Full text of "PLAYBOY"
30095570 |
JUNE 1998 • $4.95
The Babes
Speed Thrills! Nascar Rules
The Funny Girls of Saturday Night Live
Mad About Paul Keiser Interview
20 Questions With Yasir Arafat
The Torrid History of Sex in
the Sixties—Everybody Was Doing 2 2
Great Ideas for Summer
The Minidise Takeover
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A war of lies.
A decade of deceit.
One man at the heart
of it all.
Pinuen GREG RICKETSON Steuer TERRY ү. ا oran EVE
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FAITHFUL SORTS will notice that June 1998 is not our Playmate
of the Year issue, making it both a collectible and the answer
to a future trivia question. The PMOY is headed your way in
July, and we're making up for the big tease with a beachload
of super Playmates in our best Baywatch pictorial ever. When
we realized the show was about to air its 200th episode—that's
almost 200 nights of PLAYBOY models on T V—we decided it
was high tide for a celebration. Join our global cabana in Babes
of Baywatch, as Pamela Anderson Lee, Marliece Andrada, Carmen
Electra and other tanning beauties take to the shoreline and
leave our hearts—and their swimsuits—in knots.
For six years Mad About You has lived up to its title by
capturing the joy and frustration of love. And for six years
the series’ creator and star, Paul Reiser, has had to deal with
comparisons to his show's juvenile big brother, Seinfeld. No
more maybe. With Jerry and Co.'s departure, NBC is set to
make Mad the undisputed champ of literate prime-time com-
edy. In a Playboy Interview with David һен, Reiser is tough on
himself for getting gooey with Kathie Lee over diapers, feels
proud to hang with Bill and Hillary and says he would rather
marry Helen Hunt than wrestle an alligator. Meanwhile, over
at the Saturday Night Live snake pit, a trio of female comics
grapple their way onto not-so-prime time. They are the fun-
niest SNL women since Gilda Radner, Laraine Newman and
Jane Curtin. In Funny Girls writer Lu Hanessian gets personal
with Ana Gasteyer, Molly Shannon and Cheri Oteri, the wild and
crazy gals whose impersonations include an erotic-cake-eating
Martha Stewart, an armpit-sniffing schoolgirl and a bird-
brained cheerleader. (Edie Boskin took the photo.)
We can change the world. In fact, Palestine National Au-
thority leader Yasir Arafat believes PLAYBOY played a part in the
Middle East peace process. Arafat’s aides say his 1988 Pluybuy
Interview with Morgan Strong attracted the goodwill of the Rea-
gan administration and the Isracli public. Now, at another
critical juncture for Palestine, Arafat chooses again to speak
with Strong, the only guy who can bring pLaysoy magazines
and videos through Arab customs. This month's 20 Questions
with Arafat is an open letter from the world's hot spot.
PLAYBOY has been a force in social politics, but never was its
presence felt more than in the Sixties. It was then that the
magazine fostered the flowering of sexual liberation. The new
installment of The History of the Sexual Revolution by James R. Pe-
tersen deals with the Pill, topless bars, the killer Bs (Bond, Bea-
tles and Bunnies), feminism, acid, Vietnam, Masters and
Johnson, gay rights, rock and roll and The Playboy Philosophy.
Shifting gears, Nascar is racing through its 50th year with
two asphalt cowboys vying for glory. The man in the black hat,
Dale Earnhardt, is the old intimidator, and Jeff Gordon is the
clean-cut kid in white. Grit versus chamois, kerosene versus
milk. In Nascar Rules Geoffrey Norman tracks Earnhardt as he
wins his first Daytona 500. The story is not about machines—
it's about the men who drive them. The art is by Arnold Roth.
Sharing fantasies with a lover isa fact of life and the subject
of a new piece of fiction by the Peruvian master Mario Vargas
Llosa. The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto is an excerpt from the
book of the same title published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
(It’s illustrated by Kent Williams.) June is the month to fantasize
about gifts, and our Dads & Grads feature is full of ideas. (The
photos are by James Imbrogno.) The real treats, as always, are
in our pictorials. Frederica Spilman, a Navy air jock, spreads her
wings in Fly Girl, and Playmate Maria Luisa Gil bids farewell to
her homeland in Cuba Libre!
Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), June 1998, volume 45, number 6. Published monthly by Playboy in national and regional editions, Playboy, 680 North
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices. Canada Post Canadian
Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 56162. Subscriptions: in the U.
$29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster: Send address change to
Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, Iowa 51537-4007. For subscription-related questions, e-mail circ@ny.playboy.com. Editorial: edit@playboy.com. 5
MUSIC 7 20
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: PAUL REISER—condid conversotion . 51
FLY GlRL—pictoriol ......................... 70 Sixties Party
DADS & GRADS—gifts 78
FUNNY GIRLS—persanclities .... ..AUHANESSIAN 82
PART VII (1960-1969): MAKE LOVE NOT WAR—article..... JAMES R. PETERSEN — 86
CUBA LIBRE!—playboy's playmate of the manth 94
PARTY JOKES—humor ale pavers НЫЧ,
PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE 183 Racing's Rudest
Help—we're drowning in a bevy of beautiful lifeguards. There's olways been о
strong connection between Рілүвоү and Baywatch. This month we celebrate
that magical link in a pictorial thot will send you overboard. Our cover god-
desses are (clackwise from left) Danna D'Errico, Traci Bingham, Pam Anderson
Lee, Yasmine Bleeth, Carmen Electra, Marliece Andrada, Erika Eleniok and
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ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor
ТОМ STAEBLER art director
GARY COLE photography director
executive editors
JOHN REZEK assistant managing editor
JAMES R. PETERSEN senior staff writer; CHIP ROWE
associale editor; MODERN LIVING: DAVID
STEVENS editor; BETH TOMKIW associale editor;
PHOX, JOYCE WIEGAND-BAVAS editorial assistants;
urry editor; COPY: LEOPOLD FROEHLICH editor;
REMA SMITH Senior researcher; LEE BRAUER.
DURAN research librarian; ANAHEED ALANI, TIM
readers; JOE CANE assistant; CONTRIBUTING
KERIG POPE managing director; BRUCE HANSEN,
(rt SUKI LEN WILLIS senior directors; SOLI
ANDERSON asst. art director; ANN SEIDL supervisor,
heyline/pasteup; FAUL CHAN Senior art assistant;
JASON SINONS art assistant
MARILYN GRABOWSKI west coast editor; JIM LAR-
KEVIN KUSTER associale edilors; DAVID CHAN.
STEPHEN мау contributing photographers;
GEORGE GEORGION studio manager—chicago;
BILL WHITE studio manager—los angeles;
archivist; GERALD SERN correspondent—paris
MARIA MANDIS director: RITA JOHNSON manager;
QUARTAROLI, TOM SINONEK associate managers;
DARB TEKIELA, DEBBIE тилоо (урезейетз; BILL
LARRY A. DJERF newsstand sales director; PHYLLIS
ROTUNNO subscription circulation director; CINDY
RAKOWITZ Communications director
JAMES DIMONEKAS, eastern ad sales manager: JEFF
KIMMEL, sales development manager; JOE HOFFER
midwest ad sales manager; IRV KORNBLAU market-
ing director; LISA NATALE research director
MARCIA TERRONES rights & permissions director
CHRISTIE HEFNER chairman, chief executive officer
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Kevin Kline (Playboy Interview, March)
is a legend in his own mind and a
blowhard. He whines about the bad
breeding and crude manners of audi-
ence members who dare eat Tic Tacs
while he emotes onstage. Yet he doesn't
care about filling the air with cigarette
smoke in а nonsmoking hotel room:
Jackie Ellering
Cleveland, Ohio
Kline comments on the general popu-
lace's obsession with seeing celebrities
become “real,” which translates into
learning about their alcoholism, failed
marriages and other woes. How delight-
ful to discover that Kevin is a down-to-
earth, normal guy.
Gina Johnson
Madison, Wisconsin
Kline comes across as a fine, intelli-
gent man who has little need to fill every
sentence with four-letter words, unlike
some of your recent Playboy Interview
subjects. Although I applaud George
Carlin's breakthrough in the use of pro-
hibited words in the media, I'm tired of
his trying to pass it off as hip humor.
Thanks, Kevin, for not subjecting us
to that.
Richard Miller
Ridgefield, Washington
Congratulations to Craig Vetter for his
insightful profile of John Holmes (The
Real Dirk Diggler, March). One item that
warrants correction, however, is the
statement that Holmes made a single
“gay movie,” 1983's The Private Pleasures
of John C. Holmes. Over his career, he
made others,
Mike Larsen
Palm Springs, California
I want to thank Craig Vetter for the in-
spiring article. The Eighties weren't kind
to John Holmes, but a decade after his
death, at least people know he wasn't
a demon.
Rocky Hanrahan
Wilmington, Massachusetts
In his interview (20 Questions, March),
John Peterman says that “about 70 per-
cent of Seinfeld viewers don't know we're
a real company.” 1 don't buy that figure.
More people recognize him than he real-
izes. The problem is that nobody cares
what this catalog cowboy has to say.
Sara Cunningham
Los Angeles, California
1 enjoyed 20 Questions with John Peter-
man. Recently, my wife and I stumbled
across the Auburn Cord Duesenburg
Museum in Auburn, Indiana. From ıhe
glow of the showroom chandeliers on
waxed panels to the subdued neon aura
of the vintage gas pumps, the muscum
captures the romance of America's fasci-
nation with the automobile. My congrat-
ulations to Peterman on his choice of car,
and a big thank-you to rı avaov for fea-
turing the man and the car (in the ac-
companying photograph).
Kevin Tessner
Kitchener, Ontario
I nearly died laughing when | read
Peterman’s quote “Every guy should
have a winter coat with a cape on it.” A
cape, for God's sake. It's even funnier
when you say it out loud.
Andrew Rapoport
Washington, D.C.
I've been a reader since 1985, when 1
started college, and have been tempted
to write to PLAYBOY many times. What
compelled me to finally do it was your
listing of the Herb Farm under “Region-
al Favorites” in Critics’ Choice: The 25 Best
Restaurants in America (March). You
should know that the Herb Farm burned
to the ground in a tragic fire last winter,
but 1 have heard that the owners have
vowed to reopen it.
Dan Schwartz
Marysville, Washington
I have dined at the Inn at Little Wash-
ington, and while I was impressed, I
compare that experience with one I had
at Virginia’s only other five-star restau-
rant—the Dining Room at Ford's Col-
ony in Williamsburg. While the Dining
Room doesn't have the Inn's history, the
food is delicious, the portions are large
and two people can dine for under $150
(compared with $315 for dinner at the
Inn). Those of us who are in the know
will continue to enjoy this fabulous din-
ing experience.
Steve Guzizza
Alexandria, Virginia
You listed Coyote Café but forgot to
include Santa Café in Santa Fe, New
Mexico. I’ve been traveling to the South-
west for more than ten years, and I can
tell you that though the menus at these
two restaurants are entirely different,
Santa Café's food is superb, the crowd is
always interesting and the decor is out of
this world. The best part is that you can
dine outside, which is a real treat for a
New Englander.
Dave Millstein
Boxford, Massachusetts
Brendan Baber and Eric Spitznagel
miss the mark on two counts in A Guys
Guide to Dating (March). First of all, wom-
en detest listening to a man we've just
met ramble on and on about himself.
Every woman 1 know has dropped a guy
for doing this. Second, nothing is a big-
ger turn-on than debating with a guy
on the first date. Controversial subjects
make the juices flow.
Buck Johnston
Dallas, Texas
I have been a subscriber for more than
25 years, and this is my first letter. Cyn-
thia Heimel's “Fear and Loathing in the
Bedroom” (Women, March) made me
sad. I would like her to know that there
are millions of men in the world who
love and respect women and don't phys-
ically or mentally abuse them. I'd also
like to remind Cynthia that there are
women who break the hearts of decent,
caring men and fall for dangerous guys
with dubious backgrounds. Love, pain
and happiness are always present in life,
but every day should be an adventure. I
wish Cynthia the best.
Dr. А.С. Laguerre
East Lansing, Michigan
Heimel needs a real-life cure-all: com-
munication. She is an example of paraly-
sis by analysis. It's no wonder she's es-
tranged from her husband.
Nick Sabatini
Feasterville, Pennsylvania
Thank you for the photo of Sigourney
Weaver in the March Grapevine. I also
like your caption about designers en-
couraging beautiful women to wear see-
through fabrics. Sigourney gets better
looking every year. Grapevine is the first
place Tlook when I receive each issue, so
please keep those sexy shots coming.
Glenn Porter
San Antonio, Texas
Under the heading “Playmate 101:
Birthday Bashes" in Playmate News
(March), you note that six Playmates
share a birthday on May 28 and another
six on December 13. I simulated the
Playmate sample on my computer by
running 64,800 trials and found a 70.3
percent probability that six Playmates
would share a common birthday. That
corresponds to a probability of 49.4 per-
cent that another six Playmates would
share a different birthday. My conclu-
sion is that we don't need astrology to
explain this coincidence. The answer is
based on statistics.
Harry Murphy
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jaime Pressly (March) can hitchhike
on my street anytime. I was happy to
read that she has a three-picture deal
with New Line Cinema. Even if all she
does in movies is hitchhike in the nude,
hey, I'm there.
Scout Forbes
Reisterstown, Maryland
I'm a 22-year-old student. I had al-
ways wanted to subscribe to PLAYBOY but
was never able to because I lived with my
parents. I have moved out and now sub-
scribe. I thought 1 wanted it only for the
beautiful women, but I've realized that
the articles are an attraction, too. My on-
ly problem is that 1 finish reading the
magazine in two days and can't wait for
the next issue.
Mark Jones
Jackson, Mississippi
I'm a freshman at Creighton Universi-
ty in Nebraska, but I wish I were drown-
ing in the Baywatch waters so that Mar-
liece Andrada (Baywatch Rookie, March)
could rescue me. This is the first issue of
my subscription. If every issue is this
good, I'd like to know the cost of a life-
time subscription.
Dion Adanich
Omaha, Nebraska
How do you top the March cover of
Marliece Andrada, unless you plan to
publish new photos of her indefinitely?
Ted Webb
Fanning Springs, Florida
When I read in the February issue that
Marliece Andrada would appear in
March, I knew I was in for a long month.
"Thanks for making it worthwhile.
Brian Lombard
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Marliece is the hottest lifeguard on
any beach.
Phillip Williams
Charlotte, North Carolina
James R. Fetersen's History of the Sexu-
al Revolution Part VI: Something Cool (1950—
1959) in the February issuc describes
perfectly the silliness and the repressive-
ness of that era, as well as how Jack Ker-
ouac's prose and Elvis’ music set the
stage for the explosion of the Sixties. He
is also right about how important PL AYROY
isin the cultural history of that time.
Michael Carson
Sacramento, California
Beats, blues clubs, bobby-soxers and
baby boomers—it almost makes you for-
get the ugly stuff. But not quite, thanks
Marilyn Ward
Buffalo, New York
We thought you should know that the
male students at the University of East
Carolina are huge гілүвоу fans. After
the long, cold walks to our dorms, your
pictorials keep us warm.
TJ. Nelson
Greenville, North Carolina
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Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.
Now more a corporation than a band,
the Grateful Dead has announced plans
for a Deadhead theme park in San Fran-
cisco, complete with amusement rides,
concert hall and museum. Bob Gre
weiner, senior editor of the concert in-
dustry magazine Performance, speculates
that the Terrapin Station complex will
outdraw the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
“Hopefully they'll have smoke alarms
in the bathrooms and the staircases,”
Grossweiner told The New York Times. Ap-
parently, mere smoke alarms are inade-
quate for the band's needs. The Dead
has a tape archive (2300 concerts plus
studio sessions) protected in a ware-
house. In the event of a fire, air will be
sucked out of the vault. Anyone inside
will suffocate, but the music will go on—
sort of like a typical Dead show.
Thanks to new legislation from the
Colombian senate, jailed drug kingpins
and corrupt cops in stir are eligible for
up to 60 days of vacation a year. In a not-
so-unrelated story, it was reported that
Colombia's president Ernesto Samper
has been accused of accepting around
$6 million in campaign contributions
from jailed Cali cartel bosses.
According to New Scientist magazine,
he long search for a fire-fighting chem-
ical that does not damage the ozone lay-
er has finally led to water.” After more
than 100 tests at the Norwegian Fire Re-
search Laboratory in 1996, good old
H,O was found to be a "suitable substi-
tute for ozone-destroying halons.” How-
ever, the findings haven't deterred
chemical companies in their search for
new artificial extinguishers. Water, it
seems, has one small problem: It's hard
to sell.
Coming to a dictionary near you:
Booklist, a publication of the American
Library Association, collected phrases
that have entered the vernacular of of-
fice workers. Among them: Blemestorm-
ing—when a group gathers to discuss
why a project failed and who was at fault.
Ego surfing—when you scan the Net or
Nexis for references to your name.
Mouse potato—a wired couch potato. Кеу-
board plaque—the gunk, crumbs and dust
that build up on and in your computer's
keyboard. Gray matter—older managers
hired by start-up companies that need to
establish responsible business practices.
Workers of all ages can relate to the best
new entry: Salmon day when you spend
a long, hard day swimming upstream
only to get screwed in the end
Our friend Richard Lederer, a linguist
with an ear for tangled language, is at it
again. This time he’s selected statements
‘om the testimony of doctors and pub-
lished them in the Journal of Court Re-
porting. We quote: “By the time he was
admitted, his rapid heart had stopped
and he was feeling better.” “Patient states
there is a burning pain in his penis,
which goes to his feet.” “On the second
day the knee was better and on the third
day it had completely disappeared.”
tient has been depressed ever since she
began seeing me in 1983.” “Patient re-
fused an autopsy.” “Patient has left his
white blood cells at another hospital.”
‘The kicker: “She slipped on the ice and
apparently her legs went in separate di-
rections in early December.”
During her rotation at a clinic for sex-
ually transmitted diseases, New Jersey
medical student Samantha Leib noticed
something unusual in the waiting room.
“There were five good-looking guys sit-
ting together,” writes Leib in the British
journal Sexual and Marital Therapy. Curi-
‘ous, she asked the clinic receptionist for
details. Turns out the five had been at a
bachelor party a few nights earlier and
all had contracted oral gonorrhea after
performing cunnilingus on a stripper.
(The lucky groom had abstained.) “It
was at this moment that I was reminded
of the cardinal rule,” observed Leib. “An
STD clinic is not the ideal location to
meet men.
Although it is by definition a narrow-
market publication, we expect healthy
sales for the new book by convicted em-
bezzler Ronald TerMeer, Doing Feder
al Time: A Handbook for Businessmen Who
Are Facing Federal White Collar Criminal
Charges. After all, its target audience is
literate, affluent and has no intention of
becoming a trophy wife.
At the height of the Tailgate scandal, a
loyal reader of the San Francisco Chronicle
came up with the following anagram for
Monica Lewinsky: 1 lick man: News! Oy!
The trustees of Amherst, Ohio want
Matthew Bailey to do something about
the naked mannequins in his store win-
dow. Never mind that the mannequins,
which are department store castofls, are
“I am the most
qualified person to
hosta talk show. Гуе
got five kids by three
men. I came from a
trailer park where I
was a Jew passing as
a Mormon in Salt
Lake City. My broth-
er and sister are ho-
mosexuals and my
younger sister is a
recovering anorexic.
I was reunited with
my long-lost daugh-
ter, whom I gave up
for adoption and
who was found by
The National En-
quirer. 1 ат a woman
who has multiple
personalities, several
ot whom don't even
know they're famous!"—ROSEANNE
| According to a study at Georgia
State University, percentage by which
testosterone levels among trial
lawyers exceed levels in nont
| lawyers: 30.
Number of permanent staff cuts
announced by U.S. companies in
1996: 477,147. Number of people
laid off in 1989: 111,285. Total num-
ber of employees laid off at three
companies by Al “Chainsaw” Dunlap,
chief executive of Sunbeam: 22,000.
Percentage of college freshmen
who supported the legalization of
marijuana in 1989: 17. Percentage in
1997: 35.
According to the Department of
Agriculture, the cost of raising a child
until the age of 17: $149,820.
Number of bank robberies in the
U.S. in 1996: 7562. Percentage of
bank robbers arrested: 75. Of those
arrested, percentage who were con-
At any given time during
the day, there are an average
of 150,000 people airborne
over the U.S.
victed: 99. Percent-
age of bank robbers
who are women: 4.
Number of gam-
bling companies on
the Internet: 100.
Number of people
who use Internet
gambling sites: 56
Number of deer in
Ohio: 500,000. Num-
ber of hunting li-
censes issued in
Ohio: 500,000.
Total number of
votes cast in balloting
for the National Basketball Associa-
tion All-Star game: 3.3 million. Num-
ber of votes cast for Ken Griffey Jr. in
balloting for Major League Bascball's
All-Star game last year: 3.5 million.
Pounds of beef consumed per
American in 1976: 89. Pounds of beef
consumed per person in 1996: 64.
Per capita consumption of chicken in
1976, in pounds: 29. In 1996: 51.
Pounds of pork consumed by average
American in 1976: 40. In 1996: 46.
Number of patents received in
1997 by IBM, the company with the
most patents granted last year: 1742.
Number of consecutive years IBM
has held the title: 5. Number of
patents received by runner-up
Canon: 1381. Number received by
NEC: 1101. By Motorola: 1065.
Proportion of U.S. car sales ac-
counted for by Big Three carmakers:
7 of 10. Proportion accounted for by
Japanese carmakers: | in 4. By Euro-
pean carmakers: 1 in 25. Percentage
of new car transactions that were leas-
es in 1984: 3. Percentage leased in
1997: 33. — PAUL ENGLEMAN
what the store sells. “One trustee asked
me to dress them,” Bailey says. “People
will think this is a clothing store.” The
mannequins are anatomically sanitized
and have no genitalia. Same goes for
Amherst trustees.
The first new beer to be produced
by Big House Brewing in Walla Walla,
Washington in 50 years will pay homage
to the city’s leading industry, the state
prison. The label on Penitentiary Porter
will depict prison walls, a guard tower
and guard and the motto THE ESCAPE
Used to be that an unfaithful guy
could take refuge in the polygamous an-
imal kingdom. No more, if prudish ani-
mal rights protesters in Thailand have
their way, The Sa Kae Zoo recently an-
nounced that an orangutan who has
been sexually neglected by the mother
of his first offspring will not be permitted
to impregnate another female on the
grounds that it would be adultery.
Artist Vanessa Beecroft kept a diary
for eight years of everything she ate.
However, it’s her work with live models
that has the English art scene buzzing
and which led to commissions for prc
jects this year in the States, Dazed, a U.K.
art magazine, warns that Vanessa “hates
being associated with performance art
because of its demonstrative and exhibi-
tionist tendencies.” Oh, so that's why, at
a recent event, she had a group of bare-
assed women walk around clad only in
short gray sweaters, extralong false nails
and gray Prada heels. Be that as it may,
we think it's always an event when you
take your sweater puppies out for
a walk.
According to Outside magazine, a Lon-
don canoeing club has defied authorities
who recently banned the group from
paddling a portion of the Thames. In
protest, the 30 members of Canoeists
With Attitude have taken to cruising sec-
tions of the city's 19th century sewer sys-
tem at night. Apparently that's when
Londoners who are flushing the remains
of the day are done.
An Englewood, Colorado sportsman
was recently charged with beating a fel-
low mountain climber over the head
with an ice ax. He even bit the other
man. The assault occurred at the top ofa
frozen waterfall the duo had just sum-
mited. What was the fight about? Climb-
ing etiquette, of course.
You deserve the smooth, rich taste of MICHELOB.
INDIE ROCKER Mary Lou Lord has moved
from an alterna-rock label to a major
and made a folk-rock album with tunes
primarily written by other writers.
That's a long reach for someone who
started out singing in the Boston subway.
But Got No Shadow (Work) is an artistic
coup. Lord sings sweet but thinks tough,
and this album is a personal statement
even though she wrote only half the
songs. She sounds fragile and reedy, but
her producers treat her like a funky Ce-
line Dion.
What is it about heavy metal's trans-
gressions against good taste that delight
me so? The 16 tracks on The Best of Judas
Priest: Living After Midnight (Columbia/
Legacy) make plain why this is one of the
most revered metal bands. The bottom
line is K.K. Downing's and Glenn Tip-
ton's twin guitar leads and the shrieking
lead vocals of Rob Halford, but there's
more. The songs have unusual melodic
structures and powerful rhythmic pro-
pulsion. Priest explores the boundaries
where metal meets punk and thrash,
and even the murky alley where it en-
gages the blues.
I can't think of two young writer-per-
formers I admire more than Alejandro
Escovedo and Dan Bern. Bern seems
like a complete jokester. His second al-
bum, Fifty Eggs (Work), opens with Tiger
Woods. The lyrics to that song declare,
“Гуе got balls, big balls,” which is fun-
ny—especially when you realize his pro-
ducer is Ani DiFranco. The title track of
Escovedo's More Miles Than Money: Live
1994-96 (Bloodshot) features his voice
and a cello, which set the mournful tone.
But Escovedo is capable of being musi-
cally mercurial, and does a razor-wire
version of the Stooges’ I Wanna Be Your
Dog. Similarly, Bern, on Oh Sister, can't
stop himself from mentioning his sister's
tits. Still, it's a heartfelt tribute to sibling
fidelity. —DAVE MARSH
Acoustic versus electric, electric versus
techno, analog versus digital, guitar ver-
sus synthesizer—you can debate them
all. But the musicians who make good
music are the ones who stick forks in
their eyes, And that’s how members of
Rammstein depict themselves on the
cover of Sehnsucht (Slash). On the album
itself, singer Till Lindemann reveals the
lowest voice in rock and roll since that
guy who sang bass in the Goasters. Lin-
demann also sings in German, and he
sounds so incredibly sinister, you might
assume he's singing about invading
Poland. Based on the two songs that Lin-
demann sings in English, 1 can say such
an assumption would be wrong. He
sings about death and metaphysical dis-
tress. If you think that sounds like Amer-
Lord's Got No Shadow.
Sweet Lord, Izzy swaggers
and swings and the Queen
of Soul still reigns.
ican metal bands, 1 say nein! Rammstein
makes Metallica look like pussies. With
its insane unison riffing, relentless
rhythm-section drive and spare but
bizarre sampling, Rammstein is also a lot
more musical and imaginative than
Metallica. Just hide the forks.
Axl Rose and Slash were the flashy
front men of Guns n' Roses, but rhythm
guitarist Izzy Stradlin was the heart-
beat. His second solo album, 117? (Gef-
fen), with ex-Georgia Satellites guitarist
Rick Richards, is the closest you'll get to
the Gunners' original ragged, punk-
metal glory. Both Izzy and Kick are disci-
ples of the Keith Richards school of
swagger and swing. Ain' It a Bitch is the
song you desperately wanted to hear on
the latest Stones album. But like Keith,
Izzy's weakness is his vocals. His weath-
ered voice lacks force. If he can beef it
up, he could turn a damned good band
into a great one. —VIC GARBARINI
In these days of novelty one-shots, the
many casual fans who grew to love Tub-
thumping and Walkin’ on the Sun might
not expect much from Chumbawam-
ba's Tubthumper (Republic/Universal) and
Smash Mouth's Fush Yu Mang (Inter-
scope). But they'd be wrong. In their
dissimilar ways, both albums are brash
and busy, tuneful and verbal with sur-
prises as much fun as the singles but less
Aretha Franklin's A Rose fs Still a Rose
(Arista) shows that the Queen of Soul's
voice still soars. A crew of current hit-
makers (including Puffy Combs and the
Fugees' Lauryn Hill) take turns working
with her majestic voice. For the most
part, Aretha 1998 works. My favorites
are the midtempo love song In Case You
Forgot, on which she gives a wonderful
performance, and the slick dance track
Here We Go Again. —NELSON GEORGE
The most exciting new producer in
black pop is Timbaland, who in the last
two years has crafted innovative hits for
^ Ginuwine, Aaliyah and Total. Missy El-
liott is his Virginia neighbor and collab-
orator who adds her humor to a pro-
duction sound heavily influenced by
Britain's drum-and-bass music. By fus-
ing fresh rhythms onto a hip-hop sensi-
bility, Timbaland has made a distinctive
contribution to Nineties music. His Wel-
come to Our World (Atlantic), recorded
with rapper Magoo, is vibrant, playful
and surprisingly complex. Voices, key-
boards and, of course, beats are cleverly
arranged throughout the album's 18
cuts. I highly recommend Up Jumps Da’
Boogie, 15 After Da’ Hour and both ver-
sions of Luv 2 Luv U. —NELSON GEORGE
In 1993, when a bunch of famous
artists underwrote Victoria ams”
medical treatments with the tribute al-
bum Sweet Relief, the results of their sup-
port transformed an eccentric singer-
songwriter into a full-service musician.
Оп 1994's Loose and the new Musings of a
Creekdipper (Atlantic), Williams’ quavery
voice and song structures are as fragile
as ever. While Loose has the more forth-
right tunes, the melodies on Creekdipper
are quieter, and the subtlety of the latter
project renders its pleasures deeper in
The music of Johnny Dowd comes
from a dark corner of the heart. At the
age of 49, the singer-songwriter has re-
leased his first record, Wrong Side of Mem-
phis (Checkered Past Records, 3940 N.
Francisco, Chicago, IL 60618). It's a
chilling, get-right-with-God collection of.
15 songs about murder, sin and salva-
tion. He mixes a rural blues drawl with
stark Hank Williams idioms and doesn't
mince words. Dowd also has a deep ap-
preciation of the absurd, as in First There
Was, a song about an unemployed man
who wears a ski mask and Beatle boots,
then blows away everyone in a feed
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> while quantities lost
store. This is superb stuff, but not for the
squeamish. --ВАУЕ HOEKSTRA
Giant Steps shows the most influential
tenor player of all time—John Col-
trane—at the height of his power. The
new deluxe edition by Rhino includes
fascinating outtakes and pristine remas-
tering. Coltrane plays ferociously and
tenderly on the seven original tracks. On
Naima he constructs the most transcen-
dent ballad of his career over a series of
pedal tones. This is the album on which
Coltrane combines Thelonious Monk’s
sense of harmonic adventure with Char-
lie Parker's quicksilver runs, adding his
own incredibly sweet, otherworldly tone.
Giant Steps contains eight full outtakes:
from these sessions, including three dy-
namic extra versions of the title tune and
two additional renditions of Naima that
are in the same ballpark as the originals.
With the addition of sax player Wayne
Shorter in 1964, Miles Davis finished as-
sembling the greatest jazz band of the
Sixties. On such classic albums as Miles
Smiles and Nefertiti, the band epitomized
the leading edge of progressive jazz. Af-
ter that, Davis began experimenting
with electric instruments, looser song
structures and contemporary rhythms in
what would suun erupt as fusion. The
Miles Davis Quintet's Complete Columbia Stu-
dio Recordings (Columbia/Legacy), a six-
CD set, pulls together all the music from
seven LPs made between 1965 and 1968,
plus 13 newly released tracks. These
CDs present a detailed picture of jazz’
radical tr: ion and a glowing testa-
ment to Miles genius. — —NEILTESSER
One of the great tenors of this century
didn't come from the Mediterranean.
Born to a musical family in Sweden in
1911, Jussi Bjórling achieved extraordi-
nary acclaim for his remarkably pure but
expressive voice. Jussi Bjérling Edition: Stu-
dio Recordings 1930-1959 (EMI Classics) is
a flawlessly remastered four-CD set of
arias, songs and lieder. In this age of
overblown tenors, Bjórling's intelligence
and control remind us that vocal power
isn't incompatible with style or taste.
Ruth Crawford Seeger (1901-1953)
was a ruthless modernist. One of the first
female composers to influence American
music, she was decades ahead of her
time. With Portrait (Deutsche Gram-
mophon), we finally have a compelling
collection of this original composer's
oeuvre. During the Thirties, Crawford
Seeger (who was Pete Seeger's stepmoth-
er) compiled folk songs. But her earlier,
atonal work still sounds brilliantly taut
and vibrant today. —LEOPOLD FROEHLICH
John Coltrane
Giant Steps y 10 9 10 9
8 Th 8 7
Sehnsucht 3 4 5 4 9
Welcome to Our
World 9 4 8 6 4
Victorio Williams
Creekdipper 9 7] 5 7
MENT: Far better than Flvis soap-on-a-
rope is the King's Germany. Septem-
ber 25-27, for $1989 a person, fans
will get a guided tour ofthe two towns
where Elvis was stationed, plus a
cruise and visits to his barracks and
the location for his movie G.I. Blues.
Load up on some fried banana-and-
peanut butter box lunches.
rector George Tillman is trying to get
the rights to the Marvin Gaye story,
which he plans to direct. . . . Garth
Brooks and Babyface are talking about
doing a movie and soundtrack togeth-
ег... . Lisa Stansfield plays a singer in a
swing band in Swing, her first mov-
ie. . _, Madonna reportedly has anoth-
er film lined up. In The Red Door,
she'll play a woman who reconciles
with her estranged brother after he is
told he has AIDS. . . . The West Coast
punk scene is examined in another
documentary, Rage 78:98, which will
feature archival and new footage of X,
the Circle Jerks, Black Flag and the Dead
Kennedys, among others. ... Do You
Wanna Funk?, a documentary about
disco singer Sylvester, is in the works.
NEWSBREAKS: The Guinness Fleadh
was so successful last summer at New
York’s Randalls Island that the two-
day festival with an Trish twist will re-
peat in New York Junc 13 and 14,
then go on the road to Chicago and
the Bay Area later in the month. Some
of the acts expected to perform at one
site or another include Van Morrison,
Sinead O'Connor, Nanci Griffith, John Lee
Hooker, Los Lobos and Richard Thomp-
son. . . . Ray Dovies has overseen the re-
mastering and reissue of 15 Kinks al-
bums and released the first two in
April. Preservation Act I and Act II will
be out in June, with bonus tracks, ex-
panded liner notes and archival pho-
tos, on your choice of vinyl, cassette or
CD.... Right about now Las Vegas’
first international music conference,
Eat 'M. is taking place. Aside from the
usual conference fare—panels, lec-
tures, mentoring sessions—there will
be 150 showcase performances. Gladys
Knight will receive a lifetime achieve-
ment award. . . . The CD from last
summer's Lilith Fair was just released.
It features performances by the Indigo
Girls, Suzanne Vega, Paula Cole, Tracy
Chapman and Sarah Mclachlan. . . . Cher
will host a CBS TV special about her
career and life with Sonny Bono. . . .
"The largest free-admission blues fest
in the world, the Chicago Blues Festi-
val, will take place June 4-7 along
Lake Michigan in Grant Park... .. The
20th Annual Playboy Jazz Festival
dates are June 13 and 14, at the Hol-
lywood Bowl. Performers include
Wynton Marsalis, Dee Dee Bridgewater,
King Sunny Ade and Arturo Sandoval,
with Bill Cosby as MC again. . . . Ray
Charles received the Polar Music Prize
and $125,000 from Swedish ki
Gustaf XVI. The prize was establi:
by Abba's manager Stig Anderson.
David Bowie is working on two new ar
bums in New York. He plans to throw
himself another big birthday bash
outdoors this summer to benefit Save
the Children. . . . Jonny Long is record-
ing a follow-up to Lie to Me that will
include more original tunes. . . . A
Lou Harris poll asked the first college
class of the millennium who will be
around, like the Stones are now, in 30
years. The Deve Matthews Band and
Boyz Il Men tied for first place. .. . Last-
ly, what would Jerry say? Grateful Dead
plates with certificates of authenticity
are now available from the Hamilton
Collection. Everyone knows that hip-
pies used paper plates.
ENGLAND'S Stephen Fry brings a kind of
defensive bravura to his title role in Wilde
(Sony Classics). Already a hit in London,
the movie depicts the decline and fall of
the 19th century playwright accused of
homosexual conduct. An unsuccessful li-
bel suit against the Marquess of Queens-
berry (Tom Wilkinson) starts the wheels
of justice grinding when Queensberry
publicly insults Oscar Wilde to thwart his
son Alfred Douglas’ relationship with the
author. Jude Law all but steals the movie
as young Douglas, a handsome, Oxford-
educated homosexual whose hatred for
his father turns out to be Wilde's undo-
ing. Vanessa Redgrave, as Wilde's doting
mother, and Jennifer Ehle as his inordi-
nately patient wife (also the mother of
his two children) are the distaff side of a
splendid supporting cast. Michacl Sheen
also scores as Ross, the houseguest who
first seduces Wilde and makes him
aware of his sexual orientation. ector
Brian Gilbert spells it all out, using Ju-
lian Mitchell's compassionate screen-
play adapted from the Wilde biography
by Richard Ellmann. The movie cov-
ers events leading up to the trial that ex-
posed Wilde and Douglas’ encounters
with “rent boys” hired for their illicit
pleasure. The movie is a telling portrait
ofa flamboyant, unapologetic genius de-
stroyed by social hypocrisy. ¥¥¥
The troubled heroine of A Price Above
Rubies (Miramax) is an Orthodox Jewish
girl named Sonia (Renée Zellweger) who
is married to Mendel (Glenn Fitzgerald),
a devout religious scholar and teacher.
Sonia has no outlet for her sexuality or
individuality and can't play the part of
anacceptable Jewish wife (the gem of or-
thodoxy to which the title refers). Her
rebellion drives her into a clandestine af-
fair with her brother-in-law (Christo-
pher Eccleston). She ultimately loses her
child and control of her future before
she drifts into another sexual escapade
in a desperate effort to figure out who
she is. After director Boaz Yakin (whose
first film was а 1994 sleeper called Fresh)
lets Sonia's struggle veer into schmaltz,
he pulls the movie back on track as a
poignant portrait of a woman's soul-
searching journcy. ¥¥¥
Loyal fans of Woody Allen should rel-
ish Wild Mon Blues (Fine Line) by Barbara
Kopple, who directed two Oscar-win-
ning documentaries (Harlan County,
U.S.A. in 1976 and American Dream in
1990). Here, Kopple's camera crew ac-
companies Allen on an 18-city European
22 tour with his New Orleans jazz band. In
Zellweger: un-Orthodox.
Rebels defying social codes,
politicians squashing scandals
and Woody making music.
Paris, Rome, Venice, Madrid and Lon-
don, Allen is applauded for his music
and wry humor. He introduces Italian
well-wishers to “the notorious Soon-Yi,"
who is a constant fixture between gigs—
at breakfast, at press conferences or tak-
ing five in a swimming pool. The movie
might have seemed shorter with less mu-
sic and more wit, but under Kopple's
discerning eye, Wild Man Blues becomes
a different kind of star watch—with
Allen both basking in and resisting his
celebrity. Only back in New York do we
see him as a world-class prodigal son. In
a hilarious sequence, his aged parents
suggest he might have done more with
his talents and should have married a
nice Jewish girl. ¥¥/2
Hats off to Land Girls (Gramercy Pic-
tures), an engaging period piece about
three young women who take up farm
chores in the English countryside while
the lads in uniform are fighting in
World War Two. Catherine McCormack,
Rachel Weisz and Anna Fricl are inexpe-
rienced field hands, who sooner or later
have intimate relations with the farmer's
strapping son Joe (Steven Mackintosh)
While Joe hankers to be a fighter pilot,
his heart condition dooms him to stay
home and keep the land girls happy.
Among them, Prue (Friel) is a man-chas-
er, Ag (Weisz) is a virgin ready for love
and Stella (McCormack) is a beauty en-
gaged to a naval officer. Director David
Leland accurately captures the look and
feel of wartime England. His fond por-
trait of women on the home front is ro-
mantic and as heady as a pint of good
British lager. ¥¥¥
Well into filmmaker Henry Jaglom's
Déja Vu (Rainbow Film), someone asks,
“Darling, is this the male menopause or
something?" That might be an appropri-
ate question for Jaglom himself, whose
movies often star the woman in his life
(in this case it's Victoria Foyt, Mrs. Jag-
lom off screen) and smack of home-
movie self-indulgence. The aptly titled
Déjà Vu is a soppy romantic drama
"about love and destiny," if you believe
ity blurbs. Actually the heroine
married woman who picks up
a mysterious ruby pin in Isracl, meets an
artist named Sean (Stephen Dillane) in
and again in England and ulti-
mately finds that all the puzzling pieces
of her life just fit. Well, that’s pushing
things. Jaglom also stretches his plot to
include lots of prestigious players who
manage to do their idiosyncratic bits
without visible embarrassment. Besides
Dillane, a hot young actor in London,
there are Vanessa Redgrave, her mother
Rachel Kempson, Noel Harrison (son of
Rex), Michael Brandon and Anna
Massey (daughter of Raymond). The en-
tire picture plays like a party hosted by
Jaglom, who persuades the most inter-
esting people in town to drop by and act
a little. YY
As an Anglo-American team of con
artists who yearn to own one of Eng-
land's stately homes, Stuart Townsend
and Dan Futterman scheme to rob the
rich in Shooting Fish (Fox Searchlight). Di-
rector Stefan Schwartz works some droll
shenanigans about a bogus supercom-
puter into this likable comic romp.
Brightening up the lads’ misadventures
is Kate Beckinsale, who was a sunny
presence in Much Ado About Nothing and
Cold Comfort Farm. Cast as the crafty as-
sistant hired to abet all the mischief
afoot, Beckinsale has a smile that Julia
Roberts might envy. Even in its least
buoyant moments, she keeps Shooting
Fish afloat. ¥¥¥
Director Mike Nichols and screen-
writer Elaine May may be the ideal com-
ic team to bring Primary Colors (Universal)
to the big screen. This sharp adaptation
of the novel by Anonymous (later identi-
fied as Joe Klein) is handicapped only by
the fact that the Clintonesque roman а
clef about the presidential hopes of a
womanizing Southern governor might
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McCormack: Gibson airl
makes good.
You may remember Catherine
McCormack, 25, as Mel Gibson's
doomed mate in Braveheart. That
role was “fantastic for me,” Mc-
Cormack recalls, “but kind of
scary. There's always a buzz about
a new girl in a big film. Of course,
it's nice when you have a good
part and get killed early. Then
people miss you.” After her recent
stint as a madly desirable Italian
courtesan in Dangerous Beauty, she
will light up movie screens again
in Land Girls (see review).
McCormack attended the Ox-
ford School of Drama before ac-
quiring an agent and the TV and
movie parts that got her where she
is today. Already shot is a featured
role with Meryl Streep in Dancing
at Lughnasa. “Meryl is an inspira-
tion to me. She is amazing.”
McCormack calls home a small
flat in London and describes her-
self as “single, without child or fa-
mous boyfriends.” Among the few
movie credits she'd rather forget is
a clinker called North Star with
James Caan and Christopher Lam-
bert. “I played the screaming
girl—one reason I don't do any
Hollywood action movies” Mc-
Cormack insists she yearns to do a
comedy such as The Philadelphia
Story and would like to work with
John Turturro, a performer she
“absolutely adores.” She'd give up
sexier roles in a second to be
thought of as a character actress.
“I feel more comfortable doing the
quirky things I did in drama
school. My aim is to portray a 90-
year-old woman with huge warts.
But so far, nobody has let me.”
be overshadowed by headlines about our
current leader’s troubles. The film still
works as a timely political comedy, with
John Travolta and Emma Thompson on
the money as the would-be president
and first lady. As Jack and Susan Stan-
ton, they capture the essence of the
shrewd, loyal wife and her lustful mate,
whose tragic flaw is that his compassion
for people secms to be out of sync with
his sex drive. Matching the fictional char-
acters with the real ones is fun, but there
are some surprises. Billy Bob Thornton
is dearly a stand-in for James Carville,
while Adrian Lester (as the idealistic
young black on the team) and Kathy
Bates (as a raucous lesbian troubleshoot-
er) are scene-stealers in a grand compa-
ny of untamed political animals. ¥¥¥)2
A famous painting of Judith behead-
ing Holofernes is the centerpiece of
Artemisia (Miramax Zoe), directed by Ag-
nés Merlet. The movie dramatizes the
story behind that classic work by Arte-
misia Gentileschi, who became one of
the first women to paint male nudes and
win a place ina profession dominated by
men. Few lessons in art history are more
loaded with sex and nudity. ҰҰУ;
The flood of lively new movies from
Ireland hits a crest with 1 Went Down
(Shooting Gallery). Fresh from this
year’s Sundance Film Festival, director
Paddy Breathnach's deft, darkly comic
thriller takes full advantage of play-
wright Conor McPherson's bright
screenplay about two ex-cons on a mis-
guided car trip into real trouble. Git
(wry newcomer Peter McDonald) is the
younger of the pair, just out of jail and
straight into the net of a Dublin crime
boss who insists he accompany Bunny
(Brendan Gleeson) to pick up a hostage
in Cork. The hostage is Frank Grogan
(Peter Caffrey), a nonstop talker marked
for death and spewing anecdotes to save
his skin. Tied to a bed while his captors
are boozing and womanizing, Grogan
manages to escape, gets caught again
and eventually leads the lads to a coun-
terfeiting scheme and a pot of cash. The
Irish gift of gab, along with a coolly in-
ventive plot, keeps I Went Down funny
and impudent. ¥¥¥
Jobless in Kiev and his marriage a fail-
ure, a depressed Ukrainian named Ana-
toli (Alexandre Lazarev) decides to com-
mit suicide by hiring a killer to do the
deed. After consoling himself with a
breezy prostitute (Tatiana Krivitska),
Anatoli changes d. А Friend of the
Deceased (Sony СІ ), directed by Vy-
acheslav Krishtofovic » is a quirky dead-
pan comedy and precisely the kind of
offbeat movie that Hollywood may want
to remake with an all-American cast. ҰҰ/;
capsule close-ups of current films
by bruce williamson
Artemisia (See review) The first Italian
woman to invade the macho art
world. Wh
The Big Lebowski (Reviewed 4/98) Low
jinx courtesy of the perplexing Coen
brothers. УУУУ
The Big One (5/98) More corporate
monkey business from Michael
Moore. wu
The Butcher Boy (5/98) He's incorrigi-
ble, dangerous and then some. ¥¥¥
Clockwaichers (Listed only) Trauma of
temps is largely a waste oftime. У
Déjà Vu (Scc review) Director Henry
Jaglom mounts a self-indulgent
moonstruck romance. уу
A Friend of the Deceased (Sec review) A
hit man misses his mark. Wr
Insomnia (5/98) Sleepless Norwegian
detective on a murder case. Ya
I Think 1 Do (5/98) Former college room-
mates finally admit they're gay. YY
1 Went Down (See review) Droll crime
duo's misadventures in Ireland. УУУ
Land Girls (See review) While the lads
fight in World War Two, three Eng-
lish lasses pitch hay and woo. wy
Love and Death on Long Island (4/98)
John Hurt as a widowed writer in
love with a male movie star. Wh
Nil by Mouth (4/98) Actor Gary Old-
man directs a movie about England's
seamy side. yy
Post Coitum (5/98) Young lover un-
hinges a mature French wife. Wr
A Price Above Rubies (See review) How
a woman outgrows her Orthodox
Jewish roots. ETT
Primary Colors (See review) Nichols
and May take on that thinly disguised
tale of a sex-driven presidential
hopeful. Wh
The Proposition (5/98) Murder of a mis-
guided sperm donor. WwW
Shooting Fish (See review) English
shenanigans to help finance a stately
home. wy
Sliding Doors (4/98) Gwyneth Paltrow
experiences parallel lives. ЕА
The Spanish Prisoner (5/98) Mamet's
able, intricate suspense drama. УУУУ:
The Truce (5/98) Turturro plays an Ital-
ian Jew freed from Auschwitz. УУ
Welcome to Woop Woop (5/98) You can
skip this visit to the Australian out-
back. Wh
Wilde (See review) Wilde's trials and
conviction as a homosexual. Wy
Wild Man Blues (See review) Jazz and
one-liners from Woody Allen, with
Soon-Yion his European tour. YY/:
¥¥ Worth a look
¥ Forget it
¥¥¥¥ Don't miss.
YYY Good show
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By Pregnant Women
By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal
Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight.
"It's all a matter of
g mood,” says TV dar-
ling and ргдувоу veter-
an Jenny McCarthy.
“For example, if Im
feeling in need of
something sensitive,
1 will put on Forrest
Gump. which I could
watch a million times. If I'm feeling low, |
definitely have to watch a comedy. | espe-
cially love Goldie Hawn movies—Privata
Benjamin, Protocol and my favorite, The
Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox. And The
Jerk has the mostamazing physical come-
dy.” But for Miss October 1993, vid view-
ing is also about making up for lost time.
“Growing up, we couldn't afford to go to
the movies and we didn't have a VCR, so
I never got to see a lot of films. In fact, |
just saw The Godfather for the very first
time last week. | mean, hello? Am I a little
behind or what?” SUSAN KARLIN
First Run Features has released two erot-
ic classics from the Audubon Film Col-
lection. 1, a Woman (1966) stars Кня Коце
Essy Persson as an amorous nurse who
specializes in her own torrid brand of
TLC. The Libertine (1969) tells the tale ofa
young widow (Catherine Spaak) who
discovers her late hubby's secret sex
hideaway and, feeling cheated, moves in
herself. Initially banned in the U.S., The
Libertine went on to spark—and then
win—a Supreme Court censorship case.
Each tape is $29.95.
Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, married
since November 1987, duke it out for
box-office supremacy a couple of times
each year. But who has the edge on
video? Let's go to the tapes (Bruce's ti-
tles appear first).
1982: The Verdict vs. Young Doctors in Love.
Both newcomers were uncredited in
walk-ons, with Bruce as a courtroom
spectator and Demi as a medical intern.
With four Oscar noms (to none) and a
Mamet script, the verdict is: The Verdict.
1985: Moonlighting vs. St. Elmo's Fire.
Smarmily smiling at Cybill in a TV
movie will get you only so far; mean-
while, Demi's drama-junkie Brat Packer
launched her career (despite problems
on the set). Demi's round
1986 and 1987: Blind Date vs. About Last
Night. He dates tipsy Kim Basinger; she
mates with Rob Lowe. For nudity and
sex scenes alone, Demi scores.
1988: Die Hard vs. The Seventh Sign. Bruce
saves a high-rise from a gang of terror-
ists, while Demi saves the world from the
devil. Big bangs beat brimstone—and it’s
all Brucie's.
1990: The Bonfire of the Vanities vs. Ghost.
Demi easily wins this bout as a widow
with her hands in clay, while Bruce has
feet of clay in the landmark bomb based
on Tom Wolfe's novel.
1992: Death Becomes Her vs. A Few Good
Men. Bruce copes with decaying Goldie
and Meryl in a creepy black comedy;
itary lawyer Demi keeps up with the likes
of Cruise and Nicholson. Salute Demi.
1993: striking Distance vs. Indecent Proposal.
Bruce sinks quick as a cop with a fast
boat, while Demi beds Redford after
hubby Harrelson loses her in Vegas. An-
other critical dud, another Demi win.
1994: Nobody’s Fool vs. Disclosure. Bruce
clashes with Paul Newman in a small-
town slice-of-lifer, while randy exec De-
mi harasses Michael Douglas on the job.
Her blow job scene seals the deal.
1995: Twelve Monkeys VS. The Scarlet Letter.
He's a futuristic prisoner surfing on a
time warp; she's Hawthorne's Puritan
adulteress scorned for being horny. Take
it, Bruce.
1996: Last Man Standing VS. Striptease. He
dons a fedora and an attitude in Walter
Hill's brutal spin on Hammett; she gets
delightfully naked as a bumping-and-
grinding mom. Bruce who?
1997: The Fifth Element vs. С.І. Jane. Bruce
battles vagina-like aliens in expensive
French flick; Demi dives deep into muck
to become a Navy Seal. It's Demi, by a
mudslide. — BUZZ MCCLAIN
the Month
Any era that can
boast the arrival
of Sputnik, the
Hula Hoop, Willie
Mays and the fe-
male orgasm
cannot be all
bad. The Fifties
(5100), the His-
tory Channels
flashback based on David Halberstam's
book, tracks the decade from the postwar
baby boom through the Beat movement,
the Cold War, Elvismania and the first
bursts of Sixties fervor. The program fea-
tures interviews, newsreel footage, print
ads and loads of treasured TV clips. Our fa-
vorite segment: part four—all about Kin-
sey, the pill, a guy named Hef and his dar-
ing new magazine.
Lumivision's DVD release of Africa: The
Serengeti ($29.95) features narration in
eight languages. The breathtaking trav-
clog trails 2 million wildebeests, zebras
and antelope across the plains, and in-
cludes spoken French, Japanese, Ko-
rean, Bavarian, Spanish, Catalan and
Mandarin. James Far] Jones booms out
the English track. GREGORY P FAGAN
Good Will Hunting (shrink Robin Williams uncorks genius jan-
itor Май Damon; sharp script, sharper acting), Alien Resur-
rection (dopey science guys dig inta Sigaurney's death-bug
DNA; c rore worthy sequel].
The Sweet Hereofter (Russell Banks’ navel becomes a savory
meditation on death by тооду Atom Egayan), Midnight in
the Garden of Good and Evil (Eastwoad’s spin an Jahn
Berendt's true -crimer feels flat but still holds you).
26 cuits and grits.
Air courier travel is one way for you to see the world cheap-
ly, providing you're adventurous and have time to spare. In
exchange for accompanying time-sensitive business cargo
(which usually takes the place of your checked luggage), you
fly overseas in coach class for 50 percent to 80 percent less
than the lowest book-in-advance fares, depending on the sea-
son. You may even fly free ifa courier company hires you on-
ly a day or so before departure. And so long as the company
hasn't booked you to return immediately with other cargo,
you're free to stay at your destination for up toa month. Each
year, about 40,000 courier-carrying flights leave major gate-
way cities (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Detroit
and San Francisco) for Europe, Asia, South America and the
Pacific. And 30,000 more outbound flights leave from over-
seas airports, so you can hop
connecting flights to Africa, Is-
rael or the Gulf. (You may even.
get to log frequent-flier miles.)
Air couriers usually must be at
least 21 years old (with a valid
passport) and be willing to trav-
el alone with minimal luggage.
(Neatness also counts. Most
companies have a dress code
that stresses no torn or dirty
jeans.) For a $64 sign-up fee
(membership dues are $39 an-
nually after that), the Air Cou-
rier Association (www.aircouri
er.org or 800-693-8333) will
give you useful information, including flight schedules, travel
ups and discount hotel and rental car benefits. The Interna-
tional Association of Air Travel Couriers has a Web site at
www.courier.org. You can also read Air Courier Bargains: How
to Travel Worldwide for Next to Nothing by Kelly Monaghan,
which is available in bookstores. — NADINE EKREK
Savannah, Georgia's easygoing pace affords plenty of time for
sipping mint juleps—and for exploring the region's bustling
nightlife. Begin your evening with waterside drinks and ap-
petizers at the Chart House (202 West Bay Street) in the pop-
ular riverfront area (where River Street meets the Savannah
River). Then head over to Elizabeth on 37th (105 East 37th
Street) where chef Elizabeth Terry offers an ever-changing
menu that has featured roasted quail with mustard-and-pep-
per sauce and a sensational sesame-crusted grouper. If you
are unable to find what you're looking for on the restaurants
impressive wine list, ask about the cellar's more extensive
selection. Johnny Harris (1651 East Victory Drive), which has
been in business since 1924, is where locals congregate for se-
rious barbecue. Or try the Crystal Beer Parlor (301 West
Jones Street) for mugs of draft and fried-oyster sandwiches.
For some of the best jazz in the city, Hannah’s East (20 East
Broad Street) features Emma Kelly, the “Lady of 6000 Songs”
made famous in John Berendt’s Midnight in the Garden of Good
and Evil. Kevin Barry's Irish Pub (117 West River Street) is a
great place to hear traditional Irish music. After midnight, the
Zoo (121 West Congress Street), a four-level dance club, offers
live music, industrial and Top 40 hits in a video-charged at-
mosphere. If you're in a retro sort of mood, Hip Huggers (9
West Bay Street) will take you back with the disco sounds of
the Seventies and Eighties. Then give your feet a rest. In the
morning you'll be standing in line to refuel at Mrs. Wilkes’
Dining Room (107 West Jones Street) with down-home bis-
If you're a mountain man by day but like your creature
comforts at night, heli-hiking is the way to go. Sign on to
Canadian Mountain Holiday's six-night wilderness adven-
ture and a chopper will transport you, fellow trekkers and
guides high onto British Columbia's Selkirk range for
hours of wandering over some of the world's most beau-
tiful terrain. Then it's back to the remote Adamant Lodge
(pictured here) for wonderful
food and wine—or more rack
hugging on an indoor climbing
wall. The six-night package goes
for about $1780 per person,
double occupancy, and includes
round-trip transportation from
Calgary to the lodge (about 300
miles), food, wine and equipment (boots, day pack,
insulated jacket, etc.). Call 800-661-0252 to book or for
additional information. Three- and four-night trips are
also ofiered. — DAVID STEVENS
Whether tossed into the back of your Porsche or carried
aboard a 747, the Bounty Hunter's “ultimate satchel-brief-
case-wine bag” isa great tote. Two bottles of wine fit perfectly
intothe padded saddle leather Courier ($360) pictured below,
rear. In front of it is the six-bottle Freighter ($400), made of
saddle leather and canvas. Not shown is a four-bottle Satchel
model that's also saddle leather and canvas and features two
gusseted pockets ($370). (The
padding can be removed
from all three items.) Call
800-943-wINE to order ог
to obtain a free cat-
alog. * Jao is an
hand refresher
that combines es-
sential oils (laven-
der, geranium,
eucalyptus, cedar
leaf and tea tree)
with ethyl alco-
hol. The result is
a hand sanitizer
that smells like
fine French soap.
A four-ounce bottle costs $8. Call
888-296-8685. DS
We thought Pioneer's announcement of
a 50-disc CD changer for the car was big
news. But Alpine, Audiovox, Jensen and
Kenwood are just a few of the companies
that plan to turn automobiles into verita-
ble theaters on wheels. (The industry
term for the trend is “car multimedia.”)
TV monitors are installed on the backs
of seats or suspended airline-style from
overhead consoles. Video sources such
as VCRs and DVD players are also built
in. Plus there are connections for video
game machines and sound systems (such
as Alpine's DDDrive speakers and sub-
woofer) that pump theater-quality Dolby
Digital audio throughout the car. Obvi-
ously, this video entertainment is de-
signed to keep passengers occupied. For
the driver, Clarion offers AutoPC. This
stereo-sized computer uses voice recog-
nition to tune the radio, dial the cellular
phone, give directions and read e-mail.
Saying “Startradio,” for example, brings
the tuner to life. And a navigation fea-
ture will guide you through unfamiliar
territory turn by turn in a calm comput-
er voice. Prices start at about $1000.
Before you replace your tape deck with a
compact disc recorder, consider the fol-
lowing. Rewritable CDs (the kind that
you can record over multiple times)
combine the crisp sound quality of digi-
tal audio with the recording properties
of cassette, but there's one major limita-
tion: The finished product can be played
only on the machine that recorded it. In
other words, you can't pop your dance
mix into your car stereo or take it to the
gym. At least not yet. Pioneer and
Philips, both of which make rewritable
CD recorders for home stereo, say the
problem is myopia. Today's CD players
can't read the discs because they're not
28 as reflective as standard, silver-plated
CDs. The player's laser just can't see the
grooves burned onto the rewritable disc
Ditto for the next generation of optical
technology, the DVD player. If you want
to be able to play your disc anywhere,
you'll have to resort to the old write-
once method of recording. The Philips
CDR870 and the Pioneer PDR-555RW
offer dual recording capabilities. One
last caveat for those who love to share
music mixes with friends: An antipiracy
feature called the serial-copy manage-
ment system prevents you from making
a duplicate disc of a duplicate. So you
can make one compilation of your fa-
vorite Sublime cuts—but only one.—p.c.
Apple didn't have much faith in the
Newton Messagepad. It pulled the
plug on the handheld computer
earlier this year. However, Newton
seems to have at least one support-
er—the U.S. military. A spokesper-
son for Apple confirmed that all
four branches of the armed ser-
vices have purchased Newtons, ap-
parently for use in combat simula-
tions. As Wired magazine reports,
the devices have proved their
Talk about maximizing juice. You could jog for almost two days straight without hoving
to replace the single AA battery that powers Panasonic’s Shock Wove RQ-SW45V
(about $100, pictured). Other cool features of this sports-model personol cassette
stereo include an AM/FM tuner with 20 station presets and a five-mode lap function
that allows yau to keep track of the distance you're running
(or walking) by way of footprints that travel around the
unit's LCD. For those who like their bass on the heavy
side, the RQ-SW45V also offers Panasonic's exclusive
Brainshaker Virtual Motion Sound System. With
VMSS, you actually feel the music vibroting through
the headphones as you listen. A switch allows you
to turn off the VMSS—our preferred position. e If
you want to jump on the e-mail
bandwagon but have zero
PC knowledge, check aut
Ultradata’s Easy Mail.
This na-brainer gad-
get plugs into any
phone line and has
a small keyboard for
punching in quick
messages. Н alsa func-
tions as a calculator,
calendar and address
book—all for $180.
For $20 more you con
apt for Ultradota's
PalmNet, a more so-
phisticoted device
thot accepts e-mail
farwarded from oth-
er accounts (such
as AOL). —вт
worth. In an exercise called Hunter
Warrior, 1500 marines equipped with
land-mobile radios and Newtons were
able to overcome their opponents (a low-
tech force of 4500) repeatedly. Accord-
ing to Navy commander Ron Hender-
son, using technology with new orga-
nizational strategies enabled his tech
troops to better coordinate their attack
efforts. Newton as lethal weapon? A spin
on General Douglas MacArthur's World
War Two prophecy: It shall not return.
Webcasting, the broadcasting of live per-
formances on the Internet one of the
houest things going on in cyberspace
There arc at least half a dozen sites de-
voted exclusively to webcast airing free
concerts. Aside from showcasing a vari-
ety of musical styles—from smooth jazz
and symphonic arrangements to rau-
cous neopunk and hip-hop—many of
these concerts provide a peek into the
country's hippest venues. Webcast sites
also give fans an opportunity to interact
by running chats simultaneously with
the shows.
So far, most big-name bands (c.g., U2,
the Smashing Pumpkins, Aerosmith)
12 Jurassic racker turned Net-entre-
A preneur Mick Jagger hos created
a company called Jagged Inter-
networks ta broadcast major
cricket tournaments on the Web.
If you're in need of a cricket fix,
check out www-uk cricket ога/
Next time you're shopping on-
е, you may want ta see if the
le liu» curried о CPA WebTrust
seal. Issued by the American In-
stitute of Certified Public Accoun-
tants, this commercial seal of op-
proval indicates that the online
vendor has passed a strict set of
business guidelines—including
the pratection of your privacy
and credit card numbers.
have shied away from webcasts (they
would rather have you pay at the stadi-
um, thank you).
But some impres-
sive acıs have
been making a
splash on the Net,
including Cheap
Trick, Beck, Los
Lobos, Porno for
Pyros, Jewel and
Be forewarned:
Webcasting is still
in its infancy,
which means that
many of the per-
formances may
seem more like
AM radio with
crackling, freeze-
frame video. Undoubtedly that will
change as Net influencers (including Mi-
crosofi) continue to devote major cash to
improving the quality of online audio
Jamming on Jam TV.
and video. In the mean-
time, keep your expecta-
tions in check and be sure
your computer is up to the
challenge. We would rather
lock lips with Marilyn Man-
son than view a webcast
with anything less than a
Power Mac or Pentium PC.
You need a fast system and
an equally fast modem to
enjoy this technology. You
also need audio and video
plug-ins such as RealPlayer
or Microsoft's NetShow, as
well as iChat for dishing
during the concerts. Each
of the music sites that fol-
low includes links to free
Jam TV (www.jamtv.com) is a flashy site
and its Virtual Venue hosts a daily lineup
of live acts. Look for a mix of alternative
music—such as Chumbawamba or
Bush—webcast from the Metro or Park
West in Chicago, Jam TV's hometown.
The site also serves as a great music ref-
erence spot, with band profiles and
discographics. Therc's a scarch engine
that lets you plug in band names to sce
when and where they'll be playing next,
as well as a link to Ticketmaster.
LiveConcorts (www.liveconcerts.com) has
tie-ins with the House of Blues and cov-
ers a broad range of musical genres,
from the guitar rock of the Black Crowes
to the synth pop of Erasure. The site al-
so hosts special events (a Jackie Brown
soundtrack listening party was happen-
ing when we tuned in). Video interviews
with Cheap Trick, Depeche Mode and
others are great time-wasters. And to en-
sure you don't miss a beat, the creators
of LiveConcerts vill send you e-mail to
remind you of upcoming events
For webcasts of
music, as well as
sports, business
and news from
around the world,
point your brows-
er to AudioNet
com). Porno for
Pyros, Travis Tritt
and Beck are a
few of the artists
whose concerts
have aired here.
If you miss a live
event, AudioNet
offers plenty of
archived materi-
als. Particularly
cool are the site's audio-only shows from
New York's Blue Note Club and the Art
Institute of Houston. Jazz performances
at the former sound great, thanks to
No Doubt rocks the Web,
the club's “quiet policy.”
Herbie Hancock and Ray
Barretto have played stir-
ring sets at the Blue Note,
which we listened to in the
background while surfing
to other sites.
LA Live (www.lalive
com) offers more than just
a look at the Los Angeles
rock scene. The site has a
burgeoning archive of big-
name acts (including Sarah
McLachlan and No Doubt)
performing at clubs such
as the Viper Room and
Whisky A-Go-Go. But inti-
mate dives aren't the only
spots from which LA Live
webcasts. Concerts that are
held at the 35,000-capaci-
ty Blockbuster Pavillion
and the 15,400-capacity Irvine Mead-
ows are aired here, along with perfor-
mances at the Joint, a 1400-seat theater
at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas.
To keep up with the world of online
music, check out Live Online (www.live-on
line.com), which has a huge archive of
webcasts categorized by genre and
searchable by artist. It also includes re-
views of various regional and local sit
MTV and Yahoo teamed up to create Un-
fURLed (www.unfurled.com), an online-
music reference site. You can search for
your favorite band or scan listings of the
week's concert webcasts, interviews and
celeb chat appearances. There also are
links to music news and gossip, as well as
to an amusing section called Totally
Wack, which features goofy games titled
Sugar Ray Pinball, Electric Clay Drum. Solo
and Madonna Slugfest. MARK GLASER
Waterworld: This PC CD-ROM
sinks, with pitiful action and
graphics that are as dated as the
Kevin Costner movie.
Clay Fighter 63%: The poar con-
trols and slow gameplay of this
Nintendo 64 title are bad
enough. But a fighting game
without blood, guts and vio-
lence? What's the point?
Fantastic Four: The Boring Four
would be а better for this
PlayStation game. Stick with the
comic boak.
Meat Puppet: Another adult CD-
ROM that attempts fo stir the li-
bida yet leaves it limp.
28 @ Q
See what's happening on Playboy's
Hame Page at hitp://www.playboy.com
Elizabeth Wurtzel wants you to see she has nice tits. So she ap-
pears topless on the cover of her latest offering, Bitch (Double-
day), a book “in praise of difficult women.” She also wants you
to see she's manipulating her
own marketing, so she's flip- Boyt CH]
ias die el. mie ins |
me-fuck you dust-jacket dic | m
chotomy gets to the point. Praise of
Wurtzel's mission is to make Difficult
the world accept female mis- | women
behavior. She's a talented styl-
ist with an aggravating per-
sonality. This stuff is cloaked
in a litany of pop-culture case
studies about women who've
been screwed for acting out:
Amy Fisher, Courtney Love,
Hillary Clinton, Nicole Brown
Simpson and herself. But
Wurtzel is still young. You get
the sense that with time her
prose will lose its melodrama
and distinguish itself. Or maybe she'll write an unexpectedly
humble book such as Lisa Palac’s Edge of the Bed (Little,
Brown), a sexual autobiography that addresses many of Eliza-
beth Wurtzel's themes, yet manages to come off without ag-
grandizing the author's evolution from Catholic schoolgirl to
boundary-breaking cybersex queen. SHANE DUBOW
Postwar American culture expressed itself in strange ways,
many of them centered on cars. What other epoch cauld
bring us the Edsel and the drive-in church? The American
Drive-in Movie Theater (Motorbooks Internatianal), by Dan
and Susan Sanders, follows drive-ins fram their invention in
1933 to their baby-boam glary days. Through great photos
of jukes from 1937 to 1948, Vincent Lynch's American Juke-
box: The Classic Years (Chronicle) details the machine that de-
fined the course of papular music. Car Hops and Curb Service:
A History of American Drive-in Restaurants 1920-1969 (Chroni-
cle), by Jim Heimann, explares oddball eateries, carhops and
drive-in taverns. Quentin Willsan's Classic American Cars (DK
Publishing] offers a gallery of 60 great autos, from the 1943
Willys Jeep to the 1978 Cadillac Seville. Patio Daddy-O:
Fifties Recipes With a Nineties Twist (Chronicle), by Gidean
Bosker and Karen Braoks, presents time-warp classics such
as barbecued meat loaf and hot-iran grilled cheese sand-
wiches (white bread and American cheese, of course). Hi-Fi^s
& Hi-Balls: The Golden Age of the American Bachelor (Chrani-
cle], by Steven Guarnaccia and 8ob Sloan, laoks at swinging
bachelor pads, clathes, tunes and jakes. If all this modernity
makes yau weary, check aut Out on the Porch (Alganquin),
which beautifully evakes a genteel American tradition laid
law by air-conditianing and TV. —1EOPOLD FROEHLICH
Roger Simon's Show Time: The American Political Circus and the
Race for the White House (Times Books) goes behind the scenes
for an intriguing look at the pols and pundits who steered
1996's presidential election. Bill Clinton's h-pressin,
Harold Ickes’ tirades, Larry King's belching—it's all here. Si
mon’s humorous take isa catalog of Bob Dole's political shor
comings. While Bob plays the fool and falls on his face, Bill's
cool spin clinches the race, Those who resort to watching Mel-
rose Place for their regular dose of postadolescent psychodra-
ma need suffer no more. Daniel Lyons’ Dog Days (Simon &
Schuster), which grew out of his short story that won our Col-
lege Fiction Award in 1992, will fit the bill. Set in Boston's
North End, it’s a well-crafted tale rife with all the requisite in-
gredients: lost love, deception, Mafiosi,
purloined pets. OK, so it's really
notan ordinary tale ofad-
dled youth, but
it’s one of
ery. This i
an unpreten-
tious, engaging \
story. J.G. Bak
lard, whose novel
Crash added new
meaning to the term auto-
erotica, has written Cocaine
Nights (Counterpoint), an untraditional murder mystery with
a darkly philosophical soul. The book's epicenter is Estrella de
Mar, a secluded Spanish resort of “Arab princes, retired gang-
sters and Eurotrash.” Estrella appears to be a model of tran-
quility, but the drone of cicadas and the scent of honeysuck
le mask an underworld of illicit sex, drugs and death. The
Muhammad Ali Reader (Ecco Press), edited by Gerald Early,
contains four decades of the best-known writings on Ali by
A.]. Liebling, Norman Mailer, Murray Kempton, Ishmael
Reed, Gay Talese and George Plimpton, among others. These
pieces poignantly and poetically capture the exquisite essence
of the Greatest. —MIKE THOMAS
Pop racks—at least it does in the interac-
tive pop-up books Rock Pack (Universe Publishing) and
Elvis Remembered (Pop-Up Press). James Henke, chief curator at the
Rock and Rall Hall af Fame and Museum, and designer Ron van der
Meer create a rock-from-its-raots visual salute in Rack Pack, with 3D
images of Jimi jamming, Alice Caaper's guillotine, Bootsy Collins
funked up and Elvis recording in Memphis. The King is alsa hip-
swinging in Elvis Remembered, with rare photos from the Graceland
archives. He shakes, rattles and jailhouse racks fram Tupelo to
Memphis to Hallywood — HELEN FRANGOULIS
Glove wom by first
baseman Lou Gehrig
during hi:
breaking streak of 2,130
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The new redesigned Ironman Triathlon watch
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our web site at www. timex. соп
fier 16 years of a bull market, are
there any underpriced stocks left?
This month I'll tell you how to find
stocks that have fallen out of favor with
institutional investors but that still pos-
sess strong financials and good growth
prospects. Our strategy will make use of
a statistical concept that will accomplish
the scemingly impossible: buying un-
loved stocks in a bull market and still
getting a good night's sleep.
Regression to the mean sounds like a
room-emptying topic if ever there was
one. Actually the concept is quite sim-
ple—and instructive. It is based on the
notion that in any given population—
from people to goats to the price-to-
earnings ratios of common stocks—most
of the group tend to cluster around an
average, with fewer nonaverage mem-
bers of the population sloping toward
the sides. In other words, far more peo-
ple are 510” than are 105”. Far more
women wear a В cup than a D cup.
The implication for investors is signif-
icant because it holds that, given enough
time, overpriced and underpriced stocks
will return to the mean, or average,
price in the market. It doesn’t matter
whether you measure price by the dollar
value of stocks or by price-to-earnings
ratios—the classic measure of invest-
ment value for common stocks.
This concept already underpins an
impressively profitable strategy that in-
volves buying the bottom ten stocks of
the Dow Jones industrial average at the
start of each calendar year. You can find
the strategy spelled out in detail at
www.dogsofthedow.com. The concept
can also be applied to all common stocks,
not just the Dow 30. Lucky for us, the
very dominance of institutional investors.
on Wall Street gives the little guys (that's
you and me) plenty of room to do so.
The reason? Institutional investors and
money managers tend to move in packs.
This herd instinct among institutional
investors creates some real distortions
in the market. By investing in groups of
stocks that are institutional favorites,
fund managers almost guarantee that
their darlings will become overpriced.
Our first rule of thumb to finding un-
dervalued stocks is to stay away from in-
stitutional favorites (let's say, arbitrarily,
those stocks that have half or more of
their shares held by institutions). Though
it is not always the case, the chances are
32 good that such stocks are overpriced.
Nearly any broker's investment report
on a company will include information
regarding the percentage of that com-
pany's shares that are held by institu-
tional investors. But for $9.95 per
month you can get that, plus a whole lot
more of such information—on any num-
ber of companies you want—from the
Microsoft Investor Web site (www.in
vestor.msn.com). It’s easily one of the
best investment buys to be found
Next step: Within the universe of
stocks that institutions don’t dominate,
we need to zero in on those selling for
less than the average of their industries
as a whole. We do that by focusing on a
measurement known as the forward P/E
ratio—the company’s price per share di-
vided by Wall Street’s consensus forecast
of its likely earnings per share in the
year ahead. If a stock is so obscure that
few analysts follow it (and no forecasts
are available), we'll use the most recent
full year's earnings as a fallback, creating
a so-called trailing P/E.
For $675 per year, Morningstar re-
search house in Chicago will sell you a
software package, updated monthly, that
lets you screen more than 7000 stocks in
72 different industries for such ratios.
On the other hand, for $9.95 per month
you can get the same information via the
Microsoft Investor Web site.
Over the past five years the five stocks
in the obscure technology niche known
as precision measurement devices have
been selling, on average, for about 17.4
times earnings. That's just about 30 per-
cent cheaper than the average annual
P/E ratio of the Standard & Poor's 500
index—a Wall Street benchmark for
stock valuations—during the same peri-
od. In other words, the entire sector is
unloved and selling for cheap. It’s a
good place to search for an investment.
In that sector, one company stands
out: Irvine, California-based Newport
Corp., which designs, produces and
markets instruments and electronic de-
vices used by scientists. At a recent price
of around $18, Newport sold at 23 times
earnings. That's more expensive than
others in its field, as measured by the Mi-
crosoft Investor research service, but no
more expensive than the S&P 500 as a
whole. What's more, the company is lit-
tle known on Wall Street, so only a hand-
ful of mutual funds owu апу ofits shares,
and few analysts follow its fortunes. As a
result, investors don't seem to have по-
ticed that the company’s financials not
only are strong but are dramatically im-
proving. Sales have climbed by nearly 55
Percent since 1994 to $133 million and
earnings have more than doubled to
$7.1 million. Its growth rates are more
than twice those of its rivals. The compa-
ny’s balance sheet is strong. The dou-
bling in price that occurred in 1997
could well repeat itself, especially if mu-
tual funds and other institutions become
interested in the stock.
Obviously, one stock cannot build a
portfolio. Newport Corp. is a small oper-
ation with only 750 employees and bare-
ly 9 million shares of stock outstanding.
On some days fewer than 25,000 of
those shares are traded, suggesting that
the price could jump around quite a bit
ifa lot of buy (or sell) pressure develops.
In other words, a whiff of bad news
could wipe out the gains from months
(or even more) of good news. So there's
risk here, to be sure. But according to
regression to the mean theory, Newport
Corp. hasa much better chance of going
up in value during the year ahead than it
does of going down.
You can reach Christopher Byron by e-mail
at cbscoop@aol.com.
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hat would I have done in Presi-
dent Clinton’s place and how
would I have behaved if I had his job?”
That is the kind of question that has not
been asked a lot since the Sex Scandal of
1998 engulfed us. But before we judge
others, should we not examine our-
selves? Last week, by sheer coincidence,
I received an important call from the
National Commission on Presidential
Lust (in De Queen, Arkansas). I am
proud to report that the commission has
chosen me to prepare a mandatory quiz
for future presidential candidates, and I
have humbly accepted the assignment.
(Please note: This quiz is intended only
for male candidates, since women run-
ning for political office in the U.S. are
seen as being above reproach sexually.)
What follows is the quiz I have pre-
pared for the commission. Read the hy-
pothetical scenarios carefully and an-
swer the question at the end of each case.
Scenario I: You are president of the
U.S. and are sitting alone in the Oval Of-
fice late one night when Veronica Vamp,
a gorgeous, long-limbed, big-busted,
red-haired Secret Service agent quietly
opens the door and slips into the room.
“Mr. President," Veronica says breathily
through her lip gloss, "I just want you to
know that I'd take a bullet for you any
time, you big hunk. So why don't you
slip me some lead from your pencil right
now?" You can't help but notice E
Veronica is putting on knee pads and a
lobster bib as she says this. Her green
eyes gaze at you with adoration.
Question: Do you cover your hog or
pull out that log?
Scenario 2: As president, you make
many important trips to foreign capitals.
Paris is one of your favorite places, so
you try to visit with the French as often
as you can. On this particular trip (your
third this month) you are napping in
your hotel room after the long flight
from Washington, when you hear a tap-
ping on your window overlooking the
courtyard. You open the drapes to find
two lovely Frenchwomen posing as win-
dow-washers on a scaffold. They look
like twins with their long blonde hair
and cute faces and well-shaped bodies in
tight Levi's shorts and bikini tops. Flexi-
ble as ballerinas, they glide through the
open French doors and settle themselves
on their knees around you, giggling and
begging you in broken English to ex-
36 pose yourself. You find four hands—OK,
make it six—fumbling for your schlong.
Question: Do you wag your dog or re-
ject the Frogs?
Scenario 3: To assuage the Brits on this
same trip, you are forced to make a
stopover in London to celebrate the
queen's birthday. At a formal dinner in
Buckingham Palace, the infamous Cla-
rissa Fortitude, duchess of Sodom (and
former high-fashion model), is seated to
your immediate right. She looks great in
her diamond tiara with her peachy skin,
and during the interminable speech-
es, you feel the duchess stroking your
woody through your tuxedo trousers.
Without a word, she takes your hand
and places it on her tender, mossy love
tunnel. Then, as the lights go out and
the birthday cake is carried in and God
Save the Queen is sung, the duchess grabs
you by the nape of your neck and push-
es your face toward her quivering hips
and sweet nether lips.
Question: Do you kiss her bog or go
hide in the fog?
Scenario 4: You've scheduled an hour's
massage by the White House pool every
Friday with Rocco Petrone, your physical
therapist, so imagine your surprise this
Friday when you climb onto the massage
table and out walks a brown-skinned
beauty ina nurse's outfit. She is lean and
tall and classically shaped. She says her
name is Frannie Fellatio and that she will
be your masseuse. Before you can say
anything, she is spreading warm oil on
your chest, shoulders and stomach. As
her hands move south, you are trying to
make a presidential decision under difit-
cult conditions. Yes, it feels wonderful,
but who is this woman, and why do her
lips interest you so much? “Oh, Mr. Pres-
ident,” she says with a smile, “you may
speak softly, but you certainly carry a big
Question: Do you run from the room
or let your tool bloom?
Scenario 5: Although it’s unknown to
the rest of the world (outside ofa few
special leaders), you
quently in an Interg:
tic Space Con-
1 ference. Meeting in a shaft 6000 feet un-
der the Mojave Desert, seated with some
discomfort around a huge conference
table, you and your advisors confer with
strange-looking aliens from distant plan-
ets who are here to take over earth as
peacefully as possible. Yours is an awe-
some task that unsettles you psychologi-
cally, especially since one of the aliens,
Rhonda X-49, seems to have your num-
ber. Aside from two small horns growing
out of her skull, Rhonda X-49 is the spit-
ting image of Sigourney Weaver. Like
Weaver, she knows without your saying
it that you yearn to be disciplined for all
your transgressions. ^You've been a bad
boy and you want me to spank you, don't
you?" Rhonda X-49 asks you telepathi-
cally. You feel a burning sensation all
over your butt. This is incredible! Sex
and pain, discipline and bondage, and
all applied silently from a distance.
Question: Do you get your kicks or ex-
pose her tricks?
Scenario 6: A dark-haired young intern
at the White House responds with fa-
vor to your general flirtatiousness, She
hangs around the West Wing and makes
herself available to you when you have
the time. The two of you share humor,
warmth, small gifis and a love of sexual-
ity. She makes you feel young and hand-
some and you make her feel powerful
and loved. It is an intergenerational,
high-risk affair with all the excitement
such a venture implies. You are using
her and she is using you, but it doesn’t
seem to matter as long as things are kept
private, between two consenting adults.
Question: Can you pop your knob and
still keep your job?
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Û love to perform oral sex on my wife,
but she seems to be losing enthusiasm
for it. I have a feeling she's bored with
my technique. Do you have any sugges-
tions? Also, how do I know when she's
ready for penetration?—R.T., Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania
There's no harm in ashing questions—
that's the quickest way to learn and an easy
method to turn up the heal with some dirty
banter. As porn star Nina Hartley
“Good pussy eating is a team effor
man is born an expert, so it’s crucial that
women participate and instruct. That said,
there are basic techniques that men can
use lo get things started. First, prepare your
wife for pleasure. Caress the insides of her
thighs, talk io her softly, massage the mus-
cles around her vulva. Demonstrating on
her video “Nina Hartley's Guide to Better
Cunnilingus” (800-765-2326), Nina gently
squeezes and kneads the muscles around her
partner's vulva like а baker, These muscles
are stronger and more pliant than most peo-
ple realize—and who thinks to massage
them? She reminds guys that the clitoris is
not a doorbell. Don't attack it. Instead, be
indirect. The clit is extremely sensitive, so
when you caress, kiss, lick, suck and tug on
her labia and other parts of her vulva, the
clitoris feels the tremors and responds, (Nina
claims she once produced un orgasm by tug-
ging on her lover's pubic hairs.) As for pene-
tration, wait for your wife to invite you in-
side. Nina's husband, Dave, makes a cameo
on her video to offer this rule of thumb: “If
her hips rise, she’s ready. The hips never lie.”
If your lover asks for your fingers, don't
shove them in deep. Most nerve endings are
within two inches of the vaginal opening, so
gently but firmly caress that area. If she
wants more than your fingers, well, you
don't need us for that.
ІМ, girlfriend cheated on me with a
friend of mine. She says she did it to
make sure I'm the only one she could
ever love. I want to believe she just made
a mistake, but I play the event over and
over in my head, and then I want to hit
something. When I'm with her I insist
she stick by my side. I don't like living
like this—I want to trust her again. She
Knows that without this control 1 won't
be part of a relationship with anyone.
That's not going to change, so please
don't tell me it's a problem I need to re-
solve. I'm writing for advice on how to
trust her agaín and to find out if you
think that I should give her another
chance —T.W., Peoria, Illinois
Let her go, for her own sake. Your girl-
friend went out for air because you have her
in a chokehold. Do you read her mail too?
You can’t build trust if you don't contribute,
and you can't do that unless you relinquish
control. Since you're not prepared to do that,
we declare this relationship doomed. You
trust our advice enough to write, so take it
and get help before you hurt someone.
IM, employer is sending me to work in
Europe for a year or so. I'm hoping to
get lucky. but none of the phrase books
Гуе seen offer translations that have to
do with meeting women, or taking them
to bed. Any suggestions?—R.T., New
York, New York
We can't imagine many situations in
which you would need an interpreter during
sex—body language is universal, But a well-
placed “You're unld in bed!” spoken in your
lover's native language could score points.
“Hot! International,” a seven-language
phrase book published by Babelcom (800-
468-9673), provides help with hundreds of
unorthodox but useful questions and phras-
es. Try your hand mangling translations for
“Got a light?” “Is he your boyfriend?”
“Want to go for a walk?” "Let's go to
my place,” “You have beautiful breasts,"
“Watch your nails!" “Doggy style?” “That
was the best sex Гое ever had,” “Can we try
again?” and finally, “Are you sure Гт the
father?” Don't forget to spend some of your
time with the German, French, Spanish,
Italian, Portuguese and Czech negotiations
for safer sex.
Р, ъс is my husband's favorite mag-
azine. That's not a problem—I have my
own collection of reading pleasures. The
problem is that he hides them all over
the house. For example, I was painting
the basement and found some in the
ductwork, When I say something he gets
upset and says he won't buy them any-
more. I tell him, "Keep buying them, but
how about sharing?” I keep all my
books, videos and toys on my night-
stand, within easy reach, so there's no
need for him to feel ashamed about what
he reads. This has been going on for ten
years. Should I give up or fight for him
to open up? He's so anal he doesn't even
talk or moan during sex. What can I do?
I want a full, open sex Ше with my hus-
band.—D.S., lowa City, lowa
Many men read PLAYBOY as an escape. It
represents their “space.” If a guys wife
shares all his interests—sports, vintage cars,
naked women—how can he ever sneak
? We don't condone hoarding the mag-
azine—we love women who love PLAYBOY—
but we understand it, Your husband's stash
has little to do with your real problem, which
is that you want him to be more expressive.
We assume you've told him this. Have you
shared your toys? Many men are pleasautly
surprised to learn that vibrators are unisex
Perhaps you could persuade him to read erot-
ic stories aloud with you, or simply describe
what you're doing, or what he likes. But
don’t take it personally if your husband
doesn't become a talker or moaner overnight.
That's fine. Not everyone enjoys chatter dur-
ing sex, and there are other ways to express
yourself in bed.
Hn 1993 you said the original ben-wa
balls contained a dollop of mercury,
which kept them in motion in the vagi-
na. I read somewhere that the original
balls were made of di: r metals.
When inserted into the moist environ-
ment of the vagina, these metals set up
an electrochemical reaction (as occurs
when you touch a tinfoil gum wrapper to
a silver amalgam tooth filling). The re-
sulting reaction kept the vagina lubricat-
ed and left the woman feeling aroused.
The original ben-wa balls certainly
sound more inspiring than the ones of
fered today. What do you think?—
Omaha, Nebraska
The history of ben-wa balls is murky. Leg-
end has it that they began as hollow balis
made of ivory that were Alk in the vagina
for pleasure or to provide a sense of fullness.
Some say they contained mercury; others dis-
agree. One source places them in Japan as
long аз 2500 years ago. Another, Fischer's
Erotic Encyclopedia (on CD-ROM, 888-
611-9999), claims the Dutch introduced
"rinno-tama" to the Japanese in the 17th
century. “The balls were paired, one gold
and hollow, the other silver and solid,” the
encyclopedia explains. “Tiny blades were fit-
ted inside the hollow ball, which produced a
musical chime with movement.” Whatever
their origin, ben-wa balls are no sexual mar-
vels. For starters, nothing is going Lo move
around much in the unaroused vagina (it's
not a cavern), so the sensations are subtle at
best. However, the folks at Good Vibrations
say that some female motorcyclists and bus
drivers who wear ben-wa balls on the road
report satisfying results.
Is there such a thing as male meno-
pause? If so, what can I do about it?—
TL., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
While women’s hormone levels drop dra-
matically, usually in their early 505, теп ex-
perience a more gradual shifi. One study
found that men’s testosterone levels drop
about one percent annually from age 39 to
70. As men age, their bodies sag. They take
longer to heal from illnesses or injuries. They
have less physical endurance. They may feel
depressed, anxious, irritable or indecisive.
They have less interest in sex, less forceful
ejaculations and difficulty achieving and
maintaining erections. What role testos-
terone or other hormones play in this re-
mains unclear. That's one reason to be cau-
tious about testosterone therapy, which can
increase your rish of prostate cancer and.
may not cure erectile dysfunction if the prob-
lem is high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis,
diabeles, depression or another illness. Sci-
entists are studying the effects of various hor-
mones on the symptoms of middle age. In the
meantime, exercise, good nutrition and reg-
ular medical exams are always a good idea.
During the past seven years my wife
has never made a spontaneous sexual
gesture, I ask and she gives, but I'm
tired of asking. It isn’t the same if you
have to ask. What can I do?—A.B., Mid-
dictown, Connecticut
This is a common complaint, and it stems
from the fact that men and women view sex
‘from different perspectives. The man often
takes a “let's get it on” approach. The wom-
an usually sees sex as part of a larger experi-
ence. Help your wife set up a sensual situa-
tion that leads to sex, rather than asking her
lo shove you onto the bed. Suggest that she
initiate a romantic evening—she plans it,
and you take care of the logistics. If you pay
attention to what she does to set the mood,
you'll learn a lot about how she approaches
sex. For most people, sex is more than ac-
tion—it’s interaction. If you need a gentle
push in the right direction, pick up a copy of
“101 Great Quickies” or “101 Nights of
Great Sex” (800-611-2665) by Laura Corn.
Each book contains sealed pages perforated
at the spine, You and your wife cach remove
pages, which offer instructions for quickies
or seductions. “The recipes are kept secret, so
your bedmate will never know which ideas
came from the book and which you invent-
ed,” Com says. “The sense of expectancy is
what elevates sex from mundane to magnifi-
cent.” The value of these books, besides the
creative sex, is that they require couples to
take turns taking charge.
Does the gene for penis size come from
the father’s side or the mother's side?—
Е.Т., Morristown, New Jersey
You can thank or blame both parents,
though your father probably had more influ-
ence. As Charles Panati writes in "Sexy Ori-
gins & Intimate Things”: “Penile size, as
wilh many male characteristics, is largely a
matter of heredity. If Dad is hung, there's a
good probability his sons will be too." While
we're on the topic, the length of a man’s pe-
nis has nothing to do with his height or the
size of his nose, feet or hands. There is an in-
verse correlation, however, to the price of his
Um getting married this fall. We're won-
dering if we should get separate or joint
bank accounts. What does the Advisor
recommend?—B.D., Omaha, Nebraska
We recommend a joint account with some-
опе who's rich. If you can’t work that out,
slick with separate accounts. They offer more
independence, belter protection from credi-
tors and an easier break if the relationship
sours. Since many couples say their fights
center on money, separate accounts may help
ease tensions about who's paying his or her
fair share. A joint account has some advan-
tages, such as lower fees and easier account-
ing, but not enough for our tastes. Consider
your personalities. Is one of you a spend-
thrift and the other frugal? Go with separate
accounts. Are you both CPAs? You may be
able to manage his, hers and ours accounts.
Is great that you're thinking about this
now, before you get married. As Ken Kurson
writes in “Green Magazine's Guide to Per-
sonal Finance,” his new money book for peo-
ple in their 20s and 30s: “Finances have a
way of bringing cut the worst in a couple.
Rul remember: No matter hom antragenns
your mate’s spending patterns, you haven't
glimpsed expensive until you've been
About a month ago, right before ex-
ams, my girlfriend dumped me. After a
weck of calling her, I learned what was
wrong. She left because of my religious
beliefs, or lack ofthem. She decided that
any guy she dates has to be a Christian,
and that qualities such as loyalty and
honesty come second. I was shocked. I
treated her well and never judged her.
She believes she settled for someone in-
ferior to what her church has set as a
standard. I feel totally rejected. She now
says she’s a sinner for having gone out
with me because we had sex a few times
and aren't getting married. What is the
best way to deal with people who allow
religion to dictate their lives’—P.R.,
Cedar Falls, lowa
We try nal to. Don't feel too bad —it's hard
for anyone to compele with the son of God.
Better you find a doubting Thomasine who
doesn't have all the answers.
Cana person daim membership in the
mile high club if there is an orgasm in-
volved but no penetration? In other
words, does a hand job count?—M.G.,
Denver, Colorado
A hand job counts, barely. A hand job from
the flight attendant definitely counis. A wet
dream about the flight attendant does not
count. If you're after penetration, book a
redeye, grab a blanket and an empty row and
wait for the movie to start. The lavatory
might work too, but you should skip the ciga-
reltes afterward.
АЛ, buddies and I are wondering: Has
anyone figured out how to cure a hang-
over?—T.R., East Lansing, Michigan
The party animals at “New Scientist”
magazine recently surveyed toxicologists for
their advice, and they found that traditional
remedies often work best. That means drink-
ing plenty of water before you hit ihe sack (to
keep your brain from shrinking), eating be-
fore and while you drink (to slow the absorp-
tion of alcohol), consuming sweetened tea in
the morning (to replace depleted blood sug-
ars) and drinking more booze when you get
up. Some researchers say the last method—
“the hair of the dog”—works only because
ethanol (i.e., the intoxicating agent in li-
quor) doesn’t cause hangovers. Instead, it's
another substance present in booze—
methanol—that packs the punch. (Cheap red
wine, cognac, fruit brandy and whiskey have
the most methanol.) A morning nip keeps the
liver busy processing ethanol, so methanol is
broken down more gradually. That, in turn,
eases hangover symptoms. You might also
find relief with N-acetyl-cysteine, sold in
health food stores. It helps cleanse the body of
booze's toxic debris. The best advice, of
course, is to know your limit.
Oe of the things I love to do with my
girlfriend is to use paintbrushes on her
back, neck, legs and genitals. I use a va-
riety of sizes—small for delicate areas
and larger ones on her back. Last spring
I bought a vibrator. I was doing my rou-
tine with the brushes and decided to
hold them against the vibrator, using
both to massage her. The result was a
long night with a very aroused girl-
friend. Have you heard of this combina-
tion?—].W., Auburn, Alabama
It’s new to us, but we're never surprised by
the ingenuity of our readers. You couldn't
have chosen a better canvas.
All reasonable questions —from fashion, food
and drink, stereo and sports cars to dat-
ing dilemmas, taste and etiquette—will be
personally answered if the writer includes a
self-addressed, slamped envelope. The most
provocative, pertinent questions will be pre-
sented in these pages each month. Write the
Playboy Advisor, pLavnoy, 680 North Lake
Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611, or ad
visor@playbay.com (because of volume, ше
cannot respond to all e-mail inquiries). Look
for responses lo our most frequently asked
questions al www.playboy.com/fag, and
check out the Advisor's latest collection of sex
tricks, “365 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life”
(Plume), available in bookstores or by phon-
ing 800-423-9494.
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his year marks the 25th an-
\ niversary of Roe us. Wade, the
U.S. Supreme Court decision
that legalized abortion. It is an appro-
priate time to remember the late Dr.
Robert Spencer.
When Spencer was in high school,
his father, a district attorney, had a
case brought to him by a renowned
minister whose daughter had been
receiving bizarre, threatening letters.
An investigation brought out the fact
that the girl was pregnant and didn't
want to be, and that she had written
the letters to herself. The minister
blew his brains out. Spencer
eventually went to medical school
and, decades later, recalled his
reaction to that case:
“I thought, Good gracious, to
think a person could feel that
way, and look what a few little
cells removed at a time like that
could have saved. I could have
saved, certainly, the life of the fa-
ther. Whatever became of the girl
after that, 1 don't know.”
And so it came to pass that Dr.
Spencer began performing Ше-
gal abortions. His reputation
spread, and he became known
as the Saint. He had originally
served as an Army doctor during
World War One, then as a pathol-
ogist at a hospital in Ashland,
At a time when 5000 women
were killed each year by criminal
abortionists who charged as
much as $1500, Dr. Spencer per-
formed safe operations for as lit-
tle as $5 and never more than $100.
He built living facilities at his clinic
for black patients, who were not al-
lowed to obtain overnight lodgings
elsewhere in Ashland. Although Ash-
land was a small, Catholic town, Dr.
Spencer's work was tolerated.
The walls of his office were decorat-
ed with those wooden signs tourists
like to buy. One, on the ceiling over
his operating table, read KEEP CALM.
He was the cheerful personification
of an old-fashioned physician. He
used folksy expressions such as “by
golly,” and rarely said the word preg-
nant. Rather, he would say, “She was
that way.”
In 1962 I interviewed him for The
Realist, promising that 1 would go to
prison rather than reveal his identity.
After the interview was published, I
began to get phone calls from women
in desperate search of a safe abortion-
ist. It was preposterous that they
should have to seek help from the ed-
itor of an offbeat satirical magazine,
but they simply didn’t know where
else to turn.
With Dr. Spencer's permission, I
referred those callers to him, several
every day. I had never intended to
become an underground abortion re-
ferral service, but the alternative was
to turn away those asking for help.
In January 1966, I flew to San
Francisco for a conference on abor-
tion and human rights, sponsored by
the Society for Humane Abortion.
‘There had never been such an event,
except for an unofficial convention
a few years earlier in Atlantic City
attended by three retired doctors.
While I was in San Francisco, Penn-
sylvania state police raided Dr.
Spencer's clinic and arrested him.
Political pressure kept him out of
jail, but he was finally forced to retire
from his practice. I continued, how-
ever, referring women to physicians
Dr. Spencer had recommended. Oc-
casionally a patient would offer me
money, but I never accepted. When-
ever a doctor offered me a kickback, I
refused, but I also insisted that he
give a discount for the same amount
to those patients referred by me-
Dr. Spencer died in January
1969. He would have been 80 that
March. In September of that year
I was subpoenaed to appear before
a grand jury investigating criminal
charges against abortionists. 1
refused to testify. Bronx District
Attorney (now Judge) Burton
Roberts threatened me with prison
if I didn't reveal the names of doc-
tors who performed abortions. I
still refused.
Then Roberts promised me im-
munity from prosecution if | coop-
erated. He warned me that inves-
tigators had uncovered one
abortionist's financial records,
which revealed that I had re-
ceived money, thus proving that I
had been engaged in a criminal
conspiracy for profit. “That's not
true,” I said with confidence.
At that point my attorney Gerald
Lefcourt filed suit on my behalf,
challenging the constitutionality of
the abortion laws. He pointed out
that the D.A. had no power to investi-
gate the violation of an unconstitu-
tional Jaw and therefore could not
force me to testify. I became the only
plaintiff in the first lawsuit to declare
the abortion laws unconstitutional in
New York.
Later, various women’s groups
joined the suit, and ultimately the
New York legislature repealed the
criminal sanctions against abortion,
prior to the Supreme Court decision
in Roe vs. Wade. Had Dr. Spencer lived
to see that day, he would have been
extremely gratified.
WEM hc 25th anniversary of Roe из.
Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court
r decision that legalized abortion,
prompted a torrent of editorials on the
history of the pro-choice movement.
Many cast the battle for abortion rights
as one between the sexes: A harsh pa-
triarchal society insists on keeping
women barefoot and pregnant while
fundamentalists trumpet the message
“Be fruitful and multiply.” Opposing
that view are women who used Roe vs.
Wade to establish the right to choose
when or if they will reproduce.
A New York Times/CBS poll released
on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade re-
vealed that 32 percent of wom-
en wanted abortion to remain
generally available, 44 percent
thought it should be placed
under stricter limits and 21
percent said it should be pro-
hibited. The figures for men
were almost identical: Thir-
ty-one percent wanted abor-
tion to be generally available,
45 percent thought there
should be stricter limits and 23
percent wanted it outlawed.
Reporting on the poll, Chi-
cago Tribune columnist Stephen
Chapman thought he knew
why some men had joined
the pro-choice movement over
the years: “rLAysoy has always
vocally endorsed abortion
rights,” he wrote. “You don't
have to be a genius to under-
stand why.”
A cheap shot.
Chapman implies that PLAYBOY'S po-
sition on abortion derives from self-in-
terest—that we defend a man's desire
not to "be held hostage by anyone he
happens to impregnate.” Of course we
are motivated by self-interest. But not
the kind that Chapman blithely offers.
The Tribune columnist needs to do
his homework. In the Sixties both men
and women welcomed technological
advances (the pill, the IUD) that sepa-
rated sex from procreation, that al-
lowed adults to explore pleasure and
intimacy before marriage, within mar-
riage or after marriage without the fear
of pregnancy.
AAA playboy's position on abortion SONGS
Still, none of these methods is fool-
proof. Men and women demanded the
right “not to be held hostage” to fail-
ures of contraception. No one wanted
to play reproductive roulette. The mo-
rality that Americans created in the
Sixties was simple: All children should
be wanted. Shotgun weddings do not
benefit women, children or men.
PLAYBOY opposed those who thought
the wages of sin should be disease, dis-
grace and death. Even today there are
those who want a girl who “gets into
trouble” to endure pregnancy as pun-
ishment, or redemption.
When PLAYBOY first mentioned abor-
tion rights, it was estimated that 5000
women a year died from botched abor-
tions. We did not want any woman—
girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend or
wife—to fall victim to butchery.
PLAYBOY reached its position from a
level of discourse that defined freedom
for both sexes as “the right to be let
alone.” Years before the Supreme
Court carved out the right to privacy,
in Griswold vs. Connecticut, Stanley vs.
Georgia, Eisenstadt vs. Baird and Roe ws.
Wade, Hugh Hefner was arguing for
just that in The Playboy Philosophy.
“No human act between two people
is more intimate, more private, more
personal than sex,” wrote Hefner, “and
one would assume that a democratic
society that prided itself on freedom of
the individual would be deeply con-
cerned with any attempted infringe-
ment of liberty in this most private act.”
He was outraged that “our demo-
cratic government, dedicated to the
doctrine of individual freedom and the
establishment of a permissive society,
nevertheless invades our most private
domain and dictates the details of our
most personal behavior. The govern-
ment asserts that our very bodies do
not belong to us—that we cannot use
them in our own way, and at our own
discretion, but only when and
how the state permits.”
In December 1965 rtavBov
became the first national mag-
azine to advocate legal abor-
tion—on the grounds that wom-
en have the same rights as men
to control their own bodies,
and should be able to choose
whether or not to bear chil-
dren. The magazine’s support
for the right of privacy was
more than vocal: The Playboy
Foundation funded early test
cases in both abortion rights
and gay rights. The Foun-
dation funded the National
Association for Repeal of Abor-
tion Laws and other organiza-
tions that to this day fight ef-
forts to restrict reproductive
Why gay rights? (See if Chap-
man can weave a conspiracy of
self-interest out of that position.) Hef-
ner saw that the right of privacy ex-
tends to all adults, regardless of gender
or sexual orientation, An essential lib-
erty cannot apply to one segment of
the country’s citizens and not another.
PLAYBOY became increasingly vocal in
the late Eighties, when the religious
right launched a major assault. When
one side of this debate resorts to bomb-
ings, abortion ceases to be solely a wom-
an’s issue. Just ask the policeman who
took his slain partner's place outside
the Birmingham clinic. We want to pro-
tect rights. It doesn’t take a genius to
understand why.
In March 1997 we covered the story
of Adam Lack, the Brown University
undergraduate who had the misfor-
tune of having sex with Sara Klein. It
seems that she, having gotten soused at
a fraternity party. urged him on, first
with kisses and then by taking off her
clothes. He took that as a sign of sex-
ual interest and obliged. Klein later
charged that Lack sexually assaulted
her because he yielded to her advances
while she was drunk. Her complaint
argued, in essence, that a responsible
man would have waited to
see if her randiness persist-
ed once she sobered up.
Lack said the woman nev-
er struck him as being out
of her senses.
In a long succession of
disciplinary hearings—
accompanied by press
coverage and protests
against Lack on cam-
pus—Lack was put on pro-
bation, forced into counseling
and eventually suspended
from the university. One fe-
male student at Brown reflect-
ed, “In ten years I won't re-
member the names of a lot of
people 1 know now. But I'll al-
ways remember Adam Lack’s
name.” So will others. Seeking
redress, Lack sued Brown U
versity for gender discrimina-
tion and negligence. He sued
Klein for libel. In December
Lack finally earned some jus-
tice. He settled his suits with
the university and Klein, and
Lack's campus status was restored to
“good standing.” Officially, that re-
versed all actions against him. Yet he
still lives with the stigma of the charge.
In a less enlightened time, female
victims of sexual assault feared that
word of their plight would leave them
branded as wanton, slutty or immoral.
‘Today, any suggestion on campus or in
the workplace that a woman is a sexual
being is verboten. Absurd sexual ha-
rassment charges against men do at
least as much damage, labeling them
miscreant and predatory. It is interest-
ing to note that Brown's muddled зех-
what happens when men accused of date rape or
sexual harassment fight back?
ual harassment policy was forged after
a campaign by campus feminists to out
men on campus who, through gossip
and innuendo, had been branded
rapists. The feminists’ modus operandi
was to post lists of men’s names in bath-
rooms—the men would be tried and
convicted from the impartial distance
of the crapper. Some accusers might
see this haphazard branding as a form
of payback, or justice for collective
guilt. Pure spite puts it better. Brown
administrators had been brainwashed;
almost all campus codes say “believe
the victim.” The Adam Lack case was a
step toward restoring balance, if not to-
ward restoring justice.
In the world of business, sexual ha-
rassment policies have forced cautious
executives to “believe the victim.” Law-
suits have punished companies that did
not react to charges, or reacted too
slowly. But now, a jury in Milwaukee
has told the world that things have
gone too far. Last summer it awarded
Jerold Mackenzie $26.6 million after
finding, among other things, that a fe-
male co-worker's charges against him
were groundless and that company ex-
ecutives overreacted in firing him. Re-
cently, a Wisconsin judge upheld all
but $1.9 million of the award.
‘The charges against Mackenzie were
filed in 1993, after he recapped part of
a Seinfeld episode to a colleague, Patri-
cia Best. In the show Jerry forgets the
name of the woman he is dating but
knows it rhymes with a female body
part. The girlfriend's name is Dolores.
When Mackenzie mentioned that he
was surprised NBC censors had al-
lowed the show to air, Best wondered
what he was talking about. He asked
her several times if she had fig-
urcd out the rhyming word.
She said that she hadn't. Even-
tually, Mackenzie showed Best
the entry for “clitoris” in a dic-
tionary. Best complained to
company administrators about
the incident. saying that Mac-
kenzie had leered at her crotch
when he brought her the dic-
tionary. After a series of meet-
ings, Mackenzie was fired from
his $95,000-a-year job. After
two years and 71 attempts to
find a new job, Mackenzie con-
cluded that Best's charges had
made him unemployable. “This
case was not about sexual! ha-
rassment,” he told The Wash-
ington Post. “This case was
about their actions costing me
my job, my good name and my
future.” Following a three-
week trial, the jury sided with
Mackenzie in a big way.
Although he sought $9.2
million as compensation for lost
wages and benefits, the panel of ten
women and two men came back with
the $26.6 million award, most of it for
punitive damages. It was the largest
dollar judgment by a jury in Wiscon-
sin history. One factor weighing in
Mackenzie's favor was that Best herself
had been the subject of complaints at
work, where she often used salty lan-
guage. In a deposition Best admit-
ted that she said “fuck” a lot around
the office. Was she a victim? The jury
thought not,
We're heartened to see the return of
some common sense.
Some of the solutions pro-
posed for problems with adult
content on the Internet in pub-
lic settings are a bit simplistic
in Chip Rowe's article “How Do
You Rate?” (The Playboy Forum,
March). People who suggest
that parents should always su-
pervise their children's com-
puter use aren't familiar with
the realities of single parenting.
Those who suggest that there
isn't much raw stuff on the Net
haven't spent much time on Ya-
hoo or using a basic search en-
gine (where once, while look-
ing for the definition of the
phrase Erin go bragh, | found a
link to a Web site called Erin Go
Braghlass—funny to me but
probably not to caregivers who
feel this is inappropriate for
With respect to Rowe's arti-
cle concerning Internet con-
tent filters (“Filtering Out ‘Bad’
Ideas,” The Playhoy Forum,
March), you will probably hear
from people who tell you that
all you need to do is “tweak” fil-
tering software to make it work
better. Thisis like saying it's OK
to drive a Pinto if you wear an
asbestos suit. We know from ex-
perience that filters never work
perfectly, and to many informa-
tion professionals, that’s not
OK. Tweaked so they don't
block a lot of other informa-
tion—which in some filters in-
dudes categories such as “ac-
“Pot is easy то grow, hut if the cops find your
crop, they'll seize your house and land and
throw your behind in the slammer for decades,
so you'll want to plan accordingly. One solution
is to grow your pot on land that i:
they can’t seize it. [f you plant it in the guy next
door's yard and the cops get it, they'll seize his
house instead of yours, even if he didn't know
anything about it. That's not fair, of course, but
don’t feel bad; you didn't make that asinine law,
did you?”
—Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook: A User Guide
PRESS, www. grand paspotbook.com)
't yours so
to provide the winning answer.
In short, you let us do our job—
providing reading and infor-
mation services to the public.
But with content filters, we're
letting some third-party com-
pany with who knows what
agenda make these choices for
us. I'm uncomfortable with
that, and I hope you are, too.
Increasingly, you will see fil-
ters in libraries because the
conservative right is so well or-
ganized and focused on this is-
sue. However, many library sys-
tems have chosen to filter
selectively by providing some
filtered and some unfiltered ac-
cess to the Internet. My book, A
Practical Guide to Internet Fil-
ters, talks about how filters
work, how to select them and
alternatives to their use. In
your community, encourage
librarians to go slowly and to
consider alternatives, and
support them as they make
their decisions. The religious
right would love to make deci-
sions for librarians, because
they know we almost always
side with the First Amendment.
Find out more at http://www.
Karen Schneider
American Library Association
Brunswick, New York
I was puzzled by your attack
on the rating system of the
Recreational Software Adviso-
tivist groups,” “homosexuality”
and "sports"—they will always let
through some pornography. Give an
enterprising kid half an hour, and he
or she will show you what the filters let
through. More disturbing is that re-
gardless of how carefully they are
tweaked, filters always block material
you wouldn't block yourself. These are
mechanical tools wrapped around sub-
jective judgment— what's little for thee
may be much for me.
Consider the message sent to a gay
teenager when all information about
homosexuality is blocked. We started
the Internet Filter Assessment Project
Not, as you suggest, because the Boston
Public Library was filtering computers,
but because I had become curious
about the impact of filters after doing a
search on the effect of estrogenic dis-
rupters on the genitalia of aquatic ani-
mals. Sure enough, many filters block
resources related to genitalia, as if
there were no other than a salacious
use for this information.
As for the question of public good,
let's look at the nature of filters. Since
their lists of targeted sites are not avail-
able to the public, you never know
what's being blocked. In a library that
means librarians aren't in charge of
making those decisions. You place a
Jot of trust in our hands under other
circumstances: We put books on the
shelves and decide when to take them
off; you trust us with your kids for
hours on end; you call us from the local
bar with $20 riding on a bet and ask us
ry Council. The last time I
checked, РгАҮВОҮ rated its Web site with
the RSAC and even included a link to
the RSAC's home page. So you are
against ratings but you use them. How
does that work?
David Green
Dallas, Texas
We rate to help parents who don't want
their children to access the adult material on
our site. That's far different from being com-
pelled by government officials or industry
leaders to rate or risk having our site shut
doum. The RSAC's system has the same
flaws as any censorship tool, but those flaws
become dangerous only if ratings become
The Anti-Defamation League has
joined with Cyber Patrol to develop a
с E o E y e ëO
К ЧЕ 5
filter that blocks sites the organization
considers hateful. Last spring, the ADL
made an unsuccessful attempt to pres-
sure America Online to eliminate a
Web page endorsing the Ku Klux Klan,
so its collaboration with Cyber Patrol
comes as no surprise.
But the ADL took filtering a step fur-
ther: If a surfer attempts to reach a site
on thc filter's hit list, he or she is auto-
matically sent to the ADL home page.
"That's one way to increase your Web
site's visitor count.
Roger Brown
New York, New York
“Filtering Out ‘Bad’ Ideas” is both
misleading and inaccurate in its char-
acterization of the use of Internet
pornography-filtering software in li-
braries. The author spends much of his
time retelling the hoary tale that filters
used in libraries rely on word blocking,
and thereby prevent innocent users
from accessing Web sites that contain a
certain word, such as breast or penis
Despite the author's claim, this type of
Net blocking is rarely used in public
Those libraries, like nearly all that
filter, rely exclusively on address block-
ing, which targets a select list of Web
site addresses. Admittedly, these black-
lists are not without problems. Many
companies do not want to give away
their trade secrets, but those with the
better filters spell out the criteria they
use to censor pornographic sites. Many
of these companies have strict editorial
policies, appeals processes and adviso-
ry boards.
It is also true that these companies
make mistakes, There are many color-
ful anecdotes about sites maintained
by the Quakers and the White House
that have been mistakenly blocked by
filters. But the number of such bad
blocks is small.
Recently I surveyed 24 library ad-
ministrators to determine how often
they receive complaints about Web
sites that have been inappropriately
blocked. The average number of com-
plaints received per month was 1.6,
with 71 percent receiving one or no
complaints per month. Seven of the li-
braries reported that they have never
received a complaint.
Rowe uses an unfortunate statistic
quoted from The Internet Filter As-
sessment Project “study” conducted by
a group of antifiltering librarians
whose leader compared librarians who
use filters to “the firemen in Fahrenheit
451. Over 35 percent of the time, the
filters blocked some information librar-
ians needed to answer a question.”
This statement seems to imply that
during normal use by a librarian, the
filter will interfere with Web site access
35 percent of the time. In fact, this fig-
ure refers to situations in which words
were entered deliberately to trip word-
blocking filters.
While pLaynoy can be found in many
public libraries, Hustler, Deep Throat
and Debbie Does Dallas cannot. Yet the
free-speech absolutists who oppose fil-
tering insist that all libraries be com-
pelled to carry this type of material in
online form, and even be forced to of
= E
fer it to children. Proponents of filter-
ing software ask that libraries be al-
lowed to make the content of their on-
line offerings consistent with the books
on their shelves. What's so unreason-
able about that?
David Burt
Filtering Facts
Lake Oswego, Oregon
We would like to hear your point of view.
Send questions, opinions and quirky stuff
to: The Playboy Forum Reader Response,
PLAYBOY, 680 North Lake Shore Drive,
Chicago, Illinois 60611. Please include a
daytime phone number. Fax number: 312-
951-2939. E-mail: forum@playboy.com
(please include your city and state).
In 1987 Congress enacted
federal sentencing guidelines
as a remedy for escalating
crime rates nationwide. In the
ten years since, the guidelines
have been criticized for being
too rigid, complex and unwieldy,
with federal judges voicing the
most-strenuous objections. The
Coalition for Federal Sentencing
Reform keeps tabs on whether
or not the guidelines meet their
original goals (they do not) and
recommend modifications. The
coalition's findings:
Number of prisoners in 1987:
Number of prisoners in 1997:
Number of pages in the 1987
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Manual: 325
Number of pages in the 1997
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Manual: 7
Number of sentencing ap-
peals in 1988:
Number of sentencing ap-
peals in 1995:
Percentage of federal trial
judges who say guidelines
should be modified so they can
impose fair sentences:
Number of prisons built from
1900 to 1980:
Number of prisons built from
1980 to 1995: 3
Capacity at which the prisons
are currently operating:
Percentage of prisoners in
1994 who were sentenced for
nonviolent crimes:
Number of prisoners in 1992
with nonviolent records, no in-
volvement in sophisticated crim-
inal activity and no prior jail
time: 1 6
Average length of time those
prisoners serve:
(Contact the Coalition at 703-
684-0373, hcia@igc.apc.org or
The Federal Emergency Manage-
ment Agency wants you to believe it isa
noble public-service organization. The
motto “People helping people” is plas-
tered on its publications and on the
walls of its headquarters. A more ac-
curate slogan would be “People help-
ing people to other people's mon-
ey.” Yours, to be exact.
FEMA's popularity is one more sign
of the decline of individual responsibil-
ity in American political culture.
FEMA shovels out cash when bad
things happen—be they floods, earth-
quakes or fires. In the early years of
this century, the federal government
offered aid only for disasters of monu-
mental scale, such as the Mississippi
floods of 1927. But after President Jim-
my Carter created FEMA in 1979, the
number of disasters increased dramati-
cally—on paper, if not in reality. From
1983 to 1988, the number of declared
disasters averaged 25 а yea. Fium
1989 through 1993, the average rose to
41 disasters a year. In Clinton's first
year of office, the actual number of
disasters was 58. In 1996 the total
reached 75. Last year the nation was
less scathed, with a mere 43 cash-in-
voking calamities. Prior to the Monica
Lewinsky incident, which so far has
claimed no FEMA money, Clinton was
averaging one "major" disaster a week.
The Clinton administration has de-
livered more than $25 billion in disas-
ter aid, $7 billion of it from FEMA
alone. That's a lot of money for a pho-
to op: President comes to the rescue.
Alter the earthquake in Northridge,
California in January 1994 FEMA sent
thousands of unsolicited checks for up
to $3450 to homcowners simply be-
cause they lived in zip codes that had
been hit hard. FEMA issued more than
47,000 checks—totaling $142 million—
to individuals under a "fast-track" pro-
cedure that requires no preliminary
After FEMA's generosity was ex-
posed by the Los Angeles Times, the
agency's chief spokesman, Morrie
Goodman, denied any mistakes had
been made in the big giveaway: "Any-
one who says an error was made
doesn't know what he is talking about.
We received very few calls from people
who felt they didn't need the aid." An
how windfalls weaken america |
audit later found that FEMA made no
attempt to recover payments to indi-
viduals that exceeded what it cost them
to rent alternative housing or repair
their homes.
Like ambulance-chasing lawyers,
FEMA officials often recruit victims,
convincing people that their aches and
pains qualify them for financial relief.
After a one-day flood in the Milwaukee
area, a FEMA regional director “urged
residents who had damage to call the
FEMA number, even if they thought
they didn’t qualify for help.” A few
months after floods in North Dakota
subsided last spring, the state coordi-
nating officer for flood relief moaned,
“We are particularly concerned that se-
nior citizens whose homes were flood-
ed may not register for assistance be-
cause they do not feel the damage is
serious." Maybe they're simply honest
or have been through this before.
Disaster relief isn't just about helping
victims, as FEMA director James Witt
acknowledged to a Senate Appropri-
ations Committee in 1996. “As we all
are aware, disasters are very political
events,” he testified. Accordingly, the
Clinton administration has stretched
the definition of major disaster to in-
clude routine events almost never cov-
ered before, such as snowfall.
Last winter's ice storm that toppled
powerlines and left parts of the North-
east without electricity might qualify as
a major disaster. But what about ordi-
nary snowfalls? Prior to Clinton's tak-
ing office few blizzards earned disaster
ratings. Snow accounts for a large por-
tion of the skyrocketing number of
federal emergencies. In 1996 Clinton
shoveled federal aid to 16 states hit by
old man winter, empowering FEMA to
reimburse local governments for the
cost of plowing. FEMA implicitly as-
sumes that any local or state govern-
ment is incapable of plowing the snow
ona main highway after a big storm.
FEMA's snow bonuses can under-
mine sound government policies at the
local level. Consider what happened in
Vernon, Connecticut. In 1996 this
town of 30,000 received a FEMA emer-
gency relief grant of $40,023 to help
the city cope with damage caused by
the preceding winter's storms. Yet a
cursory examination of the town's bud-
get makes a mockery of the pretenses
of federal intervention. The total cost
for snow removal in the winter of
1995-1996 was $258,000, or $8.60 per
person. That's probably less than the
average homeowner would pay a 12-
year-old to shovel his driveway. The
town had budgeted $104,516 for snow
removal, aud thus clainied to be uver-
whelmed by the heavy costs. What did
the town managers learn from FEMA's
generosity? As The Hartford Courant те-
ported, an “optimistic town council has
already set the proposed 1996-1997
snow-removal budget at $69,383, the
lowest level in 15 years.” Some local of-
ficials may believe that setting a low
budget for snow removal—which is
then exceeded—will make it easier for
them to shake their tin cup at FEMA.
Almost any local government ex-
pense is now considered by some bu-
reaucrat to be worthy of federal disas-
ter assistance. After violent storms hit
Chicago last summer, the Chicago Tri-
bune reported that the city was seek-
ing federal aid to cover, among other
emergency burdens, “the expense of
such things as extra garbage pickup.
City Streets and Sanitation Depart-
ment crews worked 12-hour days for
most of last week as they picked up ru-
ined furniture and other debris from
flood-stricken neighborhoods.”
Flash floods now count as national
major disasters. Last July 15 the river
town of Montgomery Center, Vermont
was hit by a flash flood. Only a few peo-
ple in town had flood insurance, and
damage for a handful of families was
substantial (though no one was injured
and no pets were washed away). The
scant impact did not deter the White
House from declaring that “a major
disaster exists in the state of Vermont.”
John McClaughry, a former state
senator from Concord, Vermont, ob-
served that some FEMA officials “made
the flood sound like Pearl Harbor.” Mc-
Claughry claimed Clinton's labeling
the local flood a major disaster was an
example of “defining disaster down.”
President Clinton evidently likes to
“feel your pain” even when you do not.
Federal law authorizes FEMA to
make grants for home repairs (from
$10,000 to $20,000) to individuals in
residentially designated disaster areas
whose homes are damaged severely
enough to be uninhabitable. With the
proliferation of disasters—and the
habit of labeling every outburst by
mother nature a major disas-
ter—FEMA faces a problem:
There often is not enough
home damage at disaster
sites for the agency to maxi-
mize the gifts that it bestows
upon would-be voters. So
FEMA liberalized that stan-
dard by allowing anyone
whose home has suffered
more than $100 in damage
and is deemed eligible to ap-
ply for a federal handout.
A report by the inspector
general found that 89 per-
cent of the recipients of fed-
eral home repair allotments
said their homes were habi
able. But with FEMA, where
there’s a handout, there’s
a way.
While the original pro-
gram limited the use of fed-
eral grants to making homes
habitable, FEMA now gives
money to people to buy new
carpets, cabinets and other
accoutrements of a comfort-
able life—all at other peo-
ple's expense.
The inspector general
concluded that more than a
geles, many schools fit that bill
FEMA also donated $5.6 million to
fix the scoreboard at Anaheim Stadium
(home of the Disney-owned Anaheim
Angels) and $88 million for repairs and
upgrades to the Los Angeles Coliseum,
former home of the NFL Raiders. After
flash floods in the Palms Springs area
in 1993 (in what is perhaps an exam-
ple of Clinton’s compassion for his big
Democratic donors out West), FEMA
paid "$871,977 to repair erosion, cart
paths and sprinklers at the Indian
Wells Golf Resort in California and
$246,102 to fix the fairways, greens
and cart paths at the Palm Springs Golf
FEMA apparently sees itself as na-
tional therapist. Lest you think the
natural disaster, suicide rates go up
and stay up for several months. Does
that represent a pressing need? The
heightened rate boils down to about
two additional suicides for every
100,000 survivors.
Now the agency routinely funds cri-
sis counseling after a disaster. After
North Dakota was hit by floods in early
1997, FEMA awarded a $712,000 cri-
sis-counseling grant, which paid 200
“paraprofessionals” to counsel trauma
victims. A writer for a FEMA tabloid
bragged that the crisis counselors vis-
ited elderly women at a nursing hospi-
tal and “let the women reminisce for
hours about earlier, more peaceful
years in Grand Forks.”
While crisis counseling is a popular
way to shed money, the Na-
tional Flood Insurance Pro-
gram is FEMA's crown jewel.
Unfortunately, the heavily
subsidized flood insurance
bribes people to ignore com-
mon sense.
A March 19, 1997 report
in The Idaho Statesman on the
recent deluge by the Boise
River concluded that the
NFIP “has backfired, putting
more people in harm's way”
and has made risky dcvclop-
ment “look not only possible
but attractive.” Doug Hard-
man, coordinator for Boise-
Ada County Emergency Ser-
vices, says subsidized flood
insurance “has done the oppo-
site of what it was designed
to do. It has encouraged peo-
ple to move here and devel-
opers to develop here.” Scott
Faber of American Rivers, a
conservation organization,
observes, “Prior to the Six-
ties, you didn’t have much
development in flood-
prone areas because you
couldn't find an insurer crazy
enough to underwrite it. But
third of the home repair
money FEMA doled out in recent di-
Sasters went to pay for items that
should not have been covered under
federal law.
FEMA now routinely bankrolls lavish
new buildings to replace those build-
ings that have received a trivial amount
of damage. After the Northridge earth-
the Los Angeles Times report-
If a single ceiling tile fell from a
classroom, or a single light fixture was
jarred loose, the entire [school or col-
lege] campus could qualify for more-
quakeproof ceilings or lights, courtesy
of FEMA's mitigation fund. In Los An-
agency only pampers the well-to-do,
consider this: After one earthquake,
FEMA gave $152,137 to the Los Ange-
les Alliance for a Drug Free Communi-
ty, $152,137 to the Community Coali-
tion for Substance Abuse Prevention
and Treatment and $365,354 to the
Asian American Drug Abuse Program.
Were drug addicts unduly shaken by
the quake's bad vibes? The money was
intended for crisis counseling. In fact,
FEMA doused southern California
with a total of $36 million for crisis
counseling in 1994.
One recent study showed that after a
the federal government came
along and said it would cover any dam-
age, making it financially possible for
people to live in a floodplain.”
Now when floods occur, far more
property is damaged. That's one way
to create clients. In some cases private
insurance companies would charge a
$10,000 annual premium for an insur-
ance policy that FEMA gives away for a
few hundred dollars a year. Should we
have 40 days of rain (or even fewer),
American taxpayers face more than
$400 billion in liability.
When disaster strikes, FEMA makes
sure everyone gets soaked.
) у Ж
what's happening in the sexual and social arenas
fore his death, Robert Allen Smith said he
wanted to sell tickets to his execution for
$1000 each and donate the money to char-
ity. (Indiana allows death-row inmates to
invile up to ten witnesses.) Allen, who
murdered a fellow prisoner, said the money
could memorialize the two-year-old girl
murdered by his victim. But officials were
sour on the idea, citing a state law that
prohibits inmates from soliciting money.
OCALA, FLORIDA—A jury acquitted a
record store clerk accused of wearing an
“obscene” T-shirt. The shirt depicted a top-
less num masturbating and bore the legend
JESUS is ACUNT. The clerk said he realized
the shirt, designed to promote the band
Cradle of Filth, might offend people. But
he asked, “Since when is it against the law
to be offensive?”
Defense and Education Fund asked 13
airlines to transfer frequent-flier miles
earned by Randall Terry to its staff and
clients. Terry, the former head of Opera-
tion Rescue, owes the fund more than
$500,000 in court-ordered fines. “These
NOW are child killers,” he ranted
to “The New York Times.” “Let them use
my frequent-flier miles for their train ride
to Hades.” Terry appears to be on a quick-
er path to hell—he's running for Congress
in New York State.
ways insisted that it spies only on foreign-
ers. So il came as a surprise to the founder
of “Gay Insurgent” magazine when he dis-
covered that the agency had kept track of
his activities. He sued, and the CIA agreed
10 pay his legal costs and expunge his file.
The agency has also updated its Web site.
Hi now acknowledges that the agency spies
on Americans, but only if there is “an au-
thorized intelligence purpose.”
butcher sued for slander after a female
stock clerk accused him of cutting lamb
shoulders to resemble vulvae. She said she
felt sexually harassed. The butcher said he
had made the same cut for at least two
decades without complaints and that it was
not meant to resemble anything. Neverthe-
less, managers transferred him to another
store in the chain,
ate passed a bill that would require doctors
to notify parents if their underage son gets
a minor pregnant and she seeks an abor-
tion. The bill would also require doctors to
notify the girls parents, which is less un-
usual. According to the National Abortion
and Reproductive Rights Action League,
17 states require minor girls to notify at
least one parent or guardian before getting
an abortion, and another 22 states require
parental consent.
LOS ANGELES—The Screen Actors Guild
rejected an application from an adult-film
performer, saying her work is too far out-
side the mainstream. Dalny Marga says
the only thing that distinguishes her from
other actors is that her sex scenes aren't
ORLANDO—A judge ordered a 20-year-
old man to have potential sex partners sign
а consent form acknowledging he's HIV-
positive. Jerrime Day slept with a 16-year-
old girl in 1996 but didn't tell her he was
infected. When the girl tested positive, she
went lo authorities. Days lawyer said his
client's current girlfriend will be the first to
sign the form.
play it safe, professor Joel Cohen of Oak-
land Community College hands out a dis-
daimer at the beginning of his introducto-
ту psychology course. It informs students
that some lectures contain explicit lan-
guage. Nursing student Anita Lee read
the disclaimer, then walked cut of class.
Soon after, she filed a sexual harassment
complaint with the U.S. Department of
Education. The professor said only ten
percent of his class deals with sexuality, but
that it’s hard to avoid when you're dis-
cussing Freud.
sion show “America's Most Wanted” cap-
tured its 500th fugitive after being tipped
Off by people who knew she'd been staying
at a nudist camp. Police suspect that the
fugitive helped kill a wealthy gambler in
1996. She had been eluding authorities
Since then, most recently by staying at the
Sunnier Palms Nudist Park. When the
popular program broadcast her photo-
graph, the phones started ringing.
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amor wis PAUL REISER
a candid conversation with “mad about you's
” star on life with helen hunt, hat-
ing his fuzzy-wuzzy image and wheeling and dealing in the post- “seinfeld” era
Paul Reiser, in his office on the lot where
“Mad About You” is created, is preparing to
sil for a “Playboy Interview” when an assis-
tant inlerrupts to tell him that “Helen” is
calling from Hawaii. “Oh,” he says, picking
up the phone. “Is this Helen Hunt from the
Jack Nicholson movie?”
It is indeed that Helen, Reiser's TV wife,
who stars with Nicholson in “As Good as It
Gets." “How are you, ma'am?” he asks.
“Me? Гое got Playboy Bunnies all over
the place. And you? Are you tanned and
Eventually, Reiser comes clean. “Listen,”
he tells Hunt. “Seriously. PLAYBOY is here,
and the truth is, there are no naked girls.”
Hunt apparently advises him to hold out for
а bevy of Playmates, but Reiser says, "I al-
ready tried that. What I need now from you
is some advice. What do I tell PLAYBOY?”
Holding the phone away from his ear, he
“She says to tell you Гое got no chest. A
ig ass. Good hips." He speaks to Hunt some
more and continues. “Likes and dislikes?
She told me to tell you that I don't like two-
faced people and women who smoke.”
He listens some more and says, “She also
has advice for the pictures: ‘When shooting
the leg, always remember to bend the lower
“This fuzzy edge got attached to my image—
and it’s a little annoying. If I saw a guy
telling 12 stories about changing a diaper,
Га think, Go play hockey, for God's sake. Go
slaughter an animal,
Reiser says goodbye to Hunt, promising to
call her back later. They have a lot to talk
about, This is the last season the two are con-
tractually obligated to continue “Mad About
You,” one of NBC's highest-rated series, and
at this moment they are in tense negotiations
about the future of the show. Reiser and
Hunt have publicly announced they are un-
decided about whether or not to continue.
NEC, which is plagued by its own problems,
clearly wants them to stay.
Reiser's longtime buddy Jerry Seinfeld
caused panic in the executive suites when he
anuounced that this will be his show's final
season. That news made headlines and put
“Mad About You” in an extraordinary posi-
tion. Without “Seinfeld,” NBC has more of a
stake in keeping its other hit shows, The net-
work forked over $13 million an episode—
an unprecedented amount—to keep “E
To complicate matters further, Hunt is an
Oscar nominee, and could walk away from
the show and dive further into a film career:
Rumors have flooded the press Hunt wants
$600,000 an episode, says one paper; an-
other claims it's a cool million. Reiser, whose
compensation is linked to Hunt's (his con-
tract states he'll get whatever she gets), is let-
ting his co-star lead the fight.
A few weeks later the mystery will be
“Jerry and I talked about it for years. It's hard
lo put on shows like ours. Al the same time,
we're definitely aware that this is the greatest
gig in the world. You always wonder, When ік
the right time to stop?”
solved. On the day of the Academy Awards,
NBC will basically give in—and the two
stars will sign up for another season in ex-
change for a reported $1 million each per
episode. That night, Hunt wins a Best Ac-
tress Oscar for “As Good As It Gets.” making
her the first winner who will return to a sit-
com. It's hard to tell who got the better deal: the
suddenly richer Reiser and Hunt, or NBC.
Though Hunt is a major draw, Reiser
s “Mad About You's" soul—he produces,
writes and stars in the show, which is loosely
based on his life. Tt chronicles the ups and
doums of the relationship between Paul
Buchman, Кеіѕег'х character, а likable if
slightly neurotic guy, and his wife, Jamie,
played by Hunt. “Mad About You’ is the
show that tells the big jokes, and the lit-
tle ones, too, about marriage,” wrote Lisa
Schwarzbaum in “Entertainment Weekly
"It has emerged as the sitcom that men and
women, and especially couples, love.”
Reiser, 41, wrote the “Mad About You” pi-
lot in 1901 and pitched it to network execu-
tives as “‘thirtysomething,’ only shorter and
funnier.” The network bought the show but
bounced it around to almost every day of the
week before it found its current slot as the
cornerstone of NBC's Tuesday-night line-
тсе Reiser and Hunt have agreed to
“As a kid, I always thought that if you did a
"Playboy Interview,’ there would be naked girls
around. I mean, they're only three or four
pages ашау in the magazine. Tn real life, they
should at least be in the next room.”
continue the show, there are rumors of an-
other switch, to the coveted Thursday-night
spot now occupied by "Seinfeld.") Despite “ll
the shuffling, “Mad About You” has a loyal
audience that makes it a perennial ratings
Along with Reiser and Hunt, the show
features a talented group of regulars and
semiregulars, including Carroll O'Connor,
Carol Burnett, Lisa Kudrow, Hunt’s boy-
friend, Hank Azaria (as a hilarious dog-
walker), and Robin Bartlett, who has been
playing Paul's out-of the-closet lesbian sis-
ter for years—long before Ellen DeGeneres”
character came out on “Ellen.” There азе of-
ten featured guest stars, including Sid Ce
sar, Mel Brooks, Yoko Ono and Bruce Ий
“Mad About You” is set in Reiser's home-
town, New York City, where he and his three
older sisters were raised. He attended He-
brew school, not because his parents were re-
ligious but because it offered a better educa-
tion than the local public school, and then
moved on lo Stuyvesant High School. He
skateboarded and played in a rock band that
practiced at his family's apartment and the
Reiser's father, a health food distributor,
and mother, a homemaker, expected Paul to
enter the family business. But while study-
ing business at the State University of New
York at Binghamton, Reiser started hanging
out al comedy clubs, tentatively testing out
his act.
A livable salary eluded him, so Reiser ac-
quiesced to his parents’ wishes and joined the
family company to learn about the health
food business. He never lost the desire to per-
form, and after a year he told his father he
was leaving the business lo give comedy one
more chance. The second time was a charm,
and Reiser found steady work at such clubs
as Catch a Rising Star, the Comic Strip and
the Improv. He played the club circuit for
two years before breaking into movies, almost
by accident.
Reiser was tagging along with a friend
who was visiting a casting director’s office.
Reiser began goofing around with the office
secretary, who was so taken with the comic
that she called her boss. He cast Reiser in
Barry Levinson's “Din
Reiser's memorable performance in that
movie helped him secure more bookings at
clubs and his first appearance on “The
Tonight Show.” In 1983 he moved to Los
Angeles, where he landed a succession of
roles in movies, including “Aliens,” “Beverly
Hills Cop," “Beverly Hills Cop П," “Odd
“Cross My Heart,” “Crazy People,”
“The Marrying Man,” “Family Prayers,”
“Мк Write” and “Bye Bye Love.” On TV, he
acted in a pilot for a series based on "Diner"
and appeared on HBO and Showtime come-
dy specials. In 1987 he was cast as one of the
leads on “My Two Dads,” a second-rate sit-
com thal ran for three seasons. When that
series ended, he was given the chance to cre-
ate his own show. “Mad About You” was the
Reiser has written two best-selling humor
52 books—"Couplehood" in 1994 and “Baby-
hood” in 1997. The books and TV show were
inspired by his real-life relationship with his
wife, Paula, whom he met in Pittsburgh
while on the stand-up circuit. She moved to
Los Angeles to live with Reiser and complet-
ed her Ph.D. in psychology before they were
married. His later book and the show's cur-
rent plotline—the Buchmans now have a ba-
Iy—were inspired by the birth of the Reisers’
son, Exra, “the boy of my dreams,” as Paul
wrote in the dedication of “Babyhood.”
We sent Contributing Editor David Sheff
to track down the ubiquitous Reiser (besides
“Mad About You,” on NBC and in syndica-
tion, he appears in commercials for ATST
and IBM) during a brief hiatus from pro-
duction. Sheff reports:
“Reiser’s bungalow near the ‘Mad About
Yow’ set is decorated with mementos of his
idol John Lennon, including one of Lennon’s
lithographs presented to him by Yoko Ono.
When Reiser, in Paul Buchman’s trademark
jeans and a casual knit shirt, learned that
I had conducted the “Playboy Interview”
with John and Yoko, he nearly prostrated
himself. Both Lennon’s and Reiser's mock
disappointment that I fail to travel with
Playmates in low became running themes
If a man is running
the country great and
going out at night dressed
as a woman, is it really
our business?
throughout both interview
“After a couple of sessions in his office, we
met at a Beverly Hills restaurant, where
Reiser was busy reading the ‘Los Angeles
Times.’ When he finally looked up he shook
his head, pointing to an article. ‘Listen to
this,’ he said. The article was about proposed
legislation sponsored by the Screen Actors
Guild to protect the privacy of famous peo-
ple. Reiser ranted: ‘Listen to this guy—an
unnamed paparazzo is complaining that the
legislation isn't fair: "When you choose to
become famous, you give up your rights."
Reiser was incensed. ‘Fucking unbelievable!
You risk sounding like Celebrity Asshole
when you talk about this stuff, but this is
hey chase Arnold Schwarzenegger
miles an hour, photograph Madonna
in her shower and kill Princess Diana and
then dare say that famous people ask for
il,’ The harangue lasted for three quarters
of an hour:
"When a waiter asked if Reiser wanted his
bottled water at room temperature, he re-
sponded, ‘Depends what room.’ Finally, he
settled back in his chair and said, All right,
all right. Ask another question. Hit me with
il. Take me where you want to go. I trust you.
Twill ride on your wings.'”
PLAYBOY: After all the speculation about
whether or not Mad About You would
continue, you've obviously decided. Was
it the million bucks?
REISER: First, any word on the naked
PLAYBOY: You were expecting Playmates?
REISER: I’m thinking, I'm going to do the
Playboy Interview—yeah, I'm expecting
naked girls. Where are they? As a kid, I
always thought that if you did a Playboy
Interview, there would be naked girls
around. I mean, they're only three or
four pages away in the magazine. In real
life, they should at least be in the next
room. Here we are, and there are no
naked girls. What happened? It’s just
a guy with a microphone—and bare-
ly. [He points to the small microphone.
PLAYBOY: Shall we begin?
REISER: I bet Norman Mailer, when he
did his interview, got girls. With big
breasts. At least there should be a girl
holding the microphone, and she should
be naked. Come to think of it, I should
be in pajamas. OK. I got it off my chest.
What was it you wanted to know?
PLAYBOY: It was reported that you and
Helen Hunt cach received $1 million an
episode to continue.
REISER: First of all, you shouldn't believe
everything you read. It makes me laugh
that everyone believes that the figures
that have been reported are accurate
But no, it wasn't primarily the money. It
was never the money.
PLAYBOY: Then what was it?
REISER: We were no longer committed to
doing it. We had to decide. There were a
lot of good reasons to continue, good
reasons not to.
PLAYBOY: Then what was it that finally
convinced you?
REISER: There were many factors. One
was that the show didn't feel over. We
didn’t have a natural finale.
PLAYBOY: Did you play around with dra-
matic endings—death, divorce?
REISER: No. The truth is, the people who
follow the show care about the charac-
ters. We wouldn't do that to them. You
couldn't have Paul wake up and sudden-
ly he's married to Sanford's other son.
PLAYBOY: Jamie could have run off with
the dog-walker, played by Helen Hunt's
real boyfriend.
REISER: There you go. Man, they're walk-
in' that dog a long time! About eight
months. That dog really had to go. No,
we decided that there are a lot of good
shows to do, and we're having a lot of
fun. It would have been pretty sad to say
PLAYBOY: NBC reportedly offered Jerry
Seinfeld $5 million per episode to con-
tinue his series. Did knowing that influ-
ence your decision?
REISER: They did have the money, that we
knew; they weren't using it for ferry. But
there you go again, believing everything
you read. I'd be surprised if that were
true, just as the reports about our deal
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aren't true.
PLAYBOY: It was also reported that Helen
Hunt held out for $600,000 and then
$1 million per episode. Well?
REISER: If it was reported, it must be true,
right? The truth is, we finally decided,
and the figures bandied about in the
press are no one's business. With sports
stars and people in show business every-
one thinks there's a different rule. Most
people would rather tell you what kind
of sex they have with their wives than
how much they make.
PLAYBOY: But the figures arc often leaked
by the people in the negotiations, using
the press.
REISER: That's true, but the bottom line is
it's no one's business how much we get.
Whether it's the public's business or not,
these salaries are often published. So are
the costs of movies. So are photographs
of movie stars. So are rumors, which are
treated as if they're true. The legislation
designed to stop paparazzi is only the be-
ginning of what's needed.
PLAYBOY: Was Princess Diana’s death be-
hind this legislation?
REISER: That and suits that have been
won by Alec Baldwin and Arnold Schwarz-
enegger. Some of the sensationalist pa-
pers are now reporting there was a mur-
der attempt on Princess Diana. They
don't want to look at the fact that it was
indeed the paparazzi who killed her.
PLAYBOY: Let's not forget that her driver
was legally drunk.
REISER: But if she hadn't been hounded
by paparazzi, she would not be dead.
She wouldn't have even used that driver.
She was forced to play games to try to
have some privacy. It appalls me to hear
the reaction to this legislation: that peo-
ple in the public eye have fewer rights
than other people. There's so much hid-
ing behind freedom of the press. They
always say, “But you chose to be fa-
mous.” Monica Lewinsky, Richard Jewell
and many others didn't choose to be fa~
mous, and they're victimized too. There
should be one standard of decency. If
you're a regular guy and someone push-
ез himself in your face, you are within
your rights to shove him and say, “Get
the fuck outof my way." If you're famous
you can't do that. The paparazzi, at least
some of them, want you to fight back.
PLAYBOY: Have you been hassled?
REISER: Yeah, and I’m not on the big, fan-
cy level of famous people, You've heard
of me, but I haven't been in a scandal,
haven't had it so bad. But the reality is
that anybody who's been famous for a
second is subjected to this harassment.
I'm nonpolitical and don't talk about is-
sues, but after Princess Diana’s death I
went on MSNBC to talk about this op-
posite a guy from New York magazine.
To me, it's so simple. Of course you
shouldn't be allowed to take someone's
picture who doesn't want you to—unless
they're committing a crime. The guy re-
54 sponded to me, "Madonna craves pub-
licity and flaunts herself and then says
we're not allowed to take a picture of her
and her baby." That's a rapist's mentali-
ty: She asked for it, she deserves it. 1£
Madonna goes to a premiere or appears
on a talk show, she's inviting people to
see her. Does that mean she's also invit-
ing you into her home? John Lennon
made a powerful statement about it on
the Two Virgins cover, with him and Yoko
naked: "Here. Is this what you want?
Here is everything."
PLAYBOY: What about politicians?
REISER: That's a little different because
they're public servants. But are we, or
should we be, entitled to see pictures of
the president on vacation? You know, ifa
man is running the country great and
going out at night dressed as a woman, is
it really our business? I don't know. I
don't know if 1 care. Would you want
someone to take photos of you in your
bedroom? How about the Golden Rule?
Do unto others.
PLAYBOY: Are you concerned that Clinton
may have lied?
REISER: If the only thing he did was lie to
his wife—well, that's an issue berween
them. I'm not condoning it, but it's none
of my business. If he lied to the Amer-
ican people, maybe it's what Jackie
Mason said: Do we want a schmuck for
a president who says, "Yeah, I had an
PLAYBOY: Let's get back to the decision to
continue Mad About You. How did the
negotiations work? Did executives deal
with your agents or did they try to se-
duce you personally?
REISER: 1 got calls from NBC brass who
had never called before. That's certainly
PLAYBOY: Saying what?
REISER: "Obviously, we want you back. Is
there anything we can do?” The answer
was, I'll let you know if there is.
PLAYBOY: Do you acknowledge that Mad
About You was probably worth more to
them because Seinfeld is ending?
REISER: NBC had one less sure thing, so
the few sure things became proportion-
ately more significant, yeah. But they al-
ready knew this could be our final year.
It was no secret. If we had stopped, peo-
ple would have said, “They quit because
Seinfeld quit.” No, we were possibly go-
ing to quit anyway, There’s something to
be said for leaving when it's time, while
you're still on top. Johnny Carson was
brilliant and wise to leave when he did.
PLAYBOY: What's the right time for Mad
About You? Is your new deal open-ended?
REISER: It's for the year. 1 can tell you that
this will be it. This is the final season.
PLAYBOY: So you're following Seinfeld, just
а year later?
REISER: Jerry and I talked about it for
years. It's hard to put on shows like ours.
At the same time, we're definitely aware
that this is the greatest gig in the world.
You always wonder, When is the right
time to stop? I have some of the same
qualms Jerry had. It’s not easy when
there are so many people involved. It's
hard to say no when you consider the
hundreds of people in the production,
never mind the millions of people who
watch the show.
PLAYBOY: Then what did it finally come
down to?
REISER: Frankly, it came down to Helen
and me deciding together. We discussed
where we would take the show. We dis-
cussed the pros and cons of continuing.
PLAYBOY: What would have happened
had you decided you wanted to continue
the show but Helen didn't?
REISER: We both knew that wasn’t possi-
ble, that if we didn't come up with the
same answer after we did our soul-
searching, it wouldn’t go forward.
PLAYBOY: Did her winning an Oscar make
a difference?
REISER: Only in that we wanted to decide
beforehand. We didn't want it to bea fac-
tor either way.
PLAYBOY: Were you with her on Oscar
REISER: I called her. When you win an Os-
car, your phone is busy for a long time. 1
didn’t get through until well after Bar-
bara Walters’ show ended. It was all sort
of perfect. We made the decision and
then she won the Oscar. When we all re-
turned to the set the next day, there was
a mariachi band playing. The cast and
crew were relieved they had jobs. And
our buddy Helen had an Oscar.
PLAYBOY: Did she bring it with her?
REISER: You don't just leave those hang-
ing around the house.
PLAYBOY: After her last couple of movies
that were such big hits, was it harder for
her to continue?
REISER: No. It's the knee-jerk reaction of
so many people that once you get a big
movie, you want to get off TV. But the
show was not something she was anxious.
to shed, It’s not like it was slowing her
down. I know I will miss it when we stop.
I imagine Helen will too. We root for
each other completely. It’s the way we
work together. Guest stars often tell us
what a nice place to work our show is. I
think we've created a safe, supportive
family. There is no room for assholes—
they just don't penetrate. [Shaking his
head] Did I just use the words penetrate
and asshole in the same sentence? I
doubt they've ever been in the same sen-
tence in that context before. We're mak-
ing history here.
PLAYBOY: How autobiographical is the
REISER: I never went home with David
Copperfield's pants. The fact is, it's not
and never has been autobiographical.
At the same time, the impetus for the
show was my relationship with my wife.
Things that happen in my life may wind
up being on the show, though stories of-
ten originate with other writers. There
are certain things in there that I didn’t
write that are biographically correct; it's
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PLAYBOY: How has the show's audience
grown and changed?
REISER: The audience is loyal because
people relate to this show in a different
way than they relate to other shows.
They are invested at a different level. Its
not necessarily the stories, but the little.
es of behavior that are the meat of
the show.
PLAYBOY: Pieces of behavior like-
REISER: Hey, in the interview with John
and Yoko, you asked them about ev-
ery song they ever wrote. I want to do
that with every joke I ever did. ГІ tell
you what inspired it, how many people
laughed. Sorry. An example is the show
in which I tried virtual reality. I got to
choose a virtual reality, and I opted for a
massage from Christie Brinkley. People
related to it not because they have tried
virtual reality or had a back rub from
Christie. It was the scene afterward,
when Paul and Jamie are in bed and the
schmuck husband explains the fantasy
he chose. He could have chosen any-
thing—climbing a mountain, flying into
space—and he chose a massage from
Christie Brinkley. The wife's look of dis-
belief—Jamie's slow cock of the head—
is what people related to. And the line
she finally uttered: “You are a little,
tle man.
PLAYBOY: To be fair, she got her fantasy,
too, and it was in the same yein: Andre
REISER: That was really a joke. 1 mean,
Andre Agassi is cute and all, but Jamie,
like many real women I know, wanted
Paul to admit he was wrong. That's the
fantasy people related to,
PLAYBOY: If you could choose a virtual re-
ality, what would it be?
REISER: I'd choose a virtual life very much
like my real life but without the doubt.
PLAYBOY: Do people think they know you
because they have come to know your
REISER: They do.
PLAYBOY: Do they know you?
REISER: No. They don't get the difference
between Paul Buchman and me.
PLAYBOY: What is the difference?
REISER: Leila Kenzle, who plays Fran on
the show, once said that we're exactly the
same, but I'ma lot dirtier. That's fair.
PLAYBOY: Is that the only difference?
REISER: I hope I'm a little smarter.
PLAYBOY: So in writing the show, you
dumb yourself down?
REISER: Yeah. Which is pretty stupid. Giv-
en a chance to rewrite yourself, you'd
think you would make yourself smarter.
PLAYBOY: When you play a character for
so long, does his personality seep into
yours and vice versa?
REISER: They do. I used to dress better
than he did, but now we dress exactly
the same. He's come up and Гуе come
down and basically I just walk out of
here in the same clothes. Sometimes Tl
take a jacket home and be on the street
and reach into my pocket and find a
note. It’s a list of errands, but it's not
mine. It's the characters. I'll have to
think about it. Is this real milk or TV
milk I have to buy? If it says, “Pick up
milk for Jamie,” I know it's fake. Fake
wife. Fake milk.
PLAYBOY: In what ways is your relation-
ship with Hunt like a real marriage?
REISER: It’s not like a marriage in that
we're not married, but like a marriage in
that you learn about someone as you
spend time together. I see Helen more
than I see my wife. Helen and I are to-
gether 15 hours a day. When you are
with someone that much, you learn their
vulnerabilities, what they care about,
how to communicate on subtle levels.
PLAYBOY: How important is the chemistry
between you and Hunt? Is it an act or is
it real?
REISER: Both. Its like marrying well. You
hope you marry well and then you work
on it really hard.
PLAYBOY: Actors say it's just work when
they have to kiss their co-stars. But you
have been kissing the same co-star weck-
ly for years.
REISER: It’s not an issue. Yeah, people
speculate about it, but it is just what all
the other actors have told you: It’s part
of the job.
PLAYBOY: But presumably less onerous
than, say, laying bricks or changing the
oil in a car.
REISER: If someone gives you a choice
between pretending you're married to
Helen Hunt and wrestling alligators,
you probably would go with Helen.
PLAYBOY: She'll appreciate that.
REISER: Yeah. It’s not an unpleasant
thing. But it's so notan issue. Sometimes
I notice as the weeks go by that Jamie
hasn't kissed Раш in a while. They've
been too busy. But that's what happens
in real life, too. In real life, your affection
for your wife may not come through
with a kiss, but rather in the way you
grab her ass as she’s going to get the milk
from the refrigerator. That’s what cou-
ples do.
PLAYBOY: Your fake wife didn't like it
when you fantasized about Christie
Brinkley. Does your real wife mind that
you spend so much time and are so close
with Hunt?
REISER: In fact, they are good friends. I
met Helen through my wife. They knew
each other. So Paula doesn't mind the
kisses with Helen. It's when I tell her I
have to go out so I can practice with oth-
er actresses that she gets upset
PLAYBOY: Docs it become intrusive when
you're writing about the situations in
your life? In the middle of an argument,
do you pause to write down good lines?
REISER: As annoying as that sounds, yes,
especially during the first season. There
was a camera on our life: “Ah, wait, hon-
ey. I can use that. Let me write it down
and then we can continue to argue.”
During the second season, I made a
concerted effort never to do that. If I was
talking to my wife, I was talking to my
wife. By that point, though, she'd see the
glimmer in my eye and say, “All right. Go
write it down.” By now it's sort of a low
hum that's always on. When I was work-
ing on my book about being a father, it
was worse. I was watching my son and
thinking, That's so funny! It's great for
the book. I was so happy when the book
was over so I could play with my son and
just be with him.
PLAYBOY: Did you ever find yourself sit-
ting and typing an homage to your son
instead of playing with him?
REISER: Yeah: “You want to play, Dad?”
“Can't you see I'm busy? I'm busy writ-
ing about what a great dad I am. Get
PLAYBOY: Besides capturing the real mo-
ments of relationships, what else has
Mad About You contributed to TV?
REISER: We changed the sound of dia-
logue, made it more intimate. We show
when life isn’t so easy. We didn’t make it
casy for Paul and Jamie to conceive a ba-
by. It was very painful and very real.
Helen said that it wouldn't be realistic
for Jamie to be a superwoman when she
was giving birth. Jamie had decided she
wasn't going to take drugs, but then
changed her mind, because giving birth
is hell. It was too late for her to get drugs
by the time she wanted them, which is a
real experience. We made the couple
perpetually exhausted after the baby was
born, because that’s the way it is in life.
We deal with issues in an understated
way; we don’t put a spotlight on them
but made quieter statements. You once
see Jamie take a birth control pill, but it
isn't mentioned. Another show might
have done the Birth Control Episode.
We put a gay couple on the show without
doing the Gay Episode.
PLAYBOY: Indeed, you had a lesbian cou-
ple on the show before Ellen came out of
the closet.
REISER: I am really proud of that. We've
gotten a lot of letters from gay couples
who appreciate it
PLAYBOY: Were you surprised that it was
such a big deal when Ellen came out?
REISER: No, since it was a big deal for the
main character of a show to be openly
gay. In our show, the lesbian couple isn't
the primary couple on the show, so may-
be that's why it's not so noticeable.
PLAYBOY: Has there ever been an attempt
to censor the show? How about the times
you have shown the lesbian couple
in bed?
REISER: I expected complaints from the
network, but no one said a word. We
have intentionally shown people's dis-
comfort. We thought it would be really
м vith laced whe op
fun to see how it would affect the charac-
ters' parents.
PLAYBOY: Jamie's dad and mom are
played by Carroll O'Connor and Carol
Burnett. How did you manage to get
such big stars?
REISER: At the beginning of the fourth
season, for the 100th episode, we want-
ed to cast Helen's mom. We fantasized
about Carol Burnett and thought, Yeah,
right. But it never hurts to ask. She said
yes. When we had her, we thought, We
can't get just anybody to play opposite
Carol Burnett, so we called up Carroll
O'Connor, We'd be sitting there at a
table working with them and Helen and
I would look at each other and shake our
heads: Carol Burnett and Carroll frig-
ging O'Connor.
PLAYBOY: Another occasional character is
played by Lisa Kudrow. How did her
role, which connects to her role on
Friends, develop?
REISER: First she was my blind date in a
flashback scene during the first season.
She was perfect: incredibly dopey. We
loved working with her so much that we
cast her again, this time as the waitress.
Then she went and got that other show.
Some small show. People love her. She
does related characters on the two
shows, though she’s a little dopier here
and funkier there.
PLAYBOY: Did Helen meet her real-life
boyfriend, Hank Azaria, on the show?
REISER: They were friends already. We
wanted to use him for something. We
came up with the idea of a dog-walker,
and he created the character. He knew
someone who talked like that. John Pan-
kow, who plays Ira, developed his char-
acter like that too. That's one of the fun
things about the series. You can start
with a small idea and a character takes
ona life of his own.
PLAYBOY: Who among the show's guest
stars are your favorites?
REISER: Jerry Lewis, Carl Reiner, Yoko,
Sid Caesar, Lyle Lovett, Mel Brooks,
Bruce Willis. We had this thin idea and
said we wanted to get someone like Jerry
Lewis. Well, we decided to ask. It's like
how the prettiest girl at the party doesn't
get asked to dance because everyone as-
sumes she'll say no. He said yes. Mel
Brooks is my comedy idol, my comedy
god. To be in a scene with him was my
dream. Doing a show with Yoko, saying
“Give peace a chance” in bed, was surre-
al. Helen and I looked at each other and
whispered, “We're in bed with Yoko.
What universe is this?”
PLAYBOY: Before the baby episode, Paul
and Jamie almost split up. Why did you
take the show there?
REISER: Two ycars ago they were drifting
apart because of the stress they felt in
trying to conceive a baby. Paul was drifi-
ing toward another woman. Well, it's just
absurd to have two people who aren't
exactly the same locked up together for-
60 ever. You can't avoid having some
bumps. During the series of shows when
they were in trouble, I wanted the audi-
ence to go, “Holy cow! Even they're hav-
ing problems!" People need to be re-
minded that it’s not so terrible to have
problems—to be jealous and petty and
cranky. It's about what you have to go
through. And you hope you come to-
gether again stronger. It can be power-
ful when two people who are distanced
from each other connect again.
PLAYBOY: What's the difference between
the Buchmans—and you and your wife,
for that matter—and couples who end
up divorced?
REISER: After a moment of clarity or re-
consideration, Paul and Jamie would
rather make it work than give up.
"They're in it for the long haul
PLAYBOY: Were your parents good at
weathering their stormy times?
REISER: They were, but they didn't talk
about it. It's probably why I want to
work so hard on my relationship. At the
same time, I don't know what happened
behind closed doors. There was a di-
vision between their world and the
ids’. We really didn't know what was
going on.
PLAYBOY: Your father was in the health
food business. Was he a health food nut?
REISER: No. To him it was just something
to do. At the time, the people who were
referred to as health food nuts were the
most sickly people, 90 years old, who
couldn’t eat salt. who could have only
the broth of a papaya.
PLAYBOY: Did he bring home samples?
REISER: The stuff he brought home, like
health food versions of canned apple-
sauce or fruits, tasted like cardboard, as
a matter of fact. There was all this stuff
around the house like raisins and vita-
min C and rosehips before anybody
knew about them. We would take dolo-
mite and lecithin. Lecithin was to coun-
teract the fat in the huge amounts of
brisket we were cating. We ate big, fat,
kill-you foods—chunks of beef the size of
your chest—and lecithin.
PLAYBOY: When did you first become
aware of comedy?
REISER: Ed Sullivan and Red Skelton on
TV. Johnny Carson. But I thought they
were born comedians. I didn’t know you
could choose to do that.
PLAYBOY: Did you try comedy in school?
REISER: If there was a school play, I'd try
to be in it, but that wasn't comedy. All the
comedy clubs were opening around that
time. A real turning point was when my
sister’s boyfriend turned me on to Mel
Brooks’ 2000-year-old man. It was like
staring into the sun. I would listen to
that hour after hour after hour. Later 1
went to the Village to see Carlin, Klein,
Brenner. It wasn't that I thought I might
or could do it. I went to rock concerts
too, but never thought I would join
Grand Funk Railroad.
PLAYBOY: But you had a band, right?
REISER: Yeah, and we were exceedingly
bad. We played Gloria for 17 minutes.
Sometimes we would branch out and do
In a Gadda Da Vida for 27 minutes. We
did Walk Away Renee, which I sang. To
this day 1 can't tell you the words. I
would enunciate the mumbles that I
heard in the song. [Singing] “Don't walk
away, Renee. . . . Sowsahara feda seda
home. . . . The empty sidewalk some-
thing something. . . Fahe he ho ha
dos ica ai you first perform
REISER: I was 17 or 18, the summer be-
tween my freshman and sophomore
years in college. I went onstage for five
minutes at Catch a Rising Star. I was
very. very bad. When I went back to
school in the fall, my friends asked,
“What did you do this summer?” I said I
was a comic, as if I did it day in and day
out with my sleeves rolled up. It made
me feel so good to say it. The next sum-
mer, I did it maybe three times. The
third summer, five times. In my head I
was the coolest guy on earth.
PLAYBOY: Can you give us a sample of
your early act?
REISER: Oooh. Bad stuff. My friend Billy
and 1 used to do impressions of vegeta-
bles. Here's asparagus [he demonstrates).
You'd wrap your hands above your head
until they looked like a little aspara-
gus tip. Broccoli was blowing out your
cheeks [he demonstrates].
PLAYBOY: When you began appearing
regularly in clubs, did you have a sense
of which comics would become the big-
gest hits? Did you know Seinfeld would
become a star?
REISER: Jerry, yeah. 1 don't remember
looking this far into the future or imag-
ining these kinds of heights, but Jerry
was One. We'd all go, “Man, Jerry is
good.” He'd get onstage and pull out a
little piece of paper with tiny words writ-
ten on it. There would be five ideas that
had occurred to him that day. They
would always be interesting, the begin-
ning of something extremely funny.
PLAYBOY: How did the annual New Year's
Day lunch with you, Seinfeld, Larry Mil-
ler and Mark Schiff begin?
REISER: It happened because we had all
done shows together at the clubs in New
York on New Year's Eve, which was a
good gig at the time. Instead of $20 you
got $100 on New Year's Eve, but it was
the worst night of the year in every oth-
er respect. I he crowds were unruly and
drunk and antzgonistic.
One year we just woke up the next
morning going, "Anybody want to go get
something to eat?" We went out to lunch
and it was good fun, so we decided to do
it again the next year. The next year
Michael Kane, an actor and comic who
was part of the group until he died, said,
“Let's get a limo.” He didn't have a dol-
lar to his name, but he put it on a credit
card. We drove around drinking cham-
pagne. “This is fun. Let's do it again
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next year.” It became a regular thing.
We all know to be in New York by New
Year's because the pinheads are going to
get together. It’s always been in New
York except the year 1 was in London
doing Aliens—everybody flew to Lon-
don. Instead of hanging out for a day, it
became 48 hours of hanging out. In-
stead of “Should we go for pizza?” it was
"Let's go to Paris.” So there were four
knuckleheads with no luggage in Paris.
PLAYBOY: Who picks up the check?
REISER: It rotates. It’s bccome pretty
spiffy. The year after Michael died, we
realized the five of us represented the
different phases of manhood: Jerry was
unmarried, Larry was about to be mar-
ried, I was married, Mark was married
with kids and Michael was dead. We re-
alized, We've got somebody on each
team now. It was just sort of this realiza-
tion: This is life. Now I have a kid, too. I
have a kid and Mark has a kid and Larry
has a son and Jerry has a show.
PLAYBOY: Do you all crack a lot of jokes?
REISER: We get in the guy rhythm. We
brutalize one another. We are woeful-
ly cruel.
PLAYBOY: That sounds like a great HBO
REISER: I'm sure HBO would like that.
The truth is, I usually don't talk about it
because it's such a private, sweet thing.
I don't know how it first got out, but
everybody started asking about it. My
wife says she and her friends always talk
about the kids. We don't always talk
about our kids. Men have different kinds
of friendships.
PLAYBOY: Do you look back fondly on
your early years together on the comedy
REISER: It was mostly good. We were
young enough that we didn’t have to
worry about anything. We didn’t have
families to feed. Our life was hanging
out at clubs. There was a taste of success
because people we knew werc making it.
"So-and-so got a TV show.” “So-and-so
got The Tonight Show." Scouts from the
shows came in looking for talent. There
was a great camaraderie. I miss that.
PLAYBOY: Were there comedy groupies?
REISER: There were girls, and the scene
provided such an easy way to meet them.
The pressure was off because you didn't
have to introduce yourself. When you're
trying to meet a girl, the first thing you
want to do is distinguish yourself from
every other asshole in the world—to say,
I'm not an asshole. If you've been on-
stage for 20 minutes, they ve already de-
cided if they like you or not. If they ap-
proach you, your job is done.
PLAYBOY: In fact, you mct your wifc in
а dub.
REISER: That was later. She was a waitress
ata club. After we began going out, I was
off performing on the road and I think it
was Bill Maher who went up to her and
said hello. She introduced herself as
64 Paul Reiser’s girlfriend. He apparently
said something like, "Ah, yeah, OK. Sure
you are, sweetheart." It wasn't like I
was a big star or anything, but simply,
“Here's another deluded waitress, poor
girl, who thinks the comic from the big
city is going to come back.”
PLAYBOY: How did you and Paula meet?
REISER: She was in college in Pittsburgh,
supporting herself waitressing. The club
owner told me there was a girl 1 should
meet—"“a really cute waitress.” I go, OK,
I know what that means. I have a certain
kind of woman in mind. But then I met
her and went, “My God!” She was lovely.
PLAYBOY: What did you expect?
REISER: You know. It just sounded like a
sleazy kind of setup, a perk of working
there: The salary isn't great, but you've
got a decent hotel room and we'll fix
you up with a girl, so it shouldn't be a to-
tal wash.
PLAYBOY: To which you responded —
REISER: When I met her, she was beautiful
and smart and funny and, the truth is, I
couldn't speak. I actually couldn't say
my name out loud. I knew I was either
in love or nauseated. It was totally un-
expected. Later, either Jerry or Larry
Miller said, “The fact that you married
a waitress in a comedy club will kecp
comics on the road getting laid for 50
PLAYBOY: When did you decide to get
REISER: Т just came home one day and it
felt like we should be married. You sud-
denly feel like you're procrastinating by
not doing it.
PLAYBOY: Paula is a therapist. Should we
draw any conclusions from the fact that
the therapist on Mad About You is such
a loon?
REISER: I have never even thought about
the connection. ГЇЇ have to ask her what
it means.
PLAYBOY: Did she give you advice about
whether to continue with the show?
REISER: I wish shc had. But she's a shrink.
She just said, “What do you really want
to do?”
PLAYBOY: What brought you both from
New York to California?
REISER: I'll answer that when the Play-
mates arrive. Are they coming?
PLAYBOY: Maybe you'd be happy with a
Fans of “Mad About You” pictorial
REISER: Great. It would be a bunch of
women from around the country wear-
ing flannel pajamas.
PLAYBOY: Let's go back to California.
What brought you out here?
REISER: California was the end of a laun-
dry chute. Everybody came here. In
New York you would get onstage be-
cause the guys who were there last ycar
had gonc to California. Instcad of going
on at one in the morning, you got to go
on at ten. I thought, What happens
when you get to California? Everybody's
there. They're standing at the end of the
laundry chute dusting themselves off. It
must be very crowded.
PLAYBOY: What led to your first movie,
REISER: Am I still talking about Diner? It
was such a long time ago. If I'm reading
this I'm thinking, This asshole is still
talking about Diner. OK. ГІІ talk about
Diner. lt was a real movie that had cam-
eras and everything. When I heard I got
the part and was sent a script, I was all
excited—it had the MGM lion on itand
everything. I asked a friend, who is a
lawyer, to read it. Afterward he said,
“You play Modell, right? You ain'tin it.”
I had one line. The part grew, though.
PLAYBOY: Because of Mad About You, you
have become a poster boy for married
guys. Do you like the role?
REISER: Not really. People ask me if they
should get married. How should I
know? Somehow I've become a spokes-
man for the solid life. Some guy says,
“Talk to my wife, would you?" The wife
says, "Will you talk to my husband?"
Now, after Babyhood and the baby's ar-
rival on the show, I get "Should we have
a baby?" I don't know. I only know what
it’s like having my kid, and I like it. But
he's taken. I don't know that I necessari-
ly purport that marriage is the answer
for anything. People ask me if it's good
to be married. I have been marricd to
only one person and it's been great. But
the chance of finding someone like her is.
very small. And you can't be married to
her, she's already spoken for.
PLAYBOY: Amid the jokes, you seem to
have a very pro-family, pro-marriage
REISER: Well, God, I need to be married.
I just know that whatever funk I've gone
through, whatever period my wife and
I—and every couple—go through, it
never seems bad enough to say “I’m
clearing out." I don't doubt for a second
that when the smoke clears, ГЇЇ want to
get back into bed with this woman
tonight. When it’s hard being а dad, I
don't go, “Jesus, I've got to get out of
this." I just go, "I need a break. Maybe
ГІ take a walk.” When the first book
came out, I was so coupled out that I was
dying to go out with some guys and play
ball and drive around and be an asshole.
PLAYBOY: And do exactly what?
REISER: I can't tell you. That would take
all the fun away. In fact, I just OD'd my-
self on the discussion and feeling re-
sponsible and having to defend mar-
riage and be the nice guy. I mean, Jesus
Christ, / wanted to slap me. When my
books about marriage and being a father
came out, I was on every TV talk show,
discussing this stuff. I became this flag-
waver. It's not that I didn't believe it, but
the sheer volume got to me. This fuzzy
edge got attached to my image. I stand
by everything I have written and done.
But the fuzzy edge is a little annoying.
PLAYBOY: Fuzzy edge?
REISER: All this lovey-dovey talk about
kids and love. When I was promoting
(concluded on page 176)
He's a man who knows the value of talk. When his company needed to nail that Mexico land deal,
it picked ¡ts top negotiator—the executive with experience. It happens he reads PLAYBOY, and it
shows. PLAYBOY men took nearly 4 million business trips last year. On business apparel alone,
PLAYBOY men spent more than $340 million. Month after month, PLAYBOY is the magazine El
that directs men on the move. PLAYBOY—it's a lifestyle. (Source: Autumn 1997 MRI.) BS
stock car
racing is
the loudest,
sexiest sport
in america.
you gota
with that?
HEOLD CARS ran part of the race on the beach and the race was cut
short when the tide came in. Nowadays, they race on the big,
oval superspeedway, but there is still a moist, fetid mood. Lots of
sunshine with plenty of bare skin among the nearly 200,000 fans
who come to watch and, just as important, party hard. You see
flags flying at Daytona that say things like To HELL WITH THE
MOUNTAINS, SHOW US YOUR BUSCH. The women who follow Nascar get right
with the program. Speed, after all, is an aphrodisiac and car racing is about
speed and danger and money. But the racing is the thing and some of the
best racing in Nascar history has been done in the Daytona 500. Fans still
remember the 1976 race when David Pearson and Richard Petty got to-
gether at 180 mph, running down to the finish. Both drivers lost it, hit che
wall and spun down into the infield. Pearson got on the clutch and kept his
engine running, so he managed to limp to the checkered flag. Petty had to
get pushed across the finish line. CBS had it on tape and millions of people
who had thought of stock car racing as the sport of redneck primitives
watched and became interested. Three years later CBS was live at Daytona
when Donnie Allison and Cale Yarborough tangled near the finish and, af-
ter the wreck, started arguing and then throwing punches, with Donnie's
brother, Bobby, parking his car so he could join the fight.
Daytona is to stock car racing what Wimbledon is to tennis, the Masters is
to golf and the Kentucky Derby is to Thoroughbred racing. Daytona is
where Nascar started—50 years ago, as it happened. So 1998 is stock car
racing's golden jubilee and this race its greatest festival and celebration. For
racing fans, this is about as good as it gets.
And today, by God, in this particular race, it got better than that. The
people here, in the stands, the luxury boxes and the infield—a lot of whom
have been camped for two weeks, living off charcoaled meat and cold
beer—would have cheered just about any finish to this race. But this is
cheering ofa different order. These people are cheering their brains out for
a race close enough that a paint job is just about all that separates the first
five cars—this baby is going down to the wire—because of who is in front
now. If Dale Earnhardt, the man they call the Intimidator, can hang on and.
win, it will be just about the most sublime finish to this race any of them
could imagine. Earnhardt, after all, is the custodian of all that the fans love
about stock car racing.
But nobody is counting on Earnhardt's winning. Not with five laps to go
N ©
and not with four. Nor three. Because
Dale Earnhardt has never won this
thing in 19 years of trying. If it had
been the Daytona 499, he'd have won
two or three of them. He's lost it just
about every way there is to lose, includ-
ing having a head-on collision with a
seagull. Right now fans are most wor-
тісі about the Chevy Monte Carlo with
the number 24 painted on its side. Jeff
Gordon's car.
Gordon is the blazing new star on
the Nascar scene. He is 26 years old
and looks like Tom Cruise. He was
rookie of the year in 1993. In his daz-
zling career he has already won 30
Taces and two season championships—
Winston Cups—to Earnhardt's rec-
ord-tying seven. Gordon is clean and
wholesome, a good Christian lad who
gives thanks to Jesus for his victories.
To the fans, it seems plain that Gordon
1s the inevitable future of stock car rac-
ing. Traditionalists couldn't hate him
any more if he were a girl or an Arab.
They know, to the bottoms of their
souls, that Gordon is wrong for racing
and every time he wins it is just more
proof that something is going bad in
their universe.
The first stock car racers, as every-
one knows, were bootleggers. They
outran the revenue agents at night and
raced one another for sport on week-
ends. Americans have always had a
weak spot for outlaws. Americans also
love cars. Put an outlaw in a car—espe-
cially an American, or stock, car—rac-
ing against other outlaws in similar
cars, and you have a nearly unbeatable
combination. This is how stock car rac-
ing started out; with renegade drivers
racing big American iron around little
dirt tracks for the thrill of it and the
money they could make on side bets.
They ran fast, they collided and some-
times racers were killed
At first, it was pretty much exclusive-
ly a Southern passion. Kids in the
South worshiped drivers and grew up
wanting to be Fireball Roberts and run
at Daytona the same way kids up north
idolized Duke Snider or Stan Musial
and dreamed of playing for the Dodg-
ers or the Cardinals.
Snider and Musial, of course, retired
in good health. Roberts died because of
a fiery car crash. Danger was an unde-
niable clement in the appeal of stock
car racing. And because it was a South-
ern thing, there was something exu-
berant, irrational and a little violent
about the stock car racing in those ear-
ly days. The racers would intentional-
ly knock one another around on the
track, which was close to attempted
murder at those speeds. But everybody
accepted it as just part of racing.
They were a hell-raising bunch, the
drivers and the fans. And they didn't
care. The rest of the country were Yan-
kees and such trash as that and fuck
‘em. And, eventually, the rest of the
country came around, the same way it
did to country music. Of course, both
stock car racing and country music
cleaned up their acts and smoothed
down a few rough edges on their way
to the mainstream. But you still see a
lot of Confederate flags flying in the in-
field when you go to the track at, say,
Darlington, South Carolina. It was
there they lustily booed Bill Clinton
Even though he’s from Arkansas he
isn't one of them.
Back in late 1947 no one could have
imagined the president attending a
stock car race, especially in the South.
Stock car racing was such a marginal
sport (if it could be dignified with that
word) that it practically did not exist.
There was plenty of racing, some of
it ad hoc and some of it sanctioned by
rival bodies with different rules and
rankings. But there was no coherence
to the sport. So а 65” dynamo named
Bill France, who had been a garage
mechanic, race driver and business-
man, called a meeting in a Daytona
Beach hotel and became the czar of the
National Association of Stock Car Auto
Racing. He ruled his empire for 25
years, then turned it over to Bill Jr.,
who rules it today. Nascar was an ob-
scure little outfit in the early days, but
it has never suffered from lack of lead-
ership or vision. Both the senior
France and his son understood intu-
itively, with a kind of good-old-boy
cunning, things the rest of American
business and sports took years to get
around to. What looked like county-
fair hucksterism when they did it is
now standard practice at Disney and
the National Football League. Corpo-
rations will spend almost half a billion
on Nascar this year. Ad images will be
worth almost a billion. Nascar and its
cousin, the International Speedway
Corp. are $2 billion-a-year businesses.
One of Bill France's strengths—aside
from the sheer force of his person-
ality—was a sense of what his audi-
ence wanted. From the very beginning
Nascar was run for the entertainment
of che fans. "France saw that this was
the entertainment business,” says Par-
nelli Jones, one of America’s greatest
drivers. “It wasn't the engineering
business and it wasn't pure sport. It
was about getting, and keeping, the
Which meant creating (and sustain-
ing) the fiction that what the fans saw
their favorite drivers pushing around
the track at Charlotte was the same
Kind of car they could go out and drive
themselves. Richard Petty says he can
remember that when he was a boy, his
father, Lee, was one of the early stars of
Nascar. The family would get into the
car and go to some track, where Rich-
ard would watch his father race the
family car. Later, they would all pile
back in and drive home. It was a hap-
pier ride if Dad had won.
The cars still look like production-
built American cars, even if it is only
sheet metal-and-decal deep. The Nas-
car mantra has been “Win on Sunday,
sell on Monday,” so the powers that be
have made sure, through careful ma-
nipulation of the rules, that Chevy re-
mains competitive with Ford and that
Pontiac has a place at the table. Given
the number of fans who show up at the
track flying Chevy flags or wearing
sweatshirts that read ГО RATHER PUSH А
FORD THAN DRIVE A CHEVY, it is vital to
keep the companies happy and in rac-
ing. If it were professional football,
they would call this parity.
Nascar got the jump on its rivals in
that department. You can't go out and
buy Emerson Fittipaldi’s Indy car. You
can admire his work but you can't em-
pathize with him the way you can with
Rusty Wallace in his Ford Taurus.
Which is just one reason Nascar has left
Indy car racing behind and why there
is no Formula One race in the U.S.
Nascar rules.
Nascar also tumbled early to the val-
ue of sponsorship. It was just too ex-
pensive to run a team on prize money
and those cars were like billboards with
100,000 pairs of eyes locked on them
for two or three hours every weekend.
Ever since Andy Granatelli paid to put
the STP logo on Richard Peuy’s car
in 1972, Nascar has been marketing
products on those 200-mph billboards.
They carry the colors and logos of
everything from snuff to laundry de-
tergent, cable networks to breakfast ce-
reals, hamburgers to beer. Half the
players in the NFL and the NBA may
wear the Nike swoosh, but the red-
necks from Nascar were there first
But most of all, Nascar understood
that the deepest longing of its most
hard-core fans was not for speed, not
for beer-soaked afternoons, not for
crashes. It was for stars. Idols. Heroes.
Nascar was onto the celebrity culture of
the late 20th century early and big.
And in this regard the sport was lucky.
Ever since the days when they still ran
part of the Daytona race on the beach,
there have been charismatic drivers.
Curtis Turner, Fireball Roberts, Junior
Johnson and Lee Petty in the
and Sixties. Cale Yarborough, Richard
Petty, Donnie and Bobby Allison, David
Pearson in the Sixties and Seventies.
(continued on page 76)
“Should we come out as a group or singly?”
Ti | HEnavys top brass might object to my posing,” U
“| Navy Lieutenant Frederica Spilman said recently,
| “but many people will support my decision. There
are two sides to every story." The bright 28-year-old
Florida resident (dubbed “the Terminator” by her Navy
pals because of the time she “harshly” confronted a col-
league) has never shied from breaking new ground
Adding to an accomplished résumé that indudes gradu-
ating as class valedictorian of California's Sunny Hills
High Schocl, competing on the U.S. fencing team at the
World University Games and graduating with merit from
this aviator is why we're so fond of naval gazing
"| don't see myself as ambitious—t
just dan like limits. 1 find something
I want to da, then do it to the best of
my ability,” soys Frederica (clockwise
from top left: graduating from An-
nopolis, Navy planes in tight formo-
tion, sporting Novy dress blues, suit-
ed up. off duty). And if top Navy
officers object to her PLAYBOY ap-
pearance, Lieutenant Spilman de.
fends herself by soying, "It's my right."
Annapolis, Frederica became the
first female naval flight officer as-
signed to fly in an ES-3A Shadow.
She is also the first to shed her
uniform for PLAYBOY. А contro-
versial move, sure. But Frederica
has ideological reasons for p:
ing. “In the Navy, freedom is lim-
ited. You can't do whatever you
want. It's contradictory for a mi
itary that fights for constitutional
rights to put restrictions on its
members.” Being assertive has
been Frederica's way since she
was five, the age she first remem-
bers flying in an airplane. “I told.
my grandma I loved flying, and
she said, “Do you w ea
flight attendant when you grow
up?’ I said, ‘No, I'd rather be a
pilot.” The road to becoming a
naval flight officer was a formida
ble one (“Many guys didn’t think
women should be there. They
didn't accept me at first. I really
had to prove myself”), but Fred-
erica uiumphed and is ready to
tackle her next mission. “When I
leave the Navy, I'm going to vet-
erinary school,’ “I love
ant to take care of
them.” Nothing can stop her now
"I've always believed women con do the some things that men can,” says Frederico, whose family includes her identical twin, o brother,
a Hungorion mother and a Belgian father. “In aur house, it wasn't like my sister and 1 had to do the dishes and my brother had to mow
the lawn.” Below, left ta right: On the Navy's fencing teom; preparing for flight school in 1991; freshman year at the Naval Academy
viation is a great adventure,” says Frederica. Her job as a flight officer invalves sitting in the cockpil's right seat and handling naviga-
tion, communications and the weapons system. Above, from left: an EA-6A in flight, writing a letter in the squadran's "ready roam.”
"I've flown up to 550 miles an hour,” Frederica explains. “I get a rush every time." Above, left to right: Novy aircraft on deck, the Termi-
nator in full uniform. “Most guys think women in the military aren't attractive,” Frederica says. "I wanted to show my feminine side."
Nascar Rules «a from page 68)
In Nascar, the rule is that if everybody does what he
is supposed to do, everybody will make money.
Rusty Wallace, Darrell Waltrip, Dale
Earnhardt in the Seventies and Eight-
ies. Earnhardt, Jeff Gordon, Dale Ja-
rett in the Nineties. Drivers with ice
water for blood and piano wire for
nerves. Drivers who would walk away
from a crash that looked like a certain
bone crusher and say to reporters with
a shrug, “Rear end got a little loose on
me out there in turn three and before I
knew it, I'd got myself upside down.”
Nascar fans are loyal to their heroes
and buy millions of objects that bear
their images. Dale Earnhardt sells more
T-shirts than the Rolling Stones do.
In Nascar, the rule is that if every-
body does what he is supposed to do,
everybody will make moncy. Anybody
who doesn’t want to play ball can take a
hike. This applies to the drivers—who
always knew their place or, if they
didn't, learned quick. When Curtis
Turner, one ofthe great stars of Nascar,
tried in 1961 to organize the drivers
and affiliate them with the Teamsters,
Bill France kicked him out of Nascar
and kept him out for five years. Nascar
made sure that the drivers gave it back
to the fans, that they signed auto-
graphs, did interviews, made appear-
ances and conducted themselves like
sporting stars should. What the NBA
has learned about stars—that Larry
Bird and Magic Johnson could carry
the sport into orbit and Michael Jordan
could keep it there—Nascar learned 40
years ago. Which is why no one thinks
of it as a pastime for dumb rednecks
anymore. And why there are no Barry
Bonds in Nascar.
Only two drivers have ever won the
Winston Cup (the seasonal champi-
onship) seven times. The first was
Richard Petty, who was merely the
King. Nobody ever won more Nascar
races than Petty, who finished with an
even 200 victories. He took his last vic-
tory on July 4, 1984 at Daytona, with
President Ronald Reagan in atten-
dance. Reagan had a fine, almost
preternatural feel for the American
character and so it was appropriate for
him to give the command “Gentlemen,
start your engines” from Air Force
One, on his way down from Washing-
ton for the race.
Richard Petty was the great driver
and great personality of stock car rac-
ing, the charismatic country boy from
Level Cross, North Carolina, the man
with the piercing eyes and the dazzling
smile who brought racing into the
American mainstream.
Like Petty, Dale Earnhardt has won
the Winston Cup seven times. In a poll
of Nascar drivers, he was voted, hands
down, the toughest man on the track.
Earnhardt is Clint Eastwood to Petty's
John Wayne. Where Richard Petty was
the cheerful extrovert, always talking
and smiling, Dale Earnhardt is the oth-
er side of the Southern male personali-
ty: stoic and laconic. He has a worn,
pitted face. It is striking, especially
around the hard-set eyes, but nobody
is going to call him handsome. When
he is asked, after a race, what hap-
pened when somebody tried to pass
him and wound up bouncing off the
wall and down into the infield, Earn-
hardt will say, “That's just racing.”
End of interview.
Earnhardt won tough. Some fans—
millions, in fact—may even say he won
dirty. Plenty of people come out to the
track just for the pleasure of booing
him. All over the South you see front li-
cense plates with an image of a boy
gleefully peeing on a race car that bears
the number three: Earnhardt's car.
But while there were millions of fans
who hated Dale Earnhardt, there were
also plenty who loved to hate him. He
was one of them, a high school dropout
from Kannapolis, North Carolina, the
son of the 1956 Nascar Sportsman
champion. Young Dale grew up hard,
if not exactly poor. In the early days, he
drove dirt tracks for groceries. These
days he is a one-man conglomerate. He
owns a farm and lots of land and when
he isn't racing he is hunting deer or
fishing for bass. He is just about the
perfect champion for Nascar. As long
as Earnhardt was winning, and Nascar
was growing, everything seemed to be
just like it was supposed to. The way
God had meant for it to be when
he called that meeting in Daytona and
put Bill France in charge of stock car
Then things started changing. Lots
of things, actually, but the one that fans
noticed, that summed up all the other
changes, was that Earnhardt vas losing
his iron grip. The man stomping on his
fingers was a choirboy from either Cal-
ifornia or Indiana (depending on how
charitable you wanted to be). A kid who
spent his time away from the track
playing computer games instead of sit-
ting up in a tree stand, waiting for a
shot at a buck.
At 26, Jeff Gordon has shaken up his
sport like Tiger Woods rattled the
foundations of the PGA tour. Gordon is
nothing like the legendary Nascar driv-
ers. They were rough, Gordon is
smooth. He doesn't drink and couldn't
say shit if he had a mouthful of ir.
There are no bootleggers or jail terms
in Gordon's past; his father bought him
a go-cart when he was five and he has
been racing, and winning, ever since.
Jeff Gordon is as clean and wholesome
as a Boy Scout. In 1995, in only his
third year of driving for Winston Cup.
Gordon beat out Earnhardt for the
championship. Earnhardt, 47, who
called Gordon the Kid, suggested that
when the awards banquet was held at
the Waldorf-Astoria in New York they
would have to serve milk instead of
champagne for Gordon. Gordon made
sure they did and toasted Earnhardt
with a glass of the white stuff.
In 1996 Terry Labonte won the cup.
with Gordon coming in second and
Earnhardt fourth. Then, in 1997, the
stars fell out of orbit. Gordon won
everything, starting with Daytona. He
won the second race too. And he won
eight others, including Darlington and
Charlotte, which gave him three of the
four prestige races (the other is the
Winston 500 at Talladega). That
earned him a bonus Winston Million,
which only one other driver has ever
won. The fans booed him passionately,
and he said, with customary cheerful-
ness, "They always boo you when you're.
winning. Right now, I’m winning.”
Gordon is the new face of stock car
racing. The fans who loved the old
days, when racing was as raw as young
whiskey, took to it like Merle Haggard
fans ata Shania Twain concert.
But Gordon wasn't the only sign of
how racing might be losing its soul.
More of the drivers were coming from
places like California. Worse, more of
the races were being run in some of
those places. They have racing in New
Hampshire, at Loudon. And they had
built big new tracks Тај Mahals, they
were—in Texas and California. The
California track was a Roger Penske
Operation and, like everything he did,
it was first-class. But Penske was a
name from Indy cars.
Racing at those new, elegant tracks
meant canceling races at the old short
tracks in Tennessee, North Carolina
and Virginia, where the sport had its
roots. The new tracks came with sky-
boxes, condominiums, jet strips and
helicopter pads. There still were
grandstands and there still were in-
fields where old, reconfigured school
buses and RVs parked wheel-to-wheel
and the people who drove them set
(concluded on page 84)
"Don't get your hopes up, Melvin. I’m looking for my contact lens.”
Technics” SC-HD55 micro stereo system with AM/FM tuner, CD player and cassette deck gets its sleek, retro
it and oak speaker cabinets (about $700). Atop the stereo
is Uniden's 900-MHz VoiceDial cordless phone, which uses voice-recognition technology to dial up to 30 phone numbers
(about $150). Pictured on the table from right to left are: Alfred Dunhill's crocodile-covered Sports lighter (about $300), and
bubbly at its best—a magnum of Cuvée Dom Pérignon Rosé 1985 (about $400). Sony’s Hi8 TRV85 camcorder features
NightShot infrared technology that lets you shoot in total darkness ($1100). RCA's RP6198 Scantrak is a 200-channel rac-
ing scanner that can access multiple car frequencies with a single button (about $200, including headset). The grained calf-
skin calendar and memo organizer with compartments is by Alfred Dunhill ($275). Two tickets to paradise: Radisson Sev-
en Seas” newest cruise ship, the luxurious M/S Paul Gauguin, sails weekly out of Tahiti to Bora Bora, Mooréa and other
exotic ports of call, carrying just 320 passengers. The price: between $2800 and $6800 for seven nights (call 800-285-1835).
In the background: Roadmaster gets nostalgic with its limited edition (of 5000) single-speed Luxury Liner pedia ($2000).
ml bottles ($350). A pair of Kenwood's 14-сһаппе! Fi
ter you spend a week roughing it as a participant in 11
der Outdoor Survival School, the corporate
to the ‘French
Whore,” an-
nounces a Sat-
urday Night Live
stage manager.
Cheri Oteri, in
black lace, her
left arm in a
sling, prepares
for a game-show sketch in which she
plays Babette, a 58-year-old Parisian
prostitute. Next to the coffee machine
Molly Shannon rehearses her send-up
of Monica Lewinsky peddling her
forthcoming tell-all book, How to Give
the President a Hummer, (She prefers to
call it Mouth Love.) Nearby, Ana Gast-
еуег massages a joke with a writer for
her portrayal of Cinder Calhoun on
“Weekend Update.”
They are a triumvirate of feral. fun-
ny and fearless women—comic dare-
devils, chameleons and, sometimes,
gymnasts. They play sex goddesses,
punks, junkies, warriors and politi-
cians with equal conviction. They sniff
like police dogs for every morsel of
information that will make a charac-
ter rich, funny, complicated and real.
They may be the best female cast SNL
has ever had.
“What is interesting about these
three women is that in addition to be-
ing as talented as they are, they're in-
credibly confident,” says Lorne Mi-
chaels, executive producer of the show
for 18 of its 23 seasons. “They're really
powerful. Onstage they have to win
over the audience, assert the comedy
and not compromise what they really
believe in.”
‘Ana Gasteyer's fascination with what
she calls “phony personalities” suffuses
her parodies with the kind of nuance
and physical detail that can’t be script-
ed. Gasteyer grew up in Washington,
D.C. and did brief tours of duty as a
hospital switchboard operator, office
temp and restaurant hostess before
joining the Groundlings, the Los An-
geles-based improv-sketch comedy
group. “I spent my childhood watch-
ing the women on Saturday Night Live,
thinking I could be a woman doing
funny stuff on television,” she says.
From her fictional National Public Ra-
dio host, Margaret Joe, to Gokie Rob-
erts, she's fiercely intent on creating “a
total ambience” around her characters.
Her takeoff on Martha Stewart is
matchless: “A terrific way to combat
Valentine's Day depression is to treat
yourself to an erotic cake.”
A two-year (concluded on page 175)
FIL ASY 84077.
Nascar Rules «us pon page 76)
Passing was tougher than usual. Most fans were
thinking that conditions were good for a wreck.
up grills and tents with coolers of beer,
but racing was more about the people
with the moncy. It was slicker and slick-
er, just like the music coming out of
As if all that weren’t bad enough,
Dale Earnhardt was looking as though
he might be washed up. The 1997 sea-
son started with the wreck at Daytona.
At Darlington, he had actually passed
out in his car, wrecking it. Some people
wondered if it might be all over for the
man in black. He didn't win a single
race in 1997, extending his winless
streak to an unimaginable 59 races.
After the last race of the season,
at Atlanta, while the man he used to
call the Kid and now referred to as
Gordon danced on the roof of his car
and sprayed champagne to celebrate
his second Winston Cup, Earnhardt
brought his beat-up Monte Carlo back
to the garage area and parked it in
front of the transporter. He took off his
helmet and eased nimbly out of the
window of the car. There were about
five reporters there to ask questions.
He looked not just tired, but depleted.
“Tires,” Earnhardt answered when
one reporter asked him what had hap-
pened when he lost it and hit the wall.
After a few more routine questions and
nonresponsive answers, someone asked
him, “Whats next?”
“Go back home,” he said. “Work on
the car and get back to winning.”
Racing people believe in the cold
logic of numbers —they measure every-
thing from tire wear to the surface area
on the spoiler—but they also believe in
omens. And. hey, hadn't John Elway
just gone and won a Super Bowl after
all those years of coming in second? El-
way was due, you know, and if anybody
was ever due, Dale Earnhardt was due
to win the Daytona 500.
He seemed to think so himself, and
told reporters, “You saw that look in
Elway's eyes? Well, look in my eyes."
Earnhardt's eyes looked focused and
hard. But, then, they always did.
His car ran well. He took one of the
125-mile qualifiers and said winning
felt good after a long dry time, even if
there weren't any points in it. He'd
start the race up front, in the second
row. The Labonte brothers and Ster-
ling Martin were in the first row. Gor-
don was back in the pack, at 29th, be-
cause ofa bad pit stop in the qualifier,
but nobody thought he'd brought a
slow car to Daytona.
It was dark Sunday, February 15,
with a threat of rain, when the flag was
dropped. The wind was blowing hard
enough to push the cars around and
that made passing tougher than usual.
Most fans were thinking that condi-
tions were good for a wreck, one of
those multicar collisions that can ruin a
good run, even when a driver is due.
Earnhardt ran fast and mostly out
front in the early part of the race. He
was leading when he went in for his
first pit stop and running fifth when he
came back out on the track. He had a
good crew and they made a clean, effi-
cient stop. But Gordon's crew, called
the Rainbow Warriors because of their
team colors, did better and Gordon
was in the lead. A little shiver of dread
passed among the thousands of fans
pulling for Earnhardt when the scan-
ner picked up a transmission of Gor-
don's. He told his crew that the car was
perfect and that he didn't think anyone
on the track could beat him.
Things did not look good for the le-
gion of Anybody But Gordon fans.
Jeff Gordon was out front, pulling a
four-car or five-car draft. The famous
draft can be an equalizer at Daytona.
The lead car breaks up the air, which
makes it smoother for the following
cars. But the lead car also gets a push
from the vacuurn. Everybody gets help.
Two or three cars in a row, running
nose to tail, can outrun a car hanging,
out on its own. But you have to know
how to work it and when to leave the
draft to make your move and how to
get help from others to gang up on the
leader. Using the draft, along with his
aggressive instincts, craftily, Earnhardt
blew by Gordon on lap 123 of a race
that looked like it might go the whole
500 miles without a wreck (on the
track, anyway; there were some prob-
lems in the pit).
Then, on lap 174, when it was time
to go in for the final pit stop, Richard
Petty’s new driver, John Andretti, got
into it with another car and the yellow
caution flag went up. The lead cars
dove into the pits and the fans, who
were beginning to believe it might be
the Intimidator’s time, held their breath
for the time it took to change all four
tires and pour in a few gallons of gas.
Earnhardt kept driving low, shutting
off the passing lane. As each lap went
by, the cheering grew louder. With
three laps to go, Gordon was in third,
lined up to make his move. But he lost
power, fell out of the draft and finished
16th. Bobby Labonte and Jeremy May-
field now had the last shot at Ear
hardt. They banged away at each oth-
er through the straight as Earnhardt
passed a lapped car and shut the door
with help from the third caution of the
race. He won it by being too tough
to pass.
The cheering went on through the
victory lap and as Earnhardt took his
car through the pit, where all the crews
from other cars lined up to congratu-
late him and to slap the hand he ex-
tended through his car window. No-
body could remember seeing anything
like it before.
No one left the track, except for a
few of the people in the skyboxes who
had private jets waiting and big deals to
attend to. This was for the hard-core.
At his press conference Earnhardt
threw a stuffed animal into the crowd
of reporters. It was, he said, the
“damned monkey” he had finally got-
ten off his back. He said all the things
about how this was the best moment of
his career. And then he made it plain
that this wasn't some isolated, senti-
mental victory. He was back for the
whole package. “We're looking for that
eighth championship,” he said.
‘One week after Daytona, while some
fans were still celebrating Daytona,
they raced at Rockingham, North Car-
olina. It was a tough race, with lots of
crashes and lots of yellows, and, after
fighting with a car that wasn’t set up
right and coming back from way be-
hind, the winner was Jeff Gordon.
There is a phrase they use in racing
When you take a car off the transporter
and put it out on the track and every-
thing is just right and you don't need to
adjust the carburetor or the chassis or
anything, when the car is running per-
fect, blowing the doors off the competi-
tion, then that car is dialed in. This
year's season is looking like it is dialed
in. They'll move on to Darlington, the
toughest and oldest of the big tracks.
To Bristol, the best of the short tracks.
‘Talladega, the fastest of them all. Rich-
mond. Michigan. Indy. Charlotte for
600 miles on the same day they run the
Indy 500. Phoenix. Adanta. Thirty-
three races, with razor-close finishes,
multicar crashes, gallons of sunscreen,
tons of charcoaled meat, oceans of ice-
cold beer and hundreds of thousands
of fans who just can't get enough.
Fifty years in and this has to be the
kind of year Bill France had in mind
when he got the whole thing going and
gave the world racing, American style
| |
“Maybe we should go to my place after all!”
worry beads. The dispenser is the badge of the
new liberated woman.
Stick out your tongue. In the summer of
1960 a Harvard lecturer named Timothy
tick out your tongue. Your world is
about to change.
In 1960 a bureaucrat at the Food
and Drug Administration gives ap-
proval to Enovid, an oral contra-
ceptive based on a hormone made from Mex-
ican yams. The Pill, as it will be called, will free
women from centuries of fear and will give
them control of their bodies. By the end of the
decade more than six million women will be on
the Pill, performing a daily ritual once occupied by
At the start of the Sixties the party was in full swing
ond Hef was the perfect host. Taking the Center-
fold from the pages af his magazine, he created the
Playboy Bunny—a living, breathing fantasy, the
decade’s first real sex symbol. A piece of Americana,
her costume wos put on display at the Smithsonian.
The sexual revalution had heroes, po
ets, martyrs and caurt jesters. The Pill
offered better living thraugh chemistry
Naked was beautiful, be it а Russ Mey-
er star (above) ar the cost af Hair ca-
vorting in the Playbay Mansion poal
а taste of mortality. PLAYBOY ге-
placed The Stars and Stripes on the
front. Back home, heads turned ta
underground papers far a new
worldview. The youth of the natian
embraced a gentler visian. Pop
culture became counterculture.
Alienation became Woadstack Na-
tion. Sexuality came out into the
open, whether at topless bars in
San Francisco (above) or music
festivals at Woodstock, New York
The Playboy Rabbit Head cropped
up everywhere. Still, the film Lolito
created controversy, as did adver-
tisements for the magazine Eros.
It was a time of riot and contradiction. Cities
bumed, while we flipped far Raquel, Nancy,
Bob, Coral, Ted and Alice. Neil Armstrong
walked on the moan. Jahn and Yoko posed
nude for Two Virgins. Rudi Gernreich intra- |
duced the topless bathing suit; others used |
the body os a canvas. Peter Fanda encoun-
tered the dark side af America in Eosy Rider. —
is change—sudden, unexpected reve-
lation. For 60 years we have charted
the rise and fall of hemlines and found
meaning. In England, designer Mary
Quant creates something Called the
miniskirt. “Am 1 the only woman,” she
asks, “who has ever wanted to go to bed
with a man in the afternoon? Any law-
abiding female, it used to be thought,
waits until dark. Well, there are lots of
girls who don't want to wait, Mini-
clothes are symbolic of them.”
The world rediscovers women's legs,
flashing scissors of energetic skin cut-
ting through crowded city streets. After
a decade of girdles and bullet bras, the
female body is free.
Designer Rudi Gernreich introduces
a topless bathing suit and within days
Carol Doda wears her own version in
the first modern topless bar, in San
Francisco's North Beach. In subse-
quent weeks customers watch Doda's
breasts grow from 34D to a monumen-
tal 44DD, augmented by silicone injec-
tions. Like volcanves, they seem to
symbolize a force of nature, something
that evokes awe and wonder.
Marshall McLuhan, a professor of
culture and technology at the Universi-
ty of Toronto who seems to have an ex-
planation for almost everything, has
lunch with writer Tom Wolfe in a top-
less restaurant. “Don't you see?" McLı
han remarks. “They're wearing us.”
What does it portend?
McLuhan looks at the waitresses’
breasts and comments, “The topless
waitress is the opening wedge of the
trial balloon.”
The body politic rediscovers the
body. America goes from a country tit-
illated by a young girl wearing an tsy
Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
to one watching a bare-breasied wom-
an playing the cello. By the end of
the decade, actors will romp naked on
Broadway in Hair and Oh! Calcutta!
The cast of Dionysus in '69 pulls a wom-
an from the audience each night and
makes love to her onstage. In Peter
Weiss’ Marat/Sade, the inmates in the
asylum of Charenton will ask, “What's
the point of a revolution without gen-
eral copulation?”
‘Taboos disappear overnight. An arti-
cle in Time comments on a new Ameri-
can passion called “Spectator Sex.
McLuhan tries to make sense of the
revolution. In The Medium Is the Message
and other books he propounds a theo-
ry of social change. We live, he says, in
a global village connected by clectron-
ic media. Type, he says, is linear and
trained man to adopt a single point of
view. Television, on the other hand, isa
cool medium—a mosaic, a field of tiny
moving dots, an incomplete image that
“commands immediate participation in
depth and admits of no delays.” Televi-
sion creates an urge for involvement.
We yearn, he says, to complete the pic-
ture. He calls this new force of energy
“participation mystique.”
Seventy-three million people watch
the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show. An
adolescent sexual response that bi
with bobby-soxers going wild in the
streets over Sinatra in the Forties
gained momentum in the Fifties with
female fans who fainted at the sight of.
Elvis. In Re-Making Love, Barbara Eh-
renreich credits Beatlemania with un-
leashing the teenage sexual revolution
of the Sixties:
“For the girls who participated in
Beatlemania, sex was an obvious part
of the excitement. One of the most
common responses to reporters’ quer-
ies on the sources of Beatlemania was,
“Because they're sexy.’ And this expla-
nation was in itself a small act of defi-
ance. It was rebellious (especially for
young fans) to lay claim to sexual feel-
ings. It was even more rebellious to lay
claim to the active, daring side of sexu-
al attraction. The Beatles were the ob-
jects, the girls were their pursuers. The
Beatles were sexy; the girls were the
ones who perceived them as sexy and
acknowledged the force of an un-
governable, if somewhat disembodied,
lust. To assert an active, powerful sexu-
ality by the tens of thousands and to do
so in a way calculated to attract maxi-
mum attention was more than rebel-
lious. It was in its own unformulated,
dizzy way, revolutionary.”
The revolution in sex roles, in ap-
pearances, in what it means to be a
man or a woman, unfolds in the ume it
takes to grow a beard or long hair or to
don a shortened skirt. Early reports la-
bel these changes youthful phenom-
cna, something akin to the Flaming
Youth of the Twenties. The revolution
does seem to belong to those under 25,
but something more is at work here.
The Lost Generation of the Twenties
ran headlong into the Depression.
Youth in the Fifties had grown up in
the parancia and conservatism of the
Cold War, an era marked by the politics
of fatigue. Had they opted to become
their parents, we would still be living
on the set of Happy Days. What was dif-
ferent about the Sixties?
At the start of the decade John Fitz-
gerald Kennedy takes up residence in
the White House. He is young, physi-
cally attractive, a rogue, a wit, a man
whose middle name reminds writers of
E Scott Fitzgerald, a man who tells the
nation that the young are better fitted
to direct history than the old are. Came-
lot dies abruptly, with an assassin's bul-
let, but the prophecy will be fulfilled
Reminded of your mortality, you will
create a new, more personal form of
A generation that will be known as
the Baby Boomers will accomplish by
sheer numbers what no generation be-
fore could even contemplate. In 1960
there are 24 million people age 15
through 24. By 1970 there were 35.3
million. By 1966, 48 percent of the
population was under the age of 26.
The flood of immigrants at the turn
of the century had created a new
America; this time the flood came from
The young spend $12 billion a year
on their own subculture—clothes, mu-
sic, movies. From folk to rock, the mu-
sic provides a soundtrack for change
Elvis returns from a stint in the Army
asking, Are You Lonesome Tonight? The
Shirelles wonder, Will You Love Me To-
morrow? The Rolling Stones snarl, (1
Can't Get No) Satisfaction. The music
moves beyond moon and June, with
artists such as Bob Dylan and John
Lennon crafting songs that provoke
the conscience of a nation. This is arev-
olution with a beat you can dance to.
‘Television, the tool of togetherness
in the Fiftics, now tears familics apart.
We watch police and National Guards-
men turn firchoses on civil rights and
antiwar demonstrators, see water pres-
sure that Can “strip the bark off a tree”
spin students around as though they
were dolls. The Sixties will give us a
generation gap as wide as the Grand
You watch the war escalate on televi-
sion. And again the numbers spin out
of control. In Vietnam, 700 advisors in
1961 became 16,000 troops іп 1963—
542,000 by 1969. We watch the birth of
resistance. Buddhist monks set them-
selves afire in protest. Young men burn
their draft cards and march on the
Pentagon, arm in arm with old radi-
cals, chanting the new anthem of the
decade: “Make Love, Not War.”
Amid all this chaos is one place of ur-
ban revelry. Norman Mailer described
the scene in The Presidential Papers:
“The Bunnies went by in their cos-
tumes, electric-blue silk, Kelly green,
flame pink, pin-ups from a magazine,
faces painted into sweetmeats, flow-
er tops, tame lynx, piggie, poodle, a
queen or two from a beauty contest.
They wore Gay Nineties rig that exag-
gerated their hips, bound their waists
in a ceinture, and lifted them into a
phallic brassiere—each breast looked
like the big bullet on the front bumper
of a Cadillac. Long black stockings—up
almost to the waist on each side—and
to the back, on the curve of the can, as
if ejected tenderly from the body, was
the puff of chastity, a little white ball of
a Bunny’s tail that bobbled as they
(continued on page 110)
“T said, ‘Knock off the doodling and slap on that
second coat of paint! "
When she's not shopping ("Thot's my favorite postime”), modeling or moonlighting as o
cigorette girl ot Dennis Rodmon's Illusions, a Chicogo nightclub (obove), Morio solsos the
night owoy (top). "My friends ond I love to go out, pick up boys ond donce,” she soys.
our miss june
left avane
to become a star
ARIA LUISA GIL is a head turner.
When the Cuban-born 20-year-old
glides through Wildfire, a Chicago
eatery, in a minidress and thigh-high
boots, necks crane, jaws drop and whis-
pers fill the air. Everybody knows she’s
somebody, Back in Cuba, Maria knew
she was somebody too, which prompt
ed her to send her modeling photos to
our headquarters.
Q: You lived in Cuba until December
1996. What brought you to the States?
A: America has so many opportuni-
ties. It’s impossible to make money as a
model in Guba, Everyone is poor, ex-
cept for about five percent of the popu-
lation. It's sad.
Q: Was it hard being a sexy woman
ina macho society?
A: Oh, yes. In Cuba, if you're sexy
you're considered a whore. Everyone
Stares at you when you walk down the
street. They say some terrible things
about you
Q: What sexual behaviors are unac-
ceptable in Cuba?
A: Any sexual behavior! Cuba is to-
tally repressed. Nude pictures are not
allowed. PLaYBOY is not allowed. When
I saw my first PLAYBOY, on a visit to the
U.S., it had the sexiest pictures I'd ever
seen. 1 knew right away I wanted to be
a part of it.
Q: What's the difference between Cu-
ban men and American men?
A: Cuban guys are jealous and pos-
sessive. I don't like that. I'm a liberal,
independent girl. The only person I let
tell me what to do is my mother.
Q: Whar's your definition of a Lat-
in lover?
A: A guy who's romantic. The can-
dies, fine wine and classical music type.
Q: Besides sexual freedom, what do
you appreciate about life here that an
American might take for granted?
A: Restaurants. Here, my brother
and mom and I can go out to eat any
time we want. In Cuba the only restau-
rants are elite clubs that just the rich
and beautiful are allowed into.
Q: Tell us about Cuban cuisine.
A: The food there is not so good
Everything you cat in Cuba is pro-
duced in Cuba. No one has the money
to grow decent crops.
Q: What are the three most impor-
tant English phrases to know?
How are you?”, "What time is it?"
"s the rest room?"
's the most romantic rum
A: A piña colada
Ө: Why is it that Cuban cigars are
so revered?
A: Good question. I'll have to ask
Dennis Rodman next time I see him
Q: Are you hot-blooded?
A: No, I'm just happy. I'm proud of
myself and what I've accomplished. It's
been my dream to come to America,
and this is where I’m going to stay.
"I'm very happy ta be living and working in
the United States. I want everyone in the
world ta knaw my name,” explains Maria,
who came to America from Cuba in 1996.
is just not don: Cuba,” Moria says. “It’s such a repressive culture. Nude pictures are not allowed. When I called a
friend there and tald her I was doing this, she said, ‘Girl, yau're crazy!’ But | live here naw. | dan't care what anyone in Cuba says."
ware, Morio иб. Gut
eL зае ЦИЕ реа DN
M wars old in Copa 15 year: Hor mem
18 years am an
the Neningway Hot
At the height of happy hour, a man stood up
and shouted, “All lawyers are assholes!”
“Hey! I resent that!” a guy at the end of the
bar hollered back.
“Why?” the first man asked. "Are you а
“No! Im an asshole.”
T-shirt seen at a bar on Martha's Vineyard: “I
blew the president and all I got was this stupid
А businessman came home hoping to unwind
after a rough day ar work Following a relaxin
EIA ORE «ommend
his wife retired to separate beds—but the hus-
band wasn't ready to sleep. He called over to
his wife, “My little boopey-boo, I'm lonely.”
The woman got out of bed and started to
cross the room but tripped on the carpet and
fell. “Oh,” the ИКС asked with concern,
“did my little honey-bunny fall on her little
Near apa
to his bed where the two enjoyed a passionate
hour of lovemaking. When they were finished,
the woman got up to return to her bed, but
once again caught her foot on the carpet
and fell.
The man raised his head from the pillow.
“Clumsy bitch,” he muttered.
Sign seen in a veterinarian’s waiting room: BE
Pravsoy classic: “Forgive me, Father, for 1
have sinned,” the young woman said.
“Confess your sins and be forgiven,” the
priest murmured.
“Last night my boyfriend made passionate
love to me seven times.”
‘The priest considered for a moment. “Go
home and suck the juice from seven lemons,”
he said.
“Will that cleanse me of my sins?”
"No," the cleric replied, “but it'll wipe that
smile off your face.”
What's the definition of dumb? A guy who
rolls up his sleeve when a girl says she wants to
feel his muscle.
Three friends—a dentist, a lawyer and a
banker—sat down in a gentlemen's club. When
a dancer came over to their table, the dentist
pulled out a $10 bill, licked it and stuck it on
her behind.
Not to be outdone, the lawyer pulled outa
$50 bill, licked it and stuck it next to the ten.
The banker thought for a minute, took out
his ATM card, swiped it down her crack,
grabbed the 60 bucks and went home.
A man had been drinking ar the bar for hours
when he mentioned something about his girl-
friend being out in the car. The bartender,
сазан aero th ues ЧЕНЕЙ, ET a
check on her. When he looked inside the car,
he saw the man's buddy, Pete, and his girl go-
ing at it in the backseat. The bartender shook
his head and walked back inside. He told the
drunk that he thought it might be a good idea
to check on his girlfriend.
The fellow staggered outside to the car, saw
his buddy and his girlfriend entwined, then
walked back into the bar laughing,
“What's so funny?” the bartender asked
“That damned Pete!” the fellow chortled.
"He's so drunk, he thinks he's me!”
Why do they paint a yellow line down the
middle of the corridor: federal buildings?
So the employees coming in late don't bump
into those leaving early.
Ag A
rofessor was lecturing his class. “In
English,” he explained, “a double negative
forms a positive. In some languages, such as
Russian, a double negative is still a negative.
However,” the professor continued, “there is
no language wherein a double positive can
form a negative.”
A voice from the back of the room piped up.
“Yeah, right.”
Send your jokes on postcards to Party Jokes Editor,
PLAYBOY, 680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60611, or by e-mail lo jokes@ playboy, „сот.
$100 will be paid to the contributor whose submis-
sion is selected. Sorry, jokes cannot be returned.
“Now remember, hon . . . you gotta promise this tape won't ever
show up for sale on the Internet."
ou probably know
plenty about Sha-
quille O'Neal. He's
an NBA superstar, a
rapper with threc
CDs to his name, a big-
screen action hero and Pep-
si's favorite pitchman. But
did you know that Shaq is
also wired? We mean way
wired—and these days he's
especially hip to the mini-
disc, a small recordable CD
housed in a plastic, floppy
disk-type casing. “MDs are
perfect for recording your
own music,” Shaq says. “And
since they're so little, they're
easy to carry around and
store.” Popular in Japan and
Europe, the five-year-old
minidisc has yet to make its
mark Stateside. Our theory
on this slow progress? Most
Americans don't have a clue
about the MD and its slick
features. So here's the
straight dope: First, the
minidisc is not a replace-
ment for the CD. Its palm-
size proportions, sturdy de-
sign and recordability make
it a successor to the analog
cassette. As Shaq points out,
“the MD is digital, so the
sound quality is virtually
identical to a CD's.” That
means you can record a mix
of songs by your favorite
artists onto an MD and it will
sound nearly perfect, with
none of the hiss or noise
common on tape record-
ings. As an additional bonus,
you can plug the names of
the songs you're recording
shat » Tracks
(and the artists) into the MD
unit, and they will appear on
the gear’s liquid crystal dis-
play during playback. You
can then take your compila-
tion disc with you in the
car (there are in-dash mini-
disc changers), to the gym
(portable units are small
enough to fit into the pocket
of your T-shirt) or to a
friend's place to play on his
or her home deck or MD
compact stereo. And mi
discs don’t scratch easi
The format's hard plastic
shell (pictured below with
the Sony portable) is de-
signed to take a Greg Os-
tertag-style beating. Best of
all, prices for MD gear have
dropped big time. Portable
units that once cost upwards
of $500 now sell for about
$250. Sony and Sharp also
sell minidisc "bundles" that
combine both home and to-
go gear, along with a couple
of blank minidiscs, for about
$550. The blank discs cost
about $7 each (for 74 min-
utes) and can be recorded
over with no loss in sound
quality. Other cool MD ma-
chine features include: mi-
crophone jacks on portable
units, computer connections
(for recording tunes by ob-
scure bands off the Internet)
and shock memory systems
(which let the beat go on
even when you happen to
hit a pothole).
Left to right: Sharp's MD-X8 minisystem has a three-disc CD
changer, on AM-FM tuner with 40 station presets, a minidisc ploy-
er and recorder ond a futuristic remote control (about $750). With
оп optional adapter kit ($250) you can also download audio off the
Internet. Kenwood's 1050MD is a minidisc home deck with drive
technology thot reduces digital distortion during recordings
(5400). Fisher's slick PH-MD3100 boom box is о combinotion
AM-FM tuner, CD ployer, cassette deck ond MD player and
recorder ($500). Sony's top-looding MZ-EP11 pocket-size portable
МӘ ployer gets five hours of playback with one AA battery ($250).
(continued from page 92)
Steinem’s Bunny costume was troublesome. The
satin had to be taken in two inches for a proper fit.
walked. The Playboy Club was the
place for magic.”
Bugh Hefner was a master of partic-
ipation mystique. In 1960 he offered a
new diversion from the worries of the
Atomic Age. PLAYEOY had sparked a
male rebellion in the Fifties, redefin-
ing bachelorhood, offering urbanity in
place of the macho posturing of the
postwar era. It reached a million read-
ers a month. The magazine was a wish
book for the urban male, as popular in
its way as the Sears, Roebuck catalog
had been in rural America at the turn
of the century. Hefner had created a
fantasy, and now he moved to make
that fantasy real—for himself and for
his readers.
On February 29, 1960 he opened the
first Playboy Club, in Chicago, and cre-
ated what would become the first sex
star of the Sixties. The Playboy Bunny
was admittedly a most unlikely candi-
date in her satin costume, ears and cot-
ton tail, but she would become world
Variety called the Playboy Clubs “a
Disneyland for adults.” Within two
years there were 300,000 keyholders,
by the end of the decade almost one
million. Playboy Clubs spread across
America and abroad. Time complained
that the clubs were "brothels without a
second story.” These descriptions were
not inaccurate. The dubs recalled the
private speakeasies of the Roaring
‘Twenties, and even carlier versions ofa
malc world. Like the Everleigh Club in
Chicago, the Haymarket in New York
or Storyville in New Orleans, Playboy
Clubs presented an intoxicating mix of
food and alcohol, music and other en-
tertainment in a sophisticated, sexually
charged atmosphere
Hefner had re-created that world
and rendered it squeaky clean, The
dubs and the magazine celebrated the
erotic without a hint of the tawdry.
Generations of Americans may have as-
sociated sex with sin, but the Bunnie
like their Centerfold counterparts,
were nice girls. As Hefner pointed out
to the editors of Time, the “Look But
Don't Touch” rule was strictly en-
forced. If the editors of Time wanted
more, that was their problem
In a way, the Playboy Clubs marked
the end of an era, a time of sexual
innocence that would soon be gone.
Hefner said that he envisioned the
Bunny as a “waitress elevated to the
level of a Ziegfeld Follies Girl.” Florenz
Ziegfeld hadn't felt obliged to make the
Ziegfeld Girls available to the custom-
ers during intermission, he said.
But the Bunnies were controversial
just the same, requiring litigation in
both Chicago and New York to acquire
and retain licenses. Beauty, it was said,
was in the eye of the keyholder.
Like everything associated with
PLAYBOY, the clubs were politically con-
troversial as well. The Playboy Clubs
were integrated in Miami and New Or-
leans when Southern states were still
opposed to integration. And the clubs
became a launching pad for black co-
medians who had never worked in
white establishments before. Dick Greg-
огу got his start making racial equality
the topic of his humor by telling key-
holders, “1 sat at a lunch counter nine
months. When they finally integrated,
they didn't have what 1 wanted."
The Playboy Clubs also helped
launch the career of budding journalist
and future feminist Gloria Steinem,
who went underground as a Playboy
Bunny at the New York Club in 1963.
Her first impression of the club was un-
expectedly favorable: “The total effect
is cheerful and startling,” she said.
Steinem announced that the cos-
tume was troublesome. The satin had
to be taken in two inches for a proper
fit. The built-in bras came in just two
sizes: 34D and 36D. She kept a list of
unofficial bosom stuffers: leenex,
plastic dry cleaners' bags, absorbent
cotton, cut-up Bunny tails, foam rub-
ber, lamb's wool, Kotex halves, silk
scarves and gym socks.”
Later she would complain that two
weeks as a Bunny had left her feet
“permanently enlarged by a half size by
the very high heels and long hours of
walking with heavy trays.” If Prince
Charming arrived with the glass slip-
per, would it still fit?
Steinem concluded in the end: “All
women are Bunnies.”
In 1960 Hugh Hefner came out
from behind the desk and started liv-
ing the life his magazine promoted. In
addition to opening the first Playboy
Club, he moved into a 70-room man-
sion on Chicago's Gold Coast and be-
gan hosting a syndicated television
show titled Playboys Penthouse. It was a
black-tie party featuring Centerfolds
and celebrities such as Lenny Bruce,
Ella Fitzgerald, Tony Bennett, Sammy
Davis Jr., Ray Charles, Sarah Vaughan,
Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie and Duke
Ellington. The interracial nature of
this social gathering assured no syndi-
cation in the South.
The party format was a reflection of
the real party that was going on at the
Playboy Mansion. The brass plaque on
the door announced: si NON OSCILLAS
NOLI TINTINNARE (If you don't swing,
don't ring). All America knew about the
round-the-clock revelry, the indoor
pool, the underwater bar, the woo grot-
to, the Bunnies and Playmates in resi-
dence and—at the center of it all—the
round, rotating, vibrating bed. One
writer described Hef in literary terms
as a latter-day Gatsby who had assem-
bled all the props—the never-ending
parties, the red velvet jacket, the pipe,
the white Mercedes 300SL convertible,
the incredible Big Bunny jet. Hef was
living out a bachelor's version of the
American Dream.
Although we didn't know it at the
time, JFK was having similar parties in
the pool at the White House. He swung
can Sinatra and his Rat Pack pals in
Vegas and had an affair with Marilyn
Monroe. When Marilyn sang “Happy
Birthday, Mr. President,” wearing a
dress that hardly covered the essen-
tials, it seemed appropriate that a Hol-
lywood sex star pay homage to the
Washington icon. Kennedy, it was said,
would do for sex what Eisenhower had
done for golf.
Perhaps we should have suspected.
Kennedy, after all, was a James Bond
fan, and Agent 007 was the quintessen-
ual bachelor. Ian Fleming's hero was
an ongoing part of PLAYBOY in the Six-
ties. Bond is a rLaysoy reader, Fleming
said, and in the film version of Dia-
monds Are Forever, he was also a member
of the London Playboy Club.
James Bond—and the superspy phe-
nomenon he inspired—was clearly а
part of the Sixties PLAYBOY mystique,
with its emphasis on gadgetry and
girls. (The license to kill was strictly
Fleming's invention.) Dean Martin's
Matt Helm actually used working for a
fictional version of PLayBOY as his cover
and cavorted in a rotating round bed
with Slaymates.
If we were going to save the world,
we would do so stylishly, with the right
wine and appropriate company. There
would always be time for one last fling
before getting back to business. Fan-
cy fucking would win the Cold War,
America's fascination with superspy
spoofery was a sign the Cold War was
no longer producing the paranoia of
previous decades. The Red Menace
was still there—but films such as Dr.
Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop
Worrying and Love the Bomb ridiculed
“1 love my home on the range, where seldom is
heard a discouraging word.”
the military, with its Puritan zeal to pre-
serve precious bodily fluids.
The last thing Hefner cared about
was preserving precious bodily fluids.
At the start of the decade PLAYBOY
had been a literary magazine with a
Centerfold, devoted to satire, science
fiction and the art of seduction. In the
Sixties it added a social consciousness.
The magazine took controversial and
frequently unpopular positions on
sex, drugs, race, religion and the war.
PLAYBOY actively campaigned against
involvement in Vietnam, but support-
ed the servicemen who were sent there.
The Washington Post reported that
PLAYBOY played the same part in Viet-
nam that The Stars and Stripes had
played during World War Two. The
men in Vietnam turned their rec
rooms into Playboy Clubs and painted
the Rabbit Head logo on jeeps and he-
licopters. The troops papered the walls
of hutches with Centerfolds. Thou-
sands of miles away from home, they
still had the girl next door. No one
knew what they were fighting for, but
the Playboy Playmate represented what
they hoped to find on their return.
It was said that you could tell when
a particular battalion had arrived in
Nam by the month of the first Center-
fold hanging on the wall
Hef had created PLAYBOY for the
young urban male of his generation,
but no one, not even Hefner, was pre-
pared for what happened when the Ba-
by Boomers came of age and began to
buy the magazine. Circulation climbed
from one million a month in 1960 to
nearly six million at the end of the
decade. One out of every four college
men purchased the magazine every
month—and the rest were presumably
reading a classmate's copy. More than
in any other medium, the Sixties hap-
pened in the pages of PLAYBOY.
In 1962 Hefner sar down to write
what he immodestly referred to as “the
Emancipation Proclamation of the sex-
ual revolution.” He called it simply The
Playboy Philosophy, and in it the edi-
tor-publisher spelled out— "for friends
and critics alike—our guiding princi-
ples and editorial credo.”
Having led men out of bondage in
the Fifties, Hefner was ready to ad-
dress some of the more serious ques-
tions related to sexual repression. He
returned to the topics he had dealt
with in 1950 in a college paper on irra-
tional sex laws. It was a personal re-
sponse to the hurt and hypocrisy of our
Puritan heritage.
The Philosophy was a 25-part teach-
in on sex, a consciousness-raising ses-
sion that defined freedom in terms of
the individual. Hefner believed that
“man’s personal self-interest is natur-
al and good,” that “morality should be
based upon reason,” that “the purpose
in man’s life should be found in the full
living of life itself and the individual
pursuit of happiness.”
He attacked “the utter lack of justi-
fication in the State's making unlaw-
ful certain private acts performed by
two consenting adults" and said flatly,
"There can be no possible justification
for religion's using the State to coer-
cively control the sexual conduct of the
members of a free society.
“If a man has a right to find God in
his own way,” he wrote, “he has a right
to go to the Devil in his own way also.”
If we were not free in our minds and
our bodies, we were not free.
Critics claimed that PLAYBOY had be-
come a bible for young men and
warned that “The Playboy Philosophy has
become a substitute religion.” Ben-
jamin DeMott, a professor of English at
Amherst, charged in an article called
"The Anatomy of PLAYBOY” that the
magazine presented "the whole man
reduced to his private parts.”
Harvard theologian Harvey Cox at-
tacked PLAYBOY for being “basically an-
tisexual.” He declared that the maga-
zine emphasized “recreational sex,”
and claimed that girls are just another
“PLAYBOY accessory.”
But Hefner was espousing a new
sexual ethic, one based on an accep-
tance of the sexual nature of man. Sex
was neither sacred nor profane, he
said. He attempted to separate sex
from its traditional associations with
“sickness, sin and sensationalism.”
He argued that society's sexual dia-
logue had come to resemble George
Orwell's Newspeak. Goodsex was chas-
tity. Sexcrime was any form of sex out-
side of marriage. Hefner argued that
some sex outside marriage was moral,
and that some sex inside marriage was
clearly immoral. He railed against ear-
ly marriage, decrying the church-state
licensing of sex.
More than by anything else, Hefner
was frustrated by the h у of the
past, by the lies and failures of an older
generation that thought “sex is best
hidden away somewhere, and the less
said about it the better.”
“The sexual activity that we pomp-
ously preach about and protest against
in public,” he wrote, “we enthusiasti-
cally practice in private. We lie to one
another about sex: we lie to our chil-
dren about sex; and many of us un-
doubtedly lie to ourselves about sex.
But we cannot forever escape the reali-
ty that a sexually hypocritical society
is an unhealthy society that produces
more than its share of perversion, neu-
rosis, psychosis, unsuccessful marriage,
divorce and suicide.”
Sex, he wrote, “is often a profound
emotional experience. No dearer,
more intimate, more personal act is
possible between two human beings.
Sex is, at its best, an expression of love
and adoration. But this is not to say
that sex is or should be limited to love
alone. Sex exists with and without
love—and in both forms it does far
more good than harm. The attempts at
its suppression, however, are almost
universally harmful.”
Sex was sex. More often than not it
was fun. What a concept
The quest for a new sexual ethic ric-
ocheted throughout the culture. A col-
lege professor in North Carolina
taught a course in philosophy that
ranged from “Socrates to Hefner.”
Presbyterian minister Gordon Clanton
stated the challenge posed to the
church: “The church of Jesus Christ
stands at the threshold of total irrele-
vance vis-à-vis one of man's most press-
ing concerns—his sexuality and the re-
ligious and societal demands associated
with it. Although our people live in the
age of Kinsey, Hefner and Enovid, the
church and its spokesmen continue the
futile attempt to extrapolate a full un-
derstanding of sex from the thought of
Moses, Augustine and Calvin.”
Everyone tried to play catch-up. Fa-
ther Richard McCormick, in an article
on the new sexual morality in The Cath-
olic World, wrote that the church's
greatest challenge lay in “[rLaysov’s]
ultimate formula for significance: Sex
equals fun. Mr. Hefner is making a
tremendous effort to be taken serious-
ly, and it is a measure of our confusion
that he is partially succeeding.”
Time magazine claimed that the new
sexual morality could be reduced to
one sentence from Ernest Hemingway:
“What is moral is what you feel good
after, and what is immoral is what you
feel bad after.”
In an article called “The Second Sex-
ual Revolution,” Time paraded the new
crop of moral experts. State University
of Iowa sociologist Ira Reiss described
“permissiveness with affection.” Boiled
down, his theory was: “(1) Morals are
a private affair. (2) Being in love justi-
fies premarital sex and, by implication,
extramarital sex. (3) Nothing really
is wrong as Jong as nobody else gets
Lester Kirkendall, author of Premari-
tal Intercourse and Interpersonal Relation-
ships, offered this: “The moral decision
will be the one which works toward
the creation of trust, confidence and
integrity in relationships.” Teachers
(continued on page 146)
the woman
who invented
blonde ambition
“It's nice to have pictures af yourself
looking so cute,” Anne soys of her
May 1967 Playmate photos (top and
right) and the smoking cover she ap-
peared on in November 1973 (above).
today of her showbiz career, which included roles in commercials, movies and the TV shows Love, American Style and
Hee Наш. Now retired in Arizona with her husband of 31 years, actor and singer Dick Stewart, Anne fills her days with ten-
nis, photography and swimming. "My greatest accomplishment in life so far," she reveals, “has been learning how to weld
furniture. No one believed I could do it. I'm so proud." She also hopes to live to be 100. We have a feeling she will. 118
A S22VEAR-OLD Miss May 1967, California girl Anne Randall's goal was to be an actor. “Been there, done that,” Anne says
"Hef taught me that having fun is the mast impartant thing in
life,” says Anne (in a recent picture with Hugh Hefner and hus-
band Dick Stewart). “Dick and | see our marriage as a date that
never ends. We're passionate and romantic. We ga back to the
Mansion as aften as possible. It's the center of our social life.”
He Notebooks of Pon м
INTHE SOLITUDE of his study, awake in the cold dawn, Don
Rigoberto repeated from memory a phrase of Borges:
“Adultery is usually made up of tenderness and abnega-
tion.” The letter 10 his wife lay before him.
Dear Lucrecia:
Reading these lines will bring you the surprise of your life,
and perhaps you will despise me. But it doesn’t matter. Even if
there were only one chance that you would accept my offer
against a million that you would reject it, I would take the
plunge: 1 will summarize what would require hours of conversa-
"tin; accompanied by vocal inflections and persuasive gestures.
Thave decided that during the week between my departure
from Boston and my arrival in Oxford, Mississippi to take up a
new post, I will spend $100,000 on а vacation. If my plans ma-
terialize, as I hope they do, this week will be something quite out
of the ordinary. Not the conventional — (continued on page 120)
= === he asked his wife to go on a
o almost entirely selfish
- pleasure trip to europe with another
man. his reasons for doing so
J ournalist Morgan Strong first went to
speak with Yasir Arafat for a “Playboy
Interview” in the September 1988 issue. He
met with Arafat in Tunisia and then in
Baghdad, after spending six months follow-
ing the elustve leader of the Palestine Liber-
ation Organization through various exotic
ports of call.
Arafat was always on the move then, with
reason. He and his troops had been forced to
abandon their base in Lebanon afier the Is-
raeli invasion.
Strong and Arafat eventually met in
Arafat's Tunis headquarters in late 1987.
He was perhaps the world’s most notorious
outlaw at that time.
Now Arafat is a Nobel Peace Prize laure-
ate and has been a guest al the White
House. The signing of the Peace Accords on
the White House lawn in 1993 was a his-
toric event.
Strong reports: “Arafat's aides tell me that
in some small measure PLAYBOY was respon-
sible for the accords. They insist that the
breakthrough ‘Playboy Interview’ with the
‘Old Man,’ as he is referred to by his cohorts,
caught the attention of the Reagan adminis-
tration and led to the heginning of talks be-
tween the PLO and the American govern-
ment in Tunisia.
“It caught Israel's attention as well. The
entire interview was reprinted in ‘Ha'aretz,’
Israel's leading newspaper, and caused enor-
mous—and positive—public reaction.
“Arafat has endured and may finally tri-
umph. After decades of terror and counter-
terror, there appears to be a glimmer of hope,
despite the fact that Israeli and Palestinian
extremists have tried desperately to derail the
peace process.
“In many ways the current peace has be-
come more trying than the years of war, and
desperation is evident in Arafat's demeanor.
Once a vigorous and tireless man, he now
seems drained
the leader of “ri елші.
rafat faces
delib is-
the ploon rer,
assassination ^ process and has
an exasperating
attempts, opponent in Ben-
a jamin Netanya-
keeping hu, as well as in
Netanyahu's cab-
peace and inet member Ariel
H A Sharon, who tried
life without to kill Arafat.”
his daughter ке -
last time that
we spoke at
length was in Baghdad nearly a decade
ago. Has a lot changed in the Middle
East since then?
ararar: No, not really, just that we're
meeting in Jericho now. [Laughs]
PLAYBOY: But you've won a Nobel Prize
and are closer to the realization of your
dream of a Palestinian state. You once
told us you would never see that come
to pass.
ARAFAT: I meant 1 personally might nev-
er see it.
PLAYBOY: What do you mean?
ARAFAT: You know they have tried to kill
me. Thirteen times at least. Ariel Sha-
ron tried to kill me.
ғілувот: Why would they want to as-
sassinate you now?
ARAFAT: To stop the peace process.
That's why they killed my partner
Yitzhak Rabin.
PLAYBOY: But you sit at the same negoti-
ating table now with Ariel Sharon.
ARAFAT: Yes, but we are separated by a
table. [Laughs] 1 don't talk to him. 1
have never talked to him.
PLAYBOY: Do you still have hope for the
peace process?
ARAFAT: Yes, I have hope. I think there
will someday be a Palestinian state. But
Netanyahu is destroying the peace
process. I was not expecting an Israeli
government that would destroy the
peace process. And I am not the only
one saying this. The Americans say it,
the European Union says it, the Egyp-
tians say it, the Jordanians say it.
PLAYBOY: The Israeli government says
that you are not living up to your end
of the deal.
ARAFAT: That's not true. I am not re-
sponding to those charges. We are
meeting our obligations, but the Is-
raclis always demand more. Let them
live up to their promises and to their
PLAYBOY: Has Clinton been helpful in
the process? Do you think he's sincere?
ARAFAT: Yes. He has taken some big
steps. He's trying. Netanyahu met with
Clinton's opposition when we visited
Washington. Can you imagine that?
PLAYBOY: What are the consequences of
ARARAT: If we made peace, it would
change the world. And the Israclis are
already losing the chance.
PLAYBOY: What, specifically, do you
ARAFAT: All the doors were opened for
Israel when we signed the peace agree-
ment. China, Indonesia, Russia, the
former Communist countries—all
those from which Israel had been
barred—opened their doors.
PLAYBOY: And now?
ARAFAT: Ihe world is closing to Israel
because Netanyahu opposes the peace
PLAYBOY: Arc you suggesting that you
are doing more for Israel than it is do-
ing for you?
ARAFAT: No. I’m not doing it just for Is-
rael. I'm doing it for the people of the
Middle East. Including Israel. I want to
make anew Middle East.
PLAYBOY: What does Israel stand to gain
from Netanyahu's obstinacy? Does he
know the consequences?
ararar: Nothing. Certainly he knows.
The majority of the people of Israel
Know that what he's doing is wrong.
And the majority of the people of Israel
understand this.
PLAYBOY: On the positive side, you are
now the president of the Palestinian
National Authority and you have won
the Nobel Prize. Years ago you were
considered an outlaw.
ararar: I was only thought of as an out-
law by some. Most of the world did not
regard me as an outlaw.
PLAYBOY: So the world can change
its mind?
ARAFAT: Yes. Look ar Nelson Mandela
of South Africa. He was imprisoned
and called a (concluded on page 146)
Den Rigoberto (continued from page 117)
"I beg you to go,” he insisted, his lips on his wife's
fingers. “Unless the idea displeases you.”
Caribbean cruise nor beaches with palm
trees and surfers in Hawaii. Something very
personal, and unrepeatable: the realization
of an old dream. This is where you come in,
right through the front door. I know you are
married to an honorable Limeño, an msur-
ance executive. I am married too, а physi-
cian from Boston, and 1 am happy to the
modest extent that marriage allows. 1 am not
proposing that you divorce and take up a
new life, not at all. Only that you share with
те this ideal week, cherished in my mind for
so many years, which circumstances now
permit me to turn into reality. You will not
regret sharing these seven days of illusion
with me, days you will remember fondly for
the rest of your life. I promise.
We will meet on Saturday the 17th at
Kennedy Airport in New York, where you
will arrive from Lima on Lufthansa, and I
will fly in from Boston. A limousine will take
us to a suite at the Plaza Hotel, which I have
already reserved, along with the flowers 1
have selected to perfume it. You will have
time to rest, have your hair done, take a
sauna or go shopping on Fifth Avenue,
which is literally at your feet. That night we
have tickets to the Metropolitan Opera to see
Puccini's “Tosca,” with Luciano Pavarotti.
We will dine at Le Cirque, where, with luck,
you may rub elbows with Mick Jagger, Hen-
ty Kissinger or Sharon Stone. We will end
the evening at the glamorous and exciting
The Concorde to Paris leaves at noon on
Sunday, so there will be no need for us to rise
too early. The flight takes less than three and
a half hours, and after we have registered at
the Ritz (a view of the Place Vendôme guar-
anteed), there will be time for a stroll along
the bridges over the Seine, to enjoy the mild
evening of early autumn.
The next morning we will visit the Louvre
to pay our respects to “La Gioconda,” and
have a light lunch at La Closerie des Lilas
or La Coupole. In the afternoon we will dip
into the avant-garde at the Centre Pompidou
and make a quick visit to the Marais, fa-
mous for its 18th century palaces. We will
have tea at La Marquise de Sévigné before
returning to the hotel for a refreshing show-
er. Our program that night is completely
frivolous: an aperitif at the Ritz, supper
‘amid the modernist decor of Maxim's, and,
to round off the festivities, a visit to that
cathedral of striptease, the Crazy Horse Sa-
loon, with its brand-new revue.
The Orient Express to Venice leaves on
Wednesday at noon, from the Gare de ГЕ.
We will spend that day and night traveling
and resting—according to those who have
experienced this railway adventure, passing
through the landscapes of France, Switzer-
land, Austria and Italy in those belle еродие
compartments is relaxing and instructive.
Our suite at the Hotel Cipriani, on the is-
land of Giudecca, has a view of the Grand
Canal, the Piazza San Marco and the swell-
ing Byzantine towers of its church. I have
hired a gondola and the man considered by
the agency to be the best-informed (and only
good-natured) guide in the lacustrine city,
On the seventh day, we will have to rise
early. The plane to Paris leaves at ten, con-
necting uith the Concorde to New York. As
we fly over the Atlantic, we will sort through
the images and sensations stored in our
memories, selecting those that deserve to
We will say goodbye at Kennedy Airport
(your flight to Lima and mine to Boston
leave at almost the same time), no doubt nev-
er lo sec each other again. Ido not think our
paths will cross another time.
Will you come? Your ticket is waiting for
you in the offices of Lufthansa in Lima. You
don't need to send me an answer. On Satur-
day the 17th I will be at the appointed place.
Your presence or absence will be your re-
sponse. If you do not come, T will follow this
itinerary alone, fantasizing that you are
with me.
Need I point out that this is an invitation
to honor me with your company and does not
imply any obligation other than your pres-
ence? Lam in no way asking you, during the
days of our travels together—I can think of
no other euphemism for this—to share my
bed. The suites reserved in New York, Paris
and Venice have separate bedrooms with
doors under lock and key, and if your seru-
ples demand it, I can add daggers, hatchets,
revolvers and even bodyguards. But you
know none of that will be necessary, and for
the entire week this virtuous Modesto, this
genile Pluto, as they called me in the neigh-
borhood, will be as respectful of you as 1 was
years ago in Lima, when I tried to persuade
you to marry me and barely had the cour-
age to touch your hand in darkened movie
Until we meet at Kennedy, or goodbye for-
ever, Lucre,
Modesto (Pluto)
Don Rigoberto felt assailed by the
high temperature and wemors of ter-
tian fever. How would Lucrecia re-
spond? Would she indignantly reject
this letter from Lazarus? Or would she
succumb to frivolous temptation? In
the milky light of dawn, it seemed to
him that his notebooks were waiting
for the denouement as impatiently as
was his tormented spirit.
“My secretary called Lufthansa and,
in fact, your paid passage is waiting
there,” said Don Rigoberto. “Round-
trip. First class. of course.”
“Was I right to show you the letter,
my love?” asked Doña Lucrecia in
great alarm. "You're not angry, are
you? We promised never to hide any-
thing from each other, and 1 thought I
ought to show it to you.”
“You did just the right thing, my
queen,” said Don Rigoberto, kissing his
wife's hand. “I want you to go.”
“You want me to go?” Dona Lucrecia
smiled, looked somber, then smiled
again. “Are you serious?”
"I beg you to go,” he insisted, his
lips on his wife’s fingers. “Unless the
idea displeases you. But why should it?
Even though the plan is that ofa rath-
er vulgar nouveau riche, it has been
worked out in a spirit of joy and with
an irony not at all frequent in engi-
neers. You will have a good time, my
“Т don't know what to say, Rigober-
to,” Doña Lucrecia stammered, mak-
ing an effort not to blush. "It's very
generous of you, but”
“I'm asking you to accept for selfish
reasons," her husband explained. "And
you know that selfishness is a virtue in
my philosophy. Your trip will be a great.
experience tor me."
And so she did take the trip, and on
the cighth day she returned to Lima.
At Córpac she was met by her husband.
During the ride home Don Rigoberto,
to help her conceal her discomfort,
asked endless questions about the
weather, going through customs,
changes in schedule, jet lag and fa-
tigue, avoiding anything approaching
sensitive material.
After supper, Don Rigoberto with-
drew to the bathroom and took less
time than usual with his ablutions.
When he emerged, he found the bed-
room in darkness, cut by indirect light-
ing that illuminated only the two en-
gravings by Utamaro depicting the
incompatible but orthodox matings of
the same couple, the man endowed
with a long, corkscrew member, the
woman with a lilliputian sex organ, the
two of them surrounded by kimonos
billowing like storm clouds, paper lan-
terns, floor mats, low tables holding a
porcelain tea service and, in the dis-
tance, bridges spanning a sinuous riv-
er. Dona Lucrecia lay beneath the
sheets, not naked, he discovered when
he slipped in beside her, but in a new
nightgown—purchased and worn on
her trip?—that allowed his hands the
(continued on page 134)
“This shot will give you. some idea of the golfing potential of
the island of Looa-Looa.”
INCE IT DEBUTED in 1989, Baywatch has become the most-watched television
show on earth, broadcast to 1 billion viewers each week in 141 countries
and in 32 languages. In France it's dubbed Alerte à Malibu, and in China,
Soul of the Sea. 115 shown in Yemen, Sri Lanka and the Amazon basin,
where locals crank up gas generators to watch it on portable TVs. Click on the Bay-
watch Web site (www.baywatchtv.com) and you'll see that Baywatch has inspired doth-
ing merchandise, a line of women's footwear and a campus scarch for new talent.
(“We are looking for people who embody a healthy mind and body with a love of the
environment, a dedication to giving back to the community and the determination
to succeed in all things.") In a section titled Baywatch (text concluded on page 144)
Many af Boywatch's guest stars and regulars were discavered right out of the pages of PLAYBOY.
Left to right: Traci Bingham, Danna D'Errico, Yasmine Bleeth, Gena Lee Nolin and Nancy
Volen. After debuting in PLAYBOY as Miss February 1990, Pamela Andersan Lee (above)
plunged into her Baywatch role as long-suffering Malibu lifeguard C.J. Parker. Ratings soared.
The original Baywatch cast (above) included Miss July 1989
Erika Elenick. In her Playmate pictorial she spoke animat-
edly of the pilot about lifeguards she had just finished top-
ing. Opposite page: Julie McCullough, Miss February 1986,
is one of many Playmates ta make o splash on Baywatch
Playmate cf the Year 1994 Jenny McCarthy (left), whose
ombition in 1993 was "to succeed in TV land,” got the ball
rolling by hosting Playboy TV's Hot Rocks and guest-starring
on Baywatch. Singer dancer Carmen Eloctra (below) fal
lawed Jenny in co-hosting the MTV dating show Singled
Out. She new saves lives on Baywatch as Lani McKensie.
Rhondo Rydell (for left) ployed o ropper in the
show's seventh seoson. Baywatch guest stor Toi
Collins (left) wos crowned Miss Virginio-US.A. in
1983 ond mode waves (ond o PLAYBOY pictorial) in
1991 when she admitted to carrying on a love af-
foir with Senotor Chorles Robb of Virginio. Above
ore former Baywatch belles Pomelo Anderson
Lee, Alexondra Poul and Yosmine Bleeth. Before
she hit the beoch os lifeguord Neely Copshaw,
Geno Lee Nolin (below) wos o showcose model
on the doytime television classic The Price Is Right.
Miss July 1995 Heidi Mark (left) appeared in four Baywatch episodes
In ane, she played a woman who would go topless to distract victims
while her boyfriend rabbed them. Above: Pamela Andersan Lee and
Yasmine Bleeth. Miss March 1998 Marliece Andrada (below) guest-
starred as а mermaid an Baywatch before becaming a regular cast
member. “I dream all the time obaut being rescued,” Marliece says.
September 1995 Playmate Donna D'Errico (right) plays Donna Marco.
Kelly Monoco (left), Miss April 1997, was o
lifeguord in reol life before she londed her
regulor gig on Baywatch. "Being oiled up in
the sun oll doy wos o sexy experience,” Kel-
ly soys. Yosmine Bleeth (obove), otherwise
known os lifeguard Coroline Holden, wos
listed os one of People's 50 Most Beautiful
People in 1995. Above right: Pomelo An-
derson Lee, Yasmine Bleeth ond Alexondro
Poul moke for powerful sizzle on the sond.
Eriko Eleniok (right), Miss July 1989, hod
her first on-screen smooch os Elliott's girl-
friend in Steven Spielberg's E.T. The Extra-
Terrestrial. Loter, Eriko ployed lifeguord
Shouni McLoin on Baywatch, where she
Perfected the fine ort of mouth-to-mouth.
“My workdoy on Baywatch starts oround four in the morn-
ing ond goes until sundown,” soys Troci Bingham, who con
be seen in oction as lifeguord Jordon Tote and os the host
of Playboy Home Video's Babes of Baywatch on tope ond
CD-ROM. "When it's time to unwind, I light condles, pour o
gloss of wine ond listen to clossicol music.” Before sporting
the famous red swimsuit, Troci attended Horvord and op
peored on such television shows os The Fresh Prince of Bel
Air, The Cosby Show, Cheers and Morried With Children
Her movie credits include The Nutty Professor and The Firm.
G q
Woe Rigoberto (continued from page 120)
“ГЇЇ tell you everything,” Doña Lucrecia mur-
mured. “Isn't that why you sent me?”
freedom to reach her most intimate
corners. She turned onto her side, and
he could slide his arm under her shoul-
ders and feel her from head to foot. He
did not crush her to him bnt kissed her,
very tenderly, on the eyes and cheeks,
taking his time to reach her mouth.
“Don't tell me anything you don't
want to,” he lied into her ear with a
boyish coquetry that inflamed her im-
patience as his lips traced the curve of
her ear. “Whatever you have a mind to.
Or nothing at all, if you prefer.”
“I'll tell you everything,” Doña Lu-
crecia murmured, searching for his
mouth. "Isn't that why you sent me?”
“That's one reason,” Don Rigober-
to agreed, kissing her on her neck, her
hair, her forchead, returning again
and again to her nose, cheeks and chin.
“Did you enjoy yourself? Did you have
a good time?”
“Whether it was good or bad will de-
pend on what happens now between
you and me,” said Dona Lucrecia hur-
riedly, and Don Rigoberto felt his wife
become tense for a moment. “Yes, I en-
joyed myself. Yes, 1 had a good time.
But I was afraid the whole ume.”
“Afraid I would be angry?” Now Don
Rigoberto was kissing her firm breasts,
millimeter by millimeter, and the tip of
his tongue played with her nipples,
feeling them harden. “That I would
make a scene and be jealous?”
“That you would suffer,” Doña Lu-
crecia murmured, embracing him.
She's beginning to perspire, Don Ri-
goberto observed to himself. He felt joy
as he caressed her increasingly respon-
sive body, and he had to bring his mind
to bear to control the vertigo that was
quickly overtaking him. He whispered
into his wife’s ear that he loved her
more, much more, than before she
took her trip.
Doña Lucrecia began to speak, paus-
ing as she searched for the words—si-
lences meant to conceal her awkward-
ness—but little by little, aroused by his
caresses and amorous interruptions,
she gained confidence. At last, Don
Rigoberto realized she had recovered
her natural fluency and could tell her
story by assuming a feigned distance
from the account, clinging to his body,
her head resting on his shoulder. The
couple’s hands moved from time to
time to take possession or verify the ex-
istence of a member, a muscle or a
piece of skin.
“Seeing you arrive must have been
like a gift from heaven for him.”
“He turned so pale! I thought he was
going to faint. He was waiting for me
with a bouquet of flowers bigger than
he was. The limousine was one of those
silver-colored ones that gangsters have
in movies. With a bar, a television, a ste-
reo and—this will kill you—leopard-
skin seat covers.”
“Poor ecologists,” Don Rigoberto re-
sponded with enthusiasm.
“I know that it’s very parvenu,”
Modesto had apologized while the
chauffeur, an extremely tall Afghan in
a maroon uniform, arranged their lug-
gage in the trunk. “But it was the most
expensive one.”
“He's able to laugh at himself,” Don
Rigoberto declared. “That's nice.”
“On the ride to the Plaza he paid me
a few compliments, blushing all the
way to his ears,” Doña Lucrecia contin-
ued. "He said I looked very young and
even more beautiful than when he
asked me to marry him.”
“You are,” Don Rigoberto interrupt-
ed, drinking in her breath. “More and
more, every day, every hour.”
“Not a single remark in bad taste,
not a single offensive insinuation,” she
said. "He was so grateful to me for join-
ing him that he made me feel like the
Good Samaritan in the Bible.”
“Do you know what he was wonder-
ing while he was being so gallant?"
“What?” Dona Lucrecia slipped her
leg between her husband's legs.
"If he would see you naked that af-
ternoon, in the Plaza, or if he would
have to wait until that night, or even
until Paris," Don Rigoberto explained.
“He didn't see me naked that after-
noon, nor that night. Unless he peeked
through the keyhole while I was bath-
ing and dressing for the Metropolitan
Opera. What he had written about sep-
arate rooms was true. Mine overlooked
Central Park."
"But he must have at least held your
hand at the opera, in the restaurant,"
Don Rigoberto complained, feeling
disappointed. “With the help of a lit-
de champagne, he must have put his
check to yours while you were dancing
at Regine's. He must have kissed your
neck, your ear."
Not at all. He had not tried to take
her hand nor kiss her during that long
night, though he did not spare the
compliments, always at a respectful dis-
tance. He was very likable, in fact,
mocking his own lack of experience
(Tm mortified, Lucre, but in six years
of marriage I've never cheated on my
wife”), admitting to her that this was
the first time in his life he had attended
the opera or set foot in Le Cirque and
“To tell the truth, Гуе come out of
vanity, Modesto. And curiosity too, of
course. After ten years of our not see-
ing each other, of our not being in
touch at all, is it possible you're sull in
love with me?”
“Love isn't the right word,” he point-
ed out. “I'm in love with Dorothy, the
gringa I married, who's very under-
standing and lets me sing in bed.”
“For him you meant something
more subtle,” Don Rigoberto declared.
“Unreality, illusion, the woman of his
memory and desires. I want to worship
you the same way, the way he does.
Wait, wait.”
He removed her tiny nightgown and
then positioned her so that their skins
would touch in more places. He reined
in his desire and asked her to continue.
“We returned to the hotel just as I
was beginning to yawn. He said good-
night at a distance from my door. He
wished me pleasant dreams. He be-
haved so well, he was so much a gentle-
man, that the next morning 1 flirted
with him justa litle.”
When she appeared for breakfast in
the room that separated the two bed-
rooms, she was barefoot and wearing
a short summer wrap that left her
legs and thighs exposed. Modesto was
waiting for her, shaved, showered and
dressed. His mouth fell open.
“Did you sleep well?” he managed to
articulate, slack-jawed, while pulling
ош a chair for her at the breakfast table
that held fruit juice, toast and mar-
malade. “May I say that you look very
“Stop,” Don Rigoberto cut her off.
“Let me kneel and kiss the legs that
dazzled Pluto the dog.”
On the way to the airport, and then
as they ate lunch on the Air France
Concorde, Modesto returned to the at-
titude of attentive adoration he had
displayed on the first day. He remind-
ed Lucrecia, in an undramatic way, of
his decision to leave the School of Engi-
neering when he became convinced
she would not marry him; told of going
to Boston го seek his fortune, of his
сапу difficulties in that city of cold win-
ters and dark-red Victorian mansions.
His heart had been broken, but he was
not complaining. He had achieved the
security he needed, he got along well
with his wife, and now that a new phase
of his life was about to begin he was
making his fantasy, the grown-up game
that had been his refuge all these years,
“I knew we were lost, but you—you won't ask for directions!”
come true: his ideal week with Lucre,
when he would pretend to be rich in
New York, Paris and Venice. Now he
could die happy.
“Are you really going to spend a quar-
ter of your savings on this trip?"
"I would spend everything," he af-
firmed, looking into her eyes. "And not
for the entire week. Just for having seen
you at breakfast, just for seeing those
legs, those arms, those shoulders. The
most beautiful in the world, Lucre."
"What would he bave said if he had
seen your breasts and your sweet ass?"
Don Rigoberto said, kissing her. "I love
you. I adore you.”
“This was when I decided that in Paris
he would see the rest." Doña Lucre
moved away slightly from her husband's
kisses. "I made the decision when the pi-
lot announced that we had broken the
sound barrier."
"It was the least you could have done
for so proper a gentleman," Don Rigo-
berto said, approvingly.
As soon as they were settled in their
respective bedrooms—the view from Lu-
crecia’s windows included the dark col-
umn on the Place Vendóme, so high she
could not see the top, and the glittering
display windows of the jewelry shops all
around it—they went out for a stroll.
Modesto had memorized the route and
had calculated the time it would take.
They passed through the Tuileries,
crossed the Seine and walked toward St.-
Germain along the quays on the Left
Bank. They reached the abbey half an
hour before the concert. It was a pale,
mild afternoon—autumn had already
turned the leaves on the chestnut trees—
and from time to time the engineer
would stop, guidebook and map in
hand, to give Lucrecia a bit of historical,
urbanistic, architectural or aesthetic in-
formation. On the uncomfortable litde
seats in a church filled to capacity for the
concert, they had to sit very close togeth-
er. Lucrecia enjoyed the lavish melan-
choly of Mozart's Requiem. Later, when
they were seated at a small table on the
first floor of Lipp's, she congratulated
“I can't believe this is your first trip to
Paris. You know streets, monuments, di-
rections, as if you lived here.”
"I've prepared for this trip as if it were
the final exam for a degree, Lucre. I've
consulted books, maps, travel agencies,
and talked to travelers. I don't collect
stamps, or raise dogs, or play golf. For
years my only hobby has been preparing
for this week.”
“Was I always in it?”
“Another step along the road of flirta-
tion,” Don Rigoberto noted.
“Always you and only you,” said Pluto,
blushing. “New York. Paris, Venice, op-
eras, restaurants, all the rest, were mere-
136 ly the background. The important thing,
the central thing, was to be alone with
you in those settings.”
They returned to the Ritz in a taxi-
cab, tired and a little tipsy from the
champagne, the Burgundy and the co-
gnac with which they had anticipated,
accompanied and bid farewell to the
choucroute. When they said goodnight,
standing in the small room that divided
their bedrooms, Doña Lucrecia, without
the slightest hesitation, announced to
“You're behaving so well that I want
to play too. So I'm going to give you a
“Oh, really?” Pluto's voice broke.
“What's that, Lucre
“My entire body," she sang out.
"Come in when I call you. But just to
She did not hear Modesto's reply but
was sure that in the darkened room, as
he nodded, speechless, his joy knew no
bounds. Not certain exactly what she
would do, she undressed, hung up her
clothes and, in the bathroom, unpinned
her hair (*The way I like it, m
“Exactly the same, Rigoberto.
walked back into the room, turned out
all the lights except the one on the night
table, and moved the lamp so that its il-
lumination, softened by a satin shade,
fell on the sheets that the chambermaid
had turned down for the night. She lay
on herback, turned slightly to the side in
a languid. uninhibited pose. and settled
her head on the pillow.
"Whenever you're ready."
She closed her eyes so as not to see
him come in, thought Don Rigoberto,
moved by that touch of modesty. With
absolute clarity he could see in the blue-
tinged light, from the perspective of the
hesitant, yearning engineer who had just
crossed the threshold, the shapely body
that, without reaching Rubenesque ex-
cesses, emulated the virginal opulence of
Murillo as she lay on her back, one knee
slightly forward to hide the pubis, the
other presented openly, the full curves
of her hips stabilizing the volume of
golden flesh in the center of the bed
‘Though he had contemplated, studied,
caressed and enjoyed that body so many
times, through another man's eyes he
seemed to see it for the first time. For a
long while—his breathing agitated, his
phallus stiff —he admired it.
Reading his mind, not saying a word
to break the silence, from time to time
Lucrecia moved in slow motion with the
abandon of one who thinks she is safe
from indiscreet eyes, and displayed to
the respectful Medesto, frozen two paces
from the bed, her flanks and back, her
buttocks and breasts, her hair-free un-
derarms and the little forest of her pu-
bis. At last she began to open her legs,
revealing her inner thighs and the half-
moon of her sex. “In the pose of the
anonymous model of L'origine du monde,
by Gustave Courbet, 1866." Don Rigo-
berto sought and found the reference,
overcome by emotion to discover that
the exuberance of his wife's belly, the ro-
bust solidity of her thighs and mound of
Venus coincided millimeter by millime-
ter with the headless woman in the oil
painting that was the reigning prince
of his private collection. Then, eternity
“Tm tired, and 1 think you are too,
Pluto. It's time to sleep."
“Goodnight,” was the immediate reply
of a voice at the very peak of ecstasy or
agony. Modesto stepped back, stumbled,
and seconds later the door closed.
“He was capable of restraining him-
self; he did not throw himself at you
like a ravening beast,” exclaimed an en-
chanted Don Rigoberto. “You were con-
trolling him with your little finger.”
"It's hard to believe," Lucrecia said,
laughing. “But that docility of his was al-
so part of the game.”
The next morning a bellboy brought a
bouquet of roses to her bed, with a card
that read: “Eyes that see, a heart that
feels, a mind that remembers, and a car-
toon dog that thanks you with all his
“I want you too much,” Don Rigober-
to apologized as he covered her mouth
with his hand. “I must make love to
“Then imagine the night poor Pluto
must have spent.”
“Poor?” Don Rigoberto pondered af-
ter lovemaking, as they, exhausted and
satisfied, were recovering their strength.
“Why poor?"
“I'm the happiest man in the world,
Lucre,” Modesto declared that night in
the interval between two striptease
shows at the Crazy Horse Saloon, which
was packed with Japanese and Germans,
and after they had consumed a bottle of
champagne. “Not even the electric train
that Father Christmas brought me
on my tenth birthday can compare to
your gift.”
During the day, as they had walked
through the Louvre, lunched at La Clo-
serie des Lilas, visited the Centre Pompi-
dou or lost their way in the narrow,
reconstructed streets of the Marais, he
had not made the slightest allusion to
the previous night. He continued to act
as her well-informed, devoted, obliging
traveling companıon.
“The more you tell me the better 1 like
him,” remarked Don Rigoberto.
“The same thing happened to me,”
Doña Lucrecia acknowledged. “And so
that day I went a step further, to reward
him. At Maxim's he felt my knee against
his during the entire meal. And when we
danced, my breasts. And at the Crazy
Horse, my legs.”
“I envy him,” exclaimed Don Rigober-
to. “To discover you serially, episodically,
bit by bit. A game of cat and mouse, after
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all. A game not without its dangers.”
“No, not if it’s played with gentlemen
like you,” Doña Lucrecia said coquettish-
glad I accepted your invitation,
They were back at the Ritz, drowsy
and content. They were saying good-
night in the sitting room of their suite.
“Wait, Modesto,” she improvised,
blinking. “Surprise, surprise, close your
іше eyes."
Pluto obeyed instantly, transformed by
expectation. She approached, pressed
against him, kissed him, lightly at first,
noticing that he hesitated to respond to
the lips brushing his, and then to the
thrusts of her tongue. When he did, she
sensed that with this kiss the engineer
was giving her the love he had felt for so
long, his adoration and fantasy, his well-
being and (if he had one) his soul. When
he caught her around the waist, cau-
tiously, prepared to let go at the first sign
of rejection, Doña Lucrecia allowed him
to embrace her.
“May I open my eyes?”
“You may.”
And then he looked at her, not with
the cold eyes of the perfect libertine, De
Sade, thought Don Rigoberto, but with
the pure, fervent, impassioned eyes of
the mystic at the moment of his ascent
and vision.
“Was he very excited?” The question
escaped his lips, and he regretted it.
“What a stupid question. Forgive me.
“He was, but he made no attempt to
hold me. At the first hint, he moved
“You should have gone to bed with
him that night,” Don Rigoberto admon-
ished her. “You were being abusive. Or,
perhaps not. Perhaps you were doing
just the right thing. Yes, yes, of course.
The stow, the formal, the ritualized, the
theatrical—that is eroticism. It was a wise
delay. Rushing makes us more like ani-
mals. Did you know that donkeys, mon-
keys, pigs and rabbits ejaculate in 12 sec-
onds, at the most?”
“But the frog can copulate for 40 days
and nights without stopping. I read it in
a book by Jean Rostand.”
"I'm envious.” Don Rigoberto was
filled with admiration. “You are so wise,
“Those were Modesto’s words,” his
wife confessed to him, as she returned
him to an Orient Express hurtling
through the European night on its way
to Venice, “the next day, in our belle
epoque compartment.”
‘And the words were reiterated by a
bouquet of flowers waiting for her at the
Hotel Cipriani, on sun-filled Giudecca:
“To Lucrecia, beautiful in life and wise in
“Wait, wait,” Don Rigoberto brought
her back to the rails. “Did you share the
compartment on the train?”
“It had two beds. I was in the upper
berth and he was in the lower.”
“In other words——"
“We literally had to undress on top of
each other,” she completed the sentence.
“We saw each other in our underclothes,
though it was dark because I turned out
all the lights except the nightlight.”
“Underclothing is a general, abstract
term,” Don Rigoberto fumed. “Give me
precise details.”
Doña Lucrecia did. When it was time
to undress—the anachronistic Orient
Express was crossing an Austrian forest,
passing an occasional village—Modes-
to asked if she wanted him to leave.
"There's no need. In this darkness we're
no more than shadows," Dona Lucrecia
replied. The engineer sat on the lower
berth, taking up as little room as possible
in order to give her more space. She
undressed, not forcing her movements
nor stylizing them, turning round where
she stood as she removed cach article
of clothing: dress, slip, bra, stockings,
panties. The illumination from the night-
light, a little mushroom-shaped lamp
with lanceolate drawings, caressed her
neck, shoulders, breasts, belly, buttocks,
thighs, knees, feet. Raising her arms, she
slipped a Chinese silk pajama top. deco-
rated with dragons, over her head.
"I'm going to sit with my legs uncov-
ered while I brush my hair,” she said,
and did so. “If you feel the urge to kiss
them, you may. As far as my knees.”
Was it the torment of Tantalus? Or the
garden of earthly delights? Don Rigo-
berto had moved to the foot of the bed,
and, anticipating his wish, Doña Lucre-
cia sat on the edge so that, like Pluto on
the Orient Express, her husband could
kiss her insteps, breathe in the fragrance
of the creams and colognes that re-
freshed her ankles, nibble at her toes
and lick the hollows that separated
“] love you and admire you.” said Don
“T love you and I admire you,” said
“And now, to sleep,” ordered Doña
They reached Venice on an impres-
sionist morning, the sun strong and the
sky a deep blue, and as the launch car-
ried them to the Cipriani through curl-
ing waves, Modesto, Michelin in hand,
provided Lucrecia with brief descrip-
tions of the palaces and churches along
the Grand Canal.
“Tm feeling jealous, my dear,” Don
Rigoberto interrupted her.
“If you're serious, we'll erase it, sweet-
heart,” Doña Lucrecia proposed.
“Absolutely not,” and he recanted.
“Brave men die with their boots on, like
John Wayne.”
From the balcony of the Cipriani, over
the trees in the garden, one could see
the towers of San Marco and the pal-
aces along the canal. They went out in
the gondola-with-guide that was waiting
for them. It was a whirl of canals and
bridges, of greenish waters and flocks of
gulls that took flight as they passed, of
dim churches where they had to strain
their eyes to make out the attributes of
the gods and saints hanging there. They
saw Titians and Veroneses, Bellinis and
Del Piombos, the horses of San Marco
and the mosaics in the cathedral, and
they fed a few grains of corn to the fat pi-
geons on the Piazza. At midday they took
the obligatory photograph at a table at
Florian's while they ate the requisite
pizzetia. In the afternoon they continued
their tour, hearing names, dates and
anecdotes they barely listened то, lulled
by the soothing voice of the guide from
the agency. At 7:30, after they had
bathed and changed, they drank their
Bellinis in the salon with Moorish arches
and Arabian pillows at the Danieli, and
at precisely the right hour—at nine
o'clock—they were seated in Harry's
Bar. There they saw the divine Cather-
ine Deneuve come in and sit at the next
table (it seemed part of the program).
Pluto said what he had to say: “I think
you're more beautiful, Lucre.”
“And?” Don Rigoberto pressed her.
Before taking the vaporetto back to
Giudecca, they went for a walk, with
Dona Lucrecia holding Modesto's arm,
through narrow, half-deserted streets.
They reached the hotel after midnight.
Doña Lucrecia was yawning.
"And?" Don Rigoberto was impatient.
“I'm so exhausted after our walk and
all the nice things I've seen, I won't be
able to close my eyes,” lamented Doña
Lucrecia. "Fortunately, I have a remedy
that never fails.”
“What's that?" asked Modesto.
“What sort of remedy?” echoed Don
“A Jacuzzi, alternating cool and warm
water,” explained Doña Lucrecia, walk-
ing toward her bedroom. Before she dis-
appeared inside, she pointed toward the
huge, luminous bathroom with its white
tiled walls. “Would you fill the Jacuzzi
for me while I put on my robe?”
Don Rigoberto moved in his place, as
restless as an insomniac.
She went to her room and slowly
undressed, folding each article of cloth-
ing, one piece at a time, as if she had all
of eternity at her disposal. Wearing a
terrycloth robe and a towel as a turban,
she came back. The round tub bubbled
noisily with the pulsations of the Jacuzzi.
“I put in bath salts,” Modesto said,
then asked timidly: “Was that right?”
“That's perfect,” she said, testing the
water with the toes of one foot.
She let the robe fall to her feet and,
keeping on the towel that served as a
turban, she stepped in and lay down in
the Jacuzzi. She rested her head ona pil-
low that the engineer hurriedly handed
her. She sighed in gratitude.
“Shall 1 do anything else?” Don Rigo-
berto heard Modesto asking in a stran-
gled voice. “Shall I go? Shall I stay?"
“How delicious—this cool water mas-
sage is so delicious.” Doña Lucrecia
stretched her legs and arms with plea-
sure. “Then ГЇЇ add warmer water. And
then to bed, as good as new.”
“You're roasting him over a slow fire,”
Don Rigoberto said approvingly.
“Stay if you like, Pluto,” she said at
last, wearing the intense expression of
one who derives infinite pleasure from
the caress of water going back and forth
across her body. “The tub is enormous,
there's plenty of room. Why don't you
bathe with me?”
Don Rigoberto’s cars registered the
strange hoot of an owl? howl of a wolf?
trill of a bird? that greeted his wife's invi-
tation. Seconds later, he saw the naked
engineer sinking into the tub. His 50-
year-old body, saved in the nick of time
from obesity by his practice of aerobics
and jogging that brought him to the
threshold of a heart attack, lay only mil-
limeters from his wife’s.
“What else can I do?” Don Rigoberto
heard Modesto ask, and he felt his admi-
ration for him growing at the same rate
as his jealousy. “I don't want to do any-
thing you don't want. 1 will not take any
initiative. At this moment I am the hap-
piest and most unfortunate creature on
"I'm wearing a push-up bra and crotchless panties.”
earth, Lucre.”
“You may touch me,” she murmured
in the cadence of a bolero, not open-
ing her eyes. “Caress me and kiss me,
my body and my face. Not my hair, be-
cause if it gets wet, tomorrow you'll be
ashamed of my hair, Pluto. Don't you see
that in your program you didn't leave a
free moment for the hairdresser?”
“] too am the happiest man in the
world,” murmured Don Rigoberto.
“And the most unfortunate.”
Doña Lucrecia opened her eyes.
“Don't be like that, so timid. We can't
stay in the water long”
Don Rigoberto squinted to see them
better. He heard the monotonous bub-
bling of the Jacuzzi and felt the tickle,
the rush of water, the shower of drops
spattering the tiles, and he saw Pluto,
taking precaution to the extreme in or-
der not to seem crude, as he eagerly ap-
plied himself to the soft body that let him
do, touch, caress, that moved to facilitate
access for his hands and lips to every
area but did not respond to his caress-
es or kisses and remained in a state of
passive delight. He could feel the fever
burning the engineer's skin.
"Aren't you going to kiss him, Lucre-
cia? Aren't you going to embrace him,
not even once?”
“Not yet,” replied his wife. “I too had
my program. I had planned it very care-
fully. Don't you think he was happy?”
“Гхе never been so happy.” said Mo-
desto, his head, between Lucrecia's legs,
rising from the bottom of the tub before
submerging again. “I'd like to sing at the
top of my lungs, Lucre.”
“He's saying exactly what 1 feel,” Don
Rigoberto interjected, then permitted
himself a joke. "Wasn't he risking pneu-
monia with all of that hydroerotic
He laughed and immediately regret-
ted it, remembering that humor and
pleasure repel each other like water and
oil. “Please excuse the interruption,” he
apologized. It was late. Dofia Lucrecia
had begun to yawn in such a way that
the diligent engineer, summoning all his
fortitude, stopped what he was doing.
On his knees, dripping water, his hair
streaming down in bangs, he feigned
"You're tired, Lucre."
“Im feeling all the weariness of the
day. I can't stay awake anymore.”
She leaped lightly from the tub and
wrapped herself in the robe. From the
door of her room she said goodnight
with words that made her husband's
heart skip a beat:
"Tomorrow is another day, Pluto."
“The last one, Lucre."
"And the last night, as well," she said
with precision, blowing him a kiss
They began Saturday morning half an
hour late, but they made up for it on
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their visit to Murano, where, in hellish
heat, artisans in T-shirts with prison
stripes were blowing glass in the tradi-
tional manner, turning out decorative
and household objects. The engineer in-
sisted that Lucrecia, who did not want to
make further purchases, accept three
little transparent anima! squirrel, a
stork and a hippopotamus. On the way
back to Venice the guide enlightened
them about two villas by Palladio.
Instead of lunch, they had tea and
cakes at the Quadri, enjoying a blood-
red twilight that set roofs, bridges, water
and bell towers on fire, and they reached
San Giorgio for the concert of baroque
music with enough time to stroll around
the little island and view the lagoon and
the city from different perspectives.
“The last day is always sad,” Doña Lu-
crecia remarked. “Tomorrow this will
end forever."
“Were you holding hands?” Don Rigo-
berto wanted to know.
"We were, and during the entire con-
cert as well," his wife confessed.
“Did the engineer weep great tears?"
“He was extremely pale. He squeezed
my hand and his swect cyes glistened.”
In gratitude and hope, thought Don
Rigoberto. The “sweet eyes” reverberat-
ed along his nerve endings. He decided
that from this moment on he would be
silent. While Doña Lucrecia and Pluto
ate supper at Danieli's, contemplating
the lights of Venice. he respected their
melancholy, did not interrupt their con-
ventional conversation and suffered sto-
ically when he realized, in the course of
the meal, that Modesto was not alone in
his lavish attentions. Lucrecia presented
him with toast that she had buttered,
with her own fork she offered him
mouthfuls of her rigatoni, and she will-
ingly offered her hand when he raised it
to his mouth to rest his lips on it, once on
the palm, once on the back, once on the
fingers and each one of her nails. With
a fearful heart and an incipient erec-
tion, he waited for what was bound
to happen.
And in fact, as soon as they entered
the suite at the Cipriani, Dona Lucrecia
grasped Modesto's arm, put it around
her waist, brought her lips up to his and,
mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue, she
“To say goodbye, we'll spend the night
together. With you I will be as compliant,
as tender, as loving as I've been only with
my husband.”
“You said that?" Don Rigoberto swal-
lowed strychnine and honey.
“Did [ do wrong?” his wife asked in
alarm. “Should I have lied to him?”
“You did the right thing,” Don Rigo-
berto howled. “My love.”
In an ambiguous state in which
arousal clashed with jealousy and each
fed on the other retrospectively, he
watched them undress, admired the self-
142 confidence displayed by his wife, en-
joyed the clumsiness of that fortunate
mortal overwhelmed by a joy that com-
pensated, on this last night, for his timid-
ity and obedience. She would be his and
he would love her: His hands fumbled at
the buttons of his shirt, caught the zip-
per on his trousers, stumbled when he
took off his shoes, and when, wild-eyed,
he was about to climb into the bed where
that magnificent body lay waiting for
him in the dark, in a languid pose—
Goya’s Naked Maja, Don Rigoberto
thought, though her thighs were wider
apart—he banged his ankle on the edge
of the bed and squealed “Owwowoww!”
Don Rigoberto enjoyed listening to the
hilarity that the mishap provoked in Lu-
crecia. Modesto laughed too as he
kneeled in the bed: “Emotion, Lucre,
pure emotion.”
The burning coals of his pleasure
cooled when, stifling her laughter, he
saw his wife abandon the statuelike in-
difference with which she had received
the caresses of the engineer on the pre-
vious day and begin to take the initiative.
She embraced him, she obliged him to
lic beside her, on top of her, beneath
her, she entwined her legs in his, she
searched for his mouth, she thrust her
tongue deep inside, and —“Uh-oh,” Don
Rigoberto protested—she crouched
down with amorous intent, fished with
gentle fingers for his starded member
and, after stroking the shaft and head.
brought it to her lips and kissed it before
taking it into her mouth. Then, at the
top of his voice, bouncing in the soft bed,
the engineer began to sing—to bellow
and howl—Torna a Sorrento.
“He began to sing Torna a Sorrento?”
Don Rigoberto sat up violently. “At that
very moment?”
“At exactly that moment.” Dona Lu-
crecia burst into laughter again, then
controlled herself and apologized. “You
astonish me, Pluto. Are you singing be-
cause you like it or because you don't
like it?”
“I'm singing so I will like it,” he ex-
plained, tremulous and bright red, be-
tween false notes and arpeggios.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“1 want you to continue, Lucre," a eu-
phoric Modesto implored. "Laugh, I
don't care. I sing to make my happiness
complete. Cover your ears if it distracts
you or makes you laugh. But by all you
hold most dear, don't stop."
"And he went on singing?" Don Rigo-
berto exclaimed, intoxicated, mad with
“Without stopping for a second," Do-
ña Lucrecia affirmed between giggles.
"While I was kissing him, when I was on
top, when he was on top, while we made
love both orthodox and heterodox. He
sang, he had to sing. Because if he didn't
sing, fiasco.”
“And always Torna a Sorrento?” Don
Rigoberto delighted in the sweet plea-
sure of revenge.
“Any song of my youth,” the engineer
sang, leaping with all the power of his
lungs from Italy to Mexico. “Voy a cantar-
les un corrido muy mentadooo. . . ."
“A potpourri of cheap music from the
Fifties.” Doña Lucrecia was very specif-
ic. “O sole mio, Caminito, Juan Charrasquea-
do, Allá en el rancho grande, and even
Augustín Lara's Madrid. Oh, it was so
“And without all that musical vulgari-
ty, fiasco?” Don Rigoberto asked for con-
firmation, a visitor to seventh heaven.
"Its the best part of the night, my love.”
“You haven't heard the best part yet,
the best part came at the end. It was
the height of absurdity.” Doña Lucrecia
wiped away her tears. "The other guests
began to bang on the walls, the front
desk called saying we should turn down
the TV, the phonograph. Nobody in the
hotel could sleep.”
“In other words, neither of you ever
finished——” Don Rigoberto suggested
with faint hope.
“I did, twice,” said Doña Lucrecia,
bringing him back to reality. “And he, at
least once, I'm sure of that. When he was
all set for the second one, that's when the
complaints started and he lost his inspi-
ration. Everything ended in laughter.
What a night. Worthy of Ripley's.”
“Now you know my secret,” said Mo-
desto, once their neighbors and the
front desk had been placated, and their
laughter had subsided, and their impuls-
es had quieted, and they were wrapped
in the white Cipriani bathrobes and had
begun to talk. “Do you mind if we don’t
speak of it? As you can imagine, it em-
barrasses me. . . . Well, let me tell you
one more time that ГЇЇ never forget our
week together, Lucre.”
“Neither will I, Pluto. ГЇЇ always re-
member it. And not only for the concert,
I swear.”
They slept the sleep of the just, know-
ing they had fulfilled their obligations,
and they were on the dock in good time
to catch the vaporetto to the airport. Ali-
talia was meticulous as well, and the
plane left with no delays, allowing them
to connect with the Concorde from Paris
to New York, where they said goodbye,
knowing they would never see each oth-
er again.
“Tell me that it was a horrible week,
that you hated it,” Don Rigoberto sud-
denly moaned, grasping his wife around
her waist and pulling her down onto
him. "Didn't you, Lucrecia, didn't you?”
"Why don't you try singing something
at the top of your lungs," she suggested
in the velvety voice of their finest noctur-
nal encounters. "Something really vul-
gar, darling. La flor de la canela, Fumando
espero, Brasil, terra de meu coracáo. Let's
see what happens, Rigoberto."
—Translated by Edith Grossman
In a world of fleeting diversions,
there's always Bass Ale.
Baywatch Babes nid fom pag 123
Soon millions of viewers were glued to their TV sets
each Friday night, watching Erika run down the beach.
Fun Facts, you'll learn that the stars of
Baywatch go through a boatload of sup-
plies each year, including 306 pounds
of body makeup, a 50-gallon drum of
sunscreen, 1500 cases of bottled water,
900 sets of earplugs and nose plugs,
575 swimsuits, 39 pairs of goggles and
129 surfboards. It has taken more than
trademark montage sequences, dramatic
rescue scenes and David Hasselhoff to
bring Baywatch to its current status. With
those kinds of statistics, who cares about
the plot?—which helps explain episodes
that feature huge electric ecls, a drug
smuggler's ring, women giving birth on
the beach, troubled boyfriends who hold
their lifeguard girlfriends captive on
boats and plenty of life-threatening un-
derwater explosions. It’s no news bul-
letin that Baywaich is popular because of
its babes. The CPR-doin’, lifesavin’,
spandex-wearin’, perfect genes-havin’
gals have assured the red swimsuit a
place in history. The show is also success-
ful because of the women who have shed
those suits for PLAYBOY
The mavnoy-Bayuaich connection be-
gan with the show's first episode. When
we introduced Erika Eleniak as Miss Ju-
ly 1989, she had finished taping a two-
hour NBC pilot about Malibu lifeguards
in which she starred as Shauni McLain.
Who knew that the far-fetched show
would become a hit? (“It's just another
job,” Erika said then.) Yeah, just another
Job filled with half-naked hard bodies in
compromising positions. The world was
willing to suspend disbelief. Soon mil-
lions of viewers were glued to their tele-
vision sets each Friday night, watching
Erika give mouth-to-mouth and run
down the beach. Forget the sun, sand
and surf. We couldn't get enough of Bay-
breasts. buttocks and slow-mo-
tion jiggling.
As ratings rose an inevitable decon-
struction set in. Rolling Stone dubbed the
show “Babe Watch.” Howard Stern reg-
ularly goofed on the actresses. (“Look at
our bathing suits. We could have gotten
really radical, but those are regulation
suits,” Erika countered.) But the easy
target chugged on, gaining viewers in
some high-powered living rooms. Paul
and Linda McCartney said, “We watch
Baywatch on the telly all the time.”
Princess Diana once stated, “Baywatch is
our family’s favorite television show.”
And President Clinton asked Hasselhoff,
“Did you ever expect Baywatch to be so
When Erika decided to leave Baywatch
to pursue a film career, the producers
scrambled to replace her. What they
found was that it takes a Playmate to re-
place a Playmate. The new recruit was
Miss February 1990, a Canadian model
and former volleyball star named Pam-
ela Anderson. As lifeguard C.J. Parker,
Pam stretched the spandex like no other.
“I think Baywatch gives people a great es-
cape, no matter where in the world they
live," she said. With rraveov and Bay-
watch as her launching pads, Pamela be-
came the hottest name on the planet.
Baywatch continued to enlist its talent
from the pages of pLaveoy. Playmates
Julie McCullough (Miss February 1986),
Jenny McCarthy (Miss October 1993),
Heidi Mark (Miss July 1995) and Kelly
Monaco (Miss April 1997) jumped on
the sandwagon, all guest-starring on
Baywatch. Playmate Donna D'Errico
(Miss September 1995) had guest roles
in both Baywatch and its short-lived
spin-off, Baywatch Nights, before con-
centrating on her television day job as
lifeguard Donna Marco. The show's
newest Playmate recruit, Marliece An-
drada, found out she was chosen to be a
Centerfold and cast for Baywatch in the
same week.
Who else has heated up both page and
screen? There's Yasmine Bleeth (former
Baywatch lifeguard Caroline Holden)
and Gena Lee Nolin (lifeguard Neely
Capshaw). And don't forget the rest of
the women who qualify for the PLAY BOY—
Baywatch double, including Carmen
Electra (who co-hosted MTV's Singled
Out), Tai Collins (who made a real-life
splash in 1991 when she admitted to
having had a love affair with Senator
Charles Robb), Rhonda Rydell (who
played a rapper on Baywatch) and beach
beauty Nancy Valen (Captain Samantha
Thomas during Baywatch's 1996-1997
season). (Both Rydell and Valen appear
on our pages for the first time.) And
then there's Traci Bingham, the knock-
out who plays lifeguard Jordan Tate.
And so it remains a Baywatch world,
and for good reason. In a land where the
water's always blue, where the sun al-
ways shines and where the girls are al-
ways tan, healthy and happy. we'll con-
tinue to tune in every week.
This unique breed of bathing beauties
is what makes the world's most-watched
show worth watching.
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iP Le Ay YB OY
(continued from page 119)
terrorist. Now he is the president of the
white and the black South Africans. So
things can change and the world will rec-
ognize that. They recognize that I am
president and am no longer considered
an outlaw by any nation.
PLAYEOY: You've also married and had a
daughter. How has that changed you?
ARAFAT: Well, it is my duty to give my
daughter more of my time.
PLAYBOY: You don't see her often?
ARAFAT: No. Her mother raises her. But it
is very difficult for me. 1 miss being with
her. I rarely see her.
PLAYBOY: You've been devoted to your
cause for a long time. Have you ever
thought of stopping or taking a rest?
ARAFAT: No. When there is a Palestinian
state 1 will rest. Then I might go away.
But it is my destiny to continue until
then. It is my life.
PLAYBOY: Is there a message you would
like to deliver to the American people?
ARAFAT: | want to tell them that peace
15 not just for Palestinians but for every
илүвоу: Do you believe the Americans
will help you realize your dream?
ARAFAT: You remember Beirut. The Amer-
icans, the French and the Italians made
an agreement with me that if I left with
my fighters they would protect the
refugee camps at Sabra and Shatila.
They did not keep that agreement and
thousands were murdered, We must
always remember that.
‘As I understand it, everyone feels the groom is
making а very big mistake. . . ."
(continued from page 112)
would ask one simple question of stu-
dents who came to them for counseling:
“Will sexual intercourse strengthen or
weaken their relationship?” Better that
men and women explore the possibili-
tics, discover who they were and what
they wanted, before choosing a lifetime
partner, Hefner expanded the universe
of premarital sex to include experimen-
tation that would not necessarily lead to
In place of marriage, the Sixties gave
us the meaningful relationship. Critics of
Hefner identified him as a prophet of
hedonism, and incorrectly reduced The
Playboy Philosophy to: “If it feels good, do
it.” (That phrase never appeared in the
Philosophy, but it echoed through the
Psychologist Abraham Maslow elevat-
ed hedonism to an existential tenet in
Toward a Psychology of Being. Pleasure, he
wrote, was a path to growth. We should
be like children, spontancously living
for the moment. Livin preparing
to live. “Growth,” he
when the next step forward
ly more delightful, more joyous, more
intrinsically satisfying than the last; the
only way we can ever know what is right
for us is that it feels better subjectively
than any alternative. The new experi-
ence validates itself rather than by any
outside criterion.”
‘Joy, a word long missing from Ameri-
can discourse, reentered our vocabulary.
“The joy consideration, I think, is really
at the heart of the thing,” Hefner told
members of a 1963 panel discussion on
the sexual revolution in America, hosted
by David Susskind. "It is the joy and the
understanding and the truth and the
pleasure of sex that are the good parts.”
The revolution nailed the new mo
ty to the doors of the church. In Chris-
tianity and Crisis, Harvey Cox continued
to discuss the problems raised by
PLAYBOY (noting that “Hefner's weari-
some attack on the religious repression
of sex has reached its 16th turgid install-
ment”). Robert Fitch, dean of the Pacific
School of Religion, tried to devise “A
Common Sense Sex Code" for the read-
ers of The Christian Century.
control sex, or sex controls you,"
wrote. "Needed right now are bigger
and beuer inhibitions. Surely there is
something ludicrous in the notion that
while liquor, cigarettes and ice cream
must be put under the most strict and
rational controls, sex, on the contrary, is
something to which you may help your-
self when, as and if you please."
+ Joseph Fletcher, a theologian, lament-
ed the loss of the old punishments, the
repressive trinity of “conception, infec-
tion and detection.”
In early 1965 more than 900 clergy-
men and students attended a convoca-
tion at Harvard Divinity School to dis-
cuss the New Morality. Delegates heard
Paul Ramsey of Princeton declare, “
of cans and cannots are meaningless.
Yale chaplain William Sloane Coffin
argued for “guideposts” not “hitching
How had we become so hung up on
sexual morality, asked others, when the
true obscenities were unfolding in Asia
and in rioting U.S. ghettos?
‘The debate on the New Morality was
mostly men talking among themselves.
If males were using a new vocabulary, we
would have to change the way we labeled
women. Madonna. Whore. Virgin. Wife.
What did these terms mean anymore?
We could change our moral rationale,
but what would the women say?
The 1963 Susskind panel discussion
with Hefner and others was deemed too
controversial to air. The transcript
recorded psychologist Albert Ellis’ re
mark about the younger generation:
“They are behaving, while we are still
thinking about behaving.”
What was the status of women in
America? Hefner had responded to the
charge that sexual liberation demeaned
women by saying that women were the
major victims of our traditional taboos
Our Judeo-Christian heritage supports
the double standard that makes women
second class citizens. Ira Reiss, he noted,
believed that: “The Christians of the Ro-
man era opposed from the beginning
the new changes in the family and in fe-
male status. They fought the emancipa-
tion of women. They demanded a re-
turn to the older and stricter ideas and,
beyond this, they instituted a very low
regard for sexual relations and for mar-
riage. Ultimately, these carly Christians
accorded marriage, family life, women
and sex the lowest status of any known
culture in the world.”
In 1963 Betty Friedan would address
similar issues in The Feminine Mystique. A
journalist, she had abandoned her ca-
reer to raise a family in the suburbs. Like
many postwar women, she traded her
brains for a broomstick. Women, she
wrote, had been seduced and betrayed
by the feminine mystique, the notion
that a woman could find fulfillment as a
wife and mother. Her book, originally ti-
tled The Togetherness Woman, was a full
frontal attack on the family togetherness
phenomenon of the Fifties.
Friedan found that a house in the sub-
urbs was a comfortable concentration
camp. “The problem lay buried, un-
spoken, for many years in the minds
of American women,” she wrote. “It
was a strange stirring, a sense of dis-
satisfaction, a yearning. Each subur-
ban wife struggled with it alone. As she
made the beds, shopped for groceries,
matched slipcover material, ate peanut
butter sandwiches with her children,
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chauffeured Cub Scouts and Brownies,
lay beside her husband at night, she was
afraid to ask even of herself the silent
question: Is this all?"
Friedan called this malaise "the prob-
lem that has no name."
Three million women bought The Fem-
inine Mystique. Out of their dissatisfaction
emerged a new feminist movement. The
goals of this movement were not unlike
those expressed by Hefner when he
launched рглүвоү. What Friedan called
the feminine mystique, he called the
womanization of America. He too had
seen the trap of suburbia. And now, it
seemed, women wanted to be more like
men—single men.
Friedan claimed that the pressure
cooker of suburbia turned women into
insatiable sex seekers. One housewife
had told her that "sex was the only thing
that made her ‘feel alive.” Denied status
in the public sphere, these women would
turn to sex, demanding more from their
husbands or ricocheting into affairs. But
sex didn't remedy their lack of fulfill-
ment in the outside world.
Friedan was not antisexual—she re-
called fondly her ycars as a single wom-
an during World War Two, when every
girl kept a diaphragm under her girdle
and had affairs with married men at
work. But when sex was the last frontier
(as David Riesman called it) or the last
green thing (as Gerald Sykes described
it), it became stripped of its power to re-
Juvenate. For sex to thrive, it had to oc-
cur among equals. Friedan wondered if
her housewives, in need of the “feeling
of personal identity, of fulfillment, seek
in sex something that sex alone can-
not give."
Helen Gurley Brown, author of Sex
and the Single Girl, tackled the same ques-
tion as Friedan did but came up with a
different answer. When Brown looked at
marriage and asked, "Is that all there
is?" her answer was, “Yes. So put it off for
as long as you can
Brown made her great confession:
“Theoretically, a nice single woman has
no sex life. What nonsense! She has a
better sex life than most of her married
The reasons were simple. “Why else is
a single woman attractive? She has more
time and often more money to spend on
herself. She has the extra 20 minutes to
exercise every day, an hour to make up
her face. Besides making herself phys-
ically more inviting, she has the free-
dom to furnish her mind. She can read
Proust, learn Spanish, study Time, News-
week and The Wall Street Journal.”
More important, wrote Brown, “a sin-
gle woman moves in the world of men.
She knows their language—the lan-
guage of retailing, advertising, motion
pictures, exporting, shipbuilding. Her
148 world is far more colorful than the world
of the PTA, Dr. Spock and the jammed
clothes drier.”
Brown was the female version of
Hefner (even though PLAYBOY was not as
inclined to sprinkle its philosophy with
words like pippy-poo and mousebur-
ger). She, too, was living proof of her
own idea. She wrote her book having
made the good catch, a husband who en-
couraged her work. “He wouldn't have
looked at me when I was 20. And I
wouldn't have known what to do with
The book devoured the best-seller
lists, was soon translated into ten lan-
guages and was turned into a movie. net-
ting $200,000 for the film rights.
Just as Hefner made it safe to be a
bachelor, Brown made being “the girl”
into a great adventure. She wrote a fol-
low-up called Sex and the Office, declaring
that it was completely honorable to se-
duce and even to marry the boss
Hearst Corp. hired her to take over
Cosmopolitan іп 1965 and turn it into the
female counterpart to PLAYEOY.
Betty Friedan founded the National
Organization for Women. Helen Gurley
Brown gave us the singles bar. One thing
made women's transitions into the world
of work and the world of play possible:
the Pill.
"The numbers tell the story. Within a
year and a half of Enovid's approval by
the FDA, some 408,000 women were
taking the drug. By 1964 the figure was
2.5 million for Enovid, another million
for a similar product by Ortho. By 1966
more than half of married women under
the age of 20 were on the Pill. Among
non-Catholic college graduates under
the age of 25, the figure was 81 percent.
Even more remarkable, Catholic women
embraced the Pill: One out of five wives
under the age of 45 used it. (See sidebar
on page 168.)
Women took the Pill to postpone their
first pregnancies, to avoid falling into
the family trap described by Friedan in
The Feminine Mystique. Their parents may
have had the perfect family—four chil-
dren one after another—but that model
shackled a woman to one role. Wives of
the Sixties used the Pill to space the
births of their children, to create time to
complete degrees or advance careers.
The Pill granted the means to achieve
the original feminist vision.
Single women used the Pill to post-
pone their first marriages. By 1969 it
was estimated that more than half of
unmarried college coeds were on oral
The Pill is credited with sparking the
sexual revolution. By separating sex
from procreation, women were finally
free to pursue pleasure without risk
And pursue they did. One study con-
ducted during the mid-Sixties showed
that married women on the Pill had sex
39 percent more frequently than mar-
ried women using other, less effective
forms of contraception. But the same
study showed that coitus increased for
everyone over the decade. Between
1965 and 1970, the average frequency of
coitus went from 6.8 times per month to
8.2 times. People on the Pill mated an
average of ten times per month—a fre-
quency matched only by those couples
who were trying to get pregnant. Sex for
recreation and sex for procreation were
ina dead heat.
Loretta McLaughlin, author of The
Pill, John Rock and the Church, lists the
challenges posed by the new technology:
“Far more than just unpopular, the idea
ofa birth control pill was still widely re-
garded as socially immoral and medi-
cally questionable. A birth control pill
would be the first medicine in history
given to well people solely for a social
“Sex would be set free, not only for
the married, but for any woman, any-
where, any time, with anyone. Not only
would the risk of pregnancy be eliminat-
ed, but, astonishingly, only the woman
concemed would know. The whole con-
trol of her sexuality as well as her fertili-
ty would be placed in her hands. There
would be no telltale act of preparedness
associated with sex relations. Even more
momentous, there would be no conse-
quence as there was before, no after-
math of an unwanted pregnancy or an
abortion. It amounted to handing over
to women, for the first time in history,
not only total governance over their sex-
ual behavior, but total privacy—some
would say secrecy, Women’s sexual pre-
Togatives would equal men’s.”
In the pages of The New York Times
Magazine Andrew Hacker described the
changing etiqueue of sex: “For a long
time there has been a certain ritual, not
without moral overtones, connected
with birth control as practiced by un-
married people. The young man is 'pre-
pared' on a date, the girl is not. If there
is a seduction, he takes the initiative; she
is surprised. If she succumbs, he deals
with the prevention of conception—
which is proper because she had no ad-
vance warning as to how the evening
would turn out. Vital to this ritual is the
supposition that the girl sets off on the
date believing that it will be platonic. Ifit
ends up otherwise, she cannot be ac-
cused of having planned ahead for the
sexual culmination. But now, for a girl to
be on the Pill wipes out entirely the ritu-
al of feminine unpreparedness.”
Mademoiselle responded to Hacker,
noting that while the Pill made it difficult
for women to be demure, “surely, nowa-
days, it is both aesthetically and psycho-
logically preferable for a girl who en-
gages in sex to do so wholeheartedly,
joyously, responsibly and responsively—
rather than as an innocent victim.”
The word no was banned (perhaps
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exiled is a better word). Suddenly sex
was no longer the carrot, the reward for
a proposal of marriage. The technical
virgin—that elaborately entangled novi-
tiate who had been able to achieve or-
gasm with tongue or fingers, in cramped
quarters—was an endangered species.
‘A young man growing up in the Six-
ties tells about the pre-Pill dangers of dry
humping: “I spent an afternoon at my
girlfriend's house, rubbing against her. 1
must have come four times. When I left,
my underwear was soaking wet. I walked
out into a 20-degree winter day and sud-
denly, my underwear froze. My penis felt
like a tongue stuck to an ice cube tray. I
was in public, so 1 couldn't touch my
crotch to warm up. I waited for a bus,
worried that 1 would never get to use it
He survived to grow into a world
where sex was not a struggle, where sex
became a way to say hello, a way to find
out if you liked a person.
A woman was no longer fettered to
her purse nor by proximity to a di-
aphragm. No more barefoot dashes
across cold wood floors to interrupt sex
for safety. In an odd way, the Pill was
less premeditated than diaphragms and
condoms. Each day a woman looked at
the dial of pills, took one and said, “I am
a sexual being, free to be spontaneous.”
The press, always conservative, chart-
ed the impact of the Pill. It told of a jeal-
ous husband who substituted aspirin for
his wife's pills, to see if she was sleeping
with someone else. We learned of house-
wives on Long Island who supplement-
ed their incomes by Pill-protected prosti-
tution. We heard about girls telling boys
that they were on the Pill when they
weren't. The Pill would become for
many women the most important recre-
ational drug of the century.
We may never know her name. Dr.
Leslie Farber, the first person to describe
her, called her “the Lady of the Labo-
ratory.” Malcolm Muggeridge, in an
tunes from the sixties
Teen Angel * Are You Lonesome To- Me Love * Baby Love * My Guy * Oh 2
night? © It’s Now or Never * Nice 'n' Easy Pretty Woman * The Girl From Ipanema 22
* Tm Sorry * Alley-Oop * The Twist * — * People * She Loves You * Everybody Secret Agent Man = Groovin’ + No-
Save the Last Dance for Me * The Second Loves Somebody * A Hard Days Night * where Man * Happy Together = Respect =
Time Around * Puppy Love = Itsy Bitsy Dancing in the Streets = Mr. Lonely + 1 What Now My Love * The Impossible
Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini = Get Around - The House of the Rising Dream * Alfie = АШ You Need Is Love *
Georgia on My Mind ~ Playboy's Theme Sun * The Leader of the Pack * Goin’ Out Soul Man * (You Make Me Feel Like) A
T Natural Woman * Lucy in the Sky With
Diamonds * With a Little Help From
You're 16 * Tossin’ and Turnin’ * Pony My Friends + Weichoster Cathedval ©
Time * Moon. River * Will You Love Ме That's Life • California Dreamin’
Tomorrow * Runaway * Where the Boys
Are * Hit the Road Jack * Runaround dr
ue 9 UE d ^ a б Stand by Me * (Sittin' оп) The Dock
к NE EIN of the Bay * Hey Jude * Mrs. Robin-
el Саадат Corts, Hite Mant < son * Love Child db Got to Be Free
5 ва маоси * MacArthur Park * Harper Valley РТА
8 T * Tipioe Through the Tulips With Me +
Up, Up and Away + Windmills of Your
If I Had a Hammer * Where Have All Mind * Somethin’ Stupid * Light My Fire
the Flowers Gone * Soldier Boy * Duke of * Ode to Billie Joe * Can't Take My Eyes
Earl * He's a Rebel = Days of Wine and 07 on 2 Седан Му Маа one
Roses * What Kind of Fool Am I? * I Left Р the Time I Get to Phoenix * eard It
My Heart in San сш . bene of My Head + Where Did Our Love Go* Through the Grapevine * Love Is Here
Up Is Hard to Do * Once in a Lifetime » Baby I Need Your Loving * Low MeDo* nd Now You're Gone
I Can't Stop Loving You * You Don't 1 Feel Fine 2
Know Me * Twistin’ the Night Away * dp
The Loco-Motion * Monster Mash * The Я Б All Together Now * Little Green Apples
Wah-Watusi * Playboy * Twist and Shout Help! “ (1 Can't Get No) Satisfaction * „р ROT Gam HS
A A A Ls 0 ты ПЕРАТ
That Lovin’ Feelin’ = Stop! In the N S
Bunny From the Playboy Club umn Feelin = Stop! In the Nome Once in My Life = Abraham, Martin and
of Love = My Girl = The Shadow of Your et d Soul Picnic o The Ballad
D Smile * Downtown = Goldfinger + Ticket John * Stoned Soul Picnic Ba
Blowin’ in the Wind © The Tomes They lo Ride = What's New Pussycat = Ме S Bonnie and Clyde + Born to Be Wild =
Are A-Changin' * My Boyfriend's Back = Tambourine Man * The Eve of Destruc- Revolution
Busted * I Wanna Be Around = Louie tion * Like a Rolling Stone * It Was a T
Louie “ He's So Fine * Call Me Irrespon- Very Good Year * The Ballad of the Green 5 А
sible * Surfer Girl * Surfin’ USA = Wipe- Berets « We Can Work It Ош * When a — Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In *
ош * Be My Baby * Please Please Ме“ Man Loves a Woman * California Girls » Honky Tonk Women = Everyday People +
More: Theme from Mondo Cane * Blue — (You're My) Soul and Inspiration • The Proud Mary * A Boy Named Sue * Sug-
Velvet * Charade • Wives and Lovers « Look of Love * Strangers in the Night = ат, Sugar * A Time for Us * My Way =
The Good life * Hey Раша * Go Away Wild Thing * Mellow Yellow * Yellow Spinning Wheel + Everybody's Talkin’ *
Little Girl * 105 My Party * You're the Submarine * These Boots Are Made for Leaving on a Jet Plane * Marrakesh
Reason Im Living * We Shall Overcome — Walkin' * Rainy Day Women #12 @ 35 Express * Give Peace a Chance * Is That
* 1 Want to Hold Your Hand * Can't Buy What the World Needs Now Is Love All There Is?
apoplectic tirade titled “Down With
Sex,” called her “the Unknown Onanist”
and said she deserved her own monu-
ment, like that of the Unknown Soldier.
She was one of 382 females who had
had sex with an artificial penis—a clear
plastic tube filled with cold light and a
camera—while being observed by two
sex researchers named Dr. William Mas-
ters and Virginia Johnson in St. Louis.
And what that camera saw would
change our most basic notions of female
sexuality. A film would show a woman's
hand stroking her clitoris, would show
the walls of the vagina glisten with lubri-
cation, would show the clitoris bow and
withdraw behind folds of flesh, would
show the oceanic swells of orgasm ripple
those vaginal walls.
Never mind that the scientists had al-
so observed 312 males in the acts of in-
tercourse and automanipulation. Who
cared about male sexual response? A
woman's orgasm, a woman's anatomy, a
woman's potential—that demanded the
world's attention.
The drumroll of publicity—most of it
adverse—preceded the 1966 publication
of Human Sexual Response by more than
a year. Dr. Farber, a psychoanalyst in
Washington, D.C., criticized almost
every aspect of the research project,
claiming that Masters and Johnson de-
humanized sex. Not only had the scien-
tists done away with “modesty, privacy,
reticence, abstinence, chastity, fidelity,
shame"—the emotional arsenal of a re-
pressed society —they had reduced them
to “rather arbitrary matters that in-
terfered with the health of the sexual
What seemed to bother Farber most
was that the unidentified woman in the
film had achieved her orgasm without
male help. “According to the lesson of
the laboratory,” he wrote, “there is only
one perfect orgasm—if by perfect we
mean one wholly subject to its owner's
will, wholly indifferent to human contin-
gency or context. Clearly the perfect or-
gasm is the orgasm achieved on one's
own. No other consummation offers
such certainty and moreover avoids the
messiness that attends most human af-
fairs. Nor should we be too surprised if
such solitary pleasure becomes the ideal
by which all mutual sex is measured.”
Muggeridge saw Masters and John-
son's research as the ultimate result of
America’s newfound belief in sex as plea-
sure. “Thus stripped, sex becomes an or-
gasm merely. To those self-evident rights
in the famous Declaration there should
be added this new, essential one: the
Right to Orgasm.”
Colette Dowling and Patricia Fahey al-
so found the uppercase key on their
typewriter. In an article in Esquire they
wrote that “the new female status symbol
is the orgasm.” Women were suddenly
embarked on “the Quest for the Holy
Wail”; all of women’s accomplishments
paled next to “the Quality Orgasm.” The
Lady of the Laboratory described by
Farber had “long been the woman of the
American Sex Daydream.” If only Mas-
ters and Johnson would release the film,
they argued, every woman would be able
“to raise her Orgasm Capacity.”
How was a woman to attain this goal?
Dowling and Fahey invoked images of
belly dancers lifting eggs off tables with
their genitals and quoted a scx manu-
al that said the sexual responsibilities of
women included exercising that magical
pubococcygeus muscle.
When Human Sexual Response ap-
peared it was an immediate best-seller,
staying on the charts for six months.
Masters and Johnson presented the
physiology of arousal, breaking down
the sex act into four phases: excitement,
plateau, orgasmic and resolution. The
book read like an owner's manual for the
human body, recording myriad minute
details: the clitoris retracting under its
hood, the rising of the testicles as the
male approaches orgasm, the skin rash
sweeping across a lover's body like a
summer squall. This is what the body did
during sex, whether the sex was premar-
ital, extramarital, solo or whatever.
Dr. Masters would later explain the
impact of defining sex purely in terms of
physiology. In a 1968 Playboy Interview he
id: “Sexual demand seems to be a
unique physiological entity. Unlike other
demands, it can be withdrawn from; it
can be delayed or postponed indefinite-
ly. You can't do this with bowel function
or cardiac or respiratory function. Per-
haps because it can be influenced in this
unique manner, sex has been pulled out
of context. Lawyers and legislators have
taken a hand in telling us how to regu-
late sexual activity. They don't, of
course, presume to regulate heart rate.”
In the eyes of the scientist, all orgasms
were equal. Masters and Johnson put
sex back into the context of the body.
There was no sin in a vital sign, the rapid
heartbeat or the powerful contractions
of the penis or vagina. With one hand,
the Lady of the Laboratory swept away
the cobwebs and we saw sex in a new
light. She made us aware of the clitoris.
As someone would say (probably me),
prior to 1966 everyone thought the clit-
oris was a monument in Greece. Indeed,
the word clitoris appeared in the pages
of PLAYBOY for the first time in Masters
and Johnson's 1968 interview.
Forget penis envy. The clitoris—which
researchers called the homolog, anatom-
ically, of the penis—was the only or-
gan in the human body whose sole pur-
pose was pleasure. Women had one.
Men didn't.
It wasn't as though we hadn't known
the clitoris existed. Freud had charming-
ly compared it to pine kindling used ro
ignite the whole body. Then he queered
sex for 60 years by insisting that orgasms
created by stroking and stoking the lit-
tle fire were immature. Mature wom-
en went past that sideshow barker to
"No, son, just a little higher and to the left. Do you see it?
Third window over, the brunette.”
152 \
Mainstream culture had Blondie
and Dagwood, Pogo and Peanuts;
the counterculture had Fritz the
| Cat, the Fabulous Furry Freak
Brothers and Feds ‘N’ Heads
t Ei
Underground artists, including R. Crumb ond Gilbert Shelton, were magnificently
profone. Rabelaisian or just raunchy, titles such as Snatch Comics, Big Ass Comics
and Jiz Comics gave us demented looks ct sexual politics. Like Tijuana bibles in
the Thirties, they pravided us with on unauthorized biogrophy of lust and love.
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experience deeper, vaginal orgasms
produced by penetration and the great
god Cock.
Masters and Johnson showed that at
climax the whole body was involved in
orgasm. Nipples became erect. Nostrils
flared. The mind set offits own electrical
show. It was absurd to divide the body
and create hierarchies based on some
analyst who studied people while they
lay fully clothed on his couch.
Masters and Johnson were acutely
aware of how phallocentric American
sex had become. Only once in a 366-
page book did they mention oral sex—
and anal sex not at all. They knew these
behaviors existed, but oral sex was still
against the law in almost every state.
They worried that even to mention such
practices would cost them their careers.
“We didn’t have the courage,” they told
filled with treasures.
Women had another ability denied men.
The chart for male sexual response
showed a onc-hill roller-coaster ride.
Up. Peak. Down.
The chart for female sexual response
showed a single peak cycle, a multipeak
cycle and one curve that looked like a
stone skipping across water. Women
were capable of multiple orgasms.
That potential drew us into the sex
act, to prolonging it, to playing with dif-
ferent buttons, to lighting up the uni-
verse and going for bonus points. Some
women claimed that the emphasis on or-
gasm and multiple orgasms turned them
into objects; others simply lay back and
collected on a debt long overdue.
‘There is an irony here: At the very
moment the Pill made intercourse safe
for the unprotected penis, intercourse
was deemed irrelevant. On the other
hand, a woman could ride an erection, a
tongue or a vibrator all night
In the realm of applied science, a Cal-
ifornia inventor named Jon Tavel sought
a patent for a battery-powered, bullet-
shaped vibrator. The Post Office report-
ed that mail-order companies were del-
uging widows and housewives with
advertisements for “a fairly expensive
fornication machine.”
On your mark. Get set. Go.
‘To fully appreciate the social upheaval
that swept through the Sixties, one must
look at a different laboratory. The col-
lege campus was a microcosm of the
culture outside. What did the first war
babies and Baby Boomers encounter as
they came of age?
In 1960 Leo Koch, a biology professor
at the University of Illinois, wrote a let-
ter to the campus newspaper describing
a novel idea: “With modern contracep-
tives and medical advice readily available
at the nearest drugstore, or at least from
a family physician, there is no valid rea-
son that sexual intercourse should not
be condoned among those sufficiently
mature to engage in it without social
consequences and without violating
their own codes of morality and ethics.”
A strongly worded letter from the
Reverend Ira Latimer, an alumni dad,
accused Koch of being part of a com-
munist conspiracy aimed at subverting
“the religious and moral foundations of
Koch was suspended, then dismissed.
One headline stated: PROFESSOR TO BE
who demonstrated for Koch's free
speech rights were photographed by
the school’s head of security, a former
FBI agent.
In 1962 S. Gibson Blanding, the
president of Vassar, reminded students
that “the college expects every student
to uphold the highest standards.” She
stated that premarital sex relations con-
stituted “offensive and vulgar behavior”
and that anyone who disagreed could
simply leave campus.
Yalies predicted “a mass exodus from
Poughkeepsie of indignant Vassar wom-
en wearing their diaphragms as badges
of courage."
Blanding was simply exercising the
power known as in loco parentis, the no-
tion that the college should act in place
of parents. One National Review editorial
noted that in the past this had meant
keeping Joe College sober enough to
make his classes, but in the Sixties it be-
came one of the last barricades to fall
in the sexual revolution. As the Baby
Boomers came of age, the college popu-
lation increased dramatically, with a
record six out of ten high school grads
going on to higher education. More im-
portant, the percentage of women at-
tending higher education doubled —crc-
ating a balance between the sexes.
College offered a room of one's own,
no parental supervision and a jury of
one's peers.
Colleges traditionally relied on a sexu-
altime clock—known as parietal hours—
to control romance. Women's dormito-
ries were subject to lockouts. As Marga-
ret Mead noted in an article prompted
by Blanding's Vassar crusade: "Any girl
who stayed out under circumstances in
which she might be suspected of having
had premarital sex relations was re-
moved from the college—sometimes
gently, sometimes harshly.”
‘This was an era when married college
women were not allowed to live in dor-
mitories for fear they might provide
“a contaminating atmosphere.” Some
Catholic colleges forbade students from
going steady, saying the behavior was an
“occasion for sin.” They worried that
when young lovers ran out of things to
talk about, they would turn to sex.
Schools created bizarre and elaborate
rules to control young lust. Handbooks.
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dictated the number of dates students
could have each semester, the hours in
which the sexes could intermingle.
Males and females could visit one anoth-
er, but lights had to be on. (Students got
around this by leaving a doset light on.)
A school rule that said a door had to be
open “the width of a book” sparked cre-
ative students to meet the letter of the
law with a matchbook. A male student
who wanted privacy would hang a tie
from the doorknob of his room. (Mort
Sahl tells of a campus Romeo who em-
ployed the code so often his roommate
got suspicious and discovered the sup-
posed Romeo alone, reading.)
The college handbooks were a Kama
Sutra Americana—demanding that a male
and a female in a dorm room keep at
least three feet on the floor.
Some schools tried to put a stopwatch
on dating—defining the term as spend-
ing more than 15 minutes in the compa-
ny of a member of the opposite sex.
Russell Kirk tried to defend in loco
parentis in the National Review: “A great
many students at Columbia or Har-
vard—perhaps the majority—are decent
people who have enrolled to learn some-
thing or other. They aren't alcoholics or
satyrs. They might even enjoy a little
quiet in which to read a book or con-
verse. Decent people too have their
rights, particularly the right not to have
to endure a nuisance and a stench. If
young people prefer the atmosphere of
a sporting house, let them go thither—
and leave the dormitories of Columbia
and Harvard to these horrible prigs who
actually still believe, after their reac-
tionary fashion, that a college is a place
of learning and meditation.”
Barely three years into the decade, an
off-Broadway theater group called the
Premise was using humor to ridicule the
public posture of college administrators.
Mocking a commencement speech, an
actor intoned:
“Ladies of Vassar and your guests
from Harvard and Yale: I would like to
say that premarital sex is indecent, im-
moral and wrong—and the least that
you could do is stop while I'm talking
to you.”
By 1964 seven of 19 private colleges in
the East had abandoned in loco parentis
and restrictive dorm rules; none of the
18 public universities had yielded. By
the end of the decade even Vassar had
gone coed and created coed dorms.
Gael Greene, author of Sex and the Col-
lege Girl, reported that the myth of the
virgin was ridiculed on almost every
campus. The owl at DePauw University
was supposed to hoot when a virgin
walked by, a Confederate soldier at the
University of Mississippi salute, a statue
of Abe Lincoln at the University of Wis-
consin rise. Of course, they never did.
Students questioned the need for spe-
cial protection. Many young people had
gone away to college specifically to get
away from parental supervision. The
Fifties had encouraged carly marriage.
Nearly a quarter of 18-year-olds were al-
ready married. A student at Cornell told
“Remember the time I blew your house down for the insurance?”
Greene that she couldn't see what the
fuss was all about. After all, she said,
“We're the high school girls who didn't
get pregnant.
Some campus doctors actually pre-
scribed the Pill to female students, say-
ing they would rather see them now
than six months later asking for an abor-
tion. But it was done discreetly.
As the war in Vietnam escalated, male
students had a new argument against in
loco parentis. If an 18-year-old could be
drafted and sent to war, an 18-year-old
student should have control over his
own actions specifically the sexual. The
concept became known as Our Bodies,
Our Selves. Let me fuck before I die.
Coeds examined their coyness, the
false front of flirtation. Students at Rad-
cliffe complained that teasing was cruel.
A Wesleyan teacher noted the girl who
teased was a “sexual pirate.” If you are
going to do it, do it with affection. Stu-
dents took courses in sexual ethics. A
UCLA coed told Greene that Bertrand
Russell's Marriage and Morals was “more
or less my undoing.” Philosophy courses
introduced them to Norman O. Brown
and Freud's concept of polymorphous
perversity—the notion that the entire
body is an erogenous zone.
Gloria Steinem would call the phe-
nomenon “The Moral Disarmament of
Betty Cocd." She ended that article by
stating, “The main trouble with sexually
liberating women is that there aren't
enough sexually liberated men to go
Everything happening in the culture
at large swept through colleges. Walls
sprouted posters of Che Guevara, the
lion guys bought the poster of Raquel
Welch as a cavewoman in One Million
Years B.C. and turned the Playmate of the
Month into an icon. Some actually be-
lieved if you put a poster of a naked
woman on the wall of your room, it
would attract real naked women.
Cult classics such as Robert Heinlein's
Stranger in a Strange Land encouraged
a new kind of sexuality—a “growing
closer.” Heinlein's science fiction novel,
written in 1960, proved remarkably pro-
phetic. The story of Valentine Michael
Smith—the sole survivor of an expedi-
tion to Mars—foresaw cults, hot tubs (or
at lcast communal nude bathing), group
sex, the girl next door as a vagabond
striptease artist and sacred prostitute,
and the government destruction of com-
munes. The tale also foreshadowed al-
tered states of consciousness, with a tech-
nique called grokking.
By 1966 Robert Rimmer’s The Harrad
Experiment—a tale about an experimen-
tal college program in New England in
which students were assigned room-
mates of the opposite sex, took phys ed
classes together in the nude and attend-
ed nightly seminars in sexual ethics—
billed itself as the “Sex Manifesto of the
Free Love Generation.” In Rimmer's
fantasy world students were expected to
sleep together. One of the few rules was
to limit yourself to one partner per men-
strual cycle. so that ifa girl became preg-
nant there would be no question who the
father was.
One of the coeds in Rimmer's book
becomes a centerfold for Cool Boy Maga-
zine, but only after demanding that the
photographers and the publisher take
off their clothes as well.
By 1969 many colleges were experi-
menting with coed dormitories. Look re-
ported on what happens when members
of the opposite sex spend time in con-
tinual close proximity: “There's more
sex when you live like
this, just because girls
are here. I mean, sex
is sort of in the air.”
But with a new
twist: “You think
twice about sleeping
with a girl when you
know you have to
face her the next
morning at break-
fast—and at lunch,
and at dinner, and at
Coed dormitories
changed courtship,
the hideous formality
of fraternity parties,
the desperate fum-
bling for sex before
lockout, the pressure
to be pinned or spo-
ken for. Gone were
the makeup and rent-
ed tuxedo. “You see
a girl at all her mo-
ments,” said one guy,
“not just her dressed-
up ones.” Gone were
the corsages.
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work of wife-swapping couples and
swingers’ clubs. In loco parentis gave
way to parents gone loco with Just. The
freedom of the campus spread into the
culture at large.
There were those who turned their
back on higher education. The walls
around campus could not keep the real
world at bay. Issues such as race and war
made the rat race for a degree seem ob-
scene. At Berkeley students fought for
four months to have the right to raise
money for political causes on campus. AL
the height of the furor students staged a
it-in on Sproul Plaza, holding a police
stream newspapers ran crime news and
arts reviews and Dick Tracy. Under-
ground papers ran demonstration news
and rock reviews and The Fabulous Furry
Freak Brothers, a comic about three ami-
able heads Tracy would have busted for
their rampant pot smoking. The dailies
carried ads for pots and pans and suits;
the undergrounders sold rolling papers,
LPs and jeans.”
By 1967, Peck notes, there were 20
underground papers. By 1969 there
were at least 500. The underground
press was rude and confrontational. Pio-
neer Ed Sanders’ 1962 magazine was
called simply Fuck You: A Magazine of
the Arts.
The new culture embodied the Mc-
Luhanesque insight
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Leo Koch, the vi-
sionary professor who
was tossed out of the
University of Illinois,
moved on to better things. With Jeffer-
son Poland, a former civil rights activist,
Professor Koch formed the New York
Sexual Freedom League. The idea
caught on. Poland moved to California,
formed the San Francisco Sexual Free-
dom League and got arrested for stag-
ing a nude wade-in in the Bay. The Uni-
versity of California Sexual Freedom
Forum sold buttons that said гм WILLING
IF YOU ARE. Some scoffed at the buttons—
arguing that you didn't need to join a
movement to practice sexual freedom.
On the other hand, weekly orgies involv-
ing 20 to 45 students didn’t just happen
by themselves.
The sexual freedom leagues moved
off campus and blossomed into a net-
Increasingly, students simply dropped
out and formed radical new communi-
ties, along New York's St. Mark's Place,
Berkeley's Telegraph Avenue, Los Ange-
les' Sunset Strip, San Francisco's Haight
Street, Chicago's Wells Street and Madi-
son's Mifflin Street. They formed co-ops
and collectives, or simply announced the
existence of crash pads. These commu-
nities had enormous drawing power for
the young. In 1966 the FBI reported
that 90,000 teenagers had been arrested
as runaways.
The counterculture re-created Amer
ca, starting with underground news-
papers. In Uncovering the Sixties: The
Life and Times of the Underground Press,
Abe Peck gives this comparison: “Main-
teries (oran optional |
power cord), SOLO is the first detector that lets
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that in the global vil-
lage people did not
need jobs, they need-
ed roles. The coun-
terkids raided thrift
shops and became
gypsies, Elizabethan
ladies, shamans,
Knights, clowns, cow-
boys, gurus and the
like. Head shops sup-
plied love beads, in-
cense, cabalistic texts,
massage oils, Indian
fabrics and Lava
The countercul-
ture turned the en-
tire world into an art
school. Mime troupes
staged guerrilla the-
ater in the streets,
bands played in parks
and old union halls.
Borrowing a page
from The Playboy Phi-
losophy, a group called
the Open Theater
read aloud from a
19th century sermon
on the consequences
of masturbation. Lat-
er, they staged a se-
ries of happenings
called Revelations, in
which motion pictures were projected
on the bodies of naked actors and ac-
tresses. The young and the hip wore the
movies as a second skin.
Those in the counterculture lived the
Beat vision, and treated as saints figures
such as Allen Ginsberg, William Bur
roughs, Gary Snyder and Lawrence Fer-
linghetti. Ken Kesey's novel about in-
mates taking over an asylum, One Flew
Over the Cuckoo's Nest, became the bible of
the new rebellion. Kesey then gave up
writing for a form of living art. He and
the Merry Pranksters threw Trips Festi-
vals, exploring the potential of LSD,
which was still legal at the ume. Some es-
timate that he turned on more than
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10,000 people. Acid was as cheap and 157
DDD о б 2, о оь, |
The Pill. IUDs. Librium. Valium.
Freedom Riders. Sit-ins. Be-ins.
Love-ins. Peace Corps. Learjet. In-
stant replay. Ford Mustang. Topless
bathing suits. Topless bars. Jacuzzis.
Waterbeds. Lava lamps.
National Organization
for Women. Cosmo Girl.
The Sensuous Woman.
Hair. Moog synthesiz-
ers. Motown. Penthouse.
Screw. The Twist. Playboy
Clubs. The Playboy
Mansion. Bunnies. Hip-
pies. Yippies. Cassettes.
Pop art. Op art. Hap-
penings. Computer dat-
ing. Singles’ bars. "Here's
Johnny!” Woodstock.
Ken. G.I. Joe. Stonewall.
JFK. Jackie. The Rat Pack.
George. Paul, John. Ringo. James
Bond. Bob Dylan. Joan Baez. Rolling
Stones. Arctha Franklin. Barbra
Streisand. Supremes. Jim Morrison.
Jimi Hendrix. [ohn Coltrane. Andy
Warhol. Sean Connery. Paul New-
man. Steve McQueen. Clint East-
wood. Raquel Welch. Natalie Wood.
Jane Fonda. Elizabeth Taylor. Rich-
ard Burton. Peter Fonda. Dennis
Hopper. Dustin Hoffman. John
Glenn. Joe Namath. Martin Luther
King Jr. Muhammad Ali. Marshall
McLuhan. Timothy Leary. Hef.
Henry Miller. Twiggy.
Population of the U.S. in 1960:
179 million. Population of the U.
in 1970: 205 million. Percentage of
population under the age of 26 in
1966: 48. Life expectancy of a male
in 1960: 66.6 years. Of a female:
73.1. Life expectancy of a male in
1970: 67.1 ycars. Of a female: 74.8.
Marriages per 1000 people in 1961
8.5. In 1970: 10.6. Number of un-
married couples living together in
1960: 17,000. In 1970: 143,000. In
1967, number ofclients of Operation
Match, a computer dating service: 5
million. Number who found mates:
130,000. Number of marriages per
year circa 1966 involving teenagers:
500,000. Percentage of those that re-
raw data from the sixties
sulted from pregnancy: 50. Percent-
age of teen marriages that ended in
divorce: 50.
No, it doesn't.
Gross national product in 1960:
$504 billion. GNP in 1970: $1 tril-
lion. Percentage of a white male's
salary carned by a black male in
1970: 70. Percentage of a white
male's salary earned by a white fe-
male in 1970: 58. Percentage earned
by a black female: 50.
Number of college students in
2175 institutions in 1965: 5.4 mil-
lion. Number of demonstrations be-
tween January 1 and June 15, 1968
al 101 colleges and universities: 221.
Number of students involved:
39,000. Number of universities fac-
ing student strikes or forced to close
in 1969: 448.
Number of U.S. advisors in Viet-
nam in 1961: 700. In 1963: 16,000.
U.S. troops in Vietnam in 1969:
542,000. Number of names on the
Vietnam War Memorial: 58,209.
What we watched on TV when we
weren't watching the war in Viet-
nam: Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Trav-
el, Andy Griffith Show, Rauhide, Candid
Camera, The Untouchables, Bonanza,
Perry Mason, Dr. Kildare, Ben Casey,
The Beverly Hillbillies, Dick Van Dyke
Show, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie,
Batman, The Fugitive, Get Smart,
Mission: Impossible, The Man From
U.N.C.L.E., The Avengers, Gilligan's Is-
land, Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour,
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In.
Number of U.S. wom-
en taking Enovid in
1961: 408,000. Number
taking birth control
pills in 1966: 6 million.
Amount of money spent
on contraceptive de-
vices in 1961: $200 mil-
lion. Percentage of that
figure spent on con-
doms: 75. Number of
malformed babies born
to women who took
thalidomide, “the sleep-
ing pill of the century”: 12,000. Year
thalidomide was withdrawn from the
market: 1962. When Sherri Fink-
bine. host of Romper Room, realized
she had taken thalidomide during
the first and second months of her
mber of hospitals in
g to perform an abor-
tion: 0. Name of country where she
obtained an abortion: Sweden. Ac-
cording to Time in 1964, number of
abortions performed in the U.S. that.
year: one million. Percentage of
those abortions decmed illegal: 99.
New words and phrases: acid test,
fake cut, splashdown, status report,
put on, camp, kook, crash, crash
pad, groovy, groupie, rap, vibe,
straight, abort, psychedelic, mind-
blowing, zap, go-go, mod, pop,
flower power, hawk, miniskirt, hot-
pants, uppers, downers, peak expe-
rience, power to the people, sock it
to me, don't trust anyone over 30.
1962: Marilyn Monroe
1963: John E Kennedy
1965: Malcolm X
1966: Lenny Bruce
1966: Margaret Sanger
1967: Jayne Mansfield
1968: Robert Kennedy
1968: Martin Luther King Jr.
1969: Sharon Tate
„А. А A A A А. АД. er А. А. A А. А. А. А. An Дь. А. А. А. А. А. Дь. А. А. А. А. А. 9 9 А. de А. А. din А. А. din А. А. А. А. А. А. А. А. А. А.
69999999999999979999999999999999Ф9 |
plentiful as confetti at a parade.
In 1966, the counterculture staged a
Love-Pageant Rally to celebrate “the
freedom of the body, the pursuit of joy
and the expansion of consciousness.”
The invitation read: “Bring children.
Flowers. Banners. Flutes. Drums. Feath-
ers, Bands, Beads. Flags. Incense.
Chimes. Gongs. Cymbals. Symbols.” In
1967 that spirit culminated in the Sum-
mer of Love and the first be-in.
‘The authentic counterculture was
over almost as quickly as it began. In Oc-
tober 1967 a group paraded a giant
coffin through the Haight, announcing
“the Death of the Hippie, Son of Media.”
Acommunity of maybe 7000 gentle souls
became a tourist attraction warding off
75,000 hippie wannabes over a single
summer. Concerned citizen Chester An-
derson printed a flier warning of the
danger of the dream: “Pretty little 16-
year-old middle-class chick comes to the
Haight to see what it's all about and gets
picked up by a 17-year-old street dealer
who spends all day shooting her full of
speed again and again, then feeds her
3000 mikes and raffles off her tempo-
rarily unemployed body for the biggest
Haight Street gang bang since the night
before last. Rape is as common as bull-
shit on Haight Street."
"The idea of the Haight disturbed con-
servatives and created new demagogues.
Charles Perry recounts in his The Haight-
Ashbury: A History that an actor named
Ronald Reagan successfully campaigned
for governor of California by promising
to restore capital punishment, punish
rebellious students at Berkeley and
crack down on obscenity.
Within a week of Reagan's election,
police busted the Psychedelic Shop for
selling obscene literature. ‘Iwo days later
the City Lights Bookstore in North
Beach was raided.
The obscenity in question was The
Love Book by Lenore Kandel, a small-
press collection of four poems. The com-
munity sponsored a protest read-in. Pro-
fessors from local universities read aloud
from a poem called To Fuck With Love.
When the book was declared obscene
by a court, the poet thanked the police
and pledged part of her earnings to
their retirement fund. Their action had
taken a book that had sold "about 50"
copies and turned it into a local best-
seller (with more than 20,000 copies sold
after the bust).
Hippies took up a new address. In
1967 Hair played at the Public Theater.
of New York, then moved to Broadway.
Put a flower in your hair. Must be the
dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
The counterculture was an idea, not
an address, an energy, not a neighbor-
hood. It represented the fusion of three
forces—sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.
Rock heroes were phallic personalities
who had sex with an entire nation. Jim
Morrison of the Doors grabbed his gen-
itals during performances and simulat-
ed oral sex. In Miami he mimed mastur-
bation and exposed himself, earning
an arrest.
When the Stones toured America in
1965, groupies lined up to get a taste of
rock's nastiest boys. Every tour had a
sexual sideshow as female fans traded
oral sex for access to the stars, working
their way through doormen, bellhops,
roadies and managers.
Kathy and Mary, known as the Dy-
namic Duo, partied with the Beatles,
Led Zeppelin and Terry Reid. But they
had their clits set on Mick. Indeed, he
was the benchmark. Their morning-af-
ter conversations went something like
this: "Brian Jones? He's great.” Pause.
“But he's no Mick Jagger."
“Keith Richards? Fantastic." Pause.
*But he's no Mick Jagger."
When they finally bedded Mick, the
morning-after review went: "Mick? He's
cool.” Pause. "But he's no Mick Jagger."
Little wonder that two groupies in
Chicago honored their heroes by mak-
ing plaster casts of their private parts.
The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane
and Youngbloods were gypsy bands.
The rock of the counterculture was mi-
gratory. Concerts became social events—
with audiences numbering in the tens of
thousands, hundreds of thousands, cul-
minating in Woodstock, with numbers
half a million strong. This was the body
politic gone Dionysian—we went from
alienation to Woodstock nation.
Abe Peck remembers rock “radiating
what life could feel like if only people got
together. Like a Rolling Stone, Satisfaction,
My Generation, A Day in the Life, Purple
Haze, Down on Me were stunning songs,
vinyl diary entries marking a listener's
first apartment, demonstration, orgasm,
Rock heroes were the journalists of
the new culture: When the Beatles dis-
covered LSD, it showed in their music.
Recreational drugs had their stamp of
approval. The leap from Lucy in the Shy
With Diamonds (a tribute to lysergic acid)
to Magical Mystery Tour was rapid. Mil-
lions climbed on board the bus.
By his own estimate, Timothy Leary
had tripped more than 100 times before
the thought occurred to him to try sex
on psychedelics. So much for the value
of a Berkeley Ph.D.
Leary, who had first sampled magic
mushrooms sitting around a pool in
Cuernavaca in 1960, had been relatively
unchanged by the drugs. "I routinely lis-
tened to pop music, drank martinis, ate
what was put before me,” he admitted
Flora Lu Ferguson, wife of jazz musi-
cian Maynard Ferguson, suggested that
Leary learn what life was like “in the
first-class lounge.” Leary consented and
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found himself tripping with Malaca, a
model from Morocco. “We rose as one
and walked to the sunporch. She turned,
came to me, entwined her arms around
my neck. We were two sea creatures.
The mating process in this universe be-
gan with the fusion of moist lips produc-
ing a soft-electric rapture, which irra-
diated the entire body. We found no
problem maneuvering the limbs, tenta-
cles and delightful protuberances with
which we were miraculously equipped
the transparent honey-liquid zero-gravi-
ty atmosphere that surrounded, bathed
and sustained us.”
After this experience, his hostess ex-
plained to him the secret of the universe:
“It's all sex, don't you see?”
Leary brought Malaca back to Har-
vard but “it was hard for her to adjust to
my domestic scene. After a week 1 still
saw Malaca as a temple-dancer divinity
from the 33rd Dynasty. But it soon be-
came obvious that up here in the mid-
dle-class 20th century she was out of
place, turning into a petulant, spoiled
Arabian girl. The image from the drug
session was slowly fading.”
Leary checked with his guru. Aldous
Husley, author of The Doors of Perception,
told him that of course psychedclics
were aphrodisiacs, but “we've stirred up
enough trouble suggesting that drugs
can stimulate aesthetic and religious ex-
periences. I strongly urge you not to
ler the sexual cat ant of the hag " But
outside the ivy-covered walls of aca-
deme people were discovering the deli-
cious combination of sex and drugs on
their own.
On the West Coast Ken Kesey was
conducting Acid Tests—winner-take-all
mind games with light shows that dupli-
cated atomic apocalypse, a battle of the
bands between the Jefferson Airplane
and the Grateful Dead, and Elys;
romps through the woods of Big Sur.
The press initially rhapsodized about
the drug's potential for elaborate prob-
lem solving, for creativity, for psycho-
analysis. Hallucinogenic drugs let you
hear color, smell music, touch a scent.
It made tripping sound like kindergar-
ten class. Who would let the cat out of
the bag? By the time PLAYBOY caught up
with Leary in 1966, he had tripped 311
times. Sex was all he could talk about.
“Sex under LSD,” he said, “becomes
miraculously enhanced. It increases
your sensitivity a thousand percent.
Compared with sex under LSD, the way
you've been making love—no matter
how ecstatic the pleasure you think you
get from it—is like making love to a de-
partment store dummy. When you're
making love under LSD, it’s as though
every cell in your body—and you have
trillions—is making love with every cell
in her body.”
Recognizing a charismatic salesman,
we let him talk on: “An LSD session that
does not involve an ultimate merging
with a person of the opposite sex isn't re-
ally complete. One of the great purposes
of an LSD session is sexual union.
“In a carefully prepared, loving LSD
session,” said Leary, “a woman will in-
evitably have several hundred orgasms.”
The Leary interview fused sex and
drugs, but the magazine felt a responsi-
bility to investigate further. The editors
asked R.E.L. Masters, a researcher in the
field of psychedelics and religious expe-
rience, to comment on the delights and
hazards of Sex, Ecstasy and the Psychedelic
Drugs in November 1967.
Masters dismissed Leary's claim for
the hundred-orgasm woman: “I have yet
to hear from anyone else about a single
instance remotely approximating this. I
feel rather confident that if it had been
happening with any frequency, the
world would not have had to wait for
Leary to announce it.”
Masters admitted that during psyche-
delic sex intercourse does last longer, but
this is due to a distortion of time that
gives the act “the flavor of eternity.”
You could fill an erection with wonder.
Sex was just a beginning, a stage set for
awe-inspiring theater. You could genital-
ize any part of your body. One subject
had told Masters that “he became aware
of his entire body as ‘one great, erect pe-
nis. The world was a vagina and [ had a
sense of moving in and out of it, wit
tense sexual sensations.”
The backlash was inevitable. All Amer-
ica was in danger of becoming a drug
culture. In 1967 Americans consumed
some 800,000 pounds of barbiturates,
some ten billion amphetamine tablets.
But a drug that turned your whole body
into an erection? Harry J. Anslinger, for-
mer Prohibition agent and father of
Reefer Madness, was quick to respond to
the Leary interview. “If we want to take
Leary literally,” he said, “we should call
LSD Let's Start Degeneracy."
1n 1970 the federal government creat-
ed a new label for drugs for which “there
is no legitimate use.” LSD was banned,
along with the previously outlawed mar-
ijuana and cocaine
The counterculture believed that sex
was political. It marched into battle with
“banners flying from erect penises.” And
it knew how to play with the fears of the
older generation.
The planners of a 1967 march on the
Pentagon—a protest against the escalat-
ing war in Vietnam—peutioned the gov-
ernment for a permit to levitate the Pen-
tagon. Abbie Hoffman invited members
of the press to his apartment for a dem-
onstration of a new hippie weapon, a
psychedelic bomb. Jonah Raskin, in For
the Hell of It, recounts that Hoffman told
reporters that a group of radicals called
the Diggers had come up with a high-
potency sex juice called Lace. “When
reporters showed up at Hoffman's apart-
ment, two couples volunteered to dem-
onstrate the power of the chemical. They
sprayed one another with the purple lig-
uid, then undressed and began to make
love while reporters watched with glee.
Making love would triumph over mak-
ing war.”
Hoffman wrote in East Village Other,
“We will fuck on the grass and beat our-
selves against the doors. Secretaries will
disrobe and run into the streets, news-
boys will rip up their newspapers and sit
оп curbstones masturbating.”
By 1968 Hoffman and Jerry Rubin
had founded the Youth International
Party, the yippies. They called for a cele-
bration of life to counteract the 1968
Democratic Convention being held in
Mayor Richard J. Daley's Chicago. When
the yippies applied for a park permit,
they wrapped their request in a PLAYBOY
centerfold, on which was written the
Hoffman called for like-minded indi-
viduals to bring their “eager skin” to
Chicago. He circulated rumors to the cf-
fect that yippie women would seduce
convention delegates.
Abbie stood outside the Federal Build-
ing with a list of demands, one of them
being. “People should fuck all the time,
any time, whomever they wish.”
Jerry Rubin gave this description: “A
kid turns on television and there is his
choice. Does he want to be smoking pot,
dancing, fucking, stopping traffic and
going to jail or does he want to be in a
blue uniform beating up people or does
he want to be in the convention with a tie
strangling his throat making ridiculous
deals and nominating a murderer?”
When “the pigs” tried to clear the
streets the whole world was watching.
What it saw was a police riot
But afterward, a Harris Poll showed
that 70 percent of Americans sided with
the police. When the dust cleared, Rich-
ard Nixon was our president
In the Fifties, the nation had learned
to wield scandal as a weapon of social
control. In the Sixties, the federal gov-
ernment used sex to discredit those with
dangerous ideas. One was the father of
rock and roll, the other the father of the
civil rights movement.
In 1960 Chuck Berry faced trial on
two charges of violating the Mann Act.
According to prosecutors, he had trans-
ported two women across state lines for
immoral purposes. David Langum, au-
thor of Crossing Over the Line, writes that
the trial was racially motivated. “Berry
had a longtime business associate and
secreta white woman named Fran-
cine Gillium. The federal prosecutor in-
sulted her, using phrases such as, "This
blonde claims to be a secretary,’ and de-
manding answers to questions such as,
“What kind of secretarial duties do you
perform?’ and ‘Did you tell your people
you work for a Negro?” Berry was con-
victed and sentenced to three years in
jail. He served 20 months.
For half a century the Mann Act, огір-
inally intended to curb a nonexistent
white-slave trade, was used to punish
controversial figures from Jack Johnson
(the first black heavyweight champion)
to Charlie Chaplin. In 1962 the Depart-
ment of Justice directed U.S. Attorneys
to refrain from prosecuting noncom-
mercial Mann Act violations without ap-
proval. Only those connected to kidnap-
ping, rape or organized prostitution
would receive government attention.
J. Edgar Hoover didn’t need the
Mann Act to carry out personal vendet-
tas against those he perceived to be the
enemies of the country. In the Sixties his
major target was Martin Luther King Jr.
The head of the FBI had placed King
under surveillance in the Fifties, when
the young minister drew national atten-
tion as the leader of the Montgomery
bus boycott. Hoover ordered wiretaps
on King’s home and offices and the hotel
and motel rooms where King stayed.
Mark Felt, a deputy associate director
of the Bureau, says that Hoover was
“outraged by the drunken sexual orgies,
including acts of perversion, often in-
volving several persons. Hoover re-
ferred to these episodes as ‘those sexual
things?” Hoover thought King was а
“tomcat with obsessive, degenerate sexu-
al urges.”
In 1964, after King criticized the ЕВГ
handling of the murders and church
bombings in the South, Hoover decided
to use the wiretap evidence he had com-
piled. He told associates, “It will destroy
the burrhead.”
The task fell to Assistant Director
William Sullivan, who swore that King
would be “revealed to the people of this
country and to his Negro followers as be-
ing what he actually is—a fraud, dema-
gogue and moral scoundrel."
The tapes revealed that King was а
sexually active male who, according to
Curt Gentry, author of J. Edgar Hoover:
The Man and His Secrets, had enjoyed an
“unbuttoned fling” with two female em-
ployees of the Philadelphia Naval Yard.
Taylor Branch, in Pillar of Fire, writes
that on January 6, 1964 the FBI had
bugged King’s room at the Willard Ho-
tel near the White House. “In the midst
of an eventual 11 reels and 14 hours of
party babble, with jokes about scared
Negro preachers and stiff white bosses,
arrived sounds of courtship and sex with
distinctive verbal accompaniment. At the
high point of the recording, Bureau
technicians heard King’s distinctive
voice ring out above others with pulsat-
ing abandon, saying, ‘I'm fucking for
God!" and ‘I’m not a Negro tonight?”
The Bureau offered highlights of the
tapes to The Washington Post, Newsweek,
The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times,
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The Chicago Daily News, The Allanta Consti-
tution and The Augusta Chronicle. Not one
paper published the story. In the Sixties,
the private lives of public figures were
not considered appropriate subjects for
journalism. A decade earlier the story
would have been planted in Confidential
or in Walter Winchell's column.
Frustrated, the FBI sent copies of the
tapes to the office of the Southern Chris-
tian Leadership Conference, assuming
that Coretta King would open the mail.
Accompanying the tapes was a letter
threatening: “King, there is only one
thing left for you to do. . . . There is but
one way out for you. You better take it
before your filthy, abnormal, fraudulent
self is bared to the nation.”
The threats and the tapes were ig-
nored. It would take an assassin's bullet
to end the dream.
Hoover was not the only man in Wash-
ington obsessed with sex. The homosex-
ual witch-hunt of the Fifties had spread
toall branches of ће government and to
all sexual orientations. Federal employ-
ees were routinely questioned about
their sex lives. In March 1965 Congress-
— #
buck Browne
“This jerk I live with sometimes gets crazy jealous.”
man Cornelius Gallagher told fellow law-
makers that the government regularly
outdid Kinsey, asking male and female
federal employees to answer such true-
or-false statements as: “My sex life is sat-
isfactory. I enjoy reading love stories. I
believe women ought to have as much
sexual freedom as men do. I dream fre-
quently about things that are best kept to
myself. There is something wrong with
my sex organs. I masturbated when 1
was an adolescent. I have had a great
deal of sexual experience.”
Both married and unmarried employ-
ees had to give written answers to ques-
tions asking if they had been troubled
by such things as “petting and necking
Wondering how far to go with the oppo-
site sex. Being too inhibited in sex mat-
ters. Feeling afraid of being found out.
Being bothered by sexual thoughts or
dreams. Worrying about the effects of
Tristram Coffin, author of The Sex
Kick, devoted a whole chapter to these
American inquisitions, noting that a sa-
distic streak of voyeurism ran through
the accounts. “The rationale used to jus-
tify this peeping,” he writes, “was that a
homosexual, an adulterer, a fornicator
or a masturbator could, if discovered by
communist agents, be blackmailed in-
to turning over government or defense
or industrial secrets. This assumed that
communists were as thick as flies and
were especially sensitive to erotic behav-
ior or were leading innocent typists into
sin. Later, when this appeared patently
silly, the psychologists moved in and de-
veloped a new theory. Sexually aberrant
individuals had unstable personalities
and might cause personnel problems.
Sexual aberration was most loosely de-
fined, and the secretary who had day-
dreams of a love affair with Brando or
the junior executive who kissed the
comely chief of files behind the screen at
the office party might be adjudged guilty
of aberrance.”
There were 512 polygraphs scattered
through government agencies, includ-
ing the CIA and the National Security
Agency. Before the use of the polygraphs
was curtailed following investigations by
isticared developed a
In the true or
false, reject every statement that might
be considered by, say, a conservative con-
gressman as antisocial. You don't like
young people with beards, you don’t ap-
prove of premarital sex relations, you
never daydream about sex.”
A national concern for our right to
privacy was just one of the revolutionary
ideas that came out of the Sixties.
"The idea that the state had no business
in the bedroom was an idea whose time
had come. In 1960 the American Law
Institute, a group of judges, attorneys
and professors, issued the final draft of a
Model Penal Code that attempted to es-
tablish which sexual acts warranted gov-
crnment interference and which did not.
"The new code recommended the pun-
ishment of “public indecency, prostitu-
tion, the public sale of obscenity (not the
private production or noncommercial
dissemination of obscenity, however),
rape. sex with minors, indecent expo-
sure, bigamy, incest and abortion."
But “private behavior will not be pun-
ished.” The committee drafted a code
predicated on the "danger to society
rather than moral indignation."
"The committee voted overwhelming-
ly to decriminalize adultery and forni-
cation. When it came to the topic of
sodomy, Judge Learned Hand said, "I
think it is a matter of morals, a matter
very largely of taste, and it is not a mat-
ter that people should be put in prison
Still, it was a close call. The members
voted 35 to 24 to recommend that
sodomy be “removed from the list of
crimes against the peace and dignity of
the state."
The Institute stated that the Model
Penal Code would "not attempt to use
the power of the state to enforce purely
moral or religious standards. We deem it
inappropriate for the government to at-
tempt to control behavior that has no
substantial significance except as to the
morality of the actor. Such matters are
best left to religious, educational and
other influences.”
With the publication of the code, a
major offensive in the sexual revolution
began. Illinois became the first state to
repeal its sodomy statute, while odd-
ly leaving in place statutes against for-
nication and adultery. Near the end
of the decade three more states—Ore-
gon, Montana and Connecticut—would
adopt more-tolerant sex statutes, Others
would follow.
Hefner devoted two entire install-
ments of The Playboy Philosophy (February
and March 1964) to the absurdity of
state sex laws. As a graduate student, he
had first expressed his concern in aterm
paper titled “Sex Behavior and the U.S.
Law,” written in 1950. Now he used the
full power of the magazine to press for
acceptance of more-liberal legislation.
“No human act between two people is
more intimate, more private, more per-
sonal than sex,” he wrote. “And one
would assume that a democratic society
that prides itself on freedom of the indi-
vidual, whose Declaration of Indepen-
dence proclaims the right of every citi-
zen to life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness, and whose Constitution guar-
antees the separation of church and
state, would be deeply concerned with
any attempted infringement of liberty in
this most private act.”
The following month he continued:
“America is presumably the land of the
free and the home of the brave. But our
legislators, our judges and our officers of
law enforcement are allowed to enter
our most private inner sanctuaries—our
bedrooms—and dictate the activity that
takes place there.”
Other media that covered the ALI ini-
tiative downplayed the importance of re-
form. The statutes under attack admit-
tedly seemed a little out of date in dusty
law books, but how many people got ar-
rested? A Time story on the original ALI
initiative in 1955 had pointed out that
actual enforcement was limited. In a sin-
gle year, the editors noted, only 267 peo-
ple had been arrested for adultery. Bos-
ton led the way with 242 arrests.
When Connecticut considered the
Model Penal Code, New Haven police
chief James Ahern claimed, “We hardly
ever make a morals arrest anymore.”
‘The numbers seemed to back him up.
Time reported that from 1965 to 1968,
the number of prosecutions for forni-
cation and lascivious carriage had
dropped from 1048 to 349.
One policeman explained what justi-
fied an arrest: “When you see a black
boy and a white girl together, well, you
just know what's going on.”
Hefner objected to state interference
on principle. But he needed an individ-
ual case to drive the point home. In 1965
the magazine received a letter from
Donn Caldwell, a radio disc jockey in
West Virginia who was serving a ten-
year sentence for committing “a crime
against nature.”
In Caldwell's case the act was fellatio
with a teenage fan. Local authori
threatened the girl with prosecution if
she didn’t testify against Caldwell. Upon
Caldwell's conviction, the judge ignored
a psychiatric evaluation of the defen-
dant that recommended leniency and,
denying bail, remarked that he consid-
ered oral sex to be as serious a crime as
It was this case that prompted Hefner
to establish the Playboy Foundation as
the activist arm of The Playboy Philosophy.
“To put our money where our mouth
was,” he said.
The outpouring of sympathy for Cald-
well from PLAYBOY readers and in the
West Virginia press supported a success-
ful appcal of the conviction, funded by
the Foundation. It was the first in a sc-
ries of such cases, including one that led
to the release ofa husband who was serv-
ing a two- to 14-year sentence for having
consensual anal sex with his wife in Indi-
ana. After a marital spat, the wife had
been persuaded by a neighbor to accuse
the husband of the “abominable and de-
testable crime against nature.” After the
couple reconciled, the wife tried to with-
draw the charge only to be told she was
no longer the plaintiff. “The State of In-
diana is the plaintiff.
The Playboy Foundation also helped
free a young girl who was arrested, at
her father's request, for fornication. His
philosophy: “Га rather see her in jail
than debauched.”
Over the years, the Playboy Founda-
tion supplied funding for a series of cas-
es involving birth control, abortion and
sexual behavior. It made significant con-
tributions to sex research (the Kinsey In-
stitute, Masters and Johnson), sex edu-
cation (sIECUS) and other controversial
causes, as well as to civil rights and anti-
war initiatives. The Foundation also pro-
vided the initial funding for NORML's
campaign to decriminalize marijuana.
Tiny skirmishes at first, the fights for
the right to privacy would turn into a
full-scale crusade.
On November 10, 1961 police arrest-
ed Estelle Griswold, the executive direc-
tor of the Planned Parenthood League
of Connecticut, and Dr. Charles Lee
Buxton, a physician at the New Ha-
ven Planned Parenthood clinic. Their
crimes? They had given birth control in-
formation, instruction and advice to
married couples. The clinic had been
open for nine days.
The law that they had broken might
as well have been drafted by Anthony
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Comstock, the Connecticut-born Puritan
who had raised so much hell at the turn
of the century. It read: “Any person who
uses any drug, medicinal article or in-
strument for the purpose of preventing
conception shall be fined not less than
$50 or imprisoned not less than 60 days
nor more than one year, or be both fined
and imprisoned.”
The case arrived before a Supreme
Court that had already accepted the
ALI's concept of public and private
res of sex. On June 7, 1965 Justices
iam O. Douglas and Arthur Gold-
berg, writing for the majority, declared
that marital sex was clearly protected by
a right to privacy.
"Would we allow the police to search
the sacred precincts of marital bedrooms
for telltale signs of the use of contracep-
tives?” wrote the Court. "Ihe very idea
is repulsive to the notions of privacy sur-
rounding the marriage relationship."
Justice Douglas waxed poetic. "We
deal with a right of privacy older than
the Bill of Rights—older than our politi-
cal parties, older than our school system.
Marriage is a coming together for better
or for worse, hopefully enduring and in-
timate to the degree of being sacred."
In a concurring opinion Justice Gold-
berg invoked a definition of privacy first
outlined by Justice Louis Brandeis in a
1928 case: “The makers of our Coi
tution undertook to secure conditions
favorable to the pursuit of happiness.
"They sought to protect Americans in
their beliefs, their thoughts, their emo-
tions and their sensations. They con-
ferred as against the government, the
right to be let alone—the most compre-
hensive of rights and the right most val-
ued by civilized men."
Justice Brandeis had carlier articulat-
ed that thought in a dissenting opinion.
Now the voice of the majority embraced
the right to privacy. It was the first time
the Justices used the Ninth Amendment
to reflect “the collective conscience of
our people" against both federal and
state action.
Not everyone was overwhelmed by the
victory. The editors of Life wondered
“what Thomas Jefferson would have
thought of the Supreme Court's
gloss on his immortal handiwork,
right of privacy "may have an interest-
ing future if the Court should apply
it to such issues as wiretapping and
The Court soon found additional use
for the newly articulated right of priva-
cy. Federal and state agents entered
the home of Robert Eli Stanley, a sus-
pected bookmaker, and found three
reels of stag movies. They arrested Stan-
ley for “knowingly having possession of
obscene matter.”
The Supreme Court overturned the
conviction: “Whatever may be the justi-
fications for other statutes regulating
obscenity,” wrote Justice Thurgood
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Bomber Hare
Marshall, “we do not think they reach in-
to the privacy of one's own home. Ifthe
First Amendment means anything, it
means that a state has no business telling
a man, sitting alone in his own house,
what books he may read or what films
he may watch. Our whole Constitutional
heritage rebels at the thought of giving
government the power to control men's
Two years after the Griswold Planned
Parenthood case was decided, Bill Baird
was arrested while lecturing to a crowd
of students in Boston about contracep-
tion. He had handed out samples of
spermicidal foam to a female member of
the audience, who may have been single.
State law prohibited the distribution
of articles designed to prevent concep-
tion. Massachusetts argued that it had
the right to protect morals through "reg-
ulating the private sexual lives of single
The case would make its way to the
Supreme Court, supported in part by
funds from the Playboy Foundation. The
Justices scoffed at the idea that the state
could hold over its citizens the threat of
pregnancy and the birth ofan unwanted
child as punishment for fornication. In
1972 the Court would argue: "If the
right of privacy means anything, it is the
right of the individual, married or sin-
gle, to be free from unwarranted gov-
eromental intrusion into matters su lun-
damentally affecting a person as the
оп whether to bear or beget a
The following year, this rationale
would provide a basis for one of the most
controversial decisions of the century. In
Roe us. Wade, the Court would extend
the right of privacy to include a woman's
right to getan abortion.
Hugh Hefner was not the only Ameri-
can to turn a term paper into a publish-
ing empire. In 1941, as a freshman at
Swarthmore, Barney Rosset had written
on “Henry Miller vs. Our Way of Life.”
Rosset sided with the iconoclastic. As
the head of Grove Press, he published
the first unexpurgated U.S. edition of
D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover.
Along battle had resulted in a surprising
victory that would free language forever
and remove the brown-paper wrapper
from literary sex.
In the Lady Chatterley case, lawyer
Charles Rembar persuaded the Court
that an appeal to sexual interest was dif-
ferent from an appeal to prurient inter-
est. To be sexually stimulated by a work
of art was no crime. “A novel, no matter
how much devoted to the act of sex, can
hardly add to the constant sexual prod-
ding with which our environment assails
us,” argued Rembar. “Apart from the ev-
idence offered, the Court may take judi-
cial notice of the fact that our advertis-
ing, our motion pictures, our television
and our journalism are in large measure
calculated to produce sexual thoughts
and reactions. We live in a sea of sexual
Into this sea of provocation Rosset
tossed more than two million copies of
Tropic of Cuncer, Millci's exuberant at-
count of a writer fucking his way across
Paris. Published in 1934, the book had
become an underground classic, smug-
gled in from France by expatriates and
The paperback topped the charts for
two years, despite the fact that nervous
dealers returned 600,000 copies. The
book was banned in more than 19 cities
and two states, as police visited book-
stores, physically clearing shelves and in-
timidating shop owners.
Rosset promised to pay the legal costs
of any bookseller arrested for offering
the book. Defending Tropic would cost
his company in excess of $250,000.
Not all judges wanted to burn Tropic.
In Chicago a professor at Northwestern
University brought suit, claiming the po-
lice had bullied bookstore owners into
dropping the work, thus denying him
his freedom to read.
Judge Samuel Epstein weighed the
content of the pornographic passages
against the overall value of the book and
decided against censorship, writing,
“Let the parents control the reading
matter of their children; let the tastes of
the readers determine what they may or
may not read; let not the government or
the courts dictate the reading matter of
a free people. The Constitutional free-
doms of speech and press should be jeal-
ously guarded by the courts. As a corol-
lary to the freedoms of speech and press,
there is also the freedom to read. The
right to free utterances becomes a use-
less privilege when the freedom to read
is restricted or denied.”
Judge Epstein became the target of
crank calls and poison-pen letters.
Catholics demanded that he be im-
peached. The Illinois Supreme Court
overruled his decision on June 18, 1964,
only to change its mind four days later.
On June 22, 1964 the U.S. Supreme
Court declared that Topic of Cancer was
not obscene.
In years to come, critics and would-be
censors of erotica would avoid the term
obscenity, using in its place the even less
well defined word pornography. A Jesuit
labeled as pornography anything that
caused “genital commotion.” Charles
Rembar noted that, according to the law,
literature was that which moved one
above the waist. Porn was in the groin of
the beholder.
Next to rise through the judicial gant-
let was John Cleland's Memoirs of a Wom-
an of Pleasure—known simply as Fanny
Hill. Published in 1749, Fanny was, ac-
cording to an article in Time, “the first
deliberately dirty novel in English." Ina
decade in which Americans devoured
everything English—from James Bond
to the Beatles—Fanny Hill was hard to
swallow. The Reverend Morton Hill of
St. Ignatius Loyola in New York City
went on a hunger strike, which ended
when the mayor launched an antipor-
nography drive.
The prosecutor who tackled Fanny at-
tacked the book thusly: “Described in
lurid detail are repeated meticulous re-
citals of sex acts, including acts of sexual
perversion, set forth in a style which is
a blow to the sense of the reader, and
for the evident purpose of teaching the
reader about sins ofimpurity and arous-
ing him to libidinousness. In its 298
pages, the book describes in detail in-
stances of lesbianism, female masturba-
tion, the deflowering of a virgin, the se-
duction of a male virgin, the flagellation
of male by female and female by male
and other aberrant acts, as well as more
than 90 acts of sexual intercourse be-
tween male and female, some of which
are committed in the open presence of
numerous other persons, and some of
which are instances of voyeurism."
Fanny Hill won the court decision,
upheld on appeal. Attorney Rembar had
to fight the same battle in Massachu-
setts and New Jersey, building a trial rec-
ord of experts testifying that Fanny Hill
possessed literary
merit and psycho-
logical value. When
Fanny reached the
Supreme Court,
Rembar told the
Justices that they
did not even have to
read the book—that
both the critics and
the lower courts felt
the book had val-
ue, thus placing it
outside the reach of
the law. The Court
that they freed Fun-
ny Hill, ihe Jusic-
es sent publisher
Ralph Ginzburg to
jail. Ginzburg's soft-
core quarterly, Eros,
was not sexually ex-
plicit nor patently
offensive—but the
way in which he ad-
vertised the publica-
tion seemed to con-
vey the “leer of the
According to the
Court, Ginzburg
had requested bulk-
mailing privileges
from Blue Ball, Pcnn-
sylvania and Inter-
course, Pennsylvania. Twice rejected, he
was successful in his effort to mail five
million advertisements for Eros from
Middlesex, New Jersey. Ginzburg, said
the Court, was an expert “in the shoddy
business of pandering.” An outside ob-
server remarked that Ginzburg's only
crime was being a smartass. Not a very
good reason for sending a man to prison
But the floodgates had opened. By the
end ofthe decade Fanny would be joined
by Candy, The Story of O, The Memoirs of
the Marquis de Sade, William Burroughs’
Naked Lunch and My Secret Life—as well
as Sex Life of a Cop, Sex Kitten and College
for Sinners.
Philip Roth gave us Portnoy, with his
fist flying, coming in the wrapper of a
Mounds bar in the balcony of a theater,
coming in an old sock, using a cored ap-
ple as a masturbation aid, coming on liv-
er (“I fucked my own family's dinner"),
ejaculating on lightbulbs, exercising the
only part of his body that was his, that
was free
Literature used sex as a window on
the soul: Writers took us inside the sex
act, filling it with other meanings. The
hero of John Updike's Couples would
muse on oral sex: “To eat another is sa-
cred.” The protagonist of Norman Mai-
ler's An American Dream would murder
his wife, then sodomize the maid, expe-
riencing “the pure prong of desire to
The Party Is About To Begin
Kate Millett would find in that three-
page scene the seeds of her feminist
manifesto Sexual Politics. Where some
women found liberation in the sex act,
others found a microcosm of oppression.
Sexual writing revealed what Malcolm
Cowley had called the secret language of
men—"words that were used in the
smoking room, in the barroom, in the
barbershop"—words that no respectable
woman would admit knowing. Now
those words came to symbolize for some
not freedom but the howls of the beast.
The battle over obscenity was not lim-
ited to courtrooms and the dry argu-
ments of lawyers and judges. Barney
Rosset would walk to work one day and
find that someone had thrown a grenade
into the Manhattan offices of Evergreen
Review magazine, a product of Grove
Press that combined erotica with left-
wing politics.
As free expression gained support in
the courts, there were those who orga-
nized new forms of repression. In 1958
Charles Keating, a Catholic businessman
in Cincinnati, created Citizens for De-
cent Literature. By 1964 there were 200
chapters of the CDL scattered across the
country. By 1965 300 chapters claimed
a combined membership of 100,000.
Some 1000 delegates would attend a
CDL conference in 1965.
Keating was an
odd bird. Charles
Bowden and Mi-
chael Binstein, au-
thors of Trust Me:
Charles Keating and
the Missing Billions,
report that when
Keating met Mary
Elaine Fette, the
woman who would
become his wife,
he took her to a
striptease joint. He
pounded a cane on
the floor, shouting,
“Take it off. Take it
off.” But he would
“not let Mary Elaine
lift her eyes and see
the naked woman
who dances before
In the Fifties, the
local FBI office brief-
ly investigated Keat-
ing for possible
fraud and espio-
nage (involving a
deal with atomic sci-
entists) and warned
1. Edgar Hoover to
distance himself
from Keating. More
than one state
looked at the s
cost-to-cause ratio,
and decided that the group was raising
money for self-indulgence, not decency.
Keating was a one-man crusade. Be-
fore a speech he would cruise news-
stands to buy Love's Lash, Sensational Step
Daughter and Lesbian Lust. He would
wave magazines in the faces of church
groups, offer to read the most offensive
passages aloud to congressmen. By 1969
he had recruited four senators and 70
representatives to the honorary commit-
tee of the CDL. The authors of Trust Me
point out that one of those, Representa-
tive Donald Lukens, would be convicted
20 years later of having sex with a minor.
Delegates to conventions got to stroll
through the CDEs private stash of smut: 187
how one woman's dream changed sex—and the church
Margaret Sanger, the grande
dame of birth control, was 71 in 1950
when she sought out an old benefac-
tor, Katharine McCormick, 75, a true
believer who had helped smuggle di-
aphragms into the U.S. during the
‘Twenties. What Sanger wanted was
a perfect contraceptive, something
as simple as aspirin, that women
could take to prevent unwanted
Sanger and McCormick went
shopping for a scientist. Sang-
er contacted Gregory Pincus
at the Worcester Founda-
tion in Massachusetts.
Pincus had experimented
with the effects of hor-
mones on rabbits. A single
dose of progesterone, he
found, stopped ovulation in 90
percent of the rabbits tested.
On June 8, 1953 McCormick
visited the Foundation, promised
Pincus $10,000 a year and soon gave
him $50,000 from her family fortune
to build an animal lab. Over the
years, McCormick's contributions
grew to between $125,000 and
$180,000 a year. Faced with the
prospect of using hormones in hu-
man research, Pincus brought in Dr.
John Rock, who was one of the na-
tion’s leading gynecologists. Dr. Rock
had been using progesterone to aid
fertility. He had noticed that women
who took progesterone stopped ovu-
lating. Rock wondered if, by giving
the reproductive system a rest, he
could cure sterility. About 16 percent
of the women who took proges-
terone and then stopped became
pregnant. (The effect was called
the Rock Rebound.)
Progesterone works by tricking
the body into believing it is preg-
nant. Many of the women who took
progesterone believed that they ac-
tually were pregnant. Their breasts
swelled, they experienced nausea
and they stopped having periods.
One of Pincus’ first suggestions
was to interrupt the doses of proges-
terone. Women would take the Pill
for 20 days, stop, menstruate, then
go back on it. All the other delightful
side effects of being a little bit preg-
nant would persist.
Pincus and Rock conducted ex-
periments in Puerto Rico in the late
Fifties. Rock contacted women who
had already given birth and asked if
they wanted to test a pill that would
prevent pregnancy. In the first test of
221 women, not one became preg-
nant. Sanger had her magic pill, one
that would make birth control the re-
sponsibility of the individual. At last,
‘women were masters of their repro-
ductive fates, Well, almost.
Further trials showed one caveat:
The Pill was effective only when used
properly. Vern Bullough recounts in
Science in. the Bedroom, “Twenty-five
women had quit taking the pill ei-
ther because they were frightened by
the side effects or because their
priest or personal physician advised
them against it. Others appeared to
have been confused about what they
were supposed to do. One woman
took the tablets only when her hus-
band was not traveling. Another,
who became pregnant, complained
that the pills had not worked at all,
even though she had made her hus-
band take them every day.”
John Rock, one of the fathers of
the Pill, was a devout Catholic. He
not only risked arrest in Massachu-
setts—a state that outlawed all con-
traceptive devices—but also was
threatened with excommunication
for developing a form of birth con-
trol that appeared to violate Catholic
doctrine. In 1930 Pope Pius XI is-
sued an encyclical, Casti Connubii
(on Christian Marriage), in which he
prohibited the use of artificial con-
traception: “Since the conjugal act is
destined primarily by nature for the
begetting of children, those who in
exercising it deliberately frustrate its
natural power and purpose sin
against nature. Any use whatsoever
of matrimony exercised in such a
way that the act is deliberately frus-
trated in its natural power to gener-
ate life is an offense against the law of
God and of nature, and those who
indulge in such are branded with the
guilt of a grave sin.”
But the Pope left a door open.
Married persons who had inter-
course but who for “natural reasons
either of time or of certain defects”
could not bring forth new life did
not sin. The rhythm method, timing
intercourse to a “safe” period, was
not an obvious sin.
In 1963 Rock published The
Time Has Come: A Catholic
Doctor's Proposals to End the
Battle Over Birth Control. He
argued that the Pill was not
artificial, that it duplicated
nature in its effects on a
woman's body and that it did
not destroy organs nor block se-
men artificially, Itwas a form of con-
traception that controlled time. If
the rhythm method was moral, then
a pill that expanded the “safe peri-
od” was also moral. In a world devas-
tated by the population explosion,
limiting conception was a moral
choice that could not be ignored.
Briefly, Pope John XXIII held out
hope. He convened the Papal Com-
mission on Population, the Family
and Natality in June 1963. In June
1966 the theological scholars study-
ing the РШ moral challenge voted
for a change in the Church's teach-
ing—by a margin of 60 to 4.
On July 29, 1968 Pope Paul VI is-
sued Humanae Vitae. As deciphered
by Loretta McLaughlin, the message
was this: “Every sex act must remain
open to the transmission of life. Man
does not have total dominion over
his sex organs, because they are
God's instruments for new life.”
‘The decision was a tragedy. Father
Andrew Greeley surveyed American
Catholics: In 1964, 45 percent ap-
proved of artificial contraception; by
1974 the figure would be 83 per-
cent—a startling rejection of Hu-
manae Vitae. “We don't speculate that
decline was the
" wrote Gree-
ley, “nor do we
prove it with the kind of certainty
one rarely attains in historical analy-
ses. Historians of the future will
judge Humanae Vitae to be one of
the worst mistake: in the history of
Catholic Christianity.”
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nudist magazines, paperbacks, a year-
book showing high school students read-
ing rLavsov and, finally, a cheap novel
called Youth Against Obscenity. The novel
claimed to be an exposé of a CDL-type
movement: “In the crowded auditorium
they preached and screamed about ob-
scenity in magazines, but on secluded
beaches and in private bedrooms they
enjoyed their sex in about every imagin-
able way.”
Keating cloaked his crusade in ароса
lyptic visions. On a 1963 television show
called News Impact: Eyes of the Storm he
said, “If the filth peddlers are allowed to
freely infiltrate and deprave our com-
munity, pervert an entire generation,
they have their way, then I think our civ-
ilization is doomed, as 16 of the 19 major
civilizations in the history of the world
have been doomed.”
Hefner called attention to the CDL in
the twelfth installment of the Philoso-
phy, calling it a front for the National
Organization for Decent Literature, a
Catholic group that had tried to expand
its power from declaring books unfit
for Catholics to banning books for all
Keating was a classic fearmonger. He
told Congress that mail-order porn
“causes premarital intercourse, perver-
sion, masturbation in boys and wanton-
ness in girls and weakens the morality of
all it contacts.”
He dismissed the expertise of Kinsey
and sexologists Eberhard and Phyllis
Kronhausen, claiming that they wanted
only to disseminate “dirty bleatings and
pagan ideas.”
He embodied the 19th century atti-
tude toward masturbation. “I take for
granted that most people think that it is
a very bad thing and very dangerous to
the physical and mental health and the
moral welfare of the people who have
the habit,” he testified. “But we had a
psychiatrist [a defense witness for adult
magazines] on the stand in Cincinnati
recently who said, ‘Sure, these maga-
zines stimulate the average person to
sexual activity, but it would be sexual ac-
tivity which would have a legitimate out-
let." The prosecutor said to him, ‘Doctor,
what is a legitimate or socially acceptable
outlet for an 18-year-old unmarried
boy?’ The doctor answered, ‘Masturba-
tion.’ When you are met with that kind
of situation, you begin to wonder.”
Keating traveled from city to city, en-
couraging and inciting militant action,
letter-writing campaigns and good old-
fashioned political pressure. One news-
paper gave the CDL credit for 400 ar-
rests, among them those of Lenny Bruce
and Hugh Hefner:
Lenny Bruce’s bawdy, unabashed hu-
mor had attracted the attention of police
in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago
and New York. Yes, he used words such
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as cocksucker and talked about men
fucking mud. But he raised serious is-
sues about sexual morality, religion and
other subjects of controversy. Hefner
could write about the same topics in the
privacy of his Mansion. Bruce was in
your face, and he paid the price.
The Chicago bust in December 1962
at the Gate of Horn nightclub was clear-
ly religiously motivated. Bruce took on
organized religion with lines such as
“Let's get out of the churches and back
to religion.”
Police also threatened Alan Ribback,
the owner of the Gate of Horn. After the
bust, one of the cops cornered Ribback
and told him, “I want to tell you that if
this man ever uses a four-letter word in
this club again, I'm going to pinch you
and everyone in here. If he ever speaks
against religion, I'm going to pinch you
and everyone in here. Do you under-
stand? I’m speaking as a Catholic. I
am here to tell you your license is in
Lenny Bruce was the last victim of the
blacklist mentality, one of the last politi-
cal prisoners of the sexual revolution.
The Gate of Horn bust and others that
followed made him unemployable. The
collusion of state and church deprived
him of the right to work, the right to
speak, the right to live. He died of a
drug overdose in 1966. After his death,
higher courts overruled his convictions,
but it was too late.
Hefner became the target of behind-
the-scenes CDL intrigue in June 1963.
One late afternoon, police rousted him.
out of bed and charged him with pub-
lishing and distributing an obscene pub-
lication. The obscenity in question? Pic-
tures of a nude Jayne Mansfield from
the film Promises, Promises!
Chicago Corporate Counsel John Me-
laniphy claimed that captions describing
the actress as "she writhes about seduc-
tively,” or as “gyrating,” aroused "pruri-
ent interests and defeat any claim of art."
Say what? The Supreme Court had
held that nudity was nort in itself ob-
scene. The city fathers surely knew that,
but Melaniphy went ahead with the ar-
rest and subsequent legal charade to ap-
pease the CDL. At least one newspaper
detected the ruse. An article in The New
Crusader declared: “The Citizens for De-
cent Literature, a group of Victorian
housewives, still smarüng from the ef-
fects ofa recent edition of PLAYBOY maga-
zine's Philosophy that hailed the Supreme
Court for liberalizing obscenity tests,
prevailed upon the office of John Melan-
iphy, city prosecutor, to secure a warrant
for Hefner.” The creation of an enemies
list was central to the CDL.
In 1968 Chief Justice Earl Warren vol-
unteered to step down during the cur-
rent term so that President Lyndon
170 Johnson could promote Jústice Abe For-
tas to the top spot. The CDL arranged a
counteroffensive that became known as
the Fortas Obscene Film Festival. Collar-
ing legislators and members of the me-
dia, the CDL projected Target Smut, a
35mm slide-and-film history of 26 Su-
preme Court decisions that were, it said,
“directly responsible for the prolifera-
tion of obscenity in this country.” Sena-
tors got to view films such as Flaming
Creatures ( Jack Smith’s classic tribute to
transvestites) and assorted porn loops.
Senator Strom Thurmond acted as
projectionist, feeding quarters to a coin-
operated movie projector. Bruce Allen
Murphy, author of Fortas: The Rise and
Ruin of a Supreme Court Justice, tells how
some 20 reporters and editors watched
as “an attractive young girl was doing a
striptease down to her garter belt and
transparent panties. For 14 minutes the
actress undressed and writhed erotically,
with the camera repeatedly focusing on
various parts of her anatomy, ensuring
that no viewer missed the point.”
Edward De Grazia, in Girls Lean Back
Everywhere, credits Keating and the CDL
for renewing a national crusade against
obscenity. Within the course of a year,
lawmakers introduced 23 bills targeting
smut. Columnist James Kilpatrick would
say: “Boil the issue down to this lip-lick-
ing slut, writhing carnally on a sofa,
while a close-up camera dwells lascivi-
ously on her genitals. Free speech? Free
press? Is this what the Constitution
The CDL helped to block the Fortas
nomination. Under pressure from reli-
gious groups, Lyndon Johnson appoint-
ed a National Commission on Obscenity
and Pornography. Social scientists would
spend nearly $3 million in the first seri-
ous study of the presumed effects of ex-
plicit erotica. President Richard Nixon
declared the Commission “morally
bankrupt.” Upon election he declared,
“So long as I am in the White House
there will be no relaxation of the nation-
al effort to control and eliminate smut
from our national life.”
In one of his first acts in office, Nix-
on appointed Charles Keating to the
‚America witnessed a changing of the
censorial guard. As the CDL gained
power, the old order of Catholic blue-
noses, the Legion of Decency, disband-
ed. Formed in the Thirties, the Legion
had once been able to fill the streets of
Chicago with 70,000 followers carrying
signs that read AN ADMISSION TICKET TO
The Legion forced Hollywood to en-
force the Motion Picture Production
Code that banned sexuality from the
screen, During the Fifties, the power of
the Code had been challenged—first by
artful foreign films, then by adventurous
American directors.
Monsignor Little, the executive secre-
tary of the Legion, retired in late 1965,
saying that he preferred “to die in the
stations of the cross, not looking at Gina
In 1965 when Sidney Lumet directed
The Pawnbroker, the film was denied Pro-
duction Code approval, and was banned
by the Legion of Decency (which would
soon call itself the National Catholic Of-
fice for Motion Pictures). The film was a
serious study of a Jew haunted by his ex-
periences in a Nazi prison camp. A criti-
cal scene showed a black prostitute bar-
ing her breasts for Rod Steiger. The
event triggered a flashback to a concen-
tration camp scene, where Steiger's
character had been forced to watch his
wife be raped by soldiers. History had
one truth, the Production Code another.
Since 1934 Hollywood films had includ-
ed nota hint of nudity. What made this
ludicrous was that nudity was now com-
monplace in independent and foreign
films and in mainstream magazines such
Lumet appealed. The Motion Picture
Association of America relented. The
MPAA scrapped the Production Code,
replacing it with a simple formula “de-
signed to keep in close harmony with the
mores, the culture, the moral sense and
the expectations of our society.” Jack
Valenti introduced a warning for films
that were “suggested for mature audi
ences only.”
To get a sense of the arc of the Sixties,
consider the careers of individual stars.
Natalie Wood, having grown from the
little girl in Miracle on 34th Street, began
the decade with the steamy Splendor in
the Grass. She played a teenager driven
to attempt suicide by social taboos that
forbade an illicit affair with Warren
Beatty. (Offscreen the two consummated
the relationship and broke up Natalie's
marriage to Robert Wagner) In 1969
she played a would-be spouse-swapper
in Paul Mazursky's hilarious look at ex-
tramarital sex, Вор ts Carol ë Ted & Alice.
(The film depicts middle-aged couples
trying to pass as swingers and gave us
the memorable line: “OK, first we'll have
nd then we'll go see Tony
Jane Fonda debuted in Tall Story in
1960—a light comedy about a cheer-
leader who goes to college to catch a hus-
band. But she followed that with the role
of a prostitute in Walk on the Wild Side,
and the sci-fi fantasy Barbarella, made in
France for Roger Vadim in 1968. The
movie opens with a weightless striptease,
then follows Fonda through one sexual
misadventure after another. Strapped
into a torture device called the Excess
Pleasure Machine, she defeats the villain
(and destroys the machine) with the best
orgasm scene since Hedy Lamarr's tri-
umphant Ecstasy.
Hollywood filmmakers were still ner-
vous about sex and nudity; they would
imply oral sex and impotence in a film
like Bonnie and Clyde, but celebrate new
levels of explicit violence.
Foreign films filled the art theaters
and we saw things we had never seen be-
fore. Oliver Reed and Alan Bates wres-
Пед naked in Women in Love. Michel-
angelo Antonioni’s Blow-Up provided
a glimpse of pubic hair when David
Hemmings wrestled with two models in
a photo studio. / Am Curious (Yellow)
showed an unabashedly nude Lena Ny
man casually stroking Börje Ahlstedt's
postcoital penis, not to mention simulat-
ed intercourse in trees and ponds and
on city streets. These examples are viv-
id because they are rare. While major
writers explored themes such as mas-
turbation, sodomy and sadomasochism,
filmmakers tested boundaries, then with-
drew from the field.
Independent filmmakers tackled nu-
dity head-on. The phenomenon was
most visible on the grindhouse circuit—
the outlaw theaters that showed Adults
Only fare. Russ Meyer created a whole
genre of “nudie cuties,” beginning with
196075 The Immoral Mr. Teas. The hero
had the uncanny ability to undress wom-
en with his eyes—a simple enough plot,
on which Meyer hung the sort of pin-up
nudity found in rLavboY. Indeed, Mey-
er had worked as a photographer for
PLAYBOY. His wife, star and co producer,
Eve Meyer, was Miss June 1955. He
churned out films that featured big-
breasted women and square-jawed men,
with titles such as Eve and the Handyman,
Lorna, Mondo Topless, Mudhoney and Fast-
er Pussycat, Kill! Kill! Nudity filled the-
aters by showing what television and
mainstream films could not—the naked
female form.
The nudie cutie films created stars
such as Marsha Jordan. According to the
authors of Grindhouse, “She had no
qualms about doing Adults Only movies
because at the time it meant she only had
to show her body, not do anything par-
ticular with it. Within a few years Jordan
was headlining films by most of the ma-
jor Adults Only producers: The Golden
Box, Lady Godiva Rides, Brand of Shame,
Office Love-In—through them all Marsha
performed make-believe sex with nu-
merous men and women.”
Hollywood sex stars from the Fifties
such as Jayne Mansfield and Mamie Van
Doren made similar films, baring all in
Promises, Promises! and Three Nuts in
Search of a Bolt when their careers began
to fade.
And the nudie cuties provided a train-
ing ground for filmmakers. Before
cis Coppola completed studies at UC
he directed Tonight for Sure—a nudie
But something else was going on in
the grindhouses. When real sex is taboo,
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the impulse becomes perverted and
crops up in bizarre, fetishistic images. A
whole legion of films called roughies
subjected the female form to abuse. Ed-
die Muller and Daniel Faris, in Grind-
house, explain the thinking behind a film
called Blood Feast: “In 1963 the sight of
a single pubic hair could bring out the ri-
ot squad. A penis penetrating a vagina?
Showing that was absolutely inconceiv-
able. But what about a Knife? Or better
yet, an ax?” The film starred fresh-faced
Playmate Connie Mason and featured
dismemberment and blood-splat-
tered human sacrifice. Blood Feast, of
course, made millions.
Film fare became kinkier. White Slaves
of Chinatown (1964) would show young
girls manacled and whipped by Olga
the dominatrix. Olga returned with her
whip in Olga's House of Shame. Nazis ap-
peared as sadistic beasts in Love Camp 7
to torture female prisoners.
The animosity was not directed solely
at women. As the authors of Grindhouse
point out, sometimes the victims were
men. Lila, the heroine of Mantis in Lace,
was billed as “just another psycho strip-
per with a meat ax.”
During the silent era, mainstream
filmmakers had combined sex and hor-
ror. Low-budget horror films had placed
women at risk for decades. Alfred Hitch-
cock traumatized a whole generation
with the unforgettable shower scene in
his 1960 hit Psycho. He left a great deal to
the imagination. But by the end of the
decade, filmmakers built slow-motion
ballets of blood and bullets in Bonnie and
Clyde and The Wild Bunch.
Тот Wolfe called it pornoviolence.
“In the new pornography,” he wrote,
“the theme is not sex. The new pornog-
raphy depicts practitioners acting out
another murkier drive: people staving
teeth in, ripping guts open, blowing
brains out and getting even with all
those bastards.”
He traced the phenomenon to the af-
tershock of the Kennedy assassination,
cessant replay, with every recover-
able clinical detail, of those less than five
seconds in which a man got his head
blown off."
"The authors of Grindhouse make the
same point: "Before the rifle's report
had faded. the nation seemed hopelessly
lost in nightmarish terrain. The jungles
of southeast Asia consumed American
boys, and no one could explain why.
Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X and Martin
Luther King Jr. were all murdered by
gunfire. Outraged African Americans
tore apart Watts. Paranoia struck deep.
Conspiracy theories suggested that may-
be we weren't the good guys anymorc.
Charles Manson babbled and fresh-
faced California girls slaughtered people
for him. With all this roiling through the
culture, is it any wonder that Adults On-
ly movies, almost overnight, went from
bouncy frolics to brutal rapes?”
Jack Valenti responded to the tumult
by creating a new rating system for Hol-
lywood films, dividing them into four
categories: G, PG, R and X. The last cat-
egory proved to bea mistake. The MPAA
wanted a rating system that would allow
legitimate filmmakers to tackle mature
topics without their works being con-
fused with Adults Only exploitation
flicks. The rating scheme backfired.
“We appreciate your contribution, but
to leave a more rounded depiction of our pursuits as a society,
we want a wall of babes.”
Midnight Cowboy, John Schlesinger's
tale of a hustler, earned an X. The film
proved that sex and excellence were not
mutually exclusive. Midnight Cowboy won
three Academy Awards.
Russ Meyer filmed the soft-core Vixen
for $72,000, slapped on his own X and
took the rating all the way to the bank.
(The film grossed $6 million in two
The independent filmmakers usurped
the X rating. By the next decade, X and
XXX would represent hard-core. The X
floated like crosshairs on a scope—it was
only a matter of time before a film would
go all the way.
If sex was the politics of the Sixties, it
wasn't a two-party system. The chang-
es that swept the country—the revolu-
tions toward racial equality and gender
equality—took longer to liberate sexu-
al minorities.
The numbers started small. At the
beginning of the decade, the San Fran-
cisco chapter of the Mattachine So-
ciety (viewed as a gay counterpart to
the NAACP and the Anti-Defamation
League) could claim 200 members. Its
monthly magazine, filled with articles
and fiction on homosexuality, reached
2500 readers. A Los Angeles-based mag-
azine, One, reached 5000.
The growing awareness of the gay
community сап be waced iu headlines.
A September 11, 1963 issuc of The Chris-
tian Century asks: HOMOSEXUALITY: SIN OR
By the end of that year, The New York
Times would assign a reporter to cover
“the city's most sensitive open secret" —
that gays had become visible. In 1964
Life published “The Gay World Takes to
the City Streets"—Aa pictorial essay on
modern gay life, complete with an article
that seemed like a road map to the terri-
tory staked out by homosexuals. John
D'Emilio and Estelle Freedman, the au-
thors of Intimate Matters, suggest that the
media created beacons for gays—these
exposés sparked migrations to Green-
wich Village, Times Square, Chicago's
Bughouse Square, Hollywood's Selma
Avenue, San Francisco (which had more
than 30 gay bars), and the warmer
climes of New Orleans and Miami.
Increased visibility in turn began to
draw more gays from the closet. In 1967
The New York Times Magazine ran an arti-
cle that proclaimed: “A Four Million Mi-
nority Asks for Equal Rights.”
Drew Shafer, an officer of the North
American Homophiles Conference, de-
clared: “The average homosexual is a
person who spends his entire life in hid-
ing. He would really like to feel like a cit-
izen, like every other person, Not ill but
free. Areal human being.”
According to Shafer, a gay person
wants “to be free to pursue homosexual
love, free to serve in the armed forces,
free to hold a job or advance in his pro-
fession, free to champion the cause of
Shafer also championed the cause of
gay marriage, but the Times conclud-
ed that “professional scholars of homo-
sexual culture cannot foresee any insti
tutional equivalent of matrimony for
homosexuals. The average homosexual
marriage lasts at most three or four
Gays picketed the White House and
began to forge political alliances. In 1955
the ALI had voted to decriminalize gay
sex: “No harm to the secular interests of
the community is involved in atypical
sexual practice in private between con-
senting adult partners. This area of pri-
vate morals is the distinctive concern of
spiritual authorities
In 1967 the ACLU would come out for
gay rights, saying: “The state has a legit-
imate interest in controlling, by criminal
sanctions, public solicitation for sexual
acts, and particularly sexual practices
where a minor is concerned,” but that
“the right of privacy should extend to all
private sexual conduct and should not
be a matter for invoking penal statutes.”
By the end of the decade gays had be-
gun to take their place at the cultural
table, The play and subsequent movie
The Boys in the Band presented a thought-
provoking portrait of homosexual men.
And gays found unexpected allies.
The National Institute of Mental Health
formed a task force on Human Sexuali-
ty, with a “special focus on homosexu-
ашу” The FBI, which for years had
hounded gays under J. Edgar Hoover's
Sex Deviants program, broke up a 70-
man antigay extortion ring. Gang mem-
bers would entice victims into hotel
rooms, then associates would break in
posing as police officers. According to
The New York Times the victims included
“two deans of Eastern universities, sever-
al professors, business executives, a mo-
tion picture actor, a television personali-
ty, a California physician, a general and
an admiral, a member of Congress, a
British theatrical producer and two well-
known singers.” ‘To maintain silence, the
victims (some 700 homosexuals and bi-
sexuals scattered across the U.S.) had
paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.
A gay man's sexual preference came
fully equipped with paranoia. Articles
pointed out what gays had known
throughout the Fifties—that every ap-
proach might result in arrest, humilia-
tion or worse.
Police might claim tolerance, and
point to declining arrest statistics. (Be-
tween 1965 and 1969 annual arrests
dropped from 800 a year to fewer than
80 in New York.) Illinois may have de-
criminalized sodomy in 1961, but Chica-
go police still made 100 arrests in one
year for public solicitation. Los Angeles
police, armed with an educational pam-
phlet that warned that homosexuals
wanted “a fruit world,” made 3069 ar-
rests in 1963. A “token number,” said In-
spector James Fisk.
On June 28, 1969 a squad of police en-
tered a bar in Greenwich Village. The
Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street was
a well-known gathering place for gay
men, lesbians and transvestites. It was
said that the owners of the bar paid off
the police; that in return, the police
staged only token raids in which they
would stop the dancing, ask for IDs and
cart off the most vivid of the queens. But
the raid on June 28 broke the pattern for
all time.
Angry patrons filed out of the bar, on-
ly to linger in Sheridan Square. They
picked up rocks, bottles and garbage
and began to hurl them at the bar and
the startled officers still inside. The cops
barricaded the door. Projectiles shat-
tered the window. Someone threw a fire-
bomb through the window. Another
squirted lighter fluid under the door.
Chanting “gay power,” the crowd up-
rooted a parking meter and tied to bar
ter down the door. The effort ended
when police reinforcements arrived.
For nights thereafter, gays gathered at
the site. They held meetings, formed
committees and finally staged a Gay
Power march up Sixth Avenue.
Today, the annual Pride march at-
tracts almost half a million gays, lesbians,
bisexuals, transgenderists and their sup-
porters. They paint the stripe down
Christopher Street lavender.
The sign for Gay Street—situated a
few doors down from the Stonewall—is
one of the most frequently stolen arti-
facts in the city. You can see the bands
where previous signs were attached to
posts and streetlights rising ever higher,
like a carnival indicator of pride.
The sexual revolution swept through
the culture, but by mid-decade there
were some who felt slighted. The leaders
of the various movements fighting for
change were men. Civil rights workers
and antiwar activists, yippics and rock
stars were charismatic spokesmen who
could dominate and inspire a rally, or
“fuck a staff into existence,” as Marge
Piercy confessed in an essay on women's
experiences within the movement. “Yet
always what was beautiful and real in the
touching becomes contaminated by the
fog of lies and half-truths and power
struggles until the sex is empty and only
another form of manipulation.”
Women in the counterculture found
themselves in the same old roles: Girl-
friend. Dishwasher. Typist. When they
demanded that the leaders acknowledge
their many contributions, they received
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daunting, chauvinist replies.
In 1966 black activist Stokeley Carmi-
chael brushed off women’s libbers with a
remark heard round the country: “The
only position for women in the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee is
Abbic Hoffman crowed, "The only al-
liance I would make with the women's
liberation movement is in bed."
Eldridge Cleaver, in 1968, joked:
“Women? I guess they ought to exercise
pussy power."
Women's equality was treated as a joke
in the Sixties. Indeed, Representative
Howard Smith of Virginia had added
the category of sex to Title VII of the
1964 Civil Rights Act on a political whim,
to distract liberals and make the bill
harder to pass. The law prohibited dis-
crimination on the basis of an "individ-
ual's race, color, religion, sex or national
origin." But what exactly did that mean?
Radical women began talking to one
another in “bitch sessions” about con-
sciousness raising. Sexual dissatisfaction
was at the core of the new political
rhetoric. Anne Koedt delivered a paper
in Chicago on “The Myth of the Vaginal
Orgasm” at the first National Women's
Liberation Conference, Thanksgiving
weekend in 1968. Taking a cue from
Masters and Johnson, she proclaimed,
“Although there are many areas for sex-
ual arousal, there is only one area for
sexual climax; that area is the clitoris.
“All this leads to some interesting
questions about conventional sex and
our role in it. Men have orgasms essen-
tially by friction with the vagina, not the
clitoral area, which is external and not
able to cause friction the way penetra-
tion does. Women have thus been de-
fined sexually in terms of what pleases
men. Our own biology has not been
properly analyzed. Instead we are fed
the myth of the liberated woman and
her vaginal orgasm, an orgasm which in
fact does not exist.”
She condemned men who used the
clitoris only for foreplay, to create suffi-
cient lubrication for penetration. A clit-
oral sexuality would make the male ex-
pendable. The whole Kama Sutra needed
to be rewritten. “We must begin to de-
mand that if certain sexual positions
now defined as standard are not mutual-
ly conducive to orgasm, they no longer
be defined as standard,” said Koedt.
“New techniques must be used or de-
vised that transform this particular as-
pect of our current sexual exploitation.”
In Loose Change: Three Women of the Six-
ties, Sara Davidson tried to re-create the
moment: “At her women's group, they
talked about their problems in the move-
ment and they talked about sex. Sex,
sex, the very word made Susie sweat and
turn red. “Га never heard people talk
about this stuff. I didn't even know wom-
‘Affirmative action should be more narrowly tailored
so as not to benefit cats.”
en masturbated.’ The group read Mas-
ters and Johnson—that was a mindblow-
ег--ю see proof that all orgasms аге cen-
tered in the clitoris and that the vaginal
orgasm, that holier-than-holy super-
come, was a myth. Susie had to ask where
the clitoris was. Jeff had never touched
her there because Freud and his father
had informed him that mature women
have vaginal orgasms.”
Robin Morgan found she could no
longer stand to fake vaginal orgasms
(though she admitted she’d become
“adeptat faking spiffy ones”). She feared
confronting pornography for fear of be-
ing labeled a “bad vibes, uptight, unhip
chick.” She became a refugee from the
male-dominated left, or what she called
“the boys’ movement.” But she and oth-
ers had learned much from the move-
ment’s style of electric drama.
On September 7, 1968 New York Rad-
ical Women organized a protest against
the Miss America Pageant. Morgan
wrote: “The pageant was chosen as a tar-
get for a number of reasons: It is of
course patently degrading to women (in
propagating the Mindless Sex Object
Image). It has always been a lily-white,
racist contest; the winner tours Vietnam,
entertaining the troops as a Murder
Mascot. The contestants epitomize the
roles all women are forced to play in this
society, one way or the other: apoliti-
cal, unoflending. Passive, delicate (but
drudgery-dclighted) things.” The pro-
testers denounced the quest for male ap-
proval, saying women were “enslaved by
ludicrous beauty standards. Miss Ameri-
са and rLAvBoY's Centerfold are sisters
over the skin. To win approval we must
be both sexy and wholesome, delicate
but able to cope, demure yet titillatingly
bitchy. Deviation of any sort brings, we
are told, disaster: ‘You won't get a man!”
Sex object? Degrading? In one article
are the first drops of poisoned rhetoric
that would reignite the battle between
the sexes. The protesters tossed dish-
cloths, steno pads, high-heeled shoes,
false eyelashes, hair curlers, girdles and
bras into a Freedom Trash Can, along
with copies of Cosmopolitan, Ladies’ Home
Journal and Family Circle. They did not,
as some media claimed, burn bras.
Make war, not love? A strange message
with which to end the decade.
What would women become in the
Seventies? Joan Terry Garrity, taking
the nom de plume J, wrote a book called
The Sensuous Woman. In lighthearted
prose she extolled the wonders of oral
sex and described various techniques
such as “the Butterfly Flick,” “the
Hoover,” “the Whipped Cream Wriggle”
and “the Silken Swirl
The book sold nine million copies.
Stick out your tongue.
Fanny Geli (continued from page 83)
“I went horseback riding with Saddam Hussein last
weekend. He’s crazier than a crackhouse whore.”
veteran of SNL, Gasteyer is clear, collect-
ed, earthy and married. “Molly, Cheri
and I didn't come in here with a bra-
burning passion to change the show. We
just want to be artists, to be onstage, and
write stuff that’s good. I don't feel we're
in an environment that puts a whole lot
of status on gender. Creatively, it's in-
credibly demanding.”
Molly Shannon, now in her fourth sea-
son, admits “SNL is a tough place. You
have to be a tough person, driven, a self-
starter.” Her father raised her alone
from the time she was four, when her
mother was killed in an automobile acci-
dent. “Because of what 1 went through, 1
had a feeling nothing could stop me. I
couldn't stand it when people would tell
me I couldn't do something. Га think,
How hard can it be?"
After college, the girl from Shaker.
Heights, Ohio headed to Los Angeles.
where she wrote and produced The Rob
and Molly Show with her friend Rob Muir.
She packed the Up Front Comedy The-
ater, then landed a five-minute audition-
with Michaels. “Every Saturday, when 1
see all the people in the audience, I still
think to myself, 1 didn't have to invite
them and I don't have to pay for
the band.”
Shannon's signature creation is Mary
Katherine Gallagher, who was born 11
years ago as a tribute to morbidly anx-
ious girls everywhere. "I used to get re-
ally nervous when I would perform. As 1
have grown, she has grown," Shannon
says of her armpit-sniffing alter ego. “I
think growing up is a really big deal, so
it's about her nervousness in coming-
ofage." That may explain the repressed
sexual fever in her quavering voice and
heaving chest as a gymnastic frenzy
flings her into a wall. “When the Spice
Girls say “girl power,’ that's not
power. Mary Katherine Gallagher is girl
power!” says Shannon, laughing.
“This place ages you,” sighs Cheri
Oteri. “We are all competing to get
something on that show—girls, guys,
writers, everyone. Sundays, I treat my-
self as if I'm sick. It’s so physically ex-
hausting." After a jeremiad about the
rigors of her job, her lips curl into a
warm grin. “I'm very lucky.”
Oteri grew up in Philadelphia, ap-
prenticed with the Groundlings and in
1995 auditioned for SNL. "I'm telling
you, I was like, "Someday I can tell my
kids that I auditioned for Saturday Night
Live?” Her gaze is gentle and curious.
She locks into character voices. Sudden-
ly, it's Barbara Walters: “I went horse-
back riding with Saddam Hussein last
weekend. He's crazier than a crack-
house whore.” Then she is Arianna, the
Spartan cheerleader (now the subject of
several fan-created Web sites), then Deb-
bie Reynolds, then Colette Reardon, the
twitchy pill popper on the sunny edge of
“I always wanted to do a character
who was barely holding it together, with
a smile, lipstick askew,” muses Oteri. “1
love people who triumph over adversi-
ties. Maybe I felt like that growing up.
Not fitting in. Not good enough. So, not
realizing it, I'd stare at people and drink
in their personalities. 1 used to study
people.” The result? She can spoof the
misfit without mockery.
“There are lots of ways to get laughs,”
says Michaels. “But to get laughs with
honor is much harder. All three of these
women are honorable.”
Live, from New York. . . .
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PAUL REISER (гол page 64)
President Clinton is thinking, I can’t believe she’s let-
ting me put my hand on her ass.
Babyhood, going, "It's great having a ba-
by” to Regis and Kathie Lee, I started to
think, Get me out of here. If I saw a guy
telling 12 stories about changing a dia-
per, I'd think, Go play hockey, for God's
sake. Go slaughter an animal.
PLAYBOY: You could go out and talk about
your extramarital affairs.
REISER: No, I keep those quiet. The truth
is, there is a part of me, like a part of
most guys, that would love to wake up
and not have anybody to be responsible
for. You see a single guy out meeting dif-
ferent women and traveling all over the
world, and you think, Does that sound
bad? No, it sounds great. But you made
a deal with somebody.
PLAYBOY: You've met the president. What
was that like?
REISER: I did a performance at Ford's
Theater. [Showing off a photo] Here's a
picture of Paula and me at the White
House with Bill and Hillary. Here are
the caption bubbles of what we're think-
ing: My wife is thinking, 1 can't believe
the president's hand is on my ass. Presi
dent Clinton is thinking, I can't believe
she's letting me put my hand on her ass.
Hillary is going, I can't believe his hand
is on her ass. I'm going, I've got to go on
in 20 minutes.
PLAYBOY. When the Lewinsky scandal
broke it provided comedians with many
jokes about your favorite president.
Which was the best?
REISER: I’m not going there. I feel like
such a spoilsport because I don’t like
those kinds of jokes. I laugh at them and
think some are funny, but I don’t want to
encourage them. They're at someone's
expense. It’s not only jokes about the
president. In the first season of the show,
somebody wrote a joke about an older
actress. It was a very funny joke. It was
like, “Hey, you wouldn't want to be kiss-
ing so-and-so.” It would have gotten a
scream. I thought, I'm going to be at a
party a year from now and this woman is
going to say, “I saw the show.” “I'm sor-
ry. I'm sorry we used you as an example
of repugnant.” If somebody you know
and love had something terrible happen
to them, would you make fun of it? Not
if they were in the room with you. Well.
you've got to treat the world like we're
all in the same room. At some point you
have to be accountable.
PLAYBOY: Art apparently imitated life
again for you when the couple on the
show had a baby. What made you decide
to have one?
REISER: In real life? It was never a ques-
tion. I always knew we were going to do
it. We both thought so. Suddenly you go,
Well, what are we waiting for? First we
said, Let's wait until we get money in the
“Paper or more plastic?”
bank, then, Let's wait until our careers
are established, Let's wait until. . . . Fi-
nally you say, You know what? It’s never
going to be the right moment. Then you
Start doing the baby math: “Hmm. I'll be
103 when the kid is in high school.”
PLAYBOY: Was it easier naming the show
baby or your real baby?
REISER: I didn't care about the name on
the show. It was harder to come up with
Ezra’s name. I didn’t want to do the
thing where you buy the baby-name
book and go through every culture and
say, “It means ‘great warrior’ in Celtic,”
though I was tempted by “potentially an
accountant” in Swahili.
PLAYBOY: Do you do half the baby raising
in your family?
REISER: І involve myself in every part of
my son's life, but I don't know if I do
half. But something amazing happened
when I got more involved with my son.
When I got really involved with my son,
I found the relationship between me and
my wife again. It wasn't deliberate, but
it opened a door I hadn't realized was
closing. When you have a child, your
relationship with your wife gets put on
pause. When I got around to under-
standing what it takes to take care of the
kid, one of the great benefits was finding
my wife again. She was so involved with
our son that I didn't find her until I en-
tered the land of kidhood. “Hey, look
who's here too!" It wasn't deliberate. You
don't even realize your relationship has
deteriorated a bit. When I stopped fight-
ing it, though, and stopped viewi
playing with the kid as an intrusion, it
was pretty cool. It can be tedious and
tiresome, but when you realize, Look
who's in this world, it's that girl from be-
fore, it's a nice discovery. And the kid is
pretty cool, too.
PLAYBOY: For all your joking about our
Playmates, if they had arrived, the truth
is that you would not have approved,
would you?
REISER: 1 would have been uncomfortable
with it. That's not my life. I would have
been thrown if some girl had come in
without clothes, balancing a Fresca on
her hip
PLAYBOY: Your wife wouldn't have liked it
either, and neither would have Helen.
REISER: There you go. Even my fake wife
would have been upset. My fake wife
would have been fake upset.
PLAYBOY. No wonder you can't escape
your fuzzy-wuzzy image.
REISER: Yeah? Well, let me tell you this
grotesque cocksucker joke——
PLAYBOY: Somehow we know we're going
to be disappointed.
REISER: You're right, but I do have one
question. Will there be naked girls in the
magazine? Along with this interview?
That I hope for, the sensitive-man stuff
ir gi
Deanna Brooks
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(01096 Ре
Miss November 1978 (and PMOY
1979) Monique St. Pierre feels
blessed by her Playmate experiences
Monique St. Pierre (left) slops on о new coot
with fellow home improver Shannan Tweed.
over the years, and now she's return-
ing the favor tenfold. Realizing a
dream she has “harbored for a long
time,” Monique has just launched
Changes, a nonprofit facility for
homeless, battered and recovering
women and their children. Along
with her boyfriend, Willie Oswald,
Monique set up shop in a 23-room
converted motel in Pomona, Califor-
nia, situated on a piece of land sur-
rounded by giant avocado trees.
There residents will receive on-site
medical, therapeutic, educational, fi-
June 1: Miss December 1987
(and PMOY 1988) India Allen.
June 4: Miss February 1992
‘Tanya Beyer.
June 17: Miss September 1960
Ann Davis.
June 21: Miss December 1972
Mercy Rooney.
June 26: Miss September 1983 (and
PMOY 1984) Barbara Edwards.
June 27: Miss May 1955 (and Miss
February 1956) Marguerite Empey.
nancial and job-training services. As
a founding board member, Monique
will participate in all activities, from
running the show to painting the
walls, and she has enlisted an enthu-
siastic team of Playmate volunteers
to help with her mission. “One day it
hit me like a thunderbolt,” says Mo-
nique. “What are you waiting for?
self but the
B cco hon
This is what you were meant to do.
We all have to help one another. I've
never been happier in my life.”
For information or to make a tax-
deductible donation, write to Changes,
13601 Ventura Boulevard, Suite
103, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
She had to share the magazine
with Jules Feiffer's first novel,
“What can I say? I'm a home-
wrecker! A conniving, backstab-
bing little bitch.”
That's Miss Ju-
ly 1996 Angel
Boris describ-
ing not her-
Connie Mason
Ian Fleming’s On Her Majesty's
Secret Service and nudes of Jayne
Mansfield. But Miss June 1963
Connie Mason held her own with
the stars, “Modeling is a near-
perfect job for me,” the Chicago
a E high-fashion model told us then.
five episodes of ( “I love fine clothes, and wearing
gowns I couldn't aflord gives me
a wonderfully regal feeling.” Was
Connie apprehensive moving
from Oleg Cassini designs to
PLAYBOY'S more natural apparel?
Beverly Hills
90210. "It was
great to be on the
show,” says Angel, Angel Bons
who since her PLAYEOY debut has seen e = =
her acting career soar. “But I doubt E
my character will be returning any HoR oL CAT aip eae A
time soon. She was just too mean.” £ E OU UL
That's OK—Angel's dance card is al- trade places with anyone,
ready generously punched, with
three movies currently in the works.
Look for her in the title role of Suicide
Blonde (“1 play a kook"), as
a down-home girl in Always
Something Better and as an
android in Pale Dreamer
Inspired perhaps by the shrinking.
global villoge—or maybe just itch-
ing ta hit the raad—PLAYBOY Senior
Phata Editor Jim Lorson shipped off
to Africo last summer ta capture Miss |
January 1997 Jami Ferrell, Miss Au-
gust 1995 Rachel Jeón Marleen and
Miss June 1996 Karin Toylor in the
wilds of the giant continent. Zigzog-
ging through Botswana, Zambia and
Zimbabwe, Larson and Contributing
Photographer Richard Fegley posed
the Playmates by rivers, in jungles
end in deserts, ot one point borely
escaping calamity when a lion
chased а Cope buffolo through
their camp. “In just two weeks we
flew more then 20,000 miles on
16 planes, shooting aver 200 rolls
ol film,” soys Larson. “It wos the
experience of a lifetime.” Look for
Ploymates on Safari an these
poges later in the yeor.
I recently attended Glamourcon
and overheard a great Playmate one-
liner, uttered by Miss August 1991
(and PMOY 1992) Corinna Harney.
It seems Corinna didn't have all the
particulars about a party being
thrown that evening, so she asked a
fellow Playmate, Miss January 1993
Echo Johnson, what the scoop was. In
a flash, Echo, who had been auto-
graphing her centerfold for a fan,
stopped, jotted down the information
and handed it to Corinna, who
cracked “Oh, Echo, you're so well
equi, Tushar Mithaiwala, Han-
ovcr Park, Illinois
Until рілувоу began making vid-
eos, all the pictures of Playmates were
stills. But in the
hands of veteran
Mario Casilli, a
still photograph
can seem to be in
motion, reinforc-
ing the sensual
and erotic appeal
of the picture.
Consider the clas-
sic centerfold of
Miss March 1961
Tonya Crews. The
motion of the pho-
tograph is all in
the way in which
Casilli has chosen
to pose Tonya. As
our eyes move up
her lovely legs, we
are then swept
along the amaz-
ingly graceful
curve of her arch-
ing back—a curve
that evokes a dancing candle flame—
ending on Tonya's face and eyes. Hers
isn't a Nineties supermodel face, but
it is beautiful, set off by thick, wavy
hair. Tragically, Tonya (the first Play-
mate with Native American heritage)
Tonya Crews
died in an automobile accident five
years later. We are all richer for the
work Mario Casilli did in capturing
and preserving her beauty.—Mark
"Iomlonson, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Her reign as 1997
Playmate of the Year is
almost over, but with
two movies and a batch
of TV gigs under her
svelte belt, Sweden's
Victoria Silvstedt is
guaranteed to shine
on. We caught her, on
the run as usual, in
Los Angeles.
Q: What's your favorite
place to be kissed?
A: Like a guy to warm
up on my neck and
work his way down to my feet. I real-
ly love to haye my feet kissed.
О: What do you wear when you're in
the mood to seduce?
A: I wear a pair of little white shorts
and a matching
Т> C— top that says
5 Q: What's the
most unusual
place you have
had sex?
A: On an air-
plane, in the
Q: And?
A: And it was
damned tight!
Q: How has be-
coming a Play-
mate affected
your sex life?
A: My sex life
has always been
good, but now it's great.
Q: In what way?
A: Well, I have a terrific boyfriend, so
I'm sure he must have something to
do with it.
Q: What's your advice for the next
Playmate of the Year?
A: It’s important to keep your feet on
the ground—to stay down-to-earth
and never let it go to your head. Oh
yeah, and have fun.
“It wos awkward for me to pose
| nude because I come from o small
| town where PLAYBOY is not even
sold. And my mom works in a
church. But I will look bock at this
someday and be exceptionolly
proud of my photos.”
An enthusiastic group of Play-
mates showed up at Julie Mc-
Cullough's 33rd birthday bash in
=н Hills. But the birthday
X "ne s favorite guest was
- Hef himself, with whom.
she danced to swing
music throughout the
night. . . . Elan Carter
completed her first
episode of Mike Hammer,
whilc Nikki Schicler filmed her
second. Seems Mike keeps some
pretty attractive company. . . .
Principal photography has
wrapped on Midnight Healing, a
feature film co-starring Elke
Jeinsen. The
story is all
about a sex
therapist who
takes her job
a little bit too
Elke plays the
doc's able as-
sistant. . .. In
four episodes
of Pictionary,
Julia Schultz
racked up the highest score in
the history of the game show... -
Marliece Andrada buddied up
with her Baywatch cohort Traci
Bingham at the grand opening
of Bally's Sports Club in Manhat-
tan. The pair smiled for cameras,
signed autographs and pumped
the occasional iron. .. . We previ-
ously reported
Bingham ond
Andrada os Bally's belles
that Victoria Zdrok had passed
the New Jersey bar exam—now
we can add the New York bar.
Speaking of briefs, Victoria also
appeared in a lingerie ad in Cos-
mopolitan magazine.
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Splendor in
the Grass
Milwaukee model LISA
LEWIN can be found in
the 1999 Hooters cal-
endar and appeared on
the Sandrine Lingerie
Catalog Web site. An-
other Midwestern girl
makes good.
Call of the Wild
Aerosmith's Nine Lives
has gone platinum, and
the Pink video caused
controversy on MTV. That
suits STEVEN TYLER to a
tee, but touring, “throw-
ing parties for 20,000
people anight,” gets him
rewed. That's a lot of
184 company.
Chasing Joey
We're wild about JOEY LAUREN ADAMS. If you
missed Dazed and Confused or Chasing Amy, hurry
to the video store. Then head to the theater for A
Cool, Dry Place. Joey is cool, and hot.
Breast Fest
You'll find KARI
DORRIS in the Bare
Naked Amateur
Screen Test on vid-
ео. We thought-
fully provide
a preview.
She Suits
to Conquer
Model GEOR-
SON was spotted
at the Victori
Secret fashion
show dazzling the
crowd in basic white.
The Heart
of Texas
is done being
a badass
and is mak-
ing the best
music of his
life. Fresh
from a U.S.
dub tour
10 support
his new
album, Ef
Maui Wowie
Hawaiian MELANIE CAJUDOY did a lifesaving,
demo on Regis and Kathie Lee with David Has-
selhoff, but her beach is Maui, not Baywatch. We
don't think Melanie will be beached for long. 185
Did you know that ROBBY'S RETURN
see-through togas Leslie Nielsen and Anne Francis starred
were not unusual in in the 1956 science fiction flick Forbidden
ancient Greece and Planet, but it was Robby the Robot who
Rome? Or that there stole the show and became one of Holly-
was a brothel called wood’s most famous automatons. Now
the Nymphia operat- anyone with $25,000 can own a seven-
ing in San Francisco foot limited edition Robby, created by
in the late 19th centu- Fred Barton Productions from molds and
ry? It resembled an blueprints of the original. The remote
army barracks and control Robby has a computer brain and
housed as many as other electronic innards that make him
450 girls advertised as seem almost human. Call 310-209-1136.
, These and 2998
Ж ) other “strange
99° but true tales from
© around the world”
are found in The Sex
Chronicles by Lance
Rancier, published by
GPG. “Curious sexu-
al occurrences,” “sex
and money,” “sex
and beauty” and
“sex and the law” are
some of the other
erotic subjects ex-
plored. The price for
the 256-page paper-
| back, in bookstores
= nationwide, is $14.95.
Seems there are almost as many new
books devoted to the martini as there are
variations of the drink. The Martini Com-
panion is dubbed a “connoisseur’s guide”
to the subject, while The Martini Book
features color photos and several hun-
dred recipes. The Elegant Martini ссіс-
brates “seductive recipes for appetizers
and libations,” and Shaken Not Stirred con-
tains recipes plus “a directory of the
world’s swankiest lounges.”
Curly, Moe and Larry never yukked it up so much as they do in Soiten-
ly Stooges, a 24-page catalog of Three Stooges memorabilia ranging
from the ridiculous (trivia toilet paper) to the sublime (a framed limited
edition lithograph). In between there are enough caps, Tshirts, watch-
es, lighters, posters, videos, magnets, suspenders, key chains, coffee
mugs and more to satisfy the most finicky wise guy. The most popular
product? A set of three talking golf club covers that say, among other
things, “Stand back, you imbecile. Let me show you how it's done.” Call
186 800-378-6643 to place an order.
Which amusement park just
opened the world's tallest,
fastest, most powerful stand-
up roller coaster? Answer: Six
Flags Magic Mountain in Va-
lencia, California, just north
of Los Angeles. The Riddler's
Revenge, a 16-story, three-
minute ride, thrusts passen-
gers along a mile-long track,
hurling them upside down
six times at speeds up to 65
miles an hour. The first drop
is 156 feet, and you can expe-
rience up to 4.2 gs on the
ride. That's some revenge.
ы“ E
Chronicle Books' new Voyages line of accessories is for anyone
who loves the romance of travel, whether flying in a 747, sailing
aboard a steamer or just curled up in an armchair. There are
four items to choose from (above, left to right): a travel journal
($19), a triptych picture frame ($13), a writing portfolio with ten
oversize postcards ($25) and a photo album ($30). All are crafted
with vintage-looking buckles and bindings, and the covers are
Mediterranean blue. Call 800-722-6657 to order.
Your girlfriend may not be a
Pin-up model, but now she
Can look like one. Liquid Im-
age, at 390 West Broadway in
New York, offers mere mor-
tals the chance to “step into”
more than 70,000 images,
including pin-ups, movie
Posters and more. Pose in
person or send in a photo,
and you'll get a beauti-
fully composed 87 10”
photo for $90 and up.
Call 212-334-4443 for
more information, or
check things out on
the Net at www.liquid
Since you're probably paying for your premi-
um stogies with a credit card, why not have a
fine smoke pictured on your plastic? Consoli-
dated Cigar and First USA Visa have created
a Platinum Visa credit card adorned with a
Montecristo (shown), an H. Upmann or a com-
bination of cigars. Upon using your new card,
you'll receive free premium smokes and be-
come cligible to purchase discounted tobacco
accessories from such companies as Budd
Leather and Prometheus. Call 800-451-2491
To learn 17 ways to start a fire without a match
and which edible plants will keep you alive if
you're lost in the wilderness, order a copy of
Survival, a 60-minute video that features expert
advice on primitive-condition lifesaving tech-
niques. Paladin Press sells it for $24.95; call
800-392-2400. And while you're in a Rambo
mood, order Breath of Death, a video all about
blowguns. It's only $29.95.
FOR: Cavtious people