can repay us for giving you life.” 

Another old-timer wrote, “I will be 
means-tested when you pick up my 
share of taxes for your kids’ school. Г 
don't have any kids in school. Why 
should I pay for you, sonny?” The re- 
sponse: "Your argument is so Worn out it 
annoys me. Simply put, you give me 
back the 15.3 percent of my income that 
your Social Security costs me and you 
can quit paying taxes for schools. I'd 
come out way ahead. Our schools are 
very cheap compared with Social Securi- 
ty welfare programs.” 

Next, fora couple of days I trolled the 
alt.society.generation-x newsgroup, wait- 
ing for some generational enmity to 
sprout unbidden, and, sure enough, it 
did. The spark this time was a school-tax 
vote in Illinois, where a cadre of blue- 
hairs was apparently rallying to kill the 
tax and send local tykes off to under- 
funded schools. “Е 

Excuse me?!” reads the 
first post. "They're getting Social Securi- 
ty money from our blood and they won't 
even stomach a modest increase for edu- 
cation?" This note spawned two dozen 
like-minded responses. 

Note the tenor of these posts. Genera- 
tion X is not angry just about the likeli- 
hood that Social Security won't exist 
when we retire. That, after all, is a fore- 
gone conclusion. We're pissed that we're 


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cutting into muscle and bone to make 
these absurd payments, which often go 
directly to people who can hardly claim 
to need them, and oh, by the way, the 
well runs dry in 2029. What galls us is 
the 15.3 percent of every paycheck that's 
poured into an unfair, unhealthy system. 
(Half of that tax comes from the employ- 
er, but economists agree that the money 
ultimately comes out of our wages.) 

Of course, Social Security is hardly the 
only instrument of this reverse-Robin 
Hood act. Take health care. From the be- 
ginning of last year's doomed reform 
campaign, lobbies for the elderly played 
coy with their ardent suitors in the 
White House. Finally, these politicians 
watered down their universal coverage 
proposals and offered some plums for 
their older constituents, already the 



best-insured age group in America. So 
much for cost containment. 

Actually, it’s a wonder the AARP and 
its ilk didn't rush to support Clinton's 
plan from the beginning. After all, its 
provision for flat community rating—in 
which the healthy young lay out for the 
sickly old—not only would have made it 
possible, as intended, for those with pre- 
existing conditions to get coverage, but 
also probably would have substantially 
lowered premiums for everyone over 
55—all at the expense of the young. 

On April Fools’ Day in 1993, a com- 
ity-rating law went into effect in 
New York State. Soon the premiums 
paid by some young people nearly 
tripled, while their parents’ rates tended 
to fall. “1 have an uncle who's 63 years 
old and overweight who smokes and has 


“Don’t just stand there, whoever you are. Call a doctor! 
Tve got amnesia.” 

had heart surgery. His health insurance 
premiums were cut in half,” says Rich- 
ard Thau, executive director of Third 
Millennium, a Gen X advocacy group. “I 
didn't speak to my cousins about it, but 
my guess is that their insurance went 
through the roof to subsidize him.” 

The young are also taking a beating in 
student loans. “When you say you're not 
going to touch entitlements, Social Secu- 
rity, veterans’ benefits or defense, there 
are few areas left where you can save 
money and still try to balance the bud- 
get,” says Bill Cotter, the president of 
Colby College in Waterville, Maine. “So 
education gets cut.” 

In 1950, 46 percent of all college costs 
were paid by the federal government. 
Today it's about 11 percent. The differ- 
ence has been made up by the family— 
primarily the student—in the form of 
loans. Today's college freshmen will 
graduate with an average loan burden of 
$14,000 apiece, never mind what they 
might accrue if they foolishly decide to 
go to grad school. Meanwhile, Newt 
Gingrich’s Contract With America 
would kill the in-college interest subsidy 
on those loans—the interest accrued 
while a student is in school would be 
added to the loan at graduation. The ау- 
erage undergrad would see his or her 
burden jump by almost $3000, while a 
six-year doctoral student could see 
$33,000 tacked on to an already over- 
whelming $68,000 debt. 

“Students will be coming out with 
such huge loan burdens that they won't 
be able to buy а car or a house, and they 
won't have the option of taking low-in- 
come social service jobs,” Cotter says. 
“We're skewing the social pressures оп 
these students. And at the same time, be- 
cause we cannot restrain our consump- 
tion on Social Security and such things, 
we're also telling them, ‘Pay for your 
own college—and by the way, would you 
mind supporting me and the national 
debt that I ran up while you were in col- 
lege? It's a terrible intergenerational 
burden shift.” 

The difficulty here is that when you 
search for a villain, you wind up staring 
at granny and pops. 1 don't look forward 
to the seething silences around the 
Thanksgiving dinner table after I've 
burst my cork and accused my grand- 
parents of selling my shot at the 
‘American dream to pay for another gam- 
bling binge on some phony riverboat. 

Besides, my grandparents don't gam- 
Ыс. And while they're not eating cans of 
cat chow in a barren apartment, or shiv- 
ering under a moth-eaten blanket in the 
street, I don't get the sense that they're 
living it up on my hard-earned Social Se- 
curity contributions, either. But who else 
am I going to vent my anger on? 

A look at how Social Security managed 
to find itself in such a sorry state gives a 
good indication of the forces at work 
here. Back in 1935, when the program 

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was enacted, part of the idea was to get 
lingering old-timers off the employment 
rolls, thus opening slots for the out-of- 
work young adults littering the streets. 
Under the circumstances, there wasn't 
the lag time necessary to have the system 
operate like a private pension, in which 
everybody gradually pays in, and the 
money is invested and grows before any- 
body gets a chance to take anything out. 
(Besides, with Uncle Sam using our 
money to buy huge chunks of GM and 
IBM, we'd soon have to be called the 
United Socialist States of America.) So- 
cial Security became what actuaries call a 
pay-as-you-go system and what police 
call a Ponzi scheme. 

The idea of a Ponzi (or pyramid) 
scheme is that the original investors’ 
profits will be paid with money coming 
in from new investors. Nothing is invest- 
ed outside the pyramid; the money sim- 
ply changes hands. This is exactly the 
way Social Security works: My money 
goes directly into some retired golfer's 
pocket, with about one percent going for 
administrative overhead. The only way 
to keep such a system afloat is to recruit 
more and more suckers at the lower lev- 
els, which is just what those World War 
Two Gls did when they began procreat- 
ing the baby boom generation. 

As those of us who have grown up in 
its shadow are by now painfully aware, 
the boomer generation is just too big. 
If you diagrammed the great national 
Ponzi scheme, it would look more like a 
barrel than the more optimal pyramid. 
By the time the boomers start retiring, in 
about 2011, it will have morphed into a 
mushroom. Add to that the effects of life- 
prolonging medical technology and you 
can appreciate how top-heavy the system 
is becoming. When Social Security was 
enacted, there were more than 40 work- 
ers chipping in for every retiree. Today 
there are three. By 2030 there will be 
two (hence the empty coffers in 2029). 

Under the right circumstances, a 
Ponzi scheme of the sort the government 
runs could have continued to fund itself 
even with stagnant population growth. 
All that would be necessary would be for 
our economy to continue to grow at a 
fevered pace (it hasn't), and for politi- 
cians to restrain their vote-grubbing 
pandering (they haven't). 

The big blow came in 1972, when 
politicians began to fight over who could 
give the GI generation the bigger pres- 
ent. Wilbur Mills, the then chairman of 
the House Ways and Means Committee, 
decided to run for the Democratic presi- 
dential nomination and began to suck 
up to the elderly by proposing a 20 per- 
cent across-the-board hike in Social Se- 
curity benefits. Not to be outdone, Presi- 
dent Nixon engaged Mills in a bidding 
war. The resulting legislation bestowed 
the 20 percent increase plus 100 percent 
cost-of-living adjustments, indexed an- 
nually. (And, as it turned out, indexed 

generously: Social Security increases 
soon galloped well past the inflation 
rate, and if you'll remember, in the Sev- 
enties, inflation was inflation.) 

Then the oil shocks hit, the economy 
slowed to a crawl, and it became clear 
how precipitate these decisions had 
been. But it still took the heel-draggers 
in Congress ten years to rein in the 
COLAs. The intervening years were 
good ones for new Social Security recip- 
ients. The most extreme example: The 
fortunate 1981 retiree, leaving the work- 
force at the height of the benefit run-up, 
had by 1992 received all the money he 
had paid into the program and every- 
thing his boss had paid in for him, plus 
the interest he would have received on 
those contributions if he'd invested them 
elsewhere. He'd also received all of the 
income taxes he had ever paid—plus in- 
terest on them. And he still, actuarially, 
had three more years to live (and his 
wife had five more after that), 

“There are cohorts of Americans now 
who will haye contributed nothing to the 
cost of running the government in their 
entire lives,” NTU's Paul Hewitt says. 
"It's а sad commentary on the current 
generation's legacy.” 

By 1984, Social Security was at the 
point of being unable to send out its next 
batch of checks when a bipartisan com- 
mittee, its back to the wall, figured a way 
to keep the system solvent. For a while. 
Predictably, not one young voice was 
asked to testify before that congressional 
committee. Current beneficiaries con- 
tributed by taking a paltry six-month de- 
lay in cost-of-living adjustments, The 
bulk of the burden was to be borne by 
the young. As Hewitt acknowledges, 
“Politicians compromised by raising tax- 
єз and cutting benefits, and they raised 
your taxes and cut your benefits and you 
were compromised.” 

Of course, it soon became apparent 
that the grand compromise hadn't ex- 
actly left the system in long-term bal- 
ance, so last year it was Senator Bob 
Kerrey's turn to mount the white hobby- 
horse of reform. The Nebraska Demo- 
crat strong-armed President Clinton into 
forming the Bipartisan Commission on 
Entitlement and Tax Reform, whose 
findings ruined my breakfast last fall. 
When Kerrey and vice-chair John Dan- 
forth, the Republican senator from Mis- 
souri, unveiled their proposals for 
change, it turned out to be the same old 
story: Most of their bold suggestions— 
raising the retirement age to 70, slowing 
the growth of benefits for midwage and 
upper-wage workers—weren't sched- 
uled to take place until at least the year 
2000, and even then they would be 
phased in slowly. There would be almost 
no sacrifice by anyone older than 55. 

After that plan went down in flames, 
despite this sop to the gray voting bloc 
and its congressional protectors, I talked 
with Phil Longman, a former Americans 

for Generational Equity staffer, who in 
1987 wrote the generational politics 
book Born to Pay. He was still disappoint- 
ed about the Kerrey proposal. “It's 
ridiculous,” he said. “We're not going to 
get anywhere unless we make changes 
now. Why in the world would you say to 
a population that's affluent—we’re talk- 
ing about people who make more than 
$100,000 a year without working— 
"You're exempt from any kind of 
sacrifice’? I don't get the logic.” 

Still, groups such as AARP continue to 
nurture among senior citizens a sense of 
outraged entitlement. Last fall, Third 
Millennium's Richard Thau flew to San 
Francisco to testify before a government 
panel that was considering whether to 
boost the benefits for so-called notch ba- 
bies, a group of retirees who had the bad 
fortune to be born a bit too late to enjoy 
the full fruits of the Social Security 
benefit run-up of the Seventies. Instead 
of getting outrageously generous 
monthly checks, they merely get exceed- 
ingly generous monthly checks. And boy, 
are they steamed. 

“Being at that conference was like 
watching Cocoon while on acid,” Thau 
says. “Imagine a long, narrow hotel 
room full of chairs, with seniors lined up 
an hour before the conference started 
just to get а good seat. It was 150 senior 
Citizens absolutely bonkers about every- 
thing I said. At one point a guy stood up 
in the middle of a speech and shouted, ‘I 
don't care about the future! I just want 
my money!" The panel, in an extraordi- 
nary burst of reason, declined to give it 
to him. 

Fat chance, though, that such reason 
will prevail on the bigger issues. As we 
saw when Newt Gingrich swept i 
power and immediately declared Soci 
Security sacrosanct, neither party can re- 
sist the seductions of the AARP vote. 

Eventually, though, something has to 
give, Ifnothing is done soon, it's likely to 
be the national psyche. You think the 
taxpayers resent layabouts on the dole 
today? Wait until 2010, when the drain 
on national resources really kicks into 
gear and it becomes clear who's really 
getting government money, how much 
of it there is, and how powerless we the 
people are to do anything about it. “A 
democracy starts to unravel when it's 
in denial,” says Jon Cowan, a leader of 
the baby-bust advocacy group Lead or 
Leave. “Тһе glue that holds it together is 
that we tell the truth about our problems 
and face them squarely. Politicians are in 
denial. Young people aren't.” Empires 
have fallen because of far smaller inter- 
nal contradictions. 

And next year, the slide toward the 
abyss is likely to just get steeper. In 1996 
the first baby boomers turn 50. That's 
when they become eligible for member- 
ship in AARP. 



Below is a list of retailers and 
manufacturers you can contact 
for information on where to 
find this month's merchandise. 
To purchase the apparel and 
equipment that is shown on 
pages 20, 22-23, 24, 62-66, 
74-75, 80-81 and 157, check 
the listings to find the stores 
nearest you. 


Page 20: “Swell Dopp Kits": 
By Buxton, at Macy's and 
Innovation Luggage stores. By Donna 
Karan, at select Bloomingdale' stores. By 
Nazareno Gabrielli, at Holt Renfrew, na- 
tionwide in Canada, Bob Rose, 722 Travis 
St, Houston, 713-222-7673, and Frank 
Stella, 1388 Sixth Ave, NYC, 212-757- 
2295, By Nautica, at Nautica, 216 Colum- 
bus Ave., NYC, 212-496-0933. By Eddie 
Bauer, at Eddie Bauer stores. By Ghurka. 
800-243-4368. “The Boxer Rebellion”; 
Knit boxers: By Tommy Hilfiger, at major 
department stores. By Emporio Armani, at 
Emporio Armani stores, By Guess, at 
Bloomingdale's, Lord & Taylor and Day- 
ton Hudson stores. By Ferry Ellis, at major 
department stores. From Polo by Ralph 
Lauren, at Macy's West, Bloomingdale's 
and Dayton Hudson stores. By Joe Boxer, 
at Bloomingdale's, Lord & Taylor and 
Dayton Hudson stores. “Hot Shopping: 
Carmel, СА": On the Beach, 408-624-7282. 
Pacific Canvas & Cargo, 408-626-3456. 
Wings America, 408-62 ING. Khakis, 408- 
625-8106. “Clothes Line”: Sweatpants by 
Nike, 503-671-3939. Shoes by Doc Marten, 
800-866-9815. Trousers by Zanella, at fine 
department stores. T-shirts by Calvin 
Klein, at Calvin Klein stores. "Scent of a 
Man’: Deodorants and antiperspirants: 
By Donna Karan, Giorgio Beverly Hills, 
Chanel, Guy Laroche, Calvin Klein and Joop, 
at fine department stores. By Brut, at mass 


Pages 22-23: “All's Fair": Online service by 
Landinark Entertainment Group and Worlds, 
dnc., Web Site: 
“Interactive TV Gets Real”: Home infor- 
mation system by AT&T, 800-233-2650. 
“Jocks in a Box": Kiosk by Life Fitness, 
800-735-3867. " ‘Things’: Phones: 
By Polycom, 800-765-9266. By Cincinnati 
Microwave, 800-433-3487. "Multimedia 
Reviews & News”: Software: By Accolade, 
800-245-7744. By Interplay Produc- 
tions, 800-969-4263. Books: By Random 
House, 800-733-3000. By Osborne/McGraw- 
Hill, 800-227-0900. By IDG Books, 800- 


Page 24: “Book It Your- 
self”: OAG Flight Disk 
from HLB Communications, 
800-342-5624. Online reser- 
vation services: From Eaasy 
Sabre, 800-972-3330. From 
Worldspan Travelshopper, 
800-892-1011. "Great Es- 
саре”: Post Ranch Inn, 800- 
527-2200. “On the Go”: Ra- 
dio by Grundig, from 
Lextronix, Inc., 800-872- 
2228. Locker by Serurj, B00- 
828-1438. Camera by Minolta, 201-825-4000. 


Pages 62-66: For a one-year, $16.95 mem- 
bership to The Official Star Tiek Fan Club, 
subscription to the full-color Official Star 
Trek magazine and a merchandise catalog, 
call 800-TRUE-FAN. 

Pages 74-75: Bottom row: By Kenneth 
Cole, 800-KEN-COLE. By Polo Ralph Lauren 
Footwear. By Maraolo, 212-869-0499. From 
Cole-Haans Bragano Collection, at Cole- 
Haan and fine department stores. Middle 
row: By Salvatore Ferragamo, at Salvatore 
Ferragamo boutiques. From 70 Boot by 
Adam Derrick, at Bergdorf Goodman, 745 
Fifth Ave., NYC, 212-339-3335. By Fratelli 
Rossetti, at Fratelli Rossetti, 601 Madison 
Ауе, NYC, 212-888-5107. By JM. Weston, 
42 E. 57th St., NYC, 212-308-5655. By 
Bruno Magli, 212-977-7676. Top row: 
From To Boot by Adam Derrick, at Bergdorf 
Goodman, NYC. By Bruno Magli, 212- 
977-7676. By Donna Karan, at Scott Hill, 100 
$. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, 310-777- 
1190. From CO2 by Comedia, 212-957-9166. 

Pages 80-81: By Promaster, at Square Jew- 
elers & Opticians, 2731 N. Milwaukee 
Ave., Chicago, 312-252-7373. By Porsche, 
Seiko and Ebel, at Smart Jewelers, 3350 W. 
Devon Ave., Chicago, 800-422-6999. By 
Nautica, at Bloomingdale's, 900 N. Mic 
gan Ave.. Chicago. 312-440-4515. By 
Rolex, Baume & Mercier, Breitling and TAG- 
Heuer, at Henry Kay Jewelers, 835 N. 
Michigan Ave., 312-266-7600. By Chrono- 
sport, 800-222-9057. 

Page 157: Game controllers: By CH Prod- 
ucts, 619-598-2518. By Advanced Gravis 
Computer Technology Lid., 800-653-8558. By 
Thrustmaster, Inc., 503-639-3200. By Al 
Tech, 800-882-8184. 



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nyone who has tried to race cars, fly jets or kill Doom 
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through 3-D worlds, these controllers feature multiple triggers for 

rapid-fire action. Many are programmable, allowing you to assign 
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are designed in the image of authentic combat-jet sticks or flight 
yokes. Diehards can even put the pedal to the metal with accel- 
eration and brake-pad peripherals. Sorry, no radar detectors yet. 

Clockwise from top left: CH 
Products’ Virtual Pilot Pro, an 
airplane yoke with six fire but- 
tons, a pair of four-way switch- 
es, trim controls and a throttle, 
about $130. The Firebird Flight 
and Weapons Control System 
by Advanced Gravis has an 
eight-button jet-style handle, an- 
alog throttle, elevator trim con- 
trol and 17 programmable but- 
tons, about $70. Thrustmaster's 
programmable F-16 FLCS joy- 
stick has four four-way switch- 
es, a dual-stage trigger and four 
buttons, about $200. Al Tech 
cut the cords on its Wireless 
Bandit controller, allowing you 
to command arcade-style game 
action via infrared technology 
up to 40 feet from your PC 
monitor, about $60 for a pair. 


Where & How to Buy on page 155. 

Trisha’s Undercover 
TRISHA MARES’ TV credits include Beverly Hills 
90210, Melrose Place and Blossom. She has ap- 
peared in the movie LA. Story and in commercials, 
magazines and fashion and trade shows. There's 
more to Trisha than meets the eye. 

The Devil 
Made Him Do It 

After 64 years in show business, JERRY LEWIS finally opened on 
Broadway. Playing the devil in Damn Yankees with a tempting Lola, 
CHARLOTTE D’AMBOISE, Lewis gets his critical due. What do 
jon Frenchmen know? Lewis can hit a home run and does. 

Country Delight 
‘Singer RONNA REEVES’ new 
LP Affer the Dance just 
came out. She has co- 
hosted the Statler 
Brothers show on ca- 
ble and is now 

touring through 
Ronna rules, 

Giant Killers 

California fans of indie gods THE OFFSPRING knew them and loved them be- 
fore Smash became a smash. What's next? Lead guitar honcho Noodles says, 
“Maybe we'll write the first punk rock opera.” Does Pete Townshend know? 

Praise Lords 

Astint on Melrose 
Place, a job at 
Roseanne's diner 
and a new album, 
1000 Fires, have 
helped TRACI 
LORDS kiss off 
her old life. Wel- 
come to her 
second comi 

an Kill Myself) in 
a Jim Carrey mov- 
ie. It got PETE 
DROGE on Letter- 
man and a tour 

= my” Tom Petty. 

Russian Fox 
Actress and dancer MARINA KVARTALOVA made 
movies in Russia before she got a part in Bram 
Stoker’s Burial of the Rats. Look for comic 
books based on the film to sı 
Marina got 



Denise McCluggage is an automotive 
icon. The friend of famous racers, an ас- 
complished driver and the only woman 
to win the Ken Purdy Award for Excel- 
lence in Automotive Journalism, McClug- 
gage has had motor oil in her veins for 
40 years. Now her best columns from 
Auto Week are collected in By Brooks Too 
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dova Road, Sante Fe, New Mexico 87501 


“Woven from the threads of fantasy” is how Yungjohann Hillman Inc. 
in Grand Prairie, Texas describes its line of tropical bed drapes. While 
some of the company’s creations keep out mosquitoes and other flying 
critters, the Mombasa Caravan canopy pictured here is purely decora- 
tive. Seven seductive colors are available white, sand, ivory, mauve, 
peach, pale blue and black—and the Caravan's $135 price is cheaper 
than airfare to Kenya. Call 800-641-2345 to order and for information 
about other hanging products that are equally romantic. 


What could be simpler? A company 
named Marvelous Creations Inc. has 
combined an absorbent headband with 
removable headphones that you connect 
to your personal CD or cassette player. As 
you jog, work out or whatever, you can 
hear your favorite sounds without the 
hassle of your headphones falling off. 
One headband and a sct of speakers cost 
$12.75. Three bands and the speakers 
are $25. Call 800-898-1248 to order. 


Colonial Africa, big game photography and the giraffe's height are 
just some of the subjects covered in The Pleasures of Safari Adventure, a 
56-page book published by Pavilion in England as part of its Pleasures of 
series, The three other titles available are also pictured here. Romantic 
Travel features illustrated excerpts from classic travel writings and 
fiction by W. Somerset Maugham, Rudyard Kipling, William Make- 
peace Thackeray and others. Boating and Sailing addresses “the timeless 
pleasures to be gained from being on water, with the sun and wind in 
your face.” And Discovering Europe is all about going Continental. The 
160 books cost $15.95 each from Trafalgar Square at 800-423-4525. 


Pour yourself a shot of rye 
and lather up the double- 
edge. Chronicle Books’ A Stiff 
Drink and a Close Shave, by 
Bob Sloan and Steven Guar- 
naccia, recaptures “the lost 
arts of manliness” as celebrat- 
ed in the Thirties, Forties and 
Fifties. Barware, shaving 
brushes, tie tacks, poker 
chips, smoking paraphemalia 
and much more are repre- 
sented in more than 150 col. 
or illustrations. Early men's 
magazines are included, and 
PLAYBOY is present. Price: 
$12.95. Call 800-722-6657. 


Any new Martin guitar is 
noteworthy, but when Eric 
Clapton teams up with the 
company to create a limited- 
edition signature model— 
now that's strumming. Ac- 
cording to Martin, the 
000-42ЕС combines the qual- 
ities of the two vintage Mar- 
tin 000 small-bodied acoustic 
guitars that Clapton plays on- 
stage and in the studio. Rose- 
wood, spruce, ebony and ma- 
hogany are used in the 
instrument's construction. 
Part of the $8100 price will 
be donated to children 
charities. Call 800-633-2060. 


Think of pachinko as the 
‘Japanese version of a pinball 
machine that's been stood on 
end. Turn a knob, and as the 
steel balls you've fired thread 
their way through a maze of 
wheels and pins, lights flash 
and there are sound effects 
galore. Now Grand View 
Products in Grand View-on- 
Hudson, New York is selling 
reconditioned machines that 
are right off the Ginza. 
Themes include slots (shown), 
horse racing and sumo 
wrestling, among others. 
Price: $350, including 400 
balls, an instructional video 
and a lifetime warranty. Call 
B00-4-rACHINKO to order. 


No, Heidi Fleiss isn't the president of Magic in 
Your Mailbox, the country's only "trick of the 
month club." But if you want to entertain your 
friends or break the ice at parties or singles 
bars with some amazing bits of prestidigitation, 
then call 800-780-масіс for details. Professional 
ician Danny Orleans chooses each month's 
and they are all surprisingly sophisticat- 

ed. The $75 annual fee includes a newsletter 
and detailed trick instructions. 


Just when you think you've seen everything; 
along comes a French company named Savoir 
Vivre that's marketing the pair of erotic metal 
dice pictured here. We'll leave the kind of 
games you play with them to your imagination. 
But be warned—rolling a three and a four in 
some rural Southern towns and doing whats 
shown on the dice just might land you in the 
slammer. Price: $55. To order, call William 
Lipton Ltd. at 212-751-8131. 











Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. 


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