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NIKKI \ ш. Ве Мисһ 

, Better asa 

ZIERING / KC tenis 
NUDE 4 > к 

Seduce a Subculture Д | V 
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The Five Nastiest 
Media Feuds Ever 


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The Best a Man Can Get” 

"The writer's life can be a little isolating and a lot maddening,” says Simon Dumenco, author of War of the Words, a look 
at notable—and hate-filled—feuds between seemingly buttoned-down media figures. Tom Wolfe, best-selling author of 
The Bonlire of ihe Vanities and A Man in Full, found himself under attack from a group Wolfe calls the Three Stooges: John 
Irving, John Updike and Norman Mailer. Wolfe knows such feuds aren't new: "There was a famous fistfight between 
Ernest Hemingway and Max Eastman—and they're both these great big guys," he says. "It was in editor Maxwell 
Perkins' office. The fight had a great reputation until Perkins' letters were published and he described how these two guys 
went at each other and after 20 seconds were totally out of breath, collapsed on the floor panting." 

Photographer Antoine Verglas 
gained fame shooting super- 
models in their most intimate 
moments. But even he got 
goose bumps about this 
month's fashion feature, The 
New Playboy. “This shoot was 
all about excitement,” says Ver- 
glas. "We were doing it at the 
Playboy Mansion! It was my 
first time there, and it's always 
been a fantasy for me—for any 
man. It also made me want to 
present the fashion in a sexy 
way." Verglas loved the Man- 
Sion. “It's so much bigger than 
| had anticipated. The land, all 
the animals—you don't expect 
that in the middle of LA. It's like 
Disneyland with women.” 

Foxy is the latest designer sex 
drug to storm the underground 
club scene. After trying it for 
Sex on the Edge, Heather 
Caldwell thinks it's the real 
deal. "It was fun." she says. "It's 
an amazingly interesting aphro- 
disiac—most of the women | 
know who have taken it feel like 
the hottest chick ever. One said 
she felt like a porn star with 
magical powers. | felt like that, 
too." Still, she doesn't plan to 
take it again. "I don't want to 
press my luck," she says. "I'm 
Still paranoid that I'm going to 
come down with some bizarre 
symptoms or nerve damage." 

Lisa Marie Presley waited until 
now, at the age of 35, to release 
her debut album. But she's no 
slacker debutante trading on her 
name, says Rob Tannenbaum, 
who conducted this month's 
Playboy Interview. "| think there 
are only two things she's taken 
really seriously and committed 
herself to," he says. "One is be- 
ing a mom. The other is putting 
out this record. She talked about 
how, growing up, different musi- 
cal artists meant a lot to her. 
She's had a lot of difficulties in 
her life and always found music. 
to be a comfort. | think she truly 
wants to make music that can 
function that way for others. She 
sure doesn't need the money." 

David Cross first showed up on 
comedy racars as co-star and 
writer of the HBO sketch comedy 
series Mr. Show and has since 
had roles on The Drew Carey 
Show and Just Shoot Me! and 
in Waiting for Guffman. This 
month's futuristic article Dear 
Friends: Get Me the Fuck Out of 
Here turned out to be an easy as- 
signment for him. "1 am from the 
future," he says, "but only five 
minutes ahead—which can be 
frustrating." The payoff for being 
hardwired to the future: Cross 
landed a spot in Terminator 3. “I 
play a spoon." One thing is for 
sure: He ladles up the laughs. 

This Father's Day, give him the Star Treatment. 




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For years, different drugs have been touted as ultimate aphrodisiacs. Now there's 
‘foxy, a new sex potion that gets club kids—and law enforcement—all hot and both- 
ered. Does it work? Is it dangerous? Our fearless writer scores a vial and tells all. 

Whether you're into skimming, jet-skiing or bare-ass kayaking, we'll bring out your 
inner sea hoss with this summer's coolest surf-busting machines 


A gentleman’s profession? Ha! Literary and media heavies—from Tom Wolfe and 
Norman Mailer to Dave Eggers and Tina Broum—have a bad habit of getting 
nasty. And their poison-pen put-downs live forever in cyberspace. Behold five of the 
most ferocious, keyboard-melting feuds. BY SIMON DUMENCO 


There's only one way lo know if microbreus like Blackened Voodoo, Weizenheimer 
and Ghettoblaster stand up to their names. PLAYBOY chugs а brewer’s dozen and 
spills the results. BY JAMES OLIVER CURY 


Apparently the future isn’t all it's cracked up to be. The good neus: In 2053, men 
have multiple penises. The bad news: everything else. Read our recenily discovered 
letters from the future or risk a forehead demerit label. BY DAVID CROSS 


Joe Millionaire's good girl has a wild side—and it's peeking through her lingerie. 

The star of the Mummy movies went to Cambridge, but she still loves to roll around 
in the mud and get dirty. She even thinks the overweight, overmedicated Elvis was 
сше. No, you are not dreaming, and, yes, she is perfect. BY ROBERT CRANE 

Rebecca likes her men to fondle and lick her everywhere. And we mean everywhere. 

Grab your horn-rimmed glasses and vintage sneakers and check out our can't-miss 
guide to nailing bohemian chicks. You'll thank us later. BY ROBERT LANHAM 



The hot new girlfriend has a pet. No problem. Except that her pet happens to be a 
100-pound potbellied pig she shares with an ex. BY STEVE AMICK 



She is the daughter of the King, but she's no princess, as she reveals in a Playboy 
Interview that covers Jacko, Nicolas Cage, her dad and more. “My taste in sex,” 
Presley says, "is probably ‘porn style.’ Т am a little dark. I like it rough, the way they 
do things in porn movies.” We're all shook up. BY ROB TANNENBAUM 

cover stor 

With dorling Nikki Schieler Ziering Гү 
scenes in the lotest American Pie sequel, Amer- 
icon Wedding, and heating up the jungle set of 
I'm o Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, PLAYBOY 
decided ta send Senior Contributing Pho- 
tographer Stephen Woyda on o mission: Get 
Nikki's clothes out of here! Our Robbit gets. 
oll knotted up by Miss September 1997. 

vel. 50, no. 7—july 2003 

E d 
| i 4 

NDS d 

contents continued 


Pot stamps, spam and soldiers who 
say "PLAYBOY is my co-pilot.” 

Shanna Moakler rocks Blink-182, зз 
George Lopez’ favorite Playmate. 
depariments 34 



The ийаш rides from the se- 160 GRAPEVINE 
quel to The Fast and the Furious 
meet the nude girls of street racing. 162 POTPOURRI 
Beautiful? Czech. Naked? Czech. 
126. ие “ZIFRI! There's no better place to update 
In Hollywood, Nikki's a rising star: E 
2^ your fashion sense than. the 
In PLAYBOY, Nikki's nekkid! 
Playboy Mansion. 
notes and news 114 THE LUX LIFE 
11 — THE WORLD OF PLAYBOY Tbe veu ау bay emus ЗЕН 
accessories make the outfit. 
12 MARDI GRAS MANSION And the man. 
Darva Conger, Justin Timberlake 
and Tara Reid party with beads 
and Bunnies. reviews 

Harrison Ford returns in Helly- 
wood Homicide; is Drew's Angels 2 
dumber than Dumberer? 

Radiohead, Pete Yorn, David Ban- 
ner and the Deftones. 


Supercross champ Ricky 
Carmichael revs up extreme racing 
games, the Hulk gets four rabbits. 


Bond, breaking down New Wave 
films and gorgeous Katie 
Holmes—topless! Yes, topless! 


Joe Queenan on the woes of sports 
fans and the author of Fast Food 
Nation on Reefer Madness. 




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STEVEN RUSSELL deputy editor 
TOM STAEBLER art director 
GARY COLE photography director 
LISA CINDOLO GRACE managing editor 
ROBERT LOVE editor at large 
JOHN REZEK associate managing editor 
STEPHEN RANDALL executive editor 
LEOPOLD FROEHLICH assistant managing editor 

ROWE associate editor; PATTY LAMBERT! editorial assistant; MODERN LIVING: DAVID STEVENS editor 
JASON BUHRMESTER associate editor; DAN HENLEY administrative assistant; STAFF: BARBARA NELLIS 
senior editor; ALISON PRATO associate editor; ROBERT в. DESALVO, TIM MOHR. assistant editors; 
ALANI, ANNE SHERMAN assistant editors; КЕМА SMITH senior researcher; GEORGE HODAK, BARI NASH. 

art director, PAUL CHAN senior art assistant; JOANNA METZGER art assistant; CORTEZ WELLS art 
services coordinator; LORI PAIGE SELDEN senior art administrator 

senior editors; PATTY BEAUDETFRANCES associate edilor; RENAY LARSON assistant editor; ARNY FREYTAG, 
STEPHEN WAYDA senior contribuling photographers; GEORGE GEORGIOU staff photographer; 
photographers; вил wnrre studio manager—los angeles; ELIZABETH GEORGIOU manager, 
photo library; KEVIN CRAIG manager, photo lab; MELISSA ELIAS photo researcher; 
PENNY EKKERT, production coordinator 


associate managers; JOE CANE typesetter; BILL BENWAY, SIMMIE WILLIAMS prepress; 

CHAR EROWCZYK assistant 

LARRY A. DIERF newsstand sales director; PHYLLIS ROTUNNO subscription circulation director 

DIANE SILBERSTEIN associate publisher; JEFF KIMMEL eastern advertising director; JOE HOFFER midwest 
sales manager; HELEN BIANCULLI direct response manager; LISA NATALE marketing director; SUE ICOE 
event marketing director; JULIA LIGHT marketing services director; DONNA TAYOSO Creative services 
director; MARIE FIRNENO advertising business manager; KARA SARISKY advertising coordinator; NEW 

MIKE OSTROWSKI Correspondent 

MARCIA TERRONES rights & permissions director 

CHRISTIE HEENER chairman, chief executive officer 
JAMES P. RADTRE senior vice president and general manager 

mw E کے‎ 




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Lucy Liu, Camer- 
on Diaz and Drew 
Barrymore share a 
reverential moment 
with Hef between 
scenes on Char- 
lie's Angels 2. The 
Playboy Mansion | 
was transformed 
into Our Lady of 
Perpetual Virginity 
for the movie. The 
grounds looked like 
those of a religious 
institution, but Hef 
couldn't resist play- 
ing while praying. 



Hef and Al Jarreau 
shared a moment 

Hef and Verne "Mini-Me" Troyer (left) 
shared the opening-night festivi- 
ties at the hot new LA nightspot 
White Lotus, where Hef also got at the Playboy Jazz 
smooched by party pal Paris \ Fest press confer- 
Hilton (below right). On another à BS ence, where George 
night, Mr. Playboy and his party Wein announced 
posse put in an appearance at that Bill Cosby would. 
Carmen Electra and rocker Dave be returning to em- 
Navarro's engagement party. cee another Holly- 
wood Bow! full of 
jazz for the 25th an- 
niversary of the pop- 
ular annual event. 
Snoop brought his 
MTV crew to the 
Mansion to film a 
segment for his 
show, Doggyfizzle. 
He presented Hef 
with a Noble Piece 
Prize medal for 
his "in-depth study 
of female anato- 
my" and for get- 
ting “more piece 
than any other white 
man alive." 



Hef's longtime 
friend James 
Caan was part of 
the crowd cheer- 
ing heavyweight 
Roy Jones's daz- 
zling display of 
the sweet sci- 
ence as he beat 
John Ruiz on 
Fight Night. 

Hef's new live-in 
Renee, Sheila, 
Izabella, Bridget 
and Holly—are 
really concerned 
with the care and 
feeding of the 
Mansion menag- 
the lions. 

Mardi Gras at the Mansion means Bunnies, 
beads and bacchanalia. (1) Hef and his girl- 
friends are ready for the Flesh and Fantasy 
theme of the party. (2) Tara Reid showing her 
Playboy spirit. (3) Corey Feldman, his bride, 
Susie, and Helena Borg. (4) Dorian Gregory 
with a Jell-O shot girl. (5) Far From Heaven's 
Dennis Haysbert is in heaven with Jennifer, 
Gwen and Heather of The Bachelor. (6) Steve 
Valentine and his wife, Shari. (7) Elke Jeinsen, 
Victoria Fuller and Barbara Moore. (8) Ryan 
Seacrest and Simon Cowell. (3) Playmate Pro- 
motions' Pat Lacey and A.J. McLean. (10) Real 
Joe Millionaires Steve Bing and Ron Burkle. 
(11) Jim Belushi. (19) Justin Timberlake. (13) 
Michael Clarke Duncan picks up 

Nicole Narain. (14) Jamie Foxx 

and Jeffrey Ross. (15) Newlyweds 

Darva Conger and Jim Arellano. 

(16) Meanwhile, in New Orleans, 

Merritt Cabal, Brittany Evans, 

Lindsey Vuolo and Teri Harrison. 

put the "mmm" in Mardi Gras on 

our Bourbon Street balcony. 

_ Miss October 2001 
че Za 



eck out the list of dates, ities and details о 3 y Bres 
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EM o a r 

Pt a y 

The Last Score (April) was one of the 
most interesting articles I've ever read, 
because we rarely hear the convict's 
side of the story. Too bad Stephen Reid 
couldn't control himself better on the 
Steve Genna 
Union, New Jersey 

1 couldn't help thinking that may- 
be this time the authorities will make 
Reid serve his whole sentence. 

Randy Brown 
Clearwater, Florida 

The wit, insight and integrity dis- 
played by Jay-Z (Playboy Interview, April) 
could be summed up in a nutshell. 
There are many more interesting peo- 
ple to interview. Kecp looking. 
Rick Taber 
Minocqua, Wisconsin 


I'm an aspiring musician and a new 
PLAYBOY subscriber, so imagine my sur- 
prise to find my favorite lady, Carmen 
Electra (April), holding my favorite 
guitar, a cherry-red Stratocaster. You 
have just earned yourselves a lifetime 

Casey Wilson 
Bozeman, Montana 

1 got my April issue and Гуе been 
hollering at the moon ever since. 

Electro shock. 

There is nothing sexier than seeing 
Carmen holding that guitar. 
K. Smith 
Cincinnati, Ohio 

Carmen is hot, sexy and beautiful. 
That's all I can say. 
Ralph Soto 
Downey, California 

I have been a PLAYBOY reader for a 

long time and, unlike my husband, I 
don't claim to read it just for the arti- 
cles. But I was disheartened to read 
Sex and Two Cities (April). Both wom- 
en spent far too much time on Stoli 
and sugar daddies. Do men need an- 
other reason to see women as shallow 
and manipulative? Just so you guys 
know, we're not all like those two. 

R. Skye 

San Diego, California 

The mezcal article in April (The 
Worm Has Turned) was clearly meant to 
be funny. As the author of The Tequila 
Lover's Guide to Mexico and Mezcal, 1 can 
tell you that the excellent brands you 
rated ofler wonders that your clever 
descriptions don't explore 
Lance Cutler 
Sonoma, California 
Thank you for plugging your book. We 
may even read it when our head stops throb- 
bing and our sinuses clear. 


The Rock Shots pictorial (April) would 
have been so much better if you had 
featured more of the photos your 
guest photographers took instead of 
shots of them taking the pictures. Who 
wants to see Ja Rule when you have 
the lovely Michele Rogers and Christi 
Shake on a bed? 

Bret Kenschaft 
Denver, Colorado 

We all know rock stars get the girls, 
but when I look at ptaysoy I like to 
imagine myself as the photographer, 
not some celebrity. Why don't farmers, 
computer programmers or cabdrivers 
get a turn? I'll be happy to volunteer. 

Wayne Thume 
Preston, Maryland 

You and a thousand other guys. May we 

get back to you on your offer? 


Your recent piece on Dr. Phil Mc- 
Graw (The Dr. Phil S.A.T., April) made 
him look like a natural target for jibes 
and criticism. l've watched him for 

b о y 

some time now and he's hardly in the 
same category as Maury Povich or Jer- 
ry Springer. His basic messages of be- 
havior modification arc grounded in 
research in that field. I think he is no- 
tably devoid of jargon, and as a retired 
professor of sociology and psychology. 
1 find his ability to develop rapport 
with his guests an important skill for a 

therapist, even on TV. 

George Vrhel 
Sterling, Illinois 

Tail in two cities. 

We hear what you're saying and we'd like 
to validate your feelings. However, our ir- 
rational, deep-seated need to jerk Dr. Phil's 
chain prevents us from doing so. 

As a man with a strong preference 
for full-figured women, 1 must con- 
gratulate you for Babe of the Month 
Rosa Blasi (April). She's beautiful. 
Brendan Forde 
Washington Township, New Jersey 

While Dirty Vegas was thrilled to 
win the PLAYBOY readers' music poll 
(The Year in Music, April) for best elec- 
tronica, we at the label wondered what 
happened to a photo of keyboardist 
Paul Harris? 
Elliot Walker 
Ultra Records 
New York, New York 
Would you believe we got a discount on 
the photo? No? OK, sorry and congratula- 
tions again. 


irst Ohio Statc wins the national 
football championship, then you show 
us the truly beautiful Ohioan Carmella 

DeCesare (Spring Fever, April). Are we 
great, or what? 
Ron Grant 
Massillon, Ohio 

I can't believe it—a Centerfold with 
natural breasts. I hope this continues 
and you manage to get rid of French 
manicures as well. Then you'll really 
be on to something again. 

William McEwen 
Arlington, Texas 


I don't believe the Playmate Data 
Sheet for Carmella DeCesare. Her 
hips can't be 27 inches. If this were so, 
then her waist/hip ratio would be 0.89, 
a value much higher than the average 
0.69 for the 206 previous Playmates. 
Please print the corrected value in a 
forthcoming issue for those of us who 
enjoy statistics. 

Harry Murphy 
Albuquerque, New Mexico 

Harry, we'll have to get back to you. 
We're working on our statistical abstract 
right now. But last time we checked, Car- 
mella looked pretty damn proportional to us. 

‘Thanks for bringing Carmella back 
after her departure from the Fox se- 
ties The Girl Next Door: The Search for a 
Playboy Centerfold. She was my favorite 
on the show, a pure, natural beauty. 

David Brown 
Los Angeles, California 

Turn your girl into a fireballer! Suit her 
up in this tee with a plunging V-neck that'll 
make you want to step up to the plate and 
Swing for the fences. Cotton. Imported. 
SM (1-5), M/L (7-11). 
SW8372 White/Pink V-Neck 

Baseball Tee S26 
SW8373 White/Black V-Neck 

Baseball Tee $26 

All soaped up. 

I may be mistaken, but I don't see 
a single tattoo or body piercing on 
Carmella, which makes me incredibly 
'anadian orders accepted.) * Tom Brady 

Manchester, Connecticut 

(Source Code 11466) or Can PLAYBOY get any better than this? Your April issue is amazing: Car- 
Most major credit cards accept i men Electra looks moist, Carmella 
Tes] ] DeCesare reminds your older readers 



what college boys hope to see every 
fall, a very funny interview with Andy 
Richter and a true-story bank robber 
chase. I'll be waiting for an encore. 
Tim Stockdale 
Arlington, Virginia 

Natural breasts and no tattoos make 
the incredibly beautiful Miss April 
Carmella a wonder. Who could ask for 
anything more? 

Victor Garcia 
San Diego, California 

‘The guys and I would like to say 

thank you for providing some fine 
firehouse reading. Once a month one 
of us runs to the newsstand to buy the 
latest issue and then it’s added to our 
library. Congratulations on your al- 
most 50 years of beautiful women. 

Monroeville Volunteer Fire Co. #5 

Monroeville, Pennsylvania 

We are currently deployed in Ku- 
wait. You would be surprised how 
your magazine can raise the morale 
of troops who have been away from 
home for months. We admire Hef for 
starting pretty much from scratch. lt is 
that kind of American ingenuity that 
we are over here fighting for. 
L/Cpl. David Marshall 

Thanks for a great magazine. I real- 
ly enjoy the short stories, the intellec- 
tual disagreements and the interna- 
tionalist tone. 1 feel as though I grew 
up with Hef. 
Jon Thomas 
Tulsa, Oklahoma 

Ever since kids got radios, music has 
been the portable backdrop to our 
lives. I really liked Ethan Hauser's sto- 
ry Kid, Rock (April) for reminding me 
that making up, breaking up and all 
those major personal moments were 
connected to music. 
Karen Moss 
New York, New York 

Now that radio is under corporate 
control and without any flavor from ei- 
ther the city it is played in or the DJs 
who are heard on it, I wonder if kids 
will be able to identify the important 
moments in their lives by tunes on 
the radio. Or will they just remember 
that some songs were played twice an 
hour? Hauser's story really got it. 

Jack White 
Chicago, Illinois 



P TL i гг CA 

ку Г: SS "PME 

Playboy is conducting a nationwide search 
for our soth Anniversary Playmate. 
If you think you know the 21st Century girl-next-door, 
why not introduce her to us? Our editors will be touring 
Jillian’s locations across the country from April 8- July 18. 
To make an appointment, call (877) 777-1953. 
For more information, log on to 

Chicago, IL May 7-8*, Houston, TX May 7-8, Memphis, TN May 14-15, 

Indianapolis, IN May 21-22, Vancouver, BC May 21-22*, Columbia, SC May 28-29, 

Toronto, ON June 4-5*, Raleigh, NC June 4-5, Norfolk, VA June 11-12, 

Miami, FL June 18-19*, Farmingdale, NY June 18-19, Montreal, QE June 25-26, 

Cleveland, OH (Flats) July 2-3, Minneapolis, MN July 9-10, Denver, CO July 16-17 
"Not a Jillian's location. Go to for additional location details. 

Candidates must be at least 18 years of age and bring with them two forms of personal identification, one of which must have a photo, expiration date and date of birth. 

Acceptable forms of ID are: valid driver's license, birth certificate, passport, college ID, social security card, voter's registration card or state identification card. 
All photos become the property of Playboy and will not be returned. © PLAYBOY 2003 


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stir the senses 

t NAS 

Every Jack Daniel's barrelhouse has LO,OOO barrels inside. 
And one serious padlock outside. 

Your friendsat Jack Daniel's remind you to dr; 
ed usd of fach Danitls. ©з — 

babe of the month 

babe of the month [ Jordan Ladd 

mother," says Jordan. "She was 
strict. | was quarantined in my 
house with a 10 o'clock curfew. I 
rebelled, but | covered my tracks.” 
As an actress, Jordan tormented 
Drew Barrymore in Never Been 
Kissed but declined Drew's offer to 
appear in the big-screen Charlie's 

“| just want to have a 
good time. Sex is part 
of the human experi- 
ence, and to ignore it is 
to ignore a part of life." 

Angels. Catch her next in the thriller 
Cabin Fever (about a flesh-eating 
virus that attacks her posse in the 
woods): "It was the most disgusting 
script I'd ever read, so I had to be in 
it." While eschewing favoritism, the 
28-year-old is comfortable with her 
inherited hotness. “When I showed 
up on a Most Sexy list, I got points 
with my husband,” she says. “I 
wasn't just the old lady—other boys 
thought I was attractive. | just want 
to have a good time. Sex is part 
of the human experience, and to 
ignore it is to ignore a part of life." 


OH, BABY: When Jordan was 
young, she didn't consider it odd 
that her mom fought crime in a 
two-piece. “Most of the kids | went 
to school with had parents in show 
business. It was all pretty normal." 
SUPER JORDAN: "I love to travel 
but hate traffic and planes. | wish 
1 could beam myself anywhere in- 
stantly. Wiggle my nose or shake 
my ass—bam!—I'm in Quebec." 

yes, sex. It helps you lose weight." 
IN THE BAG: A Polaroid camera, 
American Spirits, her terrier Earl 
and Binaca breath spray. "I want 
to revive the Seventies. When 
someone wanted to make a move 
in a commercial, they'd spritz Bi- 
naca first. It sends that message." 
CREAM PUFF: "I worked in a bak- 
ery and had to wear a humiliating 
little Danish outfit. But now that I 
think back, it was kind of sexy. 1 
looked like a Danish milkmaid." 

afterhours ] 


_ baromel - 
aeg ЛТ 

‚.. youre watching 
t Wimbledon. Sampras? 
Who cares? The 
ladies’ bracket has all 
the heat. Joining Anna 
K. is a volley of come- 
ly young Russkis who 
might even win a 
match: Elena Demer- 
tieva, Maria Sharapo- 
va, Tatiana Panova 

and Elena Bovina. Ad- 
vantage, us. 

... you're not sure how many more bombs 
you can watch bursting in eir this month. But 
true patriots can head to the Coney Island Hot 
Dog Contest (Brooklyn, New York), the Sum- 
mer Redneck Games (East Dublin, Georgia) or 
Spam Town USA Festival (Austin, Minnesota). 

Rob Reimer and Mikel Addonisio have seen thingies most men 
only dream about. They are piercers to the stars, paid to probe 

+ . your girl will love celebrity body parts normally trusted to physicians and privy to 

a gift certificate to some tight secrets. Reimer is a former owner of Thirteen B.C. in 
Malia Mills Swimwear. LA. Before he retired, Reimer gained fame for penetrating Anna 
The designer builds Nicole Smith (nipple), as well as Janet Jackson (tongue, nipple, 
bikinis so a woman nose), who is still a client. "Lots of people pass out when pierced," 

but Janet doesn't flinch, She's had piercing parties for her 
and guests like Lisa Marie Presley.” Anna Nicole was also 

can choose her par- 
ticular top and bottom 

sizes. Now she won't memorable. "She has the world's biggest breasts and I struggled to 
have to settle for off- pierce her nipple. It was stretched out and flat." In New York, Ad- 
therack one-size fitsill donisio plugged into the celebrity circuit by fixing Lenny Kravitz 
suits. Contact nostril at Andromeda, the parlor he manages. He's pierced Alyssa Milano (ears, navel) and Christina Aguilera. “Christina popped in 

and had the basics done—ears, navel and nose,” he says. "Then 1 
did her nipples. She called again about genital piercings, but she 

. . . you're saving to buy pricey water at all-day never came in." (Turns out she's also a regular at Thirteen B.C. 
music-and-sunburn festivals. With Ozzfest and Says current owner Taj, "I did her nostril, lip and other locations 
the Vans Warped Tour flagging, the stage is that she has asked me not to talk about.”) Addonisio may have 
clear for Metallica's Summer Sanatorium and, missed out on piercing Aguilera's downtown, but he's still proud: 
with the first Lollapalooza since 1997, the re- “When I saw her Rolling Stone cover I said, "Those are my nipples!" 

turn of rock's avantfreaks, Jane's Addiction. 

- - you don't trust 
your blender—or your 


Not after seeing The icks i i 
Mati Releaded and nature tricks not just for kids 

this month's Termina- We spend a lot of time finding ways to 
tor 3: Rise of the hide the Rabbit logo on our covers. But 
Machines. The gad- we're no match for this little prick: a 
get revolution is com- divinely formed cactus from the Arizona 
ing, and your kitchen desert. It's a unique varietal called cac- 
is a sleeper cell. tii lapidi —Latin for "this won't hurt a 

bit." Don't tell our trademark lawyers. 




Think you got cojones because you ate that puny worm at the bot- 
tom ofa mescal bottle? Then point yourself down a rutty dirt road 
toward Rancho Agua Caliente, Mexico (about 20 miles south of 
Ensenada) and see if you're hombre enough to handle the bite 
inside a jar of Tequila con 
Víbora de Rageoña. That's 
rattlesnake tequila to you 
gringos. “Como medicina,” 
says Francisco Dario Gar- 
cia, 48, of his home brew— 
a once-common folk cure 
that he claims relieves 
arthritis, cancer. rheuma- 
tism and nerves. Enter his 
dusty old cantina and he'll 
show you a live specimen 
coiled and hissing in captiv- 
ity on the mantel. When 
the snake's time comes, 
Garcia sinks the writhing 
reptile in a two-gallon jar of 
tequila. After it drowns 
(and gives off its mythic cu- 
rative properties), he soaks 
it again. At that point light 
and alcohol will have neutralized the venom, and the result is said 
to have no toxicity. Whether a shot cures what ails you or not is 
moot, since most imbibers suffer from nothing more severe than a 
dare from companions. Just don't wuss out and pick out the scales 
floating on top. "Once many people learned to do this," he says, 
replacing the tinfoil lid on a nearly empty jar. "Now it's only me." 

5 n 


Compared with the Sex Pistols, today's punk 
bands might as well be Celine Dion. Now, with 
a new action figure, Diamond Comic Distribu- 
tors immortalizes the most self-destructive 
bassist of all time, Sid Vicious. At eight inches 
tall, the doll is about as big as the knife Vicious. 
allegedly used to kill his girlfriend, Nancy Spun- 
gen. Little Sid is fully articulated at the neck 
and shoulders but his fingers don't move, 
which to many fans makes him truly lifelike. 




PLAYBOY: What do you do all day? 

MICHELE: Get my nails done—just joking. 1 work for 
the president of, and he travels all the time, 
so it seems like I'm always filling out expense reports. For 
somebody who hates numbers, | deal with them a lot. 
PLAYBOY: Surely there are some fringe benefits? 
MICHELE! 1 used to chaperone Playmates. And I met 
Yankees pitcher David Wells in the green room at the 
Howard Stern show. I'm a big Yankees fan. 

PLAYBOY: What's with the purple hair? 

MICHELE: With short hair, you can only do so much, so. 
1 like to color it. I've done 
purple, orange, yellow, 
green, fuchsia, blue and 
every shade of red. 1 call 
it mood hair. 

PLAYBOY: How do guys 
react when they find out 
you work here? 
MICHELE: It's always 
the same, They ask, “Are 
there naked women walk- 
ing around the office?" 
Until now I've been able 
to say no. 








You are not hallucinating. There really is a museum devoted to 
the perforated blotter paper used to absorb LSD. Curator Mark 
McLoud has hoarded acid artwork for decades. Now his Institute 
of Ilegal Images in San Francisco holds thousands of tabs bearing 
classic designs and icons from Janis Joplin to Homer Simpson. 
McLoud says visitors to his Louvre of lysergic stare at the sacred 
squares, recalling psychedelic blasts that blew open their doors of 
perception—or at least made them dance around like sock pup- 

pets. We may not know art, but we know what we lick. 

brace yourself 



Good news: The DA in Califor- 
nia's Humboldt County, an area 
synonymous with pot cultivation, 
has issued new guidelines that 
permit residents with medicinal 
marijuana prescriptions to pos- 
sess up to 99 pot plants and 

three pounds of dried buds. 

Bad news: He's devoting saved 
resources to busting the meth lab 
in your garage. 

Good news: Scientists at Wol- 
longong University in Australia 
have developed a “smart bra" 
with special fabric that responds 
to strain. The prototype's straps 
tighten much like a seatbelt when 
breasts require extra support. 
Bad news: That means no more 
gratuitous jiggling. 

Good news: Some Wesleyan 
University coeds, inspired by The 
Vagina Monologues, have formed 
the Cunt Club to raise conscious- 
ness about our favorite vacation 
spot. "If you don't make a point 
of talking specifically about vagi- 
nas," says founder Cara Herbitter, 
“they don't get talked about.” 
Bad news: Membership is sur- 
prisingly tight. 

Good news: A live window dis- 
play at a downtown Madison, Wis- 
consin hair salon grew steamy as 
two women allegedly engaged in 
sex acts in front of a crowd of ap- 
preciative men on the street. 

Bad news: Cops busted the girls 
and the men will never look at a 
hairbrush the same way again. 



Dixie chickenshit: A country music 7 
artist who isn't supportive enough of the 

war efforts of the United States to suit his 

or her gung ho fan base. 

Goldilocks economy: The good old 
days when the stock market was not too cold, not too 
hot, but just right. 

Lobster: A lazy, stupid person, as in one with a tail 
full of meat and a head full of gunk. Which means a 
sunburned ditz is a broiled lobster. 

Crappuccino: At $300 per pound, Кор! luwak is one 
of the most expensive coffees on earth. Its flavor 
secret? The beans are picked from the dung of the 
Indonesian luwak, a kind of cat that eats but can't 
digest them—it simply ferments them in its gut and 
shits them out. Take that, Juan Valdez. 

Business-class ass: Not an obnoxious guy in a suit 
but rather a butt so big it won't squeeze into an air- 
plane coach seat. 

Shit a cold purple Twinkie: To freak out, and not 
in a good way. "If | ever found out. gom, 

she cheated on me, I'd shit a cold 

purple Twinkie." 

Wankster: A phony gangster. 

Plastercard: Tesco, a British 

company, plans to issue special 

credit cards with embedded Breathalyzers designed 
to let users test whether theyre perhaps not in the 
right frame of mind to make a purchase. There goes 
the tattoo industry. 

Picasso porn: The scrambled image seen by non- 
subscribers when they try to watch a porn channel. 
We know you know what we're talking about. 

The Agincourt gesture: The Finger, reputed to 
have originated with victorious Brit soldiers as a "fuck 
yov" to the French after the Battle of Agincourt in 
1415. However, according to findings by gestural- 
vulgarity scholars, it actually dates back to ancient 
Greece and Rome. Et tu and your mother, Brutus. 

Metrosexual: A big-city dweller in love with his 
lifestyle and all the cool downtown props that go with 
it. An urban dandy, 

Biological security agents: WMD- 

ese for dogs, cats and other house- 

hold pets. Since veterinarians feed 

reports of animal seizures into a 

nationwide database, Fido's and Fluffy's moments of 
distress will now supposedly be the first alert of a ter- 
rorist attack involving bioweapons. 

by ^ 
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The bold taste of Copenhagen. As authentic 
as the people who enjoy it. Whether it's Fine Cut, 
Long Cut or Pouches, Fresh Cope’ satisfies. 



@Trademark of U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Co., or an affiliate. ©2003 U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Co. 






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Inside Job 

According to a report in the New 
England Journal of Medicine, about 
1500 sponges, clamps or other 
surgical implements are left inside 
patients' bodies each year. The areas 
where the instruments were found: 

Abdomen/Pelvis 5475 
Vagina 22% 

22 : 



The odds a married Chest 7% ~~ 

woman will have an affair Other 17% 

Before 2 years of marriage 1in8 == 

Between 2 and 10 years P H Я 

of marriage 3 15 | Family Time 

After 10 years m mame lin5 The Logan family of Ottawa County, 

The odds a married man Oklahoma has been charged with more 

will have an affair than 250 crimes in 5 years. Current- = 

Before 2 years of mariage 1107 | УФ far IETS ае d че Extra Points 
Between 2 and 10 years : nces in prison. In a recent incident, 2 PET А 
of marriage = lin4 it took 8 law enforcement agencies Nipple enlargement operations in 2002: 
After 10 years of marriage lin3 to arrest 6 of the family members. women: 501 men: 40 

The Bottom Five 

The least-visited national parks in the United States 
(As a point of comparison, the busiest national park, Great Smoky Mountains, 
had 9,316,420 visitors in 2002.) 

Drag Net 

Using widely available Internet resources, lan 
Cobain of The Times of London located 4 of 
Interpol's "Most Wanted" international fugitives. 
The massive manhunt took him 82 minutes. 

Source: National Park Service. Statistics are for 2002. 

Park State — Visitors per Year 
Isle Royale MI 19,463 
Gates of the Arctic AK 6648 

Lake Clark AK 4325 

Kobuk Valley AK 4046 
National Park of — 1938 
American Samoa 

Diva Physics 

From London's Metropolitan 
Hotel (A), it takes star J. Lo 
(B) and her entourage (C) 15 
minutes to load into 6 limou- 
sines (D). What is the dis- 
tance that they will be trav- 
eling to reach London's 
Dorchester Hotel (E)? 

Answer: 100 yards 


The two closest 

Starbucks, locat- 
ed in Seattle, are 
150 feet apart. 

2000, that figure was 64%. 


In 1980, 4096 of young 
people said they'd never con- 
Sider joining the military. In 

Ta U. S. ARMY 


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Cameron, Drew and Lucy in a revved-up sequel 

Hollywood is littered with the wreckage of bomb sequels, 
50 Charlie's Angels director McG isn't resting on that hit's 
fat box office—or the enhanced star power of Cameron 
Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu—the second time 
around. "Godfather II delivered, Rocky II delivered, Termi- 
nator 2 delivered, and we want to be one of those films 
that take it higher,” the uni-monikered helmer says, 
apparently with a straight face. What ensures that part 
two isn't a number two? There's comebackprimed Demi 
Moore as a mentor angel (“She's a tough, beautiful wom- 
an who can stand tall in a biki- 2 
ni") and Bernie Mac as the new i 
Bosley, but let's face it: Bet- Im hoping that 
ter for this defiantly unserious the girls do 
franchise means more wild Steye McQueen 
action. Expect Motocross n 
stunts, helicopter theatrics proud. 
and what McG boasts is a car- 
chase sequence that "pushes the limits of what we 
thought was imaginable on four wheels." It involves the An- 
gels turning Hollywood Boulevard into a traffic jungle as 
they swoop Tarzar-style from car to car. “I want it to be 
2 " z \ reminiscent of Bullitt and The French Connection, but 
А Ze * win the ашата with the consciousness of The Matrix," says McG, adding, 
“l'm hoping that the girls do Steve McQueen proud." 

Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met t Lloyd Our call: Dude, where's the 
(Eric Christian O к Richardson, Е evy) The | nearest exit? At least Levy's 
prequel craze turns into full-blown insanity with this gleefully | portrayal of a scheming high 
moronic tale about teen twits Harry and Lloyd’s quest to es- | school principal gets him 
cape special-education classes. Can you turn off your brain | one step closer to a Lifetime 
enough to enjoy this and still maintain vital bodily functions? | Achievement Oscar. 

Hollywood Homicide Our call: Director Ron Shelton 

lartnett, Lena Olin) Buddy cop action | demonstrated an eye for the 
peres never die, they just get grafted onto new milieus. | streets with White Men Can't 
This time it's veteran Ford and rookie Hartnett as requi- | Jump. Here's hoping he knows 
sitely unconventional Los Angeles detectives investigating the | that aging white movie stars 
gangland-style slaying of a hip-hop group. shouldn't rap. 

The Hulk Our call: Get ready to fork over 

jennifer Connelly, п Elliott) Art-film | some green. As long as the CGI 
direcion Ang Lee uses the comic-t -book te of a scientist (Bana) | effects don't look like they 
transformed into a rampaging green juggernaut as a moody | are courtesy of Hanna-Barbera, 
meditation on the demons within us all—and his $120 million The Hulk should be a smashing 
budget as an excuse to wreck everything in sight. good time. 

ше Nation Our call: A topless Ricci open- 

ci, Jas е) Social provoca- | ing scene briefly raised our 
teur Elizabeth Würtzels ling ir finally makes itto | spirits, but the rest of this 
the big screen. Ricci plays a young working-class woman who | whiny self-obsession-fest saved 
struggles with her overbearing mother and an industrial-size | us from refilling our prescrip- 
| bout of depression during her freshman year at Harvard. tion for sleeping pills. 



reviews [ movies 

altered egos 


Marvel boss Avi Arad isn't a superhero. He just owns a lot of them. 

As chief executive of Marvel Studios, 
Avi Arad has made Spider-Man, the 
Hulk, Daredevil and the X-Men into 
movie stars. We caught up with Holly- 
wood's newest hero at his secret lair. 

What is it about The Hulk that keeps 
you up at night? 

The terror is that we're making a crea- 
ture that's completely ССІ but must 
interact in a believable way with its en- 
vironment and real actors. We want 
you to watch the Hulk and actually 
see his emotions. That's a minefield. 
When a picture turned up on the 
web, some people said Hulk looked 
more like Shrek. 

1 used to go nuts over this Internet 
stuff. With Marvel, there's a pretty 
passionate community out there that 
cares so much they sometimes beat 
us over the head. Any breathing male 
with red blood in his veins is going to 
see this movie regardless. 

How is it decided which one of 
Marvel's 4700 characters gets the 
big-screen treatment next? 

With the comics, computer games 
and animated shows doing well, the 
geek community gets bigger and big- 
ger, and they'll go to any Marvel film. 
Daredevil was—no ifs, ands or buts— 
Ben Affleck in a red costume and that's 
it. A small character, risky business. It 
had a record opening weekend and fi- 
nally made S100 million. 

Did you foresee that Spider-Man 
would be such a huge success? 
When Marvel was facing bankruptcy, I 
begged the big bankers to give us a 


second chance, saying, "Don't sell 
yourselves short, guys. Spider-Man 
alone will make a billion.” | was only off 
by $600 million. 

What is your least favorite superhero 

Let's put it this way— you haven't seen 
it on the screen. Costumes cause the 
most soul-searching on every movie. If 
we make X-Men costumes as colorful 
as they are in the comics, will it look 
like a New Year's Eve ball in Italy? 

“No talk during Hulk's soliloquy!” 

Do you think the superhero movie 
boom will fade soon? 

As long as we zigzag and make the 
characters compelling, the sky's the 
limit. What people remember about 
these movies is not guys in tights flip- 
ping between buildings. We're pene- 
trating the masses now. You can't gen- 
erate $100 million at the box office 
just from comic book geeks. 

28 Days Later 
Director Danny Boyle 
(Trainspotting) leaps into 
genre territory with this 
gory tale of survivors 
(led by newcomers Cillian 
Murphy and Naomie Har- 
ris) dodging zombies af- 
ter a viral attack wipes 
out 99.9 percent of the 
British population. Shot 
on digital video, Days 
bleeds an intelligence and 
intensity that Hollywood 
horror just can't stom- 
ach.—Graham Robinson 

| are among the comic performers. 

plays patsy to Jack Nicholson’s leering ther- 
apist in this latest product from the School 
of Obnoxious Comedy. The novelty of 
watching Jack cavort in this kind of movie 
wears off faster than a temper tantrum. УУ. 

ER 1 The directorial 
debut from doni Malkovich stars Oscar 
nominee Javier Bardem in a hard-edged 
political thriller set in a Latin American 
country beset by corruption and terrorism. 
If only it didn't move . . . so. . . slowly. ¥¥ 

eron's return to Titanic—the real one, on 
the ocean floor—with Bill Paxton in tow, 
shows off his new IMAX 3-D robotic cam- 
eras, but the presentation is muddled by 
halfhearted dramatic re-creations. YY% 

N Hip-hop 
eae E Kerne is really from the — 
“tough streets of Malibu"—but that makes 
for a one-joke movie, even if you find the 
joke amusing. Taye Diggs and Anthony 
Anderson come off best as two classically 
trained actors hired to pose as thugs. УУ 

conte (The Girl on the Bridge) offers an in- 
triguing fable, with French rocker Johnny 
Hallyday and veteran actor Jean Rochefort 
as opposites who meet by chance and envy 
each other's lifestyles. УУУ 

i i > Christopher Guest and 
his Best in Show gang reunite for this mock- 
umentary about a reunion of folk-music | 
stars. Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Har- 
ty Shearer, | е ў 


PEOPLE | KNOW Al Pacino plays a pub- 
licist who's running on fumes; a movie star 
(played by Ryan O'Neal), his last real 
client, asks him to clean up a mess involv- 
ing a starlet (Téa Leoni). Then it turns into 
a political paranoia thriller. Even the com- 
pelling Pacino can't rescue this mess. ¥ 

| SPELLB! ` Ном on earth could a little | 

documentary about eight teenagers com 

| peting to win the 1999 national spelling 

bee turn out so funny, so suspenseful, so 
revealing? Watch this Oscar-nominated film _ 

| and you'll see. You might just improve your | 
| Spelling, too. yyy% 

Worth a look 
Forget it 

reviews [ music 


Call the cops. Somebody swiped the band 

Thom Yorke's voice, evocative of an 
emotional free fall, has always been 
the source of Radiohead's success. 
But on this latest release, his wails 
and single word repetitions have be- 
come self-indulgent. Couple that with 
the fact that he has again largely 
shelved his once-ferocious band in 
favor of blips, bleeps and Casio 
beats, and you've got trouble. There 
is still interesting stuff going on here, 
and when Yorke lets the rest of the 
boys into the studio, there are magi- 
cal moments (/ Will, There There). 
More often, things fall apart, as on 
2+2=5, which opens with mourn- 
ful guitars and then careens into an 
unhinged coda with Yorke shouting 
"penetration." The less charitable 
might be inclined to wonder whether 
The Bends and OK Computer were 
flukes. (EMI) ¥¥ —Tim Mohr 

STEELY DAN» Everything Must Go 
If you're not a Dan fan, this album won't 
convert you. But aficionados will find these 
songs reminiscent of their Seventies clas- 
sics. Once again, the duo delivers their 
staple—a fusion of jazz, pop and slyly dis- 
jointed lyrics. Two Against Nature earned 
a surprise Grammy 
for Album of the Year 
in 2000. While that 
isn't likely to happen 
again, Everything 
Must Go is just as 
good. (Reprise) ¥¥¥ 
—Patty Lamberti 

DAVID BANNER» Mississippi: The Album | 

Forget about the East Coast and West 
Coast. The rowdiest hip-hop today comes 
from the dirty South, and there's no place 
dirtier than the Magnolia State. Loud, 
bouncy and in your face, Dixie hip-hop 
thrives on crunk anthems and roughhouse 
choruses. David Banner is a whole lot 
better at being social- 
ly conscious than he 
is at the hackneyed 
thugging and pimp- 
ing, but this one will 
still rip up a party. 
(SRC) vv 

—Leopold Froehlich 

| “It all sounds the 

DEFTONES» Deftones 
These boys have always been a discern- 
ing nu-metal fan's bet for the group best 
equipped to transcend the genre. On this 
one they alternately simmer and explode 
while maintaining a sensitivity that would 
make most metal acts blush. Chino 
Moreno screams, 

same,” suggesting 
that he understands 
a predictability that 
his band has outrun. 
(Maverick) ¥¥¥4 
—Jason Buhrmester 

PETE YORN* Day | Forgot 

After wowing critics with his debut CD, 
Pete Yorn was set up for a sophomore 
slump. It didn't happen. Day I Forgot was 
recorded with the same producers, but he 
has evolved into a formidable rock trou- 
badour. On Carlos, he declares in his 
smoky, bar-strained voice, "Even when | 

try to sleep/I'm look- 

ing for my best 
friends/I'm tired of 
all the people | see 
through.” The mini 
Boss is all grown up. 
(Columbia) ууз 
—Alison Prato 


Lucinda Williams has three Grammys 
and a new CD, World Without Tears. 

We spoke to her as she packed to hit 
the road with Neil Young. 

Q: Time magazine called you America's. 
best songwriter. Talk about piling on 
the pressure. 

А: 1 know! | felt humbled. Wait a 
minute—what about Bob Dylan? John 
Prine? Don't single me out, That's my 
nature. I'm always taking care of every- 
one. They pour accolades on me and | 
think, What about so-and-so? I don’t 
want my friends to feel left out. 

Q: How many times have you had your 
heart broken? 

A: God, it just happened. Second time 
this year. | guess I'm not doing some- 
thing right. 

Q: How do you cope with a bad 

А: The last guy is all over 

my пем record. I сап , 

say who he is be- 
cause that would be 
horrible for him. See? 
Here ! go—he broke 
my heart and Рт 
worrying about 
hurting his feel- 
ings. How 
fucked up 

is that? 

Q: What do 
you think of 
the music 
young sex 

A: That's the 
nature of the 
business. Pop 
and rock are 
visual. But it's 
not just about 
glamour. The 
younger people 
think they can 
learn a few chords and, boom—that's 
it. They're not working on their craft. 
When | was 18, | wasn't thinking 
about getting a record deal, | was learn- 
ing to write. 

Q: Do you have groupies? 

А: Men are intimidated because I'm 
strong and independent. Too bad. With 
male musicians it's the opposite—girls 
crawl all over them. It would be nice to 
have good-looking guys hanging around. 
God, ! love to flirt. 

Q: Where do you keep all of your. 

A: Right now they're in storage. Not to. 
be rude, but I wish they were silver in- 
stead of gold. They completely clash 
with all my stuff. —Alison Prato 


reviews[ games 


The scariest thing on this cruise isn't the seafood pin 

Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Capcom, PS2) is set on a cruise ship, but you won't mis- 
take it for a Love Boat rerun. Something stronger than Isaac's mai tais has turned the 
passengers and crew into bloodthirsty zombies. As Bruce MacGavin, it's your job to 

investigate the infection and kill 
(or is that rekill?) every nasty in 
sight, from possessed shuffle- 
board players to ferocious sea 
creatures. To add realism, the 
game can be played with a gun 
controller, allowing you to tog- 
gle between shooting in the 
first-person perspective or guid- 
ing MacGavin around the enor- 
mous ship. The foreboding at- 
mosphere lives up to Resident 
Evil's creepy standards—just 
don't count on action as frantic 
as Sega's zombie-shooter rival, 
House of the Dead. Dead Aim's 
targets can ect more disorient- 
ed than a boatload of Florida 
retirees. ¥¥¥ — —John Gaudiosi 

ета A 

THE HULK (Vivendi Universal, PS2, 
Xbox, GameCube, PC) Most movie-to- 
game conversions suck—witness Dare- 
devil, a project that went bad faster than 
you can say Ben Affleck. But The Hulk is a 
pleasant surprise. You'll engage in stealth 
missions as Bruce Banner and vicious bat- 
tles as his mean green alter ego in a noir 
style straight from the graphic novels un- 
der your bed. Best 
of all, the game's 
environments are 
destructible, so if 
it exists, Hulk can 
smash it. УУУУ 
—Scott Steinberg 

BRUTE FORCE (Microsoft, Xbox) Put a 
trigger-happy gamer in control of a well- 
armed military squad and there are bound | 
to be casualties, especially in a game this | 
tough. The sci-fi soldiers you command 
(an assault trooper, a sniper, a scout and a 
murderous alien) use their skills to accom- 
plish missions that range from hostage 
rescue to seek-and-destroy. Keeping track 
of the entire team 
while under fire 
requires strategy, 
so try being more 
Rumsfeld and less 
Rambo. ¥¥¥ 
—Marc Saltzman 

MIDNIGHT CLUB 2 (Rockstar Games, 
PS2, Xbox, PC) You don't have to boost 
vehicles in this game by the makers 
of Grand Theft Auto, but thet doesn't 
mean your insurance rates shouldn't sky- 
rocket just for grabbing the controller. 
Driving in the illegal streetracing circuit, 
you race for pink slips against rivals in 
Los Angeles, Tokyo and Paris. Touchy 
controls require 
precision to avoid 
wrecking or, even 
worse, forking 
over your ride to 
а Frenchie. УУУ 
—Jason Buhrmester 

Schuster, Xbox) The idea of a beach vol- 
leyball video game is a winner, so why 
isn't there a version that does it right? 
In Outlaw, you ogle scantily clad eye 
candy Summer and Harley and get 
dissed by tattooed muscle heads who 
hold grudges or cross the net to pick a 
fight when you spike the ball at them. 
But behind the LT 

gimmicks Outlaw 
is a simplistic 
sports game that 
falls to pieces 
like a loose string 
bikini. yy —S.S. 


Supercross champ Ricky Carmichael 
plays some titles worth getting 
revved up about. 

“It’s almost sad to 
say, but | don't 
play many games. 
outside of racing. 
ones. We have 
heated bat- 
tles at World ГА 
of Outlaws: 
Sprint Cars 
PS2, PC). It's 
a great dirt-track game to play 
with a buddy—just try not to get 
pissed off at each other. 1 always 
use Sammy Swindell as my driver. 
Then I outfit my car with a slower accel- 
eration so it handles easier in the dirt and 
mud. It pays off on tracks like Bristol that 
are so small and tight you can't just blast 
through. Those are the tracks that sep- 
arate the players with technique from 
the chumps. After you win a few races, 

you earn cash to upgrade your car. My 
tip: Suspension is key. Spend your. 
nus cash on that, then work on build- 
ing up the motor. We also spend a lot of 
time playing my supercross game, MX 
Superfly (THQ, PS2, Xbox, GameCube). 
Luckily no one has ever beaten me while 
playing as me. That would suck." 

ial based device. 

were B Е screamed 
"geek" across a crowded club. 

Fossil finally got it right with 
its Wrist PDA. It runs the 
full Palm software, not a 
stripped-down version, 
including useful add- 
ons such as games // 
and calculators. A 
tiny stylus tucks into 
the band, and a 
‚small infrared port 
on the face beams 
data to any Palm- 


Black Sceptre - Swiss made 


Swatch Stores. New York = Lo: со = Chicago - Miami 

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reviews [ dvds 


Brosnan and Berry heat up the Bond market. 

The fourth trip around the world with Pierce Brosnan as 007 feels surprisingly fresh, 
like that rare Super Bowl in which both the game and the commercials are great. 
Credit director Lee Tamahori for giving the old megalomaniacalwillain-plots-to-destroy- 

Western-civilization story a 
new (if convoluted) spin, and 
producers for adding Halle 
Berry as a wisecracking, bikini- 
clad American agent who al- 
most makes this the first Bond 
buddy movie. As for thrills, the 
Aston Martin-on-ice chase 
ranks with the series' best. 
Extras: The double DVD is a 
Qfest, with two commentary 
tracks and several in-depth 
features on the jaw-dropping 
stunts. Madonna's Die Another 
Day music video is here, too, 
but we'd prefer the title se- 
quence of Bond in captivity— 
also one for the 007 "best" 
lists. ¥¥¥%  —Gregory P. Fagan 

FRIDA (2002) Thank god it's Frida. All you 
need to know about Mexican artist Frida 
Kahlo (played by Salma Hayek) is that 
she had affairs with Leon Trotsky and 
Josephine Baker despite a five-inch uni- 
brow and a metal rod in her back. And she 
was a gifted painter. Best excuse for the 
biopic: naked Salma. Extras: Two discs 
with, among other bonuses, commentary 
by director Julie Taymor, an interview with 
Hayek, her re- 
cording session, 
production de- 
tails of special 
effects and a bi- 
ography of randy 
Kahlo. ¥¥¥ 
—Buzz McClain 

ABOUT SCHMIDT (2002) In Easy Rider, 
a carefree Jack Nicholson rides the back 
of a Harley; 33 years later a Winnebago 
takes his retired, widowed and adrift 
Schmidt character on a journey of self- 
discovery. Nicholson has said it's his least 
vain performance ever, but it doesn't 
come close to Kathy Bates's fearless nude 
hot tub appearance. Extras: Nine deleted 
scenes and, most interesting, several open- 
ing sequence test 
films by director 
‚Alexander Payne's 
editing staff. In- 
explicably, there 
are no commen- 
tary tracks. yvy 


THE HOURS (2002) The ambitiously inter- 
woven triptych of tales presents Virginia 
Woolf (Nicole Kidman with a nose exten- 
sion) contemplating suicide while writing 
her novel Mrs. Dalloway, a Fifties house- 
wife (Julianne Moore) who's reading 
Woolf's classic and contemplating suicide, 
and a contemporary editor (Meryl Streep) 
throwing a party for a friend (Ed Harris) 
who is contem- 
plating suicide. 
Extras: The ac- 
tresses hold forth 
on one of the 
DVD's two com- 
mentary tracks. 
Wh —G.F 


TREME EDITION (1991) Artisan has 
trumped its previous T2: Judgment Day 
Ultimate Edition DVD with this “extreme” 
issue. Even owners of the earlier release 
will be tempted, as little is duplicated. The 
film has been retransferred using director 
James Cameron's extended cut, improving 
sound and image. Extras: A new docu- 
mentary on T2's 
impact on digital 
effects, and the T2 
FX Studio, vihich 
enables you to re- 
cast the T-1000 
in your own like- 
ness. УУУ —GF 



This month's lesson: All you need to 
know to watch French New Wave. 

Genre genesis: The masthead for the 
French magazine Cahiers du Cinéma 
(Notebooks on Movies) boasted such for- 
midable names as Francois Truffaut, 
Jean-Luc Godard, Eric Rohmer and 
Claude Chabrol—as critics, no less. Fed 
up with bourgeois French films and in- 
spired by American cinematic masters 
such as Howard Hawks and Busby Berke- 
ley, the pundits became directors, with 
the mandate to make movies in which the 
director was an auteur—the sole arbiter 
of the meaning of the film. The influential 
Nouvelle Vague movement began in the 
Fifties, and before it petered out in the 
mid-Sixties brought existentialism, leftist 

а x 
Breathless: Belmondo and Seberg. 

politics, a soupcon of German expres- 
Sionism and an unflinching portrayal of 
sex to its mise-enscene, Not to mention 
about a milion cigarettes. 

Techniques: These directors broke rules 
by taking cameras off tripods, eschewing 
studios for locations and emphasizing 
gritty reality. Among the cornerstones: 
Le Beau Serge (1958), The 400 Blows 
(1959; no, not that kind of blow), Cléo de 
5 à 7 (1962), Paris Belongs to Us uo 
and Breathless (1960). 

The Gift (2000) is a weltdone suspense 
thriller, but it isn't just Cate Blanchett's nu- 
anced portrayal of a clairvoyant sucked 
into a murder investigation or director. 
Sam Raimi's gothic atmospherics that 
make it worthwhile. Near the film's de- 
ovement, spectacularly nubile Katie 
Holmes, the village punchboard, is con- 
fronted by her jealous fiancé, and for 
a few blessed- 
ly gratuitous mo- 
ments (at time 
marker 1:37 or 
so) we see her 
wearing nothing 
but d 

aq, y 

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It's the shadow economy, stupid. 

From guys selling fake Rolexes on the street 
corner to teenagers pirating CDs on the In- 
ternet, America’s black market economy is 
booming. Reefer Madness illuminates the 
most lucrative aspects of the shadow econ- 
omy—illegal immigrant labor, pornography 
and marijuana. One example? “Marijuana is 
and has long been the most widely used 
illegal drug in the U.S.," Schlosser writes. 
“More than 2 million Americans smoke it 
every day. Unlike heroin or cocaine, which 
must be imported, anywhere from a quarter 
to half of the marijuana used in the U.S. is 
grown here as well. The value of America's 
annual marijuana crop? Plausible estimates 
start at $4 billion and range up to $25 bil- 
lion." Reefer Madness reveals the hypocrisy 
of a society in which big business often prof- 
its from the industries it publicly abhors, and 
that punishes a man more harshly for sell 
ing marijuana than for shooting someone. 
(Houghton Mifflin) ¥¥¥ —Alison Prato 

PERSUADER * Lee Child 

The secret to writing a great scene: Start 
in the middle of the action, then leave the 
reader hanging. Child has coupled that 
formula to a razor-sharp style and crafted 
seven perfect thrillers. One press clip 
boasted that he's “the best thriller writer 
you're probably not reading—yet.” Time 

==> to start. Jack Reacher, his hero, is a for- 
= Í mer military policeman with a knack for 

landing in sticky situations. This story 
kicks off with a kidnapping and quickly es- 
calates to a cop killing. The villains are 
drug dealers, or maybe worse. Good 
thing Reacher is well — — — 

versed in firearms and || EE CHILD | 
strategy—just the guy | 

to fight his way out of a © | 

342-page read. Think 

cret ones are 
enly displayed. 


justas important as the ones that are 

Die Hard without the 
smirk. (Delacorte) ux 
—James R. Petersen 

Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American 

GHETTO CELEBRITY = Donnell Alexander 
Told through a narrative with comic strips, 
this graphic memoir recounts the author's 
early experiences with rap and gangs in 
an Ohio ghetto. The best parts lampoon 
his absent father, who was a heroin ad- 
dict, pimp, devout Muslim and James 

worth examining because of the way fortunes are made 
there, lives are often ruined there, and the vicissitud 

of the law can deem one man a gangster or a chi 
executive (or both). if the market does indeed embod 

the sum of all human wishes, then 

Black Market. what happens in the black market is 
— ERIC SCHLOSSER, suitor ot Fast 


This hilarious collection of essays, subti- 
tled "The Tragic Inner Life of Sports Fans," 
explores why otherwise sensible people 
surrender their emotional health to the 
fortunes of their favorite sports teams. 
Queenan suspects the phenomenon is 
mostly male, postulating that the only com- 
parable female pursuit is the fanatic acqui- 
sition of footwear. Recurrent themes in- 
clude pathological behavior provoked by 
Such perennial losers as the Red Sox, the 

Brown impersonator, among other things. 
As Alexander grew up, he tried to follow in 
his dad's footsteps but found he didn't 

Bills and the Suns. He's not immune to fan- 
dom. He just wants us to grow up a lit- 
tle. Some of his rules: “Never act like have the heart for it. Once, after smoking 
you're having a good time at preseason PCP, he instinctually knew how to break- 
games." "Be grateful for dance; after he crashed, 
what you've got, even if | he could barely remem- 
you have nothing." "Wear ber how to walk. Ghet- 
the hat right, doofus." to's style is a quirky 
With Queenan's help, Blimpse into hip-hop cul- 
there's hope we can man- ture before it even had 
age our affliction. (Henry а name. (Crown) viv 

Holt) ¥¥¥¥ —John Rezek —fatty Lamberti 

On a single day, 125 photographers cap- 
tured a candid look at military life. To a 
cynic, these results may have all the 
charm of a slick recruitment campaign. 
But now that the war is real—it wasn't 
when these sometimes heroic, some- 
times mundane im- 
ages were shot— 
there is a poi- 
gnancy in looking 
at a standard- 
issue day short- 
ly before all hell 
breaks loose. (Har- 
per Collins) ¥¥¥ 
—Jarrett Banks 



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On Playboy TV's hidden-camera show 
Totally Busted, Steve-O—Jackass’ most 
unhinged jackass—is part of a squad that 
plays sexually charged pranks on unsus- 
pecting victims. “So many hot chicks 
want to do irresponsible things,” Steve- 
O says of his targets. "It's a natural rcla- 
tionship." Now, more wisdom from a 
guy who staples his scrotum to his leg: 
(1) Thou Shalt Not КШ... Fewer Than 
5000 Brain Cells a Day. 

"A day in my life means sex, drugs and 
rock. Binging makes me motivated and 
irrational. I jumped off the Tower of 
London Bridge full of narcotics and Jack 
Daniel's. I don't like when chicks don't 
do drugs—it bums me out." 

(2) Thou Shalt Not Take Bozo the 
Clown's Name in Vain. 

"When I worked as a circus clown, I 
learned how to eat glass and chew light- 
bulbs. The trick is, wait—I'm not gonna 
tell you how to eat glass. That's retarded. 
I'm not looking to share the spotlight, so 
don't copy my fucking stunts." 

(3) Thou Shalt Give the Crowd What 
They Paid For. 

"Every night on tour, I had to pull out 
my equipment and staple my ball sack to 
my leg. Skynyrd isn't going to do a show 
without playing Free Bird, you know?" 


1. Clamato. I love Clamato. And I'm to- 
tally into steamed clams. Sometimes you 
can get them frozen so you can re- 

heat them. 

2. Pickled Onion-Flavored Mon- 
ster Munch. In England, they 
have this stuff, kind of like 
potato chips, that totally rules. 
3. Wishbone Robusto Italian | AMATO 



dressing. Dude—this is my fa- 
vorite. | put it on everything. 

(4) Honor Thy Father Until He Jeopar- 
dizes Your Manhood. 

“My dad suggested that I have pro 
soccer players kick balls at me while I 
balanced a ladder on my head. In the in- 
terest of protecting my penis, I said no.” 
(5) Keep Holy Thy Hole. 

“In Jackass: The Movie, 1 turned down 
a stunt for the first time. They wanted 
me to shove a Matchbox car up my butt. 
I told my dad about it, and the way he 
said, ‘Oh, по, made me pass.” 

(6) Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neigh- 
bor’s Clearasil. 

"I got this whitehead on my lip when I 
worked on the movie Blind Horizon. 1 re- 
fused makeup so I could show it off." 
(7) Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. 

“If I acted on every sexual opportuni- 
ty that came my way, I'd have herpes in a 
week. I'm keeping my wiener safe for a 
certain girl right now. No sex with other 
chicks. Maybe I'll masturbate on them." 
(8) Thou Shalt Keep Thy Big, Fat, 
Stoned Mouth Shut. 

“My roommate got a DUI without 
drinking alcohol. The cop said, ‘Are you 
under the influence?’ He goes, “To be 
honest, I've been smoking weed.’ I'm 
like, ‘Why'd you tell him that? It’s not 
like you have anything illegal in the car!" 
(9) Thou Shalt Not Scream Like a Girl. 

“In the stunt "Unwrapping the Wiener 
Mummy,' I put tape around my cock 
and ripped it off. Awesome!" 

av ‘Awa rds 
ny Knoxville. 

(10) Thou Shalt Not Steal—Unless It's 
Captured for Posterity. 

"Obscurity scares me. My motivation 
is historical significance. I never said I 
want to die on camera, or that I would 
plan my death for the purpose of the 
footage, but if 1 accidentally die, fuck 
yeah, I want it on tape." 

—Totally Busted airs every Sunday at 
8:00 pm. Eastern and 10:00 pm. Pacific. 



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We get thousands of e-mails a week at À note from a less-than- 
wealthy college kid hoping to surf some- 
where other than the Internet this sum- 
mer got us thinking: When you barely 
have enough cash to buy a round at the 
bar, vacationing anywhere but the mall 
seems like a pipe dream. Before you set- 
Ue for Cinnabons and shoplifting, check 
out our list of the world’s sexiest yet 
most inexpensive destinations. And send 
us a postcard, you cheap bastard. 

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Once a war- 
torn hellhole, the former Saigon is now 
budget-traveler heaven with beaches, 
nearby mountains and a bustling night- 
life. With a currency called dong, how 
can you resist? By day: Hike on the Ho 
Chi Minh Trail. By night: Down a few at 
Bar No. 5 and Tex Mex. Where to crash: 
the Pham Ngu Lao area at the western 
end of District One. 

Shanghai, China There are more Star- 
bucks than opium dens in Shanghai 
these days, but “the Paris of China” still 
offers a mix of Asian and European flair. 
By day: Huaihai Lu in Frenchtown is 
especially cool with its tree-lined streets, 
cafes and bars. By night: Take a twilight. 
tour on the Huangpu River. Where to 
crash: Captain Hostel. 

Austin, Texas Think New Orleans mi- 
nus the beads—a town that bumps with 
neohippies, slackers and punks, down- 
home grub and nonstop music. By day: 
Bike, swim or hike at Zilker Park. By 


Where to go when you're low on flow? Try Austin (right), the hip- 
ster music copitol of the world, thanks to its South by Southwest 
Music Festival. Far right: Is Kraköw, with its historic buildings 
ond plentiful booze, the next Progue? Below: We liked Shang- 
hai nights before Owen Wilson jumped on the bandwagon. 

night: Watch the bats take flight from 
beneath the Congress Avenue Bridge. 
Where to crash: the Austin Motel. 

Kraköw, Poland The only Polish city that 
wasn't ravaged by war boasts one of the 
most scenic European cityscapes. By day: 
Wawel Castle for its sword collec- 
tion. By might: Booze it up at Singer Pub, 
decorated with vintage sewing machines. 
Where to crash: Hotel Saski. 


arilyn Monroe. It to 

Quito, Ecuador Quito offers views 
of green mountains, snowcapped vol- 
canoes and—most important—raven- 
haired Latinas. By day: Meals star 
though local fare may not do it for you— 
cuy is whole roasted guinea pig. By night: 
Wednesday is ladies’ night at San Anto- 
nio de Cabeza—the perfect pickup spot 

Where to crash: A budget hotel on La 
Ronda. (To learn more, see the full fea- 
ture at 


say what? jimmy's lust redux 

The Playbay Inter- 
view has long been a 
forum for newsmak- 
ing statements by 
movers and shakers, 
and the most shock- 
ing may have been 
presidential candi- 
date Jimmy Carter's 
confession, “| have 
looked on a lot of 
women with lust. I've 
committed adultery 
in my heart many 
times.” In honor of 
ovr 50th anniversary, is post- 
ing audio clips from 
history's most incen- 
diary interviews. Go 
online and listen up. 

“1 have 
looked on 
a lot of 
with lust." 

Jamie Ireland is a 
freelance writer in 
the areas of sex, 
fitness, romance. 
and travel. 




| The inside story on | 

Learning “The Ropes’... 

"Герой t gota lerer from a 

reader in Texas, abouta “little 
secret" that has made her love life with her 
husband absolutely explosive. (Those 
Texans know their stuff, let me tell you.) 

а writes: 

Dear Jamie, 

Last month, my husband returned from 
a business trip in Europe and he was 
hotter than ever before. The power and 
sexual energy that he suddenly had was 
even more than when we first started 
making love almost 10 years ago! It was 
incredible. He flat wore me out! And 
the best part of ir all — he was having 
multiple orgasms. I know what you're 
thinking, men don't have multiples. 
That's what I thought too, but trust 
me, he was and his newfound passion 
and vigor was such an incredible turn-on 
to me also, that before we knew it we 
were both basking in the glow of the 
best sex of our lives. 

We'd tried tantric stuff in the past and 
the results were so-so. Bur this was 
something new and exciting, completely, 
out of the ordinary. After a few days, 
Tasked my husband what had created 
such a dramatic change in our lovemaking, 
and he told me he'd finally learned 

"the ropes." 

On the last night of his business trip, my 
husband spent an cvening dining out 

with a Swedish nutritionist and his wife of 
nearly 20 years. The couple was obviously 
still quite enamored with each other, 
so my husband asked their secret. ‘The 
nutritionist told him their sex life was 
more passionate than ever. Then he pulled 

hy sex 

by Jamie Ireland. 

asmall bottle from his satchel and gave it 
to my husband. The bottle contained a 
iral supplement chat the nutritionist 
told my husband would teach him “the 
ropes” of good sex. 

My husband takes this supplement every 
day. The supply from the nutritionist is 
about to run cut, and we desperately 
want to know how we can find more. 
Do you know anything about “the 
ropes” and can you tell us how we can 
find it in the States? 

Tina C. 
Ft. Worth, Texas 

"pus you and the rest of our reade 
re in luck, because it just so happens 
Ido know about “the ropes," and the 
supplement your husband's Swedish 
friend likely shared. 

"The physical contractions and fluid 
release during male orgasm can be 
multiplied and intensified by a product 
called Ogóplex Pure Extract™. Irs a 
supplement that will most certainly trigger 
much longer and stronger orgasmi 
experiences in men. The best part, from 

a woman' perspective, is chat the motion 
and experience a man can achieve with 

Ogóplex Pure Extract can help stimulare 
her own orgasms, bringing a whole new 
meaning to the term simultaneous climax! 

"The term used by the Swedish nutritionist 
is actually fairly common slang throughout 
Europe for the effect your husband 
experienced. The enhanced contractions 
and heightened orgasmic release are 
often referred to as ropes because of the 
rope-like effect of release during climax. 
In other words, as some people have 
said, “it just keeps coming and coming.” 

As for finding it in the states, I know 
of just one importer, Böland Naturals, 
Inc. If you are interested, you can 
contact them at 1-866-OGOPLEX 
or Ogöplex tablets are 
pure flower seed extract and are safe to 
take. All the people Pve spoken with have 
said taking the once-daily tablet has led 
to the roping effect Tina described in 
her letter. 

Aren't you glad you asked? 

е thon) 

Jamie Ireland 

Individual results may vary. 

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The Mini—Minus a Top 

What do poporozzi and auta industry spy photographers have in camman? Both will da anything ta catch the latest model going topless 
Ace spy shooter Brenda Priddy cought this block 2004 Mini Cooper convertible undergoing severe-weather testing in narthern Sweden. 
(The red version, above, is a phota and art mock-up.) "Even in the caldest part of winter,” Priddy soys, “the best places ta catch protatype 
cars are fast-food and drive-in restaurants. Test crews have to eat.” Turning the Mini Cooper and its mare powerful brather, the Mini 
Cooper S, into convertibles was o na-brainer. The snug-fitling tap drops in secands (we'll bet it’s going ta be powered) for open-air fun. 
We wanted to know more, but the Mini Cooper people weren't talking—except ta admit that the spy shots show “a pretty damn goad- 
looking car." They have onnaunced o new 200 hp Jahn Cooper Works package far S models that includes an uprated cylinder head and 
supercharger, special elecironics and a high-performance exhaust. The package con be retrofitted to S cars that ore already on the road 
(The upgrade will probably cost about $5000.) As for the canvertible—laak far it in mid-2004, if not sooner. 

Chef's Choice 

Remember when Survivor was 
in Australia o few years aga? 
Keith Famie, o chef fram 
Michigan, finished third, but 
that didn’t slack his thirst far 
exotic travel or eating weird 
cuisine an TV. Keith Fomie’s 
Adventures an the Food 
Network toak him oll aver 

the world, and naw his most 
exotic culinary discoveries are 
collected in You Really Haven‘t 
Been There Until You've Eaten 
the Food. The South Pacific, 
Africa, Mexico and Jamaica 
are same of the places where 
Fomie has chawed down. 
Pictured here is Durbon 
spiced shrimp, a Sauth 
African dish that's jazzed up with coriander, cumin, turmeric and 
cloves. Serve it ta your date with Cape Malay mashed potatoes 
ond a bottle of cold Tusker beer, Mr. International Guy. 

(Clarksan Patter, $32.50 in bookstores.) 


The Wright Time 

It was 100 years ago that 
Wilbur ond Orville Wright 
made their first powered 
flight at Kitty Hawk, North 
Carolina. Haw time flies! 
To commemorate the his- 
toric event, Breitling has 
introduced an 1B-karat- 
inding watch, 
lont 1903. 
Think the watch face 
looks funky? The 
beaded bezel is an ex- 
ad replica of the one 
used on the first 
equipped with circular 
slide rules. The 
watch's price, which 
depends on the band you choose (leather, sharkskin or metal), 
starts at $11,620, which is probably 10 times what it cost the 
Wright brothers to build their plane, but, then again, Orville 
only stayed in the air for 12 seconds. If you're nat a flush fly- 
boy, o steel version begins ot $3700. Flyer 1, the brothers’ first 
Plane, is depicted on the back of the watch. 

Ê dine, who's starring in 

Clothesline: = 
David Carradine 

He moy be a hippie at 
heart, but when it comes 
а to fashion, David Carra- 
77 the upcoming Quentin 
Tarantino martial orts 
film Kill Bill, has a more 
formal attitude. "You 
will never see me in a 
restaurant in shirt- 
sleeves. | always wear a 
jacket. My father [actor 
John Carradine] was on 
old-fashioned guy. He 
had a certain elegance, 
which I inherited. | have 
a number of Proda and 
Armani items, and I also 
like Hawaiian shirts. Once, when I was in Hawaii, | found a 
store that was reissuing classic ones that I'd seen in movies. | 
bought the reissue of the shirt Montgomery Clift wore in From 
Here to Eternity. 1 never throw anything away. | have oll kinds 
of clathes left over fram the Sixties. Quentin sent his wardrabe 
people aver to raid my closet for Kill Bill." 

All Aboard for Luxury 

Given the state of the world, cocktails and a candlelit 
dinner in a gently swaying diner cor sure beat airline 
mystery meat in a claustrophobic caach seat. Luxurious 
foreign and domestic train trips are gathering steam, 
inviting you to climb aboard well-appointed vintage 
trains and watch the Canadian Rockies, the Swiss Alps or 
even South American jungles roll past in style. These 
aren't overnight junkets: One through Peru takes 13 
days, and a Trans-Siberian journey chugs you acrass Rus- 
sia by private train in 15 days for anly $4500. Some trips 
are tailored to a speciol interest—sightseeing, golfing 
and fly-fishing excursians are offered in Canoda. The 
experts at Rail Travel Center in Putney, Vermont can help 
| cut the red tape in baoking, and they stock catalogs for 

| all the trips. Go to for information. 

The Perfect time... 

® To buy gasoline—particularly in the summer: Early in the 
morning, because gasoline expands as its temperature ris- 
es, so you get less for your money if you gas up when the 
sun is high. Another way to beat the cost of gasoline: Go to to search for the best price in ony loca- 
tion. * To fly to avoid air-travel delays: Between seven and 
eight A.M. The worst deloys generally occur on flights that 
depart between 

lote afternoon and 

eorly evening. Al- 

though stotistics 

vary by airline 

and by airport, 

early-morning do- 

mestic flights typi- 

cally deport and 

orrive on schedule 

(within 15 min- 

utes) more than 

90 percent of the 

time. Just like at 

the doctor's office, 

as problems accrue throughout the doy the waiting time 
grows. If you have a choice, don’t fly on Thursdoys or on 
Fridays, the days when delays are most likely. Saturdays 
ore especially good for on-time arrivols. ® To install air- 
conditioning: Early September through mid-October. The 
cost of installing a system climbs with the mercury, bu! 

you can tough it out this summer you can get o bargain in 
the fall, when prices for central air drop os much as 30 
percent and instollers aren't as busy. Cool, huh? 


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ihe Playboy Advisor 

| have a device in my car that supposed- 
ly jams police radar. I've heard that I 
could be charged with obstruction of jus- 
tice if a cop catches me with it. Is that 
true?—S.A., El Paso, Texas 

Yes, but in most states that will happen 
only if a state trooper makes a federal case of 
it. Jamming or attempting to jam a police 
speed gun has been a federal crime since 
1997, but the feds don't enforce the law. 
State troopers in Florida and Ohio are the 
most aggressive about initiating obstruction 
charges, and California, Minnesota, Nebras- 
ka, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, Vii 
ginia and Washington, D.C. have jammer 
bans of their own. The larger problem might 
be finding a jammer that actually worl 
you can buy legal defusers that foil some la- 
ser guns, but any product that claims to block 
radar is probably bogus. Carl Fo 
Measurement Laboratories, which 
ucts for police agencies, says the latest police 
laser guns have such short bursts that they're 
invisible to jammers or detectors. 

My girlfriend lives with her parents but 
spends 28 days of the month at my place. 
I have no problem with that, but when- 
ever І ask her to help with the bills, she 
gets angry. She says I make her feel like 
an intruder, What should I do?—M.! 
Little Rock, Arkansas 

Ask her to move in only two more 
days a month. That may be the source of her 
hostility. But be careful. If you can't gel to- 
gether on the bills, it doesn't speak well for 
your future together. Money is the root of all 
evil arguments. 

How deep is the average vagina? If you 
were to slide a yardstick into a wom- 
an, how far would it go?—C.C., Grand 
Ledge, Michigan 

The ones we've measured have been about. 
four inches. But we used our tongue. 

Ї got an e-mail that promised to reveal 
the location of the male G spot for $25. 
My husband is chomping at the bit. Is 
there such a spot and how do we find 
it?—M.E., San Ramon, California 

Save your money. The male G spot, better 
known as the prostate gland, is a mystical 
place bencath your husband's balls. To find 
it, insert your index finger about 1.5 inches 
into his anus and make a come-hither mo- 
tion against the front wall of his rectum. He 
may have had a doctor do this during an ex- 
am, but it's quite a different sensation when 
you're highly aroused, the finger belongs to 
your wife and insurance companies aren't 
involved. Suzi Godson, in The Sex Book, of- 
fers further instruction, Have your husband 
lie on his back. While stroking his cock, press 
gently but firmly on the area between his 

balls and anus to stimulate the prostate from 
the outside. As you slide your latex-gloved, 
lubed finger into his anus, his sphincter will 
twitch. This may feel uncomfortable for your 
husband, but after about 30 seconds the 
spasms will stop. Caress his prostate gently. 
He may feel the urge to urinate (but won't). 
If he can speak, ask him what motions feel 
best. As he approaches orgasm, his sphincter 
will tighten and the gland will swell. Be- 
cause it supplies part of the fluid that makes 
up his come, the gland will contract as he 
ejaculates. When you remove your finger, 
your husband will deflate. 

M, girlfriend and I were watching a TV 
show in which two guys were standing at 
urinals with privacy screens. She asked if 
the urinals at my job had screens, When 
I told her that they didn't, she wanted 
to know which of my co-workers were 
“hung like horses.” A few months later 
she was talking about an ex-boyfriend 
and said he was “huge.” When I asked 
her how huge had felt, she said, “Differ- 
ent.” I said, “So, not good?" She said, “I 
didn't say that.” Another time she told 
me her fayorite position was from be- 
hind because it made me feel so big. 
When we have sex, I can't help but think 
she might be having a better time if I 
were larger. Why is she saying these 
things?—R.W., Las Vegas, Nevada 

Your girlfriend may be a size queen, but 
we doubt it. You'd already be history. She 
more likely fantasizes about being “filled up” 
once in a while. That's common. It doesn't 
mean she's unsatisfied with your standard is- 
suc—only the first few inches of the vagina 
have nerve endings. Look at it this way: Do 
you ever fantasize about monster tits? Does 


the fact that your girlfriend's breasts may be 
smaller make the sex or the relationship less 
fulfilling? We hope not. You can gnash your 
teeth about this or use it to explore. If a porn- 
star penis is a turn-on, provide one. We're 
not talking about surgery but rather a three- 
inch latex extender available at sex-toy shops 
that fits over the head of your penis and has 
а nice collection of bumps to stimulate her. 
A similar extension made of CyberSkin can 
add 1.5 inches to your length and girth. Not 
every guy is man enough to wear a sleeve, 
but the ones who do are oflen surprised by 
the sounds they hear. Have fun. As most 
women will tell you, a large penis doesn't 
add up to much if the guy is a jerk. Your cack 
scores bonus points by being attached to you. 

Does a person actually need to drink 
eight glasses of water a day? I tried it for 
a week and felt like a fish.—L.P., San 
Francisco, California 

The thinking among nutritionists is that 
coffee, soda, fruit juices and milk can each 
be counted toward that eight-glass guideline 
if consumed in moderation (e.g., score a 12- 
ounce coffee as six ounces of water; alcohol, 
unfortunately, is a zero). The best gauge of 
hydration isn't glasses or thirst but the color 
of your urine. It should be pale or clear. 

A friend's recently divorced sister-in- 
law, whom Гуе never met, is apparently 
open to the idea of us being fuck bud- 
dies. Is this weird? I'd be going on a 
blind date with the expectation of sex.— 
M.D., Chicago, Illinois 

You know how women are—it's always 
sex, sex, sex. See how il goes, but don't put 
out until you know her better: 

How much cologne is too much?—S.C., 
Columbus, Ohio 

We could smell it on your letter. That's too 
much. The best advice we've heard is, “Spray 
enough thal people know you're there, bul 
not enough that they know you're coming. 
If you're using a standard bottle, don't 
splash. That happens only in commercials. 
Instead, apply a dab on one or both wrists, 
and/or the neck. Some guys also add a dab to 
their thighs, chest or back, for that all-over 
freshness. With spray bottles, limit yourself 
lo two spritzes. 

Last year my wife and I began swapping 
with another couple. When my wife 
fucks the other guy, she has more and 
stronger orgasms. She is also less inhibit- 
ed. When we have sex, I do most of the 
work. My wife claims that her behavior is 
due to the “newness” of the situation. 
She says our sex life is good and that she 
doesn't want to change a thing. But now 
that I've seen what she's capable of. I'm 49 

thinking I should call off the swap. Is this 
just a common risk of swinging or is 
there a corrective action I can take?— 
S.V., Lakewood, Ohio 

Many guys who have the opportunity are 
surprised to see how differeutly their wives 
react when they're with someone else. The 
best explanation: Your wife is enjoying her 
fantasy of being with a relative stranger, 
whereas Ihe sex in a long-term relationship 
tends to be more comfortable (sometimes loo 
comfortable). Your wife also is being shown 
hard evidence that a stranger finds her de- 
sirable, which will perk up anyone's interes 
If you're uncomfortable with the swap, sus- 
pend it. No matter what, you need to make 
sex as a couple less predictable. Arrange 10 
share a few private fantasies—something 
ош of the ordinary but perhaps as simple as 
a blindfold—and see what reaction you gel. 

М, new girlfriend has genital warts. Al- 
though she has not had an outbreak in 
some time, is it still possible for me to get 
them? Also, can they be transmitted to 
my hands or mouth?—N.S., Los Ange- 
les, California 

Some types of genital warts are invisible to 
the naked eye, so transmission is always pos- 
sible. Condoms are recommended but not al- 
ways effective because they may not cover all 
injected areas. Warts rarely show up near 
Ihe mouth, so oral sex is considered low-risk. 
The type of warts you get on other parts of 
your body, such as your hands, are caused by 
a different virus that does not appear to be 
transferable to or from the genitals. 

| find it arousing to see or hear a woman 
walk in loud shoes. I also love to hear 
them tap-dance. Is this normal? —J.F, 
Houston, Texas 

It's uncommon. In his online history of 
foot sex, podiatrist Cameron Kippen of Cur- 
tin University in Australia references a case 
“in which a man reached orgasm by follow- 
ing women whose shoes creaked (known as 
acousticophilia, or arousal from sound). It 
was thought the origins of the association re- 
lated to an early experience having standing 
sex on a staircase—his partner's shoes had 
creaked with each thrusting.” This may be 
impossible, bui you need to find a woman 
who likes to wear new shoes. 

A friend introduced me to a woman 
who works as an escort. | used her ser- 
vices several times and we developed 
a nonpaying sexual relationship and 
friendship. I am falling hard for her, and 
she has expressed the same feelings for 
me. My question is, in a relationship like 
this, will she expect fidelity?—E.S., Los 
Angeles, California 

Why wouldn't she? 

lam in my mid-40s and my girlfriend is 
in her early 50s. During sex, she refuses 
to do anything but lie there. She won't 
even touch my cock. She says, “None of 

50 my other lovers needed extra stimula- 

tion. It should be enough just to look 
at me. Have you had your testosterone 
levels checked?” She has had fewer than 
10 lovers in her life, while I have had 
100. As you can imagine, oral sex is out. 
of the question. Do you have any sugges- 
tons?—T.S., St. Paul, Minnesota 

Has your girlfriend been dating eunuchs? 
We find it hard to believe that her past lov- 
ers functioned in bed without her hand (or 
mouth) being involved. She needs counsel- 
ing. Given her vanity, you probably shouldn't 
wait around for that to happen. 

| began having an affair with a friend. 
Now we're divorcing our spouses to be 
together. What is the probability that 
we'll end up cheating on each other?— 
G.T, Detroit, Michigan 

Hard to say. Your relationship may be 
stronger than either of those that you're leav- 
ing. But given your history, you may always 
have doubts, 

Sometimes my girlfriend's leg twitches 
as she falls asleep. It always startles me. 
What causes и? —М.Е., Stowe, Vermont 

The twitches are known as hypnic jerks. 
It's not clear what causes them; your girl- 
friend's body may be reacting to the mistaken 
belief that she's falling rather than simply 
falling asleep. A more serious problem is ре 
riodic limb movement disorder, which is 
when a person's legs or arms jerk at regular 
intervals, sometimes for hours, after he or 
she has [allen asleep. Some people never re- 
alize it occurs until their partners complain. 
The condition is relieved with the same drugs 
used to treat Parkinson's disease. 

My wife, her sister and I were sharing 
our hot tub when my sister-in-law of- 
fered to give me a massage afterward, 
something she’s done before. But this 
time, when I rolled over, I had an erec- 
tion. My sister-in-law laughed and said, 
“Do you want me to handle this?” My 
wife smiled and shrugged. So my sister- 
in-law dribbled baby oil into her hand, 
pulled my bathing suit aside and began 
stroking my cock. When I came, the 
women hooted like schoolgirls. Later 
Т asked my wife about this and she re- 
plied: “You think too much. It was a 
spur-of-the-moment thing.” Why did 
she let her sister give me a hand job?— 
J.C., Buffalo, New York 

Your wife is right. You think too much. 
Just keep that hot tub ready. 

| asked my boyfriend to go down on me. 
It was his first time and he didn't do a 
good job. Is there a way to tell him how 
to do it without barking commands dur- 
ing sex? Also, just to be sure I know, 
what exactly is the right way?—C.L., 
New York, New York 

The best way to find the right way is to ex- 
periment with his tongue. To do that, you're 
going lo have to open your oum mouth. You 
can provide more than enough instruction 

with six words: left, right, up, down, harder, 
softer. Before your boyfriend descends, lick 
the inside of his wrist in the same way you'd 
like to have him work your clit. If he still has 
trouble, ask him to spell out the alphabet 
with the tip of his tongue around your clit 
then do it backward. If you prefer certain let- 
ters (or a certain alphabet), let him know. 
He'll still need practice, but who doesn't? 

My girlfriend insists that any damp tow- 
el that contains my ejaculate will damage 
her hardwood floor. She says that an en- 
zyme in semen eats into the finish. Could 
this possibly be true?—M.P, Appleton, 

This wouldn't be a concern if she swal- 
lowed. A wet towel could damage her floor, 
but it has nothing to do with its semen con- 
tent. Buy her a rug, or a hamper. Or pick up 
a tub of mango or vanilla Pleasure Wipes 
(a.k.a. Cum-Kleen), which are larger and 
thicker than baby wipes. Phone 866-286- 
5536 for a sample. 

Three years ago I was in a relationship 
with a woman who did not want chil- 
dren. She told me that in order to show 
my commitment to the relationship 1 
should get a vasectomy. Two years lat- 
er she left me. Do I have any legal re- 
course?—A.B., Sterling, Colorado 

No. But you may have medical recourse. 
Vasectomies have been reversed as long as 30 
years after the procedure. About 60 percent 
of men who have microsurgery to reconnect 
the vas deferens produce children. 

М, wife's best friend is a man. They 
grew up together and had a couple of 
intimate moments but never dated. He 
lives in California. When she e-mails him 
she begins with a “Hey, baby” and ends 
with “Love, your girl.” This makes me 
uncomfortable. We call each other baby 
and I thought she was my girl, legally 
and emotionally. 1 haven't asked her to 
stop because 1 don't know if I'm blowing 
this out of proportion. She wants to fly to 
‘alifornia to spend a week wi 
whom she hasn't seen in 10 yeai 
help.—C.G., Atlanta, Georgia 

You're right to be suspicious. It's OK for 
your wife's best friend to be a guy, as long as 
that guy is you. You can't stop her from going 
to California, or flirting with her old buddy, 
but you can let her know it’s damaging her 
marriage. Then she'll decide. 

the guy, 


All reasonable questions—from fashion, food 
and drink, stereo and sports cars to dating 
dilemmas, laste and etiquette—awill be person- 
ally answered if the writer includes a self-ad- 
dressed, stamped envelope. The most provoca- 
live, pertinent questions will be presented in 
these pages each month. Write the Playboy Ad- 
visor, PLAYBOY, 680 North Lake Shore Drive, 
Chicago, Illinois 60611, or send e-mail by 


is this what it means to be embedded? 

| hile the technology of war 

has changed over the de- 

W cades, one thing remains 
constant: When our soldiers go over- 
scas, they take part of America with 
them. In the Vietnam era, Gls car- 
in their packs 
(left) and they 
flocked to see 
the Playmates 
who accom- 
panied USO 
tours. In both 
Persian Gulf 
wars, Opera- 
tion Playmate 
reached out 
to soldiers. To- 
day's coverage 
brings the war 
into our living 
rooms, but it is 
a more traditional medium—that of 
the girl next door—that maintains 
the connection with the home front. 

Lance Corporal Brett Mair wrote to tell us that his April issue arrived missing 32 
pages (i.e., most of Carmen Electra). The image below, widely circulated on 
the Internet, shaws an unidentified GI with co-pilot Centerfold Jennifer Walcott. 



cople ask what drug decrimi- 
P nalization would look like. We 

already know. In 1937 Con- 
gress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, 
which required dealers to affix tax 
stamps to their product. The Su- 
preme Court overturned the law in 
1969, but by one count 17 
states have statutes of their 
own requiring anyone pos- 
sessing illegal drugs to 
buy and attach tax stamps. 
‘The idea may sound corny 

(most drug stamps are sold to collec- 
tors), but prosecutors insist that it's an 
eHective weapon. Because tax evasion 
is a civil infraction, authorities have a 
lesser burden of proof and can seize 
assets without a court order to pay 
delinquent taxes and penalties. In 


YO! po en 

Minnesota that amounts to $3.50 per 
gram of marijuana and $200 per 
gram of narcotics, plus a 100 percent 
penalty. In Iowa it’s $5 per gram of 
marijuana, $750 per plant, $250 per 
gram of narcotics or $400 per 10 dos- 
es if the drug isn't sold by weight. 
North Carolina courts 
have collected $68 mil- 
lion in fines since 1990 
from suspects caught 
with illegal drugs that 
hadn't been stamped. 

} E HLL, 




„иан $3.50 a 



[00706 + 

spam yet, chances are you will be 

soon. Analysts who have charted 
the growth of e-mail believe that this 
year, for the first time, more junk 
e-mail may be sent than legitimate 
messages. Farlier this ycar, America 
Online reported it had blocked a 
lion spams in a single day. 

As the creator of, 
1 take more than the usual precau- 
tions to keep my in box free of clutter. 
Yet about 250 junk e-mails manage 
to slip through my e-mail filters in 
a typical week. In addition to of- 
fers to enlarge my penis, refi- 
nance my home, make my sep- 
tic tank flow freely, lose weight 
with a miracle bread diet, save 
my soul, buy herbal scx pills 
and access porn, spammers 
promise to help me steal cred- 
itcard numbers, exact swift re- 
venge, get rich quick (through 
spamming!) and buy cocaine, 
ganja, child porn and guns. 

It's a cat-and-mouse game 
Companies release new and im- 
proved filtering software, and 
spammers test it and make ad- 
justments to ensure that their 
dreck can get through. The 
most common methods to get 
junk past filters are to change 
the spellings of trigger words (e.g., 
Viagra becomes Vi@gra, porn be- 
comes p.o.r.n.) or use misleading sub- 
ject lines (“Your account is due" or “I 
have your coat"). 

When spam first became a problem 
in the mid-Nineties, many people 
suggested regulation. The chief 
geeks, fearful of the federal govern- 
ment overseeing any aspect of the 
freewheeling Internet, promised Con- 
gress they could defeat spam with 
technology. If you make bulk e-mail 
illegal, they said, spammers will sim- 
ply send their junk from overseas. In 

| f you haven't been bothered by 

the meantime, the amount of spam 
has exploded. AOL has said that as 
much as 30 percent of its e-mail serv- 
er time at any given moment is ded- 
icated to handling junk (and that 
was six years ago). Brightmail, a San 
Francisco company that sells blocking 
software, estimates that 40 percent of 
all e-mail is spam (up from 8 percent 
in late 2001) and that 80 percent of it 
falls into three categories: 20 percent 
is solicitations for porn or personal- 
ad sites, 34 percent is 
designed to market 
products (e.g., 

services, spy cams) and 26 percent 
consists of come-ons for loans, real es- 
tate or cheap stocks 

The Net is under siege. ISPs have 
spent millions—perhaps billions—of 
dollars to update their servers to han- 
dle the load, and to add bandwidth. 
Brightmail says that nearly 6.5 mil- 
lion spam attacks occurred in Febru- 
ary alone. The costs are passed on. 
One study estimated that $2 to $3 of 
cach person's monthly bill for access 
goes to handling the deluge. 

Some people argue that spam is 
protected by the First Amendment. 
Wrong. Spam is conduct, not speech. 
Besides the fact that nearly all spam is 
commercial (speech designed to sell 
you something is afforded less protec- 
tion), spamming is the equivalent of a 
“denial-of-service” attack against net- 
works and their users. And the spam- 
mers are relentless. Even if a system 
operator rcjects attempts to use his 
machines to deliver junk, the spam- 
mers will continue their attacks. 

Spamming is long overdue to be 

added to the list of federal crimes (it's 
already regulated in 26 states, al- 
though the laws are mostly toothless). 
Here's what 1 propose: 
(1) I publish several e-mail 
newsletters that are sent only 
to people who request them 
and confirm their request. 
This is known as "double 
opt-in." It should be the le- 
gal requirement for anyone 
sending bulk e-mail. 

(2) Penalties for sending 
spam must be significant: at 
least $500 per message, the 
same as an existing law that 
bans junk faxes or requires 

telemarketers to remove 

you from their call list on 
request. This would make 
it more worthwhile to sue spam- 
mers for damages. 

(3) Forgery of the sender's name or 
Internet address in a bulk e-mail 
should be a felony. Spammers often 
send their messages with the return 
address of an innocent party, who 
then sees his or her in box fill with 
bounced e-mails and complaints. 
Many innocents have had their on- 
line businesses closed by their ISPs af- 
ter being accused of spamming. 

The geeks had their chance, and 
they couldn't get the job done. It’s 
time for Uncle Sam to step in. 



R E 

We are one of the groups re- 

sponsible for the report about 
the dangers of all-terrain vehi 
cles that James R. Petersen di 
missed in "Safety Thugs" (The 
Playboy Forum, April). One of his 
more egregious errors is his 
assertion that because ATV 
sales have increased during the 
past several years, the injury 
rate per machine has gone 
down. While an ATV safety re- 
port that was released in Janu- 
ary by the Consumer Product 
Safety Commission accounted 
for this growth in sales, the re- 
port found no decrease in ATV 
injury rates. In fact, the CPSC 
reports that between the years 
1997 through 2001, injuries 
per 1000 ATVs increased by 46 
tricians and orthopedic 
surgeons will tell you that, un- 
like with bicycles, many young 
people simply do not have the 
mental and physical skills to 
control ATVs. As a result, the 
toll on our nation’s youth has 
been climbing dramatically for 
nearly a decade, while the off- 
road industry markets bigger, 
faster and even more danger- 
ous machines. 

Sean Smith 

Bluewater Network 

San Francisco, California 

Petersen's editorial misfired 
like a badly tuned motor. ATVs 
aren't simply injuring and killing chil- 
dren. They harm adults too. Your core 
readership is males 25 and older. They 
experienced some of the most dramat- 
ic increases in injuries—almost 200 
percent over the last several years. 
During this same time period, the 
number of injuries sustained by drivers 
25 and older did not increase as much. 
1 take issue with another point. The 
nearly 112,000 injuries caused by 
ATVs in 2001 were serious enough to 
require emergency room treatment—I 
doubt most riders visit the hospital for 
“finger cuts,” as Petersen so glibly sug- 
gested. The information contained in 
our report came from independent ex- 
perts such as the Consumer Product 
Safety Commission, physicians and re- 
spected medical organizations, includ- 
ing the American Academy of Pedi- 

"It was a structure put up to assert male dom- 
inance. It wasn't anyone's private property. It 
was snow. Taking down a peni: 
anyone's free speech. I think that women or. 
men who are walking to class should not be sub- 
jected to a penis.” 

— Comments by one of tuo female undergrads at 

Harvard who destroyed a nine-foot snow phallus 
built by members of the crew team. Determined 

male bystanders could not save the structure. 

atrics. The facts they provided cannot 
be easily dismissed. 
Scott Kovarovics 
Natural Trails and Waters Coalition 
Washington, D.C. 

Can we look forward to future arti- 
cles in the Forum fighting to preserve 
the rights of parents to keep choking 
hazards accessible to curious infants, or 
defending the "fun" race with s 
at the annual preschool picnic? The 
most natural thing in the world is to 
want to protect your children. But 
when some parents are missing that 
gene, it’s OK for our government to 
step in. Seeing kids airlifted from the 
wilderness arca near my house would 
be a horrible sight. 

Tom Woodward 
San Juan Capistrano, California 

is not impeding 

Not only do the earth muf- 
fins exaggerate the dangers of 
ATVs, they also claim that the 
vehicles are too loud, pollute 
the environment and destroy 
land and wildlife. The reality is 
that ATVs arrive from the fac- 
tory with an under-93-decibels 
sound level, meet or exceed 
government EPA standards 
and come with an instruction 
manual similar to that ofan au- 
tomobile. Maybe we should all 
sell our ATVs and automobiles, 
ride bicycles, live on solar pow- 
er. quit our day jobs, smoke 
marijuana, buy a pair of Birk- 
enstocks and eat only organi- 
cally grown foods. Would that 
make everyone happy? 

Joe Howell 
Eugene, Oregon 

James R. Petersen responds: 
“The National Electronic Injury 
Surveillance System collects data 
from some 100 hospitals across the 
country. The data bank tracks cer- 
tain variables, among them age, 
sex, location of injury, body part 
harmed, product involved and 
whether the patient was admitted 
for further care. The number 
crunchers extrapolate their dire pre- 
dictions based on data from 
173,000 to 375,000 cases a year 
(only a tiny portion of which are 
ATV-related). The bias is built in. 
The government is convinced that a 
visit to an emergency room ‘implies 
a certain severity." Did anyone take 
into account the possibility that dur- 
ing a weekend sport, your local doctor's of- 
fice is closed and the ER is your family 
physician? The Ness has а 149-page cod- 
ing system to track the product safety record 
of everything from acetylene torches and 
adult potty-chairs to yarn and zippers. Ac- 
cording to the available data, between 13 
percent and 16 percent of ATV accident vic- 
tims spend the night in a hospital. This, we 
are told, is between three and four limes the 
rale for the average of all other products 
tracked. So we will admit that ATV statistics 
reflect a higher risk than the aggregate of 
yarn injuries and adult potty-chair acci- 
dents. Also, the report notes that the 2001 
injury rate was 261.8 injuries per 10,000 
riders—doum from 275.8 per 10,000 in 
1988. The report notes thal Ihe spike in 
ATV fatalities from 1997 to 2001 may be 
an anomaly caused by a change in reporting 
protocols in 1999. But whatever the case, 

R E S 

are these numbers cause for alarm, or worse, 

“To put this into perspective: The num- 
bers for injuries in team sports far exceed 
those for youthful motorheads. Football used 
lo claim dozens of lives a year until experts 
figured out that the safety equipment üself 
was to blame: Helmets provided the illusion 
of risk-free play and inspired coaches to tell 
players to tackle head-to-numbers. That led 
lo spinal injuries and, sometimes, corpses. 
Proper information cut the number. 

"Concern for children is natural, but all 
100 easily exploited by those with hidden 
agendas. We do not give government the 
right to tell us how to parent simply because 
some parents are idiots. What should we iake 
from safety thugs’ apparent concern? Their 
motto is, Teach your children well, or else.” 

You wondered if the Defense Ad- 
vanced Research Projects Agency web- 
site might actually be a “misdirection” 
designed to distract the public from the 
agency's true work (“Threat or Put- 
On?,” The Playboy Forum, April). Am I 
the only person who wonders the same 
thing about the Department of Home- 
land Security site at Terror- 
ists fly two planes into the World Trade 
Center and the White House responds 
by hiring more bureaucrats and pub- 
lishing a safety brochure. The site of- 
fers helpful advice such as "If there is a 
flash or fireball (from a nuclear blast), 
take cover immediately.” Also, “If you 
have a thick shield between yourself 
and the radioactive materials, it will ab- 
sorb more of the radiation and you will 
be exposed to less.” Dead birds, fish or 
small animals may point to a chemical 
attack (or a future serial killer). “In all 
cases, remain calm.” What if my skin is 
falling off? This stuff is so ridiculous 
that it's not surprising that online wags 
made fun of it almost immediately (see for links). My 
favorite dark humor is at terrorready. 
net, brought to you by the Department 
of Homeland Panic. It includes instruc- 
tions on how to best plan your demise. 
Patrick Fisher 
Jersey City, New Jersey 

We would like to hear your point of view. 
Send questions, opinions and quirky stuff to 
The Playboy Forum, PLAYBOY, 680 North 
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611, 
e-mail or fax 312- 
951-2939. Please include a daytime phone 
number and your cily and state or province. 

he federal government's spend- 

ing on abstinence education has 
grown from $80 million in 2001 to 
$117 million this year. Yet more 
thon 50 percent of teenagers still 
have sex by graduation. It's time to 
get serious about keeping kids 
chaste. With young lust in bloom, we 
offer these modest proposols. 

odern chastity belts are not the 

crude claws of medieval ti 
Instead they're made of si 
steel or ocrylic with plostic locks (to 
ovoid setting off airport alarms). 
They also prevent masturbation. The 
cost may seem prohibitive—about 
$3 billion, by our estimate, to sedate 
ond lock down 23 million teens. But, which sells the 
Locking Chastity Harness (above) for 
$48 and the male Curve (right) for 
$168, offers quontity discounts. 

oppy Dixon's mission is to get 
every woman to weor her 
Prayer Panties, available online for 
$10.99 eoch at Even 
the horniest teen might think twice if 
he encountered one of these mes- 
sages underneath his dote's jeans. 
The cost (assuming five pairs per 
girl) would be about $626 million. 


N E W 


O N T 

what's happening in the sexual amd social arenas 


MANASSAS, VIRGINIA—A radio station 
asked its listeners to submit photos of 
themselves mooning in front of mon- 
uments and landmarks. The winner 

of the “Show us your ass for a board- 
ing pass” contest would receive a trip 
to the Bahamas. The station's morn- 
ing disc jockey decided to contribute: 
He dropped his pants next to a WEL- 
COME TO MANASSAS sign. After photos 
of the stunt appeared on the station's 
website, the city prosecutor charged 
the jock with indecent exposure. He 
agreed to perform 25 hours of com- 
munity service. 


WICHITA, KANSAS—A man asked an 
online photo service to convert di 
photos of nude women into prints. 
When the service told him that some 
of the subjects appeared underage, 
the man canceled his order. The ser- 
vice then notified authorities about 
the images, and the police had a post- 
al inspector deliver the order anyway. 
When the man signed for it, officers 
arrested him and seized his comput- 
er. Federal prosecutors charged the 
man, a Catholic school teacher, with 
possession of child porn. After being 
accused by defense attorneys of en- 
trapment (and having a hard time 
establishing that the images showed 
minors), the feds offered a plea deal: 

The accused could avoid prison if he 
pleaded guilty to a felony charge of 
possessing "obscenity" based on two 
photos of adult women found on his 
computer. He took the deal. Federal 
agents will monitor his online activity 
for the next two years. 


ST. LOUIS—In 1979 a judge sen- 
tenced Charles Singleton to death 
for murdering an Arkansas grocery 
clerk. Prison doctors later diagnosed 
him as schizophrenic. Because states 
cannot execute the mentally ill, this 
created a dilemma: As long as Single- 
ton refused his antipsychotic drugs, 
he couldn't be executed. His lawyers 
argued that no doctor could make 
their client take the drugs, since it no 
longer would be in his best medical 
interests. Earlier this year a federal 
court ruled that the state of Arkansas 
can force Singleton to take his meds. 
Writing for the 6-5 majority, one 
judge noted, "Eligibility for execution 
is the only unwanted consequence of 
the medication." 


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Federal prose- 
cutors recently charged 55 people for 
allegedly selling illegal drug para- 
phernalia online. The Drug Enforce- 
ment Administration said its Oper- 
ation Pipe Dreams and Operation 
Headhunter led to the seizure of tons 
of paraphernalia, including gas 
masks converted to bongs, lipstick- 
shaped pipes and highlighters that 
conceal onc-hitters. The feds also 
closed 11 online head shops. “People 
selling drug paraphernalia are as 
much a part of trafficking as silencers 
arc a part of homicide," said the head 
of the DEA. 


LANSING, MICHIGAN— The state leg- 
islature voted to eliminate some of 
the nation's most draconian manda- 
tory-minimum sentencing laws for 
nonviolent drug offenses. Enacted 
during the late Seventies, the laws 
based a prisoner's sentence exclusive- 
ly on the weight of the drugs found 
at the time of the arrest. Judges are 


again able to use their discretion in 
sentencing. The state released these 
numbers to show the law's impact: 

® 7600 number of Michigan pris- 
oners serving drug sentences. 

© 1250—number who are expect- 
ed to be paroled this year. 

* 6864—number of low-level of- 
fenders serving lifetime probation. 

® 3218—number released from 
lifetime probation the day the statute 
went into effect. 

© $41 million projected savings to 
taxpayers in 2003. 


HENDERSON, NEVADA—The libertari- 
an Free State Project has launched a 
campaign to persuade “freedom-lov- 
ing people” to move en masse and 
take over a small U.S. state. The in- 
terlopers say that once they are vot- 
ed into power, they would cut taxes, 
refuse federal funds, eliminate gun 
control and legalize drugs. As soon as 
5000 people agree to relocate, the 
group will vote on which state to in- 
vade. And when 20,000 agree, the 
migration will begin. The leading 
candidates are New Hampshire and 
Wyoming, chiefly because their popu- 

lations are less than 1.5 million, which 

would allow 20,000 voters to more 
easily tip statewide elections. The 
project's founder, a 26-year-old doc- 
toral candidate at Yale, hopes to re- 
cruit enough volunteers by 2005 via 
his website at freestateprojectorg. 


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navsor interview: LISA MARIE PRESLEY 

a candid conversation with true rock royalty about sex, drugs, music and 
the men in her life—michael jackson, nicolas cage and, of course, elvis 

Lisa Marie Presley inherited her father's 
eyes, lips and fame. As the only child bon 
the King of Rock and Roll and his 
Priscilla, Lisa Marie was inte: nationally 
known from the moment of her birth on Feb- 
ruary 1, 1968, exactly nine months after her 
parents’ wedding night, Priscilla said Elvis 
“looked petrified” the first time he held his 
daughter, but soon he was spoiling her with 
expensive jewelry, a miniature fur coat and 
an impromptu jet ride to Utah so she could 
see snow for the first time. He gave her every- 
thing, Priscilla lamented, a child “shouldn't 
have and couldn't appreciate.” 

Elvis had an aversion to making love to a 
woman who had given birth, so Lisa Marie's 
arrival caused a sexual estrangement be- 
tween Ihe singer and his young bride. Soon, 
both were having affairs and they divorced 
five years later. Though Priscilla took pri- 
mary responsibility for raising their daugh- 
lex, Lisa Marie spent lots of time at Grace- 
land, Elvis’ Memphis fortress. She was there 
when he died on August 16, 1977, after a 
decline marked by ballooning weight and 
addiction to prescription medication. When 
Elvis was found prone on the bathroom floor, 
she watched as people tried to revive him 
and asked, "What's wrong with my daddy? 
Something's wrong with my daddy, and Pm 
going to find out.” 

Elvis’ death only deepened the mystery 

"Aliens | 

“How many people have a family grave in 
the backyard? Гт sure ГЇ end up there, or 
ГИ shrink my head and put it in a glass box 
in the living room. I'll get more tourists to 
Graceland that way.” 

surrounding his daughter—People maga- 
zine dubbed Lisa Marie “the most carefully 
secluded of all celebrity children.” During 
that period of seclusion, she went through 
a drug phase—sedatives, marijuana, co- 
caine—which she says ended afier she 
embraced Scientolo, When she was 20, 
she married Danny Keough, an unknown 
musician. She was pregnant; they have two 
children, Danielle Riley, now 14, and Ben- 
jamin Storm, 10. 

The relationship lasted six years, until she 
left Keough for Michael Jackson in 1994. 
marrying him in the Dominican Republic in 
a ceremony even Priscilla didn't know about. 
There was widespread skepticism about any 
physical union, especially since Jackson had 
recently faced civil charges of sexually abus- 
ing a 13-year-old boy, JACKSON-PRESLEY 
one headline. During an interview around 
the time of their one-year anniversary, 
Diane Sauyer asked the couple if they had 
sa Marie responded indignantly, “Yes, 
Seven months later she filed for di- 
he marriage was "a mistake, every- 
one knows,” her lawyer declared. 

After that mistake, she met actor (and 
longtime Elvis aficionado) Nicolas Cage at a 
party in 2001. They started a relationship, 
broke up, got back together, broke up, got 
back together and got married in Hawaii. 

“I knew Michael wanted kids. And Debbie 
Rowe was offering to do it for him while we 
were married, according to him. When I 
imagined having a child with him, all I 
could see was a custody battle nightmare." 

He filed for divorce 107 days later. 

The current question for Presley, 35, is 
whether she inherited Daddy's talent. On 
her debut album, To Whom It May Concern, 
she sounds like a pissed-off Sheryl Crow, as 
her southern-fried rock rumbles with accu- 
sations, apologies, sarcasm and cursing. 
Writer Rob Tannenbaum spent two afte: 
noons with Presley in the Capitol Records of- 
fice in Hollywood, exploring her past, her 
new album and her future. 

PLAYBOY: Most people make records for 
money or attention. You obviously don't. 
need the money. 

PRESLEY: I didn't do it to get attention. I 
hate attention. When I have to speak in 
public, 1 get so neurotic that I lose con- 
trol of my tongue, my legs and whatever 
else. If I'm standing in front of a lot of 
people, 1 feel what they are thinking 
about me, their speculation. But I want 
to be heard. I have been writing and 
recording songs since I was 20, for ca- 
thartic reasons, as an outlet. I just haven't 
been doing it publicly. 

PLAYBOY: In fact, you signed your record 
contract more than four years ago. Why 
did it take so long to make the record? 
PRESLEY: Honestly, I just needed to find 
my way, stylistically. I was anal about the 
final production. I didn't want to learn 


“My taste in sex is probably ‘porn style.” 1 am 
alittle dark on the subject. I like it rough, the 
way they do things in porn movies. Г think 
1 was a pervert when I was three. I liked 
looking up skirts.” 


the ropes publicly; I couldn't afford that. 
I knew there was going to be more at- 
tention on me than on anyone else 
putting out a debut record. If 1 wanted 
to be a novelty, I could have easily called 
a top writer or a top producer and 
turned into a pop star. I could have done 
that years ago. But I wanted to be looked 
at as an artist, so 1 couldn't do anything 
stupid or shallow or silly. 

PLAYBOY: Were you writing silly songs? 
PRESLEY: I never had a fluff problem. It 
was always the opposite: "Let's get you 
to lighten up and put some more radio- 
friendly stuff out there." My songs were 
pretty dark and haunting. 

PLAYBOY: There are 12 songs, including 
a bonus track. How many of them are 

PRESLEY: I was talking with Nic 
[Cage] last night, and he lec- 
tured me: “I told you, you 
should put one happy song on 
the record." I said, "Fuck that. 
I'm not doing it.” Music that's 
happy doesn't move me. So the 
answer to the question is, none. 
PLAYBOY: Before this year, you 
rarely talked to the press. If you 
didn't have an album to pro- 
mote, would you be talking to 

PRESLEY: No. What else would 
I talk about? My upbringing? I 
don't like talking about myself. 
At this point I'm thinking, 
What have I done? The hard 
part is opening up for the first 
time. I have to combat 30 years 
of speculation and tabloid stuff. 
I have to go out there and say, 
“Hi, I'm not that person.” 
However, I understand the 
curiosity, and I don't want to be 
an asshole or look like I'm hid- 
ing something. I realize why I 
feel vulnerable and afraid—a 
lot of people do interviews 
based on what their publicists 
tell them. 1 put my ass out 
there, cellulite and all. I can be 
very unfiltered and unedited, 
and that might kick me in the 

trying to make a fucking г 
PLAYBOY: Your mother said, 
Presley can be a hindrance and a help." 
In what ways has it been both to you? 
PRESLEY: It's only a hindrance in that I 
didn't ask for all the attention, so I have 
a phobia against it. I don't ask tabloids to 
chase me around every week. But at the 
same time, I would never take back any 
part of who 1 am or where I came from. 
I would never want to be part of any- 
thing else. I'm honored and proud of 
my family and my dad. 

PLAYBOY: Did your name help you get a 
record deal? 

PRESLEY: Yeah, it helped me get a foot in 
the door. But you have to hold your 
own. And again, it's a hindrance, be- 

PLAYBOY: What are people most eager to 
know about you? 
PRESLEY: It's the same thing: "Three mar- 
riages! Three marriages!" 
PLAYBOY: Your ex-husband was involved 
with the record, right 
PRESLEY: When you say "ex-husband," 
you have to be specific. [Laughs] 1 almost 
said, "Which ex-husband?" Yeah, Danny 
and I wrote two songs together. He's the 
first person 1 ever sang in front of, and 
he was the only person I wrote with for 
about eight years. So 1 wanted him to be 
on the record. 
PLAYBOY: Lights Out is about your dad. 
Were you reluctant to write about him? 
PRESLEY: Very. The last thing I want is to 
look as if I'm capitalizing on that. I don't 
want to be famous or superfi- 
cially rich or some weird nov- 
elty. I addressed everything 
that affected me, and this is ob- 
viously important. Everything 
I have written about is pretty 
PLAYBOY: The song also talks 
about Graceland and "the 
damn back lawn." Why did you 
use that phrase? 
PRESLEY: Because I couldn't say, 
“motherfucking back lawn." It 
didn't work melodically. The 
back lawn of Graceland is a 
graveyard, basically. How many 
people have a family grave in 
the backyard? How many peo- 
ple are reminded of their fate, 
their mortality, every fucking 
day? All the graves are lined 
up, and there's a spot there, 
waiting for me, right next to 
my grandmother. 
PLAYBOY: Do you plan on being 
buried there? 
PRESLEY: 1 don't plan on any- 
thing. I'm sure I'll end up 
there. Or I'll shrink my head 
and put it in a glass box in the 
living room. ГЇЇ get more 
tourists to Graceland that way. 
PLAYBOY: The song is bitter- 
sweet. Is that how you feel 

about being a Presley? 

ass one day. I'm being really 

honest, and if I get shit on, I might nev- 
er speak again. 

PLAYBOY: There are plenty of ways to 
market you as a reminder of your father. 
PRESLEY: People get all kinds of crazy 
ideas to turn me into a goofball. A whole 
record of Elvis covers and duets. We can 
put you in a white suit! Sorry, Britney al- 
ready took the cake on that one. 
PLAYBOY: Did you ever think of putting 
the record out under a band name, like 
Jakob Dylan did with the Wallflowers? 
PRESLEY: I thought about that, or taking 
Presley off and just using "Lisa Marie." 
But the record company wasn't very 
happy with the idea. [Laughs] They had 
other plans. I'm not trying to run away, 

60 and I'm not trying to capitalize. I'm just 

cause a lot of attention and pressure is 
on me. It's a little scary, because people 
are either going to love it or they're go- 

ing to fucking hate my guts. Like, *You 
are the most despicable, sorry-ass excuse 
for a Presley that I've ever seen." I'm too 
extreme, I think, for people to have a 
mediocre reaction. 

PLAYBOY: Here's a particularly unkind 
line from one review: “Her voice belongs 
in karaoke." 

PRESLEY: You want me to react to that or 
something? I know it's going to happen. 
Of course, 1 obsess on the bad reviews. 
Nobody wants to hear that sort of crap. 
Who is this fucking critic? He can bite 
me. I want to hear him sing. You can 
print that. 

PRESLEY: To some degree it is. 
But I don't feel bitter—"I'm a Presley, 
and I'm bitter." There's good and bad 
with everything. 
PLAYBOY: Your dad died at 42, and his 
mother died at 46. You're 35. Do you 
think more about death these days? 
PRESLEY: No. When I was writing this al- 
bum, I went through a period when I 
was not doing very well physically. It was 
mercury poisoning, from fillings. Every- 
one has a threshold, but after my divorce 
from Michael, I was under a lot of stress. 
My allergies caused craziness—I had my 
gallbladder removed, 1 went through 
hell. I constantly had these weird symp- 
toms no one could explain. That was 
probably the worst period in my life, 
those two or three years. 

PLAYBOY: Hey, at least you got some songs 
out of it. The person your lyrics are 
hardest on is you. You call yourself bel- 
ligerent, needy, a princess 
PRESLEY: And I'm an asshole. Yes, in cer- 
tain circumstances, I can be any one of 
those things. 

PLAYBOY: And in S.O.B., you call yourself 
а son of a bitch. 

PRESLEY: It's a term I heard a lot when I 
was growing up. "C'mere, you little son 
of a bitch." My family members say that 
to one another. My Aunt Delta used to 
live in Graceland. She was a scary wom- 
an, very funny. People were afraid to be 
around her. She was an alcoholic diabet- 
ic, so she wasn't always in the best mood 
Her room was away from the tours, 
but she would come out to walk her dog 
and then flip off the tourists. They 
would come up to her and say, "Are you 
Aunt Delta?" She'd say, "Hell no, Delta 
died last night." 

PLAYBOY: There's another song, Nobody 
Noticed It, that seems like it might be 
about your dad. 

PRESLEY: I wrote that to relieve myself of 
something 1 saw on TV about him, on 
the E! True Hollywood Story. It actually did 
me in, emotionally, for days. What made 
me angry was the interviews with the 
motherfuckers who hung around him. 
These idiots were so disgusting—they 
helped him go down and were actual- 
ly worse than he was. It infuriated me. 
"They were trying to take away his digni- 
ty, theone thing that was most important 
to him. And I needed to strike back at 
that. I happened to be going to the stu- 
dio, and I got the melody in my head 
and started to cry. 

PLAYBOY: You believe in revenge. 

PRESLEY: I'm like a lion—I roar. If some: 
one betrays me, 1 won't be a victim. I 
don't sulk, I get angry. I go immediately 
into retaliation. But it always comes from 
insecurity or pain. 

PLAYBOY: In your mother's book, Elvis 
and Me, she wrote about your dad, “He 
wasn't the kind of person who'd come 
out and say, ‘I'm scared.’ He held in his 
fears and emotions until, at times, he 
would explode, tearing into anyone who 
happened to be around." 

PRESLEY: I'm much more like him on that 
front. That roar—I know that's a DNA 
situation. My mom's very strong and 
reasonable and caring—I have some of 
those qualities. But the rest is from him. 
I hear it nonstop from my family: “You 
are just like him." "My god, you're just 
like your daddy right now." I hear that 
all the time when I'm in Memphis. 
PLAYBOY: Do you have a sense of humor 
about Elvis jokes or comments about 
your dad shooting out the TV? Or is that 
still too personal? 

PRESLEY: No, it's not 100 personal. Shoot- 
ing out the television is funny and that 
makes me laugh. As long as you're not 
degrading him. 

PLAYBOY: Do you have a favorite song of 


lisa marie isn't the only wild child with a famous father 

Liv Tyler: Model-octress; raised by one 
rock star (Todd Rundgren] only to find out 
her noturol folher is another rock star. 

Dad: Aerosmith motormouth Steven Tyler. 
Her career highlight: Now immortalized 
omong the Dungeons-and-Dragons set as 
Elf worrior princess Arwen in the Lord of 
the Rings trilogy. 

Father-to-daughter fame ratio: 2 to 1. 
Though Liv is more than just long legs and 
oddly familior bee-stung lips, Steven is a 
rock-and-roll institution. 

Nona Gaye: Actress, former Prince 
girlfriend-collaborotor on minor 1995 
olbum The Gold Experience (she once de- 
scribed their relationship as “a whirlwind 

of head trips ond mind screws”) 

Dad: Soul genius Morvin Gaye. 

Her career highlight: Ploying Muhom- 
mad Ali's wife Belinda with Will Smith in Ali. 
Father-to-daughter fame ratio: 40 to 1. 
Between Sexual Healing and Let's Get It On, 
you can't get through a night on the town 
without hearing Morvin’s miraculous voice. 

lone Skye: Actress with a string of hit 
movies in the Eighties, now a pointer and 

Dad: Has-been folk-rocker Donovan. 

Her career highlight: John Cusack's 
boom-box serenode in Say Anything. 
Father-to-daughter fame ratio: | to 1. 
When she was starring in Waynes World 
and married to Beastie Boy Adam Horovitz, 
it looked like lone had the edge. Now, both 
generations hove become condidotes for 
Where Are They Now? 

Jade Jagger: Jewelry designer, repre- 
senting oll rock daughters trying to make it in 
the fashion business (from A-list designer 
Stella McCartney to Keith Richards’ Gap- 
model daughters, Alexandra and Theodoro). 
Dad: Hope you guess his nome. 

Her career highlight: Recent cover of 
British GQ—toke that, Jerry Hall! 
Father-to-daughter fame ratio: 100 to 
1. It remoins to be seen whether stodiums 
can be filled with fans screaming for 
brooches and necklaces. 

Norah Jones: 24-year-old sensation 
whose sultry, jazzy Come Away With Me— 
one of the least likely number one olbums 
ever—has sold 5 million copies. 

Dad: Sitar moster Ravi Shankar. 

Her career highlight: Sweep of the 2003 
Grommy Awords. 

Father-to-daughter fame ratio: 1 to 3 
Shankar, Indio's greotest musicol export, 
hosn't rocked up the platinum thot his dough- 
ter hos. Let's see if she con sell out concerts 
when she's 83, like her old mon.—ALAN LIGHT 



your father's? 
PRESLEY: It's funny, I like the Seventies 
material because I was around for those 
recordings. There was some great stuff 
that never made it to radio: a song called 
Mary in the Morning, which I loved. In the 
Ghetto. 1 like the darker songs, the sad 
ones. There was a song called Separate 
Ways that was treacherously painful. And 
How Great Thou Art, when he'd sing that. 
live, there was nothing like it. I'd go to 
his shows, and he was awesome. 
PLAYBOY: You were five years old when 
your parents divorced. How did the di- 
vorce change your life? 

PRESLEY: When they divorced, I would go 
out on the road more and miss more 
school, which I liked. People say I didn't 
get to see him very much, but I was with 
him quite a bit. All of a sudden, a car 
would show up at school, and he was 
calling for me to go out on the road. 
PLAYBOY: What was it like, hanging out 
with him? 

PRESLEY: Nocturnal: Go to bed at four or 
five a.m. and get up at two or three the 
next afternoon. It was always a lot of fun. 
There is not one bad memory. There 
was always a lot of energy and life in the 
house. He was very mischievous. 
PLAYBOY: You'd sit outside his room for 
hours, vaiting for him to get up. 
PRESLEY: The only two rooms upstairs in 
Graceland are mine and his. When he 
slept, he was a bear in hibernation. 
PLAYBOY: Did you know your father was 
addicted to pills? 

PRESLEY: І was aware of the demise. [Sofi- 
Ij] His temper was getting worse, he was 
gaining weight, he was not happy. I saw 
him taking different pills, like a potpour- 
ri of capsules, but I didn't know what 
they were. He was obviously not in good 
shape. But he didn't want me to see that. 
So he would try to mask it for me 
PLAYBOY: You were visiting him at Grace- 
land in 1977, when he died. 

PRESLEY: I was there when he died. I was 
there for most of that summer. I'm actu- 
ally not going to go into his death, the 
day of, the whole thing. Just so you 
know. I avoid that in all interviews. It's 
not something I like to capitalize on— 
particularly for people's amusement. 
PLAYBOY: Then we would like to compare 
your memories with some of the legends 
about him. 

PRESLEY: How much longer are we going 
to stay on this one? It’s not that I don't 
like talking about him. And, yes, I could 
set the record straight. [Sighs] It's just 
that I'm uncomfortable with divulging 
anything about him, because people 
have done that for so long and capital- 
ized on it. I hate those people so much. 
It's against my moral code to get atten- 
tion by discussing him. 

PLAYBOY: OK, let's discuss your ex- 
husbands instead. 

PRESLEY: No—we're going to stay on my 
dad, then. [Laughs] 

62 PLAYBOY: Your mother also wrote that 

because your father spoiled you so 
much, "Lisa had trouble learning what 
ight and wrong.” 
don't feel like I was spoiled. 
Anything my father did for me or gave 
me was done out of love, and І took it as 
that. I'm sure I had moments when I 
was a snot. But my mom was there to 
smack me back to the other side. What- 
ever he did, she cleaned it up. 
PLAYBOY: After your parents split, your 
mom had a boyfriend named Michael 
PRESLEY: Oh my god, can I use the bath- 
room before I talk about this sorry-ass 
PLAYBOY: He confessed that while he was 
in a relationship with your mom, he had 
sexual feelings about you. 
PRESLEY: He's a sick fuck. I know he wrote 
a book and said he lusted after my devel- 
oping body as I got out of a pool. [In his 
book, Priscilla, Elvis and Me, Edwards wrote, 
“Pd had to put an end to our swimming to- 
gether after one disturbing afternoon in the 
pool. Lisa had innocently thrown her arms 
around me, and we were jumping up and 
down. I became aroused. À sick feeling crept 

I was in this destructo mode: 
Anything my mom didn't 
want me lo do, I would do. 
Smoking, drinking, drugs, 
boys, whatever I could 
get my hands on. 

slowly into the pit of my stomach. I was crav- 
ing Lisa sexually."] He made his attempts 
at coming into my room and being inap- 
propriate while drunk. 

PLAYBOY: You were a tough kid. 

PRESLEY: I have always had a strength 
that intimidates people. It's a protection 
mechanism. In every school, the kids 
would automatically hate me and think I 
was stuck up. But I wasn't. I would make 
friends with the outcasts. You name it, I 
would get in trouble for it. I was in this 
destructo mode: Anything my mom 
didn't want me to do, I would do. Smok- 
ing, drinking, drugs, boys, whatever I 
could get my hands on. 1 went through a 
drug phase for like three years. 

PLAYBOY: Did you have a hard time find- 
ing drugs? 

PRESLEY: No. Does anyone if they really 
want them? 

PLAYBOY: Were you sexually active? 
PRESLEY: I didn't have sex until I was 15, 
like two weeks after my 15th birthday. 
But I was intrigued by sex at a very ear- 
ly age. I think I was a pervert when I was 
three. [Laughs] 1 liked looking up skirts. 
Body parts intrigued me. 

PLAYBOY: Did your mother keep a close 

eye on you? 

PRESLEY: She watched me closely. After I 
read her book, I realized why. She'd 
done things that weren't what your aver- 
age 14-year-old would do. And I was do- 
ing the exact same things. 

PLAYBOY: How did you and Priscilla be- 
come active in Scientology? 

PRESLEY: I dabbled in it for a bit, then ran 
off to be a spiteful teenager. I rediscov- 
ered it when I was 17. l'd spent three 
nights awake, having been on cocaine 
for 72 hours. Eventually, my mom 
kicked me out of the house and made 
me stay at the Scientology Celebrity 
Center. I was drinking, and she handed 
me over to them in the middle of the 
night. She wanted them to watch over 
me. And I was happy—I was out of the 
house and had my own apartment. I had 
all this freedom, The smartest thing they 
ever did was put me to work with drug 
addicts. That made me productive and 
responsible. The last time I did a drug 
for recreation, I was 17. You know what 
life's going to bring you if you head 
down that route. 

PLAYBOY: What does Scientology offer 
to you? 

PRESLEY: À better understanding of my- 
selfand others, sanity and insanity. Good 
answers—not answers that are enforced 
but don't really make sense. It's attacked 
because it's not understood, and that 
annoys me. 1 mean, I had it all fuc. 
ing happen to me, and I'm fine. I'm 
not medicated. I might fuck up my 
marriages, but other than that, I am 
fine. [Laughs] 

PLAYBOY: And what about the Scientology 
belief that humans are descendants of 
space aliens? 

PRESLEY: I've never read anything in Sci- 
entology about aliens, but I have heard 
about it. An ex-boyfriend used to go, 
"Aliens! Alien: 
PLAYBOY: When you were ]7, you met 
Danny Keough in the church and later 
married him. What changed when you 
had a baby? 

PRESLEY: I was a tyrant as a kid, and then 
1 had babies and settled down. Recently, 
in the past six years, I've gotten back in 
touch with my inner tyrant teenager. My 
friends were all out being crazy at 20, 
and I had babies. Now they're married 
and I'm like, “Look at you, you've got it 
together and I don't!" 

PLAYBOY: What has Danny done as 
a musician? 

PRESLEY: He's been in and out of bands. 
He's had opportunities, but he's his own 
worst enemy. He likes to sulk and be a 
tortured soul. He'd rather be anony- 
mous and have nobody know that he was 
married to me. He needs confidence. 
PLAYBOY: Does his lack of confidence 
come from having been married to you? 
PRESLEY: Very likely. He was overshad- 
owed, buried alive by my mere exis- 
tence, and he resented it. 

PLAYBOY: In the song Sinking In, you say 

you didn't treat him well 
PRESLEY: We didn't treat each other well 
He can get pretty dark at times. We have 
that in common. 

PLAYBOY: Who's darker, you or Danny? 
PRESLEY: We fluctuate. Thank god we 
don't go off the deep end at the same 
time, because our kids would be wrecks. 
He's one of my closest friends. We go on 
vacations, spend holidays together, take 
the kids to school every morning. 
PLAYBOY: Do you provide romantic ad- 
vice to cach other? 

PRESLEY: No. He just shakes his head 
and laughs at me. I'm his entertainment. 
*How much of a shitstorm can you 
cause?" He intervened with Michael. But 
even then he wasn't vocal. He just let me 
know he wasn't happy about that one. 
PLAYBOY: So you left Danny, an insecure, 
struggling musician, to marry Michael 
Jackson, the King of Pop. 

PRESLEY: 1 walked away from Danny and 
went into Michael. And that was stupid. 1 
thought it would help, because Michael 
and I had so much in common, our up- 
bringings. And then it hit me in the face 
a year later. 

PLAYBOY: Other than Danny, who knew 
you were going to marry Michael? 
PRESLEY: No one except the people who 
arranged the wedding. 

PLAYBOY: Why didn't you tell your mom? 
PRESLEY: Because I knew she was against 
it. She was already saying, "Don't you 

think this is just good timing for him? 
Wake up." But I wouldn't hear anything 
about it. 

PLAYBOY: What did Priscilla say when you 
told her you had married him? 

PRESLEY: She called me casually one day 
and said, “Ugh, there arc helicopters 
flying over my house, driving me crazy. 
They're saying that you married Michael 
Jackson.” And I was silent. And she 
went, “No, you didn't. Lisa! Tell me.” 
And I went, "Yup. I did it.” And I have 
to say I got a bit of a kick out of it, just 
for old times' sake. One more middle 
finger going up. 

PLAYBOY: Lots of other people suspected 
it was a publicity stunt, because he had 
been accused of child molestation. 
PRESLEY: We met casually at a friend's 
house, and he immediately disillusioned 
me of any preconceived ideas I had of 
him. He said, "I know you think this 
about me, you think that," and I imme- 
diately said, "Oh my god, you're so 
understood!" I forgot who he was witl 
20 minutes, because we were so locked 
into a conversation. 

PLAYBOY: You're saying that Michacl 
Jackson is seductive? 

PRESLEY: He's not sexually seductive, but 
there is something riveting about him. 
He doesn't let people see who he is. 
When he does, it's hard to shake. I got 
caught up and thought I was in love with 
the man. I don't know what else to say. 

PLAYBOY: When you announced the mar- 
riage, you said in a press release, "I un- 
derstand and support him." Please ex- 
plain Michael to those of us who really 
don't understand him. 
PRESLEY: Here's the thing: For a while, 
Michacl was like the Wizard of Oz, the 
man behind the curtain. At onc time 
he was really good at manipulating a 
Howard Hughes type of image: "He's 
mysterious, fascinating.” He became this 
bigger-than-life figure. But at some 
point, it turned on him and he became 
this freak. And now he can't get out from 
under it. When you're the king of your 
own palace, there are no morals or ethics 
or integrity. Everyone will kiss your ass 
and then give you the push that knocks 
you over. 
PLAYBOY: Did you and he ever have chil- 
dren join you in your bed? 
PRESLEY: Never. Never, never, never, nev- 
er. 1 never saw him sleep in a bed with 
a child, ever. 
PLAYBOY: Did you ever see him with pho- 
tos of nude children? 
PRESLEY: Never. Never. 
PLAYBOY: Do you have any reason to 
think he's a child molester? 
PRESLEY: If I'd had any reason to suspect 
that, 1 would have had nothing to do 
with the guy. I had no reason to, oth- 
er than the allegations themselves. The 
only two people who know are Michael 
(continued on page 142) 




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Ferre, SOL TOL 


The fist Canet 
= Theatrical Tr 


from the c spaces of clubland comes foxy, 
the latest orgası 

the only thing it’s missing is a warning label 

designer love drug. 

ello, ladies, love your costumes,” 

says the naked hippie guy who 

greets us. He's staring at my 

breasts, but I can hardly blame 

him: My torso is bare and paint- 
ed gold except for my bronzed nipples 
and matching armband. “Thank you," I 
say, looking past his shoulder. “A girl al- 
ways has to accessorize her nipples.” The 
theme of this evening’s party is Ship- 
wrecked. In my body paint, silver leather 
shorts and black calf boots, I'm like some 
randy figurehead on a pirate ship. My 
friend Isabel and I start to make our way 
through the massive industrial lofi in the 
Dumbo section of Brooklyn. We're bob- 
bing in a sea of sweaty bodies gathered by 
our hosts, a group of underground 
artists. Inside a life-size snow globe, a 
blonde bursting out of a feather corset 
waves to the crowd. When naked hippie 
guy tries to maroon us in a corner, we set 
sail for a new temperate zone—an igloo 
made of white nylon tent material. 

We have entered the “chill space.” 
Judging by my nipples it’s an apt name, 
but that has nothing to do with the cold. 
Everywhere, couples are languidly knot- 

by heather ca 

ted together like octopi in heat. A disco 
ball spins lazily above, and refracted bits 
of light strobe across flesh and faces. I 
stumble past stacked fur pillows and a 
candlelit incense altar. At first the 10 or 
12 couples spread out around the edges 
of the circle don’t seem to be looking at 
anything, but after my eyes adjust to the 
darkness I see that in fact they are staring 
intently at a prone couple rocking vigor- 
ously by a wall. The girl is on top, and 
her ass rises and falls steadily. Her navy- 
blue canvas sailor skirt is pulled up around 
her waist, and I can't take my eyes off the 
rhythmic jiggle of her cheeks. 

I glance at Isabel, who is busy giggling 
off compliments on her slutty mermaid 
costume. “Are they really having sex over 
there?" I say to no one in particular. 

From the shadows to my left someone 
says, "Yeah—they re on foxy." 

This isn't the first time Гуе heard 
of foxy, a drug so new in the 
culture no one but the 
most adventurous psy- 
chonauts knows where to 
get it, or even that it exists. But = 
the Shipwrecked party is the first 


time I've seen it live up to its rumored effects. I'd 
heard it described as the sex drug to end all sex 
drugs: Viagra, ecstasy and acid rolled into one. As 
we watch, a security bouncer marches over to the 
writhing couple, taps them on the shoulder and 
gestures for them to leave the premises. For sev- 

eral seconds, 1 watch incredulously as the couple 
continues undaunted. 

That's when the thought enters my head: 1 
need to get my hands on some of this stuff. 


The research chemical 5-methoxy-N,N-diiso- 
propyltryptamine, or 5-MeO-DIPT, otherwise 
known as foxy, first came under scrutiny in a 
drug bust in New York City in 1999 when a Drug 
Enforcement Administration agent seized 12 cap- 
sules in a small plastic box marked “Foreplay.” AR 
ter investigating, the DEA noted that users re- 
ported effects akin to those of LSD and ecstasy 
(visual hallucinations, intensified tactile sensa- 
tions and auditory distortions). But the most no- 
torious effect of foxy was the one alluded to on 
the box: The DEA described it as 
"feelings of love," and the highly 
regarded drug education website says the drug has a 
"significant erotic component." 
Since 1999 foxy has become pop- 
ular enough that a DEA warning 
surfaced on January 28, 2003, 
clearing the way to classify foxy as 
à Schedule I controlled substance 
through an emergency schedul- 

ing procedure. The drug became officially illegal two 
months later, on April 4 (after this story was written). 

While the rise in foxy's use is recent, it was developed 
around 1980 by Alexander Shulgin, the renowned ex- 
perimental chemist. Now in his late 70s. Shulgin is fa- 
mous for writing a 1978 research paper that described 
ecstasy (MDMA) as an em- 
pathy drug (see The Trip- 
master, p. 68). Although 
foxy bears little chemical 
resemblance to ecstasy, 
dealers sometimes pass it 
off as a kissing cousin. Au- 
thorities say they have 
seized it at raves and clubs 

“Гуе heard of foxy be- 
ing much more sensual 
than ecstasy,” says Tim 
Santamour, executive di- 
rector of DanceSafe, a 
national drug safety orga- 
nization. Santamour first 
learned of foxy when he 
visited San Francisco two 
years ago. Ar the time, he 
says, it was most visible in 
the gay community. Since 
then, the organization has 
tracked its spread to a 
broader demographic as 
news of the drug has circu 
lated through the world of 
urban nightlife. “Now we 
see it in Seattle, the Bay 
Area, Boston,” says Santamour. “And its use is growing 
in New York City.” 

After Га seen the couple doing the Dumbo mambo, 
I decided to do some serious research into the sub- 

stance-friendly sex scene. I called 
my sister in San Francisco. “You 

Foxy first came 

want to try what?” she asked. 
under scrutiny “Don't you remember that guy 
Ben at the music festival who was 
when a DEA on it and couldn't stop touching 
; himself?” 
agent seized "Well, maybe he didn't have 
sj anyone else to touch.” 
12 capsules n “Maybe,” she said. “He kept in- 
a small plastic sisting he was keyed into the erot- 

ic vibe of the crowd. But what do 
you expect at a rave?" She then 
put me in touch with her friend 
Rob, a self-described authority on 
foxy and one of the few people 
who still had a job in Silicon Valley. 

“Foxy makes me feel superstrong and fast, like I'm 
Bruce Lee,” Rob told me on his cell while cruising the 
highway with his girlfriend Kim. “One time Kim 
and I were fucking. It was long and intense, and she 
came for what seemed like 20 minutes. Afterward she 

box marked 


"With sex on e,” said Rob, “you forget 

what you're doing, With foxy you can have 
hours of foreplay followed by great sex." 

told a frien: 
area code." 
“Wow,” I said. 
“But this wasn't on foxy.” 
"No?" My heart sank. 

“We were on acid. You should try that. It’s like a cu- 

bist adventurc. You're having sex with buildings." 

No thanks, I thought. My one experience on acid 
made me feel like I was more likely to throw myself off 
a building than havc scx with it. Ecstasy is thc only 
drug І can imagine using to heighten sex, but when 1 
tried it I was so content to snuggle under my flannel 
sheets I never got around to molesting my boyfriend. 

"But what about foxy,” I persisted. "How does it 

compare to sex on e?" 

“With sex on e,” said Rob, “you forget what you're 
doing. With foxy you can have four hours of foreplay 
followed by an hour of great sex—and no hangover.” 

He explained that he and his girlfriend Kim took 
foxy on a romantic getaway weekend in Mendocino. 
"We'd been going out for two years, and we wanted to 
do something special. We took foxy and lay naked in 
front of a fire. Kim said she felt like she was getting 

shagged by the song we were listening to." 

He paused and I heard them conferring. "She wants 
me to tell you she felt like the music was entering her. 
She says it was totally hot, and you should try it soon." 

As the week progressed, foxy seemed to pop 

everywhere. At a bar in Williamsburg, Isabel and I ran 
into her ex-boyfriend Tony, a cute young dropout. He 
was on his way to a club to meet some of his friends, 

take some foxy and dance until dawn. 

tuned in, 

Myths and 

@ cocaine 

A powder derived from Synthetic cousin to MDA 
соса leaf, Affects pleas- and speed. Was once 
re centers in the brain thought of as empathy 
s ‚drug, with good reason, 
Heighlons intimacy and 
exhilaration. Paychosc 
tive. Makes cute strang- 
ers seem even cuter 


exime, em. 
pathy and ability to chat 
up cuts strangers. 
wola and annoying — Tceth-grinding, jaw 
fulness, even car: clenching. Stinutant et 
disc arrest. Combining facts can lead to бебу. 
with Viagra dangerous. ration, heat stroke. 
Montal connoctions can 
be accompanied by drop 
in desire. Worse, users 
don't seem to complain. 

Con up desire, but cán 
dim physical responi 

maintaining an erection. 

My orgasm was so big it needed its own 

Have you done foxy before?” I asked. 

“No. Why?” 

“Do you know what's going to happen? Do you 
know anything at all about the drug?” 

“Why would I want to know what's going to 
happen?” he said. Grateful to Isabel for her weird 
taste in men, I insisted we accompany Tony to the 
club and babysit in case he ran into trouble. 

The three of us hopped into my 1972 Cutlass 
with the top that won't go up even in the dead of 
ter and headed to the far corners of Queens. 
Isabel nudged me at a red light and flashed a 
mysterious vial she'd ferreted out of Tony's pock- 
et. It held a healthy teaspoon of clear liquid foxy. 
I could tell she was contemplating taking it. 

Outside the trance party, I inspected the vial. 
It smelled disturbing, like New Jersey. Tony 
drained the contents and led us inside. 

It was a site-specific techno music extravagan- 
up za, with hundreds of severe, angled hipsters 
grooving robotically in a dank basement. By the 
time we located Tony's friends, the foxy had 
kicked down their doors and was pistol-whipping 
their synapses. “I don’t have the vocabulary to 

turned on? 

alities of sex drug: 

& Fe LSD e 2C-B 

A natural metabolite. Chemical derived from Synthesized in 1974 

Soluble powder has rep lysergic acid (found in Similar to ecstasy, t's an 

for an alcohol-liks buzz ergot) Thought to lower ctogon, meaning 

minus the calories. inhibitions, enlighten, “touching within. 
Triggers deep mystical Produces erotic sonsa 
experiences, euphoria, tiong, dramatic visu 
hallucinations. Faces of ^ Helghtened awareness, 
cule strangers melt of culo ylrangors. 

Works as is sedative, In. 
duces mild relaxation. 

Nausea, штод speech — Psycholic behavior, vari 
and coma-like sleep. ous delusions, extreme 
Mixing with alcohol is — paranola, hellish in 
highly dangerous. trospection 

Hauses, anxiety. Ex 
tremely dose-sensitlve. 
Bad trips possible al 
high levels. 

As a depressant of the Тоо much sensory over- — Dopending on dose and 

ral nervous system, load at peak moments user, can have strong 
is more adale-rape drug for sex. Perhaps possi- impact on orotic and 
thon а sm-enhancer ble while coming down. ма! experience. 


describe what I'm feeling physically," said 
Seth, a scruffy sound engineer in his mid- 
30s. Then he swung his girlfriend Chloe 
over his shoulder like a kid on a jungle gym. 

I intercepted Chloe as she skittered past 
me on the dance floor. She looked like a hot 
elfin sex therapist. “What are you feeling?” 
I asked her, social-worker polite. 

"Last night I dreamed I was giving sex 
tours of Hollywood with Eminem. This shit 
makes me think I could actually pull it off!" 

She said she felt radiant, childlike, 
omnipotent. "I invented belly dancing," she 
announced to the crowd. Watching her, 
Seth said, "Doesn't Chloe seem like a nine- 
foot-tall Helmut Newton model? I think 
she's the sexiest woman who's ever existed." 

Ten minutes later they were in a rush to 
get home. Tony watched them go and then 
turned to Isabel. "Hey, so, are you dating 
anyone right now?” 


The popularity of sex drugs is nothing 
new. Every time a fresh, illicit psychoactive 
chemical appears, it's rumored to be the 
next love pouon. In this regard foxy follows 
the trail of LSD, MDMA, GHB and 2C-B. 
The Prozac Nation of 1962 was called My Self 
and I by Constance Newland, who took LSD 
23 times in analysis to overcome her sexual 
frigidity. Both GHB and 2C-B were hyped 
as sex-enhancing drugs until the mid- 
Nineties to late Nineties; an English over- 
the-counter brand of 2C-B called Erox 
showed an intertwined couple on the pack- 
aging and claimed the contents were meant 
“for the temporary alleviation of male impo- 
tence and female frigidity.” But all of these 
boutique drugs burned quickly through 
their target audience and were dismissed, 
thanks to scary and sometimes devastating 
side effects or lack of efficacy. 

Still, the search continues. “A switch to a 
psychedelic culture would definitely lead to 
increased intimacy and exponentially im- 
proved sex,” insists Daniel Pinchbeck, au- 
thor of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic 

the tripmaster 

a conversation with foxy creator alexander shulgin 


knows his drugs. 
Timothy Leary 
even called him 
one of “the most 
important scien- 
tists of the 20th 
century." A 77- 
year-old genius 
biochemist who 
once worked for 
Dow Chemical, 
Shulgin introduced the world to ec- 
stasy and invented foxy and dozens 
of other obscure psychedelics. But 
Shulgin, who works closely with his 
wife, Ann, doesn't just fire up the. 
Bunsen burner in his secluded 
northern California lab. He has 
tripped thousands of times over the 
years. Says the father of foxy: ^I like 
knowing that after | invent some- 
thing I'm the first person to have 
tried it." 
PLAYBOY: Days after you invented 
foxy, you had sex on it. Was it good? 
SHULGIN: At low doses it greatly 
enhances my orgasm intensity but 
has no psychedelic effect. But Ann 
didn't care for it. At the 
normal dose, it wasn't 
that memorable or con- 

knowing that 

after Гуе 

related to in a chemical 
Sense—is it like LSD? 
SHULGIN: Not really. 
It's actually far more 
similar to some of the 
things in magic mush- 
room alkaloids. 
PLAYBOY: Is foxy safe? 
SHULGIN: | don't know 

“I like 

Pm the first 

person to 

have tried it.” 

of any valid 
medical studies. 
this country it's 
nearly impossi- 
ble to do psy- 
chedelic studies. 
with human 
subjects. People 
do them private- 
ly, but they don't 
publish the 
PLAYBOY: Did you know ravers are 
taking foxy to party or have sex? 
SHULGIN: That surprises me, Street 
use isn't something I'm happy with. 
People aren't careful with their dos- 
es and their intentions. 
PLAYBOY: Is there an ideal sex 
SHULGIN: There are a lot of things 
like ecstasy that make you feel ex- 
tremely warm and comfortable but 
inhibit your sexuality. 
PLAYBOY: What about Viagra? 
SHULGIN: | use it occasionally at 
about a third to half dosage levels. 
But | don't like being dependent on 
it, and I can't use it when I'm trying 
‘out new compounds be- 
cause | don't know. 
what the drug-drug 
interaction will be. 
PLAYBOY: What's the 
point of inventing these 
psychedelic drugs? 
SHULGIN: It's to open 
doors to research for 
neuroscientists and psy- 
chiatrists. And from 
that could very well 
evolve tools for treatment 
of mental disorders. 

Journey Into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. “In 
terms of the development of our culture's erotic poten- 
tial, it would be equivalent to the discovery of electricity.” 

Viagra is the most popular and biggest prescription 
drug to be marketed 
exclusively for sexual 
performance. Origi- 
nally prescribed for 
primary impotence, 
Viagra is now widely 
used for recreational 
purposes as well. It is 
one of the most coun- 
terfeited drugs in his- 
tory; dealers are com- 
bining it with ecstasy 

and selling it in nightclubs as Sexstasy. Meanwhile, sell- 
ing and distributing Viagra for off-label use continues 
unabated. In this sense it's the first sex-enhancing drug 
to blur the boundaries between recreation and medicine. 

In its name alone foxy holds the promise of a pharma- 
cologically turbocharged orgasm. However, the problem 
for many people with a sex-enhancing club drug is its 
psychedelic edge. A sorority girl might be able to drop € 
on a Tuesday might and take a test the next day, but mid 
dle-aged golfers don’t want such a trippy high. And even 
though I saw foxy in action—maybe because I saw it in 
action—I still wasn't sure it was right for me. 


One day at home I received a mysterious e-mail. The 
writer, a college kid named Josh (continued on page 146) 

“My Uncle Joe said he was going to come back as a thong. . . . I just keep 
hoping I will recognize him." 

the only thing hotter than the movie's 

he Fast and the Furious 
brought the scorched rubber, 
the g force-induced rush and 
the adrenaline-addicted beauty 
queens of illegal street racing to 
the big screen. There's a glam, 
street-legal side to underground 
racing, too: the import scene. 
Fans and tuners—the guys 
who modify the cars—define 
imports narrowly: small and 

nitrous-boosted cars are the real 
‚girls of street racing 

Japanese. Tuners turn Hondas, 

Mazdas, Mitsubishis, Nissans, 

Subarus and Toyotas into fire- 

breathing speed demons with 

the flamboyant style of Japanese 

anime. Why ever brake? Girls 

of street racing are even more 

impressive. So we rewed up 

cars from the sequel—and 

o \ stripped down babes from 
the new import scene. 

5 OPPOSITE: Latasha Marzolla 

po / says "Gol" Below her are 

> 2 Fast 2 Furious stars Amaury 

¥ Nolasco (left), Devon Aoki 

\ and Paul Walker. THIS 

\ L PAGE: Raxanne Galla 

and Veronika Zema- 

x nova buff a Toyota 
MR2 Spyder. 


All v 

ABOVE: Cherie Goge practices parallel parking next to a tric! 

А, E 

THIS PAGE: Linda O'Neil 
hugs a Volk Racing Wheel 
by Rays Engineering. She's 
raced a bitsHerself. "Girls 
and: boys both enjáy it. It’s 
all about adrendljne—and 
all of us are adrenaline 
junkies.” OPPOSITE: Melissa 
Puente and Asia 
and an Acura NSX. Û — 

% CE 


\ TEN N 
I) NN 3 
ША "үү 

= Ji LU 
N Yi 

d he "first-couple-ef | times 
A we had sex, I didn’ Tear | 
—any.geanting. IF It was our third timi — 
-gether, rt herapartment, that it hit- 
—me—nothing loud or obvious, just 
_— -9 soft, steady, válvelike sus А 
—  —Hoaling.over the music of Sue Foley- 
More the sounds of an elderly person ^^. 

^fjj / lh — ^ — trying+to sleep than those of an amaz- 
774 y M f ing 26-year-old Pilates instructor for 
“Wy whom 1 was rapidly falling. Her face 
ahi was muted in the dark—we had yet to 
f do it with hE lights Sl gu 
be sure it wı 

ишана heran ШОШ ty 1A 

ask. Possibly s [acm wa пке) m 

ishly to someone in the other room. Her-voice was so un 
expected, I froze with my face-smushed ogainst the mat- — 

She'd never once mentioned a kid. And there had 

marks, cesarean. Nothing. No toys underfoot, no Cray- 
olaed scrawlings plastered everywhere like master- 
pieces—at least nothing I glimpsed on the way in. 
When she slipped back into the room, beaming, I 
beamed right-back, trying, as best I could, for noncha- 
/ j lant. "Everythirig OK?“ 9 
Everything's greaf! she sdid, dropping her robe and 
mU $n rodeo. Before | 

tress, not daring to breathe, trying to make out the words. — 

honestly been no signs—no premature sagging, stretch ™ 



could ease things back to the subject of 
Who the hell were you checking on in the 
other room? the front-door lock rattled. 
The tumblers fell into place as some- 
one entered, still knocking. 

A guy's voice: "Hello! Just me!" 

It was all getting very crowded, very 
quickly. In about 30 seconds, the pop- 
ulation of the apartment, as I under- 
stood it, had just doubled. Where there 
had been two, there were now four. 

"Shit!" She dismounted and grabbed 
her robe again, glaring at the clock ra- 
dio, calling to this latest arrival out in 
the hall. “Deacon? Jesus, I didn't think 
you were coming.” 

"Sorry, babe! Practice went late. I'll 
grab him and go!" 

She turned down the stereo, then 
stood with her back to me, her hand on 
the doorknob, listening. I scanned the 
room, craned my neck back at the 
window behind me, thinking fire escape. 
He was moving around out there like 
he lived there, raising his voice to be 
heard as he moved through the apart- 
ment. “Hey, Shari? I'm leaving food 
money on the fridge, OK?" 

“OK!” she called back. 

The guy's voice was closer now, qui- 
cter: “Hey, buddy. How ya doin’, bud- 
dy? Were you sleeping? You ready to 
go to Daddy's? We're gonna have fun, 
aren't we, Pete? Just the boys. Yeah! 
OK, here we go!" 

Shari remained at attention with her 
nose to the door, listening. She seemed 
far away. She might have forgotten 
that I was there behind her, naked in 
her bed. Then there was another move- 
ment in the hall—lower, scraping sounds 
along the wall. I pictured one of 
those uncoordinated toddlers, weight- 
ed down with a knapsack or swinging 
his sleeping bag, bumping into fur- 
niture—that age when everything is 
an event and there's so much gear and 
planning, the simplest outing becomes 
more complicated than an armored 
troop movement. 

But also, there was that grunting. A 
sort of snuffling. 

1 lifted my head, thinking I might 
catch a glimpse as they passed. Shari 
had the door ajar now, letting a sliver 
of light in, standing to one side, as if 
not wanting this “Daddy” person to 
know she was in her robe. But wasn't it 
obvious what she was up to? What else 
would she be doing in her bedroom, 
unable to step around from behind the 
door, at 10 o'clock on Friday evening? 

“Bye-bye, Petie,” she said through 
the crack. “You be a good boy for Dad- 
dy, OK? Bye-bye! Mommy loves you!” 

"I'll bring him back Sunday night?” 


My view was narrowed to a sliver, but 
where I expected Garanimals, I saw 
actual animal. A rounded, rippling, 

bristly, black-and-white hide. 

І didn't think anyone still owned pot- 
bellied pigs. It seemed like that fad had 
passed a few years back. 

She closed the door and returned to 
the bed and I listened to the sounds of 
the guy leaving the apartment and 
locking it from outside and then the 
slow bump and murmur as he helped 
the thing down the stairs. 

“So,” I said. "You own a pig." 

“Half a pig, really. Joint custody. 
That was my ex-boyfriend just now. 
Deacon." She leaned in and kissed me 
loudly, once, on the nipple, then sat 
back up. “I'll be a lot quieter now, I 
promise. If you still want to. . . .” She 
ran her finger down the center of my 
chest, as if alluding to the direction in 
which things could return. “I'm sorry 
about all that, before. It was embarrass- 
ing. He gets a little jealous when I'm 
with someone new." 

This was where I could pull her 
down to me, bring the discussion to an 

end, but I didn't. | asked her how long 
it had been since they broke up. 

“I mean Pete gets jealous," she said. 
"Our pig. You probably heard him call- 
ing when we were. . . .” She bit the cuff 
of her robe in a way that was so cute 
and young, how could I possibly have 
thought, even for a moment, she was 
some old hag mom, burdened with a 
kid? “You know, earlier. He didn't like 
that, what we were doing. He's just vy- 
ing for attention.” 

І must have looked confused, be- 
cause she swatted me with the sash of 
her robe. “Pete,” she said again. “Pete 
didn't like us messing around.” 

She slipped out of the robe and bur- 
rowed under the covers, giggling, get- 
ting me going again. But I was still 
thinking about the way she'd described 
him: Our pig. Our. 

I used to know a few people with do- 
mesticated pigs—mostly single guys 
who had heard about George Cloo- 
ney's pig and thought it would help 

them score. Having a pig never partic- 
ularly appealed to me, but it was cer- 
tainly a better prospect than a cat. If 
this woman became someone 1 decided 
I loved and wanted to make a life with, 
1 would like to think I could handle liv- 
ing with a pig. 

Except the gnawing problem was 
that it wouldn't just be our pig. This 
pig would forever belong to Shari and 
the guy in the hall. The ex. No matter 
how serious things got, we would for- 
ever be tied to the ex. At least for the 
life of the 

After we were done, she scemed 
wired and scrambled around the apart- 
ment, finding pictures of Pete to show 
me. "You'd like him," she insisted. “I 
think you two would really get along. 

When we'd come in earlier, after din- 
ner, we'd entered kissing and pretty 
wound up and most of the lights were 
olf and we headed straight for the bed- 
room. So now she gave me the com- 
plete tour. She showed me the convert- 
ed hall closet that was Pete's room, just 
a few feet from her bedroom, so he 
could come in and snuggle if he want- 
ed, if it was thundering or he had 
nightmares. He slept in a basket with 
a cushy pad of Three Little Pigs-pat- 
terned fleece, lavered with stiff little 
hair that looked like fine wire. And di- 
rectly across the narrow hallway, hung 
just at pig height, was a photo in a nice 
wooden frame. I had to kneel to get 
a better look: It was Shari and a guy, 
arms around each other, crouched low 
right there in the hall in front of the 
basket, with Pete between them—much 
smaller than the hulk I'd glimpsed ear- 
lier—and their heads tipped together, 
beaming and proud. The year it was 
taken, they had used it as their Christ- 
mas card photograph. 

I tried to be playful with Pete. I 
looked for excuses to touch him, pat 
him, tousle his bristly ears. It seemed 
real important that Shari see how 
much he liked me. 

s it going, champ?" 

He'd give me a few wet sniffs, then 
swivel that snout around and turn tail 
on those ridiculous sissified trotters. 
Show me that nubby corkscrew, aloof. 

Still, I kept at it. 1 brought him little 
gifts. I gave him a Cubs cap, but he 
shook it loose and later I found it slob- 
bery and chewed in the corner. 

As soon as I heard him scooting his 
empty dish across the kitchen lino- 
leum, I would hop up to fill it. Volun- 
teering like this was part of my scheme: 
I figured that if he associated me with 
(continued on page 124) 

"And stop leaving your sex toys all over the porch for me to trip over!" 

Wave Rave 

hot weather, cool 

toys and hotties. 
come on in, the 

waters fine 

Peddle slower, man, those chicks Not ready for the big waves? Stay near shore on a 
оп the surfboards are falling Morey Skimmer, a wood-laminate skimboard that's 
behind! Future Beach's Barracuda rocker shaped to lessen your chance of an ass-in-the- 
water bike for two can hit a air nose digger ($35 to $50, depending on size). 
blistering six miles per hour if 
you're really pumping. A stable 
trimaran keeps you and 
your brew (yep, there's 

Where the Babes Are 
S Canyon, 5 Be 

Soutn Padre Island in Texas 

Panama City Beach, Florida 

гл. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 

Gulf Shores in Alabama 

The Catamaran 200, a poly- The Sea-Doo Sea Scooter is a recharge- 
ethylene Future Beach kayak able swim-assist gizmo that can take 
for two, has a streamlined you for a hell of an underwater ride at 
hull for higher speeds, re- speeds up to two miles per hour— 
movable backrests and built- reaching à maximum depth of 

in paddle holders ($600). Great | 65 feet ($400). Don't 

for checking out the sea life 

around you. (Word to the 

wise: Bring a pair of binocs.) 

Think of Yamaha's GP1300R personal watercraft as an 
aquatic Dodge Viper. Its fuel-injected, 165 hp marine en- 
gine will let you and a passenger (bet she's holding on 
tight) see almost 65 miles per hour on the digital instru- 
ment display. Five-position trim adjustment allows for 
exceptional handling ($8900). 

ри 4 





women of letters, members of the fourth estate— 
have a nasty habit of getting downright nasty. 
Sometimes it's to bite back at a chronic critic. Oth- 
er times it's to brutalize the preposterous, the 

Sticks and stones can break your bones, but bones 
will eventually knit and heal. Words, in the age of 
the Internet, are considerably more dangerous, 

. In our Googlefied world, a poison-pen 
review, a vicious gossip-column slag or a demean- 
ing but funny insult can replicate endlessly, a killer 
virus in cyberspace. 

And who better to use words as a weapon than 
those who use words for a living? The brightest 
lights of the literary and media worlds—men and 

pompous, the persistently annoying. Once in a 
great wi 's over a point of honor. 

Forget any outmoded notions of a "gentleman's 
profession"—these men and women can mix it up 
like drunken Marines. Here are some of the great- 
est media death matches of the modern age, five 
feuds that refuse to go away. 


L rary lions roar! In this corner, the dandified, legendary 
journalist and author Tom Wolfe, who argues that his heav- 

ly researched fiction—“full-blooded realism," he calls it—is the 
right stuff ro revivify the moribund American novel. Facing him, 
a tag team of John Irving, John Updike and Norman Mailer, lead- 
ing men of American letters (and at least rwo experienced 
brawlers among them), who dismiss Wolfe’s wildly popular nov- 
els Bonfire of the Vanitics and A Man in Full as fine entertain- 

ment for the masses bur something far short of real literature. 

read the title of Updike’s review of ¢ 
Man in Full, in the November 9, 1998 New Yorker. Updike, a re 
iewer of uncommon р city, came on soft and si 
praise for Wolfe’s new по 
Sueno d oor EU every г 
son to expect yet another glowing review, like rhe ones bestowed 
by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time and 

Newsweek, But despite the head fakes, Updike's intentions 
were revealed as he crepr closer to the heart of the matter. 
While noting Wolfe's popularity and irresistibility—A Man 
in Full, he wrote, is “a book that defies you not to buy 
it"—Updike went on to ascribe the novel's appeal to its au- 
thor’s populist pandering: “Like a movie desperate to re- 
coup its bankers’ investment, the novel tries too hard to 
please." Then he went in for the kill: “A Man in Full still 
amounts to entertainment, not literature, even literature in 
a modest aspirant form. 

A little more than a month later, in The New York 

Review of Books, Norman 
Mailer weighed in: “The 
book has gas and runs out of 
gas, fills up again, goes dry. It 
is a 742-page work that reads 
as if it is 1500 pages long." 
Ас every turn, Mailer under- 
cut his faint praise (“This is, 
to a degree, a compliment, 
since it is very rich in mate- 
rial") with robust conde 
scension (the book is “banal, 
like a long afternoon spent 
warching soap operas”). Bur 
then Mailer took off the 
gloves: "At certain points, 
reading the work can even be 
said to resemble the acr of 
making love to a 300-pound 
woman. Once she gets on 
top, it's over. Fall in love, or 
be asphyxiared." 

When Wolfe read these re- 
views, he larer wrore, he was 
"amazed, not thar the two of 
them didn't approve but, at 
this stage in their lives, they 
had taken the time. "My god, 
those rwo old piles of bones," 

I said. "They're my age" " 

Mailer's review in particu- 
lar was hardly a stealth at- 
tack. Bad blood between the 
two writers had been flowing 
for years. As early as 1989 Mailer had dismissed Wolfe, 
declaring that “there is something silly about a man who 
wears white all the time, especially in New York." After 
Wolfe responded by saying, “The lead dog is the one they 
always try to bite in the ass," Mailer took the bait and 
zinged back: "Ir doesn’t mean you're the top dog just be- 
cause your ass is bleeding.” 

John Irving, author of 10 novels thar include The World 
According to Garp, was interviewed in 1999 on Hot Type, 
a Canadian TV show about books and literature. With 
merely a single question from the host, Irving went 
ballistic. Calling Wolfe's writing “yak,” Irving said he 
couldn't bear to read it because it was mere “journalistic 
hyperbole described as fiction. He's a journalist. He can’t 
create a character. He can't create a situation. Reading 
Wolfe is like reading a bad newspaper or a bad piece in a 
magazine. It makes you wince." Irving added that if he 
were teaching, "fucking freshman English,” he'd carve up 
Wolfe sentences to help students understand bad writing. 


By that time, the Man in White had appeared on the 
cover of Time, and more than a million copies of A Man in 
Full had been sold. But Irving’s attack was the final indig- 

or Wolfe, this was a war. He now had a trio of pow- 

erful detractors whom he dubbed —ro all who would listen— 
the Three Stooges. “I think of the three of them now as 
Larry, Curly and Moe," Wolfe told the host of Hot Type. 

Updike, Mailer and Irving, while each a “talented writ 
er,” Wolfe asserted, “have wasted their careers." He dis- 
missed the three as "frightened" and later described Mai- 
ler's 1979 nonfiction novel based on Gary Gilmore's life 
and death, The Executioner's Song, as "the only good 
novel he would ever write after his first, The Naked and 
the Dead, back in 1948.” (Mailer, it should be noted, has 
written nine novels since Tbe Naked and tbe Dead.) 

Irving, the youngest of 
the three, “would like to be 
compared to Dickens," 
Wolfe declared. “Bur what 
writer does he see now, the 
last year, constantly com- 
pared to Dickens? Nor 
John Irving bur Tom Wolfe. 
It must gnaw at him ter- 
ribly." In an interview on, Wolfe also took 
the writer to task. “Irving 
needs ro ger up off his bor- 
tom and leave rhat farm in 
Vermont or wherever it is 
he stays and start living 
again. It wouldn't be that 
hard. All he'd have to do is 
get our and take a deep 
breath and talk to people 
and see things and redis- 
cover the fabulous and 
wonderfully bizarre coun- 
try around him: America." 

Wolte is willing to talk 
abour the feud, which he 
insists has an element of 
writerly sport to ir. “If Ir- 
ving hadn't jumped in, on 
impulse, really—because 
that TV show wasn't about 
me] wouldn't have had 
three, and ir just wouldn't 
have been any fun," he rold 

PLAYBOY. “Three is perfect. I couldn't beat that. The Two 
Stooges? That's not catchy. And I mean Irving—ivs really 
quite unbelievable—he just suddenly lost it. The censor 
with the bleep button couldn't keep up with him." 

Updike and Irving have since distanced themselves from 
the fracas, but Mailer doesn't concede any ground. “Tom 
Wolfe pouts whenever he feels he is not being sufficiently 
honored by his literary brothers,” he says. “So I say, yes, 
by all means, let’s honor him. He may be the best boy-noy- 
elist we have ever had.” 

“They felt threatened by my idea of a big return to the 
naturalistic novel,” Wolfe says. “And I really do think it 
shook them up. Updike had begun doing things thar really 
had nothing ro do with the present, and Mailer had done 
an autobiography of Jesus Christ, and Irving had done 
something, but you never knew where the characters 
were—it was very strange.” 

Wolfe says he doesn't dread running into Mailer—or Ir- 
ving or Updike—on the cocktail circuit, “I'd be most like- 
ly to run into Mailer because Updike lives someplace north 
of Boston, and Irving lives in New Hampshire or some 
such place. But, you know.” he says, “a fistfight between 
an 80-year-old and a 73-year-old, that would be pretty 
ridiculous.” He succumbs to a hearty chuckle. “I mean, we 
could probably blow each other over in one breath.” 




R ichard Johnson edits the New York Post's Page Six, 
the world’s most powerful and widely read gossip 
page, embedded in a right-wing tabloid. Actor Alec Bald- 
win once rode high atop Hollywood’s A-list, thanks to his 
fine work in films ranging from Gleugarry Glen Ross to 
The Hunt for Red October and his passionate, volatile 
(now former) marriage to Kim Basinger. Baldwin, never 
shy about venting opinions, has morphed into a combative 
media figure and an outspoken champion of liberal causes 
who has considered running for the U.S. Senate. 


In 1999, as an equal-opportunity offender, Johnson's 
Page Six briefly took on the Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer 
Research Fund, claiming that the charity, started by Alec's 
mother, was inept in its collection and disbursement of 
funds (Forbes later listed the fund as one of the five worst 
among celebrity charities in terms of efficieney—i.e., its 
ability to spend its money on charitable recipients rather 
than overhead). Baldwin responded first by going on Rosie 
O'Donnell's talk show, where he declared that the New 
York Post wasn't worthy of being used “co pick up after 
my dog"—and that “there's more news on a Bazooka com- 
ic." Then the fight moved to Howard Stern's radio show. 
Johnson was defending himself, which prompred Baldwin 
to call in and engage Johnson 
mano a mano. ( 

“Now, Richard," Baldwin 
said, “I know you've got a job 
to do. It’s a filthy, ugly, nasty 
job and you're very good at 
it, by the way. But what have 
you got against breast cancer 

Johnson, of course, replied, 

*Nothing," then went on to 
defend his piece. But Baldwin 
wouldn't back off: “Your job is 
to bring people down. Your job 
is to destroy. You're a destroyer 
and the article is a destrover. 
Page Six is a harcher job." 

Johnson responded: “I mean, 
basically, you're just saying 
that we are evil, we're a force 
tor Satan—Page Six: bad, Alec 
Baldwin: good.” 

“No, Richard,” Baldwin an- 
swered, “the one thing I will 
say is that your article is very 
badly written. You're a very 
bad writer. Thar's the biggest 
problem I have. Other people 
who do what you do are just 
so much better at it and more 
clever than you." 

“Am I supposed to start 
bringing up the bad movies you've made?” Johnson 

It was a scorched-earth battle, with neither man giv- 
ing ground. Baldwin: “The New York Post is a piece of 

garbage. The editorial board of the New York Post needs 
to be flushed into the river. As a Christian I pray for you 
every night, Richard Johnson." 

Johnson: “If I have Alec Baldwin praying for my soul, 
now Im scared.” 


After the Stern show, Johnson took on Baldwin-bashing 
as a full-time job. He devoted endless column inches to the 
actor’s then-troubled marriage, to his physique (“over- 
weight, bloated”), his career (“underemployed actor"), his 
politics (Baldwin famously promised to leave the United 
States if George Bush got elected; after the election, the 
Post couldn't stop asking, “What's he still doing here?”). 

But the smart bomb came in the form of a nickname. In 
a masterstroke, Johnson dubbed Baldwin “the Blovia- 
tor"—a Menckenesque tag that stuck as tenaciously as the 
Post's “Portly Pepperpot” moniker for Monica Lewinsky. 

Last summer, Baldwin went on Stern’s radio show again 
and declared that “a boxing match with Richard Johnson 
would be over in 60 seconds.” When Stern tried to get 
Baldwin to commit to an actual match, Baldwin demurred: 
“I wouldn't want to be liable for the damages. I would bear 
Richard Johnson’s ass so bad.” Johnson responded lat- 
er with, “Anytime, anywhere,” and quoted an oddsmaker 
on Page Six who declared him 
favored 3-to-1 over Baldwin, 
though he also said, “the Blo- 
viator is а 100-to-1 favorite to 
eat more corned beef at the 
Carnegie Deli." 



Even a street sighting of the 
actor served as an excuse for 
Page Six to ridicule him: “Bur 
ton up your overcoat, Alec 
*Bloviator' Baldwin, and warch 
where you're walking,” read 

an item in January 2002. “The 
actor, in a long black trench 
coat, was lost in thought (remi- 
niscing about Kim Basinger?) 
Saturday at 11:30 rM., as he 
headed north through Times 
Square where Broadway and 
Seventh Avenue merge.” 

“I think it’s all his doing," 
says Johnson. “He’s very arro- 
gant and has a habit of making 
enemies. I think it’s a selt- 
destructive thing.” (Apparently, 
though, not a self-defense thing. 
Baldwin declined to reengage 
Johnson for this story.) The Page 

Six boss admits, though, to a certain grudging admiration for 
Baldwin’s obstinacy. "Actually, I wish there were more stars 
out there like the Bloviator. A lot of them are too timid and 
afraid to say anything or do anything or have any character.” 




ald, curmudgeonly and 
hugely influential New 
York magazine media colum- 
nist Michael Wolff arrived on 
the scene four years ago as a 
journalistic pit bull who de- 
lights in taking big, bloody 
bites out of sporlight-hogging 
media figures. He has mixed it 
up with moguls like Fox chief 
Rupert Murdoch and USA 
Interactive czar Barry Diller, 
knocking them down to size 
as the merger-mad me 
world of the mid-Nincties to 
late Nineties began to unravel. 
(Full disclosure: I edit Wolff's 
column for New York maga- 
zine.) In fact, he so angered 
Diller that when Wolff wrote 
scathingly of an carly en- 
counter with the then-bud 
ding media mogul, Diller was 
quoted in the Nere York Daily 
News as saying to a friend, 
“I should have killed Wolff 
when I had the chance." 
But of all his targets, Wolff 
has made Tina Brown his pub- 
lic enemy number one. The 
blonde Brit Brown is a leg 
endary magazine editor, cred- 
ited with rescuing Vanity Fair, 
reviving The New Yorker (purists insist she did so by 
cheapening it) and producing one of the most anticipated 
media launches of the Nineties, Talk magazine. The Vanity 
Fair wannabe was launched with a megawatt-celebriry is- 
land party under the shadow of the Statue of Liberty and 
crashed to earth after just two and a half years when its 
backers pulled the plug. Since then, Brown has bided time 
by writing her own toothy, mogul-mauling column for The 
Times of London. 


Even before the first issue of Talk—which Brown launched 
with Miramax studio chief Harvey Weinstein and the pub- 
lishing conglomerate Hearst—rolled off the presses, Wolf 
pronounced it doomed. In a column delineating her talents 
as “pruricnce, cruelty, sycophantry and snobbery,” Wolff 
went personal and described an encounter with a clueles 
sounding Brown at her start-up magazine's offices: “She 
seemed, behind her desk, rightly wound, severe, nervous, 
wearing a dowdy banker-girl blue suit. . 

Even worse, he allowed her to hoist herself on her own 
hot hot hot petard. Doing nothing to disabuse readers of 
the notion that Brown was an overrated buzz merchant, he 
quoted her as saying, “I believe heat is quality." 

Wolff wrote, “1 was surprised that she would acknowledge 

” adding that he told Brown that “many people would 
say the problem with Tina Brown is that she helieves heat is 
quality.” He caught her off-guard in a Freudian slip, and he 

wasn't about to give her the 
benefit of the doubi—or a 
gracious out. 

“She looked uncompre- 
hending for a second,” Wolff 
wrote, twisting the knife. 
“Then stricken. “No!” she 
said. ‘Quality is heat.’ She 
seemed annoyed thar | might 
hold her to her slip, and our 
talk ended shortly thereafter.” 

In Talk, Brown returned 
fire, writing in her own "Di- 
ary” column of her encounter 
with the “heart-stoppingly 
handsome” Wolff: “When 
Wolff came to interview me, 
my heart sank as soon as he 
sidled up and fixed me with 
his baleful, masturbatory 
glare. Evidently he was hav- 
ing a less-than-perfect hair 

Perhaps I was too.” 
retort in the press at 
the time: “My hair is the 
same every day. I just think 
it’s hilarious. She’s so full of 
anger.” He also tried to deci- 
pher her dig about his coun- 
tenance. “What is a mastur- 
batory glare? Was I just 
expressing self-love? Whar a 
turn of phrase. 


Wolff's real opportunity for a return volley, though, 
came when Talk folded in early 2002. He not only 
ridiculed the newly downsized Brown in a New York col- 

umn titled “Failure is Hot!” but he declared Brown to be 
something of a fraud in a front-page interview with The 
New York Times. “This is no ordinary failure,” he told the 
paper of record. “She staked everything and was wiped 
out. She's a little Enronish." WI Brown worked the 
media circuit to chalk up Та failure to the post-9/11 
downturn, friends say she seethed about Wolff's oppor- 
tum postmortem bashing. Since then, when Wolff and 
Brown have been sported at the same magazine-industry 
events, neither has crossed the room for an air-kiss detente. 

Wolff says Brown “has always been an interesting figure 
of the moment, but figures of the moment, when the mo- 
ment passes, seem somewhat comic. And I guess that can 
be wounding, especially if you don’t have a larger sense of 
yourself, We are all of us, more or less, comic figures, es- 
pecially people in the media business, which is a business 
that's finally about searching for the spotlight. 

“Right now it would seem the better part of valor for 
Tina Brown to go home to England. Because | may be the 
last person in America to care about her.” 

Brown retaliates by declining to acknowledge the very 
existence of her nemesis, suggesting, of course, that at least 
onc Englishwoman cares not a whit about Michael . .. who? 


FF 0" many in the media it was too 
much to bear. Dave Eggers, 32, a gift- 
ed, shaggy-haired satirist, wrote a post- 
modern memoir, A Heartbreaking Work 
of Staggering Genius, that was so well re- 
ceived by critics and readers (National 
Book Award nomination, number one 
spot on the New York Times nonfiction 
best-seller chart) he was anointed the 
voice of a generation. Along the way, he 
managed to incite a seething, worked-up 
mob composed of media townspeople 
he'd bashed, as well as any number of 
sweaty aspirants to his literary success, in- 
cluding A Million Little Pieces memoirist 
James Frey and Everything's Burning nov- 
list Ian Spiegelman. 


Eggers’ antagonists argue thar he started it all just by be- 
ing, well, Dave Eggers. Despite his great reviews and bus- 
loads of cash—$1.4 million for the paperback rights to his 


memoir and a couple of million more 
for the movie rights—Eggers has dis- 
played a nearly psychotic touchiness 
about any and all media that would deign 
to deconstruct his makeshift literary em 
pire, including his clubby McSweeney's 
literary journal and website. 

In 2001, Eggers published a scathing 
screed on, attacking 
New York Times reporter David Kirk- 
patrick for his profile of the Genius ge- 
nius. Eggers exhaustively catalogued and 
annotated Kirkpatrick's often-obse- 
quious e-mails (in which the Timesman 
prostrared himself in hopes of getting 
an Eggers interview) in a manner so 
abusively over-the-top that observers 
squirmed and wondered if Eggers had 
come undone. 

His distended “Clarifications Page" dissection began: 
“This article, by Mr. 
of for many reasons. 

rkpatrick, will be made an example 
Among (continued on page 136) 


Catholics vs. Protestants 

When Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to 
the door of Wittenberg Cathedral in 1517, 
he triggered a schism in the Christian faith. 
between those who believe that Jesus is 
truly, truly awesome and those who believe 
he is simply the best. 

Opening salvo: Decades of tension between 
the two religions ignited the Thirty Years" 
War, in 1618, pitting the Holy Roman Em- 
pire (present-day Germany and Austria) 
against England, France, Denmark and Swe- 
den, among others. 

Bloodiest conflict: A one-day siege by the 
Catholic League in 1631 burned the German 
city of Magdeburg to the ground, 

ly 25,000 people, most of them ci y 
Resolution: The Peace of Westphalia (actual- 
ly a collection of several smaller treaties) end- 
ed the war in 1648, thus ending religious 
persecution forever and ensuring tranquillity 
throughout Europe for all time. 

Keith Richards vs. Elton John 

It's a clash of rock millionaires when the im- 
mortal Rolling Stones guitarist takes on the 
troll-like balladeer in a war of words that 
barely obscures the fact that neither has 
made a listenable record in years. 

Opening salvo: In a diatribe directed at 
Princess Diana, Richards took aim at Sir El- 
Хол? rewrite of Candle in the Wind, done in 
her honor. “I find it jars a little,” said Keef. 
“After all, it was written for Marilyn Monroe. 
This is writing songs for dead blondes.” 
Bloodiest conflict: "He's pathetic,” Elton 
snapped back. "It's like a monkey with arthri- 
tis trying to go onstage and look young. The 
Stones would have been better if they'd 
thrown Keith out 15 years ago." 

Resolution: Little hope for peace after Richards 
dubbed Elton "Sir Fucking Brown Nose." “If 
you're gonna slam into me," scowled the surly 
Stone, "say it to my face. You won't have to 
worry about growing hair anymore!" 

North vs. South 

Barely four score and five years into the histo- 
ry of our nation, America found itself divided 
along geographic lines on issues ranging from 
slavery to proper usage of the word y'all. 
Opening salvo: Rebel general PG.T. Beaure- 
gard ordered liis troops to fire on Fort Sumter, 
in Charleston, South Carolina, on April 12, 
1861. They soon captured the Union base, 
and Virginia seceded on May 23 of that year. 
Bloodiest conflict: On September 17, 1862, 
the collision between Union general George 
McClellan and Confederate general Robert E. 
Lee at Antietam would leave more than 
23,000 casualties in a single day—the dead- 
liest battle in American history. 

Resolution: After General Lee's surrender at 
Appomattox in 1865, the South was subject- 
ed to a crippling period of Reconstruction, a 
combined 78 years in office from Senators 
Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms and eight 
seasons of Mama's Family. 










— America 

a brewer's dozen offbeat domestic beers—what's not to like? 
our tasters pick the best 

By James Oliver Cury 

| India Pale Ale 

mê boney 


This strong Indio pole. 
ole reminded one pon- 
elit of a dissolved echi- 
пова capsule. A biher 
oftertoste lingers ‘like o 
wildeot in heat stolking 
its prey,” but the some 
toster suggested thot 
Wildcat would be 
really greot with spicy 
Chinese, Thai or. 
Indion dishes, 

ongmont = 
lo [2 

Deep Cover 
‚One hord-up toster 
attributed “aphrodisioc 
qualities” to this brown 
ole, describing it as 
"reminiscent of on 
enduring French kiss.” 
Other less romontic 
types commented on 
its “wonderful smooth- 
ness," “delicious oher- 
toste” ond “nice 
tight bubbles.” 

ا س 

This unfiltered mild ole 
didn't tune in well with 
ош ponelists. "Probably 
OK with some brots,” 
soid one, odding, "It's 
still too light for hop- 
heads like me." Another 
tester bemooned on 
“aftertaste similor ta 
hair sproy” and said, 
"lt reminds me of 
dirty water” 

"Kind of reminds me of 
Hubbo Bubba,” soid 
one tester obout this 
light New Hampshire 
ale. “Sill the tote 
grows on you.” A“per- 
fect becch sex brew” 
wos the comment of a 
Temole panelist who 
found the hint of ba- 
nona in the finish 
appeoling. Hmmm. 

Goose Island 

|| “Smells o lot like fresh 
breod, tostes delicious, 
with a creomy stort, o 
molty middle ord not 
100 much hops,” soid 
one enlhusiosticloster. 
of this India pole ole 
that’s brewed not too 
for from our Chicogo 
offices. Other panelists 
chanted positively 
"This goose is loose!” 

Olde Buzzard 
“Reminds me of a pret- 
zel,” said one panelist 
who liked this loger's 
strong and complex Ho- 
vors. "Appeoling ond 
slightly tart,” said an- 
other, while applauding 
the foc thot o portion 
of the brewery's profits 
дото the preser- 
tion of Massachusetts 


Blackened Voodoo 
Rice added in the fer- 
mentation process gives 
this loger more Понос, 
we were informed by 
one experienced toster 
“Merlot meets Boss 
ole,” soid another, who 
‚odded, “This stuff is a 
little bit on the sweet 
side. їз 0 good beer 
10 go olong with o 


Beer 101 Travel Plans? 
everything you need to know about the greatest beverage on earth 

Месо beer that's fermented ter aroma ond flavor. Dor! as block os cafe, stout is nol 
with yeast at worm tempera- smoke it. Lager: Lighter much mare potent thon any 
tures. Amercon oles have a. beer known for their фий, athe ber. The phrase “beer 
ТШС oc thon their Euro smootheass ond in sammen. belly® E nal direcly related 
er ern ee 
meon thot in the bes sense. liquor: Beer with more oko- fons ore familiar with bat 
Bunghole (also, bung): hol. Pilsner: Tiiseosy-dink- Wheat: The yeost used in for- 
Beovis ond But-heod aside, ing brew with o strong favor eign wheat beers makes them 
the bunghoe iso smell open. of hops was formulated in юс aromatic for some Amer- 
ingin a kegor cosk fited with Pilsen (in the Сей Republi) icon palote, so our crofy 

Hit the raad, 
o spigot. Unless you ore o in 1842. Porter: Created in brewers substitute on ole ТЕЗЕ 
brewer, it’s probably wise not — London during the eariy 18th yeast culture ond, on occasion, what's brewing 
to use the word in mised com- century, this type of dork- kick up the flavor with honey in Snoqualmie, 
pony. Hops: on herb in the brown ale wos marketed os ог fruit. Zymurgy: The nest Washington, 

Billings, Man- 

Comabinaceoe fomily (ond richer ond more substontiol time someone asks what your | | Pines Mon 

therefore grouped with con- than ole—just the thing for mojor wos in college, soy | | Indiana end 
nobis). When added ta fer- heavy laborers on their lunch — “zymurgy’—it's the siene | | Lewes, 
menting beer it creates о bit- breok Stout: While it looks Delowore. 

Feoniternfted Aart PU 

pen иемин нат, 

Alonto Billings Munster y Lewes © 
Georgio Montono Indiono Delowore 

Laughing Skull Grizzly Wolff tide Pride & Joy Bierbitzch Midas Touch 

“Odd, smokytlovar,”soid | This pleasant, mildly corbon- | “You could get really ripped | “Pleasant nuttines” de- "Whether or not you like this | "Serve Midos Touch in o 
‚one of our fosters after ‘ated wheat beer impressed | оп Riptide,” said a toster scribes the toste of this mild | golden pilsner, it's fun to soy. | winegloss, not о beer stein,” 
cocking u Shull pilsner. The | our panel оз being “more | whothought this bourbon- | ole—ond the jester on its | “Tastes dry, like wine with a | our tasters suggested alter o 
some ponelis lso thought | beorcubthon grown griz- | colored гей ole wos one af | label. “Wonderful aroma” | bite” commented one pon- | sip af this haney-ond-grope- 
thebeer hoda hint of butter | zly" "Н уоште fullond still | the best in our selection. wos the consensusofthe | elist Others gove a thumbs- | flavored ole (purportedly 
‘ond wos quite creomy. "The | wont о beer, try this,” soid “Smells like the seo,“ “Iruity | tasters, olong with “pleosort | up to its carbonation, spicy, | based onon ancient recipe). 
тоге you drink, the more | one. They olsa liked Griz- | nose” ond “silky ahertoste” | oftertoste”ond “medium- | sweet body and complete | Other ponelist comments: 
you store ot that psychedelic | zly’s deon ohertoste and the | were other ocolodes,olung | bodied sweet moliiness.” | обоо bitter oftertaste. “an огото like connabis,” 
skull on the label.” A less foc thot it seemed consider- | with "good full-bodied flo- All the panelists agreed. One ol our panelists fell the | “over-the-top smoothness,” 
hypnotized panelist thought | ably lesscorbonated thon | vor, “hint of gropefruit™ thot this gentle Indiono carbonation wos o bit over- | “olmos! ike о dessert wine" 
Skull “tasted о lot like most of the other brews ond “would go well with brew would oppecl ta 0 powering while onother ‘ond “taste reminds me of 
rotten fish.” being tested. greasy bar food.” novice beer drinker. thought it was just righi hord liquor, not beer.” 


wo years ago Marketa Janska 
left her home in the Czech Republic to 
travel in Europe. Then the 22-year-old 
received an offer to model in Los An- 
geles, and we were delighted to learn 
that she moved into the apartment 
complex where one of our friends 
lives. We asked her to meet us by the 
building's pool rather than at the Man- 
sion, and the minute she approached 
us it was clear that the casual setting 
suited her perfectly. Modest Marketa 
wears no makeup and seems immune 
from the posturing that often accom- 
paries the "LA model" label. 

As you listen to this fresh-faced beau- 
ty communicate her dream of becom- 
ing a professional singer, what she says 
is more telling than the English she 
uses to express it. ^I want to do some- 
thing no one else has done,” Marketa 
says in her soft voice. “I've studied 
since I was six and am now a trained 
classical singer. I play the piano, guitar 
and flute. At home, | was studying to 
become a grammar school teacher like 
my mother. It was not exciting for me.” 
Marketa found a vocal coach she likes 
and is currently working on a demo. 
“Right now, I'm trying to lose my 
accent and sing perfectly." Marketa 
comes off so naturally—her green eyes 
convey a sincerity that makes us want 
to help her out in any way we can— yet 
we hope she doesn't lose her engaging 
accent completely. 

Miss July comes from a small village 
outside of Prague that she describes 
as down-to-earth, an atmosphere that 


Before she come to Americo, Morketo oppeored in o lot of Europeon magazines, swimsuit 
colendors ond TV commerciols. "The first time | posed topless I had just turned 18, ond it 
wos very uncomfortoble for me," soys Markela. "I wos still o girl ond just smiled owk- 
wardly for the camera. | see things differently lodoy. Now I feel like o woman." 


helped her remain grounded sche 
left home to start modeling. “I was 

slowly getting used to traveling to big- 
ger cities and meeting new people, so it 
was not that shocking to come to LA," 
she says. It didn't take long for Mar- 
keta to pick up on the different dating 
styles of Czech and American guys. 
Does she have a preference? “It de- 
pends on the person and how charis- 
matic he is," she says. "In America, 
a guy would want to impress me by 
taking me to an expensive restaurant, 

something fancy. In the Czech Repub- 
lic, we would go for a bicycle ride or on 
an afternoon hike or maybe enjoy a 
barbecue—something simple. I don't 
like show-offs—I like nice guys who 
don't try too hard. It doesn't matter 
what a man looks like—he should be 
easy to talk to and straightforward, and 
he should move slowly. 

Marketa, who is here on a work per- 
mit, wants to try to become an Ameri- 
can citizen in a few years. Sti 
strong ties to those she left 

have two younger brothers and I care a 
lot about my she says. "In five 
years I see myselfliving in the U.S., but 
not married. I want to have children 
much later, too—maybe in 10 years. 
I'm going to enjoy every day and see 
what happens." One unexpected turn 
for Marketa was an offer to play a 
Czech girl in a movie. "Acting can be 
fun and I'm very serious about all 
the work that 1 do, but 1 am happiest 
when I'm singing," she says. "That is 
where my heart is." 


m n WAIST: P LE HIPS: 424 

BIRTH DATE: M zero MO, Late Le uat 

Donan, AMY 04. UG AAY ands de берди 

2 } 7 ) 
Landlıs , rman? Cl. 
THE SEXIEST MAN num: Сло dau : 


President Bush and Colin Powell were having 
breakfast at a restaurant in a small town. The 
surprised waiter said, "It's a real honor to meet 
both of you. But what in the world are you 
two doing here?" 

Bush said, "We're planning World W: 
We're going to kill a lot of innocent ci 
and one blonde with big ti 

The waiter asked, "Why 
big tits?” 

Bush turned to Powell and said, “See. I told 
you no one would worry about the civilians." 


ill a blonde with 

Апет returning from his honeymoon with his 
new bride, Virginia, Luigi stopped in his New 
York neighborhood barbershop. The barber 
asked, “Hey, Luigi. How was da trip?” 

Luigi said, “Everything was perfect except 
for da train ride down. Virginia had packed a 
big basket of food with vino and cigars. When 
we got hungry, we opened it up. The conduc- 
tor came by, wagged his finger at us and said, 
“You can't eat in this car. You must use da din- 
ing car. 

"So me and Virginia went to da dining car, 
ate a big lunch and opened a bottle of vino. 
"The conductor came by again, wagged his fin- 
ger and said, 'You can't drink in this car. You 
must use da club car." 

"So we went to da club car. 1 lit my cigar. The 
conductor came by, wagged his finger at us 
and said, "You can't smoke in this car. You must 
go to da smoking car." 

“So we went. Later that evening Virginia 
and I went to our sleeper car. We were just 
about to have sex when da conductor walked 
by our door, yelling, 'NO-FOK. VIRGINIA! NO-FOK, 

A man and a woman started to have sex in a 
dark forest. After 15 minutes the man said, "I 
can't see what I'm doing. I vish that I had a 

The woman said, “Yeah, so do I. You've 
been eating grass for the past 10 minutes.” 

A man walked into a drugstore. He asked the 
pharmacist if the store carried condoms with 
insecticide in them. The pharmacist replied, 
“You mean spermicide.” 

The man said, “No, I mean insectic 
wife hi 
after it.” 

е. My 
a bug up her ass and I'm going in 

A young man moved into an apartment build- 
ing. He went to the lobby and put his name on 
the mailbox. A young lady approached him, 
panny nothing but a robe. As she began talk- 
ing to him, her robe slipped open, revealing 
that she was naked underneath. The young 
man broke into a sweat. She placed her hand 
on his arm and said, "Let's go back to my 
place. 1 hear someone coming.” 

Once inside, she closed the door and al- 
lowed her robe to fall off. He gawked at her 
naked body. She asked, “What would you say is 
my best feature?” 

He said, "It's got to be your ears.” 

She said, "What? Look at my breasts and my 
butt. You think my ears are my best feature?" 

He said, " Well, outside, when you said you 
heard someone coming, that was me." 

A senior citizens’ group chartered a bus. An 
elderly woman came up to the driver and said, 
“Гуе been molested.” 

The driver thought she was delusional and 
told her to sit back down. Теп minutes later, 
another old woman came forward and claimed 
she'd also been molested. So the driver pulled 
into a rest stop. He saw an old man on his 
hands and knees in the aisle. “Hey, gramps, 
what are you doing down there?" the bus dri- 
ver asked. 

The old man replied, “I lost my toupee. 1 
thought I found it twice, but when I grabbed 

it, it ran away." 

What's the difference between a boner and a 
bonus? Your wife will blow your bonus. 

А new nun began to resent her life of absti- 
nence. She confessed to Mother Superior that 
she was horny. "Comfort yourself with a can- 
dle," Mother Superior advised. 

“Tve tried that," the young nun said. “But 
you get tired of the same old thing, wick in and 
wick out." 

Pıaysov ciassic: How is Viagra like Disney 
World? You have to wait an hour for a three- 
minute ride. 

Send your jokes to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 680 
North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611, or 
by e-mail to $100 will be paid to 
the contributor whose submission is selected. Sorry, 
jokes cannot be returned. 



‘Aw c'mon, Miss Fenwick! Everybody's wearing low-rider jeans these days.” 


Gomeon D 


Hello, my anny. Lam (not) 
writing to you from Baja Mexico. fornia, in the 
world’s greatest country, the United States of America 4 
and Frient ©, It is 2053. 1 will leave this letter at the 
n Advantage One Post Office" in x mari 
Boer From the Past to People ‘ther in the SHOWER PILL, 
post to Be Sent in the Future if a Time Machine Is SUIT. 
Past poi.” By the way, ROW ih do stamps cost UP INSERT ШП! 
back ther? Now they ате tre ickens apiece! mu IE OF 
This is the one week of the year in which the PENISES (EVOL 
weather is rice, Royal President says if the Üü es L- 
e index is not tno high, they may side back the on) INTO THE 
me! An, fresh-like™ аі PE- 
Here's what you should know about me: Tam a typi ПІЗ SCANNER ИП! 
cal 34-year-old guy. My mor died of cancer as à result of D 
Going outside too much пу dad died bIadebearäing while roma! GO TO LUDRK-FLII 
no Jackass 28: айайт. Hy younger brother, 5 der, who is ranked fifth inthe In. 
RU in Bectoric Ice Jom Y Yi compete in n Years Las Vegas Winter olympics. My ` BH THE WAY, Hi 
sister, who work-funs for the Department ‘of Homeland Security, is lost- We believe she's some“ - HOLL 
where in the Warehouse (formerly North Dakota), where they store all our files. Her tracking : MUCH DO STAM 
"niet probably ran out of juice, but who 2 IPS 
My work-fun is at the ers" treatment plant. It isa step up from my last work-fun at COST BACK THEN? 
DynaCorp, where I i ‚ge of the N , whi datory in all homes to er“ no. 1 117 
sure that no one sleeps too erotically. My official work-fun tit de? Head of Crybabies- When the ІШ THEY ARE ТШ 
ast source of fresh water was poisoned in 2042, he country instituted а bold new plan to Ci П 
replenish our water” ™ supply: inization of tears* After it became egal to clone immi- HICKENS APIECE! 
grants, Senate Pro Tem Wal R.-Canada) came upon the solution of ‘torturing them and 
extracting their tears. Now water®™ costs only 14 tap ces. 
My typical day: Wake up. pop a shower pill,” suit Up. insert one of my penises (evolution!) 
into the penis scanner and go to WOH hobbies include growing medical marijuana for 
lab rats (not for ‚the tests are still jnconclusive) and Tome-brewing Botox. Oops. 
have to 80 for now—the probes ale triangulating my position. Again, this is nota letter. 


a P infusio 
el ars 
estion is, How wil 
l this 
this affect 

еу, the 
an, i 
, İS running agai 
gainst Laura 5 
h fro, 

W The 
out E белоп 
Amerie’ lc 



pierced ears 

“La m 

0 claim to x 


тд, who 
i threw hi 
bs world his hat in 
and to 
а are neck and neck- But ough about poli- 
new law aate? "Never cuss religion 07 pot: 
|! Here ате the from your time that T woul miss 
ence them esh Fi ine sound of tanghte and perhaps 
dy sketch group ever, the Scientlogist ¿ng beats 
times it's worth losing ©\ j rights OF You guys wont 
how awesome t 15 to Us ета- 4 so much con! nce! 
common mode of Y: ‚rtation 15 jet pat E though 
vehicles Tode y of five, most де who fly the} ае single 
а never use the ѕрасе- But still, what 1 ber cell p! mes? 
When they requi ed too many numbers to program. the ernment O 
ated traceable cell-phone ip implants: мом you jk to your Up. 
See? Easier! ‘and this way they know wher at all times, soi 
you need help of are downloa ‚ding 501 egal, an ‚nt will be 
on tis, her or ts ay- 
1 will leave you with one last SU of Sho! Netter 
each you at its int ded time, pie financial tip: Invest 
heavily in Ament s manul hina by Р! labor. 
The ones with 50 st s will be highly P! lectors ite after 
the Rumsfeld & ys Inc. Annex?! of 2f , invest 
in Chinese prison abo! 
Regards and good wk, 
Carlin Tammany 
Gardens Quadrant ppt. #0408 



5, toni 


"We'd love to join you in a foursome, but could we finish the round first?" 




7 i was a time, not = 

all that long ago, 
when most men shared 

he same aspirations. 
We wanted to be the 
duke—Tudor mansion, 
bearskin rug, marble 
fireplace and a James 
Bond-style wardrobe. 
These days, things are 
more exciting. There 
are a lot more choices. 
The good news is, 
we're here to help you 
feel cool and comfort- 
able in every situation, 
whether at an Eminem 
concert or a black-tie 
benefit. Follow our ad- 
vice and you, too, can 
be the New Playboy. 




| : He's in a cashmere 
seater with patches by o 
($380), a stretch cotton shirt by 
($210), cotton 
pants from 

($410) and a Vertex 
Chrono watch by id ($115). 
At rear is a single-breast 
ed, three-button suit ($1370) and shirt. 
($280) by Striped tie by 
$125), pocket square by 
($115) and lace-up loafers by 

($595). Tne man adjusting 

her thong is wearing e three-button suit 

($3200), shirt ($325) and jacquard 

tie ($125) all by lace-up 

loafers by ($315) and a 

pockel square by ($115). In 

front, he's in a suit ($1465) and shirt 

($275) by a tie by 
($85), special-edition 

18-kt. rose gold diamond-bezel watch 

with five time zones by 

($50,000), sunglasses by 

($89) and pocket square by 

($115). Her So Hollywood thong is by 

t t ($17). 

The JINI FOR PREZ T-shirt at left, 
($28), pullover beneath it ($58) and knit pants 
($64) are all by His shoes 
|» are Low Dunk Pro Stillwaters by (5180). 
The-girl between his legs is in bra ($24) ang 
garter skirt ($20) by 
shoes by Stuar ($180). in TE 
“middle, he's in a polo shirt ($60), pants ($52) 
and Phat Classic sneakers ($65) by 
His cap is by 
($22) and his watch is by 

ee At his feet, at left. is a blue crocheted top 
(S675) and a peach bra 
(332) and garter belt ($20) by 

At right are a Harlem Globetrotters top 

($98) and tear-away pants ($85) by 
His white doo rag. tank top and T-shirt are 
by ($50), his sweat- 
band is by (S10) and his watch is by 
($85). Her bra-and-shorts set is 
(S42) and her black 

y g 
sandals are by (S380). 


THIS PAGE: Backleft, he's in a polo ($69), T-shirt (S27). 
cotton pants ($79) and linen golf cap all by Rosasen. Up 
against the Mercedes: He's wearing a polo ($62), cottom 
vest (572) and plaid pants ($75) all by Rosasen. His 
shoes are by Paul Smith ($125) and his watch іза 
Malte Grande Classique in 18-kt. rose gold with a diamond 
bezel, by Vacheron Constantin ($13,500). She's in a 
halter top ($32) and miniskirt ($34) by Baby Phat. Her 
cap is by Lithium Manufacturing ($40). 

THAT PAGE; The bike is a 
100th Anniversary VRSCA 
V-Rod from Harley-David- 
son ($18,695). And he's in 
a pair of FXRG leather pants 
($420), Competition jacket 
($500), Mega Harness His 
boots ($132) and fingerless 
gloves ($29) all by Harley- 
Davidson. His T-shirt is by, 
Le Coq Sportif ($98). 
girl at left is in a top by Afen 
В ($149). The guy at Hac 
left is in a Zero racer jabket 
by Toschi International 
($2250), pants by Mare 
Jacobs ($188), tank by 
2(x)ist ($16), Scout belt by 
Lithium Manufacturing 
($15) and sunglasses by 
Silhouette ($250). At 
right, he's in a military jacket 

by Marc Jacobs ($298), 
pants by Prada ($315), a 
Basic Rider jacket by Har- 
ley-Davidson ($300), 
boots by Frye ($235), and 
a belt ($395) and 1979 Mike 
Oliver Rodeo Clown buckle 
($795) by Buffalo Chips. 
The girl at right is in a top 
(548) and skirt ($48) by 

uess, belt by Helen 
Yarmak ($200) and shoes 
by Stuart Weitzman 
($280). THIS PAGE: He's 
in a tux ($3600) and shirt 
($395) by Borrelli; pocket 
Square ($115), bow tie ($90) 
and cummerbund ($125) by 
Dunhill. Paradis Extra co- 
gnac and glass by Hen- 
nessy ($275). Her bodysuit 
isby La Perla ($322). 





IT ile 

for the new 5 Uu X is in the details fashion by 

Everybody's got a suit. And most of us have at least one decent pair of shoes. It's the accessories, however, that distinguish today's 
welldressed man from a guy who's just dressed up. They're the finishing touches to any outfit. Pictured here, left to right from far 
left, are the ultimate accessories for the Playboy Man. The gunmetal fountain pen is by MITH ($250). The black crocodile 

wallet is by ($395). The shoehorn is the signature version by z ) ($85). The cuff 
links, with blue crystals set inside the squares, are by LIE (S165). The stainless-steel watch is by Г L ($1190). The 
leather-and-silver valet key chain is by ($75). The pewter flask is by - (5270). The belt—in 
black alligator with a nickel buckle—is by ($350). The sunglasses are by DE ($230). They're called Playviators. The print- 
ed silk tie, below at left, is by Е (S120). The striped silk tie, below at right, is by L ($110) 

photography by Chuck Baker / produced by Jennifer Ryan Jones 

Rachel Weisz 

the mummy's lust object wants a potion to make her 
invisible. we think that's a very bad idea 


PLAYBOY: Please explain your intense 
interest in Harry Houdini. 

weisz: He was one of the earliest social- 
ly acceptable images of S&M—bound 
and chained standing there in pain 
but with triumphant look on his face. 
That's not why l'm drawn to him. I just 
love the showmanship, that no prison, 
no chain could hold him. The art of 
illusion and, in general, escapology is 
fascinating. Houdini's last name origi- 
nally was Weisz and he was Hungarian. 
My dad is Hungarian—my secret fan- 
tasy has always been that I'm related 
to Houdini. 


PLAYBOY: Your mom is a psychothera- 
pist. Does that mean there's a greater 
likelihood you'll end up on a couch? 
WEISZ: A casting couch or a psychoana- 
lyst’s couch? | just avoid couches in 
general. Best to stay off the couch. 


PLAYBOY: You spent some of your child- 
hood in Austria. Could psychoanalysis 
have been invented anywhere else? 
weisz: I can’t think of anywhere else it 
could have happened. Turn-of-the- 
century Vienna was completely wild 
culturally. It was Victorian, but it had 
these amazing double standards. So 
while it was very Catholic, very moral, 
there was this fiery counterculture go- 
ing on. There were masked orgies in 
the Vienna woods. There was incred- 
ible sexual liberation at the time that 
gave birth to psychoanalysis, which 
was all about what was really going on 
underneath, Freud had plenty to work 
with in Austria 


PLAYBOY: What's the greatest psycho- 
logical insight that your mother ever 
gave you? 

Interview by Robert Crane 

weisz: Never trust a man in a bow tie. 
It's not true actually, because my dad is 
in his 70s now and he’s taken to wear- 
ing bow ties. But my mom is slightly 
tongue-in-cheek about it. She's just full 
of balls of wisdom. 


PLAYBOY: You did a nice job capturing 
the classic lace-bloused, heaving-bosom 
allure of a librarian in The Mummy. Did 
you take that look home with you? 
weisz: 1 got a letter from a librarian in 
England who said she felt 1 totally mis- 
represented librarians. She was really 
angry. I kept the letter. In the movie 
my character was kind of clumsy, a bit 
forgetful and a little ditsy, and this li- 
brarian wondered why a librarian 
would be so ditsy. She wrote me that 
librarians come in all different shapes, 
sizes and styles, which 1 guess is true. 


PLAYBOY: In Enemy at the Gates you 
achieved the impossible—looking in- 
credibly sexy while being filthy dirty. 
Did you realize you were paving new 
cinematic ground? 

weisz: Wow, no. 1 don't think so. But 
we definitely got into the mud and the 
dirt. It was quite refreshing because 
normally in a movie you're made to 
look good all the time. The worse we 
looked, the better. The more mud on 
our face, the more dust in our hair, the 
better. It's quite liberating. It's like be- 
ing a kid in a sandpit. Kids love to get 
dirty, climb trees, get messy. It's a good 
feeling. I was lucky I had a hot bath 
every night. I didn’t sleep in the mud 


PLAYBOY: Your father is an inventor. 
What did you wish he would have 

WEISZ: Probably a potion that you can 
drink and be invisible. That would be 
great. It would be fascinating to be able 

to watch people and they wouldn't be 
able to see you. It would be useful to 
me as an actor because part of your job 
isto watch people. But it would be use- 
ful for other reasons, too. I'd go to the 
White House, find out what Bush is up 
to—what's really going on in there. 


PIAYBOY: What things have you done 
while listening to Stairway lo Heaven? 
weisz: I'm afraid nothing too exotic. 
Driven a car. Definitely gone jogging 
It makes me run if I listen to it on a 
Walkman. I've danced. Really boring 
things. Гуе cooked. Well, that's a lie. T 
have boiled eggs. I should say. Gotten 
ready to go out. 


PLAYBOY: How come actors want to be 
rock-and-roll stars and rock-and-roll 
stars want to be actors? 

weisz: Hard to say, since very few peo- 
ple can do both. Jack Black is one of 
the few who can pull it off. He's a rock. 
star, an actor, a comedian. Jack is the 
ultimate combo. 


PLAYBOY: Your father called your lips 
"Mick Jagger lips." Did you work 
with that? 

weisz: Mine aren't as big as Mick's. My 
younger sister's, Minnie's, are. I think 
they rival Jagger's lips. If I had said it 
to someone | would have meant it as a 
compliment, because I think he's got 
amazing lips. But from my dad, who's 
missed out on rock and roll, it was not 
a compliment. He was saying that I 
move my mouth too much. It wasn't 
like Greta Garbo-still enough. So it was 
not a compliment. 


PLAYBOY: You own a Jaguar. Are you 

crazy? (concluded on poge 140) 





"I'm as patriotic as ihe next American, but that parade passed 
here more than an hour ago!" 


BEREC 56071 
ue Wu 



| L 
AA lot of guys don't know how to kiss. 
i Their mouths are too tight because 
@ they're nervous and insecure. They 
| need to loosen up their jaws and lips. 
I want а man to put his tongue in my 
1 mouth and deep-kiss me. I want wild 
] kissing and sweet kissing at the 
ў оте time. I like my breasts fondled 
a lot, and not just the nipples, I 
| want his hands around the outside 
of my breasts, holding them. I like 
Î] my breasts and butt touched at the 
| same time—one hand cupping my 
ÎÎ cheek and the other cupping my | 
| breast so I feel like his hands are | 
engulfing my whole body—with | 
plenty of kissing all the while. 

Place else 










ou have seen her ar the coffee 

shop—the tasty chick with artful- 

ly disheveled hair, retro Puma 
sneakers and a finely honed look of 
condescension. Or maybe you spotted 
her puffing on a French cigarette our- 
side an indic-band concert іп a “transi: 
попа Or flipping 
through vintage LPs ar a vinyl-only 
record shop. She's a hipst 

part of town 

a sexy пих 
ture of the downtown bohemian, street 


misfit and all-night party girl. She 
may drag around a guitar case full of at- 
tirude, but underneath that short mod 
dress or kirschy Iron Maiden T-shirt, 
she's gor a taut little body and no reason 
to be home before six in the morning 
Of course, to ger inside the hipster 
chi Che Guevara-print panties, you 
first need ro ger inside her head. 

Why bother? Well, aside from rev 
ving things up between the sheets with a 

girl who won't protest that you're muss 
ing her hair, just hanging out with this 
unique species can be rewa : Hip 
ster chicks will shoot pool with vou and 
not complain about chipping a finger- 
nail. Hipster chicks will smoke a joint 
with you on a Tuesday afternoon. Hip 
ster chicks will never make you sit 
through à Meryl Streep movie. Best of 
all, hipster chicks have tongue piercings 
Need we 


Before you can bed hipster chicks, 
vou have ro find them. With che excep- 
tion of T.G.L Friday's, tanning salons 
and Pink Floyd laser shows, hipsters are 
common to many parts of these United 
States. Nonetheless, hipsters are fairly 
selective abour rhe places where they 
spend their free time: 

* Art galleries * Bible studies 

e Restaurants that e Restaurants that 

serve bruschetta serve poppers 
e Dive bars e Sports bars 
Wicker Park Wrigley Field 
* Coen brothers e Wayans brothers 
premieres premieres 
e Salvation Army e US Army 


Once vou have a fixed position on a 
bevy of hipster beauties, it’s time to 
make a connection, Remember, these 
girls pur a lot of time and energy into 
looking like they're wearing whatever 
was crumpled on the closet floor that 
morning, and they want a partner who 
will complement their carefully calcu 
lated social presence. Wearing a pair of 
pleated khakis, a tie and a Virginia Tech 
baseball cap into her favorite metal bar 
is more likely to get you mauled by her 
pit bull rhan laid. The bottom line: 
Hipster chicks will barely acknowledge 
your existence if they suspect that 
you're not a hipster yourself. (For more 
tips on fitting in, see “Hipster Seduction 
Gear” on the next page.) But don't be 
put off by the hipster chick's inherent 
aloofness. Lurking behind that cynical 
exterior still resides a woman who 
wants to be seduced. 


Like denizens of most subcultures, 
hipsters converse using special terms to 
show they are in the know. In fact, un- 
less you study up on basic hipster lingo, 
vou might nor know whether she's flirt- 
ing with vou or warning you abour her 
murderously jealous boyfriend. (See the 
glossary of “Hipster Slang" on the next 
Instead of trotting our a cheesily 
gestive opening line, meet her gaze 
with a complacent stare. She'll assume 
thar you're deep—or, better, that you're 
holding the best weed in the room. 
Refrain from saying “nice tattoo” as 
an icebreaker—a hipster chick doesn't 















Ж wHo po vou LIKE MORE: 



mind if strangers see the body 
art creeping above her panty 
line, she just thinks it’s boring 
to discuss it with them. 

Once the conversation heats 
up, strive ro be self-deprecating; 
hipster chicks may be the only 
female subculture on the planet 
that considers confidence an 
undesirable trait in a potential 
matc. Success is anorher rurn- 
off: She'll consider it a sure sign 
that you've been co-opted by 
mainstream society. So instead 
of clumsily mentioning the size 
of your bank account, find a 
way to casually refer to the size 
of your import-only record col- 
lection, and warch her knees go 
weak. Hipsters are also repelled 
by Republicans—regardless of 
your politcal leanings, identity 
yourself as a Democrat, a Marx- 
ist or, at the least, a libertarian if 
you want to score. 

Keep in mind that homopho- 
bia is a big taboo for hipsters. 
Bisexuality is not necessarily an 
attribute, but openness to ex 
perimenration is something to 
which all hipsters strive. Most 
hipster women have had a 
same-sex hookup. If you're 
looking for a ménage à trois, 
she'll need reassurance that you 
are open to experimentation— 





even if vou aren't. 




She's giving you all che right 
signals and now you want ro invite 
her to your place. Never say, "Do you 
want to come inside for a nightcap 
less it’s clear you're being ironic. We rec- 
ommend emploving more-current per- 
suaders such as, "Wanna smoke up?" or 

E: 1 had too many bron- 
sons last night and woke T y next to a sled dog. 

CHIPPER - slut >| Alicia is a chipper and 
will sleep with anyone after she's knocked back 
half a bronson. 

DECK - a key word for most hipsters, similar in 
meaning to the antiquated fresh. To be deck is to 
be up on the latest trends, cutting edge and hip. 
>USAGE: Mike's faux-hawk is deck. 


FIN - the opposite of deck. Fin is similar to out- 
dated terms like wack and lame. Something 
is fin is seen as bad or undesirable. > USAGE: Vin 
Diesel movies are fin. 


“Yo, you gotta check out my collection of 
obscure Belgium techno mastermixes on 
limited-edition vinyl.” Take care to hide 
any Friends DVDs, framed Monet prints, 
aerosol deodorant and other 
stream" accoutrements in your home that 



could turn her off. And now that she's 
within reach, don't blow it by playing 
cheesy seduction music like Barry White 
or Sade. And for god’s sake don’t play 
anything “atmospheric” like Songs of the 
Humpback Whale or Enya. 


FLAVORLESS - heterosexual > 
thought he was flavorless until | noticed his Belle 
and Sebastian T-shirt. 

FLUBBER - breast implants > USAGE: There's 
no way those things are real. They're so flubber 
they could deflect bullets. 

ЕВА = an ugly guy who thinks he's gond-Inok- 
I'm going to go say hello to her. The 
guy se s with is a frado. 

GRAPE - a greeting rapist, someone who cops a 
feel when saying hello with an embrace > 
Be sure to extend your hand as soon as he ap- 

proaches you. That guy is a grape. 

JUICER - aladies' man, an individual with unde- 
niable sex appeal > USAGE: The ladies all think I'm 
a juicer in my Members Only jacket. 

KALE - money > USAGE: Yo, can | borrow some 
kale to buy a pack of American Spirits? 

MAXWELL - homosexual > US He 
changed his name from Frank to Fabian. He must 
be a maxwell. 

NANCY - ass > USAGE: “Amy sure has a good 
head on her shoulders." “Maybe so, Mike, but have 
you seen her nancy?" 

Keep in mind that most hipster 
chicks are used to hanging out with 
guys who wear Girl Scout T-shirts, so 
she may seem a little taken aback if 
you're too aggressive. Subrlery is the 
key at this crucial juncture. If she 
catches you popping Listerine breath 
strips, all your hard work could be in 
vain. And should you ger a semi when 
she accepts your invitation. swing 
your messenger bag up front. Its hard 
to look hip with a boner. 

Will she be worth your time and ef- 
fort? YES! Hipster chicks aren't into 
free love like their historical prece- 
dent, the hippie chick, bur with a little 
coaxing, they can be just as adventur- 
ous. That's why we've saved the most 
important tidbit for last: Hipster 
chicks, despite their nonconformist 
trappings, all conform to the Law of 

A. Being bohemian implies a desire 
to experiment. 

B. Hipster chicks want to be 


С. Not experimenting defies the very de- 
finition of bohemian. 

D. Therefore, remind her about A-C and 
she will do anything you want. 


Hipster chicks use the C word in 
bed and encourage vou to do the 
same. Hipster chicks will do it on the 
fire escape while laughing at the neigh- 
bors yelling at you to keep ir down. 
And she's willing to whip our her fa- 
vorite sex toy in the name of kinky 
“performance art.” So enjoy yourself. 
Just be sure to buy an extra pack of 
American Spirits for the bedside table 
and some PBR for the fridge. You may 
for a while. 

not be going anyw 

ORDAIN - having performed a sexual act 
with another > USAGE: | saw you leave with the 
girl in the cowboy boots. Is she ordained? 

PIECE - cell phone > USAGE: | must have 
been on the subway when you called. | didn't 
hear my piece ring. 

SEMI - partial erection > USAGE: | hope I 
still have a job on Monday. When my boss 
hugged me goodbye at the bar on Friday night 
Mad a semi. 

SHELLACKED - drunk > USAGE: You must 
have been shellacked, dude. You were dancing 
to Linkin Park at the club last night! 



The trendsetter with a youthful glow and 
perky tits who likes to rock all night 
Pop Rocks Curfews 
The Barely Legal 
has a rack that, 

while modest, is 
still fun. 

The post-Garcia hippie chick too stylish for 

tie dyes or patchouli 
gluten Beefy breath 

Г. Beware the hair 

associated with 
the Neo-Crunch. 

The self-deprecating bombshell hiding: 
beneath funky librarian glasses 
Flea market Self-confidence 

Look what's 
| lurking under 
Î the Garofalo's 
baggy sweater! 


The blue-collar hipster who works with her 
hands and likes it rough. Motör- 
head Bands that use vocoders 

1 Bipsters like to 
add an edge 

with tattoos and 



Joint Custody «na rom page 75) 

This grunting was disapproval, giving the new guy 
the thumbs-down. I was an interloper, a defiler. 

meals, I'd be golden. Admittedly, being 
the guy who shook out the pig chow 
didn't seem to cause any monumental 
change in his outlook. He didn't object, 
but I saw no Lassie-loyal gaze or any- 
thing. He'd just glare up at me with re- 
gal disdain, like I was some sort of do- 
mestic, the hired help. 

Give him time, I thought. He'll come 
around. I didn't need him to actually 
love me, just to respect me. It wouldn't 
hurt, of course, if Shari thought he was 
fond of me. 1 had yet to be convinced 
of the permanence of this joint-custody 
arrangement. It seemed to me the more 
she could see Pete getting along with a 
new guy, the more likely her tie with 
the ex would eventually be severed. 

Pete tolerated my attempts at bond- 
ing for short intervals. Then he would 
stop and stare at me as if it just hit him 
that I was not who he thought I was. 
He'd trot off and curl up in his basket 
or scurry under Shari's bed. Or, if she 
was in bed, he'd sometimes grunt and 
try to raise himself up, clawing at the 
dust ruffle with his front hooves—a 
pathetic move, considering his terra- 
bound build—until she'd consent to 
Teach over and give him a boost under 
that bulbous butt and he'd curl up be- 
side her, one marble-like eye open and 
gaping dully up at me. Those evenings, 
Td usually go home to sleep. Shari was 
irresistible and all and I wanted things 
to progress, but I wasn't up for sharing 
a bed with a Maybe with time, but 
we just weren't there yet. 

The horseplay usually involved a 
spit-encrusted tennis ball, rolling it 
down the front hall and chasing after 
him with the same sort of intentional- 
ly tangle-footed stumble 1 used with 
my nephews, to let them win, let them 
get ahead. I'd chant encouragement, 
attaboys, patting him as he huffed and 
squealed by. If vou were watching from 
an apartment across the street, you 
would think, There's that guy playing 
with his pig again. His pig, you'd think. 
After all, wasn't I the one giving him at- 
tention, spending quality time? Wasn't 
I the one that was present almost every 
single night? By all outward appear- 
ances, anyone would say there was a 
relationship there, that I mattered in 
this pig s life. 

One Saturday afternoon I was lying 
on the bedroom floor, trying to fish the 
tennis ball from under her bed. Frank- 
ly, Pete could have retrieved it himself. 

He stood near enough, huffing away 
with his corn breath, but I wouldn't say 
he was that engaged. It was more like 
he had nothing better to do. 

I was highly conscious of Shari's pres- 
ence. She sat on the bed, working out 
client training schedules on her laptop. 
This was my chance to audition, to dem- 
onstrate the chummy rapport. 

And that's when I heard the neigh- 
bors. They were talking loudly, laugh- 
ing a lot, maybe three or four different 
voices, in what 1 thought might be Viet- 
namese. I had seen the name on the 
doorbell, something with a lot of ns and 
improbable vowel-consonant combina- 
tions, and 1 just guessed that it was 
tnamese. Maybe 1 had Vietnamese 
in my head, Pete being a Vietnamese 
potbellied pig and all 

So, lying there on the floor, I put my 
ear to the wall and said, “Hey, 1 think 
that’s Vietnamese, Pete. Maybe you can 
help us out with a little translation." 

Snorting, he stepped closer to inves- 
tigate and 1 coaxed him over to where 
1 could press one of his big floppy ears 
to the wall. He just stood there listen- 
ing, breathing softly, not fighting me. 

"Good boy. Can you translate that?" 

"They're Korean," Shari said 

"Excuse me?" 

"The neighbors are Korean. Pete is 

A laugh came out of me. I couldn't 
help it. She wasn't smiling. She was to- 
tally straight-faced. Not joking around. 

“Yeah,” I said. "Not that he can un- 
derstand Vietnamese. He's a pig, right?” 

She looked at Pete for a long mo- 
ment, as if remembering something. “I 
know. I'm just saying. They're Korean. 
That's all. Not Vietnamese." 

This, 1 thought, is a little crazy . . . but. 
just a little. 

The next Saturday afternoon, Shari 
was performing what I imagined was 
one of her more advanced Pilates rou- 
tines, bucking like a cowgirl against my 
pelvic bone, her hair a churning tur- 
bine that was truly mesmerizing. But 
soon the squeal and chuff of the pig 
calling out once again started to cut 
through, growing in insistence and 
pitch, louder and more adamant. | fi- 
nally had to speak up. 

She stopped whipping her hair for a 
second and rolled her eyes, letting out 
a sigh. “He's being a brat. Ignore him." 

She held my face in her hands, trying 
to get me to focus. 

But I wasn't convinced he was just 
vying for attention. This grunting was 
disapproval, verbally giving the new 
guy the thumbs-down. He wanted Dea- 
con in that bed. He wanted his daddy 
and his mommy together, his family 
unit restored and intact. was an inter- 
loper, a defiler, a motherfucker. 

It sounded like he was bumping up 
against a bookshelf or something. 1 
heard the rattle of electrical cords and 
the thump of furniture legs rocking. 

“Do you need to go slop him or what- 
ever?" I asked 

She pressed her fingers flat against 
my chest, as if to say relax, ignore it, 
put him out of your mind. Then there 
was a crash and whoosh and glassy tin- 
kle, like a giant lightbulb popping. 
He'd pushed the TV over. "Damn it,” 
she said, but kept going. 

1 felt the first twinge of shrinking, a 
lack of throb, and 1 told myself it was 
the position. I rolled her over on her 
side and worked around to straight-on 
missionary, hoping to regain ground. I 
concentrated, 1 kept going, but it 
wasn't the position. I knew that. I said 
it was, sure, I muttered to her about 
needing a deeper thrust to keep it up. 
But 1 was just looking for an excuse. It 
was the squealing, the complaining, 
the endless porcine kvetching. If any- 
thing was going to help, 1 suppose it 
would be to crank up the stereo till we 
drowned him out or to lock the little 
shit in the bathroom down the hall, but 
what I really needed was a night away 
from the farm 

I was definitely slipping out of her 
now, retracting like a bad idea recon- 
sidered. And now it was coming from 
the other end of the hall, more insis- 
tent. Someone was knocking at the 
front door. Frankly, I welcomed an ex- 
cuse to stop. Much better to be inter- 
rupted than to fail, and I knew I had 
about three strokes left till noodle time. 

Shari yanked on her robe and pad- 
ded out to answer the door. I stayed 
behind. certain it was her ex. But it was 
the neighbors, asking about the noise. 

Wrapping myself in a towel, I snuck 
ош softly behind her, catching a glimpse 
of an Asian couple in the foyer, bent 
and patting Pete and smiling, while 
Shari stood holding the door open, 
making introductions, I assumed. Not 
wanting to be part of those introduc- 
tions, I eased into the bathroom for a 
little repair work. The condom was now 
a wilted balloon. I peeled it off, grabbed 
a washcloth, cleaned off the sticky, 
caked-on condom gunk, patted myself 
dry and, focusing on the minor cleav- 
age of the model on Shari's shampoo 
bottle, managed to stroke myself back 

(continued on page 150) 



3 GAVE ie HER 



Firecrackers aren't supposed to be held, but we'll make an exception 
for American Pie 3's Nikki Schieler Ziering 

Y Б hile the rest of us celebrate 
our independence with bottle rockets 
and potato salad, Nikki Schieler Ziering 
asserts hers with a return to PLAYBOY. 
When she reigned as Miss September 
1997. Nikki was a newlywed, having 
tied the knot with Beverly Hills 90210 
‚star lan Ziering on July 4. Now, as she 

dy allowed to date!” 

Not that she’s had much time. When 
ме ask about her role in this summer's 
Americari Weddirig, the second sequel 
to the blockbuster comedy American 
Pie, a mischievous grin lights up Nikki's 
face. “| had more fun doing that role 
than anything else,” the former dental 
hygienist says. “I play a dominatrix cop 
stripper at a wild bachelor party, and I 
get to push around a bunch of ycung 
guys and then spank them. It's a scene 
everyone is going to remernber." 

Since gaining Playmate fame, Nikki 
has been a woman on the move. She 
served as one of Barker's Beauties on. 

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The Price Is Right, put Matthew Perry in a headlock in Serv- 
ing Sara, got her mojo working on Mike Myers for Austin 
Powers in Goldmember and appeared on TV's МІР. and Silk 
Stalkings. Nikki also braved the jungle as a contestant on the 
TV reality show I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! "On the 
show, | learned that I'm a live-in-the-moment kind of per- 
son,” she says. “And | think | can do anything after going 
into a crocodile pit. | love girly things—my apartment is very 
feminine—but I'm not such a princess that | can't get dirt un- 
der my nails." Nikki also may have undergone the first tran- 
scendental experience on a reality show. "When I got voted 
off, | walked over a bridge and saw a craft service table and 
a big champagne celebration. To me, it symbolized death 

Nikki sent us all scram- 
bling far tokens as the 
grondest prize ever to 
grace a midway in her 
carnival-themed Septem- 
ber 1997 Centerfold (left). 
As one af Barker's Beau- 
ties (near right), she made 

the showcase shawdawn 
sizzle, and as the bachelor 
party entertainment in the 
new American Wedding 
(far right), she makes her 
paint with о delighted Sti- 
flor (Seann William Scat). 

and going through that transition—how it’s much better on 
the other side. Even though you miss the people you left 
behind, you know they'll be coming soon. On a monitor | 
saw the other contestants holding up signs that read wE Miss 
YOU. NIKKI, SO it was kind of like watching my own funeral." 
When it comes to Nikki's newly single life, rebirth is a more 
appropriate visualization. “I'm looking for a down-to-earth 
guy with a sense of humor—a gentleman whose mother 
taught him old-fashioned manners," she says. “| tend to be 
attracted to father figures. A man needs to be a little con- 
trolling to keep me in line, but he can't be too possessive. 
1 got into martial arts mostly to stay in shape, but | wouldn't 
recommend trying anything funny on a date with me!" 

When she isn't auditioning 
new men—or Tor new roles— 
Nikki responds to letters she re- 
ceives on the website she de- 
signed, "| get 
a lot of fan mail from women, 
and that's really flattering," she 
says. "They relate to me some- 
how and say that my picture is 
the only one they'll let their hus- 
bands hang in the garage. | 
don't know why." We think it's 
because Nikki puts a positive 
spin on everything. "In the past 
year, I've gone through a di- 
vorce and left my job on The 
Price Is Right, so | feel like a lot 
of things in my life have been 
stripped away,” she says. "But I 
would much rather have done 
something and learned from my 
mistakes than not taken any 
chances. | feel fortunate be- 
cause this has made me more 
independent. | definitely want 
to get married again, but next 
time | won't settle for some- 
thing that | know isn't right.” 

"A lot of guys don't approach me 
because they assume I’m stuck up. I don't 
think | do anything to give off that vibe." 





(continued from page 86) 

"How can any reasonable person speak so snidely 
about books?" Eggers wrote. "Books!" 

the ctual fabrication Kirkpat- 
rick it scems, had mistakenly placed a 
Newark bar in Trenton. (The Times ran a 
brief correction for that one mistake but 
ignored Eggers’ other quibbles.) 

Eggers further insisted that Kirk- 
patrick failed to get his OK before using 
off-the-record quotes Kirkpatrick had 
promised to run past him before pub- 
lishing his Times article. Eggers parsing 
and quoting of the complete text of his 
e-mail correspondence with Kirkpatrick 
was capped by a self-righteous declara- 
tion: “I think it's important that our ex- 
change be published. It’s the only reme- 
dy commensurate with the impact you 
enjoyed with your original piece. I want 
your friends and family to see it, and to 
say, ‘David, ew.’ You have done this kind 
of thing to too many people, and I'm re- 
ally hoping this makes you and others in 
your position a bit more careful and will- 
ing to keep your word and tell the whole 

truth, as difficult as that can be. In your 
correspondence you sound like a nor- 
mal, even warm, person who cares about 
truth, who enjoys books, etc. But in your 
journalism your persona is very difler- 
ent. Where does that tone come from? 
How can any reasonable person speak so 
snidely about books? Books!" 

Eggers ranted on: “You used my 
words out of context and used words 
that were never meant for public con- 
sumption, and now it has happened to 
you. You cast doubt on my motives, and 
now people can wonder about yours. It 
must feel strange. You probably don't 
think it’s fair. My guess is you don't think 
you come off too well, and you wish 
you could take each person reading this 
aside and try to explain. Welcome to 
the club.” 

Kirkpatrick did try to explain, though 
his restrained self-defense on a website 
against Eggers’ charges came in at a 

"It worked out perfectly. Just as I was leaving him for you, 
he left me for another guy.” 

mere 1000 words; Eggers’ original was 
more than 10,000 words. 

For many observers, the feud was 
business as usual for Eggers. He'd al- 
ready antagonized media outlets by ei- 
ther flat-out declining interview requests 
or by demanding that they be conducted 
solely by e-mail—and that the resultant 
Q. and As be published, unedited, in 
their entirety. Did Eggers really care so 
little about self-promotion? Or was he 
attempting to change the rules of the 
game? Either way, he definitely wasn't 
making many friends. 

The UK's Observer dubbed the press- 
averse Eggers “the J.D. Salinger of Gen- 
eration X," and media writers and for- 
mer media cohorts took Eggers to task 
for being almost pathologically thin- 
skinned. David Granger, editor in chief 
of Esquire—a publication that Eggers 
briefly worked for in the Nineties and 
ended up skewering in a thinly veiled 
story about an idiotic men’s magazine— 
said of his former charge: “At some 
point, he thinks it's inevitable that he'll 
be crucified, because he's too special to 
live in this world. While he does have 
talent, he refuses to believe that anyone 
can tell him how he can improve on any- 
thing he does." 


Bring on the crucifiers! Among Eg- 
gers’ eager detractors in the literary 
realm: tattooed tough guy James Frey, 
who is the author of the recently pub- 
lished druggie memoir A Million Little 
Pieces. He told The New York Observer: 
“The Eggers book pissed me off. Be- 
cause a book that 1 thought was medio- 
cre was being hailed as the best book 
written by the best writer of my genera- 
tion. Fuck that. And fuck him and fuck 
anybody that says that." 

Big talk, but Frey backed off when 
contacted for an elaboration on his com- 
ments, leaving the stage to Ian Spiegel- 
man, part of the New York Posts Page Six 
gossip pack. Spiegelman gladly admits 
his animus up front. "I have attacked 
Eggers in the Post as often as I can,” he 
says, even bragging about being the first 
reporter to break the truly hearibreak- 
ing story of the 2001 suicide of Eggers’ 
icr Beth, who had publicly taken issue 
with her brother's portrayal of her in 

When Eggers’ novel You Shall Know 
Our Velocity was released last fall, Spiegel- 
man was instrumental in getting a пер; 
tive piece about the book published 
the Post. (Eggers was taunted by plenty 
of other media outlets for h i: 
plan for the book, which involved print 
ing a limited edition of the hardback to 
be sold only through a small number of 
bookstores—a misbegotten marketing 
move that did nothing to dispel the no- 
tion, fostered by his critics, that Eggers 
prefers to live in an exclusionary literary 

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biosphere of his own creation.) 

Eggers, of course, isn't talking, pre- 
sumably having learned his lesson about 
backlash. But Spiegelman defends his 
pummeling of Eggers on, he says, pure- 
ly literary grounds. "His writing isn't just 
heartless,” Spiegelman says, "it's blood- 
less. All you ever get from him are the 
endless prattling and parlor tricks of 
a person who has never trusted any of 
his emotions." 

Even worse, Spiegelman says Eggers is 
having a toxic effect on today's litera- 
ture. "We can thank that curly-headed 
goon for the current flood of insuffer- 
able memoirs by precocious twenty- 
somethings," says Spiegelman. (For the 
record, James Frey is a not-so-precocious 

Like Frey, Spiegelman runs the risk of 
appearing to be angling for notoriety by 
attacking obvious target Fggers. Still, he 
insists that it’s his job as a journalist to 
expose the fact that Emperor Eggers 
doesn't wear any clothes. “Sooner or lat- 
er,” Spiegelman says, "people are going 
to realize they've been swindled by 
Eggers’ literary con game, and they'll 
see that his work is just a lot of chitter- 
chatter and self-referential bullshit.” 


Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles 
Times writer Chuck Philips believes rap- 
per Tupac Shakur was assassinated at the 
direction of rival Christopher “Notori- 
ous B.1.G.” Wallace. Former Los Angeles 
Herald Examiner columnist and Rolling 
Stone contributor Randall Sullivan has his 
own theories about Tupac’s murder—and 
Biggie’s death six months later—which 
he published in Rolling Stone and in his 
book Labyrinth, an account of extensive 
corruption in the Los Angeles Police De- 
partment. Suffice it to say that each re- 
porter thinks the other is full of shit. 


Sullivan, a Rolling Stone writer for 
more than three decades, began investi- 
gating the Los Angeles police Rampart 
scandal for the magazine in September 
2000. In doing so, Sullivan was invading 
turf that the Los Angeles Times had al- 
ready been covering—inconsistently. On 

December 9, 1999, for instance, the pa- 
per reported in a front-page story that 
Amir Muhammad, a friend of convicted 
dirty cop David Mack's, was a suspect in 
Biggie's murder. But on May 3, 2000, 
Philips, who came to crime reporting 
through his investigative pieces on the 
music business, wrote that LAPD detec- 
tives did not, in fact, consider Muham- 
mad to bea suspect. 

The Philips story represented a re- 
treat from the front-page piece, which, it 
turned out, had relied in part on inside 
information supplied by former LAPD 
detective Russell Poole. With his core 
theory—that Biggie’s murder was con- 
nected to rogue LAPD cops—rebuffed 
by Philips, Poole found a more sympa- 
thetic ear in Randall Sullivan. And a re- 
porters' feud was started. 

"After his piece came out," says Sulli- 
van, "I spoke to Chuck Philips once in a 
very brief conversation—he seemed to 
feel that he didn't need to talk to me." 
Sullivan was exploring leads and theo- 
ries that Philips had dismissed. "I got 
personal and I think he felt his ego had 
been stepped on," Sullivan says. 

Philips declines to address Sullivan's 
specific statements about him and his 

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reporting at the Times, except to say, “I 
stand by the stories I have written about 
Tupac Shakur 

Poole, Sullivan argues. wasr't just any 
source—he was a highly decorated LAPD 
veteran who had been a lead detective on 
Biggie's murder. The story that Sullivan 
pieced together, using documents and 
evidence Poole had assembled, suggests 
that Death Row Records head Suge 
Knight arranged to have Shakur killed 
and that dirty LAPD cops (some of 
whom also moonlighted as security for 
Death Row) may have been involved in 
the hit on Biggie. 

Sullivan feels Philips and the Times 
didn't want to explore that possibility for 
fear of increasing racial tensions in the 
already divided city. Sullivan's article ap- 
peared in Rolling Stone in June 2001, but 
even before it came out, Sullivan says 
he'd heard that Philips “was telling ev- 
eryone he had a story coming out that 
was going to totally vindicate Suge 
Knight, and that we were going to be 
completely embarrassed.” But Philips" 
vindication of Knight did not appear in 
the Los Angeles Times until last September. 


Philips’ story, in implicating Biggie 
Smalls in Shakur's murder, indicated 
that the triggerman was Orlando Ander- 
son. Anderson couldn't comment; he 
himself had been gunned down in 1998. 
Philips’ story also places Biggie Smalls in 
Las Vegas, where Shakur was killed, but 
his family insists Biggie was in New Jer- 
sey the night of the shooting. 

Sullivan says, “I was really expecting 
that Philips was going to have some kind 
of a bombshell in his piece. But at the 
end of it |, "That's it? I mean, does 
he have some substantiation other than 
"Irust us, we're the Los Angeles Times and 
this is what happened’? T here are actu- 
ally only two named sources in Philips’ 
article—one is Suge Knight. And the 
only people who say this is how it went 
down are alleged anonymous Crips gang 

Sullivan adds that he "doesn't really 
hold Chuck Philips as responsible as I do 
the editors at the Times for letting that 
piece of shit in the paper. I mean, how 
could they not say: "Wait, we've got to 
have more than this to make a story'?" 
Sullivan thinks the Times championed 
Philips’ story in part "because there 
would be no legal exposure. Biggie and 
Tupac are dead—no one can sue." 

Philips, in a statement supplied by 
1, writes, "I spent many year: 
tigating Shakur's murder and develop- 
ing the many sources оп wi 
ries are based. Randall Sull 
source, Russell Poole, have their own 
theories on the matter. 1 wish them the 
best in their pursuits." 

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Rachel Weisz (continued from page 117) 

Even when Elvis was drunk, he sang like an angel. I 
think he was cute even when he was fat and wasted. 

weisz: No! I just sold it. It was my beau- 
tiful vintage car, one of the most beauti- 
ful cars ever. It was a Seventies model, a 
4.2 Sovereign. It was a very big, power- 
ful car, a four-door. 


pLavsov: Did you have a special arrange- 
ment with your mechanic? 

weisz: I wish. No, it just cost me lots of 
pounds. The final straw was—I'm not 
well versed mechanically—but the pow- 
er-steering fluid container sprung a leak 
so all the fluid drained onto the ground, 
and I had to drive this huge car without 
power steering, which meant my mus- 
des and arms were really challenged. It 
was like driving a truck. Everything that 
could go wrong went wrong with the car. 
1 finally sold it for parts. The person who 
bought my Jag was just going to chuck it 
up. That's all it was good for. 


PLAYBOY: We understand you are an Elvis 
fan. Do you accept everything about him 
or are there some parts of his life about 
which you're in denial? 

weisz: Some Elvis fans have read all the 
biographies and know everything about 
him. I love the way he looked and I lis- 
ten to his music, but I'm not a fanatic. 1 
think I just fell in love with him when I 
was a litle girl, watching his movies on 
TV on Saturday afternoons. I'm not in 

denial about any moment of Elvis’ life. 
What's incredible to me is that at the end 
of his career when he was fat and drugged 
up and not himself, he could still sing. 
What's that famous recording where he 
bursts out laughing? He's drunk out of 
his mind. Even then, he sang like an 
angel, like nothing could steal his voice 
from him. It was effortless for him. So I 
loved him in all stages. I think he was 
cute even when he was fat and wasted. 


PLAYBOY: Have you ever been tempted 
to try a deep-fried banana and peanut 
butter sandwich? 

weisz: No, I haven't. Гуе heard that one 
sandwich is, like, 4000 calories. I think 
it's fascinating that Elvis and Brando— 
two of the most beautiful and lusted- 
after male icons ever—both said, “Fuck 
you, quit treating me like a sex object" 
and got fat. Interesting, isn't it? 


PLAYBOY: You went to Cambridge. What 
is the title of your favorite paper? 

weisz: I don't think you're going to want 
to print this. My favorite essay is “For the 
Etruscans" by the American feminist 
writer Rachel Blau DuPl It’s about 
wondering where, or if, there is a female 
language rather than a male language. 
Most things around us were created by 
men. The paper questions if behind the 

“Honey, I'd like you to meet Miranda—this is where I got 
my oral sex before I met you!” 

if a man’s telling a story and says, “I was 
walking down the street,” the woman 
asks, “What time was it?” “It doesn’t mat- 
ter what time it was. 1 was walking down 
the street.” It's kind of all over the place. 


PLAYBOY: What's the best paper you wrote? 
WEISZ: 1 did a paper on Henry James that 
would have been published in the Henry 
James Quarterly. Y was asked to edit it. 1 
had to lose 1000 words, and I didn't 
bother. So I'm unpublished. 


PLAYBOY: Could you date anyone less ed- 
ucated than you? 

ure. Definitely. There are differ- 
ent kinds of intelligence. | would like 
to believe that love transcends every- 
thing—that someone who is from Amer- 
ica could flirt with someone from Japan. 
It's a completely different culture. Love 
should transcend all. 


pLavsoy: How do you flirt like a Brit? 
weisz: I think that Americans are just as 
good. At the end of the day, flirting is a 
pretty universal language. Americans 
are more direct. British people are more 
indirect about everything. l'm making. 
this up as I go along. How am I sup- 
posed to know? I like American men, let. 
me just say that. 


PLAYBOY: Can you explain the sorry state 
of British dentistry? 
weisz: Well, I guess the real answer is be- 
cause our health care has been free. You 
go to the dentist here and they will tell 
you that you have eight cavities when 
you really maybe have only one. In Eng- 
land they'll tell you that you haven't got 
any because dental care is free. Actually, 
that's not true. Now you have to pay for 
your dental work. It was free for a long 
time. We don't cap our teeth and try to 
make everything look perfect. You have 
pretty unattainable images of perfection 
that, to us, are sort of characterless. We 
like a bit of character—a little yellow- 
ше rotting, a little wonky, coffee 
cigarette stains, Irregular teeth— 
we like that. 


PLAYBOY: Maybe the Brit medical com- 
munity spent too much time developing 
those veterinary skills. 

WEISZ: I’m sure! I don't have a pet, but 
I'm sure that we have the best vets in the 
world. As you know, the British love 
their pets more than their children. 


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LISA MARIE PRESLEY | oua fron page 3) 

I never did anything to get publicity. I got caught up 
in Michael’s thing, which was manipulation. 

and that kid in the room. I've never seen 
him behave inappropriately. He was 
great with my kids. He does have a con- 
nection with kids, babies. He’s a kid, and 
other kids sense that in him. 

PLAYBOY: It would help his case if he'd 
stop saying, “Yes, I sleep with children.” 
PRESLEY: I know! Someone should call 
him and go, “Would you just stop saying 
that? It’s not working for you!" 
PLAYBOY: Did you and Michael discuss 
having kids? 

PRESLEY: Yeah. [Laughs] I got out of that 
one. “I just don't think it's a good idea 
right now." But I knew that's what he 
wanted. And I knew Debbie Rowe was 
offering to do it for him while we were 
married, according to him. She was a 
nurse who had a crush on him and of- 
fered to have his babies. 

PLAYBOY: Was he trying to leverage you 
into agreeing? 

PRESLEY: Kind of. "Debbie Rowe says 
she'll do it.” OK, have Debbie Rowe do 
it! And it's funny, when I imagined hav- 
ing a child with him, all I could ever sce 
was a custody battle nightmare. 
PLAYBOY: He just wanted to find someone 
to bear his children. 

PRESLEY: | think so, but I don't know. 
PLAYBOY: Did you watch his TV inter- 
views last winter with Martin Bashir? 
PRESLEY: 1 watched, because I wason a ra- 
dio tour that week and I was being asked 

about it every day. I was like, Could 
there be any worse timing? I walked 
away in 1996. It's not something con- 
suming my thoughts anymore. 

PLAYBOY: When Diane Sawyer inter- 
viewed you and Michael, she asked if you 
two had sex, and you were indignant. 
Can you sce how the marriage looked 
suspicious to people? 

can see that, only because 
thing, not mine. That always 
upset me. I was married for several years 
to a bass player nobody knew and before 
that never dated a celebrity. I never did 
anything to try to get publicity. I got 
caught up in Michael’s thing, which was 
manipulation. 1 was like, “Fuck you pco- 
ple, that’s not who I am. Why am I being 
blamed for a publicity stunt? Oh, I'm 
Miss Aspiring Singer, and now I want a 
record deal? That's why I'm with him?" 
PLAYBOY: It sounds like you think he 
used you. 

PRESLEY: I’m not going to say he did or 
didn't. There are things that don't look 
good, that's all I can say. And most peo- 
ple saw it at the time, except me. 
PLAYBOY: When did the relationship go 
sour for you? 

PRESLEY: Not long after Diane Sawyer. I 
started to wake up and ask a lot of ques- 
tions—I don't want to go into detail, but 
it went downhill pretty quick. 

PLAYBOY: What about your kiss at the 

“Would you like one final smoke before we wrap up this 
episode of Fear Factor?” 

Video Music Awards in 1994? It looked 
so staged and awkward 

PRESLEY: It looked ward because | 
wanted out of my skin. At the 11th hour, 
he says, “I'm gonna kiss you." I was like, 
"No, 1 don't want to do that. Do we have 
to? That's bullshit." On the way there I 
kept saying, "Do we have to?" I squeezed 
his hand so hard that I cut off the circu- 
lation. He wouldn't tell me when it was 
going to happen. 

PLAYBOY: It was reported that you asked 
him for a divorce while he was in the 
hospital recovering from “exhaustion.” 
PRESLEY: Not true. There was a bit of a 
showdown in the hospital, and 1 didn't 
understand what was wrong with him. I 
didn't know what he was up to. When I 
started asking too many questions about 
what was wrong. he asked me to leave. 
This is the real story. He said, "You're 
causing trouble." The doctors wanted 
me to go. | freaked out, because it was all 
too familiar. When he got out, 1 called 
him and said, “I want out.” 

PLAYBOY: Later, when you met Nic Cage, 
were you thinking about marriage? 
PRESLEY: Alter Michael, I wasn't in a hur- 
ry to get married again. Nic was also 
ending a marriage to Patricia Arquette 
that wasn't in good shape. But we clicked 
instantly. He is grand—that's a good 
word for him. We had somewhat similar 
realities, both part of famous families, 
and I admired the shit out of him be- 
cause he detached himself from his fam- 
ily name [Coppola] and got a career by 
himself. He and I detected some sort of 
rebellious spirit in each other. His father, 
as a wedding gift, gave us a 100- or 200- 
year-old bottle from the bottom of the 
ocean and a really nice toast. The whole 
thing was about how we were both pirate 
spirits. It was really moving. 

PLAYBOY: He emulated Elvis in Honey- 
moon in Vegas and Wild at Heart. 

PRESLEY: [Scowls] There are 45 other films 
he did, thank you very much, that don't 
have anything to do with my dad. 
PLAYBOY: Do you think he wanted you 
because you're Elvis' daughter? 

PRESLEY: Here's the answer: I've never 
seen one Elvis artifact or one piece of 
Elvis memorabilia that he owns. There 
was a rumor for a long time that he had 
an Elvis recording as the fucking outgo- 
ing message on his fucking phone ma- 
chine. I never saw any of that. Sure, he 
was an Elvis fan. Who cares? I haven't 
met many people who've said, “I hate 
your fucking dad. Hc was terrible." 
PLAYBOY: What went wrong? 

PRESLEY: One pirate shouldn't marry an- 
other. We had already broken up and 
gotten back together twice. We were to- 
gether for two years before we got mar- 
ried and thought that marriage would 
make us more secure. 

PLAYBOY: But you went with him to the 
premiere of Adaptation just a few days be- 
fore the divorce. 

PRESLEY: We had a fight a few days later, 


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and he had a temper tantrum. He 
walked out the door, filed for divorce, 
then felt bad. It was just a rampage, basi- 
cally. He called a couple of days later and 
said, “Whoops!” [Laughs] He said, “I was 
in a rage, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. 1 
wish I hadn't done that." And I was like, 
“Dude, we can't do the break-up-get- 
back-together thing. We're married.” 
He's not surrounded by people who 
would talk him down when he's in a state 
like that. I hated him afterward. It was a 
long time before I would speak to him. 
PLAYBOY: À tabloid reported that you 
threw а $65,000 ring he gave you into 
the sea. 

PRESLEY: I didn't throw it. Otherwise, 
that's a true story. We were in a fight, 
and I said it was over. He took the ring 
and threw it into the water. We hired a 
diver, but it was 150 feet down, and he 
just shook his head. It was a six-carat 
yellow diamond, and Nic replaced it 
two days later with a 10-carat yellow 

PLAYBOY: Is it strange that you're both in 
interviews talking about the marriage? 
PRESLEY: I'm laughing because Nic did 
an interview with Barbara Walters and 
he said something to her about my 
blue eyes. I said to him, “They're fuck- 
ing green 

PLAYBOY: He did a TV interview, then 
called to report what he'd said? 

PRESLEY: Yeah. I still care about him a lot. 
I don't want to have a media war. I'll say, 
“This is what 1 said on Diane Sawyer, in 
case you want to retaliate. But just know 
that ГЇЇ come back. If you say something 
I don't like, I will fucking nail your ass to 
the wall!” Like when Michael and I split 
up, he said, “Don't talk about me." He 
never wanted anybody talking about 
him. I didn't say a word about him. So 
the next three interviews I saw, he was 
talking about me. And I was like, “All 
bets are off, dude. You did it.” 
PLAYBOY: What are your vices? 

PRESLEY: Having friends around. Ciga- 
rettes. And red wine—but it has to be 
good red wine. It has to be more than 
$300 a bottle, because then I don't get as 
bad a hangover. 

PLAYBOY: What are you like when you're 

PRESLEY: I’m friendlier, nicer, more toler- 
ant and more patient. Physically, I feel 
better. I'm not usually patient and toler- 
ant when I'm not drinking. 

PLAYBOY: Favorite curse word? 

PRESLEY: Fuck. Motherfucker. And cock- 
sucker. Curse words are good. When I 
was drunk and newly out with Nic at a 
bar, I called him a cocksucker at least six 
times. But it was kind of a flirtatious 
thing. If I was seriously calling him that, 
he would have kicked my ass. My friend 
Johnny Ramone was with us, and he 
said, “Sailor mouth! If your father could 
hear you talk like this, what would he 
think of you?" I don't think it was pub- 
licly known, but my father was pretty big 

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on cursing. He wouldn't allow me to 
curse, but he did. 

PLAYBOY: Do you read your financial 

PRESLEY: Not willingly—I' m forced to. I 
get angry at how much I'm paying peo- 
ple. It makes me insane. Every time I see 
the fucking financial statement, I want to 
fire people. There was this crazy woman 
1 brought into my circle, and she pulled 
a Machiavellian maneuver and tried to 
take my empire down by backstabbing 
people and spinning a whole web—just 
unbelievably evil 

PLAYBOY: How would you characterize 
your taste in sex? 

PRESLEY: Probably “porn style.” [Laughs] 1 
am a little dark on the subject. I like it 
rough, the way they do things in porn 

PLAYBOY: Have you ever wished you were 
a lesbian? 

PRESLEY: Sure. I think Га be much better 
as a lesbian. My best friend is also my as- 
sistant, and she's been with me for eight 
years. I feel like, Damn! If I were gay 
and I could've been with you, we would 
have been perfect. 

PLAYBOY: What will you do differently if 
you get married again? 

PRESLEY: I'm going to become a eunuch 
or a monk—nonsexual and nonfunc- 
tioning. I'm going to—you know what? I 
can't say what the hell I'm going to do, to 
bc honest 

PLAYBOY: If your kids were going to write 
a tell-all about you, what's the worst they 
could say? 

PRESLEY: Just that mommy went through 
men like water. [Laughs] If I get married 
again, I'll stay married. 1 don't know if I 
really thought I'd stay married with the 
last two. I'm whimsical about things. | 
get caught up in the moment. It's the 
one area where I'm naive. 

PLAYBOY: Are your kids having a tough 
time because they're Presleys? 

PRESLEY: My daughter is 14, and some 
kids are starting to give her crap. “What 
are you complaining about, you rich lit- 
tle" I want to choke that kid, by the 
way. [Laughs] If there's a little kid in 
school who's being an asshole, I want to 
kick the kid's ass. If 1 could, I'd go scare 
them. It's at the point where my kids 
won't tell me what's happening. 
PLAYBOY: Do you want more kidsz 
PRESLEY: I'd like two more. 

PLAYBOY: And if you don't have someone 
to be the father—— 

PRESLEY: Are you kidding me? No, I will 
not go to a sperm donor. I could ask 
Debbie Rowe to be a surrogate for me 
PLAYBOY: You're still fond of Danny and 
Nic. Maybe you'll get back together with 
one of your exes 

PRESLEY: With me, you never fucking know, 
do you? God! You know what? I'm not 
going to say never about anything again. 

Hear exclusive audio of this interview at 

“There's just so much you can do with paint. Let's fuck!” 



sex on the edge «sua fron page 68) 

I brush my hand carelessly across my lap; the response 
is immediate, electric and sharp. 

who was a friend of a friend, claimed to 
have extensive experience and informa- 
tion on foxy. He urged me to call him if I 
wanted to find out more. So I did. I liked 
the idea of talking to a possibly cute boy 
I've never met about a sex drug I've nev- 
er taken. Along with his friends, college 
kids from Massachusetts and Tennessee, 
Josh bought a gram of foxy from an In- 
ternet site selling a slew of freaky re- 
search chemicals. He told me he'd taken 
foxy once a week for the past two months. 

“Foxy is the psychedelic where sex is 
most appealing because it triggers in- 
tense concentration,” Josh said, sound- 
ing like Dan Rather. “Unlike acid, foxy 
allows you to focus on sexual gratifica- 
tion. After an orgasm I can get an erec- 
tion in a couple of minutes, which I can't 
normally do. And the more you have sex 
on foxy, the more you want to have sex, 
which doesn't happen on any other sub- 
stance.” I'd heard enough. I immediate- 
ly went to see my boyfriend, John. 

After I gave him the latest, John said, 
"Are you going to spend so much time 
investigating this sex drug that you won't 
have time to have sex with me? Why 
don't we just do the damn drug now?" 

At that point I got in touch with my in- 
ner prude. I talk a big game, for sure, 
but did I want to take a hallucinatory re- 
search chemical that might give me 
leukemia or leech my highlights? “This 
is a possibly dangerous thing we're con- 
sidering,” I said. “Let's not rush it be- 
cause you're horny." 

“Fine. But you may want to check out 
the web page I bookmarked for you." 

I could tell a trap had been set. The 
page was a foxy trip report from Erowid. 
org, the drug info website: 

“Ten pm. Clothes are torn off from 
each other and rubbing of bodies contin- 
ues. We finally engage in the act. I can- 
not describe the images and fecling run- 
ning through my head and body at this 
moment. Groans and moans are coming 
out of us that 1 have never heard out of 
the most primal animal. Sweat is every- 
where, and the sheets are soaking wet.” 

John and 1 looked at each other and 
sealed the deal. 

1 called Tony. He'd bought foxy from 
a friend who had paid $79 for a gram 
from a research chemical company web- 
site. Once diluted with water, it pro- 
duced approximately 50 doses. Tony 
used an eyedropper to package the drug 
in tiny glass vials that once held 3.5 
milliliters of maple flavoring. He sold us 
two vials for $50. 


In the 1973 manual Sex, Drugs and 
Magick: A Journey Beyond Limits, Robert 
Anton Wilson wrote, “The future will be 
much wilder and hairier than the imme- 
diate past.” With this in mind, I drank 
the vial of clear liquid safe in the con- 
fines of my apartment and waited for my 
future to begin. 

The taste was terrible. Secretly I felt 
secure in the knowledge that I would at 

“Whatever gave you the idea there'd be a long line?” 

least weather it better than John. He 
downed his dose and shuddered violent- 
ly. “I feel like 1 just licked the tracks of 
the fucking subway!" he moaned. Here's 
a guy who's such a straight-edged vegan 
he won't drink sake, for Christ's sake, 
and I have him squeezed between my 
legs ingesting questionable research 
chemicals invented before Reagan took 
office. But all I can think about right 
now is that someone should call in a 
weapons inspector to check my mouth 
for a stash of war chemicals. 

We're not off to a good start. A few 
moments pass while we both stare into 
space. John says, “Well, at least there 
haven't been any fatalities reported. As 
far as we know, anyway.” I pop a piece of 
gum into my mouth and chew like crazy. 

Oddly, I begin to feel a tingling flush 
of warmth between my legs. It's absurd. 
No one could take a drug called foxy 
and get hot 10 minutes later—life just 
doesn't work that way. Besides, I'm so 
busy waiting to puke that I can't pay at- 
tention. I brush my hand carelessly 
across my lap; the response is immedi- 
ate, electric and sharp. 

Experienced foxy users say it's not a 
beginner's drug, and I'm starting to see 
their point. Right after we take it, we fig- 
ure ve have some time to gather sup- 
plies from the store—candles, raspber- 
ries, water—before it kicks in. But by the 
time we make it out the door, we are 
tripping so hard we find the dull side- 
walk overstimulating. "I don't think I 
" John says, eyeballing 74th 
Street like a bazaar in Bombay. 

Back upstairs, I suddenly feel like the 

sexpot way; more Bon ain 's Venus than 
Madonna. I saunter up to John and 
shimmy slowly down his body, and it 
doesn't feel absurd. Clothes, even the 
kind by La Perla, seem unnecessary, so 1 
shrug them off to the accompaniment of 
Seventies soul. John turns out the lights 
and watches me dance. I don't notice 
he's filming me until I hear the clicking 
of his video camera. I motion him to fol- 
low me into the bedroom. 

Now my body is a strange combination 
of hot and cold—one second I'm trem- 
bling, and the next my thighs are slick 
with sweat. Although the physical sensa- 
tions are like nothing I've ever felt, 'm 
mentally unchanged. I can speak clearly, 
but because of the delicious electrical 
rivulets running along my tongue, I'd 
rather kiss John's lips and the soft nest of 
his throat. Everything, suddenly, is a sex 
toy: a hair on his chest, the bedroom cur- 
tains blowing in the breeze across my ass. 

Shivering from the subtlest waves of 
pleasure, I close my eyes as John runs 
his hands over me. "Do you realize you 
haven't stopped moving your belly erot- 
ically for three hours?" John says, and I 
say, "Seriously?" We've put on a CD of 
Algerian rai, a spell of Saharan wailing 
and drumming. I'm no longer aware of 

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the boundaries of our bodies, only the 
rhythm they make together. 

John turns me over. "You feel so sub- 
tle,” John whispers, sounding out each 
syllable like they taste good in his mouth. 
I've been uncontrollably wet all night, 
and now, at last, I'm ready. The foxy sex 
is searing and endless. Foxy sex turns 
my skin inside out. Together, John and I 
shape-shift into different positions like 
figures in a Mayan hieroglyph. 

I'ma Venus flytrap, about to snatch an 
orgasm the size of Alaska. I don't need 
an area code because I don't want any- 
one to call. 

"The postsex cigarette hour is filled 
with weightless intimacy. Some drugs 
lead to a comedown period of hellish in- 
trospection, but not foxy. "It's not like 
This Is Your Life,” John says, “starring you 
and your brain and all of your neu- 
roses.” I can barely remember my prob- 
lems, my gripes, the lingering doubts I 
have about John's suitability as a long- 
term partner. In fact, I'm almost 
turbingly serene. I've gone from being a 
hypochondriacal girl on the rag, so to 
speak, to a yogic instrument of divine 
will. Nothing he could do would hurt me 
right now. I wouldn't care if John went 
dancing with 15 sluts in white go-go boots 
and I stayed home and ate Twinkies. 

The sex never seemed to stop, even 

when we hopped into a cab at one AM. 
en route to an after-hours dance club. 
Our cabdriver dialed all his margins so 
tight and with such precision that I 
could have whispered into the ears of 
the passengers in the cars next to us. 
Sometimes he fucked the road, stroking 
it with effortless, powerful confidence. 
He made it look easy to charge red lights 
that magically turned green as we 
crossed the line. During the smooth ride 
we witness a procession of lights and flit- 
ting human minidramas unfolding 
down Broadway through Times Square. 
Everywhere the night went, there was a 
beat, and we were always in sync with it. 

Whoa. Maybe this was too much of a 
good thing. 


1 slept long and hard the next day, 
and when I woke up I gathered my 
thoughts. I realized that the unique as- 
pect of foxy was the way in which 1 had 
remained entirely lucid and coherent 
throughout the experience, despite the 
overwhelming physical sensations cours- 
ing through my body. Unlike date rape 
drugs like GHB, Rohypnol or Ketamine, 
I never felt like I was in danger of pass- 
ing out or confusing my boyfriend with 
his roommate. I was perfectly capable of 
conversing with the doorman at the 

“I wouldn't call it a date, exactly. 
He invited me to join him to watch his wife get it on with 
her boyfriend." 

club, and 1 didn't have mushy, drug-ad- 
dled conversations with strangers. 

But if foxy leaves your mind alone, it 
has its way with your body. Watching me 
strip naked, John had said, "This drug 
wants to dance.” A week later I still felt 
like a primo hottie, and so, apparently, 
did Chloe, who called to tell me she'd 
found herself absentmindedly dancing 
while getting dressed for work in the 
morning. “I was grinding away alone, in 
front of the mirror" she said, "and I 
couldn't believe how unselfconscious I 
felt. Foxy has changed the way I experi- 
ence my sexuality.” 

But not everyone has such a positive 
experience, My friend Isabel had taken 
the same dose and spent most of the 
night dry-heaving. She did own up toa 
few good moments on the drug: “Later 
in the trip, lying next to each other on 
the bed, we started moving our hips to- 
gether ever so slighüy. It was more like 
muscle contractions and releases than 
movement, and it was unbelievable. We 
found a groove where we were attuned 
to cach other and completely fused. " 

Like Isabel, many people report 
spending the night going down not on 
their partners but on their toilets. One of 
the more curious aspects of the drug is 
the split between accounts from users 
who love it and those who hate it. judiciously divides its testi- 
monials into sections with titles like 
"Glowing Experiences,” “Mystical Expe- 
riences," and "Train Wrecks and Trip 
Disasters." Surf through these reports 
and you can't help feeling repelled by 
the bad effects of the drug. Users experi- 
ence nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. 
The "heavy body load"— physical dis- 
comfort— produced by the drug can out- 
weigh everything else. "Making love,” 
wrote one user, "was the only thing that 
made me forget how lousy I felt." 

“I haven't had any reports of fatal 
overdoses from foxy,” says Santamour. “1 
know some people who've been taken to 
the hospital because of uncontrollable 
vomiting.” There is general agreement 
that slight differences in the dose can 
make the difference between healthy 
postcoital glow and a trip to the emer- 
gency room. "Foxy is an unusually dose- 
is why some people 
aren't taking it,” says Santamour. “May- 
be an analogue of foxy will take off later 
that won't be as sensitive.” posts a standard warning 
to all potential users of research chemi- 
“When you're taking a new and un- 
studied drug, you're making yourself a 
human guinea pig. The drug you are 
taking may be perfectly safe. It may even 
be beneficial. On the other hand, you 
may take it three times and suddenly 
find yourself 20 years old and having 
rkinson's disease.” 
te goes on to warn readers of the 
harrowing tale of MPTP, an impurity 
sometimes generated during the manu- 

‘boost the male harmar 

UN < | testosterone, cc 

ability, endurar 

anc to improve 
and regc it 







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facture of a synthetic drug called MPPP. 
(MPPP was created by underground 
chemists looking for a legal heroin sub- 
stitute in the late Seventies.) A 23-year- 
old grad student developed permanent 
Parkinson's-like symptoms after using 
contaminated MPPP a few times, and 
scores of others experienced similar ef- 
fects: tremors, blurred vision and speech 
difficulties. The MPTP case was a basis 
for the DEA's development of an emer- 
gency scheduling process to criminalize 
some uncontrolled drugs. 

According to spokesperson Rogene 
Waite, the DEAS push to classify foxy as 
a controlled substance was based on a 
"large increase" in the incidence of law 
enforcement encounters involving the 
drug, as well as "evidence of its distribu- 
tion and use as a legal alternative to club 
drugs." The DEA says foxy poses signifi- 
cant risks to public health and has no ac- 
cepted medical use in the U.S. Waite, as 
well as everyone else 1 interviewed, 
claims that little information exists on 
how research chemicals like foxy interact 
with other drugs or pharmaceuticals. No 
one can begin to guess the drug's long- 
term or short-term effects. Tryptamine, 
the parent molecule of foxy, is known to 
cause convulsions or death in animals. 

Ultimately, the question of whether 
people can use their brains when they're 
using drugs is almost as tricky as the 
question of whether they can use their 
brains when they're having sex. The one 
sure thing about foxy is that there will be 
more of it before there's less—until an- 
other research chemical replaces it. But 
unless a big pharmaceutical company 
comes up with a more reliable version of 
foxy, no one but hard-core tripsters is 
going to be in a hurry to down some and 
head for the hot tub. 

Now I find myself in the position of 
fielding questions about foxy from friends. 
I've become the expert. There seems to 
be plenty of the stuff still in circulation. 
When people ask if I would recommend 
it, 1 say no, solely based on my friend's 
bad experience with the identical dose I 
took. The fact is that 1 had a wonderful 
experience on foxy. I just can't be sure 
I'd have the same one again 

Ata dinner party recently I met a re- 
search scientist working on ampheta- 
mines. 1 asked him nervously what he 
thought of my foray into sex on drugs. 
He hadn't heard of foxy, but after I told 
him the scientific name he was able to 
sketch the molecular structure of the 
drug on his napkin. He stared at it for a 
minute, pondering. “So,” he said at last, 
“the first time you have the best sex in 
your life, the second time you have even 
better sex than that, and the third time... 
you wake up with nerve damage.” 

He shrugged. “Or not.” With that he 
returned to his appetizer. We didn't talk 
much the rest of the evening. 


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(continued from page 124) 
to something half presentable. Rewrap- 
ping everything with the towel, I slipped 
out of the bathroom and down the hall 
and into bed and lined up another fresh 
condom on her bedside table. 

I heard the neighbors leaving and 
stroked myself under the sheets, eager 
to present her with the half-wood I had 
managed to work up. But she was taking 
her time with something out there. I 
heard the rustle of paper and pen. I got 
ready with a big smile. 

When Shari reappeared in the bed- 
room, her eyes were wide, the color 
washed from her face. "He's never made 
so much noise that the neighbors com- 
plained,” she said. “This is a first.” 

Under the sheets, I let go. 
they're new here.” 

“They were here when we moved in, 
Deacon and I, two years ago.” 


“He's never carried on like that. They 
didn't know what was going on." 

1 apologized. I thought she would say, 
Don't be silly, you're not to blame, but she 
didn't. She bit her lip and looked back 
toward the front door, worried, and 1 
took that as an opportunity to knock the 
new condom off the bedside table, into 
the trash. When she turned, her face 
looked like a delicate structure about to 
collapse. "You know what they said?" 

I knew it was something upsetting— 
her voice wavered and she wasn't getting 
in bed—but I couldn't even imagine. 

“I called Pete over and introduced 
them to him—you know, to be neighbor- 
ly and diplomatic and all?” 


“They said, ‘Fine pork! Fine! For good 
fine eating! Good and delicious, yes?" 

“No, they didn't," I said. She had to 
be exaggerating. 

She looked like a girl, bobbing her 
head in slow motion. “It’s a quote. The 
man said, ‘Fine pork! Fine!’ and then his 
wife said, ‘For good fine eating! and 
then he said, ‘Good and delicious, yes?'" 

I was amazed she could remember all 
that. She pulled a scratch pad out of the 
pocket of her robe. “I wrote it down after 
they left. I think it's a threat.” 

“They had to be kidding,” I said. 
“Were they maybe kidding?” 

“They were smiling, but I don't think 
they were kidding. They were patting 
him and feeling his haunches and stuff.” 
She looked disgusted. "It's like they were 
molesting him.” 

"Are you sure that they weren't just 
admiring him?” 

She sprawled sideways across the bed, 
reaching for the phone. "Deacon's going 
to want to hear this." 

1 took that as a cue to locate my pants. 
Frankly, I was glad this time. It provid- 
ed an out. This way 1 wouldn't have to 
continue trying to maintain an erection 


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Sake IN" 

Dot DgoP THe WasH Heg. | (ом тт 

are QUIT 
Se TIPS | yas e 

Don'T Ger 
IN Her 


No MaTrep. How MUCH 
FUN You'Re Having, Ger 
oT Before ац. тне 

our er THe DRAIN 




while being harangued by a 100-pound 
refugee from the county fair. 

One night at Shari's, Deacon came 
over and announced that he had an of- 
fer to manage a bar in Bangor, Maine. I 
pumped his hand warmly and congratu- 
lated him, thinking, good riddance, but he 
looked at me funny and then at Shari 
and Shari explained, "Well, he's not nec- 
essarily taking it. We have to discuss it.” 

I didn’t get this, but I kept quiet. They 
went into the kitchen and sat at the lit- 
tle breakfast table. I withdrew into the 
bedroom to give them some privacy. 
Pete trotted out from under the bed and 
joined them in the kitchen. 

After Deacon left, she came in and 
flopped down on the bed next to me and 
announced they'd decided he wasn't 
going to take it 

1 rcally didn't get this. 

“That's the deal. We have to agree on 
job offers that require moving.” She ex- 
plained that a month before, she had 
turned down a great positio: Tacoma 
because it didn't work out for Deacon. 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 
I hadn't thought about this before, but I 

now did the math: That meant that if we 
got serious, and I wanted to take a job 
somewhere else, 1 would not only have 
to work it out with her, but also get the 
approval of her ex so he could be within 
driving distance of a fucking pig? 

“We have a list of mutually acceptable 
cities,” she said. “Everything else is up 
for debate. If some place where I 
could keep teaching Pilates, then, sure, 
Ud be willing to follow him there. If I 
thought Pete would like the town." 

1 hadn't realized how cavalier she was 
about her connection to this town— 
which included me—and toward being 
joined at the hip with Deacon, this hob- 
bling inconvenience. I asked her why 
she broke up with him anyway. 

"Oh," she said, "we've got zero in com- 
mon. Except for Pete. And we only got 
him as a sort of last-ditch attempt to 
work things out." 

"Really? It seems to me you guys are 
still pretty close." 

“It's totally over between us. We're 
friends. That's it.” 

1 heard laughter and water runni 
one night when I knocked on Shari's 

“What my husband doesn’t know is that Rashid, the grocer, is 
under here with me.” 

door. Deacon let me in. I was surprised 
to see him there and more surprised 
to see he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Bath 
night,” he said, leading me back to 
where Shari struggled with Pete in the 
bathtub. “It’s a two-person job, especial- 
ly using the hoof trimmer.” 

She smiled up at me, but looked over- 
whelmed, wielding a handheld sprayer 
attachment that ran from the faucet. 
Deacon squeezed back in beside her, 
kneeling to help. Pete was squealing, his 
hoofs clacking against the porcelain. 
I stood in the doorway. There was no 
room left for me. 

I wished she weren't wearing that 
skimpy wife-beater T-shirt. I'm sure it 
was the rattiest thing she had, perfectly 
practical for such a messy job, but still, I 
didn't like how sheer it was, how her nip- 
ples showed darkly like candies beneath 
gauzy paper in a box of fancy chocolates. 
1 offered a hand. 

“Too many cooks,” she said. Deacon 
didn’t contradict. Then Pete squirmed 
and kicked his hind legs and the sprayer 
got her all down her front. She looked 
up at me with a strand of hair in her face 
anda pursed expression like this was my 
fault. And now you could see everything, 
her tits clearly defined in the wet shirt. 
But it wasn't an inviting sight, not with 
that expression thrown in. “Go,” she 
commanded. “Please.” 

So I kissed her on the top of her head, 
like a dad, and went home and beat off. 

1 was now convinced something had 
to be done. And as I was getting ready 
for work, putting on my shoes in front of 
Live With Regis and Kelly, some romance 
know-it-all with careful-looking hair was 
talking about the overlooked romantic 
possibilities of a road trip—unhurried 
long-distance drives to Vegas, Florida, 
tracing Route 66. 

I picked up brochures and TripTiks 
that day at AAA and spread them on her 
kitchen table like tarot cards. “Just you 
and me for a whole week, getting to 
know each other. What do you say?” 

She frowned. “That's sweet, really, but 
I can't possibly go away that long.” 

I reminded her that she'd told me 
how much she liked the freedom and 
flexibility of her work, that taking time 
off was easy. The pig would stay with 
Deacon, who certainly wouldn't mind. 

"Oh sure," she said. "Deacon would 
just love it if I did that. Give him a whole 
week straight with Pete and he'll do all 
that bonding and work it so Pete barely 
looks at me when I return. You don't 
know the guy. He'd do that." 

I didn’t get it. "What would he do? Get 
along with his pet?” 
ust take Pete with him to work, is all. 
sive him attention 24/7. Buy him treats 
and toys. You know, spoil him. Let him 

watch Babe, Charlotte's Web. So when he 
comes back, he goes, ‘Oh yeah, her. Big 
whoop. Can I just stay with you, Daddy? 
Please? Pretty please?" 

1 didn't say a thing, just waited for her 
to settle. 

^Irll happen," she said. 

She was being emotional, so I decided 
not to question the probability of the pig 
suddenly, over the course of one week, 
developing the faculty of speech. She 
said, "They already have that ‘just the 
boys’ male-bonding crap to begin with, I 
don't need things stacked against me any 
more than they are. A week is a long 
time. I'd be the least favorite after that.” 

I told her that I didn't see why it had 
to be a competition between them. It 
seemed to me she and Deacon had an 
amicable arrangement. 

“You don't know,” she said. "You're 
single. You're not a parent or anything." 

I wanted to tell her she wasn't actually 
a parent, either, but that seemed a fairly 
obvious point. To me, at least. "I'm just 
saying, you and Deacon seem to rcally 
get along. In fact, if I didn't know he was 
your ex, if I just saw him talking to you 
with the pig—" 

"What is that supposed to mean? 
What are you accusing me of?" 

"Nothing," I said, because I wasn't— 
not until that moment, when she had 
protested so adamantly. Maybe some- 
thing was going on. 

“And he has a name, you know.” 

1 looked down at the brochures, so 
colorful and fun-looking. I hated to give 
up on this idea. I put шу hands in both 
of hers and tugged her close, nibbling 
her neck and whispering. "Come on. 
We'll bring back all kinds of really great. 
presents for the pig that'll make him love 
you the most, forever, no contest.” 

She pulled away. “You keep calling 
him the pig.” 

"No, I don't." My denial was automat- 
ic. I had no idea why it was wrong to call 
him a pig, but I could tell, at that mo- 
ment, it wasn't good. 

“Ivsso dismissive. It shows how you're 
totally unaccepting. Look, I'm a woman 
with a pig. That's not going to change. 
Maybe I'm not your ideal, pigless wom- 
an. Maybe you need to find a woman 
who doesn't have pets and can just —" 

"I don't mind pets," I said. "I like ani- 
mals. It's just —" 

She nodded. “It’s just you don't like 
pigs. You don't think they should be pets." 

"No! Not it at all. Pigs make fine pets. 
You could have a llama, I don't care. It's 
Just, i£ 1 had a pet, I would want it to be 
my pet. Our pet." 

She inhaled deeply, considering some- 
thing, then turned to the brochures and 
slid them into a ncat stack. She gave me 
a peck on the check and said, "Thanks, 
though." And later that evening, before 


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І went back to my place, she said she 
thought maybe I vas rushing things; 
that I shouldn't say that stuff about hav- 
ing a pet together lightly; that that kind 
oftalk was too serious, too fast. Having a 
pet together was a big deal. Really big, 
like talking marriage or having a baby. 

With the romantic getaway kiboshed, 
I opted for something far simpler: the 
evening of total pampering. Here, I was 
sure, was something Deacon had never 
given her. I poured her some wine, 
rubbed her down with massage oils for 
almost 40 minutes (the length of the 
mind-numbing New Age CD I had put 
on) till she fell asleep. Then I tiptoed out 
to prepare the tub. I'd brought along the 
works: bath beads, a Ziploc full of rose 
petals to sprinkle on the water, two ter- 
rycloth-lined inflatable pillows, scented 
candles and matches in case I couldn't 
find any, since she didn't smoke. I put a 
lot of thought into this. 

Except for the drain. There was no 
built-in plunger thingy, and if there was 
a rubber stopper I couldn't find it. I 
realized that the only bath I had seen 
her take was at my place. Even Pete 
took showers. 

And now he was standing beside me, 
staring at the empty tub, then up at me, 
like, What nou, genius? 

I didn’t want to wake Shari. Maybe she 
didn't even have one. I scribbled a note 
at the hall desk—Be right back. Don't 
move!—and was halfway out the door 
when I realized that I didn't have a key. 
Screw it, 1 decided, leaving the door ajar 
and racing down the stairs, through a 

cloud of kimchi wafting from the Kore- 
ans. I would be right back. 

But Walgreens wasn't exactly right 
around the corner, The whole thing took 
the better part of an hour, from slipping 
out of the apartment to pulling in at the 
curb in front of Shari's. Right behind 
Deacon's van. I recognized the 1 v MY POT- 
BELLY bumper sticker. 

"This wasn't his day for Pete. I knew 
that. I had double-checked the calendar 
in the kitchen, to make sure we wouldn't 
be interrupted. 

1 moved swiftly up the creaky stairs, 
hoping to go unheard. The door was still 
ajar and I burst in to find Shari now 
wide awake, standing in the front hall in 
her terrycloth robe. Deacon was fully 
clothed, in his coat, even, but I couldn't 
tell if he had just arrived or was making 
his escape, which I'd thwarted. 

“What's going on?” I demanded. 

She was glaring at me. So was he. 

“You didn't pull the door closed. Pete 
got out.” 

“He was out in the hall,” Deacon said. 
He said it the way you might say, He hot- 
wired a Camaro, scored a six-pack and went 
for a joyride. 

1 asked Deacon, as politely as I could, 
what he was doing there. 

“She called me. She was very upset. 
I'm very upset.” 

Shari's arms were folded tight across 
her chest. "What were you thinking?" 

I peeked around the hall closet door. 
Pete was curled up in his little bed. 
“Nothing happened to him. Right?” 

She made a noise through her teeth 
that made me think showing her the 
rubber drain plug would be pointless 

“I remember my first desk job.” 

right now. 

“He couldn't really go anywhere," I 
said. "He wouldn't go down the stairs, 
right? By himself, he can't even" 

"He went all the way down the hall!” 

“He was right in front of the Kore- 
ans," the guy said. "We're lucky we got 
him back." 

[tried to laugh, hoping to get them to 
join in. "What, so just because they're 
Korean, they're going to steal your pet 
pig and eat him? I gotta be honest here, 
Shari, I think this guy's kind of racist." 

"Don't try to—” the guy said. "You 
know what you did." 

"Seriously," I said. "Just because 
they're Korean?" 

Deacon stepped closer to me, raising 
his voice now. “Oh, right. I'm being 
racist. Never mind that they said he was 

Shari waved the air as if dispersing the 
cloud of testosterone collecting there be- 
tween us. “No one's saying they would 
actually do it. But I think maybe you 
hoped they would do it." 

"What?" I couldn't believe this. “What 
exactly are you accusing me of here?” 

Deacon spoke for both of them. “We 
are saying maybe you knew that you left 
the door open.” 

I opened my mouth and a hollow 
sound came out. I tried again. “Please. 
It's not like I'd—" I bent to pet the pig. 
“I like Pete, I wouldn't —" 

Shari swatted my arm. "Don't you 
touch him." 

With a squeal and surprising agility, 
Pete hopped up and trotted around the 
corner into the bedroom, where he 
wedged himself behind the dresser. Hc 
looked like a kid, escaping the domes- 
tic ruckus, Shari and Deacon rushed to 
his aid, baby-talking, calling him Petie, 
telling him that everything was OK. that 
his mommy and daddy were there and 
no one was going to hurt him. They 
looked just like they did in that Christ- 
mas photo, kneeling down like that, cra- 
dling Pete between them. 

I could hear their voices all the way 
down the stairs, cooing over their baby, 
telling him he was going to be fine, the 
big bad man was leaving. As I pushed 
through the door to the street, 1 heard 
a laugh from Shari: Pete had made an 
adorable sniffle or Deacon had said some- 
thing cute. Who knew, who cared? 

I stood on the sidewalk, wondering 
where I could go at this hour. Then I got 
in my car and I drove to Denny's and sat 
in a big open booth all by myself and 
ordered something they called a Moons 
Over My Hammy and when it came I 
asked the waitress, with my best big 
friendly smile, if I could also order an 
extra helping of bacon on the side. 

We'll be honest—it kind of 
pisses us off that rock stars get all 
the hot chicks. Last month we 
told you about Jessica Lee's mar- 
riage to Papa Roach's Jerry Hor- 
ton. The Playmate-rock star con- 
nection continues with Shan- 

na Moakler and 

Blink-182. The 
dutiful rock girl- 
friend, Shanna 
says she actually 
enjoys riding on 
the smelly, guy- 
filled tour bus. 
"The road is a 
lot of fun," she 
says. "I love the 
bands, the fans, 
the venues, the 
lifestyle. In the 
Bahamas, Travis 
and I broke into 

a beachfront villa and made 
love." How did the couple meet? 
At an LA bar, natch. “Travis is so 
talented. There's nothing sexier 
than watching him play drums." 

Travis Barker of i 



by bitch as 

Pam Anderson is accustomed to creating a com- 
} motion, though not usually over her big causes. The 


As one of the 
most successful | 
tresses, Martha 
Smith has had 
roles in every- 
thing from The 
Scarecrow and 
Mrs. King to 
the new Fox 
comedy Oli- 
ver Beene. (“I 
play a snob- 

usual,” she 
says.) Her 


bitch? Babs, 
who was stripped down to 
her bra and granny panties 
in the movie Animal House. 

Martha Smith, 

: latest rift came when Pam went to Vienna to launch 

a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals cam- 
paign (including the poster at right). While there, 

Pam attended the Opera Ball 
with PETA's Dan Mathews 
(top), sending Vienna into an 

i uproar. "Pam used it as a pub- 
i licity stunt for her cause, and 

the papers were filled with 
endless discussions of her 
breasts," said a source. Never 
one to apologize for her sex 

: appeal, Pam stayed focused. 
: "People who wear fur are not 

knowledgeable about the pain 

i and suffering that goes into 
i making fur coats,” she says. 



"Scientists have invented 
a smart bra that tightens its 
own straps when the wearer 
needs more support. It also 
beat Anna Nicole Smith at 
Scrabble." —Jimmy Fallon 

"I spent $4000 to go toa € 
and cor ed it an inyest- 
ment—there are a lot of 
roles € 

" pee ЕА 32 
AN NG . 



. When Centerfolds need 
JÎ sexy skiwies, they beeline 

] to LA's Trashy Lingerie. 
y Many of the girls, includ- 
ing Heather Kozar, also 
BPA, model for 
y) Maybe there's an em- 
ployee discount. 
February 1990 

July 7: Miss June 1974 
Sandy Johnson 

July 14: Miss November 1974 
Bebe Buell 

July 17: Miss November 1998 
Tiffany Taylor 

July 31: Miss October 1998 
Jodi Ann Paterson 


Q: Carmen Electra shot you naked 
for Was that weird? 

A: It was comfortable. I mean, it's 
not as if I haven't 
seen her naked in 

Q: Have you 
ever been a delib- 
erate tease? 

A: Yes I have— 
there were times 
when I didn't want 
to goall the way but I wanted to show 
a guy what I had to offer. 

Q: What's the best compliment a 
guy can give? 

A: "You have a great heart." 

Q: Do pickup lines work? 
A: If you're hot enough and nice 
enough, anything may work. 


“Miss January 1983 
Lonny Chin's picture 
is still tacked to the 
wall in my bedroom 

closet at my rums 

house. My grandmother didn't 

know that it was there 

then and she doesn't 

know it's there 

now. I considered 

taking it down, but. 

PLAYBOY has always 

meant a lot to mm 

so 1 left it up. I 

$ don't know where 

Lonny is now. In 

those days she was 

More proof that sex sells: When it 
comes to shilling liquor, our Centerfolds 
are topped more frequently than kegs 
in a frat house. From left: Karen Mc- 
Dougal does Corona, Lauren Michelle 
Hill, Lindsey Vuolo serving up Yuengling 
light lager, No- 

talia Sokolova. 

Contains to Port Charles 
star Kelly Monaco (pictured), 
who was nominated for a Day- 
time Emmy for her roles as Liv- 
vie and Tess. ... How does 
A Lani Todd feel about 
= comparisons to Marilyn 
Monroe? "In certain 
ways I look like her," 
she says, "but Marilyn 
was one of a kind." . - 
Brande Roderick is writing a 
book about love 
and astrology. “It 
will be hot,” she 
says.... Cynthia 
Myers, who was 
injured in a Cali- 
fornia ranch ac- 
cident, thanks 
all her fans for 
their support: 
"You mean the 
world to me. I 
love you all." 
To keep up- 
dated on her 
progress and 
events, includ- 
ing the DVD 
release of Be- < 
yond the Valley of the Selly: 
Dolls and her latest 
role, go to 
One good reason to see American. 
Wedding, the last part of the Amer- 
ican Pie trilogy? Nikki Schieler 
shows up. . .. Jenny McCarthy 
has been all over the boob tube, 
including roles on Fastlane and 
Less Than Perfect. . . Smirnoff lce 
Playboy X-Treme Team captain 
Danelle Folta called to say how 
she and her teammates celebrate 
victory: "Smirnoff Ice—what 
else?” she says. (Helps that it's 
free). ... Nicole Lenz and Simon 

Simon: “Another Red Bull for the lody?” 

Rex (above) hung at Light in Sin 
City. . . . Want Dalene Kurtis to 
spice up your voicemail? At your you can download a 
greeting from her. It's the next 
best thing to scoring her digits. 

en TV’s 

„gulli шр 

m ud 
S nsuspecting people caught Le 
ee unsu in 
in compromising positions! p- Squad». 

Guest Star¡Steve-0 from'Jackass! 




he axiom “If you can’t be fast, then look fast” has never 
been more attainable—especially with today’s streamlined 
bicycles. Thanks to advances in manipulating and molding 
aluminum and carbon fiber, the traditional diamond- 
shaped bicycle frame is being tweaked, squeezed and stretched 
into exotic and aerodynamic shapes. Combined with continuing 



improvements in drivetrain, braking and suspension technology, 
the results are sleek, futuristic mountain, road and city bikes, like 
those pictured here. They're lighter, tougher, safer, more comfort- 
able and even faster than their predecessors. Or at least they look 
it. Now do your part and lose a few pounds before you pull on that 
new skintight Lycra jersey. —ROY M. WALLACK 

Left: A flex-resistant carbon-fiber frame, low-maintenance 
swing-arm suspension, disc brakes and nine-speed drive- 
train make the EPX Terrashark mountain bike our ride 
of choice for difficult terrain ($1600). 

Above: Messenger boys, eat our dust! The all-alu- 
minum Giant Prodigy DX rolls into the burgeoning ur- 
ban-bike category with a sleek, integrated package 
rack, a pothole-eating dual-suspension frame, stop- 
on-a-dime disc brakes and high-end 27-speed gearing 
($1500). Left: Kestrel's radical KM40 Airfoil road-and- 
triathlon model features a wind-tunnel-sculpted, 
one-piece carbon-fiber frame without a seat tube (the 
frame member that produces the most aerodynamic 
drag). Result: You can go faster because of reduced 
air friction ($5300, including a 20-speed drivetrain). 



NS opevine 

The One With the Missing Button 
There's a little more of JENNIFER ANISTON on public display 
these days, with appearances in the recent movie Bruce Almighly 
with Jim Carrey and in an upcoming romantic comedy with Ben 
Stiller and Debra Messing. We'll take the plunge with her anytime. 

Isn't She 

a Doll? 
Maybe you caught 
Britney Spears's 
music video Boys 
or in Filipinas 
Magazine in 2002. 
If not, here's your 
chance to catch up. 

Start Her Up 
It’s good to be Ron 
Wood's daughter. 
Just ask LEAH. After 
landing a mod. 

deal with cosmetics 
giant Lancóme, she 
decided to follow 
in dad's footsteps 
and choose a 
music career 

We Get 
Rie's Point 
who made out 
with Rebecca 
Romijn-Stamos in 
Femme Fatale, 
made fans look 
twice at the Victo- 
ria's Secret fash- 
ion show. Here's 
another glance. 

1ESNUTT, fresh from a tour with the 
Roots, sings “АЙ 1 want is pussy/Give me some 
religion/A brand new Cadillac/And a winning 
lotto ticket" on his critically acclaimed CD, The 
Headphone Masterpiece. Plug in. 

That's a 
Maybe you 
would like to 
tell calendar 
girl and video 
model CRISSY 
MORAN that | 
this underwear 

isn't edible. 


New Girl 
in Town 
Wearing a smile and 
not much else, 
the Sports Mlustrat- 
ed swimsuit-issue 
cover girl, models 
for both Max 
Factor and 



Ever hear of Salt Lick BBQ Sauce from Drift- 
wood, Texas, Fiorella's Jack Stack from Kansas 
City or BlackHole from San Jose? Neither had 
we, but we've become regular Qnoisseurs since 
joining BBO Sauce of the Month, a service that 
scours the country for obscure finger-lickers 
from restaurants and small companies that sell 
their products only locally. Two sauces a month 
cost $13, or subscribe for a year for $156. Get 
more information at 
or call 845-536-7492. 


| snes dag 

These binoculars not only get you close to а 

play, they let you watch the action over and 
over. Bushnell’s new Instant Replay digital 
model records a 30-second continuous video 
loop for viewing on the pop-up LCD screen (so 
you can boo the ump's call with confidence). 
‘The binocs also take digital photos with 2.1- 
megapixel resolution and have 16 megs of 
internal memory and a flash card. Pric 

$600. has more information. 


How do Russians cure 
their frequent hangovers? 
Pickle juice and kettlebell 
workouts. Resembling bas- 
ketballs with suitcase han- 
on kettlebells 
are the weights of choice 
for Russian and American 
Special Forces. Weights 
range from nine to 88 
pounds ($89.95 to 
$179.95). Beginners 

should purchase a 

$39.95 videotape in 

which Russian kettlebell 
trainer Pavel Tsatsouline 
demonstrates how to 

strength. (There's a tape 
for women, too. Price: 
$29.95.) Call 800-899- 
5111 or check out dragon 
doorcom to order. You're 
on your own with the 
pickle juice, comrade. 

NE Sy 

а mn m 


We did a bounce test with 

StrobeBalls in the office and every- 

body wanted one. The rubber ball 

cheis like crazy when flung against a hard 
surface, and an LED begins flashing. 
(Caution: This combo has been known to 
transfix cats and stoners for hours.) Balls 
are $5 each or four for 


also imprints logos 

on the balls. 


Michigan-based Local Color has intro- 

a, a microdistilled blueberry- 
flavored vodka. Tote it chilled to a picnic. 
Price: $22. Absolut Vanilia makes a great 
white russian when mixed with coffee 
liqueur and hcavy cream. Price: $18. 

The latest Van Gogh vodka is pineapple 

shake two ounces with half an ounce of 
Triple Sec Magnifique and an ounce of 
pineapple juice. Strain into a martini 

glass, add a splash of pomegranate juice. 
Severed-ear garnish optional. Price: $30. 


Forget the fancy dinner 
and a show—Nude Beer 
lets you take offa wom 
an's clothes for the price 
of a longneck. The bottle's 

“peel-to-reveal” label is 

the brainchild of Naked 

Brew, which currently dis- 

tributes its sexed-up suds 

in southern California, 

with Nevada and Arizona 

soon to follow. New models. 

appear on the labels about 

every 10 weeks. "Drink Nude" T-: 
information on retail outlets are available at So how does the beer 
taste? Who cares! 


The mind boggles at the mischief you can create with a Porsche 
Cayenne remote-control model car equipped with a tiny video 
camera that beams back to a screen on your transmitter. Chase 
the dog or maneuver the Cayenne around the pool to check out 
the sunbathing beauties. Just don't steer it into the ladies' locker 
room or the last thing you see might be the bottom of a sneaker, 
Price: $329, from 800-PorscHE, or go to 


Chances are you've been ex- 
posed to the lowbrow art move- 
ment even if you didn't know 
it—€ither by eyeing a sticker on 
a bathroom wall or the cover of 
a garage-band album. For al- 
most a decade, Flame Rite has 
challenged top lowbrow artists 
to adorn the Zippo lighter's 
miniature metal canvas with 
their work. Scorched Ant: The 
Incendiary Aesthetic of Flame Rite 
Zippos collects the company’s en- 
tire line of lighters and chroni- 
cles the evolution of an art 
movement from originators Ed 
“Big Daddy” Roth and R. 
Crumb to innovators Shepard 
“airey, Coop and Pizz. Price: 
$18.95, from 

Bex: Month 














Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), July 2003, volume 50, number 7. Published monthly by Playboy in national and regional editions, Playboy, 680 North 

Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices. Canada Post Cana- 

dian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40035534. Subscriptions: in the U.S., $29.97 for 12 issues. Postmaster: Send address change to 
164 Playboy, PO. Box 2007, Harlan, Iowa 51537-4007. For subscripion-related questions, e-mail Editorial: editG