Full text of "PLAYBOY"
BEBRUARY 1997 e $4.95
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YOU'LL NOTICE FROM our cover that this special issue is a cele-
bration of love and lingerie—a potent pair. After all, lingerie is
the warhead of love bombs. Call it Victoria's secret weapon. As
a delicate yet. powerful underpinning to our lineup, the lin-
gerie pictorial Heart Couture features a gift pack of Playmates
in various stages of dishabille. Next, we asked two of our fa-
vorite funny valentines, John Cleese and Jamie Lee Curtis, to
square off for a disarming discourse on desire. Cleese and
Curtis, you may recall, flirted and flopped their way through
the literate, sexy comedy A Fish Called Wanda. As ae
wrapped Fish II—the forthcoming flick Fierce Creatures —Dick
Lochte, columnist for the Los Angeles Times Book Review, solicit-
ed their lustful thoughts on everything from muesli to
whether it is better to frisk or not to frisk. The illustration is by
Fred Stonehouse. If money is power and power is the fulfillment
of desire, Super Bowl weekend offers corporate America a
chance to show off its big balls. Never mind football, the big
game is payday for hookers and limo drivers alike. In the art-
cle Sex and the Super Bowl, Kevin Cook follows the money to the
honeys. When top salesmen and U.S. senators fly into New
Orleans this year, more than cash will be pumped into the lo-
cal economy. (Blair Drawson did the artwork.) As James R. Pe-
tersen explains in the second installment of Playboy's History of
the Sexual Revolution, the relationship between sex and popu-
lar culture has deep roots. Between 1910 and 1919, the ad-
vent of movies and the dancehall craze helped fuel a sexually
charged atmosphere that the temperance movement couldn't
cool. (Managing Art Director Kerig Pope and Assistant Photo
Editor Beth Mullins did the visuals.)
He was called the Hyannis Port hunk, the Central Park
stripper, Mr. Fab Ab. Then John F. Kennedy Jr. seemingly
turned serions, started the political magazine George and
topped it off with a marriage to beauty Carolyn Bessette. In
John, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Jim Dwyer cuts through
the imagery and uncovers the private conflicts of this hope-
lessly public figure. On the other end of the spectrum lurks
Lawrence Schiller, a modern-day Zelig who witnessed the mur-
der of Lee Harvey Oswald, the death of Gary Gilmore and the
trial of O.]. Simpson. A collaborator with Norman Mailer on
The Executioner’s Song, a filmmaker and ғ лувоу photograph-
er, Schiller is now the author of the definitive Simpson book,
American Tragedy. In an absorbing Interview, David Sheff puts
Schiller on the stand for the truth behind Simpson's rage, the
role of Robert Kardashian and Marcia Clark's minis.
From behind the scenes to under the covers: In a pictorial
exposé, former CIA operative Jayne Hayden reveals herself to
be a spy who came in from the cold and turned up the heat.
For comic belief, we offer Conan O'Brien, this month's 20 Ques-
tions by Worren Kelbacker. Though we'd never suggest that
O'Brien put a lid on it, author Michael Walsh would. He gives
tips for toppers in his essay The Way You Wear Your Hat. It's the
perfect accessory for our fashion layout, Hats & Coals. For a re-
al brim-snapper Playmate Carol Vitale returns for an encor
photos by the famous Bunny Yeager. This month also marks the
introduction of Playmate News, our compendium of news
flashes about the important women in our lives.
Last but most sweet in our V-Day box of chocolates is An
Office Romance. ICs information-age love lore by Terry Bisson,
art by Steven Guarnaccia. Four pages of foreplay-enhancing
ideas—pilis, getaways, videos and bath oils—will ensure your
holiday goes, um, smoothly. Our ultimate confection is Play-
mate Kimber West, who says she's happiest when she's nudc.
Funny, when she's nude we're preuy happy, too.
Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), February 1997, volume 44, number 2. Published monthly by Playboy in
‚ Chicago, Illinois 60611. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, Illinois an
offices. Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 56162. Subscriptions: i
Playboy, 680 North Lake Shore Dri
юпа and regional editions,
at additional mailing
n the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues.
Postmaster: Send address change to Playboy, PO. Вох 2007, Harlan, Iowa 51537-4007. E-mail: edit@playboy.com.
JOHN KENNEDY—playboy profile n ee JIM DWYER 54
CIA OPERATIVE pictorial А 58
SEX AND THE SUPER BOWL—article . . d KEVIN СООК 64 Sex Revolution
PART TWO (1910-1919) arido. JAMES R. PETERSEN 68
TRUE WEST—ployboy's ploymate of the month. . . 86
PARTY JOKES —humor 98
CUPID'S QUIVER—romonce 100 Go West
HEART COUTURE—pictorial 116
WHERE & HOW TO BUY. 2 олан 169
Lingerie con be much odo about little nothings. As a Valentine, Playmates
(clockwise from bottom lefi) Echo Johnson, Anna-Marie Goddard, Rachel Jeön
Marleen and Jami Ferrell show us their underwares. We say braval The cover
wos produced by Marilyn Grabowski and shot by Stephen Wayda, with make-
up by Alexis Vogel, hair by Daniel Dicriscio for José Eber Salon, Beverly Hills
and styling by Jennifer Tutor. Our Rabbit shows up in o supporting role.
"Two in Love
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mumbar and expiration dale. Or enclose a check or Expres or нано Most ordars shipped teclas
money order payahle o Playboy. Kall to Playboy PO. within 48 hours. Aik for CO aamber ied Рена nie
Bax 809, Dep. 60355, se, коі 60143-0809. above. (Sour code: 60355). er
ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor
ТОМ STAEBLER art director
GARY COLE pholography director
KEVIN BUCKLEY executive editor
JOHN REZER assistant managing editor
TERSEN senior staff writer; CHIP ROWE assistant
editor; MODERN LIVING: DAVID stevens edi-
lor; BETH TOMKIW associate editor; STAFF: BRUCE
BARBARA NELLIS associate editors; FASHION:
assistant editor; CARTOONS: MICHELLE URRY
BUSHMAN assislant editor; ANNE SHERMAN copy
associate; REMA SMITH senior researcher; LEE
KERIG POPE managing director; BRUCE HANSEN,
KORJENEK associate director; ANN SEIDL superu
sor, keyline/pasteup; PAUL CHAN senior art assis
tunt, JASUN SIMUNS Ut assistant
MARILYN GRABOWSKI west coast editor; Ji LAR
BETH MULLINS assistant editors; DAVID CHAN
STEPHEN WavDA contributing photographers;
photo services; ELIZABETH Georcıov photo ar
chivist; GERALD SENN correspondent—paris
MARIA MANDIS director; RITA JOHNSON manager;
QUARTAROLA, TOM SIMONEK associate managers
LARRY A. DJERF neusstand sales director; PHYLLIS
ROTUNNO subscription circulation director; CINDY
RAKOWITZ communications director
ERNIE RENZULLI advertising director; JAMES Dt
MONEKAS, new york manager; JEFF KIMMEL, sales
development manager; jor norrer midwest ad
sales manager; IRV KORNBLAU marketing director;
LISA NATALE research director
EILEEN KENT new media director; MARCIA TER.
RONES rights & permissions manager
CHRISTIE HEFNER Chairman, chief executive officer
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Joe Conason's Ralph Reed: Smart as the
Devil (November) is superbly written.
Despite Reed's efforts to moderate the
Christian Coalition's intolerance, a leop-
ard cannot change its spots. The Bible
has high regard for forgiveness, charity
and compassion. The Christian Coali-
tion clearly comes up short.
Mark Naeser
Jamestown, New York
It will be a sad day for the American
people if Pat Robertson and Ralph Reed
cver get into the White House. Women
will be subjected to backstreet abortions,
the rich will get richer and the poor will
get poorer. But most important, there
will be no separation of church and state.
Daniel Statkowski
Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania
I was born in 1947 in a world that re-
mained mostly free of violence until the
mid-Sixties. In the Nineties, we've be-
come callous to violence. God no longer
exists in the national agenda, and we
seem to be going down the same road
the Romans did. Their empire collapsed
in several hundred years because of
moral decay. I say hurrah for Pat and.
Ralph. They're trying to turn the wagon
train around, and that's better than
shooting the horses.
Robert Methvin
Napa, California.
Until 1933 when it was adopted by the
"Third Reich, the swastika was an honor-
able religious symbol and ancient design
motif. The Nazis made it represent the
worst evil. Ralph Reed scems to be the
reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels—right
down to his stature and rhetoric. We
must be careful not to let the Christian
cross Reed is hiding behind follow the
path of the swastika.
Arthur Carlsten
Tucson, Arizona
Most of Liam Neeson's comments re-
garding Michael Collins (Playboy Inter-
view, November) were accurate, but
Neeson referred to Collins as “a states-
man.” Collins was no statesman. When
Eamon De Valera asked him to negoti-
ate, Collins argued that he was a soldier,
not a politician.
Michael Linkletter Jr.
Anchorage, Alaska
First it was Erika Eleniak, then Pam
Anderson and now Donna D'Errico (Don-
na Does “Baywatch,” Days and Nights, No-
vember). I think Baywatch has finally
found the best.
Kendall Keith
Las Vegas, Nevada
It was quite a challenge to find the
Rabbit on the November cover. I had to
cheat and look at the clue in the caption.
Randy Kupsh
De Pere, Wisconsin
1 was certain that the bashful Rabbit
was intended to be formed by Donna's
thumb and the whistle she is holding un-
til I checked the clue. I like my discovery
Dave Van den Branden
Chicago, Illinois
Cynthia Heimel's "Women's Intuition"
(Women, November) was a useful col-
umn. I especially liked her insights on
how social roles and expectations for
women have affected all of us. Mytl
busting is hard and thankless work. It's
also prone to misinterpretation. It takes
courage to do what Heimel does.
Christopher List
Menlo Park, California
We always thought the Playboy Rabbit
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Order Toll-Free 800-423-9494 charge to vour
Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. Most
orders shipped within 48 hours. (Source code: 60356)
Order By Mail tise your credit card and be sure
to include your account number and expiration date
Or enclose a check or money order payable to Playboy
Mail to Playboy. PO. Box 809, Dept. 00356,
Itasca, Minois 601 43-0809.
There is a $3.00 shipping-and-handling charge per total
order. Minois residents include 6.75% sales tax Canadian
residents please include an additional $3.00 per item.
Sorry, no other foreign orders or currency accepted.
Michael Reynolds’ article (November)
is informative. I've read a lot on the
subject of the right wing's interest in
military hardware and assassination. Un-
fortunately, there’s never been an ex-
planation as to why this militant ele-
ment exists. If we could determine what
motivates these zealots, then maybe we
would understand why they are mad
as hell.
L.H. Smith
Tacoma, Washington
I find Toxic Terror very shocking. The
thought that paramilitary psychos can
get their hands on bubonic plague is
scary and disheartening. The fact that
you can easily obtain a copy of Silent
Death and can't always find a copy of
PLayRoy is amazing,
David Duty
Potosi, Missouri
Asa Baber's November column (“Her
Dominant Sex Organ”) is totally out of
whack. It's true that some women are
obsessed with food, but that doesn’t ap-
ply to all of us. For me, food is just the
fuel that keeps me going. Other things
are far more important.
Becki Mathis
Perry, Michigan
Lenjoy your magazine, but your What
Sort of Man ads always leave me a lit-
tie perturbed. I am not dreaming of
Olympic gold medals or life next door to
the Clampetts in Beverly Hills. My ad
would read: "He's an average Joe. He
knows the cruelty of the day job and the
excitement of the nightlife. He's an ex-
tremist. Hell do anything to get the
adrenaline going.”
Ken Johns
Hoboken, New Jersey
In our house, I'm the subscriber to
pLaveoy and Playboy TV. I'm also the
first one to read the magazine. I've en-
joyed your What Sort of Man Reads
Playboy? ads and want to remind you
that women like your fabulous entertain-
ment, too.
Tiffany Stephenson
Kula, Hawaii
I was a high school senior when Janet
Pilgrim (November) first appeared on
PLAYBOY's pages. For most of my college
years, her gorgeous centerfold was taped
to my dorm room door. I gazed at
Janet's picture and dreamed of making
love to a woman as beautiful as she was.
10 You've given this old-timer quite a thrill.
At the age of 58, I still like your maga-
zine as much as I did when I was 18.
Laurence R. Januz
Lake Forest, Illinois
November Playmate Ulrika Ericsson
(How Swede It Is) is the Viking maiden
who has surely made Odin and Thor
very happy.
Roger Kicker
South Beloit, Illinois
I'm a photographer who has worked
with Ulrika for two years, and she is as
beautiful a person as she is a model. Vol-
vo, move over and make room for Swe-
den's greatest export.
Bill Bachmann
Orlando, Florida
We're from Gávle, Sweden—Miss No-
vember's hometown—where we are
used to seeing luscious blondes. But they
all fade in comparison with Ulrika Erics-
son. We had the great pleasure of meet-
ing her a few years ago and knew she
was special and would make it. We thank
Ulrika for putting Gávle on the map.
Magnus Lindblom and
Andreas Wikholm
Gävle, Sweden
It may well be that the sylphlike Ulrika
Ericsson first showcased her charms in
an American periodical. Yet Iggy Pop's
immortal lyrics never rang so true: "I
wish life could be Swedish magazines."
Топу Pivetta
Royal Oak, Michigan
You asked if Vikings wore horns on
their helmets. Even though you were be-
ing rhetorical, I think Americans should
know the answer is no.
Oscar Haeger
University of Boras
Borås, Sweden
Brendan DuBois’ The Dark Snow (No-
vember) is great if you disregard the last
four or five paragraphs. Does he expect
us to believe that those good old boys
are going to drive their $8000 Arctic
Cats across thin ice just because some
asshole pulled down warning signs? Get
a grip.
Jody Logan
Thomaston, Maine
What an amazing survivor's story!
DuBois proves that intelligence rather
than brute force will conquer stupidity.
AJ. Gidyk
Edmonton, Alberta
Talk about a picture that's worth a
thousand words (Playboy Gallery, Novem-
ber). I'm still waiting for Jayne Mansfield
to inhale.
Juan Llanes
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
What's the world coming to? Novem-
ber's Sex in Cinema 1996 reveals Mary
Tyler Moore—remembered by most as
Mary Richards—with her sweater pulled
up. For God's sake, don't tell Mr. Grant.
It would probably kill him.
William Heyer
‘Toms River, New Jersey
On a recent trip to Los Angeles, I
wandered into a bar where I was greeted
by a group of beautiful women promot-
ing a South American beer. I struck up a
conversation with one of them and dis-
covered she had appeared in Novem-
ber 1995's Grapevine. It would be great to
see Alexandra Otterstrom again in the
Eric Dunn
Salt Lake City, Utah
I just bought a copy of The Playmate
Book and I love it. The photos are fabu-
lous and it's great to find out what the
Playmates are doing with their lives.
Robert Wendt
Downers Grove, Illinois
I live in northwest England and get
my Playboy every month from my local
newsagent. While looking through the
November issue, I spotted the ad for The
Playmate Book. That's every Playmate
since forever all in one book. My dream
has come true. How do I get it?
Mike Raymond
West Kirby, Cheshire
You can order "The Playmate Book"
through The Playboy Store on the Internet
(hitp://uuw playboy.com).
БШШШ a сох бо. нү. NY, Cognac Hennessy 40°. Alc./Vol. (80)
lennessy with good judgment.
= “Lost on Earth”
um at Ee
To add animal magnetism to the ro-
mance of Valentine's Day, the Santa Ana
Zoo is holding its Annual Sex Tour in
honor of the holiday. A curator and a
veterinarian guide adults through vari-
ous habitats and explain the sex habits of
the zoo's endangered species. Cham-
pagne is served to loosen things up be-
fore the tour heads into the beastly
boudoirs. The two-toed sloth's mating
dance, for example, has the animals rub-
bing rumps before they turn the other
cheeks and hang face-to-face. Said a zoo
spokeswoman of last year's event, “It's
fun, it’s interesting and everyone blush-
es.” No matter how cozy the tour may
get. visitors are not permitted to spank
the monkeys.
Goodfellow Rebecca Ingrams Pearson,
a London insurance firm, offers cover-
age against alien abduction. For a pre-
mium of about $155 a year, the poli-
cy will pay an abduction victim about
$160,000—with the proviso that the ab-
ductor is not a resident earthling. The
payout is doubled if the victim is impreg-
nated during the alien festivities. This
additional coverage, happily, applies
both to male and to female victims be-
cause the firm is unsure of the reproduc-
tive capabilities of space peoples. Who
knows? Some of their parts might fit
very creatively with some of our parts.
Goodfellow director Simon Burgess does
not make the most compelling advertise-
ment for the policy when he says, "I per-
sonally would not buy it."
Flush from the success they enjoyed
with Breathasure—a capsule breath
freshener—Anthony and Lauren Rais-
sen are now offering Pure Breath for
dogs and cats. Wanting to get closer to
the ones they love, the couple developed
a product that works with the digestive
system to attack the source of halitosis
The doggy version is a blend of sunflow.
er oil, parsley-sced oil and St. John's
bread. The Raissens say it's safe, natu-
ral and veterinarian-approved. Further
more, a portion of cach sale will be do-
nated to the Los Angeles SPCA/Humane
Society. This is all well and good, but
what about that other source of doggy
unpleasantness—the lingering after-
math of the canine ritual of greeting oth-
er dogs by aggressively sniffing their
butts? Perhaps a scented nose tissue is in
the works.
Bring us your tircd, your hungry,
your huddled masses ycarning to defacc.
We love it that German graffiti artists
have been making sentimental journeys
to New York City specifically to soak up
the variety of graffiti styles and to con-
tribute to them. One tourist tagger from
Cologne explained it this way: “It's like a
pilgrimage to the birthplace. We want to
know our roots.”
Think of it as a black Lincoln Town
Car on the information superhighway.
There is now a page on the Internet
honoring convicted Mafia don John Got
ti. If you're interested, the address is
ml, which is not nearly as long as his sen-
tence. Still, Gotti's site has recorded
more hits than, well, the subject himself.
A class project at Harvey Mudd Col-
lege in Claremont, California was to de-
velop an alternative fuel supply based on
human waste for the inhabitants of a
Guatemalan village where firewood is
scarce. In order to simulate authentic
conditions, one student was challenged
to produce village-like waste by eating
only beans, rice and tortillas. After a
week the student became woefully con
stipated, and the project was unceremo-
niously dumped.
According to a spokesman, Nis
"very surprised" and " didn't re;
the campaign would cause offense to
anyone" when it was criticized for run-
ning an ad in the U.K. depicting a four-
wheel-drive sport utility vehicle cruising
over the landscape of a woman's body,
including a bared breast. This claim to
innocence wasn't helped by the ad's slo-
gan: “Four-by-four play.” Apparently, no
one thought of “Truck your brains out.”
Should you be traveling in Texas and
wish to make an operator-assisted call
to another part of the state, be careful
when you're asked to pick a long-di
tance carrier. Saying “I don't know,
don't care,” "It doesn't matter” or ^Who-
ever" will deliver you into the hands of
KT&T Communications, which trade-
marked those phrases as names for its
subsidiaries. It also charges a significant.
premium over the rate of the major car-
riers. Maybe Bob Dole should have
changed his name to None of the Above.
Let's hear it for the beleaguered Ital-
ian beaver. The International Fund for
“1 read PLAYBOY
now for the same
reason I read Nation-
al Geographic—to see
fascinating places I'll
never get to visit." —
Since deregulation
of the airline in-
dustry in 1978, the
number of minutes
added to flight time
of an average. do-
mestic trip: 8. Num-
ber of those addi-
tional minutes spent
waiting on ground
for takeoff: 5.
Percentage of women who wash
their hands before leaving the rest-
room: 80. Percentage of men who
wash before leaving: 55.
Percentage of the world's currency.
supply that is made up of US. green-
backs: 20. Percentage of all U.S. pa-
per currency that is held outside U.S.
borders: 67.
Percentage of the 24 million Amer-
ican golfers who are men: 79. Aver-
age price of a set of golf clubs at a pro
shop, where most premium clubs are
sold: $476. Average price for a set of
dubs at a sporting goods store: $289;
at a discount store: $177. Total sales
of clubs in 1994: $2.35 billion.
In Finland, cost of a gallon of un-
leaded, low-octane gas: $5. Percent-
age of price that goes to taxes: 70.
Number of computer viruses that
have been discovered: 7000. Approx-
imate number of viruses in circula-
tion: 200. According to a 1995 survey
‘Twice as many women as
men bought lingerie in 1995,
but male buyers bought $50
worth on average, while fe-
male buyers spent $23.
by Intelliquest, per-
centage of all com-
puters that have had
a virus: 37. Percent-
age of computer
users who have in-
stalled an anuvirus
program: 87.
Average number
of minutes taken by
office workers for
lunch: 36. Percent-
age of workers who
don’t take a lunch
5 break: 14.
From 1990 to
1994, the annual
percentage increase
in college tuition,
fees and room and
board at public and
private institutions: 7. During the
same period, percentage increase in.
the amount borrowed by students
and families to cover college costs: 29.
In a two-year study of Nevada
brothels by a Harvard Medical School
student, number ofclients serviced by
the average prostitute per day: 6. Per-
centage of prostitutes who said a re-
cent client initially refused to wear a
condom: 70. Percentage of clients
who eventually complied: 100. Per-
centage breakage rate of condoms in
Nevada brothels: 0 (lowest recorded
rate in the world).
In a joint study by the University of
Virginia and Texas A&M, chances a
nonmarried participant lied to a ro-
mantic partner during any given so-
cial interaction: 1 in 3. Chances that a
married participant lied to a spouse:
1 in 10. Chances that a college stu-
dent lied to his or her mother: 1 in 2.
Average cost of building a sports
stadium today: $225 million. Average
cost 7 years ago: $50 million.
Animal Welfare recently mounted a bill-
board campaign in Italy featuring a
nude photo of the wife of the head of
Italy's Green Party with this caption:
“The only fur I'm not ashamed to wear.”
The editor of Divorce Magazine, a new
quarterly publication for the no-longer-
married, is Diana Shepherd, formerly an
editor of Wedding Bells magazine.
Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Bar-
ry, who has some experience in these
matters, recently proposed that all mu-
nicipal employees who drive city-owned
vehicles submit to regular drug testing.
Barry's no-nonsense position may be a
reflection of new leadership, political re-
alities—or the fact that he has his own
Each year the satirical journal Annals
of Improbable Research announces the win-
ners of the Ignobel Prizes, awarded to
the dopiest research published in a sci-
entific journal. The 1996 Ignobel Prize
in physics went to Robert Matthews of
Aston University in England for “Tum-
bling Toast, Murphy's Law and the Fun-
damental Constants,” a paper on,
among other things, why toast tends to
land buttered side down. Two Norwe-
gians won the biology Ignobel for “Effect
of Ale, Garlic and Soured Cream on the
Appetite of Leeches" in the British Med-
ical Journal. Not surprisingly, most win-
ners shun the honor, but Harald Moi
of Oslo, who shared the public health
prize for “Transmission of Gonorrhea
Through an Inflatable Doll," attend-
ed the awards dinner. We don't know
whether or not he showed up stag, but
if he didnt, we assume his date got
nary a clap.
We've all been busted for singing the
wrong words ("Oh, beautiful for space-
ship guys"), but to writer Gavin Ed-
wards, your malaprop is his royalties
check. In He's Got the Whole World in
His Panis (Fireside), a collection of mis-
heard lyrics, Edwards has Rex Harrison
singing, “I've thrown a custard in her
face,” Aretha Franklin belting, “You
make me feel like a rash on a woman,"
and Billy Jocl insisting, “You make the
rice, I'll make the gravy.” Most entries in
the book were submitted by readers of
Edwards’ first book, 'Scuse Me While 1
Kiss This Guy aud Other Misheard Lyrics.
Maybe they're ihe ones who turned Ala-
nis Morissette’s lyric “The cross I bear
that you gave 10 me" into “The cross-
eyed baby that you gave to me" and have
Bonnie Raitt singing "Let's give them
something from Taco Bell."
If you ve been wondering where the oft-
hyped online romance is happening,
sign on to Cupid's Network at www.cu
pidnet.com/index.html. Whether you're
looking for love, companionship or a
quick fling, this one-stop shop for singles
covers all the angles. There's a section
with romantic gift ideas, a nationwide
calendar of events for the unattached
and dozens of links to matchmakers on
the Web. We went to Match.Com, billed
as the "largest Internet personals site."
Membership is ten dollars a month, but
it offers lots, including chat rooms and
thousands of ads for “women seeking
men" (complete with color photos).
Webpersonals (www.webpersonals.
com) offers similar services—free of
charge—plus a nightly scouting report
titled Love Hound, which alerts you to
new ads via e-mail. If verbal foreplay is
more your thing, head to the chat rooms
at our new pay site, Playboy's Cyber
Club, accessible at www.playboy.com
Besides enjoying lively exchanges with
other members, you can carry on occa-
sional keyboard conversations with Play-
mates, PLAYBOY editors and contributors
and Hef himself.
One of the slickest items to debut at the
January 1997 Consumer Electronics
Show in Las Vegas was Audio Highway's
Listen Up. A handy gadget about the
size of a pack of smokes, Listen Up is a
kind of personal stereo recorder that
stores and plays back audio information
and entertainment from the Internet. 'To
obtain programming, you connect the
device to your computer, access Audio
Highway's Web site and then download
the items you'd like to hear. Choices in-
clude material from news sources such
as the Associated Press, Dow Janes and
Newsweek, as well as a selection of Time
Warner audio books and Berlitz lan-
guage courses. A chip built into Listen
Up holds an hour's worth of content.
(Expanded storage is in the works.) To
play it back, simply plug a pair of stereo
headphones (sold with the unit) into the
appropriate jack. Better yet, prop it
on the dashboard of your car and
tune the stereo to a specified radio
frequency. Listen Up uses wireless
technology to broadcast your selec-
tions back through the car's speaker
system. The price: about $300, in-
cluding an IBM-compatible docking
Leave it to the Marines to use Doom
to their advantage. Sergeant Daniel
Snyder, a computer network administra-
tor at Marine headquarters in Quantico,
Virginia, has reprogrammed the bloody
demons-vs.-good-guys game to simulate
the under-fire conditions faced by Ma-
rine combat teams. Replacing some of
the bad guys with enemy soldiers, and
the space-age weapons with authentic
Marine ordnance, Snyder has created a
simulation that top brass claim necessi-
tates the quick decisions soldiers must
make under fire. Snyder acknowledges
that a computer game will never replace
field practice but says that it can approx-
imate condi-
tions, such
as friendly fire, that Marines rarely face
in exercises. The Marines’ version of
Doom, which plays on top of the actual
game from id software, is available to
civilians at www.usmc.mil/opages/doom.
htm. Snyder hopes to provide similar
add-ons for newer multiplayer games
such as Duke Nukem and Quake. But
finding time may be tough. Since creat-
ing Marine Doom, he's been fielding of-
fers from commercial game developers.
When you're wiped out and ready to crash for the night, the last thing you want to do
is wonder around flipping switches. Enter RCA's Home Control. This universal remate
control (pictured below) commands your TV, VCR and cable box to rest (or woke) ond
con do the same for up to 16 lights and appliances. Everything fram a ceiling fan to а
popcorn popper can be turned on and off with the press of a button—from any room
in your hame. An RCA Home Control starter kit, which costs cbout $60, includes the
remote control plus one extensian module. Additional modules cost
between $15 ond $20. There's also a key-chain transmitter that
lets you turn on two lights from outside—perfect when
you're entering your home offer dark. The price: about
$13. * Sega has come up with a device that turns
its Saturn game system into an Internet surfing
machine. The Sega Saturn Net Link is a
28.8 modem that connects to the car-
tridge port of the video game sys-
tem, allowing you to explore
the Net and send e-mail
via your television set.
Net Link cames
with a 30-foot
phone cord
that connects to а
standard phone jack
ond Sega's custom Web
browser. An on-screen key-
boord lets you punch up Web sites
and compose e-mail messages. Sega
also sells an adapter that lets you use an
IBM-compatible keyboard ta moke each task
easier. The price: $200 for the Net Link ar $450
for a complete system, which includes o Sega Saturn
system, a Net Link modem, a custom keyboard and the
Sega Rally Championship game.
COMING OFF the worst album of his career,
Luther Vandross has a welcome return
to form with his latest, Your Secret Love
(LV/Epic). Vandross is reunited with
producers Nat Adderley Jr. and Marcus
Miller (including a quasi-hip-hop track
that features Spinderella of Salt-N-
Pepa). But most of this project’s best mo-
ments occur when Vandross is at the
With impeccable diction, sweet phras-
ing and his trademark vocal riffs, Van-
dross sings several lush ballads: Crazy
Love, Love Don't Love You Anymore, Nobody
to Love, A real gem is Whether or Not the
World Gets Better, a duet with protégé Lisa
Fischer. He’s a great vocalist.
Chris Isaak's music is so st а that it
seems as if he’s been singing a single
song—onc long, kecning ballad—for his
entire career. It’s tempting, therefore, to
react to Воја Sessions (Reprise) as more of
the same. But that would be wrong. You
can look at Isaak as just a hunk with a
thrilling upper register, but his subtlety
makes his crooning palatable. On Baja
(which was inspired by a journey to the
Mexican peninsula), Isaak sings the
corny bachelor-pad ballads (South of the
Border, Yellow Bird) with which he’s al-
ways flirted. He even tries Only the Lone-
ly, risking direct comparison with Roy
Orbison. Yet if you believe that music is
mainly emotional, Baja's effortless rhyth-
mic flow and lush melodicism constitute
a triumph. 5
Punk has now been around so long
that its finest practitioners have come
back. Social Distortion, the L.A.-based
band led by Mike Ness, never quit mak-
ing music, but Ness headed in a tradi-
tional rock direction for a couple of al-
bums. White Light, White Heat, White Trash
(Epic) slams its way back into punk at its
hardest. Ness has always been a terrific
singer and songwriter, and the side trip
to his roots only sharpened his craft.
Dear Lover and Gotta Know the Rules are as
good as the best Social D has ever done
On Back Room Blood (Genes/Adelphi)
Gerry Goffin sings weird but true—what
else would we expect from the guy who
wrote the lyrics to Up on the Roof, Will You
Still Love Me Tomorrow? and all the other
classics he created with Carole King?
If you've been thinking that Mor-
phine—with its saxophone, two-string
bass and drums—must be a piece of cal-
culatedly weird, postmodern fecal mat-
ter loved only by critics, don’t think that
= Tet
Vandross’ Secret Love.
Luther and Chris croon,
Koerner, Ray and Glover groove
and DJ Shadow samples.
anymore. Like Swimming (Ryko) is a ter-
rific, lowdown, vaguely decadent rock al-
bum with a touch of jazz. “I know a way
to swing on the way downtown,” sings
Mark Sandman, who could give Chris
Isaak steam lessons. You will swing all
the way downtown, and probably get
laid when you get back uptown. What in-
strument sprays more pheromones than
a baritone sax? — CHARLES M. YOUNG
In 1970 Hendrix, Morrison, Town-
shend and Joni Mitchell were the van-
guard of the alternative revolution be-
gun five years before by the Beatles and
Dylan. In the U.S., their Lollapalooza
was called Woodstock, and in the U.K. it
was the Isle of Wight Festival. Messoge to
Love: The Isle of Wight Festival 1970 (Colum-
bia/Legacy) captures exceptional perfor-
mances by rock's young giants. Less than
a month before his death, Jimi Hendrix
turns in his best versions of Voodoo Child
and Foxy Lady. Free delivers a driving All
Right Now and the Who's muscular Young
Man Blues and Naked Eye are first-class.
Dylan, Joni Mitchell and Leonard Co-
hen are superb. But Miles Davis steals
the show with an almost 15-minute-long
Bitches Brew-styled vamp that matches
Hendrix for sheer genius. Unfortunate-
ly, the Doors are unable to light any-
body's fire, and there's lots of self-indul-
gent noodling by a few other bands that
will remind you why punk was a revolu-
tion waiting in the wings.
DJ Shadow (a.k.a. Josh Davis) is a 24-
year-old Californian who's famous in
London for inventing the spacey techno-
derived style known as trip-hop. Armed
with a sampler, a sequencer and moun-
tains of vinyl, Shadow painstakingly cre-
ates music. Some of the 13 dense, varied,
drum-driven tracks on Endtroducing DJ
Shadow (FFRR/Mo' Wax) are less than a
minute in duration, while others are
more than nine, They are not so much
songs as compositions, designed for
headphones rather than dance floors.
‘Tricky made his name, if not his for-
tune, with 1995's downbeat Maxinquaye.
On Pre-Millennium Tension (Island), fame
has made him a little jauntier, and he
writes recognizable songs. But if you
want to hear how meaningful sampled
textures can be, put his bone-üred elec-
tronic sounds up against Shadow's me-
lodic grooves.
If you think this stuff sounds too
weird, you may be ready for the Fet
Shop Boys. Are they mechanical, blood-
less and wimpy? I never thought so. By
now, you should be grateful for their ex-
pert dance beats and indelible tunes. On
their fine new Bilingual (Atlantic), they're
even happy, sometimes.
Sweetback consists of saxophonist-gui-
tarist Stuart Matthewman, keyboardist
Andrew Hale and bassist Paul Spencer
Denman—the band that’s performed
with Sade for more than a decade. This
self-titled debut (Epic) offers a surprising
selection of music. R&B rookie Maxwell,
Sade backup singer Leroy Osbourne
and Groove Theory lead singer Amel
Larrieux provide vocals on several
songs. Much of the album is made up of
hard-to-classify instrumentals that bor-
row from trip-hop, jazz and New Age.
This album isn't Sade without the vocals.
Sweetback is its own idiosyncratic musical
For anyone who cared about the folk—
blues movement of the Sixties, Koerner,
Ray and Glover have recorded their first
album together in 31 years. But even if
you didn't care, give One Foot in the Groove
(Tim Kerr) a listen. Stalwarts in the Twin
Cities scene that produced Bob Dylan,
KR&G recorded several classic albums
that are now collectors’ items. One Foot
has all the charm, and rollicking
affection that made their earlier work
remarkable, but it also has a sense of
mortality. The Dave Ray version of Bill
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Monroe's With Body and Soul, a eulogy
for a dead lover, sends chills up your
spine. Both Ray and Koerner are devas-
tating on the acoustic 12-string, and
Glover (the first great harp player of his
generation) can still blow with the best.
Heretofore, Mike Henderson has
been one of the most underrated honky-
tonk singers in country. First Blood (Dead
Reckoning) marks him as one of the
most underrated white blucsmen, too.
His Pony Blues is so adept that Johnny
Winter might cnvy it, and his Chicago
blues evoke the spirit of Elmore James.
Plus there's Pay Bo Diddley, on which
Henderson and his band pay some dues.
A quarter century ago, Bob Dylan
went to Nashville to work with Johnny
Cash on Nashuille Skyline. Now, Cash
heads to Los Angeles to work with pro-
ducer Rick Rubin for the second time.
Unchained (American) is less bleak than
their first collaboration. Tom Petty and
the Heartbreakers provide discreet
backing as Cash brings the heartfelt
gravity of his amazing voice to tunes by
Beck and Soundgarden, plus Petty's own
Southern Accents. — VIC GARBARINI
Sales of classical music were down 19
percent last year, but not because of a
lack of good opera CDs. Clearly the best
of 1996 was Archiv's release of Claudio
Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea.
Conductor John Eliot Gardiner leads a
remarkable cast that includes soprano
Sylvia McNair. Equally inspiring is mez-
zo-soprano Lorraine Hunt's perfor-
mance in George Frideric Handel's Ario-
donte (Harmonia Mundi), sensitively
directed by Nicholas McGegan. Modest
Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov is probably
the greatest Russian opera. What better
way to hear it than with the chorus and
orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater? BMG.
Classics’ remastering of a titanic 1962
performance does justice to a master-
piece. In Richard Strauss’ Elektra (Tel-
dec), Deborah Polaski masters the work's
vocal and dramatic challenges to create
a character of enormous depth. When
Viktor Ullmann was murdered at
Auschwitz in 1944, the world lost a
tremendous composer. His expressionis-
tic Fall of the Antichrist (CPO) is a powerful
portrayal of tyranny. But if you buy only
‘one opera disc this year, make it James
Levine's 25th Anniversary Metropolitan Opera
Gala (Deutsche Grammophon). An all-
star aggregation including the won-
derful Renée Fleming and Bryn Terfel—
celebrates the conductor's tenure with
DJ Shadow
Endtroducing DJ
Chris Isaak
Војо Sessions
Koerner, Ray and
One Foot in the
‘Message to Love: The
Isle of Wight Festi-
vol 1970
Luther Vandross
Your Secret Love
MENT: Jackson Browne, Roseanne Cash,
Bruce Cockburn and Carly Simon, among
others, performed on the world's first
environmentally friendly guitars at a
concert to benefit the Rainforest
Alliance. The performers played Gib-
son Smartwood guitars that are made
of wood harvested without jeopardiz-
ing forests Rut how do the guitars
play a rocker in an indie thriller called
Black Circle Boys. . . . The next Steven
Seagal feature, Fire Down Below, co-
stars Kris Kristofferson, Levon Helm and
Mark Collie. It vill be out this summer.
NEWSBREAKS: Don't Stop the Carnival,
the musical collaboration between
Jimmy Buffett and author Herman Wouk,
will premiere in Miami in April. If it
goes well, it's sure to end up on
Broadway. . . . We caught a Chicago
production of Randy Newman's Faust,
also preparing for a possible Broad-
way run. We were disappointed with
everybody but the devil himself. The
CD has it all over the show. . . . Paul
and Linda McCartney got a lifetime
achievement award from PETA hon-
oring their longtime campaign for
vegetarianism. . . . Rancid begins
recording its next album this month.
The Jimi Hendrix Festival, originally
scheduled for fall 1996 in New York,
has been rescheduled for this spring.
Expect an all-star tribute concert as
part of the festivities. . . . Rent's Daphne
Rubin-Vega has recorded her solo CD
for release in mid-1997. . . . A reunion
concert with the three surviving mem-
bers of Led Zep and Jason Bonham is in
the works for England this summer, It
will be held at Knebworth County
Park, the site of the band’s last perfor-
mance in 1979. No firm dates yet. . . -
A book publisher claims he has a Bea-
tles book—a kind of oral history by the
three surviving members and Yoko.
He plans a 500,000-copy first edition
of The Bible on the Beatles for next Oc-
tober. . . . Look for the new Live CD
any day now. . . . A rock-and-roll auc-
tion held last fall in Newport Reach,
California included the following
items: Kurt Cobain's discharge papers
from a rehab center, Elvis’ white jump-
suit, a Les Poul guitar signed by Guns n*
Roses and Stevie Ray Vaughan's set list
from his final concert. . . . It is alto-
gether possible that you haven't heard
of the Chinery Collection of premiere
vintage guitars. So look for the coffec-
table book The Chinery Collection: 150
Years of American Guitars, and a CD re-
lease, Masterpiece Guitars, featuring
jazz guitarist Martin Taylor and Yes’
‘Steve Howe. And check out the exhibit
at the Smithsonian of 50 guitars from
the collection. (Scott Chinery is a 36-
year-old collector who says, “The gui-
tar is one of America's art forms.") . . .
The largest collection of Hank Williams
memorabilia is on display in Nashville
at the Country Music Hall of Fame
and Museum and includes costumes,
original song manuscripts and rare
artifacts—all owned by Marty Stuart. . . .
We don't usually make a fuss about
Chicago music, but thanks to Frankie
Knuckles, house music is associated
with Chicago all over the world. A fine
new CD, The House That Trax Built,
will get you going with the likes of
Frankie, Marshall Jefferson and Jamie
Principle. For more on Trax, write 932
W. 38th Place, Chicago, IL 60609.
CZECH-BORN director Milos Forman, a
two-time Oscar winner (for One Flew
Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Amadeus),
should reap new honors with The People
vs. Lorry Flynt (Columbia). From a screen-
play seething with humor, drama and
social relevance (co-authored by Scott
Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, the
team that wrote Ed Wood), Forman has
wrought an ultrapop masterpiece about
the controversial publisher of Hustler.
Here, Flynt's stormy career in defense
of First Amendment freedom more
than compensates for his reputation
as a raunchy, uncontrollable eccentric.
Woody Harrelson portrays him as a
“scumbag” (as Flynt calls himself) from
Kentucky who gets rich by building his
Ohio strip clubs into a magazine empire
that blatantly promotes “pussy” shots.
“All I'm guilty of is bad taste,” Flynt pro-
claims while the law closes in. After do-
ing jail time, he is permanently para-
lyzed by an unknown-assailant's bullet
and finally wins his point about censor-
ship in a historic Supreme Court case
against the Reverend Jerry Falwell (who
sued for libel after being mocked in print
by Flynt as having had sex with his own
mother). You don’t have to like Flynt to
admire the film's ultimate defense of
him. He is a schlock merchant, perhaps,
but one ennobled by fierce, unshakable
Caroming through the best role he
has ever had, Harrelson is nearly up-
staged by Courtney Love, who gives
a eringly honest performance as
Flynt's wife, Althea, a drug-addicted sex-
pot. Love is an electrifying screen pres-
ence. There is stunning work by Edward
Norton as Flynt's harassed young lawyer,
particularly his compelling Supreme
Court summation. Also first-rate are
Brett Harrelson (Woody's sibling) as
Flynt's brother Jimmy, Crispin Glover as.
an aide named Arlo and James Crom-
well as Flynt's courtroom nemesis
Charles Keating (the moral crusader lat-
er imprisoned for fraud). That Forman
cast former Clinton strategist James
Carville as a porn prosecutor is more
distracting than helpful. To better effect,
New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani's
wife, Donna Hanover, a TV anchor in
real life, plays evangelist Ruth Carter
Stapleton, who oversees Flynt's brief
conversion to Christianity. Forman
keeps the screen alive with surprises in
the most scintillating and outrageous
message movie of the decade. ¥¥¥¥
Americans abroad are on parade in
The Portrait of a Lady (Gramercy), based on
the Henry James novel about an inde-
Harrelson and Love: In like Flynt.
Defending schlock from censors,
forsaking love for pulp fiction,
and reworking some classics.
pendent young heiress’ romantic misad-
ventures in Еигоре Filmed in Italy and
England but doggedly empha
bleak interiors over regional scenery, the
movie stars Nicole Kidman as the titular
lady, Isabel Archer. She is supported
by John Malkovich, who gives a man-
nered performance as her misogynistic
husband, Gilbert; Barbara Hershey as
the mysterious, conniving Madame
Merle; and Martin Donovan as cousin
Ralph. Also featured are Mary-Louise
Parker, Shelley Winters, Sir John Giel-
gud and Shelley Duvall. Performances
by this illustrious cast are adrift in di-
rector Jane Campion’s strangely
stylized drama, characterized by ex-
treme close-ups, very dim lighting and
tight shots of nervous hands and scurry-
ing feet. After her 1993 triumph with
The Piano, Campion strikes some discor-
dant notes here and makes James classic
Portrait pretty dull. ¥¥
А true story of unrequited love be-
tween a young schoolteacher named
Novalyne Price and writer Robert E.
Howard unfolds at a leisurely pace in The
Whole Wide World (Sony Classics). How-
ard—a pioneer author of pulp fiction—
created the barbarian superhero Conan
and achieved fame writing for Weird
Tales. In 1936, as portrayed with a nice
blend of bumptiousness and bravura by
Vincent D'Onofrio, he's just an aspiring
Texas egomaniac, devoted to selling far-
out adventure yarns and caring for his
sick mother (Ann Wedgeworth). Direc-
tor Dan Ireland's first feature follows the
memoir One Who Walked Alone, written
decades after the fact by Price. In that
role, as the plucky young woman who
can't wring a commitment from the elu-
sive man she loves, Renee Zellweger is
bright, feisty and forlorn. It's a fine per-
formance in an overlong movie that pro-
jects real emotional pain but would seem
far-fetched as fiction. УУУ»
The full text of Shakespeare's Hamler
(Columbia/Castle Rock) consumes more
than four hours of screen time in the
film version directed by Kenneth Bra-
nagh, who also adapted and stars in this
sumptuous new production. Branagh
assembled a great Anglo-American cast,
assigning relatively minor roles to such
big names as Jack Lemmon (the guard
Marcellus), Charlton Heston (the Player
King), Billy Crystal (the gravedigger)
and Robin Williams (as the foppish
Osric). All provide solid backup to stel-
lar stints by Julie Christie as Queen
Gertrude, Kate Winslet Ophelia,
Derek Jacobi as Claudius, Michael
Maloney as Laertes and Richard Briers
as Polonius. Hamlet was shot both in
Blenheim Palace and on elegant sets that
are like no Elsinore in memory. Bra-
nagh's performance in the title role
ranges from over-the-top to under-
played, but his Hamlet is volatile and
passionate. Several tasteful nude scenes
leave little doubt that the Danish prince
had done a fair share of fooling around
with the doomed Ophelia. Despite the
estimable Hamlets preceding it on the big
screen (Olivier's in 1948, Mel Gibson's
in 1990), Branagh’s is definitely one for
the books. ¥¥¥¥
Sex, infidelity, espionage and betrayal
are powerfully interwoven in The English
Patient (Miramax), a lush romantic epic
of the old school. Adapted by writer-di-
rector Anthony Minghella from Michael
Ondaatje’s Booker Prize-winning novel,
the film moves from Italy to north Africa
in the years before and immediately af-
ter World War Two. England's Ralph
Fiennes boosts his leading-man status in
the title role as Almásy, an explorer and
linguist whose rash, clandestine affair
with a colleague's wife is the movie's
main event. As the wife, Kristin Scott
Thomas projects the vintage movie-star
glamour ofa Bergman or a Dietrich, and
her scenes with Fiennes are sexually
Following a plane crash in the Sahara
that leaves him badly burned, Almásy is
cared for by a Canadian nurse named
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Unger: On a Crash course.
She has been compared to Ba-
call and Bardot. But Deborah
Unger, at 30—blonde and beauti-
ful, with a voice like crushed vel-
vet—carves out her own niche in
David Cronenberg's controversial
Crash. The movie shook up the
Cannes Festival with its portrait of
auto-erotic characters turned on
by car smash-ups, leg braces and
scar tissue, Variety hailed Unger for
her performance as James Spa-
der's wife, who “most perfectly per-
sonifies the film's prevailing sense
of cool and daring.” Since then,
Unger has been promoting Crash
from Hamburg to Tokyo, calling it
“metaphorical.” She admits, how-
ever: “I was initially terrified by
the script, because I didn’t under-
stand it. But it’s really not about
sex. The theme is isolation, about
people trying to connect in an age
of cars, computers and phones.”
Unger was born in Canada and
spent several years in Australia at
its prestigious National Institute of
Dramatic Arts. She debuted in the
U.S. with a bang as an erotically
supercharged psychiatric patient
has teamed sis Spader again in a
movie titled Tornado. She's James
Russo's wife in No Way Home, in
which she is tempted into a love
triangle with Tim Roth (“I don't
have favorite roles, but I loved t
one"), and is currently shooting
The Game, which co-stars Michael
Douglas and Sean Penn.
Unger calls herself “a nomad,
living not far from the D in the
Hollywood sign.” If she has a role
model, “it's Gena Rowlands, a no-
b.s. femme, or maybe Grace Kelly
or Bette Davis.” Unquestionably
ambitious, she sees herself as a shy,
private person offscreen. “I don’t
have a klieg-light sort of social life;
no one has knelt in front of me
to profess undying love. Anyway,
I'm too busy to care. And I’m get-
ting scripts from some interesting
Hana in a deserted Italian monastery as
the war ends. Warmly played by Juliette
Binoche, Hana fears that everyone she
loves is doomed to die. Her own story in-
volves a fling with a Sikh demolition ex-
pert named Kip (Naveen Andrews) and
friendship with a professed thief and con
man (Willem Dafoe) who believes the
scarred, supposedly amnesiac English-
man may have been a wartime spy. The
truth emerges in flashbacks to Almásy's
obsession with a woman he can't have.
Overall, The English Patient is novelistic to
a fault and requires close attention at
times. But for literate viewers—meaning
any who don't let references to prim-
itive art and the writings of Herodo-
tus cool their blood—the film pays off
with its love stories connected by in-
trigue and headlong desire. УУУУ
Class war underlies La Cérémonie (New
Yorker Films), a fine-tuned French thrill-
er by writer-director Claude Chabrol.
The title refers to pre-execution rituals,
and the plot concerns three women
brought together in a deadly game.
Jacqueline Bisset is Catherine, a wife and
mother running an elegant chateau and
in need of an efficient housekeeper. She
unwittingly hires a prim young psychot-
ic named Sophie (Sandrine Bonnaire),
who seems almost too perfect. Sophie’s
hidden agenda doesn’t surface until she
strikes up an acquaintance with Jeanne
(Isabelle Huppert), a deranged post-
mistress in the nearby village who was
once acquitted of murdering her own
child. Jeanne detests Catherine's well-to-
do husband (Jean-Pierre Cassell) and
sets the stage for a chilling act of
vengeance. Chabrol coolly lays out the.
plot's fearsome inevitability, under-
played brilliantly by Bonnaire and Hup-
pert. This is subversive shock treatment.
for the stouthearted. ¥¥¥
A topflight cast gives a big boost to
Blood and Wine (Fox Searchlight), which
would otherwise be a standard B movie.
But with Jack Nicholson and Judy Davis
as a dysfunctional married pair, Stephen
Dorff as Nicholson’s alienated stepson
and Michael Caine as his unstable part-
ner in crime, director Bob Rafelson’s
drama about murder, robbery and pur-
suit is darkly comic. Nicholson plays a
dealer in expensive wines, plotting to
pay off some debts by stealing a jeweled
necklace from a rich client. He also plans
to fly away with his sexy mistress (Jen-
nifer Lopez), who works for the client.
gs get complicated when his wife
begins to suspect and his stepson gets a
look at the mistress, while his terminally
ill cohort (Caine) fumes at the ama-
teurism of the heist. The actors play a
middling tale for much more than it's
worth, upgrading Blood and Wine with
good vintage flavor. ¥¥/2
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
Albino Alligator (Reviewed 1/97) Kevin
Spacey's directorial debut is a hellish
tale of hostages in harm's way. УЗУ:
Blood and Wine (See review) Nicholson
and class-A cast beef up a vin ordinaire
B-movie plot. y
Breaking the Waves (12/96) Paralyzed
man’s wife cheers him up with her
sexploits. wy
la Cérémonie (See review) Chilling
Chabrol tale of mass murder in a
French chateau. wy
Citizen Ruth (1/97) Laura Dern is
exhibit A in a satirical battle about
abortion. wy
The Crucible (1/97) The witches of
Salem revisited, with Daniel Day-
Lewis and Joan Allen in Arthur Mil-
ler's classic. УУУУ
The English Patient (See review) Rich
romantic saga stars Ralph Fiennes
and Kristin Scott Thomas, and there's
been nothing like it lately. EM
Everyone Says I Love You (1/97) Woody
goes musical in a minor key. yvy
Hamlet (See review) A spectacular ver-
sion by Branagh. УУУУ
Im Not Rappaport (12/96) Geriatric
drollery, but better as a stage play. VY
Margaret’s Museum (Listed only) Ugh!
You won't believe what's on display. Y
Mother (1/96) Albert Brooks directs
himself and Debbie Reynolds in a
dry, funny fable about a man running
home to his mom. wy
The People vs. Larry Flynt (See review)
The First Amendment defended in
Milos Forman's brilliant, timely black
comedy. yyy
The Portrait of а Lady (See review)
Nicole Kidman, oddly framed by
Jane Campion. YY
Ridicule (1/97) Wicked, courtly mind
games at Versailles during Louis
XVI's reign. yyy
Shine (1/97) Enthralling, mostly true
Australian drama about a mad piano
virtuoso's meteoric career. УУУУ
Sling Blade (1/97) Poignant portrait
of a well-meaning murderer whose
homecoming seems headed for a re-
peat performance. wy
Some Mother’s Son (11/96) In jail, wild
Irish rebels stage a hunger strike. ¥¥¥
The Substance of Fire (1/97) Family feud
about book publishing. wy
The Whole Wide World (Scc review)
A pulp author and the woman who
got away. ¥2
To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (12/96)
Michelle Pfeiffer is Peter Gallagher’s
late wife, gone but definitely not
forgotten. Wir |
YY Worth a look |
Y Forget it
УУУУ Don't miss
¥¥¥ Good show
"Video is the only
practical way to
watch movies over
and over," says Rich-
ard Linklater, director
of Slacker and Dazed
and Confused and
artistic director of the
Austin Film Society.
So what frequents the Gen-X expert's re-
play menu? “Melodramatic films from the
Fifties with obsessive characters like Ar-
turo de Cordova in El. He's a paranoid who
first falls for his love's foot." Also оп Link-
later’s list of must-see performances:
Robert Mitchum's religious fanatic in Might
of the Hunter, James Mason's drug-terror-
ized teacher in Bigger Than Life and Rock
Hudson's dipsomaniacal degenerate
turned eye surgeon in Magnificent Obses-
sion. With such a highly charged lineup
of favorites, is there anything he can't
stomach? “Nothing, really. | even liked
Showgirls.” — nic tectum
A&E Home Video does not live by its Bi-
ography series alone. Now from kid-sister
subsidiary the History Channel comes
Ching Rising ($49.95), a three-tape crash
course on the sleeping giant—from the
glamour of Twenties Shanghai to Mao's
cultural revolution to the country’s rise
as an economic colossus. Call 800-708-
1776. . . . Paramount Home Video
would like to remind you that before
"Tom Cruise came along, Mission: Impossi-
ble was doing just fine. Now available, a
six-volume sampling ($9.95 each) from
the spy show's 1966-1973 run. Cast in-
cludes the usual gang—Martin Landau,
Barbara Bain, Peter Graves, Greg Mor-
ris and Peter Lupus—and a surpri
ing batch of then-unknown supporting
players, among them Ed Asner, Martin
Sheen and Star Trek's George Takei.
Don't get mad, get a movie. Here are
some films in which revenge is sweet:
Unforgiven (1992): Gunslinger Clint East-
wood comes out of retirement to stand
up for Wild West hookers done wrong.
Oscars all around—including one for di-
rector Eastwood.
Walking Tall (1973): Southern sheriff Bu-
ford Pusser (Joe Don Baker) takes a
whack at political corruption—with a
Louisville Slugger—in this gritty true
tale turned box-office sleeper.
Death Wish (1974): A New York architect
(Charles Bronson) turns vigilante to
avenge daughter's rape and wife's rape-
murder. Look for Jeff Goldblum in his
film debut—as a mugger.
Billy Jack (1971): Half-breed pacifist
(yeah, right) Tom Laughlin protects
small town from smaller-minded bigots.
Best bit: Billy delivers a “can’t we all get
along” speech while busting heads.
Rocky Ш (1982): In this go-round as the
Italian Stallion, Stallone pummels Mr. T
for scaring manager Burgess Meredith
to death. Sure, the plot’s a little hokey—
but so is Mr. T.
Southern Comfort (1981): Arrogant Nation-
al Guardsmen get their comeuppance
from angry Cajun woodsmen in the Bay-
ov. Didn't they see Deliverance?
White (1993): Sexy hairdresser Julie Del-
py dumps her limp-willy husband; he
fakes his death, gives her the boink of
her life, then frames her for his murder.
From Kicslowski's Three Colors trilogy.
She-Devil (1989): Roseanne does the first-
wives-club thing, methodically wrecking
the lives of her ex and his romance noy-
list lover, Meryl Streep. Classic perfor-
mances by both women.
Strow Dogs (1971): Wimpy mathemati-
cian Dustin Hoffman and British wife
Susan George settle the score with vil-
lage thugs the Sam Peckinpah way—
with lots of gore.
Tombstone (1993): Nary a Clanton nor in-
nocent bystander is left standing when
Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and Doc Hol-
liday (Val Kilmer) finish their orgy of
reprisal. Old tale refreshingly retold.
Revenge of the Nerds (1984): Brainy col-
lege geeks strike back. Their best re-
venge? Two sequels. —BUZZ MCCLAIN
In Justin Sterling's
Head Trip, an ordi-
nary Joe is visited by
his lusty childhood-
fantasy dream girl
(Shayla La Veaux),
who proceeds to
mess with his sex life. Lots of fiery action,
kicked off by T.T. Boy's landmark opening-
scene fuckathon. Oh, yeah, have a hot
Valentine's Day.
After years of promises, Voyager's Crite-
rion Collection edition of Terry Gilliam's
technology-hell parable, Brazil (1985),
has finally arrived in stores. Among the
bells and whistles on the five-platter set:
commentary by Gilliam, additional
footage, leuerboxing and a fine, 100-
minute documentary on the movie's pe-
culiar history, narrated by Newsday's Jack
Mathews. . . . Image Entertainment has
released its Russ Meyer Signature Col-
lection (with Meyer autographs on the
first 2500 boxes). Package includes the
big-bust-cinema pioneer's trio of vixen
films—Vixen, Supervixens and Beneath the
Valley of the Ultravixens—along with a
“treasure chest” of supplementary mate-
rials, including Meyer's characteristically
colorful ruminations on the audio track.
Wide-screen editions? As wide as they
need to be. —GREGORY P. FAGAN
A Time to Kill (lawyer McConaughey defends S.L. Jacksan
for killing daughter's rapists; taut,
well-acted Grisham),
Couroge Under Fire (Denzel tries ta prove Gulf war casualty
| Meg Ryan merits a medal; intense but predictable).
The Frighteners (ghostbuster M.J. Fox gets in cahaots with
spooks, then faces a murderous spirit; decent FX), Phenome-
non (weird heavenly light turns regular guy into freaky ge-
nius; Travolta's charm softens the preuchiness).
Label-conscious duffers who stocked their closets with design-
er golf threads last spring can now pick up status bags to
match. For $1600, Salvatore Ferragamo offers a navy blue cot-
ton golf bag with a leather strap and trim, gold-tone hardware
anda golf club print (below at right). Italian designer Luciano
Barbera, known for luxurious tailored sportswear, offers a wa-
ter-repellent beluga caviar-grain calfskin bag
in natural (center) or black, with
wood covers and leather straps
{about $2200). There’s
also a Giorgio Armani
bag in black nylon canvas
with brown leather ac-
cents ($1085) and a spe-
cial-order Louis Vuitton
bag ($3000). At Burber-
rys, nylon-and-polyester
models come in standard
(8365) and tournament
size ($485), in the signa-
ture camel plaid (pictured
far left) or navy plaid. For
those who carry their
clubs, Ralph Lauren's
navy nylon bag is light-
weight, stands up by itself
and hasa mesh water-bot-
tle pocket ($145). And at
Barneys, you can get a va-
riety of patterned bags in
leather or canvas ($295
to $695). The store's most
expensive—and at-
tractive—model is black calfskin trimmed in brown
saddle leather with matching head covers.
When vacationing in the wopics, you need versatile
separates that travel well and don't wrinkle. Try Tom-
my Hilfiger's zip-front, silver-lined windbreaker in
red, yellow, black or blue ($110). Equally colorful are
Gene Meyer's silk shirts, which come in icy blue and sil-
ver with bubble or teardrop prints ($135). Meyer also of-
fers cotton-and-Lycra knits in apple green, sky blue, man-
go or navy ($140). For dining outdoors, pair an ivory
cotton terry sports jacket from Perry Ellis ($155) with
DKNY's slim-fitting, stretch-cotton chinos in black, kha-
ki, sand or navy ($115). Nicole Farhi's long-sleeved pull-
over in navy and white nautical stripes ($97) is another
terry wearable that won't wrinkle. On cool nights, try a
long-sleeved V-neck pullover from CK Calvin Klein in
dusty blue, yellow, orange sherbet, black or white ($115).
Kapahulu Avenue in Honolulu is a laid-back area on the edge
of Waikiki that’s brimming with shops, restaurants and coffee-
houses. Bailey's An-
tiques and Aloha
Shirts (517 Kapahu-
lu Ave.): The world's Bill Maher, host of ABC’s Politically
largest collection Incorrect, has a style that’s as eclec-
of Hawaiian shirts, tic as his guest list. On the air, he
plus vintage Nikes, wears Armani three-
records and mar- button suits because
Er O ошл “they have a nice cut.”
E CEE Re Off camera, he takes
pahulu Ave.): Kay- his fashion cues from
TV sitcoms. “I get
my pants at American
aks and canoes,
paddling shorts,
Rag in Los Angeles,"
he says. “Kind of a
sun hats and other
Laura Petrie look." His
outdoorsy items. €
Soccer Locker (611
Kapahulu Ave.): Soc- favorite baseball cap is
from the 100th taping
of Martin. "Can you
cer equipment from
around the world,
including brightly imagine a less historic
colored EINE д3 event to commemo-
seys—a hot street ст” Maher also owns two tuxcs—
style. e Sumo Con- from Armani and Hugo Boss—but
nection (525 Ka- they don't measure up to his furry
pahulu Ave): Caps, Icopard-pattern pants with a red
Tshirts, towels, golf devil on the back pocket (also from
American Rag), worn with, he dead-
pans, “a smoking jacket.”
balls and tees, all
with a sumo wrestler
logo. * Island Golf
(404 Kapahulu
Ave.): Look for shoes, clubs and clothes at this pro
shop at the Alawai golf course, one of the most popu-
Jar links in America.
Whether this year’s spring break takes you to the
| slopes or the beaches, the sun is sure to greet you.
To ward off damaging UV rays, make sure you
pack a double-duty moisturizer with sunscreen.
Some of our favorites: Chanel Technique Pour
Homme AHA+ High Performance Moisture
Formula with SPF 8 and alpha-hydroxy acid to
help slough off dead skin. Bijan's Face Saver has
AHAs and SPF 6, plus soothing extracts of citrus,
apple and green tea. Kenzo's Outdoor Moisturiz-
ing Cream has the designer's sandalwood scent and
a light sunscreen. For stronger protection, try Neu-
trogena's fragrance-free and vitamin-rich Healthy з
Skin With SPF 15 or Face Stockholm's unscented SPF ;
Moisture Cream with aloe vera and shea butter. {
| OUT |
Dressy looks such as tone-on-tone jecquards;
iridescent toffeta; shiny silk satin
Solids; cigar motifs; color-blocked and neat
patterns in bright citrus colors
“Casual Fridoy” knits; nubby linen or wool;
flimsy cotton twill
Paisleys; floral patterns; animal motifs; sub-
dued shodes such as forest green and maroon
With a Windsor knot on a spread collar;
Casino-style with a matching shirt and tie
Bow ties during the day; advertising your
favorite sports or cartoon charocter
Where & How Ic Buy on робе 169.
THE 1950
Start with a '50 Mercury, one of the most
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Shave the nose and rear deck until they're
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work, and then add a pair of chrome-
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The 1950 Mercury Custom is available
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IN Abbreviating Ernie (Villard), by Peter
Lefcourt, Audrey Haas’ husband Ernie
is a cross-dressing urologist from Sche-
nectady who shackles her to the stove,
then inconveniently dies of a heart at-
tack while performing his marital du-
ties. In handcuffs, impaled on her dead
husband's still-erect penis and pinned
against the antique O'Keefe & Merritt,
Audrey has no choice but to amputate
his member in order to save her own life.
The cops find these circumstances sus-
picious. After Audrey is accused of mur-
der and dismemberment, her court case
turns her into a celebrity and sets off a
frenzy oF TV and newspaper coverage.
Lefcourt uses Audrey's prosecution as a
platform for a hilarious send-up of tab-
loid justice and trial by media.
The Unlikely Spy (Villard), by Daniel Sil-
va: A first novel of remarkable ingenuity
and daring that reignites our enthusi-
asm for World War Two skulduggery.
Alfred Vicary, professor of history at
University College London, is recruited
by his friend Winston Churchill to serve
in MIS as director of a secret project to
convince the Nazi high command that
the Allied invasion of France will land at
Calais, not Normandy. His counterpart
in Germany is a man named Kurt Vogel,
who is assigned to discover the truth
about the invasion from the Nazi spy
network in London. If Vicary succeeds,
the Allies win the war; if he fails, the
Nazis will repel the invasion forces.
Beneath the traditional duel of spy vs.
counterspy are layers of conflict and un-
certainty familiar to readers of le Carré.
Vicary becomes suspicious that his di-
rect superior is withholding or tainting
information. The ruthless German spy
known as Catherine Blake— Vogel's
finest student—begins to fall in love with
her target, an American engineer de-
signing an artifical harbor for the inva-
sion. This isa book that will stick in your
imagination long after you have figured
out where all the pieces fit.
Buckley: The Right Word (Random
House), by William Е Buckley Jr., edited
by Samuel S. Vaughan: Few writers wield
the English language as skillfully as
Buckley. Vaughan, Buckley's longtime
editor, has selected examples from Buck-
ley's essays, interviews, ripostes, letters
and longer works of fiction and nonfic-
tion that demonstrate the rich possibili-
ties of our language.
Conflicting Accounts: The Creation and
Crash of the Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Em-
pire (Simon & Schuster), by Kevin Gold-
man: In the Eighties, Maurice and
Charles Saatchi assembled one of the
world’s premiere advertising agencies.
26 By 1995 Maurice was terminated from
S ut
Lefcourt's Abbreviating Erie.
Cutting Ernie short, Buckley's
highfalutin words and Mosley's
prequel to the Easy Rawlins series.
his position as chairman of Saatchi &
Saatchi PLC. Months later, it was pay-
back time: A vengeful Maurice started a
rival firm and began stealing clients
from his brother. Wall Street Journal
writer Goldman tells the tale and holds
up an extremely unflattering mirror to
Madison Avenue
Trunk Music (Little, Brown), by Michael
Connelly: The title is copspeak for a
Mafia hit, and this one is a classic. A Hol-
lywood producer has been found in the
trunk of his Rolls-Royce with two bullet
holes in his cranium, the victim of a pro-
fessional execution. Well-scasoned LAPD
homicide detective Harry Bosch begins
making headway on the case, but after
he follows a money trail to Las Vegas, he
is mysteriously reassigned. Undeterred,
he continues to investigate despite indi-
cators that he’s headed into danger.
The Last Banner (Simon & Schuster), by
Peter May: The 1985-1986 Boston Cel-
tics stand as one of the greatest teams in
NBA history—even Bulls and Lakers
fans grudgingly acknowledge the finesse
and polish of the team that went 40-1 in
the old Boston Garden. May, an un-
abashed Celtics fan, tells the story of a
great team that reinvented itself after a
heartbreaking loss to the 1984-1985
Lakers to capture the NBA title and pass
into basketball legend.
High-Heel Blue (Simon & Schuster), by
Diane K. Shah: Brenden Harlow is a fe-
male Metro detective pulling decoy duty
in an effort to catch a serial killer who
has been terrorizing women at ATMs
across southern California. With her
marriage in tatters and her drinking get-
ting out of hand, Brenden starts to re-
ceive threatening phone calls on her an-
swering machine from someone who
scems to know her every move.
Gone Fishin' (Black Classic Press), by
Walter Mosley: Mystery novelist Mosley
shares the prequel to his Easy Rawlins
series with us, ending the speculation
about how Easy and Mouse started out
together. As they take the car trip from
hell, you'll want to be riding shotgun.
Dennis Rodman, fashion model, movie
star and sometime Chicago Bulls player,
scored a slam dunk with his autobiogra-
phy, Bad As I Wanna Be. The best-selling
author is planning two more books for
Delacorte Press this year. The first, Rod-
man Rules, will be a guide to living un-
conventionally that is due in May, and
for the holidays is an annotated portfolio
of intimate photographs—presumably
featuring hairdos of many colors. . . .
Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy have had
their hits, but no novelist has been con-
sistently hotter at the box office than
John Grisham. Coming soon from Para-
mount is The Rainmaker, and after that,
The Runaway Jury, which was bought by
Warner Bros. for $8 million. . . . The suc-
cess of the Stephen King serialization of
The Green Mile has inspired fellow liter-
ary terrorist John Saul to try the same
stunt this month with The Blackstone
Chronicles. The story focuses on Saul's fa-
vorite ill-fated fictional town, where
leading citizens receive mysterious, dan-
gerous gifts. Each of the six 96-page in-
stallments from Ballantine will cost
$2.99. . . . The Independent Reader
(http://www.independentreader.com) is
a new Internet site created by 13 large
independent bookstores to provide
readers with an alternative to best-seller
lists. Each store will recommend five ti-
Чез a month, with reviews, author bi-
ographies and related information. .. .A
steamy tell-all has been optioned for a
four-hour ABC-TV Hallmark miniseries.
The Memoirs of Cleopatra, a 1700-page
novel by Margaret George, will be pub-
lished by St. Martin's this summer. . . .
We've always liked Jonathan Kellermar's
detective novels featuring child psychol-
ogist Alex Delaware. Rumor has it that
Random House has just paid $4 million
per book for a five-book deal to lure the
author away from his longtime pu
er, Bantam. But Kellerman is so prolific
that Random House will have to wait un-
til Bantam finishes bringing out his 11th
and 12th novels this year and next.
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Enjoy Red Label Responsibly
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Johns Walker Red Lebel”, Blended Scotch Whey.
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Unless you've just returned from a Jupiter probe you've
probably encountered DHEA, the hyped Miracle-Gro for hu-
mans. It's been touted to improve mood, increase sex drive,
cut cancer risk and promote longevity. And it’s legal.
It also may not be totally
safe. DHEA is a steroid hor-
mone produced by the
adrenal glands, which sit
just above the kidneys. As
with any sex-hormone ther-
apy, risks from taking
DHEA supplements include
facial hair on women and
enlarged breasts for men.
More important, there have
been no long-term studies
on humans to establish
DHEX's efficacy and safety.
A recent Northwestern Uni-
versity study found that rats
developed liver cancer after
they were fed DHEA for a
year and a half. The giant health-food chain Whole Foods
Market does not stock DHEA because of the current lack ofin-
formation about the hormone's long-term effect on humans.
Melatonin, another popular hormonal supplement (secret-
ed naturally by the pineal gland), has been readily available
longer and is probably safer. Doctors, by the way, can now test
whether you're DHEA-de-
ficient. If you're not, why
mess with mother nature?
"The Versaclimber is
all the rage in Holly-
wood. Bruce and
Demi owe their buff
bods to regular
workouts on it.
Tom Hanks and
Warren Beatty are loyal
users; so are Michelle
Pfeiffer and Madonna.
And several actors, in-
cluding Tom Cruise and Sylvester Stallone, are so addicted
they demand the contraption on movie sets. What's the ap-
peal? A Versaclimber workout is kind of like climbing a lad-
der—to the moon. The machine stands more than seven feet
tall with grips and pedals for the handsand feet. Once you get
going you can burn 1000 calories an hour. It’s challenging—
and more fun than it sounds. ‘Try it at top health clubs or, if
your ceiling permits, pick up the home version. Prices range
from about $1400 for an entry-level home model to $3650 for
the deluxe club machine with a heart-rate monitor,
Cruise: Far ond away buff.
Sitting immobilized in front of your computer may not
seem the best strategy to get fit, but there's a mother lode of
health information online. Our nod goes to Fitness Link
(www.fitnesslink.com), a comprehensive guide to wellness on
the Web featuring workout and nutrition info, articles, prod-
28 uct reviews and links to hundreds of other health- and exer-
cise-related sites.
Wondering if you
packed on a few ex-
tra pounds over the
holidays? Plug in
your height, weight
and activity level
to the nutritional
profile at Cyberdiet
com) and this inter-
active dietitian will
calculate your ideal
weight and offer a
specific plan that will help you achieve it.
For brain fitness, follow the fascinating work on the human
gene map, the international effort to identify the tens of thou-
sands of genes in the human genome—all the genetic materi-
al inside a human cell. The project's scope has been compared
to putting a man on the moon. It's an unprecedented chance
to monitor research on disease—and receive late-breaking da-
ta. Find it at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/science96,
Congratulations if you're one of the 20 million Americans
headed to a health club this year. You should also know that
physical activity can increase your need for certain nutrients.
Three grams of vitamin C taken daily by 25 test subjects re-
duced muscle soreness after exertion by up to 44 percent. It
was particularly helpful to the calf muscles. German scientists
found vitamin F reduces DNA damage when given 14 days
prior to exercise. min E is also handy for skiers who want
to maximize their performances at high altitudes. Mean-
while, a Dutch study reports that men who don't get
enough B vitamins suffer lower aerobic power and lower
oxygen consumption. The message is clear: Stop by the
vitamin counter.
Q My wife has had trouble getting pregnant. Now my
doctor tells me I have a varicocele and need surgery.
What's the deal?
A: The good news is, you have a readily fixable prob-
lem. The better news is that it’s become even
easier to fix.
Varicoceles, which are enlarged veins
in the scrotum, are a leading cause of
male infertility. No one knows precisely
why—presumably the condition affects the
quality of sperm. In the past, the repair of
these vessels required elaborate surgery. Now
there’s a technique in which a catheter is
threaded through a vein to the groin and a
clotting agent is injected under X-ray guid-
ance. The new procedure, usually performed
by a radiologist, means less pain, no hospitaliza-
tion, litle or no recuperation time and a price
that may be less than half the cost of surgery.
You may want to practice pronouncing the
name before you debrief your doctor. It’s called
percutaneous varicocele occlusion.
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Пеп Fein and Sherrie Schneider,
authors of a best-selling book
called The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for
Capturing the Heart of Mr. were on
Imus in the Morning last October. Rarely
have I seen Don Imus intimidated by
anybody, but this day he was. Fein and
Schneider were talking his headphones
off. “These two women are absolutely
out of control,” Imus finally griped.
I began shouting at my TV. “Take back
the morning, I-Man,” I yelled. “These
chicks are breaking one of their own
rules right now, so call them on it." I was
referring to rule three in The Rules
("Don't Stare at Men or Talk Too
Much”), which explains to women how
to exploit the typical male: “If you're
smart, you'll stay cool and just listen to
what he says. He'll think you're interest-
ing and mysterious.”
“What are The Rules?” the authors ask.
“The purpose of The Rules is to make Mr.
Right obsessed with having you as his by
making yourself seem unattainable. In
plain language. we're talking about play-
ing hard to get!”
Playing hard to get, feigning disinter-
est, fooling men—these are the funda-
mental lessons of The Rules. In other
words, the Nineties may be almost over,
but the 21st century is nowhere in
“It’s an old-fashioned formula, but
ally works,” say Fein and Schneider.
The Rules contains 35 rules for female
behavior. Here are a few of my favorites:
Rule One: Be a Creature Unlike Any Oth-
er. Awoman should adopt “an attitude, a
sense of confidence and radiance.” All
her movements should be “fluid and
sexy,” and she should remain “demure”
and “mysterious” (there's that word
Rule Two: Don't Talk to a Man First (and
Don't Ask Him to Dance). Why not? Be-
cause you will interfere with “the natural
order of things—namely, that man pur-
sues woman.”
Rule Five: Don't Call Him and Rarely Re-
turn His Calls. “To call men is to pursue
them, and they will immediately know
that you like them and possibly lose
Rule Fourteen: No More Than Casual
Kissing on the First Date. “Keeping it to a
kiss will force him not to think of you as
just a physical object.”
Rule Fifteen: Don’t Rush Into Sex and
Other Rules for Intimacy. “Making him
t re-
30 wait will only increase his desire and will
create more passion when you finally
have sex.”
The beat goes on: Don't live with a
man, don't go dutch on a date, always
end a date first, stop dating him if he
doesn't buy you a romantic gift for your
birthday or Valentine's Day (that’s rule
12!), don't see him more than twice a
week, don't accept a Saturday night date
after Wednesday, always be honest but
mysterious and don't discuss The Rules
with your therapist (“Some therapists
will think The Rules are dishonest and
That would be some smart therapist.
Isn't it time to create a set of rules for
men? Here we are, shy and misunder-
stood human beings, eager for marriage
and commitment, never focused on sex
or sensuality, delicate and modest at
heart, and yet somehow our image has
become tarnished. We are profoundly
misunderstood, and many of us are con-
tinually rejected by women. What fol-
lows, then, are the Rules for Men. Mem-
orize them, live by them and eventually
you will win the affections of Ms. Right:
(1) Never Answer Your Phone and Never
Return Her Calls. This rule will drive her
nuts, but follow it to the letter and she'll
try to break down your door and jump
your bones within the month.
(2) Always Wear a Veil. This may sound
like a radical suggestion to some men,
but it is not. When a man covers half his
face with a veil, he hides many of his true
feelings from the world. He becomes an
object of mystery instead of just another
horny dickhead on the highway of life.
Ms. Right will be tantalized by your veil,
I promise. But watch out if you chew to-
bacco (not a good habit for veil wearers).
(3) Always Carry a Handkerchief to Drop
in Front of the Woman of Your Dreams. This
flirtatious gesture, which must be grace-
ful in its execution, requires no conver-
sation, yet it will show you if she cares for
you. If she docsn't pick up your hankic
and return it, she is not interested in you
(or perhaps she is repulsed by all those
big green boogers that you were saving
in it from last winter).
(4) Never Date Ms. Right More Than
Twice a Yar. Women need to be teased.
They love foreplay. So you turn foreplay
into a semiannual event. Imagine her
level of lust if you haven't seen each oth-
er for six months. Besides, if you are
there all the time for her, she'll get bored
with you.
(5) Demand That She Pay for Everything.
This is the age of the independent
woman. Don't take your wallet on a date.
Don't have any food in your house. If
she invites you to her place for dinner,
bring your own shopping bags so you
can stock up.
(6) While on a Date With Her, Don't
Talk—Not a Word. Women love to talk
and rarely listen to us anyway, so this one
is a no-brainer. Silence is golden and
makes you appear to be a creature unlike
any other.
(7) Don't Look at Her. Pretend She Doesn't
Exist. It may be seventh on my list, but
this rule has gotten more men laid—and
even married—than any other. Women
love being ignored.
(8) Don't Have Sex With Her Until You're
95 Years Old. This is the ultimate in safe-
sex advice. By avoiding physical contact,
you will prove that you love her for her
mind, not her body. In this situation, it's
OK to have a little beaver on the side, of
course—but don't tell Ms. Right. Be-
cause then you might appcar to be an
open-minded man who appreciates
straight and honest signals between men
and women. And that would be a lie,
wouldn't it?
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М, boyfriend and I had а layover of
several hours at a major airport during a
trip with a bunch of other college fresh-
men. While we were browsing the stores,
ме saw some of those private office cubi-
cles called Ziosks. My boyfriend whipped
out a credit card his dad had loaned him
and rented one for three hours (he’s
planning to tell his dad it’s an ice-cream
parlor). Inside were a table, chairs and a
love seat. I closed the blinds on the door
and we stripped off our clothes. He got
on the floor and I lowered myself on top
of him. It was wild! We began telling
each other about all the people and
things going on around us: the meeting
in the Ziosk next door, the people in the
bar watching CNN, travelers getting on
and off planes, the elderly couple we had
been talking to while we had a bite at the
snack bar. It was a real turn-on knowing
that we were screwing our brains out in
the middle of a crowd. Since then we've
tried things such as skinny-dipping in a
farmer's pond in the middle of the day
and fucking in the basement of his par-
ents’ home while his mom was throwing
a wedding shower upstairs. Maybe we're
weird, but we like these risky situations.
Are there any books that might suggest
other things we could try—4 Couple's
Guide to Stupid Sex Tricks or something
like that? Thanks for your help.—L.R.,
Los Angeles, California
You crazy kids. It sounds like you could
write your own book—send us a copy when
you do. In the meantime, you'll find more
ideas for adventure in the Advisor's “365
Ways to Improve Your Sex Life” or Dr. Glenn
Wilson's “Creative Loveplay" (800-423-
9494), which includes photos and descrip-
tions of dozens of steamy sexual fantasies. An
ice-cream parlor? Good luck with that one.
Ils there any sort of database of Advisor
columns? I often recall a question and
answer I'd like to share, but have to
search through a few years’ worth of is-
sues to find it. —C.A., Des Moines, Iowa
Good news: The Playboy Advisor now has
a World Wide Web home page that includes
an archive of the column dating back to
1991. It is organized by subject and search-
able by keyword, and also includes a new sex
trick each day, a list of readers’ most fre-
quently asked questions and instructions on
how to reach the Advisor online. You can ac-
cess the page through the Playboy Cyber Club
al cyber;playboy.com,
Me I'm incredibly horny and my wife
doesn't want to have sex, 1 often mastur-
bate. Most of the time, three to five min-
utes after I ejaculate, my wife attacks me,
highly aroused. 1 am positive she isn't
aware of what I'm doing. Do I give off
some kind of scent or signal that she
picks up subconsciously?—J.P, Atlanta,
Perhaps. There is evidence that people se-
crete sexual scents called pheromones that
may be tipping off your wife. Women gener-
ally have a more acute sense of smell than
men do, but it doesn’t take a bloodhound to
realize that you're up to something if you dis-
appear for ten minutes every time she says
no. She may even have seen or heard you
once and it turned her on no end. Or maybe
she just needs more time to mull over your
proposition. Next time, keep your pants on
and let her consider what you could be doing
together. If she’s willing to listen, describe in
detail what you have in mind.
Last week 1 took a test in my abnormal
psychology course, and one of the ques-
tions was this: “A man looks forward to
his wife leaving so that he can dress up in
her underwear and masturbate. This is
an example of which type of behavior?
(A) Personal Distress, (B) Unexpected-
ness, (C) Dysfunction, (D) None of the
Above—this behavior is not abnormal."
According to my professor, the answer is
D. I argued for B. What does the Advisor
think?—A. T., College Station, Texas
Are we being graded? The best answer is
D. The man is a transvestite, which may not
be the norm but is far from abnormal. As-
suming he finds his wife's panties more
arousing than his wife, you could argue that
C applies to their relationship.
This letter is in response to N.C. in San
Francisco. She wrote in September to ask
whether she should arrange to have sex
with another man while her husband
watched because it was a fantasy they
shared. I have a similar fantasy about my
wife. I told her that if the opportunity
came up to have sex with another man,
she should take advantage of it. It wasn’t
even necessary for me to be there; just
the idea turned me on. We were getting
ready for bed one evening and with a
coy look she said, “Guess what?” She
proceeded to tell me every detail of her
encounter, and we had great sex. She
went out one more time with this man
and then ended it. My advice to N.C. is
to go ahead with your plan and then use
the memory of the encounter to enhance
sex with your husband. Just don't let the
situation get out of hand.—D.K., Oma-
ha, Nebraska
That's sometimes easier said than done,
which was part of N.C.'s concern. The group
dynamic plays out differently for every cou-
ple. For some, it improves their sex life tre-
mendously; for others, it can cause trouble in
the relationship. It sounds like you were hon-
est with your wife about what you wanted
ош of the fantasy, and she kept nothing from
you. That's the first step. But each partner
must be willing to back off if the other finds
that three is more of a crowd than expected.
In the age of women's liberation, are
men still expected to open doors for
women in social situations, such as on a
date?—G.L., Logan, Utah
Yes. It’s polite, not patriarchal.
IM, wife can have an orgasm just by me
fondling her breasts, teasing her nipples
or sliding my finger into her vagina.
What has always surprised both of us is
that when she parts her labia to expose
her clitoris and 1 massage it with my
tongue, she absolutely goes into a shak-
ing fit. She says it feels great, but her re-
action mystifies us. It takes about 15
minutes for her to calm down. Is this a
dangerous form of sex?—J.L., Lafayette,
Only if she’s near the edge of the bed. But
let's see if we have this straight: You'd like to
know why a woman so easily aroused she can
climax when you fondle her breasts goes into
a fit of pleasure when you lick her clit? Some
people have all the luck.
In October a reader asked about the ori-
gin of the word beaver in reference to a
woman's genitals. 1 believe the reference
can be traced to the fur trappers of the
18th century. To relieve the sexual frus-
trations of being a pioneer, the men of-
ten masturbated with a beaver pelt. Per-
haps when the men got together to
drink and party they traded stories of
the furs that got away.—G.W., Reno,
We'll never think of Grizaly Adams in the
same way. According lo linguists, however,
this particular bit of slang didn't originate
until well into this century. It's likely a deri-
vation of “beard,” which has been used to re-
fer to women’s pubic hair (as well as men’s
facial hair) for several hundred years.
Beaver might also be short for beaver hat,
with hat being the centuries-old term for fe-
male genitals. According to ‘A Classical Dic-
tionary of the Vulgar Tongue,” published in
1796, the association was made because a
hat is “frequently felt.”
What is the proper way to wear three-
button sports coats? I always thought
just the middle button was buttoned, but
I've seen people who button the top two
or all three —T.R., Chicago, Illinois
Button both the top and middle buttons
but not the bottom. It’s strictly decorative,
The Advisor gave a five-word brush-off
in October to a reader's concerns about
bare-ass sexual spanking. You can do
better than that, especially when the Col-
lege Sex Survey in the same issue shows
that 33 percent of women and 43 per-
cent of men have experienced la vice
anglaise. If what the British tabloids (and
my boyfriend) call hanky-spanky is now
a regular item on the American sexual
menu, I'm sure many readers would like
a serious answer to what was a sincere
question.—M.V., Manchester, England
You're right. We've been naughty and de-
serve everything we get. Please start with
light slaps and increase the strength gradu
ally, Alternate with soft kisses and feathery
touches. Let's decide on a safe word so you'll
know when to stop. And don't forget to say,
“This pleases me as much as it pleases you.”
IM, best friend is cheating on his wife
and wants to use my apartment in the
/ Should I let him?—D.H., Stamford,
Tough call. We assume you feel uncom-
fortable with the situation or you wouldn't be
writing. We'd pass.
What do you think of making travel
reservations online? Га love to be able
to see what the travel agent sees, but
should I trust my trip to a computer?—
C.C., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
We're not sure we'd book our vacation
without an agent just yel, bul more travelers
are drifting to the Internet to make reserva-
tions. A handful of sites allow you to view
flight schedules and fares, make your selec-
tions and pay with a credit card. That
doesn’t help you decide where to go in the
first place or iron out unexpected kinks,
which is why travel agents are still good peo-
ple to know. Companies sec online reserva-
lions as a way to cut down on phone time,
one reason partnerships such as Microsoft
and American Express are developing do-it-
yourself systems for executives. Such technol-
ogy also could save large companies millions
when airlines discount what would have
34 Бет agent commissions. Although hotels and
car rental companies are behind the pack,
you can schedule airline flights at such spots
as the Internet Travel Network (wwu.itn.net)
or PCTravel (urww.petravel.com).
V was disappointed with your uncaring
response to the reader whose girlfriend
wanted him to cancel his subscription
to PLAYBOY. You said he was a dweeb
and that the real issue was her control
over the relationship. What a self-serv-
ing piece of advice! I am a 33-year-old
mother of two who believed the same
thing about my husband’s subscription
when we were married 12 years ago. I
felt I didn't compare to the Playmates
and that I wasn't fulfilling his needs. It.
was only through bodybuilding, chang-
ing my appearance and building my selt-
esteem that I accepted the magazine
back into the house. My husband was in-
strumental in the process by not looking
at rLAYBOY until I said that it no lon-
ger bothered me. Now that I look bet-
ter than most of your models, I renew
his subscription every year! So to H.D.
in Akron, I say, trust your own judg-
ment.—A.B., San Antonio, Texas
You made changes that had nothing to do
with PLAYBOY, Playmates or your husband.
To that we say, "Good show.” We love con-
fident, motivated women (send photos). But
don't be naive. Our guess is that your hus-
band subscribed at the office. The next let-
ter offers another perspective.
I sympathize with the woman who want-
ed her boyfriend to cancel his ar
tion to PLAYBOY. Rather than canceling, 1
suggest the reader put his copies out
in the open where his girlfriend can find
them. If my experience is any indica-
tion, she will become curious and read
them when he’s not around. Now my
boyfriend and 1 fight over who gets
PLAYBOY first whenever a new issue ar-
rives in the mail. I still feel a slight pang
when I see him looking at the Playmate,
but he always puts the magazine down
immediately when I offer him a real-life
alternative. It’s also great to find so
many cool women in prAysov, including
the fabulous Marilyn Monroe. What а
babe!—T.R., Dundee, Ohio
Ditto for you.
А reader wrote in October to say that
her boyfriend passes out after sex. While
this may be a form of narcolepsy, could it
not also be a case of orgasmic syncope?—
J.D., St. Louis, Missouri
Yes, indeed. People with this condition un-
consciously hold their breath while climax-
ing, which causes them to faint. Breathing
returns to normal and the victim revives.
Help! 1 have been seeing this pretty
23-year-old. We have a great time to-
gether and love to have sex. I really want
to have decper feelings for her, but there
is something stopping me—her threc-
year-old daughter. I'm still in college
and am not ready to be a father. Can you
help?—E'f., Phoenix, Arizona
The kid comes with the package, so be cau-
tious. Like her mom, this little girl deserves
beiter than a guy who stays around only un-
til things get bumpy. As painful as it will be,
let your girlfriend know how you feel. She
may see you as а fling, anyway, or she may
end the relationship before it gets too serious.
for both of you. That's a parent's duty
makes difficult decisions based on what's best
for her child.
During the past few weeks, my erec-
tions have started to curve to the left. Is
this something to be concerned about?—
S.R., Wheeling, West Virginia
Maybe it’s the girl next door: You're likely
suffering from Peyronie’s disease, named af-
ter the French physician who first diagnosed
it in 1743. In many cases it appears after an
injury to the penis causes scarring or fibro-
sis, A common analogy is to imagine a long
balloon being inflated with a piece of tape on
its side. Some erections have a slight natural
curve; Peyronie's is distinguished by sudden,
unexpected bending down, up or to either
side (depending on where the scar tissue
forms; you may feel it as a ridge or knot).
Most of the time the condition runs its course
without treatment, but il can take months ar
years and may be painful initially. Urolo-
gists have baitled Peyronie's with vitamin E,
Polaba steroid therapy, corticosteroids, radi-
ation, ultrasound and surgery, among other
treatments. Our advice: Visit a urologist, but
give the condition time to correct itself before
agreeing to anything as drastic as surgery.
For many years it’s been my fantasy
to make love in a bathtub filled with
gelatin. As PLAYBOY was the first place I
saw a girl in a gelatin bath, I thought
perhaps you'd have the recipe.—C.A.,
Toronto, Ontario
For the gelatin, or for getting the girl into
the gelatin? Buy a lot of Tupperware, make
a lot of gelatin (we figure you'll need about
132 six-ounce boxes and 528 cups of water),
then cut it into chunks to fill the bath. As for
the girl, get her favorite flavor and promise
to make her wiggle.
All reasonable questions—from fashion, food
and drink, stereo and sports cars to dat-
ing dilemmas, taste and etiquette —will be
personally answered if the writer includes a
self-addressed, stamped envelope. The most
provocative, pertinent questions will be pre-
sented in these pages each month. Send all
letters lo The Playboy Advisor, PLAYBOY,
680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Hli-
nois 60611. Looh for responses to our most
frequently asked questions on the World Wide
Web at wuw.playboy.com/faq, ar check out
the Advisor's book, “365 Ways to Improve
Your Sex Life" (Plume), available in book-
stores or by phoning 800-423-9194.
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destroying the rights of America's youth to save them from drugs
Once again, politicians have decid-
ed to blame children for many of soci-
ety's problems. President Clinton
wants municipalities to adopt cur-
fews, threatening to place millions of
law-abiding youth under virtual
house arrest. Representative Bill Mc-
Collum (R.-Fla.) and Senator Orrin
Hatch (R.-Utah) introduced legisla-
tion in the last session of Congress
that would largely end the require-
ment of separating juvenile offenders
from adult offenders. States across
the country are making it easier to
prosecute and punish juveniles
In the midst of all this fear
about the harm caused by
America's children, one does
not easily picture Jennifer Bu-
dak as an enemy ol society.
The 15-year-old freshman at
River Valley High School in
Three Oaks, Michigan does not
smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol
or use illegal drugs. She has
never been a discipline problem
and has been on the honor roll
since the fourth grade.
In addition to being a model
student, Budak has a hobby of
collecting “weird pens.” In De-
cember 1995, she was in Chica-
go and bought a pen for her col-
lection—a pen that had the
words REAL POT SEEDS and then
the word STERILE written on
its side. Encased within were
unusable and therefore—un-
der Michigan law—legal seeds.
When she took the pen to school
in January and loaned it to a
friend, she never imagined that she
might be making one of the biggest
mistakes of her life. Her friend was
caught with the pen in gym class, and
Budak was told she could face a 45-
day suspension.
River Valley High School has a “ze-
ro-tolerance” drug policy. The school
handbook notes that the use, posses-
sion, sale or distribution of drugs, in-
cluding alcohol and look-alike drugs,
on school property will result in: (1)
a 45-school-day suspension without
makeup privileges, (2) required as-
sessment for drug dependency at a
certified clinic; and (3) required at-
tendance at a minimum of four ses-
sions with a drug abuse counselor.
How does this punishment com-
pare with those meted out for other
crimes? Physically assaulting some-
one or attempting to burn down the
school will result in a suspension of
up to ten days. Theft or fighting will
earn a one- to three-day suspension.
Extortion, vandalism and forgery are
also minor offenses compared with
drug or alcohol possession.
In Jennifer Budak's case, drug use
was not an issue. Principal David
Zech had to decide whether Budak
possessed a drug or a look-alike drug,
terms that were not defined in the
school handbook. In Zech's mind, if
Jennifer's pen contained marijuana
seeds—even sterile ones—then she
possessed a drug and would have to
be disciplined.
Jennifer was forced to serve the 45-
day suspension. She received zeros
for every day of school missed and is
not allowed to make up the work.
Her grade point average, her morale
and possibly her college carcer have
suffered irreparable harm.
Unfortunately, Budak's story is not
an isolated one. The war on drugs
has resulted in increasingly punitive
sanctions for youth. Police tactics are
being employed in schools, tactics
that include the use of students and
undercover police officers as infor-
mants, mass searches without suspi-
cion, random urine testing and harsh
criticism of students and faculty who
speak out against these activities.
In May, The Atlanta Constitu-
tion featured a story on Opera-
tion Free Zone, developed by
the sheriff's department in
Fayette County, Georgia. The
program paid students a $20 re-
ward to turn in fellow students
suspected of using or dealing
drugs. While many students
happily agreed to become paid
informants—the police received
224 tips—others in the commu-
nity didn't think it was such a
good idea. Teresa Nelson, direc-
tor of the American Civil Liber-
ties Union of Georgia, sarcasti-
cally noted, “I think it's great to
teach our children to be snitch-
es. That's what they did in Nazi
Police pay students to inform
on one another, while under-
cover narcotics officers prowl
America’s schools. In Milwau-
kee's suburban West Allis Hale
High School, a police officer
posed as a student in a two-
month undercover drug probe
that resulted in the arrests of 16 stu-
dents and nine nonstudents. The tiny
amount of drugs involved (in one
case, one twelfih of an ounce of mari-
juana) suggests overkill—students
were parceling out a stash, not active-
ly recruiting new users. Lance Wal-
lace, facing a fine of $500 to $25,000
and up to three years in prison,
claims entrapment. “Not one of the
people busted was a dealer,” he says
According to Wallace, the officer
targeted suspected users and turned
them into dealers by encouraging
them to sell him small quantities of
marijuana. The undercover agent,
known as Clint Carson, also drank with
underage students and once drove a
car while intoxicated. At one of the
high school parties, it was alleged,
"Clint" was begging people for weed.
Chad Radtke, a student at Hale and
one of Wallace's friends, was approached
by Clint. "He came up to me," Radtke
says, "sat next to me and asked, "Where
can you get some bud around here?”
While West Allis prefers stealth at-
tacks, the police in Savannah, Georgia
are more overt. At Windsor Forest
High School and other Chatham
County schools, the authorities con-
duct lockdown searches. Students must
stay in their classrooms for two to four
hours while teams of armed county
officers, school officials and dogs
search common areas and classrooms.
Authorities herd the students into the
halls, where they are scanned with met-
al detectors, while dogs sniff their book
bags and purses in the classrooms.
One person was willing to speak up
for the students—Chatham County's
1994 Teacher of the Year, Sherry
Hearn. She has openly opposed the
searches since they were instituted in
1993, describing them as "degrading,
demeaning and humiliating.” She
added, “They produced a lot of anger
in the students, and they did not help
create an atmosphere conducive to
learning respect for authority. Some-
times, the officers were disrespectful
and rude; the students were treated
like criminals, with no evidence that
they'd done anything wrong.” The
school administration and campus po-
lice did not take her objections lightly.
During a February 1996 lockdown,
police singled out Hearn's son—one
of 1500 students—for an individual
search. And on April 4, the police al-
legedly found a small piece of a mari-
juana joint in Hearn's car, which was in
the school parking lot with its windows
down and the doors unlocked. The
search violated school board policy, but.
the fun was just beginning. The admin-
istration ordered Hearn to report for a
urine test within two hours. She re-
fused and spent the day trying to se-
cure legal representation. Despite a
negative test the next day, she was sus-
pended. The school board then upheld
Superintendent Patrick Russo's recom-
mendation that Hearn be fired.
Sadly, the dragnet searches that
Sherry Hearn opposed might have
been ruled unconstitutional years ago
were it not for a Supreme Court that
has time and again rubber-stamped
drug war tactics used to target the
young. The court has consistently up-
held the power of school authorities to
curb students’ freedoms in an effort to
save them from drugs.
As far back as May 26, 1981, the
Supreme Court refused to hear the
case of Diane “Doe,” a girl who attend-
ed an Indiana school where officials
conducted a search. The previous
spring, 16 teams of police, citizens and
dogs had conducted a raid during
which the dogs sniffed every one of the
2780 children involved. School officials
ordered a few of the students, includ-
ing Diane, to strip nude for a more in-
trusive search. The parents of Diane
“Doe” were so outraged that they sued
and received a cash settlement out of
court. They persisted with the suit on
appeal because they wanted the drag-
net searches of innocent children de-
dared unconstitutional.
‘The Supreme Court refused to hear
the appeal, seem-
ingly on technical
|. Hu]
happening in school becomes part of
the educational process. The strip
search of Diane, the lockdown searches
at Windsor Forest High School and the
expulsion of Jennifer Budak form a
new course—Draconian Drug Educa-
tion 101.
The Court furthered this alternative
curriculum with its June 1995 decision
that upheld mandatory random urinal-
yses of student athletes.
Several ycars earlier officials of the
Vernonia, Oregon School District had
become convinced that the cause of
defiance and disruption among stu-
dents was drug use. Officials claimed
that large numbers of students, includ-
ing athletes, were in a state of rebellion.
The physical education department
thought drug use posed a special
threat because it increased the risk of
sports injuries. In response, adminis-
grounds. Justice
William Brennan,
dismayed at the in-
action of his col-
leagues, wrote a
sharp dissent from
the brief order
denying the appeal
on May 26, 1981.
Justice Bren-
nan's dissent in Doe
vs. Renfrow de-
clared: “We do not
know what class
[Diane] was at-
tending when the
police and dogs
burst in, but the
lesson the school
authorities taught
her that day will
undoubtedly make
a greater impres-
sion than the one
her teacher hoped
to convey." The
justice wisely stated that he would have
granted the appeal to teach Diane and
other students a different lesson, that
“before police and local officials are
permitted to conduct dog-assisted
dragnet inspections of public school
students, they must obtain a warrant
based upon sufficient particularized
evidence to establish probable cause to
believe a crime has been or is being
committed. Schools cannot expect
their students to learn the lessons of
good citizenship when the school au-
thorities themselves disregard the fun-
damental principles underpinning our
constitutional freedoms.”
Justice Brennan saw that everything
trators demanded that all athletes con-
sent to the random urinalysis policy.
Seventh grader James Acton object-
ed to the testing and was told he could
not play football when he and his par-
ents refused to sign the consent form.
Acton, a top student never suspected of
using drugs, based his objection on
Fourth Amendment protection against
unreasonable searches.
‘The Supreme Court, however, gave
what amounted to its first constitution-
al blessing to the broad student search
policy. The decision opened the door
to the possibility that all 45 million
American public school children may
someday be required to undergo
random urinalyses in the presence of
government officials in order to receive
other school privileges, such as scholar-
ships or even an education.
An appellate court judge who had
agreed with the Acton family's position
stated that "children are compelled to
attend school, but nothing suggests
they lose their right to privacy in their
excretory functions when they do so."
In her dissent, Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor recognized the danger in
the majority's opinion, which failed to
acknowledge that "history and prece-
dent establish that individualized sus-
picion is usually required under the
Fourth Amendment." Responding to
the argument that the Fourth Amend-
ment is more lenient with respect to
school searches, she wrote that "intru-
sive, blanket searches of schoolchild-
ren, most of whom are innocent, for
Musselman suggested that Hamilton
Southeastern High School, in Fishers,
Indiana, begin a forced drug testing
program for students who wanted to
use the school parking lot.
“If the rationale for randomly testing
athletes is because of safety, the school
has the ability to control who drives,”
said school attorney Brad Cook.
Although Hamilton Southeastern
decided not to institute the novel drug
testing policy, officials at nearby No-
blesville High School implemented a
friendlier, volunteer system of mass
random urinalyses of its students.
Officials there decided that they would
give students an incentive to submit
urine samples, and the results would
be revealed only to the students’ par-
ents. Incentives included off-campus
lunch privileges and a chance to win
gift certificates, a limousine ride to In-
dianapolis or a trip
to Florida. Of the
700 to 800 stu-
dents tested in the
1995-1996 school
year, about 30 test-
ed positive.
It is exactly this
type of incentive
program that Ra-
chel Ehrenfeld rec-
ommended in Drug
Intolerance Policy,
published by the
Free Congress
Foundation in
early 1996:
should be encour-
aged to take a
pledge to remain
drug-free. They
should agree to
random drug test-
ing in return for
a card that could
evidence of serious wrongdoing are
not part of any traditional school func-
tion of which I am aware. Indeed,
many schools, like many parents, pre-
fer to trust their children unless given
reason to do otherwise. As James Ac-
ton’s father said on the witness stand,
suspicionless testing ‘sends a message
to children who are trying to be re-
sponsible citizens . . . that they have to
prove they're innocent. I think that
sets a bad tone for citizenship.”
Justtwo months after the Acton deci-
sion. school board members in Indiana
were already discussing how they could
take it one step further. On August 14,
1995 school board president Steve
be used to obtain
discounts on tu-
ition, school supplies, clothing, elec-
tronic gear, entertainment, concerts,
food, etc. These discounts should be
provided by the school system, stores,
theaters and restaurants. Random test-
ing would follow the old strategic arms
limitation treaty concept: Trust, but
Ehrenfeld's program would encour-
age children to sell valuable rights for
material trinkets. Again, we should ask
what this teaches our children.
"These developments should disturb
anyone who thinks of America as a free
society. Policies that treat students as
enemies in the war on drugs are soci
ly damaging for several reasons: (1)
"These children suffer indignities, inva-
sions of privacy and restrictions of their
constitutional rights. (2) We are indoc-
trinating several generations of chil-
dren with the belief that venerable con-
stitutional guarantees of privacy may
be abrogated by the needs of drug con-
trol. (3) As these students, now inocu-
lated with an intolerant attitude, take
power, invasions of privacy will become
more widely implemented because
they will be seen as prime American
values, (4) Legal decisions upholding
invasions of students’ rights eventually
diminish the rights of everyone—and
weaken the foundation of our demo-
cratic society.
We can approach the issue of youth
drug use with tolerance and under-
standing or with intolerance and re-
pression. This nation has chosen the
latter, less noble path. Zero tolerance
means total intolerance—and we must
ask ourselves how that awful idea be-
came part of our democratic lexicon.
An essential task is to lay out the path
to tolerance and understanding, which
is closer to the more admirable tradi-
tions of American society.
We must create school drug policies
that treat students with compassion
and common sense, especially those
who actually have drug problems. At
the same time, we can't forget the trau-
matic impact these rigid policies often
have on students far removed from the
drug scene.
Ме must keep in mind that we have
had these bouts of blame-the-youth
hysteria many times before. It might
help our thinking if we were to ap-
proach the issue of youth drug use with
a different paradigm: respect for the
opinions of adolescents and for their
challenges to existing institutions.
We are in danger of producing gen-
erations of leaders who are either
harshly intolerant of any deviations
from the norm or viciously opposed to
all institutions and values that preced-
ed them. Drug education and school
discipline should seek ultimately to
produce well-balanced adults who can
function with a sense of moderation
and rationality. Such sensibly humane
results cannot be expected from the
system that imposed a 45-day suspen-
sion on Jennifer Budak for innocently
bringing sterile pot seeds to school.
Arnold Trebach is a professor at Ameri-
can University and editor in chief of “The
Drug Policy Letter,” a quarterly publication
of the Drug Policy Foundation in Washing-
ton, D.C. Scott Ehlers is associate editor.
rights are violated by ultracon-
Rachel Hickerson needs to
clarify a few facts in her story
before she has the rest of the
world thinking that the moral
police have shut down all sex-
related businesses in midtown
Manhattan (“Keep the Sin in
Sin City," The Playboy Forum,
November). The demise of the
adult movie theaters and sex
businesses along 42nd Street
is not a recent phenomenon
brought about by the present
political machine, as Hickerson
suggests. Perhaps the biggest
3 IND.
servatives who assume women
can't think for themselves. As
a 53-year-old man, I've lived
long enough to realize that, ex-
cept for the ability to give birth,
women and men are equal.
Women deserve equal rights,
equal pay for equal work, the
right to speak and think freely
and the right to go where they
please without fear of reprisal.
The last thing women need is
people telling them they should
all act, speak and think like ro-
bots. I hope Hickerson and
reason for their closing was the
arrival of adult videos. Why
pay ten bucks to sit in a rancid
theater to watch a skin flick
when you can pay the same
ten bucks for the same thing
on video and watch it over
and over in the comfort of
your castle?
Two phenomena brought
about the end of Times Square:
(1) an increase in tourism and
(2) the adage “Money talks.” It
is true that Disney plans to
build a huge hotel on Seyenth
Avenue almost adjacent to
those dingy porno theaters,
which, naturally, indicates a de-
mographic change. The most
recent visitors to Times Square
are there to shop for clothes,
gadgets and souvenirs.
Hickerson should take a
short walk west to Eighth Av-
enue between 42nd and 48th
Streets. That is where she can
find numerous sex shops, adult
video stores, hookers and strip
joints—all within six blocks of
reasonably lit streets. There are
three subway stops along the
way, and cabbies know how to
get there. Cops patrol that
area, too. Best of all, tourists
can visit these shops, buy all the
adult videos and sex toys they
can fit in their suitcases, and
enjoy them in private back in
Des Moines.
I am not against sex-related busi-
nesses. On the contrary, as a native
New Yorker, I have indulged in all
of the experiences the author wrote
about. I just want her to know that
the adult entertainment business isn't
coming under the grip of the self-
“4 concede that I once did not view marijua-
na as dangerous. It was only after my appetite
for recreational drugs had abated, and I pro-
duced children whom I did not believe capable
of handling marijuana as responsibly as 1 had,
that I came to oppose decriminalization. I ac-
knowledge that it was this fear, and not new
medical evidence, that subsequently caused me
to support mandatory sentencing for other peo-
ple's children caught emulating the actions of
my generation."
righteous. Some things are just being
Tom Reinhart
"Tampa, Florida
Thad no idea who Rachel Hickerson
was before I read her article, but she
has a new fan. Too often, women's
Feminists for Free Expression
kick Rudy Giuliani's ass.
Ronald Serafin
Houston, Texas
In a city racked by violence,
infested with drugs and pollut-
ed by corporate greed, no one
has ever died from an overdose
of pornography.
William Margold
Free Speech Coalition
West Hollywood, California
Thanks for your piece on the
latest developments in the fight
against AIDS and HIV (“Aids-
watch: Good News at Last,” The
Playboy Forum, November). Can
you imagine what hell it is for
an infected person to be caught
in the middle of this contro-
versy? The establishment says
HIV equals AIDS, which equals
death. The dissidents say, HIV?
Big deal! How screwed up this
whole thing is.
Bobby Shannon
Lubbock, Texas
А new law passed unani-
mously by the Florida state leg-
islature requires that every de-
fendant placed on probation or
community control attend a
two-hour HIV-AIDS awareness
class. In Florida alone, that will
amount to more than 500,000 people a
year who will be taught how to prevent
the contraction and transmission of
this disease. They will also be educated
about the advantages of testing and
early treatment, if it is required. This
law will cost taxpayers nothing because
the $20 fee (which is used to purchase
classroom materials) must be paid by
the offender. Such innovative ap-
proaches are what is needed to help
stem the worst medical nightmare of
the 20th centur:
Michael Fitzgerald
Melbourne Beach, Florida
Let's get this straight: Convicted crimi-
nals get safe-sex education, but law-abiding
citizens don't. You call that progress?
Hickerson will either revel in the
company of misery or be even more
distressed to know that her beloved
"Times Square hangouts aren't the on-
ly ones in imminent danger of extinc-
tion at the hands of big business as usu-
al For the past three years New York
City has arrested artists for selling their
wares on the street without a license.
"The city claims the arrests protect the
public's health, safety and welfare by
preventing congestion. Yet, in a Catch-
29, administration officials admit that
artists can't apply for a vending license
because none exists. In fact, for many
years the Department of Consumer Af-
fairs told artists thcy were protected by
the First Amendment and didn’t need
a license to sell their own art. Other city
factions interpreted the law differently,
and a full-scale attack led by city coun-
cil member Kathryn Freed resulted in
more than 200 arrests.
Five street artists filed suit—citing
violation of their First Amendment
rights—and ultimately won. But enti-
ties such as the Soho Alliance, council
member Freed, the Fifth Avenue Asso-
ciation and other real estate interests
plan to appeal, claiming that street
artists are not exempt from licensing
regulations. The proposed solution is
to ghettoize these artists—as were
Hickerson's X-rated vendors—by con-
fining their activities to a vacant lot.
Hickerson speaks the truth: Large cor-
porations and their government inter-
ests won't hesitate to destroy First
Amendment freedoms if it is necessary
to accomplish their goals.
Rhonda Griffin
New York, New York
We would like to hear your point of view.
Send questions, opinions and quirky stuff
1o: The Playboy Forum Reader Response,
PLAYBOY, 680 North Lake Shore Drive,
Chicago, Illinois 60611. Please include
a daytime phone number. Fax number:
312-951-2939. E-mail: forum@playboy,
com (please include your city and state)
You know the story:
California Attorney General Dan
Lungren, opponent of medicinal marijua-
na use, raided the San Francisco Can-
nabis Buyers' Club, Cartoonist Garry
Trudeau spent a week ridiculing the bust
in Doonesbury and sympathizing with
medicinal pot smokers. Lungren asked
Doonesbury's syndicator, and California
newspapers, to pull the offending strips
or run them with a disclaimer stating the
facts of the matter.
The disclaimer was necessary, he de-
clared, because Doonesbury's represen-
tation of the issue was “false and mis-
leading.” This notion is so delicious that
it bears repeating and savoring: He ac-
cused a comic strip of being false and
Memo to Lungren: Comic strips are
meant to entertain, not to hew to fact and
reality. If every strip failing to do so were
obliged to run a disclaimer, the funny
pages would be awash with fine print.
Hagar the Horrible: “Vikings were not
suburban family men with horned hel-
mets but savage marauders who spent
their lives enduring bitter cold and recov-
ering from battle wounds. Their mortality
rate was appalling. There is no actual
record of an amusing Scandinavian prior
to Victor Borge.”
Beetle Bailey: “This strip falsely pre-
sents military service as carefree indo-
lence and depicts as rou-
tine many activities that
would result in court-mar-
tial proceedings. And
sooner or later, some-
body gets shot.”
The Family Circus:
“The characters in this
strip are impossibly whole-
some, pleasant, even-tem-
pered, devout, optimistic
and content. There haven't
been any actual families such as
this since 1962."
B.C.: “Prehistoric man was illiterate,
brutish, inarticulate and violent, living a
harsh existence with only rudimentary
tools, knowledge and social organiza-
tion. Cannibelism was practiced. There
was nothing to laugh about.”
Dennis the Menace: "This strip ob-
scures the fact that childhood misbehav-
ior results in family estrangement: The
real-life Dennis is now a middle-aged
adult who isn't on speaking terms with
his father, the strip's creator. Moreover, a
real Mr. Wilson would have called the
cops years ago."
Mister Bofío: "Hell is by definition a
place of eternal damnation and torment,
and there are no holidays, mah-jongg
tournaments or beverage concessions.”
The Lockhorns: "If the characters in
this strip were an actual married couple,
‘one of them would have abandoned, di-
vorced or killed the other by now."
Cathy: "In the real world, not everyone
is white."
Garfield, Mutts, Over the Edge, the
Fusco Brothers: "Real animals do not
talk, read, philosophize, wear clothing,
build things, run compenies or feel hu-
man emotions. Real animals leave foul
messes, scratch, bite, throw up, gener-
ate vet bills, become pregnant and get
run over by cars. If you hit them with a
sledgehammer, they die.”
Alley Oop, Prince Valiant, Blondie,
Mary Worth: “These characters do not
age in a normal or realistic manner. If
these were actual people, they would
have died of natural causes or lapsed in-
to advanced stages of senility by now.
The strip's implication that life goes on
forever is a cruel deceit." —-BOB WIEDER
what’s happening in the sexual and social arenas
OULU, FINLAND—Faced with a whale of
a problem, police in this city are testing a
novel way to stop drunk drivers and speed-
ers—they use a harpoon. The steel device is
mounted to the front of a police vehicle
and is released after the officer rams into
the rear of the culprit's car. As the officer
slows down, his prey is brought to a stop.
The harpoon also allows officers to spray
tear gas, and a radio transmitter in the de-
vice tracks the vehicle if the driver man-
ages to break the line.
WASHINGTON, D.c—A federal appeals
court ruled that television stations must
broadcast controversial campaign ads dur-
ing prime time if a candidate requests it.
In 1992 an Atlanta station told a Repub-
lican congressional hopeful that his spot
featuring images of aborted fetuses could
air only after midnight. The FCC support-
ed the station’s decision, saying broadcast-
ers had the right to protect children who
might be “psychologically damaged” by
graphic ads. In ruling against the FCC,
the appeals court said that broadcasters
should not have the power to censor can-
didates by sending troublesome ads to
“broadcast Siberia.”
Christian sued a telemarketing firm after.
he was fired for refusing to take orders for,
of all things, PLAYBOY. West Telemarket-
ing says that with as many as 200,000
calls daily for a variety of products, hav-
ing another of its 1400 employees handle
orders that personally offended Jerrel
Johnson would not have been practical.
‘Johnson's suit, which he filed fie months
after being fired, claims he is a victim of
religious discrimination and that federal
civil rights Laws require West to accommo-
date his beliefs.
official who supplied the names of poten-
tial jurors to the Waukesha County clerk,
74-year-old Earl Rentmeester took it upon
himself to strike any adult under the age of
25 from the lists. Not mature enough, he
reasoned. A man convicted in Waukesha
of armed robbery argued that the exclu-
stons violated his Sixth Amendment right
to a jury representing a fair cross section of
the community. A federal court disagreed,
ruling that juries without young adults
can still be fair and impartial.
BALTIMORE—Researchers al Johns Hop-
kins University have reported encouraging
news: An aggressive condom campaign
has dramatically cut the rate of HIV infec-
tion young men in northern Thai-
land. (HIV infection has spread faster in
Thailand than anywhere else in the
world.) The researchers tested 4311 Thai
army draftees over a five-year period and.
found the percentage of new HIV infec-
tions dropped from 12.5 percent to less
than five percent. The percentage of men
with a history of sexually transmitted dis-
ease also fell, from 42 percent to 15 per-
cent. And the percentage of men who said
they used condoms with prostitutes in-
creased from 61 percent to 92.5 percent.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Álmost every state
in the country has adopted some form of
Megan's Law, the New Jersey statute that
requires sex offenders to register with po-
lice. Now the feds are coordinating a na-
tional effort. Under a new law, anyone
convicted of crimes such as rape or pe-
dophilia must provide his address and
fingerprints to local police or the FBI,
which is spearheading efforts to create a
national database. Local officials are also
cracking down by arresting offenders who
fail to register.
WASHINGTON, D.c.—Vandals unleashed
“cancelbot” programs that wiped out
27,000 messages posted to various Inter-
net discussion groups. The programs, nich-
named "fagcancel" and "hikecancel" by
their creators, replaced the messages with
notices such as “These cancels are issued as
a service to Internet providers not wishing
to carry articles from sexual perverts and
deviants.” In another incident, Swedish
hackers altered the CIA's World Wide Web
site to read “Welcome to the Central Stu-
pidity Agency” and upgraded the contents
to include a link to PLAYBOY.
STOCKHOLM—Is this the future of tele-
vision? The producers of “Lotta,” an
“Oprah” like late-night talk show, taped
close-ups of a gynecological exam. An au-
dience member told a newspaper she found
the exhibition distasteful. "When the cam-
era that the doctor held in his hand was
switched on and people saw the genitals on
two big screens, there was absolute silence,”
she said. “How far are TV channels pre-
pared to go in the hunt for viewers?” The
‘programming director was unfazed by the
criticism, saying the episode “was maybe a
little boring. It was very medical.”
On September 6, 1970 Palestinian
terrorists hijacked three planes and
held the passengers hostage on a re-
mote airstrip in Jordan. The story
was covered by every major newspa-
per and TV network in the U.S. Our
government responded to the call for
greater security by creating—almost
overnight—an army of air marshals.
The government promised security
through the use of hastily construct-
ed, highly classified profiles. The air
marshals would be trained to pick out
potential terrorists according to cer-
tain cues known only to them. Our
right to travel freely and without fear
would thus be restored.
I was one of their
first targets.
I was boarding
a flight from New
York to Chicago
to interview for a
job with pLavsoy
A flight attendant
asked me to step in-
to a room, where a
federal air marshal
searched my be-
longings and ques-
tioned me about
my travel plans. Ap-
parently, I fit the
profile of an air-
plane hijacker.
For years I’ve
joked that whatever
that profile was, it
also seemed to qualify me for the
PLAYbOY job. It was also my first expe-
rience with the abuse of power based
on stereotypes and prejudice. I was
young. I wore wire-rimmed glasses. I
carried a guitar case. The air marshal
had a thing about hippies and coun-
terculture types.
This version of “Uncle Sam Wants
You!” raised images of jackbooted sol-
diers boarding trains and demanding
to see passengers’ papers. And the
profiles didn’t work: So many unhap-
py Cuban exiles hijacked planes that
certain flights were called the Havana
Shuttle. In 1973 the air marshals and
their shoot-from-the-hip profiles
gave way to X-ray machines and met-
al detectors. Enough civil libertarians
objected to the abuse of the profiles
that the government changed strate-
gy: Search everyone's bags. Agreeing
to such searches became a condition
of travel.
The hijacker profile disappeared in
the federal bureaucracy. One heard
of profiles of serial killers—usually af-
ter a killer committed some blunder
and got arrested in the old-fashioned
way. The DEA developed drug-couri-
er profiles that seemed to apply only
to blacks, Hispanics, women traveling
alone and fans of the Grateful Dead.
Then came TWA flight 800.
Once again, Americans were asked
to sacrifice freedom for security. Pres-
ident Clinton said, “Terrorists have so
little respect for our valucs—so little
regard for human life or the princi-
ples of justice that are the founda-
tions of our society—that they would
destroy innocent children and devot-
ed mothers and fathers at random.
We cannot and will not tolerate
this, nor allow it to intimidate us. We
must act."
And the Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration acted—instituting random
checks on innocent children and de-
voted mothers and fathers. At curb-
side, baggage handlers asked for pho-
to identification. (What next, I
thought, South African-style pass-
books?) At the X-ray machine I
watched as my daughter was picked
out of line, her backpack rummaged
through by strangers. I weighed the
response to an imagined threat in the
air—your chances of being the victim
of an airplane bombing are roughly
one in 8 million—against the fear and
confusion I saw on solid ground.
On September 9, 1996 the White
House Commission on Aviation Safe-
ty and Security called for a return of
the profile. The government wanted
the power to pick people out of line
and subject them to search, not for
due cause or actual behavior but
on the basis of a hunch: “To improve
and promote passenger profiling,
the commission recommends these
steps. First, the FBI,
should evaluate and
expand the re-
search into known
terrorists, hijackers
and bombers need-
ed to develop the
best possible pro-
filing system. Sec-
ond, the FBI and
CIA should develop
a system that would
allow important in-
telligence informa-
tion on known or
suspected terrorists
to be used in pas-
senger profiling
without compromis-
ing the integrity of
the intelligence or its sources.”
The FBI, CIA and BATF have had
glorious success with profiles. The
one that said Richard Jewell wasn't
a hero. The one that said the Una-
bomber was no older than 40. The
one that said Randy Weaver's wife
and kids should be considered dan-
gerous threats to the marshals who
watched their Ruby Ridge cabin for
18 months. The one that said David
Koresh was building an evil empire in
Waco. The one that indicated the
Oklahoma bombing was the result of
Arab terrorists, resulting in a wave of
violence against Islamic families in
Oklahoma City. The experts popped
up waving all sorts of profiles. Edito-
rials accompanying the release of the
report noted that fundamentalists
might resort to terrorism on the eve
of the millennium. If you recall,
Hitler used a profile that was based
on religion.
Editors of The New York Times won-
dered briefly about civil rights and
profiles, noting that in the past, most
government profiles centered on one
trait—race. But they shrugged off the
threat to frequent fliers, business
travelers, people like us. So long as it
happens to the other guy, we can tol-
erate loss of liberty.
But as one of the founding fathers
said, “He who trades liberty for safety
deserves neither.”
Someday the other guy will be you.
Security experts point to Is-
rael as a country with a success-
ful get-tough security policy. Is-
raeli citizens have given up a
few “conveniences.” They ar-
rive hours before their flight to
have their bags searched and
documents checked. And, we
are told, it works. Of course,
you can't board a bus in Israel
without peril.
Airline security does work,
exactly the way the Maginot
line worked. ‘Terrorists have
moved from hijacking planes to
blowing them up. Rather than
pass through metal detectors,
they destroy airport terminals.
Seeking triple-digit body
counts and the resultant head-
lines, they blow up commuter
trains, buses and government
office buildings.
Some people say this is a measure
of the success of X-ray machines and
metal detectors.
Ten years ago the FAA sent teams
through security checks at 28 air-
ports. Mock hijackers were detected
an average of 80 percent of the time.
The airport in Anchorage had the
highest success rate, at 99 percent.
Phoenix Sky Harbor International
Airport was a virtual sieve, stopping
only 34 percent of the teams; the air-
port in Las Vegas wasn’t much better
at 45 percent. Government officials
tried to hush up news of these failures
“for security reasons.”
In the first wave (1973 to 1986) of
stepped-up airport security in the
U.S., an army of 16,000 employees,
800 X-ray machines and 1400 metal
detectors screened more than 6 bil-
lion people and nearly 8 billion pieces
of carry-on luggage. The project, at
a cost of more than $300 million,
detected “more than 33,000 fire-
arms, [which] resulted in 14,000 re-
lated arrests.”
"The technology of airport security
is fairly crude. It will pick out a hand-
gun if the attendant is lucky; one jok-
er used to walk through with the lead
outline of a handgun taped to his
briefcase and got through an amazing
number of checkpoints. Do X-ray ma-
chines discourage people from carry-
ing weapons? Not really. In 1995 air-
port security equipment detected
2230 handguns, 160 long rifles, 631
explosive or incendiary devices (am-
munition or firecrackers) and 4414
other dangerous articles (knives,
Mace, tear gas, pepper sprays, mar-
tal arts equipment, bludgeons, etc.).
Only 1194 of these armed travelers
were arrested—which suggests that
most people carrying guns or fire-
works simply were ignorant of the
law. Another 68 were arrested for
making jokes about bombs.
‘The experiment shows that the
people who used to carry handguns
still carry handguns; the people who
hijack planes have switched to gaso-
line bombs, fake or real grenades,
plastic handguns, knives or simple
threats—things that don’t show up on
metal detectors. In one incident, a
person hijacked a plane with a screw-
driver. Meanwhile, terrorists switched
to weapons outside of the plane—
missiles and guns.
Proponents of airport security
point out that there has not been a
U.S. hijacking since 1991 and that
worldwide there were only nine hi-
jackings in 1995. Still, from 1986 to
1995 there have been 179 hijackings
and 23 commandeerings. Airport se-
curity did not protect us against
those, nor against the 108 airport at-
tacks, the 173 attacks on ofFairport
facilities, the 41 shootings at aircraft,
or the 21 bombings, attempted bomb-
ings or onboard shoot-outs.
No one at the FAA wi
ure on efficiency, a batting average
against the bad guys. A spokesman
told us, “How would you count all the
people who pull up to the curb, think
twice and go home?”
Doug Farbrother, an aide to Vice
President Gore, was a bit more forth-
coming: “The good news is we discov-
ered that very few people want
to puta bomb on a plane. The
bad news is that the few people
who want to do it probably
So what do we get from air-
port security? An expensive
pacifier, The White House was
right when it said terrorists ex-
ploit our fear of flying: “Тег-
rorism isn’t merely a matter of
Statistics. We fear a plane crash
far more than we fear some-
thing such as a car accident, be-
cause we don't have a chance in
a plane at 30,000 feet. This is
why terrorists see planes as at-
tractive targets."
Politicians exploit that fear
to change life at ground level.
Robert Ellis Smith, publisher of
Privacy Journal, attacked the
new security procedures:
© There is no connection be-
tween identifying a passenger
and ensuring that luggage is free of
weaponry or bombs.
* It violates the constitutional pro-
hibition against asking for iden-
tification from law-abiding citizens
who raise no suspicion through their
* It restricts the constitutional
right to travel.
* It conditions Americans to pre-
sent ID on demand to any person in
authority. в
* It focuses on the innocent sector
of the population and not on likely
® It is administered inconsistently,
incompetently and nonsensically.
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a candid conversation with the journalist-entrepreneur on his inside view of o.j.'s
camp plus his fateful liaisons with jack ruby, gary gilmore and marilyn monroe
It was only days after O.J. Simpson's ill-
fated Bronco run. Robert Kardashian,
Simpson’s close friend and confidant, was
worried and confused—and positive that his
house was being bugged. So he met at mid-
night with an old acquaintance in the noisi-
est place possible, a parking lot next to one of
LA.’ busiest freeways. Lawrence Schiller's
discussing this most infamous murder case
in the dark of night would surprise only
those who don't know him. Like some real-
life Zelig or Forrest Gump, Schiller has a
talent for popping up, inexplicably, in the
middle of historic events. A photographer,
filmmaker, author, interviewer and entrepre-
neur, Schiller has phenomenal instincts and
even better luck. He was in Utah when killer
Gary Gilmore was executed—but before
Gilmore died, Schiller had been astuie
enough to tie up Gibnore’s movie and book
rights. He was in Texas when Jack Ruby shot
Lee Harvey Oswald, and within hours he
owned the rights to the photo of the murder.
Schiller has worked his odd magic with
Charles Manson, Marilyn Monroe, Richard
Nixon and the family of Lenny Brace.
What irks people about Schiller, besides
his success, are his methods. He finagles and
manipulates his way into major stories while
those in the establishment media sit. helpless-
ly on the sidelines, immobilized by the weight
of ethical considerations. Schiller's unerring
“Twas in the basement when Lee Harvey Os-
wald was being moved. He came out and
somebody stepped in front of me. There was a
flash. I saw somebody shooting somebody, but
1 never got the fucking picture.”
nose for news leads him to a story and he lets
nothing stand in his way. As a result he has
been involved in some of the most compelling
and unusual works of journalism, film and
photography of the past three decades.
he only real surprise about Schiller was
that he took several months to surface in the
Simpson affair,” wrote “New Yorker” re-
porter Jeffrey Toobin in his Simpson book,
“The Run of His Life.” Even Toobin didn’t
realize how quickly Schiller had managed to
ingratiate himself into Simpson's camp. Im-
mediately after the murders, Schiller, who
knew both Simpson and millionaire lawyer
Kardashian casually, "had a hunch" that
Simpson was hiding out with a mutual
friend — Kardashian.
Soon Schiller had succeeded in meeting.
with Kardashian and Simpson's lawyers. Ii
was no easy chore to win over the lawyers,
but Schiller did. His first task was designed
to help Simpson’s image and get Simpson
some cash. At a time when every reporter in
the country was trying to gain access to
Simpson in jail, Schiller visited him on 11
occasiuns, He arrived at the jail in different
cars, always along different routes, so no one
could discover what he was up to. Inside, he
sat on one side of а glass wall, Simpson on
the other, a tape recorder running, recording
conversations that Schiller turned into “I
Want to Tell You," a book that sold well but
“OJ. was incensed. He kept screaming al
me. For the first time in my relationship with
him, I felt the heat of his anger. Not the
anger, the heat of his anger. That may have
said more to me than some of the evidence.”
was vilified by many critics. “I Want to Tell
You" earned Simpson—who was in desper-
ate need of cash to pay his legal expenses—
$1.4 million (Schiller pocketed $170,000).
By then Schiller had become an unofficial
member of the defense, helping to direct a PR
campaign to aid Simpson both inside and
outside of the courtroom. Schiller leaked sto-
ries to the press that were calculated to im-
prove Simpson's image. He volunteered to
edit the taped interviews of Detective Mark
Fuhrman that were eventually played in the
courtroom and so effectively undermined the
prosecution’s case. Schiller became so impor-
tant to the defense that when one day he
didn't get his usual seat in Judge Lance Ito's
courtroom, he complained to Simpson lawyer
Johnnie Cochran, who took it up with the
Judge. Schiller was immediately returned to
his spot.
Schiller’s tie to Simpson continued after
the not-guilty verdict was delivered in Octo-
ber 1995. He was the only photographer to
document (with his fiancée, Kathy Amer-
man) Simpson's acquittal party (after mak-
ing a deul with Simpson and “The Stas,” for
which he earned about 20 percent of Simp-
son's $640,000 fee).
Schiller, meanwhile, was working on a proj-
ect that was out of their control. Using his
access lo Simpson's lawyers and friends, he
conducted hundreds of interviews about the
“I took the picture to Marilyn Monroe. She
loved it and started talking. I didn’t know if
she wanted to be fucked or what. I wasn’t as
fat then, but I was still a little heavy. I was a
chickenshit. I didn't make a move.”
case for his oun book, "American Tragedy:
The Uncensored Story." When the book came
out this past October, it shocked the Simpson
camp and the country. Schiller had done the
unbelievable for a Simpson insider—he had
switched sides and written, with James Will-
werth, a headline-making book that pointed
the finger of guilt at his friend and onetime
partner. The book contains revelations: that
Simpson had tried to kill himself, that the de-
fense lawyers were constantly at one anoth-
er's throats, that Simpson failed a lie detector
test soon after the killings and that the
lawyers redecorated Simpson’s home in
preparation for a visit there by the jury, re-
placing a nude picture of Paula Barbieri
with a photograph of Simpson and his moth-
er as well as hanging up a Norman Rockwell
print of a black girl walking to school ac-
companied by federal marshals.
Even more impressive, Schiller persuaded
Kardashian to give his perspective: Kar-
dashian served as the main source for
Schiller’s book (and was compensated for his
effort). “American Tragedy,” for which
Schiller received a $1.25 million advance,
was an instant best-seller and was launched
at a celebrity party hosted by Norman Mai-
ler and Dominick Dunne. Attacked by Rob-
ert Shapiro, Cochran, Alan Dershowitz and
others, it earned rave reviews in “The New
York Times” and the “Los Angeles Times,”
which called it the best-written and best-
researched book on the Simpson case yet.
Schiller, 60, is a man with a confounding
reputation. His demeanor and tactics make
him seem like the perfect reporter for the
“National Enquirer.” But his work has often
been masterful. He earned accolades for the
picture book “Minamata” that he produced
with photographer W. Eugene Smith on the
crippling effects of mercury pollution in
Japan. He worked on a highly respected tele-
vision miniseries, “Peter the Great,” and the
Academy Award-winning “Man Who Skied
Down Everest.” He collaborated on a series
of books writien by Norman Mailer: Yet he is
louthed by some former sources, by colleagues
and by many journalists. Toobin described
Schiller as a “perfectly amoral profiteer.”
Producer David Susskind—against whom
Schiller competed for the rights to one sensa-
tional story—once said, “Schiller swoops
down on tragic events vulturelike and ghoul-
ishly, salivating all the time."
Little in Schiller's life hasn't been contro-
versial. Born in New York, he was the son of
a discount merchanl. When he was seven,
the family moved to San Diego, where his fa-
ther opened a camera, appliance and sport-
ing goods store. As a child Schiller perma-
nently damaged one eye in an accident. But
by the age of 12, he was a passionate pho-
tographer. The hobby led to a college scholar-
ship at Pepperdine and to an early career
shooling historic photos for “Life,” “Look”
and “Paris Match.” He photographed
Richard and Pat Nixon, Vietnamese dragon
lady Madame Nhu, Ann-Margret, Barbra
Streisand and two popes. He also conducted
interviews with some of his subjects for audio
48 albums and books, such as the one that doc-
umented LSD culture in the Sixties. A pho-
tographer on the sel of many movies, he took
nude photographs of Marilyn Monroe after
she achieved stardom. One famous shot from
Schiller’s session appeared in PLAYBOY in
1964. He shot numerous pictorials for
PLAYBOY, including the first shots of pubic
hair to appear in the magazine, in 1969.
Moments after hearing the news about the
assassination of President John E Kennedy,
Schiller headed for Dallas. He was present
when Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald
and later conducted the last interview with
Ruby before he died. Schiller also ingratiat-
ed himself with the Manson family and in-
terviewed member Susan Atkins, collaborat-
ing with her on a book, He managed to get
hundreds of hours of exclusive interview
time with the widow of Lenny Bruce, which
became the basis for the book “Ladies and
Gentlemen, Lenny Bruce!"
For “Marilyn,” a book of photos of Mon-
тое, he persuaded Norman Mailer to write
the text and thereby began a tumultuous,
though productive, relationship that led to а
number of collaborations with the writer.
The most significant of these was “The Exe-
cutioner's Song.” By spreading around his
Simpson has some
deep-seated concerns about
the way he is perceived. So
I wonder: Could it have
come out with Nicole?
money and charming Gary Gilmore's friends
and family, Schiller sewed up the rights to
Gilmore’s story, just as Gilmore was about to
be executed in a Utah prison. In typical
Schiller fashion, he became a central figure
in events that surrounded the execution and
brought the story to Mailer, who wrote “The
Executioner's Song" with the help of
Schiller’s research. Schiller went on to direct
the television movie of the story, based on
Mailer’s script.
Mailer's most recent book on Lee Harvey
Oswald was also brought to him by and re-
searched with Schiller. “Oswald’s Tale,”
which relies on interviews with members and
former members of the KGB, with Marina
Oswald and with many other sources, came
out of a relationship Schiller built in Russia
when he made “Peter the Great.”
Schiller has been divorced three times and
is now engaged to Amerman, a photogra-
pher. He has five children from his first
two marriages. Although he had made mil-
lions of dollars on various projects, he filed
for bankrupicy in 1991 after spending
$600,000 in an ill-fated attempt to make a
movie about Chernobyl. He’s back on his feet
again, in part because of the Simpson case.
He also may have a new career because of his
current book. Mailer once wrote that Schiller
was sometimes “ready to cry in his sleep that
he was a writer without hands." But Jason
Epstein, his editor at Random House, says
Schiller learned to write during the course of
this book. “The final draft is all Schiller’s,”
Epstein says. We sent Contributing Editor
David Sheff lo track down Schiller for the
“Playboy Interview." Here is Sheff's report:
“I met with Schiller at his suite in the
Plaza Hotel in Manhattan soon after he was
subpoenaed to appear at the civil trial
against Simpson. He seemed delighted.
"They're going to ask me to reveal my
sources, he says, ‘Of course, I won't. If
1 wind up in jail, it'll be great publicity for
the book."
“The suite was equipped for business with
a fax machine and a laptop. We sat facing
each other with my two tape recorders on the
coffee table between us. Before I asked my
first question, Schiller carefully examined
the recorders. ‘I conducted my first interview
with a wire recorder,’ he said, ‘the same kind
used decades ago by the KGB. When I got in
10 see Ruby before he died, I had a tape
recorder hidden inside a Neiman Marcus
briefcase. For one session with O.J., the one
that I knew would be used to introduce the
audio version of "I Want to Tell You," I used
а DAT recorder. The guards were impressed.”
“During our long interview sessions,
Schiller often apologized for being 'inarticu-
late.’ In fact he is a gripping storyteller with
a remarkable memor; for detail. Î was struck
by his desire for respectability, something
that has eluded him despite his triumphs.
Clearly, Schiller craves more than anything
to be a man of substance. ‘He hus worked
hard to purify himself,’ Norman Mailer told
me in a telephone conversation. ‘He has
changed more than any person I know. He is
now very much a man of substance."
PLAYBOY: Let's start with the obvious
question: Did O.J. Simpson get away
with murder?
SCHILLER: If he committed these crimes—
and the blood evidence certainly said
he did, though the time line says he
didn't—I think he must have repressed
them completely.
PLAYBOY: You were close to Simpson.
Which side of the issue do you come
down on?
‘SCHILLER: Since I didn't talk to him today,
I come down on the side of guilty.
PLAYBOY: Meaning?
SCHILLER: If I had had a conversation
with him today, 1 would probably say he
is innocent. He is that persuasive.
PLAYBOY: Does he really believe he’s in-
nocent or could he be a convincing liar?
SCHILLER: I think he believes he's inno-
cent. Bernard Yudowitz [a psychiatrist
who evaluated Simpson in jail] said cer-
tain atypical killers are so repulsed by
their actions that these actions become
submerged. The actions cease to exist in
their universe. They have to destroy any
evidence that their crimes do exist. The
episode I report in my book about the
drainpipe [Simpsen frantically cleans a
drainpipe in his home because he fears it could.
have his blood in it] is very interesting. He
is trying to wipe out evidence of the
crime not because of a fear of prosecu-
tion, but because he wants to wipe out
the crime itself.
PLAYBOY: You interviewed him in jail for
36 hours. In all that time, did you dis-
cover any holes in his story or any evi-
dence that he was lying?
SCHILLER: No. But since then I’ve seen
another side of him.
PLAYBOY: What have you seen?
SCHILLER: Simpson called me about ten
days ago. He was very upset about one
story in my book that was reported on
ТУ. I wrote about the lawyers making
over his house for the black jury, replac-
ing the pictures of white women on the
wall with pictures of Simpson's family
and a Norman Rockwell print of a black
girl. He was incensed. He was scream-
ing. I kept saying to him, “Read the
book, O.J. Stop it! Wait until you read it
in the book. It's out of context.” I said, “I
didn't say you changed the pictures. 1
didn't say you knew aboutit or wanted it
dont iut he continued screaming. For
the first time in my entire relationship
with him, 1 felt the heat of his anger—
not the anger, the heat of his anger. The
words were on top of one another; they
were out of control. I wanted to get off
the phone, and I'm the type of person
who never wants to get off the phone.
It's not because I didn't want to discuss
10—111 fight for the book. But I wanted
to get away from that terrifying heat.
That may have said more to me than
some of the evidence.
PLAYBOY: Why would this one revelation
infuriate him? He's been accused of
worse things than that.
SCHILLER: I think it is an affront to his
view of himself—a powerful affront. He
has some deep-seated concerns about
the way he is perceived. So I wonder: Is
that the sign of insanity? Could it have
come out with Nicole? Could it be a
doorway into his insanity to see that he
cared so much about the perception that
he was party to altering his home? I
don't know. Throughout my career, Гуе
interviewed a lot of criminally insane
people. I interviewed Adam Berwid,
who was in jail in Mineola, New York for
killing h - There was a guard in the
room the whole time. The day after I
completed the interview, his lawyer went
to see him, and Berwid stabbed him in
the neck with a pencil or ballpoint. For a
long time 1 wondered if I had left my
pen or pencil there nobody knows how
he gotit. There was nevera doubt: Here
was a person who was genuinely and
clearly insane. Another time, I inter-
viewed two guys who had been sen-
tenced to death and had figured out that
the only way they could escape their sen-
tences was to prove they were insane.
They met in prison and decided to cut
off each other's toes and fingers and oth-
er limbs with a hacksaw. They didn’t use
anything to numb the pain. There are
extremes you will go to that are them-
selves acts of insanity. So now I have to
ask, "Is there insai in the reaction I
got from Simpson?” I’m not certain.
PLAYBOY: Had you been a juror, would
you have found Simpson guilty or not
: Not guilty. The blood evidence
is hard to ignore, but the time line offers
reasonable doubt. The key is the young
couple, on their first date, who walked
down Bundy at 10:25 and didn't sce the
paw prints of the Akita, I re-created it
and it’s pretty convincing. It says that he
couldn't have committed the murders.
On the other hand, the blood evidence is
difficult to explain.
PLAYBOY: You reported that Johnnie
Cochran was always troubled by Simp-
son's inability to explain in a reasonable
and consistent way the cuts on his hand.
Do you agree those wounds indicate
Simpson's guilt?
SCHILLER: Of course. There's no logical
explanation for those cuts.
PLAYBOY: Yet you would still vote not
SCHILLER: Yes. But my view isn't the point.
1 wrote the book to put forth the sto-
ry. I want readers to draw their own
PLAYBOY: How exactly did you get in-
volved with this case?
SCHILLER: Years ago, my first wife and 1
lived across the street from Simpson,
though I never really knew him. Su-
zanne, my oldest child, babysat for Ar-
nelle and Jason and became very close to
О]. wife's sister. I got divorced and we
moved away from the neighborhood
and that was the end of O.J. Simpson,
the celebrity who lived up the street. Lat-
er, with my second wife, | met and be-
came friends with Robert Kardashian.
Years later, the murders happen. I knew
that Robert and O.J. were very close. 1
just figured out that he must be with
Robert. I called and left a message on
Roberts machine. He called back five
days later.
PLAYBOY: Next you and Kardashian had
the clandestine meeting by the freeway.
What happened?
SCHILLER: He was so scared. He was sure
his house was bugged. That's why I sug-
gested the freeway. If he was being
bugged with parabolic microphones, the
freeway noise would muffle our conver-
sation. I told him that this case was going
to become bigger than he imagined. We
met again—by then he was no longer
worried about being bugged—and I told
him to keep a meticulous record of ev-
erything that happened.
PLAYBOY: Did you call because you
already wanted to get involved in this
SCHILLER: At that point, I didn’t know
what I wanted to do. Right after the
murders, I heard from my daughter
Suzanne, who lives in Philadelphia.
“Dad, I hope you're not going near
this,” she said. My son Marc said to me,
“He's guilty. He did it. Don’t get in-
volved with another killer”—something
like that.
PLAYBOY: Was there a chance you would
take their advice and stay away?
SCHILLER: I guess not.
PLAYBOY: Why? What attracts you? Mur-
der? The media frenzy?
SCHILLER: The challenge. Everyone want-
ed to get to O.J., and I thought I would
be the one. I also thought I would at-
tempt to do something respectable. 1
know it sounds self-serving, but I felt I
could. I wanted Suzanne to end up say-
ing, "You did it the right way this ti
PLAYBOY: Were you waiting for a way in?
SCHILLER: That's right. And I found it
when I learned about the mountains of
mail coming in to O.J. I came up with
the idea for the book that became J Want
to Tell You. The defense needed money.
Robert had tried but wasn’t able to get a
loan on O,J.’s house; nobody would give
О.]. a loan. So I proposed this project
and it was approved.
PLAYBOY: Did you indeed get 20 percent
of O,J.’s take of $1.4 million?
SCHILLER: I got 20 percent of whatever it
was, although I had to pay the expenses
out of my share. But the money was
unimportant, It was the challenge. How
do you think I felt the first day I walked
їп to see Simpson in jail? On subsequent
I drove to the jail in various cars
with different license plates. Do you real-
ize the challenge? Talk about an adrena-
line rush.
PLAYBOY: You were allowed in to see
Simpson not as a journalist but as a ma-
terial witness for the defense. Was this
SCHILLER: At the time I denied it, but of
course it was. Kardashian got Shawn
Chapman [an attorney in Johnnie
Cochran's office] to put me on the list to
get in.
PLAYBOY: Describe the Simpson you met
in jail.
SCHILLER: I was worried that I would
have to sell him on the idea and on me,
to persuade him to talk. But he just start-
ed talking. 1 saw him in every mood: de-
pressed, angry, crying. He was a caged
person who was nonetheless trying to
live like a king. He n't know what he
was saying half the time. He was strug-
gling just to keep his persona, very much
like the Gatsby character. He was differ-
ent in different interviews. 1 did 11 in-
terviews with him. It was many moods. It
was multilayered. But what came out
was consistent. There was never an in-
consistency in his story or in his view of
himself as innocent.
PLAYBOY: In what ways was he trying to
live like a king?
SCHILLER: They brought in people to
make him happy, from his golfing
buddies to neighbors. He was chained to
the floor in the room where he met peo
ple, but it was open. There was glass be-
tween him and his visitors, but they
could breathe the same air. With Judge
Lance Ito’s consent, he was given a ma-
terial-witness list that was designed to let
anyone he wanted to sec come visit with
him. Once, Paula Barbieri showed up
with seminude pictures of herself that
had been taken for a fashion magazine
or something. I'm in there, she's there
showing him the pictures through the
glass. These were sensual, sexy pictures.
She asked if he wanted some prints for
his cell. He said no. “I don’t want them.
Some guard may steal them and leak
them to a tabloid: “This is what O.J. has
in jail." She was holding up all these pic-
tures and they were the type of pictures
that would make a guy horny. How can I
put this: In a joking way, he pretended
that he was enjoying himself.
PLAYBOY: T hat he was masturbating?
SCHILLER: In a joking way. She is showing
him picture after picture after picture. Is
that not taking care of the king? Another
time she was there for four hours ad-
dressing Christmas cards with him. But
Ito had to respond when / Want to Tell
You came out. It was such an obvious
breach of the material-witness list that
Tto put his foot down because the sheriff
was embarrassed. They basically took
O.].'s material-witness list away—it went
down to 12 or 18 persons and there had
to be an affidavit that stated why each
person was a material witness. Before
that, all his friends were on the list.
PLAYBOY: Before meeting with Simpson,
did you think he was guilty?
SCHILLER: I didn't know.
PLAYBOY If you had become convinced
that he was guilty, would you have con-
tinued with the book?
SCHILLER: I would not have. Truly.
PLAYBOY: So you believed that he was
SCHILLER: 1 don't think anybody in the
world in November or December 1994
could have sat opposite him for more
than an hour and believed he was guilty.
He was that persuasive. When I walked
away from Gary Gilmore, I knew. He
was a cold-blooded killer. I understood
how you could be looking him straight in
the eye, carrying on a conversation, and
he would be sliding a shiv into your
heart. In the process of conducting the
interviews with Gilmore, we asked him if
there was a crime worse than killing. His
answer impressed me: “Yes,” he said,
“there is. It is worse to irrevocably alter
someone's life—to take a hammer and
hit someone in the head so he or she
lives the rest of his or her life like a veg-
etable." It showed how clearly Gilmore
knew what he was doing. He was a mur-
derer. But with O.J., there was no way of
0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method.
PLAYBOY: More than half the country
thought they knew.
SCHILLER: But nobody had interviewed
him since the murders. Maybe I didn't
have the intellectual capacity to draw the
correct conclusions, but I didn't see him
as guilty. I don't think I'm exaggerating
the power he had to convince people.
+ Did you have any qualms about
helping Simpson at that time?
SCHILLER: Why would I have qualms?
Dominick Dunne was asked on a talk
show if he would have visited Simp-
son in jail if he had gotten a call. He
said, “I would have been there before
the sentence was completed.” Anyone
would have.
PLAYBOY: But / Mane to Tell You was pure
propaganda designed to elicit sympathy
for Simpson.
SCHILLER: That was the point. We wanted
to present an image before the jury was
impaneled. At the time, Robert Shapiro
[Simpson's original lead attorney] was
asking television stations to play Twelve
Angry Men for the same reason.
PLAYBOY: But you said you didn't know if
Simpson was guilty or not
SCHILLER: I guess I have to say that the
ego of being the guy to pull it off is what
ruled here. The best part was that we
were able to keep it a secret for so long.
Everybody who worked on the book
lived in the house. The publisher's copy
editors, everybody. We changed the
phones. We put on digital scanners. We
shredded the garbage. The dining room
became a writing room. The bedroom
became the layout room.
PLAYBOY: Do you understand why many
people loathe that book?
SCHILLER: Sure, and a journalist may not
have done it. It would taint his reputa-
tion. But to Schiller, this was an opportu-
nity that might pay off. It was a way ofin-
gratiating himself to Simpson and the
defense team. I admit it! Not proud-
ly, but I admit it factually. At the same
time, I knew that the shadow of this
book would stay with me for the rest
of my life.
PLAYBOY: Are you proud of / Want to
Tell You?
SCHILLER: Not of the book, but I am
proud that 1 was able to pull it off. And
you must remember that I spent 11 days
interviewing Simpson before we had a
deal. I could have made millions of dol-
lars with those tapes. I could have be-
come а millionaire overnight. But here
is an example of Larry Schiller keeping
his eye on the prize. This was just a
step. I had ingratiated myself into his
camp. Milking it for the last dollar was
PLAYBOY: You also volunteered to edit the
tapes of Mark Fuhrman that were even-
tually played for the jury. Why?
SCHILLER: [t was another way to ingratiate
myself with the defense.
PLAYBOY: Did you realize how important
they would turn out to be?
SCHILLER: As soon as 1 listened to them, I
knew what would happen. I listened to
them all and edited 41 sections. Nobody
knew how much the judge would allow. I
know every word by heart.
PLAYBOY: At what point did you decide to
write your own book on the case? Was
that the reason you spent so much time
with the defense?
SCHILLER: 1 didn't know exactly what J
wanted to do, but I knew I had a unique
perspective. Though I wasn't able to get
law students and professors inside the
defense, I was inside. My first idea was to
ask Jeffrey Toobin [who covered the case
for The New Yorker and eventually wrote
his own book] to collaborate with me. He
would write the prosecution's story and I
would write the defense's story in alter-
nate chapters. He wasn't interested.
PLAYBOY: In fact he was critical, even con-
temptuous, of you in his book
SCHILLER: I knew it was coming. It doesn't
bother me.
PLAYBOY: When you decided to write this
book, were you afraid that your involve-
ment in I Want to Tell You had destroyed
any credibility that you might have?
SCHILLER: Yes. I was particularly dis-
turbed when I realized how good a book
I could write. But I also knew I had
credibility because of my material. My
interviews and research gave me all the
PLAYBOY: Your primary source was Kar-
dashian. Why did he cooperate so fully
with you?
SCHILLER: I think because he trusted that
I would represent him accurately.
PLAYBOY: You also paid him.
SCHILLER: Robert was paid on an hourly
basis for his time like the other lawyers.
PLAYBOY: Does he have a stake in the suc-
cess of the book?
PLAYBOY: What if the book is a runaway
best-seller and you make millions of
SCHILLER: If 1 make millions of dollars I
will be very happy to share it with the
people who contributed. Robert will not
be singled out.
PLAYBOY: How much money was Kar-
dashian paid?
SCHILLER: With all due respect, Connie
Chung doesn't tell me how much she
pays for interviews.
PLAYBOY: T he point is that you paid your
chief source.
SCHILLER: ГІ tell you that the highest-
paid lawyer, based on hourly rates, was
not Kardashian. He just gave me more
hours, so he wound up getting a little
more money. But he was not the high-
est paid.
PLAYBOY: The fact is, no reputable jour-
nalist pays his sources, and you knov it.
SCHILLER: I wouldn't think of not
By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal
Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight.
compensating people for their time.
Johnnie Cochran was paid more than
$4 million for his time. Shapiro was paid
$1.5 million.
PLAYBOY. They were paid for writing
their books. It's not the same as paying
SCHILLER: Do you really think Carl Doug-
las would have given me more than 20
hours of time for nothing? Come on!
"There's nothing wrong with paying him
his normal hourly rate.
PLAYBOY: One thing that’s wrong is that
paid sources are unreliable. They have a
financial incentive to embellish their
SCHILLER: I don't rely solely on any one
source. My book is multisourced. I
checked everything and cross-checked it
PLAYBOY: Kardashian is being attacked by
members of the defense team and other
lawyers for revealing secrets that are
protected by his professional relation-
ship with Simpson. Do you agree that he
has crossed the line?
SCHILLER: No. Maybe he made a breach
when he told Barbara Walters [during a
20/20 interview] that Simpson miserably
failed the lie detector test he took right
after the murders. But I didn’t rely on
Robert for that story. He was not the first
nor the only source for it
PLAYBOY: But did Kardashian know
about the polygraph because he was
Simpson's lawyer?
SCHILLER: Robert didn't have a bar li-
сспзс. He had studied law. He had
passed the bar, but he never pursued it
as a profession. I don't think he's wor-
ried about being sanctioned by the bar.
PLAYBOY. Docs Kardashian have a rc-
sponsibility to Simpson as a friend? Did
he betray Simpson?
SCHILLER: Kardashian said to me on
many occasions, “Simpson never asked
me to withhold anything. He never told
me to lie. He never said I shouldn't talk,
and only he will know whether I have
betrayed our friendship." Kardashian
doesn't believe he has. He believes that if
Simpson reads the book, he will end up
admiring Robert for what he's done.
PLAYBOY: That's self-serving. Its unlikely
that Simpson would agree with that.
SCHILLER: Robert did this because he
needed to rid himself of it so he could
have some peace in his life. This guy is
going through hell. Every place he goes
people spit on him and cuss at him.
‘They write “murderer” on his car.
Whether he is seen as supporting O.J. or
being against him, he is attacked. So he
wanted to purge himself.
PLAYBOY: How about you? Do you ac-
knowledge that you betrayed Simpson
and his lawyers in order to cash in?
SCHILLER: There was no betrayal. There is
no question that 1 exploited the situa-
tion, but it was not to make money.
PLAYBOY: After your bankruptcy because
of Chernobyl, didn't you need money?
52 SCHILLER: 1 have five children. Three are
grown, one is in college and another is a
Junior in high school. I want to earn
money, but this is motivated by some-
thing else. If I were to stand in the bath-
room with no clothes on and look at my-
self in the mirror and ask, “What was
your real motive, Larry?” it's that I want-
ed to be the person to do it. Maybe the
means were not perfect at times, and I
am not saying that the end justifies the
means, but I don’t think anything would
have stopped me from trying to reach
my goal.
PLAYBOY: What is it? Notoriety?
SCHILLER: I've already had notoriety. It's
the sense of accomplishment, the sense
of leaving something to my family that
they might be proud of, something that
juxtaposes the criticism and the contro-
versies of my life. I am as proud of my
book about the case as I am of anything
I've done.
PLAYBOY: But we'll ask it again: By writ-
ing it, did you betray Simpson?
SCHILLER: No. I followed through with
every agreement that I made with OJ
I made him lots of money. I helped
influence public opinion. I edited the
Fuhrman tapes, which were key to his
trial. In my agreement with him, I al-
ways had the option of doing my own
book. Because of my agreement with
O.J., 1 didn’t rely on any material that I
had. Listen, there are, in my goddamn
closet at home, a stack of O.J.'s diaries,
the notes he kept throughout the trial. I
never even read them because I didn't
want to be tempted to use the material.
Because of our contract, I couldn't use
any of the material from my interviews
with Simpson. But I was free to do my
own work.
PLAYBOY: You said the means may not
have been perfect. What was wrong with
the means?
SCHILLER: There were things I did. At one
point, at the end, after the acquittal,
there was a time when I hugged him. I
did feel very guilty. When he got out of
the van and he was walking into the
house, holding the Bible up, he passed
me. I gave him a hug and said, “You did
it, you did it!" I felt guilty for that.
SCHILLER: I don’t know. In the emotion of
the moment, I just gave him a hug.
Everyone else was giving him hugs and I
didn't want to be. .. . I don't think a cer-
tain type of journalist would have given
him a hug.
PLAYBOY: So you felt guilty because you
felt it was unprofessional?
SCHILLER: That's right. It was stepping
over the line.
PLAYBOY: Perhaps you were acknowledg-
ing that your role in this case was con-
fused. Had you become his friend and
colleague or were you a journalist who
would write a book that would be viewed
as a betrayal?
SCHILLER: I never felt as if we were
friends. I would call us acquaintances,
not friends. When I hugged him, I was
caught up in the moment. That's all. It
was an emotional day. 1 saw what was yet
to come. At the acquittal party, Kathy
[Amerman, the photographer, Schiller's
fiancée] and I were taking pictures. We'd
divided up the house. People would
come up to O.]. and I would ask them to
stand closer together so I could take a
picture. But no one would. They moved
away from him. They said, "Oh, that's
OK, we dont need a picture.” They said,
"No thanks. That's all right." Outside, in
the cars, on our way there, first we heard
cheering and that faded into the cries of
“Murderer, murderer.” Then we were
inside among his friends and no one
would stand close to him to be pho-
tographed. It was very illuminating of
what was to come.
PLAYBOY: Does it surprise you that his
lawyers feel you betrayed them?
SCHILLER: It depends who you're talking
about. Some are embarrassed by things
Туе reported about them, sure.
PLAYBOY: Have you heard from Robert
SCHILLER: He's been out of the country
since the book came out.
PLAYBOY: Johnnie Cochran has denied
some of your charges. Specifically, he de-
nies having made a comment after see-
ing Simpson the night before his closing
argument to the jury. You reported that
Simpson attempted to sculpt Cochran's
closing remarks and that there was an
argument. Afterward, Cochran said, *It's
a good thing I don't have blond hair."
SCHILLER: Only four people were in the
car when that was said, I can tell you that
Cochran said it. 1 understand that his
persona is important to him. Of course
he won't admit to saying it.
PLAYBOY: Has F Lec Bailey responded to
the book? He comes off as exceedingly
SCHILLER: He hasn't said that anything in
the book is untruthful. He has said he
believes that Kardashian has breached
his responsibility as a lawyer, but not that
I breached my agreement with him. His
incompetence is obvious when you read
the transcripts. But what's more humili-
ating to Bailey is what Carl Douglas told
me: that they wouldn't allow him to have
а copy of the Fuhrman tapes. Bailey was
pleading with him: “Why can't 1 have
them?" “Well, you can't be trusted."
"That's what is humiliating to him. But
it's history. Fm not going to sacrifice the
truth of history to remain a friend of
Е Lee Bailey. At the same time, I hope
he will respect me more because I
haven't done something just to make a
friend of him.
PLAYBOY: It's unlikely.
SCHILLER: I don't know. It depends on
how big a man he is. I would say it's un-
likely with Johnnie Cochran.
PLAYBOY: After watching these lawyers in
action, who would you call if you needed
(continued on page 146)
He's a man who knows that the best entertaining starts at home. His personal formula for romance:
a bottle of 1982 Bordeaux and Luther Vandross. He's discerning, naturally, about the quality of
sound. Last year PLAYBOY men bought 38 million records, tapes and discs. PLAYBOY men spent
40 percent more on audio equipment than the male readers of Rolling Stone and Spin com- Y
bined. When it's taste that counts, PLAYBOY's in a class by itself. (Source: Spring 1996 MRI.)
IN THE inning was th
Ву Jim Dwyer 55. "ee was he
“That weekend, I was assigned Guide the Capitol, on a
flatbed truck, and none of us knew where Jackie and the
kids were," said Dan Farrell, a veteran New York Daily News
photographer. "Someone said to me, ‘Do you vant to go
over to the church?’ It was a good run from there to the
cathedral. I took a very long lens on an old box camera; it
must have been 200 millimeters in modern terms
"I got there before the family appeared. When they came
out and were all standing there, I was looking for the pic-
ture. It seemed to me the ideal situation would be to get
them with the casket.
“I was 300 feet or so away, but I was looking through the
lens and saw Jackie bend down to speak to John. I could
read her lips.
“She said, John, salute.’ He didn't respond at first. I took
a deep breath. She said, John, John—salute.' Caroline had a
prayer book in her hand, and she was looking down at it.
Teddy and Bobby were in the frame. Peter Lawford. There
was no motor drive on the camera. You got only one shot at
it. The Associated Press didn't get the picture, but the Daily
News is a member of the AP, so my picture went to it, and that
was the one it sent out to papers around the world.
“I can still see her face, see her lips moving: John, John—
“When I see the picture of myself saluting at my father's
funeral,” Kennedy said not long ago, “I really don't remem-
ber it. But Гуе seen it so much I feel like I've lived it.”
For John Kennedy—that, by the way, is the name on his
business card, no middle initial Е, no suffixed Jr—it can be
no small task to sort the authentic from the counterfeit, the
moments actually lived from those fabricated by the machin-
ery of family and national myth
Return, now, to St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, as
John Kennedy did six years ago
It was the night before the wedding of his cousin Mary
Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert Е Kennedy, to Andrew
Cuomo, son of former New York governor Mario Cuomo.
The bride and groom were rehearsing their ceremony. The
big cathedral was empty except for a small crowd, the wed-
ding party, clustered near the front.
There was giddiness in the air. That was
not disrespect; it was just the human spirit
dealing with the momentous, solemn
ctor, lawyer, publisher,
married man—camelot’s prince
tackles his destiny
promise of marriage. And at this wedding, it wasn’t just the
future that had to be brought into balance with the present.
Near the main altar of the cathedral, a marble tablet set
into the center aisle marks the spot where President
Kennedy's coffin was placed during his funeral Mass three
decades ago. Kerry Kennedy is a sensitive woman. Earlier
that day, she arranged for a round Oriental rug to be laid
over the plaque. The memorial was hidden before her
cousin John arrived for the rehearsal. His official role was
not cousin but usher for the groom. John and Andrew had
been fast friends before Cuomo met Kerry.
His arrival in the cathedral that night was noticed.
“Hey, John,” one cousin called out. “Come over here, we
want to show you something.”
John ambled up front. The cousin leaned over and dra-
matically yanked back the carpet, baring the plaque that
memorializes JFK’s funeral.
“Look at that, John,” said the cousin. “How about that?”
John stood frozen while a few of the cousins giggled. Just
like John, they joked, not to know where his own father’s fu-
neral was held. The moment was too painful for others in
the wedding party.
“Hey, man, that’s fucked up,” barked another usher,
James Hairston. “Put back the ru;
“John was aghast,” said someone who was there. "|
stunning and stupid. He reeled back.”
Later, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis approached Hairston
at the reception. “I want to thank you for helping John. back
in the cathedral,” she said
Reeled back: It had been 27 years since his father’s coffin
rested on that spot, 27 years since young John Kennedy had
been in that cathedral, 27 years since he stood outside, a lit-
tle boy saluting into the lens of the world for the first time.
All these years later, nothing gets left under the rug. Some-
one is always waiting to roll it back. It is rare to find him
shocked. Now he is more often the one with the surprises
Tt was
On an early autumn day in 1996 John Kennedy once
again was photographed with a church backdrop. For his
wedding, he fled cathedrals and crowds, choosing instead a
ramshackle chapel on Cumberland Island in Georgia, with
30 or so guests. But the image of him lifting his bride's
gloved right band to his lips was instantly
"Today, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., the
only infant to live in the White House in
Special Issue M же
Powerful Pecs
and Public Policy
A Guide to
a Cousin: H
Is It Good
Politics? (
| Actually 1.4 e
a Real Wedding _
by Carolyn В Besse
another pretty
not just
the 20th century, is editor-in-chief of
George, the only political-lifestyle maga-
zine in the county. His wife, Carolyn
Bessette, is a striking woman of long
legs and strong opinions. “I am the
happiest man in the world,” the groom
said, toasting his bride at their wedding
Most biographical sketches indicate
that his birth on November 25, 1960
came less than three weeks afier his fa-
ther was elected president. But that isa
mere fact from a calendar. John Е
Kennedy Jr. was born just as televisions
were becoming as common as toasters
in America. He has lived his entire life
amid the dreadful confusion of people
circling him with various fun-house
mirrors, reflecting back a face, an im-
age, a being that cannot look much
like his own.
“He has spent so much time protect-
ing himself and gaining perspective on
his existence that he has a far different
take on what these public images
mean,” said a thoughtful family friend.
His romance with Bessette is over, the pa-
pers declare, In fact, they were book-
ing the chapel on Cumberland Island.
She has taken up with a young man in
Paris, where they have had long, earnest dis-
cussions in cafés. The man in Paris was
the designer of her wedding gown. She
is а devout Catholic. Actually, a Unitari-
an. It was a shotgun wedding that took
place when she was nine weeks pregnant.
They had reserved the place three
months earlier,
He jealously protects his privacy.
Heck, anyone would buy that story,
though they might wonder if they saw
him roller-skating around in Central
Park, barechested in case, we must as-
sume, someone would be distracted by
a sweaty T-shirt. Woody Allen, another
supposed New York recluse, goes out
in public wearing the standard Woody
Allen disguise—floppy hat and khaki
slacks—then sits at his regular table
at Elaine's. Bashful Kennedy takes
off his shirt.
Atleast until his wedding, he still had
а coterie of frat-boy friends, a few of
whom seemed high on the boor meter.
He still bicycles everywhere, going
from his loft in Tribeca to the magazine
office near Times Square. Or he'll ride
the Broadway subway, face buried in a
magazine. Last year one of his buddies,
Brian Steel, ran in a Democratic prima-
st a brainy, well-established
West Side congressman, Jerrold Nad-
ler. The Steel campaign consisted large-
ly of gossip items about his friendship
with John Kennedy. Nadler won.
At the age of 36, John is living life on
his own terms. But what are they? Un-
til he got started with George, he had
wandered from acting to lawyering to
the gym, The résumé, in truth, was
pretty light, if you leave aside three
decades nonstop in the public eye.
Showing off your chest is nothing com-
pared with publishing a magazine in
which you appear to bare, on а month-
ly basis, little bits of your soul.
After all these years, what does John
Kennedy want us to see?
George debuted in the fall of 1995. lt
was the first time Kennedy was the
boss, not just a grunt. And it was the
first time every move he made was new.
The district attorney's office could
train him to make a bail application;
the director at the Irish Arts Center
could tell him how to enter from stage
lefi. But there are no rules, precedents
or career paths for being John Ken-
nedy, product.
The key at the start was typing his
name on the cover. John Kennedy talks
with George Wallace, his father’s segre-
gation nemesis. John Kennedy talks
with Iain Calder, former editor of the
National Enquirer, biggest mirror in the
fun house. John Kennedy talks with
Warren Beatty, deposed champion in
the “sexiest man alive” universe. It
doesn’t matter what they talked about,
as long as that name was on the cover.
Good clean fun. Some lite chatter with
and about Newt Gingrich, Pat Schroe-
der, Julia Roberts. The toughest pieces
have been profiles on reporters Bob
Woodward and Ruth Shalit, his stern-
est Q&A with the man from the Na-
tional Enquirer.
Kennedy brought in the ads and the
stories and for most of the first year
managed to avoid selling too much of
Then came another image.
On the September day that his
guests were being ferried to Cumber-
land Island, George was on newsstands
with a picture of actress Drew Barry-
more made up as Marilyn Monroe.
George cover line. The cover was meant
to recall Monroe's notorious serenade
at Madison Square Garden to Presi-
dent Kennedy on his 45th birthday. [t
evoked much more: The event became
the indelible image to accompany ru-
mors of the president's dalliance with
Monroe. After a life of carefully man-
aged privacy and determined public
dignity, John Kennedy splashed on the
cover of George one of the tawdriest
tales about his father. It’s reasonable to
say that the Barrymore cover is the
most astonishing photograph ever con-
nected to John Kennedy, if only be-
cause he picked the image himself.
"Very very bad taste," said John
Davis, a cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis. “Marilyn Monroe's Happy
Birthday salute in Madison Square Gar-
den at a time when she was having sex-
ual relations with the president certain-
ly was very distressing to Jacqueline.”
Davis, of course, has built a cottage
industry around “biographies” of his
cousins-in-law. But it doesn't take a
dedicated Kennedy camp follower to
be shocked by that cover. Just ask Bar-
bra Streisand.
“I can't believe John Kennedy is try-
ing to get me to dress up as Marilyn
Monroc for the cover of his magazine,"
Streisand complained to a friend. "He
is on the phone, twisting my arm
Editor Kennedy appeared genuinely
bewildered when the press reported
shock and dismay at his decision. "It's
reprising [a song] sung to my father in
1962,” Kennedy told USA Today. Tt “is
part of the iconography of American
politics . . . an enduring image. . . . I
don't see what possible taste questions
could be involved. If I don't find it
tasteless, I don't know why anyone
“The whole magazine is a device for
his coming to terms with the legacy of
John E. Kennedy,” says a close friend.
“These people have suffered a lot for
what they carry. You don't feel entitled
to be your own person. How did you
get in the fix of being John F. Kennedy
‘Jr? You thrash it out in George.
“And you do this postmodern joke
about your father.”
Read his magazine. Or talk with a
dozen people who know John Ken-
nedy, some fleetingly, some at a dis-
tance, some reasonably close up, and
the worst that is said of him is that he's
a little spacey. Not one person ever says
that he is anything bur a sweet and de-
cent guy, funny and with a certain
smarts. Which makes the Barrymore
cover all the more revealing.
He mocks the very images that
he traffics in, this genial survivor of
the most famous homicide of the 20th
That cover is the first public display
of bad manners from a young man who
has lived, in public, a life of rectitude
ever since the moment Jacqueline
Kennedy whispered, “John, John—
And, by the way, there is a comma
between those two Johns. He was
dubbed “John-John” not by his family
but by a reporter who misheard some-
one in the White House calling to the
little boy. In other words, the media
started by getting his name wrong.
Biographer Richard Reeves tells of
President Kennedy calling in a Look
photographer to shoot John Jr. playing
under a desk. It was safe, the president
explained, because the first lady was
out of town.
Then he went to Dallas. A father was
(continued on page 128)
"It's been an amusing year filled. with
fabulous dalliance! Aunt Liz seduced 22 fops to Francine’s six.
Chauncey’s getting potbellied and is a cuckold for the fifth time. Clarissa, more beautiful than
ever, left the Sorbonne pregnant but sold her story to the Commedia dell'Arte. Gaspar is home for the
holidays and playing Santa at the Marquis de Sade's. Geoffrey’s law practice grows daily,
and I spent six months of irresponsible happiness
diddling with a young rake.” 57
© mmm
AYNE HAYDEN assured me she hadn't been followed to the dark corner of the nondescript restaurant where we met
for dinner, that the saltshaker didn't contain a bug (1 checked the pepper), that she wouldn't have to kill me after
telling me about her job and that no one knew she was in Chicago posing under covers for rLayBoY. She had told her
supervisors she was vacationing in New York and would be unreachable. They had taught her how to lie and to do it
well, so they believed her. Harder to fathom was that this diminutive beauty has been trained to fire a rocket launch-
er and an Uzi, persuade someone to betray their country, kick my ass if she had to, study my facial expressions to
determine if I was being truthful and transform herself into any of several identities. But isn't that how it goes? The
You are accessing classified information!
Unauthorized disclosure of this information
could result in exceptionally grave
danger to the United States.
[@ Paychuiogicat Profiie: #2507. |
The CIA has been criticized for its treatment of women. In 1995 the agency agreed to pay $940,000 to settle a class action law-
suit charging widespread sexucl discrimination. Jayne says the wamen were right to challenge the CIA's old boys’ network but that
her personal experience was almost entirely positive. “Yau can be successful there as a woman,” she says, “but it does have its
challenges. | wanted to pose for PLAYBOY to show that a woman can be professianally capable without sacrificing her sexuality.”
Jayne recently left the CIA, largely because
she missed having a social life. "It's hard to
make ar keep friends because you can't tell
people what you do for a living. My family
knew, and two close friends. But with everyone
else, | sometimes lost track of which lies I'd
told to whom.” What happens when two CIA
agents chance to meet ot a party? "They both
say that they wark for the Stcte Department
and leave it at that,” Jayne says. "There's nat
much of a canversatian. If peaple ask about
yaur job, you try to make it sound very boring.”
people you don't think work for
the CIA always do.
Jayne joined the CIA in 1991 af-
ter graduating from college with
degrees in political science and
Chinese. The agency conducted a
thorough background check, then
sent her to Washington, D.C. fora
year of training. “We would attend
mock diplomatic parties where we
role-played, pretending to ap-
proach potential informants,” she
recalls. “You could hardly get into
the bathroom because there were
SO many trainees in there taking
notes.” Because recruiting spies
involves blind introductions, sub-
tle negotiations and lots of dead
ends, Jayne compares it to dating.
“You find someone interesting and
approach him with a big smile, try-
ing to catch his interest. Maybe
you roll your shoulder a bit. I'm
often seen by men as someone
they'd like to ger to know, and I
definitely use that to my advan-
tage. Once you have their interest,
you try to charm them so you can
peel back the layers like an onion.
You're looking for inherent weak-
ness, such as greed with motive.
Maybe they want to send their
kids to college in the U.S., or they
have relatives who need expensive
medical care. Most contacts ended
up being little nothings, and the
agency has become more picky
about who it recruits since the fall
of the USSR. Nowadays, anyone
can get a Russian. The best infor-
mants are people motivated solely
by a desire to make their country
a better place to live. One of the
worst ways to control someone
would be by offering sexual fa-
vors—only the South Koreans
have a reputation for doing that
anymore." We can still dream,
can't we? —CHIP ROWE
By Kevin Cook
ookers love
the Super Bowl. Thousands of affluent.
men hit town. Not just beery football
fans with their faces painted, either. In
January New Orleans is jammed with
successful guys who feel like showing
off, a city full of Charlie Sheens.
"The typical ticket holder is an execu-
tive or star salesman on a company-
paid holiday. After a year of corporate
war he may want a cocktail. He may
want to loosen his tie and his wallet,
roll down his limo window, do a little
shouting, mayhe even do his part to
help make Super Bowl week the best
prostitution week of the year.
Football fans are “more likely to pay
for sex” than other sports fans, says a
veteran of the trade. The World Series
and NBA finals also boost business, but
the Super Bowl is king. Some of the
most expensive sex in New Orleans
will be “extended service” gigs in lim-
ousines prowling the French Quarter
on Super Saturday night. Such ar-
rangements often last well into Sunday.
But not all Bowlgoers are satisfied with
pregame and postgame festivities. Sun-
day brings a huge demand for callgirls
at halftime, too.
“Pimps sec the Super Bowl as a mon-
eymaking opportunity delivered by
God," ex-hooker Evelina Giobbe told
the Minneapolis Star Tribune before Su-
per Bowl XXVI. That year a local es-
cort service offered Super Bowl fans a
ten percent discount. Police handed
Minneapolis hotels.
Some Bowl fans are too sleepy to say
no. They are the targets of “Rolex
girls," hookers who specialize in steal-
ing men’s watches and other valuables.
“They ask what time it is so they can
see if the watch is expensive,” says
Bloomington, Minnesota vice detective
Rich Klingeman. Then Rolex girls
sneak a few knockout drops—or per-
haps a roofie—into your drink. When
you wake up, there’s an untanned
stripe where your Rolex used to be.
Escort services always spring up in
the host city. Last year in Tempe, vice
cops stayed busy keeping an eye on
them. There were 25 in suburban
Scottsdale alone. On Van Buren Street
in Phoenix, hookers openly defied the
municipal plan for “Super Bowl vice
suppression.” San Diego had tried to
limit Super hooking back in 1988,
when the city swept its curbs clean of
streetwalkers with a new hooker stop-
per: 2 $2000 minimum bail for suspect-
ed prostitutes. The rule expired at
12:01 a.m. on February 1, the day after
the Super Bowl.
But nothing stops the sexual holiday.
Just ask Los Angeles promoter Al Bow-
man. “Al the Limo Man” is now execu-
tive producer of the Los Angeles Music
Awards, but in his days with Funtime
Limousine, Bowman saw football and
sex intersect in interesting ways. “I
used to drive some of the Raiders. That
was good duty,” he says. "You're get-
ting paid to sit in a nightclub. Later on
the players come out with some girl
and you wait while they hump in the
Bowman's favorite Super Sunday be-
gan at a Los Angeles Airport hotel dur-
ing Super Bowl XVII. “I picked up a
guy from Florida, big football fan. A
big money man. Looking for fun, look-
ing for girls.” The man directed Bow-
man to a chic bistro where “he baited
girls with cash. He would send me over
to the babes and I would recruit them:
"Ladies, that gentleman over there is a
very generous man.’ I'd bring the girls
over, he'd pull out a wad of bills, maybe
$15,000, and pay for the food. Crab
legs and tiger shrimp cocktails. Then it
was a merry bandwagon in the limo.”
The first two women called a friend
to hop on the bandwagon; that made it
a postgame party of five as Bowman
drove from Pasadena to Palm Springs,
where the fest continued. “The guy
was doing two-on-ones, getting blow
jobs, and he’s still pissed about the
money he lost on the game. I told him
that he should cheer up.”
How can a football game, even our
annual multimedia kitsch nuke of a
game, make American men hornier?
Auto racing is macho, yet the Indy 500
is no sexual Super Bowl. Boxing is
manly, but even the best heavyweight
fights seldom ripple the sex trade out-
side Nevada. According to one sports-
caster, "The Super Bowl is like a thou-
sand Mike Tyson fights rolled into
Maybe football's sex effects derive
from its 100 percent maleness. Women
drive race cars today. Tyson has under-
gone sensitivity counseling. But the
very notion of a "feminine side to the
Super Bowl” is a contradiction, a Super
oxymoron such as “inspirational break-
fast” or "Vikings! chances.” Pro foot-
ball, wrote anthropologist William
Arens, is "violence acted out in a tacti-
cal and sophisticated context. The uni-
forms symbolize exaggerated mas-
culinity—wide shoulders, enlarged
heads, tight pants accented by a metal
A scholar such as Arens would be
chased from the locker room, but the
doctor is right. The Super Bowl, more
than any other event, is the arena in
which American ideas of manhood
fight it out.
Super Bowl equals 31 testosterone
festivals. The week proceeds through
Super Friday and Super Saturday like
a pagan pageant, with one major im-
provement: Instead of virgins we have
the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Su-
per Week culminates in a brief, sweaty,
men-only form of combat that every-
body must watch.
Sound familiar? In fact, there have
always been such contests. Medieval
knights displayed their masculinity in
jousts. American Indians ran the gant-
let. Some African tribesmen still prove
themselves by killing lions face-to-face.
Today, of course, our heroes kill the
Lions in the regular season. And by
January, with a billion people watching
worldwide, there is more than any one
man’s masculinity at stake. For in a
sense the game is about our collective
masculinity, our huge national balls. Ir
is our annual chance to update one an-
other and the world on the state of
American manhood.
Like most great developments, this
Bowl-ball partnership was an accident.
NFL football and TV-driven pop cul-
ture just happened to take over the
world together.
In 1967, the year of the first Super
Bowl, pro football was still a minor
sport. Baseball was much bigger. Vince
Lombardi's Green Bay Packers were
an NFL dynasty, but many of the play-
ers were moonlighting car salesmen
or insurance men. In lifestyles and
earning power they resembled Army
sergeants more than today's wealthy
touchdown dancers. And their field
leader was Bart Starr, role model of my
youth. Starr was so tight-lipped it was
said he opened his mouth only to call
It is far more than 100 yards from
Bart Starr to the media manhood
of gangsta-rapping, crotch-grabbing
celebrities. To see how far we've come,
try picturing diamond-studded Deion
Sanders and his tight leather under-
pants in Vince Lombardi's locker
The Packers would have thought
Sanders was an alien. And Prime Time,
who once bragged to me that he was
sexually active at 11 years old, would
have seen Starr, Lombardi & Co. the
same way: aliens from the planet of
constipated white guys.
How did male style change so much
in 30 years?
Thé answer: Joc Namath.
The first Super Bowl wasn't sexy. It
wasn't even Super. Catchily called the
American Football League—National
Football League Championship Game,
it was all anticlimax. Fans figured the
big game had already happened:
Green Bay over Dallas for the NFL ti-
de. Thus the national yawn greeting
the Packers’ January 1967 exhibition
against the champs of the upstart AFL,
guys called the Kansas City Chiefs.
Tickets went for six dollars. Pregame
festivities featured the release of 4000
pigeons over the Los Angeles Colise-
um, where there were 62,000 fans and
38,000 empty seats. With Starr starring
and Lombardi cracking discipline’s
whip over his men’s crewcut heads,
Green Bay dismantled the Chiefs. No-
body was shocked when a Chiefs de-
fender, trying to tackle a Packer, fell
down unconscious.
After Bowl II, another Packer victory
a year later, Chiefs owner Lamar Hunt
had a brainstorm. His daughter had a
Super Ball, a high-hopping fad toy of
the day. “Let's call this thing the Super
Bowl,” Hunt said. Commissioner Pete
Rozelle snickered, but the name stuck.
The NFL, which would merge with the
AFL in 1970, had a jazzy name for
the game tens of fans loved. Now all
the owners had to worry about was this
horny hippie Joe Namath.
Namath was no conformist. The
whip-armed New York Jets quarter-
back wore girlish white shoes. He
talked back to coaches. He sported
pantyhose in funny ads, even wore
(continued on page 164)
"Stanley! You've stopped mingling."
d ol
ТЬ @) aL (011 9) 11 Y)
HEY ARE everywhere. Girls run to catch trolleys.
Your stenographer is a looker, the telephone
operator has a voice that haunts your dreams.
The woman who sold you a ready-made suit is
a vision, You walk past girls standing in line at
the movie theater to see larger-than-life hero-
ines: the Vitagraph Girl, the Biograph Girl, the World's
Most Perfectly Formed Woman. And, if you have the
price of admission, a late-night trip to Florenz Ziegfeld's
Follies will allow you to feast your eyes on the Follies
Girls—a band of impossibly plumaged dancers culled
from more than 15,000 applicants, Darwinian selection
at its finest, all effort focused on finding and glorifying
the American woman.
The Victorian world had been wearing blinders—
now the erotic is everywhere. In a storefront window,
a bold proprietor offers copies of the painting Septem-
ber Morn—in spite of vice crusader Anthony Comstock's
Artist J.C. Leyendecker captured the formal beauty of the
sacial elite in ads for Arraw shirts (above). But a new Ameri-
can waman was emerging, catching the eye of the world.
Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase (above left) was the talk of the 1913 Armory Show. That same year Anthony Comstock
expressed displeasure at o reproduction of Paul Chabas’ September Morn (above). Women's sexuality was in the oper—whether it was an
ad for Woodbury's soap (below left) or a publicity photo for Theda Baro's debut as a vamp, a sexual predator who feeds on men (below).
attempt to suppress the delightful nymph. Fresh-faced maidens ap-
pear in ads for White Rock soda, Ivory soap and the Packard auto-
mobile. There are eye-catching women on calendars, on magazine
covers, on movic posters, on sheet music—millions of images flooding
millions ofhomes. It isa world filled with appealing possibilities.
Upon arriving in New York, a young Peruvian artist named Alber
to Vargas spends days walking the strects, “taking in the sights and
sounds and all the electricity in the air.” According to a biographer,
“What excited him most were the American women. They were not
shy and demure like the Latin women back home in Arequipa, They
were not stolid and fleshy like the women in Geneva. They were not
coy and coquettish like the women he had seen in Paris. No, to his
To HAVE A GO Fe gy, pe E
The chenging imege of women
produced a moral panic. Books on
the white-slove trade (left) gove
one picture of commercial sex
The intimate portraits of pro:
tutes in New Orleans’ red-light
district, Storyville, by E.J. Bellocq
(upper left) offered o different
view. Women were deserting the
family home—for joyrides ond
escopades in automobiles, ond
for gainful employment in the city (postcords ot
right). Dating moved from the front porch to the
bockseot; sex staked out the lyrical high ground
in songs of the doy. Sheet music covers revealed
the dangers of married odults having affairs, the
downside of automobile courtship and the new lo-
cation for romantic interludes (below, left to right)
MAURICE. Asranars
eyes, American women
seemed unique. Hc liked
their jaunty stride, their
openness, their air of in-
| dependence and their
look of healthy, uncompli-
cated sensuality. ‘From
every building came tor-
rents of girls? he would
later recall. “1 had never
seen anything like it.
Hundreds of girls with an air of self-assuredness
and determination that said, Here 1 am, how
do you like me?”
Against his father’s wishes, Vargas de-
cides to stay in America and to take up
Anaspiring young writer named F. Scott Fitzger-
ald notes that the precious daughters of America
have a new attitude: They can be seen, he writes,
Mack Sennett Bathing Beauties (tap) fralicked in
lighthearted innocence while thousands af suf-
frageties marched for the vate. Three postcards
shaw different reactions ta the evolving woman.
World War One saw women maving into the
workplace (above) in greater numbers, if nat in
greater seriousness. Edwardian artist Raphael
Kircher showed a waman emerging from a
duck’s egg, noting that war changed proper
wamen into patriats willing to play for ће mo-
ment. Others feared that the prudish matrans of
the Wamen’s Christian Temperance Union {lefi}
wauld end mankind's fun far all time. But the
war had an unexpected cansequence, exposing
men to distinctly Eurapean views of pleasure and
distinctly American lectures an sexual peril (right).
"eating three-o'clock after-dance sup-
pers in impossible cafés, talking of
every side of life with an air half of
earnestness, half of mockery, yet with a
furtive excitement." Mostly they talk
about sex. The conspiracy of silence is
shattered. The editors of Current Opin-
ion declare August 1913 that it is
“sex o'clock” in America:
“А wave of sex hysteria and sex dis-
cussion seems to have invaded this
country, Our former reticence on mat-
ters of sex is giving way to a frankness
that would startle even Paris.”
Another writer, describing coming of
age in this era, will remember fondly
that “young women all over the coun-
wy were reading Freud and auempting
to lose their inhibitions.” Young men
dream of working in New York, of tak-
ing one of these new creatures as a
Emancipated women are the topic of
the day. As women shed their shackles,
will they become more like men?
Equality means more than access to
power; it means access to pleasure. Will
women demand the right to sow their
own wild oats?
There are women in the streets by
the thousands, suffragettes marching
for the right to vote. There are women
on soapboxes, women walking shoul-
der-to-shoulder with labor leaders,
women in picker lines, women publish-
ing literary magazines and anarchi
Until this decade it had been a man's
world. Now, the New Woman has ar-
rived. The dance begins.
In the heart of the city is a dancehall.
Young men and women swirl through
the tango, the hesitation waltz and “an-
imal dances” such as the turkey trot,
the grizzly bear, the monkey glide and
the bunny hug. The dancehalls make
visible the erotic, while the band plays
Everybody's Doin’ It Now.
When Irving Berlin pens a syncopat-
ed dance tune called Alexander's Rag-
time Band, more than 1 million copies
of the sheet music are sold within the
year. The rhythms that filled the broth-
els of New Orleans have become a part
of mainstream America.
“These dances,” opines one journal-
ist, “are a reversion to the grossest
practices of savage man. They are
based on the primitive motive of orgies
enjoyed by the aboriginal inhabitants
of every uncivilized land."
Consider this description by a for-
mer dance master converted to Chris-
tianity. In From the Ballroom to Hell, Tom
Faulkner writes
It is her first experience in the
arms of a strange man, with his
limbs and body pressed to hers,
and in her natural modesty, she
shrinks from so familiar a touch. It
brings a bright flush of indigna-
tion to her cheek as she thinks,
What an unladylike and indecent
position to assume with a man
who, but a few hours before, was
an utter stranger. . . . Thus accept-
ing the situation she yields her
body to those sex excitements
caused by movements so artfully
executed by the well-trained
dancer in these arts. She soon
learns the secret, the charm, the
cause and craze, experiencing sex
awakening for the first time. Be-
coming abnormally developed in
her lower nature, she is now start-
ed on the very high seas of the
mad whirl of physical desire.
She will soon meet her ruin, after the
last waltz:
Let us look at the fair young girl
once more—close in the embrace
of the Apollo of the evening. With
head resting on his shoulder, face
upturned to his, her bare arms
around his neck—with partly
nude swelling breasts heaving tu-
multuously against his, face-to-
face they glide, their limbs inter-
woven, with his strong right arm
around her yielding form he
presses her to him until every
curve in the contour of her body
thrills with amorous contact.
Afier the dance:
The girl, whose blood is hot
from the exertion and whose
every carnal sense is aroused and
aflame by the repetition of such
scenes as we have witnessed, is led
to the ever-waiting automobile,
where she sinks exhausted on the
cushioned seat. Now is his golden
opportunity. He must not miss it
and he does not, and that beauti-
ful girl who entered the dancing
school as pure and innocent as ап
angel three months ago returns to
her home that night robbed of that
most precious jewel of woman-
The dance craze, which began at the
end of the previous decade, has its own
celebrities. Vernon and Irene Castle—
known for their elegant sensuality—
change the way America moves, the
way it dresses. Gone forever are the
bustle and the corset. Theirs is a world
of silk.
Something this fun, this frenzied,
would inevitably attract the attention of
puritan politicians and reformers.
In 1916 the Illinois Senate Vice
Committee holds hearings on the dan-
gers of dancehalls. After questioning
the female partner of a dance team,
and having his offer of protection
turned down, Chairman O'Hara tries
to get at the root of evil:
“Now, as a matter of fact, don’t you
wrap yourself up with this young wom-
an almost as though you were one and
glide together?"
"At times we do, but only at certain
parts of our dancing. We have done
certain things, but I do not consider
that they are bad, because I object to
anything that is licentious. I don't ap-
prove of it. I am a dancing teacher my-
self, and I don't sec any good in inde-
cent dancing."
"Then the committee calls a witness,
a teacher of art named Maude
“Describe the dances you saw.”
“The third dance was what 1 should
call the tango. It was danced with a
man. 1 have seen one there in the
slums in New York. In the modern tan-
go the man picks the girl up and
throws her around, bends over to the
floor that way, rests his arms on her
arms and his head on her shoulder and
vice versa."
"Isit art or suggestive?"
“I don't think there is any art in that,
1 think it is very suggestive, the kind of
suggestiveness that may confuse in the
mind ofa young girl.”
The Illinois Senate Vice Committee
was not an isolated example of political
lunacy. Investigators spent hours delv-
ing into the meaning of song lyrics (a
ditty called All Night Long presented an
unusual threat) or the nature of cos-
tumes worn in a harem dance because
these were of great concern to the sons
and daughters of our Puritan forefa-
thers. The New Woman challenged the
old order, the great design of puritan
Fifteen years earlier a minister had
summed up the optimistic mood of the
U.S.: "Laws are becoming more just,
rulers humane; music is becoming
sweeter and books wiser; homes are
happier and the individual heart be-
coming at once more just and more
gentle. For today, art, industry, inven-
tion, literature, learning and govern-
ment—all these are captives marching
in Christ's triumphant procession up
the hill of fame.”
Now the vision was coming apart.
The old order rallied its forces. An ob-
session with vice created a coalition of
women's groups and male reformers.
Both believed that a woman's place was
in the home, that purity was a virtue,
(continued on page 104)
| X8. 7
"Did you ring ир а call girl, dear?"
HE FIRST time Ken678 saw
Mary97, he was in Munici-
pal Real Estate, queued for
a pickup for Closings. She
stood two spaces in front
of him: blue skirt, orange
tie, slightly convex white
blouse, like every other fe-
male icon. He didn't know
she was a Mary; he couldn't
see which face she had. But
she held her Folder in both hands, as
old-timers often did, and when the
queue scrolled forward he saw her
They were red.
Just then the queue flickered and
scrolled again, and she was gone. Ken
was intrigued, but he promptly forgot
about her. It was a busy time of year,
and he was running like crazy from
Call to Task. Later that week he saw
her again, paused at an open Window
in the Corridor between Copy and
Send. He slowed as he passed her, by
turning his Folder sideways—a trick he
had learned. There were those red
fingernails again. It was curious.
Fingernails were not on the Option
Red was not on the Color Menu,
Ken used the weekend to visit his
mother at the Home. It was her birth-
day or anniversary or something like
that. Ken hated weekends. He had
grown used to his Ken face and felt un-
comfortable without it. He hated his
old name, which his mother insisted
on calling him. He hated how grim
and terrifying things were outside. To
avoid panic he closed his eyes and
hummed—out here, he could do
both—trying to simulate the peaceful
hum of the Office.
But there is no substitute for the real
thing, and Ken didn’t relax until the
week restarted and he was back inside.
He loved the soft electron buzz of the
search engines, the busy streaming
icons, the dull butter shine of the Cor-
ridors, the shimmering Windows with
their relaxing scenes of the exviron-
ment. He loved his life and he loved
his work.
That was the weck he met Mary—or
rather, she met him.
Ken678 bad just retrieved a Folder
ofdocuments from Search and was tak-
ing it to Print. He could see by the blur
of icons ahead that there was going to
be a long queue at the Bus leaving
Commercial, so he paused in the Cor-
ridor; waitstates were encouraged in
high traffic zones.
He opened a Window by resting his
can love blossom in the cool, impersonal office of
the future? only if you believe in
programming glitches—and the easter bunny
Folder on the sill. There was no air, of
course, but there was a nice view. The
scene was the same in every Window in
Microserf Office 6.9: cobblestones and
quiet cafés and chestnut trees in bloom.
April in Paris.
Ken heard a voice.
« Beautiful, isn’t it?>
«What?» he said, confused. Two
icons couldn't open the same dow,
and yet there she was beside him. Red
fingernails and all.
<April in Paris,» she said.
<1 know. But how— >
<A little trick I learned.> She point-
ed to her Folder, stacked on top of his,
flush right.
«— —did you do that?» he finished
because it was in his buffer. She had the
Mary face, which, it so happened, was
his favorite. And the red fingernail
«When they are flush right the Wi
dow reads us as one icon,» she said
«Probably reads only the right
edge,» Ken said. <Neat. >
<The name’s Mary» she said
<You slowed when you passed me
last week, Ken. Neat trick, too. 1 figure
that made you almost worth an intro.
Most of the workaholics here in City
Hall are pretty unsociable.>
Ken showed her his Folder trick
even though she seemed to know it
<How long have you been at City?>
he asked.
<Too long.
«How come I have never seen you
«Maybe you saw me but didn’t no-
tice me,> she said. She held upa hand
with red fingernails. «1 didn't always
have these. >
<Where'd you get them?
<1Сз a secret.>
«They're pretty neat,> Ken said.
«Is that pretty or neat?>
<Are you flirting with me?> she
asked, smiling that Mary smile.
Ken tried to think of an answer, but
he was too slow. Her Folder was blink-
ing, a waitstate interrupt, and she was
A few cycles later in the week he saw
her again, paused at an open Window
in the Corridor between Copy and Ver-
ify. He slid his Folder over hers, flush
right, and he was standing beside her,
looking out into April in Paris.
<You learn fast,> she said.
<I have a good teacher,» he said.
Then he said what he had been re-
hearsing over and over: <And what if
I was?>
<Was what?>
<That would be OK,> she said,
smiling the Mary smile.
Ken678 wished for the first time that
the Ken face had a smile. His Folder
was flickering, but he didn't want to
leave yet. «How long have you been at
City?» he asked again.
<Forever,> she said. She was exag-
gerating, of course, but in a sense it was
true. She told Ken she had been at City
Hall when Microserf Office 6.9 was in-
stalled. <Before Office, records were
stored in a basement, in metal drawers,
and accessed by hand. I helped put it
all on disk. Data entry, it was called.>
<This was before the neural inter-
face. We sat oulside and reached in
through a Keyboard and looked in
through a sort of window that they
called a Monitor. There was nobody
in Office. Just pictures of files and
stuff, There was no April in Paris, of
course. That was added later to pre-
vent claustrophobia. >
Ken678 calculated in his head. How
old did that make Mary—55? 60? It
didn't matter. All icons are young, and
all females are beautiful.
Ken had never had a friend before,
in or out of the Office. Much less a girl-
friend. He found himself hurrying his
Calls and Tasks so he could cruise the
Corridors looking for Mary97. He
could usually find her at an open Win-
dow, gazing at the cobblestones and the
little cafés, the blooming chestnut
trees. Mary loved April in Paris. «It's
so romantic there,> she said. «Can't
you just imagine yourself walking
down the boulevard?>
<I guess,> Ken said. But in fact he
couldn't. He didn't like to imagine
things. He preferred real life, or at
least Microserf Office 6.9. He loved
standing at the Window beside her, lis-
tening to her soft Mary voice, answer-
ing in his deep Ken voice.
<How did you get here?> she
asked. Ken told her he had been hired
as a temp, transporting scanned-in
midcentury documents up the long
stairway from Archives to Active.
<My name wasn't Ken then, of
course,> he said. <All the temp icons
wore gray, male and female alike. We
were neural-interfaced through hel-
mets instead of earrings. None of the
regular Office workers spoke to us, or
even noticed us. We worked 14-, 15-су-
cle days.>
«And you loved it,> Mary said
<I loved it,> Ken admitted. <1
found what I was looking for. 1 loved
being inside.> And he told her how
wonderful and strange it had felt, at
first, to be an icon; to see himself as he
walked around, as if he were both in-
side and outside his own body.
«Of course, it seems normal now,>
he sai
«It is,> Mary said. And she smiled
that Mary smile.
Several wecks passed before Ken got
up the courage to make what he
thought of as “his move.”
They were at the Window where he
had first spoken with her, in the Corri-
dor between Copy and Verify. Her
hand was resting on the sill, red fin-
gernails shimmering, and he put his
hand exactly over it. Even though he
couldn't actually feel it, it felt good.
He was afraid she would move her
hand, but instead she smiled that Mary
smile and said, <I didn't think you
were ever going to do that.
<I've been wanting to since 1 first
saw you,> he said.
She moved her fingers under his. It
almost tingled. <Want to see what
makes them red?>
<You mean your secret?>
«Ivll be our secret. You know the
Browser between Deeds and Taxes?
Meet me there in three cycles.>
The Browser was a circular connec-
tor with no Windows. Ken met Mary at
Select All and followed her toward In-
sert, where the doors got smaller and
closer together.
«Ever hear of an Easter Egg?» she
«Sure,» Ken said. «A program-
mer's surprise that is hidden in the
software. Àn unauthorized subroutine
that’s not in the manual. Sometimes
humorous or even obscene. Easter
Eggs are routinely —>
<You're just repeating what you
learned in Orientation,> Mary said.
«— —found and cleared from com-
mercial software by background De-
buggers and Optimizers.> Ken fin-
ished because it was already in his
«But that's OK, she said. «Here
we are.>
Mary97 led. him into a small Win-
dowless room. There was nothing in it
but a tiny, heart-shaped table.
«This room was erased but never
overwritten,> Mary «The Opti-
mizer must have missed it. That's why
the Faster Egg is still here. 1 discovered
it hy accident >
On the table were three playing
cards. Two were facedown and one was
faceup: the ten of diamonds.
<Ready?> Without waiting for
Ken's answer, Mary turned the ten of
diamonds facedown. Her fingernails
were no longer red.
Now you try it,> she said.
Ken backed away.
«Don't get nervous. This card does
not do anything; it just changes the
Option. Co ahead!>
Reluctantly, Ken turned up the ten
of diamonds.
Mary's fingernails were red again.
Nothing happencd to his own-
<That first card works just for
girls, Mary said.
<Neat,> Ken said, relaxing a little.
«There's plenty more, Mary s
«I guess.
Mary turned up the second card. It
was the queen of hearts. As soon zs she
turned it up, Ken heard a clippety-clop,
and a Window opened in the Window-
less room.
In the Window it was April in Paris.
Ken saw a gray horse coming
straight down the center of the boule-
vard. It wore no harness, but its tail
and mane were bobbed. Its enormous
red penis was almost dragging the
«See the horse?» Mary97 said. She
was standing beside Ken at the Win-
dow. Her convex white blouse and or-
ange tie both were gone. She was wear-
ing a red lace brassiere. The sheer cups
were full. The narrow straps were taut.
The tops of her plump breasts were
round and bright as moons.
Ken678 couldn't move or speak. It
was terrifying and wonderful at the
same time. Mary's hands were behind
her back, unfastening her brassiere.
There! But just as the cups started
to fall away from her breasts, a whis-
tle blew.
The horse had stopped in the mid-
dle of the boulevard. A gendarme was
running toward it, waving a stick.
The Window closed. Mary97 was
standing at the table, wearing her con-
vex white blouse and orange tie again.
Only the ten of diamonds was faceup.
<You turned the card down too
scon,> Ken said. He had wanted to see
her nipples.
<The queen turns herself down,>
Mary said. <An Faster Egg is a closed
algorithm. Runs itself once it gets start-
ed. Did you like it? And don’t say you
She smiled that Mary smile and Ken
tried to think of what to say. But both
their Folders were blinking, waitstate
interrupts, and she was gone.
Ken found her а couple cycles later
at their usual meeting place, at the
open Window in the Corridor between.
Copy and Verify.
«Like it?» he said. <I loved it.»
<Are you flirting with me?> Mary97
<What if I am?» he said, and the fa-
miliar words were almost as good as
a smile.
«Then come with me.>
Ken678 followed Mary97 to the
Browser twice more that weck. Each
time was the same; cach time was per-
fect. As soon as Mary turned over the
queen of hearts, Ken heard a clippety-
clop. A Window opened in the Win-
dowless room and there was the horse
again, coming down the boulevard, its
enormous penis almost dragging the
cobblestones. Mary97's ripe, round,
perfect breasts were spilling over the
top of her red lace brassiere as she said,
<See the horse?> and reached behind
her back, unfastening——
Unfastening her bra! And just as the
cups started to fall away, just as Ken678
was about to see her nipples, a gen-
darme's whistle blew and Mary97 was
wearing the white blouse again and the
orange tie. The Window was closed,
the queen of hearts facedown.
(continued on page 158)
T rir Way You Wear Your
snap the brim and
button up. fedoras
and overcoats are
back in style
rrrrr! The weather outside
may be frightful, but there Р N
was a time not so long
7 ago when the average guy
777 wouldn't have cared a fig. a
Just take a look at any photograph tak-
en between 1920 and 1945, or watch
any movie from the period, and check
out the fellows. Resplendent in their
tailored double-breasted suits, elegant
mohair overcoats and wool mufflers
and topped by the piéces de résis-
tance, glorious Borsalinos, they were
ready for anything, come rain or come
shine. Whether strolling down the
street, taking in a ball game or just sit-
ting in a bar, no self-respecting man
would have been caught dead without
his hat. It may have been Fifth Av-
enue, Soldier Field or some nameless
drinking establishment on Short Vin-
cent in Cleveland, but the men would
not bave looked out of place at the
Stork Club, the Brown Derby or
Carnegie (text concluded on page 84)
Right: That's not Sinatra’s famous h
in the spotlight. It's a classic fedoi
with а grosgrain band, by Makins (
ockets (5895) with
banded fedora by
The wrap coat is a roomy
style with a belt that's tied
rather than buckled. We
like the double-breasted
version shown here in a
blend of alpaca, cashmere
and camel hair, by
Ermenegildo Zegna
($2300), worn with another
fedora by Makins ($165).
Under the wrap coat is а
pointed-collar shirt ($95)
and a silk tie ($90), both by
Boss Hugo Boss. (Her dress
is by Elizabeth Fillmore and
her hat is by Eric Javitz.)
ап coats are al-
'single-breasted and
cul full with raglan sleeves.
This textured-wool fly-front
‚style by Allegri ($850) is
layered over a wool sports
jacket (5395) and a striped
cotton shirt with a snop-
down collar ($90), both by
Perry Ellis. The iridescent
silk tie is by Joseph Abboud
($80). The fedora is Ьу:
Worth & Worth ($160). (Her
dress is by Elizabeth Fill-
more and.her shoes are
by Walter Steiger.) `
The ish warmer is tradi-
fionally double-breasted
with flap pockets. It's often
camel-colored—this win-
ter's hot hue. Pictured here:
Luciano Barbera's six-but-
ton (two-to-button) model
(52850), plus a fedora by
Worth & Worth ($160). Un-
derneath is a three-piece
flannel suit from Baldes-
sarini Hugo Boss ($1300), a
corduroy shirt by Empo!
Armani ($240) and a silk tie
by Etro ($85). (Her dress is
by Elizabeth Fillmore.)
Hall. Those were the days.
What's missing from the picture, of
course, are the bcer-fucled, backward-
bascball-cap-wearing, obscenity-spew-
ing masses that throng our public
places today. Sure, the tightly buttoned
suits and the full-length overcoats
stand out—what an improvement оп
the polyester windbreakers worn over
the polo shirts and Sansabelt slacks that
pollute our byways now—but what
really stand out are the chapeaus.
Whether with fedoras, homburgs or
simple cloth caps, the male noggin was
both sheltered from the elements and
adorned with a handsome article of
dothing that framed the face and gave
it character. And that, my friends, is
something sadly lacking in our sartori-
ally challenged, dress-down-Friday so-
ciety today. We have become a nation
of slobs, and proud of it.
During America’s golden age of fash-
ion—roughly, the period between the
two World Wars—a man took as much
care in his appearance as a woman did
in hers. A hat was as much a part of his
wardrobe as a shirt or trousers, and a
well-dressed man would no more ven-
ture outdoors without a hat than he
would without his pants.
In the good old days, a man wore his
hat practically every moment he was in
public: leaving home, on the street, in
the car. on the subway. into the office
building, in the elevator and right into
his private office. Only then did a fel-
low lift his lid, hanging it on a peg or
laying it carefully on a flat surface up-
side down, so the brim would nor get
warped. Generally, you wore your hat
with the brim pulled down low and
cocked slightly to the left or to the
right. When relaxing with a couple of
stiffones, it was permissible to push the
hat higher on your forehead, impart-
ing a more casual air. Unless ladies
were present, men wore their hats
while drinking in bars and playing in
pool halls. Restaurants were another
matter, of course, and a gentleman al-
ways tipped his hat to a lady when
meeting on the street or removed it al-
together in the privacy of her boudoir.
The basic rule: You kept your hat on
nearly as long as you did your pants.
"There's also the undeniable frisson
one gets when dressed to kill. The big
shots of the Twenties and Thirties—Al
Capone, Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lan-
sky—wore hats to ornament their dou-
ble-breasted or three-piece suits, the
only kind a decently attired man
should sport. One of the most celebrat-
ed hats in history belonged to one of
Dutch Schultz gunmen, who was shot
at the Palace Chop House in Newark,
New Jersey in 1935. In a photo taken
immediately after the hit, the mortal-
ly wounded gunman is slumped in a
chair, his forehead resting on a blood-
stained tablecloth. His hat has come off
and is perched straight up between his
head and a water glass. That was one
tough hat.
It's my theory that one of the reasons
hats began to disappear was the stylistic
devolution from the wide-brimmed fe-
doras and Borsalinos of the Thirties
and Forties to the narrower-brimmed
hats of the Fifties that culminated in
the ugly porkpie (think of Gene Hack-
man in The French Connection). It was
left to John F. Kennedy to deal the
once-proud American hat a mercy
killing when he stood on the snowy
steps of the Capitol and took the oath
of office with his hair blowing in the
wind. His youth and vigor contrasted
mightily with the tired, hatted old
men—Ike, poet Robert Frost and Chief
pas Earl Warren—who surrounded
im. Maybe Rose never told her son
he'd catch cold if he went out in the
winter without his hat, bur it didn't
matter: A star—and a style—was born.
It's easy now to deride the archetyp-
al IBM organization man in his gray
flannel suit, standard-issue white shirt
and Father Knows Best fedora as a hope-
less, uptight suburban square. But
Robert Young is not our ideal here;
far better to take those twin symbols
of rugged sophistication, Humphrey
Bogart and Jimmy Cagney. as role
models. Pulling on a double whiskey
and packing heat, Bogey and Jimmy
defined elegant virility. In movies such
as The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, The
Roaring Twenties, White Heat, Public Ene-
my and Angels With Dirty Faces, they not
only showed us how to act and how to
dress but also how to act while dressed.
"Take the scene in The Big Sleep where
Bogey, as private dick Philip Marlowe,
gets beaten up in an alley by a couple of
thugs. One of the bad guys takes off
Bogeys hat and then punches him
through it so he won't hurt his hand. A
man capable of such callous indiffer-
ence toa fine piece of fur felt is capable
of any outrage. Luckily, Elisha Cook Jr.
is lurking nearby and helps Bogey to
his feet. Bogart is still smarting from a
punch in the nose and a couple of shots
to the kidneys, but his first words are
not about his physical condition. In-
stead they are: “Get my hat.” Bogart
puts his hat back on, straightens his tie,
dusts himself off and goes to get a
drink, which is the only medical auen-
tion he requires.
A hat is at once a measure of a man's
worth (a well-made beaver-and-rabbit-
fur hat will run you $150 to $200) and
an indication of how he assesses him-
self. Worn with a suit of comparable
quality—never with a sports coat or
jeans—a hat completes an ensemble
and signals the world to beware: A man
worthy of respect is on his way. Walk
into any finc restaurant appropriately
attired and watch the maitre d' snap to
attention. On the street, men will envy
your self-confidence
Ahatis also an indispensable prop in
the wooing of a woman. It gets you im-
mediate attention when you walk intoa
bar, for you are likely to be the only
properly dressed gentleman in the
place. A man in a hat will never hear
the bartender snicker when he takes an
order for a double Glenmorangie 16-
year-old straight up, and a lady can on-
ly beam in admiration as you noncha-
lantly toss it back and order a refill for
both of you. And what could be sexier,
once the necessary amenities have been
observed, than a beautiful lady wearing
your hat, and nothing else? Try that
with a White Sox cap.
Haberdashers report that the hat has
been making a small comeback ever
since Harrison Ford cracked his whip
in Raiders of the Lost Ark. But it's still
hard to find the genuine article, even
in the best department stores. 1 have
mine custom-made at Paul's Hat Works
in San Francisco. If enough of us de-
mand them, decent hats will be back
soon enough.
“A hat has the effect of making the
human head a kind of residence,”
writes essayist Lance Morrow. “It gives
the brain a dome and porch roof. and a
strange little portable sense of place.
Wearing a hat is also like having the
FBI set you up with a new identity in a
different city. It can change you."
The only thing you really need to
know: If you think you can wear a hat,
you can wear a hat. If you think you
can’t, you can't. It's that simple.
So to all you young guys searching
for a sense of style and savoir faire: If
it’s retro you want, why settle for Satur-
day Night Fever when you can go all the
way back? Certainly you'd get more re-
spect if you dressed like Cagney rather
than like Coolio or Marky Mark. And
to you middle-aged middle execu-
tives—charter members of the dreaded
20-40-60 club (more than 20 years in
the workforce, over the age of 40 and
making more than $60,000 a усаг)—
with your hatless heads on the corpo-
rate chopping block: If you looked
sharper, maybe you wouldn't get fired.
Dig back into the closet and bring out
that baby again. It still looks great, and
so will you.
‚Americans used to believe in the
adage that the clothes make the man.
But Europeans believe quire the oppo-
site, that it is the man who makes the
clothes. With your hat on, you get to
have it both ways. And how many times
in life can you say that?
“You showed great form this afternoon—I can't wait to see
what you can do on the slopes.”
oney,” Kimber West says calmly yet insistently, "why is
there a man in the window?”
“Telephone guy,” shouts her husband, James, from
down the hall. The stalwart James is simultaneously un-
packing boxes, talking on the phone with an interior designer and
rifling through closets in search of a tape measure. Meanwhile, amid
the chaos, Miss February sits on a couch, talking about her moving ex-
perience. Just a few weeks ago, the 22-year-old Georgian left Atlanta
for this seaside home in Los Angeles.
About her new house, she says, “It’s really destroyed now, but it's go-
ing to be beautiful.” About her new life: “It's crazed, but I love it!”
Kimber's life has been in flux ever since a fateful day last spring
miss february
veke up to [ар
м. california dream
when she ventured to an Atlanta hotel to audition for PLAYBOY'S
Women of Atlanta pictorial (August 1996). “My husband basical-
ly dragged me,” she says with a laugh, explaining that her ini-
tial excitement gave way to "second thoughts—I didn't want to
deal with them telling me no. That's just not something a girl
wants to he:
She needn't have worried: Even though she
didn't appear in that pictorial, her electrifying good looks made
her obvious Playmate material.
When she flew to Los Angeles for her photo shoot, Kimber
fell in love with the city. All signs read: Go West, young Kimber.
“There’s work out here, the people are really nice, there's lots
of culture,” she says. “I could grow old here.”
She also could act here. “I'd
like to do comedy, drama, just
about anything. And I think I
can do them all. I'm a Gemini,
so I have about seven differ-
ent personal Later, she
admits to harboring an even
more ambitious goal: "I'd like
to be a producer."
For the moment, though,
she has more pressing con-
cerns—such as unpacking. Be-
fore returning to the boxes
and the telephone guy, she
conducts a tour of the house.
Highlights include the play-
room, where her two-year-old
son, Taylor, makes his own
chaos, and the master bed-
room, featured in the steamy
films Indecent Proposal and Col-
or of Night. (Kimber will create
some steam of her own when
she shoots her Playmate vid-
co here.)
The tour culminates on the
rooftop deck. “You can see
Catalina Island on a clear
4: Kimber marvels, wind
whipping her hair. “I like it
up here because I can tan
nude and nobody can see
me—at least I don't think any-
one can." Miss February is
a genuine civic asset—she's
been here only a while and has
already made a contribution
to the skyline. вов pany
‘m on exotic girl with o Sauth
says Miss February,
wha credits her bold good lacks
to her mixed heritoge—she's
Polynesian, Spanish and Cher-
okee, with a bit of Dutch and
Irish tossed in for good meosure.
"I'm on old-fashioned liberoted woman," says Kimber. "I'm independent, but at the same time 1 like
10 have doors opened for me." Her appearance here should open plenty of doors in Hollywood
"I'm happiest when I'm nude,” Kimber nates. She often daes hausewark in the altogether, a genetic quirk: “My mom wauld be in the
92 kitchen, cooking with na clothes on—nudity was never a big deal in aur family. It wos just o bady.” With all due respect, nat this body.
NAME: і ler West
взт: ЭС warst: QU ums: Do _
ercer: QA" wem: 125
BIRTH DATE: I 927-2 BIRTHPLACE: ¡Atlanta у Georgia _
AMBITIONS: Tabe a successi said ana actress
willing Xp please ene whatever way T ux at. —
Mean penple, sons, bulles, anderen
UM d
Bubble baths, hat steamy _
Showers ; Skiny-dimim inthe ocean eX midnichr.
—A dau Gullo sweetness —
Е ; ie
HOW TO GET ME QUT OF BED: \ Ke pae Se oxly ar мі
Sweet Collowed by Coffee. ‚and a nather es
MY VALENTINE’S DAY DREAM: Taking a. Uacht to a
c islan f AL. d
i Even then L à
do (mamas Quiet shy type. Mot Anymoreli
The brothers were compulsively competitive,
constantly arguing about who was the better
golfer, businessman, lover, fisherman—every-
thing. One day they argued about who was
better at folding and packing parachutes. “On-
ly one way to settle this, Bill.” Charlie said.
"Let's go skydiving.”
ll jumped first, pulled the cord and began
to float gently to earth. Charlie followed, but
when he pulled his cord, nothing happened.
He yanked his safety cord, but that didn't work
either. In a matter of seconds, Charlie flew past
Bill. “Aha!” Bill shouted, ripping off his har-
ness, "you want to race, huh?"
Py aveoy cıassıc: A lonesome cowboy wan-
dered into a remote town and headed for the
saloon. He asked the bartender where he
could find a woman, and was told, "Ain't no
women for miles, but there's a barnyard out
Disgusted, the cowboy swore he would nev-
er stoop to such a thing. But the next night he
got too lonely. He went out to the barn and
spotted a cute little pig. He took her to his
room, gave her a bath, groomed her and put
pink ribbons behind her ears. Tucking the an-
imal under his arm, he walked into the saloon,
where dozens of other cowpokes sat with all
sorts of animals at their tables. But as he took
a scat, a hush fcll over the room. "What's
wrong?" the dude asked, looking around.
“Y'all are doing the same thing!”
“Yeah,” someone said from the back of the.
room, “but we sure ain't doin’ it with the sher-
Шз gal.”
What do you call a hooker working the high-
way exits? A tollhouse cookie.
After hearing a couple's complaints that their
intimate life wasn’t what it used to be, the sex
counselor suggested they vary their positions.
“For example,” he suggested, “you might try
the wheelbarrow. Lift her by the legs, penc-
trate and off you go.”
"The eager husband was all for trying this
new idea as soon as they got home. "Well, OK,”
the hesitant wife agreed, “but on two condi-
tions. First, if it hurts, you have to stop right
away. And second,” she insisted, “you have to
promise we won't go past my mother's.
А professor was taking in the scene at a bi,
lar L.A. nightspot when a miniskirted vee
Girl sashayed over to him and said,
want you to totally screw my brains out.’
“Sorry,” he replied, “I'm not into quickies.”
The Creator looked upon Adam and spoke.
"I've got good news and bad news. The good
news is that I’m going to give you a brain and
a penis.”
“And the bad news?” Adam asked.
“Tm going to give you enough blood,” God
declared, “to use only one of them at a time.”
Quayle. Their is sumthing rong with your
komputer, but ewe>cant figyour outt watt!
Ass he cross-examined the coroner, the de-
fense attorney asked, “Before you signed the
death certificate, had you taken the man’s
“No,” the coroner replied.
"Oh? Did you check for breathing?"
“So when you signed the death certificate,”
the attorney asked with a smirk, “you had not
taken any steps to make sure the man was
dead, had you?"
"Let me put it this way," the badgered coro-
ner replied. “The man's brain was sitting in a
jar on my desk. But," he added, “I guess that
he could still be out there pracücing law
"Two dogs were walking through the park
when one told the other that his humans had
thrown him out of the house.
“What for?" his companion asked.
“For pissing on the rug."
"Big deal. They piss in your water bowl,
don't they?”
Al n
What does a graduate student with a science
degree ask? "Why does it work?"
What does a graduate student with an engi-
neering degree ask? " How does it work?"
What does a graduate student with an ac-
counting degree ask? “How much will it cost?"
What docs a graduate student with a liberal
arts degree ask? “Do you want fries with that?”
“May I take your order?” the waiter asked.
“How do you prepare your chickens?"
"Nothing special," he replied. *We just tell
them straight out that they're going to die."
Send your jokes on postcards to Party Jokes Editor,
PLAYBOY, 680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60611, or by e-mail to jokes @ playboy com.
$100 will be paid to the contributor whose submis-
sion is selected. Sorry, jokes cannot be returned.
"Been there—done that.”
dini, We consider our-
True) selves to be year-
"ОООО round romantics
MERT sho become extra
motivated in Feb-
ruary. And why
not? It’s the month
of flowers, lingerie, chocolates and
passion—perfect for reminding the
women we love just how lovable we
are. To get you in the mood, too,
we've created a guide to Valentine's
Day. From romantic drinks to amaz-
ing destinations to great gift ideas,
it’s all here from rLayboY's stable of
experts. Our movie guy, Bruce Wil-
liamson, picked the most romantic
films to watch on video (including a
steamy John Leslie hard-core), and
music critic Charles M. Young se-
lected the best tunes, whether you
like New Age or lounge. Because
we're big on atmosphere. there are
ingredients for a great bubble bath
and a look at the sexy backseats of
some cars that may be more fun not
to drive. Contributing Automotive
Editor Ken Gross researched the
latter and didn't even file an ex-
pense report. Hmm
Dim the lights and uncork the chom-
pogne. It's party—and present—time.
Clockwise from top: A commemorative
bottle of chompagne from Pol Roger—
Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill 1986
($145). Bubbly of a different kind: Em-
porio Armoni's line of luxurious both
products includes a 1000-gram bottle
of thyme both solts ($32) and a 100-
milliliter bottle of thyme both oil ($23).
Asprey hos o collection of sterling silver
compacts, including this elegont model
($925). Mognum Designs by Joel Soskil
offers this oll-plotinum semimount ring,
feoturing eight diomond boguettes to-
toling .92 corot ond c repicceable cubic
zirconio os the center stone (about
$5200). Cortier’s 18-kt. gold Love
Brocelet must be bolted together to en-
circle the wrist ($3900). The limited-
edition Vert De Gris Metol Corset from
Jeon-Paul Goultier's Extroct Collection
looks os beoutiful os its contents smell
($160). The French-mode silver-ploted
frome is from ABC Corpet & Home
($165). Opposite: Emporio Armoni's
bubble both ($42 for o one-liter bottle).
This sexy sip calls for three ports vodka, two
parts pineopple vodko and one part eoch
cranberry vodka and peoch schnapps. Stir
with ice, strain and garnish with rose petals.
For the smoothest of shooters, combine
one port amaretto with one port Southem
Comfort in an oversize shot glass (with no
ice). Stir gently. Bottoms up, then remix.
Lounge: You can’t go wrong
with Sinatra 80th: All the Best
(Capitol), a collection of Old
Blue Eyes’ finest work fiom
1953 to 1962.
Rock: Play Portishead’s Dum-
my (London) all the way
through, or Princes Dirty
Mind (Warner).
R&B: Women melt over
anything sung by Sam
Cooke or Al Green. For
something current, spin Se-
crets by Toni Braxton (Arista)
or Stardust by Natalie Cole
Dance: If she's into trippy
and trance-inducing tunes,
wy Music for 18 Musicians by
Steve Reich (ECM) or Mise-
тете by Arvo Part (ECM).
New Age: Unwind to the
sensual sounds of Shepherd
Moons by Enya (Reprise) or
Aulumn by George Winston
(Windham Hill).
Classical: Music for Relax-
ation, Vol. 3: The Magic of
Mozart (London) inspires
the right romantic mood.
Bridges of Madison County
(1995): Cornball novel be-
comes cinematic gold,
thanks to Streep and East- |
wood's special chemistry.
Casablanca (1942); Romantic
films don't get any beter
than this. Play it again.
Doctor Zhivago (1965): Lara's
Theme is embodied by Julie
Christie as the dream girl
who keeps Omar Sharif
awake nights.
Gone With the Wind (1939):
The whole world was blown
away by Rhett and Scarlett.
Nothing to Hide (1981):
Hard-core with heart—in
a triple-X turn-on starring
porn legend John Leslie.
Sirens (1994): Churchman
Hugh Grant is sexually
awakened by nude models,
including Elle Macpherson.
Sleepless in Seattle. (1993):
They don’t meet until it
is almost over, but Tom
Hanks and Meg Ryan make
movie magic.
Over the years, adventurous (and athletic)
couples have scored in everything from
tiny MGs to big Buicks. But nothing could
touch the 1949-1951 Airflyie Nash with
its broad front and rear benches thot
quickly folded into a full-size bed. In Mer-
cury's double-wide 1957 Turnpike Cruiser,
а rear-window center section retracted for
a starry view. For the next two decades,
Cadillac's palatial Fleetwood offered a
sumptuous leather couch for cozy ren-
dezvovs. Despite downsizing, both Cads
and Lincolns—especially today's DeVille
d'Elegance—remain rolling playgrounds
for amorous duos. Oiher great bedrooms
on wheels include Mercedes-Benz’ tempt-
ing S-closs sedans, Jaguor's elegont,
long-wheelbase Vanden Plas ond the
Lexus 15400, as much for its Nakamichi
sound system os for its multiposition rear
armchairs. But the all-time wicked wheels
‘coward goes to Rolls-Royce. Pictured here:
о 1961 Silver Cloud II convertible with o
symphony of walnut and leather.
Sandals Royal Bahamian
Resort and Spa (Cable
Beach, Nassau): The ucwest,
poshest resort in the c
ples-only chain is a sybaritic
fantasy spread over 13 acres,
induding a pristine beach
and a semiprivate island. It’s
the first Sandals with a spa.
Hayman Island Resort
(Great Barrier Reef, North
Queensland, Australia): A
tropical paradise worth the
jet lag, Hayman has superb
restaurants; terraced rooms,
suites and penthouses; and a
spectacular freshwater pool
encircled by a saltwater one.
Hotel Lutétia (45 Boulevard
Raspail, Paris): Thisis where
the love scenes between
Jeremy Irons and Juliette
Binoche in Damage were
filmed. Suite 711 offers spec-
lacular views of the Fiffel
‘Tower and the city's roof-
tops (even from the bath-
tubs), plus a cozy bedroom
up a winding staircase. At
$1200 a night, it
had better be
very special,
SEXUAL REVOLUTION (continued from page 74)
“Lust has a thousand avenues. The thing has wo-
ven itself into the texture of city life.”
that male sexual impulse was evil. The
Women's Christian Temperance Union
feared the animal nature of man—the
devil in the flesh.
These groups sought to extend so-
called maternal authority into the pub-
lic sphere, to extend their rights by
curtailing those of others.
‘There was a sexual undertone to all
of their work. At the turn of the centu-
ry Kentucky-born Carry Nation would
storm saloons and, after smashing win-
dows, mirrors and whiskey bottles with
a hatchet, would rip sporting images
from the walls.
“There was scarcely any phase of hu-
man life,” wrote one biographer of Na-
tion, “from kissing to eating, into which
she did not poke her disapproving
nose. Did she observe a maiden expose
a few inches of her ankle or glimpse the
gleaming bosom of a lady of fashion?
She forthwith shrieked a lecture on
modesty and quoted Scripture to up-
hold her prediction that the offender
was destined to stew in the infernal
fires. Did she find a young man em-
bracing his sweetheart, even though he
had progressed no further than im-
printing a chaste salute upon the fair
one's willing lips? Nation has to her
credit many a blighted romance, for to
her mind lovemaking before marriage
was a sin of sins, reeking with horrid
possibility. Menacing the lovers with
quivering forefinger and glittering
eyes, she cried an oration on seduction
and the gratification of lusts that sent
them scurrying away, hiding their
blushes as best they could, for she was
nothing if not frank.”
Carry Nation represented the ex-
treme; other women’s groups were bet-
ter organized and more powerful. The
WCTU had an impressive agenda. It
began in 1874 and almost immediately
branched out with a Committee for
Work With Fallen Women, which later
became the Department for the Sup-
pression of the Social Evil and then the
Department of Social Purity. The
group had launched a White Cross-
White Shield campaign promoting the
single standard (chastity before mar-
riage and fidelity within). The WCTU
wanted a single code of morals “to
maintain the law of purity as equally
binding on men and women.”
One of the temperance movement's
greatest triumphs was in incorporating
into primary school penmanship les-
sons the slogan, “Lips that touch liquor
shall never touch mine.”
These women wanted greater pro-
tection in the home (e.g., freedom
from abusive or drunken husbands).
But they also wanted greater control
over the environment outside the
home. They worked to create red-light
abatement laws that could be used to
force brothels out of business. In San
Francisco, when the enlightened city
opened a venereal disease clinic for
prostitutes (an act that quickly resulted
in a 66 percent drop in infection rates),
social purity groups threatened a boy-
соц against the Panama Pacific Inter-
national Exposition of 1915. The
groups argued that the wages of sin
had to have a price (in this case, dis-
ease). The clinic was closed.
Dr. Kate Bushnell, a leader of the
WCTU, was clear on the breadth of the
crusade: “The word temperance had
been narrowed down till it only meant
total abstinence. In America, the wom-
en of the WCTU had accepted it in its
higher meaning, the combating of de-
praved appetite in every form, and for
the abolition, all the world over, of all
laws that protect depraved appetite."
These women could turn to their
own champions—the men of the Pro-
gressive Party. Male reformers had tak-
en over the problem of fallen women.
Whether the problem was quack
medicine or impure food, Progressive
reformers tackled social issues with a
clear plan. Recognizing the value of
publicity—especially the power of
headlines to galvanize political ac-
tion—they launched a series of vice in-
vestigations. John D. Rockefeller fund-
ed the crusade, which allowed George
Kneeland to publish Commercialized
Prostitution in New York City in 1913. The
Vice Commission of Chicago preceded
itin 1911 with The Social Evil in Chicago.
Within a few years, more than 32 mu-
nicipalities and states had conducted
investigations of vice. In towns as di-
verse as Lexington, Kentucky, Bay
City, Michigan and Lancaster, Pennsyl-
vania, stouthearted sons of middle-
class America put themselves at risk,
going night after night to brothels,
concert saloons, candy stores, dance-
halls—the bars and haunts of the work-
ing class. Vice investigators diligently
recorded every fondled buttock, every
exposed breast, every offer of pleasure,
every laugh from a girl in some young
man's lap, every embrace, every depar-
ture of a couple for some secluded spot.
Prostitution was the apparent target.
The Vice Commission of Chicago
claimed as a motto “constant and per-
sistent repression of prostitution the
immediate method; absolute annihila-
tion the ultimate ideal." But the true
target, of course, was lust itself: "So
long as there is lust in the hearts of
men," announced thc commission, “it
will seck out some method of expres-
sion. Until the hearts of men are
changed we can hope for no absolute
annihilation of the social evil.”
In 1914 writer Walter Lippmann
took the Vice Commission of Chicago
to task. He saw a parallel between po-
litical repression and Sigmund Freud’s
theory of psychological repression.
Like Freud, he believed that sex sur-
faced in every human activity, and that
attempts to contain it were doomed.
“Lust has a thousand avenues,” he
writes in his Preface to Politics. “The
brothel, the fiat, the assignation house,
the tenement saloons, dancehalls,
steamers, ice-cream parlors, Turkish
baths, massage parlors, streetwalk-
ing—the thing has woven itself into the
texture of city life. Like the hydra it
grows new heads everywhere. It draws
into its service the pleasures of the city.
Entangled with the love of gaiety, orga-
nized as commerce, it is literally impos-
sible to follow the myriad expressions it
Lippmann claimed the moral cru-
saders had become “panicky and re-
verted to an ancient superstition. They
forbade the existence of evil by law.”
The commission published page af-
ter page ofrecommendations, new sex-
ual taboos: No immoral or vulgar
dances should be permitted in saloons,
no intoxicating liquor should be al-
lowed at any public dance. Laws
against private wine rooms should be
enforced. Lippmann scoffs at the at-
tempt: “Nothing dynamic holds the
recommendations together—the mass
of them are taboos, an attempt to kill
each mosquito and ignore the marsh.
The evils of prostitution are seen as a
series of episodes, each of which must
be clubbed, forbidden, raided and
The vice investigators provide a look
at a new sexuality—beyond the world
of prostitutes, In Vice in Chicago, Walter
Reckless describes a distinctly non-
commercial fling: “Young people,
some visibly under the influence of
liquor, others apparently sober, were
repeatedly seen to dance or whirl
about the floor with their bodies
pressed tightly together, shaking, mov-
ing and rotating their lower portions in
a way that undoubtedly roused their
sex impulses. Some even were scen to
engage in ‘soul kissing’ and biting one
another on the lobes of the ears and
rse its important, it’s the last one
“Of cou
upon the neck."
The vice investigators saw women—
unchaperoned by family and freed
from the front porch—experimenting
with sexuality on their own terms. Are
we to believe these fevered accounts?
Years later, Polly Adler would describe
the dancehalls of the late teens differ-
ently. Adler, who became one of New
York's most famous madams, wrote
that the dancehalls of her youth re-
sembled “strenuous gymnasiums”
more than they did “nightly mass
In an essay on “Charity Girls’ and
City Pleasures,” femi historian
Kathy Peiss presents a vice investi;
tor's description of the barroom activi-
ty between dances at a Turnverein ball
in New York City:
Most of the younger couples
were hugging and kissing, there
was a general mingling of men
and women at the different tables,
almost everyone seemed to know
one another and spoke to cach
other across the tables and joined
couples at different tables, they
were all singing and carrying on,
they kept running around the
room and acted like a mob of lu-
natics let loose.
Peiss argues that the dancehalls cre-
ated a new code:
The heterosocial orientation of
these amusements made populari-
ty a goal to be pursued through
dancing ability, willingness to
drink and eye-catching finery.
Women who would not drink at
balls and social entertainments
were often ostracized by men,
while cocktails and ingenious mix-
tures replaced the five-cent beer
and helped to make drinking an
acceptable female activity. Many
women used clothing as a means
of drawing attention to them-
selves, wearing high-heeled shoes,
fancy dresses, costume jewelry,
elaborate pompadours and cos-
metics. As one working woman
sharply explained: “If you want to
get any notion took of you, you
gotta have some style about you.”
One investigator noted, “Those who
are unattractive and those who have
puritanic notions fare but ill in the mat-
ter of enjoyments.”
And vice investigators shared none
of those traits for popularity. In one
Pittsburgh report on dancehalls, an in-
vestigator—after describing men and
women intermingling joyfully—re-
ports he could not get any of the local
women to dance with him, and ended
up having to partner with his co-agent,
a female investigator.
Vice investigators were not buffoons:
By 1915, 17 states and the District of
Columbia had red-light abatement
laws. By 1917, 30 states had adopted
the reform. The American Social Hy-
giene Association—heir to the group
founded by Dr. Prince Morrow to com-
bat venereal disease—could point to 47
cities that had closed their vice districts
by 1916.
The results were mixed. “There
were a great many of them who left the
city,” one reformer in Des Moines com-
plained. “It was not our prime idea to
drive them out of the city, but our idea
to drive them into decency,”
Lust was a chameleon that adapted
to new technologies. B.S. Steadwell,
president of the World’s Purity Federa-
tion, bemoaned adyances in 1913:
The advent of electricity
brought us the telephone, which is
a necessity to any modern house of
shame whether located in the city
or in the country, and connects
every home with these dens of in-
famy. It made possible the degrad-
ing picture show, and inventions
which have been used largely to
promote and cultivate immorality.
During the past 50 years, girls and
wornen have taken their places be-
side boys and men in schools, col-
leges, stores, offices, factories and
shops, and have in constantly in-
creasing numbers entered com-
mercial life. This close association
has brought opportunities for sex-
ual gratification of which full ad-
vantage has been taken. The au-
tomobile has made possible the
“joyride” and has built up the
palatial "roadhouse," or country
brothel. Luxurious transportation
facilities have also ushered in im-
moral practices never before
The new woman created her own
rules. These "women adrift” were part
of a new style of socializing. The vice
investigators identified "charity girls"
who traded sex for excitement or ac-
cess to entertainment: “They simply
take this means of securing more
amusements, excitements, luxuries
and indulgences than their wages
would afford them,” proclaimed the
1911 Federal Report. “They are not
promiscuously immoral.”
The vice investigator carried an in-
delible notion of madonna and whore.
A woman's place was in the private
sphere, supporting her husband, not
in public cavorting with strangers.
Young girls who expressed interest in
sex were deemed incorrigible, and
ended up in reformatories or worse.
The vice inspector viewed himself as a
Christian champion in a holy war—his
mission was saving souls. Indeed, one
crusader wrote: “The records of the
Protestant churches of the U.S. show
that in 1917 there were 458,400 new
members enrolled. The secretary of
the N.Y. Travelers Aid Society declares
in 1917 there were 600,000 girls in
houses ofill fame in the U.S. and 1 mil-
lion clandestines. The referee of the
Los Angeles Juvenile Court states that
95 percent of the delinquents are from
the dancehalls.”
Lippmann saw the dangers of re-
pression: “We have made a very con-
siderable confusion of the life of joy
and the joy of life. The first impulse is
to abolish all lobster palaces, melodra-
mas, yellow newspapers and sentimen-
tally erotic novels. Why not abolish all
the devil’s works? the reformer won-
ders, The answer is in history. It can’t
be done that way. It is impossible to
abolish either with a law or an ax the
desires of men. It is dangerous, explo-
sively dangerous, to thwart them for
any length of time. The Puritans tried
to choke the craving for pleasure in
early New England, They had no the-
aters, no dances, no festivals. They
burned witches instead.”
No single event marks the change in
America more than this: In the second
decade of the century a young entre-
preneur named William Fox bought
the most notorious concert saloon in
New York City—the Haymarket on
29th and Sixth—and turned it into a
movie theater. The palace of sin be-
came a palace of cinema. The smell of
sweat, semen and heer gave way to the
smell of popcorn.
Men and women could attend
movies together and watch in intimate
darkness as beautiful creatures lived
impossible lives. Where once no rep-
utable girl would go—for fear of being
mistaken for a prostitute—millions of
families now flocked.
"The films weren't about sex so much
as about sex roles. In 1909 reformer
Jane Addams had realized for "hun-
dreds of young people, going to the
show is the only possible road to mys-
tery and romance.” What was “seen
and heard there becomes their sole
topic of conversation, forming the
ground pattern of their social life."
As early as 1907, a pious professor
attacked the new medium: “Pictures
are more degrading than the dime
novel because they represent real flesh-
and-blood characters and import mor-
al lessons directly through the senses.
The dime novel cannot lead the boy
further than his limited imagination
will allow, but the motion picture forces
upon his view things that are new; they
(continued on page 132)
WENTYTWO years after her ap-
pearance as a Playmate, Carol
Vitale still puts on quite a show.
Her cable access program, The
Carol Vitale Show, airs in California,
New York, Washington, D.C. and Mi-
ami, where Carol was working as a Bun-
ny when she became Miss July 1974
(right). She was in Miami Beach again.
this past summer, posing for Bunny \
Yeager. The results are on these pages.
"Whenever I'm in town, Bunny asl
"When do you want to start shooting:
Carol says. "Young men these days are
so hot for older women, and I like men
of all ages. Just treat me like gold and
you'll never be sorry." Most men who
would like to do that might have trou-
ble keeping up with Carol. Her sched-
ule is not for the fainthearted. She
vows to pare it down. But so far she
a nonstop beauty
stars in her own show
During the 550 episodes of her tolk show, Carol has welcomed guests such as Gary Coleman (above left), Zsa Zsa Gobor, Walter
Motthau, Diane Lodd, Henny Youngman, Martin Landau, Stella Stevens, Dennis Miller and Playmates galare. She's also snared a penile
implant specialist and a psychic. For o complete list of stations that carry the program, visit Carol’s Web page at htip://www.cyglam.com.
hasn't had much luck. “I don't even have time to go to movies,” Carol complains, "or take vacations. So I wy to make my
whole life a vacation.” Hanging with celebrities certainly helps. For her cable show, her wish list of guests includes Jay Leno,
Goldie Hawn and, of course, Hugh Hefner. “Maybe ГЇЇ revamp the whole show and exclusively interview Playmat
Carol says with a wink. "Don't let the blonde hair and the big boobs fool you, boy. I mean business.” Don't touch that dial.
— cw
. She
(0) .
what do men and women really want?
sex? breakfast? thicker hair? cur funny
valentines—jamie lee curtis and
john cleese—clash with panache
article £05. Nick wea a
or centuries philoso-
phers from Ptahhotep
to, well, Beck have pro-
vided us with myriad
opinions on the wistful,
wishful and sometimes painful state of desire. Not all of
them have agreed. For example, do we subscribe to
George Bernard Shaw’s theory that “there are two
tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The
other is to gain it”? Or would we prefer to go along with
poet William Blake's belief that “he who desires but acts
not breeds pestilence”?
‘To get a more contemporary overview, we've turned to
Jamie Lee Curtis and John Cleese, who succumbed hilari-
ously to desire in the popular 1988 film A Fish Called Wan-
da, and who have just reunited cinematically (along with
Wanda cohorts Kevin Kline and Michael Palin) for the new
comedy Fierce Creatures. We asked journalist Dick Lochte
to sound them out on the pros and cons of the passionate
PLAYBOY: What's the first thing that comes to mind when
you hear the word desire?
curtis: Thick hair.
CLEESE: Anywhere in particular?
CURTIS: How typical of you, John. You know, a lus-
trous, thick mane, a desired commodity for me because I
have thin, wispy, baby-fine hair. (continued on page 152)
(ow XT YT » ER x
) |
became 6'4" very suddenly, and Pue nev-
er quite recovered from it,” says Conan
O'Brien. The tall television host may be cit-
ing his growth spurt as a metaphor for his
accession to David Letterman's seat on
NBC's "Late Night." But O'Brien has re-
covered nicely from what some critics viewed
as a rocky start. To use an industry tern, his
show began trending up in the ratings. and
finally, just before his third anniversary on
the air this past fall, the network that often
seemed on the verge of dumping him offered
O'Brien a year's contract.
Though billed as an unknown when he
took over “Late Night,” O'Brien had made a
reputation in the comedy business as a writer
on “Saturday Night Live” and “The Simp-
sons." But he insists he'd had his mind set on
performing for years. He had studied tap
dancing as a child because "I wanted to be
an entertainer like Jimmy Cagney.”
Although he says his dedication to rock-
and-roll drumming saved him from the
“classic definition” of a grind, O'Brien
made his way from his home in Brookline,
Massachusetts to a local college: Harvard.
There he found that “comedy was almost a
religious revelation, because I didn't have to
work that hard at it. It wasn’t like memoriz-
ing for a big test.”
O'Brien was twice elected to head “The
Harvard Lampoon,” that incubator for the
brightest and funniest. After graduating in
1985 he moved to Hollywood to write for
HBO's “Not Necessarily the News" and
hone his performance style with improvisa-
tion groups. The "SNL" and "The Simp-
sons” stints followed. When NBC began
its star search for
the hair- the 12:30 a.m
enhanced talk- — ^5
slot, O'Brien had
producer Lorne
NL" boss,
Michaels, place
show host his name in the
j: running.
cracks wise E А
n backer met with
about his O'Brien at the
close of one late
alma mater, shift. "I have to
his brush believe O'Brien
a aced his verbal
with tv death 542,” Kalback-
& er reports. "He's
and his treat- оше, well, ver-
bal. And he im-
ment for a mediately invited
me to return for.
Sore throat another conver-
sation with the
PLAYBOY: You're the son of a physician
and an attorney. Is hosting a late-night
television show an attempt to escape a
destiny in medicine or law?
ORIEN: This show is an attempt to say
to my parents, "For God's sake, help
me." I realized early on that I didn't
want to be a doctor like my father or a
lawyer like my mother. There had to be
something else for me. I seized on
game-show host. Everyone has a hero,
and for me it's Wink Martindale. I
thought, What better thing for me to
do than to be able to comb my hair in-
to a pompadour and give away cash
prizes? When this Lale Night thing
came along, 1 thought, I'll grab it and
maybe, over time and with a little luck,
it will transform into a game show.
We're getting there. Andy and I are
starting to develop that cheesy patter.
Insincerity levels are rising rapidly, and
around 1998—God willing—America
will tune in and see a Toyota Camry
slowly revolving in the background,
and people will be bobbing for apples
and cheering wildly. Then we'll really
have something.
PLAYBOY: Your show debuted the day
Yitzhak Rabin and Yasir Arafat shook
hands. We recall your remark, "Conan
O'Brien will get a talk show when
there's peace in the Middle East,” but
we find no mention of your name in
diplomatic exchanges. Can we assume.
it was a coincidence?
O'BRIEN: It all came together nicely, and
I feel the show was influential. Monday,
September 13, 1993. The night 1 pre-
miered, the picture appeared of Clin-
ton with Rabin and Arafat shaking
hands on the White House lawn. 1 had
advance knowledge. We don't read
newspapers just to come up with the
monolog jokes. A good 40 percent of
the writers on this show are former Is-
raeli commandos. They rush in at the
last second and say, “Madonna's having
a baby!" I ask if they're sure. “Yes, we
lost two men finding out."
PLAYBOY: Saturday Night Live impresario
Lorne Michaels was assigned by NBC
to come up with a replacement for
David Letterman. Explain how he
tapped you for the job.
O'BRIEN: I’m not at liberty to go into
that because it would diminish what
T've achieved. But let's just say that
Lorne had to choose me at that point
in his life, and I hope to become very
wealthy off some land deals. God bless
him. I'm sure I owe the guy a lot. He
didn't have the power to actually say,
"Conan O'Brien is going to replace
David Letterman." The crucial role
that he played was in telling NBC,
“There's this Conan O'Brien guy who
will be green at first, but he's smart and
has some talent and 1 think you should
check him out." Then there was an au-
dition on the Tonight Show set and some
meetings with NBC where I talked
about what Га do with the show: “This
will show rhem. This is going to knock
Silk Stalkings off the air."
PLAYBOY: You've had long-term expe-
rience with short-term employment.
How did you deal with the lack of
job security, which affects so many
"Americans today?
orien: During the first year and a half
of the show's run we were renewed
every 40 minutes. 1 bought one of
those digital watches with an alarm,
and it was pretty much chiming all the
time. Now I look back fondly on those
early rough times. My first professional
job in Los Angeles, in 1985, was with
Not Necessarily the News on HBO. I was
on a three-week contract because they
didn’t know if I was funny. I checked
into the Oakwood Apartments, which
is kind of halfway between an apart-
ment building and a hotel. It’s a great
place to meet single, pregnant women,
because a lot of them go there when
they break up with their husbands, and
they ask if you want to go out for din-
ner. In the middle of my second week 1
found out that I was getting picked up
for 13 weeks more, and then after that
I was getting picked up for 26. Here 1
have my own TV show and I'm 30
years old, and in my gut I just don't
feel I have anything to complain about.
1га started bitching about getting on-
ly a 13-week television contract, Ameri-
ca would have had the right to kick me
in the ass.
PLAYBOY: Early in your Late Nigh! run
critics knocked you as being a frat boy.
Do you consider that criticism unfair
given that your alma mater, Harvard,
15 famous for other types of exclusive
O'BRIEN: There are a ton of them, none
of which I was invited to join. Porcel-
lian is the most exclusive. It turned
down Franklin Roosevelt. A lot of peo-
ple theorize that the New Deal was
FDR's revenge against Porcellian for
not letting him in. I was never one who
would have joined a frat. I don't like to
high-five people, and I'm not the kind
of guy who likes to bump chests with
anybody. Mine would collapse. I have a
high, weak sternum that’s calcium de-
ficient. Andy's not really a frat guy, ei-
ther. But people need quick labels for
you. I never waste time trying to figure
out what's fair or unfair. Critics who
didn't like the show at first, most no-
tably Tom Shales [of The Washington
Post], have since said they really like it.
There's been a terrible mistake, and
I'm just going to keep my mouth shut
and try to benefit from it.
PLAYBOY: Television executives are not
known for their patience. Why weren't
you canceled after just a couple of
O'BRIEN: They forgot I was on the air.
"They may even have told somebody,
“Go cancel that guy," but he didn't
know how to get in touch with me. By
the üme he figured it out, we were do-
ing better. The serious answer is that
we were probably staying barely ahead
of the machine that cancels you. Our
ratings never dipped that low. I don't
even want to know how close we came
in the first six months. When you're in
great danger, it's good you never actu-
ally have time to think about how much
trouble you're in.
PLAYBOY: You recently moved to a new
Manhattan apartment. Did your first
year-long NBC contract make you
more comfortable about investing in
real estate?
orien: Things are going much better
on the show now, but I haven't gotten
crazy. I didn't buy an apartment. Pm
still renting. I'm not a fool. I looked in-
to buying an apartment in New York,
but the process scared the hell out of.
me. They say, "If you want this small
apartment, you can pay $2 million for
it, and after you agree to do that, we'll
consider whether or not we're going to
let you have it." You almost faint dead
away. You don't get a park view, and
then they tell you Bruce Willis and De-
mi Moore just bought the penthouse
for $15 million, and they bought it to
keep their tennis shoes in. I bought a
small house in Connecticut. It’s notan
estate. I was hoping that if 1 bought
the house in Connecticut, then I'd get
the stalker. And then maybe I'd finally
live up to Dave's legend. But it didn’t
PLAYBOY: We understand you're the
lowest-paid late-night host, pulling
down about $2 million a year. Won't
you be looking to up the ante when
your contract comes up for renewal?
O'BRIEN: "I think I'm still the lowest
paid," he said with obvious pride. I
don't get into specifics, but it's around
there. I'm doing really well compared
with the rest of my family. Compared
with the 11:30 guys, I'm thrilled with
how much money I make. It sounds
like a cliché, but I don't get obsessed
with money. Doing these shows is fun
when it goes well, and that's the addic-
tive part. Later on so much of this busi-
ness is "How much do you earn?"—
meaning the respect you're being
shown by the industry. Maybe I have
low self-esteem. I'm happy that people
know who I am now. They actually
make eye contact with me. I'm euphor-
ic that NBC runs promos for my show.
И be years and years before I make
outrageous demands—like renaming
NBC the Conan Channel.
PLAYBOY: The evidence indicates that
Harvard graduates are represented in
disproportionately large numbers in
the comedy-writing business. Should
we be concerned?
O'BRIEN: Yes. Look what happened
when Harvard people took over run-
ning the Vietnarn war. You know it has
gone too far when they introduce na-
palm and chemical defoliants in the
prime-time schedule. There have been
mentions of it here and there, but I'm
waiting for the big whistle-blowing arti-
cle that says, "Hey, wait a minute. How
come all these assholes get to have TV
jobs?" The government will step in, the
way it broke up AT&T. For some Har-
vard people, being a TV writer is what
being a stockbroker was in the Forties
and Fifties. It's socially acceptable now
to graduate from Harvard and do a
season on Roseanne, which is absurd be-
cause the show is about a lower-mid-
dle-class woman in the Midwest and
deals vith the stuff real people have to
deal with. You have this image of a guy
who wrote his thesis on Nietzsche try-
ing to figure out whether or not Dan
should buy a trailer park.
кїлүвоү: Tell us a tale of young Conan
O'Brien, Harvard student.
orien: I majored in American history
and literature and, boy, have I put that
to good use, I wrote a thesis on William
Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor and
all the things I have been trying to
work into the show. Harvard is deeply
ashamed of me. If you write a thesis at
Harvard, you, too, can interact with a
gaseous wiener. I have mixed feelings
about my Harvard past. I don't want to
completely trash it because 1 worked
hard to go there. I wasn’t a legacy. 1
wanted to make something of myself,
and I was proud to get into Harvard.
"Then I got into comedy and they made
me president of the Lampoon. I got to
edit the magazine for two years in a
row, and that was unusual. After col-
lege I didn’t limit my circle to the Har-
vard writing community. I made an ef-
fort to become friends with performers
from different parts of the country who
had never heard of the Lampoon. I was
getting up on that stage in Chicago
wearing a diaper. I used to do a bit
called Kennedy Baby, where I played a
giant baby who talked like Ted Ken-
nedy, and I would do it in a diaper. To
people whosay I haven't paid my dues,
I've paid my dues. I have pictures to
prove it.
PLAYBOY: Did you feel more secure in
the role of host after visits from such
late-night regulars as Tony Randall
and Dr. Joyce Brothers?
O'BRIEN: Definitely. We have even had
nights when Ed McMahon has come by
and chuckled at things. I knew we had
a real talk show the night I said,
“Ladies and gentlemen, put your
hands together for Charo.” She came
on and shook her tits and said,
“Cootchie-cootchie.” She'd say things I
wouldn’t understand, and I would do
Carson takes to my camera. I really get
excited in those moments because I
feel like I've paid for a virtual reality
ride: If you're at least this tall and not
pregnant and you don't have a pace-
maker, you can strap yourself in and
make quips and Ed McMahon will sit
next to you and guffaw
PLAYBOY: Do you pay royalties to the
creators of Clutch Cargo, who came up.
with the idea of putting moving lips on
cartoon faces? And have you taken le-
gal steps to protect your own intellectu-
al property?
O'BRIEN: No, we don't pay royalties, and
this interview is over. My God, 1 don't.
think anybody would want any of our
intellectual property. That's our great
security blanket. Letterman actually
had comedy bits that people would
want to take, but I decided early on
that I wasn’t going to run into this
whole intellectual-property thing. So
we create comedy that no one would
ever dare touch, and it’s worked beau-
tifully. No one rips us off. None of
our impressions are accurate. They're
incredibly insane and overblown and
(continued on page 162)
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For yeors, the best lure for colching a men’s attention hos been a sexy pair of stockings. Left, Barbaro Moore costs her fishnets wide, with
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On Valentine's Day, life is sweet—so eat you n: теа Оэ ҮЕ aves
off a warm, fuzzy feeling from our heads to her toes. After all
He turned out to be stunningly handsome. The joke
is that he went through college wearing only a towel.
gone. When the world moved on to
other things, Jacqueline Kennedy was
raising two kids by herself. And for
those kids, the Camelot myth was no
substitute for school. One day in 1965,
a phone call came to Peter Clifton, who
was then the assistant headmaster of St.
David's Schoo! on the Upper East Side
of Manhattan.
“Hello, Mr. Clifton,” said the soft
voice on the phone. “This is Jacqueline
Kennedy. 1 wonder if I could come and
see the school.”
“Everybody was scared to death at
the school,” Clifton remembered. But
John Kennedy was treated as just an-
other first grader, with cousins ahead
of and behind him—Chris Lawford,
Steve and Willie Smith, Anthony Rad-
ziwill. "That was a help to John, to have
a lot of family around,” said Clifton.
“There was no one sweeter than
John—he had no guile in him. He's
still like that. I have to give his mother
a lot of credit for that. She appreciated
anybody taking an interest in John."
Of course, the world had an interest.
in the Kennedy children—an interest.
that, taken one person at a time, was
benign and harmless, but when cen-
trifuged by mass media, disclosed a lay-
er of danger.
No matter how old he gets, John
Kennedy will always be too young to
remember his father as flesh and
blood. His uncle Robert F. Kennedy is
less a ghost. "He was very intense,"
John Kennedy told an acquaintance
not long ago. “He used to scare me. I
was a little kid. When he would come
over to the apartment, I would hide in
my room."
In June 1968, when Bobby Kennedy
was shot in Los Angeles, Jacqueline
Kennedy was reported to have said, "IF
they're killing Kennedys, then my chil-
dren are targets." Four months later
she married Aristotle Onassis, the ship-
ping tycoon who owned an island
fortress in the Mediterranean.
"He was good to my mother and my
sister,” John Kennedy told a friend.
That is what he has figured out,
however contrary his version is to re-
ceived wisdom. Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis did not have, if even one per-
cent of the published reports are true,
a peaceful marriage with her second
husband. After his death in 1975 she
struggled with his daughter over the
“John feels very warmly toward Ari,”
said the friend, and Kennedy should
be no less authoritative on his mother’s
second marriage than, say, Time maga-
zine. Maybe the stories about the in-
heritance squabble and the unhappy
marriage were overcooked. Maybe he
hasn't read them. Maybe he just does
not believe any of it. (“I've read things
in the Enquirer attributed to me that
I've never said in my life,” he com-
mented in one issue of George.)
Everyone else could imagine his fa-
ther. John lived without him. In Sep-
tember 1968 John transferred to the
Collegiate School, a private school for
boys on the West Side of Manhattan.
“There was a father-son night in the
eighth grade, about 1973 or 1974.
The idea was, you had dinner in the
old gymnasium, maybe threw a ball
around,” said novelist Peter Blauner, a
Collegiate classmate of Kennedy's.
“The fathers would talk with the teach-
ers, Maybe meet the other fathers.
John brought Rosey Grier, and I re-
member the talk being, of course, that
Grier was there because he tackled
Sirhan Sirhan. He tried to protect the
uncle and now he's here for John.”
Others pitched in. Richard Good-
win, a writer and Kennedy family advi-
sor, took John to an Ali-Frazier fight,
and afterward Ali gave John his robe.
To get to school John rode the M-79
bus across Central Park, passing the
Museum of Natural History on one
side and the Metropolitan Museum of
Art on the other. The Secret Service
agents sat in the back of the bus. One
day John gave them the slip and was
mugged in Central Park. It made the
newspapers, big-time. For high school,
his mother shipped him to Andover,
the New England boarding school. A
classmate stole the robe Ali had giv-
en him.
John was held back a year at An-
dover but for college had the pick of.
the Ivy litter. In 1979 he chose Brown
University, pride of Rhode Island, over
his father's school, Harvard. He had
acted in high school. At Brown, he
turned in earnest to the stage and even
to the screen.
“There's a movie in the archives at
Brown that was made by a student, and
John Kennedy has a big part in it," said
Julie Talen, a screenwriter and former
Brown classmate. “He was a great ac-
tor." Kennedy was turning out to be a
stunningly handsome young man, and
he wasn't a bit shy about publicly bar-
ing the ripples. The joke is that he went
through four years of college wearing
only a towel
From his mother he learned at least
two lessons. One was circumspection.
Like his mother, John has always been
a controlled substance. She had a rule
of silence, which she never violated for
any interviewer. That made every ut-
terance—profound or vapid—price-
less. All she had to do was sign her
name to a petition to preserve Grand
Central Station, and she could reverse
the course of mighty capitalists. The
public silence “was not really a studied
decision on her part," Jackie's son
would tell Oprah Winfrey. “It’s just
that her life was easier if, you know, she
lived it privately.”
The second lesson was also simple.
You go to work. You don’t bum
around. In 1975 Jackie took a job as a
book editor at Viking, which she left
after the house published a Jeffrey
Archer novel that turned on the assas-
sination of Ted Kennedy. From there
she went to Doubleday. Her children
caught on. They worked summers.
Idleness worms its way through the
lives of the rich and poor, at different
angles, surely, but destructively all the
same. The son and daughter of Jacque-
line Kennedy Onassis missed the bad
turns taken by some of their Kennedy
John graduated from Brown in 1983
with a degree in history but without a
clue. He pitched in on some charity
work and traveled abroad, idling the
engine of his fame and looks. He dated
women from Brown and in 1985 acted
with one of them in a Brian Friel play,
Winners, in a way-off-Broadway theater.
The entire Kennedy court made it
clear through the gossip columns that
his mother was opposed to John hav-
ing a career in acting and an emotional
life built around actresses.
Nevertheless, his performances at
the Irish Arts Center became the stuff
of legend. For one thing, the little the-
ater on a bleak, semi-industrial street
was not accustomed to having its pa-
trons body-searched and admitted by
invitation only. For another, the lead
actor proved to the public what his
family had long known: He had a gift
for mimicking a brogue. “The finest
young actor I've seen in 12 years,” said
Nye Heron, executive director of the
center. Reporters grabbed John one
night when he was leaving the theater.
“This is definitely not a professional
acting debut,” Kennedy demurred.
“Is just a hobby" The message surely
"I suppose I could have fought him off, Charles, but you know
how I loathe violence."
must have pleased his mother.
At some point during those years,
John met Michael Berman, a party
hound his own age from a New Jersey
real estate family, who was an aspiring
public relations and marketing execu-
tive. John returned from a kayaking
trip raving about a handmade kayak he
had used. He and Berman cooked up
an idea to market the kayak around the
country, and they even formed a com-
pany, Random Ventures. It took them
a year to realize that they couldn't
mass-produce handmade kayaks. Ran-
dom Ventures went into hibernation.
In 1986, after three years of skating
around New York, working parties at
night and respectable causes by day,
Kennedy entered law school at New
York University. He made it through in
three uneventful years. Uneventful,
that is, except for being named the
sexiest man alive by People magazine
in 1988.
"That summer he spoke at the Demo-
cratic convention in Atlanta, offering a
bland endorsement of public service.
His first major public speech received a
two-minute standing ovation.
If it was debutante night in the polit-
ical arena, John Kennedy didn’t seem
to be particularly interested in danc-
ing. "You never say never,” he said,
which, on his lips, certainly sounded
like never.
In 1989 he took a position with Man-
hattan District Attorney Robert Mor-
genthau, who always manages to make
room on his staff for the sons and
daughters of the well known. In a four-
year stint, Kennedy won all six cases he
tried, and handled dozens of small-
bore complaints.
“I didn’t like it,” he told a colleague.
“I felt sorry for the defendants. Sure
they were all guilty. But they were all
poor and stupid.” The criminal justice
system is often the last stop on a con-
veyor belt of bad luck, and a young as-
sistant district attorney is waiting to
catch the sorry packages as they drop.
By day, he may have been swabbing
the toilets of the court system, but by
night, he was squiring Daryl Hannah.
They met on vacation in the Caribbe-
an. They reconnected when his aunt
Lee Radziwill married Herbert Ross,
who directed Steel Magnolias. Hannah
and Kennedy dated for nearly five
years, his longest romance.
In the DA's office, as everywhere, he
is remembered for not assuming that
anyone owed him a thing, for holding
doors and getting coffee. Not everyone
knew the private Kennedy. After one
long night he had a green shamrock
tattooed on his posterior.
He also set one legal milestone: He
became the only person in the history
of the New York bar to make the front
pages of three newspapers when he
didn’t pass the bar on his first two tries.
THE HUNK FLUNKS, the papers reported.
He shrugged. “I'm clearly not a major
legal genius,” he said.
But Kennedy was hardly indifferent
to what people thought about him.
One afternoon, he stopped at Pete's
Tavern, a charming old bar near
Gramercy Park in Manhattan. The
manager grew up in Inwood, an old
Irish neighborhood in northern Man-
haian. He and Kennedy had a long,
companionable chat over beers about
what life had been like for an Irish
American street kid.
A day or so later an item ran in the
gossip column of the New York Post sug-
gesting there was good reason JFK Jr.
was having a hard time passing the bar
exam. He was blowing the whole after-
noon hanging out in Pete’s Tavern
when he should have been cracking the
law books, the paper opined.
The day the item appeared, Ken-
nedy rode his bike to Pete's and tapped
the manager on the shoulder. “I
thought we had a private discussion,”
an angry Kennedy said.
“We did,” said the manager. “I tell
you straight up, that didn’t come from
me, nor anyone who works for me. We
had nothing to do with it.”
“OK,” said Kennedy, “I appreciate
it.” In a lifetime of provocations, he has
rarely blown any fuses. One summer
on Cape Cod, he doused a pestering
paparazzo, but then returned with
apologies and an offer to pay for his
In 1992 and 1993 he watched the as-
cent of Bill Clinton, who blew a saxo-
phone on Arsenio Hall's show and
talked about his underwear on MTV.
National politics was beginning to
sound like John Kennedy's life. He
quit the district attorney's office in
1993. With Berman, he began to scrib-
ble ideas for a magazine about the in-
tersection of politics and lifestyle. They
revived their old kayaking company,
Random Ventures, and set up shop in
Berman's office.
Late in 1993, Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis fell ill. It was non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma. She rallied, then failed.
Just before 11 p.m. on May 20, 1994,
John Kennedy came down from his
mother's apartment at 1040 Fifth Av-
enue and read a statement to the
throng of reporters holding a death-
watch. “She was surrounded by
friends, family and her books, and the
people she loved, the people who were
important to her,” Kennedy said softly.
“She did it on her own terms and in
her own way. There's been an enor-
mous outpouring of good wishes from
people in New York and beyond. I
hope now we can just have these next
couple of days in relative peace.”
The funeral was held at the Church
of St. Ignatius Loyola, on Park Avenue
and 84th Street. It was a monument
to the privacy of the household. “I
couldn't even go through the rectory
this morning,” said one Jesuit priest.
“There are men with machine guns on
the roof”
That privacy would prove in the
months ahead io be a spectacular asset,
ripe for investment. Berman and Ken-
nedy began to whisper to the press.
They showed a little ankle. Kennedy's
ankle, that is. (Berman has said that
partnership with Kennedy is like being
Dolly Parton's feet.)
Neither Berman nor Kennedy were
quoted directly, but strange personal
items cropped up in the papers. Sam-
ple: He left the same gym bag in the
same place on Daryl Hannah's floor
for five months and never makes his
bed—but now he’s looking to launch
a magazine!
The year that began with armed
men guarding the privacy of his moth-
er's funeral ended with stories about
what a gorgeous slob her son was. And
how he might be on to an interesting
notion about a magazine. It was all cat-
nip: A few months later executives at
Hachette Filipacchi, a magazine pub-
lisher, agreed to fund the start-up of
George. The investors at Hachette saw
him speak to 1900 car advertising buy-
ers in Detroit.
*I hope,” Kennedy told the Detroit
audience, “eventually to end up as
He paused as that thought scored,
then finished the sentence. “Of a very
successful publishing venture.”
The crowd roared, then booked a
record number of ad pages for the
magazine's debut issue.
Oprah Winfrey thought that the
Drew-Barrymore-as-Marilyn cover was
a great gag. “Like, I understand the
whole thing, John," she assured him.
"I got that."
"OK," said Kennedy.
"The kind of spoof thing," she said.
“Mmm,” replied Kennedy.
What? What spoof thing? Do you
suddenly feel like everyone in the
room is winking at one another? The
cover was meant to plug a story about
Bill Clinton turning 50, though it in
fact called an enormous amount of at-
tention not to Clinton, Marilyn Mon-
roe or even President Kennedy but to
the editor who chose it.
Clearly, Hachette has invested in a
(concluded on page 169)
When Herb Ritts captured the formidable Brigitte Nielsen
for our December 1987 issue—her third PLAYBOY appear-
ance—the six-foot wonder was hot off a hot streak of films
(Red Sonja, Cobra, Beverly Hills Cop II) and embarking on a
singing career. Divorced from Sly and linked romantically
with everyone from New York Jet Mark Gastineau to her fe-
male secretary, the great Dane was also enjoying notoriety
in the tabloids. This photo started its own chain reaction.
SEXUAL REVOLUTION (continued from page 106)
Theda was born in the shadow of the Sphinx. Her
lovers died of poison from mysterious amulets.
give firsthand experience.”
In 1915 the Supreme Court would
agree. In Mutual Film Corp. vs. Ohio the
court ruled that film was not protected
by the First Amendment. “The exhibi-
tion of moving pictures is a business
pure and simple, originated and con-
ducted for profit, not to be regarded as
part of the press of the country or as or-
gans of public opinion. They are mere
representations of events, or ideas and
sentiments published or known; vivid,
useful and entertaining, no doubt, but
capable of evil, having power for it, the
greater because of their attractiveness
and manner of exhibition.”
Filmmakers had realized carly on that
the market wanted sex. Onc historian
recounts a meeting of the board of direc-
tors of the Biograph Co. When one
member questioned the heavy emphasis
on sex, he was shown a list of titles play-
ing at a local arcade, along with the dai-
ly take:
U.S, Battleship at Sea—25 cents.
Joseph Jeffersen in Rip's Sleep—
45 cents.
Ballet Dancer—$1.05.
Girl Climbing Apple Tree—$3.65.
At a nickel a shot, sex beat battleships
by seven to one. One Biograph board
member said, "I think we had better
have some more of the Girl Climbing Ap-
ple Tree kind.”
Women added sensuality and spice
to the movies—Mack Sennett Bathing
Beauties cascaded through scene after
scene, revealing more leg than one
would scc at a beach. The curvaceous co-
medians brought out the censors, who
snipped offending scenes and created
“Isn't there some ancient Chinese herb that makes
it go down occasionally?”
great publicity for Sennett's work.
By the teens, the arcades with row up-
оп row of nickelodcons had given way to
movie palaces; and anonymous girls
climbing trees gave way to real screen
celebrities. One of the earliest stars, an
Australian swimmer named Annette
Kellerman, was presented as "thc
world's most perfectly formed woman"
in onc aquatic epic after another. She pi-
oneered the one-piece bathing suit. Her
effect was such that a character in
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first novel, This Side
of Paradise, points out a swimming hole
once visited by Kellerman, leaving one
to fantasize on sharing water that had
been cleaved by perfection.
And then came Theda.
In 1914 William Fox cast unknown ac-
tress Theda Bara in a film version of the
play A Fool There Was. Bara portrayed a
woman whose sexual instinct was unre-
strained. She seduced a diplomat, lured
him away from wife and family, then dis-
carded him. Studio press agents created
a ridiculous biography: Theda was the
love child of a French actress and her
Ttalian lover. She was born in the shadow
of the Sphinx. Her lovers died of poison
from mysterious amulets. Theda Bara
was an acronym for Arab Death. Publici-
ty stills showed her kneeling over the
skeleton of a lover, suggesting that she
not only drained men of their vitality but
also ate their flesh.
Theda was actually Theodosia Good-
man, daughter of a Cincinnati tailor. But
America remembers the character creat-
ed by the willing press. In one interview
she called her character a “vamp” (her
first film was based on a Kipling poem
called The Vampire, and the shortened
version stuck as a nickname). According
to biographer Eve Golden, “Until 1915,
a vamp was either a piece of stage busi-
ness or music done over and over be-
tween acts (to ‘vamp until ready’). But by
the end of 1915, the word had entered
the American vocabulary as a woman
who uses her charms and wiles to seduce
and exploit men.”
Theda became the screen's first sex
star. It was so implausible. One critic
commented that Bara “had a maternal
figure. She was, in fact, remarkably like
a suburban housewife circa World War
One, bitten by the glamour bug into
imagining herself a supreme seductress
of men, and by some weird turn of fate
succeeding at it.”
“She was the first popular star whose
primary attraction was her sexuality,”
note film historians Jeremy Pascal and
Clyde Jeavons. “She proved conclusively
that audiences paid vast sums of money
to see women projecting a highly sexual
image. She showed that true sex symbols
have a bisexual appeal in that they at-
tract equally the fantasies of the opposite
sex and the vanity of their own. Men
RAW DATA FROM 1910-1919
Father's Day. Good Housekeeping
Seal of Approval. Women’s Wear Daily.
Neon lights. Trench coats. The Mann
Act. Lipstick. Keystone Cops. Mack
Sennett Bathing Beauties. Eight-hour
workday. Parachutes. Girl Scouts of
America. Peppermint Life Savers.
Camel cigarettes. Erector set. Manu-
facturing assembly line. Birth-control
clinic. Aspirin tablets. Windshield
wipers. Kotex sanitary napkins. Dial
telephones. The Piltdown man (the
supposed missing link). Selective Ser-
vice Act. Gas mask. Feature film. Stag
film. Sex education, The Talon slide
fastener (zipper). Traffic lights. Jazz
records. Tarzan. Jane.
Sentence imposed on a Paterson,
New Jersey woman who was found
guilty of dancing the turkey trot: 50
days or $25.
Number of female employees of
Ladies’ Home Journal fired for dancing
at lunchtime: 15.
On any given night in 1911, num-
ber of young people who attend
dancehalls in Chicago: 86,000.
Sign at a popular nightclub: “Do
not wiggle the shoulders. Do not
shake the hips. Do not twist the body.
Do not fiounce the elbows. Do not
pump the arms. Do not hop—glide
instead. Avoid low, fantastic and acro-
batic dips."
Number of Americans attending
movies each week in 1910: 26 million.
First feature film shot in Holly-
wood: The Squaw Man. Charlie Chap-
lin's first full-length comedy: Tillie’s
Punctured Romance. Most popular se-
rial, in which heroine escaped weekly
from "a fate worse than death": The
Perils of Pauline. First serious feature
film: The Birth of a Nation.
Weekly salary that was received by
Theda Bara during 1914 filming of A
Fool There Was: $150. Amount film
studio grossed in 1915: $3 million.
Weekly salary received by Theda in
1919: $4000.
Charlie Chaplin. Douglas Fair-
banks. Mary Pickford. Lillian Gish.
D.W. Griffith. Irving Berlin. George
M. Cohan. Ty Cobb. Florenz Ziegfeld.
Eddie Cantor. Will Rogers. Jim
America’s favorite dance team: the Castles.
Thorpe. Bert Williams. The Original
Dixicland Jazz Band. Jelly Roll Mor-
ton, Jack Dempsey.
Population of the U.S. in 1910:
92 million. Population of the U.S. in
1920: 105 million.
Life expectancy by the end of the
decade: Male: 53.6 years. Female:
54.6 years.
Number of children that a healthy
woman living in wedlock should
have, as estimated by the Vice Com-
mission of Chicago: 10.
Number of women who visited
Margaret Sanger’s birth-control clinic
in nine days in 1916: 464.
In 1912 corset makers in Kalama-
zoo, Michigan went on strike to pro-
test the behavior of supervisors, who
regularly suggested to female work-
ers that they trade sexual favors for
sewing thread. The strikers were
Gross national product in 1910:
$35.3 billion. GNP in 1919: $84 bil-
lion. Average daily wage at Henry
Ford’s plant, as of 1914: $5. Average
daily wage for auto workers not em-
ployed by Ford: $2.40. Weekly wage a
man should carn before daring to
date, according to a 1919 Chicago
newspaper headline: $18.
Estimated amount a woman need-
ed to earn per week to lead a virtuous
life: $10. Average weekly wage of a
woman in 1910: $6.
Price of a portable vibrator (with at-
tachments), advertised in the 1918
Sears catalog as “very useful and satis-
factory for home service”: $5.95.
Number of automobiles registered
in the U.S. in 1912: 900,000. Number
registered in 1919: 6.7 million.
Number of infants killed by syphilis
in 1916: 73,000 (including 41,700
stillbirths). Estimated number of
prostitutes who died cach year as the
result of venereal disease: 40,000.
Number of infected prostitutes im-
prisoned in detention homes and re-
formatories during World War One:
In the oddest sexual scandal of the
decade, the Naval Training Station in
Newport, Rhode Island sends a
squad of enlisted men into local bars
to associate with “sexual perverts.”
The decoys—in the name of duty—
willingly accept blow jobs. The subse-
quent trials prove to be an embarrass-
ment. According to Colin Spencer,
author of Homosexuality in History:
“The decoys were asked how much
sexual pleasure they had experi-
enced. One protested, saying he was
a man and if someone touched his
cock, then it got erect and he could
not do anything about it.”
1911: Carry Nation. Anti-alcohol
crusader finally buries hatchet.
1912: The Titanic. “Unsinkable”
luxury liner strikes iceberg on maid-
en voyage. Captain orders, “Women
and children first.” Only 711 of 2224
passengers survive.
1914: Archduke Francis Ferdinand
of Austria. Assassination begins World
War One.
1915: Anthony Comstock. Puritan
crusader catches cold.
1917: Mata Hari. Seductive beauty
executed for espionage. Storyville.
Red-light district in New Orleans
closed by secretary of war.
In 1913 D.H. Lawrence handed
in the manuscript for Sons and
Lovers. A New York Times review of
the published book warned that
the relations between Paul Morel
and his lover Clara "are portrayed
with absolute frankness." If the
Times had only known. Edward
Garnett, Lawrence's editor, had al-
ready cut it by ten ent.
"He could smell her faint natur-
al perfume" became "He could
smell her faint perfume."
A scene that read: “He sat up
and looked at the room in the
darkness. Then he realized that
there was a pair of her stockings
on a chair. He got up stealthily and
put them on himself. Then he sat
still and knew he would have to
have her. After that he sat erect on
the bed, his feet doubled under
him, perfectly motionless, listen-
ing,” became: “He sat up and
looked at the room in the dark-
ness, his feet doubled under him,
perfectly motionless, listening."
adored, women emulated."
But the role proved a trap. Once a
vamp, always a vamp. Bara's popularity
lasted for more than 40 films, but by
decade's end the public would üre of the
Still, her effect reached far beyond the
screen. Fitzgerald charted the evolution-
ary change in women in This Side of Far-
adise: “The belle had become the flirt,
the flirt had become the baby vamp.”
The birth of the fan magazine allowed
women stars to talk about traditional
women's roles through a safe layer. Lil-
lian Gish, an actress who epitomized in-
nocence in films by D.W. Griffith, would
grumble: “Virgins are the hardest roles
to play. Those dear little girls—to make
them interesting takes great vitality, but
a fallen woman or a vamp! Seventy-five
percent of your work is already done.”
As Lary May points out in Screening
Out the Past, Bara played Cleopatra,
Madame du Barry, Salome—" women
whose erotic allure destroyed men who
ruled over vast kingdoms. The vamp
184 thus embodied the most ominous warn-
Another passage: "The first kiss
on her breast made him pant with
fear. Ihe great dread, the great
humility and the awful desire were
nearly too much. Her breasts were
heavy. He held one in each hand,
like big fruits in their cups, and
kissed them, fearfully. He was
afraid to look at her. His hands
went traveling over her, soft, deli-
cate, discriminate, fearful, full of
adoration. Suddenly he saw her
knees and he dropped, kissing
them passionately. She quivered.
And then again, with his fingers
on her sides, she quivered."
This became, under the pen of
editor Garnett, simply: "He was
afraid to look at her. His hands
went traveling over her, delicate,
discriminate, fearful, full of adora-
tion." Lawrence submitted to the
edit, saying simply, “It’s got to sell,
Гуе got to live."
The original manuscript—cuts
restored by Helen and Carl Bar-
on—was finally published in 1992.
ing of the vice crusaders: Sex could de-
stroy the social order."
Of course, to reformers, movies posed
a threat as great as those of dancehalls
and brothels. “They brought the lessons
of the red-light district to young peo-
ple." At the end of the first decade,
America had taken steps to screen and
censor films. The National Board of Re-
view, created in 1908 by Anthony Com-
stock, labored to protect the nation's
morals. More than 100 female volun-
teers viewed films nonstop. According to
one account, “During October 1914, for
example, its members reviewed 571
films and eliminated 75 scenes, ten reels
and three entire movies." Comstock and
company wanted to control more than
behavior—they wanted to control the
images and dreams that fascinated the
new America.
In 1915 projectionists toured the
country with a film called 4 Free Ride.
Directed by A. Wise Guy and photo-
graphed by Will B. Hard, with titles by
Will She, Free Ride is the earliest known
stag film. It set the low standards that
still guide the underground film world.
A man driving along a country road
picks up two girls who are walking
home. He briefly fondles their breasts,
remarking, "What a beautiful dairy." A
while later, he pulls off the road.
The title card declares, “In the wide
open spaces, where men are men and
girls will be girls, the hills are full of ro-
mance and adventure." The sex that fol-
lows is, to the modern eye, hilarious.
One girl lifts her skirt and rubs her vagi-
na. The man fondles the other girl while
she wrestles his penis through a button
fly. Quick cut and she is lying on a blan-
ket, legs spread. The man's pants are
around his ankles, and thus hobbled, he
takes the plunge. The second girl watch-
es, then demands her turn. He enters
her doggy fashion. There is no come
shot, and the girls seem to pass out from
pleasure. Another quick cut shows the
man supine in the grass—still clothed.
The girls appear sans dresses, but still in
knee-length socks. One performs tenta-
tive oral sex—the man artlessly grabs
her hair and forces her head down.
Then, according to the title card, he
says, “Hurry up, let's get out of here.”
A Free Ride starred the Jazz Girls. In
the second decade, jazz didn’t just refer
to the music; it also meant the act of sex
itself. In a 1919 stag film called Strictly
Union, a stagehand comes upon an aspir-
ing actress in a changing room. As the
hour hand spins on the clock, having
tried oral sex and anal sex, he promises,
“ГЇЇ give you a regular jazz.” At the end
of the film, after the stagehand punches
a time clock and retires from the field,
the woman complains, “Gee, I wish I
could get a man with some pep.”
The traveling projectionist played his
images on the walls of local smokers—
clubs where small-town businessmen
gathered—and at college fraternity hous-
es. As red-light districts disappeared,
these films would act as sex education
and a safe rite of passage for young men.
For older men, this allowed them to share
sex with their buddies—a form of extra-
marital sex that did not involve a visit to
a brothel. For college students the films
provided a clear look at sex—French
postcards set in motion. Years later, his-
torians would say that the “films re-
vealed graphically what it was difficult to
see in the dark confines of the backseat.”
The films also reinforced the obsessive
myths of male sexual fantasy: “A real
man can have any woman, all women
want to be dominated sexually, sex can
happen any time, anywhere, and human
beings are universal sexual tinder.”
On June 25, 1910 President William
Howard Taft signed into law the White-
Your teguila shouldnt be
Slave-Traffic Act. Named for its sponsor
in Congress, the Mann Act stated:
"That any person who shall know-
ingly transport or cause to be trans-
ported, or aid or assist in obtaining
transportation for, or in transport-
ing, any woman or girl for the pur-
pose of prostitution or debauchery,
or for any other immoral purpose,
or with the intent and purpose to
induce, entice or compel such
woman or girl to become a prosti-
tute, or to give herself up to de-
bauchery, or to engage in any other
immoral practice shall be punished
bya fine not exceeding $5000, or by
imprisonment of not more than five
years, or by both such fine and im-
prisonment, in the discretion of the
In Crossing Over the Line, legal scholar
David Langum presents evidence of
Congress' original intent. The bill was
aimed at the criminal traffic in women,
the huge and mythical vice trust. But it
also served as a rallying point for the so-
cial purity movement. As one supporter
argued, those in favor of the bill includ-
ed "every pure woman in the land, every
priest and ister of the living God,
and men who reverence womanhood
and who set a priceless value upon fe-
male purity.” On the other side of the
bill, “you would find all the whoremon-
gers and the pimps and the procurers
and the keepers of bawdy houses. Upon
that other side you would find all those
who hate God and scoff at innocence
and laugh at female virtue.”
In the face of such rhetoric, who could
vote against that bill?
The moral panic was in full bloom. The
New York Times proclaimed, “There is a
white-slave traffic.” The San Francisco Ex-
aminer came up with the feverish figure:
“Slavers Kidnap 60,000 Women Each
Year.” Reformers plastered various cities
with posters that screamed: “Danger!
Mothers beware! Sixty thousand inno-
cent girls wanted to take the place of
60,000 white slaves who will die this year
in the 0.51”
Reginald Kauffman’s House of Bondage
was a best-selling novel. Two white-slav-
ery plays—The Lure and The Flight—
opened on Broadway. Movie theaters
drew throngs of people to Traffic in Souls
in 1913. The movie played simultane-
ously in 28 theaters in New York City,
grossing $450,000.
America was suddenly afraid for its
daughters. Stanley Finch, one of the first
heads of the Bureau of Investigation,
“Yes, I admit it, I fantasize about
other men in bed. But if it makes you feel any beiter, they
don’t satisfy me either.”
used the hysteria to build a personal fief-
dom within the federal government. Af-
ter he became Special Commissioner for
the Suppression of White Slavery, he
told audiences:
Itis a fact that there are now scat-
tered throughout practically every
section of the U.S. a vast number of
men and women whose sole occupa-
tion consists in enticing, tricking or
coercing young women and girls in-
to immoral lives. Moreover, their
methods have been so far developed
and perfected that they seem to be
able to ensnare almost any woman
or girl whom they select for the pur-
pose. This is indeed an extraordi-
nary statement, and one almost
passing belief, but that it is absolute-
ly true no one can honestly doubt
who reviews any considerable por-
tion of the mass of evidence which
is already in the possession of the
Attorney General’s Bureau of
‘There was only one problem: No one
could find a widespread, organized
traffic in white slaves.
Investigators at the time interviewed
1106 street prostitutes and found six
who claimed white slavery was the cause
of their entry into prostitution. The Vice
Commission of Chicago looked at 2241
juvenile delinquents (i.c., sexually active
females) and found 107 self-described
victims of white slavery.
Clearly, relatively few women were be-
ing forced into prostitution by white
slavers. Some reformers looked at eco-
nomic forces, even calculating the exact
dollar value of purity. A woman could
support herself without falling into sin if
she made $8 to $10 a week. Unfortu-
nately, most working girls—in factories,
shops and offices—earned wages of $6
per week.
Suffragists used prostitution to argue
for economic equality and a minimum
wage for women, but they also recog-
nized the emotional appeal of the white-
slave myth. As one suffragist put it: “Re-
member, ladies, it is more important to
be aroused than tobe accurate. Apathy is
more of a crime than exaggeration in
dealing with this subject.”
The Bureau of Investigation created a
directory of brothels. Agents interviewed
prostitutes, attempting to identify those
being held against their will. They would
report the arrival of prostitutes from
other states. But the paperwork and
moral accounting lacked the passion of
a crusade. The national press began to
express doubts that white slavery was
more than hype and hysteria. Gongress
weighed cutting funds for the new bu-
reau. Fearing a lost opportunity, a co-
alition of religious leaders called the
World's Purity Association demanded
greater appropriations.
In 1913 a minor scandal erupted
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Tin Pan Alley
In My Merry Oldsmo-
bile * Hed Have to Get.
Under, Get Out and Get
Under * Come, Josephine,
in My Flying Machine *
Wait Till You Get Them
up in the Air, Boys
Let Me Call You
Sweetheart * I Want a
Girl (Just Like the Girl
That Married Dear Old
Dad) * If You Were
the Only Girl in the
World * A Pretty Girl
Is Like а Melody *
Oh, You Beautiful
There's a Broken
Heart for Every Light on
Broadway * Heaven Will
Protect the Working Girl
> Poor Buterfty
Everybody's Doin’ It
Now * If You Talk in
Your Sleep, Don't Men-
tion My Name * Naugh-
ty, Naughty, Naughty *
Ballin’ the Jack * At the
when a press release of suspect origin
suggested that Attorney General James
McReynolds had “issued instructions
that no man is to be indicted and prose-
cuted [under the Mann Act] unless it is
shown that he shared in the earnings of
the woman.”
The attorney general denied author-
ship of the memo, which seemed to tar-
get only pimps. But the damage was
done. As David Langum points out, the
church groups went wild:
For the next eight months,
church and purity groups de-
nounced a directive that never had
been made and in the process
moved the federal government
more and more toward a policy of
vigorous prosecution of noncom-
mercial violations. The Chicago
Church Federation Council re-
solved on September 29, 1913 to
“call upon Christian churches and
reform organizations and all men
who desire the safety of our homes
and upon all good women and
women’s organizations to support
this law in its prohibition of de-
bauchery, whether for gain or for
personal indulgence, and we pro-
test the weakening of the Mann Act
Devil’s Ball * Do It
Again * Ain't Gonna
Give Nobody None of
This Jelly Roll
Alexander's Ragtime
Band * Гое Got to
Dance * Ragtime
Cowboy Joe *
12th Street Rag * St.
Louis Blues * Darktoum.
Strutiers’ Ball
There's a Little Bit of
Bad in Every Good Little
Girl * The Vamp * What
Do You Want to Make
Those Eyes at Me For? *
1 Want a Daddy Who
Will Rock Me to Sleep
I Didn't Raise My Boy
to Be a Soldier * Over
There * Goodbye Broad-
way, Hello France * If
He Can Fight Like He
Can Love, Goodnight
Germany * Would You
Rather Be а Colonel
With an Edgle on Your
Shoulder or а Private
With a Chicken on
Your Knee? * The
Rose of No Man's
Land * A Good Man
Is Hard to Find * How
їй Gonna Keep 'Em
Down on the Farm (After
They've Seen Paree)? *
Somebody Stole My Gal
Prohibition Blues *
What Are We Going to
Do ona Saturday Night?
(When the Town Goes
Dry) * When the Moon
Shines on the Moonshine
* T'U See You in C-U-B-A
You Amt Heard Noth-
in’ Yet
for the cvil gratification of influen-
tial men."
"The purity movement demanded that
the law be used to punish “personal es-
capades." The movement had its law
and a national sex police, and it wanted
action. But a law designed for one pur-
pose—the elimination of white slavery—
was also subverted for another.
Jack Johnson, born in Texas in 1878,
was the first black boxer to win the
heavyweight championship of the world
In a bout fought in Reno on July 4,
1910, he knocked out Jim Jeffries in the
15th round. He became the most hated
man in America—as one writer noted,
“no longer the respectful darky, hat in
hand.” He had defeated a white man.
Not entirely coincidentally, in the after-
math of the fight, race riots swept the
Johnson, an educated man who read
Shakespeare and Victor Hugo, was a
connoisseur who collected exotic cars.
He threatened the old order in a more
direct way—he married a white woman
and kept several white mistresses scat-
tered throughout the country.
Lucille Cameron was one of the latter.
She had come to Chicago from Min-
neapolis, ostensibly to work at Johnson's
Café de Champion. Cameron's mother
reported Johnson to the feds. They ar-
rested him in October 1912 on charges
of abduction and violating the Mann Act.
Cameron refused to testify against
Johnson, and upon her release from cus-
tody, she married the fighter. (Johnson's
wife had committed suicide.) The case
seemed closed, until the feds located
Belle Schreiber, another of Johnson’s
former mistresses, also white. The black
fighter was convicted in 1913 and sen-
tenced to one year in jail for transport-
ing Schreiber for “immoral purposes.”
With racial tension high (the governor
of South Carolina told fellow governors
“the black brute who lays his hands upon
a white woman ought not to have any tri-
al"), Johnson fled the country. (He later
returned and served his sentence.)
‘The law had another unanticipated
consequence: The Mann Act created a
whole industry of blackmailers who
tracked wealthy men as they traveled
with women who were not their wives. A
member of the gang would pose as a fed-
eral agent, flash a badge, threaten ar-
rest—and then collect hush money.
Women threatened reluctant suitors
with arrest. Angry wives called on the
state to arrest errant husbands who con-
ducted reckless affairs.
Consider the case of Drew Caminetti
and Maury Diggs. In 1912, the two Cali-
fornians, both married, both the sons of
wealthy parents, became captivated by a
pair of young single women. The four-
some ricocheted around the Sacramento
area in an automobile, visiting road-
houses and haying amorous picnics in
the countryside and “champagne orgies”
in their offices. As a result of their es-
capades, the four achieved an inevitable
notoriety. In 1913, trying to avoid angry
spouses and family members, the two
men and their mistresses boarded a train
in Sacramento. They crossed the state
line into Nevada and took rooms in
Reno. Four days later the men were ar-
rested under the Mann Act.
The case went all the way to the
Supreme Court. Did the statute's lan-
guage—“debauchery” or “any other im-
moral purpose"— cover noncommerci;
sex? The court decided it did: “The
prostitute may, in the popular sense, be
more degraded in character than the
concubine, but the latter nonetheless
must be held to lcad an immoral life, if
any regard whatever be had to the views
that are almost universally held in this
country as to the relations which may
rightfully, from the standpoint of moral-
ity, exist between man and woman in the
matter of sexual intercourse.”
Crossing state lines was not what mat-
tered—it was crossing the line that keeps
sex within marriage. The Mann Act
sought ro limit the movement of emanci-
pated women, though mostly men were
prosecuted. It was a direct challenge to
the phenomenon of the automobile.
The Free Ride depicted in America's
first stag film was now, and for decades
to come, threatened by federal law.
The moral panic surrounding the
white-slave traffic extended into other
areas associated with vice. Reformers
noted that cocaine and morphine were
connected with prostitution and the new
nightlife. "Society requires late hours,"
explained one frequenter of nightclubs
and cabarets.
Н. Wayne Morgan's Drugs in America:
A Social History, 1800-1980 presents this
testimony to Congress from a member of
the Philadelphia pharmaceutical board,
on the dangers of cocaine:
The colored people seem to have
a weakness for it. It is a very seduc-
tive drug and it produces extreme
exhilaration. Persons under the
influence of it believe they are mil-
lionaires. They have an exaggerated
ego. They imagine they can lift this
building if they want to, or can do
anything they want to. They have
no regard for right or wrong. It
produces a kind of temporary in-
sanity. They would just as leave rape
a woman as anything else, and a
great many of the Southern rape
cases have been traced to cocaine.
Another committee heard that women
were especially susceptible to the drug:
“The police officers of these question-
able districts tell us that the habitués are
made madly wild by cocaine.”
Concern was not limited to drugs. The
Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 and the
Volstead Act of 1919 were largely at-
tempts to remove all of the lubricants of
vice. The Volstead Act was fueled by tes-
timony from social workers about fallen
girls whose ruination was summed up in
onc sentence: “I had a few drinks, then 1
don't remember what happened next.”
Nothing shows the overlap between
social purity groups, suffragists and tem-
perance unions more than the phenom-
enon of dry states. Where women first
got the vote—in Western states—prohi-
bition immediately followed.
If the dancehalls and movie theaters
were creating a new kind of American
woman, so were the salons and saloons
of New York's Greenwich Village. Artists
were struggling with personal freedom.
Alfred Stieglitz, 2 photographer who ran
the gallery 291, shocked his fellows by
photographing his wife, painter Georgia
O'Keeffe, in the throes of orgasm. An art
show at the New York Armory had just
introduced America to the work of Picas-
so and Marcel Duchamp.
Anthony Comstock, secretary of the
New York Society for the Suppression of
Vice, viewed art as another of Satan's
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In 1913 Eugéne Brieux's
play Damaged Goods opens on
Broadway. The drama (turned
into a movie in 1915) charts the
downfall of a man infected with
syphilis who passes the discase
to his wife, his newborn child
and a wet nurse. The outraged
father of the bride, a lawmaker
named Loches, confronts the
man’s physician, who responds:
DOCTOR: Well, there is one
last argument, which, since I
must, I will put to you. Are you
yourself vithout sin, that you
are so relentless to others?
LOCHES: I have never had any
shameful disease, sir!
DOCTOR: I was not asking you
that. I was asking you if you
had never exposed yourself to
catching one. [He pauses. Loches
does not reply.) Ah, you see! Then
it is not virtue that has saved
you; it is luck. Few things exas-
perate me more than that term
"shameful disease," which you
used just now. This disease is
like all other diseases: It is one
of our afflictions. There is no
shame in being wretched—
even if one deserves to be so.
Come, come, let us have a little
plain speaking! I should like to
know how many of these rigid
moralists, who are so choked
with their middle-class prudery
that they dare not mention the
name syphilis, or when they
bring themselves to speak of it.
do so with expressions of every
sort of disgust, and treat its vic-
tims as criminals, have never
run the risk of contracting it
themselves! It is those alone
who have the right to talk. How
many do you think there are?
Four out of a thousand? Well,
leave those four aside: Between
all the rest and those who catch
the disease, there is no differ-
ence but chance.
traps. While the public seemed to sup-
port his attempts to ban obscene books,
it began to view Comstock as unsophi:
cated and an embarrassment when it
came to art. In 1906 he had arrested a
young woman who worked for the Art
Students’ League for sending him a cat-
alog containing a study of nudes. A sub-
sequent flurry of satirical cartoons made
Comstock the butt of jokes and almost
cost him his position as special agent for
the Post Office, When Comstock protest-
ed a play about prostitution written by
George Bernard Shaw, the playwright
coined the term “comstockery” to indi-
cate such censorship. ‘The controversy
surrounding Mrs. Warren's Profession as-
sured its success. In fact, the seal of Com-
stock’s disapproval became a mark of
distinction in society.
In 1912 the Paris Spring Salon award-
ed a medal of honor to artist Paul
Chabas for his painting September Mom.
In May 1913 a manager put a copy of
the innocent nude in the west window of
Braun and Co., on West 46th Street in
New York. Comstock called the store
and ordered the picture removed. “It is
nota proper picture to be shown to boys
and girls," he said. "There is nothing
more sacred than the form of a woman,
but it must not be denuded. I think
everyone will agree with me that such
pictures should not be displayed where
schoolchildren passing through the
Streets can see them."
"The manager refused to remove the
picture and, indeed, kept it in the win-
dow for two weeks, until he realized that
the crowd gathering daily kept cus-
tomers away. The print sold millions of
copies. September Morn became the flag of
the new freedom.
In his annual report to the society,
Comstock wrote about his campaign
against paintings "which had been ex-
hibited in the saloons of Paris."
"Thanks to Dr. Freud, we have a term.
for such a revealing slip.
Comstock was a clown to the art
world, but he was a serious threat to in-
dividuals fomenting change. He kept his
own enemies list, and if someone
mocked him, he or she would have rea-
son to fear.
In Greenwich Village, anarchist Em-
ma Goldman, born in Russia in 1869,
was an articulate champion for the new
woman—and a harsh critic of the old or-
der. She had heard Freud speak at Clark
University and had taken to heart his
message that too much repression was
destructive. Goldman discussed free love
from a libertarian position: Individuals
had the right to choose sexual partners
on the basis of Jove, not law, She viewed
marriage as a form of prostitution. “It is
merely a situation of degree whether she
sells herself to one man, in one mar-
riage, or to many men.”
Goldman argued for contraception—
not as means to weed out imbeciles and
madmen, as most social Darwinists and
eugenicists wanted, but simply as a way
to free women from the trap of biology.
Yet, when she wrote letters to her long-
time lover, Ben Reitinan, she had to use
a code for fear of giving Comstock cause
to arrest her.
Candace Falk, author of Love, Anarchy
and Emma Goldman, gives a sample of the
code: “Skirting the laws prohibiting ob-
scenity in the mails, they relished the
defiance of their euphemisms and ab-
breviations. From the few times that they
dared spell out their code, it can be dedi-
phered. Her treasure box longed for his
Willie, and she longed to have his face
between her joy mountains—Mount
Blanc and Mount Jura. She wanted to
suck the head of his fountain of life
which stood over her like a mighty
specter. Both lovers reveled in an orally
focused sex that particularly emphasized
clitoral-area stimulation. She once
wrote, ‘I press you to my body dose with
my hot burning legs. 1 embrace your
precious head."
Another quote: “But one condition I
must make: No whiskers, no, the t-b can-
not stand for that.”
Into this radical environment came
Margaret Sanger, a former nurse and
mother of three. Goldman gave her the
works of pioneer sexologist Havelock El-
lis to digest. Soon Sanger was holding
forth on the beauties of sex and orgasm.
at Mabel Dodge's Greenwich Village sa-
lon, listening to other radicals attack the
slavery of marriage.
At the request ofa fellow radical orga-
nizer, Sanger started lecturing workers"
groups on the facts of life. She later col-
lected this information in 2 pamphlet
called What Every Girl Should Know. What
she preached would bring her the un-
wanted attention of Anthony Comstock.
‘To demonstrate how radical was Mar-
garet Sanger's frank discussion of sex,
consider how Good Housekeeping suggest-
ed imparting the facts of life to a teenag-
er: “Mother and Father love each other
very much. All our friends know that.
Where love is there God is, and God
wants little ones to be. When God wants
to send a little child into a home, he fits
up just beneath the mother's heart a
snug nest not unlike the nests birds live
in. Then out of two tiny eggs the father
and mother bring together in the nest, a
little child is hatched just like a little bird.
It is all very wonderful. No fairy tale is
half so beautiful. And best of all, the sto-
ry is true, every word of it.”
Sanger was aware that birth was not a
fairy tale. In 1912 she attended a poor
patient, Sadie Sacks, who was recovering
from trying to abort her umpteenth
pregnancy. Sanger listened as the wom-
an pleaded with a doctor for information
on how to prevent conception. “Oh ho,”
laughed the doctor. “You want your cake
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while you eat it, too, do you? Well, it
can't be done. ГЇЇ tell you the only sure
thing to do. Tell Jake to sleep on the
Three months later the telephone
rang. Sadie Sacks was dying. Finding
herself pregnant, she had tried again to
self-abort. She died within ten minutes
of Sanger's arrival
Sanger says that on that night she
vowed to fight abortion by finding ways
of controlling conception.
She attempted in 1912 to serialize
What Every Girl Should Know in the Call, a
radical newsletter published by friends
in the Village. When the editors told
readers that the final installment would
discuss venereal disease, the line was
crossed. Comstock ordered the Post
Office to revoke the Call's mailing permit
if it ran the article.
In exasperation Sanger wrote a three-
line replacement:
“What Every Girl Should Know—
“By Order of the Post Office.”
What Every Girl Should Know may have
been radical, but it was also a reflection
of the prejudice of the time, in some
ways no different than the vile antimas-
turbation handbooks of the turn of the
“Let us take a sane and logical view of
this subject,” Sanger wrote. “In my per-
sonal experience as a trained nurse
while attending persons afflicted with
various and often revolting diseases, no
matter what their ailments, ] never
found anyone so repulsive as the chron-
ic masturbator."
She then tells of a young boy she had
attended during a bout of measles. She
discovers that he is a masturbator, and
considers it a triumph when, after she
has given him a lecture, he asks his
brother to tie his hands to the bedpost
during the night to help him overcome
his struggle.
Sanger, revealing a prejudice against
male desire, warned against a specific
In the boy or girl past puberty we
find one of the most dangerous
forms of masturbation, i.e., mental
masturbation, which consists of
forming mental pictures or thinking
of obscene or voluptuous pictures.
This form is considered especially
harmful to the brain, for the habit
becomes so fixed that it is almost im-
possible to free the thoughts from
lustful pictures. Every girl should
guard against the man who invari-
ably turns a word or sentence into a
lustful or, commonly termed, smut-
ty channel, for nine times out of ten
he is a mental masturbator.
Other self-appointed sex experts at
the time called flirtation “a form of mu-
tual onanism.”
Sanger’s discomfort with male sexual-
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ity was about to undergo a radical
change. She vacationed in Province-
town, Massachusetts and socialized with
the artists who made up the Province-
town Players. Her circle of friends in-
cluded John Reed, the journalist who
later covered the Russian revolution.
She began to experiment with the free-
love theory espoused by her friends—
more on principle than desire, it would
seem. She took lovers. When her hus-
band, William, objected, she told him to
take mistresses of his own. He refused,
writing her: “I will let my name be asso-
ciated with no other woman. I would be
amiss to all the fine emotion that surges
within me if I fell from grace. It cannot
be, that's all. I still hold that intercourse
is not to be classed with a square meal, to
be partaken of at will, irrespective of the
consequences. You speak, dear love, that
in our life together you have given me
the best and deepest love—yes, and 1
have felt it—that you were the only
woman who cared to understand me.
But you have advanced sexually—you
once said that you need to be in different
relations (with men) as a service for the
women of your time, To all this I have no
In 1913 Sanger raised money to start
her own newsletter, The Woman Rebel.
She promised subscribers that the paper
would deliver facts about the prevention
of conception.
At one Village meeting, a writer
named Robert Parker suggested she call
her issue “birth control.” She took the
words as her own.
On August 25, 1914 two agents from
the federal government arrived to tell
her that she had violated the Comstock
Act. Four issues of Woman Rebel had been
suppressed; seven separate articles had
been deemed obscene. Sanger faced 45
years in prison. Planning to leave the
country rather than appear in court, she
printed a pamphlet called Family Limita-
tion, outlining what she knew of birth
control. The text is a straightforward de-
scription of condoms, pessaries, douches
and spermicidal suppositories. Her com-
ments about the pleasure of sex are lim-
ited to: “A mutual and satisfied sexual
act is of great benefit to the average
woman, the magnetism of it is health-
giving.” Failure to give a woman an or-
gasm might lead to a “disease of her gen-
erative organs, besides giving her a
horror and repulsion for the sexual act.”
For Sanger, birth control was a libera-
tion from sexual slavery—the duty to
“Im very flattered, really, but can I take a rain check?"
procreate. She told the poor: “While it
may be troublesome to get up to douche,
and a nuisance to have to watch the date
of the menstrual period, and to some it
may seem sordid and inartistic to inserta
pessary or a suppository in anticipation
of the sexual act, it may be far more sor-
did and the condition far worse than
inartistic a few years later for the mother
to find herself burdened down with half
a dozen accidental children, unwanted,
helpless, shoddily clothed, sometimes
starved or undernourished, dragging at
her skirt, while she becomes a worn-out
shadow of the woman she once was."
Sanger arranged to have Family Limita-
tion privately printed, 100,000 copies, to
be sold for 25 cents apiece. Rather than
face trial, she took a train to Canada and,
armed with a false passport, made her
way to England.
Comstock would not be deterred. He
ordered a decoy to pose as 2 woman in
distress. The agent called on William
Sanger and asked for a copy of the pam-
phlet. Arrest followed immediately,
along with a suggestion that if William
would tell the whereabouts of the au-
thor, he would go free.
William refused. He went to trial, was
found guilty of distributing obscene lit-
erature and was sentenced to 30 days by
a judge who thundered: “Persons like
you who circulate such pamphlets are a
menace to society. There are too many
now who believe it is a crime to have chil-
dren. If some of the women who are go-
ing around advocating equal suffrage
would go around and advocate women
having children, they would doa greater
service. Your crime violates not only the
laws of the state but also the laws
of God.”
In England, Margaret Sanger met
Havelock Ellis. She was 31, he was 55.
He became a mentor. He told her to fo-
cus on one cause—birth control—and
directed her research in the British Mu-
seum. The two became lifelong friends,
possibly lovers.
She traveled from England to Holland
and Spain before finally returning to
the U.S. As a result of publicity, the
atmosphere had changed. She succced-
cd in having the charges against her
Comstock had died from pneumo-
nia—reportedly from a chill caught at
William Sanger's trial. It was the end of
an era—or so it seemed. Comstock was
gone, but his laws were still on the books,
and there were still many zealots willin,
to persecute the unwary. Police arrested
Emma Goldman for delivering lectures
on “a medical question.” Ben Reitman
was arrested for merely announcing he
would distribute a pamphlet on birth
In 1916 Sanger opened the first U.S.
birth-control clinic, in Brooklyn. Staffed
by her sister and a co-worker named Fa-
nia Mindell, the clinic dispensed advice
to the hundreds of women who lined up.
It remained open ten days. A police de-
coy asked for information, The next day
three plainclothesmen from the vice
squad arrived and arrested all three
women. Sanger went to trial and re-
ccived a sentence of 30 days in the work-
house. Upon her release, she was picked
up by a limousine and taken to a lun-
chcon of influential women. She had be-
come a national figure. The cause of
birth control had a martyr and a bible.
Family Limitation would be translated i
to 13 languages; some 10 million cop-
ics would be distributed over the next
few years.
America was undergoing a great social
upheaval, but Europe was engaged in a
bloodbath. Separated by an ocean,
America wrapped itself in isolationism.
That changed with the sinking of the
Lusitania. On April 2, 1917 President
Woodrow Wilson called on Congress to
declare war against Germany: "We have
no selfish ends to serve. We desire no
conquest, no dominion." This was the
war that would make the world safe for
democracy. On the recruiting posters
that followed, Democracy was often de-
picted as a vulnerable, fiag-draped wom-
anin thearms of Unde Sam. On a single
day, 10 million American men registered
for the draft.
The war also represented a great op-
portunity for women. Thousands en-
tered the armed forces; a million more
took factory jobs. Fashions changed al-
most immediately; soon there were as
many women visiting barbershops as
there had been men. (Historian Mark
Sullivan pointed out that nurses found
long hair couldn't be tended in the
trenches, while women working in am-
munition factories found that long hair
attracted gunpowder dust.) Women
even donated the metal strips from their
corsets—enough steel, it was said, to
build two battleships.
The war put steel into the suffragist
movement. President Wilson became a
champion of woman's suffrage, appeal-
ing to Congress to pass a resolution fora
Woman's Suffrage Amendment:
The strange revelations of this
war having made many things new
and plain to governments as well as
to peoples, are we alone to ask and
take the utmost that our women can
give, service and sacrifice of every
Kind, and still say that we do not see
that they merit the title that gives
them the right to stand by our side
in the guidance of the affairs of their
nation and ours? We have made
partners of the women in this war.
The war provoked a puritan crisis. It
achieved in a matter of months what the
antivice crusade had struggled toward
for more than a decade. In 1917 Secre-
tary of War Newton Baker ordered the
closing of all bawdy houses within five
miles of a naval base. New Orleans’ Sto-
ryville was shuttered; the Barbary Coast
in San Francisco had received the same
treatment earlier. Baker banned the sale
of alcohol on military bases. Local purity
movements forced dancehalls to close in
town after town.
A member of New England's Watch
and Ward Society—the bluc-blooded
equivalent of the New York Society for
the Suppression of Vicc—called for the
formation of an Army Corps of Moral
Engineers. He got his wish. As America's
entry into World War One drew near,
the government turned to the social hy-
gienists. Dr. Prince Morrow's followers—
devoted to raising awareness about
venereal disease—had a remarkable
decade. They joined forces with the
American Vigilance Association to be-
come the American Social Hygiene Asso-
ciation. It pushed for the suppression of
prostitution and persuaded seven states
to pass laws requiring blood tests before
marriage. The ASHA enlisted the aid of
doctors to create fear- and purity-based
sex-education programs.
According to Allan Brandt, author of
No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venere-
al Disease im the U.S. Since 1880, resistance
from the community was strong. In
Chicago, for instance, the school board
rejected one course, explaining: "While
there are certain things children ought
to learn, it is far better they should go
wholly untaught than that the instruc-
tion should be given to them outside the
family circle. There are some kinds of
knowledge that become poisonous when
administered by the wrong hands, and
sex hygiene is among them.”
Another claimed that sex education it-
self was an insidious form of pornogra-
phy: “Each venercologist has met psy-
chopaths to whom each curve in nature
or art suggests female breasts, napes or
genitalia. For such not even the slightest
education would be advisable. Indeed it
would be harmful, because every step
thereof would to them contain lubricious
In 1917 Secretary of War Baker creat-
ed a Commission on Training Camp Ac-
tivities. Information about sex that had
once been deemed obscene would
henceforth be policy. Reformers cele-
brated the rise to power of the social hy-
giene experts. “Rejoice with us that the
growing movement for social morality i:
showing results in this important way.
One social hygienist noted: “The gov-
ernment is putting into the hands of so-
cial experts a million picked men to do
with them in compulsory regimen, pro-
tection and education what no so-called
sane government would dare force upon
“Feel around. I lost a nipple ring.”
the same men in time of peace.”
The social experts came up with an
avalanche of slogans. Secretary of the
Navy Josephus Daniels proclaimed:
"Men must live straight if they would
shoot straight."
The CICA wrote pamphlets such as
Keeping Fit to Fight. They produced pho-
to exhibits showing the “most devastat-
ing effects of untreated syphilis: twisted
limbs, open lesions and physical defor
mitics." A case of gonorrhea, recruits
were told, was more devastating than a
German bullet.
The CTCA had to deal with patriotic
prostitutes, or charity girls. According to
social workers, teenage girls flocked to
military training camps, meeting sol-
diers in the woods, sometimes giving
themselves to eight soldiers in a night
The traditional division between good
girls and bad girls was blurred, but the
СТСА found a new way to characterize
sexual women: “Women who solicit sol-
diers for immoral purposes are usual-
ly disease spreaders and friends of the
War had a profound effect on the
body politic, but the effect on individuals
varied. The chaos unleashed a ragged
sexual energy.
Nell Kimball, owner and operator of a
brothel in New Orleans, wrote about the
Every man and boy wanted to
have one last fling of screwing be-
fore the real war got him. Every
farm boy wanted to have one big
fuck in a real house before he went
off and maybe was killed. I have no-
ticed it before, the way the idea of
war and dying makes a man
raunchy, and wanting to have it as
much as he could. It wasn't really
pleasure at times but a kind of ner-
vous breakdown that could be treat-
ed only with a girl between him and
the mattress. Some were insatiable
and wrecked themselves, and some
just went on like the barnyard roost-
er after every hen in sight. I
dreamed one night the whole city
was sinking into a lake of sperm.
Once the Yanks arrived in Europe a
new problem appeared. Americans came
into direct contact with the sexual mores
of decadent—or enlightened—Europe.
Fliers urged: “The U.S. government is
permitting you to go on leave, not in or-
der that you may sow wild oats, but to give
you an opportunity to improve your
health, and advance your education.
“IF you become intoxicated, associate
with prostitutes or contract a venereal
disease, you are guilty of a moral crime.
Wouldn't it profit you more to purchase
with that money a little gift for mother,
wife, sister, or sweetheart? Do not let
booze, a pretty face, a shapely ankle
make you forget. The American Expedi-
tionary Force must not take European
disease to America. You must go home
But the threat of venereal infection
was only one cause of alarm. One offi-
cer, who sent investigators to interview
French prostitutes and discovered that
Americans preferred a certain sex act
"What would you say if I asked you to marry
me? But wait! Dont answer yet! With me, you also
get a spacious five-room co-op on the East Side, a brand-new
luxury sedan and two dogs. Now what would you say?"
above all others, deplored the twisted
impulse known as "the French way" (a
euphemism for oral sex): "When one
thinks of the hundreds and hundreds of
thousands of young men who have re-
turned to the U.S. with those new and
degenerate ideas sapping their sources
of selfrespect and thereby lessening
their powers of moral resistance, one is
indeed justified in becoming alarmed.”
Years later, writer Malcolm Cowley
would put the war into perspective. As
one of the many who volunteered as a
driver for the French army, he summed
up his experience: “They carried us to a
foreign country, the first that most of us
had seen; they taught us to make love,
stammer love, in a foreign language.
They taught us courage, extravagance,
fatalism, these being the virtues of men
at war; they taught us to regard as vices
the civilian virtues of thrift, caution and
sobriety; they made us fear boredom
more than death.”
But even more important was the im-
pact of the war on those at home:
“The war itself was the puritan crisis
and defeat,” he wrote. “All standards
were relaxed in the stormy sultry war-
time atmosphere. It wasn’t only the boys
my age, those serving in the Army, who
were transformed by events: Their sis-
ters and younger brothers were affected
1n a different fashion. With their fathers
away, perhaps, and their mothers mak-
ing bandages or tea-dancing with lonely
officers, it was possible for boys and girls
to do what they pleased. For the first
time they could go to dances unchaper-
oned, drive the family car and park it by
the roadside while they made love and
come home after midnight, a little tipsy,
with nobody to reproach them in the
hallway. They took advantage of these
stolen liberties—indeed, one might say
that the revolution in morals began as a
middle-class children’s revolt.”
Cowley was not absolutely correct:
‘The puritan ethic survived the war. The
social experts ushered in national pro-
hibition in 1919; the federal govern-
ment—watching the machinations of the
Russian Revolution—deported radicals,
many of them on trumped-up vice
charges. A young lawyer named J. Edgar
Hoover oversaw the expulsion of Emma
Goldman, calling her the most danger-
ous anarchist in America.
But Cowley was correct in assessing
the impact of what would be known as
the Lost Generation, the youth who
were the first to be raised in the modern
age. who had never seen puritan Ameri-
ca, who, as Fitzgerald would say, had
“grown up to find all gods dead, all wars
fought, all faiths in man shaken.”
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(continued from page 52)
a defense attorney?
SCHILLER: Barry Scheck. Definitely. If he
believes in something, he believes in it
honestly. He doesn’t have hidden agen-
das. He will be realistic. If he took your
case, he'd be working.
PLAYBOY: As opposed to?
SCHILLER; Bailey would be out partying.
Shapiro would be at concerts or boxing
matches. Cochran would be out speak-
ing about it and making enormous
amounts of money—I think he made
close to three quarters of a million dol-
lars giving speeches.
PLAYBOY: In the course of your research,
did you interview Marcia Clark?
SCHILLER: I never interviewed her or had
any direct conversation with her. I
wound up in an elevator with her once,
on the day the Fuhrman tapes were be-
ing played. 1 said “Hi,” but she didn't lift
her eyes. She was going up and the ele-
vator arrived for her. Although I was
going down, I got on—what reporter
wouldn't? But she never lifted her eyes
nor her head. She never said a word
PLAYBOY: Is she responsible for the not-
guilty verdict? Could another prosecu-
tor have stood up to that defense team?
SCHILLER: She blew the case. I think she
blew it because she became emotionally
involved with the relatives of the victims.
That worked against her. When we
would arrive in the mornings, she’d be
sitting in seats with relatives of the vic-
tims. Because of that, she thought this
should be a case like others she had tried
that involved stalkers and spousal abuse.
She thought ОЈ. was just another one of
those. If Bill Hodgman had handled the
case, it would have been different. He
was dispassionate and very clever. When
he got sick, it gave her too much control
of the case. Marcia’s arguments were
very persuasive. She's a good orator. But
all her emotion did not win the jury. She
made a critical mistake thinking that the
case was a slam dunk based on blood ev-
idence. She didn't realize the blood evi-
dence could be unraveled, and Scheck
unraveled it. He convinced the jury
there was reasonable doubt. She thought
the blood evidence was a sure thing. She
said the blood matched Simpson's. But
Scheck said you can't use the word
“match"—it's not like fingerprints. All
you can say is that the blood is similar. It
was the first thing he did. Well before
that, she turned off the jury.
SCHILLER: There was an arrogance that
came through. And all her prick-teasing
with Johnnie Cochran.
PLAYBOY: Prick-teasing?
SCHILLER: All the eyes and giggling and
whispering in his ear. I thought, When is
she going to put her tongue into his ear?
That's what seemed like the next step. At
146 one point she whispered to someone
that she was wearing crotchless panties.
She was joking, but she still said it. There
seemed to bea miniskirt competition go-
ing on between her and Jo-Ellan Di-
mitrius [a defense jury consultant]—who
could wear shorter skirts. But all the sex
stuff just didn't work. It stopped when
Johnnie's wife, Dale, put her foot down.
Johnnie stopped engaging her. Before
that, they would almost hold hands
walking up to a sidebar. I felt it was re-
pulsive. She tried to use her sexuality in
every way she could—to engage Coch-
ran on that level and have it work for
her. But it didn't work.
PLAYBOY: How could it have worked?
SCHILLER: Maybe to distract him. Her big
mistake was that she didn’t understand
this trial atall. She didn’t listen to her ju-
ry consultants. The jury consultants for
both sides said the same thing: That
middle-aged black women looked at
Nicole in a negative way and O.J. in a
positive way. Marcia Clark never under-
stood that.
PLAYBOY: Do you have a higher opinion
of Christopher Darden?
SCHILLER: No. Everyone talks about Dar-
den's brooding. But what was he brood-
ing about? He just went out half-cocked.
Look at his attack on screenwriter Laura
Hart McKinny—practically accusing her
of having a love affair with Fuhrman. 1
felt he was desperate. That may be to
Johnnie's credit. I think Johnnie was
successful in disarming Darden. Darden
never felt comfortable in the courtroom
as far as I could see. He never had
strength, security or confidence. John-
nie not only rattled Ito, he also rattled
Darden. Johnnie won every battle with
Darden. Even Bailey got Darden. He
taunted him once: “You've got the balls
of a stud field mouse.” Darden's book
was great because it had his real anger in
it. Real, believable anger. He took the
high road in his book about Marcia
Clark—said they didn't have an affair,
that they bonded because she was sup-
porting him while his brother was dying
of AIDS. I don't think she'll take the high
road in her book.
PLAYBOY: Was the defense team contemp-
tuous of the prosecution?
SCHILLER: The defense always felt the
prosecution was lying and cheating.
They also felt that the prosecution never
developed a scenario of what actually
happened the night of the killings. They
never had a clear story. And they never
really knew what triggered the murders.
What triggered the murders? That
helped lose the case. If they could have
convinced the jury that something trig-
gered O.J., they might have won. The
closest they came was that he was mad
because he hadn't been invited for din-
ner. That was no trigger. Why didn't
they tell the story of O.J. showing up at
the house and watching through the
window while Nicole was giving head to
this guy when the kids were upstairs,
with the bedroom door open? Because if
that hadn't triggered a flip-out and
caused him to murder Nicole, nothing
PLAYBOY: At what point did the prosecu-
tion team feel it had won?
SCHILLER: After LAPD criminalists Collin
Yamauchi and Dennis Fung got off the
stand, the defense felt that they had a
hung jury at the minimum [as a result of
sloppy police work]. At that point, as
Shapiro put it many times, all they had
10 do was "be sure we don't step on our
dick." In other words, "Don't mess up."
PLAYBOY: Did the defense lawyers feel
that the prosecuting lawyers were in
their league?
SCHILLER: No. They felt they were up
against amateurs. The prosecution be-
came so defensive that their prosecution
case was a rebuttal to the defense from
the beginning. Every single witness was
a rebuttal to the defense. They were
starting to anticipate the defense so
much that they lost sight of an affirma-
tive prosecution.
PLAYBOY: How did Cochran rattle Ito?
SCHILLER: He did it all the time. He drove.
Ito from the bench twice—got him so
mad he had to take a break. Through-
out, Cochran was able to push Ito's but-
tons. Ito left the bench so disgusted and
Cochran would never back down.
PLAYBOY: What was the defense team's
view of Ito?
SCHILLER: Alan Dershowitz and Scheck
had disdain for him, looked down on
him. Shapiro was afraid to offend him.
Cochran couldn't give a fuck. Cochran
was in control. He couldn't give a fuck.
PLAYBOY: Have you spoken with Cochran
since your book came out?
SCHILLER: No. But I heard he said I
should retitle it The Enemy Within.
PLAYBOY: Did you interview him after
the trial?
SCHILLER: Never on the record. But often
during my interviews with Carl Douglas,
Johnnie came into the office. He never
interrupted. When he talked, it was al-
ways off the record. He said he couldn't
talk as part of his book deal.
PLAYBOY: Did the defense team feel that
the Fuhrman tapes assured the not-
guilty verdict?
SCHILLER: Yes. They assured an acquittal.
They knew they would at least have a
hung jury without tapes. Reasonable
doubt had already been proved. Stalk-
ing had not been proved. Neither had
spousal abuse. The tapes sealed it.
PLAYBOY: Why were you entrusted with
such important evidence?
SCHILLER: Because 1 was there. I offered
to do it. I was, once again, the right man
in the right place at the right time. It was
not that they trusted me. There were
goddamn bodyguards on me. The tapes
were probably worth $2 million to
$3 million at that time. Here is another
example of me thinking about the future
of the project, not just the moment. I
wasn't going to do anything to blow her down because of the way she asked SCHILLER: Because I was the Fuller Brush
my access. I kept thinking about Nor- and because the amount she asked for man. 1 was the Avon salesman. I was able
man Mailer and The Executioner's Song. was utterly obscene. There was a settle- to knock on the door, get my foot in.
"The fact that I stayed friendly with my ment for $8000. And it wasn't me who Once again, I walked in and ingratiated
sources was crucial. paid. Those people complained, but the myself.
PLAYBOY. But many members of Gary work that came from those experiences PLAYBOY: In order to ingratiate yourself
Gilmore's family think that you ripped is brilliant. The Gilmore story led to Exe- іп this or other instances, does anything
them off culioners Song. It won Mailer a Pulitzer. go? Do you lie?
SCHILLER: I told every one of them to get Lenny was just brilliant work on my part. SCHILLER: No. I just figure out what is re-
their own representatives and attorneys. Who else would have moved Honey quired. I don't know why people trust
1 didn't deal with them direcdy. 1 wanted Bruce into his house for six months to me and open up to me, but they do. I
them protected so they'd never feel they get her story? Once she was sitting with sometimes am surprised at how much
were taken advantage of. my daughter Suzanne, teaching her people tell me. Women seem to respond
PLAYBOY: Your plan didn’t work—some about sea horses. She said she had to go in particular. Nicole told about when
clearly feel you cheated them. to the bathroom. Two hours later she Gilmore was able to respond to her sex-
SCHILLER: Some expected more money сате out of the bathroom. She shot up ually, when they played together in the
than they got. in there, came ош and continued talking bathtub, when he shaved her pubic hair.
PLAYBOY: One, Vern Damico, Gilmore's about sea horses without missing abeat She cried after she told me how her hus-
uncle, still says you owe band felt she was un-
able to satisfy him sex-
ually. She felt she was
such a bad lay he must
r have thoughtit was like
fucking the wind. It
was devastating to her.
Why would she tell me
that? Why would Mari-
na Oswald write to me
and my wife asking if
she should have a hys-
terectomy? 1 guess it's
almost like talking to a
girlfriend, not talking
There's something else to a guy. I feel like
that happened with 7 a rabbi sometimes.
Vern. I stayed close to ea ls world's longest Someone you can cry
Nicole Baker [Gil- xs 43 to. I never go for the
more's girlfriend] and jugular in my inter-
EHE. muet Choose A Better
agreed that he and the a a
others would be paid L D P d
gers woud Бє раа Long-Distance Provi
defending any lawsuits
that were brought.
One was brought by
the insurance compa- келе
nies that paid the vic-
tims’ families. 1 paid to
defend that suit. Still,
Vern says 1 owe him
$157,000. I don't. Courier
several other people ee ESCORT Solo* ee" ESCORT Courier” views. I take my time. T
for a number of years E a MER EERIE RSE GLE о tell stories about m
TEST fell coU ante Cordless radar/ laser detector 900 MHz Extended Range cordless phone e peer
just walk in and out of * Cordless with corded option + World'slongest cordless phone range (upto adapt my life so it
their lives. 1 felt re- * First tue on-board computer keeps settings in sixteen times more) works better to make a
sponsible for them. But _ Memory even when the batteries are changed — + 100 channels ensures superior clarity point. I react with a
Vern was a shoemaker, * Fe sitivity levels кее E зш Ger lE СЕ"
a family man whose | DIR" us circuit a backup and spare Battery PlayBoy: Is it genuine
children had grown. „ AuroOff tums Solo off if you forget * 4-day talk time and 4-day standby or rehearsed? |
He seemed sel * Long battery life ЖЕКШЕ SCHILLER: I don't know
sured. I pulled away the difference.
PLAYBOY: You have said
ESCORT Зит ве. соп. б<: 1-800-433-3487 the fact that you could
Obi rats a st a A A
ox order onine:hipihrwwsscoîstaec per into the jail to see
24 hours a day, 7 буза vek Gilmore helped per-
from him because it
didn't seem as if he
needed anything more
from me. Maybe I
pulled away from him suade him to trust you.
too fast. I think he was resentful, PLAYBOY: Let's go back to the Gary Gil- You said, “The fact that I got in showed
PLAYBOY. Lenny Bruce's widow, Honey, more story. How did you become in- that I could buck the system, and that
charged that you not only owed her volved that time? impressed him."
money but that you also got her strung SCHILLER: 1 was in the middle of produc- SCHILLER: There's no question about it.
out on drugs in order to gether story. ing The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald and But 1 could never have gotten in without
SCHILLER: It was her lawyer, trying to get picked up the paper and read an article Gilmore's help from the inside. He told
money in a lawsuit. Honey was dead about this girl—Nicole—who had been me when to come—what shift. He told
broke and needed money. I didn't hold persuaded to attempt to kill herself by a те which guards would look the other
that against her. I never once blinked. convict who had been sentenced to way. Guys on death row make friends
PLAYBOY: Do you deny supplying her death. She had two children. What at- with their captors very quickly. Some of
with drugs? tracted me was the question, “How could O.J. Simpson's closest friends now are
SCHILLER: Do | look like someone who's one human being have the power to per- his former jailers. They go to his house
involved with drugs? I never dropped suade another to take her life when she all the timc. I'm not going to give you
acid in my life, Timothy Leary held that had two small children?” the names of the officers, but I know
against me until the day he died. I don't PLAYBOY: You headed to Utah. But so did them.
smoke and I don't drink. I've never been swarms of media. Why were you able to PLAYBOY: You witnessed Gilmore’s execu-
involved in drugs. But Honey was dead get to Gilmore and his family when no tion. How did it affect you?
broke. She asked me for money. I1 turned one else could? SCHILLER: The execution was just like a 147
military operation. It was detached,
cold. He was a cold-blooded killer. He
wanted to die. He didn't want to be butt-
fucked in jail for the rest of his life. So he
was a partner with the State of Utah in
his execution. 1 had no problem with it.
PLAYBOY; How did you persuade Nor-
man Mailer to write the Gilmore story?
SCHILLER: 1 knew that what was going on
around Gilmore had tremendous social
impact. There were conflicts between re-
ligion and capital punishment. I saw the
power of Gilmore's personality, that he
could control Nicole to the extent she
would try to kill herself for him. I saw
this world of Mormons and Jack Mor-
mons in Utah. But I've always had this
problem: I am unable to express myself.
I knew that a writer such as Mailer had
the ability not only to absorb the materi-
al but also to filter it in a way that would
mean something to society. I didn't think
twice about making the approach. He
was convinced because of the material.
PLAYBOY: Describe your relationship with
SCHILLER: Over the years, Norman and I
developed a language. He no longer was
a writer to me. He was a rabbi. He gave
me guidance, encouragement. He never
put me down. Sometimes we fought,
sometimes we didn't speak for months,
but there was respect. He respected the
work I did for him. No one else could
have gotten him Executioner’s Song.
PLAYBOY: You first worked togetlier on
Marilyn. How did that come about?
SCHILLER: I was in L.A. on the set of The
Misfits, photographing for Paris Match.
Another photographer and I were the
only ones on the set, shooting side by
side. The night before, Marilyn's publi-
cist told us she was going to do a semi-
nude swimming scene. The next day,
there she was. Marilyn almost nude,
wearing nothing except a pair of panties.
So we shot the pictures. I immediately
went to the telephone and made two
calls, to Paris Match and Life. I said, “You
won't believe it. We have Marilyn Mon-
roe in the nude." The only previous
nudes of her were the ones that ap-
peared in the first issue of PLAYBOY. The
other photographer walked by the
phone and I stopped him. I convinced
him that two sets of pictures of Marilyn
would drive the price down and we
should become 50-50 partners. Marilyn
had approval of the pictures. I went over
to her house in the evening. She said,
"Let's go to Schwab's.” She drove—I
think it was a T-Bird convertible—and
ran into the store. She came out and
asked for the pictures. Out of a paper
bag, she took a pair of shears she had
bought at Schwab's. She held my 55mm
strips of film and, with only the light of
a streetlight, began cutting through
the shots she didn’t like. Thank God I
didn’t bring them all, because not many
148 survived.
PLAYBOY: You didn't bring them all? But
you had an agreement with her.
SCHILLER: I guess I was more worried
about the pictures than the agreement, I
went down to the printing plant and
waited for the first issue of the magazine
to come off the press. I took it to Marilyn
to show her. Back to her house, late at
night, she sat there with Dom Pérignon,
looking at the magazine. She loved it
and started talking and talking. Finally, I
said, "Marilyn, I've gotta go home. My
wife is going to fucking kill me." She
asked where I lived and I told her the
address. Then she left the room and
didn't come back for 25 minutes. I didn't.
know what was going on, but I didn't
feel as if I could get up and walk out of
the house. I sat there for all that time. Fi-
nally, she came back. We're schmoozing.
I don't know if she wants to be fucked or
what. I wasn't so fat then as I am now,
but I was still a little heavy. But it was just
Marilyn and me. I'm a chickenshit. I
don't make a move. Finally, I leave. She
gives me a kiss. I say, “Thanks for mak-
ing me famous.” I drive home and I'm
ready to start making apologies to my
wife, but she wasn't mad at all. She
wasn't mad because Marilyn had sent
her two dozen red roses. The note said
something like, “Sorry for keeping Lar-
" That's what she had done in the 25
PLAYBOY: Your photographs of Monroe
appeared in PLAYbUY soon afterward.
Were they from the same session?
SCHILLER: Yes. One was one of those we
never showed Marilyn—a black-and-
white—which I knew would be valuable
to Hefner. It wasn't the best picture of
her, but it was the only shot that showed
her nipple. I had the photo colored and
offered it to Hef. I told him that the pic-
tures were worth $25,000 or worth noth-
ing. I wouldn't negotiate. He agreed to
buy them. I was told that that was the
highest price he had ever paid for pho-
tography at that time. After that, Marilyn
agreed to pose for the cover of the mag-
azine, but she died before we were able
to shoot it.
PLAYBOY: Were the Monroe pictures your
first in PLAYBOY?
SCHILLER: I had shot Playmates. My pic-
tures of Paula Kelly, the dancer, were the
first ones that showed pubic hair in
the magazine. I persuaded her to do the
spread by telling her I wanted to do dig-
nified, artistic nudes. She liked the idea,
but was worried you would see her gei
tals. She wanted to wear a patch over
them until I explained that it could pick
up a light that you might see in the pic-
tures. Since her pubic hair was black
against her dark skin and we were using
rim lighting, I said that you'd never see
anything. She was very cooperative; she
threw away the patch. The staff loved
the pictures. I got a call from Vince
Tajiri, the photo editor, who said, "It's
the first time we've gotten away with pu-
bic hair in the magazine!” I said, “What
pubic hair?” I was worried because I had
promised Paula there would be none. I
went and looked closely and for the first
time saw it. You could definitely see the
black pubic hair in three of seven expo-
sures. It was a breakthrough, but I
thought Paula would go ballistic. Yet she
never said a word to me about it.
1 also did sports and celebrities for the
magazine. One time, Paula Prentiss and
Elliott Gould were doing Move and I got
them to agree to a nude shot in a bath-
tub to promote the movie. We were all
set up. Elliott was in the bathtub and
Paula was supposed to come out, but she
wouldn't. Elliott went in and tried to
convince her to come out and then I
tried. No way. ] noticed that she was
completely flat-chested. but 1 had no
idea this had anything to do with it. Dick
Benjamin, her husband. finally went in
and talked with her and came out and
said, "She just can't do it today.” I said,
fine. Three or four weeks later, they told
me she would do it. This time Paula
walked out of the dressing room with-
out any coaxing. ГЇЇ tell you: She had
the biggest fucking set of knockers in the
world. Now, I can't swear to you that she
didn't have the knockers the first time
around, but she looked pretty flat-chest-
ed to me. I don't know what changed,
but she was a fucking knockout when
she walked out the second time.
PLAYBOY: At what point did you cross
over from photographer to interviewer
and journalist?
SCHILLER: I began doing interviews for
spoken-word record albums. I did an es-
say for Life magazine on LSD culture
and that started me doing a record. | al-
so did ones on homosexuality and the
American male, one on JFK and the one
on Lenny Bruce that was the basis for
the book. Those interviews were all for
record albums. Three became books.
PLAYBOY: What was the story behind your
book with Charles Manson follower Su-
san Atkins?
SCHILLER: I was called by Paul Caruso, a
famous divorce attorney, with a tip. "A.
buddy of mine who's a public defender
has a client by the name of Susan Atkins
who is in jail for a series of murders. She
told her lawyer that she was involved in
the Tate-LaBianca murders. Would you
like to talk with her?" I interviewed her.
I wrote a book under her name, set up a
trust for her child and took half the
moncy. The publishers chose the title,
which was terrible, the worst exploita-
tion: The Killing of Sharon Tate. But it was
sold all over the world. Before the article
about the book was published, I was with
President Nixon in the White House
shooting a campaign commercial. Alter-
ward, we sat around and talked. The
president asked me what I was up to and
I told him about the Atkins interview,
that she confessed to the Manson mur-
ders. I never imagined he would take
this information and make this incredi-
ble statement that was a front-page
headline the next day: The president
said Manson was guilty of those mur-
ders. It was because І had lunch with
Nixon and I was bragging! It threw the
trial into a izzy
PLAYBOY: Was it a coincidence that you
were in Dallas when President Kennedy
SCHILLER: 1 wasn't in Dallas at the time. I
was there within 3% hours of the assas
nation. They kicked off all the passen-
gers on the next plane there from Los
Angeles and it became the first press
flight. I was working for the Saturday
Evening Post. I was in the basement when
Lee Harvey Oswald was being moved
He came out and somebody stepped in
front of me and there was a flash, a flash,
and then a pop and then another flash
Somewhere in there, I saw somebody
shooting somebody, but I never got the
fucking picture. Oswald immediately
was picked up and taken away, and
they're all on top of this guy who did it. I
realized one or two photographers had
the picture and I didn’t. There were two
labs being used in Dallas and I raced to
one. Someone walked out of the dark-
room with the picture: the famous Bob
Jackson photograph of Jack Ruby shoot-
ing Oswald. I asked what rights were
available. I offered $10,000 for world
magazine rights and got the original
print. I sent it to the Post and we made
sales to Paris Match, Stern and other mag-
azines around the world and made five
times the $10,000. Jackson won the Pu-
litzer Prize for that picture. I have the
original print framed at home
PLAYBOY. You met up with Ruby again,
conducting the final interview of his life
before he died in the hospital in 1967.
How did you get it?
SCHILLER: I had been in contact with his
brother and sister over the years. I was
doing the record of JFK when I gota call
and was asked if I wanted to see him. It
was a pure coincidence
PLAYBOY. What revelations came from
that last interview?
SCHILLER: Most of all, that he stuck to his
story on his deathbed. He had acted
alone. There was no conspiracy.
PLAYBOY: Yet you visited the conspira-
cy theory again, both with The Trial of
Lee Harvey Oswald and your research
for Norman Mailer's book Oswald’s Tale.
Why the preoccupation with that story?
SCHILLER: It is probably the greatest un-
solved mystery of our time. Particularly
with Oswald’s Tale, 1 had access to incred-
ible information—all the KGB files.
PLAYBOY: How did you get them?
SCHILLER: I had a name in Russia. I was
invited to Mikhail Gorbachev's peace
conference and then to be a negotiator
on the bilateral talks in Russia between
the U.S. government and the U.S. Infor-
mation Agency. I couldn't believe it. So I
went back to Russia a second time as a
delegate of the U.S. government under
President Reagan. This time I looked
up Ludmilla Peresvetova, a translator
whom I had met but had not worked
with. She was one of the most skilled
translators in Russia. Although she de
nied it, I knew from others that she
so had worked in some context for
the KGB
PLAYBOY: She became your third wife
SCHILLER: Yes, but it was not a sexual rela-
tionship yet. I was invited back the sec-
ond year by the government to negoti-
ate. This time it was held in Washington
and we brought Ludmilla to be my
translator. Finally, I decided to do a film
based on the Chernobyl disaster. I con-
vinced the Russians. I hired J.P. Miller,
who wrote Days of Wine and Roses, an Em-
my Award-winning screenwriter. I al-
ways surround myself with the best peo-
ple. Ludmilla is helping me again. I put
a lot of my own money into it, almost
$600,000. My wife—still my second
wife—and 1 were just ready to kill each
other. I told her that we were going to
have to go into bankruptcy in 1991. That
was the greatest humiliation for her. The
lawyers told me how to do it to protect
my family, but my wife wouldn't accept
it. It was the end of our marriage. Six
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months later, Ludmilla showed up in the
U.S. to visit her daughter. Gorbachev by
then had gone far in hacking his own
window to the West. I was having many
problems with Chernobyl—my backers
fell out. There was one problem after an-
other. But I knew there were other great
stories in Russia. 1 was interested in
three: Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs and
Lee Harvey Oswald. One night, I asked.
Ludmilla to talk with her friends in the
KGB about them. She returned to Mos-
cow and then called me. Come to Mos-
cow. She introduced me to a former
KGB agent who told me there was noth-
ing in their files on Alger Hiss except
news clippings. He said there was a Jot
about the Rosenbergs, but nothing more
than the West already knew. "What
about Lee Harvey Oswald?" "There's a
lot.” I asked, "How do I get it?"
PLAYBOY: How did you?
SCHILLER: More negotiating. I told them I
wanted to bring in a writer. I called him
the American Tolstoy. I had to sell them
оп Mailer even though I hadn't yet sold
Mailer on the project. I knew this was
a story for Norman, but I had to con-
vince him.
PLAYBOY: How did you?
SCHILLER: I went back to New York and
told him I felt I could get the KGB files.
I said, “It’s the one part of the mystery
that nobody knows anything of. They
bugged him.” I said, “Nobody has ever
seen Oswald interac with people.
Here are his fights, depressions, it's all in
there.” I said, “Here is a chance to be
flies on the wall inside Lee Harvey Os-
wald’s life. Nobody else is ever going to
have that.
PLAYBOY: Why were you given those ex-
tremely valuable files? Did you bribe the
SCHILLER: From the beginning I was told
that 1 would have to pay with shoes and
sardines, not money. That meant that I
would pay with whatever goods they
couldn't get. But I had to convince many
people who were not bribed. The Su-
preme Sovict learned what we were do-
ing and attempted to stop it. They want-
cd to know why a Western writer should
get them. The FBI heard about it
through the American Embassy and
made a push for the files. Ludmilla in
the meantime was getting so fucking
scared that the government might swing
back [to the Communist regime] and she
would be put in jail for working for
Americans. One time the KGB showed
us a report on us conducted by the local
KGB which said that Mailer was working
for the CIA and Ludmilla was an opera-
tive. She became even more scared then.
Now it was in the KGB files that she was
working for the CIA. It became obvious
that I had to marry her. I’m not saying I
didn't love her, but we got married for
that reason. We went to the U.S. and got
married and returned to Russia to work.
The marriage was a tough one. It was
not a marriage based on real love or
devotion or understanding. When the
project was over, the marriage was an-
nulled—after she got her green card.
She now lives in Washington, D.C. and is
a translator for the Securities and E;
change Commission. Living a happy li
PLAYBOY: Years carlier, you had inte
viewed Marina Oswald, most extensive-
ly, for The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald. Did
she have to be persuaded to talk again?
SCHILLER: Yes. And it was very difficult. OF
all the people I have interviewed who
feel betrayed by me, she feels the most
PLAYBOY: Was she?
“Boy, ате they evolving fast. We've barely gotten the
hang of the missionary position.”
SCHILLER: I didn't betray her. But in Rus-
sia we had learned a lot about her early
life. She had relations with many men. I
wanted to get her to talk about it. I con-
vinced her. “What does it matter?” she
wanted to know. But, I said, ifsomething
as small or as large as this affected Os-
wald, it gives us a better understanding.
In the hands of Mailer, perhaps society
will learn something. So she talked to
me, but she despised the book. She says
Mailer depicted her as a whore. But she
is not depicted as a whore. She is depict-
ed as someone who had a horrible expe-
rience with a stepfather. She was thrown
into the street and locked out. She feels
betrayed by everybody.
PLAYBOY: Docs that make you feel bad?
SCHILLER: I don't lose any sleep over it,
but I feel bad because she does not ac-
cept the fact that the best has been done
with truth we know, and that society
does learn. Again, Schiller is in the mid-
dle of history. We filled in a piece of his-
tory with that book, just as we had with
Executioner's Song.
PLAYBOY: You clearly are obsessed with
making a mark on history. Have you an-
alyzed why?
SCHILLER: It is doing something impor-
tant, something my children can look to
proudly. When I was a child, my father
was very proud of my brother, who was
an incredible athlete. When he beat me
in the 1]-and-under category in tennis,
that was the end of my tennis career—
and my brother is two years younger. My
father was a marathon runner. I couldn't.
compete in that arena, but I found other
ways to compete. I participated in athlet-
ics when I was a child by being a photog-
rapher. It was my way of participating.
Maybe everything comes from this.
PLAYBOY: Did the accident that hurt your
vision in one eye affect your decision to
become a photographer?
SCHILLER: I don't think so. My father was
a portrait photographer. He owned a
camera store on 42nd Street. We went to
California and he opened another store,
this time selling sporting goods, cameras
and appliances. So he had more to do
with it than anything else, I think. And
photography is what opened doors for
me. It got me to college. I never had the
grades, but I got a journalism scholar-
ship for my photographs.
PLAYBOY: Do you think that most of what
you've tried to prove in your life goes
back to your father?
SCHILLER: It's not only my father. My chil-
dren and ex-wife and I once went to see
The Mosquito Coast. There's a scene in the
film where Harrison Ford tries to ex-
plain to his wife and one of his sons what
he’s all about—why he’s brought the
family to this hellhole in the middle of
the jungle. He explains his dream, for
the first time communicating who he is
to his family. His wife and son look at
him in the worst way. You can sce by
their faces that they are horrified. When
Isaw that, I broke down and cried in the
theater. It was so much about me at that
moment in my life. My wife was so em-
barrassed that she took my children and
moved to another part of the theater
She wouldn't sit next to me. That was the
end of my marriage as far as I was con-
cerned. She didn't know it, but it was.
We had a big fight that night.
PLAYBOY: What exactly did you relate to
in the movie?
SCHILLER: How misunderstood he was.
And when my wife moved away, it
proved how much 1 was misunderstood,
too. I see things a certain way. I've made
a lot of mistakes in my life. I've done
things that are wrong for which I de-
serve to be criticized and torn apart. But
the story of Schiller is not only those
PLAYBOY: Yet like it or not, along with all
of your accomplishments come the la-
bels: you as a carrion bird, as "O.].'s
sleazy friend” and as an exploiter. Do
these bother you?
SCHILLER: They no longer bother me. I
used to be concerned for my children,
but they and those who know me are
used to it. This new book is something
they can be proud of. The reviews that
have come in—from The New York Times,
the Los Angeles Times, Time magazine—
are all a vindication. I mean, I cried
when I read the New York Times review. I
was in a restaurant with Kardashian on
my left and Kathy on my right and I just
started to cry.
PLAYBOY: Why exactly did you cry?
SCHILLER: It was an acknowledgment by
a stranger who is considered to be im-
portant. [t acknowledged all the work I
PLAYBOY: Did you feel legitimized on
your own at last, independent from
SCHILLER: Maybe. Yes.
PLAYBOY: For that you have O.J. Simpson
to thank.
SCHILLER: But I pulled it off myself. 1
pulled it off.
PLAYBOY: Yours is the 40th or so book
about O.J. Will the interest in this case
ever subside?
SCHILLER: The obsession with the case will
die down, although it will reappear
whenever big events in O,J.’s life come
along. It will reappear when he gets
married again, especially when it is to a
white blonde; when he has another
child. The biggest news will be when his
wife ends up dead again. A knife. Blood.
A glove. [Smiles] Actually, the biggest
news will be when they find the knife
and the real killers. Imagine: Somebody
confesses and everything finally fits to-
gether. A killer with blood so close to
О]. or something. Think about what
that would do to America. I know it’s un-
likely, but that would be something,
wouldn't it?
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lings of D
CLEESE: Not as fine as mine.
CURTIS: No, and I have a lot more of it.
CLEESE: Last time I told my daughter 1
was going to the barber, she said, "Dad-
dy, is it really worth it?" What she does
not realize is that ] am not bald at all. I
have, in fact, a great deal of hair, but it's
too fine for most people to see. You
might call it a fine head of hair.
PLAYBOY: What gets your vote as the
strongest desire? Is it hunger? Thirst?
curtis: Well, for me it would be sleep.
I'm completely exhausted; my son hasn't
been sleeping.
CLEESE: Poor pussycat.
CURTIS: It’s a difficult time, but we will
weather it.
CLEESE: And if not, you can always kill
CURTIS: I suppose that's an option.
CLEESE: It's the best part about believing
in reincarnation. It cheers me up to real-
ize that if I find things too disappointing,
I can just top myself and start again.
"I'm fed up with this life, so ГЇЇ have an-
other one, please.”
curtis: If my husband walked in with
the keys to a new car, the most delicious
food and a beautiful bottle of red wine
on a tray, a stunning outfit hanging on
his arm and an alarm clock, I would
choose the alarm clock. I would say,
“Thanks, Chris,” and set it for about
eight hours from now and go to sleep.
That's my desire.
cuesse: Actually, the desire for sleep has
been badly undervalued—almost ig-
nored —throughout the history of West-
ern philosophy. Sleep is quite wonderful
in and of itself. This is, as Jefferson
would have put it, self-evident. The
great thing about sleep is that you just lie
down and go to it. If you're awake, you
have to think, What should I do now?
‘This explains the point of death. Hasn't
it ever struck you that most of the best.
people are dead? There must be some-
thing to it. And it's this: You don't have
to make any more decisions. Or do any
more annoying interviews.
PLAYBOY: OK, after sleep, what's next on
the desire chart?
CURTIS; Breakfast.
PLAYBOY: Breakfast?
CURTIS: Right. When you wake up.
CLEESE: My favorite meal, breakfast!
curtis; This is the explanation for our
friendship. I mean, John and I have
nothing else in common. He's this ar-
thritic, bald, elderly Englishman who
happens to be very boring. And I'm this
youthful, vibrant, vital, terribly mod-
152 est California supermom. But we have
(continued from page 110)
God, I love breakfast. ГЇЇ give you my top 13. First,
obviously, chop de porc, cru, à la muesli.
one common link—we're both breakfast
PLAYBOY: Does this mean you've had
breakfast together?
CLEESE: Yes. But only at lunchtime.
PLAYBOY: Why didn't you have lunch?
CURTIS: Because we prefer breakfast, you
PLAYBOY: Do you have breakfast at din-
nertime, too?
curtis: Only if I'm hungry. I have been a
proponent of breakfast for years. Cereals
are my favorite foods.
PLAYBOY: Any specific kind?
CURTIS: I go all over the map. Apple
Jacks and shredded wheat and Cheerios
and Rice Chex and Kix and Golden Gra-
hams and frosted flakes and Corn Pops
PLAYBOY: Froot Loops?
CURTIS: No. No Froot Loops. One has to
draw the line somewhere. But Wheaties
and, of course, Rice Krispies, Quaker
Oats, raisin bran and cornflakes. Break-
fast food is truly my comfort food. If
there were nobody around to see me, it's
basically all I would eat for the rest of my
life And muesli Mustn't forget muesli
CLEESE: Ah, yes. muesli. A heaping
spoonful of muesli on top of a nice raw
pork chop—that is my ideal breakfast.
curtis: When you die, John, I'll sprinkle
muesli over your grave. And maybe even
throw in a pork chop.
CLEESE: What more could one ask? God,
I love breakfast. I'll give you my top 13
breakfasts. First, obviously, chop de
porc, cru, à la muesli. Second, chop de
porc, very rare, à la muesli. Third, chop
de porc, well done, à la muesli. Four,
mucsli and ham. Five, mucsli and bacon.
Six, muesli with anything else derived
from pigs. Seven, muesli plain. Eight,
ham—plain—and eggs. Nine, bacon—
plain—and eggs. Ten, trotters and eggs.
Eleven would be any other comb
tion derived from pigs and hens. Like
kidneys and wattles. Or spleens and
beaks. Or snouts and claws.
Twelve: cornflakes.
And, finally, lucky 13: battered bad-
gers’ brains. It's very English. Inciden-
tally, it’s not the brains that are battered.
It's the badgers. That's how you get their
brains. They obviously aren't just going
to hand them over. They're quite fond of
them even though they hardly use them.
PLAYBOY: What about muesli and eggs?
Cheese: Don't be silly. They don't go to-
gether at all.
PLAYBOY: Speaking of things going to-
gether, what about sex and desire? Can
you have one without the other?
CLEESE: Ah, you see, Jamie, I was right.
Right about what?
john warned me that if we did
an interview with PLAYBOY about desire,
sooner or later the question of sex would
arrive. He's very intuitive.
PLAYBOY: OK. So the sex card has been
played. Any thoughts on sexual desire?
CURTIS: Sure. But you have to under-
stand that I've been married a long time.
Happily married, I might add. So my
idea of sexual desire is very different
from when I was single. There's an ele-
ment of fidelity that is pretty important.
CLEESE: I, too, am happily married. And
have been many, many times.
PLAYBOY: And fidelity?
CLEESE: It's very important. I'm sure of it.
CLEESE: Because I once got a fortune
cookie that read: "Fidelity is very impor-
tant." It was this kind of blinding flash. I
guess it was my particular road from
Damascus. Or road to Damascus. Or
road in Damascus. It was definitely Syri-
an in feeling. Ever since then fidelity has
been very important to me. As simple as
that. But I am prepared to talk about my
sexual proclivities in my early years. And
during the intervals between my many
PLAYBOY: How many marriages have
there been, exactly?
CLE forget. My secretary probably
knows. Otherwise, if it's important, I
suppose I could go back through my di-
aries. Fvery wife was an American. I do
remember that. Good on energy, bad on
geography. Not one of them could read
a map. No spatial sense whatsoever. But
1 digress.
PLAYBOY: We were actually getting to the
subject of sex and.
cLeese: I'll tell you an odd thing about
sex. Because of it, you discover that
you're two different people. There you
are, feeling almost uncontrollably—what
do Americans say? Libidinous? Concu-
piscent? Cupidinous?
CLEESE: Yes, But that's a bit on the nose,
isn't it? Anything a touch more lyrical?
curtis; Frisky.
Cueest: Frisky. Good. So there you are
with a female friend, feeling almost un-
bearably frisky. With a strong intuition
that if you don't frisk soon, you may ex-
plode. And an hour later you're lying
there, wondering why it had seemed so
important at the time, thinking, I may
never need to do that again, And then a
few hours pass, and you're back to being
the first person again, thinking, All I
need to do to achieve the purpose of my
existence is to frisk one more time. Im-
mediately. Right now.
So you're these two completely differ-
ent beings. Different raisons d'étre. Dif-
ferent value systems. Different metabo-
lisms. Occupying the same skin. And
each one of you is unaware of the other's
existence. Which makes planning your
life rather difficult.
кїлүвоү: It was simpler before puberty.
CURTIS: But not as much fun.
PLAYBOY: Still, there are desires or pas-
sions from youth that carry over into
CURTIS: Like what?
PLAYBOY: Like Citizen Kane's fondness
for Rosebud, his boyhood sled.
CURTIS: Well, when I was about six, I had
this little dildo. A Lost in Space dildo.
Now, whenever I see June Lockhart or
hear somebody say, “Danger, Will Robin-
son, danger,” it takes me back to that
time. I found it in J.J. Newberry's, in the
dildo section.
CLEESE: There is a very fine dildo depart-
ment in Harrods. It takes up over half a
floor, but, still, you have to know where
to look.
PLAYBOY: What about you, John? Any
youthful passions?
cLEESE: Î grew up in Weston-super-
Mare, a seaside resort. Actually, a seaside
last resort. And there was no sex there.
None at all. There was a field hockey fes-
tival at Easter, but that was as far as body
contact went, The births were all by
parthenogenesis, which is why I found
much of the New Testament so credible.
curtis; What did you do for excitement?
CLEESE: I played snooker a lot.
curtis: I beg your pardon.
CLEESE: Snooker. It's like pool, only it re-
quires a degree of accuracy.
curtis: I know what snooker is, John. I
thought you were using it as a code word
for something seamy.
cuerse: There was nothing you'd call
seamy at Weston-super-Mare. But I did
get really excited once a year.
CURTIS: I can't wait to hear about this.
CLEESE: Actually, I'm talking about
Christmas. Do you remember how hard
it was to fall asleep on Christmas Eve and
how you'd wake up extremely early for
no other reason than the insatiable de-
sire to be given things? This is because
children are into materialism in a way
that makes yuppies seem monkish.
CURTIS: It’s so in the genes, it’s a wonder
any of us grow out of it, evena little.
CLEESE: Is there anything now, Jamie,
that would make you really excited
CURTIS: No. Actually, it's the lack of mate-
rialism that makes me happy. I desire a
divesting of stuff. The less Гуе got, the
happier Lam.
CLEESE: I feel the same way, but I thought
that was something that came with mid-
dle age—when you begin to look at all
these things you ve surrounded yourself
with and find that most of them are dut-
ter. You're much too young for that.
CURTIS: It was the last big earthquake
that did it for me. We were hit pretty
hard and so many things that I'd been
hanging on to were damaged. It was sur-
ng how quickly I realized I didn't
need or wantany of them anymore.
CLEESE: I used to desire many, many
things, but now I have just one desire,
and that's to get rid of all my other de-
sires. Still, I suppose you always want
what you haven't got. But at least it's a
kind of simplification.
curras: I think if you were unattached
and unencumbered by material things,
the strongest desire would be passion.
CLEESE: Sexual passion?
CURTIS: Yes. If you could boil it down, get
rid of materialism, especially if you were
on your own in the world, what you'd
look for would be a sexual connection
with someone.
CLEESE: I don't agree.
CURTIS: At your age, you wouldn't.
CLEESE: Do you know the talking frog
joke? A middle-aged man is walking
down the street, and he sees a little fr Е.
‘The frog looks up at him and says,
Pick me up and kiss me. I viill turn into
a beautiful blonde woman and we will
make love all night."
“The man picks up the frog and puts it
in his pocket. The frog complains, "Hey,
you didn't kiss me."
"No," the man says.
"Don't you want me to turn into a
blonde and have a passionate night?”
And the man says, "No. At my age, I'd
rather have a talking frog."
CURTIS: OK, that's your desire joke.
Here's mine: A guy walks into a bar and.
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talking dog. Look, I've got to go to the
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for me.”
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as the owner is gone, he asks the dog
to speak.
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got is a five."
“I'll bring you change.” The dog bites
the five dollar bill and heads out of the
bar with it
The owner comes out of the bath-
room, looks around and asks, "Where's
my dog?”
“He went out to get a paper.”
“He what? You let my one-of-a-kind-
in-the-whole-world talking dog walk out
of here by himself? Anything could hap-
pen to him. He could get hit by a car.
"The owner runs out of the bar and the
guy follows. They look up and down the
street, but they don't sec the dog any-
where. Then they hear this noise and go
down an alley. There at the end of the al-
ley is the talking dog, fucking like a——
I was going to say like a dog.
The owner runs up to the dog and
screams at it, "What the heck are you
And the dog answers, "What does it
look like I'm doing?"
"I've had you ten years, and you've
never done anything like this before."
And the dog says, “Yeah, but I never
had any moncy before."
PLAYBOY: With all due respect to the way
the talking dog handled his passion,
what do you do when you fecl a strong
desire for someone?
CLEESE: 1 think there area lot of things to
consider before pressing ahead. First,
you have to think: If I consummate this
desire, will I acquire a disease that will
kill me? Second, if I don't actually die,
will I nevertheless acquire a disease that.
will incapacitate me for the rest of my
life? Third, if I consummate this, will I
fall in love with the person? Fourth, will
they fall in love with mc? And fifth, if you
live in Britain, will they sell the story to
the papers?
curtis: Sixth, will they buy dinner?
CLEESE: Yes, I forgot that. So if you meet,
say, 4 million women, this process win-
nows them down to about five. Т!
ask the big question: How easy i
to be to get my wife to go along with this?
Will she say, “Fine, darling, ‘cause I do
have a busy evening. So you just go
ahead, and don't worry about coming in
late." Or will she get a bit miffed and.
beady-eyed? Anything to add, Jamie?
CURTIS: Add to what? I'm sorry, I wasn't.
listening. I was thinking about breakfast.
PLAYBOY: We were discussing being con-
sumed by an overwhelming passion for
curtis: Someone other than my hus-
band? Forget it
curse: Overwhelming passion. Well, if it
were truly overwhelming, I suppose the
only honorable thing to do would be to
have your spouse killed, so that you'd be
free of moral obligation.
PLAYBOY: A bit extreme.
CLEESE: It's sort of lateral thinking.
PLAYBOY: Let's suppose you opted for a
less lethal approach. How would you get
rid of the desire?
curts: Well, there's a 12-step program
for sexaholics. Why not one for desire-
aholics? One of the steps could be the
watching of a truly awful movie, over
and over again. Maybe Showgirls. Make
the poor desireaholic watch Showgirls
four or five times.
CLEESE: Once might do it.
curtis: It would probably extinguish
any desire you've ever had or ever will
PLAYBOY: If that didn't work, one could
always try dancing the macarena.
CURTIS: Or listening to political speeches.
CLEESE: Or looking at stereopticon slides
of skin diseases.
curtis: Or watching the Russian female
weight-lifting team work out.
CLEESE: I'd have to think about that one.
PLAYBOY: To return to an earlier ques-
tion: What about the relationship of sex
to desire? Can you, for example, have
sex without desire?
cieese: I thought that’s what marriage
сикти: That's nice, John. Your wife will
read that, and she’s going to hate you.
CLEESE: It's OK. My wife can't read. She's
from Oklahoma, you see. Though she
tells people she’s from Texas.
curtis: Why?
CLEESE: Because if you're from Okla-
homa, you think it’s sophisticated to be
from Texas
CURTIS: Well, to get back on track, of
course you can have sex without desire. I
imagine that hookers do it all the time.
I doubt they're in ecstasy with every
grunting, sweating pig who buys their
time. 1 can't imagine they somehow find
these heaving, hairy, smelly, disgusting
men enjoyable.
CLEESE: Could you be just a bit more
graphic for us, dear?
curtis: I could, but I need not.
PLAYBOY: Samuel Coleridge wrote that
"the desire of the man is for the woman,
but the desire ofthe woman is for the de-
sire of the man." Any thoughts?
CLEESE: I’m not sure that the desire of
the man is for the woman. Often, I sus-
pect, the desire of the man is for his
friends to know that he’s had the wom-
an. As for the woman's desire being for
the desire of the man, that makes a lot of
sense to me because I think women trea-
sure stable relationships more than men
do. Therefore, if a woman knows she
arouses the desire of a man, that is a
promise of stability.
PLAYBOY: Do men and women react dif-
ferently to the fulfillment of desire?
curese: My God, yes. Don't men always
go to sleep —?
And women get on the phone.
n my experience, women are
more energetic than that. You're lying
on the bed, poleaxed, and they're up
there putting new slates on the roof. It's
extraordinary. This is part of my theory,
which is that men only pretend to want
sex because immediately afier we can go
to sleep.
curtis: I love the image of the man wak-
ing up in this kind of sweaty heap in the
wet spot and the woman, wearing a tool
belt and humming Put on a Happy Face,
pounding away at tiles on the roof. And
there’s no food left in the house. She’s
eaten everything.
CLEESE: To give her energy for the roof. I
have a question, Jamie. What qualities
do women desire in men? Money and
CURTIS: Oh, fuck off. Hairlessness. That's
what we look for. Hairlessness and good
CLEESE: Hairlessness? Does invisible hair
CURTIS: No, no. Not on the head. On the
body. We like a nice. smooth body, that
kind of lovely 17-year-old body. Not par-
ticularly muscular, just sort of smooth,
hairless and delicious. And nice breath.
PLAYBOY: What do you look for in a
woman, John?
CLEESE: I like long-waisted women with
pointy noses and short top lips. Who are
punctual. And who can read maps, Who
know where Nigeria is.
curtis: And who have great tits.
CLEESE: That's опе thing—two things, ac-
tually—I can't stand in a woman. Call
me old-fashioned if you like, but great,
beautiful, exquisite, firm, succulent
breasts—where was I? Oh, yes, great
breasts—are a big turnoff for me.
PLAYBOY: Which is more preferable: to
desire or to be desired?
curtis: Being desired doesn't feel like
anything. That's the biggest misconcep-
tion people have about actors—that you
get this wonderful feeling because a lot
of people fancy you. It's a real nothing.
CLEESE: On the other hand, Jamie, given
that it’s a nothing, it might sull be prefer-
able to desiring someone.
curtis: Being desired is simply too
CLEESE: I disagree. I would much rather
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be desired. Although it's not an experi-
ence I've ever had.
CURTIS: I was about to say-
CLEESE: But I'm entirely sure if I ever
were desired, it would make no de-
mands on my time. Whereas, if you de-
sired someone, you'd probably have to
start rearranging your day.
curtis: But isn't that the whole point of
CLEESE: Exactly.
PLAYBOY: What about passion?
CLEESE: Passion, like desire, stands in the
way of getting on with your life. I think
that's why a lot of people have these tur-
bulent relationships where they're scrab-
bling and making up and having great
sex and then fighting a lot and then
making up. And having great sex-
curtis: The way you describe it, John, it
sounds really fun.
CLEESE: I knew it would appeal to you,
curtis: Not the reality, just the way you
describe it. It sounds like a really great
way to spend your life.
CLEESE: If you haven't got anything bet-
ter to do. That's the point. People like
that haven't. Otherwise they might just
have to sit down and read a book or
make a fretwork model of St. Patrick's
Cathedral or something. But if you're al-
ways either desperate about how you're
going to repair a relationship or enjoy-
ing the delights of having just repaired
it, or hating the other person and trying
to figure out how on earth you're going
to get rid of them before you make up
again, that just fills the days
PLAYBOY: Do the British deal with desire
differently from Americans?
CLEESE: We're both equally immature as
people, but Americans make no pretense
whatsoever that they're not. They readi-
ly admit that their desires have to be im-
mediately satisfied or they'll fly into a
rage and start saying “Make my day” or
“Get a life.” Whereas we British pretend
that we are more mature and therefore
constantly postpone gratification despite
the fact that it makes us depressed and
irritable. Basically, once you've seen Brief
Encounter, you understand everything.
PLAYBOY: Could you desire someone who
didn't desire you?
curse: When I was young and inexperi-
enced, I could watch people from afar
and think how attractive they were.
Now, by and large, if there isn't some
kind of mutual buzz going on, I don't
find I'm attracted.
curtis: Well, I've never let myself get in-
to a situation of pining away for some-
one or something I couldn't have. And
actually, if I've really wanted something,
I've gotten it
PLAYBOY: And once you've gotten it?
curtis: 1 like having it again. 1 don't
mind a whole meal of it. I'm kind of
repetitive by nature. A creature of habit.
You might even say I'm addictive on
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some level. I usually get what I want and
then get it again. And again. And again.
PLAYBOY: When you say you've always
gotten everything you've desired, does
that include roles in films?
CURTIS: That's a little different. There
have been things I haven't gotten, but
never anything I had to have. The idea of
striving for the unattainable has never
interested me.
PLAYBOY: Regarding movies, how well do
they handle the subject of desire?
curtis: Badly. That's how they handle it.
Look at Four Weddings and a Funeral, gen-
erally perceived as being one of the best
movies about romantic desire. It was a
big hit. People loved it. I hated it because
I didn't believe any of it. I simply
couldn't stand the Hugh Grant charac-
ter. I'm totally uninterested in that sort
of unrealistic, thin-ankled, sloppy-
socked, baggy-shorted guy quoting Da-
vid Cassidy songs. He doesn’t exist in
real life. Real people don't act the way
people do in that movie. They don't
make out in the rain; they make out in-
side, where it’s comfortable.
CLEESE: I love it when you go offon rants
like thi
curtis: But it’s true. You want to yell,
“Get out of the fucking rain.”
PLAYBOY: But you do like action-adven-
ture movies, which don’t have a lot of
CLEESE: I thought True Lies was auto-
CURTIS: True Lies is funny. It does not pre-
tend to be real. It's a domestic comedy
blown up to epic proportions. It’s hilari-
ous, just as Fierce Creatures is hilarious.
This is a movie about what happens
when an American conglomerate takes
over a London zoo with the idea of mak-
ing it much more commercial.
CLeESE: With hilarious consequences.
And, to bring us back on point, the
movie is positively brimming with desire.
Because Kevin Kline won the Academy
Award for Wanda, we had to give him
two roles—one character desires high
status without responsibility, while the
other craves nothing less than world
conquest. Jamie's character desires suc-
cess, but has to settle for mere happi-
ness. My character desires, well, Jamie's
character, as usual.
тлүвоү: Do you get her?
CLEESE: Of course. I wrote the script.
CURTIS: On that note, I really do have
this tremendous desire that I can no
longer resist.
CLEESE: Really?
CURTIS: I've got to get to sleep. Good-
night, all.
CLEESE: Sweet dreams, pussycat. When I
polish off my morning pork chop and
muesli, I'll be thinking of you.
I don't like action-adventure
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AN OFFICE ROMANCE oaa from page 78)
Her red-tipped fingers pulled her little French under-
pants to one side. <Mary!> he said.
<The only problem with Easter
Eggs,> Mary said, «is that they are al-
ways the same. Whoever designed this
one obviously had a case of arrested
development. >
<I like always the same,> Ken
As he left for the weekend, Ken678
scanned the crowd of office regulars
filing down the long steps of City Hall.
Which woman was Mary97? There was,
of course, no way of knowing. They were
all ages, all nationalities, but they all
looked the same with their blank stares,
neural-interface gold earrings, and
mesh marks from their net gloves.
The weekend seemed to last forever.
Assoon as the week restarted, Ken raced
through his Calls and Tasks, then
cruised the Corridors until he found
Mary at “their” spot, the open Window
between Copy and Verify.
«Isn't it romantic?> she said, looking
out into April in Paris.
<I guess,> said Ken impatiently. He
was thinking of her hands behind her
back, unfastening.
1 |
Reıanonsus) WHAT?
«What could be more romantic?> she
asked, and he could tell she was teasing.
«A red brassiere,> he said.
«Then come with me, she said.
"They met in the Browser three times
that week. Three times Ken678 heard
the horse, three times he watched the
red lace brassiere falling away, falling
away. That week was the closest to hap-
piness he would ever come.
«Do you ever wonder what's under
the third card?» Mary97 asked. They
were standing at the Window between
Copy and Verify. A new week had barely
restarted. In April in Paris the chestnuts
were in bloom above the cobblestones.
"The cafés were empty. A few stick figures
in the distance were getting in and out of
«I guess? Ken678 said, though it
wasn't true. He didn't like to wonder.
«Me too,» said Mary.
When they met a few cycles later in the
Windowless room off the Browser, Mary
put her red-fingernailed hand on the
third card and said, « There's one way to
find out.>
Ken didn't answer. He felt a sudden
<We both have to do it,> she said.
«You turn up the queen and I'l turn up
the third card. Ready?>
<I guess,> Ken said, though it was
a lie.
The third card was the ace of spades.
As soon as it was turned up, Ken knew
something was wrong.
Something felt different.
It was the cobblestones under his feet.
It was April in Paris and Ken678 was
walking down the boulevard. Mary97
was beside him. She was wearing a low-
cut, sleeveless peasant blouse and a long,
full skirt.
Ken was terrified. Where was the Win-
dow? Where was the Windowless room?
<Where are we?> he asked.
<We are in April in Paris,> Mary
said. «Inside the exvironment! Isn't it
Ken tried to stop walking, but he
couldn't. «I think we're stuck, he said.
He tried to close his eyes to avoid panic,
but he couldn't.
Mary just smiled the Mary smile and
they walked along the boulevard, under
the blooming chestnut trees. They
passed a café, they turned a corner; they
d another café, turned another cor-
ner. It was always the same. The same
trees, the same cafés, the same cobble-
stones. The carriages and stick figures in
the distance never got any closer.
«Isr't it romantic?» Mary said. «And.
| you COULD gusrcneck\), THAT Y
don’t say you guess.
Shc looked different somchow. Maybe
it was the outfit. Her peasant blouse was
cut very low. Ken tried to look down it
but couldn't.
"They passed another café. This time
Mary97 turned in, and Ken was sitting
across from her at a small sidewalk table.
«Voilà!» she said. «This Easter Egg
is more interactive. You just have to look
for new ways to do things.» She was still
smiling that Mary smile. The table was
heart-shaped, like the table in the Win-
dowless room. Ken leaned across it but.
still couldn't see down her blouse.
«Isn't it romantic!» Mary said. «Why
don't you let me order?»
«It's time to head back,» Ken said.
«TII bet our Folders——>
«Dont be silly; Mary said, opening
the menu.
<—are blinking like crazy? he
finished because it was already in his
A waiter appeared. He wore a white
shirt and black pants. Ken tried to look
at his face, but he didn’t exactly have
one. There were only three items on
the menu:
Mary pointed at Room, and before she
had closed the menu they were in a
wedge-shaped attic room with French
doors. sitting on the edge of a bed. Now
Ken could see down Mary97's blouse.
In fact he could see his two hands
reach out and pull it down, uncovering
her two plump, perfect breasts. Her
nipples were as big and as brown as
cookies. Through the French doors Ken
could see the Fiffel Tower and the
«Mary,» he said as she helped him
pull up her skirt. Smiling that Mary
smile, she lay back with her blouse and
skirt both bunched around her waist.
Ken beard a familiar clippety-clop from
the boulevard below as Mary spread her
plump, perfect thighs wide.
<April in Paris, she said. Her red-
tipped fingers pulled her little French
underpants to one side and
He kissed her sweet mouth. <Mary!>
he said.
Her red-tipped fingers pulled her lit-
tle French underpants to one side and
He kissed her sweet red mouth.
<Mary!> he said.
Her red-tipped fingers pulled her lit-
tle French underpants to one side and
He kissed her sweet red cookie mouth.
<Mary!> he said.
A gendarme’s whistle blew and they
were back at the sidewalk café. The
menu was closed on the heart-shaped
table. «Did you like that?» Mary asked.
«And don't say you guess.>
<Like it? I loved it,> Ken said. <But
shouldn't we head back?>
«Back?» Mary shrugged. Ken didn't
know she could shrug. She was holding a
glass of green liquid.
Ken opened the menu and the faceless
waiter appeared
There were three items on the menu.
Before Mary could point, Ken pointed
at HOME, and the table and the waiter
were gone. He and Mary97 were in
the Windowless room, and the cards
were facedown except for the ten of
<Why do you want to spoil every-
thing?> Mary said
<] don't — » Ken started, but he
never got to finish. His Folder was blink-
ing, waitstate interrupt, and he was
«It was romantic,» Ken678 insisted a
few cycles later when he joined Mary97
in their usual spot, at the Window in
the Corridor between Copy and Verify.
«And I did love it.
«Then why were you so nervous?»
«Was I nervous?»
She smiled that Mary smile.
<Because I just get nervous,» Ken
said. «Because April in Paris is not real
ly part of Microserf Office 6.9.>
«Sure it is. It’s the exvironment.>
<It's just Wallpaper. We're not sup-
posed to be in therc.>
<It’s an Easter Egg,» Mary97 said.
«We're not supposed to be having an
office romance, either.
«An office romance,> Ken said. «Is
that what we're having?»
«Come with me and I'll show you,»
Mary said, and he did. And she did.
And he did and she did and they did.
He met her three times that week and
three times the next week, every spare
moment, it seemed. The cobblestones
and the cafés still made Ken678 nervous,
but he loved the wedge-shaped attic
room. He loved Mary's nipples as big
and as brown as cookies; loved her
blouse and skirt bunched around her
waist as she lay on her back with
her plump, perfect thighs spread wide:
loved the clippety-clop and her red-tipped
fingers and her little French underpants
pulled to one side; loved her.
It was, after all, a love affair.
The problem was, Mary97 never
wanted to go back to Microserf Office
6.9. After the wedge-shaped room she
wanted to walk on the boulevard under
the blooming chestnut trees, or sit in a
café watching the stick figures get in and
out of carriages in the distance.
«Isn't it romantic?> she would say,
swirling the green liquid in her glass.
<Time to head back,» Ken would say.
<T'Il bet our Folders are blinking like
<You always say that,> Mary would
always say.
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Ken678 had always hated weekends
because he missed the warm electron
buzz of Microserf Office 6.9, but now he
missed it during the week as well. If he
wanted to be with Mary97 (and he did,
he did!) it ant April in Paris. Ken
missed “their” Window in the Corridor
between Copy and Verify. He missed the
busy streaming icons and the Folders
bulging with files and blinking with Calls
and Tasks. He missed the red brassiere.
<What happens,> Ken asked late one
week <if we turn over just the queen?>
He was turning over just the queen.
<Nothing,> Mary answered. <Noth-
ing but the red brassiere.>
She was already turning over the ace.
« We need to talk,» Ken678 said final-
ly. It was April in Paris, as usual. He
was walking with Mary97 along the
boulevard, under the blooming chestnut
«What about?» she asked. She
turned a corner, then another.
«Things,» he said.
«Isn't it romantic?» she said as she
turned into a café.
<I guess,» he said. <But——>
«I hate it when you say that,» Mary
<— miss the Office,» Ken finished
hecause it was already in his buffer.
Mary97 shrugged. «To each his
own.» She swirled the green liquid in
her glass. It was thick as syrup; it clung
to the sides of the glass. Ken had the
feeling she was looking through him in-
stead of at him. He tried to see down her
peasant blouse but couldn't.
<I thought you wanted to talk,>
. We did,> Ken said. He
reached for the menu.
Mary pulled it away. «I'm not in the
«We should be getting back, then,»
Ken said. «T'll bet our Folders are blink-
ing like crazy.
ЫШ shrugged. «Go ahead,» she
«You miss the Office. 1 don't. I'm go-
ing to stay here.>
<Here?> Ken tried to look around.
He could look in only one direction, to-
ward the boulevard.
«Why not?» Mary said. «Who's go-
ing to miss me there?» She took anoth-
er drink of the green liquid and opened
the menu. Ken was confused. Had she
been drinking it all along?
And why were there four items on the
«Me,» Ken suggested.
But the waiter had already appeared;
he, at least, was still the same.
«Go ahead, go for it,» Mary said, and
Ken pointed at HOME. Mary was pointing.
at the new item on the menu: STAY.
That weekend was the longest of
Ken678's life. As soon as the week re-
started, he hurried to the Corridor be-
tween Copy and Verify, hoping against.
hope. But there was no Window open
and, of course, no Mary97.
He looked for her between Calls and
Tasks, checking every queue, every Cor-
ridor. Finally, toward the middle of the
week, he went to the Windowless room
off the Browser by himself, for the first
Mary97's Folder was gone. The cards
"Wow! Thal was a first! Гое never had to fake a
multiple orgasm before.”
on the tiny, heart-shaped table were
facedown, except the ten of diamonds.
He turned up the queen of hearts, but
nothing happened. He wasn't surprised.
He turned up the ace of spades and
felt the cobblestones under his feet. It
was April in Paris. The chestnuts were in
bloom, but Ken678 felt no joy. Only a
sort of thick sorrow.
He turned into the first café and there
she was, sitting at the heart-shaped table.
«Lock who's here,> she said.
«Your Folder is gone, Ken said. «It
was in the room when I got back, blink-
ing like crazy. But that was before the
weekend. Now it's gone.»
Mary shrugged. «I'm not going back
there anyway.>
«What happened to us?> Ken asked.
«Nothing happened to us,» Магу
said. «Something happened to me. Re-
member when you found what you were
looking for? Well, І found what I was
looking for. 1 like it here.»
Mary pushed the glass of green liquid
toward him. «You could like it here,
100, she said.
Ken didn’t answer. He was afraid if he
did he would start to cry, even though
Kens can't cry.
<Butit's OK,» Mary97 said. She even
smiled her Mary smile. She took another
sip and opened the menu. The waiter
appeared, and she pointed to Room, and
Ken knew somehow that this was to be
the last time.
In the wedge-shaped attic room, he
could see down Mary's blouse perfect-
ly. Then his hands were cupping her
plump, perfect breasts for the last time.
Through the French doors he could see
the Eiffel Tower and the boulevard.
<Mary!> he said, and she lay back with
her blouse and skirt both bunched
around her waist, and he knew somehow
it was the last time. He heard a famil-
iar clippety-clop from the boulevard as
she spread her perfect thighs and
said <April in Paris» Her red-tipped
fingers pulled her little French under-
pants to one side and Ken knew some-
how it was the last time.
He kissed her sweet red cookie mouth.
«Mary! he said. She pulled her little
French underpants to one side and he
knew somehow it was the last time.
<Mary!> he said
It was the last time.
A gendarme’s whistle blew and they
were back at the sidewalk café. The
menu was closed on the heart-shaped
table. <Are you flirting with me?> Mary
What a sad joke she is making,
Ken678 thought. He tried to smile even
though Kens can't smile.
<Yow're supposed to answer, What if I
am?» Mary said. She took another drink
of the green liquid. She swirled it jaunti-
ly, No matter how much she drank there
was always plenty left.
«Time to head back,> Ken said. «My |
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Folder will be blinking like crazy.
<I understand. Its OK. Come and
see me sometime, she said. «And don't
say, I guess.»
Ken678 nodded even though Kens
can't nod. It was more like a stiff bow.
Mary97 opened the menu. The waiter
came and Ken pointed to HOME.
Ken678 spent the next two weeks
working like crazy. He was all over Mi-
croserf Office 6.9. As soon as his Folder
blinked he was off, on Call, triple Task-
ing, burning up the Corridors. He
avoided the Corridor between Copy and
Verify, though, just as he avoided the
Browser. He almost paused at an open
Window once. But he didn't want to look
at April in Paris. It was too lonely with-
out Mary.
Four weeks passed before Ken678
went back to the Windowless room in
the Browser. He dreaded secing the
cards on the heart-shaped table. But the
cards were gone. Even the table was
gone. Ken saw the scuff marks along the
wall, and he realized that the Optimizer
had been through. The room had been
erased again and was being overwritten.
When he left the room he was no
longer lonely. He was accompanied by a
great sorrow.
The next week he went by the room
again and found it filled with empty
Folders. Perhaps one of them was
Mary97's. Now that the Easter Egg was
gone, Ken678 no longer felt guilty about
not going to see Mary97. He was free to
love Microserf Office 6.9 again, free to
enjoy the soft electron buzz, the busy
streaming icons and the long, silent
queues. But at least once a week he stops
by the Corridor between Copy and Veri-
fy and opens the Window. You might
find him there even now, looking out in-
to April in Paris. The chestnuts are in
bloom, the cobblestones shine, the car-
riages are letting off stick figures in the
distance. The cafés are almost empty. A
lone figure sits at a tiny table, a figure
that might be her.
They say you never get over your first
love. Then Mary97 must have been my
first love, Ken678 likes to think. He has
no interest in getting over her. He loves
to remember her red fingernails, her
soft Mary voice and her Mary smile, her
nipples as big and as brown as cookies,
her little French underpants pulled to
one side—her.
The figure in the café must be
Mary97. Ken678 hopes so. He hopes she
is OK in April in Paris. He hopes she is as
happy as she once made, is still making,
him. He hopes she is as wonderfully sad
But look: His Folder is blinking like
crazy, a waitstate interrupt, and it's time
to go.
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CONAN O'BRIEN (continued fem page 114
Nobody has cooler hair than Jack Lord. I wanted my
hair to be a shelf that I could keep figurines on.
cartoonish, and people like that. We
have a Bob Dole who sounds like the
mayor of Munchkin Land. We have a
Clinton who sounds like Slim Pickens’
character in Dr. Strangelove. We have a
Boris Yeltsin who is Boris Badenov of
Rocky and Bullwinkle fame. We put these
lips on them and people just accept it.
PLAYBOY: We've noticed you've become
much more comfortable with the talk-
show host's tradition of interrupting
guests to make jokes at their expense.
O'BRIEN: І usually interrupt them to
make jokes at my expense. My style isn't.
so much to destroy people. Га do it if I
could. If I could rip people apart verbal-
ly and leave them smoldering, I'd do it.
If there's someone on the show who has
to be ridiculed, like Fabio, I'll do the job.
But I don't usually see that as my goal.
T'll just be the fast-talking, half wise
guy-half coward who makes guests act
more foolish than they normally would
by acting foolish myself. I don’t really
think I'm a horrible freak, but it's always
been a source of my comedy. I've had
people say to me, "The show's doing
great now, so you should stop doing self
deprecating humor." They don't under-
stand. If the show knocked 60 Minutes
and Friends off the chart and became this
entertainment juggernaut, I'd still find
myself fairly ridiculous. When attractive
women come on, | flirt with them. I gen-
erally make a fool of myself, but that
means all the men watching at home can.
feel better about themselves because
they know they would have handled it
"Ritual satanic abuse is a powerful
defense, Mr. Lewis. Are you sure you want to
blow it on parking violations?"
better. They choose me for late night so
they can feel better about themselves.
PLAYBOY: Do you predict a talent-search
program and magazine publishers prize
giveaways in Andy Richter's future?
O'BRIEN: Ed McMahon and Andy have al-
ready entered into discussions. It’s really
up to Ed who will be the chosen sidekick
for the next generation. On our show,
there was no goal to revive the sidekick.
The only goal was to go back to more of
a Carson treatment—to revisit that era
of TV talk shows with full-blown sketch-
es and production numbers. What Let-
terman did so brilliantly was to create
the comedy of not trying. 1 couldn't out-
Letterman Letterman. I couldn't take
ironic detachment to the next level. I
kept hearing the name Andy Richter, so
Isetup a meeting with him. I was ten
minutes into talking with him and I
thought, l'm going to hire this guy.
What's great about Andy is he has that.
solid Ed McMahon look and a deep an-
nouncer's voice, and he has a little bit of
the polish a second banana should have.
pLavsov: The clip of a guest's latest mov-
ie is standard late-night fare. Do you feel
terribly used when guests plug their
projects, or are you grateful for anything
that helps fill airtime?
orien: I choose B. So they show a clip,
great. That's 30 seconds I don't have to
think about. These shows are whore-
houses. People come on and pretty
much prostitute themselves for their
projects, and 1 prostitute myself for their
projects. I do an hour a night, and if
someone came on and wanted to show а
40-minute clip, I'd shake his hand and
say, "Go ahead, I don't care." During
clips, I leave the stage, get a massage and
talk with my family in Boston.
PLAYBOY: You're an M.D.'s son, so we pre-
sume you take a special interest in your
employees’ medical care. Have you en-
rolled Late Night staffers in an HMO, or
do you allow them to choose their own
ORIEN: I'm the Henry Ford of late-
night talk shows. I'm for getting the
cheapest labor possible and providing
the fewest services. I'm very backward
in my views. I'll provide leeches if you
get sick. But I’m one of those people
who lets everything get better on its
own. So was my dad, who would say
if I had a sore throat, "Your immune
system will take care of it and you'll get
PLAYBOY: Fashion style is evolving from
grunge and stubble to the clean-cut look
with a healthy shock of hair. Want to
claim some credit?
O'BRIEN: Yes. But the master is really Jack
Lord of Hawati Five-O. Nobody has ever
had cooler hair than Jack Lord. If they
don't broadcast Hawati Five-O in your
area, call your cable company and ask
for it. That guy had the hair. Some peo-
ple think I started having crazy hair
when I got my TV show. Not true. In
high school I looked like Jack Lord. I
was working on the Jack Lord thing
when I was, like, 16 years old. 1 don't
know why I had that obsession, but I
wanted my hair to be a shelf that I could
keep figurines on.
PLAYBOY: One night you showed a tape of
a White House dinner you attended in
honor of Irish president Mary Robinson.
Wasn't that instance of self-promotion
just a bit too blatant?
O'BRIEN: There's this old saying that the
reason American Plains Indians—Native
Americans: I want to be politically cor-
rect here—were able to survive was that
they used every part of the buffalo. They
didn't just use the meat, they also used
the foreskin to make coin pouches and
used the hooves as telephones. This
show uses every part of the buffalo. If
something happens in my private life or
in Andy's private life, we turn it into a
comedy sketch. When the White House
invites me to a state dinner because it’s
rounding up "prominent Irish Ameri-
cans"—isn't that a great phrase? апа
there's footage of me shaking hands with
the president, we're going to turn it into
a comedy bit. For this, by the way, they
invited every Irish American who had a
job to the White House, and those who
wore tuxes were allowed in the door.
The White House has it down like a
good restaurant. The maitre d' comes by
and shakes your hand and knows who
you are and says, “So good to sce you,
right this way.” We got real good Irish
cuisine: beef marbled with lots of fat and
a potato and then another potato and
then for dessert, a potato. The weirdest
part of the evening was when dessert
came: It had a chocolate Irish flag on
top. I thoughtit was such a strange act of
patriotism to eat your native country's
flag, but I did it happily.
PLAYBOY: You recently visited the Emer-
ald Isle. Was it only your great height
that set you apart from the locals?
OBRIEN: Visiting Ireland for the first
time was very much like waiting to use
the bathroom in my family’s house,
hanging around with people who have
big, wide faces and pleasant dispositions.
Suddenly it all made sense. Going back
to Ireland, I understood why my skin is
so pale. It’s really foggy and rainy there.
And I understood why I talk so much,
because everyone was very inquisitive
and talkative. I saw why my cholesterol is
so high. Want some more butter? How
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about more meat? Want some sausage?
Have some butter with that meat. Some
more meat with your sausage? Gravy
with that? So many things hooked up for
me, it was a revelation. So this is why I
am the way I am. This is why I'm des-
tined to have a heart attack when I'm 48.
Something most people don't know
about the Irish is that our heads are
twice the size of other people's heads. We
have giant heads and big faces. Look
at Ted Kennedy's head in your spare
time. That guy's got a giant melon. And
Daniel Patrick Moynihan. That's the
curse of the Irish—giant heads, balloon
heads, parade-float heads. Irish people
can have normal-sized heads into their
30s, but once they get into their 40s,
their faces get really big and red and
round. It’s going to happen to me. I'll
have to get out of TV for that reason.
PLAYBOY: You and your girlfriend spent a
New Year's Eve together vith your ex-
girlfriend, Friends star Lisa Kudrow, and
her husband. Are you trying to show
the rest of us how to manage our re-
lationships with women in a sophisti-
cated, mature way?
OBRIEN: I hope so. That's the point of it
all. The reason it works is that Lisa and I
were really good friends for 98 percent
of the time we knew each other. I know
you're not interested in that, but we cre-
ated a foundation that helped us survive
the fact that we were involved and then
we weren't. Would you like to hear that
we spent the evening in a chalet? 1 can
make it a chalet if you want. All right, it
was in a chalet. Lisa's husband and I
came to blows. We fought in the snow.
Lisa came out and said, "Stop it, 1 won't
have it anymore." Just then lightning
struck. We realized we had been mak-
ing fools of ourselves, apologized and
walked all the way back to town as the
snow fell. How do you like that? Want
the truth? We had a really good time. We
went to a restaurant. The part | didn't
like about the evening was that they pro-
vided silly hats. I'm just not a silly-hat
guy. not because I might make a fool of
myself but because it obscures valuable
hair. But Lisa and her husband and my
girlfriend all put on the silly hats, so
eventually I had to.
м/о о
"Salmon . . . I see lots of salmon."
(continued from page 66)
them on the field under his uniform. For
warmth, he said.
The Packers would have turned to
ice first.
Football's Elvis, the first man to re-
mind fans that testicles are football-
shaped, could afford to tweak the game's
grim macho code. He was hetero in a
better way, so securely male he didn't
have to act like a jerk to prove it. While
baseball's mythic Yankees made a juve-
nile hobby of peeking up women's skirts,
or “beaver shooting,” the 25-year-old
from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania had
grown-up pursuits. He escorted models
to his own pub, Bachelors ПІ, then
home to the white llama rug in his bach-
elor pad. How did Broadway Joe train
before games?
"With a blonde," he said.
All this was a shock to boys like me
who saw Bart Starr as the national quar-
terback, the president of manhood. You
couldn't imagine Starr having sex. The
closest I could come was picturing the
moment immediately after: Starr claps
his hands once and bounces to his feet,
and Jerry Kramer hands him a towel.
Now here came Namath, a media-
hungry cock of the walk who wrote
about sex in his book / Can't Wait Until
Tomorrow Cause I Get Better Looking Every
Day. Reading that book. keeping my
place with a Blessed Virgin bookmark, 1
suspected for the first time that being a
man might be fun after all
Sunning himself poolside before Su-
per Bowl ПІ, Namath guaranteed victo-
ry against the NFL's heavily favored,
crewcut Colts. The establishment wasn't
"You've got to remember, this was a
guy lying in a chaise longue," says a
league insider. Translation: While Na-
math played Zonker Harris, the Colts
were running drills that would have
made Sergeant Rock throw up.
Baltimore was the team of Johnny
Unitas. Stone-faced like Starr but a bet:
ter passer, Unitas was efficiency incar-
nate, the gray-flannel quarterback. But
he had a bum elbow. His understudy,
burr-headed Earl Morrall, was the
league MVP. So Namath dissed Earl, say-
ing there were five better QBs in the
AEL, “induding me.”
Then he proved it.
Born-on date of modern sports: Janu-
ary 12, 1969.
Score: Jets 16, Colts 7.
Unitas made a final fling or two, but.
his era was over. Namath, jogging off the
field with his index finger raised, was
America’s new alpha male,
On that day Starr, Unitas and the
Eisenhower world they represented re-
ceded like my father's hairline. A para-
digm shift occurred, a redefinition of
cool. Before 1969 the word meant calm,
unflappable: Unitas kept his cool. Now it
was a personal style: Namath is cool.
With SB III American cowboys, war
heroes and presidents all stepped down
a rung. Pro football men were to be our
primary heroes. The following year,
more Americans watched the Super
Bowl than saw Neil Armstrong walk on
the moon. In the Seventies and Eighties
the game came to mirror and occasional-
ly even shape our idea of what it means
to be a man. The greatest figures of all
were Super Bowl quarterbacks, men so
stellar that it took anew word to describe
them: They were superstars.
There was Roger Staubach, a clean-
living military man out of the U.S. Naval
Academy, the Namath antidote. Stau-
bach was the hero of the million boys
who sold toothbrushes for the Fellow-
ship of Christian Athletes.
There was Terry Bradshaw, punkin-
head sayant. As a rookie, Bradshaw
lamely tried to impress his Steeler el-
ders, standing up at meetings and telling
dirty jokes. An opponent said he would
need a two-letter head start to spell cat.
But he won four Super Bowls, blazing a
trail for sly rubes from William Jefferson
Clinton to another mythic male: the “I
love you, man!” guy in the beer ads.
Jim McMahon, the punk QB, won his
Super Bowl despite a bum gluteus
(“Pulled my butt"). McMahon, male
hero as junkyard dog, livened up hud-
dies by spitting at teammates. When a
news helicopter buzzed the field, he
mooned it.
Even the Alda era had its Super Bowl
hero, the fey Fran Tarkenton, always
skittering away from conflict.
At last the game begot the greatest
Bowl hero of all, a man who jogged,
passed and triumphed so coolly it
seemed he lived on a slower clock than
the rest of us. [oe Montana combined
Namath's casual air and Starr's efficien-
cy. Leading the Nielsen as well as the
quarterback ratings, he became onc of
the most famous men in world history by
starring in two of the top ten sports
shows of all time—Super Bowl XVI and
Super Bowl XIX.
Montana called 122 Super Bowl pass
plays to Richard Nixon's one. (President
Nixon phoned the play to Dolphin coach
Don Shula in 1972.) By now the Bowl
had already eclipsed politics and other.
sorts of potency. Even religion had lost.
ground. Church attendance tumbled on
Super Sunday. Pop philosopher Nor-
man Vincent Peale knew why: “If Jesus
were here today,” Peale said, “he would
be at the Super Bowl.”
But somebody else wouldn't. For in
the 30 years in which the male envelope
was pushed, stretched and twisted be-
yond recognition—enough to contain
Namath, McMahon and Tarkenton as
well as golden boy Troy Aikman and par-
tyman Michael Irvin, the reputed coke-
head and strip-searcher of hookers—al-
most every possible male role has been
explored for hero potential. With only
one casualty: the role we started with.
There are no more Bart Starrs. Even
in the military the grimly efficient Starr
role is on its way out. Scandals such as
Tailhook show how unnatural it always
was. Try stamping out man's wild oaty
exuberance—the Namathness of male-
ness—and it reasserts itself in grab-ass
games and worse. That is one lesson
of the Super Bowl era: Expression beats
But evolution never ends. The Starr-
type star was replaced first by Namath,
then by Montana and finally by a variety
of self-expressionists who never set foot
on the field.
The game remains a test of testicles.
Just ask the losers. The Cowboys will
“test a person's manhood until someone
knocks them off the pedestal,” one vic-
tim grumbles.
A frisson of macho sex still attends the
Super Bowl. In Tampa, before SB XXV.
opponents Lawrence Taylor and Jim
Kelly embraced as they left a strip club
where they had co-judged a topless
beauty pageant.
But another game, a metacontest, is
played every year among corporate cow-
boys. Ever since Pete Rozelle (note the
i Is) adapted the NFI. schedule to
suit Bud, Coke et al., his corporate cli-
ents have sprayed money like cheap
champagne all over the game. In 1986
Ford Motors spent $1 million entertain-
ing its top salesmen at SB XIX. Today
that sum is pocket change.
"The game today is corporate-driven.
The Visa people, the Coca-Cola people
and the Sherwin-Williams paint people,
they're more a part of the Super Bowl
than us football people,” says longtime
Cowboy executive Gil Brandt. He has
seen every Super Bowl and applauds the
game's growth, but still feels a bit out-
numbered at today’s corpfests. “Some
teams in the league might send six or
scven people," Brandt says, "while Coca-
Cola sends 200." Corporate Super jun-
kets are called “Attaboys.” You earn one
by kicking business butt.
"Not only are the players on the field
the best in their business, but the people
in the stands are also the best," crows Bill
Cullom, president of the Greater Miami
Chamber of Commerce, in The Sacramen-
to Bee. But they aren't necessarily football
fans. In fact, they may care less about
seeing the game than about being seen.
Question: What's the chic thing to say
in a Super Bowl skybox?
Answer: "Who's playing?"
“The game isn't for the fans. It's for
the NFL to pay back all those sponsors
and corporations that buy in,” one SB
party planner told writer John Under-
wood in The New York Times. Tickets are
the chips the league uses “to reward
to your life with
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politicians, civic leaders, media."
“The Super Bowl has nothing to do
with football fans. It’s a party for corpo-
rate America," saysanother NFL insider.
Brokers working for major corpora-
tions now hunt up scalped tickets, pay-
ing $500 to $3500 for admittance to “the
greatest indulgence in the world."
Dave Meggysey, a former NFL player,
calls Super Bowl week "the corporations’
orgasms of self-congratulation.”
Limousines are no longer good
enough. Alpha males helicopter to the
game le schmucks sit in traffic in
their limos. Like the Academy Awards,
each Super Bowl features the postmod-
ern spectacle of limo gridlock: tuxedoed
drivers yelling at one another; fuming
CEOs forced to watch the kickoff on
backseat TVs.
Jim Steeg, executive director of special
events for the NFL, has a helipad crisis
10 solve this year. "We may not get the
pad site we planned on,” Steeg tells me.
Super Bowl chopper traffic has gotten so
dense that chief executives may spend
half an hour waiting their turn at the
official Super Bow! helipad, wherever
Steeg puts it. Which leads us to a super
irony, a small but sweet revenge for the
managerial underclass: Steeg says limo
travel may actually be better these days.
“Last year a guy in a limo beat a guy in a
helicopter home by 20 minutes,” he says.
At the best parties, hosted by the likes
of Anheuser-Busch and Sports Illustrat-
ed, the best things in life are comped.
"There's free champagne, beautiful
girls, shrimp as big as your foot,” says
one fan.
Hottest ticket of all: admission to pri-
vate parties such as the annual bash
thrown by Barron Hilton, former part-
owner of the San Diego Chargers. Even
the annual Commissioner's Party pales
in comparison. Invitations to Hilton's
bash are actually scalped by whispering
ticket brokers. Oddsmaker Danny Sheri-
dan, a CBS football analyst and PLAYBOY
contributor, was among a select few me-
dia members invited to Hilton's Super
Bowl shindig in 1996. "It's hard to be-
heve if you haven't been there. This is a
party where, if you said, `1 want plutoni-
um on my omelette,’ you'd get it,” Sheri-
dan says. Aside from roast beef and
seafood tables 50 yards long, Hilton's ul-
traexclusive game-day brunch features
belly dancers, fortune-tellers, jugglers, a
string quartet and the requisite bit of
sex: Amid the seafood, reclining on an
ice sculpture, lolls a bathing beauty in a
barely-there bikini. The oysters are be-
hind her. You have to lean way over if
you want some.
In the suites at the Riverside Hilton, in
limos moving through the mists of the
French Quarter and past a relic streetcar
labeled Desire, Super Bowl week re-
volves around sex, money and what Hen-
ry Kissinger called the ultimate aphro-
disiac: power.
Politicians love the Super Bowl. Did
you know that members of Congress
have easy access to Super Bowl tickets?
They become precious chips in the pow-
er poker game that makes America go.
According to one source, “Our govern-
ment takes care of the NFL with favor-
able legislation, and the NFL recipro-
cates. Super Bowl tickets are a way to pay
back the politicians for their help, but it’s
bigger than that. Five years ago, Con-
gress banned sports betting in every
state where it didn't already exist. The
NFL wanted that bill to pass. Do you
know who got it through the Senate?
Dennis DeConcini of Arizona. And who
got the Super Bowl last year?”
Super Bowl XXX brought an estimat-
ed $150 million to the local economy. It
was held in Tempe.
Dallas won. Partymen Deion Sanders
and the alleged Michael Irvin shimmied
their packages postgame as Vince Lom-
bardi shimmied in his grave. But for one
brief moment the most macho man in
the world was a fiftyish fellow named
Barry Switzer. After his team's 27-17
win, Switzer jokingly called for a post-
game quaff, Jack Daniel's and Percodan.
In his suite, two women waited for
hugs—Switzer's ex-wife Kay and his girl-
friend Becky.
Does it get any better?
The Cowboy coach thrust his hands in
the air. It was, is, the essential male ges-
ture, unchanged since we were ape-men
dancing bloody-fisted over bloody lions.
Fists overhead means dominance, victo-
ry, butt-kicking masculinity.
"Now let's win the party!" he said.
Ifyou're an online junkie and haven't
visited www.playboy.com, what are
you waiting for?
PLAYBOY'S new pay site on the World
Wide Web features home pages for
Are you curious whether the mea-
surements of the average Playmate
have changed over the years? Are you
dying to know the most popular turn-
ons? Got ten bucks riding on which
Playmates appear with Hef on the
rLarsoy pinball machine? The Play-
mate FAQ will quench your thirst for
knowledge. You should check it
ош at www.playboy.com/faq
This moderated, unofficial e-mail
gives our
a peek at
And they
= love it.
group is the thinking man's
alt.mag.playboy. Serious PLAYBOY
fans post messages every day to
discuss and debate which Play-
mate has provided the most fan-
tasies. There are also detailed de-
constructions of past and present
pictorials, entertaining memoirs
by fans who recall the first time
they peeked inside Dad's stash
and even an occasional comment
each of the 516 Playmate centerfolds,
including previously unpublished da-
ta sheets and thousands of pho-
tographs from our archives. Who
is your favorite Playmate? Use the
search function to call up her home
page, portfolio, data sheet, col-
lectibles and, in some cases, an audio
greeting. Generate a list of Playmates
who share your birthday, your taste in
‚ your hometown or your en-
thusiasm for databases. The Play-
mates we've contacted have all been
excited about the chance to interact
online with you. They'll be hanging
out in the Playmate Fan Club and the
real-time chat rooms. Don't be
shocked if Hef drops by to say hello at
Along with their pages at the Cyber
Club, the I2 most recent Playmates
have second homes at our free site.
There, you will find unpublished
photographs and voice messages.
Then you can click on “All the Rest”
and “riaveoy's Playmates” at www.
“| was always a dedicated and
canscientious person. Then
PLAYBOY came along ond fur-
thered my education.”
about the articles. Cynthia Myers,
Miss December 1968, the official
Playmate of the Listserv, also posts
comments. For intormation on join-
ing the discussion, visit the PLAYBOY
FAQ (www.playboy.com/faq).
In 1994, The Playboy Book (General
Publishing) captured 40 years of en-
tertainment for men in a remarkable
coffee-table book. If PLAYBOY'S com-
plete pictorial history left you want-
ing more, you are definitely in luck.
The Playmate Book (General Publish-
ing), by Gretchen Edgren with an in-
troduction by Hugh M. Hefner, offers
five decades of Playmates and Play-
mate trivia. “Playmates are the stuff
that dreams are made of,” says Hef,
“but they're also
human beings who
have touched the
hearts and minds
of our readers.” In
this book, you will
meet all the Play-
mates through De-
cember of 1996.
They are celebri-
ties, actresses, doc-
tors, lawyers, real
estate brokers, art-
ists, writers, sing-
ers, interior de-
signers, athletes,
dancers, photogra-
phers, sculptors,
Who chooses the PMOY?
Hef makes the final
choice after taking into
account votes cast by
our readers. The fea-
ture runs every June.
When did you first
publish the Playmate
The first review
appeared in Janu-
ary 1956.
Who was the first
Ellen Stratton—
in 1960
Who are the Anniversary Playmates?
5th—Joyce Nizzari
10th—Donna Michelle
15th—Leslie Bianchini
20th—Nancy Cameron
95th— Candy Loving
30th—Penny Baker
35th Fawna MacLaren
40th —Anna-Marie Goddard
corporate execs, innkeepers, philan-
thropists, teachers, wives, mothers
and even grandmothers. Is there a
better way to keep the connection
alive? Find out where your favorite
Playmate is today and enjoy the
nostalgic moment
when you see
her again. You
can visit a book-
store or order ғ
through us via
the Playboy Prod-
ucts catalog (800-
423-9494; $50).
Before Steve Sullivan could Ss
his magazine Glamour Girls of the
Century, he wanted to rank the 100
most beautiful women of all time. To
do that, Sulli-
van created
the All-Time
Glamour Girl
Survey сз-
pecially for
group and
lobbied for
help from
pin-up col-
lectors and
fans all over
the country.
Nearly 600
people cast
votes for more
than 1850 women, including Play-
mates, models, actresses and even
strippers. Not surprisingly, Marilyn
Monroe, who was featured as PLAYBOY'S
very first “Sweetheart of the Month”
in December 1953, took the top spot.
Other winners who have appeared in
PLAYBOY: Jayne Mansfield (#2), Bettie
Page (#4), Samantha Fox (#11) and
Cynthia Myers (#13). You will find a
ranking of the top 500 vote-getters
posted on the Listserv site.
Вене Росе
“When it comes to a glamour photo-
graph. I really don't care how much,
ifanything, is exposed. But I do think
about it. After all, I'm a heterosexual
male. One of my favorite photos of
“Playmates are like a sorority.
We stick together.”
Marilyn Monroe is over my desk. It's
a simple head-and-shoulders shot.
She has a great face, but not a killer
face. What makes this photo is the at-
titude she projects. It's an invitation
that is a perfect blend of sophistica-
tion and innocence.”— Mark Tomlon-
son, tomlonson@wmich.edu.
“People send me The Playboy Book and
current issues of the
magazine for my au-
tograph. Its a good =
feeling that 30 years
later I was asked to
be in Playmate Revis-
ited. My life with
PLAYBOY was the |
best thing 1 ever Ё
did, and if I had
to do it over, I would ina
second. Га like to be a centerfold
every year."
“Being a Playmate in the Seventies
was very different
from being a Play-
mate today. Women
have more choices
now and more op-
portunities. I'm glad
pravaoy finally ran
some pictorials of
women over 40
When I'm 80 years old,
it’s going to be a kick to show people
my centerfold.”
Spend the morning with Kona Car-
mack, the afternoon with Julie Cialini
and the evening with Bettie Page.
While that may sound like a far-
fetched fantasy, thanks to the wizards
in PLAYBOY's New Media Department
such a day is actually possible. Visit
the Playmates’ home pages as often as
you'd like. It's one of the Cyber
Club's many membership privileges.
The club can be found at cyber.
playboy.com. Marilyn
Monroe has her own
home page, and so do
the other Playmates. You
can check out their data
sheets, video and sound
clips and unpublished
photos—or you can buy
where you can pose your question in
real time to featured Playmates. A lit-
tle-known fact: Playmates have been
in cyberspace for 25 years. At the
University of Southern California,
when programmers needed an image
to test digital-compression technolo-
gy—to send images through phone
wires—who did they use? November
1972 Playmate Lenna Sjööblom. Who
says image isn't everything?
COLLINS: This past Veter-
ans Day, Playmates de-
scended on the Motown
ER Café in New York for Op-
— eration Playmate to raise
money for veterans’ groups. Jo
Collins, 1965 Playmate of the Year,
spearheaded the first Operation
Playmate in Vietnam. She was
joined by Bebe Buell, DeDe Lind,
Donna Edmondson and Stacy
Sanches. . . . Julie Cialini is the
spokesmodel for a new cologne,
Live, sold at Camelot record
stores. . . . Gillian Bonner debuted
a CD-ROM series for her Black
Dragon Productions. Riana Rouge
features live-action video, three-
dimensional animation and an ad-
venture story line. . . . Cynthia
Myers will be featured in Steve
Sullivan's sequel to Va Va Voom!,
a tribute to pin-ups and glamour
girls. . . . Yvette Vickers’ cult fol-
lowing began vith the sci-fi movies
Attack of the 50
Foot Woman and
Attack of the
Giant Leeches.
When she ap-
pears at sci-
ence fiction
her fans go
wild. E
Look for
Lisa Marie
Scott in
three moy-
ies: Ringer, иш
Corporate Bockolh, Westcott
Ladder and
Glass Cage. . . . Petra Verkaik has
produced her own calendar called
Pin-Up Girls 1997, which includes
many of her Playmate friends. Call
800-rın-ur97 to order. . . . Tina
Bockrath and Carrie Westcott
collectibles. Think of it:
lip prints and auto-
_____ the Seventies pw:
3 joined Playmates across the coun-
try for Kiss Across America last
fall to raise money for Cable Posi
tive, the cable industry's lead-
ing AIDS organization, The kisses
flew from coast to coast. Did you
get one?
56" 115 Ibs.
the Eighties graphs. Then you can
stop by the Playmate Fan
Club to post a message
for your favorite Play-
mate or to other club
members. Or enter an
auditorium chat room,
56" 113165.
emm Nineties
116 Ibs.
WD м,
(continued from page 130)
slow striptease by John Kennedy. He
sells the ads. He lands the interviews.
And he talks to Oprah about who
thought up the idea of putting his fa-
ther's alleged girlfriend on the cover of
his magazine.
“Tt was a collective one, I think,” said
Kennedy. “I mean, what actually hap-
pened was that some of our editors had a
meeting and thought about the idea
And then I said—we were going over
it—to one of them, ‘You know, we really
should do something,’ Because we've al-
ways played with political imagery. And 1
said, ‘It's part of American history. It’s a
famous image.”
One Kennedy friend tells a startling
story about the family’s attitude toward
the Monroe episode.
“He once told me they had the tape of
Marilyn at home, and they would sit
around laughing at it,” said the friend.
“It sounds weird, I guess. But what else
could they do?”
Is this plausible? Maybe so. Jackie
Kennedy watched one of the television
biopics about herself and laughed like
crazy, friends have reported. When
Oprah offered to roll the Monroe tape
during Kennedy’s visit to her show this
past September, John didn't flinch. “I've
seen it a few times, but ГИ watch it
again,” he said. When the tape finished,
he quipped: “She can carry a tune
to boot.”
“He gets very bad advice,” said a fam-
ily friend. “He trusts other people.”
But he doesn't trust everybody. One
October evening he took the subway
home from work, changed his suit for
shorts, a T-shirt and a pair of in-line
skates and rolled along near the Hudson
River until nine р.м. Reporters were
waiting at his door.
“Is Carolyn pregnant?” one of them
shouted. Kennedy scowled.
“1 don't comment,” he said, measur-
ing every word, “on our personal life.”
“So is she pregnant?” the reporter
“Would you say if you were preg-
nant?" Kennedy shot back and went into
his building.
A writer recently called George about
mecting Kennedy to discuss a story.
"Can't do it today,” said his secretary.
“He has meetings until 2:30, then he's at
the gym from three to six.
Those are his terms. The people in
that famous picture by Dan Farrell are
disappearing. Peter Lawford. Bobby
Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy. Even the
little boy who was told when to salute is
all but gone. Now it's his picture. And
he'll pose how he wants to.
m G
Below is a list of retailers and
manufacturers you can contact
for information on where to
find this month's merchandise.
To buy the apparel and equip-
ment shown on pages 15, 24,
79-83, 100-103 and 171,
check the listings below to find
the stores nearest you.
Page 15: “We're All Ears”:
Boss, Washington, DC, 202-
625-2677 and King of Prus-
PA, 610-992-1400. Page
81: Coat by Ermenegildo
Zegna, а Neiman Marcus
stores. Fedora by Makins, at
Saks Fifth Avenue and Nei-
man Marcus stores. Shirt
and tie by Boss Hugo Boss, at
Hugo Boss, Washington,
DC, 202-625-2677 and
King of Prussia, PA, 610-
Personal Internet recorder
by Audio Highway, 800-77-LISTEN. "A Few
Good Men—and Demons”: Video game
software by ID Software, 800-1D-GAMES.
“Wild Things": Universal remote control,
modules and transmitter by RCA, 800-
336-1900. Modem by Sega, 800-USA-SEGA.
Page 24: "It's in the Bag": Golf bags: By
Salvatore Ferragamo, at Salvatore Ferr
gamo stores, By Luciano Barbera, at Louis
of Boston, 617-262-6100. By Giorgio Ar-
mani, at Giorgio Armani boutiques. By
Louis Vuitton, 212-971-0111. By Ralph Lau-
Ten, at exclusive pro shops. At Barneys,
Beverly Hills, 510-276-4400 and NY
212-826-8900. “South for the Winter
Windbreaker by Tommy Hilfiger, at Ма
and Dillard's stores. Shirts by Gene Meyer,
at Saks Fifth Avenue stores. Jacket fro:
Perry Ellis, at Marshall Field's stores. Ch
nos by DANY and pullover by CK Calvin
Klein, at select Bloomingdale's stores.
Pullover by Nicole Farhi, at Fred Sega
213-051-3342. “Hot Shopping: Honolu-
lu”: Baileys Antiques and Aloha Shirts, 808-
734-7628. Go Bananas Kayaking, 808-137-
9514. Soccer Locker, 808-782-5717. Sumo
Connection, 808-737-9116. Island Golf, 808-
732-5274. “Screen/Play”: Moisturizers:
By Chanel, Bijan and Kenzo, at fine depart-
ment stores. By Neutrogena, at specialty
stores, By Face Stockholm, 212-334-3900.
Page 79: Fedora by Makins, at Saks Fifth
Avenue and Neiman Marcus stores. Page
80: Coat by Agnona, at Saks Fifth Avenue
stores. Fedora by Makins, at Saks Fifth Av-
спис and Neiman Marcus stores. Sports
jacket by Perry Ellis, at select. Burdines
stores. Tie by Ferry Ellis, at Bloomingdale's
stores, Shirt by Bess Hugo Boss, at Hugo
992-1400. Page 82: Coat by
Allegri, at Louis of Boston, 617-262-6100
and Saks Fifth Avenue stores. Sports jack-
et by Perry Ellis, at select Burdines stores.
Shirt by Perry Ellis Portfolio, at Blooming-
dale's stores. Tie by Joseph Abboud, at
Nordstrom and Bloomingdale's stores. Fe-
dora by Worth c Worth, 212-867-6058. Page
83: Coat by Luciano Barbera, at Barneys
New York, 212-826-8900 and Bergdorf
Goodman, 212-753-7300. Fedora by Worth
© Worth, 212-867-6058. Suit from Bal-
dessarini Hugo Boss, at Hugo Boss, Wash-
ington, DG, 202-625-2677. Shirt by Empo-
rio Armani, at Emporio Armani stores, Tie
by Etro, 212-719-1645.
Pages 101-103: Champagne from Pol
Roger, 800-RED-WINE. Bath products by
Emporio Armani, at all Emporio Armani
stores, Sterling silver compact from As-
prey, 800-883-2777. Ring by Joel Soskil,
from Magnum Designs, 888-624-6864.
Bracelet [rom Cartier, 312-266-7440. Per-
fame from Jean-Paul Gaultier, at fine de-
partment stores. Picture frame from ABC
Carpet & Home, 212-473-3000. Resorts:
Sandals Royal Bahamian, 800-726-3257.
Hayman Island, 800-366-1300. Hotel
Lutetia, 800-888-4747.
Page 171: “How Swect It Is": M&M candy
from FAO Schueetz, 312-787-3773. Choco-
lates and truffles by Godiva Chocolatier,
Inc., 800-9-Goptva. Vodka-filled choco-
lates by Petrossian, 800-828-9241, Hazel-
nutand-chocolate confections by Perugi-
na, 800-272-0500. Devil Girl chocolate
bar from Küchen Sink Press, 800-305-SINK..
Saltwater taffy by Fralinger's, 800-938-
2339. Chocolates by See's Candies, 800-
“Would you father reach"
Millions of Reatlers..
eaders with LAS
du Pont
If Your L Exotic or Kr ie оро
fy те for.Our Buyers
Call: (800) 233-173For (813) 573-9339
(ON-T H >
e're not going to sugarcoat our feelings about
Valentine's Day. If you're set on giving her candy,
leave the boxes of ordinary chocolates to Forrest
Cump. We've sampled the world of sweets and
found everything from the ridiculous (R. Crumb's Devil Girl
Choco-Bars, with the slogan “It’s bad for you!”) to the unique
(vodka-filled chocolates by Petrossian) to the sublime (Godiva's
best). On the romantic side, there are confections named Baci
("kisses" in Italian) and delicious truffles by See's Candies. Even
good old M&Ms have been given a makeover—they now come in
funky colors such as silver and gold. And if she doesn't like choco-
late, saltwater taffy by Fralinger's will give her a very sticky thrill
Clockwise from top left: Seven pounds of M&Ms in 24 colors ($55, including a tackle box). Godiva chocolates and truffles come nestled in a
red velvet heart-shaped box ($55 for 12.5 ounces). Tin of vodka-filled chocolates by Petrossian ($45 for 350 grams). Hazelnut and chocolate
Baci by Perugina wrapped in foil with a love note (520 for a box of 36). Devil Girl Choco-Bars with R. Crumb artwork on the wrapper and box
($30 for a box of 15). Saltwater taffy by Fralinger’s (526 for a five-pound box). Center: See's chocolate ($25 for a 1.6-pound а tin).
You Oughta Know
Don't expect a sophomore slump from ALANIS
MORISSEITE. Jagged Little Pill has sold more than.
13 million units and is still hovering near the top
of the charts. Fresh off a world tour,
Alanis will have more to say on her
next album, due early this year.
Don't Call
Information, Dial BR5-49
You might get a busy signal when you dial up Nashville's hippest hillbilly
band. Formerly the house band in a boot store—honest—these boys now
have a self-titled album climbing the country charts. After playing
for tips, this is the big time.
appeared in Casino and In-
-vaders From Mars TV pilot of The Watcher.
Watch Bobbie gi
A Teeny
was noticed first for
posing on a greeting
«ard. Check her out
on video in the low-
budget film Agent Ac-
tion. Or feast your
eyes right here.
See and Be Seen
way, got us laughing in The First
Wives Club and will appear on TV in
two Neil Simon plays. Why not?
he's second to none.
Our Aria
to Carmen
made her
name on the
covers of Hot
Bike and Nos-
talgia Cycle
and in Miller
beer promo-
tions. We like
her in basic
Hot Pot
Techno star MO-
BY isone of the.
few guys in his
field known by
name. He recently
toured Europe with
Catch his drift.
Kool and the Gang's Mack-a-Licious Phat
French Toast might win the prize for the
most original name, but it's not the only
wacky recipe featured in A Musical Feast,
a cookbook written to help the homeless
More than 100 musical artists donated
recipes; our favorites are Mick Jagger's
Shrimp Curry, Madonna's Cholesterol
Cherry Torte and Willie Nelson's Salmon
Cakes. Get it in bookstores for $19.95, or
call 800-420-4209 to order.
Chivalry isn't dead, it's just gone under wraps. Inside this romantic gift
box is a 0.8-ounce bottle of Joy eau de toilette, a split of Perrier-Jouét
champagne. 4.5 ounces of Russell Stover chocolates and the red-and-
white teddy pictured here. Bet we know which item you'll want your
valentine to try first. It's all arranged in a heart-shaped box overlaid
with a world map and topped with a gold bow, foreign coins and other
gewgaws. A calligraphed card says, “I Would Give You the World.”
Price: $70 plus shipping from RRR-riv-Inra.
Ergo, Inc. was granted the first patent in
the underwear business in 40 years for its
e2u men’s briefs—and wouldn't you
know, the owner of the company is a
woman. Cindy Michels says her all-cotton
product “provides the freedom of boxers
with the support an athlete needs.” In
other words, no pinching, binding or ass
creep. White, teal, blue and black e2us
are available in even sizes from 28 to 56.
Price: $23. Cali 800-568-5588.
Cigar books are almost as hot as the stogies inspiring them. Barnaby
Conrad II's The Cigar is a $29.95 hardcover filled with art, cartoons,
labels, etc. and Conrad's words on the leaf. (Order from Chronicle
Books, 800-722-6657.) The Cigar in Art (Overlook Press, $35) captures
the cigar's illustrious history in painting with 85 color plates, each ac-
companied by a literary allusion. Other cigar books include: The Good.
Cigar: A Celebration of the Art of Cigar Smoking by H. Paul Jeffries and
Kevin Gordon (Lyons & Burford, $25), Cigar Aficionado's gorgeous
World of Cigars ($19.95, call 800-761-4099), Schiffer Publishing's $69.95
hardcover Antique Cigar Cutters i$ Lighters (610-593-1777) and the up-
dated and expanded second edition of Richard Carleton Hacker's best-
174 seller The Ultimate Cigar Book ($34.95 at upscale tobacconists).
In 1981, 20,000 cases of Ab-
solut vodka were sold in the
U.S. By 1995, sales had in-
creased to 3 million cases.
“The reason? An excellent
product and a perpetually
fresh ad campaign, starring
the Absolut bottle itself. Abso-
lui Book by Richard Lewis, a
$60 tome available in book-
stores, showcases nearly 500
Absolut ads and the story
behind each. Our favorite?
“Absolut Centerfold,” a spin-
off of our Playmate of the
Month, with a data sheet that
cites ice and tonic as turn-ons.
Cuff links are a hot fashion
accessory these days. If your
supply is depleted, the Na-
tional Cuff Link Society has
an answer. Its Cuff Links of
the Month Club offers a dif-
ferent set of vintage links
each month for $269 annual-
ly (or $139 for six months,
$75 for three). Styles range
from figurals and exotic
stones to initials and advertis- &
ing logos. The dub also takes
special requests, Link up with
the club at PO. Box 346, f 1
Prospect Heights, Illinois y |;
60070, or call 847-816-0035. — 4 €;
The World War
‘Two American
volunteer group
known as the Fly-
ing Tigers were
the aces of the
Far East skies,
downing about.
300 Japancse
aircraft while
losing only a
few of their
own. Check Six
keeps the
memories flying high
with a series of limited-edition lithographs by
aviation artist Larry Lapadura, including the 20" x28" one pic-
tured here, signed by the artist and the plane's pilot, R.T. Smith.
Its price: $125. Other aviation prints by various artists are also
available, along with T-shirts, books and more. Call 800-704-5422
We understand the importance of a quickie—
it’s relaxing, relieves stress and feels great. A
quickie massage, that is, and with a product
named Thumb-ease, nubbed plastic devices
that fit on the thumbs and stimulate pressure
points, an impromptu massage will never be
better. Thumb-ease cost $5 a pair. Also included
is a card that shows where your pressure points
are—as if you didn't know. Order from Milk
and Honey Inc. at 505-474-6934
Drinking games are no longer just for rowdy,
Animal House-type college students. Baccha-
nales, a wine-tasting game for up to seven peo-
ple, is actually educational. Learn to use sight,
smell and taste to determine vintage, grape va-
rictal, bottling region, château or domaine and
aging potential. The $95 kit includes 40 scents,
a snifter glass and three guidebooks. It's avail-
able from the Wine Enthusiast catalog (800-417-
7788) or at department stores.
victims of ENGAGEMENT RING anxiety?
1. Relax. Guys simply are not supposed to know
this stuff. Dads rarely say, “Son, let's talk diamonds"
2. But it’s still your call. So read on.
3. Spend wisely. It’s tricky because no two diamonds
alike. Formed in the
diamonds are found in the most remote corners of
the world. De Beers, the world’s largest diamond
company, has over 100 years’ experience in mining
and valuing. They sort rough diamonds into over
5,000 grades before they go on to be cut and pol-
ished, So be sure you know what you're buying.
‘Two diamonds of the same size may vary widely
in quality. And if a price looks too good to be true,
it probably is.
4, Learn the jargon. Your guide to quality and
value is a combination of four characteristics called
The 4 Cs, They are: Cuz, not the same as shape,
but refers to the way the facets, or flat surfaces, are
angled, A better cut offers more brilliance; Color;
actually, close to no color is rarest; Clarity, the fewer
natural marks, or “inclusions,” the better; Carus
weight, the larger the diamond, usually the more rare.
5. Determine your price range. What do you spend on the one woman in the world who is smart enough to marry you?
Many people use the /wo months’ salary guideline. Spend less and the relatives will talk. Spend more and they'll ra
6. Watch her as you browse. Go by how she reacts, not by what she sa’
ar rth millions of years ago,
5. She may be reluctant to tell you what she
really wants. Then once you have an idea of her taste, don’t involve her in the actual purchase. You both will cherish
the memory of your surprise.
7. Find a reputable jeweler, someone you can trust, to ensure you're getting a diamond you can be proud of. Ask
questions. Ask friends who've gone through it. Ask the jeweler vou choose why two diamonds that look the same are
priced differently. Avoid Happy Harry’s Diamond Basement.
8. Learn more. For the booklet “How to buy diamonds you'll be proud to give,” call 1-800-FOREVER, Dept. 21.
9. Finally, think romance. And don't compromise, This is one of life's most important occasions. You want a diamond as
unique as your love. Besides, how else can two mouths! salary last forever?
Diamond Information Center
Sponsored by De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., Est. 1888
A diamond is forever.
De Beers