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But she uses labels all the time! 

Find out what she labels in the July issue of PLAYBOY. 

At your side. 

Brother International Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ е Brother Industries Ltd., Nagoya, Japan 

Playboy 2001 
P-Touch is a registered trademark of Brother International Corporation 

Playboy and Pleymate of the Year are marks of Playboy and used with permission. 


Happy BIRTHDAY, Marilyn. Depending on how you slice the 
b-day cake, we're either three quarters through or halfway in- 
to the Marilyn Monroe century. Gentlemen prefer the latter, 
which marks not her birthday (she'd be 75 this month) but 
her baptism as Sweetheart of the Month in the first issue of 
PLAYBOY. “Her initial appearance embodied the first truly 
open communication in America about sexuality,” says Seott 
Turow. Rosebud! In Forever Marilyn Turow reminds us—with 
the help of some luscious nudes—why MM matters. You can 
follow her lineage all the way to Brande Roderick, our heady 
Playmate of the Year. Thanks to a romance with Hef and a run 
on the beaches of Baywatch Hawaii, Brande's career is in great 
shape. And so is she—check out her tail-thumping PMOY pi 
torial, shot by Stephen Wayda. Woof-woof! 

Charlie Sheen is pure Hollywood issue. Son of Martin Sheen 
and brother of Emilio Estevez, Sheen wasn't destined for 
greatness, he was driven to it. His quest to outdo his friends 
and neighbors reached an early climax with Platoon. Then he 
spent the next decade trying to repeat it—only with pounds of 
coke and Heidi Fleiss girls. In an interview by David Rensin, 
Sheen relives a nightmarish world of nonstop partying. Now 
he's the most charming guy on TV in Spin City. LA’s dream- 
scape can seduce anyone. In the Eighties Jerry Bruckheimer was 
half of the most explosive partnership in movies. He and Don 
Simpson produced Flashdance, Beverly Hills Cop and Top Gun. 
Now Bruckheimer opens his latest, the $135 million Pearl 
Harbor. Read Bombs Away by Steve Pond and decide if the title is 
about Admiral Yamamoto's cunning or Bruckheimer's ma- 
chomania. (The illustration is by Alan Magee.) 

People actually live in LA, people like Executive Editor 

Stephen Randall. He has parlayed his grasp of the abstruse sci- 
ences behind Koo Koo Roo, the Valley and Trader Уіс and 
turned it into a new novel, The Other Side of Mulholland (St. 
Martin's). We're happy to present an excerpt from the book, 
about а TV writer and his hard-charging girlfriend. Joel Naka- 
mura did the art. Back in LA Fast (take that, you yapping 
Yorkies), Edward Burns became a hero among city cops and 
Hamptons busboys by jigging his way through Sundance with 
his low-budget hit, The Brothers McMullen. Bigger directing 
jobs—and a string of beautiful girlfriends—followed. Warren 
Kalbacker caught up with Burns to talk about Irish power in a 
city-centric 20 Questions. 
Did someone say viral pandemic? In The Deadly Air, Michael 
Parrish puts viruses under the microscope and weighs the odds 
of another outbreak like the influenza epidemic of 1918, It 
doesn't look good. You'll walk around wearing a surgical mask 
after you read the piece, checking the sky conjured by artist 
Jordin Isip. 

When it comes to repl 
Anka Radakovich. She 

g, no one does it better than 
mbled her pals for a new LA-style 
episode in our series Cily Girls. Oh, the places you'll go: 
There's Tina (once used Wisk as lube), Misty (can't stand to 
hear you say “I blew my nuts") and Christy (loves her fake 
boobs, even though she can't feel a thing). It's the verbal coun- 
terpart to Richard Freeman's 10 Great Porn DVDs. They're 
scorchers all. Our fashion feature this month addresses the 
summer Friday dress code: How do you rush out of town for 
a casual beach weekend and still look sharp? Don't miss Grand 
Central Getaway by Joseph De Acetis. Then forget clothes and 
check out The News Flashers. It's a pictorial of the talking heads 
and rocking nude bodies of our favorite web babes outside of 






Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), June 2001, volume 48, number 6. Published monthly by Playboy in national and regional editions, Playboy, 680 North 

chicago, Illinois 60611. P 
Publications Mail Sales Product Agreem 
Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, Iowa 51 

cals postage paid at 

ago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices. Canada Post Canadian 

No. 56162. Subscriptions: in the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster: Send address change to 
4007. For subscription-related questions, e-mail Editorial: edit 




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vol. 48, no. 6—june 2001 


She was born 75 years ago, the greatest and most elusive sex kitien to prowl 
our popular culture. She set the gold standard in platinum. She snagged our best 
slugger and preeminent playwright. What was her secret? BY SCOTT TUROW 

Foot-and-mouth disease devastates livestoch—other viruses could do the same for 
humans. They're deadly weapons in the hands of terrorists. Nature is doing its 
own sinister work. A scary report on the tiniest of terrors. BY MICHAEL PARRISH 

These are the don’t-miss treats, rated by one who knows, all currently available 

on video or DVD. Our report could save you hours of prowling the racks. 

Jerry Bruckheimer, Hollywood's adrenaline master—Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, 
Armageddon—sets his sights on Pearl Harbor. Can he score another direct hit? 

Jessica likes a guy to take his time down under. And she repays in kind. 

The producer, writer, director and star of the no-frills Brothers McMullen has since 
worked for Spielberg and opposite De Niro. This son of a New York Cily cop has an 
Irishman’s gift of gab—and a new film. BY WARREN KALBACKER 


Four young women got together to talk sex and compare notes. We paid for the Cover stor y 
drinks. Then we stood back. BY ANKA RADAKOVICH Four years ogo she packed her Napa sack and 
headed far Hollywood. And what a trip it's 
been: о starring rale an Baywatch Hawaii, one 
of Hef's Mansian favorites, and now PMOY— 
as announced on the TV hit Just Shoot Me. 
92 THE OTHER SIDE OF MULHOLLAND Stephen Woyda got a whole new perspective 

d on Brande Roderick. Our Rabbit, os usual, 
A Hollywood screenwriter gets his big break and Perry's pals celebrate. But the back makes himself the center of attention. 

end is a bitch—in more ways than one. BY STEPHEN RANDALL Y ғ 
interview МАВ. 2 

Nobody partied like the Machine—even Slash told Sheen he was nuts. Now the star Ж 
of Platoon, Wall Street and the Heidi Fleiss trial has cleaned up in Spin City, The d sl 
good neus: He still has tales to tell. BY DAVID RENSIN < 



vol. 48, no. 6—june 2001 

contents continued 





On this online network, stuffed 
shirts were replaced with no shirts. 
Dan Rather, eat your heart out. 


Heather loves award shous. 
She renewed our interest in 
Golden Globes. 

Brande is better than VSOP— 
she's PMOY. 

notes and news 


Hef and Howard Stern rock 
ош with Rod Stewart and 
Smash Mouth. 

Hef threw Kylie Bax a party on 
Valentine's Day. 


Women's magazines on sex. 

Julia Schultz in Rush Hour 2, 
Lisa Welch's winery. 














Weekend jaunts test style and 
strategy. Here's what to throw 

in your shoulder bag. 


The latest pickups can tame a 
mountain —and make a girl look 
twice. BY KEN GROSS 


B&O's portable stereo, an Apple 
laptop—toys for the boys. 



Low, Ani DiFranco, the Pharcyde. 

A Merchant-Ivory winner, a 
triumph for John Turturro. 

Ultimate MM, crime fiascos, 
Paul Verhoeven. 

James Ellvoy, Bare Fists and 
Irvine Welsh. 


009 00 v6-212 ‘Hd '1ооо AN HOA M3N ОМІ SRO 

08:398 - (483; 


ARTHUR KRETCHMER editorial director 
JONATHAN BLACK managing editor 
TOM STAEBLER art director 
GARY COLE photography director 
JOHN REZEK associate managing editor 
LEOPOLD FROEHLICH assistant managing editor 


FORUM: JAMES R. PETERSEN senior staff writer; CHIP ROWE associate editor; PATTY LAMBERTI editorial 
administrative assistant; STAF! 


NELLIS associate editors; ROBERT B. DESALVO assistant editor; TIMOTHY MOHR junior editor; CAROL 

HARRIET PEASE edilorial assistants; CARTOON: 

associate editor; ANAHEED ALANI, ANNE SHERMAN assistant editors; REMA SMITH senior researcher; 




art directors; ROB WILSON assistant art director; PAUL CHAN senior art assistant; JOANNA METZGER art 

assistant; CORTEZ WELLS art services coordinator; LORI PAIGE SEIDEN senior art administrator 

MARILYN GRABOWSKI west coast editor; JIM LARSON managing editor; KEVIN KUSTER senior editor; 
contributing photographers; GEORGE GEORCIOU studio manager—chicago; BILL WHITE studio 
manager—tos angeles; ELIZABETH GEORGIOU manager, photo library; ANDREA BRICKMAN, 

PENNY EKKERT, GISELA ROSE production coordinators 





LARRY A. DJERF newsstand sales director; PHYLLIS ROTUNNO subscription circulation director; 

CINDY RAKOWITZ communications director 

JAMES DIMONEKAS associate publisher; jor HOFFER midwest sales manager; HELEN BIANCULU. direct 
response manager; TERRI BUNOFSKY marketing director; DONNA TAVOSO creative services director; 
BENTZ, SARAH HUEY, GREG MADDOCK; MARIE FIRNENO advertising business manager; 
KARA SARISKY advertising coordinator 


MARCIA TERRONES rights & permissions director 

CHRISTIE HEENER chairman, chief executive officer 

MICHAEL T. CARR president, publishing division 


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The Valentine's Day party Hef threw for his seven 
sweethearts and Kylie Bax' March PLAYBOY cover at- 
tracted famous friends—Kevin Spacey, for one. 


If you missed the March 2001 issue of Vanity Fair, you missed the wild pajama-and- 
lingerie pillow fight that illustrated the profile on Hef and his girlfriends. It's a look in- 
side the Playboy Mansion, where these beauties live without the feathers. 



On a night of a thou- 
sand parties, Hef's 
Golden Globe revels 
included funnymen 
Jon Lovitz and Dan 
Aykroyd, welcomed 
here by Playmate 
Victoria Fuller. But it 
didn't end there. Lat- 
er, Hef took his party 
Posse out on the town. 



Our Rabbit shows up in 

all the right places. Vita- 

min C and Courtney Love 

make a fashion statement 

on awards shows and on 
the slopes. 

Playmate of the Year Brande Roderick and our main man star in an episode of the 
popular NBC comedy Just Shoot Me, with David Spade. Spade's impersonation of 
Hefner must be way off—it's killing Brande. 


ae ein TRA se о gD рл тү gm ши VETA Сч 


ed a Valentine's Day party for supermodel 
Kylie Bax and his blonde babies. (1) Kim Stan- 
field, Tina Jordan, Tiffany Holliday and Steph- 
anie Heinrich with you-know-who. (2) Bawdy 
broads Roseanne and Ruby Wax. (3) Cover girl 
Kylie with publisher Hef. (4) Tiffany and Buffy 
Tyler admire Liz Haan's peacock feathers. (5) 
Bill Maher and friend. (6) We're always stoked 
to see Suzanne Stokes. (7) Jonathan Silverman 
receives a sexy smooch. (8) Thora Birch sinks 
onc in the game room. (9) Suzanne, Jaime 
Bergman, Carrie Stevens, Shiloh McCormick 
and Tina in a loving moment, (10) Hef and 
Kevin Spacey talk. (11) Charlie Matthau, Paul 
Sorvino, Garry Marshall and gal pals. (12) 
Martin Landau and Judge Julie Strain of Sex 
Court share a laugh. (13) Bill Maher, Alan 
Thicke, Donna D'Errico and Kato Kaelin. (14) 
Jaime Bergman and Angel Boris get friendly. 
(15) Jenny McCarthy parties with hus- 
band John Asher (far right), Andy Dick, 
Regina Lauren, Buffy and friends. (16) 
Revelers show their stuff. (17) Scott Caan 
is bussed by Shannon Stewart. 


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Dear Playboy а 


PLAYBOY has hit the jackpot with 
am Gonzalez (Miriam on Cue, Ма 
"Thanks for giving Latinas their due. 
Ed Shanahan 
Citrus Heights, California 


On a scale of one to 10, Miriam Gon- 
zalez isa 12 
Steven Rowe 
Columbus, Ohio 

I'm thrilled that you finally graduated 
one of your Voluptuous Vixens to Playmate 
status. m looks better than ever. 

Aslum Khan 
Syracuse, New York 

Banking on Miriam. 

Miriam's radiant personality shines 
ight through the pages of her Center- 
fold. She has a smile warm enough to 
melt ice. 

Ed Barczak 
Elgin, Illinois 

Miriam is the sexiest Playmate since 
the legendary Marilyn Lange appeared 
in PLAYBOY more than 25 years ago. 

Ed Niemiec 

Cypress Point, California 

Your Topless Golf feature (March) blew 

me away. I have played scrious golf for 
many years, and all I've gotten is frus- 
trated. I'm going to start playing fun 
golf, and I might not even keep score. 
Phoenix, here I come. 

Ralph Guldahl 

San Francisco, California 

I'm an inmate in Texas, and I want to 
compliment you on a well-researched, 
excellent article on life inside Texas 
prisons (Hardcore Hate, March). Recently, 
one of my white acquaintances refused 
housing with a black inmate, so anoth- 
er black inmate retaliated by beating up 
the white guy. Officers escorted the white 
nmate to prehearing detention. The 
result: Twenty-five blacks showed up in 
the dayroom ready to riot against three 
whites. I don't blame the inmates. The 
administration creates tension, and the 
inmates are left to deal with it. 
Richard Wainscott 
Brazoria, Texas 

Thanks for a piece of work that is right 
on the money concerning the Texas De- 
partment of Criminal Justice. Since my 
arrival here in 1991, Гус seen every- 
thing there is to see and then some. Like 
a repulsive bog, the deeper you dig, the 
more repugnant it gets. I came into this 
system a sheltered white boy, turned in- 
to a hate-filled animal and have finally 

geta light 

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become one of the more reflective peo- 
ple here. If the monkeys at the zoo 
were treated as we are, the outcry for pro- 
tection would raise the roof. Thank you 
for being our protector, even for just a 

William Butler 
Stevenson Unit 
Cuero, Texas 

Doing Texas fime. 

John Doe's article would have been 
more accurate had he mentioned that 
rape, extortion, assault and strong-arm 
robbery by blacks against whites hap- 
pens every day, and correctional officers 
don't intervene. In the Eighties and 

Nineties, white inmates inside the TDC] 
weren't even allowed in the dayrooms. 
A walk to the chow hall in some cases 
meant peril. Doe's liberal use of second- 
hand and even thirdhand information 
only feeds into the muck the authorities 
dish out to the public and media in an at- 
tempt to suck dollars into a system that 
remains broken. 

Mark Gaspard 

National President 
Aryan Circle 
Lovelady, Texas 


Thanks for the entertain- 
ing Playboy Interview with 
Bob Knight (March). It's too 
bad that Lawrence Grobel 
traveled the well-worn path 
that so many in the me 
have traversed. Everybody 
who cares already knows 
that Knight is a talented 
coach with a fiery temper. It 
was invigorating to see Gro- 
bel incur Knights wrath, but 
it’s unfortunate he didn't 
use his time with Knight to learn more 
about the coach's convictions and share 
those insights with readers who turn to 
PLAYBOY for a fresh perspective. 
Joseph Meyers 
Groton, Connecticut 

1 think we all know one thing for cer- 
tain now: Coach Knight is nuts. I hope 
the increased awareness generated by 
this interview will create a little pressure 
for him to get some help 
Jon Bauman 
Phoenix, Arizona 

At long last someone tried to do what 
I wanted to do all my life—throw my 
annoying, provocative brother out of a 
car. The press may not understand you, 
Bobby, but 1 do. 
Roberta Grobel Intrater 
Brooklyn, New York 

Lawrence Grobel blew it. We already 
know Knight's a psycho. So what? He's 
also one of the greatest coaches ever— 
and all Grobel can do is talk about the 
chair-throwing incident and rehash the 
politics that led to Knight's dismissal. By 
far, the most interesting part of the in- 
terview is when Knight is given the op- 
portunity to talk about basketball. 

Callum Hutchins 
San Francisco, California 

I'm glad Grobel got out of his inter- 
view with Knight alive. 1 hope every uni- 
versity official around the country will 
read it and use it as a sanity check to de- 
ny this guy a coaching job. 
Eric Samuelson 
Huntington, New York 

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Grobel had an agenda that was appar- 
ent from the first question: to expose 
Knights legendary temper and show the 
world what a good interviewer he is. So 
now Grobel has a war story to share with 
his buddies over a drink, and PLAYBOY 
readers were given a sorry excuse for an 

Christian Ellison 
La Grande, Oregon 

Like him or not, Bobby Knight has 
been a significant figure on the basket- 
ball scene for decades. I was disappoint- 
ed in Grobel's hatchet job. His reporting 
wasn't balanced. Frankly, 1 don't blame 
Knight lor trying to throw Grobel out of 
the car 

Paul Gibson 
Clearwater, Florida 

When God made supermodel Kylie 

Bax (March), he gave her beautiful blue 

eyes and blonde hair, creamy skin, pouty 

lips, long, sexy legs, and breasts that 

point all the way home to heaven. 
Robert Jefler 
Ridgewood, New Jersey 

Your Kylie Bax feature is a refreshing 
change from the wholesome pictorials 
that are the norm for PLAYBoy. Oh, I like 
the wholesome stuff all right, but it's nice 
to toss in a little spice in the magazine 

Nice heels, Kylie. 

here and there 
and dog collars, 

especially the leather 

John Morris 
Chicago, Illinois 

Most people laugh at the idea of men's 
rights until they hear the [acts (Men, 

some examples of female privilege Га 
ike to add to Asa Baber's list: Women 
emain publicly anonymou 
ng a man of rape, while the accused has 
no parallel right. Women's criminal sen- 
tences are more lenient than those of 
men convicted of the same crime. Wom- 
en have a reproductive right to choose, 
while men have no rights at all. 
Marc Roemer 
Washington, D.C. 

when accu 

Naked women are nice but I have long 
enjoyed PLAYBOY'S articles and columns 
even more, especially Asa Baber's month- 
ly examination of life. His last piece list- 
ed several areas where men continue to 
lose right ng, however, is the most 
compelling—the issue of abortion. We 
always hear about a woman's right to 
choose, but do men forfeit our rights be- 
cause we don't have the apparatus to 
carry our children? It's time for us to re- 
gain our rights as me 

Jason Fredregill 
West Des Moines, lowa 

Baber responds: Abortion is the toughest 
problem to discuss, and there is logic and truth 
on both sides of the issue. But, until children 
are carried in artificial wombs (and that time 
will come), neither the state nor any man can 

force a woman to give birth. Not in any soci- 

ety Га want to live in. 

Well now, if 1 told you all where it was, 
it wouldn't be a secret riding spot, would it? 


Visit us at www 






notice how it is to flirt on 
e-mail? That's the number one reason to 
consider Internet dating services to meet 
new women. Of the 50 million adults 
who hit the Net regularly, seven percent 
used online dating services—and that 
was last year, Just keep the following 
rules in mind: 

Start with a free service: Free singles ser- 
vices guarantee a high volume of traffic 
(from hookers to female truckers and ev- 
eryone in between). Choose a large free 
site that lets you post the location of your 
expansive personal profile 

Check out the terms of service: If there are 
rules against posting the address of your 
paid site, get creative. Look at other ads 
on the page to see how it's done. The 
best free sites: and ( outside AOL). 

Always use a photo in your ads: It doesn't 
matter if you're in full cyborg regalia— 
put it up. Profiles with photos get three 
to 10 times the hits than those without. 

Be honest in your profile and replies: 
Women find online honesty refreshing. 
It will set you apart from the lying, thiev- 
ing bastards you drink beers with e 

Friday. Don't settle for incomplete an 
swers, either. Express yourself, Cyrano. 

Respond quickly: The net offers a wom- 
an the same thing as her favorite vi- 
brator: instant gratification. Try not to 
keep her waiting 

John Leslie is full of surprises. In addition to his notable accom- 
plishments as porn star and film director, he’s also a talented 
painter. Given his day job, one might think that he'd take up the 
style of Jackson Pollock (heavy on gesso, heavy on the drip). Not so. 
The watercolor above is representative of Leslie's best work. We're always 
psyched by his videos (check out Chameleons, Dogwalker and the recent mind- 
bender, Drop Sex), and we're equally delighted by his muse's more demure ex- 
pressions—porticularly when she doesn't end up with anything on her face. 

Try these sites first: is 
new and sophisticated, but you may find 
its young database a bit smalll (particular 
ly outside major cities)., one 
of the first sites up, has a huge database. has membership in the 


millions and it's cheap. And 
has real-time chat features—so prepare 
to type with both hands 


If you're not a fan of glam porn vid- 
eos, you're probably unaware of the lat- 
est developments in sex toys. One place 
to turn to is the Toys in Babeland (babe catalog. The store is run by 
women, primarily for women, and has 
an carnest feminist underpinning. What 
caught our eye was the horsetail plug, 
which is described as “equal parts butt- 
plug, costume and sensation toy. It's so 
versatile that it can be used as a light 
whip.” Or you can “turn yourself into 
a pony by inserting the plug.” While 

it's easy to conclude that a young girl's 



ation with horses is not casy to 
buck, there's actually quite a tradition to 
this fetish we're talking about the 
Greeks, particularly saürists who mai 
tained that Aristotle liked to give his w 
nude pony rides around the house. Ever 
since, the activity has been referred to as 
the Aristotelian Perversion. 


iam Gaines left a significant lega- 
cy when he died in 1992. As founder of 
Mad magazinc, he established one of the 
most innovative satirical publications of 
modern times. Its spokesman, Alfred Е. 
Neuman, became the paradigm for the 
happily disengaged vit. But Gaines 
was a man of considerable taste, which 
might be surprising for someone whose 
magazine prided itself on its lack of taste. 
We noticed that when Gaines’ wine cellar 
went up for auction, it included a re- 
spectable number of Bordeaux in appro- 
ive vintages. The most 
notable wines were in the string of Do- 
ine de la Romanée-Coi Vache, 
Romanée-Conti, Grands-F: 
Richebourg—which are the most presti- 
gious and expensive of Burgundy’s best 
With these sorts of bottles in your 
easy 10 find the rest of the 
world hilarious, 


They say it’s “the perfect gift solution 
for those compulsive types who need 
to loosen their grip.” But what they sell 
is the Tidy Butt enema—a premixed 
concoction of sodium phosphates in a 
squeeze bottle. We noticed this item as 
we were wandering around the adult- 
film section of the Consumer Electronics 
Show and we have this queasy feeling it’s 
not simply a gag. 


What will the women of the future 
look like? It pays to take note of what 
today’s girls are thinking. Some signs 
may come from the sales of Smartees, 
a line of dolls identified by voca- 
tion. Vicky the Veterinarian reigns as 
the top-selling Smartee, followed 
by Amanda the Architect, Taylor the 
‘Teacher and Destiny the Doctor. By 
contrast, Ashley the Attorney and Emi 
ly the Entrepreneur have flopped. 
These sales figures are parent-influ- 
enced, say the makers of Smartees, 
which means that Inga the Intern never 
had a chance 


Digital Industry, a journal that tracks 
the Internet, wonkishly rated the na- 
tion's newspapers. Its conclusions: 

“The Wall Street Journal is read by peo- 
ple who run the country. The New York 
Times is read by people who think they 
run the country. The Washington Post is 
read by people who think they ought to 
run the country. USA Today is read by 
people who think they ought to run the 

country, but don't understand The Wash 
ington Post. The Los Angeles Times is read 
by people who wouldn't mind running 
the country, if they could spare the 
time. The Boston Globe is read by people 
whose parents used to run the country 
The New York Daily News is read by peo- 
ple who aren't sure who's running the 
country. The New York Post is read by 
people who don't care who's running the 
country as long as they do something 
scandalous. The San Francisco 
Chronicle is read by people 

who aren't sure there is a country 

or that anyone is running it. The Miami 
Herald is read by people who are run- 
ning another country." 


This Father's Day, we'd like to make 
special mention of Screamin' Jay Haw- 
kins, who, as the annals of profligacy will 
attest, has attained a stature few can 
match. Although best known as the pio- 
neer of funereal stage antics—precur- 
sor to Alice Cooper and Ma 
son—and the Fifties masterpiece J Put a 
Spell on You, the Cleveland native appar- 
ently also possessed legendary potency. 

The government is often lik- 
ened to a tentacled monster. 
It's fitting, then, that one of 
Washington's most popular 
cocktails features a cepha- 
lopod. Jeff Tunks, owner of 
TenPenh in D.C., created a 
martini-inspired drink for the 
town’s most uninhibited in- 
terns. His saketini (left) is 
garnished with a baby oc- 
topus. It’s slightly spicy and 
pink, thanks to o brining 
process that uses chili poste. 
The little guy rests elegantly 
іп а blend of Vox vodka (2.5 
ounces) and Ichinokura sake 
{2 ounces). "Young women 
like it,” says beverage direc- 
tor Vinnie Nair. “They say 
they will try anything ot least 
once. They order the saketini 
much more offen than men.” 
Perhaps that's because guys 
prefer to get their pink and 
briny treats elsewhere. 

The Legend Continues. 
Introducing the rich, smooth taste of 
New Во! vored Copenhagen Black. 



Shortly before his death last year in 
Paris, Hawkins boasted that he'd “fa. 

thered at least 57 children.” This was 
news to many of his kids, who finally met 
for the first time at a gathering of the 
Hawkins brood at LA's House of Blues 
earlier this year. Some, like daughter 

Melissa Ahuna, told us they “still love” 
their departed dad and harbor no re- 
sentment. Others, like eldest daughter 
Sookie Hawkins, find bones to pick with 
the skull-waving singer. “I was angry be- 
cause I didn't want to share him. I'm his 
first daughter and I don’t want to hear 
about no other kids.” Hawkins Jr. could 
take some solace in the fact that not ev- 
erybody has as bona fide a paternity 
claim as she. One website claims to have 
flushed out about half of Hawkins’ chil- 
dren. On it, JJ of Orange, California ad- 
mits, “I'm fully white and I know who 
my real father and mother are. But if 
there's money involved, I will be any- 
body's kid!" 


There's a lot to recommend in Eti- 
quetie for Outlaus by Rob Cohen and 


How to help 


In memory of the time when men were 
men und women dressed funny, we pre: 
sant our first 


David Wollock (HarperCollins). What 
caught our eye was how Dave Navarro, 
formerly of Jane's Addiction and the 
Red Hot Chili Peppers, handles group- 
ies: He doesn't. “I would rather pay for 
an escort than hurt some young 
feelings,” Navarro says. “I've had wom- 
en move to LA with their bags and they 
don't know anybody here, and they're 
like, ‘I'm here, remember me? I'm Nan- 
cy from Virginia.’ I'm like, ‘Nancy from 
Virginia, you gotta go.” So I decided it 
was in my best interest and the interest of 
mankind to sleep with a woman who's 
made the conscious decision to sell her 
body for the evening, by the hour. The 
irony here is that because I would 
rather sleep with the escort than the 
groupie, I'm the one who gets looked 
upon by other musicians as the sick 


If you're pursuing a career in the 
fight game, try to get Darrin Morris’ PR 
man in your corner. Morris, a super- 
middleweight, was ranked seventh in 
the world by the World Boxing Organi- 

and last Lily Politzer Prizes 
Popular ro- 
mente novel 
ist Barbora 
Taylor Brad- 
ford wrote 
to Please Him 
ip 1969 os 
part of the 
ed "How to 
Be the Perfact 
Wife” series: 
How ta Put 
Your Husband 
Through Col 
lege (1970) 
includes the 
chapter “You 
Are Wacky 
But Wonder 
ful!" The 1978 
dating guide How To 
Mes! Men... Now That 
You're Liberated offers 
such timeless counsel 
as, “What actually turns. 
men on is energy.” How 
la Help Your Husband 
Gef Ahead (1964) asks 
"Working Wife: Help 

or Hindrance?” Hin- 
drance? How about 
‘Annuity of Reve 

nue Sinkhole?" 


Artist Riccardo Hayes, who once 
described his work as "suggestive 
fantasies," likes the feminine prop- 
erties of bowed instruments. This 
sculpture is part of a series that ex- 
plores the sexual tension of the 
string section. It takes the ideas in 
Man Ray photographs one step fur- 
ther. The instrument is so appeal- 
ing it cries out for some pizzicato. 

zation in December. By Feb 
WBO had moved him up to 
ction to this is unknow 
4 died in October 


Our congratulations to you if you are 
among those men who have had reason 
to join the Large Penis Support Group 
on the web. But can anyone explain pre- 
cisely why men with outsize organs arc in 
nced of aid and sympathy? The LPSG 
home page declares, "For all the advan- 
tages of having a large penis, it tends to 
make playing sports rather difficult. Rig- 
orous physical activity involving running 
or other rapid movement of the lower 
extremities often involves the slapping, 
twisting, bending or wrapping of the pe- 
nis about the groin and thigh arca." Oh, 
just deal with it guys. We did. (It's called 

duct tape.) 


Mailbox baseball: A form of drive-by 
vandalism in which joyriders trash road- 
side mailboxes with Louisville Sluggers. 
It's so popular in Connecticut that the 
legislature may take action. 

Counterfeit fin: According to Secret Mes- 
sages by William Butler and L. Douglas 




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The 1999 salary 
of James Levine, 
conductor for New 
York City’s Metro- 
politan Opera, the 
highest salary re- 
ceived by a US. or- 


Stanford University re 
searchers have discovered 
37 new strains of bacteria in 
the human mouth, bringing 


Due to incentive- 

based clauses in the 
contract that rap- 
per Master P nego- 
tiated with the New 
Orleans Saints on 
behalf of Ricky 
Williams, amount 
that Williams was 
paid last season: 
$350,000. Amount 
earned over the 
last two seasons by 
Indianapolis Colt 
Edgerrin James, 
who, like Williams, 
was a top-five draft 
pick two years ago: 

chestra conductor: ЕЕ 520 million. 
SIS bon Occ Ш the mouth to more 
million-dollar ba- ЩИ QUIET RIOT 

ton twirlers include 

Kurt Masur, New York Philharmonic: 
$1.5 million. Michael Tilson Thom- 
as, San Francisco Symphony: $1.3 
million. Wolfgang Sawallisch, Phil- 
adelphia Orchestra: $1.1 million. 
Leonard Slatkin, National Symphony 
Orchestra: $1.1 million. Christoph 
Von Dohnányi, Cleveland Orchestra: 
$1 million. 


Estimated annual value of global 
sales of camouflaged products: $2 bil- 
lion. Percentage of camo pattern sales 
and licensing deals controlled by the 
two market leaders: 90. Number of 
copyrighted camo patterns that gen- 
erate the bulk of revenues for these 
two market leaders; 3. 


Of young men monitored in an Aus- 
tralian medical study to determine 
the effects of taking male hormones 
to aid weightlifting, percentage 
whose livers functioned abnormally 
during tests: 62. Percentage who ex- 
perienced changes in sexual appeti 
61. Percentage who became moody: 
48. Whose testicles shrank: 46. Who 
started developing breasts: 29. 

The percentage increase in the 
U.S. from 1998 to 1999 in nonsurgi- 
cal, cosmetic laser surgery to remove 
hair: 340. To smooth wrinkles: 216. 
"fo stimulate collagen production: 29. 

Average level of 
noise in the international space sta- 
tion, according to current tests: 70 
decibels. Average level of noise expe- 
rienced while sitting in a car in city 
traffic: 85 dB. Sustained level needed 
to cause hearing damage: 90 dB. 

Most costly speeding ticket fine 
awarded thus far under Finland's slid- 
ing scale system, designed to adjust 
the fine to the income level of the driv- 
er: $71,400. 


According to a study by the Urban 
Institute of heterosexual boys aged 
15 to 19, percentage who had en- 
gaged in anal sex: 11. Broken down 
by ethnicity, percentage of male black 
and Hispanic teens who had engaged 
in anal sex: 16. Percentage of young 
white males who had had anal sex: 9. 
Percentage of male teens (all ethnici- 
ties) who had performed oral sex: 39. 
Broken down by ethnicity, percent- 
age of young black males who had 
performed oral sex: 20. Percentage 
of young white males who had given 
oral sex: 42. 

Amount spent in 2000 on U.S.- 
manufactured weaponry by Greece, 
America's top customer: $2.4 billion. 
By second-place Egypt: $1.6 b 
lion. By third-place Israel 
lion. Saudi Arabia: $754 million. 

Keeney (Simon & Schuster), the engrav- 
ers at the U.S. Mint who worked on the 
redesigned $5 bill grafted Lincoln's head 

onto the body of his secretary of war, Ed- 
win Stanton. Thrifty recycling, or machi- 
nations of the IHluminati? Interactive site 
promoting the erotic Wayne Wang mov- 
ie. Lets you get real close to porn star 
and COTW stripper Alicia Klass. 

Dried plums: The growers of the fruit 
formerly known as prunes now have 
FDA permission to market a new name 
and take a step back from, according to a 
spokesman, "a strong association with 

Zicam: A homeopathic zinc gel we 
squirted in our noses all winter to avoid 
colds; now it comes in an allergy-reliet 

Tehan: Brazilian slang for desirable 


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parts of the body. Used to be the ass; 
now, partly due to the success of busty 
Giselle Bundchen and a host of celebrity 
siliconadas, it has moved north. 

Axis clothing: Designer Rick Solomon 
has published a useful primer called A 
Man's Guide to Business Casual Clothing 
(available at 
ire Keim: Gorgeous French actress 
starring in this month's The Girl. It's our 
favorite kind of chick flick—a romance 
between two women who can't keep 
their clothes on 

White Mexicans: According to British 
actress Amanda Donohue, it's what 
“Hollywood charmingly calls European 
actors—because they pay us 
less, and get away with it." 

The Torques: A Six- 
ties-era garage band 
collective at Andover 
that included George 
W. Bush as a claqueur, 
primarily as a scream- 
er, planted in the au- 
dience to incite the 
crowd, raise a din and 
rush the stage. 

I Am Fearless Funky 
and Five: a new com- 
pilation from Tim 
"Love" Lee's Tum- 
my Touch label. The 
CD of seductive, low- 
key house and trip- 
hop tracks comes with 
a strip-tease board 
game, Nudo, in its 
booklet. Nice. 


Hardworking academics James Beg- 
gan of the University of Louisville and 
Scott Allison of the University of Rich- 
mond have made some startling dis- 
coveries. In a paper titled Playmate 
Preferences, they argue that the text ac- 
companying our Centerfolds offers a 
useful "social infrastructure to help men 
develop more broadly defined concep- 
tualizations of masculinity.” Presumably 
that means it makes us better people 
Their conclusions follow from the find- 
ing that although women prefer men 
with both stercotypic masculine traits 


(strength, assertiveness) and stereotypic 
feminine traits (desire to nurture, sensi- 
tivity), men are urged to adopt only the 
former. “This discrepancy produces 
gender-based role strain for men caught 
between the desires of women and the 
demands of social convention." Boy, you 
can say that again. The scholars then 
assert—and have a whole bunch of 
neatly typed pages to back it up—that 
Playmates express a preference for men 

who possess "stereotypic feminine at- 
tributes.” To attract “women such as 
PLAYBOY Playmates, the adoption of fem- 
inine auributes can readily be justified 
and help men experience less gender- 
based role strain." It's true. We can't tell 
you how often we adopt a lot more 
than just attributes to ease, however tem- 
porarily, our gender-based role strz 
Especially on the weckend 



Although she earns $10 million o 
year for posing in haute couture, 
28-year-old Eva Herzigova 
says she is already planning on 
early retirement. Herzigova won 

а beauty contest in Progue at the 
age of 16. And her 1992 Guess 
ads got her tagged the "Marilyn 
Monroe of the Nineties." She then 
scored magazine covers, Sports Il- 
lustrated layouts and those 
"Hello, Boys" Won- 

derbra billboards. 

She acted op- 

posite Gérard 

Depardieu in 

Guordion An- 

gels ond 

earned acco- 

lades for last 

year’s Just 
for the Time 
Being. For 
now, the 
Eva plans 
to stay in 
the U.S 

while fig- 
uring out 
her next са- ҡ 

reer move. In 
the meantime, she 

enjoys riding her 
Horley and making pot- 
tery. “It’s very relaxing,” she 
says. "It takes me to onoth- 
er planet." We think she's 
out of this world, too. 



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IN THE EARLY Nineties, when Los Angeles 
hip-hop was associated with gats and 
ghetto tales, the Pharcyde represented a 
smart, playful alternative. Their campy, 
off-kilter delivery produced a couple of 
albums and some brilliant singles. After 
a lengthy hiatus and some personnel 
changes, they're back with Plain Rap (De- 
licious Vinyl), 11 sharply arranged and 
sharply produced tracks. 
seem as innovative these 
sound of this disc is still state of the art. 
"The producers have surrounded the 
MCs with a smooth, funky, pristine am- 
bience. The Pharcyde uses some motifs 
of commercial hip-hop to support their 
mordant worldview, as on Misery and 
World, but they subvert the clichés even 
as they bend them to their own purpos- 
es. MCs Imani, Tre and Brown collabo- 
rate with Black Thought of the Roots on 
Network, while the two versions of Trust 
that open and close the CD display a cool 
versatility. Not as loopy as past Pharcyde 
releases, this album underscores the 
group's growth. —NELSON GEORGE 

Plain Rap. 

Call them alt-country, Americana or 
neofolk, the new singer-songwriters are 
waiting for someone to break out. With 
Step Right Up (Lucky Dog), Charlie Robi- 
son is meant to be that artist. Step Right 
Up has the Dixie Chicks’ producer and a 

rowed from John Prine and Steve Earle. 
It also has a load of clichés and ends with 
a lame sex joke. So fans will have to pros- 
pectin the indie wilderness a while lon- 
ger, looking for gems. Gretchen Peters (Val- 
ley Entertainment) is the second album 

by a veteran Nashville writer. Her yearn- 
ing spirit, sweet voice, stinging pen and 
great characters animates Eddie s First 
Wife, Waiting for Amelia and Souvenirs. 
Nobody had ever heard of Kevin Deal 
until Kiss on the Breeze (Blind Nello). Deal 
splits the difference between honky-tonk 
and folk-rock on tracks 
such as This Time, Smoke 
and A Thousand Words. 

Ani DiFranco could be 
the standard-bearer of the 
lyric-driven trend, but 
she's too busy blowing up 
the form, as on her new, 
two-disc Revelling/Reckoning 
(Righteous Babe). Revel- 
ling uses funk licks, world 
beats, bass grooves and the 
occasional horn line to con- 
struct quirky pop. Reckon- 
ing gives Ani's army what 
it wants—confessional 
songs at slow tempos, so- 
cial criticism and rhythm 
used only to augment 
song structure. DiFranco is 

as ebullient, witty and 

committed as e 



Is it significant that Low 
comes from Duluth, where it’s so cold 
most of the year that you can't move 

your fingers? Low's latest CD, Things We 
Lost in the Fire (Kranky), takes some get- 
ting used to, like the Velvet Under- 
ground did the first time you heard 
them. But when you get beyond "Dude, 
this is slow,” you get to “Dude, this is 
beauuful.” Fire has eerie melodies, sad 
harmonies, a guitar strummed once 
for every other band's eight times 

and an occasional lonely cello. 

This is rock and roll for contem- 
plating your place in 
the universe. It's also 
good for napping and 
existential despair. 


In 2000, alt-rock he- 
roes Pavement quit while 
they were ahead, leav- 
ing their feckless leader 
10 pursue his muse. Ste- 
phen Malkmus (Matador) 
is bolstered by backup 
musicians rather than stretched out of 
shape by a band. The lyrics are direct, 
too. My favorite is a three-verse autobi- 
ography of a pirate. —ROBERT CHRISTGAU 

A complete album from anyone is à 
rarity these days. Powderfinger has one 
in Odyssey Number Five (Universal). Flev- 
en songs and not a boring melody or 
arrangement in the bunch. A hybrid 
of Crowded House and Guns n' Roses, 

Powderfinger knows how to rock out 
and how to sing the right notes with the 
right inflections. —oy 

Grunge never died, it just went back 
to being alternative. Nebula is from LA, 
but it’s no surprise that its second re- 



lease, Charged, is on Sub Pop, the Seattle 
label that launched great grunge bands. 
With squalling guitars, power chords 
and wiseass attitude, Charged recalls the 
13th Floor Elevators and the Stooges, 
and reminds you of what you loved 
about Seattle. And it still sounds unique 
and exhilarating. —VIC GARBARINI 

The Morells' self-titled release (Slew- 
foot) is fresh and engaging. They dip in- 
to rockabilly and roadhouse blues 
an affectionate nod toward songwrite 
Ronnie Self. The drinking shuf- 

fle Hair of the Dog sets 

the tone for originals 
such as Mom's Got a Head- 
ache and Don't Let Your 
Baby Buy a Car, the best 
honky-tonk advice since 
Johnny Cash's Don't Take 
Your Guns to Town. File this 

CD under fun 

Guitarist Ken Rockwood 

and vocalist Danielle Bran- 
caccio write intimate, sensual and wry 
songs. Danielle's idols are Billie Holiday 
and Joni Mitchell, and on Professor and 
Maryann (Bar/None) she channels both 
Billie's delicate highs and Joni's sensu- 
ous depths. Rockwood's spare acoustic 
guitar and rich harmonies frame Bran- 
caccio's vocals so effectively that I never 
once gave а moment's thought to Gilli- 
gan or the Skipper. —v6 

Feels good to say what you really think, huh? And just like you, 
Tequiza's unique blend of Blue Agave Nectar, Mexican Tequila 
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Speak your mind. Drink your beer. 

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Puff Daddy's menswear line, Sean John, 
made $100 million last year—that's 
morc than his music did. We'll hum a 
few bars to that. 

star in and produce All About the Ben- 
jani . - Walter Latham, who pro- 
duced The Original Kings of Comedy, is 
working on two rap comedies, includ- 
ing Pimp Pasty, about the rise, fall and 
redemption of a manipulated and 
untalented white rapper. . . . We've 
heard Courtney Love is already cam- 

paigning for a starring role in a film 
about the life of Paula Yates. The two 
met before Yates' death, and Love has 
remarked on the uncanny things they 
had in common. . . . Reba McEntire has 
signed on to do a sitcom for the WB, 
playing an overwhelmed wife. 
NEWSBREAKS: When we saw the Bush 
team throw ZZ Top up during inaugu- 
ral weck, we had to get to the bottom 
of it. So we sent Washington writer 
Josh Green to check out thc Best Little 
Ball in D.C. His report: President 
Bush's inauguration was a long time 
coming for more than just devoted 
Republicans. "We were waiting in the 
wings to play a surprise concert in 
Austin on election night," said ZZ Top 


Dusty Hill, Frank Beard, Karen Hughes, Mark 
McKinnon, Billy Gibbons, Don Evans, Кай Rove. bassist Dusty Hill pointed out, 


guitarist Billy Gibbons. “So you could 
say we've been waiting two-and-a-half 
months for this gig." Gibbons esti- 
mates it was the smallest show the 
Texas rockers had played in two de- 
cades. But having grown up down the 
street from the Bush clan in Houston, 
Gibbons and his bandmates happily 
shook the chandeliers for 1000 of the 
most powerful sharp-dressed men 
(and women) in Washington. Those 
familiar with Bush's musical taste say 
they won't be surprised to hear ZZ 
‘Top blaring from the White House 
stereo. While governor, Bush 
declared May 15, 1997 ZZ 
Top Day and in return re- 
ceived one of the band's fa- 
bled key chains. This time, 
Fender Squire Telecasters 
were the gift of choice. Given 
the historic occasion, the boys 
felt it only right to honor the 
new commander-in-chief by 
updating the lyrics to one of 
the band's best-known hits. 
“Bush rhymes with Tush,” 

“so that one was the obvious 
choice." It also brought back memo- 
ries of the previous administration each 
time the band hit the reworked re- 
frain, "Lord, take me downtown, I'm 
just lookin’ for some Bush." . . . Rush is 
back in the studio recording together 
for the first time since 1996. . . . Roxy 
Music will tour this summer for the 
first time since 1983. No plans for a 
CD yet, though Bryan Ferry has a solo 
one in the works. . . . Taylor Dayne made 
her Broadway debut in Tim Rice and 
Elton John's Aida. . .. The two-CD IN- 
XS anthology is due this month and 
includes hits, rarities and B-sides. . . . 
Lastly, in time for summer, Isaac Hayes’ 
sauces are in stores. Get ready to 
barbecue. —BARBARA NELLIS 


George | Marsh | Young 

Black Box Recorder| 
The Facts of Life. E 

6 8 6 6 

Plain Rop 

Charlie Robison 
Step Right Up 

ч jo jo |» 

NIN [o ja 


oj IS [o 


“Life is unfair/Kill 
yourself or get over 
it,” crooned pre- 
cious-voiced Sarah 
Nixey on Black Box 
Recorder's 1998 de- 
but, England Made 
Me. That challenge 
summed up the al- 
bum’s dark irony. But 
Nixey and composers Li ЖЕТТЕН 
John Moore play a different game on The 
Facts of Life (Jetset, 67 Vestry St, New 
York, NY 10013). The first half of the al- 
bum focuses on precoital sexual devel 
opment, including first kisses and not 
going “too fast.” The fulcrum is the tide 
track, where Nixey plays a mother who 
watches her two sons undergo the ago- 
nies of teen experimentation—as much 
a classic as Leader of the Pack and Jack and 
Diane. That doesn’t mean you'll hear it 
on the radio, but it proves that songwrit- 
ing isn't dead. —RC 

Fela was a musical giant whose blend 
of American funk and West African 
rhythms is legendary. Working out of La- 
gos, Fela brought together James Brown 
and John Coltrane to make long, sweaty 
jams that ridiculed corrupt Nigerian pol- 
iticians and brought hope to his country- 
men. Expensive Shit/He Miss Road (MCA) by 
Fela Ransome Kuti and Africa 70 com- 
bines two mid-Seventies albums into one 
incendiary CD. NG. 

From 1965 to 1975, Muscle Shoals, 
Alabama was a mecca of soul music 
Three recent releases recall the glory 
days. Eddie Hinton, a Bama songwrit- 
er and ace studio guitarist, never got 
the acclaim he deserved. The 19 Hinton 
demos on Dear Y'All (Zane) reveal a raw 
soulfulness. As author of Dark End of the 
Street, Dan Penn knows how to write 
(and sing) a great song. With Blue Nite 
tounge (Dandy,, he re- 
turns with his first studio release in five 
years. Soulman Johr aylor did some 
of his finest work in Muscle Shoals. tife- 
time (Stax) is an impressive survey of a 
formidable talent. —LEOPOLD FROFHLICH 


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The launch of the first satellite radio ser- 
vices will make cruising in your car a lot 
cooler this summer. Two competing com- 

anies—XM Satellite Radio and Sirius 
tellite Radio—have a total of five satel- 
lites in orbit, ready to beam down 100 
channels of CD-quality digital radio. For 
$9.95 a month, listeners can tune in to 
familiar music formats and multiple vari- 
ations of rock, blues, jazz, pop, country 
and other genres. Heavy.hitting media 
companies will operate about 50 chan- 
nels (including CNBC, BBC World Ser- 
vice, Bloomberg and NPR), providing 
national news, sports and talk. Each ser- 
vice will also offer original programming 
not typically found on the AM-FM dial, 


including live House of Blues broad- 
casts and content from such TV chan- 
nels as A&E and Discovery. Although 
Sirius’ service will be comm 
XM Radio anticipates some of its 
nels will have about six minutes of 
national ads per hour (compared with 
inute average on the standard 
n). To tune in to satellite radio 
broadcasts you'll need a three-band ra- 
dio (AM-FM-satellite), currently offered 
by Sony, Panasonic, Pioncer, Alpine and 
others lor between $250 and $400. Most 
automakers have agreed to include 
three-bands as standard features in fu- 
ture models, and may even offer the first 
few months of satellite service bundled 
into the purchase price. Interfacing with 
digital portable components 
isn't far behind.—suzz MCCLAIN 


Nothing makes a portable 
computer less portable 
than an Internet connec- 

tion. Until recently, mov- | 
ing your laptop from 
desk to couch required 
an awfully long tele- 
phone cord. Now, how- 
ever, two wireless home- 

networking technologies, Home RF and 

ELE. enable computer users tà connect [5 AME 

to the Net anywhere via radio frequen- 
cies similar to those used by a cordless M 
web up to 150 feet from a wall jack and is 
currently used in products from Com- 
paq, Motorola, IBM and others. Intel of- 
fers Home RF connectivity in its Any- 
Point product line. Users attach a small 
USB device ($100) to a computer with a 
broadband connection. That computer 
then transmits the signal to other PCs 
with the same AnyPoint apparatus, as 
well as to laptops using Intel's PC-card 
adapter ($130). Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), 
ог 802.11b, operates the same way but is 
faster (11 Mbps compared with Home 
RF's 1.6 Mbps), has a longer СЕИ АС walls won't help 

range (300 feet) and can con- victims escape your rocket launch- 
nect to the Net anywhere with er in THQ's Red Faction. Unlike 
a Wi-Fi network. Some airports other 3D shooter games, Red Fac- 
(such as San Jose and Houston) tion uses “real-time, arbitrary 
already have areas that let you geometry modification,” In plain 
open any laptop with a Wi- English that means nearly every- 
Fi card and access the Inter- thing can be demolished. With the 
net. The 3Com Home Wireless right weapon, players can blast 
Gateway is one of the casier- through walls, rupture pipes and 
to-use iterations of this stan- collapse the ceiling onto the 
dard. The company offers both heads of unsuspecting victims. 
the device that connects to the Why cause such mayhem? As a 
outside line and the cards that disgruntled miner on Mars, you're 
plug into desktop and laptop leading a revolt against the evil 
computers. Prices start around Ultor Corporation by opening fire 
$400, plus about $120 per com- with 15 unique weapons and a 
puter. One caution: Wi-Fi systems may variety of armed vehicles. Avail- 
conflict with 2.4 GHz cordless phone re- able for PlayStation 2 now and PC 
ception, a problem Home RF avoids by later this year, | —MARC SALTZMAN 
channel hopping. — TED FISHMAN 

Before your next trip, slip a set of Si Technology's new portoble speakers into your car- 
ry-on and enjoy home theater sound in your hotel room. The Si5 set ($90) includes o 
battery-powered amplifier and two collapsible NXT flat-panel speakers. The CD jewel 
case-size speakers are less than one inch thick and are designed іо clip tagether far 
portability. The entire system weighs less than a pound. Once unfolded and connected, 
the speakers use the amplifier's built-in chip ta simulate full ЗО surround sound. And 
becouse the speakers project fram the front and the reor, the surround sound effect is 

discernible in a full 360 without dead spots. The Si5 connects 
to laptaps as well as ta virtually any DVD, CD or MP3 player 
or other portable device through a standard line-out jack 
and can use o DC power adapter to save battery life. Great 

for entertaining on the road or for 

just drowning out the guy in the 

next room, | —JASON BUHRMESTER 


The Road Home (Sony Pictures Classics) is 
sweet but slight, a minor work by master 
filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who is cele- 
brated for such earlier pictures as Ju Dou 
The joy here 

and Raise the Red Lantern 
is watching his latest 
discovery, Zhang Zi- 
yi (recently seen as 
Jen in Crouching Tiger, 
Hidden Dragon), in an 
open yet beautiful- 
ly controlled portray- 
al of a simple teen- 
age girl deeply smit- 
ten by the handsome 
comes to her village 
The film celebrates 
Chinese tradition in 
flashback stories about 
son who returns 
home from the city to 
arrange a respectful 
funeral for his father 
Unfortunately, The 
Road Home is as eas- 
ily forgotten as it is 
digested. VJ; 


In The Center of the 
World (Artisan), a nou- 
veau riche computer nerd offers a wom- 
an $10,000 to spend a weckend with him 
in Las Vegas. He likes her looks when he 
sees her putting up posters for her band; 
when he learns she is also a stripper, he 
finds her hard to resist. She accepts the 
offer, with several conditions: She needs 


her own room, will have no sex with him 
and will perform only from 10 ем to 
2 am. Things don't go as planned. 
however. He hasa difficult time reconcil 
ing the fantasy woman of the night with 
the real-life woman he grows fond of in 
her off-hours. She finds herself getting 

to like him, which goes against her strip- 
per's code of keeping men at a distance. 
Director Wayne Wang, using a blueprint 
script (co-written by Paul Auster), digital 
video and two bold leading actors (Peter 
Sarsgaard and Molly Parker), creates a 
compelling look at two people caught in 

vas told he could 

His assemble 

ind life-size replicas of 


e man be 

a sexual tug-of-war. These characters 
resonate in our fantasy-driven society, 
and their story is acted out with remark- 
able candor. ¥¥¥ 

Director James Ivory, producer Ismail 
Merchant and screen- 
writer Ruth Prawer 
Jhabvala have been 
working together so 
long that one can take 
the team for grant- 
ed. Their newest of- 
fering, Henry James’ 
The Golden Bow! (Lions 
Gate), is an important 
reminder that their 
gilt for illuminating 
period drama is rare 
indeed. Yes, the set- 
lings and costumes 
are exquisite, and 
they serve the story 
well, but it’s the emo- 
tional content of the 
piece that matters 
most. An Italian 
prince (Jeremy Nor- 
tham) and an impov- 
erished young Ameri 
can (Uma Thurman) 
are deeply in love, 
but he must marry 
for money, and so is affianced to Thur- 
man's lifelong friend, an American 
heiress (Kate Beckinsale) whose life has 
been devoted to her widowed father 
(Nick Nolte). Family friend Anjelica 
Huston thinks it best for the naive 
Beckinsale not to know that her future 

| over the y 

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N os enr, 
Ж” 3 

чч Ж. Ra 

i rig AUS 
LSVOD OL LS vOO аллауУл! лу” MON 

husband once had a liaison with her clos- 
est friend, and therein hangs the tale. 
The performances are uniformly fine in 
this roundelay of passion, deceit, retri- 
bution and, ultimately, forgiveness. The 
Golden Boul is richly satisfying adult 
entertainment. ¥¥¥ 

Two of the best actors working in mov- 
ies—John Turturro and Emily Watson— 
co-star in The Luzhin Defence (Sony Pic- 
tures Classics). In this intriguing sto- 
ry based on the novel by Vladimir Na- 
bokov, Turturro plays a Russian chess 
master who travels to Italy in the Twen- 
ties for a world championship. He's so 
consumed by the game that he barely 
notices anything going on around him— 
until he meets Watson, who's vacation- 
g with her mother at the same resort. 
The attraction between the two unlikely 
te but fraught with 
problems. Mar- 

leen Gorris, 

the talented Dutch director of the Oscar- 
winning Antonia's Line, has brought a 
keen sensibility to this unusual story, but 
perhaps most winning move was 
casting brilliant actors in the leading 
roles. ¥¥¥ 

In 1995 four Danish directors issued 
the Dogme 95 manifesto, in which they 
rejected gimmickry and advocated a 
stripped-down approach to storytelling. 
‘They said nothing about entertaining an 
audience, and that problem plagues The 
King Is Alive (Good Machine), directed by 
Dogme co-founder Kristian Levring. 
Such fine actors as Janet McTeer, Bruce 
Davison and Jennifer Jason Leigh star in 
a saga of disparate people stranded in 
the African desert, forced to deal with 
each other's peccadilloes and problems. 
Inspired by King Lear, it plays more like 
a hybrid of 2 Greek tragedy and an epi 
sode of Survivor. If there is a point, it 
was lost on me. ¥/2 


Mask, with Leonardo DiCaprio, and the 
French import Ridicule. SOON TO BE SEEN IN: 
Quicksand, co-starring with Michael Caine 
and Michael Keaton. HER EARLIEST AMBITIOI 
“Since childhood my dream was to be in mo 

ies, so I could dance with and ki: 

Gene Kell 

I've always been in love with American actors. 

My favorite actors 


е all American, like James 

French cinema there are a lot of women stars, 
much more than men.” THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IN 

WRITTEN A NOVEL: “In France, you have to 
stick to what you're doing. You can't be 
an actress and a singer. You're put into a 
little box and have to stay in that box. 1 
think it's much easier in America. Jo- 
die Foster is an actress, a producer and 

a director. That's rare in France. I have 
this pretty-girl model look and peo- 

ple might not think I could write a 
“Directors. Even my boyfriend is 

BEY jealous when I'm meeting a direc- 
“Ridley Scott, Francis Coppola, 
Woody Allen, Spike Jonze.” WHY 

CAINE: “He's very funny. On the set he's 
doing jokes. It's so nice. Even after 100 
movies, he's really amazed by things and 
he wants to create morc. He's an amazing 
man and he has a wonderful wife." WHAT 
have exactly the same way of t 
in the cinema. We're not stars, we're not. 
famous, we're just doing something that 
we like." т.м. 


capsule close-ups of current films 
by leonard maltin 

Blow (Reviewed 5/01) Johnny Depp 
stars as the real-life guy who domi- 
nated the American cocaine market 
for ycars—but couldn't erase a self- 
destructive streak. A tangible sense 
of time and place, and good pertor- 
mances can't make the central charac- 
ter a compelling subject. a 
The Center of the World (See review) 
Wayne Wang directed this bold cham- 
ber piece about a computer nerd who 
hires a stripper to spend a weekend 
with him in Las Vegas—with unex- 
pected results. A daring and intro- 
spective adult drama. УУУ 
Enemy at the Gates (Listed only) Jude 
Law, Joseph Fiennes, Ed Harris and 
Rachel Weisz star in this fictional ver- 
sion of a true story of rival snipers 
during World War II. It starts out so 
well; too bad it lapses into silly Holly- 
woodisms by the end We 
15 Minutes (4/01) Director John Herz- 
feld takes aim at tabloid TV and loop- 
holes in our criminal justice system in 
this aggressive and entertaining film. 
starring Robert De Niro and E 

Get Over It (Listed only) Kirsten Dunst 
and Ben Foster star in this teen com- 
edy inspired by Shakespeare's Mid- 
summer Nights Dream—but the good- 
natured film sputters off in too many 
directions to score abull'seye. — YY 
The Golden Bow! (See review) Nick 
Nolte and Uma Thurman star in this 
excellent Merchant-Ivory piece, based 
on Henry James’ story of love, fate, 
betrayal and forgiveness. yyy 
The King Is Alive (Sce review) Janet 
McTeer and Bruce Davison head а 
strong cast in this story of disparate 
people stranded in the desert—a 
dreary hybrid of Greek tragedy and 
an episode of Survivor, although its 
roots are in King Lear. ууз 
The Luzhin Defence (See review) John 
Turturro is a self-absorbed chess mas- 
ter, Emily Watson a sheltered but in- 
dependent-minded woman who falls 
in love with him yyy 
One Night at McCool’s (5/01) Three men 
(Mau Dillon, John Goodman and 
Paul Reiser) see beautiful Liv Tyler in 
their own way—but they're all done 
in by this wily femme fatale. Уу 
The Road Home (See review) Zhang Үі- 
mou brings earnestness and craft to a 
minor story about a man who returns 
to his rural village, where we learn 
how his mother and father met many 
years before. мұ); 

YY Worth a look 
¥ Forget it 

YYYY Don't miss 
¥¥¥ Good show 

He nurtures them. 

He pampers them. 

Don Julio Gonzalez ows that the " 70 mak yu ug: tequila 
lies in the heart of theblucagave plant. 1 dE 5 why hy he nurtures each 

plant for up to ten years, then hand-selects only the largest tg hearts. 

One taste and you'll agree: their death was not in vain. ^s 



Even legends enjoy quality responsibly. 

“I'm most fond of some of the older Holly- 
wood films, like On the Waterfront,” says 
Paul Verhoeven, director of such bombas- 
tic Hollywood fare as Basic Instinct, Show- 
girls, Starship Troopers and Hollow Man. 
"For some time, | studied Elia Kazan. I'm 
excited to get all my Hitchcock movies on 
DVD, because I'm always looking at them. 
1 like the ones he did in England, like The 
Lady Vanishes and The 39 Steps. Now, | 
want to see The Perfect Storm DVD and to 
hear Wolfgang Petersen's commentary 


It's nice to see heist movies making a 
comeback. Guy Ritchie's Snaich (on vid- 
eo this month) and Steven Soderbergh's 
remake of the Rat Pack favorite Ocean's 
Eleven, due later this year, continue a 
fine tradition in which lovable antihe- 
roes are driven to crime, only to learn 
too late that crime doesnt pay. Usually. 
The Way of the Gun (2000): Bottom feeders 
Benicio Del Toro and Ryan Phillippe 
want to ransom an unborn baby, so they 
kidnap mother-to-be Juliette Lewis. Bad 
idea: It leads to bullets and a ghastly 
C-section birth in a Mexican outpost. 
The Killing (1956): A gang of misfits is re- 
cruited by man's man Sterling Hay р 
to rob a racetrack of a cool $2 mil. 
would have gone perfectly except for ike 
greedy dame. Snappily directed b 
ley Kubrick, with dialogue by Mr. Hard- 
Boiled himself, Jim Thompson. 

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Borrels (1998): 
Unlucky Nick Moran loses his father's 
bar in a poker game but can buy it back 
for $800,000. Happily, the next-door 
neighbors are gangsters who have lots of 
cash—and weapons. 

Reservoir Dogs (1992): Alter a diamond 
heist goes awry, the crooks repair to a 
warehouse to lick their wounds and fig- 
ure out which of them tipped the cops. 
Quentin Tarantino's shockingly evil 
recting debut. 

Dead Heat on а ет Go-Round (1065); 

LAX during the arrival of the Russian 
premier. An excellent example of clock- 
work cinema. Harrison Ford appears 

44 briefly asa bellhop. 

Killing Zoe (1994): Tarantino protégé Rog- 
er Avary's bullet-strewn tale of an Amer- 
ican safecracker (Eric Stoltz) who goes to 
Paris to help drug-addled thugs rob a 
bank. A night with bank teller Julie Del- 
py inhibits the heist. 

The Hot Rock (1972): Redford leads a gang 
of hapless cat burglars in a chase for a 
priceless gem. Very clever, very Seven- 
ties, with a cool Quincy Jones score. 
Thief (1981): Career safecracker James 
Caan takes mentor Willie Nelson's ad- 
vice to cash out and settle down with wife 
Tuesday Weld. But Robert Prosky has 
one last job for him. Michael Mann's 
brilliant film debut. — BUZZ MCCLAIN 


Cleopatra (Twentieth Century Fox), the 
costly 1963 historical epic that famously 
brought Fox to the brink of bankruptcy, 
is out in a three-disc set. It launched 
Elizabeth Taylor's post-MGM solo career 
with a million-dollar paycheck (Holly- 
wood's first for an actress) while pushing 
the already notorious beauty into Rich- 
ard Burton's arms and busting up her 
brief marriage to Eddie Fisher. One disc 
celebrates this history in a two-hour doc- 
umentary, dubbed Cleopatra: The Film 
That Changed Hollywood. The documen- 
tary should be enjoyed before one con- 
sumes the four-hour Sphinx-fest that is 
Cleopatra. Doing so simultaneously low- 
ers one’s cinematic expectations while 
raising one’s awareness of the produc- 
tion's troubled history. Mind you, Cleopa- 
tra remains an ofien gloriously ex 

Thirteen Days (inside the war room for the Cuban missile cri- 
sis; Costner leads solid ensemble in underseen drama), Proof 
of Life (when thugs kidnap Ryan's hubby, it's Gladiator to the 
rescue; whiff of imminent cuckoldry adds suspense). 


Everyone is cele- 
brating Marilyn's 
75th birthday. One 
of her best films, 
Some Like It Hot 
(MGM), is out 
in a special DVD 
edition. Then 
there's the 
Marilyn Mon- 
roe Diamond 
Collection from 
Fox, with Gen- 
tlemen Prefer 
Blondes, The 
Seven Year Itch, 

Business, How to 

Marry a Millionaire 

and Bus Stop. With 

this boxed set (VHS 

or DVD) is the excellent documentary 
Marilyn Monroe: The Final Days, which 
includes a 37-minute reconstruction of 
Something's Got to Give, the film left unfin- 
ished at her death. —JOHN REZEK 

gant film, with Oscar-winning costumes, 

sets, art direction and cinematography. 
The new high-definition transfer and 
THX mastering cast the film in its best 
light ever. —GREGORY P FAGAN 



Finding Forrester (reclusive English prof Sean Connery finds 
rough jewel on Harlem hard-courl). Billy Elliot (gawky British 
kid is so desperate to dance tha! he eventually does; inspir- 
ing despite the formulaics). 



Shadow of the Vampire (оп the weird set of the classic Nosfer- 
atu, Dafoe sucks blood, Malkovich chews scenery), O Broth- 
er, Where Art Thou? (three cons run in the Depression-era 
South; Coen brothers soak The Odyssey in irony). 


Miss Congeniality (schlumpy fed Sandra Bullock goes under- 
cover as Miss New Jersey; sitcom-like, could have been sex- 
ier), What Women Want (ad exec Mel Gibson suddenly can 
read women's minds; mild fun, should have been darker) 


Quills (Geoffrey Rush is the Marquis de Sade, imprisoned for 
pom yet playfully impertinent; sharply pointed), Before Night 
Falls (director Julian Schnabel and actor Javier Bardem 

breathe life into Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas; dusky). 

Lift here 
to discover 




living online 



My friend David wanted to replace his thrift-store dining 
room chairs with “real” furniture. He came across six French 
Victorian hardwood chairs at an antique store that were 
a match for his table. But he had no idea if the $4500 ask- 
ing price was anywhere near market value, When the dealer 
wasn't looking, he snapped a digital photo, and paid $20 to 
.com—an online fine art, antiques and с 

ice—look at the chairs. In 48 hours, an "epp: 
er" senta short report about the chairs, valuing them at $1200 
(fair market) with a $2400 replacement value. Armed with the 
information from the appraisal, David returned to the dealer 

the price knocked 
down to $2500 
‘The last time that 

I checked, he was 
still mulling over 
the deal. 

* WebTrace 



I'm flying to Denver next month, so 
I went to and 
filled out a form, entering the travel 
date, airline and type of plane I'll be 
taking. Seconds later, the site informed 
me that the chances of crashing on the 
trip are | in 58,004. I'll take those 
odds. emphasizes 
that all passenger-jet travel is safe. “If 
you took a flight every day, you'd trav- 
el more than 1000 years on average be- 
fore being involved in a fatal accident.” 
A good thing to remember next time you hit turbulence. 

Submited by 
Boob Seer it 

Total Votes: 


You may think that reading your e-mail is a private activi 
but thanks to an ugly software trick called a pixel tag, senders 
can tell when you open certain messages. Sites like itrace let anyone send e-mail messages containing pixel 
bugs to anyone else. When the recipient opens the message, e-mails a notice to the sender. Fortunately, 
there’s an easy way to prevent pixel tags from invading your 
set your e-mail program's preferences to “text only.” 
press, for example—are 
set by default to receive ve messages in HTML format. (HTML is 
the same language used to display a web page's graphics, col- 
өгей backgrounds and formatted text.) But you can switch off 
the HTML option in the “preferences” or "options" section of 
the program. That way, you keep the snoops at bay, plus pre- 
vent your e-mail from getting clogged with graphics. 


‘The name,, says it all. Anonymous women 
place their breasts on color scanners and upload the ima, 
the site. Then users vate on their favorite pair. There are in- 
structions provided on how to scan and submit images, and a 
separate “hairy boobs" contest page for men (which 1 didn't 
bother to check out—and neither should you). 


his past April, I wrote about my awful experience on Unit- 
ed Airlines after using to book the flight tick- 
ets. About a month after I e-mailed my complaints to both 
of the companies, I received $450 in travel vouchers from 
United and $75 in American Express gift certificates 
from Expedia, along with their humble ad ns of 
guilt. Apologies accepted 


Having a DSL or cable modem 
service means you have high-speed 
access to the Internet, but there 
is a downside. Your computer be- 
comes a tempting target for dark- 
side hackers who can more easily 
break in and steal your banking 
records, credit card numbers and 

passwords. If you've graduated from a dial-up connection, 
you should get some kind of firewall protection. 1 have 
Norton Personal Firewall, which protects my computer from 
unauthorized access. It works in the background, warning me 
if an intruder is trying to crawl down my DSL line. The soft- 
ware also blocks potentially dangerous Java applets and Ac- 
tiveX controls from wreaking havoc on my hard drive. Down- 
load a copy for Windows ($50) or for Macintosh ($70) at 


A gallery of Pulitzer Prize photography: 
pulitzer. Fool your friends, impress strangers. Participate in 
the black market. Buy knockoff watches at greatreplicas. 
com. Missed an episode of your favorite TV show? Read a 
snarky synopsis at 

You can contact Marh Frauenfelder by e-mail at livingonline 




America loves gangster fiction, a fact not lost in Jimmy Bres- 
lin's! Don't Want to Go to Jail (Little, Brown). The anecdotal nov- 
el follows the parallel fates of a fading Mafia king- 
pin and a law-abiding lad saddled with the same 
moniker as his uncle, the Don of 

Greenwich Village. Jail A E 
has some grit but seems J 

as frothy as a fairy tale 
when compared with 
James Ellroy's mesmer- 
izing nightmare of gang- 
dom's power and glory, The 
Cold Six Thousand (Knopf). 
Focusing on a Las Vegas 
cop's decline through the 
tumultuous Sixties, it lays 
the assassinations of the 

Kennedys and Martin Lu- = ER 
ther King, Howard Hughes J A 
buyout of Vegas, the Vietnam > 

war drug trade and the elec- 
tion of Richard Nixon at the 
casino doorstep of a cabal of 
crime lords, CIA creeps and the ever-vigilant J. Edgar Hoo- 
ver. With riveting style and substance, The Cold Six Thousand 
is Ellroy's biggest score. —DICK LOCHTE 


The first rule of fight club is that yau never talk about fight 
club. But now the secrets are out. Bob Mee's Bore Fists: The 
History of Bare Knuckle Prize Fighting (Overlook) profiles the 
strongest, meanest and drunkest bare-knuckle boxers in the 
history of the sport, which began in early-1700s England 
You think Mike Tyson is a badass? These boxers bit noses, 
gouged eyes and kicked their fallen opponents with spiked 
boots. Fights lasted an average of two and a half hours, 
ending only when a boxer dropped (many times, dropped 
dead). Crowds of up to 50,000 traveled miles to see these 
bouts, cousing locol residents to wonder if the French were 
invading. These pugilists 
did not live out their glory 
years like Rocky. Most ei- 
ther died young from or- 
gan damage, spent time 
in jail for the deaths of 

their opponents or took to 
drink. In the late 18005, 
gloves and stricter rules 
were introduced, which 
led to today's fighters 
mockery of the original 
art. A boxer and his mates 
are the focus of Irvine 
Welsh's latest novel, Glue 
(Norton). But, as with 

his best-known novel, 
Trainspotting, wading 
through Welsh’s diolect 
con be o challenge. If 
you're not up to it, wait for 
the movie. —PATTY LAMBERTI 




Paul Theroux's Sir Vidia's Shadow was a bitter memoir about his 
relationship with V.S. Naipaul, in which Theroux managed to 
present unflattering portraits of both his onetime mentor 
and himself. His latest book, Hotel Honolulu (Houghton 
Mifflin), is about a middle-aged author of some notoriety 
who tries to escape his past and start a new life. The name- 
less narrator seeks refuge in a job managing the last small, 
old hotel in Honolulu. The book is the former writer's 
episodic retelling of the many stories that the hotel's guests 
and staff have told him. Theroux is at the top 
of his game capturing the unrequit- 
ed desires of the visitors who 
pass through the hotel's 
lobby and drink in the Par- 
adise Lost Lounge. He also 
creates some memorable 
characters. Hotel owner 
Buddy Hamstra is “most 
people's nightmare, a 
reckless millionaire with 
the values of a delinquent 
and a barklike laugh." 
Then there's the narrator's 
wife, Sweetie, the product of 
a top-secret assignation ar- 
ranged years earlier by Buddy between 
a prostitute and JFK. As his narrator discovers a route back 
home to the writing life, Theroux also makes a most wel- 
come comeback —PAUL ENGLEMAN 

| Decodes before Shoron Stone wielded on ice pick and un- 
‘crossed her legs in Basic Instinct, femmes fotoles slinked 
| “ocross movie screens leoving cigo- 
| тене smoke and baffled men in their 
| wokes. Offscreen, life wos even 
dorker. The women chofed under a 
` studio system that gove them little 
power. They bottled jeolous peers 
ond lost roles os they oged. Eddie 
| Muller's Dark City Dames: The Wick- 
| ed Women of Film Noir (Horper Col- 
| lins) has more Hollywood scoop 
| than a Liz Smith column. It’s a sym- 
| pothetic ode to six women [Evelyn 

“Keyes, Coleen Стоу, Ann Savoge, Jane Greer, Audrey Totter 
"end Morie Windsor) who mode B-movie history and helped 

- pove film noir's shodowy streets. 

Our own mon obout town sets the tone for 
Man About Town (Sterling). Hef 
mokes o sploshy oppearance in 
Cotherine Hoyword ond Bill 
Dunn's look at style, sports, 
music, art, film ond boys’ toys 
In this orch universe, Hef f 
keeps heody compony with 
the likes of Rosputin, Freud, 
Clork Goble, Picasso, Elvis, 
the Beotles, Arnold Schworz- 
enegger ond Bubbo. 


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MARK CHMURA, former Green Bay Packers 
tight end, was found not guilty early this 
year on charges of child enticement and 
third-degree sexual assault of a young 
woman in Wisconsin. I watched the en- 
tire trial on Court TV and thought the 
jury acquitted itself honorably and well. 
When I read the sports columnists of my 
hometown Chicago newspapers, howev- 
er, J learned that Chmura was still taint- 
cd with guilt despite the jury's decision 
It appears that the sports pages—once 
the last bastion of unabashed man- 
hood—are now advocating the politi 
ly correct approach to all things athletic. 

"Chmura may not be guilty, but he's a 
long way from innocent,” wrote one fe- 
male columnist. “The odds were stacked 
against his accuser. They are always 
stacked against the accuser. The accuser 
is always made out to be the bad per- 
son.” A male sports columnist in the 
same paper weighed in with similar re- 
marks: “In truth, his name is dirt forev- 
er... . A rat, some would call Chmura, if 
not worse.” 

OK, forget Chmura. Here are some 
other politically correct sports colum 
nists on the XFL. Under the headline 
a female columnist in another Chicago 
newspaper writes of the XFL “exploiting 
women” and says, “One more risqué 
shot of the cheerleaders and it would 
have put Baywatch to shame.” And a gen- 
tleman writing for The New York Times 
nant about the XFL in that 
ical femspeak: "The level of 

female objectification in a sports venture 
that even pays lip service to being legiti- 
mate is a cultural setback to American 
women who have worked so hard to ele- 
vate their athletic si 

Having been scolded by my moral su- 
periors after 1 checred the Chmura ver- 
dict and chuckled in appreciation of the 
XFL cheerleaders and their antics, it oc- 
cursto me that we need yet another foot- 
ball league in this country: the Politically 
Correct Football League. Here are some 
suggestions about rules and procedures 
that should help that noble venture get 
off the ground: 

(1) Before all PCFL games, two play- 
ers from each team will prepare their fa- 
vorite recipes midfield (provincial French 
cuisine, of course) and share them with 
the crowd. 

(2) All PCFL uniforms arc to be de- 
signed by Donna Karan (Barbra Strei- 
sand's preferred designer). No garish 
colors or obscene names will be allowed 
on the backs of the players’ jerseys. I 
thermore, each game will have an origi- 
nal color scheme and will be orchestrat- 

50 ed by a feng shui expert. 


(3) PCFL locker rooms will be moni- 
tored by Martha Stewart and her min- 
ions over remote ТУ. Any player who is 
messy or unruly will be banned from the 
game. There will also be no belching, 
farting or horseplay, and towel snapping 
is out! 

(4) Only male feminists may play in 
the PCFL. The status of each player will 
be determined by written exams admin- 
istered by the National Organization for 
Women. Once a decision is made, there 
is no appeal. 

(5) Before the national anthem is 
played, / 4m Woman. will be sung a cap- 
pella by each team. At the end of the 
game, all participants will join hands and 
sing Kumbaya. 

(6) No profanity will be permitted by 
any member of the PCFL. "Aw, shucks” 
or "Goodness gi " will replace all 
previous epithet rule holds even 
for men who have broken a limb or been 
kicked in the nu: 

(7) All games will begin with a group 
hug and a check-in (over an open mike, 
the players talk about their livesand how 
they are feeling that day; those players 
who do not feel well or harbor unde- 
fined anxiety are excused). 

(8)1 g is by permission only. Asa 
defender approaches the man with the 
ball, he must ask if it is all right to tackle 
him. If the offensive player says no and 
claims he is not ready for such a violent 
collision, the defender must simply run 
alongside him until such permission is 

(9) Permission is granted when the 
man carrying the ball yells, “Sticks and 
stones may break iny bones, but tackling 
never hurts me." 

(10) Most PCFL games will be high- 
scoring because, contrary to popular be- 
lief, a lot of football players do not like 
being tackled and therefore will never 
grant permission. 

(11) There is no blocking in the PCFL. 
Tight hand-holding is allowed, however, 
as are tripping, scratching, clawing and 
shrieking, In addition, the game can be 
stopped at any time if one player wishes 
to sue another for harassment or bad 
conduct. The game may not continue 
until the lawsuit has been settled. (Irue, 
some games will last for years, but that is 
the price of justice.) 

(12) There are no female cheerleaders 
in the PCFL. Male cheerleaders are 2 
ceptable, as long as they look a lot 
Ricky Martin and have all of the right 

(13) Whenever a player is tired or con- 
fused, he can call a time-out and talk it 
over with everybody on the field and in 
the stands. Consider a PCFL game to be 
a glorified Oprah show. (Did 1 tell you she 
owns this league and is its commissioner?) 

(14) Every player will have his own 
psychiatrist and can call for a consul- 
tation at any time, even wi running 
with the ball (all PCFL shrinks have to 
pass a rigorous physical exam and sign a 
personal liability waiver). 

(15) Only male spectators have to pay 
for tickets, food and parking. Women, 
having been oppressed for so long (in- 
duding time present), deserve a break 
here, for God's sake. 

(16) All referees, male and female, are 
to be recruited from various university 
gender studies programs. They have the 
power to eject all rude or inconsiderate 
players from the game (this includes 
men who argue with any call or make ob- 
scene gestures with their butts). 

(17) Dick Butkus and Mike Ditka will 
be permitted to broadcast PCFL games 
only if they agree to undergo chemical 
castration. (By the way, Dennis Miller 

(18) Team names will reflect the quali- 
ally correct people always 
us already established in- 
clude the Chicago Compromisers, the 
Cheyenne Conflict Resolvers, the Falstaff 
the San Francisco Steinems 
пра Bay Trechugge 

(19) No matter how vigorously some 
men may claim they are feminists to the 
core and will abide PCFL rules, no 
long-haul truckers or former Marines 
will be permitted to p in this league. 
(If they want to date some of the male 
cheerleaders, that’s another story. To 
each his own, as they say.) 

Sorry, Vince. It’s a new world now. 








Brave New Wines 

Unless you've been asleep for the post 10 years, you know that winemakers in ports of the world other than France, Italy and Germany 
are making greot strides. For example, Australio's Gronge Hermitage is consistently ronked shoulder to shoulder with the finest wines of 
Bordeaux. And lately there hove been some wonderful, if more modest, wines coming out of Chile. For an overview of all this activity, con- 
sult Julie Arkell's New World Wines: The Complete Guide (Seven Dials, distributed by Sterling). This lovishly produced book is short on text 
ond long on photographs. She tockles Australia, New Zealond, South Americo, North Americo and South Africa (obove); While farfrom 
scholarship, Arkell’s book provides o look ot the alternatives when the idea of putting up with the French is foo much to swallow. 

Real-Life Come On, Baby, 
Castles Light the Fire 

Most guys liv Who better thon Weber to 
apartments, not do the Big Book of Grilling? 
multilevel lofts or ls the follow-up to the 
million-dollor town- impressive Weber's Art of 
houses Тһе се; the Grill, and, yes, there 
premise of Apad- is more to be said about 
ment, by Alon Fow- cooking over fire. Lots 
ero lavish more, as Jamie Pur- 
spiring book for the viance ond Sandra 

city dweller in cll of McRae reveal on sub- 

us, featuring pretty jects ronging from 
pichures great оқы "erinodes о sauces 

ond practical tips on 19 desserts. There oro 

= also tips on moster- 
such intriguing sub- nike arr end 

jects os storage and | v Porto drink with 
lighting. (Antique grilled food. Also 
suitcoses like the helpful are the Big 
ones at left are Book's many il- 
great for storing lustrations and 
out-of-season photogrophs. 
clothes, and also Price: $22.95, 
hint of foraway from Chronicle 
ploces.) Sources ore Books (800- 

in the appendix. 722-6657) or 
Price: $27.50. in bookstores. 

Clothesline: Mike Judge 
and Stephen Root 

Mike Judge (right), the creator of Fox TV's 
King of the Hill, says he's having an iden- 
tity crisis with clothes since turning 38 last 
fall. “It's an age when you дап! want to 
look like you're trying to look young." His 
salution: jeans, either Levi's ar Diesel, and 
surf shirts or T-shirts withaut a logo. "Mast 
of my T-shirts ore Fruit of the Loom, but I 
also buy Wilke-Rodriguez because they 
don't have logos." Judge admits ta awn- 
ing an Armani tux, which he says “cast more than what 1 made 

in any given year in college. | also have a Huga Bass suit that 

I've worn on Letterman, ta the Beavis and Butt-head premiere 

and ta the Cannes Film Festival.” Ste- 

phen Root (left), the voice af Neighbor 

Bill and Mr. Strickland an Hill (he's al- 

sa in O Brother, Where Art Thau?), says 
clothes ore easy for him. "I like Italian 

but I dan't like bright colors." An exam- 

ple: black Ralph Lauren or Armani suits 
teamed with shirts in variaus shades 

of gray and white. “Black jeans and a 

white T-shirt also wark far me—a very 
Fifties laok.” His favarite item of clath- | 
ing, however, is an old gray-ond-bur- | 
gundy smoking jacket that he laves. 

Т E 
It's the Ritz 
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel chain has just apened its first Ritz- 
Carltan Club in Aspen, the town where breathing seems ta 
cast maney. The club, situated at the base af the Aspen High- 
lands ski area, consists af 73 furnished residences available to 
awn an a ane twelfth-interest basis. You're guaranteed access 
ta yaur twa- ar three-bedroom pad or your penthause at least 
28 days per year. Memberships cost $160,000 ta $475,000 
(plus an annual fee). The price includes such amenities as а 
concierge, maid and room service and o private lounge. 

Baseball videa games. EA Sports’ Triple Play Baseball (pictured 
below) is the best. The latest edition includes facial scans of 
major league stars, renderings of all 30 stadiums and gome 
play so realistic you'll be ducking beanballs. Good luck going 
up against Mariano Rivera. € Sperm danatian. Are you at the 
top of the pop charts? Common among young single female 
pals are secret lists of potential sperm donors, should the need 
arise, that may contain your name. Sure, she admires your wit, 
brains and pecs—but enough to carry your seed? You may find 
you're a last-ditch choice or haven't made the cut at all, al- 
pha boy. * Champagne. The bubbly is enjoying a renaissance. 
No longer relegated to formal affairs, it’s the current libation 
among supermodels and suits. The trend can be spotted in 5 
cialty bors such as NYC's Flute (40 E. 20th) and on websites 
offering information on the region and vintages that can be 
ordered online. (The site is excellent.) € Video snaoping. 

Hidden cameras are becaming 

harder to detect. A 

company named 

МСС has creat- || 

ed Plus Guard, a 

personal protec- 

tion device that 

sniffs out transmit- 

ters. Price: about 

$45. Check theplus for fur- 

A race-car driver tells us that this maneuver for evasive ac- 

tion used to be called a baotleg turn. If you're going to try it, с i 

pick an empty parking lat with a slippery surface (dry pave- ther information. 
54 ment will destroy your tires). Never attempt it on public roads. 


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Mine Playboy Advisor 

f still haven't met that special someone. 
Recently I contacted a dating service, 
but it charges $1000 to set you up on 
three dates. What questions should I ask 
before | hand over my money?—B.T., 
Springfield, Ilinois 

Hiring a dating service should be your 
last move, not your first, Most people meet 
partners through friends, so let it be known 
that you're looking (one site,, 
attempts to formalize the process). Dating 
services charge premium rales because 
they spend time getting to know you, most- 
ly through personality tests and interviews. 
The idea is that theyll pul you together with 
numerous women who are compatible, and 
eventually one match will have chemistry. 
That's how personal ads work, as well, but 
you control the process, and it's not nearly so 
expensive. Print ads are notorious for at- 
tracting liars, but online you can see photos, 
search instantly by age, interests or geogra- 
phy and get to know someone by e-mail be- 
fore you meet. The downside is that online 
chemistry doesn't always translate to real 
life. Experiment with, 
or, which in a recent New 
week survey had the most members and one 
of the highest ratios of women to men, Most 
sites allow you to post a personal for free but 
charge a monthly fee to reply to others, You'll 
find more specific advice about using online 
dating services on page 23. The Newsweek 
report prompted one of its readers to offer 
this real-world strategy for meeting women: 
"Become a shoe salesman at one of the fanci- 
er department stores. You ll meets lots of nice 
ladies and be a provider of something for 
which they have a true passion.” 

How many sex positions are there? One 
online list has more than 500. My girl- 
friend and I would like to try one new 
position every day, and I figure that 
could keep us going until the summer of 
2002. Then we could 
Hartford, Connecticut 

The figure comes from the Indian scholar 
Yashodhara, who centuries ago wrote com- 
mentary on the Kama Sutra. Пе calculated 
that there are precisely 529 positions, but his 
technique employs some creative accounting. 
For example, here's his description of the 
dhenuka, which translates as congress of the 
cow: “In the same way can be carried out 
the congress of a dog, the congress af a goat, 
the congress of a deer, the forcible mounting 
of an ass, the congress of a cat, the jump of 
a tiger, the pressing of an elephant, the rub- 
bing of a bear, the mounting of a horse. And 
in all these cases the characteristics of these 
difjerent animals should be manifested by 
acting or producing sounds like them.” So, if 
your partner barks one day and whinnies the 
next, you've completed two pasitions—or you 
need to move off the farm. 

In March the Advisor answered a ques- 
tion about how to avoid getting a ticket 
once you've been pulled over. Your ad- 
vice came too late for me. I received a 
ticket in North Carolina for driving 15 
mph over the limit. What would have 
happened had 1 not mailed in the $111 
fine?—T.C., Royal Oak, Michigan 

If you ignore a ticket for a moving viola- 
lion, it’s sent to a judge, who could revoke 
your license and issue а bench warrant for 
your arrest, making you a fugitive from traf- 
fic justice. If you pay the fine, you're plead- 
ing guilty. In either case, the Department of 
Motor Vehicles notifies your home state un- 
der a reciprocal agreement called the Driver 
License Compact. If your state also is a mem- 
ber of the Non-Resident Violator Compact, 
it’s obligated to suspend your license until 
the fine is paid. Here's the wrinkle: Michi- 
gan (along with Georgia, Massachusetts 

Tennessee and Wisconsin) isn't а member of 

the DLC. It also doesn't belong to the NRVC, 
joining Alaska, California, Montana, Ore- 
gon and Wisconsin. That doesn't mean these 
states ignore violations—they just may not 
suspend your license. The bad news is that 
ап effort is under way to craft a new a; 
ment that will reach évery slate. 


Vm a bodybuilder, age 23, who makes 
ends meet as a personal trainer. My 
two favorite clients are a drop-dead 
gorgeous mother-and-daughter exo 
dance duo. | train them together at thei 
home. Both women are voluptuous and 
muscular. They act more | ers. We 
had always flirted, but for professional 
reasons 1 never acted on it. One day 1 
joked that it would be fun to shower to- 
gether. To my amazement, they agreed. 


1 found myself pressed between mother 
and daughter as they soaped my body. 
They did things with their hands and 
mouths that were beyond belief. After 
the shower, they led me into the bed- 
room, The daughter rode my cock while 
her mother kissed my mouth, nipples 
and stomach. Then I fucked the mother 
doggy style, with the daughter hugging 
me from behind. While this wasn't the 
first time I'd been with two women, the 
fact that they were mother and daughter 
enhanced the eroticism. Now I'm dating 
both. How common are mother-daugh- 
ter threesomes?—C.A., Houston, Texas 

They're common—as fantasies. The "exot- 
ic dance duo" is a nice touch in yours. 

Sometimes when I ejaculate, my semen 
comes out either yellow or partly clear. 
At other times it contains gelatinous 
lumps. Should 1 be concerned?—C.B., 
Falls Church, Virginia 

No. Semen may appear white, gray, yellow 
or silver, and it can be watery or thick. It al- 
so will vary from guy to guy and ejaculation 
to ejaculation. 1] you haven't had sex in a 
while, it may appear mare yellow than usual, 
and certain medications also might change 
its color. If it has brown or red streaks, that’s 
blood. Typically it indicates that you broke a 
vessel or have a minor infection. In rare cas- 
es it points lo something more serious, such 
as prostate cancer, but you don't need to be 
concerned unless you see blood in every ejac- 
ulation for wee eeks al a time, or if you feel 
pain. The gelatin-like lumps you mentioned 
тау be yl pias of protein and enzymes that 
form naturally in the prostate gland. They 
could indicate a mild infection, or simply 
that you haven't ejaculated in a while. 

Back in high school I was determined to 
be the perfect boyfriend, but then my 
heart was broken. I haven't cared about 
anyone since. 1 thought women wanted 
to be loved, but whenever І show inter- 
est they run in the other direction. Now 
I've met someone new, but I'm afraid ГЇЇ 
be stuck with a line like, “You're a great 
guy. 1 just don't know what I want.” How 
can 1 make her want something more?— 
Hoboken, New Jersey 

You can't, and the idea that you have to be 
a perfect boyfriend is foolish. You're flawed, 
and sometimes selfish. That doesn't mean 
you have to be an asshole. But too many men 
are nice guys to the point that they bend like 
saps. If a woman wanted that, she'd get 
а dog. Ask this girl out. If she says no, or 
wavers, or rejects you outright, move on. Ev- 
ery woman wants to be loved—they just don't 
all want to be loved by you. So what? The 
larger problem is that you sound desperate, 

апа women smell that like too much cologne, 4 57 



relationship won't magically fix your life. 
nor make you happy or confident. You have 
to manage that on your own. When you don't 
need them so much, women find you. 

А new bar in town is offering a black and 
tan made vith Guinness and Bass. Isn't a 
black and tan made with Guinness and 
Harp? I can't imagine Guinness would 
incredibly Irish brew mixed up 
with an English ale. What's your take?— 
M.A, Tallahassee, Florida 

Traditionally, a black and tan is a stout 
mixed with ale, but there are variations, 
depending on where you're drinking and 
what's available. In the States, a black 
and tan is typically made with Guinness and 
Bass, while Guinness and Harp is consid- 
ered a half-and-half, (Guinness exports both 
Bass and Harp to North America, so it’s all 
one happy family.) To create a black and tan 
in which the Guinness floats on top—a car- 
nival trick popular only in America—place 
ass al an angle and rapidly fill it half- 
way with ale. Hold a spoon (inquire at your 
pub about one made especially for the task) 
horizontally and facedown over the glass just 
above the surface of the ale. Slowly pour the 
stout over the cup of the spoon. That should 
keep the beers separated. 

Recently a woman wrote to say that she 
felt it was cheating if her husband mas- 
turbated when she was “willing” to have 
with him. I'm sure there are many 
wives who are willing to have sex—but 
that's it. They don't initiate sex, and they 
don't show much imagination once it 
gets going. Being willing doesn’t cut it— 
you have to want it, and participate.— 
M.L., Santa ы California 

You're right. But because this lack of en- 
thusiasm is occurring within a relationship, 
it's not just the wife's problem. If a woman 
approaches sex as a duty, her husband will 
be a happier guy if he finds out what's miss- 
ing for her and attempts to correct it. Laura 
Corn’s books 101 Nights of Great Sex and 
52 Invitations to Great Sex are useful tools 
1o change willing to wanton. 

Hike to perform cunnilingus on my girl- 
friend. There is one small problem. Ev- 
ery time 1 start to touch her or go dow 
"Ooh, my ticklish cli 
and I have to stop. How common is tick- 
lish clit and how can I work around it?— 
P.B., Oxford, Ohio 

Do just that—work around it. Many wom- 
en don't enjoy stimulation of the clitoris un- 
til they're thoroughly aroused, but you can 
play with it indirectly. Caress, spread and 
hiss her labia, finger her anus, massage her 
mons. The wetter she becomes, the less you'll 
hear about the tickle. 

In March the Advisor responded to a 
reader who wanted to find the world's 
warmest thermal underwear. As a moun- 
taincer and ice climber, I must disagree 
with the advice you gave. Any garment 

containing cotton could be your bu 
al suit. Cotton absorbs moisture, forcing 
your body to warm the water, which 
could lead to hypothermia. Lycra is only 
slightly better. Your base layer is only as 
good as your midlayer and shell. Most 
mountaineers choose products like Mar- 
mot's DriClime or Patagonia's Capilene, 
a polyester fabric with a wicking weave. 
Patagonia's Regulator series also is good, 
and the Mountain Hardwear Gore Tran- 
sition base layer is supposed to be the 
warmest around (ultralight, too). Trust 
the men and women who have climbed 
the highest mountains in the world for 
opinions about warm clothes —K.B., 
Grand Junction, Colorado 

We trust them completely. 

My husband of eight years is a great guy 
but a lousy lay. He's shy, awkward and 
embarrassed in bed. Six months ago I 
spent hours on my computer making 
him a coupon book of fayors and fan- 
tasies for him to leave on my pillow. 1 
thought it would spice up our sex life 
and take the edge off his shyness. But he 
hasn't used a single coupon. Is this nor- 
mal? People say I'm pretty, and past boy- 
friends said I was exciting in bed. Yet 
this man has dust on his penis. 1 know 
he's not gay, but I need help. Would the 
average guy show no interest in 30 pages 
of sexual offers?—PR., Dallas, Texas 

The average guy wonld counterfeit those 
coupons so he'd always have extras. We can't 
explain your husband's lack of interest, and 
we don't know many men who are shy and 
embarrassed in bed with their wives afler 
eight years of marriage. It makes us wonder 
how you know he's not gay. Ask him what's 
going on, and explain that the coupons— 
and the marriage—may have an expiration 
date wiless he takes action. 

lam a retired Marine Corps officer now 
on my second career. An attractive co- 
worker has made it clear that she would 
like to have an aff h me. If I were 
single, Га take her out in a second. But 
I've never cheated on my wife, and I'm 
not about to start after 25 years of mar- 
riage. This woman and her husband 
have become friends of my wife's as well. 
The four of us so: e frequently, I 
want to keep her and her husband as 
friends. I told her this, but she acted like 
she hadn't heard me. She just said, “So, 
when are you going to fuck me? It's 
evitable that we'll end up in bed, so why 
prolong the agony?” I asked my father 
for advice and he told me to treat her as 
a professional colleague and stop social- 
izing. But I don't want to piss her off, ei- 
ther. Hell hath no fury... What do you 
think?—J.C., Tampa, Florida 

Father knaws best. You've acknowledged 
to this woman that you find her attractive, 
giving her hope that she can talk you into a 
fling. She isn't showing much respect for you 
or your wife, who is allegedly her friend. It's 

time to play hardball. Cut her off socially 
(her husband has to go, too). If you don't, 
she'll eventually become irritated with your 
resolve and may play dirty. Classic move: 
She informs your wife that you've slept to- 
gether: your wife gets upset; she then tells 
you thal since your wife now thinks you've 
slept together, you might as well go for it. Af- 
ter all, your wife will feel the same if it actu 
ally happens, or if she just believes it did. We 
think you have to tell your wife the truth 
Sometimes it’s a tough cross to bear, being so 
desirable to women, 

l asked my girlfriend how many men 
she’s slept with. Her answer was “fewer 
than 30.” Am I wrong for wanting a pre- 
cise number?—S.R., San Antonio, Texas 

Is there a cutoff? Twenty-eight lovers and 
she's a Madonna; 29 and she's a whore? Gel 
over it, The number of men in her past isn't 
as important as the number in her present— 
or future. If she indicates that either of those 
numbers is more than one, you're history, or 
you're about to be. 

М, vite stays at home with our three 
young children while I work 50 hours 
a weck to pay the bills. 1 don't want to 
sound like a caveman, but I think stay- 
at-home wives have less trouble thes: 
days. Microwaves and dishwashers make 
it much easier to do housework, while 
VCRs keep the children occupied (two 
of our kids go to school part-time). My 

ifc is tanned and in shape, and I am 
glad h tyle allows her to keep her- 
self hot. | have trouble finding more 
than one or two days a week for a work- 
out. She gets angry when I complain 
about not having clean laundry or the 
house not being picked up. My chores 
consist of lawn work and special projects. 
1 feel I spend more time handling re- 
sponsibilities than she does, and I usu- 
ally take the two older kids when I get 
home. | don't want my wife to work, I 
just want her to run the house a little 
beter Am I the only one who feels this 
way? Do I have a legitimate gripe?— 
S.R., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

If your wife looks that great after three 
kids. and she's not complaining, we wouldn'l 
gel too worked up about the laundry. Save 
that energy for the bedroom. 

Al reasonable questious—]rom fashion, food 
and drink, stereo and sports cars to dal- 
ing dilemmas, taste and etiquette—will be 
personally answered if the writer includes a 
, stamped envelope. The most 
pertinent questions will be pre- 
sented in these pages cach month. Write the 
Playboy Advisor, PLAYBOY, 680 North Lake 
Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611, or 
send e-mail by visiting 
The Advisor's latest collection of sex tricks. 
365 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life, is avail- 
able in stores or by phoning 800-425-9494. 


Meet Martell 

Her face has been 
on billboards, in 
magazine spreads and on 
national and international TV. 
She oozes sensuality and 
style and she radiates the 
beauty and allure that every 
woman aspires to and has a 
presence that turns men's 
heads. Who is she? She is 
Martell—the new face of that 
icon of French sophistication. 
Martell Cognac and Playboy 
magazine were lucky enough 
to catch up with her to 

uncover a few surprises. 


back from this shoot, hed com- 

our photographer. came 
pletely lost his composure. 
did you do to him? 

1 didn't do anything really, 1 was just 
being me. 1 love photoshoots and. the 
camera loves me most of the time too. 1 
Just showed him what I could do and how 
Tcould pose when I really put my mind to 
il. guess he wasn't used to a woman 

being as seusually confident as Гат 

Wow, tell us about yourself then? 
What do you want to know? Fm com- 
fortable with myself and the way I look 
and I want lo be known for my personal 
qualities rather than just the way 1 look 
Thate men who can't see past my looks, 

©2001 PLAYBOY 
Get personal at 

What else would turn you off a 
man then? 

One-dimensional men with no inner 
depth or personality. Men that see me 
and think just one thing. To me, that’s 

the worst type of man ever! 

I you could read men's minds, what 
is the one thing you'd like to know? 

1 would like to know what they are 
thinking. Vd like to know their views 

on love and romance. How deep their 

feelings go and how deep they go. 

Would you de 

deep person then? 

ibe yourself as а 

It depends on my mood. Sometimes 1 
can be very deep, other times all I am 
worried about is what I'm going lo wear 

and who is going to be there. 

What are your favorite types of 
clothes then? 

1 love all sorts of different types of 
clothes, especially sheer but 1 also love 
to be naked. 

Enjoy cur quality responsibly, Coovright 2001 Seagram Americas. New York. NY 

Moret Cognac. 40% Alcohol by Volume |80 prol] 

Tell us more. 
Being naked is such a sensual feeling, 
and there's no better way to be naked than 

under some clean white colton sheets. 

You prefer cotton to satin sheets then? 

What a question. What do you think? 
Em not planning to tell you all my 

secrets, yon know. 

Is there a secret that you would like 
to tell us? 

Nol really apart from 1 do lead a dou- 
ble life. The one part of me is what you 
see now modeling with high heels and 
lovely clothes and lingerie. The other is 
the adventurous and daring part of 
me, living life to the fullest and seeking 

new experiences 

What type of adventures and new 

experiences do you like the most? 

Now that really would be telling. 
wouldn't il? If any of you meet me in 

person, all 1 can say is watch өші! 

Is there anything you wouldn't do? 

1 like challenges and new experiences 
зо Га probably have to say, never say 
never You just dont know what's 

around the corner. 

What do you do to give yourself 
a treat? 

Indulge in the little pleasures of life 
that could be a game of chess with 
а friend or Martell 
Cosmopolitan at а party —lots of things 

enjoying a 

give me pleasure! 

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“what women’s magazines know ош sex ' 


n 1957 a fledgling PLAYBOY pub- 
lished an article called The Pious 
Pornographers. We had noticed an 
odd double standard when it came 
to sex. Women's magazines wrote in- 
cessantly, if obliquely, about sex with- 
out causing public outcry. But let a 
men’s magazine tackle the subject, 
and critics would claim we were ob- 
sessed with sex. Over the years, the 
standard has relaxed. Walk past any 
newsstand in America and you'll find 
magazine cover lines that tempt the 
with vi- 

sions of wet, wild 
ecstasy. Both men's and 
women's magazines treat sex advice 
as something to be hung on the re- 
frigerator door. “Rock Star Sex” en- 
courages one: “More Power! More 
Rhythm! More Squealing!" Honey 
promoted its “Crazy, Sexy, Single Is- 
sue.” Redbook bannered “Sex: Five 
Steamy Moves to Try Tonight.” This 
past January we sampled a month's 
worth of women's magazines to find 
out how the opposite sex got to be 
that way. 

You've Got to Be Kidding: We're 
all for uninhibited, imaginative sex. 
We're longtime advocates of the pow- 
er of talking dirty. Mademoiselle teased 
readers with the cover line “Funny 
Foreplay: How to Make Him Laugh 
His Pants Off." The article, titled "Sil- 
ly Sex." read like a missing episode of 
Monty Python. Included were tips on 
bathtub mud wrestling, nude house- 
cleaning, perverted puppet sex and 
using Teletubbies songs for mood 
music. Sample: To bring some comic 
relief into your bedroom, “suggest 
that he gently twist your nipples to 




‘change channels.’ When he stops, 
make announcements like, ‘Welcome 
to C-Span!" or “provide running 
commentary in a startlingly realistic 
Howard Cosell voice. ‘And he's touch- 
ing her thigh, ladies and gentlemen. 
He's in the end zone!" 

The What Good Is This? Award: 
Elle's cover advised readers to "Nev- 
er Say Never,” then asked, "Could 
You Fall in Love With a Woman?" A 
straight middle-aged woman study- 
ing at a Buddhist 

recounts her indecent thoughts about 
her instructor, who is conveniently 
bisexual. “I discovered that sex be- 
tween women who love each other— 
even straight women—may be unfa- 
miliar, but it's natural. As natural as 
first sex between young men and 
women." Can we at least watch? How 
about sex between two women who 
love each other and also the guy next 
door? We don't know the size of the 
Buddhist bisexual demographic, but 
Elle clearly has it nailed. 

Let Me Get This Straight: You 
What? Glamour was as direct as the 
Old Testament: “60 Sins You and He 
Should Commit by Feb. 14: Nudge 
Nudge, Wink Wink.” Nudge nudge, 
wink wink? Three of the 60 sins in- 
volve going without underwear, one 
involves wearing his underwear. 
Cheerleaders for decadence, the edi- 
tors pulled out the stops: “Why not 
sleep with more than one guy in 24 
hours if you really like them both?" 

LAE 1274 т 

ТЕС 1 


Go shopping for sex toys. Go shop- 
ping for stiletto heels. “Have your 
bikini line waxed into a pretty heart 
shape, then wax it bald as a cue ball a 
week later.” Then there are numbers 
47 and 48: Break into an ex-lover's 
voice mail (no mere male is cunning 
enough to remember to change his 
password after you've broken up) and 
"listen to—and erase!—all the syrupy, 
sappy messages he’s saved from his 
current girlfriend. Or break into 
his e-mail and forward all incriminat- 
ing messages to his 

mother." You've trusted a woman 
enough to give her your mother's 
e-mail address, and look what thanks 
you get. 

The Most Honest Guy Award: 
Who says men don't talk? Almost all 
of these magazines run features in 
which real guys rat on their brothers, 
divulge state secrets and generally 
provide good reasons why strong and 
silent works. We especially liked the 
men in Honey who prattled on about 
their fear of false nails and their 
yearning to borrow their girlfriend's 
facial scrubs. Marie Claire teased read- 
ers with "Men Confess: What Makes a 
Woman crear in Bed.” Film produc- 
er Mike admitted: “Three years ago, I 
was in my apartment watching a porn 
film with my girlfriend when I said, 
"If you can duplicate the way she's go- 
ing down on him, with that enthusi- 
asm and energy, I'll be a happy man,’ 
and I was.” Now we're talking. 

Most Off-Target Sex Ad: 
mopolitan promised readers new ways 
to "Boost Your Bedroom Bond" and 
"intensify the intimacy between you 
and your beau.” Barbara Keesling, 


author of Getting Close, made this sug- 
gestion: “During foreplay or sex. 
place your hand or ear on his chest 
and have him do the same. When you 
hear his heart rate speed up, you'll 
know that what you're doing is turn- 
ing him on." Want more direct feed- 
back? Put your hand on his penis. 

What Part of Weird Don't You 
Understand? Woman's Oun plastered 
its cover with sexual come-ons, from 
the article "Perkier Breasts Today: 
A Must-Iry Trick" to "Men Look at 
That? Eight Unsexy Things That Get 
Men Hot (Who Knew?)." The 
tease was a piece called "Sex: What 
Men Expect now!” The mag called 
in a sex therapist to react to 15 possi- 
ble sexual requests. The list covered 
mainstream expectations (oral sex 
and anal sex) to touching displays of 
curiosity ("he wants to watch me mas- 
turbate," rated "not unreasonable 
and actually quite smart"). Of the 15 
requests, only the post-Madonna-on- 
Letterman fave rave (“he wants us to 
do the golden shower thing—pee on 
each other in the tub") got a rating of 
“mildly weird.” Yanking a woman's 
tampon out with your teeth was dis- 
missed as "plain unhygienic." What a 
relief. Why are these male requests? 
Surely, a lot of women have their own 
wish lists. 

Тһе magazines аге а feast of useful 
information, yielding new erogenous 
zones: Redbook extolled the Anterior 
Fornix Erotic Zone, recently discov- 
ered by a sexologist in Kuala Lum- 
pur. (“It's simply a larger mass of tis- 
sue across from the G spot, on the 
opposite wall of the vagina. Think of 
it as a sofa across from an overstuffed 
chair.") OK. 

The One Feature You Will Never 
Find in a Men's Magazine: To a cer- 
tain extent, all women's magazines 
are about self-improvement, about 
taking control of one's love life, em- 
powering passion, etc. Perhaps it was 
because it was the new year, but we 
were surprised at the number of titles 
that ran love and sex horoscopes. Cos- 
mo titled its piece the “Bedside As- 
trologer 2001.” You can go without 
underwear or learn the secrets of the 
perfect blow job, and still your fate 
is in the hands of the planets? Next 
time you're in line to get your driver's 
license renewed, standing there with 
all the other Pisces or Leos, try to 
imagine that a single fact—the month 
of your birth—applies equally to all. 
No way. Can you imagine a men's 
magazine running a horoscope? It's 
May, and your Porsche is in the house 
of Capricorn 

told them to ask me anything they 
wanted, anonymously, on little bits 
of paper. They folded their ques- 
tions like secret ballots and passed 
them up to me at the podium. A hun- 
dred little sex queries, from a hundred 
undergraduates at Northwestern Uni- 
versity near Chicago. 1 was their invit- 
ed speaker for the evening, a sex ex- 
pert who promised to answer all comers 
without flinching or pandering. 

Unfolding the first question, written 
in a careful, girlish hand, I read it out 

“I do not want to masturbate before 
marriage because І want to be a virgin 
for my husband. Do you think mastur- 
bation is sex, too?” 

This was not a question I expected 
from someone who probably had to get 
straight A's and upper-tier 
SAT scores to attend the 
equivalent of an Ivy League 
school in the Midwest. 

Still, I was careful with 
my reply, addressing the 
crowd as if it could be any 
one of them who penned 
the query. 1 explained that 
masturbation is a normal 
and enlightening part of 
human sexuality—though 
not necessarily one that will 
break а woman's hymen, I 
found myself quickly draw- 
ing sketches of a clitoris and 
a penis on the chalkboard, 
to make some general com- 
parisons between men's and 
women's sexual responses. 

The room was as hushed 
as if I had opened a secret 
crypt. I'd bet any of these 
kids could ace a biology ex- 
am before I could lift my 
head off the desk, but they 
knew little about human 
sexual relations. I needed 
more than one night with 
them to answer questions like those 
that awaited me in my pile of chads: 

Why is it so wrong to be a tease? 

Is sex before marriage OK? 

If I were your boyfriend, and you 
knew that I'd had a sexual thought 
about another woman recently, would 
you consider it cheating? 

Is it possible for two people to each 
get off from a 69? 

Can you hurt yourself from oral sex? 

I've been lecturing university stu- 
dents for 15 years and have given my 
anonymous sex surveys to dozens of 
undergraduate audiences. Some things 
never change: the questions about erot- 
ic compatibility, technique and perfor- 
mance; the search to discover a part- 


“I think | 
bate too 


Told m 
much is 

ner. Or, as one 
male Northwest- 
ern student put 
“How are we 
supposed to get 
laid around 

What's different on today's college 
scene is that a significant number of 
lads don't have the basic information 
that was well known to their predeces- 
sors. Fewer college-age students today 
know the physiology of sex, and they 
depend much morc on religious super- 
stition and urban legend. They may 
know all about Britney Spears’ belly 
button, but they wouldn't know the me- 
chanics of a female orgasm if it popped 
out of their TV screens. 

As savvy as they are about pop cul- 
ture titillation, few of these 
students appear to be 
knowledgeable about mas- 
turbation, their fantasy 
lives or relations with a 
partner. Subjects that used 
to be standard in high 
school health class—sexu- 
ally transmitted diseases, 
safe birth control options— 
do not play a part in this 
generation's secondary ed- 
ucation. Welcome to the 
first class of Abstinence On- 
ly graduates. 

‘The conservative groups 
who successfully lobbied 
for abstinence-oriented sex 
education are delighted to 
hear that young people are 
delaying their first inter- 
course. But is anyone glee- 
ful to hear that college 
juniors are no more pre- 
pared to understand their 
sexual bodies and appetites 
than the average seventh 
grader is? 

Take a look at, a 
website run by Rutgers University that 
fields teens' questions about sex. Many 
of the questions show a fearful pre- 
occupation with the "bad" things that 
might happen to you if you are sexual, 
as wcll as a lack of familiarity with the 
simplest definitions: 

Is it possible to get pregnant from 
oral sex? 

What is masturbation, and how do 
you do it? 

Can masturbation hurt a person in 
any way? 

What is an orgasm? 

Can you get sexually transmitted dis- 
eases from oral sex? 

Can you get AIDS from a mosquito? 

Many adults find this innocence 



college kids say the darndest things 

surprising. In the mirror of the media, 
її веет» as if young people are the ones 
with the filthiest mouths and the flimsi- 
est clothes. It's a curious feature of con- 
temporary American culture that to 
appear sexy is valued, while to actually 
be sexual is а cause for anxiety. Young 
people are sophisticated about erotic 
appearances and status yet squeamish 
about the workings of sex itself. 

The consequences of this ignorance 
have been the lament of public health 
advocates, including those at the Alan 
Guttmacher Institute. Its report 
last year called “Oral Sex Among 
Adolescents: Is It Sex or Is It Absti- 
nence?" suggests that kids believe 
oral sex is a way of not really "do- 
ing it," a safe way to have sex with- 
out the fear of STDs or pregnancy. 

To a degree, the kids are right— 
oral sex is a time-honored way to 
avoid getting knocked up, and it 
is a less risky sex act as far as AIDS 
is concerned. The Guttmacher re- 
port is concerned that young peo- 
ple have such a threadbare idea of 
the science and practices involved 
in any kind of sexual risk that their 
embrace of oral sex as a safety net 
is a sad illusion. 

The report downplays the fact 
that when teens talk about oral sex, 
it usually means girls giving boys 
blow jobs. It would be remarkable 
to think that young men were un- 
dergoing a surge of interest in cun- 
nilingus. In fact, most of the oral 
sex reported in teenage affairs has 
to do with the old-fashioned no- 
tion of the girl “throwing her boy- 
friend a bone” so he won't hassle 
her for intercourse. 

The young women on campus 1 talk 
to who dispense oral sex as a require- 
ment for their girlfriend status do not 
seem erotically aroused by their effort. 
They see it as an obligation and a noble 
way to save their virginity. They may 
mention AIDS as one reason for avoid- 
ing intercourse, but the main reason is 
that they believe that oral sex saves 
their reputation and their cherry, for 
Mr. Right and a big fat wedding-day 

“I am not a slut,” a sophomore 
named Amber tells me as a preface to 
discussing her sex history with me. Her 
disclaimer is the number one concern I 
encounter among women her age. Am- 

ber has a boyfriend she thinks is im- 
pressive, but he is bugging her to have 
sex with him and she is afraid of what 
he will say about her if she gives in. “I 
have to think about the rest of my years 
here,” she says. 

When I ask, “Do you have any sex- 
ual feeling for him when he touches 
you?” she looks at me funny—and then 
settles it with, “I don't know what 
you're talking about.” Whatever she 
does or doesn't feel, Amber, like many 
of her peers, is more concerned with 

her campus reputation than with any 
sexual self-interest. 

I wanted to lash out at the blasé blow 
job queens: "When you start having or- 
gasms, you might have a different view 
of your sexual desires." But I kept qui- 
et. It's not their fault they don't know 
that sexual desire is something beyond 
boyfriend bait. 

Young men, unlike many of their fe- 
male peers, know a lot about their own 
orgasms and turn-ons, but they worry 
that their feelings are excessive. This 
isn't a new trend for young men, but is 


it necessary? A little honesty 
would go a long way. 

Young men ask if their pe- 
nis size or shape is normal, 
if their fantasies are nor- 
mal and if they need Viagra 
as insurance. They have a 
daunting notion of sexual success. 

“I think I masturbate too much," an 
18-year-old named Hal told me after 
I concluded my formal discussion at 

I stopped packing my satchel to ask, 
“How much is too much?" He hung his 
head so far down I had to lean over to 
hear his answer: 

“Once a day.” 

“That's all?" I said, trying to make 
him smile. But his eyes darted so fran- 
tically, I realized that this was no laugh- 
ing mauer. “Hal, honestly, if you 
told me you were beating off five 
times a day, it would still be well 
within the range of sexual activity 
for someone your age.” 

He lifted his head. “Well, I've 
done that, too,” he said, finally 
sounding more like a braggart 
than a victim. 

I have a question for the college 
kids of today: What do their par- 
ents have to say? Mom and Dad 
must have come of age in the Sev- 
enties, when books about women's 
orgasms were on the New York 
Times best-seller list, when birth 
control was discussed in every 
high school health class and when 
sex before marriage was consid- 
ered a damn good idea. 

Why aren't these parents, who 
benefited from the sexual infor- 
mation available to them as teen- 
agers, concerned about their off- 
spring's sex education? 

In the rush to protect our chil- 
dren from AIDS, we've neglected 
to realize that kittens become cats. 
There's a lot more to sexual health 
and maturity than fetis 
ease and virginity. You can "dela: 

have to actually learn what it is. 
we agree that it should be done before 
grad school? 

We can't keep them in a dark box, 
with no movement or light. Young peo- 
ple need age-appropriate and candid 
information about their sexual feelings 
and about why their bodies look and 
feel the way they do. 

If we can teach kids to eat right, to 
exercise, to not put money in their 
mouths or beans up their noses, we can 
teach them how to nourish and protect 
their erotic selves as well. Let's stop 
hiding the tools and the directions. 



HANG 10 
Here are my suggestions for 
living that could be posted in 
schools (“Hang 10," The Playboy 
Forum, March): (1) Learn about 
all religions and feel a human 
bond through their similarities. 
(2) You aren't better than any- 
one else, but don't be worse. (3) 
Understand the folly of human 
thought. Jesus was a rebel who 
even today would be crucified 
by the church that exploits him 
for an agenda that is too large 
to be changed. (4) Be strong 
in mind and spirit but patient 
in voice and action. (5) Money 
cannot be the goal of your en- 
deavors. (6) Live passionately. 
(7) Share your passion. (8) Do 
not fear that which is foreign. 
Going with what you know will 
leave you knowing little and 
going nowhere. (9) Love every 
living thing. (10) Play God— 
create something. 
Byron Dafoe 
Tempe, Arizona 

Here are my 10: (1) What- 
ever can go wrong, will (Mur- 
phy's Law). (2) Murphy was an 
optimist (O"Toole's Commen- 
tary). (3) Ninety percent of ev- 
erything is crap, but the other 
10 percent is worth dying for 
(Theodore Sturgeon). (4) He who has 
the gold makes the rules. (5) Rub her 
feet (Lazarus Long). (6) Never assume. 
(7) Learn the magic words. (8) Worse 
than a bad loser is a bad winner. (9) 
Moderation in all things, including 
moderation. (10) All generalities are 
false, including this one. 

Charles Gray 
Redding, California 

You only need one, and it's easy to 
remember: Do to others the way you 
want them to do to you. 

Richard Frank 
Fort Smith, Arkansas 

1 would post the commandments 
suggested by Bertrand Russell in his 
autobiography: "(1) Do not feel abso- 
lutely certain of anything. (2) Do not 
think it worthwhile to produce belief 
by concealing evidence, for the evi- 
dence is sure to come to light. (3) Nev- 
er try to discourage thinking, for you 
are sure to succeed. (4) When you meet 

ith kids. Whatever happened to people? Yoi 
ом, the veterans of childhood. Those of и: 

һо made it out. Don't we count anymore? Must) 
everything be for and about the children, ош 

ost precious resource is petroleum." 
—Bill Maher, in his HBO special Be More C 

with opposition, even if it is from your 
family, endeavor to overcome it by ar- 
gument and not by authority, for a vic- 
tory dependent upon authority is un- 
real and illusory. (5) Have no respect 
for the authority of others, for there 
are always contrary authorities to be 
found. (6) Do not use power to sup- 
press opinions you think pernicious, 
for if you do, the opinions will suppress 
you. (7) Do not fear to be eccentric in 
opinion, for every opinion now accept- 
ed was once eccentric. (8) Find more 
pleasure in intelligent dissent than in 
passive agreement, for if you value in- 
telligence as you should, the former 
implies a deeper agreement than the 
latter. (9) Be scrupulously truthful, 
even if the truth is inconvenient, for it 
is more inconvenient when you try to 
conceal it. (10) Do not feel envious of 
the happiness of those who live in a 
fool's paradise, for only a fool will think 
that it is happiness.” 

Saul Rosenthal 

Terre Haute, Indiana 


(1) Drugs do not get rid of 
your problems; they only defer 
them. (2) You haven't seen 
enough yet to want to give up 
on life. (3) Min- 
gle with people 
who look differ- 
ent from you 
and may even 
have a different religion. (4) 
Educate yourself. Gone are the 
days when you could pay for a 
three-car garage and a house 
with a factory job. (5) Feel free 
to masturbate if that's the best 
thing you've got going. (6) If 
your parents are not abusive, 
don't blame them for not being 
rich. (7) Think about what any 
authority figure is telling you 
before questioning him or her. 
Thoughtless disrespect for the 
sake of rebellion is pointless. (8) 
If you can't afford your habits 
onthe money you have, change 
the habits or get a better job. 
Ed Munir 

Eagan, Minnesota 

(1) Think hard before having 
sex or using drugs. (2) When 
you have sex, know how to use 
acondom. (3) Never date some- 
one a friend has had a relation- 
ship with, unless you're sure 
the relationship is over. (4) Ifa 
friend’s partner makes a pass at you, 
tell the friend right away. (5) When you 
start driving a vehicle, follow the rules, 
not your parents’ example 
Todd Bone 
Calverton, New York 

By all means, let's post the 10 Com- 
mandments. That way, teachers can 
explain to first graders what adultery 
means. They also could explain why 
kids must still do homework and clean 
their rooms on the Sabbath. And what 
about the people who deliver the Sun- 
day paper, or who work on weekends 
at the gas company to keep us warm? It 
may make children wonder if God in- 
tended the 10 Commandments for ev- 
eryone, or just those people who live in 
semitropical climates. It's obvious, in 
fact, that the 10 Commandments were 
not intended for everybody, but rath- 
er for affluent mature men with wives, 
servants and chattel. 

Paul Alter 
Piusburgh, Pennsylvania 

R E S 

Of course they should post the 10 
Commandments in public schools. Stu- 
dents can read them while reloading. 

Ralph Harding 
Orange Park, Florida 

Both “Snowjob” and “Wanted: Drug 
Czar,” the Forum articles by James Bo- 
vard in your March issue, demonstrate 
that former drug czar Barry McCaffrey 
pushed the mother of all snowjobs 
when claiming his office was winning 
the war against drugs. McCaffrey's face 
ought to be on a wanted poster for pre- 
varication in the first degree. His most 
recent annual progress report outlined 
the "accomplishments" of federal drug 
policies. But the statistics tell a different 
story. The death rate attributed to drugs 
is now almost twice that of 1979. Hos- 
pital emergency room drug episodes 
have soared since 1988. The use of 
drugs by eighth graders has skyrocket- 
ed in the past decade. Past-month use 
of marijuana and cocaine increased by 
more than 250 percent from 1991 to 
2000. The street prices of heroin and 
cocaine are near historic lows, which 
indicates that traffickers are finding it 
easier to get drugs to the street. At the 
same time, the purity of street hero- 
in has increased 500 percent. The list 
goes on 
McCaffrey not only exaggerated his 

success, he offered America a fraudu- 
lent and dishonest strategy. His reign is 
finally over. Good riddance. 

Eric Sterling, President 

Criminal Justice Policy Foundation 

Washington, D.C. 

I was surprised the Playboy Founda- 
tion funded a video for men whose 
partners have breast cancer (“Forum 
FYI,” The Playboy Forum, March). I fear 
men are getting shortchanged by the 
media, which rarely discuss male breast 
cancer. About 1400 men are diagnosed 
with breast cancer each year, and 400 
of those will die. 
Garry Klouzal 
Lynnwood, Washington 

We would like to hear your point of view. 
Send questions, opinions and quirky stuff to 
The Playboy Forum, PLAYBOY, 680 North 
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 6061 1, 
e-mail or fax 312- 
951-2939. Please include a daytime phone 
number and your city and state or province. 


M Man PS E 

Шоп ег 

Amid the self-serving propaganda at the website of the Office of 
National Drug Control Policy, we stumbled across a document that 
has some educational value. Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade is 
a lexicon of more than 2300 slang words and phrases designed to as- 

t “law enforcement, public health and other criminal justice pro- 
fessionals who work with the public.” You can download the list or 
browse it alphabetically or by drug type or topic by visiting http:/ 

Alice B. Toklas: М. апа brownie. 
Halling Vaginally implanted cocaine. 
Beam me up, Scottie: Grack dipped in PCP. 
Blow a shot: Injection wasted in the skin. 
Woman who performs oral sex for crack. 
Bugged: Covered with sores from repeated use of nonsterile needles. 
Cabbase поні A person who will experiment with any drug. 
Chocolate ecstasy: Crack made brown with chocolate milk. 
Closet ba: rack user who prefers anonymity. 
Dinosaurs; Heroin users in their 40s or 50s. 
Explorers club: Group of LSD users. 
Fiend: Someone who smokes marijuana alone. 
Fry stick: Marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid. 
Honeymoon: Early stages of use before dependency develops. 
Ice cream habit: Occasional use. 
Interplanetary mission: To travel from one crackhouse to another. 
Keester plant: Drugs hidden in the rectum. 
Ma : A crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and a rubber spark 
plug cover. 
Moon ges: Inhalants. 
Perp: Fake crack made from candle wax and baking soda. 
Piggybacking: Simultaneous injection of two drugs. 
Pimp your pipe: Renting out your crack pipe. 
Ringer: Good hit of crack; hear bells. 
Satch: Papers, letters, cards, clothing, etc., saturated with solutio: 
smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals. 
Slab: Crack the size of a piece of chewing gum. 
Smurf: Cigar dipped in embalming fluid. 
Snotballs: Rubber cement that is rolled into balls and burned so that the 
fumes can be inhaled. 
Strawberry: Female who trades sex for crack. 
Toucher: User of crack who wants affection. 
ker: Crack user looking for drugs on the floor after a police raid 
for-nine: Two $5 bags of crack for $9. 



hen Boris Becker dropped 
by a London restaurant in 
1999, he had no idea his bill 

would be so enormous: £2 million, or 
nearly $3 million. That's the sum the 
German tennis star paid to settle a pa- 
ternity claim brought by a Russian Al- 
gerian waitress named Angela Erma- 
kowa, who claimed she had a single 
sexual encounter that night with Becker. 

‘The German newspaper Bild had a 
field day with the story. It reported that 
Becker insisted he and Ermakowa only 
had oral sex, and that his lawyers sug- 
gested the sometime model had insem- 
inated herself. It even alleged that she 
had pilfered Becker's semen as part of 
a Russian mafia plot to blackmail him. 

After DNA tests proved him to be the 
father, the unseeded tennis star ac- 
knowledged his paternity (the girl, now 
a toddler, bears a striking resemblance 
to her dad) and called for an end to the 
wild speculation about how the preg- 
nancy occurred. Legally, the how, 
where and why of the child's con- 
ception are irrelevant. Both British 
and U.S. courts have made it clear 
that regardless of the circum- 
stances behind a man's becom- 
ing a father, he has to support 
the child. 

Roe vs. Wade protects a woman's 
right to choose whether she will 
bear a child. After insemination, a 
man has no similar protection of 
his right to decide whether to be- 
come a father. But at what moment 
does he lose that right? Is ejacu- 
lation the legal point of no return? 
Does the fact that a woman lies to him 
about her birth control, retrieves his 
semen from a discarded condom, sex- 
ually assaults him after he's fallen 
unconscious or rapes him before he's 
reached adulthood mitigate in any way 
his financial responsibility? 

The answer, absurdly, is no. At pres- 
ent, no matter how a woman gets her 
hand on his semen (short of using a 
sperm bank, where the donors are 
anonymous), a man has no chance of 
avoiding the financial obligations of un- 
expected progeny. It's an inequity in 
the legal system that allows women not 
only to "steal" semen but also to de- 
mand money from unwilling fathers— 
a way of finding a sperm donor who 
also pays for the kid. Writing in the 
Florida Law Review, a legal scholar not- 
ed in 1995 that "a frequent fact pattern 
in sex fraud cases is where one partner 

possession is ten tenths 
of the law 

falsely claims to be infertile or to be us- 
ing birth control. If a child is subse- 
quently born, does the defrauded par- 
ty have a cause of action? I have found 
no cases holding for plaintiffs in these 

Judges do not consider the actions of 
the parents when determining sup- 
port. Instead, they place what they per- 
ceive to be the child's interests fore- 
most. The benchmark case in this 
regard has been L. Pamela P us. Frank S., 
a 1983 decision by the New York Court 

of Appeals. In that case, the father ar- 
gued that his partner “misrepresent- 
ed to me that she was using contracep- 
tion.” A lower court had determined 
that because of the mother's conduct, 
the father would be liable only in the 
amount by which her means were in- 
sufficient to meet the child's needs. But 
the appeals court struck down that de- 
cision, stating, "The mother's conduct 
in no way limited his right to use con- 
traception.” Further, the court stated: 
“However unfairly respondent may 
have been treated by petitioner's fail- 
ure to allow him an equal voice in the 
decision to conceive a child, such a 
wrong does not rise to the level of a 


constitutional violation.” 

We would challenge the court's deci- 
sion about what's unfair and what's an 

Lying to a man about using birth 
control is only the most common situa- 
tion where men get roped into father- 
hood. Consider the British telecom ex- 
ecutive whose sad tale was detailed in 
London's Daily Mail. He met a woman 
at a nightclub, had a fling and expect- 
ed the relationship to end when she left 
for an extended trip to Australia. In- 
stead, she called to say she was preg- 
nant with his child. 

Having used protection throughout 
the relationship, the executive felt he 
had been a victim of bad luck. But the 
woman admitted, first during an emo- 
tional phone conversation and later in 
a confessional letter, that she had taken 
his semen from a discarded condom 
while he was in the shower. Despite 
this, a court ordered the new father to 
pay support. He now finds himself 
on the hook for what could amount 
to £67,000 ($97,000) before the 
child turns 16, not to mention 

the £20,000 ($29,000) he spent 
on legal fees. 

After the court presented its 
decision, the executive protest- 
ed that "This ruling gives a li- 
cense to women to use men in 
any way they see fit.” 

Emile Frisard, who chal- 
lenged a support ruling in the 
courts of Louisiana, claims to 
have had nearly the same expe- 
rience as the British executive. He 
testified that the only sexual en- 
counter he had with the woman who 
bore his child, Debra Rojas—a nurse at 
the hospital where Frisard’s mother 
had been admitted—occurred when 
she offered to give him oral sex, pro- 
vided he wore a condom. "As any male 
would, I did not refuse," Frisard said. 
"I wish I would have refused." A friend 
of Frisard's testified that he later saw a 
woman who resembled Rojas engaging 
in what looked like an attempt to in- 
seminate herself in the bathroom of the 
hospital room where Frisard's mother 
was staying. In 1997 a Louisiana court 
upheld the support ruling. 

Frisard made a conscious choice to 
have oral sex, and he paid for it. But 
the courts in Alabama don't even re- 
quire that a man be conscious, as in the 
case of a man who was forced to pay 
support even though he was passed out 

drunk at the time of sexual inter- 
course. The man collapsed in a bed ata 
woman's house. He said he awoke the 
following morning wearing only an un- 
buttoned shirt, with the woman stand- 
ing in the bedroom doorway “toweling 
off.” A witness who had been at the 
party testified that two months later, 
the woman boasted that she had had 
sex with the man while he was passed 
out and that it had “saved her a trip to 
the sperm bank.” Two other witnesses 
offered similar testimony. A doctor tes- 
tified that a man can achieve an erec- 
tion and ejaculate even when inebriat- 
ed to the point of unconsciousness. 

When this happens to a woman, it's 
considered rape. But in 1996 the Ala- 
bama Court of Civil Appeals upheld 
the ruling that the man should pay 
support. It cited the 1983 New York 
decision, as well as a case in which a 16- 
year-old father had contested support 
payments, claiming he had been the 
victim of statutory rape at the hands of 
the 21-year-old mother of his child 
The court rejected his argument, stat- 
ing: "The father's recourse under the 
Jaw as to the mother of the child was to 
file criminal charges. To penalize this 
child for the mother's actions would 
run contrary to the fundamental pur- 
pose of this proceeding"—thar is, to 
serve the best interests of the child (in 
this case, the toddler, not the teen). 

Albuquerque real estate agent Peter 
Wallis attempted to make an end run 
around the law in 1998 by suing his 
former live-in girlfriend, Kellie Smith, 
for breach of contract, fraud and “con- 
version of property"—his semen. He 
claimed she had lied about being on 
the pill, and he asked for damages 
equal to his support payments. Smith 
insisted that she had been taking the 
pill but that it failed. Regardless, she 
argued in a legal filing, her ex had 
“surrendered any right of possession to 
his semen when he transferred it dur- 
ing voluntary sexual intercourse." 

A judge threw the case out. No sur- 
prise. Until there is a law against mis- 
appropriating sperm, men who take 
reasonable precautions not to insemi- 
nate or who trust their partners to be 
honest about birth control, have no re- 
course should a pregnancy occur. Once 
you shoot, it's no longer your load. 
When Wallis sued, Kellie Smith's law- 
yers argued that a man's sperm should 
be considered a "gif." When in doubt 
about the intentions of a girlfriend or 
girl at a bar, a guy might want to stick 
with a dozen roses. Because, as any 
number of men can attest, semen can 
be the gift that keeps on taking. 


adalyn o'hair defined the word k 

By Stephe 

n Bates 

N E W 

S F К 

O N T 

what's happening in the sexual and social arenas 


preme Court reprimanded a municipal 
judge for allowing traffic cops to draw 
smiling or frowning faces on citations. 

The doodles, which appeared only on the 
copy of the ticket given to the judge, were 
meant to inform the court of the driver's 
attitude during the stop. The justices ruled 
that the codes amounied to illegal commu- 
nication between the officer and judge. 
Portales is not the first locality where the 
police have doodled. In 1999, an academ- 
tc journal reported that officers in an un- 
named West Coast toum had been told to 
stop writing FAT (failed attitude test) on 
tickets. They instead began drawing circles 
with dots in the middle, indicating a driv- 
er who had been an asshole or, in police 
lingo, LBP (lower-body part). 


ed cocaine dealer is crying foul after state 
officials hit him with a $768,000 tax bill. 
Police arrested Vito Cavelli in 1992 after 
finding a kilo of cocaine in a truck outside 
his molorcycle shop. He served 18 months 
in prison. Citing a state law that requires 
dealers to place tax stamps on their illegal 
drugs, state revenue officials demanded 
that Covelli pay $200 tax on each of 1250 
grams seized by police. They later added 
a 100 percent nonpayment penalty, plus 
$268,000 in interest. Covelli argues that 
he has paid his debt to society and that the 

bill violates his right not to be tried twice 
for the same crime. The state counters that 
the proceedings are a civil, not criminal, 


er found out her 12-year-old son was hav- 
ing sex, she did what she thought was best: 
She gave him two dozen condoms and told 
him to make sure they didn't break. (The 
boy stored the condoms in his pencil box.) 
Months later, after having intercourse 
with his teenage girlfriend, the boy confid- 
ed to a police officer that he feared he 
might have an STD. He also told the of- 
ficer that his mother knew he was sexu- 
ally active. Under state law, children 12 
or younger cannot consent to sex. That 
prompted the county prosecutor to charge 
the mother with failing to prevent the sexu- 
al assault of a child, a felony punishable by 
up to 15 years in prison. Ten days later, the 
county dropped the charges. 


YORK, ENGLAND—The owner of an 
adult-video store pleaded guilty to violat- 
ing the Trading Standards Act when he 
mislabeled B movies as hardcore porn. Fol- 
lowing complaints from his customers, a 
court fined Nicholas Griffin £5800, or 
about $8600. He admitted he had sold 
videos such as Confessions of a Sex Mani- 
ac (a 1974 spoof about an architect who 
designs a building shaped like breasts) and 
The Secrets of a Sensuous Nurse (a 1976 
Ursula Andress picture) for as much as 
$75 each by labeling them as porn. “We 
responded to complaints from the public, 
both men and women,” said the chief of lo- 
cal trading standards. "They were embar- 
rassed and reluctant to come forward, but 
they also felt cheated.” 

== (EN кене 

SAN FRANCISCO—Although inmates 
don't have access to computers, should they 
be allowed to receive e-mail? One website 
thinks so. For a fee it allows prisoners to set 
up e-mail addresses, then prints out and 
sends by U.S. mail any messages they re- 
ceive. Officials at Pelican Bay State Prison 
banned the printouts, saying they posed an 
unspecified security risk (an officer testi- 
fied that printed e-mail somehow makes it 
easier to disguise your identity than print- 

ed letters), and also that they might over- 
whelm its mailroom censors. An inmate 
sued, arguing that the restriction violated 
his right to free speech. An appeals court 
ruled against him. 

MINNEAPOLIS—State prison officials 
have banned inmates from receiving sexu- 
ally explicit material, including PLAYBOY. 
A spokesperson said the policy is designed 
to “reduce predatory behavior against oth- 
er inmates and staff.” One prisoner pre- 
dicted the opposite effect. In Wisconsin, 
corrections officials reached a settlement 
with a group of inmates who sued over 
guidelines that banned all sexually explicit 
material. The regulations now prohibit 
only material that contains nudity. That 
hasn't satisfied the ACLU. It notes that the 
State has never provided evidence that 
nude images create a “hostile work envi- 
ronment” for female guards. 


Tampa—As 72,000 fans filed into Ray- 
mond James Stadium for Super Bowl 
XXXV police recorded dozens of images of 
each of their faces. The patented FaceTrac 
system digitized the images and, measuring 
128 characteristics such as nose width, 
cheekbone angles, distance between the eyes 
and thickness of lips, compared each image 
with the photos in a database of criminals. 

Although they made no arrests, police said 
the faces of 19 people matched those of 
crooks already on file. They called the face- 
scanning exercise an “experiment.” The 
technology already is used in about 70 ca- 
sinos to identify known cheats. 

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а candid conversation with hollywood's favorite reformed party animal about 
hookers, drugs and rehab and the real stories behind all those tabloid scandals 

In Мау 1998 Charlie Sheen—whose par- 
ty-fillod lifestyle seemed to eclipse his work in 
films such as Platoon, Wall Street, Major 
League and Hot Shols—was home, alone 
and bored with snorting and smoking co- 
caine. No problem: Hed discovered an un- 
used rig a junkie friend had left behind, and 
had an idea. Sheen had never shot cocaine, 
so he loaded up the syringe. emptied the con- 
tents into his arm and waited. To his sur- 
‚ he felt nothing. So he did it again. All 
al once il hit him. 

Sheen is still around to tell the harrowing 
story because this wasn't just another self-de- 
structive day. For once, he couldn't shake off 
the night of excess and restart the cycle. He 
ended up in the hospital, then in the tabloids 
and finally in court-ordered rehab. That 
happened in part because his father, actor 
Martin Sheen. publicly asked Malibu mu- 
nicipal court judge Lawrence Mira (who al- 
so handled Robert Downey Jr's case) to ar- 
rest his son and get him help before he went 
aff the deep end. Martin's ace: 
already on probation after pleading no con- 

test in 1997 to allegedly assaulting his ex- 


Charlie was 

girlfriend, and since doing drugs was cer- 
tainly not part of the deal. the judge agreed. 

Sheen had finally flamed out after years of 
living the wild life, and all he had left was a 
largely unremarkable career and a reputa- 


“Rehab is a dumping ground, a big landfill. 
Ws a motherfucker, especially if you've had 
any kind of life where you've been the man. 
Suddenly you're in a place where there's no 
special treatment. You're equalized.” 

tion as the last man standing when the party 
was over. His appetites for drink, drugs and 
sex—free or paid for—were extreme. In the 
beginning (post-Platoon, 1986), the go-any- 
where, try-anything lifestyle seemed like the 
natural endowment of a hot, young. goad- 
looking leading man in Hollywood. Even 
when the hangovers got worse and the binges 
lasted for days, Sheen's stamina kept him up- 
right. He could back into a work mode, 

and his abuses weren't as serious as some of 

his peers’. In 1995. his career took a body 
blow when he testified at the trial of Holly- 
wood madam Heidi Fleiss and admitted to 
dropping more than $50,000 for her em- 
ployees' services. Then he survived the near 

Now, more than three years later, Sheen 
says he is clean, sober, healthy and looking 
ahead. Not only did he fulfill his part of 
Judge Mira's bargain, he even got off proba- 
tion early. 

That doesn't mean Sheen has lost his rel- 
ish for living on the edge. Is just that the 
edge has changed. Instead of engaging in 
actual debauchery, Sheen made Rated X, a 
Showtime movie about adult-film entrepre- 
neurs Jim and Artie Mitchell (Behind the 
Green Door). Sheen played Artie: brother 
Emilio Estevez directed and played Jim. 

Then, after Michael J. Fox retired from 



“H was me and five girls, and 1 said, Tm up 
for it if you are. И was a little uncomfort- 
able, actually. 1 wouldn't recommend five at 
once. There's just not enough guy fo go around. 
Even with two, somebody's always jealous.” 

Spin City last year, Sheen joined the cast as 
Charlie Crawford, the new deputy mayor 
with a checkered past. Sheen's reviews herve 
been good and the show has improved in the 
ratings, even though it airs Wednesday 
nights opposite Martin Sheen as the presi- 
dent on The West Wing and the Fox reality 
show of the moment. 

Sheen was born Carlos Irwin Este on 
September 3, 1965, the third child of Martin 
and Janet Sheen. He has two older brothers, 
Emilio and Ramon, and a younger sister, 
Renee. Because his dad insisted on taking 
the family on location, Sheen grew up in 
places that his classmates could only point to 
on the map. The mast memorable trip was al- 
most vight months in the Philippines during 
the making of Apocalypse Now. 

Stateside, Sheen attended Santa Monica 
High with neighbors Sean and Chris Penn 
and Rob and Chad Lowe. The group. fast 
friends, also made numerous Super-8 home 
movies, taking turns as writers, directors 
cameramen, ete. Sheen says he was a normal 
kid. but he had some problems. including ar- 
rests Jor marijuana possession and credit 
card forgery. He also used his dad's charge 
card to pay a Las Vegas hooker for helping 
him lose his virginity when he was 13. 

Though Sheen appeared as an extra in 
Apocalypse Now and hung aut with older 


“Fame is empowering. My mistake was that 1 
thought 1 would instinctively know how to han- 
dle it. Eventually, any plan 1 had about how 
1 would deal with fame evaporated. because 1 
took it a little far, I think. Just a tad.” 





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brother Emilio and his Brat Pack friends 
wishing he could live their high lives—he be- 
came an actor because he admired his dad 
and “to get my parents off my back" about fin- 
ishing high school. He found a job immediate- 
dy in 1984s Grizzly H: The Predator He was 
also offered the lead role in the first Karate 
Kid but had to pass because of a scheduling 
conflict. Instead, he waited two years for box- 
office magic with Platoon, and his face ended 
up on the cover of Time magazine. 

Contributing Editor David Rensin met with 
Sheen on the set of Spin City and at the ac- 
tor's LA condo, Rensin reports: 

*In the past, a chance to interview Char- 
lie Sheen was irresistible to the media. He 
has always been an outrageous and depend- 
able quote. Charlie never minded dissing 
other actors or recounting a bacchanalian 
adventure. But he also believed in telling it 
like it is, or atleast as he saw it. Since Sheen 
was often hopped-up during an interview, 
the results were invariably compelling. 

“Today, Charlie is more wary when it 
comes to shooting off his mouth. That's why, 
before I turned on the tape recorder, he want- 
ed to get to know me. After an afternoon of 
Spin City read-throughs, we met for a light 
meal ata local Italian restaurant. He looked 
at me with eyes scrunched up intently, trying 
10 see if I was someone he'd feel comfortable 
telling everything to. 

“Before dinner was done, Charlie suggest- 
ed I go to his house for the interview. We 
spent a long night at his West Los Angeles 
condo, where we shared a heavily sugared 
General Foods International Coffee moment, 
and then met in his studio lot dressing room 
lo go over the intimate details of his rise and 
fall and rise. 

The first thing that Charlie did when I 
lurned on the tape recorder was complain 
about another magazine interview in which 
he was quoted as saying he'd slept with 5000 
women. ‘Not true,” he insisted, with a smile." 

PLAYBOY: Did you really sleep with 5000 

SHEEN: [Smiles] Funny. Good start. OK, I 
want to set the record straight. That in- 
terviewer baited me, and I should have 
seen itcoming. He said, “So, Wilt Cham- 
berlain claims he slept with 20,000 wom- 
en. Is that something close to what you 
would assume for yourself?" I said, “No, 
I'm not old enough. That's impossible. 
Plus, I once broke it down for Wilt, and 
during the time span he claimed, there 
would have to have been a girl every 36 
minutes." The interviewer said, “Well, 
how many? Ten?" I said, "No." He said, 
"Five?" I said, "I don't know. I honestly 
have no idea. It’s speculative and bor- 
ders on preposterous. Plus, | didn't 
count.” He pushed, “Well, five2” Finally, 
I said, “Fine. Fine. Five.” And he ran 
with it. 

PLAYBOY: We did the math, too. That 
amounts to one a day for almost 14 years. 
SHEEN: It's pretty far off for me [laughs]. 
Plus, 1 was in some long relationships 
that would have made it impossible. 

PLAYBOY: Nonetheless, like many things 
in your career, the story seems bound 
for showbiz folklore—as attested to by 
this quote we read at “The 
only buzz the new Spin City is geuing is 
for the rock-star tour bus Charlie Sheen 
has parked on the studio lot. And, given 
the recent publicity about Sheen's love 
life"—meaning the 5000 vomen—"we 
don't even want to think about what 
might be going on inside the bus." 
SHEEN: Two things: One, I got rid of 
the bus. 


SHEEN: At first | tried to make it available 
as a Spin City clubhouse, but it didn't 
work where it was parked. Then I asked 
myself, If Barry Bostwick or Heather 
Locklear had one, would I be hanging 
out in it? And I realized, No, that's their 
private space. At the same time, I got 
tired of feeling like a separatist or an elit 
ist. I wanted to be in a dressing room 
next to the other actors, in the mix right 
there on the stage. It was too much of a 
spectacle, so I just walked in one day and 
said, “This thing's got to go." I still own 
it. It'll be out on the road, being rented 
by other people, to pay for itself. 
PLAYBOY: That's one, what's two? 

SHEEN: | heard recently in Jay Leno's 
monolog that I call myself the Ma- 
chine. I've never called myself the Ma- 
chine. Itwas a nickname my friends gave 
me in the old days because when they 
were all ready either to go home or to 
the ER, I was always the last guy stand- 
ing, insisting that the party continue. Jay 
said that with the number of hookers I 
must have slept with, I should call myself 
the Automated Teller Machine. [Smile: 
That's kind of funny, and it’s nice to be 
talked about, but still. 

PLAYBOY: Do you want the media to drop 
your past and get on with it? 

SHEEN: I guess there's a part of me that 
still embraces or revels in generating 
some kind of media buzz or controversy. 
Why? Because it's immediate attention 
and it fuels that part of the fire. I don't 
want my life to be beige and boring and 

On the other hand, there have to be 
more important things going on in the 
world than my past. But 1 know that no 
matter what 1 do from this point for- 
ward—if the show's a hit, if 1 make mov- 
ies that are hits, if 1 do great social work— 
it’s always going to be "the former erst- 
while embattled news fodder.” So I 
understand why, when 1 slip a little with 
something quotable, it's latched on to. IU's 
because they can no longer write about 
my bad behavior. I'm not creating any 
wreckage or generating any headlines 
PLAYBOY: That wasn't always the case. 
How bummed out were you to be the 
guy publicly fingered in the Heidi Fleiss 
trial, while so many other Hollywood no- 
tables remained nameless? 

SHEEN: They went for the easiest target 
But it's OK. I was one of the few guys 

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who were single and young. If I took the 
bullet, it would soften the attack on the 
whole community. 

PLAYBOY: Are you still paying for sex? 
SHEEN: [Shakes his head] 1 shut that down 
1 did it a couple times after I got sober 
and it didn't feel like it was in keeping 
with the kind of progress I'm making. It 
felt like the old me. It felt cheap and stu- 
pid. They had more fun than I did 
PLAYBOY: Maybe they should have paid 

SHEEN: | didn't want to mention that 

PLAYBOY: You once said that paying for 
sex was really paying for them to leave 
when you're done. 
SHEEN: That's an old Cary Grant quote. I 
borrowed it. 

PLAYBOY: But you believed it. 

SHEEN: To a degree, but also it was about 
avoiding all that hassle I would encoun- 
ter going out, hanging out, picking up. 
taking home, transporting, blah blah blah 
All the lies, the deceit. Promising to call 
and not calling. That's old behavior. 
PLAYBOY: What's the new behavior? 
SHEEN: Believe it or not, I've always been 
pretty old-fashioned. I'm kind of a mis- 
sionary guy, from way back. I don't need 
a leather diaper collection and a lot of 
fantasies to get sexual. I think the more 
props you need, the less you've got go- 
ing on with your own sexualit 

PLAYBOY: What changed your attitude? 
SHEEN: In sobriety they teach you to 
think the drink through. Don't just think 
about having the drink and how good 
it's going to feel. Think through to the 
next morning. how it's going to influ- 
ence you, the shame, how it's going to 
trigger the domino effect. If 1 do that 
I end up with, OK, I'm not going to 
drink. Ir's the same thing with one-night 
stands. Lappreciate my time in the morn- 
ings so much that I'd rather go to bed at 
night alone than deal with waking up, 
creeping around the bedroom, being 
quiet, worrying. Also, I'd like to be with 
somebody I care about. Something mod- 
erately substantial 

PLAYBOY: Can you care about somebody? 
SHEEN: Absolutely. Now that I've finally 
gotten to know myself a little bit, I know 
who I'm bringing to the relationship. Un- 
til now Гуе never had the tools to apply in 
a meaningful relationship. But I'm not 
looking for it. Right now I'm kind of in 
love with my job. [Pauses] 1 just don't 
want to live like ] used to. And at some 
point, probably after this interview. Fm 
going to put a gag order on myself in 
terms of talking about the past. Serious- 
ly. I've got to slam the door and deal 
with the present and the future. 
PLAYBOY: As long as you do it after this 

SHEEN: I get it. If I were assigned to some- 
body who had been through what I've 
been through and it was my job to de- 
liver a story, Га probably want to know 
the interesting shit and not just how the 

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read-through was on Spin City. But that 
said, Fm talking about it now because I 
think I have a duty as a recovering guy 
to help, to make my knowledge of what 1 
went through accessible. 
PLAYBOY: Great. This isn't the first time 
that you've said you're recovered. Why 
should we believe you now, and why did 
you slip up before? 
SHEEN: If I wanted to party now, I'd 
probably have to do it in the Himalayas, 
or on Mir. Can you imagine me going 
down to the corner bar and saying, 
“Hey, give me a shot of vodka. Put 
a coffee cup.” First of all, 1 don't want 
to party now, and that's the difference. 
But if I said, all right, I'm going to do 
it, where would I 
go? Publicy talking 
about this stuff elim- 
inates a lot of op- 
tions. This is the on- 
ly disease that wants 
to keep you looking 
good while you're 
killing yourself. All 1 
can do today is lead 
by example and re- 
member that I'm 
powerless over how 
people perceive me. 
Back in those || 
days, I hadn't gone | T 
far enough into it. " li 

1 hadn't gotten on 
the pipe, shot dope, 
had legal hassles. 
1 was still, in my | 
mind, above the law, 
a functional, socially 
acceptable maniac. 
I've always need- 
ed lots of proof, and 

thing but probably would have died be- 
cause they don't have the constitution 
I was cursed with. The most damage I 
did was to myself and to the people who 
got caught in the maelstrom. The worst 
thing that happened was the overdose. 
But, then, I didn't go in with three other 
dudes who overdosed with me. No, you 
overdose alone. 

PLAYBOY: What about the gun incident in 
which your then girlfriend, Kelly Pres- 
ton, got shot? 

SHEEN: That was a complete accident. I 
wasn't even in the room. She picked up 
a pair of my pants, to get them off the 
bathroom scale so she could weigh her- 
self one morning. A little revolver fell 

Playboy Clear Billiard Ball Set 

SHEEN: That, and just feeling my spirit 

PLAYBOY: On the ER table? 

SHEEN: No, just d. 
wanting to be an active member of the 
human race. 

PLAYBOY: Were you suicidal? 

SHEEN: No. But when friends asked me 
what was going on, I'd use а line from 
Star Wars. They'd ask, “Can we help?" 
and I'd say, “Not unless you can alter 
time, speed up the harvest or teleport 
me off this rock.” 

1 remember thinking and feeling and 
believing that I was not able to stop, that 
I genuinely was incapable of putting an 
end to this. It wasn't 
even that 1 didn't 
know what to do 
with myself if I 
could stop. 1 didn't 
take the thought 
that far. It was, “My 
God, I can't stop. 
Now what?" Not, 
“OK, if I stop" 
That was a terribly 
sad reality. 

PLAYBOY: So what did 
you do? 

SHEEN: I thought, All 
right, if I can't stop, 
I'm going to take 
this thing as far as I 
| can. I wasn't going 
| to dabble and mope 
about. Let's get on a 
horse and drive this 
fucking circus com- 
pletely out of town. 
PLAYBOY: Meaning? 

SHEEN: I decided to 

after the past few 

years I'm convinced | 

of the insanity of my 
disease and of the 

insanity of second- | 

guessing myself as 
an addict. 
PLAYBOY: You didn't 

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turn up the yolume. 
Let's stop sleeping, 
let's stop eating and 
just fucking party. 
1 was smok 
about a pound and 
a half of cocaine a 
month toward the 

believe you were an 

addict? Call your 
SHEEN: 1 just didn't 

believe I was like ev- 

erybody else. I thought I was unique. I 
didn't wake up in my neighbor's bed. I 
never crashed my car into some inno- 
cent person. I never fired my gun into 
a crowded shopping mall. I didn’t get 
pulled over on the fucking highway with 
a gun and heroin. 1 didn't kick a cop and 
hop a fence. I didn’t fucking take a gun 
on an airplane. I didn't kill anybody. I 
didn't molest any children. Heidi didn't 
send little boys to my ranch. Sure, I did 
a lot of things in excess. But if you look 
at the core, the foundation of what I 
pursued, who the fuck wouldn't? What 
red-blooded young American male in 
my position wouldn't? All the guys who 

76 criticize it would have done the same 

out of my back pocket, hit the bathroom 
floor and went off. It shot a hole through 
the toilet and she got hit in the leg with 
shrapnel. I was downstairs, making cof- 
fee and she came to the top of the stairs, 
blood all over her, telling me to call 911 

But she was fine. She got two stitches 
and 1 had to get a new toilet. 

But let me get back to why things are 
different for me this time. There was just 
so much more despair and hopelessness 
for me at the end than there had been 
the other times I supposedly got clean 
and came out in public saying, "I'm 
fine," but wasn't. This last go-around was 

PLAYBOY: Because of your near-death 

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end. That's a lot 
It was hard-core— 
cleaner than crack 
because you cook 
it yourself—but so what? 
PLAYBOY: That sounds suicidal to us. 
SHEEN: Maybe subconsciously. 
PLAYBOY: And it all ended up with you in 
the Los Robles Hospital. What happened? 
SHEEN: I got bored with smoking and 
snorting. A buddy of mine who's kind of 
a speed junkie had left a rig behind. It 
was still in the package and unused, and 
I thought I would shoot some cocaine. 
I had never done it before and I was 
all alone—a good time to shoot, right? 
[Shakes head and laughs] 
PLAYBOY: You loaded up the needle and 
put it in your arm. 
SHEEN: Oh yeah. Fired it straight home. 
Just like I'd seen in Pulp Fiction, or in that 



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movie with Gary Buscy and Dustin Hoff- 
man, Straight Time. And nothing hap- 
pened. I thought, This sucks—so 1 did 
some more. Then it all hit me at once. 
My legs went out. They disappeared. I 
couldn't walk. I tried to get downstairs to 
get some vodka, to try to bring every- 
thing down, and 1 couldn't. 1 was fucking 
terrified. 1 thought, OK, I'm going. I 
checked my blood pressure and my heart 
rate. My vitals were up, but they weren't 
code. Finally, I managed to take little ba- 
by steps down the stairwell. It took 20 
minutes; it felt like 20 days. Horrifying, 
PLAYBOY: Your heart going boom-boom- 

SHEEN: From the panic. I thought some- 
thing really wrong had happened. I 
didn't want to just 
tough it out. I called 
my bodyguard and 
said, "Dude, we've 
got to 911 it." So we 
did. In the ambu- 
lance they gave me a 
big shot of something 
to bring me down, 
and I fell asleep. 
That's when the para- 
medic called the press 
and sold me like a 
loaf of bread. This 
was news, and he 
wanted to be the one 
to report it. 

PLAYBOY: The para- 
medic called the me- 
dia right from the 

SHEEN: Must have, be- 
cause there were too 
many people waiting 
when I got there. At 
the hospital I just 
wanted a shot of Ati- 
van or something 
mellowing. Instead, 
I got a doctor who 
came right into the 
room and got way too 
close to my face and 
said, “You need AA 
and you need it now." 
I'm thinking, Fuck 
you and your AA. Give me some Valium. 
‘Then I drifted into half-sleep, a dream 
state. I never had an official overdos 
but I think that’s where I was headed. 
Then Dad went on the news, and the 
judge heard that I had OD'd. I was on 
this watch for probation. It didn’t in- 
volve testing, but I was supposed to obey 
all laws, so they hauled me in. 

PLAYBOY. Didn't your dad ask the judge 
to arrest you? 

SHEEN: Right. He went on the news and 
said, "My son has had a drug overdose.” 
That triggered Judge Mira. 

PLAYBOY. He seems to get all the young. 

SHEEN: Yeah, we keep him busy. But I've 
got to tell you, I really came to respect 


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the guy I initially deeply resented and 
held so much anime toward. He could 
see a little more progress in me each time 
Га go in for updates and visits. He'd say, 
"I have to keep the probation on, but 
you're doing great, you look great and I 
hear great things. Keep up the good 
work." I think he was inspired because I 
was really the first guy who followed his 
code and held true to what he imposed. I 
accepted it and knew that it was because 
he wanted to save my lile, not because 
he wanted to punish me. He saw past 
the textbook punitive avenues. He dug 
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humane, because he didn't see a crimi- 
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But believe me, I knew if I got loaded 
I was going away for a while. In fact, 
people would say, “Oh, you're just sober 
because you're on probation.” I'd say, 
“Well, maybe today. But maybe tomor- 
row that won't be the case." What you 
come to discover is, it isn't how you get 
there, it's that you get there. If that's 
what it took to get me where I'm at to- 
day, so be it. 
PLAYBOY: Any temptations afterward? 
SHEEN: Sure. 1 had plans early on, the 
day I got off probation, to go to Amster- 
dam and go on a whole run. I wanted to 
control the again, so I could take 
back the power. Going would have been 
giving away the power. 
PLAYBOY: Why haven't you ever discussed. 

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this part of the experience publicly? 
SHEEN: It’s nice to talk about it and know 
that I don't have to go through it ev- 
er again. That's terrifying shit. I would 
have given anything—any movie, any 
car, any woman, anything—to just be nor- 
mal. Um talking about it because some 
kid who's struggling with his own addic- 
tions might read an interview I've given, 
looking for something inspirational or 
truthful that might save or deter him. 
PLAYBOY: We don't mean to be naysayers, 
but you've never listened to people who 
tried to help you. 

You're right. When you're in the 
grips of it, everybody can basically fuck 
off. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. 
PLAYBOY: Do you remember the day you 
got off probation? 
SHEEN: | drove up to 
Promises, my rehab 
alma mater, and I 
talked with my drug 
counselor, who had 
done time and was 
on probation, too. I 
wanted to talk to an- 
other addict about 
this blessing and 
about the progress 
that had taken place. 
I said, "I don't have 
any desire to get 
loaded right now. I'm. 
really so grateful and 
so happy to have 
my freedom back." 
When I was in camp 
and had to wear the 
Lo-Jack ankle brace- 
let monitor, I vowed 
there and then that I 
would never again do 
anything to lose my 

PLAYBOY: Do movies 
get rehab right? 
SHEEN: No. It's bull- 
shit. 1 saw 28 Days. 1 
don't remember re- 
hab being like a day 
camp or being that 
funny. Rehab is a 
dumping ground. It's 
a big landfill where you go to unload 
all your shit. You kind of pick through 
what's worth keeping and fixing, re- 
assemble some of the pieces and hope- 
fully move on. Of the 20-some people in 
my original group, only one other per- 
son I know for sure is sober. 
PLAYBOY: So what does that say about 

SHEEN: It says more about the disease, 
how insidious it is. It's the onl: 
that tells you that you don't ha 
hab is a motherfucker, especially if 
you've had any kind of life where you've 
been the man. Suddenly you're in a 
place where there's no special treatment. 
You're equalized. 

PLAYBOY: So now drugs are out, drink is 

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out. How about sex? 

SHEEN: [Laughs] Of course not. I got 
sober, I didn't get stupid 
PLAYBOY: Just curious: How well were 
you able to function sexually on cocaine? 
SHEEN: I was never shut down by the 
drugs; that was my problem. Cocaine 
was an aphrodisiac, it wasn't a cancella- 
tion element. I think that was a bit of 
a curse. Anybody else would say, "What 
do you mean? You did an eight-ball and 
had sex all night?" Га be like, Yeah, 
didn't you? 

PLAYBOY: And the women were casy to 
come by? 

SHEEN: Yeah. But for every perk, there's 
a pitfall. For every free meal, there's a 
tabloid story. For every girl who sleeps 
with you, there are two who don't—and 
not until the end of the night, when 
they're alone with you and back at your 
place, do you realize they had it planned 
Írom the get-go. 

PLAYBOY: You didn't expect to get lucky 
every time, did you? 

SHEEN: No. But they could have told us 
that at the bar, before we left with them, 
instead of at three A.M., when everybody 
else is gone and the options are done. 
PLAYBOY: Can we clear up a few Charlie 
Sheen rumors? 

SHEEN: Shoot. 

PLAYBOY: Is it true that you hired hookers: 
and had them dress up as cheerleaders? 
SHEEN: Total bullshit. 

PLAYBOY: Five women in one bed at a 

SHEEN: True, but it happened only once. 
It wasn't a habitual thing. 

PLAYBOY: Did you have them laid out in a 

SHEEN: [Smiles] No, it was just the end of 
the night and everybody had split. It was 
me and five girls, and I said, “Well, I’m 
up for it if you girls are.” They're like, 
“Yeah, right.” That was a challenge, so I 
went for it. I was with one at a time with 
the other four watching. It was a litde 
uncomfortable, actually. I think I said, 
"Can you guys just look the other way 
until it's your turn?" I wouldn't recom- 
mend five at once. There's just not 
enough guy to go around. 

PLAYBOY: Where do you normally draw 
the line? 

SHEEN: At two. Even with two, some- 
body's always jealous. Even if it’s their 
idea, someone comes away pissed oll. 
Something happens and you spend the 
rest of the night apologizing for some- 
thing they initiated. A lot of times you'll 
be with your steady and she'll invite a 
girlfriend; they'll get a couple drinks 
them and say, "Hey, whaddya think 
Before you know it, you're into it. Then 
you pay more attention to one or the 
other and there are problems. Two wom- 
en is a big guy fantasy that looks better 
on paper. 

PLAYBOY: Do you think you're a good- 
looking guy? 

80 SHEEN: From some angles, in certain 

lighting. I wasn't dealt a terrible hand. I 
don't think I'm a romantic sex symbol, 
but I think I'm ruggedly handsome. 
PLAYBOY: Is it true you and a friend took 
a World Sex Tour? 

SHEEN: [Laughs] Which one? 

PLAYBOY: Amsterdam. You and he did 
separate sides of a red-light-district 

SHEEN: Yeah. Me and Jo-Jo [chuckles]. We 
set a goal for the one night, and we hit it. 
Ten each. He took one side of the canal, 
I took the other. Little single rooms, 
women sitting in the windows. You walk. 
up, look through the window, go inside, 
they pull the curtain and, you know. We 
Іей there very tired. 

PLAYBOY: How did you manage to mai 
tain your stamina? 

SHEEN: I was doing a lot of amyl at the 
time, and that tends to get the sex thing 
going. Amyl and Heincken: the Amster- 
dam combination. Jesus, what a night- 
mare. You can stay hard, but you're 
shooting blanks after a while. Then it be- 
comes about approaching the number. 
We said 10 each and you're on eight, and 
you're going, I need some fucking pasta 
or steak or something. Fuck it: Heine- 
ken, amyl—that’s my dinner. Then you 
get to nine. We didn't want to leave there 
saying, "We got 17 but we aimed for 20." 
It was ridiculous. 

PLAYBOY: What was it like Stateside, being 
young and hot in Hollywood? 

SHEEN: It was radical. It was perfect. It 
was anything you wanted it to be. 
PLAYBOY: For instance? 

SHEEN: You can go to the best restaurant 
in town with no reservation, at peak 
mealtime with seven friends, and say, 
“We're hungry.” Then you could leave 
that meal, call a guy on the way to the 
airport to fire up a jet to take you to Ve- 
gas, go to a casino with nothing—no wal- 
let, nothing—and talk a casino manager 
into giving you a $50,000 line of credit. 
PLAYBOY: Did you do that often? 

SHEEN: Not too often, but it was nev- 
er dull. 

PLAYBOY: Where did you hang out in Los 
SHEEN: Mostly on Sunset, either the Rain- 
bow or On the Rox. I always made 
friends with the guy who ran the club, 
because then you could stay after hours 
and drink. Then there was always a par- 
ty that went to somebody's house in 
town afterward, or you'd 
hotel somewhere near the p 
gin—with your select group of friends. 
You'd tell all the other knuckleheads, “I 
got to get some sleep, I got to do some- 
thing in the morning” or some lie, just to 
get them off your trail. Then you'd settle 
into phase two or phase three or phase 
four, however deep you were going. The 
point was just to seek entertainment on 
all levels—women, drugs, rock stars. Lal 
ways wanted to hang out with rock stars 
because they brought a diflerent clement 
PLAYBOY: Were they more or less de- 

bauched than you? 
SHEEN: At first, more; later on, le: 
of my fondest memories is when Slash, 
from Guns n' Roses, sat me down at his 
house and said, "You've got to clean up. 
your act." You know you've gone too far 
when Slash is saying, "Look, you've got 
to get into rehab, you have to shut it 
down. You're going to die.” He's a terrif- 
ic guy and I love him—he's a buddy of 
mine—but I had to step back from that 
situation and go, "Yeah, but you're Slash. 
Whaddya mean?” 

PLAYBOY: How far gone were you when 
he said that? 

SHEEN: We'd been up for about four 
days. But I still heard him because a part 
of me was saying, “This isn't as much fun 
as I thought it was going to be, Some- 
thing's missing." 

PLAYBOY: Where did your appetite for 
self-destruction come from? 

SHEEN: A good question. It came from a 
long time of wanting things 1 couldn't 
have, like women and money and access. 
From when I was 10 to about 16 1 saw 
other people satisfy those appetites, and 
1 wanted to be not just along for their 
ride but driving the car. 

PLAYBOY: What others? 

SHEEN: The group I ran with, the Brat 
Pack. Emilio's friends. The St. Elmo's Fire 
and Breakfast Club crowd. They had all 
pretty much hit when I was still audi- 
tioning and struggling and wasn’t really 
getting anywhere. 

I got tired of girls coming to me to get 
to them. We'd be at a table at the Hard 
Rock and they'd get all the attention; all 
І got was the waiter telling me what the 
specials were. I so desperately wanted to 
be Mr. Somebody: “Thanks for coming 
back, Mr. Sheen. It's good to see you 
again." Instead, I was the little brother, 
included to a point, but there was always 
atime for the youngsters to vacate. 
PLAYBOY: Makes sense if you're 10. 
SHEEN: Or 11, 12. 13. "Go to your room.” 
or, "We're going to drop you off now. 
You'll hear the great story tomorrow." 
1 got tired of waiting. 1 wanted to be 
telling the great story. I just didn't know 
one day I'd have so many to tell [smiles]. 
Seriously, I guess I just wanted to be ac- 
cepted, liked, loved. I wanted respect. 
PLAYBOY: Did not being the center of at- 
tention make you angry? 

SHEEN: Yeah. 1 wanted to eclipse them 
all, invite them to my parties, take them 
on my private jet, introduce them to my 
women and give them my drugs. And 
, there was no monta 

body went bananas for and it won Best 
Picture. Everything | thought I wanted 
became available. 

PLAYBOY: Is everything you got what you 
rcally wanted? 

SHEEN: Sure. Fame is empowering. My 
mistake was that I thought I would in- 
stinctively know how to handle it. But 



remember to drink responsiol 


suddenly when it's you, you realize 
there's no manual, no training course. 
As much experience as you might have 
had hanging out with the people who 
are “in,” until it's you, you can't know. 
It's like trying to explain to somebody 
what it's like to have sex the first time. 
Or asking Hank Aaron what it feels like 
to hit a home run in front of 50,000 peo- 
ple. Eventually, any plan or illusion I 
had about how I would deal with fame 
evaporated rapidly, because I took it a 
little far, I think. Just a tad [smiles]. 
PLAYBOY: And how did that affect you 
SHEEN: Fame is a fickle mistress. It's very 
deceiving. It looks really bitchin’ from 
the outside, and then you get it and it's 
very confusing professionally, social- 
ly, emotionally. It’s confusing because 
you're so worried about how you're per- 
ceived. A lot of my exploits were guilt- 
driven, shame-driven. I would hang out 
with the lower-class individual and try to 
give away as much as possible, because 
on some level I felt like I hadn't really 
earned all 1 had, and when was everyone 
going to find out? When would the cur- 
tain be yanked back? And all this because 
one day I was а working actor, just trying 
to pursue something I enjoyed and try- 
ing to make a living, and the next day I 
was a commodity. 

PLAYBOY: Surely that can't have been a 
complete surprise. 

SHEEN: No. But it was terrifying. Sud- 
denly they're telling you, "OK, you've 
proved yourself to a point, and now, 
with this next picture, we're banking on 
you to validate our investment." You go 
to the set with a different view of your 
responsibilities, and sometimes it gets 

PLAYBOY: And you handled it by—— 
SHEEN: Just. drinking iı it away. 

PLAYBOY: What kind of advice did you get 
from family and friends? 

SHEEN: I got advice, but there'sa big jeal- 
ousy factor, so you don't know what ad- 
vice to listen to. You don't know if people 
are trying to sabotage you or if they gen- 
uinely want you to consider your op- 
tions. Is he telling me to do that because 
if 1 fuck up, he'll look better? 

PLAYBOY: Which was it? 

SHEEN: Abusc-fucled paranoia. As kids 
we're not taught how to deal with suc- 
cess; we're taught how to deal with fail- 
ure. If at first you don't succeed, try, try 
again. If at first you succeed, then what? 
We grow up with our fathers talking 
about walking to school in the snow, up- 
hill both ways, and of wearing the same 
socks for 10 years while delivering the 
newspaper for half a penny a month, 
eating chicken bones and cat hair. We're 
raised to believe that you've got to work 
hard for what you achieve. Then you 
work hard for a while and suddenly 
you're not working as hard and you're 
achieving more. You start to wonder. It's 

82 nolonger so much about the work asit is 

about the box office and the reviews and 
the premieres and the premiere parties 
and the nonsense. It's confusin; 
PLAYBOY: What confused you most 
SHEEN: [Pauses] In the end it was how I 
went from making multimillion-dollar 
deals on movies and fucking Playmates 
to being unemployable and fucking a. 
um, five-months-pregnant Mexican 
whore with cesarean scars, in a bar in 
Nogales. [Pauses] Forget it. I'm not going 
to tell you that story, but when you go 
from one end to the other, you have to 
pause and wonder what went down be- 
tween those two points. 
PLAYBOY: Any answers? 
SHEEN: I still don't have all the answers. 
To tell you the truth, I'm more interest- 
ed in what I can do next than what I did 
last. We've talked about a lot of psycho- 
logical stuff, and, frankly, I'm not all that 
certain about any of it. Uncertainty is a 
sign of humility, and humility is just the 
ability or the willingness to learn. 
PLAYBOY: You grew up with Sean and 
Chris Penn and Rob and Chad Lowe as 
friends. Were you neighbors? 
SHEEN: The Lowes lived about six houses 
away and the Penns about three miles 
away. We all went to the same school and 
lived in the same neighborhood. I met 
Robert Downey Jr. in high school; we 
had biology together in the tenth grade. 
I met Chris Penn in the third grade. 
Sean is the best actor of our generation, 
hands down. And he's only getting bet- 
ter—and it pisses me off [laughs]. 
PLAYBOY: What's his secret? 
SHEEN: He brings a reality to his work 
that's beyond what is required, and 1 
think it takes the audience to another 
place. He tortures himself doing it, but 
God bless him, because that work exists 
forever. It’s educational, watching his 
stuff. He teaches us about taking risks 
and about letting go of self, of celeb 
of ego and all that crap we hang on to 
in front of the camera. Sean just says, 
"That's not what I'm here for.” 
PLAYBOY: You all made amateur films to- 
gether, as kids. Super-8s. Anything still 
stand out? 
SHEEN: A film Sean directed, Rooftop 
Killer. It was about an assassin. We were 
short on actors, so I played the assassin. 
It was basically a reason to get to a very 
violent ending, and to use blood bags 
and blanks. 
PLAYBOY: Did it seem weird growing up 
with a dad who made mo 
SHEEN: For a while I didn’t think there 
was anything unique about it. But then 
I'd see how people reacted to him in pub- 
lic, and as I got older it seemed a little 
strange. His time was always strained or 
in demand. My mom has been the anchor 
of the whole group. She's really the brains 
behind the operation. A very smart, 
strong, sincere, compassionate lady as 
we traveled the world, living in hotel 
rooms and watching Dad make movies. 
Whenever Dad would talk about a job, 

the first thing we would say is, "Where 
does it shoot? Where are we going?" I 
credit him with keeping his marriage 
and the family intact by always saying, 
“I've got to have plane tickets for the 
whole family.” Yeah, he kept us out of 
school, but school comes and goes. Fam- 
ily is forever. 
PLAYBOY: Did you ever want a normal 
SHEEN: What is a normal childhood? We 
weren't rich, we were pretty middle- 
class. My dad survived from job to job: 
with him taking care of so many rel- 
atives, he couldn't save any money, re- 
ally. Sometimes we'd move into a new 
house, for six or eight months. with no 
furniture, just sleeping bags. Even that 
didn't seem abnormal. My parents went 
through a vegetarian phase, a nudist 
phase—things that didn't seem strange 
until you got to school and everybody 
else's lunch boxes were filled with brand 
names, not health-food shit, There were 
always interesting people at the house: 
guru types hanging out, people of ad- 
ion or form 
of yoga or political sphere. My parents 
always sought new teachers to better 
their intellect and awareness. 
PLAYBOY: How much did your family talk 
about acting? 
SHEEN: Actually, it's the last thing we talk 
about when we're together. But now we 
all have to own Ti Vos so we can watch my 
show and Dad's. My sister Renee is on 
West Wing, too. She's Miss Landingham's 
assistant. Fhey don't give her enough to 
do, but she's really good. I get heran au- 
dition here and there, but I won't ger 
her a job. 1 just don't believe in that. 
PLAYBOY: Like your father, who didn't 
help out with you and Emilio, either. 
SHEEN: Right. And we never asked. I 
knew early on that it wouldn't be real. 
that it wouldn't be earned, which is the 
one thing he’s always stressed: earning 
things so you own them. | think what 
drove me insane for a long time is feel- 
ing like I hadn't earned most of what I 
achieved because it came so fast. 
PLAYBOY: What kind of example did your 
dad set for handling career and succes 
SHEEN: | saw him handle it, I saw him 
mishandle it. | saw him shy away from it, 
I saw him embrace it; want it more than 
anything in the world, hate it more than 
anything in the world. That's not much 
of an example from which to take any 
kind of feasible approach. And then it 
almost killed him. He almost died of a 
heart attack in the middle of making 
Apocalypse Now, at the time the biggest 
movie of his life. As an example, it 
doesn't make you want to jump into that 
PLAYBOY: Were you there when the attack 
SHEEN: I was Stateside when he had it, 
but we flew back to help him rehabili- 
tate, all the kids. 

(continued on page 159) 


arilyn Monroe smiles at me 

every day. She is there on my 

living room wall, in one of the 

zillions of silk-screened por- 
traits of her that Andy Warhol began produc- 
ing in the early Sixties, shortly after Mari- 
lyn’s substance-induced death, Rendered in 
pastel hues of optic intensity, MM looks down 
heavy-lidded, with the wrinkle of a grin, 
wised-up and happily alluring, 

Marilyn no doubt commands a shrine in 
thousands, perhaps millions, of homes 
around the world. As we approach what 
would have been her 75th birthday, she has 
emerged as the aboriginal pop culture hero- 
ine. But what’s odd in my case is that, while 
she was around, I did not think Marilyn Mon- 
roe was much—conventional firepower, when 
some other women were thermonuclear. 

With her pudgy nose, Marilyn really set 
no standard for classic female winsomeness. 
And her form, fully revealed to the nation in 
December 1953 when Marilyn was this maga- 
zine’s first Sweetheart of the Month, was no 
better than fetching. For sheer flag-raising 
pulchritude, I always preferred MM’s nearest 
competitor in the swelling ranks of blonde 
boobshells, Jayne Mansfield. Even PLAYBOY 
conceded in the text that ran with the 
now-renowned photo of Marilyn lounging 
against red plush, “Her curves really aren’t 
that spectacular.” 

T'd grown up in one of those urban, ethnic 

arilyn (opposite) poses in How fo Mar- 

| у | ry a Millionaire. In real life, she snagged 

our top slugger and playwright. Hef 

put her on the first cover of his new magazine in 

1953, buying the rights to a “red velvet” calendar 

photo by Tom Kelley. Posing nude came naturally to 
the voluptuous Marilyn—as did sleeping nude. 


he gave Graucha's eyebrows a workaut in her first big film, Love Happy, а 

screwball camedy about missing diamonds. Pretty in pink, she flaunted the 

coyest cleavage in Hollywood. The cowgirl is 19-year-old Norma Jean, 
part af extensive studies shot by Earl Moran for his cheesecake calendar portraits. 
Maran shot Marilyn in his studio aver the caurse of faur years, beginning in 1946. 
“Emotionally,” said Moran, “she did everything right. Her mavements, her hands, 
her body were jus! perfect.” Breakfast in bed: Marilyn shot by Hallywaad glamour 
photagrapher André de Dienes. MM in green: from Millianaire. Marilyn was de- 
scribed by Laurence Olivier as “happy as a child when being photographed.” 

ХГ обуп ond Tam Ewell (above) in the famous subway grate shat fram Billy Wilder's 
4 1955 camedy, The Seven Year Itch. In her breakout film, the 1953 classic Gentle- 

men Prefer Blandes, Marilyn set the gold standard far platinum. "The truth about 
Marilyn Manroe," said writer Ben Hecht, “is that she was saved by Hollywood. The spotlight 
beating on her 24 haurs a day made the world seem livable to her.” Right: This Earl Moran shot 
captured her allure: seeming innocence coupled with an almost accidental eraticism. 

coined the term “flesh impact” ta explain her screen magnetism. “There will never be an- 

ather like her,” said Wilder. “When she is on the screen, the audience cannat keep their 
eyes off her.” Belaw: Her Holiywaad Boulevard star and a picture fram Marilyn's final photo session, 
a shoot far Vague by Bert Stern, shortly before her death. Right: Kelley's red-velvet session. 

Т he actress set the screen ablaze (left) in 1959's Same Like H Hot. Directar Billy Wilder 

enclaves where the beauties I knew—and for whom I had my first yens—were dark. 
Sophia Loren, sensual and passionate, was ideal. More to the point, Marilyn's blonde- 
ness came straight from the bottle. Whether she was Norma Jean Baker or Norma Jeane 
Mortenson at birth, a fact stiil disputed, she was, in the photos I've seen, nigh on to 
a brunette when she first married at 16. Thus, there was an element of the fake about 
her, a trait that persisted in the girl-off-the-farm routine for which she was best known. 
The ingenue who cooed as the subway draft fluitered her skirt to her waist in The Seven 
Year Itch was a sexual creature who men could have found fully bewitching only in a 



patriarchal and puritan era, a woman 
too naive and too slow on the uptake to 
recognize—and thus to control—the 
phenomenal power she exerted. 

The real Marilyn. the one who 
seemed to be there behind the bur- 
lesque posturing, was too neurotic to 
command more than sympathy and 
too insubstantial to require much re- 
spect. Jayne Mansfield, at least, went to 
SMU and supposedly had an IQ over 
160, Marilyn was famously tempera- 
mental, “I've been on a calendar,” she 
admitted, “but never on ume.” Drunk 
and druggy, she had no apparent grat- 
itude for what luck and good PR men 
had created for her. Billy Wilder, who 
directed my favorite of her films, Some 
Like It Hot, called Marilyn “the mean- 
est woman I have ever known in this 
town.” What could you say about sonie- 
body who married both Joe DiMaggio 
and Arthur Miller, except that she did 
not have a clue what she wanted? 

Yet in the nearly 40 years since her 
death, one of us has changed. These 
days. the image | see in the print on my 
living room wall is of a unique figure 
who encompassed many of the domi- 
nating—and contradictory—impulses 
of the second half of the American cen- 
tury just concluded. 

With Marilyn, sex seemed to be the 
heart of the mater. Her initial appear- 
ance on these pages embodied, in all 
senses, the first truly open communica- 
tion in America about sexuality. Hef 
bought the photo rights from a calen- 
dar company, which had engaged in 
only limited distribution of the photo 
for fear that McCarthy-era morality 
would have led to prosecution for mail- 
ing obscene material. Hef, with litle to 
lose, put Marilyn in the post, and with 
her image, essentially said to America, 
“Gather round.” 

The fact that she did not quail in that 
role was part of Marilyn's power. In 
1933, Hedy Lamarr had appeared in 
her fabled nude swimming scene in 
Ecstasy and the resulting uproar iniuat- 
ed an era of censorship. The Motion 
Picture Producers and Distributors of 
America's Hays Code, effective in 1934, 
was so brainlessly restrictive that even 
characters who were supposed to be 
husband and wife could not be depict- 
ed in the same bed. Marilyn's appear- 
ance here was an announcement that 
atleast one starlet was not about to suc- 
cumb to shame—or modesty. She had 
it and flaunted it. She never pretended 
to have been caught unaware or ex- 
ploited by the photos PLAYBOY present- 
ed. Indeed, she was back on these pag- 
es again, naked as God had made her, 
near the ume of her death, when she 
was at the apex of her career. She was 
nude because she wanted to be. 

The inherent feminine power wield- 

ed by the tease always underlaid Mari- 
Iyn's on-screen persona. What 1 was too 
young to understand when 1 watched 
her playing the archetype disparaged 
n blonde jokes was that it was essential 
for her to be unconvincing. She-knew- 
that-we-knew-it was all a little too 
much. Marilyn was perhaps our first 
postmodern figure who addressed us 
in subtexts. Always traveling beneath 
the surface, as she lamely feigned inno- 
cence, was that canny frankness about 
the dominating nature of sexuality. We 
look back at her slithery rendition of 
Happy Birthday to You for JFK, wearing a 
dress for the ages, and feel ready to 
blush or to laugh out loud at an era so 
restrained by proprieties that it was 
decades before Americans could open- 
ly acknowledge the forthrightness of 
her come-ons. 

Unlike any of her peers or predeces- 
sors, Marilyn added one further ele- 
ment: an undertone of regret. Yes, she 
was willing; but there was a tenderness 
about it, a sadness that she could not be 
that farm girl and thus relieved of the 
burden of the reactions she inspired 
Because she made that bow toward the 
acceptable, Marilyn blurred the former 

Her celebrated allure was 
inherently democratic. She 
belonged to everybody. 

distinctions between high art and low, 
between good taste and bad, between 
whore and Madonna. Her PLAYBOY 
pose seemed to be pasted to the wall in 
the dingy recesses of the backroom of 
every hardware store 1 visited in child- 
hood, a lurid testimonial to the base- 
ness of men. Yet Marilyn, somehow, 
was never confined to the shadow: 
her apparent vulnerability saved her. 
She also was welcomed—and probably 
schtupped—at the White House. 
Looking backward, we now see the 
America that emerged from the Sec- 
ond World War as one where imagery 
and commerce were increasingly inter- 
twined, where our na entity 
was rooted more and more in certain 
images marketed coast-to-coast. The 
endlessly photographed Monroe was 
probably the most famous face on 
earth—and as a self-conscious sex sym- 
bol, she made herself a virtual com- 

modity. It is no accident that Warhol 

began turning out his serial portr; 
of her around the same time he was 
painting pictures of Brillo boxes and 
soup cans. 

It was the eagerness with which she 
gave herself to that role that really 

tinguished Marilyn. She somehow sug- 
gested the degree to which we created 
her. She succumbed to us more power- 
fully, more willingly than any woman 
before, beaming back our callow, bu 

widely shared, fantasies. Her celebrat- 
ed allure was inherently democratic. 

She belonged to everybody—indeed. 
in retrospect, that is one of the clear 
messages of the fact she could attract 
both our best ballplayer and our pre- 
eminent playwright. 

Nevertheless, it was death that ulti- 
mately made Marilyn Monroe larger 
than life—and spared her the excess 
that has overwhelmed the likes of Eliz- 
abeth Taylor. It is hard to imagine who 
Marilyn would be, approaching her 
dotage. Dietrich’s legs still gathered 
raves when she was well into her 60s. 
but by 75, even Marilyn's sexual can- 
dlepower was bound to have dimmed. 
Instead. she remains in memory fully 
possessed of all her carnal appeal, like 
athletes who retire at the height of 
their powers. 

The poignancy of her story lies in the 
fact that her end taught us to distrust so 
much of what she seemingly stood for. 
She may not have been the first celebri- 
ty destroyed by celebrity—that honor 
may belong to Socrates—but she was 
certainly the first one who was essential- 
ly photographed as she danced over the 
brink. Hollywood is a place that teaches 
over and over again the Greck gods’ 
lessons about hubris. Marilyn stands— 
with Elvis and dozens of others—as the 
object lesson that fame is worth litle in 
the end. That the most glamorous wom- 
an on earth died in desperation ce- 
ments the message that “real life" is the 
only place to find a life. 

As important, Marilyn was raised 
from the dead a feminist icon. It 
turned out that being craved by most 
of the men in America capable of an 
erection did not make a woman happy 
Quite the opposite. Like her third hus- 
band’s most famous hero, Willy Lo- 
man, Marilyn seemingly died because 
she had the wrong dreams. Her de- 
struction inspired women to resist 
being similarly reduced to symbol or 

It is far too romantic to believe Mari- 
lyn understood all of this. In fact, it is 
the essence of her legend that she fully 
surrendered herself to what everyone 
else wanted to make of her. But at 75, 
she seems certain to be remembered as 
the first emblem of the omnivorous na- 
ture of our developing pop culture, 
and of the ability of certain figures to 
become a River Ganges of national pas- 
ions, into which all of them poured 
in—unul they washed her away 

For our online tribute to Marilyn, join the 
Playboy Cyber Club at cyber 

“Hi, I'm Nicole. Here are the specials for tonight." 





Fiction By Stephen Randall 

finally perry had it all—the tv pilot, the 
malibu party, even an ambitious girlfriend. 
maybe those brush fires were a sign 

or all the money thrown 
round in Hollywood, 
urprisingly little of itis 
spent on interior design. 
Most offices look like 
they were designed by Kmart. Homo- 
geneous and functional and some- 
times funky. The reason is simple. 
No one ever stays in an office long 
enough to do more than put up a 
poster of their last project and a pic- 
ture of the family. If the job goes well, 
you get bumped up toa bigger, better 
office. If it doesn’t, you move on to 
another characterless office at an- 
other studio. It drives the mail room 
guys crazy. д 
Jonathan Scott’s office was fitting 
for one of the 247 vice presidents who 
worked on the Sony lot. The title vice 
president of comedy development 
for the Columbia TriStar Television 
Group was pretty much as low as you 
wanted to be in the studio system—se- 
nior vice president was, of course, bet- 
ter, and executive vice president bet- 
ter still. But to be a president was even 
cooler—after all, Sony, Columbia’s 
parent company, had only 26 of those, 
one for each division, plus a few ex- 
tras. The United States of America, by 
comparison, has one, but the world of 

fantasy is so much more complicated 
than the real one. 

That Nancy and Perry’s meeting 
was taking place in Jonathan’s office 
was good—for Jonathan. It meant ex- 
ecutives from higher up in the food 
chain would be coming to his turf, a 
clear sign that Dire Straights, the pilot 
script, was his project. 

As writers, Nancy and Perry were 
the first to arrive. Nancy and Perry 
were more than partners, they were al- 
so a couple. Like so many relation- 
ships in LA, theirs began romantical- 
ly and soon developed professional 
overtones. In a show of commitment 
unique to the city, they had formed 
Comstock Productions, their own pro- 
duction company. A male assistant 
with a headset ushered them into Jon- 
athan’s office. The first thing Jona- 
than did, after pleasantries, was 
leave—having no intention of sitting 
in his own office with two writers. He 
skulked in the hall until his bosses ar- 
rived, running late as always. 

“I think we can pretty much cut to 
the chase here,” said Jonathan, lean- 
ing against his desk as Nancy and Per- 
ry sat on the couch and the two senior 
executives took the two chairs. “We've 
read what (continued on page 100) 





these girls are not part of a 
media cover-up 

Naked News’ lead anchar, Victaria Sinclair (at tap), offers two bits af 
professional advice and ane caveat : (1) It takes faur minutes ta disrabe 
gracefully. (2) When delivering bad news, dan't dwell an grisly details. 
(3) Dan't farget the superglue: Fake nails easily break off when yau're 
unbuttoning yaur clathes. Sinclair (above) prepares for a sound check. 


ur faith in Canada has been restored now 
that “the only network worth watching” 
has put the broad back into broadcasting. 

Of course, we're talking about the four 
nude women who deliver the news live each after- 
noon at Armed with only micro- 
phones and eight smoking guns, these hard-hitting 
Toronto journalists report on international news, 
business, sports and the weather, which often in- 
cludes references to nipply—er, nippy—tempera- 

tures. We are taken by their bright smiles and unin- 
hibited performance, and, apparently, we’re not 
alone. With 6 million viewers a month logging on, 
Naked News is one of the few dotcoms that’s in no 
danger of failing. The Naked News team takes jour- 
nalism seriously. According to lead anchor Victoria 
Sinclair, visitors may log on for the nudity, but they 
stay tuned because “the content and delivery are su- 
perb.” Naked News is looking to add even more lus- 
ter to its team. We hope Maria Bartiromo is available. 

Business reporter Carmen Russo (at top) hos o wonderful effect on all 
our major indexes. Russo ond a crew member (above) go over the fine 
points of bare-bones broodcosting. Members of the Naked News team 
(left to right) Victorio Sincloir, Holly Weston, Diane Foster ond Carmen 
Russo—have great smiles ond not one journclism degree between them. 

| 7 

Sinclair (opposite, top) shows us the evolution of breoking 
news, ond does her best Vonna White imitation (opposite, 
center). Sinclair (opposite, bottom) discusses her perfor- 
mance with a colleogue. Sportscaster Holly Weston (neor 
left, top) is dressed oppropriately for o locker room filled 
with noked guys. She will have her own news soon: By the 
fime you read this, she'll have given birth to her first boby. 
Wectherwomon Dione Foster (neor left) weors a little fur to 
keep warm. Cormen Russo prepares for showtime: She gets 
o lost-minute microphone adjustment (top left), robes (top 
center) and disrobes (top right). Russo's on-air delivery 
(obove) is os flowless os her bockstoge presence (right). 
One word olwoys leoves her tongue-tied: Newfoundlond. 






viruses are ancient and 
mysterious. now, thanks 
to globalization and 
terrorism, they pose 
an unthinkable threat 

Article by Michael Parrish 

TS AGOLDEN AGE for the viruses that live with 
us. More of these single-minded microscopic 
barbarians than ever are on intimate terms 
with humans, Yet they remain largely a mys- 
tery at the fringe of life, parasites, neither plant nor 
animal, what some believe to be the original living 
organisms. They're so small that only in the past 
hundred years have we isolated them for study. No 
one has any idea how many there are, whether 
their numbers are growing, or how many would 
kill us in a close encounter. Despite generations of 
research, we have no sweeping antiviral drug that 
works the way penicillin fights bacteria. But we are 
learning the size of the threat—that viruses have a 
much bigger impact on our lives than we thought. 
And that no virus has our best interests at heart. 
Most viruses, like most sharks, don’t harm hu- 
mans. Some could be useful in gene therapy. But 
all too many cause sickness, pain and death. And 
it may be that we're only beginning to realize the 
range of diseases caused (continued on page 172) 





(continued from page 92) 
you've done and we feel passionate 
about i 

The others nodded in agreement as 
they scanned Perry's treatment. 

“1 believe it's important to go only 
with projects you feel passionate about," 
said Jonathan. 

“Passion is what this business is all 

about,” added one of the other execu- 
tives. “Without passion, what do we 

“This whole concept is exactly what 
TV needs right now,” said the other. 
“It's very fresh and yet traditional 
“That's where the culture is right 
now,” said Jonathan. “People want new 
things, but they want them to be famil- 
iar. That's why it's so easy to be pas- 
sionate about this show.” 

"I consider myself a passion player,” 
said Nancy firmly. "And I know this is 
the best work we've done. And there's 
no one Га rather be in business with 
than Columbia. I wouldn't even take 
this project anywhere else." 

Perry leaned forward to speak, but 
Nancy squeezed his knee in a none too 
subtle reminder that this was her turn. 
He was left to ponder how, exactly, he 
had managed to write something that 
was new and old at the same time. 

Jonathan looked for a sign from the 
most senior executive. He received a 
slight nod. 

“I think we're ready to put Comstock 
on the lot and tape this pilot. Our guys 
will do everything in their power to get 
this on a network for next season—and 
I think vou both know that NBC owes 
us a big favor this year. I'd have no 
qualms about calling in this favor on 
your show.” 

“That's fantastic,” said Nancy. "We 
want partners who feel as strongly 
about this as we do.” 

Perry felt a bit of a squirm factor. 
He was all for shmoozing Holly 
types—he'd done his share of 
Nancy was pouring it on a bit heavy. 

“We'll want protection, of course,” 
she went on. “We have to be the show- 
runners or we'll take it elsewhere.” 

“That goes without saying.” said 
Jonathan. "It's not just the script we're 
buying. 17 you. It's your energy, your 
intensity, your. . . ." He paused, not 
wanting to use the P word yet again, 
but the thesaurus іп his mind faltered. 

‘And yes, your passion. Heather says 
such great things about you, and you 
know how important her word is to u: 

“I'm very glad to hear that,” said 
Nancy. “We're not interested in a one- 
show arrangement. I have a notebook 
with dozens of good ideas, and alter we 
prove ourselves to you with Dire Straights, 
we fully intend to gear up to do more 

shows and become a major force.” 

"That's the type of thinking we like 
to hear,” said Jonathan. She was clearly 
pleasing the two executives. In fact, ev- 
eryone was happy but Perry, who won- 
dered what these wonderful ideas were 
and who had come up with them. He 
hadn't, and Nancy certainly hadn't both- 
ered burdening him with any ideas she 
might have had. Besides, wasn't he the 
creative force behind Comstock? 

As congratulations were exchanged 

and arrangements made to bring the 
agents into this. Perry sat on the couch 
stunned. I sold a script. he thought. To 
a big studio. His biggest credit so far 
had been for Boing, a low-rent cable 
game show, writing smartass questions. 
Now he was a real writer. And very 
soon, he'd be a real producer, and he 
was only 96 ycars old. 
1 was almost anticlimactic, wasn't 
it?” he said as they walked down the 
hall after the meeting. “I expected 
more. Maybe champagne. Confetti. 
Party favors.” 

"Didn't you feel the energy level in 
the room?” asked Nancy incredulously. 
“That was the most intense vibe I've 
ever felt. It was like the room was vi- 
brating. Did you see how well 1 played 
them? I told them everything they 
wanted to hear. It was like I could read 
their minds.” 

“Maybe it hasn't sunk in yet,” mused 
Perry. “What do we do now? Do you 
want to go to Starbucks or something?” 

“We'll celebrate tonight. I've got to 

get back. And I should call Heather on 
the cell as soon as I get in the car. She's 
waiting to hear from me.” 
\ancy had а day job. She was per- 
sonal assistant to Heather Windward, 
one of the most talked-about voung ac- 
tresses in Hollywood, known for her 
numerous love affairs with famous 
Gen-X actors and her exquisite taste in 
tattoos. Heather and Nancy wandered 
the world together, particularly during 
brooding, post-love affair trips to Italy 
and France. They were close in age. so 
many people assumed employer and 
employee were friends. Nancy subtly 
fostered that delusion, not because she 
wanted to be a star's friend, but be- 
cause it might help her get one of her 
projects off the ground and land the 
job of her dreams—producer. All those 
s to the dry cleaner were finally 
paying off. 

They kissed goodbye and Perry got in 
his Honda and drove off. When he got 
to the corner, he had an idea. 
they should do the Trader V 
for dinner tonight, and invite some 
friends, maybe even his brother Tim. 
He waited at the corner for Nancy's 
car. After a few minutes, when he saw 
no sign of her, he figured she had gone 
out another exit, and he moved on. 

Even before the van hit the impene- 
trable wall of traffic on Sunset Boule- 
vard, everyone was in a snappish, surly 
mood. It wasn't just that it was day four 
of an unbearably hot, windy patch of 
weather. Barry was in a bad mood be- 
cause he was the driver, the setting sun 
was hitting him square in the eyes and 
he was driving his wife's minivan. He 
vans. He hated that he 
owned one, but he'd been persuaded 
by the rest of the guys at Bomg to bring 
the van to work so they could all take 
one car to Perry's going-away bash at 
the beach. And if bringing the mini 
wasn't bad enough, the fact that it was 
his car made him the de facto designat- 
ed driver. 

Lee, Jim, Tony and Dick were pissed 
off, too. It was frustrating enough to 
watch one of their own—Perry, hardly 
the most talented of the group—leave 
the humble world of basic cable for a 
pilot at a real studio, but they also had 
to honor the guy. take him out for the 
traditional round of drinks at some- 
place outside the neighborhood, some- 
thing that would be special, more of an 
occasion. Jim had innocently suggested 
ladstone's 4 Fish, a tourist trap with 
mediocre food but strong tropical drinks 
and a great location on the beach, 
where Sunset Boulevard hits Pacific 
Coast Highway. Since the beach is one 
of those mystical places that sound 
great—until you actually face the both- 
er of getting there—everyone imme- 
diately agreed. Shortly before they 
climbed into the van, they all silently 
realized what a huge mistake it was. 

Perry kept checking his watch. He 
understood the tradition. It would 
havc been an insult not to take him out 
for a farewell drink. He deserved that 
much, he figured. As the reality of his 
success sunk in. he was beginning to 
feel a bit proud. He even understood 
the jealousy and anger aimed his way 
from his former co-workers—that was 
probably the best part of the whole 
evening. The only thing he couldn't ac- 
cept was the traffic gridlock 

“Turn on the radio,” suggested Per- 

y. “Let's see why we're not moving. 

Barry pushed the first button on the 
minivan radio and got instant results. 
‘And, of course, that raging brush fire 
in Malibu is making a mess out of 
traffic on Pacific Coast Highway 
nounced KFWB's newsreader. 
highway patrol has closed off traffic at 
‘Topanga, so be prepared for serious 

Usually, fires in Malibu are no incon- 
venience to the rest of Los Angeles. In 
fact, on the long list of multiple natural 
disasters that strike southern California 

(continued on page 162) 

“Gee, thanks. As a matter of fact, 1 was just voted top tits 
of the week on the Internet!” 


racing out of town2 

nothing tests a man's style 
sense like the summer Week- 
end. start light and smart 

Summer is all about weekends. During those brief, blistering months we probably spend more 
time plonning our tWo- ond three-day breaks than we do working. Which meons weekend oc- 
tivities like swimming and surfing, hiking ond biking, and drinking and screwing put moximum 
stress on a guy's summer wardrobe and overnight bag. The best way to pack o sports coot (crit- 
ical if you're in pursuit of the species feminus fabulous—Latin for the high-tailed Towny) is to 
not pock it at oll. Weor it to the office, then head to the train station, airport or SUV at maxi- 
mum speed. Get reody to light up the clubs with these iridescent jackets. From left, Croig weors 
o dress shirt, rep tie, linen jacket and light trousers, all by Brioni. His belt is by Kenneth Cole, 
his wotch is by Pulsar, his glosses ore by Oliver Peoples and his bag is by CK. Next guy: That's 
a DKNY Jeans T-shirt and a pair of Ted Boker pants on Anthony. He wears a Timex watch. His 
glosses ore Giorgio Armani. Fernando de la cell phone gets greot reception on his outfit by 
Paul Stuart (cotton T, pants and sports coot). He's in possession of o DKNY belt, a gold Seiko 
watch and a briefcose by/Valextra. For the finale, we have Dylan in a Comelioni combo of linen 
shirt, jacket and trousers. He has a bag by Volextra in his hand; the other is by Burberry. 

photography by Claus Wickrath 

maz A 

Some rules about traveling with women: 
(1) Bring plenty of cash. (2) Never, ever ol- 
low her to. get a sunburn (no nooky till 
| it heals). 13) Don'Fbring pajomas. (4) 
\ She's going to pack about 70 pounds of 
bikinis ond makeup, ond won't carry an, 
ounce of it. (5) Make out in the woter. 
(6) She's not cooking squot. (7) You 
moke the plans, she breoks them. (B) 
You're putting up. with oll this for y 
reason. (9) Dress well. Like Anthony 
here. He уубаге-а shirt by Gianni Ver- 
soce, ponts by Proda ond a Kenneth 
Cole watch. Dune is hotter thon July in 
о cardigan ond holter by Easel, shorts 
by Joop, shoes by Les Tropeziennes 
and sunglosses by Polo Jeans. The 
bogs ore by Louis Vuitton 



Weekend workouts often begin with a light 

round of troin trotting. Hoofing on the left is 

Craig the cyclist, His shirt ond shorts are by 

Lovis Garneou for Evolution. He's wearing 

Oliver Peoples glosses ond bike shoes by 
Carnac. The helmet is a Bell. Fernondo fol- 

lows in o techno shirt, zip-front jacket ond red 
shorts, all by Hugo Boss Sport. Those are Nouti- 

ca sneakers. The dude on the right wears an OP 
T-shirt, ploid shirt and shorts. Columbia Sports- 
wear made his hooded anorak ond the backpack is 
from Eddie Bouer. His sneakers ore by Tommy Hilfiger. 
His sunglasses are by Black Fly. Thot's a Pinarello 

bike and a Rowson surfboard. 

Understand this: If you want her ta shaw skin, yo have ta lighten up, tao. Start with 
foatwear—this seasan designers bet that reol men will wear sandals. Craig (lefi) is in o Ted) % 
Baker shirt, Emporia Armani shorts ond Helmut Long sondals. That's o Seika watch on his 
wrist. Above him, Dylon wears shorts, shirt ond sandals by John Varvatas. Dune slinks dawn 
the stairs in о sweater and cardigan by Easel, shorts by William B and shoes by Les Trapezi- 
ennes. She carries a Samsonite bog. Greeting her top right is Fernanda in shirt. опа 

sharts from Palo Jeans. His sandals are Noutico, his watch is o Timex. That's an 

Emporio Armani shirt, a pair of Prada pants and Pola Jeans sandals an Anthony. 

Drain before you train, particularly if you've filled up at the Oyster Bar (to which we owe special thanks). Chances are yau haven't been 
comparison shopping far jeans lately. Don’t worry—you're in luck. Keeping things minty fresh, from left to right: Croig wears o pair of 
long-legged Diesels, The slim cut of the ankle on the pants shows aff his Fila sneakers. His shirt is by Force and his backpack is by Ed- 
die Bauer. The wide-leg bottoms on Fernando's jeans are the perfect trendy compromise for guys who were raised on baggy, hip-hug- 
ging hip-hoppers. Plus, all the ladies will know yau're wearing Gucci. His sneakers are by Tommy Hilfiger, and his shirt is by Puma. He's 
wearing a Timex. Anthany is straight-edging it in Levi's, a shirt by Nautica Jeans and shoes by Dexter. All set for o memorable weekend, 
Dylan has jeans by D&G and a shirt by Force, and he's wearing Nautica sneakers. All the belts, by the way, ore by CK Bradley. 

Where and How to Buy on page 168. 

s editor of Batteries Not Included, a monthly newsletter about the porn 

industry, | watch more than 600 adult videos each year, with no visible 

harm to my body or mind but with severe strain ta my VCR's fast-forward 
gears. | move quickly because life is short and porn is long. I can't claim to have seen 
every triple-X movie (according to the industry magazine Adult Video News, more 
than 10,000 titles are released each year), but | have seen damn near every one of 
quality. Here are the 10 best currently available on video and DVD: 


The Awakening (1999) 
The plot of this Paul Thomas film is strange, sort of Blow Up meets blow job. Fol- 
lowing a near-death experience. Inari Vachs attempts to discover something that 
provides more for her than emotionally empty, random sex. Her photographer boy- 
friend ridicules this spiritual search, bangs her junkie sister (Kobe Tai] and becomes 
enraged when Inari tells him that things must change. Confused, Inari visits a New 
Age guru who claims he can walk through walls—and who has a thing for Kobe's 
feet. The filmmakers claim this is based on a true story. 

Bobby Sox (1996) 
Another Paul Thomas film, and perhaps his best. Jamie Gillis plays an alcoholic 
B-movie actor who has fallen to doing C moves. He's on the road to promote his 
latest horror film. Dressed as a space monster, he “kidnaps” Nikki Tyler. The film 
quickly turns into a parody of Rhonda Shear's old Up All Night movie marathons, but 
with sex scenes that would make Gilbert Gottfried hyperventilate. 

Chameleons: Not the Sequel (1992) 
John Leslie directed some of the most popular adult movies of the Nineties. This is 
his best. Rocco Siffredi and Deidre Holland play aliens who feast on the sex drives of 
humans and assume the identity of each person they fuck. One of their victims is 
Ashlyn Gere, who wants to become an alien herself so she can consume Rocco and 
experience sex as a man. (list concluded on page 171] 

“Instead of Miss America, would you settle for Miss Congeniality?” 


miss june sent us out of the park 


EATHER SPYTEK is a resourceful woman with a knack for covert maneu The 
23-year-old booked a room at the Beverly Hilton and crashed last year's Gold 
en Globe Awards so she could rub elbows with Hollywood's finest. “I was walk- 

ing down the red carpet beside Warren Beatty,” she laughs. “Security puts 
your room key in the same folder with the tickets for the event, so 1 just showed them the 
card and they thought I was a movie star! I met Courtney Love, Winona Ryder and Calista 
Flockhart.” The ruse came to an abrupt end when the future (text concluded on page 116) 



Winning beauty contests didn’t endear Heather to 
Florida femoles. “Since we're oll competing, they con 

get сону,” she says. “I usually hong out with my hus- 
bond and my dog ond cot—they re like my babies.” 

Heather takes her puppy, Bijou, every- 
where she goes. “1 smuggle him into mov- 
ies, restauronts and stores," she says. "He's 
o well-trained three-pound Yorkie-and-Bi 
chon mix—I even snuck him into the Ba- 
homos in o little poper bag." Although she 
got him on a plone ond flew him over on 
internationol border, Heather didn't risk 
toking the pooch to the Playboy Mansion 
“| didn’t know whot to expect,” she soys 
“There ore so many onimols at the Mon- 
sion, so | don't think they wonted any more 
dogs around. Moybe I'll toke him the next 
time I'm out there!” 

Miss June 2001 approached Hugh Hefner's party and was 
turned away by his girlfriends. At this Golden Globe 
Awards, however, Heather was one of Hefner's invited 
guests. “He laughed and told someone, ‘Can you believe it? 
She was here last year trying to meet me, and the twins made 
her go away," she says. “It's a crazy story!” 

Heather's own story began in New Jersey, where she was 
exposed to showbiz at an early age. “My father was the lead 
guitarist and singer for a Sixties group, the Magnatones. 
He's a great guy and really supportive of everything I do.” 
Heather started dancing when she was three and studied 
ballet, tap and jazz before entering her first beauty pageant 
at the age of 11. “The pageants really helped me feel com- 
fortable in front of the camera," she says. She attended a pri- 
vate high school in Florida and a liberal arts college in New 

Jersey before taking time off to model for Hawaiian Tropic 
and such Playboy Special Editions as Girls of Summer 2000. 

A back injury when she was 18 kept Heather away from 
her first love, dancing, for a few years. “I'm starting to get in 
shape again and get into the groove," she says. "I like the 
way Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez dance—hip-hop 
moves.” When she's not busy getting her groove back, Heath- 
er enjoys Jet Skiing and spending time at home in Holly- 
wood, Florida with her husband, Marcello. She caught her 
hubby's eye at a bikini contest in South Beach. “Не” 
dream man I always envisioned—sweet and genuin 
says. "He asked me to marry him after two weeks of dating, 
and seven months later we got married on a Maui beach. He 
supports my posing for PLAYBOY. I feel like PLAYBOY swept me 
off my feet and took me to the Mansion to be a princess.” 

For video and other photos of Heather, join the Playboy Cyber 
Club at evberblavbo сот. 



NAME Heather Spytek _ 

BusT:__S(o___ waIsT:_ A> mrs: AA 

BIRTH pate: 12/7/77 _ BIRTHPLACE: Woodbury, New Sarsay _ 
amerrtons: Te De happy with whatever 1 do in my 

Ше. ала blanket Ње, wold with love and jay. 


[cue love, honesty, sincerity ‚genuineness, 
intelligence, happiness and being adyentowous. 

TURNOFFS: Liars, Fake and Superficial people jealous, , 
MY FAVORITE ACTIVITIES „Ballet daning , art 0 


Age 10, 
cute and imocent. 

Golden Globe My pe 
Awards 2000. Nai 


Hillary Clinton visited her doctor for her an- 
nual physical exam. After conducting a battery 
of tests, the doctor told her she was pregnant. 
“I'm a busy senator,” Hillary said. “This is the 
last thing I need.” 

Furious, she called Bill from her cell phone. 
“How could you get me pregnant? How could 
you? This is all your fault.” 

Bill didn't reply. There was nothing but si 
lence on the other end. 

“Bill, did you hear me?" Hillary yelled. 

Finally, in a barely audible whisper, Bill 
asked, "Who is this?" 

Р! лүвоу crassic: An escaped convict broke in- 
t0 a house and woke up a married couple. He 
tied the man to a chair and his wife to the bed- 
posts. Then the convict leaned over the wom- 
an and whispered in her ear. 

t left the room, the husband 
said, "Honey, this guy hasn't 
years. If he wants to have sex with you, just go 
along with it. Whatever you do, don't fight 
him. Our lives depend on it. Be strong and re- 
member, I love you.” 

The wife nodded and said, "Dear, I'm so re- 
lieved you feel that way. You're right. He hasn't 
had a woman in years. He said he thinks 
you're cute and asked for petroleum jelly. Be 
strong and remember, I love you, too.” 

A mother was shopping for her daughter and 
asked the salesgirl the price of some Barbie 
This Barbie is just $16.99,” the woman 

f you want something a little nicer, Mal- 
ibu Barbie is $24.99. Or you can get the Di- 
vorce Barbie for $169.99.” 

“Why is Divorce Barbie so much more ex- 
the mother asked. 
the salesgirl said, “Divorce Barbie 
ith Ken's house and car." 


A lawyer by the name of Strange died. His 
friend kel the tombstone inscriber to write 
“Here lies Strange, an honest man and a law- 
yer” on the headstone. 

The inscriber suggested this would confuse 
passersby, who would think that three men 
were buried there. He suggested, “Here lies a 
man who was both honest and a lawyer. 

"Whenever anyone walks by,” he explained 
"they'll be certain to remark, “That's Strange." 

What's the only way to get a dotcom million- 
aire out of his penthouse? 
Break down the door and turn off the gas. 

A man walked into the produce section of his 
local supermarket and asked to buy half a head 
of lettuce. A young clerk told him they only 
sold whole heads of lettuce. The man was so 
insistent that the clerk agreed to ask his man- 
ager about the matter. He walked into the back 
room and said to his manager, “Some jerk out 
there wants to buy half a head of lettuce." 

As he finished his sentence, he turned and 
saw the man standing right behind him, so he 
added, "and this gentleman wants to buy the 
other half." 

The manager approved the deal and the 
man went on his way. Later, the manager said, 

"I was impressed with the way you got yourself 
out of that situation earlier. We like people 
who think on their feet here. Where are you 
from, son?" 

"Minnesota, sir," the young clerk replied. 

“Well, why did you leave Minnesota?” the 
manager asked 

The clerk said, “Sir, there’s nothing but 
whores and hockey eg up there.” 

“Really!” said the manager. “My wife is from 

The clerk replied, “No kidding? What team 
did she play for?” 

Two strangers were walking down the street 
next to each other. Both were limping. One 
asked the other, “What happened to you?" 
“Gulf war, 1991,” the man answered. “What 
about you? 
‘The other replied, “Dog shit, two blocks 

Bunrer st OF THE MONTH: To all you vir- 
gins—thanks for nothing. 


А man told а co-worker that her hair smelled 
nice. The woman stormed into her supervi- 
sor's office, wanting to file a sexual harassment 
suit. The supervisor was puzzled and asked, 
“What's wrong with aco -worker telling you 
your hair smells ni 
The woman replied, “He's a midget.” 

A little boy asked his father, “Daddy, how 
much does it cost to get married?" 

The father replied, "I don't know, son. I'm 
still paying." 

Send your jokes on postcards to Party Jokes Editor, 
PLAYBOY, 680 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 
Illinois 60611, or by e-mail to 
$100 will be paid to the contributor whose submis- 
sion is selected. Sorry, jokes cannot be returned. 

LIA лел. 

"You're the first man who ever asked me to spit and not swallow.” 

the king of 
guy films— 
attacks pearl 
harbor. will 
the critics 




hy do I do this? Three reasons. The 
Y pay is good, the scenery changes and 
they let me use explosives." —Rock- 

hound, from Armageddon 

It hangs there on a brick wall at thc 
end of the hallway. A framed poster. 
Four words. Big block letters. A simple 
message. If you're heading toward Jerry 
Bruckheimer's office, you can't miss it. 
GET READY TO ROCK, it says. 

Makes sense, of course. This is Bruck- 
heimer. He's had 20 years of producing 
brutal, brutally efficient testosterone- 
fests. He's the man who brought you the 
screaming jets and washboard abs of Top 
Gun and the action, exertion and demo- 
lition that made blockbusters out of Days 
of Thunder, The Rock, Con Air and Arma- 
geddon. If you add it all up, he's proba- 
bly the most successful movie producer 
ever: His films, videos and soundtrack 
albums have brought in more than S11 
billion worldwide, give or take a few mil- 
lion. Lately, he's been producing CSI, 
the hard-boiled crime show on CBS and 
the most compelling new drama of the 
past television season. 

"Whether or not you agree with all his 
movies, he makes movies that make peo- 
ple go to the theater,” says actor William 
Petersen, who stars in CSI. “That's a real 
talent, and I don't know anybody who 
does it better.” 

So that’s Bruckheimer, He rocks—at 
least, some of his movies do. (Not all of 
them: He'll thank you to remember that 
he also makes kinder, gentler pictures 
like Dangerous Minds and Remember the Ti- 
tans.) As for Jerry himself. if you step 
past the eight-week-old golden retriever 
and walk into his office, you'll find the 
volume turned way down. 

The place is slick: a 15-foot desk, lots 
of black leather and chrome furniture, 
buttons under his desk to control the 
door and the big TV and audio system, 
a sleek black laptop and a phone with 
dozens of extensions. In the corner is a 
book of Helmut Newton photographs so 
massive that it requires its own chrome 
stand. On the desk, in two decks of pol- 
ished wooden trays, sit 40 Mont 
Blanc pens. 

At the moment, Jerry is on the | = ap 

phone, speaking quietly. “We had | 
a great meeting with lots of very 
good ideas," he is saying. “But you 
should be aware that the price 
is not acceptable to Disney.” He | 

hangs up. “Just dealing with a crisis on 
Pearl Harbor.” he says placidly. “There 
will be plenty more. Every day there's 
going to be one.” Then he smiles. 

That's vintage Jerry Bruckheimer. 
Even though Disney's famously penuri- 
ous ways nearly derailed a major motion 
picture of his, Bruckheimer deals with 
the penny-pinching calmly. “He is cer- 
tainly a measured man.” says Peter 
Schneider, chairman of Walt Disney Stu- 
dios. “You know perfectly well when he's 
upset with you, but he does not lose his 
temper. He's a classy guy who's smart 
and opinionated, but he also listens to 

“It's the funniest thing I've ever seen: 
He never raises his voice,” says Michael 
Bay, who has directed Bad Boys, The Rock, 
Armageddon and now Pearl Harbor for 
Bruckheimer. “Never, ever. 1 get very 
passionate, and ГЇЇ yell at him, | 
you're fucking out of your fucking mind, 
we can't fucking do this movie for the 
fucking money! And there's dead si- 
lence on the phone, and then he say 
very calmly, ‘Don't worry, we're going to 
get it done.’ He makes you want to kill 
him—but somehow, through his confi- 
dence, he instills confidence in you. And 
he's always got that smile. People see 
that smile, and they wonder, What is he 
so happy about?" 

Bruckheimer's smile is as well known 
as his soft-spokenness. Ask him a ques- 
tion, and he'll answer it politely. Then 
he'll grin, just a little. Bay says he's be- 
ginning to figure out the smile, but even 
if you haven't been working with the guy 
for a decade—particularly if you're 
a member of the press, around whom 
he has reason to 

be wary—i’s pre- PROFILE 2Y STEVE POND 

ty easy to get the 
message. I know lots more, it implies, but 
I'm not telling. 

“Jerry has always been quiet,” says 
Kathy Nelson, president of film music for 
Universal Pictures and the Universal Mu- 
sic Group. She has worked on soundtracks 
with Bruckheimer for 17 years. “When 

Jerry gets really quiet, it scares me. 
He gets silent and dead! 

“The United States government just 
asked us to save the world. Anyone want 
to say no?"—Harry Stamper, from 

There's another imposing mes- 
sage just (continued on page 154) 



practice your pickup lines. today’s trucks are hotter than ever 

> Pickups, the official ride of 
cowboys, construction workers and Clint Eastwood in The 
Bridges of Madison County, have gone uptown. Lavishly ap- 
pointed trucks are the transportation of choice to trendy 
Clubs, beach picnics and five-star restaurants. It's no surprise 
then that the country's two best-selling American vehicles 
are Ford and Chevrolet pickups. Dodge, which sells more 
trucks than it does cars each year, runs third. So far, Detroit 
has monopolized the big-pickup market, but that's chang- 
ing. Toyota is selling a V8-powered Tundra, and there's a 
futuristic-looking bruiser on the way from Nissan. (The Tun- 
dra's double-vishbone front suspension teamed with leaf- 
spring rear suspension provides a remarkably supple ride. 

An optional off-road suspension package is available, too.) 
Ford remains the market leader, but Chevrolet's Silverado 
2500HD packs the most powerful engine, a massive 6.6-liter 
turbodiesel with 520 pounds per foot of torque. For years, 
pickups were mostly unadorned workhorses, but now you 
can spec your new truck with endless accessories. (If the fac- 
tory doesn't offer what you want, there are plenty of after- 
market firms that do.) Custom wheels, running boards and 
lights are popular add-ons, along with special paint, trick ex- 
hausts, bed liners and tonneau covers. Hot pickup trends 
for 2001 include radical styling, shorter pickup boxes with 
swing-out storage, four doors, bigger engines and sophisti- 
cated, electronic all-wheel drivetrains. There's also a new 

class of vehicles known as sport utility trucks. Lincoln just 
launched the Blackwood, based on the Lincoln Navigator. The 
air suspension-equipped Blackwood rides on 18-inch alloy 
wheels. Luxury touches include a rear console, Alpine stereo 
and a wood-trimmed stainless steel cargo bed with a motor- 
ized tonneau cover. Watch for high-roller haulers to copy 
this feature. The base price is $52,500. DaimlerChrysler has 
shown a Power Wagon concept truck that evokes its mili- 
tary-style postwar wagon. They say they have no plans to 
build it. But since all these big bruisers are styled to imitate 
over-the-road semis, and DaimlerChrysler owns Freightlin- 
er, why not go all the way? By mating a tractor-trailer cab 
with a Ram 3500 chassis and a souped-up Viper V10, DC 

Cadillac Escalade EXT 

A full-size combination of 
SUV ond pickup, the EXT 
should be in showrooms in 
2002. Its chiseled grille ond 
fenders hide o 345 hp V8, 
four-speed HydraMatic oll- 
wheel-drive, Coddy’s Sto- 
biliTrok and rood-sensing 
suspension. A midgate 
folds into the cabin to cre- 
ate an eight-foot cargo 
bed. Price: maybe $55,000. 


could build the ultimate bad boy Freightliner pickup 
Chevrolet's SUT entry is the five-passenger Avalanche 
Ultimate Utility Vehicle. Based on the Suburban truck, 
the Mexican-built Chevy features driving lights, matte- 
black cladding and flying buttress cab supports. Cadillac 
will join the fray in 2002 with its eye-catching Escalade 
EXT, another clever marriage of SUV and heavy hauler 
Caddy's research has identified a growing crowd who 
already owns pickups, but who want their tucks with 
jazzy trim. 

Accordingly, the all-wheel-drive EXT is equipped with 
a 345 hp V8. It also has StabiliTrak and a road-sensing 
suspension, which adjusts to changing road conditions 
for remarkable control in a vehicle of its size. Unlike the 
Blackwood, which is a luxury pickup with a separate bed, 
the EXT's rear seats fold, so the vehicle can be used as a 
full-size pickup. With rear seats in place, it's a five-pas- 
senger truck with a shortened bed. The EXT's high- 
roller touches include Bose audio, ultrasonic rear-park- 
ing assist and OnStar road assistance service. The price 
will be announced in August. (We're guessing close to 
$55,000.) “The EXT was on the drawing board before 
Lincoln's Blackwood was announced,” says Escalade 
brand manager Susan Docherty. “Lincoln hopes to sell 
about 7000 Blackwoods. EXT sales could double that.” 
Also check out GMC's high-performance Sierra C3, 
hp all-wheel-drive hauler with sharp styling, impres 
handling and a $39,000 sticker. That's the biggest V8 en- 
gine you can get in a half-ton pickup. On the SUT side, 
Ford's new Explorer Sport Trac is a contender, offering 
comfort for five, with useful storage despite its abbreviat- 
ed tail. Another fine Ford truck alternative is a special- 
edition 260 hp F-150 four-door SuperCrew designed in 
conjunction with Harley-Davidson. (Harley lover Jay 
Leno bought one of the first regular cab H-D special edi- 
tions.) The black Harley hauler is loaded with special 
H-D trim, including eagle-embossed bucket seats and 
humongous 20-inch wheels, Harley accessories are also 
available for other Ford truck models. Start truckin’ 

Toyota Tundra Toyota's short-bed Tundra has the same 
245 hp, 4.7-liter УВ that's in а Land Cruiser. Its doors are 
hinged fore and aft for easy entry. Conservative and re- 
fined, the Tundra is a reliable alternative to brawnier com- 
petitors, yet its payload is a ton and its towing capability is 
7200 pounds. Price: about $29,000 loaded. 

Dodge Ram 1500 Styled like a big rig, Dodge's newest 
Ram quad cab has a redesigned chossis and suspension, 
four-wheel disc brakes, optional 20-inch alloy wheels and 
a roomy cabin—plus such amenities as a shelf for your 
laptop. Buy the 245 hp, 5.9-liter Magnum VB. The sissy 
six-cylinder version is for secretaries. Price:$30,000 loaded. 
Nissan Alpho-T Arguably the wildest concept pickup at 
this year's Detroit Auto Show, the Nissan Alpha-T is a four- 
wheel harbinger of the dramatic trucks of tomorrow. Un- 
der the hood is a 300 hp, 4.5-liter VB. Nissan says a pro- 
duction version will be built in Mississippi for sale in 2003 
Cross your fingers. No word on price. 

Ford F-150 Lightning Rod Ford is teasing truck lovers 
with its radically chopped-and-lowered red 150 concept 

A bold Maori art motif is repeated on the tonneau cover, 
headliner, bucket sects and even on the tires. The Light- 
ning Rod's 380 hp superchorged V8 sets a new horsepow- 
er high for haulers. This baby screams fun. No price yet 
Chevrolet SSR If you're into nostalgia, check out this 
Fifties roadster-type concept truck. It’s a novel blend of 
light pickup and sports car with power derived from a 300 
hp, 6-liter VB. The transmission operates via buttons on 
the steering wheel. Chevy hints the SSR will go on sale 
sometime next year. Price? Maybe $40,000. 






P 2/24. 






“It doesn't have to end like this, Margaret!” 



1T, (^ Now that your son has moved out, it’s safe to keep some seriously cool stuff around. Left to right: 

SPA E Bu Bang and Olutsen’s first-ever portable stereo, the BeoSound 1, includes an FM tuner and top-load- 
ing CD player ($1500). The retrofuturistic design of Rado's Ovation watch is forged from materials tested in space 
flight ($1600). Polaroid's PhotoMax digital picture frame lets your family share pictures with you instantly via the 
Internet on its 5" x 7" LCD screen ($250, plus a $5 monthlyservice charge). Swiss Army's new Victorinox SwissChamp 
XLT houses a magnifying glass, scissors, electrician’s blade and 47 other implements—the most of any of the com- 
pany’s knives ($175). The rugged leather of Mulholland Brothers’ handmade Longhorn travel bag gives it a well- 
worn appearance (from Bounty Hunter, $675). Playboy's Switch-It dart set includes three steel-tip and seven soft- 
tip points (about $40). Below that is Audiovox’ CDM-9100 web-browsing cellular phone (about $250), which fits 
securely in a Phone Port Organizer in black leather, by Filofax ($150). Get online without all the wires by using 
Sony's e Villa Internet appliance. The buttons on the front of the unit's 15" vertical screen will instantly launch you 
to the web, your e-mail or the e Villa Net guide ($500, plus a monthly charge of $22 for unlimited Internet access). 

from bang and olufsen’s portable 
stereo to apple's lightest laptop, 
here are toys for the boys 



G R Ds There isn't much time before those student-loan 4. kick in, so splurge now. Left to right: 
A Panasonic's 27" flat-screen TV with built-in DVD player and VCR will save shelf space in your new 

office (51300). If you're taking a summer road trip, wear Casio's GPS-2 (global positioning system) watch with puo 

navigation screens and autotrack memory ($500). Also pack this sleek Porsche Design pocketknife, with: 

tical toals ($140), and Polaroid's PDC 23002 digital camera with 2.3 megapixel resolution (5400): Mai 

compli 009 is a combination cell phone, PDA and wireless messenger (about $600). The ZR21, by 

is one cool carry-on. It’s assembled from high-strength aluminum and includes a combination lock 

home office, hook up the EnGenius 5М-920 cordless phone system. It canjpenetrate 12 floors and works as a two- 
way radio with other EnGenius handsets. Plus, esth base unit can support up to nine handsets ($300, additional 
handsets $160 each). The hyper carbon construction of Wilson's Hyper Hammer 5.2 tennis racket is stiffer, stro 
and 65 percent lighter than titanium ($180). The one-inch-thick Titanium PowerBook G4 by Apple weighs 5.3 роот 
and houses а 500 MHz processor, 15.2-inch screen and DVD drive ($3500). Sony's second-generation Aibo 
nizes more than 50 words and uses infrared sensors to maneuver and play with a ball. The robotic pooch respon 
to sounds picked up through a microphone built info its head and can take pictures to be uploaded to your PC ($1 


wl | 

“For the fifth and last time—satisfied?” 


Jessica Lee reveals her 
erogenous zones and 
celebrates great oral sex 

PLAYBOY: Do you dress up or dress down for sex? 
JESSICA: "т not big on getting all dressed up. | 
never dress in costume. If I find a cute lingerie 
set, I’ll wear that on a special occasion. Other 
than that, I'l! wear sweatpants. It's the sex, not the 
outfit. pLaveoy: What's great foreplay? 1Essica: The 
guy I’m with now is an amazing kisser, and that's what 
sets it off for me. He starts kissing me. He starts touching me. He kisses 
me everywhere. ртлүвоү: What part of the male anatomy turns you on? Jessica: I love 
all of the male body—the chest, back, butt, legs, penis, even feet. PLavsov: Have you ever 
made love someplace you could be caught? jessica: Ooh, yeah. My most memorable ex- 
perience was in a parking garage stairway. It was late at night and I could hear people _ 
walking and parking their cars. But nobody walked into the stairwell, thank Ged. Я 
PLAYBOY: Do you have a recurring sexual fantasy? Jessica: That would have to be a - 
threesome—me, another girl and a guy. “Y 74 


Edward Burns 



new york’s indie movie mogul on being irish, grow- 
ing up with cops and what to do with the hairy ass 

H is first film, The Brothers Mc- 
Mullen (1995), portrayed Irish 
American siblings—and their tangled rela- 
tionships—on suburban Long Island. It 
caught the attention of Robert Redford and 
won the grand jury prize at the Sundance 
Film Festival, earning Edward Burns a 
place among the top independent filmmak- 
ers. It also did more than $10 million at the 
box office, at a cost of $18,000. 

Burns followed up his McMullen success 
in the larger-budget film She's the One, with 
Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz. His 
third film, No Looking Back, a dark study of 
working-class life, made it into video stores a 
bit too quickly for Burns’ taste. 

Burns is a control freak. He writes, pro- 
duces, directs and stars in his own movies. 
He displayed no early inclination toward a 
career in film, though. Burns first set his 
sights on writing, but an undistinguished 
stint as an English major motivated him to 
enroll in easier film courses 

As the son of a New York City police offi- 
cer, Burns is a pure New York guy's guy, 
good company whether sharing a foxhole or 
a pitcher of beer. His style impressed Steven 
Spielberg enough to cast him as Private 
Richard Reiben in Saving Private Ryan. 
No audition was required. This past spring 
he appeared as a Neu York City arson inves- 
tigator opposite Robert De Niro's police de- 
tective in Fifteen Minutes. With his current 
film, Sidewalks of New York, Burns regains 
his usual three screen credits: writer, director. 
and star, and returns to a favorite haunt. 

Contributing Editor Warren Kalbacker 
trailed Buras along the sidewalks of lower 
Manhattan. He reports: “We sat on a park 
bench and talked for a couple of hours 
Burns loves to describe New Yorkers as blasé 
types who are unfazed by the celebrities in 
their midst. Не may be right. Two women 
waited until we'd finished taping before they 
walked over and introduced themselves as 
his fans." 


PLAYBOY: You made your bones with ro- 
mantic comedies, The Brothers McMul- 


len and She's the One. Isn't this genre 
a cruel hoax on those of us who get 
dumped or divorced or otherwise head 
toward a rocky relationship after that 
passionate kiss on a street corner? 

BURNS: There are two reasons I started 
with romantic comedies. Everyone can 
relate to them. We've all been in rela- 
tionships, and for most of us they don't 
turn out well. They can be heartbreak- 
ing, but as time passes you tend to 
laugh about them, or at least laugh at 
yourself. Also, romantic comedy is the 
least expensive genre you can do. It's 
just people sitting around talking. 
There are no car chases, no explosions 
and no special effects. If you do a mys- 
tery or a crime drama, you're dealing 
with gunplay. You need to rent weap- 
ons. You need stuntpeople. And you 
need special permits to bring a gun on- 
to the streets of New York. Making a 
film like The Brothers McMullen—and 
even one like She's the One, which cost 
only $3 million—was related to the 
modest finances. 


PLAYBOY: The Brothers McMullen has been 
described as dark and out of focus. 
Didn't you pay attention in film school? 
BURNS: It better have been out of focus. 
It was made for $18,000. We used re- 
canned film stock. It’s stock that may 

be was bought for a music video and 
wasn't used but was loaded into a mag- 
azine. You then take it out of the maga- 
zine, put it back into the can. The stuff 
can be a couple years old. It’s pretty 
crappy. Lots of times we'd do a day's 
shooting, and because we couldn't af- 
ford to process anything until the end, 
we had to keep it in the can. When we 
did have it developed, we would get 
stuff that was too dark or there would 
be no image. We couldn't afford to go 
back and reshoot, so those scenes just. 
got cut. But I pride myself on McMul- 
len. a 16-millimeter film—out of focus, 
dark, the camera doesn't move much— 

that was shot in my mom's house. Yet it. 
made $10 million at the box office with 
actors no one had ever heard of. The 
only reason 1 became a filmmaker is 
because I was writing screenplays and 

didn't want to surrender control of 

what 1 had written to somebody else. 
The technical aspect was the second or 
third thing down the list. If you tell an 
engaging story, people will come. 


PLAYBOY: You filmed scenes of The Broth- 
ers McMullen on New York City 
ber seven subway line and the Long Is- 
land Railroad without permits. Are you 
on more professional terms with the 
Metropolitan Transportation Authority 
these days? 

BURNS: I'm sure if I tried to do it again, 
I could. The reason we did it without 
permits was that they were so expen- 
sive and we were such a little crew. We 
hid the camera under a jacket and 
snuck on board. We pride ourselves 
on going in stealth-bomber style, but 
we're probably too well known now, so 
we'll have to go for the permits and pay 
the fee. It could take a big chunk out of 
our budget—a couple of grand 


PLAYEOY: You're the son of a New York 
City policeman. For years you've prom- 
ised to film a police story. Will we ev- 
er get to see an Ed Burns treaunent of 
the NYPD? 

BURNS: | have written the script and 
I'm trying to get it made. It's called On 
the Job, and its a story of two genera- 
tions of an Irish American family set 
against the police department, from 
1966 to 1972. It's about that side of po- 
lice life you never see in a film, which 
is growing up in a cop family. There's 
always that weird vibe, knowing that 
when your dad goes to work, he may 
not come back. I remember when I was 
a kid hearing on the radio about two 





cops shot in Brooklyn. One was named 
Ed Burn. We found out he was a difler- 
ent guy, a rookie cop. 


PLAYBOY: Were you well served and 
protected by having a father on the 

BURNS: When we were kids, he would 
drive my brother—he's a year youn- 
ger—and me into the city. He would 
dump us in Washington Square Park, 
tell a cop on duty to keep an eye on his 
kids. He'd give us two hours in the 
park by ourselves. He wanted us to get 
a vibe for what was going on in the re- 
al world. It was like, "Hey, the world 
is not just Long Island. Look at all 
these different people, all the different 
things going on.” When he worked up 
in Harlem, hed take us around and 
show us. ^Hey, you want to be an ass- 
hole, do drugs? Look at these guy 
hanging out on the street. Is that what 
you want?" He'd take us into a cell, 
Show us tough guys who were locked 
up. "Want to be a tough guy?" He'd 
say. "This is one of your options." We 
got a dose of reality very early on. 


PLAYBOY: You plaved a fire department 
arson investigator opposite police de- 
tective Robert De Niro in Fifteen Min- 
ules. Was this a stretch, considering 
you're a policeman's son and there's a 
rivalry between the police and fire de- 
partments in New York City? 

BURNS: Yeah. My dad's a retired cop, 
my uncle's a retired cop. 1 have two 
cousins currently on the job and anoth- 
er cousin who's retired. They like to 
break my balls about it, that I went 
over to the other side. A lot of the po- 
lice and fire guys grew up together. It's 
ike rival high schools. 


PLAYBOY: Just what does Edward Burns 
see through those Irish eyes? 

BURNS: I was brought up in а neighbor- 
hood that was half Irish and half Ital- 
ian. You always wore the fact that you 
were Irish like a badge of honor. I grew 
up with friends whose moms and dads 
were off the boat from Ireland. They 
spoke with brogues. They loved corned 
beef and cabbage and soda bread and 
the Clancy Brothers, and they forced 
their daughters to take Irish jig classes. 
But we were American kids. We loved 
the Mets and the Yankees and rock and 
roll. Then, as you got older, you start- 
ed to identify with being Irish a little 
more. Paddy's Day is a huge deal. Root- 
ing for Notre Dame is a really big part 
of being New York h. Who knows 
what thar's about, but it's big. The ma- 
jority of Irish immigrants came here 

during the famine. They were the ur- 
ter dregs of society. They couldn't get 
work: “Irish need not apply.” A hun- 
dred years later, JFK is in the White 
House. There's that pride factor. 
There's the clannish thing, the cultural 
thing, and there's the Catholic thing as 
well. And there's that gift of the gab. 
That I'm a writer probably comes from 
the blood pumping through my veins. 


PLAYBOY: How has Entertainment Tonight 
managed to stay on the air despite los- 
ing your services as a gofer? 

BURNS: 1 figured after I left it would 
fold. Nobody could get coffee like I 
could. 1 was the low man on the totem 
pole. fetching coffee, lugging the lights 
from shoot to shoot, driving the com- 
pany van through the city. Every block 
is a battle against cabs, and it was so 

much fun. We got into a couple of 

fender benders. They didn’t want to 
deal with the insurance and we didn't 
either, so you'd have a minor collision 
and both look the other way and keep 
on going. I miss that part of the job. 


PLAYBOY: You put in several years work- 
ing odd jobs and living in a run-down 
New York apartment. Is paying dues 
vastly overrated? 

BURNS: І am totally nostalgic about 
those lean years. You can’t help roman- 
ticizing walking up four flights to a 
one-room aparument with no hot wa- 
ter, sitting at your old computer, bang- 
ing away at that screenplay, keeping 
your fingers crossed. You've got so 
much hope and so much anger because 
nobody is giving you the break you de- 
serve. My girlfriend at the üme worked 
in a bakery, but at the end of the day 
there weren't chicken sandwiches or 
lasagna left over. The only things left 
were tiramisu and brownies. Those are 
the things she would bring home, and 
since we had no money, that's what 
we would eat. 1 put on a good 15, 20 
pounds. I was a very bitter guy. 


PLAYBOY: Once and for all, explain New 
York attitude to the rest of the country. 
BURNS: When you walk down the street. 
in New York, you're going to run in- 
to the whole world. Everyone is rep- 
resented here, and whether you love 
them or hate them, I don't think any- 
body would have it any other way. Be- 
cause of that we have a totally different 
perspective on things. You go to most 
cities and there are a lot of white peo- 
ple. New York has always been a big 
immigrant city. My grandparents came 
over from Ireland. You pride yourself‘ 
on the fact that we—and when I say we, 

I mean everybody, first generation, sec- 
ond or fourth—came over here with 
nothing, figured it out and now are 
kicking ass. There's a pride that comes 
with that. We are New Yorkers. We're 
tougher than the rest of you. 


PLAYBOY: Sundance. Is it less pure than 
it used to be? 

BURNS: People who concern themselves 
with that horseshit are focusing on the 
wrong thing. 1 know some people knock 
Sundance as just a showcase for film- 
makers who want to break into Holly- 
wood. But Redford and that festival 
give so many people an opportunity to 
show their work when all the other fes- 
tivals turn them away. They can screen 
that film for all those chic Hollywood 
assholes everyone despises. But, hey, 
they're the ones who are going to give 
you your career and the opportunity to 
make another film. You need them, so 
stop bitching about them. I hope guys 
with no connections will continue to 
get in there. Audiences ought to be 
thankful they're getting to see these 
films. Do we really need any more TV 
commercial directors directing fea- 
tures? Granted, visually, they're beauti- 
ful. Storywise? You know. 


PLAYBOY: Robert Redford served as a 
producer on two of your films. Do you 
stay in touch? 

BURNS: Once a year we'll touch base, 
but that's about it. I don’t know exactly 
how much Redford himself had to do 
with it, but McMullen was rejected by 
over 25 film festivals and accepted in- 
to Sundance. He came to see the film 
twice at the festival. When I got home 
to New York, there was a message on 
my machine from him congratulating 
us on winning the grand jury prize. He 
gave me his home number and ifl 
ever had any problems or questions on 
anything, I should feel free to give him 
a call and he'd see if he could guide me 
down the right path. At that ume in my 
career 1 needed a mentor, and he filled 
that role, I'm sure he's now doing the 
same thing for someone who was at 
Sundance last year. 


prayvnoy: What's a decent interval be- 
tween a film's theatrical run and its ap- 
pearance at the video store? Are you 
ai g for a Burns shelf at the local 
BURNS: It's not so much how fast you go 
to video, it's how long you were in the 
theaters. We nicknamed No Looking 
Back “Nobody Saw It.” It was in theaters 
for, 1 think, six hours. Two showings. 
(concluded on page 182) 

City Girls a= 

do real girls talk about SEX the way they do on 

sex and the city? 

See for Yourself 

EPISODE 4: getting off in LA 

When my three girlfriends met at the Chateau Mar- 
mont’s swimming pool in Hollywood, our plan was to talk 
about sex and drink margaritas. My friends, in their 20s 
and 30s, included a rising starlet, an indie filmmaker and a 
"D" girl (development producer girl with D cups). Because 
practically everyone changes their name in Hollywood, we 
changed ours to Stella (that's me), Tina, Christy and Misty. 
As soon as we got our new names, we couldn't seem to stop. 
talking about sex. 

Stella: Have you ever masturbated in front of a guy? 

I'm a little self-conscious about it if 1 don't know 
the guy well. But for some reason I like watching him do it 
Tina: When you start working yourself up, they want to 
jump in and help. My last boyfriend liked watching mne 
masturbate, then he would start masturbating, then we 
would watch each other masturbate and wben we couldn't 
take it anymore, he would stick it in. 

Stella: I'm a premature ejaculator. But I can have two or 
three orgasms per session. Sometimes I get so excited that 
as soon as the guy sticks it in, I start coming. It’s like when 
you first put a Tic Tac in your mouth and it feels so fresh! 
After about a five-minute refractory period, I have anoth- 
er, deeper orgasm. Once I had a boyfriend whose sex drive 
wasn't as strong as mine, and I could have two or three or- 
gasms to his one. If we're doing it for a while I can have an- 
other orgasm that's short but intense. 

Tina: This sounds pathetic, but I had a boyfriend once 
who had one orgasm to my two or three. If I wasn't fully 
satisfied and he fell asleep and I was still excited, 1 would . . 
well . . . I would look at him and have to cuddle my own 
self. The problems of being multiorgasmic. 

Misty: Once I had a multiple orgasm in the Cineplex 
Odeon. He fingered me while watching Henry and June. 1 
was trying not to make noise, because I'm a moaner. 
Stella: I'm sort of loud in bed too. I can't help it. I make 
noises when I'm really into it. Moans, grunts, heavy breath- 
ing. I like when a guy makes noises too. I hate when the 
guy is quiet and doesn’t make noises or say anything. 
Tina: If he is really quiet, I'm not sure if he's even getting 
excited. Maybe he's losing his hard-on or something. 
Stella: What about talking? 

Tina: You know what I like? I know it's simple, but I love 
it when a guy says, “You are so hot it’s unbelievable!” or 
“I want you” or “You are so sexy.” That makes me feel 

Stella: I agree. The biggest turn-on is when you know that 
the other person really wants you and has to have you 
right then. 

Tina: On the other hand, one guy said right as I was com- 
ing, “I want to give you a rim job.” 


Misty: When a guy starts saying stupid shit to me, it's like, 
shut up! 
Tina: It was the first time we had sex, and he said it right 
as I came. 
Christy: 1 like when a guy whispers, “You dirty Іше slut." 
Tina: I really, really hate that. That makes me cringe. 
Christy: I like when a guy says, "Who's your daddy?" 
Stella and Tina: Eeeww! 
Tina: That makes me cringe. I love my dad, but I don't 
want to be thinking about him while I'm getting laid! 
Christy: I love it because I like to feel like daddy's naughty 
little girl. 
Tina: I like talking dirty before orgasm. In the heat of the 
moment, it takes me over the top. 
Stella: What's the best orgasm you've ever had? 
Tina: Once my boyfriend and I went to the laundromat 
and halfway through the wash cycle, we started talking 
about what we would do to each other once we got home. 
It was late and nobody else was around, so we started mak- 
ing out. I yanked down his pants and put some liquid Tide 
on his shaft and started jerking him off. 
Mi: You did not! 
Tina: OK, it was Wisk. Anyway, the next thing I know he 
hiked up my dress, lifted me onto the vibrating washing 
machine and started eating me out, with my panties still 
on. Then he pulled me off the washing machine, pressed 
me against the drier and fucked me standing up! 
Stella: That is hot. If a guy wants to completely turn me 
on, all he has to do is play with and/or kiss, lick or suck my 
nipples and I practically have an orgasm without doing 
anything else. My nipples are directly wired to my clitoris. 
Misty: I like the guy to bite my nipples just as I'm coming. 
i Since I've had my breast implants, I can't feel a 
g- No sensation whatsoever in my nipples anymore. 
Tina: Really? 

isty: It's no big deal, because now that I have these big 
get turned on just seeing the guy's face while he's 
sucking them. That's a huge turn-on 
Misty: One time I had a threesome with two guys in France 
and they were so preoccupied with sucking le boobies, one 
on each breast, that they couldn't speak. They didn't speak 
English anyway, but what gave me the hugest orgasm was 
the fact that they were both working on me at the same 
time. One was on top of me and the other one was playing 
with my breasts and fingering me. I had a gigantic orgasm. 
Tina: You got to have the finger along with the dick. You 
have to have finger action to get the juices going. Foreplay 
is essential. They can't just stick it in. The combination 
does it best for me. I have a hard time having an orgasm 
with just one of them. 




Stella: 1 had a boyfriend once who fin- 
gered me better than he fucked me. He 
hit my G spot every time. He was a gui- 
tarist. It was the best finger sex 1 ev- 
er had. 

Tina: 1 get off when a guy takes his 
johnson and teases me by rubbing the 
head of it all over my pink. That really 
juices me up. It's as good as the finger. 
ys rarely think to do that. 
But it feels good. 

Stella: That's because they re too eager 
to stick it in. 


If they'd just slow down. 
Tina: 1 don't think most men even 
think about the concept of foreplay. I 
told one boyfriend that I wasn't enjoy- 
ing sex with him because it ended prac- 
tically as soon as it started—in three 
minutes—and he had to do more fore- 
play. That's when he asked, “Foreplay? 
What do you mean?" He was clueless. 
But 1 think it’s up to the woman some- 
times to show men what we like. They 
don't mind 

Misty: I think being clueless is one rea- 
son for it, but I had a boyfriend who 
was just plain lazy. A total slacker. 
Christy: I had one of those, too! It 
was pure laziness. He wanted to just 
lie there while I did all the work! 
He would hand me the lube and say, 
“Why don't you use your finger?" He 
thought if 1 lubed myself up I would be 
ready to go. 

Tina: Men need to cater to the ladies 
more. We cater to them. My boyfriend 
is cool, though. He actually works at 
making me come. When he goes down 
on me, sometimes he uses a vibrator on 
me and I have a great orgasm. And he 
uses it on my clit, and sticks it inside 
me. then licks and sucks me all the way 
to an orgasm. 

Stella: You know what turned me on 
the most about going to the sex club? It 
wasn't so much watching people, be- 
cause even though this is LA, the peo- 
ple were out of shape and a lot of them 
were gross and hideous. 

Tina: You mean the cast of Baywatch 
wasn't in attendance? 

Stella: What turned me on were the or- 
gasm sounds. At one point I shut my 
eyes and just listened. It was a turn-on 
to listen to people having orgasms. 
They went off every five minutes, like a 
snooze alarm. 1 heard small ones, me- 
dium ones, multiple ones. 

Christy: That's what I like about porn 
leos. The sound of the money shot, 
Ға rather hear it than see it, ГИ rewind 
to hear that again. But 1 hate the ri- 
diculous sound effects of vibrators. 
Tina: I never really considered vibra- 
tors until I told this guy I was dating 1 
wanted one- He surprised me with one. 
1 was shy and embarrassed at first, but 
then I was like, whoa! This is great! 

It enhanced my orgasm. But then he 
wouldn't let me take it home! I'm hap- 
py with my vibrator. It's my friend. It 
has veins. It comes in handy when 
three o'clock in the morning and you 
don't want to wake anyone up. 

: I start giggling when some- 
body turns on a vibrator. It sounds 
stupid, like an appliance or a Waterpik. 
They have those butterfly vibrators 
that you put in your underwear and 
walk around with all day. I want to try 
one of those. It would be interesting to 
have an orgasm in public 

Stella: But what if you're in an elevator 
and somebody tells you to turn down 
your vibrator? 
Tina: Have you tried those silicone dil- 
dos? You can put them in hot water 
and they heat up to body temperature. 
Misty: It's like a hot beef injection. 
Stella: I don't need dildos. 1 don't use 
them. I'm so horny that all I have to do 
is see a cute guy on the street and touch 
myself for two seconds. Getting off for 
me is no problem. Plus, dildos smell 

Misty: I love the names for dildos, like 
Deep Stroker and the Satisfier. The 

Christy: Long Dong Silver. I saw one 
called the Vibrating Lunar Anal Probe. 
The box said, "Its sensual plastic rip- 
ples will take you to the moon.” 

Tina: Have you seen the Jeff Stryker? 
It hasa rotating head. 

Stella: Have you seen those ridiculous 
foreskin vibrators? 1 saw them at the 
Pleasure Chest—they look like a penis 
wearing saggy pantyhose. 

Tina: I would love to strap on a dildo 
and fuck some guy up the ass. But T 
can't find anyone vho will let me do it. 
Stella: 1 know an Italian producer who 
would be perfect for you! 

Christy: I’m not interested in the 

bunghole. I'm not interested in having 
my anus violated or violating anyone 

Tina: I have anal sex one out of 50 
times. It's so dirty and naughty. 


Have you ever given or received 

Tina: Yeah, but I never thought to ask 
for it. The next thing I knew, he was 
licking my butthole. Licking it like he 
was licking frosting! 

i That was nice of him. 

Tina: He was a record producer. A real 
jerk. Speaking of assholes, 1 went out 
with this male model once. He was re- 
ally an idiot. 

f he was such an idiot, why 

: He was hot. 

What happened? 

Tina: We had an anal one-nighter 
Anyway, while we were doing it on а 

hotel rooftop standing up, he started 
poking my butt and kind of jammed 
his finger up there, but 1 was too drunk 
to notice. The next day I woke up with 
a hemorrhoid. A hemorrhoid! About 
six months later, 1 saw him in New 
York doing runway at Tommy Hilfiger. 
ommy Hilfinger. 
But at the time did you like it? 
Tina: I thought at the time, Hey. man. 
this feels all right. If he wants to do it, 
go ahead. 
Stella: Did you know that you can im- 
prove your orgasms yoursel: 
Christy: 1 had no idea. How? 
Stell: he best way to have control is 
10 do Kegels. You can control your 
muscles down there. You need to do 
your Kegels. 1 swear to God I've had 
killer orgasms because of Kegels! Kegel 
your way to better orgasms! And it 
works for guys too. They can have bet- 
ter orgasms sucking in their sphincter 
muscles. I have been Kegeling every 
day for a year and I swear I've been 
having better orgasms during sex and 
when I masturbate. I'm sorry, but I 
want to have a fierce pussy! 
Tina: Nothing wrong with that. One 
guy told me I had a voodoo vagina. But 
he meant it as a compliment. I had a 
snappin ‘gina! 
Stella: Speaking of muscle, do you get 
off morc on a huge dick, a moderately 
huge dick or a monster dick? 

I'm à size queen. When I see a big juicy 
hard dick I know it's going to feel good 
and fill me up! I am so excited when 
a guy has a hard-on and I can see it 
through his jeans. Then I can't keep 
my hands oll it. Especially in public 
and under the table. I've had the best 
orgasms with guys with big dicks. I 
think it's psychological. 

Tina: 1 like a nice medium-size dick. A 
huge one hurts! I'm small, I'm really 
tight. When I go to the gynecologist 
she has to use the smallest speculum 
because I'm so tight in there. And 
sometimes when 1 have an orgasm be- 
fore the guy does, my pussy sort of 
clenches his penis and tightens up on 

him. He likes that. 
Stella: I go for the monster dicks. The 
bigger, the better. And 1 like the head 
to be big, too. I'm not going to apolo- 
gize for liking big ones. Guys don't 
apologize for liking big breasts. You 
never hear guys saying. 

“1 like a really 

y: You like a small one? Why? 

Christy: Just kidding. But penis size is 
not the most important thing. I have to 
say, guys with smaller dicks are nicer. 
‘They aren't so arrogant and cocky and 
they're into giving oral sex and making 
sure you have an orgasm. They have to 
(continued on page 156) 

“Гое been seriously thinking of converting to a religion with better-looking virgins.” 


A T WAS ONLY four years ago 
that Brande Roderick loaded her 
belongings into a rented Ryder 
truck, waved goodbye to her fam- 
ily, left the idyllic wine country 
of California and headed south— 
bound for Hollywood and, she 
hoped, for glory. Since then, she 
has slept on friends’ couches, 
borrowed cars, taken acting class- 
es, struggled to find work and 

watched her struggles pay off. 
‘There were acting jobs on shows 
such as Beverly Hills 90210 and 
appearances in national com- 
mercials. There was the eve- 
ning she went out dancing and 
was invited to join PLAYBOY Edi- 
tor-in-Chief Hugh M. Hefner at 
his table. There were the months 
she spent living in the Playboy 
Mansion with Hef, Sandy and 
Mandy Bentley and Jessica Pais- 
ley. There was her Playmate of 
the Month pictorial in April 2000 
and her season-long stint on 



Brande’s first car in Hallywaod was o $1200 wreck with bad brakes and a dented daor. The Playmate af the Year deserves foncier wheels, 
and here they are: a Porsche Boxster, the company’s stylish and powerful successor to its classic roadsters of yore—ond far those Cali- 
fornia days when even a canvertible seems too confining, a Buell Blost, the light, ogile motorcycle designed as a fun intraduction ta 
cycling. When she hits the beach she'll definitely need the Rabbit Head surfboard. Well, what self-respecting Playmate and Baywatch 
star would be without one? “PLAYBOY ond Baywatch,” she says, “have brought me ta where | am naw.” 

Baywatch Нашай. 

And now. to cap it off, Bran- 
de Nicole Roderick is PLAYBOY'S 
Playmate of the Year for 2001 
“I have to laugh about it,” she 
says. “I didn't have a car, I 
didn’t have a job, I was sleeping 
on people's couches. When I 
think about where I am now, I 
can't believe where I started." 

These days, of cou the fo- 
cus is on where Brande is go- 
ing. Already, her Playmate of 
the Year reign is off to a splashy 
start: Sh: id Hef w fe 
tured on the hit comedy Just 
Shoot Me, announcing Brande's 
tide and playing themselves in 
a fantasy scenario at the fashion 
magazine where the likes of D: 
vid Spade and Laura San 
como work. “The show had Hef 
and me taking over the com- 
pany,” she says with a smile 
“Basically, it was Laura's worst 

It doesn't sound like a night- 
mare to us—but the show was 
certainly an appropriate way 
to kick things off for a young 
woman (Brande turns 27 this 
month) who's been showing up 
on TV a lot lately, from Ba 
watch Hawaii to the news pri 
grams that lavished attention 
on her when she became in- 

d with rLAYBOY's founder 
just as Hef was reclaiming his 
tide as the king of nightlife. “L 

d a lot in that period of 
she says fondly. 

“Now,” she reports, 
thing's falling into place.” Bran- 
de has a new house that she 
and her cocker spaniel, Mer- 
cedes, share with fellow Bay- 
watch alum Stacy Kamano. Her 
younger brother is about to 
make her an aunt for the first 
time, which thrills her. And she 
has great plans for her Play- 
mate of the Year reign (lots of 
charity work for the City of 
Hope) and her 
to have my ov 
says. “Probably another drama. 
I want to do a sitcom. Feature 
films. Radio. Theater. I have all 
these different ideas for logos 
and merchandise. I want to do 
it all.” 

She laughs; only four years 
after packing that truck and 
taking one big risk, Brande 
Roderick is eager to take lots 
more. “It seems as if there's 
not even enough time in a life- 
time to do all the things that I 
want to do," she says. "But I'm 
working on it." 

“It's extremely hard physically and mentally, but I'm definitely more relaxed than 1 
used to be,” says Brande of posing for our cameras. “And you can make it fun.” Being 
chosen the 2001 Playmate of the Year, she adds, was also fun, “Of course, in the back 
of your head you're always hoping, but when I got the call I was completely shocked.” 






(continued from page 124) 
outside Bruckheimer's office, but this 
one isn't emblazoned across a promo- 
tional poster. Instead, it's hand-painted 
on the side of a five-and-a-half-foot 
bomb casing that dates back to World 
ery This particular message was never 
dispatched, although plenty of similar 
ones were. Instead, it sat in the Officers 
Club on the famed military base, and 
recently wound up in an auction, 
where it was bought as a gift by Bruck- 
heimer's wife, the producer, editor and 
novelist Linda Bruckheimer. 

There is, he knows, a lot riding on 
Pearl Harbor. Bruckheimer sees the 
movic as his first attempt at a David 
Lean-style epic: It has gunfire and ro- 
mance, heroism and friendship and 
love and jealousy, turbulent emotions 
against à backdrop of momentous 
events. And its development was turbu- 
lent, too. The movie's original sc 
budgeted out in excess of $200 mil- 
lion—a figure that former Disney stu- 
dio chairman Joe Roth might have 
approved. But others—most notably 
Roth's boss, Michael Eisner—were not 
so generous, so Bruckheimer and Bay 
whittled the budget to about $145 mil- 
lion. They thought they had a green 
light at that figure, but then Roth left. 
the studio. "When he left," says Schnei- 
der, “I had a mandate, which was, "You 
can't spend that kind of money.’ So Jer- 
ry, Michael and I sat down and came to 
a reasonable solution.” 

In the end, Bruckheimer and Bay 
accepted a $135 million budget by dra- 
matically cutting their fees, agreeing to 
surrender a share of the gross in ex- 
change for a larger share if the box-of- 
fice take reached a certain point, and 
personally guaranteeing any cost over- 
runs. “Emotionally, 1 was the biggest 
wreck I'd ever been in my life,” says 
Bay. "A movie like this can go $10 mil- 
ion over in a heartbeat, and I was 
thinking, I'm going to be financing 
Disney. 1 can't do this. But Jerry kept 
me in the game. He's like a pit bull you 
cannot get rid of. After | quit four 
times, he was still saying, ‘It’s too good. 
You can't let this pass us by." 

Before he committed to directing the 
movie, Bay insisted on a test: He shot 
footage of a real Japanese Zero fighter 
plane over the Pacific Ocean, gave it to 
the Industrial Light and. Magic special 
effects firm, and asked it to add two 
fake Zeros behind the real fighter. "In 
fact," says Bruckheimer, "the real one 
looked phonier than the fake ones." In 
the end, the filmmakers used about a 

dozen genuine World War II planes, 
while ILM supplicd cverything else. 
Casting, meanwhile, caused prob- 
lems of its own. Even though the film 
was a S100-million-plus epic, Bruck- 
heimer and Bay had to ask actors to cut 
their fees. "All the money that would 
have been paid to the actors," Bruck- 
heimer says, "had to go on the screen.” 
Ben Affleck agreed to take one of the 
lead roles for what the producer says 
was "virtually nothing, for him"; Josh 
Hartnett and actress Kate Beckinsale 
took the other two main roles. Gene 
Hackman, whose wife is of Japanese 
ancestry, declined the role of President 
Roosevelt; it went to Jon Voight in- 
stead. Kevin Costner offered to cut his 
fee to play General James Doolittle— 
but. in the end, he wasn't willing to cut 
it enough, so Alec Baldwin stepped in. 
“1 just believe in the idea, I believe in 
the script, I believe in the director,” 
says Bruckheimer of his fights to get 
the movie made. "It's a historic movie 
about something that should be memo- 
rialized. We interviewed about 70 sur- 
vivors, and they said, "Make the film 
quick, because we're dropping like 
flies." He shakes his head. "There's an 
enormous amount of courage that 
went into Pearl Harbor, and an enor- 
mous amount of death and loss. Ya- 
mamoto sent two waves of fighters 
and was concerned our other carriers 
might be close by, and that he'd take 
some losses if he sent in another wave. 
But had they gone in for a third wave, 
they would have hit Chicago before we 
could put an army together. And we'd 
all be speaking Japanese now 
In the end, Bruckheimer says, film- 
ing went smoothly; all the delays 
wound up giving him and Bay more 
time to prep. “It was the hardest pic- 
ture just to green-light,” he says. “But 
once we got that, because we'd been 
preparing for so long, it was relatively 
easy to get started. Michael had already 
shot the movie, in his head.” (Bay was, 
on occasion, forced to be creative: To 
shoot a graphic hospital scene but also 
make the PG-13 rating that Disney de- 
manded, he reportedly invented a new 
type of camera lens that blurred every- 
thing around the edges of the frame.) 
“As movies go, especially for one this 
size, it’s been terri says Bruck- 
heimer. “We had one accident where a 
plane went down, but fortunately the 
pilot only broke a finger. And that was 
pretty much the only tough thing that 
happened—knock on wood.” 
But the nearest wood is on his desk. 
across the room, so Bruckheimer 
knocks on shiny black plastic instead. 

Stanley Goodspeed: "I'll do my best.” 
Mason: “Your best? Losers always whine 

about their best. Winners ga home and fuck 
the prom queen.” — from The Rock 

Through all these years and all those 
blockbusters, Bruckheimer is only cer- 
tain about two movies he's made. The 
first time he saw them, he knew Beverly 
Hills Cop and Armageddon would be big 
hits. “Other than that,” Bruckheimer 
says, “they're all shocks to me.” 

He does not, he insists, know what 
the people want. “I think it constantly 
changes,” he says. “I mean, I'm а stu- 
dent of that. And I'm interested in the 
same movies they are. I'm kind of lost 
ina period when I was in my late teens 
and early 20s, and that's what I still 
gravitate toward. You can bet that a 
huge picture at the box office is also a 
picture I like a lot.” 

Growing up in a lower-middle-class 
family in Detroit, Bruckheimer knew 
by his early 20s that he'd like to head 
for Hollywood; director David Lean's 
epics The Bridge on the River Kwai, 
Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago 
influenced him powerfully. First Bruck- 
heimer went into the advertising busi- 
ness, starting in the mailroom but soon 
producing eye-catching, award-win- 
ning spots. After just four years with 
the high-powered New York agency 
BBD&O, though, he turned his back 
on a lucrative Madison Avenue career 
when he got an offer to work as the as- 
sociate producer on a small 1972 West- 
ern called The Culpepper Cattle Compa- 
ny. Bruckheimer walked away from a 
$70,000-a-year job (“a lot of money at 
the time’) to take a Hollywood gig that 
paid ten grand and offered no security. 
“I wanted to be able to tell stories for 
longer than 60 seconds,” he says 

In Hollywood, he tried to gain notice 
by working harder than anybody else, 
and the pictures came steadily enough 
10 keep him in business: He produced 
Farewell My Lovely in 1975, March or Die 
two years later. “I always had my eye on 
the ball,” he says. “But I kept my reel of 
commercials, in case | needed it.” 

In 1980 he produced Paul Schra- 
der's sleck American Gigolo, one of the 
first films to use pop music (in this case, 
the Blondie song Call Me) to sell a pic- 
ture. Three years later, he made a deal 
with Don Simpson, a former Para- 
mount production chief. The two men 
tackled what seemed to be a preposter- 
ous project about a woman who works 
sburgh steel welder and does 
surprisingly elaborate pseudo-strip- 
teases in a weirdly high-tech working- 
class bar, but she really wants to be a 
ballet dancer. Lots of people in and 
outside Paramount hated Flashdance— 
but by the time Simpson, Bruckheimer 
and director Adrian Lyne were fin- 
ished with it, the titillating fairy tale 
grossed over $100 million and spawned 

(continued on page 184) 

“He followed me home, Mom. Can he keep me?” 




City Girls 

(continued from page 140) 
compensate for having a small dick and 
they love to go down there. As far as size 
goes, it's really the whole package. 

Tina: So big dick men should learn from 
small dick men. 

mean, if they want us to suck 
them off, they have to lick our pussies. 
That's the rule. I can't believe how many 
guys don’t know how to lick effectively. 
Maybe half of the guys don't offer 
to do it because they don't want to do 
anything that they're not good at. I also 
think that men get absorbed in their own 
pleasure. They get lost in the moment 
and forget about pleasing us. 

Chri: actly. 

just because you have a big dick 
d t mean you always know how to 
use it. Guys of all sizes want you to blow 
them before they give you an orgasm, 
and then you're not satisfied. 

Stella: Have you ever had an orgasm 
doggy-style? A lot of guys like to finish 
off with doggy-style. 


Christy: Doggy-style hurts! It finishes off 
my bladder! 

Stella: Really. It’s like, Can you pump 
my bladder a little harder? 

Christy: You're done. I'm in pain. And 
now I have to pee. 

Tina: | have to disagree with you there. 
1 love doggy-style. And if a guy reaches 
his fingers around, I can come that way 
Stella: Men like doggy because they not 
only get to look at your ass and spank it 
if they want, but they also like how their 
woodrow feels in that position. But I 
don't know if that's the most comfortable 
position for a lot of women. 

Christy: I don't think there is one posi- 
tion that's best. Sometimes I like a 69 
cause 1 like hearing both of us making 
those sucking sounds! 

Tina: Sixty-nine makes me lose my fo- 
cus. I'm trying to be a good fellator and 
have an orgasm at the same time, and Га 
rather focus on one thing, 

Misty: I've had success in a number of 
positions. It depends on how much fore- 
play there i 

Tina: I don't like missionary because my 

boyfriend is big and tall and I hate being 
crushed to death! 

Christy: 1 love missionary! I like to look. 
into the guy's eyes. There is something 

е to see him getting 
really turned on and looking at me. And 
1 like to grab his butt cheeks in that posi- 
tion while he's thrusting away. Call me 

Tina: Sometimes I like heavy eye contact 
during sex because it's romantic; at oth- 
er times I like it to be more porno, more 
Misty: The cowgirl position is interest- 
ing too because you can ride him while 
you sit on top and bend vour legs. An- 
other thing I love is when you lie on 
your stomach and he's on top of you 
You can feel his balls as he's pumping 
away. 1 like getting slapped by his balls. 
Tina: Sometimes when I'm lying on a 
flat surface, like the floor or the kitchen 
table, and I'm in the 
tion, I let out pussy farts! In the heat 
of the moment, I can hear my queefing. 
It sounds really squishy. But I had a 
boyfriend who was actually turned on by 
the sound of my pussy farts! 

He liked them? What was his 

Tina: He was Turkish. 

Misty: I like the flat surface of a wall. I 
like doing it standing up. You can use 
the wall for support. 

Tina: I had a guy lift up my legs on the 
couch, then sort of bend his knees in as 
he controlled the thrusting. That's a 
good position if you want to watch him 
go to town on you. Then ifhe gets tired, 
he can always flip you around. I ne to 
do more than one position per se: 
Misty: I also like sitting in the sink while 
he “cleans me up" with his tongue. 
Stella: Once I had sex on the kitchen 
counter. It was sexy, but the problem was 
1 kept banging my head on the toaster. 
Sill I came. 

Christy: Do you expect an orgasm every 
time you have sex? 

Tina: Why shouldn't we? Guys do. But I 
think we have to be responsible for our 
own orgasms. You can't always expect 
the guy to “give” you an orgasm. 

M f we always waited for them to 
give us one, half the time we wouldn't 
have them. You have to figure out which 
positions hit the right spot. But it's dif- 
ferent with each guy; that's what makes 
it confusing. With one boyfriend. for 
some reason, the old missionary position 
felt the best, but with the next guy. bor- 
ing—it didn’t work 
Tina: You know wh; 


s really he 

you sit on top of a guy on a chair, facing 
him. Everybody gets a good view that 
way. I like that position because he gets а 
great view of my shaved baldy. And he 
can rub my nipples and look at me. And 

the chair 

ves him support. 
eah, but what about the stains? 
you get love juice all over the chair? 

V | 
VE (i 
Hecho ei шик 
‘ico. Desde 



Tina: I did, actually. I ruined a chair. 
Stella: Remind me to never let you 

Tina: I like the woman-on-top position. 
That rules. 

But doesn't the dick pop out in 

t can, but that's the fun of it— 
you get to keep shoving it back in. 
Christy: Sometimes, when 1 have my pe- 
riod, I feel like giving my boyfriend a 
blow job and I love making him come. I 
like having control over his pleasure. 
Stella: Do you like having sex during 
your period? 

Yeah! It relieves my cramps. Or- 
gasms can be medicinal. Bur it helps for 
only about an hour. 

Tina: I had a boyfriend who was real- 
ly uptight and got mad that I got peri- 
od blood on his designer sheets. What 
a tightass. He made me sleep on the 
wet spot. 

M Chat is wrong. 

Tina: If a guy's really trying, I don't get 
mad. That doesn't necessarily make for 
bad sex if you don't have an orgasm 
every time. But if every time 1 had sex 
with him and he was selfish, I'd get real- 
selfish, he's history. 
stis when a guy doesn't 
even care if he gives you an orgasm. Sex 
is about giving each other pleasure. It's 
supposed to be fun for everyone. 

WOW! T just 
discovered a 
pe рее I Nant 
t help me Spend it? 

Stella: I guess if there's one thing men 
know how to do, it's have an orgasm. 
Christy: The problem is timing. 

Stella: Exactly. I think our bodies are 
wired a bit differently. While women are 
trying to have an orgasm, men are trying 
not to. 

Misty: I agree. I have the best orgasms 
when 1 have oral sex. I can come really 
fast that way, but I have to get warmed 
up. 1 like him to go down on me first. 
then I lick and suck his woody for a 
while, then after he's really excited, I 
make him come. 

Tina: Practically every guy I've been 
with has come too fast. Sometimes I get 
sick of hearing, “Sorry I exploded in 30 

Stella: Maybe we ought to send out 
e-mails with slo-mo techniques. 

Tina: Have you ever had sex on ecstasy? 
Misty: Yeah, but I couldn't come be- 
cause 1 was too high. I felt numb down 
there. I can't come until I come down. 
Christy: I love ecstasy because it makes 
me hug all night. And I'm a hugger. 
Stella: [ had sex on mushrooms once 
and [ was so high I couldn't even locate 
my vagina. 

Tina: Have you ever faked an orgasm? 
Stella: Never. 1 don't believe in it. If 
he thinks you're satisfied, he'll do even 
less work. 

Christy: The best is when you come at 

is a fest 
line. pe 

the same time he does. 
Misty: But what about the semen? 
Christy: 1 don't mind worshiping a guy, 
but I'm not going to worship his ejacu- 
late. Why do guys think we love their se- 
men so much? 
I hate when guys want to come 
ce. I think it's disrespectful. 
Tina: Why do guys think we would even 
like that? 
Christy: It's because guys watch too 
many face-squirting pornos! I saw one in 
a video store the other day that had 100 
facial shots. 
Stella: The female equivalent would be 
having an orgasm and squirting our dis- 
charge on a guy's face. Would he enjoy 
that? Let's get real. But we're supposed 
to enjoy his semen. Im just not into it. 
Squirting it on my face and hair is not a 
treat. 1 love men and love sucking them 
and I love their dicks, but their semen is 
just OK. But I have to say I love watch- 
ing a guy come, and I really love seeing 
it squirt out. Just not on my face. 
"Tina: Have you seen that How to Female- 
Ejaculate video? 
Misty: What is that? 
Tina: Th har: 's where a bunch of women, I 
s a lesbian thing, sit around and 
ate together with gigantic vibra- 
d take turns female-ejaculating as 
t cam" moves in. 
Christy: l've never heard of that. 
Tina: Yeah, apparently only five to 10 
percent of women can do it. Bisexual 
women and lesbians are into it. 
Misty: Why would you want to do it? 
Tina: Some women can't help it. It's the 
G spot that gets stimulated and some 
women expel fluid from there. My cous- 
in can do it and she told me she acciden- 
tally squirted her husband in the eye 
once. That's how she discovered it. 
Stella: The next time he went down on 
her he wore safety goggles 
Christy: The thing I have a hard time 
with is how guys act after they come. 
Stella: That's when you can tell whether 
they really like you or not. 
Misty: That's the time I want to hug and 
hear, "Run away with me forever, cara 
mia!" But instead. 1 usually hear some- 
thing like, "Boy, did I ever lose a big 
load!" or in the words ofa surfer dude, 
“I totally blew my nuts!” 
Stella: Hey, want to hear something real- 

Christy: 1 love anything that starts with 
that que: 
Stell ne d time I did it with this guy 
and it was great and he gave me three 
orgasms, but afterward, I got up to go 
to the bathroom and I stepped on the 
condom that he'd thrown on the car- 
pet. Then the dog came into the room, 
smelled it and ate it. 

That's disgusting. 

Tina: That's hilarious. 

Christy: Naughty doggy. 


(continued from page 82) 
PLAYBOY: How long did you spend in the 
SHEEN: On and off, eight months 
PLAYBOY: Laurence Fishburne, who was 
in the movie, was young at the time. Did 
you guys hang out? 
SHEEN: Yeah. He borderline introduced 
me to pot. He and Emilio were going to 
the dompas, the Philippine whorehouses. 
In fact, Larry wore a T-shirt on the set 
that said pomra v. He was a graduate 
But as usual, though they'd let me have 
a little grass, at some point they'd send 
me back to my hooch. 1 was 10 and 
turned 11 
PLAYBOY: Why did you choose to go by 
the Sheen name instead of your real 
name, Estevez? 
SHEEN: Emilio had already used Estevez, 
and I'd always been a Charlie as op- 
posed to a Carlos, which is also my real 
name. I just thought Sheen had a better 
ring to it. A little more Anglo. And I 
thought I should keep the name going 
after Dad was gone or retired or both. 
PLAYBOY: You've complained that after 
doing 50 movies people still only talk 
about Platoon and Wall Street. 
SHEEN: It's like they're the same movie. 
That Oliver Stone film you did, Platoon 
WallStreet. That's how it sounds. 
PLAYBOY: Аг one point Oliver Stone of- 
fered you the role of Ron Kovic in Bom 
on the Fourth of July. How did you feel 
when lom Cruise got it? 
SHEEN: Disappointed. Hurt. Oliver took 
me to dinner with Ron a few times, and 
we started talking. He said we were go- 
ing to have a relationship like Scorsese 
and De Niro, and that this was the next 
movie. He said Al Pacino wanted to do 
the movie, De Niro wanted to—every- 
body wanted to—and "I'm going to give 
you this movie." I said, "Wow, this is 
exciting." There were some rewrites to 
be done and then he was going to Cuba 
and couldn't be reached, and, “I'll call 
you when I get back." 1 didn't hear from 
him long past his return date. Then 
Emilio called me and said, “Dude, I've 
got some bad news." I thought, Fuck, 
somebody died. He said, "Are you sit- 
ting down? Cruise is doing Born on the 
Fourth." 1 said, “Oh fuck, wow." 
PLAYBOY: How pissed were you? 
SHEEN: | wouldn't have cared if Oliver 
had called me personally, based on what 
we'd been through. We fought two wars, 
you know. But here was a crucial point 
for both of us, and he couldn't even call 
me and say, “I've changed my mind. I've 
made a mistake. I'm going with Tom." 
That I'd respect. I'm a firm believer in 
you can't lose something you never had, 
but I kind of had it for a while. So yeah, 
I was very disappointed. But at least it 
went to a capable actor who did a phe 
nomenal job. Nothing is worse than not 
getting a job, and then it goes to some 

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schmuck who pisses all over it. 
PLAYBOY: How badly did it hurt your re- 
il Stone? 

4 of the end of it. I 
liant filmmaker. Га 
love to work with him again, and I think 
the timing is good for us to have a bit of 
a reunion at some point. 

PLAYBOY: You're serious? 

SHEEN: Of course! He's Oliver Stone 
[chuckles]. 1 might have been pissed, but 
I'm not stupid. He's still revered as a ge- 
nius and I'm in the middle of a come- 
back. The two of us hooking up would 
be really interesting. 

PLAYBOY: Alter you got sober, you made 
Rated X, a Showtime movie about the 
Mitchell brothers, the adult-film entre- 
preneurs who, among other things, 
made Behind the Green Door. Emilio 
rected and played Jim; you were Artie, 
the self-destructive brother, who eventu- 
ally died. Why get sober and then do a 
movie that, in a sense, plunged you right 
back into that world? 

SHEEN: ] saw the opportunity as no coin- 

cidence, again. There was a reason my 
first substantial role after rehab was to 
play a maniac whose personal story end- 
ed badly. I knew what it was like to go to 
those dark places and I got to go home 
every night after shooting with the re- 
minder that 1 don't have to live like that 
anymore. I played a guy who died as a 
result of his abuse, so any time I even be- 
gan to think, Good God, what am I miss- 
ing, that thought was replaced with, I'm 
playing a dead man. That's a gift. It was 
like a big overcoat I put on when I got to 
work and then just took off afterward. 
PLAYBOY: Your dad urged you not to do 
the movie. How hard did you have to 
work to change his mind? 

SHEEN: Not much, because while he 
yelled at Emilio about it on the phone, 
he talked rati 
"Are you sure? I mean. . . ." He was pick- 
ing my brain. Then he'd call Emilio and 
say, "You motherfucker, you're going to 
lead him back into the pit of insani- 
ty, and it's going to be your fault! We've 
all worked so hard and he's worked so 

"She's still nagging me to put up a fence in the backyard." 

hard." I would only hear this second- 
hand, from Emilio. But at the end of the 
day, my dad had confidence. The day we 
теа a party scene in the office, with 
girls and blow and drinks and all that 
weirdness, it was my actual sobriety date. 
My first anniversary. 

PLAYBOY: You and Emilio were estranged 
for years because of your substance 
abuse. Is it poetic justice that his charac- 
ter kills your character in the movie and, 
symbolically, gets to kill the old Charlie? 
SHEEN: Interesting. We thought about 
swapping roles for about 10 seconds and 
realized it would be a lie. I never thought 
about that last bit. That's pretty 
PLAYBOY: And now the new Ch: 
Spin City. How did that happen? 

SHEEN: Alter | got out of rehab I hired 
a couple of managers—my first. They 
asked me what I wanted and I 
word: respect. Not a jet, not a big mov- 
ie, respect. Next thing, they said Jeffrey 
Katzenberg from DreamWorks had 
called, and would I come in. I ended up 
doing Sugar Hill, a pilot for Gary David 
Goldberg, who also produces Spin City. 
1t didn't get picked up, but 1 moved on. 
Then I was watching the Golden Globes 
with my friend Adam, and we were talk- 
ing about Mike Fox being sick and leav- 
ing the show. As a joke I said, “They're 
probably going to call me to replace 
him." Adam said, "Yeah, right. If you get 
the job, get me a job." Two days later, I 
was driving back from a voicc-over I did 
for, and they called for me 
to replace him. 

PLAYBOY: Your reaction? 

SHEEN: Be careful what you wish for. I 
asked for 24 hours. I called my parents, 
I called my brother, I called friends. I 
called my therapist and my drug coun- 
selor. Everybody was thumbs-up. 
PLAYBOY: lt seems that lately, from Rated 
ity, your career has given you 
5 to if not actually repudiate 
your former life, then at least confront it 
publicly. Is this your public penance? 
SHEEN: lo a degree, sure. Its my public 
Antabuse. Being on Spin City is a win-v 
situation for me. If the show dot П 
work, they can't say I didn't take a shot. 1 
can say the show lost its primary compo- 
nent, America's favorite dude. I stepped 
in and it didn't work? Fuck off. If it does 
work, then Гуе come into an impossible 

PLAYBOY: If the show results in a big 
comeback, can you handle it? 

SHEEN: | think so. I have the advantage 
now. Гуе got more knowledge and more 
experience. I've got volumes on how not 
to behave. I've got more information 
now than a guy should have at my age 
My priorities are totally 
PLAYBOY: This time, will you bel 
you deserv 


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Telephone — 





(continued from page 100) 
regularly, they were among the most en- 
tertaining. They make for great TV, they 
always include an impressive celebrity 
quotient (what could be better than 
watching a panicked David Hasselhoff 
hosing down his mansion with a green 
garden hose—the only time he had 
touched any piece of his own yard equip- 
ment since moving to Malibu?) and, bet- 
ter yet, brush fires are a nicely localized 
problem. If you live in West LA, the fire 
might as well be in the Pacific Northwest. 
The only way you know LA is in the 
throes of peril is that regular TV pro- 
gramming is preempted and replaced 
with Team Coverage of brave firefight 
ers and spunky celebrities fighting to 
save their multimillion-dollar estates. 
Fires make for much better TV than 
earthquakes, since earthquakes strike 
with no warning and are over before the 
average TV commercial. Fires rage on 
for days, they involve dramatic water- 
dropping aircraft and they're somewhat 
pretty, if you can forget the downside. 

“Should we turn around?” asked Bar- 
ry, being the practical one. 

Lee, Jim, Tony and Dick were feeling 
more adventurous. The idea of si 
a bar, pounding vodka mart 
ing to the sirens as neighboring fire de- 
partments raced to help, watching Team 
Coverage on the TV over the bar—it all 
sounded good to them. Perry voted to 
proceed, as well. He didn't want to be 
cheated out of his moment just because a 
few beach houses were burning to the 

ground and the traffic was thick with fire 

Johnny Carson, Barbra Streisand, Dick 
Clark, David Geffen, Martin Sheen—the 
news anchors sounded like they were 
hawking maps to the stars’ homes. 
Those were the homes in danger, they 
said. Not “immediate danger,” as it 
turned out. The fire was currently burn- 
ing in a remote area of Decker Canyon,a 
bit north of Malibu's celebrity enclave 
and more where horses and cranky lon- 
ers lived. 

Even though the fire was in its infan- 
cy—threatening homes, not burning 
them to the ground—the Team Cover- 
age had an odd effect on Perry and his 
friends. It made them jealous. 

“Td love to move Eloise and the kids 
out to Malibu,” Barry sighed. “The 
schools are so good and the air is so 

"Don't property values drop after a 
fire like this?" wondered Lee. "Couldn't. 
we all aflord a nice beachfront condo? 
Aren't all these rich idiots fleeing for 
Beverly Hills right now?" 

"Pcople in Malibu never move," said 
Tony. "The house burns down and they 
rebuild it. A big wave demolishes their 
front deck and they replace it with a big- 
ger deck. The rains fill their living rooms 
with mud and they buy new Oriental 
rugs. They're insanely loyal." 

“And insanely rich,” added Jim. 

Perry didn't say anything, but it oc- 
curred to him that Malibu was at best a 
pipe dream, for everyone else from Boing. 
Now that he was a showrunner, he was 
the only one in a position to actually af- 

Te др low 



“... And here I am, getting my first on-screen blow job.” 

ford the Malibu lifestyle and, fires or 
no, the idea suddenly had a certain 

Perry had barely moved into his new 
office and suddenly everyone was behav- 
ing differently. His parents acted as if 
he was already rich, old friends hinted 
ound for jobs while making sarcastic 
asides about his dumb luck, newer 
friends pretended they'd been friends 
for years and, in the most surreal mo- 
ment, his agent called—just to say hi. 

His brother Tim's reaction was easier 
to understand—what brothers aren't 
plagued by sibling rivalry? It wasn't as if 
things were going great for Tim. Sure, 
he had a job, but it was writing about en- 
tertainment for a website, not exactly a 
dream come true. The guys at work, the 
other writers who were busy trying to 
sell their screenplays, well, of course, 
they'd have mixed emotions. But the thin- 
ly disguised resentment from the world 
at large was bothersome. 

Oddly enough Perry's 


now his only refuge. It didn't matter 
much what time you showed up at 24- 
Hour Fitness, Peter—the lord of the 
gym—was there, wandering from ma- 

chine to machine, playing racquetball, 
drinking a Snapple at the snack bar. 
Mostly, though, Peter chatted. Stout, 
muscular and in his early 50s, he intre 
duced himself as a TV producer. While 
he used the present tense and he did 
i a small office at one of the stu- 
career seemed to exist well 
the past, during the golden age of vari- 
ety shows, back when Dinah Shore was a 
singer, not a dead lesbian icon. When 
Regis Philbin was lucky to be a sidekick. 
Back before Donny and Marie had emo- 
tional problems they happily shared on 
Entertainment Tonight. Back before Cher 
had tattoos and Sonny took ski lessons 
Peter hadn't had a show on the air since 
the Eighties, but he'd apparently made 
good money while he could—he drove a 
Mercedes and had plenty of free time. In 
any given three-hour n, he might 
work out for 20 minutes. However, he 
knew everyone and picked up on every 
speck of gossip. 

“1 can't figure out why Nancy would 
hire the likes of you to work on her 
show, Peter. 

“She has no choice," said Perry. "I'm 
the brains of the operation, 1 wrote the 


and we all know how powerful a 


Perry laughed. “It’s just a commit- 
ment to do a pilot. There are no guar- 
antees," he said, mentally knocking 
on wood. 

"That's a good way of looking at it,” 
said Peter. “It’s a great first step—not 
that many people get to do pilots. There 
are a lot of people involved in pilots who 


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ind themselves back waiting tables when 
the pilot doesn't sell." 

"Or writing game show questions," 
Perry said. 

"What's your role now that the script 
is written?” 

“Nancy and I will be the showrunners. 

We'll start casting in the next couple of 
weeks and shoot the pilot as is. If it рое 
it goes—and then I'll have a TV show, 1 
Be careful,” warned Peter. “Lots of 
things can go wrong. You're going to be 
dealing with a lot of people who will be 
looking out for themselves. You have to 
watch out for yourself, OK?" 

And Nancy, thought Perry. I have to 
watch out for the two of us. Instead of 
bringing them closer, success seemed to 
be a big distraction. They'd had dinner 
only once since the fateful meeting— 
Nancy was constantly busy—and their 
phone conversations were hurried and 
unsatisfying. When he'd try to talk, she'd 
sound annoyed and impatient, always 

eager to get back to Heather. She was 
rushed when they talked business and 
she had no time whatsoever for any of 
that mushy stuff that's part of a normal 
relationship. Perry sometimes feared 
that while he was looking for a girl 
friend, Nancy wanted to be more of a 
business partner. The sad thing was that 
Perry often doubted whether she was all 
that suited for either role. 

When he got back to his apartment, 
there were eight messages waiting for 
him. One was from Tim, who said he 
had convinced his boss to do a small fea- 
ture on Perry's new show for the Holly- 
wood Today website. There was a forced 
cheerfulness іп Tim's voice, but Perry 
was impressed by the brotherly gesture 

Of course, there were two calls from 
Nancy—her voice racing, her tone ur- 
gent. "Heather has some more really 
good casting ideas," she said in her first 
message. “I really want you to hear 
them." "I can’t make dinner tonight— 
sorry, hon," said the second message. 

“Just a moment, while we decide who's going 
to conduct the exam. . . ." 

"Heather needs me to go with her t0 the 
Garden of Eden. She has to see her ex 
and it's freaking her out." 

Mom called, announcing a special 
Sunday dinner (“Your dad is taking us 
all out to Casa Vega," she said excitedly), 
and Dad called in his typically car-cen- 
tered way ("It occurred to me that you 
might be thinking of getting rid of the 
Civic and I wanted to remind you that I 
can get you a good deal on an Accord, or. 
if you wanted, an Acura"). 

Тһе remaining three calls came from 
friends, who had heard it through the 
grapevine. It was male bonding at its 
best—not one of them could actually 
muster congratulations without sarcasm 
Paul, his basketball buddy, had it down. 

“Whoa, they've lowered the bar. A 
comedy? You're only funny when you 
play basketball, and you get your biggest 
laughs when you get hurt. You, sir, are 
the Steve Guttenberg of writers—a no- 
talent who succeeds where we hard- 
working, artistic types fail. So congratu- 
lations, and don't forget all those times 
you promised me a job. As luck would 
have it, I'm available." 

"How's life among the rich and fa- 
mous?" asked Tim. 

Perry could answer that question in so 
many ways: He could say, "It sucks 
which, given the odd turn his relation. 
ship with Nancy was taking, would be 
true. He could say, "It's great,” which 
was also accurate enough. In a world in 
which every waiter, secretary and car 
mechanic is poised over an iMac, churn- 
ing out enough screenplays to decimate 
a rain forest, Perry had done something 
neat—he had sold a half-hour sitcom to 
a big-time studio and no matter what 
happened, even if the show was never 
picked up by a network, he'd see his pi- 
lot episode produced, his lines spoken 
by real actors on a real set, and he'd have 
an office on the Sony lot with business 
cards that read; EXECUTIVE PRODUCER. 

"It reads better than it lives,” he told 
Tîm, taking the writerly way out 

“Shouldn't you be deliriously happy?” 
asked Tim. “Shouldn't you and Nancy 
be hanging out at Morton's with David 
Kelley and Michelle Pfeiffer? 

"I probably should be deliriously hap- 
py, but I'm not. Things are weird with 
Nancy—I mean, I can't tell you how 
weird. Wait, I can. Here's how weird 
they are: I'm thinking of having lunch 
with Dad and asking him about women. 
That's how weird they are.” 

Dad? Our dad?" 

“Yes, Syd Newman, owner of the Val- 
ley's third-largest Honda dealership and 
husband of the bossiest woman in all of 
Studio City." 

“What advice could Dad possibly give? 
‘Roll over and play dead—it's worked 
for me?’ You could have come to me. l'm 
your age at least. I'm hurt,” said Tim. 



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“You're gay.” 

“We have feelings. You could argue we 
have more feelings, especially me. 1 have 
way too many feelings. Anyway, just be- 
cause I'm gay shouldn't disqualify me. At 
least disqualify me for a good reason— 
like my total failure at any relationships 

“Well, there was that.” 

“I still want to help. I know lots of 
stuff. I watch a lot of TV. I have all this 
relationship information from Lucy and 
Ricky to Will and Grace. It's all stored 
upstairs and available for you, as my 

“I write TV, remember?" 

"Oh yes, that does cheapen it, doesn't 
it? Just think, my entire worldview has 
been formed by people like you. No 
wonder I'm fucked up.” 

“You're a paragon of normalcy com- 
pared with my girlfriend-slash-partner." 

“So how bad is it? And what happens 
with the show if you two aren't getting 

“I haven't seen her and she's too busy 
to talk. A wall has gone up and I do 
know why. Maybe she feels guilty be- 
cause the show is my idea and all. She 
wants so much to be important and this 
is really my show. Maybe I'm making it 
out to be more than it is. I just don't 
know,” said Perry. 

“I would guess success would throw 

people for a loop, at least initially,” of- 
fered Tim. “Not that I have any first- 
hand experience, but it seems to me 
they’ ve done TV movies on that. 
Listen,” continued Tim. “Why don't 
you just go and talk to her? Drive over 
there, to Heather's house or wherever 
she is, and just sit down and talk. What's 
the worst that can happen?" 

While a dramatic entrance into Heath- 
er's guest house was not exactly Perry's 
style, Tim's advice made a certain 
amount of sense. Not the type of sense 
that would hold up to careful scrutiny, 
Perry knew, so if he was going to follow 
it, he'd better do so now, before he 
talked himself out of it. He drove to Lau- 
rel Canyon, took a left on Kirkwood and 
went to the strange cul-de-sac. There, 
perched on the impossibly steep hill, 
were four houses, each reachable by its 
own funicular. The house on the far 
right belonged to Heather. Perry got in 
the funicular and pressed the buzzer. 
Usually, a voice—often Nancy's—would 
come on the intercom and ask, “Who is 
it?” This time, the funicular simply start- 
ed its ascent. 

Perry went around the back to the 
guest house and knocked on the door. 
“Oh, hi, Perry,” said Heather. “Nancy's 
not here. She's off at the studio. 1 don't 
expect her back until four or so. I'll tell 
her you were here." 

“Oh, great—thanks, 
ry. “I'll see you late! 

“T guess you will, now that we're going 
to be working together and all.” 

stammered Per- 

Perry felt himself go into blink mode— 
an involuntary spasm of eye twitches 
when he was forced to process too much 
information at once. 

“Working together?" 

“Yes, I know everyone's surprised that 
I'd even think about doing a 
this point in my life, but something real- 
ly feels right about i 

“My sitcom? Dire Straights?” 

“1 think it will be fun. Fun is a good 
thing. And 1 haven't had much fun 

On the ride down the funicular Per- 

ry thought b 

attempt—he d just roll down the hill 
mess up his clothes—but it seemed so 

What is Heather doing in my TV show? he 
wondered angrily. There's not one role 
that’s even remotely appropriate for her. Not 
one. And why didn't Nancy tell me about this? 

His mind raced, computing all the 
possibilities. Had Nancy sold him out, 
and made some sort of side deal with 
Heather? Did Columbia and Jonathan 
Scott know about this? Or was Nancy hu- 
moring Heather? That was entirely pos- 
sible—Nancy had built a career on pla- 
cating Heather, making her believe she 
was getting her way only to manipulate 
her deftly in an entirely different di- 
rection. But if that were the case, why 
hadn't Nancy told him? lt would have 

been good for a laugh, if nothing else. 

What was it that Tim had said? “Just 
down and talk. What's the worst that can 
happen?” Sometimes Tim can be such 
an idiot, thought Perry. 

Perry called his agent. He was unavail- 
able. He called Jonathan Scott, Unavail- 
able. He called су several times. Ex- 
tremely unavailable. Finally, at 11 rM. 
feeling too low to talk and too wired to 
sleep, he turned off the ringer on his 
phone and took two Dalmane—a potent 
dose for anyone—and sought refuge in 

He awoke to the sound of his fax ma- 
chine. Tim was faxing the front page of 
The Hollywood Reporter: 


Gen-X poster girl Heather Wind- 
ward has taken an interesting career 
switch by agreeing to exec-produce 
and star in a sitcom, Dire Straights, 
for Columbia TriStar's TV unit, 
with a guaranteed berth on NBC in 
the fall. The show's co-creator and 
co-executive producer is longtime 
Windward associate Nancy Mar- 
shall, under the Kirkwood Produc- 
tions banner, a company the duo 
formed last month. 

“I think it’s time in my life to have 
some fun,” said Windward. “And 1 
think this show will be different 
enough to provide the creative chal- 
lenge it's so hard to get in movies 

Based loosely on an original 
script by Marshall and game-show 
scribe Perry Newman, the show 
undergoing a complete revise. with 
veteran TV hand Babaloo Mandel 
working with Marshall on a new, 
hipper version. 

"With Heather on board, we have 
a chance to push the sitcom enve- 
lope," said Jonathan Scott, VP of 
comedy development at Columbia 
TriStar. “The original pilot was in 
some ways too traditional. We all 
want to see something very young 
and cutting edge.” 

There was no point in calling Nancy. 
His rage at her was so intense, there 
was nothing she could do or say that 
wouldn't only make him even angrier. 
There are broken hearts, and there's 
being used and made to be the fool. It 
wasn't until this moment that Perry real- 
ized how much worse the latter could be. 

Perry called his agent first. "I haven't 
been looking forward to this conversa- 
tion," said the agent. "This is just one of 

субе сот 


g nn 




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0800. Pants by Prada, 888-977-1900. Page 
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By D&G, 212-965-8000. Sneakers: By Fila, By Tommy Hilfiger, 800-TOMMY- 
CARES. Backpack by Eddie Bauer, eddie Shirts: By Force, from Ger- 
туз Menswear, 212-243-9141. By Puma, Shirt, sneakers by Nautica, 
nauticacom. Watch by Timex, 
Shoes by Dexter, Belts by 
CK Bradley, BB8-499-6005. 

Pages 126-128: Cadillac, cadillac com. 
Toyota, Dodge, 
Nissan, Ford, fordvehi Chevrolet, 


Pages 130-131: Stereo, 847-209-9380. 
Watch, 800-283-7236. Picture frame, 800- 
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877-234-2426. Internet, 800-992-7669. 
Pages 132-133: TV, 800-211-7262. Watch, 
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era, 800-343-5000. Messenger, 800-668- 
6765. Carry-on, 888-909-9376. Phone, 
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Page 191: Wine safe, 800-943-9463. Book, 
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com. Grill, 800-364-5449. Footwear, grav Books, Cam- 
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Bes ugly things that happen. It hap- 
one sometime or other. Just 
be thank! you hadn't devoted your life 
to this before the ax fell. Besides, if the 
show goes, you'll have some back-end 
participation. It'll be found money. Mail- 
box money. The best kind. 

Jonathan Scott was next. "I have to tell 
you, I've been dreading this phone call,” 
said Jonathan. “This has been a very 
awkward situation for all of us. We 
loved your script, but once N 
brought us Heather and we saw the 
ergistic possibilities of that relations! 
we had to make some changes.” 

“But why were those changes made 
without me? I was the goddamn s 
runner! I wrote the godda 

Jonathan took a deep breath. 
led to believe that Nancy was the ES 
crcative force behind the concept," he 
said. “Frankly, Perry, you were so q 
in the meeting that we assumed you 
lacked real passion for the project. Nan- 
Cy, on the other hand, was virtually on 
fire. That's what it takes to get things 

"Why wasn't I told?" Perry demanded. 
“I had a right to be kept in the loop.” 

“Nancy said she was taking care of 
it,” said Jonathan. “I had no reason to 
doubt her.” 

“She didn't take care of it. 1 read it in 
The Hollywood Reporter this morning." 

"That must have hurt," consoled Jon- 
athan. “But listen, you have friends 
here. We'd love to be in business with 
you. You'll have other ideas and we'll 
talk. I know this must be painful, but it 
could all work out for the best. Why 
don't you sit down at your computer and 
give me a few treatments? We'll do lunch 
at Le Dome.” 

They hung up ч Jonathan shout- 
ed out to his “Put Perry New- 
man on the DNA list, i please” DNA was 
club jargon for Do Not Admit. For 
Perry, Jonathan Scott would be forever 

Perry called Tim and told him the 
story. Tim had barely gotten used to his 
brother's succ now he had to deal 
with his brother's unemployment. This 
would throw the family into turmoil— 
Ann and Syd were used to Tim being 
unemployed and alone, but for Perry 
these were uncharted waters If Dad 
threw a couple of $100 fi 
it would barely cover his shampoo fei sh 
Sunday night's dinner was shaping up to 
be a maudlin affair, Having to praise 
Perry while pitying Tim might be stan- 
dard procedure for Ann and Syd, but 

the Newmans had just entered bizarro 

*Mom and Dad are going to go crazy, 
you know," said Tim. 

H the worst part,” said Perry. 

“Mom will miss Nancy. She really will. 


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(continued from page 108) 

Atter directing Deep Throat, Gerard Da- 
miano relcased his inner child 
with this film. Georgina Spelvin plays 
a virgin who commits suicide and finds 
herself on her way to hell. The devil of- 
fers her a short reprieve if she agrees to 
return to earth and be “consumed by 
lust.” She succeeds admirably. 


John Stagliano is best known for his 
gonzo “Buttman” series. Face Dance is his 
attempt at plot. This festival of debauch- 
ery includes group scenes, oddball sexu- 
al roughhousing, nasty stripteases and 
the severe depletion of Rocco Siffredi by 
actresses fresh enough to look surprised. 


The most recent chapter in this Paul 
Thomas series opens at a mysterious Vic- 
torian bordello in which elderly men re- 
treat to dream of their sexually active 
youths, One old soldier fondly recalls a 
lost love (Taylor Hayes) who had a heart 
of gold, a healing touch and great tits. 

LATEX (1995) 

In this classic from Michael Ninn, Jon 
Dough can see other people's sexual his- 
tories by touching them. The Big Sister 
state decides he must be cured. Is he a 
lunatic or a visionary? Only a mysterious 
blonde, played by Sunset Thomas, can 
protect him from kinky shrink Tyflany 
Million, but he wins either way. 


Created in wonderfully bad taste by 
the Dark Brothers, the surreal NWH 
features Jamie Gillis and Jack Baker as 
pimps who can turn women into whores 
by having them listen to New Wave 
music. They even shared the beat with 
an underage Traci Lords, though that 
scene has long since been excised. 


"aul Thomas again. Roxanne Blaze 
falls for an older guy she meets when 
he's shopping for cock rings. "You dont 
need a cock ring,” she tells him. "You 
just need a good fuck.” He gets one. As 
turns out, the guy is her boyfriend's 
ther and she must decide between the 
two. I won't spoil the ending. 


Directed by Radley Metzger, this is the 
closest thing you'll find to a hard-core 
Woody Allen film. A therapist played by 
Jamie Gillis bets he can turn Misty (Con- 
stance Money) into the world's greatest 
sex star by teaching her to give better 
head. The result qualifies as porn chic. 


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(continued from page 98) 
or encouraged by viruses—not just vio- 
lent fevers, such as Ebola, but cancer, 
heart disease, schizophrenia, arthritis 
and multiple sclerosis. Worse, some sci- 
entists believe our attempts to control 
viruses are backfiring, and that the most 
cunning mutations are now getting the 
upper hand. 

Some have been hiding in reservo 
hosts, biding their time. Others are mu- 
tations of viruses once benign. Every so 
often, monster versions of influenza ap- 
pear—the worst occurring in 1918, kill- 
ing more people worldwide than any 
plague or war in history. The bad news: 

“We're long overdue for another on 
says Dr. David Pegues, epidemiologist at 
the UCLA Medical Center in Los Ange- 
les. “Serious worldwide flu pandemics 
typically occur every eight to 10 years. 
17% been more than 20 years since we've 
had one." Others agree we could be just 
a roll of the evolutionary dice from an- 
other 1918 flu. 

Meanwhile, other new viruses keep ar- 
riving at our front door. Adventurous 
travelers, scientists and road-construc- 
tion crews now routinely encounter un- 
familiar viruses as they prowl jungles 
and rain forests unexplored decades 
ago. Then they carry their new compan- 
ions back to urban popula 
dense than ever. We i 
rived in the western hemisphe: 
Valley fever, a particularly potent 
is on the move. The hoof-and-mouth 
virus, a threat to livestock, broke loose 
again this spring. 

Viruses groomed as military hardware 
are yet another menace. Once thought 
too complex for small extremist groups 
to deploy, modern bioweapons are now 
one of the most plausible terrorist threats. 


Our latest unwelcome newcomer is 
the West Nile virus, which made its U.S. 
debut two years ago. It may have trav- 
eled here in smuggled birds. The first 
evidence ol arrival was an unusual 
die-off of crows and other birds at the 
Bronx Zoo. Mosquitoes contract the vi- 
rus when they feed on infected birds. 
Then they pass it along to us. 

In its first summer in New York, in 
1999, West Nile caused 62 severe cases 
of encephalitis, killing seven people. 
Health authorities launched a pesticide- 
spraying effort to kill the mosquitoes, 
even closing Central Park one night and 
postponing a concert of the New York 
Philharmonic in the summer of 2000. 
Last year, far fewer humans got si 
ly one died and another remains in med- 
ical limbo—a " persistent vegetative state. 
But West Nile is not going away. It's 
spreading throughout North America. 
Researchers expect West Nile to reach 
California by 2003. 

To track West Nile's spread, public 
health workers first monitored hundreds 
of live chickens in East Coast states. 
These feathered members of the Senti- 
nel Chicken Surveillance team were luck- 
ier than the canaries whose demise in 
19th century mines warned miners that 
deadly gas was beginning to accumulate. 
Chickens aren't adversely affected—they 
test positive but don’t die. Even so, their 


“Mr. Potts, Im afraid your 11:30 and your nooner will 
both have to reschedule.” 

infection rates were low. The death of 
flocks of wild birds is a better sign of West 
Nile's geographic presence. Now the Cen- 
ase Control encourages lo- 
cal health workers to call when they see, 
as CDC spokesperson Barbara Reynolds 
puts it, "birds falling out of the sky. 

s killer viruses go, West Nil 
er mosquito-borne encephalit 
aren't as infectious or lethal as sm 
Sull, a 1986 outbreak of St. Louis en- 
cephalitis in Harris County, Texas sick- 
ened 28 people and killed five. 

"There are lots of reasons to believe 
West Nile is going to remain a more sig- 
nificant problem than St. Louis enceph- 
alitis," says Dr. Lyle Petersen, a West Nile 
expert with the CDC. "West Nile has 
much higher levels of virus circulating in 
infected birds. The potential is greate: 
for the virus to spread faster." 

And dying from encephalitis wouldn't 
be the way to go. Encephalitis causes the 
br: to swell. If you have a terminal 
case, you descend through headaches, 
high fevers and bone-deep weariness to 
convulsions, madness, coma and death. 

Viruses are notoriously unpredictable. 
Friendlies can turn quickly hostile, and 
vice vei The 1918 influenza viri 2 
horrifying example. It first appeared їп 
Kansas that March as a mild headache- 
and-fever illness—a three-day flu. But it 
returned that fall in a deadly new form, 
striking both in Boston and in the trench- 
es of the Western Front. It became pan- 
demic—a worldwide epidemic—scorch- 
ing its way swiftly around the globe, 
illing by some estimates more than 20 
million people. In just a few months, it 
slaughtered the same number of victims 
that AIDS killed in two decades. 

The 1918 virus attacked the lungs, 
and it wasn'ta pretty death. Victims basi- 
cally suffocated. “Your face turns a dark 
brownish purple,” writes New York Times 
reporter Gina Kolata in Flu: The Story of 
the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and 
the Search for the Virus That Caused H. “You 


tically gasp for "breath. A blood tinged 

bubbles out of your mouth. You 
die—by drowning, actually—as your 
lungs fill with a reddish fluid.” 

Because it was wartime, rumors among 
the Allies held that the deadly bugs were 
in aspirin made by Bayer, a German 
company. Or that the crew of a German 
U-boat had crept into Boston Harbor 
and released the disease. In i 
strain of the annual flu that had mutat 
a new and hideous way. The s 
appeared as abrupdy as it arrived. And 
te elaborate attempts to get a good 
sample of the virus (from frozen corps- 
es of its victims and other means), what 
made it so deadly remains an enigma. 


‘The word virus derives from the Latin 
for “venom,” which fits its character—if 


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a tiny, faceless, inexorably reproducing 
zombie can be said to have character. 
Viruses remarkably different from 
other disease-causing agents. 

They are highly infectious through 
airborne contact—the most dangerous 
threat to public health. Many viral infec- 
tions are still untreatable. For one thing, 
it's difficult to kill a virus without killing 
the cell in which it’s hiding. Vaccines ral- 
ly the troops of your immune system be- 
fore a virus gains a beachhead in your 
body—but only if they are matched to 
a known virus. New viruses can usually 
have their way with you. And the t 
about vi s is that they change—and 
become new—very quickly. 

What significantly increases the dan- 
ger today is that old viruses are joined by 
so many new comrades. Greatly expand- 
ed air travel and other advances have 
made it easier for viruses to hitch a quick 
ride from continent to continent in the 
body of an unwitting host. 

The Lassa virus, a lethal hemorrhagic- 
fever virus, first appeared in 1969 in ar- 
eas of Nigeria and Liberia that had been 
opened to tin and diamond mining. Ma- 
chupo, or the Bolivian hemorrhagic- 
fever virus, first showed up during 1965 

in an isolated area where agriculture ex- 
panded after land reform in the Fifties. 
Junin, the Argentinian hemorrhagic- 
fever virus, broke out after corn-growing 
practices changed in the pampas around 
1950. The Oropouche virus got its first 
exposure to human hosts in 1960 af- 
ter Brazil cut a road through the jungle, 
connecting the coast with the new capi- 
tal, Brasilia. Within a year, 11,000 peo- 
ple were infected 

Korean hemorrhagic fever, caused by 
a hantavirus, a virus family that is car- 
ried by rodents, was first identilied as a 
new disease among United Nations sol- 
diers fighting in rural areas during the 
Korean War, Related hantaviruses were 
then found in Russia, Scandinavia, Eu- 
rope and, in 1993, in the southwestern 
United States. 

Many of our wors ses are the new 
arrivals. HIV apparently leaped species 
from monkey to man only recently. As 
far as we know, the first two strains of 
Ebola—Zaire and Sudan—started killing 
in 1976. Ebola Reston first showed up in 
1989 among lab monkeys near Washing- 
ton, D.C. Another version of Ebola near- 
ly killed a Swiss researcher working with 
chimpanzees on the Ivory Coast in 1994. 

“This isn't exactly what we meant when we said 
we wanted io swap." 

The latest viruses to jump from ani- 
mals to man include the Hendra virus, 
carried by fruit bats. It infected 20 horses 
and three humans in 1994, killing two 
men in Australia. In 1998 and 1999, a 
close relative of Hendra, the Nipah virus, 
jumped from pigs to humans in ^ 
and Singapore, 

Virulence is the measure of how good 
a virus is at making you sick. Life's 
meaning for a virus, as for us, is to eat 

to embed into another organism and 
to make that organism make copi 
it,” notes David Ropeik, 
communication at the Harvard Center 
for Risk Analysis. " That's what it does. It 
doesn't eat, doesn't crap, doesn't have 
sex." But viruses can live only briefly 
outside a host's body or in a similar en- 
vironment. Some might lie in wait in 
mouse feces, like the hantaviruses, or be 
carried for a while in mosquitoes. But 
they can't hang out by themselves on a 
toilet seat. 

If you become the host for an ordi- 
nary flu virus, for instance, you sneeze— 
spreading the virus to friends and col- 
leagues. If you host Ebola, the blood that 
eventually wells out of your mouth, 
nose, eyes and other orifices—what's 
known as black vomit—is a river of virus. 
A sick person surrounded by other po- 
tential hosts helps viruses procreate and 
move on. That's why many viruses do 
well in big cities. 

"Humans are at unparalleled densi 
ties," says Edward Allen Herre, a staff 
scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Re- 
search Institute in Panama. "And if any 
one living thing becomes too common, it 
becomes an incr gly easy target for 
devastating diseases. If you have one 
host lined up side by side with anothi 
genetically and physiologically very 
ilar, if not identical—it's extremely easy 
for a disease to make the jump from one 
host to the next. From the viral view of 
the world, this is a lush carpet of food.” 

Herre spends most of h 
Barro Colorado Island, a nature reserve 
and research site in Gatun Lake, in the 
Panama Canal. An evolutionary biologist, 
he studies what n 

When living entities (humans or 
es) reproduce, we don't make exact cop- 
ies of ourselves. The next generation is 
always different. These mutations typi- 
cally occur in a gradual drift and, even 
among viruses, usually don't cause prob- 
lems. Ifa hosts immune system has seen 
pretty much the same virus before and 
has built up antibodies—the in-house 
disease fighters—the host can handle 
small variations. 

But viruses can be especially sloppy at 
reproduction. And they replicate quick- 
ly. Sometimes viruses undergo a bigger 
change, a revolutionary moment called 

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an antigenic shift, that spawns a different 
version of the beast. An antigenic shift can 
blindside the host's immune system. leav. 
ing it completely vulnerable. Many be- 
lieve that's what happened with the 1918 
flu virus. 

Asa parasite, a virus takes its nutrition 
from the host's cells. The more nutrients 
it takes, the more virulent it is—eventu- 
ally destroying cells and causing disease. 
In an extreme case, the virus does so 
mage that it kills the host 
us must strike a balance to sur- 
vive. IF it reproduces so fast that it quick- 
ts host, there had better be 
arby—or that version of 
mitted and the 
disease outbreak stops. Ebola e, the 
most deadly of its group, is an example 
of that process. Highly infectious and 
with a fatality rate as high as 90 percent, 
this Ebola can devastate densely popu- 
lated sites, such as hospitals. But then it 
often burns out when there are no more 
potential hosts. 

When attractive new hosts are few and 
far between, less virulent copies of the 
virus survive to reproduce—because 
they keep their present hosts alive until 
they get the chance to move on. 

If you're the host, your life can de- 
pend on this. Hosts bunched too close- 
ly together allow the most aggressive 
strain, the one that makes you most sick, 

to survive and move on. That virus mul- 
е crazy, bursting host cells, de- 
ssue. filling the host and all its 
› s with copies of itself. Mean 
viruses love crowds. 


In 1346, Tatar troops conquered Caf- 
fa, in present-day Ukraine, by catapult- 
ng the infectious corpses of plague vic- 
tims over the city walls. American and 
Soviet scientists carried out the most re- 
cent large-scale bioweapons-research ef- 
forts. Particularly popular among both 
sides after World War II was the virus 
responsible [or Venezuelan equine en- 
cephalitis. “It's exquisitely infectious by 
aerosol,” notes Peter Jahrling, a senior 
research scientist and advisor to the US 
Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland. “In fact 
it was probably the premiere bug dev 
oped by most offensive bioweaponeers 
Fort Detrick is home to the U.S. Army 
Medical Research Institute of Infectious 
Diseases. Until U.S. biowarfare research 
was officially ended in 1969, Fort Detrick 
was the U.S. Army's biowarfare center. 

The Soviets kept quiet and kept going 
Ken Alibek, formerly Kanatjan Alibekov, 
was first deputy chief of research and 
production for Biopreparat, the Soviet 
bioweapons program. Alibek, as head 
scientist, managed a research effort that 
spent as much as $1 billion a year and 

employed more than 30,000 scientists 
and technicians at its high point in the 
late Fighties. 

Biopreparat made weapons from an- 
thrax and other bacterial diseases. But 
the beuer weapon candidates in many 
cases were the familiar crew of viruses— 
smallpox, Marburg, Ebola, I 
dengue fever, Russian spring 
encephalitis, Machupo and Junin. After 
the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, 
when L.S. scientists saw the Rus: У 

andoned biowarfare manufacturing 
ies, they were surprised. “It really 
was a factory E 
ing,” recalls n Army ofli- 
cer who directed disease assessment at 
Fort Detrick and who now heads the 
CDC's effort to control viruses. 

Alibek defected to the U.S. in 1992 
and promptly disclosed that the Soviets 
had secretly brewed tons of weapons- 
grade smallpox virus. This revelation 
alarmed international health authorities 
and made the U.S. think twice about 
destroying its last specimens of stored 

Natural outbreaks of smallpox had 
been eliminated globally in a vaccination 
effort, and in 1979, the Global Commis- 
sion for the Certification of Smallpox 
Eradication declared that the disease 
was no longer a threat. A generation of 
children had gone without v 


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Supposedly, only two small samples of 
smallpox were being held under close 
guard—in Russia and at the CDC in At- 
lanta—and they were about to be cere- 
moniously destroyed. "This was for us 
an excellent reason to weaponize it,” Al- 
ibek noted in Biohazard, his book about 
Soviet bioweapons. The Soviet Union's 
enemies wouldn't know what hit them 
and would hz unity 

Today, ^ ident of Advanced 
Biosystems, a subsidiary of a Virginia- 
based company that develops medical de- 

fenses against biological weapons. "Un- 
fortunately, a majority of viruses could 
be used in biological weapons," Alibek 

says. For instance, the Soviets were work- 
ing on an Ebola weapon when he left the 
country, and in 1990 they had tested one 
based on Marburg hemorrhagic fever. 
"If it were wielded,” says Alibek, “М: 
burg would be one of the most horrify- 
ing biological weapons ever developed. 

Bioweapons this sophisticated can't be 
made in a bathtub. But genetic engi- 
neering has brought the complexities 
and costs within the reach of terrorist- 
group budgets. Meanwhile, benign 
gene-manipulation research could inad- 
vertently add to the threat. In January, 
for instance, it was reported that two 
Australian scientists genetically modified 
a virus in an effort to control mouse and 
rat populations. Instead of a mouse con- 
traceptive, they created a superlethal 
virus related to smallpox. The new virus 
is harmless to humans. But the tech- 
nique developed could make smallpox 
more virulent than it already is. 

In the early Nineties in Russia, it took 
only “a few million dollars” to make a 
in which Venezuelan equine en- 
is genes were inserted into small 
pox viruses, says Alibek. It could be 
equally inexpensive to produce a small 
pox weapon today—particularly with 
the guidance of experienced scientists 
and technicians, 

Which is why Jahrling and others 
from Fort Detrick have been traveling to 
as part of an intense U.S. effort to 
rk for former Biopreparat 
hey hope to prevent a dan- 
gerous brain drain—to keep these scien- 
tists from taking bioweapons jobs in, say, 
Iraq or North Korea, or with Osama bin 
Laden, or from simply selling an ampule 
of smallpox. No one seems to know what 
happened to those tons of Soviet small 
mple. “A determined 
can always get a virus out of a fa 
says Jahrling, who visited the So- 
viet smallpox facility. “The only appar- 
ent security was one pimply-faced kid 
who looked about 14 and had a Kalash- 
nikov rifle." 

But the U.S. can't begin to 
the former bioweapons sci 
the strategy has been to go in and select 
the best and the brightest," says Jahr- 
ling. “We tell them, "You're the ones 

mploy all 


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who can help us with our problems— 
and, by the way, you're the ones who 
we're most worried about migrating to 
Iraq and showing Saddam how to make 
a bigger and better bug.” 


ssault would be diffi- 
cult to spot at first. The microbes would 
be secretly released in an urban subway, 
or in the cabin of a commercial 
or from a private plane miles up: 
a packed sports stadium. 

As long as 10 days after the terroi 
had escaped, local clinics would fill with 
patients bringing familiar compl: 
upper respiratory infections and muscle 
pain, coughing, fever. Particularly in 
ih care workers would 
say it was the start of a bad flu season. No 
one would order sophisticated tests. Most 
physicians and lab technicians have nev- 
er seen the viruses that would be used, 
except perhaps in textbook examples. In 
any case, tests to detect viruses are hard- 
er to perform successfully than those for 

Last year, a Pennsylvania doctor as- 

sessed how likely his colleagues would be 
to diagnose smallpox if they saw it. He 
described the symptoms and showed 
photos of the distinctive smallpox blis- 
ters. Only one doctor out of 17 recognized. 
the disease. The others guessed lupus, 
toxic shock syndrome or other ailments. 

But in a bioweapons attack, many 
patients wouldn't recover from their 
flu. Emergency rooms and intensive 
care units would soon be overflowing, 
as many victims slipped into shock and 
died. Meanwhile, more new patients 
would show up. The biowarfare siege 
would be under way. 

Bioweapons— particularly virus-based 
concoctions—worry many emergency 
planners more than terrorist explosions 
or chemical attacks do. Casualties from 

A bioweapo 

the latter can overpower a local health 
care system. Bioweapons like anthrax, 
spread through inhalation of bacteria 
spores, can be fatal. But they're basically 
bombs, onctime events. Emergency mea- 
sures can catch up. 

Viral weapons—contagious from hu- 
man to human—could create more vic- 
ums week after week in a diabolical 
process called sustained transmission. 
That's why, in some scenarios, biowar- 
rs would prefer to use a virus like 
smallpox to one like Ebola. Smallpox 
kills about 30 percent of the humans it 
infects, leaving 70 percent to spread the 
disease. Ebola, with a 90 percent fatality 
rate, is less likely to leave enough victims 
ve to keep an epidemic going. 
If your objective is to quickly inflict 
the maximum number of casualties, 
Ebola is probably the weapon to use,” 
says Jahrling. “And, unlike smallpox, 
which might turn around and bite you in 
the ass, Ebola would probably burn itself 

ut.” That is, smallpox released in the 
5. could easily spread back to the re- 
leaser. “I've never quite understood,” 
Jahrling muses, “why the Russians invest 
in things against which they can't protect 
their own people." 


Bioweapons in the hands of terror- 
ist groups became real when the Japa- 
nese cult Aum Shinrikyo released poison 
gas in a Tokyo subway in 1995, killing 
12 commuters and injuring more than 
5500. In the criminal trials that followed, 
cult members said they'd also made nine 
attempts to spread anthrax and botu- 
linum, releasing their genetically engi- 
neered bugs from the back of a van and 
off a building roof. Neither weapon was 
virulent enough to cause harm. They 
had also traveled to Zaire, but failed to 

bring Ebola back to their lab to make a 

"Before you get any ideas, I'd just like to tell you that 
we're all married.” 

ia, Cuba, China, Libya. 
Iran, Bulgaria, India, Үйіп 


Alibek be- 
lieves that most nations that support ter- 

rorism either have them or are trying to 
get them. 
“The CDC is obyiously interested 

more and more in bioterrorism, 
LeDuc. And the U. 
fight smallpox again. 
$343 million contract 
a Massachusetts-based biotech company, 
tobi a national stockpile of 40 million 
doses of a new smallpox vaccine. Acam- 
bis hopes its vaccine will be approved in 
about four years. 

Other U.S. preparations are in the 
works. Operation Topoff was a four-day 
simulated bioweapons attack on Denver 
last year. Bureaucrats and the staffs of 
three Denver hospitals were told that 
terrorists had secretly released a highly 
infectious airborne version of the plague 
a Denver performing arts center. By 
the end of the third day, authorities 
had counted 3700 plague cases in seven 
states—and 950 “deaths.” 
he attack “quickly overwhelmed the 
available resources," reported Richard 
Hoffman and Jane Norton, two Colora- 
do Department of Public Health staflers, 
in the CDC publication Emerging Infec- 
tious Diseases. 
lar results were found by two re- 
searchers at the Henry timson Cen- 
ter, a Washington D.C. 
The center surveyed local emergency 
and public health officials around the 
country and released a report last Octo- 
ber called Ataxia: The Chemical and Biolog- 
ical Terrorism Threat and the U.S. Response. 
The word ataxia gives you a hint of what 
they found. It’s Greek for “confusior 

The report urged politicians 
their teeth and fund disaster prepared- 
ness over the long term." It also found 
that emergency personnel often had bet- 
ter ideas than their national counter- 
parts. One suggestion: To limit person- 
to-person contact in an infectious-di 
attack, health workers could distribute 
drugs and vaccines from the drive-by 
windows of fast-food restaurants. 

. is preparing to 
The C DC has a 


New viruses emerge all over the earth. 
But virus watchers keep their eyes 
trained on China, Southeast Asia and the 

midsection of Africa. One prominent re- 
gion on the map begins with the Rift Val 
ley in Kenya, moves west to Uganda and 
‚ Viruses that 

Sudan, and then to Zai 
include E 

HIV, O'nyong- 
а to 
ч and Ivory 
Ebola popped up in West Africa 

ou look at the origination sites for 
the filosiruses, for instance—Marburg 
and the Ebolas—they re all within seven 
degrees of the equator,” says Jabrling, 

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who himself discovered Ebola Reston in 
1989 after it arrived at his Fort Detrick 
office in a styrofoam picnic basket, leak 
ing big red blotches of blood from mon- 
keys at a nearby test site onto his carpet. 
The monkeys it had infected and killed 
had originated in Africa 

New influenzas have different origins. 
Virologists believe that recent influenza 
pandemics have come from southern 
China, where farmers, birds and pigs 
live in unusually close proximity. Bird 
viruses can be particularly damaging to 
humans, but they don't normally jump. 
rectly to us. Bird viruses often 
infect pigs, however. And pigs can host 
both bird and human influenza viruses. 
Many believe the pigs act as mixing ves- 
sels for each year's new human influenza 
rains. And by fall the annual flu season 
is in progress worldwide. 

“If you had a flu epidemic now in a 
vulnerable population as dense as New 
York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chica- 
go, Moscow, London—it would be hor- 
predicts Herre, the Smithsoni- 
an ecologist. “In two or three years we 
could have something as bad as the 1918 
flu—probably worse.” 

So each year, a vast international net- 
work tracks new flu virus strains. In the 
U.S., a committee of the Food and Drug 
ion picks the three it expects 
to do the most damage in this country. 
Vaccines against them constitute your 
annual flu shot. In spite of this, about 
20,000 Americans die each year from 
complications of influenza. 

Meanwhile, other v es are on the 
move. “My job is to investigate exotic 
hemorrhagic fevers and to quickly shoot 
them down by whatever mechanism pos- 
sible,” says Ali Khan, an epidemiologist 
who has spent the past decade traveling 
to areas of disease outbreaks around the 
world as a member of the CDC's Epi- 
demic Intelligence Service 

Earlier this year, Khan went to Ugan- 
da to help shut down the latest outbreak 
of Ebola. Last fall, he spent almost 12 
weeks in Saudi Arabia and Yemen on 
what he considers a far more unsettling 
case—the first epidemic of Rift Valley 
fever to jump the Red Sea 

“Itsa real big deal that Rift has moved 
to Saudi Arabia,” says Khan. “It's the 
first evidence of Rift off the African con- 
tinent.” This has the attention of both 
health care and livestock experts. Rilt is 
highly contagious through mosquitoes 
But people who handle or slaughter in- 
fected animals can also be infected di- 
rectly. Rift is a rancher's nightmare, 
ing almost every young sheep, cow, goat, 
buffalo and camel it infects, and causing 
pregnant animals to abort. Most humans 
don't know they've picked up Rift. Some 
will have severe flulike symptoms. And 
about one percent of infected people will 
die of hemorrhagic fever, encephalitis 
or acute hepatitis. 

Khan predicts that Rift Valley feve 
it makes it to the U.S., will be disastrous, 
particularly to our monoculture live- 
stock—all those identical hosts chewing 
their cud in the field together. Hosts 
packed together can increase virulence. 

“West Nil 
a good thin 
led to a bunch of dead crows a 
ful of sick or dead people. Rift would be 
very different if it were introduced here. 
1t would have a major economic impact 
оп us, obviously. And it would infect a lot 
more people—we're talking millions." 


We're only now learning how much 
harm familiar, as well as new, viruses can 
cause. For instance, many of us don't re- 
alize that some viruses cause cancer. Yet 
researchers agree that human papillo- 
mavirus is the leading cause of cervical 
cancer in women and anal cancer in 
men. And as Paul Ewald, an evolution 
ary biologist at Amherst College, the Na- 
tional Cancer Institute and others point 
out, that is only the beginning. Over the 
past quarter century, medical research- 
ers have found that viruses also produce 
specific varieties of leukemia, liver can- 
cer, nasopharyngeal cancer, Kaposi's sar- 
coma, lung cancer and brain cancer. In 
Plague Time: How Stealth Infections Cause 
Cancers, Heart Disease and Other Deadly 
Ailments, Ewald also describes tentative 
nks between viruses and other chror 
s. including Alzheimer's, au- 
tism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, 
Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis 
breast cancer, some type-II diabete: 
some arthritises, stroke, colon cancer 
and cancer of the penis. 

Does this mean we could someday 
take vaccines against cancer, heart d 
ease, Alzheimer's? Not likely, says Ewald 
Vaccines, he contends, have almost all 
been unsuccessful in the long run—with 
smallpox the one big exception. The 
smallpox virus was contained іп part 
itis transmitted only human to 
ап. By vaccinating everyone in the 
world, all hosts were eliminated. 

“IF you can eradicate an organism, do 
it,” Ewald agrees. He believes that vac- 
cines could still wipe out measles and po- 
lio. But for most viruses, he contends, 
vaccines aren't the answer. Viruses mu- 
tate too successfully, making end runs 
around the vaccines, leaving only the 
viruses that now pose such a big 
threat. We need "evolutionary literacy,” 
Id says—a focus on smart vaccines 
and other measures that lowe 

too. And so you have this ext 
dance through time, between ev 
ing hosts and eve: 


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Edward Burns 

(continued from page 138) 
That hurt. Sometimes they're turning 
films around quickly—even big movies 
that are successful. We held on to one 
screen in New York with McMullen for 
almost six months. It would be pretty 
cool to get a shelf one day. 1 just hope 
that 25 years from now there will be 
somebody saying that this guy had a 
point of view, that he told stories and 
had he not been here, we would not 
have heard about or seen these people. 


PLAYBOY: Аз a former Hamptons land- 
scaper, do you give Spielberg advice on 
which plants and shrubs flourish in east- 
ern Long Island’s salt air? 

BURNS: I was a landscaper for three sum- 
mers, and all I did was mow lawns. Un- 
fortunately, Spielberg never asked me to 
mow his. I didn't meet him until the day 
before we were shooting Private Ryan 
My agent called and said, “Eddie wants 
to play Reiben." I had been getting pret- 
ty consistent acting offers since Mc- 
Mullen, but 1 had no interest in being an 
actor. We'd had such a tough time rais- 
ing money for Nc Looking Back, every- 
body was telling me 1 should take some 
acting gigs, because then my star would 
rise, my name would mean more, espe- 
cially overseas, and it would be easier to 
raise money for the next smaller, more 
personal film I wanted to direct. I told 
Spielberg | had this dream to make 
something of the Irish American Godfa- 
ther sct against the police department. 
He pushed me to write that cop moy- 

ie script, telling me that’s the film 1 had 
to make. He's another guy who has 
been great to me. He gave me a deal at 


PLAYBOY: The Hamptons have always 
been a favorite haunt of the wealthy, and 
summer residents such as Steven Spiel- 
berg and Alec Baldwin—plus those occa- 
visits from Bill and Hillary—have 
d the area's profile even more. Isn't 
the traffic murder out on eastern Long 
Island these days? 

BURNS: I've never complained about that 
crowd. If you know the back roads and 
you're not into the chichi crowd, you'll 
never run into those people. I spent 
every summer of my life out there. We 
did two weeks in Montauk every sum- 
mer, whether it was the State Park or 
Shepherd's Neck or the Briney Breezes 
on Old Montauk Highway, a big cop va- 
cation hotel. In college you'd rent a 
place with four of your buddies. You'd 
all live in one room and sleep on the 
floor, get a job busing tables or landsca 
ing. I bused tables for two summer: 
a restaurant up on Three Mile Harbor 
Road. There are no beaches as beautiful 
as those in the Hamptons. It’s got great 
fishing. So go to the beach, go fishing 
and stop complaining 


PLAYBOY: Compare the fishing in Jamaica 
Bay off Kennedy Airport with the deep 
blue Atlantic off Montauk, Long Island. 
burns: No difference if you go for floun- 
der. A couple summers ago 1 started go- 

“It seemed the least I could do, so I promised my people 
a wonderful afterlife.” 

ing out of Montauk for striper 
fish. The last weekend ирим, we'd 
go out for midnight blues on big par- 
ty boats. Now me and my dad and my 
brother go out with a smaller charter. We 
get a little sun, take a 
beer, catch a couple of fish, bi 
home and throw them on the barbeque. 
We're not serious anglers. We're serious 
drinkers. 1 can clean fish, but I'd rather 
have the mate do it. Гт a litle sloppy. 


PLAYBOY: What's with Ed Burns and De- 
troit iro 
BURNS: I'm into Am an muscle cars 
I've got a 1968 Cutlass with a 454-cu- 
bic-inch engine. 1 garage it in Jersey. In 
the summer, the roof never goes up. In 
my neighborhood, when I was in gram- 
mar school, all the cool older guys had 
cool cars, so that’s what you wanted. In 
high school 1 bought a Skylark convert- 
ible with a 350 for $750. But ìt was a to- 
tal piece of crap. 1 love those old cars, 
but I'm not a gearhead at all. I can 
change the spark plugs, but I put in a 
carburetor once and that was a disaster. 


PLAYBOY: We understand Edd “Kookie” 
Byrnes made a complaint to the Screen 
Actors’ Guild about your using the name 
Ed Burns. Did he really feel he'd be mis- 
taken for the writer and director of The 
Brothers McMullen? 

BURNS: Yeah. He made the complaint. 
There's some question of 
even though we spell our names differ- 
ently, I officially have to be Edward. 
Which makes my mother vi 
met Edd last year for th 
looks good. He still needs a comb. 


PLAYBOY: Commitment has been a major 
theme in your films, yet you've dodged 
the bullet so far. Are you a beacon of 

BURNS: There's a great quote from Dawn 
Powel The greatest regret in life is to 
reach old age and never have found a 
love great enough to command fidelity.” 
So that is what 1 strive for. 


PLAYBOY: Discovering the * 
you've put it—of another guy in the sack 
ith one's wife or girlfriend is sure to be 
disconcerting. Can you offer advice on 
how to behave should any of us be so 
brazenly cuckolded? 

BURNS: That would be a tough one. For- 
tunately, I have never in my life come 
across the hairy ass. Depending upon 
whether I'd come from a bar or not, you 
could have two outcomes. One, 1 leave. 
The other, he's out the window. 

y ass"—as 


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(continued from page 154) 
a couple of hit singles in the process. 

It also made powerhouses of its two 
producers, who followed it with another 
enormous hit, Beverly Hills Cop, then the 
juggernaut Top Gun, a film that many see 
as the ultimate expression of the Simp- 
ic: “men bond- 
t. The mo: 
ies were hits, and they were relentlessly 
promoted by hit songs, using the then- 
nascent MTV to help establish the prod- 
uct and market the films. “Before Don 
and Jerry, most of the big soundtracks 
came from movies about music," s; 
Kathy Nelson, who negotiated a clause 
in her Universal Pictures deal that allows 

her to continue working with Bruck- 
heimer. “But Jerry always w c 
to be importan 
movies weren't about music. They were 
huge in making soundtrac 
ing marketing tools that the: 

Simpson and Bruckheimer had be- 
come the power producers of the de- 
cade, and they were not shy about 
flaunting their power. The two men sat 
at a large U-shaped desk in their oflice 
on the Paramount lot, bought identical 
black Ferraris and black Mustang con- 
es and hired a pair of twins as 

Despite their matching cars and iden- 
tical twin secretaries, though, the two 
men were in some ways polar opposites. 
Simpson threw out ideas and dictated 


“Last chance for premarital sex!” 

perceptive 40-page script memos during 
drug-fueled binges; Bruckheimer han- 
dled the details his partner couldn't be 
bothered mpson was the creative 
sed problems, Bruck- 
mer the diplomatic organizer who 

Bruckheimer was known to have a lively 
bachelor pad in Laurel Canyon between 
the end of his first marriage and the time 
he began a relationship with his current 
wife, Linda. But for the most part, he 
was considered the sane member of the 
team, the one who held the fort when 
Simpson's excesses made the producer 
unreliable or unreachable. 

“Don was a hysterical guy, and also 
very smart, but he was constantly stir- 
ring the pot," says Michael n whom 
Simpson and Bruckheimer hired to di- 
rect a music video and later Bad Boys. 
“Jerry would watch over Don to make 
sure the pot wouldn't get too stirred.” 

In 1990 Paramount Pictures signed 
the pair to an unprecedented and over- 
hyped production deal that gave them 
$300 million to make five movies over 
five years—and that's when things went 
sour. Days of Thunder barely made back 
its production costs, badly damaging 
both the Simpson-Bruckheimer aura of 
invincibility and their relationship with 
the studio. The five-picture deal that 
had been heralded as a “visionary al- 
liance" ended four years and four mov- 
ies prematurely, as Simpson and Bruck- 
heimer left Paramount and signed a 
smaller, nonexclusive deal with Disney. 

But Disney was shying away from big- 
budget films, and for three years Simp- 
son and Bruckheimer didn't get a single 
movie into production. “We were ham- 
pered by a writers’ strike that went on 
for a long time,” Bruckheimer says, re- 
ferring to the five-month strike in 1988. 
“So we couldn't get our material going. 
And we were also negotiating out of. 
Paramount, and we didn't want to put 
things in development because we knew 
they would be stuck there.” He shrugs. 
“And the truth is, Don n't want to 
work. After we had been at Disney for 
about a year and a half, 1 went to him 
and said, ‘Look, I'm going to make mov- 

You want to be part of it?” 
impson said he did, and what fol- 
lowed was an unexpected winning streak: 
The Michelle Pfeiffer drama Dangerous 
Minds and Tony Scott's sub adventure, 
Crimson Tide, were both hits for Disney in 
1995, while Bad Boys, with Will Smith 
and Martin Lawrence, became Colum- 
bia Pictures’ biggest hit of the y 

Even though Simpson and Bruckhei- 
mer had regained their commercial 
ept spinning out of con- 
ling in and out of rehab and deal- 
ing with his physical decline through 
frequent s to the plastic surgeon, he 
left more and more of the business to his 


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partner. By the time The Rock went into 
production in late 1995, Bruckheimer 
was reportedly doing all the work. In 
December of that year, the partnership 
was officially dissolved—a breakup, says 
Bruckheimer, largely intended to send a 
message to Simpson 
You're dealing with a partner you've 
had since 1983, somebody who's your 
best friend, somebody you care about a 
lot," he says. " But it's somebody who al- 
so has a lot of problems. So after talking 
to a number of doctors—not his doctors, 
but doctors who deal in the area where 
he had a problem—they said, "The only 
thing you can do to wake him up is take 
away what he likes the most.” I was hop- 
ing that if I dissolved the partnership, he 
would look in the mirror and say, "Wait a 
second, I'm doing the wrong thing." He 
sighs. “It didn't quite work out that way.” 
In January 1996, a month after the of- 
ficial announcement of the split, Don 
Simpson died of heart failure brought 
on by what the Los Angeles county coro- 
ner would later call the "combined ef- 
fects of multiple drug intake.” “I don't 
think anybody could have stopped him,” 
says Bruckheimer. “He certainly had the 
money and the wherewithal to deal with 
his problems, and he did it at certain 
points in his life. But he had gone too 
far, and he couldn't come back." 
Bruckheimer got the news as he was 
about to leave for a Friday afternoon 
meeting at Disney. "You think for years 
you'll be getting that phone call," he 
says, "but when it happens it's still a big 
shock. He had survived so many close 
calls, and we felt he was trying to come 
back at that point. But his body was too 
deteriorated. He abused it too much.” 

“I feel the need, the need for speed.” — 
Maverick and Goose, from Top Gun 

One of the reasons Bruckheimer has a 
trademark name in Hollywood is that all 
of his movies tend to look alike—regard- 
less of whom the actual director is, In 
fact, a visit to the set of Gone in 60 Seconds 
makes the pecking order abundantly 
clear. The director's chair reads: a JERRY 

Sena, a commercial director working 
on only his second feature (his first hav- 
ing been the unsuccessful Kalifornia), 
was in many ways a typical Bruckheimer 
director: Coyote Ugly's David McNally 
was a t-timer, while Remember the Ti- 
lans' helmer, Boaz Yakin, had two Іші 
seen features to his credit. On the se 
Sena had a hard time sitting still until 
the first take ended and Bruckheimer 
began to make quiet suggestions. Then 
Sena leaned forward as the producer 
kept talking, “Yeah,” Sena said. “Yeah 
right . . . yeah. . .. That would be good, 
that's a pretty cool way to handle it. 
Yeah... yeah . . . that's воой..." 

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"Then again, at least Sena had Bruck- 
heimer on hand. One crew member who 
worked on Coyote Ugly remembers that 
experience as “the most frustrating set 
I've ever been on. Every time we fin- 
ished a take, the director got on the 
phone to see what Bruckheimer wanted 
to do next. Usually, you either move on 
or you do it again—but on that set, we 
sat around and waited for Jerry to come 
to the phone.” 

Critics have been suggesting as much 
for years. The Village Voice has said, “Jer- 
ry Bruckheimer . . . lords over what is 
now the most emblematic of Hollywood. 
summer styles: the demolition-derby im- 
th blockbuster- 
as-bazookas like The Rock and Arma- 
geddon." A Los Angeles Times review of 
Remember the Titans cited Bruckheimer in 
the headline and devoted the first three 
paragraphs to him before its sole paren- 
thetical mention of director Boaz Yakin. 
The implications are clear: Sena and Me- 
Nally and Yakin (or even bigger-name 
Bruckheimer directors like Michael Bay 
and Tony Scott) may be calling "action" 
and “cut,” but Jerry is calling the shots. 

“That's not really true, and it's kind of 
unfair,” says Bruckheimer. “I choose the 
directors based on a combined vision. 
It's not my vision over theirs. The reason 
the pictures have a similar look and feel 
is the choices we make in putting them 
together. It's not that we force the direc 
tor to go a certain way. He's already 
there. That's the reason we chose him.” 

Surprisingly, Titans wound up as the 
gest of Bruckheimer's three movies 
year; Gone in 60 Seconds and Coy- 
ote Ugly were viewed in many quarters 
as box-office disappointments, though 
Bruckheimer refuses to concede that 
point. Titans, he says, “is a $100 million 
movie, did a fortune ov s and isa 
big success," while the others "were small 
movies that did over $60 million each— 
quite an accomplishment for pictures 
with nobody you'd ever heard of.” 

He's been known to phone critics who 
he feels have misread his intentions or 
impugned his motives. But mostly, he 
tries to stay above the fray. Sure, he's 
read the scathing reviews of his work 
over the years. He knows 
been called “happy horseshit,” 
oidal asininity," "profound inanity," “ge- 
neric tough-guy twaddle," “colossal and 

“One reviewer called Flashdance a tox- 
ic waste dump, then about five or six 
years later rereviewed the picture and 
ner says. “At 
the time, Beverly Hills Cop didn't get 
good reviews, Top Gun didn’t get good 
reviews, but when they're referred to lat- 
er on, they're called ‘well reviewed." It's 
bizarre. But had 1 gotten great reviews 
and nobody showed up, we wouldn't be 
sitting in this big office. What's impor- 
tant to the people who put up the mon- 
cy for these pictures is, do they perforn 
So far they've performed. And that 
lows me to keep making movies.” 



possible actors’ and writers’ si 
multancously shooting three f 
low-budget comedy Down and Under is 
filming in Australia, director Ridley 
fe military drama Black 
in Morocco and the Anthony 
ris Rock comedy Black Sheep 
in Prague. "With Pearl Harbor linishi 
here, we'll be on three continent 
says. “ГЇ be running around a lot.” 

Meanwhile, Bruckheimer's televi 
department prepares to launch an 
around-the-world reality show over the 
summer, while CS/ continues production 
on the outskirts of Los Angeles County. 
On that series, which deals with forensic 

i a star William 
heimer ex- 
pects good work but doesn't dictate the 
style or substance of the show. 

“Jerry is a reserved, introspective, efli- 
cient producer,” Petersen say: 
staunch in what he believes in. But he 
loves artists. If a designer or a compos- 
er or an actor or a writer comes to him, 
he doesn't say, "This is what I want. He 
says, "What can you show me that will 
make me happy?" 

In his office Bruckheimer reminisces 
about another recent trip, a USO tour 
he took over the Christmas holiday to 
Bosnia, Kosovo, a carrier off the coast of 
Naples and an Air Force base in Ger- 
many. He accompanied John Glenn, 
Terry Bradshaw, Ernie Banks, Jewel and 
former U.S. Secretary of Defense Wil- 
liam Cohen. During the trip he showed 
the troops the Pearl Harbor trailer and 
gave a short speech—and, he says w 
larger-than-usual smile, met his public. 
s where I get my gratification,” 

, "from the kids who want you to 
autograph Top G со boxes, or tell 
you that they Armageddon once a 
month. The people 1 make movies for 
love what we do. The critics might not 
like it, but the public love: 

And, in the end, Bruckheimer i 
with calm certainty that he's still an in- 
secure guy hoping that people like his 
“That's what drives me to suc- 
” he says. “Otherwise, I'd be in Ha- 
sipping mai tais. I don't do it for the 
money anymore. It's the fun of doing it. 
1 love films, I love the process, I love the 
people I work with, I love the creativity 
of it. 1 get real joy and pleasure out of 
creating these things and watching peo- 
ple being entertained by them. That's 
my greatest thrill: standing in the back of 
the theater and watching people being 
moved by what you've created—by what 
you've forced through the system.” 

“Well, I'm one of those fortunate people 
who like my job, sir. Got my first chemistry set 
when 1 was seven, blew my eyebrows off, we 
never saw the cat again, been into it ever 
since. " — Stanley Goodspeed, from The Rock 

Would you like to own a T-shirt 

worn by Jodi Ann Paterson? A Flax- 
en comic book starring Susie Owens? 


Жу ÚN 

Jonet Pil- 
Leh: Jodi Ann 
is howking everything from o Rob- 
bit Heod T-shirt she's warn to o limited edition 
PMOY cor. It's oll outogrophed, of course. 

Recent nude photos of Helena An- 
tonaccio? On, each Play- 
mate's personal page includes a mar- 
ketplace where all you superfans can 
purchase unique, autographed items. 
“Jodi Ann has the widest range of 
products in her marketplace,” says 
Kelly Berryman, Playmate Relations 

“My vibrator and I have be- 
come very close, I like clitoral 
stimulation. I use pocket rockets. 
They're so little that I lose them. 
1 have a collection of five now." 

—Nichole Van Croft 

"I've been married twice and 
never had kids. To be honest, I 
became addicted to diet pills and 
lost a large part of my life. Now 
I'm 60. I'm a clown. I'm always 
pulling pranks on people." 

—Nancy Crowford 

Supervisor, who produces 24 person- 
al pages a year. "She offers her Octo- 
ber 1999 and PMOY issues, foreign 
editions, videos, posters and the Ze- 
brahead CD cover on which she ap- 
pears." Janet Pilgrim's marketplace. 

titled Fanfare, includes autographed 
shots from her three Playmate ap- 
pearances as well as rare promotional 
photos. Fans are also flocking to Lisa 
Dergan's marketplace, which includes 
Rabbit Head golf balls. 


Contrary to popular belief, not ev- 
ery Playmate goes Hollywood. We 
spoke to Miss September 1980 Lisa 
(Welch) Semler, who lives in Malibu 
but prefers country sunsets to the Sun- 
set Strip. “I live on a ranch and sell 
hand-painted images to greeting card 
companies,” Lisa says. “Over the past 
three years, we have planted 35 acres 
of cabernet and 
merlot grapes. Last 
year, we made our 
first wine. It will 
age for two years 
in oak barrels. 
We're also bot- 
tling a chardon- 
nay that we hope 
to put on the mar- 
ket soon. It's la- 
beled Saddlerock, 
after the name of 
our ranch. The 
ranch also features horse boarding 
and avocado farming. It's used for 
weddings and movie shoots. The tele- 


Miss June 1961 Heidi Becker 
was so popular that she made ed- 
itors’ and readers’ 
lists of the top 10 
Playmates from 
our first decade. 

Heidi is still revel- 

ing in the Center- 

fold experience. 

“Once in a while 

I look at the pic- 

tures," Heidi says. 

“I feel good about 

them. I wouldn't 

do anything dif- 

ferently.” But 

that's not to say 

she doesn't have 

a sense of humor - 
about getting old- Heidi Becker. 
er. "It's nice to be remembered," 
she says. "I still get fan m 
One fan asked me to do a Play- 
mate video. I wrote the guy back 
and asked him if he knew of a 

good plastic surgeon!" 

vision show Falcon Crest used to be 
filmed here. These things, plus my 

six kids, keep me 
busy. I love it.” 


Anno Nicole Smith showed off plus-size Жімдес in Lane Bryant's New York fashion show. 
The event, which took place at Studio 54, was emceed by Stephen Baldwin and ended with 
performance by Aretho Franklin. “I love Aretha, but | don't think she likes me," An- 
no Nicole told the New York Daily News. "She gove me o dirty look.” Anna Nicole man- 
aged їо get plenty of respect from bosom buddy Roseanne (pictured) ond from cheering 
onlookers while she soshoyed down the catwalk, 

Laura Misch, Miss February 
1975, is a friend, so if I say any- 
one other than her she'll kill 
me. I met her when I was 19 or 

20 in New Orleans 

when we worked 
in the same restau- 
rant—I was a DJ, J 
she was a wait- y 
ress. She'd 
become a 
Playmate the 
year before. 
Then we 
drifted apart. 
She saw me on 
The Daily Show 
and called me. 

| June 14: Miss February 1989 
Simone Eden 

| June 15: Miss November 1977 

Rita Lee 

| June 15: Miss February 1998 
Julia Schultz 

June 20: Miss January 1997 

| ` Jami Ferrell 

June 30: Miss May 1981 
Gina Goldberg 


The movie Die! 
Die! Die!, starring 
Richard Grieco and 
Greg Evigan, is 
probably not on 
your must-see list, 
but can you guess 
which Playmate's 
legs are featured 
on the box art (left) 
for the film? How 
about Elke Jein- 
"sen's? Although she's not in the mov- 
ie, Elke lent her gams to the cause. 

Shauna Sand and her 
hubby, Lorenzo Lamas, Ё | 
are building a family 
faster than you can 
say Renegade: They ¿E 
welcomed their third 
daughter, Isabella 
(the other girls are 
Alexandra and Vic- 
toria). "My kids are 
a priority. I do the 

188 mommy thing and 


act, although not full-time," Shauna 

says. Will we ever see the Lamas 
daughters in prayoy? “I wouldn't 
mind if they posed," Shauna says. 
"Lorenzo would die. 1 mentioned it 
10 him and he was like, "Over my 
dead body! I'm locking them up and 
sending them to boarding school" 

Anna-Marie Goddard, our 40th An- 
niversary Playmate, hosted a bash at 
the Mansion. We called her for some 
behind-the-scenes dirt. 

Q: What was your favorite part of the 
A: I'm always being interviewed, so it 
was great reversing roles. I loved get- 
ting to talk to Hef more. I can usually 
only get in a “Hi, how are you?" be- 
cause he gets bombarded at partics. 
Q: Who were you dying to meet? 
A: Larry Elder. I'm 

"me -- a fan of his radio 

ESSAI show. 1 love his wit 
and brains. He was 

J incredibly cool. 

Q: We hear that you have a great 
singing voice. 

A: l've always enjoyed singing, and 
people have said I'm good at it. I'm 
working on getting into the music 
business. We'll see how it turns out. 
Q: What's the most recent place you 

A: All over the Yucatan peninsula—in 
the jungle. on the beaches and in 
the ruins. I'm an expert at getting 
away with public nudity. 1 do it with- 
out permits. In Cobá a group of tour- 
ists stumbled upon me when 1 was 
naked. I tried to cover up, but they 
said, "No, don't. We like it!” I guess it 
gave them something to talk about 
over their margaritas. 


Pamela Anderson and Marcus 
Schenkenberg have ended their 
romance, but their Iceberg cloth- 
ing ads (pictured) 

are still 
"I don't 

€ want to 

care of 
— any- 
one other than 
my kids,” Pam 
told London's 
Capital Ra- 
dio. . . . Mar- 
tha Smith, 
who played 
the cute soror- 
ity girl who ran around in her 
panties in Animal House, is ready 
to act again. "It's a good time for 
my age range,” she says. . .. Look 
for Julia Schultz as a gambler 
alongside Chris Tucker and 
Jackie Chan in Rush Hour 2... 
Men around the 
world are mourn- 
ing the demise of 
Baywatch Hawaii, 
which stars PMOY 
Brande Roderick 
(shown here bak- 
ing cookies). The 
final episode airs 
the week of May 
21... . Carrie 
Stevens and Su- 
zanne Stokes (pic- 
tured) had a 
g'day promoting 
Girls Down Under at a trade show 
in Las Vegas. . . . Irina Voronina, 
Jessica Lee, Angel Boris, De- 
anna Brooks, Tishara Cousino, 
Kristi Cline and Corinna Har- 
ney joined Hef at Playboy's Mu- 
sic Awards party at the Hard 
Rock Hotel and Casino in Vegas. 
Sin City is still hungover. 

Corrie and Suzanne 
Dawn Under. 

Pam ond her ex. 




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owever you launch a summer vacation, you'll want to Master RC, an automatic 35mm camera that's waterproof to a 
outfit it right. For road trips use the hands-free Car Cell depth of 160 feet. It's dark down there, so don't forget SeaLife's 
Phone System by Sharper Image. The cradle turns your rubber-armored external flash. Tote or ship six bottles of your best 

cell phone into a speakerphone and in- 
cludes Hear-It-Again, a feature that can let you 
record phone calls in a 20-second loop for in- 
stant playback. Sony's portable PS one will keep 
your driving partner amused when she's not 
snoozing on your shoulder. Attach the PS one 
to InterAct's Mobile Monitor, and she can en- 
joy video games powered by the car's cigarette 
lighter outlet. If your summer travel involves time 
aboard your private yacht (or runabout), tote 
along Kristline Corp.'s Grill4All portable grill. It 
cooks in three modes (electric, charcoal and 
propane) and folds into its own carrying case. To 
capture the briny world there's SeaLife's Reef- 

Left, clockwise from top: Bounty Hunter's 
triple-insulated six-bottle wine safe ($200). 
For airplane reading there’s America From 
Space, an astronaut's view in 128 aerial 
Shots ($30). Pioneer's PDV-LC20 is the light- 
est portable DVD player available ($1550). 
Use it with Sennheiser's HDC 451 noise-re- 
ducing headphones ($200) and the DVD40 
Portfolio DVD carrying case by Targus ($30). 
Below: Kristline Corp.'s Grill4All portable 
grill for use on land and sea ($250). Gravi 
Footwear's Code slip-on shoes are ventilat- 
ed for hot days ($80). Smart sons of beach- 
es take along Fodor's Pocket Aruba and 
Pocket Los Cabos ($10 each) when heading 
south. SeaLife’s Professional Dive Camera 
Set ($400) includes an external flash to help 
prove your big-fish stories. 

wine anywhere in the Ultimate Wine Sale 
from Bounty Hunter. It's made of aircraft 
aluminum and is triple insulated with rub 

Above, left to right: The Car Cell Phone System by Sharper Image turns a cell phone into a ber and foam to keep your vino cool and 
speakerphone so you can keep your hands on the wheel (about $130). Garmin’s StreetPilot Ш secure. The removable lid includes lockable 
GPS system and its built-in voice prompt will ensure that you don't overshoot your exit ($1300). latches so baggage handlers can't help 
InterAct's Mobile Monitor ($150) attaches to Sony's PS опе ($100). Fodor's Flashmaps ($10 themselves. Other sizes are available for 
each) are quickie guides to important locations, such as the best bars in town. as few as two bottles. —JASON BUHRMESTER 191 


Mies rapevine 
Gathering Moss 

Supermodel KATE MOSS had a new look on the runway during Milan Fashion 
Week. Wearing Gucci and a new blonde do, the controversial Ms. Moss 
definitely got our attention. 

Tami Holds Up 
TAMI GOYA has kicked up 
the sand on Baywatch 
Hawaii and posed for the 
South Sea Island Girls 
2002 calendar. 

Not Boris" 
This is the beautiful 
and sexy NATASHA 
decked out in basic 
black. After the made- 
for-TV movie Haven, 
she joined director 
Ethan Hawke's en- 
semble cast for Last 
Word on Paradise. 

Getting to the Roots 
Grammy winners the ROOTS collaborated with Spike Lee on the 
Bamboozled soundtrack but have spent much of the past year 

192 workingon solo projects. Look for the group's new CD this fall. 

Hilary Does 
‘Academy Award winner 
looked like a boy in 
ages, and this terrific 
outfit is exhibit A. In 
her upcoming movie 
Affair of the Neck- 
lace, she plays a des- 
titute aristocrat in 
France, with co- 
stars Adrien 
Brody and Joely 
Richardson (as 
Marie An- 
Vive la 

Boxers or Briefs? 

Glittery SHANTELLE LOURDES has appeared on TV's 
М.Р, as a spokesmodel for the 2000 Summer X-Games on ESPN and 
in Rangefinder magazine. 


When model 
and aspiring ac- 
tress CHELSEA 
NICOLE isn't 
working on her 


From Deviant, the 
company that devel- 
oped Liquid Latex 
(the sexy second skin 
featured in Potpourri 
in September 1999), 
comes body-friendly 
Fashion Wrap. “Cre- 
ate shiny, skintight 
vinyl clothing” is how 
Deviant advertises its 
new product. We bet 
your fertile imagina- 
tions can come up 
with kinkier ways to 
have fun with the 
reusable PVC tape 
that sticks only to it- 
self, not to skin or 
hair. A 70-foot roll 
two inches wide costs 
$10.95; three-and-a- 
half-inch-wide rolls 
go for $15.95. Colors 
available are opaque 
black and red and 
translucent blue (oth- 
ers by special order). 
Call Deviant at 888- 
338-4268 and let the 
good times roll. 


It’s dinnertime at Mombo Camp (above) in Botswana's Okavango Del- 
ta, and if you're going on safari this is the way to rough it. Mombo i 
just one of 26 African lodges featured in Abbeville Press’ Simply Safari, a 
192-page hardcover with text and 200 color photos by wildlife photog- 
raphers Daryl and Sharna Balfour. Some of the establishments pictured 
are tree-house camps, others are thatched bungalows and luxury lodg- 
es. Addresses for the lodges are included in the book, along with a 
source list of American stores that sell tribal art, rustic furniture and 
194 other А! n stuff. Price: $45 in bookstores. 


Back in the Roaring Twenties, Manhattan 

boasted 30,000 speakeasies. No wonder 
bootleg gin was made in bath- 
tubs. Now Caswell-Massey of- 
fers New York Bath Tub Gin, 
a juniper-scented bath and — ^ — p 
shower gel that's almost as |! 
refreshing аз а martini. А 
32 oz. bottle costs $25, 
from www.caswellmas Bottoms up! 


Topless touring will be more fun this 
summer if you're wearing Moal's paint- 
able ABS plastic Hot Rod Hat, with a 
leather neck shield and chin strap (it's a 
novelty, not a safety helmet). The hat is 

a reproduction of the helmet European 
and American race car drivers wore 50 
years ago. Price: $95.95. It looks great 
with Moal's aviator goggles ($100), which 
come with clear and tinted lenses. Call 
510-834-0171 to order. 


In-line skating and skateboarding are better when you're being 
propelled by ZAP's new Powerski, a rechargeable gizmo that will 
tow you along at speeds up to 15 miles per hour. Each battery 
charge is good for about seven miles, and the Powerski also acts 
as a brake on downhill runs. Price: $699. Call 800-251-4555 or 
go to for more information. 


The website cele- 
brates everything French— 
except the rudeness. It’s es- 
pecially helpful if you're 
planning a trip to France. 
The site provides an exclu- 
sive online English version of 
the Petit Futé guides to Paris, 
Brittany, Burgundy, Bor- 
deaux, Normandy and Pro- 
vence. (Petites Futés are highly 
regarded by locals for their 
canny insights.) Gallic restau- 
rants, hotels, shops, night- 
spots and more are featured 
on the site, along with Fran- 
cophile celebrities such as 
author Peter Mayle. 


The golden age of pin-ups lives on in Seaside Sweethearts and 
Pirate and Gypsy Girls. These two new softcovers from Collectors 
Press are devoted to sexy illustrations from years ago of babes 
by the shore, pirate maidens and fortune-telling femmes. (There 

are 14 images 

in each book.) Detective writer Max Allan Collins 

wrote the text. Price: $11.95 each. Call 800-423-1848 to order. 


Art historian James Danziger has teamed with 
digital printmaker David Adamson to create, a website that offers framed and 
unframed digital prints of fine art paintings 
and photographs, at prices ranging from $95 to 
$750. (Danziger estimates about half the images 
he offers have never been available as prints to 
the public.) Leading museums, artists and pho- 
tographers (or the estates representing them) 
have signed on. That's Frank Powolny's image 
of MM below. Go to for a look at 
the full inventory of available choices. 



Neon is a great underappreciated art form, es- 
pecially the over-the-top signs in which bowling 
pins crash, cowboys twirl lariats and naked ladies 
languish in martini glasses. It's all celebrated in 
Vintage Neon, a $59.95 Schiffer hardcover by 
Len Davidson. He collects and restores the best 
of what has survived wrecking balls and the 
ravages of time. Call 610-593-1777 to order. 


BNext Month 
